Grand Traverse Herald, May 11, 1905

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Grand Traverse Herald, May 11, 1905


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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rare to Ms Uon which derelops tbe Meurat trngrreara anglare are new flsktofi with
•ad to tb« rancy cf raaliiB. Wbra the fraU la toft
“How people veaM MfatP it they
to atakra
ripen ra the ptant U rattto ta twa a rasn mbTurattaMad w«k tha bait
knew thto.- thooght Min OiiyaaB ra
aboat tba lira thra a few good toads oraqaal pans and baeomea ftrM yel- to tba hock. Tbe flak aaas hb rcMac•ha reread the Teraa.
tf earth were healed, and atosMM IDW. then brows and finally btoik: UM to tba giraa. aafi. thtoktog that a
“Lmraly aad noUa than art,
firmly aronad tbarimoa at tha tree to lAlto U to drying u nnetnoaa Uqold rival b ahem totterauD Mm. makns
bshriaad in erery pMllY brail.
dark red catar, railed balaam to baste to anaieh tbabnK. ThaacMeraa
glra the loou a streog eappart.
Boatteriag flowers ra array alfle.
la, azodaa. bad whan dry tbe pod has bera qalie tacantoeL
U wni stand, fmtbarr Thto
Long amy roar work in FhlrBeM mdde. WBS the qoestlon In tbe minds of tbsra to brittle ud almoet dereU to odor.
R inkM an fctofli to tnm to make
to spile at tbe old maids, inat keep ra. an. Am
I very Might aromn betag psreep- a world aad soma to them are very
Tta traMa-tf haaraa'a h
Breryooa wraM misa yoar bright face Urdy?
culoai. An awbraga ray* ^ the
Ubla. .
Tkaaa ihtafa I
If -twas gona.“
Tarloun.are the piueisies knows for Mexlera Magney tiva tuntShes a
a bard wind a
enrint Tbe Hexlera procesa to aa toi- nsadto aad thread aU rrady flor aao. At
90U get a
Bbe foaei oa her way to tbe win­
: Aa soon as gathered tha fmit the tip to each dmk grera leaf M *
VbMilpat ha Blaat «ka manta a trae!
dow. beU to band. berhiM ayra spaik- donto tt win go
seed to haapa obder tha abed to aleadar tbere aaafiie that mast ba
Ha mama «mI aRaR* aad trader
ting with menlmaiiL “With the doc­ wlU hope tor pleasant -waaiher. Only
tor’s approral and hto sharp toagoa to day or twa ago 1 read bow they eared protect them from both rnla and ns- earafally draws from M» Meath, to tba
and a few days later are sab-' same Urns it ahrwty- rawlndi tba
And raad-aid bod ct dajra to ba.
flgbt my batUra vttb tbe goralpr folk.
to a avaaitog procaaa. Tba thread, a streag amcetb fibre att ached
AM tw that ftda and fiami araia;
I tbtok. Lealle .Oreyara' ibe anacd.
Ha maata tba glotr fl( the plaia;
"Well fast keep ra“—Phy Btnart, to rad whra it beran to go Into decay, ao beans are. early to tbe morning, spread to the needle, nod capahto to htoag
blanket and axpaaad to drawn oat to a flyaot bagih.
Ba jiaHa tba AvaatY bartta«a;
that It was Ukdy to
ZMdaetki Mamma: “Nov. thra
storm, fast aa oar dear eld friend did. tba direct reya to the bob: about Uor
Tha harraat e< 'the aewlai am:
t p. m. the btankat is folded areund the Charlie, drat yoa admire my new aBk
the city foreater. who baa charge
The jar that aabraa eraa ahan aaa•aving tba OH Appto Tree.
. Booilibad to
brans and the baadle ts left to the sra dpsatr Charlie (with emphaab):
things, aade up hto mind that
naaa tUaga be maaU vbo plaata a
door yard! where flower bedt ware for- “Oh. fatbmr. the old King trce i grae
-Tra. maauM.- DMmfla Mamma:
• O^,
merty nnknenra. Btrengere riding down! Look. H isn't clear orra. ba­ would try to asre'dt One alda ct tbe ter tbe remainder to tba day. la tbe
lag Ml tbe pods are toeloaed to -Ahd. CharUe. aU tha sUk b prerldad
the long branches bold It op a
had decayed n that there
thraogb-tbe tianaforved IttUe rfUaga
Vbat dma bb maat «bo planU
1 hollow, veakeatog the tree vary light boxes *0 that ibey ntay sweat the tor ra by a poor worm,- Cbartto: “Da
lime, but I guess It's tpolled.a the beanUtol oorpriaea.
Ba«paad leafaad wood.
OreelBally the ddrll of it
ta lora W haaia aad tenitr
rad It took fiftara barrds to all. are again axpaaad to tbe eon. They
epread daring Mtob Orayioa'a regime. erealBg. and a terrible atenn was
had tarraat tbeogbl <t etrll lood—
bad aad
BlcketyfencM were ton'down, front avoeplag np oar raB^. Tbe rain was Tbe top was trimmed ap. Md tbe ee- tbas acquire a dark coflea color, tbe pbar who .says;—Marty l
. Ua Ueamas
spot painted and cowered rrllb ahada beteg a deeper biAva to ptupuc- early to rise, dora vtol eat ghfurakk
yard! graded, baildingx repaired and falling to a torrent, bet the cry of the
to tbe sueceas to tbe sweating foiks and gays, bat K makes a man
painted, mid nhade treat eet oat aloag little mu when be farad that the dear j Un. Now they tbtok
Matoatreat Plage floated orar aebool- old King tree had toUen before tbe stand uochar baU-ceatory. and If It operetlra Nov. tba drying, a most mbs alUbe faa ‘UD ha dies ud job
does go It vUl ba about two handred dMtenU operatloa..maat ba sUraAad tba tturs that are gene to the ittak
oad poatofllee. while tbe eltUdu awtol blast caUed ns aU to the wti
with great care. Tbe beans are Oo to bad wbra yon plaaaa and lie at
>d to lake more tolarett to ail where we coaM dimly see tbroagb the years oM: It coot abe town oMrliaB-,
mtoty pane the ooUlnea ef the noble drad and flfty dollars to doctor tba^ld spread on maUtog and exposed to tbe
tboBL Oh. the bouadleu oat-od
np—a good deal more tbu It baa son during nearly two mrathi. Wbra
vorM. with Us voednmt Baton atod- ‘fcdfally did Mlw Orayoon work. tree lying there prone on the graand.
drying is nearly cempitoa It to fiaoa
The glory aad'dmigbt of it vaa kaeplBg beradl to the.
That •ebaal MeniiY NaOam.
tohad to the shade la> vary dry plaea.
wone, If some hunaa triesd bad bera tboiMtot If they could aSerd to do
MMa Martha Pryor vrappad her all tbem-aad they did not kaov it
■aoddenly atrichea down. Tbnc bad locb for tbe elm maybe U vonM pay ~ ' cstreme delleata prenvsei are their pet degs was shows at tbs tar
raihiaare atevi UghUy aboat bar. for Hara was tba eonar where abe coald
dog show at tha Waltoal New Tarfc
work; here, tba opportonity tor which the chlldran. vbote pareata were lolar- rwBBg to tbe breoefaaa of tbe tree, had I to eee vbat we conM do wHh
the apriag air had bot yet loat
matnuy. to Mexico are several dty. Om to tbe toy boU tantan had
listened to lu mosle when the sntamer apple tree.'
vtatryMni; tbw bbe loefcad tbe door Ue had loeged; ao. with a light heart aated to their plana.
«k aU hb ewe. It was to Iba
srdaHhy carers, and from these It bay
That was a good nmay yean <
Bade her pMna. >lBd (be benaa One aftarneoB near tbe dene of the breezes had vblapered np In lu top.
ot h«r banble tana, earafally tried
tar variety, but made to order tra
term. Dr. Whitcomb ranctered toto the ud bad wntefaed the UeeUrd as year Today tbe old King tree baa a nice lot ba Mid tba beat voaUlas are to ba obwith the childrra.
bb dogsblp. Ob tha catalda it loafcsd
rlioom. 'Min Oreyaon vaa jutUy after year she made her nest to tbe big of splendid fruit oa tu bmnebes. Tbe lattad.
The reaolt of hra tetaraetlng expertfast Hka uy other trank. b« vlthia R
I and ropes bare long alaee bera
■*»■» at tbe rad of tha Bret mmlth wae preod of bar idiotoxa. for nerar bad bole last al tbe top ef the tnmk. aad
was dlridad Into compartmrali. hov■rldgea Over Woefcy Oargaa.
later had noted the eSorCs of tbe bird- takra away, for tbe room quickly
rary gtaUtytag. Alrrady the had vra
vhb hfttk. aarrou fbMvtapa.
With the baOdiag to nUways aad log raa for costamaA one for ocata.
gresped tbe soil about then, and
Me vaa a alabder ItUle iriMaa; tbe the good will of rrary araolar. from daring the hoar of ibU rl . Tbe doc- lings when they atoda their first
•hook hlf head appcoringly I
iBOoU braMa ^ bi^ hair drawn tlay Kittle Brown or Jadt Wrat. no
time to tlma. '
Oghtly back ftara her taea. thin, d
aMly dlsappeariag a type to saq>ra pteu. tba trunk and eotfll e
plored. And tor as older folks the atber storm mlgbt come.
model ndmd.'Mtoa Lealle.'
ndaad InoWng Upe. Baling drt ayaa.
Sion bridge paealbr to that rraira to wholsMla plaea devn ipvn.
And It paid.—and Fircalde.
raid, taking np bat and cane to depart sense of loss seemed not raoch less
vara the pmntad albova. lAhA vara
waaaqalpped. me.
which trardcra used to s{
aftra tbe tebdan bad filed qaletly deep and polgnanl. We had eet the
An Intarsstlnfi Orehid.
'Tea have Inberiled year Orand^ old tree oat in the ynrd
sleeping quartan^ di«^ ahd onpThese bridgaa are oa 6ia ..
when it was thooght to be the proper Of all oreMda. the ranlUh to the o
lather arayara’a knack tor
tralb. Loog repaa to'twisted vtoea luraal ulmab is recorded hy a oatar1 todma. Thii vna the wont aebool thing to plant fruit-trees to the yard moM widely known, and Is ramarkaf
Vlthoat ataekratng bar raaed ahe
atratebed from eaa alda to a deep
fganad tha plekat rata M traat o( the axaraiaaa. Mlaa Oraraon oaltad bar to the eooaiy. Toa are doing axeeltoni aboat the boose, tastewl of trees vfalcb In ^ossamtog the only species of the
Island. thirty4va mUqa aoath cf Oogorge
Qardra honaataad. ckNhig it viu a
hnall. Is InhsMtsd by day by fruit
Wfleara.' and talked to Me chil­
'Won a Mirfrat. Or. Wbitramb,’ trimmed It ap. foogbt the ea^ea that There are aboni twenty apeciae scat- craas OB earti aide. Tbu a rode ftoertag
ahara cUM that'Mda Mra. OorOra
bats or flytag tana, aad gt night Jv
dren inatcad.
raU Mim Oreynoa. bar face flnahtog attacked U. gathared Us splendid (rntt. twed throogboat tba uratoa. that bar­ b laid and ocher ro^ to twtalad
frara tha
crows, and at BaBifae ufrraimatmny
eifi a orath today. ehUdrea.'- (he ptok with ambarTBaement, *■! with to and to many other rrayi enjoyed lu
artadov m haragprrai
be sees the enftoaa apaeucta of Ufa '
It tbe netaool. ' Tea preeeoce. We. too. oosld not keep back PtanltolU; It is ebsncterizad by htr*tOeed anaraocBi. Martbal' abe ex- braaa. --(Inea 1 Am knk^lnto yoar
an expression of regret that this old IngatMIellmblagudbnacMBgMafy hnog that It evv* Wgbtfally rader Immense flocks flying fa appaMte i1. 1 wul lip tmi yoa that I am
rWnad heartily, aa Mlaa Pryor as»s Bcron tha Mtalt aaparatlflg
hear them alto, tbrougb tbe children. friend of onrs sfaonld bare been laid stem ud large flovan to dallMoav toot. Ud rearing lorreau dash orar
ting. bringlBg «tth her-a gan o( proud « my Mb^ of a Mbool.'
fragrance, chiefly wjilla and ted Uoirertts a Uiooaand feel or more below, tha isisBd from the nwfalnfld. the Sya ehUdfill.lpokad at each other
“Wen. lharet no i#o denying U. low. Bat there It was.
(raah aM. '0h> Inhi yoar ihlngi o«
-It does seem too bad. little mu. tereral cooaomk specin. green), with | Tat the Indians moss them wiUuml liw faxes M a, graatsr atovBtlde tbu
• anl all dram, if yra can and a ^r. with plieraBTMM,
thra.“ naavared the old doctor,
tha old mnlda to town hare thdr idea* What a blast that mast bare bera to B broad coouve stalked Up at tha base leaf or dlzzmeas. carrying beery Icadi tha crows.-'-The craN adgnUra laM- I «ra)nra. I dMnt know i vaa matter
about nihntog achool. aame’i they do tun up each a stout tree by tbe reoul rtoled oot about tba oolamn. to vU^Jw their backs ud mladlng the pas- fag nboot half SB boar, fa flHaadad by
It Ims stood thmv ibrouMi many a the stalk U adnata. The dark-brown eaga no more thra if they wwe walk­ great ebattariog dCIriMriMua «nd
aboni dedorliig defc fdiks.'
1 ■‘MHl.Iara'talDplanc.batlU
ravfag cf crows.
pods, or truH. are six to nine t£flies ing aereas the.BrooUya bridge.
“The people do not apprara of the storm-'
: rd Jnat Ttta erar tor a apeil. m
TO others, hoverer. they are danger“We viu bare to cot It op tor wood long, a^ are AIM wHh a dark, oUy.
had tha work doM n». Oota’toanka work to be done next maatb. Wb«i I [ Friday anernoon exerdera.
Rwala Cafitparad WHh Amralaa.
001 plaera for
mme here 1 Ibooght (hla room tbe.......................
nUlhar hMP ragr aofcad Mira Pryor. ■
tbe children henr stories vriUen by now. wool weT"
Tbe tone was full cf regret Bat this
InMezloo vulHa U pluted ellber In “Barre“ or becomes dizzy the. Aueat
Tra gtad yoa eoM. Martha. FUka
dtomal plabe to tbe world, bet
utbon, recite
large as tbe Caltfa ttalM nafl AlaMn.
bad bera the fate cf a number of the a Bald or In a loreat. To render a for­ are that he vlU faU oC and ba daabad
to thU eben time we bare tocIn IhlMald atnt halt nalgUnriy
WblUler 'a
at Amarlea has U UmM aa m»r
; aMi«h. t ataVgeda- to knit any nnre eaeded to making 11 neat rad pleaaut Field, and eompoaa UUle Maries of oU treat of the-orehard. whan for one est fll for a growing erra. all b cleared to plaeaa. baeaase tha side ropes
Nov. I vast u> ten yoabt a plan I their own. Yet tbit to* Important vortc, irasoa or uother they bad passed tha cS bat iu young aoptlogs. wbiA most so toCea that they oBer UtUa or'no as much mML
Iw a vhUa; fra hata- tbeaa to
serve as suMorts to the vahDls, the protection, and tbe tuoring to the torhara la mind, and aae It you don't Dr. tba Doltad
tbe awnylBg to tha fraD stroeTha father was thtaditog about that preterencabelag givra to trees baring
ihidf It vonM be gr^t ton. It to to That's right. We shall need men
■ Tm
*o dyo tbera and make
o ent-<
which hardly ollovs'tha travaira BtatM li a gralB praioetag coaairy.
1 talk to town meeting. sda» day. rery Ulng when the bery spoke. Ike I milky sap. Near each u
grawnda awt,- and Mn. Oordoo t«Vlltoge ■
tga lahorar ihsrs gets
keep hb feat, and the sense « be­
ptaced side by side In tha to!'
anrad har ptoeU todUng ta tbe
rad to try and make Falrfletd brighter
h as modi wngM as fa
anddeaner. Tboae who vlab to apeak
. aarMHaoUehnlrwitbltaneeaUi
“Berernl hare a talent for drawtog. not blind tba window quite
daplbs b esouA to try tbe
viu pie^ ratoe your hudi; 1 want Jo^anle Pryor, to partlcnlar. I find It bad a raomeat before, ud ba was three knoU to catting fpreriouily de­
-mm. yea ahraya «0 hara amandM year tdeao.'
time for ra oeeaaloaal drevtog leatan. de«p to tba atndy of tba faure^dlmio- prived to learasl are laid and covered hardiest and
Jrak Weoth hand went ap like
up with brash ud dead iMvat; tbe re­
tacit.' rrapradad mra Martha, dravWc atog rr^ day and the gymnnaUc sUloe cgTbe tree.
“Wa wot wall ontll tomorrow,
mainder to tbe catUag. two ar three >aaa were the only fan to bridges
lag a Ml cT InlUad laee troo her jndi- aah.
work Is rUuablc. Jack, West dissected
COM and aaatoxib H areeb iiaa
feel Icag; U sdoced against tha tree there, but tha tare Uagi had them
“We'd wear badgwr be mdied.
ao many flies that I made him sindy think about ti la the manatima, I
built OB each a grand scale ihM the as U prodaead la 'be Dnltol fifaua.
rcanatoly.'' amllad Mlm OreyM
itoyslohiBy. Now. he to so tolcrested
and lied
IB BnsMa tbere are aaly M dally
Whoa tather saM. “We wUl sae.“ should be no nearer ihu twelve to fif- lavadera were able to ylAa aerom
-And wake rardau Uka va 4M to In Ms own bonee sad mnsetos that his
tba DMWd fltotra
Bomcthlng lay beUod the Words, ud 1 teen feel apart, fa give caBdenl room <m their borera clo|bed In full mMl
maee ot that alagle white one.’
the ptoygreandr
rtctlBS are torgollra'
tbere are SpUI.
“ftorhapa as; flower
At Mat. all other toptea. erra that
“Ha! ba! that's vbat ^ good rr» tbe boyi and glrb wradered what | for tbe deretopmrai of tbe pluU After though they took Ibe pracutloa
Bosaia has MflM tffaa to coast
could how be la tbe mind to tbe one' a month the entuags bare
root blindftod their ehargers before they
tong aatarlag ena. tbe venthar, harman meant who warned me Itaat
fa fanhout.
lag bara rahaaKad. Mlai Martha ha|d
Then, teacher, I'd pay ifU bn dandy was ralatog a doctor that would
they loved next to mother.
-1 ud most be caretully kept free from urged them oa the swaying itruetarr.
Tha Called BUtm has SlSflM flrilai
Tbe next meruing. aflra the choree | s eeds' or briers. On the third year —ChleagD Chloalcir.
me out If I dU not keep a sharper
forth npea the aableet opparawat la
to raflwnyi: Braais has ooly StflCO
on school oKalrs. Ill take Jack Into were Ml dear, father Mid. 'After jvulUa thus pluted begins to bMr
mltos to rallwayi. twoAhtrds to It
Choir to
partafreblp when he geU Ms dlptooa.' breakfast Ned may bitch np Old Tom 1 fruit (which are IMpcoperly called
owaad by tba governmaeL
The fiueai choir fa the rrcfld b that
■^ra yea beard nhrat the gotoh on giant mornlngMoir aeeda ud pe
“Tbe Improremeot Society work li Ud KIL We srtli make u experiment j beanel and coaUauas to bear fruit for
Basais't pcpalatfaa la iflflt wM 14Lg tbe aUe of
; many years,
to the CatbedrM to Alexander Nevskl. 000,000; popolatlM to tbo Cnitod
oil dona aotslde ot aebool bows, li srtth the KlBg tree."
WrIL surety then
-TbCT'd be prettier than kaedt.'
BO .rase are the trees aver ant ‘ lu 6l Petersburg.
pet^ would rtsll the aebool. they
^ of emotion, and s
a queeUon ; Cows, f
That to a spIradU Idea. Rnthle. 1 woidd raertbii each pupil U leal
e ptonl lore*
When a epeclaUy good votea to fauad
Member aealng a gnat damp
rapidly. Bat 1 protfct agntost all tbU
•Hting eeav «a Ba MHs.
tlgeriUiaa by the readalde. one day
eyed boys ud girls. Bkat was to be; SOB.' It Is anfler latge trees that the 11
ntoVlNard no parttontora. u you vbra I vaa riding tbroogh n pretty iMt to ramalB next yeart 1 ahMl carry the tala to the old friead? Would the vulUa plut to aeca fa Its (ypkal fUtk. | tery of Alexudar Nevskl. aad there !jara.“ says a traveler, *T eras amhorMflglK ray. bat auMt « siaW. Sanh Bunlry town."
cot iUll further my pfans for tbe good wcodshad bold its slleal remains be-;vigeroas and very prodoctlve. When|be reealree as carOfM a trefalag ss|—^ trtgfatfally. for tha B
AMI. WM aayto’ teat night thM bar Johnnie Pryor ateod ap.
i4 this aehool. Wtbout ncMeedag reg- tore night?
tha yoong ahoou begin to grow ud; would ha given to u opera Mngar. aceoatad Mm be sqaaoed right down
poaag raea wpi bead orer faaato In
“Teaebar.” ba-begu eagerly, -tbrnc nlsr woi^ we shMI bare easy lesaoas : Bat father had better things In store send out room they Deed only to ba dl-: Afwrward bis solo duty ooastota fa as-; m tha atraat aad sM o^ Iba ntvM to
lorn with Mlm Orayara. Nov I call aid tin oaaa ud tblnU in Caoerh lleli! In botany ud natnral phnosophy. tt-far the tree. When the team bad reetad and spread oo eapaUere pre- suuagattbe music at tbe moM ud M; us legs. Fra a
| na pn■ - .__ ■
_____________________ _ J..
Ihmabadalgn. rmatraUaha'igoto' orur ba damped to a bole.'
beat to ____._____
malfere; do you . been Kll
hitched up. a stoat rope was lav vtouMy snungad to recalre them. In vespers.
' rtod as to whether ar aot I aught to da
to torn oqt kind d aaay goto', vltbma
‘And there'e weeds to the choreh heartily approve of my idea. Dr. WUl-' iraed high op araoag tbe brenebee to additioo to these meus of ehaltra the; Tba power ud r '
same, far tha sake to good mas: Mach Bottom ef gorarum
yard ra -high that my drara got all eombr*
i the tree. Soma stroag prope wer^ut.: pUstatlon
vok^ are marvetoos. and m >• of neia. bat I decided
_ _ _ to ____
Hoad. Before
rKottoe!“ cried Mlaa MarUn. aharp- grera vbea T went to Bnnflay aebool.'
e sake
------------- The three R-s aiei, ud a manber to stakes prepared.: hedge
- oTtba
.0»a "embers
of the rator era break toag'I learned that to sqaM down the
Ir, *raeh all Dcctoai! 1
added Oanie Smith.
aoloBger saflleleBt for FalrflMd boyai-When aU was ready the Ug boy took' breakfag the farce to the wfada Bz-: a thin glam Into fragmeato bi'sfagtog oMant they are addietsad to the wra
rtfla. Ilam
am aorry yoa
hear the
gos-1 up toe
-Tm.“ replied Mlaa Oreynoa.
MoiMa aradly. Ot an tba
the II
lines, ud at the erord from fa-j pmirace has shown thM a vanilla plan-j faio It. so streag are the vibnUdas o(ma Javanese have to ahovtog peiitoto think va era keep bosy. Bat It to after
I get ao Ured ac complaints ud|ihar storied CNd Toa and Kit. TheltsUoa Should not be worked far ovarlthelr
what I am talMn' aboat. saefa' 1 faor o'clock.. Tbaee who wkh to be- mdriea that
retberibeary tree roae a UtUe - from the;sevee yean, bat ta tbe pieutiBe
Btouki are vegetarius. they throogb a vtitoge tt to good hrieillira
Ben rtgki sMe to the achool-Mlaae. and katg to our eoclety my atop u tbe 'uaay.’.M my gtandaoo-Rob srould, gnxind.
aev ooe to got fa teadfaess so that*! wear tbelr hair icag and nerer shave, to, au rhe paopto who meet hfal to alt
I tMl yoa. Marta. aoBmthfag’a got to desk far a tadgeaay. Staff pour Bars with cotton next “Cut we help a IftUe. tatherr the | may be ao falarrapUca. Tbe facan I Vcllke most Btaafan monks, they are
ran. Wemra are mwv paOta
beflraa! Why. fast Satarday afa had Thlrtydour while rtbboa bowm were year. Mlm Lestle, bat keep on. far pity mue mu asked, qalek to raicb the| dated flower dries on the ovary and fa! very fasUdloaa aboat-tfeeirrapearenra.i than tbe men. far they not «nly alt
tbPbays diggfa'op tbe acfaaoljtrd fa pRiadly dUMayed
meanlastowbat wnsabo«tobedane.:a tew days falls off. leariag the frtdt.! and. Indeed, are qalta daadtas fa Ihelrlden. bat fora tbelr trafra. becawa
•akc.kaepra:make flowsr rardens! And akak for FMrfiaM that night; thirty-bar-baiiy
ud grasping a brancli near him.
| which Is called the umbUle. Tba fruit! vay. acuiaUy puttfag their hair and! h to eaasldared rude to Mara at Mno-.
rear trampin' arerad to tha wjmds mtto hnfaa dreamed MI aorta to per- The oext morefag. Robert Drew “WevUlaUflreUaboast uyvay.-1—whichcaotaias within Ha toaghpari , beards fata papers at might to mMcaj,cn._irrfbaDe.
aftar aem grera and prlncaos pine to
andwBltad gave HIM Orayaoa a nratly folded pa­ father said, and boU a doxen pabi to; raip a aeft. black pulp, fa which muy I them eariy aad vn«r-— CtoraUad j
______ - ■ flaocrets with. Tkare’s preedoos Hole tmpailMUy fra'Monday faocMng. raifr per. hto race mi aglov vtu fan.
hands Joined thooa to the amaDeatimfaaia needs bj
atadyfa* pifa' aa tbraa days, rm tUnk- brafafl fa be the Srst^oe^BSOR
d to tbs first
Klnraa. u cMefal paper to Chiu,
“Ofudim eeat yoa thto. Miss Gruyl^!“ aad HIM Mwfaa poracd bar thto
be Itot an the atom 1
Hal tmpavtaat Kllrartfa! to the oUest Jeoreal ta tha world, racsra.'he axptMnad toagUngly. “Be let
: Bps iDgathra. tevtog partfaUy retlread
CailoBS ares peeped Uruofl
sta months to ripen anoagh. Thavn-! Tba.m tnaadfaiwtto aUqaatfa| fag back to «IL- R baemma a waetty
me read It and it's eomlral raongb!'
her mind, and iraamed bar hninfag.
elBMd shatter* to uatra thert'anhaard- TbaehUdrra
____________________ ____________
.Bllto harvest fa Hcodeo takes ptoae fa I which one abODldkBOia to that to aim-{ta U«l. a *Uy fa UM. aad U new a
-BS too M* Mghad Mrs. OorAo to dofak' to thto burr hand as they paM after prat to merry faoghted. as > had bera lyfag ca the earth.
! Deeeatoar: eafa baoK-ar better colled, pla MadnaM.
r thnaght and irldaUy. Tba regafar fasae la flflflfl
' kafaHMty. -i-iM bepa wa-d gat al
hare ud than after school Hobart ud Htoe Grayaoa fa^ad to-i “Steady, now! HaM tha bonce right ifraft-mostba gathered eranroiMy and. every act vae t^sperud with thto Irak jecplae. Tbe morefag editfaa to printMart trachar^Mtac that ridtoaloai Mr. boors and oa Baurday afternoons. gather ever the doctor's qaalnt n
where they are uatU we.yma slay the, net tba wbMaclaater. If too ripe thei thare-waeld really be bm Uttia naad «f ‘ad ra yailow paper aM fa coiMwd to ThMra: 1M JuM fat oeorefatag go to Canal's field was efraagad fram u oo- tic.
trank a Uttio.-fatfarr Mid. harryfaf to { pods are apt to apm daring tha cwfag. I tong rutoa tomfafar rae hov to rat hhd; Unde fa
: amfroiMmfa! I aappoaa ItY a pretty' Mghtly damp heu to a green hoUov “Shy nathfag ahral year gnmdfa- ratoe caa to tha preps Into poaUra ’ wklla If net ripe they tack frivuncy bow to apeak. poWraaM wooH ba'jrad whcByeMefal; whUaMM^Kia
K;%m* acflMd fa WBUi hr this time.' ovar wWeh. now that tha rubbish

. « Miak paper and tts c
therb postry. Robert.' abe said, as ba tmdernMgUmb. Tba boys falfawM land piupcraatar. Tba ripe fruit Ms to
rerarvad. Madly Matpre araa
want cat to faoar the hoys obaiat the his ranmpte iria clbar props, and pmmj kaeif no aflor; ft to a apetoni jarmanfa<n>*H«arlerth*TrM.
k« ptMt vfeo muU a tract
Ba s^tBU a fricod (rf MB tad akr;
Ha ptMtt tAa tac Of bra^ fna;
na «h«ft <H bawnr UraertMfc UU:
B/fluU a bona to haa»aa aai^

