Grand Traverse Herald, August 03, 1905

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Grand Traverse Herald, August 03, 1905


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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■ -V' ; tr-

Pages 1 to 6



mtoe of toe dock. -tSei me a line ot'reaeh me. so 1 have no fear or thelplayed npon hUh«^
teM and a rope.“ be tald. after talk-j weather. Tbe atotm of Tneaday togbl. | of toe bottom frame U aa riRrteSlpared to offer me belter ntee and ! pany. toero'd be nobody to compete
however. was so severe that R did-ringer, whose duly It Is to tound tbe
_>e oBce before the blow whleb bta fafatter boau? If It canX tome'* -nae wlib toe tra»t. • You'd be at toalr
reach to. and whM I awoke In toe hours of « a. m . IS m. and « p-m.. toe
tber bad dreaded for a loaf while fen.
,i«piiree toe —«»■
I morning there wa nothing
but a i boars of prayer An old beggar, kneelThe oompanj earried a three inoolk.- one talkin' wT me fortoer.*
old man waa ataegered. while
ra kMv ft br
oonuaet with Bran NnUey knd Coo“No. I wonx The fire enn t have jmoundtd snow to be seen, i did
kacnr li
man elowly; -yonr «*tiact run* a
spread far yet It wlU burn slowly ; experience eny Ineonvenlence. bow- Drily. At toe
ra taowlt If JOB eet t»e So** *1 »M- panj. and old Bran Metlej wat one of
the blfteet bane ownera In Hafane- weekyet. doetnlll! I didn't come In
down there, l tell you ni rtok It-jever. uid did not eentWer toe.rxperi 'be

Blckt. ‘Bid Um eeau
today to tflk orer that matter—not taU hted decidedly -at U*t.
««n* Rnawirk. “I don't ask you nee any more unusual than that of tron*ferred across t^ board to an
or coSeebBc* mud ramr-Wu tad port, which ti. aa ererrbodj know*,
nae:- be enclnlmed.
eaacOy, slr.“
othr nigbi* aside from toe oddity.
' organ grinder, wbo grinds away, aederoted Ur«elj to *nch rtlpptof.
miitfT bwt« blent
Old Eran tnorted. He liked to bull- erery tub ttnnd on Ha aln bottom.
•TXU is i»y firm wtoter in sleeping I companled by a clown and b« to the
Hf^ore the lrn« bad been tm;imh «r« BhBt I eu bmII amln tb«
Thal't my belief. 1 don’t need ^uf
outdoor,. During the summer I have adtoceni
able to rcaeb the abrewd oM Scot for dote people. He bad bee'e hi toe kabU
priau opoo tbe Bbelf
help; yell do rery“well wrool mine.
and found It flkoics in sections 1. 2. C and T show
tke Beetwick companj bad ftren him of bolldotlot toe elder Boatwlek, alslept out wbUe a
AmM tSe bkkorj eblrOn*—jroB <
I naetoer borrow na lend.'
In toll <be founm-n aeento to the Passion.
aervlce he dealred; hot at tooufb they bad been nequainted for
Ralph laughed good-naturedly. What i tbe tmd of toe rope being In the lieu- a vrry pleasant experiea
jeara — wore,
fromee of secUons 1
It JOB ted »Tte BBODf tbeat In tbe toet the -octepne- had foond the
he felt tatide be did not reveal to his tenant's hand, Ralph dropped orer toe way I have gradually become aecus *
tamed to It. so that tbto year 1 decided and ? show the seven days of the «T«aI'e rulnefable point offerin* friendi. People 1»wed and *cr»ped"
diLjB when life wu bleak
exprosaion.- -| tel] yon what. Mr. Snt- ^g« of the dock Into the water.
bta Ike u»e of ibelr fnateet tow. nod to Bran Nutley. and toe blf barfeman
to continue It throat toe wtoier.
and »U jbo «Bw wM la Ike town' He peddled along nntll bis feet
This fresh-faced. cl«r-eyed ley." be exclaimed cheerfully, “you
nharlDf the price fm lowins Juti un­
ererj olber week.
have boon longer to business than 1 found the opening to tbe side of the
der that which be bad been pejine young fellow teemed to lack a proper
physician's advioe or doing ll b.bare; "But I don't aee bow we can dock, beneath the surfap?. Then be
pjlreclatlan of hit power.
On that Bide.lB Ike eaadj—I eaa see tt Boelwlck.
dove under, crawlod toroogb tbe bole, canse my health demanded it. but sim­ Lake Nyassa. In Central Africa. Llv“Weil, what bare you come herrf to get along wltoout each other's help to
-That aetOe* It. I'm afraid. Balph."
and came up on a cross-piece under ply becauke 1 eojby It and It gave me togato^ dlooovered Laks Sblrw^ a
this worid. It can't be done."
remarked bU taUcr btmeleaalj. when
toe chance to, get fresh air, wblch
be done, young man. I've tbe dock floor.
body of water about thirty mllea long
look ia dajB otloBC acn!
it waa whlapered abroad that old Bran
during the day. Tbe deIt wa* ligbl bnder there, and the
d^ it. I nacther borrow na lend, 1
and fifteen mSes wide, which has now
Oa tkla aide U tka dubIIb. wUh^Mna
d a cbanie. "I don't care toe color growing deeper In bit bWry
amoke and heat weiw-'lerrlblc. The alre to be 'faddish' dr to do something
tell ye.”
dy'^dlsappeared with toe oewptrade maika printed on.
mtieb for mjielf. Tom- mother and Jowla
"That remlDds me of the atory of the s^rkt aeorched and thhjmoke blind!’
iMi of a tew poads la lu bed. Lake
-And yet.- said young Bostwieik. ns
fte bltacbad and anbleaebod elde bj I have eared enough to lire upon comfact. I never toougbi of anything
ed him: but be drew up tbe noule of
Muni, discovered by Xlvlngtua at
aide: and hora-e aoBO .leaw lawn fortablj toe root o! oor Ilres, but 1 if be bid not' benrd bin. "my errand ,jeer old womau wbo always bor­
rowed her celgbbor'* kettle to which Ibe pipe, and then *lgualK<d, as agreed, like Ibsl.'
iP same Ume. has also dtoappraiwd.
Rad dtaltr that wonMaY aeU (tbej hoped you wouldn’t hnro to tlarl In relates to that eontroel. to<
cook her dtouer. until one day sbe to toe lieutenant tor water.
canse of fbe change appear* to
booikt it br mirtake):
MsAslik. Kina of Kino*.
life with the handicnp of poverty. The teU you that I hare heard the otocr
in half a minute toe stream msbed
brought It back, declaring proudly that
gradual drying up of bodlte git
Sotee WMddos. tana, and
The wt-lrd sugcesllvenesa of aa cmiw^ Towing Compeny hat tot to company bare been, making you some
(ram toe pipe, and fals%ed upon Ibe
offers^ of course, we shall bare to Bee khe'd bought a dtoner-poi of her ow^.
baa^ from the modern eivlllzattoa of water In Central Africa. As matUu
vttk boa and ^ea i^e.
ttep down and out. r roelom.“
burning beams and posu whleb held
bortbe results of a slaglc half etetarr
' Wa naed to camrie ibe eoa and bat­
Young Ralph thnitged We tboul- thomi and' go one belter If
America to the court of toe v«e«i.o»
w nor Ipnd ' But the poor
changes named '(with no doubt
Bbeba makes dramatic the story of
ter. and we’d baj
dert. To hU mind tole wny of look­ and be said It VmlUngly. as It toe cut
re had made Ibe mistake of buying to balince bimscif on toe Umber and
rates by toe truil wa* toe merest
Mr. Robert P. Skinner, wbo beaded otoer eqnally ImportanL but not roOar aasu>.- tea. and Uatoc. axi
ing at the matter ibowod fatal weakwooden pall, and It didn't tost loug clink to-toe bose-plpe, but be did lu
coaceatraied tjA
Secretly be fell that matteri Irlfie 10 too Boriwlck Towing Commission. He write*, to the Feb­ oordedi show a rapUity of mutatte to
wfaco used aa a dInner-pot. Now while the Mrom enveloped him. and
tbemn Inland water* not egnaled atoapany.
ruary World's Work
would not bare been at
every breath he drew acemed to come
Wa aiad to wander bade Into toe
where in tbe contemporary ftegiaIt muil be eonfeated that old Eran
opr mules at 2 o’cloeX and raovod
had not hU father’! character been
aaaD room whew toej kept
"Yore an Impudent ncamp!" ex­ from a boiling pot.
oked sianied. He sat up
slowly to toe dlrwctlon of Addis Aba­ pber't BBTvey. Dostbn Bodget
marred bylklt'aame element of fccblcFortunately toe lieutenant came'
The “coal-oir and tka anlwcre*
face grew lmore«ed Instead of bellg- claimed old Bvan wlto tome beat.
ba. Soon we discerned in the distance
The Qrigin of Land fiuivsylnR
*twaa bardlj orer awept
“Thinking Evmn Nnlley-wlll ever need
sure division of troopn, coming
“O. It can't be aa bad aa that.’
and two men—one trained to tbe work
The art of land tnrveylng owaa Ito
tome It wai we touDd toe eoelee.
••Well;" he exclaimed. "What are aukhl from j-ou or your fstberr'
toward us. When the two forces 1^.
declared, with- toe natnrance
' * and wdgfaad oonatrea. and aald
—at toe noule of the bone-pipo ^ekBefore Rali>b could
you going to do?'
toe^VidAatKMtch.’or general
nothing bfft youth and Ignorance
ly got the best of the Are,
were unable to keep permaamt noaIt waant like the eteeljaida oat to
•Thafe U.” Ralph replied todlcions arose a disturbance outside toe oSce.
bred. Theee other people are branch­
id of the Abj
was. glad a boat came alongside, and
lU on land which was uietfiownd
Tbe brick building In vhkh they
owed. The e
ing out. offering tbe ghipplng eoneomt ly. “We have eereral mores to mlhd.’
wiying hands were ready to pull him
every year by toe Nile. Undw sack
Tern* here that In toe aprinfOiDe pa
- •
- Md pnttlng-------- He aald It as At be had Dover heard of wat at the head of Nutley and Coortroopa then wbewled. and moved on
aboard when be fltiaJI}- dove out from
wooM bnj a* aU ainw hat*—
company's being driren to tbe wall
advance. Their numbers Increased so
iatd fast tugs. Oor bualt need
mane mean* of twIdeBOfTtog tlM
•Ika ttetent kind. ta»d« oat of 4*sw
was ibo finest one In toe port,
hauUng.-and one-toe Nary J.—should by tbe unfair eompetlUon of the H. T.
raphUy a* we approached tbe city toat
toej lue for taaklnriaaU.
Tbe boat was from one of Botlwlck
various place* of land. Tba laMrm
barges could b^ unloaded or loaded a’,
ere finally preceded by 2A«0
hare a new englna Ineiead of te- and T. On.
menu aad matbematleal mStbote c<
In toll we tat oar toolcear that
and Companj-'t tugs, and they hurried
“Of eonrte we know rery well how once at this dock, and the sheds
tiracblug, we nbould epead money. At
astronomy wlto soltoble modJfleahim to bit own landing, and took bim
laat toe mlater toroofh.
alwayi well filled with goodi.badly yon would feel U we
in most extraordinary otmfuBUT |o aald. *nTiem’a jar wiaur boou least, toat't what I think.” finished
tlooa. were used by the BgypUaas for
flooring of the great dock waa cement, home to a carriage. Tbe doctor de­
ol^lged to gire np your custom,
tUmen vralklng toeir
_|pYe tot f make 'em do.“
which toe horseearts and hand- clared be bad swallowed altogether
have been'giving you nervlce for fif­
-times galloping. 11 was a
“Huh!" he gtunlod. .•'Un­ teen yean that you could gel from no
be^UfuI spectacle.
rw bean t
land to Japan was nabdlrifi* ■
Old Bvan. whose shrewd attention
lumes were alike. Saddles aad bridles ed into State toad and land bnlswlBC—
•, young
undoubtedly! other company, and that we wodid
At the oSlco of Boelwlck and Comallows bo detail to escape him.
you pleaee keU me whero we give to no other cii8tomer.“
were decorated with gold aad sU- to private-todlYlduals. Private laate
Bnt win yon
iiany he found bit abandoned cloth:
•'Hnh!“ nnorted old Evan. “Ttene looked out of Hie window. A
frtega. Bucklers of bumlshed are held to fee ttoaple aad Utla deate
d tbatoam^y
. . to put our tugi
Ing, sent up by old Bran, and wlto
goU were carried by toe eoldiers. and bear the Mxnes of the owaan. Tht
0 a par with tooae of the Hagaotpoit fellowi agree to toe very name con­ one of bit own workmen—wa
note scrawled to the bargeman's own
from toeir shoulders liew manUen of land Ux varira aoeordtag to the naten ,
notpoftatioo and -Towtog Cos- tract that your firm signed with me." Bins ncrote toe pnved at/eet. while a
"Yesr’ Ralfto nttUed lu^esUvdy. nnmber of Idlers were hnnytog down
leopard aad lion akton, of e»k. roUn of gorernmeaL -to IfiOt ft stood at fiJ
S; lAs - tertolng aitoaUBUal, tor *Ua
Inglebart the dock In the other direction. Loud
land velvet. They were picked men per cebiJ of tbs asim*i8 vahm. '
-Borrow It." dedared Balpb. wUhoift -Have you talked
Brothers, or Boben nowlioii, or Med­ voices In the outer o(B«- were appar- Are yesterday. Young Bottwick might riding weHf ibeir "chammas- Sowing
wt fitereal •Ytate" wa he at tow
UUlrer of an eyelid, "been nee U
Average holdlags art MaRO aad ownswD and talk over that mauer
way and Son! They have been bougfal
.e nre behind tbe tiwt—eK cminf.
to the wind. Only tbe bright rifle-bar- ersblp givM npedal privUnffon and
tveniy-fire thousand again.
<thK aBMily eonntrr rlllate plaoe I tonll of yourt. guv'nor. You've been up by this Traatponailon and Tosrtng telephone, and roog up central madly.
reU marked tbe dlSeronee between .rtgfau with roflnrd to aatghbprtac
"Eh? eh? wfiai's this?" sluuerwl Perhaps we can eooo to an under- these Btbloph
taew tkere to Um past.
away at H alone an tons that Conpany by the very same ball. How
,»ib«ortt« TO, ««t f
Whk J«at ce dtolt to ae« yoa tolnia. y«uYe kMt bean. Wc mgtt broach do they like tbe service they are get­ the old gcolleman.
-forbrars who followed toe
Iralatge. right cf ontog a nelghbotto
"Ha;" chuckled Balph. without ex/
ting? We expect," ho t^ It confi­
Ralph looked, loo. The workman
..^we Mlow (hat ype knew.—
Sbeba when ahe irent down Into Jn-;
toad wbCB Mlding. rapalrtag booten
plaining tile note to bis astonlsbed f^
dea. We were spellbound by toe axrithoatk aomeUtoea' on a tfireoi day
-Your clearaeat «t perceptloo does dently. “to noon handle etmalderable sprinted along toe- walk to toe first
i,nto. Land to llabto to be rm
comer. There wa* a red box on. a
ttefa-d be u Ugh aa two. '
you eredU." obterred hit toUier eolfr of iWs dlaallectpd trade oortelvet,"
tog »"««« of color, across whleb Boat­
ed when tbe taternma «t the
0 'naetber borron na leada’
■“You cant gel 'em!” snapped old post toere.
'*J|lnta to*'do to’ Mdto~ Ukel naed fred tbe weird music of a band of pablle ronfiar It nmwisry. No for*
r. "Boppote
"Soppote you look lariner.
torther." ^
Den Foster, to Chrittlas Ekideavor
The workman wound a bandanna
Balph lookad at him QueaUfotogly. Bvsn. 'Tber're bound by a two-year
ihavrm player,—playing as they bad
goer may pwn toad. Fanalag to not
around bit flit at be ran. Reaching World.
VowetwrlsmeiiiotrYpletoreof Iktl
“Where do you pjspoedio barrow
played when Jericho fell. With toe
In a partlciiiarty gcoperons ooadltkG.
Ralph laughed. “And you're going toe box on the comer, be amashed lu
•trn'm- eoontiy atore!
proltable enmUon of the Yankee at the
tols Boney? We own no real
rent and (axes an mosattoff. StonkSlept Under Snow BIsitocL
on nch dtattelt as to put yonrtelf In tbe name hole! I've gtoaa face wlto a blow of bis muflled
court of King Arthur, we
nlstog to not enetwlvely teMad te
a better oplnton of Mr. Nulley t
right fliL Then toe waicbert
While all toe rest ofWe world tblv- toe throne of the King of Klngn.
I and Ughteri are not i
- -tncraaM in aaiteM^ et
eNattber Bortms- Her Und.*
cany to raUe M tb^ are to talk about domthantoa£ And. by toe way Ingle- fellow pall do«-n the book Inside toe ered St to sound of the^^llng wind
Kbi fanning elai
C b Ralph Boatwlek w<mM nerer mtoto young man I know of no bank tRal hart talks, some of these contracU box.
at the thought of the driving snow
ttxty per cent, of tbe wtude popda^ W te aare ef UmaeU pr te ocafidUPt would advance ns twenty-five thow may be fougbt over In court
_.. ________
Nutleyf” last wtoter one young woman slept all
tlon, to fosdng man of the naail free­
la kit own eoneait aa when, baring tand donaro oa tbe plant, and that to irost got the trade-away from the otb-rjj^,pb exclaimed, and. selling bis bat. tbe sounder snd wsrmer beemse
MarUn, a dweller to the Black
holders and touni fannerato mignto
he came ‘down Into hit tocompanies, ruined
tbel ran
_ out
___ of the __
■___ office. When the both of them. She was Miss Bdlto
Forrai of Oermany. to on exMWUon
the least with which we couU make a or towing
to toe already overcrowded clUepand
0 on toe waterdroot o«t*'
aatall towers, and now negiect toe ***" voice* from the oalslde told him H Robinson of No. 20S tS’kirburton arc­
I that country.
towns. Ooverameni to detag Ito M
r *no Itera the tepea” bat. aa hto
in“But you doat propoae to^row up
was one of hi* own barges afire at tbe ane. Bonkers, and tbe reason for all
to Ifflwwye condlUocis by ancwfliclng
_____Mr Mioaatholly wofided to Wa
> seven sections, and each of these
toU was because Hiss Robinson sleep*
“See here. Mr. Nutley: We've been end of the dock, old Bvan followed
the apooge Juil because you are like­
the use of labor-aavfiig maeUR^
• swikar. wlto the orWent eapectotion ly to lose Bvan Nnlley and Oompanyr' flolng business%Q»ther for some tew
ito five smaller sections or frames.
ont In tb storm aade th snow,
very fast waddle-Mr. Nutley
and beter methods of UUaga. BnntCG
te ahowtog Boatwlek Sealor. and. toe
I each of wblch there to some movharder toe vrlnd blew the deeper
yotra." The oM mas, snorted a^to. quite too heavy to nm properly.
ertod Ralph.
verid to geaerel. bow the towiag boWThat't toe begtonliit Tbe end -I reran «on and ear oemonny have."
A great deal of smoke and no little toe drifts over her, and toe deeper the able thing.
• really abouM be
One may read (he seconds, tbe mto
lank far away.^^O. 1 know.“ and Botl- Ralph corrected hiraaelt, wlto a srplle.
ame was visible at the end trf tbe
Tbe Bontwlcfc Towing
Miss Robinson has slept outdoors, uies. tbe hours. Ihe day*, toe w^ks
wtok Senior relapsed Into hit bopciMa "You've had just wbat you want, tt's doeX Ibe crowd.which had
The wart of Rosw was a ninefinain
reir when
sot en)oywd a aoecnatf
always been the same service. . Short wards it was driven bark by the heat
mood again.
fno mean ability, and on# dav «a>
Balph eama toto ,-lhe be
common aod leap years.
•See here, gov'oor; let mo tee what eouraet* make faithful contractors and stifling smoke before Ibe Are de- wlmcr. She did not adopt
! lercd ibo engine room of a larg* msaL- movement
canse the was III. tbreatened wlto tu­
can do. wlU you!' Let me try to raise and good trienda"
partmem responded to tbe call.
otociory. a
toe money. IH make noconimet unUl
"All very well, young man—all very -'An endeavor was made to cut Ibe berculosis or anything else. It would each oblect.
the working of toe machinery. Badport had divided pretty rnu^VI
Siluati-d In the centre of t^e f
you approve ft. bnt let me try.’
well." Interrupted old
"But barge a,-ay from the dock. Ftoallj be bard to find sny person bealthler
deely be wu seen to shake hto head,
lowing and lightering bt»totAt among
“If you wish to wa«e yonr Ume. your boats -are alow. Bostwkk
aecnmplUhed. and a lug than she 1*. and as for strength, the to toe Ume dial. An angel trlls
bit' wBirfa. and to look now at
town, and the eompetlUon Yraa open
why. do to," gnnted hit father. "One Company are befatod
steaming up I Ralph noted
wlto a
amd nbor^ba^ Then rose toe. Htr
thing 11 tare: you can't hurt the busi­
engineer's attention. bad been attriibws’ gelling toe chuckle that It Was one of the Bost- at the Halstead School for Young Wo­ frame are two figures, of which one
mi— Trnnnportalkm and Towing
ttrtkes toe quarters, while the rtber, ^
somewhat odd behavior
ness by begglQg at this stage tf the best of me. Theyll find Nutley and wtek Compairy'* boats) grappled the men I* proof eufflelent.
CamgMp, ahaorbtog aevernl of the
MiB* Robinson said trankly toat vritb tbe finger of her right band.| ^
stranger, and be said, “Whafn
towed It aw
Company nae noCt bone f hbnrpeo burning barge, and
wmtn try In the drade. and Boatarlek
wblk- the knew It vrsa snowing when polBU to (be quarter J«.. .(fuck. pr» .
Botolng;" iaid Lord Boaaa.
from Ibe dock.
"I'm not going to beg." annoaneed toeir teeth on,"
• Banlirr bad seen bin old associates to
... .TO viding a vUlble as well ar an audible
she retired oo Turaday night she
The firemen set In ,-nrk manfnlly
“But he looked worried, and Ralph
the young man wRh emphasis.
btelness. one after the other, forced
lall hllx-! signal
The lowest f™“""5'h‘';,bentoeboller explodes 'Tb*boUBut It tsemed a good deal like beg- galnud heart. "Very ithc." bo admit­ quell tbe blixc which had caught to | rio Idea tha' ihe*e wa* i
to toe wall with a fear that feds own
awakened I «Be..wlJoodl.i.l.Ts.uree«lv.-ry the
^ ^
1 the store* aod sheds, but tl »-as -quick- \ rard going on. When *h
Sing when. aRer wallUig to the outer ted gravely. "Our boats
rrn day wat meroly defenad.
, look out flguros of an infant, a youth, a fu Ithe engineer, prehauling Put! new engine Intnir Hnrylly learned that a more insidious
offke for baU an bour. Ba(pb was
It waa a troth that toe big;
I a miniature Eh-! grown man, and a .iktsod of rit>e old
^ daageroo*
the foond li. rw-lf
trodmed Into tbe private room of old J, for instance, and she'd be the best ger threatened Evan Nutley and
' «Hty had bmter boau and lamer <apklmo home. All about her were walla! age, corresponding with tbe
, lonatlc "Well “ said the peer, “If yoo
rany'a big dock.
Bva^ NnUcy. Tbe head of the big ing In'riie port again.'
■Nsl ' lu method of
"The fire's burning undernesto. tlr.“ 1 of snow, bellowed by her brrato dnr-. struck. Intending thus lo exemplify

mlnuiet longer wllh/that
batgn company was a red-faced, be"Sbe'i been a good beat." admitted
a WH wbat ttlnred the nmaU o
aget. Inttrad of the time- |
whUfcered Scot, who, despite toe tiM old Evan grudgingly. "But do ye declared a sooty-faced Ueuienani to; tog the night, and it took some
w. tor boiler will certainly
honored seven ag>-t of m«'s life.
tbe excited ,8(»l. who stood by with | bUng to get out to toe air.
that be bad beea bnmghi up right In mean to spend money?"
explode." The engineer, goring In tbs
Afier-a earefnl nnrwey of a rlralY
Death sounds tbe full hour.
Ralph Bottwick. watching the fight
"Yet. It it true I tjeep
toe ward, retained all hit life a bnrr
"If we can get 1L“
direction Indicated, paled, and )nmpad
boatoeat Ue Higmuport Tianvertak Ihe twelve
hto apeerti whleb grew, more
"Eh? eh?" exclaliqed tbe Scot ques- for toe tafeiy of hit property. '"Il'alhhe said, "not becante I
tbe ergloe. -'Why on t
.Una and Towing Company wonld se­
need as he became excUed.
thmiogly. He grow canUous at once, jjoi Into tbe underpinning of the docX1 account of health, but because J like : apostles su'
didn't you *a> i-o wjoner?" b* ydlad.
lect tbe enttomer or (mstamero npon
Ud there don’t teem any way to get at; It. I am the physical Instructor at the i face, one ai r (he oib'-r. eacb'salut- ...•Why should I" said Lord Rooaa
bad a ateoly vray of looking at a man. “How mpchr
■which Unt rival mo« eooldently de1:0
l« pitced directly
knitting bis reddtoh-gray btows.
Twenty-five ' thonrand
dollar* it. Wc can't pick our way through ' Holsteaih tchool, a private' school for! tog Chmt.
- I have never y« S**n a
pemdad. asd offer to Uiem men of
yonng women to North Broadway, tiabove them ,nd rvct-l.log a bleating bolJt-r b>ir*i ••—Exchange.
that made most appllcanu for hto fa­ That's about what we ahail need, i this cement flooring to it.’
towtag and Ughtering to much tofiow
am Indoor, all day and get plenty of j from liim.
vor tremble.
We've flgured'JI all ouL I (ell yon the!
"tAXaf* that?" cried the old
tbe prwvaillag charges, and no B«±i
exendse. but I don't get toe (rrah air. I
Tbe day of ihemonth U alto tho,*
Motel fiOO Year* Old.
young Boatwlefc." be grunted. toutl will lose some of iu trade— < -Can't save my dock? Wbat ar
under wbnt the older company eoald
Tor some time past a co^
bonnd to. Mr. Nutley. We want U> be | firemen good for. I'd llke^ know? 1 am a great believer in toe eOcacr}Tbe maker computed the leap yearr
SMOgnlxIng Ralph. “An' wbatl
afford, that tobastoenn dropped,
of (retb air to keeping up the general np to the year W.m. The dart of (hr
rrady to pick It up qnleX There are • Tbeix^w opoaltul* uuatfft? lock."
with your father that you
a ripa plnm. toio tbe lap of tbe H. T.
>gleal fig
to'Oermany. Tbe matter
-Bnt tbey;re under water." said ihe'Tralto. so 1 like lo get at mneb of It
i' firms wbo
> see meT'

aod T. On. Then there was nothtog
« to be finally decided. Tb*
twulfiraman to.disgust. “Tbe tide's up.iai
•«. I happen lo bare this matter In' could handle the bnsli
left for the^Htte rival to do but
twelve months «>l<l
Miucnberg. on toe Mato,
! and has'coveved them. I tell you she'i j
"Of coarse.

chan np liUlfliti^^ acll out to tbe
c'alro shown.
It Uie possessor of aa ton known aa
^ Bvan 1 a goner, and toat * all there Is to It.. day time. I si
TOwtocTn^. na & H. T. and T. Oo.
ditntoyt hvr varioo* Hha* ^ an nnlnlaralo,%. leaning forward wlto hi* hand* 1 If we could get a line of bote under | have an amy rot which I place oo
had com*
ea». at tbe laiiwY butlnera to me now. He can't'tend to
—iiv in .. m • rupted exlttesce rinca toe twelfto oanrettini on hi* tat knee*, and bis -eyra j there to pUy on It—’
, our back porch and am eoraiwd. with , phase*.Begtohtog
rerytbtnc himself, you know."
tnry. Tbe ton bat been to toe ^oseae- ^
«wn prtoei
surprise, “dye!
Ralph might hive felt some wlrkcd , an abondance-«hary. warm army; trumpeior toduttrtously
“I’d like to know why noL“ demand­ (alrty bnlglng with
tbe Bostwidi
t s. B..
one famUy (or over fiM y
' u to say ye've eome here let try ‘ amnsement at old Bvan's despair. Tbe blanketa. I alto wear a fieeee lined | hours upon fau trumpet
bard, but for- ed Notley. “He always has. t reckon
raise memeyr
; dock was a waluable property.and Us; robe with; a bond atiachmeni for the when be to relieved from duty by a i —Ttt-Bttt.
tbe Bbttwlck Company hasn't mof*
CndCT a "skeicty lllUe thin*." egand ll is only a qaestion of tbe cock that stand* perched upon * pe-1
“Ive eome to ask you to help tbeJ
boalDens than ll tend to have." ba
. ____________
toss. If It was burned from be- nnmber of Mankeu do> er toat to keep deatal. With the dawn the cork, irne { gipited by Jones, thsre bangs a priatBottwick
get wbat R
ernre IMRasauach of tob, tr
added nbrcwdlyI'x wing* andjed card whleb bears tbe word*. "Oo
(tnm toe banka. It’s tor jmr benefit jneatb. and caved to. It would cripple warm to eoM weathr. I also have an to It* naiure.'flapa
teteeafilvtapiMi ap by tbs troat
net tooeb with cane* or vmbtUtoe."
ordinary itoeptog bog.
as ^ a* oarw It yon tcave'tn oow.iihe bargemy* bnstoett. too.
the ama^ ehimay letatoed mmagh
iaen toe ttw U a nokJler. wbo
,ppr«totlTe small boy added tbe
“Oor perch Is very deep and It Is
^ sre .ahoold dissolve tbe Boatwlefc j
Tbe yooac bob suddenly draggefi
StaMy «|Mmarn to keep its men aad
B extraorfitoa^ ntono
berUds eato
gwac wlto aa air [ (ottowtog postocript, "Take an ax.”
fXmm. Mh« yoa detirad to ffet|the Itooteuat awv «Uh Um to
Thf eo«*A>y
n kww It br ito «isM of it: l-a i

Bat Baljdi had not boea a mooth to;

toe Boelwlck Towrtf Oompanj pje-|wtei from aoa»e other towtof w

rigto to toe fart that tb* BgypttoM

-4teUeY weekly.

