Grand Traverse Herald, April 13, 1905

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Grand Traverse Herald, April 13, 1905


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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teacher* df Prlm«iT aad UUee-j the dub boose ha* been kept npen ell
w*e far (be tale <rf l» worth ot hooka. Idiww the otimaielr knely man far a faJly fao«ht. Ured and worked far and bet which moat be looked after tame.
te depameau.
! wfaicr. this rear is Marled wtib a halTheeoort fated the bonds mt MOO and brier bandar. hU laii trip betac made after one lone farewell left tM crowd-; diaMr « aajthia« faTorabie Is wpe^i* elected delecaten to rep-1 ante d orre ISO to the treasarp. Lntt
with la Oetebor. when be waa taken 111 aM , ed rooms and awaits (be brief faneral.i pecud.
Prfatorr and Intennedlair ' rear tbe efab stanad with an fadebihlaiareatatoralaehlareleaae.
: ibo**h be spent two wonk. there be aerxicee tr^ wltboot which did not. ft wUl be aeea ^
ef over $200 and ibi* has b
«Ue*er»do- f,wmedtopoorb«lth. andihedla-rbeiiam«Uiao-eloektoft»ethoeewho!.hatmochcnBbedAUoriheBoard,.i:^,
'All Sondar school workers are fa'^^'^dr-Tbe club buuae wn« ceiled down
B aata entranen ibis op-: e(- Trade If iber are properfa siwplied
«... boMo.
----------------------------------------with towns, and laasmiich as people vited to auend aad ptnidpaie In (he'; stairs, the dock line
And Me«aa«U« wa» dUehtt No one 1 Webmbnd. For maar rears he was fa; nufacd cDottltnUon cOalned him rns- portanlty.
fa laror e( bondfaf'oonveation.mposW
of Mrs. _
Leon are •
.wna faland.
{the empler of the Admicaa Tin Plate lerdar. death resotUaa from dlabetea.
a ooartet
. Son- year nostereas other Improvemenfa
Ar’Thom’^. W. H. M- toduMifa] parposes. it Is doe fa . U U e.
hTfffktd. ^ eonpner bat hU last rentare be tnUr. Vertr m a member of tbe Ma- Tluta. Mrs.
The uack 1
K.irt.. ^
tb. •I'. a»« "• t™>' tb"
b. to .rt«d « b.
tou..n...«. Tb. ato in. u.
howimr, aad Uria woralac the raBOfar I fared the fields of the bort a«eocrt
tbe river will be elrtvBded i
- -____
serrtcee hr slB*ta« • Jemsalem, the taken oa the bwdlaa propodtioa with- •ejUed.
1 tram____
afar ran
as far as I and It was fa this capsdtr that be fell Prthfas.
The mnde wlU be ia charge of Mm. 1 with (op »dl and -grass seed eowa. so
the wrack where luaet the Bik |faf“« i into the dutches- of
law. This U.
Justice Verir was a auuneb repnb- Oolden.'' thta beisc folloved br the o»t delar
I: B. Gllbm and Mnu Leoo Tltaa.
ibgi the nou’h side of the dub farnse
IndB which
the rent d th« m ; ao far cs can be aacertalned. hls lltwt: Ucan and alware lo be depeaded aima beautiful paatm read br Ifar. Dema*

The ethidiof.Suadar school wpifa' will be a town. It to tbe {uieatlaB of
. for *ood work far his partr whenever Codilln.-The Lord to «gr ahed>erd: I; prt«M,y *„BWp fidmd Cealefww.
meal fa charge of Miss Johasoa. the club also u> esn the baU roam
catted upon. He e*erdsed a poweifal 1 *hall not want.* wkld» was followed i ^ primary. Sondar eehool coofereacc
A raltenion will be taken at the ibis year so that Ois partW eaa bfafloeoce far a uraat manr 7W» •*<> br pram- rNearer Mrfiod to TbW ^|, po peld fa this diy April « and
eveolcig serrlces' lo delrar wxpeuses. bc4d In tbe wfater as wi-ll as the sumC. H. Hstes. Prwident.: CKr ever hsd. He ns alwars QuIet la hto brief talk br aariag that la all Traverse Cocair Suadar School a
tiiabi—t. waa terrillr lafared Ban­
dar aftaraoea. He fen fa betwaw the
can andI had both laci and two '
at 11 o'clock Baturdar morning mfeer ‘
___ _
was rwulicd dmplidir or hto nre.
: Snporioieadwt.
preddem; C. K. Buck, s^ret.rr to
hmTlng spwt the night pnrrkws fa hto , ***"
fa dose coaiesta He waa a man of
The famHr <odar tors this tribate of {
Tw-minsY roniKoox
------------------------:sa«ev-d hlms^: 8. E^Wan^rwaurra
aad bM a Bumber of triends fa the
the hlgbwl tefagriir aad -bea It waa ^ lore. Almost hto fast words were
devodoaal aervMrf. Her. U ft
L!^r r ?7ltLv
: Th*- *"““1 stockholder.' o»ee(tag. mHor to sueotd himself. C. B. Murrar.
citr. Hia kotoe la Oraad Baplda and
wid that Joha Vortr gave hto word those of the martjTrd prwident.-| am
...___ „ ^„
ibeldfa fadirector
directori fa SBOWed hImseH: \ Ic C.
ho lOB ttOna tbar* Bandar Bight after
panicufar Ihtog. U,;*r.aie.t He- ahoni to leave too. 1 shoafal like 101
, latroaucrarr aooress. c. n. ww- ,i,p rtub house Tu.-sdar et-eulng and-palmer aad WHUam ------------------There

»aeddew. it to not known eitcUr
peedence ctwld be plaeed oo hto wonl. stay-.
Batw. preaMeat of courtr oraaalw ;
The dub starts. r«^.
; During hto lon^ service as JneUee of I would like lo do. but It to Ood's will
'tear Ufa aeddeat oecorrad but It to
i the pence be became a law student (r ‘ • - •

BtMad that be walked ot tbe end of
a hat ear and fell fa betwew. One
■law'rfafa wientwfa nawellv^selfaldo was bto'^V2^’;rij;^Pi
1. «-U..adfartp^,!^
aar iaaad over Um hefare the tnfa
-,fatrtcate.le*.l knowledge nad Ms ml-, meat aad he wanted to be here and ^ ^

™ w?b^«s-ee..rv c K t
i rice was often r^»rb« br a grwt many- take pan ta It. But instead he to at w,^,m
>“«• of
— ihe-serretarr.
C. K- It was also orcuieu to psrenser a rroo
VwHOnwd. He died Moedar nooa.
I rheTtSTr^ 1^ ^wW bomeTfa Ood.
*^jLoa tod br Mr. Chaa ffae. • Ibai the
tw down
s im- above the elub bouse
every saltahfa
Kittn4 hit friends and kind to
{Hew m inie ......................................-...................
“Hto teudernew toward the borne- Moaitte Center, aad ^ra. Jos. Thomas. ''
ilw past ywr and day.
. X iX. SlW «f 8UU *U«et B»4 HsI aU with whom he aasoeiated. For , leu ehlldren was always _____
But Garfield.
fv •< '■‘taFt 9MW ct F»fW atraM wm both
'manr rwrs he was a grant favorite One day I aiet him walking witb
rlMvM >r MV ktaM W • bon*.
with a band of cblldreo who lived. utue boy and he said This Is my boy.'
1:4S. devotional serriw. Rev. R. K.
Mr- "Bnwu h«l 14» Ml
within the vlelDlty of Front btroet and He told of the mtotrwiment which Hotoaple.
lie MMuk *bor« tlw «ikl« tM T«aOf Jolly some one bad givw him and be ww
2:0(1. How y Secure tbe CooperaM !*<:• koto pmoM ii bU Hebt.
parlies at which It ww Justice V^ly's uklng him to a n
‘ tloB of the Parenu. Th* Beaefiis n
«ktt- Tk*jr were brloclnc a load ot
make the littfe folks happy. I have been sitting op nlifats helping
_________ __________ __
jeokt (ra« (fee a* ***■( »hen (fee
i These youBK Mks are now men and' him to write letters to hto new home. * Ham'niood (iiy.
fearaa mMe&lr ^ekad. atiUdac Mr.
women but they will always chertoh a If aayooe ever mistreats bim again, j.,5 jj,cuuIob led by Mrs. H. ft
Bfeon'a t«* and kBoeldag him from
j kind memosT of Justice Verly.
; they will hear from me.' Many ilme*
aiy: Mra. DunSTkiagaley
(fee eaaL n kicked wele and the
The fuaeral wu held Tuesday after- hare I counseled with him. for hen- ura.'Geo Jackson Summit CHy
Juatfae John vsriy •fear* wlte Btraek the other *aah
noon at do'doefc at CanerY.underuk-iwaaoneof God’s true men. aman with
music, vocal solo, ifrs. A. 8.
rttfM Mtia ta«e. Mr. Brews heM on
lag estabUMment under tbe auspices. a heart of love, the man who did bis
dtj. »
office deUrioiu and alope fa tbe cold.
ile the Ueoi and prerewed a nmaway.
after which <he -body i duty day by day. the man who iru«ed‘ The Primary Teacherb
For tbe past three weeks Mr. Veriy ;«
SMb wm Ufeea to Mr. Bmra'a hone
Bertha Johnwyn. eltj.
had been ailing, during which time be ’
^ ^
m»* m nanhnuea it waa fooad that
to Jollei.
Ill- where He walls for us comrades, be waiU for
Discussion led by Mrs. M. H.' Wllwaa ooofined 10 bli room at the Co«
BaUi hOMO tat hie
were badlr
friends, and be walu far
eliy; Mrs. U. 8, Otttager. Monroe
fambla where be boarded. He wu hut:
We tnUl yon of this IntRi; iratv^inm* fif 99
you. dear ones."
Crater: Mrs. Ford Panning. Long
a man to oomplain and liule waa: WW" service,
— Sckififler ntBM. Ttiey nre JmhiK HoW «l» gtMit
; The house services closed by the Lake,
raally known <rf bla condition, and he |
_____ ...
jqusriei rendering "Lost Hope." when
4:00, leasoa taught to a class of
rediictioo.* iJetitT bn^' if you want (lue.
of ..._____________
e. A. R. Veterao.
B of CrMweH,''nine aUeiWl«<) to aiteod id bis ofilce afWllUam'V toli ra'e'of the besr “■*
Hboj*. Mr*. C. J. Bboer. clly.
k Baplda. waa aeri fairs as usual. On Friday aftesmoou
B;M. adJouramraL
t throws from bf purchased a couch, saying to a ,a.owB veterans in Traverse City, for'Shorter. M. D. Marvin. D. E. Geer.
friend that be would sleep at the ofiloe,
commander of MePter i
Robeha. H. J. CnrtU and J. R.
la the future. Late fa the evening ho
post. O-A'O'*'
7:00.-devotional service, nif. B. L.
was farntd there by parties who went cojavater
and lomwa all over *'• *•
•* 1*** hearse; Rogn. «ny.
fa. He waa evldeaily a very sick man uiejfarth as a O. A. R. worker, passed^*”"
' '
Music. Evangencal Sunday' nkoi^
grave ,
tram hto head Hto 11***" “away FHday afternoon it 1:30 from
IMM ^Pon« •Rrmspk
„"g„, where the service* were in charge of • Vocal solo. Miss Uhi McManus, rity.
ofjgter during the fang night and in pMamonla.
____ ___
Hto lllnen

braan _____
found fa s precartou* .grtay and early Friday morning the' >*'* chapltln. R. B. Garner, who led by
Chlldbood the Hope of the World,
' ., Mr, IfaekkaffiiMmii to thp dcy Thurw
After entering ihe bbsplial. fa,t 1,,^
vanished and It was Ptoyrt"- "Asleep lo Jesus" following. Rev. D. Cochtin. city.
«w to tffiw BO**—>■! of a mmb roradltlon.*
Jit to................. ................
.......... „„
. solo. Miss Oince Hasiinca,
the atiendants
disease had con- —....... .-,.w. «—
Hie* of the beau- ..Vocal
kens honght tram Leo Botoaoo. The I_ tookLIfour hour* for
— J I— .
I. . I I • Aln«n.l Ihi.
M Ite Borar bnn hKefend afa*»i^ ^
tod bat he
coneornfag hto
•O""*'' ''“Hal aurvlce cloaed the
toing sounded.
The Gospel of John. Rev. Hugh Kcot batlt la Bfatod that Mr. Prafc---raw worn aad he died toe ne« after- candlllon wa.* circulated ThUradaj
SOB at 6 o'clock.
night and^hto friends were very an*.
The aged aad stricken wife is lying' „edy. city.
Itefa'aftor uylng hkn 4obWa
fa^ngagntoit hope that ’'"T-tow at the home of her daughter.
CTosIng hymn.
klMtefi Mm to B sfagle rig ngafast Joha Veriy- was born fa UverpooL





99 Schaeffer Piains 99

99 Schaeffer Pienof 99

i v l

Hr. SalwoB'afadTtoa.Bad atnned Mr


e to America at ap «
Woodn were fa attendance.
bouse. city.
BbM >ho ImraA but ft to beltorad to ;*‘ «>•
to came to this mate
day enlistment
Industriss Leeking This Way.
1 by the t
where be r sained uniiftbe clril *
'to clttoen* of Traverse Qty
10:00. Mude lo Sundsy School* an
‘HteB fa frmu of the fedml building. during wbi^ time be waa breveted broke out Thra he weal ^k to New'
R awsrrsfi and the boggr stmok the llwtienut for valor fa tbe Kansas , York slateand enlisted fa theTweniy ''“'<ied to peUtlon the council fa brad Etemrat of Devoilon. Mr*. I^ F» W. b.^
taprer™... furpo^..
Tli.«. cli,
bbM wUk BBch force that be was MdL Ar..r
passage of the eashllng act autfayrtt10:30. The Cradle RoK and (he Bt
tfenwB fNat the rig aad hto bead he baoame engaged to a besntuul giri,
but at bor
her d
death he wme a
^ , p^r,,,. b«, bora the
Traverae Cfty to bond for $100,000, gfaner
gfaner'sj course. Mra. I. D. Hobbs, clrr
. BttBCk «te of Ue ferng Iron beams Of Morris
man, leaving
) led by Mra. Fred Dean.
JylBBlatebtMthebBildfag. Itlsrarank of sergeant when he received hto. -it
_ baa become advertised abroad that
dlachaige after the .war had ended
Tr«Ter*e Clly means budnesa and i city.
“to- Industries. This to eri-': ii;00. Lesson Tsught to KlnderggrSr.— .k. w— fc«
enterad.the mnplor
J* s«d^^
^ com-! ten Cles*. Hr*. J. W. Mlll.llcra. city.
M^ortbe Wlrabtojeftt*m->«"*«‘'‘to
«Ploy of D. E. Certer.

t;-. w


'STsTtS r

totond. Two children '
the man takn to the Hotel WbltlBg. bulldfag where tbe Boalon store----He ramafaed about ten year.
“*«• «<*
“«• A. JVtera be to at praaeaL Mediral at- damto.
fa this faeatlra aad he ha. conUuufd ''’“tolm. and one son. George “
MBtlra waa at OBCC aecarad aad overy
tt*M poeaible dime for M^. He to;*tj^
Mr. 8.11b «. . blpai, oM tmilb
•boat« year* of . age aad has
. Mield
as Jurtice
and BOraral efcUdraa.
Mr. Fanhfeam wma taken te fels home of the peace for ttnetyfane years confitia
« I fanety and friend
ia Wk Rapkto Monday merafag. He
*“ marked with e menu
ja«Mb Improved and aateaa oompliea- lee of cooaty sheriff one iwm fa IWl ^
mfa I$«2. Hto first elscUra. « tto
ttoaa am ta jlU faeover trw hto In­ Juttlee
'one and oneuuarter years. l$g». and
i BO tslthfully nnd nwlgbtlj did he pereiMPfad With Peepary.
:• TtebttyUDaaara. who the officers farm the doilee which penaloed
. kf
- Tnvmm
......... aty --teve
-------------------been kw^
- for «Mrt that he has '
s Jm (te PSM eU mrathi on a ehu«e of 1 tfaaonsly. When J<Aa_yraly name to

hare been received by the officers of
tbe Board of Trade. Some of these',
D be of a definite
2:00. The Child and the Bible, dfra.
character andtoay bear very- close fa HatUe Pranklla, eliy.

upon favertigatlM may be faend to be
very desirable Indnslrie*.
Up to this time, however, the officers
'^toaraih thc Mrae lay rae.......................................
. able t give any definite li
^d borne tbeeouniry.flagwben' to tbe cMirerns seeking t|ew b
«»ntrr ne^ed men. Homrieaa owfag to the fact that no setira ha*
ehllirra. throogh his eCorti, were
cared for and hto acrions were *11 far been taken by tbe council to place the
.. ______ .bonding proposition before the people,
“ ctwtot be said that loceeii

T. P. Pllo..
Ml,: Mr.- Ulw.ll 8mrL Hill L.I.;
Mandolin trio, Mlssra Howard.
Boyer and Cole,
.;50. The Hraparatlon of the Let
«n. Mra. Addle Glbbi. Mayfitfd.
n led by Rev. Thomas Cox.
city: Miss Grace Wilsey. Bast Gsrtfaid; vr*. Wlllobre, Old Mtmlon.
vocal solo. Mra. Frank Gibb*. May
3;tS. Lesson Taught to Class

