Grand Traverse Herald, October 12, 1905

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Grand Traverse Herald, October 12, 1905


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Pacts 1 tii4

TlUVCME errv, «ramo TRAvemc coinrrr.


michioan. thupmoav, octour

it. iMO.

P AH tbo demaad.
park or garden P [pe
OaUI be grafted the laps of his
■wim the gnat graf vUids me
standard trees p the trait of Us
’Japaaera atyte. with dwarf aoaa, Mtr«
P tbe moaamle ralea: they differ
' T cu tonal
Tonaded by a hedge, lastaad ef a waU.*
origtasttag. Hr. anr^l dU not giro
es„ Bo* Buee !• “T »««.
-Ie Pis part obc asra .
He* Ueek. aoneUioM. the diy"* loyea group et dapaalm bouses, Ilk* thaed
■Bggcated that be name It -Chare
matt take charge of the bOoks. -keep
Km muk by tbe WsaaU.. Tbe prif
Bank’ but be demarrod. rayiag Pal ftaadliW on the pedals aU the time: He
Pd know under their pparaP titles.*
: Aad hew nr epWl. 0<dUta« etydnof
dellghli to ride full aptoi op narrow
all SI Am propoRPadd P
frequently cpibJm carefully P pre. 7M.
■heir phycleal ability. Some ere IbreMf.
Tpt damage from Pmp. dost, mice
Voder eon* <kr where the lOM km^
He drives a motor osr P Pe mos; Pg aMyiadPg ri
rice; otben er« w
Pd book worms, apd repair Pern
■hon eiui.
rocUeaa way. I rode with him P oar lag oPrae clop ef a derk rod eohw. «ff
off Pe biadliigi for Petr gold clasps
when damaged.
( IWla eiowlr to Itt took.
hU ;en oBce. but refused -all oPer wblcb> Ibe
ll priecwtmlfStEnArojulc. <
bosses: sad nsed Pe books them- eoasruy P load ■ steamer srip
P aplle of Pe email- aambei
Vlth the creot wIM 1 dmn nywir
old end Pfrm art ■i»Bhltlir
setres u fuel. or. u Bate say*, -somejoae Uad of fruit, be pougbi of a title pTiuuans. H did not fert rate.
booka and comparative Pfrequeac;
AS an Psianee of bte eblMdlke curl, leayee of paper. All of them leeelec a
eonr Petr cpdlestleks. sotae P | Pal be believed sroold tickle Pe (aacy
leading, of Pe medleral llbtartea. otOo the RKch bUI* of the oath.
flp wp p aPeeure. To begp wIP. nib Pelr boou: some they sold P the I of Pe Baglishapa. So before pnidag oaliy la “PS toy* of Europe-’ tit. Gra­ percentage ef Pelf tarnlnca. fbe
ham mM ibat be was wIP tbe ^lun younger priaaaera are P eebool.
. Vhen the nnuif On cone forth
fpda were acpty. p a rule, pd ofn
OreoUy attd llM hr Uoe
a tax-^Periag.expedltma. A
-la form tbe dIaelpIPe Is mlUtaty.
P Pe moaptlc libraries there wp 1
>nan white Btomi eweep ooO oh
troop of soldiers aeceaptaled. a^ v
but SI times wboie Pips full.'
And soofee of Pcoaie si all. Pd all
ual. Tbe party was OTcrtaken by tbm I are few eraslons: aotwiihsPadAm the
QoKAlroIoastbewoodKINO SDWABD Ml.
money mpt be begged. In spite of BUe'kaew a man wbo bougU two li­
Aod thoe Is for to speid.
pPaos the sofiaa had i eaae wiih which ttey eonid be sHeeibraries for eieroo PilUags. sad tbe
Pis, bowerer. Pey most bare
ordered. His majesty bad one of ibcm ' ed One rearaa for thU la tbe sBetaacr
aged P get a goad deal of money for books serred him for wrapping paper
Wh« MOW were there to ash
aopacked le the rap aad rat down be-j of pe japaaeae police, which la Mil
for 10 yean or more. So It was ai
the pitrebM of books, tor' so
foroii wllb allachlld'sdeligbl. A few to be tbe brat la tbe world. Tbo pi
Ibe Saracens—Pe treasures gsPerci
WINSLOW. HE.. U. 8. A.
WP the oompetitlao from pni^
. VHh the MB and eload.
r* are dlTldori Pto ibrao grades uB
There.’ aaid Hr. ChnrcbUI. "I ^aacy reeks Ister Herris raw the same plaau
pedally by the begging orders, In Pe b/ Pe religious arere. “ta order V
. VacdiMdea and
differrat/y fed. eaeordl^g as Pay
PIneenP eentury that p ppesl wp eoaeillaic pe Pror of ibeoteglaBs aa2 Pat Is patriotic eaoiifh to bli Pe Brit- at Pe pelece, faeiy from tbe r*P. aa1
Ob thetoim I
WiP eaad. I&klag-Uke
■ctuslly Atade to the pope for relirr, eiber austere men. ' bunted or tbrow* iabers where Pey Uvel Tbey are all
wtad panes.
weTU by tbe fsuaties. So arala eraxy over Pe king, aad moat of 1
■carded toy.
dlseipllae or
beeaup, It wp pld. all tbe good booln
' Itadf nr mend, and s bed inlW
a dooe by Saroeanda. aad aUo P bare a high opPloe of ItPa CboreUII,: Passive resisiers are aul tolerated bayed.
were bought up by the mooks. pd
Horocco. Hr. drebsm
“SollUTT e
lineteealb ceoiury. at Ihe auppres- wbo wBS tbe duke cf Herlborongh ai
layatp bad so Bu^efa p a show at get­
Jui tor nr r>eot (Ae Har Chnnh and
4 oscesdiag Aro daps. « .
sloB of tbe monasteries, many books one Ume. In aeniag rroll ()p** Is I numPg bis account of tbe lax-gatbr.-■aid notblag to tbe cblldrca: la fact, ting anything worP white.
Tbe most ebaraetertsilc source of in- were bidden sway or destroyed by Ibe DoPPe like eweallag to the patriot- Pg cxpedliloe. Th; snltaa has a sbori
—MtMred L McNeal. tn UuptoeoRK- ■he wpt close to them agsla. and be­
way wlih,pearir^keslslers. If say of
Pm of the bnyer.’
gan to play'with apparpt uneoaew. eraase'wp. faoverer. neither pnrefaasc llBhonesisgenls of Pe sPte.
Ad diu vandalism the many destrac..............
pow them quite a new
The result bes borne out all Pat Pe bU subjects wcm’i psr.
gift, hut* the writing pd copying
The need Ude.
■cted of wlPfaoldPg a portPe of
kind of casite nerp .before sep upon .of books, done P Ihq wTittag rooms of Ive Ares, from that of Constantlaople farmer raid. Last OecMBber he ro
the was a lUUe shop girl of oo par- Ibe beacb. it psweref fur a momPt, the library.' In ihOM daya of ^II dbwB to that of Slrasborg in pe aPtr- eelred a letter Irom Utrd Knollys. pri- tbe px. Pelr beads are promptly
Tbe resuH bas been pe atgabtkafar aeeoimt In the world, eofartns id thp tbe iUlle . girl pddenly Plagt. orlgpal eompoallloa erp wP teenih century, and Pat of Turin P Tap eecmarT to Pe
ixaiioa B a prge aembm- of grPanaf**
saying PM off. oc tbey are Poi.
' a faoUdhr. hardly eaned. br the aeal. maded the note of alam.
Yet he is not a cruel maa HekeMs aid soetetles.-—EirhsBge.
p alllkt soqroe of growth. The pp- Pe iwentlelb. and Pe only woader Is h'ls majesty appreelap^^e boner of
It was the bie aatamn now. and sbe
•The sea’s all stonad ns.“ she cried aloB for making many books betou
• bad dreaned of her. boHdar all the la terror. ' T.aok. Bertie, (fs eomlBg nelPer to Sotemon's time nor to m pan l.oeo.AOO roluawts from Pese ordering 10 barreU for bis use P
Atrartgs Firaaral RAta.
- tanner ihroogh. For die was a Loo- right up. Pd well be drorrned tike tbe age of tbe Qeiman nnlveralty alone. same medleral libraries—Detroit Windsor csMle.
Weird aad straage are the fiatat^
4ea girl, and thta waa her Ont gllapu aaiwhty PUdfP In tbe booX Oh. 1 Pd it belpgs in a Ipgo meaaufe to News.
-And Pe king paM full price, like kmgiBg only to CbrimUa aaikoas. and rites observed by tbe Boamaalaas H
' Id M-aea. After moth deUben
to be loi-ebcd br him. I doom
s mue maa." raid Hr.-Cbntehlll
wpt Kaaa P« dad^y and mummy.'*
Pe middle of P< thlrteeaP eentury,
. aad etedr of tbah tsOriee aad iUneAppfss for Khtg Ctftrord.
Per be has ever seen a parti of story.—ExPange.
Vmnla eomfiirted ibem. pd U19 whm 'ihera wp a prodnciloe which
' UBied guMebooke. whirtt the had eltmg abodt ber, torgeitlag that she
Accordlag to tradUkm. wbea e SduWIPP ^ve years tbe apple trade of
Is. He does Pol allow others'10
n ^ly be eohpared with the tbais
fmmd pienttfDUr at her dlepoea) at tbe
aapa dies p g.teewigB ooBBirr, lasmrtie
IB his presence.
strpger. only pasetoos of bn output of tbe modem nnlrersli'y. It was HaPe wIP BagPnd has grown from
Some litterraung **Cow Atorice.’
..>oaat et ffie PDIrtachnle. she bad de- kind face, bp wet btit smiling eyes, at Pia lime that Humlten of Romans
mead of aetulpg the bady borne P Ibe
most nothing to &00.000 barrels every
Dariog my visit the saltan
Host readers are femllPr wiP
-eldad voB a little place on tbe ilor- hp air of pretectioa, ber promise of Poagbt It necessary p curb tbe teal •atm.
e pbopffraiA of tbe body
faeu of Pe great f^ieago Arc of ini. rise r^ulariy at daybreak. H
fbUc eaaM. a irtaoe not nneb fiwqneni ■afpy and rescue.
of his prpcfaer friars for ibis occupa­ Last spriag tteafter* salUag from by whtcb many ' mtllloos of doitars go early to the mosque. Pea
ed as r«. tboagb boldir adrertlied ai
o ibe bereaved fapiAnd tfae-mlnoiw passed. TalUag tion sritb the dry remark. There were Ponlsad tookmore Pan 70.000 barrrts worth of property were destroyed. It. with his nplsten, and after a meal
. -conlng.cbftly Pd: ebeerfully to them, she 12 aposllp Pd 12 disciples: very few of apples aerots Pe.oectt. which Is BPy baro escaped Pe recoUectlon of take a Port steep before roceivtag rnrare generaUy bo-'
thad was Aported from tbe statf msay. bowerer. ibst'sli was current eiga vUIiors aad private friends.
She had oerer net aarne whb bad gaiberwd then about bp. aad dlmbed of Pern wrote books.’
a CbPaile Parib.
- been thne. aad bad (he nlad to fona npOB tbe rock, sad tried to latereit
irampe P the eflernooa. Itevers p'pe
A prions duty of Pc librarlp sras during all of the last ceaiury. that tbe coallagreUoB was auried oa
aad (be ertsc
ta Blher own iBdepmdeat jDdgmraL And
ta srorti of the copying rooms. In Of Pe throe apple bells P pe state, that fateful evening of October
a but slways
Paeral aervtena.
hpn was not a nlad to which the at-.
lese rooms manuscripts, borrowed
cow kicking over a lamp P a baro on
Immediately sftm Pe
tasctlOBs jnnnoalr accepted as popn pratpily they ibPid Sad ikeraselTP from oPp libraries, far Pd near; nr Waldo cooBiies la the most proAiable. DeKovea street.
but altogether too weak a maa for sul9.fruit seeming to grow larger aad
Vir ooald lappni. She'was a gentle. li^k p the bPts.\nd that it bad from ptirate persop were copied tor
Lear BrpPers.-dalrymea. llvpg near taa at pe preaeot crisis, ibongh fufl
keep longer (here Psa elsewhere. Leslngtoe. Ky„ baro s sbortbon
rer >appped at all. Indeed. hP tbe library. SocaeUmp tbe books bor­
■ had Mat npon tbe world ta which*stae
ro leaoqree prprited hP u ptbiag rowed were received on condltln ipi As tbe Hiine tnmmers are aboR Ihe
'waa.oBflttad to strtre. Bet thongh
~ OecupstPne ef the niiplnoe.
bp IKe fasd ywt done. But stilly p.extra npy-Pould be retnraed wUb apples of tbe vPter Tartetles are pot
the cellar* ia an uaHpe coadl- calves. On Harch I". 1*04. sbe brotigbt
The Arst complete census of Pe! frleadi and rrtatlvas wfHefbdO bamra
geatie. sbe was hot weak, her mooth
e sratp came creeping la. It tapped the boffc itself In psymeat for Pe
a dm. decided eorre. aad la the greedily about.tbeir rock when It Pd loan. One sbroird. fellow built up a
aad Pey are uaAt to use. null forth triplets, an of tbem being Pblllpplw Islaads givei Pe followlag 1
«>»«■ the pteinre. aad aftgf a prayqe
peat hoasc srban ehe endared that ■rrallowed all the nad.^d presptly copMerablc bpPesi p ibis bpls. It nearly spring. This proloBgt tbe ses- faealPy. Recently she repealed the
g Pe oecupeiloDs of Pe pee- U raid over tbe pbotogragh ft te esu
Pe aailro taad to Ibe heme ef.
on (om et nanrrdan cail^ ~»t- It was op to their feet, pd.ttae little miy basre beat osrlng to Pis, or. per- eoB and gives Pe Ualne fruit s mo- pcrrnrminee. and now has a tamily of
ty of Pe late trade.
i'imth." tbe hmg. Am line aoMon left girt gare a slight uresm. But the
majority of Plliplaos farm sman
three more sprightly calves. Theowp.
For tbts rum ehe wdi aot boy. thongh his face was dead white,
Tbe femily tbea lakee (be girtatw Is
traeU.o( land, and (hose IlvPg aeer
AlBuorite. tboniAi tone-of her worst was quite brarc.
Pe coon alteroate thU oeeopailoe the -ITaS.’' or high oleaL .wbo ears.-|
0 aapplyoffers tor ber.
actors bad proted her fcladeeet of
•KiPtlb ipos wt^ IM ,p drown. ■taadaid works of deroUoa and books ■aads of acres which bare been turned
It Is related that the llIusuMns cep- WiP Ashing. The women divide tbeir iacaaiatloBs over ft asd fnys lhai
^ kant. SBe had fooad the sea. oa the Wtaate: let'a pnraim io pot the sra
popular demana into orehards, many of the farmer* er*l. Robert E. Lee oaee raid by way llme'betwecn doUra ol booae-keepPx (he eoui of tbe deperpd aae may r*a(
P peace. »
la dlsappoiaUag. lu vait looell- away. Pd bring u back to mummy •mong Pe monti, that the wholesale
at advice Phis boys: "ifyou want P and Ihe sreaving of bats, msu aad
After tf-e eeromonlra Ibe pIcUro ^
l oppreased one whose beariest and daddy.*
. eopypg of maDuscrlpP P tbe libra­ derop Pelr time to the Export irsOe. be missed la eoeleiy. be oacrul; pMcs cloths, and tre. therefore. Petuded
a tru ber own laolatlOB tron her
Sot It wu Urania who prayed, with. ries spraaf up. Sometimes 'l«m or a There are scores of tanners wbo raise up Pe old honsc'aad keep out of debt. amoag those engaged In gaPtnl oect- U carstally vrrapped aad praeemri,
tan accoanu f<w-tbe es- aad ta some caeeo It Is barted. •»
bP lap blddp In tbe babyA neck as
copies would be produced at 1.000 or more bushels every year sad Herry a sweet woman; let herbring a imlioos.
-------- -------------------e^rne.-i gePer wiP some iHUc ireaeqras Ml
. U it she fontd BO eonpanioniUa bBl be clnag rdoeely to bP. too frightened once. elPer by haring oee peraon dlc- who never baro any emit At to qai cow and a churn: they will be ail m I
*' rather a eu of ehrlekt^ aad ftar. rp to cry. It sras a piiona prayer.
or by separaUag Pe uadi after Febrnary.'
want la suriPg a bappy. useful U^e. wbofonn nolesj ibsa 43A per cent of
It h said that jbe maa wbo made it Read. Improve Pe mPd. A tarmer's the elrlllMd p
lu roteaUeanMn and poaer haimted
“Npp miad me. dear Ood. nobody foldod sheets from the bPdiag and
' ber. id tbe BlghtlU doll boon kept ber seda me or wpu me^ but aare the dlstrtbntPg amoag the aionks. who possible to Pip fruit PLirerpoolwiP life Is one of labor, but ft Is also one
■ereral copies Of the sec­ proAt to the growers Is lobn CainrcblU. of pleasure.wtdwered wpea her pPow( There
little chlldrea. fp . their tstbp and
«arr few rtsltors left at Crampton mothp.
JMui’ ttke."
tion of purhaps a doxen leaves as- of Winslow, a farmer, wbo’ knows
Lady Henry Somerset, wrlileg abmi&
The water waa iery eotd. Pd Pe slgaed to bim. After a Ume Pis work, BoPPg about tbe ^cnliAe aspect of Pe Padmarks oC LaPao. says Pe tan dt Porto Rico ipd Cuba- Of Ihe female
~ Ooee ta tbe last week of Septei
reaaoa with Urn about M.
' Waeopt far a baadfol of childree who anmb. boUlag tbe bctTy Plld.^ with begna at Am only for tbe use of tbe apple breeding sad' made fortunes tor to go Is the remains of the oM HIP wage earner*, nearly 70 per
-Hra e
ragalarlr Plared oa tbe beach noraiB^ me arm. a^d trying to keep the trto library, dereh^ed PP a ragnlsr baslFair in St. James’ park. Beyond Pe returaed as msaatsetaren. and Pe
proportion tDgaged In agriculture and
. and afteraboa. tbe Uttle shop gtrihad ' tight with the other. How loag-Swild aess. aad copies were aoM to other llmemory of man two lllUe
-whea there are Asly twaaiydowr
H toosUr to herself. The rosi had^ooe Pe birid ibem. Pe eoaderM la agony. brarles or to PdiTldusls. and this led.
stood, by royal pflvliege. under Pe
boors P the day P do It pr
. tier pod. aad tboagh she did not kpow Once they allpped It would be all orer. la Pe. Uiar middle ages, to precisely Wsshlagioo. a bundle of seioas frao trees Bl the end of tbe broad walk
Wbea br was a yooag aad ctragsEV
It. ber face looked rerr sweet nader 80 tbe dreadful momPU passed. But Pe 'rohuU rt al' wholesale manufae: Mme Rnsslan rartelles of spple trea which Irads 10 Buekl^ham palare. United States. Of Pe mate wage
P AM Fraartaaeta
the brtn of ber cheap soa bat. Tea It peeaeetly tfape came aeroas Pe.doll lure—Pe small pleats were driveu out wtalch were raid to be hardy enough P There four sows end iw\rtd women, ers. more <baa half are employed in
nas «nUe a wtaaoBM face. Herbook. gray of the hlddP watera Pe steady of existeace: because it was cheaper resist Pc wlatera of HaPe. Ooiag to backed by direct privilege granted by egrleultural pureults. aad so few are!
baatotpoar. ’‘UftP.-Prllaga.~Pe
vMeb she bad taken from tbe rdl
pnixhafe books Pan to keep up a h‘»
P‘>- 'here be kept small the crown nearly Wte years ago. carried returned as manutaelurera tbM Pe
'^hdy for grafting and set- on Pelr trade of mUk sellers, mad Pe proportkm
}u« managed to whlspp. -Ifs a boat serigtaHam or eopWag dep^meoi.iw'^
librarr. bad Intereeted ber thoron
^ tor naarty two boon; whea tbe abut Misebody ia eoalag for as. HoM on Finally slow Prae'ubraries like 8L «*“* oo’ «» '»>f
l>* Inserted two last women are the lineal deecead these puraolU Is so large as
' It at last she was earprised to see that
Gall were doing a large pubINbPg and i™ ““"p •» «»»1>
when anu of Ibe tame neople who carried Pst ti Is practlrelly ■ IPe of femplne
'A change aeened to. hate cone
bPdlag business, aad bad almost a
«>* *“ I** on Ibe same business when Charles 11. enrploymeni.
of oPers. washing. 'The spot on Pr merry monfbe aptrii of tbe place.
Fkrmers and fa-m laborers'"^
« iraVihs. - -m
of '•'« cmf'* «red and came mrefa's time was rlslted by Pe cava- tute more Pan two Afih. of sll who ..
Then Orsola came 10 teraelf. sbe ont of pe llbram- into private haads.l
Tbe eaB. which had beew ao bright
^ Inilt was of Iters aad ladies 'o drink auies' end are eagsgril. P aloPi occupations. A |
wbea sbe sat down, had none; hi
WP lylag oa a strange bed. pd there at which polat U Beings w Pe hlaioty ">'o l>e*ri«^ '____
atmage faces about hP. annage. of Pe pnWtshPg trader. Under Pese “o t*'”* for commercU! purposes. Tbe eras' milk, sad poets haw snag of Pe tsoeb smaller pceportles are engaged
ptaee a thick. AM teafog eeened to
coadllPas-the librariaa was, in fact. I‘“U* P"!
• ***
«‘*e» mIp'dUpenMK) there As the spptrikeh,
Mgp taeei bendlag down aa
tlmt wblcb ha. b
baekgtotmd. Aeru thewet tbe ply mafip of mompt la Pe Ubrariaiepobllsher. as P earlier days | wUbered sod died;
of Bucklnghsm oslace Is to be bor-lro^” rhilr the aum^ In pj^radoaal.
he bad been preceapr-nbrartea.
In passing ihroogb hP aui
eaada came tbe boom of tbe.Wrea srorld wp hP return t
dcred with ir..ri. Pe stalls hml U> go.j**"!^’ '» exfeeningiy smsii. lorming
And'la'those day* keeplag- the July. Hr. Cbnrchill aoileed that Pe aot-ithstaadlng tbeir hUtorle lowrcsL
aad tbeir toamy aftllaa caal^jnst be; -Where am IT Oh, are Pe PHdreo
»l“a 1 per ce»t of Pe entire nom- ^
books. IPe gettpg them, was harder ^ort stem where Pe graft bad tailed
aeea. Sbe twee la ho way akrned. la- P right rASouthAmerit
A M tram tP lip of a giwy-balre.l tbaaara. Hoib sad rust son eorruptlhad seat up a very vigorous «pro« i, .uPorliy for Pe statement that Pe! a®®"* '«« r-mpiao. ’»«>•*>»«, dPuaew tbe two neublPs of Noth
mp cloao by aeemed P answer ber. aod iblevea break tbrougb and meal., bePw Pe Mump. It was almost bPek ; 4,1, telongPg to . species called ror-1•''• I-«« phyilcPas. C7* prleets, r^
Pwyers. Nearly one-hair af i
fsllpg a e easy pro*
eedeea of the chlldtcn. aad
ber -Tm. all right. IPPa be to Ood pd but P the unhealed stone buildings of | In color mad gnve stgas of so mnea (,»^n» peraya occurs sbnodsatly la |
thM.time dampsnd losecis were pests, rigor thM It was permitted to live as
Amssoa. la Aood n—: the Chinese wage earners are
Hexlsaa c
«yes la tbe opposlie dlroctloa.Mw tbe P you—you berotoe!”
m-hteh have no parallel In steafB-hesi-' an experimeat.' ,
j pey are numerous ia shallow ovwAffwjohnau or salesmee. Of the forctgaered skirt ^ tbe UtUe girl making a
Urania amlled.
s great drol of money,
FromPl. side ihoot from a tree j
m soeb wa*; *hlle poputetioa a unall
wekione bit of color amoag the presras asriul: but Pey won't |dsy ed. fan-roatUsted buildings: aad
ibst route enoagfe wl8 •'
than la where Pc graft bad periPed bas orig.;^urlagPe hcMof the day Pey arc I
^ *gricoliure. hot most ^
TBlliag gray. As she walked towards Pete say more, srill they?"
. then abe was sabrieed to see that
-Never; we shall #0 he* r tomoror,inMed aa apiric that has broogbt mUon Pe legs s-d odder by Pet"«
they seemed to be gnlte aloae, playing >w.-said Ibe maa; bat Pewomaaon half a Jjuadred weight
be lions of dolUrs (o UMae. Tbe frnll | 4,6.
rendertog Pe ••«'»
ber knees by Pe bed wIP her face bM- chained te its desk
... .
bulging at the eqaawr.joow, asetees for dairy purpoaes. or^ »«y P" « 11 of tbe p
.... ................
. On Pe whole. Ihe moakk-performed giving it a Miape like a pumpkP. lu [
pstlea. aad taktag no heed of the en never sprtte.
outright Beforw be i
®«P>»y«'r‘* |
fog. Tw there was aeltber
Tbeir maber*" UrnaP artrad P aa srell the llbrery task of eervPg their color is dark red at
teamed Pe rouse, one farmer alone,
. rr„ Pres.
lalB; It had stolen U eery sort- nndersPBdIiig whisper.
own gaMraUoa:-aad the eonSspoMd- through Cherry gad mageaP to a
brpbi pPk at Pe bloeaom end.
17. alnost as it eeaght amaetUag
The maa atpded. it was one ef the lag work gt
supreme momeau ol life when Pe veil foUowiag-geaeratkms they did too. P
. BtsattMlyTohlde.
Until Pe end of Jannary It la no
la order to obviate the
ckUdreo. imalL The Agnre. however.. pum u to pe Bgra of ehUdrWB.^
There were three Uttl* oaes. e ebab- P lifted aad there Is aa poeeotdlltf of Pe mala. wrtL It is trwe that Bdc- hard that it wUl crack open like a ball,
by girt of ». and I
cacelo fooad a tad stole of Plags at i of Ice If drof^ed opoe tbe Aoor. At
« taltod'; to much greater ihaa lor aay eosuPer- ctrombroi a«b< iriiics la BwltserlaKA '
am Ora-{able
Ora. \ able sectloa of the Caited Spies, the
Hoate GkssPo. with nbrary naloeke.'l. j Pis Ume ft to eo
of Horocco. writes Cuaaiai^am
decided Pat to every case where
youager. Ihe balv.
vpee growing p at the wiad I. mar.! Pat ao eatmal will eat ti Uter Itb ham. wbo has visited Horocco eevwal | cloecM approach bePg P the apte rt ooubt artoro Pe ehIM matt he mraadied Pont faha. aad hU bare legs pad­
gPs ent off of pb msnntcrto . »ad' gPa l»«ro* mellow, and bj Hareh'l’. I tli^ to bis pataloo for things Pm j Wyoming,
wbsre Pe p
of per nred. Ail cfaUdrea under two teat or*
ding ooaieatedly oa the-wet
Ut*aP smiled agMa.
books and seals eorered de< with ^ has a fragraat tortacra ibM to enjoyed | tire suppoeed to reprroeai our racalled , eoas raPfully oeciipied was 4* J per to have free pasaage. aad thoae bo-Ua-t it One yoo were gol^ bone,
*1 don’t miad: I’m tired, and. aay- dasL It to true that PoggP 1 nnd ■ ; hr ereryoae wbo Petes ft. It makes j Bdropeaa progresa He goes P tOr mo-; eeau—Moderator Topics,
iweea two feel aad tour feet are P fay
dpnr ebe said plaaaaatly. If a UUle mw. I have ao borne.—BrftPk Weekly. complete copy cf 'QnPillltB bt led la excellent pies and ranees, white ‘
half fare.—Bicbaagu.
tlntdly: -doat yap ate bow (hk* It
has xnnmr
Beehe ef Old.
iPos and oPer Pings (bM be doeeotj Uverymaa itonppllroai (or ajobi—:
s eeataric* i^.'e
The medieval librariaa was
*-KaBa la,conlag back.’ saU tbe Diof which BO oPer maBBscripto have' Not until tbe wPicr of l»W was Hr. reaUywaat. He bns never been to B«- Ever had aay espevi^ces with heroes*, Ini
tle gfrk *Sba
west ap to the Til­ Pu oAlev oa ^ Holy Oospete. as be- ever beea foond. But If Pen had been | Cburchffl aMs te send any cf^ nra rope, but torcigBTlBltor*eUmaleukto{ AppUemft-Sara.
;an erdParr workmPi. Bltbeat permplage to bay herself a paper.
caira one whoae duty It ts to turalah no meaki of St. GnM pere whuld bar: ’ fruit to BiiAiind Hu ihlppni 1* bor- cmrifelty ppeaeiblngsaad beoAeni Urtrymeh Oe. whirti side «f a^shm. morad
eac partoh to tpto twee' who hav^ arod Pe -food’ beee no fregmeats
thCm sometlBto ca a wbotoanP eeete.'bone do you stand whea you harMssfather P.eearcA «f week ar brtPr
Vraan wodded. bat Uagr
fregmeats' evea
eveo of pese |i reto and reealrod a rcen o
g^d that she woaM got laare then BM -weapon* cf tbe eooWor ao I worts; ^ the m^s to due (be more |.he could eaenry. SPee Pea (hero hove I raw about m Meyrtes when I waslum?'
[vragss> he «h hnaAM «Ek g bat
- - a aane marwd. isd gtaae- they ued to eaU hooka.
jpan et wbai.we Imew af am^ Ul{m hCM a^ptes erngh of (be variety BtthepalaceatF«x.K>pea(thk*aH] Appl

WMX tm o™«t win* tMm.


lag roaBd, sba saw sanethlag la ibe
oppoalts direction ealte away from tbe
sen. which pre her a' Httle aUrt.
was the gleam of water, and she rsaJiiad with a feellag soddee sick be^
tor that they most be oa the sandbank, aad tbsl perhaps were already
gnbe col off. Sbe bad often watched
tbe npid Aow of the lacaalag tide
last here, aad tbe quick eaptaoi of
■sadbaak whb tbe big rock In the
fartker end. wbkb was alnoal, but not
qultg, eorered at high water. Aad they
were U least MO yards from tbe. dry
beatA whieb tbe tide coold not reach.
She aaid nothleg to tbe children,
crossed tbe Arm. bard sand, and took
beartap. And sore pougfa tbe
was around then, ta Mdrellng
Oh erery side. It wp Bready
broad to leap. Sbe piled off ber shoes
aBd>ate<9ilop aod wPed In. Bat tbv
bpk sloped picUy. and In a nomeni
■be WBS almost beyond ber depth. Her
noe whitped. ud she looked wxlnuly'aronnd for t momPt. aot p yet serkmrty alarmed, becanp the i
irely must hsstp bartc quickly. Pd







.. ..




