Grand Traverse Herald, January 26, 1905

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Grand Traverse Herald, January 26, 1905


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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AM weeds dowa wtA their CtoWorale flora With Cnpa'ot Aft.
>Tea are tentoc the tricka of aedaty
Owe t< tA iiiaagiiil of tow to
qatte too fast. Odom. teU ne. efoaato
1 Beafltblw A aoA aa tA
what pea Ulead doUs with yoaihetfT* ttalcM apRBt showi ebon tA eer- lA eoAtry. If oM to Ae whole world,
to alteaied la aooAtoa COUftooto. J4S
Bl how caa that iatcreM
ha asked. -A noanat ape roa aaU, The rands an ptomys ande u foet Alow lA tortoof tA aea. TA
to kaowa as PaKoo. Iilsfcaelt
sttatoM aa tf MM CM wtth a rtov.
A ailMM obelaataa. hM fora of abMt l.Mt mat*. Han Aa
aaea aa thto UtUe Uddwt of thTdo- They
The? A
do pot,
larod tiaU wae aver.^ ifi^orcr
tbna. Thoa. if nitoa utci MlUtoa,.M daposAd hy aatare. trcM
^ iM>r «■• m »« 4h«
to tA way tA road wfU not tun sU to atEtna lacbee to depth. TA
Tbaa I
TAt aaaas a kn
Ut. bM tA Ala cUsob orer Ae eeU toiMcn «« haw hamattog Ala
lay oot a TBltwar Uae Acre, aod tor
tfaah aM conAim AMr tnU a Ae crop tA year ravto; Ad thngk lA
BMrly two yaora 1 dMat aoe half a Aid. -I aa a young
hamMhaaeeottouMfortwaMy yea-s
Btod. i
other sMe.
doeea white fheee. Now I oa tost
OcAskBeUy tf they AM Ae larfoee darW ohtoh ttMS Men AA
froB Um» PhlUppiaao. whore I Uoa, ptoaaaMBS of sell An Am harreatod. only
-t hope to secure Ae cktoC cagtoeA cd Ae groaM la aay plaoe to A p
Are beea baDdtas bridges. Aad tA
tea of Ae tM» ecrea ef tA fora An
FIBplaos are Mt npectolly wetobte
Thto road."
•haft iM dig a tnaet. laaktag a aub- sea-foocAd.
whea they are stragpUag wtth tA
TA aalt to flrot plewod a toto tn.
-Tea All I and. t Utok. to a lUtto
ndlBoau of tA Bagltoh toogoe.
dtotaaee gml eaoach to get beynd nwa. tt to than thnwa lain cootcel
see IVe hod Ae chaaeo to beet
to •wlBsMd to tatofraph tor u «•- yea meata'l ewe-H ne to My I'll:
pite by Men wtth bamne. Mler which
At Utot Boaeat a loeot
Ae foany Ptocee.
oorrr to eat op year bMcheoa-bo aolto a phUoe<g>her-tAt U. If phUoaIt
to lakM to tA redoBttoa warts oMr .
It woaldoT be uae. The mW opby to proBOtad by treadoa froa tA
-I wUl an wAt it aaai It.-AaaM, aoU to that Moot of Aom carry sMaU- by and pel lato Barkeiahto eoMUtoo.
e-s fellow klsd.good to be
aws A lAIr bocks.. Tbon UtUe TA work to dooo A MiktoAi oM
d." seU tA giri agala, eM beatAod froa Ae a
It wlU taka Mto aaerlr three hew*
sBea. Ae lotAM heM befog toon
gene At a IllUe while.
aota appear A do m work. a4 ctR
“Too are ««>■e wotooMo.- A mM aad than was a acw light la her eyes
towBlktt.Ae Mttte PBB «A eMon
-We are la Into,- A eaM: “a tarty dAUy are
-Toe Are seed a grMt deal of tA
-Bet m gotog to
-TaB.»toa.of etortato at* aaklag a fobr of tA
■ ,t» A tekeo oM
world. AreoT yoor
-li there ho ^ntAer way at adnr ttoa.-she erted. -fU dirMe area with
Lang Alptadnttafk
-No.- he toughed. “Mr tine has raad la a twlnte at. They wUl Alp rtdtog A Ae tocA of Ae woAeta.
you. That «eaaa three aptoee. AA
AlAoagh tA ktafl of Dnmorti toway.
U ngkwB Aen
-There aMHdra to be aooe. We ere U wlQ be poOta oa year part to keep heeo speei mostiy to wMie and deeeA
•B delighted,- Mid tA girt. wooM be BO ngetatloa aTelHt aeien eeour pasoed hto rtghiyMxU birth­ a Tier tooMy part et the emstry.- A trtth aM Is. Aerefaw. twain yeon
thlags.He actaally amlled a ittOe at this
-Haa MytPOdy thoi^ M the daager
against these leaf coUen A MUliery older tte Ae eapanr of Aoatifa. jet
-l-ve cterod Ae way a UtUe for A erted. WlA a UtUe how.
Hto foee llgbted a Tery wall whoa A
«l a iMT ead
IflRser has adj retgoed forty
AM last Aa Ae car door opened flnroei In Ae akapo ef tree
drUlMtlOB's ear. TAt'a 'aU."Taa, «-i«« Bet there to ao trato OMlIod.
cod n stool ana AterM and ease
years egetosl tA flfiyflr* t»^
> are araet wiA
-Aod TOO are sUll ao ywag.-Ill
daa ter foar hear*. Hewerer, a
dowaAe aisle.
e powrrfal AM tbow) of Ae AMtrtoa kieg bM oeoaptod hto Anna
-I'B tweaty-eltotsaM. -hw yoa aast set lA paee.not back.TA
prtoee onfootAepia M a Bkttor
8he waa kteklA at hA ww wlA
Bhe laaflbA la ton aad wm area
The flriV veetty faee waa aamd
“Hen. pa|B.“ end sA wend her hAd Mttcr eacMlce of tA others, and de- :cf feet, eceopte s—BiAtoLn emung
prauter when bA toaghed. There aew lalereeL
irAi In polat of taa^A of tilgn. temi AMr parttentor ptoKs against eU
-At yoeVe beea to each atraage to tA M
nwytoc.- aha aaM. »w« APAarted dUapte dtoeto
Artog beea forty-fowr years A hto
WbMV your aaapr
nnapr sA
lA whtowhto trucks with sTacaler fary.
utoisii Tfini aad CUaa aad tA Fh»tAt eoaldat A aappeaed to estot
Tha dator Meat the toea at
TA tnodwebtog Mts ars tad I Aiene. aM theiaw of Oreeee. thoogh
-Toe seea to heeitate.- -sA sMd. Ipplaea. AayAdy can go to Bvope perod.
ttoalarty hlM tosebeea aad a <
n yovs9 ate. As relgaed forty-Robert
“whn 1 asked yoa to taA the teat. aad to Egypt aad to Ae Holy Aad.
tal atteranca to ata.eM jean. TUrtyMgta jMn An
-Thooght yoa wm nAnid. mr dear.But yw-TO bOA Where IhtoA art
-trawy naaa the toaa of bmd and Why was th«r
■aid tA etoM BOB ae A ofooped aM et Ae taef-catten ban itoada Dva
■a heattatod ai
batlat to »a.- be mW-Not eo Tory asw.-A tooled. -A ktoeM Ae girl ThA hto koA eyea which they dtoAl JatoM or haoey for IA BaIgtoA. aofl A k
-I dlAT totok." A aAwerod with
Tho iWV eyea epwad wider.
which Ae tnods
A atoii; “that to WM Alto wopar.-: old A ear eociloa ef Ae fooutool- were toned to Ae youag bob.
-Tot take H coolly.- ehe aaid.
-Pape.*-eald Ae girt, -this to. Mr
a ggod «tel cMer.
AM they reUPO pay- Am Ae king of BweflA. '
The aM toaghed Berrtly aad
■Ite towhed to do that,- he
sMee. y«e Bait credit Be. too. wtA Robert Cnrtetoo."
meat for the foM aM todgtag tbaa bowenr, oaly hew ktag for AWtmo
diBptoa popped Uto alghL
trad. Than with a UtUe hoi
TA atoM MSA Al out hto hand.
obtalood by dffeMlag thetr '
M takea of bla hat wbea Aa diet
-Otad to knw m. Mr. Onrtotoa.- hoou against eoemtaa
tool oar aeaulatawe to a UtUe toe
. ha atap#ed to hto
be said, -t beUere 1 An aa nppolat'
TA toafewutog Ato themaetoos
PA was kmklBg el hto beads.
The «M looked ibroafh the wiado* hrMioadaitetMaBdAeas. Betyoo
fftor tA «A of amuocaeal a Uttla
-May I ask Ae Aose of Aon enrl- BAt WtA yoo.'
An gtiesu whlA Aw sepport aM
for a amaeat or ttn dad thA aUrod PoAa't awry. HI auead to tA otl-papa B geaaral aaMger ef the lodge tree ef eharpa Berne of them Proaeh boy cuAt two aaaUs. to lA
oBs whiu scanr sA asked.
ahovi the ear with a fartlre yawa ho goette gaeaitoa. Tm caa tmt »e (iw
tAd. Mr. CartotMi.- eald Ae girt.
ere lesecU that eeerete swot fotoes Aek of each srbkk A giood o baM
Hi- ibet hto bAds quickly.
hlad bar aMtly SiotDd haod. MerUt- toat rre had tbe rate of good fora
■Ae aloM baV kcA pan hM rap­ whlA Ae leef-cutters lova te Acy pto; Aea. wbea Ae glaa wm bort
-It-s AAlog." be said.
to m An ercr Bloee4 wm tatle foot atatoped tho fleer
idly trareied onr Ae .yooag gtiia- laA greet care of tAae gseats. glv- deaed A foatooafl to ooW pta 0 fieee
-TeU ae.- eeld Ae girl.
aM aba aboA her head w It the Ml- poUW to «w of wv earileat aarset.
Ho omIAT rntoi Ae apaL
lu Aem special floarten aM foUca- cf thread. Aa apds of wUA A MBaaWat. atthoagb you Bay aol koow
aattoa waa vUta AMdaiahle,
-I hear tbe rety best reports
-U bagpeoed' fa Pet*.- be sAwered.
tag thra M .foraara can for ssUeh
II, tA ettgnHto ef a atraoded a
PiMMtly aha halt taraad ai
-We were throwlag a bridge aarun a carolA jour mWUiy. Mr. Crt^- Atto. TVs Aon an .other gawta This can aM jlAii
pMd baek Otar her ahoalder. '
% lerel aatfoeOfloflABraw lo soq.wM
pf a diawlagTuoa. There deep gorge- Mf tolper had sUrted be Mid. -You era to An kb uosoal Aat gin tA
-plr.- aha caUed.
»U la retnra for board aM lodglA would tatopw. AlteiAMAaiPalto
'.hboM U Aat hdpe to bbA
Tho yooag MM lookod A galAly.
TAy tool tA MU toto brtleriag An etarud to BOn, iilogilqt flfr »
,^lNarB Boeh Boro oodarable. «bea wc had pulled Ub half
“The, ■toe.','
meat when Ao ArWl Meamo taM:
-Mr. Carleloo said. A Aought bii Aay Atoog to. Ae f»aAy.
Ae rope fMled. At Ae
,;*toMOfltoof AtntMA
-May 1 tranWe yoa to epea thto wto*
- A dnw Aa
I'l bead droop a bU could seenre the place A wonta.'* ro- Aey er« shaped e«oeUy UA aU
tflh rACh Ad all beoaase *e
marked tho girl. “If A bM a UtUc IhemsMne Ad ena appear to Arc
harAtkoA taliediMod? Ab'I to pe^ htAst Ad bis eras fell hclideoaly.
M Atlr the awin -Coruialy.’
eroB Aoogh Ao
Be caaw •amid aad mAtof error Ilk ef atoryaUA while year admlraa
iitafldhloa of
•trtekea. He aeoded help at ooce. The
AaCtA-totter caanot detect At
•atol* too wtodow wtto'a gatok toon lili itolilrlin are wlAla aU. for Ae
Tbe general aiaaager taraed M hlB cheat.
i Aat I doaT know wA rape bad fooled. There wm a oAer
WlA A amaaed expression.
way to reatoi bla. ao I WA
“Tea an Tcry atnac-mM too girt
flhfltoet to hh hHhta'
I "Did Ar
tA eUgoeUe, too. DaT wire Able head onr land.
CM Ad Un a high oM Ufe: Aey
BoflaAodacato. BrMeaUyJtoww
Before CartcAn could speak Ao girt wen crawl toto Ae onraerMi ef Ac
A atortoM. my frtoad. WhA we are Boeh to da 1 was one of tA aurs of
•M ^ graadsM shrlM* IhrmhoM
Ae eollGge gymnuium. I've m denbt cangbi her foAcr by tA sleore.
laaf-emicrs eM cat tA beW au.
e said and raalored to loclely you Aft treat Be to
-ft to u easy trick,'
-Too will coBstder that A As a
I WM JBA « alAdy aa I would Axe
There is. stUl oooAer form of AU Ae loM sttuMod oa tA tops of Ugh,
forget yoarrerr Atoleaee.’
Hyo TM'S- A; Mraadhack.
ben wlA tA ordinary gyBoaslua pall. papa, doer.- sA said; wlA e to Ao tropics Aet la ao exenediigly
do“Thaak yw.- toarannMl tA girt.
a iathatrawUTlsflBdtrteadly wlA certate trveo that lA
U^tfallr hAteriog afr. but A flosbod aat under ae tailAd of e ibeer drop roguish sbUc.
Tbe etonl bia suddenly toadied.
Is bellorM.
m tip DpntAlp ct Larry Ma WM gatot for g IttUa wUte.,hM peleUy at Ae coaclodtog sAlaBce.
of MO feet A SBorc. Aad it wasa't
totter acloaUy BAnfoetan Uttle teted 10
tiiMUy sA terAi areood aad agala
T%wi- UOiple
-I hope not,- A'eaU. aad An wae T*ry far-but A was deed whn I
stereiiy beads for Aelr only toaect
tgaNad tA ywng aoa. Ha'waa took■ads an eorered witf Ae Mdest
lAebedblB. PeorfeUow. We buried Plato Dealer.
tag at her at Ae OMorait aafl fltoppW
Isrgeat forwst trees.- aad to Ae
' blB le AM Ttrgle foreet. where t trust
teres of broad. Ad Ae aU
•A atoned archly.
hto ayM to eeofttooa.
Wiae Anti of tA Tropica
i'a tA people betow.tA eter. o?
“m anald y«* an aol food of foB- A eleepo as oonadly as A wnld lo
anry day aM cUmb dowa taA Ae
Tb sorry to trouble yoa so Boeh.'
la Ac tropics of almoM all part* «f
etowds whkk borer arosmd Ae
Ae mile eburebyard bat bit New
hoU-ctooed tena. when tA plaaa
latoa aoelaly.- «he aatd.
OA eald. “bat t OB veer thtraty.“
hM erlgtoatM tA brtlef that tA
aglead hoate.' BM this IsaT a pleaa-Pay taAer.- A^aaawend. t| aa
hide Ao day's iBklng any to wall
■Mwir dlSqnnt species, vsirtog froB
Be sroM gaiekly aad Ufied hto ttargods boU Ao power «w tA ctaMs
aot aaad to ii. Tate hn bon AkUd kt story to tell you “
tor the
ttoy cratiires barely risible to the
etthg hag to Ae gMt.- WAa A
-And your bands?" said Ae girL*
to BO la thto renoet I realixe tAt
. These broM-gaAertag aU lake to-glre or wlAboM rain.
florward A had a botUe afed a ptoM to
-TA stnl cable dM lAL I didal eye A tA Bigbty flsbtliig aou Ad pmt care nenr to bara Ae ptonU
I An hOA dgprired ef a bleeUag
iheHiugi' termites. wblA fear oelther
hli haada.
A Ualguo Cfoek.
Aat wooM at oan An totoraMd aad realize it uUl afterward.Aat fniolA nmay speeies
■BA Mr fwasi. Ad Ave Aon known
TA latest noreky to riocA hM Jest
torhaps,- A mUL. "yoa wlU «m1 tatoroTodBC.TA gW drew a hwg brAA
Oa MAr 'Aw as tow ahoehto thto
lo drtn eroo Ac (bick-akiBOOd rbl- arlll defMd t A plAU. tost M Ac toco- aMe lu appCoarace to’ noon. U
(jito batter AA tA water la tA cool•That was floe," akosaW.
-Very prettily aM.- erted Ae MrL
Boeeros Into msd fllgbi.
ar. Jh aenn dlreet troes a
-WAl wasr
-Bel OA I. bellen that Ale to toore
'fUercs also break to Md steal ta eoulus of a perfoei lepnsswtaite.
of Ac trapical AU
g' A Pv Botherh'tam. My An a nne Mto coapUuAt? Ooa‘^R’At TA dld.10 ant .cnteks. Ob-errers Are to aabqnc allrer. of m oM choreh.
bM JWr psrdoa r.‘*»w the leaf<mtlos aU. which go
fOTBlag Ae
■■ ATS It to Be whA Itofl home fees BOW. yoa wnU Bach rtoher ilt
fooM Arec ttoy diff^oM laaeeto ihsi
WSJ naUy noAlag. Why. It wss «ly J o"t dally to Immcaae csraTaas aM cat
•talaM wtodowa. TA cloofc dial Is
Betalag. We Are a UtUe toA hack than aloBc?"
dowa Ae leaves of stoMst all ptants laeak toto Ae bouses aM rob Ae oee larii ta diametar aM lo ytaeod to
batweA IB aAM tA water,
pre-K0.-.A Btowly anawwM. “I Are oae of maay sock inclueau.
neecs.—LouislAd k la good to ksA oP arlL Molhn beoa atoM a grnt deal to bj Ute. pan of tA work we were eagsged to. Md trees to their raM. In some parts rlllc Herald.
Ae Alfry. wAn tlay. beOs *d»lBo
of SooA America Ae ranges of thdae
erery hour. TA roof t^lA ckvck '
aU Me WM ear* It waM ward away .Too sneh ter my owe goM. Aad so Jest a Batter of duty, you see."
attflaaperefaraUvayaeoMAL'r He 1 as scaioety wUllag to adslt that 1
Trtl me about tome of tA oiAr tosecu Arc beea so terrible that
flewm Wenders of Kerea
AoA rapidly aM AK apaMgMIeany. woMd A better centeated wlA ayLllA- Korea has luown sert-a woahare beea destroyed.' and It 1
-wm yto Ate awn? T>e gtoas to self for toy «olJ «MMAy. ItUtnie
He sbook bis beM.
deni. The fltM Is a hot Btoetal
Thto win orrer A." A cried. “Yoo fooM Impossible to matotata mango •prtag «hkh U dalBod to Are mil
1 WM pnferrtag to eetUe down aM
Wean told by-H. A. Crafta. taTA
-0< eoww I wUL- Ae erted. -aM amketAbeetefByaoUtartaen when BBStot ssk Be to talk about myself. ottd orange orchards la away terri­
Home Sdeace Macaxlae- (bat ca per
thank yon ao Moch- SA^ippM a yon dawaM-1 should ny. eeltod an. Now tAl Buy BOt A polA. tut It'S tories once Aeec MU appear
U two springs, far dtotMt f
of Aa -GBllforato grape crop te
l yoe desire it I aa quite (n- Ae wtoy I feel about IL"
oAOr. At -coaoecled A s s
■ealhfol boB Ae. gtoM aM Aea
The MU carry the teres home sad CM passage.
Tbn I must tespeet your feelings,'
ooc spring U fsU toned toto aeedM latetos. tA oM|Mt
MAh the eeotMU npidty. -Why. pand ta tnfoass oa your boepltallty
e c—fy Mow for Ae last year
as tang M yoa AM Be cMatoUe. la sA said. “But I UA to hear s man bite tbcB toto ttoy piecea Then Aey Ac oAer U empty- AU Ae waUj
ttv •andouf- sA cried, -Om
6AW (M toads', to IWk>.
seems lo-flow tram one spring to ra
fMl t am
the AhUattes Md there packed to other, yet one Is bitter aM Ac other •tee. when most of tA seeding te
th telUag alMM. Xm aot nsed
He eoaM aM dM aM as eA dioA
it to a tnty faaacful Atog lo
deese Iwers. Thea the pocked Jcavco sweet, says Ae
done. Aen an sermal large ptoau
Asi sort of connrsaite. The mei
It A eeamed toaamaoo A hto •
ni third wonder of Kona
U Ae for hamRlBg Ae pndoet.raptoytog
U WM a toog epoeefc for Ae fouag meet ell talk eUA Wbea Acy Ore' an Ml to peace to ferment natU eertals tiny feraa of fuagus Agto to Col^'tad can. ta wrbld
whte there U al­ LSqa perMBs, yM Ato IMestry Is Aly
na. bM ha went Arongk it boUly of Ae
.-An yoa hOArr. teo'T A eaA
^w- to lA daricnesa These are ways V
"Why, yen- sA aaewered. *
and wna throw a mIM OMpAUa toto to talk about me.h breese atnag
strong enooMi
to taA IS years oM.
T cM't btarne Aem.- A sold rery
that 1 know I'a to get no teochcoo {.
suoag BM at bU feet. The foorA
tanners watcb crops, and M U a plae forest, ta whirii Ae trars are
f HMr.
'Ad why An you beea ao i
Ae fungus ripens H U cot aM Bond
SA dhl net beed jA erapUment.
TA loagoBi hair to tA world adow
lag. no Bsurr bow
me,- A mM aM wcUAcir aloMriA girt atood.
That Aeomes nry Ursoome. loa away to A used n bread. TA mU Ae roots are muUltoted. The flfA is le AM of HertMte Lepaa. Aa wtfo
to hto seat. WhM A retandfl'A hM
Hf oeoMod to As* under her geatol
no <» waderstaM- SAelghedaM
ooMoAtog wnppM to a oapkto la hto wna Hto ehyoees won away.
(be IteUng stona It te a iaicc Irrag-WAa I WM a-bey A Ae fora By Aea tonghed. “I'm a wotted AIM. sM Ac ‘Varas- are aerer wtAoul nlar cnA which aecm to A rcMIOg height Is Arc feet, aM wtom pA ,
Ho odotdM Ao ooseitofl aM
(heir laberers. wA keep (bra ctea OB Ae .grawad.' yet a rope may A
yoa eea I'm tired of Ae OW toya'
1s raM her hair liaa A tA /
sKAr sad I won qplte atone h
- ... d a half dooea saMwteei
-I don't know just wbat I ou^ to aM to e^tte to pndon tA heft passed under Ae stone wtihoat touch- groaM lo^-fAt right tocAs. It b
A aoswwred. “My
eorefoUy eonnd by ofeed paper.
wy to Aat," A Mormurod. Tow cropa
-j tMM you-n AM thra Twyflopd.' foiiqr died wbfla t was aaMll,aM
tog IL TA sixA wonder of Korea Is BO Alefc Aot sA CM eompAriy Wde
la order to keep Aelr .aMezgraanil Ae -hot Slone." which for ages hM' harseu to IL SA hM It cM rery oftoiL
A said BtoMir M A yaaeed Ao tooA bad 00 ara oelghbon. TAa when I myst Are oottoM Aai I am defl
foroB soppUod with .Ae oeceooary been almost al *Mte beau “A dreg aad. M U vows qrieUy. sA to able to
la emaU talk. It comes ef my s
pUe to tA gitl "Theyn Ae
oftea trarM oeeend of lA sweat of BodA' ta tA seraaA ocU It to a dealer every monA.'
ktod Aat Bother always mkM- I hM Uttle UOM for play. -At eoliegTbw Bake ngalar iwads wendv; This Is kept to a tomple. aM
Atohen. yea eoe. Of eoorse I toU her I WM qMt* aleaa too. At least for a ritty."
TA arcrage Wright af a ■
-flay fort WAI yoa WMt to aay,’ through tA forest for this parposc. for 30 paces arouM It ao wosa flower
time. No fcobt I wm ahy .oM Ac
I flidat oaM eaytktog of tA aort.'
A pccfoct AM
other boye didn't Mforefonil Mr. Betne wtU grow er aMwal wm go te 4»14 owBcaa. or CM *«
wwoM A M OortMB to Use for luac
lAa a wooBB'a
OCB. BM oA mH It WM woU to pr*. Mdea. I Ad to work V^rder to Alp for trafla made A tA aa-t was aAM I* aw ■■■itbtw
pan for raarpMciM. UV a Mother- avoMf through oMlege. add-f Mad to
U Ae proriaee of flamars. tu
eraat should A rery eomptAentary
ttaak that Made ooMa dlRmwwea.way, ywa koow.^
each a raad win A al- mjm penoM get thole eoAA
Bdd tA youw Maa, aM A .BeWei I
-I An A MBber.- nl/Ae girt.
fora ton thita three omaw-M Infl
t two foM wUe. fA s
AqpU It.
-1 MflrattPfl.- bA wM aottiy.
TAn woe a krtof alleoea
TbM don't say It.- crtH tA girt.
-It wahVIhnM after a rtme.'
, T An BO fothor.- mM iA yowog


_ ______ mi tkal I wMldU » ten
tkTMH i( Uat'imlms.. 9to jv«M«Ma aU»Ur toAM. Tb« -« eert e( wceeifetlwi oe boU
•MV cter srar an* *«n Isod m kto eWee.pwwe.*'
The Mrt pototad to the oppoMle
•m dew*, pteee.* eke mM.
«rU»dar k» Mown oM. T%e «_
to crtAtod. 'We m*r Are Is rsMto
-1 doBt «tob u> totnde.- he cMd.
hen for wren] hstre.'*
-ait Awe.- ebe repasted. -esd we
He awred towd hto enL
•^taak Tm.’ MM the fsa« ts- wlU dlwMC ef these .deUchttel mWwlobn
tetsther. If ro« don't I ahell
1 wk whM the into ere*
m appeUtc el ewe."
to Mw te htop w DM e( the aatooUe refoetuUr eHppW lets the net
■t stedtouMBtr'
The Toeac nee peawi esi tooked •Id tsM c«e of the ieodwiehct.
-There.- ehe wted. -thMV eror eo

vest m *1 did eone thlew for the
gloiT cd etee *uer that av.Mter
•tedwto asenod loswreetaie. tet f
UlA their atteMknu wne » Uttle
tote. WML etter I rWaated 1 Itod a
Aasee at hetoiw to bMId a nUw«r la
a qohe ak»e
Pen. Fbr neatha I
dtoaX cooit

T..;s;‘uaSiw 8i ii-ii I

__ 'M-.









M. M.; koid •> tMUUtkp «( «Pcm
FH<Uy. the *ofk ct iBsUdUUlM
IC pertonoed br Dn>ut7 QmI
uMnder COofiBOr.
padbm or Uw tot wot* pr«Mtt to
whMM toe iwfodtoa. JUter tbe
work. •> orator' aapBOr and ooteittla
«Bt «ara aajorotfBat tlw work of laataltoiiao w wM
«U that wai dona lart avMlas aa to*
iberoUp ooouaUa to* Ua
torr or tbe 4Mt was bHoa. Last raar
toe Cadillac tool IPacd a ehallc*i«e to
toe TrsTerse otr •••» to a member­
ship ooBteat Pof some time tbta«*
waxed T«T7 warm aad rerr clooe. The
OadlUa^nt mads a dame flxht aad
^aedmany aew member* but to-^
local lent wa« too eaerfeUc aod to*
N*B)t was that the city to toe sonto
teat tos eoatam asd had to stand ihr
a bangnsi- Tbey did so
with a haany food wli: and a spscia!
mlo toad o( toeal
dowa and vsre ngraBy irsated.
ms eoatest evMsaUy raaklsd beennsc last ereatof the foUowlag lettfs was read:

PH w« WmmL
TCtMWa Seoufa
wmte U «DM or Klw»«]r.
- - «b«A
(TOP *koM
vSTiiwHtaM «ptuU « to« «««• ■•»■
•trnm BMittt.. liTtH

mm Vm »««

lud «*• to M*

'^■H^^ansPHdokHe. KUf«H
ppi i^hr Md ^ Iw *o»B. art4MUf
to, •« tor
nm«^ Tkooalr nuM tkM cu
___ »tf imt tha 4o« '■•a ■**>*■*
aacHtot kad vBikad hooia, poaalbir
*■■ mtm wal tfktasea. Ba b val«ad « Hid. ' - '


' ^ ' ' ' flute 'llaii.
JMHrt *Thana. ate n roan, a
apd raMtod i
UtW id tka I

I a»> and aatUad on tos
k-whsm hs took m s
dBte-kla «•>>» mMwm

**iSS*ttTad tosra antU ton dsato.
Iks* m o( kto wtlv^ vktoh hs
.ppMd la this elto vMndt daagbisr.
N» isaws ons daathtsrted '
1 ssrslesi wsra kP
Idir « >:M 9. to. Bae.

tw bnrtol »m had eharia o( tos
bb VIoteA w»
ted 94 rsari,
ava. A
Imp«tod tnm aa auaffc ofr aoito
V Mrs.
Mha a« bs( dMiktsr,
ten «( flteap. flha toarsB throe
«Nfen, jBpa an a»d two dao^ieta
SkB kadp W prtend lor burial by
V. a APdasaop art pSI ha-token to
fltomp at • o'eto* la toe mcntoB.
wkara toe lalanMPt «Ut take plaee.