dUviiwa at ti
And. iPntigh

“O. as to to*t-“ Ralph aadteTna^



It of wheat at a
bptoarr- tho acataa la bto faror. Ac­
es^ to the dafMdaMto afda, ala tor cnmlBc Us a poaiiks ta the
•mr IMt «Mk .WM ft iBecMft troB
sin will lata oot a ftntaadtbOB
yaan ap> toit wtoter ^ atots aad
CTCT7 fttasd^rifti. nc im«n« w*»
>d Soar. A apeetol waibertered
bs hubtsd easa to hfii place aad re- .sortac h»B.
cviM OR M *I«UM Afttf em7
lac ptocw will be pot to BO tjeai all
salaedtehltboatolTeoraU aoeta. aad vent bto U^eta MtoMs. Waal .,........
■ Itw «M Mtt MlT««. D«1B«
two year*' formal Isre s'the wheat will be
tho koibaad isiac UI U tbe Use. Dotkft d*r tk« Tmem atr ftftd Satuw
airlDc to taka treatseat U tbe aanl- abaence was crantkrtus, which was [ before beinc crooad. Tbe farmer, will
foniftbed softie.
I to dtosisal. I^^lred to be aaaared at a BTat-etoea Boar.
ttr. onhart aaM
• piaee oatay tarlas rea by Dr. B
Tho ftftOftbftci -were ctroo tbft deist
PartoA dtoappSacad saa. Tbe Bani Tpe SeU to a Uc nae aad need* a
ley. ao tbe pteiatil arer*. they *
aueMlM ■»« H» WcMjdsfto •« loirt sl^t bo oaeorod bet t^or* «sld bo
aba eoart paid BO bsd to hto appeals I BiU Wily » the aearat slU U
tbsa wtah tbe oadeeateailSc thai
IfttMr puds «r Often ooe. Iftfttft* preblos V props-ly hetftiac the ehfl- (Cotesan) would wort oaa asotb at .Ddbe«edlaParta;jMly W.JWt
]tw*Btyslle. away tros Kln«.ley.
■Uiftc vordft Vapor FrMrieb wftl- dreo aad taUac ear* of (hes to
Paal Job**' life has circa lite to; Tlio aew sill will brine sort Itade
tic fs tbe bodsnd-a board and ireat^tme4 Ike olRUfts ditoifttIftDft to Trsr- wa/ft tbaa csa >«> sere papOi
many - romantic Sorire. He U de-, to Klncaley and wUl be a ffsd tblac
pot la the State fttnM. aebool ftft srat aad Us atots to work In
Cttr ftftd viftbed UM woods**
scribed as -a ahori. iblek Hule fellow. ^ fs the rlllac*. TTie company
. i year there were Iros forty-Sro to laacUoa ta Us Inatliailon.
At tbe end of the santh It waa taell- aboai Bve feet debt laebs to bdehuja wholesale trade and will not only
■Izty-dre tawUa thsa aU the tJm*
p. C. 0«beR»polte <
dark. swarUiy romplextoaC^ae |*ril Sour la Ktocslcy bat
to all
whleb woft the opacity. "Wo seat 4 ]y aaderatood by PI eoaeensd that
__ brave aad skniul u a setaiaB. surroandinc lown*. Ii U Ihr ioieoiion
leaa the wacea «< the broths w
nid tbe ■operiatoBdaal.
•ftdiftdtiBC &OS lb* fftSftrt. a
orer to the taaUtiitloB. tbe alck wlthoot doubt, and Pwaya otjeeu-d toHo buy PI ihe wheat In the rldnity and
Hr. GUben then sad* a rory woriby
•pofttUi ftpeftcb Vr.GUMrt U * 1<
lasatioii. that o( beaotUytoc the sen t^old be obUsod to eeek sedlkal
Me ftscscUe order.
Ics called bis a will be shipped to oUter polau
StendAnee etoewbere ao the arrsneeThe ftftUoaftl leetorer. C i. Btroe*. :boet ctwoada. There aboold be
pirate. That be wa quarrelsome and i la the near future, the hUI
«M cbe Vftl ftpeaker oo the frecras- Sewer beda and other aUfmeUT* feasomewhat boartful. s auoxted by bto JtUced In a new bulidtoe clow- to i
be aaU. The coat woald be asaU
Vr. BftiBM bft* alwapi beea ft (artflte
irPlway track* It to the lotenikm
e of fatsaelt. Both sen tbea letters.
«iib the Woods** ftftd «sft vftU re^
Iran Ue sill in Us pscseat tocatloa
SCO .tbe bark woods ud rebe »U. ead> Jahltor beloc wlUtoc to
I for only two years and Uien build a
ftVoftd pftfttentftp.
Crist Mill ICC Klnpsley.
1^,^, brick bulldinc aad add rye and
n* ftiblUtifta drin 19 thft local do- keep op hto yard on aeeonat of hto
They then teptnted. boUi COlnc
Inside of tblny dsy* tbe Ktoxsiey .
Stfto tea* «*• worthy U saeh prmift* prUe la the batldlnc a»d croandn
directions. Last fPl ool
Fine seboel yardi hare aa effect on tbe
roller mills wiU be BUrted. A partner. i nrsl class flour only will be defaslly trouble arose and tbe sister
■ Oftorte Nord took the 1«0 yard daib nelcbborbood a* they Indoce aanoond- talned IJie trunk <4 the brother who sbip baa been fors^ bHween J. -i-^ n,.<.red. All flour will be. dried , by
BrowatoD of Kingsley and .V. Sorenson ;-eihsuit aioain so that It will b* ready
•04 the fotaio raee. whUo Carl Hes- Isg property owner* u beaoUfy tbeir obtained It Umaeh legal advice,
■To wbat beets uae cnald
of this city and Mr. Sorenson ba* ,of n,^ market as soon as sroand.
flak won both the m asa'ft aad
alieted. this oeenrrtoc on Pern taken an option on one-balf the prop_
, la tbe part fond be pat
„ifl ,bould be a flood thing
-eet to this city, where the parUs erty. Hr. Sorenson left wItb ht< (sju- f„
tban to .hcBDiUy the achoot croasdar
whole neigbborbuod a* It will
- Tbo rttlUft* dele^Uoof were:
h# Baked. He eaSd that the soaey ball sored. Then it was tbat the gar- lly Ifit week.
ipp farmers a handy market for
woald be wdl dtatrlbatod atot the
Tbe mill aill be first ctoi* In cictt (t,dr wheat,
city and the effect woald be all ts recorer the tS.SS board bill and
partlcnlar as the machinery will U- ill
.This -WB* talked of two yean prlndpal salt beard before Justlc Our- new and Improved. A new enR^ne bss .'
Bi9-Ilaa«r aad Fnakfort. ‘ns a^
Us this sornlDc. The defendant off- been bought and shipped. The sill
Wotr-ca niay-v.rte now In the prtjtwm bo bVd at Honor and (ho Ito bat notblac ease of it.
seu tbe bin witb IS4 board and doctor wlll have a eapadly of forty barrels a Inec <rf Vict..rto, Au.lnilia. the a»*emTbe day aebool for tbe deaf
Mtowtacoaesowerooloetod: Ptok
bill paid Dr. Bronson through work, ' day aad as tbe company ba* a 125- bly at Melbourne havln« gtmnied them
Uwt. M. W. (TBrleo at Hooor: <
poutoes and flour furnish^ from hU horse power engine they will be ready, the franebtoe.
and BBlatalned tor
taiy. O. W. Sharp* of Hooor: troaa
Dads Us law. the atate aop- farm. 1*6 tlse order paid-on a bone
ws. Oaal HUorsaa of Boaor.
which the bro|^er-ln-law waa parrtasport* thto'aebool. The
tag on contract and a $5 bill furnlsbed
at twh other Umei to tbe faasbaod.
Tbe platoair on the other band atren.
ty denies the story In loto, eonteadlng that they inatead took
UUloa tar each popU la the Trarore*
Plate Clasa. Steam Boiler and Accident Insurwce.
lefendant at Lane's'camp where
aty aebool to «16.4i or loaa tkao aay
peeled bart^aad (be defendant
athor dty ot a like alto with the ea- doee-DOt mean tbat Us pnpil* arc proid twlM a year but ibP the bronght in Ur. Lane who taUfled that
«C OidlUae where tbo ooP to
defenitoBi. Wllltos Oolesan. u
lltJk Otofllae. bowaror. haa BO tree ___ s are dtolded lalo aectloas. thoae
bitf hooka while ta th* Trarerao CUy wboae nataral ability pssita Uies. onder pay tbe entire lima be wu
beinc ctren sore extended wsk. ThU Utelrcftsp. The ease baa. been taken
et^oola the text boofca arc tree
no oae as the qaleks paplla under advtoesenl by tbe court and If
Room SIO New State Bank Bulldinff.
TraiWM City.
Uw principal salt of board Is proren
iaalt can ptBcres while the slower obm
. n* report waa *•
the gamtohee will aUnd.
•bowl ast th* adsoto bare otosUly Bot tcae a whole year’s wsk as a
prijrr— b tho Itaroroe CUy th* caee when'the classes wen kept
Kind Wards far Comrade.
Hbaeto there ate on* aapodaloadeat lataot
W. R. Fisher and W. U. Ooldeo. proLast ycis tbe recolar work ^ the
bad SBywIpU ifftoberi espleyod. tan
prtetora-of the American Credit t»pi
la (he Btoh aehool awl foKy«U la the aehoolt was rery ftaceeaafoL
pany of qhleago. who wHe in the city
•ndoa hoiew cbo Bigh oehooL
Uicb eebool waa pal on th* aeerc
waa UM. hat a* (here were 241 Uaa* list of the D. of K. fs thrs years to aftend the funeral of Peter Dugal
lera th* actaal .aasbor bokspas which to the loncaat Use any eebool bat who arrived oae day too late, bad
can be placed on this Utt. In the
waa S.MS.
yovng maa. He tmd been In their em­
I l.m aad tho
ploy tor a year and a half and to show
their high esteem for him the)- came to
this city to attend the last sad rites
cradoa it waa flnt.
hPiwilHiff wbMi shows a cate of B»
Then you are imcresied in the GILLUT SAFETY
hto body. After tho sad attli
t as lansuace to-Uie fouodaIs thto year.
RAZOR! Come in and we will show^-du how you can
at St. JoaH>h they look charge of the
Ut. Otibert tbca preeeaiad Uie «x- tloB ot ftll a&ool work,
have a nice'shave; WITHOUT STROPPING
to the saiorUy ot instaftcea this to aH to iMf city, They bronght with them
achooUng the child recelTe*. In
aehool or «».1l ps tm
«nd also a broken wbeet
Oileago bat Uiree per cehr of the
Maw tha HIch .aeheel th* coat
young tody clerks It
sHtotora wler the High ado61.
tiUU. s 4U.1C ps capita.
2/9 €. Tr0Mt St.
Tbe tcftcbtog fore* ot the past year
•Hal ent waa «1UM. s nut ps
u OB*, two and thrae.
dthaitbolten ttet ePOT thto toll
bwaUwftM W eoBo «Wr tor ft half day.
TWf wftftid ilT* the roos tar a rolM
«s aid at the •»• tlse waaM aet
toft. the kiadenonea mpU* to looo

Tire Insurance!

Trarcisb Otr State Bank


Reward wtH be .paid to. AB7
person who can find one aUnn
of opinm, chloral,- ntoqjhine,
cocairic, ether or chloroform
in anv form in any of Dr.
PitAU »200j000
Thia rea-ard is oBered because
certain nnienipulous p«>ooa_
make false -sUtements about
these remedies. It is under­
stood tliai this reward apphes
onlv to goods pu^cha^ed in the
<^.en market; which, have nt>t
been iftir jHwcd with in any w .-y.
Dr. MUps'. remedies ct:re b,v s per Ceai tiitwei « Tiue DeywRa.
soothing, nourishing,
strengthening and invigorat­
ing cii't-cts upon ihe ner\oi:«
svstem, and not by paralyring
and tveikcning Ibe nerves .a*
would be the case ii these drugs


P'1—o R 1ST

W. P. CROT8ER, '


FINE dental WORK

Money to Loan on Improrcd Real Estate Only.



DR.W. J. fflGGfflS
J391 Fmt $U CU. rb,« m
THOfl. 9. •WEAOWt A


Wdyas OsoHy


Sbave yourself?


«SM Th* twanlBC
dIaHag lataraH. sc, wefa IMH-?*fUa hrtsv tha eoH tor eat* popU up
•Uffsare. The toul «nat,a« lodod-

a* exeeilenfand'Uie onUook lor U>e
ostog year U rery bright. Tbe beat
that an be secured to none too good
ts the Trarene City aehoeds. Bach
year a number of goo^.'WdierB art
bat this tojpnrttonater as-would
ba aappoiefl'MuiM new blood to aecured and jadlcioas^ dtotribuied
tai a good effect and prerenU
tMcbera from getitogtoto rata. There
sea a good wboleftose wlrit cf
rratton through the ^Skooto tost
The teaebeie and paplli ooted and there was a cloeer teelinc
a Uie teacben
aad paisito (ban usual.
Ur. Gllbart eipas^ by «
prwilaUOB of the ooops
board and teacben with bis which
to do with ta aaeceaa of the
in MBoetUon .with the beaatinihfl «l
the gronndA Ur. Fbote said tbat a
motion had cairied tbat the eoBBlltee OB buildlBga and grounds secure
plans tor beaaUtytog
KboH rtotods bot tbe easnmluee aaUI
racenUy bad been unable
eoBpeteat iaattseape gardtos. Plans

H.-R. Macuokalu, Munogcr

Traverse City^4licli.

John Paul Jane*.
Jobn Paal Joaea. the famous aaval
hero, was a Seotebmaa and bto last
bom July 9, 1747, on the estate of At
E ‘".
slUdlpscapItA laOraaditopUi
blgtond. parish of Kirtbesa. stewtnry
tha ftMt to abas «tUK ps capUa aad
of Klrkeadbrigbt. SeoUand. where his
la Us Blih aeheo) ««•. -laliatrottUs
father. John Pnnl. was. gardener
SMI to saHi hlidsr. Imlac afeoH |M la
When but 1* yean old be took bto flnt
the Hick aekooL
voyage oa tbe sea as
Ur. Gilhaft then pnaentad fteve*
_t to whose ships
If so. the South Side Lumber Co. at Traverse
tram a aasbs of dttoe ^owlnc that
be visited America ^eral Uses.
la eoasperiaua Tiateeae CUy ats
City is the place to buy your material. Shop
(be deep Impressed blm
and mill work done on short notice. Give us
and be decided to bacoine a
t was sate of a slaver
a chance to figure on your wants.
s. TotaL
to the West ladle*, bot became dtoiied,
bart to-bigtood the captain and the
AtosArbs......... 4Jt .J0J6-I4J0
sate of tb^blp he was oo died
BantoCraA.... Ul lur 11J3
io skillfully did young Jones bring the
aiM UM
vessel Into port that the owners apiTM ».Tt
lui ao.«
poinied him captain.
1A» tus
No oae knows Just why John t>aul
UA6 ttJS
eboae the Welsh name Jones, but it
to J7T3 be flnt adopted It. That
. __
H.n 1T.*4
wba he bad goae to Vlr^nto to
. u»-- ItM S44>
cake possessloil of some property left
la Ohio. iBdlaaa ^ Dllaoi* tbe ex■sa to eeaPdarabtr blebs thss to
bln by bis elder brother. When ibr
■IchlffaB bot thoee atate* lead to
onl. two year* later.
wi«H paid th* toaehara It costs tha jwevs.
. Jones took up arms tor tbe eolonler
. Tsais la CUy schools tarty-tr* .eeaU. The eoBBlttee on teacben rc^oto- and wis made a cosmanaer to the
\ a-year to aopply text hooka, la 8ac- sended the acceptance of the realgna'HI* services were to valuable
1 .hSW M cost to arty-eeTee eaau oa a UOB ot William P. Needbaot. cossor- that to 1777 he was **81 to tbe ally.
etol teacher, and H. J. Buggies, a grad­ Fraace. ta reoelve -a more Important
teat tor fool was dchty^bne eeaU a uate Iff Cleary buslaess eoUege aad aa comsaad. For-wooie reaaon be was
PHdl while to Bay CUy It raac«d ttam experienced man for hto place,
dlaappototed to ibto and tailed tor
. ifty eiBts Id n J*. the baildtac srhera salary to be $60 a month. Tbe
England to bis t¥lp. Ranger,
It cos Ofty eeaU betoc pnrtdad wUh Biuee also reeosBeaded that Hn. -steered to IFbliehaven and tried t
Are to tbe ahlpptog. bot failed. Soon
a'A*-Clothes Lines from ac up to
Tin Measures, pints,
Mr. Gllbait stand that he waa of
w to the Central bnlldtog at fl«0 afterwards be took tbe Bonho
a month and tbat Ulss Glen WUsy be Richard on a tlmilar expedition, bit
quarts, half gallons and gallons; Wooden Measures,
glvch tbe padb position at lU a iMtUe with the flerapto saktog hi
Nos^ S and y, from
satoha at praetlcany the si ic coal as soalh. Miss Jeaaets Smith was reeordinary at 60c to air copper at S'J.'jO each; Wire Fly
sadH for the fourth' grad* C«>On -bto return lo Pari* be was Iki
aebeols bare to eespete with atoe aad tia] building at 146 a month. Tbs re- toed. LouU XIV presented BJilm
Killers 10c each: Oil Cans from 1 to 5 gallons, price
•aahalt and taa.sOBth acboois la fair- .port was adopted.
gold-billed swfrd and the uuitary
ISc to 55c; Kettles and Sauce Fans Sc to 12c; Jelly
lag teasers. Tbe teaehen do net
bench ot bills were d. k.’d and oa Order of Merit. He returned to Amer­
look ao miKb oatbei
Strainers, Uippers, Uust Pans. Hatchets. Curry-Combs.
Ur. Pooie'i motion. Un. tt 1. Moo- ica. boasted a blU asked for further
aa they do the worttag Use in the tietb was allowed tIO tor the care ot
and chagriaed at
Tea Strainers, Frying Pans. We have very interesting
year. tbHr axpeaae eoaUnBaa iwatre tbe DaloB .street buUdtog tram the being refused, murned to Paris a*
prices on the above goods. We can only name a few
softthf aad if they
Use of ber hnsband's death.
prise* to Europe taken
■Hflths they ara a
under hto. own etsiBaod. Hto flt dH —herc-strsTio let you jenow what we arc up to. We in­
solks with regnrd to hto ircaunent by
vite you to see for yourself. Don't forget the place—
With th* cveatog of the Daks
A gantohes salt tovoivtog six yean
atats was partly dUpeHed by the
Uis on corner of Front and Cass,
atfftH seheoL the crowded eoBdltioa of family troobtoa was beard before gold medal whkb eowress voted him
of the Oantral and Etoswood
iwood avM
JaaUce eOorge Canto Friday morning, la 176C.
bftDdtoflB was reUerad. PI
~ tK nw
tbe priaelpaU being broths and HP
to tbe tollowtog year, Capt. Jones
^■wtra Band there iMt ters aad thto ter. Ite totter, Mrs. Ed Boys. «rrlii2 entered the service of the Sprees
yoar alt will be aied. The State street
garatokee npoa the street paving
aebool waa opsit to relieve
company tor wages flat the bngher.
eriwdad eaadHlea at Oak Park b«t ah WBlIas IL Oolesan.
to oppose the Tnrt
Aeeotfltag to the piatoUff he owe*
ff hto rftpatatioa .ea*
bsaamJboarflbmwhld she seeks
to reoovs while be
offaet of. braagbi aboat hto remll before • year

Going to Build?



k> figtm- on LTHBRS of
any kiml.yonll ktc tine
and nHMu7 by coming
oomlng hen
If yoB an; to bnOJ
this fail plnce yottr onW
fur the Snail, Doora. Win<lowa, SMing. G-iliiig. Poivh Ctdomns,
liiW-nor Finish of all khida aml4ta(v> thi'in ramly to |ilaep in
position u'lic-n.iKvdivl. Vuii will filnl tliis will aavc yen much
lU-l'iy jil»-r I


mPhon*. 831 Ml, WO.

South Side Cumber CoCravtrst ffltv. lUeb.

one to
-his trade

This Week We
Have Reeeived


C.::-! anDoyABce.

ih. bot
cicT>«r»d w;-j3 It.

