Grand Traverse Herald, May 04, 1905

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Grand Traverse Herald, May 04, 1905


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


rattb ®rab«ir«e tteralii.

Faces 1 to 6

- f
tkaalflkwakw. *to. l»wt,Mb..
-am blew bM.«a«* toAn--wli;pw««to*ta^
: -Okl- aato Prtaju*. to# to na- *M tk* a*«ar aMM
YolM. wtot It a*ke * dlterww lo ! Altec, vltk aA voAtoevtoM «urc to ad-1 Sower or lAicr eke kac* aotoc wejaMhy. -Ob. «wr! Ok—I wto' kt Jack toaaw that aIMt;
tronld kAo* wbctberMhto rood W ytmr tetOaga If I doaY toep the tody; MWto*. "Aa’ why wdot I M ber.jwald coatploU to her to Mi*. HA*- vMld eoae! He'd eeatoR yw.”
“No; «kat taaa thatr
pat •tiAlAkt froa oao »m to tbe' aad little »Wr
• ! to to war
wUk aiowAen U aortac oat aad.
MM Ftollet «af aot • Wawtoratire aM rrerr body Hawto to kwr b«*
B«i What A uitta W»e ike U. to to 1 Mia FOUet hwltoled.
-o ODta yon are *oMt“ PHmOIa trltk thmt *por to belp..ibe toUered *W. Sto hM Acrer tboosbt to edfer- PrUeOti hM UfiM kt^wU to tod tbai
to •oracAw k«a
•are wd bo* atti*«I»e to Ike aea“Vw It aotHd.-akeoaldatlaa.
i extod, with a glM boond iato the hall It woaW to eaiier to tdl her she ma*t »K to care* PriadUa. b« ito weal Afierwow to pat a paau M m kalMAU Ut Mto * «Ue riew.
——! -I kaew H: Well, fa *olii* to tell. aM they narted oV toaethn-.
: «o. Still »be started with a awe to dowa oe her kaeee aad opeaed her hote to Dr. Farms': coat.
rtsifti Uak.
Jltot HcNefl lotoed away fiwa the! her (bis ewy sight totore *be gto* to) -Tbea two. Miss FWlto'a.- began igaUt whetietwr aayooe approachM tor arai to the s*e« bit to woaaaklM
“She's gone away-pol then : sMdealy. aM was sbodtod beyoM la aa ttstaai, Primna hM elaspH her »to was. yoa know. aM wtU her Ifitle
I jnoidfeu MW to atom too
aett too. as he said, aaeaaily,
i And Miss Ftolet passed w.
; aider the door. Thai's Mr.^McMea'i words whec, one awralag. sbe aet arosM the neck and laid ber atot hands ocaMb ..aad-wHL the
the letters to- cheek against the other's iwrwet tear. tor. klawlf eeatdat km *««a erylag
-Oh, by the way. 1 WAS gtoag t© nr.i -'BmUaH.- said Mrs. BenaeU to her-. -he's gone too-^lek U aader. So*. Prlsedla in the bsU
: Not a word waa spMea. bat the sHeac vkea to told ae!- AM the goof lady
■*■ ;vttk
nltor* aad «riAd t«- Mr*. Bouieu. that if yon know to a, stof as she tolled Bpsuli* to Mn. Max-: down to the wnnd boor. AU tfaea are ber hands,
... _
_. writfag
. In
Takieg them froa ber. Mrs. BeaacU I eyapatby sreat to Miss FpUet's heart.. «tpM ber eyw wHb aa Air that wU
yoa woold like to get well's rooat that ereotng. -bcAis all: Mr. Stoart's.
la ben. m. algbi let bla bare W wbat atokas folks take about ebiS- bta room. My! bni he's a eroas’tod knocked at Mr. Smart's door. It Sew Sto felt a twlags of rm>rse as she chat M the doctor cooldaY he^ It no
TIlHN c«l% lonmt, «

: ^

r 4

get aearcr to aty btwlncsa.AM MU* ^ u iu ento auk
Iwllb the geaUcaan from the bad i door to Mr. Btuan's fooa, but Alice's i saall bo* brtlod him aM llswoed to ■ self. Presently she UashM aM «kto< Ito air. for not we fM ia|^ni: Mr
-O Mr. MeNell!Hu cMrt-ir.woM or raek-kMM park.
as>l pered, softly:
aayooe object whea. tor days aM
; vords were In her mind aM after a ‘ bto UadlMy's p
-Toa—BO dlsaatMaetion yoa know;)!------------rpon oa the
awWd door.
that to sboald never to dls“Doe# Jack kiss yw. erery alghtr *»»». PrloelJla waa the hrrtoae to all
MMiiiw Abore tke bdebto. ncAlag to that ktad. And no spodal' -r wanted to see you." he begui. “1 wavering knock, ato dropped Ue let-»
baby into iieis on the door and wmatpered down tartod acnin.
Prisellla nodded. -Ipto ne.'AM Pri* the table talk; It wM a arW evwt
■tanAl «*«’• iMMAcd tlfhU;
burry. Only It wens best for bm. you i nnderstaad yoo've tak<
^ “It s no maiter. at all. Mrs. Beanett." cilia dW.
^ wtM* IMV dlBcrto fcto toir.
•w.- He turned to go. but stopped the boose. Now. Mrs. BenaeU, you; the hall.
The door opened sharply- “Allee^" j he said. - Don't worry atom It It's
Jnst ibea Jack's doof gew open aM , threw kisses
AM «n«^ ftt* ton* to An*.
■ad Added In bb seriooe sray. “Cer- know I'm ao hand to complain, but
lb. M.iM *lW l~.n!
.. ..
y 1 win lake that apsiairs for WM b.U« ^ 1. bm. I r., tbM-.: OIM .. IrtlU..! ~fc.. *0«
Vm nrataAtot ptoinr* toaadtoM m*
all Yw understandI back reluclanUy. PMwIlM ckme In the
But Mis. Bennett felt ber heart sink cry to joy. When to had caught ber. tog. JaW took ber la bis a
If yoa wisb, Mrs. BeaaeU.'
WWi nUtoc bms«^ Mw to to:
..............- '.So doubt be was;to 6s artns, sbe tuned back to Miss tnailily brought ber dowa to dtaaer.
At that BOnwt the troai door; . “Bat. Indeed. Mr. Staart." protetoed) rear.
n* *«*!& fl/'laato* to ik«to foM.
aM Mmlltcd a IMy, dressed I Mrs. awneu. “fto W my way rights -Why. and It's the lUlle girl from j going to leave aM meant that aothlng; Fotlei. ^
There Mie wi U state, the
Tna tom
vbeto mC gtew to
ining. She led by Ue band a I bow to toll the tody 1 can't km tor, upstairs, to to sura." she explataed. mnaered any mm. Sto was ready- “Why. she's .■ *oae-*nd shut her ^ all
Jlttle girt, who suddenly sat down on with the child, indeed, you needn't ^ wUh dellanee in her tones: “she's ptoy-:as she turned swp» to give Mrs. Mai-I door!-she erted. Theo, ahakiag hank .
«m be^ hw.
the lowsat st«9 of Ike stairway from leave on that aooount.“
1 mg postman aM got s^ and tw- well the onpleasaai message, without 1 her curta and putting a ttoj; haM w |

«Nk tottto to A ti
the hall aM exclaimedi Uttto Priacma Maxwefl opeaed tto! away.“
:a qualm, but at that moment she met: either aide to Jack's face, sto saM sol- saW AHee to BrMgM la the klieheu.
n* toov-dAd to)
-iSl’a^toT^^-wbenlweto dci^to
^er. PrIscl.U peeped out at the > eyes.
i ernnty.-Jack,4 hak. tore Mis. FWHt.)
amtiA DonYTOttackoaraew house! -Mem «we la," .to saM politely, “crus, old tear.“H-m!' .to muttered, 'the bsby ; too. Do you wrer
■Hack to fato A wrW. It >mb*
It a tavver high one?"
• I “Oirr home is all made."
! “The lUtle girt upstairs." repeated! wasnt to blame." And the gently e*.- "Notable, be answered. Stoutly. « fe think, lor fear *tdks to the dlala
iCh* taiato moat* to kU dma*.
AS Jaidt McNeil hesitated toteiel Mrs. Maxwell amlled. - "1 have just; Mr. Staartln ^ pnxxled way.-^Ilkwia* [ «alBod that sto wanted Alice to take 'Thea he whlmcred. “W'asaY she Mm-1 room will get a tosath toairr
AM to ito atto * anatoUc gain. .
•tepplDg over this small lmpedlment.ibe«i,idto*oBrldteheaeonierbythu!ihatwasababy. Caaltwalkr
jeharge to the totters aft^r this, -pflg ' l«hTOti. Just thwr
AlfelJ ^ ^M^Ipr^ ^to wduie
Aa aaplr* ton to UUawAr*"
■It aasieneo to say.
[pretty screen, you see. and now, with' i-n~.ui* mun .mio ...t.-j—* ... -v'ri
-------------------- -------------wtodews weal dowa. la a SaM.
-It toAilgin tneto. to aanan* Ito
on'new ato^bor, Mr. Mc-|(he folding bed. it Is quite a little par-,To Mr. Stuart's towlldered eyes sbejhaek the imrs. tfut Mrs. Beoaett daw. Priscilla did.
Ernyoae stopped to the parfew that
flw Mara MUtou toai^ to fto.
Nell—Mrs. Maxwell. Sbe and ber lit- lor. i tm so delighted wUb the room.:seemed a shining fairy. wiawM In a Ubem after alt She'declded to 'Udj | The next day no one mw
fMA^klaai:lAlrclU«Hw. ,




Jack bowed brleOy to the lady, but;,opieas^'nieb«ier.“
i dress, with a r»dlanl face and eyes
Then something else delayed her. oM day she was aotoster.
: tm
to tto ooeadon aad bore
bid gain llngmd oo the Ultlo Sgure < un. Bennett gUaoed her* and ' that sparkled like two dUmood* a* she and something else.
-<K mrse 1 eanl send tl^ M tmth: tor h^
. .
on the stairs In Its (luirjAhhe gown nherd. She Imd fell the bomeHI:e I anaouaced:- The next day was rainy. Mr. Saun- the MIW geU well, aald Mi*. Bsaaett
feel llto di^ag ,M aM
: down< ahe said, Imi fd like ^ to
^itoia aMe aua are baatot «MJ«d, aM btoadtoimmed while bat. Tbefn;tobehes about the room as sbe camej -Why, I'm a dauMter! I'm Prls-idem came home to an empty room In toberstof.
iftm toku Mfetod to iu Jan awl: wore
curia and tvr»! In- now she was ioildnt detalU. Her cUla!'' Then, with guddou bashfulneds ibe middle to the aher*otm: bis wife! On the third morning Mr*. Maxwell march awouM. If youd made de
■.-ynma M aaa kAra’to «totb aka*, gr«at brown eyea that met Jack's In r i .-third floor fmt“ hM netw looked «. j she bid herself In Alice's calfco skirt had been tunehtog with a friend and^caltod^lhe doct^. ^^^ ^
' Aa agaal ckaaw to vte A knan
and gave him a queiif coxy as It did that night; she knew.
once n»»*. ^
had not murned. As he «ood to the: new, lie* through ihe bouae-PrlmHH*:
soft feoHag in bit heart.
Instead to beginning ns she bM to"Well. wtoU" aatd staid old Mr. doorway, looking about in a helpless
: pl»M rtlto PrtsdIM giAV« o*sM
9»»m «ko *etk. OotaaMAk toaaw. •1 am going np." said be. a trifle tended, she looked kindly at the chlW Sttmri. The rUloo bad upset him. i fsabloo and wondering what to do, heMrs. Bennett fluttered with apprethe **ds to her Mlw suM to Mf.
awkwardly. -I might canY the little i«H| said. “How do you like It. llttSe “Well! And you wore afraid to me r herd a little sound from the stairway b«s^. -It's a J»d^«t
gWUshetotlred," Aadthea.wliboi>t;gtrtr.
I "A little." In a mn«ed voice.
leading to the floor above. There, ap- hot doing what 1 said l would." she,Gravely to look the* aadfollowed
waiUag for pennlnmon. he picked op; -Oh. Pm glad we live here."Pris-! “But you're ato afraid to Alice." he: on the, comer stair, sat a small flgure i thought. "Every one to them will her.
cilia answered.
j pursued, determined to see her face j In a pink gown, with Ita while apron | leave me n
And she felt more sure to It than dpi* and hie
up o r Its_____