^ 'r''

' D. H. Powers Is herelobbiBg after
Mr. a»d Mm- ’. i. Ra-bov t I Wlshra Bbowered a tbe talto and livcTg faaatorA tbm dajr.
d Urm BMT Rapid CRy.
! (looD and all rrramed to^tbelrto^A
A. C. Wyakoop at Cotar Run u
Ur. a^ Mn. D. g. Way left oa tke tbe mierest of tbe LesMiian-coAty WAk.
^BendoD. HIcb.. Oet. S.~At tke 1-----iir toar^ feeltA
■M m om Tmtmnaa yiHtmday.
Owine to tbe fhoi that tbe retnrtilA
SaTins bank.
i tbe bilde^ parcBts. Ur mnd Mr*. ei^iaiM Oei. t (or OMmK for
lMa left all poUu' had passed a enfoya^ evralns.
kMlPea. mi ideMDi
Mm. P. B. dark ato An. MOard. escnmkB freni
JUM Aiidiv* fl( bUwd OB Uw «r«ta2
waMBBaaLnultej RiAley Beeksrllh. A feyaaroM b
Mt Toeeday for a ten dnyi' TiaR wRb (onr BlnntA earlier
«( Oet. S. TM«r>ek MeLead of taUrt«ara-were left in] At his bAd into
relatives at Ovid, Mkb.
k>cb«D ud IMU* Aadroi at f»lM>4
day eTAlB*.
' was
tr** monln*
ntnnlnc A.t
a.I i»rre*iilt was ft
Mist Irene HortA Ml last evenbic Oopeeiisb Iai Suday
««re sBlled In iJUUTl«*. R*v. Ljr*»a
Mm. Wb Wood and danckus-. vlio: nashHd
v hi>-h Dr. Wm. J. ShllAar tbe U. A X. E. by way of Prorsdor KM1M7 oOlctaUac. Ur. ud HrL
HcLeod *ni llvi- Id IbUtIocIk*.
202 WilMm lUk.. Cilx. PIhw
Mit MaembeoD of BIk Raplda Mtcr play at tbe Ctty opem bouse. "Tbe te tbe pest «»ek. left A ihi-. Ann j >JiS|c-. Tt»- llillr
U dolac
tahted the Bastpen hire Tbnmdar
Arbor train for their o<w faoine fnl Uru R Hsbbrier U <-eA«rd in tb"
■s DABhler.erenlac.
latMloetaB. Wch, Ort. (.—Loaie
Mften last Wedoesda.'
i ................................
. ' -----------U R-Bable did butnew Ih Tmn
leaji rcfmhmenta were aarved City yemerriay.
KlrebBer ti MUtDg heop> no* ia place
. A fsmrell Arty was RUpn to Ubuk
of Cbaa. Inaee. irko haa fpnc to BoToe and a aoelal ereninc «pent.
Miss Anna Cadbatn spent a few days Radio Allto-dtp^he UJsb, »eto«l
Ree. Richard A: Mon of Tlaunhy. in Oddr City ibis week.
aty (Or Ike aiBi Ooppeia«e ewkpaax.
pdiolars Muoda}-cvAlA. Miss Albao]
Haapbrey Hart «aa taken to the WIe.. tas been the Ku»t of Rer.
Rev. A. J.’Rafttcbul left for North- has been liitog^ili her t)
oowny boopHal al Ttaverae atr Toea- RueblBAB tbe imi ««ek.
port last evcttinc wbem be will atny fte- the pas^ iwiTTAqai}
8. L. Beebe of Kalkaalcn spent two itU Sonday and Are aervi^ in ihr cnmlac
day but vaa B»*ed Wndnoaday to the
CnralBC to ber
her home In^isiucky.
^ 3 per cat allowed «h TUBe bepMitk:
days In Bk Rapids, takinc tIcwb for Norvcsian>-mn chnrrh
Mm. H. Toroapo of Cadillac is the
■onrenlr pustai c^s.
Mm. Oaa Oarrlaao baa p
•nc. P—..
11-tV *Vayt>l»v. '
^eat of Mrs. W. J. Rnchus- ihU wettk.
When yon feel languid, itred,
Hr. and Mm M. B. Un* and. son.
bMntmil piano fron GriBucll BroiParties
Walker, arr apendinc the weak la Ann
Geo. BaiHaiMTi ctaaed the deal.
tco Ad CrAd RapUs. have bn*
HaIc. D. R Blawsoo's rlRbt bower, reOMoeer. WM Bdoarda. John Arbor.
ere this week lookliu; <nt-r tbe pots'Mm. Will Bmre ud son. Robarl. are lomed from his visit to bla relaUves
fWMtey, Ben Btebardaon and. Maicrop and sltboairt ibe stock is ye;j your A-stem running down for J. J. TWeobl.K.
la I be northwest.
vtslUK ir Milan. '
Ste Bunet«eld are oa tbe aide Hat.
[ pmver.
HfpenAdthewAtherwnrni. i^ryarej
After spendiBB the aamner at Une
Oren Buritaisutio will bedn fauMnp
r H AU.TN..-Z;------------------ -Mn. W BUeVIe ta elalilii* In Boyoc
ihc bodv are
eery anxious to «« thtdr men «-siab j
iTid organs'of
« _
Tree Pedat. W. H. Aaemoa left m tko eon with his BAblne next week
■ Or
)r not a'l all.
Ashed here to take can-of ihc-crop, 1 working }>OOrl>-.
"Chlcnjto pA" struck town
Mm. Bloek la nalUae In Sadaav.
___ _ sohl
_ rdi
_ of the man._ i
A. ___
1. CleasoB
gd«Dng the
Mm. 3. C. OatmUeti and ten. Rack, Dtrock the Alouns soon after'for free
- the | nourishment
nounshmer*----^---91^ pomto dtcK^rs this a.r-k aS
iki Tueaday Tor Potton. whw they drinks.
i impoverishes Uie blood and in­
Cedar. Hieb., Oet. (.-Cbaa. Beimi. will be the rnesu of Hr. and Mm. V
BIU Powers Ad Tom Ttatnor strark (hnaerR are dmvfap them
off the im'
User and lamllr went to
«a tbe B. CbnndKT. fonnertr of thu place.
town full as tkks Ad Squire Brou-n a smile.
J. W. Andre went to Tmievse'C.'y I
leamioa rmteigar.
F Caabnan of Petoekey and W. said five totlfta Ad coeu.
body.. fhisbrinS
rtank Knu' child U ran aldt.
CanwHthV of Cbarleroix srei
Sam WllUa It in Owoba with bK Wednesday.
. Mrs. D. A. Coraoll Ad daDshtor. i disc
bmte Boekaer of Hcator «aa ealUBC town seseml days the past weA eall- boy.
‘^“Tht'^r^s with Dr.
Mm. R. G. Baroes. went to UisUtepoa [ ,F.
Ataada hem oa hla Var u
lat A fnmds Ad aeiiaalntaaeea.
Robert Anderson Is iu. Hanr KecW>dDesday to visit Mr. and Mrs, John i nen-e medicine, that nourishes
Hr. ud kri. O. P. Marvr npect
hoe Is la ibe bokey-pokey nitAdll
1 and strengthens the nert-rs; and
Ptank I^rop alao vent aemtb
Iwee Oct. 23 for Prosper. Ore., srbere business.
the}-.will Bake their ftitsre hoci
.'aee how quickly >-on will get
tht exenmlan.
Mm. Leona JeimlaA. wbo has Ixwc
Strong and
The AACll haa (tamed a franchUe arrmreme Oiy . for tsro nra
a w. Jaif w iB tMB rMur^r
dolBC bitalam far Bdaea Moore * Co. to Arthur HcMillA of Tolpdo for a stopped off here for a few days' risk
-Mr. and m^ouTu s
tt DeUtoL
triectrtc llebUni pUnt. The cimdpa: with ber Amin. Mm.-EMnore Kortb- ■ Lake Ane. Mk-h.. Oct, C,—Mr.
’rvw. bot sri»r hw r»oo,«y tromj^
Mm. R. B. Ftsb of Bellaire
Herb Cook awrai Into Samran’a srill to eoBaerdal IKhtlns Ad maa
i luSS'y*g«etrol
vlritlDit relallrcs and rrktids.
_ _
ca«p for winter reeinrdnj-.
have (be pUnt In opemlton within tW
Jeha RtoeMc and J. B. Ailar broaM>^ BAtbis. aUbotKh they agree to be(iD
bade twantr-tvo dadm tna Uy lake opwatlaiis at ooee. Tbe coBpAy nni*. pair (uw of BA npon tbe P. M. R. K.
alao fuiiilab a monlnc Mrvtce frain
Bam Winte grew 7M buabei
reetardarwere the Interested panics. Last nlpH
’ Vmak Mdaetaatt'a And ii kpt «xp«R- S 'te 7 o’clock rroB KoV. U to March bAns tbU rear. Nick SBlth ibresbed
a reception party was held at Mrs.
•d to lire.
them with hts boA aepefalor Ad
Msliire's la booor of ibe oeeasluu
Pothteea M to n «anu bare reAerWA a tood lob
A Unto circle of friends of Ihc cor.,
Htt Cherry BU EvsnsilSt. lad.
Severn! Ariles froB tndlAa we
tram IBS parties ml Ad t-oloyed them
In itmn ibis.week.
n ball at lAi place. ^
Tbe flrst kllllA frost of Uie seas
a Bae rapper was served and ibotoiiKh !
or. UIA..I Oct. (.—Rner Sa^an
ABC Thnrsdiy nifEbt .
ly unktyed by all. Uany wi-re the gi»i I i Mile* Medical Co., Klkhart, Ind
dtramaffe M tha oeamleB A the latendAt H. T. Blodcel.
tbe city WedDAday.
Bcadoa. Mleh. Oet. 7.—CbA. MeLess. A. and wife and Mm. Wtlllan
•UTTOH* 8AV. ,
Mr. Qfiatba bA hit new atore saarHarris rcuiraed Umday fnoB U'csi23. E Fmt SU OL »HC m
SattAa Bay. MIcb. Oet. 7.—
Ir oOBpMad. We wUk him aaeeaas MaiBbannw of Korlhanri wA in
wood Ad Aldea. where they hev.i
la bis aew raterpriae.
beea vlslilng relatives.
Wedaaaday Ad Thnmday. uklag
Iia Gorton WA aeaa yottenlay walK- tbe eito ^
Married. Tuesday. Oct. 2. R. MeiNh* arotm la this
lat ahont the streeu acala- Hli re- ktcfaUy for Roach A Seam.
aoDd Ad MIm LaeUc Andrus, u tbe
aevwiT WA a aarprlae to bla mH:
H.' Dtokelow of
L«lAd wa tn home of tbe bride's parents la IqIaiI.
WsgA OsAiy BmA 81^.. DRBCHt
They left WedncAay mumlaR fpr
town nnfsday doing basloea at
Ota RpellBA aB wire. Geo. flpeU- bank.*
Sagiftnaw for ibeir wedOlna loor.
«HB mad wtfa. Mm. J. 8. Hardy. H. D.

B. J. Peek made a boslacM trip to
RyA aiad Cari Harvunk the eaCamlOB CMar City. Wedomday.
ty WA the Acst of M. IX-akc seJ
Meat beee.todky far poiBta la Ohio.
Oeerge SleSeA of East ' LriAd family Tucsda>. rcturelue liomc
Mta. BriC. Cbtosblf wa calM
■peal a day trlth U* sA.'Tbe^
fMa iBkb ycaterday by tba saidn Park hotel barber.
Mm. AUa to a Ibe stek list.'
Pl8t8 0l8M,SCMmBoHM'8nd Aocidentli
death «f bar bratber.
Ole Olip Mt arm the G. R. A t. for
Gao. Va Btarieua and wtfeef Alba TmverA CHy. Thursday. G(Ad RapUa. Toesda)-.
your bhilding now—
are Tialtfai frtAda Ad retatlrns
Dr. ShJIUdar of Lake Aa wav In,
tUebard Petem of Uland brooghi
if you would get the
Iowa Wedpesday attrading to pallAls 1
rer a load Of pcA Wedaeaday.
Oar nep farunfe ba. N. By. Is
roof on before-the win­
A ifrge -niiBber of poUtoea have
aailla* all1 klada «t tmuan these beea brongbt I
duriag tke
ter weather sets in!
place, returaed-tomc Wrdnetulsy.
Room SlOtiaw state Bank Building.
-watiTaBd the burem aeened t
Mrs. II. A. Blarrua- wA fa Travenvery aokloA a the price went up to
Come to us for what­
you need to Lum­
Tabs. Mleh, Oet. S.—Mr*. Howard
Mm. DsngroBAd to ill with (ypfaold
TVs of tbe dty wa tIsUIdc her paiber
and Materials—it's
Aabrie O. Husky left over the O. R.
AU. Mr: and HI*. Pater HdrrisA.
a case of wait
8 t. for Ontml Lake Ad expemi to
.Mr. AUa bA boA BaUiig ac
for your orders to be filled here—stock is kept up to
good laptoreBAU apoa Us cAMtery main there tor some time.
Hra. Oook of HraraBoet made Rnt- , H. Deake relumed Wednesday eventhe limit at al! times.
BS Bay a hnsiaeM call a Thursday. lag from Gmad RAidsWe anticipate your wants and supply them at the
Onr di-tiro^iw of Inmitcr nr<CalrlB Carpemer left Friday for
Mrs. JMia Henster wa a Traverse
OattaMly tooks well.
least cpsi.
Fraekroft. where be will spend a fA
mmle “o« tiiiH;”—tlie tim.- we
Bern, to Mr. sad Mm. Carilale. depi. Ctry Alter jAterday.
H'm. Bessie GoadersoB Ad Uni. days vUIUa friAds.
agree to actit] the atnlT urouml
A tree atoamlA tram Asm to Omr- VaxT Poster Mt «rar die O. R. * 1. Calvin's place od >bc msll raaie aJnee
to your bootos shop, store or fue" /
leeoia a tbe itasBer tUlacto. Saaday. Tburnday.
tory. It e !i matter of pri'lf wit)i
a. A. Kerm.-'^oprimot of the
Oec *. weather tavorAle. wlU.he MbarQB to be imncinal. iin<l liarnnL'
aorerp A-Omena. wa a Alter here
ikfly patinitoad.
nnforseen accidents, we keep
Wa am laCoraied thU Tabs bA a yesterday.
J. O. DosAB is bavlag his new potato digger ifato week.
our wohl. As for thi- Inmlur itpark, a gAetoA gift by <aw of her
Thorsdsy noon from South Boardmi
Alf. pleasi- sec for yourself. As
HtlMB* Why DM. tbA. like Urn be
faewis Overby of Cmterville sta in Thursday Dono from South Boardmi
^ aeuelly gaeeroBi. have at leAt a
to pria«. ]>lea«c inijuirc.
■’ BOW mad tbeo. dean opt the rahbtoh. town Thursday. .
Geo. A. Craker of wdoa passed
' Improve Ad beautify it Labor t
(hroagb lawn a his wa boms from
dAaled trill to innefa toward a
terprtae af this klPd. also a Boaer- Uaple qty. where be Ad beeD looklo.:
after tbe eonaiy pcua farm.
ATteaepease Ad to aaloy tbe p
Mm. Elmer Boapisn went to WexMm. B. J. ,pe«k left Wedaeadsy
At fAtnras of the park, of pkBlrs.
loralagover the M. 8 N. E. by.way fcad Ratuiday moralng to .visit hitr
aocdal gaibering. Will we to It?
' PravetBoat (or a three or four dAgMA fw a few days.
Aim of typhoid (ever are
weeks' risll with relatives at YouagtRAPID tiTV
i. Ohio.
Rapid City, M^.. 0«. 6.-3. H. town,
Ad Mm. P. C OoiasdiBMi Ad
Bloagatt BDdcVitel have gone to MtohCOPEMI&H.
daughter, Alice. waI to Letanri
awaka, lad. tor / few weeks' vtoli.
CopemUh. Mich.. Oci.*7.—C. M. OlMm. Geo. Huktooa Ad Tbetma vi«- Tburaday.
Ik n. .If • offcHitir'you. It lias ;i lamiuHtnl iVv-l
1 bralaess
A large Tom at bolts wa braaght ney. pAtmast'er. t
Had' friends
Tmveme City this
I Mutolee tost Moaday.rer
imle. Wo ai)v>
E F. Reed. bA Bot-ed lo^ the Cortouneh.
RUM Atueaea
booght tbe boose
liav. tin- li tt^r graiii- uu'ik f''jtli sinKl- imd douUe laraen hAse. Me door south of the pa;and lot owned it Anson Smith aJ for J. A. CarA 8 Co. Tbe prospecis oSce.
in <|Uhlity
r<-l. Jill'! ti:tiik vt- can Kuit you lioili in
<|ualit aial
will remodel BBA.soh>Pleio the eame a e aow.thai tbe exeelidor factory wUI
We It I-,-' 71 lot of samp]'I' ft t 'itli ut fay a'travel.
.-AOB A poscible and move to Rapid m steadT.
L that wT- v.-jU »-|] M
Ira A Inman iX GUIs Pier died very ^own Wednesday.
it L’oo-1 gui3 cli<-;ii».'
R^E Lewtoand Me took la the exC M. -nakha. to la Gmad Rapids raddenty of hArt trouble tost RAday. eurSlA to Toledo Wednesday. Ybr-y
There is something new to be seen in it every’day,
* Mrs. P. C. OoldsehBidt wa a Trav­
. (his WAk A bttolM: e^iect to rtolt (rieads 1= Sew York
things that you must have, indispensable for kitchen
Mtos HatUe Mndsoa* of Breito. erse aty Aller yeaterday.
Ad Jem^ aty Ad other potati ia
■Ch'eboyridge. HIcb.. Is tbe new elerk M the
he CAL '
general housekeeping. For instance, ^uch goods
aty drug store.
Dr. H. S. ffornelt has sodd hts valuJohn Srhsub of Btngbam was s
(^maw Chappal to asstotlar la the
as Plates. Clips and Saucers, Knives and Forks. Sad
We hiivi- u Cmi '-lito* Tin 8bap.
work at Way's store dartog Mr, Way's I Alter here Thwsday.
Rev. QigentAD. the new |bs(a of
Irons.^oning Handles, Lamp Bracliets, Hammers, all
re of driving them down M WednesHMry AatorM of Eewadla eame be 81. MicAeVs church la this- *11sizes of Tin Pails, Milk Strainers. Dinner'Pails, Memo­
»y'Wedaeaday to visit bis brotbA. Robert toge. hA sea to work again mi tbe
U. to WItoA U moving bto residence
nch. Me bAa the Park
. Aademoa, who to very sMi at the
randum Books. Mouse and Rat Traps, Mincing Knives.
over A bto corner lot this week.
llAdquan^ at present
RaiBd aty bouse.
Gum Camphor; Camphor Balls, Ii^k, Mucilage, Pens
A, Alltbouae to spending bis vaOne bmdred sad twanly-two toltors
railroad bA been dlscAtlnned tor tbi::
Have j>oo over tried tbe
WA taken in for Uekeu hareior tbe eatton at bto old home la PAUar.
and Pencils. Tablets and hundreds of other things at
Woyml TiKMir
escamiA south, Om. 3.
lavliatloBa are At tor the wedding
The iDtAt son Of Mr. alid Mm. Les­ of Min Ltoile Nichols to John H.
prices that you will say yourself are cheap and good.
lie Leiheeby (6akle}-l died Bept. *3
to tAe Mace a WedaesCsBMtiOn
it wlU be rameiBheTe j that the family
Dr. Beckwith, dratlsi. ton ow nW-ly
nmred tost AprD to their boaestAd
1 of ^ loaAod ia the froat tooau over the
SMd SHm0»
eanaba. to lAdlag fTnlt-hete tbe
Coraell drag atom.
Bora (a Ur. «b< Mm. A. L. TldbaM. two days.
They are the best Sole! ■’bIj by
C B. CaAlagbam and wife of Trav
jam' 2. a daiuthter.
Richard SteffcM. formerty-of Le- erse Oiy are visaing trieoA la
Dr. Dustia at PaUshm hMMld'hto land, jaat h<st retaraed tram va ex.- Ihto.we^
practice at that-place sad rMlrad from traded trip to Oermaar. and .to stopdBB% ^roiw* SRfABW.
The Ckble PIbm coapAy-ef Manbualaaaa and a this weak Bovtag oBto ptog A the Pa.-k faotal sow.
dsioa plM a aeat,jda*> la tbe bo^'

Trarerse aty Stau Bant

*■ iJSSr'mi"-


Don’t DocHl8£HS™|

1, w. BmiM

,T„'i r:! K..«jr«s¥vs;--





DR. w. J. Hieens




Tire Insurance!


Moncj to Loan on Improved Real- Estate Only.





5#«/0 SUt Cttmhtr C .


Olatcb Our
ttlindow Display


WRAPqsc TraUDE. iKFnmtStrcb

J{0pa! tiger


J. J.


out doom aad I mw a eqelnel playing Wilbur lO« them ae wM that I
uator rbe' aavea -of the bouse. Hto to rtad them two rad three
juaiped trom ibe eures of the boose Datoy and I bad MHe a time when we
to tbe grooad and ru op into tbe tree reeeleed ear carts and bnnoas. We
both wasted tbe same card, ibea
and 1 after bha. aad he lumped
owe Uab to gbatber.. Re tanked ea oa rtad the rules to ns and ft was alpretty skilag an hie bind feet and anst as bad aM<>i. ai we cacb waatsd
Miaber* to bMiB te «Mi> mm* if bolding Bowething la bis (ore |
the other to hare the cart we wanted,
ilfMjV r«Mf Mb
fOo ICBOW of my boyi or nirU *bo to
so mantoto picked them out for ns. aal
Mt brlaM to the dab. Mk (fa<
sre Itks them and think (hem rerr
they «ooli aot Uk« to Jdo. u« ten

BMaey Luce.
pretty. I wm eloee now.
Ibm to »rtte to ibe drpirtaieBi asd
,L0Hagly.< yrar Bunsblaer.
r«m by 1* M b «Np»r M«
Klag^. Oct. 1.
Myrtle t. NeUea.
Dear'pTtaideat—to ft b ralalag t
Sl Jamer Mleh. Sepi^tiClMS.
TIM boof u (be heal of onr deput- wlH write to yea. I go to sebooi sow.
I Win try <• kt tovtna, M»bl
Dear PresMeat—iTua kmg time
«et (fate Mek Is the stweUl Bon- My teacher b Miss Lulu Holma. I
Mtd WM t* innkBiy Mi «•
slaee I wrote to yra hHore. Ton trish
ibtBP toBc of toe LaOwDOr. Wish.. H.
go to school. 1 went risitinc
to know eooe ef ibe^fte~thlw that
T. r. Bmuhtee dab. lad ii raag
ir I tvtr fin in tnrlni «• 4*
fort. ] had a apMfigld time. W# hare happraed to uee thb
the *!r of -Tbn>» Ool the Ufe Llni."
thM* oitiifi,.i «■« •Tty, trr
t «r tbdr aeettnBi' Hni. A. M. rede orcr la a bar rack on sooe hay ibiek rae alee (Mag b that
jangkt me to rob a_boai all aloee. One
. Vbo orgultod (be dob. vMIcs aad it rained hard before we got
toy wc took a sailboai rMc to Oardn
(bit (be Mbberi we ao iMerewed KIwley. We weai herniag while
wen there. Papa iras down to Van
(hil they tare dedtod lo neet i
. ftataed of vrtrf two «eeki. Sbr Buren eraaiy to see grsadma. and be aer aad had a Virely time Aaotber
me bar pleture. My graadi
time we weai to ft-btaky bland, but ao
j ttjrt there we e Bomber of aetr i
73 years oM. I hare another Mrt and one ItriM there, but we found Ma of
kftttes and rae tog. t win dm dateles aad bad a nbe time: It
windy yeeterday that setea big boats
That realads os. vhat has beeotn? for (bit (liae.
. Bleea DHL
bad to iWu to Garden bbnd harbor
«t OW BMRBil Clqr Md Klocsln'
etabef Perhaps tbelr aeereurles vltl
I will tell yra all about 80* dog. •for sbetler. iheu In the
wind changed anmad so that tber. all
Btfie os shoe aad tell us vbat they is aameb Cola. He win eatob hat
to Itore. aad tbelr lights dM took
wfthrat bHug told. I can ay “rei
Tol.“ and be will prick op bb cart: •o preiiy la tbe dark. I wbb yra could
Member of nemBers bdefiBlnt 9m-'
(•■e wares dash up
Bbd ron to tbe woods and ctase oc
BartlefcTtne. Rlto. Oct, i. IMS.
ks when the wind Is
tree and stand aad baric. Last winOtar Prwaldeot—f wlli try lo write
blowing bard. It looks pieUy and wc
lltMe story today aboot a iHtle dilek:e to watch ibem.. I am goiBg borneadee. Ilwre ts a psar uwe near oar deep snow, boi be Woold to when we
B«d iMtoeTua^Inr^^T^^ aad
Nonbport the flrst of Octraer and t
la wladow aad the mile ctaldtd esy "Ted saolrrel." He leu
1 golBg to stop at Travene aty to
aeed to come there la the srtnwr baby climb on hla bmto Thb b a true
•It lay Graodnia Bbckea- She is
to get eramta lhat we pat oat for story aboot av dor Mdwart Doooeaa
There has been one Mg Umb
s to toft tbe flonsfalne elnb. He rery good to ns and we lore her rery
luta. Our Qraadim Blackea died
ea> of aad there It a Uitle bole in the Hret at Ketsea City.
plaee where the heart decayed aad I
. . Cedar R. F. O, Oct
him rery muHi. at be sras to good.l.t
would pot eramba la the hole aad the
Dear PreeMeat—I now take tbe us. and ao full of fun. He was al^t
kaew< where to get them
at Trurcrue City. Obr
aad aometlmee la the moral
**- pleasure of wH(tag you a ^ nees .io
let yra know that 1 am wen had hope Oraadms Nelson died list June. We
Bend Mt the watotBe! saml out the sroald coam before t put the
tre the same. ITie free deHrery
ber rery mneb wtien we get
o«t aad saV -Ohickatoe. didodee.'
borne. Bbe gare me ber Bihte: l< Is a
as madi as to say. 1 waat my hraak
rery alee rae nod I shsll iske rery
and I woBld go aad pat tbs
atgbL We taee our aali ho« put up. good tare of II. I wHI be glad to get
iba out aad they woold By oo
We hare rar corn tansked now. My home. BO as to go to eebooi aad Bunhigh limb tmili f got away a lude
- was vtmtlag US ia« w#ek.' 1 tor sebooi Stole I am in ibe Pourtta
trays aad toea they wonid fly down
Bend out the uBshlBe vlih worts aad look le toV hole sad say “Chick­ saak think of n^lag nwre. so i will reader. Myrtle and I bare bees sewkind Md true*
ing tor out dolltw these last tew dsyt.
adee. toiekadee.' as laoeh as to say Mote: Oood-byc.
Jamee Hortob.
My doll's name Is Florence .aa-l
“Tbaak yon. thank jjin.“ My Utile
Myrtle's Is Pauline. Uttle Violet was
brothers. Julte aad Herbert, woold
Wnileasbutg, Mich,, Oct. I. IMS.
August and she
stand by the flatow aad Patch them
Dear Prenideut—! am astaamed to
caL 'ThUUall I can think of ter «hU write. becaoM 1 hare neglected to says soefa coaleal (Wags I wish I
time, wo good-bye.
write so ieag. I bMc yra are well: crald tell them to you. Myrtle says
Prom year lortog Boashlae girl.
I am. Blaee aebool bcMB. Sept, lib she Is going to wrlte'so joa. too. so f
,:Age Id.
BThel Bow.
bare aiissed hot ooe day aad a gnar- will close, with tots of lore.
Prom yrar BuoshlDe frirad.
TTUrtni ti darfeMss where you“re
rr. althoogh I lire next doer to the
Peteakey. Hhh.. Oct. 1.
Dally,W. Neleoo.
eboalhoase. I hare had (wo examlasDew Preddeai—I bare not wtiuea
LACoaaer. Wash. 8^t. 16. IM3.
to He HeraM for quite a loag wWle. tlota thb ooMb. la bbtory and ariibtlc. Hare reeeired my standing In
Dear Hichlgaa 8nnibUeru-H - lire,
ea I wtn try arrt write bow. 1 go lo
etoaol smdwm la the fourth grade this htatorr, passed PT per cent. I wilt send ray uto'botodm the Pacifk coast, bui
little story abect the One Hnndrrt i still keep track of vbst tbe Bunshlae
' Booo will the saamm of k^iag be
My BUdMa are wlUimetle. gcogta^. taagabgp. reading aad bealtb and TweaUeth New York rtglmeDt. clBb.Vh-.4PlK t rtrtk of Traverse
nady. I wfU have mnalc aad drawing Papa had two brothers In this regi­ City very bfiso. I have never seen a'
gets here. I iblnk ment. It was shoRt Orinmas -rimr, belter summer than 1 have this sum­
(bat Me will be here MonBay. I read su'd a dill one In the years of '63 and mer, T*-e weather »-as been lemper, totey.
We have only had four rains
the new ptaa for this year aad I thlak *64. Hard tack aad "salt borse." sr
Rttreryalee. The only peto that my Ibe meat was' called, was not very sp since we have been here" The scen­
—Mrs. Oobk. atater Qaiherlne and t bare are two pelblng when yen do not tare aay- ery MVre is fine. We bare bere whai
me call a slragh (slew). It Is about
tooeier imd a hw. When
(he meter eart eam'me
the wto- eraiheraers hen roosts. Bnt ibsi is a a btindred-rodt wide. The tide rises
twenty-four brars.
aad ioeica Is rrhispered snbtoci after the ehlekeas
dow be gMaa^ a bos a
tabbed. Bot It's best to hare a Boau of all ktato come lo this port.
as If be waaTed to w tom
peep into the Cbrisimas box froA There Is rae slough Jfaat runs up Into
. Well. It mlgbt Interest yon to
ilry Bboni eight miles, aad tbe
tUakr af I goeae 1 wlU doe* for this bare a kaowledae of wBai sock a box farmers have ft
might contain. WblL flrsi of M ther-r alt alow toe slongb. aad boats come
(ime. Ooed-bye.
. ^"{j&riOimefaa: NsaMi CKy.
b tbe mall from the lowafotk: (hen right np to thpir graaarles and get
Toar torlag Buaheam.
Rdberi Beau. MapU City.
pretoau made tor nte by -torlag hands ttolr oats aad bay. -Pniit grows im
Age 10. .
UUdred PerUas.
be boys In Was. seta as home mense here; pears, cherries, apples
There is }0R one thlai as nleh
^ nocks, altteas. shirts, tronsers. and plums Just atmosi break the trees
' Petoekey, Hick. Opt. 1. IMS.
fohg riddnc. and that U ocaali
Bear PraaldtaC-^ hare am written blankets, ele. Then oum* tbe big
a with froii. Any of the raneberr
back beow acalB Md Undtait a Breat
I yoo for a tong time. Hamnm reaB key. etnlfed and .ready for roasting,
u-ming to hare you come in and
pile dt letter* tton the Btatshlae beyk rae your story about Uie kitty abd the the fruit cake, mince plea, maple sug­
• all the fniK 'ron want to ea'
aad bids. TPe train vsj taie when
BODlrtel and I tboaMt It was a alec ar. Jelilea. Jams, cookies, great loavct Vegelable* of alt kinds grow Immense
yner ^realdmit «aaw bone from her
Mo^r and Utooghl ft rery drlswof the at Boston brown bread, a two-buebcl bere also, u1th ifae .exception of corn,
happy two weeks’ rlilt la Chkaco.
cal. T^U, for
7T peu we/
we (iteB-th bare a bag of hlekoty ants. buUeronu. wal- which does not do so well on aonninl
ft waa Bftwr nhte o’etoek la the ereo- cat, bnt It
fresb beef. frsM pork, sausages,
a awajt.-’6^ old eal waa
faqi wbeo she reached the boose. Josi pretty enaalac at night when it came hams, apples of saay rsiiMk*. and of the cold nlghls Bui orber reg.*tables are immense. The threshing It
' as seen as she had takep.oB her hat
other things. This was a Wel­
time for her to be pot rat -of
herp. Thej
ahd wTupa she went straight lo her
She need to Jump np oa a Mair eloee lcome elgbi In tboee days, a remnodeT thresh rifhi out In the He'd They
desk, aad there the letter box stood,
(mder tbe table eo ebe coaM not be of the good cheer Ual was at tome ibrewh from 60 tOillO aad 113 bushels
rail to orertowlng wRh letters thai
■p In “Old TorV elate. ' And ibe of oaie io>the acre. Tbey have st least
round, aad then after we atoppad took
had eorte while she was away. .Rot
lag far her
woiild waUc oU as friaato ibere wbbing ic was many a doxen teams baullng grain lo the ras. happr *be ait Too all like to i» Id- calm as yoo please.- Now I wiu eloee.
I as much, tot expressage waa an cblne. There are (wo men on each
tors, aad whsB the mail briags yon with tore to joe all.
llem to be reckoned wiyi So |i conlrt
side to cut Ihe bends and two me" to
eae yon Urtnk K ts grtat.ftm. jaSl
be aaM of those wbo sent the box that
8. tiathcriae Perkins.
feed Tbe groin comes out of a i
mnk, thM. what H was Nke whea she
would be seat tat for (be rate of spout and two men called puneheiv>
ronad iwl only letters from her girls
express. Well, tbey bad tbHr wish staad there Bad punch the grain
aad hoys ail oxer the reglea. hot two
Boouait City. KIch, BepL ». IMS. gratifled wh^arte boys came botae eti
a ptinrbrr The i,__
h^ fkt enrrtopes fall of packages rt
Dear President-^ wm tell yra
town used to ring
has a kind of dooc (o It and when oee
lettwv Oat Was from the school lb tory sbrai onr botae. We bare
(fee sboota and mock banies. but
sack gels full the man sbores this
lA<elanaa ooMty jn** no^
.. _ss Bot minded, tbe ihoogbt ibat
door over and lets tbe groin go mrr
eace A«ell. W we althg<^ to sare
peitaps tbe ones who made t be^gay
be other aide of the rorat. Then
(hat for a starter for aew Wk. Judg­ bare him tied In tbe baza be will natiato might Bol lire to agala see (ho
be lakes (be sack and bands It to tfa"
ing fay the lettfn. that rnnst be a very tle bis talie' and fa aad oaea
place they called borne was thought of Back sewer wbo aews II up The i
happy and cobtesited » of acbelars. door aad let (he cow out; tksa cqiea
. Well, t hope thb will not th
loaded Into a wagon and hauled
The other pataage irta^euto a rrel the door aad go om blmeMf thee.
you I reoala.
come earprtse. It had’bm a good wBl rua aid Inmo. Thee wheo «•
away, instead of having a bHi coo-'
Vour loriag Sansblne glri.
many days oa tbs road, cotetiig all the want to catch Wm he does ao« nrmat to
reyor lo carry swa>- tbe straw (hey
PVorewoe J. Oeiretison.
way fnai onr aswast cln^to (ar«srar go la tbe bare. Ne has done tbh trick
hare a wtod stacker. It U a tong pipe
vrathtagtoB. add yon will be as ta- Bsay timet aad seems to eojoy it th>
about three f^i In diameter and a fan
St. James. «epl. SOih. 1H«.
lereeted la ihs letters as your pral- last lime as muto as tbe flm. Don't
Dear Presldeai—Daisy bssjust writ- -- (he bottom which blows the straw
tom was. «e MU gtrs the members yra think he Is s fonBy beiwe?
cea a Mter.-so I am going tp write one away. Tbey do not use tbe straw, aa!
a apedal Icrltatloa to write again
night after a rain yon eaa look out
met Banait.
I am In r<-e second gtade
d see Ibe strow stacks burning
toon. wUI «• (KKT Fsrhape (hey woald
FChool. My teseher's tame w<l'
Bemmlt aiy. R. P. D. 1. Oct. 3.
Well. I must close fOr this time. Will
like ti» hare you tell (hem of tbe tut
Miss JHIa Miller. » g<sd
' you bare lo tbe wtater, aad ibey will
get home agala. so tbit 1 eae begin rite again and lell aben the h^i
tMI ns what they to in a climate ahete o«er m last week's Herald, and I tope eebooi. Wc bare eftjored rarw
tkBrA«>aotto«lldiBgahaadred toys I win be eae of (be llftrto get a cart. here rery much tbls snmofT, Wc hareWslte- Cook.
1 will tell you all about my cat Jobaa. seen mu of beauillnl suasetf. and the
U the year, as yaa to.
ImConnor, Wash.. Seyn. l». l»S.
I This sprlar t got a little kitten troiB water would look, so pretty. Tbra.
Dear President — I am a Snashtar
Aodew*aapi«Bdtdl«'ofstort(4isi* •*««>«- My old tat Jobaa aerer
Itoes we bsre sn m"c*« fur boy. tol lost my buttan. I wish yo-u
omr mcisbrn hare toM about theirkittiae naill I get thU ooe. He watching ibe clouds
cs- mak<
crald see (he flowers out here. Tbe
Tkam poUi
■"» “ >“•
all kinds of things la ibem. Stone
%..« bM «« io .11 .rt» fa... wrti-l*^
-IM times they hare such bsantlfnl colors, ratal aad 'raowballs are In bM>m
and so many pretty tkiwen. I Iret the
fall. ..1 .1
«>* W
tken we pick-out (be cMors sre would meat from the shop f6r dinner every
Bialt.and there are-»tm plenty lefi.|““- “
»mmlag to seem
like la a new dress I tblrk It sronld, day. miw kne.
leaning In with a Urge fleld mra
Who wtn be the aen to. tell os
be aloe If all tbe Suashlne ehlldreu
Freddie Cook.
• euBDlBg. thing about iheir pets* Whra Ws mraib. Itn'i be Just Ukc a qa
could hare their plctntec put In
it Is your presideBi's turn agala. she eat? And (be kli'ea runs eot aad
of tbe Herald: tbea we crald all
ImOuBDor. Waahw Bepi. 16. I»i%
teems to ask -vhai be has tor her.
wUl bare to tell yog ahost tbe
bare a picture and a iewer from
tar Pltaltoat-d have been la LaProa
little pet Booee aamed Jumbo, who
lad we cbxld hire l>e loreUest Craaor, Wato.. four mralhs a« like <l
tamo Lace.
taste to aa (ftlBdy death heeause h«^
ibook to keep and .look at when here rery much^TWiprr Freddie.
grew Km-fearless. ^
Bummh. ctiy. R. P. n. i. Oct g.
we get Mg. I (kink It would be
Glail.»s iM lUUUJuri.'aBd myself aU
Dear PrcaldqBt—< hope t ean get
go to aebaoL 1 am la (be third grade.
It about Uae tor o
one of' tbesd cards. One toy 1
,ihe Hmald.
My (toMmr’s name Is Miu Peoum; 1




MW ber rery mack. I ge to Bn
H at tbe M. R rirerek and my/
tcacbcr's noee Is MIM Lee. fttu
Hbrase m bulk upon a hlghlbti:
of solid rock We can see the f^lag
ootatry for mllee around on toe Outs
taB uee Mt: Mtar and ^'footMiis. We don’t waat w romeSirt le
Traverae City' to Hre any more. Tht
iber It nice rat beir.
Age l«.


