Grand Traverse Herald, March 02, 1905

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Grand Traverse Herald, March 02, 1905


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


TfuytiftK crrv, oiiaw>

travkiiw coupitv. miohioam. thumsav. waach

a. ^m.


|•IllaTWA•a<>o■kBowhlHrUlMiM iBcafftfceaortckce.ndJlBwoilda’t kdviMrr. H« «i«> hM a bawd <K kt-^hoft wiom U tte norU ban h»d
(KwarmihnKiMloMjr »b« IbavacQiMtt. bar* U o«t at>r «r tbe U». Dev. oumi. rrfelcb tooka aft*r pobUe ebw-^utBeraMa aord aad tbriUtas «xp*- ' A. tait* «Taalt* bait ««icblac t««
OnadA a aatln tm la Atrk^
‘table laoiliatloai aad hto owa prtrat*'rt*aee*. wore la a r«r waatba ikaa tow, la a «ai*i«y I* Ohio 1. *te*lr MBiate* b«*n« le.oee *ad ».«* taaaaarni H---------- •
aen mornii;*
tbe two ■iraniim ehartUw.
,1,^ *l«*ra. Hrlac
la tawr !■ the t.ralac «■ li« axiA Dartas «b* Utt habtaaU aad ix xunMaded Iv a pWb
•Uitlad *re> or tb« Strl. Tbea be re- drore orer to the Hallidar fara. aad
4. Tbe empire to dirtdod lato 7S aatea. ba.e la a IHettse.
rear* tb* bon baa ipraed ISV *ade ut potoa (be top of erary pate
00 aoAlr that bto ward* vm aatber drore tber noticed that oowe prorlacea At'tbe bead of each to a
Tbe weaibw* of ibto chib durlaa the laebei. Wbn the ban «a« placed la betas crowaed vhb a hoaMa *kaU.
oeatMlr audtbte.
cm bad preceded them, a vooMa. erh coreraor geaml reprea^bas ibe eta-. stator. arblA to .tbe b>as acaaoa ta poaKloa aa uupoUabed hpot d Incboa Tber* at* .is sate* aad the appriMi** '
*natiie, I naot not cone lo ace you deatlr. froo* tbe appcaraace of the perer. who aiay be a clrll or « toni-,A|aaka. bare ibelr rcladeer aad dc« la dtoateter «a« Ml la t^e aocket ot to each sate to laid wKb a nTfrai
' aa’ohii* 40 each aa ead 1
wr ■ore."
feotprlou la tbe fmbir faitoa snow, tarr ofleer. aad he to asaitted la the teaws. where tbeir atoter* oT tbe. ibe pedcaial oa which h reated. A or bamaa akuOa, tbe iava beiag the
1 lei’ Uoi
be loft tfi'ctoly thMoj, Tbe woaaa*a face i!t«w pale, aad They boagbi the le carted walaw adaalatoltatloa of aBalr* by a cooseil earner eontb bare their camagn. yw a«o H war aoclced thai tbe oa- oolr pans-that abow abore anoad.
WMK yam a|0 •
ahe laM a bead aWKailBBty opoa bto tree*, bot they coot them 4I.CM apiece. appoloUd by the talatoler or the !*- ,B«ead of wblrilas up to tbe door of 'poltobed opot wac turalas upward oa More thaa S.«M *bulto At* uaed la tbe
He'd had btaaali a-ploagUa* la a :aboalder.
-I-b a^ Idad. J:».“ aald Kaitle. aJia- tertor. Tbe local aOaii* to 34 of tbe
frietuT. palattol naaaloa with a u»e aoatb aide of tbe aonaateot. Tbe pavemeot leadlas ep to each cate.
■tobljr^crapbad row.
"if* tbl* way, Hattie. To* kaow pj>-. after -be deal Itad been rtowd.
prorlace* are latroxted U> aeKStro* \ietoria on a brtobl, ertep wtoler** rcrolutka ot tbe base poltobed ball. The paTeaeat to et aaowr wbtoeoeaa
SrtabMtotolatBtotoadBBaWaaadbto ^araato-taobody U>cw«for«Mtber
Aad Jlia eau^t her. la bto annt and or a**eablto«. eonpoaad of repreeeou- mon. the Awora club laeaibera. oa would reoulre a derrick to poUitaed to tbe
of Irerr
aotbfO ptaytoa. too;
bei we. Too kaow that wh«to..fatber kliaed her. Tbea he bItefaH up to bto tirea elected by toad owner*. bou*e m,ow »boe*. so to tbe more bMUeUifi. to sappoMd to be due to tbe «aa** by the dally
of baadred* of
awbe wid the Ibm wa» baleful, aavdlid the tarai wa* barted iiBder Bwrt-ieauer dad they drore 10 her bOBie—^owiieruaad tax pajeiw. Tbepnrlacei habitation of a «l»ier aieBber.
ibnilas one tide
It. tbe *00111. and-naked feet.
be awwaad he'd bare to no.
■ men. ITe tried to pay off
aw>rt-1 drore rerr ttowly orcr tbe ertop aaow ar* dU Wod into parlabe*. or cowThe club »n« orsaatoed in IKI uw cawiBs It to expand, while tbe wmb ________________
i ., .
tmr u ' •*•*'
worked eariy aad psd under tbe brishi winter •anablne. mtioe*. tbet* beios 107.«C In Bomthe leaderahlp of Mr*. Joaepblae Wdc. which r««u mat In the abadc.
Lwidoo** Cata.
toieMTe wred aa4#lacbed w*d econ- -Called Stole* ftolly.
P«*» Rt***!*. wWeb are pretoded orergcrooti. * mtotater'. wile: Ml*. 8. R.-do** not expaad to the aaine •xient.
Thw the Loadoo laatttwtoa tor

.b. ..^,..11, b„«. U. ■.»;
coaBiinlty barli^ u,ry e. Han. a traveler aad explorer.! poaiUon by mralas.
work to apparent ti^ the tMto ri»
one rot* for erery 10 booM*. Tbe Kp*o*jr*h Koxs*. or Nonhen UgblA ---------------port. jBBt toaaed. *ayt tbe London .
Ah'whoa he toft 1 waned blai of the
:. and there are *o may ref- people alao elert comamaal a«*em- „ u u tnaatoted from tbe GsUm- Odd raohloa* to L*p«* Taktoga.
New*. The4B*tl<ntan it the I
_____ Plvww which a gift ha* a risbt to ereecea and allneioa* to her rartoo* hltou. which aaeet at Uterrato to dto- toasne, wa. cboees a* aa
There are *my sneer waj-* of »ay- of the kind In extoieae*. aad Ibe only
Thai He Ilk* biddw nrptato. If lUe a.
her feltor. Bn it aint no tmid*. eooaolto. «e.. that a lylef *u«- cu*» and decide local a^r*. accord•.•Ttood br*.-, •
- one which eollocto kwe starrins. intimely and (mportime. mg
laae, Hattie, f caa do nothia' more
_________________ ...
In'lltoPhlMpplnc* when a man »ay» jar»*.oAjypea*ed eat*, to elpbt and
It MUy praatoid toMM to h
-------- D men tbe lateren. If I oould .
very aeldom Interfered with by ,„gu; uaiweteniloo* hall wa* hired at, farewell be rob* hi* friend'* face with • half year* (he c
M> bUmoJ
«M. an'anawad
jfrae tbe fara I eoaU eetl oataisb of it
,t of Ru«to U an tt«. g«cnl Rorcromeni. provided tbe Nom', and tbe member, made It eo«y, hi* hand.
9A.S«4 bomele** cau ba* been broo^
vSi^haiM apart ■
.. provide mother with all ber aeed* ab.olMtedcapottom.wHh the eatlrg leg- taxo* or* nald nromotlr and tbe roana
In nji they any good-bye by
erou-__________________________ _
* "*”■***?”• ■ .
; for the nat «f her UfA bat I dPaT ace toiaUrA execatlre and Jadldal anthor- meg r^n tor mlhiair nerrice. The enrioa. Tbto was aoon ouigcoffn. and Ins two red feather* under oae** noM!. about ulxiy. to default of a bene, the
" i
1 bow I cm do It. And a. for marryln'. Hy vemed ta an aWocrat with tbe lUle
«rf,ec,or to alto elected by the ihronsb a plan proposed by a weattby ' The Bnrmeae crouch down aad animal.
dtopaiebed by cblortdom
_____ ilt;* ow of tbe qoeattoa. HjlQe. U I ofCxar.
commuae, and* the people aewife. fund, were ratoed l»ko.rt “Hlb nib!'
ta tbe lethal c*-ambe.-,
**":«»rtlits to«JudsmcBt aad abU. ,0 build a permancm home. Today the' The Booth 8« Ulaader. wear farovacM-iTa^ of I------->*
ernmeat to ealroMed to four great „y. He to regnlred to rato* a cenala ;^,„b to the chief aocial factor 1a the , well aecklacea wbr>a good-bye. are to
' V""". “ '
S 3M.«M aewapapers by
..tJItatottva eomaoaaMoto that IT He panted aad glanoed at the ptrL boarta or eoanetto poateoatap aeparate,
„M,ny. whldi’’he maat deUrcr
or Ala*ka.-Deiroli Free Preaa.
beaatd. Themr accklace. arc made of ,
aa AaatriaB taT-r,----------------------------.
y.* proy~
Whale'. le«4h. To tay good-by* each *
SM «y kBfnrfA
dowach.1 era* and band* function* mod lartodlctiona.
the Inaactal *
ventor baa ^attracted a yacht of tbe
.. UJT—.-to- T ■ -uarw I ctoapad ia her tap. But ahe did not' (ai The'couaell of auto*'eatab-, mce*. and be'get* It a* best a. be
A Mnnopoly of the hky,
lelaader rattles wUh-*U tfnscro Ue nmierlat tbux obtalaed. eomptot* In
rotoe her bead, abe did not reply,
itobed by Alexaader 1 ta Wl. It eon■
----------------------la tbe Pebrnar>- World'. Work to a
‘“kcr'* necklace.
every detail, and ao toaa than id (aat
' 'So. you aee. RaUie,'be oCBttnaed, atot. of fear depnnmeata: IDlegtota length. Btaerythlac about tb* Hiimore molutely
reaointely noS.-1
DOW.-1 had
bad better aot
not latlVA
laiivA til
(II ocdrotoatloal,
oectoataatlenL (D
(t) Bnaoee
xm^th ot
trortle that
that pea
a. a sign
' Ue ve*.*l to of paper-not «Uy
-w-« Ib«ier

tbe troable
telegraphy. Eugene P. Lyto. “•»
«k» <rf*tarewe'^
« •»rwwc...
^^tam^Td waller bto ordaddytoj
nelgbbora ta tbto j,..
Law ataeady eonlrjit not
‘MT bull but the ata«rand oven STaalte.
.^T ™
’he canb.Tut «. «*>« “ ««> ^
The Part* Auto vouch*, for iba tort



»«Tr. .ho .oold p™.; Joto w, .Ktod.
«. h««o h. .0.
, oio. cot
yea aae it wonM be better for tob It— mnd to ibe exar.
Iwf •toppeJ goto'togeUivr'
(bi The cocoad l^pard to the'aea-;
. tb* toctatotW. bat be dom't!
Kftly. “I don't care; ale.- or aa thn Bmian* call IL “pravlt•wtotatCar!
'forSnedre*aaaaranfeofoa*e.Ioely,ei.tvnyu*bcbylpra-vli<tot-v»-}* ,dt-ibb Offban, ta Tb* irrtsatar. «•>«
too, Jim, aad-and—I would ehy). Tbto body of formldaiiie name
• try aad be very eeoaomienL Jim.'
wa* establtobed by Peter tbe Great
; “1 kaow IL Haute.' be aaowend., and correspond* to the Amerlean an-


Tbe pwneiablp of the *ky
«» Woe:
have the bargain writtro down by regnlaitag. So eight '.“ol"
naUoo* have been
'Dearer baa tbe atoat 1
»ome man who to competent to do conferring and drawing np. protocoU
aueh work, and who ha*
to prevent the m^^ly or_t^^^
la Ibe preliminary congrea* at] cornea but once a year, and aotbtag
** *^’® ‘
Memory to Bhort; we fontat; ao do a^rtta the detoftote* from America,
not rely on the record memotr make*, oemtany.
Ugly, like It has ever bm known anywhere■
but irwt ifac wrttten atorT, and nothHungary and Rnuto drew np else, altbougb I hope DeirM will aoan
Ins elv.
^ plan for an
d.,»i O. ,hi..hoHd„. rticb n kdow.

llo Ih. >o.r of U. oBd «.|»ot Brdioo.w»dd(l.i.;pBO>hlAnoh.«.
» *™T oo. „u,,
tf u. b.
ta ta Iba satn. A
ot the aaow ac^tait «ke Isolated by Uemimror. aad ta divided*. trdbt mj an. ued «> m •« lo. uurten »lib lb.taaaHadeaaJrw!llt.>««l®w. the man watching the tllfttlilntoal* d^mrtmen.A wblcb haveJurta-.^
*« *>“ver rtdtag
kilbmd4bttatarta0-,flli*«l«*<>kf *re*a«U:eglrt
over ertmtaal. cirtl. coB»er;^^,“^
^ I kept a record of their dctas* 00 tbe telegram. Iroai «bjps wiibool dlaUac,itag the rose ta the <
to band out a dimebor
dimew quartet .or half
: I*™tion as 10 tbe «y*tem empioyM'b? IBA
n^ white be-lkceL
dollar with tbc remark: 'Keep the
i PtaallTJIa.ntoecndpirtonbtoeo.1.
A. a rulA the court, of Ru*Ma aro
"I'lr .l**!
cbmigc.^ It mem,, a barveet for
I^JtaAtadtaar- tat tbe girt remained quite *iUU a travenla* apon Justice. At pretent ^

of public *erTant.,
• Ibbn. —h^.> onxlhls
V*“ «* powic wrTaa»,
nmd be-! ^
dulvertag on her cb..-«k. her: Judgn of tbe higher courts tbroughout
pccnl^ ,mn. -i.-,-. ,., m»«
il with the day or the ,1,. ,0 caju for he;p from *bl|>*
d by tbe mint.eyn* brlget aad turlng al tbc ca^su tbe empire are
It r-—Exchange.,
He croaked the room aad placed bto
istlcca of the peace arc I
* niinute of it. aad .et down the ^1 code and unireraal tnalag (except
bead on the knob of tbc door. Then hr
An Oak Troa Mine.
.pecial and *«pt c*»e*i. and the
pamd. gtonclng at (be fltiab» of tor ^ clecled by the pitoperty owner.,> ooK
. **“*>»

ARnwitonUmberdcnlerhaadtooov* ir
m .A*
V.fn aafa «...
* valuable min# of oak. U extou
c by the noblt- if yon break a leg. or yoor wife eetf a Uckertng* of rivato must be alieaced
i “Sd-£o. lunie.'be aalA bonri^ lt^*iT^.gvr*wldrjI^m ofdtortp^
for tbe wmmon good. Tbe world mta-'in *
! ly. at tort.
line over pentamry.
»'«' *«'
telegraphy Ita pfopeity.;
,0 ,onr feet deep, .catterta over
' Tbe ffin nee qnlekly and, iriaedng a
fcl The toiid boaid to toe‘'Imto *L *.
160 mjaare mlie*. and lu mo*i rtriking

a real reoael capable of faltBlag aB
• of aay ahip of dUnItor ilxe.
TnwMm Tear book ipr IPM
durtas last year.
Tbe beet cork c
.— •*** mw, ,rr- Ar —* r—.
ta* roll to tl.T» .
- o^^ann, womaa and
> Ua^ StaUB.
TT^ ,*~V **”"*?"
Tberc to only one #Bmba admiral la
the world. The Qa*en of Oraoee to aa
admiral In ibe -Raaaton nary.
Tbe order of Odd PMIowa bas now
,mer I.O60AO0 member*, aad it ba*
bot 8& years.
The harp of Mary. Queea of Seota.
««** been bought by the SodetyefAnUquaric. of Scotland for WAOd.
tOMohinm which aapply
»**taaper* oa coin* hetafc ptaeed

bearch for potato bugs lota the face-. - —......... ............... ....................................
t toaa 14AM la
orthodox Greek eburob. of which the
**“‘ **•
a former aeigbbor who waa vtoltlag twelve shades of ptak. bine, yellow
*“ *"*•
exar to toe nooitaa] head.
; on toe ln*lde with toe date, of varton.
and brown bare beea noted, each log
it baa Jurtodletlon peer nU reUgiona eveau.. and Agure. that rtoed for,
havlng iU own uniform ahadc. Tb*. CaP“«« FriU-Egger. a S«1*s cavalry
aomeitalns. (nobody know* what, ex- Tear*.
CMtood of horse
affair* ia toe empire. Inclndtag the
•How', yoor son Dick geuing oaT' log* taken out hate n
tbe man wbo made them). That .
pay of tbe elergy. tbe a
:(b atfd
tram flfleea taoelag by taafeatag tbc shoe to too
be aaked, after a few prellmlaartea.
to 2M feet ta length
cemMeriaa, boapiuu; partob aebool* -.A.
.« .v.>r. .Urtnrn. "Dlck? Ob. b*'* getting on trrt to twcaty Inehe* la -diameter, and il, 'hoof with metaUie tandc.
men ta by«one day. to make picture*
^ ^^
«ld tbe ta ertlmated that more than IM.MO. , One of to* totes. Idea, to be proaad otoor
There are 61 btohopriea, it archdta:*”.^ myateriona wArk* on roeka and

areraiflng teven.y feet. remaln.-Ex-:tanndOd and which will be bronghl ,
ee*e« and Ibrec' metropolitans. Tbe 1
begtalag fff ibe mak' forward at a fnture inutctotloaal pirn“How about Artourr
tal 00Bgre:a I. a nngieattea for an Inp.
of tbe holy ayaod la the
“Arthur? Ob. he's gelUng oa all'
tentailoaal stamp.
Ortrtch Racing.
■teyea. wbBa he reaovai ^ Hattie held tbe light to Um wi
- -tVboD a dealer goes to an Katiicb
Vacctoatioo of ptonta to tbe idea, of
Lmlueaa.pnt 6>om to Wtjaain abe beard too gaucUdk bcMad tbepe
“Obi Jim. he's doing flne: he'* ton farm to buy a bird or two he aeleeu a Pre&ta botanist. He propoaes to
area etand tor. And then. bUnk booka
k and Mob at bia catL MtoU>lbtm. then abe aank tote a chair aad to all
of a preacher." said Mr. Caraon* cheep ibo ones be wania by racing them. rni*e anltabie eaitvtaa of parnaHIc
r be walkad a^oM toe racai aad i watched toe bre in tbe atove uatfl tte fanetk»A and U altogether, next
He chooses iwo or three he likes and fnagi qnd iaoenttte toe iSgaU in Oder
t tog heavy coat aiwn a nail be-! flames dleJ down and toe ooata cnim- tbe mtatotor of
of tbe Iniertar. the m
' And you keep right on here." aald
'*“« «“•*
the Al­
I tb* door and took the cap from bled Into (takes.
pnwwful offlcial ta tbe empire.
to enroD'
neighbor' with evident regret **“‘‘1' ot flcf- Then the man with toe tacks of those parasite*.- ,
c panic'ilar nccurrenee of the
She areal to bed Snally. but not 1
apoa tbe Me
The fourth board, (he “min"Well. 'er. for toe pre«ta(.'' **td Mr. ^ ^ J
A lake baa been diacovarwd tm Kllatoep- And aaddeajy a Jood rappiag: Uiry." It (he execetlve board, it eonapok«nical1r. -"You *c«. it '*■
^taa he took a acat by toe atove. Bbo beard ber tatoefdeae^ toe stairs rtsU of 14 dmmnment* and to presided
.tite too ootao ta>ou which toe girt and open toe door; abe beard a mup otwr by tbe mlnlner of the inierior,
mar of voioN. and. tbonly aRerward. tbe moat important otBcer of the land
. ‘traaeoidnlght.^bcBald.'Wonldet Ib, nM « n»l,t.>..uc»>Ut Ik. D«t to Ik. AkT. He U on™ MOM , >“«» ■ k”"'
* kUU.J« or ««o. 'other tea year* or so. till they got a *’**®
hU“V4ctorT conneetpd wlto tjir tea Iff *a imder’.wimfw M.wabad moro aaow. Seeau. oulio.
,0 o. prto.0««r. ikoock tkki «; "O”- tol « k >1- rUkrT. H "»,•? son ^ an Ineome. —Youth'* Com- and If be Is macb ahead of ““
tbe other* ground' ehanoe!
ta bo a atom gototo' «p ta to* wtaL’’
mokUok II. Biotlokoo: cMt Ic. I. ool OoUl, looonl^d lo Kko
n.u»™>l»« r»khit to W koU
np towards toe last and reachei
aT Bnglito walcbmitoef baa Jiw
lUok IL-k™ CUber oo. okrlkc. k. .to.
ot k koy, Otaiy do. okOtkok. mod ». P-k'”-R to tota* enfd.- recdled too tfrt.
tbe Ml at a walk, perbapa.
dniabed making n itny witab to the
Btoartig aat of too wtedow. ‘taTby. j be led tbe way. “Why. iNroaMaT tbiak
IP. (OUoolok kro »< H dn«rt '‘"
““ kl. rolkd uorUo Voo
American N omea.
•* toe form of a *hlri atnd: IU SMI to twocan leaJn a great deal ^bout a yoang
toon to a toorm eotoJa' up. teat there? ‘ of vuntag any tme away from my door menu:
■n,™, oo, >jMai
I. Ik.■ ki"—ik.ot.. tkdiikPuip»™.«,o
.Itaw blaek it i* to toe west.'
In aneb a MormAs tol*.“ «
,ni' The
..., mlalrtry
_____ _____
of the.0..,™™—.
rol.™ 8.,.™. lortoOlko Po,to Hi™
Jop..'. FM.i., Inkin'.
L ,“
#ta toe mu did Bed fatly. With bto: Then the atop* eatered (be room ad- booataold aad ■w«n««ie, who baa ctotrge *Htes from day
kOP Htwkll. MOMHitki ol Ikok B..
JkpkO I. Ik. l.o.ll«: Mlop oollok »
“PP- “•< 1»Tiii^ roatb baada claapod awkward-. Jolatag h-r and tbe heard ber tatoer of toe crowupeopcriy aad look, after
—^-------- ' ' •.
I. Ik. «».k^«kl« PI 11. pppp.
Pt k.r ™.
-kll- kp 1^ Ik. i™
If. bto tabowa reuUag apm bto knpea. bid acme one goodnight and return to tbe peraonal revenne* of the exar aad
Womafl't Club in Alsaka.
totloc. Scvem.vAeven per cent work producu is sorpasred ^>y tbar of two
»« mU«td.
baloaaadfbrward. gaatogaboHltyta-ibtoowntooia.
«ber meqibers of (be imperial fomily:
Tbe fanbeat aonb womaa'a clnb ta
To go about the uiuxl aBaln of IU
orf 746,000 farms, of wbJcb JI per cent other countries. Tbe Called States.
mrtoe sra. The girt oai loobiag at btm
toy and lieteoed to tbe
Mtatoter of foeeiim allaira.
aro‘;;;»lmely.and‘f;u“rpc;‘^rp.;: outatae of-Atoska. «dV-to‘’Britain; --"l- -'««« lisus a head wouU
iMly. her totge. tone area' woader- volee* of toe men to toe adMnlng
(31 Mtototer <rf war.
of Alaska. It Is ffniqne In otoer wny*
^ negroes. Thore aro: each produce about |45.0M,«» worth wear to be rather i
taB. ahr. aaxiaBa. A great pans «ngt apanme*-. There were two of thm.
«) Mtaliter of toe navy.
broide* being the only woman's club
but toU Is precisely what
lers. 20.000 tar- annually, an^ Japan prodneqp about
Mo bar heart. Sbo- bad »rpse(-i a aad tbmr
(6, Mtalner of toe Interior, wbo has witota tbe arctic eircle.-Prom a nncleu*
y doctors. 16. 330.000.e00 worth. Japan leads ia tbc certain inaecis s n capable of d
- kk-™.™. pnk.™ . kUi. fo, kkP khkPU
iuiMMm ovn- mil MMlp « i»p IkPpnnkbl. .pin.., ik, Eppp.- bers and nearty
>' have beea atode srttb
12.000 proportion of the total popototloB enmtataten. 15.000
jtota ■“ hoaa leom ainee toUdbood. aoddealy certala words were kpdkim : affmr*. InclBdlng toe provincial gov-- yah tCoxga bas grusm to a strength of
and fire-. gttaed I the fishing indostry. In toe. ‘ imoD bouse file*, with Ibe earioos
rs. 10.000
^ H. kkl inpkH. i-rpimir. Hi tk. k, ... p, ,k, p,™ ™,«j k«MP npn.
ikP ik, ppli™.
nearty IM.
tOO. ™P
and ku
has no.
now ™
an 1.1.™™
6.000 sboemskera. 4.000 musi- actual number of people Uvtog by the
a bis cytorww*. la toe then raise npon ber elbow ■
6> Public Instrotalte.
for great good in the country of*anow
y as lively a
etoai. 2.000 actor* and Bbowmen. l.OOO • lodnstiy. in the retotive imtMwtance of
at hto tataldera. to the .vacant intently.
and Ice. It was sisned for the pnrpoae lawyers (wbld, oeem too mnnyi. Since
«» «6e country'* domenle ^ Tte Mta. <
“The feliow'* nnase U Jim HaUtdny,'
of promtNiBg social life and greater to- 1»M negro lllfterncy tins sunk from 67 economy and.ta ite .uppon given hjr
*« “>» *”"■
wd. sere c
Mtty toe airi anme aad ap- toe voice was uytag. 'He aad ht*
<3) Afirienltare.
40 Y45 per cent. StailnJc* arc rather
Mematoai td^he Indnetry.
■d bMLUmidly. ber toige btae mother reside down the toad a Uttlr
(loi Railways and pobtic work*.
trepid women from dll pan* of the ^
, .
.___ . . .
.........................3 Wa too*. Bor . way*. He hna 10 fine cartod wnlnnt
state* and foreign «tootrtro
- --------<12, Comptroller general, who to a bravely followed theb- fausbands or la- ^
tho ProsoaBverybodr's Hagaalne for Pebcelebrated -herd of white cattle «>d o. tpe Ninevab i
sW. - ' - • • ~^ **
of ;»l*W apiece tor, as ib^-atand.
sort of o«etol ataltor and bookkeeper, tber* into the tand of toe mtdnlgta
that ta* roamed Chanley Park. 9tmt- breltos bearing r
4to toMfight faWng oefily apoBjconWAoBble our mon«yoB>ea».Ofay<l«J m«ateltarof the btoy synod.
ann to nbare tbeir trtoh nnd hptdtoipa
fvea at that petoe. But,' be 4141 SeerMry of mate for Hnland. In the aeard, for wrolib. Under the
aad tt 1* hMd that wlih fore-toe Ckristlaa era to i
■" '“lJ-x»-h—ki. I?. -»«*»«.».« -™ k.™
.kirk, ki-;™i:
POad Hungry CMWruo.
care they will thrive and iMease. tbeir rrprsMntatiea to the d
^ awkward tar-, rtghL Tow tret duty to to yoor mothtata Saabed aad a *r; Jhn. aa' I .woat aw talerteiw
Ctatf-nvar b«r face.
; wftb tbat But I don't wiat Jo go with
lianiadly and poked toe^aay otter feller. Jin; 1 want to |to
dtattlcta Stawad aad narad aad; with yon—like I've always dtme. So
' IMaty ItaBMigr. Tbea abe iweri Just walL Jim. Maybe •ometlate.
tf Oadh wUlla'—'

Sfcc bowed ber bead on bto ahouMer
he aab^.
------ --------tai bto fraeblad ; aad be atooped and roviwaily bfawd
Mbiaatabby ber hair. Then he stefiped ont taio the

- r.kroo“;i„r™r'^'. r z^rzj:\::^±x


B.Lataloe ahOBi tbe
a ot the middle of
M'Oba fiM.' .___ ___
cttemeaL aad onmc near yelling wUb fire senlor'Mbd doknn. acvmai of toe rtetena. mlntog axpena sad gold ktog* dnriag toe wtater mooiba. Last year wild anroch*.. bot are now betleved to when ooe Jonas Haa^. ft to tail.
know I ton Joy. IlftMB toonsand doHnra! Thai mtotatera«MotomhlghftBcttotaitod..nree toe
^ memtan cf tola
It gave away tSS.OOO |
I and have «oaw from- d
ated albino thus.
8 IRm loM mstarty.
lyiVtomea; many uC wbom «i|^ ttate^dtaacaa.

