Grand Traverse Herald, March 23, 1905

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Grand Traverse Herald, March 23, 1905


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



L-J__________ _
• •

t •—

Thai Madfdh nd aad me. r ,
>Mr had th fdtowahlp.
Vlw eaiy «M>g that's asked of yoB
- ■ -

ikeplUU b«ciB to cnnr4. Tb« lM««Bt of alcm Bad 90k* at tk* iwiKs <it>-, wiik dor «b«oil. W*«u }odir vbts MdoK oader the orw dairy Uv «C
yleM ot earrou «■ be obcaloed br tataed hr fetdii*. He »rf«rt»* 10 bol-1 •« w*«her. MiAtaa alK«W be a Ooww Waiaer. Tlir«i»h the woA
Urtaala* to four toehe. la the FO*; JeUa No. noMhe imaoUEsp«riiBeat Krea« dairy date.
of eapert riatiaUoa the cr«a»erte* are
»aa«e)a and antabasaa Irom two to aiatloa. deeertWa* the dJtereai atadea, I*rof. FhlU* sare aaother addreea to be hm^i Ihto.Uaeaad eaw^u
three tinea aa tar. aiTefreaiwmahal- of eatlle. Thia beiletJa nar he ob-ioa *Tacktac. Stertag aad llarhetlat: FVeitHe epoke of the diSereat klada
low cnitKation aa loat as the growth tataed free hr aayaee wtahlng It by an orefaaid oeeda ferUUaen by the of paefcagee. aad farored the aae of
bnahel faozce fo^ihe ftaer. gradea «f *
> E. Dareaport. t'ttaaa. growth of the t^reea.
of top* wIM pemlt.
oatmend the talalag or feeding of roou in.
He recommended wood aabee lor appie*. He apoke of «ae aorantage*
OB a Hrge aeale. bnt claimed that an
NoUeo waa gleoB that aU Ttellota at- peadi tree*, alao tboeough prodag tn^ of cold storage aod aald that now there
acre Or two each ffar CM erery farm teading the Bonad-sp InstlCBte would headlag In. Fralt grtrwn aear the la begun a taorraieat toward balldiag
of from 80 to ICO acres eoald be raised he shows throvdi the great KeDogg' tnink is always better than that grown these coM storage planu In the fmit


.Ti” Pmf. Shaw dalated that there to a dlf^
a rari«,
^ ThU has be« proBoced by «.reral
*P«« the aalmal.
;iS^ahonhlT^td.en intheaelectioa ream of »,efol selemloB. ab Ideal
bade food and SBCCleoce
bob la drill. «e nf IW* eari.5r dhoaid ha fmm 9
e«“WDed with a large Bmotmt

■ ___________ _ :_______ Tfca «rai mitiMHoo «ar be mreornfarnnr*

., _■ ■■

-. .~

»t o'er the laad:.

anartr erilnditol 1- OB the other hand. Should aerer be fed eOlSpUments paid the mnltartam by before the bods stpH. -Early apiajliig sesaloB id the gre« ihstitate. was de-

SU" '«
ruuu* heifer, silage
It -win eanae the lewTes lo eraund Is In anitalde eoDdiilaB which
U win cauae .he lewre.
rfJ^the 1^ ««
«>re roou and lem alHge would
t MrveaU.. bmn. the slnm may it^ S fh.h-S^.l^e ly no,. -->op ihem lu.o bet«r dairy
■m mbiM bv
hoi ir nr ousotfiv he to now oulce ss mur
»«» ^ «»“ss has proved to be a
ly bnsheK
bushel* S««*
of t^m ar^i«c«^ •• «-»»
— "»«v >«» ..wrCo-od c« the dlsadrancage In fauening steers. CarhfEaiAdd. '
bto_ t
•« how*. IB
ffcg ^rmn seealoa <d the neeaqT
a ItoT^Td ^^
J^SeTwd^ 9
.espwlally for,homea Ihar. are
M.W, unto 1,0 ™r. .. . llto. toto 00™ to
..^.lltto. »« to «
.to M
--------m WMt lap the dta
^"swwm •TbearR
JWS wm.. topH.1
tn ihn h-nriit Hv cmerfni ««»'»? «»«»«»« todder. One peek Of
^ Othwiatmam a. Kltnh;
^ carroi. each daytoto a horae wUl hip
tl,A^ to keep them in excellent health,
e<lIk.Erta..dhamrof ihe«.,^J^^«»«5“‘»;^2
Sheep, bog. aud ben. are also grmtly
B tt the H. A. C. He j«beneflied by a moderate feed of rxnta
BSBttn^M la nafi
(he ibm( CTiKivauoo 01 tae ootn crop pun «ur inauan «a toe aenieis oy lae aiu-vt a .............In the very beat condUlonrorkalfeanda»agBlfylng|flaaawlllen ‘*c‘'‘'*rlo a qoesilon Ptof. Shaw
b-^- b— ____ wheal with which the gremnd ahonld able ns Co select estrs that are blgbcM
1“ answer
He’ advised
li acaied
scaled thi
that cuU apples In small qnan•omiraBetobBylBtfaeftm ^^_____ ______ __
_________ _
.^,-1—1 .11
Tha aemti** ■*»*“ ••uded to clo»er. thus com- In protein conienL — ---------...
rataM f0UT«dfthal la ■ *•>«*••* H** roUUoh. Cora, baaaa. • fanners lo send for bnlleiln No. M. di- ***•” ®*J’ ^
*® ■*“*

e for root*.
« ms air (anom louc^
wheat aad ckwer. Cull bean, are good tIsIob of
rr. depanmOB^ of agProf H W .Humford of Urbana. Ul,
^ MMhT * ^ feeding hogs nr aheep; fbr bogs : riculiare. Washington. D. C. on The
■pg^oa tMfrMmiragenot
th9 abould be tooked; sheep will eat ComportlWB of Mise.”
spoke on The Use of Com and Clover



to» to., Pto toll,. u„ totobto b. to to.

,j„ toitobto ibo H.P ito Pbitobtob bitoto.-


Bthar etemeau la the soli
ontoio, totobto to ltoUbl U
to.M,l «.ttorlib»to
haeoaw plaaL food. 1%!. mul bbd fto to bbtoU bitobUUto
lit* of
U belter lo plant in cheeks than la, «h*blud charts Jdmwlng
la hfwaght ahoBt throBgb
different metbIS In charge grills. The only way to gel rid of different feeds
feedlim One aneatloo to
It before It matiirvs '
kiw tta fwats td «Mh ^Ma
..b.„ue deemed was whether U would


tm Htm i
W*® qtmlliy and nnUormliy <rf type
I »B the dUtereBl mrieUes abow*. s~wm. wklak .lBi;^« r^‘

........ Ibl., Ptoflltobtotb, GtobaTto-

fnogne after It geu Into ibe tissues wbool mattei^ Prof. ». H. FVeach
««do. ,d n. i^uto.. to ii» b..-, fw c=a™« mb ».w
~.1« to-toi.. .to... to to. toto ...
fur- tdosBam eod Is up and Ibe calyx sUlt platged aadaoawep
■loD, • open. fW IhU and the aueceodlng
The BrsTaheaker of Che evMlag was
am of Ibe Wewen.
> Bordeaux mlxtnre and
H. 8. EaH of Detroit dellrered an e.- -Ikying.
Paris green.
green. The
The last
last spraylBg
spraying ahonld
ahonld Konnal
Konnal school.
school. Kalamazoo,
«»«• address under U»e perplexing paris
on "TV
UlH of -Bouu. katchea. CatMtle. and j be glvou
the first of Ac«u« a. ^P>r*»loB of Tmcbem for Reml
other Persons.ll might b.,.
hare hm.a.
biM.! .K
brood ot
of .tovCAic^
roddiins mo.h.
melbs School..- He «0d
saM that
Umt w
whereas Tr.
- «.
d second,
entitled “Personal Inftuences.- ll was' come out aboui that time and ofi« do P" «*t- of tl» ciiy tmehers hare had
partly histofical and showed how some a great dcwl of damage.
aomo.sperial pieparatlon bw their
of the gr«.e« men of our country «“
Hr. N, P. Moll of DlmoBdale spoke work. «Uy two per cm., of those h.
celred their InspiratloQ from some on “Silo, and Silage.- He thimgh. if ««» rural achooU have had any Mmh
botobl. ttotobor oototoptoUo. to lb«r ■ . tototorbto IS b,«l to =iq, to ItoO Utobbtolb-. Tbo « pto tobb tobto
early Itfp- No synopsU could do ins-■ ll would pay him weB 10 bniW a *110
»ke comm* Mboota. high
Uce to thU address. Ic .a. In^drlug ; and for iho following r,w«ma:
; «>««•. He. Such opportu.ltHs may
and eleraiing In ^a cone, urging aJl| First. A aik. fs the very ehsepest *<»«ieUmee prodnee good teachers, but
psople to mrtre « make the ««* of; fdnn of building In which «. equal
ntways. About oaMbIrd of .he
themsCres. menuHy hnd morally and I quan.l.y of fodder cm. be scored.
In .he raral achool. twe new
spiritually and not fei any alight ImSecond. The eon. can be harvested *■«* >«'• He apoke of Uie eouncy
perfeakna of body dwarf iheir naefui- and pui Into the silo cheaper than It uonMl ctasaes. Eight of them began

can be lakeo care of la any other way: ■»*»* la« year and sent out PSgr^uThe Care of Milk" was the sub)ect; twenty per cent, leas than shock, husk are now twenty and they
of an lllustmled leciore by Prof. C. D. and crib li.
*kl aexib June.
He emphasised the Importance
Third. A UrgO portion of the fe^3W there win probably be 3n.
of extreme
-----------------------------------^--------- ---------- fm.nd 1-eaad so on uaUI one U
found iu^j^ county. He thinks the
Hon with the handllag of the milk,
Fonrtb. Silage furnishes a food that pwpu™tj5 abould be dlffereai for
than for others, because
Hiku pasteut^tlon or la snccaileni. palatable aad easily ah
sterllizatloa which Is often resorted lo. g«Med.
coadltloos to be faoad are dlffec“»«»**» “P
«' '>
careleeaThe subject of silage add Ibe silo “j^ bFH"■ slovenllaess erf producers In was conileued ah the aftenwon ses- «'‘“re aad lemenury acMm la the

z’Cd^tortotor^to '‘■F™r’«-.b.i rto-aTto;

^■.'to- -

torium waa an exhibit of com mad

were alia leadered a eery toe baaduet 1 that woald produce a rerr dae mW- ers. We are Just begH«l«g to se-lc
at S:30 o-eloek oa Thursday afteroooa. like spray. Erery, particl. of the sar-. a market for o« 1. Bnrope and
Ma.^ 5rd. This w« a great s«|W ; ^ sbooM be corm^.
.^nds ^rf-ts m. far have be«i TTf s-r.10 the ISOor Btore pereoas whoaccept- of-eopper sulphaie to «. gBlloqs <d wa- «*sdul.

Afiei Biib a .man rmi enh and ---------- !»« and an app«l*er. EzperlmeaU wards.
«dm m> bdU to „p^'rtu.ei,T«to-b.toto~..l»tb...
:bb« b, «tobib«. "bin„«dttoto,b.blv«l..:»l;^«l«,™
•hcnlUiemlddleofJo1r.Bcanaal.oold dreasiogcdmaunredurlngibewlntcr
_IS pounds
. of
_r .
„ rtM. m«a nan he meea

fin «Wt«, (be bhM*. the tan—
fit bB ate BilBWBf in gw miea
The HBtheihBud of Man. >
—Mn a Wrfifit.


^ Uoltrt But9 U».lhel*^lh*r«Ml k«et> rroa eitninie «oW
orod^loa'ofbeaM and a»ao of oea^ dBitt* the wlater. Seed com aetecied
To^iT^La* aoeceeafullr oeedTt’wd eared (or (a thU way wlH hare a
I efnnl eulUTatioa He 'tBaeh treater TttaUcy aad pradaee a
the Mlowlax rotatlOD »aeh terger yletd than if kept in the
Ptowwp a dorer aod. and If ordinary way. Tha vltalltr of ihe leed
U, taa'bad a dieetlag cf maanie be- nhonld alwaya ba teeted before pUni.■ ■ _ ■____ __________ lb* h-.-. lag.
i Miant in rjin. nnii raiiireie thamnebii-'
rtf Twntnr ««kn nf
! The -«»♦ sarlag ahw earle aad keen -Wfaat Mar and
be rv»n ID


C. A. Taylor of St. Joaoph oouaty

Xk.». u^e hei
Dr. J. L. Reed of the sanlUrlsm gave, mg Wlthooi a silo,-but as he was not;
teachers la ,rur1 o^h
lo^m Foea of Human : present Mr. E. A. Ooman of Jaefcsoa —-----<
lo feed the com. whether as all- • lecture
the use; was csrfled upon to tahe>ls place. Mr. '“®*“
age. shock com. ear cm or ahellod l-W*- "
which hekoodemned
mm T^e^ulir^^
of patent medlclam and many article. ' Croman sId that If obliged .0 <llry
Hoo. P. H. piley. supi*1«ea^4;^«>

rt,„ to loo. ™i.toto, totortb, tobltor to rttoto.1 . «M b. „„ld .tob bbtortoK.

oltoto told toto bltoto to-to IM. b.,
bal 1.™,-.,,,™,..,b.b»„1.,..-..b.toi..
brotori.llo., totortod.
____ _____
He eld. The teacher marc
to. to. «:
- ■*- =“■'
ZZ toitop totolT H. blto.1.
btobi. '
ling m«i alto, la filllv Ue slto t'wo7hmgs “mu all lie makes the good school.
boA Ohio, who spoke of "ladlan Com
^ , ^^er sod after was rmllted where ear com. clover. The closiag feature of llto
the AgrI- am esseotil to the best eesulm. The
««hcr H •« more thi­
hay and oil mml were fed.
<Mrtb dM tt *• aMB true
g one year with sheep. He
little higher qaaliiy ef beef thaa'^cultu'W* College." conducted by Presb com must be ai the right sUge of ma- ?"»_»«• the womah than tie prepam( to» b» «h~« MM. to to~b, ; present aute irf perfeciton lalgrty
sere led loaa. deni J. L. 8ayd«.
; (urlty. la about the condlttoo local for Hoa.^
btoftoto btototolto.toto Iftowb'". ,
! shocking and husking. The oniside ‘*’*'** *>• dweH airongly npem the
-Prof. Humford concluded that for best
»• *«b to IM ritM UM to «."»
■** 'resulu where gala and quaUly are
- must lie tread dos n flthfulir during
of eentbdbatlon. He does aot .
b to, MSy to db. toil Mto It u' ib..n>.a...d ibtodBi ib.btoW.bibl ... ^ a haad planter bet<
K Is besi to add
____________ Mat
a of. say. three or
(h^ haelsria may be «*"
toT^bTiMnd toTbii ’ "tw. br imptotolb, tb. to.n •bd'lb.
>««. ui f "lolbto tto Onito. told Hito’ 1. Cto, Ito’lt.- M.. top. .a it aom tboftowblp told ■
Tb. Ito. totobto .to Prto. A. O.

—.i^- Hto.Fib

■■tovuvbii. toutoipua cultivatioa
____ ______
with spring tooih cultlvatoTas tong “ ^ ^ ^ouOook fo

,Wbb ptotobto,
Ihe 13

growth of all
oxogeo,; Sim
^r LI?^* ml^
ric aid. PO-i*^r
It ef .^.icsrbom nitrogen. (
Itaa^. oUlea. lumlBa. Iron. mnaneMa.’, wiiB .pans
. green,
. .j.
iSfci^glma In which HrpMsS-Md mh^lMn the Vl^
15^^ gnrim at the
AUrogm. Phosphoric add l»d two or three months before time to
In ettlmai- use It. He treats all his meed with
the Mbefs are hearly
_____ _
q»a Mnflililkm, AmUa ecorrosive
alwaymgruaeat la soBdenl quaatlUes.'
,L ,to.
l^'MlMat'Mn M o
With a routtou of com. wheat
re'MiR!r ,«N»..h«t Ue prodaei:
main, in this adoUoo 90 mlantts. H<


naidre sindy and elemeBtair agrtenl-

** .;;Haklng Mopey
hay In Mlcblgth better than they can her of bushels of fmli produced are ap- He /suned la by
plea. Thare were elevea million apple; Proft Mumfurd-s ilk was the best
heitfd for dalrylag.
In the afte7»ooB Prof. Shaw gave h trees la Mldilgan la IWO.
not 'in It" when
on “Sheep Breeding and feeding."
A commmrlal orchard ahonld Ute Sieer feeding
- but few varieties and they abOBld he-i
He said that sheep breeding Is a B
complicated problem than sheep toed- the leading marketable sorts. Tltoy'.**•**>• ••
- ------------ -liig. He said there baa been a delloe should be headed as low as pomlUe thing with dallying though, yon must
_ breeding in Michigan during and still
^... .U- --------------- to admit of n»ke It a business aod conduct'll n.,
In sheep
high enough


coPBirr aad aa taterest In Ibe things
A* ^«®w my story U dooe. but the
hlf has not been told. I have not re-*
ported 11 the'lectures that were given.
1 have -not Btenttoned the conference*

he plans for another ye^s work.
no *report of the Woman's
‘ - made

' ‘
the la« ffve rears, and tfionghl this oaltlvatlon. He U sirpngly In favor Of busTness prlnelplex The most Import^
was due to the readiasss wHh whk-h thorough shallow cuhlvatluB A the •«»« element contributing to success in
!eaeapt ia mucky a
Thta hips to dry the
•®ria«* SDH
.. _______ ____ ___ ...Mb,________ ■ .wi.____
to. biipiun .to, stotob .1 tobto to.,toOTp”™tod to'totobiito .1.1110-bbd ibwptod I,
the rapid deretopmeat of the, west humus to the soli: Themdvantages of *H Ibe drills of the busluesi. It Is ^“ri Md after aad bigew.ihe rcguUr
_____ __ D. Cto a^Blaa thit groBhrf mw phoaphate rock, and If ll
^ always aclVcud la thr field
«hem to rtlaor their abeen this m«hod Is that it cocservet not necessary .for the farmer to do all
iSM"MtUr ¥ hMUla aad the In*f« “ “ absorbant »“ v.,.„ ,m.
on the market already fstteayd. ,
moltlure. make* Plant fopd available ‘he work but be should see t
Rmhe meat ‘h»*»htosthea1dlathemaBarea1s
was of_siich a
^rwrly a 8ne s-ool «,d makes the roots of the trees grow «»one snd lake ilmt to think. He urged
%r«odBr far^ •• appUstlaa to -P* the rock aad makm *he pirns-,
but «m we have
biter, brnlde Mbg protected from the keeping of more help «.d topping from beginning to end.
•™»hUd«. If the all
wool and mutton.
cold flpring the winter by the mulch ‘hem the entire year. Rulld tenant; it was one of the grulMt.MeUngThem is a tendeney-towart cross aaordcdbyiheeovercrop. Hespoko:h““»“<»Twfsrm*anrt.-ngagemeB I'lt* kind ever,held 18 the aute.
.fra(.i.A.MMtf#t«h»Agrleidtan <
'^ove It.
to™ ci^ t^a ver able P*P" -^reedlag. but be said that lndtacrlm> of the sys'tetn of sod mulching rewm- «t families to work by the year. He Much credit Is due t.i Prof. U H- Tafip
^ ^ 9 the snbjm
^ breeding Iways reslU la mended by some growers and aid it thinks tbero-are many people la the suic sopertatendeai of laMItuIca, aad
He aald. Ihe. Thep
•— e-r------.-----------------------• . , Irf
ioton. Improvement.
This paper will be dieilOHtttoo. In brmdlng op common would-^succeed only in exci>Uona1 Wly Who would gladly mot e
- offleera
----the Ihe
Calhoun County In­
-wiii. be'-‘nit H necessiry to retain moUtnro
Farmers' Inslilire Btiiuie Boelly for the success <rf ibis
«. to btoMbl -Ml bP Wto
''' sheep wc mnst have an Ideal and de- case* where there i* plenty of moUtnre coumry If given a good boujw
s of the Boll. by the
«de on some caatlnnons line « blood, and plenty of ferUHiy. the proAuble-' *« n®*!
But n« grpai meMlag.
gilrmatlvo hy a ‘
retod ta’^ffilrmi
insiltate soricty will have a chaace
' We canot bring about Improremeni la ness of an orrhard depends on ihe-<»*l’ <* H>e man necessary, be must
.aamhar q(
breeding wltboui proper feeding and nre it r*rewr-* mni the h««»-fnilt is 'ks'e the cow and she must be the
Intsrsliiio W Trva
«hcaaar«EmrlBg----------care, which wHI product a better Aber a)wa}w grown in orchard* that are wH .right-kind of a cow—adalo' «>w. Dtw'i
Asher Brands, a farmer ‘
^ expertmen
aBragUng esHoa of manure,
iahom 3IW avea ta AO.
: A chan was exhlMied sbowlng bow
1 wool, give early maturity and the eulilvated.
“T to make money dairying bj using
B^ivldere. X, J.. expUmeaied .
I. «—mAy, the rietd of covn nenetltr depends OB ]||
power «rf produce vigorous offspring.
He thinks the beat time to prune Is » double purpose cow.
^ parilculsrly. large spelmea
-Plaai Diseases aad How to Recognise
a much larger m
ja the spriacsprlag.from
now uoui
nsUl the
came i«i«the ubMi
of ib-btoibjutb.
feeding, loe
ibe pumpsin
pumpkin laniiiy,
family, «B0
and ne
he nau
bad jusv
aplt adtaOtl. ftnm ik.
emont of niafll during thp
~ k tv W J IW<*1 touh <W the He would
-b»bi~ like to msee
,-, U«n no»
uiv wuus
• burn bwbuc
tn >ji
trf asit M* riwUred tor moBlhs of Jose sod July. By having
. rnnr'.r
' »““'>«
‘® H»e suie. open. All dead limbs sboold he kept' His mala wmteotVm here was that the harvested a barnful of them, srfaen
ft Ahoak ha 4PWB Bariy Ib ; the ail wll Ailed with hnmns aad Iv AgneaiiorBi coitege.
^gduioa to the loch cut out of the trees, aad they ataould averogo fanner does not feed enaugb. li, fresbet struck the DeJavrare vnl'■ wiHippiii aiiiii'l liiin'**'----- (*• r“T----- UloreipUBHng
-----------they an* pow keeping, cpuld very prof- be k . la a compact, symawtrid “He has .not flih enooli la the dairy ley. The punq.klns came along with
rfihicrnp. orwllkav«T“MAtkeW6tstai«oftbeoai^aprta8-Thurndar. March 2nd.
luWy keep a amall Aock <rf sheep.
shape aad thinned nalfarmly through cow.“ .But contrary to‘he osul cus- the waters, and seeds wet* scattered
Of Ola, whkh whM toir ,^ «Ui he held to ihF-soH. | The Ar*l topic uieseated was “The . in Uie discasloa tbst followed some the tree, so tbi lii^t and Ir eaa have lorn, the tline to lahe care of a cow. erfrywhere,
free circulattoa and for cooveoleaee ia
to bulllid her up it when she Is
with the arrival of spring pumpkia ^
(ha lm year fhrae cut- theaa months a conoUat amply of - lag." by Prof. E 8. Shaw of the Agri- the praeilce of aowlag Al tnralpa ia gathering the frit. Wll developed dry.
vines sprang up ait over aod Hi tbe
bay CA\^W|f1^ fa* made, ■xdiaremay be malntalaed aiad good.enluiral dUge. He aid that mans thecoraffeld before the last cultivaikm wd well colored ftuH.Is biter la
Two food* are aeceisary. corn silage Bwsf laeonoeltabto places. Now the
eaffr Aoiartag;-«tV drowed »k«k«-it »»la» « *®t. farmers object to ralslBg rooU on ac- to feed off with sheep la ibo fall after qualliy and will keep mneh longsr aad and ctover l^y. Bol th^ arc i*»
is yeltow’wlth thein. They are
count of tbe ezpotse. but by adopting the corn was taken off. Tbe Yellow beuer than that grows In ibe ahade. bulky, there rDnst-*^ a coaoeoirtted' hi tbe Mms. la tbe Aower gardras/
the modern metbods of growing sngar: Globa uiraip aad ngar maffgl were scald <w rot Iways attacks Am the food rich la jBotcla. Balk aad autri- 4a the yards, ahd *oo»e spnmtMl even
II the I
4a tio mt* Tlulrfe part tor ‘he
wietlea. toot aald U Is beeu they may be produced very teo- recommended for wlntgrfMdtng. aise side of the apple that I* leal colored, meoi are boih necessary. The amoan! - In Joshua Ketchum’s col Wa. A vta*
fc-A -! •
beuer tottari with a wll esubltohed nomically.
Room need a deep rteh mU that no feed p.t>diices so «ne a
Aa apple orchard grows tbe wmc of milk depends oa the amouBT <rf pro- that cllml^irop the side of Shar* ___ __ __________
loam and thorough iweparatlon of Ihe I qualUy of Aeece a* roou.
crop year after-year and mnst have - tela . ,
HelUck’s eoUsge'haa placed twu 3t«a (MB to a fMathw ar rad i >• ^hPtli l» «W UmaM. Tbe aoed ; all. plant with a luad drill In rows ‘ Prtrf. Mumfoni fllowed with a talk socoe fenlllxlag fy best xesutu. If
He shea spetoe of tbe inre. stabling, pounders on hta parlor window MILTcfa BHd..Wtotm Mce elabnsbBl •k'»klbe ptaaied In a plot, by Itsett about twofel apart, using pl«ly of oa “Tbe Selection of Sleet* te tha barnyard manure Is not avIUMa. oom- «tc. There should be pMity of light The tortekimvedpatth aroand the >-;
ha toapt aa a toaadMr lar maay n«*r
other Aalda of corn. Be- seed no as to Insure a thO ataad^Tft, Peed Lot." He aaM that if the cattla asercll fertniset* should be used and and good vntflattoo
No dairy cow Waren JoanaTt printtag ofln kmkS
n toay very rill to f«» the pllcn appsws cat the tamls 80cm of snceaai and econenay after I feeder makec any proSt from faadlag, ,bo supply of bomus kepi up with should be out of doom wbea the tber- as U a <
jrUsto la raadHy wian toy aff off from all fcnrren stlka. When the^pieming ooasUts of -ding the wtwk' be
* buy his catUe for what they cover crons.
is below the freeslag plat, had beea aetUlag their awroa.
; com la ripe sleet the tit beguadrA of cnltliv'lBX and thtoaing as early' are
4 Sleet a ginda of
in the d
d C. P.’ He em
the B*ad Irf nanormlty - Whenrer the cW (nrmi it iiaee aiilr
dal FHMB Bam-«M toUx *••0 eoneWeratloB xbe char-! as posaihla. Use a haad cultlvntor as cattle that wRl not only Increase In ChMdetoer of Bitovw _ _
the. m the qaauty of the prodoet. holdtag pumpfehm.. paaqrt^
, fftoaMad I7
'Bier cf the etalk as well ns of (be soon ne the plants begin to pride wim by feeding, but win tociease U importMce <rf wind breaks. He pro- Umt nnUormlty in
from the atauered ''aaeS: of
f$ MMtoh. mtoa
<UP tbac* ABts o8 from the. through tbe coil, then follow with aj vine- per pound «f careasa. He ex- • fers a high
fkmr tm
a»i tH iMtm tm-A the hAiA.-lmrae cnHIntar and thin ont toelto*|hfMta«jiMasnphaat lEanmtEndaa lamtli or aaMntoftheaoUa heavy kam"
toeloly (ha ptoa qj jpa-■ Tork Ttm^^-y^

■towr pto tobl. to:-w MW w-to. toto, ,11. ttoltoWll
™l»bl.;b. toitobb blttobto. tol Mto ptotob.

^ Uni p|..t.r otto it





tolitt-i'. kmith- ■

} .

Iraioseaty Slate Bank

ocr Reed Is afirr
operatiem is fair aad geoeroiB of follow tbe Charferolx-Nweood proiuv
SAoct 0>
"liiiiliai Ttat K be tbe aeaw of
for etalnoM a*4 Jm wm m»K and If aetwrt! donl ro.altUrn.
tbto ■•Mat (bai (be atala lesWaurr wrery fBrmer ahmg tbe liaa
ImM br Jao. R. Suto.
Bpoad aooa Mbskagoo tpoet) youth
A. V. rrMri* wwiabad J. W. be baked u pu» m enabtoij aet aaTbe Korsroed people are to dead
TW,r<™iDli ,,
to .to- wilt be larUng tn edacailun. FLr-variHakMM for BKrMSfr M* kotb fw- tborltlav Tnrerte «tr to bond for
I'mia MU Mi ^
ooa reasons.^ one of wbleh t« malrt- A % HANNAH. Praptdein.
_ .
Mi Uifo^' frafU < IIMM .wort «lcew«. After ilr, BfeaI.. .u im.
I. totolen^..