BO ao idra ot MOMBla'! And I'ra
aboat aaade ap ray alM to doamalB
to tha acAODl board. Nov. tbera'a
ala dear; rat boond to do aurdaty
by aqr dead bratbar-a ehDd and 1 woet
bara hta bead flDad with Ufb4crai>
- ML Be’aaUaoat atarfc aad aYeady
dravta' tauooa and apeaklaa vlth nuHicaa to -em. Tala't
right! Why eaat ahe be ptala aad
ble aad teach plain rabdia'. vHtla* and‘rtthBaller What dd yoa tbiak.
Haitat WoBid it be any aae tc
Sr. Wblteombt I tbiak a raod deal of
yoar adrioe ta laportaat mattara.'
■‘Wmi. Manna, aeema to
-tvoaMa-t db aay barn at aay rate.
Might be worth tryln’. rrvtil deprad
d dral ra the vay tbe doctor happeaa to ba (aelta-.MeaavUle.' Mlaa Lealie Orayara.
■Ybat aev ^ool anna." want aareaely oa bar vay. aot vkollr aaeoiiaeloua
eg Ue eonmotlan that abe vaa ereattag la tbe little Ttllagh ''
To thU nilage. vbere ahe had apeat
rraial yaara <g her ebUdbood. freeb
■btm railage aad bobbUng orer vltb
rathaaiaM..9ne Lralta OrayaoB. She
aav vltb voaderiag. pltitnl eyaa ‘
V. BOBOtOBOiu lUe <g tbaee

tvlnUlag-ayod daMlaa. avaat dorar
and other wild baaoUea.
Tba eharab yard path* ware woBdad.
the grera mowad. and ohuialag pra
mlMloD from raa traateoA they made
a gardao of hardy towera anraid the
lamp port. Indeed, tbe children raattered Bower aeade in erery nook and
comer ot PnltBeU.
The raaalt eg their work wai eora
apparent Hdnlnrflorica dimber riot-,
oraiy into cedar treei by tba vaydda;
foer o'dodu lazily Mook open their
petale at the appointed boor la aneipedad plaeaa; tbe araool abed wai a
—««• eg grera dotted with tbe while
MoaaomaoftbevUdeooBmber; areund
the drinking trough la tbe ae
bloomed petaalaa and (veet alya
thmpa were ablaxe with porta:



tb sui W the room. Tte newl
B that way, bn the raapaadM wm- TBe wort B andu the aaperelMuM
nak fejr UthMit»
«or wnUK HoaeibBd of Bb WrlBt M ParaBae. who la ax- Air*. Horatby aad tbe paper. wUl be
ba here tbla araatag. Tha paued Bpoa by tbe oouty board of
I« tte o*aUr of atmetlaB
daen wbo regaJre u arerage cd
ewora to before Jaatiea
rtunoao kboBl 4 o-«k>cfe.
Resrvd wiU be pud to any
Nartlnger by Mary Olaaan waa to the PO tor paaatag with u ttaadBc lower
person who can find one atom
'-T-*- kbotelBtkeroufasdMtthc atect that oaa WIIIBm Wrtgbt tbu m Tbe dipkua U Baoed by tbe
ol opi^ chkwal, morphine,
Thet«r»i»tl. agalaat the peace of tba aaM people
by (he tucher uder whose lo.mie- TboMattag capadty of ihe bbB body cocaine, ether or dilorcdonn
eartaU oSeaalra
MU toraea <mt «• BWK to M« Uw
Is arraagemut will be teeraaaeC in any form in any. rf Dr.
lOMtlon €« tkc tt^nliW bolt.
lU. the preaut capacity, to ZZT Hilea' Remedies.
right band then aad there bald, callad atataeaeou Baaed by tbe dapaitmeat
wbich i( draw* tt (be! wl
a rarolrar. dU bmIw aad did ommII M BatragtiU B one rapueaiing that
pBa* for the frut B laku oat forj cerUin _ unaertipaloti* peraong
r cvtan wtOn aad wire, malfred to the great lajory tt the eompUhiaDt BO iumber wbo bu poptB at tbe ezmake false stttemenU aboot
b daalrad to attend aad V Bore fronl space or a tier taken'
w aaaaalt on ber aad did bant. faraBa.
these remedies. It is onrieT-,
m treat her.”
stood that thb rewrard applies
wbkh hu eanaed ao aad tbalr papa*. Seraral other azamlu- parity wonid be tin, or nioety-tTO onlr to goods pnrehased in the
of troobla to a kne horu aad »like lloea were beU Tbnrcday to other
V will b
I the cnart room opM market, which have not
aat «t aDBBaaaaoi to onlooken part* of the ooonty ao that tbe attendIT ftp K
cmer late (be U been tampered with in any way.
glTen tbe third beat tbB Boralag aace bare I* (mailer tbu
. Miles- remedies cure by
otberwlaa be. Tbe popU* taking the brsty ratklag comt tmieziloe totn
OoaaUble WViium AM
,«oothii>s, noorisbinc,
' -Mt. «4U tbe wilftiiine of bte wW( TnoKlay. u tbe »tofT read*. SberUT work eary from 11 U> I» yearigtreagthcmng
and_, tnvigorat--------»----"
ib«at BpUer of Aae bMng tbe nrys. uoiB ta rcua laa poona Ud lac:
M boon able to nake Un porcbaa* lohaaoB look tbe afareaald boiwa on a
Uw books aad to relieve tba jmbHciiy I
rff«ts «ipon the n^us
The iml «H.MAe Ia*t SaUTdar.
^ Wcr win be ™# «ad«r lb»
gnd weakening
JJijtob «aibr, adltor aad pob (be boru wu taken (Or William Madwould be the case if these dniga
. II it expected ttal
Tbe foltowteg poplta are uode^ ez- vary for tbit i
ton of BUIaeoU atraet the ibertf
the rvamagn] court ; D will be per* 'Were used.
jlaead him la tbe bara of tbe new mlutkm; folta Withy. Ao
For this reason Dr. Mtlcs’
feried before the opening of iii>- June
auler. bot early yeaterday anralaf ■ma Warren. Grawo: Cloy
,nli-Pajn Pills are unirersally
emsidered the best pain rcmcily
, ToraiT
tbe WUa 4-70aMk Mr. Snyder tanred a replavin on Hr. AeBe; etbel CbaaiiBiey. Acme: Lottie BOW ready for tbe luju-elkin
ri htvr ndlefvd (or ft year, wtih
' odoce tbe borae. Con 9Uloa.'Acme: Oliver Herr, Acne:
m cd Mr. cad Mn. Harrar Horaaa
bar Wbo may dostre to mj
d of the Oedai -Bbla Aabtoo loMc tbU raplerB aad iobn W. Pnleipber. Elk Bapld*:
eaggcatlons. The cnmmittrr
real to tba bata.of Winiaa Hadlaor Haade iWar. MeyMooe: Mary Me
!■ tbe vlctJB «f a k
s and bolkUngs
KoMUae; Artbu Mailer. 1^md beoagfai tba qoadrapad back to.the
It week which will
; .iubrt Boiler. Arue, ud tbe
MM B b«l far uamr waaka Hr. Hor \ml owaer. But. u the oaae now
uder Us JorlsdIcUoB. Judge Uay» 5*i5 - Tto ^Anll-lWIn PIU.^tnive^iBo
MU bM lot arrtrad traa votk la Ub tood. H*. Hadlaoa bad In the raeaa BUowlag from Tnreme City: Baaalc while here ffcl* w«* loukod
not have «»
M'.-phliw •„}' ».
»aid with Ba 4aaM ud bU IIVB ao< Bia wild tbe aaiaml to Howard Wblt Uaaterd. UuB Prombolu. Grace Ta} - plans Ud approved the
Taylor. Elmer 6. Lyon.
WM at the liBii camiBf a tia pai’ Bg acrtWuble Artton again breMi
After tba horaaa had beaa pot la thal ortb a raBerUi for Mr. Whiting UUt Uolpb Broach. Robert SaefaUeben,
■una (ha aeddent happaaad boi u a- Doming and dragged tbe poor amaae- tibal Gray. Albion Bitkocblli Bddic logs, also has plus made for
alnal ftom the Snyder domain and dartlnun. U-na Rakonzki. Bobert liiin of a Tu*foul lag pole to lu- crtv-tetl
aca MW U iTk act kaown whathe
>n Ol a .J-IOOI BU
lo wJJ'otSm. »'o2S" C!«r•S4«^‘0^^l boHc
in Uta tern <d Hr. WhIUng Uwdon and Tom W- Di?u.
the mtle hop stmck the borae wU
tbe court hniae groonasrt) U. ready ayno« Mfdi-al C'' '
>ua part of the iraiuaoliaT
the pall of wbathar be maralp waa
for Oecuratiun Day.
latt the Mali aad waa kicked tberr ru the fa(t Ibat iberc wu nothing k
VMuWt Horae Killed.
hoi the aoeldaat WM a narrow aacap
Ueb U>e hor»e to tbe boggy whlcl
B. J. Morua wu tbe lour of
root to tbe deal aad ao all oMceM sblc horse ar Marqorite ton week
4Bm BtaHtp. hte blow broke tb
left tw alBoM B the blp aad B Bor rare obliged to bire aome rig or dm} rbe borae which bad been sold (or tSM
0 Uke the -good*.” SberiC Mnatn wu la tbe freight train and parti-.
ftalaftO. .
«U tl for tbe dray. ConaUble A*b Jnoed off for tbe long trip from here,
iaM OaMWd ftragram.
oo paU M ceau for tbe Bnt draj truia tbe awllehtog wu la pregreu
PUta ClAU. 9tMm BoUhr mod Ac
ad ZS e«au 'tor tbe aceoad. II. he other borsat U ndjotntng stalls
^Tu B the Matbodltf-aharcb at ^
uraed bob to baigalo In dnyage fa< >rake the partltloa ud tba spUntetv
Oai«eU laal Tbarsdap. Tw^itp dollar
ba tnaaaoUoa. Htteb'ad to the drns' YoD the brcAen Iraarda paetratad (be
aad thlitp-elabt eeau waa daara
ru the old boggy pad batalad.tbat lb< tbdoBW of tbe bone ao that be died
«UA will go toward pajiax off the B oaely borae. Tbe aeuel la lUli b a leu tbu half an boor after tba ac
deUadaaaa ^ the cbkrcb. >Tba loUcn ome for on tbe IMta Ibe wc of sny -ddcBL Hessra. Armriroog ud Hen*
•.or n. Madiaoa ip an the oonrt calen ton. who had tba bones In- ebarge.
Room 31 ON«w State Bank BulidiftK.
Travetee City.
lar ud on tbe »tb tbe eau of Sayde. ware nubia to do uytbtog toward>
*. WbUlag. The aaUre ootllt wa- ariiig the valuable animal.
1. fire flrla. .
webaaed at Aral for *U ud *old «
.IMMe. Mlaa Helen Haaaao.
dr. WblUng for Its. baMog delarhir
Father Want* Oughter.
HaeUaUMt. Baaale BoMraon.
Oed »I0 In valao cridcotly by' mael
A writ of babeu corpus wu gran
ttodUdon. Dalar MalbawacM.
nmrsday by Judge Haync on u
RadtatlaB. dona Tbosaa.
MavlL tuned by WltlBin Wright
®aM.*Alwa3ra B>0>a Way."
8a«UUw. Mra. Bmaraon. .
Luring. Mtcb. May
Tbe boreai Paradise^ Tbo case bu grown cot of
BMdlrtkM. May BdgaeoBb.
_t(;;UPE FUlTTi
If tbe cunu hu fast publiabed r -ha reatraint which be put upon tiU
, ^BMtlMkB, Anna Bohrar.
mlleUa presenting the ■tmtJatira of tb< laaghter. Roae R Wrigbt. wbo to
.SaeBaUae. Carrie Haney.
es ta tbe MU 1? year* of age ud up to May t of Ihit.
HMBUetu Mr*. BdgaeoBb.
B<vf. Ir.’ii iiiiil
iiixl hri-fiil iirv]ziratioii. In iliis
tad loving daogbter. so the nO
MmM. nwaa Hunea.
The statlsUea Inelode alt the
nrticl*- w<- liBvi- mim.nliiniylw Tb.' Slti-rr)- Wine t^mnionly
octuring eatabllabiaeota caodoetac Katu. but shortly Mora tUs date, sbe
tisi<i is n*pla^ witb a wino mndc from PonitJo—Giapi- Fmit.
Oder wbat I* kuwn u tbe laclon became lalatnatad. ao it b averred,
It is It sapi-riar propnration. Ifyimftwl the nml of n tonic,
yolem. ptorided the value of prod wltb David Hamiaer and that be ob*
try it. 7orper)rint.
BaM Vaata OW.
leU for tbe year amomiad to P600 laeted to ber baring uythiag t
oitb him. rurtber that ber conduci
Vghl yaar* ago May Mb «M Macore
ou sneh that be was obliged t
«ia etarted aa a tra eoinBu. (ooi
iBIi abaaMaanel la the BonBg TASf salaried oSclaU ud ITSAtt Kraia her. In doing thb. be place.1
tbMy It »^BIMa*a the dtetlaetke rage eaiaers. In f KM the poptsBUot W B a room where be kept ber for
219 e, ri»»/ St.
vu week ud that during bis abi
Mbatag the beat danr aawcpaiwr pob pf Mlehlgu. according to Ue
H. E. Macimjsali.. Miitiii«i>r
Tnivrs,- I'iiy. .M i<*li.
Babed IB Dortbarn Mteblgan. and
■euos. wu tASD,01C. ud tbeiWoiv Ml buslaew, a neighbor. Mrs..Charles
Miwers. wbo redded next dour, had
pobliMUon wheu Bnoeoca apraa
.A per cent of all tbe inbabliu
aken ber. wbo bad been liberated by
erer a wUe Inrtury In tbla. aaeUoa
be family ta ^ou hoou be wi
dding Ud (be wu now ool from under
Ob the lltb af MaretL IWl, tb<
bb care ud protecilu aqil la a
paper waa abaaged to aa aftamaoii iru pf tl
adKkM aad hu alaea bean ocaspyBi
the raloe of tbe prodnei* 'taown place.
Ha ukeA a babeu corpu to rculu.
that dald. Fiob Kb Beeptloa tB aelcdBg eostom work had repairing
wmtesslon of bis daugfater. He claims
Baeard hu beu a ptaDcmaoM
ecMad >mfas.77«.
hat II was through certain neighbors,
eeM. bath ftan a Uaactel and Bfloan
Mai sBndpolDt.- Aa a porMy
tt for salaries: iSltTUtT for wage*' wbo bad talked that the Interference
it so, the Soutb.Side Lumber Co. at Traverse
pay BIPT It baa baoeMe one
mAlSASI lor materials naed. uc tad taken place and bit famll) life bad
City is the' place to buy your material. Shop
4tAUM for mlaealBaaota eipanam been broken up.
Tba other aide of tbe story Is u fob
aty B&daaa. aad tros lu tan
The me of growth la (he munfac
and mill work done oa short notice- Give us
falbM % grown a patfeel lyMea nraa of tbe elate betweu tbe yean 'ows; PrevhMstotoot Foorib of Jiity.
a chance to figure oo your wants.
■irwaa BAbartag br wire aad oorrc PM and IPOi far ezeaeded that of pop Tha^le* Hymmer ud Mr. Wright bad
ilways been friends Irai Mr. Ilaramcr
■pai<MU ntn lu ganetal new
■Btkm: (or. while the popuBUc
tMlA ap^odaUapini hu broogb ewasod only 4A per cut, tbe tota- bad been out to SUver lake and rented
i livery atall for (be day ud while
iValUoa of popolarHy and Is •aloe of manafacttired prodocu
•orae young people bad bis rig out of
! -bnalaeu aiea of t^
-he stall Hr. Wright arrived ud put
a laiga noBber abraad bar*
his bbrae In tbe stall wbich tbe llrerytba Kaeord a ralnahle adrertlt
•dlaa, u iU (iotamaa abow aran
•uied by Hammer. Oo tbe retoni ol
aad belBg a aawapapCT whl
* tha hoau of the paoMd-brari
■bn. young peoaU, ibc Wrigbt bbnt;
wu taken oat ud tied to a tree ud
g It baa bteoani regard^ aa
—aMdloB of adBoatlOB u wail u« nea
lacreaaedariDg tbe foor yean amout Unde th'm there bu been (roul.lo bi-*
twoen the two.
9d to P1t.MS.lW. or tit per ceaL
■nieynlsostair'tbat tbu only dlsolw
In sidle of tbe large falling MI in
u tondi with ibe rapid progtaw
the prodocUoa cf-tamber. that ladui Uence that the gtrl commiurd was
^ WTcaU v€ tba pailad and the growth of cry stlU bold* (be Srat -rank .amoo that sbo went out to the gate andi
the paper la aoBMaat avWaaea of lu
talked with Charles Hammer.
» MNeaaaaadartbeaLppreetaUeDcf the Kale, re IPOi, n,4S0 wage ca
.Mrs. Charif* Bowers. H is stau-d.
pabUe. SpadW featarat bare bean the were employed ud tbe raloe of prod bu not spirited tbe girl airay but sim­
rale aad tbaaa wfU be ooBtlnoad B the oeu raaefaod tiOtCPt:.
ply look ber al ber own request ud
tatna: la the maantiaw H* praatita
An allied Bdastry is tbe muofae- that muy of the Belabors know her
me of itlauing mill prodoeB. laclud. whereabouts and sbe is nut being re­
strained from coming home.
lag sub. doors and bllns. The
Lime, Cement, Cal. 14astcr, Plastering Hair.
a Hlehlcu-wl)l bea
of prodocu. for this tndusUy tn
wu IHATS.m ud (be wage ca
Plaster. Alabasiinc, Miircsco. White Lead. Paints.
Bumbettvl SttS.
Oils. Varnishes, or Paint Brushes, we have them
Tba boalaal wot B town today wu - The maiinfaetore cf foundry ud
faatlM Harltagar'a oeart. where machine sliop prodocu ranked secud
(or you. Our Lime is the best. We guarantee it
tdra emlnaitng from Jbe member of
Ooaatabla Will Aabtoa ud Amtl P. among (he tndostrira of tbe sui
HetUager bare bMd forth «a a
cording to the mine of prodorts re­ the bar wbo claimed rigbUy that (he
to give the best of satisfaction. We have a Kock
ported. tbe (oUJ mine bring Pti.SlC.- present amugemut wu Inlurtuu: to
Be eyeslgbl of those who were obliged
Cement (Alpena) which is always uniform. It is
Hu wu a daaartlon. the eompl
Other prominent tt^nstriaa of the ta face the struag light from the kng
tested before it leaves the factor>-. It is light color,
daiw her treoble from March ST. tbe slate were the Sour mill Indusliy. with row of wide windows wbich fluked
tbi- nonk ride of (be room ud towards
My of ber Barrlaga' to foha seeg- produM valued at'IM.ttl.fttf; p
noo-itaining, and of great strength. .-Vak for prices
BUler. On that day Hlu Brnma Lam- emetUng udre^ng. with products which all were faced, during ih<' busk
ness transacted before the court.- It
on any of the above articles, cit'ner through mail
hart took aalo honelt a hnband wbo mioed al tfOS^T; (be muuts
Made bImaMf aearoe from tbe boor
of carriages, wagoes ud aolnmc
or at otT store and wc will expLin.
tha nm taken aad today Me cweia valoed at ttC.MT.TOkf ud the prodne- reason ta be at Uie court several day*
parthat' M ”ru away- ud hu slace tlon cf fnretlnre. valoed at tlS.itl.TK
tiet feeing the strong light wu really
.MBd M fottU kB Part u preelder.
Tbe muufaelnre of amomoblle
The MM wu adJooTTMMI aatll 2 p.
eoDparatlrely new tadostry. to IKK tion Gd the eye wu tbe reeuli. This
MoaMy tn glee tbe reapoadeat
the vsloe of tbe antomoblles ud anto- ud other rauou bearing upoo the
chuoa to and baadamen. la tbe BObtla bodlea Ud p
better tadUtJra tor Spare In aad
to MIchlua wu tT.PWAM.
aroud the fodge s stand ud tbe «a*
larged capacity of Uie autlng portloa
gag CASS Sts.
The oanoed cane to attract aft
of (he room u rufraaged according
M JaaUca NerIBgar ww a COMpBIat The eighth grade cxamhiatlaa for, to the new erebUectnral plans have
wMdk Cooaublc AUim aaad with
, made theA^tosriac change feasible
-good eSnet orar tba pboea. aad aaned
t hoqu Thnraday
At prcetit the Jodge’s sBad B at


slehBg a babe of ome yw tram,
i!z eradk- la tbe home ri Mr aad Mrs.
%. Rosa, tn OMumbtit. O, Clarle, Pars Prrorii maetalolM. ran iwariy s
aiik brfnwr be wu ovenaken. He wu
beaten uUl hr wu snrmmntsUle
ben taken to Btl Nuaolhwfv
tbe kktoaidag to kneram

rnrciB Oty Stftt Bat
a. BAJtLAND. Caahiu
CARITAU B300.000

..F. M. PAINE.

A Geaeni Buktv BnlMi te


“* •^icrSd’K.stasr*
S Hr CcM a0m« M nw BcvMUk

Dr.w.j. diagius


Very best of dental serrieo
only. Tenth year td. praetlea.
Tear patronage soUeltad. to
Nur Hunron bslld.Dg. uder K.
or P. ball, on Boor with Dockeray's Businesi College ud ever
Binger office.

' srjS3SiSrss«-,Tr,

Tire Tnsurance!

Aoicy to Loan on ImpniTd Real Estate Only.




Going to Build ?

South Side Cumber goCrsvrrst eity. tmeb.


TMOt. «. •mtAOVt A •OH,



Weyu Ceooty Buk Bldg, DSTBOR



Th&t Draws
pn^t buildn* to oar
atodt—ittbo grant uaoA.
nwntnail naitoraily ri^t
pricifS np

Lumber and Building materials.
nice. Sheeting, Flooring, Door
[)oor aand Window Frames.
Ismns, Balusters. Stair
Ctiling. Doors. Sish. Porch
Work, in' fact ^e^'t^ing io wood for the bOQdiog.



Citizens Fhono. 32; Boll. ISO.

W. L. Brown, M

r and got our

. I r ,viAi nn- going I0 d<> miy ).
in^yoil to cull and look mil
_ i..,r.._. 1.....;...


haw to offer you.
-fly will not get off

iLiui tbf oTdimirv ii.-inu'-re.

'RANK TRUIDKp 146 Front Street

If Vou Heed


Bin Mock. Special w
made to order, promptly. Only tbenrwybcat matcrial used, and fuHycturuiecdiB •very re^««t
That pre made to MC u weU u mil They are
of cheap maienal, aad p*ea a IsAy
Lnish 10 catch the eye; bnt ate danble. COBfart.
able, ud neat. The dmapett on the maikrt. qsali^ eonidered.
Ooce iuc-1 ud yon nriH boyao other make.


i26stat«s«r<ti. » Uictor Petertyl.
Rave y'jQ ever tried the
I9ex8l 'V'lK*'’ *1~***.

Koyiftigtr^r Om

They are the beat. SoM'w^by

J. J.


at AM Emm* ErMvt* B*mm*.


■VMIV. 0.».aMITM


to the *re« mihMct at the! oo«i »S5M fortf
The Umber
. !
* 1___--J- L.
reedlBs ui« eu« oC ttm enimal*. ih««; to the wood* to
wood, wbhe aah. Mack watoat.
Kirist: to rotas pwpJe •»»
hkhory and while oak.
Nmre the tenn aa mvaiusltr to know
W. B. 1


AxrteaHstal eollefc.
etmtar XV.
dim U the chemlo] compoUlton o(
ThoratoB A. Green, the repreeenUUre
tmff-trwkai ecu*, one Mad. the other
, tnstoess and Imnbonaea of Oatona«jay,-ai «1r« h» Kla* to the. work
WDl an yoane people who hare re«l, son. MIcIl, the aunertm a>td attire
(Kia which *# ha»« Qootea oo toe«- the^pters so far printed with any 1 Mends ed forestry are orsaatoln* the
Mtl7. the a*«tM Tw«to* the per profit to theamdrea, kindly drop a'MtohlCTn roresiry easoetotloo. For
^Wtoorreou. .
poatal'caid to that efiett to C. D.iysara the need for scch on or*aalia
PmHh AirlcBlttirtl Co!t*«e. Mlchtoan. > Ooa has been felt most keenly. The
that the matter of eonttoaln* the aj»rk posaltoUtlea for action of indi an or
may be decided?
.• . gaatoation In'-Hiehtoaa are annsaally
In answerto* Uie followlni: qneeUocs ; *ieat. For half a centary the peotde
totaik ...........1» Mf .«3*. 3<4
IdBdly state the paper In which the; of the state have been deeply toterestto their forett.........
wealth; (the wood
aitictos were need and cactose four «d................
worktofi Udnstry has stood next
1. How does the cnlllTSUoD stop the Bcrlcanare la its Importance, and
hd« ......... M7 JU MO ass
loss of water from the anrfaee of
Mfito? How woald the toaa at the ear-j greatest dmb^ prodnclng districi
•cM......... .«SS. on J4t .OTl
face compare wHb the ananal TatofaUjlU alae loAbe world.
OnRiBSwmatkin drenm- Per orcr thirty years a more conr-ter-eM*sentaUre nse of the forest wealth has
wator ..;.*,«7 USS ISMS *no
been adroealed by farwlgbud men
']( to not to he ttnpeeee that theae t Name the terrlces perfumed by
ooOdUtoos like Beal. Garfield and Spaulding. And
Itoom aitoir to an dare aad all aasde.
today the people to town and eooDiry
Oa the athar hand, the two tjrpe* o<
BUke demand action with regard to
aaeh other to chemical
3. How ahonld the barnyard manare fosettry matters. The tosdeqaacy of
I they do to phnieal
aettoa. especially In
be handled to prev^t toes of plant
bringing abow the much ne^ed l««ls;
.dK the iaUe U eorreet and ■Ixnlfleaoi. food and to tecare the grealert amonnt
toilon. shaping public optoloa apd to
..idtoeoch these chewleal dtflqwaota of homnt?
How U'the son nerated? Bow securing definite, praeUcal eoopera- »-«ra«ot to be eeeooated for paitlj hr
the jFMler Boenesi of the clay »anl- loes Ibo fvmer al
ioras does nItrwMi cx- and the friends of foreslry ball with
6. ia'Chat ton
^ aad the therefore more rapU
toe soil? to what form to If ab- dellghi. therefore, the birth of thU
ttas of paru. Kote that the swamp
aoUs eentato twice as mneh potash as sorbed Mr plants?
usnsl soareet of nitro­ A mectleg of the members
the day. ato times as moeb lime and
called some time in Juno when the
four twiea as much snlpbudc add and gen. What to meant by InoenlaUon of
be perfected and
seed or toll for legumes?
tnwtote laauar. yet 1l to a maut
7. Name ibe nsaal soarcea of phos­ definllc plan of acUon outlined. Ai
obeertatioD that these bt
phoric add and of potash.
' the problems at present before the atadlf arc rarely as prodDCUre as
8. What function itoes gypsum ptr.|
lands. Tbis empltosltca the point
nent of feroatry -among
joo oaanot Jodie d the ptododlTlty form?
I private owners of land by
(To be mmUnoed.
of a aoU by a cheatoal analysis alone. |
ieauiuhle form of Ukalton of forest
iRn most know the textare and Uio

i:’ iliilfll!

Wkni for One Yeir-Whter
' —Grew Worse Under Doctors—

4i^ but the}-grew

the tiu
it was impossible
for me to do my
honsework. If

cook over the store. Ibe best
aased intense pain. I consnlied a
doctor, bat bis 1
asttolsettoa. About six wedto sgo I
got my first SieUrf when 1 {furdisted
CnticBn Sosp and Ointmeat. After
them for a week. 1 found to my
great deUght tlttt my haads -were

Caticon Sosp sad one box of Caticara
Su, Roxbury Mass."