B M l«diacu»
«taade. Pro,»«;itaa**tB*e* wlllbe«aade.Pre-

.. n •i«I
re*< p*per. wiitt*
ir VI** wiAtt wtd r«*d b; >Um Vttdreth Dockemr: Jerry BolMraa talked
-W%at a 8t«o«rabher Ooshi to

ww w apnen. • n«r teacher will be
MtaDl win be made.

„ AceomnlUh by

Bnfti rvmtnity aad reabnrcrfulnea* asd two ceat» el*<«*ere," to dlaaBoae I Tie hie* »i»a- tie otter
Skrtnp uUd.
PoutR aalad.*
$xv «ortfey of' a better end.
the weather eoteu aad re«d that ~tt>-1 cauaed a*. aonte «xaT>- over the fair
A Vi^*S»
“orttFW wlU he fair aid wanaer.- to!.< the
• We eapected to bear
SaStw^waTtriSfio^^ *« op to the toonitep and flad a adrts -Ube am awralns U had beep hlowa
Brtek tee creea. Aaaorte^ cake.
the BemSmt oat of that little. mlle-Kale btowtPK'rtom the north with {away durtts tie oiiriit:
epUooe by the follow, the blUaardiy «o* -»o thick jon . Welter heart -Mac 0«e hed pot a
Darlitg tie erealiiK daneta* »*•
-•-• -loo «mi
^ thp oerre of a poUtldao: hrtti on top of li the, al«ht befor«-.
folded la. tie mutlc beta* fiirnlf^^*^, tif cbem tree .iecaw « tt„,ush
throu** It. WouldB't U annoy you?- ; ,„<! liu* the -depot" waa aaved.—l.e»by Biewart and Weltew. and «rdi1*ido;t want to plekedterrlc next eom. BebewatDi; Reriev
tie LaealBepnblican.
If the
lady who benicht <
a ctothlqp
rtothlnp atorv Ip .
li wUi return the:
'*** ^ and It wa«
chicken; to ru*h cot and pant, which acre left in the tnina i»
'^«T Ule when all w« oror.
,b^ a»,„. p.pcr. that =l«*kc ro qu^rWo. w.H be a^«l..
-Wh;-.Eadrertleed a. -one cent In the city Qyf.rt
---------------- --------

■" -- .-tB^nartle Mr. Dockenr
n,nl«ee,»wbo waa tie Rneei of the .
Eaitern man will ahoHlr open I f ------------^ - - • ta a whUe. a ehan*e ,ertttoB. Mr. MarUpdtU told of the . br^init f« at Lapeer , for tic
MTwn waMWadly.taeet with faU
„ blniMtir and hU partner,
bl«h eetta*
li*aea*»ehaah»<«Teryeloael,«>aq. Roac. nho had been left m LodKalan^w people are tala*.
«aSI «na teach here
________ ■
_____________ ___
PIbM GlaM, Steam
tm' Flhn a*a.' »ttr tee yeara he ^^=si' '
' '
I Id the year
at Iwif yyanti ct that taught ni*bi


3per ceat lUtwed m TlaebetetHs.

BBnerand Accident Insuranea.





Travame City*


Dr.W.J. Biggins g^"asr‘us:sr; fists:

Cbc PrwcHpHen St»r«***Cl>t Rtd erota.

e« Vtt aaather.
^ The Wtaemaater qien Introdooert
rtPeef. C. «. Bneharay. the ataa who
t wale the anhool. Hr. Dortteray aaid
OM ha drlfta* into Traeeree City al* aMa araadari e iirtta oraJ-eea ream
; ata aii t*li hit Ian cent for konae
idBL Ha thia went down town and
with the Herald
, trttmte
W. H. HdrtiatflU. Manlatee.
oadHaown^. He aald
Itaa Mr. lUaa waa eeldently a n
Pteihr. aa he toW Wm to let the adatrnnded nad about tLOOd dia* drlree them out of the rirer and
aad not to ww
than nothing nt the owner inw^«nnra.
■ U'.-- IW,
Advice* frxwi arotmd Peaneflle mate
ahSMftahin. Sr. Hai a told him ^
.chooi had d
ired and Wf
danger for
aaM^ateattherentandaUla ^^ ^.bta. They had «tn.g«tad on
Sf.he mr%“ cni The
«■« »mi May food frleade In
^cboiA U in a two- harrert will be good.
VhiNM CUT. He htal adearttaed to
^aUdlng of it. own. He
^ VS*. IT. bm ft waa not ontU Oct- ,ma Uiat It was their hope to buUd JJ, ----uiat^lv!^?«u”Sd5avor
-------------------- ---------- or to ac1 Ml tha «haoI hegaa with one gopii. i their own home at Uanlatee and final- convllxb
coapHob It br pc^ular onbacrtpi
tr. before maay year, had liiaed. to
for U»
U. atrbyed
,MIU .
by ""
the aevere cold of the pre»Ttarerae City aehool.
mt winter. Some Individual bo He abowfid how the eomWnatJon' •;"*»*»*
I woald be an adraatage to the etndenl
’J^“p*^,ooe'^ been cbDckllng tbU
la another war teaawoch ai all echol- ,-e«k orer a peculiar combtaailon of
'arahip In the LndlagtAi or Manirtee name* which he ran acroja in an

a? ■H'ri.wr “



Room 810 Nair State Bank Building.

i’ 3:



Money to Loan on ImproTCd Real Estate Only. !- •

. .



Tire Insurance!

rrUar weening waa a
iff IMUfll alWr. thUy TM being In!
; TW. Itce namber 'of
It all a]
n: of the eeentf wan 0ew Itbi'n the bwnnet. Bert
Ip of the eren'Via* aad'ined the poeltloa eery eredit-


planailon that twt> pentose oeuatly
Mr. Martlndra catd that a tnember
a will ae whneaa. and eome

Do Vou Knoiv
Wl.nt tlif Ri:i) CROSS ({r.\KANTi:r: mt-n.i^r It Ubtiits
twutliiiiBt. Ftrrt. wbon yott ip-t aitytLin« sil iltf U<vl <>*«
Sttnitl. it
you can ivluni it jmy Itiut* tnul «fl y««r miMwy.
sliitKls lur U»f Irai
«.ftln(«s sihI tuvnm. y

' m e vnmt sf.

SH aad «e VlOidm BMc*. Trarsrm Cl».
MM>-ruloaaaatarmaBadettypn>nOTty . So

Jimericftn Drug eompany
»T E. GbonNSKV. Manager.

•n**erse Citf, Mich.



Wayaa Osoaty

Foi AU sunn or


Interior Finishing

If .v<m want th>-lafst W'nshiiii: Mm'hini* imidv. liay n
1904 Aahminlic Waalii'T.

Tliis inai-hipi* i>i«itiv>‘ly

rh^ tt«
antHlaal- lft«- Many parent#, he aald. beeluted Tjjen, ^ wltneei
boya and
girU go to the iamea Peraon and
rt-aitih*A. Perst
l99^m WMi‘»’ftMler yaylag -hatl* to leave
>«•« their
For e*ec! hat««HfliRy MK voter. «Sd ,be‘W*
cUm. ak»e and t
out the entire eomblnn- Tr
... to
. _____
.. ood»e
pay nil
thtt oujectiod.
mppeetu the nnme of E«a» T.
tiH aivertWHg Ult.
Aner Bnuo I'loottkl hnd told of Frtefid.—HinedBle Lender.'
I. doln* e>-.aoM of the thlngt he bad lenned
hlnce leaving college and Dorn pyer
In pi
had also rrtated hla expertencea, Bert . thm I population lhaa . any
r of the evening. Place In the »tale. Here U LennonV
the eotto- WllheliB.
Samuel Phtllipa. belUn C feet t
'deUvered Us sddreaa. Mr. WUhelm

<»lher«lovic><‘samld<»'fi it with isTfiTl «‘iiai*.


Place Your Coder With Us



dw« tbf wnshiim In Iras Uriii linlf Uk> tinu- na|iund i>y
boyi aad glrta. who dertred to go to ^
n,r> shook. The Judp>
:Oie larger cklea. eee that they get p> looked up the Hie* aKd from ihe trem
atUone aad way with them unUl they fcloue aiore of the aignature It ^

U tordt*M>
■( mr£ BK


in tHuniiotllKHi^;.

' 5

Very best c< dvoUl servlee
‘ only.' Tonth vrar of pracUce.
Toor patronage sbllrlu-d. In
New Munson balldlng. nn-tcr K.
of P. hall. t>a floor with Dockeray's UusItM-KB CoUrge and over
Elngrr offlre.



ran ait-down and do tbf wnshiiiirT’ A diiH of 12 yrars '
••All do tin- c-tilin- waahiiiK.

This iiiiH-hiin- iu s>dil on

Take oik-niiU trj'it.


F-RANK TRUDE, 14S Front Street,


Coruer Lake Atcbm aad Taath StffMl

Sodtainy then aald that aald that it wae a pleasure to see ao jJInJ}'« feA‘Vtache*>«cn*.
w >■ -.fH
' ^ gMa ik«e
tk«e TO
WM ntrength'* and ntahy ,-------{uetteai—
ud ------------that the banquet* --------------ton Perktaq, A feet lA Inches, wrtght
. •’«i.------ . ....
wiih SSS aannds; Eddie Brown. 5 feet I't

^ !SK£pSf^.«

«iai druoagtot aad Maatalee la b'U doty to My a few words cooeem- c feet 3 inches, weight 335 pounds;
..........................................^ 3 Inches.-----lefcht. C feet M 5
I to get MHege and the High achooL The High
gM. 335% pounds
MaehoU endenvors la teach a popll maay
»>irpow. thebestikMta i

Ug boy or girl iMBiable of i*ve curtain only, and with the tem
{■erainre IS degree* below aero. Even
that was taken away from him liy the*
pollee. tall he was allowed to snl>er
i|> in a warm celi. .
' '
A Menominee pap«- mw a prophety
■B a this year's almanac, stating ihai
the grrniert bonk of philosophy would
If srltleB tlilo yesr. and immediately
dtted ibe description of ihe mr>i s-ho
will write ii to a Mcnomi

Going to Build?
‘ If so, the South Side Lumber Co. at Traverse
City'is the place to buy your material. Shop
and mill work done on'- short notice. Give us
a chance to 6gure on«your wants.


South Side Cumber €o.
Crawrtt City, Itbeh.

Not the old shoddy, bat fresh .Bmn

Standard niake

6-A and-

Cbase. They are strong ar I cheap­

A Living

A D. naaa. UsHogtoo.*


jaladsin. la tto tiro aebools wUI he ennitag Hh'elr -now-flviaK - The par-'
oficn iwnark that they will give
t Ma eoocladod by mylag lhat thnre tb«4r boy or girl a got# edneaUan to
♦to ao aM to go away fram hesne for .that they won't have to arork so hart..
L hMdaMMdneattaa an dll need* could while just the rerme is true. The'
MahgplM ia Trgrer«e City, the Trav- tatstaes* college fits them for futmv
e City. ■;Maalstee aita Ladtagton life so that they will be capable of
tateooU hatag ibe best la Western doing hard woik..
'Mtahlgu aecordta* to reports made
After a good po*lth» U eecored, the
^ nabtased observera.
banle is tart begun. said Mr.*WIlhelm.
f ~HHy Bnokheepert Marry- was the
The program cto^ with a
" ly Bd by the mai
and after a abort
He was followed by HUt Bts- itair the banqttei sms anoounoed. The
^ who care
good hints to^tawfaei was prepared by the Tjute
•teaaM" by talking on the "Ideal Em- Taretn wHb C. a Cart* usmaipr.
Bdorer.- Mrs. Jeaste W. Brabant fob The table* were preuHr'' leeorued
lavad wtth mi IwevatUng aad enter- with canatioDs and fern* and present|iWI|C talk ;gg -Bteatmtaphy a* tee «d a very hand«»ie appearance. 'The
^BtaMtag 8MM to Sneeeas.foUowtag was the menu:
W. n. .ahrbani inedted a btunortMiB
Oyster eoditatl.
>at «f waM on -Who UairM the Cold boiled ham. C«M rtmst real. /'
^ Btiaagaghw- shnwtag bow the oBte .
. Co’.d preased toi«Be.
hay wwcmtaapttaefttebookkeeper. Meat Baadwiebe*. Sarat^telpt.

If we were to assemble all
those wtto have been cured ol
heart dtscasd bv I>r. Miles’
Heart Core, and who would
their „
lo-day be in i......
not Dr. Miles’ been successful
peWeeting this wonderful
tvould p<^
Iieart specific.
ulate a large dty
iVhat a remarkable recorda breathing, thtnkin
thmkifiif. moving
U composet
composed of humaa
lives.—lhat for which, everr
other earthly possession is saS
The Jraes Medical Co. re­
ceive thousands of letters fre
these people like the fo11<^in^:

mch *n*r I
n* of itM hn
In ta U» rr«
cireslsrs. aad tmwsdtaMy *n-at to
„„ __ ’ ti"^t*«-Oooii," w
nsuU.tkat I am surety

est at

Co Begin with


0bick Starter
Chick Starter is a combination chicken food for
babyrthickens up to twenty-five days old. Then-ttm
change to Chick I-ood; here you will find the Food is
a little diAerent and coarser thanCiiick Starter. Chicken Food can be fed to chickens up to eight or nine
weeks old; after this you may use J’oultry Food. Poul­
ts Food is cheaper than Chick Stancr and Chick
F'ood, so now you can use the Poultry i-pod to the lx <t
advantage. The mi.xture of the abo\e-foods is su' h
that H cannot be recommended too highlt. They keep
the diickens-healthy and make them grow bigger in a
Sorter time. Hens fed with this food, will lay more
eggs. Wfe also have Cracked Corn. Coarse Meal. f)il
Meal. Fine Feed and Street Car. Oats and Corn.. We
want all of you farmers to bring your good Butter and
Eggs toils. ■ Wp will pay you satisfactory prje^ for
your produce. Come at once to Cor. F'ront
‘ “
Velcome. Yours. .


ibk* BSSctfCoTa^ loA




That an made to ew m well as sdL They are
notsta^ofdtaapmajeiial, and proa -a Baiy
ftniA to catdi the eye; bst an danU^ eeafart>
kUe, aad neaL The PbeapcM oa the maArt. ^sality cOBsidend.
Oace used sad yoowtS boy ^oths Stake. '

iz6sist($irML. * Uictor Pclerfyi.
Have yos e\-cr tried the

9oy«l Titter Tmmm



Ho^al tiger SSL
Tbej an dn baaL Said nifr hf


- if












-—=js^^3 IWilMEII

Ik tkM



TkBt 4»-

genttoe bird, toteb $ijm a p

Pe»r Sbefblt of lAka City caM «a
Meads here Bawrd*y .

Park Itoul aad Mr. 1


waakae. wkne they eapeat •* rMtda

TW iwitt a* « «WDq*i^

: u tk« CMT«M1«
cnpi «o Mt sM BraA «r tbMr tood t DManwii *
i Omlork oSet tl
fnw M0&
tm «M» did It kM kMi akm tiat
dova M fCMT iMt -ThU «kward mvn~


H- a Davb of Tratw** atr »»■
Mb ^mlraaa of tba Jadfcbl tarnW. B. Vabr, Meratwr.

___________ m.n«.
Mrs. K. Darts rtottad MMds here ilrce la town for'.* tew days.
Mr. MnUey to Timren* CHy
Otooa b enplored as aator«ea oa the ,JT.'
Mr and Mra. J. B. Blgpi «d K«W Grind BspfaU street railway, sad this “T"
1 ebtocb SaMay Mrawtog

— to
-bis Brst
ati old borae to
rlstc t
Wetoord rbtud at Mr. aad
MO'S Paadsy ton..
Mr. SoHdley of Ttareta* oty aeatod
Miss c
bare Tbaradaf^
wbb baa beta n«tte* ber elster.
«sc» Ttoiraday Mtoalag. ead the ■aO
Bl&e StrWelead retanrad PM- A. J. Baftsbto. retsmed w her
for Oraeaa aad
Korthport goM by
teUred stage M la the days to old;

M TW Ewf; Worn Dnini la
About Ssnstiye, Anteotv
».«i SS!'“^ Kaow
Oemrng ad te C>« oHIn

t too b rapid aaooik U> nkutt
iralbU* «iier Mpfdr e( wr AM
Mib I* • f*v «Mka «r

tsu}am ijtr;

_____________ W. J. L«l«!

,wni» Bbrtikr. *«.

d*T* iB tke dT7 Ud hot «Mtk«r of A»-

■ a»d ftnt-

CMt It k be Ml

Sk«,Salp. Hair.miHMit.

U b the

Mb iinitTnf of tk* Mk-««mratbs
mmiM ae tk*

Mil «aur » aonnl

tk* Mil to obMk thb apward daw or
too lltU* water wlD b* bft la tk* eoU

mtfrnl^. afur a labi. tte ntcr
Uiii iirti IM» tkt MU dada it* wv
dW*^ m Dk»MMOi to tk* fore*
dttwBr.ftwiii Id«

wflk aptbe that., to hare tkb
apwaid Mw take pbee. the aoU k«ratoe baat b* to cka* ooataot



Ike water Ub orer oae knaal. ooab tk* kari


bUTMted Ui tk* foDowla* trob^tb*.

Latb nagsaeae aad.toakUy aad Mr.
Ptotoeoa aad favDy BM**d to (toad
------------------------------ They have baaa



wtol kaowB hery.
*■ Toai' Ooaba to to great dcaeail |
as a pobUc epeaker elnee loeattes to,
Detroit. Daring lt>* Ust pcditlcall
oampaigo be talked aeerly «rery algkt |
bMk torM mbM be MM
to tk* teterrati of hU party (repnbll-1 g ^
ean).H*taaadd«»e#«! .ereral tonreh 1 OiutMtat..*ad Hlto to ^

pr kob* lift by bb* tiBB«e. wUkoat a btaak, otm the a«ar-:
ctoba, where be bee ebowa bis ability
waltt- mt oaa The ken*b araet b* la <toM'
as an orator aad deep Uiaker. Hli
wabd MM*, tk* vaeaat ckMMb k*to the gradnatiiig elasa.
a Ik* aoU iMrwda. Tka rapMttr of tketo adbOMt eafacM. It to tyri- Logan etooed, on the sobbet -Sob*

^ Good Bdocatlon'' —*
deal tkenfOr* tkat If we
•iptoticatoflf i
«k Ika ^bfaetar aad eaadkba of tka •oil hvatoe with a plow or'a calU-

To Cnre a DM in One Day


.i™ K.......™, „i. .m,„ £.^s3tb.1d.2J.5SSuS

or k«r Ik*
tk* d*ear
daeay of mts,

After a

retdr aad do aol

pato thraa

dowa :

farcgaleritke pecaliar to famelca
Hcaee tte CMicata ftooedke bares
woDdotol loflaeace to r
Melth^etfyto. ^Me^ U

cedar kehoel Hetee.

aeft bv ka M tm Of air aad M traed doMriy togtofc«r agkto, the apwerd
Oa lb* orenlng of Ftox. SSth
- Mbooto wUl gl^- --------------- ---------■. AMbkMrkbaaertrlkakarabsaaar Sow to tb* water to at oac* toeekedj|
daodaL Tb* e
dka Mkftba tkat tk* *MklB( la b
>ld here ibis scaaoa.
ttoBM M kbg aa toa keraato are tkne | pMe anaiben
tb* pracran win be
laieot. If yon enbf
k floarM eaad tk* watar gM kept-tor eooagfc apM to prerent toei^rra by ^dp tMeoL






• sack bor* rapidly thaa It
,___ ebnreb. after________
off a layar of *arUi m thick aa tk* | tag" social will be held to the baseakiwlaa to deen and braaka tb* caa-|B*BL LAdie*. bring bosee. The ptt>loo



Mrtb below and tons

III rwiaamt care, the abaeliitr aafcty

prereau toe ^ (o^ the date. FM. tfto.

aad! edyoftbecirOtoedwMM
iaif of a Md was plowad at the be-. Otodya DedMberg to oar acbool agate,
toes of water at the satfaoe.



of “a dry epM!.- aad the other
‘ dk* wtar to tk* aoO. Tk* watM half a 'weM later. It was tooBd that. . Haael Braas U spMdlag the week
^bat M to tk. kb. aboM tk. aoo at toe date of toe plowtog of toe
la Trarerse City with ber .greadiaotb-.
*10 work dowBward aa.