(hat tbe oonuoa eonacil be peilUaM# tola o.,r bo.rt to tototoi™. .0. Ih.,
«< 0»« cl mooy. several prvtty gosrdtaaa <tf tbs
A»rtl 1 w ckr Ooek A!dhc» tei torn dwtca. bt Mdt
'8. QABLANO. Cbtolar.
i rod nnd role have mignsd. nr.ill »ev
~ fMi bUit. 4\t WbU fboti; tboft tidrtu. tvlaf Uu« U wm* t
.rural rabmls are rtoaed.
#WU, aetaM.A lowliw «( peo|M-« utwttot
h» •«*««< tfcetr br •pedal tleeiioa at (be earllm ponlthey ire repaid f»r itit-ir fosr or . ..
bie (Into.''
He hMW (HU (bert
CABITAU S200A>00 -’■M
W «,unr. a. prejft, to.tovr. a.
^ ^
Tbei* were erlea'all over the bom
1>» MW tm <K-; work bert for tbe Itbortng
btotoln. to ,h. roito 10 Ta- .utoto-, toa ,h.m .. ■ .W,.’
ml AturIbwUM bbwj ib«t there were t«ir a tew esbtr few tiaa.oM mad L. K. Olbb« BM>red to
cur. . a.i.11 au .toll. .u«aa,
awbd tbe MOtkw to IldA.aoa. K was
UU Mibt bad will hbbiltl Iwuee. that Tiareiot Cttf
ebaafed. bowerer. to rMd ao that ibr
ilreetir tKM thle
•MU Mr. loalMr U bow to (be «ltr j sren. Tnrerte Cllr ta • toof wv«
MiWii.ttt M ambfeueue fOr tbe|.w«tr tftm (be ■Matoetartoi ecaur* tbe tow for fltto.M® b« tbe propoalMia^-two w«ek> bew*.
lui ,tbe towaa to Obloiaad ladtoM tioB pat before tbe people woold b.; aad tbooe aaar Cblcapo oa tbe gTMt for t6a.«W. JPatcbln Mid tha<
On I
east and wM trtnk ttoea have aa ad- »»A#a at tbe «an woatd to- better
3 >o- Cenl AllnK o> Urn. Se,«ttto't'
PUU CUM stum BolWr -nd Accldi
9 the iMe to Irctoad'e btotoey
,U,. tbta if the people were «Urt«l aa-l
wbaa •Thay re-'kIMiBa mm aad wouea
... •>!—t
- r>«t -nhetaaiui' wanted Mort. tbep eonld vote anin.
ftp tka vaarlsi o‘ Ibe ptea- bad rt^ Tfwvetae Qtr toani »eet tbe other W-OCO teln* a reserve fnn.1
YiMM miv wreatoi fnllp
The votln* of Moaer laal all' Mr. MllMben said that Cadillac ha.l
itlfm mM have bees obtatoad at
^ .eeeuarr. H will uke pood'-voted
then M5.«ao. Urftoa
(fttoaJtooae. *bere tha weM
ev«a afiar lUs to dope. . I wa had rotod kK.OOO
M«a CHMica were cetotontlai tbei
Room SIONow stttte BahK BuUding.
^ tl,, ^perl«iee if 1 W.W. He believed thet H
................................ tbebowaoffabd
^ ,^4,
abetter to vote »».ooo first
r prepared proffrato the J. B. Fbrwell conipur of Cbicaso. Namar* believed the sane, oair b.
a iiM iMRaUoM wbtob vk*»- Tbo uaaeuac laeo of the coa»paiijr;to<««kt IM.OM was eoooKb. in
iftA aMdtor tblee bonnu followed bad been fawaWr teipreaeed wUb) *P««ee co tbe ertrs forthe aoesllon. !•
Tievaree CH» aad bad advised local !*»« P«
• staadln* vo.e taken
the eoilre andlencc ait»
toe bare, bnt (here bad beea iwp ole
Very best of deotal aervtea
to ' IMr reapacUvo deedaatioat. Jectlou. Tbe first'waa that the eftr
only. T^tb year of praetlco.
Amc IftoM to atlandutoe were (U bad aotblBR to offer aad tbe taeoad
-Tour patronage aollcUtd. In
was that 11 was too far aonb.
»*«-»«e <*a»e to their feet
^ew MiiDsan building. tuidenJ(^
fretflbt rales ooald have been aatla.| '
of P. hall, on lloor with Dockerfaetnrilr eqnallsod and tbU would,
Death of Mra. Muirwc.
ay's Business College and over
base reewved om oblectioa. bet jin the. Mrs. ItonHae Monroe, tbe motber <>t
if f Lmg Ciart if Summin * Tfoatoif Syrifgt
SluBvr ofllce.
meuwblle Ladtocloa offered a fiSAfO | Mrs. fasas H; Monroe; died* vei r sua
THE RED CROSS dotf that for you nnd il tywlB y«ui
factorr aad Beatoa Harbw made a:denlr Friday evenlnp at the bom.
better offer aad tbe firm took that.; of her bister. Mra. A. E. Porreei of ih. *1.G5 for Iho syriiiiw. IT'S A RED CROSS (SCAK-iNTbe Chlcaio ftbor aatoas matte | Wilhelm bteek with whom abe ha.r
TKE ami you know that it's inMul.
tioaifle. bowrrer. and (be toetory waa < made ber home temporarily this win
moved back. Tbe tuurr was aoi op-1 ter during tbe absence of ber tiausbtei
•. bat was troubled [ at Imaatoc. where Mr. Mpan>r's oflkla
dntlea rauln him. Tbongb the denot have troubled ibtas la Traverse osaaed wu bora Jan. 7, llto, and arms
Up nsarliic tbe oeiocenarlan
Alscxt E. GLOBENsgY, Manager.
Traverse City, hlich.
CMP. abd tbe tadastiT
mark, her health bad been partlcalarij
located ^d tbo board bad a
1 all winter and U 1
4 Mr. MlUIbea's 11
•tatatoeaU to rcMrd to tbe Pbrwall
OMter Bank Bldg.. SCnOIT
nUp she did not
to( w^ <
K. 8. Pratt was caUed itpoa and aald artoe as oanal In the i
that Traverse atp people were ooaald- wards wrcolnc tbe did not seem as
artoc a matter wbleb Ump had eoasid- well aad pet death was unlooked fci
ered before aad therefore U was not 8ba atoaplp dosed her e)-es aa<'
dropped into that Uau kmg sleep froir
ftrsB tbe Beltber factorp. tbe Oni which iheae U no nwakealnr
Mra. Panllne Monroe was. in ber
Wood Dish eompanr. the WellwHIr
maa tnaimBp. (be M. ft N. B. and tbe Ktritaood. Mias Panboe Averp
aearlp forty pears apo she became th<
ChleagD ft West Mieblpaa raUwap.
Jallot Koealc tbea voloed tbe onlp bride of James H. Monroe, sr.. In Iheii
Do not place your order for field fencing until
obteetloa beard dorlos tbe evealBff. New Tot1i~boiDe. -The couple errivetl
you have examined the CYCLONE SPRING
iboM 'to • He aaM that be bad eoouKb taxes to la Mtchlgaa to 1860 and settled s'
Monroe Center with two other broth
(be differprapeaad meaaere woold.
STEEL WIRE FENCE. The knot on this
aoi baaefit Iba toborlM
that If,*" “".«»* »»••** *» eonseAueace ra
eelred lu name
from that
totMTtei were ffottoo the eltv*-------------------------------------------fence will not slip. We also have a good stock
would «et more people wM wblle tbati Monroe enlisted in the Civil war an<<
hie lUe paid tbe debt. Seventeen
of Poultry Netting. Barbed Wire and Nails.'
woold «n tbe bostnees
(■wot better tbe tebottog ama’a «»dh
Whe^you want anything in this line come in
this dtp. where 4he baa atnee maik
ber bene. She leaves (be following.
NaUma Lueaa. a botldar. then spoke Mrs. Jmmss H. Monroe of this cU.r.
and see us.
tern tbe opposM ef Mr. Ramto. ■ He Mrs. Alice Monroe Bowk of Loweit
beUaeafftbst toe tomfitog wtmld be a •ad Mra. Ldlle McVeigh of Chicago
Mod thtog abd bMtoM It ao atnmr
Ip that be wanted toe dtp beaded for
fftectrls ftosrd hi Praapset.
-... «||v-w
f«iM uiijm and
Toocblng the matter of bn electric
iiamm was caim upim aao,
Chnrieidx to Norwood,
apohe rerp MUmlstkalip of the
epmpr Lake At8bm asd TmUh SirMi
Ht said that tbe nearest dtotrib- there to a fcattire that deserves seriildssetton. saps the Charlevoix
ntlBf potat was Oraad Bbpida. W’Hh

iim tm», MMr, atts.

- rh,“'r r..r;ir.s




Tirr Insurance!

Mobcj to Loan ^n Improtcd Real Estate Only.


Dr.W.J. dlgsins

Cbs SOsm a>Bt Fills ihe mssl PrtscrinloBs



Tiw Years


2t9 €. Tnni St.

Hmeiitan Drug eompany



Place Tour Order With Us
roi su BlMDs or

Intekior Finishing


F*f9ANIC XRCIDE. 146 Front StTffet

a sar (errp to tbe
lie not aa acre of farming land
the Alpena rallwap bdU, Traverse
Clip'eonld beeoBM tbe dlitriboitog, witbtaft'Ire miles d the proposed line
P.U1I « U» »Ur. imtt
’ ronacB of ibe means of transit sup
belteeM to amall ffectoitea and ^teu ofl'
tocto ao dtotrlbotod that all propert)- Idled.
This betog tbe case Utc bustoesi
wonU be benefited efiimllp.
men of both places win be correspond
AldermsB M. C. OvtoU tras called,
npoa aad said tost be was to a posl- badtboae aad mstoslay of tbe
ttoo to haow that there were mor;5
Bnt tbe fsraten espedtllp wlH reai>
(ban Jobs to tbe dtp. Every morn- a greater value In tbe actual lncress<toff many were twraed awnp reom tbe In tbe value of bU holdings. For ever)'
■ritis. ftmaetotaff mom be foond for dollar (bey advance toward tbe projieci
them to do sad la bta Ji
two dolton wtD reium. It needs n«
s «o beuer pls^ to*b toe oae pro- argument to prove this suiemeni.
TW pmqKwiilon that the aid siih'
Jodge Lorto Boberte wws mode to aer/M ahall pot be paid until (he road
Mocad. (be i^tfM sM talk to the
He said tbe toCrodndiea of;
-------------- - .... ^ wort'.'
moM of all aad be regarded ^
that waMthtog be |
fioae at tmee. He aaJd that every year
•A^ffiad that win be held to tbsiw were between gS,AM.«M aad 4«.rfiamsi tor (Mure wae.
mm toM of lumber gntoff out
Wh*B Atuney B. 8. Pratt prtoent- Tiatetae Clip to tbe fOfiffb and this
. ai'thii TsaoloUea for IM.MO there iboold bruaed haw. If ibis was taaOnpain in Uie breast, dif­
wwo'erfta all over tbe faonae:
betotwd hrto finlabed prodd^ here,
ficult breathing, palpitation,
•N. ■mbe K tiatAod.*- Bo'tbe reaofti- fioortag aad etbera. It would give rmfluttering or dizzy spell muns
ttoa «w ebgaged to read to that cf-1 phiymeat to -fiM
that j-our -lieart is .straining it­
InL 'Abd n was pamed wMh ONLY I Ocorge K. Metcatf Is a Uhortag man.
TftOnWMmNG TOTES. TV- meola-labortag man srbo owns his borne; self in its effort to keep in
moUern. This is du^rous.
. la their be- j mad pays AaxM oa It aad vM to two |
Some sudden strain from overMf tom it tras a t for tbs best, aad raara. to tbe wtotrr time, be has been 1 •Mdrtion
or excitement will
bU aetitl•oUac.«bd tbe
fitoar jMMhftbarsaa. bat |b* batoace
!• "i" “oi-- „
•TtoolMMWtoU It would toereoM 1»! to U, to.,.r
« .» .Wtotoi,. A (!»'
tM rabn M (bsfr praparty far to es 'eertato elaas of men have steady Jobs
once with Dr. Miles’ Heart
•MB Of tba adfiUteoM fuatom. While | but not ill. by a graai ways. All abooM
It invigorates and
Iftmo wow tmlr two dlaanttog vote*. ■ havw Wort, as m^y of tbe tebom.
strengthens the heart nerves
tt»(i owo fifew otoars who were not I test as blmfHtrSira (heir homes sad
and muscles, stimulates the
>t but did aat pnp uzas He has bero bera (brae, -i^rt action, and relieves the
iVt* sftber wap. Tbcae. bovever. o
raar. aad t. wmpteyM m the bMk«
' Take no cliances: n^-e ;*oor
Afto^fwo (
heart strong and vigoi
vigorous with
Dr. Miles’ Heart Curt.
•••M1M.S. W. HBa(tagB.prsMdcat of 'gutiatteB. be kaew wbai bad bee*(b> brarfi of tndk catted toe mMlag I dem aad ^lat bad Imra attempted. Tbe ’
M«sMr. BsraU toe beard of trade;psopk (bauMn‘1 take the view, bil
bad bastt baftp baadieappM to its.'iaM. that all that waa osciisafT
• pwate of osiutomihm. To aaou
] to raise kSBAeft; that'
that waa <mlv *b.
Mr. liaatttwvtba board was tfte tbe dnalng. But witboot
b BWB who wm fiabtog wItboM iboard of trade might Josi aa well gaK
Iba wtaa man look akmg two; After J^os B. Koealg. Jr,'a ontee
4pBS and be got dsh. j earpraur. had made *
Mr, HaMtoga trad (be |c«oeetatag TraverMXiUpC siaUng tba<
bawd of 1
■ bad bewas la tovorofaaptbiagtbat wouUj
^ ..
I toa maatteg to be eaUad aaditead to Improve the dtp. botfte taa- ysJ?*JS&




6omg to Build?
If so. the South Side Lumber Co. at Traverse
City is the placx to buy your material. Shop
and mill work done on short notice. Give us"
a chance to figure on your wants.

South Sifle Cumber 0oCraotrsf eity. IIHeh.

On an average oats raised in this, country last
year are light: a part of them will not grow. It would
be losing time and money to sow them. We have secuiyd a lot of western seed oats that are all right for
seed, at a right price. We will send sample and price
on application to any one. It pa>'s to change seeds oc­
We have received some of our Garden and Field
Seeds already."^d we expect more shipments soon, so
d<Mi’t hesiute to ask for what seeds you need: we mayhave them ,in stock already. Don’t forget posies and
daisies; we have them all from A to Z—nature's beau­
ties. SMds of ail kinds at P. K.’s Consider quality
iriien you buy. not altogether price. Some things are too dear free of charge. '


Not the old shoddy, but fresh
factory. Standard make h-'A and
Chase. They arc strong acl cheap­
est at

Seed Oats

CBK. rotoirr


1 mviksE

*AU nu a,MAiMi Wtoto»..itom to« C«I Ptototo to«-|


nirartAttS AUregularRzain fto^ Special wagoaa and Mdgha
Wa||VII9 nude to order, promptly. Only the-vey beat material uaed, and fiillf guaranteed in emyreapeet
That are made to uae aa weD ai ten. They a»
not made of <lc«p material, aad giveh a AaMiy
fiaiah to catch the eye; but are diuaWe. comiortable, and neat Tbe cbeapeft on the markcL qaalily eonaidered.'
Once used and yon wiD boy no other make.

126 Stott strset. 4 Ujetor Pelerfyl.
Have you etter tried the

Royal TiKor Too* onefl Oc

Bo^al tiger
Tbey are toe best

.'fit,';. ■> .toir»--Jca rrJi


J. aJ. eRE^ElNA


CffMi Cn>



} ted tk« rtawrllof «r the
DklveniO’ of Oeorgla. Hr. BIO. spMk-:

! IM «i vrtBt flt nte Mated «STMB «f.

■tararr." b BlMkbsn'V oHptos tte:
w' •Uv«koMis( eivUltatloa »u *Hlie'
Ite — 0------------- --------------------------- ------ and aouwt drtUimUoe that^
4tea»iaaMau c( teur *B the wtt be- tha world haa era-kaova. a clvUlia-1
tahca fra« the eoU tlaa that bMeed the alaTe aad aoft',
|:teM *aiw' ttaa an ether natertala cad the amter.''etc.
~:- 't
"T at alaetal
1. C Srowa. Jr., s ywa old. too of;

- a«i

A-aveeaiaia m

h of eart Hllleboro. K. H.. aad the Hlllsbaro NaI of water, ;tloaai b t keeps an tadepeadeai eolieoaat with thli y«»uns laerchani.
Tor t-twe a
perwal cheek. He oeila
ifiiir kis snadfather, 8. T. Noyes of
^:Colebmok. His bauer opmes by
and Ibe yowag b


M 11^ d Ew
ton, Ind.

la : -S
ted dwriag tt.1
tfast tim.
tinie II cmM act
I. Mr. Noyes
; feta Bight's sleeiH as her ailatcat
|>»morwr. who need totortarc! wasverrsefsca. Itedtrialsomsny
IM Itea MO teas of
eblldrca to doslh la Maasachnscus*
ted apeat ao mucharoiKT,
■* ‘
*■* ’
\ prison far lUe. has applied to the
Baa the amottata stated %
ligM a aurktd
Tte awnge ralafalM. p*tml Mkh*:
' ' - B tte first
«la tba all MOhs. May \o Octo
Dairyman's Inatitarte.
Mr. % »at Mr from two tboasaad TVom Thursday's Record.
MM to the acre, bat aol tafraqacMly! *-11 M one iblag to know
tfeste came mtent wtea the ratotall, aaother to be able to eoarey
datemealof HmcBBeetheltesolvunt.accofdlngto
to tte meatte af-most rapid growth, others.'
Stop. Jbbc ted Jaly. is alUiathar too B. B. Wkrd of Qtarievglg who presmtand twobottlcaod the Reeoleent. to>
M to fflTir the dem^ of the ed the taptc. "Clma MUk from tte fe^Wiih tte’^p.cflecteda>rr.
of the Proaocer. Dealer, Bmaeatcnre.
Uis forjmls-.
_____ tenre. _______
Tor tasuace la the ygv II
la the Mtte or Jane. Jaly aSJPAu- aad Ocmatuner- la place of C. B. Lane Ikattow. bopiag it will asaist other
■M, tte total lalatall la ctetial Ml6i-)»bo was uaatroidably abeeai ai the aaterenia enn^ tfacmeelevs.*'

1 talk «s ^ S»»l* wtea J«*l te»«
■«». riorel oiifl Otiober wten U» rooU fu« M. <« ite •etectk*. u« lodM It w*« e
" the Mihteci' •> a Un>e Mans the dm bchde are A* « euUKleel
at «hst the i
by Free. C. n. SMlth hie ea- i ripe aad Uaarthy before tbo btoeaoB, Iwdla* of ih.- aayloai her^ coet per ihaa la aay oih« liar aad tte pooreel
worker who war not able to be prei- bUs. htork) load. CTp.-ctaily bdan- bead ter iite«*l«d* the loUowte*: ST reaalta w*e (Mad aakiac taAtheqsh
He be«aa by aayW »ieWBat> H b*» ted aiodi wortio*. wlH not powiid* « hay. » puaode of moU. he oiplalaed that a. owlag to the abataod iwdfth to the itlrr J-wloetloo
»*d ladJaa com. he euted? Oa S po«ate of btan aad oata. a.« poiiad* aonaai eoadlthm to wbieh the Mock
Of loe
ibe Tatted
Stttce. i^ew
New Toth
lead- »•>*
Ibe enbjeet »•.
of paatorasv «...
Mr. Whttaey
of —
wieal. ...
1.6 poiMe
i alien oiaure,
lura nau.• —
- —~..
- - _of «dl cake.
- - - «ere aabMded to la tbdr ratelaK* A»
• t« the
las a« ahe leads la the ptvducUoa of thou^i that iaetead of tnralns tbr baakias StJ7 poaads of dry feed. S IT aa iltaatmtloa of the i
ehevtc 5i» ebeeae lactoric* betas teih«rt M tor scnt-ral pasiotasi- aad poaads of proteln.15.6 pooeda of ear- theoeetieal aad practical talk-l»r; Ut’epacacIOB. white Mlchtsaa baa bet IK.! forase that they aboold be placed la bodydraics aad .7* of. fat at a taUJilto pave the foDowlas pedlsree-* the
a- eserdfie aad the sac- talar of tweoiythree oeaia per head "Short Hofaa“ from wboae ftesdattan
•7 per rest of aU cheese betas the | pasltire.;
d as the run was ■
idtHtead of boate I culeai feed cat aad placed la shady a day, tor a herd which )
prodact fron h
e. Co«»et.te*o«lo
: tdscea for thetr ctwsaaiptlaD at U-isotv hlsb as S.5ha pouads.of i lilk a day. i
la IS30 UMTS wire »poo cows j Instead td allowlas them to tramp;.- the arerase wetsht of a cow bdas were strea aad with each tberw a
wWt* bare tacreased now u. Miywir’dowa the good pasurase which eotUd l.tiw pooads and ijteir
Ijtelr agea rwaaii
raaajiig cdoec labreediag. At the wortds fair
times aa naay. MIebIgaa has a Set of! be tamed tato aveaue of far nwre from 9
(cdtowe; oar h^ jottw®***!
aiyloia. be cow 1la the berd whlet he said had cow" aad'sii^ a terry was ereaiod by
all her ibat Ourervor Heard ut Maaaa^nhave Uolficlu cattle.! stalod. the herd was turned out at aerer mJhwcd a day of foedtag
sctu bought up I
la :i ooBnUea; G9 men have registered' algfal to mn la the pasture fait only that ilfce.
|»si subh-ci of th.- aaaoctalion Hr.'-Ullie stated that fear pnwmied
Jerseys in 27 coaa.Uea: 31 men bare during warm alghld. and during Ibi-iniin.-ediog or Uae Oreedlag' tn brcodlag Uvaase If there was a drv
registered auereasy cattle la 17 conn- day they were taten mre of to profeet
Inbreeding would tateaslfy It. He
tiwi them from llli-s.
_ C. ...
....... swho
and was__________
C. ...
Us also.gare calnalilc advlc- on the opi-aed tbe sutijeci by. eutlag that rhmed by staUag that no
in tbo siatv.
Wr. Shaw spoke of ^ing cows nn.I lutaiMn of sacnik-ul rrops and bl» many stockmen would aot 'vten con- teU how far to carry It.
rye whirl, he cm eld.-r the line bnssllug to say. mKhTbe eesstw cUaed by two rectiast the Agrlmltuml college'the fimr
breeds. JerM-y. Short Homs. llulsUdafaUnit May IS wbtrb was folluned by lag of _
. . .
ud Caereasy hare boea bunched aad Atvar aad that agala by other crops it he aid that a grvai deal d.-pendr which were greatly enjoyed.
being fed 27 pounds of silage
day. «;<> txiunds at aical and grain
nlted |NT week and an- glring da an
average thirty pounds ut milk pet
Duriug tbe arti-moun sesfdnn Mr.
Ullie gave t^t- lalunwllag suggeeWhat yaa caU tha cat aC a garoMiit la
Ithms la-regard to the care tf cream at


Rally tbe design. Tha cteMac to MiniaHlril,
but the daslcBtas b blfh aft.
The Dealcoer U tbe artUtect aite It b ha
who Is responsible tec the atyb, the-haat**
the shape ol the collar-the llabh InaMa
and out.
The Ootbcrafl deslgacr has i
life’s study and recaivM a wary iMga
I t Clo««cniii
salar> -so w hy i.........................

"ni 1» .Md tt. mM. Oblod
*'as to keep bacteria out of li aad tbe
nest rule toT*
It SI a low totois-niiurr. Ck
asd cold Mr. Ll||li< staled '
«-CTVi of perfect cr>'ain, To illustrate

tau was leas than 2S0 teoe to the: opening seatea of the Dslrymn's asam, tterw belni ao ralo whaieyer to Metailoa this mamtog. There M •

_ .SHS.=-55=Sj=s^ 'SSlS’r

tte wator ataltoble to crepe as they Mil naUI It foria. baUcr. there betog,
tsadad iBiher to oaiise grsat^ evap- iwenty-foar dWereal k^ ef haderia
^Mtei Boas the aurlice that to molS1- *'^®tetamatole milk.
te^tho teeaer layers, ta Btaar other
abaolou rale is daaalineM;
, -yearn ihM are totariwta of a momh I “
ar wyw toager periods wbea there le , ‘*“*‘*
' •BhaDiUMy ao raiafUl. In such caws i ^

Otatmeot and PUU.
trcetmcBt of
diroatc Emeois U to remote the
etalcsaad crastsaadeortoa theefcto.
esreftdly aad apply Cutkom
Ointment, Ug^Uy at
and where
adrisable sn^ it on pi^of soR

y„Kt,er lilastratcd ibis fact by-q.uning
the irets of C- a Lane. amisUut chief
of tbe Untu-d Btau-a .lepanment id
intpml-r wtcconllng to his


««y »«««■ should put «p ico a.-, th.-


degreess allowed the nniIil]iUea<lva of
bactorto but fire to one an.l milk kept


P^i-‘eosi was nominal and the natills great.
,________________ It would aev-er do. be saiil. to mix

d M a paying crap of say of o

Uk wbl

j the wator
holding eapse-^
^ totoMBlagtha
wator holding
stood her cream
tte sail la
cd f
.re of
to the fmtUtoo.
mIS , - » ^
water to
o bri^ the tmternteldto. M-tteareofttecreplbe^y^^^^.
penitorc to 7» degrees before chumNomln'stiag—C.
ig-C. U Kansom.
C. J.
Mtor Ite pan tees oaataln. keoptog ,a uie mailer of markcu he slated ‘«g and dhrlag thta ilmo s
k Sours.
Smith. Prank
4r.Aato oasgplM apward by creporv
there was a chaaee lor the hoB»ci«‘mng to kept np with a wooden padRubenwm, J.j
conmuaptloa of a No. 1 quatlty of b..W. DIckermmt «.a Ia,-cI1 Soure
fight amoag the ntottera icmms sace and does not ran oR the paddle
t lie Tsatetiirid. doo, that __
______________ ___
M UkiM U. «>U Ml tt. I„„„ u, pMe. mM, • prolMi o« lie 1«" Ui.
UmMM, • Mr. .trM....
The closing half day at ihu Grwad
tetter ooolsits
«M>': marktes.
and .the teDrniag is then done withI Trarene pslrymon's asaoetolioD^ w-gs
Mr. Ward
the use of a set rwte

,, , movemret.
, butter coming' fraught with inu-tvsi lo all In aiteiiillltle granulre
of scales and telly sheet to every bam. kio llitle
about the size of a

Oare ,rf Uain
■—» M MS cable tool, our common j ,h.,
amount of milk bc.srela of wheat. The salting, one Stuck lur Dost IteeuUt- ' being th.
teSSB SBCh as earn and potaloes wilt, |(KBOWB
bowb aad
Is done
churn.. topic uiicussctl
ana systemsUxed.
.......v to
... a
- pound.
—... In
— 1b■^
---------discusscl alter
alter -M'
'Milk l*urlty au I
-Tha Jteirr and Pood Department after the bmu-nnilk to drwsTi'oV. '°P'

.BSd otop SitorioS' The reason to m lably haiidl.-<I
The Stoto of water about the Prom
jp^og, a
^ BMlness Point of \Tew.“ whit* Mf»- Hs'^* «1<1 'be packed her butShs« in ith.- early
PMMM and CM kwaeto beceme so ^
was u»
the eroatog's
eroatoa's snhjeet
sahlect asMgaed
asMaed to
lo kr
•« ahtr
after one working, aad tiIt was Ibeo lion of the ________
aftcnUKia. Mr. Whitney ot
thfe «M the pladt nete «umot with- yopd Oommisskiaer A. C. Btrt. and u, la jam ready for the marttet.
Uk- asylum, who hsudU-d the subK-ci
JfeMrM to BufiefeM
sreskm was omlucd C. C. UUle
The exhibit of butter to altrscUng a in the absenci- of
D. Laac. slated 1»
;;4Wh Bseda Through sack films the umk tha snhjeet after the talk given. *re« deal of Interesi. aod
|h- gpe„,„g the subjr« that the aiylutn;
■UUi ,
ta large qaaatlty
ur. Ward. He bMan by stettog t>c toU* ot goldea butter. little patUe* ben! was cumiuacd ot gndc cos-s obUROW street tan '• uwt the “dairy depanaient'' owing to ol flowre-llke designs 'that rival Ihs ■ talaed alone the same lino that Pro-*
tb« new daiir law had been broadened
ut-omd. or
haad. tf witer be too m scope through tbe cspecUI Inwrven- uia .PP.U.I.,
(be soil H fills ap the lion of Ooreraor Warner and it war coiugo cht«c. are lined up for the
|S«S t«>r
to ■ mfweea -the keniete. ex-; possible now to do something. Michi Judgment of the scorer. C. O. Ward, ol
(be air aad the ptoats die.: gaa ban good foofl tosrs and there arc Cbarr.-voix. who arrivetT last algni,\
ThWB Is thwefore a medlom amotmt leu foods that fall be^ the staadanl Bolter to seoiot much as tbe i>ct fcatli^ .Bt Mter dwhahle for the beet growth than any other .stole In the Union.
ervd stock cf the farm to. by a steud' «f pfeBto Tltls has bw fonad to he: Only two ctUus have milk taspeeUou ard of Ibii for is-rfunlon. and in
.aht for Oom atxteea' to' twen^gre (nrcaas, Ontad Raphla and Dcireii. scuriug. Bavor. grain, color. saU and
paode per cubic foot. H the upper;and the dairy depanmem dealrod. Mr. psektag make up the points of judg
-----------three ftoiM eon had bees dried out I urn* MMed. ta get hold of erery milk ment. A number of cream separators |ECM| fiF A llEATMWniE
(Mre rniaatof-d but eight poands dealep la the state and ^ake the lint are also on wxhtblU
-----------^ WBtor to toe cubic toot U wwipl iv- 'oaadate a permit with a SI Uceosc
At the ^slnes* w-sslon bcUt thi- A Tromtoent CtactoBail Woman Telia
•Ml^a'lBtalaO «< aome six Inehca to fve.- Card milk will bu made. Mr. BKimlag t\v fulloatiug uOn-rs
Brtog the wawe ceBUmU, up to the. Lillie advocBice the icorlng of ihc-ck-ciud: potte-mkerethe beeigood«#lbdcropa «re»**T aauerto-atwentv-pound lull
Coorgo A. ItolM.-rtjmn. ^
<1 T..vdia E. I'inkliam's
»>.*lng eent to OctruK every munib ' Trarerw Oly.
tVg'vui.i.- t ..iiifMHiad to A..iofr aicng



To Core a CoM in One Day






A. M p..n,„, M.i- [J;

__ of the r
the best daldy mar- kaska.
M-toalists. and Uunkiag peuple geaeA
d la the etadr
tbto Of ^ mQ to tto wator -nratm' ^ het la Michigan.
Secrettry-Treasurvr. D. H. MrJUil- ally,
m the iDitowiBc:
i YhU to atotply a tiiwk upon a poor ton. Traverse City.
g|gg p( the e^ pertlctoa.
^ butter aad has a uadeac.v to
Executive board. Janies to Harris.