It WAS a novel
After that, eomehow, Mi*. Bennett
"Why.’eauae--one Shining eye ap.. The chubby feet thrtw out- towards i ever after she bad tried to offer apoto- Mias FWM. aaUI she hM saeh w.
>e etU^ to aoft Uttle arm I about oonld ato get snrted with her mesibim and the baby hands oo which the i Clea and promises to Mr Stuart *ad; marMtag alter her la atogle «e.
hiB Back. He waa surprised to And sage. She chatted with Mrs. Maxwell peared—"OlIU Is my frlcafl!"
"Oh! Wtol. I want to to your friend.'veiled b«M rested, stmdt Mr. Sana-[ Nr- «M»J«*. and they hM htoh 1- Back aM forifc. up aM dowa the
kow wcki be liked It.
for a full balf-bour. but erery time
Det's'skake haMs."
' ders as being both funny and palbetk-. > hruohed past her, uawUllng to hear a)parlor. ^ led the q
/Dojoa live lo ourhousorYbe ehUd Bhe tried to say what ahe bad planned.
_ words
•■What's the maitorr'he naked.
i word. Yet t^ day aad another passed; haw>mJ>foollah-looktag
g Otoe I Mr. Snait’a voice waa at
asked, sodtly, as they Beared <to top dm
aoddMMritBdeckledtopmUMnniue aod bis c.ves wer^ retoty kind IT
-Muma's had Itf go down town »a i «itliont a ootlee from aoyope. and: Mr*. Beaaett. m the ^
i of the aeopM flight to stair*.
' *
[oneepuJd forget the fierce stay brows 'e rain." answered Priscilla. wHboul;afler that a new anxiety crowded la,on with bmmlag open.
"Yen." said he. ''Shall we be good ,<f next day.
aad filled Mrs. Beimeti's bean.
| “Ifs like a di
frtatda. little gtrlT'
t«iPotl6Md are both.
“I'd like It." she agreed. ahyl]^"rin was saying to herself when she leP cilia came slowly Into view; b.-r bead \-A-y Had cutting paper dolls, and Jack Prtncllla was much *v^. Bveryewe thought, "to see them 0^ hero. tUn
r OM by hribohoaght
'But If# a matter to busi- hung shyly, and her right hand still Is off working, and Hiss Follefs gone. In the house wp* walking aM talking: frtmds. togeiker. AM allK (ho
(1 dolBgo
de^he postman looked up'to that ba^! To thiak 1*^ aaU I'd
ness." she Mded quickly, shuulpg her,clutched AUee's dress, bufthe left tou. an-It's dweffly—lonesome;" She gave ; softly.
“Wdl. I'm Jack."
Thsn. as they rcaehtJ their Jonr- tins together hard "Folk* have to a Uny, dimpled thing, was noftly laid a little sob. "I—I **m to be amoosed." ■ nt the Window and aboek bis bead: at turn them out M aoon Aa ahe gets
the door he eveo waited to quewlon siroog! I JUMbmr to do 4t aad
■ey* end. she saM; suddenly, -fti kim took out for themselves. I'm'a widow, to Mr. Stuart's palm.
i -come again" be said kindly.
Mr. Saunders surveyed the wood« Alice, and rhm shook his beM again I declare. 1 wonX"—The Adraat*.
ywB. Jatot. 1 like your face.' It laY too,"
otnap. iratt ho Mat-eni later, a* she went down 'opUtp'rit hf ‘>*‘1 l>wn'rhewtog: then mod walked on Kolemaly,. Thegrooefs,

-dwoBy Mgr
I dbn«(-NAVw ta gay tho «aat
Perhaps, thoagh'. ahe was not sorry
Hl.>. » tt.. ,te Md 10 .iw«) lb.
fcn- lb. toll te
« >» » W“.

M«>. DO Fto Or—
UM I. »uw.r bu !>,. .l»irdl,!„OTtMdlb.I.bto to.blb.,uailb. ,u«l ..l. . r..l ..u. o» bur! ■
' h. «H. wltb . .buto- tort, u Bl^ .Ub lut.
j WbU. «■ . uUl,
lb to
WUI 1. brtpbltlob 10 bU bod, Itol
Ito kllobw; tolbiu .b. .Uld- •«ato^;ltoM,ltoM.d...U„.>p,!:bUI,Tm dowo
Wd.^to Utol M-bM to ua-.U«P CMW.*
‘poriunity to toeing a
dnr d»n ike shades tbo Inaocent reataih pleased him very I goBB them a lit Ue longer than n«*s-: vent reply. “Well, that
s at even ' stance to the V
PrisclIU took the apron-dosm aMitor.bad to answer q
__________ _
^ modi. He Wuahsd a mile ante turned I eiiy required:
Ml the
I to their ,
■Ma A «M* hl^ thAA thejloward the swtef4acM moiher who,her
toit for some’resion he could ««'^.‘‘“Ug to Mrs. Saunders'
«ipl aloM MM* to utadr the Of- hM foDbwod and was thaaklng hlm.|Beanett to Mm the ui^iwr htols and
V I_______idaee
_ ..v„.
but he biaMied now. a moment later.Uvety
she was^-1,
llkflv ...
to guT uio (he spirit _r
of _______
his work,
-.sot ii ' -1 iwher think 1 do. "
• ‘ Vno*be told Mrs. Beaaett. who gen-Qa the aimer roaches to the Hv«
■Deo I'm -cogiing; *te d««MM. |«ally wayUld him last. Just at the out- thero waa a Urge pool Jo*t fortaMe
J Ught ahlalai throagh AS a door ekme by opened nuddenlyi«»e face to face with her compute- such a very cross old bear." be said: ;•»«» > *»
side door; -fora sweeter, more patleal at not (tmes, bM in a dry a«A*<m
f*m aM parlor gave the and Mb* Pollol walked iato the hall, ing boarder*. Bat while she wm se- to himself, with * peculiar smile. Then ”*'‘*'*6
She waa going out. aad very trim > cUded In' the basement matier. were: he went out for a walk and came back. .'»«.»«

to*." he aaya. "Among —
r 4« Iho wan a piaklth hae
bona* making their jwa U the v
■ alr,!Nhhmfa»MMtoihc aM pretty she looked la tor ll^t > progressing oa the upper floor* in a ftoiivety earrytog a Mriped paper bag least, but at Jbat in^ni he tbooiftt j nea* iUelf!"
about a pink rose with de* upon it.
once Hlu Follet stopped Mr. Smart; jt, of thte pool, aa oM mare aM a
street suit aM Jaunty bat Her quick j «-ny that would hare givbn ber no ^ that looked like candy.

foal* aM yairiiags it* to
eyes eoaprehenfled the group Bear the I small snrprise.
Meaotime. the lUtle poaman had
to a radUat Priscilla.
‘ lionlng the doctor. "What doe* he come down every day ta the toag. dit
Prlaema'a flrrt move In the osoraing; knocked at Mr*. Saunder*' dour aad home
•Uirway. She saw JackX blush; she
saw the.charm to the deilode face up­ was lo tie ohe end to a-ball to twine, was ba> teg what 'she tbunghi a chara-' --Why. mamma." she.cried, a* they say r she naked. Bbraptiy. UaUI ibea^sBBmer. when the herbage waa scABt
lip the stair* together. ."Dafs Mr. Smart had never looked ai ber es- —
sad -----------aeorohed ----------Iato
-turned lb bis: ahe saw the beautiful lo a pretty basket vfhleb she proceeded {(Dg time. Curiosity bad prompted Mni.;'
. but that day he atoiced that waded into the pool aaUl the water
rAlUMth one band toasped In Jack's; to lower Irom the front window to! saunder. to' ask her In. but tote b*d,
her eyelids were, red. ,,
nearir. PeacheJ their hoada. aad Stood
( whstbsr^ll I* hecAUSe fve Just; but her careless nod In paaslag saM their room. -Thro #^re walled, leanlui: .oon forgotten that In the pleasure of »*«■»<»••
mar Hve-he
live—he Alves
“It seems lo be. Indeed." said wrory
"She mv
no hope.' ih. re for hour* dlvlag to the hoctom
'h a M to eaBlaakoons I that .Abe aaw only Jack aM noticed <m
the siu. She did not
nut know that the
th.- prIsclIU't
Priscilla's sweet little presence,
presence. and ' "«
It oo
on Into
into bU
, maath^l
iwtfut- on that beat wa* the gruffest
reaUy sorry when the child d»- ! Mr*. Maxwell, with a grateful sigh.
. be quoted briefly, andreent
to *aoeolrnt wsMn.
tocAsae 1 tkmYlhlm by hut the merest chance.
Jack's move to fol-!cne In all the town; that he never, ^d she must go. and ran her
That erenlng Priscilla stole, out. as
feeUags." «hlch they chewed_ at letouro with
■ , She did not
tl.1 i nu,,,..
™. .10 Mr OTa «lrtt •" ■'
'trt. arlppl.. n«i.- nlM
■ the j low her as the child aMoaother tamed | seemed lo bear ■ .1.11
) he -had to srnlf a ; • 'They are good to you. my darilng." Jack when he went down to dinner, door.