Angus B Cook.

LaConnor . Wash. Sept. 11. IMS.
Dear PreeMeet—t am a lit'le girl
Hgbl years ^d. My name Is Mildred
Cbambrrw. I go to school M> teach
r Is Hiss Penioa: I like her rery
inch. I have rae net. 1 am in ih>
ihlrd grade. WHI.i guea I will close
•r this 'true
Mildred Chsmbt-rs.
UCoOBor. wash. Sept. 16. IMS.
Desr PresMnit-l am a llrle gir’
eleven years old. I am la the franb
grade My reactaer's pame'ls Mis«
Peoion, I hare one rivter t“d three
brothers I Intend lo be a good .snr>shine -iri and do wtaiprer 1 can te
hPio others
Vour Mine Suashlner.
ElU Sefaroerter.
ImCoonor. Wash.. Sep'. 13. 1W.
Dr«r Presldeni—1 am a little girl
thSneta years rtd. i go io sehnol even
day. There are thlnytaie pnplls in
our room. I am hithe sixih grade My i
ttacfaer's name is Miss Hall 1 like be> i
rery mneb-1 hare iwo pets, a dog and i
tat. My dog's name l|pd(HI>e sn>l |
my tail! name is Bps.

LaConnor. Wash. Sept. 16. IPOS
Otar Presldeni^ I am a liitU girl
thirteen years ol^ I go to sebooi in
La Connor. My ita^er's name U Hiss
Fenrra. We have thirty members it
our Sunshine club, “niero sre two or
three that are going to >Ha. —My name
is Panale Lee. I hare raS pet; ills a
kllten. Il rrss girep to me j-etterday
mormng In school. One of the boys
r room went op on ibe bill and
sras. playing sad he sa wihe kitten, He
breogbt it dosm to the sehoolbouse
and gave ii to me and I look care at
It. It was almoR dead. 1 took It aad
brid It In my Up. One o( (be girls In
oor'room went and got some milk for
IT. We tore it some and It lay down
rent to sleep. At noon I look ii
home aad kept It. I wHIl ctato lor this
Will do better next timr. sn
Faaar Lee.
LaConaor, Wash.. Shpt 18. IMS.
Dtar Suo>hlBer»-I will tell rtm
ahooat m:- home. We have' a boiisr
with foi-r room* 1 like ImOonno.rcry well We hare a big vcge'ablc
<a and a flower garten. I go to
icimol yen day.
Do yo"* 1 llke[
atoool. *Do yra? 1 have iwo si»ier«:wo brothers. We have a loi'ol i
ihiir* very close to ns. I am s
Bunablne girl and I have a card and
bmioB. I like to belotig lo the Snoclub very well. Poor of os belong to It-' We have lots at fun s'
acbooL t fVgot to lell you somriblee.
One time a-c bsd rar club, un on th<
bill. The- we msde a Are and madr
taffy. I sm In the flfth grade 1
will have to close. Write srwin
Blsle lumidik^.
Oldest Horae in America.
The suppojed oldtri horse in Amer­
ica, aged r,3 Vturs. Ilves'three mlle«
from BiaoboiM'. In Hamilton coiiniy.
U. and Ir the nropeny of s Sesn.linavisn farmer IasI wieier be war le- .
reaved In- ibe deaVta or his iiivenllc.'
male. a. horse that nl4vl In ihe full
bicftm SI 'he ate of 3-.
The horse Uiit has joRl eompleled
mere than half s eenlury of life is It.
fairly good flesh sod U fed on bread
baked wlib s- addliloeal ration of
sugar' each day. His owner Is proud
b'm sr-d monex aoi-ld not tempt
(I 'o raske s »s!e li 1« hs'M ihsi
the .sign* ol gr-ai se- ar- pr.-sent.
X rost has not been shed for *ever*i
ir*. and his muscle* have b«i 'h-''
power uj s ilcgree. Wlih all 'fal*. boa
r. he covers four miles of eoiiniry
U even day. hauling the cn-sni
from IWO cows to ihe ertamery. iwo
mile* from 'he farm
A Clever Eleptont.
The lilile dsuehter of a mltsionsry
H) Slam, tell* hi sd exchange of a Hex
9 hobv Henhaai who would select s
flag. Hiber while, biack. nr red. w?;lrh'bis mssier call-d for. end carrx
him The animat wonid also rarrv a fan of baaanst. ra Ms bead and
pnt them dow- befm hi* master.
Then be would nlu'e the man by hold­
ing up faU inrok aad crowing hi* frrai
After ibU (he master eav"
the taaaats to eat. one by one-«-Exrtisage
My Oody.
wish my dolly woold grow up
Aral be a Wtoaar DoTI:
I wish rial she could Itarn to talk.
11 oBly like poor PoUl
Bnl dolls, you know, toey aerer
Except to rtde- grow:
No doUr ever toes toprore^ They.caaX of raone. we know
—UUIe Folk*

LOT n o ^

LOT 182
" L0T^T83
LOT 184
LOT 188
LOT 230
Lots ‘235. 236. 237 as advertii^ arc now sold

LOT 186
LOT 211
LOT 212
LOT 213
LOT 214

These are all early selections and arc the


HandseniBst Lots in Oak Heights
the most charming addition to Traverse City. This
addition is now largely buih over, and i;ood lots are
not easily obtainible. These lots wiH be sold sepa­
rately, excepting 1S2. Ifi3,1S4. which must be sold toSeth«. All must no for jpoi-cash, and the prices

The whole buadi of

if sold at one time ami for cash down, would be

As (he price Vouid be made accordingly and to allow
for holding as an investment. Come quick for choice
of lots.

Also One Acre Lot
in Birchwood
Fronting East Bay S rods and running back 20 rods,
less a strip two rods wide on north side for street. A
very desirable let in' this beautiful suburban spot.

123 Front Street


as nmeb sweet milk as may to ascesIn the fens of uolnce bemey. uirte^ sary to laake a thla baUor: Osa stir
makes a very desirable sweet to serve In oae treapooafi^ of baUag powder
with chirkeo and delimie meau. or as aad .tore qnlckly Into greased gem
a sweetmeat with cakes. It also
pans. Bake in a moderate ovc
M detldons tiling for cake or
about half BB hoar.
aandwlebea. It U made as fonows:
Paar and Flam RndpsH
Peel and grate quli
Spiced or Sweet PIckta Pesre—Seof pulp add a cap of sugar and cook
untU thick. Put up la >elly tumblers leel pears of good size and weigh them.
For every- pound allow half a poond
Quines Prsservss—Choose toe yeV angar/«ed (or even seven poaads —
frnit cas plul of vls^r, half an ouW
low qnlBcet. Pare, guarter and
of whtde claaamoa and two ounces rt
them. asTlng both sktas and carer
greea ginger cot In sllrex^t all the
the guiaees orcr ibe Are. srlth
enoogfa wste^ to cover them, and sim­ apices in a bag oto*eeu^lwh and tew
mer unill they are tofl, bat not until or tie the opealkg firmly. Drop the TIiMisaiKis er Talimenials
bag ia tbc vlnegsjSfi^Il In a |
they beglo (o break. Take them
csovwl Ewrv Year.
carefully and spread them upon broad lain preserrlag keilK~ffBd„^w1)
dlabes to cool. Add the parings, seeds rsariies the boiling point drSi» 1
Aa Meal MtUtelat.
and cora w (be water la which ihr peart. T^eo cook llowly until (her
quinces were boiled, aad stew, closely are dear aad tender.
Olager Pear—TMs coaaerve U often in lSCbnn-b.Si„Hurlini:b>n,
corered, for an hour. Slratn (brough
used as a desserr. to be served
a ielly bag. and to every plot of
VU. Vlce-Prenldrot Bureaa ot
thla wifers. or U It Uked -for Snaday Exchugs, wrllcs:
liquor allow a pound of sugar. Bo
“Foiie geritffae da mm ttmmi
aad skim it. pui in the fruit sad boil evening rappers or a luncheon. It Is
amaasue'i mcriirtaf mmtbytmr
Bftesn miouiss. Take aU (nnn Ibt- best to pm It away la small
fto heMihnt kmumm t» re.
Bn- aad pour into a large, deep pan. glasses, as It Is used In srasll tjubu- uarmkmtbmitkmmdtrtmttb.
Cover closely, aad lei it stand tweety- llties. WIpeelght poaads hf the tori
" 1 suServd fur scvvrsl;
fonr hours. Drain off the syrup and let pears, peel, and cut In small -chlps~
Il a boll: put la ibe quinces wlib a sharp knife Pul Into the pr«^ ' down pwlns, nod trsqueot bsadcarefully and boll another quarter of serving keiile with six pounds Of gran- aebss.
-I sronid Otero wake fre
boar. Take ibem up as dry as pos­ olafcd sugar, oae-fourth pound of
s -Canton" gluger. which Aas fleep tn sBCb paia Ibat 1 w><u
sible and again sprad out upon dish­
suffer fur boure bcloremyerea
es. asttlng these in the hottest sun­
wunld eloan again. I ilresdeiil
shine you can Bad. Boll (he ayhirp until
(be lone nigh is as well
Put all logeitaer and bring slowly
weary tJgya.
II begins to ieUy; fill the Jars
thirds full had cover with the syrap. (he boiling point; Boil slowly three or
The preserves should to of a fine, red. four hours or until all is thick aa<l
Cover with brandled tissue paper
work Bbe had done—poilTlag
do If it Is tilll hard aad crisp
•Motifui ThfMdt *f ooie.
Qularwvaad Lemon Jam—Pwt. o
dow glass—when she replied that it and sUce qnlnces. reservlag Ihe par­ This quaatliy makes about twelve
WMVific-iBU A HorUdar life ‘waan’l ber buslaesa.' Was K not? I« ing and cores (or jelly. Pm the Jelly glasses full..
Beeallfal lUreads of goMly
Pickled Plums—Three quails green- was (be only medieme lot me.
A UireU of Jor. wtm • «i»»d of strife; nM aartbing we do our bosteeaa. and qutqees -Over the fire la Just enough
should we not trr to do it la (be best
Utes. two luuindH whit* sugar. %
^ And ever tbs bands wfaleb told
them. qn<‘ *<ew
Every acbo and pale duapway? Whether it be sewiag <m.a milplat vinegar, one teaspoonfiil each
Mu taaUoB tbsH into ps'teni rare
pearrd. la four rauatba and I
»fL 1
ton. sweeping a room, washing dith- should be
am ‘n p< r(<s-l bealib now.
. Or dsslua of tosotx, nsy and fair.
elnaamon. doves-and allspice tied
.1 TUI tbs Ittstsr-HSSTer «nds them
every pound of the freH, Il will tike
we OBgbt to do It (be ben (
Rt^c Jar; boll sugar, vinegar an.l
good while to reduce the quinces
can. and If we tore to dp |( oneo then the requisite sofinest. aad they rai
splcc and pour hot over the (dums
wS ougtu to trr esich lime to become to silrrad and beaten ofiea with
let stand twenty-four boars: drain off
WSHViaf tbsB ta sitb apatlobt band. more proOeleat. We oogbi not
stout wooden spoon. When the (ruH the syrup: boll again and ir.ur ovc;
Enjoylnt SataalM
BsaaUfsl threads of fold!
fruit- Repeat three limes.—S<U well broteen lo irieces. add the sugar,
\nUlBC UMn tn as tbs Uaaisr planned
aud at the same time pni in the Juice lected.
Mrs. L. E. Tyler, flaata
Wbsh be UM life's soiDtor foM.
of oup^ large ktmoo (or every
Monica, Cal., liecreury flasu hfoaicm;
Wearinc tbsra in wtib tbs boats)
America teihe
pounds D( the fnill. Boll len minnier
Musical Bodely, wrltee:
it on comer-ways, -dr aay old way.
after It has'again come in (be toll, and
•'/awa froofldeff Aar oswr (here yaore
0«r abm bunisn aaotbsr bearsIdon-C WhenlpuioBapateh.whefti. after the kettle baa been removed from overripe, steam Ihem, and put ibi-m ^tjrtumikcmUrT*, eoatpOcmtmd by MIm FsIKh Keanu, 7» Xortfa Mala flu, The majority of womsa are aerrsas
R^aies that tbs Haatsr-wssrsr spam W K is of doth OB a shin
tom sC
Dsyb>D,0.. writes:
inio a keiile with water Just covorlni:
the fire add the chopped peel of
tats beantltal tbiudt of gold.
wflb both female diesss*.
oa a board. I iry lo do it
lemon (or every five pounds of the con. the boiiomjo pcevenl burning. Bring •ervouaaeia. kyUtrim and sdeepfrasI The gyre0^1 obstaele la tbs WM «<
Ibem slowly lo the toilltag point.
sen. «-AMh nnfftfng cobW reUere uolff long and female troubles,
WsarlBC tbsia lo srtth tbs bo|>es aa-i caa; I( may net be perfect few things serve. This Is a good and an unusual
slouslly. As soon as (hey be- ItHmaPtrmm.
••( todtoenanfferfbe fredlmmritod

ar& bat If sre try to do a iblag as
-I began to tsel totter after 1 bad joarfphjwfdaa foratouf mb* a
^B^o bubll
them off,-put Ibem
as WS ean. and heed the adrlee of oth­
Bsaailfii tbroadi of gold)
(Bkeu (be first boiUelal St
foiDe. After Women who an in doabt as to tbsir
Brighter tbs gold of i be Ibrsad ap- ers wbe Imow beaer than we do about
s'u. week nutll a
No one part of our dally meals Is so
Ukbxg tweh t bouiei of toffi________ ailmcnu should wnn to Dr. Usrtmaa,
same thli4s. we will Improre
■ .uara.
O.A. --------------------- ay Vaftfc.
atch the Juice. In the morn­
grst Ittempis. TboM who slltot things ipable of rariailto
Preeidentof The li
am pleased
U lbs Hsb of Ufs giova oU.
ing-squeeze the bags vcry^itleuJth
............ .Colatabue.O. Give him a full desorlpIHMTtng tbeat-ia
a safle and because li is not their busloen wl' life.-' and yet It ta the tne thing wblrli
•ring from
abuve all-1 Uon'of y.uut rympioms, pnvteaa trewS
always^o semd or third rsie work. is servto lo many homes day after day the bands and slowly bring the Juice
.'mvBtand ag'-.
SOtuid sleep aad do .vc;
lro~. arv n>tnia."-Eaith Reams. '
■ boil, skimming frequently,
•bA wDodertal tbrtads,.sp flas:an<f
Xu u-sumontsb puMlshed wllbout' He will prampUy reply wttb 1tell dl- ■
t as U Is perfectly clear put it
many simple and easy ways of
means is the kmg mn a dlamatUed
wr.ttea uonseni at tbe wmet.
i recUosa for irutmaat. tree of ebi
boiiles, wl^ clean, long corks, and seal
homemaker, and aa unhappy borne for preparing it which win
hasbaad sad eUldrsn.' if we bare Joyed by. the family at the expense of ilh wax"Several
the rod qf the afierooon take from
Ostry Polirtars.
\l j
Sqiced Grapes—Cspedally nice
work gtrea u to do. let as master It. only a few. mlnntes ef extra time for
If tbe bnller ta mottled work U • '
leats. Pigss the grapes from their
Below are givea
and do K bemuse we want to, not (mm
merdalil eggs fur wiatt
boiling nnlil it Is ready. It la excel- little after salting.
eial recipes which have been tried ^d skins ahd put the pulp ihrnugh the colthat we are-driven lo il, as
leal wlUi bome-saade bread for rhll
If the butler Is too s^ feed tto
affdi-r 10 remove the seeds: Uicn mix
slave to the gane/K. Work done from found good.
Tba adisal of tbs rears tanu r
I only regret not' having laid dpwn dren's lunchroaa. and II is also a g<xxl cow some potatoes.
Carrsni Broad-Cream two Ublc- the pulp and skins and measure, n
cboioe becomes a pleasure lansad of
more eggs In the name way. You won't apiKdltcr ai buhakfayt.—Bxrbaage.
.Stringy milk aji to cured by-ksd^
a dradgery, dad thsre Is a aaiisfaction raoafuls of builer with oac-half cup^ Ihg five pounds of fruit and four
< U the aUaoi leoa eC time;
catch me again without a fuU supply
Ing the cows cleaa.
Ws.baidir too* that a thread is
>YaA aU (he mtik rtsasla srtth cold
dered (doves, aud a pint of vinegar, of rgg* lo January. Lately wc ha*'that ls*uoi to be found elaewbere. Says stir Into the butler and-sugar, ad^ e
oil slowly (orj-'Tcc boors, pul In be<-o using our slock on hand pretty
When the fanaer and bin wife and water before scaldlag.
of milk, four cupfuls of flour
, TO a msdler of eolor and twins the sweet singer, Herbert,—
frvely, pnartiing gnd frying them, and boys, and all (hr rest, go to tod. ibev
Whliewaahcd suhlei nsM.Csw
lasses and cover with psrafflm
which has
h I been added o
“A servant wl< this ctause
- abotmd.
Grape Conserve — Prepare
warn lo sleep and real, Thai la what flics and.moretnllfc.
of baking powder, and l^l two tableMakes drudgogry dlriae;
USM aU |lr^ u crut wbeaU
ly fresh eggs. If takea out of the no. thyK are th'.-rc fur. But wlial iota
Crosses are usnally tetter tor^OawspooBfols of cleaned eurarals dredge.l pounds of grapes as before, taking off
Who sweeps a room at (or Thy <
lutltm and kept for some time th-v poor tMds there are (p 'this w-orlrt: era thso pure breeds.
floor. Roll onl, cut into rounds the skin:, cpmovlng the nones, su.t
Vskes thst and the aetSoa flae.
‘ Pttaaa an blended, and dsaUalet
arc aald to soon spoil. I don't know Dear, gotxl housewives..atakc a siudy
WhcdfvtT pusalblc, tart fto cov'l
or make lalo a loaf, and bake la a mod- mixing pulp and skins ingether. Then
. aptiB,’.
about (bis. not having trlH it. but Of >-our iK-ds. Make them cumrortabi*. milk iK-fore buying her.
add ah equal amount of sugar and
Bat, aO ibat we toe* as r«n do go to, not beoauae ws must and 'let « -ateoven. Bat wl^ hot batter.
(ha re Ik do no-d .of taking ihrenton: Msi-c th-m look nlre. Air the ckiibre •A cow ihxi ifsia below,« per cent
Finger Rolls—To three cupfuls ol
pal into our daily tasks such a aplht
AD that we know or wish or care,
not wurth krt-|>lag.
on them eten- day. Ktwp the air In
tolling milk add ao^balf cupful of boi of seeded raisins. MjX sll thorn
tiu tba Haatsr Vuver to slwars of love a^wlltlngness and desire
urs. Huy: water-giata. nr sificate of the r>cims-pure..antl aw-oet where'
Cows end horaus ataonld not to
of sug­
do oar b^, that the iafluence will be
soda, a mucilaginous, or syrup^fquid. are. alway*. By doing this you
IowikI In the umo pssiurm'
ar and.one4iair leaspoonful of salt
fell by all with whom w« come
To gnus arigbt tbs dsrk gad light.
which aay dCugptyt will furnl.h yon, add greatly lo the Irojcth of l^e of the
lUeher f,4i does not mesa richer
And keep ns forever sritbla bie eight tooeh. There It aothlpg more eon- When this baa cooled to lukewarm,
;mg probably forty real* nr mor-1 farmer and all his folks —Farm Jour milk. It hi<-aiis a
aess stir Into R half a yeast cake dlsAs the grsA wheels go wHb-a soond- tagkws ihsB the iplrtl K4,Jgoa ehi
irT. Reduce thla-wHh lea parit
dl«ll ■
To wash, and clean np. aficreard.
conieaimroi atojifWnlncss. and
tolvsd ,1a a little warm water, end the
' Use Boimd
Iter (I boll the latter first I, act
|«uml of buuer.

Yoreew; till asssr: toond and toaad. ordering our ttfSaloat these lines wc whites of throe eggs boston stiff. Pour
Urge crock onc-lbird or one-half
Do Slot wet your hands wtofl tetDene dav: so plan Keforeband lo have
two quarts of sifted floor,
—Della Leech. will not only to happier ojiraeives. bat
Valuable Furs of Itolan Girix
we trill to uncoBsoiaut helpers of the after you have made It Into a dough things baked so as easily to get a
You waste !t par eeat « jrosr boL-.-•lhp*‘b»lvc drros Is not the a^zcIuk^
good meal.
world of burdeatoaring mes and
work It for flfieeb mlouiet.
-"1= in summer by oof uaUg a sepaf
pm-ileg.- of civilize,! wonn-n." s
Mend all hples before washing
. night, and In Ihe morolfep
• Be paadr wbea the dara are bright
J have llqiihl
Kret.-r. an AlaKka mining englrtc.r.
cul the dough down.s1Q> a sharp.knife ihey may get larger, and they will
• to labor with a wlD.
enough to k4-cp all il
Adding hot water lo ctam whils
nK h. watched a tarty of rst-htoiisM.'
Let It rite once more, make it out ls«i ■how so plainly when ironed.
• Bad when it atonaa ,troia mom
That ta all'ihere ia li
-Iressc-d women pre|>arlng to g,.. unt churning ia ihc worn of an praeUeex. ..
Before soaking the clothes, p
rolls, and bake to a Itgbt brown.

tUI night
Heating milk to ICO.dcgnica pastenri
.tun the rain, ••rp on the Sewurd p.tiLuncheon Rolls—jflix thoreu^Iy In boiling water through friut stains, hn.l
• Be wise mad patlen| still-.
8Hf Itctmilnuallj *blleb«.
Ink stains In milk,
To Save Veur Back.
sieve a pint of flour, one-half
• Tbs wiaA' mat blow, the .ralai '
the hot tun;
Wiiro butter li poor don't blame tto
colors In callcn dresses
Here Is a hint to thus,' who have ine AutiK of furs wht<-h wnuld to wont,
apoonful each of sugar aad salt, and
TIs doing the ^cotaonplace tl
to »l0,(e.i her. M<rre .(.an one etw. Blame yonr own want of skDl.
nly a chair to set ihWr tubs on. anil
■ ibai will lest
onedialf Wapooaful of toklag powder, quilts by soaking In cold salt wa
If the butter taki-t too long to coma , hare
as a consequence, when the waKblr.,4
. The worth of the fruit when the (hea rub ftopugh (be sieve.- Rub one- befere washing.
done feel as iho"gh someone bad
sealskin and h-.Ms of silver add oocor two frrab cows to the dairy. '
Sort Ihe clothes and soak the dirtiest
h of, bultor a
Wa harrsat as we aov.
dayUgbt Is dime.
Warm mjlk front stu-'cow dans art' ■
a pall by themselves: also keep the
ken them fur fivlic. aud 1..oaetied up 1
• haw s«.-n ku.-h ouilits wbici
Wby'podt. and why dream, and why
absiH-b odors. Wfille rooltng hasp R .
1) tiui, tuv iRuis uuitrrvsi. vrie uuwj.
wish ire tod wings,
pure Blffiospbtre.—Exehasga. - '
Soak them orer bight Mi warm i
II. irnuUlo ttniii this spring. Then I.*•">* fnng.-s of woiIter and rolling piB ready. Nhw add
ntea oature ha* gtrea m fragnaeo
“H"- ' 'ho'ild -sy that ITon
le-half pint of milk isranl measurci lawhlchisaiahlespoonfutof ammonls sald 1 aould do no more washings ungmall brush. coaUag, five croia.
Good Cbfer. fbr ^ahlerliome d«sad grace.
little horax. Yon will not need
til 1 had a decent wash l--nch KTiro i '' *
average tain.- f-.i drcase.i
Irrlng qulcklj and vigqronsly srltb a
. partmeat of the Ctorlotte Trll
prove a gremi brip la cb'wolBg
And told uf so plainly that beautlfMl
apuod. Sprinkle the board with flour boll them. A good scalding in linilhiu told my husband.ihe height I want,-.! ^ ‘>«*lali wnm.-n on tto I ptor Col-jmgar# as a reesni edlWlal Ihe fo
brash will '
Le»;p Ibe b
' lag anwUsat bit of ad;^;
Are those ibat lire lovingly, eai
order-aDer doing fbr for
wu a«erlBg a bit M rrisadlr
alma oae dar to a wUmaa on i
which Shu caa not use-glorsa.—Farm
n of (urr "
ling. If the weather Is
slices sboui ibree^iuarters of i
JouroaL •
Inch thick aad set l|iem oa end la
■* could n
baking paE. having ibeip a Jltile ^ay wiHiout'fnrther beating.
Itch dlflerr-ncf. .S'ot
n <lo the
-----lo 0 quifk oven for aboyt
Flannel! should be washed
larger wasblngsAblch u
rinsed In warn water snd never be al
^rieen mlnoies.
nd feel as fresh as
> oae which Is not neatly at well
Setoien ii l> ihr llitle tr.lng- '
Quick Clcaamea Bun,-Sift a quari lowed to freeze Or to be rubbed on
nown ti It deserves.. The uulBCp,bas
flour with one teaspnonfnl of salt board or by the hands, for these ihincs
count for m much Is a woman'4
dellaey of flavor which puis li in and three leaspooufuls of toklag pew- full them. tYhite flannel shonid
dally work and future 'health.—W->.
the flist raak. and many delirious disbad atablp!pooafaI^,>honealB<:
. Hume Cumpaa'»“
taay to prepared from !l. Quince Stic in qiHekly one cup of milk and
•serves were considered aa especlai work to a light dough. Roll this out
Vse indigo for blning. or you mav
aad spread u with sugar and cuiranN Id some bright yeHow spots cm your
sprinkled with riuaamno, then roU Ihv cloihes (bat gre not Iron rust.
>se. Some housskeepen. bow
Tubs, srltb (aueets sIbmi, empty ever, use half sweel and half sour ap­
sheet ,pp a* vou would a sheet of
served In a dalniy gfaas dish, they Busle. Cut ihU into buas with a themselves. A good washing machine plet Ball a gstlno of fresh, swe-t;
were the crowning glory of ibe repasL itorp kniw; naad these oa end in a
great help. but. get one that you elder down to one-half Its originaJ
Another way to which they were pre floured paa aad take lo a hot av^ And easy to work. Try the stock'of a UuaaiKy. Thro fill the kettle H hs.i.
flmni * KAUTH
pared for winter use was by siswlng nntll done.
* '
large hardware store.
tolled in with alleed-sweet apices, ft
them with sweet appiM. la ite spring
In.buying a cloihe* wTlnger. remem­
Am*le ohms—For these psre. core
BIX neceisary (or the cider to cover;
when apples bad beeome Insipid
and chop four tart appUw very fine. ber the fewer the pan* ihe beiHT the tbe apples. There should, however, b.assd alone, a UtUe of the quince p
•harbrew is Mi-hma res twreMy
Add so them one egg well toaien. (our wringer. The simplest eoastraetion Is ' (ally enough lo prevent them from:
re sad our msr iiisa «( p.rt.>e«»4.
serves added to them when eonklag. UWespoonfuls of molasses aad one» be the stroageu —Fhrm Jour- baroins;. Let them boll aieadlly allj
Hve them a flavor to to long and hap ihtrd of a teospoooful pf soda dlasolrod
until tbcT are redneed to about!
' I
plly remembered. Qulaecs stewed with la one Baspooaful of hot water. Alter­
Ibeir original bulk. Then tu
nately add.cme eupful aad a half each
Into small stone eroelm. If the butter,
of floe con meal aad sUied floor wllh
writer la Farm aad nrsside has not toUed down to a thick palp


A Ma.tter
of HeatltK

wnn A
ooMPUcanoN or


Robust Woqthn Who Owe Their Restored Health and
Usefulness to Pe-ru-na.
Read (he Utters qf Grateful Women
Cured by Dr. S. B. Hartman's
Free Advice.


There is a quality in Royal
Baking Powder which pro­
motes digestion. This pecu­
liarity of Royal has been
noted by physician^ and
they accordingly use and
recommend it exclusively.


Cemplewy Recabta Her

■US' '

jbMwfrteesniv's C»»b









(Snimdi 3Bvo6.eJ

Fates sto 12

TMAveme emr, orano TiuvcnM county, hicmman. thuimoav, octowh u im.




propertp aad M atged opoa (M board
Tto OlMd Ti«T«fM OoBBty Bo*rd to take Ttcoroot aetloa aad M*e aa
«( SaMTtoon wmi tkrm l»U • wr- lalBiieikia teesed If potaiirie rettrain.