luau a uiaacvav aua m euiicr. oui


•• '


wuu... ....n- w. .aui.-

^ the scoring can be.^e aecordlag to kin.. ManUtce; John Wlaleri. Antrim;
*“ what the market demads. -A rrnsadc • Oeerge Cartlaie. Kalkaska.
' TM. mnriiarnt et water la thie'*" .Mtohigai iqalast Impure milk" Is
A motloo was made and ■

._______ _
____________ ^____
The following to a list of tbe pre^
smmm«iis^>- '
mlama awarded this Bornteg ua the
Hlz -____
.. . ■
Jar Batter—Mrs. Lncy Raaem.
MO *«e etsBoiv.Bg H
^ Bveatag Record; Mrs. Bd
McMnllea. acore M. Sl.5f: Mrs. 8. B.
a «( water Dbh (he'
e K. M cents.
toJihey Raasom.
OntM (Ac
Dally Eagle; Mre. S. B.
The reaeoea for early cMUralfcm or
^ hanwmaq oat fields

their aaxntoty meeting siib fhls
elalk* the Ume and iflac- w l
The foltonlng rt-solutkina wm
Wht-rrea. It Is of vitel
Tbe fwUpwiair k-jter to onlv one of
batter that isnv thite-andM «hi<-h are tm file in
ISukliam oflire. and
;lcle be-pin
a etowa and i
ht,vond <io<-Mtion lliat I.y^ E. i'ia;
the market.
mart U-a
KamVVrgV-"’- Co.dpoon.1
---------------------------------A'liereas. li to ais.. of great Impor „.^\y
„H-rit. othsmtse it
Print Batlei^Mre. M_~..
Loe^ .........
Ransom, _aeo
uaee that the
Ibr producers of milk aad could not pnatuve micI> raarTrUais t\^
un, ,gj,.
tartroctwl as to the*

. There- ^*^1**”' **“'^*“5^
I ssagreatBir.
fwvr wtth woenb tnwiito. st...______ _
water aopply af eropa.
Spretol bauer m^ by DeU^
Reived. That it to the
trtothBfior- Mparaur: Mrs. 8. a Cate, score hS. meeting that the Bteeuags trf the
Mre. M. McMuUea. aecre K.
Dairy aasoctoUon are of grvwt bAirfit
Otoplay muy oaly canpeted by Mra. to the esmsomen af milk aad batter by i.«tlo..if it l wasvnUrei.vreml ItWtuolu
KB Cite. .
i nrgteg a higher grade of milk aad hut■aM that GsBatal Hawley of
Mre. James Harris, who received the ' Uv pat apoo the Btarkri.
-ato-aitbcsRimu'; aisl wtol
__________ _
___________ ____________ ___ __ ______ __ ____________ __ _
________________Mtavrirtt .tefiad M«-h»reo^y mJw ».
fiito. iBtMM. he may die any day. Be year ago tar th« beet exhibit et tUlixyc MIL aiktag the state legtoiaicre to
itos3d.Hn«, c
had aa liBewIsdgi] et the reoveaeent bntur. gave a talk yeet«^T'lRfe^ appropriate ll.OW.or as macb of It ^ S?.
^ ^ fe .H*
em the retired -Itoi, of the boob ob -Bntter MaJU^""^ began as to needed to defray the expenses of
jj,, snppremed or painful
i- anw.lMs^heard aachtoget It aatirhy aaeertlng that, eoalreiy to the gem- state spsakere aad a butter scorer to menotrasttua
itioo. WesktM-io of tbe stemfeadtofeSdMaa hmfiaeted tovnrehlr. ;eml oplatom. dairy batter, prodneed. attend all dairy assortoilon ereetlags a.:h. iadig^----»»•
mOM. ».
In. . dK*, .Mem. cc OT,. loMi o, th. 0.1.
ar qt fiaaire la preeedcato to ereoatery batter, the
Resolved.'hiat a copy of these reso- ______ •_____
L has hsU 1.
It jgDdaet
of M.____
I A___ A. _A ____ •______
>. coBlag
l4tjtmi taa seat to the aeaator aad rap- riubilliy. hwcfcaehe,
ahltoi. to Dnm a acre of patrons. Mrs. Harris reseatative of this dtotrtot aad arge
to»»» t^'w»ti.«s ..f feuW weak-.
. Me----------------of
said fret « au. a good cream separ-' them to wmk for the same.
m OT.rn.ui. OT.OT.OTA~ ..ototw m otuoti ot.
pototc «a. iototu. u u.., iT;;rvu ~ ,ot
B«aiy. Mahan tart. as won as mmcNiy ft predanloa. daltr d.pajtmewt af the AgrtonliatwilE. ftakham s Vegetable ('tMapowad

with a cheaply constructed unreliable eneina when you can buy
aColumbus? The

has proven to be the most reliable

on earth.- Users of Columbus Engines are our besV^dvertisers:
talk with them. When you
in need of WOOD SAWING
MACHINERY remember that we are selliag the FamousSMALLEY, BATTLE CREEK AND CHAMPION DRAG SAWS.

Ferris Mplcmcnt Co., Ltd.
127-131 State Street

' 2SSSi



Ckcel'in style ?
The cutUng must be guide and
that's all. On some goods the Cb
use an electric machine with npldty mralo
ins sted dlscs-cutUng many thkknesms id
doth at once. That b ern el the ways la
u hicli C letbcralt Clothes am mads pesslUs at
the price.
There are no other dotbea as good aa
Oothcratt Ctothea the prica, and few at
anv price caa equal th#i in fit aad styibb
ish, or in wear.
A poteot reason for tbb is tbe faa thatafi
Cfcthcralt Clothes ora made in the Clodhcralt
tactoTy niiderdirect supervision. Thaibtha
direa road to epooomy aad geedVafh.
Also It makes possible tlK a>a af
^edal machioes and apodal devicaa
whiefa save labor,^xsdace cost, aad
Improve quality. You'd hattar

plied 75b'Umiw.' both tests covertSK
twentyfour hours Mr Lillie Ibvugbl

n- cease to growj


If You Suffer

TrayerseCityi Mich.




thumoav. hamh u.




r«WvBi« to Gr««l’

•h,» f«U<7 «r. *«7 to«
Ito «tU M«it •J*hto«ij
Ntw Cmtotr LMnwhed.
M (to..
^ w *k.' MM LuTttrfi Md
C«»d*. lurtk to —Tte
W«W«p«. «»........................
kM« bi«a.v. Tbr nvw revel

nrou or
TiooUK wo 9 to L
Wwte ao timo, bit omjroo^Uiouo vttk

MlMCohMi ArrwtedL

Omwv^ c*. The Mllre Wirt hilT
of^toeipfywrt fWdtedhigfOtHiil.
Cnlwa. ctaarped wWi w;
<he%rrichaa> there wm« from •lauirhlM. sravtoj: out of (b« d«aili of
fpirinoo ♦? the rt» pe^to rt werti to her l*be on Kel.. :k The wnrmni »•»
<^U •»< ‘" •
exptoeton «to fulm were •

>M U> Okw.

^mf^Sm^7took^Dr.**^V'^'^ ^oth^^ojW
Ooomptkn. ItovodmpooBRtaadMTodmylllfe.*'

Pitooo, SteOMlHIXW


. OM. Mr»t »« I. BH .kirill. ...... br ibo. n»bl,bi.



CANMA Asma-sacrita Kga

, nUecd acatiirt tbe bouse and fired. At mkkb'.


Grant Lands

bw ^


tills »
broogbt OB by e*|>oenre from w^leb b.' five years aco; »toee tliai .to.
. alwayh mado hU I
wuir»cU-J » *evcrv cold while
hU (•IK-ad tona, als’xsicli
»“•" {P

and inne, ru<v uf residei.ic in l»i
‘ led
■ to Ibloai
■been Col.lwaler.
hU 8r.< pu
Tbb dl.llbenb.b«l
™ ™b-. lb iSM b.-... . In l.d
(bat of supervisor nl
•"«". blb»« » lb. .m M.
b. dl«l bl. .11. biwl low rhlbm-b. G!!.-bd_H •tishll'- >'esl be was eli rli-d
Ml. A "
E..... » lb.--.,e lecU
laiature ami later m av-

>«. >i,

Map enMhad ilka agi ahalto aad pw ,
a fl(b and ftibertea. Su
did Katebl aad Hlsfiliu and R. N.
an *dama .
.«» atnsto and toll la tbe
“B Ihw to opposKton loibUreeotou> ibU reeoto. pN Olrtflae atrart aMa and to uw artlirti- declared Btoad. -ft to all Ue
«id Sam aa Cahnar atraet. Them to
»briTi»>»MPb» A.
»a lawar Saara wtra thaagbt ta hava
, 1. .11 tb. >«.. b«d« -

. ws™. ». Wbb ™ »-»U,

h mfitortiid rt ftw.ftw.


.. .b»

•ad SMih toam-oadisaa.
TCafilte Weta- U»n^ la—Whito
*,^0 to eatabllab ■ww.prty
iftante* at a «W»d raia Of apeod ABB
Ib-MIAIcbb- to employ a
tear putmpu t»to N®- ’•
ats^imrt^ U. anUDOt-Ba wftm»a«
taBapd. «rmhaa*lrttelBebeadoii^^“^^^^ ,j^^^l^^
•BmMrtMifaaaRlMtotbedtMlUBf **^'*^^^^

a( taetta eeUMi aetl oee paamtoper
BBeeh MMltateiteic tap penpte. eaa of -nirae Blvei* win ihdrtlr bare a
dkr Pdll. It win be taillt of cci
eMai, tha fiiiiiiTi op Ibe 1
oeriblodM. _______ ____________
h*P Oorto.' via die. the
. apif«fia^fi:»
Tba'Smrtilto wreck «M PirrtibtJ
tndp niPPlBC toto a waabort Pfcn
Pnatok. Tka aadPe aad tbe tmAwo;
dPiaUtbatiPlapMaTaraUTtebi butj
Pmrm mn wMt.tato tb* dlteh, tbe
tfee* harliUCtorti wt|;rTha etote WM.4rtaihed-aBd aapt
back Ut tUPA to Rrt brip to alW to
aiaartw Bp tba ft^ (d war- A ButB-j
bar ot aartloB BeB-aad rtttoeaa were 1
aaaprad aad a tewpa was tod at tbe [
atPttaa. Anar tba tnetoa bad rm#^
bprt to tbp-Wrarti ibe ppaeapper trato^
>aiaa ap to tb« rtattoa.
ft to all^pd that Hm oaeiBcer wa»
ipftnMd bj^ lbe Jkbbb tbal bcbada\
brtiar vmoceU ta be waa Uable to rtort
tbe tel eoptoo eopdBp lack bdt be
tert orden from Uw dtiwateber to proi«r
acad «iB to the wreck aad (bee Uaiufer tke paMeoc«*e to tbe
Mala. He paid po nUeUlua. ao ft la b1toped, (o (be BacBMc'k waniteg aad
waat afiead.
The two aattort »et oa a c^e.
Tbe ewrre waa wbarii MMupb ao (bat
PcHber oM coald be aem aad In add!
[1!^ iibovc |>)ct(iro 4tf the
ttea (b*f« wa a beavy fog this
taw. The Ugfct laglae wa cmbIuk
ill inid fial) in till' tnukPawn pnda aad both Rme ntanlap
irk <ifSvntt,VYItimiaiMii.
at a pood apead. Wbep ttaar atrorit.
uimI w tin* arutoiivm
li „,„1
Olid ,,„ri,v.
JiuritY. n’i
It is jftdd


.4 M

a. hto bedside. The tonjra! mrr- sas a delc«t.- ... the ijm.
»lcW wllUw held at Ue Pre*b>U-rian tk«,ai eonven.liH., tothe.ariyv.-sl...
rhorch la Coldwater au 3 ociwk Tu.n *a« . leeted f. two i<nus a-stsi.: <dt
(toy and the to.enaeiii will to- at Oak to.isw.or and «. *yst. aia.l«-d .be
Grove cearttTv.
.ork.liathe«»v.-dtt.eMai. $.-«.—B*.Covert<w Cy--« Oray l.uce vav
His marked hone..y aad totvant.
born aiWlBdsor.O . July r.issf- N.-« soon lK«me
Eastoiid blood csMtiUned wlib aouth- and to UM h.' made a stnoig ran- r.«iTB to bto Yvius. bto toiber. Waller the republisM culK-matortal noimtiaLuce. bcUiB from (loaiKrtlcui. ami his Uoii. belDs to ■ narrow mar
irtber.'Mary M. Gray, from Vlrgiirta.- sin to .Mner. lU- «as .Jeciwl in I'S'i
The men wtoi was di-sllmil to serve asrtn*' a strona sl-nKicratlc ewidl-ls!the iK-ople <if Mirhieaji in various'^uwl- and svTvnl two UTins. After til* m .tons trf trust for h»lt a ceutury Vat raid lenn he was d<-fiitnl for iiu
reared In b home that knew neiiluT ltol«ed 8iai<-s m-hbu- l.y F 0 }ft»K-k
luxury ww eltrepie poveitr.
Iddae. This ribsnl l.l» is.Iiiiml .-a
Twelve .»ia»after bto blnli 1.1. par- twr
ents leiMiTed to tedtoiM. aad the lu/
Ho was always loyal •» il.lure RoverBor naased tbe neat a.lrtci-a srai«s< and to the aarii nliura: 'i.i. i
year* to the Hooslcr rule. During tblv e*ls of the stale In ISW lo- su• lime he was recelvlnc a good .o-bcKd eti-rtcl mart. r of iti. siau ------- —'
eduraiiun arul wurhtug hard «m his M-r\nl for M-»iTai uriB*.
(wherVTarm •
pracU.-al farwr himsetf
‘ He'^firai beeamo a capdldaU-for of-' tooknl oni for (he Inierrst.
i'flee when be was fit year* old, la ISfS rarmers. He wa* InstruracBia: m
bo was ttomiu'ed fur the stale legia- ureaktog uii (be "gate
tolun-. Even at (bto early ago be bad siicertaUiHy longht the ••biod.r
iK-come a airoBg whig, but was under

r’i ^

u_ u. im ..... <k |»»V. j„

,11 ll„<.i,ili„J


,V ,_.1„1,J
H tlie (luLfi-wlLAycamo cxtincl

ru IBMR i*»y ns m WIU aiive aa lojwrwn ,

m apeb tba( ft to beUevwd (bat ha; r.'» ‘--------‘■’taumoil
iwtlmt mm«*
all hUkt
^■n* MealCh paople who froto ttP llW fiUl.
rt dp with the lipht bit* ui iiounahiDg aud liEe-amiij:
fitrta The wreck eapbrt W properticB. Thirty ytwm «p>
(pptpa tolirtp
rtaarbd up betora totacnow
1 th« pttyritdw*
Rcott a Euuleion foand a vax of preparing.
I cod liter oH po that ewmronn ran
Farm iiaktoms tawrnaP.
. Hoprm Crantt. Mictu March sa— tnkpit aad get Ihe full taloe ot
m* (am iwrtdeawie of Wlltem Coa tlieofl itithfHlt tbeobjertionable
<t Ktearw Ortttor bmwad lo the'tn*le. ».cytt> EniiiW>ii t« the
rerterdaF aftemooB at 5 U-st tidtiyr iiitlir world for weak.
•Kibetam- l«ckwanl chUdrw. tUu. d^te
alt oaylitrtJTts of


cyeTwfrrteltTar.QMtca DopetePd. of Orut tow n
aUp.tida wbatar aad tbe baoe oeea
pM by FPtak UppMi. Thar Ion

~ '

ta ita Uiwrt TrwvA




Clectte Notfe#


OruBd Trsw*

Mrt «t Ti?»«vOHv.«.rwd TtSwS^ VrS• v.KeliWM.Ihwaah rtyto rMnMT-A IX

SbOTrt rt Unad TtwvMss O


— ... .




or ptii m-

■* Scary S

■rt ttaCuan


Itonswrer streOrtw
M (toeniT. BrtM. S>



■Ulatr |s sork elMr iwails art
W«n« suM >1 pakPe MMiWa
hirtrt krttor.ta

Swiur^y. gy^Thh^tawth Day «f

vwusbii.rtawkta. krtlk <>t:
wytv rt Ita IWiWi.r

t.nrn.Ms iin-wty


*rt*Ml^jrao^ 5Soisi.*tl!Iy a^^ -'iT»Mi' srtItM tTlrwr


nlu. « —W.H—per pruiW SB.1 nr- .»i lo Bl.ek-g_.d Mswawfc. I^y k i.'csrv-

Dsk«ir.h.7to.A D. WP.



rtS^^inssn&.Mtoh. tn

Election Notice





IWrica the asimibk of March
and April iherv will be i-scur
siiiii. nil ib<- variisu iines td
railsa' ■■/ thi- raBmllan weri
H-ondre'i. ul tbeateads of
a;rv> uf.thv Uti tX-bcM and
Craztoc l.auUs <tn the (Xuitloeoi
setik I'*.
AdfulBtoc lands Biar be pur fnim rallwa
rallwat aad lan.l
c'jtupauies ai reoMMi
reasutialdf pri«>.
For Artormailua as U» riMiie
nist 111 iransiwrtaiiuu. etc., ap

. c. lAiee of Gilead, rioreeee Lore at nr.-r or Urmarb eouaty . From to'>4

1. .4.;

pcRE Marquette



.miE U«. b«.«


i i



pfflM i^sSaMaaRs M WMMa M am*

In Um For Over 30 Year*.


OM Satma aad araaM ai


^Ma MM frS mmmSS MMittoJmh

Tbe Kind Yon HaYO Aliajs Bought

Ineandtory Fire at Manar.
Honor. Mleh.. Uarrh It.—The torse '

-tnaie bterthp.
War* at Laatototura.
ttudtoc fam ImpieiiienuaBd prwiucts.
artoa am
and anrwm
ahiMia •(
af wow
thota .uattot Mlcb.. Mircb J8.-Re|«- *»' "'v
a arua
wa» wiea. «, 1*.-^. o;% OiM Ban
U la tha lelaa and hrtd dawa tay ««uil« »Taml-a reeolMtan to api»toi **»*=• Tbo Ow wa* erld.wiy th.-wur^
nm««aiberawaFthawti«adlap.,tbraa rvprwuetatln.* to toTe*U«rtc
“ *X*rtta?wa«

TM «>.


r Bnii ttoeigiutim ot

' t—___
--.. ^ __ ^ B,,- •Utne bto artite duHi-s a* aameipucra

________ _ ___ __



W Ophnao Xorphiae toor other XarcaUe
ace la tta c«arttoii«* *» dailraji Wa«M
aod aUa>Y Ft Miahaeaa, It caret IMarrbaea aad WlaA
CoUc. ItrellOTW^
a the Food. ngniMm the
tfq’ and uatoral dee#*
The CblMnB*e Psaaraa-The Mether'a Frtead.

tewed tlae Preadber.
H. YooVrltOK 1
B«y. 0. D. loore of Hu

.j™w .»< ynlx. blm*nw M '

aeama pad amh horrar vMa.
namr twawa la Smrtan bafara. Thaa

It fa Pteaaeai.



team thara ap la man.
^ . WaiblDstm.
_____ ____________
Uarcb su.-WUlton
An hatr an«r
eeMrt*"p*»a tha‘ 7^ bead of Ibe war depanawcl. will
y waa a taiatlnp beoono eectvtar}’ of »toie If Mr. Har'«

M. M

r srrvpa.

I to Mp or I





ditoteir CMfM See. privlnp mil Ihi >«»
todar itet Seervtarr of Slate
•nwafrwNtlWtpartnaSiMklntli^ Iter, wbo artM tor Katdea loday. to.
: M wirttol Ur thilr rt«dpe- m4i • very alek waa. He iaM that be!
IhrMW vt»>ace would proee
••rte* H «M mUmIM thrt ffty peo-:' baoeBetol
to (be heoltta .of (be stateap*a had tort their Uvea.
While aseendtoiK the iialn to:
■'Mmataa af the «Md varied at man
Seerrtaiy Har ooltopMd !
to«n IMty ta aasartydira. The Sre aareral time* anil bad to be aartaled
WM wndar mrtral abaSt
BHmbeni at bto iwity. Mr*. Hay
of crip
m frtilaf aver thi ralna a^

& 4.




ADeWDeotoc tedeceire pMiiN tl
latouiUou twd •< Jaat-sa-dood'«are bo»
Baperlmeatolhat trttto with aadeiwianserthc health aT


\._ rt
roWto eroniMi W pwented the
"•ipnpet. froB beioK eerred. It to «imm «f p^ted that sen-fee will Im- bad Id ■
dar w two at t


Bbe Kte Tm Hsto
BoncM, OBd wbkh but bM
Ib Me (tar ever 90 rcan. baa baiM the aicMtnfo «C


TiNi fi4ht ef pm fnetory. wblofi «a*
kr <M •



■ w row <nar w


■peed e( iieBlp-lwo kao^


A1 r:M Om nwralnt »• tolur «it^ tta* ata* fartMy *f K «.



M, Mw«tt»—Tm ••'^flf ralae. Tke tarn to • larte om o

«toto^ •» tM kHto« l«



Regular Size $ 1 Bottle of Vitona absolutely Free
Guaranteed the best Spring Tonic in the World
viroFA. IS *

(ta matt .rt Ita 4SMh>Bt.i rtttatsrt m««wl vrtsly fcsvwB wmi tosUy wd».-«trt ':
rtrslrista Srt rtiwttiu Vitvmwh ■!.«>
! IwHtr aeniosM to wtitaat ■dtaiw ss M
>.talwtaw Uk-w ■
afimawi 4> pr.wirttotta b
roKtrtVvartytnssiMBl .-■
•btTttain tfita.






Ttoiictaamirt Nrtto is !. wort rt f» '
tocWis* Os l*dy Ui»rtrt» «ka Urtid.v
Viiaoaort enJy t»uuadi*-..4- iwtav^.tart
la a >rry ab>rt t



.(•WtPsritof '


CUy ur Tswr.

^ar rnmtm toy O. A.




a Pmlsr PtovlUBl
aamriw. Woir.-w:

rautalyraMtotta tady tbtawfk wbM»
TfiM »wtato BMW bisud.
ra g.Cwtor«M«M>Ba(tls .j.;


____ tor *
Ita .Srt rt ■*»«*»•

-Taa. i1m« I did. b« l^«Wsscr.
d M la aBotkOT Mseetf i
dw boaM ahatlm ib«; ;
«r tteir baaki and co«it-> •

•« Iba

SiMta FM ilid^ ffisMy ^
for lfichi<ui Ban Alii 6lrfi



«M«lae wotv roaad lo cnu flftcaa
-I dot «r »OBk*r BM." oenalM «MU aploop. A obado of dlnppeiatToMirseat rcatad fur a bobmi oa BdbM dot ooae-d d«Uf.
ward’o faeo at thli dUaK-ery.
dMo.” mM jamlc.
**U y»t ban oteraa peaalOB. bavj
I iM «fy «a fet M«« IwibM
p Mwr «Ul It take to make Sttcair!
rntmt *• iiKirjiUy Md M
Iba IKtle Cirlt BBd bov W «» to toe
toier. vbM elttiad oa la
the oU ladr vbo «aa olek. praeMad
tbcr eatarad bar raom vaiT galatlT.
-rtmr.- «aa tba aaiwer. aad tbea
BMl •»•■. t «M TV. «v
Thl> tba Hide girl* aad boyi promiaad
mM la bi> four *ar. -Do yoo
ta do. aad ammma aad aarae wml ,kM«edaa}«M artib aoaMehmoaeyr
K ta taha care od avatrbodr.
Tbat Blgbt vbUe ebtar wai ateep-'
The mue old Udr who wa» alek «M img ibe Beep of the free Irma tare,
put aa ploaud a* aba oaaM ba wbao nward iar awaba la tb bed lor aoma
the reaaim of the ebUdraa'a eomtag o*. uylag to ibiak bow ba «mhl
waa avtoiaad to. bar: and aba ktokad oani Sea eaata-the extra peaa.r wa«
« «a«h “awful pour tbiag tbat waa, u> buy a caadla. Ilother a blrUida>
held mt to bar la HtUe baby baadt, «m oa Tburaday. It was auw Tut»admlHag tbam all. tba sUppera aad day aigbt mod there was atili oo aipn
> tba taot aad tba boolal H^oa* aad o( tba doalred See mis.
, the baatat aad tba doll aad rwerytblag.; -Uafa aak (atbar for U.“ aunaated ,
jAbd ate mak back among bar pillows;slater for tba third time, aad tor tit.
I'sftar aamlalog tba last of tba “awful (bird Ume Bdward replied:
Spity tbla»“ aad »va a little laagb.
-No: tbat Sre cents will tnra up 1
M«f«b y% isd^ gyin
aad this la whM-bu aaM:
' waat to aurpHae faiber.- OoBsaqueot“WaU. wwD. weU. { bare aoea a pret-' ly. aistar added * patlthm to bur
ly aigbt Ult day.“
, prayers ibst tOebt wbmi grqatly piuBn as aba vaka tba words tba Ui-1 sled awtbsir.
tie md wamaa wu act tblaktag of tba ; -piaasa. Ood.- she said, -let tbe
•o masb to maiape. aa^ueh to allppars or tba doU or tba basbat of j See enu tore up t<
or era* of tba tael: aba: hafcwmaa comas, i
WM tbiakmg cf tba pretty leoaa of
Tbe aen day. Jut as Edward war
______ ^
tba dear Male tSiDdiea who waaiad InglaBlDg to loaa faith aolu aoiaoia
I eoeia ^ tbrnip. : ^ ^ ^ ^
^ rtgbt wbaa! bcktealDg » losa hope, somettaliii
lOiAwd waU.'*^ said.-“Esarybody bas d« aoma'at«aita anaxpeeted happened. Bdward
diggiBg a w^l lb tbe aaod wbtai
I - potty. S daaa.“—Mnctad.
walklag up tbe beach.
“IWIo houny:- said one. “can we.
Ol «
, hmM
I “Wbaa you wMp m Utite girt y^lset any bait arauDdbere>-aBy worms
lJtaSwampw.aad«btoba»l*ri.ldldrt-*«Mr me-did yoa. Mother.
for Sabl«gr
’ “ITi
-ni get
get you
you aome.-replied Bdwart.
SOOlBgM an ba lOnad to do



.......................... nniMMiMM

mm- tt.. Udw

‘‘jS; iSLm


can halt fall of wrlgsllcg 1
-Tbanka; my boy." aaM Ibe Mg.
wamdoeklag maa, aad added with a'


js :r^r"- "* ■ ** ^-

TBc «*rtd to wabcl
AaAtbab ■-mmakoi

fatbar and grandmotber bare cakec

“Tea.- aaswated motber. aad lookad
Tbay were aittlag oa tba tM
Kra A. Ik T. Wbttaty.!aiida of Ua boose oo Iba blaC wblA

|oyerloaked tba lake whne it amt ao
Mg abd wide that tba water and sky
PHSar. Mareb IT.
Beamed ta meal on tba oppoaita eMn.
inipi ■■ mwr niTmtii 1 "Wbaa yon paw to be a Wg girt.*'
bu dieaaaiBwttMSMk body, and!

Mrs. M. E. C. Batna.

BAe «Mrt uoold pleasa
pml ^ try barSsr tbaa arar

iwSIdM m ecarytbMg.