When « tell vou

tor ...ihib. lamubto .<«
Lei ts sh-js >uQ color caidi.
ftOLD Bv



Hare yon ever Used the
ITmmm mr\^ OofTooo

Boyal tiger

OKotd Ctn
suJ Ss/mpM
the bat. Sold only by •



concuiiA SOUP

wnuam J. Paincr. the
ictt) to theompaar.
tenet. tUa oealag a tm-mtnnU datay- dale. A nanber of b
Odorado CUy. Col, bas gl'
Oe imtekto. wote •«*««» t»i-^
M «r Rm HMt.
Bore ta (be way to I
.mu. • mM «o hi
•troThw Ml r«*rd »or *po*d
fco The aeeoad aeddeat MdeD toeaa of ceeetad darlag* tba
rity tiASdpve
fyes WMMadM^ Bnor4.
plaat ter tbe toaate
targr swaU m rbsalffrt|:btesed by (be reevM t
parks, has gtv
«iM weoM hare ■•««, the More Claba. (broviBf bar good poaUoa ta
to tk» <rat fcMt or «•
SM» te■Iztk. by tbe broaktag of a bobbto bkKka H I
becfWwM w
•laadlag aa foUowa:
II BaMtooUd brttt
trwmbllag wttb tenor.
Twnlili. «d»*o«^ o«-o4^^J« Mlaa K, b. to (Bpoaoar)...
HtoHartoa.b. to<4ol>>U i 1 t bhxAa. whtob a
TbU SL caalr, b. g, (Bocaa).
ruck'^eiB to Mradto la:.
Ill parking that,
Paitor. bark. g. (Baattle B «.)... I
tko «lmtt ia fiti^ ofoio »»<
ikjapplng Us 7-uwntto(Traeadala) ......................1 7 •
i Thei^oaly "wa
tko loMl tnek record. Tfcc tHck ww Crawen. cb. g. {Taaeborrt)...
Dan Pu^ek. a. 0<evli>...2 2 2 2 Artu a waltren toB tbe St. Louia VbStain for (Imt "'**
*’*’^"*’ “
4«etoU»l«tbeiiottl>.»ce«i« eaaa. b. to <Hoae)...............
,la.V tbr redter
taa StotKie. who threw a cap of btoltoc
oinagvood Booker, b. g,
*M cae ot tilt pre?U«« •»«»• •»«
(Nerttle) .........
« 2 4 1 eoCec. with cop and caacer. tolo the
e«Mid Haat 2:27 Tret
.rtnage ocar Ppiagler. Caaliria roon- i
•MB Aote. tkc rM* belBC 00 doM
(ace «f a negro who demanded
weea of Claba, b. to
tvMB W» »1 the taroritA MIm
(tnaia) ..............
....S 4 .2 • ■ervod before wWie per«mf. received
jnoat (be aaa» aa tba firto Nlaa K.
i and contlsU to ebm-t It**- housea. I' 000. apH nor .if il
aieek ter BB torn eeveral
Mki. at
agala. Iwdleg (ba flUd aader tba wire. MBnaeBelle.Ato(Uke).7 2
I has a warn »>«rm. clertnr llrtit aad , ibi. state t-t Cotarado.
a one time oiatraveUag mea who eaU: “We glory
'n-evytblng that an u{>-io.daio tixD ducted a iKil.->bnp for tbe sale to mMattlt CbiBM took two bMta o( the ThareaieaiDotaajfollowa: PbB 8t OoorgeiUb. g,(Boooe)...« 7 7 dr la yoor apaak aad commead yoa for
Ma Smter ttoi tko Wotift I Iiei-dr. The mUn- town I. .•woe.l b« tar.ldeon ■
T7iDe-2:14>4.-2:i7H. 2:17%.
I PhlladHpUa.
S;tf iwea aad ChdIUo the «rtt Bad Clair. Veaaa. Creaaol, Farfcw.
John Lamaon gtartar.
Product of Otk« SHn S«ap»
C«ia.1 k '■‘*e Oo. 1
•oidler living to one of tbe toatbem
JobB LanaoB baa baee aetli
;u-advlQ.- exeliemeot. by UriwDoc la
Ttilrd Heat 2:27 Trot
Is-bich built a bIBh 1
her that he didn't bare
at e.«vitiieai i a few sham at mlnlag stork with the
Nlea K. voa tba (bird beat of the Btarter doiinc tbe loeei. ThU waa eot arac* kiBger to live: “but. God
Tte «m race, the S:S paoA WM
Mr. Lamaoob. drat appearaace with
IS Utile rhlladHpbte
, i.lsg.-r. It Is said tha Sir»tie*if» are profii* made
oc ta Rood «te»o with Barry a U tt>e j:»7trot vritoMOlBaeoood. PUI tbe megapbene aa be baa atarted tbe yea. girl! 1 am yoor fiieed as loog as
1 obliged to get passes
^ Miowa kr Algotwll. IMibSo C. St Clair third. Crenri foartb aad Tartoaa baoebea Id aoreral locU neeta my oM eartaes lasts."
KttM ChteM. Bomb B«Uo aad Dla> ^ker 8Bh Tliae, 2:tt Tba ateoey aa wdl aa acme ow j»f tbe city,
Yaseda Chogl. a aut-brown aepbee
went to Mbw H, Phil at Clair. Toaaa
Md n, BatMna. hartaf
alwaya gtrea aatlafactka and both of Oea. Oyama. who baa beea woikto*
MMtekod. Mtftla Ckl»at, tM fcror- aad Parbar.
•peetatora and ovaera are alwaya bit war from U>s Angeles to Jic* Me Cuticara Soap, assisted by Cntirtaafar AB.
to, totaatly »ade good aad trade drtt
pleaaed with the way be aeadi tbeei York by -tUBglng hash- to rtSiao- CMa Otetmeat the great akin enre, !
bcanpoaltioa whtoahtkddwIUMNtacOBraais. bas reslgoed
OD for a place Of a defeat.
pMtter tbrogghoot tt« nOa baat tba frtwforBll pace vere ereaed op
of Ups. wbtcb be eoasldera to- tifying the skin, for Glcansing the ;
by the arubdrawal of Billy W, vtao
soiling He will cater Prtoceloo It acalp ot erwits, scales, aad daadnB,
Barrr s. aad DabWa C. took podtioa
r»e aad the tobaUtatloe of WllUaai rom Prlday-e Recenl.
aad tbe slopping o( laUiag hair, lor j
at taeoBd aad tklrd bat at tfee goarter
Tbe doetag-emga la tbe Hlcblgu tbe fell, where he beUevci' lips
softening, wfaiteniag, and soottiag ;
war* aroMOMe by DtaaMBd D. wbo M- Hack, evaad by Oeorga Caatlo of Cbt- ebort clrcpK race* yeeterday after- not pursue him.
nd. longh. aad sore Aaads. (or baby
tmd aaaAaBdaaacraeewtUiZM)- cago. baai Ifkhlgaa bone at tbe trato Dooe Were tbe moat lotereettag from a
An asaaselD named Laagullle
malms, ftchiags, sad cbafLags, lor ’
tda a te aaoCBd Bwaar. Bar* Bella boMlag a record of t:WHaa toiefeat waa vital­ gunioilned at Orleans. France, a
• aaBoyiag irritetioos. or too free or
Aftar tbe Brat aeore down the beach
dfo^ bade aad tboagh ibe lalia m
ly eentei^ to tbe petforataiim ed tte days ago. When the exeenUooer
art penpintioB, for alccrstivc :
vere o« Ilka a abort dowa the track,
eortrad wttboat a break abi
famoas Wllltom Mat*, tbe MNtoy CW- to bis cell tosagullle was plajlug cards —mud aiaar asnslivc, aati- ]
taida tto BMMy at any ttaa.,Bor wai
boree who arrived to tb<
c pnrposes wbieh readily ssggeri
AltoMU. tha aorrd Biare be------------- ly>ag Joba. cloaely foltowod by WIO- tog direct from Detiolt and wi
minute nnUl be flnlsbed bis hand. He
». ItoBBBoal of WiMtoBL. Obkj. The lara Hack, drlraa by Hogaa. Wi trala- caaw of BO cod of a Barry at tbe pUyed coolly aod then walked to tbe
. jcrs. as weU as fcr all tlic porar. laadc'faU ddiat ibto aftmoco.
gulirotlDC. -DeiaUi to tbe ataassluV poacs of tbe toUet, bath, aad anrsety.
goamcBa ndor tba wire
ctabica where be waa aappoeed
Loeg Joba aoee goiag ap la tbe
yelkid a crowd when It saw bim com
ebaagad tor tbo wooed bait, thoagb
CaUrnra Soap combines .delicate
breaking a bobble. Joe Oale tbe be« cteiM
• DabMo C. lift Wamoad D. aad hedged
BoUicnl projpCTtira derivsd from
as the Cnticnra. tte great skin core, wttb
Ibttla GUaea tor drat at tba vita. aad HUIlwa Mack for»ed aa pretty
shouted. "You
•pan a« erer rtolked ap recorda and
The aoora betag ac foUon:
every veto aad dnew aiandlug out to a
tbe ereat waa reaolired Into a dgbt for
A sign readlDR: "Mm’s overalls K odonis. No other medicated soap
. Battla CUM. b. m, (TDor)
qdiver of ezpectatSoa. William Mack
DabWa O, b. m, (BpeaoM)..
Banded more than ordinary atiea- eenu. Uen's shirts 10 eeals," was irai «rer componaded is to be compared
like dock work they thkad oC tbe aech for prescoing. ponli-tng. aad
jtoMd D. b. to. (KaatMv
In the window of Woolwonb A Co.’i with
beantifring the skis, acalp. hair, aad
ondi aad reached the home alretcb
Harry B,b.g. (Braaeb)....
store in pmsburg and rauseid
hands. Noother foreign or rlomestic
AlgorUL ar. to,(»«Motf)..;..iy4 Witt BO percMKlble ebsage. tboaU> ready staUoned there aad U was
toilet soap, howeVTT expeasire. ts to
pedc to 3.000 women. Bight
Caatle aaed tbe whip pretty freely
wiUi it for all the pnrwere
BatOi Bene, b. k.<Bp»cer)........... d
seriously hurt in a rush lu secure
tight race for tbe wire at 2 o’clock
poses ol the toilet, bath, aad nursery,
tar tto wire. Jaat mtedog It
tbe afteraaoo when Joe Gale, tbe pacer overalls aof shirts, and the rewrt naalt combines io one soap at one
baU a Wngtt, tbe wore being;
from Wlseoaialn. passed to boaors force to policee hhad to be called out in price the mo« eBeclive skin a^ com. .BtMTiaL
Joe Oale. b. g.. (Bpeaeer)................
kmfonsosp.aodttcpuresl aad sweet­
A dosea"
against him In the fastest beat ever
no i:M trot with Chaa L. Orr at WllltoB Mack. bik. g. (Caatle)........2 paced OS OB tbe balf-mlto track.
men faiated. Tbe store was a wreck est toilet, bath, and aoisety soap.
Long ^5*a. cb. g, (MoOettlgea)
Col. W. D- Mena’s boastlog may ge’
Mtowart Chief, b.
(Jae. Boaeb).. 4 oSdal ioote to the kventa was:
him into serious trouble. Maaa de
2:27 Tiwt-Puree 2200.
tardy U aeatlag but got o> la r»d
dared be bad seaadal stories In hli
Hina 1C, bIk. to (Spencer)... .1
Bhege. OaiamA Brnab borw. to trala•
These machines'ate. carried in Btock at pur shop and
Town Topics safe suOdent to "tun
Phil St. Clair, b. g.. (Booae)... 2
tp tte weoad beat of tbe tree-forall.
lag an aaatoer at Bellaad bat vHh a
can be seen in operation *l>uzzing*' wood.
New York upaldc down ’ If made pul.
. (Beuuo
-yeaito' ^oe Gale again beat tbe great Willtoia
raaord of 2:1»% r
...................3 S B lie. Dtetricl Attorney Jerome thrcai
bc•tata talr. waa boaored by akllltal Hadt. Long Jokn came la Ultra and VeMa;hr. to (Hobo).............. S 2 2
0 coBgieliMano to exhibit
toatotag by bar raunn drtrar, Cto. Htoaouri Cbtef foortt. wfalld tte i:96 OiWsell.cA.g (TeaefaOttO........ 4 4 4 doouments to him and may blow opei -ome an Invalid, and aulbors in Lon
ion are railing a fund In -her behalf.
OiawBerd. who. by tba way, to tba oM- borw waa. second.
Tbe time
the safe to get at them. "Jerome bei
:;27%. 2:24%. 2:26.
Sir Arthur Oman Doyle. Sir Cllben
a* ditvar -ft Mehlgto with Brat poab 2:U%.
ter lot* out," said Mann "If he Iso'i
l>arhet. Sir Cei.rgc Sewncs aod Ceonw
tiea and aba aarprtaad tba badcan '
2:10 Pace.
careful I will tell him a few i
Meredith are on tbe eommitlec In
. MdUbM. who tbroaghoat tba alia did
The Bm beat of tte 2:24 pace tw
that will make blm sit up a bl
tor baW to renek aaeoad podtioe and suited as toUowt: v'
sceasary III go to ]sn."
ww iwvardad at tba toft qaartar. Uttla Dianond O, b. gi (Haatereoa)
Mn. Wate Hampton explains PresI
Bad PM, fcrtody a toeal borea. waa OaU &.ch.a., (^uatMt)....
dou Rooaerell's oIBclal dental (bal bi
wadM the akUttai
Mttlo DnkATUt g,'(OemalB<
gave bis pbolo for pubUcatloa
Gtoa. Oartoiaa, vtaalv teorth,poal­ leaBU^t. b. g. (Joyat)........
“Fads and Fancies." tte New York
tioa agaiato a tatt’b^
Tine—2:21%. f
dcly book. As s solldlor she V. J.. prOTOd a aea of
2:22 Paw.
the picture from the president wiibou
tor ha vonaed
nt^ltm** to
ne third beat of tte 2:22 pace did
telUng him to what use It was
totottdrd pato
not ebaage tte poelttn to tte purees
pot. In fad. thi* president didn't glv<
Wteb. M ha waa M la orndmoa toto
tbe anemooB
1 ebapeo to explain.
^••k. tomply wotMag Into «
m. ItobWe'C.
ftoatita.. iba oSotol Mora to:
mdtog tte ftrlag with Baron Btoto
pica of John Mueller to .Chicago
Onmmn, b. to (Beoaa).,.........
lUy OBtelaned * ttoagb she
trial tor murdering bis wife and chtM
■Itollni. g to (J. W. Bnrwa}..
goad apnrt oa tta last half Intt
Ho says be was InJjired on tbe hea.
eansral Newk
W-J-tog, (Owort)------- -----brtot* nt tte ttlrd quarter aad dropped
Tbe oldest Dcero la tte United two years ago io a labor riot aod tbn
M PhO (ABdarKto)................
back. The noto exdtlng expat to tto
be often did things io his sleep, In
CM 1.. Orr, b. g. (St. Mary).
tte flatah of MaUJe.liTitnai
eluding tbe two murders, ot abich b<
Je C..............
' ■•••
IIS years Old. was captured In Africa knew nothing until lold to them afiei
tba Br« toat DC tto S:U pace WM teated by both,
he awo^c. Moeller la conducting bl>
tta net D( tto aBaraoto
able to hug b«r flank she waa ant able 47 years ago and sold ta slavery. Tears
VDUa Mbat the track twoort agala, to reapoad wader tte . last aad stood ailed Sharp's eyes wfaea told that be own case.
must spend tbe remainder to bla life
towwlag H to 2:14% aad taktag tto •eeoad •• abe began, tte ofldal
fao» any from HIM Hartea
aarraw toargta that wban
Mattie Chlmea. b m (Toor). ..1 'J 1 he saU. “Who will advance money (o:
vara dwtog dim tba borne atreteb Debbto C. b. to (Cane)......... 2 2 2 mo to lire oa during the remainiqg
•ad gvM aftor tbay tod pawM wadM Harry B, b. g, (Braatt)......... 4 2 2
tto vM tt waa aa «M gMetloe aa to Dianoad0..b.g.(llaateraaa).2 4 B fore Hooroe declared hlg docirine, be­
fore JaekaoD vetoed tte Dalted Stall
iMebwMiattolead. CbariMWntoa
Tina 7:17%. 2:17%. 2:17%.
Bank to death, btoqiw Texas waa a
WM tto VtoBM but aot avm by a BMa.
2:20 Trei '
aexed. before CalUorala was kaown,
There can be oe axite terrible ordeal
Ito vbola raoa waa vary pretty, not
Tta aatnad beto to the 2:24 trot
to a detlaate, aenaiUve. rc^ed woman
being Btorred by breaks and aato (be eat wader tte wire wU btte taror. before KaaaVwas tboogbt to.“
Tbe vainest Bma,la tbe world died tbaa to be obliged to aaawer certain
bnt qeartar. Mtos HsHoa
tbe Ite. Ganllto, la term to btod tte polA
qneaUeu In regard to her private Ula.
toad. OuaBlag dm tto aUatieb WBtoa cloaelr sbadswed by Sldallee. tte pool
even when those queatioBa are asked
tuBily phystriaa. aad i
etteni to aalll be got'ffie toad. Tbe favorite, who. by steady galas, leacbed MIkball BiepanoB. who, altboiigb near­ ^
ly ninety years of age. waa a dandy to
toBMTT to the hwt Is: /
tbo am poslttoa. tte two making tte
CtoriMWDtOAb.g.(TraMd4)e)... 1 flrst bpU neck and neck, and W. J.. Use day to bis death. He dellgbtcd In
Mm Xhrtaa. b. to (Qtoha)........... 2 wbo waa doing-good worii. went up la the company to young ladies, read all
Daa Pagb. «b-«.
............. . 2 tte air. landing at flftt. Bed Phil hold­ tbe fashion papers sent direct to blm
poiiiwwdod Bookar. b. g, MevUle) 4 ing tewrtt. The Into beat being toU to from Paris, Londoa. Berlin and New'
York, aad maintained a Ullor of Ua
«aaw to Oeb. b. to (IB^^)........... B
wUch were tte only eaea
employed all tte year
Owitga K. b. g. (BooiieK............... C chalked up agalaM tte eveai. tta acMe
around and inventing (or him new eiwMbUhi Ball. b. to Oaka)............ T
bring aa ftotoww;
atloos. It was popularly believed that
' naa-2:U%.
Oaaillle, h. to (Booae)............ i i i Ibis Rusalait; Anglesey was only half
liMBd HMt t:22 Paam
Sldallee. g m.. (J. W. Brown
bumaa. He .wore artiaclal leotb. of
The aeoiBd beat to the 2:22
* Co.) ................................... 2 2 2
ended axaetly tba aame as the am baa. L, Orr. b. g (J. St. Hary)A 9 2 which he had BBS seta, and be changed
the color to bU hair whenever fashion
toto Witt tbe awepUoB that Harry B. Oias. U Ort. h. g. (J. St.
You cannot afford to le; (he insects, blight aijd rot spoil your crops when you
demanded It. Even bit )cga were made
. aad maMond a traded plams. Mattie
Maiy) ..................................... S 2-2
- CUm wea aad tto ran cane la aa W.J. b. g.(Jaa. OweU>............ 2 B E to order, lor It was one to hla weakcan get one of these "Sure Shot" Machines that docs the work right, and at a
pesses to wear knee breeches, wbirb eentiaoe to aoffrr ratter than submit
iBlIaiN: Debbto C, Hairy K, Dto- Red Phil. b. r. (T. ABdemM).4
GRE.AT S.^\1NG IN TIMK, LABOR.■AND MONEY. Atrial will convince you
admirably act off a pair to abipoly to examination* which tomanv pby
nrndD.. Algertol. Baroa BeDa Time
TlBe-2:22. 2:U%. 2:18%.
pronoae in order to intelUgvni
calves modelled tor blm by a physical eiaas
2:17%, «ncUy tbe Mng aa tte am
tha,i the above sUtements are facts. If your acreage is not large, perhaps you will
treat tV disease: and thU lAtbe n
culture school to New York. By his
want a hand sprayer. WE HAVE THKM-ALL KINUS-KNAl'SACKS. COM­
Tbe last event to tte afTernoao. tte -wfu Stepanoff left tbe aam of 400.000
This Is also tte reason why thosaan
Froat.fharedhy’s Record.
2: IS pace, waa tte-tmee to tt# meet.! roubles “to (OQUd a acbool to physical upon
PRESSED AIR AND ATOMIZERS—the grcatest.assortment ever shown. Now
ttoosands o'
Joe' Oale defeated tta greU Wllttan tbe sudden looming np late proml- beauty tor
apondtag with Mrs. Piokham. at
the time to gel one and be prepared when the bugs come.
Mack, wbo has a mark to 2:0B% two Mce to the Caro horae..Cbarier WU- son. who la>-aotl^lor la Moscow, be MaaaTo ber Ihev can confide evt-ry
iB tw ri««.rni..>ii *ai.
tea. Into sm place when be gave Htaa bequeathed only bis eotlectloa to false detail of their iUntea. and (nnn
Yours for "Quality and Satisfaction,’’
her great knowledge, obtained from
Bath bwu were bona racea and tte Harioa tte race to ber life aod hU teeth.
years of esperteaee in treaUog female
atoetal tine was aaoowaiad at 2:16% anddeh collapse la the aeeoad ^eat aa
Joba Redmond, wtAn be heard Pre­ liu. Mca. Ptekbam can adriae women
aad 2:16%. Some to tte botwenea tte tall ender. though ttls was all dne mier Balfour tell tbo Britlsb house to mm wiselv than tbe local physician.
bow Mra. Pinkham helped Mrs.
aa accident. It was aeverttelesa ai commons be would not resign.' de­ T.Bead
ntoe •: proteto oa the Une. ctolntM
C. Willadsen. of Maanlag. la. itte
Konraglag to the large andlenee. As clared the oppoalUon ought to band
ttat tteSnt heat was nade la 2:U
aad tte aeooad la t:i4 flat
gvtber and make life miserable for tbe Drer Mrs. Ftaklnm.—
Nina K. won
‘a tbe
(b< 2;n trot and Ote-'
gorernnieaL Redmond'said ttat hit
Before I wrote to yoo tailing yaa
noto to. tte am
party, the NaUraaUsts. would neither
Traverse City. Mich.
dt. 1 ted doctored for-«ver two rean
127-135 State Street
2:27 Trot,
eatlrsly out a
while not oS taU feet ask nor give quarter. but would flgbt
sad ipent kwii to doovt tn medirinM
bat it an tslMtodo messy good I
Tto Brat awt to the afteraooB. tte
day aad night to Ull off “(hU gpvern^tnmWa^^t^^y tetets^
2:n trot, oponed the last day%
Chiba also gutiig to plecea )nst abend
^"*r£i^«rerT Irregular and
wttb Bve Mtrtoa. PUi Bt. Ctoir toto- to bim Yhougb la tha ttlrd best tte lat­ Am.
I wrote t» von fre yotir adtag the bmtt. Nina K., Parker. Craa- ter landed second by a ateagy poll and rente Hascelt. and other acuirt and
riaketerfollto teorucuraw

TheWoriffs Greatea

Skin Soap.

Tti8 WortiTs Sweetest

StU moncr Cniliziiui His




ail sold
.31 die





To Dire a CoM in One Day

Aspwall Spraying Machines





Farmers Supply Co.

oell uti Veeaa la tba order aaned.
Nlaa K, tbe Mack, sleek nare betaagT*
. tog twttc wtabto to Oeorge Bpeacar to
, Aptoetoa. Wla.. Witt a record to 2.24%
- and asanaoB ahead oaaptWM BMAOO
aUkea la (be WisconiiB dlietot. took
■ tta lead and aarily matted ILPariter.

ColUagwood Rooker, who waa secoad aetretses to tbe number of aeveaty
la tta ■seoad beat dropped to tewrtt. have started ont to bnlld a tewa of
tt^ laadad at ttlrd la tte (anrtt bent. ttelr
Tbe last beat was tbe only event
'^rantninv'to proof atehlisb tbefnet
where aa aecMant however alight, sraa
ml DO meoicinr tn the world equal*
tvdia £. Rakham'* Vcffeuble Coo*aoUeenble. OtoUagwood Book^-bceakfimi tor reftetttg wcoteDh health.
Ihg a wberi la seoriag toe -'Msr %e
only low bwOdiags la Auhnni-


Jayncts Tbntc

Ogives rosv
rosy chccks
t;hccks and active health to pale, sickly childrcn.^^
And it is good for their elders, Pk).

Ask your driiggist for it.



UMdOB. jBly^.-fortr ttoMBAd
J«|W>CM are Bucklnf aUns a (on?itfto <nmt el#t7 B>n«a (nwa (He morub
«r the Tanen rt»cr. Tbe Btia (ofpa
or {be 3aaaaeae li coominted at
SoDcbeb. Thli BioTeweBi U «lro«ea
«B Yladnroatok. After ■eeitaf •uoai
iwrtnanrn mna tbe RaMlaM tbe Jap«MM traopa bare eapiorrt Ataaif
Emrak. oa Bakballea WBML Tbe JapiMaa Sac vaa boUted ever tbe soro^UMW baUdlnt at Ahanttdweak
witboat loaa to tbe Hlkadb'a troopa.


meat Ibb ownUas that the flm.B«ctlac or (be BoMlan-Japaacoe peace eatora wooW take place Au*. I oo boart
tbe MajEower ot Oycier Bap. PrealHooaefoit *1U eatettala tbe enVopa at laaeboon. A. WUta. aalled
«t7m rraaee today, .
In Confeianee^Wlth PraaWent
' Orater Bay. Jaly *7.—Baroa Jularo
KoTOB. tbe Japaaeee jnloliaer of fofaSalia and prladpal peace plcal' poMUiarT tat hli eoaMfr. waa to coolareaoe with Pre^t Booeereli
Satawre-RIll (bU tfiernoao. ftosora
tad Mtatoter TakaUra «U1. i«Ui
UbdoB. jBly *».—Tbe eorreti
' -toit or tbe Bxebaaco Tetocrapb
' poo7 u Bt. PeteritKirs wlrea that a
aartaaa (anlno la aproadlax to tfee dla-trtet laitobdlately ootalde 8L Peten'• I ’bar*. Mcaaarea ba»e boaa taken by
-•tfea aaifeorttlca to prer»t tbe pto^
Urlag to tola dtoUM froa eatertoc
toe city.
. Maeoow. Jaly JA-Aa too reaalt ot
' 'tbe *bBldtoc of toe lemitvo coagrea*
U toto city receatly Oeaeia] KaMoS
• - baa be^ ramored aa goTaraor geaeral
odHcacow. M. ItorpoTO. fomer prato" «Mt'e( tbe Biiintelpamy ot 8L PeteraVarg. b^ beta appotaled to aoooMd
■' E^amw. July ».-Ten leaden of
(be Jewiek Baad have bMa arreated^
^toarged with 'plaaalng toe lainneotloaary awreateat wWeb baa beea rewntflble (or ao B


lece. la eipccied to be ^neoi aad
TboK vbo beard bla lato year were
tpUratad by bto aenwoi. Ber. W.
A. BUaa. ^ b a son rained worker
aBOBS (fee ladlaae, will preach lereral
tlBet. Mr. Bias U a Cbippewa Tbeo
there to (be oM ataadby aswoc tfee
«a. Rer. JcdiB Jacobi, aa ladiaa
«tM> to weU aad tarorably Imowa to
vhtte people o( nortfeen feUefelwbo will be preaeat all tfeeHliae.
Her. Joho Kewaykeihlh of Kewadla, a
fiac taaa of ewjelleot eoamiee a» a
pnacber will alio be preieot. la (an,
tbe aumber of-^uelleiit apeakere far
exceedi any prerlooa year. Tbe meeliBSa bcalB caeb day at daybreak and
eoaUaoe ualll late to ibe nreatog.
PreacEtos wiU be to tadlaa and Ea«tlafe. The BwtUab apcaklng to alwaja
ated Into Indian..
Com Jordan Fire.
Bant Jordan. MU*..- July »8.-About
o'clock tola mnitog fire was diecovered la the hack part of lb# ground
floor of tbo wooden -aloro building
owned by Cbarlca Hipp. and two boun
later tbe upper part waa eomplctcly
gaued. Owing to the Uet.tbai toe
bolldiag waa abeeled with Iron the
flremea bad tmaiderablo dlSculty to
beCUag at the blaze.
-The aecond atory was oecnpicd by
Cbae. ftlpp and faintly and toe hoasebold gboda were eonauaied. allbonib
tfee family wan not preaeat at tbe time
of the Are.
The $*J»0 Iniuraneo foUy covers
tbo enllrn loaa U. Mr. Hlpp. But the
bowllBg ariry and tailor abop. oecuay
tog adjotoing bulldlnga. oaBered <toaaldeiable loss bz water aad amWke
with no toeumnee.

queue oenbeni' division ran Ir
waabout at toe nulfa limit twilcb of
tbe Alpine aUtlim at 1 ;55 ihla morning
£>d (onr-of the five eari of the train
left the inlla.
» wreqk was one of the moat perln the blatory of rallroa
Some of tbe eoaebes rode dear to the
right of way fence and remained to
thHr normal pwmon.. Tbo wreck
npantod by so little )ar and noise
that-the paiaengera In the Pnlli
■Ireper were not nwakenod. Tbq Pulloonduclor w»i slightly bruised,
bm there wai ao need ot the aervleca
ot fquT dwidra. wbo .were nuhed
tbe scene , on tbe work train.
otbecuECto injured.

Tire Tvifantb and ChadTBB.

The Kind You Have
Always Bonghi


For Over
Thirty Years


gKggggrfLosBoy Siam
faeSMto S^natort oT

clean |u!rn trip l
make momhis. and will arrive l
(be wUc of the > vaet ! ntiom Ssiiirday.
Bunting )i Candidata.
^Orejtd Tranw, >• Hnl<i« Coun fur >ud
Safrionw. MIrh.. July SZ.—Thr raodl-h,tini;

rTTn," ‘.“Zlni’t




^ ^iu L m. uW Csdsr vtiy sag BMwmfesfa


LOT 182

Bears the

indton Camp Meeting.
Mortoport. Mlclu Jaly B.-Tbe ar' e are being (net eoaplMed
' ler toe gnat ladiaa eanp maatlag
ItaMpon whlefe- bcglM on Ang. ll
Farm Hnua*, RurMKf.
and eoattooea aatll Aag. tl. Tbe
Monroe<.'«mt.-r. Ulik. July Zt-Th.'
groaada am beUg pm to eplendld «»•'
Velleur Fever Plagua. '
home of Harry l.egi:eit. four niilcx
«tlM by n"U«e'i{tttobcr of (fee la- Hew OrIcaA. July
The stale north or Monro.. Cdoler. «a. dc.lroycl ,
X'ftoBa wbo bare pdt !a aeeeral day* of board of healtli met it II e'clock' aad
piaid tobor. Ordtoarlly too Indton. wbo decided to qnaraaUae toe state of by ItTO laat evening at C;5(i. The fam■way and the origin of
baa not boM broaghl ep to a eeheol Loutolaoa agalBR New Orleana. At 11
Uncertalo. !( was not cll.seovwhara tbe aeoeatlty ot bartag totogt o'clock today two auaplcloua emaea of
right to toagbt, carat but little aboat yelk>w lever have been reported. Tb«e ered In time to save anything of an.! ronten:s;i'
•ppewsDcaa. Bm tola la feehig correet- eaaet are to the American quarter.
ad by tba labneBce of tbU aaeetlng aad Tbe oBletol rdpoff up to C o'clock torn ............ uirt
..(keae wbo but 'recently .were IMb - Bight ebowB a total of S06 easce aad Mutaal.
help to anaagtog toe groaada are
forty-four deatos.
r>c.sth at Klngstoy.
toaatotttottoer it.
Waahlngloa. July Z*.—Three deaths
Klogsh-y, Mlrh., Jul. 2!..—James
A »nto larger tent baa been aacored from yellow lever onjJie lithmus of UoCiilly dl.-il ihl* morulnR
tor toto year tota tbe one aaed last Panama werejjpnrtcd toAty hy Qovkotne •>( bU daugUt.-r In Clan-.
yeartoraadltortiunporpoeea. A Urge renor Uagbon at (ollowt: Jacob Ploth, Mr, McCutly was a pltraixT
dtotag ball to bo otoducted by a white
aa. a locomoUve machtoist.
man wbo aaderataada tbo bailaeaa
Pittobnrg; - J. C Sniherland.
will bo ready to aenre neali. Tboac BcDicbmaa. a foreman engtaeer at Cu
wbo have beretofom had dlBcally to lebrm. borne Genera, W. Va.: Alfred
Mdtog eaooih to eat will ba amply Brown. Jamalenn. cmployid'et Colon. a..nlre will u! Ml.Iulu^ a.fv-rtfH.u a. 2 ''to
protided tor to ibat line. Many more
„-c|ock.iDdlaai than (otnrrly will be to teata
England Up lr> Anna
Uondon. July tS.-BngUahiBeB geii
OB tba gnxnd. A ■e» highway baa
’ ed freai.................I toe rmiway erally are manifealtog eonsklerabU
depot W toe groobda. Tbe oUniiea atom over toe agKfeOoo proceedlug in up altolalcd street Car at acveuiy- Mrerrd t-j saw e*rta.u
to iba BMmdt tioaly a faw bAdred Oermaay nrgtog tbe baiter to lake the f.wriA,jirrot at 3:2(1 ibl* mornkig au.I
feet (mm the depoL Train amvlec to InltlaUvc to the laauanee of a ptwin ahol Con««fl<>r S K. Harlvir In ih.- ab­
tbe camp greoad froa Yraverao Cliy matlno l>arrlnK all warahl|>a from
n .lying reu.llUon
domen, lU^I
will be «o arangM^toat oae can go at BaUikexetqii those of Oerroany.
'The rolilier* i ,! Ills |«ekoi«. nrcil
mark and Swtvien. If the ag.;
. almaa any Uqft of day. at*y cam
ducen sfeois ai I.- c ar aiid escaped.
auecOMful Gemany will have
anw tbe memiag At algbt aad
loag utep toward aorampnah'benae at a aeaaoe^e bout.
Washington. July iv.—Ii 1-* uiiih r.
na llal of adeabera wlU Include tog her AmfaUloB to become the pro- ood thai the mudlthm of C.-n. Ia-ou__
tome very ezcdUoit addreeees
anl wood ron.huuv .n glu- hiv tri. n.l- 5^,7.
wbUe meaend ladtoag. Bcv.Dr. J. B.
grave conc.Tn anil ilial th'.1—d ,or s*«iciu-;«.
MofMy Jn River.
Potto t< too Otrlqiian Advocate will
baa aoni an oni.T e<»int.-rn|nii.UtiR
touulfag. Mlclu July as.-Tbe stole order rvllcvlng tlcneral fnii.r fi
. , preaeb oa cm; of the Suadtya, Bev.
, ,Me« Trotter <f Qraad Rapldt baa alg eanal board baa approved the plan of duty la the inilliiiplni-s on llu. i
..,«Ulad bla latrotioa of being preaeat the Manistee Navigathm coaipaBy for
.^.qoracoaptoofaddroaaee. Judge Fred- tbe tmprtiTCBent of Haaialce river
ft.etoto. W. Nayae ot Ibe Clreuii court and' Its tribotoriw on eoodlilon tbat
twenty rnlka of the river be eleanod
win make an addrcea
XJfe of toe Indian." Rev. H. D. Car- out vrUSio ten yemu. The navlgalton
A.rrel. D. tk. of Traverse City will be
graacBl W preach oa oae of the daya
early‘thi-^ murotus <-a..slng eppslrier. HapM are eatertatoed that boveraor
aWo damageriver has risen
or se. ps--.
nine Inch., and In'ai.a Mill .-..ek
-Wbriev wUI rlalt tfee mcettog oae day
isiuad.d over II. I«nks. lu.m.UHnr . -d
give an addrtge on name topic of
feta own cbooalag.
i -■
, Dr. Carloa Moalemima. aa Apacbc
. -CMtoB ot (aU blood aad now a rem-j I SCOtW-eanSOM weu-t mO* a
dat of Oblengo. will be bare (or Pri I
«ay. Smarday aad Sunday. Aug. IS.,
M and SB Or. Moatoapma la a grartu ]
ale of toe SUto itol*«roliy of Illlnolt. >
also CarlWe and of Nortoweatern
JIadteal atoMto at Chicago. He pecnmcr-Port Huron boy. wbrs.- prev.-m
plM mack tfee name ralattoaahtp to Mer*r:ao.l U-fi
tbo ladUn problera ifeat Booker T.
--------v tida. Hto ttfe blatory has bd^ea,^iase£«S*?o2r« taMAs^Oo^^
oaadto^ roaaaatlc and iboae^wfeo
""T? tlx Otnit't'san fir ta»
tmz bim wOl be thrilled by bla recital
a( life amoag bla peopto. He comes
. ._L'-'stA sad U." taz» sms
un toe ladlaiu “B'bat We ladlaas
Ooght to Do." Tbla hat refereace to
. ibMr apHfi and tbe way to attola h
si.d-s-nUdM tuUows. '„<n>
-- g lb.-ABVSw.SS BBSrtsrof
He li well kaown at a T. M. C. A.
worker, baa boro Twldeat phyaletoB
at dcverml «< toe largem goveramidt TrovuS>»,a a^.iwjga^ I
■cbMt tor toe todtofea. among iheai
being Carllda. bla. alma mater. Tbea
llw rename Nafaayaayasb «( Maala- II I-ss.
AVUirBrsrf-w As-<n<e
iBg, kitnn amoac ihe whiles at Ber.
T.-C. Tfed^ a gradoate of Albtoa col

iHump Back

H & I. L IK CRH ‘

r JK.SKS. Acmv

LOT 183

LOT 184
^ LOT 188
L0T 235

______a iBdlMu Ml— c«. «!■■■
____1B-C--1JBI.. su-.Mm. .
tnunk-v—TntTTm-Uly i tt b. av. «—a<a-

a- ■.. i iBBUt
IBB >«. puaai.Burib-d-jDife.
Ttwtb twiv-'- Trmr^Tm tSKy
B. IB.. bw


Trva arrlw (ram. feunh|iun MaiBUbaad

■■■. J

c u toX-Twciou.g.jja T A-



I |J



LOT 237

LOT 198
•LOT .203



LOT 211
LOT 212
LOT 214

o——A ,T.

HB-.'SiW2,‘5?±fffiy‘»i-. wn


These arc all early selectiofts and are the

-- ---^


Hanflsoniest Lets in Oak Heights
the mostv-charming addition to Traverse City. Tl^'
addition is now largely built over, and good lots are
not easily obtain.-iblc. These lots will be sold sepa­
rately, excepting IS'J, 1S3. IfSL. which must be sold to
gether. All must' go for spot cash, and the prices

The whole bunch of

b>(* «b* amovBV IBM do. M Mid iMctiora.
iSffiiU sr»A.


i>EBW<«>u a riiU'B
itodBilI'ild2i.'!T^VllSnij.«ivh. mist

if sold at one time and for cash down, would be

th. mcm-y Mor.4 L. mri MUW will^i.1.