Cadillac. Nito.
Jan. Xtto. IMS.
A. V. Frtodfich, Com. TcaTwee Qij
TfPt. Ko. m. Traverse City. Mkh.:
Dear Sir Knight and BroUfer;
reerat mostlBg at Cadtttoe teat. No.
m, hy tmanlmoM eote we decided
ehaUenge your tent to enter apon a
cooteat Jot new amnbers. The coo
. n. IMS. I
to oonttone for s pertod of sixty (C0|
!days and at the expiration of*thoi
nine toe wtontag tent mast rtslt toe
cMy to whm the kalBg tent is hr
eaied and toe kising tmti. thee and
tbeio. must fwwlsb a banqset. cignnt.
SIC., and n enteilalnasent for the,
evoalug. We trsst and hope that yon
wlU not whow the while foatoer. bui
Take off your
•oat and hustle Icm- we are ready for
It’lto kind locards, ( remain.
Te«* fratonally,
C. H. Perry.
Com. Cadtitoe Teot. No. SSL

Tnrate Sh ual. No. ua. K. o. T.
. :-npmnaaay*^
-^ '
dsad poUoe that Ftaak
s« tt
tola city, had died
Avflp fsrtertygt <d
The ekaileace was accepted witb
Ifliii mi ia* MUwm
toat would hare star
B man to tots cMy. he Hod toe Oadlllac tent had the
y ^ to tos hardware been p'rwiat and the two oaptains Imk «Mh W. i. Bctitta. toe
.Mr. ‘
« flWIto A Hobha. flee- white as his color and Mr. Franklls

b' B. D. Allay and
atead to SimiL ,Ba was ahoot it
yean dl tefcid teres a wits mad
aaa. flB ftetnl asrttosa aPd hwtol
PPB ah llterd. Mkh. Nr. AusHa

mmi trn^tnm Bny UPl to fm
«ad pWaya Mtea Ua
Be nrttod
I U Bteto te faMly ct
d toroBsh ton f»

. vhsra aba had
toiMW ttoty ytors to her BM. tte
MBlkpMtoteffcflMias: MfS-yen-


Bm. C. h. kAtol^ Mss to
tes.aaito'WkMsMntlMban: Barjaa Bnffsr to CtfMwaia aad Chartsa

Cliy tint, Na BTt. Mat evening.

rad and the ton! was so dIvMed that
sack aid* would hara an huM dudhsr to efficient wotkers. Ihs coutesi
hpt ysnr wu totsramlag hot toe coe
this year srlll tar ocHpse toat ons. The
Cadillae tent has been
Ifjmmaf. M. U Hama, aktistsd hy Iter. lag ap ^utU today Us msmbnBhl|>
mmrn MNnalffi. to* Msam- pastor. asmhsri Sit white to* loeal test only
‘.Ite»•■■**<* Wteto Indtona. has fourtesh tooro nSmbsrs. .
i -^^AntoaMn waa ltoPiihsI hyaansrstlmuatc. the already very appar­
„..g2^tetoto.M0ntong: ■ entToiaterrat.
a «M saHd unk bed room
a«lt wUJ be offered as a prife and also
urcaty ctoer vmidatde pritts donate I
the husiscss men who are members
to toe order, srlll be gtves to the a
ban bringing In the largest i
ship Uats. Thrae wlir be .swarded
atew PM cran as clhctu who toe last nl^ to the cornet. Id aUdI
ASBP-* <: Mr. flnfsa stod «hnl tloB too tont will glve-)t0 Id gold tr

w to the one hringtag ts^ tbe largrat
mlmru and a)«LU pair to abut
• one brinclBg In toe first five apiffss «hs nasltoto. to toeir
to the dead, bnllt upon
SP| aaurs took hntot at Ohrtst's resnriteltevp ffot a gmrn €£ what our urday morping toe euaicst was h
aad before the day was over, a i
her to appUoailoBS were taken. If toe
naa for tbers is amnilhltig
s to thiB sintor toat H««ks CadUiae tent wins this year ii wiU no}
dWecnnsnyMe be heeause to ImA to inienwt or work
■ atom. She Itoh n^ toe pan to tbe lural tept^


^ asesnssA h« saM. was as Men
U. A K. W. Aumist Pall.
waa. flha thsoght no price too gn«t
At tbe a&Hual mectiug to Trsver*!■0 aptotfles
too hard,
i. no
no toak
task loo
loo ardn
ardn City company No.
«hk In
a lay at too fbei to Jesus Chrtoi Kulg*>—
:nlgfat>. to Pjil__________ ___ _
Iwgan tor toe masuat
pm>. whlcb ts l.. UkeTf>a«.- Toesdsi,
MA jb te care aad Is r«4i. II.
toe be
Tbe annual rarty of ihc KsKorm
aak has cuae to u
thsaflht ttet could cotofurt was
*Baryiod was Ms Ood." Mn ctoaed
a^topSasaTlnte^*^ wiO^vc hr*
*hs*hl« "wSrsamwsS?’
Whptt to taSUUfUl SUWITB Ju .

itein uAlto to* casket tsv ulmusi

tete te«te tte was to ffowwi


Ttes^_^ yjjjTfc 6- T

r sneet-Mral of i
Tbe-«a*euUve -cammlitet' u> hsv^
charge to toe arruugement*
fur tbe
e m1r roftststs to Captain MeiiUusb. E.
. MeCoy. C M. Be«w. r. D. Curtis
C. A Csrtla The eieruUve
:tee will meet in the oOee to J. U.
to perfirt
srrangenients.. It goes ufboai saving
toat this cieto wtli^^bej^ ns pleaSMm fflven by tola orgamratton, .

could do' Mrs. P.-n. Tcachoto. of Adrtoa.
Mttog them wen ataned deriag toe the only thing that <
pd watch ehumed l.TM pood* of .hotter, bat
year, wben-lt Is hoped that toe was to stand on tbe a
her boder record rxitods over She
M a law dosiag too tliC proecMtop go to'.
whole year ol 1*04 and to* milk eotosa
K Toledo man was to MIton
oihff <to) for toe porrnm of staniec from six tosrg.
A Niles ydiSic
CsTO Is wruocM up 'vm the dl*.
,...mmsn me
»<> -•= a tah factory, or rather a tonstog
trytop to trtm her tenak to 'nettle s factory to can tsh. It is said that oerwrr thal an orgnBtoed^^capg to
tokveu has bmw opscatln to that
Ull «r an pltonmy. .ThWvStolkeanaE ft Wiu hr maned on a large scak.
for many months. Several
was hangiBg nronad
of tbe gang, have been
chance to seise H. hw sh^tockod V- a sew dress. It is srarn this week
whll« for toe first ilte and shows tbe farm ^rounded'op.
... _ ^ boaso up Bkely sKbottgh It 1* old style and
toe depot. Of course not St all bold faced.


Tire Insiurance!



CAPIT^ •200,000




13 331803.

PtatAOlMff.S«*AinBeUAraiKl >


Tiarcrsc City SMt kak

Money to Loan on Improved Real EstatcJ)nly.
~*‘~aSfssessSiss;"»«t .=
Room 310 Now StMo Bonk Bulldlns.

___ aboTB picture of tl«*
man nud fWi »tlie tmtk-Diork oflk-ott’tiEmaUioii.
I.w tbe (oiKHi>ni for
rtmiBth and purity. It is atdd
in almost all tlie dvilued couuiries of tile globe.
If tlie rod fixb became extjuet
it would Iks a worW-wide caburity, Im-ause tlie oil tliat Cfinifs
Frtitn its liver suquiMieH all otlsT
bts ill iHiutehii^ aud life-git iiig
Thirty years ago
tbe jxtepipt"™
Scott's I'Ininitea foand u way of-i*iv|iariiig
cod liver oil wlbatcveiyoneian
take it And get tlie full value of
tbe oil witlMHit tlie objwrtioiiablc
taste. Scott's l^mlsion is the
Utot tiling in tbe xforM for weak,
backward childreu. thin, ddicale
{leople, end nil coudititMis (A
wostiug and lost strength.


Dr.W.J. diaalas
Cb«AI«r* Chri ™* «•**


the Hed Cross
In^Nies one with coohitence and we never betray that ccofidcace.
Our tsesuiption conpeundiBg is eaieluUy guarded, lea an eror
be pp'i* ai^ thereby betray the coohdence yon have m the RED

Very best to dental i
enty. Tenth year to practica.
Tow 'patruuage aolicited. Id
New Munson bulhttng. under E.
to P: hall, on floor wUh Doekerv's Busiaeas GoUeg* aad over
Blnger oSce.



219 e. rml St.

"‘S •

JInictican Drug Company
Alszrt E. GLofiENSkV^lMager.

'Tnvetae City. Mich.

TNOfl. A. AffMAMfl A flOM.


Wste Orator Brak flk^ xmaoix


Sad cte of iRssfilty.
Mrs. Hattie Couch of Bay Spring*
was brought to the asylum last week
by her sIsKw. Mrs. Cora Devi*. an<!
Sheriff HcQuain to Charlevoix. H< i
as lb(* deoiCDlia Is said lo be diu- to her busbaail't
eonvcTflun to Oh- Mormon' rsito sooc
aner their marriage. Soon sfier iS-l
ward Couch took his mamsl
j, tie fell Is wl<U
tTea.ty-nloe years wso.
a oei to Mormuos aad souq cspouschI
toeir ttochiugs. though be never open
br married toe yartous “splritus!
, wives" w!
ought la toe mi-cial suffering
- wife
-- constanily
. eodured

which his
today the.U a hopetcas wreck,
algttto to toe asylum for the Insane.
State New*.
Charlevoix has organlx<-d a board
to ocunmerce which will b«- Ineorpor.
atsd with H«>.o*>h cepiui and start Id
ccml any manuIaciurUtf Instttutiotw that laay be kuAing for a home
aad a buns.
Anothor hardship has been pUecd
on i^be hmlB night police. Tbe town
nniuhal has* Insulled one of those
bo^d etectiic thing* that tell or
them when they don't keep moving.
Ons to toe mlllere at toe sute cor
vesiloo at Lansing this week, ssyi
toat healto tOods cause many divorces.
He claims that they tend to make towives Isty and that Issloess Is guovl
luse for dlvoree. lit hi* esilmsUon.
A Dumber of Grand Rapids mea
bate Imported several doxra cuall
from Masnehusette* aod turned.tbeiB
louse near Pierson wiib the l(itp of

We have a very eomplete tine of heating stoves fox this
of the year, and if you are thinfcii^ ol buyti^ oeg it
srill be to yoor interest to call and examine OUT stock and
get our prico, foe we are oH'ering a liberal discoont on all
beating stoves for the next 30 days.

IVRANK TRODE, 146Frast Street


___ ,___ . .
Car-Scicness, and Di.-!lress af- ,
ter eating.
• >u»av yvwm 1 have Uwn * *>boKuS-TT-r rr-iu iH-anlgu. si<4
-bv. and hs^. nr\-vh br-m stss
itoicr ffMa. \ui


Custom Sawing an! Pliilie Dm.
frayene Ctjr Mfig. Co.
Cnw Late aw. nd Ulh flU


6owg to Build?
If do. the South Side Lumber Co. at Traverse
City is the place to buy your material. Shop
atfd mill work done on, short notice. Give us
a chance to figure on your wants.

South CravtrM
Side etty,

pain in any disease is ,
nerve pain, the rc^t of a lui^ ^
bolcnt condition of the aerves. ;
darting, burning, agonizing
in timt comes from tbe
Aie promprDm>
It nerve brabehes. or sen­
sory nerves, is neuralgia, and
is ibc “big brother" of all the
other pains.
Dr. .Miles’ 'Anti-rain mis
rarely ever fail to relieve these
]>ains b.v sorntiing these larger
nerves, and restoring their
Dr. Miles’ 'Anti-Pain Pill.*
leave tvo bad after-effects, and
a reliable remedy for ev ery
kind of |>ain. such as headache.
backache. ^omachacb4 sciat-


Until Further Notice

Not the old shoddy, but .fresh from
factoiy. Standard make &-A afld
Chase. They are stroog ar 1 cheap­


We will sell
10 lbs Rice for 30c
2 dozen Oranges 30c
Picnic Hams 7|c lb
5-pint Stew Pan with



made to emte. pno{«if. Only the'Vtxybesi mnThat arc Made to mg as wdl as adk Ttey m.


“^ ***^ ‘'

dwitoi to cstdi the eye; bat arc donU^ ceteM*
able, and nesL Tbe cheapeM on the market, qaality CfftedoBUl .
Once used and yoa
bi7 DO other ateK.

126 state str**i. w Uicier Petertyi.
Have yon cw

cover, 10c.



f«oy*l -ris^r ’Tmmm mr\^

CflMvtf Onr

(SI. non
tad CASS Sts.


Bopal tiger B

J. ral.


■wtwty cot Unr^
ptv- H* WM
mt • Ivse ioc.
Mkte. Br tb* BMlMwe
• nu«a« to vmik
afaoat iUir« aUc^isuiit.
for aMdloU •twiUos.'Tlic
ilu t»«ne-M
Phy«icta«. .'He


poMlWe 40 toll the tUU
ur tlmc oT sight St tho coatr
mue. lssce«4so« with settoa
UkH hr ih* baud of Mporrtoan. the
t»W« own
' ng^ or whoa the tsniir clock «om
WMOg. The «al win bo Hisiiliisicd
hnr ■oaths ^ tr ibo oorrlce U ostWHtoir win bo eoBlioscd. Oiberwtoe
« IhB OB<t of tho tl«o. tho lighu-wlll
bo rowoirod st ho e»oo*o-da4^ coutty *or the iBstsRotiOh or oorrlc«y The
Mrer Boeiric Ugbt hod
- f^wor —niTT fwwtohoo the tight.
IMor Ufs.
Mtt Bwgf w«
4-I0 o-etoek
log* from KiMv’*

tMo w^ tacctal ao deck. Mr. UrlagMoae wa* eioetod deaeos and Mr*.
noAoM drorwiM*
The report of tho oeoaiaB Mtowed
lea adfntiad* to the chmch on confeaslaa of talih and flriees br let’cr.
throe deaths, eight dlemlraed by let
tor to Otaor eberehe*. eleven famlilea
of the ehoreb and coagregattoa wbo
harp atovod away, lie famiiio* oc U>>
rote of the ebureb and eoosregatloe.
taunt bapUsm* tbreo. odnlt bapiisme
etaht. arora^ ati^ance -at prar«r
»MUag oR’r^ Soimy mernlag oter
tag for benerotfWee lit. membership
of tbe ebureb 11?.
Tbe report of tbe trvttae* showed
over tl.COO roeelTM aad expended »nC
a deficit of fiST oa currrat expense*,
which Is covered l>r aapaid sabiteilpiktox. The Sanday school reported :.
gain of 57. raised for curreoi eipeose.
*U aad for bcoeToIeBce fit. The C.
EL reported a
of over )M per cor'
In the atlcadsncc at the in«eiit(g«.
twelve added to M roll of active
Btemben sad «!C raised tor mission*
Tbe BisBionarT' soMety reported ST
aiembon. average stiendaace of 11
aad tll7 ratHHl • for BtsMoas aad
freodmen. The sid *orteiy has bold
socdal hour* every two weeks since
its oigBBixMtoa* aro la a bottefui.
active eh^kw. sad a year of eaineoi work <H>ctu before It.




Under Physicums Five
Months. Went from
Bad to Worse.

vSaSjStySmmm Vftptr. hat be U a
re«'kea he sAw of



h i fiita Fact Wis
CteM as twf.
«IWM troubled with cmetaa OB the
face for fire moatbs. during whitt
time I was iu the ore of pbysieiaii*.
My laci: waa in at|chacoo<Utioa that
1 conld not go out. U waa going
from Im^ to worse aad I gave iro all
hope, when a friend of bum higUy
tecotiniurodedCubonnrrmcdiea. The
fifW B^hfiaUrr 1« aabed tny face with
and lucd Cnticnra
ratirnra I
Cmirnra Re*
rrittliv, ami cua
co tinning
chsogvd womlcrit
________ _____
it rcinoved1 all
t scales
tbe treatment
i acabs. Rrot------------------------Rrom that day I a n* able
to go
re out. aad ia a month my fiface
as evev."
__ . as etcaa
THOMAS J. SOTU,. 3>7 Stagg St„
BrooUyti. X. Y.

Churrb of Christ Wedpesdsy evening.
Jaa. IS. to IlMcm to the iatoresitag pro
gram prepared by the City Sunday
____ • tbe apenlnc
ilcmala lei) by Kcv. T. H. nioai. Cbal
naa Roy ThOtopoon appointed a con
Btliee consisting of Uemire. MlUlkeii.
CordoB and Uln Harney to ptaev The

foe spoke laierosUngly un lbe-s’ilijec'
“In tVbat Ways Arc Our Smulav
Scbool* Deficleat? ' Mr. Dtirfe.- saM
that la atieiopilng to speak «if the d»flcleaey of Sunday orhooM he <elt tbs'
really speal.ins of hi* own
stinal (tffleii-ncy luii Utsl ihc peyiot ,
woHil. reprtweDtctl by tbe varluuh
papers and perio<licals was constaut
ly endosvoriag to ovemne the sosalted “deficlenrte*" tintll tbe Sunday
school* of today were suSertng from
otany tblags. trou many physlrlsns.
lie said: "What
'bat U'the
Sunday scbool
It is a creation of onr own. What Is
Its aouTcer Thee cl
church. “What U the
■ M. SBltt. eoualr otont of church? Tbe bwly of Chrtel.
w aad aloo agoM of tho qusrtof^
seiBOl is tbe cbt
the plan? The-,
gimwilVrtlnn of the Uaitod
be a* a cloud by day and a pillar eg
fire by blgbt.“


interest ..
said that all should go In tbe spirit of
Christ aad cited as an example iho
wonderfat work of ifae bUcksolin
Robent. wbo drew thousaniU of c
-ferta la Wales. juM as the Bngl
praneber. Rev, Torrey. drew, sad b*,Mtd that It did not oatice who ur
whnt a parson was If be had tbe spirit
V CauUt Every, claw of people la
Traverse City rould be reached
___ ___________
tbe boBvedepartment.
la elodlDg hU Ibterestlbg 'U
inrtM ^id hl^ tribute to tb:
wfed^ he said the twentleUi ceotnry
thonghta often ctus^ the oM tine

M to eoeems; tbe frighUnl acaliag, as
to paoriatit; the loss of hair and crust,
tag Of scalp, as io aeallcd bcwl: tbe
facial disfignreRKiit, as in pimplca
aodrineworm; thv awful surirrinj; of
infants, and aaikly oi wornout parcals, as in arilk crust. Utter and salt
rheum—ull dctiuisd a remedy ui alBloat superhuman virtw to sucecas*
fully ciT>e with them. Tliat Cnticure
Soap. Oioltui-ut, ami Pill* ate anch
sUmla pruves beyond ail doubt. The
purire and swertnesa, the power to
afiord immedUtc relief, the etrtsinly
of speedy ami permaoent cure, the
abaolirtc aafctv and great economy
have madv them the ‘sUndanl akia
com of the civitmd world. Absotntely
y puie.

h-d to Christ where there wore no dcArioncios.
Iter. Urmua Omblin spoke on tho
suhim -Rctatolne Our Toiiag Folks"
Id the absence of R. I. Nyr. who was
III. Though a great mans of the yooag
preiptc drift out of the Sunday school
Ur. Cochlin said that a great many
rcmalc as U detnoasiraK-d even by the
Auodav w-honl teachers wbo n-prc«cni
ihc.chlMrcn wbo have, remained. Tho
age of IT. he aald. was the crilical ago
of the yoans as they were oo longar

igapo them They noedo-l sympafhv
and eDeporagemeot ratlior than s'-oi.l
Mr. Cochlin'sussestfd that a lltilo
morc Rnaday schntil Interest lie. had
to tho homo. Twentywntnmc* of Stir
day school Work once a week wuUd
noi keep ibe Interest ^ip.
A'jie leaching n-aa also a groat help
aad there were, nftly a few real teach
ers. "There is." he said, "a point nr
contaot that would hold as we bsvi.
only to look baok In our owa lives and
recognize ibai one point in our liw-i.
that made or marred it."

O hope of reward except for the



do yon know who
are pcrfectV well aod'-etroeg?
sod-etroeg? We
bear every day Uie aameauw>' ovx>r ana
overage ••Idoimtfeel wnll; 1 am
tired aU tho thne!':

____ S


then appoiolrd to
silace the as,
. of the ofllecrs for
eloctlon. placed the following which
:ed iiiMin a> a whole
unanimous voir:
President. Roy Thomp-um.
Vice prealdeat, R. U Nye. Secrelary. A. V. Hobart.
Tressurcr. Mrs Franklin.


IViuUrr s
boM the next Meeting ta Trarer*City during tbe middle of next Noreic
her. C. H. Esle* reporting previous i..
the iovluilon that they dreired l.'
come here providing I.Mlgiug an i
breakfast was fiiruisbeil free for ib<'
.About five bondre!
doh'sates are expofte*
The nextI local mei'lins
moi-t .. wdll Ik- beM
In tbe Preshyierian church.
Harry county people are iihHOS"
phixing Just n<>w orew tho fisure pr«
vcnieil by the dlvorec eoun and ih
marriage license clerk for ilie pa-,
year, rtivoree* Evati.eil erjesl ju>l T"
per cent of the msndage* pitforme.!
liuriag the paai year.
tVhlt^dil woman ii.ved a nuuer '
(11*h as a rec<'|tlBr)p fnr needl.-w and
the other morains used th>' dish a>
hreakfasi. forgeiilng that ii (-oacalm i
tbe needle*. One lodged In ber ihroni
BDd alBioxt caused her death liefore n
phyticipb sucroedeil In getting l| ote
Althimsb organlzcl only a liii: - '>v< i
a.year, the local lelei.lmtu- company
at Lake City has declared a <l ivr
coat divid<-nd. In addliioo to the rpg
ular per ceni l<.<u*d during the year.
Tba OHniiany has sixty loiie. of wire '
and Is composoil of farmers.
A farnn-T liring near ('iddwaler siif
fered the hws of a numlier <»f cattle
ilie otoer day In a ih-citliar uanner
He left a iiall of Kn-ea paint «>o ihcgroi-nO and the ca'ib' llp|>ed It "'<r
>11 some corn stalks. The rosuli mailih.-lr mouths wsi.t lor aome of ib<
xreenw. and after jiartaklng of a g->sl
msiithy. they rolled o.i-r and w.-i.
burled the next day.
Al Caro, tlic Volley Ti i. t.lxuic com
;ian.v h*« been offering fn-o leh-phon.
serile.- in an .‘ffort to g.-t a rrsdliirbl.
but the people of the tow n do not wain
two sysie.-ns.^aiid alreaily have a local,
sysictp. an.t but few peoril- have taken I
advantage of the unusual offer of Ifaetmishle comiiaay.
M. T. Kiliby, an Eauin county pi»-,
neer and civil war veu-ran. says iha' .
III.- way iliey usd lo u.-t rid of the.
wulves many years a:ri> was to draw .
1 sheep's cairass along the grounii lu|
give th.- sevnt an>! ihcn plate poisonc.l i
meat in the path. Cn this way tl.i
wolves were l.liini .iff very faid.


—:----------- —


HERE is what you need to protect you dur-J*
ing our severe winters. HERE is your
chance to buy right. We are closing out
our entire stock of winter goods. BAR­
GAINS? Yes, the Greatest Ever Offered.
Come and judge for yourself.

127-131 State Street

Traverse City, Mich.

Jayne’s 1905

' •;
FREE! 7...,

«raiI*M. t* wMlcSk to oMRaM a


Mere than likely you nieak
words ymirerif, and oo «>nbt you feel
far from welb Tbe eonsc may be easily
of the fe.
a which _
Baaifrmt.Is’iinrK in
. It 1* plain. wUh a •Uapic scroll
deptfeloa of B)drns, reloclance to go
the face. wUhlp which the
anywhere or do anything, bai-karhc.
l* - - -’ rogl»eai a '
hearine-dowo polna, patuleney.
AB^rr dMi
W titled to one rad no grare idmald go
£ aaaackod. oo hwg a* the
__ ■_______
a life of eagevtag
r to
ftattad* roadr
b car* for them,
is the iMvitaMrASBlL
^ *^S^^-er-fmlii^ret^y
f^all thee*
•eB J. Morgan
rgaa «dtitrored the
sU Lydia E. Itaklum's Veg«.V«shto. tho aged widow, at Olot>
Miss KanfS.nao«M, of WoodbrMfe,

Auaol Ctarrob Meettaf.




pMcatloa I* wm4o 4o Mr., Sailih. AU
tb« U rogaltad taa aoUco of tho rog
imooMod eoBpO&r .to which the dekmgod aad tho oortiheate of
t hU^deathl AppUntloii for:



con^ta ^TAI^CVE ^OF^Ul&MSU. w»h

^ V to fact aar (owm la the oorih-win re-

» V'-

vYcrCiQ^ a Cfrid m One Doy
MtLogative Bromo QimimeTaias.^~^^^ ^

day, 'aun~i


Itddacaod Buraing of the Skte
htr. tun wac ridlsg os tho kmd.
wlMB te ■aklgg s tun sftor doMWodtag,*'kill, tho ttaslB whbA boU the
. loth OB tho tied ^roko snd lot tho Mmd
Isa. Hr. Btocy ws* caught uader a
hw which broke hU collar boM and
aoatber log pfaned bit left leg acrowi
tkg. taKBO Of tte stad. The toon
■artiio CMght U the »elee. two log!iUll0m thorn to b]^ coMIhg agala*!
a^iroe. ro thor wore un^ to enro•Vo|iathom)*os. LaVono^althfortdotalr arrired to « few nlaaio* aa-1
t u rctaaro the
poa aad tho team. Mr*. Ctartoa
' fMMP' teak Mr. morr to hi* boBc
ahaat throe aad owo h»K »<loo awar
hod Dr. Maao^ of VUlawburg
iModlatetr sumoMaod. Mr. »orr
M ngitag talrtr wpii todar. HoUthr
aqa «(>Cr. aad Mia. Nathaaiel Starr
—A to » rwcni «M-

other day aad relied ap the beach. The

to the ito«;rtat*B«t. {or be wae there and meas-


Wfia, wtaTSSi^tadwas pntaded ^ the aaanal
mhkh tbe ladlee aervod la Mo' gaa(.«y}»^ the newly ftnUhed npanm*ita<MStai baiwist A frw wfU
ogrrtag of ow |IS was reoetred aiul
wbm a I liiaiU I wadHae It Is.* . "***“
■are thaa m goeau were eened.
At tan ■iwtag Mean. Roy Tho^p. aaa aad Ake 8ssl>b were elected eiders
- Vie Pata>«r and U W.
I RMm “It la trm a«d always hotadni.