-Bdwud.“ called Blatar. “I waat to

ISrSU^cr!- ba abaetad
Bbaaty stood. It cared In
arltb s emttar of old bonrda.
“Now. aee wbatjmo dld!“ anld Ed“Bat I dMat te H. Bd^!“
but a^way it i


r“abaaty.- Wltboot walUag for aay
NBM gM. aid aB« aba aad bar nule
^ ' alga of wMeoau. aistar tat dowa bapMyad rtag
nag aad aat«
aatmt tbe
tba ^
frtaadi. bad playad
«.PPW. nnd«cr*^l^orp)M, -Hdward.doyonbiiowwboaeblrthrtngagsla.^i«d-tbsmallq«lataW
Bdwud shock
nnmrea a -tos
amp 1IU.
nuse old
on ladr
may ia
la M.
-Motbsi*!.- —ts •istw “and yon
»n m
-mm .ton pm n«m
nr m.
;tcA me rlsUla'yc««y aad I aaec bar;
candlaa on bar btrtbday. aad abe
W owe sM. TblBt Sar mbarewbej,^ ^
Rsaa. IB lady' wnats taaw some%;
aad and I'm gMac to make bar a
- awM patty, aad aba migbt gn well
,^ib axaadia Ibr her Wrtbdayl"
M*.-~ Bay gtaasad aiotmd aad tossed ,«aaMudad slror aad bagaa ta boanoe
back Bdrpeitow certs aad added: -I .p and down ‘on one M the tooae
wlab iba umM sac aoma'n swtnl potty, hmrds
« WM Ibe tmtu B*e comste petty ce
mr begdnr. Bud t «a.“
“Ton eant-yon don't
. .-Calm Is «»tai pn«y.- nnU a . little | ^0, »aw to make a ukf
•M W»m.
.. .. I “Wall, we eaa boy one ftem tbe
-Tn8dytsawfalp^.4oe.“aaUa;iMjterttaB when be comes. 'One cl
’tboea ramd enia arltb wbUa troat all
Bay abet* her band. *«badOTtlfta ortg h bad n boia tn tba
mtgBS'Ce cm eery aMcb.’ aba tnbaeut eno^b-^W'
-Tea. I bare. Tee Are pannlm la
: *i dat a patty dolly,“ aaM Dado.
^ my bank and yon bora ao^ In'yoar
.-I «« a potty bnMcet.“ aaM Janie.. 'bonk; ibatll ba woegh. went ItT*
.'Bly.aant tn^vful putty.*- aMi UuM Bdwnrd nmsMered for a moment, than
WfWa Jonca. ^'
bU face brigbiened aad ba aoM:
-I dot arm petty rtbboa at m>
-Weni aak tbe bt^ermnn bow modi
mu lUmln.
liiet coat, whea ba enmes today.
ow you maatn-t go aad lull. Mat«.. You always tell CTUfTthlag-rtbU
■ • ■ ^nun Bay ^Mod nt W dainty to a seeiwi;'
Met ~«y -canMU U awfal patty. ' Tes. f kaow it U. Bdwnrd:
TblnY ti woat
M.- aba abM-Wlemiy. -IbbiY
tMI-^bat do you think srf
.Tar frem beiw wberp ska nrea. bat's n«r
, bsk msmtna tf we Wt rwa dowa aad
-Wall, jrau told motber what
jlK>* act «M lady as SB pauy rtags bo^ her tor CBrtstams tei^iis

twinkle m his eyas. --How much do
you charge?: It wu Eda-ard’i flm
buMaats traasactltw. and it was all so
saw and uaaxpecird that be dM aot re­
ply at osae: Ibra ba saia:«-itb a ilaep\
-Fire cants, plcasa.Wben (ba bnkerman nfrlrad tbat
day. two small
bis cart before It reached tba gatb.,
and grandly demanded one white angel:
food cake. Oa their way- back 10 tbe
bouse tbay yan Into Mother, but Ed­
ward qitlrtCly pat. bis bat over tbe
cake, and of come kTother did pot see
It. Tke cake was bidden in nn empty
bureau drawer, and.I think tbe bard,eat thing that a little girl of Bra years
old arer did was to keep from telliag
mother all about li; but apart from
one or two suggestira whtaperx. stncr
kepi tba dall^tful secret prrtt^woil.
The aast morning when motber took
bar place at tbe .breakfast table, she
waa too snrprtsad to spenk fm- a momeot—for tbere iMforc her stood a litUa white cake with one glowing candle
In tba middle. Two round, intent
faces, with tbe gleam of the candlcreflag in their eyes. looked
cspecuntly ft nwihcr.
-It's Just a bcaoilfut surpriser- said
:ber. swallowing (be lump ta her
And to tbink'ibai mv littre
boy and girt did It for motber: ICs a
really, trwiy Mrtbday ibU time, isn':
It. BIsterr Thco fatter and Bdwnrri
and Sister all ran to kiss Mother.
Alter brenkmst. wbao Sl'nar au
atone wfib Mother, she said:
-Too fait uo much kw>y «bat H
jaai spltlad over—didn't you. HMb«-r
and Mother aaswefud •Yas.“ It was


gaaltary tnatlnet.
Motbar-«V. «bHd-aJIve..'
m aoia'

(ua't tere '«r aprendmlamng my other doilies.—BattI-

mmsBst ausro-Xi^aro—2X
TMt dicai or MTAOIT.
Uay camo wttb loetag toacb to tba plaaMbi piMaa wbart
bad rrowB tba Utile towa ad Datrult, aad tba pretty white Preacb
ram bouaea ail abmp ilu wWc. blue rlrer that aparkled la (ba
xaa.^ldad to be free rram Ita wlaier ebaiai:. The tow marabea
•ere hlUowa of gr^-dbe doeeat ad ataudj- rima aad mapMa
aad ctbar woodlaad klbga..«»i misty wHb lia aew hmlace. Tba
air va» awaet wMb paCUmecC wOd towan apriaittoc mder foot
ercrywbare. eroa la tba vtodlag patba tbat paasad fw streets,
and the Mrda «are makloc tba air rioa with tbair merry aotea.
Detroit aad lu aetEbboriop aerilaaBeata aumbered bow
the towa. wblA was surrTMioded by a high palisade ofViantG
irpcacd posts, aad which wrat
by the aame of The Fan. iberr
of bouses suadlag
eloaeiy togclber. These were Hull. bnUt of lags, uli rorerad
with bnrtt or tbttebad with straw ItrsMH, tbere were »oidlers’
-barwhs. a councli bouse, and a ilitla abnrrb. Atong the river
banks. standlngM tbeir tong, narraw terns only a few rads wide
oa tba water’s edge but running bock a mile or more, were the
Frcnefa term booses, each surouaded liy its cartlee and orchards.
BOW ptak witb btoom.
WWk these Preoch tababltaau tbe hoetlie ladians bad
BOlblag ip do la tbe way of destruciioa. They were tbeir old-Umo
frlCMls. An tbeir quarrH was with Ibe people of Ibe Fort, or with
- the tew Bngllsb sattlart outside Hs walls.
V... .
MMway in tba river were the green wooded sboras of Belle
Isle, then called Isle an Coebon: behlad It. bidden from sight of
the town, lay Isle to Peebe. the borne of Pontlae. Below tba fort
was tbe riltoga of (be Potuwattamles and aerms the river tbe
(lltoge of tbe Wyandots. Rmtlae's OttsM baring their rlllage
hlite«r ap. nearer bis on tme.
It was a besatlfni qndBfnpa spread out nader the Mar
sl^. aad verr telr and pMcefnl it seemed this morning—iofest
aad river, ^eaa istonds and white eoiuges pesUed down in.
btaomtog orchards. Indlao chlidreu at play on the Hrer bank, aad
UUe amike- cartlag up among the wigwnms. m bile over tbe root
of tbe (art (ho flag of England swung lightly in tbe soft breete.
Bet benvuib all ibis, seeming peace was swelling a fierce
nadereurtent of bate and uvage cruelty, wbicb would soon barttt
' all bounds and sweep to flro and death over stl this part of tbe
telr earth. Already a tbrtU ot apprebenston stirred tbe bearU of
the white people, coming, tbey hardly knew wby or from wbeura.
Yesterday, Jeanne 81. Aubin, tbe wife of a Frenrti termer
llriBg In one of tte IHUe white bouses witb a wild grape vine
r It eren to Its gable roof, bad stepped into tbe
bireb canoe that toy'at tbe landing cloae to her door, and paddled
bersetr over to the eastern side of tbe river to buy of tbe Ilians
. uBM maple sugar (or tbe favt^iic pancakes she bad planned to
have for sapper. Coming up from the shore she bad tamed tbe
comer of a small clomp of willows all covered with downy yrt.
low catkins and soft green learns, and come suddenly upon a
granP’Of warriors seated on tbe grtrand, tnislly filing oSebe mnsties of (bclr guns.—s sire
'king to be doing, surely. Tbx^had looked at her a lltUe uses
exchanged a few gruata which
were not altered Joud eimugb Un her to transtoie into words, and
bad gone on with tbeir icsk
At the supper table she bad loU what she bad seen. The
village blackslmih. wno wax sitting wlib them, was very mach
interested In her story, and said tbat to the tost day or two maay
Indtoqs bid come to his shop to borrow flies or saws, ter wbax
purpose be bad not been able (n Imagine.
"It means mlsehlef!" uM stout Antoine 81 Anbto; -but It
is mtoeblef to tbe English red costs in the (on down youder.
Pontine loves them not. but he will not barm bis fWeb braiberw,
as he calls us. We're no need to moddle."
Tbat same afternoon, wtaile a stalwart urairy walked to
tad fra before the gate of the fon. trlth his miuket over bis
shoulder, there flipped past him Into the enclosorc a slender Indton girl, a scarlet btonkei drawn about, ber abouMeip and bald
In place by a little brown banlt on whose a-rist .sbonc a silver
braet-ht, but the sentinel's keen eyes saw ber. aerentaeleH. and
. be said to himfelf.
"It is only pretty Caibertne. who comes often 10 wateb the
boys at drill, and loves to Unger ground the ofiieers' quarters."
Major Gladwin hi at his desk In bis mom bitsy-wiib pen
and paper, making ont bU report .10 be sent next week to Qnebee.
No noise disturbed him. but s sbtdow fell'aeross h'is page, and he
. tooked up to seu Catherine standing at his elbow. A sad look
was on her (ace, and an anxiety be had never seep there before,
for the Indian girl was often In and ont. and her sweet, girlish
face won ber entrance where others would have been barred oni."TYbai aiU thee, pretty maldT- he asked, putting down Uls
.pen and leaning hack to look up Into her (aee.
She did not answer, but two big -tears gathered hi her soft
black eyes and rolled down faer brown cheeks. There was sometbto« to ber mind whleb be felt It wotild be weU to know: bat «
was long before, with cMiing words, he won the sior> from ber.
But when be had succeeded it was bt* own heart ihi; was heavy
and fall qf anxiety. This «h what she bad told him:
Tomorrow Pontiac aad sixty OT bis chiefs a-ould come to
tbe ptes of tbe (on and dciund a cnuscil.' Eseb warrior woultl
have hidden ander bis blanke* a gun. made *<x short that be could
enaeeal it ihns. Pontiac would make a *p-eeh. boidlng in bis
hand a belt o( wampum, white. tb<- color of iw-sct-. on one side, bot
dark-green oa the other. M'bcn be bad ftnlsbed. he would offer It
to Gladwin, but bolding It revised This was to be a signal.
The chiefs accompanying him would mt oaee Are on tbe offkrr*.
and ibe Indtoas’ln ibe street wliboni wonM attack tbe garrison.
Every Bngtlrbman a-as lo be killed, bm the French were not to
Ih> mtiU-vted.
Cl^wio at once called together bis oacere. and uatil dark
ness gitbered tbey debated wbai It was best to do. The garrtaon
was tmall. and tbe defeases far from strong There were taro
ttmnad Indtoas to the vldnlty of the (ort. if a general assa>::t
was made H mas hard to tell bow (be dhy wobM go.
Tbe sbldien were at oace put under arms. Quietly, so that
no swmd sbeuld reach kA« ears that might be tittening witbooi.
every possible prepaiatkm was made. Half tbe garrtmu was de­
tailed to watch, aad all ibo oflirars prepared to spend (be niite'
oa Ibe ramgarti. ^ .
From dusk till dawn tbere tsa:re steeple.^ eyes keeping
anxious waieb (Vom the paltoades of Fon Detroit. Tbe soldiers
wi re not Udd ot the oomiag danger, tarn wondt-riag wbat tbe ream of an Ibis sodden vigilsBee might 1^. obeyed without a srord.
TlM nlgbi passed, in slicnea araaad the ten. broken oaly
by the rash of the aoA spring wind, or (be iriptog of tbe fragi to
I Ibe marshes by tbe river. But from tbe distaat ladtoa camp
rams all night tong tbe low bMi of the Icdtoa drum, aad (be teiet



iMr «fU wdaaeaM teM tlaott tbr ttootbtrartk* Moadr^
tiDwIp tba boars w«m V. abd «i bat tbe pBk

bn tm Ulf I. a. aa. n4 tb fcbi Mm m

^ ‘ -


oeer tba tow lyfag load beyeod the rtrer. Scarcely M his warm .
goldw hMua ttnaa oa. (be fore aad ibc echoes td.ibe auarlae
gaa died awv m tbe dbaabce wbae aeruas ibe new atoe* tbs'
bwt a geet or Mrch caaoes came Dwm (be earner* abwe. IBeb
was arged oa by but iwo or three aulwart waridara. bid ««ab toy
tow U tb« water aa ft It carried some beary canm t\mld ore
bgw looked *rwB lato tbam be would bate acea them gQnd Itb
armed aad palaied sara«<^ lylac Sat <m ibHr laces, aad so hiddeo rram aigbi.
MrwkwbUo. ua the eOB
d (h<- bwt. iher>' was aa
aanmial stir. Squaws aad c
amoag tbrm came maay palated IndUas wbo wrni fridaaiiy p->paripc for a Umilua nme ol iuii. Sow aad tbea a Uaaketed iv' dlaa caaaicred Iix1igemi:b- lowanl the fort, ami cwmr il.u


AU were freely adaUtied laaide the ptUM<l>- the who!'
cartisoB was jmder arms, the fur trader*- sioW- bTSui w«r»
closed, aad all ibe bm« balnagiBc to them were fullT ar»e,1 aM.
I'raaeatly Pooilac e....................
B Sight, maretatog atoag tbe river
road at tbi- bead of bis siny men wko were fullnwiag la stogie fliii
, bebiad him. A Canadton. grtag from she fon. niei ibem a* thr-y
erossed a bridge over Pareai's Creek, a lltUe stream jpst abowt
the 10S.0- As be stepped aside to let them pa*-*, tbe tort fadlaa.
who was an old frlrtd. gave bha gleetlag. Ito-o slyly opened bto
toaaket for aa Instant to show him hit bMcIva gna. at tlie Hm«
time making a motloo toward tbe ten. as ir to tell him srhai waa
sooB to.bappra there.
By the line the chief aad bis band tunl reacM Ibe |ort.
tbere was imtbered s great etowd of Idanketed vairmra.'.lbite
fleree faces groi.esqoe with war paint, red aad white, apd yrtlov.
from ll)e midst of whiefa tbeir wild black eye* shone with a Cfwd
Pooiiar entered the fon at last at tbe brad of bli me*.
As bis keen ryes glaneetl around, be siannd and uttered a low tictomattoa That moment he kaew that all was dtsrov>.r(id. aad
tbat bis plot bad laUed.
On either side of tbo gate were ilrasra up nutks of soldlere
sriih giiiterlng hayoaeta. All lire fur trailtrs. armed to (be (ertb;
were gatbered la Httle groups. Tbe doors uf tbe boases
tightly closed, and from tbe wladtnrs imdted the wblto. MWied
faer-s of won>ea and cblldrea.
Tbrougb (be narrow strarts of the town tpr parted, asd
reaeblag the council house, raiered it to And Gtodwin and bis «(•

fleers wahtng to rechire them, each niih a sword at bis side act
pistols to hu belt. PuBtiae and bis rtilrts tortmd at earti ntbr' with aacasy gtoneea. u they Ht dosra an tbo Hats ptoead (dr'
Tbera ites a dead sltonew ter a few momeats. tbea FHtlae
time, and hoidlng in his bands tbr signal waamnn he'd, hegaa 10
Tie bad oome. be Hid. to naoke the plim ot pooto. aa* re­
new tbe deep friradsblp be held la hto bean toe his brotbar BagIIU false words wrt* altc«4elr llrteaH to by Ibe
oBcers. wbo meanwbUo watched his 'every movement tateaOy.
Once be raised ibe bcK as if about to give the signal. As be dM
so. Gtodwta madem sliitet sign with bis rigbt hand, and sM^y ';
from wtt^. (here cnint-n ctosb of bayonets aTul ^be rulllfilB !*iai
of a droL. Pomtiae stopped spraktag. rt.ood efleni fur a m^enl.
apri ibeeyat dawn.
- —v* •
Gladwin sp«Ar briefly In reply, and >o|^J]^m the Imlmas
AonM meet with a retnni of tbeir offered frlendabip as toap as
(bey deserved it. but swift rebprance *
At length tbe raoncM 0.0-e np. The him
HIM »(.be
at -be fart
fort trw
opened, and tbe disappolnied ebieftata and bhs foMoners liaperaed to meet tbeir wali.lag Irttmls oxnide. t^entm and bamiltoted.
(To be OaeUnaad.)

, *



r: and tteo. beiore anyboV ^
Half an Appls.
o answer, she t spied Itor aaaM
One cola wlaier
. ihJny years ago. a number of girts and »«»’» »»*Ty-fac
bS. wm. nib—1
1 .b. «»r " "blM.
to b -bo.1 ntoto. Tbbr toUM bb,
-I «» rto. bto to totob bbblb.- -to
. llctir WU allowed to knep tbe BHt ter
[tie heed to a a«-w seto.Ur who rtood
I apart from-the re«. Now aad Uma
itbey cast side gtonees in ber d
ior (onind ... .isre ro.ldv: hs. nobody
spoke to bev.
The little gll-i had/rrevrr been to
:rtbool before, and At began to frel
shay and homeslek; She wished abe
] rould run home to mother, aad have
a Md cry lo ber loving arms. Oae
mile tear drop tremble.1 in her eye.
jand seemed rrady to fall; bw it never
(did, for Just then s

Whea UW.y had grown a wm
Bwa. she loM me ibis story breartf.
ami she used Ui my tbst it was (l
gtfi of half an apple that s
so drar a friend u Hetty Rowe,
I tblnk ttai......................
little benrt
«• *^*1
morning, do not you Ibtok
HT-OCr Dngfb Animals,
Dofl's Bspaelty Bam* Maator's Ute.
Seeing bU marter wu b'-lag dtSBad


by bHtag M the
. parted s cheer to (he srJxool-room tbst animal’s noee flnany. mtceeedad to
It bad not had before. Sbo walked np bringing the horse to a fnR Mop. Hto
lu (ho atove u If she were at born*. marter srav given lhn« to egtrtcate
and. aficT -naying good morning to himseir from the aiimp by wbicfi be
xverybody. ber eyes fell upon the new wu being draged ou ibp ground, Bits
"Good morning!" she mid tweedy,
"I wu driving a Inill down a Ins
x the stove pipe.
and (he anlmai turned and my hotM ’
' The liiUo girl 00 the other aide (eU to (be groond. As tbe horae aroH
^brigbteecd up at onee. tbough abe an- | ta* p-rked to tbe earth acaln. not
lowered somewhat timidly.
bavloe rxir)rsi<-d my,foot from the
I -Cold, is p nolT" Ibe newcomerareoi kilmip. Th>- frtcbten.-,l animal began
jou. pulling off her mltieu and bolding' to ron. Do), was shtad. pureutog tbe
I her red hand* over the siove. Then iMitl.-lmi. bearing my cries, be i
Isbe aem one of tbe plnmp hands down left tbe bull and came bcnmdtog back.
' •- Ibc depths of her pocket, and when He. eommraeeri Jumping and biUag at
aiibougb (be I
!lt came nut. It held A Obf Ted apple. rite horse's 1
. With bee strong flagere she spill it in was imll<>plDg.
- two. wlib a smile, she passed half of
"Flosily h<- roreed (be horse toward
it to tbe new acbotor.
hto btrixed w in fence and at tort sup- >
-Do yon like appies?" she said.
ped him be tween tbe fmiee sari a trtwTbc llitle girl did like apples very graph pole, wh.-re I wu able to free
much, and sbe thought none bad ever myself and rire u» my feet. 1 bad beco
lasted hOH ao nice u this. It wu so dragged :i» yards, faec dowmard.
Jukty aad crisp and tart.
, Fwrtnnaiely. the road wu rtrawed aad
-My aame Is Ubby.-.iaid the owner I was not hndly Injured. Had II not
of the bright eyes: -what U yoors? l«'oo (or Hk-_ dog I should have hae*
-My name is Hetty." replied the otb- dregged ter miles and killed.
is not for Hie at tony BtOe girl.
, added Mr Hltr.—Trihuae.'
-Wei." aaid IJblq-. ".lo yem s
ish with are? Then- is a vaeaai sttsi ‘
!lx»lde mire. sn.| I kaow ite-luacher
jwtil Jet yon."
iboagbt UK- should like tbst
planN y mueb, *0 Ibc two lltUe gir
went off to find Ubl.y's seat whert
ihey ehatied happily till the befl rang. ____
• -Where Is Urtiy Bower asked lhoi®rtare

Pibttff to hpir iBdB




•1^ TItAVimtC HCIULB^ THO»^Y. MfcKCH^ 1WK.

raieooy oeeds. Term ibto ton S fOf^ t^ tbe bMrto dl Ac Toow delfgbl
ran tbie. ley OB obcetosT tio ood behe la.
Tbe girl thot . H popolor is tbe oiri

obo Uoghs. KOI tbe girt tbot slotKeglWt PrvH CoksL
pen ood saleken dr figgleo. bet tbe
To Make trait (oke tbot vW kaep giA tbot Uegbs ood owOB* it. Tbe
tMhta-Mootba. TOke two ottceo ot' gM tbot toagbs eon bore coody ood
tet Mil perk, took orer olgbl to flosrera ood iheeiera erery day in ibe
freobeo. iben
rery toe ood.week.
, _
opriokie orer It tbe poooded apiece to
Men flock about ber. Ttoy Odore
*" F be oaed to tbe coke. Add this wb«« ber. Bbe lontoa beraeH atniflbt loto
voriaiM eeviitrloa from wMeh they wore
^ Mixioc tbe coke. Aiwoyo brat j^raks tbe beans of bran ood odaalrm ood
Mr relotraoo ood trlendt Hi tbe covotrieo oamed. and thooa arte try tbefii
octioratety. oa U wlU nok* airolghi Inio' oil tbe good tUsea that
«ey be aowrad that they ore tbe real thiag.
, u*bter. loore dellckraa coke.
a girt (jaa dreoio of. .

»oa eonh‘
Tbc vorld U
iko it richt U
:«M0d«ib*Igloo (rttb OM- on litUo ktogdOM loloido omr ootor oolvco. ood rotet Itaot
«botr ood vM. wboi o boglBBlM
Itbm vm be!

K'^;; .|i.i*ie' . '

Mid «ood »m U> W
vMo. o«d (be toA b

^ D^l: Thta*«oeb m do taow. tbol tbo
ngim, lb*ir
IttVt hsui 40|iuwta
Lore tboi noebe. op
' to iu nnoe ocigiB ood dowo tbreogb
^ctad4Dd> 1 ererr IMog tblnc. U tbe gi«ot cootro}- ™ Mb

W IlM CjdMtl»> '>!■*

^ *’***'

o good tboe, buM «r coody.

I bootee ttyo

1»PM tte foiM tnm wMcb -«• MB: To woct frao tko MUrtol. «b« pbr«IIOO. f« to «•• tbo vnM( cod of (be
We. (*»-«•. o» Bot bodtao.
itat oocte. Iteeh mf HBOdi to UU


Wi»r. «.l. . bol. I. Ibo ««.«. W
MMimS fffbfrfKl MbffMI MUae

Lb,. .b» r™.... b»b.

Pkkied Waioota.
, •**® ““W* “'*■ *•“**'» *“■
,b™. Sbeloncl^

o ibMJ
roll Ub
or to*te
orotnd bb.
lu and
bM>b.- •bwa.i
■■■<! «nbb»M.«Mv

Zm. b»leb rolb ot «. .na bbk. li fram Jt •«« «»»■ "-r lb™ • m «™ “ »*"

"" *'>“

™ “ uZZizZAZLlzz

carer wlU a tbln layer of nrawberry. ov« if It be aaaan. and Iran four' to , briae oootber St boora. tbra pleree a
praaervee. tbeo poor orer It tbe abore «ve boors If H la large, thongb
b«ber of tloor
» «M*e »e41e. ^
ooy ooea wao-_^
preenra. ra
ii»e «a*i be regulated la some neaa- wipe and lay in the an antH coal
" mWortnea.
mixture, wbleb bos been beoien t
ore by ibo nature of tbe contents, aa Mack. Cook whole blaidi pemera and Women forget to worry when M
mom. and bake.
wen ni by the Bise or tbe diab.
idorea In a llule bag In a small amount
‘‘bewful glrt'a Uu^.
are warmed at tbe sound of H.
fUeb toeod and Butter

of water. A<ld this water and a very
listen anil folloe: it. pay
CominoN VortitMro
Voitohlre Pudding.
' mile sugar to rlnegar. bring to scoldbitter aWonda. or of elnnamon, it ixefe«-»d, lo a pTni of new mOk. nnd egga-<our to b«ter than Ibree—rather
when It baa BlmmeredanOcient time,aore than a olBt of milk and a ten■•(OUUODORE^
for this, atrain and mix It wlUi.a goar- ’ xpoonfab of aalt. To be aerved with
Hot Craas tona.
_____ ____ hroimpo»-|*^oiro»olB k»Tln« tnut tbrooch oil ter of a pint of rich crcom: sweeten li nast beef. Bake In well greaaed pan. pnt jwo and onetolf pmiads of floe
letter from lOT B flireet, KortfawMt,
Hsipfwl THouflHta.
Wsdilngtoa. B. C., ssyii
wlib ronroanees ofaugar In lumpa ond

floor in a wooden b^ and s(<Aef^
be'gond. to keep life |wux._«*V'owr/(onMB *MflMBBflltfliM
tbe «ool vtodo or beoT«s to blow stir H white still hot to Are well beatMrs. JackOMi’s num Pwddififl.'
the Are to worm. Then add toif a ^
rsding elemenu. to moke, H . (M ly so m^ Of myfWsBto Bott
'throogb tbe oooodoy boot, tbe owcet CB egga: throw in a few grains.of nlu - one pound of raltins, ibo brawn ra-. pomd of sifted sugar, sooe eoriander
ctmsuDlly brirrful la little ways in amt t mm t
iportOM or iBTidWe «o»«m oboll «U and more tbe mixure briskly with a ’ Hety. not stem raisins, one pound
diiaamon nnd maee pounded Bne.;
m77m CTMBtoO
n BBtff »
;UM olr, ood tboo 10 both than tbe spoon. HarertBdylnntblelilybiiUefed curranu. onebalf. pound suet, one uelt one-fanlf ponnd butter In one-haU tbose wbb on> tnuebed by it. to keep
'‘■lUiicdoM be on eonb oo U is in dtob, three layers of tbln bread and pound ougnr. one
Hooree.*' "Por tbo Klnsdos U wltbla bnuor cot from a half^nanera kmf. baking posrder. one^oorth pound
u r.«.
— iHssr .W.
■»»"« "f P«‘> “««■ •“«
can- ran
tbe -ft-er
linger mix with It three
Oursrmyand our Bstjt arc ibcBolorsl protertloo of oi
wUb tonr quncca of curranu and one died ieman peel, pne^ounh ponnd cli'^e^ tbtok ye««.d>}»‘:,^
Prruaa to the ■
nnd one-boU onneea of finely ahrpddod ron. cinnanKin and nutmeg to tailc. * huu anil. Put It to the flout and
tbe army and navy in tbe vUtositodBe
floM it all-------matter,. tbo ar«ii(
-----------------------|eandledpeel.aire«ed between and over ooe pound bread crnmhs. six eggs, one ntu to a jiaste. hut not too stltf. Cover
not live fretful lives. Cod of rlimste and expasore.
and anxIoUaa and fraubig worriea td ibep,. Ponr tbo eggs and milk on pound flonrfused in dredgtng frali- k pod set before the Are one boor i
We have oa Ble (bsomoda of trail*
■aaiaatal Me?
Ufa* W*
Wa can
ran live
live above!
above u**
tbo moterinl
by degrees, totting ibe
bread »bm for’eokeroad put in mould ri,J^r"ih’ti’ mike into buns, putilng s:
them 00 a piane where iKey will not ^qh. one portion before another la -* eommoo white Ural will ntiswer. creia on top but not too deep. Se,:^!*^ !.
^ army sad nsvy.
iloudi BstobBttorTex. To grow in ^^d It nbouW oaak tor a couple of or a Un 'pall- Tie a doth over It Arm Urfore the Are a nwrtcr of an boor. ^'*
!oplritsBl ways to to ll?«. Tbe Dlrloe boors betore tbe pudding to taken to ij-. utibjt two thicknesses. Pnt In s covered with fiannet. tbra brash wlthi'"«
«*•* »“f « *“f
Is so BOM.-ll to oaly wo who are Wind ,be orrn. which Should be a moderate kmie trf bolllag water and lei l«ll wann Bilk and hake brawn,
' ' b‘««> «»» freettom <rf wind and wc eodoraemenu I)t. Bartmaa to ran*
.and deaf. “Clooer to He than breatbHalf an bO"r will bake 11.
dghl hours. Serve with a nice lemon
, URS. J. K. OCKTOS. 'Wl‘»wtit ourationjhls to Cod s ideal
ring fw
of human life. We are expeetod to and effirtont remedy. Prraaa.
ing. nearer than baads or feef," says

; aaoee. If It to neeensary to stop th<‘
do no more than we ran do With ihc
If»ond..m»idrTlTe|womp(aBd«ail»Teanysim. AOd the ways that lead to
Paatoy flandwlebaa.
bcdling. Uke the mouM from ihe water
Odors Is tbc Heme.
nn,p Brantod'us. with the lools. the factory results town the ora of Itofoaa,
the Kingdom are tolih and Love; thoDivide egnallr I* in®, and rail oO ««•« h
Says Dorothy North In Om- Detroit: n„,prta1. and (he oboortunltv at our
*o I>r. 8. B. Harimsa.
kep that uotocka its gatM to prayer.
PrMidentot TheHar
IB HaniurloBi.
Tbe ktrlng mat oa tbo Heaven side
(bat gives all into tbo FBtbei^ baade
land then raou eontonl. knowing that
rant, atrawbmy or raapbecry Jelly:
on again.
anv taonae where she waa a fregti«lj^„,
p^ue our duly our deHght.—j.—ra -raiito." Ja'tu
alt wfU bo we1l->tbe tovlag bcoK on
^_____________________ ____
•‘®®* **'•
*”' Rrc- WllHsm I.. Watktason.
ia all that lay tbe remaining half «tosehf over.
; Uvw and flnds iU highest Joy in tovlag
serrle* to tbe lowest, to bare these

““ smells.
jg nrcird jb the toorld Is not of s heto indeed to hare the klDgflam come on
flrieen lo'twefitV mtoM in araWlng the
milk in the fonoslng
u F.
D takes
(sVes only .svra,
three or four
tonr visits
visits j “
courage mny !*• disptoyod
here airt
tb-<» liy
M It to la bsavem "And the bake from BTieen to twenty mmaua »n
iner. the ereain becomes very rlrh
, ,
;htagdam to within you." It to not a a moderate oven.
in every^- Me «
and we fooltohly think wa.havo-e
Ibe ee^ of tbe tune. God smds a
* to the
■^bn^nnll ibo world.,
“****“ «»«T new day that comes, j
Cream Cboeos.
uhaltow metal pans as soon as It
for courage to W honest, courage to lime
c tirforeed
leisure, a Umc of sick'
MSMMran^ apeak' Any day and hour we ran make the j Take ooe galton of new milk in a
brought into the dton- and left for
resist temptation, courage to »>e what nets and dixappolnted plans.
gglWTlnfl -ai
bsgtonlng-any more can tbe Lowl or pan and add four drops of reahours at least In summer and
Ou.^houtc I know smells of the cel- «-e ^,|y
*0^ not to pretend
««i ud m«a .*.!■ ui bom o____.rr.;ir.''<•
" “■ m.k.. . «.dd«,
world be-made pMr.
when It will turn to eurda. The
—--------------------------------vn, ■ “
H .do.™,,*™
<«* .„
* - -------------------—
Wbea death eomes. the death that to 0.1 «* > MlnnoV. dlnnu. Millup 10. the ear of
Crrator. Not
ao like aad yet 00 naUke alaep, our ■te,MWlW*™dj^. ^ l. Xir.lo . ,*to «.ldl«: .™. !■»'
wlthoni design does Ood write tbe muhearts taU as. aad we floMtkm fearfnlly. Is this the ead of alir Tbra
.....r o. 1.0
‘' «ooM- TUi I. .11 rt,.'!: i.«. »«i
W .U™,» .1 Ui.
ocrama PWlh. with tvaat. wide ayea a. im .« Md 1.™ 0.10 .
sod small bnbWes of air. Ii
. ___ t . .
i *>• »®®« kiormy days. Tomorrow ibe -rasia" If s-e look up. Ood sill brat
that aee far beyoad tbe.mUU cf Ume. leaf and put OB top aaotber mifc Keep
with trader, lovlig heart, and strong, * . no, PMC.1 k«m IM W.O, di*.«
O.™.,,, 1«0. lo
‘f”" ‘"f * X. tZ '
*1" l»>o * "'"n" 1.0 i,«o <w ..---i-W I1~.
T.U d.1.™ Iron »>tto...tai.. Td'
■_________ ■
that take oar eblll. ihak- or 11-in ™«no».d HI lm-™o I.
■i^.'hFT..«rTif mt,A tblofo ere o« lod* IW to. Enry. bo^UOMCOOlunraBa^^ dlMocd. otrlke oU tbe Joirlnt
' : , ■
* - iootM of lire. Loro p<tt» er«7 oote to
»• pcMBCt proo-lbomooy ood Buikoo met ntiolc of




* r*.* <!•



-•"T .7™of™,

“lrLTd“ II .X ,l».t !l ^ "XX'"5r^Xr?.X’" “bT"

twelve hours after
ebould be wrtl drained from lUe milk
dread valley of the abadow. Thea iu
Cheese Cakes.
—which will be very poor—ai this to
frtm gnyaeea ao asore appalls. Tha
S.I U. Mlk U.