For Sore Hands and Feet
with Cuticura

• la a poUtkaf'vay.
DM la Imtolad^.eal- - menu. The tost Ire ynua the fctonel'


i« .■

Actvri SteriUt, in Worn* U V«y ltal.-llMltty
MoOiM* ami ChMiwi Make llspiiy M«Be«.
uelMtHlo AiWren Hvlag eomewbere la .
the west.
Boetety hat token on a new-wrinkle
In Benton Hnrbor. A cwrtaln namber
of todies In isiBX nelett circles bare
received lavltachms to a “glove v
•r.- liistobebceeaftbeBaM
msbie homee in Ibe city, bat the
tkms are mtotondlitg. .-Johnnie" ,
ecn. a popclar little St. Joe boxer,
sterpmed the tavitocios as tol“U'a to bo la tbe qnlet. You*
he sremeo have heard so much
sbout Vaxlag ihst they are anxious to
see a' real boot for themselves, and one
ff tbetn has asked Tommy Ryan aad ^
me to spar a few rounds before a few
it her friends at her home. I nnderriasd the ring will be a« in the par-.
lor, MBva* being apread on the Boor
to Mve the carpet, and one of the


t glore
.ve shower, which In all iralh It to 1,1,
apt to be when Tommy and I get go organs uiev are barren,
wUdnt to live (or. sM aC tbe eredli h
tog.- Morrison says be has pledged , l*reparstton forbeahhy matorpl^b IS SD Ljdto R PlokMmh Txililii C»
bis honor not to dlvnige tha WenUty!
Mrs. Mae P. Whorry, Bccretarv at '
of the woman who Is ptonnleg this un ,i2n by iy oiW medicine, becaare ft the North Shore Oratorkai Sorietj,
isugl entertainment for her guests. ; gim toae and strentth to the eoUrc Tbe Kormaa. HUwaakM. Wk.. writem
female organiun. ouring nil displacePeter Dooley of near Prescott rr „^ts, nlcereiioo aad tofiammatlan.
really dug up a large amounl of gold
.to on his propeny. Mrs n<«^ncc ,
ivl. of Alleshcv codnty'^ttr York. ^ u.7T^. i„J5u?e to
oard of It and hOftled to Preaedfv; healthy maternity 7
If expectant mntheni vronld fortlfr
of her battbemselTcs with Lvdis K. IHDkbams
band. now decMsed. bnried there In . Vegclnble Cutupound. wbi<d> forthirty
• he Mriy WS, becaa:
1 yean has .mstoiDul thoosandt of
r; women In this oondlUoa. there would
w<re no banks In that
a thtaka obs Is starfla.
' be a great drerrasc Id misearrlagea. In
claim probably win be e
- suffering, and in dUappulntaeata at
a child to a mainre birth letW writs



. ^Tr:; r'nr .rr




teak the hands or feet on retiring
i a strong, hot, creamy Uthcr of
ntiennSoap. Dry andanttnt iretty
'-be aothcre.
street bridge. Lanstog. He ws>;£. Pinkbam's VcgciaUe Oompoand In
ith Cuticura Ointment.the giestskia
urc. Wear on ttw hands daring the •radlngjuound ta the flream and was s»eh
Vlcksbar*. Sehooleraft. Mareellu. and' These two qnesUons
dmiBcr of bHag drowned, alapply to the plghtnld. loose glovps. or bandM-e the
■a safftr1ng^jriUi^Jn^|Bte as
other small towns, I bav&made up ray
H|d>liy in old, soft cotton or linen. though he eras In a dated condition, i tkm. of 614 Grov ss Woman's Assueia-1
small wood lot of the farmer; aggre­
hU poekeu the oBeeri found a big: WU., writes:
gating orer eerunty-Are million dolof the «
II at bills eoiitatalag 11.330. Tbe OwMiaPtakhsm:
lari- worth of property, fully os tooeb
the large hoMlngs of cutover
lands and the romalnlng virgin for­ He took a pinch of snuff occaskmally
iand so rough that you have to eul-,
tirite both sides of II al once, when:
Ue problems affecting finiboat two sreeltt ago be was qnl-.f
there Is enoagb good tond along the
took after hlrnseU. .
' tele.
mediatdr the Interest of the state
and able to be about.
Michigan Central and Grand Trank R.
wss a native of Poland, and married aT
Lansing minister Is not afrnid of
i*7tofi mt I
B. ee level that yon can see for miles there are:.
A elearty defined pilicr of the state the age of 33 years. Hto wife died 3t lalntod a
In making a collection
.............. ..

farms covered with good buildings.
coDcernlng lu large holdings tover six .ears ago. Sis of'hli nlnechlldreii arc
the other evening i
: well teneed. and good stock of
mllhon acres) of tax-tIUe toods.
living, and tbe oldest to tn octogena 'Josed by saying algnlflcanlly. “All do-; '
all kinds snd begs a speelsHy. and eator the prMmt methods run.
natktot received.*'
upoti a tbpasand fields. In i
There are people up ta BSInkfi^ who
to the Tillages large watehoases where or dtopoaal of otau topd^s.'
la mafctog tbass
forest I'cssrrt lo not takemuch stock In Uie Osier to
watght at the Mp foot of clay aad tacul they tMy and ship nothing bat poultry,
was reckoned at 4,000,000 pounds and
eraamertes and milk -sragoas on policy, latt-ly Inauguralcd by Ite stale rtsr-old Idea. This is cviSencedli.
and patterned after the policy erf lb.
marriage llccnew. taken out wlti.thU of muck as thOO.OOO poonda
federal government tad the slates of to ihe past 13 bouts a< 'be otBco of tb.
la tUs oOSicecUao It to Interesting to
had sspposed you conld not raise
sounty clerk, the yu-mgest party 011
note the amount of plant food ukon or trell except In Grand Traverse connty, New York aad Pennsylvania.
eight being a lady who confess
the soO by the several cominim crops bnl It yoa wan) to see flee orchards <if
38 summers, and a ••youth" of 70
e< iba state, egato find tog from Ring, bcalihy trees, even peaches, go eoalh. settled, with fatly one-foanh of Iti
a cutover and denifBed an botb having be<Ln married three tlmr
to wtond we owe so maeh and who has yonng man. e^eclally If yon want old
productive eondtUon, with son and irtor to Ibis effon. Tbe average age o;
bee* of sDch lasttog and Important
bed etodc and mnleh
beoeli to the farmers of Amertea by yoar fruit trees. There Is good show climate suite to tree growth and with tbe eigbt people is Just 54 1-3 years.
More than SO per cent of tbe pnpl!hto careful aad aeearate srork.
for frail this year. It hat been many the beet of home market for all klndr
shall bave glaply the amoirau of BilroI have teen eo mnoh wheat of Umber, surely Michigan baa before •n the grede, graramar and bliti) sebnir
forest problem of first magnitude. of Kalamazoo were absent from sebor
OB the ground and looking so well as
It Is an nadertaklBg, which If properly Thureday. owing to oon<ompllanc*
solid mat corertog
irricd oot. will yesull In untold good, with ihe order of the hoard of educe
groand all over.
will add mUllOBi of dollars every year tlonand the board of healih Issued tosi
There are good roads all over the
to the Income of the state and do
week that all must be vaccinated be
santry. and when once made tb^
to maintain the high stapdard of Mich­
Iwing admlued on ibis date. Par
not rpa down the hill every year. The igan as an agricnitnraj as well as manta many tastancos absoialely » soil U a day loam raixed-wlth gravcL
tnsed to vncelnair children, and threat
The roads are all graveled and made ufaeturing
toed 10 take forcible mc-asares to comOai«.«Ulha...............4.^M U.4 4.S to stay. The tosmi are all gtawlug,
ihe autborltles to allow tbem to rt>
Orato ..............16.0 8.7 3.7
J wUb good bnlldtogB this year. Tfacnn. Klnderganent were closed, a*
Oats, straw ...... 8A IS ILS U are 10 papd mills and they am buildHook « LaMar Electlen.
y coeAeolh of the pupils axre ad
Onto ................17.€ tS 44 l.« tog two mota this year. The Michigan
Hook and ladder company No. 1 bolt' milted. Tbe board Is firm In lu deter
Wheat, straw .... 4414 ' «J S-7 Central rant ihroagh Comstodk and
to compel tbe racotaalioo of
Orato ................*04 74 8.S
.« the electric ears evay 45 rainau-s.
who attend.
ClOTsrhay...............1».76.d 184 20C1 Casa conniy has thres cttsimorlcs.
olBeers; Sagmary and treasurer. J
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Shepard of Ben
A ttjidy of this table to srell >
owned and iim by the faimcn. where
m Harbor, who wen vtolling to On­
the while tf every thinking farmer. they make bniter for
cents per
assistant foreman, Julius Johnson^d°:
to. are overjoj-ed over finding-ihitr
WbUe a eempartaen of the two tnhtos pound. It to told to a'lcago fjtmi
to. Iked, at INwiland, rte son disap
laM given might give him an Idea
to 35 oenu the year arannd. They i
firm that there was- plenty of pUnl all winter. Tbe'toetory at CastopaUs tion. Reno Colby, with U. H. Griffetb peared from home 30 years ago
food to the ted tn last for gaaerattona cost aboot t:,000: The capacity of the as alternate. The toUovrtog retohtilne locked up bis father's Jesiclry
unanimously pasted during ibr
nigbi a.nd mysterkniilv dlap
be woaU aorm tktok that this tfiaai churn Is 1400 pounds. Tbby
peared. Paronis have traveled thou
foed would have to last for ^eri
milk from 600 cows. The farmers lake
-ReaolTM. That It to the ten
sands of miles and aprai thousands ol
aad . thSLt therefore aatnre bat wisdr the skimmed milk home and
(his meeting that the present chief of doltars In an effort lo locate their son
lodUd It ap to tarns almost IiM'
fresh apd tram to, calves and b<«s. Ibe fire department. Jttm R»nic.
and then discovered him accideatail)
and that Oie tarmet cea seenre esdagh They use
should be comjnncd la ofliec.*
Mrs. 8. Abbott aod daugbier. Miss
doing two Utogs: first pntttogj^, at Hiller to Cassopolls. Thnrtday. W. J.
Helen Abbott, expect to leave 1
Mssnorlal Day Gemmlttee.
la the beaCpoMlUe physieal amdlttcB Miller, the opUetan. ^ a rig and
falnre to take up their realdenre
Al the regutor meeting of MePber- la Travwree City, where the Utter has
10 that thealreangetailttoatoto drove fifty miles thRmgta a fine farmeon post
fodlowlLg .«onmii
) aad to feeding the bacsecured a lucralfve^ podtion as book
. ta wtthto tw<
s making solnMe -the p
keeper with the J. E. CMlick Co. Both
of the IndU line. We begai
' aadtoaU-ttlneiNagUiewater npply to cough aad snoe thpo took a road Bborter. U I). Crrtle.
Mrs aad HUs Abboij have made tbt lr
amstant and la right amoant. and sac- to the right back
borne here for a number of yean, Mis/
Mdly. applylag barnyard manare tre- the cars at C o eloek back to ComHelen being eotinectcd with Tlndle 4.
eaeatly tn band up haman. srhhb to stoefc. verj' tired, not being used
s Purchase FTags—G. .
Jaefcstm company here for,the past
tara ntaliffslns the wetetboMtog ea- mck long drives. We passed through
three years as asetount bookkeeper
t. H. Morse. J. Slotscr. Y
. ndty aad nppllet food for the needed as fine fanning conatry as I have
and the cltange wlU be made in the
wayofadvaneemesL Miss Abboa will
Every ftjm hae some fine fields
The muck soils bare plenty of ni­ of. wheat aad clover. 1 never mi
leave for her aep occapaiton next Saitrogen. pbospborte add and potash,
arday. That they will find their new
srbfai'loM; belter. Where we
wfUsetdoapredace crops unto a'
home pleasant to the wish of all.—An­
dinner the man bad'l.«46 bosheds last
freft stable manm* Is add- ^
u,rethcd In one day. He cx
trim SenilnH. ' The funtttoD of this manare to not,
to have S.ow busbela thto year.
Tbe'eareless use of tang range guns
is lo be deplored. Within the pas; year
a la and had
Its of the He has S3 a
feaBdaUal elesneeta. bn to aapply the
•tote News.
numerooa casuaHies have resulti-d
bushels of core last year,
Al a mass meedlng of indignant cHImdafied battiaia tor the "Ufe’* at Ibe wtotmed a Urge stock, and has 35
•olL Uatollr. no mauer bow greedy tons of bay os hand, has arfliie fine
xeni; by way of protest agalusi Rep
the tanner can'be. be'gxnnot deplete sheep. Last winter, he fitted the: Knlgbt's bill to hold two terms of the
tiw sen btoow a certato point and B
lambs aad sold tbesajn Febraaty. after! tticaitconn in Battle Creek, a petition aomeihlng
tonve a large supply of plant food forj shearing them, tes^ eeats a peond.' wu read, which every eittoea will ^ Instant a window was shitered and a
cwmtoc rswswilm,.. u win take hU,B,
Be has a lot full of ttd hogs and more asked to sign, pledging lesMents of bollei buried Itself ta the wall oppoaklU atong Itoee alrvndy ipapped oul,{to follow. He says fhere to more Harehall not to bay a cent's worth
cUr. It wa.s learned that aboot the
time a burner to a
money In hens than afiy other Stott'. Bstxie Crerk shoold the Kaigiit biU
to row yaytog oops. .
let drive at tometblag aod It was hU
He to oe a rented Itrm of ISO acres; pasMd.
: the age af Ii4 yean, fo« moube bnllet that stinted Tunweti. KamerTUa rfcirlTr ends oar srnrh for the
two days. Ptoir Kaamlercaak died ous casualties from k similar canie ta
we hope to take up the way nature
^waeefully Wedaesday at the home iff Maffehorta etapkaslrea the growtag
. gnnra ptonu. wUn (fee funettons ofiaoro umhs than old sheep. Wool to hU atm; 177 Baperior mnd. Dttroli. danger <ff tbe lo^ distance riBe.
HU tongevlty was attribened largely to
MOL atom ^ IsBf are aad bow they; bringing 37 c«uCol. U H. Dodge of Bay City, erst. pMtasm them, what crop MJcbIgan ^ wa stopped atame boose where the Ut habtu of living, whkh nuaprebeM- while lawyer
newspaper ma. who
te—ta MimW gtofc »d how to grow ■
- ed a tesBpernie. ontvffdoon exlttreice. He wet oacs a suatifcy pan and wield'
to a copper Wtle d« aua^ by pMto. wtooleapme :
ww Pt M* u«» iraueigt cf ffie 10^
prMSses or absence oC the right hae» tl<UM s
the per eenu of the soreSrim
they are molUpltod Into a great weight
to ndl for an acre, so that the itoaolnte
aaioanta of planf food per acre to our
commensoltoU very targe. Uarhas
eaksilatwl for os the amoants of plant
foods to the top foot per acre to
pounds to the three great types of
Boila. HU laaalu are given in the
next tablA
eaad. Clay. Hock



of forest ptaperiy
I"'"'''*" •“

In Maal»r«3fih Katomaw». ;I tton of present Usrs.


To Core G Cold in One Day



No better than the best,
But better than the rest

Try one and be convinced. We do
Repairing also.

Farmer Supply Co.

1ST-135 state St.

Traverse City

.fek your dni^Bt ibr it


iMraai viusT|
Sl ptimbvt. TU7
'lUr 4.—Ai«fml

Mv««Mbas wrtttM |«Rcn t6
■to i* iwMUMe for hl» to Bf»t «

it eoacMM oot Mtor fa tfa«M
Tb«M «f* too Bca «a
mm vitovtaldi
pewerfU JopoMto <««(. IIU
r I'mrrrn owoirrioo m4 hUIm »ot
Mnelo CM aOTO M. btM ueUllaj

tnuie tomooa. The !■
Cftr «aa a doaa aaeoBd ter the beaor. ; two kaelB to hb aiaWnp htra baee
!vaadtetbaillToreaioarti 'aAdfraUr|klcbad fato ise..,-* V retolad. "ft
The Mb. baatoaaa to the todpa I drawl the eoadium tw there It jafier the cad to toe drii war 1 wai
Mibtad to the chcdaa of toe praad I MMtotoi Inebr ahost a laarTtBpr i dated to dre oee to toa cW-toahloacd f
Mipa ofleen for the MMdap rear. iMdabrblsi. li.'B go U the mBlftpitapdeM rtflaa.' There wai iremea-l
The tuwirtap. la aeeordaaea wttb the twbo h*i oodlaoreap m hli raeaed.‘jdmu caarpr to tv rpetorud or ihoal^
Mato cedar to proaMttoB. waa toa re- hubaeooaiaehatbaerttaalapaa toalidar wa* ra aore afterward that I oe<
dta aMaewaa wai oearm dartap Bar-; abom Oodlap aoiae war to wtl'llic IV.
week arlA appUearhoi for Hr-' soperfioo^ power." TV BrttUb inw-i
OraM eatnarA-CbtriM L. Bdo atoaer reward
d for , arameat
It arderra
ardered (far
«hr II
raida, Chrlaim. '
die to tbe Bight to exetetoe Ale Aar
ait, Baptaaw.

oraad High Prtaat—W. B. Bopart. tar privllape.
Whes Ipaaea PaAeeawikl eadi bti |
Oraad doSer Wardra loha J. PW- CBUen ata»a bare V will eater oa a :
loBp pertod to real. He will not appear \
ta poblie for at lean aaoAer rear. Rto ^
earnlapi for hti AmeHcaB tmmim bare ^

he eator* awn. He hai aetttod Don i droward.
to hU aaw pitai foe tV aew opera he i

od'to preeood toSalpoo for p
aa^ cqal More niUBp for Atalr*:

Pb^-to imaraapi 'KrbecawC


"•■■ ■
Wbna*. Mar
A WXSm that tb<
feadawpt too attack oa the peopla Ir
too imMa ct Mar-1 boro boon eoa
aaaiaot to Aaath to oireotaiad la r
Moooa br too hocu
e partr. Tho p
aiMB Ira MB, torao.amr oAear
aa« two poHoo aa taatlpMa «( Ux
titac «-ttapaaplowrar«nr o( wtMB
WM tdiM. A Mt^ amap aoMUr.
b Npcaraa la Boraatapar. wharo iaaa.'
ware fe«M aa< woaaBwl to a atmo
It b i«p(«tod that oM of «bo aor
•atoaaltoaawaaWiloB todar.

1 "hfaarn" waa clreo ben- for the

ofB. Ab.woaM naaa aa toenaoo ol
poauAar- No aettoa hat
boaa tataa br too lorataor ap to lab
thb Mralac la Tocird to aoB«Br
Mpa to Chkaco. Tho labor ropro
wfHoto who aro.toapaetlac th<
•OH ai* atraaplr BtolBc that toe Bd

Otto hb htoA oiit to tb» clip.


TV FUA AraMa Alte

aafea tbtolitfT. a atitko breakar
Itato Bt.JMb. waa fh« to tho bet
t^aa ttokwAto ptoMM at AO baraa o'
■entof aad Mowtilaa son aOaeko<'
tooenato. ci^'lBtoUaK aa laae
atot partr. waa hit to the head aiA r
«Ma beak 19-a aolarad otnko htaakO

ev blowlap' rery toroap at IV
tad oair for the great exarthm to
Durlop the wlBlrr fun parsed -Ja-1
dUxeai it woaU Vrr.wiped ooi
pVi peaerate aioep tV Sbakbe speal
lood part/If the town.
Aelr tlBW rarioiulr. "Oacieral Nodsu." j
dlap CO Japaaesa acwspapeia. |
"BlViad trpewrittap. Oaaaial Koitod
TV atritato to TMiVr atreaaoBilr
barerard fowli. Darlaj; iho Hei- \
hjeeU to darfeaera aad hie apartateati
a toe paMM Ud Aa lerTtwadlap mr
seareeir slept at all for a whole mock.. |


tVVtMM.ror aa 3

Dwr co^ar waihPPtft

aai to HartI toa eoBaiaadto of the
toraraataat feroea at Port u Prtoee
tv aatoerttiai





liM :


fVtoi aai A aat
WaU Araate saa liV
Atia tUads and ao tV
taliariaUUi price.
■a« eiatherafl Clatbra

price. Irarr detail has
aneatlaa and yea wlU

^'*"uil IbIw^T

SSur*Va^thS^ of te
VoBliar. te hang of te
oUarci end te geaoral
balaacc of tho coat. rV
asM admrakle a^tiaa
JOB bare aotirad |r tV
garseatt of te highest
priced tailor.

•a l-sil'ui<d


as<...r ser |wrt ib.-ri.U: a->* ouioeias. os-

^ -V'

TV Clalhcraftan ltew«
ion V« V gate hU load


of June. A.,D. lOOS,


tencra thto U geaa. Bet

bar weU vpalatad atafalra. A period to
Prrahrteriaa Aareh. It te also
te. aad klad ueatmeal amall!
to pood AooAl Aat Ve wu Ae firwt AmcrixmdltloB aad pau Aam la worklus caa womaa to go Aare la ur capaclir. ]
DarlBp Ae cotina to a recent lectnrp
avia. Haadredi to brokea. dowa
horeaa Vre eaiored tV prtoeeu’ boi- Her. Dr. Asha 8Vw stated iVt for a
pllalltr vd Vre left Aa ebaiaa nai- knr time w«man-« ^stature bu been

■Mr eaaeo toatr roeto dOMtotobod. to
tVt of man'^hu
tarta. "aa pood u aawr
totoo eaaaa toe ateaet wote ator
oppaaile teadeney. aad Ac
to New Tork abowB I
BMto to dreumfetaaeo aad fell with
Aa decrease of- Ae nao's
tier tu bera to ofik* Area aad
> ball. TV
Maxim wu oaee uked tow
yrara and dorlap that time V united
atorm Mated ateadr tweatr ■laatra.
i.aM peopla ta wedlock—that la, he be came to Alnk c
BoOTto to ntaawara
has peicorwed 3.0W caremoalea. He
aeraral perooea ware hadlr to^.
pDiBU WtA pride WtV tKt Aat 0017
Btraot ear traSe wai atoppod
toa atom.
Soracat dowa towa
toatobaa teat ■afflBeaBt aUiaed

•“ •h' psT'a'wl


raer or dealer, makes h
r IV aew todlaaa law. aoeordinc >

e UtarpreUliOB to ; Vv Alford j
It Chv Hartte for mm to aid ta pai|
tlap dowa tV aprtaliip. After a aoav la Ae IVlsaapolte crlstoal court.
The mtolnar aad Ae caesU at Ae |
to two or Area
■batBto too andlar to to a riot eaD.'
lare Aa aathertrtea p« together Aa. weddlap to JVa Ovb vd Mapdalea >
ravtiwd aatear to naa aad loaded
4Mto.ahoard ihlp. Tbea Aa foliootRp AooAt It pice wbeo Aer kiaaed th( '
A dsj or two later she wu ■
aaet; "Commaader Gortnaeat Porraa.Smt ao Prlaea-8lr. taken wlA ainallpox. All who kissed
ire to qasraatlv and are afraU
arad roa per KaaBer Saplaaw todar
00 relOBteeie. Plaaaa retan IV Aer mar hare cooiracied the dteease.
GWaata, Kar l.>-Ra^ aararaat to
tries Cook, for whose norder Ed '
Opel with whiA ther are tied. Comvaaaaa w«t« ataitod oat tola atotaiai
Rose to Toledo wu srat to prlsoo fur
uadar at Port HarUea."
wKh tbo tojtka fanaltalto-aador haan
If tom. te alleped to Vre been
TV prtacau to Wlad, who to a prom■aaid to poileo aad dopaUaa. la the
receatlr at BiooBOalc. near To-1
taeat dpure la Aa eoort circle at 9eram two boaro to batacaa dMarb
wboaa haiVad to to Uor to ledo. He wu shot lut wlnier hr Roae,
^ a«M ware few aad to mlaor iiapar
be wu loo IrieMlr with
oe to Aa Aroaa to HoHead.
toM. Marti BairaTo depoUca and
He wu later'reported dead
. eloped a cartora but boi
afl apaalal and rcaalar ptoiea ata oe
to WtaeoBBlB.
bVbr. ta which eelrom to her i
«atr thb aaenitocThe first Amerlraa latesioraiy to'
wealA eoDld todalpe. She bare all Ac
•bw dtatoihaaeaa pccurtad ap to
laMca wu Mrs. A. R. McFarlvd to
ta-arad hortea that com to her noUce
MU thb aOenMoa.
tad piraa the. Aa beaadt to a atar to Oira, Ok. Aa went Aere lome tblitr

datoijp. Vtodowa Idl orar too dt;
ware aaMabod. Aortato rapontof' to

In Uv ilimod 7
M loWnatti

dsMt <h-vJ»r IS. IteU. sod m-wrdi'tl is Itar ’•sroruln muMk-wi*

aad pihtaMr toUDr' tolmad.
«W WBO tho wont to Oto atriko. aaeoa

tkaad Itofdda. wm. Hv i--Tb«
waiat ban awis orar kaowa awapi
«rar thb totr t^b aooo Ma« frail

vlU U- Mid •> paVe



^Ou..!^ Tmwj-Otr. MK-h.Oii.
n«.is-s srar^''i^t'.'r*lNr;!Mlc

FOR BOTH Did You Get a Bottle of Vitona?

BapMt waa aoi rialted br the aiotoL ebUdren ia pcrcrfulu;

eaoftr Net Oainr.
Oiaad IUpMa Midi. Mar <.-Aftar
hetof oat two bourt the Jaiy to the
taraod with a rardlct if eel falltr.
The trial waa kaif dibwa oat. The
rardlct deddaa that there waa *0
apiraer aad toa CBBOwsalaBt Chah. S.
Bareh aad aarard otoon win W
dropped. Bdaborr wUl be rataraad
u prtooa ta a taw dara.
■afiaa a Coafcr. pabBahar to toe
Oraad BapMi Hmid. wai ledteted tor
eoatpiraer wlUi Laat K. Salabarr aad
othara to obuto a coatract tor brtof.
lap lake Mlchlfaa water to the dtr.
Igr aMaaa to -briblac toa naror. eeai^,
am oaoBdl aad board to pablk
wetba. or aone to thea. It waa
toalMC M Aa trtol that Babbair
paid Mr. Cmcar lia.WP aad proe
hi. a.
r'idLadftLO.0. P.
' MaABAa. TO^ Mar t.—ChaiMU
. waa Aaaaaratoawanpbee-to Mat
taf hr tv craafl todpa to Odd PaUowi
wbMh doead recdardar. ' Trararae


» tuiiiltA,

Botli Imre poor'




Theae dueoaea thrive' on leanthit w tlie beet nieniu ot
overcoming llioin; «k1 liver oil
mnbn tbe ibest and



100,000 Regular Size $ 1 Bottles of Vitona Free

imtnrnl order

'FEVER? ? y



• x.bmip f.
bm A
»ltkru4iAr-U Vo-,..
» I .ui u h-er If

shon-8 tvfa7"«eeti'B.-£mnlsion ia


of an noeb rnlue in all cam of
Ktofnlaiuidconpmvjidoii. Uote

\H-u *taa)<nrir
mr ton- mu,

fnt, tiion Wright, mote uoarisb^

Seod ibr 6<ee Mampk.

War .4


• • VDrauUi....

j pm. lUTCueerwUrj

SCOTT & BOWN^Otomids'
Wrar Mtolra Vy p. A.

MwaVrara Brwa OO.




vrrojtA «. . tmrrtx »,wmu, lUMdr ,

vitona co.,



ment, thot'e whjr.


gap Bto> 1-1 J-Kr, >Wt7

We ar« willing to take all the risk, because we know what VITONA has done for others. You have
everything to gain and nothing to lose. VITONA is positively guaranteed to cure that "Wocn
Out Feeling.” Malaria, Rheumatism, Catarrh, Dyspepsia. General Debility, Neuralgia,
Indigestion, Eczemia, Sciatica, Female Diseases. Nervousness, Heart Disease
and Kidney and Liver Trouble.

Here'a a


tT-Br» (toi BorA of

Vitona is Guaranteed the Best Spring Tonic in the World

M tbe CMtost and moat elTeptive
form of-cod liver, oil.




aaatap to the diea. to Us. .
OarlBc OM to the traqaaBt rarolo-



b\ ill 'A ^

bat did oot aeem ooe whit Ac wu
erarr atet- Be U read A ataep br a
for hU axparlraee." Oaaoral Oraua i ]
htothar or ArerlU aerraat, aad IT V
tfWM M iDteprelar to aaauo
Uraetlr V awakat to axptola toe

c.i*idx*woon.o.j^jjA^ T


Ato. Paette an Ptoa.

% i


For Over
Thirty Years

' aU Vra.hadto ^

ratoaetal; rtoa pretodaet. Oaorpa Me- eoaatrr la pot propoetlsaaie to Ae ha-1
Oonb. Maokmoa; Mertoair, A. Jh pertaaea to tfaatr poeitliM. He AereBloA, Detroit; traaaurer. Pater Ball- fore thtoV Aat doeatkiBa which arei
■ww derated to bultdlops aod aqalp-;
. oobM V better raed lo Ae ei>-'
Pira at Haner..
saeat aad eartobneet to IV i
SoBor. Hkh, Mar A—The dir botua
to tv Owatob Pataat Ouk oacapanr
waa daatrered Br dre raaterdar afterTV flra caapbl la toe kllm which Mdacopal toHircb. Lsn Aaptoea. was de-1
am tall to ranaar wbleh trade a
poaed for baresr. He weet lo a mu-;
dbto bet blara. TV towaipeople
to.p. wbace V pot work ai M j j
airaad oat aad hr fraat ePoru pra- ordlaarr ntoer. After « lima he par ! l
■eatad toe dra fron vraadlap to other
•d aone etol.i for a few doltoni. 1
VUdlaBi. TV loai Bait reach i
three or foar tboonad dollare with ao

tea ai wall are doodad with Upbt


It ia-fi Aa Btoalls thadcUAapMUtraVwa. AU'

■m Use.
Pnaldeot Thwiap of Ae Wesicrw
Oraad toaUe BaetIvlW. L. MDIer. Baaerve nlranltr declares to a maraalae article tVi "Ae comonaiiy l>
Oraad Oatilde Baatlaal—Uaac Co- leanitof that It is not tv VlMtes but
oea which eoaiiltute Ae easeaiui
baa. DetrolL
The daparuaaat eoaacfl toaetad to- foreh to aa lasUtnUoa for tralBtop eo<derra for toa r«ar m lottowa: Pretl- tope stadshu." Dr.'nwtog biHda Aat;
to eoUepa prtoassori la Ate
daat. Tbomai B. 'Sobtoaom, Detroit,

r TV*wtad
tbo 4at«araihM br toe en'^en tot
Bonriep that tocr wohM aoad oaIlM wavwa toaaaod br atifho broafc-

Bears the

gPABdHwrfCBlMiB imMa


ii to coopoae aod whea V mumi to
tv DaliV SUtea it will V to npe^


The Kind Yon Have
Always Boa^t

louadm to dbc mlnnle and 000 nnadi ]
to two .laotei. Mr. Maxha foralihed i
aa caidae to death walpblne fortr j
pnood* aad raptble to drtajt
cartriders .wtAto ooe mtooir.
While tanim; ra Lapura UV. Pbi?-

beea raOeieol to eatoV hV to Vrou . tpptoea. nm Ueotr Jav A. Bor>r
a loep period to eenpualllon. tV worl and Charles U Wimdbooar were

• • temoB. Itoj «>A prtrato tel«#M
fwdrad wdv tnn SUwapore aayt
-toM Adami Notoflttera BwalaA
a<M<r»n *hm alcktM tote^Aoraiai
^ polaf ««7 tBK ^ «B aai
iMtooa. Adalral NobopatDff 1

aua Atalrmi Batoftnukr haa (tolM
aonk to Boa( Nabacowra aqwaroa.
A Japaaeaa dlrlalM «f faat enilaon
aiMl torpoflp boat Soatwrara weai


Oraad Baotor VkrdfB-doha Oar-

Ate klutofte !



Good Health

CL Uto her
-iuigtj. w%trTimt
tWW*.- tm« b«i M to low cpatcM.
Utober^rdeci iBc the ebOdrot. her

GMriM Ir M Tim iNsehMpeR
IB. 8.

CongreMman Meekison Gives Praise to
Pe-ru-na For His Recovery.