4M awalag BlHag at bla store thU
rela o( salt from Moalatee and two Bcaelag. Re eaiwped wtto a wary
p aome rerp latereallast itoUlatlve' year. IM*. showe that cart ai Soar fraoi Maaitownc, besides
a and glrc pobHcltp
■Ugbt brutee on bit ebem.
> wMt are a utoUp boM acbeme*
tbe otuol OBOOBt of other ftetob'.
it that year was t*4.0»:.t*.
by torewd aiaalpahtofi to tarn a>ooep
While here a deck band, who aoM Ma . The awalag la of toe roller typa aad
tbe rml
at «Xalr» i«sm4U«
rranmiinkwHow waa received fioai aaae waa Steve Baadlev of Chicago works ao a boory pole at toe (did «(
waicklr Witboot giring raloe. Hapor
CM OaCtBC B«Mb BMort AmocIi
■mat T. Bates. preoeeUag tbe board got eaa^t between a luoehloa agd which Is t rug wbgel whkb mgagrr la
TUa aiateBeet trom Mapor Fried- Friadrito atroogip urged that the
with the lost year at IM Herald, com­ toree btrre^ at ealt aad got a MeUy arMu'for rahritoOBd lowertog. Mr.
greoteal pobllehp be gtren tbene graft
«M MMKbt (o ibeir sltcntiaB.
rteb atartad a dUeanloB wbleb <
pleting the ftlea o( toe aaae.
brntaed.left leg. Ho was treated br! MUer bad Just atoned to tower the
BrWIr. • tm F«*n «co. H. K Carter oped tM bet that tboouadi at letter* tebewMt to iMt TlcUBt wonM aoi be
board adjourned at S;» watll Bemben of toe crew aad oimeared to! awning ebca the pole dropped. TM
at JadM boosbt a tiaet o( laM oa had been moniTed maklac laq
l-IRIebard I
be doteg well.
iff'-atM. iDdUaap- 8:50 a.m.
ead rnnialnlto tk* twwherl attwA
CM Omm at Low take whic* be nbont then leu and tM aaioeUUoa
him la toe eb^ and tore every Mttob
aM bdTWttMd eztaaalTeir C»r aad laanlriac a> to tM «nloe of tb*
Etlea Dario, Fort Wayne: Joluph FroB Tnetday'a Record.
\ Narrow Caeape From Injury.
from hU reel. Hod It strvfc blB to
. Mia, Tbto ttroiMar «aa plattM Into propenr. Oonaty Clerk Walter atataJ
nlag aeoaioa at tbe board A
CUrk. Maade; Hist EMbo Hoama.
George Hiller, the elothler. hod a the 1^ the lajory would Mve bee*
lou 3MM IMI or iherMboaU aad ad- that be bad a letter die eompletelr
s wot token ap with verbal
Mancie; Hra. Con Sinllgn. Ridgevnie:
filled with letter! at laqnlir and Mo
OaaUi of *. BrhBI
n comanakailoBa reUUxc narrow oeeapp troB trrioaa lajury by
Bethel Brlatol paaied awap at bU Hra. E J. FulghuB. Indloaopollt and to llUes ar.d OMtracIa of propenleair
RIehBOod: Mrs. Leri Strickler. Rlcbera of lou for him. to aell ibetr prop- boae. PM E»n Ehbtb street
irreps. a wrlllee roauaualcailaolB
ertp for all aorU of prMo. naglDg o'doek FrMap eVeniag. bU death being ax>Bd: Hra.' Harr Bpaghep tad dangh being placed before the board byT
tnta *60 to »»00 per M. He deecribei
to paiaipala, be MTlag toffered ter. Mlaa Sadie, KeodallrlUe: Hra. Oonaty Surveyor Eraett H. Alim, wboll
«aiM froai aU part* at ibe eonttr- another method bp which tbeee
tM taul airoke Suodap. Sept. 24. For Mary Knowles. Ooldwater; Joseph'iUld much DtreM upon the oT
9M 4aadc wen UntM aeoordlas to were dUpceed at which wes a«
tbe past nererai dapa be baa been Morrow and wife. Morion: Mn. F. oceda of hU ofike. He auted ti
Gardner. Indlaaapollt: Mr. and Mrs.
asreoee{lMllir(«)-ean,I9DLl«aorl«aaterMtos. 1
CM jdiia S( IM aMOeUUoB and Ucle Iowa;
tiakiag and peaterdap It waa
board that be bod Men la oSee tbirtp-i I
Anethar *ebeme.
■ina. Thb piao waa. m mod ai tM
the end was oalp a qoeiiloa at boora. I'. B. Campbell. «I7 Bast EUhih ibrep Boatba during which time M^l
irMt. Fort Woyae; MM Ethel HlnappUcallBa waa auM to Uaoe a daod
aoD. WUlard. of Compaap
A potent Bedlclae ccocen In wfcicb
bod recorded 184 pages with tPS Be- f
----- ,------ --------------^ .TberMdtobam

. tor wbteb IIAS wa* diarced (or tM Mr. Certer It Mllered to be
Twelfth Vailed SUlea infaatrr. bad
acrlptlont. thU being tar In c
In. nntium Inlow. Ricbamd
drawtai op or tbe papm and acat
adrerMcd videlp a pdzxle to go with been notified of hit father'! oondliioa'
records. He aleo ra
tM panbaaer. TbM an addlUonal 'tbe reaedp. the aelation of wbleb waa and barriedlp eame/romiOeorgia. He Bd Mn. H. F. AMU of Bellolre,
coplet of toch towaahlp be
Mana at tIAS waa inyle fortben- to M rewarded bp a free M upon arrived peiurdap before tbe end eeme
totted ap fraiD time to tiam. to m'
«aolk« o( tM Mad aad tunltUnc aa Long Mke. Brerp period wM eOtre.! but Ua father waa to low that be dM poreou. Mr. and Hra. J. p{ntoa, prepared at the expenae of tbe coanty'
Lynn: Hr. and Hra. J. JabMoa
abatmeL Op to tlM« ume aboat «M0 tbe pntale waa written a «err plcaa- >t recofslio blm.
for aaeof tbe eurveyor In toe field. Hej
vUli parenu. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hodsoa.
at CMm lou Mto bOM aold and tbe ant letter congratahttag blB upeo bit
Bethel Briwbl waa born
eollad atteniloB to the fact that tM
eowMlf tiWMBiwra -oBoe Ma
aaeeeaa aad tuUag tMt bp atodia; York atatc April 6. 184&. Dee. 18.18Sr. Lynn; D. E Wright to rialt hU
men pay large enmt for ab-IP
*l|i %«l cm Tfir c«i
aeoded wUk laaolrlea retire to tbo llAt, alBpIp Cor the coat of drawing
aa Btnied. the weddlag alto tak- brother. WlUUa Wright. Morioo: Mr. atraeu of lilies which are already r
tocatlBB aad Taloe o( tM pti^rtjr aM Dp IM papert. a deed would
tag pUce ID New Vorti auie. For toe aad Mrs. J. Luag aad two chUdrto. corded la public recorda. o^ply be-l|
Maar Mn offend (a aell tM lou tor (or a lol froB tM Oatlag Beoeh Reaon past thirteen pemra be bat beCo a resi­ Swan: Mrs. Horton Black. Kesdallthey are eeatteretf^amoog to
.at! aarta of ptteea. raaflac tra^ $S0
nia arat another Bctbol' dent of Trarerie CItp. coatng hero
many beoka He reeoauneMed tMt
Frank. Moaroevnie: Hra. 8. L ties
each, n dOT^ope that tM afdltpoalog of iheee Mb.
from Maautee bM la lhat lime'
made of all toe bighwap,
CatM on tM prapenp Mve been paid
- a large aamber-ot frleada wbo and Mra. George Blae. Fort Woynd
In tbe bonds of tbe town­
Made bhieh Werto
sod IndUBopolU; Mrs. M. Bdeahnrn
' eaM rear br tM Oattog Bead! BokM
ship clerk (or aae of toe coanty aarIt bet'dereMM that tbU aebame
—"«■■««««« iMt paar. wbea.tM Uni; hat eaUlled oa endleaa
founeea peart be has beea an eBtoeal and SOD. Bwlo. of nnnkfort. Hilwa vepor'a oSec. Hg asked tost more
kM prapertp waa aaaeuMl. tM Btat- work npea The ccuatp treamnr for aad trotted emplope at tM CaiBoO' and RIebBpod: Roy Hubbcl to Rto^ auluUe or eommad^ qaonert be
mood to retnaj'' permaneolly; Levi provided for hla office oi toe work re­
wKM M reoelred ao eospBuoUno. Berueb Leather compaap of Holland,
BarkeU. FTwt WAyne; A. Htasdell. Elk- quired more rooB aad ruralture.
He bat been flooded wCth leueta aak- being la %e capadip at timber buper.
wMb Met at land aaateat Hr. Car­ lag tafoTBatioa aboat tbe Oatlag KOrip peart ago be Mned tbe Hanonlc bon: Hu. J. V. Haggard and danghF. W*. E'IIsod, rcgUier of deeds, gave
ter. Lucy. RIebaKwd: Mra. Charles
ter. batmd at agalaat tbe ladlrldnal Beach rceoH lou and wbetMr
on inierestlag talk to tbe board la refHill and son, Morgan. Portland: Mrs.
oWMCa. TMuaUerwaaeantunpeo*
to toe need off enuaty abstract
8. Jenny of Elk Rapida. RlchBoad; oaeq. He auied that be felt iMt U
aUered Mbre-tbb aetloa waa taken, nrer Steward.
. To fit any size picture can be promptly obtabted
Hra. I. M. Kern and ton. Howard,
aad CM aetloa waa Mllered to be fnr ooped bp thli and fiaaUp Bade a
would be a savtag to te taxpayers Tor
Ua bMidt at tM aogatp. Inaama
here, as we have every facility for doing the work
-in addition lo^a wUc, a m. WUlard.
toe coanty to carry on Its owe abstract
teat, (knotp Treunitr Brown
Mv MUM panbaaera eonid be ranebed been npea agalaat it aleo - and baa and two daughem. Mrs. Bertba Bradp Jewett, Red Key: Mr. aad Mrs. C.'H. baalaeoa. Many of toe seBbers cf too
quickly. Moderate prices.
Hr »a fififfBeat at taaat. The reanit BBdearlcorouBiack. It will be nocel and Hra. Mabel (Sark. M Icaree a
board agreed with Hr. ETisoo and
woBd M tMl tbe propwtp wool
iber. Mrt. Ollre Caldwell, wbo It L. CaaalngbOB and Mby. Lowell. Port- atotemeau were'mode of excessive
that tbe
rawaad an deUnqoMt wUdi wonM
tS pears old aad wboae borne la In Und; Mn. N. A. Baldwin. Wiocbea-; Chargee for abatracu which they bad
M. Cnernaer. Richmond:-O. L.
aoat tkt aaaatr ooaolderable noa
ly paid as Ugh as U4 bblng
K. a Sain, eoaatp treoaorer’i oBe« Lowell, and three aUter. also
Hall, returned to Portland after a vliH dtod os havlag been given for ab:
o( thla conntp. The ireaaurer'a offli Lowell. Mrs. Caldwell. Hra. MItcMU
. TM AHurtnp ffait.
U the city;. Mr. bad Mrs. J. Mgteloo siraru. Mr. E'ilaoa was aakM to aule
eoBeeaueDilp altnoat buried' wUb and Mra. Chase. Two broihera nre
TM foUowlM adTertlaaent bae apson,
Two new tables of new tbe and 60c pieces of
alto left. JoBce H. Britiol of Ada and
the estimate which be woald put opoo
paarad la ■aai' papara in enrioiu pnru oorreepcmdffnce aatil Treeanrer Brown -John H. Brlatol cd FMUm.
Straub aad bubo, ui visit TaoUier. Fort
the coUBty ,tbChina are just now displayed wbich are extra
at (M eonatiT tapntber with a rerr waa altooet dlatiaeted. He.refnaed to
The funeral waa held from the E'apae; H. W. Pierce of NortbporL
good values. It would be difficult to fiod pret­
m at Long Lake aad bare tM Bail coau to Ue coontr
home Sunday aftcraoun at l:to aadier Wlaebcner: H. L. Davit of KortS*pcct.
tier pieces for. the money.
nnplcea o( tbe Hotoaie order, RlcbmoBdi Hr aad Hra. D. IL FerrU.
rhlch he was a meBbcr at Pennvlliv.
Tho firat question to
Tt> Mlefalgoo poinu: Hr. aad Mra. .toe morning session wu relative loi
fortp pavo. The W. B. C. and Ladp
B. Hawley. Qddwiter: Mrs. WlllUm the bounty paid by the stole tOr toe j
Mm from Hire No- T1 of this
I. Rose and daughter. Addle. C<da- kllllag of the pesUferoas BagUah oporNO AUUllMO. VOTINO ON
Now ibe Bailer of aaeceeaiMti npoa cilr atwoded In a body and serrlces
MAWINOI NO CO*T ON RC- tM properfp U wMt U-tatereatlng iM werb rtodered 'bp the Ker. Charles oter and Hllladalc; Hra. J. W. Pmtoh- row. Atteaiton was drawn to Act No.
VrmCTtON WHATCVSR IN Rl- beard at auperYiaon.' Ai.eUted aborr. Stout aaalaled'toc ibe Rer. Hugh Ken- to. Laaolng; Mrs. B. McDvmott. Mea- ns providing for the payment of bouaE ETIlloina. Grand tlet (or toe killlag of Eh^isb sparA line of well bound books at 15c and a new.lot
ler to cave moaep for tbe couoiy. nedp. Tbe (iotal offerings were both
of artistic gift^iooks at 36c ou^t to keep every
twofttae and beauUtnl and IM attendtbe npem»re antborlxed the aa
Mlog rerp large. Burial took Vralor aad nephew. Master Doaglaaa loge or city a bounty of
agalaat Ib^ aailrc tract aa purfamily supplied with good reading. Just lookWynkoop. ML Pleasant. Kolamaxoo paid tor toe well preserv ed beads in
ThoM tnU are all aurrepad
ebaacd bp tM aaCoelittei. or la otbeovertbe good titles, too.
bunches of not leas toon i«i wbkdi arc
platted and tM phi recorded Ip tM wordf bp Hii Caficr, wM baa paid the Carter.
mother. Mrs. EBUy Post. Union: burned. A prorislon mokli
TCffMir at deedi’ oHee at’tbe eouatr taxee alaoe tbe pnpertp waa pur
making It a m
dML Top will .get a good wamaip
to atiempl o collect OB a
Big Pall Eaeomlen.

dMfi nad-a pabBe oOdal aUada readp
Despite the feet Ihat'toe first real gan: H. & Devine. Hillsdale; E F. other bird tbon tbe English sparrow
' to niwrd It Ail ppB ban to do (a
panlthoble by a fine of from II to 810
fall dap of the pear made lit advent
■ore. wife and daughter. Jack, or iBprtaoaincai In toe eouatr JoJl to.aeeaff(a lot U to aaM tliS direct
this aoniBg wiu lu aappip of cold
George Atkinson. KaiaBoxoo: not more than ten days la provided In
K. C. NaUi. eoantp tnaanrer'a oBee.
agaloat each indlrldoal lot wbicta ralB. a Urge -crowd eescmbled at tbe
- oeort banae bofldtac. Travone CRr. bad beat aolj. Tbe anpeniaora real- G. S. * L depot tbit mwntag eltber to Joee^ Atkioson. KaloBaxpo; J. E tM act. Tbe law must be paosed by
■IMlgaa. to tsnr eoat of Baking aut lacd that It would be aa iBppaalbimp to taka the aaaual eacuralpo to Indiana Neabiit and wife. Rolamasoo.
board of auperrlsors to be active in
Tbe followlog to Ohio; Mn E. A.
IM papara. and poa will M aeat wltbire retuma froB tM IbdiTlduaU and Ohio polata or to bid goodbpe to Myers and dsughter. Vn. Nellie eadi county aad tbe subject waa left
owt fortMr eott. warraatp deed (or one. aad deemed it Viee to alow
a»- frteada aad reUtIvee wM had avaUed Myers, Grover KIM: Hra. Aaron Noff- open foj a later-diseusalon. toU eoMiy
<ff tboM Ma. BeBomber. tbafte aaaent To tlaad aa before. No#, iMmeelTea of the opporttnltp to go singer returned after a vlalt here. not Os yet Mving made the law oc^Prevtoof to adjournmeot tola morn­
CM« abeehU ewnerablp tbare b no
rar. tbe cmulp la ap agalaat IL down home" for lea dope or ao. Al­ Grover HIM. her daughter. Hra. O. A
•IhHUtp or COB to pou wMleecr Ming the mailer of a county aboiract of­
taoaaaad of ibeae Ma Vavo- Men most *80 got abouri the aavn coach
•Mda CM llAt for Bakhg oat tb«' ■old aito recorded and Ufip-Wiaal be crala and aa the iwod had expecteO Noffaioger. going yo Volcii'Clty. Ind.: fice was referred to tbe commlilee on
papara. TM ccBpeap raaerrei the.
, finoace wo) s and means to report
Bed ladlrWuato.-at la nafe to
prepared -tor a crowd, coose- dren. Kent: Mn.
H. Jahraa. aa I ■ T„«day next at 2 p. m.
right at Uasltlag a alngle bbper to' tap that tbe tazea will be paid upua
ittp the big drawback to moat ex- doaghier. Edna. Urbona; E H. Fox.
•ra Ma oolp. After tM dhtribatMi rerp f«ir U oap of Ibem. -na eooaeTbe afternoon action v I devoted
Mia waa lacking—the eoiehe* Cliaa; Route Hatfield. Defiance: aPi
or CM OBC tbouaad Ma b Bade tbe qneaee will be that te prepertp will be
• not crowded ami there was Bardeo. aocinuil: E’lllloB Griffith.
rfalnlng Ma wfll be eoid at Uwlr ret- retamed to ib^
deilaqaeat plenty of rt>om for all
Grover HHI.
New Deck at Aone.
atlae valnp. RbbII bp paetoflUe or
aad creaiaallr the amo'iuit
Mr. and Mrs. H. W Squires sod
Tbi- DOW duck recently built at Acme
cMised ap ashloat the oonatp wbicb
daugbicr. Fraacea. of Lansing, who by toe Nurthern MictJgon Transponaor OOP olMr aab wap to ta^ 4e- wtU aatOBBl to many tboataad dollari.
iloa compaay was formany opeued for
Beseb. returned on the exeartkB to boilncst Sunday, mornlag when the]
PONT OVBlUiOiOK THIS- OPPORMayor Friedrich waa Tlgorona la bit
their borne at Lansing.
big ueomer IlUnols slipped gracefully
dcBaachUon agalaat the .aeheme and give a eompleie list c! all who went,
aloogside and tied op until 8 o'clock,
Aa poo 4BB obula a aoBBer bonu on urged airoBBOsa aeUon. la thla the bat tbe toUowtag. as near as could be
wheo she slanvd for Charlevoix with
tbb Moatlfal tofce ter tbe Bcrc coat
Tlaora readily coociirred, ttpou leaned. eompkcM tbe ladUaa delegar at ■ Boat bar. roturned oB tbe olomet 3
Acme. Vulia.
otBaktagoBlMpopera. If poa waat
southern excursion (odtr
and Balm- *rho had arrepied the
a M tor a eecuga or to bold aa a
Mrs. -MUtoa SmurtbwwTte. WlachrsHiss Aliic Wall left for Jackson and pany’a InrilatloD to be Its guests
apMliilon. act at ooev^^a notice mUlce of tbr^ to act aritb tbe prose- ..■r: Miss Desslo Crala. Rldgcville:
OllveL. where she will tUU her Cborieroii sad relarn.
Bap Boi appMr again end rpar Boaep eattag attorney to make aa laveBIga- HIM Flora Panell. RidgevUl^: HJps
brother, wbo is altesrdlhg coUege.
' wlH be retatwed pmapUp It ao
-The new dock la loeateO to a n-.Uea and report nen 'Moadap after Carrie Wagner. RldgevHle: Mr. and
Ora WTsong lost his UckM aad wa*
cetred la tlae to aeewre ^/M. Bear In
Mrs. r. J. Storer. Portland: William seen looking mournful but by good lor- Ural harbor and is well sbellerod. It!
. Bind, each appileaat U ^lied to fin
la I*S feet la length and thirty^hree
Greeo. South Bend; Mr. and Mra.
fouad It io one wner of his
lau oalp. Seed ae Boa^to tbe Oat.
wide, with a good depth of water.
Daring the dlaraeaMi eevMal other
lag Beach BoMct eoBpenp.^t dhwet ■rafts la varlooa towaahipa of the vine; Harrp Edaon. Portland; E. E. 'pocket.
At one end la a warehouse 75x58 and It
to K. C. Naha, oooatp trabaarer'a of. county were brought to tight. Soper- Cox. Tnnebester: O Cox, Wlttebester: |
Is toe Inteniloo of tbe company lo ex­
*upc<viaerB' Maeting.
•oe. eeait kooee bnlldln^ Traram rtoor Beecham vtoted tMt Id ETilic J. H. Mocler. F#rt Wayne: R- James. | Fno Mondap’a Record. .
tend tbe dock at leatst tweoiy-Sve feet
CRp. MeUgaa. who wlU Mke out water towaahlp there were acveral lodlanipolls: W. A. Blekenaon. Annorthward a* eooa os possible. The
The BOitcr it the odvlaablUty of
pwwr daad aad forward to poo at aoo tboataad octm cd dtilaqaeat tax UoJ gola: Lewis Kfunc. Fbrt Wayne; J. D. new Jocsilotr (or the county boose was dock it f’-ribee fittfNl with a set of
Ba «iw to gin poor fall aoBe an aomeof wbfeh bad been aoM to voriouk j Gage. Fort Wayne; Oscar CMtgfa aad dlaetissed by toe soperetoari to toeir aeoiee and a terepho^e.
bdfiiwaa, Act at oace If poo want
pontes. HeBenlkBednaecasewbcrcjchlldren..RldgevHle: Mtaa Hoad R;-- October eeaolon today. At toe last TM llltooit left oo time Saadat
FItKUPT at thU Baaaitfol Sobbi
la aaetber poKloa at lhc| mer.'Maaeic: HIh CIm Rrraer. Man- meeting, a coBmitiee waa appal
Boralag aad retnroed to Acme at
aaaon. It la a ebaace at a UtetlBe.
itry traded a
8:45. Aa toe day was almost pcrfoci.
d by Mepto.
llAM for forty a
eresToae oe board had a fine Ubc Os
Oar Children's Uepanmem is filled wkli season­
township. She can
Mr*. CMriea , Daria. Wabash; Mra.
toeir retara. la tbe ^me of tM cliiable goods.
bae her h
Blinbeto Hildebrand. Wabash: U A. i board at
and charttiea ad- seas of Acme aad vleialty, John E
■Mcaarill tM Owthg Beach Reeott
- Not a day passes that we do not hear bvoraUe
hum for her-property. She (oiraJ Smlto.’FouDUla CiLv: F. Hones and: vising tout iM board employ
Hoxle. who wtll be toe ogoit at Aose.
MMchtMt-a aeteBC and' lohBtUed
tract of barren pine wife. Fort E'ayne; F. E Stickney onJ | sad bla wife at a stated sBarr to take uadered Banka lo CapUla-Btehir^mention of the nice things we carry.
MTWia) Mtera at lacnirr vhleb he bad Ptolna. pr
aad en- wife. Headoa; Mias Fraacea Lance. > core of tbe county boaae
Inmatn SOB and the eompaar.
Kemember we help tbe boy to stbft a book ac­
fweectwd.' He>iBted tMt hehadinSbe.made up Mrivicksbarg; Mlaa. Grace Pringle. VIeke- waa also disenased. Tbe praarntt
The nuaoia arrived at tola city
aeBlffttod a alBUar Bcbabe h Haaoo Bled toal tbe had been aoU aad dll bora: Mrs H. Stk-kney. Mendon; Mi*.
count. Come and ask about it.
at night aad took on Soo sad
cooatp witob bad ban aipped B tbe
take ker rffaets (ron toe T. A. Lawte^ Hrodom: Fraak Tut­ poor beaid. they beiiig ^ so maebrof poutoee aad aome other (relgfaL At j
. Md bp CM MBarrhon at that
tle. FOR E’ayM: Soauet Daalels. Fort ' ■ ■'
' I Sattpaa Bay she got 1800 oaefca of po________
. 0 Id bU
OoBBty Clerk Walter apeU at aa- Wayne: Mra. H. SeyBoar.. Fnlioa;
totoea. Tbe ato^ at Sattoaa Bay detkBflCdw'EDoR-'aadda^radiMtlB other iaataac* of a alBtlar attoi^ and Mra, F. B. Oetvd aaFdaii^ter. Bce- state tog^ apportloamaat
Bt iraa
waa reeelTed.
reeelTfd. craaaro tM local ruMipu very baMUy.
a sMR time tMa coanty wooU M pat; H waa eoaeaded by all tM Bemben of: aia. Meadoa: D. Halacs a«d wife. FUI- Oraad Traverae eoaaly'a aggorUoaretofOre tMy Mva thia
to aa eigaaee of fidAW or more wbtM tbe boaud tb« so
ofitoa; J. L Lake. RUgeriUe;
Bcm tkU yuar is IM.8WS8. agalMt
votod M due to deHqiiroi uxee oa this throe aMboda w
: Mn. W. G. i
«l7;.7KJt last year. TM Btwaaa H


Ho Trane of Disease


Picture t’ramds

Mv] ic

£itv Book Store

timnt air, Tttkt.



..........'• \






Gmi TiOTase EcnM

NmM» ANo asoow.oo.




» mlDoA br the DDdI
t VDrded to tbe com
I aredectloa
b o«e hnndred
and thirty thoBtud dolUn u
vttb tbe total tam oC two yean
Tbe coBpariBM !■ Mde vttb
tvo yeare a*o beeaoae «< the tact that
the odd yean o( apporttoaibeBta. dlreeuy fottovtat the iqlilaUre eaaiaelade the aatlre
tbe lectiittire eeeelo
pother Iteae of vu*
'abarM by tbe aejci ymr. That aa
aetaal rateetloa abenld be aade la


BOBi ana unpnimieBi, u. a uni
ar for ear* a%d eeoaoMy «a tbe pa
' iboaereapoMibleforaadbaraeiili
^ la vortby tbe blabeot eredh.


a or BOBO other leclat be liraii pover
It rate tor
Tbe acaaltiMlOB of freltbt
a 4BfaUae that U f< eloae latereM to
wear eittam of thla ooaatrr. M aiat
UWbetbor heioapcbdBeeraraM
Bbnar. Aa amaaaoaable rate oe

. .& beeaaae It la boaad to reaet apoe
^ tbe prtee of tbe aniele. Apata. by
■alditt lataa to eertala polau bar*

tbe «B(lr» »■—ity, DM oMr i
mU iBfonMd mw«lic tb« bw
bat Mtsc hi* Moeow M oMUe taipwaiiif lav oaiiti'vltboat UUfftlaD
m4 utw jitiwwiBb boUriwdM"
ee' to • dccre* scMob atkatoed
ctOMT in oroDtof «owt.
It may be proper ben to cdU 'Ab
teatioB to the a«t itet eopaur lppr>
travMtlr MBit Id UModk btt>


tbe a B. A I-lblt atarMag tor Oadar
PABBKTS vUt do tba boys a good ’
ftprlBn slirn they cHl vtaii Fank
tain br aUtag tbm to Mart a feabk
ncroant tbromh em boyt ocpanmeni.
kf F.
P. a. Pvamiia vmt te tmiber thU
HaaOtoe Oothtag Co.
irikdm to rioli bta atateMMav. Mra.
Om. O. A. Han of MbBlateD s
aaebr K. FbMer.
Mr. oM Mrs. K T. Rendbram of
Mrs. Boben McDonald aad uule een.
la tbe elty today
mm, wbo nave bam mmdiBS the to take apt]
iBBar wtth Mrs. HaeOaaald s jnrMrs. Bbeda McOvata of Orava
paamd throngb tbe dty ibta afleinoee
I tsto tbe I
ber way to Soaialt CMy. where me
I Ve ntaorie. <e all -uSuimvertt.~ «will reaalB a abort Ua>e.
Mrs. A. H. Petrie aad Mrs. Frsak
Hra. L. H. Oagaon ^Nortbport, vbo
(srw isi.1 air anr cvnuunpl'yiniM^
Petrie ot HUwsakee. who bare
baa bam In tbe-rl9^'ibc pan week as Dent Oot P^tacwv^ Uea Allen-s
vUitlas Mrs. B. J- Hor^a. have left tbe gaeal of ber mraau. Hr. aad Hrt.
tor MsalMsen. Mrs. Friuk Petrie Is a Jobs Hatton.'tat{to home -today.
r of OHve Fnmatcad. the wellMias.Bane Oooper~a<6BBBU aty
a la thla part of tbe aute. bav­
puaod tbroogh tbe dty^ aftcTMon
W. P. Kenney. treveUac mlesana 1 her way le Stratford.
ins been aaeater of .Oraad Traverae
tor the «-Uta Sewlas Marine
Mias Bra Thnrtell vbo has a three
SB4 8 0

for FWUokey aad Cheber- weeks' vaeatloB during tbe potato dig­
sraasa aad had taken the Usbeat dfsree (aeveBth) la tbe order. He war can and other aorthcra pMau this ging eaasoa. passed tbroogh tbe dty
for yaara preaidcat ot tbe Peaiaeaia' BMjmiastoday frara Klngdey to WllltaBsbarg.
Pamert’ dab.
Mra. Alma Halleek
Boyne Falls,
Proa Satarday-i Beeord.
He alio wav oae of t^e
W..O. Bristol of Treape M. Twelfth who bos been in tbe dty fora few days
firaed mea on aU naeattoai ptrtala- eavaltT, sutloa Fort Osletborpe. returned btnM tbit
Wf Iiap|x-nm) in the liotnc
Hra. Levi Boole. Mrs. J. H. Hcloc to srowtat and ahipptac frait Oeorsia. arrived la tbe city yestertny
at <1 ffii-Dil tho other en-nini:.
whkA waa bli prt
. bavins been called bere by the COagh. Mra. Frank R. Goodrich, Mrs.
acii.W Mclft-rv.
In lilt- |xiHor stood a handPetbapt ae peramal tribua
eertpus inDcaa of bU fatfaer, B. Bristol. S. C Dasprcf. Mrs. H. Utney. Mrs.' J.
Bertta of any oae dmeatad Mold be
V. Mdntom. Hra. A. B. Com and Mrs
His. J. W. Haaoea was called
HATS with colored bands for youni
iu the upper mom a yoon^:
sreater than to my that Uwee who' Oraad Bapids today oa aoeoaat of the; W. B. WlUtams left thU morning for
man WHS practicing on a oorkavw Ub ImM liked bin beu. and tkU eerioas flMea j>f ber BOtber. Mrs. Grand attend the meetiac mea are right.
net. Kv.-ry stroRg tooe fttim
OA 7-if
HsmltUiB CkMblag Co.
the graad lodge. Order ot the
can be aaM 0^ Hr. Oill U aU tnub
Aan Hissias. fortaeriy of this oHy.
the comet atrack a j» mpnStar.
Ity. Be waa a seed eltliaa la
Mrs. muiBB Um aad children reA Ouaraittaod Cura for Filaa
tbetic note in the pianp. that
Mt aeate of Iba war
tamed this aoao from a visit at Dewaa as cleay and disti
' there U alto bIbsM a toad> tmli and vicinity.
the finger tonch—the
the donot pHy tor bnebeiar Ufb that aever
C. U Daytea of Lelaad was ia the
tioo of tbe tone wag leUy
meeting of all aodetles of
knew Ike toy of wife
dty yesterday.
tbe variORt city xhnrchea' xras bdd
hie own. It haa eaimtlBer been oal.)
B.^. Nortbrap of Tbompsanvin
vealag at the Presbyter^
that a bacMor wtlHBice U a eeMata la the cUy ktoklos bticr baslatm Invhim every ebnreb ta tbe
Mb. but If that atatomeat U tree la
BOVS sl^ a bank aecoual ibrougli
teraets today.
City scat reprcoontHlvea. ibe occaakn
^\6 no oUier make at piano
m a eertalaly «M«M w
A. U Coollcr of Cbarlevoix span for this ^oal deacnsinUon belnji ir boys departraent. Ask about II.>
can Uiia vontlerfo] aympgbla band and paraa wa yetterday la tbe city shakiac bandi
HamlltOB nothing Co.
tbe preliminary sntbertac wbtm wl:!!*^ ' “
thetic and tribmtoiy lone he
rendyto aSdavery.saad work to witb DU. friends.
arraase a general recepUoa for the
(oand. Let os imprem on
•e tbat (Barked ktan m «oe of ibe. B. F. Pcaler aad wVc of Aldea were
Qmi Kif Rn bsHUM
flny-lve louvers ef ibe city schools
you another fact well wortli
BOV nnaoUMi mnben of onr
snesU at Park Place yesterday.
and also for all Doa-reddeBt-popIlt. '
gUOO.OOO ash oaiatsL writaa
rememliering—There is many
Baolty: aa emaple worthy cf lalta•ea H. Bristol sad wife of Ada
ThrWe honrn was oliUzed last even. devil aUrmbt to pisat ibe American
a dead-in-thc-eaae pilto aoM
arrived last evaclns to atieai:
tag la'tbe detaUed arrangeBeat aeeea- Oag on Fort Sumpter tt isci, is dead
in Traverse City for ^wuch
fnaersl of Mr. Brtstnfs brother.
aary to >o targe an oadertaklag aad in Stockton, aged C«.
and eved more money than
Mrs. Oearge HcClala and Mrs. Tar- after tbe tlsi of tbe several coaiames
New Casund dapper at Cad
we will aak yon for a Ikimbail.
: Brw7 pohrytowM by Ibr’-QMB Clfjrm
Tbe Udiea' AM of tbe ConsieSB- T Lo«, sisters of Hrt.' B. Bristol.
artaated It was fooad that every
prawM by
Atata «t flraa D>k<M. Ml
We most cordially iarite
rlWd la the dty to aitead tbe tanerml ehureb in tbe city had an acUre part
tlonal Wreb at Oadar will aer
tVHOintMtataC aracriMd VW *• iMBTeveiyliody to call and exam­
rNrw amand- npper at Uie <^i
srelcoalnc to (be dty doors leaebine the KimTmdl
r. W. Slater went to Tbd
Saurday eveatns. Oct 14. froB'
^ vbo are drawn targrUr froB oat•whether yon desirt; to pnrthis adea oa Wlaesa In ccnaeeUoa dde disiriett and who unlm speolal
tlU * p. B.
ebase now or noL
with bla branch Mere at that place.
Mena m follows;
aueailon Is paid vonld remain coaiparr
Aamrted tmHa.
arive ttransers vitbln tbe gates of a
From Moaday'a Beeord.
Cbl^aa pie.
Charles W. Joree of HlaaeapoBs.
Fried lAlekea.
eepden will be tendered at the new
wbo was called to Nontaport
Our easy payment |d«u en­
Odd seata:
Congregiitonal eboreb prt. SO. with
ooaat of tbe death ef his motberda-.
titles yon to onr two and
Pork aad beans.
the tollovlog commlltcet ready for
taw. Mrs. Mary J. Wolfe,
tbri« year payment plan,
Plckloe-CBeaBber aad beet
thronsb the dty today on bis rwtnra.
which ifiakes piano buying
Uerrit Hol­
Hrn. Joyce wtU retotn in t*ro weeks.
euf and plcagaat. and onr
Ralaed blacatt
ley. Mias Mary Bltsdl, Bruce Walker.
Abappr reoblon ta-caklns place la
plain figures, one }mae to all.
Saladas-Cabbdte. potato.
Hiss Neva WrIgbL Fraak TradK
the e»r today, tour sisters. Mesdamfs
IS goaranlM! of gjitiing the ex.
Pm—PanpUn. Uiace.
Cbslnaaa. Oliver Watersef Nortbport. Katha^ piano vslnc tliat you pay
[ 226 E. FFSltSL 301 SdkOllai
Fried cakea.
Miss Hande Huntlagtoa. Mr*. Wrigb;. ! WV nxo nArasorraAVaam arr dsal
eriae Barber ef Caserjlle. Elixabeia
For Fair Troaiment
(DUelples ehurchl: Mr. Rnnklir.
Oaalbler of Provemoet aad Amdis
Od(ee.'Tea. ...
Breiybedy iavlted. CMee bad bMns MaseB ef Lctaad bdag bere tot
W. M
rruiy. 4*
Ori ack, torMharinm*..
year tBMHlca. .Sapper 10 aad 2S cants.
---------- a(.«|,00
ber of Caaevine. who has been le the OordOB. Tern HerMn. Hies Hsbel
We liave numerous slightly
Barth for a Booth's visit with reta- Deapres. Lonlae Bock. Nha Bughec.
Mn. C. Rice. Rev. L. B. BIsaell.
Charles Helm. Bibel TbotBSA B. R.
Mrs'. Bd Stove of Snitoos Bar reBarker Creek. Mich, Oct. ll.-Mra.
SEE OUR Dovellies In de.^y bau.
Hopte. Mrs. Larina Lowery. Mrs. Me^
rlbpkyOoUDM.......... .ao
AUm KyMt of thU pUee learep amt tttnied home tbU afternoon after
HamlHoa CIptbiag Co.
rideld. R. W. Ranall. Era Young. Row- •ct T-(f
I t|*(.>n'doekWvWB«T>a . ,3S
Tomaa^or ladlasa to riili rdatlvm. day-spent in the ^ on business..
toad Dongtats. NeUle Lardie, Mr.
Hra J. a. Albright of ibta.clty li
'SrarKaale Cox baa a new tdred