SteiQ-Bloch. Hart. SchalTncr vS: Marx; and other
htgh^rade overcoats at uniformly low prices.

$24.00 COATS FOR
$20.00 COATS FOR
$16.00 COATS FOR
$10.00 COATS FOR




- $1&00
- $15.00
- $12.00
- $T50



it will pay you to give us a call, as «v! have a fme line of Cult^ Robes, Blaokett
and Sleigh Bells. If you anticipate buying a Buggy next spring, now is tbe time to
get one reattenable. as we have a complete line on the floer.
Call in and get one oi our IIW. Calendars.






Ua^ Mkk^ :
&e«teurtees bnamoB fiitaa'-wlioay
%M«r iil^ hit Ant i«o um jmS««ltB«l. ailliw CoffroB.
saaiM are printed on tbe eurtalfi oliiy
Om «u tawittr Ocafftrt
nckei. Rot R^Bler
«noB are at ^cm doHu.bustoi^;
Aftrr (U
iniunailott t
_j« iniut
Ml WttoUUAx lb* eHy «( OMiHa to
•ortBl bop oDil k MB4a«. vhlrh «
m thneltr.
' •
IMM '*»>»*> >» >-»>»• *•»» ”* eoJoTfxI br alt pthwoiwfliarwiff i n»k u*t wtmk bnt
itrlioner. sent up (or i
«lw gorwwr IwUftrt nwn lakLMllHttiiD. MIcb,. ian. VI.—Tbt' ninoiw Mter eojM*a«»l« • ff*
A hoRe elm irc.- wklrb was rerttiil.tlocalh dUlriet judicial MSTeaihNi hrM
it on a fami bear Hespei4a sraled.. m 4& tiUl.wMckluuitieeaMlaw|linrd TMtordax aa<l today adjonniM
^ tl^taiWiK the nann <X
F<b. >« aficr bavlac taken VM 7,7T:. tc-et and sohl tor IM.IU There,}
thlrtr loa*
kar* cut fnMB
firini tbe
itie iree
i ot 'Kni conBW to Theo- jhaiiutii tor dreuJt
Tbc laiit Uu were thirty
The Ubprame «hl tnonialBem will
jevaioMMiw. iWaoeraneor«oai
«m ibr aasw a>- the find, nine
« fia« iTOBfirad fiollan. aa tt «U | votes for AddUoa A. Kelaaer o( Ltui- am bare tb« Ioop4fce-U>op^ feature
^ oolr MU faaaad hr Use boQkni one inctna. aeren tor Cbarlca H. Rose ot
iiqr UM «eak. Hovewr. that la nub Rrart. Hio Manistee deleitates l>nUed bnt tbe affair win be • hlR <ine nerfr
tor the i‘helms.
tkmprr-tar HwaMtaon or JoWiaoa- yaatenlay^^he
• Justin Jenks of SomhficM tnwoebit'
(haa lo lake the Balter tn court.
tull term u( six yean.
I Oakland eoiiDir. cialns to batv ibt-.
Tha IMMO >aalardar pot thnMisb
Ru.-^ smallest pair in the world, i
MU intitwrr U>« B«>a« <>< Rvalee Curhas
only lu«* pounds and I
Ito oi tterarao Ciir 40 RiBlee Jeak*.
1‘nvaua hish
This «M ttolie without erea roadtnc
(he Ull,-Md «1ibout.a!)r l««r>"lcalMo
by a MMRue, timitb (bore bare problem. After vainly sroklns an ex-j built at Pcitt and will !-• Fend)
• B of the deterlornllt*
that every
ftitlpely tff cenoni.
•Mtara abonid
to coBtnliiee, (i:
The Rievensviile Vlxllnni says bnlar lAvnvrait slsUkot.
"barr tnrni - ............... answer their coestlmis.
umims. an
and l*r v ■‘Hurrah! We are pcilnc to lune soim-,
SoBator Motoit |>reaentM) a bi
toamr HIKcard is
r worftine
fun There hasn't Wn anyihlni; »loj
InK here since the Founb of Jiily. but
ior IwIMlas and apeclal parposca tor
' cverjboily prepare for ihe c*y>t1. time |
r Mtthera VIcblRaa aa^in tor the
London. Jan. 19.—One of Ih'e <
gate at trararae City.
lasteea la the' history ot tbe Ml<IdlamJ I cotBlac. There wll l>e a iheater at |
dway oewrred this moreltic irlng the opon house next month."
a f«
There I. a artycTy su.rr at Itlu flap j
OoffifWl Vaeklnt Hotiaaa.
Rnal;land. when three cxptwss trains Ids that does not aril toluieco in any I
ildod. kllllne six persons and seri'Baataa Harbor^ MMsb, Jan. Mform, a little out-of the oollnary tor;
ily iB.............................................. ..
f^lalaarr arfaa*a»aata Uro becT
BMst RToacry stores, nor do any <>r ih<.
«(lax ot the Berrkm arilst. Robm llrouah.
proprietor* or emplo.ves use li In anv ;
OottBtr HorUcalltinl aocloUr for U.e
baUMlsluaMt of oeatral fackUit
bowaa’ia tbe fnii district aronad ibe
Laatlng. Mieb... Jan. ri.—Ootemor
mri mty growm wlih aa a»»wigtta Warner has laslrurted Jadae Fred W.
«( fiM'iKtrek jdfidged tbeaMOltra Ui^ Mayae of Charlevoix to act as jnd*e
jam tba mpeMlln aannent. C. V. ot tbe BlactoeDih jiidletal cirrnll.
>t «( ttw Mato Horil- Where the rtecilon of A. V. JleAlvay.
CMUiral aodety. aad aumaier of a as j-Hlse of tbe Bopremo eoiin left u
karR» epairal padtiag bonae at «telb> vacaacy. This Isdhcelreuli vrhwe the
aaplalaiatf^tka daUJIa' <« tbo plan eat- j npublloaaa tailed
aicrec on a notnl- Bj’.e
myed ir bta ahecMa. The enairal'Bee and adjonraerl their ronrentlnn
mklii^liiMe will be «f mat adrani- wohj Pch. *4.
the buyer
We RTower vrHo
. ispiMM tsle (he ao«tfia.tpfssat j
DM From Bums.
iMsMUsteettacd. BsDUbiD.
mtuag to onaiuy
Rlapsler, Mlcb, Jan. 20.—Jobnay
Ii Uari drytas-M«
ahore ibe the mile son of Martin WIkel ot three ,
and bet- milea and a half cast of Kinfitley. died ;
m mu" m
ibia Roun. TBeaday the muc fellow s
elMbee caujeht fire from a atovn and he
was barwad no.badly that It was nnen
that bU laJarUa were fatal, alihouib
MigMa TeM AlMtlon.
be anffered for three day*.





'Cbe moA T«a tUve Always
(md prhldi Ima Meat
1b «m (br orer 30 yearn, baa borne tbe nisMtne^ of
1 baa been taade tmder bb« p9aonol mprrrMoa alm<e lu lallMey.
Allow BO OM to deceive
ia UdR.
All Coaatcfffeito, ImltaUoan nnd^ Jnst-asu^ona*’ are bttS
Mxperliaenta tbat triHo with nndeBdMffertbe Mealth tiT
I against Expci


' M. & 1 L TW G«


CMtArta fat a

dan iDbBtttota for Owtar Oil. ^aV^
i. It U l>l?Saaat. It
eitber Opiam, klondilne nor oUicr NamiUe
Mubstunen. Ita Bco la Its pumintr*. It dcstroya Wormia
Dlarrlttuu and Wind
anil allByw Fcrcrlahacwi. It[ cures

■ Colic. It relieves TeeUiltifr Truablcn. <nircK Out
aad Flatitleney. It aasimilatco tbe F«o«l, rcfrulates tbe
' ~
, vivInR healiliyand natural slecM
Tbe CbUdrai’a Faaacea-Tbe Motber’s Friend.


TniB* rer C.Osr 111. sad n



<d and 0<aa«

lslffset««»JsT.H.ri S.imt
Trsis lw»B TrsTM*.'<III rawsw-Uscst WslvwviiAixeiasn't KKiUt.e loa nTTi ;ius.tK.
Trsin IXTW. TniVMw. i.'Mi nan-.-Uac sl Vsl

'^’iSAriiar ..
1 CR«U..At^^_

Tho old Alh n hourc at Leslie, which
has lH4-n slnnilloc Idle (or a niimlM'r
ol veers, has Iteee riYipCned .hy l>etnli



ot Ue
jtUjy..MTlsx fifad U nrid erari '

I' NaUr..a>i«eri>r *ira. SM (osb nrder
, 1M PniWb- Court far th. Uenatr of Oiw
TrsTwi-MBsdiroalbe n<t day «4 Der-4. -

ussMdrir usatriM end aUowuc ra


Feaarllle frail srowera held a nwet
las mat week to compare aotca oa the
past year and tonad (blfiipi were very
pratlfylBc and protpeem Rood for next
year. Aboal ton cars of fruit were
•hipped from that rlllajm last awon.
The drop entialD in4he Itop-ard CHy j


mi inv. «MS«! M«—r rwMrwrtnspw-nx

. sb.1 elu

iSKrT;;.'r.s;;£Ei WiT".

. to tsM pTuMIr (b* PrelMUOme*, U

.ortTM W awhUesltat


_• —

> ais'wiseiir twtsted *w4 —



J edc* at PreMdt
ritsu It WA1.RRB.


u. Uwi'l Rsm Jkpmi.







i:.V!/ilh© Inn’s,

The Five-Story Block

Cor. Front & Union Sts.

The pattv^i hat been great ia more ways than one—great in price cutting, great in volume of safes, great in value giving, groat in satisfaction to purchasers.

As many of our customers live out of town

and have not beeh come on such short notice, we have extended the time another week that all may particiji.-itt: in this mon- y-sa\ ing event.

men’s Suita Chis Olay
Dress Sbirts
N.y.rhav.weon.Kd such values tn SUITS. OVERCOATS, ODD PANTS, ETC.

At $T.90 Choioe «r a lot of Suita worth SlO cnd^
At $9.TS Mcb'a Suita that were or«mallr$12;fi0 aod $16
At !^2*S0 hC«a> ran Saitsihat wen $16.60 and $1^
At 516.T5


aad $80

hmaLmm-c Sdn. yM« $26, $27

T' 11


At $1.90 Hm'iOvocoata valoc9$6aiM] $C


At $5.T5 Mmt'i Omcoatadhtt were $6.60 aad $9.00

At SfOiH)


At $15.00 Urn’* Ontama, wabe $20. $22.60, aad^-$<r^


f,' ml

74c ...for $1.00 siiii botjia St.itt ■
1.08 . . for $1..'»0 slifi' bosom .'^.lui
20c . ....for 60c «iiT bosom Sl.irt
1.00 ....... for $1.60 Mocha
19c • •............far 25c Golf (i loves
38c.. ............. for .TOcGollGfoic-.
5c.....................lor Canvas Gloves
lOc.. or ;Hor 25c fur Shield Rows
98c far Mea's $1.60 Flannel Skirts
..................... for 5l)c ao-1 T5c Caps
..............for $1.00 and $1.25 Caps ;

I .00.

................................for $1.50 and $2.00 Cap;;

-37c................... .......................................lor 50c Men's Woik Shtrft '
73c.................... (or $1.00 and $1.25 Du.k Coats ■


98c.......................... ....................................... for $1.60 Corert C-ats i
|;88............'.................*...^ for $250 aad $a00 Mackmaw* i

..fcrraH nloc S150««tSS.00
fcr toh^ vdw M.50 md ,100^
..faisiunlm $4.SOu.dtr..0O
'.temRou. waloe $5.00 nd SC 00
fomnavnl,. SC.»>,.dS-.M


Pre-Inventory Sale

Tcat Semi-Annual





The Kind
You Have Always Bought
la Use For Over 30 Years.

PERE Marquette

At s




Q. p


Bean the Signature of



mnaa U. CUtar waa aMebad Ob)l>
:aad aadefiiad bat
ed.Suiea senator at iMaaa. Moat.. re>
Tbe "Rdtae- eieaMni tried ^ ta}mr- ‘iTtaa fit eotea. ^
tkaa. anadanides. writs and oiher
thtafi to r-i Ibe eourts to opm up
the roaatj. but' ibey'fatled.
Tbe InsUe opera houx- baa,
opened aader
OpiW.fl Rilwants. The hnoso has Ivi.n
rlon.i! since Ihe.rblraau tbaater fire
tirer a year aao. l»ui the people ot the
loan are •tiiifriUv in k«.» (ear of u
.'Iniilar catartnipb*- now.

.............................lor B"fs’ $1 tiii aa.1 $1.2>!*

60c........................................................ .djor Bo>-s TV I'ants I
37c... - -........................ ..................................for J»5V 5.K- l anu ;
I .48..................... ................'..far M»’t$2.00 AL Wov.l I'ants ^
2.30.......................Sx............. -farMea * $iW Heavy l am.
2.80.............................-.>r^..for Mea'*$3«)Cmduroy Pants |
2.50 far
tented lot of Ibet* P^ta. value S 60 and $4.00 \

Oiomep’s and misses iteady
Dry Goods
Manyoftfaelot* odereil Utt week have been aold aat,
to Uiear Oarments
but we have new lari-ains that will prove e<lBaIljf if wk more
attrxetire to joo. Amuog these you will find an touaenae lot
left orer froa last weeks mlling' at jnst half
79c ofprice.REMNANTS
Alldengths from seven yard* and under.
TafTcU at................................
LOO > ardodywtdeaboutbUck40 yards.........................................
Habutai Wash Silk at................................
4.90 White
Remnants of siiks from 2 to 6 yda.^ at almost
9.00 yoar own |»iee.
.2.19 ^Mived lot of woolDress
l^remGoorh, worth «p to 60c..
tor.................... .......................... 1..................
! :»ck Sarcen Skins, i^l.u) value*............

.\noiki r lot ol une Onvnta! Silk and black Saioen
Skin?, worth up to 2.50, f,r................... \.-....
1.01 ofladies’an.1 Misses' Coats, mostly Iasi
son's, each............................................................

Auotiier lot of ladms’ ixmg Coals, wete 17.60 aad
2ti.0ii. lor...................... ...........................................'iics' Walking Skins, fomcr (iricc 4.UO, now
lor......... ;................................................... .....................

.\noihci lot of Walkiot; Skirts, 'former price 5 aa<l
for.............. ..........................................................

fliiMtvn's Coats, former iiyce 5.<Ht..........................

l..M>iKS- WAISTS. #2 50 and $3..K) values,

lOe ami 12c .KlaaDclettes


Jj.bcs' Waistt, S.OO sn.l r.ilO values.....................

I5c an<j Ihc l Unnelctlcs .

Cadies’ jHstraeban Coats | Cinings

Former price rSOOlt now

Heck Furs From 79c Up

Selidas aarl rerkaJinei, 10 and
12ic value* for.............................


Odds and 1- nds in Gloves.
Od.U and Knds m Ribboot.
Oitds ami Kmk in Belu.
■ Odd* and Lmb in i.adie*' K^wear a I lobe cloaed oM
rcgardlem of the origin^ [nice*.


•MKPTfuvEiiM nchaiathumoav. jANUAfty ».




awo tec a «ard «sd teKUw. I ate l«
teteh'aW ABi tehdy CkM Atetag Bad
Brithactte aad laegwage My teachar'a’«MM*la Mia Bra TWtelL I
tftMber wteT teteh. t kAdaeteoat
aov aad hovo aet aoeb tlae to epaed.
AC I cateMt tbtah or amthteg aura
Jfltai. «r,fctt»a creek, amt Mc a I
f arlB attp wiftteg. aa goodAge. 1 wtB
i*MM adtfe tatrara ataaai tL
oeod a aterr wUb ay letter that 1
(MM8. DM(e WtrkBTO. aaat ki
anoto la ateooL
wtU keck MBik; aaA ar Aaat Lettlc
. ....K ..yatee-komteh.
aaat IMA alee ke* aaC a aiea ft»
taka sr ker Htda iMa Dra. f •« a
ad Carry,
4«k i«
*0M tka ckateh.
Carry ta gateg to tom to boy her
^ at tkk «k»ek BhriatMaa a
ikhad arkal alaetNaas^WlaUBcyae ■ether a Chrlteteia praost. aad
a kawr New Tear. I «tO doae. wlU I gotag 10 pot U oo da Chrictaaa
IM lo fteprlK ha Bother. «te
laaa. Aa «rar. .year Bmaklair.
> Uhe MU oo aad a aateDc. She
hw a redcte hood «o her bead, aad la
Sk laiMB^ r. D 1; Dee. r. 1M4. her haad ahe hw a pochethook. .
' Deartln. Pataa-t tboa(bt I cnmM hs aoae bloe atocMOga da her feat.
tOce to mtu yoa • Mw IITO Imtgkt. •M Mark abow. 8be aaya that akr
*li had a t«d tlae al tba cbardi ema hear the tala oe her wrtrHIa.
OoMaMk Bight, cb Basta Claw 8ba la glad that SaaU Ctoaa te eoa4Mat kaih verr hndi here fbia yro. lag. She kaora that tea will ge! |
I'fbt a pair'«( rabhara ter CMataaa aoaetklag. She haa aooae aooey la!
aM ahtory hook aad a Bk* pair d
IBteatfaaok. She la galag to glre i
M^ir*. My iaasaUk la aot Tcry win K to 8«au Claoa to hay her aaae-,
BDtr diya. Bhr waa aa( «dl aad aa tMag. Her aothar wUdV'tee would be
M> ebUdat D> to
Chrlaltoaa tree. . ; SCM Cteak ' aroted brlag a I
My (aacher-a aaae U Mlaa Oraa. 1 ChrkdteM tree Mr her. aad thpa;
Mho har ypry Mach, ior Me ia very tee vaa ge^ aad Saau Olas hroagbt:
PmMmU, m^m. ■.'«. mim.
if to aa. -Cor cMbd win te ckmd Ptetty nilaga ter her. She te laaghteg
WMit tMMTSMH. rkrtvowackater ChftatMaa. Ikwla
aaa ahe If gotag to hare a Okrte*- i
t^ aoBCMd gnM'aM mr ebdlea ate aaa ttee.
raodlac artthleaHe aak apdUag. 1
Joaie Unarteh. ,
hap^ New Tear.- I gnoH
' Kiagtier. Daoashcr ». Ibte. >
thfa It aU 1 cm thlak ad lor thU ttMa^
Dto Mn. Batao-I ttotetet that 1
waoM wHloyoo a few Uaaa; aa I hare
ProM yoar ttttlo friaahloar^
' stbai B. u AUaB. adl vrtttM yoa la a loag Uae. I reactaad aycahl aadhteina a hag tl«e
' McMi«e"C«afar.DBe.«. tWt.
tgo aad tbpak you ever te aate for
Daar kh. Baao»-4 Mdaght f
fhete. f <brlB try mad ton tea «h«t I
«T«ta }«■ A Mr Uoaa. Ihatajaatlot gbtfar CbrteUaaa: a loeaty gold Hag.
orar tha mAIh. I had aolaetlMe a teaplag teek. two atote teaka. four
Oulalkaa. 1 wU tan yea what 1 got.
t pli U haadkcKhM aad h pertaMe tep cota bdte. a Ultle
amtap*. Mi ad cBady. a etecy bock URle gtew ptt^. wady aad atei. I
aad a yard «( rad rtbbo*. gOte achoOt eTenrdar. My twteer-a
The 'liaow ta Mllm 'v*ry fax. Wc tea« la Mlaa Lola Htees 1 Ube ber
|^mha«B"*MtU« 'atDy Aaat Vtaal. ever te aueh.’ For ptes 1 hhoe a dog:
hla aaaw te Sorer, ated two tmbbllr.
eSaiHe bad nibay. I Ukc to la t»
1 hfiToieBa ter tWa tiMc.
I aa la the teorth grade. My
fVete yaar PtUa Saaahlae grll.
brcglted Htecr to le tbooeaaoU grade,
ftefottetelhattoealdaadwc tbiak i>
the bat teter oat. 1 eofor readiBg
' MatBOe Omlco. Dec nth. taw.
thought ] wotiM Ihd Suaahlao lettcra ao aaeb. jte'd).
' Ch^
'.rv -■«• .................... '*’
wxlta |«a'« fpw Uaaa.' se 1 hare sot tear aaile. I cobboI tMafc of aar>iWm ter a loot tiMa. II li saowtag Ihlag-aare to write tbto tlae. ao 1
jdl* hard today. 1 bare iMo aM wtll Wd yak goodAql 'wad doae by
Btth tha Maaates gar a week. I walked icUteg av aaae and ace.
Maak FloaMo TTbitaan.
tee BAea aod -a half tke day teteca
Age » ytaaraaterday. 1 hbpe that yea' bad a
«eny OhrtotMaa. 1 got a etory book
' Bbettead, MIctr.. Dec te. IMl.
tboat ObbM aad a taadkarMkd, a
Dear-Mra. Baea^.thoogbt 1 wonM
tar od partWM aad a yard aad ahdT write you a«Ow Qbm aad Idl yo« bow
M rad hair rlMoa aad a M of caady
oa getttag atooc and tell ywre^t
ladBBla. I win ckwe, aa ay. letter la I got fbr Gtetetenaa: 1 got a pair of
tatttag bag. Oood-byC
bloc white glOTCB. a peo-kaUc, headToteptetey.'
kerehler aad haadkefehld ten. 1 pa
teaale Wldrlg.
golag to adtoDl mw aad hadag a good



nSritwite' jsLiTiwr'DS


, lii^ lilt took eontatalw
ft'iTMliMrA iaa '« aa^w
IfWa >«• laealta jwar
Mkto yMrwM ta tbe pMga
MS.‘9M-w* aaMbar ef tte
tnt MttOB eoite jv*

• £-S£i^


'XMB thar arc <M Wookk to' d«B tbc

- ,j
,• fj

-«k kayUt. S. r & t. Dee. (I. t*M
■ Pcaanrc.—IM I tkoai»t t waa>j
>«» ia «m» ta YWL I «HM Uka «0
•)Ma«ka SmaW tMK ■> aftMaa 0M«
•MkAaaMtatattoa. Bov arc yaa
:««M» «1d4( ao«aa«af T ak fwl‘MKVMawca. IMMkaTcamy
•oot tSMrtkaa I vM a atotr book
imi mmt Mbkm aa< I •« a Waatl>faitmkmik. My cMcr ttablc cava
-M tkc nMm aad Mr aaattaaMta^
■aka Mary kook tmi atf aaaaln aat
■Ika baak’Mark.* '
.' Wa are haalas aaeaUoa aov. I aa
'«a tt* Mvtk srake. aad ay atadta
■«« 'rcMIas. arHkMctle. caopaaky.
1i«wyi yraMaoAip aal caNUa«.
;0«r Mhaet M» «ai at 4 o'cladt AM 1
*'kanv 4» 10 a dUc to iBkial. I erfli
'ciooofkr,tklctlae.M>«oa«^ FMm
' ■ . ■ i• t««a ABce.

Moaroe Caaler. Dec tt. IbM.
Dear Mrc Bataa t thought I woaM
wrttA m mr eoaalaa are gotag to
^e. I (homht I wotdd write to aae
bow .row arc I wooU like to hare joe
tel wbB ao yoa eoWd icioaa'aad rlalt
aadftay .au day. I ha is the
teknh laaAar. I go to aohool erety
Ste. bbd wa hare \ weak of racaUcia
ter. 1 woold Ilka to teU what I got
terOtrMaac 1 got a aweater aad a
toady pipe aad a cep aad laecer aad a
taaplag Jadu It lb aaowlag retr
tetd aad It looka Uka wiater. The
sow U about bit lateca deep. I au
sleoe far UUa Uae.
mJvoo-Oeeler. Dec
Dear.ilrc Batao>>AB ay two coott
sd OareMO are goiag to wTtte. I wta
wrtta a naa to yon. tao. It te aaowtag very bartT today aad It looka a
food deal Uka wtator agtea. Now 1
wffi taU you what I got ter CkrlBtaaa.
I got a ter aad a tet of emdy aad popeoTB. a'teadMiar, taro haaatltet raaea
tad a baaeh of •owera, a atory hook.
« baadbereblcC aad taro earda. I aa
aerry yaw are teft aad hope by the
Uac Mte'laaar namet yoa that yai
t»U tia deMag hattor. Ify cowte
fees Oroal BapMa la hare ow a akir.
Vea 1 artn hare to arrlle to Baadoa. 00
I arU ekae ay teUer. but It k real
are tnXr.
Mabti ToapUsa.
Agakiy. B P. D. 1. Dec te. IIM.
mr mn*-t thdwftt I wouM
e a tew Has In Wni aa I woold
I ae a card aad batoo. I aa
twtere yeara old. { alady alxtk leodlac arithaotte. epamuit. gfwaaar
tejctelogy. geography, alnb copy hook
aad hlaiory. I aa aU la the altih
grade. My tcacbeTb aaae la Mlaa
itea narteU. I like her.rery aoch.
iaa te aeboot aowaad bore oot aacb
Uae to apead. Aa f-saaot think te

r. 8. r. D t. Dee. tP..lte«r^
Dear' Miw. Batca-d wjU-arma yoa a
few Itea to let yoa kaow tkal I aroald
Uke to fate the Soaahteo dab. 1 m
C yeara cN: fu be C aext aoath; tbr
tlth od Jaaaarr. l -haa* S ateun aad
t'broteera. 1-wcot to ateod awhile
BOW I «uy at faoaa becaoBc It got
---------—._ r. D. 1. Dee. n. im.
\ Dear Aaatla Batea-Wan. aa It haa too odd. I ariu daw ay letta whb
: hyaa «alta a loaf Umc alaea 1 vro(« ay lo*a te yoo. Ooodhyc
' I tkoa»t I TOM enrtte. aa I lMt«
: U»a tbiB cram kreaHc. BaoU CkaH
>M«h( iwi a iMir itf raUro aak «m
;;Ma. nat la. My ataler Hattie fol

My hfotherc ftwak. Iran aa-1'
Albla were hoao fM Ttareeae City j
to apead ChriataaB with aa. Wc were
Otar to oar Aaat iaaaie'a te a Ckrtotaaa diaaer teat Baaday- 1 «lab you!
aad aU the Bmteteera a happy New !
Your UUle Banahtoe
HatUe VlakoehU.
Nortbtead. Mich, Dec'te, (H.
Dear Mra. Batw—I will write a few
Uaaa to you. I aa arell aad hope you
ptv (he caac Wa bad a Oirtotaat
tna la oar achool the-nrd of DcccmWe aU got a aadt of caady and
ana aad a ChriatBaa card. Mra. B.
Browa gad Mrc B. Bernard paaacd
Ibea aroond to each of ua. For m)
Chrfataaa preaCata I got new ahoca.
ribboaa and a ten with nice aaootb
paper aad aoao chryaathetmiau on
top. Oh. Ith fnat lorMr. aad a pocketbopk. caady aag aoae antt. The
weather to varr coM aad atomy to-!
day. My alatm. Beaaic and Usalc. |
are here now. I waa rery glad to hare j
Are yon alek yet? Doca i
n Bot feel iootly to.he alck? 1 think ;
1 win write aoon agate.
Proa your Soatetee girl.
Age IS.
Hetaa M. Koratik. ;
’ Acme. Mite, Dee. 90. 19PI. j
Dior Mn. Batca—1 will write to you i
■gala, tt being raeaUon I aa gted. Ite |
bare got the acaatea. t hope I wll!,
get ercr thea before aekool bagtee.'
My papa aad aotber aad-btotber are!
e TtolUag Bc Craa lAtaad. I wu: I
you what t got far Chrlatteaa prci- j
c I gw a gold Hag frea Oraadaia i
FPreo. a doU'a dteteg fooa act froa ‘
Oraadpa Puree, a poteetbook fioa I

ladkwtelet aad hair Hbboa. Ok
aad a large dolly. Oood-bye.
(Hadya Droaa.
Age ».


rort Oaelda. Mfch, Ore SI. IWI. 1
Dsr Mn. Batw-Aa i have acrer j
wHnWlo you. I thought I would write {
a few Haec t wvuM like to foia tte-1
Baai-bteo oinb. Pleaw aeod au a|
cord aad bwtteo. There waa a Chrtot-1
iTce ta our aehoolhoaae CbrMWu had a lac pmgraai. too. l
go to achool rveiT day. My tratei<r> :
e to Mr. Prvd Dago. 1 Uke hla,
very Bruch. Fbw Chrtotaaa 1 gut aepac
wady aad Bata, a gaaw te teecken.:
a haateerehlef. amUaet. a aotette. a ;
fatefeitet aad a teDir. I goea ay j
totter te tear ceoagk. I bape to aee|
btataiwtot. t wteh rw a happy Keir
rear, rgneae 1 wtU edoaa tor tUs
Toon truly.
Age A

gaa cMlaeac Many of
aa bare a reUgkma taPb
dUreHng froB hla. bat
aU. B whatever bedtef.