As the price woiiM be made accordingly an^^to allow
for holding as an investment. Come ijuick for choice
of lotsi"

Also One Acre Lot
in Birchwood'---d VB. a'H»»»r M
. l-.iinvj -if
TraTMv. IQ
Mil day It

1.V <v in -..^ty CrtBU h*M t&Atimi—I In

way of EaBtwlBbOf. A. O. I OOB>

Fronting East Hay rods and running back 20 rods,
less a strip two rods wide on north side for street. Avery desirable lot in this beautiful suburban spot


123 Fmt Street


Mtut^ la lb. TtMmMa « OmC
WMt Boartvr at mrtlM <wM«r-<fe




bar 1*101 birthday. «h* la
«m la har|rt« tad Mdi fair to laat
IM yaan ■ora. aad. .atiaat* » «T.
aha baa
oaa draaa. aaar^it nl*bt
aad day. aad baa *oni It arar tiaea
ahaaaaattUaalta. Sba it atm a littie yw aad aarar vUl be aay larger.
HIti Hod«aa to.* doIly-4h* oldaat
M IB *>Htaae»-*ad to • ragnla “
Ubit at all Bottoa-i laahloaibl*
(bova Sba to a F^aaeb dollr. as bar
•ppMfBBca lodlcata*. baa daaeaoded
Inrm a toag-Uaa Of freoeh don*, fba
^ baw to tba- Bodgat famOr tioee
March *1. ITtl. whaa Capt. OaiaalM
Hodge*, booad hotoe froB China by
-ray of Frweh porta, broogbt tb«
to bit mtla dsaghier Aodat. of 8>
The dolly baa paaaad by direct toharitaaaa to Mr*. Mary N. Sweetiar.

cbkkeB «*w. sad Ibsre wMw potoK aay llule boy wbo reads this to tre
tas*. eeto^. ml* battor. laa ate gtoTM oU today.
Ate UkM ta took at ptetar* hooka, ate -vhnod.
Pm ate sum— toritte tbtua a(
daarty'lore* to play.
Ate doeaat ear* to *h oa chairs. M raadma'a trisodA ate they all «*
maeb prefers Ue Aaor.
e'N diaae^wcetbar.
sMt you Utok grandM ntoyaA
I meosare* last ** high M ** upB« M^tad • ooac tm »*a^»a
aerpcla* party f-Oimpaahm
oa oar aliehM door.
thrmlt rMMf r»»$ Mui
and the (raa.
Ate iSBl trl^tsoed ta the dark, but
CM. . ^
Th* Cm e( Soato Admo. '
Jiut raad oabla Mdal, 'Hr Omtrr.
ecu a little gneer( wm *»r
t* <mrrr «r
Betty to m^cn rear* old. My* a
of Tkae.'A* if he'd Ilk to coddle np to some o
fnt akout M)«da»
writer to Tbe Woman's Hoas* OootAfiar laaTkit Harrard j«tat toltb.
Ter aear—
I «ai try uM w tmn «
aoldler. Just tte paakm. de*>lr l«»** her attemi and
kiBsaBS to W
M» ud
(MSb^r. sod when al home talks exwar. *ODt ta tha thooJofleil
■e fe« ttlrrtog eveeU to Mlchl*.» btoiory dortog
mlaaie bd's a man.
M far M I aa».
lensUelT of the toamltet ot her Ms**Aadorar. and ooe mar aUlI taa to
■re ytoi* of bet extoieeee a* a «tatr. The llulc
To fight with bears.aad indlsaa-aad
the drat t«<
I wiH try ta k« tovto* b«pM
bat lataraatlB* rtd.toaa the innua Id
plruie. tt hr caa—
and kind la 'tvaiybody and -ta
, -Lots of "
the■ bey* aalFlbl*- - bate
rtaSeb rouu SaUfc wrota "Amarlea’
If ibere's * boy like that I wish that
torcMt that belted iba Biddle of ibe »omheni pcetowtla *tlH
araty IMn* tkluf.
■gBoUtkms.' but I like It awf-ly.'' ah*
Didolater day aeraair-tbraa
be woaW please begin
■tood gtiard like *110111 aoldter* oror what wai to be the »eatth of
H I avar fall la trykii «a do
rean aco.
Right oow to pm* bis toys, and come,
(otare year*. Only here and tbete. where the targe rirac* aaeh
tMaa tfilntA 1 wlU *Try, try
One of tha *oat
be my imie twin*
a* the Sagtoaw or the HtitkegM penetmed the*, they b^ to
—HanaahO. Fernald. la Vooth'XCom. ’***

j -WhT. doo'l yoo know? It's s
fall before the ai of the wood»B*».
. lex the •eaet'cr mriire on ib* bUck'tblnr
One sprttLg day la itsi. a II
uttlc Otd ttory
f l<o*rd. and you Irani It. and It b#»p*
Chicago rouaded the point where tbe hag. narrow pealnanla. a
There WM once a little oU nun and ion all the WT-k; and the .MCher aMm .
M»re of Bile, from base to end. begin* to dirlde tba bloe water,
a llul* old woman and they lived In a 'you fur 11. sud on Prtdar sou go to.
of Oraad TrarerB bay. On her dect wood with folded ana.
Utile old bouse OB a Hitle old farm, 'be pUtform and Uy If
a Ralwan yonng Imberm™ who.* keen ey« took to tbe beauti­
;They badaHttlrolderowandalltrie
Ol Well, msbe brilev. ihte Is Wful bay. the high pbore*. toreat-cUd to tbe water*' edge, the one
; old boiue sad a liiueold dog aad a 111- ^ day. and do It for ... nnw
mtle elearlag where stood the claitered wigwam, of as 0)lbwa
Quite charmed. BMU'------------Tillage around a whke aplred atuioa church and the bumble
One dar the little old man dug blm
borne of a mlBlonarr- He *aw the dark pIBe foreal beyond >bc
• aa*KLMTtt.»
load of poMtoe* and siaried ofi to tie dress, gave a serioi
• whliMappad ware* that were rolliac to to the rurvliig beacb of
tbr little old lovB to sell them. The said, with loud aad t
little old woman took a llule old buekto (be Ilitle old barn
she does* Ut her. Olre
ndlk tbefl lie crid cos . Bui
et had shebmn her milking than ib* j u* ihe uuoiailoa.'"
'That's the qnoiatloo!little old <0* picked up her Ultle old
••Wbsi! Sav It again.aad kicked the little old woman
-Bu-ste Adam foriM* Su-ale Adam.'
over She WM so badly hurt (hat she
............ - *0 she lay omb- repeated Belly, worked up aad throatenlv
to baocoe wartlke.
ground calling lo ibe IHtle old^^
Neither guetolontog nor wpamutoTipt). Tipsy, o Tiray!"
The Ultle old dog came aad walked ilon eTalled agatosi 'ihU sutomsat
irouiid the little old troman aad knew eoDcemtog Susie, and not aafU (M
not what to do. By and by she begaa teacher herself was Interrlewad^dld
,ssytog,"Oo for your msater, Tlpsj! the mystery resolve tlsolt Into “BaOo for your master. Tipsy!- The lit­
tle old dug. «bo WM sHllng Miokiag at
Andaitla M*«* Tael* *» UwMaarh
Michigan State Saab
her with his Ultle old urngue haagtag
out of his lltUe old OMMitb. (rotted oB
* 6fs^tz<n£,
Fame aad forttme await the ludiy
down the fosd to town
who «n redtsoove- Ih#
TS« -dot oMpa -a-wh Ua aroodaMd
He found the little old
iB- their green |epth*. But be did not fonee (bat la faof metals from white •
who gare It to her granddau^tar.
tore year* there should atand where once the pine, had stood, a
Ibe .Egyptian* tbe Astoe* nnd «1»
wbo to BOW Mm. Heary Oake. Brown.
of Peru mad* tbeir tools and arSM.
city with buiy .(rccts: that the green peninsula, aimottone great
to hit llule oM
Thongh each of iheae-aaiinaa ranteed
orchard, should &> fsmou* for It. fruitage even In the faajju*
donate maeb as Lowell Mason did for <d Weymouth, a few mile* frota Bow
"Why. bless me. here's 'Hp*y!“ (be
high tute of dvIUsailoB. a«ne «<
ebnreh Biiale. sad It was throng bl» toB. wbo gnardt It earefally. The orig­
fruit belt of Michigan, and ihai 10 the north sod we« abould lie
little old man cried when be
inal cottnmc of piak allk atill reiala*
them ever dtoeovered Iraa to apti* of
eOorti that
w*s totrodaeed
■pread 001 one of Michigan', fairest the beaulUul
little did dog.
(be f*« that the soU of all Ihfte
tha pobUc'scbools. Mason sad SsUb color and nnaaem of torture, alOrtnd Trarerms region, while be. himself, whlte-bslred and fall
'npay took (be Ultle old at**'* coal- conntriet pm largely imprefoakad
were warm frlendA and when ■•Aala^
edge between bto teeth anB palled at with It. Their tuteUlnt* for It WM a
of boaon. .hould waich the closing yesr* of the eenlaiy go oat
passed slBce deeer hand* «r*t fashOar B^Mhtoa bora aad glrta bare a lea" was writtao iu aatbor *aat It to
Tipsy, 'npsy! I* there anytolag comblnailoB of awtals which bad tha
stalely home In the cHy be founded be.lfle Grand Tr*T' good Mend to the pano* of Mr. B. A. ICasoB. who was tBprei^ by the londd It.
eg at homer the little old man temper of sioel. Deapit* the grrateM
.The doll resida* la a case ad
a bay.
Btowa. of Or«Dd Rapidi.' editor of the beauty and the See iplHt of patriot- la a haadketthlef. which eafold. her
asked him: and* when the llule old efforts. Ihe secret of this compaalUte
On the cMtcrii side of ibe stale, the weird, mysiertoo*
Wefalgaa TradaaBan. Tbli
^ kept on pulUng. toe llule old rasa has tefflod arlentteta ate hM beeota*
fourtoi Uicte* to height, aad which
Sagtoaw country began to let the suLllBbi la. The wild Indian
baa aeat yoar pteaUent. for aaa to oar uatil the roorth of July. 18«. that the
tan out to UWllllle old horse. Jumped
tost art. Tbe greet axployer. Hnmbear* tba totUsto B. H. embiold^
pow-wows were things of ibe past, the gbosu of tbe .wicked
de^rttoaet. a rery latereattog aeeoBit byina wa. song to public. The
l^hlt little old sragon, and whipped boldi. tried to dtooover It from an an-.
la croawsUtch with bnman hair,
' SaukCDO longer baunted the sbores of bay or river, but the whir
of aaBaM maoto Bmlth. airtbor of •km was a Sunday, aebod celebration initials arc tboae of Capt. Oamallel
np tbo lltUe old horse to M fast
alyais of a cfalsel found to an aaeiaat
of mUU waked the forest echoes, and tbe amok* of factories be­
the MBg w« an tare beet of any that to Soaion’. famOB* old Park Street
irevelHodges' wife, wboae bate eoaoocu the
Inca illver-minr. but all that bwwM'
weaiag. HalBaMaoaeataaapie- cbareb. bolK la the year iu*. It I*
gan to rise where b e wreaths from aarage camp Are* once
When he finally got to hto little old
was ihni It appeared to be a
been the aeeae . llrlag pteaeat with the dead paaL—
tan- of Hr. BbIU aad a eogy i« toe lAoth
bouse be saw no lilUe old woman anydimmed ibe air.
Ion of a anmll portion of Ua
1 of tbe Boel iBpoctaat galberini Exchange.
•ong to hto own baadertllag.
a shsrpA-yed i.x|<1nrpn> and surreysrhere aboul. *0 he quickly drove bate with 'Vopper. This oomblaatlte will
In the upper i
Stowe By* to the letter aeeoiapa
to the mile old tern, and there the -not give the hardness of atael, sajt to
ors wen- hunting out the hidden wealih of the great mine* of
■nilog* Taught by Anlatal*.
ft that be read* oar deparUMot aad
I toy. still groaning on Ihe ground.
The funowtag facts kemlad us that
copper and Iron, and Mlehlgun found that she had made a great
Ml tin ate copper eo*M fM
ta'jMetetUdtoervraMotyoa. He Item Uoyd Oarrtooa atood ap In ibal maay of ocr humaa dertce* ore
I .> Tbe llUle old man picjfod up the lit have boon Its rmly compoaent partm^
' bargain after all tor lb«- Utile atrip of Ohio Und she- hsil once
«o« not know that yoot praMdait to dtuA to make bit flmt aaH-alarery original with t»:
I He olf^ woman to his arms ate carried
York Hereld.
to desired to bold.
ben he WM «4 ybnm of ap.
• gotoc to tan ye* aboiit kda. aad to bto
her into the llule old bohse and told
ne woodpecker hM a powerful UtWhere the Jesuit missionary had once said hl» ptayer* to
leuer be ny* that be to aot to be bmb- Two of tbe tamoBs poeu or later days. tle trip-hammer.
her 00 the little old Ibonga. Then NSW Veric Horens Tiwl LI** ta nato.
la tbdr yonng nmabood
bis log chapel, and w here Satoie-Susaant with stately ceremonies
.Uoaad to comacOon wHh the atoey.
(bey Beat (or tbe little old doctor, ate
Tbe iawt cf the tortmse and tnrile
Ground space it to ralnaU* to New
had taken posseslson of the land besMe the rushing rsplds of tbe
but yon arm an agraa -that wbw aay to the aadteaee and beard tbe Sery are astarel aelsaort.
be reme in hit little old baggy with York (bat. like manyrother baUdtogs
CBe Ip ao btad to 01, we oogfat to kaow
The framework of a ship
(here, stahlat bare loDg been bu)H opOilear
about It BO that we can thank hlB. Bo
btruelKm of Iho great canal which should open tbe Big 8c* WaicrX,,
(be little old
the akeleua of a berring.
ward In atony stories, with auAi for
la betBlf of the SnaafclBe dab we will OraamiMf Whittier.
so that she was aooii well agsto.
to tbe commence of the world.
Tbe equirrel earrtet a chisel to hto
the horse* m floors above the grooodi
Ab taebtont worth recording la <
gire bUa a troie <d tbaaks. AH la faBnl they all knew that lilt had not to that there are now to tte idtf ihoaIn these yegrs cdoeatloii took a long step forward, and the
■Booth and the bee tbe carpeatcr’a
necUen with the Srsi ,jtngtag
. wor aay yaa-n to tuianiBW
been fur (be little old dog tbe little old
I plage,
fnlver^lty. the Agriculturul College, and the SlJie SormsbSchool
la of borae* that may be Mid U
“Amertca" to thto^ar^ to that there
Tbe gnat fMbkuu Its eggs la the
ta’flau.- All of these tali, modsprang Inio being
WM a lad of aebaTlO yean playlag on
they gave blm the best there wm
stables have a lift suaclenUy big
Since tbe building of Fort Punchsruwto l>y Cadillac in ITOl.
Story of «Amariaa.'
Boston Oommoa that Rrarth of July, uhape of a lifeboat. You caaMt sink
(he bouse to ea(: but they sold that
them withoal tearing them to pleees.
Ihe ecal of government had bc-n' at Uctroii. Imi to view of the
' Tte btato-x of a aattoaBl hymn to and when be saw the people going lato
, little old cow to (be little old <Mln>Uer Soon
Tbe dtrtog bell imitates the water
rapid growth of the stale If was Judged beef to loei^^lhe captol
woefb knowtag, even although tbe (he 'ttmrdi be followed them to dli! man. who lived to a little old hoo<;
Itidder. It etmstnieu a small cen
ptoco for borset (he lift to aatei
an (hat WM "gotog on."' That
byma wai wrlttna nnder ordinary eon
permaneiitly In some more cemraJ place. There were many rival
I back of a little old bill. And every day (or (be animaU also.
derthe water, clasps s bubble of water
dIUoni Tbe aaibor of -Amertcn.' eurlons minded ' yputb wa* ^ward
elalmanls among the Michigan towns for the prltc, but It waa at
I tbe mile old dog Tipsy would
horses kept la this' etobie.
Samnal P. telth. bad no Idim that bto Breratl Hale, and IhM It wa* that be
length decided to locate It on the banks of the Crsod river, where
down to make a visit to his friend the ab^ul a aoore are hoisted (o Ihetr
submarine chamber with the bubble.
Uttlc ootbartt of patriotic fedtog and bMTd the natlenM anthem the Srvt
Is now the city ot Lansing, but It wss then '• dense wildeniecr
. old cow.-St. Klcbotos.
dUplaclDg (be water gradually until Us
rooms or staiu at nlghL Om flsa aaitime It WM ever tong in pabUc.
ktyatty to hi* aailre laad .woren
and the site wa* forty miles from s rallroqul This act at the
sbode coDlalDs a large, airy 'room sur­
mal will not travel from the groate
' verto to bto 0*rly m»nhood woa« bo
rw"* Vein of Humor.
rounded by water.—Exchange.
time excited much opposition and great rldlculi-. but the decision .
floor to IU .suble to any other way.
. snag thronihout the laagtb
Henry Wsdsworib Leugfellow had n \Yhea this horse comet to ate to ooof the auihoriile* has proved to be a wl»c one.
brendih of the land in hit old age aad
A oalQue ftfure at tbe reuukm of the
! vein of gentle humor which fair grave harnetsed at nigbt. It walks'auaight
to tbe agea to follow fait ow^ day. la- Rough RMem at Saa AatoaSo
I Judgment generelly suppressed. Chll- over to the llfl sad walu toTte hototad
token as the sixth decade of the centurT rame to s elow, and the
da*d. BO oae wm more Borprlaed than Mlu Oladyu Jobastoa. who It known
! dren for whom he bad greal tender- up, and whm It Is east'looM to Us
leventb. whh Ihe blaek cloud of war rlring fi»i on U« horiaon.
>M the yoang poet M-tte pbpolariiy M the “Haulier of the Regiment.' glafs or tmall basin, aad they
‘nesE, served I0 call tbit humor
Kali lo tbe tnornlng It make* straight
«< hto aBag. wrltteir^'dUtoal Peb- , MlH JohnttoB IlTim. at Columbus. Tex., apjiroacb each other more mad
1 exerctoe occaslonallT In spile, of him. for the rm again —Answers.
- Miy BfUmatm to the
mi when a mtie town oo tbe Seatheni Pacific. unlll St iMt they dart togetbearKb a
iThe following bit of non*rush. Now take asray one of the cork
(To be eoDUaued.)
yoong Bmi^ WM
AB-itwrWeea Baa Aaioalo and New Orplace Id any of the
tammy ate tte MoqtatY.
Isaaa la June. ms. wfaen (be Rough
editions of lAitgfellow's works, but
A rood story is to Iud4 frimi H.
Tbe author of “Atoertc*'A^re- was
w born Riders, uader Llent.-Coi. RooeerMt. Its place. Immediately the two pMleu
d with It to his I.lfeUme he M. 8 Alacrity, now In port, says tba
I those despised llule { __*. He wm
he first tow io j new llghi
their way lo Tump*, tbe
ged'tbe amborsblp:
South China PoK Sammy, the ypuag
ntlon of cruelty 1 *crapp.-rs
, „„
- a at«d«M to BaatoBY iMoiim oM Lat- glee of the trata broke down a
Chtoehe steward, sttendtog .i* (hr
L*,. spring * young robin wm found
to flabnol. whsre be ben a mnklln mile* ootJide of Oolumbns. and the ^ Why it this*
to animals we owe to Ireland, A Is
wardroom me**, beard Ooe of (he oHOwing to the ndbcslon. the water untoedal. Tbea be wot to Harrard Ool- tnlB WM delayed aereral boors.
nous SeglMh noblemi n sttempled to floundering about a geatJeinan'. lawn.
cers SI rttnner eemplatotox of rte nnder each of the oork pelleu to a little
lege. wbar* be wm a dasntaw of
Capt Creeowny. of tbe Rough Rid­
obtain a tow. and wai made so much ) It was unable to fly and bad evldenUy [
usually hot taste the mostaM had.
and gave It ' fallen from Its nest. Fearing itet the
ers.'wbo knew HIM Jobastoa. seeing higher lhap It Is on the rest of tbe sur­ ins of Ihtt be backed
:c was very, very good.
I Next day the m-istard pot waa mlsaface.
her la tbe crowd wateblng the break­
And wbon she wai ted she wsi bor-1 jg,; ggg could nhl be found. - Sammy
down. inmed her aboard *he train and prater draws Ihe two pellets together. house of common* fromGtlw*y. on . gemlemm took tbe bird to the rear
was called, and after being qaesttoned
The wax peIlel.,bowpver. exeni 00 the west coMt of IreUod. Dtek Mar- of hl« yard and placed It In an endow
preeeeted bet to Oo). BocaeTelt
such tofiuence on wAier. It slu lowei i tin who WM noted for two thing;’ ere covered with s wire scree®. While
(pent sereral pleaaaal hours It
„ „
oaeert' prirate car. pad. before lesT- on the wnler. therefore, than the cork Flm he -«* ven tend oT ipimnlf.' dr.,tiee -be h.ii monilD,be looked
lag. Col. BooMTelt expressed a desire pellet, ate actnally tllffs away from' „d «eo.d be «. eeej lobd .1 flB.1 eel .0 b>. . «do..„d .uk«k»d u ! ■» >b- -ee. oe...
ter naming her m the "Itooghier of I tha totter wbraever It approaebe* Iu Ibk ever, bod, .bop. be thookb, b.d .be ee.too ot . om.l. ot mrm., ikki,
Hiwleal Fiah l a Caytaa Lte*.
little hill at water.—Bxteange.
.insulted hlm-^a that point be ted a -ere can-rl-g wo-m. to tte young And
Ceykm. An* die'
the Raiment'
iwell esubusted ropuUlloa. So one, robin’to .he encio.ere, Thw would In ber
■While tbe Rougb RWer* were la:
IStlDCtM of be
«e to^toinx to tellIV he brought In a bill for tbe pre- , fly a-sy. only to return a few momenU
And . h. n U-gwn boor., tog
camp at Tampa Mlu Jobarion rekkT.'
ave aomeuung
L^olloa of cruelty to snimala Some later wllh worm*, which they dropped
h«el»eelred a telegram akklng be w come
luaiUU'il by tbe-.' a
IL, I wnoU whlifwc It low-one «■»' » cock-crow; Martin stepped . through the .enwn Into the upturtted
^ber beard the noise.
,to that place aad be tbe guest of tbe
iMglmeat. it wm latpOssIble te ber to
I can b>- produeed by a series of Aeolian
.. . comttoi to the, ! harps Crossing tbe lake U a boat
do so at tbat time, but she wtmt to Ton are IhlDktog Of leaving the home-commons and said be would be-thl. cbarluble (eedtog ubUI the robin
very much obliged for tbe name of the was liberated, and even then they i
climbed the stair.
WMhiuroB te.attand tbe toaagan; one can platoly dlKIncnlsh the pKUBoys, deot be Is a huny to go!
(ksi. aad callod upon Presldekt Roeao- The (arm to tte safest and surest.
{am sounds. If an oar to dipped lo tte
blm. The gentleman didn't give hU guardian* -Exchange
^be dW spank ber mo ! water tbe mtoody becomes looder ate
»elt at the Whlu Hoosa. When abe
Tbe ecebards are tedding today.
name, nte Martin, after walling a mto---------------------i
greeted bla she rolled blm ‘CoL Toa are free as tte air of tte mo
I more dtotlnet.—Tti-Btu.
back i.. Ms seat amid the
* Taatecri. Sufpne*.
---------------------RooseTeih~ and when abe atlemptad
Ohjret Lesson an Bird*
teeets of the honsejMTommoiu. and
An East Side ktteergariner was
Oretemat hureria*.
to oorreet be aalatatloa by aartog
of an
Some pehool cblldrea were havM
'‘Mr. PraaideBt’' be stopped her ate Better stay (to tte toim a while ktoger. eS JAVtC^EStoTand became,the about to give ber cImm a lesson, with • Kate. Bessie. UJy ate Fannie
Aatkar of-AiMitoa.’
an object lessoB os birds, ate the
said he Ukad to be Vailed -OolooM.’
la tbe world for (be proven- "Tbee Kliien'' M tbe tnbjeci. rays L
Tteogti .'profiU ateold e r rather first tow
teseter esBed attentloa to tte *m*B
.» v-^k, - aatmato—Londoo She began by saying: "Our lesKm
_ .
for It look him back to bappy days. 4l {
' morning will te about the kitten. Now, ‘ Orandmnto cook went home to visit ktoll of the blue berea. aaytog: This
Ram«Mber yoa*ve sotting
; enn nny llule Oar or girl uU me wWeb |
^ek brother It wm gratemn's 'bird hM DO toll to speak dt." NaM
1 grows CB lb* kltian. (ir or feBthera?"! birthday, and sb* wm ainy yeara old. day the class was^told to wriu oa «■
-OoL‘ Rooaerelt to atlete tte reanlM i.Daa*t he Is a hnny to go.
tpsfrsw hamsrttsa*.
’ A dead sUaace fonowod (or a mto-. Kale. Bessie. Uly ate rasnle whntte •ay oa the blifi. ate <ma Bola gM
-Ate (here's a oM yonagater et ex- of tte lUnigb Rlden at San Ahtoota.
bar mmr thns;
Tte sparrow hM Bevar bean noted me. wbea'oa* HUIe bey said to a Ited .to gir* her a snrpriM. Bo they west
—Osuoll Fra* Prsa*.
(or tot cDDd woriu ate hind deeds, vole*; -C-ooto gradons! HatnY yon down to tte bri«tt UuBeS ate Itogsi
hM a tan. tel H »tot BK lip
Aa Aaalewt ML ' '
hot tte (DDowtog Hole Mory throws a nerer neon a kltuar
u mnke tte dtoner. KnU ud Uty talkad nhwff.^
Mto* Mehluhta Hodnn on Hatch n lb. Oaa t. ABfcO.. in -




StoriM Fftm Michigan HMory
For Mkhigan Boys and Girb

•adk Dear Neighbor^ Cbata.


•nw^Badi Door tMgtabor dropped to


tbe other rnomlag (or the UtUe rtoli
that alwayi eeu tbe day to raantog
rtl^t. She
Bbe eould ealy ttay
momeot. at her currant Jelly wnn t


m. 16.'

ready to pm up.
How JeUy hat always been a mye-

Ba»Hr pkn*« «< 9^ MAblua
Kup •tudy *Up ti> tt» «u»
Teodi to tbo Un-tTf to tbo rifhtSlac vHb tU aovl tlM’ tto
Hw< to be food wboi tbo ertsdY Is
' ibeeut:
. HorttobowBboBlbeboMtli
■WboB -tb«T tbAl trooM* joo ore IdoeoMd.*'
VIhtB TOO look for • ntfle ud ue
D trowD.
>KaH> iwoet ud keep aMna'."

I. tbu

vbiU -BO I

tery to the Yooag Hoaaekeeper. to be
n In. (enr and trembUng a

OpOD tbe door, let to tbe an:
He hath a tBlIe for erery ooe:
He hath made
tbe latodropt gold
He may Uaage cor tean todlademaOpea tbe door!
Opeatbedooroftheaoul; lettog. pure thoo^ta whWi will ba
lab ato:
They will grow aad bk>oa,wltb
grace dMoe.
Aod their froltbhall be tweeter tbaa
that e( tbe Tine—
Opea Uie door!

nCeap aveet^MI keep ioo*tB*.—Bobait J. Bwdeite.

a laoptUo-aUhayaay:
• itae aMgfato' to tbe wtoter •

tlme• .Manroaeatetbebtay.
^«la tow

aa', light fm

ods could possibly be employed that
did not aeceasliate hours of meatol
“Why. bless yon. ebUd!" exelslmed
the Good Neighbor, wbo U otherwise
ss tbe Friend In Need. Tbete-t
BOCblng roster In ibc world i
tog curraw Jelly; The berries rtould
be over-rtpe. sad a* nroriy (resb
picked ns possible. I ssab them na-I
When they siv thoroughly broied.
math them with s wooden masher '
bresk illAhe curranix. sad turn them
totoa bag aod hnng them.over n dbb
I drip nil nlitbt.
• After tbe brenkfast work Ik out of
the way I measure the Juice by
fuls back iBlp tbe kettlit betog very
careful not to sqaeete the W, as Juice
extracted in that way maket cloudy

lato a tin I put ns, many bowU

The pork must be young mrot. with
nod giro It a thorough tilrrtag After thin rind nnd perfccUy volld. fa* mrot.
that It mast oat be stirred agnia '
Cut It In Ibio sjfce*. snd turn boiling
sciim should be carefully remo'
Newer use a tin spoon or dirt to handling the friilt.

minutes of

while iU tlmpllcliy lx tomething

Try s little

naket It teem alnoet “loo good i

OD a saucer, and when U -seis- nil the

picked bei

Inmbleri sod the Job Is done.

Ibe proporttoct are poniid for poued
of BSgar and borrlea

A qunrt box of

It- leM of years.
Fried Salt Porte.

comes to a boll I turn in the hot

ptbaerve to a nnrvelolu mannej

ly* dip to sifted Sour anti lay in n hi
tpjder which has been grros.-d with
ItUe butter.
Fry crisp, turn tr

ry tbe other side, take up ou s h<
The platter, roretuny draining nlT a

sistency of chewing wax, myself.
Put berrlet
-Try my • ptoa, child, and you’ll
and ngar in a dirt and mart with a
never bsve to worry over Jelly making
wooden potato mnaher unUl even- lit­
again and tire youtwelf all out In the
tle BccUmi of the berries U broken.
Pot IbeuBooekad pulp. Jnit at U It, In­
"Why don’t I tell other folks how to
to cant, screw the .rovers on UgbUy
make It! Bless your besri. everybody
and’ net In a window where ibe suo
makes it Chat way."
dan shine oa IL in tweniy-toor boors
the Voting Housekeeper U
It win be ready tb pot to the cellar
irelatloB. and she passes il
without fnrtbw haodllng. Most rec­
eloBR (or the aake of her slsu-r houseipes for uncooked Jami nay that they
keepers wbo. like hersdf. sro having
most be beatea rlgoroosly for an hour
their flril experience this year In Jelly
and a half. The whole secret llet In
breaktog np ewry berry perfectly,



Wbea yoo can wear tbe toee!*"

to diffem-m I
the early autnm
•.Mt prevalent.
That Bred. voTO-oot (rellng In nine
eases out of W
evodiuon of the

tbi-ne to a

gaHon i>f

to be added from time to ;ini-Oried Apple
Wash Hie apples carefully and let

Add a plot and a half of mllk.'stlr
nicely baked

Throe Mew Drlnka
For those who cntertsla t good deal,

them stak in plenty <rf water over
Si-rvm] with night. In tbo morning Wow them imlll
or boiled
tender nml nearly cooked dry. Chop
;lii-jn Oni- and add a few raisins, with
.Innamon. nutmtig vr alln>ic<’. The)

tatoes. taken frtim the oven when »v

Sw-t-t-ien to lasle. add a lUGo sail, and

evoked, or with n hard spot still in the
croter, do not know what a baki-d po

Imko U’lwoen two crusts.




or too large and sH a* nearly the same

fipruod with any kind of fruit
»pii> n.5 In lie i

ai|i » llitie

siudes. msple-rrle
liiv. biieklelM-rrie. or Ui'W.-d utsei li.-r-

means of It they can offer ihi-ir Riiesl.-t
and cool; illl ilii'y-t-an I-- lartij i>(something new In the relrc-shmetii
rbv arc dellekios. and |Wi-ai-rvt* arc
llh a fork. Tlien put Into Ibe hot
line, the following rdclpcs are given;
m and flnlsh baking. Thi-vc- will la- t-qually r<»>d in lh<- winter. Roll 11 In
TuUI Frulil Cup—Place In n large
a lung roll and toy It tn a i>aii. Steam’
roly and delicious
aary that evoy carraat aad mixing bowl a cupful of stoned cher­
until done 8urv<’ with the fulhiwevery yaspberry edi be broken, .or tbe ries, cut In bslves. one rtrodded ptofr
' Gravy Short Cake.
Jam wUt not keep. Tbe leanH jar
Make ao or;linarr l«kln-; gowder
apple, n pint of crushed strawliorrics.
eeu eorted Jams to Savor and deli- and a small glass to bar le due Jelly, biscuit dough, ncji loo riel-. Roil tbtn

Mmmi fit erntH^a eplft

» same way. bot It la absolnlely

sprinkle liberally iMh powdered sug­ and bake In a rather quirk oven. Makedrawn butter gravy by Rtirrtog t
ar. add a dusting of grated nutmeg
wbiie aagar.