— .OON
rBtatrarri«iPO*M.pwan» t'.ng
.Iri. Hiss Mary Ofody leavea seat thU nfleraeon for Kokomo. Ind.. vhero
—Chalrmaa. Hr*. Rice
Satunlay will be our Int day.
week far.^aasaa and Mrs. omalsc aba will make ber borne In the fntare. Miss Lacas. Mrs. Connade. Mrs. DawATrhUwmcesTiacBTBt
Everything except the furniture
will vortt for Mrs. Cox.
eon. Mias Wright. Min Decker. Earl
het been aiiippeA Come and
Hitt Uda Coker of Mabel Is worklac turned home today lAer a week speni Beaneu. Htn Fleet.
take any or all of the furntturn
to the dty with trienda
t Hr. Eyaeti-a.
Tbe ebrnmilteea oa decoration and
at yourvown price.
Mr. and Mrs. Dl Hosrell of SSf Wt
Tbe M. B. ebaiA « Barker Creek
The BoMOn Store.
Blfbth atrwet left today for Sammit reeep^ hava not been completed and
bdBf repaired aad aew'abeda
d at a taler date.
City, triiere they wfll reside on their i
betas balll.
tam this Vinter. Bdwaid Cox's' new wardtonse
State News.
Hr. and Mrs. J. B. Qoaife of BaMs
aeail> fliled with poutoes aad Mr.
Urdla ef Traverae City has rmted-ll. are In tbe city today on n bnslaeM
The Bogtaav-pera
Mist Uda Cocker and Mike Boyd trip.
hoBbtae will kave all of lu alnc mine*
ipeai Baaday evealac^l Caade Hsm- Hra Oeerge VaaAnken. vbo taai in the Bay City aacUon In operation
been ta the dty tbeymat month as the. Hobdar. Four have bem idle duriag
gnest ot her altim and other rdaTbme It-p
tlrea left for ber borne in VaaderblU
Ba^er Ciwak la tbe M E. ebui^
MIta Belle Briggs, daughier of. the
iperlatendeat of tbe poor farm »l
Mia B. C Van DeWalker of Seltoos
Bay passed lbrongb the dty this t
Ke^ CUy.. HMu Oel.
0«. I10.—Mr,
and Mrs. fota beBcool'^f 1Wexford lag oa ber . way le Oraad Rapids, were married at tbe «wDty
where she vlU
a veek-or two.
by H.
Roblaion. another supcrlnere caUlas.oa frleads lb town Mon.
Hr. aad Hra J. Bdeerton ot Mkaa. tendeat of the poor. An Interesllnc
VN. T-, fonaeriyt of SoIob. pi
Ibe pamii* of ibc
Richard Briimr nade a buaiaess
bride, the father being then lupertuIp to Carpeaurb corners Saturday.
Hrt. Ann McDb^d aad sen. Pna- tbetr rMara.fmm a visit at Heim- leadeat of tbe poor, were married ?0
years ago bj Hr. Robhuon. wbo was
da. of Manila attended diareb bme
Ht^-^ H. CagaoB of Northpon Is also connected with the tmor depart-j
of styles in oil colors nml sixes—
•lust ojiCDod n attlcmlid ai
tbe gaest'nf.taor mother. Mrs. Jeha
imi of the county at that Ume.
:12 to 16, at
David BBlib retaraed frnai MllvaokM SHqrday.
Tbe oOee of county .trenmirer of Ber-;
Hrt. Mary Hayward aad famUy of
m emniy. Inst made vacant by tl)» |
Berlin. N. H.. Boved lolo town Mon- From Toiseday's Reemd.
death of'Alrab Sherwood from the ef
Dr. P. P. lAvUa. vbo has ben visit- fhrt* of Injortea reeclred at the \Ve»:|
Will Wrisbt made a bnalaeas trip to Isg'bis brother. S. L, Uviua of Han Hlehigaa talr. seems to have a alrnnge |
«oek. vlU retnrn tOBorrov Bwaing.
t<eBOB lake Monday.
lafluesm hanging over li. Johu K.l
Mis. W. H. Rose and daagbter. Oard died while la oOce end wax also ;
Sarah HeCary left for ber boBi
Addl^ left this Beraiag for their for- (be virtfm of floaBctal hjai throogh :
To close out our stock of Porcale Wrapin-rs. wtatef Lake Saturday.
Mias Nellie Bsan U boBe tr«B Po taer borne in CoMsrater. Tbey will ihe.fallure of tbe bank at KUe*. Ho |
have markttd down lx-:intifuj styles—worth $1.2-';
Boaa. wtiere’shc haa been ataylas tor alto Ttatt other points la soutbera
aubceeded Id oSce b.r W. W. He 1
un<] $1.-%) lit 98C: worth $1 at 75C: w..rth
mie Uaw.
Ctnckee. who wai aim crippled In hli t
Mra' Henry Luts of ' Sottoes
Harold O-Lmry qf Cleoo U vlililas
dnaaeea daring bt* tenure. Tb^o eoaie.I Iowa.
paasad throogfa tbe city today m her tbe death of Mr. Sberwood. Yet the-e!
Mrs. lobe Fay unde a boatness trip ay to Boyne City, vbere sbe vUI pramlsea to be a warm Agbi tor tbej
Isit a abort rise. .
> OopeBlih Satorday.
A hig Hoc.anil nmong thfgo you'll Siki tin pn fHtat Emma WUeon of Nortbport arTbe iatsat child of Hr. and Mrs.
tii-sl ever aewi jit
ved In tbe dty this aomJng at the
Pwa Coyne It very siek.
Lewis Chappell of New Wbxterd rio­
60c. 75c. 8Sc. 95c $ I, $ 1.25, $ 1.50
J. W. Stater has returned from
ted bis tamlly bere over Sunday.
price anything tafl In the atora.
. AI Raatey of Qraal was a
boa bet
Bed mam aaHas. cook etevaa.
oanected ^tb bis braacb
meet of Mrs. Bbbs SiBons Batarday
NKW 0090
idled almost ereiy hour of the day. More nhw CloaksTWaists,
PM sen coal burner, arm
Hia. peetse Oodard. SebU RaMSw dote foniltblBg More at that place.
and Skirts opened op today.
.cMM. Wen MBs. aprlnsi, cot
Mra. M. DteboU of MaaeeloBa ar­
lad So'sle T^a of Oraat ritited at
rived this afterDooB on a abort vtsi'.
mittraaam. baby Motors, .era
drs. B. W. Brimmer's Saturday.
been cate, a nice one; garior
vlii frimds-OB WeM Frtim street.
sUndt and tables. kltcMn
Mr. and Hra. H. Jobaaoa Mdi Ibie
tafctaa. craekery. tlnwara.
Borafag for Boyne FaiU. where they
Hoar ya. Mar ya .^Oar UM
win make a abort stay.
CM been oablnM. mission writ­
aall. Saturday nigMdoaea ear
ing desk and ehelr and s bwnHr. aad Hrt. LmtIs Horrl* aad tvo
baalMU •»(•- Came and buy.
dred wW one dMTereet things
cbUdNB of FKe Lake, vbo have beea
Hake yeur ewn prise. -We ara
pertatMng ta the bouat (umiMtinlbe dty tbe past tsm days aneedMW ewady ta take a big late to
togilM. BaLgdayw
r will be yeur
tag tbe servteea at tbe Jevim ayaadees em gatak.
fogne tor.the Bay Of Ab
utr -toareKssesr
for heme today.
Hr and Mrs. J. U. Pindr left o
• sweat of ber B

A Sympaihclic Piaae^
loac That You Will
Eujoy Btariug





Farmeis' iDsomici



___________ je la Mhac wltapa.'
'^«be-^y>&r ejf'k^S^ba. beea 4
ly tafcMi U band aad tbe adnlaiauatloa cboaM DOW mahe It poaelMe tor
rnBBiluB to e«e that the ratea ai
«a»n aa4 leaMaable. Aa uaaal
Praddeat BoooerMt haa taken the
r(gbt etaad.—Beeord.
'OM AeiMar tanti
The ^teeatb aanaal reualoa ot
tbe leteraa aanolaiioa «f the ItSih
Tim Blent ladlasa rolaateer lataatry
WbliwAiy. OcL 11, Md eoatlailM
toe three daya, Aaeag the Maiber*
of the eotapaar called ‘lAnie'a
BaMea." vbo coapoee faaay of thoae
ahaat to take port la tbe ahanal re­
al^ la WUnaai Oreea ot Korthport.
«|K> vlU leare totoonev noialac for
bta —tbwa Mflti laltllleaaoa,
Mr. Oram la brakea la baaltb trom
tbe terrible eeoane of tbe var. which
be mtmd. aa a yaaag ima ia bta
tae^ bad with a record of elphieen
balUea aad tvo caplarea vhteb be
paeaed throapb vltb glorp. be win be
vetoomed by tbe other eearred
na arltk ataoma or )or. .
Tbe diniloa la vbkb ihe ml led«M>t waa a part, entered tbe active
Md la tbe .^priac pf. 1M< aadi
taadenhlp of Oea. A. P. Hovle. later
as boeored foreraM of lad lain. Tbey
begaa eerTleM vttb tbe opealBB of tbe
Ailbbia CDMpAlca la
role daty thioogh tl

■ 9


tbb dirialsD c^^ed vltb tbe
BBlader « tbe ^ eorpa ia tbe laOMM efaipdfa ■jiklBai Hood
Id Mid.
die Taaamee a^after the baitlaaef
Fraaktta a»d KkahrUle la vbleb tbe
. tack a Mupieaoaa part.
I tnaafe^w with tbe
rpe to NMth OarMIba to a»
Darlas tbe vv aad alpee ihait tlMe
Ibe dlTleiao vaa deBlfutted as -H»
rIe'B Bablea." tbe aaiae betas gtrea
by Oea. Kllpairtek m aoooaat ot tbe
ntreMeyoatbaftbedoashty eoMiera.
OiasBB.' Ifebraakb aad Ka&aaa will ml. *o aead delesatei. aad oae O. H.
8MKb of Orefoe bopea to be la at-


Old HUatoa. Mleb, Oct. lO.-Joha
C- OUl -waa bora In Bntler eonaty.
Peaaeytraala. April li, iS4i, died Oct.
B at OM HlMloB at the home of bit
abner. Hra. 8etb B. Tompklaa after a
vary brief UlkaM.' Hr. OIU vaa vMI
sad thronMy kaeva URMshoot tfah
rasloa. bavlas. Uv«d bare alace Jape.
IKt. pnmlamt la every seod work ia
bla biBac tmM waa for yeara a.«eM‘
beowC tbe wwa beard aa
in It!* cBo.' hr s 9 ibo r*K>rai «

Music Bouse

M. I. HAUm, rnvteur

Elgin G. Lewis.



r5c,$l,.$1.25. $1.50 and $2
Fleeced Elmoius. at 50c, 60c. 75c. 8Sc

Percale Wrappers Marked Down!


New Oulins Gowns

TRAVKfemE ci-rv,


®*V. OCTOBeH 12. 1MB.



Om» Roll.
Abb OltoB. wUt «T Cbarlw Ot*aa.
died mUr Bight at tbrlr home cm (be
laula flC bldiwr. iroaUe. Mra.
OUoe wat il raht> <>U aad laaeea be£dei bar hoabaad. iwo dangbiera and
BOB (o tBsnra bar bn«.

tbe faM4hat the price it from S»
cents, which It regarded as good, the
lemipU are rery light The reatoA of this U that diggtag has fan
comiaeaeetl la eanett and also be^
cause the fafaseri are antarently hold­
ing oC for a higher price. The
PIrfM for Fait Taam.
weather, bowerrer. bat been *o warm
B. W. PJercc. BUBlcar of Pime*! chat the tobert are hardly firm enough
^BoaciaaB-*. MMr Ur. & a Own.
Com Hgidcera. the local
to ehip and for this rcaaon the buyers
t.t.Wmmi •mmrno^^d
ibat 10 iBceMBfnllr campiiened nonb- cannot oKer a higher prlee.
IptfCtMtPBWiwTteeDeHtfl*. era Mlehlgaa for the pait two roan,
left for ladlanapolli. lad. Taeidar
taomlng for (be porpoie of aUcadlag
The High Kbool 1
ibe Biiddle veat eaBeeatiaa of batebill
lUbed by the atudmu of tbe High
Before iMTlcg Ur, Pierre eiprewed school, hat made tts appeanutee
the pmtet of (he Herald aad Recor<l
dolCRBtntloe to ircure
fail oatBeMem vbicb wlU greKlX; company, the issue being the Septem
naibber. the first slnri- tbe tUBSluanglbee b}> aKgregatlda aod pliro
tracatloa. ' The Meuenger this
Uieai oD loeh a fooUsg that nett
ytar is prinic.-d in tomewbmt smaller
wo he will be able to rape wllb
than iai( year, being tbe t
of the fail OBH (or aapreDirr da the
Is used in the Record, and
Mr. Plerce'a baatliBg
gives the pigrs a much ncMc-r apaomethloc (bat ihoeld
pcaraeee. .The acieclinn ot^eoati-Ms
hr all lorer* of the oatloiia] game.
fur the first mnnlb Is very laterrdlnt
aad reflects vety crcdliaUIr on the
First tww of Saatod
The flnt sBow of the aeeaoo fcfl ySA- eclKoritl s'Btr
««nk Bbara of tUi dV. vbile i
The stag this year It almost entirely
Use Uke TBaradar. wai kicked br
new. aad'is as followi; Grape He:
taUl «-:bieh h« Toa dielplDg load loio
OBd tbrowB acaloat a fame wlU aooe lliae bet ipeUed aa qriokly as Kictatel, edlor-tn-^ld: Lara Heckaacb force that a booe In bta right they frD aod went aucceuded by A wel. stad. atsistaot editori depArttnea
Hors. Ixrriiia Uwile. Illctary: Dbc
fold reto.
hood aod two fiDgen ,wer» brokeo.
While there are'naay who aie loib Jcdiatoa, arieoce: BilUb Timblle. pom
a E. ciarti of Pett^tkry I* »l»HlBg to aee mow come and wuniaer ranlaa bicrclal: Arteiia McManus, art: MeSalllvaa. aikletirar Veia WyaMM W .*“• •Mw..wbiiii waa bli talo Ihe Irmdeemable pleTloosly. ibere
koop. Dean Hoban. loealt: Tait Braat.
hMbe foraaar raM Mr.tllark U ooe
nents: Howard Adams, cl It
. o(W fdAett aaMj^^an to the HeraM. aaap.’ ... ..-----irlbutkwsrvs
boilagtakaa li ataUBaouilr for orer
cbaaiB hare bad a ipcli of dull Imsi.
torty yoan.
no! the leoa ImpbrImi
C. L. DoiBtaa. wbo II oae of the best that. Ii hai been loo hoi for aatli
•'-^rape gowon (b the rcglaB, brought tory football pncliec.
AU society of the Vrosbyicrlaa thnr^
ofg Wbeli lo the city today, of' whteb
Tbe flm soow fell la« yeay oi will meet Mib Mrs. .
a pnrfwt shaped boliefa weighing ihlr- Thaakcsirlug day and the flrat slelgl Tbui^ay aftemuan. Oct.
teen oonoei and not eoniilDlag
Bade iu.appearance itui two da>
Clan-nee Gardner apcni Saturday
fodire grape t< a Ur aaopk.
ami SunOay with bis pareou at Fife
Lake, retnralag Muoday aftervoon.
Lee Lake aad Mils Bosle Ashirwan
ChaRga in Rail CitaU Bualnaw.
School opened again Monday morn­
of Bk Sapid* were ualiad Ob oarrlage
React c. Colby and Diner IC. Rrwon ing after being cIuRc-a for two weeks
. •br the Bar. W. T. Woodbotuie Prtda.r arc parebased the Krrllnger real es­
tate mehaagh. Stl Bait ProM atrcei.
Mrs. Samuel Jenney and daughters
•addteg trip io.Obkago. after which Tbe -new Ann begaa fauMaeai this
Elsa eo^ Margsre;. left Monday for
Iber wlU aoke UMr boine ta Blk Bap- tMtalag aad will do a genera! real c«;
Ttav»:rsc Cl«r. where they wlU' take
tale. iBiuTnaee and eOUeeilng bualnciR! the ezcnntqn train fur Uayiou, Ohio.
“V .
Both yonag aoi arc well and 'farorp tleamr lllincda called here Sun­
Tbeoiaa Siaatoa. the wait aide boat
ablr known In the city. Ur. Brown Is
builder, bai begua the coBiimctioa of tbe eoB of the laie S. M. Bcown. wh« day and took on large qnanlttlcs ci
b:. apples, potatoes and boi-cr for
a lomch for Olaira Certli that will be
for BMay years occupied tbe aaac of»■
^ Id -v> aoM.'* The aaw boot jftU flee (bat the new Arm will uie. Mr, Chicago..
The Uisies ^lla UrVlcaiand GranColby it a prcrelilng ^ag newspaiHT Campbell of South Milicn. who bevel
wbo for acuar-itiae has bc>ea con. biWD apcndlog tbe past two weeks ai
aeeied wlib the Daily Bhgle. Ur. home, retnrafid tr> Rik Rapids Monday
' kbr. aad Mto. Jehn Bdgenoa of Ml- Colby tendered Mi raalgnaliOB today ) retOBc tbclr seVeol work.
1. J. McLaughlin made a’ business
-r .Ma. «. T, who hare heaa elafttag but It.will not take egect nntil a week
trip to Bellalrc Saturday.
Maada here for a tew daya, roismad tnuB Mt«rdar^
Tbe flrat bat Baay frlendi to wlak
Cbarles Mahan of Kalkaaka has
faMBB Moaday aumiag. Ma Bdgari:
txdpM'MM 0» tUBBab B Lay ^ tlM faembera aacoaaa and they iA-tnm been spv-ndlns the past few days ai
daa at the grUt laill ta 18C7. and abo iMI dealt In their power lo tbhonduci :hii place.
btislncit at to warrdnt onlversal
worind os the CoogregadODal ehorch

CIrctilatiofl this week 2,900

OrdeBoaea aae tUaa BtaUa Atwood
were aalted to i^tRtage Oec Sed. at
the .born of Otto BarOi near Notthport, Ber. U B. Carpestar, foraerly
pAMor f U* WUiy
ehomh mu BOW paatv of the Foar.taaaUi atraat
lo tMi etty. of•datad. The eoeu
: peop'h;
aad rlU naka thair hoaw there.
John Btertiart, a carpenlar eaployeJ
'on Ua aew grlai olll. ailppad Thurs­
day tMMoo aad fen two atoda
hU daBceat he atmek a board traetorMg two riba and bia baod alio atmek
doiMi. omtlag a dent ga«h IB tl
mmip. lU fan toaUe tha bnlldlAg aad
atmek oa the flnt floor. After the
(hU ha waa able .to get up alihoogb
woa At flrat thought be m lajored in.
temaUy. .


Etta'tc Ttethfe^eatatc Innsfer of more than
ordinary tnterest.naok idaca Priday
P.- 3. Pot|er of bat Eighth alrce;
porehoaed tho^ldeace ptopoty of L.
TlnkMor^oraer Vbbater aad WelliagtoB oireeu. tbe purcihase price
being »UM. U^ aad Mra. Pouer will
Thuroday while Mr.
Hr. aad Hra P. H. Baraum whil .awaitlag the erection of a nsodeRi oew
Tcaldoac* which they have sdteady
the corner ol
Waahlagton aad'praaklla atreeti.
Hr. Potter.'tabo haa aeea cohlinuci
with the Oral Wood Dish comppny for tweaty-lhrec years, trill be
near his buslaets where his ^ork ibe
past ’year has ieen^iaiiW lo the

he-had tbe added duties of bookkoep.
log.. Hr. Tiakbam has also-seea many
jrears of service with the Oval Wood
Dish compuy. where be holds (be posli^ «f snpertueadent. Their ouly
aoa being away at ^ege. a emaller
rmldcnce has bera decided upon while
all modem Impreyemcau will enter
had recMved the htfhai pward at the Into Its eonriradtoB. It will be a twuLewia aad Clartt enmaiiloa. ThU
etory collage, ihc plsn^lng by F. E.
AeaoAatfAtoi the loperlcirliy of tb>'
BUM machlae as the geld nedal
Awarded after a eload eaaailaatloa of
Petatees era Good Quality.
the awriu of the laaehlDei abpwa
The poialo crop this year wilt b<
the etpotillea. T%r coaipuir ta Mtaronly aboufsixty per cent of last year's
ally elaied M lhei^’£ocM.
yield 'but thoae ihai arc bow comlne
h of the fural- into the local marhel arc-of excellen:
Ceorge BlBC flaroBM
« daparloioAt of the
* Lay duality- There are im traces of n»
bllehi aad'lbc ma)ortiy of tbe load-.
xmatik ooaiiw.S^t Wedeeadav
for naarmo. Pa- «o
j ralaiives.
Hr. BMe baa aotbeu h^e
le in
In twenty
_ It yaar^.
yeark. MaethlBg
■aaathlBg ilirays
kUraya hsppcB
lag M preveat him gelag. Both bis
[■grants are dead but he has numerous
relatives whom be has am eeea la aP
that Ume. The Mti Ubm be saw hW
sisur the was a lluie girt, now she
ikm' a bmUy aad he does aot know
aHfllher or bo: he will be able to re?cCDlxe
He did not soUty bU reUAt any rate, you .Kent t
tiem that be was eomtag. tateadlng to
sarprtse them.

Buy Hair


Tba fast LudlagtoD football team,
the* lasiasi D aot the fasivf
taaiB la the state. srRl play In ibis efiy
Thaakagfriag day. This will be a
. ereaekeviaek game and one'ef the best
ever ceaa here. The cHy team by diU
gest practice* U rapidly getting In-.o
thape. TheieamUilsjeu-isiBreallegeelieat coadlMoa aad Is prepared to
psl aa anloie of football that will rare­
ly moan in a defmi.
The Thompaanrll'e team was V
have played here Piiday bat has caa^
- 'atfadftsdale.

Stop tbe fluctioa
with Averts Hair Vigor. It
checkflfalUDflitor,«nd ilways
restores cirt^to gray hair. A
splendid dreasing'Biso. SoM
over sixty years.

Buy cKaapw- than you
at auction. Everythinn li

Barea Alpbame Oe BohadilH gate
legAdea to It* taea aad enoi
bare doM lUagt to beaeflt the i
la one war or another. Tbete pecUc
hare now got toother at Parti and
pabUihed a book of etdoglet on the
-Uafcn-. In ufcea of bit geaer>
Ooa patroaage of the am they aitn

—-.ted ft


cough, that disturb^ my eight’s reau
I triad eserythllig. Wbothlng wemid
rettere It. until 1 took Dr~Klng'a New
Diseotrery for CaatnmpUoa>0>ngba


ates;. pteventa grip and p
At JohasM Drug More Co.‘A P. 1
Meads aad 8^ Walt *,8«u. drn
le and gl.OO. Trial
:lc Ide.

30 Colors, Plain and Changeable, 4Sc"Yarf
Not bplit flilk. Selvage, on both MdcA. Quality cannot be matched for 86 per
per cent more. Call today. Th^'ll go like hot cakM at this (wke.

Coroered b.r (rctopi. Pellxarbo. eU*f
of the Filipino ouUawa In Cavite,
leaped to his death from a cUff Sm.caonring. Dlstuvhoacea In Cbvlie
thonght to hava died with bba.

Cblffoi Taircta SUL Wsists

n>c todlea of .tbe CopgregaUanal
inch will open'Xbclr annual mn,ge tale at 4>; South Unlea street.
Saturday. Oct. T. Thoae wUhlng to
rontrtbntM win noUfy Ura. Bantum on
tbe Goat side and Mra. B. J. HamiDood

Rlana to Oat Rich
often frustrated by sadden
l»«ak-down. doe ' ‘


$10,12.S0, $1S and $18


Bed Spreads

Ppw Slips

One caae bed siireAdfl made
of tbe fineat long oombad cot­
ton, exfiia fliae and geigfat,a
spread tkt’fi aoU for 11.50
I avwywhar^

Mrs. L. M. HuiTis. who baa been vUiUng bere. haa reiureed to bar home
■C3I Palls. Mont.

He^dtcbed. Uneo finiah.
45i3b. i4»eae wonld be good
Mdaea at 25c. at the oU prioe,
bot on the pceae&t cotton
maiket they an exoeptkl||

.SSdaanladifli' wfaita glr.
dim. tbe regolar SOo kiad.
It being a UtUe kte in tba
aeaaon. we were able to btiy
tbeae at a Ing aaTing in priem.
. ,


19c Each

Dig are 39c

eocry Person
Wbo baadles taoBey abould
have a baak aeconnt—It is a
great convenience to pay-bills
by chcek-Yonr check book
sbosrs Inst where the money
went and you cafl have your
back took balanced any time

O^nd Wadi
Are, as the dame implies,

Sicily ])aii(l made*'
.kuJ aro made of mati-rials eefleeded to stand tbe wear, keep ost
water, and yet koop soft and pliable. Beini: aoft they ahalirhj’f us comfortabli- as an bkl shoe.


For the (Uomen
PuU-ut is as depeudaliie as tbe higb prioal ones and
the Style aa new OS a
aboc. Lypeoial priix;
tKm the Le.™ .Mo*

Dress Goods

Hep^ldird emb^cred and scallopod iva. broldered. a lot we
booght Mr a gpMiar
for the opamng: there
Isaboht 10 doxen leftJ5c values for

win. all-wool ntttag
aad mtitorai^
new fall goods aad hi*
seUers at 60c yard, but
tor a flyer we have pm
thoB out aL per yard


Gnr Dress GosOs
Uls color has eveaud
a acarelty lo the markcL we foteaaw ttaU
aad are ready wtth the
flaest eoUecUm of this
color to be fooad aarwhere, so we advise
you to bay BOW.

Oae lot kadiM’ floeeafl
paats aad vesu. a nae
we canaot get amtt eo
have Aaoldm to etaae ^
out (10101(17: they an ^ *
medinm weight for faU
wear; sitae 4. 6 aad «.
lasisad «f ffie. sow


that so many look forwai^o, wilt soon be fully here. Every hunter should
be fully prepared in every way. We can supply you' with everything yon.

must Keep Out Olater
Or they aren’t of much use to you.



over aeebtmis.
Uoatp deposited la pur SaviBp department np to and In­
cluding the (ih of tbe month,
draws Interest from the first. At
the rati'*ot three per cent, eompounds twlce a y«wr.
Money 1: safe here- and can
wiC-dra ■n any 'Ime without

Vour Tall iUork Shoes

^ We .lill «)me

reoesnd jeoteidAy in dav
moddfl. OdotA, Oxfotd. Brown, (Mire. Tka
and Black. Sjieeial vbIiha at

materials which are clogging your
energies, and give poo a new start
(*nre headache and dlxstncaa too. At

'Craptrse City State

uvell. any prlee you it


Another borgutD that ca&itot be matched
for At Iwt OQC-third m(H«. Kewtreahgoo^
—cAizu- in yegterday. Colon in CbanKfiAble.
Ort^. Xavy. CAidinal Brows and Bla^


of every kind, and we want to call your atteotioo to tbe newest aod latest

The 6nest rifle that is on the market.' Every h«
hunter should aeethi-*.
lutely\no chance ol its -being discharged accidently^ It is a six shot repeats
lerless; the Trigger is locked while the nn fs 'carried, but can he released in ao
an inrant by the same 6nger that pulls the trigger. We lell thfc

and a full line of all sizes of both single aod double barrelled shot guns, a
great stock of both smokeless and black powder shells; GUN CASES,

DEER can only be killed from Nov. 10 to Nov. 80. Only two can be killed
by any one person. They can not be sold nor shipped out of tbe stare.
You can not use dogs, artificial lights, or kill while direr b in the water. A
partial list of counties in which <Teer can not'be killed until 1908; Grand
Traverse. Benzie. Leelanau. Wexford, Manistee, Mbsaukee, Clare. In
Kalkaska not until 191Q.
SQUIRRELS can be hunted from October^Oth to November 30th.
PARJRIDGE from October 15th to November 30th. Only 12 cu be kuHed.inoneday.
PRAIRIE CHICKEN. Wild Turkey. Wad Pig^, Mongolian or Eoglbh
Pheasants can not be killed until 1910.
QUAiL can not be killed until 1907.
BEAVER can not be killed uotiUSlO
MINK, Raccooa. rituiikorMuftRilcaniiotbekilledinSepttmlKrorQc^
tober. •
OTTER. Fisher or Martin, can be bunted after November 16dL

'T-MAV|EW»K Ol-r’W, MIOI1.


Mky,OCrOKK tt 1MK.

Grantl Traverse jRegion.

ARAt: Hr. aM «
pra».|TW«BS Ur
. AM] la «Bilc a |>tM4T
>. N. Undae. w«ai otntupu.
r««u pmi; bif now
mxi ibat
lliai be
kaoMo^; eat. Bosh--bar»
have moved away
any and'
a^ otb-, law 4ajra.
Friday with laiBbcw.
! iBto (be new *1*’'
d. poi ... .
en are
a*w TWrftf**.
' era
, li loakr a. tbooxh
" . »>ed Aren- took a load at baei j
The OiUI (bat U>r MarBrMe Lanberj Mr. Vedcf enlM berrrnip
would boo ihU wtnire.
a TrarvrM CMy Satbrday.
, OatiT •arrawr TroeRla.
fi C. Ronae moved or
had haWi lu bonvw aaythlac.
1«1 m.
B>rlfinl«- aprat a few «aT»i,Ji’ .ea w«a>
.................. _______
Zella AU.
tklaa yon ran poaalMy
Ewry wMfc corrt
Ur'.rott laai «r«k.
••■o. Clark la rlrillBB rdatlre.: pad ' suoda over ibere. ike tai
-^'STr^'w. t
Ctl«M too UU U> (M. Ml cerrwpendUm. U. M. WNe'.: »a< Hofc
h; Ibr'addUloa iu*kU , fTk oia a- }l■•rr>^
' Hon and lamily will
miMt rueh Ui* HtraM oflk«
cooU Bol altesd ehrrrb Ian Bnnday.
latar than Ti
•n of aaeh watk. < John Camoa'i tatbef aad moUiPr ar^, u e. Baird mw ed l9to town laai ' Traterre (atUrn week.
U lou of work there tbla
He expecte to fe: ; X. E HaCiaway. who baa taken Ur. in ibe w6oda ead aUlla.