AWibdVatoitw Aawiuvaa

Corad by CvUCMfS.

ttrhhiy ecRttA my bMy ead tora betog owerrf^to sores. Mem i»_—
aaalM Obd bft «or ab m4 tk* ptaodtoftaaptowedtseqaalaaelBhtollUaeM.
sadiswfalL-------k « fogb. Mataraily tk* ton* of all toe ratetoll <rf toe eeaaoa.
.krr dcsto, wUch I
!-t2ad. it betog Washtogtao's Wnbday.
e ydib aa A* water ktod
bad tried doetonsad
The rains la Michlgaa asaatly oone
It and bear,
Come to toe ™—
, whbont sacccM. but ray
fairly early in toe spring aad it not to-1 the granaar ds|»«
sing ^ir. BMtoer toristed tost 1 try Cntiears
(reqMBUy bappeas that we get bot •cbool BOBS. They
rood of n. I felt better efter toe first epplicMim
but brtag your of Cwticara Ototracot. and^ wm s
Ituto fato during May and early iuae. Don't etay away.
(ka^ to tk* «n _ ,

•ra* by
B aad tk* tkMaiM «f «k* «b d*paad* o<t the b*ldM tf tk* tww appMtos foroee.
Iftk bbtor tantot b tk* rato tken* tin rmr^- tkea* aell kibe and ike

. adl«dtober*MbHf*pidltyaeeardMV to tka ato* of tk* aell karaab aad
e <«tk* tatotoO aato It
toMkNa«toU«kerakkadeUi*Tatokkapketo katwyaa tk* *ell partblM
tobliik Cqkdwiitkwton ikid
ma b Mtlraly kllad wUk
■ ■■■■

Juat when toe (reebly

aowa crapa

aeed it. Tke rnle ot^bt toerefore





with a cheaply constructed unreliable engine when you can buy
a Columbus? The



to be to plow toe oat and cock fields
as eariy la toe eprtng as possible and
B the regalar toae eet;
toe Doaad to fit to prerent **>*« loss I tor a ae*tlng of eouaty anrTayon in
id water
.hen tb*
*• V and owing to the deraoraMta?
““ of
obmato done JM tote enougb to arold de- ties were represented. JfMan. Serar
stroylng toe eoil kemeto, yet early lanee of Ban Jordaa. rcpraectHig AaT..d_
t t ^..s

-------------------------------------------repreeenting Benito
On Wednesday, howerer. an informal
b BMB fM iMb^ ^ tk. wa- •ad eslUrsto It m to get tost toe rl^i
leetlag was held end a hnsy boor
sp€*t ia dlscasWag toe interpretation
•eed ked. Tbe garden and the potato of tb^aurreyor's law la regafd t&toe
tkat tk* water b
field sbottid be plowed early, too. first
norreytag land by eecUans.
tk* wMi Maade at to arou toe lou of water: eemd to




_______ M

ton attar treetaent

to made nato

easier, toe niface to leH tnmpy aad it
to not nearly as dUBoull to



or elgbtlcs. owned by toe rarions land
bowers, tost bnt >1 wa* collected for
tbe entire descripiloa of tbe eectloo
bot an additional twenty-fire ceeu wa;

has proven to be the. most reliable

---------- tbe rarioos parceli which
were coouteed lo toe sectloo.
A mlRcllaneont
lElRcllaneoot topica] dlseosslos
also arora aad oneftloa of a practlcsl
nature In regard to tbe proper dlrtri________________________________
llon of the coM. tbe r
of lost comers and the
.meou to be obtained for t

the weed eeede to spranl. M that,
been tola, tost 11 be collected for toe . mestlOR adjoeroed le be held again
ka oaa drlrva lots yon caa kill toe young sreedi with toe'
of each parcel of lao
land, which next rear at about
the same time.

boa Mow tk* Bail harrow bafM planting: third to al­ was to be e«t>ally dirtded belt
MTM o( Mpply at a low toe ch
» for-iraglator
regtstor of deeds' office
ofltoe and
end toe sur-t President Paonce of Brown uolver

» bto tk* 1

k Ik* lodi latD w

a |M« kH*wr -to AD waDe dag
t tk* aetl to eatlraiy kn*d


n... *


on eatth. Users of Columbus Engines are our best advertisers;
talk with them. When you are in need of WOOD SAWING
MACHINERY remember that we are selling the FamousSMALLEY, BATTLE CREEK AND CHAMPION DRAG SAWS.


Ferris Implement Co., Ltd.

ward In toe aerated wM. making toe i
today know more than their fathers
to toe c«wo. I dereloped that many at toe county
knew at the umo age they are In
eldersi 1In
tyora Ra_______________
.......... ..................
„ their
ana loarto. to allow tbe gnmd to aet-i reyora
BM interpreted__the ._
law differ-;
Itly and instead of collecting Si for strength, power and ooocentratlon and
Ue agala tb pteee m that toe .n—;
„... ^^..,1...
of forties.the taeal:
f ausUlned thought.
layer, torn fl«frera toe Mrtobeneato1*“
erei7 description
by toe plow, may-eecaiw Ita anpply of!

127-131 State Street

water ftoa bdow leaMng It to toe]

'^‘^S^^iWoman’s KidneyTroubles

Mrmw to cheek toe*apward fiow of

Traverse City, Mich.

-the anifacei

tom toe eeed eown hr toe driU but
two teebes betow that eurface may


water enongk for toelr germlna- ^

a*ag«ritoil imo tk* ab. at

(To b* C


■Btopa «dar etdlaary erokcoadiOraetCewple WeMM.
MM Briaham and Hiss SlecU

township. The Ikmae for toe oceaaloe
WM ieewatea In toe
colon in
knwrnf the aaMcoal day OB whJto toe
Bnntega took ptaee. Praraptly at 1;
9-raoA the happy coo pie took their
phMM and tbeMairiage rite waa pro-!
r Bar..Bagb Koanedr
this city fa toe
tohM tk* taottot IWMOTM vatar aad fneata. A wedding npam ftdtowed toe
MM tka ttbe wator taeba to fiaai nreaony. ttey flagibelng the farora.
Mr. and Mn. Brigham
Brlgbam were toe re'm afttoa to taka tk* pto«c of tk* wa­
tor atobmd aad Uoe iwator* tk* *T«a

_______ ________ farm
NaUrally tk* whIM foraariy baonged to toelr.
bMar to aapkly tk* abpaal arapor- ------------------------- and which basa beami-i
an ready for tbeir'
oeenpaney. They morad la ipdAy.
,Mbv. aad «a A ko>u diy day tk*to


Lydtffi £. Ptnhham’s Vegetable Compound is Espe>
dally Successful
This Fatal
Disease. <



An almost infalliUe reawdy In
Lungs, known and used tbe woiid or
err rr pkoh roua. caucosT.


toMkaaaa of tk*

toMt b* a eeattoaal anwamat a^
vaidattkaa^watar.. ToB wtO b* aiuprlaad to ban how

aa-kto’Mto.'kM eaptotolly «a kot ABd
wtodgr daya.

la oaa caa* tkb aaba

nataaar Bias, treia wko** work era


0^Mrs.J.U/.2,QH^ Offrf /^rs. ■^.F'rakm

Operattoa* were begun last week]
M^thenew brick btoek of JuMiu Camp-':

4aik «BWr 1* dread owt of oar Mtde

aU tbe dkeaM* knoira. eritol Mrs. Samt
imnel Fraka, of' Pio^eet
MocEs a ue oraao Mapids rani-: —— {• the raoet fauL in (act. nnlcM' iwr M.a *tekh>n_
eoatpany nod Jh^nb^ blodL ' «*rly and oorreet treatment Is eppHed. i J(wnaettiankyoa«aeaitof<wwlmtL^

•kaU loan
e subjeet.
and iw>pT»
____ .
------------------ Ira study to to*
time. a»d 1
two lower etorlee [ diMing ber great reioedy for woraan's suBwTdmwftlitbstbfertlig-dowU fwAng !
purpoeM luT^ydia E. Ptekham's VegeUble eoddtordh-walk antra the rooOL IiUdont
•—■--------------------------or tk* top of btlag anan^ for basineu
aad toe upper floor for a halL
_____ _______
careful to see that it
•Ibd *oll. -waa Sr* feet bA
The bMghl of toe beaement will be. eom*la*d toe
hsB'.VeptahWOmnoQsd aailaattonk- .
tow to* MBlae*. aad tk* aoU a ^ nine feet,
core to eoatiol that foltamyllirairatMvywrfdn*
toe first floor

' story ftrarieen feet and toe fatal di
iB'a kidDey troubles, mtyu week. Mr* 00 mar barfcsto. aad
iHb. there wa* a loM toraask the
apound ecu in bar“
“be Vf
MrtoM to «rar ate* poMde PM aaura
la a CMtoto a*id


• £!L“


W . jMlUHi btotkaraaiwIaaBacr*.
.Mt aato tiiat a baa af bat oa* poaad

fi of tile Throat a*Ml
alnuMt a^centtoy.




ftay cnaeomM atone, wbile’toe cor- entire f«a^ W»tem. apd while toere
tnmbleleciT it
■t»»« srill be fitted wtto glaaa. nlarrul are railed remedies for kkli


I beard tom
- *
i'< Vcgfteble Cbapcemd wrdU cure
iwraw sM 1
s»l b

St. «pa<dMhkMt tma hMtorad raaa per
fWbtilftil m tm wwar. tows paPad
OMAett* aMOam af the gmad MM*


AboV; toe adiatola^ band-' u^-wkidirWlng *wu"pain.:

-------- ehatteta. Tb* tUrd floor wfl!
deep m toe aMl aad he obffirwetad by ooiMaa or po«A
A tbe
rpof bffing oanded oa Bowe traaaea.

aide sratla


WlktofltoA Aatoataa toe fllm* mm wm bs

(tary all praiw tl very Mgbiy.

_________________ __
aajra are afleetad aad aboald W
________________ _ _ __ _____________ Uma ia eoratotSag toe diaeesr with
proof a* poBffi^ nnd la ndb^Ug liy«n B. Itokknmb Vegetable Ooraikrktty
My to ftra tnannnm nlsA Tba pownfl. toe sroaraab
mab remedy
eea*edy for srw


kpIMtofl WtO be randy by Inly 1. Tbe


Mn. Piakhaa** Stoadlnr

or da^u like brlto Suit la iu^ar
atobtt^aweUiagofbaadaeadfret. TltAtioa.
ssrriUng under toe eyra or sharp pains

it will pay you to give us a call, as we have a fine -lioe of' Cutten, Robes. Blaokctt
aod Sleigh Bells. If you anticipate bu>iog a BuggY next spring, dow is the rime to'
get one reasonable, as we have a complete line on tbe floor.
Call in and get one of oor 1905 Ca1endars.\

tRwbk. or asy form of female a
rate with
.... T
at Lrhn. .
Mam.Out of the grant rolameofes-:
prrieaee wfaleh she has to draw from. !
It is owre tono Ukely she kna ti
kaewirte that will help youi
Her ndrira la Tree n^ alwayi
.ys belp-



■ jiii-.-..vr-,’ i./«7




•ur;»v i*M “ "w;*"*'■
t>n»clkrr. bis oouffeRMtec andj
<Mt MUu W :• ^ -11“ “no^
V •> •nkoi»W» «^«o »n
aaa «|N«od npUilr.
Hax.ep|,h<^ «kJ 200 homes aere.

sarb bctpeaUoe. to v> cxttai. «be'
ckrieal proCeuioo. The eoiwr«aas
ta an-* pr««eb«r. bat he keeps In
cigae toaeh srlih the dremlt rldei
his dlstrtcc He «ads that they kno*
; 'aore ahooi npd do mn to shape pnb.
mmoi^wAing tfioo j^
' Uo swiUmenl than W other cUa of
nrtaiT-i* the Ms
Al n tfVMk
A P«a
MS‘ men
In aopthem
Mptheni coBCnunlttes, ootae
wmjtk^MaoojM 9»i thot three! ‘ BOB oC high character and megritrhad pmiihed ta the flames.
When Vdvard Caspar Stokes eras
■ «v
The _boraed
area Is^mtle ana .a
Baa laaapJiatcd aoremor of New Jeiaey
loag. Itaateads tipasOiMhltaareaBa
hU frloods had be* at him for
to Oakiaira areaae.. Maa? poor perowe. He declared
aoas Itrefl-ta this aheiM.
that a silk hat did not becoate one of

teo^ oa iJailiei atreet, be- so small
hlT resldenee,
taeea tleaual and ‘Prospect a

. rHoaBB,





Stttutlapnntlimttke ehuM «t jmr djrlBK of
TkiMt or Lu( TroBkIf<i«i 9 to L
Wilto BO tuoo. Dot eoro yourJJIoooM wiar

The Kiiiii You Have
Alvrays BoDe^


tho oolr oMoUr odantlSo tone SpaoUlo In ozlotanao.
roontrUr punnuod to holp or nwney rotOMlod.

Bears the


CMpegUtonxi chafch and Is a splea-

a salary
Med hf^rffor^l«^»rwWla the Mt of tte l«i»eo paiu'
Oa Sun“
days sad aomfUmes during the week
days be fluds time t D proacb and bis
t ; Br. m> nca«ir nmn»«.
g; .
tm al watered bad tt he
Ml With a, avrnca
derriclt dubiuuoi

nrsa and LmS OF SLEBR

S. E. Wait & Sons and Johnson Drug Co.

, nciabcrsblp In Are of the „„piy
fasbfc- ___
he prefers to f„ ».-•


, «.« BO

n ofllelal null-

F«ir some >fsr*'|is>< ,Que.-n Aai-lU-

to take aoroebody-s word

fc,., ,.Is1,b to Englsud and
Franc.«bc Is golnr t« wort, hard i
tK lier durior's d<-Kroi-. Sbe.has k
Lor ln-srt oa qualifring la oicdlcln


TraU !<•«•* T>Bro«Bi.(«iT - an -itlsfsSiral


racSMls Sifliialnftef


i;ew vork


of tho flaplh than they flees them htmaetf. lie has a flae set
rwaapoaalblacmaacoantorthe ^
^ --dot hlttseif oa hU
- *-l£dMlB*OtaUlht«sm.
hMathw *n«« ha wal^
•» a madmalr. «r. Jerome niso
: e»d Us •teflht wa» too ls a skUlod drUM. mUm.
jaM. a« hewaU throng. Bpoakw Canaon’a all but ludcdpher^«a»a«thap8fWhafl haaoms aap-i^yp haadwrltlag got Coagraaiman
4m lhar
w ^Caahmaa
tk«r Jt»p*
h^®« |»ml
lalo a mesa .a reTdaw
raw Mys an
«Caaae aad help me."
Tho W ashlngioa rwprcae^taUre got a

rentliy ewrse. otiolng the n€«c-*wr>
money hr ‘IfWB Janitor and oiU.-r
Pn»o»'nK blP BradnaU.m lo
^ ,^rd nslfour bss, b«n.
eolng the roiiorts ..f the Loud.*, rlui.s.
U Is said thal'LonI Ilatfour premmlcd
* document to tbe king for bis .Igna-.
' apiwlnl,
ce. the aiB a« a classmsie. Sh^ rrociv.-d
,ho .l.igre.- of barh.-lor «.f ls«> snd
■f.crasr.l t.~k a full curse ..f It -rnational snd pariii»in«titar> 's«. l»urIng tl«-_lnfauc)- of her rhildru.
Fairbanks st-j.lled taedlrine.

w thar p«te»ilMr~Cha8dlat'f i iotr from the Mk«. hit was unable S,!iiee being tmwelcomo. o the king.
pnllilcal n-aw»s..
9*H1uT lmVTi ^?**n*^ ^
than two or three Imt w!

jIthathfvwBtohIm. He



all but the'last three words. lade-.-Oh. the devils."




BlAt “

___ _____
A, a MlUlkw
[Ma 'tMsCaa»d«therparmphar
oar. Tha only

.>..■ n^ ri

^ la an latervlew ha daeltres hit lai«to rrtablllwte the soAMUUBAto
OTO tot. .
the pprefeaaMal artors.
ifl-rt. 3MI *» tite
^ ,hg,,^ra.«„«poiallo«dU>haT«

»♦ ha.
»« la Part.
up Ja a Urae foot bot.
^ ,, bm recently that draahaea hMa the hoHdays aad the onu
daeoiwled with
thiM that haa had gar eamlaa hm ,he UgW* of Hoeorf “I alalaula itoi
. haaaMamapmr.
bo cainag exists that to aiora hoobr■■ M|t-'eaide or capable of aeoompUd
t er good for baamsiltr tbaa
VVmaauhns. Mleh,. FBb.
A two LoBwdlan.“ be aayi. “If I
flayVaaMlHiar rgml taaehera tms been! aanator 1 abalL Aral o( all, fight the
■ >e^«l4tlMa
«* aoetal battle of actors had actreaaea. bread views.




PORT M oawdafl aad that the esoat —
.... ___________ ________
M war ««al4 ba to give a tetlMm.pUro-. -f dunao. Masse OUle. 1 done
aaana ta gtwaial atady la hto yoaih tiad a dr«aun tea night. I tbought I
aad Iniar aeafl him to tha Agricaitural was dald an* goor to beavea. it ahons
^ ly was a beaaiful plsre. Oere wo* de
praT. Lee Hornsby. pHaelpal of (he-vh'.ie geameBi Utila' around la der
Bmrdasaa avanue school of Trav>rse cbairg .g- dc niggers down oa dere
-. CHr aad aiao a awmber.uf ibewooaty kaces shlnla' up dere grtdea slipper*.
boaifl nr rgamtaere spoke at teagth, oen de dream klaier chtnged. aa.l 1



e-l.A .iBPirV

ataa dh TcaekM% History." aad later
ft the day a vtoli was made to K. C.
BMbHM treat hatehery where an tnItretung urn waa given tho methods
ad vnflncitng (he Wadaeas. 4chool
O^aahW Crtfl. was blghly
pMMd wUt the matUag and the laterett taken by teacher, and pauoas.

Cio^t ■
■(.«- ttir. '.ant

-‘nty. h.-k.

t A°TiTg-Htii?’Sf"
, Or»iH TrwT.T>f.,»
In lU- BWHwafUie oMiMof Bra.ry A Bsr-

iiu Ns^Km



Refunds Vouf money if


Uitona Tails (0 €ure

They jruaraniee V!T()N.\, ihc Bfcst Tonif and liJood Purifier Known, to cure,
all diseasc-s q( the,Blood. Stoma< li, Livor and Kidneys, such as 1 iyspepsia, Nervous­
ness, Malaria. Uriuhl's Discasf.’ I'lhuumatisni and I'cmatc 1 Jiseascs. Tako \’ITONA
for one month and if it does not help you brinu back empty bottle or boulcs to C.
A. Bugbecl>rui* Co. and they will roium your money in accordance with the follow­
ing guarantee;
Cm out thi« Guarantee and take it 10 C.

Scott-s Emulsion

yoa flak Iwct- dere? ^ery whHc man
had a nigger a hoHUhi^lm ^ween him . - ^ . a S.
and de bUziB'flix. I daaao. 1 duDDo.“ Of
The portrait of^Teaidept Roosevelt.
which to bring paiaiedV Ouo Von J( wiU uourWi un.Ulr«i|rlbcn
Knimhaar. is lateaded to be placed In
u,. «,,c cpuol at Albany.
fi.L,,r^ r.mikw.M
i>r. J. a, Bergstrom of the depart.
«1" “•
m«tof pedagogy tdibelnduaitmi-Id nhvny« Mcr wiiiir; nJivnya
varsity, has bcoa made ae associate .|mlutuWi‘ Jiml silways lu-iit-lU-iitl*
Fri., ».-Tha house editor of the new KatMsi Magariue wlit-iv'tlK* bmlv w wunUiiu^ fr..m
'eaHiWtiae on JndWary today ennsid -tor Sebool Hygiene.hubiubed,by Earitlnsr- in t-Lildivii
mad ths Kriiaa resolailon for an Ya- gtemaa at LeCpsle.Germany.
the tobacco UHst get- James H. W0IS. a aegre. wbo has or uJultg.
achitr and lU opmtloBS la Ohio. Ken- -been elected eommaader of the
H> Witt sraflyon a tamplo Aw.
laritr and Teaamnee specWealiy end chesau Qr^d Army of the
-•-ibHt Hub pWfarther actM uatO the Uc. to the flnu ^flu/ffiSen le
llv lu
gaaa la the cnae ana be laM hrioce ibs: fatgh oflke. He Is a graduau of
Mm-IIb ou rix- VT:»ii|--r
the nBewaey general tor hli censidwa- Derimoath college and tbe Harvard
<i(t-vety I•»t1l<- uf Luialtlea.
. - ........
law eehool and has practiced law la
riuB yua bu.i
Boiufl .for some years.
- Congrisamsn Charies F Scott
Raaa tor Jadgt.
ImUMton: Mich. Peb. 15.-T« **““• »*<«»* ^
Jndtalal aatriri repubMcaa,•»«««•* «»«« »* Waahlngtoa. st
AllltresplMa.-. ^
a ceetUteale: ef aMUan. 1

Saturday. ^^Th^th Day M

twbd VbU ;th. A. n tan.

e. M. Bugbcc Drug €0.


lli’Cl . etmi't’iilniiwl fiit fotuT,
jmi (at iu (lie vliUKUt .luckilijf
Tlicn* m im fi't fiui'i timt i"
^ .^asilv tiiw.-Klttl oml utwiui.
, *


n. WALKia
BtJ JadSBotPro

I,npovt!rhilica«oi», Ute iiniHlVtrlhlKsl^'MwHl, nools 4 proivr

a c-nPn.iHU.ya.u.kztehflaaaa aa ^1 aa patnns and farm- I, oae of many laanlfcsutloM of the
\\„^ goil t-nn td| you tvhut
ate. *J tnflaya a«*iM the m^ dtoT.greu boman comedyT’ '
fiHiUoT to uue for ditkTrirt
•msalwi waa <« tha camualliatM of coagressmsa OIHe James of Kejt.....
■Aaalthhfl la more than, tw-k} bason his place at home ao old l>rtHimi&
IBtolr that aoiaa acUoa will he taken la darky who hM bbea with the faadly
voiir Iduta) in tiii|wi\xTi^H'tl
ra.^ tn thamaUar. tha ..hjete of ^ ^am rnttebella- d«ra ^^e
a of atameeUry agricaito his employer In much dtotre
iii'ctl 111 fiTtilia; it ninl }fitT>
tare la the eoaree of atedy was also utd said he feared there was ao negro :
a. j|
ii ihtM'Hi,
llitM-Hi, risl
rtsl ,i-.u-jHiw'k'K tJiul
flIasaaiBd aad. stiaaggly eeaogh. Uc bc«n,. -oit yei.“ said Mr. James.
a aad laaehms present aeeawd ^All good nlggarb go to heaven just the „n.j;,..kiji;r},, it. h miivIs’V
e I I I ik.Mb •!.*. SSn AMtMA___... _Vli- .. .....I. -



.rwC. (lit




PERE Marquette

Pwrons of the K.n-ler cresmery re;•: cents a ixiund fur Un-ir but- MdltoPB.
rufa^ToT BBbT PriUMB 'UBe»'«riKs '
it-r This wiater.
bsta UOn-. IB thr Oiy uf Ttsiwes 1



Mrs. John Miller Horton of Ilultslo
|ei^%"p^JIninMV |Sri in movemeais
dwigned to promote the imhllc good,
She was a memtew of the board bf
for tbe 8t. Louis r
tgeraa fc.
to •connected with 1
score «f clubs aad s..eleUes.


ig mn M WiOioa tsr a


wbirh 'pre7^l!»ad-,tisl*
‘parsoMl aad
c«i8d«tial. ,nn
you reded blm frote
from the
the bay
bay state. The
senator's private seereury hs« In_
-•■ appeals
, tnresilgsre all
.,1. ___ FA*3.
ITH’^dMu for senaM frem f^'sW- nnj deserrtet
nattre diatrtet. nr.»i«nMar-Mer.

iMUiS pat. tha tmur, bat be

c lo uwnfooo.a. raj^a.

lb* UKiaiy
(B>ari no ynday. the SM day o{ Maim,
IMS PkjiH .
•sNswaSari. (Ma ^/a^^w'.iika.A 11 sp|K«nae tkst d«<Maai.
Bta t> BU-

Cmt SB.1 vWBWsnt

via la good ooadUloa tor ,cveral penile, yna «ar^' “Ob. yes. from MsswichusMt*. li»« 1"-e:i
In w.shinc.u
Mr. Speaker. 1 tried erciy way to aiieadiug too 1.U
.. . m
j)le of uiupths. but u!rt«>ly
you about the m'F » ~“1*’'
; read It b
. more begging li-tiers thnn

riJr^TTlir t * %srthasrt M

*r-—— —«W-

••And shsll lh<

............. ............................

Tn«Bn>. (VTT tuuM<et^*M*^2-


S" mH; 3r
walrofm deep aad'
aad apraker: "Ymi showed this letter to ^vinilmH> Murray franc, the «. w rri.r.VeJ'.rs"

____ __



» hate iteflay
rnBS ' jjfe.ndlaiheo«cehelcadsthestrcn—------------------- --------.
. ana
aua ut
iB isirt*.
ili&6. ahJs father bciiw s pMetr -thm bj th- Usbon fsculv of M.-JIciar.
B'bbS lirnak*.
... HehssnotlmeforblUlerds
.. .___
nous life.
farmer. Uc was brought up ara..Fslrbanfs bolds three eoll. slwill ba ffrtsbUBhad.
Ishoo. In
errds, but makes bis own break- ag the farm Inured lo liard work and st<- degii-es, B)i«- grailuaie.1 from the




For Over
Thirty Years

toUore. obUI

AlthMiil. Dl«i1o Auornw Jeraiw


i^S Smm iMf hurthiM si sas^i^

■>■ »■<'"••• “
^ |*oiu»lile. Pa. He is a regu-

Ifcmdr ho^-

; Colambte howl, dhe Uoase^f Imael.


J.r jRXKs, Aaiwt.

m cfluaflpnpa, Mmk Ml eous

” ^bai It was biaied that
h,^ «•j Stokes »ou1*“aboa
would aboB amijy.
81077. H‘- «» •

Cmral arejM


Biigbec Drug Co.


Cot Out Thts Cnirantce aai Tike H to C. A. Bo^bee Drof Co.




H.:.......... ........................
porchased from........this flay...... ..hattia ef VITONA for whlc-h


.........paid..........%.......... .


U» rtBtuv inBwWre* ■

To be tsken fer.......

ss Tailefl
Tailed te
a t» VITONA has

benc^^ we hcrab'y.

agree U refund the meney




who rome to this store.