1 once It to qoftr appar
CIS. question bog comdnrtod by
*hUiuu-,**d fateUlgmt, endowed by aattm witb a bandfol of flags r
from the very fact that so many niss Barney, city,
_ _ __
jeiwd^* had beed removed. Teederty he _ looking
-fwfth great glftSv Tbongb be gathered
tbU way- that thU poim is
S:00. adJunrnmenL
BBla BVA A message «
'ran TOira tb, au Wiib . p«r,r
Ir Beat then by Staertff Johamm to mnaj Wends around him he ^ -rert/»to’
fa hto heart for tbeooe tfeat laid there.
iw Teqoleltlnn timpera. He *«at and made few aMecUens of bto
altogeiher likely that with suffirient
7;3o. devotlooaL Rev.J. W. MUIer.
Hto life seemed to be domed to bto
was Mfafi Ml Moaday aad Wedneali^. Ufa and work.
meant to offer substantial iudneements diy.
and be saw that their
mnrafag Deputy BbarIB C H. Taylor
Uttle ha* ever been known by those;
U would not take very long for Travptooo able. Mias Helra Moore,
; graves were always kept green!
. jffil far
the MM—.: who anoclated with him fa a business
erse CU.Vb Industrial popalaOra to be'
Vocal solo. Miw. Leoo Tlia*.
fiv ciaiy muMlIim papen far lafitoaa.' way and y«( he was kindly and genial
Mr. Smith Aed with a hope unfnl- ,,^j.
AddreM. Cblld Study. Prenldent E.
. Jle «(M (7 way-cg
«td after to all and will be greatly -mlsBed by >
For menths hto mlad has been
The officers ;Of the Boanl of Trade g. Laacasief. Ph.' D, OUxei college,
are wry much pleased with some of
Dnec Miss Calkin* and E. E. IVhIte.
^Bkmm^e from taehmoad.aajfag that tor of yrars hto stwer.Mtoi AH. Veriy *uie eacamp^t. He was a mem.
and arc
Tbe day sesatons of ifee convention
(Him the papers were raoefved
iwrtved by-----------------------------byiof Mom*, ha. made-----------------------Traverse Ctty , her of the badge committee aad ^t t ' gulne that *
held fa tbe Presbyterian
lintej aamaiag
mniiilns they
Ikii worn
.nniii ralHtae^
nliem Ar'-minTT
bonfa and hto tender aoUelUaoUciu- lito
bto denlre that the badges wonw-be
rtnnmcr brafa
oaC or even more might be landed ^ chareh aad tbe evening sessions fa the
^_fer hast everything was aU ri^t. •!<* few her franiiy waa a mine ^ra «ni*«rior to any before
* revy sborr time.
j Cbun± of Cbrisi Dfanen and snpteffiHr BBMltThyfarmakfagthetilp of tbe rioae MiOwabtp between ibem. toewed to live fa wtlclpailra of the
Among the proposliioiu sabmftted! pera will be served fa tbe Congregns would
fitee. reaefefag taiUaaapolto. She was wired of hto illnm Sunday “me. when the veteiRM
would asaemaaaem- ,^ * hrgnrii woolen mlU.^ emptay itlraa! churt* to aU visit,
hto Mkhigmt rettutolUoo !And arrived'on the 1:15 train Monday • ble fa this city. b«i defah,.——
k^epped In
- .y, aeventy-five hands:
and the —- —___
------ - ------*—
'': —
and --~v.
dock .ra.>raj...
factory. ti
- BHplM-.HBfi raorivlng toe aeceesary (®ver the 1—v ...i-yA....
—■ —>•
au wbu ekiraa.
temfaffiH te Mara the mate with htoj Tde md news wa* hrokea to her
bMd hot aerpra the river, he will
ijf,. eo^niknl works to employ ap- there wlU be a b
L ......
.L .
-*after her arrival aad she wte taken «fa»P the hnnd of those, whose graves pyqpiBiateir im hands; table factory all over the emty.
Tteff aii$tefi*aHtocHy ffi in'ffioak ito the borne of Mra. W. H. Foster.
no tenderly watteed ^ver here.
that to efa^oyfag at psonent twenty
nte Saaday sebotes of Traverse
. Mdiiy WMteiB -and Baint^ at lb' Aalde from this stoier be leaves two
Between the hours of 2 nad < Sun-' hands and weald Increase to. fifty by Cfty cxie^ a cordial favitatira for ra■ jna- ethen. Mra. Cbaries famrr and Mra.-day afternoon friends gath^ by the romaral elsewhere: a foldfag erau t
many years has been occs- late W. M. SsUib aad walked aflrailr 100 peopte: a shoe ftteloty. aa eagfae
works aad others of a more defialte;

«lt«to ^depart:

Full Moon April ISth.

Bargains in
Boys' Suits
I'or Ages 14 to 2Q

$4.50, $S.S0,$6.SO, $7.50
These will be hftrd to match els^'bere -made in both single and double breasted
Styles—come and briog the^^b^ to see
these—you can dress, them wdl vitbout
straining your pocketbook.

Sberman & dunfep



HAM rturtnH.tnkMA





or itn* diM of «itobrt. lo .ell
riif M«a •»
.1 Tw
•robate cosrt
pitoeipol ariloau «in fiad gnnud Towitiy U Probate
1 wiOi tnmc M.: Tba.'MWoa iM ' "
ty fl(- H* oflatijuh
SUM tor atoet^ w ooiaa. Both a^rtcellsra aad Isdvftir are sIm enjorlss


. S?^2s2iiJT2r?Sir^r’J53f uH!



■» .» »-r^



^ SK

AMt4. ta, Ms.


CIT phone 158


D R &


SMtod Proposals

seUrltr. aad tlie
•WsM pmnM'U .nil br .lemUiO by S a '
reported ezeeedt «ves tbe uapcsoe-. srantsA
iniwB os er^orr t f
WmIw liOsy.
dented Toluae of tbe IsK two rton.
T. 3. MrPb^m. fbo has r«amt-3
The SooU U piMpemus, bavins real .
. to

lied |ood

______ sfistr.'::___


.icKli. rM prfcn K, lu p>ol.c... »' l.™«. »'■■ ■»™ ■
- „„„ .m .111 ....r 1» .li™« 1
„l.nno .h. H.l.rt
: to the Bast tbe. In. ud .1..I Me«k. o. BUenUr
We are al-'***® J“*'**C*'‘“***^«h- Ai present the

I* n«tr nl imtxl tuiH ttw had Iwtter jM jvur wsnU is imrly in
I'tth'r IOl^•^^th1• lipst

purchasers of steel;—'
-- -------_ j,es etc whUe tbeil'*®'^•• repreeciUed by Waj nc t**». i
1,^ aniTsteel f« all sorts 8lia»ans of Kalkaska, while the Perc
IfinlMer Cpncer refBuns from Peklc

Wf ciirrj- ihia puriauie Bhie Vitriol <( oiijht .'^alphatrl.
.^rsttiiu-, Ktirmjiliii. 'Liver of Sd|>h«ir .nul Iwttvnlmrif a Parc
« ho9te. wrtl bsiU <1

especially at^t- at pmoui. ami tbai
1 hnin toU prto«
to Pr.ll . T«rl..
itoltotoA etaw debt, sad arlth mm «•
wbetv they are rausitiK trouble, thrlr
aeattoa^MH a Uraer loeome ftoai oor*
PfOpram Per Athletic Meet.
oblcei is the ovortbrow of the Manrbu
''pJlSot Uses. oMpared with Its total i '•>« "h- «•» ««•'• *» *•»»
Tbe piofrain for the High sA«rf
5«dLws.,thaa’^ other
l«nctof one of those periodic boo«s tor

The Annual Mseting


Mo other aisle to dw

Motoieee: Metbar*:

. rislof rapidly, And ;


.,..r- <disidday.l»riap«l.pUrjD nf wTvn
ant fevtb. sesaiac y<-«r sad tb>' trsnan-uoc «<
.for .eabotoPT haiunu s> Bsy t«' pn.iiitMl.tut

4lna .which ftre especial rslue «id;«riiy tallies have rts« eo high that
------------------------ saiitfadorr return

„o-yart dash. 2»-yard

- ,

If ron wi))
not pi


, .

ih«u> artrritw uf uk. y<m wilS certaibly

.18 In <|iiatily.


S. E. WAIT & SONS, Druggists
8. E, Cor. Front and Unioi


aosMtlaiet been stated as canpriga *>*e^ u no h»^
™“- HW^-a"*
*«»' .e^vrt a Un» iV of Mtnpies of
Koncs to STOt-XHOUMS*.
btoUM. It li well that they sbMld bejholdert are exchanging s^s MO
beaotirti ciimmeneraei.t PTogiamK Tbes^l
v tt*
' . .
-----------------------^enihwIe-Wf reni nataie. which, for tf®, „|h. fo„ men-hlcrcle race loosalWv.; Some vctj low in pricr. o.beiw more
< a-nspr r-it..
I’iS lar the
of noc-k
they wUl have so retoUon to partisan- j ^ hetog^t
1^; j, .v........
P«t»key. —
Bast ——.
Jordan. ------Reed Cly
0-w.vWsr oet-i
- V '^S^"*
aeboel tcarben sbould rre
ibo«(i carlt.
ship or to pomica.
lUtKes call
Call *i the Herald and Record ..*ce
[and Haalstcc will send represenuthres
Jit ftKSrS "ty!ar.~
estate market Is the rapid growth of^ to the meet
Trs<Mr*' ncnuity. Hieki^. c« ThOrMUy. bn.
si^pm the samples.
LAidIngton. sad ianpm
and possibly L,udlngt«ii.
population and the toot that buUdtng
There win be a big crowd in tbe'cl^, has been much «
..u lime Is
I. aatld.miito). In a Pinch, use.h,..
Alien’s Foot-Ease
la two parts c^ibe-woeld Friday
BtofcMsU. »0Bir .h... AllMi'. I'uul Eu.. . a
■ ■

'by the high con of materialsi
Awe were military foscUoaia. •» 8^
wages, to conaedneacel'


I’tiris (iri4‘u.

Ito».bTO tt. -.tol p™.. to Utol^" w "*

Card of '

We wish to express our h<!snfrli ^
Piwn Tuesday's Record.
Teeaa. tbe revloa of - the Roagh
i they hare reached a point «UracUve
The board of supervisors i t ‘i-ito thanks to tbr many kind friends who
ibdera. to the former, the esar and
speculative capital.
e and burial uf
and other buslThe parade. whWi la uatmlly the great qmeulation to real e
nest. Poor changes are In the beard
■orietr-mtiltaiT fnaetlw «f the year
as follows: Tracy Olllli. First warl
«ns ^rea behtod aMtoUbalauea of
of the activity Is perfectly legiUmate. vice Prank Carver; Sylvester Brosto,
An Only Daughter Cured ol
troops. The people were sUeat be-*
lead seems destined to oontinoe f<w
! Long Lake, rice E. B. Duryea: Charie* - ,
toaes a great dread of
eome time to eo«e. although tt U weU

PahtliE ud PIPH HnitaE

n Given to Country


J. w. smuitt

_ ^
Johnson: E. B. Glbbsi Usyield. eltSe
(d an great apward moremeau In the, p,,.^
^ sneHwiaiiy nadr s prn«m<k>s '•bt.-h

Bi. „.to,r to.. ^rr««n. .to
to.. Sf
'“e^*: *.2.rto,™::

Ule 0an fifoe Vou

Bciitll M

marked by a real estate boom. His­
tory shows that, these movements in
TO. wu .1.T., GiBdBBtclleJlcBiptpBnmenlSirBK
reel estate have almost toTariably
elected, C. H. Monroe reeelrefi
■arkri the oaat of a forward wave,
fifteen votes. Tho elestlon was
attoM tbe aaaaal parade.
and while the top may not have.beee
on mattoa of E. O. Ladd.
:Tbe BM«h mden la. was and
reached, there U no reason to see
the retiring chairman.
•aiwe win he PrasMeat Booserelfa
why this
. the, . Travers*'City Markets.
afV*iTCgiBtaL Teitierdty 8aa Aatcmlo 1
•m aWaSi-J^tti the aailoaal -colors
chairman was requested to apprdni the “ <2yorta^vJeJl?^Vlir^^
commlueet. defining " thrlr
in prioM. '
gal am hitfore was there aaeb a pa-;
Beet Traffic Cor
duties. On million of Mr. Clevelsnd an ,
, trMe aMbltfea. The etreeu were;
The Misaetirt, the first bant of the
adtoamiMt was token nntll S;3g m
1 with ^people, not scowling.
Northern Michigan Tran
m..^loiiiwrow to give the ebalmag
arrived In the city at H
Ume.lo do this.
o'clock Sunday night. 8be had cm
Supervisor SaEord treated the mr
beard aererM ear toads oT^toelght for
pervisora to pure maple angar and a
•a tbeaefitetbad wora the
tble- city and left one bene here for
snap ahdf of toe grohp was taken.
ftegHt-^IM dm goreranew ceouBlarica houae. Beltx.
tftbe doraDOaB war.
ii end Ronlnger. She cleatad at
r TptMana that bad
Must'Fwmlah Plana
.! ^
3:30 a.,m., and will go as far north as
blam^ Mingled wttk tbe
Owing .to toe high price of builders*'
Harbor-Springs and return elUier totbe aba «r tbdee Umt bad
maierlalt and tbe aeciirateaess -with
nlghi or
hmi wbea the ooU ioame
which all estimates should be prepared
a.aMafi.AdiM».*^y ^
The crew of toe Miaaouri this year the mill men and architecto have -jjja **"■ «» ~
.,n.„l,k„»So.i, .............25
Woe and foaght Mde by aide wUb U toe tame as last, with tbe aseeplios agreed not to figure upon any estF Own, psfVwbrt^^.'.'i
-Hit acma of those that bad wora the of first oSteer, Alger Alesanden. far- mates without details from the arehl- Sj?**
Mm to the dark days of
marly «< the lllloou, now fiaing tost te«a’ oBcea They say that this Is a SgU^-ytyy*----—bibaMtedaatloa. Theia were trooiw berth. Captain Finccan atin walks toe custom long prevalent In toe laiger t^i'irhm......i'.'.'.'.'.y.T.T.'.'.
there bat not soOd pbalansu of armed bridge.
cities aad the Idea Is a protection ti Sri^adtoa'.'.V.V.'.:.'.:.'::
men. the presldeat was not guarded
The .HIoMuri left Chicago sfito
toe hullder and mill nefi. In Ihe paM ^ '
with waapoas. the troops were there full cargo of freight and a few pauen- it was not unusual for a coniraeiur to J
b pkg- Sno«- Hdv \« J.tvar
« thrir day.
prepare rough estimates of proposed '
. fThe contrast between the two spec- this port, bowever. Howard Aldrito buildings and the mill men wen- anp- t
twriea to two widely dWeiwat parti of Chleaga..wba always sMkes tbe posed to figure from these. Ma'eriai .
Dm these, ua'enai yyASTKD-.H-r»jd..^lA.r.»^Xia
of the world shows toe dtEermiee be­ first trip with the
tween (ha two uUoM. Obe. a aollen I
fut estimates arc.more tbsn
oppreaaad people weighed-down by ^

He makes the
WIU rr tibrkOJIi, S|.>til«Idaww1dj white >|>D(
sMtarlca of grinding rule, suirtai for ronnd trip and does not stop on the
b«t.r mrk I.r .« .11»U
r nnd their very ignor- way. .
witooia the additional cost and wiB K!asT.R^au.jtoU.o-i.iMnw x.s
t what they want bMag their
The RUnoii win not be here before also locallie’all antolteciuial work by
the latter pan of the week or the first prevenilng tbe mail sketches emertng '
pert or beat; She wiU lenre Chicago Into the field. Tbe Aiy h s two dsjJili j
power that grtade them lato tbe earth, either Friday ni^t or Tueaday *
he habit, itf ^
tecta who have been In the
wkhtog. yet hardly daring to Ugbt of
detail or proposed
tbe goanl with whicb be
B ue barge
usBse —
ti Tho
fn\/aipsua, uwBmi honses and this new depannrt- wiB ip
a way do asray with the minor eon-,
ttoa deep la toe ihreee of a War which i company of this city, arrived 6unda>'
tractors’ plans and place the cliy oa a
the people undeistand nor do M*ey! gbfct „d picked nn a oan of
basis of work equal to toe larger clUvs
"‘I.‘‘’^'“iSTumber. haring toaded the msI at where the sy-nem istme which receives
and brothers and fatbera which l?ba.. 8,^,1,^.
tor Racine and (he faynnr support of iU business men.
taken away aad has not sent back,
'ChkagO. She cleared this morning.
{town ta Ban Antonio, a happy naiiedi
Leat In a-fiwamp.
a wtfoag people rejeiaag la, Soon after iwceivtog hie appoint
Snnday afternoon three boys. Ned
'Whatr streagth. a natton wlto Its eyes I mem as master of the Sidney 0.,Ndr
Montague. Boyce Boone and Flo.vd
ntmrdtBattndofooihegroasd.Baa-jcaiit. WiHUm Fnaktin made toe asDennis
a walking trip throagb
tkm not oMton hot fnll of itfe and .snloa that be would bring the flrsi
aettoo. a oaltoa that i> free aad proud | boat io TrlVerse Ctiy, However, the Mlchelt's swamp. All went well untH
ef (t. a natlM that isleads to keep that eaiaala t plans didn’t mrteriallse as ho they bad crossed through tbe swamp
tNoMoB uaanlUed. nnspoued. The kept pulling oS bis man nnlil wbeo be and then (bey found-that they didn't
know where they were. It was dark
paaptectftfc Most state of Texas were I arrived Monday momliig. the haige
to wehXMC (be chief exeruUve - Buckley. Ore bnrge Emma Buckley and and as they had no idea of the direc­
Of the aattao. they Mt hCMiwd nt his | ,he Mlssoort -had all becsi here. The tion In which they were going they be­
in WALL FABER are now beinf? shown.
vl4t. Had be not coam to bU regl-1 KeE cleared at 10:30 with a load trf came constdernbly worried. As It was
The conceptions shown here arc the finest dcsi}vns
msM dwrtng the rewnloa. the orvaaioa; hemlock from 'S’lHIam' BeHner's .jnUl raining they flgnred that tbe wind was
.........................................teneas.^Heiaftbe.Ova! Wood Dish
and are conhned to this store alone. The showing
was oce orthem. TbedXlesofhU
high|doe*. ‘n* barge Sopher arrivedTues- road with the wind toward their back.
Met were laM aside and be aie army i day morning and loaded maple a« the They liad cone aboul a mile when they
is far ahead of anything we have ever before at­
met a Mr who gave them tbeir bear­
mlOH the same as aay ether eoUstod , same dock.
ings. Instead of . coming toward ibe
man. he mingled srith toe people aad ,
tempted. Come early and make use of tho oppor­
was «M of them. The people of.Texas! The Mlssoori arrived ym'her return
tunity now ofTereit for choice of colors and pat­
'. ware pnmd of the vlsU and they, just jitiP Monday night at 10 o'cloek after other way. It was’ a tired trio of boyv
hs the rant of the nation, arv'prwod of bariag irled in vain to eater Uttle that gave excoMS for getting home so
• PraaMtwt HooserelL
' j Traverse Bay; She was ahabte to chnch late ihat night.
Had (he esar bM Iwgaarded a>i«itoer Petbskey or Hhrtmr Springs
Kkholi ZavoUky. adopted son uf
BopaeTML hafi he left hia palace aad Ln««Bnt Of the ice
made Charievoix
' f. mtogM with hla peopto what woald faU right. She-waroa&teoedeome ieeat Gorky, toe Rnasiao norelist aM rerdhato k**n 81* reeeplitm7—Record.
: Chartevoii but as R was merriy fioai- lutloalst. Is making a loar of ibis
I. i™ ' log iee she gnt ihroug^ll riitot.
country to sprend tbe doctrine of eo, fHl Saclnssa Ahead.
j The Missouri laid here
Ciansm among the poorer claAes.
{o’cloek Tueeday momlag taktog on be'
Daniel Knowles, aged 73. who
iry Clews of New >^eui toor
toe aad five carloads <rf peto- fought OB the Confederate rwm MedrlioM and
freight aad
In toe baitle with the Monitor at
t on her way to Cbig the civil war.
to dead at hto home to Kortolk. Va.