Bto deair* o( aaay yeara waa at te^t graatad. He had
fooadad ^ atoMoo aaong tbaae tar wratrra tHbn. Now hu
knew that be auiat die. Dot be withed to die at 8«. Igaacc aaKBg
hU bmhrm. hto tea boon eeothed by tbe holy Hue p( hto

Siaria Fma IDteitea Hteary
■ j:'»tes


xnsTT3sm ^•RAJSTcm—'v



ABoag the fwatt
who oaaa .aa Btoateoarlea to New Ptaaoe aad
tte BoHhwcau he . arho
bare the oama of
Marauana to tha aad cf

take aotil 0ta4 Say waa iwacM agateu ’ It «aa Bagled^ oaiL
tter had ktt thb place te 4aac' la that agate a( tttoa tMr hbtf
Uoratad tm bBcv.
PhtW'MaigaMieh hag fooraej wMh He Baoy titsatoak
toawhi oa an Vtewa white kept hia at Orew ior UH Octobar.
HM. irhcB be BBtid ooea aaoee.ihte Hate to fomd a oteolte .
oa tbe IDtedto HWr. It waa a OoM aad daaotele foontoy wp tho
Btgbiy lain twwpi by amoaa atoraw. aad hto Ulawa lutBaiA.
■a waa forced to nap oa Ckieago nrer aaHy te Dmator. aad
tecre be tetet a teg cteto. at omv a haiae aad a chppei. thd Beat
while aeah Umar aad tbe tnt teureh where now ataada tfe»
Btr Of Cktoago.
It waa a leaf, dreary wlaier. Near ha Mom he waa aMe
to go to the Indteaa at Kaakaakta aal cetahttte a Blaaka there,
aad he waa r««eh-ed aad wwtooaed aa aa aapH froa baavea. •»
grant a power had hto beaBtfuI aeol orer.etwa lhaae aatfagi

oaaa. puHty. a
to Oed of tbto '
■mM nan. ao giwat
that te hto death it eeeaa
be aaat bare left bit
ewaet toAueaee aa a tohlag benediettea tbnwgn
alt oor bordern.
to tbr nacient diy nf
laon. the capttal ti
Ptenrdy. alioated aevcotyfour aUca aoHbaaM of
Parto. te Ptnoer. there
waa BO older nor aore
booored taally than that
«f Maygurtie. *teotrd (or
their rato. aad bewring
oa tbrir coat of arav
proof of loyal. hOBornUo
•crTtee.Hern te IPkT waa bora iamuea hterqueuc. ^ oor ai^
know wHbNt tho tetUag, bo bad a good anther w« tad bn- U<tte COB te aU good wnyt by prreep’. aad rzaaptr. aad whM
trochiag hr Bovn forgot. Thrre to oot mute oa rre^ te hli
chUdbood. hot at arTtotera bo bnsa to atudr for the pHeatbood. Pthra hto duties were fliilibrd ho dnOred to be m-M aa
a mtoMockayy to Caaada. (or «blcb country hr aalM te IWO. arHrlag in Qaehoe to Brpfcabrr.nad at oacm algnlBod hto raadb
arm to go wbcrcrrr he algbi br acol.
ftor tsro -yearn hr oMdbal the rarlona ladtea -toagnagr^
under the icateteg of Phtbrr DruiUc'.c. In April. IfPS.. hr Mt
Mootrwa: aad took hto way ihttmte the noribwisncm wDdrn»«s
by tbe Otuwa roair, rrorbing liauH Bie MaHc afirr a wearr
foumry. Hew he fooaded iba'grst inirmaBeot arlU«lBcai te
wbat to BOW the Hate te Mlcbtima. Tbr ftelowing ycor he wai
foteed by Paiber Hablon. and top-tbrr ibry UuUt a tekrte.
About llito tlae tbe Iroqauia had
up. from tbrir toad
to the aouthward aad rwl-pt ovtr tho country <d the Hurooc In
Hicr COnarto like a wblriviud te Iro and name. The Harm
vUtogM weet! bunipd. warHon. sromru aad children ataaaacfvd.
aadthmrltetBadvasHIdaighibrtorelbrrDrmy. The mote te
them artlird acar the wreiera cad te lAkc Superior. In 1«D.
Marqacilc was aent te found n mtoMoo among tbca. Ilrwr, Cr>
. alda tbr llorons. tberc cnac many srandrHng iitbea (ran tho
fartber wrst. and from them bo bca.-d vague atoH^-s of a mighty
Hrrr Sowing from unknown couniHc> in the north, lo coontrlcs
aun nabsowD at the loatli. and a greet dalr* poearaard him to
follow^ lu myvtrrious course and see to what It led. It arrard
to him more than protwbl ■ tbai it emteird Into the VeraUkm
Sea. or tbe Gulf te Callfornto. whtcb bad already bran dtoeovered
by thr Spaalanto by the way of the Gulf te .Mrzkn. If ao, Ihto.
folyrd Ibr problem of the loog-aonghi-for paaaagr tu Chtea.
But change agate came lo him. In mi thr Otuwaa aa<l
Haroea become engaged te war with tbe powvrfol Sloaa te the
srrnt. and. unaldc to stand agMbst them, they Srd lo the raatward. acUlteg thia ilmr on tbe Stral-.a te MacUtiac. So Pathcr
Margacitr must nerds follow them, and very unwliUngly he did
'ro. Hr would much have preferred that they srould hare gone
to thr old mtoalonary grounds te upper Canada, but Uu- fear Of
thHr oM raamy. tbr Iroquois, rrprilrd tbem. and the rich Bnbrrira of tbr atraiu drew them to this «poi.
HU first care sras to bnlld her* a ChapH of wood aad bark
wbcrrlo he might gather bto dusky foUowrra. The place whenit oace stood la now the site of the town te 8t. Ignace
FOr a year be did faithful wo-k ber*. but his mind ootfataoUr tamed to tbr river te ibe meat and hto deair* gresatroogor aad atroager to vaplor* it* coarse aad preach to th>f
groat trlbea who dwelt along its banks.
Already vague and antaUsIactun' rrporu te tbe weoderfol/lver had cobk to Caj^ada from the huairra and traders aad
from sraodering Indians te tbr w*m. and there waa a gcaeml
deatre folt to make aa caploratiow te this gmrler. So all tbtaga'
worked together, and on* happy day at tbr More te IfTS when
Uarqatete had npcctolly prayt-d that he ‘ mlgbt obtain from God
thr favor of being caabted to visit the aatltea oa the rtvey
MlsHul;vt~ that very day tberr arrived at ibt- mtoakm’ te 8(.
Igaace the adroatafTO Louie Joim. seat by Coant >'rontMMc.
gereroor te Caaada. witb oiiler* that Uargnetie ahoald accro
paay hla on this voyage te discovery.
a\:o caa falaliy faaey tho >oy with which he metevod this
order. It was ewift wot* to proper* thter simple outAt. lie/
aewored two Urch caaoea aad aa aeon te five moo. aapplit-d
ihcoachnea with aiaoked meal aad ladtoa com. and cm the nov.
aitoaith of May began their voyage
The story te t^dr Jaomey to urn- of wondoHul interest.
1»Mt It doca not panlcutorly belonp to the htotoo' of our stat.-.
Th«r skirted the sborce of oor aonhern prolaaato, ritered Om-n
Bay. paaateg up Yoa Hver aad fteloalag ita wiadUig cosne
acaoog the low.VvM toads, gn-v-n wHb waviag wild rW. ear)
again atopplpg for a space to preach t» tbe wnndntog Indteni
wOo ^tbered aboat them as they camped oa the aborc. tl'i
at h-ngih they rc^ed ihc-hioO te the gruat. beaaUful bay.
From here, ttarqugh riwT and tokes. thmugb doreata Where lb■on custd icarrely - pentdratc the dusky green licpUta, and
though Vnig stmrhes of wUU rfco aamhes where the aBoili^'.
fell guMen and warm all <'hc kag day tbrvagh. ibey nocked at
teal the dlHde btewev-c the waters tloalng Into tb* great lake '
and ihoM that foiUMl their way tu the gnat rtosr. Sov« thev
wet* Boating down the tolnrouste. and at laai. afior hmg days te
foOTBoylac. they «• the wide kUasisa%9t awn-ping downwari
from tbe Bortb. a ma>estic Ihiher te Water*, ladccd. Now down
this nrewm they floated, going with ibe -wtroBg. alow carrent
day alter day and mueOng with many -woaderfal advewtarm. tCI
th^ foBod a teat that they Bust be uoly two or Ihive days’
foBiBiT troB tbe Onlf te Meilco. Fesrtag the hostile Spaaterdr
whoa they kacw thi-y aboaU tad tb^ they raUBoed the'r
tupa, tall CB their ninn <«t«nd tbe lUtaola Hver. wbiek broogkt
thaa. B teat, after aautbvv portage, to a Hver cBBtyteg lata
lake Mlehlean Now were Wfarv ,»»v« te raiwvHBr toww Ih.'



batar caac. aad s a after be left 1
•Mtte. the jadlad
town where hla atoskm work luurC^ni door. He waa aoooa*
paaled by a targe nnaber te bto Indlaa ebarga*. who bad fofWl
hla aaa dear fHeod, aad au came te Lake MlcMgaa OBOO aecA
Her* br embarked with two eoaradea and alannl on bto teat
Jooraey on tbe great lake whose teagu he had travMed ao Bmay
. Uaiaa. Hto eourac toy akrng tbe aaateea aide te ib* take aad
•Uned tbr lower pealawte. It was In tbe coHy spring, and all
the MteUgaa ahocc wm Btety wtib' the teadte greea te ukddiag toBves. Th* forecta that caae dowa to tbe beaek wore acU*
ury and slieat. oaly for tbe aonga te thr Unto aad thr ptechteg
te tbr wave* at tboy fMl wpoa the aaoath heaekea of yMImr
aaad. Behind the thlebeu that toacbed the watcTe odga
dogwood waa white with bloaa. aad thr thora tr*«o ptab ac the
B«ak.te dawn with tbeir wmatha aal epraya te dteteato Bowwa.
In the forest gUdea. tbe tHUInaa grew ta aataOy parity. gteoa>
lag tike white Man ta the shaded boUowa. aad ta tho .auaky
Idaees wbri* tbe gnaa waa thick and grwe Ue rwnd waa btaa
fhtber MarqueOr had br«« a lom te aalnro la all Ha
forau. Hia scaMUre soal thrlBcd at-iho night te tel ttmt Baa
beaBtifnl In aky or foraM.-wtdn tal(#or rippiteg brooka gUMag
through tbe prairie grastca. Ibe fomb eg a bright winged bM
flying wrerhead. or the tint te a flowrr. ‘To hta all was a pBri te
the uivlae ai^d ctoM MOn to tbe toearoniy world (where hl«
tbon^a fovrd to Hager. Now oattb waa fadlag fnaYhi aighi.
The koBsM-agoM acroa tbr take waa to hla tbr gh^ te
. Miy t^-yood tbr airtHlng aeaa that buote tbto aortal llfr, aad
thr opal tiala te dawn wm tu gatra te pa^^'' AH tbo hBg days
hr lay with chmrd rynv and haiuto folded acn>«> hto brmte to tho
toMtat te the blfcb none, while Plrrte and dargB^'pIBte^
paddles with gentle BtrokPi. and tbrir boat •
riagtagccbocs as tbry took tbrir way tu the nofthsrard. LcBfOO
afirr hagae the MlcbtlBB aborm slipped by. At tegbt tfHT'hatered aoBi* linfo omn. at the mouth te a rtver that cawr berry.
Ing down to mingle lu waters with On- lake. Hm Ibey HfloJ
tbrir dying Bmater to a mo^ bi.d te bcttluck boaghA baUl thar
eaap Area and wntebod by bla the night tbroagh; batedo tho
leapleg flaaea that U^ted up the hBciy aroods in a wild daace
te ruddy Ughi aad daaky ahadowa. U there shontThr a «*aehfo '
te dry twigs la iho-daricaass. or the aoaad te steallhy foetMags
oror the dry Irnroa. they hail ao fear. There were ao Mragaa
la all that wiMrraesa who had not heard te -^itekl-aada-daBiy.'’ tbe gtTO priest, or who wooW bara tho goal fhthB orhoci
trader fore went, oat In aock large Bcaanr* to tbea all. Day Vr '
day they floated northward. The groat yellow dunes grew atoeper
aad the foreai totei oa a atoncr. wilder air. The Ihlckru that
«aaa down to tha bcaebaa were te teadiuT cedar, cpiar aad tall
te reataooa pdffoar nnder the hot aaa. aad «n (he cool teg
ereaUBs aB^ the pIdm that Utied thBr-vnat. atalMy Main
hcarcaward Uka the colaBaa te caUwdrai atetea. tha plak ar­
butus* hung iu waxen bkMB nad all tha ahr^waa awM wMh Hi


Day br day life Mibad froa tte heart te (ha dylte pdeat
but run be apoko gentle words te cteer aad c^arage to hto ta«
aomwlag cQaapaBldfla. aad strove to lead tkrir bearu to hcaria.
One Tbunday night, ibe sinreath te May. he teM ihea
that thry.doBld soon aaka for hla their teat caTO.-dhfll.lB
morrow be shoaM die. Aadwbrotoaortoweaaethrday'ajaBp-'
aey ceaaed long before the «tay Moaed. Aa they parsed tte aoBth
te a IltUe river, be tted them to toad. They did ao. ate baOdfu
a ahriirr te bark Mom by tte bank, carried him (hero aad teM
him icnderir down. He calaOy tevo (boa dIrecUeaa foe hi?
hortaL aMied tholr forgtvcaosa for the uoaUo he bpd oaaeed
them, aad iben witb bto faai falUag atroagth adBlntotorad
■arramcot to them, after which te tlteakrd Oed for loUlag Ma
die a misaioasry la the wUderaea.
Tbe leador aortbem twiiigbi that foag boMa the gfow te
U>c svaaeiliog fetl at teat. Hia friends were won With ataMfo .
ingaud hr tent them folic down by tbrir cnap flie to rcM. aayIng be would calf them yrben hr frit death appraacklag. After
two or (hr** hours he spoke to Ibua la a feeble voice. They
found him brenUiliic bis tost, hto taco nfl sUafag with a holy
Joy. «'llb hit eyes oa tbo crodflx which one te tbOB teM .tefore hla. add with the naiM of Jenna oa hla Upn, te died.
Obrylng his directions they bnrlud him on a rtatng gronnd
Mom by. and pteatod a eroaa over hla grave. W’hfic the aad tteV
Ibg te (he liui* chapri bell which had so tetea ealtod hto dasHr
follewm lo prayer, echoed awurafnlty Ihroogh tha foreot aad
aHagled *1th the low ripple of the river and (ha whisper te,the
Ilalc wavea a* they fell
the u»cb,
in Um -wlaier of ICTC. a party te Otuwa* ucre liiBtiag tm
th* Lake MIebigaa abor* aad made tbrir epmp near Margariia’a
gnv*. When they wrr* yrady to return home in tte aprtag,
they opened tte grave
Uklng otrt. tbc4Kiou*. prepared ttea
arcortUag'lo their own fuixvnl
UDvvml cusioms.
(daced ibcm'la a bM
Of birch hark and touk ib<ss to 8*.. Iguar*.
Ii was a *ai*mu day at Uh. li-ii- fun atri misaloa abce,
luofciag out ov»-r tbe water, th* d*<-ll«n, saw a teag piceserion
te thirty catKK-« a(.|.roarblQg. and beard ibe ramrafui rkaat of
Uu- tadton's (unvml song keeping Ha>* to ih* alow slip te tte
paddhv. PrtesU. ladtoCE and trader* borrh-d to ibe aborn. Bad
wHh ted farm and udder bean*, rrertw-d the n-malna te tel
that aw* earthly te thrir bePm-d Umil’T A* would te*e pU-asnl
him ta-M te aU. Uto bmthmi buried blip uadcr (h>.- Hide ckapei.
wltL all ihc ren-awninr te their fakUi
Tto hundn-d jears later, ie JSWTvgsjjlorallooa ai SI. Ig
aaco dtorovtrrd wbat waa 4)oabtk>*s t^r dw ami few 11—1111
te the gnat mtoskaary and today r. it. Ignaea a slmpfo laartAr
■ban TO^a the flaal rmring place te the goad ruher MamariteA river, a town and a nllraad u onr aUto bear hto aaTO
bat hto best BonnBrift to the m—ry te haa left bektad; ttet
alU aever tot bto lUe te fovteg uaiflee te (orguttca whU*
MtoWgga codarra.
fTn be CteUnaril)


> ••".-■'rr

'*M tGhKER
iMdcai m4 tk* tmeri

Ml IMT* tMr

K*"i^ whn » au

WaatiCte •« «W* n»«.
li'Mta vavH Ifeat ema

' aii^ l« OM «t tkr »lM (BT ecowMT'* well togeiker; beat aad greaae a large
totoeiatonn Mo
ppa and pat'
Am«m tBrtlan e«MD7 «(2l
fM |teii»le MM wUk ««iMC*, Ike
tear «r tbc
i«r—Um tW •»•
aide. IhMB-ael m toe nek to tkawrla
X* BaaaMa-«kop wear flae^a
(If freeh Irrit «
PMd «r «M keri. aoMea a eOee «f
l|e vbuteed BMi
e.jrite pp* pw««»rc*.,in. «» ke^ to wauc.^
■ witb apptoo. an too w«n


Uw nc

ratnw ka aar to mm U to wtokta kla konr u «ac*pe tcwponrr atoloMWM u< Ato tko raa. It aB Bn
vttkaaetol^: otutaeln Hn ta nary
yatlmr, kat to tlw aetf-miaat, eoar>
U tke arapatky «oc Med« ville Ova atokoal—tkat taa wtokto
•koaM ba ■aaa»w< by tke gnata
ataekaraaeuaUy dtotf baa aetf-|«iy. beouab of
toek €t aoral aaaiaa aaSdait a aaaMe tkca U> rtoe abore “Ike aUaga
aad -Bkou a aatasepor (ortaiw.Wa BHtft
a if va cowardly eartcat oar
aoftrs wttk alUlas dowa asd lalBahly
laialiiBS to Klf ally!

ili^y.kawtt «m dry tkotr lean


Toi ckwa roar toon aad tHwod oaar
yoar cwB atrcftea aM tfe« mas* aaopla kara 4aaa yoa: wkaraaa. If yon
woaM bat opea ikon denra. yaa aigbl
c oat tolo tka Hitht at Oodb traib.
aad «aa tkol Hto heart to aa dear aa
SMliskt toward yoo. Uyoowtaddbot
M ni« taack yoo. yoa woaM Bad yoor
»cnM«dttoa ■ten away ilka tke aooa
to Ike tortag Un yoa eoald hardly b»
Betv yoa ever f«dt tkem.T«oatse MacdcaaM.
todter a aaile tkaa a al^ dear.
Dttter a ktoe tkaa a'trowa;
Betlrc a took toward the eky. dear.
Than alwaya br lekotog down. .
Better to ttee of troaUc.
A eong of kope and ckecr.
a keart tkat brooda o'er ad
Aad toakea tke wfrow dear.
Tke ioya toe dad today, dear.
Perbapa ons poor and enatl;
Bat better a little aoa. dear.
Tkaa to bare no eaa at alL


'ifjmuii.,PMreRi kttooa-

Tbea make tke anat of tke preaeat.
And lie UUto M*. 1 eay:
Par wkat to here we hare. dear.
Bat totoorrow fa far away.
Bo kxto to vr (ace aad Halle, dear
And otog to.ekeet(al aoag;.
It aever fa worto onr while, dear.
To kdp Uto'e worried akwg.

Whea for any
baa bow aaaMe to pto np toe twnal
,! npply to prwerrea and pitodoe. obr
need aoi deHMlr to baring a coorferb
I ah^ «lad pwaerre clooec. ao toag at
I tocn an applea to be bad. to tact
toerc are aaiv cotoMaadooe and UtUa kMWa dtokMica la wbitoi toe ail
d by tke taperd toto to aet oU to
the dcMateat to toe coaferre to qiteelilM.tha -Oto tkat tka.
to MUeu nktoe the apple kgam
it;y tkaa It «M to
rb daye. Fbr toaay a
! berry. tonUag to t]
y to Uyi toaklag to a dtoleate feilr. to aow entoldaed witb toe
Inie* to toe aiato to a kae icOy. to
wkkb toe beery Made eolor aad Baror
ae wen ae akiaa. Tkto wonU aac
tbacaantag'to toe clear froU
Jtoeoe to their aeaaoa. to await toe
tiae wbea toe apalee are to their
pritoc, aad ^ to aoTalway* poaalble.
Wkboat toaae. however, u. to eUU poa­
alble to have aa agreeable variety of
ieUtoa. eta. (ro^ the a
btoted with rartoae Baron.
Par laataaec. Bake a few gtoieet
froto eaow appiea. ariig toe akiiie. and
refaice la a gatoty ptok felly; toea
■ake Otoer gtoaaea tram the period
eaaw apptea. wkfdi giro yoa a pnuy
blaeb-whtte felly ae'drialy to.toe pal­
ate at to too eye.
Moke Jelly Troai any apptee derived,
aad Jtovor aonc wHk ,noo «eraalttM;
dropplag a writ watocB toartoto eato
glaaaaad peattogWhat aynp apoa
toey be
Tbto leada aa todwerfbably plI to pUy tketo- quaat Barer, aad toe ^yHy coold
cy tn .toat toori paae for that of oaotber tmH.
Ptovor other gtanee with dnaatoon
aad riore rerpaeUrriy, ariag the ciIMBllilf BfWto Ikpy not natnnaeat traeU
tncte at toooe epfcoe. aa tker are
Ibilr aUMae
e to
u toe did) m delleate aad do aot dtooolar.
1>eae are aow pot op to tla«ld fom
g nvtoe
s. aad.toay be
. Tli^terintoto
. flaror a potNhP.ftoto«li»W«pa
. tkM atoo with raoe, aad. ■ aorrity aaj
er of rarieiy to dealred. Bake aone while
JBIb'-liiir'kn'aMBatway* ban beta ieltytnB toe peeled eaow appkw aad



NBe wttb ptotacblo. which to both a
aror aad a ooior igreea).
Tbea. too. if tke flavor of ptaeapple
to Htod. Bake bopm ptoeapple frity.
by all Baaaa. Pto toto TOO wtn aeed to
oae ooly tke wrilwaabed rtod of toe

oae of felly:
ptador chop Bae the «ona «bd «g*a.
coa| eiawtyto
toe apple fried ae aaaal.
WMk toe prip or tke ptoe yen
bare aerenl fare od penaerred pk

fkr aervtag witb neata a enuem
caned topple tart“ to deWriowa. To
■ iu eaok Ike apptoe la a »Ud vto
««ar toetcad of water, euato aad add
eptoee aad eagar aa tor Jdly. eooktog
oatJI thick aad raoolk.
Sweat apfie pfekloe are fany ae denetoaa aipeaek or pear.aad are made
to aboot the aane way. Fbaidldia
wbola ctore to each apple aoarier.
d or aot aa yea prderi aad enak.
aatU leader, to oae gaart at nUd vtae
gar to two poaade of aiigar, adding dkuBoa If liked.
•Anvrtoe’ felly toakea a beaaUfd
dtok. and to aa laaty aa attradtre. Far
tklk take sli «aaru of ayiptoa. earad
aad pared; cook aad aumla aa tor }dly.
aad add aa eoaal gaaality at eagar.
Wbea U btotoa to iklekN ollgktly.
atir to the Jalceaad palp foot to abattoly ptoeea) or three leiaoM and throe
otaagea. kalf a peand of BatfUk car. waaked and dcaaed. kaU a
poaad of
aad a oMfi* at pro
d ekerttoa.—The Hone Magaxtoe.
Launderiaf Takle Umo.
licaae3U:cly ctooa aad .aledy
trooH table Itoe Is oae of the nwik*
of geaslllly to tke hone. To boact
thla dU;Inctl<
rlgilaaee on tke part of tke bonaewUe.
IB the drat piece. Ubie Unen abooM
anv be Jaf^ered wHh the other
booaekdd aad fkmUr Ilaan: not only
ebonM tbto dlrlakn be«inade fraa a
at niortr. bW alao to preoerTe
the Unen.
That oae Btoy be ear* ibat tkto eoorae
to pmaed, U to beet, when (eaelUe. to
hare tkto portion of the taamy waabIng done at hose. If not by the stotre* here^. at loaat andrr her eye:
gad. a> tke Ironing ekoold Callow etoealy to tke wake of the waabtog. a day
ehoukl be aet apart to the rooUae of
anaework far tbto taek.
The laUtot etep of the praoen to' the
■orttog over of the Uo«* aad the retooral at coBee, tea aad tnlli aUdu
be(«re potUag the art iclei Into the bat
■ode. wbiek would set the atahu. The
•laipleet and onany Boet effectlre
Btetbod to taking out Mitoi.atatoi to to
poiu- btothig wator throng tbea.
boMIng too weaael eontoialag the wm
tor at BOB* bright, aad -leUlag the
water nia to a tbto bot coottooooi
betog.caretul to wet only the
eialaod porthnu, ae *dcar bot water
will oat dm. Let tke porta tow irealoBo eoM brien potttog ioio toe
When tkto trament of m
to not wttotartorr. which to aeldoB.
aae a little Jarrito water.