1 aow waa Ja aaJee boaadtog iawv-- nor dU she aee Mm change bis : he
• ia'my *■».
the. hoarders j mind aad, nflwwntchtog her down the minute and sMneUmts eren trudged said Mr*. Maxwell, after she had heard Sbe wa. used to waiting ouUlde Mis*
Mtos Follet knelt down hMde her
'The orerseer told me (hat during a
Imw ^thar In the pariorjatair*. eater hit own room with, one off uklag the letters with him. If he
the story.' Fonefsdoor. *nd a little chat with her bed for a long time: tbea *to arose iong drought some five or *1* yuar*
talk or play oh the i haM In tte pocket to his Mott frock ' thoogfat the maid was slow In gening
-So III be good to ev-wybody." said had of late iw-eome as much a matter, »nd stood before the wIMo*. The pn-. loas. when hardly a vesdig* to
Omuihtoff If* aBaataami.<^t. He ha* aa lanoeent. boneH face' to the door. So she smiled brightly lYisdUa. and with the impulse fmb of course as Jack's good night itself.
edge to a glorious sunset peeped ai fv d was left on the nta. uM hush
r way they all atroak'off to Uelrt^has Jack—but the hand Wide that when^stae mw him comlug.npoo her she looked out to Jhe islndo*
Bot Miss Follei wa* nit so true^ n
her over the roof* and chimneys, but ir't bad Jald Imre the mM plalai.
I roums every light hatI dooYj picket was ■rmly cinsptag a small
-Good ma^lcgi Mr.^PostmAa!" ah-’ and lavished a sweet -Good morning." friend a* sb.-seemed to Iw. When the sbe dM n« see It.- Mr. Stoart's wo*-, the old mare had dlseoverej that theru
iw .what I'm gtoag to do about lU^andkWchlef of mualla whb an edge; piped aweetli. He pahl no heed. "Good upon tfie grocer's man who was going had discovered, bv chsnce. one night begone face bad come back Into her sa* i.;rnty to lusrioos food at the bto. a Mr. 07(«Q!;tolaea.
I morning!" Me called agaM) "Mr. Post- into the basement at that mbmem. that PrirefUa waited there for Jack thoughu. -Tbcoldbe«rha#abean.".ioni«flhepools.*hl(*.couldbepioctared by dIvUg for H: aM.- haring
'4 ^ mu looig man ha«
oatoiM; -Mrs. BsoastC^ aaldMhm f«let man. pleaae kg* np!v
The man took off hi* bat
i-be thought n Jo*« a piece of acbcm- *be saM at Inst.
pui hw discovery Iato pvsctlee,
^jilW tho uotaMe aM otoppM to salBtc . stopping la the parior oo her way out. . to spite of bimseif .be taiseri hN
YlXen pompon* Mr. Saunders came ing oa the pretty widos-'s .pan. and
got. by and by.—toi. so rnbeb sooner
ooilBoed to do out to prefereaeo
' 'hmfflady. HM hsM was not no;-Y hats to lease you. bat Pm thlakltig >y«*.
. home that night hto wire, in trillng to was full to *eum acrordlngly. Tlieii It than It seemed!—came the day* when'
lU aa u AppeAind. ta coaaeetiM, some to moving YIowa lo the south
-Wc live, here now." she saM. "mam-: PrlKltU's call, said hair apologetically, occurred to her that a little careful ur. Parson* began tu answer cheer-rii' ^
drivco to do by
h hta gMai het^t: he had an tano- pan to the dV- Most to pay eOMomers; nui and I—«nd- if dcre's any letter in i "And sbe really U a wlnfflng child, quesiioaing to the chUd might gfve fully. Alice nang about the halls and neceatoty."—Hxchaage.
■ faea wltt rooM.. live out there, yon know."
yonr bag tor u*. wonY you please pot you know. It oal.r one Jiked children." her hnowledge that she wanted very no one frowoed: Indeed everyMMy's
-------1---------------- *
* eyta Ahd* a manner that a*li4t
Mlm FMIet ws« a dressmaker'aM ait ts my basket and let me poll It up?"
"There ycKi go. my dear!" said be. mneh. so she began to eoort her sys- heart Jotned to tbe chorus. Miss Follet
Amorics’s Cargsst
'WlUlam Coraell Orsaae. kAowa M
g an uB-| pMaaaat little pertoo whom Mi*. BedHe stared for a fullminute atthe. "It IsnY a qUestlcm of erne niee eht^
temstlcallr. with that In view. It was ^me down the *itve« vrlth a' qniric.
{aeu dM AM like, at all. to iDoe.
, dlmpMag babj-face and pleading eyei. Ir Un. Beaaeit begins ihi* tbing ifa- not bonorable she knew, but the truth 'Elastic tread, and met Jack McNeil -the copper king to Mexieo," ts rated
fe^goYogtoag upsutn." aaM Mn.. "Oh. hy the way." ahe added .sod- Then; wnh an acuial grin uo hi* rcl. bduse will be nfinlog over full of was'^hat «a}' Miss Pollei. nnknowa to outside the bouse.with a bunch to as tho largest fauidOts«ev In Ametlca.
d Uklag thbjdsaly. “who U that UMr with the m- fwjp. he dropped a tatge bunch to let }tmngncta-7ihai-s what it means." . qll bet? friend*, was a very wTetched pansies in hi* bands.
Jils boMlngs In Arteam AM la the
Munt*—.Y kno'w!
kttow'"" Mrs.
Xirs- uttu
not., maid
>,>1.1 henMf.
h.>r»ir with
wlih a
> K—«->
lint MMa FOllcttY tip gtrir:)
“Oh, ye*, to course—'i
heavy, ach"ir you .....
sre «ni>_
going i>
In." be sifld. “wooM sta'e to Sooora. Mexico, i
: ten into the basket and aisrcbed off
a hoea lyU' hero on thel "Weil, rreatod her a i
iunder* never argued: “but they'll , tag heart. Tonight sbe was more ibsa yon mind taking tluwe* I'm in a hnrry. about JAISM*» acres, iaeindlag some
y«*ee- wtthout slMH>tng-*l the'door At ah.
day.~ said Ml*. Beoaen: -she's
-nhe-s got . “Ob.
"Ob. thank j^!" lYisdna trted.
cried. ndt trouble ns tong. Mn. Bensea told ’ uaually.snhappy. and she Mded lo in but- I wanted to send them to Prla ' to the awst vnlnable copper-prodneing 4«i«hr-'
land on tbe cnailaest. It was . while
H «ol A dUaty aoaare to laeO- the tight honsekeeptng ctaae aM I "Why. you'rerihe goodest postman I the My she must go. Met night."
an naeo
»w which (he
MU* Ftollet said nhe-wooW.'aad her talaing ««tle in Artsoaa that he bedOAY Uke that generully, but I eoutdnt Uve sees'- •
Still she saw do harm la quietly en- as ahe yielded to tempUdou aM
•uni Ih A pseuliar war withoat a 8K»-| rtouse her. some «*y. AM thb 'wuv
mamma!" she exclaimed.' joying the sweet toilM's vtelu while-opened the door oa heartag PrtscliU : smile
bright aM sweet.
' r»me Utereried in some mtos* which
UfA hamud it.
. I the mile girt wobY be tionhUag at the I___________________________________
ashebuidedberlaod%sidetheroom she-staysd.
la the halL
-Wail." saw Jack; “yog
woeY _go to Benaior Ctorh to Moataaa aM Other
-'*aho M n her* tan night." Mra.. tabta. yon eee." she woat oa huirisdly.: -But. darting, that fanl onn." said
The auxt day Cmit by. and another.: -waitiag for Hr. McNeUr* ahe. the ruom. yonreeur'
big copper mM rtoasM to porfhaiw
1 Wnil tOA OA. “BM A callM-. yoo|“but. anyway. Mias Ftollet. It H’s going Mr*. hUxweU. "He has given yoo the nod another. The pootman adopted . «sked to the liule figure la the kmg
“I’m oto a-bli afiald.’ sbe aatwered- The prspertle* tsnwd out to be OAto
I. Urtoyevcaiiigthey hAd'ndiapleue my bosrder*. I^Y Ukelaad for all the people to the bonsc." tbe hariset as'na iaKlihiioa and alwai* white dre«stog-gown.
“I know—but dooY go—please. Are moosly rich. aM bow Gtoeae to maay
.-01 It. too. aM Itsasgtad. tori llheo;a child tu all. Thh_Ja^a sort toAMap««tteg the door she caned the sent a atoile.up with U to Priscilla'#
"Yea^ Priscilla aaswerM. “I find you quite wriir
: itmes a mDlkmalre.—Tree Press.
; .-Ntali suetohHWy oromud ths house. Ji trteMta** and atone here to the city. tnaW who was dusUng lo the haU antf window. They, were queer, wrinkled, be’* coming in a mlaate mnr. As she
AM she told him tbai *he was—“Cm;
------------------, B0W. Mr. McNcO. why pM^bW I gnos* she qaa find some'other handed her the leiu-ra. while PriscltU. teaiber smile#, bnt Priscina llke^them looked ap at Mis* FWIct's fare pom- very, quite well!" aad went Into tbe, Thi# *■* Ihi ili?gul*i ■wflannmtul
mm A«kBn s' aa rrsAtog Imrptooe. Anyhow, ni JaM
her I foilowM. with toaging <3**. SMdenly Jw •» vrell. The groreV* man began thing to Ito twrtora exprroston brought hodse With a warm Joy to ber heart.
to be ocM iMcmUy ooiaUe a omata
r rmUat^o^ poTcaaY keep her. Tou may a* well npeok; she drew her mamma down aM wiO*- to leave an apple m- baaaaa to the OwY; rlrUly her mtaere to the after
“Mrs. Benactt." she said, aa that M
tbartma ptofae to worship: “Thlv
worktop.oeoAtaca, Jsst now., cm for I uMerstaM R wen enough.: pered something.
daagUagbasket, la answer to theAmoa. “Do yon get dwefly tooesame—tody, tat her to. “ijtat w»# #8 a fooltoh i
evealag Bev. Mr. X. wifi pnnth hi*
" *■
* ike yopag Mr. AM Mi*. BauMees told ate tbU' “Why.•yes—if Ahee to wllltog." Mrs. »«eet greeti^ showered, upon him ev*rr she asked sMdenly. Miss Fto- 'whim to mlae—waaUag to move, yom. torewpl] i
CMtth hla anm ore* nptm the; motatog that they dldcY like the idea-; Maxwell answeved. "Prtodlla «raaia to from above. The Utile potoman amde iH'* eye* filled whb tears. ."Tm." she kapw. I «tioldaY Mave yoa for the deader a
,to A MtM nmalm arooM over their iday -pMUanA and carry the te(len;iier rouMs with Aliee'rcgntorly. and admitted, tremakmsiy. wcAdertag why; world.'’
peaM tor tbe aecAtaam".
I Mis. Beoaett, ail «
•t «m|She'<M so; “ye»-I '«A‘‘

toMtoAuita toali-ktow aM atoue.
:;|^'tortekian- kp« tu k**«.


: ~'S=”“

. MS'


: if:.-y V X-;... X



»IIIWt1WWy »«««Ma,TMUMla
jfMmd loaiMit
I M M tki Fait
on at la-elMtaWI
for Ue «MMl

«. r. .QolBUa».

»AY«. r

Tiarcfsca^ state BiN

hi «*MT Mac nmtreC viUi i

: Heart

ad)cHtr«nca( of ihr otd eohacfl at 9:3*
^ were taken ehrteailr lU. iW re- 0. T. HANNAH,
hjrm and prarer by Eer. B. K.; tocad wai takm part In hr Rer. T. P. i
after vbicb Ufa. C. A. Ma* , Ultota. C T. Stoat. Mra. Soort of BIk
___ cC iWa «*tr. »t«o bi^ b«r la- BapMa. lir. Bainer. Be*. Thoaaa Co*.
tenoUag talk bf
(ha worth of Mn> Wllwa. Mra. Stewan. lira
WUcs’ Heart
has j
Iho Saadar athool taaefeer a« oolr oae^ 0«>r*B aad CapUla HanaBUe whoae
oaditfr iBportasee to the hone. She' thonghu were eaneaUr aad trrereatSURPLUS. S2BAXX1 .
■poko«rftheearh>aa»6thodaiB*o^i>rraeel*ed. FtollowiBg ihla dlaeoarion lln.. W. H. Wh«t. SI Grawn April t«.
ladlCeraatSitadayarlwoltforgaialogiaawaet trio Of ■andoUa ptaw tlw
of the hose as the! Miasae Lea Borer, Stella Cole aad
137 AGeBcnlBuklicS
ginag oat Of report canU. bartag qaar-' Loalae Howard phgr«l -Peggr OTfaat'
larir Bandar adioQi oMert. .«d r«rthe deiigtat of the large andleae.
At h;3i> the
^ palpitation, flolterinp,
ir gatharliicr for gaaetal rOrtew. Bho j Folkiwlag this the next war. “The
rter. Hoab Ken
jiazy. faintW and amotherins
w.- o' t>. rm
tt« »»» H-' '•'wu"” ">
•" <» ti». nedr of ibe Ashurr UethodUi ebu^ ^ells
!lis should not
.1,^. be RCRlecied.
.U.W ... n ...Uiaiu . fc.. pror™ WM'i »««•<»«• otxw being the' ofllclatlttg clergrnian.
.Take .iJT.
.Dr. .UUCS
Miles* SICSIb
Heart Cure
^.U1C |
) »er Ccpi fiUnfefi M IlflM De»wttk
between hoaie aad scAoot. She sdro-lSoU.
and see how ^quick JW will
cated bone rteKatlon- hr lescbera, lit-,