Elgin C. Lewis,'
It III niN I, Iq

- tlPnsntlasSdliv


; It


■ SiS'SS'iaSC'Jl;,


The best for the price io

Feed, lUeai. .Bran, middlhiafi,
eorn and Oats
We buy nothing but the best grain and you get the
pure article.


try a Heratil Wfnt M~


We Will Sell All Seconil Haod

201 So. Union St.

1. u

,h, ch.„* .IB R‘E.M'*asJ't,2'K,„"'.;a

226 E. Front St.






$10, $20 or $30
They won’t, last long. EAS^■ P.WMENTS IF

Gome Eerly^

€ity Book Store Kimball Musk House

Btttrt-Btattr g*., Pnp».

:s^kLr.r-Afciiiiii'-; f.'S li-.i.

tmtrtt aif, IDkt.


MAKo ntAvemc hcralo.

■' '.

iKr. APmv n. tm.

paared throngh town this morning <b
otstfi n»».
planter, who was in Beriin <n a govMn. A. W. Pvae.
MUf On* route tor Eagene. Oregon: where she
. J -oiM. fomcHr « t*Mlw In thU city, will Join bed hufband who went then.- cnatent niinlha, was fcined U a duel
by Fnaatt von CobHnskl.
^ ‘ tml for the p«t Owt» jw • mAJmt
wewks ngo today. They wilt make
an otodnl of the tooraig mnehlaek!
‘,1a tbe fntnre tben.
I-* *«*rteA C*i- dica Prtd*r iheirb
M. J. Pratt of Lake. Aan left fur wurka
- fISiitWjNo particnian have l>p« Jwivcd
Pern. Ind., thte morning to mske an
[kcR ** yetLari Hope Vanished.
eriended risit with friends.
When Indlng pbysiclaBs said that
U . Mn. pbo*bc Uulcl* ot 10« &»t
BIraey Pickard. E F. Cbaadler and W. M. SmVbarl, of Pekin, U.. bad Ic. rn»t itiw Iliad Sunday *nan»oon wile aad W. C. Nelaoa and wife of Le- ccrablo ccnsompiiun. his last hope
at C:S0 at ibc hone of her dansbier.
Tnvene Oly rUi^ today vanished, but Dr. Kteg’s N’ew Mseotery for Consomption. Coughs and
. ________
Mr*. T. J. Wchtdaoo. wim wh«*i *h«; aad report things In their' .town na Colds, kdpt him out of his grave. Hr
ling fiw the summer season. TbS says: "This great speeifir eompletel>
■ ■ .n-i ——‘ -Tlnr------------ had B*do her home. She leare* ih.;
^Miiiw-n: Hra.FrankMad- gasoline boat faciury Is In nnning cured me. and saved my life. Since
' have used It for over 10 ytart.,
*i - '________ ___
- o-._ ' taon. log Ean Front .treat: Mr., order now and though t2.0«0 was sub then.
and consider 'i r raarveloui throa;
Ew. 10« EMt Front .treat:
for the new dorit openUotis aad lung cure." Strlcilv scleniific cure
Mn«hioglSlilhnhTiii.iriiOMe.>ftM. Mn. T. J. Niebolaon. 1015 Baal Front will not be started thla suaimer.
for coughs, sore throau or colds; sure
qj|f i ' I’ '

i.trect: Hr*. Bd Wall, Summit Ctty:
*Mn. George JnmO and chiMren ar­ preventive ef pUeunlotta. Oiaranteoi
. i' ■: Sliliinibil s»^.
. .wilUam DaaieU. Olyinpl*. WaM... and rired thla afienoun from Bendon tp Sue and tiAu bottles at Johnson Urn::
Store Co.. F.’H. Heads and S. E Wai:
make a vieii witb Hr. and Mra. W. J. « Sons- drug stores. Trial hollies lOt
Jarrell of Waahlngion street.
fiMM II ir “T: hMaUakarai^^ oBclaUn* clenyman belnc Rev.
all has nerw h««o oMeially admitted
I Hugb Kennedy, and Uia burial look From Tneeday'a Record.
that Emperor Wl'lliam of Germany war
Oakvood 1 ntbe Umily lot beL. r. Higley. who has rbarge <d J. respontlble for-the suggestion that ihv
|w d t,U< <>• btnband urtio waa placed tv. Slater's ubdertaklng business at United Siaier’hiake lis movement for
;| I :o»ri. ,»r.ago. U D. CartI* hat Elk Rapids, baa gone to Grand Rapids Chinese neuiraliiy. embodied in Hay'.‘
take trentmeni for siomarh iroiibu-.. famous note to ibe powers.
Mr. Otnaon of Central lnke Is a:tesdj The funeral eerriee of Bibel Dunn
lng:tu that pan of the businena during
.'Mnealcd traa beU Monday monitag at
Mr. Itigley's absence.
b it« o’clock from St. Francia ebnrcb.
J. tv. Slater went to 1 bompsunvilltof Lula. Mis*., took Ur.
'High maaa vaa aatd In iba proaesce of
thls sornlny on bniineia.
Kings .New' Ufe Pills, --a-hb the re
large coocourae of friend.- Tbe pail
Rev. H. Eucbalier and Rev. J. H. suit.- be wrlic*. ’■ihai I was eure.1,Mrm nrere mata«.of the
dlscu-dera give
Cohen of Detroit, accompanied by W. way to ibelr tonic, laxative
e at Oakwood.
BushHI «>f ncllalrw were
ihe city 2> at Johnson Drug Store Co.'s. F. K
held by
esierday as ihe guests of Julius Stcinlicrg while en route fur their home,
RobceeS' lAtvcJoy. aged 7o yuan, after spending Sunday in Cedar City
dtod Sunday afternoon at 2 p. m. of witb frienda. Both Detruii gentlemen
greatly surprised over the IteSMparalyala. tearing an aged ti>
qount her loaa. Tbe funeral waa iles uf the QuetP City of tbe nonli a*
kcM WedBcaday at tu a- tn. at the this was tbclr flrat visit here.
Mrs. Martha Undiey «rf Bliighsiu U
ebnrcb at Qrawn, Rev. ilfU uOcUtlog.
I Ibe city today un a sburt imsliii-s^
Tbe arrangemcau wen la charge of
Hervoy Anduraon.
Mliu Edith Harr|iig:<m uf MapU- Cit>
HcauT I*. Wyion. the l«-niontb^ol<! passed ihrougfa the eltv ludsy on h<:
■a from a visit at Williamsburg,
I aoa of Mr. and Mn. L. F. Wyaun of
and Mrs. H. Speiirer of Oitsa.i
, ______________________________ - = ; Orcmckvtilc. died Sunday night at mid
cotiniy are in the ciiy luday qp tlicir
Knjoy cvrrv privilege usually
way to St. James. JicBver Island, when
exiended by a reliable and well
Hr. Spencer Is ibe bead light bousr
1^ Agmm *»1 a1i»M»r at
=■ keeper of the south end light house
e<]ulp!>ei bank. Careful aud
which will open as soon as he reBch<-^
-'pn^pi am-ntiofl given lo ibe
Ihe Island. They v.111 leave tonighi
for Chsrievulx mud will imnedlalely
stSallest eeeouuu. Interest eumlake the Beaver, if she Is to oummlii
poundod twice a yc«r.
slun. for Ibe Island.
yen Mdaday's Rerord. .
. and Mra Albert ICraapa.
Mrs. W. J. Chnne returned to May
Mrs. Jens Peterson left Friday for
•arrimS at Sparta on Wedaeaday
field this morning nfter rIsUlug Mr>^.
tot, arrired la the city Friday Cbtcngo. where the will be )olned to James Burke of Slstecnth street.
d by hfa brother morrow by her mother, Mm. Arvllla
Mrs. Mary Malbewsuo of Bingham
Gardner and they will lenrc at ouce
arrived this morning for a sbori visit
tor Denver Snd SnK Lnke City, after­
with Traverse City friends.
ward gnlag on to vatlons fwlnis of Intemri la California and from there by
trdter to Everett aad other nortbcni
ritiea. returning by way of the Cana­
dian PaclAe.
Jay Spangle of Korthport pnWl
pmUi throngh town this taornlog en
route for Toledo. Ohio, where be will
make a visit with friends.
Mils Mande Burdge of FUe Lake
and alsier. Mrs. Ella Green of Doyno
Fhll*. paaaed through town Saturday
night for Nortbport, where Mlu
Bridge will hc«ltt her spring term in
tbe Nortbport aehori*.
OU* U White nnd daughter Irene,
who hare been at Gtadstone for a
anmber of years were In the cdiy over
Saaday as the gueri of GapL E E
while en route for Nortbpg^
their former home, where they will
rnmalB for a short bnalaeas trip.
Jckh H. Donongh of Roaoomnwn.
tbeVvriU reride at HtlAkeavenne.
IreUad. who arrired In this city a
week ago for his Srni trip. left for
Kinsley on Saturday, where he will
riaU hU aistar. Mr*. OrnsK^tlnson.
aad also make a permamenl lheallon>
He was aceompanicd by Pat Burden.
bo returoed In the evening.
•Mr*, ulale Crotaer rriurnod to
L haa4'‘ raUere and can raiae Krga
wattrfiwB eat te too met deep. The. Klngricy today after visiting triewth
jmru cuatdau at Thorna SriMSter. Ift Ike eliy over Bnnday.
> Charier^aBrii; Joe fttoSlet; of ManMrs. Warren Salshnry left for Acme
lalee and Ira Barhhead gf'Trarorw 'thto aMrntng and will visit her slater.
Mra. Fred Vaughn tor n week.

•lust na well as 4bo rii-lii-sl mnti in tlie Inutl. aad you wuii't
Mn. Smntser Mi MIm Frost of
(iiivtliiiiif elflf will'll yon (ind out tb.'i! llifV arr rilK.M’KIii n
»v- The readen of the Oenld an (»■ ThwnpaMvIlle arrived ihU hBornlDg
THK KN-Dllumotli.-rBlnnit.
* 'ainsr vtib tho terrible India earth- for a abort bnrincss trip.
Mn. Badia Halkti of bm
mi «o*tw and eaneed a laaa of thoa- .Mwerty of Lnke Ann. left tor Wlsoon
‘ node of Urea. Lahore was oeis^of ata this riornintg to Join her kusbaml
ISow town aad In.tbU place M^n Who proeoded her ttifo montha ago
(be.V fit your, (cot ix-rft>clly. a» k>‘«|i tlioir slutjie. iiiakini'
B. IM^ ef-thla city had a correap^- obtain a loeaiion. The)- will reside
tlifiii wcahloigjur. Ib’causc tlnvIiiitliiT ia taniioil liy their owti,
esL Aa the U« of dead baa notjyei pcrriaaaaUr tberr.
ezeiusive iirocvn wliielrudtla om-.lmif b> the life »f ilie h-nther.
bcoti pnbll^od. Mr. Holley doaa not
Mn. Mlaaia Payan «f Cedar
Bt«t«ns«'Mipy 9t»* nuiro .wmfurtable than tillier niakva yviir
baow vhelher ^ not hU Mood per­
ished ia the terrible dItaster.
atei>ia lighter, so tliey last lotuPT. We aw aolv agfiils fur ihia


asES^Sk^asi^ir’.iinrrJi';'^ r»r;-:


Blut Book Sav­

ings Depositors

iMMAw this week 2.750

Craverse €ity State


fe:., ■

Some SpooisI Sargains
In onler to mnkfour opi'iiing moppintonritiiig ww bans |»l outhome veiy dioKw IwrRUBg.
Tlirrp tire n few of tlii-m beri!—you will find qtany of them bohhlo tbuae. To tlie dwmmuuitiiig
htiyer lbf^‘ sixviol sab-s moan BomotiiiuK.. IN in. Kuiuo* Taffeta, in Uncs. groona and lirowna: this is n aplcDdid one for tho price, 3Qc
IN i»i. Famy Taffeta: llicoe are Loautifol good* oml well wortb more money, but M a spcrial
: offer
' at
It *48c

I fen« ia the Brejitest lino of Wash Goods at the price ever shown in the city. AnwW Taffeta.
Faney N’oile. Fine Ktnmine. Irish Dimity. Fine Batiste, eboicc for 15c yd.
I »tie fot of Sliirt Waists includes fine jierceriged Satine in both blo<^. and bltitri and browns,
with floral patterns in white, Danish Cloth Waisto. cream, bloc aad brown. $ 1.00 each,
iiiucts rnbleached Crash, all linen, regular 10c kind, for 8c yd.
2-» pieces n^nlar fW- Dress Ginghams, while they last for 5C yd.
do2en riihloacbed Bath Towels, size 16z40. an nntwna! goj|^nambur. IOC each. .
Wf will alsi> have at thi< lime a groat Muslin rndenroar Sale. We haw this t^ptortinrtit entin-lv bv itself, with pleiitv of room. We
- ■
will have wune
extra offerinfgi
yon ,.
in .v;_
this dt^rU
* yon.
uiL-ni III this time. It wi^ be a n>oney saving time for



y<w Can JIfford

ttlalk°0veF Shoes

anee was milad for. Whea tbe gghv
lag bob was brought to the anrfnce It
proved to be a alsteen-ponad-ptgk
II rnatly tank two nria wnaahe a aac' coal of ibe catch as at one time it
' toriiod as ibough Mr. Lneaheer £tmaeir would tfte a riror plotoge la his
tCorU to haag ua to ibe wriggilag
i SghUng coaiarikiaisi. lie ImmedUte)y cKpreaeed H to a friend in Onnd


We Trust
If yj^R ire sufferist from
l^rs blood, this blood, dcblUty, aemnipsets, exhsustlos. you should betis at once
vhfa Ayer’g Ssrsspsrills, the
Sert^arlQt you bive known
all your life. Your doctor
knos-sit.too. AskhlfteboutlL

Mn. Dora Badd of Old Mission
pkaaed thronOi the city lant Thursday
r« route for Purtlaad. a bera abe wcni,
in rcepbnae to a lelegnm aiaonnelng
the fatal Utnen of her airier. Mn.
Carrie Adams, wir* of OfWge Adams.
formeriy «f thla diy. A week ago
Mn. Aia^WB»W b«ap pm whtoh
abe U fawahridag lato death. No psrlltalan wrie anllahle raeept tbe aniiiwniMit of buns hy oil. probacy
by a Map cspkriUa aad what seems
•riiaelaliy aid la the tact that sbe has J. J. TWKODUK,
toMa tlriHl»toataed iwtce betorv from
wbhto dhesilanwd'loM U-r Ufe.
: Masm Mb. fissas Ssab BuMlag. Traran. Oly.

&ac&Jnr *



Mred a Triedricb
Seller of IiwkI Shoes.


c fine /me* with narrow liurilcnt <m>
gyOH have wsatodi
lai sell fur 20c and 2:>c duuMi- roll. We never fflowed surir a line of the finer grades at JOc, Uc, dSe, Me




Jim ll••^lr•-

Tli'-uf IWIVTK »

Have a murk Hist will |il<wsr ereryuue.
n 25c. ;a>c. 35c. I'x. 5<K‘. r.ur. 75c.

Wh9 Jlrt Zb*9 Cbtaptr?





Chris lAwnhori «mi Sahlag Tnea4ay riornlng nhoai • o'eioek near Ui
- toil airnri bridsn and Btnck a riwg c


r elcgaut |>ai>era. Nu trouble at all—that I* «
vhall 1)1- t)h:aHc«I i«> vliow
.><Mmv li-and THAT we consider a pleasure. The aooaar yo
paper—aud the only way
bcaullfttl painrn ihe rooner you .will maKc your scIcetioB and pi<A from the cream te the atosh.

Can wake up say rombkoatlon

In when- ><m an- ilinv iliM<-« a <Uy at lean ind it abould have brighL clicerfsl jmptr. Tbe aew patlana
In browns an-l llgbur aliades of green aro fine. Have aorartblng new In tho redE These papers **U At
I3c. IV and 3"r

.N'.-1-.l .lark.-r rirhrr i«ia-ra-«i- make a specialty of tliow; line*—sUipod ingrains, duplex. Crwped Isgralni.
rnubed pl'ixli. Spanlvh-'ieailicr. besM enilMM«otl |«pora. new Boral aud coovmticmal doalgna. rrioM at
I'*1. 5"r. 'i'm. 7.V, II '"i a doulil' r',11.



Waut ui-ui dainty iaMx'ro Have lie' l■■;%>e■l In IvUi bread and nsrtuw Msiin stripe* and dainty fioral pa|.
I.nil. Tbe*'-- Kcll fur 13e. I5c aud 2''-c

Til-' largest line >»f moilar kiielu-u jisjhtk in the c|:y. A!1 the new shades €»f gratiltua wllli <
ildr sail e-'ilmg aiui litird- r ai: (•> iiia^ b. PriCM are
12e aud 15c di>ub..' roll.







mr 5ur donirie roil.




iP" '


la the dalntk'ac Few pilivii..- aud all fhc new coloring* icll for 15e, :«c, 2Sr. 3Sc and 5«c. 'l.mrgest USs in
the Hiy,

*ripiAVKf«MK orrv.