Bilectce CoB UMltoGMisng^

and aege: add the neat, trie wed.
^htoBlata BBon. flat eokaa with toe
'haada. dari UghUy wUh Boar, and ‘
BBoito Oetaope-Take oae poaa
vaaL m H to piaee* aboat two toi
re, Boor toe Beat aad fry ft to
ter to a light brown. Dredge again
wttk flaor. poar balf a capful ef cold
r over the Boat, aet ft to c

Ul ft BiBBirr tor brif aa boar, then
oa Jrioa.
of Baeiy
ICBOO peeL aad oae tabletoMfriofptoertoUbop. ft bail
op aoee. then aem
of bettered loori.
Apple Pfwd--BM.d aad core eight
good Bleed Mp^i eteoB or boft aatH
leader. Leir -*....... .... ..............-‘---

■“ eaogbgr
Ttoatoedoeter to railed la, nly ta
dtoeover that to* patient to to toa Btri

to awtoas wglaeiad U. tbUklag oa
' aowewr.toria^ to her toaeriaartyt
aadtotwawnkttoa toaad her health
tokeraotw. end aba took a e
tkto roawdy before U vao M !*•*.
la a week toe rough and aoM n

Boar to a
cnriweci la warm piaee aad let etaad
over algbi. U the aomlag take thl«
opoage aad sake brcril with U to tin
MaSae—Mto one plat

restored bar laheaHbi
Thto to what Penas to Bring aU tk*
whito. toeeadsr.sadf*u>,nU|y aatan

Bilk, twa

ppooo of «aJi. with Sour caongh to
WBke a etlB batter: let rtoe foor
■rc boon aad bake to Botto rioge ic
a hotoreafornboai tea ailnaiee. Thb
recipe auir be Bade with grabas
by addtog two
aad to cxcrilent.
Caranri Appiea—Bteas ouacisni
pared aad cored apple* aad when cold
poor over toeoB a tblcfc earoBri eaacc.
aa for Blitog of eaSe. WblppiO
ere*B ftaprore* thca. bat to aot

The ae» atop to a Btotan t* Cl
ily. The tkliB Mrp to ttnB*sat of catarrh, wkkh giaBaally
Mkrenle. Tb* Beorib al«p. lka
eeUrrb beglM la w~<>
<be bead
to the thnat. toto to to* krenchtal
tok**,apdBaaUyla>eth* loaga. Ittt.
IbM eoaaaBpUen
IBM la atop
atop Ik*
Ik* Btoeaw.
kotUaa after «*

Hickory K« Cooklee-Wbicb de
Hght too aoele and etooMcbe of efaftdreo. are raaOy made
Two ewpe eagar. two a*Bi. baU cop
■KftnJ bolter. aU
He over a third of a cup of aoiir i
tc cop of
We bar* on Bto th
chopped nau. floor for auft duagh.
wtotola froB>ieple
HBie LilUsa
XjUllMMM Powell.
ruw... Anrora,
AlU-Ma. lad.,
lUU^ write*:
cared of eaiarrkef tot iHgi bg.
ngar and oac-balf poaad of' buiu
add Are egga bcalrn aopantcly. oo<Makt^UmomUMoamhMvtme. BatHPomgaamefartwo awake, wAan
n be Pome, a* ary comPHkm a
capful of BWeet milk, foor cape plftrd
flour aod three tcupooafola of bakaadBegaoiaAkvAfwvtorir. /wasgiwfMtoW AoB fkaf dr a w^<ke I ha* rNrired aach VeaSnl^pB^S!
iaif powder; flavor with lonoti and
eato aod caggh was kradco^ aad tbree mxekt’ tnetmeat cam/ttefy rw
rUrtir iHtof* of tkaMe aa»r.Hiil—
aftwoBtor«BBfifDaBAaa«k.".untoa/to>«A _______________ '
bake la Uyer cake maa. Make a
I tor Penas.
tard with a plat of milk, oae Ubb•pooaful of eon slatcb, two egga. oacbaU capful of ougar, two copfpls of
(bopped hickory aut ncata aad
placb of eaU. TBe atUk afaoald br
Maar paopto wb ap theta «U ririka*
.botllag before addiag toe other iale Baking braided rags, aad smsk peo­
gredlceu. Cook natIMttoiekcDv. and dally otody ol HawiliurtK- this wlairr. i was oae Bsss of girerioiu gvms- —
ple agree Uial the faarderi pan to sewpot bAwcea the layer* of the cake, ibaa to<‘ Msticrhig |tu->s pk-'ked up by ; laoBds anJ nbie£—Jlodm Soctoty.
lug toe braid. This can be dune ta oa
while both custard and cake are
easier and Bore tasttag wap by lariw
■on water aad aoap that doce not
Cover top and ridn'wttb WnB.
instead Of sewlag tke kraMa topelher. .
lain reato. wbiek ba> a undcaey to aad dot wito halved hickory aai
Take a tape aeedto, bacaasa h Imp BP •
bardea toe Bber of the good*. Two
point to Btick Into Iks ctoih. tkraai to .
cd borax, added to a
.-c o.«'■»
riBcappie Pic—Mis ligblly tugetber
jllKTc saw their mi-tood of washing wlik twine and iaee fh* kfoUa tpriaad tab of water wiU both aofi;
toe well beaten ytriu of foor eggs,
pniUag toe oaodto oadar a
ea aad whites toe linen wllhoot tafary
-N.:»,«. u .r.« u,,..
ooc capfal of sweet moB. oae cap­
straod oa tke right sldB, to oaeoaihp
to the IpglBw. bona bring a aeutral ful of graaalatad sugar, ooc capful uf
kfi. toea back to tke right
toic Aaea toe Uaen to be watoad ta gnicd pfawpplr. and UMIy toe stlflusing
twiDc duride. U the aril to
tola abb aad e^ for aa koan tbea
. isr]:<' wire ri.-cepiarli' and dlppud IMo to be ftmiid. pot tke aeadle BadB two
ly whipped whites of two eggs- Bake
waab Aaa. pot Into a seooad tnb.
dear: If ywo fvad carofuII> t
‘ boiling wap suds: Irnm ibli ioto oa toe left to our oo to* right, th*
la one crost
mid by poortog over briHog water,
of Mewtoorac. trtlcK. or any «
Oorer with a serlngae made witb tbe
. .
' bolliog water, tlx-u arc taken
body of toe amt bring toe right ride
rinse toratigh two water*, toe last
.re.; .rt,m .rer,' d.r.
whiles of two egge and two tabtobring allgkily blaad. and bang oa toe ■paoafnto of eagar. To bo eaico .III I. iU...tliral«s o«ui .lire .. I
.iu»m III. _ aad Ike braid you art wtatlac aranad
It. ibe let: Foil toe doakta twlaa al­
ftaalnaattaay lUliaeBt. ebaklngoaeb
..rei, „ 1.1. i«..ii,i, u, d,- i«i.
wMIe tresb.
Bott dralgbt to make the twaM* set
piece wril an ft ta knag ap. to remove
Uid, ,l, ,.i 0.. redre..-,,,^,
8wc«tBe*l Piiddteg —nve eggs. Bvai of racatlun times, as yuu <lu Pic- [
■na and dose togriker. Tkto BikM
V wrinkles ae poeslble. aad tbos
Og all scraps frun ibe dlsbea. as us- toe BBi alBost atlke ea both aldoa. If
very Btterlslly UciilUie troolag. wbllM aai yoUs beaten eeparntriyr aid and otbvr rurresUous. and ouvt-r;'
usl. tlxa <ra>i)> III soap and water, dip n muc skfll Is naed in kaapiag tU
eagar. one'
Merer atarek taWe llaoo. When prop- ooe cop powtivivd
, got burled bcorath tm UI.a -bsl
^ Uri,'hriu |
erly laaaderad It will hava aaSrient P«acb or riber Jsb. oae hatoct^ri ara nriun, behln.l in tU- race
knou of toe frined twine oat uf riM(
, auler strands ef the ktmld.
body. A* aooB a* toe tael ptoe* lel-^ »«»«•• ^
trllcctoal «h-nlopm,«t. u i'Cg ek you
flokkly ta battered baking dish. WbciT pw- your ihbught un a f. * Ileus w
Tbte Bctood wui stand sreor and
out. repleateb. toe Bre ta toe’"
cunimoD market basket wfalrb has t abaklag better ihna aewteg. and K the
range aad pot ite irons to beat, taklag' partly eet. draw to ibe ores door and Stan(Is nl llieratarc 4ril> '
bol>-s <n (be tioKna: .then plarr ban- btalda should mr broak apift. tk*
sprinkle over it a.belt Cop tor aiore of
Nor need any sinyat-hum.'. at a dl care ikai they
rers aad ptsm ssd ottaer dlsh(e on rial can be readily rapoKod by plek
When tke ttaen 1s parttoUy ttried. yet
lance from ■ public Ulirary.rficl |»\ idg«- within ih" basket and pour infltog up the brobea cad. Jolatag
cnoogti to do away srtik tke pro(Tlyrirtckcn fur m*. nisi rulturt- w
Inc water out ibea. and allow io
twine and yelaclag
known as oprlakltag. take down.
long ns shr hs« ti-a mlimi-r n <U; six (Uind lor a l« s mtaquo and t.’:n wftl
■ He Tims tc Head.
IbldlBg each pleec as reaoved froa Wrftteo for Home Cheer by Myrtle ran call b.-r us-n and on<- ur :w,i <■;
be found to In-' bonaUfotiy dry aad
toe .line, aad Iran «l once oaUI peribt povis UB h.-r booK Klichus
Koon Ctoerrymaa. Uraod Rapids.
sbluiBg.—KsOonal Kagatlnc for Srp
Even if lhc-»- ere incklag. sbe <
Maks it a rrie ta harp toe bach, «d
feriiy dry. To gire toe loner ao no
IB ibcsc /ays of many pobllcaiiws
the Back rieoe to the toric of to* eeg
UooBbto ta new Itoen. troa oa the rlgiii aad cadles* talk of books, the am- Uke ber BibU- and n-ad li wftbg v i; -Table ctolhs as ‘writ as toe Wtlaas but busy, pmoai who have a
s Ilirrary u well as •ibtcal rai
Bril toe Ufa
nailer ptoe** should be Iraoed slngty taste fbr readlag often fed a weight
dowaweid. Try Co sqoeete
Then- is always uin>onur.liy fu
To gave Blood Poiaoninp.
before beta! folded.
coliutc. 11 wi- kno* bow >u sc— «-ba:
Wiji-oeTvr a »H»er br ipltnicr is to Bar btadea togather masy ttaMS a day.
of fleepatr.
by the foragriag
band and oMke use o: ti. wlib gla l Ijv- rc-muvssj from a rbild's hand, or Biaad araet at riwici taterrato daring
-It U iBpoariblc to keep ft op!“ they
Brikod will aot only be frosber and cry. aad ibe aorv oerloas one* say. and ibankfnl taiwrts.
slia ni-ver ii hi atwriury to use a toe day—"kdad «toitt- ckdbt
attiactlrc ta appearaaee..bat
r.,«-;!lrIf ft wt-f- a lance, ta order
alBott srtth lean, Tbi atraU my
loaccr tbaa if washedria
Walk 'or Hand wtik the haada
Qjeen uf sum's Thsmble.
:«“ oi"*: « pimplo or boll to let oot the
brain wUl stowly
uaaal way. Of eooree. as oil carcfol little tiiri! to read'
The o«(tik-»i ibir,iU<- in ibr- si-,.r»,»; pw’. a!*s.‘*.dKvri!in- the nuodte Aral riasped hMtad toe bead aad the eft
jicvvi'W puskiiiis- eoataBlngUba. bowa waaapart- Wqlk aboot. or wrqa
Kow. ff these deaf, asplrlag ooiw I* undotilHriil.v oLt- potsi-^srTl l>y tir
is' U sw-lly riant- b} hoMtag the ran upotatao. wttb a weight on the top
esnid oa^ realise, oace tor ell. tost H queen of dlam ft was ort-M-niori v
fortbeplala to not onaatllr,' but ueality. that ber by bri husband. tb<- king. wb>> ha i
ttaa head. Praetto* tka arm Bar*rt^l
Itaeiss. They skouH aerer be
mea'u «f fb« t
.or a CB
ooants ta books as in crerytbli^g-lsc. ft amrir ai a com of ratbsT morr ibar
to soak, la toe eaae ef eaibi
while otaadlng or waWar HeM the
ri^ Uilmbh- is an vsqri' re/re-l«,. T,:.
what a relief it eraoM be to tom!
ptacM. ladtag will be toe resaft of
,ai><(> cool, is s ii» .m-a Mt-ufabsorbeat arBU hebind toa SBaQ of Iha km$woili of art. ft is madt.- of pure okl
aaeb aamiae. while ao(abrk abrtaks.
Cany * caae or oabndto btota# th*
womaa fricad
tor taxMon or ahajK of a half '<»«'««• aiKl ""-a “
wbea wet. like toee. The sreriitag, oito whoa'she was taking soqie spe­ opoofd kaus flower, the Horst (3B*.lrtn
ponr_-( nu> be rcqWrrd wUbout ■asofl of the bark or behind toakPehtlaslag. and IrtBlng of sock artlriea cial work ta «
Pot toe bands aa to* htpe. ««h *«•
of toe royal bouse of Sum. ft I* toft-r. ' daagw of ln!4-«ku».
skaald be neegBpllsbril ta talek ancOnea.' «ix:-n a syllairr to kalgui fa< bows bark aad togera fprword. Whea
quote fm ril tbrw dlfeoMioa. They otaNldBM be bang oo: , fercat books.------------------------- -------walking swing toe afaa and riwakimIM V nan. aod it to I
arraagisl *a <n uciI<t
pn-rious tUMcs. «i
ta dry hot taB*d wbll* wet. oa tbcj^,^
aa to fyrtD ibe aamr of. tor queen. i»' puasibu- to rtteuve li wHkout eatUag Btrouriy kaekWBf*. Btaad «p aow
WToag ride over Baanri-Kew Ido* ^ Ttoere aenw to be ao Ubc out- getbur witb tor date of ber marring:. down inlo t|i^ quick, ft to wfaeT to let aad thro dortog the day trilh aft ihe
Not idag suKT- a Parte ft*.1«?r mad* ibrsspiinicr riour so far aa ritorts to poaiamwpgrts af the hodf. m tar'm
' ride of By dutlee fbr geaesa! readtag,
iWtoatmUcIrisarelbareootrisebeol a most qtabo.-ao.' ttambii- lo 'tbr onlcr rcicnvi ft are coaecroed. aad tbea to posable, tooeblag a tortlwl Ivatt. .
Uiok upward as yea writaaa toe bob*.
small poult ler of
uf a artllionairr. It «ss sooHwIiat'app'-l
A Uttto of BearytoliB!1
BWd sag- ay side uf tor^atraac
Ibaa tot tnllBarv toia:bte aad j
Saner Mtoe-Pat ptaia brilad rte* > brirs aad girt*
toe agreed priri- wt*fSi.<«ri. Tbegol-l'ar. iriird into a uuft paste wlth'tM
ta a BBcopaa with a laap of kottcr. ^ yoar.*:
KIlriMSI tablM I 5 ao laager CooAdd as Bach UBato ariaec a^ the rtoe, . ''Wby. ay dear!" cried ibe trtead. trulag was scarcriy stoliu-. no eom-, Up uf a slftir spoon, aod torn spruad
wtllBafga Vand pkBtyefffaiad Pat-‘With a drilghiad took. “Wbst better pletriy was lt.«rt-u**d with diaBimaa.ioa a bit ri clean gaasr. Tie toto
Bsasa cheeaa. Mix weB kai kari> otto : tblag eorid yoa do tar ewe whole wiu- rabtos' and prarto ta arttaik; dualgM. j arooad tor nail wburr the apitatar to oaly Ibe oae riowd^ as ta y
Many era Brit* «
itagaatflhot. Sfm yUad on disk,
tertoaa u read Hawtom?'Do you
wood wUl kp tees aearer toe top of ahatra. whito a happy BOdtaB haa
Potato OBsIri-^fae cap of laaebad ■ kaow'that a'cooipany of erities
of ra- recipient.
Inar diaweta wMh tke tawta oaaf nta
rtoto aattsMlKle* roccMly decided
Fir* or sU weeks ago a frwelB^ ta tke Ball. oCHB stlcUag right <
poutoea. three eggs.^1
atag dawn to hoU a ahrifl ll« *d
of ask.
ritoe Beiriet Utter' ww
toe won «ad was paid a snat of DriCrty Uwt a aUMt poll to aU that to
rote that n
Bob-or >* poaad* ef'fPriK;
t»Ari tar a tklaMr wbVh the paa- ■ary to iriaere ft.
BMie pepper, half a <wp at awm Btik. Boet Wri


Ask Your DrUBgist for a Free Reruns Almanac for 1905

‘£m.4 ,“:rrv:rS'„,o.„






0i^iib %KW^sit Hj^ralb*

kaw Mppari «t al) faetariM aad railnm aiwaa t»fj. RMtag kaa lM|aa
Vttaa, huaaia. Jan. Pt..-gt airikt haa
and la rapidly apraad-

«r MV l*«Meh • vaa*;***^


Ml M pMdd own have awam W
mMm Mir flam far M a^^
mPM P*< M aa PM P«* >•
al Mi apMiPt PP-«dMr wttt their
laHlHA Tha Mhara ara ■MMhing
a af via-

Oatth af Mra. C. C. OaiaaP.
Met. Btabalb C. DalMU. a phMer
al Ibla aaaa^ dnee IM. paaaad away
6 o'dach rrtdar aioralBp. She had baea
la ftaU heaUk daca (ha middle af No▼aoibrr. vbea «be caSarad a smAa of
paralyala. Nor. 1>- bnt racorarad utli

Maaeaw. Jan. 24^Th« atrtkara Wa
Miar tataiM io,oaa. tj** a»
»la)faa af tHa
LMar and •diraariar factariaa taaa. TuaadayhwrBinfr when aha bocama
aal iar la (hi* data antfl
jaM In tha aMka. Tha
tba and came pmt^Ur todayNaaNy forty yaara ago Mr. aad Mra
John DalMdl ATrirad Is the north,
a«am IWM clatad thair anepfc
Undan. Jan. 2«^ Mafra* fram which wad bat acnnUly aaUlad and
took np ahomeataad el Idd nerea. addr
kataaan tha atftkaaa an< Ceaaacfca ac- from a dUaet purebaao of aaothM
I to tha Kuaaian aaptui lata ta- hnndrod som adjolalac it There
tboy Uvad with thoir larpa faadly ol
children all within a ahort dtotaaee
inant airaina. maatbara af a ah* and the hinUy Urn were Prat brokra
la im. wh« the hnaband dlec. The
■otker waa boih pentto and beslpn In
with tha Btrikara’ dtopodtlen aad waa belored by alL
Thefnn€enlolMra.Blltaboih C. DnlMaiv editor af tha
Praaa. an argan af tha Ia0tl arafaa- •II was beid on Snnday, Jaa. SS. at
o’ekMA p. n. fron the Aabnir Mwbo•lan, am alaa arraatad.
chart*. Tb# trfrtcea were eon86. 5:80 p.
A natiea waa poatad taday in all warta dnetrd by the Bov. Ilagh Kennedy.
The doensed waa one d the |do■Mnt tha atHkara twan^^r hevia
In which ta rcauma warlt Thaaa «a- sMra of this region, baring eome to
cosatry wlih her husband. Major
dlnlnfl ta
will ba depo^
J<*a nstoell In Jnna. 186S. They setIng tha nipM hundred af arraala <
Odd oa a boncstead la Bafvood. Ufiurg, dan. PS^Tha atrika toaan mnsty. where abe. with her fam­
ily. has alocr resided.
aanthnant cantlmMa ta
She leares a family of nine ehllwith H tha belief inewaM that a raw
aU eons, wnuam. Henry. Bdelvtianmattfallaw. in PI.
ward. John, FMvl aad FVaak. and three
thafa mra na
Pangblcn. Mm. Ah* Mason nt Monnight. All ramalm
paraUvaly guM but In tha inlariar tba rae Center. Mrs. Uule O. Akm tir­
ia gaining ground by rapid ing In Elmwood, and Mra. normcc
OMrdara bra faportad kMii)- Hall In braaon. TwentyPre grandchtldren and three great grandebUdrae
nant In many carAara.
The altMtian in Poland tiiia maming •nrrlre her. The groat grasd^ildren
than any ether are OocU Vannaiior. aifford Pooeh
part af tha ampha aa tha antira papu­ and Madeline Oaker.

Tba BmUd «Mr tamtabad lha naak
ahd the pall bcaran wara tron tha
chaach. UeMra. Chrto Oaraar, K W.
HnaUnsB. a U. Bn^. J. Horae. W.
Oraal and B. WUhata. The Intemeut
UBk ptoea at Oakwood aad am 1«
chaipe of Balph Ahdaraoh.
Hr. aad Mra. Edward Aalotne of
lotaa auEdred ibe toaa cd n pair of
The unto
were mly a day old and after a
Ant prayer nt (ho honae srare
tetred In the Sdton eenrtrry.
ChaNM A. Tracy, nn old and r«spected MUacn of TUe Laka pnsaed
away Saturday rrealaK at 10 o-«ta(h
at the hone d his danger. Mrs. WIIV
tom OaUey of thto diy. following sev­
eral months aIJMaa.
Nor. 15. JIM. aad spent his early Uf*
to Sonlbera Mkhlgsto Aprti 16. UM.
» married Hannah Stems aadTa the
■prtag of ini autrsd to Tlfe Imka,
where he has since been a realdent
<d Grand Trarerse connty. He toares
thrae dangbiers. Mrs. DarM Q. Chandtol> and Mrs. Wffltom Oaktoy of thto
Hly and Mra. L. O. Mllkey of Boyno
aty. Mr. Tracy, whose brallh was
feeble, came to tbto etiy In August asd
has since made bis borne wiih his
daughter, bit wife baring died four
years ago. He was twice married and
was for maor years a member ol the
nie Uke lodge, 1. O. O. F.. No. 5M.
IMcf serrlres wore held Monday
^rnlng at the home by Rev. U B. BlsseU mder the ansptoes of the Odd FbV
Ions of this city aad Ibe body was
token at 11:10 to PUe Labe srbere the
funeral scrTlece were held at 5 p.
Mr. OaUey and Hre.-tThaadlcr aeoonpanlcd Ike remains aad also a ddega
(Ion from ihe lodges of tbis rity altomd'
cd In a body.

aatthitohad a snail dry aaoda
ehkhlag bnalAaaa ia the west Btera ol
the BoM TTbltlng buOdlng. Uier on
and sipanskm ol unde desnndcd larger gaaitm and without
fear oi the
la the growth aad the fine of Trarone aty and rlelalty ho erected the
' " "mg BOW oeeaptod ir the Boston
Store and made a targe loo ease* la-bto
iiy. keeping «m^ tke PdHt
I to Northern Mkhlgan.
ithal's soeoees to Trarmse Oty
U doe to his great pcnnnal earrgy.
meptlonal abfUiy to his parUrntor
lines el bastoesa and hli nptoAaie
na methods. The people << this
■ ham found the Boston Ston
good place to trade.
Trarerse City people wUl ragrol the
depanure oC Mr. Bosenthal. but are
atntad that bit abUity aad basteesa
Ids will enable him to estol
hbnstdf to a larger PeM. with ant
egnal to that wbk* has <*sraeurtxed his career to Trarerse City.
Mr. Bpecatha] has beepjnbUe apto
ited aad always among the Snt to to: Umsrtt in pnUlc. eatrnirto
lie baa touad li irt 'bu a«*nauge
seA a wider flokt and has plaas wbl<*
irrstsil-rt- the Immediate etoatog
of his MMness In Trarerae City. While
be forts It his doty and for bU beat to
terrsto tb ioeote eiaowbere. be has
nothing but expreaalona of gratelnV
ness to the people of Trarerao aty for
iheir nid to his sucena fbr their Ubonl patronage and eonPdenee to tba
Boftoa Store.
laaamBC* aa hit iflaaa have already
mstBred be will tmmedtotely cloae out
his entire slortc. toctodlng Rxtnrea and
toe bnUding. aad wind up the baa
aa soon as poulhlc. Aa soon as the
store riMtoeiie there srill be a special
closing oot sale to wUch eveirtbing
the store will positively be dlspbeed
of at some price to move too goods.

have tbia pwrtoM el Mr. BAart at tba
Grand rnaeral today bat ba was aaaMe to at
Mr. aad Mra. UrtagMim ttvad at
taken for traatmeat on PrUay toit
fiottoos Bay natU ato years ibb. srbmi
Dnrtag the abort Ume which'etopMd
they moved to Acme where 1b^ have
aiaw toe 'tmtUe laiurtM toe dewaaed
since resided. The body waa takem
sattffd rxerallaUagly and drath
kg W. 8. Andsr
from toe s
was a wrteome rcUM. Mr. Idvlnpiteu aw and prepared Mr burtal at bit
roaaad takm to th*.
HitsstoB apd phyatasl balld. aUndtoy
___ * to Acme Tursdnr wralhE TBa
rieet 5 taehas la his atneklaga aaJwui be enmdneiod by Bov.
weigUag 560 ponnds and mnu hare
Uagh Kesaedy.
had aa Iran eoasUtnUoa to have wtibatood toe frightful toiarnU tajnrtn
la the aertdeat
25 yean old aad loaves be- tepart for toe pa^
aUoi.hla paraau Mr. aad Mrs. Irving
NBBtoer i
Uvinptoa. two broihen and two sla PeaH Buell. Oraee OiBto.
The famlty formerly lived at
•uuoas Bv and while toare toe de
OW* BIrdaalL TMCbrnr.
ttoareh. hetog baptised ia toe talto b>Graafsrhap has adoptad ataadard
Rev. BT. II. Uulbert. who was
It to ahrad ef Xtoappotolod pastor cf the Nonbport Cootregatloaal chnrch a few weeks ago. troli to the matter of Ume, atlU the
Mr. Halbert betog a toesl pastor there metrapolU leads by tweaty-eigbt alala

(or dve years.