(enal dteordera. donT all down nad
aawrtd that it Tbry came fram Dakota.
Into u,
hlB traildlnc
bnildlnc n<bU (all.
, Walier'a (ilocr- tere. la keeidSf Ibe' Oren L-Pe licusfai a eowr of C. C.. Jaaea Wa:-^ U hiadtss a ear wbh' brood bie-,jv«ir ayrnM^m*. bn« *y lor
Mira .s-cliip Hill wa* rirltlac ber
Ur. UorrUbew went lo Copcmlab men bus., lu tbo truoai. and tbry wU! Rujae.
potBtoaa today.
1 relief to Elecirlr Bltteew 'Here yon
pareou. Ur. and Ura. E. \. Hill, laai ,Snndar evenloe after hit honaohold i aooa 1-e tbroapb wh.- e they are worttWarren Ta.rlBe lumebi i

CUIr Olerdetilae And ' Max Awy •»>
'Of M« oemaaneni fortec
jRtxidi. He bai bla balMlnca. both : ia« now
'Joha RoUei> of KUuoley
wMii le ivioafce.<he exenraloa mtneaa of all roar iroaHea. and yonr
Htaa Ttotmiacn of Tratorac Cliy alSome fannera are lUircloy tbcdr po- ,Bi^ aad bona... ready to go taio
Glen Uapet. our acbool teicbto^. look
The U. B. Aid dn« tb.eir poratoea _____
bodv will not tie biiniraed.bya land of
iMted chorcb ai ibU place Bonday.
(a(oca. Tbe crop la 1,1
fair.Vr- WattoB wpti to Copmalab after two of hi, arholar*. Freak UclatiTeWedoeaday and now Ib.rrwlIlbalM:
will balM; r-r^, ,•
bi. JlK .aih. «•
u- debt dlpuwae
dipuwae AI
At Jobniwfa Dmt Blore
- Piitar Lab»u anffimtiy taave atorad a>-1!ln« al tbiny and ^Irtyjjro
Ueda and « E WUi *
ta To* ab'-rlua'
•rlua'a boiu
' ndy Hlsaina and Pne Sbenanaaue
PiV* »«e. Onuv
mw JohnaoB
laoB U fra
norblBC for A. BnXib.
dtsylnK hi
_____ , ■■
bia iarwr Mvarfy. nwklBR a bw
Ohio lo viiilt
roadwar ao that pemde win aoi taave
I1-. winter fl
Co> tolaic
lodrlceonlbctjMfe. Ur.JobnoHi baa
nnvIvwDla nn-n Tlalt tn bee BOB
; Ur.
Mr. Hethaway
Hnhaway and TJe«r«e Jenoe ; homr of G. C-Ku.t one da> laat week. ■ “"'S FrtiUy etentim.
I ^
r p
r a,,,..
Bau-^ waa called to
done a food dept Bf.ckwDlac BP OB llie
tr^ii t(
,k. ». rc -Atm laatweehoa
*]______ ^
laa> weeb oa ar«mnt
aeeimm IditWriek-1
of-the ■ ,. made a bjtlnaar «>H>
ro. wviri
nwalaat laipraTO•kltbortbp loaraa
of hor aOQ'K little child. Hn
_ II of all.
.... .1.1.
|An.l.e» and mile of WIIHaptB^T
Tke tbruahlBK ibi
•velT weather for fall wort,’
vMle,;. HU brtet.’C, O.
Lm3- 1
, Stew Cure for Cancoe.
tbreaMoc Ir'rkwkral.
9 barina very Bae weather
corn btukiBB r.ent* lo be the orje' .
Q«dr(« Kllebrn Haa ti
! Urs Crwk cif Ohio an.I Uri Cope
u to
tv hll
Dll aiMwr,
aiiAwr. wwo
w«n iivea m t>tare
Pl!,e anu danftaler Dalay, THcre w=" hr a two w.e*s' vacation
Rrnin Ibvk rHume,! Ua' week from, •“d ot Harkcr-Creek Urltad Uni H
alte. Ja>. Walter?^ OoHeU. Va.
lety. He
'■ oava be would nut warn
----------I went to JSeIr («wir U,' Tharaday ta .Ilwrtct No 3. MUf i>uan will tun »
Urand Rapidr where be ha* l«‘Pra. one dav lastt ^•eek.
wrllMi -] bad a enocer on my Up tor
Uve.tkere. For mlW not a bHt
' '
> etealaa, alier kpendUic a few day, relailtet ibU week and oezt week wUl bet a fur m>.dical tn-airaeDi
. .E. T i*ra) n) a burin
burin. *, trip le; j,,„ that seemed Incutnble. lUI Bock- .
9.M Iw aran. and that «aa ae«nc-|
j wilt hut BlBter. Ut*. Sllai Cray. •
ailend the uweber.-inltltnte al TratLnin aM Lmta HioTut who bate Hteyrleri :.n mday-.r. tiXar
nxnrnln* home i«,'a Aroleb Balve hsaledjii
beV waa not ured|o.
I'"’’i »pmi (be finmer at.Xnnb Maulioti i Snt'nd»'■ .

la pcrfedlj
perfectly w.H!.- Ouaiameed euro
tba tnrinera will trepliIn ,o' Un, B. J. Rrlekman and ano Ollterl David Heaey of C..lir Bun and Ur*.
have me to Iowa Iprialt Ura. Brink, l .(nem Bait^t of Almira mere marritd
«"•- W Cook U enlenalnlnc her Ulxnd. rttura.M to h.Sce h.Te a- Mf‘ R
'U'Ob.t went to Tretrey ! ftjy eula and burna .iSr,at kobnMn
rbn few applea (here H. TI
; i*ai Wedoeadav at Maple City ai bt- *l«vr. Mrs. Uorria. or Iowa.
w.s k aua
1* 'V lb« “"•k and nuicred b«ib« unm glare Co', F tl '
faw^pplec (in ibe (reea that l> mane
E'Wall * «on»- dniK.atpr
, / pleaatnc all ihe time.'
-iidi diorrlSed try the
the and n Scatb of lUmaol KaaauD. We c.vieud eonjeratn myntod fnmi , Canada, where
w^ere i.ihe.,'^
I. rrojaeJ
rro,M.j lu Glen ArUT Monday
Uooria/ after i ‘
' "
Isn y,.ar. They i
John Gill laat Tburada.v.
!'• Uidilaan.
only a few boon. He tun
ba> 1
IpbUir, o
Utn CarnUs'a Burdick arflv'-d bom<‘
aj-Ot 1
aen of fh'a place a pood many years
Ilaa. after cpendlnp the telephone line frotr. hta .alore lo I
oylDR tb<
.. Hr.riM Hra. Sdnlan'lcirw fordketr and waa well liked by all. He waa a
_______ Nonbport.
,'uiuse, maklo.; !• mure ««teti5.-m.
kame tnlpnalBKlbU anrninx.
Ktni worter In the Granpe. aad
yw jubel Wllaan
Frank SberMan of Gl
b - Mlt« Fbuenre Bc-nard baa pooe to
Hr. and Mr*. Kennedy aliioded ih<- htu-e a fewdat, tbla w.«i.,
Traverae Oiy lo wort far K. A. Selaoa
Siiodat achuel ctievenrion ir GrawD
Mania yvn-i took a trip teCharloi
]a bH at<
y.-stenlay. TbiT n-jxm a'very Inter voix las: wre-U and rviurne.1. l.rloamR., , , ,
Hre II
t I > t * I 9 I t S S • I S •« t S « S |l • < • -dins mcetln*.
a happy yuuiis wile ulih him tV, '* • • ’
S. verat of Ibe vounp people fromiwbh thiwi tu.-tww and a loue snii
! woDi to Ohio on Ihi exeuralon.
Lake have bn-e vl-lilai: Tclbllvo. !'
-‘ - -:<i'oc lo Woxfo-d to happ, Journe.v throusb
Ibis place.
I. Uxile Lake nf l-tond waa the .the •■vmtiifi ahnwat beld there.
IV Jos.'Haa*
Jos. -Haa* U ma
maktns a trip/
E 0»k and sUie - Radle aad Usrlr 'Empire IbU week SLUtesraiB
, Ethel CJwrlna.whQ haa Ic-n boOk- mat 6T Mr». Flora Lake Friday.
• yoitkrday'.
wi(b.lmwn saj *•
[keeper Iq Ihe hardwaro detarimetii of lllaa Ulllas Gray canfe borne oo.tilt! MTncfacumb cea< on (be cxcurakm to, a dance waa cltf^ 1— <
Mta. Oeorgo Barnard a^ daUSbterithe Henanille Co.'a atore at Tnfverti- excnralon Sunday to sec ber parent*. Uhk lBS*T'r)'adtiv.
Mr and Mm
‘et.-nlnc at the hutm
UUtaa were rUirthf at Mhi. Brown'* city, ba* rreleocd and Is nsklnf hfcf Mr. and Mr* Silas Gray. •
J. Kennedy will SoUfa tbreshlnjrln' Geo, Hiurier
lime reporn*! m. vuittaujr) ulbwod
pareata a iwu-weeks' tltll a~j then
Ur. and Mm Uan Pratt have anrcl, thU Belchborbo.Hi ibU w.'.^k.
Uct 3
Hart Innas yvaa a pallor at Hn. rtll so • raw. Dakoia. to vlsH wllb 'back Into camp-for the wlater. com-l Mrs. E. Pch-H a-d llitie .lauehier—
• Bgoirte' Bosday.
menclDu nsork this weak,
‘of Trav.T.e Oily ar.- vltiilni; frteo.L*
Fred Hnmbloatead wai a callor at
Charlie Bate* weso .m h'fi home
Mr«. Preoron iif the “Pinea'' bat
this ^laco yeoterday. ^
N’ewaypo some ilme as CMcaru ftv the winter.
Hn. Sdbhiu wa* called tbOleo Ar.
Oooipe Jarreti bas moved bla fam- received word that he I>
bor .fay. Ike KhwH 'of her dangki
lit to Traterae CTy He <« mtklaf lypbotd fever.
Mr. and M-a -Wlll Uki- and Unto I
tarrela for tbe stprch Jartory.
H H. Hill a-“d U-a. OaoBUett nrr.' pearl Ruablop- wore Ibe gtiewia of Ur.'
■ ■ ^Travetwe City lo atieod aO'l Mrs E R, Bnlf* Sirndkc after
o. A,
A, M. K.
8. D^ol hk« |ione lo Cbicafo on
SU-pbeU LaUtnW '
.Ur^'m. Slone U xMUoe r(4atb^
Mrs, Haven. ..I-Grand Ra.u lx. u
- by. Oi-o. W, Liinlie,.T. C. Dotliwnd. Wm. IxRldpo.
Uiaa Rekah \VHaon and Gol.U: Ra!.>
la Ohio.
James Lardto and daughter Ma^d
jrlablnj: hi. cousin1 8. Iloyi ,d Sumb ofth.:.y—---------------------- - ■
have me to Canada. .
' MayOeid and It .ixintiUib bn< wif.'.
Oci. 9.
here 1041 few ilayt.

r'-v:: k'J:


, 'f


‘ ««r—k




WItboot Notice *


mk ■a;



$ay, mr. man,
Do you Btalizt It’s Stoot Cimt?

Bflter be looking, around an.! tfl
• voor winter 6tovohw-^(sl.;uid wliilifeoKing don't ui^lcct to look
ook over tlie la^ceet aswrtineht of'Hpating

Ratios you ever hrid tbe omrtunity to insiKsit. \\> are getting two-thi:
busineM in your rieinity and WE WANT YOURS.

63 Oifferent Styles Seating Stoves
. J might better make your wh-ction
this mammoUi stock SDd gel just wJi*t too want
’'^han tobtiy konicthmg elaewtcre that you think may answer ihe pnnwse anclnl tbew.m.. time
p*J~a little more money for it Tonr prea^s Ur fntnre payment is legal tender with as.


f :5?ft


— m




Mn-'Cvl Brvrer, vbo svsU
«v*oUe Mid iMt vMk Bt ber borne tn
MbtCbM. vKk ankMBl UUat.

tbB BcM vUb tht exeeptioa oT b
•roBicos or tte BtoMcb BBd boveli.
FV* aoBB time prertou ttf tbc bitmpc Bt bbU dastrnetioa, Hn. Brower
hBB bMB •BKCTtat with BKlr«Be dr^«Bd«^. Bhe WBB bro^ to the
hOBFMal ThondBr to reoelTe ueBiMt fBT her Miui coodltlM Bad U U
bMlB^ed (tet BbB wUl ■WiBBtBir
CbbM Net HeW Hltifc
Ooori* AvaiT. BOD or Jbmbb Arerr.

that o( his brother. Mr. Petteily was) were many beautiral floral oCerUc*
also la eemveteatlOB with a maa wbo|froei frlcods. me sweet eceuted flowhad seea a maa la (MIRaraia who wum ere. thoo«h ante. telHBC In tmml
by the name <ff Waller PeueHy. Hejabk aeeeau of the arlcf Mi a
wore the mie daUNa as Fetlerly had | partlac. Bbe was laid away to r(
oa whea be left, had a peealtai tear) the cemetery at Northporl. C
re. was I O
that Peiierly w
r aad borrowed Mis tojtl
word with. Whea Petteriy Ml Mobile
last April he left bis tooU also aad] Joba C. OiO. ooe of the moat prom),
(hla Is regarded as proof caoduMre! oeot pealBsula rCBldenta. died Thsrv
that he li la Cattforala aad U makln«|day at flooa after an nineaa of oaly
attempt at ecmoeailas his where-1 fooneen bonia. Hts death oeearred
aaiaa Va
tiwou Aas ka
he la
li gotnt
hy kla
hu ,iaa
own 1j a*
at Ibe borne of bU oaly sUier. Mrs. 8.
’ B. Tompkins. Mb bns lived
I penlnioln for forty year* and fe
A pretty home ^Iwddlac li
plBoeln prominent member of Ihe snace
OetiAer eth a
Mr. I nnd the K. O. T. H. H.
and Mrs. Oeortc P. Martin, fit Onnt' ynn of ate. The funeral ae^ce
straat. wberw tbslr oaly dantbtar. Ste r wus at 10 o'clwh Baiurday moniJ. was nnitod la marrlace to Milo C. i ins froD the borne of bis sister. Rev.
Carpenter of PIfe Labe.
; Mr. Warren' oaelatmt- I’Dderuker
The bride was nii/red In an e««ulslte{ Anderson was in charte of the arBown of cream altaairoas and carried raotemenis.
roses. The maid of booor was Hiss
BUsabeth Porilllh. while Ctarence MarBorne time Thursday ntthl bnrtters
tin. brother of the bride, acM as ben
s I enmed tbe ceoeral store of 8. T. H<n^-

that he Aad eaUated aa be had.ha
and ha4 b
trooad «f disabUHy and last snmmcr ' tat- fMpertal atieoilikm was titi^ i
refased. He stated that (be-peo- tbe Besakm to diUdieBh
leeh tarma^lilts
departmeat elalmsd that be bad reereotkm,

^hLUpper Nile, to ohaurre |be total;
Bs^ilo SrfausuBM. a yoeatRow
sunxwed >obeOcFaat.OoBnaailn
___________ _ _
Stiaartassi. Is s
rotlepe or tertmlcal acbool. but
ork on thy New York Ceetral



nllread.. etudytac the bastoda from
the bottom up.
The Oreui Konbeni Bipreua Go. oft«i»i.«».
Ibe me n u\m held up ^d robbed the
OvurMnd express Hoeday ai^t. flo
far as knowu tbr robbers swurud only

■men be atsamod the name
bU j j,p,, ^
tether. John Shuftem. who died in j
eiAaate of ^sooers.
Oblo twenty, years ato. His talber!|^t,
aerred abool two years In Campany E. 1 ^„e iapaa wilt set M.OOO Russians
Seventb Ohio volanleer Inlsntry. On.
The Jsps are to be delivered at
June 1«. 1M4. be mpoc-aRpneatiou!
,raat,er of rossU
drouth 8«aire E. 8. Northrup ol
Buisians wlU be deUvered at
Mahe Unha^y Homes-Their COndtUon lirttatM
made ^.^e. Na«uakl and Tokohoma.
as jMttAh^ers.
deputy county rlerki. Georte
^ Both Husband and Childran-How Thousazhds
• Eimmeirnan and Russell BUIr. In Ctn.
voT Motheia Have Been Saved Fran Nervous
nnas-.i. used s mattA to locate a leakv [
Frostratlon and Made SSiOi^ and
tas pipe la tbe eouaiy Inilldiac. Wed-}
uiked with tbe laspcetor and to him nesday. and thrtr faneiul Bmnte-j
claimed that be was Joba Sbahers.
menu were aanounred Thursday. Tbc |
Sbnlten is unmarried and Is seaer- cnplostOD wrecked two rooms and bleir|
ally retarded at a bappy fo lucky fel­■ every window out of tbe tjlldln*.
low. He manifests no i
-1 didn't fiown. I amUed. " said Bisb l
over his arieia aad i
op Potter, as he was about to sail for
bimseir Inio trouble. -They paid i
a TO my ctolm.'' be saM. It- la In my father's osme."
dlocevlsn eoBvemlon by J. M. Cbru^. \
Oaetrnl News.
i asking (bat the gospel be proclaimed |
E. A. Cudahy has made public a ler-l anew^in view
the seaudal brought j
ter received from Pat Crowe aeveraliw by (be insurmnee toveitlgailon.|
year* ago. In which Crowe sMd
bislx^ says people are «t to be]
aiooe ■was guilty of abducting the Cod-1 ■«> »«adp to eondemn. He advl*ed ihai [
ah) bor. and offered to restore $11,000 «be public wnit u—■
‘------— .

Tited, Neevous Mothers

bbUI he
he wu'n'r
of BfB tor bubUbs ehlckeaB. wbb r»
tuned to thie cltjr oo ThBroder.
WBB dlBBilsaBd FMdar BMiralac br JuaUce NarllBfer. Tonai Atbit owes bU
medOB to the aew iBrenlle coon Uw.
The htv WBht lato oCeet 8ept. 1C
aad Ararr'a Brrwt btbb meda Sept. it.
He. la oMapBar with ^Ula Swmnom.
BBothar hoy under l7. wbb takeu bw with flowem. autumn learas and bar- to the amoont of t7t. A aab«utloa of
0tm. Tbe bridal party itood benaath ihe local postoSce It hieuted In tte
for* JBBtlM AmU NetUBfur. Made
a tart* ben of white asters snspende-l Btore but the stanba and money In
days Istar. Oouaty Aceol HQIlfcer la aa arch of tbe same. Tbe improealvu! (bat department were net tooched.
Tbe jewairy deponmeot of the store
took hlB to UBBiBK.TB«dBy but the r(B| aarriee was ussd by tbe onelatlat
dergyawn. tbe Bev. T. P. Vliom. Tbe [ us bsarlly touted, tbe rlnt ease
.•atbOTlUas at the home rtfosed to i
riot bearer was Ittde Hiss Roby Ras-j bclny entirely depleted and only two
OBl*e hlBL The law Is that wbBo
Rov, Thomas J. fSlIlen. rector of 8i.
I or three pairs of cuff bntums beint
eomuy has uadar tf.»M popoUtloB. bD.
.Mary's ehurch. Pawtucket. R. I.. hat
After the ceremony a bemii
wbkb appUea toOraiidTn>«ne<
Tbe National Draggisu. In sMitnn caubllsbed a schoul*of dOM>llc art*
ty. the JureaDaB. U they are under li •r was aerved In ccuraes. Tables
yjfrx CAfsterCurfy fl JKrj. Cio*broken Inle nad cleaned out. Some of In Washington, will urge ligtolaikm to la wfalch tbc girls ef.hls parish are fl|.
yean et ace. must be tried by the ere act for about alxty cueau.
curb tbe mic of nosinimt by mall or- led ter the pmctkal dutlo* of a house.
Anervaus. itilublemotber.oftee
Hrw. Cheater Curry. Leader of thw
probata )Ddce;-U over U and nader 17. of. thoae from abroad wore Mrs. Mar­ the best cigurt were nlao taken. •
ladies' Mminbcmy OrcheMrw, 4t Hsra>
of lysu-rlcs. Is uuflt
Hr. Hirton'a daughter was the flrst
thd^ most be triad by (he arenlt <
tha OIUIB0. cnadmolber of the
toga Street, itost BosUm. M us., writes i
ooe to enter the slot* yesterday mom- <X thousands of girls In rural dUirict^ifc! expeiimeots ever made in the par- :
.eammlastoMr. la eonaileB over iOO. bride, from Voloey. Hleb.. Mr. aad
lag aad aha dls^ered
annually impaired, for life by the: l-di and the resniu have bN^-n remark . trouble between childrrn asd
discovered the burglary.'
pcvulatkai. a lamlle oom
Ora Clark from Petoakey. Mias
to —
tae fact
of drugafttocured by tfaem tbroug'j ably satlsfactorr.'';
' ■BOthert

‘too often to dac —
UJe from Qd«n and Mrs. Carpenter There Is no dew. The door s^wed
• rbss
mIsi) Pauline CbVtoman has b««o j Baaa.
from Fife Lake, mother of tbe groom. no signs of having ben forced aad was the man.
I cm
After three montha %as cananl atlsworu in as a full-fledged-:po»eemsn'-| theatraioupoalibrr
and eleiaot glftt either left open or opened with false
showed the esteem aad good wUbes of key.
many frkads. Orange bhMMms
Amstod eq Pecvilar Charge.
-ThU Is Ite flltbleat diy on eanb." helsisr. Hist ChHsmao Is a newspaper: wpon tbe nei
Fattarty la AUva.
asm from Callfamla and ailverwarc
Nelsoo Sbulteri of Tbompaoevlllc Writes. -Hundreds uf Chlacse dnippe-I'trotker and has maHc vigorous wsr|
Daaplie (ha ^ that a letter was from Otato. while linen, floe china, allUn. O-rlM P. Browiu VkrPreywaa brought to ihii eliy Friday and dead oo the alreeU tbit summer from against expectoraibm In public pIsces. *“* '*«*™'*
reedved here ataUax that waiter ret­
cm aSturd^ appeared before United BUBstteke. Hundreds more died of The police aalhovKieu (bought she women artoc from aooie devungw
ted. formerly ef this city, had ben aay other tortag Tmembraneas.
arardand in Uobna. Aik he U alive
The happy couple will make their Slaiea Cominlailoncr Roberts and efatdera. One nlgbt st midnight the 1 could do more effective work If en- of (he female orguatom.
Doyonexperleoee Sts of deptusslnsi
St 9S. TbeOitneaejmllcd on tbc force, so she wss glvea a with trsllcMir>i>. BiM-ruauuK "''o
and wortiai at his mde. (hat of ear- aaie at PIfe Lake, where the beet after one wltnees bad been beard.
bound:boycott u spreading. The cltmsie
pMtar. In Caitfonia. He has been wlabCB of all will follow them.
extreme irriUbnUvr AmyouraplriU
— founder an-l- «a*ilvsfrected.»oUist owe minute you
over to the United Slab
St! debilitating. I am not sell. We >
. aeea Ham the pnbileatloo of the an IIsaac J. Wlsiar.
Omnd fUpIda on tha charge of a(- peel to reach home, sweel home, liy imtrun of the Wlsur InUlluU of.An(de and pdalttvely identlM.
Oaath Ml.
atumy and Blologj• ft taems that at «nt It wu (hoosbt
Tbe fonerml aervko-af the tote Hary tampUng to obtain a pension fnuda- Nor. l.“
the Cplversliy; Doyou (eel nomethloglike
In your
and thirs---------- „ —
"My wife fed me on tar saap-'-uld lof Pernuylvsnls. wbo died,
not only
. teg
In your
ihM-fka body (oimd is the ba^
Jane WoUe was held from ber oU lently by representing himself as anchoke
you: all 'the aensee pcrreiied.
Mobile as deaclibed la the Baeord. a
in Northpon at : o'eloek Friday other peraen. The court meets In No­ Joseph PIpke. charged with wife-beat-1 Hares the greater pari of bis eatsle, ofj, morbldlv
Worn* should reosember that t^dla
sensitive U> light and ssund;
last, l-.ftwi.iw. 10 ibat
*at of rcttarly bet hla wife later
• shd was attended by a large vember aad Sbuliert' bond wu flxed
alfo| —Jo is the omrles. sod especially B. Pinkbam's Vegetable Caoponwd to
at ISM whieb be wu maable to fur­ Sunday. 1 thought the coffee bad s:boq3<aIhs It his right arm and Lis between the shoulders: bearing down the medletee that holds tbe record for
Mlled to tdentay the body. The mao
tbe grcaleat aumberof aetnsl caresof
nish. Uelted Siatra Harebal-O-Doii- rich. Juley flavor, and there wu a po , brain to slil the .use of
^«ho was mardered waa a eoldler and
female Ills, and Uke no substitala.
neU made the arrest.
collar littto taste about li (hat 1 cescareb.
ifA oodM.IUtag IB hla teeth that ret. If so. your nerves are 1...................
Frro Adt te« W W—iwt.
Shnlt^ freely admitted bto guilt to couldn't nolte place. 1 didn't rcall) I William J. Hussey, aatrtmome
Mriy dM Nt hm.
Bftpr a kmg life of osefniaeaa. The
''' eoodilteti.
sad yon arc threatened with
Hn. nnkbsm.
-Maas., tevttaa
I iwnwMus prostration.
all sld( women to write to bar tsradiiee.
HU brottar, WnHam rstteily bTihlt fuaaral aermon was praaehed by Rev. a Herald representative >«> Bsturday.
what wu Ibe matter wKb (be Lick obserratorTv bu accepted
tt to monumental thantothteg In Mrs. Ilnkham'B vast axperiawcw wHh
baa it retandd from New Or- Uam^ Cochlto.'pastor of tbe Plra<
coffee unt^hasoap all luracd to latb- f-ehslr of uironomy In the Ualversliy [
fenale tranblca.awi41a» Mr to tell
cw^Itowed It. and the
VUB end'llBM tbSt be made a eare- Oongiwilonsi ebureb of thU city,
rr f^so swillowed
of Michigan to
lo sucri-ed
socn-ed Professor Asop
Asop|| tlon than L^la E. Hnkhsm'*
Hnkham'v Vegejust what ts best ter you. and
his I tableCompouod: thoasnndsnnd tbon.
■rtll charge yoB nothing for bar
Ibl ievoBlIthn. The only body found wbo spoke of the aaeriBce and devo- and lact, for s period of six months si- suds Kianed to ooie iip out of my Hnli. Professor Iliisey ii
. te Mobile was that of a apldlar and
that Mrs. Wolfe bad made and together, be hal been employed u a mouth, I awellfd up so 1 cHililn'i wear ' way home fn>m Egypt, where be c
the raaeriptioB does sot tally with
o ibrongboot her-Ufa. There teamster In tbc army'. He supposed anything telt an ted hatbrolir." Judge] ducted an •-spedliion to Aasoosn. c



without taking advantage of some of our gre^t bargains. Our stock oTBuggies, Carrnges, Wagons, Piows, Spike-tooth, Spring-tooth and Disc Harrows, and Harnesses is still too large and we must
vhave the surplus in cash by November first. You have seen some of our special prices in former issues of this paper.



We wr^ you to bear in mind these goods are Our Regular Stock, and Striclly first eiass in eoery Respect, and if

you are about to purchase anything in our line, we are qonfident

You can best be convinced by a visit at our store.
t^e of a larger assortment.