Jislifer UUeM BoehM - BtgMHby

A*-i«n» of A«n*iim


ud €»e
In «V« «d ackM vben t hid •
aonr toh«v that
1 hope yea at* betthlah of any sore
Martha StaaUiawstU. .

raaitM* *y ««< »* *«*“•
ProrejMai. Xk*, Jaa. 14.190S.
tkaak yea
>»«& Mr then. I «e
DMT Mm. Deiea—AB I have never
w •eheel every day and hare oajy
flteed a 4ar
h half tbit.tam. arrtitea to theSuaihliu>clul>.t tbeochl
Hr tMehe^'a aane la MUa tfahrmoa. 1 «m(d write bow. My taachera
ihenaweaewe^ lattycar. I Rhe aain it >ltas Pi'iloa: l|tlc» her rear
herrerywaU. Oar taaafear aaked at I aneh. There ate tS eebolaei la ariioal
;ta write a Mtcr to yea ibr oar Ui- lo4ur. Mr atartlw are readiac. aiwdliaace lenoa today.
iaf. tanruce. aeaaraohy aad arithI atady aritliMMle. nadtac. iaa- taeOc. fOr p«M I hero a doe. aad he
writlas. «MMTaohy and ifiell-'U tosnaea year* old: tale aaaie U
Itaio. r hare a caif.ud oe« eat far
care mt a ceat a ho^hH ftir peii. Tha «aira aaae U Prtaee aad
CMAlaa oa poUtoaa chit aauu aad i theoath aane te Btar. My pai» tahea
wraed Ire doUara aad thIrty-alBe the.'iterahl aad I tike to read the l«.MBta.
tarn In U. Pleaae oead tae a eard aad
iTwaa nay «oM wtoea I.ease to boitoa. I cneta I will cloae for thU
r'the m Uaw. Oeodhye.
There are eiictateeo
liana 0. dohnaao. ^
Jaa. 14. IMS.
head or eamc
Tntrmr CRy, Mleb.. Jaa. It. IMS.


Dear Mra. Batee—Aa It baa been
«ae lifter. aono lime riace 1 bare wrlttea. I
■U slaur ta rick
thought I would uke tbe time and
Our laacher baa toad four booka to pleaanrc aad write. I have goue t
I like to hare bor read I like her rery mneh. I cm in tkr firth
« un. V-*!nor Obi
woe. a imte book, a piak ribbon and
jtrogmpby. 1 am rery aorry to
boar that you, are elek aad bopp that
1 tank thiak cf thy mor» to wriiA you.will get better, and i h/^M- ibal
WriMa he M.T. r.SaiMlai «aK
you b^ a BonrChriumu and a bap
awSTtadar. HT auMan
nr.KW Tear^ l hopi! that you sat
. 1M M,
' lou of pmesu. i sot Quite a few!
JoM a Utua Mbika«
'' Tygama* Ckty. MM. Jan. U. 1W». Well, as my leiier is gemmt fi>ng
May Srira ,Umb aS «way.
DMr Mr*. Bates—As 1 have -not . smough. I will cdoae for ihU time.
Saak wait WBlfl lanewnw.
. nritiaa to you (hU year. I thought 1
May Rourii.
Italian Me tlaw and ptaoe.
wouM wine now. It .waa oulte atoriay'------- -.
Asd tkM tbo dnaaa bow.
today Md tbe roads were baM My oldfW aitftam of anny sraoa.
aal atstar la in
,tha WHUBberg Achdear
b mt the SariMPt aoraira
' the MamM a»d I tike to read tbe SaaMlM Mter* ie It. la aeboot I all wUb
»ma» bSiaa< Miirilg
Martha •taalelawakl. For laarage;
Ikla year we siodied about (%rtsiophcr |
j«at«i waiBlaM ItoM
lOohntiHH. Oeorse Waaktogtoa. Abra-I
iirtiS to toaal aadt r
tmrm MmM ligfclim.
boi Uaeria and DnaJuala FranMIa.
ASM year bM today.
have loia at fu at aeheol pM^
,^4tana Pbmiw» Bbielda. gaama. My little atoter waa ' '
wriUy, btttabe la bettor now. I mlaaed
«at ,-w. .1 i<*<al rto. 1 tti <to
I am aony to hear that yon


Cigaie nag josnam


Maodir HslrenoiL

Trarene Ciiy. Mtob. Jaa. SS. UM.
Dear Mra. BMto—As I have not
to you for a tong lime. I wm
am etoeea yaata otd and am
daily lor Is
gfm gnde. 1 ga to aehoot every
atndide-a^ rcadlDg, arit-

ham BB morn to irrite. t will dose.





dib. 1 k..

[«i<>>“ liiriwawrn^

cedar Ron, Jaa. SO. 1M5.
Dear Mre. Bates—I bare been readtog the Sunshine. I like It ever to

u». i» j-i- ii» s—ii.. a«e. ««

8,b».MKh. J«.li. .«B.

SMTles FraM MtUifeh llliloty
Fdd Ntoi4|dh lays a«l

TTXnDSm S'£l^^OB~3C
Tbe year after CaSmac left Ooiran. aa ereu beMI whieta.
for a Uar. tbraatahed aertona trouble to tbo lUtIa towa br the
wide rim-. It waa-1e the cariy aortax. aad CadUlae't tedtaa
fridwda and alllea who had Ured MdiRibora to hla for ao lohc.
had not yet nduraed fion ihejr wtater I
a lazip bodyo^
While tbo plae* waa tbaa Itsft m
tbe yoxeo. or Outgaaiew. cane fioai tbe weri and
treuad tbe fori.
They had tbrir war pklmi ca. whieta wat a had rign. aad
they toon became iuoiem. They claimed ibe whole eonotiy as
• their own. deatroylag the propeny A the.teiwta around ^
town wbenerer it aolted them to do no. They killed the aetHenC
nalaials whenercr they eoukl, mad ^Id much other mitehlef.
De BulMoo, wbo eomnded (he fort at that time, did not
dare lo r^lct them, as hla Toron eonaiaied of only thirty French­
men and eight Mlaori tndlaaa. while a* n means o( deffooe be
had only two imnU «w|rcl gnias. Bat tarhen nt tail ihe natASca
oaoM) into the fort iisrif and killed a Franehmaa. be no le^
aectralntd himself but drove them away from their eamp under
tetely fOrilBad ihemaelren a Utile furtlm away
They i;
and, buatlhg like a sen of angry boraeis» at oaee began to bealega the fort.
a of stasrp pointed tags were too aneh
. Tbe •
for them to snrmoont. however, gad Ftoaeh gnas carried death
farther than lydian arrows conld. So for a lime thrir -eSona
were In vMb.
■ Thc^ then decided to try what fir* eonU do. Ax they
dared ndl come within range of tbe guns they made-same Ifitrienae bows and arrowa. ao siout that ibey could only be used hy
their stmogcM warriora. Ihking thoee arrows, the savages would
lie down oa tbeir backs on tbe ground, and bendibg them by pat.ting both fera on tbe cenler of ihe Inner ride of tbe bow. poU
ibe string wiUi alt the foreo of ibrir pow|rfal arms. To the ar­
rowa they tied bnoehea of baric and lighlwood. and setting them
ou gre. sent ibe Aiming mUritM sailing through the air la great
rainbow carve*, from more thaa a Quarter of a mile away.
It was borrylBg timet wltbla ibe fort when (he fiery jala
hagaa to fkit iBBido the wsllt. At Int it fnll harmleasly on the
gremd. but prcaently a buiwlng arrow came down upon a root
covared with dry park, and there was a hurri of oeoke and fiaate.
and aoon aaotoor and another, ae (be fii« enught the log cnMaa
' one by one. We can fancy bow tbe Ituie children cried out la
fmr and iM 10 their frightened atothers. while even the brave
mildlcn turacd pale for a moment.
Bat there wat BO time tor fear. The aioro boosM were full
of fnra and soon the blatlag baric roofs were sent flying b
ground, and In tbrir place the ricUul were etrwebed over toe
hmnri. and dreariiod with water. Tbe Scry arrows might fall
where they would lbr«. amd tbe wily Posra^d ihrtr totatw for
their palna.
Tbeir tora eooa came to be frightened, aad well they might
be. One day there waa a ahrill choriii to whoops and yells from
the woods Ihat stood deep and thick baefc-to the fort, and wUk a
wild ruth there came flrins across toe clearing toe friendly 6u»wae. Huronsrand Chlppewas. rnshing to the reseuo to torir white
friends. Tbe gate* to (bo fon were opened wide to let them ia
and tbe shouts to Joy tbu weioomed them made the woods riag.
They were supplied vlth ammusttfim. and were QutelQr In
pnraufi to tbe bow flytegAmemy. These. frtoB beJag bfialegcr.*.
............................. .
? besieged1 Iaa they cot
fertlSed camp a abort dlitanco from toe French fort.
For atoricen day* toe baule raged betweea the boaUlc
band*, and when at length too Foxe* were compelled to auireo- .
der. DO mercy was shown thee*. Tbo Iturona did not spare a alngle prtsoaer. and over oee tbmtssad wm pltflesaly pot to death,
while to tbe allie* there were only klUnd sixty Indiana
With Ibe attack, the periU of Datttot were eod ad tor a
time, and over tbe Uttle town and toe pleasant farwta tkat Uy
.along the river ahorc*. ibe iIHe* to France waved is peace and
prosperiJ)- for many long, haimy year*.
(To be (Mritoaad.)

- - ^ ****** ^
day tbay have beao sood. I have reafl ttose ttnee I urote to you. and as I
iim /MBS M^bOf kriimd
dtribtog te te I
write you
*Uob SFPMr to
.1^ . I
beucr aow a Mter. I am weM. and hope you are ,
4^,. we have a ...C r wm cose my leuer. oood-hye.
Two IRUe Si:’:SL\’rtoi;tS:;^th^
iHM B«te. SRor loofelBg a< £
w^^ .«Ul^f«.r week*. We were le. out U. (ri to mrhooL We have three pigs.
Pte« four Sunshlaer.

IHj amralar he ariakt he aNBWt^l e'cledt drirtac » town wttt Ua wagTM raetpe Oh «wuMd fUI ef f
by a iev
erileat. R a*d fieln the city .pMtde
iUa baea tried aid mnd eaerileat.
wne ah
.^Mlgbt be well to teach It t tbe inile.ready to boy. Tbeeeha ralaad MaeMt aad lor thea be eaoM alwaya cot
Thta a the aaidhi* prte*. Ula and wife took beardWho decided to rtak U.
eri a the aoaaer. ahd the iiuie ettp
thUdrea oacd to delij^t U tbe r
Aad attdo the yoaac aaa
nroant. graad oM tree* aad alt th*
Soae taafclay yo^ bh
anlBiu FhriMr Wnhta* ao earafatly
And here t« the maa
leaded. Uttle naS waa a yartlMlar
She U trylii* to fdnae.
pet fld th-> City childreo. aad waa M
Jan do u the did ■ .
tane ahe would em eat out
Aad y«Mll win wnb eaae.
One day ehe bear tbem compartag
Kaowtag futt well the cfiy life to the faryi- Md they all
Tbe atrrafth It would irtro.
agreed the (ana.waa by Jhr the ater.
One qoan of isood dour
FIRS was not BO miiw. and derided Iba .
She bM Ibroash the Mere.
only way to- find out was to do as tha
rlty children had done, eoe for hmai'.
To frilew the rerlpe ..
IMrIy onr monUpg ahe Tritae and
And -make them Juat right.
She nacd four teaapoona
tilMied o-it from under her mother'a
wing nnnoiked. Sbe ciosacd the garOf baking powder Ugbi.
di-n that b«mofui« had been her
niseult wlUuMt aaH
- wnrbt and finked backward emy lit­
Are exeeedtagly bad.
tle while to nee no one was In purSo a leaimeea of Mh
ealt. She ran under the old gala that
Was Ibe next thing to add.kept Ibe rows In the pasture, and fin­
ally rmetaed the open rand. She made
Xow the powder, the saU
a funny right, ao (lay a ihlag ruaalag
And thU Mperfine Soar.
straight ahead, not evw stoppug to.
WVre rifted four Umea
eerat^ far worms. Oa. on, ahe weal,
- To halaaee the power.
and as she neared the railroad eroass of butler
latTMnrhaard a noise so shrill aad
Wore next pot la.
sharp she nearly 4e«i her hraatb. Ska
Tfaea nibbed, with tbe fl
ba.1 thonght those etocklag egmOells
nu daky and thin.
a find rvmtri. but this i
worse than she had ever heard,
was jau bopping om a aoM
As white a
wheo a Bomethihg thwadered by than
Mlklog ami r
‘ (rigbumed ber nearly le death. Her
mile £ean was sbalctog her wbnto
hcriy. and ahe wnadand if the eliy
On a weH-fioured board
children, had sarh nwlBl frights trySo the mass wwoM not atldt.
, lag to rraeh the tana.
U was patted aad pressed
■When she started the s«s was Jaat
Till about aa Inch thick.
prising over thr blue lake oa tha aM
She eat up Ihe dough
;.fam: now it acemed to ber it hM
With a cirmlar tin.
travriod as t»r as she. tor It waa away
An4 bad a Qnirk oven
over on tbe other ride to tha ricy.
To pul Ibe liai.cdi lu.
“It must be growing tate.~ she
thought “If 1 were heme sow tba
Tiliim the Idsenlt caaee but
good farmer-a wife would be hriagtoM.
ibo fard."
The auu at liM dliagstotol entira-''
.. ly. and Mly a soft light raitolsad. Tito
0 aaemad
obniy« and lo
UUto -FhtS. wbo had aattbar
A Funny Spider.
This tuaay spider will walk over food aor Irink, tbe ell# seamed to latoi
your table, but you could, not possibly ^ too charm the had (MMddd H peaaato-, .
: Indneo It to fpla a web. Ii's a pretty .H.
Queer fplder, isi'i it that caaaot aplB f- xjt. If the bad only nevto Ml baato; *
a web? This oM to made to oortc. «bnt would ber kindly mother USsh
which explains the reasem why. Tour - when riie oouQldy’her unto brand Ihatspider caa be to any •
: sight and Araad ber ■tmtogf ----te tbnt to the oorb mad for Its body. fhfBer Wnklha,.and-fhe sood Maam
For tu legs use wooden loothpicka. wife, who had been
Slide (wo into each end to toe eerd nad father io ber. bow nagrataWAir''asd then bend them In (he middle ah- would appear la tb«4r eyes when bar
tu they ctack. but do ml break ditappesranco bad beeame nakaiowB.
through on both ridea: They wBl
Poor Uute nuS, She i
bond and form your apMer's Jointed^ paying to;- penalty to bnr awHI dolag.
leg*- I’laee your apbler on tbe table,. If chlckoas, like ekfldrea. cauM bSte
get some water in a teaspoon sad cried tear*. UtUe Flat would bsta
abake a drop carefully on each leg at wept her CMrt ooi. hot she eOukd aaly .
tbe Joiat.' The iega wilt WatedlaUlr show ber Borrow l>y the smd Whtltos
b^gtn to mure and appeac. anile life-- aouad of “Foop, peep.“ Sbo waa Jaal
. Iflte. Of dourae. It will not rna acrom about giriag op. wtelteg she had
-the table like a real teUar would da. Bevor beard to cliy Itfe. whim toS
but If tbe toothpWra are to tough: aouad to wheel* broke upon bm.tets,
wood sDd the top of toe table emooto.. and -(be more familiar on* to aU Ma: H will Wriggle a god 4mI and asioa- Jor'a lark—toe tarawr's waiebdeg ‘
;i*b pterytme who eccs the uick for as his wages ramified down toe raafi.
toeSnt lime.
^ “Peep. peep!“ she cried aa (hey
w*Te about te pass her uBBolleod.



bw uiin., !.«

I. <b. w bu. .1 Fbm.. miku.. 1..
wh^ir'LotoS*tad telll^ ^
L nest to straw. The world waa very
new te Uule Floff. and h seemed Uke

big ball to llghi. She bUnbed her
^ and wondered where sbe waa.

kiu UW :bcd
*** *•’”*


too moat


teaderty 1^ UtUa FbA
She «* eight olher IllUe bring, like

S boraelf. aad wondered wbo they wera.
»*«*“« Plnc. for ber. OB rtmte
Tbe tmiy one she .wemed to perfectly
romeeeto.rH was the Old motN.T ben « “*« W"**
"tofB. BBd tbO
■ho bad *o faitbraUy gaarded th>- wrieome she reoelred amde her hap­
pier than, rb« bad ever beet, tor Mo
eggs and watched so anxloaslr the
knew sbe was not deoarriag o( b.
- uowo .n .ppon . »n«-_________ _____________-_____
Summit city. Mich,. Jan. 8*. IMS. flrsi breaking to a sbelt.
cot a hat niB drawing TonMy. As thU Is all I can think to. . Dear Mra. Ihue*-My brother Is
' •riling a letter^o you. and I tbou^t mother ben this piexaure. aad. having
—'—g»»» ol amhors
and a-rlpg. be- ...............
I mlH close. Ftqb
1 ,o«d
.rt..... to. ,ib» »: I b-, .b.
,b. bb,. bwt
RdwMtl Courtadc.
■UMf asba#-th*M mile girts
, OM* of eandy aad nitts. 1
Age il.
b»«,-. ,bW ,» «b«K „y .bH.
> b«» TO. -b-M .b.
„ U,.
■ MhniiasfluMflBBtiMr
la all I eaa Thiak to. I will.eloae.
Orawn. Jaa. SI.* are well hv thU rime- « •* l»««W
baaSa. among tocm this one. wbleh
TbankslUvIns. Onr
Onr sobool
aohoul will
will he
he «.t
From your friend.
was Uko ^
alL-Cblea— RoeoN
tom had amsfir miM toiwogb aef
write you a line u>-let you know tori muefiT Her name i. MUs Johnson, a thunder

alU-Chieam. aoeoM
ihnmier Cap-you
clap—you must remomber
many times. She mM tonk at tbe
ts John.
being, -**«»
- Uttle Fluff was a rdry
•« ilay —
laibeetoTravcroc City
Ity. «!(*.,
Jat 86. IMC; deep I tmnnut slide down hill. For » am .ell and hope ihl. wUMted you We hare a ea. and his.n...................
ic could have Iwe* «-aslly ertnhed in the
en aM wwuti laagh at toe piettirw
Iwr Mra. Boioi—Ai i' hare
|ivs;i I
1 wu
■fbb'ib UAObiw arr- i
til‘child, and even so
Would Mska Sura Abewt Snap.
ctaa would msha ber writiea te you lor a fimg tone I win Tom and Bob. Dob t. a funny name..
‘'"S ™w
A HUIe boy. says the Kew York
j. largm tbe pala. Sbe kept it onui one tww. It H very cold b«re
e today. 1 hat rhei.'a tunay cat too Mv linie
**" »*** '
Chri«»»*- ' 'be eat. th-u to.- cat sit* ap and boxas a emeklng eggskeu
thr sense to tremew- Obferver. who had bm blowlag bub­
totS^ls. nepltrw. Roy ........_
Aogerw. Is
a .........
iitti,; .....
book, a ea the dog* ear* aad mrite* toe dog
tov. pMiag a pkaa to ya» In H tor walk a mile gpd a half to school.___________
., _
bles all the suornlag. tirtBg to ploy.
‘ir:»jpgto.«>a efimad the book tor toe. Halveraon ts toe toac^ier. There are betun. He Is seven years old.
'•» be* *»!«•'.» belt pin. a my a»d makes him rob hU
Utifi. Fluff, when horn, was n foany and suddenly growtag serious, arid:
M.MBk. a»d tt was wteraed to at algbteea sehtoara here today.' The wlshn* to-be a Sunshlari-- Win you Pl»
and a gl*« rase. And I bad ihe earon.
riih(-w> tola sad lank. But. as tbe “Read me that tboty about bfsvea:
«Mk toe «ttle mark aiM toara.
' teacher U rtmdlsg a book enliUed. plraum iMd him a eard and b.ittiw. 1 * •!*»'“ »»»
» «» •'«»“" "P
days passed Inio werim. tba SuMest It Hh tbo gtortouto.- “------------Sldaey Lww.
•W ibta lime C bad firs hmay books “Olrt* to True Blue." I hare" four went over to his place last olghi and «»«»»•«
«»*with my
*“a‘ awI uncle.
klad of .vrihnr down covered ber. aud
*7 wi]|.“ arid toe motber. “bat first
•M MB Bcto oA om BBS ever hrotben and two tlutera. ,l got my hli> mamma made come taffy. ! hope
kroiher and sifter wen- out tor,
SoBUnlt aiy. Mich, Jaa. 88. IMB. •*« became the a
- (d. Uttle cWMtoa wbo ware iU card aad butUB. tor which I thank
----------you ...
yo^ win
win gel
get better
better Boon.
Boou. My
Mr brother.'
* »«**■• Tow lorlag
rdSfcttoth I
very i
h that had thr aaMipox U hauling idgs
- - - mi.'oad
The roads
UW. IW bM lb—•«. —KW
I. «a -ell. 8b, L»l. Aren.
t™ rteL lb™.
ue l«Ue, bj ibl.
«• b“
l~-M »-o-bi («
«br~:r.pmirib.™i81d,*-r. 0.S 1. be.1. ««. U boob
W. ben. 1-0 b,».. «.„«»*, , l.ei-f..................................................."o .ooolvoA tbo pio. «A b^ to tbo rtirt. ot Pirtoor WllTie rtrtoo too* tbo AoeottHlo. ot




n«,.„ ,b.r.::s



lam fitotori am to place la tbcmaaF

From your Suashlae girl.
rime will find the waste pap.^r every day. I l am -la
My ■udhra are reddlBg.
Irraie BrrilhappL ..haiket the Srsl thing I will chwe
teriltng. grimmar.
r, geography.

*«nB.'|owetl,'# moheih a lie." imaadiag up
to It. I eaa tell tbe time to day a»^ “>«• a lassie would eater, in' be said:
u pood as my pmm caa. I like *Uch Uttle Fluff would tug ai oee
“I gurib Hi go-an' (hoc about tost
.AA-. iT’S’
,x-.r onuKuncr
te go to school. Tou msdQ a mMrite cad w^ her brother pulled carateriy totmn-"
Dotr Mra. 6ai«a-AB J have not

scholars in our aebool. My teacher'* m
,*me. It Is
tesicad to At th^ toher. but Uttle JTut woubi
. '
my Ihtle p
written to’you for a fimg time. 1:
y nogcr*. j,
©"tolea. I have two sts- aina
always 10*0® oui rietorious.
mn- .1. tmi^ .fc-b «b— -rt. tkouMil I woiiid now. It Is QuiteMonroeCeeier. Midt, Jan. 15. 1805. ler* aad two brother*. Thrir aames
Farmer Wilkin* used to uy tori _
* Fbilaaaphar.
rt:_____ 8- ■*____________A«Army today and toe road* arc drift- l*»t
Brieo-i will write y ou a are Mahrt. Urtla. Harry and Cart. Wd '
Brno lac#
-tl'U® Fluff would make her way la
to fan to raew. Our umefaer* Mtoe^icr. I would like to Join tbe Sub- have iw« pigs, a cow. a horse aad a
• -toe world. Old be was a mod Judge to ^
iiBiraroteY aamoi- in BimiiBiid dla- j. —....____
-*.-^r77T *hw
im.™... .i.*__ _____________ _
___.... .
ariU be glad to hear
--- «■«.
- wheo
—w.m. ea.-d back after you riga i.It, The card* hU «
wbea left i
arithmetic, rrtt—«w
fourth —
laa- and
• « button,
button. lI m
go to
to u-tMinJ
scboal rtVMi.
eveo it**
day totti,*
milet nerto ^
to Cedar. cw*
One day
a her sthBiar* Stela. wfH we setf
IB BOW. I am ta the fottrth grade. My 1 was ri aebool I loot my Suaihlae i e for toe g
o keep, age to «. With
I TUdes me s ‘ being Bfto bpatoMa .
r rvadiag arilbaieik. gcog- briiOB la the graaa My airier Mobri and pul where they
muck haoMip be hod at last
ft that tinj mlse
.FMar Mra. MridweJ wfU opw write There arc ebtoiem achoinr* ia oehool TAkkr-Magaage aad tpemaii My rinya etok ipamdma aM goeawatooei array day. ao that
will r
r' toe dlsUBMlon to bring the richrat Bedrime
%i saaF'vhte
BMaTwhat y
you (htek
* is
a Is'Uyvak Croakbtte, I at Cadar.
rtbail today. My papa bas slao brad to a
a prtat.
| '
tormer la toe eewatry.
There's Mter feOew m fi.





m MaUer .

l «»i«iy»te*eraBd

is a quality in Royal
Balufig Powder which makes
food more digestible and
wholesome. This peculianty
of Royal has been noted by
physicians, and thejfiaccordingly endorse and recom­
mend it


Tk* .people
«r tb* OMUI biM ptwOMd. «Wh MBd IM ______________
BtAla !■» ft>i »b» —mf. af dniMf tto perom mwa cC Scottaad Neefc. la tb»

Mw **<>—«»»*<



™». ,
I vlir aar It over and orer. tWa. and from it roon»K.----------------------------ernrOar.


- c™.
Toward! tbe laat b^coald

IM po™ai<~ »»»>
■» »«» V' <«•
^ , ••
«i mi


, lonred lato aa Umeaw irm kettle.

' It l« tbe Lordi-

Wtat la iniljr eood lor fce.
be «»W kjok at It.