Will bperato Rallraad.
The stgrlce oa the T. C, U A M. be­
inauset Ovsr Raby.
lation la wall armed And In tha prod
tween this dty aad'Northpon will not
ant dtoardar thay aaa a poMibUtty af yonrs old Jaa. 55. She hna been
KtogUer. Mich.. Jan. 25.—An to
HNSabor of tbe MelhodJst eb'ircb tor be dlseoaUBncdv for the preaeal at
Mto waa held tote moralhg at 10
leasL Such Is the pleasing InformsRevd romain palaL many years. Tbe choir tang aeraral
Kingsley, called by Oorooor
beanUtnl BBtoHVma The Bocal oBof tloo glTca to tbe Herald yesterday by
_ _
tt^Thaewrtnr Tharawarg.1 tadiaardara In KlaplM togs were many aad bcantlfaL amoag General Manager J. H. P. Hngbart of Tedmaa. over the little body «( 18mwtoa old Johnny Wsfkel. bob of Hr.'
|g-«M«aMMtbaf»r> and a numb
ddaxhu Oarhl, nn authar, nimad an them were a pillow from Ber diUdrcn,
and Mn. -Hartla Wolket. who live
tbe trataa on the T. C.. U A M.
i.1h fw autiybia Indaw
ward aacMiana aa tha hand af the a wreath from N. C Ortawold aad wife
Uiree aad oneAaU milea Bouth of
Baipy aUmt aranad
Mr. Hugban stated that tompomr
aad Violet Aken to -^nadma” a^
A Tha
«ae fram Cedi Vaanatier (o ‘‘great rraagemeata had been made
Tuesday toe mother lea toe .little
Unne ihe operaUeos of trains on this
K to rapartad thto maming that the
road. WhUe A could not bo dePnltely one In toe bouse atone wMle abe at­
Dalnr to atin at Taarhoa tala eanSnad ta
tended to outdoor work, when the babe
tell, also a flae idece from the poatof- Btoud Just DOW, be was of tbe optolon
on Ibe hot stove hearth There tbe
tea forra, bealdce many other beantl- that permnoent arraogemento would
id-tliat the infant hair tn. S
mother found it faully baraed, the
be made.
till Dffrrtoga from Inrlag friends.
Mr. Hogtaart raid that the ofletoU of back and hips both tudag (errthly
Undan. dan. 26.—Tha Ruaaton
toe G. R. A I. realired clearly what it bnrned.
MHaMry taadara Iwra hava aat Thura- She wta tohl to rent to Oekwood eema,
Tbe testlmoay at tbe InoaeBt wnv
woald mean to Nottoport to lora toe
ttoy ar fbMay far a^ ravaM ovar tha Wroad and that while the eompaay waa this: Cr. lllochman was tolled and
whala amplra.
toeing alnwat certain toss. It would later. ■ being imable to go eoat Dr,
____ ___
•bI* «" Chanoeiy.
Maaaan Jm- tSr>Tha dtualton to
a taxmllre.
A anit to 'MBcisT has been begun rather continue to operate the road
to Circuit court. Ihroagb Underwood and suSer Ion to moderallon than aa aromatic synip of rhub^ cordial.
A Umtor. aitomeya, for Vincent Ko- abandon the teglos. (be terrttorr The child sank Into a state of coma
aad dlea
neeay and wife. Baibara Xoeecny. of topped by tbe railroad being so rmluding thrauplieut the
iwenly hours Uier. Dr. Htochman was
aUe that toe company widm to reMftMafPsratev, eoa w^ the meat imwflUng t
bin of eotoplatol that
ceatora ta RuafathW i
tbfp eonreyed to ftador Meklvk and hard been made, with the
m- ‘Mm fMHalM
verdict bring ‘■Accldenial banting aad
I and toe c
iMaf MIMpMba
toad ud too appurtenanen contoUng pany hopes and expects that toe mat­ no other eause.'
find Mb
H. P. Hull to FraalPeut
Tbe {toyaieteaa at the lamieit. toof farm tooU. stock. Me., provtokm ter win cooetade to toe making of a^
PMeatey geto another big ealdTprlae
Hk. Featon. who iras called for
being (bat toe latter care for tbe for^
emenU for tbe cooUnnoai'«
M" iMaak an tha
. coeapp the pMt owned ^ the board
expert tesUmony. aQ agreed that the
during their life. OeenpaUaB waa lion at the road.
of trade and heretofore occupied by
of the bunts produced the
bad BUtU March 28.1104. whrai. bo the
At expUlnpd to tbe Herald previtoe Climax-Oral Dish ooaitoar. says
a no f^laUa were adorator allegea. toador MeKVIk aad wife onaly the T. C-. L. A M. U to an aaIhe Mtohlgaa tovoatcr. The pntMa
and adeed that a flnisbod condiiton and thto makes toe
Bloc* eeanuy^haa- liMrcascd Ito capi­
e be made to bim with- operating expeoara very heavy. Roper
ta] to tSllJiOO a^ will employ acrentyOeath Claimed Victim.
o« meaUon toereto of anything
side tracks aro tacktog aa ^
^bliaPM ladlpi ■Wankad thaMh- Pve men. natog both plants to a
cenitog tbe obUgatloo of toe nald In- meana of pre««ttog a
an wMla M Mar ama atngint tha toelare baUherW raMdica and maple
vho vras so aerionsty ban by
tior Mekrtk. but be
H. B. Hull.
a load of logs while work­
IscA and uadedook and agreed
tisne to be toerated’wlll be very
ing In tbe camp of Jesse Wells to &Lst
____itoto orator. Jnat toe aame as
» to Nortoport aad all the statlona
it waa recorded in along ibr line as wpll as Traverse City.
iimiaiHiafaryaawriting. Al hU roanest oa .March 58 Tbe T- C.; 1.. A M.'te a eoovenlenee
Tha drnmda af
The invesior also has toe fonowiag
• by null that none would like te see tost
wUto wU be of tatercst to Traverae
rtaim deed, doly algned. for toe sum trf
Tbe Srat Imimailon that the crew of
«mM. Tha «M
aiy people aa Mr. OrawaII. A few months later be wilfully. (be T. C..
A M, raatl had of ihe coniPMMPdb PMMr)
Ured here:
BO too orator allegra.
tteuaace of toe service on iheir line
Tbe BtockhoMen of tbe Exchange
fused to «o provide and to a fli of to- by tbe G. R A I. wa* In a message re­
SavlBia hank, at Mt. Pleaaaat hnt
lalmd. wha atfapt elected C. T. Grawn^di^Mtar4n place toxtoatloB left toe oralm-'s hone and ceived by-Bagtoevr J. W. Draillejrto
BOW ihroaieDS lo sell, dttppec of the ■bon tlBK-. ago to reapoesc ta a gnory
M Nlabilaa aad palaw at L. K RBSito.
■aid toterest to toe farm.
of bis. aa ^ Intended to move bis fam'aMma* wara drivaa
I toe inVtoceat Koneeny asks that the deed ilyfrom
le teltoramw
hp iht ga<Mp.
avaae to eapHnl from p6d.0M to « set aside and dertared void add from B. S. Garrteoa. traveitng engi­
600 of the FlrM NailoAal bAk. toe
tdrther mska tost an InJuncUdn be neer of Ihe G. R. A 1. aad to subaUac^
dam of toe Bcardtnaa Btrcr Electrle
granted roatratolng tbe said laador
Li^t ahd Power conpaar aad A. 1- Mekvik from BeUtag. saaiguiag or to- advised Mr. Bradley lo eaneell all pre­
vious taatnieilans la .regard
Mayaard'a ccdgnaiioh fram tbe State
coabering tbe aforesaid property.
abawtonsaeu. of the anriW.


ESoit waa made to


6eod Ualues.-.,
Not all wool, but the best mattuial and belt
made shirt that this amount t«U boy—$1-00.

Poptdar Pricea Undemear
60c. 75c. %iS». $1.26. $1.60. As'goodaa i
sortmeot as may be found at llib IhM of y^..
If your UDderwear wants are not all ft^iplied.
see our Hoe.

Our Stotkef Pants
Contains good values at $1.26, $1$0. $1.76.
$2X», $2Ji0. Many of these'we believe a little _
better bargains than are usually oold at the

new Spring Ooeds


Are many of them on our tables now. These
' include hats, pants, diirti. suits. If you need
anything from these lines, why not boy
something that will be right style for yoo to
wear for spring?


Death RML
•mvwd by Aetd.
The foneral of Swanaw Ahtetrom.
Okarlra. toe UiUc ifemontosoid aon who died durtag an operation to Auguale VMB tbraa to Rr%
(toe boapWat Chicago. ooTriday. was
■Mde hotel waa toe vlcUm ef a
al the Swedish
. OwtgaingtralM
al 2 p. m. Rev. FBeburg ofanaenns from
irom ra- Betattog. The totermeat took place to
I tot eamylM tat Brtwa and ehS- u« as a tmbU U, aaSertog
mras. Mra^Jjwfii
ran chemical baraa.
Oakwood and wna. to ritarge of Undcr^
to tbe Pere, MaigiRetrt eating
» to take dtoner. and Ibe little
. it Wb BMclaHy atatad that there ’
,im Mnimtoa paMardtoi Tbraa bum babe left to Its own devleaa for a shoei
ingWM MW kwrtotara ta nt. Mara time -pkAto bp a bottle of a mUtate
of wood aleobol and-cyatede of potaa- faaenl was held Moaday afteraooe at
iMj gi«lBii toe dimawdi el toe a
toub wWeh was ataadia aa tbe Soor. W Grant ch&rch. Rev. Hugh Keaacdy
laltad oot .the aieppto and poured toe of tote dty odkiaUag. Mrw Bairowc
ly eoaleou over Ite tesder
leavea three tolldra.
Ba tea arm was terribly hotoBd tram
I aueadiag the
toe tooaMer u the wrist aad eapcctaV
The tadt .
tr where toe buralag flnld raa^-dowa daato of Mlaaid Tborae of. the peatatoe ateeva and gathered to the etoto- anta. who pasacd away at toe heme ef
, BBte toe -urn and a Bt^tfal ill daoghter. Rlra. $e»(*. of 126 South
bur* to toe resaK. A doctor to to at- Spruce muet. wet^*^ Monday
afteraooa tram toe home at 2:2d p. m..
aaea aad toe haras rcgalra
Revs. Woodboute aad UDom oKetatMr. Md Mra. hum are reeeal real- lag. A large mtbertog at Weads lladeato of toe city, havtog eeme hwe to teacd feve.-waUy to tbe toatolag words
r taai. Wbeve Mr. Lpema te em- cd Mr. Woodboaee cd wbooe cl
the ddocuaed waa ao taag a ma
ptarbd M toe

Charice Roaenthal Will Leave..
Traverse City will lose to a v
short tUnc one of Us most soecea
Charica Roaealhal, the premrietor of
the Dostoa Store has decided to dl»
coaltone bustoeas here aad' to aertc o
wider Held of operailoas. The baOdtog on Fioai street, whlck waa .erected
by Mr. Roaeatoal six years ago. eapecteUy for toe dry goods and etatotog
aslaeas. wUI be aoM
Tbe big store will be ctoaed tomdrfow to premratioa for tbe wlad-ap
tale'of stock, and toedatrofreopeal^
sfUl be aaaouaecd teier.
Mr. Roaeatosl has been for
ears one of Trarwrae City's ma
ecartal sod
Ho hu baBt BP a large trad* which
ezteads far beyuod the eoutaei tt
Traverae aty and to
haa. for many yeara. been a temrod



Will Announce Date of Opening Latof


I etavm yean ago toat Mr.
al came to Traverae CRy


Omma, U\A, J». tX -Bmith
Mn. Z. E. Hloabaw. wbo baa bom
•eer mOck bAt
«** Ivi- rialUnr b«r daegbler. Mr». tsin A^
nrfltOeortePriODrttu....................... gt."^to^Trarene Cfty, rwtned bone
Mtf OUl'a PUr. .fbr thiw veck
^toa. h'irraai mide 0 trip to Pt^
MMbM- ku Wo m wttk «
ppx TM no BOttW WM fflrn UM h«»lt]>
e CZittCSM of Ibr diMMC. ,

wmtauuku MOtaAL eoNvtH.
.- ,. 'TlOlt
-Jwi* H k«fi*jr «1*« thU » M
aCj^Ulil lOTlInn frr tto 7%ir
■Sk IMfelii 4t«rl0 « Vkkicw
va toMlaiMMroiB'Uwamnqr

tMtt JokWil
0< MiAICU.
to ilwtto to tto stoml totodcm. »pnatoM to tobM « Um «rto Moaday
to AtoiL A. O, l»0i. «fcs_«ouiUu
u toirrir
torentt tad Uja bubbw-to diltoiVU ip »Meh eaeb k 6BlltMA to a)d tototoUto #re *t fol-

•jrtssr- •


Tto qaarteriy mectisg to Ue PrMds
ebnrek. which opeaed up at ManUm
Friday (or a two .days' session, tod
namber of delegates fn» tbU
rictnity. Her. B, U RoQu and Mias
Carrie Wood cAdbb «My. i.T. White
to Maple City. Res-. 3. D. Cvicr and
wife of lioag Lake asd Hts. O. A
Bbcarar to (bis city Imring on the
Boratag train Friday to attend.

Loander Dom
wkta U « Twr
M»o. **» •celNortbperi were In towa Utb we«.
4«nUltr t««raed of aad Dr- Pnlick
M. West, wbo .waa In town .a abort
IBOkiMBiptKtion. WWWWfWKW Uine. went to Nortkpon.
«M ttek. PrWMtt bu bMo hMliae
Miaa Fbnnie Bbekburn to Tnrrno
b Id town, where afae will apead
k«i lo Omul Tbc bme. UtUe b«t>
few weeka.*
iw Uiui • borrt, Uu

A toad of Delaad yrxng (olka atieadCopuHo.
ed ae anrprlse oo Dtck Petem Satnrday ereUaiL Tbe
a Per Klnpaiay.
la games, after «
Tto yUtoto to KJntoler. kit roBchto neats were serred.
I’lners, ««i. I
a dlCB>to«totd luporuac* whicb dc- Dk-e ilnw.
Mbs Haiiie Pauluf
u improTCMt toore the out apendlng a few days witb her abler
to dtoc Bctbodi to water mpplr aad Coral 81 Sutions Iby.
Wra-.C PrUbor of Cedar Rapida.
UKhttaf. A BOTMiMt b BOV on '
Iowa. Is here, wfaorc »he expecu
wbleh MM la tine bad to the ettobake It ber bom-.'
tbtoirat to I water vorkt and cMtrlc
Deri Brown it rUUIng at WilllameSETTAERA'
UebttoA plaiit. A pnkUc ateetlBK wftb
ttoa and la view bat bM told and the
tbU- weekrioeed rale tIekeU 00 sale
IT dtaCHBMd. KiaBilCT !■ • knv
Cbartle Panlea and Oscar Carisao
. ihlni Tuesdays of each m<>nib unUlu town and wilt not to ooaiented r Ldand auctocd a dance at O00.I (Ji April. 1902.
artior Batnrday ereoing.
-to ratoala a bade nnnber: tbntoorc
Sec agcDis for routes and rates.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Otto vbiied E.
Dee .to Mch 1
H. F. Moeller.
water nalaa and electric UsbU la th'
Waldo and family of Provemout last
fntnre nay to lodked forward
wUb coDddeiice.. vC. U. Darion ami -John peters made J. J. -rWBDDL.K~
a bnainess Call at Port Oneida ^tu^
Tbe larseai train kad to can pnlln]
■ as. Ftuq-Buk Baildisr. Tnn-iwlSty.
N. Plcbard left for Trai
mt to Uetanaa .eouaty Mnec the car
ftory was tabeo off tbe roue caa
tab Bocatoa, ibere tolaf ebtceo can.
toerea loadod and tto rent empUei.




Write Sw deecripUrw catalogooto 200 | |



Cash Grocer
Bat H«7 0& V-’M.


Wc buy nothing but the best ffrain
pure artide.




'want to bb booie In
r. Raecae0ar‘wa
Xama Friday erraiag.
b barn
tofr atonal aoag. aRaaged by the
MO. vyoBwoWitoartbemaiBg
,JM caU at * o*tooto( ame morBlc«.>
Tto bm and giria CIS gire the "yeir
IB B«A a aplrttton^woald enrpriac
some to oar u£^Mtoto and college
MndeoU to-bear Ibem. We may lei
rcadm lookrit orer sei^ sreek.

Bo^on Rublieis

rtoaitoNtanb' bat It say be


$e €. UIait$ $Mis

Feed, meal, Bran, IIH^dliiidS,
eom and Oats

tow am. la tto


cut bo ynur druRgimx?

The best fosVlbe price in

k toMrtag Mhlad Ua eaatle
Cedor •ctoel Nom
whn» kli alalMan are deaUag
CommbaloBer Dnaeab called at e
MMtb. The
totoa Tbutoay. We were all gl
M waaK. aad attarlr to oee Urn. Come-agalo.
toiffMb anal tblaga.
AlbMt and Otb PeBBlng
grammar depanmeot and J
waMbanaractod-ambla- iBgton to tbe prlBMry department 1
uaded tto tuieral to tbeir grandtnou»toiHto.idto»WW>t(wto-i. «r
U Tiaseree City tbBraday.
«Hto Mto BBr M aaib 'tto Thto Klowttter to (to grammar de
pariment awtered
tbe Prosemoa:
ir aiwiwbry to too utotr*- Mtool
(Ua woek.
toa Hi baada Ml with the
popOa from tbe primaiy depanmen-^
Id Roy ZkcMara. Albert PeanlnfftoB
Id Ooyae Caber (lam tto Mztb
le mebte' '
to L. A.
arday eswaiag.
Mr. Banb to BaM Kaaaoa. now at
tbe fferrh lasUtwe. slalmd our aebooli


e lhai b eomMeta In mesy detail.

Hie £an 6ioe Vou

m • ^MMd tbu wtt aot ba de- uT"!
^ be twoBty-ioor years old. A ape.MAtotmdvttba
cbl program will to prepared and all
.«ra« w tto wcri-

. lUe a number to onr people :
. At amwtiag to'tbe rmMban ootm- tended court at Fbankfoet Moaday.
tr tu—ktii btod Satarday anemoeb
-laa Alice Cole las reinmed toriown
„ .
a couple to wepka
aetto HiraM oMoe R waa deddM to
Ito lepsbOeaa eoffpty coaventloo i home With thy awuaba.,,-—
Mbs Pearl TbompeMLto-^te bke
«a rridgy. Feb. a. to oebet delegates was In tows Monday.
,«o siMod tto Jndiebl conveatlon-u
Mbs Martha Haat has been qnHc
to btoB U Btoblr^ Feb. A aad tto 1. but 11 nos- cottvUeacenl.
Mra.--Knapp bas moved late (be
amte eoamtioa W to toU at Oran'
>oms over Weaner Bros.' meat marMegllli tok. lA
t ffto baeto to reprmatatkm b tto Mr. and Mia. LeGraff to Wexftirl
tto btler's paienta. M
ffOtoty ocmmtteM rrmalai tbe eaaae ....1 riaittag
U_ V__
, to bseMtoortk «to> etory tbtrty-hve
«r a uabelty caaMwjjOvemor


per too or hall ton'tou.
Sircet Car Feed, $1^ per lOa ’
Fine Feed, $1.30 per 100. '
Shell Com per btisbto,«CRc.
Bran. H.
k Co. $1.10 pr 100
Bu^wheat Bran, COc per 100.
MiddUngs. PM 100. $150.

win taeapadUte bin from playiac for
a wbHa. Be waa «*la« a blaak cart­
ridge wtoB It exploded, tbe ebante
itrikiag bln In tto tbird flueron (to
Itolbaad. Tbe Wttry waa qnlic palornl and wlUla to U atlU able to bead
tto flager. be bad no strdtgtb in It and
b Ourefore naable to ^y tbe rioltn
iBtn tbe wounded nenber Inpioret.

Iff win to b BOW
We are baring aoae good alelgbbg
-A tto fa^ wlU oaatlnu
rw. The tags are moring lively front
Ml M Woody nanlb KUdtoscamptotbebay. BtgbitMus
kWtoM tto yoke they •re banltBg.
Mr. aad Mrs. A. M. Smith ircre in
ti tte MBpttaie Trweno City bat Saturday.
I cBitlng
1 wui aympoMb. PbllHto tod eon
ood for iTbL Welch.
Mr. Welch It doing ffntte a Urely
baalneas b wood and bimtor.
>wd bitobers are raanlng thrir
law mill, which makes U very babdy
1%o Awboo to « oMtaat fbr tb« Itor tto'lameta.
WH or (to tbte at (be eoBlag apriaf
Mfai Frances Hictons and Mr«.
|lee«tea vm aomwtol teaaeD latarest
ibtoCT are vblUng UlM Hlsitios'
-H tka repablioaa Mate coamikM. grandpareau. Mr. and Mrs. A. M |
for a few days.
iririto b oUled «o bmoI at Otaad RapMa. TBaaday. Peb. lA Tto lade to
mtaat, towerac. will to nu« tban
far tbmgb tto groM
Lob Sours returned bet nitreday
I whStok b btoBg prepared tor after riaiiing with friends In Ben- * bwqnel to be held
ne Acine and Whl^a-ater lownsbip
______________ jI etato eooveetioa day. Snnday
ecbool yuivpiiitoa. held at (ho
-%ia reaemlaalo ffadge Mocre, to eeleoi EDt Lake cborch last Friday and Sat­
MMabM ceadWafea ler regeab to ito urday. waa brgeiy atteaded.
Hr. and Mrs. Srumoo Cami and
iMruaity to Mleblg^ and to trute
aad Mrs. George aras and son
iRneb ^ bostaeea ae may oeme Mr.
Boten to Traverse City spent FYl. Mn tM^aMmOea.- daring tbe ay and Suutday with (heir father
Mlmiwe^aM ttca to spend tto even
Bd mother. Mr. and Mrs. John Ci
Mrs. Wellle HlgbbBd Of Elk Rai>Releahw b orsdorical Mars la the
■jprm^tlao to pemat proWema and Ma am risiting with 1
O. Wtoob.

nrr CF.ivWt
G.H & ,


Vour Dru0di$t*e


Tbe oxocatlra committee of tbo
eal CbrlsUan btowror anloa m '
le tom to the prealdaot. W. bl.
aa. laat -sreek and .bid out i
Ibr tto ooiiiM ytorR wtHlt. Tbe saridan d U_
led lo obaerre Christian En
a (nr a mall rolee




TRUK-snip CD-, Detroit.!,

toMavUtt win t
«lb tto hMory to that empire.



(or Soap and
Toilet Owda. Tbe eavlag j
to onr rustomrrs
of mMdlemen'a prof-'
its euablcs us to give yon those
beantl- i
ful presents. WRITE TODAY.


suasanu susesnu auaaaau auMinu ffusnann


JJtw llcvtitks in
Quick Work



Tliis season that arc strikingly bcRuUful and attractive.

That’s where we can
; help you out. .


Then we must call your attention to sbmecitng
new in the line of “take offs” that a^ not as bad as
comics but are full of “ginger.” •

Specialty of fine


The new things are alwa]frv(o>e found at tlie

By Expert
When a Man Wants
His Watch Fixed, he
Wants it

I^ch year seemingly, more beautiful derigns of
V alentines appear and this is no exception to tbe role.

Prices from

7n a SufiV

t0 $5.00

Wskb and Stwtirf

3. D. niartimk


217 Ettf'Pimt St. ,


£f(y Bookstore
Z»., Pnpt. tnfttu air,



ClreuMiMi llil» week 2,900

Biepben Litrdle and faaUy are rU- -Too Mmi ct s Go_______ _
day ereau«. Jan. K, at Monroe's
tun« relaUres la tbu plaee..
oprre boBse.
Case A Crutaer iastaUed a sew safe
In Ibefr ea«e last wedL
Mn. KeVer and graaddaaabtrr. Vetaa, retsnad to Sooth Vtonkton Wed*
Ad cAjo>ahle IHie party vac bda
iUlpk UeaMkj- •pm 6«iMv
Tuesday sfiernooD at the home at Dr.
. i« tmnau. Ur. tatUn. Mbm Me- and Hr*. G. L. reoioh. in hooor «d
their SOB Lase. U vm* hit foonk
a Ud4
• bnmxc m«ial birthday aanlreraary and aboot twreua Joha MMfhaU ud W. W. Goldeii tyms of bi« ItuW Crteadt were prew
** •»<«• « ^ ®- e« to help Ub celebrate It. Ic cresB
and cake were aerved to the goedt.
Mn. JABW Vcaiuky ipMt a Ib« ^ Imne whs the reelptent of aany
dan St Tm*«ne Cttjr TlrtUs* h*'
BiMMr«»d cinen. .
^I^rer arrlred Saturday froB
Uuto Marlwr Oberliif got her lit- PtoOtlBC and left for Sntotas Say tbe
lie Swar hedir-tusBed Id the cogi «r
KMM sMckloerr. it trill bo aw
**^n*^U«ey was np fKtn EnMBlt
toar time.
CHy SatarJay.
Qalte a BWber of faraen e-IH atHUt Mare Ooo* and mM* Abbie
ta»d the iaaUMte at Tnreni CUrSswBtlar calM* la Tnrecse aty
Joba Ibsplriu' borseK. mt avaj- Saluiday.
aad esM Bear runalaa Icio John
Ml>t Nettle Fee wa> la town BaiorHolBee' e«tor. but fortsiuiely ao day froB SuBinit City.
Iln—an VBS doM to honet or •lelgfc.
Mn. c. H. Andenoo and cblMreii
MIh Aggie GriBn U vorMsg for arired today forAC extended trlsU vKb
Mrs. wniart RltebeD.
F. K. Ota** and family. '
teatdM-. spent
Mr. and Mn. Bnuta are guests of tbe
Baiimlar awl Sundv with MIh l^ln laiter'a father. Wb. SparUng
Otto Lodge No. 5*4. 1. O. O- F.. held
ifaetr semhawsuAl iaauUatioQ Wednes­
botna «fjujiT.
day erealag. Janaary 16. and Installed
tbe following oBcen; N. o..
Mr*. Viola Burrows died BaturdST. ." dtoaaM: V. C. Ww. Wi ibarg; sec­
.ja. .21, a* She eloek vat *trtklng 12. retary. F. j. Hopklnt: treasnrer. J. S;
after an tllncaa of over four week*. Brown: recording Mcretan, A. B.
Tbo funeral will be held toBerrov at SUnton: ireaioe for three yean. F. 1
i o'doek ftvB the Onsi church. Rev. Kopklns. Appointed oScen, R. 8- N.
Hugh Kennedy vtu preach. Mr*. Rnr- CL. F. U WimaBii 1^ S. N. G.. Wm.
Ntekeraon: ararden.'A. A. Bovinan:
R. 8. V. C-. Wb. Wright: L. 8. V. G..
________ of both esteod tbetr ■ym-^ Geo. Hellenbeek; Coo.. Wb. Spaul­
paihy to tbe atourelng f^di.
ding: I. a.. Chat. Hoefiln. cbaplain, A.
Mr. 8Uiidi*h ha* beta *iok aU win- I. Thuntoo; retiring N. Q, Sberman
A quiet wedding occurred nt thr
tor a&ae Uaa
borne of Rev. A. L. ThunUB. SauirMn. Bebmerbcn has beea quite day.Jaa.SLwtaenMtatJennie Wataou.
lU. bat I* better now.
danghler of Mr. and Hlu. Bolden WatMn. j: Btaard spent ls*t week with aon. and Mr. Oacnr Milks, eon at Mr.
her dsugbler. Wt. Josle Bissrd.
and Mrs. ISxm Milk*. aU of tbU place
were uotied In Barrtaga Tbe couple
were attended by MiM Roan Wrlgbl
and Hr. Walter Barrett. Her. Tburaton perforaod the cervmony.
helping earn for bit brother. C
Prank Rogen of Union called tn
me. for serersl daya He will r
town today.
Mn. El Houghton la rltjltUig i^atlvca here to>1ay. She has been s]iendlug some titne with.relatives la KalJre.S Ikaika and U on ber way borne ti>
I-1 Traverse City.
Dure, to Mr. sad Mre. Carl Carpen­
; lbc gue»i
ter. Jan. tufa, a
Rndivood has bfon tif fiiunda In Traecrsc Ctiy yesterday
• Mrt. Ji

M dnUy
of bom
ns Death dnlBs. in each
----vtctim «f CoosMpthB oi
But vbea Oonghs awl-CDiiU are pro^
erly treated, the tragedy U averted.
F. O. HtBtley.^ Oaklandoo. Ind..
and three doeton gave ber np Ftndly
she took Dr. King's New JRaeorevT for
ConsoBpUoo. Congbt and Coida. wtob
enred ber. and unlay she U wdl ftd
elraag." It kfll* toe gem* of aU di»msea. Oar dose rdlevet. Canateed
at Me and II.M by Jobam Drag Co.
P. K. Meads. & E. Walt A Soos. dragcuts. Trtd bottlea tea ceeu.
*Mn. L. D. Pott of Ban qniie hns
an andeat wooden plate made in AngEaad nnd aoiBoecd to date back
the anecsib century.
Greatly In Oomand.
menu for a Wood and ayitea cleanaer.
■Bcb at Dr. King's New Ufc Pills.
They are Just what yoo need to cure
■loBscb and liver troublet. Try toeak
At Johnson Dreg Co. F. H. Heads. 8.
E. Wall A Sons, drag stores. SSc goar-

-This ta the feature of awr


Yeur money la epeure.