Percy Caa4y ot PafttoonK. L. I-'
lied April »ih by Bwr. A. U Thomoa, • «bc*e wKe. r-rmnl*.
52. died te • ,
Heubcs ParLcr-sw b SoHilb ihiardbwalui inta « UailiH
•B Saiardsy ob biKueas.
woasd- la (be beaX «aya that be to-,
reeded to un (hf arMoan and hiam-tf.
MiM Bcnice 8tia»0B wuai to -Tni
A Daredaell Rtak
sad acekleat To ^ lull ttaaiXls eeTTr faUed’Maa
eno aty SatvOar eveatt« for a foa . Odw ends In---------------------d tiijurtn.
tajuries. use BaCkleBY
Bat----daya’ risH rdlS ivlatln
nirs SalTe.
•«. -A
"A d«
deep arvaad in aiy tooL
r. and M
from an arddeau*’
Chaaled Death.
aetjdent." wrKea
wrt*«a Tbeodare
A)>ril. t
_____ _ of dalaabaa.
_________ O, -raaaed nc. ____
civa eaus
Kidney, iro^tde oOva
chd* istmi*.
'^la^iAab Mda at
RTcai pahi. Physician* *w helpbas. bat by ebuostas the rijtht aiedlcUu-. E.'
ArtMfhvb M. Tboraday
of Abe f<wber » awtAer.
cheatbat BucLIua's Arnica Salve aaickly ({. Vulfe. of Dear Cn
Soothes and heal* hama^ death. He says; ’Two year* a««
___ ___
.ifttiaCIty-tet Oatarday.
Mra. Earle and Mrt. Cari of W«lort :hMe<l
iac ,1
at juhBtOB
^vnumm Drus
w< ><<. Store
oum 1| tad
aao kidney
siooey tRHible.
lojuuie, which
«««v» caosed-u...-.-..
heriapcoi Sonday »lih the blierb dat«h- use lanaic.
OO.X F. H. Heads. S.E.W^ * Sons', gresi pain, aafferlas mad anslew. but
BbmOfbwii at KonlipOTt teat aatarday-.
ter. Mnt. P. J- HopLlai1 took Deetrlc Bluer*, which »<wied
Ma\ flatardar I jSU y
«ad DaaW San
Dacaoae of (be abeencr of fo^arer druRSlBU._________________
-------------------------- have also found
hat been! btmM^Uas wood ftrtbetaraera UaalOrd. Case A CroUer-B nin «m l«ntisboni may tnilPI a S3.<s*«.oM
rwUk tala BMAher. .«Kta (Mr oMIae eatfaet.
cioaed (m- a (ev days.
tBvai.v-BScry arcade Uilldbc on *bv
y and aTrrV"'trouMe.'i
serve (rou^. ud keep
aMhlBl(«Klo<to-'ntaa-BlM AaaUn spent Satorday
Miss B<hH Bowers 1. ....
ihem eonsiapUy on hand, sbee, ~ .
dl9%r B. X
and Saaiday wllta her alater at Hatch’*
Mr. Uvo. Bonarr and Mr*. fiSla 8be- mai-Vtl bouse siwciv
find ifcrv have BO conal. Johnson Dray,
■ '■ ......
= 81,.re Co, F. H. Heads. 8. E. WaK A
Suns. drrieFls's. SuaraWees them al
^p^^l H, bjr .Ts*\cm«

%BXHl Traverse Region.

'Nofiop )>M^°est«d tAo bra
H. Hoeine

lio «■»


IlM'liudT^ Doekaray of Traretwe'
- • soaday with
bwmhi iCrtsp of this place.
Mlaa AlU Boe-


1 taar tlatar.!*^»i»tar Boy Lather and tattle tl^
•! Vera of Tiatwae City nade a abort
1 held < rl«lt 1. Batee aad rldalty last wetdt.
0atu^ wM . Mate Bacon baa pnrchaaad a part of


bodthe and dauchur
1' Ver* Irave this
.' Ttalt with reUtlrea

Mr and Ml*. UWU Sktatoor of Sher-. ana. tier awioapo, ivrr. *. n. »

PuMlahM by Permlaeion.
Marr^i 2T. 1U03.
My tlnnjrbtcr Kiim. wlio luis « bttn tiuulikyl with
wi-nk »-yt>« null blurring of viaiou. U«b iMyAine luni'li w<*tb»* Air­
ing the iHRt two yeuni ami luw Kuffeml conabnlly with v.-rjspvrip baulacbee. alomHcIi trouliles anti I'xlhiue iiervooam^s.
Keb. IS ttodt her to Dr. Wtjfesotfire wlieivahe wm fitted with
g1u88uab>'I>r. ranloun. In less than u wt,><4L her hi«<hich<«
V entirely enred
mred aiKHiiire
aiKHiiicv that time her Ktonmeh troubh-an.1
uerrouSQtas have trnuiually <U«itiiear*^. she is u^> iiijuvitin
pi*rfwtAn8Hii». Te<'chango in her health is BO iioliet-nbl.- llmt
onr fricDtU remark about il aiul w<‘ an* |4t*uuil \o tell them liiat
Uie ghtaatw alone brought atiout tbia ehauge in her b>-alth le^ iiu
uiodtrol ti

Hr. 'iltTM
IfOnCB: The aUive ease is only one
niany nv haw
rttnJ in Tmverse Wly. <>ur ulfiei* is thoroughly «iujnpi»l nith
all modem inalmnKUb for thiHuughly examiiiing thf huimui
eye. Wo ppsititviy gnami>t<‘e to eur>‘
ami straitfhteu
TrcMB eye* by the use of <>ur B)MviaI groiiml lenses and n itli<«:t
tlip*nid of Biedieal or surgical ttvatuieiils.



J. H.Mwmat.

tadlea of the M. E. chtmh
sapper ta 'the Mambee htafl
_____ ________
daya last week.
Ralph Wynkoop waa b town frtun
Trarerae City, adraaebs "Tbo Carrotera," a pla^ to be diTi-n hero .......

Dr. P. A. Wotfe,

Dr. B.I.. Paulson,


Suite 413-414 WilRelm Block

Traverse City. Mich.

Onico Hour*:
8-12 A. M.. l-e A 7-8 P. M

» « t $ t it » t H » f I « • f I « II • » I « •
“ bitaTcat (com«»
*^poamkal aeoii-


W ariikilinn • .



•• all«mr«) **






- K;: vf'wiii'



.. r
$ » * » « I » I » M ♦ t $ » • I 4 » »« • I » «

What You Can Do in 3 Hionihs
at the traverse Citp Business Ccilege
You' can corhplete our OFFICE ROUTINE,
You can complete the TEXT BOOK on SHORT
HAND,^aKe several weeksjcjf DICTA­
TION, learn TYPEWRITING and im­
prove your SPELLING, PEN­
Amt your whole expense will only be TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS
Come and see us at once.


We Can Save You Money on Anything in House Furnishings.
ohlySBt be lowestmarket price but the saving in freight alone mean's considerable. NO BETTER PLACE CAN BE FOUND in Northern Michigan to make
your *prin4 furniture purchases than right here where we guarantee better value for the money invested than you can get elsewhere.______ ^



A high irr.nh'. six hole «lis-l Yuti;;.-. :il|
aslirslos liiiivl. high . rns.-|. iii<;i<.v| niiTvoir. will buru < il1nT «-i*xl^.ir tviil.
Iiun<]»>melv nicklixl. ju«t bk«- •nil.

OiH' just like rut,
laigi- idah) gbas, two
■mull d^wzs, UDC tim'd
' for nlmr aud oue largt*
Uncu dmwer. hundsomi*1b fitaiBliul 'iu g»Ut‘u
ook. only

oul.v........................................ S38.00



lUMTis Chairs
Fnan S4.75 np. iu all gradm.


lit T.T.*>. '•..iQ. y.00

;ut.l $H). .-liml a BumU iwynnnttthrwu
.-tti‘1 yinrinMi time on Inlauct’.'

*8igii ami jm-rfeetioii iu •■onatrtu'iioii.

grade AxmuiKtiT.


nnutB at less tlmn tnist.


i‘iek out

your earpi*t m.w; we will Im»W k
' for you.

ihhers fmiii l.T-‘> l*-

Oil Cloth and
Cinoleum|ili-a'a.'«i>nii!c'!it ui .-lU gnnlc-s.
We Live J.,hh>t( imi ill iwe .iml
four yrirti jufU-ftiii iYIkI r;iti .-.ner
any onbii.iry n«>m. «iUi»ui s.'«n»«.
S-v«Tnl ivmDiiiib hnui ihuii



-\rt StiuiifvB ami ntoui buk ru^ at

.\ L''»«l -vtraw UKiUiug u!
Snn*nii short ends U-k-w <v»l.

$16.00 Buys

Folding 6o-Carts
From I 7-'» lo $J>L Jusi ri-.-. it-vi iUKilher ,
big filii|>iiient of . th<iw jxjMiiar prt<wi Uut 'ari>. ningiog from $10 i-, 52" for the best
•xmibination of Unuity iiu ! -tri-inrth ever
'iiovii here f'»r the iiioiiev.

fill*' liw of gents' high --r.til- J*.«>-»
wlevls :ii I. iiioiii nriei-v..


We jiride oaraeUra mt oar •btfilay <rf rucker*. .It
U- far

best aiei largiv. asHirtoieBt in Ktirtb-

etiM* nursery Chairs

iiislubqpt what iheavrtwst? dealer,

. n, Hirhigan,

Sen^ Afferent a^lea to w-lcot frob.

has to pay for them. / Ui^rvvls


Nsh Chairs

of iwtUsms in auiaUer rmes,- ineindiiig t'Tery style and grade tin-

^ aMQttaMMt of 40 difleKnt atyW.

■ .V -,^K

market fnmfshes.

Olindow Shades


.Lny^-olor. any anuk-.
We make
a ^vinity of ^1 Mze earwiius.'

» OI«y»



A first einas S'wim: Marhiac. gnaraslin’d in erery n«|n.’ot. Otbci* tiosi $12
t..$4n Don’t fail to h»k tbaae orwr
Urfore Iwying. ..Boy a g<M)d BMriilne
.■uj<! k-t it puy tor itself liy |jaying«^e
iiio^ y iu small peysM-nb thht it eaves

\Vi- am showing an eh>g:int liw ••! «U
stivi eoDBlrurted at
U.-V). 10.00 aud
12.0D. TlwsewiivpiiiThBsicdespressly
for the tmde that wnshi-s to comiiiiM'ik'auty ami iilililv. huii<l^>UH- iu cl, .

Everything from hemp to tin- Usl.

Ibon SO ols uiv In th» annetmont yon will V
stue to find
the <^ir ypo want at juat th*>
11^ yon intended to 4iuy.

A fme h4 ‘«rf

gildfti oak

will fu-nl ten

Id ilifTcri'iit «lyl<'6 uihI '«izi*». at
that omim'l U'
111 NiimUir

$15 to $60
70IMIerciit Stylos olINniits Chairs

(k*Iid. pilishtvL

Cook Stoves

Othtfs «1» hi $i0.00.
An CTcpiAiooally fim>’
line erf po{iidar i*Iccd
^bouda in aolhl nml
quurter oak al fivmi

A largo aswrtiDoiit <rf^r
these in 'solid poliphed
qaartenxl oak {mu

Extension Cables
Kr.«n .$1. i'r to SST.UO.

f<nind here.

Any etyk«»r any |*iml chair am

(lolJflerNeat R<KAer. •••11 made, worth $4.00 Cur
only........................................... $2.75

Bn)! Nor, Pay Laltr

lUML.** TMav (or Me •»«!«• te
Aw » I ^ ■UL
■ r«<Mi»eJ ts tkrtr




la caaiTlase bl R*«. >*r.
■acMMd a( LelWKl-Mr. Ketdorkouw
haa a
fan^nl boMe oo bo
Pan OaeUa tu lake bia bride.
- - wlsii then a happ}

ir. AMI* wwta


There'was a oialortt)' siTaa in ttaU
I town aod boalb MsbIum (or the eowoacteai ba^ Mooter.
•: tr road arMeoL
MMa T«MW « Tn*«oa atr aa
m». PVaak aa4 Mn. Eagaoe Fbbpr
-aod Mra. Man we Trarerpe CSty Tl*.
bteiA^BUtotM«>^ 14^
0 epfioMaoB. all tbe
the oae v
tmmOr Mft .Map., ..^e e^ad.


-* —t— %-w.---------- --------------- ------------ -- -

drrt of Trarew . .
Gor^--* pareats. Mr. aad .M».
Mn. Cco C. HcCMlaad of Tram
C»r fcaa. rrtarwrf >---------**■“ —

Tbe Lo^- AM^ncteir wfUa


<9tp MoodB7 Bte Toaa- BwSdkrll
d«tac the an»»er.
Barrows rished (itooda
a tewday* G2'wJr?Hl£ii*‘lhere"ta”SL»W'^':5:^7:rr;tom
ible toe «o enateod srtth.
Mtoaca HatiUa and Ml Gee
dra. “Pred
——-- — •
- - • .
-“ — ■BeaMt
' ■
■ - —a taa parly ircrx* jHurtn hciiMwy.
tost HMaeaday afteraoeo bi booor of
Mr aad Mra Win Powers of Elk
Coaler bas-eer awtber, Mta. John ToWa. of Otoo
were Elk Lake TKHors Soaday.
Maodway'a tana.
I Lake, who was her puen aereral days
Mr. aad Mrs. Will Gee hnd^W.
donphd PtMwna U TtoUnp test week. All enjoyed the afterwion
BbbdrtotM, bora.
: rery much.
Mr. Krtd
.,„k M,. ^ »,»
daaetap party In Ray a hkii
hall iui,™.
tap. wbleh-waa wet^attoaded.

I».. •

Geo. Taylor la taneh
alad Mrs. A<

Mrs. H. B. C«1 ntufrtaloed abooi


K. CaaspbcU spent Monday le

lined sercral
Mrs. Keiiord
■. .frtooda Uoaday ervolax > htmr tH
: her baataaad'B birthday,
wm M’Uaoo has '

_ _
ekaripe of hla
duitos. Hla tanOIr will toltos laler.
Cap:. S^!^'w
Rubertsoa. of the ez-T. C- L.
>*. Taytor and Bheraian Hoyt went A U. car (cm . ^
was la town IsM week
'»ke l«« Satarday hahto^ _ f
-arraadox to purchaae the Hotel ScuU.
. The
The deal waa ctoaed Hoaulay.
te aia
. last Sunday with the loUowA Darlf. will
_--------"P^for ,he
aaatoUBi BRwr-,
Bartati. seere-


Don’t forgrat, when you clip, to Mnd your wool to
mor I pay Cash.

at 1:30 o'cisick. standard ilme.




^ toap olpk

__ _ _ _ _


^ tea worked


WHOmilLL .


ioc-PMee..........................................................sdVi^of mtSGS^.h^
da «0(klBP tor Mr An>»
i”*?W**^^*lreDc*aSCbapman «d
Mr. ■“*' M™ Bmhmi
“'‘The httnuw"aSmaS
4i MWbtop lor Mr. AO .B^day la iwai*:
! ■mverse City are rIaUlnp frieoda here. Murneil bomt% ^er
nin.-ndiop «»•*• n,^
Draps do
do- nui
Doi aad
aad cannot
cannot disest
disest the
aod Mra. booU’ Oret^ were
chaa. n»hochU drore to Cedar Clo wlnier in Grand Rapida.
etompose It.;
food. They stmtdr decompose
II Wedneadav.
i on Satarday .
iUphonao Tjrvr poeu today
oUlnp or dfasi
What can be mure reroJtii
net Nettle and Hattto Panlaa at
Vtokochll and Joe ver Islaod i
_cbt of Uklop’i

to walk aro^ IW the


•• Sll




— I lew oavB at inrs. a. w» • •» ouii»w<» |

Urt. Prapk

ihiop.iuio the stomach t|wt Uj
e U
to tura the ipiodsfaud yon btoe :
The lariuem are havlpp their wood
laaa ol
ol rorrdpUuo.
-------------- -----------—
eaten In s mass

oa 8«»- •A.Xiret^^SS “rSlS Ptor. ^

----------------N. Pauloa went to l^rorse CUy,
Monday tooralap.
_ IteatoOsrrMMwMs.
tolpelberK C^’d
James CrandaU expects to fUrt falc
_■ niialimi
Oaelda Mat Wednesday.
(tpf’hhinsie mill Ibis wevk. He has some
|L W. Tmolwll at 'ftaaerae;
The Priday avceinK before
an telUh semoo will bo itlven in the Bue shinxle limber.
Mrs. <%ax. Oedersloo has be
Latheran ebnreh by Rev. G. Sheets.
Uk’ stok Ibt for the past week.
Mra. Z. E. HIrudiaa. wbo hah ixen
Jake Anspach ut Klw;stoy < *• •
TUhlOA her dauAhUf. Mra. Jay BiiHeyalii...
m:i- caller
______ Wednesday.
______ _____ _
vall. at I'MlnveU. Mtob., returaed last
Albert Wlnepar and’ family
aUmt o
_______ at tbio pMm baa a : ‘Mlaa Ul
b^wUebMvaltoaa ; GUIs Pier.
of Tiaverse





te town on Snadny^,,^ amooE or.

surror with biadachGS. indlKCsUou.
ered bU beabb na to be able
y, spots before the eyes,
to visit f-lends.
dlxxlnoss. palpUaitoD of the i
The many friendi of Miss Anna
eenlesaness. or any atomoedk
Beers will Iw Rlad to learn she is
box of Mls>«a . m
cuvciinc from bor acrioos lIlDcas.
of trorl

■ Ttaverne City.
•‘L-*. II- Hcrbrrt tif Itonroula la vlsiliuR relatives at this place.
bualncaa trip to Traverse City Mon-'
Mht. 8. 8. Walker, sho ha* btvn In
■ BoMaht all wluier. ba* rv-turned to bt-t
Rnaad wont to Traverse CUy M-. „
iHoe here.
toHtok nnd ta^ly'of Oton
to Tiaverw City OB'
•’>'•«> »>»* »l^te weather these
Vidor MouiaKue of Traverto City i
i'*"a OcAretlwei
to Ttaverw imy on
farmers are maklo* Rood Bnhthtox u|. ihe yaisylloe boat he built
>e of It by cdiloK their pIowIbr dooc. fur B. J- Brinkmao latt fall.
Mn. SamimnaB of ChtooRo. who n*e
Mart Conklin Is
bulIdlDR a new
Mr. Blue has moved his family c
... bnn boon vtatitoR rotottrea
_____________ __________________________________________________ ________
-Iker tortn. ax'he expects I
’JS i ttnod homo Mat flntnrdap:
SrttSKdU drew l«w * „ Ed**r*> teouier Is boHdin* an addi- s’ork tor Mr. Walker Uls summer.