>, Were
irrooaa>Tibcba*cawhlch««eto mow e^ tree. aad aiMw! It were
;■ of ibe wwal idae;
from ree
Ae lailQr.
tall«r. ore
drewmahcr or

roa iron
aad fifi; wacoBa
. A baad nf noslc
atorei. >-oa will dad I'on'ea
0 DumpUnc Town, Bad le
t to eb«oae '
OBir iBoae WHO na»o ik-ku •■>
.v... ^ ^
i.,„rt, ‘beae w«.*» aere taken to Seotlaad
Klro., or b.v. tor lorMlO.. ™.“
"■<■ '»
»"«“• «">
Vooo- 1»- «lro»<. 0
to tor
“ „™.
ir the remomhraaee of a «T»e»i
Then- was errai ebeerlns
the moBtof aanall ajiBt*. HTicb boxes
a^ tbe^
friead la. It mar be of tbe BlBuHeat
rH«ui. i
kind, yet H If a cbaaiee from Ao home »«•
peraooal friend. 1
■Borai BMoaB eoama ca. imaa.
1 for them, for
— eooklBF. The fotowlBR esceHeot blBla
iMtdra the ilumpltaK BO eBd of Rood
were elren receottr by a wtIi"- tn -----------------------.blBprtlted many uWe. la tbe apaTable Talk:
per btalned TaWa Linen.
How maBy roBiV»a bate fricBde who
tooseWife la there who at «ae clow wan*ou»o. aad tbe feaailn* and
an* heIpJoaa In aome aay from alekhas not been aoroly fOB laned ibr rt*i of the daj Bad oearnera or aerfdeat. and to whom It I* a
«nsl*hi1y ataliu la table ly all olBti.
pleaaurtt to 0«. an ae of lore or kind- y^co for which rite knowa do remedy?
A.barrel of the beat molaaaea

«. C. a.»*T*bri»ma
B*Ti*..*aaoeuTr awtoa
g aeaa* Or may L-e yon have a Wf*”', |mht* Oetolw*r number of What to Eai, twed
aauee for tbe big dtunpUng.
,bc following and «be hungry P«Wle ate it all.—
who llvej in a boarding hou»c. wbo.
weleomoB u=yiblBE om of tlR
the bum-j,.,^(^]^-^^,M
,ueh «rerc
erery i.o»«v.
bottae- Vopih-a OompaBkm.
UN'a Twam.
dnim ronilne which U nec«aari!y •, g«.pcr_wtwW dr> well to preserve:
k iMa aid !»?.«lb«c are »»
partof t;:eboanllng boare bill
The apols commoaesi oa table Uaeo
It la the aplrii within that mak«
Apple* ’M*eome tastelea* at tbU time
. To fueb rrailen. I may be able to give
goOec and ehoco- of the year, when slewed In the orfllBook* «n. worn with the monotony of the a ^elr pnotwtlon
11,1^. These »i»in may onarly always
4^,. a™ kinds.
w!2e^nir^Apaop1e«id»lA.d.lly grind couM leant to any with, I^w a y«r now 1 Imre mad^haW
uktm «wt by me... of boiling pot break up I. boiling, with
’•« »-»«'
’*>* Bppreetatk»;,„. This to he elfoctlTe sbould bo
of Alii aUe« of lemim.
— .^TrorfrcltmH «d tb* near.' mate I am. iberewltb to bo content." ^blch has been expressed for thorn has,
hrirkly. it ahonld be cither thin
-Bfl center asd tb« It wMhl ctnae tbe weartoM* to drop more Ibaa paid me for the ttM^ I
ordinary bard water; artesian well
delldoos If cooked
away, and make ibc dam wort a plea*- may bare ^e to to pre^re them. 1 ^,er wlU not do. ‘n* s^t shoold be
• <w -iW wladoWB aad hte are limiwd of aometbliig to be drwadTbe repnlflie! are pasteboa^l b«^ , pintej over a bowl and the water
\ ■ cd. • Says a writer la tbe Detroit Trib- a roll of.*repe paper. Japanese aapkliu > pooml Atongh tmlll Ae spot pales
nuimcg aad served wlA cream If ae
________ _________ —
y nf.eaa be bought for
home keeidass one aomeilmef wonder, win do for quite a ai^tber of bc^ ^ wet tb^ will come out U they imprpMd by adding a pAA ot saUIf
of cooklas applea In
.top a raomcBl aad take time A be of a beadrod for thirty ewata. aad 1 wastdai^ Ac Tolkiwltig h often effect- one Traverse city honaebold cobsIbU
ec« leis. and will Aft a leg ume. |
mU the yolk of egg. to a pa«e
^„pHng Awn. eorcrit* liberally
tlfatefoH" Fbf whatr aome of_The wooden pUtes
»ith gUeerin. spn»d the spot thon- *.,1^ „gar. wd bl» of buUar. and
wl'h and expose to extreme sunsbAe. rii^“nTa S «our orer Aem. addtfme warn tbe wIndPti Itagilmpaaod tbei'mayaak. "Por^gAg all day' neecsmry. but a.
■ -----------and half------------------Ae eight last to keep tbe ceau a dosen they are good Al^ to
Mom fmli staAa are very
reiy essUy reA makeartch )alee.
bmtfe A decent order, aad tbe family have. eaptAlally under certaA circtim- aoved. It Is bm known by all ibai ^id baking A a corered eanhea bakfiaaccf. Pot Afiance. ihA wAter. 1 strawA-rrv siaiaa wash om in clear j„g dish until they ate red.
o>~» » w. ______________________ Is U. Aen. fcai Mvcral boxe* w a family where
„,cr. Uaay grape staAf will
,.ri,e aw dish now sad core
all drndBerr? Is H a more ronUnrrt Acre were Iwo tMet «rf
e^e om A ordinary washing. Almost ^ *ppje,. pu,p«. a paa. pat butter
iplaaaAg meals, cooking food, wash- .earlet f«»er. and I put ^1 the Aln^ all Aher fruit bAIds may be taken out .ad sugar in cavity, sprinkle cAnamoa
ow^them. hake aad serre warm wHh
AM w jTl a-tt ib. aad doaa \dt dlahes. ot*.. eU. «U« «»e Mr. oa wooden ptetw. so ^y
•Ad aad soul h tick aad tired of Ac burned and prerent danger of coaA- qoUc often In using Ac boiling water
cream or milk.
RAn. Now. 1 am sending to a boy...
who the sgtin sllll show* artcr an applies- ^
A driieious
drIAlous rt><
r«>clpe taken froi n Table
but 1b tton.
m Dwreut utU thouM not Iw a. Tbe homa Aoald lo dying of consupjption.
to him
U washes om.
Talk. U as folAws: Select large drm
cenalnly embody «.a«hAg more than a«d An x.nofcn ptet». A oislcr tb*.
iron rust 1. easily and m.1 Aly rember «W «« .are best, and
ibe manaal of Abor that It demaudL , there aball be no worry lo baring lo re- otored by means ot lemon Juice aad
. sberp knife rcmorc A* core*.
" Twbl|W Hama.
always be aometbAg turn AAg*. ^*l !• sAy, I kqep a few salt T « tboroughly with
p„p^ ff quh of chopped raAAs.
, and Acres







~ w-rt-Oooklag a amdgeryr cried cue wbAb I tblak erlll appeal A tbe re- lo the sun.
__________ ,J: d>erT.woB>aa."Why.rmgAdtobare cei>-er.,
Ink spots, many of them, will wash
iflMty to eook."
pbr tolianee. to myJrlmd who lives out If taken at once, while wc. A
th. Me Ae Ata* Ibi' There A k*te A Al* iwaartt. Wbm fa tbe bherdlag bouse 1 pnt.nome clear «dd wnter. All yield to anaking
,oae «o»A about haring to prepare .lire* of borne mad^bread thinly «t. A battermllk and then washing. Many
»w^ **U
M> M at aometbAg lAc SC8 meaU a yaar Ac or one or two Wscults or rolA and one «!■• the mlA does not seam effestlre.
mtgbt Bad aome*comfMt A fancying or 1*0 bmim- balla Then a glass of hot the spots come out A the -wash,
— --*y^_ni
— - .f-_____— wh.r would baMMB If ibe Ardcr ware jelly, rl^rhaps fbave somrraaAd. and Sod* will many limes have Ae same
*‘^^** •
'empty. If the
cook green lettuce leaf looks effect
ibe coal anpply
supply or tbe gas that on a cool,
eneci as sottr milk.
.__ !
»„< abort
riMv* *0
M that Acre most
nwM< InriUng.
inviiin* srtA
witb Ae
the dresalng
dresslnc A-a
A -*
^. ___
iifiAgAe Aw'nupidT
»vpc cat
Fly saecks
specks are nometlmes- very ohiked In cold

• ‘toy cup to be put on when «ten. A stlraie, If these
la or.Unaty wa*h‘
__ :
*o«««a* to»toc overtook an, Of conruc these mUe cold AWt« W any other meat water the.*'oomc o
;•** «*toeme meaHtfea upM wblA to dalmHy a^ Alaly cot Is an enjoy- Ag. Hot water m
■ -^^mm Ao MaaAb and the medlAte. iiut aomc peopA need ex-' menuTor a dc*scnl add a small n»1d
sometime* aliBt)*! eradlAWe.

tremc measure* to wake tltfm up to a of fAit Jelly, or any other dessert I ■ Varton* spot* :hm are obsilnate will
"klh^ —nl^ Ato« dow* dime of what bleaslngs they do enjoy. - happen to have. Maybe It it a ploee > AM to an apnlicatkm of tbs com-'
■ : Tbm. there A Ac blessing of baring of home made pie or some padding, moo boasehold scouring soap. There
kP — — tba bBTilta of the Womank ’ 000’s famhy about Aem. all A bealA. Fbrtunately I may bavr a few aallcd is the effect of the roughness aad
______r_._ .V
I .
IH «
^« ^ UX
to lock .1_______
wmps bare ski.
- None
mlsnng from
the clrcA;
no «- aimbads ___r Icsndlrd
« Butt Hrt Air out
. .TO m - e corner. In tact, for Ay t
< - >
beeansc one dear one bis gone. When boarding boose frieqd r Ae Invalid
PMch aml plum Wain* t
A the the most diarall spou because they
flbaB Ah Ao^^«r>aI tbaheart's Ae- 'be famlA clrelo Is fill! cpmplole tbeto vbo can cat I pm A anything
'liccrtolnV’sonteihAg for whlA to he house wbkdi may uccm appetlring.
show sn tliiA Adore wetting. Th.-n
-S»* bitS'^ri»l *wriUM In rt— cffW«"g gmlcful. aomethlng that Uke* Ae bllxhct- all. It U not so much ih.- they'turn dark. The*e lAy be
tetaens out of whst has bcco caTAd thing* themsetres as
It I*
s H
l* havAg a moved by means of tbe <dd4a»hloiied
If only Ae bottsemetb- change which comes fram the outside, grass bleaching. All spots come oik
M even bread and of
e and think of U. Th« wc all k-now how good
er will pause
01 while
wimo table
tame linen
tinra If
n it
». Is
« pm
pu. iipoa
j ia kcr ibcroTs the abnity to work and Veep butter tastes when we are away from ife . grass A Ae »p«cg when fruit
the bO*e A comfort. What If IHnes* torn®. R A a change which people tree* are In bloom. " to not iradiWm- iMhfrT^r"
■" ebiMtM rf**boatdoTCTAke you, grumbling bouse- crave at times
»b»' 'bej ^toappear.

i mb a


-MM M« Ifc ttte» .M tt, HkH tattHMl, m-Mlf. .Mk urn







mh hiaha


rarrkd a c^pleof hotiln. op Umid for
wry Pne lor la grippe.
*■ IVruns I • si ways OM of Ae amt As.
rs Mto Tenuia eorfd r
iw*rtaa t sBtTi is* of my:
c snd nerve fuire WSWM.
me turh new
With a bottle e( Perana «a board
bclb-tii A telling yon
Asti ecrulaly
salluie have a remedy ou wbirb Aay
••aiv» me my ,—,-----------------------m^ I wU ueer dear d wreck* dek
kdd md kud d yort Meteeakwdi
wm vemdmrd mam’W. T. Cmrier.
fspi. r.. >. Wsuoa, U.y^d KinsbeA strr<t.otuws,OnL, writes:
‘■I'eroas bu my hesrilest eodorseII there Is any place that yon
• belphvs swhen m,1, It
I Uoa ses, ailirs awiy from sny 11 yon do not drifTc prompt aad aaU*fanory
anory rMalts frutp tbe
Ae fueof Perttaa,
„ u,_
write a toB.-o U Dri **—’ BB,glringa
wo^Uhi^ioneilLsad srri.
toll slaiemrnt of
aud bewtfl <
,"i^re h.w »«• plesvcdte gl« you buVateablaa*.
w«edof At Tslucof Perana.
Pemaa. by uk-:vlr*
uk-jvWj^^^ Hartman, Preslbert ad
tag a few doi^s thry recuperau Tcryl Ad
^3 That Will Float
hali^tf furs
Two toiaaio cans of grease; oneean or Ac yellow. U ground dae nud btdl^
lye rtlst«.|vetl A one quart of ed la the oven a. boi aa may be Wlfb*
rold wau-. H-*ai the ' grease, ami 'ini seiircliliig1* r
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pour
. . . the
. . .lyc
. . I.h.-.I into
. . .fnr.
. . the
. . long hair gritiag
mto the giease HltrAg all the time, the fnU beacfii of tiu-hot m«*».>MA v
W2p of
thus abw>rbs all cd Ae mSI aad
..hiesnotmfuls of horai dls- Tbeti after some boara It A WbAped
ooeAalf tea-cap of water, oat* aad If aeeossarr a second At A

Ac* apple* earefWJy Aio a glass dUb.
the syrup over tb-m and sprinkle
with whole raisins. Sene cold. This same Me* may he folAwod ouu
mlng a mixture of dates and chopped
Baked sliced awile* are a little new,
» graglie pan about ibree AAe*
*-lth blush apples, pared, pored
and sliced thin. Cover the top with a
cupful of gramiAted sugar, add
water. Theu plaee a cover . top and bake forty-five minute*. When
dose H.ey wJU he* pretty brown eoAr.
u1th erenm m*kcs
,Serre«l whencold
a dellelous dcMH-rt.
^iW* Out of the Way.* are
or a Aort bltcdt d«igb
' third Of
of an Inch
Inch thick,
fa elrcl
. a Bpooaful of cold
aad rilghtij_,,ui(.»L-d-with ararv Aid on eart.
edg* well


b Cea-;

• e e^*

fotmxaoe gone ihrangb wUb; aad A*
fur come* onl tooltlng Just lAe acw5—
Deiioil Trlhnae.

mr«c this plan take* a little nmre
bm 'be result will l«e *
‘‘"b cake. Astcad .if a «lry.
burnt one. at so often happeas. —Ry
adding th? fruit to cake batter, after
the Hour hsaheen sifted in o Ae dlA.
ri,.,.,a _ yi, ^„ter
but act stirred
Aio the totter.
toartter six
six----------------- - -..............
--*0 that
ffour and three Ublo
di Hour *n- beaten la logtiher.
,he fruit will not sink to «bc bottom;
four e«»* well a* U *0 ofiea ba* a trirk of doing

goo<i for hsi>lei toexerdae ibeir luaga.
Voa an tell by * M»'A wnlrhlng
whether It —’-----------ness, o
with ntilhlng cAe band) except ycRlug.
----------------- —
There sr* a-few oMhe KarWA €#•
tovy Cook •Mk* still-00 hand, vrttleh

. Usoful HAA.
VanilA should be kept A tbe dark.
If warm wai<r u us«d to BprAkA
yoaf sAtt-bed cAibca they will be
Ik*.-', ibe jslec run out d yoar fwh
pie<? If «.T.ol.g small white papor,
fonnrt A ihe upper crust Mar Ibe o
yAegar A rw>.| for boras. One plat
cf ek



A^to ^

chapped h*aJs.,euli. e...
Do om coocAile that becatwe Ac
haby erie» be need*jmiagwA. «r pbysIr or lotlng of nay klad. He may be

bHU. .blo« -«• HHOlIMb,
The Rnasian women have a very Mr*. W. E. C. Brta*. cohtaW A* beat
at the .amr time a very cf- rmJpm A tb* populsr Mar»W Cook
fe«l»c way of eu-sning fur*, aad loci- Bock* Ne..l and 2, and many mw r**laeauHy. At- Ru‘*Ans have tbe very
call er srriA te the Herald 0»«ae*t fur* in the world. For Ae loag^

Much of tbe dlscon^t of a

:,b. b,.. .*« mtk ,b.


__H who realise
. of doing home
work pr^riy. 1
o make bosue
what a boarn abonld to requlret a well
■ ■ ..
s oami^u.
nuBu. SB wrtl
------------ *«■ iBPenaed
—.pH, or MblM

« neat

««p l. . bom. .M UbM ll. W~a ttllj W .n,lo,

, .. . Me* that they poasea* minds ao tar *tt- | spread a paper napkin over the top. „
A .jpertor to bwuewortt that they nre lU- Ue on Ae oaver. and wrap neatly A
wasung -tbclr time »STpanL



drich for s month u will be
„ cn be used
m * weeks lime. ThA soap i» pwe
for the l.andk
^ejl as fordfot-lilng-CbleaBo Ree
ord HetaW ;•
__ _____________
cskes. , ja „ot kn .tr, says a writer In Ae
Udies Warld. vh. tber all bousekeeper* kaou- that » ta beucr In making
Ayer tmke* tr. spread tV- mlsture wlA
„ .j,
m the cenior
Laye^ cake*
alwsy* ri»d
rlsd In
f the renter' ftrsl. nnd
Rpreadlag the liam-r la Al* way >
cures an even UaWng. A fruit c-ake
will be more wholtoome and U not «.
IlkHy. to bam If the paa A whlcli It is
baked A placed A a aeoond pan which

„„„ P..,
, .«,.b,„.„.
have deapleed and called drudgery. Bo „d Ihe butter balls, ^be a lUtA AawAg anew In the bright sunshine.
^ ^ ^
•*, many AAg* might happm. and do chlAca, a grape fruit prepared a* 1 TW*. too give* a whltwa* imriAlod,
rac-baU of an Inch deci.
Md la'mWe aad foe poet's.’
happen around ns cv*tr day, that have It oa my own table, and fancy
Chlortlle of lime I* an effective
hBBrt „fcrga«A* A*fa*A-;«Afclto**'«»OMfoU.'>*»to.g™m- jeUy. the jefly not too sweet.
bleart; Ae Mly
^ hoUed rieM* ltdi
bA Wh« they rce^ have nothing to
j, , am going to aead the box and
from dlnm-r a broektast ,«ne will dl*-'
B boM A K tb* fritmdly lew of «nd ABlt arJA^y that they am - B,e the wooden platee «. aothlag has ^toe f^l^ cm ^y all ^ ^
___ i_
•» i.«
• mmif aankln esn* of (hloride Of lime tbrre A a
tioand to do to
so anvwar.

». a« Why ;ho.M we rtgh to


h hh


'CapL 1- T. «•srter. ISI
Wlh Are., IVBsseula,
rirk saHor U a
l>rrtly belpIeMinsB. I hare found timt




Pe^iHia and I Witt Steef
Clev f All Wrecks.'

tke naantmcw* cliok* of DempUa*
ppea jp,
for ladirMuaiiy.
IndirMuaiiy. .
U U tte Lonl’i appotolWBl.
;' M
or hear
of «w«
by • ii«n*roM aad »«ib»J»lc*l
If tob
r>« kiv*
0*T«> •
* Wend,
6<----It qolcts mjr rertJcn wOl
LlfcotbeTOJceof t«wd*r»oOi«.,^ _
makeow and we aawd I* bulUUac a «« dompIUi*.

« «aa A Ibe vm- •


,*?fV -X.
I- meat Md ask hnweUrtst orcupaUai
- ™ non war*
hImBh > >>>•>).
doc* not««AcAde
a certain
Of •ocalAd
dfrtgery. whAb.
^ alter alU Often .means simply hard aad
*pai|«mt Abto. which A a atotwiity^
--i'. • ' '-mik.-'
aAke* w ■
««*'•! mamAom DvM.ahkes'*:
r.MjU agatn

the pantry wtA r:!Lr*r!
whkh to 811 a

«w< Tnd win also meal, and three laklespoonfoU of melt
„ wh,, „ .w,. «d butter. Best all well together and
‘-'e in a shallow wetl-groaaed pan.

. -j **klng
Itoutocs—To a pint
box. when you have thought Aere was a
«d sprfoSg A brtgto
fr«hA-ms.bed ptMin add a
fpi, biiA seasouAg rt salt and pepper, opd
boi a AAg A tbe boqee to eat- A tbe „„
hy g
ag. There
aad oacbeaC^
(niit asaaoB. which AsU all Ae year Botbing Vdowb to remove a very
Hake Into oval pats and Ay oa s'
Brounq now.
an orange. appA. banana, case of o ldew.
arc almost always at
omrs «aia* yloU to kew^c-or *1- «™*sed pan. Next momtog brush Aem
band and la Ac summer when AUucc eobol.
*“ »
U pAatiAl one U very Mt to hav.n»ehA* grease (sewAg. asndiAe) transfer to a heated pAttev and arsome for a saA-!.
sbonld be washed A cWd Map suds. «W "»« smmm* Wt"Ad them,
Tbrougb the Sunshine torlrty t have p*At I* removed by meustowArtu
Meat Pc**-Cb<m tne aptBclem lean
dUcovenM lo maay to whom Ibtam to lurpcnltue.
roast mcai to measure one cnpfal-Be**
ai« rcalb sunshAr that I fonnd
■ - two eggs ontn well mixed, add two1*,, ln.jBaVtng Alngs. eqiecAlly desLargest AppA OumWing'toirds of a cupfel'.to milk. ohe-UK to
sen* and nUd*. It A eoMsy to 811 a
An nge-l riUztm to North CaitoAa a teawptmofnl to aalt. tbe cbtolped
Id. '*'■
or '"■<’*
even —sk"
MXa mr
niy recAc
recipe *' tolls Ac rtorv
story to tbc-Ereate«
tbe-greatem apple meal and
Md snAcioBt ffeor
•®*^i •'**'*•
.tier. Lutir srir is t
(cr toalhiw few Acextaone. ditmplAcover made. HA beai* A A .dr^ hai«

In additiofi to the long line of Pianos and Orsans
lied regutsirty
' ' by


Thev have recently bought out the entire stodt of the
■ C. j. Whitney Music Co. of Detroit. Tbey
have also bought

For SPOT CASH. All these goods to be placed on
' the market at once at prices heretofore unheard ■
of in this ^loijality. - .

MicMgas’s Leading Music House
159 FltlT STBtlT.



Pascs rte 12

R. M. HbctOB baa roUred tnm Ibe
tb« WoItcHbo
. Tlw
cnm^e otoita Bxpma. Jotlcv Dnko 1 II Uko durto
____________________ ____________^ .k.
^017 wHI tadw4, as fartj<tTO cbaiS of too tonarr Bapor.
tor amaben hare boM awolM------------n»oro araa a Bood
ceod BtteadaBOO
DBatli RaH.
atteadaM MM
■ach MUiiaMaat vaa . HItaa A. Latea. ai^ SI yoara. died
Tbe toUoarlBK oMcwm *t Ue bove of hta only aw. Oeorye
• MS bU that tlato baa rtb
'LMeo. «S4 BInvood avcBoe Saada}'
aMb MiartR M »>M'«Toaith and yet tbe end did «* IUumw and they eaa»o to tola rerdlct: iMif to Any »ma wanted. ThooBw wer« oMeiod
altenMoti at 1 o'clock of acute broachlUa Tbe fuaena vaa beM Monday
Laetanr. Mta. C«or«a U Crltoaflenooa at tbe r^dOBce at 1 o'clock.
H-UHobba. Her. HncbKenbedy^MMltBsaadlbe

iatmaoBi took pUcc at Oakwood In
?lE» _ At «« Sn-. FT. SMn ;
»ffl 1» ««»» tb. .n br _I1 ^ _T»
WIU Oarni Cloak tiara.
ebarg* of II. U <Mrt#r.
—. .
----- _------- .—-----------------^
Frank S. Oyer. auwaiEur w
ue cmas.
Tbe Bbolo Bcaadal M to tbe Batare. aocMtlw aad will be la Ue utare ^ dep^riamt of tbe Boaiw Store and aa . U»>« AHX* Ute oae^ywr-old daagbSM«*«lPb*OBM.
SUtoa la IMI In the «oi1i tor ibc of a
md mnhulo U Conn., I. nr.U»
------------------------iMt od^c bmn «
tltlo.. Jlr. K»ntU> ii^uclA. «*
S * abort tnaeas. Mra. Zue la a aliRer. Hnsb Kennedy of tola city
who l«A ymterday tor toe hone of
Tn^dar twra* BUtCh lO tbO---------------tbe alHer. aoc^mpasUu by his father.
owVaT^of the‘ t»« »• *>»• wtoilldin* and tepalrtaf old yeaterday. AUbouito -UncM" Dan
------------------------<«ongb left to keep a
J. N. KoBDcdy and Hr. Zoe who bad
to,: of t&e'rallroada aad brldgea. until the U theoldeatMan In nonhern Mfdtlgan.
More teotoo ttara ArrooM.
' Mr. Oyer laoTea wUh a toe reeosa-1 rtpi«-. m-inuid-n -n——Hr
Jahiod fUe^Afl CtreaR.
DMtIi M M. » .Miwantt.
’ kOM 4iweUf aetau U» •*««.
!T of
Tnvave Citr H bov a i
•e.\ MorrtiB.
! U
to ■«««» D«. StepWf
I'aiMM to
»4 MOM rwp«toa re*ld«»u ofr kk*
to too; Gibb*«M»ty pBaMd «»w uf Pw««entto« Atumor D»ywB
SJ to «. »ni
,____ 41
an inARM} w—
BCMt la
cRy A(
r or tlia Mreeton of
r pnrlBC

ItM latB tbM

^ ^

the new na- out to take dinner but InTormed very cult conn for enbonleBenl from the
^ Trarerae few whrre he war koMt
clothine dcpartMtol of the Boaton



________ •

Mlw X«me HoCbmb of
toa iaauo3 a dMlHwce to
vcnaaa la tbo
ncmUr oorotod ba|f a ^le M oBo
ailBnio aad iblnr-brO aoeoBdt.