Our eeaete are the largaal of any
Wc pay three per centL Inter*
eat on eevlnga depoelta.
pounded twice e year.

■imMy aaa I

Tba boiH

-wnh the aev bar and oiber chuget
, brut lenala the same aa of etd. trum
«1 toflJW. %ra-W. K.Grlpuetl. who
lias poauail# now, 'will vareie to
' flmt a week or urn day*.

... M omeUng of the C. K.>
ptaw the fetlowlag oBMn wenl*reald<>al. Mre. Miner; vioc
Mrs. B. Ldgbton; tvoordiog
nareoM OborlnR;
Btary and m««re«
Isi. Carrie UobnrR.
. jtaf. fr.. hat iwngtat Mr.
and etpeots to take

Wd toiBCht ber__________

How Man

You nuBt have had sixty fit
leanl Wh.t? Only fony?
Then ft muM be yoor tr«y
bfiir. Ayer's HfiirTiiorstops
these frequent blrthdiys. It
gives fill the early, deep, rich
color to gray hair, and checks
faUinghalr. AndittoBribe
Ktlp dean and bedSy.

Wide canihric Embroideries, some of them sride raongh for cotiet coren.
good 6ne edges bn afl of them, some have hemstitching, many hare ioscltiaoi to
match. Widths are from 3K to II inches wide. Th'uilc of glMng Cambric Ein.
broidery in those widths for this price. Only a limited ain^t will be sold to a


Sc. F»Cr Yard



PROFIT NOT CONfilOERCOi We Bual wdl nmuy Unca before in­
ventory. (Frh. 11 nnd have made prices such that they have GOT TO
OO.' Tfaeae are all apleadld values and toe stylo* arc good.


„U ... ,1« .oU ..





Warn Julieftn. For TriBBed—
reujn pay 11.00 for them elai-

Good F^li Slippers







“1^'"':"“'":'“'":": K35
Wioni n'a BtorSt Ituhln-rh
lb»> RiihlM-r*




C'taihir<-n'* Rabbor>






RMfcn knew tone
MnrvM Flew gen
A tee. enec vn bM«
Mrik. OrdcrntiMl
neck from yenr

. 135
’VSS.T.'-’."”."”"’."’' 1.00

U bn mha nlU down to «
B*nl mt bn* goo4 bread
ptoend befara him. Tbu 1*
ktorm tran If fha breaS M
wdn tram ‘HamT Sov. A
loaf of poor brad baa amor ,
bnna kaova u Save bm
■adn fren toM Bm. It
Bnkee tb* UgbtoaL MHoaL
gwootoM. Boot Wbodenotoo
bread to tba wotld. It ta a
plMlrew to are'sKb Soar.
If yoa ftara aatar triad n
take ov word for It airi
order a nadt wltb yoar grecaria* to toe ■iwalag Tbea
ten ae vbae y«a thlak of B.
Ton will aet regret aetog tt.'

To All Tea Lovers
Wc tar take <nir word fur U. Wc bnvc « iBc lhat U unsurpaxaul In toe city. You got Juet what yog order
nnd juR wbei wo promlBc. Wc bare studkMl tbe tea qoeeUon and think we kaow ft pretty tboroughly.
Some cu»tointT» have n»ed a certain.Ua for lea.ycara bMauM we pteaee them. We have Utc beet BaglUb
Bfv*k/ari. Toung Jlyeoo. Ookwg and black—name your lea and we win supply IL

What is Breakfast Without Coffee?
Doti't «aai to iliick of li^ When ifac '.'sir-c-bradiiuanor*" has auto a stock iu selecl from Brer tried
crar partl>-ular Mrai) (if Mocha and Jeva? Yno wil ray l< Ik tbo beat you ev-r-r <6ul:. Th'.- K. rndelt bread
. bar Bany^guod friOMls-thin. are tblw grade*. Tbc "Park Haoc C^eetaP baa made tn juny good ewnlotn<T*. W'e aim retry Old il<svrreboiit Java. Jareey Roasted, Arbuckles'XXXX, Uoa. Dntcb Java Bend,
F-ancr lUn. Mexnta. BcU * N'> .is and Java, aaytiitng'to pkasc you.



It B quite poor health.
to vtauiaf friends in


-J'Ma hare laa ata^ Hnes niiuiiBg


hare seen the goods.



•. M wll present,the play.

There are thirteen hundred-yards »nd the price atas to hare been eighleen
cents, but to a little more hiMy demonstrate to you that when we aay baiKain—that
means eveiything the word impleies-you wdl so^y apptcdale tUs aa aooa as you

leryq i .will have two thoosao^-^ards of fine
In addition to this EnTorchon Lace and Insertions. These will surprise you in the quaUty aad prie^

Hn. Lm Gibbt V ■ up fcoB Hay
field Bat Ttarsday.
tied in 1
laiaae Roekvood
flmo Mayfield Tbunday last. M. HsBburgtf-t baby la eertoualy IR

>n-( Bill ahnt ddwn Sawniny
an iDdcilnUo length ol lime.
MU* Adah Tha.rer bat resigned her

This is tin fiMltet EitaMwT Offirjiat to Eyer;
BsUn Made in tbs City.


Robert Wood returned from TrarC*« city Toesilay.
Mn. Sopbta ManlgoM and Mrs. V.
> and chfldren went to Treverae
................................. toe play.

LoqB^Jok west to 1
Friday evening.
Mn. LBhce nad little n

All New 1905 Goods


snoeurr MWARTifsiiT.

C. J. Bafkman. A. B^clnsaa. R. B.
DeFrenee and RobL.Nelhon ntiended
HI Henry's mtnstr^ Tncaday ercuIng.* Miss Ullian Bowen was abaept frem
ber wort at the Btoe oOce a part of
last week oo account m n felon on ber
F. 8. Brackenbnry wa* over from
Sooth Boardman tost Thorsday oo hue*

I8c Embroideries i2lc

bank in Nedhore MicMsan.

ipy beW
A Ouarantand Cura fewPllM
' here
Bee- Drucftoa r^Cand
'f Ihm. Xartoa T. Qaalataiiec of PeiMitop hM been appotniad .br Go*-ivaor Waner ■■ the aev »ember at
Un hoM ae tnatoes of the aarlnw of Utougfa sUII coadoed to ber bed.
dkla atr.' Hoa. W. W. MJtaiell of
The Ladle*- AW aocNrtj Bd allh
-lin..Len HoHUay Thutadhy afu^
CaMBacW been reappotated.
a. The aodety U invited to fauM
Ir next mcetlns *itb Mr^ John
• «a cartoada of le«a oT (he targe
KbeonU oT Hodge. Irs. WIH Cbaw bs> beea very aefaailgaMiat at IM tars, erhlth the T
HI for two wevka pant, but ia
^UAM. readarotoaUp from Leebetter today. .
Inaa aoaatx to ihja dtp, were breast
" ' RaddlB of tbc Chandler
-MMar. mtUat aboat
:«ttp «an to data.
MIm Julia Mara dim and MIta
Abbfa SeqgBlUer af Klagaley vtslu-1
;: ^ JCaHf aMaOe ampaar. or Uda Mn. Platt Barana Saturday aft ontoon.
Hlssea Bcaslc ttnBnaa and Amy

a adMiad at Ufa* AaaJar
FaUsan drove to Traverse City Sat-,
tha ddlvwr at feet at hm irday.
oatpot to be fitna the canp of
■at tbe ebnreb are
>■■11 Tartle. aho rnni tbc lumber
Mr- MoQoaer-----------------------------aaavlbanL TheMamt erartry buaf
Into the hotme vacated by Wb. Paion.
mm. MUid tW ^ OB to the akMMr. and Mn. Seely of "
vkabetfeoTMattfnatalkenll■ tbetr »on. J *
Sunday last.
_anaatt Bon took dlaaar Soaday
wtlh Ua atster. Mn. Burr Janes. He
is «qad-ming u n nUl at New Wex­
ford, where'be retareod Sunday eron*


word b« beM recBvwd by Memds
of 8aa O. AdoBi. tumerly bi the Jew*
dry bodacoe here, and aaa at the
leading Hariely yoong people, of hU
Birrlage whlto oeewred a ehort Use
ago at P«te. m, wbete be Is engaget
intoc jewdry


filtfiil ii iilHii'



jX^hy it. '-mi.

Traverse Region.
• CaAStf.
Wd W>*fThOIW«


-. uA Mqt MarkH
I <'j(jr.,Wif>0MdAr»

Eo(»(r«m. vku bM tvca
vf^ m U»- IMI -VMk; ii w M(t«r.
Thn. t» Mr.
Mr*. ia».

a. Btk<>r hu n<»m Mr. MaCioKk) V.
.tOMAi Item**.
• • •Hr*. iMry M(Cb)ik«>r «K Ol^l7 «<
TiicriT»K City ii|Mei fcrrcnl daA k*rr.
M*( wark.

\- Mnt. IM
Mil iwa rliIUri>a
bi«« K»BP th A«nAno rm » rii^l.
jj|r». J. 8lKiri*»
Uttif Orph* Quaiir ba« b»«n tpo
rttk, l>ut I* iMHirr at thin *rUli«. .
Mr*. A. JUm* Ik on tbr tick lint.

By ■•-

staSailM WndnewMy , ovoaJaic. The
bUi was well HIM and-%w iwjian b
«oud (iiai\
Tbf. yumiK folk*, of ttc finoday
•eboqi were to have thrtr CThriMioa*
tri-ai tbt« erealiu; if li i* a plr-ssant
orealay. bid to all aopearaan's bow Ii
will be B*(v«*ary la pnMpOBi ii aysln.
■SanaaUa AMi-n aod JosUb* yay.a tliUo payry ali»r their oWB-taabklB
in BiiytuunV bait Friday r-roaini:. aad
aa «br>-..........................
. .
y don'i brlUdfe bi sew {hOKi>-0
OMknui.I. all wer,' lartifM m «-ear tboir
. eMthes.
a lif*;
: nboKiMM of "Stanai:

D, J. MWbr <d OlKQ Barra waii wepti
■D Mir viliace Bttaday. .
naa (rf 0|ra-Ari«r rlirfied
Bi Mr. Keon->day la»i wm4.
fleuive rk-ntrai sad faintly
Ruaday in Kniplr>'.
Mr*. Moran land daafffa'er. Miss
R/kip. »<-«i til kadiapoB Ratorday.
liter an «o«(Wd<d vIkD ai Daro CKiv
Mm AIMnnion wa» eall«d to How­
ard (Illy <mi- flay laai vfH.k to ihe w^L-We iJ hfr motbf-r, who is vory ill.
A Bu»lx-r rnm bon* atieaitfit ib.;
ktfOialamrat at (>dar Ratnrday

bmse laM weMi. have bees postponed
wttil taxar oa.
Krra Vottaua of Cedar sprat Suaday with friecidK at B«iUM-r.
j The' Maccabees elected now ofiects
.It the ball Wewtau.aday evc-oltur. Afler
todBehbtwt lhlrty-«if
ta iiancing
of ihe tisii ahfl inipllped
until a laie hour, R.-frr4i
served and a mud tine la ceaeral was
enjaiycil by all pn.3>ral.
. Itrri Huamr has Wa banllas icr
ttrr.. U Hutpl left
IMf-Kilay aad SRuraix] bone Tbursday.
accompanied by -ber mother, who rrti!
make an e«t«!t>drd etaP tecA pv»y cwaataiioK of three Jolly
sh-tab bnda.from Trarerwo ('Hr aad
a Biutih*‘r nf youna P*^P'e fryjn BWiawe «*fi- f-ntenaiaed by. Mr. and Mrs.
Mill Iw.pUn- Raiiicday evraftid. RefpsliBH-fil. Were served. 8t«»e*Slo«»
ftxMn pUao &aii erwpbopbrae and lUheipK w>r>.- till- amawtni'ata cd the rvociaic. Ktfry o
___ Tliai . and family >pi-nt SunAlUina
day wph frii nde ai Lnnt; Lake.
Mes Frank Ib-ard moni*f! from
Ibryne ni»- tot.iniay eveein*. .wher.i
abf li«» lei-a spundliu! a ft:« dayv with
her pareuis. Mr. and Mrs- Eaidor.
S’nan Mills and Mim Atnj- llulica
of Travei-He (Viy, aUf nded (!>•• dance
itic Marra»a-e.,tL'>tl Tue^tai *-<0®-

C. A. BUGBEE fiilG E

The Coygh Hahil


ta more du^^rous to yoop Ufe (hu the drlfik, ooetlMb
or morphine hehlts, for It sodn ends In Consumption.
Pnenmonta sod De^h. Ssve yonrsalf from tltase
airftal results of Cou^ and Colds, by ttldng

VITONA, the King of Tonics, will positively
cure all diseases of the




Sittins fry Sly Wifeta Bed
writes F. G. Hnntley. of Osklanden, Ind.. read ubont
Dr. King's Hew Dtaeovery. She had got a fH^tfnl
chronie oou{^. which three doctors failed to reUex.e.
After talcing two boctiM she was {wrfeetly-pOjP^anW
todsy she ta well and strong."

Piici, 5Dc as411.00


Have this startling announcement to make '
regarding that Famous Remedy


On Oiu Oim ReDil

' «RW WKnV’dI

Arad All GHronio Ooindltaiorhm
C. A. Bugbee Drug Co., are directed by The
, Vitona Co. to refund the money in every case
VITONA fails to cure.
Vou have everything to gainand nothing to

Ralph llriiimain ha-* moved to the
Mrs. A. E. Drnsmure aad IIMe dauyh.-w town. RUph is rlcrk In Mr.
-rvlHlff-i! la MrsTJoho Wbltf'e RfinRinpfaani's feis1 *tore.
Mr. and Mr*. WillI IXsrm «
Ella lUaaatord wrai «• UVe
town TiH-xlay last.
Ann Saiiirtlay lo vlalt fri<m<ts.
Vb. Newrman
visllnd friends aiad - fMIii Hijsn-r. ul>n has tar** lai-I Up
Thi* masqiM'nAi* ball al KonU
w'l'h a optaiRi-fl
I'nlijr (kUunSar •■voolnc
*1T CaxCl^K' p
.. tiDiaW of onr yoDHR people at* weeks. If. able i
tradnd and a cnoA-dtar tf«ortM.
W. Kraliz vlMltcri Mik Harliara Wl». tf'iiiiml .ibe tnawpiendf- ai Shnida’a
kes'p.*-. Mr. IlMia
1 Inviy-.r
SaMirday ferTLlna. .
WtMl ml fMdir Mm aandar.

d fpua Mantair
h*-«*l. lias petumed..................
-■Ml** Hauie, tUtfeWsar aad.Mrs.
BarttM* vnukM^LtaO « Mvrr «{ucl:
Mn>. Data* ta rack (n John liHwcr's
«#, MllWwir&-*S5.‘>iit arc niaeJi
■Pi.- *>Id liibliial ~.T.iWnaili*f8bi-!k i:
Kcirly t-«<-r>iV>c ta wftrktiiR In the
Mtas Adit IVlta-nn vl'lied frirad* h>T<,M' I...».;.- , t- Jv on tap n^ Grami]’ '
?MiB Kuwra U ba>illar pouinra lo nooila
and Ratoiita).
Rapids .F.-hMUr>,K and-.aCwh-n ihc’,
, ,...|y
Den JubiiBOB anld.a fine hoc lo Ifai FivlLy
CMar. vbm hn U ctoriue tbrn for
.Mr. Ruascll from Cana*ta vtali.-.l fcl-> MirbJlUD
and ^ A'irh:;;as l-l- |4.:
Maple nty lurat' aarftn on .Wodac*
lb«> piPMUt.
Mewra. r. Mokil aad Joha Kn-Hz itay last.
Sat­ iNs^cepcw .11 fi.Ud ir -if arfiual •
;.!^a.>,.. • 'I-.
Osfwr Rarth reiurtn-d t.. l«e HapldB urday to ttal* M-: parralo.
taado a imkiMx irtp to Mr. Marvin'*
to auind wboot aicain on Saturday.u KaiiMB lui flaturOar.
- Pfvra Itavta tv vu.rkltis for Mrr
Mrs. Elsli- Robonn and* dauebier
Mr. aid Kt*. V. Hlavka 4rovr >
Inpdi^ laM Kutiday w^ra fhtty atShi-mnn -fluy* of MayB<1d-Jk bradIr* Neu-man rl*.li<-d with Harry and •aoing
in Mr Hake's mill.
viaitad Mr. aad Mr*, Charles Perk on Sunda).
.. Ghin Itrli9am ta havititr hta limbi'v
Him Alice Stan: railed on Mm. baiitixl fmin A«.i<;i*f>n's niRrand pib-tl;
^aferph itta^ Bundir MbC
her way bomr fr»Mn nl N'e* Wczfnrd.
'Tt>« MUbar U quit* a|(««ablr aad
tnatne's on Saturxlay.
. ib* roadn ar*^ r>ud. ao Jbai Ihr a'-.
Quliea sotuily nuarhof nttrailed mt
llarl Marvin came hone tri.m (IHH
t>4daDc<t la BcbnoUs v«fT mod.
tier;**' ib< eaiKP-Sunday. Mrs. Givitip.M.r SalDMay. i*ui remmivl id
Bll'vt Kliii-r .niYiro-'.s place a< Wosl
n-iiooi Sunday.
. ' ■
'9 ^^.Bqtrmm>.p;gU)
dr. IMBafier of Maple aty .bas 'I'lilnn.
Hr*. OwKICf'will bnld mrailns at tbo
tii^t Mr*-. Marvin's iiral<er. Byron ramp nbai Ritmtay aftemnoti.
Sitstaini.1t: tfiij'Sbmo represents ai least nvo-ihwdh of the average man's expenses, .therc^oiv ttie.prire of.bvery
-rfibi? tto I'nraat Biauhter of-Mr.
irvla and fleor«e II. Bartb, Jr., are
Mr and Mrs. K. Ourneirfrf WextoM
I Mni. fgioRBaa lio>t. dlnd of-paMi.
link it and Soman MewinaD ta vlsUc-dat
aniclc purchi'Pd for h.imc nv should be taken into serious coostderation. We arc in a position ttToij^’^TOnr
Mr.Uoke'Kaml ait*'nd»l ih.
house complete, or provide any of the many little iiece-sslrtcs at a.much less figure tTian other deRJers,|o»iwn^D»a^-■Mr*. Of oTKc ftertb. Rr, ami cbHdwa. m*f lilii; at the ramii Sur.dny.
bu> l.iltle and ABit, droTP-tn Tre\fact that the qnamitios in which we buy and the freight r«cs we receive o6 full ^load low saves-us at h-ast.-a^
Sickeninq ShIvcHng FlU
Re<. Wood bad chane,o( tb«
•fco Ciiy Saiorday. '
Fred Dublk draro to Maple Cllv of Akuc an.| Malaria, can be relieved
Re cent ol what'ihe aver.Tgc'tTs^er .has to pay. W<; figure oh the .same percentage of profit as oiherdpalcrs. Tife
I K: OIM» Ifow TfavPrti* CatV was Sunday. He niM-itt the ereiiinc wDn and nurcfl with Wedrlc HlHer*. Thl*
good rcsiill mutiial. Wo net the lion's share of the business and the consumer reaps thc-behefit of th« low prlce«
U a pure tonic luedieiai. of espectal
btbliiVlUr a fear da.>-< laal wnk.
ttoo. II. Banb.
Mr. ijnd Ufa. Hcott vUI more la tbe
Gcorm II. Barth and vtfe aprat Kini. twincni In malaria, for it exerts a irn*ciinitive influence on Ibe disease, drlf'
tatod by MOa Kins aod will
iaK it cntirelv out of the systf-m. It is
« <t-e retoalader ottb* winter,
preti-frixl.ti) quinine, .b*vmucb I
r rook will taka ebarte of tbr
yf ihi« driie's liad ofi.'t
>1 liLlMUtsvill.. UiU weak.
S. Muiiuay -of flenrl*-:!;..
ttw’lMz Ik acaHBB losk for L. K.
i>rotber wav icry
a • Boa tbl* wloUT.
kllaa KlM IfOttekB of Bimley iraa ..._ ____________ '•‘v. r and laoiulie..
- OataoraT and taaUr Tlilted
y sum aad wtfa Mat 8oa^. tbe carat vf Mlu Lnlu liaiab .for a few till be took Kl.-ctrlc Hluer*. whkl>
saved bta ltre.“ At Johnoon Drafc Co.
r. and Mr*. Georfo Taylor md of iaai week.
Qnitp a Biimlier atiendad tbe 8, R F. ii. Mead**. S. E. Wall ft '
Bl.Df Iowa, Mr. aad Mr*; Dr.
r Ua alMer '^’laa want to Kow ronvcniion hHrf at i;ik bake taai FVIOv^
----------- -- • -o rlfcU Mr. and day ereiiinK an*l Saturday.
Me*.. Geo. WWUiin -was railed to
stytes. A aolal wbo.t
Arixir tasi Satarday. Jbb. 14. U1 B. Parfcrr t* T»ar«ra« City is
chair -lust like cut, fin*
eause of tb<* seHons lllneaM of bi-r t,lmo Kiln ciulKif that plara ta a'vnr)
aioihar. Mr*. Dtiiceraae. 8be ta ex- hanaoaidus ermnizaitoa—wni rna like
ttbeii in i.'olden oak, for
notart of Ckap.
the Viral tcicpbone trerat nr tbe
^111 BBka tbair borne with tbelr
n tnwoU'r of the Dates W. U. A.,
vited the ladies uf tbai soekty i*> her
bone In Traverse City last Wediwwtay. A parly o(*lra reqpiKnled In Ihe
Harriet irowatd nf SftS W. Slih SL.
laviiatlon and tbo day provfil In te- a New Turk, ai <w lime lia.l her h,-an4J*a.9 ayusi'eaioyahlc nae to all prckeet.
apotlMl -wiih skin troiibV-. She writes:
Job!) Yfwnck »apeet* to slait tor -1 had Sal! Rheum or Eczema for
aletsb loa;: Of yoanc-#*^ drbra
(ton JlMBe and apeal ml 8a^ CaUforiita. whero bo wilt apeod tbe
ermtas «itb ibc Vlatoa'*.
I u»r«fl iiutiuen's Araira Salve."
A\'ui- l/ursa.. whose foot Was amptf- quiric and sure healer for cutt. burat'. -U 0. Canwnicr wcM. (o Cioss
DM wwk V» aM>i»L lu revlTal taied twifiweela apw ta doiac nleely.
and aorra. :&c at Johnann Drue Cn..
8<.>y<^ new ‘iibdaeB were put ia R H^eads. S E Wait k. Son-, dniy
nias*. lUr. Willard iKaib of
rme eny srrarbed brro last Sunaaoraiu aad eraalba. Wp bre ai- Ibe nelKbliorbood bare one. AotoDC
• • -iwrful fam.
: Tim vniage of BroBMMi is epaslder•onanrt'RaUi.
bSt aad JoaopblwCanmtuir took
iac the parfbaae of Are apiiamt.u. a:
youne men In Oils vUnlly
fm wlib Mia. Rom fS>nlo at :
tbe vlfiUaii. .rf au neeldeni Irai *eek. •a cost nf'alKhti •t.ta'Xi and a petition
lant Monday.
from a number of promIrcBi-ciitannirriilay. W'lule worklac In the w<
Mlatno U WbUfl of Tiarciar
■ ■ •
Rtmry 1w'as
plaaad ondar a
luur iB-eti pr-teoled fo the eeiiBcil it>
, flmatan fin tbo f>. M. It. R.. w
1 oamiwly osraiied taslnt; liU life. pet Hi. matter etartihl. '
bomr UM lit'WiBeiiday.
It is. b>* snsialoed a fracuired col
MUs Mary SooerU weal
-- ................ _ -J|y brulsou llml.,
whool ^
~ ..................
The Secret ef SueeerawUc^'a-UJ iimi>ab)y keep blm from
an.1 Nursery Chaif*,aD
Pori.v mlilioo iKtiiins of Aiictm
work the iT^i of the winter. Tbvoth<r
t iblK vleiDlir atioadrd
at a reduction of S8
MdnrMithm at Slk toko rbarrb last yaonie atan. 4:arfloM Barry, bad the nower Bidd in Ibe Untied Siatf-s alone
cut hlc foot with
r-lnee its IninHlurli.ui! And ih-v rtrSatairday. AH report an ekcallODt
9r ll^K-s(itl
UiK-s(itl erowlnt taut iha:
. mdMtex. Tbe nest oar will be bold at Saturday wUl<ai work in the swarap maiul for
wpsi of flaieH. At prrise&t iw-riiJoR
sbn»li« of snecess
prove that Aujtnsi l'
Tho m r. M. (t. of UU plaeo bare
r Itxll- ■
uafaillag Kuoec&.< -b
1 (be Mody of "Dus CMrU-' peAeil.
UnHV aMcb- hMHi df Maple -Grove pw'tan (md dyer
1—ibh t«'» grt-str that all who i
people ailcndfd aervleraai Kaie* Rub CA
_ - onemira of b'-alih
and happineiiaf'
ellBicd: SB Uey
m .<1 cti.
•• sp.*c»C
(bat AngtiKi Flo6-*r
. Bona VTitt^ baa bara oa the alek
ml .1.S01
(or all sioma.-b pnd iDiesiinnl
PMrnasa Cannot ba Curad
£tni?—Um H -ha.* |•n•velt Hh.<t imbe«. nf all ilv.w reruiaiomr Aiitflizt
Now s roiif ■ 1
Ktower hoc a maicblese rec.rd of ..v.'r
tinie t get'onc
Dm Yoaui M>«amd a aiMkallHiini
plolate—a Mice*-- thai ta ta-comlnsi
Raiardar ta fUmnd lake that wwitfted ,.jwW yfMiksrewrmahbnc xuaisi •<t
irai.uvc a n it
aider In ii*> *eop«- . ..-ry day.- *l hoqiiSI ponadA tbe lancM oa« that bav
amt abroad, a* ibo fam<' of' Atimiw
hmt Udtea tor noiar tine.
useful pieem
k-fcaer opreadt Trial tonl«-s. ri-:
TbooaB rra>'. who has bm *lr)i
rvsalsr rise. 75c. For Mlo i*y S E
with the pTlp. Is out. atah).
Wail ft soar.
MIm <j9ra Pray'weal to Tr*r«»»
We wit: dii-

S. E. Wait & Sons and Johnson Drug Co.
_ _ _


Use Herald Want MS





Rrm ebatr*
Rnti Redttrc
Rtad Roclttrs
Sew'a Rsektrs
marrta Cbalr*
ebild’t eDalrt



-Xeglemed. ndd* make fat jrrat.yartls.” IV. \V.*nd'i, Norway IMt*
•Syrup helps m«'n and aioanen %o a hap­
py. vlgoroUf oM ase.