The best bargains go first. Comeearlyandtakeadvan^

RARiVIERS SUPRL.Y COCbe Store forJQuattly^d Satisfactiotiu



X**UR*0*V. OCTOeCR 1*. 1»«.
if Baeoae tbe fere*
e abOBt IMdlbwtBl'iti pro.
create axeapt tbe madleai. wbkb I* 0*e
-i tbe dtaebanre <H owe i
^Ifoesea of l-re
Wm--------------------------------------Ud thninilHm Barap* •» UUSf the aboat hcMlBC Ui owB. The ea«laeerv
j U n»re. bad to par I164( beTore ia*IwcMtt iatmd In <bv. ponitt*. asd ■a depBTtaeBt baa a aalB o( tM.
ma a.wkbv.
-------- i tka Datr oa hi* pica of lalRr ol ca•vea probable. MrawHoo e( • new
>ba Pbalber.foae tM>. Joeepb wa* p5S*Bi. PelenbBix. OcL €.—Tbe rortser j'leHap tbe riaermrd of Jaeab Oaubora
BnropM nlllnaee eoBneQuent'vpoe
strack br a Per* Maij^aaite fralt train .^j*,*^*
poUUai eseakt tt Oonat Vlua areiua uMiaa tbeKtrota "awe bimeb <d
foradac a cabal agalaat tbe peace pa-1 p«pM." The matntc under ahleb tbol
enaelMteR oT a cloacr AssS»Jfp«
■UMM. 9Ua baa adranead btrmi. Toy to epaaatBft.tbtoasfa lBtricaetbe[«gapialBt was made b raBW-fUns tree-’ diMaaalflB lo tbe nnnpapert and ba« newly saiaed inBueace which Vitu |,tae In n Ttaerard and prprlde* tbat BMbNlBsiiseSSlIanCtRSlI^Cati- i
atMd)' reached tbe tuce or dlaercet baa with tbe etar. The leader* of the
am gr«>«il
KomrConriiie i
SebstTM and powerful promoten Jf
ibepoama. the new aatkaml as*«mbly. of jaiy. Aapait. Septemhm-or October -Hod, Keck, udSbouUm Ate . „
aalcias to aceom^b ibb eaS. witboat cosomt of tbe opner and taka
or tooropeaB -poren ate dIrMed laio
tw. dm orsad
tbraa zaala moreneste—drat, BrlUab Owlns to opposition Wit:'* ebanoe* of i•By trait tberetroom b UaUe to im
arynswatod Uieukabd is
la^aailati toward an aeoord with Bn- 1..1* .MJ. p^i.1.. .« a.
.... .-------- ------- .rr
new coundl of minister* are repardad j Bmplored
at wanlns.
; (be Crawford cbalr
' Ladxe ft a bone tbat coKataly uaderauad* hb business, addpb-b to bsal;
i bride up to the top wbs« the masons [
te^D the tatler cnmpiBK.
are worfctnjc. at a slanal atrea by aa I
<«Mat Btdtaln'e daalra for a tai>ferti^y from Sa-.urday. the 1 nth day of Deeerr>- !•£__ _ „
^ ^
atanttfebamoiir. i
bM^. A. D. l dob.
ppjjjw He. Prml K. W»ta«. Jod,, rf
electric belL The animal bat leameJ
pwiiabenit wim Raaala baa breaghi
Tbe CUy hotel, the tarses: ta Rol- U> Stan wb« tbe bell tlhgt and tarns j
ttaB Oat Oteat BrlUla ta nadf |o sire; taad. has been add to Borek « BMcb. aroand whn be has come .to tbe end
fflliar raeo«Bltb3D to Batata'* prtrl- of Hew Tcrk city, wbo wlU eatarse n of bb walk. aU witboat tu^ atteailon
fWm bb drlTPr. who feas nntliliiK to do
for the ratort trade.
U0U poaUlOB la aoaibaf* Tbrker,
The TpaltaBtJ cpondl baa oeceptef BOW but coienaln rltl
IsltotsT Aa a fur aad ndl. tbst to ay fiieads.
UMr at OGaataatlaeida mod aleaf tbe
be bH^'s
b^'s Iniein rren to my wife, I became aa Object
fMplion*. -BaatU-t aablUont la tbat the proposal of the HichMa State tber evidence of tbe‘'£.SS;:
Tel^bona Oo. to place ib wire* na- conce liraaybcsUI«lliii|||ifo>°*e)''
AtIstpexpesaeIcoBfalt- . SiU^.1
kmti from
fr«.n tbe
.h. Mtahns.. iwli ■ rf the oostahledoctort isr *»d_Bear.
____ m, bell
Oiwt Oerman, aced ts. waa testanr- near by. iboasb the tmo&g* sre pc I
'.Sha elew ta Fbaa^ oOdal quartne
ia^^Mtaetlr fbvotaMe to
Anslo- ly kOled at a erode croastas by s slmibr that the men
timdaiM then was BO help ferW
JOH* » UkRSNr.K.’'
Mleblsaa OeaUal eeoeat indn at CdTfSj.
BpiMn mpproebeaeoi
mSD It wai.aCK.
•■aanm,.TiaitnuOilT.Mleh. »m:
O. R. Sllipbln tf AI.
I or M. I
While eattes fruh. a peach etooe twcnty-aix yean aso
Catienn. and tbooskt tbat a trial ' M.__
r. ID hare.Kv Bdward
lodsed la tbe windpipe of Jaatca He- beard cf tm'll he refjni||'io Indian
Chrtbys It-aostbawld atm. canstas rlrer last week, hnle ant|3|esn;-.
ichUdrea. wfao^ere an taW when he
bM Oteat Bin^. Blaca the retire- bb death, at Menoalaee.
Doll Ditraars of Savenaa bolds tbo I weal away, arc srown iipitad mairlol.
MK Of H. Pelwwe (bit pn>)aet ha*
Ha bat Tbby liiile lboo*hr ihey 'would r
la aberbaea. bat tbe oSeialt ooa- roeerd for a ratal «port.
C—pitta TrMtmsntlarEv«nr
farora^ to an Aaxlo-Baatlaa blowB la two (orteac* am nilas to see Uielr falber sssln. On dauphu-r.
tCJiM la ell raara. prin
Mrs. W. O. Derry, live* t^J^wer. tsu
daapblen matlr ibeir home in Indbu
If your size is herc.'a bai^in is ready for you .
Marqaelte. wlib 1.IU4ilO acret.
River and tb<-re sr> a sci^Bid dauxkthe latpeat eoaatr b UtehlpaB; Oato- ter iir Hlllenl>urp:\U-£jM bo a tee
Whole Suits, breast mc.isitre :»4. pants to match aod fit
•d. Both are lar^r Ulu ond cstactlaADf -£aoeb Arden" bui fo.- _____the ttackcBvd eatlcle; dtr.
Ulo atata ef Rhode Istabd.
WRdJ^e Siriis, breMt measure :J5. pants to match and fit
thu tan ibal bl4^'-<^>)ed a dl- Catienn Otatmeat freely, tn ^ay
Tbe deaib ot Bnest P. Harriasioa. vorue many year* kfio and is now Mf>. itd^, irtiutios, sad indamaatioo,
Whole Suits, breast measure
pants to maU^nd fit
or Pori Hartn. ased ». b tbe aeooad B. X. Word of HlUcnimtX. Hr.-8a- BnaaBMbeandbeal; aad. Ustly, take
CMleara Resolvent Pills to co<U aad
la tbe raatUr of Chariea P. Hartlaa- pbiB U now wealthy, belos the owner cleaaae
tbe blood. A Unplc set i*
More of these sizes than we want.* Excellent goods,
oee reu. A' daasfaier U dilil- of a larse rBacb in X'yamtae and cnamffieieat to cw^tbe^most WRIGHT IN EVERY WAY. Sizes for young men,
aMerfcble minlap ruock.. Tbo, n)oetlns
foa* «T hair,
Uedariag ibai hb dlrercad ^ bad between father ud cblldron was.o Joy­
smalf and medium size men. Ask to *ee these goods.
wbeaalleUe fails.
btdaappad tab daaibur Oraea.W«Bu ous ODA Hr. Sulphta will aoi.r^ru
They will be sold cheap. Two lots, divided 'as follows:
Kimball of Bactaav baa ealMed tta Vita,until be bat a good, lonp rial;
aU at the Port Ham pallaa to Bad with bis children.
Jill suH$ In tbl« list* regular selltna price
Saperintadent of tbe Poor Harfis
It <ma' ba dalabair atatad tbat
or poatlae baa received an alnal unSlfi.00 to $l$.00s 6o at
PtaoM. Mora : «oaalB«lB< . a atw Haaer i. NMb. acad TO. ilddr tobiib InieHlpiblu Iciier eontalalap SO o-nta tltw.' Then he fled to Baulc .Creek
b1l«nm>at of aba pewtia. tataada lo eonpb. man-led at Barada.
The teller is vri:aaatt Uw Baa) .datambatkm af thp
CbioaBo ^ rae avap fion boar t«a oa a lora talf aherl at paper wad hard. kavW bl* mceey aod bad al
ocBUeearcr tWltb caKard. ta Momao, aad workod ta South Haraa oaabtac It fipned "aetiletoB.'’ erldeaUf tbe
ta wbbb aoaafrr Oanaar Brat tatar- toetarr to aatapa gabc to eoUcce.
j writer * barae. aed the wonb. "Jone*. I'bouitiit tbal ibl* abowed his'goud Ictbe.Piaaeb procrM ARtrJaeob Hiller, while deraaced. at-; boro, cralKbtoa to. elppl." follow, tnctlona and itti be woald be allowed
make pood the kuig ^tboul Uvlnp:
ward maea mtabt aoaalM Oemaa tea^tad to throw blai»eK under iraia. pnbablf tbe addrw cf the par^.
arartaiam bat uUll Moroeeo'a foima at HadaoB. bat was prerentad Jaat la Tbe -«lppl ' owaa' HbsUaippL Inb aoomad Pna<b b(Mi M armpaibr ^0.
Rraiiica'K ic the vlcloiiy »f ilc SiaK-'
All suit* in the second lot having sold for $11.00 to
rkiaed wa* a quarter aod a fivi-^eoi
wUimtaoB wKhvBMBb abd-QfMt
Hr*. Uatllda SerlTcr. who became piece. Ur. Harris sar* tbaiI all br cj
road, west of Bav t'lly. wt-r.- stank-.:
S1.S.00, go at
laaaM orar deaU of basbaad and poa make of the eemteou b thatki Iblewn I by an exptoalra^ifEich they allribnled
la rirO war. died 1a Opdan, ncM must bare worked at taar time ■' the to a'noal mine accident. When tta- ax
•urglara at Caatrai Laha.
3 rears.
coutr bouse, and that ta some wa; he clicmeni wbxldcd ,ll was futind lo baTe
Mbh.. Oec «^-Tba. Wbtle eanaln* peachc*. owara of maai have recelted 3o rent, orerpaj- ibeea ibe votic of’mlsehlefput young
pwtn»ta at Banpewt wa< aatored bj bee* cocot4d borne of Hn. Sbeeter. of
mea, who set olf Bve aU«k* of dyna
labMa at 1 o'ebek paeierdar mera- Oatthrldpe. to'lead ttp on ewceta ffiie
mile a: a weddlap charivart. Broker,
with lalpbur.
rd taota
moaey back.
wttillow* cad erockery mbde it ev^Hmtbam a<pv wbb tab ravolrer. Tbe
[innle PoMer ot 8L John*, need \1.
Some lime apo tbo Dalllc Crvok po­
It is an opponanity we seldom offer at this season
. atarr taraUbad the Torch b ai. tol- narrot^lr atcaped death from faUtna lice received a teller from the aherlC
’Tfce "boraelcn patrol a-aquB'' 1inrt; .
oa «.Awiom handle which peaatrated at OBlaesriilo. Oa.. aailnp that c. e.
Tbt pastoSee. «U0 b located la ter MotBM on tie rlthi side near Ptafer was wanted for idrccsy ant aometblnp new In Calomel, it was Bnsi
Ibo 1ar«o Baaoral ataia at a Sweet « leappttdta
that It was tbouphi bo was la ftaiti-- called upo^io rvmcrvea drunk-g Fliir
A luivnuui
ilnefian named
Byw fell thirty feet I Creek, nnper-jraa located at the soat | ^ ph,
> i ,
ftUage kK-krmatbetopafapoleabdwaaserlens-ltartam. wberehebadaiM. He eon j up. The
Tbe manhai
marabal foo
found the man aierply. bat not fatally, tajurad at Albla.
j feased and raid ibai ho woald go bark
Inp oikStuBcs for a couch In a hiHp1n.s
. Bbortlr after mldnl^t Hr. Sweet
Poor feattve V. of H. atadenla who to QeorpU without a requislilim. Ho
wu awakwed br a notae. the nutiDrt ime to Tpallaail bunting for souren-'atw he had boon clcrklny In a store condition. lAltb the rxceplion of hi>.
Hlii in wm anwsted aad Baed |4.W *atb) ta Oataesville and at va);loin Umet bvod lb* man waa covered over wlili,
r of wSkb be did not «U
aWBCi*. Ii looked aa. U be had boen,
for simple Urpoay. They regret tbat bad taken suma from
made tbe vicilm of some joker. Aficrl
tbe jntfoe didn't gtve receipts.
r foitn b amouatqd. tp ataxt mMqp vain and iBBamcnblp aUcm|A»:
TbfM *«)s of tbo tale Aaa Hatacs
lo' awakcu the man. Marshal TnsdelJ!
of Caro bare purehaaed tn^ Hr*.
s«eared a wheelbarrow and rrowd-l •
Croirtblnc HP*d(«a normal, but
tbe fellow .1010 *Ilbe boneless vehlclr '
when Mr. BweM djMMd hb freot door their father lost, jmftDg TK.OOn. Tbe
and wheeled him lO Jail Th<- uccur .
an odarm waa alnn «r *n outalde
rejicc was enjoyed by a larpr number •
watoker. and tb* barglar. who bod boyi bate.ol6ued up • quarter of c
mUlkm in tbe Klondike.
of restden'.s.
fnbied oauanoe to tbe flore by pMbThe seasem’s first cold
ta* ta the front doer, nmbed out of CHatoo & Plak. a young Mew Tork
, J. C. Potter of Cbarloite while
dpota. and he and bb aceomplieo Uket
of -.Ooldwatcr. has mratoriooaly dis­ to early treatment but the PcuersTlIle drew.a few^pallons ol p'-;i
• tapldJr.
- oil from a sbeewron Aank'PMmaater Sweet, bb rerobrr la appeared star* teat Salurday. wbm next cold jsrill ,hang; on bolding t.tKHI imttndt of ihc olL
went v> meal bJs wB* who was >e|an4 triad time alter ttaw to wine
almoi'.longer: it will be more
the Bfebw cHmlnkh. bat tbe Kun taralog tbat dar"fnrai Baropr.
ph"ric prps.s'jt* raiisiHl tip lank lo vol
Win Barber, elalmlag to reside near troublesome, too.
U n - lapse ai t!;.- kip. thu* eauving a lo.iwwBldnH so oB. DbSaMed with
Vasair. wa* arv«aie<1 on romplalat of
weapon he Bnalij thiww
necessarj’ to take chances ot over *r-. »orih of ih.. .lil. Tfc.
Hameared a abet pan mna the bouse aad
■n quiir aromaiiealnro I'hi
that second one. Scott's,
bug^--------------------------------------------then Bred la tbe dlreettoa taken br
tbe barftain. and ealUnc ta aome of bb gy la fnmt of bit maldcncc. Barber. I EfclUlsion iS S preventive i
aelihborn, made aa laTeniorr of darn- t-ety. Terr drunk, wa* fooad with iijas Well SB a curc. Take’
Belt SBoratag-eQ day* ta couaiy baa|S*Tn»^ »nCH10AX-C« ot Orana
' ..-J
Far tbe fatr^Ebn tt bad evidraitr
been an anpraBtitaa raid. The caib
drawer bad been emptied ot lu «oatS.oofl; inautaacr. ll.W. Chll'
teati-wboat tfxo. and tae work of
jwhen colds
COlds abound andiB^i..,,.**and
openlns the ab^ bod foat bora wbea dreo and matehm cauaed tbe fire.
Jedm Deeiteg. one nf the oldest
the robber* were mititeaed awar.
«e*t iei.-iyou'llhavenocold. Takeit
la aU probabiptr a rerr UiUe more tiers ta tbe Bmmcli reglaa. Is d<1**^- |twhen
; vstKttn f
thecold ie
is .-win
Uma wooU hawt reanlled U tbe use
** checks inflamm'a- ’Ttoimi.w II i- <v4«r—). ibil PtW»r. ihft
ntdraamlte. la wbiift case Hr. Sweat's perfect h^Th.*^^ "^ *'**^
D iwa nrit. at In.
Lteut. w. u Vftrgia. commaadiniition. hcals the membranes aItikdftV'tA.
baa woald bare been hearr; bat a* It
rlrMlB -1:- IOTVT..«ia. br (.riranl r.n- ihr
b. tbe expttae ol repalrlac the traat tbepwaBddivisioBoftbe«aieN.v*iiof-the throat and lungs
These machtncii are carried in stock at our shop and
OTMd laaald,wui>.
miaindlo waar M
door and lott wHI nmrtr pot him ReteJres. has resigned
/ can be seen in operation “buzzing " wood.
“^jand drives the cold ouL
bis private bustaeat. >
Tbe posioBfoe at Oa
Tbe Bl^t -m -toe dark to render
porcolt pomll^ nnd the bargbn loti Into Wedaeaday nlgfai
no ebw whereby foey ooold be ddeaS- blown open. Tbe robber*, -bbwevw. -gal
aothtag tor ihe(r iroaUc.
OftMlrd a-4 n rvUM.* Ig
Plre baa destroyed the ChatfleU.
■seal—T* <n*fcx Ii. laid
bras* aad irou foundry at mii—win, i
but It wIU be rebuilt. Loaa. #1*^::
ictonare. Se.oon.
John CUrtwa laborer. Ilvlag at Taa-j cola rUlage. was fatally fajured bylCJITAIinll


S & I. L IK un





.-SS SsT:

c. s'.'S!i!S=r!iSar^

Trw am*-, fra— bteftOpan *S W a. — ad




Jlnolber Cbaitce


u. UXWWnOD.O. P. * T

pERE Marquette .
Trala. lft*T« Trar—BB Cllr s* toikn-ft'

S. P. MOKlXs^ Oa'Hn-JV*s0 **
NotloD Of SpMfal Mootins

css2f,'„*iatirtsss a*
r Allan l.diV.IBUn'

Saturday, iha ♦‘•r. day et Nevambw. a:d.ibos.






l-==.;:.?=.r.“Win E)0II1S1#«&2«:-S


OrrUle Bs^. 13 y*on old. whOej Bt*B Owob 1
pUylBc CB tin la i^ min pond jl j «*■■■«•—**^******
neavertoB. fen lo and waa drowoed.
of chb roar aad las! ai eorre«pr>Bd:ae
O'Hara of Ca.-le;on a


. there U a




The Best
and sold
, at Ibo

ssfi-iis^ajrss^ c:ais

OT^ OP XlCSJOAJf. Cbaty W Ovaoi

'”■----------- " ----------‘«4d. Uul VuMy, the
I I> m, Bftit. al I—■
n. U. B-tnod far taB

__ jsis^r^jrjS:

*Bd n U tarlbr
* taid poUBa




To Core a Cold in (tee Day atw..:,.


rtabk Waters aad Adaa Haal. of
Su ddbaa wUl btiUd a SS.oeq beidc o; agBHnHsn.ttw<


AU, THWiwr.dcro«w tt.^w

. ^2S?5?S.T2
Md •(>»».

tM w OwnWill WM ud W. R. WhMl Helped
J. Snk Utrwb boekwkMt «M dar lut
Mi«. wni Tsttee ie as tta nk Uat.
I te uklac «
H. Wi
Oel. i. • dMfMer.

wn TotUB tt tnidilac tan la tbe
■til to be aewM tor lomber.
Mfb. oi^nStalwArtbrt.
<Mlo Wotendw. wiw* ako •
ii> buad UB dan

and Was Mbbai DOtow. atacaa of tb.v
There la a food Intaal for nea daeaassd. artfvad fran Ctavataad too
to dls pnalpaa Ussy of the Oral IKa far the faBeiaL
Dtab Ce.'i aantayea. alaee (ba abetwmard Wanbeis M(i ihto weak tor
daws, are diote pototoae ta tkla n- Bis Baptaa to aiioad tbe Parrti sobeol.
Hin Hamm Andeern and' Hrs.
B reicard to tba po- M. Utaey ot Travaraa aty auaaded
(■aaral of Hn. WtUoa Hoaday
__________ da la tbe Otsad Travane
Herald nriy fa tbe tnaon by C. L.
Oriaa. too of Mr. and I
Danlse, bscd of Ban Bay. ta r '
by m V. 8. anraraneat tapott.____ Dane, nssed aaray at the bone M
taya tbat owina to tbe ennalre pnr- Third Kraet on Wadaaadav avoBlIlt
tbe ass of three years. Tbe paraals
tanad (ran Ctaicaqo an Taaadav
Mataaa of lafarter aaaUly Is nsanlentas. Bbara tbe cb»d bad reeairad
ly proBliBd. Bat tbta retfoe U a te- aataatat (or a yrowth on tbe aerk
rotad ractaa aad wa -win cat a half
weeks, alra
crop of tea aoality potatoaa. that Isirr
OB w(D brlay the vary Ucbast narbal juwr ii^iTwa
prioa. Two now klada of pataiaaa (ran alshtaaa doctors (be paraau rerataad lo tbta loeaUty (bit aaaaoa, (be Batted to tba X-ray traataeai. wbleb
Vadc San aad Ssity Dtrlbe. are daa- radaead tba crawtb. bat (be cfaOd
diaa. Tbe (Omar U a roaed. wUta. drew worn aad passed away ta twaaaad tbe lattar a taac white. ,Tbay ai« tr-foor boars afler srrivlas bnaa.
Paaaral senlets. were btfd at tbe
bona OB FHday sfisraooa. Rev. W.
UailbBt oHctaUac- Tbe btaoUfol Sow-


Saa Mamret bad Itobr Ruswl
bratbsr aad otbcr reM'Jeas
Mrs Uama rauraad Tandi
Boara.kta taas.
a vteit In OairoK.
D. Sin. wife aad iaaili^TT rlaitad Mtaa Dsa TotM ta vttfOas ratativas
at Saolt Sie. Marta.
Mnda here Wadaeaday.
Kre Uyert ta qnUe alek. Her nefbdaye with iwtaUras la Tiataisa
^Ura. Btebbiu. of Nortkpoct, ta wkb
Mro. Mtaaia
ad Watford raaiy.
Mrs. C Bail aad dsaabUr are vtailMrs. Oatna and her ttater May Bade
. bnalaau trio to Travaraa CUy UK las niatlvaa aad frlwadt ta GBIoanar aa ter aa Orawa. wlieta bar weak.
Mr. aad Mrs. U OasBoS are oacnpy
m Ttavaraa aty toapKal. taai Baa-

trow Ibair tana tato »(rw

pattad a* barlaa baee tbe scat aa-


Ur. iBBsa af GUIs Ptar paasad away
at bta bane IbK.Sauadar. after a
abort tllaasa. T^tae aoBv and two
daasbters and ssaBy Maate a*n Icfi
to noorn tbe toes of a lovlaf (siber
aad (roe Mead. Paaeral - eervtaes
ware bald (ran the OoasnsatlrBal
cbareh of tbta place oa Taaaday afterBOOB. Rev. Haribat oHetatlas.
Hr. and Hra. Mb Scott epen' ■
few dare .of this wetai at Sauli Sie
Tba U O. T. M. will tfre ayharvatl
soelsl at tba towa tall FtMay avealas.
Oct. IS.
Mean. B>ea and Wahnr Staale ara
vtaitiBs (itaads at Saati Sie. Marta.
Mtas NKBe Steak! is rtaiUns B'taai
at Saolt Ste. Hsrte (or a few dajta.
•“ as been the
arsbors. aad
this weak for bar bone la
(•taDr. icfit__

JCQWbia pany of tba anawi, Tbe oocdOtab
_______ ■luaa kapt partaet orttp: ibe Boate
_JT koate to Catadoda.
pwU*?^l^ tJUKrtn
ef'Maida-CIty sara aa ctfilUttao of
bta abUUr at a daacar. wMeb aw^
^3£^Miteb mantad Sattudar Had tba apMaoae raeaivad (ran the
* cBitad by larca aaAaaea. It waa-cim on tbat
than woaM ba aaotbar party at tbe
taoM place taro wcaki Ron tan eren
Watford oaOera nuay.
gaaaab aad Weatatf ptared ball '*Mr. aad Mra Btaekatar and two
te^^eadlBCwMM.te Z la (anr eblldiaa of Trarerae CH.- were tbe
^J^Mtaber tbe daaee at Jake Oiab'a. day*
Oanatf Jtaatati aapaoU to aiari
Hr. aad Mn. doba Fbaal wan VraT- Tnaaday (or ladtapa ti> speed the wlaana CHy oaDan Hat weak. .
. His aoadadhw. rraak mue. wlU
Mr. aad Mra. Nick Aaaa ware Trar» .Ul man. ' am CRT oaBwa
^H-jaS^^-^adaytc 1b. Btamr’i roUer pnent nin bad
.W aad Irwlabare par tkat tin Baeklaety would bk work.
BuiM nabar. witb |ad( aerewa. baa Ida witb ber dsasbter. Hn. Robert
_ .rnn u w
ndnd It pp aad taretad it ao tbat U
— ^ — SawUan.
momd-laat week



Mr. aad Mrs. Vkaak


xaa BnasB lam aao jury aao Al­
ban WMaa aam erar rran CRdtea

MeClnkj tpaat A^y

^ Mr^ wm Utaala aad eklMrea Wt
leid tern’
"w«.U«a la tbelr


n atn H tbitaOtfna.
^Bn Wibdtii Hettrieh Mt a (ew
da«a la Ttanrae CUy tatfli^ rtaUiafhcratatar. Mrs. Tooy Bobaa.
XlB rraaeaa Sharpe taR Moaday
■tfnUbt Mr bar bom tn Grand lUp»a indtih- Aid of tba M. B. cbarah
will neat Ban Wadaaa*
wiik Kta. rtaok BBlib.
,1>a tadM of Ibe H. B, cbareb will
^ra a boa aad apron aodal at ' '
Wadaeaday eraalBg of
Bfaat an of Ur. and Mra. LM
died Monday aad was barted
A. Sualt or TraTane City
MS nna aaoean tn catUaa labacilptU^tar these wtahlay to work tor a
adbelanblp lb tbe Uoody HUa taatlUra. Son mton. Hn. Vlrtfala Danlae sad Utaa SaUe ronn were
of Mrs. t«CT Omtrtade Moaday.
Loa Brian 1* buHe m with :

iMta a fear.Mob la tbe toae____
- tiwn
' neaUwNoftberaUtabon the Noftbera UtabMiB aad ^Pinak OePer
“W h»r^

I bowa hall Ian Saisiday
avestaft at wbtad we amalsad tbe
r. P-1. C, o -— -—•- •—

SBjrthiBg fon choose iflk for instaace or sIomm
At cverr tetel or fax a Mranch bctwcco ■cab. whe^
yon feel the ad^ erf aa appetUiof bite to 611 ap a vacaat'
conwr, ia the BMraiaf wbea yon wake haasn^ or at
idflit jtet before toinf to bed. Soda cracl!bri arc » .
light and ca*ily digeated tbat they auke a perfect food St
tiMiwfaeo yoBcoBU Botthiahof eatinl aaytbiag cbe.

scad and tba foUosriaa oOcets
Praalisat. Usita DanT:
trsaaurri. Kaaory . .
cram oonnlitee off tbe loUawiBc Bi
ben: Ina Sbell,1. M____
ehe DavU. Ads WUsoa aad Ltatfe
ir next naaitac wiU be oa Satarday evealac. Oct. 14. IMI. Let as
have Boaay nore aenbera.

Sat ai ia all other tbiagi, thcK u a ditfeiCBCC ia sod
cnchcn, the laperlative beiag
by tbe aama ladlvldual who lOrwafli.
ed sa ccau la« week. The tataU bam
to IIA. Hr.
aadaaM; -1 renaaiber tbe bM. bntl
recall bta aaste. We and to
osU hla ibewild Man fraa Borneo.'
and he canattly taofcad the part. Hi*
bklr, white buR over bta ears, was
(all of vemta. at were bis datbss.
and be was tbe BItbleK tbtaC I ever
saw.*- Tba Ictier reads: ~Panlyacli
Mkbtaaa ramember tbat I sera
(or bair aad Interest this sane
that tbe aberiS look peortiouse tuesday BOralBc one day half 4 e
»0 ceau ioterest U In all hair U and
iO ccait Biorc U aad '» (or meals t«
seeals bed bats and lice" T^ letter
U laterpretcd: -1 aau you SO cents
last weak. Heals CO cents and iBirrcK n ceau. U ceau for balr «ot aa-l
10 eeats latereK; U eeals for etaanInc ai llcc and badbops.
Sataoakeapatp at Blp Rapids bare
afTMd to pat oa the lid and Sonday e>^ tbelr ptacas of bnalnns
as (taht as eveo tbe good folk coold
wish. Fbr sobs time (bey did
taera batfaeas by nsasas of the back
door oa Snadafs and lepal holidays
tbaa OB week days. Now for self
teeUoa and to make tbelr'woric lltfiler
os Bate as aaytblac rise, xbey Eave
eaiarad Into a close Bare^eBt. Vlotatioo of tbe ayreeiatet ta to be putsked ta tbe fall esteat of tbe.Jas.
the satoMeepers prantainK to aid in
esposlnp tbe pulliy ooas.

Uneeda Biscuit
s soda cncker so acicatifically baked that all the autri.
five qaalitiei of the wheat arc retaioed aad developed<a soda cracker ia which all the origiaa! goodaew U
preserved for yoo.


At Htabawaka, lbd.,*Beft Urlctas. ri
Broasoa. was fatally lajured by a
Inslncss Hen's asao i
Medical soetaty arc!
40 serure tbe state j
working lope:
iniDplIves (or tbat ^
hospital (or I
left unloraed loj
Ko stoae U
secure tbe Kale tubercutosto bos-'
plul at MUford. Tbe ooBBlUee a^
pointed by Cov. Warner
there wiihta two weeks

M. J. Boorke's form Imptanen gfote
It pmeonalag sras liarncd WedBaadar
snornlng, catnljtg a losa of 4TJW0. wKit
iber Co. was uved froB‘fore« mile lunmace.
Sres north of Marquette oaly by Ibe
hardest work of baadreds ct aten for
To Cura a CpM In Ona Dap
‘*9 <»rs. The loo ta snail, bat »1(W,
worth of property
by tbe arcs white were aurtod by
-Dr. -ntonai- Qrbicirtr pll ta tbe
---------------------beat remody for tbu often foial dh^
Stops Itchlup tastantly. Cares pile
easc-^reop _ Hu tM«a
Im aaud
ai^ wHb au-a>
eexema. saK rbeon. letter. Itte.Jilve
family for eltfit y«an.’'~herpes, scabtas Doaa s Olntmcai. J
. Whltcacrc. Buffalo. K. T-

I w-™ir
i io»i« Bos of Craad RapMs. who was
liMwn iraobled with a onis
pale (n
lo her
ber 1
ix-.~mn. seniBg w
.... II,w
falp tbi

!*^****^ °” ^* ’_______

Mlltlanaira-a Fear SUmaeb.
Tbe wora-out stomach ot tbe over­
fed BdllkBalre Is oflea paradte la 4ira.
publk prints u a horrible esaaple of
■be evils attendant oa (bo iBSsaaskra
of great wealth. But milUaaaiaei sru
not the only ones i^bo are aBlcteU
with bad xtomnebi. ^bc propottlOB U
far greater among the Mders. Dys­
pepsia and Indlgestloa art twnpsat
SBOog these people, aad they asSer
for worse ton ores (ban tbe aHUIonalre ualeu they avail tbrBsriras of a
tuadard mteldae like Orun's AofwKr
Flower, wfalch hu beea a (srerilo
household remedy for all ebonate
trxMiblra for over Ihirtr-flrt ynri. Au­
gust FWwer rouses (ht torpid liror.
tbu qnailag appetite sad iBsaitu
perfget AlgtsUon. It tonas aad rttdisat (be cetlre system and Bakes Utt
worth llring. no maucr what yoor statlcD. Trial botUes. 2dc; regalsr sixe.
Ttc. For sale by 8. B. Walt A Sina.

sharp polni protruding ibrougfa the is enough. Treatment cares habitoal
I box. Ask
sk-ln. With a pair of pliers she palled
out n frll Kxed darelBg needle. Hire yoor drasstK (or tbem.
CpdcggraS caanW aceouot (or (he
aeodlc bring in ber anatomy.
Hn. Frank LeighUr of Baton Rap-! Wednesday at Ann Arbor witb 123
Ids 1s suffering (nan paralratf of the]
o tbe roll coll.
right aide. H>-r horae .was rrigbivae>l| Henry T. Baker of Udincua. was
St mn auto and she waa thrown out'
killed al While Ch»d while waltlDX (or
against a stone carblog.
I a (rain lo Cadlltac. A heavy sbafl
Tbta is Ibe banner year In tbe bis-| which wTs being moved from a frwlgfat
tory of 81. Joe as a marriage marl. 'car (ell upon him.
There hare already been iisned more
lleenset than la the nme time la 1400.
the great year, when County Clerk
Needham Issued 1.400 licenses. Bve^
tleenec lias been wrillen by COtlnlv
Clerk Ban Miners, and Hr Miners
himself ta satisBed tbsl he will brat
the grral record of Needhsm. Every'
Kate la tbe nnton hu been reprvsenied In: ibe Usrc of llccnseu. and (oof
Headachei, loss of memBoropm conmrira. locludlng Bug-j
0(5', Beak eyo, cro» eye*
laad. Oerinanv. Fraahe sod AusiHs ss{
or defective vision.
jrcll. Tbe ItrgcM BoBber of Uet-ases]
fiave been livi-cd to Chicago couples, j
Dy oDOilng to S'. Joseph tbe luu-r find
lies is the knowledge tbat
It TXFSSlblf to savb a targe amount unj
wedding expenses
others are being cured by
"Co!." H. V. Hortiir. who rvct-nily
wearing Dr. Wolfe's Spe­
Oct. f.
*o)ojrBvd at Lansing. 1s misilng ami
cial Ground Lease*.
The Onfonafoo Stave « Veneer Co. the ciAditort who mourn •si' li>id Hra. F.
s ian raerivad aa order tor 1M«.- sntased hU ealllDg—be should hive
a.few days at t
9 staves, which will keep tbs taill been a present day life Insurance pres-;
iiBtauc U neotba
Idem. One (blog sll wbo made the'
■ are'vUniBS. tbelr daophtar. Hra.
"coloaK s" ecqttalBMoee agree' upon,
ester SIoccb.
. .
tba! be was one of the
Mrs: J. -U Oibbs <d MsrteU csl^
beK sfory leitars tbat ever itnigk Lanon Mrs. Janes Crandall Tbanday_
ctag. Wbetber be was a Kentotey, a
Famera are busy dlfSlnp potatoes.
Georgia or an Alsbaisa ‘knnacll." be
ctal lb Ue«har«b partoraPrIdv «<mIf a few yean afo s
sure was goml. He came to Lteslng
ias. Tba. Ghsiah waa taKafolta dcca cote caisnh
UTh bv bree
1 Remove the Cause. Nature Cures the Symptoms.;
to promuc a race meet, and be got In
leiad with aaiDBP invea and Oowan
a bealiag i
•►r Idea world have bee- ridl-:*^^' worked
Tbe reeMpij of tba erealaf a»ooo'ed
Ibe good. The
. and U renabed for that rat- l«A wth about 1300
lo PReen dorUrp.
InvetUgatur. R. T. Booth, to> dls- Hiy cunlribnted the use of tbe steam
e MeOarry spent a ft
Mre WiUtan Oamw and •or of
cover In Rronri
Iromri this method of cure, roller for several days; the price of
Ciusons Phono No. 3SS
se niy _U5» week.
Tnvarao CUy are la torn, tba cneau
bu performed
lyomel hu
alakott mir6ulta «I9-4l4W1ihalmKoci(
Traversa City. MM>.
of Gao. Dane aad fanlly.
aeuloos cures of eatarrfa. aad is toda;
today tbe aervtee wu agreed apon at t(
Mre B Mebardaoa aad daateter.
not the per. but It bu not bten paid, bnt sev­
eecoBpaBied by Utaa Mabel DUknr.
B U the only adver- eral elly oBctals were presented with
arrived Troai aeretaPd on Hoetav vtaltlag at Sagiasw.
rlsed remedy
Mason box tlteris. A local coal dealer
asd are neata of Mtaa Ebub Wltaoa
Min uartha SboriC^ trates (omer- - • irat what n ctalias Tbe
Mte W. a Wttaoe passed away Sat- row for a rtatt In ladtaaa.
pleie ontllt
tll.M. and feniisted the eosi with srhieh to run
' of■ Hyooiei coets,
arday nonUey after a tons lltaeaa at
Mn- P. Oenrner bs« been verr sick eonaUis of on Inhaler, a mMtalav the suam roller, a number cootribbar boan OB THrd street at tbe a«e the lui week.
dropper, aeu a bot'le of HrameL
nted to tbe east c( thc-oaelag program,
• seveaty-ooe years. Deosasad has
Hr. and Mre. Rd Quaife arc visitBreathe Hyonwl (brnogh tbe tabalvr
ion a tastdeet of Kortbport for Uly lag la Trave-se Ctl.-.
tor a few mlnaiea four times a day. otbers coDiribnied several days' work.
«ra. aonlac bare fron Ohio. S'le
Ju. HcClosky
bu gone to Trarerae aad It win cure the wont ease of a
arcs a stater. Hn. W. H Oaylee aa.i Cltv fo 1 .
taTs^ilk^d'tbi!r^ No Need to be Alarmed about Stomach Troubtft If
tarrii. It soothes add beau the nm- b^x
- son aad dancbtsr. Mtas Bnaa tail
Several a«a have qoh. work at (he mera mean-ane of the air nassages.
YOU US6 Mi-o-na-Cure Guaranteed by
»utay Wltaoo. to Bom bar loar dsB. ao tbe company arc anxiout (or preveau Irritation and effecu a com- Chipped tn again to help out tbe nee]
■Woss" Bte left in the lurch. One
S. E. Walt'dt SonS.
—nany Mends sad aequatat men and offer ffood wages.
pleu and tastlac enre.
Hn. Wilson was loved b* aU
Mtaa Ante Heag It worUrg for
as tonteed tte buvirai sal
Ia Trerorse City there are scones of
The mosL frequent affee-.loa of the dtaeu* can b« eend by Mt-Ma.
Hra. Fratk Rpgen..
wril kaowr. neople w>>o have b*fn
tlfb: ’-Good-bye. knnaslir . stomach ta eaurrb. at (be deitaa’e 1s tbe oely remqdy that striku at
Hra. Fanate Oonklin and dangfalrr cured o( caUTTh bv H.-omel. if Jt :
siomarb“!• ' root of the eriJ ud actuaOy curaa
lucky for thcB tack rabblu'
sad ebeertno ibe stak. and even I of Long Lake mre vliHtng at Ceo. Rog-i .does not r-re you 8 P Wal' A Sobs .
.. , ,
cully Irritated bv hs-wifrl fori or dlsrasr.
will retsro the nsooey yoa pay (dr Hy- yon disn t eaase cm yoorsell. fer yon overrating, Ktep a s-rtc: waieb tor
Ii doe* not eootaln opium IS’
oBri. T%U ta the siroageoi evMeaee —eUngoacme.
sympums of auramte iron-.form.
any w
«t-. ivTB. odds,
aaa*. aleohoi.-or
SebMl Rrpert.
tbai eaa be offered u to ibeir (aUb ia
ia baraful dreg .
r Grand I
Report or Canada tcbdol. Grant
remte.- lhai h«aU tbe Irritated
( Bapldsartrued John Rector for being
tAeKf-^Irras to tbe eod. which (ewnshJp. for (be moetb endleg Seri
altmntaica tbe soesBe Saiardar. Tba family wen ». IMS.
B a4^.|«rnBr
-awl Willis
HeoTT. impure blood___________
Sbortneu of bimaib. black tpodu tarr plexu, and aids dlgsBi
^wtth her 1- Ibe UK boat w*an a levUxrie OUBB. ttecbcr.
ftepta cBteluki^^^d^^.;nad said bta broiter shoqld noi go to, before (be eyes, lamd tongue,
Ask 8. a Walt A Saw 4«
Bother was tahee from tba bon'!,
------ - —lls eare^ S7.
rattan, there wu a straggle white
aat .aarvlqas wees bMd (ran tba
I- tm Haadae la ebsnce of W. Aaivrvawer'.
NsBher Brirtier •elti^t iur-.tardy. ______________ bSod rirt;V:^d.liS:T“
«t.Hnnt. ao bratber
rh ^
(If .w..
(be ttoxnate. Tbere'u Bo aa?fnr Bd^
denwa ol Travrrae City. Her. W - 30. as foOows:
—reotnrei perfeot braHh.
] of 4be cop He look a hand and the j need to be oBiluly alarmed, tor IbU n>K help you.