SoDveDlr Knivis
Uiven awny frws wi(WUicBi>
Owr WIntoow

=‘-j ’’H

Tbe body of Mra. Loueaa F- Ormsh).
who died FW>. 1C »t her bone In New

^SMTM'^M^roe Cantor on, the fact that-Pncle" I- STTbe .r^Mr^rLnt of
a ICOwero farm, whicb waa the hoMC la tve >eaw paai the ocntniy mart:.-^opnee two-warrams were aerrM (be
ihn Haaaab
lunnsh A
a Lay
iistrsniiu Co.
rn waa
was * o'clock Bnnday afiernow el tbe
dAu isvM achool
■A.'diwdd bonae.
nds. Omsby
of tbe fbBiay durim all thcaa yeara. h® It yei hale and hearty. With hU ;Thuraday afternoon, one on Harry E.
opened yeMerday for toe Jr»t Une.
ihe uifr of Bdwaitl who.
. .. . .
. .
. . . AA.d • -d. i.iaw .Md4. Ua db.A—s —. <A. (..rd.ISnlcer of the furtiiture ‘
by 4BT and tbe ayaton of la Ota
“J: ^”**T
aeen 10 narc,
a Tfliy' toablVtod, binaelt with ihe progrendMRibG Mactrten, Makoa tbem_
------- _
j kbmvhb in
A»_.Bd ■ .k. .-------- .. —■ • ~
~ •"
^_______ __
M the ormina. Tbe U-' Stoenena it tbe county and boeane to
»iM7lmanaaBniBl.^Sa.B.:ttiiB towMblp dortt and towaablp
'sioT WtobedtleSi
Wlib the renoral of toe «eu‘TnowT p^lwe«T"'of
.S3: me aattreaa.'bank headQuailera to the aew bulM- conlna to MayfleM utoen quite anail
**^*^'* --■■i--_______
iaertoa wito tbe ownty acliooit and
■ ‘* -------------- InK toe poaMMIltleo for-the proper
“to tow mill
- - ,■
. ■ ■
:amlatod natorlally In ndranclng tba
,.| <--dnii **•*
tnov^ '*» Traverae
property of Charlea Roaenthal, pros*Pa«»«it ««> immeai- p,jy_ jearlnR here a couple of year*
. « nTtZ^rT’e* V- iaIaeaUOBaJ deectopnwta He bccam
prletor of toe Boaton Sitfre.
ately rocoetilxcd and preparation* be- am tor Vl'Klnla.
of toe Q. A. a. «M
It U aaaerted that the property to gun tor toe occuptocy, aa aoon aa featMlaa UHieaa 8. Schell waa horn la
■ BOM, «». IR q. A, R.. to T» .
qneatkm waa anegod to hare beta n>ie The onir nortioB imuv that I
oouaty. N.
July IS. 1813.
i MB* btMored to both orderi at tbe
r by
. r. Ivaie agreenent to'
* *-?***■""?”
‘ ttoM of bU doaib. While hU life wn*
. Sniib,
- Iib.wh
• whn
‘ In turn
made a blU the freahly Qikiabed wall* and Uled | ^ ebDdhood
were apen| to
of lale to a third party aad■ that
nty: later ato moved to
^«a b^^o'^The •
«P«‘ “ »•**
to Hocwlut. la tbe ranli. which ha* bees
' turn acalB the gooto wwa told to an-1 —h,!^ Z»iirFfii.H'*’*l.Zi**''XtiT*iLi*^h«' Rtoboa eoti^. whw »h'e waa narrlM
other perMM. In whose 'poaaeatloa “»«'»’ ««®'aied and w« to the 1
ormiby la September. 18W.
'■* "r ■”
'rf rr” ' BBd tor three ytwra coedoeted toe
they are said to to at toU time. The ,
tor ■ ghoatly aftet^rrtoge they mored to
!fi! iCeBtTBl
CcBtTBl bonae
borne Afteea
Sftee* yean
ywra ago. bat
ease la being prosecuted by Charlea that to wbat it baa become, and. In the j Mayftdd townSlp; Grand Traverae
I WBMm* alw ettted that
retarwed to Monroe Ceatai'
jUMWtoU tgaltuil toe two nen^ of futtrre will to used aa a wine room lor ««“W.>here toey reblM till ittf,
agrar. a nenber cf MMla
Laat April (bey moved to thia dty and
hla fWee. toe only difference to toe
».«n. ^1.^ v—. when they noted into Traverae Oiy
and blMsdf
toifig that toe respoBdent toe large ^ciy of family winee kepi ^
f„ ^oe year, when they
bare alBce rcalded at toe bone wbere
• dbarrttod
to Trafane CUy awt
Barra-Splecr te
aldmb^ «» alo^The
lain^cd to Virginia.
Otorabaw a* an agent and aer- SOXSO
SOxSO feet and eonUlna dgbt
eigbt eaaea ofl One child. Leroy, bad preceded bor
to toe toad beyoad. Tbe huahend U ia
^ At toe pidimtoarr hearing to Judge
amto poor bcolib that be could not nc------• - ■ ■ two acB*^ Barton and ^’^ilUain Jeo!Hoto^?Cl? FvItoy iSeroo^
compeay toe remniu porto. Poor
0 Cctog a tea ....
toot cue. Aside 'ebUdreB. three %rotoers and 01
nw were both pnt over tutll Mdsday .and
-^nele* Ban Whipple.
S:30 a. m, tto for^ by
«f from tocoe. a al«een toot sponge mac are left to mourn tbMr-loes.
qftbaO.A., Ibe funeral acraicM perr held al
Tbe funeral eereice wu held'
-•t«N.farSS«i(be home
BnrtMU seboolhouae Sunday
MiMll Botojo-Moeh.
A _A'.-'••mti—H/i.; «!■««. rii'irinr ihi* d«r
*ri at $300 In both cases. Frank ample nceommtJiUiloaa. AU the maos - n wadneted

• •by Rev.
Hi *
’ win be a' The acrvIcOT were ..
ng tto floral
■ ^ **•.»-.
ooekUo and
ud were nator m H wiwaya ready to *iop ana es- tn^aureiles reapectU-ely.
standard of msrblc. -Tbe paw^Uon P'eeea
. were partleuMrly
e O. A. R-.
The two «
alemeut eaaea of

one by toe family, ud a croaa piece by
(Mange a
room directly back of toe main »
; to charga ggeaBt talk much about htavCIf un- Harr>’ Spicer and Ptank Oberahaw.
W. 8-Aaderaon. Tbe pall toerers i^g,
which were to have had their prelimnrat;^ »«abera of the
“Uaele” IMn la one of the type of toary eumlaation to Judge Roberta' Aorage room opens into too hatowue |' Dora Irene Sharkey, daughter of
departmeni as wHI as Into the drug John Sharkey of Garfleld totrnthlp.
at Monroe
that aooo wilt to miastog .tonrt Monday morelng at S:M. were
died <m Thui^a>' at 1;3P of pneumooaiirety. Ap Is well known, ho did i again adjourned until Monday moraJ t
E. acim.,
McBvov .
a »
nharmaclM «taai.
of twmi.:
liUJe ou wu only 8 months
---------of the redwood ucea to Call- «H»"
wito toe greet scout. >ig at »:S0 by the mutual consent of ty.g„
lundlU. and who baat“^ “
ling from
said to to SU feel hich u<l KU Carson. Like othara ubo have the eouri and aitoiyicyi. the booda
___ _
m mk. U lh.m.d™ rtltt l»d I—.mtal,

i^X”wr.£s.Sd.“s ii s .-s




S— ee w ml—




Hannu-Ud Lay MertutUe Co. for.
sioar cullers nemorroage, grew rapuwaiaiab. iwa nj— i* auc c
Sghter today, birt he la still Idly
jdiy worse Wedneaday. Peb. 22. ud at -clerk, ud though mt present toe
dened active ud tolleve* that be night
nigh closed it was reallred by toe oartment ba* not bem placed
nlaced on
loved one* in attendance that tbe end:
lar year*.
n«r. uA u > o'.— A. puuA:
* A"'- m "«
be has no kith cr kin to
, .
.......... peacefully away. Although toe de-: tog force will not often to aecai.
celebrate, ud although he ■ ecana was more or leu troubled with
beeatwe .toe girl to * cough alt last aummer he thought ,
-------------------sollclta.................. ................... Jd phyaP
rbo. however, did not eooalder
there waa uy serioua trouble. It to this northern region, be placed a

- .p» u»t. c.. l. a *
med. Three weeks ago. while Mra. rand ud to order to "make good" baa
qMa MM wBMible Baa ta the
though he-oBly draws n 812 pension,
M UM apera-■
• eh
Mr. Kell
he geu mlong very nicety.
marble work*, where
.jtmek yard about SRem nUautM Mtcr.
Ihe thread
toe hope of derailment r other miabeard u latut'a odea apAa enrt tiBmi Bbore to piiM dtolincUy

n MMSht «f

he arrived about the J^Msertoched l.ake which tjen. tod«-.
-*“toa ■>
,,0*^ traffic M ihfJo2. thTtorfS
hand Ferfoam-Koi fuUy real Wag toe U n quaricrly one and toe Mat ooe was throe wtoka'battle h^ been toiiglto enra are cutting up dally pranks.
tyfy. drandful deed that waa 'being cobp ^ekl to this city ih December. Those aiislou ud iboagh everything known enough tp make a sane mu tone fallb
[ weH(. some flat ear has broken looee
the bud* of log* end *trewa toui
teen nototoa less thu a mlr• •»rio«»
ha* been arorted. TbI* morning, the
toe entire atepa on
train arrived with tbe

I —— V— T—
.... __
•u .rt as. -• smtv uMto M '*to' »o talk thtoe wBs nothing mora heard who al*o appear* oa tto program to tire** of busies compelled their, re»A^I-SI»SMbm-Mihl M:-t‘«*ritowbltobadb(*.tto«.aM.u iweresltag reading. The sleigh
And MM and Wdea tot idMWl«' «< »*«•
Wght, but i;cBiiaMg toe load* whi-rh left the diy at an early
vvilllam W. Kelly wa* horn to Ha»-------- ^_______
A.-------------------- -A— ... boar
..— hHd -KW. and
...I Mrs.
M- tings.
...^ Oct 1C. 28«7. ud after apendtog
ifac following: Mr.
tMi ^Alap M ADI fArtoHahMl^-riaad tor toe abaettr-Mknto Brown Zk M. Pranklto. Mr. ud Mrs. Charic* hU toyhood nt the home aito toarntog


Timm to

20| So. Union St.
226 E. Froht St.
Jnst RiwiiTkl.
lOU Bw4 NV< 80I1..1

Yo>in. 'l..r

I 3C Bo'iP

Elgin C.Uwis,

»,.ki«».ma«ibrA.w..H^.;------------------------- -----

— .mii«»rolti, hHai»m.

AA. aamA At N«U.a»t SAlrtW' J*

i ekiiux & ca

the left aide torn off of tbe paaaeoger

Mra. An liU Gardner. Hn. TVarren ntarried noon to Mr*
UMI SWfl to iMtaU'
March waa made.
Harvey of tkm oecuired, but with a KlUe lee*
-IHd a rariy:,MAtal of ISM. Aside! ^
of a garden rake, tbe Neal. Mrs, Blcn OsbtoU. Hr*. SaeVK- P.3toB Rapid*. The
^*“se. The ear* sei^a toeded acooid_________ toeir Grand RnpMs booto
awaa |a ^ynma sH vWn imr **rit waa neartoed and tbe drat thing toa'ud Robert BaracreondlUoB. goreratog togyear nnd then removed to
to toU^.
tola cH>,
> I— UA o. —r,| bn—l
. lU 1— U.« . M
wbere be entered toe employ
ploy of Riley B>hS tralna. bot owing u tbe pecaUarf toe batlAam boaaa of Move wood and rnbblah and slopa
. ^ Kaapera Will Meet
SwM. uier entering Uto Atm M X' ly bad eondUton of tbe tracks to ud
TT»e Notthem Mlehtgu Beekeeper* ^ Rickard as foreman------------------A«t «Als tor ewr
tram tbe klttoea. bot wrapped to e
ud al tbe be- .round Keswick tbe logs braak tooee
tbe gnwume body uf a B**c*toiton win meet to ananal conof tol* year-waa taken u a
Mr. Tetraha
toe high emed ba^ girt brought the ven^ in the Lady Maoealxte* ball at "ta hU home be was the life of to»
a to uio blgh
tora 4tye aad »J>09
hnshand wbo and ploptog to ^Kdd them ud conaeurn. It
d wito toe evidraeo day.ApnUudt The oBemi of toe
.*?*** T‘.‘* qu«Uy to«y come reniag aad tuiatoealrt: **Mr God. auartaitcr
__ ___to
asaoctoUcr. n.-«r—
Ooorge II
Jl. Rirkiatrick.
Klrkimtriek. SSd»**iISSrh^eSwtty*S*UW hu—ri.—>
hlliig'dowB'right undts-toe rt^M*
t*" your*r abe repUed mMdeaw and W. Mohnnana. *ecre- feuowtolp dnrw a* a magnet be wma toe moH itoiigtfniia way poealble for
MullilC 4Ht boun wbbM j
don't UIL~ Tbe yo^g^nry. urg*^ ibai every bee keeper, if no; chraya popntar and for yean be bu tbe eefety of
on bimrd. The
: Ibt
woto j
cMImed atootly sljIraLYral it dirragy j
i»n.thelecb(<tograiryiJtoaadtiKBeelde. n wife be teavra pnrenta. Mr. tor li
. .. wbea sbe.rraltoed bow fiAfle auchuch Memhor-iwtogeotlUedtonlltoebrae- end Mrs. W. G Krily aad a ntoter. Mtoa togs
a Matemrai waa adaattud k wa*• a flu (A ibe asractottoa.
Mnnde KeRy. all eC Haattoca ud oae «,t I
B«eh (any devefcped chtM-and laid blame
BdHara A. I. Root. Medina. 0..-»u The ramMito ~ri nra-ra- r-wui
I daoflned to tbe mverArial'
- her tranbte on a *^*****" ^ ‘
barking and .toaiing of-toe coato. Tbto
wotted on Dm T. C. L. A M. last r
ntoo B. D. Toa aarad. Re- curredfrom tlR Asbury church on Sat. moratog tbe train
h(dd ap at the
She went to bod nt Kchr* red- mu*. Mich, Geo. E. HOtOB. Frvmoei. wdv« 2olMora. Rev. H«to Kenaedy d go, imf „
1, remntotog tbera tmtll Suaday MlcA..SH n nimbaraf prarttoalraMrMonr tbe (caefc of toe
HOB. wbcR toe aruBd and wrat>touac«atoben
• fMWftra
toe funeral was M











What We B^ve Left
Ksraty Pants.
lUInttr Undsrwsar.
Stavy Stem* aad Ittttt tn*
Ueel Sacks
heavy Flannel MM*

At otie-fouith less than -the ^rCady low
<^prices at which they are marked—all new good^-cGme*
^ the new store as soon as you reach the dty and m
what we can do for you.- The jjreaicr part of pur new
spring suits now in. and they will inferesf you.'


TUcta tWw t»*«r4»o wni 4to0 ««- * tvpwm W. Miuier to 0«ofse Bw«■»• pMtokMftL
ick. •4^4. ■«. ». town ». fwi*» I*;


Tbrw SanUi
SanUi D.
d. OMhaM t» Oeor«» avMc.
_ 9t. PetCT»b«c». T**. 2S-—Tbf*e
• ■lr(k«r« 41 d4rHfhl tfcto BMrnl4C 44- jjfc jJ■ ■ •«. M. to»# 26. fMSP 1<»:

toMCM. ICyccBntBtMrUfiA 4» •W4'4ar.
Ow> m6 luto aa offtr. D. W. Walkvr.
ir«xfi»4. llMiiaB.

» att

= IJC4 « Biku. Tko-------- ■-'--------.........................................
4T 4 .k. «««
4 r.4.^ .4.
aUMlM k Ik'Mk4t«44 H**4
.. at iwH. M«c. »*. to*n 26. nuncr lo; JiSf."


t titUKiOB i



; 1 EiMSOflSisr ^

_____ f40e.

2E,t!r4lIJrt2l^**i* '**- Konilrtimltcb dlr«W tli4

14 to

«rUto» ««4t4i of Po>»o* ^
------------- aijcliiak>gtflUra neoKlr. Maitui l4v h44bM aide 4(kl:
'«toel4«d to tto B4ta dtoiTtot.
' . BbUt
loi S.
■ flrtt.«M.;
v~.- ••!> 4dd: |l.
ragtfdtoc the IndMiBHr whk*
wm. J. Nelaon lo Le*l» C. Selwa.
tou 26. « 4iid-28. R4Bt B4T P*rk;
msUad 4Dd ftoasto.
^*»inii4h E. Mrtvln to Rnto» Melrto.
parcel, arc. 36. love 26. rwilte lU
F4h. 22.—The •Una-: uno.
llbor A. De»#>-


__ T;,Ur2r-^&.5

-•-— trw CUT road. Ah,


•!!r^:,v3Tvr^-^'- -

,C4—el. I. f«ddl, ‘^‘“*1.


m ttw






. Election Notice

Itort P««#»

_ _

AT’*' •“■ "Z
• ParornH*"-!:!-

ran tf 'thP aratra 'aton Iw JaaoarT i *»"’*» ami we poUeeraan ^ kmea,
«w lU par im. la ettlaa of from ««< »w poUcratra troiaded.
------ --------- ------ ------- 8t. Patenborg. P«b. 28—The etario: Otbaon. low
'■> •-'■•
- contastiae the mlatoter o( edoeailcm. 1

jb,,„ t.

PM)i| al Piftr iMmt

KMff uT Oraad Trarar>- i'aobI) . M

Election Notice
Spaclal Attantl^Onron to Country Tni^lemlr,4-r..<Gt»d Tr.wm.-t’on.t.x.


ta« K riB rallBC nanrtntre
rtntre Sl«. HM. atil to H
1 1>T 4b* rareBBlton •



j. TWKODt.K. .jtrsr-STS.issAs^-.-'.a'

- aH «( aH of neU ■oooi tm, state Bsak Beildlaa. iSawmei Olr ■


ahwtft *r Craod Traweo- roaalr.Xtriitaaa.


%pOtraai. tha fapraM aewt haa ap- paitowaL
Oecar Slmpaon to Herman Kavwun..
^ than to m i|ht -mbIMI the Maila OoHcy. who was llbenlert. p,rceta

___- ______________ ___

«B tonia ni hn <Maad t*.|laal atobt from prtooa on «t6M ban
■toaaatwlfloraaaantotoralwn haainn later to the niehc «
■ tttt Meta tort has nada them' Btga oa the Bsitle. There he will be,
watched by (he police. The wife and • u^ll.



- - ...

::; iiK rmh Slip co„ onroit.




Uah Oo. to John Q.

I Jtoratotantlen of tha;
yj, ranga _. , .......
Jaonb A Bryant and wife
-------, i Kaacr and wife, lot 12. block

. .



lamiMk PM. 33.-The ncwi
..m.. . ■
fcfidir a BapatM Mato BMn toatlag
-3hra Tfii paraow haTe been fcnied to
•traat IsWing Ihara aa a raaaH cf Ui#
atrikn rteta.
' Yhn IfMtai «tGrand Duka Sarghu.
«aa larajMiMK test weak, ware
today. A« ibe
elto and
arood tta palheld

b Co.. eH a
te Ik $24<
. Jouteh W. Laae to Oucar M. Mme.
ee aeres'of swl* df nwlT sec. 14;
„„ $2. faaga 12; $200.
Biney J. Morgan to WWlam Beitv
aar^ tot H. Bte^e A Spaneer'a add;t<
0ilSr»fe«'o«'5^'aide totll!wo^
j7. Tnrarae City: tl.ioo.
Andiur Oaneral to PW Teny. »V|
lot *. Bowker's add. to,
ioi Wai
Walton; Sltefl.
prad Terry and wlfelto Martha 81ck
e%tot «.
a. to WaHOn;


MnUlda McMaaas. et al. to «*aL T.
I I—dna. Bays a grant Neason.
■ •tot 17
Work J. Goodrich's
hat haea planned to add; Mtwi.
• wert- tor. trustee! parcel. i

St Autorahtoi: Pah. st-«ny tfma- pa^^S! Z,
lamHlM ad Sea St rslmthiin It^in H Koch to Daniel K. Crandall.
•" llOO**’

wiirtd toSPy. SaWtera . are
I, Uw siaiiini -m
m --------arumt- wteMm,




1. Hu^H. Bamtt
^ to Samwel
i. sac. 32.TOWB
36. range lo.'Sl"'

fao ■
y >y a hUdini.. 4a St Pateratopep «ha M)aH4y af tha rarloMti at
lha PMItodr Irw mofto wH work. A


m C Samtrto Bamuel 1. Ho. of aaW of
33. town
10; *2».
u. mrM^c^nwterhfe It town

the west, northwest and to Call
^2^Th*ew will bo on (lale erery day
through the month of March.
Ask Pnro Marquette ticket aRonl fur
ieulsrs or write H. J. GRAY. Ik P.
~ nd Ruitlds.
H. P. MORLI^. G. P. A..

New designs in open
work, embroidery,
hem stitched edges,
etc., at priceit from
lOc to 6i»c each.

This is the Store
That sens the





Boston Rubbeis



i *

SBaBflnti Bnasami




« 3

and do as the majority of i>eopic arc doing this year,
by purchasing


mall Papers and
iUindow Shades

Wlvrcver the KIMBALL has gone it has forcc tl .n
position for itsejf as'an instrument that could be placed
In corsi>ctition with any Mihcr make whatsoever, and



Be iUise

wTh* aurcb Kbic."
S.tyv "Xli.: Kimball
Piano is tind-chLs.s iu
• c\tr\- respect."
vrt(ant-.<l m

Pillow Shams ■
Tahle Spreads “
Dresers aad
Sideboard Scarfe

■ I


It is but necessary for the buyer who appretiates a
really FINE PIANQ to examine the KIMBALL to
decide that he nfcetls it for his or his family’s use.

to lha Waat, Nerthwaat and

praewtmg maonmi- Weree. tai !•: OM Hisaton SZIS.
John R. Bush to Orbrae Uttlefield,
•••*’ >am*t. toad cootraoi.
Pranks B. GriBn to B. J, Oook. el*
block 1, tend coatracc. Baytide add.
' Tbomaa Totwg
g to Wm
Wnt- Young, lot 2.
.. U. « Co.'s 1st add. snb. ot
io.'s 3rd add; $2.S(

pure article.


t Hw U. '
............. ............
RMuead rata tlekeia on ule first
I OUra B.
and wlfa
E. Hodgn
Hodgn and
to Nato A. ud third Tuesdays of each monib un '
s*' NeiwB. part lou 1 and 2. bloek A. H., -m xprn. 1*05.
U * Oo.*a Tth add: $S60.
tor roctea and rates,
—itoato rlaU KanState of HlWIgma^ Darld Ctam.;
1 .
n-p. noe11w

22. range 12: 1226.

S' '


Feed, meal. Bran, Iltiddlinaa,
eom and Oats


<■ p<rdrrv.
, ______ ____ ___ «t*>n


The best for the price io


:o Valenti

^-Ba*ra raw a;2|,,^ep. n,i«0.
: m reply to mouiH.l«S i>*b«Tc pl«a*ar<U>|0M Oi*wi Bain
htfoa. hat «BI cm rtnnk Hardy and wife to Ralph K. to.>pn«e»Mtor.«aa» ^ --'OB
(If Itol adnlrablr
•tou Jamtiw. Into $*T. Uoek «1. rnter-iblf^
and bi«l> nnerC^iMchaa; $U»0.
_ tSSradwtedby i
Balph K. JamliOB and eife to Wm.---------- —
. Italar. leu 86-7.


l•aildlHB stow ttect

Joseph Write for

•d.b>BeT.K. V. ait
Oen. L. Johnera and wHl* W Cbaa.
An He^ant at the lAia4on son died
MH to
Ooeect. a$$ of bH Of awH of
of filgfat caused by a thusder riona.
■ .-ta
. . and‘ bH
■■ of
■ aaW of aeW. see. I. town


Wc buy nothing but the best grain and ^u gtx the
Idnrk «nnl nralHir:

I WMnchcemb

Jtai i srr :srj^*i‘r"a:jr^ "“ir^t-^fwn^rro'nji^n’’
n the grrat «B imt. nte Grand Doha VladtoRr I. al.oto a|'^
Imra sow anttotod to .wW that they will not kin hto> ai pres- ^
A ■‘h“, .


Ole €an Give ¥eu

TS r.'rS.'J.T


Traato. - •
.to aoened
H. oiaarm.
aoeeeed M.
Otaaiow. uonato-uae,^
Cooatadtlae^2J^.___^^^*ran aiarted to:to the most lltosral and moat eaMttoijota S. Kennedr and «T ..
lenaeMt Aowa eaed of the grand dahaa and hit ap-jJohnson, lot 38. Blackwood; $226.