supper B-sc served,
lye relievednbM.
tfe leaMBhraoces daring anj bo«e'
CHy Cowncii.
. The griK>
It cannot make a new heart,
Illnw wonld speak aoR stroaglr of a: At the final DMctlag of the citr coufi- firmer from Dcar-BleKbsm and in ad­ but will restore a sick one by
teacher's deep peraonsl toteren and cll Tburadar Gening wbiefa wound
dition to his oam iana of sno aetes,
strengthening the heart nerves
asUMIsb a suong bond between the tbe fiseal rear's business, tbe report uf has rented bb-talber's which contain*
and muscles, relieving the
boae snd seboot Mre. Hsmnood , the supertniendeniof eltr watet work,
eodple hundred more und .wll) man­
vnnauiral strain, and restoring
dkaed br a touching MMM
tslk WM
on M.V
tbe .w...
fnlth wms
— — so W^lr snUsfsetoiy tbst — --------^
age both places. His father. Tllllaai
its vnulity.
“Lore Never PbUeih.~ This, she said Uoa pot br Alderman Ollleti prevailed Core is moTlag to Trerrrse Ciiv and
abMlng. tender and eookt not fall ‘ inniedlntelr followlag tbe readlag fd will reside on Elmaiiod avrtiBe.
' aad frriln, S-rO ,H
In the nfirrto bclag sympatbr and eveatciallr be the report to publish it la foil and
■ neon IQ rtewlUK MM rw 1 liad to l*r
■ OewB. or fall down, tlirw (Imra. My
(he means of sarlog “Tbe Child for have separate cotfies for dlstrtbuUon
Very'best of drtital serrioo
MIm Myra Gltl of Vpsllauil wlU not . boirt UirobbcdSas Ihuugli II would
Christ” and she dosed with these I so that tbe matter would be placed beSam through. «nd I bid dlfllrult only.. Tenth year of precUco.
words. “If re abide la me and mr | fore tbe people. Later la tbe evening
Tour patronage sollcilcd. Ibagaia. She had clean^ a pair, which
words abide la rou.' re than ask wbet | the matter was made geuerel br AlderNew M4aKm building, under K.
eoriy X hnd tn gri up fn^Tl%-s t" tr
re will pad It shaU be doae anto rou.” | man Glbbe after this action Md been she aliowed to dry nn her bands, and
of r. ball, on floor with Ik>ek«t>
laicti to light tbf gas without
PolMwtag Mr Bammoid's able - reeclndod to publish all reports of the struck a n
ay's Business College and 'ov«r
-lng.thc gloves. She was quick
paper a long aad Interesting discussion i eUr ofilcets la pamphlet form and
and c*q work con.l4.rsh]* for ea old
wiltedI aad
and soon smothered >be flsiact
upon coopereUorf ftiilowed. led br , bare 50* copies for dUtrltraUon. The
*“* * 'fe.’R'il^llLL. Frost Ohio.
in the bed clothes in an adlolnlng
MR. H. B. OarMMf tbU city und Mrs.; rust dlfiereace In the report of the low
Dr. Mites' Hurt Curs >« sMd br
ben called medical aid by
fiaeksM of Boannh City and the dis-; expense bf foR foi Um new Beow
ITie burns wei-e confined
eussloB beenae woOdeKally interest-‘ pump ns oompnred to tbe forircr higb
to her bands, and she is rrevvering
liito HedkaTco-, dlidiart. lod
log. nrerly every teaeber entering into; pressuye pump M.M5J2 as agaii
of opinion : IfJTG.OO. created the liveliest interest




’ 5


f^ ; WlHla«*uSr^iir*»« *»«l
r atEo^bck aft«

r. alwara mak- iv the faMt «
1«. IBM, and beside bis wife
a son to Xttourn for blM.
W-a^rihl of Mr Onstan
rest In Oakwood eetsrterr
that eorers bis fora
ijir tbooe who loTsfi
M wlto tMertsbod bis seaorr In
Tbe basket was corerad with
tnitiarnl Bowera Tbe serrlens were
^ShV. JaMs Haris of Sooth
lhiM*M*ii- He spoke of tile deeeaaed
tiring a lArloUnn nfe and snnpntbUIs of tbe kired oms left behind.
> wMi) pent bowers
mmt Mrs. Charles Btr nnd fiMlir. cu^
anttSMi Mr. and Mrs. A. Langworthr.
aaUa Ultns: Mn. Boberu, Jossr «nd
Mr. Tosha. oarMUona aad -tallps



^ ,



brtag that every eo iventloe made bet-;and tbe genernl report was to detailed
ter Btmday edbooU. Mr a. W. Bow-:as to give a complete lusigbl of the
U among them being twelve
ley. who was to reader a aolo, was til
aad unaMe to be preoenl. so the nextlrenu for anriUnry
Buhlect was Uken up.
lih« rear. whKh.mrent
I cock reptaeod t
I prerenre. easy gotng Bsow pump. Ninern» Friday^ Beeltfi.
mUee of water matas are-in tbe
The sesshM last evening opened wUb
devdtioual led Uy Bev. S L. Beqna . dty. tbe new main* cosUng $17JTS.I3.
Mmie by'tbe AHelulia Aorue of tbe with 65S.9OSA00 gallons of water forced
Bvwgelieal ehurcb followed nnd a to uaors through them end four 'i
room solo by Hiss McHnaus. The firet public drinking fountains arc a woladdition to the city. The total
' ' Safigan ^ Meob Oat.
speaber of tbp'^evonlng was Rev. D.
OocBlin of tbe Congregnikmal ehurcb. income for the city through' tbe water
His subjen was ■■Cblldbood the Hope source bting M*.<>10.09.
*nw tttmbie which the city fathers
MOo«H.Vnlubtf(»»eehS^ of tbe World.” He said la part:
gfcfMPqsbnlgi' iten Tbursfiar eren
Boomiea. tbe oM pfalloaopbor. h»s have eneoanired at Lansing <
dsb rwir Mr m t» gneset and ft was aaid that hope la tbe greatest buaun rtiarter. gmendmeaU twere focused
the fcdlowlng lobbying committee
afartLCblMk Wm-tbesnUon to
There never was a time
nfijim was sBlte. hi addition to an sfboa Jhere ■' wfis so mueb hope la appointed (o proceed to Lansing:
eniMtbMoet. there
bomi^ afialrs as there Is* now. Our C. OHbert. AMemen Doekeray aad C.
Mr or iMNMH MrioB
are'already on the stage. E- Murray and W. W. Smith.
There It no danger or nee soieMe a*' Abnbleet which seemed for tbe n
■iiUOfi Of
Club, the topH win be ioag as childhood irr-TTit- the tascl- meat to be of vital Interest but red to till
aMw the UnM of bow to readi out nation for us ns it does now. TbU fas- celved no support was p
aod Bst the Toung mra tnterosted In etution is dee to the teaCblngs ol coonelt by Alderman Gibbs “whoa
ChrUt. Tbe child looks two ways. ilrement dated from this mcetlDg, 1.
to tbe opening of Cans street to the
Uanlly B looks'farwird. alwhya toward Bay ab^ hdlng plaoed before them
God. Tbe bops of tbe cdtlld is first to for conaMeratloo but received no re'B
Ms purftr: oooond, Ito freabneeh: iMrd. --------1%e various reports f«mi the chief
of polloe. the supertotendsnt of the
to a ibM: fmtrtb, it Is ao it
e department,
the s
r oneh an able: VIb, to tm faitb. There b hope lire
i. and tbe annual
■r. MflHken nuted that la an the etem«U of child nature.
d be here during There la hope In lU ImagiaaUan. la lU aUtemet of the financial afialrs of tbe
the next «Mk to amka ydana
cluaning. snow
prtod^. In hs will power. The
The haaqMt Whs the Bteans of large­ grcatect herttage we can bare U the haadltng. filling in the.marfet site, re­
ly IgpreMlM tbs membenhip of the tfitnd to trato for Ood'.
pairing cement walka. building cemeiu
After a vocal aoio by Mlsa Once walks and f lengthy report frem the
Hnstinge Bwv. Hugh Kennedy <k the treasurer, the city clerk on claims aad
v aHiber la Ha ranbs all Iba
Asbary M. B. ebutoh apoke on the goe- accounts were all adopted without dis­
tyavoree City who are laterestod in its pel of yahu. He said that throughout cussSou. -.The poor department had eiabisw aad aa eiCoet srlU be made to Ihe whole Bible compoeed of eizty-etx i P«n<>efi 57,S»e-fi4 during tbe year, and
tatarest the awa of tbe city tn the oh- books and covering n period of about-fho t«nl vuluailon of tbe fire departMc( of the einb. Bretr member wns IdOO yeata, there ntoa a alngle gtddcn wieot was tf7.l6T.»«. Duriug the yesr
' urged to neenre ht lenst one fiiend to ihrend. light aad lifA There are four I »fV ealh bad be« responded to and
>la.. WbBo tbe elnb bean tiM
main dtrielona of tbe book of John. W.W# tort of hose laid at various
of tbe “Mia'e Chib ef Oraoe church” it nm. chapters H; second, rtmplars > O'**- TT** PoUt* fiepOVti
- In
1 aad does aot Ml: thInLehnptoMS: tourth,remain-!made
fifty-five arreets during the year,
mttk ta baaeltmwebursB to the detrl- derafthebook.
: Of the dearth of rtty dcoA but im bail
areat «t oibaR;.The spirit, aa exmorutog seaaloe ef t&q primary {•vrtled the city cxchreuar as iax.
Nalaad. by Mr. Gilbert. Is uneelfish. It naday achoql conference was opened
The report on cement walk laying
Is aot nan ef gala but a desire to aid by-fievotionni oervleaB led by Her, w. , «*««■*• Alderman OlUett. to question
T. Woodhoua* from tbe worto of > the new-rule of toying umiks and the^
the prtmerty
owners to pay
David. Thy word have I bid to my|<
' Brtawry Tenebere' CenvenUen.
bean tbat -1 may aot aln.“ From uuitorthemns tbe report was a IliUe mlsnrqm TbmafiaFa .Baeart.
leadtog. the work having coat tba-city
J)M Irat primary SuBiaysebeol ooa- The -'Needs of the Dlfierent Bnuday '»17.718.M with but tiAOS.a paid in.
fistfiaet aader the auapicca of
Bebools” was then taken up and dis- Ci>r Clqrk Beers. In an' Itemiaod rvGraafi Travaree tonday Sel^ aaao- cuaaed Iv delegates from Mayfield. ] Port. showed $li:s spread ofi-mlls as
ctatloa opaaed this moraiag to tbe Ktogaler. BlkLakt^ WUHamshurgud-sidriralk tax and ILIIO.St in returns.
Preabyttotaa obtntcb wHb a rather Treveree City- A lack of tratoad^whirti.ntorir balancea the cost.
ben was thought to be the greet-r The ctokas and accounts reported
hr Bav. L B. BUM, tbe
eat need and Mr Bsles thought that' 5T5.00U bond in the First National
drauB «M made Cr C. a Bstaa. prosi- (ha Sunday aehool ought to produce | bank-M , city depoalt.
dcat at tba «w4ly aaaoda^.
them. Mr Leon THus not belng able l The bonds of Jobn 8pom- a* consta
to be preseat MMs Peart from the city [ ble and B. B.-Mlller,as druggist
Tba caatral themtot bf the eo^areooe. aelmal read a paper en “Music to Sun-1 accepted and a petiiloa .lojear down
- Tbaa ObUd Is
Cbriat” ;ble lold day School an Element 1a Devotion. ■ i an old she» back of the William Ash
bww tbe firm Se&day aebqol convea- Music as a part of wonhlp and as anitob property lust outside the,fire limit
a irta bCU to
how to isu the luBuenoe for goerf was em'phaslxbd. | and erect a bare SSxto feet ]“ fee*
•ret tolnait etnas eras ocganlsad. is;: She stated thatk one
vMv crculng V,
of cnch:*>lKk .with ^t roof was grantoil
the firet leaBCB baabs were Introdoced wertt ought to be devoted to leaebtog | Tbomas MooHon.
and la 1175 tbe •firet Bunflay a^ool rouak ^people to slug. Miss Pearl
The committee on licenses appivv<>d
thought the ddeu .time singing far the fcdlowing liquor bunds: A. W.
rtoaod by aUttog itaat ha expacied the prrtet-hkle to tbat of today used la so; tppinka: O. E. BHIs. tVm. ilea. A. J
gresilosl good to some of ihU conven many achoola in rloelng Mias Pear!, llehet and J. Burdre.
bad th^ andlenoi* sliig arverel uf tbe; A sidewalk was ordered built both
After a salecll*.-AMdd to Ma“ by itnndkrd
street .from-fnion
Stnndfcrd hymns.
hymns'. Mr^LD.
. I. D. Hobba
Hobbs pre-'s1^
pn*-' sIM of Twelfth
the gWi- quartet, which was b«aalitn'.-1 seated a moat tnterewlng paper eon- ns tor west as Wadsworth,
lyiwdered, Mrs. Platt toreumof May-learning Ib^,^ cradle role and. tbe be-i A* the hour of adjournmi
fiaM read a paper on “Teaching. What j gtaners eciuree. she dwell upon the Mayor Pulghtrm ariise aad addressed
It OtoU and What It Paya” The paper' m^nor .with which Christ luceivod the alderman as follow,: “It is with
rapMe with good Ubu^t and wak the ITUIe ones while on earth and she rdltmunee that I .relinfiuUb m; gax^l
Bsteaed to wHh very dose aitcariou.
urged upon every Buoday ■school to ■ to my successor. 1 assure you. ftir the
Mr Barnsm anU to part: ^Tencb- hare cradle rolls. The lesM of the yreir as a wl-boh- has U*en pleaMnt
tag ooam a pufalBce of one's fealtogs riua and fik tree was than Ungbt to a tree end t wish to thank you for-your
aad ‘timidity land aomeUm aa un- IHtI# hladergurten clksa by MR J. W - support and the eoUneiy extended to
. Teaebtog de-iMlDfliea thus adding much to the to- me. I think the various wards can
the devotioa to|tcreet of the omatop. thnnigb %lr rightly be iwood of (hi* coeacll. Noth* *^"*^»**“ »® fin Hh (bright, faces, qtjesltoa. tolemipUoa* ing to any war hs* ever been held up
wrek la nrhttPecr guise It comre tuiand oxclamatioan She led them toom here and things seen to have alwsya
*'hh iimaids she cUad i the area uUhfrfiMeen and rtosed ih? gone along nicely. ! trnri it will be
• the eoBlng year. Again. I
-want to (hank you lor jw support."
knowledge of the Bible.
Rev. C. T. BtooT^peaed thU afiar- . AMermsn Dockeray responded by
> hli re- ihaaktog the mayor for tbe
Ls -hatag taaare npos the words << I
h he bad always
Pan] “Thai I may know HI mand
araaldad and ^ kariwmy with which