Deitog wo eawrisig •
hfiid. bore ell thM they eoeU boU.
Bowl* ud boBM cerrted twtk
fort to tbOM (hel awey boa the graat

Mm aiWdi they wot* hiehgM by We
sianid. ato ihaat who My than
hat Way an the real Wbic.
letten aad eeat a-fooneytne. The i leay be
LdeepbakcayOK (need a UUIe clrTa Urtbday;
' OMitah' Meat BMIa^
I Tbonwchly bolter
feaat. lire trUUat eorared a Ony eaa- e^ad toe to a meal rider
lac Ua sod spriakle
fcet wbere a baby alepL Aad toeren
„n*alf poooda of road atwk low aad afatei. Pat la a layer of the
1 were eeeC aad pent acala. to the Biotlr .^^ ,«« nee, nf pork ebopa. Cbof apple* tprlakkd with . . _ .
who were berer fbrgMWe bribe I
^^d ap two or a layer of cnimhe. wettla* with the
Lovety Lady, erea la her loo*.
ctaefcera. Mix with the rooad cetoedlaleeaf tkeapplef. Add layer*
days of palB.
mot. ad^lBX ptoparoad aaU to isate. of apples and crraiba ilU aU are oeed
And the Buecace that the flower* Mix with milk to wake a aoR pane.! op. bavlnc the top layer of eraaibi.
bore, wbo eaa tell? la each Iberc
aet good tt-too dry when 1 wen onWoud with the apple Jolor.
wemed to be a wUmr fran that laad
as~|.« balls with a spoeo ! Pot bits of bolter on top. Bake
■Islaaaased flrat.~ a creet- dipped la hot water, mod fty la pleoty'haHaa boor. When cold, torn pot cat
IBC froai that fairer aprlac. that cted
la plate aad eo
oew life: they told of peooe. of >oy. of
k MSB. CUABLB8 U. PBTBBSBK.’aervlac with whipped ercao). ThU IP|
! a very plea dlih to serve for .aft
ABd oe the flrat iweet leeeoo of her
Take a plecMat flank of beef, and eo.
irdeocoae. Bat eUll a
of uotsoodac U ahead.. The flowen the iBside plaoe either a tllce i park j
him sad Te»aU
that -opeo flret to hesTeo- Srlll even or veol. Spnokle loMdo with nit. Ooe plat of cooked
here in dear neeetrtciB. sod as her pepper, a little iacer and powdered | cbioosb a eolsader to remove tolas
allsMee. U Uked add a eery fladyl^ Mods. Add two «oaru of mod.
chopped oolan. Roll the meaflaad sew j ^ neat stock, ooe taaspooo salt aad
Utotly. both alOe* and eods and coTer|Mt4oDrth apooa pepper. Pel Is foor
with atroBK' brine f^ a week. Then | oooaw of nee aad oooh slowly for ball
Oolaide Wtndew Beaea
{ boll for two or three boors lo pleoly ^ bovr.
Bvetywhere lo Nature there are
of water, c^log aatll tender, aodj
detle* of plaau that grew tad thrive
Veal a la Ancisisa.
iocether. Is saleeUag the pUnu fbr place between two boords ^
wefefat oo them, to press aqaaiw When,
4 waspooofal of bolter
the window box. sreot care aboohl be
! kettle aad pal to two pooods of shoalexercised not ooly to select Uwee that eeldeatlsiUratoserTe. •
! der of real, biowolac tMs ta'ibe bat
win beM banaaolse la color aad
noTM auona eewoca eo. are vi
Cell** Bread.
{ batter. Carer wUb bcdlla*
sent the beat artistic appeon
Ooe poaad floor, ooedialf pouod of: e,^ opoi tender, sklmmlm
to select those
toai win ben
' A etdiee- ‘‘ haUer.' three UblespomifnU *w^ jy. sUr la two spooafols of floor la
?l^t 111 do well la k raiu. wlo-1
three whole eg*, aad the y^ cream---------.,
dow wUl not db well la a aorth win. of three. Boll the dough aal In a aheei. „ „ before serrW.
^.^neerena. w~
a., I and bake fci a flat tlB, flfst aprlnkllag
ornber at Ooagtoes, nnyrifth
dow. Mi nee rema.
«to. in aa even.
tHsirict. whto«;'
crowd too maay plaau Into thei ‘h« »» ^ »“*"■ ®*‘* *" “
box aad do oat ewet the box
oae quart of sweet cream, yolks of
« to pre-!"«»«»
pre- »« t«» *«<>»'» Cat la tow stiM
seat lU beat appeotonce when flrsl \ t®
Thu Is very good with eof- gfteeo eggs, beateo
„ „...oi oMf tod<roc»rlia^X
flUed: giro some room for growth and t«*two tableapooofals of aagar fbr eoet
together, flavor with

vanlUa; add toe beaia whites of two
perethy^ Oattoe.
quarters or' egg*. Melt foor ooBcei of sugar la a
U shady aad nreet,
; Mr. Jacob I-Davis, Oalena.»
later btooBdag the hardy gardeo aster, at tile bato of the box and tbe low ®i«hUu.
(^Httat as a Hmae of'tSM-dayL
___ ____
apple aaoce. | Uulc water and stir over Arc uotll Mo, write*: I lisve been la b^
— — v-----.
aod_ cook
twrlvo boUlM of TOOT remaa I am cured."—Jecob I- Davit.
tor the etrajia* of letotMly fbet -win bring rich reward In the wetos
la troat; the other where tall being earcdul not to break toe pieces. | light brown: coat the sides aad bcSlom
to oarne la the ray of beauty for the
Ifyoudt oot derive prompt and ssUstaciory rosoli# from Ih■ Dora all tta wlodihakeo ways.
plaau are la the oeaUr and pUaU or SweetM to Urie. Fat half a cup of | of a don'ble boiler with tol*. add tbe wriUrtoi ei le Dr. Ht^maa.clvin* a fall sUtemeot of yonr a .and be will ha
Boseraddeoed haoBt that tha baat PBMerdiy. {why sboold we not iWak
taUr adv<
of the pleosoie to easily aSorded to rises OB-dtoer side. Tbe Utter gives sule bread emmbs aad warm until too tweet *a-ee.
tore Iha bast
isatiag toeet. atnee when tbe
otharaT) aad for opraelvaa and our
aeldiBC Its aptooa'to Caer
erambe are aoaked with toe butter. {
trtcoda aU toe looc summer threnib. box U toroed aboot the light I* more
Ql MI dear races in ear or bt.aest
1 filled several
grou booqueta of bograat flowers. evenly divided among toe dlfferail
Dorattay^ cardes for we!
' Fronds of green ferns aad aprays of
And aU U wUI coat after the irst la- plaau. The box ahoais have sevenl oot-door berna;
Btro an tha whita, peoslra MoMwa rastmcBt, will be a few mloates of OBsdadi botes ia the bottom to dralalyraatoM, ’ beautiful leaves cligg cardeasly to toe summer long.
Por Sunny Bxp
! qn Mster greetlag to a faraway at*tertbM^
And all (hit time yon ar.- gming; ter. It It safe to say tbai ao flowers
I work each pleoaaat somaMr day, in
Bads wnh aobUuhirer 1;
cornflower, dusty millrr. mar- ly anutir appearance. This Is what ,t>ur spriag tOBfe. Outdoor work. | were rcorpearefull, iriided rad coated
I wateriag aad weedUg. Cost, did I sv? oedcrll. it should be raised from the,
Mato and aweatbriar la naar a r<X..
After a few hours work dlggtag In toe; to btoooi than those eenlto the arid
'To tooae wbo love 'Ood's oot of pan enough to prevoit tU alltlag In gyerite geranium, petunias, salvia. Natore does when left to bcrself.
Jtedan «r prln Bricaoae
In toe abediee cf a pan a nupdragoo*. iwrflenaa.
! But around toe house and barn, and I..A mb m bmbin u.b bblm I bbb,b.«. Tb. ibbiwxb. bb« «bbf
doors" that Is a straage word to aae.
. TUI CdMw hum. artlr in tha ctooto to toe pleaaare of eedag toe snmder- tight box era be used, but wtU require
Ftor toe Box Bdgee—Alyssam. Ivies. | the dooryard.
air toe languid, tired feeling will dlaj^old-fashkioed" flowers eheand too
DalMai tfe« aielaUe the Mr.'
rest core In watering.
lobeHa. morolng gkwB periwinkles j where toe meselleas head of man dls- appear and you wltl begin to feel the! weary hoosemotoer. aad brooght to
fut plant life derriop
B« M fir torata la the faitoa that
OnUlde boxes may j>e flUed to the (riacas). tndeacratias j-twooWrla* uirbs every day and deranges contla- exhilaration of your exeivlae. At aoon-|bef mind the oM home gardes "as It
mlagly dead teed’ >
! ually. here squalor and flitfa. satidl- time. Instead of saylag yon have no! nacd to be. "
mtag, toe toocdi of toe •oft
eoft Vlad early spring, even befcee the froet Is Jew). iropaeomiBt taastaAluins).
DerothyM Cirnt to wa. ,
For Shady Bxpoaores—Fuebrlw. be-1 neet aod disorder prevail,
the face and hair, toe ted of toe oot of the groaad, with «dl hardened
appetite, can't ekt anythiag. yon will; . Outaldc wlado4 boxes are moat eoopaiufee or MUU planu (PerannU) or gonlaa. dnesensa. ferns, feverfe^..^ It It a plly that It aboold be so. It be to hpngry that you will be ready lo. ;«,leni ftM- toe faW-boose. aod ore a
BIthar ahe eewas ta tha twOlcbt to warn brora eorth. the
eat anytolng tel before you, and rul-; blearing to toe eitlea. A eoratiy girt
wHh Natore aad Nature's Ood
sltempt on too part of Nature to beeu- Itb It. to^.
>0 laflaitely great, aa compared very showy boxi After the danger
I wbo bad ione to toe city was bemoanComflower. snapdragoos. verbena*, tlfy the landscape should be aiceur- But In the tpriagtlme leav- off thenar gSf'^e In letter* to toe borne
with toe firing of a little time aad frost ta passed aod .pansies are
streagto. that there U DO queatloo that dooming so well, take them oot
heavy, heallag food rtf wl' r and <al; faik. for aho eald: "My room it to ,
tiodar the U«bt of a star.
tbe giria* U lu ora exceeding great flu the box with any of toe plaau j will stand coaslderable fiosL Forj It Is certainly a good
pleaUfally of yegoubl.- and froUs. dreary, dad hb*r I sha^mliw au- ^
Bo M ns hoatoge I Unger, her Boesl reword. L« lu. by aU meaaa, preneb gives In the following Uet beet tailed ] srUter. All the box with euooymooi, these popuUr periodicals art- doing In Leuoce. .celery, spinach, green*— deTtbU tommer:"" She flato-qi
your eipoture. or mixed peiunU|,ew. spnee. etc. SmaU Norety [ hdpiBK. by plcturv aad preccpi. tbe these are sirieadid tonics as well as
aepiofl brofw to bt.
the goo^ of beaaty.
Of Ml dsnr plotoa U aoM or ta wtot- oot of aeaaeo, bot la the midst of oar aeed may be sora.aiiioaf the panalcai ipnee one or two feet high can be ob-; people 10 see tbe Importance of these healtofnl food.
Oenthyk sudoo for mt
not forget to proeUer. and the latter allowed to trauln. Theltaleed for fifteen or twenty-llTe oenUinaturBl decoioikmr. To educate toe . Just simply go outdoor* and go lo
wUI grow rapidly aa aooa at! Mto.—Oood Hoosdceeping.
i people atong these lines Is to make work at eomcthlnB, eSl plealy of fmli ««,uered bU desire to go flfihlag. and
The aoeUat Hebrera had a most
weolber cornea and eatirely I
- ■
-------1 them happier and lictter. It Is really and vi-gelabler, drink ftecHy of *
cdleot law wbldi reaulted in model
The VIBC ef h
between meals, aod you will forget boxes to brighten toe room In ttecity..
Ocpr a wloaibs. woyolde rail.
blaom. Vines era be used In coonee-: One of the best things that U being j while.—Medical Talk.
expeetod to keep'toe street spotless
: tbst you ever tboogbt you needed a; He whliewashad the boxes or the inBMfli
aad gmy.
troat.of his own pi^eriy. If every tion with theOK In toe fall, wbtsi the done by the popular |
tootc. You will be gettiag your toolr *14^, and painted the outside a very
IVee crept a taoder. dlngtag vtaa.
A hpIcMId Sprinq Tonic .
of toU departaeat and sdvo- flowering ptoaU are killed, ihey era toelr sltempt to teach people ho* tol
rl^l along wllh your work, and at toe dark gt«n. Wbea toe boxes were dry
TtrsMm day by day.'
be polled np and
ksrdy ever- beasUly toe home. Not Becetssryy I oa the approach of spring. T*”*
lime will' be beralllyiag your (Hej- were fllk-d with rich toll sad
eaU of
At Mt’Ha maalle of nftast tUl
pUaled. as apnice. hemlock. the city maasloo. nor toe grand old ] days, sunshine aad bBlm( air. most
Ukewiae, and gatog still farther, would
and making yotw home uktm 1 town, aad faaieaed ouighK
Omrto eodi faggod eUom.
Id' Juniper or cedar. In ihU way toe box palace country borne. But simple people think toe,’ mutt have a tonit a more Kaniiary place to'Hve.
; ib« wladows, aad a tew pleau aad
The BOwUa*
MU brakea down
wlU look auraetlve toe eatire year. In homes. Cheap homes. Small eottagee.' or a blood porifler of some sort.
Ye*, just go out and clean up thing*.: Mods of tralliag vlaas ftom IMS
Thiwi. vtto that Uaty. totad crown. bwoty. whether it be to lawn or gar- the aprtog tote out the old soli and OidlnaiT fnrvnhousea.
j They feel *0 languid, so tired, wi whUcwtsb tbe bark fenev or tbst old
those btiaea bright nfloU for
. pair aa OB anut'a dream.
vbed. rake mit theriirt and burn up Ihe < „ju>y of the dwellei^ la toe -iUL—
iveae City aad the Oraad
Plaau tor ouUUe boxes la s^lag. eg dirty backyards aa they ap^r
bethey need some
of you
medlcitKIn this a bottCT-iy.nn and FlresMo,
will find
O fg^ tbe kladacM that dtogs sad Traverse regloB would In tbe course
ti a veiT few year* become Camoo* p to Jnae 1st. are vaelela. puhie*. {fore .toe work of decoration baa be- tone np their system and (Arc them spring tonic than any that *
put op In bottles ocnameat the drug-1
thrtmghoet the leagto and MeMth of Bel'lls, torget-meHaoU and bulbs. Tbe j gnn. IhM a* they appear afterwords, bow tcM la life.
Over Ufe-a btofcaa wall.
. That MoaMoa above the scon of poll the land at one of the most beautiful ' tier should, be riaalad in the tall. | »beo eome pains has been taken to One ef the best tooics we know of. gist's thcU.-I^itol Talk.
one that goo* far ahead of an, botUcIapou la toe United Btatea. It all de- It is obvioot with plaau grown la ! make fbem beautiful.
to hoM them alll
up tonic
or blood m
edicine 10 be found
peada co you. not o^your aeigbbor. pouorboxeawheretoei^are.,occ-| This I* cettatoly a good work. PicCTto the belptoL mioUterlBg haadA
TbouaSrt* of
' taahknqd rose geranium beloved by
wm yon help, not aeS year, but aosi ? oatartly more or lea* cramped, that tohi tore* help to preaeni 10 toe mind irhai in the dreg store. Is simply to get out
Btoafldeot. wiaiog feet.
sollmuslberieJilnoToUablefoodondlean be door in ibeso lines. Tberc door* and-go 10 work.
- ^
w 1 w
, ,
,, our graadmotoen. keepe flies away. A
md rito maafiec of teadm
"Tbe mixture* 1 oogbt to be no rubbUh coraers about, You have possibly been storing 'n 80 wch Utetog
Oto Bfsh hand pUcap. tiU Ume baa WriUco to Home Cheer.
spots could‘house, family ventilated,
eating ecn-j1 America"
d. and two 0anu are mDru easily uu»wuiv«., mv

«».•II these
------------ - —
........ ch
"nowers are toe only thiag
know hJw
.IxIniBS often given. Pereon* I be easily bcauUBed by cleaning them centrated. bsal-preducing foods. You
..... msny ^8™ .
that'we are snre maat flret grow lo
*^74^^11 have sent snn
hcavee." That was what tbe Lovely having alargervarfety of materials at j up and encouraging the growth of: have bad very lli.le exercise and your
system ha* become rlbgged. sad Oiv '
Lady thought, and s^ ahe made a gar­ toelr remmaad usually h*r* a garden- some ornamental vine or pUhi.
•bine and Bowers to many home*. A ;
It Is aloosi a painful experience to organs of the body aro torpid and uu- UtUe packet of hoisearuwn seeds may. Cbcmlselie* and pilmpe* arc as
den. She wound io It, revercaitly. la •r' competent to mix toe soli to eolt
» Btoke toy flardeB fair oa^^
‘ ride torotigb the country and it. do .heir work properly.
toe cool of toe day, OBd learaed great the fried* at the Indlvidoal ptonu.
at first seem a trivial gift, but when' Iminttoni In o.motber'a rardrobe as
Ftar oommoo planu. such as geren-i about the various farmhooKM. toe; Open up your wtndo.* aad door*
«f How .olmtm. are lu her
lesacBs there amoog her flower*. Sbe
ber little danghter*m
• TBoo weHmai aevm atone.
look her sorrows Into' her garden and
• Pewhrane he rtcae plat Is next
watered them wtto team nnUI they lart of eoll. one. part of wril rwted tempi to furnish shade or beauty, the fy and
T bodlrc*.
dtSereni. Last y

to tolaa
<eow manure It obulaablel: : old aegletted barn toeUng wtto every h Is doing that you lust go outdoor* ]
Id lato peace. She to
took her
• Hay at* ft. aid mrad bU era.
Rrread tola on toe potting beach (a! Imaglneble casi-ofl maurtal and oua- ,and go to work at something.
iw,''ndlaBt-bocd rad 1

Hubert Collier.
Bhiitter placed oa two horses. V an I sU. Ihla la exactly as It ought not 10
Clean up your back yard. Dig out
old table serves toe purpose). To a i be.
' the old tin can* and stone, and sticks,
The country is easily ma^ beauti- rake np all the lliier and mike a bon­
Bat one day-wba toe gardeo was boshel of this mlxlnre appU' «me tmart
■Kiw-covelwd. the Lovely Lody grew ed bone meal ud four qtmru of gritty ful. Nature strive* nnatslslcd to make; Are of It. Then swt-ep the yar^nlce
lie; mix tooroufhly. thing* look nice. We have oftee qp- and clean. Seiwt a part of It for a
Moth U bring wTttiao to maraxtoes' tired and (ell asleep. Then those srho
with tor epadi^ and then whh the liced rilngt'ng to toe roal feoce. Utile flower garden or a ve^uble pale:'
:u'lt Aulas a large amount cIlmMBg riae*. ^eatoooed from post to, Get s spade and spade up the earth
ee of them, aad laid them aroond her haadanatu
Jusi ■niirk-40 BBIT ^aaBfl to cbooee from—Bad all
of tora aad eooatry. Prlaea are tmto* gteUy.'iiol to dlstarb ber rest, aad left cd air. A vrlakllag of alr-elaked lime poev wbere Nature bad been left to polverixc It and get it ta good condirad a pint of tobaeeo dost will belp to beraelf. It Is only when we reach the tit*.
oBorril by elttot aad t? todlridoali her'wtto Ber qniet. folded bands.
erf them from tbe upper 10 of “nmBBiBM.** Itm »
rid aU oMeeUonable Innaeu. Have toe dooryard fence toal deaolaUoo begins,. Now plant some flower seed*. Lark
to prriiy dooryoida aad aitraeUve,
the laTKoat and moat beantifo] iKsplay of Piaaoaerer
It aecau apart.
marigolds, sweet-wllllamf.
retheyeorly sou mdlst (aeltoer we* dot dry) and ;rad uaUdlaera Iqeoamrent.
rafrhept bhto yards aod oUey*. Cora- ^ But Inu ber gardw
seen ia Kortbern UiebiRan.
■lx It until there are ao lampa. Allow I aa If toe rnthlces band of man bat pinks, verbenas, popple*, primrusc*.;
try oehool yards, toe, are (Mlliig toeiatiroele of spring. Sod
this soil to remain over algbt or for been tmsier uf destroying toe beantle*'four o cloeks. ragged-robins, petunia*, '
impetoatf than
• oew tbooghu ohd tbe] cotos swept oB toe a
t each year Bot tO;mlr«s pwtoed from toe warm softk. several day* and mU again whHt of Katar^toan lo aaaUUag ber to be-, bollybocks—good old taabioned flow
: era that wUI give you bkMcn rad
• who tore boanty. U seems tojaod la a few days ber- gardeo was ready to pat toe plaau Into It.- IBis ccrae baanUfuL
grow an to atowiy. A aiioll don nay [ablaxe with llfeaod potor. Soowdropa. work oaanot be too tboeoughly dooe.1 Out In toe, wood*, there beauty beauty all rammer long. ,The dlmnal.
aids street to TtnvMe City srito a frsqlle psodanu of whUe: swang oot A «mng bolbed will ofieo fnralah eof-; trign*. Tbe wire fence, pnt np merely narrow back yard of toe eliy era be
. tuned law a rratfnl. refreahtog spot ;
' gtaaceweroes tbe expoose of | their betU: *
croeues orteft yordo. aeot airi Vril kept, aa aifoMed purple, white ud gold, toe to ease eow manure to oot to be had.I flMda. was at flm left eompleteXy 'Of couree If you Uve In toe coontry.
roto. bot ch! ae hoH aad dasriate. Boae.of Shona. noder wsetero skSas; FVw palms aad rtras ose to plaee ofjaaked aad unadaened ^toe hand c^:where there to plenty
eodM go a lUUe farther, ud. to add!
the .«>U pure day.' This la ^^anenlly'man. Bet Nature ram rnahee to
a the flower lovar to five a dfriaxore Atptoe flewM*
ratodva oenu
eeou la- eyaa of blue
bine Inaoceaee: rad allll toe beat mixed by aDowtag' It to dry aad{biutUy It. In a year or two It be- iloa to toe flower gardea. have a veg^ mcmGAI’S^ UABIK MUSIC BOUSE
, ctabto garden atoo A lime work morod aeads of some Ohrlatmas Roeo kept MoamMag aad|toaa po>v«rixtac aad mixtag.
. ieotan. here aad there.
lag and oveatag aad yon «u have
The foilowtow plaau are nohaUc tor|«

^ and the housdseeper must look carduUy
r tb&drfood.
As good cake can be made ontywi*
good eggs, so also a cake that is health­
ful as well as dainty must be raised with
Royal Baking Powder IS indispensable
in *e preparation of ijie highest cpiaKly
STood. It imparts drat peemliar hot­
ness, nreetness and flavor noticed in the
finest cake, biscuit, doughnuts, crusts, etc.,
smd vvhat is more important, readers the
food wholesome and agreeable to young






jhMmr m eitht'B cMt

Step in Our Store and See ncm




nuvuti erry. «iia«o

■bifnr of lis. E. J. Fulghum iurdorod by Her
' Husband. Who Then KjRed HimseH.
-W.B. Mot, I ■». »rt«8 t.

this trouM. M th. p«M »r

kiMw m» wMm I eo** »b yo»t houM imtii I h*v.


I wiu •• wHh W and W I «» I will t>fc* J«l* «efth w..

ta^tamah»S>tatf«aW«and I Matna jwa far eaualng htr ta aut In
^J»Kjafi»ypaiWl«i. Andfaw PanaanSar haa «at tha faM watch
UwtlhadandtffaawvrtKgaandparhinlMa Nai bary ma with
tMa «>H.

0^ taka K aff.

I hava nathinfl an my pataan bwt what la


n, O. C. Otarah ».
•Tau ara ha«*r naUflad that tha rtalm af MatlMa Oardnar, andar
tha*4af»lawh«.llW.faraaphair thapanalan frantad Branaan U
aafdnar. Ca. t, K7 Hat.. Indlaiia Valimtaar lirfantfr. aartWeata nn*baa
kaa tWa day baan dppravad far a^laalon an tha 9m»d
that tha pwdlaaar daaartad aUimant. hit taarful wtfa, artw la a paiaan
af faed awral aharaetaf and la naeaaaltetia elfetmiataiioaa.
•wt* la atlawB* andar nda II, thirty daya fr«m data af thia natiaa ta
ai mM barnaw aetian ta tha aaaiatary af tha Intarlar. tha ap
paal ta ba aManvwlad by thia natiaa and dm proof af aarvlaa af eapy
w appMlaa,'
aa radairad by rvla I?."
af tha appeal opon'tha

tmvusi couktv.


i perllsa. M Is asW ef OarMr
he wee d man ef quanwieemi
peeWen and benderad upsa Inm
Before the marvtepe oTMr. and Mrs.
FWfhum there vme trouble, and i
stive last night remackad that sarieoa
trouble had been ieeked for sooner
w. .
placed the ravolvar cgalod
ton^la on ana aide af hiB bead
anathar ravahrer which he bald aialnat
Ibeul tm weeks age Gardner «
tha athar alda af the head, bath eheti In the city, bw dW net go near i
taklnf alfaet and eauaing Innu
lum homo. Ha kept away and
avIdenUy had plana imdar waj
Tlw nandar and aukida occurred
trouble at that Hma. Thaoe
the Utahan af tha Fatghum tmidenee. aav■^him. knowing who he wwa, at
where bath badiae ware feund a '
he neiad euspieieiisly, but onUI
night nething awteualy
thought of It by Mr. Fulghum er the
Muftey ef 410 Eeet Eighth atrwet.
members of hie family.
The story ef the berrer, ae best i
eeuW be leanied tost nJgM, Is mhBS
Hio. GaiVner wen s devout #0*
tiaMy as IMIsm:
Oman much laved and sdmirod. the
Mr. Fulghnm urai at the Hethedl
ful Chr
ehurah atwndlng a meeting ef the aiW a graat eemfeit te the family ef
beard ef timtsee of the church und Mr. Fulghum.
Htc. Fulghum end her
Mrs. Oa
The tragedy has Mmcked the dty
the evening before reUrlng, -mm sitting near the hall deer sympethy far the family ef Mr.^PulIn the sitting raem reading her Bible. ghum. MrA Fulghum was
Mm. Fulghum me sitting user, when by the cheek and her eenditien ia aeletW kneeWng at
. Ue hm net been weU far
front deer. Mm. OerBier amee h
oral days and th a groat tcauWe
as sheep
aerieualy alfaetad
the doer she wm eenfmirted by s
Murder Catwfully Planned.
severed by a pink
Delroil. Mich.. May 10.—The follow,
grvffly Inquired In
tog dispatch froB the Trtbune'a eardisguised veice If the man ef the heuae
ndent at Ufayrtte. lad.
apHs ef the disguise In
Uthed this Bomlng:
tone Mm. Osndner and Mm. Fulghum
‘Brandos L. Gardner.'kged KS. who
familiar velea. In
mardered bla wife and then turned
the meantime the intruder pimhed past
weapons npea hlmerif and blew
Mrs. Gardner, who mn from the deer,
and after emsrlng thmugh the hall
into the sitting ream, claoad the
the ladl
deer after him. Mm. Qaidncr wee
a cdiy.
ble. and fled Into the kitchen, while
‘TJardner eras a velcran of ihe Poor,
nan rushed after her. Mrs.
leenth Indiana regiment during the
ghum being gmatly alarmed, rushed
rar and was adttlUed to (be Solfrom the heuie and as she left the
home. three mites north of thU
pereh ehe beard a pistol shot end
dty. from Bandolpb county
heavy fall ef ■ body. Ehe nithed acr
time a isember
the etraat te the dwelling af C.
of the NaUonal SoldJecs’ home at
Huriey, »10 East Eighth street and
HarioB. lad.
euaed Mr. Horiey*a family, calling te
lenTtog the tnatUotlon bare
>me man In the etroet aa she Sad.
be secured e pass W Irtve the 1
to spend the day ia LAtoyette and
Mf, Huriey tefephened at ones to aecuring bU railroad tnnSpSft
CHWf bf Pdllee Rennie that a ertma for Detroit be malted a note to WilHam
won aemmliaed and Chief Rennie P. Slump, sergeant major at t£e-bQQe
aa foipended, arriving a few me
which be said: "Orer dome^
1 later. When he maehed
troubles I have gone to make asray
heuae «f Mr. Fulghum. Mr. Hurley
with myself and I wlsb yoo would tend
amiting hbn. and tegsther they anthings to A. C. H- at Lyna. Ind.
the tallding. They feund noth. Tou srlll benr.Bore of me Uicr.’
Ing in the font reema, but In entering
The story of his doable crime at
the kitchen their eyes wero gn
Traverse Qty caused a great secu
by a frightful tight Mrs. Oardne
at the
upon the fleer with her head elese te borne here.
the eeeklng range, while the body ef
*Ttordner recently filed
Gardner lay with the heed towards the for divorce from bis srUe. Matilda,
aide ef the room, their feet it the 'nppeeanoe Circuit conn of tl
meet teuehing. The hands ef Gardner
anty. and It waa to come up tor (ris)
tbwtohed above hie head and two
this term of court.

tmu««o«y. «»y

rates 7to 14

m not

here n Feb. ZS last. Mrs. Oaldiwr se­
cured tbe serrieas ef Hwi. W. R. Wood
and gave noUve of her tatentian to
coptest the cue. and If posslUe pea ponton of Qnr«ncr-t penstan.
hwaatSamonth. Ittopceai
this weighed ae hsnvfly open the mind
of Gardner that It enlmlaalnd la the
dooMe tragedy of Mcmday night'
Tbe Funeral Eirvieea.
FriMB Wednaeday'a Record.
Brery avallahle teat aad all tpnee
In the alalea at the anreh af a
fined this afternoco at the
snd rites over the mnalna of Mrs. Ma­
tilda Oardnw. Ihe mother of Mrs. E.
J. PnlghnB of thU etty. Tbe aerrlee
opened with the aoog ‘My Jesus ns
Wilt' ihlt being foUownd by
several select rendtogs from the
by tbe pastor. Rev. T. P. Ulton. after
^ildi Rev. Thomas On of tbe Find
Methodist cbnreh ogered prayer. Dr.
Arthur HolUday tbeo rendered tbe
solo -Wooderful Country.- and the
tost tribnte waa then rendered the
dMd by her pastor. Rar. UUom. wbo
took aa bla tbeae the text Roanana
vl;a. Tor the wages of sin It death
but tbe gift of God la eternal
throogb Jeaua Christ, oor Latd.''
by saying that he felt thl
weaM be derelict to duty to all If be
4U hot present to a few words tbe
tbonght of God s word on the. wages
Of ato. Sin. be rtl4,.was a WWt,
thing to the tight of Ood tbongh
tbonght that H meant only diaeord. dis­
tortion or lack of barBony. but Ood
rin If anarchy,
and ttalka abroad to the lament places

qraitat. Meaan. a A. BoUday nad
Lmgwerth and Hra. W. P. CWUaa.
HMa Hynie Gardner and Mlsn HabM
BeoEeM rende^ the peog *8eaBtlra]
Oodstry af Boraewhera.' latarmoat
took ptoee at Oakwood. the pall beat­
en beteg Mmera. Gilbert. Powlleen.
A. B. WIlPOB, J. H. Wneon. M T. KtmUnae. A. 8. Dabaon add dark Dnwiey.
The arrangwenu were to charge ot

H. U enter.
The mewtem aen tha. rawntn ai .
BranaiB Gardner wore GaU nt «
o'etoek an the retara ef the eattaga.
Tha asrTtoe cf ^ Oardnar waa baU
at the ^arth by bar own rngiwt and
that <d Mr. Gartner nt thn rsqesat of
Ua danghter. Mn. Fnlgham. who dostrad both berlathar and aaathar told
away Et the nan aarvtoa.


Some Good Bargains
T^r Workingmen
The best heavy canvas at lOic. three
pairs 25c. Chrome tan leather, patent
fastener, extra good ulove (or 25c. .