Pormaon. haa bouRl
at Wexford.

^nw^wigy (bn old t

comnleio satUfaciion.
. .
After-damp, due to an exptostoa of
blastlER isiwder set off by noknown!
persuna. c
U»rec mla

. wn.................

of Oiawa a
Mr. Saxton
. and Mrm Tni tfMnad ^led bt vrtolaHy ud bo>i|d>t a lot of.

Alfred Lauiner has Rape o

Bcheldel. who has been quite
tbo W. ‘***^^■0
. .
tome Ume. la ReltlnR b^.
His ^fe;
Lautnor muraed to acbool
mu. r-ttv thls moj^ alter

Inesoee. where ahe has apenfthe i

riiiii.'ffoonrllT nf frMgbt (or D. H.jnooa pra«ram was very Rood and in
llbe afternoon Mrs. Mlillkcn
r A. OiMMJ’aad otfem..
I very inioreotloR deacrioltoa .
.throQRh the Holy Land. Rev.
a flae address la il
_ tbeinls-:
waivw sw«w«*%».
lioK ml Grant chart*. PriW. D. Lavanc* and fhmUy vimtcd ■ olonary
wllMMaHvoa to Empire Sunday.
1 day eventoR.
£. nnd Mra. Jao. Doan of Kapln;
jvant Sunday with L. C. MlUor nad;
Sue. IS

jSjto Pmq? of toldra to apetetog
ggogni wmBi botw. patettog and tw-

ASM Baato of Good Harbor has. r«mmoM her Mtoo at tbo Olooptog Bear

SndhH|«rthaBaaaoa,th«MtoflMgmftXSmi Haraw. ’otoa Arto totol wSeteh Manhow today.


Ifica. and HnnwOT.


puiaoii. heals and

Ihe |i

Fox of Ml. I’teasani U
-s' daya with R. AROsa and (i




, Coj^’Rattonal^cbuiTh tob^eek.
Mirs Maud Peck c
»p*ni puiu^iB-dc
truing i.«»s«uf iw.


The “COLUMBIA** Dry Celb are Uic *ii»d yoa
should buy to ignite your gas engine.
Grand prize awarded the “COLUMBIA" DryCelU
at the Loutriana Purchase Expositiem, St. Lmis. 1904.'

to.- toruai

Thlid's Saturday nlgbt I

posing as. a ck-rgym
Mrs. L R. Peck returned home Fr
Seld Academy" is again in seulon.
U-onard Holliday ■ baa a tnc nca tU* •'reeling from Travervu CUy.
Heafthy Methora.
Mrs. Sam Porter ah<l sister. Edit
Thompson rteao.
Motbera should always keep In
Mr*. Addle A. GIbba Is having i Dame, returned home Saiurday
sister. Mn. bo.llly hsnllh. They owe h lo ibeir
atone fonailaik* put under.her boas.a vtoli
it la’no
la i
nnosual lUghi
Itorn. to Hf. aad Mra. W.K Pnlier. She is gho having n port* added
-------------- -------------------------------id Mis*.......................
iis* Undlfy lo M-e a mother,
with babe io ana*,
April I. a daughter.
Om ftvmL add aaaklng aome Interior;
MIm Rlauhh Irish and
jnturacil In.m spending
their twea- coughing vloleolly and exhibiting all
cora Cook w*a the rmcM of
unable’tloas Saturday evening. •
the symirtoms of a consampilve lenat tbei
J. Spangle AOd sister. Mra. Heath. 'dency And why should this dangerotts
ft HoadA'-to>>Gbio ,
condition exist, dangenms
Miaa Kellie Gantner of Sowth B^aermoii and'
Urn Campln-n of Jvania^ arrived mother and child, when Dr. Boschee's
baa lakeo Mtot Caner'q mnalc
leld. I
llffereat tmea of the; Monday eventog for a abort stay with German Syrup would pat a atoi> to -t
.'acripuirr read by dl
hto familr. .
ab-oaecT So mother abonld be miih
L. BdyntoD hnsigone-t
. to In- congregaUoo.
out toto oU and tried remedy to the
and I1
Mr*. J. n; Deels left Sa’urdAr
Prank Sayers. Len
ar>’ t» an eitonted vtoli.
for i
and .Mtos
tor MJni«Joia. IIU railed the
to. (amiUn aad Sherman Bays ahd
jins for
Scott of Tl setose City
any lung, tbnmt or lirone!
of her moiber, Mra. Dua- ly core any
llbe death
Bessie Brnmoas visited al J<*n Wtoebr H. E. CedA
' '
TO y vara < traoble to herself or her children. Tht
m nuufie, oiiiuiuj .
| ttam. Mrs. Danham was
rwoeatly discovered that some' e< ai ■ and had beea 111 for ffbout a vrorat cough or coM can be speedily
Mr*. Devw was aerompaatod as cored by German gynrp; so can
sad bfokm Into the Gibbs shlqgte > yeoi
Traverse dty by her fanslmnd. 1
braafcihg to the door w^
with w
an ax.<^
ax. < tar ^j*?
Mra Chas. M^
M. Hager
has retaraod milt breaUhg
cflheen- to her home at Tr
• •' |
Thto ndto Se*im« to the Bat
Oat * The MU---------- —----------^-------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ ----------- —hare moved
D. A. Cook and iMMltr ^1^’
vrtSfnl lajorto* to property here by ^bera
Tiinspcwtatlou refre«hl« reat^_ to t^^ o^-raej^
New trial bodies. »e;
Co, amved Sunday night totoot i cohsomptlvs
Mr. and Mra. J. M. Terwildger cf m
For aale by S. E. Wait
r. A. o vtock.

Urge size. T:
the gaest of ;
Mias Ian Ocmley has gime
Mra Bobertnon of ManUtlvK nr-ift Si
tP.Grnyh am the Pentnanla.


rhiuco’. Intfiit'aiPitto. Wagoon. Bi«o-^

agreeaWs Diaeato.


:.,whato the win taside the

t IS aod 117 StAtb StrbecWt at-ll HaiUwarf. aU lundB erf Fbm



Misses Uaisy and
Myrtle Nelson nbSscuf trutoy a
tpeat a few days la Traver**- City who
V. nSwt to on the atak itoL
m. 8. Markham of Atom
a b visit'—---------- .
' I i'ltst fofre
Jhelr grandmother, Mrs. Btockeo.
MATimik' '
aardlek. of SonU Manltou: utc hb :
IMC .f IWhtoBW
; donpto of daya at the noteil -•

ntiag from spendtag-her week's
tor tbn mall boat to craaa.
; kobc today after an. extended visit
The warpi tusar social held Tuee
. ,
Hyoniel will ruiv the dln-ase. d*a with her parents at
LtehtbOMO Keeper W. P. Lanoo ofifruhher parento. Mr.aad Mn. a Rue- day eveniOR was qnlie a success io vacation
by her struy acthitv of all Rena life la the
Sqtt tomwa. waa to town Satarday. < era.
apHe of the had w»*tber. Game* and Uke
She was
• Mto. totflBBl of ^al tomplre caned'
e. q Peteraon of Bundy. WtowJs to music addivl to the t-njoymeot of the >i.t.-r.
Mrs. B. Oceene. uf
I town tor a few days.
eventox. The proceeds were tS.3<).
of -oar yotax people alHorace Green and wife have re-'
Wam-n Bays haa bouxhi another'
The Woman’s club nmetH Tuesday after a few days’ uto- of this treatment
aMdtoff dance given bi
rram an extended visit In Ohhi. borae. He expects s*wn to move oa, afunioco with Mrs. H. E. GUI.
Ihe wsjoriiy of these fvinptoms w.fl
nt Oton Arbor SaF^qp.
G. <Mma
<Mma of
of Cadlltoc^was
Cadlll^was to
to tuwalhb bomesttad on the Ottordman river.
Work Is prugreastog rapidly on b. bate disappeans)
In a few weeks the
' W. G.
1 Iasi week.

John Seebr ha* move*l to a farm he' Pum-r'* nv-w store.
ctire will be
moo Haaa made a trip to ’ sii.. SJ....I.U Uurdge
M..F.IUU has
k.< returned it.
I.. has
tisi toated(''ooe'half
rmtiudf one half talktalk’ from Wex-1
Bom. to Mr. and Mra.
Mrs. Joe ikinleativ.
Catarrh or
hcr'saiMne toanek Re«ehool duUca at Nonhpon. after ford Ooraeg*. He l*ok ills family tu;
u; .^prll
.kpril «tb.
Ath. a boy.
exln when Myoai. i L* u-hvI. This la
B Mrong *Utemrtii, wu S. E. Wait A
Chvuer Vannai
le Saturday. Mra. Seely.
ling her vacation with her. par-. Ibclr new
Soo* empbaxire ii by agreeiuc to ret Interest la Will Retford’a
.......................... ....................... ....................................
Rev. and Mra- J. Bardge. Mias f
lyomel does not
fun-I yvmr mooey If H:
e here, and
tty hnok to towa.
Stoter. Mra. J, B. Green aad daughter, the greater part «»f her
R.-V. Harlbul spent Wedaewday la.cure.
W, B. Budiek of Sonto Manlloa' E^rjtwle Mcompaaied her for a visit Hr. Seely, durtng a two year's resl^
----------------------- ---------.bMBod
thrmiMi bdi* toi weak ennMte.wiu, Prof. J. P. Matthews and wife.
dence, ha^ madejnaay WeaUs. Their Traverse Ciw
Rev H .8. Mills of ^vunto sikuI a
waa called;
Born to Mr aad
Mn. Frank D.rremuval is deeply regretted, and
lor litkTcraoCRx.^toerahe
litaTcrao CRx.^^ar
good wishes^ the citmmuolCy gu with
W too death «f bla bc^or-to law.. ra«rs‘'ialli^h"'^ -sTiit.
>. »u - -V.
Wm. Smith.
Mrs. Imura Letaon U nviraiiig la them.
Mis* Mary Bnliarv reluraod to Trav Kvoarv.l I.* delanll. a divoree from her
Mile left tor Port Grand Rapids.
Otorge aad Ttan l•tTl.T-havt■ Uvn
.... fane been catoxte ;
Mra.l.ydto Snyder of Battle Creek todOovlng a visit from their Bister. Mr*. erse I'll}’ Monday mpralng. after hav- jm^band oo the fTtmad that her marto tom* the .aprtog term of aeboaL
the gueat of M. Markham ahd fttmlly. :Frauclarti. of Marlborough. Mta*, whu
**'■ '«>■
“ ’ ---------------- ------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------.haa wwinied
----------. ------------»■" “
’»"=■ — *.
Mrs. K. C. Droltor
from to a. - to move to IJlteny, N. Y.
Miss Jutlx Miller *i>ent Wi-doesday frandulent one. uae of bis friends



vcniici of the coroner’s Jury.

Miss Myrtle John a|M-at Taesday and
aiaytns 1
WediH-Mlay In Travers*’ City .
-."•. _ . .
Rev. W
W.. n.
H. Muriooi
Hurlbul BBU
aoil im-». *s*-e*w
- bgwXiBS tu
Joto^di Polil and wife were, out (tom
jb ll,^.


blood with the oxybraoe. cntei
rnna presettl (here,
Ren a d-tnu the gei
Apr *>
disease from
rectually dnvibs this
O. U White anti
dauRbU’r, Mrs. effect
M^dto Vv^ntos to s^nd a storr.
If >««* teve
of Ibe Mtowiox
perm* are
’i-.ivrt iui fiteud*
hytuplotn-. catarrhal
In the luncoua mem^ cill and soo Grant »prW

« (or - .
IS (tone home lo work.
Win Sirtoker, wbo bn. beyn worklnp *‘*'*'*'
>r Stephen LautiM-r. has also pme

**" -

r^^o/a^dto^ ---

"T*®* • MIsMta tablet is taken be-,
tore ^ o>eal every trace of Irrlta-l

is removed;
- t-----------Apr.M
from the stomach and dlpeative aysArcher and itauchler UeUa ••(
and those oixaiis will extract

I City spesi
Hatvenoa. wbo baal-------------P0CT8UAAXT.
Mrs. 8U
lU S(^ Maaltoo tat-laMUOs
8|H*nt an
r borne oa fbraatv Town meetloi; dny panned
aed mr very preBtlc- t
ivlBc home aid orrlase with Uk-td.
oalelly. The tady
rciurae.1 to Traverse
Quite »-numb^-of
a aumlNrr of our people s.vMartod la the aUl yard
dtaow to
iaty Sunday,
alter apeodtOR a week
) Bower* Harbor laat WwlBta-Uy to
*‘“i ‘•t'*’ ooronis at this place.
iQson's funejaf.
Ca^i. J^c
Orant cfaorch tait Monday.
' Bird was call
lied' to Port
laal Wedm
of her slater. Mr*.

gTi»iiata»-bMh MlUand T<nrer.
farmer knoin the eld
wood wheel windmill: it will
last longer than any other wiadt


Mrs. Atkinson drove to
__ _____.»..—
«»■ IrrUaljcm. cooRcaih* aad taSam ;
U rtaUlnp Miss ^ Mr. !and
CUy on Wednesday.
Mrs. Waker ^
mailon from ihe stomach. Ilvcw and:
I Aikinaua la.erectlnp a new ^ter sis-n.line the
Mi-ona. la the only;
wa«on shed and work shop.
danphter. «!>. \ar Awdaie. in wuvnasrp that will di> tbU.

aad Mta. C W. IddMcr called oa i


Pni. Jscobr l» sUylDK at the Trav
^sewy •» P4aw iwb «• »—v

who BiwstI a ■


Kweaiied dlpe«»ise after eatinp

P«>r^ aw- “'^nlree weeks more at sebort Md all A^|^^c"artie ‘ MrCtoStoSo^^'i^
^ attracted a iwod Haed ao- are wUIttip to say we hose

. .. k. ^ was comedy eaiUled-In the Swamp at . kiB. asmlo thU sommer.
Merford ami Juho Hasby of Mldnlxhi.- o1k> a number of sodrs. make Bve years be baa worked la the

.. In inwn RntHlBr



VrJ! Bm &owa rlslled in ;
2‘^iSS^wa taw. ;Trp*eiae City a few daya Uto week,

ih bOMr of (heir we<^^
1 married J

and repairs

at,tsra«4 Muwtar fwalas bow auyn-^

DHm RMCbniOk.
_.. aad Mf».-M. P. Roaa*.-. arbo baxe,
beea aaolaUagra ibe apoctal ■eedo*..! Mr-ai«! Mn. Aaeuai 0«o «
hare sooe to Kiaseler u> oaaiai la
Btaetla*. there.
OutRoaebrook baa rnoro^ toUe
loraiul wo:b..
huni achot.l atter apcadinc hla rpcaMr. aiul Mra. D. P. Taylor
vr went XoSimWnM laiTweefc

Apr-to 1
Mist Mary Kate, the tcaebvr on the |
r In Trar-,}(Q^ Manitoa’Islud. came orcr t

tin Gnamit Gannr nnn>


.Maab. at_______ _ - _
■ Aasaat Craa hm leapiwd bU pMee'
KoUti Ajpm and' a aartwe odjabr mmloK sewe eU haiUiaca (roB dlOBa kfi Mpodar wtalec (tir Cm
the hack part o( hla tot.
• VWi«e. •<«*« tbr>- w«a» «a «Men-




Dealer in Automobiles. Launch and Gasoline
Engine Supplies.
'OtistM*s PhsM 592 sr ««.
Trarem Oty.IDch.

Use Herald Want Alls


Wbenttvt^ yoB aeu n 'aeimrstor with a

aniiiilf (tan as kra as the door knob



il's tbe

TUBULAR-the Only One!
Till- Inttoni fmvl makidi it inatoUe.


a ftik- |«>iat ahont the Khaipk-s Tobniar—one
of the maaf it bao over the “has taccRS.** Ask
for a catalog tdlineaboat TEBDOTT MfeSK


mah->the Sbaipleo



tlSBiHf MJSUteStrtont
ire Bch ilardwara all kjad* <4 Farm Ua>-hincrT.
Baggies and Haraewf

' Pmr
^MMdR II ■!■ HMMiiT riri I Asat* WcUaer aM
Pmr TOMaoa
TOMaoa ' «rcnUs:ac » Bo« «M Om eiBb ta tbU^
----------- ----------------------------------------tt*e wJUita a rtar, »m»

V. Um»

9UMI te 6od«M’«

^3»s “.'^sr

a«ar;Mr. Briftona aM Mr. Sa
woo4 tbMgki*. «tMcr btn. ku • ilakar drtp Mar
Mb -ias le art iM piMcitr <
her ________I,
(aatetioa, Hot
lor tb^ brtert.
' rtab wobM help the rcaon Lut-Trala
. the caauBBrtr~
• ■ a «f Trareiar Cl»
Mn. MIUUmb care n 'taUi aboot sear hi* brotber WUI. ^
the Hotr Laad. «Ueh vi refT.ialcr-; thew Ui« i
catlM aad ameh caMrrt br Ml. k
eM«Ur laMraeiiTe io BUM
1.1 ton n. deeu. atewlBg w pteure* aad aooeaatn. a tea of wM«4| wew a vMara! sabet
Tia Cara a CM* In 0»4 Dap
tr at hooadar hBMh.
hatch, ahere.uad
a^ra. uad Satanlar

to Uriirof the panr
iv a dot;
(her aaed «he
the Moth
«to(b for a UMe Moih'
«ioih chaa StMn Mr. Sir^l
sro^that C» " ' ‘ ! pramptlr ■hoi. alihoaKh he vmlaed Ii
for the carpet a> alshl: Metai
ia oc
Mack 5. Write; MW or Naaarath. pMch
pletar* of Ml. Her> in dreaetog.
WM. whM .ta 1X.0M
----- above
feet above
the the
Mr*, -----w. T. Hlil to ao bcii
IpvM of tMaea: pktm of the Honat< pr»Mit wrtlag.
«r the Bratftedca. aad Sbaaeck the! Mr. Hiltter to awrlag out
haaoof EUrta. mde of mod beta: a lej u................................
•ton froai iaeolM wetl: a pletare of; q«
torSofNleher laT^ they baw the day i
MMt-wpoa ttorteh «Wr elalB Jeeaa iraa: o.