Put tbe iiapberrles to

gel her half a C'Ki of buil>-r and half
e grated yellow rtlid of
ange; plaoo the Ingrodirou direcllj cup ol floor. When bl.-ndv-d pul the
Into a i«n and set on-tbe Move, p-iu
for two or three hours
Ing to boiling water and stirring
chin and ripen. Boll together In

of flour

« water.
\il.l on.- cup to boU.^

c.ul- cup of sugar, a pluch of rojt.
ring eonsisnily as the Ingrodlenir

A.ld Hnnimpn. rl.ivus and nul-

Good adrlaa (or «ld aad yosBi aHke targe bowl, ernrt them
and a«
meg la tail.' and one uwaiMumful of
to given to tba toilowliig eUgldag ibam aside. To evprrthree pounds <
lemon exirarl. Tli'’ »'.-cn-l to a clear
takes Croin nn agebanga;
granite sancepan three cups of gratiu constantly while cooking, until It
sugar add oae'lratol cnpfol of wale
rouee Ikn In the Mlivlng.
Tha tori with a laifa
let it boll until nlmoat ready to tarn Isied sugar and a quart of water for thick oumigh. A^d-sali to taste. Split
. ally Bouib. aoaaad ayes and saltow bade Into sugar,
10 mlnotes; remove from the ffre and Ibe short cake and spread '
Allow a laM\-i«on(ul to eoff«- for
ikin aaeera at tba worM oU maxlin, berrtes. and boil together (or ten mtn- when cold stir in ball a pint of lime between aod on top. This is a ffo>- suplach i>erson. Ii staiflM Ih- gmiirnl raib
”Baauty romaa from vAtbla.” To tbe
|wr dish when served with eoW m<
Tbls Jate Is perfect' to color. Juice and one peeled cucumber cut I
er roar»'ly. Mix with It pan “( an
to paaslag (air. no
and baked or crisp fried potatoes.
ffiTor and flrmness.—Farm
Fire- tS dice. When nemdy to serve dress
•-eg and a lii'l.- cnUl water and rilr i..and BO toM. tbto trite aayingTs a
Biscuit Toast
block of crystal Ice In a large .china
getli.-r tb.;r..nslily. Aild a. murb cold
tort. To tba painfully ngly H »<*<*■
Cut cold biscuit In slirt-s and t<ui
Baspberry Creams—Take raspberry puBcb bowl with clusters of large cber
water as will Im- nivetrar) lor
like tbe saeoad eeuita ol
ries and sprigs oNruseinry: blenu Have ready on the wove a tin wi
lire amount of coff.-e n.-rcled.
aboatd aot eaem ao foUt to not so. Jelly, quite ttlS. cut la small aquarro. tbe two mixtures quickly biii tbor- balling salted water to which a lit
and allow tbem to dry a llttte oa '
Tbm to BO beantUer so potsat aa
evitie to a Iriil ami bull JuM Ii
.onghly together, and pour slowly over butter has Ireen added. Wp toast
•able Blind, provldad It ba aoeempan- aurtoee. aad roll to tbe errom prepared the Ice..
^Uir-s. Take from ih.- Move.
Id oot quickly and serve very hot
Beat the whites of tlx
lad by (ba daily bath-.Tha tatter goes
! Iliile roM aai.-r t-i «-tiIe >r an
Hatlted Carrota.
Old C^tal Ginger Cup—Steep half
with one gUi of water aad mix
a few mlnui.-s bef-ire s.-r
wltboat saying.
Few people realte.- how deliciaur as '' stand
a pound of a'bHana lalsins and a cup­
Baaaty of faatoroa roonU BOthtag with a pint of Ictaig sogar. or fiae ful of currants In one quart of boiling ell as hrolthful rorrois are Clean |
wbaa tbo Boal tbak-« ^rrorod In i>-* roatecUaner's aagar. flavor with water (or half an hour, then strain and
vanilla, uutll It bpromro a Klff past,
tooa abowa towering «^s of icmi
wtaeb cold add ateaspoonfnl okaimund
which should be worked iborougbly.
and sbaUow petot of
extract, half a cupful of preserved gin­
Any of the dIBeraot Jrillro
yoa wouM lirtna-^ your featur
ger, the lulee of (our oraoges and two
used.—Woman’s Journal.
raiKK. If you toroid dlmtoe yo
lemons, two cupfuls ol powdered sug­
Novel Currant Recipes.
lUspberry Cream—Stem and mart
(Boa and put a new U^ln ytmr ey<
ar. three ubiespoonfuls of grated ct>Spicol Currant*—Tbe fvUowtng rc
a quart and n pint of raspberries; ndd
, BD HAFPT. Ton op? tba ffrtt
eoanut. and half a tros|wonfal ot
Ipe for Kpleed eurranu taken from il
poutatof: (ba aeeimd ^tbe wortd. LUc w them half a pound of angsr and tbe ground eJanaraon. Place In
Herald Century Cook Book has *t<«
to tba right u .kappinaat .aad w— J nice of one lemoo; stir until tbe
' box uDtU thoroughly chilled, and when
Bl ijf years abrt i-. a favorite Ini
Amoiu; ;b'- wum-n of li"- C'-iiery
is dissolved; eovw and stand aside on- wo tail to atUto that state U to
ready to serve pour In a qusn of Iced
bouxvbuld wber.- It ha* becni who Tiai.- ,h<>wu L'-ai xiuli y al.-ng
111 yen prepare tbe cream. Put a pint
t own toult. We expect aOttonune
ginger are. serving in tall t-rysial
; prof.—I.iau! :iu..
l’:--t. KlMr-ta-.
.datoh. ill brtlth and some tallnro. but of cream to a double boiler: add an­ gUssro. half flllod with shaved Ice.
pounds of currants, four ponnd« j Hlsi-m-..
oaly Htn to trouble and happiness like other hnlf pound of augnr and stir un­
Pooch—For eight quarts Ul
of sugar, one pint of rin.-gar, two ta-1
,,i aa,.
til the sugnr It dUtolved. Take tba
bbge wtll spring immortsl to the
Otoe lemons snd six. oranges, slleing
mixture from tbe ffre and when cold
bleepoonfuls ot cinnamon, roe table i
,.p,rtitr.>iiar) d- narmen- ->l
that to open to receive It.
largp mixing
' OftM we mUtnke tbe rasrkt of ea] add another pint bf cream. Freese un- pouring over them a quart of weak spoonful to cloves, one ubieapoonfol i Valparnl«> cullc-v- In In-iui e. t' I'thick bntter.
to black pepper. Put the spices In a[________________________ j___________________
tare and sertng cootempt la tbe travel,
when quite coldrilraln and
Mash the currants and put them
arts (ace. tosi that oaly wban we are Remove tbe Ild carefully and stir In two cupfuls of sugar, tbrro tablespoonreadjust tbe lid and
boll. After cooking a few mic-i
ul of simple pleatui
fulB ot red currant Julc-. large cupful
.train out the currabu Ihrougfa a |
wfU we be truly cultured. Caltore U crank and turn slowly until the mU- of honey, t qunrt of mli ed (niii (ber­



becomes herd and dry.

both the good and evU and ertUdset
•tittb |iralso-as well as with reproof.
Tbe trnly eoltQiwd acorn nothing but
ton. Tbey nro odueated to see tow
- .(ba baarta of (Ungt and no bean it

dasher snd. repack.



may be used tost^ of the raspberrles. but to this ease the lemon Juice
U’omiued.—Women's JoacnaJ.

ries. eumots




apple) nnd a dash of phosphate V.’beo
rrody to serve stir to a quart of shared

Netro far Keusekeepera.

makYy^r life more than of

Five pounds of currant*, two pounds
Cf cIMbi.
■«u'^n.e.r four or-,

Add a pint of whipped errom and ooe
AO -emerganey hag" te in reality
ange*. one cup pecan or walnut i
tabtroponfnl of powdered sugar ud collecfloB of oompartmeota which t!
Take’ seeds out to falsins. efato*
toor to (aults, not eoalampt. Forgive inra Into Ae treexer. freezing until to mother to a young family w-lll^ do w«
anghtt. don't Inatone a wound aad tha ronstetency to mart. Pour to a to k?ep where it can be goi>t readily, Also'take seeds out to orancus

tooatk aad thongh It ba proporttoned
aa ware Vaaaa' chtatomi Una h

borytog to lee and


Cord to vatyibg thickness (s neatly

rolted op IB balls In anuther. and
salt nnlil Cloy pocket eontalns court ptasicr. as

Place tbe

well as tbe ibarp Ihtle rrondtbladed

not ba beaatltoL Iroigh and tbe world iaee paper doiUro. renlng oa
tongba with you. coa'ri bapplaws
plate. Adjust tbe rovers

aelsaww to cut It with. . A rolled bao-

rto win mark year face with tbe

'ready to aerw.

in roe all tbe soft. Sroro-oul
handke-rebtefs should be tucked,
olhcr may eontato sbrorbenl cottoo.


garalrt itoga or two to sterflteed gauze and
■lSe«, rte to ready for any to (be eats

each with a spray to Wm «w

aalagOm to ton bad pare minded- TbUsTbIIl

■pd brataro wbicb cobm toto tbe dally


Addrcaa t»r. Hartmaa, ITroMeDt to

■bat line she took u|nlu. eindy to lasr U roomy, pr onght to be. IL*Rn be
and was admitted to Ibe bar to Indiana easily lighted and to any daerro to
ras apiMiiiiK-d i<> the chair of ore dimness. Il te easy to decorate, Then
the flrM woman tu hold aucb a lli.-yu te iIhi houM- oo one rkb-. and the
(■Oiliun in a tew seJusU. and Hu- »ec; lawn <m ll.e Wbur for tbu vt.rfldw.
soman to be admlUed tv tbo bar The party that aaaemblaa can Itave ■
JoUy good tlno andPtberii lanT A Ug
In that ilalc.
^n after this rte married Pro- mow to dean np (to bcxx day and no
fegior Bntler. dirrenor to ibc roeal de- broken Idols to tnrora (or. - Tba porch
parimenl «t the Syraeuio rolveraity. party Is bccwiarlly tmiro or Jess toa while she ocru|iled a pulpit at fiwmal and on (bit arroiiai more te
Valpaiateo and laier resigned that po­ keeplDg with tbe toaton. U you wbo
haven’t gone away for tbe (Bnmtr
sition to become a-itublic reader.
have never (rind a porch parly row In
She as sturlled under the most noted
the ncerpted time to (oat Ua puBBlUIiilee (or k Jolly evening (or yrornaU
for ulbera who like yon are ta»
personal aptx-aranre, tm-lki^ volee and
too^ la town. The auat linpcwiani
fH’rivrt g.-Miii<.ut. raplivstu and bold
»[M-llbuunJ her audl.-nc-x.

d a congenial rrowd.”


Try a Porch Party.

wii .-liiorial gH.-e the following ex-eii-'iii


for. (be

-n.te i* tbe d«n neairnt
Th- r- Ir mkbing rolog ot

To •harpro thasra.'
Iv-n (be abrora or arlsam won't

The Crxiid Kaplds IIi-raM In a TC-

try rtarpealBg^tbem on the sock ..
hv-avy bottle. Take Ibe bottle to


In society, on.- hand and ihi- rtroni In the otb.-r.
Oivv the sbrors wide and Ihruat the.

niiinai w.-.ldlng mey break hr monvi- biMili. urck ax far bar^ bAween Aba '
■>ny. fur
ih -' blade* a* poasiUe. then ' abnl tba .
f.,r iLi-n- te no
nri rule
rub- ranflnlng
giv'lDc In m*"-lag.-In
'lag.- In any scB-’um-Tb.'; •‘b.-ani rapidly, allowtog tba boUJt;'
W rer.-i.iion* bot .-mphaalss--<be iire jn-vk to mip alveg the'btadat to th«-.vailing dullness. Tb- ;,irnlcK ar.- i n-1 point aod odL Bvprot trastaenl ten'. but wlTl liardly otru- und-r a>r Sfii-n lin.-s.

1iux.Utig ..T MK-inl (unuion-


It Is not ctalmed Ibat

this te tbu h>-*t sbarpenro on the mar-

r.-H—n f.w ib«- sunmi'T qui* t I- Mu *1',- k»-l, but II Is Ibi- cbropltel aad te v.-ry
.i-.'i)c- nf so many fniuili.--- u- i- r>- : much btoier than ouou.—CissJ Jlousu. .
I son- or un pluasun- irlp-r

.tn-J then kur-per.

I.iitnm.r w.wtb.r te ii-.i r-.r.-i-uto
-ocial galuiy. Bni tl . ru i. i... ruasroj

' wny ibe suramur rbuuM not bavu It,
lito ruat must to uffmvd by robbtoc
I tbe *ootj wHb lunii.ii I'nc- ami aalL
-dclal jil.-asur*-!., [
k. After liotb tr<-elm<-n’i-. itac gooda »BSt
u-y.-d lawn I-IU. TI-r. I, I a. grrot to bong In Iht-f-m,
is,-,lbllll)t-s. If w- W..,; -I roiy iry U ;

It te p.issibld i-i r.-tnove tolMew rot-

In other fln-r torth pa.nlu* at . Irfanorlly liy dipping iht- garmtot in- -

Dlls suaaoo ar.' quit- ;b- y’.inc. Tbc.v ; Jurt^ iniu a pall uf iteler, Co wbicb
tabl.-ri««. «f cblortda to I
laku Ibe piac.
C •-arliy and

havu l,..-n aM-.l . Ofira.tbo pkcI.
must bu dll.;.. : - vural UlBea. Il il...
mlld.-w v,.,.., aru nibbod a litUc. Il
win farlliiai.' tb.-lr n tnUTflT.

tsreniy mitiuies and pour oter tbe

oalne to the wortd progreta.

pane R: tor thane quallUee of mind haM plot to stralaeri raspberry Jam
' ara all reffectod to the
and freete very bard. Haye raadji
arotb that drtvaa away the dimples frbite cTx^ paper roses: fl|1 ibeae^
toad amliro to reptaee them with ron with (be momme ami pacA to rows to a
tamptnoaneas and disdain It an ugly Ua lard pall with a sraienigbi cover,

Be. Bortog axanyyaara>
assay yaare’

or In wbtoa. a atogta

srn A

sugar and spin s; let ibem boil fffteu-n '


tmove from Ihe flrw and eool-


coland.T. Add to the juice tbe vinegar. i

pint of Harascbloo cherries
Currant Cons.-rr.-—Something a lit
snacient Iced water to make the detie newer and equally delicious l> cur'
sired quanUiy. Serve In a large'crysboiled custard by scalding a pint of tal punch bowl.'deeorwting the edge rant conserve. Here I* a ivrlpc given
by' a Grand Travers.houif-kcuper.,
Not only to tbe rare things of life
whose family dcclar.- ihc> wogid like
bat la the dally erents remember tolt
il three time* a day the y.-ar ’ruund.
a( enltaro and bapptoetst that only
stir until It am* tjie spoon,

' tore aad geaawilty to thought,
sgnt will

Mrwfia teas tees Bse4 to tor
the very bet rttOU «■* i
turemedr So


Make a rirli blseuH crust and roll it

medium steed potatoes not l.« small
IS poesihb-.


A reward tomaaa has bssB doportUd
to the Market Kxrtange BaBk, Coinra*
bos,Ohio, B« agwarantea that tba aboTS
teatlmontate are ganntoas (hat wa boM

Rely Poly Pudding.

lato can he. if perferlly cooked. Takf

l■J>Ih «-n<lr. dro|, in boillr.g salt- d i



■ IB Mta
Hoo.Tboe. J. UeDderiKm, Member to
Congress from lUlnole, andjaeoteoanl
ja the Cnlro Army for eight years,
writes from the U-roon bolldtog, WartJtigtoB, D.C.,Mlalluwe:


make* a delicious dish.
*Saked Potatoes.
Those who bsve i-aion tbe sofaty '

and do not object to a little Work Jf by

pooeroao.”—Orort. ffpffBes.

ready to use. For sour plekh-s us.- only [
■ vinegar and sab., Thu pleki.-v can ;

ipoonlul of flour and mis AhorougU.
let It orok

Mr,nro.A.Hogbe..(CKMe-.Avc,lndlanap<.IU. iBd.writros


alih h sbaold not lie (oo, sharp |
Ibiur Hmj cold mixture over iboj
In a mooth t.liey will ie-|

Stir tn a heaping le-

time, aad tbe ^all amonni It easily
ed. CurraaU can be preeenrpd

• ItY toat wttb yoo to pan tbo tbom. •

“PMU-na Is the Medicine for
the Poor Man.”-”-

salt, and ooe of grnind muktnr-1. j

cooking the pork, 1-pvlng about foiir

It Is ^ trouble to pot up a quart

du to '

\Va.=h Ihem and wl|e- ibem dry

be kept In. Mix logeih'-r oO*‘
tog learup of sunar, a Kvel u-ar.ip|

The Qia^r Catarrh Host
is a
Run Dowa, Worn Out
Condition Known as '
Systemic Catarrh.

kepi In an <HH-n Jar'lndefinllelr. and !
Milk Gravy.
Turnout part of the sn.-sje'lert after as Hiu iiivrt-dleiils arc cold, riietimln rs |

berrlee weight a pound.

aaaber to a few minniea. Too i
berrlee rtotrid not be handled at c


I*ick small cuci

with a rkiih and Dll ibpeanK Hie

water over them. Take nut Immetliate-

Jelly will be clear and Jast stiff
eoough. 1 don I like JeUy of the ron-

wbirt can JU|A aarreU be dmie with a

Many Wer With CitirTh
and Don't Know IL

thirifig the ceroing v tka a a^cs of national roclpes wIK be ffivrt In
d by Grand Traverro hetwekaeptrs. These rodpas. covering a wide range of dainties, ara all given as eriglnsUy
varlaua eeuntriro from wtiteh they were brought by the rontrltoriora.
their relatives and frlsndt to the coofrtrtei Mnwd. arid thOM wbo try' the^
may be asaurmi that they ara tha rsal thing.
Il sad bollibv
Tbosc wbo ibtok with pity of-tbe
early ploneerv, set down to the mltUt der In salted water. When dune chop
of the wilde-aesi. miles from a rail­ them One. Heal some butter
road. and without the many luxuries spider, add th«- carrots, with tw'PPt-r
which surround even dtetast (arms to­ and salt lu taste. JuM before taking
day. are simply wasting iheir sym­ up. add a spoonful of cream
pathy. A good cook U never ml a loss mNk.
prepare a palatable meal ev«i wit^.
Croamod Turttijja
to prep
9 at Unit elgfal to be unpromAs a varlotiun frutn the nsual roothterinU. to the carty days od of mashing iurnl|s-. cat them la lit­
Grand ’Traverse bousekeepi’rs vied tle cubi-* and roi«k iln-nv until tender.
by bubbling
with each other In the preparation of
delicious dishes, and from such simple gether flour and a g.-nerous propormaterial as lay st tbeir~bsn<l preparvd
of buin-r. Add milk, stirring '
dlonera which those wbo ale them de­ cvnatantly t» k»-p li^fXun Inmplag.
clared wer.’ Bl to grace Ihc Ubie of a and cook until iMck aad velvety. Just
king Below Is given a typical pioneer before serviog. i-ilr in tbu turnips.
bill of fare. Tb- msiertals are c4 the Parapins are i-qually gaud served
commonest: the sn rot of their looth- rbU way,
someoets lies In the dainty methods
Cuqi^er Picklea.
of cooking them and the rore taken In
This recipe. *hlrb l» *o Mnrple ti
their prt-paroiion.
lauy win favsjia^ n> use'll, has su

taf sugar nt lliere are of Juke, and
It In tbe oven to beat. Whoa the Jelly



DUU Koad an'roBBd ahogoaa: '

voice sbe venicied to ssk wbat

cooking should fiultb it.


. Aktad baad Oaached aakca aa ugly
iONa tbe aanaa an teaae aad .tbe
alad UTOud.
Tbe Mark Uaa doae to tbe i

Vbtapar a hope to tbe abel perptand- '
t^toa tbe f«r vlth a aaiae i

In ber

lanto of frotWy

redpee It laid by all wbo have Utied

te bane of ber azltteoee.
With admlratloe aad awe

dump them In n'big porrelsln kettle.

Open the door of tbe heart; let to
Hwd to be tweet whea tbe tbron* It Sympathy tweet for rtraager and Irtn
It wfB make the ba«t of tbe heart ao
Joe6# and tboaMert
That aagelt may e
to fire aad to take ofei«e
^ Wbn the towfa I* i«o*h aod tbe
ndM ie loU.
•Soap to tb* ri^r te tbe cHrY
Home ebeer ia tedeUed to Un. J.
. *DlTfde the road" oa lb« bnad hlch_. Ramidcll for a novel redpe (or
' way;
TbereY ooa way liiht .heB erery- uktog ratpberty Jam. Mr*. Baaitdell-a canned frnlta. ieUle* and Jams
have a repatattoo that eztendB tar be­
' *«aay aad fair goM far'la a day.'
yond the'^ldnea of tbe Graed Trav, Joat
bne reglon.'niid thto addition t.
•«aap awert aod ke^ DOTia'."
Tbo qniok tamU aatwe™ tbd
. ^ word—
Tbe UletlBO ckBBM tor a ■'bdp" It
t%» anddioat pool u a to«tai»

appreacbed with mystic riles aad mag: charms. -Jdly that wont Jelr U

tat^ttd b toll Timisi Hnstlnfeis

cbto> flue, peel aad all Jam the cur-]
rants and cook slowly ax fur Jam.
Currant Caixop^Ten paundt of cur':
rams tnaxbevi and stralni-d Ifarougb a!
.cloth. Add one quart vinegar, five;
pounds to granuUtad sugar, three ta-.
pi^rtne* Migglrva^utler.
blospoonx to cinnamon, two to alteplcc. -j-^j,cr Lawy. r ITeacluT, Reader.
and one erob ol clove* and sail, and
ooc-haU iraspoOB to red pepper. Boll
U slowly one hour aad pot op to xmall j she began luactlng . krutlon. Afi. r
{two years to tcacUng and ctadytog'to

Tom Cmm Cct ShtisfActioB mt Gri&Mll Btm.’ Mask 1
BecamM Tk«7 mrg Exchuirt Aibmtb Ut
Su-iiivi.'iy I'iaiioB
Soiiini r'l’ia;i"s
(irimb il Bnis.', i’iunoq
Krakbiicf IJros ' f'iuooa
;i-.rtoti PianoB
-lb.-v)tn riaaoi
C'ruwii I’iaftog
. W.-CTO..B l>ianoa
I Smiiii A: Banii-n Pinnae
S-lnu(Tc-r Pianoa
WilUnr.1 Piarwe

Silv.-r ('Itiinro (JrKang
Clii.-nuo Cottage Ofi^teU

SeU Pbvilf Fliitt
.\.v.liaa Webber
_ -I'iunob

JiUdu UeliMs

Bwii iBstnuiwts
.1. W. York anil Son



Papes T to 12


Elftit Hart la iu««»ay.
A rw»aw«r at a tmm draatag a-eor*
! cl«ht peopl®
oeenrTed oa WelltMton streai Sandar afienwoB at * «ctoe± which reraltcd in the taJatT «t J**e*
mat wire and Ullao InKnr. The rent
of the party were palnfutly bruited
and cut
A party acmttetlnp W Mr and
Jaaet Moody. WtlUam InJo* and’wife.
. Hta. Moody-i paiwau. Mr. and Miw.
Prank Tendw, formerly of tbit city
tnit whoM hotne It now In Independcaec. lA., wte are rltitlng their daughtsr; MtaaLon Bchycr and Edwin Dohm,
a aepbow of Mr. Moody,
three-tnated corored wagon and were
neeentianled by Mr. and 'Mrt. M.
Woe and Mawry Moody and wife la a
' twD««ated rig. .
The ^y atarted from the bone ,
‘ WmidS Moody. diO Wdllafton ftreet,
for an aftemoon't drteo on the peala.
aala. The throe eeated wagon .wat
•bMd. drirea hy Jaowt Moody, and wt
'the team wai a autet one no trouble
waa antidpatod.
WathtafUm atrort the bull whk*
. tetta the aw wUffletree to the ereiier
twt*e or drowed oat and the whlBetree dn^pad on Oao botae-t hoelt
MchlenlBS him and alao the other
bone. They lUrtod at a laad pace
down the iftreet and when near the
iley which pataet between State ^
TTMUnitfla atieot the inague dropped
to the ground, throwing the wagon
'• the left. With a alcltealng crath U
atraek an eok tree; the bortea broke
}oMe and the carriage wga rolled
/■detely orer on the top end all of the
|->^lmiiuits tare Mta. Yeadcr. who bad
Id from the Sylng rig. w««
I; pitted andemeatb. People came from
• cn dlreeUoat and wllUag handt rolled
B'.ttba wrecked waeoe from the Injured
“S'- pee^a Thla ditcloted to vlow n aickI aBlng tl^L Mr. Moody lay nnder a
I^Mat and aeretal peoide wrlthbis
na pain .while WUUam Inlow lay to one
PwteapparcAtlydead. Mn. Moody wai
^.Weeding prefatrty from a oat on her
B-Ma»d the people near her were beB
Irt, biooa,
doctored the dty ambulanoe
pa .iwmw 1000 on the Mbaa Mr. Moody
gf' M Uken to the borne of hli father la
■^ 'tbe atabnlanco. Mr. lalow walked
'■ with the amlitanne at tbe phyeldana,
be>oet trf the pariy idlowed.
. -while the;

11 breeiy.reiort in a «al« way. Dr. Aaa.! todate^^ complete easalBg teetoriw
'A. L. Reed of Ciaclnaatt. the emlcal^in the'^uate. Eyerrlhlqg is modern
. surgron and cx preatdem of the Amer- aad tbe cnpari'tRAs nmlttaenF»Si ■
lean Modlcan assocJalloo. and A. LooU; over last year. The f*cta9^i«aK
EnUT can 1» made for ninety days Lehmann of New Orleaai. bis patient. next^Moaday morning. Aug. Tlh. and
after Ang. :s by pelSma droning who has been under s! roroiit surgical ^ will be prepared to handle a larger
from the rig gate him t«»ed to hare! U expected that a large number of .be erralkm. H la
iMwratina. the fifth Ofn’rotion made ‘ quantity of farm products than ever
a^Wyl^^ccL Ill»righlanklcwas iiie«*anw will arrange
annngc attroctlveleran
autwrilve «nn may
mar prore
nror up his eUim In lo-jr- clalB*.
before. The plant will start np oa ,

iths.wtth only an eight months
Begisirailon fro <11 you wish a nect-srary by ibe’serioai. coodlUoa
ilro W?i.ntl»ed. Mrs. Moody w« j »o«s of all kind, which *111 matcrUlly | o
Mr- l-ehmaan. .

1 beans, and the oompaay Is prepared
the parade. The vartoui auto-! n-sldepee iLereon. bo baring sir Iclaiml. *IC.
Dr. Reed was appolAted by Presl-' le receive all that (be farmara wDI
I Oondttlhtts
for . tltlc^Fourteeo
p„„o,u,epa™o... „ „
-------- _ >onths ‘residence.- pcrmttent 1«- dent Roosevelt ihU spring to ‘invest I ' l.ring In from now oa. The bepa crop
wiU he giTcn
her left forearm inflicting a
U be a Urge;
be made by lottery «td that the, proveoeats and payment of fee and gate the sanitary coadltlon of tbe: is cxrepihinally flee this yeer. and tbe
Panama district, wbicb wax done by a | IndlcailcBs are that It at lesal
whUir required sir sUtrhe* to dote. Anyway there
reprosentallro of the • oersoo haring the power of allorney ;
an afrr.
month's stay, the physician returning ] Jo per cent brevier than tart year.
Mr. Into*- eridenUy slrock on hia.tacc of marchlog
from veteront may i-ntroUe names ttf I ‘"’*’*“"“‘*”''^'7-,,,^,
„ bli noao was badly broken and rari- laboring strength of tie dty and
March 1. While the yellow fever sllu-j .-^e com rrop Ibta year approilas-many as hare empowered him toj Cost 1°
*“*•” ition is grave pr. Reed ^icd to the | mates from (W to T5 per e«it of the
ous minor bruises and cut* corered his J rounding towns,
jig to tin per acre.
faae and head. Mr. Yender' *aa( But
But'the parade mill not IK-the only! do sa
water rights on Rrourd ihsi the sanilary -department i crop, and the company will be precommlltros aro.l Theirroorratlon B the allotment of
dra«ed orer the ground on the rightlfcatore. The vart.
Odou.'l Courgas. Major La! pared m handle *11 that they a
may bo lakro up by scllkre
Fnillx will not be bravy. Wt tke
side of bis face Kwaplng
lafWT.rlsImr are selroted. Some ^rr Garde and Captain Lysier
•mlKtrs of Campany M. Spanish
and otherwise bruising him. The re«
flrirnf and with the full power which eompany Is cH-sln>ui of securing all the
rights are open to entry.
d the party were more or less bat­ olUaclirr prize* wUJ^ be given- These , ^^(.^ean war reterans, are figuring
Federal govemmeot fixes ratj*1fc br ba* been theirs through govrtameBt peacbea aad apples pnssthle.
taking part It eomparallrely rich rkarged by water canal nompanlen.
Manager Harold Kan-laad atatos
tered end lirnUcd but none sustnlned gltt-D id a auilable plaee and
pruiecUon the allusion will bo thor­
so arraaged that all will hare an equal land- The following dispUch to the
serious injortes.
overcome. Mr. that he expeeU a very heavy sesMa’a
Number of homesioaibi. ItW acres oughly gqtoped
RcssI stated. |I>0. that tbo people arc run la the ascregate. He expaeta to
The rig wei demolisbed. The spokes show. Speeehes will also be In order TohMlo (0.) Ncwb-B«» gives the de-;.
the factory acM Monday raorelag
were entirely, gone from one wheel. and ercellt-nt Riteakcrs will be secured. lalU:
About une-ihlrd of land to be
The variiiu* rnllroMs will glvc^pc"
tell lAke City. inah. July 2S-After opened for seltlemem l* cotisldercd of
Tbe whinetrcc spllnlorcd and the top
hop! ik the (■arkcruund so lhal It with from 76 lo lao emptoyees; after
rial mica and special trains and Tror- haring gl«en the.rte Indians about
Is as fairly opi'D to the public Bow a* the fireWerk be will require at kaat
broken beyond rejmlr. .
P«¥>r gra.Ie.for hotnesli^s.
scr.oeo acres (about half in comrann
He U p
As soon as the Injured men eooM
rruilK. vegfiable* and jtralns may b-' was the ronJllloo.s at Cub* under the
department, the same eommU.|^|^l^llnea and will rioobUea* be able
bo movtri they were taken to tbclr biggest crowds of Its blKtory. Vartons fr.r gnutng tbcHr henls an.l the r*-*! of grown with ease.
lirlDg qlosed np 'ao It to them in fererollyl. IToel.- Ram is
ile all the people that apply.
home at the Wynkoop FUls In a cartbic gllsoniii- IkmIs. claterllo de- slou being In ebarge at I’anama
that <wcr}-tlilng will be la rcndlD' I al«ul to (brow o|ien to the white rill'
Mr. Kneeiand has already arranged to
paslts tad other minerals are Itoown stationed at Cuba.
ren* of his land the great UlnUh
wlfc.aon and' rrorive largo qaantlllca of henna, mt^
Had the longue hung in the neck- for tbe big day Monday. Btqtl. 4
■ailoo. but ilie best
ervstion, lairing a forest leserrt
a sufflcleni qaaaUty oa hand .
yoke for a tew feet, farther the .Mo­
taand prartlcaliy all M these claims have
orres and a mlliUry preserva- been taken nji by the Raven and nor- wanla for lb.' first season, tbo party Saturday to start the lariorj to good
rtage would bare Mrock a pile d brick
/ May Take Up Clalnm.
shape on Monday.
innead of the tree and it is probable
About twenlAve members of the rioD of r:.s« acres.
mining comtmnlea w|tli the.eon- remaining until SepL 1.
Thl* great country. prneUcally
With Ita complete eqnlpmenL ibla
that the accident would resulted O. A-'R. and the Spanish-Atneriean
i-eoi of the government,
fartoo' Is able to tnra out a larger
War reterans m.-t la tlonnly Clerk k-BOwn eie^t to ihc Mormons, who
Mlnetni claim* eann.i Im- filed ttpon
Organ I* Accepted.
Robert E. Waller-B olDro last Friday are said to hare privately Inresllgaied for sixty days after .ihr. reservalHiii
Prof.W. K. Breckenrtdge of Obertln prodoet of canned goods than any tooIt to their satlsfartloo. Is.noi all araldo
In the northern part of the Knle,
gave. I.rf<ir.- the- organ eoinmlUro. a
opensLabor Day Celebration.
pnwro of allorney to 'rome suit- land, but two-thirds of it Is sal.l
Oo-i of raJIroad fare from Denver to wry pleasing recital on tbe new organ and probably as great ai any tactorr
At the mecUng of Iho Croiral lAbor
capable of great eiiUivatlon of
Intfae Congrcgallonal efaurrh Saturday In the slate.
Union last Monday it waw derided to able pcrMiD who 'will bo at the open- gnied. anil to be especially goo.1 fo[. Grand Jultrilun an.l rriurn. ftZS-O.
of the riah neicrratlqa nezl
pronounced the InstraTran;:|ior1allaii from Denver to Ver­ evening.
celebi^to lAbor day ibis year. Plans
4sy Not Held thaw. *
fruit farms. A great rash is expecu-J nal. Ctah. and return, »».«n.
mOnt In excclfhei order and ooagratoware partially made last year for such month.
It Is pratatole that there will be ao
Dr. H. B- Garner, when In l,bo west for It and there will doohlles* l>e
The aliMiidr of rv-*t-r»alion rn^os latod. the rommllro on their cboire of
a eeiebrntiftj In this dty but on acpouUry ahow held to Traveraa Oiy
tunes ma<U- by winners of |WOlal>ly tlir
eonot of Manlatec and other ellius
Organ eompany received payment thla year.
lU ter a big 1^0 <2»r and
A meeting of the maaoelatkm was to
facts in a liutahell:
lie on the east ride, tho higher landa Monday. The organ was at^d through be held to tbe oflee of the aUttta
day. these were'^mllod oB. This year. of the new o|i«itng and the special
Location—Sortbwnstern Utah.' uotho Orinnell Bros, agency. Professor
on the wort side, towanl Nevada.
boweror, the eelobmUon will be giren fiTOritlitm which all veierana roeelrc!
ToleidioBe company last Mceday nd
Vfmal. tho county oeat 6t I'inlab RreckcBridip- Is a pipe organist ct exsad 'wOl be the iargait and Ixwt erer throng the gorentmeat and Immedi­ Area to l«? opraod—IJiW.OOO acre*.
ibe appointed hour only tbrea maaa«»inty. has a population of
rcpllonal skill. He Is tbo organist
hold here. As the TrorerBO . City ately on hli return hero he Informed
bers had put la an appeanaee, aou
Price. i«er acre—tl *5.
Vcmti Is .t"<l miles west of Denver the First rongD'eail<VBl eboreb at
unions hare always been wll rep- Ifac members of the post and Hannah' Tenne—Payable In fire yeare..
nothing could Iw dene.
and ZOO miles ensi uf Salt Lake City. Obcriln and Is erkmected with the stuna^ted at other celebrations. It U ar- camp, who called a meefing last night.
totarest la the aaeoetotiOB has baea
ProrpocUrc value—fiO to Il.tsw an
Tbe meeting was, presided orer by
Finn Ofly choices will command hlg mer asaambly at Bay View. ]n
paetad that all the si
premiums from mining prospemor.. near future a recital win be given by gradually waning for a^ Ume nd and riltagae wUT tend largo delega- Judge Robert*, chairman; Robert £.
Subject to “loeauoo" XI rr Aug. 28. An alleged off<-r of $00,000 for first Arthur De Pugh. He «UI be aasUted the aalhaslasm of th* poaltry 'toaWalter being the secretary. While no
Uoat and help make the d*r a i
to this city waa plainly ibowa kT,
choice Is said to exist.
bjr local talent.
Inrltattons-wm ba acni to .the-------- accurate lofnnqatlon l» Just now availthe atteadance tost Moaday.
soldicra and
onions of the regions\and U Is expect­ able the land oOee of Utah ha* been eept In the ca
reached Utroosh messages tent IhU aatiors.
When Prlare LoaU of Battnbars
ed thst many qT ihesA wDI attend la
Old aotdler* and oJlors may reglilcr
afternoon and It la expected lhal
Tbo Traverse City Canning Com- vUlU tbo L^oited Statea la tbe toll hb
The Monday train on the O. R.
by^mail to the general land oflleo.
As Is always the rose m Labor day. defibllo amogenieBts can be majlc at
thl* r««r has ailded to lu equlp- will be gives a Biato dto' '
Others must reglMer in iKyson at Iirought two passenger* for Ne-ah-taIho rertare'aroond whtA the grostost
Til, and I* now ono of the most up-! Wblte'^looao by Ptt
Price. Provo or Cvmsl. I'lah. or Grand wanta who a ill spend a month at the
Interest centers Is the parade.
rarioui lv*l* ‘a «»o
wHI partlcl- According to the undcrataat thU. the Tlaitlng dclegaMoaa who U detliptaled with the j
.nrih.. ciirsDrcrameoi. not- aiiorocy may enter ihc aim-