- _ .e a»t wtth a bad aefeiv'««B i«a- He wwa at
r K4fuM» and -wbUa daeld
«loa*. oae Miwrk' bin. hreakln#: Us
^bekiw the koee.
e civ- rUiied iPlatlTM bare orer
Qardav Ion a bone last
: Haaufr
ladrew* k
Wauoa loaded a «ar with polast w«bk.
go:. J>cay de brdur. today.
..•let Hammoad U StblnK ' for
la BikUke.
------iaod the kick


Mr. and His. U C fUdkwrd are naliA rateitm ia TTWeiae ONy for a
fkMk Bm* U twhsMm tbo Wblu

U C» M»m ta CUkaMia oom


Hr concralinr tl.about iheir person, or ktovlnp It ray la
iDugs, lops and Jary by si-wiDj; It »p ii> ekirlf* and ticka.
- .
lu.'kifu; It .indw-rarTtet? ami roucbci. in raimearils ar.l
bureau dra<^; ihes,- are the way.- In which people Io-tc
their-Tnocm- and Rom-etitlM-. mtEIH LitTS.


Dining Cables


.. l-auiiful -.’ssn,,
-al Ubk. fano tn-.i,. toj,
pedisheJ Icirewiih i-al! Lra-T.s c’<ton.
seat ten

^«*> aj, ^


ocij- ta

dOtbCfy from $4.2.j up.

Dy dcjioeitini: it In a pood reliahV- beak, wbiiw It I* not
«ip»y aaff. Put siradily raratcc a modMatc Iniraest.

ta ahafliatHy tafo. can be drawn at any time and
made to draw Interest.


J. w.

At a reduct^ of from SS
to !W per ceH Fall line
of celcliraied Rnuod
Heaters Uke cut. From

$4.75 up

' WMS ! -


y^mnrmrmm Ol^, Kilt fWrapftf• aari*n *t*Ho

P'.;n^raoaawillra, I

cuNDTiUvnn Riiuu, 1M>nu^^n^•UAi^^■. m
; ib(^ pamiit. Mr. aad Mra- imioi^
iSatanUr. The Aeer •toMah'a Talc «f Waa. JuM] Mr*.
t>a»p ba» tm Mrk
Nw Mk»«a M Nc««*d. il«»’ »'.-nk .
AI tbi> aratoa of tb« r«br
■t «Bd,«» l«tt fce^,
W p*oiM are I
p»<mw;«^varf.*an-tor»i*a1« rroTO
Bd Coimioc flf Wexford K twj atek
Mr. UMi Hr»'.C«n«rsM
■nal niattr diet, ladaor h(<. >•( ifau vrtUnc.......
Fftt U> MBStMTnatirftd tb« rMcf>4i‘
r aailbe. bmtljr food, bub «f rx- • jlu^fv U a «w uf atntUpnx ai Datar'
tUb. tm-rworb. hm poor voMiSaooe!» jik♦qatnertr

. HRbr^
X, IjudK
-L- pjt^
a&tl poor-hcaiih.
; ('kariW Oiu
' lb
ibe lHtfral -j^lf thp Hitwarb ramtnt do lf« «ort ■^f^joaNy lirtor
Cor so teas, to a UHtei
': of
at ^w.
Mm. Pt-nnfwuw. .
«I‘ linalib to Bare 10
nabk. 'Hb braUMtr. rtaab
VnwrWvo'tbh^b Mr.'WVIU *0 Tt*' JII-OHia U ifeeotip sHvlir-iaii tbai a;-^^ r Plfc LalUr. <>i bew bAlpla
; mp.Olj- lu lb^
itaoiral. tHKwUon. tbai1<^^
■oppraOcM pptforpiM. ' Mt»i. tf.
Kht'Ji o.
v<Tf to*; rb«> b >oi gw 1 rap- «mitTK
K. »:
voo' »H1.
, Tb^-4o(irt*uc U MMi-Mo »ro«ad teirelR. It to ibto il^at tnaken It a .n’K' M^)!ta^
brrr. !*<■ io*4* hivp'Uob «• itm.4 bln and BuarabUx^l «r« frtr all ♦loir.-1
aatl Mr«. n. Or «xoa, trbn
frb ironliVr*.
'•B'lti'i io'Las Am.o-V's. <M1„ tafl
^^■‘«rkwfT« flpm
1 iBitalre
, If tt»« 4.ttc<r«lfln
- pksiatX

Hi iri.b
tri.b iWdr
wot nrM rnnuicli ir> uk<'
li.o*-. They *T<tP »«n' larwal
JIuJf IUr»ry CoiV.Mfd. ‘|lfn<mlo
ipfii of .I tn.
hr. place..
.(b«ab (bpa U liifT muM l.rii>S- H ^bsJai
Mr<. inlia Ibirma-r diid « fcrr liotan
WftoL L*‘ib« >a<i Saurda^. atu-r a
l;a.^ ftern a crmplk-alioa
ftaeknT. .Mr«.
uiui u CTMi nuffi-rur.
HAPPV WOMEN. (/uotitrc bradaebda.- bauAach>a.'
Mcf'-niimtc. knov ibr I'-iul aa; dnx
i^t k few d«Vs id
' raKiiOM aWrdoUliiT.
arur. ak
a1ii-a rJn- wmili: rrai frum all
PUti*r «r T(iem:Mi Traverut C(Or; md
Ik as'l
»alb. stoH.
Ih. Iua4r ail IIU' arraarnmimi^
fUaun rpr n. ;
in^Ni «is*-4tel -ii If ilupon a dls- tar ta-r liuri
liurial aa>l »a^ read) &ft*l will■i-dI Monrarb,
Moararb. Iml
liui jon caa U- curt T
/<., Shi- kavo* fonr hnxhin-/
K.iuiibt'i &er vonaa t'lq ioppr
. UHlbs')iio4a. Aik R.-^E. Walk.A
r <-hllilr>« III ns<«im lt,T Vw
A<i«+ir**fs af-U^tsr-tv «i»oHw.'
xi4 t»m n-i{sl>ie <imKxi«». i“ »b<.iv j ,j^r i.n'imiid
nay*.^«li«*»,.iit*biB W'.iiijrMi.•II

, bnlqt imakr
Tbf) dbtrr«4.a(.«|te«>rn<MiSitu.
i to !»U. —
bind >Ul<a. IMIil
ano atoo .....
rtll ...
• • r<"fi
. : ailiv
BottfMtrtn M« CtMMt.1
’ lx>v. If II doc* bol hrlp )'W. thritnlis,,! (u ipi: m’lablioHiodl. Tbc ftto
'•artai aa« lictol fftim tlram rhiirch
rftaW ■■ ■ >
•■ - • -•■•• '
----------- ---------. xiMKiar -/li-rtirti'fi h.-r lindy aa*.
Hhntild tlrf* ftw (tf v\l<fi^c
h.f ih«- i+ti III III r
JU<PUbr*:,..„. *.. . ...
Mr--, W. A. M.-rrlM. of «i ttVtwuf
r&irteiTB, »alUl.liafi been
Ramu.-l Jjij>or U tt'iiv- rftk ai ibt
*tr.fL. •»T*: “I «iiffcrwi friwi aif»<-ks
ot barkachp »r
vvar*. aii.l
Mb'? LABiar
to lilBCban
JOA pr.-«lou* to ukib^ DoM* Ki-im y
il<) BKirMtip in vIkIi Mt Kranddanpii
(9]l« (b« iRMibif- Ix'camn vt*}- »(-vt'f<.
r. MrK. nail SuhlvfB
' BcTt-nsuEp^l'«» in nr life fron nt-r-jTItf r* «.tv1<-op iha* * w l« log j.
IiikJ (niitT.
lit Id ai 1>» rha|>H«4i>:<vl Ktimlar nirbt.
ireotittf i>;iBptO!V.
r- anureica in»w*• Mrk. Prai.1. Wuinr* of '
taati «wi ITT*. . • -...............................- -• up mb<f tn^'MPV van craitutitir ai-a
and acLing. - QoatiV KMary IM:
BbVl’rWM-rd tbn <H'
,.mi-.i OI
tr.-ti'lfiC'aiiniybu. I n>nt!B<>A>l t>i<
amit taitlM tboogbl li uBnocf
aw>'.io.Bic- Bor«B(< ibnm; t rautU nbi
a1»h for a Wrtlrr or• nom. fttwiivirmunclr.” •
br all «)#aipf«. ■
tP-Mtlbuta On; .Ruflatn, <(
tiUi ter.'U}<ri;iift«l R«'
v» *oi.' ar-Mu
ketm rr.lW^ ihn r4l*n—Orwn-f-^ti J
^AHMtliudoorr LHionie, oi ]akr fio’prtcr,.



S;7 X'.!? 'a"




. sr




TO cura avoM in two uay


w« lin ^



^AutaM^aUUrbtnl fnr the./^


A't Slieiriberg Bros.
is now-oiv in full blast. The prices bn everything in Winter Goods have been
slashed and cut unmercifully. We are bound to close them out regardless Of
cost or value. Here is the way we will sell you dependable^ upito-date merchandise:


I iooJ Shaker kUannd. I» yard ...........






A kA Af b0}*'s aod joveaile Sveaten, wortL


' SS^'T'"


WodhJl.OOU.1.60. «..................................



.................................... .*--.25

t':WW*wrtataii.dtaB abaaal Elraeion;

t nlicn at o|c, o^c and 7' c |icr .yard,
llie best Hr and lS^cO}ttinj^ at.............

skirts, soiif evayvime at 50c yd xl.........................................


"SSi“£SS .

A^!,chL,.fur.carfior............ ................. ,45
Abeueraeari for................... ... .....................................
An extra good for scarf, worth 1.7B -to 2.U0. “ ..............................
S7.50 scarf* at.......................
$15»i. and$l«.00afjift>t ,


Veu wili want one if yottsec them.




.39 ,

U?i«' KirooMt liat awe .'dk and COc. u. ^.39
lA.lies K.monas that were $1.2S. a..’.......... .Sfi
Ooiing t'olh tl'owns fiw men and aonicti,
north .70c. at., ^...t,.............................. .39
Worth I.IIO. 1.2.7 aiul 1.R.I, all a< the -«>t
jtnee, each .. .*......................

Way^Knit Mufflers The .-iOf anJ

All ften, choice diape*,' redaoed iim 27 to K« pd

ducc.Uo............................................................... *>07i


Tur ScarlS


pur aim is to carry g^- perfect filtme gii»Slj,'^
- niebiy bmiDcss
Idcss that we «So in the. akirt Gm is
jcool l»OSltl
i»ositi.e th»* we have
iriih the At of our skirts. Tlwa. loo, the Mylet.
|ileasii% ami Uie i«ices an tetirfiliiie Uiat
one cannot lidp but appreciate them.

SkiiU UtaTyoo'd exiKctlo p^ 2^ for, now

Tbeaiicar«t;i.-Wkiml5,ai................................... IQ

...................................... .

Mbuse Coats- 'Vorth $tJ.6o. 10 das


o« •»............................................. ...3.O6 ,


BlaiAets, Quilts/€tCa

Skms worth 4.50 and 5.O0, at.............. ........... 3.75"
fUcirt. worth «..W, 7.30 »d H.M, at.4.00*

Worth til- IO2..70 at ........................................ 1.25

Dress Seeds

Suitii^ and other choice Dress
Goods, thiii
wen 1.85, i.5u and 2.00 per
« were
, - yard,as................................................................

'isfrr.™ •.' "Ji
" *ii>«. tw&i.. I, uk',.:

g- TIM MNWiGE micwabi aad kboa tboeoatabto tberoof. aad that thbj have
^ 9Mra;l» Mlara and Ea ballw laM ^tainawit to be
X W. McWKTnr. B



ifest «.50 and
Cloak* at„..............
Xewjacfcets that were 0.fi0 a®d 7.66, «.. 3,76
A lot of Jarketi fom last seasoe, worth from
S.QC V) 10.00, at .......................
A greaVlmeMCEthMs'-Coasa. all new thia
iexsoo, for all ages np to 14. worth 3.60.
4.50 and 6.00,- at........................................... 2.45

Ladies'. Misses and Children's Best 25c to 35c Wool oi- Fleeced lined Hose, .at 21 c a pajr. Best 15c Hose at I Ic.
Men's all wool socks, light or heavy weight, best 25c and 35c qualities, at 19c a pairTs_





« m..n, m».. .

About the great cut id CSoakc.
^lest 2<i.00. 2.-,.00.a«d 30.00 Cloaks at...

AU »ooL ic inch Suitings wonli SOc a )V<i.

..... -°V

Den’t Teraet

................................-I -69

.^Worthu]* >o8-b"

‘ ‘ If

ski^. ,i..h s:*, .idVm^



■ ..





Saturday night uolU Wednesday morning to enable us to mark down etfeiy dollar’s worth of merchandise.

IK, 50 and 76 Par Cant. OFF ON SOME GOODS. MORE OFF ON. OTHERS. Yes. this meant below cost In many cases; botrwe^re sacrificing gbodsto get ready ca^ We are making preparasUughier sale. THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS WORTH OF FRESH AND CLEAN MERCHANDISE^!! b«Wc^ <n cases, on counters and taUeaat a fraction of its cost.
tkmt for a tren

Fipd Sale Begins Wednesday, Januanf 25th
Per ysrd far bat
iJrm Caateic'at Una


ly aeflwl, vorth 'tq> to


Per yard far black
and wbhr. puy and
while Suadard Prints.

For Ce. 8c and Oe

Fw short lengths of
Lawns, Diasitiei and







For kN of Ladiea'

For the celebrated
G. D, and some Kabo
Cotwta. Always $1.00

For Boys’ two-piece
School Soils, inmer
price tUO.

dorwg this sale. . .

CNI This is Your Opportunity to buy Clothing; Furnishings and Shoes at Forced Sale Prices

men's and Bofs' Qatbing


Young Men's Fancy Coau apd Vests. $5.00
values, sale-price.....................................
Boys’ Kersey, Cassimere • and Corduroy

• ^Btack Sochi
a prita Camrai Ohm
FUdk^Tanwm Conan
OUrca’sWMl Hoods


. 60c


AM d IMM’ Lm ai Poak
worth «p to fLsa


luniisbings at a 0reat Sacrifice


Teamen's Outiig Ni^ht Gowns lor this
$1.00 and $1.2b men’s all


25c Men’s’Black ^merii hose for 15c.


$S^(» Russian Uear Boas
$3*"wklLr ‘MVik‘I^Vt
ikirts. nicely finished, torced
sale price...p...........
Alt our summer and winter


F« Mco'i aad BByt* COe Vse Jeney
Oof^ti. Tkis-it a ran batp^


Perysi^ Ji choice
fate imported
uid domatic Lxea, valoo op to 35c,

Wc Do Not Have Fictitious Prices; Every item is a bona-fide cut down price and is a Genuine Bartait.

5Q Ladies Dress Skirts alt trimined^^.00 values yours at
this sue.....................................
$5.00 Misses' Tourist Coats



J gg

It ts not a coDsideratu;^ of-how much we ean make, but bow- much wc can keep from
losing. Wc must have the money.

ClMk$, Skirts, Turs, Waists


1 }jC to 1 Oc

Home made Mittens, worth 50 cents, sale

$3.00 men’s fit well, fine wool Union Suits
to close at.

IctO 16c

' 26C


50c and 75c children’s all wool Sweatm at
this sale they arc yours for.........i'................


. ■


60c^an^5c men’s calf skin Gloves, lined, for QQq


hriM .(Min in Enbnk'eim nl.



Boys' all wool dollar Sweaters,-wc must _ RQa
halt the money, so they arc yours for......



Shoes and Rubbers

Choice 10c
SOc Mu.’i Wool Sox,
Olt TliRfl SProlit te lbc;»ind
S6c SupcTulm
8k IhfaDU- W»m Shks
tOc 1Dteswr Scaifa
a Bladied Toweli, tSxlfi in.
500, Mtin's black clay wonted Suits, forced
C ywtU boMlI wool Biiuh Biodiog
Women’s solid Shoes and Oxfords, ofl* styles'
a snap for...................... ••••.................. ..
10.00 Men’s Suits, all this seasons make
GRAB BOX SfiOt-d*.6.50
Choice 26c
SOc Ladia’Sled Kod Ihi
75c Merccrited Sateen PeUkotU
$1.25 mcD', wool Work.Pa&s, forcKl sale
75c lAdiet’ Shirt Wmaa
$2.00 and 225 meli'rbiit all'wMl Kersey
Children's Storm Robbers, just Ibr a..,.
Choice 19c
5Uc Boy** C»jB ,
Men's Felts and Rubbers to close out, for. ^ 00
^ $3.60 bo)^' two and tbru^ piece Suits, forced
35c and Me Tami
sale price
I’s worth of merchandise went through t^e Dotting machine!

Choice 6c

Dry Boeds and

1 Comfartetstorihif
••(• ....................39c

XOcwiitllmlinuhn ri.. SC
1 paper of Neodlai............• 1c
IbotlkCvtcnbUcklok.. 2c

Sban Cuti]e.Soxp...........



Shirt Waist values op to
$2.50, th^'will go quick at


S*-'.............................. 19c

Dnss 6ocds, Wash 6ccds>
and Silks
All our !fc wash gcods.'forrcd
sale price...................
AH our I5t wash gooils. forcetl
sale price ......................... :....
All our 2Uc wash goods, fonxd
sale price..............



Fo,B.,.-..d Oirh- d m»l ll«e,
ThM ue .Ml. »e sad 2Sr. bet •.
seed the mooey.



Our ::.'ic Novelty Suitings, this
year's styles go at....................
)ur .>0c
.’>0c plain and fancy
fan^y 1Dress
-Gocib. forced sale wice.
3ur ijifa Moire for I*ettiibafs
Shfn WaMs!°fo^«'V^ll: price


n nliolt Slack «l Rcmnanls
and snort CtRgtn* of SUkf.
Olo-stod eoods and ktton Boods
at your Own Price.

For Mwi'f 60c Flecvc l.incr! Uitderwcar faf ihutorr ed sak-



^AIO I We wilj pay railway fare one way with each purchase of Ten Dollars or more a distance of Thirty Miles or less.

Its Front tat

Traverse City, Mii.

”h.«. 1

tot«UIUI>m.M .m.<M>B<<ilu: >


^:^r.:^r ;
LAkr: tM»

■M: »l^

Mn. JCMe Gtlbm U4 two i__.
un vWWd M FM MIWmiX ab«lud. W«*M«dar. •») NtmMI taM
J«M Cook barM •

I Mill

^|li« 2:rj^rrrrrs]: t- saK
-! Sis 1!

: : :::







III r1 f®imr,i
Ml 1


a» *» la la
bAhA. Ur ate cv. rtnk tediu«

la '^n tm
C • !•





• l«

muflc or snoot qjar

'gS; : “

S ! ii: :i

- .S. liljflsiS S JS|SsJ;*""™
is siiil
-55 IS S!S£g'i|2^ if‘t.S I it

.35:: :::?





“<‘s *.s!

te III It. tar ted b»v KiBtb-J


SB! » IM

poaoed thioogb har» <
C‘«ter teat Tburater- .
Mn. Wcocte LBABcr U eo Hie alcV

Mtsa Lima WlBRafilcr ia VorfciBC
foe Mra. LantBcr.
Mrs. UactiB Bus(«. «bo hu baaa
qullc airk. ia able to be aroood -r“*
Tba BiBBr trleate at Mr. Bad Mi*. ,•
deoUt «d boa et tba iBlaBt lotav
»bo dM 1 few boon bbbR Soster.
Prof. IMBCBO rtalied ibd' tcboci t
■ i
Mn. Otemr ClBn*o«l cBlM «b Mq.
Jateca Uood iBBt PrWar.
.Mr BBd Mra. F. B. While otMrfal , .
tb« aoclBl SBtBCter Blsbt.
Mn. Tubbc Bod Mra. lOsrpool telM
OB Mn. NeraraakiB oM ter Mat week, j
Mra. HBlvecaoB eaJMd pa Ma. Wla- f

MMi Gmrade WeaOebB TKRed bw
uBde. Mr. Mire. Ib Good tlarter ev«r i
. retBBts* OB tb« tociy obIb


■aaoBh. Lar ateOablMlb MIBte

-- 't S S\S !S

viu,aoKor KDKMun

i£ S SIS
is .£ ,5 IS .15 -----


t.iS;t SIS SS



stank ■T'teter n V<«

^15 -s: a ass !S
±!S IS
I®?*:! S'^‘=
I y?^isris ......

st|wJ5 IS/S sis is-

immra Jill ji
• !■


Un. LocT ToBBB sad ehOdfOB Mt
M tbc Bt* o’clock into Bir Cater
tpcod SoBdar



4 ,-.-..5SKa..w

Mn. WratJtttB went to Tnvc*M
Ctir ortefiwn owe ter lost vote.
mjm Uuto witeUBicr teted OB
Un>. teliik KBOte oo'MoBtej IBA.
HbM aoelal
I ‘ - stem at ite
•sBootbaM teiardv
BijAt vaa «sKo
Um«4r Btuaded.
ktateat vtec «t
>SJS. lc« m>BBi bb4 «bXc «aa omrt
• Bd «JI bad B BOOd tlBM.
Jte GBOBCter. who bBi beta «KUk
out trend BBd ablBotBc ft (o Ite BMXbar
1« MBBMW, bB* SotelMd hla iMt CBC
BBd rteBTBrd to MBBiBloe. ilBI ia B
sood cook ud Biilli to ite BMcr

:55!S!iJ: js. iS S i!

^ sssskis;-

Kwitf '*'


'i • 5i5 i!


.5 SIS it fesw.

teaote. Lw ateOte fliBMiWb AdteiiB'
t... ■
» ■








. ____________ A Blicoted teB BBteal
Mr. BBd Mra. Jota Al
Iteted the BoaBi BiBB

lAV. JAWUAlrr M. tM.'

Alore Real Bargains to the Square Inch in Our Carpet Department Just Now Than You
Have Ever Seen Before.


fa irfaia^r linied Swiss. Some with faiicy color­
ed hands; ^viddi and leasch: as well made as
anydnratedmbe. Well worto $1 and $1.^.

In very fine net with beautiful corded center wwb.
This panel is cheap at »c. While they last Fifty,
nine mts.


To Talk Carpets, Curtams, Linoleums, Etc.
But when you consider the remarkable price offerings wp ara making it iscsrtainly worth your while to investigate these things even if you are not ready
to buy Perhaps you may not want them foramonthor so—better get them now,
we will store them for you.
It’s the taking advantage of these splendid buying chances that enables you
to have more and* better things for the home. Furnishing the home is as good an
Investment as money in the bank.
Thera is no place in the city that WILL or DOES give you more of the REAL
Bargains than Milliken's.

Ingrain Sjjecial 45c.


Velvet Carpet Special 75c ydT^

45c a yard (or heaxy Inprain Carpet in beauttfol new patterns. All good colors.
This is a cobci wearing Carpet^ all wool (Hiing and will Idolc as well down as any
high priced ingrain: tbei w^U cost you 55c a ^rd a little later in the season.


Cotton Carpet 25c.
. 25c a yard if you want a good cheap carpet'. We have about 400 yards of heavy
Granite and Saltana Cottage Carpef. These goods have been selling for
money, but during this month the price b a quarter.

This carpet is dark green with a small pattern of cream and red, a good combma*
tion for any room. You can buy this prith border or irithouu Also Sotr
of the same carpet is 27 inches wide, border 22>4 mches. You save 25c op every
yard you buy.

Brussels Carpet at 75c.
This carpet is a beavy brussels, splendid wearer, in Boral or Perrian desyps. aoh.
able for any room in your house. .The price just now 75d >d.

Velvet and Brussels at 90c yd.

^ur Best Ingrains at 60c-70c.

These poods come with or without border in the ccw colorings. TT»e pattCTM
are beautiful. Floral or oriental. If you want a serviceable,carpet for your par­
lor. buy a good velvet. Nothing better for wear.
High grade Velvet and Axminister Carpets in short ends, 10, to 16 yaids at $1jOO
a yard. These goods are the $lb0 qu^ity, but wc* must dose out all sboit piiBiy

WheSve uy our be« we meau ttat there are none hater made in this country.
thewo pahtstoconrider. Wc give you both of the«
. in our. 7oc line. We have handled this grade of carpets for years and feel saf-; in
; , ,
recommending it to our trade. The new patterns and color combinations are
N ‘ ahead of poything we lave ever shown.' Ask to see them.

; 39c Pair

13c Yard

Oot cheap.


42ic Sq. Yard
For HEAVY LINOLEUM in pr«ty Moral and Block patterns. This
is cheap for good quality Linoleum
,and it will go fast.

$1.48 Pair

$1.48 Pair

For fme net RUFFLED CURl AlNS. Battenbuig edge and inwtrtion. A very dainty curtain for bedroom or dining room.

For 'fORTlERES in good color
combinations. Betjer ones fltMl




^ «cuucn.

$9O0 f or »*13 WOOL RUGS. These ure fast color, and the desiun. and colorings are new. This is-cbcapcr than bpytng an lngrain carpet toraarae room.

ton on
.AQ|U yard for Crex Grass Mattingmade of Minnesota slough grass, nearly half inch
VVy thit^ srill wear like iroij. Ask to sec this as it may be what you ought Ip have..
find nothing bet-

r^l II
■ 1

' El-^’ET. BRUSSELS and SMYRNA RUGS. SIZE 9x12. These

goods arc regularly priced at $25JN> at other stores. It is no trouble to
show these goods. Give us the diancc.
We show a beautiful line of Rugs in all sizes and at all prices. It
will -pay you to travel a gocid many miles to see tne assortment
wc now show.


$1.50 Pair
«oMl«r9’K. Good assortment of
See these. ^

For lade of ^mce we quote but few items from ttis department. Wc have many special lots to close out
. at Wg Fcducijpa& We show a a larger and better line o1 Curtains than any three stores Tn the city.

,-^^.50 Pair
For cMnt quality Lace Curtains.
These are hish grade goods and
would be g,^ vJnes at*®io. In
white and .A^ditan.


$3.50 Pair

$5.(X) Pair

$1.00 Pair

For 6ne Brussels Net. also extra
qnJity Cable and Ven^n Net.
Later you will pay $5110 for this
civs of goods.

For choiM of Fine Irish Poipt, Bru^
scls .and extra fine -Venetian Net
- Curtains, white or Arabian, the kind
that sells up to $8 pair.

If you want a good pairof. C«rt^
fora doUarv..^me to this store. We
give you Hiotcc of about ci^t pat*
terns, and. better yet. we will Bve
yon a $1J0 curt^.


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