^ ri m., 1.™ 1» ™..™od 1.10
™ lUI I..
light shlaai clear ia the Beyond, aad :tM ™M
aU tbe fltulng gbosU of fear aad toaepteiM n~d on,.™, in
J" srueo
^ ts me OBUSI manure CM
Bat bow■ to
comfort ~«-toir
wasra *Baisn
— w»«—»- - - »•-. ,™
.. cus.
the doubtlBg haaiu? Tbe aouU whose | pat too many It make, thrat hard) ^
Devonshire .lalries.
WM are so dimmed with grief thal'oaabaW plat of e™'*-erram to con.iaered s grrai
.. _t
^ Ike atroag. brautlhil
................................. ...........................................................delicacy ratra on fresh berrtos.
SBgd whose haads
are ao lortngly out*
^ wgar.
-------- ------------------— j1......... two eggt, .
itretebed to thorn. Ah. drar bearta, lemon extract, one^lf nuimog.^er ^
of an egg. IJne patty ttu* with 1
i treat you anal, or break with tbe achflaed Ceke.




wbo Bball dome aflor. and ibooe wben I
fhllb baa ledraa tell you tbe atory of |
RUeed Perk Pla.
eCMBfort and peace baa c
a comfort M *»• with sweet; To be filled wUh simre rib pork, cut
1 In
dleo and seasoned
aeaaoned with pepin yea." Oa. oaa *
eth nil
;jTraxt. aad know what to.
gravy, il-irt
(bouKb • iiiik- uock n* »
Death Is iBCvliabto and unlversaL added. If wiabed.
■’Betaf so, It ___
moat bo tbe brat wbleb
When tbe eniM Is not to he eaten.
™_.?y.^!caa eoMo to the world. It cannot W U to made elmply with s few ounces
of lard or batter diaaotred la botllng
watar, with which tbe floor Is to be
first. • Kor these no regrets are due. ailxed (With a spoofl at flrst. as tbe
Life's «reM aad atrain to over. It It I brat would bo too great for tbe bands.
only to uaiWbd remala ibat ^ way to i ^
0 (be Angers) to a
kmaty. aad It to wo wbo "mtos tbO;—^
: touch of a rantobed band, and tbe > -or a nle with a-crast to be raien.
aouad of a voice that to stRL"
’..................................................til'rtfl two pounds and a quarter of flue
^.Ifl^ ptetoa in ora very
not help as to be pelfish:
to it
y flour aad^brek Into
It obe
obc pound
-Mfl bfl#sa.alaM tnawi
that li tlgb. all that to flae. all that la ^hnUrr'work theattogeUerwHb the
-T V_____—A „k.^
. tofla* In (be OM wbo has dropped tbe, 4,^
resemble floe
hSIti wS to Wttl^A wbo Mbe“*^^*““” "■**““'*
of bread, tbra add a anmll

'* '•

“d .loT, ... n'™. B. 11 o.r. l„ i™.

feathers are tainted. Nothing can be IJU bright
0 dean a flsby frying pu flli with
uirioUi mlso.
Slf*j. Are
m t, you
stn. well?
»*->«. BnJo>
*», M ,o dr, 0.1 ,.<™ o.*,™,.
„ ,0 UK. I»« u, row1 water sbd pUee on the flra lo
an endless task, or have the frathcra ^
Wbea bolllag pat a nd«et rlBd
vantage. Are you ill? Then K to s
in. thee wask Is the uanal way.
day in which to be patient aad radi
AmHor .«,» I1»I 1 .0,™
. oteon.,,,. An, n» Ifo Inm .kk,.!,: , T.o'„„™u« of .tao«.ln ou U
dusty, and It to dusiy. It Is full 6t Tbra It is a t
s dlsy. •••Are i*-.!,™,,.-.
remedied .*
In .....
the following i
_, .t
»«*»» .i i» •

^ Jl ^
rarrylng heavy burdras for your- Take a pan Urge enough for a pair of
alU. heavy esrpeu. Tte ^^f or others? Thra li I. a day for d»oe. to stand In, aad lb« pour Inioit
«»><'»“'***'•" holes. • Let them remain thas over
from dust, l photoir^ furniture to
night, and there will be ao more
a foe to a sweet smetUng house.
scneaklpg beard from them.
- Anothei house has a healthy smell
^ the woman who wishes to mnk>


,, . ,
^ “'.F
“X' “V

_ — - ------------------------------ only practice t I make perfert.
‘7- mvoU\^
nvol.led by keeping the
lae kitchen
Micnen uoor
may go a tong way. h
in' -I-"
• "‘—‘I' "
- --disapprat
onrter are pourci into a plni of is.ltlng
Ninety-nine liouses oui of 100 arc
not ptoperly aired during the winter.■
To air a boose ‘n ire winter time Is
Just as n
throw open the
door, ar.t srindew. in the sijpmcr.
E'-re morning the .loor. and windos*
oMho living rooms <rf the houw shoul.!
be ihrown open, that a .Iraughl maj
sweep through and carry away ibe
uahealiby smells aifd bring In
fresh, soeei. Ili.-glvlng air. Every

,"7" Xn “ r.

Vtoterta flsndwieh.
pound Castor sugar,
■ weight of ooe ras 1“
#«»r. m -...poonfnl of tmking posBrat tbc eggs separately, tie
r“>Ls from the whites, i 1 add the
yolks to the sugar, beat the whites t..
* «•» »«?»>. Mix up oulfkly. ilu®
add tbe flour and baking powder Then
mix.all together mad
a; (wur Into a-Yorkshire podding tin. hake tn the oveo for
H* or IS mlnuira: when done put Jam
to heiw.yv.. •,

njles: ,Kirst.

ko.™ 0, . 1 . smile

dewed Brtlclea la this COr I
Lastly. wa.ib In tbe aa^ Maaaer. and
’ hang (he cMbcs onklo Ary.'
„ > hart ™
work, and raU work „

>«“ i»x.kX. XkXx:*,, »

heamy! toil the rtralOcsnrf .rf the
atakes tt artrscilve.—ExChange

very ofira hanl to get tbe cioihcs-plaa
away from tbe clpthes. If ibc upper
cods of toweU, napkins, etc. are dip­
ped ia ttreag salt water, all that trvnfoUowlag Ingrwlteois of hsppl- tag will W done away with.
» ,.,nrm
^ sin-rusted.
... . f«v af tba HoraM Cow
.horanghly l-*fore using with
c—k maidcs still on hnad. srtileh
far W rr-to er*. Thata
of'uai^'aiBess. iw.. beaplag ban.!. ^1"!^
^ he|pruiB«s. two eye* made „
h E. c ———- (ha bast
|,HKht from Iclirg ra <he sunny side. ^Blpra’ln tre papHlar HoroM Cook

the winter.
fBiita* body tdmenred the
- .M^*TfiflflflaaM.aadeveeytbtag u,|,t-tn one of tboae beief flnsb« that

TSta wreck aad rata- Toraage
braatZ'firaogh for aa m» wMk tbo reflate foeera to
.howtag bow IMt to tbe ra»rti
Rlalabareireawlthperae. -i,hla. la a^ of
mam go flrat.



«tlaae?^BaMftir worea

■Iiyrtol. »»,batoM«M
one wlthtu tbe gates already.
_*!**?* X r: «a«r twmlag back to gtre as a word
tbe IHe to wbleb she das gatagt

samer ktnd.
Ktnu take
(axe two
iwo pooads
pra.u. of
» flour,
one of batter tbe yolks of fear eggs,
half aa ouare of antt. pad toss that,
tbc half Pint of water, and work the
whole wril natU the paste is perfectly
SMobth. The paste mast betou*elraHy
UI u.
IU im putkMl, .H-It to raised as It Win taaro no support
to prevrat its taniag.
Take a lamp of tbe paste irapratioa'
ale to tbe atie of tbe pie you are to
mould H lain the shape cfaaug-

cabbage with this, and put U into a
raoeepaa. Till op the cavity with a
focecnneai of cooked meat, a spnoafol
of breU. salt, pepper, and berta: tbra
cover alib tbe stump aad greased pa1—■ k««
i™u, tor f*l, Uru,
bouri. Take away the .fsi before srrr‘•to According 10 waste.-Frofn “Spretalile Cookery Book" used in her
majcaiy-s kiteflra.

earthly has vaatobw) trare alght tor*
1 mmat HD. bat Lore eoatta t kul. p-t 11 «-Uk, Ok Ik. Ublk.
wbra daa toam iLa
Why ratore wbea aU that to
toaraaa'e flaraa.
^MNCaUBaadtottbe;Iwurtb tba bavtag Is aara atlU-aan Iboa With the pabas of ytMir bands BatChop lemon peel veiT Bae. also chop
tbawBveroUteder bm aad ours beycad. etcraal Ja <M*s tra the Sides of It when you have
oqimllaed H all around and tt to qrtte ftae two or three racamber ptokles.
lbs gwrtl. laatoad^
araaouJ swaerae the middle uf'tbe Add a bll of boUer. aatt s^ coarse

ipoint down u«U) It to naif the betgbt praprr. a liiite flMW. wUb wspooa-.iHMreoffl. rtm,
*L‘aa tootow the task. U wbtoe ctotbw 'are woD soaked la of tbe paste, tbra todiDW tbe iasidp by Into of caixap. and aCewit cm tbe An
ny warn water coatalMagpleMy of‘pratolag it wttb the flacres. aad tot witboat boiUag.
a Utile ketoaeae, they aaadjflaiw tbia be carcfal to keep erery


' i

morelog until night become so arcus
lomed to all sons of smells tbst thf-y
ranaa tell wbeibcr the boose to swee,
smelling or aoi. Let them gn out late
tbe air lor a few moments and rcton,. Tko, -111 k. Kuprtu. >i ik.
smefto that greet them. Think, tbra.
bow a nreacec to Impressed by ihesodors as be comes in ftoM the fresh
Bltt of orange aad hrama peel


ant odor.' OO of lavender, oil of ced^r.
piae .needles and aoy of Ibe pungent
odors of hark are ptonaattL "
mort be kmtre by it* sarells W tbrai
at least bcpk-naani ones. •
--------1---------------The oiri That tiagba
C£R* aprad coasideraWe ttone try
o Bad out bow to be popular. It
'.to aataral Jbat a gbt sbaaM aoek ap. AM aame wMsht'' - - • tM adMltathta Her pufutor-i

. os M tbe iriaooB ipnde to Chtcnsjo no*J ^ Went. Dothii«
eoroiSnnt with tli.- N«-wJ£ra, !«).*>
Afr. L:G. Goltsckal^. dirtxipr'of the Gaotschalk Lyrie
'Seiool0/Chicago, vkou name is'>yaonym<ms icitk that
of music, hoc this to say ojf- the New Improved
Giirthmco:—It|ttvl*iw cnrat jileogarR toaytfastlww
nmlly eorprixed at tbt.'.tWtKtitWfy swtwd aad pore toae qredttjt
in jiwir inatnunmta.
instnunmU. Aa this ia w^taX
what all taaeirally tuclio^ peo.
pie are kmkini; for. and whinh ao few
poaacaa.1 |«idkt
a fcrcal fntore for joor ii
U (itlorfsCHAtK.

rir Sih hTramMOWSTCraMBIn^m^


.fi -

Q^iraiJieirjsi Hieiralii.


I or tiM foBcnl :«wmkaato( UA po«-«la4 awR )»*«
>kad «« tW oth«T side."
it J« years at •_
Bet Ufe was c
Ttarerse Oty will Bias Mrs.
il» Ladles' Ubrsry aasorlailoe. Mis. todtBJJX^ H" p^^^west tyla« day
^Bilty J. A. Moataiee -T tb* Wo*aa'. «hib.
**““itSbee*U»dedtoherla«ny. WhUe Mrs. A. W. Wa« swd NU. Ada Waters
to eoeoursae asd cheer the
.he had hsea SB inralld for about three assisted. W. 8. aad Ralph Aodersoa Nearty 4.hS0 UUle cotreawdeeu
BBch darlnc the ' the fuaeral directors. The car- were ta her Saasbliie club. Their lit- ~}
her owa
r looVfd alter Os letters she
^ to sire them
.w—• trf
« her.
by Jobs Beaoir;
Jest as she tboucht the
- -home.
the First MetbodlMchurch, where crowa flowers the sweetest, becatue
ereiees were hHd the casket was they bad the persotBl touch and nte.

:«avo U4 rtet cMldMt M tk* UmXi;

. ■

,, —-r--^

aad (he I the flowers a o snaiuc(>d. lie
r Bssks jof smt I
.OakvoDd this
Mhkh^ sMand wiU that chrteUaa > thcou of Irindt, both t>ld_aBd yoirac.. ket
«Ueh has ehacaeierlMd IMT' vho followed ihfreBalas to ibHr last alu
m<lw .Uc «MU«1
W boir .
fK» ».
kaowa! tbelr preseace to tbe love and esteem cover of tbe casket rested a Basof Tiarene City's aoblcR alfleeai spray of tblrtywlght A»erleaa beauty tvses. sinUylofl >ke love
indthniiMhaM tho state as welU hav- . wobcs.
, ud harBOoy In which Mr. had Mrs.
IH hiss MBB>r tdSBtifled wrttlulHsv- i Bnrtag (he boon Ybea the
: Bates lived durtas their thlrty-Httht
•IT «o(fe ‘Steed childhood. la Tnv- was opea
sns City aba mas tend and revered for the last tlm upoB tbe (ace of the i yean of marrted JUe. Oae of the
If wnnoM who knew b«. fid there ^ dear oue wboee life and naiapte hwaa stitklim pieces was that from
; «n few .«%e* fltd aol. kaow her: aad ^helped Bnay to bear tbelr hufleas the Hetald aad Record force, a star <rf
mseeot of
«S» who have pot at sobs tlBe'jaad cam with tbe same chrlAlan
te tbe character of. while roses' aad white ennatioitt.
Mi the RnUe tedsMM* or der tevabte
bearlBE tbe simple luscriptiou "Jn."
________ 9hM hn hsea espedaUy
ibc last call la
ms ad the y«BU« peo^
what all the *m>y" is ia- ThU Simple
Mrs. Maiths K. Oam Bsies.
■%1ilflm T. Msica. sad wHh Mr,
IMwtetesflllsr «r Ibe Qraad Tnvene
I will best t
-MflUd. wsahon la NorthYfllA MIA,
Another beautitel piece from tbe Basle
Jm «. in>-Ksr early AUdbood
Pms. a abect of "copy- la whUe car-MsM lb NorthvUle. OoBfrieh
by idDk
'fMst. - .Vhea but 11 yean of ace '
tea ensiha^ to teach sebooL bate*
the bottom at which was (he word
A AIM «r
wblle sim a
tetter oo Bh«
«hs Tpallsati Stale Not
from the Typo
;'Wmi flM «w Md or the early sn
Ijaphtetl auloa.
■ftmht 0*1 lastttaUos of learalnfl.
^ daatbiOT of Mr. and I
Kasetend. C, J. Shn« mid J. A. Mou^ i*. whose tBBtly BOTW
:tasae, srho servod y ushers. The
tate is ltd: oa M«
laUinaie friends of
M «M
becOM the wue cfl

tk* luer.'
8ke tlw read tke deeper aMtniv

ehM aiv Mt di cam that an.—
AH Men tan toward hoHS.

wot 0^ vkh im VhOe Itfr shalllaai.
tnt la the tsrtUght. .

vkk waleene **'*' ^
•* dowe.
soul's eyw. aad li
A Uute ume whA the Master
U tetB# erf the s^waL
Svtan opn wide tts
' At the setitax trf the sua.
******^ ** * X
I euBC .tth »y bntT h-idHM.
vearlapesa she acesr
e wHh-all By s
tbe iraddea pathway of the How sweet to tbiak.VUu.'er the day. I haoek. mod the d»w swIaiM a
• street.
Mosreer we co or eowie.
Aad Jems lets Be ta,'A sweet wild
-m.. .rose
ww —---------stood fair bedon <M slow or
... last. boars
-... sUp
, away.
ny (eec
“nie alsbtlail
al*ht£s« brtan
hrta^i all bu
borne “
All huac wtth can <d pdllesi plah.
As wd take the loiA of lote today K. O. T. K.A Are HustJIas.
With shlotac hearts of powdered odd. we Bust rewMber her ows
DO words:
sar. .»
^ Trmtarm- Cii> umt.
For. Ar wo No. «TI. K O. T. M. M. to *et oWI Ahd
d couBselor than Mrs. Bates. Ftsr wbea. with petaU. opeatec. ftdd oo slippty b.«e«
Ufe s stress aad hustle If (bey with to wU (be Coolest ‘
It U ^ly to os abe
I sect By heary i
oMBbcrsblp with the Osdillar tjioL
that tbe way U looely: It Is we ________________ _
Accoedlai: to Urput) Great C
__ __ ___________
'up from •
An tl^ U wonb tbe bavins U Holton test week (« crteteaie m.
. ti
lOTed the sreat Kroap'
roap- Aad-___ ________It_____
ttU. or
SIM The tawellMsa aad sewnw all passed tmis nm—oars
(ill—oars here aad
sad oarw
out beyowd. pAjrtct's day with tbe locsl lent, the
she foo^^e^tn^bw
CMUUC |~. i. ..,1 u •!«. «in »
I as ne'er
^..Tbe RTTlces ■ ■Ibe enve in Oak-. dP here a thewsaad straws- The sUOs
n be sal
wWe simple and touch- s»d temtU* of the Ctam City wlli be
t . tae. Tbe'une family lot was a am>^ cloOTd sa3~>very Maccabee la the.
of blooB from flowers which ksvlns •«>:" »••• <*»•• el*®* «> • special
g^e believed la tbe taspintloa aad Aad_ bow
.. HU
. .
hands had traced there, aad oo whlrS. 'rwiw. As the ooBiesj staads at prn
power erf
Not owly as tbe Stand by onr pmway -everBore."
brlshl sunshine f.-ll typlfrlas >hc •'** l’ *»
ctasr. there betas hat a
centre of the boBe.

unite for tbeir own aad tbe hisber
rood of all. Tbe local Vi'oaaa's club.
I'S Press assorUtidB.
the Stale W<
ary association,
l^adies' Library
association. had

■tbelr iaeeptloB.lB
t. W
ktfty ^I.fl
TSb.. wnnen Imf ihe la Mr l<

for buasaUy. too.
U an
as atmosphere irec
. She lived in
from Ibe dust and
at earthly
Mfe. and

^ Cadlllsc. betweea the
fC L«vin« TrthwU.
two leiua
The fidlowlBS toochlas and rtneeiv
The lofsl lent, lutwcver. bas ant

'V'iT?.'?- r,

Jib'S.!..- Wbm. o—

bf !b, b,.. ,

bb «.d


barst teto aet frtcods of Mrs. Bates:
e*i^.. Last week eisM candidate
-As we sit la the shadow of the were tniiiaied tstothe mynertea of tbe

climb the belsbu of iboushi and life
with ber. SbesdBi
of the hisber Mfe I
,he veeUy benedlctton to a BoUltude. and they never left witboot a sraeteas oar iboushis turn to the Innametable la* the eouteei

There are but two

literary work of Mrs. Bates re- aad said. -Vihe looked so mnd. so tlal city- Some near anil dear to her, crow. Ferry F. Powers
vsato a nrc olevailon of mind.—a per- cbeertal in suffertac: I caa nevei: com- .ad aiany others, some dear to ar riA.


Elp C. Lewis,


«!bo....b..,;:sri’i^.~p.. ssajss.j5,i4T.'Ji'r-.:r-s

r A. V. Fried.


trisis of others were
leet. dissolved ta the crucible of her___ not entered a sin e city, hat rather
toI^ Ae “
lip. nanimu bean.
ber I'aitacr's bonOT. and to ber il
Farsemas the loU of the past Ae
darkened mind she would m«bs r««i. pearv aad freedom (roa
pointed to m ponslfailUles of each say. ~Yoa ibiak It is Imposalble. Try it .
»-------- ~f.g^
day. not t„
in ,
a j-ear, “»*^r.'Mtea. had la all t
-When a life that bas tewa mat I*
perhapa. but sooner, than you
I hsas a teader. lovlnfl wife
soul will tall fr •------with uBse
devotkan' to others passes
ver. C. K. BuA. H. C. HbtIs. John T. ins tboughlMSI sad Seroted mother.
into the Heavenly life. M deserves
It la wuh will c
Beadl* aad W. W. Smith.
-------------m«Mr«r ehlMheod she developed
pbyalcal ^^bunlt^
ild uadertake «*aeio"toocbyoa: wh«r the rather'.
The Aurcb was fllM. ibe ceatcr
aad vteile ot
life , dalles to pay kniap
‘ aectkia of pews beias oecopled by the
di _ _^ '•hat
all the roach wavs, whieb will no .ribnta
ibers of tbe Ladlest Library assoShe kapt^^ve tte ptimt of 'hf Plo- lonppf
tonper seem rouph to the feet -or dark
in •“
an inter- ,o
to tbe
tbe spiritual
spiritual slpbl.
Claihm. who nitcaded in a body. In ucot tra«lont. Reared 1“
fov^l^ only
the tbRBe were maav old -^looeem “**“* Phmetr borne, s^ knew the
TouAed by tbe pathos *rf all bomaa
others, only thw of ot wao
the thTOTte were mahy old -TiK»oeers
^as made
knowtac the shadows that fall on have suflered. eao wndevsuad. aad
whose Uvei had b
M mt parted aad her
tbe larteat contributloa to keep sll^
humsa bean,
bean. ibe stehs. tbe how we shall mUs tbe words of cheer
Bsmt hr pubUsh-'Mrs. Bttea Tbe Mteet. made of fmh | ih^t of Mrs. Dates IW many years, and tea
a wrd
,b,. ,„n.-thl.
.n>—this sreai
sreat lovte*
i that bave <
Brsi t»\t
persistently prear*—*
mihM Mm. Bates i aad covered with broadcloth, with;
SuaAtee Alldrew w«re there tv u
Aaracter to ihto wmmunliy . The ^ ebeer. -B»,cheery Do ynr best. to u. from her pea* No task to Mer
ami blind dmpMT. Ptela hut rich. m«* in; .te^
. too dtfltealt. U saertflee tA crent.
aimpte ways, the bo^Iy Joys, the A,e,,.e ,pe rest.- T
allayed friradshlps. lived ns she told
all tf by the dotes aaoiber U7e could-be
'.fht pread Tsdr-; tee home wblA Ac had ndomed
mUe Rven M been anay^of
them. Time, uen
«'«>“- brtehiens all Ales, wipes away
^O ber -Tlom.- was tbe
paper came so ma*y years. Upon tec silver ptetc'timsn brtvbtmed by tbe VvOTlon'^fifpf.
<« .i.
«t Mr. Bates te;was tbe simple tiiscripilou "MsTths'obowa by Mn. Bates for tbelr weVare kaow ia the early AnUa days
Mrs. Bate, teheld the world«nd
of aa- C~1 There Aould be no plodm toshe “<* «»»•«. •"
lo i»csa«». h*“ » PtMC
;B.<C. Bates Itek-IWtS." Arahnd tbe u,<| happtecss. None feel her loss lurt-a* Ood's tbousbt la f<
aad la
presenn-. Mrs Hates held this of wekmm.- sad deli*hi to tec many
------ pf:caAel were banked aad «tewn.pnr.,.P«k«„ly.
friends. We shall miss
the Home and (utienOT tee mmi beautiful floea) irib
-----------------roMM »iuined tkarmonusDS Dl^
article of rallb. but as the vital truth ^ wnniefiee thsae but feel assured
of the Hemldiotcs. Hm form .rf Mm. Bat» Ukc a Ooebito. pastor of tbe Ooa«reim- '*^,-;,„,Tfor os the m«taln« oi .be
IWe.- The tbroae OT
I. te
her eteraM «dla '
iiher whole
life, was sirroundefl by (hMialAureh.wl»forBaBrysnr*'^ fto,em-.he crocus. Brfutec „ the ewry pmee. The Father > every--«hai our loas »s aer eiernm *aia.
"Always sri^tbetir. lorlDK and
It of the Btentefli Bowers, her lUe-lonp compnaioBA and eaj^ed a
with tint uwrm woolnc »( «be wlad. 'tee '
•1^ lender, an i<l<-al mother. Tbe mem»n