S-. .

Drawing lx*lna


Commencilg Thursdaii, August 3rd, at 2:30 p. m.
the remaining stock of

To the highest bidefer regardiess 6f cost or value. Stock consists of

Dry Goods, Clothing, Ladies’ end Gents' Furnishing Goods, Furniture, Carpets,
Hardware, Tinware, Queensware and Fixtures
Everything will be sold piece by piece and continue day after day until the entire stock is sold.
' 2:30and '7:30p.m. Don’t forget the opening date

Two sales daily,


N, B.—The first ten ladies that enter the store after 2:30 p. m. Aug. 3rd will receive a beautiful present. Beau'
Uful presents^will also be given away every afternoon and evening.







____________ ^^^



:'5 I



Cnil Imcnc HtnH
MSMifi AMO meonB-«a

toMiix to -DM
OBir »»» 1W»« t» CWc«««> taiv. wbo
IB Uw ln»*«f bBBtoeai to CfctoBpJ
to 1»M.
IB tte toBowto* ivtr. Ur. HBiutoh
«B4 llr. LBf. cxtodBdBd K •«« W «»
tbdr intereto to own • M*«nl ptoat
vbtdk tlirr omM praean!' tbetr
llUBtar Boppllet. C»pt. BoanHaaB i
Naparrllto. in, H Utot ttato
nai« BBwirtl »l the btod
TrBTCrw Bar. TbU «• tocatod


rather arfn.«M ecne tRl ei
' bear or aa weTI play—
Toa «aa toll toe other felKtwa Boardtoaa'e tatO vaat m today."
O’er toe bay ostoe Capub BoardmaJ
Horaee aa* hte: iad hto brow.
Lately wbica with skheahv terra

Her* Is Relief for Weraen
TMs report tani
yr of each week. 1

— yok—,

OnMerete Went Fento.
Tbe eeaeUrp at toe daa
atete-eour^ «*a«toe to aaito per*
d Mat W. K.- r
Uat yav. voald be toe
Mt deslrsMe democratic oaPd"
dor pasatm Bot r«^. That amy »>«
me. bat toa peoalUr campai»a
tt hchBlf td W. N,rerrto toat joar
Mwot be iwpaeled la Mehlgaa nest
/Mr. U eaBBot be stated mbIb
PrM M. W«mo- to mmtrolled by a few
liMirlitoni —r-T----- ------ * polMdaas.
. ertoMhewooldteraaovlllodUBOVB
BBd weidd be eaUeet to rmroad duaa-

T»»e' Late Perry Hannah.

glOVt Wito iBfldrallOB BOW.

Tb bto dad be MU toe story. ahow«
toe binds of bands toal
ToW blB toal to ran tor
tooM bare basted ap toe gaiBe.
...I- Boardmaa taraed to HBBBSb
-It belong to yoa SBd Lay
And toe boy to riphl for sartBlnBtaidBBB'f mil wool mo today. "


Pack, a dog betangUig^ WBIIsb
Btockwell. ot Ptlttborg. hrart broken
because bto oaMer wouMet let blm
lollow bio to toon*, dellberstely eom-


aeremd marriage an English sul.Jc ct
the Boer
of toT'Engllsb army. Hef Is
to popolar Ifi C3£*dS“
ly friends and
LoadoD and has
relalirrs hero thai bis transfer of hto
aneglaacc from Uncle Bam to the Eng­
lish crown U wot likely to prejudice
lb My estcnl lasthe eytm of New
York society.

EXAHiMnn fm

^ .i OR. P. I wmFf, Prop. ORB. L PIUlSOMssistaf
• Citizens Phene No. 35*
Suite eiS-«<4 Wilhelm Block
Travere* City, totok.

2B HoOges BulidSig. Oetreit. Michigan.


vbat to BOW kBUSTB as Axylum Creek,
la toe West part ol toe town. Mr.
Boardmaa-s aoa bad charge ol toe
min. bat the old gniUcmaii was lud
well lattotled wlih tbe rrsuils. mad be
dflered the aaw-min plant and toad adlolalBg tor
lD*lbe fall of'lKSl, Mr. Hannab pul
n«.O0 in goM In hli pocket, boarded
Illtle icbooBcr and came to Grand
Tratese bay. Of coarse, al ihmi time,
this pari of MlchlBan was a (Irnne wlldrniess. Mr. Willlaoi Morsan. who
aflerwato boeaoc a womber ot toe
At DeBsnee. Ohio, niinusl .'ii- anipBra of Hannah. Lay t auapanS. ac- „4tAugustJ..P.^T^k...oc,s...,^
t Augus
eompanled Mr., Hannah on tola.'trip,
altbougb wllhniit any Inlcnllon al tbai round ■ lip.
time of )olnlng In the buamees. Horace
I cane also, to show up the
Seldicn at Ksikatta.
Aeeouni eocampBunt of Civil War
as of Nonhweslcrn Mkbigan ai
American Lnmlierman tells this sioo Kalkaska. Angi
Hvh to I'to. round
rery wen. In prooc and poetry, and we trip llrkcts will e sold al raic of one
cenls, Ticl
fan- !ilii» "£ p.....................
giro It in full as follows:

j. j. •TwwDDuje,:sK^^S^|i-s»Jir,«


PERE Marquette

isl 14th and I.Alb.
Lb. good


■ "“'iS'

Dl. W. A. rAlNSWOlTB
ChBn- l«n Bstil hi a B sad 7 to s ,4a

dUelB tOOUB.

Pr^Uc* sad

- toe-UP - ksnhs a
A choice line of tli'c gtaDdard grorks of the

M. O.

1^ Oivuw for tbr sUdwsbb
lortb.-s—1 SBd mwrthBUcB — «hr no

k..nB>—l<l B*UM

It’s Beginning
t0 Dawn
Cong Valiiis
6ood Shots
Short Profits
Cow Pricts

■ugAito !• toM4 pUmm,

AM n-Bato
Aag. a-Artt


BtragfdlBg to keep batt to_________
-Boardmaa's mlU wcat nJRta-'


. TM
A lacs^.artiele to the Amertau TliwmiB," Boardmaa-s'wUte Upa taitered. p^lag to tbe «w mUI tod.
r—- ■11 ef Ctakmge. brtag
tolml aa toteraattog toddcmi la toe -Toe can go and poll toe Eros oat. ywo
«aa have toe bolKn cold.
sarly hMory of-^varto Oly.
towyer to tteaaw talH. to s
to tte year 13». the late Pecry Nea-« worm toaa K
aab aad Albert Tracy Lay eaierad iato
Bg tac.„toat eawytt-^ we
paitAMtosto to qjaage to toe tomber
eartoly bet{i ta algb.
bDabmas. ta tota ooBBecUtm It ta to-

l’afa-n^th. r and Kid «>xf. mis


-cniLBitcirs snoa


H. B. HARKEK. Prop.


Gomell Aeries—remarkably good
The publisbers

price 75c. our»-at present

The WeUcsIey Giris

scriti and

Rugby Boy*'

t>cocs are two of the Tmest lines lof books'for young
folks published.

Good, clean, moral stories, and only,

per volume



0ity Book Store
CN B^bart CPoo Prapt.

travtru Otf, tOkk.

Mo Trace «f Oiaease


new Stilish
ap-to-Date Goods
eartf Buftrs 6tt the Choice

ThkiHi in exchange for KimhaUs. A FEW BARGAINS
in Virtor TUking Maciiitnd.
Coqiplcto atock of Bccordafor ml inarhiBce. EvtT^liin«
known in mntic. Bi?pBLrint;n


binding, and best of all,.clear print.


He with , band »o pank-kad trampi
for a three was highest toOrr;
He wRb Bd bowed bead aad tbonghl
ful. be with last toat


Hub. yr.'d H- Wslki». Js-lf «f


GnVil PnOlei




■ Ve« Uetec AUento Poet-Baa* ?

Traninie CHy Is OB^ of the most
Ikto, Ask I
r>^t s4
charming et wirtocrn Hlchlgsn lowas.
11. F. Hticl
•Her. C. !■. A.
T<L.tbe tombeeman It has blstortc toslw tttemr-OtahstraH MlM
tereat as tbe ccnier of tbe oaee groat
«.^.n «•oMicn in Camp « Ludington
lUcas of Perry Hanaab aad A.
Sunday. Aoeuet 13th.
y Hay. Prom Its story also rises
Bperla! irwIn will leave Traverse;
tbd dgurc of Capiain Boaidmaa. Il U
a m Bciind -----------tnterostlag to aote toat a iwlny hliy atr at fi:seooly
Sonday ‘
arid a game of -old sledge" were ladlup
IP Ibis
ibh yi-ar.
____Je for toe bcgjanlng of
II. F. MiH-lkT. G. r. A.
opetMloos of Hannah, Lay A Co.
at TTwrese Oliy.
rsion. Friday. Aug. lA 1»S.
la 1S<T Capl.
... shove cisto IVrc- ManiOeMe'
NaperrlBe. III.. |
agent* will sell osciirslou llrkeis. goo.i'
•d to rote Malaat Hr. W«n>er Uat
turn uDill Aiigusi-:Mh.
Moramber beewaae of toe weak abd laof 14.00 for the roundArlp frnui
•otopataBt todlrUaB] toe repablican
arard bee^ Vaows as the Boardmsa Traverse Qty slalkiu. Houu- to via
osartinitTi Was pletnred u be by tbe
Ludingion and y. S. T. Co. sii-amer Ui
rtrer aad forolshed mrons to build
Milwaukee and ' mum. Meals and
antwertara e( W. N. Pecria. 1%epeosaw mill tobte san.HonheBcardma
berth abuanl sienmor. are noi in
i ..pie ed Mlcliifaa DOW bellere Oorenwi
Tbe plaat was put Into operalkm Octo­ eduded tn ezrorslon lirket. Ask agonic
^ MBw to be • BtiBlgbtdOrward. kCB.
time of train and other tnformaber 1. IMT. In IMT Perry lUnnto. for Un
.gpt MB, wUb a Will c( bia oim. aad ta- William Morgan and Chpjaln Board- Uoa.
tmigaet e»ertoBce vlto whieb to dlmaa rlalted toe mill, while toe aale
tMJL There ara prebeMy net oae
of toe propertr to Meairs- Hannah aad
M)Bdni people to 'dm entity
Lay-fay Captain Boardmaa sras under
t.lF’K OF*
bdUeea awwbalf tbe atato- eoaaidoraUee. They were sarprised to
mm» mde toraagbew to* campUga Ind toe mill not ruonlag and. when
cd toto^yaar to opppetttea to Mr. War- they entered the house,-discoTored the
on the minds of a good
Ber.' Jlr. retrii wlM hare to get rtoes, aSI hands^»|^-to a game of old
to Hkblgaa BMt y«ar a«atott Qorlany people that »e are
|9 I A N O 8
araor Warnar beewM «d his own
doing business on a dil-Horace." asked Captala Boardmsn.
marlto hBd tbe
nf tte party he
-why Is tbe mill not-nmaliigr'
ferent plan than the usual
wObaveoeat. aU wot wV got may
-Fbtber.- Hie son replied, "ll was a
line of shoe stores.
Did yog ever talk to n
Uttle talay today, and anyway we
learai'd intuiciaii ami liai'iaeedied toe men la the
to make «u>
bim toll yon nliont the Soul
•und^ BcheMjrear.
enoogh tor tbo game." J
Tbe aaeaad aanaal conty Boaday
Tbls -managemeof quickly deterfully realinyl tbnt a tiood
aebool tear will be begoa Thursday,
i\\ toe tain
piano has a eoulV The meantoe ant meettog being beU at Tuba.
me of the word -lifo'’ ns apIbe BtorOMt was only atarted last
F.veryon- is UtlkiiiL' al»nt
pli.zl to hniaan beinm i« year bot troa lu laoepUin It has
rrieian*s Hlfl Won^ Run Tedvthe Uniains llu-y li.i-t
the nnion of soul an»1 l>ody.
a great aaeeeaa. Tbe meeting a
Bngland-e sun was slowly seulog over
alv tb<- dumtion of this
illb so tar away.
Bot. alas, twa* rataing pitchforks up
The life of DO other maniinmad Grand Traveree hay:
are our watch words, and
mato form correspomls eo
PUe ItokR toaTyei^ tte tfierwo.
ABd toe laqlyBtac knit the forohoad of
1,-iilii-s' sti-n s.
ckeely to hnman life as dure
you know when you buy
BO meettog pUmAiqM be eeewwd
tbe saw mUI man for fair.
tlie life of a good piano. Beshores here you get your'
tte MWtaa w«a held to tte open atr.
EinniDC *ith the <late of its
•ad a great q^d was attiwewd.
Dianufaoturc and ondini;.
the erealng ttb-eeirke was held la a
i-n its tone:—its eoiU—is
we are offering
. rAnreh and tte Mice was patted.
le from it Many pianos
extra JudueerntMti
«iic yonns and fill I'arly
’ ------- “ -V U'.
on many ol tho^n e .
The motto of tte lowr is "Nfarw
>t till^ring lines, which'lheans
Oed' BBd tte meeilBgi are made
bwl tbey
taforatol as possible. Ibe ttaitt
orertiemi ttora.
a saving to you from r/k:
- where tte eerirlcc ta heM'U depeeded
to $1.J5 a pair and you ll
o turnisb tbe aoag terrice. nie
■ ta as lollovt:
•RL' af!o..Kiinlaill Pinuos eiil:»»p.m
urv, ami n.*tain their sw»h-1
t«iequa3itf.':“We don't want
you to wmply take onr won!
7:30 p. m.-8oBg«erri«.
for it lliat "the life of KimInll inaDOi is lonip r limn
tluit of any Ollier make." ^tc
want you to call ut our store
and examine lh*-m for voursulf. sc«- th<- etronkth. eoli.litv
of oonstniction. etc-etc., uml
ytw win be folly oonvitreed.

A« S—Potts of too B
^ ABC. 7-toay*eld.

fare Troubles

S» MikSr Utw

Fr. piobBB GaSpBIct. of the PilUCatbcdikl. laraed toe ho«<' oa a cat
wfaicb dtolurbvd hto >.k-ep. For thh
•Wtoll.v" he was dned liu and sevon.^
ly leclurwl by a n^Mraic.

•lUB bCmbItwm br the dto oCctotorttm BOV «e vU be Medtos'ttoM.for
toe veede.' Dwtn« tbe BtHtac kito
' BBTlr BBtoiBer tber have been gravtoc
IB §U^ *«tt#*e, Bllere ead TMant
tou, bat tte tlM U Bear vbea toe
•aids vlU be f1»e BBd everr vtod will
Mturttoa. aot oely la aeglectod urmm. bat apee toe veU -kept leva,
aBdpwUpftoarergenUBi Beerbr. A
atpvoM t—|~’r* avtosi tbe weeds
new wlO ndM tte ct«» aaotter rear,
•ad at tiM MB UM vtU greatlr Kbtnee praeaet aitotoii-r-T Nor ehoald
the aatoveal eeBipelin be eoaflaed to
the cUr 'aattarittoa. Breip boasehoUer«Bd paid owaer eheold oee to
U that Ids ova praBtoee ate tree. A
Btlk eeOrttt BOW wlU eare »ach w«k
aad taanyaaen aeitl aina»er.-«rand
BapUs Herald.
TblslsottelloBladrltotortoectwBtiT. ae well aa toe dtr. A HtUe ore
4aat now will pmeal moeb iraabto
tolv. Owe eertdaee tonaer eaa BBdo
. ttewfwk.otallbisaetoliliort.


HeraM 1* net

'7/7.^ ‘yWFS ^





A>Z certtjri le plo^ alefiB- 0t'"9
F*w1y P*to wertit
grt r*-'
«■» tM P'e»«"tt Or Mv* ywi a *p*rfc W •<■«•
ipQn—4 ce*i— to brtter yenr eo«*-tie". lb rila* above y**r feUr***
Then let w» make yog j buoneti »r>ecialtat
Set yo*r *mrW! Reeolv* ta preto
by d«y until. Ac ge*i of-eueccet le rc*eticd.
Right rait. wUile you are young, w t»»e tin»e to toy the e®nwfe»oii*
of fame and fortune. A thorough. practwW beaimto edueafta* ta too
loundatisn on wh«ch you e**rr*‘»* the mighty Hiprrvtrvcture ot mtocom. Begin toying thwtfoi.^»n no*.
We tcMh Bookkeeping. Wriuond. Touch Typewritmg. Pmuimm
•hip. Englwh. c*mmeroi»l Law. Letter Writing. Arithmetic. L*ttor
Pnom copying. Commercial Geography mWAdventalhB^
.___ ^
Fall toftn cpmiMiKce Tueiday. SapL 8. 1*06. Pay aito mwntog

Aahlee. D»l»oit; C. TiMtw. W. J. Pmeo^ lAvniac; O. tnwM*. JcUkro B.
BicbMtta. liMwood: *». HWh Fr*fl
Vomoer. D«n>IL
(oUowbtc ar* la tfee
dtr. Um r«M bela« unriM tr
benoftbetaeallodce: Q.P.C,WmIHB Bum; Q. B. P- W. H. Puooe; <JK. «f B. Bom* HJMcktaaoa; G. M.
*^£SotoW-a. «mir W. B. O D>*tA of E.. W. H. VoUmet; G.
J. Fueoe.
Tko oMlon U proddad ot« Hr Pwt
Ormad Chief Boroee H. DiddiiM. and
the foDo*lo» drtefatae are pre-ot:
Saetul T. OolUM. Hermaa C 0««h,
Dotroli; Beahen Penaa, IroawoOd: W.
K. HoAiar. Calaatei: W. J. Paeeoe,
tbpeauac: KltMae Jobe. Necaaaee;
Alfred B. Grajeoo. Aiaan; W. H.
Crandall. TraToree Oty.
The laai aioklBf of tbe paad
at bM la CaloBet. At that time
«u a Ue between Trareree Citr
aad DetreU as tbe idace of holdlag
tbe next meetUic. G. P. C WtUlaai
, bad the deddlac Tote and be
farored this dtr. >Tho eeaaion eo
Uapeo toaight and poedblr all dar t
morrow as there U much bntlaeaa i


A TeocMag •toq'
U tbe eawlnc from death of the babr
glri of Geo. A. Bfler. Cumberlaad. Hd.
age of U I--------I deeilnlBg benlib.
with •erkns tbr^ treoble.
ber up. We----bin
we reeolTed.
for I Coo. N"
___ _______
T for
tu Dr. Kiwt'.
e^mptioa. Csnichs aad
OcMs. Thetfsi
gave relief; after taking tc
bottle ga
1 ate was cored, and Is now
p^eet beallh " Never (alls to relieve
and core a jteegb or ooW. At Jobi
eon's Drag Store. F. H.
and f

* Kf cert iDwei «Tl«


CIrcuhtion this week 2,750


^ leetteasaladJBbr.iaA.


PlaaeaRt Social Event.
A »efT enjorable dinner party was
giren teat Friday. Joly «. by Mr. and
MrA Wm. Sclblrk at tbeir cBamtng
boae near Bates In honor of Mrs. Wm.
E. Johnston, of Parit Place, Oregon.
Mra Jobnstoif. wlih her two sons, it
Tiattteg ber motber, Mre. W. Eaton, of
and her many olber relaUres aad fHeads in that rlcnliy, ber
old Itome.
Twenty^eWit people were i«»ent.
among wbo wcr^Mre. teton and i
of ber great-graaScblldren. the eni
company being near relptlree of the
guest of booor.
aomptoottf dihoer was partaken
of by tbe appredaUye crowd, after



Gov. Vardamaa of Hlsalselppl says
that If elected Cnlted States
be will start a'systomatlc o
for the r«eal of tbe Hfteenib amend-

J. D. B^an. of ButTervllie, O- laid




Do you realize that this is an offer you should not miss?

ess to Dr. Klng-s-New Life Fillet

These delightful days with the cool evenings make some kind of a
wrap necessary—why not one of these charming Silk Coa»? There are
some beautiful creations here—perfectly made; 6nished as careftdly as
your own dressmaker would finish Egarment, loose fitting, also in- the
Louis X^Vth style.
you prefer
r tnc
the more
more manoisn
mannish v^uven
Covert v-uai,
Coat, They «*%.
. u.____a__
,,r,til lmr«»
rlin arc
faff. good
It iauntil
as desirable
late in the fall. It is unnec*
essary to tell you about the making and raaterWi. You know that is
right or we would not offer them to you, and if these price* do oot apppl to j-ou, what will?

tor aunness. wjor viomstu.
eonsilpatlon. etc." Guaranteed at John
K»'s Vng Store. ,F. H. Meads and S
B. Wall A Sons' drug stores, price iSe.
Prom Tbnrcdayta Record.
Howard E. GUI of Northport It in the
dty today inddeetally to eojoy the
racee whlph are on at the Travene
©ty driving park.
Mr. andHre. Jaaob Brhart of. Kings
ley retnned borne (hit raorolng aftei
a lew days spent ^ oa business.
H. W. Case of Inke Ana te In tb(
dty today.
B. E Lylo and wnilam Peterroa of
Fife Lake are In tbe city today.
J. H. Lanka oP Fife like It la tbe
dty on business.
d. V. MooJy and P. K. Davidson of
Summit City are in the city today. '
J. A. Pennington of Cedar Is tegls
tered at Hotel WhiUng.
E E Gray of take Ann is Is tbe
dly looking after bnelaest Inieresu.
C. E WUllams of PetoUey U la the

a 1. Hompion and wife of thto dty
ft urn noon for ThompeonvT'
where they will spend a few days.
Oeo. O. Bates, vice president d
BeiUd aad Record company, b^ been
la tbe city for a day or two and will
Mtora 10 Chicago totagbt. Mr. and
Mis. Bates have Jo« relnrned from
aaaoal trip to the PadBc coast,
havteg aprot two or three weeks in
iwstone Psiit and at tbe Portland
a tanner
Monday about S o'clock a m. after tea
years' residroce la tbe asylDia. deatb Prom Friday's Record.
J. C OannUeu and son of EDc Bap
rosultlng from epll^ey. He leavee n
It were in Ae eliy yester^.
wife and to
fonr ^bdrea
O. O. White of WllUamsburg ww In
will be taken uxtbe
loM. Vben
tor burial by tbo wife wbo ar­ te city yesterday and idddentaHy
»k In the races.
rived tbia
George E Habbelcr an^A. J. Cross
David N. Bright of Kaison died Mon- of Lake Ann were In tbe city yestcr
day morning of oM age. 'Mr. Bright day.
oe of the old eeuiers aad leares
Edward Buckley of Manistee was e
* bU wife eeven cblldm.
guest at Park Place yesterday and re
il was held 1
turned borne today.
J. BulUvaa of NortbpiM was in Ae
dty yesterday.
Mrs. Margaret Bari. Hiss Florence
Mrs. James Kilbride died at the Tbooas. Mra. Daniel Drake of Ate clt>
borne of ber hufaaad in fba'
accompanied by five tittle glris from
townablp. yesterday at 12:IS
Wexford wbo are rtslUng In Ae dty.
eeb tronble.
aprot Ac day at Ne-ab-U-wania.
Mn Kilbride was'bon la
1 Ireland In , Mrs. Warren Satebury te at Acm<
the year lUt. When a young girl she wlA HIn France! Hlggtai. as Ar
mored to Canada with ber parenU and gueat trf Ac lauerit grandmother
•borUy after married Mr. Kilbride.
H. E GUI of Northport te te Ae city
They Urtd to 'Indiana for some time today 9U a boiteeti trip. •
before moving to this pan of the 0o«nJudge Fred E Walker
Ac Pru
Bcaldes her hnaband the leavee tate ecnrt U in Whx(ord tAay on bus^
tve Alldren.
teeu tboogb he will be^at hli oOce
ne funeral aerriee will be at 8tPnaeto church Friday mornliig ats*
Cart Moody of Surnmlt ©ty w
Ae dty today oe busteeiA
Wllllain lAteyette of Ae Hannah
- Reeoived Warm Wekoe.
Rifles, wbo basS^ro te Grand Rapid’'
E E Miller, wife and Angbicr A- At Ae Harrington dock farm .As r
JoyA a trip ID Omens Sundaj- wbicb torned to Als city for the snouncr.
lUA with dd assgclstlODS dating
Hr. and Mrs. L. A. Avery of Alan
bsA forty year*. During Mr. Miner's son are' vlslUng tbe family of E*®
early boyhood days bis father wu Stanley of Als city.

$12.50 SILK WAIST miTS $6.75
Wc have just six colored Silk Waist
Stilts in brown and blue indistinct checks
that we are willing to sell you for $6.75—
nobby little suits in every way, but our
new fall goods are beginning to arrive
and we need the room that these and the
Silk and Coyert Coats occupy.

T5C, 98c, $1.48, $1.98

were served; thro tbe -look pleasant"
signal was giren aad a grand family
tabteanx was manballed and tdtotograpbed aaijd m«tb merrtmrot. tbus
pattlBg A flUteg ead to a day which
will'long be remembered l» those
■pecdal teaMtaga wiB ba bald Aug.
S4S at Wexford in tbe M. B. elmrcb
by B*t. Jaefcaon. the colored eraagelift, aad Kenaa George, paator.