_ _


r ‘wa« UWW, W a.




The Gnmd Traverse Arima
ffinind Campaiiy

tlMjy fooad BrthleheB the cieaari
rtKC. aad a botUc coaulatog water, repalrtag th
a*<rK. *fc. % ion t^-n^ [__
Sm the lUrer Jordaa. aad «o mar; iLready for tbto-----------~ (Wp 1 COUW aut bogle (O ten. atwe. Then !■ eowidcrabic
a»M hehr her Ulk> io appreciate i
t Id; Ur Go. to rw ujS«artW’h«’u!kM.
Wo do fool very- gTatofo! to her 1 a^amaaf utB-wnm dnw^
to 1. H, L. * Ca.'e them.
tor her ktodacw. to cotatog to oar cob- , Wt-TST^ to to. mrHiiB. rt e
bnuoaaaad ibo great good abe to do-i


Forty known on- lolgiia. .Power ISonl in oteratiofi.

Ores Now in Sirht Make SvocessAssired.
Call ur aa-ml for pipauL-ctoa. Wi> irtuuantM all oar atatenKHta
of farts to la* trae. Cen.^1 DNUutgeoMWt.. Foirtn-ntmeiitloall
Stuck: 4nr value, tl la.-r sharu. We will aeO lor u aliuH tinxaliurD.oMh. or 3Scjw ahm. IjK tnah.

c. Tnanwn tot s, MoMi O. K.. L. d dar Mboota.

rv><k«tb odd- JEfid
Mr. C. B. Dye spake of tbe atoouatTth
-w. 1 trf todebtodneB to Mr. Eetet oa AHDintodd-J. fcrttoh adtoto, lo »~-!tT ud mate work, aad It ne voted
Me ChiMpaln. PoWof pvH. Me.^ oaraaeaMaUoo par bln three dMtowmn.raaga l*: Its*^, *Jk
of the
l^ILItabertaaiMwireloM. A.aad!
TMk ^
by M?Wct.
Mr. BMct. leHiag
■ . loomlBc^prlBary cottveathw to be held
J. A. roi. Krta h-li. bbx* S. fe.. ** * la rricenf City. Aprtl 27 aad 2S. ud
also *pcaklag
*pcaklag of
of our
our paper,
paper. AaniMaCo.*! stb add:
— ,,
Cyraal BvaaA et al. to Ctoar Simp- lloa Bebooe. io wtahto we Bcee
wbicb we can caallr get ir,J
•oa; eto of PcK. ace. K. ton tS. raago periber*.
racb ■rbool to ibe cooBty will do iCiU


kaa than 30 shares.

Act prraipliy.

Jgy East Front StRoi

dtthar Thylf dad wife i
Pah Mabaat, bH of mH. eec.
S.>tage 12: ttOO.
Bga Kcaaociy,
• AdrttoX. Mitety gad wife to WMBaia
very largely attcaded nd
aad wile, lot IMS. UdM «. oae M________________
of (be beat^eatog ..
tL.UA Oato Stb add: SUM.
ban ever had./lt wn a laert
Vtotor U EeyaWda...^ wife «o » m rrt»«mw«d-. .*n '
Baiab B. Bvoe, eW of eH M ee«.«
IT, Mwa 27. raage »: $««0Mta. OHlBger, SeeTANhWKB.rr HONKhTLY.


At* tbe htatomeMi of Travafue C«^
CHfatona Nat Men KellaMe ThM '
Theae af Uttor Btranaara.
nUe laa^rtul eoeMloo.


0 waltaia of Trav<

Rone proof ia tbe beat proof-.
P. C. OrtUa. of MltcbeU BtreeL Ca^

. ^


ir. .wto ef aeti of i(ta^. .
i-wYh Mwwli. aae. at. town Xt.'« L R.


paasM to -toisMer
KtoigMer {litd. . iSaraSiy wlabca to kaow tr Doanb
r to Hy. tlrtdmla, iMaey Pllla caa be-depw^ upon to,
'iaach;»K. ;
rtrh kSd»ey conplaloL Tbh to ny^
i for
tareaty ynii^ ud always eujoyrt
af M t H.. B Oa.'a 121b the -heat of bealU. util abm: two

«y kidacya etlbcr
__ _____________ I
d to Mn. Joule f«a« Mb pato
aak artlag to <be
M It. Wert r. YU U * Oa^'a •MU of tbe baek to uMi an eneai
toad caatracl.
Ob. ' wu uiie toBB. A ranttwd «nC. A.
aad wife to Jaaaae gtoeer who bad uMd Uouto Kldaey
advtoed Be to try tben. Tbe
’ tintornTii aad wife, tots «-0. PUto
(naiBM rettoved me. I pteMMHi it.


tbe tTMWe rMarand, I moneVto ib<.>
pllU again tor a lew da>v. anotbrr retapu followed, when Bnlty Mertded:
10 Ukc a (borough rooiyc- I
Iboxca. Staee tbea. Ud tbto b monib»
-.UBB m. rmmmmmm. by ahertS, to *jp,_ 1^ot notlocd b Magic «ymp-


' .UB.


ita. JtttBtor-Mflbnni Co.. Dollalu. N. j
Y.. aole agents for (be Ualiod Biatc*.
Reaember the namc**.Itoan'i>—aad
takoao vber.

Chaapaiga aad

No sach crowds of linmanily wurc ever witiirs^ in Travc-rac T’ily.

Of nothing, Hals anff Funiisliinrs at


f^SoSS vS

17 aad

». I
Mn. SebeU of MuBBlt etty U vl«----- Nlaon.
Into tbe
_ . __
bMe tost wMB.
Mn. S«Mr«a retdracd to her bom


( Ibe past week i


summit (XtT.


Mn. HuMab Jetenoa. who
beu Btak fbe put week. It aomc
oa Lake Budap' Mn. J. Hocetond of Maatoo, Mn- B.
bMd at West lto-!j.MoWnandO«irse WeblBUofCaA
fllv an vtaltlag tbetr parento. Mr.
I. opnaod at »:d«. MM Mn. Om. WMOner.
J. K. Rcnbedy id mu. M. B. Hayaaa abd ebildrea of
RaOtoska visited wltb Mn- 'Uayncs'
■mtoo tod by Oeo. Her-. Mater. Mi«. A. B. Pslver. -tost Friday.
Mr. aad Mn. (too. Weldaer gave a
’edhnmiaalwatooatowVBwetu.vcty pleasut party tost Frtdav elgbt
9m tMtoa..b«WMa •Bdeda fsal tpr tbelr daogbier. Mias Auk- Weld
r, wbo will sun •for “
Troy.\ Moaisaa,
wUrt Mn. There was a tone .crowd at ike
• daaee^ea by P^ey TUtotsoo at THtoWoaTbaU ton flaurday aigbl. AU
I par ibeae. "A forward Bovetoeat; rtpart a vary-Bog^to ttaae.
11 ataag tbe Mrs. 0<«. Jacksoa wai to Trai
^ C^tosiTaert^^^^ ebUdre*
a nrsL “Ta oar owa bearte.”
Fraak Sber tamed 0«b WhatM. WaU' of aeek. Mr. Dago wfit letuiu as
as be eu dtopuae of bto property
Vatoa Sawtoy there. They Irt bB« a year age wtUi
the laieaitoa of Baklag Wasblaj
------------ uued by tbelr biiBM bat thbU Mtoblgu a
. We bum Sm ratat ter place to live, aad will mm bart
to oto an.bdBito b«r bBdaathelrMm..
Mr. aad Mr*. Jt J. XV}WuB. MU.,


on tlio l>)lhr ami i* now M-IIini! all of it



.Qna doer East Of A. V. Friedrich.

A Most nighty ATalancbe of Baigaios is Finest

Men’s, Boy’s, Childrens Clotliisg, Hats, Furnishings


H.,!. * Oo.’B 7tk add


The Globe das Bought the Benda Stock

t taaeb naa aerred.

The 1 Jerald and Record Co. has just received a
large line of samples of beautiful Commencement
Programs. Some very .low in price, others more
elaborate cost more. Principals and sebbol teachers
should see these early. Call at the Herald and Rec­
ord office and Inspect tbe umples.


VII aHaahrheW at ewt%. aec. SC. town

Here we nn-nlion just a few iirirrs >A tlfsp <mml Iwcpiin". l>nt rvn«-ml»or thotnaods of
jalill ItoMiT i4um§ await yon nttbv M«irr. KK.VD AND WONDKR Low it cun U-Joiu-.

eiotbing Bargains

Furnishings Bargains
<utU»u \Vork tSm-la^rloaingout |>riw.
Bemfii'a $1 AVuii ['ante

diiMn-n's Blue Ovvruil*. ^tor
2or Bow Titw gui^ t»ow

$i aM

Stic Ilute. Kil.- gwi,-.-'

Pro^ an* eogL-r for aorb suapa—^ yoa luid Udtt*r (*unie ol om-x. It will gmy yoo well to
tmvd nianv miles, for its « big anviotf to yoa to boy yonr ,ntirv SUMMER <MTFIT NOW. at
rock bottoQi fignii*.

B*ixla-s old stand, ona door east of A. V. Prladrich-a

Tt«mae Oty. Miob.


...FROM THE...


U pemlts of o
evaded or tgaored.
Reaaaot ba a

a great opportonityi

I*ri('es ssbjucS to advaiicc at a«y tiiUL-

vitliont iiolifi-. '

eharv. eed I belierc tbey will, for fhUI<
lilUe paper to a greet help to keep
Pan-; la tooch wlib each otbrr aad
I It to. o<‘r work.
, ,
Oar aueadaaec waa very targe, (be
kBate-hoMM) beiag tiled aad tbe latereal

_ ttaogbt
wHh totereul
It to
•0»w' oBly Me anwer.


Over Teo Acres Rieb Mineral Linds

Ucaetag rert npoa her. '
.Meai we had the readtog of the bUi.
' »«■ bed roporti from tbe Haanry.
adBto.. to Karr: wm tialoa aad Moaiop Caater Sea-





thg to thb wiwk. May Oodh rfehm


t]S.«ee hawr ^wa^al—tayta* aa Mu of «eah aad btakM bobca. aaw
i4ack Mala troai the ten to the OKBhBWe aa haTtaa beaa parts of a ’
bar. tn BUea a«v. where thcr wtn haMahodr. bat re^Meattag all tbai
laatan a paav*B« pMat to forer tbe rrWlaed M Ar three nrtiMaa. Grt.
mw to tbelr taak.ia tbe eillace. ,God(N(^. Oaa. Cblbrleht aad IMeea
Ther win taee a alaadpipe m each Umm. Won to atom br the npl^
■tie or tbe auiioa to aappir the looo- ak» Moada} at the Alat draaahe
BOtIrea. -The.rUlage ta tipia* to gel plaat at Bay Clir- The bus waa |ath<- coBpaay to eappir nier foe do- terred to the eecBMfr aad a •hapla
antic aad die liiiipnaii Tbe poad U slab wltb tbe baaMa at tbe xeea aad
difhDd the Ttuage to pmctleal- date of deaU wae ptoead to mart the


BostOH Store
^ Mr. Chas. Rosenthal is in Qucago\ this Wedc
has placed the sale of the business in the hands of one
(3f the best agencies of that ett^ vt'ich instructions (or
them to pash the sale of it wh all possible speed.
How long it.
i will be before a deal, is con
mains to be
lav be a wede; a tiitelib <or. two
or three months.—time will fell. The business^-Till be
sold, sooner or later..

We cannot .wait idly till such time arrive, as ex­
penses go on just the same. Conseiiucotijr we have
re|)lcnishcd all the stocks that srere exhausted or bad­
ly brokra up, with new goods WHICH WILl. BE
SOU) OK THE VERY CLOSEST MARClfti OIFROFIT—just enough to barely cover e;
wa: save them atoneA'.
will keep the trade coming our way.
ind ke^ our stocks at low ebb. All thb. instead ^
will facilitate
s^e of the
being! h barrier,
t....... .................
....... the
.. busisest.
BLAST from this time on—new goods on every hand
and priced so. sadvantageously that they-wfll mean a big
saving io every instance.
in fact every department is replenished so we will
be in |)bsition to sert e you well,
INGS DEPARTMENTS we will continue tb sell oo.^
our ’‘Easy Payment Plan." which has proved to -be so
popular in tbe past. Terms to suit yon.


braced a chair a^laM'toe' the park ibaic wtre alaoatoer e< io-| W vt» aerer go to ^rope amta. <h>i
'KmA PBMlt «( MarMi.
«( l^nik'aTli aad Janped out or the srta- coeo etatoee aad etataettoa to rentad his taet rUit he rumed with a higkrr
Mas or the egoA he bad panleaiarlr I ogteioa ihaa arer sT toe noateal ad- ‘
IM v«»e. «M la tt« «ltr u«*7
swdtad. At tha cuUe he was ant by i Taaeewt ct ibta ooeatry aad <m
) twitaiM at th* cant kowa.
Oaorja D. Bvaaa. t^tnlaar at boor or the day, bat tola la the eery aa oU grnAler ottlnd tto 'kta bottoes cowvelled to adnlt that erm la open ;
Italy stood to tar below our ayerage
Omt ts«uk^ «u AoUtt MbImh latan that hae cone aloag. A wUI-' aiartlr u McasU bad patatA hit a»
toA> fanaer dowa ta Worth, who It entara. The baOroon waa AIM wdb toat he eoaU aot oadentaad bor (he ■
ybtk coold put op with the perforai- ta sheep ralstag. taiiiea aad gawUeMa la toe
a paper toat was deleted tojbebad pot ca the caaraa It
toat teostrr- A jofcliw aeikbhor ta-Jaa If bla Ttuii MateWbad beea; The carl oT Roaebery one* a»Pe has:
daeed bln to aabeeUbe tor toe Bank | Aaaged by a lairy tato aetaaUty.
; AeoAtto tbe appotatanot oT Lord
•aiMMiaM tA ilM> arwiaau c< Bent. iRlBted at lAlaaapoHa Whoa, A«toy aoM A Mias AUoe.Cooper'siKltAeaer to tbe BrlUsb war otoce.
Ika aotk t»i4M kf Mb AimaaAtr the paper omm to baad aad tbe old ctatae oT Secajaerea. the ladtaa wo^,“We hare tried pblloeopben eaoogh.' ,
Oairt* aMrthr caaaid dM
or ttMl-nin foaad It to be a rUlgloas, gtaa who gUded Lewis aad Ctarh I be said la a rneat speech. ~aad w*
Mlai Abbm HM * i:^«ar«U glH of wcAly. be tolrty faned-as bla wtrajaefoas tbeaoaatabs ta ISOS, bas beea | Are tried tbe anetear drlltan oiitil,
flt MM BtriAan vHk tMM tald: -Be ri»ed aad A tore, he ^ Alpped to toe LewU and CtaA lair w* are weary at ibe look A hU aan*.
B|Mra«d tbe a4rfae teAd aad A awera-—OMtord Lead-1 gromda at PofttaaA ta Its coaipletA ^ it It not tine wbea you Are the ta-.
|tom It'wm A a broate Agnre of enlnable booa. glreo to few nation.
ay aiiaaUM « a (Anklaa aaa f» or.
iberole stae. and wni A ptaced ta lAiWiApreseatnoneat.of sgreat piacteed to take the (Mdleiae r«erfbed
tor her caM. DerOot la bar beM vt
• ---------- Nawa.
1 «ater rf Colombta coart. tA eentrU ‘ ticat tdmlnlstratlre general, not to dl.
ana^ wkBe HmiUte taaotatac* of Ztoo. MIm Herb
Prloeea. CArlaa ct DAtaarh waslptaaa ff lA espoUtloa. Saeajawea'regard or negleu bl. serrleesr In
MWM fmt "^tS^rlrJ^-ideabted aet b«( bar toVara ««a)d
at a nOway lemtau | was owe of toe three' stare wires of reply to tbU a Loadoa writer saggtats
I TooesalBt Charttoanean. a Preach Ca lAt In time of peril Lord Kll Aeaer
Mr: UtM W
........................... .... ............
j|:abeai aad Mr. Wlaaia baeaaM w Mrioae aad bar erttaa Innklai anaad with a bored expree-j aadiaa rayageur. wA a«ed as inter-; tUabt A more valnable in lA AH
>e irieMed to the aatraatiea daa. Ae aaw a aewsaaper reporter I prw**- tor «A esptorera. She was a tbaa In the war oMee.
d she
«aa «aate4 Wat ttf
aerlbbBag away for dear life ta bts > Bbasbeae ladtaa. who Ad been taken
Mra. Annie M. Vetabtstaa h sikrr.;
a the atraeta that wwaa*! to ba ft bar ralaihraa aad alteaed
to be admlaSstared to her.
8A too. drew a tIA note-ioapUre by tA eaenlet of ber trIA.i Alress of the Weightasan fonme ol
•atabdok. SA. too, drew a tiay no | ^
^ Btaekfeei. «»d mAd aboot $».ow.«w. l. atld to A llrlng
vurMhVaat it mchto tsia. Tbe .fetrar had i
bonk fnwn Ar pneket. wrote a me
A tben to CbarAaBsan.
ter of poison and at ber
a e( the eltr. straacth *t bar hodr aad Snadar nge apOB a taaf aad folded It tato
.w. apartaHnOas aha died. Dr. Qeodj-. the ah ol, IMO. Tl.
nlOMlMO ~ oiopoor OOO, U. Oo. OOU O
, ,■
tMdtac phTtoelaa, deeiarea (hat IB the ertor WHH-tt with Ukt—fg eye.: Venue Indtaas. Avlng Joined tbe ei- iwnAA bereelf with deteetires to fol
aailr Stases of the dIaeaM awhlas a____ Importaat' bli of news. A wnjipodWoa at PWt Uaadan, toe Lewis; Ay etons of ht^ enemte to react
eoaU la^ the glri to'tooeh a drt«
or toadldie. Boor after ho«r dartas noJrt. tb. Prtb.c» .h™ tb.
; -lb" « 1»4 mb 1»»S.
. •»"«• 'b., .r. b.Ux .ol.
the W aad al^t she «as prartas tor of paper dlreetly at him. with a A- u A »tato«
ew WUUY'ta
I ‘happy Ibsn sA ever was ta Ar Ilf.
Oeaeral Aw
Mnl gaUcrl ta <over tA efloru to break tA will of
naoBUr good bA tor a wom aad ttai'® •»
*■ »*« »•««•'
A.. 8. ifytoaa or Voraaa «as lo ■edlBtsly inrned (be other way. ab- eUtoes A <A ataie ta htalaift^Ahe Iber latoer. wblcb made ber ao enor■onaly wealthy. SA is llrtag ta ooo
aothad ta bw boepItaWe task. There- tad hoitno ta
d oot toe craapied nsed A a gUlery of staiues. ttro repre-1 ta tA ■»« maAWeent aIics In the
_ ctoonen tern each' Hotel Reaatassnee. Tbr eniiance lb
I per. twtoHitiitoy that a partr oT 40 leaf. On it
b these words: “I
State A sabjeeo ta stswes to A eow- her apartments Is aUd to A eoaitaaiI ta ha aa hM^tlna to ntor VaranaHto haao ftly hOBUUaud wtsb I were a reporter."
(rlAiA at toe expense ta toe' cuta ly wattaied by Ateetlres.
tha toaHirr to the nrvaad »ea»a. Mdta|atod hte br patlttoa««the vflSir Frederidi Trevea. toe great BagMepb Palmer ta toe United States > To peiprinaie htaNnemory ta ftoeV
WMihtii aad report aen ItoDdarW
«te to oBtopat hla. to

...... . .. .


note ta unret. “There Is every protr

___ _ ^



A Sore
Money Maker
On the Farm
'WSn yf>s Ay a Crepm Srpsrater
yen cAat ycmrarir it jtjc doa't get
toe tasritinr that mshre sad seVes
tA miwt DMaaey for yo«: Cream,'
repairs aA nil->-«d reptCeent Bowry.