U ™.a.< 1(




201 So. Union St.

226 E. Front St



Wtoj . Ulbl t»a bnwbprirt., dw—r.!!^ •
MMI—M >.uU M. «u


(ouataJa abbot ablcb. spent
thirsty souls Unxered. rested atui were
te DnoomhOT. UW. aad Ms: ua^ like cCroimstaaccs, while htm
After a wndUus frvmi the scriptures. ,
te dose I drods OT, sprays at roses. ^piec.llUe*., ,hp V)ve chapter from Oorteihians and
She teved ber Aurch and Acrished
the memortes OT lie early Ay>. wbee
I with that ktedly peroohallty 1 eanmUous. daisies, clusters OT vhdets, f„oi tee faarteeath chapter OT JAa.
as sn lalaat orcaateptkm. It was iiourI ha^ iho childrsa and aumeroui other varieties lOTd OT ,1,* versna whiA bepln: "Let not TIm pr^ leaves.^lver a^he
My ROTA or my Brown TbrnA lAed Id ber father's bna>-c. its prayer
'tether te bends too acred ttj the lovia* rwembrwncc OT those sAb
tro,b,«i- k. k. White
■:iUtalhh. flm W« • "motesr" to hun-1 eouM not speak so forecfully te nay; nm; "When I Have CremM Ue Bar."
Bui for teal borne it soiild Ave p
isbed. Her bean was deeply
•at Mm «m moon kOT de-iOThermahner. The foHowiag U a.Ust . bMuiItul seleciloB whteh
to know that her Alldreo bad resolvA
wAMM alhwt'tly.
|ot the net pleeaa.onlyt
bad expressed a ^nat preference for.
.MtaawHthsoldettcAUanoWl HeraM and Record foree—Star OT
At the close Mr. Ctwhlte's remarks
And. drinkla* floww wine to the aad toother la the new church. “They
are rememberinis my love for my parrloleti. eresesnt OT-white earaattans
eoo,lMin* OT C. A ,
across me pass—
eats." Af said
aad ftmes with
1a vtoleta.
- SVelcher. B. K White. J. A Snyder Grentti
smd flop nanrty inrtF JWt had l
Swift draxon flies with xa-idy
-oh. tbeae mother
: Mgta Preas—Tablet with baAC. F. Hunter bubi; -The BcnstUal
. _______
• ir ■ __ iber'i voice
tho PMitet Trtbnne. Sht was one OT ground OT white carnations and border ule OT SMewheve."
So maav dainty, flyinc tbtei
tho MJAM
OT plak
ptek roses, lines
WflhateMS OT the
bI ot
OT black Aby rib
Mr. Cpchlin-s Tribute.
Aneaib my 'rees! ^
______ ____
Fiwss asArttllan. whasc fltat; hon. at the end “Fteto" .la violsts- A
i-he lUe«oic OT this maey-stded.
•Judye not thy Lord by feeble sense.
But trust Him for His xrace.'teaMiK^ hOTd te this Ay: A pro- lend pcmdl U tenwt teto lA piece.
xrent-henrte* woman Ad no discord.
locusts' arch shuts out the
aad fsinier and Isteier te a Alf-forttmtJZfvai yeate ami M«e tee, MMhicm. Woma.', Pres. Aa«mU.
Kotteaxraln. so sweei. so (sr-eway.
tmXk OT ^ late Mm. Lncteda H.'tlA-^tent prOTusten OT mila UUna.
^orm-wbtme rc
Give oat their spices te tA beat.
The cioods wf so much dreml
An altar's Incense rUlax sw
ffT liTr~11ir rf"V r— ~ l■■lff~1|—'j-"•‘'T
..............., in Ifiki ms
Are bix with roeroy sad will break
Aoeatb my trees.”
Id blesstex <>n y our bead ' "
______-• «f t____
All tArc 1« of leaf. OT flower, of •
A(vs stood i".
for '“*■
the hisber
Ah the IhfliA''ubmuT asmOTh.,, Traverse Chy Typo*raAlAl Veto#
in .ir were kAwa smi .
' ■ ■ ifce lireI^MM OT thte eiir Ml «rM»^ Mrs.; -lOpea boA OT whim dpraatloas and
^Jl OT “totlax'^deraess. to iovOTty her. She Ibvod tA shores of
(or tee
I' Bstss was one OT«» ^ar members > far*ei«e«OTs.
Alp. to eocourape. to put bri«htness yonder Ay aad
^yt^lc sound OT
>k* every
:«hd a membOT OT iA MsenUre board
Summit pity Suashtoe aub- into shadowy places, to lead At from wares upon the beaA were as the ma bnuM-wtfi’ (ml hecseir S queeO over
,1:^hmhsn»lhfhltefl. >n« hOTac- W«*th OT rod and white rosm.
Me OT many voices.
MHF MMA SA was made an adKtegak-r Sunablae Cteb-Spray OT
te vhli dirsrtlA.
' ' ____________
- • BA
«' carnations aad H
.. Ibe Ay dOTt and idoom.T: MAe pi
tee borne fire Aro the brtxhter. k M
.at «A teres norrMax cArier
calte illiea from tA flrst
still piled deep. tA 'would help make borne tee retreat o*
t------ — ...
_lb aa ley cover- t ---------loach OT sprinx-s «>»•« experience, tee experlenre
mm A* Anrter msmbeva OT te*r Ater club. Helen and Bessie HaanN.
serenely Id spirit, rejoicin* Id tos. :
Ah cAh Mia. Bates was namK. O. T.
Ho. FTt—Spray Raster tet teDcr flaeness OT sool. Is (here new
.vOTtA mast enerseticaA lilies.
.wcnriacss OT lUwb sad pate? Bear a- W*
XtovlaseeBter OT > i
had ten -was devot^ l.
Trsversettty umpe. -no. tji. n a.
trf *1 fear 1 am worse. . boA
urple OT a pansy wUboui a spir bolder quality of our bomea.
deep purple
She was a bome-makrr Arsetf. TA
bv these biu of a bet
anment OT womaaY wortt in; M.—Spray «f ptak eacahUdns. and j ^
do worry andI anxi
xiout- Itual ppir Are OT love sA kept buralax brixhUy
imafl k tA flMmmIty- 8A ktna
care presa Ard? - yo-ir best aad ter vrorid.
upon the home beanh for SS years
ta ApriL—
n huflMhiT menteer OT Trav- • WomaaY Cfub—CaskH piece^ yel-. |w tee rest to Him. who
The hyaclBihv sAw tbelr Ademnc HosbaA and wife Ate >
Kites OT tbe Arid, and tee spar­
low and white canmikma
>e tulips
row's fall. Does lA serene white death the
tullA are
are prickinx up lAlr leaves xetber te tA chsnot of
a Aed te a kAwlnx fashion: tbe maple bade flrw Jarrinx w^
literary 1 Women's Cemetery AssortaiA
it are XTowiax red. sod tee pussy wll- was aever beard o
CRr pMple''Spra> of meteor roses.
u seiflsh tbonitbiti lowi
Adles' Library Board—Wrenih OT <
MWA ghufua^ wtMte* Joiatly by' vMets aM maMen hair fern.
shall so<t«>
s OT mapy TA kinedom Is comlbx en earth as It hu Axlety. bU care, if » Is not that
mteRM HOT tih«t» Mia. MAT K.t Lndien' lArary
iTA frie*
oSer tbeiriis te besrea. The spcinxtlme of lA. iBtanxible sometbiac which makes
'^A Few V«rsee!ptece
OTAA lilies aA ferns.
soul is last merxiA Into lA Ever-^Me tee dearest spot on esnbr'
hM Mteiiy vrii
|a yonder borne she wore lA shM'"ira.Snek.
j UBsa. caranUcas.
lux croup----------of wife—
had aoiber as tA
presence As been fa our mi^ —
bestowThe maples are ihrowiac
out teeir rhlOTesi xlory of life There sA shone
: Mb. BMM -fteteat CMupMadai Ouncroflatfcmal T. P. & t K.—Ylo- tee aua. icatt«rt«
softly tinted knvese by handsfnl. lA as tA vw shines thk xiortot
tinx and cheer.
iru stiver Indy tdrebes are huax from top. TA ennhiy day k over,
with*'drooplA laasete. tbe prim loM a bow evenlax brinxs t
fesi lAi from -o« tA InrkIWe to toe with
' ' i(Air xaaris'and
.................................... - aa. oM onto arc htdlnx
' Viib^s”oteCT



......................... %t


B«ua— ffrhnnl TInirts
'rihm is no death. Ufe is eonttanoos. TA birds e fakllaat.
"If theft
. ^
TA «traax»*4p*a) cx ^
pm enraa add te OT tA isauL nnt lA body.
^ TA
jmiden sswwa,
TA time wID eome when we sAll airs OT tA upper world are sicallax And
dusky_ _ . the valley Alls.
- ..lays hte harden down.
Oedcr RkMeiw SUr~«Bhs( piece OT sv Uvea few dnath, teanksxlvtex.'”,At,and ................--------------------------three ehU uhHc.ean»ricins and fsra.
Tet a sUn. swe« vOToe imys.
variom patA.—from new. W
Spiay OT- Ameelraa BennUsa from

mjmtOTvW A her hm^^Oid

40MM1 OTCkl- the fioaaly «M»ra.

Before The Next

change of The Moon


We shall have in praoically oor entire cew
spring Uoe hat*, caps, neckwear, shirt*,
pants gloves, underwear, locks, sweaien. etc
-\ large part of our spring fltock now ton fl^.c.


“Clothes to Fir


Is the registered trade marit of ‘the fine line
tailor made suit* we show—particularly nice
l>aiterns and good values at

T.50, tlO.00. $12JI0, $15.00, $18.00
For the young men 30 to :iC breast measure,
we offer sotoe splendid values at S5 and $7.50

Where everything is new.

MKKs b.-nxine


For sprif^—all st>Hes-^i cotorfl
here at" $1JQ0, -$1.25. §1.50. $2j00
to SSjOO. We want all readers i of
this ad to see oor line.



__________ ( AWf CWIO BAOCl^.}




^tMl«a<0K HcnM



TlM«MMatr Brtek MMktM COMtk» K«tf CM
*ur kM
9Mi tnm
I« ApdL
••mnM a coMraM (raa tke
ror mjm


was aoM»<«i arur a *Mt
larM« Wftal*MilaWU
TklB la aa esMllMt r
Os Mt. OtlMfa SMtaa. ,th* ciMM
m tor OM oC Traram ,
' i relMtac to tU
b« «r tt* kcM< a* srtMe wofto *w
Mriekc Mt aatf rtedJoa wbrtnmcd.
AO *MtM mi Mr.DMkenvMf«ddwtih*r«BtrtcI, Um «■ to* tioart
TUa «
■StoAtaa.1 morwt.
B0r*4 tkat lha awttoa be aMM ts | SeperrlMr. Ma Wklle.
J. .J. TWKOpi
PM* M rMd aa4 tMe waa carrtM • to < ortr. J. A. Peeaiattoa.
- . MfS.- M. S. C. MH.
I aad the otIcIbbI mUm ai aawa«ed ; TrMaorer. E
1 |b
6mk eC Mt«. Martka K. C. _i carried hr aU fMJag jtt.
The title, ehora (be «
^aM«d bat U «1U
• Itfe’e awh >‘ be radtaftad beCoca It le iBeorpeeted JasUca of peace, til raca^. U
b«« for the aiHIftla. ““
aad aa- ■-•- the charter.
!f«Mip»^.tho.e ^tb -he- .he h.
a <d the eapeiatoore «are
Board bf Bert
taed ass' (be pan of tble UOe i^iag
tr. C. W. L«aaer.
School I,

, (.irt tadic.


r aad tMamar^aiaaar la«gr«<1
tif aaecaeore wm etriiAea
M aad haaoUea of Ml ahttkaea ^ <nw datlea aad pewen
the alb a vlff aad mothar Mra. BaM
uLea ap aad Mr.
i^yiMiMwl- M«ho *»r» b«
„ ibe aeaior alderaM fraa i
want R»a». (iiibert.
dtabaraadda ^ bladi?
„rt belap oo the board of eaperxi a epeelal ■eeflo* of (be board oC
M Mia. MMca eoagbl pair »o
^ the itrwiad that It woaM ,d^,oa Moaday eeeata* the cooiaittrSl^ athew happy, to teath thaa to.
fHetka. The tlile.arae carried,
spH the bheht eld# of Ote aad ^
^Mept Mr. MRlar.
the i*«apkiytBC <if ITof. I. B. Oilbert
« cadare dMeoampaMhU aad bardp,|Bg Mlartee f«- the
, foc.ibe c«M« t*o
MMM Tbb that chriatlaa eptrit whieb mpot. aMerawa aad the board of pabGilbert Id at preseat
teMd the bwdChB of aU ef ai lighter
^ )«aiied a* read except dtawliia IIAOO but the coaioimee rec
that the board , of aeieeeota wae onuacaded u laerease of ,S)Oe for the
V*wawaiahaaitcDaetaBlljtB»oach 4„,pp«,. Aeowdin* to V **•««' MBiBs year aad »1M acre
for the ee^
mb aal-ir Her ooftpaaioaa ta »»- hop. the aayar vlll receive aot to ex- oad year. The reeoletloa vhich was
. W wm* tte hMi apd t|w Sowera. coed EM* a year; the alder»« aet to adopted, eras as folloers:
• «ai a hoBo of peace aad
aad ^ Bcaibera of
••Toar (cambers’eoatarilee .be* to re-

T» c«er that eaered
I. vaa a-privoece «hkh ataay
rnmm pad the tery" Sowera »hleh
^ » intaatoa aad« bar cMal
to lead their fraHer Ufe vaa


- —

ns,' 5£*:"iSt=

SrSTi ueudClA’l^riM^ ^
«C tarr.-lu«Brp enl «!•
aeit n.w«r-<>
ari an .«u or pne«-4Uc
t'« <,r
m rew<r h«Tuw tM iattUuu4
>r tb.- ei.s.r
»l -1^
.a, bed U ib. -tbial~,
■.MHiBOrtMir -Ul b>

orbirfc Ui tbo ruroBWB ‘A add •Uvt M bll t*' esTMuta bOd cAditr-oMVl' of

V.' in:.:...
..]■>.-inity of }>n jnfui.i.,ris ior
t Uiviue
j>ftrt; .iiUititi'-n 't.. this. lin<- i.f xi»vl§. vr,- baw aivaiiiuLit'tl :i v;i|i,;iU>:
»f iii(i>nu>->ti<>ii a* ii> t]i<-s|y<-inl mcritii
.if A.tri.His Atm 's ft. bl^
ah.1 o|«TiaI stoeV
W. . Ill je»>viJi JUKI vbal i-wniiti-il iu ai(y
1 r luibiiicV’. f.'iii .-.<lvis« ytm if iitiiawtn's.bil c.'m, fumisL wImI
mLH ;r| ill.' luni-s? |bHb.iWl>- |lrier.

S. E. WAIT 4SONS. Druggists

TWrnihlp I'OBtaitMe*




•S. e. Cor. From ana Unton.

Traverse City. Mlohlpan

Eluobnb Axtord to Bbiiv H. U>-n(i H Tr»'


• plerr srbm Ibr Onidt I "ort <•»

........................... .........



lU Ole 0an flive Vou


the board of pebUe »drks aot t
ou lb., b.. . bb.
coed »«W each a year.
' ^.aaber of the Kenbere of the
aoaid of adueaiMi waa txtd at flve la'
l of oor diy acho9la.
addlUoo to the mayor aad dty elerfc. Aftar the moot corefol <
The aext obdectloa was oo the mat- ve mbmlt the foltovla* reaolniloii:
apodal aaaeeaon. Mr. Dwkeray
•ska liNwgbE*. »hfc* help <keai Myiw that aotae obVeted to nablag
» taar ^ CrnWea «Uh) fortitnde
the Emit to be tmlecd oo epedai aom* Vhkh Olwliale that there are leaamaat » per eem <y the aaeeeaed
«h« <«Mi hosMea the aordM iblasa vaJae tasteod W IS pcc eeoi. This was
^JHb po aaba M «onb Vv^
adopted, bowevw. all tcMbk for It «ila* the ifeaeoi acbool year, bis aaUn
- JJMBS Ike eUldree of tkla rcploa, oept Mr. GlUcdt.
mn.'.JMw^ «BB deeply lorod. She The amtter of eptdel eleetlms tor the year to be IIAOO. aad for the ---------------------;---- ;----•MblioaaMetheMyoaMiUveelBB Cwmed eoBM debete. Mr. OoeberBy aext year, or the sefOBd year after ihc .^oTlcmo^MniiHiovfRsox iiAmK
-thlakte* that the people ehtadd have pRoeot
____I arlU_ tnoMee aad i
* aereral votlB* Plaeco toauod of oaly :lt.«00fortbeyaar.
lat haM tayh of ««)oy»eal vkteh oae. Aeeordhw to rarione atioraeys'; That the mayor and drrk
aaald aal.MMn bo dlirrrra-1 to the Jaterpretottoo of the old charter oaly; suacted to eater Into a
•MSMtoiaC ^ -aimbhiBii" atU. oae aiaea was leal. Tble was Mr.: Pnf. I. B. Oilbert upoo Ibb basis aad
sMity door rtrif-' OUbert'a oplakw also aad so a okaBse! that mid ceotract be
KioBsaS ••
oaaetaat '■ «m HMorporatod ao that eotmdl eauld | Ued with the city dark
______ _ of ikmt bmad H at oaaetaat'wtoiaeorpc adMW <tfhaM Mya aad a iioacer moreplaeeaat iUdtBer«(ioa.|
,u^.rw>,u^ Th« cMer revUM ead^ by Mr.; The readatioB waa adopted i
* to the parmaaiW t*-| moosly.
Md M*^^Zmbm to do mod tMam ■•••• «* *be Recorder'a coort. mrin* 1
wme «*!« the«.
!. T*
•hereto W ecoM be «
^ l"«,
____________ AJovo 'oad —.Itho daUeeaftheotonlato the Wadi
_______ ...________!of the loaUcee of aeaes. Mr. Morray
'amwod. eaytat that Other (owaa
; tiylto the laatloe amthod wem to


/ieiii —

( rw Bi_______
Hei«> Omknu im


G R 2*-..' T'



. tOtb day of June. A. O- IPOS.



BElL phone I2H

rfet SK-^’r
Fw u-r~r. ..«~i •sawSwri.t:*''*”*"


...<b>.r aitb II

The besi for the price in

Treasury Department

Feed, meal. Bran, imddlinad,
Com and Oats

rtmcT ..rOuurTsoijae oimM^tywv.
Whmbui. Ilf mtl-tsmer} rriOmr* pnw-:


We buy nothing but the best grain atid you get the
pure article.


(..irpi-ral.. .-s*


E3r^.u^teT.ria.'i5rdaEr. S~s^ii£

1. ?s/7a5i'i:""

r ■ .

-if ^ <uV:}^r,«a «■








wj'’ K;''-- ■




to. TtovMae Chy ha*
«to,«n toatotol tototo> twgbblto-:
•ay AeeMenUny BhoL
MtoBtohririBetotottogstotfabelp- cedar Roe. Mldt. March 1*.—John,
' IM tototo wE MBMari ato Bltoam ID; the 11-yearwM bob of Oeorge Davb.l
RNB' •••
Pm w*mm to Mtehlgaa had a wider ;
while heaUBg wHb his brother aboot |
• o-dodt-thla montas.
. <
The bur, la eompaay with hh |
bmtlMr. who is aboet IS yeart tod. waa <,
heaUag aboet forty rods from tbc!<
They were a ittOe <Uetaaoe|i
apart aad bow the aecideat ceearred
. Cbtogee M Ctoriw.
fa ImpoadMe i« atata. 11 la tbooght.
iitonif?iHi the ehaama hi ^cHy ’
tk*i the boy fdl aad Mrato
M wLl a f «»• •» <* b iIMb to«t-g It to to dto;



throoto with the lattodoeUoe wtoa aboat tbne mile* from bl* dea■hm It waa itownint that epch tlUc'
tlaarlea. (Mb rtg got teat and by
to tabes iv oepaniteiy. This -was compelled to leave li. He aeenred tato

I^MIa ridlar tor u.



Isuaaenu «u3Benii sioBanu ««38anu suiaana


> Mr.<%Mt aoM that the people were
Igltoa^th the ptwaeat way aad he
diiLaa »irm for change. 'Mr. LarIt wwoM iaereaae the wgec■M *«M|MtotMtoardofa«perriSDr*.
■^^''•toathoatot K wotod .
Mr, Marrar thee«u
I all ritot

Boston Rubbers


aad Ocrit Beeta'voice IVom Mooday'a Record.
Joha. the 11-r«ar«ld aoa of Oeorte
Daria, jrho adrideotaUy toot hlmaelf
______ . • material fbataiwa aad
cedar Raa Satarday. la better
dhaa paaaod. aa a wbde la pooeoed- today. The bolM picecod the froatal
boae aad was reiaored from the baefc
The Mpen of the commlUae was pi tho ^cad to titoaaalag.
■rMuatil aad the ooaadi araa of the
rho attend'
(hat the work la bead aheeM
had a very hard time
be Aoae at tWee. ao Mr. Beeta haaaa get threug^. The warm wmiber had ^
a» nad the ameadmeau aad bad oaly pot the road* la terrible £iape aad;

The Brat ameadaMSI to whidi there
waa aa uMaatlto waa abe ereattoa cf
a heard of awiiaBra to perform the
datlas performed new by the cliy
Mr. Dockeray made tkte
itoflna aad alao' objected
mber* of
the hoard of c
fkarn say oae ward. beUeriag that (hey
toaaM to eleeted at large- He wa*
aMa.appeaad m the apwataOag of the
haato of pobNe Wariw. betleriag that
thb'tmpanaat beard ohaoM to eleeted
to tto peewle. Mr. Millar favored tbe
Mectloa cf the hoard of poblle worKa
tot waated the hoard of assemntx.
Mr. Latdle movod to aimad tbe bmtfcm btdiia the home ti> airike «wt the
R to It waa read.
WM lari I to I. Mr. MatoMS tod Mr.


to remove the rig and then set oM on.
toot. walMag the
oad arrivlag aboot 1 o'clock.
e weat dowa aad back yrwterday ‘
.Eightieth Mtototo Reunion.
Mr*. Mary PyJsiim*. who for year*
has yearly gathered idgvttor a few
friend* OB her birthday and enjoyed
IB a qolet aoeial d|y tbe dmr OM
hm happy rtrele aad tto meamrie*
which they have always braaghl a lth :
them. fooDd that aaoiber year had ’
slid ao aoftly >iy as to amke acareely
aa Impresslao oa the gotet borne Bfe.
tat the aame frttod* of former year* ,
remembered aad Jest'oteppad o
SaiBiday toealng aad took tea. The :
birthday this year oa Soaday brtag*
the odle stoae to the etgb'y-ymr mark ^
aad rri maay more years' a^ hoped.
to to alloted to one whooE^life .has ;
been ao rio*ely..toa« la tto ties
loac tod stroag trtwidtoltw. Her a
Harry Harsha, aad wife of CbarlevnU f
orrivwd Saterday to spend the birth-^
with the aged mother.

New Spring Goods
are here,
New Lasts
New M^es
Call and


S42 & ROVT^T.

Inverfttgaie tlie Kimball Piano, examine it inside
and out. compare tbe tone, the action and general
mechanism with the b«i of other makes and an\ per­
son wfth “half an e)*e’'“ can .readily see that it ha> no
superior, and. io«many respects, no equal.
The rich man can buy no better, the poorMnan
shduld buy no other, for while a Kimball may cost a
little more than others, in the end it is the cheapest,
your expenditure for ref^trs will amount to nothing
and the musical satisfaction will be abundant. Tell us by letter, postal or in person that you in­
tend to buy a Piano in tbe next two years and

A splendid collection of old songs—words and.
ongs our fathers and mother^ sang, togetl
. music—songs
with the ‘ Musical Herald" containing a histor>- of the
great Madam Marcela
Sembrich—and useful.Piano in­
formation. We shall depend on the good pianos we
handle, the low prices we make andThe easy terms j\c
offer, through our mailing s)’stera. to bring you to us
when you are ready (o make a purchase.

Our $miU Hjmtni Plan makes Piano Boyinr Easy

To look iiitu tliio luulU-r of «)-K-<'liiig U'W

CUall Papers
Till'I-.ill'. OIK

“ton- thill i-iirri--

i--.rji' an nssortaiixit'<>f

timt m-Ut-tioii is uumIi'..ii'l j-r.--- t* ubul*-to «x>m-B
\ttri-l K-itb tilt-ili-iiiaiidH of tbe iio-'C.’’ iv>4i.
tb.nt yoo- o. liinl i.iist»fmt wm want
Wi- an- filwnys glml U» «1,ow wonj-ii-s in
. r*.

It's till-

|jim Joi^


A carload of pianos, and organs have arriv ed zniS
ready for your inspection.

Kimball Music House
m. B. Btrmtr, Pn^ 129 TrMrf St.

0f(y Bookstore

MANO nuvtmi NUU



* court wmi adjoarcctf «tw« 1*:3I> ovt&s attempted to run down anything imd-'
to tte nMcm iUocM or JtuTBU tun
C»drto « U>M
viK> ««• ukn

MiMr rocorcnd tUa «ft«n
^»^!Uie ew of>•«« Ti. KIM«i ww »tl»
; OD witb iMtlBOor for the defeoae t>c^' fore tbo cowl.
It U «cpMtod thu Jodco Mam will
t«. A. C Owta.1 AtTlvc la the clLr Wedneedajr or Tbiuwday fron New Tertc. where the iUocu
and death of ihle Bother, had .galled
him. Attoner John W.| Wllsoo of
Bcolah arrlred in the «)lr this aTwraad corralled the coon lor a
ahoit aetsloo <* Bende coantr mi
ten and the cMin as a remit took
< short recess.

JMO»Y. IIAIIM !».<•«■

TfRVMAA ClfK MaftcatW.

Z “Z ZZ TZL‘°ZZZZ^stsssi‘^!jr.z==‘‘s

Maple aty set an stories of robbery
................. .. ........ —
aside as H was fosnd ibai he had paid
OBI there ai two daierent Umes a sniu
■aoaatiag to over M7 oa an oU actoaat and another IS on a pbyiidaa's
bUl. After he arrived to this city b<-<
purchased a pair of shoes and a pair
flf mtabeiu amoonilag to ft Jo aad this
eerered fWriy well rhe full amotiot of
hli cash to hand. WUie hers duttoe
the day he was out sad aroond the
^retal who he spent
aoctol glass and ibU. accordtog to those who hare looked the mai­
ler np sets the roUtery theory at rvstI Alooio Kenner. a«ed <3. formeilr oT
HIs mureaeois during the nigbi
I Maple Oltr btit latHr moved to Bast have also been accounted for.
Iordan, i
ildde Ttniradai
'maralBC in rotwi 11 at the Cdumbla
Dcatii Roll.
gtrifcsa HlAtfen Rechs.
boiel hr etvallowliia an onnee of aeonMrs. RtDclilif D..LcUcr. aged *1
wheo your ship of heaMh strikes
I Ac. In (be preMoee of a pbraifilaii. bU years, one of the oldest ptoaeers of the tbe bidden rucks of Coasumpilua,
; danshter and the landlord of the hotel.
: be refneed abeoloteir to leli srbere be
gat tbe poison or to uke anr medicine butnc of her son, John, to Bales. Sbe Klnnon. of Talladega Spring*. A1s_
______ _
. or antw«e.
was bom In Canandalgue. New Vork. wille*: "I had been very IH wlib pni-u.
isa.and «a* tnarrifd to'under Ibe caw Of t^doctors.
I l*eMaple CItr Monday nidht In
LcJier Nor. 88, ISJ184... They mo»ed 1«
,,, Rtiring
p,. BO better srbeo
with bis dangbter. May. He bad
this region furty^me years ago. where ti„, p.rn do*<- gave relief, and one bottrouble at borne and was aotde^Kmd- tfaey have sinef-rceldetl. Tbe deceased tie cured mr-". Sure care for sore
mL We wife baa been dead two yean leaves two bobs A»h-it ao'd John and «bmat. bronchliU. cotyriis aad colds.
and he bad a s<m in
Jordan Ix^
aides tbe daucbier oho was with bin InV'ber. 1- H. BrackcU erf Acme, the a„BS'Drug Stores. Prkc 00c and fl.W.'
He bad been n mall carrier «i Maple busband bavlag died flve years ago. Trial bottle lOe.
CHy bnt a rural free deUvery route Tbe funeral was held Sunday at I p.;
------------------------m. from the residence. lJuv.X. M. CarSl iKaace has raised tbe walertates
was c^lisbed and be (nUed
the apl^oUBont. no he moved a abort penier erf wmismsburg oIBctoitog and In an effort l.i make torfb cods of the
Interment was at Acme In tip family Intake ami tnitpul meet. The cllj
time apo to WM Jordan.
PtoO' has net it' paid espensrs.
After eomlns here be bem to drink ioL
considerably and went ha& to Mapk
Tbe funeral servircs of Mrs. I>aul)nc
City. Icavini; bli danj^ler In the cltj.
Monroe, who died at the home irf her'
Startling >lcftslitr.
gbcaaw*bimacalii Wednesday, the Uti
>toter. Mrs. A. B. VumiHt ua Friday
SuUsiirs show nartUag mortalH
about B o’clock.
morning a', fivm awicndlelH* and pi-ilioniti*. 1
svening v . e held Monday
been drlnklnc bet waa net lntotl<au<
awful dis>—
10 o'clock from .be reside^
of her ,11,-.,.- jn J.IB,nir* lhn«‘
*,*IJ«U1V IVMI,-,./. «-i’Tbnraday momlnc Mm. May Weaver
diugbUT. Mrs. JamesI H. HonnK-.
Monnn-. or
«rf King-,
Ki„„-, Kew IJfe
ijf Villa 51. naonery. of
.ttTvn-Ti--,....T" "I .jj^:.'j.M.'a.-e=g=. naB)( Ulo the hotel and aske< If be bad
us west istgniB street. The ecrvlee* I4 Custom House Place. Cbicago.
' Chrtt IHrtii iaa Tmrerse etty Mon-!
there. She wan told that be eras In a. re condoctod by the. Chriwian «>*: -They hat e no equal foj^ ConAdy
saHtlM (rip to Oiaad n«p- room No. it and was shown the room
^ I She catered and la a few mlnutea an
•Mi. Vl Clmtai
and Dsmdt. .
nonneed that ber father bad takes
taicrrmeut took place temporarily In _______ ■___
tino Kortach hid saccaded Buy
A physician
t}akwoud cemetery, owing to the al­
caabisr at B. .Wiibrim’a. and Ooraoer HoMswortb.
most tmimsslbllity of the roads, but
^ ThimpiBi wUI bn Victor Petertylh
About 7 o'clock Thuriday
latiT they will lie at the side of (be
KcBaey had come into tbe hotel and Monroe Center. L.,n. Cut
mt In tbe oSce for a while. He tolu
'■' tarn Bertha flptoal. daaiftter «( Mr the clerk that he waa not feeling wei: ils bad ^rge of thp arrangcnients.
^ Nra. Wm. B|di|Bl of Cnloa aocat. and asked if be conld bare a room.
The iltile une-i-carold dangbicr or
MiS naah Bhob«.>alan of Otis dty. Be was ciren one and went opitalrs. 3. B, Banncm of Garfield avente dk-i
ns bt’ msKic it. is Uic iiiuu
married Baaday U ChiCMO- lliey It was after t o'clock that his daugh- yeeterday at the lempcnn' home In
wlio iiriiiKB to liis wife II ilistl
Mm make^their ...
iHme there Mr I , ter came la and bo told ber that he BIk Raplila. tbe merfber baring dleii
to llii-ir hoiue. Saviijii as we
last June. Tbe funeral was held this
iiMnrajie it for you mills to
peculiar Uiliig la «»neeUoh with afumoon and Uu- burial will take
your ilejtudils, tims- t'sT isiit.
V to Oakwood underr (1
iiiten(«t n vitar, roiiiisxiiiilet)
;diarge of H. L. CartiT.
he e^e here he bad over ISOti
may Is- yooiw Is-fon' you
1 To hlothura In tola Town
^ fha______ vu jaiiM iji br'
Tburaday be had «*!f
MiiUil liBVe it if vtHi went it
Kveiy arromniiHlatiou of' MM M(»9lhe
' *«»*•«■
be oaed la aelf de
fenvl t" I
iKitmiis aisl the
I M a Wae cbnreb with
«• “« *<
most deadly Mb. Addna*.
ChnM or men and boys. Mr.i>»^- «t •«• «» Me heart and In
with souni] nml •niist'rviilive
y Is cWUa* frlenda and rela. **'®
a man bli age. only
A Ouarantaod Curo for Pllea
elgblcen or nineteen drops would br
iKuikiiii; ftrindiiles.
Itd>liur,Iillad BMlasor IbYXnullnr
y to hare caused death'.
DruylMstWBsdmwey irPAKO olKTMliyCT
111 responas to bis daughter's qnes- lUffiovar* sav <aw. ao ssstlw rf btnr Giic
et the Berald
Uoalacs. Mr. Kenney «ld that be did
afteno^ from Wawaka. I
>mow where be bad been the nlgb*.
that hts father. Charles W. \ Ixtfiwe or what be had tieen doing. He
was Asad. Mr.
cu;woaldat tell who be bad been with
MA|eaBd hls'AmthVaadaei*>Mer. His danghtet Wednesday saw
to bis'1‘Mi with screral Maple City dtlxens.
me ecu and tmei At the laqnest held Tborsday
dLB.BIiiaerMutheea)yi«'M»<Nm U developed that be had
loa. Mr. Brisaer UvM
HI* 'Annshter. Mrs. Weaver, that
asmber <d ymrs agaii*
“Ured of Hvtag- and wanted
M ana letf fpr Wawaka
ssy [ to dl» This was after he took (he
■MiM. '
, pdsoB.- Death ensoed in about three
j qaartsrs td an hour and be refused to
; ti^ any mndkine. Tbe attending surMePhmoa gm gave him two hypsHemlca. bow-






MiyysMraw Cents

- ya


aSSStJ^SSl^S^ Mr ,K^ <«; .o U.M e,„

M,;»e grrir-M-u-v.-



r£k ___ flC the AalMwi ®“

Wear a Pair of Our

Tneaday nl^t he went t? Maple Ctty
. _______- .
I gel hla pheck lor carrying the mall
j^MMaksnaarit teseaaloaTaesdar'oiit of liapte Ctty to nearby villages.
at the Pgik Pttt« parlors to; Me also iMUed an aoooBBt at the Sion
iaal arraagemaaU fsr the com- there. When he came haiA be had
ta Jane, n was I almost f*U0. Bal »M1 eras teund to
hoU the W. K C. bead-ihl^Mrtets. '■
The Jary biongbt In a
iBBsa «ad-(he-agpoaite roams
that "He caaie to bis death by
Mg the hall bs coasidered the head- ■ «»»«»• •««««■ admUilst^ by hlb
M the Q. a: R. theaapUBt ‘»»»‘**Mwnh«lfcidaUatent.“
Stiak w»l ba the cnBTMOoa hall for!R«ort.
»eW.R.C. AMde from this, stneen
Teswrday afienmoa after Ue repon
,^‘cf the soleidoof Aloaao Keeney bad
MM la the mb Plhee w
received a wide drcalaUuB la the city
|i^ tor the Aegarimsat oBi
and It was. known that he was aiip1 poaed to have bad a large sum of
Cirsttit Cenri.
. imooey dnrtng his abort sUy la town.
Ytnm HcaAay'a Record.
ntmors of robhenr and other disj^thn adjuarsed eeasloa nf --------Aoirt suarcasd tbU afteraoim with ‘*«MM -........-Urns
«jwi«tous A^gs or the de
CMtifodm Ofv Cadillac oa the
Johnson and
Pollcg Beanie Immedtoiely

.'WhOa U (ha wuoda at work, ao
K and whtte la
* aUght
1. the anlBial
kmc time
MB haar»Bi>OBWi>1W!«f-»a MrapaA ato-j
IMffjniw m ANitod la (be

Cbogisting w Biqirues worth 15c yard.
Corded Madras Cloth, the 15c quality.
Fancy Satine Shirt Waist Suitings, the 15c kind.
Mercerized White Waistings, value 15c.
About 50 pieces in Ml will be placed on sale Saturday.
March 25ih.