B ''

Joaapk B«ehea, wtaWag tor Ja»af
mma o< Blabn todmeUp, akldded
lAlT feat of hemlot* la nine bonra.
Boor OaMe was tbe swamper.

tba kaee Monday.
Mn. P^ank Darrow teft Friday
tor BemU, WasWagton, to JoU ber
' - BrotnaC. Itaroday evealng. ahont
thlrty-ave Meads earprised ber fct the
bonw of E a Darrow. Aa U was his
flftydxth birthday he was giren a
pair of aUppecs as a memroto.
Henry KoA. a reuiaa printer of
Oeveland. Ohio. 1a vtelUag Mrs. Wm.
aanbom. aeeompaaled by bla -wife.
Mr. Koch fa fosemaa of tbe Braagelfoal pokBabtag compnay of develaad
aad has hero' la the em^ of-tost
eonean forty-Bve yean. He hat
baea la Trarene Oty In twenty yi
and la aatbaatoatie .crer the gtrot
baa brought forth.
Henry Seal of Benton Barhor pasiM
through the dty Saturday oe his way
home. Hr. Seal hsc
dally of OM Hladro hgytiL« DeAeas
apptea. Tbe orAards of K O. Ladd.
W. OoWaa. Oreoa P^. JAn
Bolmol, E E TompfclnsiW. 0. Tomp­
kins and JaBMi LardJe wefe pwA—'


I •



D at Omena. His

Day! aad tb^ Ave always looked
BIA the SKdee while the tayet packs
them tnto hii own barrels aad kaaU SPOB him wlA great love and ven^ta«
' them to Ae ablPdng pdnL Tbe pur- "no.
Sunday bis arriv^ at Ae OM Hischase te eetteoatad at JAM baneU.
fon Anrch was Ae
Knlgtite ad Oetdtn Eagle.
day of rejoicing, and as be walked te.
Pram Wedneedaya Record.
be stated to Ae Herald, be
Tko ^and castle of Mte
locate the seat be bad oecopied forty
Ehlghta of Ae OoldA
te bow la ye» ago while Uvteg there and
Ita ddaeaA anaunl eoislro Tbe ees- tending Ae mission services of Rev.
duo began Alt merafaig tn tbe K. C. E. Peter Dou^erty- The
ban la Ate dty- After aomewellm
but Hr. Miller mteaik it by last two.)
Craker, wbo was te Ae ehurcb.,
]:W Ate afternoon
locating It correctly- The serricesj
toe went to Ae baUota of Ae
April oleetioa at wthte flme oAcers
' The next ptaee of meetiag wni be deI also a dedwate to Ae
to tbe Indiana. He aaid that ao
ie wblA meets in DetroK Informal did tboM who were-Aero
In Odaber. will be elected. Tbe grand feeU Aat Aey wouM come tnto Ae
eastto meeting U strictly a bualaeet Aonte. iple him ud leave tbeir seau
medag for tbe pmpote of allowing to greet him wteb a beany baadshhks,
bills. aadttlngArw»Bate and gdng over
t walUag for tbe eloro of Ae seF
matten eiteneeted wlA Ae order fa
Ate state.
The Anr t lUeU has not u
The graad cadle oMe^ are: O. P. a great Aaage as Ae old mtesloa seals
C. Wta. Baxaa, Negaanee: O. C. A.. A. are sun 1a use. It Is not deBnllelj
E BAteadar, »7 Berite street, Detroit kaowa wbro tbe Aureh was built
G. V. C-. RIAard James. Calomel: G. tboB^ U was probably te 1S4» or near
H. P.. W. E Paacoe. Ishpemteg: G. 8. that data
B. JasMS a. James, Oalemet: G. E
of Ex, Horaec H. DleUnsan. DetroU;
While.Ae family of E W. JAnson.
G. H. of E. W. H. VoUmer. 1T« Ooa- baakar, RoAford. were asleep, burg­
lars ransacked Ae bouse aad cooked
eord avenue. DetroU: 0. F. O.
AemseHeo a ake UtUe npper whlA
Aey served te tbe dining reonr*

Morriro K. Jewop. the Kew Tori.
mHlIoBalte. Is emnlstteR tbe exatnpir
Of Andrew Caroegio by glrtng »20,onf.
to Ae town of Westport, Conn.,
erect a nubile library. Westport v
once Mr. Jessup's home and the build
tnx Is teiended as a memorial for Ac
Jessup family. Tbe town agreed to ap­
propriate $l.®bO anoually for i
brary’s malnteaance. '

Thefc four 'prices comprise every­
thing in the Shirt Waist stock.
For 75c you can buy any waist' up Jo
$1.25. For 98c you can buy waists from
■$1.50 to $2.00. For $1.48 you can buy
waists from $2.50 to $350. For$1.98you
can buy waists from $3.50-to $4.50.
\yhen you consider we have the best shirt waist stock in the dty in variety, quality and style, it ougit not to take you long to make up your mind that you nned at
least Gne more shirt waist to complete the summer wardrobe.

n Dsllar Occasionally Caid Rsidc
Soon Becomes Cen
Ton dollars oc;as^'|•ai^
positvd soon h«e>iu<-s »u.- titii:dn-d. II dot-s nn Akv many t,<mdrasls to In-CKIDO D lIlOlISBUll,
uhleh flgurp Is a very nsp-Tiabk- nucleus fur a buslm s« capi­
tal or as a nc« egg lur uld au.-,
sickness, loss of emplovmvni.
any ol the
you rail
tvlngf arcoonl vHih iis.
ihfoi- per cent lt!irrc»i
led twice a rw.

CravtiYC eity State

The Men’s
The Collar
and Shirt
We have the "Varsity ' collars in quarter rizes.
est collar.

We have <he swellesi line of fancy sox in the city and thqy sell ior

dnrlasJaly snd Anscvi
I.T St UMUns oer n-lvwbd

2-jc ihc pair.
We receive a new lot of newest neckwear every week.
shows such an assortment.

Summtr School
FMtfTsaUJK*. 8,«tr>-.olu
Wnw t-idsfTor jmrncuUr.,

I'Ddrr tiF« i&AiLSgTUirsl.
V. tl. 9kS», Pm.
A E. Ssreb. Pm.

No store

You pay but 50c each.

You need summer suspenders.

We have a full Hue that sells for 60c

a pair.




You should wear pajamas, the coolest and most comfortable night

There are three grades, $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00.


If you want a good night shirt, biiy the sateen, the kind that will not

How Many The Place to Buy
Birthdays? 201 So. Union St.
226 E. Front St.
10 ib Oats. 2->'
•1 lb fancy -Jap. H<«'i Rice. 2-V
lOr pir lb for bi-al buU-luT
lb for Cl.-iir
Sc pvr a
WtCin I’arlor
IC ilia Jk«l Cane Gnnulatrtl
Sucai. 11.00.
100 lbs Ifc-st
Su*iar, >i.20.
CaU aad eet prices hefere
IraylBf elsewhere.

Elgin 0. Lewis.

They will cost you $1.00 or $1.50.

Silk shirts—the swcllest shirts -you should own some of them. Splcn•did assortment to select from, $'2.-50.

U at the Cash Crxery,


The latest .and tardi­

l-’>c. 2 for '2oc.

stick to your body.

You must hive
sixty it
leut! Whii? Only forty?
Then ft -omu be your r«y
htir. Ayer’iHiirViforstops
these frequent blrthd»y». Ii
(fves all the early, deep, rich
color to gray brir, and checks
faUioibair. And ft keeps tbe
scalp dean and healthy.


We have a full line of men's outing pants.for $2.00, $2.50, $350 and
$3 50.

We have a new line of the handsomest fancy- vests that are shown.
Summer wouldn't be summer unless you wore a belt.

We have them

selling from 25c to $1.-50.
These summer days mean use more handkerchiefs.
line, where three only cost ypu a quarter.

We, have a fine


n-MAVKivasK Ol-rv.



'sevm «RAMT.

_____ aUo


Grand Traverse Region.

1«»»I Utmninai l«»nir. SMSJrw Boas^
onh nf loUBd
lh» «««» nfl
boll.. _ .
^Maryl? wSSwVsu ^aSrl^,
teBdeS^od^ l^nrt • *«M tin*- - CUT Bwordai
___ _
I Hony L*CJWt bad tb« mlilocii
tioie Hurt ■3LV,'!rpff^ cttr ^ Ir. E I. L*k<- 8«^
■ Columbna. O, wrlle*: "Por aeretal
C. Bon hu • ptoB* pJ«f<l tbo« I
Ilmira baao^**"
' to hare
bl« b«u« aod eoo«»®tt
, asoBiba I wu given up ti»4J*. I bad
wUeb odd* to tbe piBce.
pUjrto* tbr^
^ taat
b«r tvD bor<.
Mn. Mclnlort U Mtlo* ■
, Mr*. Honlia'Wi <
ataiej between
etween the bonre rf
^and Un. V. fevor .and agoe. my arrvna w««
; wreckM: I coaM not alup. mad my
pordi Bdded to ber rafldoace. vbleb<
'o-doek. The tea« ww u foto^
atomaek wu m weak. from ndag osaadd! Boeta to lu appwruiee.
Loag Lake ^ Ato«. fo to C In favor ! Bore.
Rnn July
lulr sotb.
imb to Mr. and
;lMa d^o-s' drugs, that f eonld not
Mluci Uarsant Melmoab ud Beat {
of Almira; Platte and Almira. S lo 0 U Burrows, a
faver of Almira- lAk«
[Aka Ann and A1'
-B^; ij;u ■ -iMEr.
» favor of Almli
Tbere wu a good atteadanee of
B^uiti. bor« hap«i Hobm Brtr
. u», b»oeu*me. od .h« pWw sponaton
Sunday at tbe games.
•ob»U bi. H«b.b blnbOB, •-t
Id they
ham celebrate
Tbe Almira team will pUv Uxt last week, but is better ■.
lOMtib Mk*«U went t Bautrday.
Lake next Sunday. Aug- «. st Joe
Ltmy Haren U vlslUng friends______________
Mr*. Bovlan met with
Chase-, plaro
An -inleroal marhine- addreaaM to
hare been •a serious aoddait
aceJdem ladi' Mr. ana airs. Geo.
_ ..
icblwi for
*' j to aWd^ .tba c
week, in rcacblni
for a
i bottle of med-1 llarntburg visited relatives here to' to sre her brotbor, Ptok Harvey,
District AUcireey Jerome of Kcjy Torti - '
........... Bundle a
V pan ««ek.
lilt lor the
' conialnlna car-: day.
iclne tBe npeet a bottle
'is belflg run -proied la t>r a Joke made of a ware-,
beeSTmmpThe triepbone
Wn. JoroBC RobUak and aen Yen |
lenta on I Hi
bolle add. receiving
^Isse* R-ksh Wliw and Mar CI11-! rom th<
batterr, a brokim teaenp and
' r face. Bbe wu I'
a few ounres of sulphur.
get any In ber er. . .
___ Jeffery rf Sparta, who hu beep Hates Sundav.
face U Qolie badly burned.
threiub tut Balerday.'
Henrr Oilloicre and Prenee* Rou
\ltiUne her eooalo. Mrs. H. Waumi.
Tbr ■ina^a Alta aart-WbBi Crandall
Fiendish Buffering
Mr, and Mra. Joeeph Faeel of Wrk-1 Ang. I.
were tbe guests of Cart Bales Sunday.
went to Cbetloos Thursdav.
apesi Bnnday la PMbak*T.
Is ofti-n caused by aorcL nirers and
recB rUIU-d In Ibli vicinity Ian week..
Mr. and Mlw. C. P. Bates were the
Hra. Carpaater !■ rery poorly, bains
goeois <4 their son at li>ake Ann Bun-; Mr*. Carrie MeComh. will lead ibeiMrers. iha^re^aws) yw ^n; W*.
July 31_______
laid up wUb rboomaOim.
X Bunday eM-nlog.
5)^ Ill-ague m.-.-tleg
: expected the saw mill will Mart Ohio Isvt week.
Uurh^'s'Arnica Balva for
Mr. and Mre. Oeorge Unk- _Joly Si
iitpP. M. a. Rulcer*. •■•re» and ^n»tw* It ir the
social Thnrsrtay ovenlnp
i;. a girl..
lylng bucklelier letter. Tui-ndsy, J.ilyf ij.
Bd Gander nuenilod neoilae here anThe
best hewllng dressing J
T fuuM.”
eojoyafile occulon to thos.- •
Heurt- IL R. naf-s and Olaf SeUsoa
A**UWe ®»ore rain yettarday and looday and Sooday crenlnx.
tended 1' A muskal nnmrmm
jwere Ashing Saturday arteroocui.
Deule Crain Is aisIslInK Mra. Bote dered,
ttaay nllllCBd It by Oablnt and tnoat of
nnd a unique plan of entertain- visited relatives here last
, Inrelog in the ei ening with a :
ppotnt anyone tooBM wbo drink* or _
„„ j, p
, g^,.
sc work,
aphaa with b
.tbem traro well rewarded.

' string of Ash. about CO |r number.
moved In with Mens, by means of divided orders, ww
Aub- 1.
Uonite Blnpey o( Albion, tnd.; Ar­ Grandma N.'s
lotibduced. The nroeeoda of the re1
thur and UwB Miller of ComatoeV. Hr. Dlllon-s family.
|♦lclnfty. al~> In Homretuad.
[tended freehments were I'.f
re alte
MIcb.. are tUIIIp* tbolr srasdfaUW. Gulte a number fro
Mist- Vida VanDervorl relnrned i
tbe aireet fair at Tr
beaihlog’ *"P '
«, C. Cate, for a few daya. .
> I I t I * ■ I I It • • • < I > • • <> ■ < tnTi I • i
be Dnehess I
fl. a Cate took aome b^ to C«Ur
• Obituary.
• are having fine growlng w*nthMsls.MlssHaseII.iKr).
i —-,v _
I Margaret ftlackhurst. daughter
»U aaenred: «rala ii
M„. B... ...»
,n™7, 8»J b» SSi-Si.. *"
..... n and Minnie Blarkhiiral of
of WllUno'
Mich., wu^bore la SovemTreverte City enllerv one da>
rthoral and kUud
* Ut“'' '“’t ■■ P”"'"t'™* Z
Uit week.
--nnciTC wunpouikW tvM'ii Jmio Bwl Uv. InlcrMONROE CENTEa
MeMlcfaael Ilf Traverwe City h
July IS. 1*05- aged I years $
Otta Harvey of Booth Rasaoa called very onpleaunt Ume. having been aeg cherries for John Huh
ooDtiniuw for tliTiv youB Iium dale «•
Mr*' Md Mra J. 8, HWto rUljW a h<ir *l»tor. Mrs. Bvcreit Crain. Sun- cldeatally poisoned by Parts green.
. •
tbolr aon Warr» and taBDv a few sy afternoon.
UUJe Doris Jsmes is visiting her
Qolle i number are In Traverse City
dayi laM wpNc.
- .
aaSL Mrs. John Wlncheomb, of Hodge.
^ certificnle is iagoetl iiirt-od «f a ta«k. *
- lin Mills' I The funeral survlres were held In ** CBITIHCATES
Tbe mliatanary aidroM tfven by today attending Jhe abow.
tingi: cherries a
Hlu Nellie Thompson Is at present been pickii
llhe U. B. ehurcb by Rev. Eehu
cUff Halslon. who bu Wn very > with
Dr. UoKelter lait ereata*. wai lawely
her slsior. Mrs. John Bt-ely of
Mrs. Hills is nearly recovered from Oeorge. putur.
attended and- rory mocb enjoyed by sick, is gelllRg belter. He can be up Wexford. Bbe Is reported gaining In
le now.
her slcknets.
Motrt ooDTtmient for tboBe wfao^vidfa to .
ng. I^h.
ilr. and Mn. 8. H. Oibore and fanMost ot the fanner* are going to “Thirf of nollcc mncls O'Nelll .
Ira Uaten and family si
uke a vacalhtn inniorruw sud attend Chicago hu resigned. He wu :
Viw'■ ctM«ka to trtbere. Each ebedt <un1 Sunday.
.aareanltforUutclcixmhor. A^nnfe
Quarterly meeting wu held here tbe circus.
Mr. Warren's son Is gelling aloiiB je*rs on the force.
Monday evening. Rev. HagN Kennedy
i.nwni.iit war for pnyin* «U kindi .
nicely wKh his broken leg. •
prrocfaitfg and pulstlng Rev. Wood.
» today. Miny t
of arconntg. Wr fominB^cliork boott. ^
Hiss eilxa Gran l» with her parenls
orelng rigs might be seen wandefi
here for a short time.
lysrard. H. C. B<trt drove bis \
_____ il. No imymMito m
Quite a few are taking In the etren*
iwn and many, knowing the iw
nuHle except € wriUtm order of doped* «
todny at Treverae City.
Mir* Pearl Ilnrt of Aral i* visiting
“to^Bartt ba* Bold bit fam to 1 lulttty of tbe trela. were glad ro av
. Mny lio
lip md'ie. if tlej^lnr no dr- «
' Gray •
.. .. Bayers Is ortUng rye in ihU v
Ihefnaelrea of a chanee to ardve
■ Knu^ wbo will taka poaacaalan ao
or wife {-ooW
Ladles' -Aid aocloty will i
iw. ,AUbnainetd#trictlyoonfid«iliBl.
,AU bnaioetd atricUy
Drawn played ibe Queen City to
'* Thnrsday
Mrs. Leonard Cur
Tbt daoM ilTBO by Jake Gleb 8i M Treverse CJtv Bundav. reantllog In
___ ____ .._.lng»ii
nrday nlshi was well att«ded and a
n yesterday. to her homo at FTankfort this week.
■Weil done, boys’
I We undendand that Hiss Sit Ha 8inUnlc Walter DeWIlt i
lylalr of l.ake Ann 1. te u-ich .
yoitardny by the large dog Wlonglng
i school this tern.
*Tdr.'and Mra. B. 0 Rawiinn and to Mr. JMmaoo. the llrery-man. We
Ei-ery one If antlrlnailng pdng
Dndmtand Ibe child threw a stone at
Ill I B I II ri Ml I I » • I • I tl • B » t » < t »
the plenir at ntirtHrkvIlle Aug. S.
tbe dog which angeiwd him. The dog


»‘55f r',5^


.... ....

ss" *.r.£

____ i*t .


»i Kf."


- S6ine InformaUon RcfarJlng Bank Deposits. -


peoples savings bank:


Uietor Diaios Cable


GBmtltdyovnleBV«i,tiBn not wait) oat t»f »bape nor temUlaid. Yon do not have to clear the table to extend it.. Ji»t
DOW yon may have one ot tbii kiail1 for
f \em than the price on a
cajDiiKn taue.

We are forced to sell all staple goods. Most any price will buy them. They simply- most
move. Our boyer has purchased full car load lots in all staple lines in order to get the
market's best price. These will begin to arrive in a very short' time and see must make
room for them.


II lbtr« is snylbing In bsusclurnishlng you are .csntcmplattng gttling.
It vslll nier« than pay yau te get II new. Ul« arc not asking a pram,
lust eur manty back.

eo'Barts and
Bahy Babs
W«t rsnlixe that what we don'-t
■SU of thcM in Ibo next 30 days
we will bare to carry to another
season. A ^ line to -choose
from and at jbnr own price and

and Oil
StovcB and


Several Broken Cities and
Odd Pieces


•aU ii only one of

case or cobbler eoah

OniT «.si

That to close we will sell much below actual cost.* These include Bedroom Suites. Odd
Dressers and Commodes, Iron Beds. 'W’ardrobes, Dining Tables. Dining Chairs, Side­
boards. Buffets, Cupboards. Rockers. Couches. Parlor Stands. Kitchen Cabinets, Kitchen
TM^s. Stoves, Ranges, Mattresses and Springs.

Carpets and Cace Curtains
Here we are willing to sacrifice heavily. -A sweeping reduction will be made on entire stock

Remnant's in Floor Covering

Ditiina Ebairs
The largeft aod beat
the oiqr. ”■
-we buy made them baiwdna at the
rwtdar price, and at tseee snecial
pnoee u an opportunity you will wait
a long tiiBe to aee ita equal



Fine heavy gooda Mod move. Evto if
yo^^on't apeot to hoy before next epring,
it will i>ay yoa ttf net it now if yon have
to etore it aw^. Omoc in and eoc them.

Oslimiled CKtIt Eitesfed Dstlsx tke
Entire Sale.

N-o dirt, m don, no wory;
Eooy to opemto. WUl mvo
tbdrowo iwrohoto prtoo i.

Including Carpets of all grades, Oilcloth, Linoleum and Malting, will go at much less than
cost There are a lot of these remnants large enough to cover an ordinary sire room.

nil mindow Screens and Screen Doors
At a big sacrifice. These we are willing to turn over at any price in order to save carrying
them to another season.
PICTURE FRAMES made to order, any sire, at a reduction of TWENTY-FIVE
PER CENT during this sale.

your credit is good here

o mW

Cawn and
Porch Roods
Hammocks. Scats, Chairs—
in face, tbe cnlin- line mast
move at soinf |>ricc. It will
save you many n doUaf U>
sU-p ill aixl look around.


H Rcirigirator
T« i Summtr DtcessUf
If yon Ii«v1 one. why not^'t it
now. when yon can easily
save 2o per cent? Onr line
h it the largest anti U«t in the
city. BomeWly is going to
take advaatagi- of this, why
not yooT

SelUDC It tke smiaer Dealer't First Cmt
Pea Ds 1 Fllr PmfiU
OlWy, Kilo ■


HIM rtSBCM HiBlMaai Mn. Worrts SuHsberr ctf TisnrM Clit tera
been Hi«taK Ux
fonn«'» vwdmoUmt. Mib. a. M. mu^ ter the


a. Hr. wd Hn. B.

Wa Lite Cony hu com U>

View >o verk.
Mr. ud Mi«. H. O. WtaBle epeal
Saadar «tU> Mr. and Ur*. WUIIaOarMrs. Mood PUlar le rery aradi In-

Ber. Dan F. Bredley of OrtoaaD ooL
h«e. Iowa, who has haea
a day's stay wtth Wa.:Tamn7. passed
Wayae ot Detroit Is- trlsUlns
nvada la town.
Mr. and Mm. Ivan ThaBoa are
%u>8ehoae has porebaead a tr^
loTawtae te he need la Ut t-— eapytae the Oarthe realdeaee.
The Jnalor C. B. «are a picak
ortar'a Beach Wodaesday.
^ ^ Cooper ot '..........
Q. H. Pa»e apeat ftinday at
wotklnE M John Schtwe-fi blachaailth
omc IB thto place.
Hra. B. T. DonM was pleaaantly aar*^e recent wlad aU>r» did
emMe danace to the treR ead praln prtaed ob Baturday evenlna by the L.
O. T. M. and aelcbbom. the «eaaloB
belcd her eln:
And. 1.
are paeete wem preeeai and tbe erealaa was plaareatly spent in panes and
MIM Ftom Brtitairr of Maple Ctly masie. Mm. Dane was preacated whh
• wlalUac Hiss Stbel Hlasha- a set of tea plales aad away beautiful
flowem wllb best wUhas aad nany
ew daya.
' •
day from aU.
Hm. Kaiser of Chlca«D la rtattiag

ber dandhter. Mm. W. T. Maso. of this
LenU Orobbea of Hllwaokee U at
W. C. MeieoBli a few daya.
__________ ______________
-.1 oji l«
Mr. and Mra. H. Harrey aad too
bear or ao at a dse.
Uttle laaballe Moaroe, danebter of Harold are atopp|a«r at the Blrenide
Inn for a few weeke.
and Mm. C. Hoaree. It qnlle alck
Hr. and Hm. J. Q
with the eboteia
dnashter Roth. Mr.
u Oak
TmrwM CHr fpeat SoB^ar with their and danabler Basel, who
.1 Cbl. (areata. Hr. aad Mrs. Alex. lanli and Dale, retanied to their t
car> Monday laaL
Tbe topic for Bpworth teasae oen
Baaday It -Hlselans la bsten Asia."
Leader. Hr. C. L. Daym.
MA^LECITV. , ^ ^
Bor DeHya rt
^>e«t the Oaj;
Dr. Botke and vlfa aad Hra. T.
................. .............and---------------bM ware tailed to Weiford M«
to.pbct Oaelda Hooday laSL
e death of tba little
«a amrol M the
Bdnand Baa ot Maadt. lad., b b
child c( _
Mr. and
i. to Mr. and Mm. Orral BMtln- town fo4a few dare.
The smwts a) Oak I
r SA a fin.
beach party p1»
■“rlday erenlnp
Um. John Van Is vary Ul a
^ taklac

r. ___

a of Hm. O. W. Pm-

F. 0^8«Mett otfllon HaTea,was ia __________ ____


Dadtrr apeat'

*M?aad Um! Bdm’osc of Tmven*
city are vlelilnp . at Mm. Itobert
Browa’e for a few daya..

through the city tits »
for Chicago. wbereNte win SB a Chl-i

Food Value
of a Soda Cracker

palp-.i lootorTosrTbAlamfly ex­
poet to leave Omeaa aoou f», a trip
to OavetoaE
daagbtem, Dorothy aad undfwd. wore
paaaagen for Cadillac thU moretap.
Mr. aad Hm. B. L. HetboaBy aad
two children. Boll gad Bessie, of CadUlae. who npo« tbe aigbt to the city
as tbe gaetu of friaads. letunad hotos
tUs mornlag. the totter expeeUag
pa oa to Peloakey to tpand Baaday.
Ur. aad Mm. WlUiam Grant aad
three ebUdreo left this monitap tar
Wortwood. wbero they

will remala

for But Hapios
orer Sunday, when Mr. Gmat will rcCameo wlU eeeapy the polpll lura and Mm. Gmat pad ebUdmai wJU
b the OonpregaUMial church Sunday
po to Gaylord for a week's vbJL
July SI.

Mm. B. S. Walter aad danphtor.

______ la Osi .. .
.................... ... N. Y.. Jan. IT. 1«9.
narried Thnja Bosrea Peb. IT.
ISSS. and seovad u> Pennsylvania. He
waaowvWtad in JS51. Six eblldras
were bora to Wes* their bone, four
mas aad two daupblere. They cane
toTmveme county to 1881 and moved
wltlf an ox tied to ihelr clstn three
miles north of Wexford. loUowlnp the
ladlaa imn<ibronpb the,dark foren.
three mllre from any b<^ or road.
There the hardy plooeer built a Ifxl*
and made a clearla*. 1
____ _
._e beds aad floor were I’
land-lookem and road-nakem.
Beam were bold and deer .often had
to be driven out of the turnips and
bapaa like cattle. He splU. too mlU
a day at ir.O" a huadred. walklBR :
miles toMonroe
doaroe Center. His bukeis
SOe aad IIAO. He helped
build tbe Aral brtdpe over ibe.Maalslee river
held In a I
Church aerrlees
at Monroe and select achool was
Jn his home. They.llvor! a while
on II
the penlBiula at Travemc 18 yearn

Hr*. Com Cook of Fife Lake,
borne tbU mornlag after a short vtalt
bem wUb her
Mm. Dora


IL E. if'aller.
Crosvewor at Cedar

passed Ibrooph the city this mornlag


her way to South Boardman. where
she will visit.
Mm. Joe Beadoa aad daapfater Vio­
let of this Hiy left IhU moTBtnp for
Maalstce. where .they wOl rialt rotalives.
Wllllsm and Oaorpe .E. SlngJetno of
Plane aad who hare been eiapiayed
Tower. MIcb, passed through the
city this moralag on their way
Richard Sparilap of Kingsley passed

Yon bwe htud Uut m e foods inraltk (at.
ether ioods aake uKle, and still otben are
tiim bnfldiiis and belt iorauiiA.
Yon know Uut aost food* have one or more
cd these eleaieBts. bnt do yom know that no
food coptaiM them all in soch yqperiy balanced
proportions os a food soda crocku?
The United States Government report shows
that soda cracken conUin lesi water, are richer
in tbe mnsek oBd lat elements, and luve A much
higher per cent of the tisnic building and heat
forming property than any article oi food mode
from flqnr.
That b why Un«eda Biscuit ohonid
iom an iaiportant part ot every meoL They
_ represent the snperlativc ol the soda cracker, ofl
their goodness and nouruhmen^eing bro^t
from the dven to yon in a packo||Khat b proof
against air, mobtnre.and dnst-^ price being
too smaD to mention.

throupb the diy this mbrnlhc oa bis
FYankfbrt. whore be la emmpfojed.
Charles CosUf of Haalsteo was to


tbe cliy yesterday.
"m^-’b. Piiti waa
Hugo WIU of Wllliamsbarp spent
w latte
yesterday to this dty.
BHIlBser U a Lelaod tIsThe Mlsaei Helen CbrisHsBsoa. Ka­
W. H. 6*am aad dangWer
rine Nesam. Helen Lloyd and Beta **Mr. Daria Joined the M. B. riiureh at Loalse and Mrs. J. H. Drydct of Elk
•July ». l«d.
uiy ycam apu and was ueCook were the pneeu of Mlae AUee
Rapids tpeai.yesierday In tA$ diy.
Day Monday afloreoon.
of Honor was Ja the cjD
Tbe N. J, Nwaaa loaded wia lamber
• C. ,L. Carpenter went Bnadny i
OB bustaess yosterdqy.
TitrtlBlAke. ...
Day aad Mm. J. W. Mo
, Mrv.'W.
Mr*. "W. J
J. JermU of TraTerea Oi
George Ltmdaey of Cedar wa* la tbe
FarThis Qomtlon eiiMiM bt Answar
* ' a eMtlBK friends.
dtr yericrday comblalag-'
mot at But Bmpire one day last
L Brown aad Barrett wiM t
Easily by Trerrew City People.
Raal Eatato Traidbre.
with pleasure.
•d Friday.
Hit^Allee Day was the pucst of
Which Is wlsot—to ha»<- coafljen
Charles C. D<>boo aad wife to Gcurpo
Mias Hfonie Souls of this city left
- T. Mentoa has pone i
Hiwes Karine
aad Hi
In the opinions of your fellow dilxe
F. Johnson and irife. neb of aeb. see. this memlop for a week's <
Lloyd two days lut week.
of t»05l« 5-vo kaow. or depend on
). town U. nape 8: fTOO.
Cadillac aad Mesicfc.
& B. Dnhy and party. oonelaliBi.
icmeals made bv iiHer strangers
Samitri H.' Lewis sad wife to Geo.
idlop la far-away places* Bcad;thc
th?Is bMteryTbot not oat
Rhodes, aeb of nwb. aae. ». town TC tbe diy yesterday on a short boslness \ foUowInp;
dealer to Choice Famll}
"'^ST'vore worUnp oa the reads
range 12; »W0.
York spends of dollam evall latt week.
Floyd L. am\lh and wife to Om B.
t ry anmmer providing milk Tor the
imlly of Northpon are Tmreme CHy '
.ad tbouphr ft' wa* mr kidneys. hablo*. artlh the result that tba mor. Jt Um form Um. D. H. Day at tennl*. bowU. arch- Plerea. tot 60 and sH «f »« 61, block

J, Oak Park: 1200.
k a prere meaUap. Her. L. Keeney ary and
isHnre today, again retuml.g on the
-irnli^TaSS lallty U greaily decreased.' He apB. J.
and wU» ware .able to auend for the
Auditor-Ocoeral to Newell Hicks,
a« waw. -w.. ---------------—----------- ----knew -wwrnr who had used'Doan's preciatea the Ta« that diacaae germa
neb of ewb. see. 1C. town », renpe
te triepmph oBce Sunday.
Kidney Pills, and this Indiioed mo to ire eommoa to tbe aummer and ilmi
:aaed me itp to the stonuLCh moat be kept beallby to
From Moaday'i Rrconl.
AaAKS..Akrfct aad Hr. Paxtoa of
a. 'The} stmightoned
try them.
Tlijrinr liCereaoe with Mm.
.lalnrUle. tadtaak. apaai a — —
time and the antoa of tbe kidR. E. Wood of tbe Hnallcr at Klagt- .
AudKer Ocaeml lo Kewefl iDcks.
resist their atiarks.
with Ooe Leap last waafc.
r wax to the Mty yesterday TislUap Bey wereUon* was rendered regular
aeU of BwH. aoc. 18. town St. renpe
Old.-r pMipIe do not live 00 a laljk
Alfred Plerpoa. a paeat ■
nnd nurmsL Soni- time I
adpe. left Friday tor bis bo
a -sllgbi *ecurrenr<' anil adalB rt- •llet to insure health, hut they out ap
Dr. V. C. Thom** of Chicago, who
Iioan * Kidney I’llN t.«t rAuditor General to Newell Hlcka.
!m ■ r'CroRthcn Ihe stomach and dlgosilve
A. Hleroaytnns and C. ZcthacUl ar­
After this e-MK-rlcne.- 1 i
4100 U expected.
aeb «r DWb. sec. 1C. town S6. ranpc has I>een six-ndlng (wo weeks wlih his In rail
Is tiT^ns by the use of Ml-o-na that they
Tbe benrfas are a Bne crop tbU year.
parents, rehinied ibl* mornlag. accom-1 8^ •'
be free from^plckneas la tbe
je)- mojlclnc."
Haylap aad harreallnp U about few daya- resort at Hr. HI
*,10^, all dealer*
Auditor Oencrat lo C. J. Ebaer. loU paaytog E A onbetv of Copemlit. a
brer, tbe larpeK ylnU la nany yearn. aottapa. Idlea-WhUe.
summer *e**fm,
brother of Farm C. OrilKTi. who wIU ] com*.
Fo*:e -Mllburn Co, Biilfaln.,
20C-SOT. Oak Heiphts.
Take a Ml-o«a tablet l>efore each
Au*. l.
• the I'nlled
Auditor Gaearal to Newell Hicks, undergo an opcmilon pi the Preshy-, New York, k Iv appat*
meal, tad K will aootbe and heal any
terton hospital.
' ®X‘^em1-r
'~0e^ ?!*Baker arrtrad on the lUI- nwb. aee. S». town 26. renpe 9.
—D^ns—aad Inflammation that may be prren
Tbe Bnn of Bnna A RllU has lUa- atda Wodaesday tor Tbe Oaata.LeanderPeck. wife and son. George,,
lAuditor General w Newell Hicks,
tbe ilnnlng of the aloraaeh. give
BQlved paltnemblp.
Mm. R. H. Day aad •
eli of nwb. aec. 29. town 25, range 9. of Noffbport rvtumed to ihelr Norik-1
Anil Stpier cane np fron VasUn
and strcnpUi to the whole digestive
The Prlnc- of Wale* Is lo he glvoa
C. J. Bbaer lo William O- Foote. lots port home this mornlpp. Mr*. Peck and :
bat week aad axpecu to work the
ale and Mias WlaffiAd ^iman
»h<-n he so«f to ItidU. Ot
antnder of tba snaunar b the eni
63 and 64. block 2.and lot 22. block 3. son being guest* of ber xlsicr. Mr*.
Lorelei LodBs took'a jOsaaiifa trip
of B. D. FOttstafa^ar.
wm narrow the paat week.
'»e affair, that G helrg .rmnged
the Alice J. DV..FHW.
Oak Park; tC8.9T.
Aheu 1» Mdtati w«a «dd at
F. c Rlee-eroaaMolaee. Iowa, ar­
Um Imrklo and wife Of Unslns lor hlx *Biu*.-mi-m i« a his aham War.
Bdward D. Corblt lo Kate Corblt.
Klapiloy for 'the FWapan^ A BetU rived OB the nllMla Satorday to apead
spent Sunday with William Umlor ol'Tbe tro;...* will flshi < an ar.* of
Brea. bU show.
M of bU vaeatloe «l|h ralaUvcs swb. aoc. I, town 2T. ranpc 12;
Bobart Wood vent Bolhy In 1^*' here and Baal Empire.
r'l'iart' nUo,. and (hr war pmlded,
J. W. MUlcr to Mm. Maad Parls^H this diy aad left for Cedar this mom-,
cne City.
where they wilt spend a! win U' 'l-e cobW*! of In.ll* by <me of
Of aH of nwb of aeb. sac. 22. losm 2T.
tape tl: tioo.