Black or tan. new shape* for every

day wear—extra good for 60c.
ready and aitUoas to talk. Ha
by i^ng that be waa baring traohla
tmpedy wMeh ww aammltted at tha and asked aboot tba change which waa
purity. -Go where you will, yon ntU
r. FtilghoB'a baalIWM df aa«ayar E. t. Pnlphum at
Our new atock just in—beu pnion
End the efieets of IL Don't trifle with
'that they wero la
•iH laal lerenhn caaia |a light thIa
made goods, heas'y. warran’ed not to rip—
young men. young sromaa. lor it g
OBd that he underbunibif by the Endbig af a'tattar avltUenUband steadily and cakes bold of
full shape and sizes 60c—we think it's tbe
dantly wrtttan In a mamant * wiU stood that bU wUe waa after half at bis
the vital life, paialyxiiig U. It
He tald be was going to maka
«a«ar « tba wHa aiU daupMar far
' best one yet at the price—jackets at same
phlee tbe eonl and deBorallaei
wham ha am piaimlnp auoh a tmgfe "Jiila" trouUe tor caoaliig tba aeparsprice,
BnA Tbe gem wtaleb I am talktog
• andlnt.. Tha Mtaf-wa* not datad nar tlon between blB and bla wife. He
b to my own eoul and to y
aifnad bat after bainf aubmittad ta E, said farther Ibst |fr. ttolgbOB aad hit
The edict baa gone fonb that the alnJ. PWahmn H WM racagaliad by him wUe wera'golBg to InfayeUe. lad.,
BW shall die. ‘Come now let ns reaaon
From the beat dollar cottonade to our
aad It be tonad tboB there be would
logethe'r. thoo^ your stoa be as
n In pineat abnaet hare thea artoatad. Mr. Helm Mt lo
all wool goods from $1.50 to $2 we can
let they shaU be srbite as i
rrlad orar tha matter that ha wont
la and the apalllno hurrlad
givcTou best values to be bad—if you
tbouEh they be red aa crlBeoa they
tee the nugbom tonlly and Hra.
weir corduroys we’ve got them at' $1^0
«k«ii be like wool.' Lei ns then aay
PalghoB net biB at the door, aa ai
'All hall the power of Jesna' nan
net to let bar Bother know of the
to $2.75.
VatdM af Caranarft Jury.
angeb pronrale fall: For though
tronbla wbhA meaaoed bar.
A )«ry «aa auaiBabad at »;» a. b.
-the wages of tin b death.’ tbe gift of
Tow Him Nat to Toil
far the pwpaaa af awaihring teta the
At tba aaaa tiaa that Hr. KalB
Here’s where we can give yam- wim
pPMb aad tn nndw a raraiet ta the
tbat as we stand 'above aB^
Bat klB la tient ot tba Briggs apaitdadtt «( Wnik..EkUiH of tha daad.:
mortal at our beloved sUter. MaUldi
you waat—an extra fine soft yart—youH
Attar avaariaf la tha follovtac: neat booaa Clark Dawley of Barney
Gardner, that the wu an enraest. conAaderaOB-a
cheap soon as you see it-Wl you
TVmaa Bbifn. U BaatiM. a. Robecleatlous ^rlsUan and one of the
Ha talked enongb with him to
one dozen pain or one pair at 6c per pair
aitaaa, C 8. Vbdar, or.. Oaona W.
charter Bembera of the Church of
aaa tba drift ot the man's anger aad
Lartla aad J. M. Hartlaak. thay left
one, heaviest mk to be had
Oa MdartaCht datablUhnaat at W. aa he was ragaeitad by Gardner not to
She has always been a canselaBtlouB
at three pairs for 25c. ^
a Aadd— to be ewora la at tba toll tba migbarn toally that ha waa
member and held tbe love of the ecnIn town, be felt that there waa tiooblv
iBMibm wbarn tba maalaa e( Ite
THINGS andcotbeit to
brewing aad ao be. too wSnt aad told
wUa lay and ata
It would not be out erf place tor Be to
be had at
Gardner, was In
aaad (be
say that I loved her. Her tofiaeDoa for
iatlw vUA van aot addraaaed bat
me srgs alsrayi good. It lUtad. me up
' a nombar ot nigbu
BMbt tor Mra. FbUhuB was road aad
and iBspIred be to do my best- Hr.
tba fadttfeat tpstlMv ot two wltaaw be wattbad near tba Brigga boose for
UUom closed bis lovtog tribate by
a eight of Hr. Gardner bnt wat unable
aa ObM cd Ftolaa Banala aad Dr.
tpeaktog of her aa a wife klad and detolocatahiB. HaerldaaUyatopped at
Wmwtoa. «ai lakaa. tbalr
TC(ted. nteful and gentle aa a mother
aaME balac brtair to tbc Eadtag at tba
as a grandmaUier she met every
t«* bedlae ia tba kttehaa af tba nal- euBed name for on ttautry (bare todw
reqairemen^. He closed tbe talk by
by tba Itaeord they knew aotblng af
dtKd. 110 But atghtb atraat.
givlag tbe^eoBforitog srords ot the
But aa boardan and
'Bated la Uw Mdy aMraiag adUka.
of all in tbat He “dpeth ail thiags
rooBara cose aad go aad aeldOB erea
Tba AaUberatUa lE tba Ji
weU.- ':May we." he said, "all live aoj
-nw fsUl bullet which ended the II
tbatoltoPiafmdieta: TlMttheaald raglstar It la not surprtalag that be ef Mrs. Gardner entered Just behli dolidi county, where rdaUvee of Oard «fc«« ge M clasp the hand ct our be-|
M hot raBembarad.
MatUda OardMto daatb waa caaaad
the HghtMrand came out through the cr reside.
loved one on that happy a baOB OBBad Bade by a rarolrar Mr. HBm aUtod that be uaderutood
The Impressive service dosed by tie j
Two ragged bul
-fflnee the filing ot the complaint
tew days after aeelBg Mr. Gardner
la tba bode «f
In the heed ef the murder
witb haiBtB] laUM aad atoo Ibat tba tbat be bad pawned bla waudi to Anhad
diov Pnmenter. nring
aakd BnaaOB Ch
rood or OorEeld arenu sad be thought
caaaad by two baUat onaads landa by
BboM the troable naUI be
^ lOTfrim baM by bU e«a ba»di with Btepped aot OB Ui portb this Bomlng load, one revolver had two empty carMleldariiitaEL''
Bid caught eight of the Record 'extra' tridgea and the other one empty.
CanUMi * Poekatc.
aad the warda ■^nldde* aad “Pnlghniu trMge.
Tba aoataata «l tba dead laab'e aad be iBmedlatBy mibod to and eald
Whan Gardner ortterod the roan
poabala were taMId orer to SbertB to hU wife -Tbai thing haa bappeeo-l
Jabaaoa to be taM tare of bbUI laob to dole Pulghuin.’' The penahni papers had both, hanto Tn hie coat pact
- dlvoaitMB as tW lav sUoerad waa which ware the BoUve were tahen eat evidently proparod te commit e<
I he entered. All Indleatlenc paint
saMary. Tba 4m»iii aiUBee wblch lurch S and J. R. Bowen of UU elty
of the pfladpal wfuetoea for ___ earofully premeditoted pUn to.
murder hie wife. K not ether met
Mrs. Oardnar.
\ \
ef the family. It la the belier ef
i cbalB. a pair ot
Ottos Had Many Pr4nda.
TMibttigmojCTngirtlMjctcoMtfwctfai. VcmofUcMt
dasaea. two HUSfO, l
Ton years ago Mr. and Hra. “Branf bsm of Bie family that the man
tbe dfamiutiMi of ioi,Aa ictt. dUtt.
Bant datad Jjlantl <1
Onidner reaWed to this city at thr far ths-purpese ef killing Mr. Fulghum
1)^(^ vblab la BtodB to tau abd wbicb beane »E West Blshth street to the ce woll ae Mm. Gardner. The triM Intealtbad tba key to tba BoUra aad
>w occupied fay Mrs. WUUam wsrdneae ef this theory, however, vrtii
dataot «f tba iracady. One of tba letprobably
^ known.
FrleDds were many aad
EherW Jahneen and Proaaeutihg Ai­
tan tbMCb
aad pertalaing
better able to enlertata tfaem
prtrata brntana waa Dob bit brotfaah thas Mr. Gardner. He thought of
btow. A. a BUI ‘of Lyaa. tad, aad other ttalaga aalde tna Ue I
and Dr. Bumnton eaitod. Soon aftac-:
_ gentle chriatlaa srtte
warda Ora. Garnw and GaunUm wuraj
wai to nfatmaa to tba bonowtat «f where the
«U boB a paay who Brnffad Etty prasidlng. hFwev^. and <«• day she
aummenwt -Thslr aasmtnatlcn ;
D<^ eBewyn^ gMlsErifa tevur ef Ae is|Wi iirSi'n iiif aiw wRqltomitotoitodtwr
aaau tor Urn Boetbs* hma. TUe touad that alt bU peratmal bdoagtogt; pr^ »bat dMtb wua praeUcally Inbumtoa kaaM to warp your coed ipdgmM.
tanlabae aUn taitber D^t aa tba pre
8be wcet to Uie atantanisus In both tissi, Thvsbs.rjff,
rr» PEMOCS RWimMiT FMOMSB, taaaam huadadt
Baditatad uagady tor K was aetdoaity bara where bla uavpeMdr tools were and pellM at e « took charge ef the:
Btoaaad aa tor back aa tha atraaie- kaplaad.ther. too. srereBlaMag. Un.
. BMt for tbb laaa. May t. aad la kn knowa to
Undertaker Andereen took ehavgtl
■ faecsd tofcbitoMa
devuud wtfe be bad sold
proba^ty be Mt with tUa Booay u au be owned aad Ml tor pant na- of the body af Gardner, while that ef
Bake tba total ttfpbwo.
kaoum. It waa statod that an oetrese Mra.'Gaidner waa taken ear* ef by UnifauraSaiM^rtriMirirfilnd ijSrar tMa aad budsm. 1
•gurad to toe egrainds but U the did
Mare Thiae Weafcs Apa.
kbydilBrdwi tonphaadniuiiliiBiMua, |irndirtnc“TMi
tbongb aaaa <d Ibe toally aaw Hr. she soon wait her own yref and be
Ohfdaar be was to tba elty throe drifted Into tbe aoldten borne at Ulay- Ita dctallt and the' raoUve evidently
oioBb a«B aad waa ooea and talked to ette. tod, betoc a votantoer to Com- dated back many yaara.
ptny I. One Hnadrad ^ PottyTROUBLE YEARS ADO.
by^apretal paniae who hare
Wb atom boybood. One ’«f then. A. atrrento todlana tofOatiT.
About hen ywre age Mr. and Hr*.
3. HBB. rasUtag at IM Mt Ntoih
Oorther naparatsd through aanw deatraat, aaw hiB ataadtog at tba aaqBiltoaaAesram liEilli giitiitliil Yam mmgito MN
mssUe dHBGuHy Md had net elnea'
(lOM to tba
livrt together. He dkpseed ef Ml hie
r*—» .-w.
KB I enr kks uignoi arauiY'Ot aJie leot oMelB at that Ume and IcR tor Ma.
b« be gnkmded that be dM not kaow I evoUnp
vien. IndlOha. later going te ufteyetta.
- Hr.
MHb veort aksto and
TM raMt wm the death iMlanUy lad, where be wm an bwiiBte la the
tod net ear aaythtog tanker bat a (eer of the nwcber er Mra. -ir-g-ii-t Hra. Btdieria haioe.
days later he amda met him at tbe | MaUWa Gartner, aged etu^ yMra. and Tbara bad baen trouble In yean
...............- ----Bimohaf tiitaed. Braarnn 4. Gtrtaer, a^ gbos by add thia ividesitly had aot
: PnatrtraalaBithMMr.Qardnww
baen torgMtin by either of the lator.
Proai Toeaday^ Record.
Tha nellva far the terrible detible


ooTTON mttoOKm

"thtnw store”
236 6. Trent St., Cnatrst Otf

Sherman & Jyunier

Soirnoa hu dwIopWi sorMlhlnfl MlnlMtr
bwtar Uuui th. oldwlyl. wrap. «r pipmp.



Julias Campbell, A^em,

Every Rod is Guaranteed Perfect




TkMr ai« Oo MB aad tbo >Upa
vtlk Tklek I as atpaoud to taea
ptnmM Jiaaaaw tot. UUakopoIMB OkUfVMM aU OBlr a VlTBtfO
MTOWtroBiAtUraBaibDatlse." Thit
- t. A

•M oa wea»^*n •mr Uw <MUr.
WkB* eraotni tnm a ■—Hgti to •
>ox cv ba Icat kb fteUig wd fed to
tbe nnad. Tfc* tnJU wm get»€ U •
U«h rau
V«d then but ladar k*
«U »et tUl iMBMtk the vheala
H« ttnek tk* sroasd vltb twrifle
fcK* a>d for ■ tlBC
Ut ftaallr rcTiTvd pair to Sad Uawelf!

owB tialP had game oa wltboat aotieto gthat be waa aHaalag.
Tbo lalawd bob knew that U he
laH wboro be waa be-BPoU dleofoaPanoagar irato No. I waa doe
iheHlr ao with todaKo pato be
Iraggod hlaaelf to a patch of white
« paaaawer trato w
d to got a tlgaal to ao*e
war to tbo eagtoeor. The train ran br
tbroa or tour leagthf and tl^BB atorood.
Ha wai plckod ap and takeo to White
doad aad later takeo to bla feowe la
Qraad Rapida oa No. I.
Ha waa aererolr braleed abnat tbe
bedr and bad a deep cM oa bla baiek.
> booea were brokeai and bo wtll rerer. Had be aot maaaged to get to
plaeo wboro bo eoaid haeo beed
«■ ^ aadoabU^ would bare
oltbor froaea to daaU or aoterad torribir dnrtog tbd olgbL

lacalB atraaefb ta tba. opaa air. A:
Tbo Herald aH iioeord Oo. baa }■
Mfc a«o her Atar.-H'ra. Hilo Wmak
of aaMoa
Boal^. Pa.. aiTtrod aad raatardaj <« Oopeateh bar* orgaaM the Oope^
™t pfoaral
aftarwooe Mta. mntea Starr of Oil- aalfh BaHaeaa Hea a aoaodatlea. W. eo«a rar *<*
PrtaciMla aad'
X nebOB. ......................................................................
eeiUer.of the Owaalobt riaborato —rirrtfii preaUBi.
imblaB- KH_ u.
Q aehool Uartera aboald aoe
tbeao oarir.
ef bar aerera IDoaoa. Tbo liamodlole bank.
Camllr are |bo pareau aad Ibeae two Baiwos. atauoa agwt aecroiarr. aad ^
atetora and a' bretbrr. Kor. who I1to« ftattaaaaler Oiaer. trcaaorer. Thinr
Oa« oapociallr Bd Mare 'ot the lead lag buriaoM mea bare
a tbo taet'tbat tbo doeeawd waa I ptlaed aa weU aa otboia.—Mlehlgaa In­
to bo warTtod to Hr. Oltoort ofireotor.
tbo Oowaglac High aebooL
Crarto^j^weat Po^ltea for Spotoal Attontlgi^Olvo* to Counti



and aboot woo raapbern-ptoata-----

—---------- --- ----------------- —. .r- .
r sr^i


■ ■


BaB Baildukc. Tiavme OI>r



Vou ganT
Sell Smut
TIk- annt crop in a riniric f^» Iffuwuit; Wntc lagt yt-ar
iniiBcrl B rii-t waa of fir<' mitiruu <loUara. Tea thoiiMMl
iU>lliiTa’ a-orth r,of high-glndo FonnaVlc^rrit. wtooU bare
jirvrfiitevl this. k
looa. FonuoUc^iytlc is a puritivc prevent-Ttivc of nil fnni3
'iiHtnia growlfeb—anitii on graiiia.aml) on
|iototo-«. <-U-. \Vc
We i>nv FomiaUclivtii- in origiiMl |Bck.
:igia <lirtvt
from Pnrke,
I’urfce, Dnvia & Co- ptarantee it to Ur
foilI ato-to.'tb
alfvniftb ami
uai tell it iat 50^ M pound.

S. E. WAIT & SONS, Druggists
•. E. Cor. Front and Union

Trwvwean City. Mtchlgan

TiwvsrM City Msrkpts.

Show Cases
For Sale

;:e •

Try a Herald Want Ad.

Scvpnil tRiotl allow cast*.
alsooUior fixtnrus for diaiJn}’
pQipooea for ^lo at a low
price, if bought at once.




Steinberg Br^

The i icrald anti Record Co. has just reoeiFed a

Elgin G. Lewis,

large line of samples of beautiful n1innirnfR|f^T

dub sebi con snows



Some very low is price, others more

elaborate cost more.


Principals and school teachers

should see these early-.

00 YOl^ IT8E


Olool Cwihe

Call at the Herald and Rec>

ord office and inspect the samples.

«icpiRioa —

'Bndhri't Caff mtal
-k- pound.

».o0 pur 100 Im.


etaUu IRmI
•1.30 pur 100 poopds

91.00 per iOO potuids.

Aliera*!*. .teuuiraaillta.m
AKTgO—HmM. iads*tr.oa.

IX tr

201 So. Union St.
226 E. Front St.

ASTeD-Mtedk- u-1 ladi. >tecte
ir)d««. of vv-d ad.1rM. IB <M.e

Ask a Painter.
^nSK the best house painter yon know about
•Fff “Shipman" I’urc White Lead.

Unless he can

prove that some other house paint is better, speci­
fy "Shipman" whep you paint.

«» ha true that there to notUto to
apton dlMattofactlOB either to the
. wsteaiatlva oatput of the Ostad
H. B.
■staa to a Banatoetortag-tfay or to
airiu to take tbe body .home.
OS ratorns secarad tor oar naa wage- tamed will knpalrad bealth. 'The task
Doha Jimea waa. before be bccniac
aanwa Umagh ow prasaat taiW of Uklag dtesaea of natle echolara aBletad, ooe of ibe nuist brllllani and
was her aBbliloa ootslde of tbe i
pnimlitog young aitoraeys la the cliy
abe iored asd thoagh her'heatlb waa of DetnH. Latl June be waa brougbl
feebla she uoght onlU a tew weaka to the local atyloiB where be bai atoce
ago. bto laal work being five leaaaaa been. HI* brother U editor of tbe Reto one day. -POr atotoan yean abe baa pnbUcan at leasing.
beee Che imlr dasghter at home
bwa laat yoar. baa no* boea dedtoltely the vacancy to the ba6c .by.ber
Dtalh of kUpIcton Fleitacr..
MttlM apoa but will probabty be the tog beyond la very great. In ebaiatter Jamas Meawky of Haplctun tor!
lattor part ef Jaly or the Bret pan ol Mtaa noDpooB was of ]^e calibre to fifty years a ptourcr and better known;
Aagato. probably Aag. 3. 'nteBeetlng oadear her to all. genlle abd kibd with u Captoto MeChitky, paaacd Sway ai'
atti ba belEte Potoakey this
tbe true efaristton qilrU which
4 o'clock Tnaaday inonUng after only a
Mayor A ^Frtedrk* of this dty and tbe predominant featare of ber lift (aw hours' lltnras of heart trouble^;
Omesa Lmleaa at Mnakegea.
though fab health has not been at aQ;
mot the
Ricgnl thi* winter
. #*n at Petoskey yaaterday to laake ntoaaa. In tbe year cf toe tortnallon
Jaacu MeCluaky was bom at Fmaof (be First PraabrtVtoB ■ efanreh
. Canada. In ISIS and
A Mg Haeeabae eaHbmtloa was b*d (IStt) she cBicred tier name to Juaeisart of Michigan wba but
te »aiaskv Mat eveatog. all toa au^ on tbe book with ber brolbar Roy aad' with bla parenu when- be grew up
MMiMfi teoto Jototog to. Mayor arofthUy ha* sbe borne lha task, being. with a love for toe broad waters which
PkMrieh was one of tba apBkecs oo heforw her aotiaiiea ta the eoeatewiwere bis daily slgbi tram hts borne
tba pcogtaa and dehvend a good tolk
active to the 8and»
| near Old Mlsaioa- He mlted the t«r
«.tbs erdar. Ua nklaeta, tte l>«
___ ^
I boats for i
what It has accoBpItobed aad wl
Fbr aeven moeths her boMth becan' to toe old
to toll aad dally she drove unUI (me eote before blm bad Uvad. He left a
day to January tba bona bacamc; widow wbo sna a aecond wife aad the
fri^teiwd and raa noma dlstoaca' following eblldran: Cton and Ada of
rtre MMRuaaa FretWht Conductor
twtMrly rmn
Mto aafi afh« it •« known bare. Ml ■tunpled It egeto. Her aetartog was! aidaa tba ttfldraa be toavue throe aial
MBW hla ttete betWMB Newaygo anfl light axeept tbrongb tbo exuwBe ax-i ten. Mre. Freely of Eto ftepMa. Mrs.
Mblta CM lato Monfiay attoraoim hanatkm waa Usktog ber streegth: Tremto <d KeHaaka aad Hr*. Jemed
fi^aea-atowaiy teJoTdd.
from day to day. Two wM
weeks ago ebe Oerlaad and Hre. John TWtmea. boU
Mo had metea oC the Unto and la-[lay down and never aroae from'toe bed i of tUa city. W. &
^dad to wak far tba oeboeas to ootea egeto. yet aba bapatelly looked tor- aoUed to pcavaiV. tb*
I» MR tte Jflte gm a dambla baeSar ward to tta aaHy onashita of
sprtog to bartM. Tba IMtaal^aQ
and tba apaed faamma too greet ao be tba thontti



A Ouamr<teo« Curo for Piles

ka MfaaM. U>ai ho baa toot bopa.
r. tUr 21Ttnto wU leave TrsTOrae CUr at
HI fcOwlTMotT h nil
<:00 a. to. Bee pootere. or ask agenu
Iho Baadaa aattea loiioada. oa his
for pruieolara.
H. F. Hoeller.
ht^ alMM Ibo aiUre Maio of a
C- P- A.
atrwia that hai oeat ailllMo ia
MMr IM thatwaalo ofllna
D Maatraaakr kaa baao eootaeUr
Sondar. May 14.
Moot Support WHO.
«aoUd. tbM bo I* miOig lata a itntRota. Um.
Sla vtUi a eortalatf of lofoat rtaitac Tbo dioorderir aad lun-otipport eato
Train will leare Trarerae City i
fetaa ia tbo thea. Ho kaova that hb of doogmlller ra. Seegmlller wfaleb baa :;3S a m. Sea poateni. or ask aaefUn
H. P. Moeller.
Me«o at* nadiadptlaod. bo kaowf
o r. A.
aad adjeorned. waa aolthat Ibo ooolpMBt U aol of the '
..... ............. , aflotaaOB at 6 o'clock Are You Ualrw Altofl'a Foet'Esawf
br a Jorr trial. Tbo ooae os proaenled br tbe people arao ainplr ooe of
Boooapport. Hta. Seegmlller teatifriKivaral arooad the frioadir eoabaeo tog that bar boabaad had
Botblag either to Boner «r tdothtog
of Ramab bai'Bi MW ao bo ar
Bnkla JHeraoa aged M yenra. the‘ loWBi. No tOBiar. d««lta the pablic atoeo thoir atairtase la Uarcli. The alatardadaw of Hoaea Bowennan of
Oty. died Friday momlac
iMliawhan of'tba caar, bo dooa-aol Inrr brongbt to a rerdks of "golHr at Sdiamli
at aa aarly ta^r of paralysto aad H. 1.
boa o« To«o aad gire batUo.
Carter waa called to prepare tbr re­
Oho of iboao dara, the two fleoti will tog the raapoadeat appeared at 10 main* for burial. ITie badr waa tokmi
o'clodt tor aenteiiee, luatlco NcrUngor to Waltoa and from there shipped to
ML BalootTOsakr boo and.
faralah a bond of Ratoea Oesicr. where the burial will
aia^iej aad the aad wUI aaOoat
place. Hr. Carter then took the
of' <100 eocb for two arparale lake
bo at bo 0000 lt.-Iloeartl.
(rala for tbU city when he waa Intertbe bond to aland tor good
eapted at Ktogaloy for a call at Sonn Carried.
harlor and sappot for three lacai tha. mlt City agato and be left the trslu
^ Ofopoaltfcw to boM the dtr lOr or take the alieniatlTe of throe mooi,tbi and totSi a Uvery rig. driving back tn|
] wHbln a Btle of where the Brat dealt
WMM for tawroreaxat aad park par- at Detroit. He waa token back to tbe
pcooi woo tavorod hr a larto pareoat- eoantr Jail to await tbo aarlval of bla. U K. Pollard had been borefi of
aca of tbo Ux partax ootora at ' btottaer. wbam be expecu wUI make
apodal aiaeUOB Taoodar. The total
•r loea, one osly a week odd.
aiiiRir « ootaa eaot waa <K. and oat
a were pleparod tor' burial
of 1^ aoMbor oalr U ootea won reaoNad agate* tbo piopesitioa. Six Charlaa Draebka of Mayfield town­
TMal WM thiowB oat bebw laprop- ship and Hlaa PTapoea Nemla. daaghHr. and Mia. F. Nemla of ttaU
artr teartad. R baa boea well knowa ter
Mlcblgaii aailna was
bead iaaao It tor tbo parpoae city were ualtod to marfiage by Rev.
6 destbs teceatly, oec
a( dlwalillai oar bdaatttel dorelop Pt. Bheshaa Monday Bontog at >
r afternoon at 3:S«
Mt aad the poopte of TiBooroo Cltr o-clott at St. FrancU cbarcb. They o'clock and the other os Saturday
attended by Tony Nemli. a Frank Osgood, a prominent farmer ..t
bare ooaa «t io meoantt the board
trada IMU weak br tb*r ootaa w brother oC the bHde. and Sttsa MoUte ady at the age 0 47 years, taavlng c
wife wbo was o er way taerc to l>c at
bedside. Sbe
SI arrived a tew hour*
after death bad token place. Wllltam
ored gowu and onnM caraatlona.
a promtoebt Haau of the tame
In tbs evantog a reeepttoa was glees Otonli.
k aad wkOa K war be •
town of the deceased, arrived with
at tba bane oftbe brtde'b toranu. U1 Mrs. Osgood and 'tbe remains were
liBWdid. It la a taro ttabw that tUa Saoimd sireaL The happy eoaple will pnpaied for tblpmeni by W. 8. Aider I
tbe taneral occurring on Monday
itfiaaalua of tba paepio trill ba of ma- Babe their home oa the texm c< tbe aca.
mder the auaplcea of tbe Masonic
a near Mayfield.
Ml awiUtabeo to iha board of trade
eider of wbleb'order the
I Ma «aik.
The other death ocoarred Satordv,
Mrs. De Carrie of Oaaway dying V
UaHad btataa IMa.
the eonaerrauar of nnaio at OUvet. an eariykonr. Her aoa. B. O. De Car­
ilOror tartp par eaW of the eatlre and noB the dtraei remit of----- rie. aiTlred Friday nigbt
night and
ipleted for Ue
iw« « UActim iMn^.
%v MJLC pisL-e m* St. IftaDClS cfal
sway Sunday ermtog at lfi:S0 p m. at Monday momtog. Bartel at Oskwood;
U ebotoe of her parento. Hr. and Hn.
laid. Qerautar. mM. Baaalaa. iialr. D. C 'Thanpeto. Mt Webster atroel.
of Hrt.
JlMia«aaaaiT aad lha oi^
Ftoronv Mildred -nuwapeon wi
itataa. tor tbo paar IMO. waa mUo born to Htoon. legbaa eoantr. In 1U2. paiaad ^**2 at her borne Soadsy
to tbo bdlte aad toetoriaa of oar oo« her paranu eontag to Tnvoroe Oiy aoratog at I o'cleck of old age. having
daaatrr, aad tbo pnatttiaa baa to- whan flhe waa n UtUe child, of five
sd' tbe aereoty-yeapold mil<^
reaxa. » H Bap be said that her life
r. Mrs. Otbom left two eons;
has faaaa apsat hen fto with the
Fred H. sun nafi Clnrlc Osborn. Bslrt<
eepUoD of her work at OUreL Sbe at- bem several slepooaa Tbe funeral
toaded the glly tcbc^ia graduaUag was beM Tneeday aftetaeoa
troM tbs loeal High Mbool to the
u cboaea as va
• aad to ahir did she


Iff. Bartie

condlUoe. Will aeU at a big --------- - IbforBaUan
.................- call at «S0 ;
For tbe eptnetcraLt C^rllile not to) j
Trareree Cttr' receipt of panx-blal : llrf a ladrjB.:'
led ISShOO.




1-ay Mercantile Co.




Have you |iromiR.vl to buy n pUiio this apriim f->r y<mr littltririorU.yf H»v,y<« Iwjtiinilliii;: lilt- mall, r off frmu limo
i willRo a
to time for om- ftsiron or Btortlu-ry It you bav
fxamiiie other p'iaiioa. then f
__ BMoy iiointa ..f exet-llenn- of the Kimlnll Piauca iu>d n
apiaaal off.-r of easy t.-niia. we are Burtt you will hav*- none other

ObBBto the factory waiwwois. make Toor dioi«- an'lsav.
imiiir)-: Wtr sell mioiy styK-s of many aak« ami »«• cun aatiaft
toa M to the the price iuul torma. If you only want to hivcet
• down. 9-i monthly. Thai.-hen- we have U-anliful cabinet
eibu^ for 1200. ^30, np to 9450. on our easy ervdit syeu-m.
it ^ys to buy at the ffiCto’y wwrooma.

KimballWusic douse
m. R Baratr,

.116 and 117 State Street
W.- m il kiMkefFWmlta.-liiii.ry. Ini|J<-m,.nto. Wogens, Bogi.ikI liiimcaa.

Big Spring


It is not an «n,Tilr«wii atotim.'ni wln-n *>■ fiy th.-ii ••KimUill
lhaim laui nil others ' With ih<> h-am.'l musiehins an.l nuissra of piano hujvta. ih.-y hwl in ihni rich. «w«v-t <|unlity of ton'
M> tweeufial for renih-riiie
:un! instrumi-riuj mu*ic in iln

is ooe of Ae eldest and best kso«ni •
Windmills. Sold under very best
guarantee—both Mill and Tower.
Every farmer knows the old
wood wheel windmill;
it viQ
last longer than any otbw lriod>
mill made. We alw sell Pomps.
Pipe, Fittings and Tanks. - ■

Jtt the Otp Book Store
W.ILL PAPERS thar range in price from 5c per
double roll upward^.
WINUflW SHADES from lOc upwards
SPORTING GOODS of all kinds and aa especially
strong line of Base Ball goods—tbe *)^)alding."
PICTURE FRAMES made to orderTroni 9 most com­
plete and surpassingly beautiful array of mould.