,&SfSi;£».'3ir2S Jte


Soda Crackers

Menslas. Gtaa Barrows. Mabel CaBBta.
Carrie Caaate. Artbar Strlektaad.
LlbHa HleU.

Marlas aeens U> be tbe order of the oMdaUi SI the fnneral of Mrs. Wotfe.
Mn. Jobs Ksnaady tetanalaed
(rtaads at aoppar oa Taaaday avealas
The Mtaaaa libhta OasuS. Bdaa
Branea and Messrs. Norann Tboaias
ted Charles Berry spent Friday laK
at Nortbpon pDtaL
Tbe Udtas’ Baaetl aotaety wUI ftre
a tea seat sapper at (be bone of Mra.
.Jobs SeaBiny oa Friday, Oct. Utb.
. Mrs Cbaries BiPBea is ill at t
Many s Travane City f
Find Them Se.
Thera wtl' bP ro ncheo’ Taeaday.
*^11^ BUS Myen of West All___
ad aebus
oallad on bar atatar. Mia. O. Soba. Fri- Wedoeeday and Thnreday of aer.
webk. as tbe leaeber* will auaad Uv
<■ eatlrriv
iBstjtiue at Sottoaa Bay.
I taanoylna.
. _
_ero«s urinary
Mary Jane Wolfe, ooe_____
e of Ue dtaorden ta enoutfi lo make tar t "
Mre A. C. ?____ ______________
laa wata Trararw City calMa Friday ttm ptaaeera of (his vlltasa. passed ney aeSerrr cratefol To lell b
tbta fTcat (tense eaa be broupbi
aad Sautter.
beeday noalss- The foneral was Bboot will Drove coBfortfos word*
bald at tbe M. K. cbareh. Rar. Deans bnudreds of Traverse City rasderr.
Mre. W. A. MerriH. of WI Webst
fl. fT Salltelm and wUe rtaited OoQbllB of Traverse aty and Rev. JJ
KreeL cars: "I saCesad from sttac
bit Betbar. at Sooth Kaaece Senday. D. Oeeu oMotates.
Mrs. Wtaale Sebraedfr left
. of baekaebc for sixtea years, and Jtu:
teMZKstar aA bally
Tbsstey noralBs for a trip to Grand pravlous to taklna Doan s KIdne)' ptIU
Ba^aadoibn plaeaa.
(be trouble became very severe. 1
The L. O. T. M- M. wlU alve a bsR never snSerad so •■Djoy^llfe
Mr. w'ood aad (amtly are morlas
veK sapper FHday .eveatas, Oct. 13.
OWg ma,waab. after apaadlns a ye
Tbe Udtas- BsaeR soetaty will bold
Sbrfi Haaiay aad Mre Afaaa Bafht tbelr aaatBl mecUnp at tbe bone of laid up and mv back was coaUcually
were narrlad Wadaeeday. 8ap(. 41b. Mrs. SeabsiT- Afler the boslaest ass- weak and aebiap. Doan's Kidney PlUt
- ne aad renfoved tbe
Tbete^ eoaple^e tbe bsK wtab- alOB s tea eeai tea win be eeraed.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. dteasua spaai treoslue ailBCBta. 1 coollnned
ireatacnt natll J tboucbt It oan .
**D*a^bofS?tf*5aeena CUy wpa
sary to use more of tboB. 1 oooM MH
bare oa baUaeat Frtdai.
Cbartea Daria and paari Uarab at ter Usdorie. aceompaaled by little wish for a beuer or sore eCectlve
Boprti Eaaden aUeadad nsaiiOB beta Mtaa Seelis. spent Sstorday lii Tnv.
Prtae so
IV. w: H.
cents. FOMcr-HUI
Hr. aad Mn. faasM^Xfafpa
York, sole m
s for ^^Gai%
Trareraa City oaUarrtetnteyMb Ibkar to thrashlag' for Mye
T«eker tatey.
Aaa Kamy. Alva Payee HarBsa. . Utai Mary Oartbe was ptaai
Jpllita aad Attbar Xalctn. Jia Davit surprised by a niraiber ot ber (i
SBd Pkc Davta aa tomna.
A meeUns of the etate medical re*ba. have spea last Tburedsy evenlas.
Meaqra. Sears'aad Roach are polai; traUcB board will be held la Uastns
U *>ahoap-a eaap
r teiplre;le
> build a tarse warcbouse Ja ibe
October 10 to 13 for tbe esaatuUon of
f. Bprkenta pottlac op a new tnlld more.
B. N. Pickard of L-Kand was i
a^csinu for liceuaes to practice Bc^
las (bat be win itaa £>r a abap.
' Hr. aBdMn.0. Upban aad daash- Friday and Saturday, loadtas a
lar Mate ytalted W bMbar. doha wUb Innber.
klaa''Martha Pajne ta wotfcUs for
Mrs. I. Bbirtr at tba botaL
Mr. SBd Un. B Payaa of Oi
vtaltad bta aaete. Koat Payaa. teaday.
■ra. Delta Craia aad (aaslly rtattad
bar Aiitar. Un. Jana Clay. Boaday


___ McOanba. Ctands Frtast. FViyd
Oabrott. Atrerr OsSntt. Bor WlaibaoBlb. M DUoa. Balpb Dteoo '

*" * "*"**

Can’t Ttm See the Star of Bopef
ir TOO Alt somiiifc


TODS sTu sr non '

ir onmts. war not too?

amf KUn nt uimu

M P. L WDIFE, Pmt 8R.B.Lf«ILS0MttltW








«( tit* Braitac SUuBdard u
«tTM Hiu (aJMH* rrmlla la m dlstrieu 10 tueai^ttre* prortaeei of
Raaida. aSeetlac a popsIaUoa of II.09I.MW. HotpUal ortaalntknf of U>c
taattrot aow rotareloc tnm w will
aaaW la tbe wmk dt i«Ii«nBx
diitrm. u Bwr bf neceoarr to foea tbe
peofle ia Ute aSaetad dialOcU vbtU
Jair of aazt raar.
BWthaaar Mat IWaaaad.
Oraad BapMs. Midi, Oci.ll.^adce
{•eitfau bas rafnaad to cnat iba peUtloa of R. B. Mnbeaar. auditor of tbe
Oraad Bapidi k indlana railroad, to be
parcad or coatempt for UUore to prodae« tbe books of tbe Ttarerfe CItr.
Lealaaaa * Maalstl«aa railroad, of
•bleb be U praaldaac. In eoorc He­
ar claims that tbe books are la tbe
... 1 of D. W. Kantmas of Cbicaco
•ad are beroad bis eoniroL He will
take as appeal to tbe Bapmae eoeit.

W. B. WbUe eoDpaar made a record
cm of Btaadlnc Umber, wben 303.MT
fwl of llie Iocs wMeh were aiaadlac
•raet In tbe montss srere cot down,
tawml IB leoctbi and leaded on RosaaU ears, all In one dap. Tbe crew that
lOffimrpIlBbful tbis bad EReta teams
aad aereaur saco. This Uc cot was
aawad lato lumber br White's mill In
a Utfe teas than twentp tapora.
Laka Aan Wan.
Imlce Ana. Hleb.. OeL 10—After wlaBlnc a cameJrofD Maple CHp Satsr
dar di tbelr owa ciwoid tbe Lake Ann
team w«i from tbeo Bnndap at Lake
Abb br s aoere of 11 to 4. Ortmer of
Bmpira was la Ure bos tor Maple CItr.
He pttdtad lood ball bat Lake Ann
was laekr la catt^« hits wbem m«B
wma OB baaea. Winlets of Lake Ann
Btnek oat teuTteea ama. Balter

Tbe emperor and empreas of Oermaap base Im be aadermood ibat
4bar wm sot noetre peeeeatt of aap
klad oa tbe twesip-dftb anntr«
of ibefr wedding, which wlB «
next pear. CooirlbBUoas of moaep wOl
be deroted to ebirlip parpoaes.
fWdee KIgblingale. tbe weiSaa
rerelBilonisad tbe shk reome aad
bospltalB Of the ctriUnd wtwU. ie
» pears oM. Tbe IlUIJMO teatilal. presented to her a lew paara
age abb gare to a aefaool for ualaed
arses. Sbe has written manp botdu
In 1W3 the German norelto wUs
helm Raabe wrote a storp In wbleb
erne of tbe characters remarked Umi
tbae wooM come when there
woDld be an -Bagtand of tbe Paelle
ocean." which wooM then be nr.
lamted. "We call H todap Japan and
ataad before It a% before a dark rMdle."
Amoni; the plana for the celebr
of ibe two bondiedtb annlreriai.
Dlrtb of Benjamin Ptanklln. next
Jnnnarr. It that of an Amerieaa bankiB Parts named Harjes, wbo oCerr
to cre« In tbe Preoeb capital a repllee
Boric's Btatpe of tbe great pbl
pber'and patriot now atandlng la PbUadeipbia.' ,
Mias MHdred. daogbler of Will
Dean Howells, the aortilsL la a derer
artist and began to show her uimir
when U -pears olA At that time abe
lead a aeries of ikeubcs aroood
whldi her father wrou a lltUe book
B-blch was qolte sneeeasfnl. Hiss
ells Is now a aleader. apfrlt
ponoc wotnan. mneb derexed tc
and Itiefaiare sjid with no taau
Mias Map Fisk aad Hiss Brelpn

bare grown tired of the
and bare started a dalrp farm on tbe
estata left bp ikMr father. Hsjrcp
Flak, "nie daltp comprises cow subiq. milking sheds, cootfag and aeraliag planu and e botiliag bense.
There are also bolMlngs for maklns
buuer sad other 6$irr prodocts. Tbu
dalrp has a One herd of cowsAnd Its
■and taader It lU.
Sattoks Sap, MHfe- Oct.
On Frl- empidpot are all
dar. tor Uta ltd time since their orYoung Fred Raelk. Ute perba
■wHatldi ea FU>. 4th. 1»04, tbe
bootblack from California. Is m go­
Toaax Guards B. Band of lltUe bars
Sauoaa Bap falied to meet at tbair ing alrm^ the Paris newspaper oir^alar boar tor pracUee. wbli^ has flees. nA nickname, "Uie Frisco Kid."
baba beld tbiy Umea a sraek since has been adapted to Pteneb as
tba date of organisation. Ontbeeri^- Ootse de 8ta Fraaelseo.'Ke b abe
lag of OeL 4tb. aBer return^ homo called ^ "slobeHrMUiig bootblack"
the French papers, wblcu
tram.baad pracUee. Hastar Yniile W.
Fapaa. mAlgaa'a pouagest band toad- p^t colomns aboat bis advenlnres
ar. was takan auddenlp lU from pR- aid qlma He was rerp mn^ disap­
amtea potoonlBs. aad for maap honre pointed to bear on.ainrliig at the
imzare bp the aocalled Unnsbla life baag bp a slender thread. Has­
traln frocn Harre that Presltar Willie, ibongb somewbat tmprored.
boou be waau to
Is pM anlte amiaislp flL AppobiiUie Biraee. but la
maala bp |be band bare beaa mmof U Bai
oeUad aad pnmtien anspeadad awaitta« tba oateoBM of tba Uttle leader's dc-Haieaa.
tt)a«a. Master WUUe U the oDlp son
V. Lacas. a deac^ant of one
of tbe oldest tomlllas to St. Loub. wbo
<f Br. W. K. Papas.
lad his lonnbe about "twentT pears
trpiBg to ^aou tbe Cnkm Base­
Had aundap at Hoacaw.
Kaaeopr^ Oct l.-Ttaa aUItarp and ball aaaoetaUoa. of wUeb be was prespoUea occopr atroag poMOoBs follow- Uent. W been appointed to an tolag tbe btoodMMd aad rtottag of the ----- ■—In tbe St Louis street de­
last two daps. Tbe abaolete power partment -nt a aalarp of m a monUi.
mferred oo tbe aniboiitles is being At oee Ume'be was worth tlM.OOO.
tredp asad to quMl farlber ootbarsU In Uie pHimp daps of tbe tlnlon assoctotloa Hr. Lucas owned erne of ibe
greatast ball elaba that was
braoght logeUier. Tbe UbIob
organised ae a lira] of tbe
aad al^ Mtatos fl( Coessctr are paNaUoaal league. For serMl pean li
uoUtog tba dtp.
> in eight otUe mosi
Amtu are betog wade of all atrtlKi
of the coontry. ForagUaton. The atrike b powtog aad
Utae weat against bim. While be made
Ute wwfcmM are Itaip at aap tUae
be was called up­
start tTMtoa. The brntoHtp of the
be^ oUicr clutn.
oSean has todamed tbe peo^
which broke up tb»>l<«gao flnallp.
Louis ^Cat^iSsPl the man tbit
ffaadap. when tbe-aesmes eaacted.rlrallad tbOse at BL Pateraborg os "Red bbtorp ^ea credit for tbe noratoBmsdap’ tost Jasnarp. Tbe iroopc tion of Horace Oreeler for tbe prealIn U72. was found dead toa
■raff iadbertmtoaidp toto the moba of
rtotan aad used sabres freelp. kRIlbg ban at Brdaer. N. Y. Be was O
. aad Injuring manp.
After tbe crowds dbpereod the clUVirtted feaskm of-the Ohio PYUsens were atiaeked to scattered groups erattoo of tobor coded Tburadap to
or IndlrMtiaUc, Himdieds of
iricts be
• pot at work lepstrlng and Irapn
in aoeonta aaUmate of the highwnpa, that gwiaaa-made goods be
ttoeilp labelM and that rwnntoc
boards be not pMmItted ofl sei
•sp flhet at Caatrai Laka.
CaMi Late.MJclL. OeL l.-«y the
aecHsatal dto&smW aabotgtm srUb
sAtob ba was pla^ to companp wtUi
a asMbor bop. Bop WUlaoa. aged U. few nlgbu ago aad Uie srrtter begged
-oong lady, that all bi
was kUMntfo'clock last nlAiL
Rop Winsobjs tbe SOB of George wanted was -Just to beld pour band.'
WUtson. wbo ttv^wD-mUes north of
Count Vbnmuofr Dashkofl. vlcerep
Oaatral Labe. Ufd plapmate was Uopd of tbe Caneasus, has written n I
FtgHr. whose have Is bet a abort dto- to tbe ctar. to which he dedans Uiat
~ tonee swap. Both young Ptglcr's par­ tbe sitimUon to tbe Caucasus Is exents are rtalttag to Ohio and Uie boy. tremelp dangonras. be can't re
who u' about 13 paara oM also.
order and be wnnu to resign,
Ml aleae. wKta the cxeepUon <
tas reccntlp
received more tba
alek bnxbar to the adjototog n
Ired letters tbreatentag Urn .with
Tba two bon bad the gun. whhto
death if be does net loave tbe Caua breacb loader, and wereendeavo
to -break" IL It seems that tbe WlllMr Gimian. Uie presldeot
aaa bop was OUUag to a roeklag
ewspaper Jokcrh club, that visited
with tbe mtnsle a^st bis breasL J(Ab D. Bocketeller at Cleveluid tbe
Tbe other bop was beiplug blss.
other dap. gives an entertmtotog actboa^t that Uie gun was ebeke
conns of tbe visit, wbleb co^od
it WM dlaekaiged ^Ic the boyw
own; -Otbcis asap know Rodmfelas a zaooatcr: others map know
him as (be richest maa In tbe wotid:
ethers map know him m a nrttatare
Tbe cterge mraeik tbe WUtson bop aad the bott of tbe Jesu of os wbo
Jam abore tbe Wt alpple. aateria
were that dap bto bappp gnests. But
hoari aad comlag out of tbe back Just we wbo were there know him as
bstow hto sbonMar. Dasptia ibe aatarv pleasatii. poaag-old geatleaMB wltb
of Ibe wonad. be Itogered for fuBp flve pleaktag volea of gentle, beoevoto
tfaulqs after ibe sboMlag.


Good ladgaa of llqaer agree that
srUte booae wMsfcp during^ Booaemldeaee there has baea of aalIp good qaallip. TradlUoa has
St James Bacbanaa*lmpt tbe
llqanr erer aecn Is the eieeaUTe
Sion. It b aald that be bad to Us ed­
it Wbllelaad enormoas qi

U tbe Impress of imtb. Umt wbtokp—
tbst b. good wbiskp aad snek whbkp
e drank—bad no other totoxkai«ebl oa Jamea Bpckaaan ihaa
W exhUaraUos and ^ he coald
drink a gallon of It a dap wRbowt pereepilWe effect oa bis phptoqw or tbe
slightest disorder of bU mind.
brl Bpencer b to preside at Ibv
■relllng In Lmdon of tbe aaUoanl
memorbi of the laic Mr. Obdsioi
Oct. 21. and tbe eeremoop will be perfonned in (be prcaence of a repres
assemblage of politieiaB and
>UblUtlCf. iDrlutkms are tieiac
senl ooL bot tbe prognm has not been
scUled. Sutoee of the deceased
sman alteadp exist to Westmin­
ster abbep and tbe central ball of the
bonsea of partiamenu Uie former bartog been erected at tbe poHIc expease
and tbe latter'bp pobllc atomcripilon.
This national memorial, bewwrcr. Is
o be a slatne oalp. baf as ImportDonamestnl greop. Tbe hnmse

Impreesirc rendering of n floe peraUly,
During tbe recent Genaaa armp inaerers Prlnoe Harold of Deematfc,
wlUi bls.reglmenL was expecting an
fc'at T a. m.. bat tbe 'eaemp bad
Ibe bad manners to arrtre
bsgged Uie prince and bis men wbUe
tbep were asleep.
Proteeaor Wllbrim l^sxkowakl. spelaj ccmsolssloner from tbe eoperor of
Gennanp. will risit fonnecn American
nnlre^tJes for the purpose of estab­
lishing ekwer world)
tkeen the unirersiUes of Germanp ffnd
the United SUtee.
Jidm B. Atklnsoo is lee peers older
in polot of serriee than anp other goremmeot em^ope In Waabtagloo. Hr.
Atkinson, a bsUre of
to his serentT
lered U» elrll serriee as clerk to the
iressurp depattmeni forip-one peart
ago and has baen there erer since.
President Doubet saps be srlll probablp withdraw from polltica allogetbcr
when ♦hta present term expires.
cooW have a reeiectloa. bot «ll
"1 could be of wee." be add nalrelp.
"as a member of Uw senate, but wbUe
mp district would probablp send
Cbnmber of depuUes tbe defstrtIt wonld not elect i
sufllcleDlIp repabilean.
Wben Bmpmor William of Germanp
lei out' abootieg a keeper accompanles blm. and whea tbe pime Is
Tonsed sUefcs a fork In tbe gronod.
Tbe kalaer. it Is said, places hts gun In
and bandies the weapoe pistol
fasbloii. For ^erpthiDg ibat to shot
anoMi is made la tbe fork, and wben
It Is covered wltb marks
btooAit into use. All these forits, the
emperor’s skill, are careCnllp pre­
served In tbe kaiser’s snorting
mum as-a record of tbe bags be bar
A aenirp of the ropal palace In M
irld rcccaup refused admittance
-Tbe offlt of sodetp." saps Bishop
Fsllows of Chicago. -Is no longer tb»
Individual, but a manand-womas. unit­
ed to faolp wedlock.P. La Francblf a Santa Rosa. Cai..
dalrpman. left two to the mapor of
CogOo. Ss-ltxcfiad. for tbe dlsirilnition of salt affloeg the residents.
•The Taggart eockiair to Uie latest
echo of (he amp divewee scandal In
wiaqBT. O.
said to-be
i^ tnakliig
fortnnts out of It.
Large scbonls bave been establl^ed
to Daobemom. Sing Sing. Auborn and
tbe bstesn New York r^ormator
b. to teach the prisoners
rp studies.

) aerea of wlA «C mw%. ase. U. Iowa
I. range lO: fllMa.
CaioUae J. HmlJ to Wm. BogUna.
oorbiF toteceat to let 13, bloA B. H,
L. *01.-1 Tib add: fIM.
J. T. Haaaab. ot aL to Fred Wllsmi. Ms U aad 14. bloA ». P. H.'s
Fred r. toUUami and wife to Frask
O. PratL tots 13 aad 14. btoek 3. P.
K-s 4th add: tm.
a F. Scbsttcrlp to C. H.
et al. BlA of aeti of swtt. see. 16. town
21. lasge 10; toad coatracL
Jao. C. Updegrove and wife to U H.
and T. H. P. Hoanrd, parcH. as
town 24. faage >; ll.M.
United States to flee. M. Tto
M X. sec. gr JancMT; taage 12.
Batale ofrAte W. Howard.
Amelia Ka^ to Farm C. Gilbert,
pertol. H. L. a-Oo-lsTtb add;
Tbomas M. SSane^ wife to Ceu.
Stom. parcel, sec. ». town 2S.'range
); 1128.
Oco. Storm to Nieb. Krtser. parcel,
sec. 8. IDISB 2e.'tBnge 10; 8123.
4. H. add T. H. P.. Howard to Wm.
A. Alcuok. parcel, nee. 3. (own 20.
range P: tl.oo.
Bast Bar Lambcr Co. to.A J. nighnrn. lou 86 aad 8T, Ahgeaa Re "
Bxm W. Hobbcll and wife to Oee.
Barrows and wife, tou 11 aad 12. block
1C. H.. L. * CO.-S leib add: *2*00.
Willard H. Apers sad wife to A^o'r
Raiser. parceL Wbitewmier township:
Bstale of Martbs E. Bates, orders
■aigntog raaldec.
FMella Wages to Phoeba A. Durgs.
cH of ets of swH. sec. ». towi
tnge 12; **8. Oscar Simpson and .wUc to Jao. R.
Santo. sVk M 3. btoek «. H.. L. * Co.'s
9tb add: *800.
Manistee Land Co. (n G. w Snrgari. eti. sec. ». town 28. range 9; »I.
Joseph B,.Banicp to Frank B. BodSmlUi Bamea. et al. to Martha E.‘C
Bates', tot 18. block I. 2nd Femwood
add: *80.
Heltasa J. Elmendorf to Kilo J. CarI. wH lot 137. Oak Helgbis; **00.
Hlto J. CnrUs. ci al. to O. H. and C.
O. Parrish, parcel, sec. 38, -down Xt,
Albert Hyde sad wife to Jno. VC.
Wyckoff. swt4 of se'A. sec. 21. town
*6. range 10; *401*4.
Martha S- Walker Estate.
Cbas. C. Howard and wife to Hanna
GaJrto.. lot 1. block 18. H.. L. * Co.'s
2nd add: *700.
James McCluskp to Jno. Qoalfe. ntx
of nwVi. sec. *«. toarn 27. range. 11:
Hargiret B Criatb to David G. Haswell. luU 11 aad 12. block 2. Furnwood.
Wm. E. DeOraw dad wife to MaggicDesprea. parcel la Traverse Oty; *1.A. W. Bartak and wUb to Antoo
EUtner. west *8 feet lot 2. block S. H..
L. * Oo.'s 9lb.
Darius B. Crippen aad wife to Rich­
ard Ztie. sett of se8i. sec. 23. tosra 25.
range 12: (1*00.
■ Albert Valeab. et al. to Joo. Jaoda.
toU 3$ aad 38. block 9. H. U * Co.'i
<Ui add: 3300.
A BIG bCXCH of flne We neckwear
pnt to for 28c.,
oct 7-tr
Hamilton Oolbing Co.
rs. WII Irwin of Traverse Clip
visited Hesdames Geo. McOotaM and
B. J. Case last Tharsdap.
Mrs. Coorop. wbo bas Ibeen visiting
ber mother. Mrs. Cox.. ot
rf Summit Oi.r.
ber borne at Sligbis
Arch OIbba was a Kiogsirp caller
Miss Inei; Farnsworth was over fmoi
Fife Lake Saiunlap on a sbui buslHiss norence Watson went taTraverve Otv Seinrdap evealiig.
SerenI from here attended, the Her
Home meeting of the Summit
Clip Grahge Satur
turdsv. They report s
good attendance
an enjoyali'v

__ and Mrs CramUII were
from Traverse City Saturday.
P. W. Conlier was down from Waltoon Lake tbe flrst of this week to
new acquaintances.
A. B. Stinson bas on exhibiiiou
his store a pie pumpkin, ibe weight
which is serenty-foor pounds. It w
raised on Msplc Hill farm.
The sloreq of J. Auspaeb and
Hamburger were (losed Monday,
beliig a Jewish bolldav.
J. Anipacb was In Chkago the first
of Ibe week oo busteeu.
Miss Berv-I BerM-tl of Kalkaska
visittog relatives bere.
Mrs. J. A. Trinn left Hooi
visit to bt-r daughter. Mrf.
son. who moved to Kiplint. Wash..
ypars ago.
Ed G-cen and famllv .
raveiwe City yi
yesterday P
■Dd Mrs. J. U Vi
W J. Siewari o f Petoakey spent Sun
BHdlep Martin U making tb<
dar and Hondav with relatives here.
J. C. Pease started Monday for
Scotch (hmiUes at Betmacaan angrv
bp subsUtnUBg Jlo JUso wrestling tor Portlaad.
Oscar and Whiter SeegmillfT re­
tbe old Caledanlan games
turned Monday evening from Chicago.

UGH SCKOOrr^ra to Ui band)
caps and sweaters.'
oct 7-tf
Hamilton Clocbtog Oo.

rhere abe will r
« time Sbe wa

... M'S. Waher Btockflsh had
Rml Estate TrwnfwB.
the mtotorione to toae their baby 8atRecorded bp Registor of Deeds
arday. Cholera
was lb*
see to OcL Itth.
i-r. Bamat) and wife to Add)*; Cbas. Welsh
Gibbs, w fr H of »w fr, 3J, aac.
\ ^
Bproo Rogers of tfa*fleld Is ihinktown 25. range le;. tiAOX.
log of aefUteg In Kingsley, where bHhimah. lap 4k Oo. to FiordI U eaa wort at hts trade, that of evriage
Smith, tou 3 aad 9. btoek *. H.. L. * PAtoUngOM'.i«hadd: «*».
Rsigh MeCtoabp t Kate 0|fvtB. aj Oeo. Frmaaa and Mira Mary RMk

weve anltod la (he boAdsAtf boiy wwd-l
toek Wedaaadap. Oct. 4.M tbe taaoe of |
ride's pi
___ ..rRtor*. I
were Btuwlfld bp Htos Minnie j
Mack and Frank Ctork. Oa Ttaradsp
evenlag a recepttoa was MEm bca-l
r the bride sad gieoiA Both a»ql
known nnd bnve a torge elrele of.
friends wbo wtsb the^a toag aad'
praapenm. We logclbf. )
Od le.
7 .
THE HAKD80MBST <Bsplap' of Sew
aeckwear, 25e and &0e.
Hamlltem CtaUtog Oo.
OM 7-tf
Tbe four-w.-eks-cU babe of Mr and
Mm. Axtel Pete-noa died U« nIgH
aftm a alriutcss of about three weeks.
The f-.neral serrieea will be beW at
the H. B. church lomonow at 1 p. m.
B. Kllnglesmlth of Traverse Oty Is
home for a abort time U> assist bto fa­
ther la teeurlng Mi fall ciopa. '
. Perep TilMaon. wbo went to ‘rlropl
Honw last April aad located a idenof Umber land, returned Rent. 30th.
well pleased wltb his trip.
Dr. U J Tedmab U aUeodtog (be
meeting of the board of supervisors at
Traverse City this week.
Those who look advantage of ihv
cxcunhio to Indiana today we*v Mr.
ud Mra. J 8.-well and daugbier.
Frank Kolandirter and daughter
Katie. A. J. HlgUea. C I. Porter. Mrs.
J. W. Wllsey. Frank Sargent. Mr. and
Mrs. H. 8. Cox nnd Henry Roop.
Oct. 10.

Aa veD atlenpt to inettoo law or medkiBe doogtiMluM
ia TOffoe a CMtaiT ago aa toaotor oowtatw^al nbtneqsii^'d
with i praetiod knirirkdfr <d aU iptod. w«
We loach hot oalj the foathuMaial {nndpka of basiaoM,
bat the abort rata to qakk anil aue mnlto. We Bake dor
atadrata experta aaa capaUe oaoBiaBdiog tbcexpetfaaaUiT.
^rt ri| ^ aad anoccaa ia half attoiaed. Let aa teach 700
abort band. tTpe-wiitiBR. penmanabip. book-keniiag and tbe
rariooa otber ouiurfbcial brancbca. and jrour fatore pw^rity
will be aaaured.
8dKxd inaeaaioa. StadeuU can enter at any tiete.
Aak for fane cataiogBf or caU ai^coUeBOoSoe.

Trayerse Qty , Business College
33^241 East Pnml Btrert.

Over ^toggsCj^ log ^laehlar OBce.

Try a Md Want Ad.

•eo anuld like to, b-*t Imadae that It neceaattatea
a UUoraGd a price avhkh they can't aflord.
They tuve cone on from year to year buylac
tbe ordinary over-tbexoontor riotbea aaltt
Blade In sd«at abops. and deslcncd by acme
^ced cutter at fifteen dolUrs a week.
Why '3»ot ebaace all that. Why not at
lead take tbe trouMc (a try on a CMhcraft
auit. and see for yoarsdl II It Uo't better?
■ When we toil yon poaMtaly that aotb.
craft <;totbea ate desl^B by bighw
priced deaicneta. cut and bandJad by the I
most expert workmen that blEh
wages and a model factory can pro*
cure, and moreover made abaohrtcly
aad eadnaJvdy ^rom alUwool fab­
rics, retnembcT that we are simply MetlBC
facta. These tblnca are true, and It la
they are true, that Ctathcraft
Ciotbes are superior to otber readymade
dethea, and equal to cuaton-made
carmeota—yet cost less. Try on a suit aad
see. Yon needn'ebaynytw don't waat to.
The StmaimrA and EocUd, CMhcraft sack sutts fbowu
bet*, are offered ia a peat variety of paUeraa—aH woolat $10 to


A aotMng Slaughter
750 Men’s Suits
475 Men’s Overcoats
369 Boys’ Suits
259 Chiids’ Suits
367 prs. Men’s Pants

Bought' Iro.rn an overstocked Eastern
clotbiog manufacturer at about 60c cm a
dollar. The stock is frebh and clego,
made for this fall trad«. ■ Eyery garment
has style and character. This U a'chance
for you to buy your Fall Clothing at
prices away less (ban what you would
pay aft^the season.

doablu brcnstetl. witL n-U
and paddcvl sbonUers. onade of ^
pent cassimere and w

sem'cenble suit...................
amk of Mae

200 Hot s' two.,noec School Sniu. >.l new- Fall
stylit that on- wortb up to $1 00.
Yoor t-lioice w-bilc tbey last...........


Men's Orercoata. iiO in.. long.
long, iooK
loom fa^. cookl
•ith^r w-ilboot
boot bflU
ganrumL wortb $H.00.


Hen'* tlh and $30 Synctiae CloUjing Cb'i



tonne UeD'a Long Panto Suita in aaek and
aqnarc onto. !n worateda and eaaaimc-tea.


Tbe AckMwIeJfcd Leaders of low Prices io bind Trarersc Cdnnty.
118 Front street

Traveree City. Mich.

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