TaavarM city. Mtohlcan

«t«.OUia»o OBtoaltor CbUiai. Liraaitutr liy nn *MUirri wmI ttt- Wmilt iadar fi>r Ok-

,YA. ■ '



8. e. Cor. FrontaneUnion

l« 1* WM.1 f-e t> jw

Campbell, low MMA block

a aoniaitoa tba troopa aeearred tUa naratos.<>. Crower. ««ardlan. lot 22. blork 4.
><-’a3rd4dd; $Wii.
H If.* Hpart* flwttMt ^•'ha. or. ft»roea of the alri^,
Je««*natc»to Rolteit Batea. pan of
;!8« ear tm. Thia to why ao atoBj' ttotmo patodod the aahaiha today.
Itetotaa aaMta ai«
to Trar-' teUtog laiaanpo poiea.
, ]o:

Th. A-h

Kw huu»> and

Tti<-uioi' ni UHdl»a1 uf aiitoLiiit; tti>-;ii Itr'tliv np|i]i'.mi..,. uf WRIGHT S CONDENSED SMOKE not
<«iK pn«linivl»-M.T r.-.iihsiii M'ery «■;•> Jmt .l«c» il hi minitmim . xpiiA.'. Oii-Miiciri. «i>itinc T.wVwLit iIk».mi(iUIt aox^
S'lO p >uiftf»^ ikf mi<nt .-mil liii* mIioIi- imkiOdK will imi nuiiiunM* au
honr'K iim<-. Tr\- C'<niit<.-ii«><il Sino^- pa .vour lumia and uoli<**
the iui|jn>v«<ini‘it(.

Tijk> l-ol «•>*.««■ sr Otoad^TTamwapOBtf

_____ ______ _ ________ *‘*e*e efl*'’*'

1M plrliiL tw,klr «f trmmto *««■
MelUtoffa tocton^l^ joii C. Dre* aand vlte to Prank W.
,, u.
nmirrrr-' tartf iwo IUmI4B woiiaan, oraham. *w% ot■ uawH. **c. II. —& MM.SESSS lU per io». 1» retoaed to partly to the rr^r-; Wto- H. Bede and .wife M




of the purchaser.

■ of US.

In this stock of wall papers you can 6nd every

variety of design and ^rice. < iood patterns from (ie per
double roll up.

It is essentially a Connoisseur's Piano. An instni*ment that appeals totKe artist, ort^osewhp wish tobe.

Allow 0$ to Show Yoo or Send Yon Particulars

Window Shades

ready‘ made at lOc and '25c.

Made to order goods acetMding to size.

Extra wide

shades a specialty.

KimbalIJnusk douse

eny BoojtjStore

to, B. B^ntr, Pro^ 129 Ti^ntSt.

e*t<ut,Bmhtr tl»„JPivin- taunt atf, Ittkb. \




--_• : _______ _


DAimrMBfrt amociation.
TM ftilo«1i« k tfe* pragiw e( tlM r,

: KlMTP KMT ur« PlUr M. f
^ Ooodjl* Cuton Hate FkM
-Th«r taT« >o •««
> supsuoa am magana*.
aa<k ■
IJohMM Drac Star* Oo^ F. B. Umi
•Ad B. E. Walt A aoH. OilmWi

oaNMkmend^am* ^flw^MutBK.-


-MOBV k Iink.-e c. uni*.
■5V^a>« f%h. » Mi tt«
«l^l 1:»P
.MrtirrflBnlWr.Tk» Opw u4

cf rtwftiaw *«

w'lAfW^-- .

»>■-•— '-‘•■‘—


.anh artmi tn


Ow Oah," C D-

“Tba Dat>7 uA Food DiiwtMBt


S^.” wti

•;» V »—-lim POKJ »4 Hon: il)» Pr«««oer, Dealer aad OoaeamotT

" e'liianT ~tt1

“FeeAtaf aad Care
Boot “•■***“•’■ ^ ^
b^^ed i Diary 8UMA
***** for *"*

<Mc Puk-4CT Mow« 4nrtaf
liBoatt. »l^«t ««4 c< awtk; jw wB


safety depokt boiea. Srery
faslty sbonld hare oas. A safe
place for jaai papers abd otber
valoablea.- Ton bars sboelata
eoBtrol of year bos, aa yoe bold


Strikea HMdea Weeke,
Wbea yoar ehip at healU strikea
-----rocks oC GeuampiloB.
are lost, U yoa
doal get Mp froai Dr. KlnTe Nev
DIsooTery for CoosvmptloB. J. W. Me4ataontiTperRin^''of liiladeca Sprttws. Ala.
. writes: "I bad beea very m wiih paea-



$10.00 to $25.00
New Covert Jackets in all sisea and prices ore here—new ones com'mg
every day. When you want a jacket (and you’ll want one when yon see these)
see the Milllken quality coats before yon'buy.

Ubact V alas praaaatad eaeb, poipoee. Wa pay ISO per moatb or;;
ad tka beard with a copy of |d«0 per year. We famish hotaee aad I
wagar. tbaRtfh
aad eretythiag eoapMe. Act.
catfca. aad axpMaed Its Methods aad < at
I era RteSt^ wiu be lOkaa as Ad-

$5.00 to $25

Som. H.t.1 at take Aaa.
| ^^ZSStSSST^^lSu!^
.J. O. Tarek, lormerty proprietor of »-ii
the Hotel Slag of Heed Oty. Ballw I .
hoaae of Bait aad Hotel 8L Joe ef
Ooloa. aad ysU ktuwa aasoog the
of Wedera Mlehlgaa.
raMBtly boaght tho Hotel DoaglMt at
Lake Ana. He bae raoomted. raaodcan ha praod of
SaeM boeteuy eloag the lake
abort. Rr. Turek wUl aalatala a tiae
of beau aad wdl alwaye be ready with
a Mne ef flablag tackle aad bait tor
Dortag the
axcarateaa wfU be rva every.
etbar «e^ Dw T^avetee City aad |
oiker potata aad people wleUag a;
pleamat day off]%riu tad everythiag'
ready tor bin opoa ble ar^val tbera.'
k. Bawolt kHbge tbe Herald a kaiket
Mr. Tamk wm alto add a bar to the
I e
tkal aia aa tra
fair la
botet tbe tret of May. '
P'Y.tUippa* aa wbMt they were tret
1; •'■ '”■*' ■ There are a aoMkar af «■

t the brttA aoa ^

tu of wmMMban,
«• anw B. sutai

I laid ap with
FM^ WUeoa
ie grip laat week.
Oea E Fmy of Kelkaaka Titled
valaUree here laat week.
Mra. Elele SdiolleH. «rbo bae bees
aatt* aMk U greatly uaprored.
' Orrta li^aer taiA a lead <d Mabel
latlea ba WUUaaabaiT lo ettead the
birthday party of Mra. Many daytoa.
vs------- ---------------- J, MM ep with a

J! Bargain


iMen’s 8.50 Pat. Colt or
! Calf Shoes. Blucher Q 7K
style or regular, cut to
Men's $3.00 Box Calf.
Blucher style, an ex-

W- They ettavpted to retara
a to the.
ibe .loAeva.
to ACL.AAot tba baaey aoaU wM bad!,. «"*
mra bead
■ tta leatrea .lbo abwe aboati ortut Pray writ to TmToree aty

iP lOMat at M Oaoida. bamly get-1 'Ed OlMtil
' w bgfgre^ tea broke ep.
ber tor a b

Hog U
a getting
out Iob-

retniaed bone

Tp AfHee. '

Men’s Satin Calf Shoe. made with tips or plun 1 Q K
toe, a good shoe, on^


Women's $3.00 Enamel
Shoes, heavy sole, a

, Women’s 2A0 Pat. Lea.
i or -Kid Shoes, ligfat_or

4 rteamed bit work oa

» aeatptad la tbe Tidoada ,cbareb
b witk tbe r^tAar eerrlew oa
~~ A the aMl aae estead-'
i bP Mr. Cbrtertt ttegMrtarty meet'Ntg-beM-atr ■

e aot aeeepiad eatU thla week aad .
e palplt at
hake hao.aot yet
aablet. ll^ititta<Mr(erbate
ga aeavieA hr «t heart ef tadha
rtvarb IbAMcaa MAa aad It h
lEttla aeilimtaBdiBg ttet the MaaI ^
tiWahoa a Md wlU he opea to Brtt^ AMm tor their tocattaa.


Aysr^ Chernr Pectorsl Is B«
titaplecoui^syrav. libs
avo^ MdUM. • dMMTb


I Women's Storm Rubbers

. licsresluHc

cfegMk CMM «r MdMS. pteurtqr.bfwehMspCO

AA yMT dooDT abotn^pr

$10 to $25
ELBOW LENGTH KID GLOVES—Ve kiTC tte White Jln«teMrb'
thqr are desirnet espediUr ter ercBter wear. AH ateea.



Men’s $4 Pat. Colt or


kORplala Vte WaMaa la tbe BteTom Fray caogbt a aaoke
(batarday tbioagb tbe loe «> ; Mind
.... ..............- — 4»%poaada.
lha taavy Vlad bas brokoa op thaji, u^Tte'l
MtttWaBapeavalartretaneep-' Oia nZto
paMtolWtaiaUpalat Two to TmccM Oty tick wltb the grip.

Do yoU«
tial garments.

r a Rain Coat? If not. you should have one of these essen-

Opportunities don't last forever. They
comeasdgo. You must take them quick­
ly or loose them forever. It is now your
opportunity to take advantage of our low
prices and )iou can’t afford to let it pass.

A Man oamler. Jooopb Haaa, with
Mre. Pbed Avery aad daughter
£ to voice Biaaeb vMted our eebool FHday. Why
' do aot aU pareau do tba eave? ------" •




it Policy I 5‘n's;'’^.»”i‘°y2.20
to buy
now for
Alhctbrs Tuture M ’ ^^ . Lea. Top g.OO
Medicihe Olants

. aswn sum. SUM. i -vs. oi£aS22,'“ *

Spic and Span New Suits
for tlic Young Miss

Jutt received yesterday a conaignment of oew Suiu foi the yooog ladiea.
Every onea as neat aa4 taity as a yoong lady’a fancy can demand—ai ridt and
atylish as it is'iMMiW' fOt
best„®*t»ials. designed by
skilled designers. In this case they must have knosm what a young giif would
like. Here fa onedainty little suit;
Brosrn miitnrc, Eton jacket, with peploos. long thoulder eSect, leveral
rows of shirring on sleeve at top. turn back cuff inlaid with velvet,' jacket lined
throughout with uReta in same color. This one and many others me ante to
3?fiS5raily please the young lady who wishes to be righUydieased. Prices on these dunntog suits are

bat was getUag Bo batter wbea I be-'
gas to tate Dr. Klag'e New Diaoorery.
dote gare tebef. aad
I me." Sere care 1

a spools at: proadat there aaa to«aril«^lUi“««uke',^^
l Jobneoa Dng I
larMhraa are la tta Hlgb aehoai. i
fbiV MW papas hire aatarad Sntasj
Trial boUla 10c.
UtarnttimaSed^iatat taUe; la thU dtp aad eanwaBdle,
BaMfwo^«^Sutt~M^ »«a to <»atK>l a grocery aa»
SSTd^-wTSSaSSI^iaaiJ. AaMw aad eoUeci. WOl «

QiAAwi'TX mTomm

..... 8O0,



Saturday) February 25th

FOR 1905

Both in Soft and Stiff Styles
V fft y THE KNOX HAT AT $5.00 v
The Beacon Hat b made in the Knox Factory and Q
b the best $3.00 Hat-on earth.

See Our

The Advance
Spring Styles
of 1905



mr ahtee tea b» 'Banta*. -X teaa U tt
.—------ ,ore« «ae.j Vote'a Marvar
Mr CHt T«e«4ar ol iMt ««ck.
-------------ite bejrate care. 3 rateadr for coasha.
Hn. w*tM e»Be tnm her kOM a'«re4 av ko#- !■
K«4<rw)»U> aneftd the IWtk Urthter a a a tea
a kerCeecSy veil I eaasan «( every aSK.
Mrv Chat. Hbium. Berrine.
to Or Lallte
htH I
MM Pteker ma»M w 8o«U
^ a tealMaa ealer

al* -teote* rev. la i
s Cliy Wedn ^ Mr
-K*.■ Thandte^w
tree U in year* ol.d before Jt
MW ■IHWIWI—i^ea- 4
Bom Otr!^«T X; ’ "bbt^u' Mr. m4 Mr*; Htic lletl. ^
.. ^
............ .................
TSTS?^ to Mr. ate Mna
Mr. ate Mti. Owa Prtet rltete relm siteS?tte iBBcral ol her Taeatey. Fefc. H. a daatetec.
*n^^nr?T“^ **<**■»— terk te
au»te at Nr* Wastord • FWtey laac.
- PMip Hamrtte ate BoU. W«to« *"«>■*• *W^»
He Mpwi* tn
rSu teuteruUwftek te
& Cbok la «utt* lU.
.SeaCraadali tea teaa s*Ulas«t ««* la Wara Taeaday twaa Haaaah.
A bua*cboU necoalty—IM. Thaatts^. Httle toika. ate to n
MarMTSw Ofted Ilai>l4a
ar. ate Mn. MeComlek VMit u*, *«e rerr atee Umher tar Ua aUaste

C^d traverse Reg^n.


iSu Us

__________ _


cJtedrOHm terteatecas, Men^
SaSon mite atMortaM tn neaiiy
aeMTSto^W toe teth the ax wbkh
tl*sLixMuSMdMte B. i Peek wet* to
- ■

,.™ KS?:.,


5S"s2u SS*;

The infant dasgliter of Mr. ate Mra.
Mr. DorpThw been on the aite Uat,terser, tea returned Home.
SoUlraa tea been salu> aick. Mt l» tor Ibe paat Itone wetea.
. Mr. and Mrv DIeterate now umpy than l.WO aepasir Ulatei ate Uleta.: croep. catarrh, aathnta: nerer faila - .\t any drac aitwe. 6t <
better at Ula wrttlas.
Brery oae ibai anaaded ite dance the nxaM to the Saylar bteh.
Mr. ate Mra. Bitaaetl ate MUa Vni- ^
Mancbee ball Friday nlshi tn-, Mn. A. B. Bttoate aade a boataeaa
aon «f Tnrefno Oiy rlatted r^Uvn
, _aaj tine.
,caU la MayBetd Toeaday.
here laat treek.
Pearl Grav na rialiliis rrtailyaa
T. B'. Balllran haa boo^t a froll
here a fe« daya taai week. Shf refam at Lowell. He toieada wwln*
_ mraed to Traveme Chy today.
• B-ald Oiee^—d—te
Joe Htosea weano South Boardmaa
Mlaa Dann etoaed a eery aueocaaful
Born. u> Mr. ate Mra. Netaoa. a ,oday.
(««• of aeteol to diatriet Ko. i PrMar. dauskur. Feb. St.
The (arvera will doubilcu be cite
r*b.v She tea cone to her bone at Obetena
Mr-ate Hra. Baetor ate lately and lo karn that the Klnstley rbe«»e (ae-----------> (or a Irdw^- eacailon.
Mr. and Mra. Ptuk Zoatte and MU. un wlU coniteoee h^tlona at aa
Seofteld apent Sonday with Mr
early h date aa poaaible. Tbv dirertM™. John b^e.
Ota' meeUns wan held Inday.
nOsttellhate SophteDago
Licroy Maxan went to Trarerae City
I hem toM Batnrdai.nftor. a.i
Toeaday evenlas to attend ite play
UEAK SIR:—I am gratiBed to see that you have adverts^ to organize a
annn etel In Tlirme City.
ciarenoe tww u eoneawwoc.
' Siren Iberr.
-■ W.-l»tet nnil Unillj. have
Fred WarteT of m&sbaa «w a
Hector MeUaa toft for. Alpena
Donnal class this spring to prepare for the June exammatioQ. So many of oar teach­
Pen Oneida rWtor lent week. .
Tbanday nUhr.
. ------------------------- -------- .„.w .be bouae uvbed by Mra.
ers need just such a review as your school wUl gi«.
Thnrteay. where ate haa been ‘ Murphy

A C Bnter and hta Bother diwre to
a.t«.«i Brown ahiM>ed a car late of
1 am very glad that
are to do this. for oo school ever did .more for oor
Mapte CBy ate bark on Fridny.
potaioea to New York city Tharteay.
The OnptUt church wiUhoid.rerital
--------------- ---------------,—.---------- ----- Mr. ftirlic
Mra. Brneat De*raw. who hat beca aeettesa bestaslng Mareh Vi...............
-y teachers than you did in \our normal revteos.
10 Tiaieinn City on Thom ^
kc Xatk eiiy for Mr. Brown.
«nWe aIck. U cetttos better.
w. K. VortU of Recheaier. Mich., will

Prof. C. H- Dorkerof

tnperse Otp, ttlkbigaa*

MUtor ted dausMer,iuUuie at WHUamabim mday nte dance at Archie Friday eveotof.
------- ....--------- a

1 was County Commissjoner for several years after yotr opened your school
here and all those who attended your classes invariaUy passed cr^ble exaaunatioos. 1 do dotJ^meo^iu j^y teacher who failed to receive ccftifi^es aber the
thorough review under your care.
lire and need reviews 9t
1 know there are manv teachers in this section who desti
this kind, and we are so far from the regular normal school that
th;_. the ex^se ol going and coming is tn<Me than most of our teachers are able to pay and the review
___ for
... examtaafetoe as
they get at the regular normal does not prepare them a& well
encourage you by letting
the training they get in >*our school, tbmfore I wish tfrencouragi
>w that your efforts w31 be gready appreciated.
With best wishes for your succeb in your work,.

li. hut u aome better at preaeni.
. Ja»M Roekwood was to town Sntbe and i
will reside to
Mr. Bemaieliie wns •
Lake today.
Mrs. Geo.X C______________
Ciarfc is ewtertatolaj

Sunday for the llrai tlae to ■

Herrey Tripp baa been on the alefc
a few dayn.
Saylor returned Saturday from
an extended btteaeac trip la the east.
tor tncre uiii Bomins.
^ Ceors.-tta
“»««■ ted C^orsc
Mr^ una OrerhoK
Mr. ate Mrs. Jw«- Ruaa spent MooFriday.
*%!? CJedar.
Saturday cveolns was a spItodM aac- '
**Coon conrenea at the connty aeat



liftywac >?■&te w^Mtoday.
uaitod to nanta)
si|n^ *my
_a^ Jaa. I^ day. Feb. SC. tay K. Cvpeotorwwt'ditfM fnU two or thtwe




mj. mi«,. i. m,
1,^ Satllraa'a.
James Good, and daach-* Jerry


■i'toiled at Jo-;*rt»«t.
^Hr. and Mra. Coon tolled on Mrs. O. tote to%te 8te?Q^a

u.. “s sutl

Tlm«- kiiotty>li?iiiK aiwaya riHifrxH>tP tlx-pmaftortivp fomitiirt-Itoyfrr. -tuuiir-ly;
When to bay. Where.lo buy- bod
How to buy. Ill tlif first pla<T ‘-Wlitii t» buy"—n» better timu iImui Righl Now,. Il ta at lliia eeasMi of
year that the oJd
liiHw tiHMl bl- ekwn«i out to make nxmi for lb.- lariBe ar’ri’ift •‘bipui.-Bt.. that »n* expertr-d .laily. and wc an- wilRup. et-«i anxioan. le
wcrifioc profit th«i lln-y imiy la- mov„l. SH,*.udly. -Whert- io buy"—Buy wb«e t-oitr mutey ran la- nude tu ivx-h
for Bargains. Tho Ii.>um- tbat buys iu hk-Ii tniv •|uiniiiii« that they <»u Underbuy Smaller Dealers from" tOi
20 per cent ax veil •-» make a iii<v aaviiis on Wbole Car LoaO fn-iftlit Rih«. iv luniuetoitoiahly The Place tO Buy. ji'
is Ihi* mellnvl of doiii;* buvinc-s-i tlinlltos j>U'-ad tiB in a eluw by onraeltx"**. Laai. bat not htet.-Htiw to buy" Th!» wv ktotv.cii.
lin-ly in your hnndp; boy a* you iJraae. in muiiliik-s larci-or small, and Take Vour Own Time tO Pay the Inll. Tbt-Tr it
miTedlajB? aljoul uur credit ayalew hen* jusl li-ll tilt-Kili-suian to rluuve it'
^Hto at« »MtoW Stoorm'WHtoU ▼Kmtoto Utete tetowto**

i. at $0c a

{ate to edit rnstos.

A.naaa tnm Uited ante
earth to difsiaR an acre ate ■
all a wricbi uf $to tuaa.

aaodc S
to »5B5 M Tiaratoo

Stete tiwM here
Sgdteto to Otoa Arbor Bat-


STS tallty If Cbaa. F. Ltebercer. of Syra-

eww. K. T.. bad not dOM the best U,
,S cooM
for__bis auRcrins ana. "My boy,buy."
be aaya. *tet a feate^^^ over bid'
SatTC. wBIcb sniokly btalcd it amT
aarte bta eye." Good for bnraa alpR
uksera. too. Oaly SSc, to Jobaate

Harm i

to mr tow to tkla wrtl*---

hsto bw* Btundte thr'
ate -Lauchlnr mtol

B Sana- Bros Stww*.

JI Bid Dtocoimt
On cv«ythin»r in mHttiesap*.’{foni
plain oxceUior lu' tin- beat crade*
Mtod ootton and hair. Wi- buy
tbf-ae wny iiiatde of compelitonL

$ I tflllll III $$$$$$
The Intent


Mton Nam Cork to woriOic to Oc- •
Nwb onae Boto Trnvntse Oty

$3,000,000,600 •


I ItondM of

Ite URwr Qoea

Ptett .«$$$|$|$$$4$ft$«$$$$$ll$l$$$t.
The ttetoa' Aid aeetoty wUI Med
w«te. A torse nttradiiKed U daalrte.

Cu*t .Tott See llto Stof of Hope?

Mlaa Btonebi> CWok. who' ba* bM*
vMUni her a$aWr. Mr*, laa ItolUday.
rctanto u Trnetrre Oily this rwatoc.
_ MIS. ^
enleriatottc btv

Sirs*.............. ....... .

bfmuUy. Hi* bventoc war apent u,u..,
dc4Mm* IbbA. Tte cwwu aeparated
at n tola boar vrttb wlaboe tv many
tePliy ^wrn
and hwiiy
r-la»s» «of the day U tbeir

b add
abdal to Ibe ilanMay
Hnunc waa tarsaly
11 laait aeeaied to i
lerc wi
to youtiR pew' He^jte^ .^rilaR ate Ho^
SoHe a truBber
Dunaclly waa to
aMi«a>r.iai«v jf
■ban obi I’kwiU.
A'tocb(ium>< ant
.i a‘tend«.i Ihc »vK
CVTBlat aa.‘ *;hbi Senlh«r Tdatl*-> tKTv.

r*to<> teadiytj



t' ST" ■“

a tUM rnm
to Hodr-. I


C«**, ICita «ti
Olio dollar dmni will liuy auy
alow on our fljwia..' Couk» in ami
ree some aeivntd-lutal Stoves and
IS1IP.-S lIlBt «r Inivf—juBi a*|pwil

Batnl^ Bo«li

Hcadachn. loss of 4DcraOf>. weak eyes, cross eyes
or defective, vision


lies in the knowledge that
._______ others are being cured by



IF TOO All svrmwG

All alylcK. nil pric«-a.«

froui..........95c up


Dl. P. A. WOL^ OptomeltlsL


Several 100 piece sets to close out at les$, than
other dealers can buy them (pr.
SPECIAL—A good ware, full lOU piece set. for

»a*biBa nucWMM
LiffliU-o wnnh day Mwr SU p*r
(v-iit. .Vlarci-aMorttuealkM-bocNw
from. To rivlnn-stork, froto ■

S2.7S W
Buy now. pay bUte.'

Odd pieces and broken rets at much below
Your credit is good.

earpets and Ktigs
N'o better time to buy can»cts and rugs than now,
when they can be secured at a positive discount of
2U per cent with just a small payment down! This
includes Hemp, Oranitc, In^in, Tapestry. Brussels.
Velvets and A.NmiiLsiers. A lot of remnants with
from 5 to ^ yds in a piece .at less than cost. Not
necessary to wait for a rug; we arc willing to wait for
the money. Evcirihing from the smallest throw
rug to the large Vxl'i art squares tu close out all old

,j0 fl fd drying upt**-*. vndl nwdr.
*ncL a* annlh-r d<-sh-r* mat boat
OOi-to 7.V for.

(My MCI*

lines at U otf.


Without Medical Aid or Surgical Treatments
1 Remove the Cause. Nature Cures the Symptoms.

Dishes at eiose to Cost

Oiilv $5.75




C H- Dockenf Pnp.


nearly Bet
........- -............ ..
wn« • fran Uver aiid kWney trouble.
, Men. Mlanie
ravwte cuy toiler toH FtMay.
. rec«t leuer. he *a>-s: -1 wa* nearly
IIUII. Kilu, aiThe Um eborek wn« crowded FrP dead of Utex- coaptolw
_____ I tried wy famlilljr doctor, bo
Btor the torewwU Mram af'tBoate
■»“* *'**^’^. Bercer..
dW me no Rood: *o I cot
cc n SOc boUto
MIm Bate Foot enne borne Friday-of your RTtot EJettrle Bitter*, which
-.-T-.- y**. ” -"*y? evtetoc. teoralBR to her •cbooi to oared bc. I coa.lder, ibcB the best
MW anno, w nrowa Trareree CUy Monday morninRmcdlcliic on t-anb. and thank God who
Merrill ate Hvla Youns bare been Rave »-ou ibo knowlcdRC to mak.
aick'the pa»t vreek with aevcrc cobte. thm." Sold, and Ruarwnlcte to ct
ttir trout on »R mc.
Halvcragn called <» Mr*. Wm. UTapepci*. BIUouancM and KWi ..


t. n. E

. lyoads Co., maeutoctureni of imsoUnc

.. Martha
.,»i.fM-,MtoBM Mecnto on Soaday last.
for the pant a___
i-riiM word
at Frank- Mr. Merry of Trareree City wns I
tother to qnlte tick. DatocUh
Saturday ercotas.
Cedar Saturday.
Qulta a niUBbor of frlenda tolled at
Me. and Mrs. T'"
' ~ '
' Ubc teoe of JotaBBlc WtoPtutoy Su- .MDpna)- lut tnecic.
day «h«»oM to btor bto enmophoor.
Utot mrraBt of GIto fUren to TtoCM4. . .«.w fnM hrra •UcDdte
Ulw nt.Mswtell^Ftej^J^ 8«to d*j
n-enlnc took to over $33.
^ - «r. nuM jur». \j.
O. IV.
R. v.wy^MN
Ctoypoot cnlk-d
hiritoite *•'
Mra,Onto Sunday.
il^T^ . A antober of tanner* uroan.