ISfUnited StateCreamSepantoT
holds (hi wetU's rernrd lorcleaa skimming..-uies ctcass ere^ Ay
tost nshcr H-|MrS|nrt In»«.
Sulrttsstisl, sfxi simple—retremrir dsmble.. No joints lo work
loose, no mtrbrt pin Ui break o2. d.. rsposed genn to A injured ao
Pertect sdjsronnt of WDtoinr pans—no oB wasted.
.\oataa* tusA renr «ws psy » ou s» tAy sbotild witboM a V. IL
Ctesa Sepsrstor. U me lot free iUtrstrsred cstntagae toAsy.

Tka Verpmt FansBachiH Ctapasy

Brand Hew
Up’tC’Dak damess Sbep

He city wWtai As Uwo bis home for i

ha eeold do aothlag tor bla aad mdMSed hlto to hO hooiet taka fredaMt
hhtka aad '^■dt 00 «M>4 tarns tridi
r.*T* b
ta^ mo« toA a third ta a OAinry. He ta tertnne ta more i An dlA.taW for tA
V* A Baglisbmaa A blnb and worked er«OoB ta a hotel, which Is to A ih.
Us aoilhbors.■ Vha aaCbtloi oTvyr U iM oMast
if Is^B^tar^SeW
Hew York aad Philadelphia Afore tlons are lAi (be b«el sAll always


. i»a lUi ai> I
atoptorad V the Pare Marqaette sad
4ts' Tortoai pwieMdeeat far n Teora.
the dmiaettto haa beaa gtrea hr
aotot. aad the BoOaad Seat toet mUuu
the Uataa tor C Mhrhhaat or that cits,
•be hsgaa wortclac tor toe oM ftol«a«e A MlchltBa lAke Short cosW to un. Bobert BBaaea oT BO.
b Wh atoaat. to MoOetoa. bas baeh
r atbdtoad br the Pare MaranetU aad«Nlp. i
Mr. Baasaa. VboeaBW
.to lift. v« to •or*
oa toe C A M. L. 8. April 1.1170. aad

Hh •

____ .Mtoa. BO (haa veat to Ah
Ctaa. M. l>afhar aad |kaiwM Mr dtpki toootos hat rctaraed
to MaaitosoB aad weat to wortc as a
t, r r. ontototo aad aeetlda baad at Sweat's StoUoo. near
motahau. mtp to toe eprtag oT 1171.

Ant at «a«tan awnw aad t
nUd atroat. Mr. Baaeaa has <
I tdsadSad with toe Pare MarItneOtoartoato aaddu predaeaaaors for
ILlto^aadi^TMK Ble two soa. aia also an-

^ - -----------

fosrapbor tor toe loeU ageat, P. A.
VUal aad TpsttsaU are trytac t6 awtA^aaeb other la toe nstasr ot toe
*%0tob ootohto" eUtorathaHno be held
tba WMi- Pitot touted Tlea PieeMeat Pslrbul
ralrtaoBhi. aad to go owe belter,
has cxteaded aa laUtatlon
toot PUat wOi retaliate by asktag hie Otoenmer.toe goraraer.
' jSsronl dogs hare gooo nod ta Albte to toe post few* days. A straoge
dog casM to towB War a isooth ago
.. 8k a Ckadwldi aad Uttts ay btt M or M dogs, aad later ft
" iagw or Sbsmao ntaraed Maud that toe stiaage dog was i
■Nratos allar apaadtog:^ It -was kittad aad nsay other dogs
aa tha soMt or Mrs. K. Et bm beta fbot hot than ossM to be
aa optdanh) or raWes, tooM so per
T imm aad' »i,i«M .hasTOtbad toadtaeaae. Seseral


W8Uk Is

Ssperior ta sQ othas. Sews better Utts aar
aseUse sM
One ta (A oldAt tlUng Oaages
giuner ta'tA Brit- fsasous. HU seoee. toe smateur
in bet better tkaa (SB be 4Me bj
CtU st the akav ssl SIS
Bare Legs, now about M yArs oW.;
Ptiiag with a six tadi gun OMrked. eras perfectly certain to
toodgb A dOM not seem to A more
^ waisblp Drake was going at Milsfaetory. tor "he was a Am nxubiitwark. U-sapenttedby PhflHy8flfcsa.BehM ■st hsTSfSt
thnh W. Bare Laa Is oof ta (A oM-; f.y
seven sneeessKe, etan. tooagb A Ad been educated u
tBthbdtyfar22 7ears;20yeirsiitheemplarsf wai^ib*B«C aAentai." Mr. Gilbert in Aswering
’ ■
; sbou toPoM a target
tak k ca.
IS-of Mag ago.
feet A * at a dUtaoce ta
feet. • to ttpmts hU regref at not AIa aldr
a HcUop-.f^tvIwa
allttmrht. opposed to erety-1 OcMat Va Bnlnw has rUmked n • *o eonpir raid A "MwuU Aw pr«'
Wr^n >WU
'd two .wriawlif tw i Wrrisewsad BsettsmVfSC restflsa
tbiu exeepl toe old regUne. He takes : nenber of toe relehstag tor talking ferred a l>orn chemtat wfau bad l»'co
hU aAulty. however. In tA most ap- .bout CermA "iDdigutte" aAinsi edseated a* a musieiA.pmred style M •!»«<» *t
tarlsh itorataa melboilt ta AWfonieqt, No
Pttocc Dragli. an Italian nol.U-mafi.
lAtaa prodigality.
Ocmaa. says (be ebaneellor. ought to. U und«-r arrest in Naples Aennsr
JaiMa a Hyde. wA U enm«d ta | A lAlgaAt at toe policy taany other ^ whA driving hb auto at a 41-nile ciip.
136 STATE ST..
a flght for control ta toe Equitable; ooAiry. Ho may A “more or less A ran over and killed a woiba
Life oompaay In New Yo0t. Is paylA j pleasAtly nSrtaed" A it. but "indA ^
Ota pcMlty tor Ua oetebrtty. Wber-1 aatloa'
A is followed by a rb!“•
Baaia Crux
___ _____...
ta detettlTM. report« redwood tree 276 foet ta height i
nnnwn aad ptata cartoeity- ^ eeitiaated to A over ISO years oH
At a theater toe other erea- ^ blows over ta a reeeni stoon.
tag A divided boeors with toe »tar of:
tbe groo A in e
tA ptay. hot «d not seen to mind U, bole two feet deep, wbleh Ad been too
motti. Mr. Hyde As gr(|w« gaunt | neet ta n woodpecker, was touA a
coder toestmla of his battle to retato bocklebefTT busb two toei bigh. toe
P«—»bal A onto bis -birth. i wot. ta wbitti bed extended rix feet
I Into toe been ta tbe tree end bA tbpqfAge ao writer ta maAstoe ie- j ^^ed toe ap ta the redwood. The
(>nr buyer lum inal rt^umiwl fmm the «ist -wheu- he was Inrky enoogb to prmbaap the
tSoa CA eoAl toe speed record mede j buckleberry Ad Doortabed and borne
A Bdwta Lefevre. He ptodeeed 11.000!
words between SstafBay »d Mondtj'. | pwirCck MetMrrea. fonneriy ibe demSTOCK Of Omaha, Nebraska. Tliiafinu IuukJI.w nmiehnl Uwt RradoBof
all wrlUM In ioagbud. for Ur. LO- oeratic boas ta Brooklyn. As suBered





iL? ^
Oomnioek ha. begun . clam hotel, and toe bustacts »a Are
thU oOAts toe moch. TA
nrrtnlarlnr eon- been trying tor Averal yenrs to raise
are Arewdta oAervAL almhta ta apcarthpmying eon
u, n
doing bnsiness in
tccepHve mid ta targe
;tad«d Ad tebtata vtaws. It I. Aid : !l7ir;o*:!d'*r^
«ahes A
W.. _& Gilbert
____ their
talely requested
... ___________ _
________toe way 10 Ad from
(At they are neltber togtel
,**^1 homes, and It U sgatet these stafui by a Austrnltan smatepr conposcr to
fonad. If Uta A tcM they
that Mr. Consiock U now db > tornisb i A libretto of an open oo i A
An come' to aoall Ul from (be lAk! retting bU energies.
- old lines, wUeb In collaboraiion wli)>
ta these qtttlltles.'
Able gb»«—" Ssmnyl Hoillngbarst Is toe late Arthur Sullltsn he nmle an

ferre doesn't ua a typewriter. The|„Kh u.ecllpse that be U being Irievm«« pkytaeal tabor ta pendllag out Uently referred to as “KumpaUAetoU cAwmec. quantity or copy woold;
AM BBAh wAcrtaktastaluettl^: -wAi A yoo «naldef toe deretet
Btany of tA craft. Al Mr. Leferre Is j
* yoo eooamer me tterereet
i ta yonr lifer MkA s
the tnancUl Altar
■ V.' „
.. *f^! Aper frtntd of RlcArd Croker on the
Of . No. ToA
»ol .. .«b bOi^.T.....,, a.wul«. b». .Ml lo
doA aot (waalder a mere asatter o( I,
New ToHc dty. "Wbea I quit polities
6.AB worda a day a fAt worth boaat- i
foswref ud threw op toe lAdershlp
tag ta.
Of Thmmaay.” repUA Mr. Cniker. and
MtasMamlnA..toirieh.wAUstudr :te tersely added: “Men «A spedn
tag mes^ In.New Tork, perhaps A*
b, stocks lose fonunen by
abom A mach dplm o the titk- ta staylA the marker as n i> mied ta
cera" u uy other peraoe Urtag. Her mother was toe deugh ’
TA fasbioa ta {
ter ta e Cbendwe Alettata. Ar tathw.
•toto IlewiTW.-liM,h1toia»od away'
explolUtkHi ta
to toe etty Oeeeial PIcasaet Porter. Avlng bw toemsdres and toeiy tAorin Is
an BAftBb tntbA n»d n Credi lAian
sprAdtng. Fprmer Ooveraor ~Ab~
gtaoc. eoppeood
I ibta efinoniB m Ihoh ntiito Wga
eoppeoa to bare beea bittoo aad
Taylor ta Tennessee bA.Jost 'tanncAd
tuL Vito the Jet btarii ba}r ta ber tax
tba laaanl aatUoaa wtkb were or itaga toot are aot kept abvi op or
I periodtaal M lAt chnractA.
bA a oomplexion not Apedally lirayotaiSay afteraoda'at Maaroe aoeorety ansUed.
TA BerkdUTA -will A tbe cculcr
dato. toe ptnol ear dog. eo •«! netta Her. BsngnUceat aoptmno voice ta tbe dlpknailc cotany tA opmlng
Mis. PnA P. Cook aai IMr ohtMraa I kaawa oa toe latcisrtM cars becaoae
summer. Cieat Britain, Germany «d
already eagaged quar
Ml tbto aaratw tor Port OaeMa.a«( bis tregoeat daadbead iMm ba- ran aad operatic asanagerv.
Hall Catae totaks toat (be aord o(
The AmbassaAr »d
^laaotosr dag aa Lake oTMoe. at Bat- toe fttur* wlU bcooAe more and more Lady Daraed will ocmala In America
to tUa cHy |
TA Rnialan amtag tor too wsot. whm toay wtsiUe Crack, aad ta toe aofsp JaA
Aly A Aeepted. whether by toe plow badador baa not decided upon bU
hr. Ooek, who boa towa at La-' «ltap«t oadtr a ear aad
. Mhabs tor two yoan la tbe.kuied. The
man dr toe pbUoaopber. to the degm «««,«. heme, but wherever toe cat's
MlasMttoMHler. vbkh stntA bta was ateni osar in wbieb It mItA with the almplcit «ntaasy Is located it will A Vlihout
d otoer litiset ear neo grte»« pictures ta Amaa life the deepest ,h, coratess Marguerite Casalai. ns
r toe dehih oC tbelr ca^.friead problems ta bamaaiiy. “I tblnk It ni::,
salta with ber former guveracss
A fAlhed.- A sayu. “lAt
tA capac „d fWAAt pompankMi a TucAsy <o
Robe Wtoataw.tormerty of Detroit.}——-s---------BveaeA foundry taKrwetor ta
ta.iA eord for nn.v wt^ bqtso imM toe Atire summer la Buiwpe. The
ever. wAtAr ta staMA Atertainmcni Freoeb ambassadqr and Mme. J.tsse•-'mtmUa A Poet OwetaB Atore Jotataglthe Outverilty af_____ _______
AralBtAr tor tA trip weat.
Aopen^t, myut^toeely taet n or ta deep tceoblag. is AUrdy with- n»i wilt speed toe summer In Europe
^ X X Tiillli tato tar emplm tWe|tum toU ta stedetta^ Rrldey. Prat •ta Umit: tAt there ta ao wklde w gadtoeUaUnn ambassador aad RsrouUkfor Oct PtaneA* at AtlsnNr
■■to|B> «hM* A ta ealtad m pro-t-BA.* u toe beys All him. wa out- capaM ta reaching a wide area, a
TeoataAi bwabWA ta ooueottan wlUi! eMe toe door ta bb mdtAtoa ixm at ntedlus so adaptable to tA tHcta ta (Tt,.
signor Cnmpaanri. wA Av Just foltil o'cioek talktag to anotAr lastriset- maa la.all bis staaM ta taletleetpal dc
t A crampte ta
■ Ad tour AD-lw. TAre ta an ms^tA taw ta tA
board that wlP ; Hdak and applied for dilxeoshlp pa---------------tofta^B aty lhta.morw- ewgtaeertag departmAt that a etass pulpK with a m
h toe aMt Amtataan ta nil iA'
lag tor a vlMt wtab btt panata. Mr.W •AH" If toe teacAr ta aot a nttta toe bumaa voice m tar."
TA tale Adolph Tea Metad owed opeta stagers and has always declare^,
I And by gve mieutA after tA Aar.
' V OuoiA c. Igarltag ta Rtagatar, VA At tre attar -Bob" wa kDI talking we of toe plcasaatest sarprinasta hti that hta chlMten shall A rtarrd at
* u ta tA city A a Ann Asl-ioBitadab but A was ataadtag'lB toe lue w tA Oermaa emperor. <ta toe'Americeas. He lakes bis n
p teiApAbote tola mecata^iealy doorway Which toe retatndA _______I of lA peletar's ei^ttato ' ways et oometa t A American reracu.
. rAly to Bte eta bilrtodv KdeerMnihetas tavKed him; He bni jak boutfa bimsetf n borne ta

Cbis time lf$
6ood $boes €b«ap

Jtiea's, Womtn’s, JInd CbMnn’s Shoes
««boocbt Ik™ at I. «maU pan ot OBItilNAL .MAXt F.ifTl BKHS Of«T uid XOW
•iUIrtthmiKO »t PoftmVKLV LESSfl-HA.\ HALF (IF REAL VAU E. Rkoe »|i Tho
AVholc Fnniil, torn Y™, lo Como
every item arid wv what :i «1i>Har wil! •V*—.\ jnir '■( rIkwo for tbf jwiiv *>f

‘‘Ball Sows**

F. P. Kirk.iulaJ1 X Co'.; drofD.y.H '

uill ,.!a.- tb. tn .... Hal.- f.n-............e40
;iirlK j..,r»i*.bi<lf cu*Uaiii
mu.l. w-l..R>iSl.or,.t1.;.l wilJ SUU..I
l«r.l k...- k'« K.-E«L-.r [.ri---- $150

FM- £~l™k,llto;.'*!. bVsA

F.r KiTk*iHl->lid t*« R Ir.faiiU oboes
si/A^2i..r.. ouel. Arftici k*a with
V._lv.-I u,|-; wcrtl. T-V. self


The chance IS here at last to'buy FINE SHOES at less than you would
pay for the fixiniz of your old ones.