At tk Special Price Of lOc Yard!
Ue'oD Hand. It only takes a few days to sell out a
Baffin like this.


Pale, Thin,
Then your blood must be in
• ▼ery bod coBdWoo.^You
certaialy know wh« to take,
tbcB take it—Ayer’s SarsApwilU. ir yon doubt, iben
coasult your doctor. YTekaov
what be vOl say about dib
rsAd old family, nedidite.
Sold for over 60 years.


llicy .ire made as the name iinpHcs,

the same as if iitade to your order at acnsionisJioe shop.
Materials are the ver>- best -carefully selected to
stand hard wear, resist water and still stay, soft and
pliable. And how the>- fit—feel just as comfortable as
an old shoe. The prices are not bigh, but are within
the reach of all.

$1.50, $l.rV$2.00, $2.50

* j

mm *


Craetrs* EHy Statt

JIM'S mother la New Toik. which:
t JhaRrstnasetol
to fas (nlcM ap was an
■tatta Of (Bat. tha damaga aWt of Fraqk
riHvr VB. Rdward RUdw. growtog out
AT -bOartM from as *lk««d rietooa
; R la altaMd that whlis te cup at' : to oflwr dntlaa. the maa who
I rharn af the horea In-qaasUcm
llWm tUaad Mr. KlMee aakad the



XV/E are frank to admit
VV that of some clothing
there is little good to
be said. In some cases this
good may be the making; in
other cases,
the materb
als; others,
of the de­
sign, style
and charac­
ter effect
it may be, if
you are a
man there is
no garment
worth men­
tioning to
you unless
ft contains these combined
good qualities. Our

Crouse & Brantiegee
Musac has than. It is all well

enoi^totdl about wdiat die
inside c£ a gannent Amounts
to, but fhat usually, tells its
own story Character -which
results fr^ clothing skHI is
a thing a

Is everything.
That is why
we have the


New Spring
Overcoat s
have this ip
every, paiit,
and added to tbb o u r re­
markable pri­
ces' make a
that always
makes tbe
thing to every young man.
A well-dressed man demands
respect and denota selfre^^, both of which are

sale. See our
Groat Line.

Wc carf>- a complete line of all sizes in both the soft
and stiff styles, and ^.00 is thile pria.
Stoto THto Wlndtow Olspnlmx

- be weactog one.



Traverse Region.



tw nurvliis.

ler» ta •dwol kccw

froH a werk'a tiali Ja Trave

thoboHi* tb« nan two w^aAa wlih a‘
on hU a
BOei Riaebar: iwtamod Pri-. camurio

MU* Bmha Hooghwo ie *l*Kii« Aite
boe„atoal. Mf». Bahahca Lewto. .
!: 7."
TI7-. " J*TT.
Midi Ncmr Packard, who has bora
r la Trarerac holding rcvlvsl acrrice* lo'TllkHsoa's
h.M <h. past two weeks, but hare
C. C. Nlbber eaaip vere near luelte
a horse bf drowaiag. WbUe raaralog
Irxw. Ktagaler U« Priday bli honra
v pit down in the road and one of ibm
fwai ooir bared by the Itmely arrirel
WwsMOn'iiiiii lull
«sr.» at hHp . One bad tu hold the bojwe't
Mtaa Soofldd went huaio Friday to head while the olbers drv* It out of
^tffftMormofbor.the water.

Ctaav loatMiir reit«r«4. Dr. Thuab
TrhiaMtai w«l te«« a ar»
' • SATRBlx- ' ' '
' aC-HMaw.ACrcMieivMkm
" Mw.ft tuw4 «Md to m Ltfvdl k^l tk« otb«r
Mm.-» j ■iiMOiiimmIiiii
!■ HIM A1U Cnndafl manied fi«n
Tto Oibte ailll «u ik«( db*m Moc..m, m
j UmttcMlM
tSnwQ Sainr^r ttuutt.
nrcst a huk book. • ti«
The«HMh Harw Adnxatr ha« becB
Tkr Ouafo Oooat? Chaaphn U a s
A DMibn- ot muc W«»>r froo;
A loAd fron thta piae* altniked the ** “
atti>«4«<il • acrUI ot the Rle» ,*. I^rte*> dv d»i»c« at Kl&ale.
rt*«*od toot while at tbe koM nt It lam^aaed by Otio C St^ldt U Cblat the fdM. hartas caaMd 9^
r Satandv erealar
Hlaa i<
t*go. fonaertr a Mtrblsaa arwapaorr licotiua hreaw oT fbe lack a( boatMr. a&tl Mr^ VUI Preailee rotufwed lilne
Mtr two papata la Oartoad.
“ •• “

*tII I
Ur. Wood’* Norwa;
MU. ...
Tra thooaaad drtaoaa Ksawiaa amay
boair Tharrtlar froio her aetoul apar
•> —SwI.Z T'
MUaea Ethel aM AUa Cwadall. WW.wtI.
fMaaaat to take.
than the lonoret of U._._
la^r Tottn
there's a cure. Doaa's Olata
[ of tbraai a&d laac dtaraae.
at .the hoote of Mfa. IVaak ter
ava Blxbr or TneerM aij:Tu^» anoraooa.
KthH and Alu Crandall of Kr)Mon<
aponl SuBdar with frlMda
rtsited frU-uda hero Suedat.
John PmaatB a!Hl 1
Mrs. Rose apeat Saturday aad Sun
»iw"i »«“«
I tilM
In Traverse Ciiy Sunday
r and Muoday
The bouse funaeriy
Are you metting with the success you d«iref' If not. why not?
The man who b

.■cUtrer crf .TrstiTse City was s Hsny Grey Is brinjc lorn down sad f
successful is the qualified one.
loved by Praafc teyors.
caller Pn4a>-

Jlre'^You Tulip Satisfied?


Our Business is to Bavt ^ Wif hr 'Stur Sueetss
Ralph Wordew Is »GII uuder the dor

The fiteDl daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

' Head what we have done for others and will do for you If you

to t^ime City.
BBS U on the sleh »L gn^ rfThe CateSIc chutuh ai Emout froa Ttarerse City. Hr has rraitn. rmri>e« rag* all day.
dobn I
had a ailt taadly hen SrTtodsr st 10 a. m. The
his brother Tom's farm snd U going
o. C, Pray Mde a trip to Travers.
by B hariiwire fence. Ii '« w h^ly .j
U> make luis of maple sugar this city hVIdar.
----- B paper teaylng done.
'Praak Valley faad.rbad
0 very aoariy
W» W ^la Joadlag'KMaJT'm hSh^"T^

: suatey at her borne oa Purast Hill.
Mr. and Mrs. »,
M. Miller ...
of .
•^■ Hlll called at thla place Friday.

ig bo

i. Albe


I’uoy. i\ K. Iha kEKAV. ('ri.v.
My Uuar Mr. l>a-iw-ra.v:'-K»«T mikv itiv il.iuj:Ut«T jriwltmi'd ?ft>t« your lliiaittfMt3oU^
ilii 1 ban- Uvii liiwiiiibd tu wnlc ai'Ml l••ll you Low tniieh 1 aui>rivuib‘wbhtvaa baA’iktipm'
licr. 8bc.
_ ____
Hit u>uaU>r> of ljoukkia*|Hni! in all its iotricwti* drdrill__
jd' -____________ I aioiiir Utdiic
taila aliotn tbf pniiiatakini; atHTitiou yyuBcconl to yuur inatruKiorTm that im{nrtant Imtck. I
alia> want tu tliniik
iniiky-"'---------you for ,vour---------------iiitoruat- in mvuriiiK n uuud---------------------------------------------poahion for Lit

on law
gnulaatiou. Vou urr tktiuK <i must important wuA fur tlie mmiiiunity.
tinucfullt yourw

t»r. »tH\ Mrs Frank Young and chil-. Inge
|ng one Of Ms horses
dm left Satordsy
tetonUy afien>o<>n
for Ka*^-, badly bitien on the fare. 7%e wound
spend Sunday
ly with frteoda. re- was dress(4
she U doing ulcei.v
The 7-)CBrold daugbicr of Ur. aad

aMt Hat for the past week, b

Mrs. Orrin Undsey aiiesdnl ibe Ain
... ...................



Tbe ~blt or mUs' aoctai which was badly hurt by ruanti
bars bees given 1 1home of Mr
,.btie sleigh riding.
la the
B KaTflBUi
and Mr*. Porter
Fridnv cTcnlBg ; fuebpm uc Oscar Lbuuiit called scikrasMMaa.
Mar.S ' was postponed on areotail of- the rain , I Wm WlBsianlry and tamiiy la<t
:. K. tedlea' Airtedety net, and bad roads until Friday eretilag. ,
!lth. !lth.
WHO mra. OUo
Uoykie last ^Bf^nea• kTareb
® UlSf Marie Halrersuo satt up
rcen Baird frf Wl
Up trilh
Mr. peach atumded aemm
has bceu atek for. ilamsbun Sunday oreolng.
Mn. Sc^ Taylor U viaUlog her
Tbonuu Wbeelervbas
R. 'Webster shipped a a
Mrs. Btimckeagaab. at Nea family lo tbeir newlboase near Tiav^ bt,,er.
rto HiukcKoa PriiUy.


l>o not say *i will start next month or next .vMr'*—start NOW.



,m.M W amunut «§»»i' "S a. n.v«i u «in vo, in.



JEST'S ,S ’“'It.?'

of Travarae City
t the
worklog for Wm., here Tueaday.
mui d trt. her week.
a WadpesUl. <-S.ran.ln»
S... a
. floe U.1
_________ -.-eClly
Cummlnga has
lot ^
of ta
Her brother la aom e better.
eraaior cht^ms aboat three wo*s
Our mail carrier. Hr. C. Dc
Ths Colonal'a Watarloa.
aat make hie trip last Sat
Ooloaei John H. Puller, of Hooey
acgmuit of tbe storm.
Gruve. Teaai. nearly met bU Watertou
.4lM roads iuv In poor eond
from liver aad kidney trouble, la a
hvhMUar fa at a atandsilll
Kalkaska has been fta- ^ recent ietlar. he snys: “I was ncariy


S io'K.

IdONU. Vasy poor iBieioet OB moS


your great Blcctrte Bittara, wbl
.d of Mr of pour
isMar them tbe beat
I. and thank God wbu




Dockenp Ulanagtr
Cravtrse Gtp Busintss Colkgt

.. “'S-a'a-


Mar. a rta of Ttaverae City aad the Hlaaas W“*r:
mach’s Frances
aad Fioroice Higgins of Trav fl- MMrs. Om Boroagh’s
aur^tw of «
*' *■
“ ^ *>™*giaU. s

d. aad gnanatead to ci
BItlouanea* and Kidney
• Drag Slorc Co.,
E. Walt & Soos.

will let us.

Tnm-rse City;^Vk4.. •loa. 10. IWla.

cthing Unusnal

Just at this season of the year to be able to buy such articles as

wf.AlottBo Kcnnay. who
A. H.' Smlib drove tu Elk RajiidB
John Tonral of Muakeguu. ihc tin.
• - rane City Tburi- la« Mwidayjte a bualn.wa trip.
^er baron, will rvraive during ib.' yrch




iha re-

Lot* Tbackir cane down frota Trtv- he took out 15 yean ago.

«^r>Ma Hbae■‘ofbbl'rt?
of bis wife, wbo nrday.
C.'J.iMM«VRB4"«tfa went to Trav-





>* ■
w Hr. Tonral 'had on March 4 (hv
sum of $30>K» waa turned t
mautred policy. In May aaoihcr
amoanUng lo *«.iwo wm W paW....

• tOOfiaward. sioo.

I BnrtalRy. '
II would have I
i ttlliy If Chai*. F. Lemberger. ol .
> euec. N. Y.. bad not done the U-st be
i coiild for bl» auBering noo. “My b
ml a fiairful gnab o
-- - nppli^ Bucklen'a
Salve. wtaia> Bulekly healed it and
teytemgram^hWIt laO»«aearo. :aaVed hla eye." Good tor burns and
™ tfwlwi»w«. MiM-ra'
ulcers; im.
too. Only
C . . ?£c «t Johnaon IJrui;
Storo Go- P.
H. Heads and S. B. Walt
“ H.
t Sons'‘Drug Storva.

Mra. Whiter AAley t

•r of the frirada of dlnnara ,
W**W«- ker a very pleBaaBt sur ■
bar birthday.
ROdf had wife have ewved lath, a

Carpet, Rugs, Oil Cloth, Linoleums, Mattings, Lace
Curtains and Portieres at a Big Reduction
But such is the case now. brought on by our having bought such an enormous stock.
New goods are arriving daily, making it almost impossible for us, even with our im­
mense floor space, to haridle the stock. Even if you are not quite ready for these
goods yet it will pay you to make your selection now. We will save for you whatever
you pick out.

K aaelal at Hr. AJUagtoab b

Don’t Fail to Take Advantage of This Unequalled Slock Rcduclion Sale.
» Intcnwl (oimi.

^ >


JJelawU n»y*
U- withdiawn *

Tte mn from bera who havu bcca- •»
„ ,
. wtAhut U Uo aOi at .Buidlekvlltoi «» oiuinally)
aad ak the Ntraha «aaui. have re-1
, •< *arwn boBu. as both aiUI aad ramp • MKiwwl.m

Wltboot Hoticc -

ij mabdHtiiljT' ^

Mr. Kticbon and tMlIy bare awved;


aii.v tlay.


wut ^p"ibi! tnu^ra tri^-'t^ mlil'
nm.. ^
. Tbb UdiM* AMrahhdy wU boM Ins aaeial In Bay's tell a«n teiarday
Bitet. A ecBMal iBvitatkM u alrca.



H. t>. Hull. l*n»klfnl; • A; V. Friedrich ami rhaa. M'ilbelni, ••
VioeJ’reaideota; C. A Honmioml.‘C«al,ifr; J. M. Hw.-UnmnU-l. Hti^eii'LaudMT. J. O.
by, C4co. W. Urdie. F.

will te for sale.
Mr. St. Peter la ud tbe sick list. He

> 111 >.( ■ I < IS (4 11 < I I I <, 11«< > > I >

Oilcloth and Cinoleiiiii
in one, two and four yard wide, pieces, thus cabling
you to cover an ordinary room without any wanis.

Evcrylbios from the chca|>csi .llcmp to the best t;rade

Don't hesitate on account of lack of money;

Axminster. in the lai^est quantities and greatest vari*

credit is good.

ety of patterns ci er shown here.


SPECIAL -Ily'bcme able to hamllc yi full rollv of
_ . n-l^r, .tauhu bwi] oa 1I1.-I
A Maaitati over ibira srtvks. camv
«laai Taeaday. lie rrawwO ra. tbe
WHS blm. He raki ibv I
tUa la iterca that they t
................................... d Bui a

bn ‘


, prepare for sugar making.
tegcoD FlibiT was a Traven>e Ctty,
TiaAer lait week.
- - The aoeiety at Mfa. talc's last Weal-!
teaday waa waa»aweaded and '-vray'
\ plaasawi. Hn. Selby, the outgoia
...a -pUkra. Mr*. Kay read « puem
JW hraittly applauded. In wUt^
Mm; telhr waa kindly spokra cf. aad 1
' p Tb«y Will mcvi
UT*ka -frotn that i

.Ml Wool Ingrain'Carpet, wv bought it at a price way


In alt grades, hundreds of patterns tu • hoose from,
below pfhat other dealers pay for it.

today lo attaaif cliralt conn a* fnror.
Jo*. Rteic tea a xm aick bam.


several rcinhants large enough
much less than cent.

for single rooms, at

If you don't look these over be-

secure a high grade carpet (or less than you will be
f<Me purchasing, you miss a bargain.
asked for a much Inferior one elsewhere.


Define Vbkin.
litJ nil alqiormnl coiidiUtm iii tlie tvfraftivf'imdiaa

Caco Curtains
in such (piantiti«;> that the average dealer would be
Slocked for two or three years to come.

These arc

offered (or a few days at a discount of 25 per cent.

Bail after bail of Sew spring patterns arriving daily,


Ai J. Albright made a baatacM trip'
to FII» tek« Saturday.
Mn. R. Fnwman at Kalteaka u vii-;
hrr daogbirr. Mrs. A. Albright. ,
Lac Talirr baa woved from the;
T BltBUBah lam to Jbba -dark'* farm
' tewteaw at tei*: .i Fnd SaramDIer baa moved into
i tease teaSd by S. Orr.
H. Bowgfsaa made a tealocas

This we will let

go at 9 vcr>' small margin, iziving you an op|K>rtuniiy to

> BeadacHes, :
. CtiDS5-&res.Rnd

of thf tyi*.


by tho aid tif uur lutfiiy iiiatraiueiitB LKAKK bow murb ouri'e


iocludiog eventhing from the smalt throw mg to the
full room size.

A big reduction in price for a few days

Come in and.look them over.

In all grades and patterns.

vitality is beiu^ used, KXUW - Low miKdi aLoukl br tukd oial
Krind leinra that niuki' ^ ahuonMil ept mMomL



tete 4tMH witMia nil.

TRAVtaac errv. mich.

*rKra MSlB Suwy SRorwatete* MTeunaw


Stores at Ett RjiPMs, TrtFCfSe



Baytag la UigeOote
tAks Is wkflt mikm
im Uv Prtem Pm*




«. PrtoraMrc. Marcb
hn»4iw4 «Bd m«y ttototoad Kw^at
MUed. wtmadfd aad made prtsma aad topkty deld y«aa captared
i4e battle of Mukdea acnordlag to
tbe beat inforaMtloB otatala^le.
Teklo. March to.—Tbe Japaaeao detaAmeet at « a. bl Harcb if ocec
pied Kayuaa. iwniy mitoa aorib of
Tie Paaa. Tbe' eoemy afierwarda attempted a eoMter attack bat waa repaiaae. The eaemy baraed the hrMpia
tbe mala road aoulhof Kayoaa aad
alao dectroyed a pan of the railway

,Scr J D^nwU.
: Mr. OMlw manMl toM BicM froa
»lr^.t*aat fa KaiuMtoC. MM. or Taaipa
Mr. ax4 Mr*. John CUtaor •«•(. trip Mli m MuMmi,
.na. U*a atoM a raMtoat ad-Trararac
ptaMMlr nnxM <n • miber at
a. AOcb M U teocttrQI* nd othaaa attach;
M a«
(hair frt*»«a friday «r«^,
; poWa ob ta^ama.
-,- ttraapef prar_____ __
n* l^worU MWM «fl] |lto a M-' Mn. MSIhOMi,.. .
Miain Motao.« TS3 W. 7tb aooM.
Mia jSa Crater of Twataa Chj
CM at ih» tom at B. P-*-aaa Tnn i tialtlaa niMUran Ian.
iapcat Baaaay aa the paoM of her aaya: -Oaaac lOCaey Pm» aareC =y
Cay cretoac. March MU. Brfrtto ,
AUcaBoatar hto Ua-------•eatc win Macrrcd aaC C'^art protba MpwwrU Itopaa para a IlMOwaH eoealB. Oyda Hathawar. at the tom life. Tkb atoaaa a doato^d «ai«toeat
u> Bake, bat I am wtlUap ib* paMie
Nra. C.
--------- '—
' pwity for tba Meoto ta Iplaod wbo at Mr. aad
--------------to W. CM aad MwaM Jodpe tram taeU. ! waa
. .
_ _ away VMiay aretoap. Ca-'
by Fhaak Liatlt baraad to: a phyatetaai trcawMt far fcmt
fortaaatrty ii atortoad aad tto roadt
Id with all its coateeu yealer a«eln. pare . ap hope of life three
( Mra. mak Darla left latarCay for
bat all
oooa. .The family waa away tuoea. and wbee I eatoBeaeed Doaa'a
»«•» W«4a .a< aai-

,™. «u„

toU«- rMw.
aarrlto kaC to-cartr


. r»l l», .b..! u

KitoT Pila.V~ ~

tto. I tod

of tba Are b imkaowa.
. to be led acron tbe Boor. A lumber'
" ty tTta- maa adrbcd me to ate the remedy.
Nia. Homaa of Trareiae CKy
Itcd reiatlTea here uu we^.
tMUay me at tbe____
' ' ' D by tbe I. O. G. T.' the doetor'a mMictoe la tbe
I Fior Ire or ali daya alter I on
tbe trcatmeat tbe ktdaejt aecreUcma
a rcTT plcaaaat aSalr.
I need ooo
BbMbat rafaraed toi am Otabam at Trarerae City waa
t they were clear aad recalar.
ar. 1
towa laat weak.
_ ___________
Joba bdy _________
baa maraad
tram Dtek. PTMiam of tbe buarteriy eoareaikm Mktwrd ap tbe ueatmeat. aad area
Iowa lap* wbo
GaLoito, weati Mlaa
Uekla aaalaUac ia lbe!or Oraai aad Creca Lake »yadar
>«“«**«<Bay mday.
poat el
Jay Back baa fctoraad to Baiea. He
Napetoca Paalw
a .Tramae'
--------- waa
- i Mra. MdUe haa goae to Mare^ u3^I
I apMlIap tbo wiaier to tbe { City callar tbia creek.
----t Tlili
with ber alater. Mra. IBert
MonOag Seeatoa. >:to O'Mck.
•oatbM cantor
me be all dealen. Price M
i/<w wM
waa cauea
called id
to oeriua
BerlU!i Breed.
- Tbeaie. ~A Forward Moremeat Raismba bH ba« laklac C. L.L Oaytoa
'Poater-Mllbura CO. Buffalo. N.
Of tbe lllacea of bli brolb-; K. W. Beekw>e]l haa retaraed from lay tbe Buadard all
r«ba wMt laefclaf I
e aceou for tbe Doited SUiea
aber tbe aaiae—Doen'e—aad
I po.
take ao other.
u/uK Bwiwc oFoyerto Ciiy tar a few Oa«a
BtoV. Heattaga of Traemae City waa frtoada before returalag i____
Firat. “la Oor Om-a Hearia." FVatik
----------- :---- ——
Premier Balfour Of Bnxiaad la bavla towa tkto week.
i et Maalaiee.
The yooMr Mkp gare M|aa Aaatol Parry Giabam of Bharoa '
Slaginc by WeM Ua^ oMool.
toa Irmble in fllllae tbe raeancica la
Sebwant a vary pieaeeat aarprlae oa, town leet week.
Benm^ *1n the Hoaae.*bla«. It la aald Walter-Uame
Totoday oeeaiag. ii befsg her tweaTic C„«.«.
iMtmdarMr.aad Mia.ftueaad
leaiertalaed by Mra. Besato Lyle i
Mr. aad Mn. Oiwaa wpaat tbe day «tib
pfxu of aoetetary for Iroiaad and that
Mr. jad Mra. somer ra* of Ttom. tbe
Aficraoon Beaahm. );to.
Sermary Arnold Foeter may miya
ocMOtoa betog Mr. m-a ttad MribJay euuw<« f Ptotowell, MM. toil
ton week.
g S. Blai__________
Blanaw aad famfly.
' Mr. aad
Bert CurtU aad Mil:
toMrai of Onadma Loiter waa
Miaa ABBie
• * CtoUto.,
- • Mwara
- ■
la rialcipg bar diea off“ji«Iaga
Ji .
‘ miabtod at air bmae cf bar eoa, Joba Lei- aaat. Mn. Jaha Ott att t_________
BnttoM Bay.,
parrata. Mr. aad Mra. Joe Ctofk. laai
Third, '-la the Baaday Bebool.’' Ber.. Many meo and women arc conitant
’ tar, WaaSr afteraaea. Tbe earrleea
Wairea Prtoe waa a Trarerae City week,
J. Oeorye.
My aubjected to what they eommoDl;
^ ware CMditotod by Rmr. IMItor of caller tbto week.
• ito**,'
Mayor Fulgbam of Tnvetae City
“a mnilnuml ■traln'*-bocaiuio
AMto. Mto^totMA-eM-eUGr.
, waa in towa ‘ '
Ftounb.' “la ito> Cbardi.” Bet. W. T. i
financial or family trouble.
wears and diKtroaaci ibcm
1 Mra. Wall
falter Houyt aad daagbier Hill.
them butb
’diatore rlatuag Mra. Armatroaga m
Bcaato rtolied Mr. aad Mra. Jamm: Beponk.
■ally and ptaysMIlT affcciltiy ibeir
: eau. Mr. aad lira A. Imlter.
. Hoagh toft week.
bcrvca badlyjind brlnylns on llrcrand |
kidney ailments, wlih tbe aiicndani
Pied Beagmlitor baa mored to Sum-, A. J. Albrijtot of ■aanoB CMr was
' City to lira
to town oao day toat wack. Ho e<- Mualc.
erlls of eimsilpatioh. toss of appciilc .
sleeplessness. b>w rltoUty and de t
drore. to praia to oeenpy bla realdaioe ta Bomb- Denedleitoo.
They cannot, aa a rule,
city waa
-to... --------------------- ^ ^
John Pbael toet a valeaMe towM) ~Bberiff Jobaeon
Trarerae Ctty: Song a4rrlee. M by Mrs. Georyc.
.................. train." inii
dy 1
IM w^ by a~tree f^lng oa IL T%I|«bb to towa,«a boeiaeM oae day .toai: _ BreayeltoUe berrice. by Ber. Hupb
to— badly bun but will week,
egocia by laklnx frequent doaes of
sdy. ,
: J. J. Higgtui of Prederle waa to tor
Green's August Flower. It tones up
J. K. Kennedy. PraaUanL
the liver, silmulaiea tbe kidneys. In*
George Gray drove to Klagatoy toat | tom week.
Mrs. U. 8. Otil^^ Sts-y.
sores hrelthy bodily funcUoni, eirea
I Will BMy and wlfo aad baby
I Day of Trareree City rvia- Crofiao are eUlilag Mn. S'. C. Al
*“ Mc's'whole being.
. lUd
K. G. Bawlli
toat week.
ridge aad other retotivea.
WU) Harrison drore to Wexford toal
Mn. J. J. Nelban to vtolUay her;
Mr. aad Mra.W.
'dll. ’ MvmmI fiiitai Tats

toitot Ala. Hntial atrala." Trial bottle of Augtud
.. are am aaaoittclng tbe aeaUM I Mra. Aagai CampbMl la rUI___
Ultlag Hymnat «HOa TWia rcimtian and □‘•■-pvrtrer. Z3c; regular alae. 75e. For
aale by 8. E. Walt A Soaa.
at OaorveGray. Br.‘a to takeptoeeIfrtgada and retoliree to Mayfield and.
' Hyw«< a catarrh by‘the almplej
Mr. OrdV UaefiWag with a cancer method of
latMng it lato tbe plr!
A Grand Rapids luiton wiU a aUl, Mra. A. B. Baemore baa ratanted of Um catankal potooa. beala and eoo name bo ds u least one long dUABdraw'■wiitoeker «(■ Oraad Rapidal from Pearle, where abe went to attend eombee tbe Irrltaied mucous mem- lanee record of tbe Foralture city.
: to ylaitlag Loala Bnge).
the feaccal of her mother.
braae. Mten the blood with tbe emy-u. g apagheitl In tblnywm Hairtoow was eoUiag wood for ^ Mra. Richards of Trarerae City rto- gen and klUa tbe germs pment mere.
Mr. RawllBga toat week.
Ited her tuber. Bageae Tlbbitta. this egeetnaUy drirtag this dlaeeae fi ! one mlneira.
Oeerie Gray. Sr, aad daaghuir. Mn. i weak.
the aymem.
JaUa CnfL aad Mlaa Mary Butoy will | Mlaa Kathryn Herr, wbo baa been ^ H ywu bare aay of the ftilowtog
To Cwro a Cold In Ono Day
toaee for Teroma, Wash, tbe BHb. to |g tbe wHltobry boatoeei here for; ermpumm, catarrhal germs ate
make Iboir feutra beam. Tber win I some Ume baa mored her
afodcto i
work aomewbere In tbe mucous m.________________
rMt W. B. Gray
ly at TVe Lake a few! BHc Bapida. We ere -rery mny
mny to'
to' hraae of tbe aoae. thi
throaL broaeUalI sm. BW.Otow’sdgmweUmsaai ba
I tone MImWarr tramoer aoeto) aa areU. >u^ w (Hmieaor tbOli
dm badore a nlag.,
' ir baa soM bla farm, aa boalaeaa life sad wlab her every
' Boobeas In ber new location.

to MM Ua ntil'fcla
to*r •«»» ow th« rtwr.
Tb« loua Comr MtoMMtol i
daUaa has come tb ita* c
that it la' math oppoaed.'to Scadky
ImaebaU aad baa aoH$at tbe Mmtff
to be oa baad aad atop »aeb kamea.
Simday work for hfaa.
Waiaoa Btaeh of Lealeroa waa
aaaalmoBBIy noomleaied for efrcait
Jodpe by tbe rTpuMlcaa# at tbe Twea*
ty-Counb JadUdal eltciA. ccmiptiataa
all Ibe eooatlea of Haroa. Baaitor aad
ibe coa
. _e D«acb that ihefe would b* ao
oppaslikiD. Hi- baa.cKcupird ibr liraeh
1 for if< .vran. ,

e U rlattias k«r


Are you ^ing to have an Automobile or Launi^
for the comiog Reason? If so you should ndt delayu
placiog your onler for an OUDSMOBILE or a
SMALLEY MARINE GAS ENGINE. The factories'thai manufacture thtL_M:>oye machines will be
rushed with orders from now on. So you had better
get wise and place your order at once for an early
You don’t buy trouble when you buyan Oldsmobile.
The tun never sets on an OldtmolMle.
Oldsmobile f^iells perlectibn.
All roads alike to the Oldsmobile.
EveryToad has its Oldsmobile.
I'wenty years of success backs up the' OMfitnobile.
Simplicity, sturdiness, satisfaction: leal's the

M>r.M l„Mr. aad Mn.