. ana Btruck tUa
tkla aei
aritelwrhood at i



Mrs |>i4ts‘ 1^1 iivms
l»-r ael.

All readen (nUs ad
arefiiaKiallT able la

Picture Frames and tramlhg

SeHBlB Slul e**ck

Wd make this a specialti;. Bring in your pictures
ud select a frame. We make them any size. All
toork executed by an expert and guaranteed.

1». »«.i .. .'«di or «.!«« or
i'll., i-ilbrr • J or full
.ir.l»l. All
oo «ooii «l««l
il. Onl;................. -...*6.76

Stores at By RapMs. Traierse CUr aB UHBpsailUe.

Smaller dealers- cas^
'«enU aet as a (air



<■:■'■ r-y'-



_______Mr*. C.-a D;e«ad wo Pi
«eoi «o Petnckee Satordtr to riU; r
-"— retantSK lotUy.
UUIe Mon no atteoM ib* 1«ieb
t Wr.iamtiQrK PrtMyn of Trorerse Ctiy l«
be bU liKi Mmoe here, a* be
or «MRk«r «m*ei Ttabu« blilrtn’
Mr*. OyJe eapena to retbfw v
tom^^ lb Trarene City
Oiy ihi»
iMs irof*
Kpeji Ratarday and
Soaday at bomr. ntatotni; lo !«buot
_ _ AiUamb »
« be. cT MmM. , taidte top to BHtoer-* .JIL
b4'wife ud Mttle
to bcr
---------------on> Vtag to Wesford oen «e«k
bone la Wexford l>r the aerbNU ill----------------- «etUw otu the to vtaii reloMfco.
aeM of ber ciator. Ur«. Mand TiaiMoo.
tb* 0*M Dih Oo.*a »M acm
ooo. Otlbort U
- ror IfiM......................

l> at Oteo Arbor Cor b
M wnum.;
- •Sa tbm^o hx oT Mod li.ber. TtoroMr ood «eot to MoMo
The veoiber la verr flae thu »eek.
■■^■'?•" ^
— —w iatm Aod^r ^ « o^. Ft^.
t. aad ererr ooo don bla keret beia to
> open tbe road, which have
■ JHOM AA^icto MM M Mr. WItooBt M. «oelL Twmae CHy Wok Co.
teana eonsrd. IWadar.
- onanUty ^
Aaber Atkiaioa. Jan. MeOarry. Joo«i>i. w,
K-~- .They bare osd Hike Cam drove to Cplr* laM
ordera for auny nllltooa of brW: to jioaday- and retnraed tbe aane day.
Udder bave been Tto' be dellverwl ibc eotaliic aeaaoB.
Tber coeouatarod seveimJ .b<Rh aao« aronad tbe take and he war nhllaed
.^IhiMrao CUT
Fred Daniae la aa afioraoaa'a dfitta aad had to opea b way ibronitb. croaa o« the ice When anproachias
tbe atMdie of the lake'tbere was eo
tnea^parv.or laat .nartaa tot hoU of a 1! powad MartWert Kam «aa Mil lepre^ted
Ibe fanml of Joba Doraa, whicb took nurt water on the ire tfaai bis tean
r oMIsnl I
and h<Satobed bU Job jiioce at-litoaplro lart Tne*<Uy. Tbe goreiuck
•*”• **«^ *^ “
with Oiorre PMb«ad to aow wtrkias Boral irlhQie* were a*aay and band- oot of hi* rlB Obi wade tbruuab.
John Kreii* was la Traverse City on
boalaeaa tost week.
• Mr. Neme.
Nemeakal expert,* i« rtart hto
To Curo a CoM In On* OCR
F*-M ' Mn. t. J««ol la.^ tbe_____Itot.^aicb
niy^ next wet
> Saaday
all Uat work . -

atmmi RapMi RUtrtet. cDodpeud

OtUr M4 8«a««r. TM* vfR. fMkBHr.
MMk tt tke T«cm M tte pmvM er tto

1“ MMS

Stt CM«W» IWBRiua ^Z«2S2ri."S!r

Iran WtefcosAll. «bn baa »eoa wotblae la TTarerae City. »*«t lo Cbicaao
Wrdaewlay afir# a ecopip of woeka’
\ia>< at bU bone in Shctlaod.
Ceo. tn^o^l aad Pt«d A'kfaaOB
Hn ihl* plare ate fpeadUsy a fe« daya
Tith their bracbera la Ttaveiae' City
Mra. a Wlaharbil and Iran rtioic in
IjFlaad Mat Voaday.
Tbe fbmer* are Itaay hautlu'Wy
aod imuioe*.
The Shriuwl «.d«r>l eluaed FrWay
(or t»o w<-ek* racaiioa.
The Vapie City R. F. I>. No. I baa
■tar'ed and ibe Sbeilaod piniuCee t*



John norao wt«t i

Tbe Bro«a Bosar CMK kB*». MB
lOMCd Ibeir Job at P«0<d Wko.
Ctnrieo Davta «in rrtani to bM
bum# la Oblo. Fob. M. aad Ua tyotbcrtada*. Ford M^era.
so vl^ Bm.
' Atvmri Lake vaa oaDM bone na ac>
nmat of bto rbitdrco %•(■< alek «Rk '
Ibe fneoaW. Siacr h«.««ai bone. «•
aadenxaad be baa then aJio.
and Mr*. Maaie lake Bandar.
Mbu Laara StulU of Labt Lake IM
rtei'ine with her meed. Goldta Baiaa.
The hour for preaehtaw hi at 3
n'rhirt eviTT Snaday ni .onr >riH]ol
bonM\ tartead of S e-ekiek.
Mr* Will Fewlpa vaa tIMIIb* with *
Mvf. WIH and Flora lAke Monday.
Mr*. R R. Muon and Laara
apem Tne*«lav alirrnooa with Mi*.
Viola and Flora Lakf.
Mr. and Mr*. San Myfos apenl Ran*
day wllh Mr and Mr*. C. P. Rote*. ' -

_ . Traverse City Tuesday
Hank Rate* aad Saia Myer* we
Knpire Tneaday-aad Monday oo 1.u*i
"'ur. Sl*t«cr**kly i. aUll sbhWlna lne«
for I). .I»rati

Wrtir .1

. Rrtah Wlhidi I




£■« eoMM IMtM «B Mk i»-*Mi> '

Cm* (•‘tttMtf tke ««« ma^\

■* i**LnH^nrdnt one of Slrohn Poole's
DMtototohnl bto loMertaK job ibonM kicked bln. breaklac his l«K. ^
-r- Ti.TT r*.;iaaiw3r
««* •«*«* «lao«bier <rf Jc-“
U dead. Ml*. Bbarter
Mri. Jabs KeaaMy, -awbo I.
to «ead.!hM

o ha* a noot nnasaal tbirf
rclas aboot ibe atrem nliAta. Hit
laatead of Fraati*. as stated oaty booty to lelepbooes aad bo bas
___n-------ibroofb an ormr. It was Bdnond
Anood Fl^ eaterrd several bnaliie** plaees lately
laard to able 4o be oot i toa who aseanxl tbe 41 p^ M^.




>. MkiL. i
tbe aMoa maesa of ber alster,
On* Week** Uaa of Hyonwi Old Mora
nm. rtleh -w Uoi
tbe ootd snap. aUrtod ap
by Spocialtota.
____ Mart Monday.
...... In tbe
D. Movin. while skMdiae
R treatnient n/^drafneM wfalch
... lajarad oae of bis bones!i,
a.mult;of catarrh. Ilyoaei
Itodly that bo bad 10 be ukeo to uta alnosi ImnodianHy apoo' ib<- to
City for
nbraae aad the hearinc Im*

Mr*. W. Wltom M travom

ber payealv.



---------------------- ---------• •


Mira Uxato fVMtoo and Mto* Hauie



n.tiewaa K Y

,; 'plc«MBt call tart Friday
afirmooo on
„ y,ut^ abort lltae and «>e a
u Ocuve Daniae.
,preot rtaace In my roadiilna. My
.................................................. aadJ-bod
IdoaiwbihLUaprme an> in
•L^.i**I^i^Ly^frT nJaT^f no


, >ad

ey a«ver,|Mea.«
p or tbo'SrTci


set erlty of tbe eaa.-.

wo*s a> BASS ruiti,

____ ... .. i

.., ■



BBfftnnlnff Saturday we will sell whiio they laBt about 25 pieces of Do>
mestic Dress CIntrhams, all new spring soodf^ for

no short a ttnr. My bn ath. whieh nas

Biirely. I have speni


■oa. aad a
a' «iam«
I iMrtt baiara.
........... .
m Mimwb batr* mt lU** Loo Laasler of U-... _ .
■to —
of —
Mr. —............
aad Mra. OUea

- * • nnbrmto


Ptreaimmt to not «*iual
vtolMd tw a'fcw day* with to oae aionth of llj-onci."
•r df Mr aad Mm. ’oao day tort week.
bu oodbIb PbUla Tbie)
Wait £ Sons are soiling llyoitoffll- '
Mtoa Btia McCarthy bas rrtaracd to I
wntter-* nei unoa the tiausaai plan of ngreein.t
KTWw aoo Bd Ooi- k«tan*la Bit Rbptda.after leartilas .u,
the nooey if ibe nodlelne
____ _ _

•- ■
%2TbmiSm toSaSSk

dropper aad a Iwiile nf Hytanel. The
labaler will last a lifeline bad «h«re Is
eoooKb HyonH for aeveral weeks’
injatmcni. ArtdlUnnal todties of H.vomrt can be prneured ft>r M eeat*. Com­
pare this amall expeape with tbn fee«
Tbo road hetwoea tbe Uack acboo) efaaixMi ay Hpeetolkia and iMa
the Prarwhw ptaee ^ »ewiber Ibat if Hyomel do-s. not
‘ BO had that Mr. Carlisle, tbe o
a a Wait £ Robs will return y.«ir
. Blaaer -of b
swoCtd ibe bad Jack ^Sr*^

Smitb oOhid-. saorwuaB
aww. mt
wui SlT?^
<uwi v*.-- ym, Baivo (oualy had over l.Jd«
, HIT. Mr. Olllrtte. oould *« thranab. ^
^ exblblUoa at .he

— r-r.r-

Mat. OrtwRc Parana
»s, ^
Or.||Mom» of Mr. iom rt
‘ ■■ ■ “ Tr.tlaamal

eOreries will be made la ibis resiou
A compete otilSi eo-ts only IMA.

*»«'«* artoal-b- aad eoartsta of an lahalor that can is

T»ero i* on

aad iaalt
’lamer to
acMDe *fai
t would not
Itoeovered la

______Mto* Waa*a birthday b

BBP nrMilag A ttn cabvabb' iimr
SSbPd'M'Ali-IMIrtmntrtmbiLrau. I
' Ini fmn aad oabo sroro •mwL.

sMbor-aad rtrtcr to

world's fair Ibis year.
r Cbaadtor rrtarned with bl...
mm Cedar Bkpida. Uu. Sa nr

The Mlsea Koule Paaiaa. Bnnn
E mu Jessio Roaaana and Mr.
f^K ■ A»kn IrtdNto visited the Basi Le..heal Wedaeoday.
, who baa been ~ItaRl^iSiO
VtMe aon of Mr. aad Mrs.
■.................... • vci?
u ___
spent Satard» la TratThnraday lo
*• » rrturaln*
the naie day
B. Wai.^PaHan to on t».e.*lrt iUl.

HcaHby MathcfC.
Molbera should always keep i«-«ootl
-rtily health, ‘nn-y cme It to their
r*« il to no uousUal rtetat
to *ee •. mother. wHh liahe la arm...
eougblna Tirteatly ami exhibitlax all
the synptoon uf a maiuiaipttvp Olbdeocy. And why should this dahdfrthis
roadlUoa extol, lUasermw alike u.
noilier aad cblld. when Dr. BoarteeV
(t«Erasn Ryrup wotiid pui a stop to t'
at >»oce? No BH>iher >bo»i.i he wiihobt this old and tried renurty in the
U pmmpibronebiai


These are worth eieht cents a yard anywhere. About two days shoul&^
clean these ^1 up, so do not delay your coming.



. 0h.« Vmnimm nf fomw reaMent of this place, and we refreabtaje rest lo the eo»«b-racU«i
Alb^ lA^^Cb» Paab»rt ^^,lj^ ;;;»" bln tact
ooasunpUso. Mow trtal boule*. :5c;
" T BMrtpv rtiartcd tor Traverac torse site, J5e, Ftor arte by 8, ^ Ji’ait

comimiCTl drain on the various blocks of Winter Cioods ha»
W left UP with short lines.

B'aecouBt of tbe tnia.

JiJSirfe toS*: ^

tor *

■!!•' '*Wll"!ayH',-r^ teor Of'traverev
B. 1. Koasey cd Soutk lUyea bas
?*L *****“

CHy ara rtsltlas tbeir father. Dolpb ’
ta odUgr'
-------------------------------‘oera coo^n
Sica. A. i^aptlau
entertained several- Bstof.
Bstoc* of this
Ibis' piace.
idacc- ....
irt pepfT ' '

'.£srjs?£.j; sjsr

. Darto opoat Taeoday *a Sat-, TaeRay evealBB.

The evenlas an*


Ibiiancc on hand, but our time here is limkcd anti what, is not dfa« .
posed of now we may lose more on later.

alee tine.

ttdfey eevatas wbleii wa* •

«the M.K.

r§ilHSA wb«».bra
BMd w her bone for
bHMr at Ibto arriUBg.

Were wc to remain in bostiieaM. do am mure CTitting nn prices we could well afford to store the

aumw of friend* Saturday evcaiks piMrt* WtWi Woak



. were plaaed on the wail, each c
rtherlaSvfrto^s wrlilaa then on allps of paper. Mtos P*>J. and Ibero ■* a ««v. Lrdaa ^esud
P»rto* bad tbe man correet Itet. neaitas mass, maaias i. xn -H«Jl rtra
eartuSy*to*lt^’< ***^ Tbaraday evRl
tialniy rafrertn|eot* were aerred. and for the lUMoae n-iau to nultiply. The


i . ^

Hence ,i deepet; cut h«

Itern made on aU Winitrt goods, surh as Men's. Boys’ and Children^
Ovtreoats. l^tdies'. Misses* and Children’s Coats. Men's Heavy Suits.
Pants. Mackinaws and Duck Coats. Children's i lc,avy Suits. Rcefcm.
Tams and Togocs, Warm Shoes. Heavy Wool Sox
and Lumbermans Rttbbers. I leavy IJndenvear for Men, Women 'and

Baraa dM Fib.----------------:b aad disert ive oraans. and Mi­
AflhaH. Tex. wbsrabe vmt a abort________ __
ll tbe only aseni. so far a< to ■
itahraBB la bapw that tbo «am Mopad py >
kaowB. thaa will a
eli'AMa ralBb’ bclp bin. Ha roueired
Mr. aad Mr*. Wilbur Canjd'ell
The onUntry medielBe that to taken
aa Hjarr aorae ala Fcata o«i> while apMn Batarday
la Traverae City.
hriplac «a jon a Mad at M8a.‘fima
------aad Mr*. |. Taylor .
h-f^ Is adventand i
iipon Ibe f(v>J
- ‘*w

Bat- .. .......... ............. .....
bo Rwev laowMrtLaad n le^
Mis* Mary Sirohm of Traverse City. akme. and hooce can jh»e a
oaar^aCMC lUCMtaaB
lUCbrtMM be unl.r.
Rl'rtud ta oaar^paUC
Iko-na to a
3fs! J>e
be hart RrttoU
rtodtoU MRlrtRi
MMlrtfi u( '^bt•'»- Mr.
aad Mn. Jharaa Badd «-------- to vMilac wHb ber luoiher. Wn. thaa 'leotporary relief. Mko-i
(nr a lew
. etvtaia
cTiiT la
__ _____ _______ i*a ad a .v_
taw frlewds tait Tbaraday
----------- --------even- eirbhn.
.. all ctiaes of Mmaarb
Wmm-mm Bora ta Ia«. *■
Mb* Bmau Meerrts of Soioa at- troubles, esreptina raaeer. beeauac ti
L, oai «ao «k vcir* TheWoraaa'a
rtab wlU naetwlib waded onartrtly ncrtiag here Satur- «wMe* the auaaacb and dtoraiive orMrs. II. R. oniTaoaday afienwaa.d*.v *»1 Saaday.
She to also rlslilad (an* to act ia the say Nature intended
they sbouhl. Druiss raanut dige*i H.«
. ... BfM ratib
AMebert retaraed from Grand fo^j; ,bey simply deranpnse It
r, w«w-they bare resiled _
_ _ lUpkl* Bauirday. where he aueuded
» vou saSer with dtoirWa/iereti
JbijB >n‘<.'r went oa :o VC i- ■•MHOMraraCaora
laa palas in tbe brad chest aides had
ORB-- raa- -Mira toora^as
l-ode. bni Rvo H «,• tea Boadayvtwilao. braribura. rartable appe-.
^ tile, seek hradaefaes. spots before ihr
. -I.fc
ejes, and have a aeaera] feeliBK of de
. are «i<
tiZ spoadeacT. weukaers. and deiulif) n.i
1. Mr. wd Mrs. I
lib *..» wan
atrearbra ihe st.wawbo W
has use.
been .lel^
sick for SOM
____ ___ __________
— lo
- tbrtr parraia.
ar^cl di^lve
by the n«^f.
Daraa weal
parrata. Mr. a*d
a«d MfaC
Mra. C. L
L. Onra-i5?’|a no better at ttto writlaa
«Ub-W» bMOber aad broaabt toe. Iom Sunday.
y^-'^ Moon of Trarorra City ande a
'"‘" i
bbRo mmt. Tb* bsrravpd tanWillie ftanoa and Hr. aad Mr«^ rail brae ooe day «bto week.
“ sp^fsl d^ with Ml-o^.
wdBo >R«l*lt syamatby of all wara Patoar were the »uraU over
Mia* LUtle Krticb rane bone from
■BM M bold Taosday *i tbe SrtRay of Mr. aad Mn. Hwe For- Trarane dtv. wbera she has been
ta*x hef.we c*m«. and yaw stuntoS^tt WMlra tacBOTR ton
.ataytaa with her beatbra. John Ketocfa.
_E»J|n>RB» bIrr srtbiiitaK
Mrs. Praak RrdR to virtOw with Mr*. TiUle Oraato aad ber awtbef. bralihr
you will be wna proof.
Hi WpartMta tart nopam. bra pamu. Mr. and Mn. Mn Dick- Mr*. BeroM. of Swtoaa Bay. attended AA 8.B. Walt £ Sonaloahow yoo the
Sim sartiptaeattlbo BOW rone- eraoa. of Itart Head.
here Bu«da.r amrataa.
auaraateouaderwbWitbeyurtlMU*•Rt IB» RmB ta iRplt*.
Be*. Jtr. aM Mr*. Bmu or Tfavofw
X W Wotoa leU tbto notaU« for aa; com wKbtaf artes* U c


S'r: rffr

‘SSi<?»irJt “STiM a. TMfr .BUM M


Children. Sweaters. Flannel Shirts. Mufflers. Lined (ilores and Miltens. Horse Blankets. I^<l Blankets. Comforters. I leatT Wool I >ress
Cioofls. such as Uroadcloths, Hfimespups. Vejxtiians. HeavyChe^iots,
Heat^ Rhininc I’lanneK lyfkrdowns^ all Winter Hosiery. Winter
YVaists, 1 louse lacketsM-adies’ and Misses’ Sweaters. l iiri’s l)ress(^
Boi-s’ Waists, all Winter ^lilluierv. all Fitr«.,clC„ etc.



Ymi mtwl Mill*- your
f--r iiiinH-<li.-ii<'*fi»<l ftiluri' waiilK luiw.
<■ nuta<’i|KUv
• ■i{xUv a t-huoi'i- ot IhumI* rii tin v--r\ in':ir fiitun-..


.? i


. A'., r ■


------------------------ --------| -—
r*.s 4%ictobraf0oad aai^
“ BMpa M T«T ak*.
.Mr. Oa«*r praMkaA hit la* awM
------ --• •
• Thcr tRI c» w MaaiM vheiv

t^ow t*ai n per eeai *
tr hors l«t* 8. 8. mtter tnarUg
Mtt Cot U pottlnc ap k> out of a lante c»Tclc_«_fri*a*».___
lartr way. Catyta aad nmrilti.
.o®cW lake. The toe It very »oodaD«l
- Swnday «c»i«M RrafraHu
«t It tl»r to BIl llw lee iKwaea.
CbBTCMtee i« be beW i« Os<lMaMlBIEca.
. ^n.
Zon AUerwma
befit chwr«
chnrrti oe Matt* 1*. im
pyket dtaaer.
_____ ^kat beea alek. -jfjc
bM It a K(Ue tMer BOV.
I0;M a.
ttaa^aid of Orli
• Mr. and Mrs, WcUi arc toU hocar wartra.

------ **“

P^. Mra. & a L**L
Mepont of 8. 8.


The Best Values at the prices named ever offered by us.
A saving of at least


cha^UM^AaM^^ttMta io %iaala
^ »oir it oBder-eooirol. U it aaW to ba
-^ ^
_ jl
aiy rwter la atkoil
ot’defeat htametf.

> the
F». i<_o«io.l

Ibair MM.

■nemtmtt H ^ MWic.






*"l*ilit. R*. 26.—liic ^iMoo of the
jjorth Sea Inqnlty oansteiee mate
paBUe tarn momiBE. waa ateerte I
the BaaMaM. The dactoton tiatea that |
Atalrai BeUeuveaaky waa aoi Jottl-

Ml. IHM* lb. DOB-bm»«a; ;

- on'Siad off Vlodlroatolt. It to beHotod ler opaaad « S:» this ■ofaiae wUh
Bl- haK that the preaeace of -------------- afoga cnaa The *riiig of field *unp
Keaase ‘
s iobU—ai*m«boottb.0«'.

on Seasonable Goods. Men’s Suits, Overcoats. Shirts, Pants,
Sweaters, Underwear, Boys’ Suits, Overcoats, ghirts. Pants.

a of mii^l atreoC Cafi-i

Citizens’ Telepbone Co. Stock
Haifor>.<»Ts earned and paui Quarterly Cash Divi­
dend, of 2 per cent, and has paid the taxes.


You Can Buy Some
A i

Further information or stock can be secured oa
- dressing the company at Grand Rapids, Mich.


illtMii)fRu|il)8FS and Shoes

oirredy goae, W thav srv . W «f l!<«d thingi

«C CAMT STAY ECBE fOlEYEt-Many of ns Borgaio Be
you If >-on will only bum-, you will find

It Now tn Fall Force at

Oar sale opened Snth a hi* rush and many have taken advantage of this op-poiumijy to fay in their fatme,apply. Never were such valum oftered m the hisirfotjr of ahoe nailing. We own the stock cheap, therefore are m a position to give
sapedal iBdncepKnts to those with ready cash.

Suits and Overcoats for lug boys and soufll Q
men. a-t.rth
ami >i. at......................... ..............
Knee Pant Suits, wlmt arc Wl'from broken QQ«
lines that wcie $2 $2 30 and $3, at................... .
. »O0

... 25c

ToequM, Faacinatora and Knit SItawls.

CholTO UJjMo^Felldws* Overcoats that | ^49Ladies'Tourist Coats, llu newest, most
to.^U- styles, that wen-"S7.50.aud $10. ut..............

Cotton Fleecad Blankats,

'^a^r. 35^

U.di«- Wintar j^kats.
lUih season's stries, i

fitan one, two and three toaiwns
back, wtite $4. $5. *6.

at. filtt

Bofp'Ma^'good Bolklsriiool SbotesWill

aadconalwiiaCtmie priev..




l.%,nt«>ruW prior
Ucti's &«4r »lu <«, m»de on tbe bteat . bstSp
all solid Wtl*r. worth 2^
Boys'. Yosths' find UMl^ Oente' soUif' Shoes
for BdMXtlvcfir.siiifde find doaUr OQo
sok«, worth np to*2. for ...... «70U
and'Boys' first qoality lombcRsm
' bacUe RabbeiB for « u doable soles. Far*
.t6iy prirr 1.10. rrtall at liiO,
sntoT sale price only ............... .

UtUr (iento* satin riOf arhooi Sboes.aIso
nci kid. rxtcnskia side shoes tor
little ^dttows. water sale price..

ACravenette, nkecutnsde
of choice all wool cn-\ materia).
worth »12.V» to Slfi.
for only.


Girls’ Long Coats* bcontiful
styhx. wi^ hell


...... ........V:;2ic
^ 12ic
.;. 958c
... 2.65
,.l.r 4J50



A Few Jackets and Capes

wufth « 10 $L%.

in bock, for



You’ll fTind l« ^iehty F*rofH:«l»l«
To Get a Move on and Viiit This Store


. Tr-mvmrm* oi*x> Mlehlamn

'm' Kvgi;M3

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