■ ■

0ity Book $toro

Fnurt. CnvoM Off, HU4-

thumW«.«av n. ties.



Kev SiMtsw for tte Aleon. Cv"
hM boosBt Too 8twW«jMrtT«M!
h«‘lke Chai^ of CkrIM. OfMd.B^Ui.!KM * VcABta nOraaS van
foot >M»«h. Bffli U we wm i*e ^
at LolwS. Tho Bfflr L. i> pnWiMlo*
the ant of Mar. thehawr
«w^ »«•«*•»*«>«•:
the Ww«o"^
w . BixAono oover BcHpoe easiAc' bdac Hafir B- HOI of WltUaBObaix Ur. J. F. HcOsln. C N. Wan. I- "S.
*! we laa Tcrrfaohoot.
jaaS H!» EoaJra ASa BoUh. teroadj. CaaSea U T. KIlBe. A. W. Bi^ ^
W. B. Mow. mmae CUr: 1.
of Northport, hot oow of On»d Bap- i
ThostocklioMen'aBaiua.oaitlBtof^ Ma. The bride U wen aad (antabir K. I ttibha. B. r. Paabbr, petraU.—
ibo Tnvane Cttr RoUroad eoopaay, kaowa at her oew hooe aa her laihor MW
waa hcW <* Thiuoday la the oSee of!at ow Use was paitorrf the ehoreh^


Saved hr OrMoha.

aad the ro»o«lB« named wnueow; tlremoa t

S itf tet annrM SB TUM nc^eelb. I raai;

Tboe. T. Balea. W. It Sbelb;.! death ooearred.
: no «o tees roo feel ae If «o(hiD« bat
Oseaell.H. P. HoahartT-J. pBiten. It It' Mr. aad Hra-HUI wilt notde la draamlte wo^ eon It. Z.T.Oraf0f
*• •• Meiheaar. W. B..,BU»aoi.
JoUai T. 1 of
«ood wtaboa Calhooa.
Ca, writn; •
rhteh kept her
^ Ilatmah.
aw^ nlabta. Two phrotcJoai coold
. not help............................- r. -------Sew Pin at Maida Cttr.
! wm Ope*. ftaaeri.
cooabe aad Odd., which-----------Kaple catr. Mich.. Mar ».-Tfce| „
rjo, of tbli elir U maktae
her Bleep, and flnWr eared
belldiu oecapled hr H. A. Johaaon a., „„po,«ioB« to opea SkeRcma* Point her.- '
Ur ochsilBc eon for li
La Grippe. At iohi
a meat oarks aad owned hr Johnwn
lor the
^ H. Mead.. 8. E. Walt A
\ * Wimas. wa. horned to the froood
hmlf war between Elk
^ ' McHvs.
prte<- 3Ae and fl W;
Ihla monilaa. Lou oa bulldlas StW. Rapid, and AMeo u>d U one of the
Trial ivktle
I OB seat marhet atoek $M. The loatci most ixvaUr In this mo<Hks, The
I were both fullr ooeered hr Ineoranee. hotel and annad. been araut)'
j p jton^n
Abtmd with the
{ It li eald that the Sre wa. ondoubt- Improved forlheeomin«y<»raadkS8.^,^'rt Turkey 1
dleuoeo telephone lasalled. The Friday,
p^dav. after belcn
belne pneentcd
by V. A.
4 o-elodc thif t
point I:
toV wooded penlawla
taf and when the diieorery waa nud' iweeo Elk and Roond lake, aod the;
the -boOdlBi wa. BO far pone that ii Bail Is brootbl each der by the Inlaod ;
Ispoaelble to wre It. Thta 1* the sleamer. Odd Fellow and BoIUlre leavClwrml for Action,
■eeond allefed loeondlary |b« hert ina »k BnptdA AMR, and BeUaL-e
la a very abort tUne.
i3ii It' by


Carpet Room Specials


ttkm wucb sean. that Sfty now
^wa. and aa many hcwai wUl be
beanused hr U>* addliton <T water

Klaailer. Hlch, Mar
While tIslUna at Monne Cwtor las algbt Dr.
8. Canr HUehmaa dropped dead at
•n of A. J. Wallae
«;». basrt trouble belna the eanee of
bit death.
Dr. HlaWsin ha. been ill for aose WellnHtoBan eoBpanr..hai'r«atoi)«'
'time and w^ to Haoroe -Center for bla poMUoB. the reslcaatlon to take ef­
the purpoaTof reoUna. He felt such fect June 1. He will he aneeeodM by
better thu oeual yeeterdar aad told H. W. Miller of Grand Bapidt. who b
Ue wife that be oerer felt better la bU already in the chy lookioc fora boiiae
life. He wa. all prepared to a® Oih- for bis family.
Ur. Wallace will w to St. Joseph to
inatodarDr. Hiodunas bai been In the rl- take ch.r*e of the bnalneu of his
.for the paal el^t fsbcr who died a ehort time a*o. Ill*
elBitr of
and ha^ bra praetIcing in the | father wa. one of the beet kaown lum;uia«» ter about fonryem. He would i bermea In the ctaie and left a hrye
hare been 41 yean old bad be ' ' ' ,! Insberinc nnd coal huelneet and Mr.
the twelfth of thit Donlb. He leaves Wallace will be at ihe head of
a wife, three Uroibert and one eletcr. He ha. lived In Ihe-clt/elnee the tmafaetory wa* eriablVhed here Is
The r«BBlBi wUI be lakea to Klnysim and and hU family havr
ley tor burial. '
many friends fae» who will be sorry
them SO. He will move aboul
Bre««M ts Aaylum.
Mlu Carrie Petereon cf. Stjllons the Sni of Juoe. . Mr. Wallace hat.
Bay. wboee trip to Ann Arbor In March been In the employ of the WcUi-HlgyreaUy beneSted her u tar a. her man company stace im.
Mr. Miller. hU auecessor. has been
phytoeal baaini -wa. ODueerapd. ar.
rired borne toet Friday but menially In the employ of ihe company for
Iwenly-flve years.

Work M the new Coa
ediSee la nhent SaUked in the In
larlor and all daoomtlaa of the wall, li
UMapmr^ wlU aotUna left but the
Utfdwood ftalah t» eomplate. It U
•Bpeeted that the etavd «tU be —
liMed by the laet of June.

panted by Mitt Anna Bolme. brooshl
the atylum where It Is hoped
■atmenl will otore beneflcUI.
For twelve yean Miss Peterson bss
buteted srilb the world as eeamsiresi
end with her parent* and all she held
dewr in the old eoonlry It waa hardly
wondered at that overwork and the
.train would prove
Two years iso her father arrived and
took up bla rosideaee lu the adopted
oouatry. His daushtar's malady was
cuted by worry over her health and It
was feared she would end her lUe tf
left to herself.

CImilition thh week 2,750
Born to Ur. and Mil. BWert MoUeo
of BaM OarSeU. a m.
Miw A. M. Cook and tasllr left
Wr aflamoos for LnConaor. WaW.
where Mr. Cook hae been located for

IH the Mth or Ar*fl

A ftw Tapwtry and Body Braaaeia. room dre. »al2 tL. pric^ to dose out...


main# and It It hsinc rapidly olgned by
the baslnea USB of the etto- ThsaubaeriptloB U tor the purpoee of bnytng
a msltable memsalo at a tokaa of duty
w«in performed. The amoual raised



Wnnio O. Campbell of this dty. who
hsa bota anperieieadeat of the electric
OfM ptoat at Mantoa. will lever hU
mmaeoUoa at Manum oa the 1«h of
tua moath. Hr. Campbell will ypend
a wash or two at hmne, in thU city,
after wMch he wUl go to Kelkatka.
m «
! Kalkaaka Electric
Ufkt aad Posrer eompony. KtlkaskA
haa recoatly toUanod a aew piaai of
% aad they win flad

Does Your
Heqrt Beat
Yet. 100,000 timefcdchfldy,
Does It Bead out (ood blood
orhBd'b^r YouUov, for
ffood blood to food beslib;
bid blood, bid bealth. Aod
you know preetoely «'bai to
uke lor bad Wood-Ayer’a
Stnapirilli. Doctors bave
endorsed h for 00 years.


Good quality Hemp Carpet tor............ ............................................................................. .-lie
18 inch Hemp Stair Carpet for.............
30c Jn^aacM

Be leduslrlnus. know his busi­
ness. Spend a little less than
be earns. Finn- bis Brings in
u safe depcalior/ at Interest and
sBceess awnlia him, ft.oo will
open 03 aeeo-m In o-ir Brings
deptrlmcnt. Interest compound­
ed fwlee a year. iLft-e lar crm.

Craotrst City StaU

Ife Mis sf f rites that
will suggest where to
bufwmcf prices that seem
all aut afprsparlha.
/•Camwf” $afs
If you Srsat a ftoud wr>rk
shoo, one that will wear aod Ia>
romfortabto. you wnnt to trj- n jmir
of FriPtlrich'a naiui-Mndo shoes.
Th^ always stuy soft and wear

Regular €uto$l.75lo $2
"Cdmmp” Saps
If you'n> loukinE for aomo.
tliinfT that wilt stand the himl
knocks of the “j-oungsters," twi a
»ir of Friedrich's Seaml.-ss Shoes
Ipr Boy*. Ho can't rip them it he
tries, nnd they trisl no moiv ’tiuui
other shore.

$1.25 to $2.00
That niedricti is offcriiu’
the best bargains in Wonx-n's
SIkx» that he ever beard of. Just
think ol Rood styk-s of shoes made
of gooil wearing tnaU-ruiI. for

: «hanu club. TbeTe wa. not a *L
■ IdIMarhanea.

ehW of ponce and head of tha Ttps-L
me City 8re department, has b'nn-'
Srads ef friend* to the city who will be
tint ts see him «« down and

Extra Quality 36 Inch Xu| Carpet, Good Patterns,

Young IDan


Worth donUe

u or the eleeh and
my of the mind. '

wMiih ittit^


N<-.Li«l™m,«»lto.lii»otpMto».................... .

U Uc •« >S.R

SfLOOKottinKhamlaoentrtuno, ^dendid lino and aental RDod pBttona.
Estn large Kottinghanlaoecartains for.......................................................... $lMftolr
Good aefvirablelngrdn Carpet, wide Bdootkm of eolofPBnd pattens..........t%cjt

AU wool fiUiito Ingram CaipeL niceliiKdpstlanuimdtxilorogs................... 5*cyd
~ Rope Portiere, good ones.......... ........................................ ...............................................|LM


-r,7FlWl«orHoC,,i>,dii»>. KoSdii. «l~bit...........*S,5«,Uc

talks,., -

-The cate of Mary Olsan ra. WUIlam
WWght tr Paradlaa lowniMp came up
to Jeadee Netflaiam eoart at •:»
Ins tor the reception of President
^itoik Friday momlni and Uie
■pwdcnt after eonaaltaUea with hU Rooaerctt. -who reached CbIcasD at
aaoraay, j. W. TmuMn. pleedod snUi; noon over the Kortbweitem
whdfdi was amnyed
^ waa docked yt« ea a flee andtSa.
.from noon Ull mldslsht when be will
j leave tor WashtosimL toeluded a rrtoenrit B. HoUey reoelTea flae ad- cepilon at different plaeea. notable
dttkm WbU lasonDeetloii rranUy, an amy tbmn betog a baaqaet tendered
by the Iroquois club, the mout powe^;
Iflak liff Ms itot -mt
wUa' It baa Uto'wual harp Oi a ful orgnnlaatloo ooUldc of Hew Tork.
oeantottpoundW the Onion Jack
Strike condiUone were mrmal Otlt
itopeara to one oomar. It wa* woren | Bomlns. the labor leader* toini!
to Older In one of the torsm Hhw; the strikers to remain peaeetol.
mills In Belfnst. IroltM.
j .trike Itoder* suted this Bomlng that
lid endearor to
The Trareesa City Ortrlns Par* as- they
anMHKm has decided to sire a matl- BoMerMt this afteniooi
^ M W^aeaday. June it. tor the to madtou le the strike. But shortly
ks^ «ihe atou O. A. R.
rntn. All toeal horse owners are pre-. plan 10 uee the jirettdem saylay
pnrlns thetr beraee and seUlas thest. no pwd would come.
, President Booaev^t has. dselared he
to •!« ciaa* shape. VadouUedly thU
. wBl not ho a candidate tor reolectlon.
«U bo • good maUnee a; the track U
dtew m mto ffrst elau shane aad PreeldeBt Boooerejt was cheered


Hplendid line trf poltoans in an escdleni quality d velvet carpet,

$L19 and $1.00
*Xswmp** Saps
That Friedrich's is the otiy
place tor baigaius that arv‘ saus-

Womeas OiforJs I black
LiUlii Gants' Shoes

.. SOc

Our Clothing Our Druj^


Prides itself on the up-to-dateness of the
stock, and the people if they want the i
most stylish of men's furnishing they
come here. In the hat question we surely
lead, for no more stylish hat is made than
the Knox and these we show in all the
newest shapes, both derby and softjJiBis
and these you know sell fur $-5.00. If you^
want a hat not so expensive, yet just as
stylbh; buy the Beacon; (they are made
by the Knox people.)

Our great specialty is filling prescripT
tions.- Quality, accuracy and skill are
more important than price. We sell to
the rightness of a prescription' first, then
make our charges as reasonable as pos'Sible.
This is what we are in the drug busi­
ness for. and any one who entrusts a pre­
scription to our care nted have no f^r
of ift not being filled as your physician
writes it. with the purest of drugs at the
fairest of prices. Only Registered phar*

The shirt question is quickly solved
here. We carry three grades, $1:00,
Sl -50 and S2.00, and in each grade you
will hod a complete stock in each size, macists employed in our prescription defrom 14 to 18. and the patterns are so : partnent. Prescriptiojts delivered to any
new and attractive you will be tempted to ; part of the city at any hour of the day,
buy three instead of one.
i from 7 a. m. till 9:30 p. m.. and Sundays
When you want neckwear. i and where ; from 9 a. m. till 1 p. m,. and from 2:80
is the man. no. matter what age. from ; till 6 p. m. _
eighteen to eighty, wh^ does hot want
new tiesi, you make a line for our store i This is the “Ideal Drug Store" of the
and find the very newest in all late styles, : state. Matte it your stopping place. Reajid just what you want, and you pay 25c 1 member it is the northeast comer of
or $2.00, as you choose*
1 Frqnt aod Union streets.

Women's Ser»^ Slipp. ra 2SC

Seller of Uooit Shoes.

vAvkmsk oitv, smiom.



Grand Traverse Region.
H»7 <. IMS.
Mn. John Shtir, Brt. Wolf ud B«S«*1l€Att*«ram>me Otyeatton
■r. Md rMt. Btit Carpenter «sd
cfelUtW <«IM on a Wood and taallr
«ne dar ia»i week,
Vmrr Brick*’ cd Isdlaiia la riaUiai
kfa Mer. Vn. B. WllHama
MX*- Bejrao«« ot TraTerie CUr »M
a cnBer b <mr sctsbtaorbood PHdar.

worktaKfwnmak BnUon.
Hn. Umtj Ttlna rliltad
:8eeleri SunnUr.

Mra. JoBa WUaen H '
ba* ban TfcHtor txr

____ _____«Jed“i£ei7
___ fim 11*

ifaoeral « d tbair daa^ter Gertie, who
•LElAMb. ■
iPeuvIruiiB lor u ext<«a*a yfm
Marl IMS. idted Thi
Mar 1 IMS.
Kn-iTUb Mcods and relsUrifc
Min Mlaa Green <d Bbenaaa, ar-1 tbn.
MrL. tuae
tiaae Orar of Blaibam
U t1»] Ombe Dolberg of Lak* Otr a»wt
__ .
wpanled br bar Meter, Mn. »h' KRtr Hdoaa Ic tavroriaa.
ion ibt*
Bandar Tltb hit parent*.
*■1 Bar. P. bblebeiT retard tnno i Bwarta. o( Atbenk tlelicd at B. Oai> 1 \*l«er Baran tt bsitdtBc a boaae op
Hr. and Mr*. U. P. Bonae. a
a^Trarew CUr TbarMar‘ penterM the past tceek.
i bb tam neat of ton.
gll^.are aaaU b oar »M
*Mra. noR ■gfaeman taoved to Tar j talnan Bran ns la io«a>BatarOtr caller Toetdar. retandsf the tie Lake last rvm. .ns« mu ran tbeidar.
« for the Andersca Uin-;
me ercGlac.
' boaidbs '
Mra DpLooc ba* laovcd oa^Hn. I her Oo.
Btraat-, farm I* tbe sdbio*. i
; C. & 1
Bor Mbs of Cedar caUed ben tUi s ibb w««k to woTk i
' Aa Ice c
B. ^VPickerd west to N«tbpoit Pri- Hoadar e

SoTin. i.n.1. tn, tu.
place atteaded a partr at Mn. Asncs
kalcbt-B Ttaoradar algbL
Mrs. ^er Bers of SdhoiBbefs was! ‘HaHey K#«*r wiat to TRTcrae City *« oeatt.
flarrtoea at the charMi were eosI ion Tboraday.
to wo?lc last Mcaday.
daeted br aoBbera e( the conpapa- le past nek as the resalt -.
a Mllwaakee.: Praak SalVon b eoaralcsceai St this ! C. Btabarr ot PniiY w
a aa old poUto book, vbleb
Uon U the abeaaee ot a BblMar.
death et her.wrillns.
Us ted
foot at
St tbe
the btl^
r Ha*el: ““k*** ■
HMi BdJtb OibM aad Prtd. Hdcnsbr, tbroosb1 U*
Mbs Bibel HbMuw will teed b1 A. Allea. w«r aad dadUiler-------returaed la*t|
leasae Soadar alshL Topic. -Tbel left for BoillrUle Pridar tp at(«d tbe nr tbe'■arrted ■
or Tnearee CUr eMtod at Mr. Addle HU* Marie Manhoo
TborMar tern a ti ireMti' vltli with;
Hakfas of a Christian: HI* l!m*l.e.-:-------- ------------------------------------------ 1----Mieb.
friend* at Peterrll..............
Mar 1 IMS. I Cbarle* Pease- ef Trr' The Ladle,- AM *«1*U.
n a few days « b U* bititber R
<^ai-UI» place.
y,., mii’uit WedMU.
> Al.melb SbeS*
. doha Puklpher. All report a veo’ Mr Nlarlc of Fon Wayne. lad,
ler *Ut*. Mra, C
Marl IMS.
^py time,
anre fifty preaeat. ffa ion Iasi Toesdar.
Marl IMS.
Ten«ent poutoes dMY make binl
' Mtr. Mr. SMUOf.
n>r. the newljr ap. fM reiy lirelr.
cake WB* •emd..'Ur
TarriSe Race With Death.
the lAetanas BranS?iJ?N.aii. o,iu«. u.------ w.: — <•!»
Loab BRBeb expseu to opes th
darsiter Betiaa knew
, *-Deaib
Dock lake resort this vaMc.
____ len.ertalB tl ' , , .
longforj^rtle "
H. C. Bureb ts aettlop tbe casolbe
meetbn. Mr*. UrcU Ab»-; pu..
fearful riaaDeb,be parebiMd W O. U Johnson ^r to pat on BUrer take tbe
Bnn'ah^ ^2fl“TlS^
jibBdd and aeqaatetaneea «boa be
. We goateiU-e to ctmBUrd aad faallr vest to New
ch cb b
.fIJ. ti.^
PMtor. Rev IUmcj. la*, bai tried tniuir dlSercai doco
dociora and
.--«JMaes. b...t col
a.. benefii,
Heetdacbca. t$ t ra i grli t (• n
to Wta. Wezfoid todar to look the leeatieo
M rm
Si', „
Elect. ■ Biu.r.:
BritU'e tklt opralBc to attend Iltue' orer. Mr. Baird Is SpirtBt a IKUe on
Cross E]bP aad Raatonbaa bfoaoUtU.
Periect Vision bjr the oac
■ .Mr aiirWje. Cbaa. Nevtnan called ; rerr sbwlr reeoreriac. Her niaar
'■ y-’-b’s Ior[to.J,y lunenrnl of ,11 mr iniublc.of our rpeeial gimnd Imam
an aaxlooi tor the tine to
bare been i Meadi
come when tber bope M eee her boat
.........p. Depor-J
ate^ Mrs. Fmeht
Arsold aad Maad TanKeppM. MarHelabab and Clarton Ueas of
b^gtOb NawMih was oat
took tbe...............
The del.«aikm of Aan Artor clUtcgs
srade laa^eUi at Moo< for tbe M^tb
aad tbe represcaiaUve* of tbe nta
« Oealer.
company haro boee' dolae tome tall
_ar (. IMS.
.he left
j_T1n Udles’ AM loeletr wui meet
Aa Easter renoost of a Beaton Htr- ^ ,5*. on ,j,e i,)ii ^ pcable the riiy to ac- *
May S. IMS,
'nmadar aftenunn at tbe boiae at
Bretbere n» tb" »>* putor for the ladle* to rea.ore|quirp ,h« prrernt ni.r eoopiayf '
UR.-Kld>ard Merabell.
Mn. jBo.Leddy.: tbeir bab. tbowsYbe MmpUrtiy »f the ^ pmn.
m w one.’ The
WUt* CmutbcbeB bis retaqied
.. water
- * t t I « t I t I f It S
ft Batea,4taodar
Bate*b4iaadar and Wedaeaday.
[ a few dday* laa. wpe
ordbary minister. Ho evoBr said
“•d ; ....rt...
a^fpeopto are fiKblfOB Ihc bill »cd ; • Mu Averr aiiendM tbe examlaa- Hlu
Mn Seeler aad iWBllr of Wasted
• oifered to compromUe on e mbUnuiB • Intetcpl (ocMt.
DepoMts aisy*
at WIIlbinabDrg Tbaraday and borne
*--------et Onad Rapid* after an i^ytead- "ple**--'
rMtM here orer Baadar wltb Mrs.
' price or
of «80.Bno,
Stso.ono, bul
bet Ibl.
ibl, wes
was bughed
l^hed « pouadwisoini.
rbit wltb Mr. Jaa Bbe.
. ooaf;;^,^ oannot be Cured
be vithdniwii *
Sol Loaaer ww don firorn KUkaeka
one day bat weak.
Hr. and Mra. A. O. PUrbankt were
. twpadioTnme^itf.
» allowed oa
•unel W.. KlIpatAek - «t Bobth don troD TRTcrae City tbb week.
*bont aad laamy over suoaay
BmAba tm». whre.h^
Mr. 0. C, and Hr*. Orlia Pray ybBeShaii Jb* besB eallbt oa oM
^ M.*^tou‘u*°^rare^' ber
Blood poiaon crec’pi ap toward the, *
■ny day.
Red a^ool Wednasday afternoon.
Mr. and Hn. Fred ATerr and Bbacfa,
atteaded tba "alas- at Hr. Beckwith-*
last Friday erenlas.
Bd LetaoB arfd tarally of KlnR*ley!!sr:ia'.^iS.g!^J!*ffW*!l!ti!^r!!!iS^^’- which sw-elltHl n^llkv blood po'.aon'iDs!. ** H S Hull President:
Another danoe at MadJeoa-* Friday
A. V. Friedrich and Chas. Wilbdm. •
were Rueau of hli mother,
- ; J.M.HadlmaBtel.*
J.l- - ••
Dr, Bnaee wu called Batarday night Leuos. orer Sundar.
. .......................
O. Crotaer,. Dr. H. B. Gamer. Benj. lliiri. •
O. A. CUrk returaed to Cadillac
to stteod Hn. Seeby.
BCd ri-res. tSc alJolinson Ilrug Co, T • hv,
ns* Wbaifred Boaiaitf rlelted b*
CHS Cook mad Mb* Ere Tharbll Monday, after apendlng Snaday wltb c*Rmbn.tiw._______
liy, G«». W.. Lordu-,
Ludie, F. C. Desinood. Win. London.

bit wife.
Mtt* Babdar. Sbe rettira»to Hods* rUUed al Ftef Avery-* Buaday.
BOi ti
Mra. Qeorsc Kimball baa Ronc 10 SS'syMpnWare tbs t
- Mu Arery aad Aebley Pny are
Sapdar eraabt.
rt * 11111111111 f 11111* 1111111 r


Coosstt an Eye SpectaUstftr

Ere TronUes

“ rsr.


Dr. P. A. Wolfe,


Dr. B.L.Paulsiiii.

I „^i7o,?;?S.g.,

WHhoirt HoOce 5


ST 5' ^

Ve bought exceedingly heavy for the spring tirade, ^nd find that our floor space is taxed bsyond its capacity in handling the stock, so forj^e next few days we
i^II offer all heavy furniture at a liberal discount. This discountln connection with oui^regular low prices is an offer that furniture buyers cannot afford to
look. You do not need the cash to buy goods here. The fact that we are seliin^t a discount for a few days does not effect your credit—tha^ is always
I hero.



A fiMoftaient,
fill EnwUs. 9HitAinii«
nneof the beetT^.
«ee enr cSerad. A.
hr^ rooipy, 6 dnw.
«. fiutaM in
oUu only....$8.76

Coold yoo nee an extra
bed? If ^ donH ful |
to take advantage of the
Doet oomplete and bugcot etook ever shown in
the city. From S2.S5
to $26.00.

Obi? $1*75


DobH foiget to kiok

imik Salt*


Indoding all the lat­
u-rns iti^this seaaon's
goods from the dicapGst hemp to the very
best AxniiDSters.
Buji^ for onr three
large stores os weD
as for the wholesale trade enabled ns to get a iirioe w»y
bdow the smaller dealers.

Baat Sau


Bten Caaking

ing all sites in throw ngs tnd
OTerylhing in Art Squares aad Boom Siro Rogfi-

Far a CampT

bracket lamp complete with
ri-fle<«tor, at

From S3.76 op.


to the very best parior
lamp at 114.00


» OI«x. Kite mm


We can

make you a rug any aiae yon wish.

I yon want, from a good

BMCh IDHigcrf

This low price Latefif K«»

the costomcr.

can show yuu^jost what

Sereiel diffoent atyka to

to pay.

est designs and put-

aseoriinent is gnotest. We

from $3.00 up.

whatyoowaolfor jntt what yon 1


If BO, come here where the

IDasbiag Ittaehinft*

A good tnb wringer only fLSO .

Small Payment DMPn

A. large Assortment Yon can find inst


Contributes more toward man’s
comfort than nny other piece of
-fnniitare. We . have the good
kind. A good, widl made, full
\uBL- mattresa, good quality of


Just received another big shipment
of edtiches, al! styles, all prices, from
a good grade, well made couch, up­
holstered in velour at $4.75, to best
steel constructed, genuine leather.

Is a perplexing qnestion. Let
ta solte ii for yon. Get n wUi-el .
chuir. one tlmt will l< t the child
down to the floor, so that the
little cme can he left nlutie in
the room with pe^ect saf«‘ty.
We have a full line at lowi-sl

B Baad matin**

AH s^lee and d

e^Hiate and eevef0.are from
broken emtee. WcwiUokm
then oat at jnst their Botaal

Blab eitpbaard* and

Baby-* Blab ebair

Iran Bad*


We have doaene of odd oomnodee. Some were bos^t


Oil eiotbj maftiitfl and
In aU gisdto and widths. Wo cany Liooleiim 12 ft. wide
and can cover an ordinary site room witb^t ■eems.

lo CarpeU, OO CWb,

«.d linolenn U fe- tl««

Easy Payments

Ttalted to Araw' tatoer. Joha Ue.
tlMlly wtottod at Ba"^jSSesTHoyt istarsed yeatsnlay
Mora, to Nr. had Mrs. Albert Boto *Ma Crlfpeal Mat
'Zs^iSbm Tialted har'parcata at Dob a trip to Rase Cay and aerarsi
nsratee Oty tnwr today, reteratet other palau to the saadhreh portloa
of (he staU. Ba saya that be saw toe
toTBers eeUtod poiatoee at tea eaau
per bMhel wlthto tweety ailee tH To­
ledo. O.
Mt Itoraday for to Oraad Rapids.
ThoBBS Oioeaeto U taanitoc (he art
Mis. Fraafc Hardy of Tisrem Cly
of prtottoc. He U wnrhlag to the erfWtad relallree here last-----^
Bee of toe Ldetoaan Newt.
His. May ~
—HlB Bla Petereoa U toe toleet dark
Hire ofih*----------------.
The Uadles' Aid <4 Ormat tosreh to Bahia's store.
Ml3>Ultle MeOartr ap«t today
Mrs. K. i. Ctoilt. who has beeo rls..jet at toe boex of Mrs. Qeo. Ooddard
waWlrs. wm Prtlea.
Htoc her BOB Prank..............
!T hose to Grid yeeterdny.

*7«%£?ifesUc»,~ ............