* Cb^Gldbe Store ♦
m Tront^Strtsl. Crsotrss etlv. lIHeb,

_ soremnMBt b«a rfo«ed tbe port « rice *t «hteh liM
w*» r*JartJ
»>—I Xelmip f» tie .onh of tie bto«I of for -wt fa the MtehloB owfewe
WA* H TB» l»T I mjrtioaa 10 fowfaB
li to be- iw« year. At lie afiec^M aerTte............. Itorad that Admiral Toao will aae ihU^Btohop Mora preactoed fa the Ba*!ht
. laBEoace after whM a cfaaa ed' •<



[ la ad(.cat tbe Raaelao poaittoa

Mis* Ore
Ode aaotber. tf aosbfag etoe.
fbaa that, aom o»e ^faWbroskauv «»•*» »»>«=-: *■» «»
taeBaed bai rrorWed a ■wimii^ aboot expfaed aai tfa: onpaar to <»««• »»• MMred fa wbBe i
laak for tbelr.w Let tfa-Men take aa*k«» to reoea: It. They vaat to Bam warn AtombA la Mack, whea t>a__
«o tbe Httnai vr tVhitaiore lake! Mart diante II pew thtmaaiid ftw fael «ae ■arrfara'w*« faad- tt to mM ttet
tbeae woMs leara to awta la order and ll.SS tor I’lamtaatoag ca*. Wbkk ttoey aare la the plak of haahfa aa*.
lair............ J 3J»0, to >.«rtth eehool? ABd raee«Gy there 1. eonaMcred top high. Tbe lAd rata tare a ii«t faiara ataad of ttara:
baa been Aftad up—a> a atore aequee- aa« UM ^ 11.0.., Tbe etnacU cd- ■
King BUttng coMpaay. tooper
HaV tbe flla.tbM BW la b* W
terod apoi to eat peaaats. probably— (ered afnacfctor at At foefa the bad-mot of Bartoar gyama- gar aad efabty cceu for fuel gaa. 1/
sfaiB a gtffa' dtafag foort. ia addl-- (be c«»pa£y rrtiuaa to> aoept tbe qoe«.
tfaa. the'woBicB bare mad. Jadglag tJoe,.wm be »Bl*«te<l u* arUtratkio.
^.„.0^^«...... MJ. troB tu a^rahre. harq had fee; Jaatlce of tbe Pcaea Maitfa Vaa da
yean. rooB fa Cotrershr bail where Berg of bfcaomfaoe, who has oiahthey can rfali .Lrtwees datles to he^ ifahed a repoiaiwa a»i fatmgbt Mt,
I btB ea^ ha BiAht
wwTO uo «; cold winter day. la Tal%:of baaiaf-aa fato way by girfag
do we took for ctB»Mera;lpa atooi; ataiapa to rreey couple be Barrtea.
any tme of ibo«e linen for the ZJM' does not aftraya tie the. knot ap light
-LhGe Cdda** TbatBaada pr Hw
Ben regtotered bere."
that it canaot be aadoir. aad aome- aacrtfieed every year. Oa. Woodh Nar>

Tie Grand Said4i Are dejiartMt n*
«»ai»aoe^ u>4 a eonpaor ««t »»«
oirfajf loa Aetor AM b« rrocfc tie city
fa ttooe to aW. Ttw .irisln fa aBkaon.
— far ai ean be «ati-

--> wa,R. X. Httfaaple, partoredtbeBraa- a C.
MarahmJ Ormiaa'e ftwee.. w^oal An«h at Trarwee City.


____............ . - ™ ~-

T.,u»,...... m,,»^

^Tahio. ApHl A.-AU aBBounMBeBi
utder oOBBand of Boar Tta Are waa diaeorared. at 2 odock Pe«* cwaic. bulWteg ................
,-lNleb-ttoa baea nade regarding the
g^gniBi ^ aighiod Saday
morafag bat had gained aach Tbomaa Donovan. nloCB............
AkpraWHOta of the annlea fa Maathu-,.
aieaBer Gregory Apear b^Away that deaplic the e«oru «f a glrtup e«atf. bnildlog..............
rttnaya lha*on Al*U 3 tbe RnnlMU
BPrtban of MaaM one Mk*« brigade It wa» Imppaalblc to,
n.-oiirer. J«-*-dry..................
qpiaforeaiautbward. Cbing Haafan ; ^ ihe tMiMi cf
the fraDc strarture. Several' r. d. Sloc-klnp,iBo»leal go^..
BAB hefataardad »ad advance Btaej,go „i,e, ««!, and portbcaat of 81c*«"*** “"K***^
:Goodrich Kope. baildfag............
itaMadl faith the aapapeaeAanka. Tbe
The preaent wbereafawU of
dlBenlty. The a. L Welalch. meat market...;
rtllage fTfaB a a C. Smith, tailor........

- s*t>
200 have foigoti.-n the knack are l.-arniag
cer »!■> He It.l .... .unM K
Ibe Btbletos. The (DRtiict tup spfaalt^
ineidcni oecurred aOiw *>m- of the rceew Inerts. Harry <W, the distaatr
runner: wtm his mile In nUert 4;53. a

Tbe origin of the Are Is unknown «(«.
^peeled to touch -BainvU. Java.
e lesbth* but airong aorplcloaK are entertained; Toiaj taeaes'V............
ary origin. It Ir
The known faanrnnce la only a little
repoitod that there waa no Arc fa thejover »50.0Wl,
P'-V «''
ddlvertna a
“ “>bJok. The Are waa dU
State Newa.
cOTerrd fa tbe apsulr* uhtob wa«
The Trarem CUy High echtwi w
| uaed for hall pnrp««a. The door i< eeaira. nndor ibe auapieac of tbe BelUBs l« sail to have been unkwkcl.
laire Mfab achofa was greeted by a
S<W«V Tbeh«e<.uthebail.lin»*-asalK>m .'rowd«lbo.u-Tneadavevei,fag..Tbgl JlOd with AMM fastiranee. The lo&s' wtialher waa very dltagiveaMi- liu*
Uadoa, April A. A p. m.-.'l peal;
Cvaneelical ,
Use sio^ war-AAOB wlili Adbb insnr- the niisir-icn-ing people iunii<d out
fAval batlle for the aopfamacy of Ihej gjktnn. Mlcb.. April u*.—Rev. R. N. , ee.
i none the less and fell rh-bly pai'I fnr
iv ItoalOT waim to iBmfacnt honriy j Hulsaple has l
■ I .
; to dolag. Ttaf program was an ezrcltaptwaea 'Ue Japanese and Rutalaa' j,,.^ cny_
d q. Bntb. Port:
Big Fire at Lowell.
lent one and the yoang people, ably
Adailial RodJ«tT«tsfcy-» »q«ad-1
nrv. W. A. Selly. Keswick
Grand RapidR. Mieh, April 11.—The candnried by Prtrf. K. K. Horst.
Rath, Rood rrty., and 8. aalWmrr. Tillage afvLowell was rtsHcd by Ibt-; dered It aOer a manner iha' would faHA 4ba dita^ifao oTtho. taifaa aca I ,j„,. hy the Rrangr d conference.. BOM difastrous Ore in Us blstory- last s credit jo any professional organlzAIt agd Admiral | One of the moat aueocsaful coafor- aigi,t. in the short space of font,Don. Tlie s-ouibfulness of ite
n the';
****" clahfa^ o»
aeaalon held for many years was hours, property valued at ISS.OOO wns.!j»tTR\rcDaers their performance only
P®**®' | Ihe one fa aeaslon at thU place last; completely desitoycJ. Tbe Abbc< th«i_’more rcmaiLaMe. We would
, IjL 4ATl0Ba^ta today fadleate Ural t
Rcv. A. Ifanter preach*^ one originated fa bn <dl
abed of the bard- make especial meoiioB of the
fteafa arc not more j ^
siroagest aermons of the wevi: wa«. store at R. Boylan hnd fanned by mre “William Tell. ' of the cfaritirt
n IkHVAOta
dtltWVlta---------------------apart and maj W In;
Friday night and 02 Saturday night'« smnh wind, quickly spread over the Mdo hv William J<.hns..:i of
<n^ at bar nwn«il- The Bttaalan <r. c. Moefccl. mtartonary secrefarr of ; whole vlltoge. in quick sncfa-salon. .ad of the vlollt «>!.. of liiile Miv tpid to eoasUt of forty«»e^ cievclabd. O.. and Rev. Geo. Johnson lArd of tbe most Imptirtant hnsfaets Moaelle Ik-nnett. Al^.ii li: wa^fpa bat tbe axnC^ strogth of the \ irouurrr of Kortbweau-fti college of etrucures and the eoopetage plant of ekwredfor the High school.—DHlalre
WAbAta .Dtat fa unknown.
; Kaperrllle. ni.. apoke in tbe Inierart the Ring Hilling company were de- mdepnident.
«'NAntar. AprO A.—Tbe polica bave'of
fastituUoas which they repre- siroyed before the dames could be gotThat tbe f. of M. amhurHIt-s show
........................ ...................i sent. Rev. Chr. Stables of Cleveland ten under control.
favoritfam In tbe ireatmeai of cos-ds
. . - ■ ■
.. ,t._
. .
t to poUttoali I ,addres.'cd ,L.--------.
tbe .conference
on behalf Mf
the most criOcal stage, ,t..
the ...I..,
wind .fa dianwd
fa a^ eomniiielcaiion
aa.A fai«u of »« aa aad
utcrainrc of the ^nreh.
sbllied ip the west and saved the Voilcse paper, the I*, of M. Dally. The
““.(Wailf“j“ O. bam aalai; scbawalns «. cbom » tb« ^ Lo.oU K.iicm.1 bub M iba LawMI
Tb,- SO. ..a.r aon.™
“5B******®* ****®rts that lor the next eonference session to be cutler factory, the iargesi Industry fa of the >iniver,-iiy hate been giver.
iROfafttMairtvo banged many per- i,pjj
ni-jt »pok In April. I90r.. the village, lioth dlrccily. fa the piaib pn-ferenee ovt 1 the ::.50u' men and
aftar a fardon! Ufa}. The aoele- Bifbop Horn preached a powerful ser- <rf the, flames wore aaved. Tlie dames have lieen provl-U-d h-ith someihing of
^ tbelr followeiw to revenge n^n Sunday morning In the Oeruan then tpread 10 a row of wooden hoiltl- a club house in Itorticwr gym. There
Inngoage. after which T. C. . Meckel , fags across the ntrcM from'the bard- ihej- bare their parlors, lounging
■r-. ware wore where
JapaBMO: ccndncted a ronafag 1 itaslonary
k 'idaee to visit with;
m are eaUmaled at oryr 2«.




Qeoarnl UnovUrti aaya the
advanec baa bee. checked and •
^ tb« MM«y hat been forced to re-,
fiM aa 8a««ba. Maneharia. A bat- •
Qa fa wldeh S.OM wWe,engaged Bar |
bgan foasbl bni-rtba. remit -U tuej
.teovn. , ..




fada can be found awrwbera oa eartb
being- esompiir.eH at Ann Arbor b>
of the adv.Tal«
aplnnioc li tbe aariag oat__________ ^paa. Jam be^
fore daaaea. bearded fellow, with fang
ctrtnM acd the aame kind of top* that
aa onUbarr w.reairold aptii-. give ei-




T1„,'23.'2'LrSS ■

»®rt . he .ba< dt«e. In oae of
trading atamp' marriagM tbe groom
<><- «bil.: tbe brWe waa 32. The
A deteguloa fma ayd* towaaUp
eoaq.!afaed that her baabaad came to Port Haroa to arti for a war.. duly
-.. gate her --------—.
»»» »>facr-'. Me
twenty- -raairfor
the ------arveatofofNia.
Bv,- tvau a iay to live oa. coBpelled-coba. It fa cfalBOd that wbUa lha
her to make soap otii «f tbe aame bone baahgnd Ilea .aedoaaly lU tram |Mm
t* ire. rbvV her eevmly-Sve erait to- Bunfa tbe wde teatoia npoa .oMtlag •
buy a pair of aboea. She aaid abc dtotnrhaaee about tbe famae. prarewl*
*-'> the iusilee to nabnl tbe marriage.
«“»■ tavo irtai to'have the wile
i, ui.„ ji,,., „ . „i. i. ni w.
hind fnot f, hear a man who wears
a hooi-owi, hiok on bU face, a quid of ®” luiilnnoi
lulorm In I-i,. month and' a doablebarrvl atrh .« ib. Inmin of bU pan<v
__ ^




---------------- ■



irtes do nos r.ioti-r frem f«rwn ilie cqnniry." — f
ihrve boon-. At lb>- SniHh «*<ie nr\er Rfade.
Ktopped running. Uai waving asMe liw
t of palaoatalBgy at
men who wanie.l i« catch bior In tbL-ir
^rtacetoo anlrafalty
arm*. loprd into ibe qaWdus roore.
Accidents'mme with dlgireuntog fn^ plaas for an cipedtUoa to atari fa Atm*
there U'flM Pislanink
hK top
top du«jK Clothe
on tbe fara.
farm. Cau,
... . fanslaes.
... for Wyoming tad Maatua wltb '
vie* loo
skeletoBS of I

Where the. -sororl'.v girir. model, of
fashion are wearing iilm- sailiir suiis.
irimmel with «bitr. and h-ariag
army insignia. All ilu-<*e msinme-; arp
r-sarily aHke. se that, Mic higan glrk
are benimfag a unifunnc-d holy, the
hami^ as girls in mnveais. rmlly
the Myllsb )«)rcTliy girls vie with each
other in releeilcg origlUal cortumet.
A loud pnuest has gone up tot tlv
Soo becaase of General ChsffeeV rrrihal the kIi of oM Fort
Brarly. In the bear, of ilu- riiy. he
tracfrrrc'd to the faU-rior depirtintul
The (iTopcny is w-iiiih A^‘*.<S»| ncin and nvertooks the river, hav­
<«-eii|iied as a fort for many
years nniil the garrison was moved
to the hir IbueU nt the rliv. 8omv
y.-ars ago. |i Is said, eongreu wt aside
ihf pr..TH-rt}- for a Rovermnent luilldIng. I*r<-flilenf Olio Fowl. .»f the
chamUT ef eooimerro «:re«l Rc n.vtcirs
Alger .and lliirrris-;;. CciiiRr." vnian
Voulig to stop Geuerai Cbaffce-B
scheme if po>stblo.
fight .
Iieiwi-cn the
There Is


1. Oi^ttuidUieaa^
of pute.
S. Ko gaWB.
oanM, mmtncA. AnmUiBR
nida. or oonplictotod ttcv
ohaniim of aajr kind. S.
All okK-tricnl (tovi^ior (ftiaranU'wd 10 ttUMwaa t]iuek w saj
ciUuT. -t. Owiiii' to the (|nick govLuior. engine trill Atnnd SO per
ctnit Hudden m-irkinil witbmit alackiOKKo adjnAtmmta to
yt't oiilcjf onk-r nr |Mizzk*
G. Aotooiatir Tghr
uetvon- 7. .\utmn.tlie «irhuiTOou. Thoee
Thoa nre earinnre pofarii
of tire MeN’ickiT .Autnnintic fiaaolio«‘ Engine.




at Special Prices


New Collars
All the World
Lores a My
uttto iBtarwi. tao.
ghdiaairltl and 1
fWM^in'itor t



Juet epened a full line Of the popular

Corliss Coon

for boys ore

Thoy’ro 'TRUMP8'
•mUMFS” fa flL ‘-TRUMPSall-'«wnd ‘TRUMPA."
tht gam* of lift ‘WRUMP-’
H^TMtA will iMlp your bey to win.
Wo Mrry this popular mata c( dothInt fa all tta tftftorant otyioa
4|^|h« littio fellow throo years of age
<• «s the young man of eighteen or
twenty. The ataertmeirt. fa ae larne
and tta atyiee aa pMaafag and oo
tearthy of yaar ganfaderation that we

Wo tkeerlbe Juet one. We weald
like to. have you ece it and all the
otfiera. toe.'


Not OnlyJor


That are the very newest latest
neveltieo. Tum-overs, Stocks,
and Buater Browne in great' va­
riety, ct .

5c,. IOC, 15c, 19c,
25c, Etc.
and Laea Collars at

50c, $1.00, $2.00
and $3.00



$5.00 to $15.00

New Ruehfaga at tSe, ISe aad

St^nberg Bros.

Silk Shirtwaist
press. j




popular«r>eed l*ne of

New Spring
$TiO for $5.0B

Ladies' Navy Blue Changeable.

^ and String 7101. at

torkaa range far Knee FMt Bulti.




We've Just unpacked apd
placed on aaie ebeut a thousand
of theec popular rtady-te-wear
gar.nenta. ..They come mostly m
White, seme black, a few colors.
V You don't have to pay a fancy
price tb obtain something pretty
and upeortate.

yfill aecure a swell Lawn Waitt.
elaborately trimmed with lace,
ambraldery. tucks, etc.. In many
•tyles and all efaes.

V>Y thow India Litbon Waista
at SOc. TAc. AAe<4l.2$ artd AI.SO:
•ilk Wafata at AaL25.
A«.00 and ALOa
them to be the
beat in tht dty at theee priM.


Changeable, and


Silk Shrrt Wa'it Su’ls that are
very prefty. at only

$10. $12, $14. aod
$16.50 per Suit
A swell line of


Having had an immense trade
on popular priced Jackets and
having run out of $s od f>umbera.
WR-ve decided lo mark down
tome of our $6.S0 and A7.M
styles to SS.OO unto dthcra are
received te take their p^aee. It's
an opportunity you seldom have
to secure such swell Jackets atsuch a leo
>t this eeaaen
ef the year.
All of our S12JX) to A15d»
Jackets rrsuced to A10.00.
Swtii C-avenettes at AIOJD.
112.50. $tj.C0.


Have you heard phout Hf
You should stop, think and
•ee whbt you can get far


Dsiihly "yt** Bnit,
tnirtk «-vfiy
cri ivDtof,.
A Xrw U«t,«tn1h$155


A Skin, worth 7'k, dsr


Black SUk PeUicoats at
$4,50, $5.00, $6.50.
$r,50 and $10.


Ml FOR mi $10.
And the aafactlaa to graatt
Can-yau. In duty ta yaoraaH. aNn
te paea it apt
You’ll raalfaa «hfa mare tf ym. |

The greaieet i-ne of faereerized Skirts in the city, at 75c te


Mens Clothing


Steinberg Bros.

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