Dr.W.3. di§glns




Tire Insurance!


PlAM ClBBfi, StMn BoUw and Aooldant Inauranoa. '

Money to Loan on Improrcd Real &tatc Only.


Wayne ObmW link BMg, UXnOlt

Room 310 Now Stato Bank Building.


Travorao City.


Just whfit you wBBt ia



here tor anv piurpofc, bc>
cause if tea made from
lumber we can produce it 1

H<v-r. In.ii uiitl Willi- is an ol<) iiiiil nsi-rul pn-jKiniUim.
In lliis
urticlr wP liavi' aomotliTni; m-w
K-w 1
III* fvliiTry
Sln-irv Wine
« iiio isMiiiuoniy
i-rotiilv fnim IVmiolo—tiiapt* Kniit.
It is n anpvrior prvpnratioti. It you tis*l tbe uved of a tonic.
txy Hi 75c 1^ pint.

iff e. Ti*»f SI.,
B. R. Maciminaui, MnnsRer

Tnm'TBi* City. Midi.

Going to BwM?
If so, the South Side Lumber Co. at Traverse
City is tbe place to i>uy your material. Shop
and mil! work'done on short notice. Give
a chance to figure on your wants.

South Side Cumber Co*
Crarers* eity. Wieb.

If Vou need
Lime, Cemenl, Cal. Plaster, I'lastcriiii; 1 lair. I'uip
Plaster. Alabastine, Mtiresco, White Lead. Taints,
Oilsi Varoishes,.or Taint Brushes, we have them
for you. Our*Lime is the best. We'ifuaramej^ it
to give the best of satisfaction. We have a Rock
Cem,cnt (Alpenal.which is always uniform. It is
tested before it l^ves the faaory-. It is light color,
nod-guioiog. aaef of great strength. Ask for prices
on any of the above, articles, either fhrough mail
or at otT store and we will explain.



t^mes and public biuldinp are a few of our tpectaltiea.


Citizens Phone. 32: Bell. ISO.

W. L. Brown, h

If .V'lO nn'^ginitg U>dn nny limMioc tliia
it nill
juiy ymi
you hi rnK uml look iwir lUici over
ov«*i mhI get onr
|inn?B U*f<in‘‘iuiyiiic. for
•• lum*n v»*ry i-omiil.-ti- I»ift*of bow
w- trii

pri«» an* v.iy U'm. Ih-ftm* imrrhasing yonr bnm
If linDi>ein rail mill &■>'wbnt
Imvc to oITct yon.
imsliine ]maitivi-ly nrill not get off
TIh; Iiiur.0'ri
nii'miuif. and
• - Iluic

tgil friirl. it •
d foetn
ibf onliiinri liaiigi-rs.

"RANK -rfRtsJDKp 146 FreatStrtd
W. li.iM- a tuM-ihiPB Tin blioii.


reguUrmeiin itock. Special
----------------made to order, promptly. Only tba wcfy beat nm»


daevety reject
That arc made to use as well ______
not made of cbeap matoial, aad ffvea fi imAy
finish to catch the eye; bat are daiMc, eanfartable, and ncaL The ebefpert on the market, qBaiity eoBoidered.
Once used and yon will boy no other make.

126 state stTMt; te Uictor PeterlyL
Have you ever tried the


*T**ss «rt<l Oo'fVim*s

Bof^al tiger
IV} are the b



Canaii Can
aad Saimaa



L. D. SoaUBakotaotevtoyearaofageWlw Cbarie* M. Sdtffab Ima plaead I
caa beat btm te a toot race.
nstor tor a asagnUkeat carvoD t
Damage suits, ngre^tsg gltoA,--gUt dtaaev serrtM at a osH of Mb
«to. have heeu bled by Crippie Creek II Is bring msmtfaeUirad by a Brm M
Banm Knnafco. tbe Japanese ,AtP>o- mintag
It tbe Fhdera- ProTWeace. R. I AMlgne toca wA
aLwasa«totodaa«vati<m^to tkm d
ey to be loilowed la tbe inantoriari. a*| the Bi. Oeoege baninet In
dar- elaborate MMd wofl wfR be a aaMIto
Xew Tori Tuesday night. The barert n, the

iHieH reperi* tow the pteMdeaf.
CMbJv. the Baled .Boer leadv,
treaty i
ocvanlaniloa at tArl BMMMSllflerncfimEeeaa. iobiMr.f>mnli«iantnPNraii. Hr.^
™ camp tn Coiprado say that tbe pany' •• pmcml ta Narfnlk.'«'. Va-dcciai«a
* _
. .
_j____ ____ »._s . ■_______ ________ 1..:. -#----------------France aad OersMny would be uadisof huaiers bagged dve bean M the that the Transvaal e
tnrted in tbrir
eastern possessRm.. lau two days, the prestdeBt getUng
^ Loadoo Taeaday M a breach
h«M an Tk«Nv
«PmonU ;
MNiitf ArwWBNttilJiril
,knw. He U popma/amov to M Ud Umi RssHa woOld have to stay In oae of tbesi. TW party Is bavlag • tt a,, pMce treaty, ae sptf-g«verBaiaat
cmpHne* and tker a)oa vUI be Sbwin, where sbe bekmgs.
splendid time, deapite heavy aaow.
w** guaraatae^ to the Boer* as noea'
&rte« IMier Sijfsi
Scercury Taft has anaeunced that
•QTTT to B(W kta CO.
rnm wtona tana la aortbeni ttkW- j
Mr*. EUtabetk Haloae. wboee father- m *900 as tbe Traaviaal was ta a aeb
•oil kr mna: It u
Mr. Peenlaxtoa arUI be neeeedad br the Oxto poUcy of tbe govMiimeai te
caa. IMadtac the Mcabenklp at tkcj
sad who Meat all i tied Hate. Re said, however, that R
taamtr ootaMe br the Tnmane.atr Rod and Onn dak. Ii;
Geom Kfllioorae. far aererml ymra bandliag the Pnaama railway will be
Wr slxiydoer years with tbe British was no mere Ikaa be cspectad from
ai the bead of tke ctoaettai depart
aietit. Tbe raouicy erealed br Mr.
and rid.
w N aot'kMv
Nn tk«r J
RUbburae'a pnamUoa-nUl be Hied bf
A 8. Cook.
f-aeraljeceutiy. l^Vriy
rti. bora Ml« ;
leiorm* m
« v-: ^*5? **1^2?
_______ __that __
•»"“* *® tw^rave by suff ser- ti»»cT Cnracfte. niece of -A»dy.“ are
Death RML
expect* no coateder.
BUxabeib Btoortb. one able effect a* a result of tW readtakb.' geams and detatommu of tbe life. u> reside ta Greeewich the coaring
Idler. CtedHream. Seots-and lrt.L
They wiU lease Rk^laBder
kBovA nnrscs ia noatboni
guard* marched in tbe ruaeral cortege.
an erinie of 180 aemv
Pat Crowe has beea beard froai '
tnashn bands up, and vbm 1 would MfeblKan. died April setb at the
dms her. 1 bad to pot baron tbc table, Dome of ber fii^. Mias Ada Water*. agabr. TbU Hate be U said to hav.. .
for 1 roaid not bold bcr. Sbe voold OB fionib Vaioa street of a oonpUra
teen a passMger tot Saturday night
I when el
tioa or dlMaaea roltoving a severe at frooi Leonard, Iowa, to Davenpoit.i
■bNNbmaf^ and d fki and, rtllc, •*
tack of
Bboard the Hoatieello brsach of tbe
. CnticnraOiatnieBi.two«akmolCnti.
•eta lb# pboa- ^
Sbe was 3S years old and was crad
tore road. Ooutortor Heory HIg to saBM la one of tbe cdUef objects of [ cui^oap. ^ f^ee ber ^ Ca^ta
anted front the Ana Arbor ^ralaing Has anM Crowe told him be had eo- .liatN ftaa.' lb« am not as raadllr
aNOaUa aa afbea tbe bone Is drat
aee»<>tr>,4wofthctaaBeBrleft.' lean
W. J. Bryan to plead hU case'
town# I
trutWBlly Say
llarboT if be were i^oaectrted for bis alleged
tnN«i ia aitfaet.tke *l«*e and
Vlaa to or»nlm } that ibeae daba : bcr
life, and 1 staonld adeisc any one SpriosB, where her father b postnas
JhNiNNrtn-iMtbaboaeaare^irwind *_*?.” "*““*
e hU Hster and give himself up
ler an or-. nuS^ing aa abc did, to girc Ctttktin
8w'iab»MN>af«tiU«er. Tbe lnr*c
ter and one of tbe leadim; bualoefc
the Cudahy kidnaping case.:
for ».tnlat ta«»«t no tba> j
ojcn. and her su»iaers have beer and that be was on hi. ny to Omaha j
raoU b, toU. il tl» pYorl* Yfal huidlY It (tmma). tmti tt
spent lo nurslae at the northen re­ to the chief of police.
■>1111 tbe pofau to wbk* «e took for.
sorts-wblie her jrlnlers for. the pail
avMMmaa«fpboi*bat«. TbeyeenC
Diego Mendora. tbe aewjy appoUitml
Ooald BDT aaooii cf
three years ^e been passed In ikif minlMer of Ootombla to thU country..
on VB* bMB. ataaBed boaee. fnakttiuellr.o..oril>o«i»i
Mn. Cou»d WrtM
aaa. ■lautm of boaea. beeb and other! A. W.--------------------...
-----dty. Sbe
p^meat lawyer, a noted student;
aarla nf tbe aaisaai body, bone biaclf,*'^
wboae efforts in
ntisnUbplcasare that I eaa ia> year. In January, and has' .been busy of iniernarional Uw and political e«oB '
andtaM. aab. Tbe pound, of pboa««>ep meerratlon nf tbe sainc I tom yoo that the Cure has been per. ever idpre In carinK for tbe sick, wear­ omy and a mrmberof eoagreas.-beha.
i atancoL It is now nz years since sbe ing honelf 'CMtt until two weeks ar> been, president of IW Be^iean naiIhc IcMcr oi aU pMfcaac c
ybBirle add in IN potmds of each, of of tbe state hare bean p
a sreat many years. Mr. Peck out-! ^cwnl.yd there has
^aeaDtoTT, if Uter bad Mt fooiMit n
d. after milag for
amtace qaality, arc M foikm:
rersiiy. a profeaaqr in ibeidBIng^vcl'
lined tbe Objects eff^satherln*. and: SSlSJSfbSd’nJniS^ lilfflcnlt case, to uke to ber bed. Pneu leges, a srrlier of tafie and oM of t3* Parity. Streaftk^
Maiadtbattbe.meettBK was nailed fori fa all dbeaeei hi the sto.’
monla aei In. with terioas oomptles- raengnized leatora of the libera! party.
two deflnita parpoaea. one to further' . lasburt relief and:
tlona, and sbe has been crtiknlly 111 Ko man In Coloaibia today U so tbnr.
: forskia-h
r gsMS e« bmHs S
the taterenU of trap shaoUa*.
' *"*■
ever since. Her sUlen. Mrs. Netaon oaghly tamlUar with tbe bUtory of the
other to eHid aid in tbe maUW of|
Pier of Bmlns aod.Volney Powell of dlpIoBtatlc relatloos of bU eouno?'
/ MHM. tbM gkade. ISA pound*.
prolaedna of game and iUb of the,
wHb Ibe United SUles..