Strengthen the Stomach with Mi>o-na andKeep Well.



sysii-m. and aid yon ta aaiamlly and
eihliy digesting the food.

II I* tiff

only rvBiedy knuwa that earns



atomarti ' troubles


itrengibealng the dlgeaUva gystem.
It l* guaranteed 10 make a.j9Bptoto
nnd permanent rare to all dtscasaa at .
the atoameb eaeeptlag cancer.
,Ht-o«a reotoras cxwipMa bMlItk
<0 the whole system and carts bandacket. hack-arbea. sleeplaaaaiiAa, pala*
and distress


ostlopt , deftipb,

boart bare, and the general dtMHr
whl(4 resalta from a weak stona^
and Imparfeet digeaUni.
~ X gnarantaa 10 ndund tb«


Walt A Boa to show you




tunpuqr tnia woan.
. ^
Her. Hash Kfaady ot Tmreme
,, aty waa ta Klapaley Moadmy la
teadaaoe at the emferpace.
Mr. BoreuoA of Trwoeree aiy. with
Dr. J. J, Bfownon. have ananped to
•quip an Tower reOar nllU with a 40-

George W. McWclfay and wife
Wm- Farrant.Vent rooap at Tmversa City
Wm, U Brown and wife, cmfsfypatw
bwn vlatttog arltb maada ia Iowa
Wm. L Drown, at al. parcel, sec.
paat week.
2T. laaga II: tCM.Mm. Whiteside
saiae and
ana Ur*.
mm. Smith
smiio and
Hm. Hand Farts to Uxtie RIrbman.
daughter Joan of
oa tba imaou e
sH of nVi ef 'nwH of seSl.
mr «U
Arthur SIpar
. . butoeba la.i
town fl^iangf 11: tSoo.
le day last week.
Ibe has arrive aad is .ao^ at the
John Nttc^D aad wife to Jay RobLon Codman did bitatoeu la town
IpsoB. lot 1. btoek 5. Wyllc; $1«9.
Be day tost week.
Jas. McCulU. for »rt*rt a reaMaat
--, J •
Jutlui Campbell and wife lo Brown
of thb seetlon. dladBAnnlay nomlap
Smith, tou C aad 7. block 10. H, U
ai cure, where be tank oa bis rest
!0 a tew BoathB qko. Ur. McCully
A Co.'s 2nd add; It.tWO.
The Mima Mildred aad FnaCU
hHd.tbe bPcbS^ ol deputy abertO
ArvItU Gardner lo Philip A. CouretotB are rialtlop rMativea aad
vlllc. lot C9, Oak HeIpbU: »«00.
-lands la-fMdlUar.
owaad the Amt fan
Hm. 4'. Jowl of Chlrago U very III
Wm. L. Brown, et al. to C.®.
t the boms of ber dangler. Mm. Wethy aad ^fe. pareel, H, L. A Oo.'s
Mias Gladys Dame >i>cni Moaday la Tth add; 12.800.
jcwBle I. Darror to Wm. U Smith.
Tmavrae Cil,'.
Mm. Joba Omliam U riaittopfrieiKls kM 13. block 2. Goodrich’s add; 8506.
_____________ _________ .. badpaaaed
to Trevarae City- Mr. Ombam will
wnuam 1. Brows, et al. to Qarlcton
every dak to the ledpe darinp hU Join her to a few days, whan they a
A. HaWmood. Iota 8 aad 7. Mock 10.
i to'tbair new borne al Bad Axe.
Tbe meeting of the execniiva eo
H, L. A CO--S lad add; $4,000.
w. Di^d atill wiU Salsb the
mHtee of the Y. P. S. C. E. was he
•on's cut thii wad.
Ftoyd U Smith and wife to Carlctoo
The woik baa bapoa on tbe power im Moaday eventop at tbe home
A. Hammond, irti of lot 8. block 5. H,
Hr. Cbariea Berry.
Mr. and Mra. J. Shetp-are Ue pueaU L. A Co.'s Otfa s(H: tSM.
A oauMerable leapth s
t N. Putnam and famUy.
A. T. Brodbspen aad wife to James
HIti Jacobsen awlred 1
W. HlUiker, lot 20?.Oak Hcighii
-JObTP. Lean tetoreed boms from Battou tl60.
l. Brown aad tamlly returned SatWilliam U Broan and wife to Ukile
Bay SatmUay.
Mm. Breot of Canada U tbe paeit of L. Johnson, parrels, Oak Helpbta
Hr*. F. J. Pralick.
Oak Paik: 81.T50.
Dr McPhail-and wife will more
ja Mbaday to aUsnd the fanemi
... this
_ _
Carcrilnc M. Haney to Warren R.
Mra. Btoirk taibar, Jajaaa McCully.
Jnitns Flaher of Dnwaptar wa* I
Miss FMie Steele sraa given a: Carpeoter. wti of awb. see. 4, town
town the Slat of the sreah vtalilap ol
Meada. Ur. Rlabar was formerly
Phllaader Paris and wife to Joseph
dark to J. Aaapseb’s mora.
Tbe »>dnrt bAvP an nxhlhitton at watooBMd and bliMy ewerialiied briKrU. pared aqc. 23. town 27, range
the opera boose me erealap last wmk. tbe boaieas. Tbe bourn wtre spent In ij; ppn.
T«a rato has aoanesrbat btodered tbe


tables werektawetolly decomied u i P»rts-'“« *•
breatlfnl doilem and Mlage.
Mias ' 1237.10.
raadltad ia a loas for Ktocal^ the

'uiteVnf *
vase a* a token of h
all toft fw ibeir t

^VarTSB R. Carpeater to Btoart and
Clark MUl*. wH of awU. aec. 4. ft

Blaetiatn toe sane rUy. The
d aad I *«."»*« 70: W«waa M te n la Bladmaa-a fat
Siapalay will pUy Manion at
ton Tbareday.
Haay^-wlil po
.IfaB^'wwIdtead'apwi'MandBy ta Frem Satorday'* Baeo^.
bore to ekaar for Ktopalay.
Tmveraa City.
Mm. Edwto BabML «hHd and aar
Street Oommltakner Roaac U placUla* T«Ua Bpaagle baa relareeV
and Hr. and Hm. J. K Van Camp
war from Trararee CHy.
tap a qmtay ot smval aad clay
Mrs. John Kmuedy to rtoUlai reto- CtaeisaBU wm tptsd tbe saamar as
M^'d^ TreaStoa of Tmvana City Uvaa at UpbOKmaa Potoi. '
guests at tbe Park Place.
b aitoptoB aareral.aar bda of cauls
Mr. and Mm. Bobart Lowry and
aad a&Mp from here.
Omen* Sunday for a rialt witb frleadx.
C R. Snyder has raalpDad Us posl. Ul at this
tloe wHh tba tetenatkud Uanrastar
Mra. Oyda t
d of oread Rapids
Co, and tohmsepreparlaprehay po■W days of thto week to town, Ml QalBlow fslaaA ' They had a
Utoni ihb tall.
thepneat <d bcrnisi9i-Mre.U Wblto-j
pMaaoBt lima om* breapht boefe «alie
ftoaa. Cmpo will
-- -taaeotona to aboet a wed, wbare
FetanoB Bros, m r^nUdiap (Skr a *lea eaiak oC Sab.

• Um. John Harwood and daughter of;


Empire who have been spoodlug two.
.uimach of Ihe oru
moBthc In Canada, parsed ebrougb the:
tnlllhinxire It often pa-aded In
city this morning on ih.-lr way home, p-.ihllr prio;.- a* a horrihle eiample ol

c, w. ^
Empire, who have been vltlllng at ^
„„„ who ate afflictc!
Grand Rapids, passed through the city 1 »|,b |«,| .lotnaehs- The prt.ptinlon Is
Ihia morning oa her way home.
far grestt-r among the folk-rs. D>»
spent Sunday In the City anu drvn-c out
,.,r-:,re* than ih.--mnllon
to Long Imkc to look at ihelr reeenlly aire .u.-;.
tti. % atall ih* oi'i-lv.-- of a
ire'haaW-reson property. Mr. Mur- stan-mr.l nii.;:rine llkeGn-vu'.

.trouble* lor -o.-t thirty fl'e ji-ar*. An
Walter Loranger and wife have re-'gnsi Fh..rr inuw* the torpid liver
lanwd to the city from the 800.
>h'i* cr-atlne eppetl'.- and ins.trlnt;
|srfe-r’ diso'lon. It ftme-s and Vila!
l7,-s ih<- enttr*- *y*tim and mak'-s lift
worth llvlnc. po malK-r what )uur *U
lion, Tilal Imitle*. Jfie; rt-giilar sin
T utl- by S. K Wall A Sons.


Kalamazoo Buggies

Consisth^ j)f Rubber Tire Runabouts,
Gentleman's Driving Wagons. Top Buggies. different styles; Road Wagons.
Fruit Wagons. Delivery Wagons. Spring
Wagons. Concords. • %_• • ♦
We can Save You Mpney on Anything
You Need In This Line.


Jo',r. <

Before the dlseoven'
of Hynmri rail* "o the swell.-st pol.-r Joint* li.
the only advice a physician couU give rhlnun. . king pamphereali* and at
cairhiers. He uys ho 1*
bli bay fever paUent*. was to go sway
from home, but now anyone who Is g"l“- !•
ibjeci to this diseaxe can. tf Hjoroel rag-

siji^ou' gamhling In Chi


128 Front Street

Citizens Pbone 761


I* u*(ri. Slav at honu- wliboat (ear of
• IW

the annual .tuck of aneextog. waien
re*, and other dlaeomforts.
J,.F. Ftorbes. a well known Western

• WS>*W >>•


retlr^ man. whose bame
, Pterpont
I ha* wath.l >
Cook. Nebmska. writes;'
large rvnra In hi* Laiedan residue)
never bad any relief from any'remedy
for bar fever, even temporarily, unll! »'’*>
'h.discovered the merll. of


always recommend It wfaen oerealoo

““ »>'»
; 8l.MP.lriC. because a single FlagrjBsrii,



■loaueh dorlap
p wb^Hyomel
wb^Hyomei U used.

lx breathed through a




so that the air taken laio tbe throat
and lung* U Uke that ot the While
or CHber





that I have been teeing you about. It is a
Potato Digger


where hay fever to wokmiwa.
Tbe fact that gt B. Walt A Boa '
agree to refund the mqaey to any bay |

It n let up m my warehouse.

Call and inipect it.

fever eufferer who nare Hyomei with-!


la It* power to etret
plete^awiBt «fMs cmtr'81
bMlioi bat 56 —-



Inhaler that eomea with erery oatBt.




remedy for the care of
all of the respiratory-Grpans



There U i» oBasmlve or dangerous • '<«' ‘I^Te. Is worth ti.0O>j.

FAMIBtltUmT CO. Ttorits.


tf Ml-tsna doc* not show l«ap. 1* *1»*
ea with every 60 ccat box. Aak & B.


>*V. AUOUtT t, twt.

Croep toalastlr lelterad. Hr. Thom- wbn
MDbUa Ihitawh .Mrta aad ahme hi»baa- Odacarie 'OtU PeftocUy aafe.1,^
, aad la aoi alattoed A* Wa on Merer
talla. Al aay drag Mtiro.
e too laat for aa rtaaffeoE oae Marrtt who it a pro.
coed dean haU bal
aoaoeed Jtotrtltt. He baa
Panama poUeo ajatlaid aad retojed
R tbe aaaJ» by the police
' Tbo “WarHaia Boya,* eetpead oC
Besema. eeaM bead
toobeyoedera fiaatUiio Be la mar- |
d gtrao berry t* befit b
tamer lada froai aoatbeaat of ban. ct rtaaee. Oemaay aad E
of tbe akta
eo-td. Itaaa*a
DO bedd to thplF
defeated the tecopd niae by a acore
draws rerulrer, cowed the sUatv a '' the bowrla.
Olatmest. At may drag atom.
24 to 32. The tamer boys dtdB*t play Ubea the way Martel f
the Mat haU cf tbe atoth

«or <* ID<*l#«a •»< bt»
TOwi or Hlrttfu nd B>B7 o(b«i
__ amooc Uio noM ntitert ptooyt
BodeW LMoen. ««Uettor seoenl c<
cuodt and pwtr of caa«du»t •»
Stm Tort:. AvWUW. tbe
tn tb«
B-.... P«M eoTor. «l>o It coalBC to i,« d^, U brfa« dOtOMd W
tke Vklto4 Btatet to aecrtl«l« P*** villUiT iwxleo ud roeeptlow.
wlik Hr*« ttrt tboM u nule UkeUatomlnoaonottho
, “I
rroiB Tseadayh Record.
i. Joly I1-—He»
Mrs. hTb: Perrin of this rily
■an, “thtt the ccoferonce »tll “d year«Id dau^ter ct Mr. and Mta. O.
a voek. The Japwoto eoodl- V. Bewieit. died Seaday atoroto* at » spending a fe«' ^ with friends to
Iteu are too jaUdarahle to adatic of o-elort after as openUtoa fiaurday for adlltoc.
J. M. Tleeof Bast Jordan was to the
aiicai-*— 1 bopo that mf vtalt tUI perltoaliU. She wai tbe only eWId of
MTO to tfnactbaa the gaod foeUw Mr. aad Mta. Sesaett and wat only city yesterday.
Roy McKrage of MaydeW was In the
adttlai brt-too Roaala aad ■irtitodayt. Her dcathi eomet a.
t—w" H. wittt wOl arrlTO to abort to etery one at the wai a «oo- city yesterday as a gneot at Hotel
Me* Tort about * ihu aneraooiL
oral (arorlie with all, both oU aad Whiting
R. D. Biggs of Old MWsloa *
• will no9 Itoaaaata.
Odaata, Aas- T—A wbolcaale flec- ’^^rematoawore lakco toNowayio tbe city yesterday looking niter busl.
nets iBlenilj.
rtag <d the peaaanu of the BHraa d to today lor tniennent.

Mrs. A. T. Sharp of Elk Rapid, spent
trice *bo are acentod of totarroetkrf
roatentor with Iritads to the dty.
atr eoedaot. bat boea ordorod tor
Klr.^ Waa Defeatod.
B. R. and H. B. Sage of Central
marrom. Two batUlkaii ef troopa
Kliisriey. Ml<*„ July SI.—to a dean
were to tbe city yesterday.
hava beea
to bare daarge came of baD. tbe Wiley dIoo ywicrday
s JartsoD n( potoakey Is to
attersooB defeated the Ktojtaloy team
a aeore of « to I. The Wiley team tbe city looktog after business
d«t oeewtad here to ihe TOtage satayday night when Urf.north basnd-^
A K. «. paaaroger tram to rtarge
Opadsetor Melntort nnd Bnitooer W.
-^aayner atraek and inatontly ^
nchard Horn, a shingle mm man of
thU idaeo to the wnploy of Saston «

from the

Eitelmu Nedlco-Siiitlcal
Iisatrte, Detroit, nidi.
frill rnakn thoir filSt vitU tO

rcleh waa retsrslng home for auppw.
traverse city
Tb« boya had eome on ahead aa Mr.
Born bad waited to take care cf i
tools ba had ben worting with to the
wontog. The eogtoowaaw him when
be was Ihlrtydlro or forty feet fr<*»
the draek. The station whistle had
bM Uovn aad tbe brt was ringing.
Tea rmr tick frlenda
Mr. Horn sromod not to hear the train
bad waOtsd on the tnefc ahead of the
intla. AS tbe trato waa rsnatog dolie
- Met ha wmi Strode before he got
aeroea. HU aknU waa terribly trae• A. M. to ?:3« P* *•
tstod. left riba and Ml leg broken
abora tba anUe joint (both boaea.)
Mr. Bora irw « yeart of age. Be
kaeea adasfhtoi; Mfm.S. B. Coaorar
TUalp^tnto la order to totntace
or tkU ptooe, and a ton. lamaa Hots,
new Medlrtl DisooTCxiaand X>
when rrteraaboota are npt known.
Tba resmtos vete taken to BaUwto
• (hla fonaar hAna) for totoment to­ •e »*■»-» who
oa tbe .above date.
aU BKdictoe rcqtdred to complete
Thie apedallato erto fflaenoae yenr
•ae aadgiro yon Abe besefit of tbdr
------by Della Botoa. Tilsod at Mdleal knorriedge, Tbdr to no ex4.MiMlra. baa baba stolea from San ^Mtoiestiagergseaa irork. Yoa will
be teldjbslher yoo can be eared «
IfTosTiteae to coieble, they
-Soattle. Waab- Ang. i-Tbe Poatdamu U Incaiabto they wUl giro
a»y prwtoPg y«

Ttirsdiy, Anpist iO



tnafy provtdea that Anteriean labor,
ws ahMI be retsaM pmmlirioD to ea- tor mi«. (be same as the CBIneee to*
boren aye catelsded from the United
Lo*dtm. Ang. L—The eorreipood«t or tbe Star at tbe Btogaporc
atrelti'etimrsirstl wires that the Detch
sspedKlea eent oet agalntt the prince
«t BMl to tbe Utosd of OeMee of tbe
Maley arrtlpMago baa been entirety
pimueeatnl. On July a the Outoh
troops ehaiged the ramparts of BadJu
whklt were hrtd by nativea. ~
rebris Bid. having 3M dead.
Datefa htetog three killed^ twent^


N, W. Murray aad wife and Miss
Mary Blsla, of Manistee were Trav­
erse City ridlors yesterday.
Mrs. V. C.-Vangban of Ann Arbor
pasted tbroudk the eliy today on her
to Old Mission, where she wIU
the rwnglnder of the,summer,
Joe Kreoti of Manistee was In Uto:
city yesterday.
Earl Hlteheock left thU ptornitig for
Mrs. W. H. Olman nod Mrs, L. Poi
rcluropd home last evening after
weeks’ vtall to Grand Rapids i
enmpanled by her daughter. Miss
Flort Fos of iDdlaoapoUs. tod.
T.*y. Kimball of Fife Lake
to the city ttiday on business.
J. A. Pennlnglon of Cedar came In to
sec the circus today. He enjoys the
show Just as much as when he
Jerry Bunivan of Cedar was
city today and'Ineldcnully wandered
lo the circus grounds.
Hn. John FriutUIn of (Hd Mission U
to the city today.


is brinjrjng the crowds our way from every direction.


of merchandise from the shipwreck stock, lost in irangportation. arrived to*
Owing to the delay we'are placing this on sale at sacrificing prices.


$lOMrti'a KttiU thnt
$.5 Men's and Boys'
Bnita that got gUghUy

3.5c wiiite* m<>rccriz/wl Vrtliiig
that pH aligliUy


Stiipwrcck Sale on
Shirt Waists
dosrii Udies’ Shirt
Waisto in ciDliroiderrd 4 oitoa.
liawns. Batiste*. Ponalrt.
(iinghnms. Grecian Voiles,
elaborately trimmed, valuos
np to $;!. Bide price


Imi* rial Hf-nutv
Dngbt Fft’ix-ii
bar, fur

Lmlic*'. Miam-*'
bi„l Childn-n's
pnd grip HteS nppor t< ra.
wortli lOi-. f')f



ai.48,9?c,69c.4rc, 24c

. Biirdoek Blrud Billers gtres i
a dear bead, an actlre brain, s i ■rnng.
vigorous body—makes him fit f .r the
baiUe of life.


ayteom to tborooghly ctoaoaed df tbe
dtoreae tn a nataral and direct manoer
asd improvouiert to'neiiced at once;
evoB the woreteaaea are treated with,
oat any locOBTenleocB to tbe patieot
«tbe penning of hto dally rocatioo.
If you are Improriog tmdrtjtoor foaUI, pbyrictondo not come and take np
tbeir vatoahlethnC^Ybey wtoh to giro
Mch tee plenty of time, but canocR
BMoa toloag atotteo aot FortBistog to
They hare Aocaided tbeokJi
fies osed for agoa by Ute tpedieal
er^ and which it weald be toUy to
depend apoo any tooger i« they
Mt ore, aa tboQsnnds die depenttng
The fact that theoe^Bpedallifi

BalStog Wok*. Ang. l.-A 8*
naval boat wbll* engaged to maaeoverlv Mar here today stroefc a aab■artae mtos and was Mews, to pleosa. of toe KerreasSyaten, Heart, Stpm.
Bsvoa mm wore kllM mod «lgtt ach, Imnga, Kldneya, Catarrh. Cco' vonnded.
mmpO^ EpUepay. Dcafneaa. htolc
and Female Wenknesaea, Caaeen.
New Orteant, Ang.
Today waa Tomeca. nice tad other ChroBtoOtothe botlost fitj of ibe rear to Mewtlrtetta and It U tmM this may
Tbey treat deafncM by an entirely
creaae the litt of y^lov fever eo
ewsmtbod »nd bearing lo many casts
whkh now anmber t04 With a death
ireatecTdatonce. Catarrh In allila
Itet Id BtxtyAwo. The
taaa to tbe Tnrtedfonnacoredaeitwm never
InistiiTtT rolwprites df-New Orkaaa
1 have weak luoga ore
m tbd'resnU of the yellow fever ouinot faUtobceiamtotd.
break to ottmatod at between two and
An cases treated can and wlU be
tear miUlca didlan.
cared, no diSerenoe who yoa bare
OooetanUoople. July SI —The lltoosa ertnatedwltoberctofore. Thoaa
ef'prtaoa Mobemmed Reafaad Bteodl. wbo hare givea spall hope of betog
aaed,now hareanopporieaitytoi
Mr appareot to the throae at Tnrtey
wsertoot. Frinee To aslt epeeialiaU ef repataUoa.
Dant fall to can as a visit coats ytn
nothing aad nmy save your life.
I If yoa sanpect kidney treatoe. bring
a twooonee bottle off ynor nriae to
epical eoalyaia.
New Orteaaa, Ang. 1.—tbe dreaded
ynlW tdrer eoDUnoee lo spread to
SEUEMBES:—Tbe free offer is
the SKtroBo soutbcni otalea. The daring this visit only and will n
Texas Mata board of health haa wuar- given again. Pereoas oommeneing
anttooed agatosL tha entire state of aay trrttnmnt after tbU trip will to
teqnlndWpay, botaotone cent will
Thare are six new cas
beaakedef tooae GammeD^ing
of yMtow (ever among toe luUans
doting tola visit for aay medicine
PlagBieMlM pariah whidi adjotos New
neoeasaiy to effect a care; also a poaiOrtrent aad several new eases are
gnaraatee to cure will be^giros
ported today from ether places. T
eats accepted steer their ayaten
UaHod Blatei govaniiDrei U expro
te treatment. Those having loag
to socm lake charge of the MUaUM|
»4«BAlHg and eomplkatcd dlaviara,
Six Rnitona died to toe beapHal
srtao bare tolled to get enred and be­
day ef yMlow fever. Beapictoos <a
of toe Ttoease are reported to extot at come dtacaoraged, are especially toritte to call aa thoumandi wbe have
given Bp all hopes can teatifj to per*
mseot cares Obtained.
* Bsnlt Sto. Marta. Ang. L—Tba
days' cMabratloa of tha aamleentea- ' MCmCEx-Uairied T.adtre withoot
atal of toe open tog of 8L Mary's ship their Hmthomdi and hflncra withoot
------- began today wtto toe dty crowd- their FUUn, sriU pesUirely T
ad with thoosanda of vtaltore. At sen.
OOoa Emms: 9 A. M. to ?:» P. K.
Hm a tolule was Bredd from toe gov«n»«Dt ships In the» harbor. Vlas
. TreaUnt Sbirbtnks, Goveroov Wa^

Doo*t Forget ittae DatSs

ritiin niAil fimcv
Silks. -'lOr .[tuilit>- for

Mfjj's 1i ■■ n V y
(Canvas Gkiv.-s.
full aizc.
wrock itlf |»rici-


Ltehm- «■»
iBpunto V.rtxst.
~a*U>c of UAwwI
alyU Ww. aiort t’ol
U». Tare-^rwrw. rtr..
verte mr.Mr.nnate

Pfrfninoii' Talcnin PowdifT,
aiild in drag
atonw for 10c,
our pKoe


Dictators of low Prices

Kthnll aniS <-stra
lane' ai»‘ Mfiis
CtHUm Work
Panto, worlb fl.
for ‘



Teddy. Boaaevell. Jr.. Is again leaebtog a Bsnday ecbool riaai at Oyster

a qidefc relief
Being prepared

A jAiyni

From the ntoment « open our door, until hue it night. This i. by all mean. the,mo,t enthn.ia.tic ale *e or
• any ether house ever held in ibis city.

Shipwreck Sale on
Skirts ,
S-Y) Lwliea’ »ih1 Utaaf^'
Dn-aa Skirtt. in BTOliaoUiie*.
OkrilUn*. Broa»k4e4h. ClirricrL Pumunna, Voil4*a, funcy^
Snilinmi ami OmTrto. valw*
np U> $7.*<U. aaJf {iri<v

.Vfc and 7>
.Mc-n'BAwI Bo>-a'
JJn«* Hlrnv
Hato for




$3.9r,$IiW,$1.47, 78C
and Sii/iO Men's fine
l)n«i PniiU thnt get
slightly wut during tlx-

Traverse aty, Micbigan





2 MEar pIatTERS

duriug the next three month,. We trill nive a premium ticket
,ith ever, 33 cent purchase and with 'J'.l ol these t.ckct. you
can have a beautiful 43-piecc Dinner Set, all »ith gold and
alple gold and white decorations.

Besides the dishes there are other premiuin. to interc,t
the men, women and children.
This offer hold, good for

This Beautiful

three months—until Oct. 3lst.


Dinner Set

about the'Breai bargains wc are offering just now in Clothing.
MEN'S FINE SUITS, worth $l-2.50ancl $15. 10.00
for only....................................................................................
BOYS' LONG PANT SUITS, worth $« and$f..50, 4,g0


KNEE PANT SUITS, worth $'2.-50 and $:!,

ladies; tailor made suits.


Wilh 99 Premiuin Tickets.

»»'*>' sw 6.50

We dre « Ockei »'10>

3Jc porctat

and $l‘ ............................................................. ..




“ 2.98,3.98,4.98


$0.50 and $4, at---*............ ..
LADIES’ JACKETS, worth Si and SA.


6 cops Cr


5c Window Shades
lawk; and |-.jQ3£ worth KIc per pair,
3c k?liP"JNION SUITS" 15c

Four Dozen for
•only ......................

Best quality, colored, per
yard ................................-...........

The Store That Gives You Most and Best for Your Money.


oity, migh.


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