Mrs,- Oehon died 8atarday al|bt at



Pinhtoc eeenu to he the order of toe
report a soed time, ton not

day MysTPoon at toeehnreh.
■naa Clato U aerloaaly ill.
H9, IF..M
W..& Bauy
BU aad WUda rlslud

toieae aa aeoUml
Two mBUhi AmmfmM aAr toe
in her laUmony to her dinwte CBM
0 U pwpBiod ter h.! MrtPTtopNapsof U iiMh. ftohaai
BMtost VUhaw H. Phtltog to Otoi^' \
eeirfe OO—Moaanh u. Bardeek BMod fBQMS cares. At
Saptds.Fto»SBeeFallto*dee!ared^ \
a is •^ptaa at her heshaad coBpeUrd her to comply
I <4 Bose CBy tost Monday. Bdwaid Hlsworth, tbs
.. .. Lnais B. Bates took to the ax-:s«||^po«(4alhe waUoftoairbed-icaniht Bsrs than WO troat to toe;
vbo was tnaShaa
eustoB to Ttaeerw Oiy 8w>^. M>:
that toe had to road th«n ’ rtrnnBa wUhta the edrpgrnte llBlis.!Bton7 klltod to Vetdan, lU, tooft
___ __
_____da^hter. Mrs. Archie Salto.:
tooraiBg spoB artstog. One <41 rangtog fu tlx toehw Mag te acre: time ato. la ahowtog gradtol totptoew
Mr. Stowe of Uhe M Is bo beueri
pRtoltdtsd her rtsItlBg her a»to-< than a pound liTwetght.. Mrs. W.
Dr. P. S. WQson reports that
St toU wrtittc.
toe lip nod toee.
I *r: another that she BBSl obey hlB to Perkins, toe chaBptaa Aahefwoama. BUsworto cannot ra speak or wrttn
ererrtolng be eoBBaiidod. Mrs. Pall-]landed 2A
He Is showtog sigm that todmie boti
' '
powers will iwtors. The cnee is end
ml b
(TOB Indk tog BBS graatod a deeroa.
Prank Bnua has retonml
has; Cooghf and eokts. down to tha rery: gg aiuch toteeest to physMaas, Dr.
1^ rtslt with
ana. where he baa
and twtoUret.
o( ioe.1 S^1Stofn/hMSnS2i<^i?
________________ T Of a new
At a Beetlag Friday ot-l Woods Norway Pine eyrap.
, Imra aU <0*00 ae a chOd wtPBM.
cow and ealf. boaght of-Mr. Lewis. Me
aleo ban a «ne IllUe eoh.
Mrs. 8nm Hyen nnd rnmily drare Carpenter aad the mayor. 4C lloanr
orer to Cedar Rsn to eee her nothef. bonds died with -CKy Beeoedcr Jflsner'
Hra.*Hnrrey. Snialday.
Miss Nina Mvers esme bom* Dob were eonsldeiwd. and of the Bomber
StomsSntcjday eroBtog. retnratog only IT were nppeored. the *hets be-,
teg rejeeted becuie snrctlea ware not |
Hies UUton Cray cbbc home
propntyrholdcrt to the es-:
Bast Lake Soaday fin toe secwisloa to.'
Ttalt with he- nareria.
! taat «f W.000. allhoogh toa majortty ;
known to bare rash to toalj
i(. emoonkeepers with only twor
CK toe toth .qoano
before the new ttscal year are!
he Long Ltoe and Oarfleld ‘^dvidays
} and suitable I
, be held at tbei
rrleods ehareh. Loeg L«ke. SatSrday. j
],gTe to close totor >

nt- ths Arnslrenc

ay Uth. itat.


Mias Clartaaa Kaapp rtsUed at the
*OB« of D. P. Taylor Bnnday. Jnstns Knapp went to PlnahtoK laat
Monday to work tola aummer. He
___ ____ ley aad B. T. Pisy wc
thinks tbeiw It not wort eooach here.
Wi pMcaU TrsTarse Cfty Betorday.
Chcaley Bw^s^fln^ed hU eeaMra. M. TboBas of Adaaa. N. T,
l?U MUl aerieiulr tU. ^ Mrs. B. T. Pmy wlshad rdr-—
iohn Polkprsion has awred on By• BtMicaarT r«U7 •« a TrererM Civ tost wedi.
loo Hsietfs Oreenwood lara and wOl
____ » FHdw atlOTBOO*.
Ashler Pray aad Max Arery ai
work for Hr. Hnleit
Ii KmW «t Tnvww CIV Ibc palp wood Ibr Prank Bntto
Bom. to Mr. nad Mrs. Ixaey. n boy.
wSTad&M. KvcnroM >■
Hr. nnd Mrs. A. 8. Prsy rUlled reP
. 'I
^’%'Bpiriifth IMCM »IU ot
Urea at Batea two*dayt last we '
“*^M^Iri*‘Lsloa at 10 o'eloto
“■» Cwn‘“^
iWtmur SoaAkr vlih » •
Ora Fairbanks was down orci
; clubs. notlSed that they wlU require
nomber of oar nelgb- StSTaevIce. led by Mrs. ftiley.
day froo Central Lake, where he is
Bute. «rmiuPrayer, w. A. Hrers
\ Dgoor lleeBses. hare so far IgBored the ]
bon in Trarerwe■ CIV Tuesday on bus«tll COBBMn «t 7 O'clock. «w woritlns St toe well boslpeea.
Words or wekome B. 7. Bar
1' mayor's ■
tlBo, A mHIoI IMtatloa to atoodod
Mas Arerr attended the elthto
-Reaptmse. Miss Alice BueU.
Mey (. IIM.
Sol Loster <d Kalkaska war In
HeaRlv Hethara.
Mr. aad HN. Squires bare arrlred L. Requa.
rtghborbood one dor Inn wsek.
niwayn keep In good
Dlseraalto._l«^by Mra^Altman. __ ^ Mothers tbouldThey
Hik. A. «r'PnlrhB»ks ^iwd rato- from Imaabg to lire on toclr (arm
owe It to tbeir
B this anil
tlrm here a few .day* tost week, re­
It Is DO onuxiinl right
O. Ittman ts <ome back to Mich- C^eetkm.
turning home to Trarerae Oty the Sib.
«W7 Knlu to vUittof Ur
her. with babe to arms.
Reports and election.
igu °
Mn. r. VtokoeUi.
aad exhlMUng^
Bnaket dinner.
air. mt Ml*, ma auimob
Chat. Oleodeimlag Is rawing Inmber years In VIrgtoto. and rays 1
____ .mptoms <4 s cot__.
Is a good enoagh place for bii
to oitof qy m4 M«l*e Gltr J'rtdw
deney. And why should this dangsioui
toTOdonal. led by f. B. torney.
Mn. H. Browa made the trip to E
*^*E%rob£«ri<5d«d two rare wiu
-Raising toe Standard tn the Snn**«SS^%i*to«an. wu* w «
lumber Inst week, eonslcned to Pnller
dv School and Cbnrch.- Her. E. L. German Syrup would put a atop to it,
ABdmBdred c«m to tnn Tr«*e
A Bice. Graad Rapids.
ay IMI mdiir lo raatla nnUI H
once? No moilicr toonW be with.;
Qeo. B Pray of Trarerwe Citr rtoa is working (or Otto DeaeripUre talk <m trip to Jents- ...................
Ashed troQt here a
" •
itad iwtoUres aad...........................
....... reO^
sleB. Mra. J. W. Mllllkea
Sbaldo. «ho has bece verr in
bouse—tor lu timely use will promplRobert Barney. Prerident.
stee* Itoc 4«alh o( hto vlfe. to soaeai or bronchial
ly cure any lung, throat
WelltogUB Hauertrouble In berscif or ber
•r cbll>'
'^I’^olski hM latohad plwterHim Htonle Brown wak heme from
---------------------t worm cough or cold can bee speedily I
to toe I Empire, where she U teatotag. to rlslt
ThonvUle pe^e are kicking to toe I Clued by German Byrup:
**John Horan of Kalkatka
, her parents.
neighborhood one daydnet week.
Florence Beraard to wetWag Tor
Mra. Browa.
Hr toman expoeu to make a buai- eloelog of the poitoaee, with the re | refrmblng .yetf to the cough-racked
^Aahor Atktoaon <4 WcM K
sess trip to ■ftareree CIV TneedSy.
suit thrt'the place would be killed | eoaaomptire. New trial bottles. 8Sc;
Mtp. OeeMand of Trarerae Oty
K. A. Nehoo to Snlabtog hU hoi
paid bit brother md a vtoli <a
Mra. HOI
Tlslttog bm- alstar. Hi
(or boalneee and aoetol life.
1 Jr^^***
rale by 8. E. Walt
‘"ng on her o9< neighbors.
Frank Bolton nnd John^lortoo, two * “*•
Jaeoby «ana<U» Frank Mikola
r aad Mn. '
nsndv aOanooe aad took a——
boys aged Mmt 1* years, have beea
,_tord vesterdi .
May 8. IMf.
'nmal <4 Mr_ Wilson'
arrested for looting cottages pn the:
Frank Tltkcehn
Joe Herman to putting up n Si
shore of Park lake bAtoglng to Lanto Cedar*? r mceBUy.
Mrs. torts of.WexIOrd rtnltod her one wall for to Oeerby.
a PetetaoB A On., enr Aihemen. Mag resoriers. DoUao was no sooner
er. Mrs. Braaebridge. Saturday
bebiod toe bars than be dereloped a
Kraim A Larwai will, to a few days,
have all tbeir raw logs about toelr ease of diphtheria, and drove the
toerUf nad hit family out. as well
ttodtaA'I^A cut. turn a few days NetUe SUndtob to working to Trar- mill turned Into lumber.
Louis Johnson. Jr., who was vcv the prisoners.
.’*Ste%ttofbc^wwi toBk
H«meomceTnTenea(]r.Xlc0. lues it cata Creek. Ailait
"iltei Lola Johnson came home from alto last week, to reported to be to toe
Idai&tlMdv\e Tlelt tMUraa.
Bbermnn Friday night and found a
KAAiLV oeaoEa
to TrarerM 43(7 boose full of yonng people walling to
MW wDl h# another box soctol at
Good Hnrbcw nebortboy
wntoome her. Theiy spent a plmiut
liBfcl Trir n was to town FH- erwlng to rtsittog. gamee aad eating
^oeeedi an to go towards the pnrfc,soflkr was «owa (roaa Trav- **?■ Harper to hartog a new hem ehaatog <4 an organ (Or the tcAooL We
Which Is ..
Fc4tT known oit* k<li;r«. tW«>r Plant in operation.
hope ererytoe to al^l nnd oat <4 Ml
M q^fTMu OB bastoeML
lo toe opinloas of your teflow
soda fmratoto batu opsra- *^torrowi to prwpartog to btdld a will be praeem. with (heobleetofmi
of people you know, or i*kltoh^ The maaon to there laying tog tola event one grand snec*
stntemrnts made hy.uUrr
imdies bring tbs btoce: genttom
reeliHog In far«wny ptocesT Reed
^ikI fo
efS'Bk Mwdar. He oKpaeti ' ^ram churA AU met with Mrs. fetch the doHars.
Henv •WIchrm. the LMand saw n
T till In bara for a tew weeks.
itriir gro-1
Goddard lasi Wednmdar.
A. D. 1905.
Lyon, dealer in cho
Vetd was reeetred here fitn h
savs: -liuMo'd,
The "Help Band" met with Mrs. An. was a caller bere yesterday.
•s. 448 K. Front sli
10k OsBUr this ertoitog of the sodden Harrcy last Thesday. The nest meet­ Tbe potato market eloeed bere
eonsidernbly troul
rtH nenWa^KpHtins
* - i« Dr. C 8. Htochman at that ing will be bMd nt Mrs. Robertaoo's.
te per busbel, while the bigfaeat price back and thonght It wa
nbuK. Ific estht
Mr. WlKAman bad been lU
•* torts wont to Monroe C«ias tbe peln was ■
tola et (he b^ tor eareral
and ttoi cento (Ipfemtl nnd to be paid from dirideuda. Ko Ails
• to take the 8to
gans are located
loan thM 50 ohunm.
knew pert
C. Drake aad sen Ooorie vi
KWnev Pii
' ■■toam CtoUr (or a <nalt. when 1
rw Bnaday srito relatives bere.
Mra. Chrrie McCombs wUI lead the
. to ItaATtlln. tod., where the ~ West Onion leagoe next Snnday c—
Act promptty. Price* gnbieet to ndrance at any time
aarTteoewUlbeheid rrtday. h
A parv of four, governor en.
witfaont notice.
ployees prated tonugh here Thursday
pan has the BTapothr «f d tort*
in Sonib HnnUou. where sorted to Doan's Kidney Ptlls, b
ai rnrtlkn >jt mH ^
11 lh,-lr ristm>
.HMwraM^ wife Mi Sanday
May 8. IMA. they wUl Bake lome Improveipe— In vain. After this experience 1
' ‘
they , will oonHr. and Mrs. J. Btnahaa of Hsndci tn ton lightoonse there.
gUd to adrlse tbeir use to etoen li
Lulu LarnBoe. Ailee Day and AI
sen were tolled here last toeto by (be
need of a good kidney medicine."
Maaorta) da: aerions tUaese of toelr danghier. Mrs. Milllngtto attended toe Jlh grade
e by all dealer
1211 East Front Stnvt
Traverae Citjr. HidL
this year. AtneettoL Wm. Mtord.
amlnntlto nt Glen Arbor Friday nnd
|Mld.Th>ndB7 ereals* nt wl^
The twvlvnl merttogs whlto were Satorday.
betog held here, doted Bnaday night.
Hr. nnd Mra. M. P..Roime. who were oea tn town this week: Codann. Mc­
nmltUng tbe Bov. Mr. Wood, will go Hugh. R. V. Cnltnv. P. B- Keating Uke no other.
to Fife Lake for a few dnyt and ibto and Arthur Belpera.
Mr. nnd Mrs. F. jrTotten of 1 .
wtn go to Mnnton for a couple of
Biaee Tuesday moralng there has
weeks before twturaliig to their home aty visited with Mr. nod Mrs. G
PrauM- 8undnr.
been no ipriakltog done to (be pared
Ughtooute inapectorOoBfon passed dittrlel of Oweeso and the eloads
‘^nirMtah JeVereoi ....
m. tost Friday after a altonesa of four
dost have become Intolernhie. Mon-1
wetoa dvraUto at toe home of Hr. aad
The McVic^ Antomstie.
dayereaing the
Mrs. Hoaen Bowerman. Aboot one y«r
ago Mra. Jeffareon cams to make her ^too^ there:
have toe city Are team
Oa«>line Eii^iie»tbebe*t
Chat. Ling epenl Sunday with bis sprinkling. Aid. Samnel
borne with hm alttec, Hn.B9wi
I 1. One-thiidtheaionber
Mr. nnd Mrs. Boworann took to . .
^^^^*^Qoner Wells of Grand Ha
to Bnttto Center. Lenawee county.
cS parto.
2. Ko gesra,
vto cagM Inio port Snnday and dls did not want toe team or the drirer to
fwima^ eooeatrio*. tonfalniK
tdlcnese and Is revenge for
IDs. V. Q.. Watooa of Oadiiiae U nnd toe brother oeer Adrian. Tbe to- 25^,5.““ • ‘

nda. or oonplioaied motoes' actlou. has refused t<i
Man TWttog her netoer, Mrs. A. U nerni eerrtoee were held at toe honee. life raving
ebanidm of ao;r kindl 3.
sTIow tbe sprinkling to be done.
dMd at - --|-------dair Mrtmd V Ibr Bid
ooudneted by Rev. Mr. Wood.
Haeu^ oPlS-* lOUi
Mtoa Nona MaalfoH td TraetoB Mn. BUa roiiaru,
. OLtN ARSCR. An ekctricd Governor (ftianntoed 10 time* ai qt^ m nf
Pollard, wife
wue a
<4 W
b. Pol­
May T. IMS.
I t)telr home three miles
ntber. 4. Owinif to the quick governor, engine will Mssd SO per
Mr. HlMomn of rCteetonnll. O., one
_______ bere. Friday j '
3*th!TS^eSin-*u: 'S^rS.y*
and tifiMTlr-r loada to Daek lake and Isavtog two amall cUhlrea__ .__ .. of toe "JChiftsber Mjib. arrived nt
cent fodden overload witbont ■lacking. 5. Ko adJnstmeBto to
■<*«**•<■. OS tuc* Oj. m lb* to* day c< Kir
(ant beMdes her buaband. father. Both­ Eugene Ftober s Inst Wedaeeday. The Aprinq Months Cause SIcknesa.
gvt out of order or pttzzlc tbe operator. 6. Antomatie ralre
er. one brotoer end two atolpra. The rc« of toe angler* will come later on.
,d el •> >'mr BosdnM Ta-miy ricbt aad «
Srtoth Hyomci and
toS? to aeeapt a poattlOB wtth to
Hr and Mra. Totten ot Maple City
action. 7. Antomatie carborction. These ore ekelaiive piwto.
funeral was held nt tbe house at to a.
ra. natuniay,
Batutday. toe
me ivc-t.
Rev. Mr. Wood oBlcI called to fritods here today on their
the McA'iekcr Automatic Gaaolinc Engine.
"‘Mli'AhSfMeCnny left today
atlng. H. L. (toner oof 'Traverne City war to Glen Haven.
Oare. where she wig hasp honee
Hr. Carmichael. wUe aad
■>larrbal lioables i
prepared toe bOdy fur 1
her tether.
<a;menot 01 n
Poole. apeat^^t^^Pok typb- to tne noon rraiu oaiarany. sccosn-i
time of the yrar.
• sudden
a-1 last atght for
r spring months; u fsnity
er ......
lake. They*
ie during
ponied br Mr. Pollard nnd her totoer
..... ...........— —
Wc sell Hshiwsrr. sIl kinds ol larm kUrblBery, In Die nests,
A1 Bial haa had a oeMit wiJl plaee' and mother. Mr. and Mra J. Btogham.
— - prodnerire
_______- -ef—any eases cf ea-i-----------Mr. and Mrs. Han <4 South Haal- are
Wsfun., Buggies, and Harncse
Sl3v hla hooaa and wlU balM aa add Her age WM » yeara 40 mootot and ton came over today, having received tarrh that without proper ireateeol'
OOP to the honee to the near tutare.
a telegram of toe Illness of a sister.
----------whom they have gone lo 'Traverse City
me piraaBBuni. nwf tram
1 only acleuUflr method f

May 8 1005. [ Mr. and 1
I eth day of June. A. D. I 90B.
eaiy drape4 la ibi-{
be' eatenalninent glveo May 1st; daughter of —,.............. ......
he hand at Walter's hall was fairly 1 for a sbori rtalt with toelr aual. Mrs. llule pocket Inhnier that
to e'rlork la lb* t,
meat wan .
every ontAt. and then br
l paBtoM. Tbe wedtow was bad. j H. M. Fisher.
after toe cseretora U was at>- The ■Modem Remedy Co. had
three ssluntea (our times
era ^ \5
of 53Sb,r"‘rE*SJK'-S
No dangerout drugs or alcoholic con­
ouaeed ibst toe net aum ef IXLSO: house la«t'Blrti. Tbe dance •
Ml lo
Astfwd. «f <«
M^b^ painted. KMn Torks U doing
e was greatly coctions are taken Into tbe system
Id he divided equaltv between toe '
It teDg why Tubnlar Beparatora are e
a Ane.* TUV when Hyomri Is used. Breathed
^Id^hona U Macing a etooe wall
toroogh toe Inhaler, toe balsamic
QS toe Jrd lofU tbe eoraere^e of. Johnaan raeeb . - _.
to feed and aafeat to w.
■a^ bin raaMtooe on BUdr Mreet.
, tbe-wew SC MhtoaelY chwch was UM: of silver tbst were to be given
' ' most popular lady.
and aerate tbe Narrows bridge
by Blikop Richter of Oraad RapMt. amlstcd By the Rrvoraod FOthan ..........0 be a faroritc drive, eapeclally
May 7.1M8.
Mra Peter Sboefelt died nt ber home Rcoaam sod, WffllamaHPrifveqpoi
------ OB Sunday. Tbe load Is Sne. tbe membrane aad girea cam^e and per- nd the A
rav«gg£^y, HeAlllBl
It esphtin* why Tnbnlar HepnistoTi are
la Mew T^egfued. May 8ih. Tbe fn- Shetoan at Trav.
bridge, well.
Thonsaads of trstimeolals have
Mtol Jorvlem wore held nt Ooiaeil <4 Oraad Rapida
Ida aad Fouehar ef E
ewaismt to toni--ae
non want to ,
cAibcB Bondny br BUer Oeora*.
tou re.■medy.
morn economical nnd ■atiafsetory—why all
tke fttoday school <4 Grant church Last Friday eyeolag Rar. John J.' la good..
ireasuwof (L. New Ti to urn tasar- ,
oietted uMeers last Bandar as - "
Maakatad rainroed fyom Ann Artior
art! oat of date. Plenty of ma­
anee Corapaav. writes
■Kyomel bnaj

' pt O. D.^Kra|ra;
with Miss CMrrie Peursou. who had
Mar A IMS.
eana my daaghter s4 c>chine*—krtt of atologa.
eSsiaqer ef Odar Ra aad
wblcb she
been a n('Toung: treasurer.
. . . Potter of toU place
was deemed best to take ber to: Mis* Mary
heme ■■
to Bensanto
8atartne aaytnk aad yceUeday Mr. Maak- dtoye to ber frame
nensmus os
H^^ OMUard. Mra CaiTte Dtzoa. atad aaA Btoer Potonoa took ber io|da>. rMurateg Boday afteraoto.
<Mra. Ms& BtosetL Mrs. May Rowh- Trarsna CIV. Mias Petana bat; Mrs. onie Kooo aad Mlu A'
i4 srattos Bay
gay tor,
tor Hamq- a usoar sena were
*n'eLnAkrar AM <4(MWttoni
inrto-wBl many years and beraai
many friends and*of Mn..asm Myen Friday.
116 and 117 Ststa Strewt
remedy fcoewn Extra-bottles tor be'
MB aoetol and Will also fotoUm hope that toe
a rale at Oram
pincured Tor (Ifty eeata. 'Aak 6. S.
' Wa sdlUidYarw all ktodi ol Farm Machtoary, Iwflim rata Wac«<sa .
May lA ~
Oof MbUe seboM ckwed the yaui idny. Robert Wilson staying over nlghi Wall • Sons to show yws tbe riraag
Baggim and ilansra
' rlUTX A. Mtoorvranatee UDdee which they aril Myonqi» wUI ba a Mow, kaU ti a tiSL
Hr. Ami aad wtte q( Tisrorit^

Ur jirii|rt M a




The Grand Traverse S Arizona
Mining Company


Over 700 Acres Ricli MM Lands
VOres Mow In $l£lit Make Success Assv^





•S'" ~ ' '




------- iKsrf^srs'er^LS^iass;

ers.‘S'5C^^Sd=’SS£^ Jirr,










.« !



dM% MH IMT, Mate II, H, U « to t
Mi*. I. L.
Ml tkit aft«
(or fMtVj Witfp «bt U oftBoa «e •
Tdtr tbit sortfas « kl*
to MmMm ud ItoMT wkm (fet
date M tb* Otttnr —'
efl|qw*w U UkJM hte.
Xte CbMMt Roatdka ot.Toaeh raUWMd hoBt' tbH BonUof aftw «liMiltet ttetbnter tat enaUw.
.Ifta litTfW Jtei td Jdortbpon
Am ibiMsfe tte e>V (bU tanlbl
W tw war to Onad HacOdt. «bor«
rmitln «lUi ter clatar, Hrt.
Mtert JobBM*..
--Mra. Ad^io Oiarat <d Oiacaa It
W* day* Tlta irUb ber.brotbtr. Htr-

UM E. Bbafar. a aebodi uaeter.
^ beat teoogbt to Moarea tm
<tao. ehaisod wiU haolas aot tro to
ibt Tinofo tehool boot. « Erto. JO
tilta aoalb of Voam. la dotaalt et
tbrOM ten te wat i«i to JalL Sbaftr
(omotlr taagbt ateoed ta Brie, aad It
U wU bit toaebor’i eortldeato «at rorobed bateoao et bit alleted drtaiac
hablte Be it 0 iten old aad
Irea Headea. Hleb.
Tbe lO-ytar^ aoa of A. Chrlttodfortoe. a proaUaeai butlaet maa o( Muabte*. It la tbe

m^isYMPTOiB TiiliT mwit sm I

Mb K. Bbepaid to H

tadotetract.lotaT4.blote i.^H.-a| Btllb Bar to Milton C-Sbapartf. pardtbadd.
jotla, ate. 0.'ioVB tC range I; fl.
• -ttit i—
-rtarl J. Adata.«BardtoatoMd*ard| Bnae Stodclng to MUioa C. Stepard. to^.
:ra. Aadre* prayW Matelt
tonnade. bM 1#-IT, blote it.«, U * pareeb aee. 0. town K. range *; IlBO.
Pray* porooti a onple id •
J Sianler J. Martiaeao - o-.v t Ttoljed Mr eek:
alao ber tlaiCT. Mr..' An:.—-------- ------- --- ----------Oo.-t *ib add: mM.
•ympiOBt eaaeed by poor dIgaBtta
I. Bm U« to* lad!g. Crtap.
Potor ilUk*
------------------ vtf*
---------,ehoold tnae;teee*al tetetaoeold *eaMUItt.-owli et MU. toe.
NOlrntPOirr OKPAimtEirr.
, dlUont erbm dtaaae garme ore Bkaly
nago 10: »M0.
Mar « IMI. ,to be preeent. Any of tbe tollovlBg
_ ..._
(taa.-A. Oataeu‘denea, pareoit;Bted.
_ _ _Cbartn dobn cpent BatenUy to Lo- tymptom* ere good ertaaee of «<»
H. _ _
eeb tronblei.
, .
and wife, lota M-IT, bloek 7, it. L. A ] Joaale K. Adton to ten O. Adorn, land.
----- -M
'o»H of drto aadarU dr a»to. aee. II.'
OUrer M. Sbagart aad wife to Thom- ton 0. range id: 0oo.
aa C Shngan. M aoree off aoutfe end
1 Rapta. where tbr t
of eto of aeb. »«<. 1. town 0. range


UtacAOMUttatDanube LmU After tfQM Vuts
te,Keep Well.


i AlroT SaUter and family of Onau,
V. J. KMOote to Oordoa Bari. ncH elilied at Artbar Ratouwb ton
enlM at ibU port antenU& nigtat14; town 0. range lfl;-!day.
0. M. name tpnt 8tiinl& at Ut
: Bill Oriaib o' Long lake <slM
borne to ibU eltr.
Prank howmao
Bowman anaoBT
SnadBr oreoioc.
wife ♦» n*teb Jnkn.' "•**
jm, j^a Kehl It Ttohlbg rcJaUre*
Oordon Bari and wife to ^Jo^j Tte dance at Dore Hoacy t w« wen; m toePBo,,, k y.
^pc Hteiy Wtbb l«(t thUteoraiBi aer. Ha «aa playing' vlib t teotbcr
Steele hat opeaed bit abpe
*» ^talloroU. vbcr* bit too, Om. dart, made f»» a la* cork into one
d^fta -wabb. ia iMtIIr oamad ia end of vbleb vat tataoed a hortenail aad to tba otter a tealber.
oQt (bo OalnmMa prctiM
•'^JUra Carte iindley of Krswite.
rtolenily agalatt tbe tide A. Hammoad. eH of twli. aoe, it j;_______
Ro tbrci
new WBXPOm.
I who hat beea rltltlng b<-r tlttrr. Uln
where It bit a aall aad town 0. raage IL
of tot boau.
John ShaOer to W. C. Mootettb. par-:
tainded bate. Mriktog him la tbe e^
.. Jllli ■din, bad tbaa ibt
\ Hammert are ringing to
It U not known whether or not the cel. PUe Itae; 1*00.
^***WIHIaiB- OagnoR -artrc home flora
- turdar.
Blghi can bo tnred. os It It bettered
bora Tbnra-: Ptray Smllh It paIttUnc tbe front
Ue nail waa eorroded and corrtad In- teli of tw^i. tec. 1*. town 0. range
ill:ll,»0. '
of tbe ne ■r Wurtberg balldlag.
teetta tato tbe eyetaan.
Scott, wbo bat been teriontHannah * Lay Oo. to iaat C. Peter- i ^ WW ««•••"}««'«»«: *•
I ,,*‘7to apite e( tbe fvpeettlcai et the Al
elk at let ll. block U, H, L. *
*0 anOd^fMateenon l^'boaghli ^Materlj
^tor B. V.
_j«a battaeei mea tbe nBOarmed raak •oa.
Oo.* dth add: tMd.
.a lot aad commenced bcIldi-ghltjPoner'taevifoMu.un..
of ibe Keigbta « Pi^ta hare Manaed
mTterto a Taewlay
ProM VHdi0% taaerd.
to bold a frae atraet fair and earnirnl
vere cnlleri Friday.
lone 11-17. Tba merteaato declare BOB P. Cole.,lot I. bloek II. Hm U
Co.'d«tb^d: ms.
1 Mr. and Mra. Keratater .of Orawa! C. A. Battle aad family are expected
that tba caralrml tat year
Victor N. BeoSeld to H. 8. Hobte. j w here Saturday -and purrAated a hen
. «p* a*h
them and that It vat
---- uHblafTtela*.,
, . fcdlewad to WMkt of dtprMtioa la
lag boat OB Wedaetday.
"" “■1^-;^ .i- -I"
M. |
Mrt. W. (hirlet it 01 at tbit writing.
{Hr. aad Mn J. Hodcttad of ttar
They tty tbe pao^e teent
bik aro to (be dty today (or a abort tteir otate ter footlibneat. ao that
of Krtwk-k were In town tat week. <
Ibt 41. all 4t blote «. P. H.'atod add: jgan b>'Wtog hla horn .1
for dayt they didn't hare a copper to
•Ur, . .. Htetell.“yrrt«twita to'Maolr-i^Alb^ Oagaon It taffa^ from b
Id In the etoret. They lav men
tkMofh toe dtr
owed a grocer* blU or a enat bUl.
eadoeer. Mr. HrbliHI 1« bo'lng outfli of Mr. O. KUteCB.
ratvB tipm a tWi irlth flatioat Bar rtde M the rntriTdo^oand or ladalge Umber on awli of aw%. ar , n.lowniclril
“juBlor.. Owar Dame artred home from St
trip to the otolatare F«rrit wbed 0, range •.
' J. Woollrer bM
tbe.juiet. Bearer Itlaad. latt week.
Mr. aad Mn. WnUan AraoU ol (hit vltb Iboir (aallita. Tte people want toba W. Alien ot al. to Hear*-A.
j PretldlBg Elder Carrel was Ibe
»0“ guett of Hr. and Mra. Prank Barit a
dtr Hft tor a Suadar rtalt
eatwlral aad (be eoaaeil liy aaaai- Allen, lot 0 aad eH V- bloek 3. Perubed
« dtrt >hl> week.
OBO eoto tore tbe ate of the atreeta
Tt. Peter Sboefelt wat burled 8ua-j Mra. Sta WilBOB of Detroit It or
Wa. W. B. Bkibolt et Hortbport trill of Iba dty tor tee vete. aad ATWaa'i
Serrlcet were held ‘ ipylag ber ntoiber'a cottage ia tbl*'
Alta OoBlter. wH tot » and eH W ae'I ehuefa.
tart to (be teoratot tor aa ezteaded Mdfdl Oi«a wni eo4e e4f at aaenL
Heaan. Dally and Drew of Trarerac
T. T Bell purehated two lot* I
rIfU to frteada aad relatirte la Oraad Mra. CDort Bbtoemlller et Alhtoa
week and will build in the near foiere City were la town Tneoday.
DarM Cram to 3. C.
BapUa. Kalataioo aad Mtedoa.
waa m> annoyed by bar aelghbor* beat wH of DcH nsd iH of nvH. aec. IA The
_ amacatt
___ _ are banding a n
new vail
peter Warxburg apoat Tuetdiy In
tota Ma«ia CalBMa toll tbU a
jnader^ph Brigbam't boone.
BCfaublng np ber gardea that abe teJt>,
.Trarerte Chr
Ug for uaatac. vtere aba it a popll ad a lot of •abtoMka w4tk ako wokm town 0. range a.
. Pred Parklit eatertalaod on Tbor*
Phillip Hiller aad wife to Amanda
I day erebtng In boner of bit binhday.
to the aetoiel tor tbe blind. 8be
aad Uod tbe Ilnat to tbe gardea ftoee. B. Bcwen. lot 10. blote-1. fWchritt-c
Mir 8. 1*06- IA Btaaaat erealag wat tptnt In daac.
aawpaaled br W aaata, Maadi
tteir enat^ the aelchborb
The third qoanerly meetiag of the
after Which refretbmeait weie
K. M. MBbaator and J. 3. Batata, vbo bate teuued down apoo tbe tetdte at addUloB. Summll City: $1.
Henry B. Naya u Henry Sparling.
bare bote bare ea a 0aH (him tbair
at abe had toraad ber bete. and
awH of aeH. aee. IAI. town it, range preached eome excellent eermont and ! tat wMh. aco^aanled by her moUier.
(bar teffaa to gobble ap tte alee tot 10: II.
-Patera. M. Ootraoer aad Barrer
— "« " |
Bllcy Btnaaen. aotldag a baa
Biatlr et toala paoaad tbroofh tbe that ttamed to be tied with a auiog. Heary Sparllai
marcA ewH of aeH. aec. 1$. town ii.
aBr ttot artenooii e* tbair «ar to
■ ”*..
and tben Ml into a towSereral of the yonng people attend-1 gaiumal church on erealagt during tbe
tU Bapida. «bere tber vffl atrika arlBg toga, aad ealliag tbo womaa to raage 10: WOO.
ed the -tlag"
at, tbe borne of.Hr. and-coralng vc'-l.
Poatcr Kilpatrick and wife to Joba___...
tetep tor a tve moWba' atar- Tbair
door be need laagtege more force
Mra. Brakirtth of Maple Orore Itrt j Mr and Mra Son^rra ^^rc^^
totebtot dapaol to lota tboai aboot toe tta
Maigbbori beard the
Uth et tent mntb and tbe ahmmar tol tbnn oHffBbl.
**•*”1 U reoofted.
- occupy tbelr fi
when Brenton
yobs Whitwell -- —
William L. Brava aad wife to Peur] Born,
Bora, to Mr.
and Mr*. toi.PEptVeli
HBl to tpeat at rartow plaeea atoax atrattod tor aad
ntlng Indeoeat. oteeene emit, lot 74. Oak Helghta: *160, . |Wednea<ta.
•pent Stiurdar tod SoDdar In u
Wedneeday. May S. a noiC
1^ tatoad lakea aM barthe iDlerett of tbe Hatkell tehool.
aad rnlfar language In the pretence
Warrra belter left il
Mlat Una Voice broke ber arm wbl
I, where be u
of woman and children ibere were
oai rowing on 'raraday erenlng.
flita BtttoilarM itecM.
pleaty N witotatit agatoat him. and
Brcnnm 0aadad gnUty. and Jattloe A.
ffae and
toau. HeretBetaatlypaUandborried
home to^ U any more of bit tool
eaa0i( wtib book and
• dvwRbMaadatotbetotr.
i-’^obabMteseaa of 81. Joeepb.
« Sta«BhWtbratehlH»eA» .__ . aad pretty, to a herolDc. AeI ttiig atere at teat toaee. tetaraad coMod on one of tbe mala mreeta of St.
'4 Iba ettr tool araatoc.
a hl0i*arm*n *bo «« M. Bapd aad M. Oanlaer at Bata UmpUd by
to rellere her girl pompanlont
of (heir pockeibetee, abe ihot oui a
tlralght Jab at ibe law of tte awetlant and be fled la dlenmy. Hn- Mcbaan and tte Urae Beigen clitera. realdlag oa Coon etraet, were etaadlag
the ridwvalk on Bm etreet. vbea a
atolblba eltr thia moralac on bar , OB
—^ateetoltber ---- renew elBBk oot of an alley and made
fnb for tbe poekMbook of one of
Ibe Zelgler girla She drew back in
remd and he mmde anoUier advance,
a ot KlBgriay, wbo bat UiU ttee tte pludky Mra. Hebean
ipon for aareral ctowebed ber Set aad flare hlm«. bard
w eottogm white poate. The rabber heaitaied Jniit tor
It, tbM tarnad on bit heel*
and fled. ^
s TBwtdH:
TtoErtMl: wl
wbo to tmmhlBs -8a tore 'that the light It good.- to
MHb Mrs
tba flaal admeelttoa vlUi regard to tbe
haagtog or tbt ponralt of hlmtelf
vUte Oer. aita vtobaa to bare boat
BtlUMn to to la the capltol betide that ot ex-Oov.
Mta lias Mb
______et Want In- Bite.