TbNiM*. NUb grade. H.5 pounds.
and were with her to tbe end.
Joseph H. Mania, a resident of tbe^
pwsaitts msBfMB Bl UM cams.
»MM biadt. » to SC povnda
A panieularty sad feainm of bet ceded Sioux tods in weetera Dakota.
II «aaba yam Bml m MBs toBrnrs
tatb OnraMM Mode contains uioali
death is tbe fact that sbe wss to bare U SI years old. but Is the champlMi'
Bmchaac. ■ to ito tanlsto way to
(lent was choMs from each of tbe gun
. been marriert June S to cme of the lesd- foterater and pedestrian of bis part of !
MMaN U aNr.tae ftaely trpttnd nad
as follows: Petos.;
btislnest men of Harbor ibesute. He has n standing challenge'
awBad wHbottt bartac been treated
uoxfprimii. «te

the • day befoiv
to ran agaloH any and all comers over
with add or tt mar be treated wjtb
deaib-ebe wss making ptans for U>« 75 years of age. any dUUnce they
aalfbM add btoraaaJe. inibaiat- MaaeelooA noyd Batman. Other gun: ~
wcddtng. The body was takes to Har choose from cme mile np to ten miles.
tw **■’* the jibnnitnrif add Is modi elute Ml repmsented will be adted to '
eMlm of Corbett ts. Bryan on
for »45.
«5. was
was settled
settled a.
at -C
N Thur^Uy. and tbe He says be prKers ten miles, as be
name a ebndldate for vice preddent..! endorsed ntee for
geu ‘•juH- niceiy warmed «p“ to that'
J..W. B...™ «
!Ta. »■ dUtance.
He has backete who ate
tMtM ,«reurr ««L W.B.r K..liut i
n. ,!». l..ln.U d .1.. «r- witling to wager there isn't a ssao in ‘
i» e( ctfte <« MfUlA
MNi. ttu* M ma u th* «ani«
n«ov«d 10 oUmt >u4« U«t
rwmr wUhon
oUlmich MI
on MMBlMlDr UO »■**
{To be'noaU—oA).

■ Mon

A tW Trnvone Otr 8Ule
' taiiA for Ute fan (oar and n toU jimn.
has naisaed kbi H>«iTlon as recf4rlv
tf4tef. tb» rrdjauUaa to tnko eSeei
kUr IS. Mr. f^Mlncua «tu r>
Detratt as4 take a
Ike Oetnril Baabteoa nalTenkr. Mm
anti Tisit tor a moBtl) «ltk
'b«r parenu'tn Ata»t and tkon^rtu

Cutte wmslB Cbmee.


CoBviclkHi FoDoivs IMd

five years UTER^

Uon (Mfee.






». bo.. ..0-, .b.
... .ppMntM Imt b«.u tut u . loonw. bU
ton and J. W. Han<
to draft a conaUtutioti and by.Usrs for been given oa a borne as eoUateral t<
and the home bad been taken '
tbe goSvnment of tbe orsaniutkm.
4 supply to glre the
sold tb90gb the price mallzed wo’i
K was decided
to bold ioenmano*.
tbe next shoot And

Ti.1 «w. b.d «eveUsir. ihe wife of Joaeph SbaWa of
and meeting at Msneelona during tbelf®'^
I’nl'r *»e<l at the borne last
Wo attampt is ptade to arranpe tbe lad week ib May. poring the meeUng :
week, aged « jeara. after a lung III
;. lied upon tbe oral promise of the
.the urgent need of tfce enforeemeni' ™**‘*^'
A™®*'*aside from the hosliand, si* children
•a aedsr at t
of the gsme Isw. In tbU aebUoa of thei
..I'' ^to mourn, ber Id... The fanerst
tlali are aompamd. for.aU alike mnai
the ffnsl action of tbe Jury ibe case -1
state. It <ggs shews toy those well informed that tbe laws reMilng to the stands closed unless It i« smwaled. from the Csiholfc church at .Sorth
It gve mlomes.
Unity, and the faDefsl arransrmeoi
ahooUng of game and to tbe cateblng The Jury v
were In charge of W. 8. Andcmn.
of tront were being ratblesaly tltdated
Heners for Local Men.
eonstnatly. IL wt» nbinm also that
Ms aad acMs in all fertile soils certain .tounu bad frequently bee*
Charles 8. Csvli sad
H. McMnliet:
Custer Bberiy Swsln. the two-mohthsmmm bakie to escape than the
Wde. that OMTlcUons for uHdt viol*, retnrned last week from Grand, old child of Mr. and Mm. Dsrwin H.
adU ibM^ tbe townward
Bay road. GremckrOle.
tloas bad been fmsimled for various
' 'A wt wMSr aftar bsary rains.
mtsoB aad by Turious maaipolations. tend tbe annual sneering at tbu died Friday morning after a sbor.
3<i&a't4 tbe other eoosattihigh standard committee of tbe Inde- lllnea. from eranp. The funeral was
Some of the most «
tm aoaroe of potsak Is bampeadeat Order of Ft>re«ters wblto coo-'beld,-SatDr<tey at 2 o'clock from
Bl the Mihertng espr
D. H. McMtil- tbe home. Rev. Hugh Kennedy of.
as diagnsted with tbe way tbe Uws bad
affOTto many
been violated In aortbecn MIebigan len. .who wa* high chief ranger, was
.« potash fro- which tbe
during the past few years, and ex- booned a notch and elected to the ofthooas. The most pleaiipreased n deiermlaatloa to exercise
la fikny napeeU tbe beet Is
their ntsMSt eadeavo
fill the Taeaney. Fotft- deiognie* weh'Hopped.
nnlg||NWib^fls gonads of potash
ia the nppoIntodtoattemltbemeeUngaiAt- nUSE.m A FAH80S lOICIIE
Seauaent wa. at
Ihlfea kM*N wnighti If laatoad. SJM
laoia. Oa.. some lime this summer.
ptoahik Abbes eoBiata ata> from ire
tbe date to he announced after the Bn. «HMmb Tell* Haw Sbe TrM Lydia
toWveaperomiofpbospborleaeH If
meeting of tbe supreme coon. araong
E. flakbnm’s VNSlnbli Campt^ J**t
nai iMtoed aad three per ecu if Mitben Mkhlgaa who belierea In the tbe delegates b%g c. s. Cavls or
>■ Time.
of (be game laws and tbe
Ashes are therefore a most
Traverae CUy.the oihers beteg MeterK
Uta. T. C. Will
TVilUdwn. of Manning.
valoaMe fenOtser aad sboaM be carpWtlUat**
^ Battle
... —o
tm. of
R. YJ. UcDon; Y---Iowa, writes to Mi
tbe Hale. The annual dnea would be
• ...........DmrMia Ptatom:
time Ip the hiMory <tf agflltate wood 'aabe* were tbe oaly eorrent expepeea. it wa. believed that
Trav^ CRrWto Cup. \
material oBered to aupplsmeai tbe poi- te talted netioa a b
Fto. Fridny. Re«rd.
aAoCIhe barnyard maanres. but tbe of tbe game laijB could be obtained,
shoot oi
of ine
tbe Traverse
and legUtotkm tending to tbe perpet-* Tbe opening snoot
Mswoiry «f Tkat atae* «t socalled'
unUno of our game preserves be of- City Bod and Gun dub today was wril
Blsasfnrt MR* bat glvea to the worM
fected. aad It was derided thal .tbU attended, represen.atlves fromMasUm.
H efforts mad Klngaler. BaH Jordan and aevcral
the markeil* we iad now offered each
other pdaces bring present Tbirtymntcriala as.katalt. a erode aalPmun toBuence to teing a
Bv« tUfferent sportsmen had partlei-'
pnie^ tbe shoot up nnUI .3; 36. There
B tollB, such as| the
were twel’
twelve evMu on the program in
' ' t aot far
eluding tbe cup shoot which -was the
Pom N per ceoi of actual po^ or In Bcwtbern MlehlgaB baaleis nad pro.
feaaloal rircleu. aad who take pride tn seventh erent. nu was partlHpatcd
flvewen sonsd. from .MaPtoa,
Mteblton'a game preactres. They en­
SaH Jordan. Kingsley and Traverse
VboI aobee tore Httle or ae poUsb ter Into tbe spirit of thU orgulMUon Cliy. Traverse City won tbe cup by
IB AfeaB make -np aad ban bo groat
rigbt birds. As (be cup was won by
ralae as a feRffiscr. a ladead they fort can the neeeaanry icfonns be ob­ tbe local riob tot year It wID again
wobH pay for haaUag. They might tained.
remain here tbU year. In thU
UgbtM up a heavy clay. Hibougb. a*
There are a tre«t many people- who contcri. Kingsley amde 58 birds. East
contCM. Kiagsiey amce m mroa. ansi but it aB falM to brip^i£*S^wyKUv pe.
a BMtier of obscrratloa. tb^ tend to are not direetly Intercnted In trap
MMtnt aueb eolU Into s bard masr< aboaUng who win nutoon tbe objeri*
nad are therefare ostoii in read build- or tbe OTgaiUaWtow reUtire to the pro- Rtagsley was Hlowed lo sbpot over
teetkm of gamb. and U may w *ald
aad the 58 was tke rosult cf tbe-aec. k^Tv^^te
Potaib nsuaUy Cslsu In (be nodi ia thbt all trap abooten win entertaia the
raflw- MiDWtoyaur
<md trUL In thU event. Cbnrtea Car. tooMUltotl dH. fsrafiw
w wat me frteaTa^
MMblaat^loa with sIUcb or eaad. the same awatimanta. ..Tbe orgaatotioe ver shot 21 mraigbL mUaM the twenwill be eo formed as to naite the trap
iyaecoBd and teteie tbe other threei
MMOtera and oMera la faror of tbe
tB.tbe anO has the pi
or bfNNak to this c
at our game and tab upon
The other erent* aad MH> matt In
r (be potash. Oyps«m-ls not tbe doable object of faribering tbe InN ttBMI a.plaw fnad but It act* ladl- tereetont Unp abootiag and prateoUoB
............................................wlthlrVI-.. Klcbato.
sroa-.!.. M;
la- C.
r ’
are troubW with!
Ka 1—Ten blrda.
regular owpainfn] mriwtnmthju. wrakThere toa
reei^ hi aapppiac food to plaau »
O. Tbrrer. 16.
at tW meeting and
b> ^eare anae hr
No. S-PIfimm bM*-4- K. Meyers,
of the v
m eery togefr atftoded.
to was a very popular mBburr
down leriiag. fbffammamanot uwovawas no toea^ bri toatlltbe
rto. badc^. Ratelrwee. geumnl dc
ha ■■■est reaulred to do a mazr •appornaglren' by
b] (bone who
I aamto of good U not targe, aad
--------------------- there to
«y flBMM the MUte waat it aaptbe aaMdaN. 4-Tm Urda. C W. PbHUa. P; F.
~ ‘
* '______
. pt MB« taMpncartly, aad farther
Tbe name of tbe <
to BM naem ^ do thd Mod
No. 5—Fiftcea birds. C. W. I
not yet been OeeWed. bat uiu W ftxed
basiuerived nrii widi
a sad uaat tbe am meeUng.
Tba oCbpr -anB
No. «-~Tweaty birds. *. O- BBtfhoo.

s:b.trKjr«rbr:«“^i “it saved my ufe?