WAW It tuau f




. i»'. ""is

asirici In tbe BngHsb parllefor twenty-four years and during
M mt that entire period never baa made a


Dealer in Automobiles, l^nch and CasoHne
Engine Supplies.


CklttBs PbBBt StS or 4S.


limiuiH roFEiir fSHM

Mn. Baa YesBa of Traferve City
r rtofaad retotlraa bare tost wdrii.

i-i *

Letoad Tripp made a boeleesa call ti'SaSSvmtoMShiK *.
fkad Cook baa pnrebaaed the Walk- «k
cur Wedaeaday.
fmqam miisisa
— ------aad wfll take pnaameira April
tobert Wood called la Trarerae
Myomei wUI care tbe disease, de-to_
elrwy aeilvUy of all farm life la the____________________________
------- resplrwloo orgaai, enrich and purify
Naitoe at Tai Bate
Rcr.-ibe blood whh addittoaal oaone. and
1, is ato a few dayf m of this ireatmaot
. Moms of Elk 1

r SiTe.ZiS't7 Ss^sseaSSSfiiss

. extol wbea Hyomel i
Grace Bowers la 111.
Mr. and Mn. i. 0.1Crotoer retaraed
to Gto aoiMo mmec Brmbo^
seems to bare bad a foil crop last sea ton Tbnraday from a trip aouih.
fund your money

.............. -_______________ Tbe
enre. praarat prloee. 10 aad if eeau, leave ersatog fora ten days' vaeatkm.
Mr. aad Mn. Cbaa. Beyaohlt will
maay mn oa tbeir
- - Ightftilly aaRnasia haa tost Its best Icnown chess
I ether tody
‘LP“* *• ^ 4lac«iragplayer by tbe death, at tbe age of 61.
las. .Irwla Brlghaat a^nnaa shipped i *1^*“
of Emmanuel Sehiffert. He had boen
toat Week.
' ~
j rented tbb Box hplldlu and Ure; f«ir aereral years a victim of greet de;„bwba« aid w«l «on-| Bmr. Victor Partem preached at tbei»P«^ a.’haltery aad reatauram.,
. prmakm. which prevented him from

1 today from
T. O. Bey to rtolting her tov-lcacellrat dteconraes. aad an regret
,Slibedir wag^favocabtof^Sl^'^^r W. M. 0-V-.
Cmtor- ™
waa down
* iMMfig of Letoad has made < tiu oat If Itand been, the chmcb frrai Trarerae Cliy today on bnsloesa.
I huhtow oaUa bm mceauy. ' mld^ ban
----------------------------Btonctae Roese----------------------rlaltcd frieniL.
to Trarerae City Tveaday of tost week.
■ ;■

„,-««« o^.«u.»._

.Trarcma aty.
-n . Mrs. AlUu Retmaarer eaienatoed
f-a aereral of ber tody trleada at wbtol |

r.-" i

- resetu (tomuavtoj.




Lirgrat and brat linn of Btryelra !n thn ritj. {jremi Mtm-ra ami
Ktohiiie Tnnkln. luxl an nik-lo^lnte Um* of Oeneni]



4ir StoUDiinsiiea


and vfuilty.


«,B«.w. Doo,uHu”.sr,rr.J5’.7;ss,s"£“^‘???^^^^
O- of the food all thoJ
ibai make pure blood, aad eive’^CLA wXwS!T7?^'^^M^

the ptoalag mill
II ca
cu. be «
I repreacm >
f aad wdl bo '
ready to afinaimnilen ini anrcaai
I Ibe food timt
toe aprlag aad summer bonding. *'«‘=
rri to Ibe UMe Mltlrelv
City hungry lui
for uir
the Dcxi
next meal.
<b>- Mstuir tn wh <«bsb —
r-r ^
’ *^***.!.■-**
^****‘*•m be a anrprtoe to^ by falL. „ »•
^b win meat with
c. A. Brigham, wbo
itbool a atnmg stomachBlgesUoD^^ ,
rbo not
BO» naya
pays the
Ibe ®*‘“ -‘ jp*- Chaa. IMttoy Taeraay afieraooa., farmers canb for tbsir saoduee ud' fesatoa.
Wiu be poor, lbs btood impure, ud so**
i !Tlfc*W*g^r**^**^ *■-- aatt. feed aad
toaa;.J|*r.^,Mra. Wm. At^
, . _ Wexford Baaday. tbs gaeats of eualag beadacto
'Dr. aad Mra.'Feauku
before tbe eyes.
The oflken of the Ktogaley Baptist aesa. aereoaaaeaa
' for ae all day ’ rod toogne . aad bod treaib,
tpeatb. all of -psktarMoitasuibsk._____
ly orereome
here itolcb cu be miMIr
orerei^ hr
b. (be
trfMl-o_._. Hag but see a boxl.
tbe foundation -ol
pr»*r« boaiih the atocuaeb.
__ _____________
SeorsB of toadtog -people In toli'ScM^^tST-Tbss yatorfmtaum:
state, turludiag editors, atlalstera.-s^ta uw cuoty s# Ofasd m»**rssMe
baakera. ud tbsir tamiUsa. atodtr

Home»aii. Mil*.



XUa al Cotc Creel, Abw

Oyer 700 Acres Rich Mineral Lands
Forty known om-ledgoa.



The Grand Traverse B Arizona
Nining Company

bare U removed
this ______
aprlag., retorned to bla borne to Ktogatoy.
Sebooe made a beaiaess
Mr. Hubbei eUM eaclaeer of
«r the
iha M.
W 1'i John

BOW at agent kaowolhat win atrcagiben
. _ a-d
d dlrostlve
aratem. aad ^
J. V. aide of Traverse CHy e

to npeod a few r?


Builders’, Hardware, Paints,

..i-ri s»M,. 1,0,

• Tiareree Otr.
Geo. Leslie spew Thipaday to Trar-

• VV

The DURABLE Fence,
None so STRONG.
Highest EPnCIENCY.

Fewer PlnW in oi»ration.

Ores Now Ut Sirbt Make Success ASsared
Cuil or anmHor pro6|v'ctiid. Wn cu.nrmU'*-hfl onr aiaUtnecU
of facto to bf IriK-. Ctin-ful niiinniffm-iii-. Fair tifatm.tnt U).-.U
$1 jinr
ir rnlun. *1
aham. W «• will opI! for a short tiim'
tfoagniy Block
3Uc p-r
p ahgp-. «iu.h. ur 2oc- imr Hh»n>. l.V cnali.
k «t aUc
I (Inferml nnd fn la- )nltl from flivkleiidg'. No aali!
Inoo than-Vl ihn IPS


Priewt gnhjnct to ndrancp at «ny timr

. ilfy uitoto iaato Mill.;,
vsagii riui, i~::Sii;-iSS»'SiJl"5Ssr!KK

maimt ay mra. mracy Gamek.
iha wiu laare amhm* —~
Wvfc f»iw——...e*—■—w
7 _ 7* __:,
^ fofLwbere
forLjrbera be
be bw
hw beam ^dtog the 11^^ImmUtt^tosm^
agrl-jpaihy oMi
cmmtry aterfe tad I
f\ . Mr. gad Mra Bab amreO bare toMlagera aseera.


'll,, m Sn. c. E Or- MI m-m iXS'S-M;

? -V'-'S .-c L-

i.';-v :



n<”l S1I*«_


Tn.vfneCity, Micb. '




AMMtt tUlMU «t .


intt All vote* tue tt«nrof dtall be tsiM
. «£ .epmtfd. ccBraased Aad iWim>ea
' pioiMeA faj- taw for ibe ttectioa
' atafr oOeera.
I berebr certtfr tbu <be (on>«i>las i

................... S

M IM* <» k* <

'ACw««f TTwnkm.
Mr. BSd Mra. rmk LacfMt AcaJ'a ood dar of March. la The rear of__
to mil their bMrtfall <haaka w Lord, one tkoasaod ■!»« kaBiir»<l frr,
«n mr. naiw' ^ aM>T frtewia and aelfhbin who bf a rote of Jwo-lMrda ot all the »ob- ‘ wd aw* lorlBS aaatataiice aad. aton-elect. mad br a rote of two4Jiinlt,

VMboni TtaltMl her •tecla br «re.
——iBc ! the elenof* thereor ahall eloei oov < PeniasaU. U here
“i* iCielfcnlt Jodee. who abaU bold htr or ewrijwerrd to *lve
----------------Japaaoae eoDoce -baBnera are bow Joint rewdatloa 'waa iWMOd
3W*ni. and un- cull Judor ot ibe
i!!^r oa lale at the Onlveralir of Mlcb^ i •«^tbjflr or March. In the rear of
« korceaEor t»-eii<ird aad quaJi
Jtat Bbto to aei «ji tor
oar Wort, one Utonaand nine
........... The lesIsUturc may i>rorldp tm
ibe ctociioa of moTP (baa uac cimiii may
bee* atA tor'hawtem. of Americaa nalraraltiee ana a^b^ri* oMct.^’d’ bj a r«r « .
iudae la Ibe Jadtcfal elicaU la wbicb detei
the mdat fanoos women acMlnariee, (hlrdi of all the nenbm pica \
«aty of IHerol: b or may be rIi on.
I b Bboot 66 rmn oM at MK^ljcaa, bat
><l. and is tlip Jadiria) circuit In take eficn rrcmi


Are aiawna

Maay ntea of tb» Unlreiwity of Tokio:
jitcndlB«-M»ehl*aa. have lairodoecu: Piwpo^i _
banner which ha* the coll«e • Mne. aniele fourteen of the eoarlim

mssr^ —;



w^^rnadf. Hie Senate aa^ Hmiw
Conner. »icm^^
Yon nre hereby noMfled lhat at the


^ consiltaiion of the siaci

: ..2SL*~-5E:^..r^'‘'S.““." 'i! oi NicwoSri«,..d...


>pou>d and Mbmiu.^
nobnilncd to
lo the penpir
> Hniith CUyWday
cur today aonaay. me inim aar « apni. nine- "f
: «*«■ »«•»• iha: l« lo «y. ihm Vo^n
hnndred Are. the followInK |ico> bin* of article loim.vm of raid eonMra. b. fL Day. on: poaed amendmenw io the conadibtion
lo^ rtlUiUon
be amended ao as lo rod a»
of (he State of MlchUma. i
_______ ^"swHon S. The dlaic sl.all not be rj
party to. nor Intcresuxl In. nay wnri
VA-Carttagtanaadaona are fttniiM of thli^
rMl improvemenL S«r“/«K«7

n which the coauty
submitted to tfce M<^ph- nf Ihe male at
:—:.------the-eUvlion Hi be held «» the fl rst, alUi* ffS!5 S
Monday in April In the year' Dlnete^m lUsSdyr.^ihrt
bandred Are. and that ihe sermary. b
Is hctTh) reqlilfcd lo certify J
f*>r name in the- eln-ks of the wwitral-^
Di SffliMP foavUt. and alrv
ibe kamc-MTMswrmi
sheriffs of ibif si'veral euimtlos .
rffjWfc Male, and ibe- mM sh. riHh trf
.he wivral eoUBHei. o1 the sui. sfauW nhcmAn OttOBB-Ouie at I
t»rrn mww
i-' r-dulrt-d
•< '^e tame
sevemt i;.-and wai
fiABlIASIuK ;saM male. Ii (h<- macne.'
■“'* tte in*!e'rt.,r» o
SPCCiauar ...
S' vetal li.wnshlv 1
this Mate shall r>r.'|iare n
for ilic r.tmpt!«n of the t^lj^* ra«l “fTfrstlnr —■ «’i—,h. n^ltlm dsl
AUL-ATION ANn CODKCT. ^ ■pon Ibe official i>all<v used
liTtloii as provld.Ml by la*, ns fi.l- nisr»- bwi
us.'i: **.^niyndiBrn-. to the eucMlioihm -tun^lin k
-i-iaitvw tci elreuii eoaris. affertlnc
• the■ Ietm'nly of■ Otmesec.


VObMi and Iba. Karina ■rtdlai; a Boartjrf Oouiity Aoditor. for ^^lhe^7mp
rtWr pmT^rlj
ayher ^ert fWay: tha Oomty a< 0«w.
___ PrOrWod. howercr. ihai the leAiidaiart
.. pmpaaad
tHWdi la town.
PWP«^. haeodmeat
•»a»dm«Bl to ih«
the o
can- of ihe state, by appropriate lerisladon
to the nUtstloa of thb aute relative to p
P«>--may aishorl^e the rliy of Orasd lUp b free, if you are discouraged
rldlns for the Imprjwement of the P
I*ub-- Ida to letne l:s hoodr for the imiimre and aae can cure you, we will wait
lie WacQB Soada.
It of Or
for oar pay ontfl you are well.
Rmnd■ r ■
And li U ftirtl r n*w
Come au ace ufi; this b yom
I arc as ^Ircn he- Hal.M pmnoeed amendmen. bo aubinl.
......... (lie electura of this stare at ihi
firs' . -We IWe to do good, ar
------ whereof I hare heretp Beeernl electlob to lie held
the Crv
M( mv hand at Trarerae City. Orand Monday
- In the
- year ninMe- n with alL Forty-five ye
nday In April.
ha aprtac tarn Tmrerae Coonty. Hiehiian, tMs I7th
day of March. A.
D I!
----1. a.
ntAs; o.
18. JOHNSO.S. . proposes amenumeiii m ijte
i]ti> cUrks t»i
______ ShcriC of Grand Trarcrae Coonly.: the ai-veral counilet of the slate, abland.
Mlchlatn. i
required bv seeilon ihrtm iboosand
aanr* U lt>s niriafa ef tto entr n-. A
AdrjKr, in ILls
IR- nUki.- !• a;
_____Cliy baa
bnmlred iwonty-four of tbc Com 6.L AdrjMr
vaMi workidk
Pmpoaliia an amendtneat to the con piled bwn of eigliteon hundi
aillntlon of this mate,
ameodloj seven,
»^vco. The sereral co.iniy clerks ;hIS,UiT*
tate. by so amendlsf
s Iranl.s s
of D.IT.M •
.___ _
aaOloa tea of anielo
lelo test
tcfi as to
lo prorlik *ball
sball ai
a once, upon receipt of meh cer t.. . . .
a«» holbra
are be-: for
a board of .-only
county andltan for thf
the «f#e<l
«f«ed amendment convene tb» board
•- ____________
---------- ilotiOin.^-. ,.rf. •II..S t?*™* rr"M.u.
attar •---------------------impra*efaMU4noimtr
or. Gcnmaa.
lof election
.of such
atock ef MRi ar* In , Ramtlrad. hy the Senate and Honse i oonntr. and the said l«ard shall fonh- mr. tis. orm-i s «,i.e.riinB »•. n ri <s:r
- ran. Tbedogdioa of RepreaaiinUves. of the State ©!••»»»» prepare a ballot <or ,the um- of
the ele«orsale«IMtie ic vote upon saH S^jlri'rhou'rS.
Isanertl Mtehlima.Thu
atate amendineni. whleh shall be. subcan i> m co-i
tor iwwm* asam. ii« vui
. for the nnu to the mmaiiiatloa of this____
BoU ner- to and th
the mmie b bareby proponad Hally In ihe followlDB form: At the n*uii.i m y>i ssHrw......
! the Arm thu b to aay, tbu
faced typo Ito n-ords; -•'Vole on;
a *aa r«‘ciT^
far ot>t i?fmn!
UMe ten of said emtllniloB

«f sioanry.
amended lo read as follows:
W- air ..Wiliw It T-'or lovo on .1st- or.t St
nldlnff 1 the Im pijrr
Artleb.X '
tn.-MIPi>r.l end
1» r..» yos
The board of auporrb- ^ orovetnent of the public waAon roads.' oor tlm- srtJ m* bmcSl of our f-r.j-foSl
• • MPA.W..I.
---- ---- IV Then t*'all follow:
noil. r. Mt hnw lone roo h*T- b m Hck.
Amwirtmeni to thq ronsilitiilon rel. orIIn1.«
. ms «MSA, Qnk Bclffhla: tlM. •
j^^kne^. Wasbiennw/iCeu.' Wayne
TOUT nJlKH-r-t. oor'confuIUii.-n *»J
nrti- -r Ifc*
’■ mm- «. fMkm to Oabaldn Ale*. u>d Qeyy, the terd '
rwott Bf rstrfW rsnmlnnitani nn.l < Hi.- l-i>c


of «ch W.o, .h.« 10, ,rln.,.l K, .?SV<r'di




li-j ftty.

, L*?s?r‘

yfoea rendered for and to adjust ab - Amendmeni to the cansiituiion n-i
• r OMrar A Bnmdtrv <« Edward. K'ctalms asalnat the respective coun ; ttlv* to ihe siau- sl.llnB in tli- iu*
aaa. 14 lows Si nan tbs. nod the naBB noRsad snddcAbe'a ; proremeni of ihr public wamm road:


«han be aniueet to nb aapraL



rDsrMtrr. -nv- lol.-ut l> Slo-Br* >-|.l tbr
truth >0.1 tSf-« sort «h»l b- r»r. r-lv. T- oU
«h* (u- i.~.f wr SU-- l-.sttn-hl obM^ui.iy
fi.-r, OCU- .l.arsms ‘ ''t «r tr.-I.-lr--. ■-•rMt.-.r sf l.«i'li»t fr—. ..Ill .h..rr.n« txiel
rr.t <4 l.o^l Bhli- iBii-nt t* r-' •'•.rtnr- .
suOrHsc rruiB I'i'JCS or say
ftirMJn Olwnsr wo nlU wall (x ow l«r

__________ ....
.. .
joHu Bc-«r vonBor rwurm. bubl „
Such tollots.
m p^arrt. shall —
w- yon
I A .fUli to Tatar .Oaribadi. ooMtlimional amendmimt Miall bt srai-ofii by said Istortl of Heeih.n rtim ,
idSoMl. aac. t. town SA tW iff: :aohmlttod to the paoptc of the mute ni
m. tniBstoners ai the same time and ic si-'-oras-ot Om- to or so s wo wui mio
TM Ihe same manner ns the ballot to Im
otir t»w atr tt- i.,w-t of sm-.»««•

' the etoetkm to to held on the Atm
....................... 11-la the :
Board of Cirr- form* «»rhraic •ii.'-.k •. boi re-'iiii s:irn:lon
, _____________ .md that 1..................
ItMk ft. M A Modi A ft- b- *:0f attta b hereby raqUred to eertUy Kao Inipeeibrs at each votinc
AttUU' tiaA
the aaaa to t»«o derks of the several. In this stsie to sec h> It il
n Oreirt.t,
Orowi.t, In
in Tbr
tbr I..Ar>itz
„ l«mmtlas. and «va not toe of the name • elocior is furnished with a balliit
Kaib.t rcl . nuhb TkroaL
mnu-------tnirncIWw ItrrJwhMir, r.-r<chlal C>«*«miw
• wnmar «o irane
eodntles ; ailve to such pronor^d imcndincni at ' tomwiwc^
0 the ehertffs
rheriffs of thaoeveral
the j
t...-.- «t
ot Vui.r«i
Vul. r. m
«•! Itt-orf, i.
sac. SA tram lA lanta m this atate. and
scid sheriffs of the
same---------------lUne ihat he is farabheil tins-ttSiauine
Id the sffld
TeMO. In.leln-- f.
>'• ■'.uinril'O
um: tins ...'i-il.nrt'
the several eonntica In this slate shall with a RotMral l>alk>r. and in ieform Ot-wira of Ihr llrnrl. Ot-iSI U'l.llitl, l>.**»•'»
- such elector ofif Ito nature anil piirposc
purpose '•"* frioiiAr
Imi a«i.ID orii.andeacbcleciol-sballton>atiircd
- IB) m.n
•laE at «»K. aem tt. town tA «»■«« mid state, in the mannm- negolrod b) on comlne ot|t of it-o tonih and (ril- oir-.--i m am tom
rm.-,. tl.r
InrpoctorB ot eloctioB
racu.ia. I’t!

'<. &'tr»:SH'r‘srtr‘“nrii:,


. 8. e. Kla^lar t

aw* Mr RiiMA •
--------- *----mav A- ft«Mi to Howud whuptt Hsiffhu: Wn. .rnk?hA>raa»d fof thu purpose.

*“S to

’iVe i« cimni cii-rta aflectInR oni>
' ' A';;. ~n«ty
Cenc»ec.-Xo.- sueb
iialln's. ao pn-parol. shall 1m- seal t
l>y said bnani <« oUHrilim eiHtilnlsrl..
.TF ai ■)»• snne.tiino and lu the saiuo
nmnner os ihi- tollois t .
.aid eenbrnl t-l>-ciioiis. And It i>hsll
.e Ibe duty «;i ih.' Iward of ricclioii
..... ...
lK-ei<ir*. ai *weh vuiinu prt rinet
stale, lo Hce lo i( ibsl each e
felaltve le
s fnnilKbed »-llh a uibil




Uuiwr _},
c>n B-mm to tto i run iBuewmOMl
Mtsw td tto lawdascf
>mi Is
^ •old ecaa«o. and tlu> hioilsa
sad nirnlswA
___ _ _____
_____ Is_____

>; and s"cli ei><rior shall r

Ttarna a. yjiit.
LoiiaKnn • UHUxoyM.
Nbdsm s^m!%!wO?!i|MA.



If you wiiiit U> Bcc ibe pn.‘Uii-«l, In^t fitting
Wiilkiiii: Skii^ tbal yon vTirr laid eyes npnn—
akirta tbnt liiiv^ iii> nml rivaU—that are w> Lt)<>nsill}; ill fiA finish ntid ihsi};ii thnt \v>u caiiiiok
hi lji Iwit uuirvi-1 lit tlii'ir jwrfi*rllilii ai«l lamaty—
lUi ii iiy .nil iiK-mis sit: our iivw Hii«-.
NoinnlkT'uliflhiT yoir iiivvl one or wM.
you'll ^4y wjiiif WHO or'iiKin- of Uifiii wbwi
you s(v thorn. Tb<*^irto wo refer to bavo just
arrivM by fiHt frelgfal aiul -oximcoa fnwi tho
isuet iierfcct akirt maniifnctnriiifc rdaltliahtncnt
ill .Aiiiorica.
Thoao skirts an* mudo from eviny dosinibV
nitw ami stylish finbric for sprinfr—Brilliimtiivta,
tjiriliiius. Kjinoy Molmire. Scotch Mixtun-a.
Volours. MaiuiiHh Siiiliii};s. Cluy WursUtils, aud
liy-hi ffi-ii'lii llNKulolotliM. ('oivrts. oU'^ .klmnet owry sin; is re|«waenlwl—for UlRv awl amull;
shoH iiiid kill hnlioa,
well as Uiosi- of ivjnd«r i>n»i»ortioB. Prioiw for this line of skirts on-

$4.50. $5, $6. $7.50, $9. $10. $12.50 and $15


for or nmendment.'who shall place the
aiealaat said amendment, and the aalil in tho box prepared for that pnrnooo.
k Bohha to Haltie A Has- amradndit ahall to priatod m>on Ibe
All votes css: therefor t.linll Itc
--- < lAWB « raaco n'- oAldal balkH used at raid dection, at taken. couMed. canvaEnnl nml r*A town XI. ran*e
provided by law. as follows; -Amend- mraed as pcovlded by lawior tUe elec
•constitutloh prtividliiA for.ijon or state omcera
litttw to ftdward W, XjuiUn. ?b3trdof'’««^andlwrs'..............
sfortheeuun| hereby certifv tViat
ihe fur^lns

iSBAffL hMffc n* Trararoa CKy; MOO. ty«fGene*ee.—Y«." "Amendment lo jo|ni
resolnilon wu passed■ 'bn
M i.^‘0'«'<««0‘o“oD*pniTlilnA for n board seventh day of March in Ihe year of
Tg* g"**“ *“^*®*'*-*"^- of eonniy auditors for the county of our Lonl. one rtousand nine hundrwt
fWimee—Nn- Soch hnlloin. SO Pfc-, Avc. b)* a vofc of twirtblrtls of nil the
i QeoMee.—Ho.’
to A «. Jeffrey, parde, shall be sent
snlB board ; ___________________
senators elucL and hv a
of abctkic commissioners « the snme : ihirdsv>f nn the senators oleei wn» or

___ _
„___ __ '
time snd in the same manner at the dervd to take Immediate effect.
. !l■■% w- wnff» w "•»»r CbUJoU to be used at said ffraeral elef :
.E, V. CH11-S0X;
YffK M mH. aaa. A town r, raa*e tkm. And tt shail>t>s the duty eff the
Scrreiary of il"' Senate.
iii tllA
board of rtecikm
rteeikm inspectors, u
U eacli
certify Ihst the RwcaoIur
rcsolntlqn was |issse<l
>f March, in the year
yt of out
tnilpeil Are.
amt Toreit. ase. 17. towa X7. raasa ». iiaiiat relative to such proftbted amead. i i/ml.
nine liun<
) mem.
he IsIs fufulshod
furnlshod’ by
byaa rote
of two
twnthirde of nil thi- tnntU'
' ■
Oanla aad wife to L. W. tijoa. srUh
with a KCDCrBl
general ballot, aad to inform
Infonn bews
ben citvt.
elect, nni]
anil liv n vole uf iwiMihlrri*
nseh elector of the nature and purpqsi'.
lUers eler: wn« onleix-d
Ml A Uaah «. latortaehaa: MW. _ 'of II.and each'elector shall to rranlrrd ...----- -------------------------to offeel.
nftI.r.—^ o.
and wife to B-:o|tea^Q,|'oytat the booth and tenderCHARLES
8. iI'lRRCE.
tWA Mnek lATrav- Inc his rote to the fMcieciors of elec- • Clerk of tbc House of RepresemaHves.
Uea. to podaee and band ta such inHOUSE ENROLLED ACT NO. 6A
epeciora the.baHot rclailnc to anch
t. who shall plaice Ihe umr
(Joint Rraolution No. STt.l
■ Joint resolirtlon to nmend secltoo


wii» — cr niio
«»?'"**• *** »

-M-J bv D»d

S«DCin!Mr Oatt a.]':J'.Ta''.7ra\7^'.
loS^ItAfri TvrrsJi «a4 »*<.•: a i-wr
lif*- Ilfo r.nrV t- ilvw »rl-.1 I--.-. ifriBS

.r, 'rH'"?:;
|.TT......rv-t I“JS?;;;; iT.Uu i.






\V<' n-)s>jit. thill •‘ivry htdy wim juliiiiTvs a tihn* fiUiiu; gnnnoiiA i<> the top notch nf style, should
iniike it il ]>uiiit to aai-ilifw'Imvly ww skirts a^ this store. Bat Uiitse nn-wit the only aklrts wiah-.w - iht ri- an- ph-«ily <.f othi-rs. cb«-5i|>i-'r aiafVciy ni«‘. loo. at ffiLv, $2.t»'i.'$^1.25. $.1.75. eU-., aikl
Mime .-IS low as'.IS-, ihtiiitfli »t this hist illum'd price we cannot n-ciHuiWHiii lh••lll. imt Uicy ate as
L'lMxl niiil U-lt>-r ilinn many ludil <-1si-wh<-ri- at $I..V) um1$2AK).

Our Line of CraTcncttcs, Tailor Made Suits, Separate Jackcls, Etc_
lt> »>-11 u-orih tin- iitl<-Mii<Mi of i-wry lady luid dn-ssmakw tb •tnilmiri-s stylish gannimti awl likoa
ti> kifp up III liiitf. It idi-:L-i>-« UR t<i linveyon couic7n and Kv tb<- w-w thiuRS, whi-tlier you bavo
any iiit>-iili>in of ptm-liasiii}; i>rHi-I.

A Constant Stream of New Goods Flowing Into This Store all
Come as often as you like and you’ll see new things each time.


From 7:00 a. m.toOKW p. m.

i; ^ Itinnboirt housecleaning time. Do you want to save large sums of money? Since this is a poor year to make it^-it behooves you td save some. We
jtoBid our Spring Dry Goods, Clothinfc Shoes and Millinery on the main floor. These goods have not been on sale before. We could not sell, nor did
baity aummer goods during pur selling out sale as they were out of season then, but now we are ready; and so are you, to do businera in the euminer
spring shadings, tuke our winter goods they will go fast and you may be"disappointed in not findii^ the desired assortment, if you do not act
>•"- Prices are as low as on our wiiiter goods. Be on deck early.


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