...... u





The -COLUMBIA" Dry Cell, are the kU»l joo
should btiy to ignite your gas engine.
Gland prise astaided the "COLUMBIA” Dry Cells
at the Louisiana Purchase Expositino, Sl Louis, 190*.

Dealer ia Automobile*. Launch and Gatoltne
Engine Supplies.
ewna's PkMw 5«t «r Ms
Tntam 09. Kkh.





Being forced to vacate, we have decided to close out the balance
of Benda stock .

We have engaged

MR. eiLBERT LEWIS, Professional Auctioneer, Of Detroit




for that purpose. The entire Benda stock of

irniHMim m



-x. i'.'i ‘TS’jsrLr'tss:^

K,2:'2.'S25i‘ iV-'t-'Ki-ss! xin.



a wmte
Imperfaet d_
- nk ataateeb.aad
__ , tbOQld
to lookea after by (to BM
Of Mi-o-aa. If one wanu
«( tbit
taken befcre ct
tireactbea tbe tiooute------------organi that natanJ vetgbi «OI be
ttorte and pekTen heatth aad itangtb
thO«ya«Si-o-aa guaraniet

To Cwro a Oo4« In Ow Day

MtA W Btathte. wbo-bte bate
Real Catato Tranefara.
W.B. HarebA Special Maetcr A O.
C. Tratt Op., to Htoblgaa State Tele
Oom aereral parcele.
■mte HornfleU to leabelle
Meada. tot* K. blote *. H. U A Dk'a
Ctb.add; 000.Vesee) Hlarka and vUe to Semepb
Mra. Jaaa Toukar rararaad borne
(bto attmtiim aftar ermttUt farce Hlarkn. M iu. Oak Heigbta: $10wetea at PranUort wlih (rietob and D. B. Wyakeep and wife to Dtetld
toUlga. parcel In Klagilcy. *110.
Ben WUbelm went to Marion'' ttU 4an>ee R. Bovea and wife to Chat.
W. Athlon and vlfA led K-1*. Mote 7.
moratog vteee be to tatobiag off
HmL.« Oo ’t Stb add: SZAW. cotoeat btate.
Pred H. Ptal and wife lio
FHr. et*d Mra. WUUam. Aav vent
Potkett. loti M. block 4. H. b. A Co. i
Wmaen Oty tbit atoralag to rlalL
Mta Nellie Oarta weU to Stem madd: lAZW.
tbit moratog. eallcd tbtee by the 111- C A. Rickard and wife to Janma R.
Bowen, lou 74. block IA H. b. * Co.'t
awB er ber motbw.
Mr. OoMtant et Bk .Rapfda arrired 6tt adA and MU Z4.U, block C. P. H.'t
M add; 00.
to tte city tola mnraiag oa a ritlt
Oeo. W. aatocclk^ wife to Jamra
Mn. C. H. babr of Lake Aaa Paiaed . Bowen, lou 7-A btak (. H.. b. A
Cn.'t fitb adA and Mm 044. blote 3.
^bnogb tbe city tbU m
raato tor waitorntburg. where the will P. H.-t Sid add; <I0A
Hand Adamt Kaowky to Bdva^
L. *
^‘ita^^t^bte'ta^e meririag Ooortade. tou IMT. Uwk lA
tor.wwate't rlrit wUb Mancetat Co.* (tt add: SMAtA
Bari J. Adamt. et al. to Bdwant.
(tartade. lou lAiT. bloek 1*. K. 1. *
Oe-'idh aM: 0$AtA
Howard C. Adamt to Uward Ooar-


Mim. 4L B. Brawaitr of oraad 1
ta vbo tea bate eltiUBg bar oMt
far tte paac Waak. Mn. Nada Cra

Gkitliiiig,Gtiit8'Funiishiiig8,Hats udGaps WHALFPRIGEWmitSS

will b4 closed out TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER, for what they
wilt bring. NO MATTER WHAT THE BID IS. This
stock must be closed out

Sale Starts Thursday, May II, 1905
And Will Continoo Tilt Satumay, May 2011)
SALES DAILY AT 2 to 4 AND 7 to 9 P. M.

124 Front Street

Traverse City, Mich.,
One Door East of A. V. Friedrich.

We doD’t want a single Suit left efter tbi* tale is
over, and therefore are vUliog io make
tbe immense *acrifietb

Jit $ 5.00

Ail Suiu DOW ID 0ock worth
and have sold up to Stm

^ 7*5^

Choice of any of our $lfi Suit*.

Jit $10.00

All our $20.00 .ud mm Siutt.

JII $12.50 choicouiui«»$as'.iri:
There is nothing reserved. You have ypnr choice of
the whole nocL





8C P««rtHO». MMj »^-ruu HMT
■ha] Ornu U pr*itl«« 0«>«ml Ub»«H(A-S Bdmcc p<at cut ua v«*t of
,nm «aw*a wini • otBuiaeiBki* tow
ftlntfr u lAtmkn to bocto tb»
(j^rtTo mar^mL It It boltorod
larcot socn. Or*Oram* totamU
«*i Mmato It pUoaa *t SN-OW
Up to iltotortw toa Roaaits adt
peaU |«a,iwclr«l abool alsbuaD mite*.
A graAl U*a aad aa battle trill pnifc«hly eotoe at to*
U"oU Uaj
A ti
fima^Jltoattr. to* caipito] of toa prarIm of V^kmia wp* too (RitotlcM attaiM torJawa toara rtMatdar. UUfeto taw **a wootdiBf otoar*. Tba
afMis'laatoe an 4*r Tba
datm*ta totaadraa Bad taAtotad maob

Adriei«.racalv*d traa Jitomir late
tUa AfWfftoB atoe* to* tttOBbar <<
. Jawi kl»*a •( twalta aad SAr totorad.
aoat^ertaaairt' It la feared that toara
«tn be a reocearreaea of to*
breaks. . £

St. Patonbats. Ifbr 10.—Aeeordlai
aad Admiral
RtouBStat bpTe Waa io eaamualCaOati tor aetjaral dar* br maaaa of fast
tfutlati. It la aatd to* two Beau are
ROW atoaa aaaacb tocatber to paimic
to* itsaamteilDD of wireleu ma***«e*.
• to. Petertbart Mar 10.—Orer 100
farm wets kilted or litlored la the
meat ostoreak at JUomlr batwaae
tb* Cbitallaai aad Jew*. Tb* atuek
oa toe Jtn wa* earafaUr PteMad
aad carried out with toe «dt cosaast
at to* aathortttaa. Tba vcUee lookad
ala wUbont maklac as aSort to pranat
Iks atoBafater.
. '

top Cblesga tortW
. Chleace. Maj A-T»* bdc botlaea*

’ Tbc lotaceo I]
, briac (sratto xtr A BERALQ WART AO.
qurnl la « aaiOOT afevtlr ^ «W-! at toa ii
Booaetrtl wUi amkelalo to* €*anir*. .cated in New York br Hmirr W. Taft.
The4*r pMooa QQioUr. «*ir » tow Bowaa dadlaad to mr aartolac *w toother of tbc teemarr of war. *b«
wa* made a tpartal^ atolttaat UaHad —“——■
atKsrboMwi btfBf - lopoHwl
Tke cardtoi to* umtrerarar.
- Slates attorwer for tost
TkrkR- e0Bmlnk» aivelBtoa tir
alteced dial Edwin f.
luror OOBM BOt toter ti
! A aoU ter l2.2Sl.a00 damac-* bai:tory« toe McAadrew* A rort^t 0»..___
Ike ftollw attsaUaw-j;“>
d»*rloo. oa toe,tmW—4
Cbteapo. Ifsr t.-A Soar fsmto* to Jbeea becea to New York acatott E. H.
hMuaiBc (totoaao 1i watil* at a WbttMa <d Bacoc. Canada, toe .. ■ poMd that be ml#it lacrtmlaaiedud S5„, qm.u
atrtka of fortpwlx uamitora far toe basto* macaate. wbo bat )utt tatted decrade
Wttoac Taamlac attopsar toU aaoe* for Barop* oe bto baser
Tb* mews hasdtet A«00 te- a. Kanfman toarfai toi
rete (taOr. Th* ^
tolaad' opUoat im aar
oraatae to*
• daHTerr attoaa aad aaemd him
to a Btata atrcat bereotud aton.
earlUea. He fooad. be ear*, alter
Cbartaa Oold aad Ooraaltoi B. Bbaa. teraatlas aarenl •aaaderi. tbai Vbit prrri ^
labor teadara. —"■■■—i
>'Ber bad clrea aa optteo on toe rtoto:""*!^.'
toar weald testa toaigbt to
Traraa. tvneon to toe
Praridaat •Rooaeeelf* *P*d*I trala
and atk tdm to act a* madtolor la toa klac. addrsMtoc a
taamstarv' atilfc*.
toe. declared that alcObol to dtottoelly
Cretofi* In Kat^
atat CUr. Mar ••—A prlrata tela, aiar* iwanijAre pawl* 'rm
kilted or tolnrad at UarqaaUe. MePheraoa eaulp. Kaaaaa. br a eretonc
or tornado laat alcbt.
A aorar* atorm to Barton. fUrrer
eooitr. Tcsterdar nfteneon wat
maikad by ban itone* nU to bare
kUlad kotm, eowt. broke
torwnch boor topa aad rooft and
—all toa window* to a paaaeacar trnia at toe depot. Tb* path of
Uiirm wai two mitea wide. Mar
quatu to a town of CM onto* Klsaoorl
PaeUte laad.
Meacer adrtee* r^red to Saltoa
ear aU tba bonaea on one atraet to
Haiqnetta were damoltohed. Twenlytour otoar raarfaneaB to tba town and
flv* oat In toa eosatry ware rsiad. in
cme tamUr-to* fatoar. motbar sad
tore* ebUdian wet* klDed. A baarr
rate norm act la preceded br wtod.
ADowtaf to* toiaado waa a aemia of
eoBtolau daatoatlim.
aooa to*
aambar of daatoa wta plaeed at
twntrwlcbt aad toe taftirad at orer

Umiled aa tUieUy at any other polaoe
Ha added that tt to not an appetlzei
and that eren a small aaantJty htoder.
dicestloau lu aUmalailec aSret an
dare* only for a motoani- *>d wbei
toll to pasted the capacity tor work
telle enormootly.
At a wanitoc to all tlrlt Mri. Oaeai
Slmi Ulted banair near Vlrdcn. Ill
To make the eaample mwe cCeetlt'
her bosbaod also kOlod hlmtelf. Mrr
Slat left a note WLyliie sbe had been
no rue
t to bar bosbaad, but tbouebt be
wobM net dtoeorer It. He did and toe
snleide pact raaqltad.
“Hicber critldtm" of .the Bible will
bencoroatly attacked at the cooreoUoa of toe Americsn Bible le^e.
whMi becise May IS » New York.
DtoetusioM wlO be locneed oe recent
attacks on the eradlUHty of toe scrip^
laree. Amonc otoer toloc*. paperi will
be read by BcrplotacUU and aetentleti
wbo bare coadactod apaelal lloa* ol
raaenreh a* to the oricto of toe scrip-

YacM to Atoara.
blaa Haran. Mlcb.. Hay Jd.-Tbe
ratot Toco of Haalttoa weal ssbore
tola moraine to Soato Manltoa harbor.
8be te bleb aad dry and to «oita badly
iced. The boat wlU bare |o be
towed bom. Tbe *erew omalaud of

woou wan"te:di
la OAf* kOAOS
I «*«d tbc trooJ bBd BMwt hare it. Money i* no object. I
luTr Bade contract* with twt. of Uir Uyenet w-uolen rniHt in thr
Eaat. otto for oae^nartor blood and tbnwtoisfalfcs Mood, and
tbe other miU for all tbe lowoat (fndra I oaii cot. 1 moat bar*
in all tbirtecn oar tonda of Kkbican wool. I am thcrcfoiw wilU
ins to pay rate o«t a poond b»ip Umb any other local bny«
pay*, and if yw» will brine
exactly a* 1 aay, I am wyllinR to pay fioni $1X10 toO.OO for yoor
tionble in oominc- Also, whoever n««d* a almrw, by
orbyband.canaondntohi*ad(lRW* and bow many fltwcw* bo
baa, and I will tend the aheaiw. Alao. I awld ^ Rind to haw
yon call at my vanbouac aad nae tW wool I atn ifattinR. and
ypa will find I nm not bhjfflnp bat need tbi* (all ihirtcm earloada. Bring yonr wool and yoar money is re^y (or you at K>
oonccs to the poaad.
TSO TSa *. Front Straat
Boto Pbo-~-J»i-Sf.* »•*»•



of the adveitUing columns of this paper, we make THREE GOOD Ol-FERS that
every'reader should idte advantage of.
Cut thla out and takn It to STEINBERG BKOS.


CutthlaolitandUknlttoBTEINBENC BROA-

Daymant on any BIO Suit. Overcoat or Jacknt if proaanted at Steinbnrg
Bros, before the laat of thin month.


Cut thie out and takett to STEINBERG BROS.

payment on any Dollar purchase. If presented at Steinberg Bros before
the last of Oil* month.

other wbo atw all richt .

Onad Tr.*w« 8w>kl. May tl.«
Iks tor pmteetMm tor tj6o
TW wapoaa at toa Bmptejm Teamlac ceanmar ware seat on tola moralac trMh a atbtartallr radaead ceard.
- mbrilri Tlib 1V- -r — ------------aad Jaeea Fraas, brathara.
wars probabir fatallr tubbed by. a
*Tn—^ bdCto ttifke braaber la

New York. May A—Herbert
owpn. Oatiad ftaus attototcr
anoaMa. wka has made cnrail
ebaicsa acatott (be bottoau toteertty a
of Wt aapailor oBear. rraael*
ito.w*M«ant aaerstary of state. !{^
arrired here today from La
Bowen wat odered boma to be present I


Dry Goods. Cloaks, aothlnc.


Ask to tee the extra good

CottaaSocka we adVertiw.


Wc Can aotlie
Your Boys

Will be moch worn thia scaaon—
Wc show as large a line as anyone
in the city—all new’ and exclniive
designs—50c to $1.50—all colora.

from fifteen to tmnty yean of age at

Ask to see the extra beaVy

Cotton Socks we advertue.



For farmers 'and other working- '
men—best canvas at 10c, three
pair 25c—best values in 25c god 50c
working gloves are to be found here.

Good valm lor little mon.y.

Wc Can Clothe
the Men ,

Traverse City, MkA.


When it's warm enough, we .can
show you a good line straw' and
other bun shade hats at lOc, 15c,
26c. Just now we sh.ow a splendid
lot of work hats in wool and ' felt
at 50c to $1. tlest goods $1.50 to $8.


It two. $10. *12, $15 to $18
and the test 6tting
Evenr Suit brand new, fioelv tailored, ai
et acquainted with us
goods to be found—we want to have you Kt
hod our goods. Our bosne^ relations will Ibe mutually profil•bk to those wbo patronize ib.


Both for working and dress wear—greatest line 50c line
Shirts ever shown in this city—This we think is no ex­
aggeration-see these for yourselva—fancy silk finish,
embroidered bosoms—with or without cuffs.

up with our own label—fully guaranteed by us—nothing
b^er made—OveraHs 50c up—Cottonade-Pams, extra
' good assortment valnes, choice $1 pair.


L V i:..,


Ask to see die extra heavy

T i§


r MBwrts
I Number



Ask to see the extra good


Cotton Socks we advertise.


Cotton .Socks we adveitiM.

j^ibrnHan & Humtar





I aRCUrr

judoe. m the county

(Q^ral El^on April, 3, 1905.





Mr aki atata. tMEjN
1. A. D.. im.
Cte. W. Aakfa


0«Mni Bwdea teM as tht (hM
<E AfHL IMS. ao far W E f»Nti «•
Ike nan mm lor «ktd tMm: «■ V
pnra fNa th» ori«tMl lUtawit oa
EH *t tka ««ec <)( tke eoa^ a«E.

'■ftobart B. «
-Haads and aOnd tka aaal Ike OoMtr at OaMaea;
t* S'
ertkaOrealt .
lOnnd Tniww
yorm ttawu. BiM to orarttttK «or . oMt.
AwStS^ ^ Oaotr a(
' bank of Nimnkaa, at arkkk Fn*k Q
(or and -r**^ Ibe . .
Bobm K. Walwr.
«ef. TM pwMdial
lAaMt to Ike tuaMhartf <d tM< BttHo*. dNkanef.
Oaoty CIMfc.
vtn be -Vartuna-e*
R- B. PWw.
ChaJiBU oC tka BbwE «( OoBKr


£-J3.*i2iSX' 3



S SI M-a “



Hk Wmrd .
Tefli .■■■

-iclative to rrovidino «m a eoaro
>OR tne county of oeweaeb.____





If\ l a;

t ttl It! 4d<
' «4|

MW«rd ..
MkWard .
TauN .

m.iti wi....
14|. t4l' ai....
ISI Ml 10!-.■■
»: W
tai-lMt....' be
441 Ittt ttl.f
«4! ttl >41....
7. Ml lOj;...


aBeedDem. aad two hn^red
r-Dloe—268—votea ware e>*«b


Ml 12i 1021 78
481 II 4»l 47
'lOSI 31 1061 IW
61 41 31
4sr 71 *6' 36
76 , 43! 118! 32
m 'MLJ84: 122


■ 26431




is Ii
^'.TI *47j lAtj::::

Sute cf Hlehlcaa; Counly of Grand
We do hereby certify

Uan Latlien' nod
Mionen’‘Btrott Hntn,
•old for $1 and tU6Q
by exclusive millin*
ery storen.

161 *38 307
271 K8 Ml
27; 62ft 466
161 2061 176
24! 3481 286

Cawotr CanvMji^^EUitan^

Buys Boys' and
Youths- Satin Calf
Dress Shot*,
a shoo
that has. B lot or style

\tm thousand nine hundred nlnrteea-

’ HicUBan. a
__ _ _
............ tbe rear
-1*25thoasand nine baadred dve, for
is S. PraU rendred aloe buofoDoerlac state otteers; Oae Justice
Inety-four vertca—*84.
,at tbe Bupreme Court Two Rcceuts
- ->e VnlveraUr of Mtchlsan. one
bar o( the Slate Beard of Budea(to til raMcrl. and one Jude*
Of tbe arealijCooit of tbe Thirteenth '■ We do hereby terlUy that the (oreJodldal Clreolt
| BOlns U a oorreet statcBent rf the
cl«M vwtas ttvea in tbe county cf Grand
l(?e» nsBod In such
TrarerM (or the nOi
Court was three thousand and twenty- ________ ____— the peraeas desl*Wlad therein, at the General Election
on the third day of April. In the
Aad tbay were given for tbp follow- beM
year one ibboaaod nine huBdred Are.
lag aaBod persons:
In Witness Whereof; We bare here­
Joseidi a Moore icedved two tbon- unto
ae« our hMtds and caused to be
■ (Be hundred ulnyAre votes— I aAbwd the seal of the Circuit Court
, ' tor the Count T of Grand Travers Ihla
1 Hevanth day of APr»- i>
Toar one
. ] tbouaand nine hundred Are.
R. E. Pnlver.
Charles W. Ashioo.
E.J. Taylor.'
Board of County Canvasseta.
^wry a Aldrtcb raealved ihres
Attest:Robert E. Waller.
PtedJ»l^re<^vad oBs.vota—L ' Clerk of Board of County Cnnvnssera.
The whole aoBbar of vetos girea State of Mlefaican. County of Grand
for tbe ettea of Ba*ent of the Uni- Trai
hereby certify that the forecolng
........ .......................... ...... eorveet transcript of the siaiecneot
KM they were given (or tbe follow- ,o(
of tbe
U Board at County. C
tbe CooBIT
County or
of Grand Tra
Trarerae. of tl
Arthur HIU reealved two tbmuand rotes glTSB fa such conoty for the <
w hundred and forty votee—*146.
Otaou Millard received eewn^ hun­
dred tfalrtaen votaw—71*.
Marabttl M. CoUen raettved itaely-


Cft^att^Oowles receired iweatyalne vots^X*.
Walter H. Sawyer reeedvei tw
loesand one hundred forty-eight
itM .8148.
Henry A Jersey leeetved agren hunidradtonnecn votee—714.
' George A. Parxaenter reedrednlne-,
ty-Ave votee—88.
Henry DIbrtebt receired twenty•Ittt votes—21.
The whole number of votsu gtrs
tor tbe oBce of Member of tbe Stale
Bdnid ef UuenUoa do AU vaenncRl
wsa twn tbonsaad alne kndrM serentynlx votaa-tt7A
And tbay were ttv» tor tbe toOow‘“wffiSa ‘j.™i£**Be SBMtved two
llsimnl one bondred iblrtynlx vnlss

Jnwea O. Henley tecMred amn
oadtod nloMen tntea 71A.
Chnilcn A. Ealycr reotdv^ ninety
tbrei vetei- 87.
-AlbM E. Hlgstoa (suttTBl twBity-





61 621 46



trmntair, Wkt.

i 11 li |S5

■ffl a i... H S:;::


W» boaght • job lot o( tbeae gooda and boBj^it Owni tight,
aodywigottbaboneetof thariidit kindol bnjring. while Um?
Inat, BCT don’t wmit too long a* there are o«ily »*«» Mta ai
each pattern.
$1.00 Per
ThEl’4 AO.

I of tbe Public WafOB Roads, was I
; (bousaod elfhi bondred and twehr.
I 2812.
■e (Ivta
(Ivta as follows:
■ \ ; I And iber were
- |S : I Two ihowsand Are

I i s(Te Pill Vaeaney).

... ...J7./5
............ $5^0




Solid Oak Diners. Full Bent Poet.
Brace Arm. well finished, strong end

—---------- —
Twal—21 Tbe whole nimber of vote* afeea
for and asalnit the Piopoeed '
BKOt to the CooMltBMoB.«f.TL--------Relathre to Prort^ a
oC Ccwi(r Aadltora (or W Couatr W OrAeee
was two tboaaand one hundred and
ttl *1 «i
And tbejr were dreb as folkiws;
One tbonsaad six boadred and (wenMil ttl ttl! 2171....
2461 '63. W21 ITTi.... |tr-foor—1«4—Toteo were ct^ca (or
tsald ameodBeM. and drr hundred
2Mlt 6CI aasi 2^
screnir^hree—672—vines were ttran


■g.» ?; !1S|!S|::::

On 3 Patterns cf
Dining Chairs

id they were slrea M toUoae: thooeaad alt handred and
lelabtees—ICIt—rotee were (Itm (or



Eiopcr or THE wtrvEEWTy.

Ji Special

tale retatlrr to proridloK (or the tB(roTement of the Pablie Wacoo Boada.
The vbole nanber at rotn ctTen for
iDd afftaai the Propoaed AseedBent
to the OoeatltathB of Thia State RelatlTc to tb« CoBpeanlloa of tbe-CIrJodce U the Ooanlr at Oeaeaei





aa. at tke BenJoa keM «a H
le third dar of April, la tka r
Kxtaaad nlae bai' ' '

Buys Ladies' Walking 8kirts', made ot
all wool \ material
trimmed i^ iduts,
strapa and bottons.

Bot-S Ladies' Drew
.~f Walking tskirU.
maiti» o( wotd Tmmddotb,


wtxtfa ilooUe tre ask.

Special Drives



Btts. made on wire
fittngg, txiniBwd with
laneTw oden, worth


Boys Lf^iss’Phroald
Wrappen, with d^
flounce. foUsiw skirt,
worth $1X0.

Hoyt Ladien' TomOrur CoUw


Per yard boy* Dn«
Gin^ in goorl vadsewht-re.


SheetinR. 10 yils to
customer only,


118 Frost St.. Traverse aty



double soles, set

$4.W and $6.60
Boy* Men's Suits.
worth 7.60 and $10.

Per raid bm Lin«i
Cnali 18 in. wide,
worth 7g per ynid.

worateds _________
pipn*. tXnrCj hand
tailorod. with self 2«>
taining fronts, fattn.
dreds of styles to se­
lect frm. worth 15.00

&in MfB’s Uaek
^ while stripe wtA
sbirU Slid kisa U^t
pereale Draw Shirts.

r.,; 15 »S50 SAVED,;^
If you ats guiag w> buy 6 sile thb seasen you can save that Butt toooey by purchaainr It diraM baa us. Ws will ship the
from our laelory ie Sbgimw. par the frvlttl on it to your station, aad you mav
th. dealer's prtti. tl6 to gJA—aceottlng to
theslxt of Ibeailoyoa want—ta your own poeksl. Hliai's Uk am of Bakine Ui-dcalar a present of IbatasMantafauBcyl U
id yoaV
iMofyusr mawy Ittt
wont make Uie ello a bit better- If we ten you the elk. ya-jTl bars the beat ails fcwih. and
r- -"' haves
----- ----------------------^ bnddea. Tbs Handy All-Stotl fra— AUs It ahsolutd.v tbs totsst hmatiss la ello neostnyjuu
doiabls that (kill, etperwace and mooey eanbnUd-4lB btotboUlby anybody. aaywbsK. $W<



n et tbe Pweaiti. Bendy Waswa
eowd by C. a. Fw>.s(. is4 pUen'
AtBMaw 'e£ Trt*«uH
. ttenuua|.
at Seen .!nr< ('■ iwct- al wsrv week rrxB. m
innmnrn dBliaf wub lb.tatBWi Wl orwI
Ovr repuiMMa. euued ihraegb ymm
.BbeMd-**. rile wye glib----------U u MS laM lor tblie
I. M
SB SmX Wtaai^U^MaM^
Xwp II u4 wet ere
ere em
em Ibe
I be WnghL

'g twrpSaMoSrBr

*r> w:3 aaa, yea a ptkw dedTwwA n«t«H |wM i« ywot riaiwa. aad (SMa
srat^ n w(.l tarn oa.
Miwn rilo bb eaU aBjoe.


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