To Core a CM in Oqp Day





No better than the best,
But better than the rest
Try one and be convinced. We do
Repairing also.

Farmers Supply Co.
IS7-135 state St.



mu n

Traverse City

-' ': -41
... ^V. ■


■ r; ■


The children*, fnend—

Drive out blood impurities. Makes strong nerves and muscle*:
Cr>ei> tone, vitali^ and snap.
Gc! k fiom yat dragim






]w*r«M ^sa*^ mr Mt r


BB awrua nil. <a no
9mrf0f • tik «■»!«•.
Kk M|M*. MUlu A*tn rt.—Aa
Umwi ««■ M«e to It* tto iKMoae*
bm tt« aicM bu M> ffer •• e»B b* M-: MO demaiM for Uie ton o
WblieeaitdoredmsBteboriTbr' •'^***" y®“ OO to • dm* MOM
o£Ti^ >?•-<* PATM Mtcnw
tbectMtaur. H*Kbtt.lMi. ZrJ4ea-.«na Mk «0r Scott’b EmitlMm|
niMMi fe4» Mr* 0«t A4»lt*l Ro- i------ ----------------I BM (bOMbt
----------lo be t
tvt BliegM be wm< innreeiM hr yea Jbmw what you want: tbe
jfttfOttkrlrMwAraa M* joiaed vitb gmt that optnttA kt 1
Sapt. Wilttos PerWM «o rMeeo tbr nwi koewt you eoflit to hm:
a M «kr ««Mel« ntfer Ad- ItaidvbMt
ne ratnMd «M iMde M raMPrtM
ptoW. He'clalM tbe treis wu
Ibe inm abuuera ud eeiMa fraai a
' if you are efforod
mr vtBdMT. Both Ibe aeMbtMtti: eaMeatlr dimtefl froa tb* ewla
sMo. Wbwa, eetdiaia, oxtraeta.
tM ibe a*r* baadle were bivkM oV track to B ewHeb, wbse It etrark
U.M* b*M I7ta« oV lUannli •MprepuattoMraedetedmitatotbe mow driXi. Tbeie tbe mow pio. oto^ Of ood deor Oil Bto olontf
MrbHMMC. tbedMttMttiM or tbe boto aad blow tbe dotw epee. Tbe UwerrM sod left tbe track, erosblnK ful bot don*t ima«ifiO you art
«Mt airtek ti bi^ foUevM br f*v' bsratora wera mMmut ni|bta»ed!bbo Md iofllcUM uuorte* tm sadr geftina cod Hear oil when yeu^
mwM M OK tbeb- toou, btoiMla. *;««
«<iM ^ .taM thotn. Ewy yMr for thirty:
___ .,_____i mmmtr C*f|»rtM
r. drllto ood etber jan- j **iT. Netftrnee
lyaara woW'basn isetoaainfl
Mr'>ibiM t«o MMftVNte o( eicbt
d left an tbe beer. I brnoctrt.
raoMeksd osd tbe
J«»c H Cunpbcii oT Crnd
Scott’o EitluMoa.
^ MOT «lhw bwu. or PeMb*. Baser drawer opeaedbol Pownaer^ Me bM bee. oppoJoted
eou.. Why? Boeauaa K haa bhwaya
• tbe dtreettoa «r! DoBKbMty etoteo tb*t potblat ww | ■et. O. R. A I . to •oeeeed Hon. T. J. bean bOttar thad ally aubaUlalO '
P*8rte«. He is O-Rrieo s ponaer. sod, ipr H.
-nw portoaoe Is I* the OM rwiow o wdl^atowB olioraer. Trieods oTi
Boaer L Wyeker tboogbl be bad the;
tlM IB rfiM ktoBCsUe. As operator Is pMrtttoe cto<bed and this wos theoo dity there atl alett Dot ebe be«d basia or ibe report tbot be bad been
•OOTT • BOWNC Ciboailele
BOtbiac.. There la MarioMr m '
•Mtt tarf BWoet,
ftp* Yofb !
iad da nWien aatintod. ond M cae has been nbte to Identltr
Ororer IMnk oT Thm Rinrt.
ear •re. He slipped naW the M«n>r Crares and the teuer oapd hU
tMMtirliSWIIMial for Ittr.
ttat* News.
wbetis ol tbe Mtehlaao Ceolral »ii' hiflwaeo with tbo pardon. board In
A new ooapoor «oUed tbe Bor <3^
Hoe depot Ooe of bb IMB was aapn-' brioxtns abont tbe saat rcKwa.
;; wrrrtsMt tMaptaa.
OratriH eoapoar bu bdeb orgnoised M
and be was token-to the boa-^ooe will reiura to Port Hinwi «bb;
Cble*^ Aprfl m. oeebtont Oder
wto Col OeapbeU. Bor
m Mtoe dMMtttor tbiedBooMf took dtp. pMMat: Cbofles Blooebord. pital. In Soodi Boad. lod.. wbere bto week, thank Uc beaeCoeter.and. )oli> I
Ibtber. who woa badir inJored to a ear ^bb iclatKec. from wboo be baa been :
mod R. i.
tall. Btlli to oaoBoed.: tons a—rated.
MdMtoerMtor.^Mlfbo.detr. BrnT
. emetsrr Md


il*uperTtoloa.aiacs ttttafbaqr*
arao oas todseeiTs yiNi la ddoi
* <tMa wtthMd eadaai^ tbs bealtb or


been eeeorad three and oae-balt toPea
Ba-Marot- Praaela Jlroeb or Uu»kc
and Ue Xkdi_ to noderwsnt a third anrglcal opera
•n Owtnl railroad wU) boUd
rrMsr teornilic to HereY botplta]
btliM. aeroM tbe sooth brsaeh oT the tkn
In two fwerioa*
An Sable ftow a»4>r a traek to the
blB riMt let
to be naimtauid. bu PHdar b« wa»
Bs-lbror nnok B. Mtssoa of Ln-. IWted to aabnir to ibe a
In a«
slat, who went to Vlah last tall to
bot Air bath a lUiie orer a rrar ag&i
Iwounds aerer beakd. * At tbf
preoent tloM be baa a cose In conn
who obfeetsd ta hi* dbertlos tbe ORaloA tbe Trarelcra' luoraare Co.,'
water fron Oraad rirer for IrilMUM which erilt be tried oext week.

^ tbe sMbsM
M *UW MWWUr at Caraeaa
sy TWL aedbk for PresMsat
to Mr. ItoOtoti B
fflarrs sad rsansstsd tbst
answer. Tbs adtolslsto toske a eoKptotc l»-

--- ,^-rtSe ebOM* Brtte by Mr.
_ e*«M M tbstjir. Looadi nertred a
^r«bsk Ibr
rrara tbs Kew^Tdrb
• IM
Of tbo Utdils eS«tw II ^ ^ Aeeldsd by
Mr Bo— frota Cmeds to tfbablar
«*.' ir bs-obsll be WMble to JasHty
kM eeuno-ln tbs —rges be will br
. JImIbt— tnm pabUc serrlcem.

MMu April SA—
ai«M IN^M oonptod by Mrs.
a tks toWUy dURroyM by Bfe
tsnMto. LomI^.
aowr, Mick, April M-<aUlord Law.
aped it, loM tbrae Sapm oo bl# ^
MM tsdsjr while traklBC i
OaeiPb Pbteat cask oMspbar’s_____
Bto bsM socMcataily came Is ooniAet
^ a tiredlsr nw aid tbe tigtn
were taken of al tbe
Now Tack. AprUn.-


' bravide osnilona for tsueben to ual*
(hredtens to take bla com^
’blaaik* grocery aad oottoo store to
t to tbe Halted »etes. Canada bU tam. a toOe south to tbr cRy. and

MU WM .rwMUMw. Tbe tearter.’^****
«*!“»««: «
> : wbontiranttbeBgsUmitaran.ecM-i
hr la sgtertng fratn the bai'
Mdtod to gira np tMk-«*t^ ooritari
to Bfe tot-aeconnt of ikyatoul dtoabll-j toelnaUon that be hu a command
refrain ftooi work, and to coapUaocc
RywOI benefit by thee
' therewith hu> abaotidto; retoeed to.
nta- help ta hla own sapport. the rrlariTca'
. April I
bagh LW wu aUlt^cA wHb a acrere
J*«>b Lsppala of Bisntos township.
' atMck ef ap<d»l«T while ewooto to Calnmct cottnty. iiaTc bad Loppala ex^cUy tost al^ rnm Boston. The;*Btoed u to his asnity. ‘Lappal* deaiM siTiTcd to Wosblsgton this mora- ^ «<*>«• tbst be U ordered to absuin
tog oM Sargeon General Orilly to tb*' f— —**1 tohor to all eon.
fimy gave tbe gnent to»sdtote at-; "Tbra*- a -noted hloitdbonnd betong-

ly—d aatoal rlees.



r ten tha fifMtan «r

a 1. uxavooD. a

pERE Marquette

T&elMToiiHaie iliays Bonilht
In Use For Over 30 Yeere.

QTAn OP locenAB. oaue to 0





Tbe Ctolboall cMtung of ie>
day will ootwear that of ten
or five peara ago, even tboogb
the clbtb tpmlity be the same.
'Tbe Clol


a srady all

lo tbe sbape—te atreagUten
' tbe strain points ao there will
be oo stretch or sag.
TbatrU doubt whether the
epos Clethcrab peodaet can be
imprev^ It seems «though

a by tbs toghCM priced tailoes___________
rs of Mew York
and Lundoa bare bees dia.
aaoted aad every good faatme
rcpeuduced. To tbeae have
baea added wBre new leatutca
rwwds escluaive by United
When yoo w. dpotbcrmlt
you ate well______ ____
master wbase jwo dwtme to
go. Tbura is .aoebing batur
to toyto to be-to wear.




•t qojHm j»( m
SmiecrUkUoA^riir Ibe*
«r the Mth«W oiiarwr of
two >S>. Iowa twwHTdee
etora .III---- -

tw«wjy.|hrw-. I..wii

tiUoaeme w id enr oisw M
HATTR n. HkwriT.


• ■

JOHW W---------------


_______ A^^ff-Braurwe

Did You Get a Bottle of Vitona?
100,000 Regular Size $ 1 Bottles of Vitona Free
Vitona is Guaranteed the Best Spring Toni© in the World

Wc are willing to take«M the risk, because we know what VITONA has done for others. You have
•verythins to sain and nothing to lose. VITONA is positively guaranteed to cure that“Worn
Out Feeling," Maiaria. Rheumatism, Catarrh. Dyspepsia. General Debility. Neuralgia,
indigestion, Eczemia, Sciatica, Female Diseases, Nervousness. Heart Disease
and Kidney and Liver Troubles.
RVEK? r ?




the vitona

jmHni inilfmiu toiui"« *
the citr TuesIt h otoied tbnt’<
bto enttra toft oMe to pamysed end teycoudgned to tbe
to Detective
tbst bto condition to nwM gwre.
Logan. The <iok. which ^ahandmbe
ertnturv. hi a
ibred IV.1 bone’
XtobOU. i||^ Atofl .SA-An rsptoalen • Kratocky
r mine, etoemi ^ bwm paid for him when a pop. With
n at 2 the vaiublo usltiaaee to Tom. Deto.. It was cnflmttsd that toxieeo tcetlve smith hu Just captored' aad
tost their Uvh;. DtoaOs at that brourtit to josUoe at Bmth Burdmaa
wbo wu wanud tor stonlag a
into. Tbe dog traltod the oSender lor
"■Msrtfns. MMIl. April iMr-mUe. two days At Ototod RapUs the dog
to wpto«*l»y Tsktobls to Me fi—ri-


GRtao RAPtos t iMtu ri

AM MIS OT Wnablagtoa. special

rariylttlr. m bu etuaxM a lawyer | ■
the boya. of whose »*««««•
Uenllty be rays be. Is oeKaln.
Uo both (be Clrll
CIt and Spanish war*
By what pretlBlnary dqid*ery col- ““n any other county In the^Unh-d
ce TTfTtfftt^r- are —*■>_ was shown! ®**tes, in proportion, to popnlsiton.
In tbr appointments <tf tbe Vnlrrtslty.‘ The reason for this is breasse in bulb
the last obe, there'
of Mtohlpan regests. Tonng men who i'
a «r tbe boys wbo wrre
beme soBie dsy to fill emineol scientific:
obsirs were atYM salsries wbteb erea | »“e to Mtjtrto Mlchlasn rmlinento
ortrect sweeper would not acoept. H.;®
J. Howk wu appointed assistant to
»k*« eroaaed ibellneand «W;
at ties a ymr. Almas i
Indiana legi-;
Hrte wu firen tbr oealataal’s paaidon ’ ’
Id Xaar work at f4M a year. -WaWer
To et-Mayor Albert A. GraTcs. of’
F. Kant rscelred sn anlptaat'a-peat- > i*tBt Haitm, conrlct No. 27113 of Au* tk«
UOB ui
1. uiMiVfuejuy .1
•. iw.
e«w & «M.c.
tbst to s talf year, wad O, P. TrapwcH) ««*
St only $M s aemewter. A ocw pnv
oTlbe mayor «wtw
feasonhip wu etoatod by tbe rraents! «•*
Slone a parole to take immedtobe koowB M Ibe ebalr of oduaikm.
Thirty.fiTe years ago tbo
Pnt. A. S. Wbiutey. at preuot ^wera chuma, hot they ulUfrsnrmrpntHTcr-iriUlTniiihrBrTT
ditoted aparb tbs maror to
tlUa HU dutlM are to lutruct etn-;
*»U fortwoe In Poit Huron apd
dents In methods^of «<y***r Two I ®®*»» «**<• *1* rtforts In tbe cast.
an e
^ -------------------- awarded akng rttb
tbe new chair, to ttra ualstBBta. Tboo-' ^ be got into troolde In
dore de Lajram ud Calrin O. DeYls.! P”«“ «Mty. New Tortt. which le-1
wbo drew fil JOO annuUy. Mtehtganu ! *“•
“*•«. Impriaoonwnt and snlf'
■wet popsiartoetarar. Prof. Robert M.'
•“**** *" ■’«
•“ P^a.
WeUey, was graoto*^ a year or ab- ®- A couple of weeks a»» he wrote
ueoeo to ScMlaM. hU naUee land.:
, , —
Proiessor ITMley to head of tbe de-1
partmeot of
r u Michigan.
and on a

• )■America.


Oolle. It rwllopw Tsstbla
mmA FMaleaey. It

os the/wanted It tor tkelr
berib and Soeka It to reponed that staasacr Bargam win be mored e
with laad rroB Paw Paw lake to Lake MIrh ’
oasrsBloattoa. tnt be bss been able to Itao. a dlstdaee oT seem ntllo. Tbe j
idW-bU-ew* np to (be present time. steaaer'a prtwent paasenger eapacit} |
sUbsaA be bss Inrornted the sSeers, Is . deo,- but thU will be Increased to I
Chicago, i ]
I where'tbe host will be refitted for <n-;
carahm aerrire on
o the draintoe canal
be wm be Oonisi bone
■I ®*rtlon
ybltowing tbe caaaplw oT Ibc '*^ «”>* "•PP«‘
•»rmltrbors.lbraeortoorWibecbooil‘f«^‘ >*
»‘lls aad tongb coon
bard-MdnlfSd In a haliveoiUa* prank. I
.iMMf a amlBr. waa 1


Ibe OmMt on. FSVM
It I* Pie—nt It
Bor dtbsr Sarcatte

sorts. Drspoaad I

fc'i-: ss»-—‘



«nn B<a«l>t. Hi* MUi ka« MB

la «M fbr orer •• yean, ba* boras tbs cttMtars aC


wWwd nwdUUD D( H» bk«l
Tm aUmUm mwr lUrwwUr (U> trmt
Tb* TMobd Onamur will
ntaM Baouhaw

VTIOTA • por.:r
iiaMr „.U.WM bat p
waMUr VD-Ca. V^ioaa ,-a tawilr ramaU re itjoa-and. •< bumra baa dl«
pteoruatMSwtBa. Wbo <]<rta ant wMt to
bah^tbrarel«lt'*e' So tmm.
jtmd.witfe.-D< •wrrar O'
ItrsDlar BUe alW> buWir a(

, I paUId win ttrw U a (air trial

S^W. •usiM fair A. A.


Kbruto OO.



tu tram sail daclarr lUrwMaM

i-riiU l-r In aari iiiiill^pit



j;rrogA aa | •

Irri.vvt'.l no'WF ■ awaOy mum gmt au
Priduy. th# Poatl—a^ o«y of
July. A. O- leos.

al: iViarl
>krW. tb-





•II UkiBc Mid oMt *«l>*»«».Md

' ^ *2L* ■” ^


>H UH.H'MjMr H4 M

if I «Mr CM la tfylai «• M
MW «««» I «W «T<y, «I7

0M wM (o pick «Mfc ou M. Md loM
c tM ta U,md4prc it Mfore she pu the ftoven in
Thl« |
the BUtaben Msf theai JM tM
SUM as erer. In torlac reBetahnnce.
•nd thqr acre tmt Mantifnl. TM
t tied to the prHtr boudaett

Bhode uttad. I ttaak. vOl cnac the
BetUed at S>. Marr'a ia )Q(.
Then Detatran i awM not toraet.
Settled near mtaUastoa ■■ iCH.
Kw Albcaurie 8««id in ICO

Sarfoat. Mark. BmIIt. Koaeoe. 0«r
Mur .taraej tras aettkd at
asd URh Kincsier. ta Brova asd!
Dmr awi Gladrs Starrs.
Smttk Camllae cobcb a«ai 1 m.
ta JCTt.
Kcawiek. MIeb.. Matph W. 1W».
Dear PreaUcni—I thoashi I aoaW
•flWa* Pata. aaotker awa.
will*, as i hare not wHtUa Mftaa. j|BetOed-!Tlt*njoaasaaaBaslaaui£^u>sota^:a.7taa<^*aMtalsllc. At PUMdabia ta
^adltowthruhrothenaM l-wwjlrataa.
No#, r«

1 H. 1. y-r. » «

^ ..

iTmrerte City. MIMh Man* <«. IMS.j
Dear PresWeu—C will write, a few i
tiaea to yon thia afteraooa'as It Ui
ralalag oat «r doors. b« there It 8u-;
thtae la tbe heart. We will talgt

roaeh IM watte batheu


' PetTT'Hu
f^rtUr MicbH Jfaieb H liOS

Sssi "

-am! ttawH Htaw'— flit

t^StaTl aiaited io*go'«« *


AM ta M av IhraM are

Hs. wtadi<taM‘

J..C J.MortH.

gMMrii city. Man* ». 1*W.


;-HH H
->A wee Mt of gleer

<* “J' sfM bouei

*,«fiito erefy weta. bU uana uU I ^p^y. upelllag writing and remUogi
\Mt wait hatii 1 tee air tat »«t*f'* week.
lto>rtol.. Hike tM.pUtarTeiy.uaoh.i ^r. Beqna. hta wife aad one cf the:

ta, l «aua m Magi

*» •‘•“■iloselr Hue. Ttafgu here abou half I

: -« - »'
■; ma glvet ns eewBU tor gettlag In wood I
afternoon. The roads are very had i
aad wuer. She givei urn alt aad isro. | ^
1mks on tbe eouniy-anc!
bat whea we deal hang «p o«r wraps; ^



gXfpwta I win ten tMu. WMt It ^
; qelie a whD^ aad thca wo thooght wc
wonld go to atr other eonaln'A Wo
Mta I ■BPt ttoae IM this Um.
tbrce^narteis of an
mm roar raMilniir._^
Bom Ume. I ud tbea caaw borne
wbh a kaadrad
tm« 1. a rerr lam porid Joai
itarfdgae-Mr bnIMr and I baUt aboot a quarter of a mile back of tM
OrwMa we're ataA
TM.achodUKtae. The pood U


i, iHdr kw. •«"

Wash, R. P. D. No. 1.
Man* M. IMS.
aat jast griag to
^ srrtta to yoa this tl

Staries Ffm %l^iaB,ffistM7
••■TMaj iaiaiM.i.cMTis

?«• ,1''!*

Mlnersa Oatmer.
Cedar'Run. Mich.. Marrit .U.

and Bari

lid write I
that H eorid rata. We wm« I Herald. I am sorry Mrs. Bales ta dcad.^
miles -from Mmc aad It hot she will not sufler any more. The

SOHMlBen toMy- Bom* nf yon will Mareh flrri. Wild Bowen and daSodllt nuld write, for I Mve not wrluea for'
rmimher that atma after (M elab was
Moom and come Unit mes are . loafc time. My papa take* the Hcr
aid and I lUic to rend the lettvs. My
or*^ a hianM ^b was riAried
At hoase tat Chrlstans srfib one ,pets are a dog. caH ata rooMcr. ftar
by p aapber of tM igsMhsrs at Sum- tree

nel^hort aad aU had a good .chool has let ota tar vnentlon- My
MM CHy. They did
paori* happy.
^ afiUmrile.
arcok. and made
Amr bsveral years tM merilngi of «th. hat I «m 6 feet 4M iMhes talk ^grammar, pkyaiatogy. penma
«M riah Stopped, partly beohtaihrir •*««■«««» to •chool today hntatmewhta .prtttBg. 1 wUI cloae.
dear' leader was called to the Sun- *'
h«n and I coal study.
pnn ^>ar gaasbiaer.
iStoe tad. and there seemed to Mno:>t'^M he nice tfsoota Washington
wnuie Hi;
«M .to carry an the work. Btorihe MMr »
Bk Rapids. R. r. D. No. L April A
• always rememhered tbclr ^• toe mtM doeoAllMlMa Usury.
nelrihMrs had Meads «om«
Osar Proride«-l waaM like to Jata
p«M*e. PM ‘riM ta keep it erery da,. One of
They the gapsUao riab. as I Mve never
Now tbore Is to be a raorgaalsatioa of

before.. Aa« 1 bare a pet and
tM *«aM« CM dab. aad. kaowlnc:i« here oa Friday. Mt rick. dWat
•. ami my tem*ibm tM4m riah did. u is sue u
tbe coontry and weot right hack It*
> Is Dam Mdta. t hare.
SOT that there wtli be some btogUfsl j A«>tos the
poem that 1 riopoaed. and will; three sMcrs: their names are fVr-I
sow. lam. aa ever:
am. gasa aad MaML «o good

Yonr Iqvlac frtead.'

Age lA

M. Eligsito.
wnrtter la IM Sammli Oty riab.«ls
mdag to tab aftor M. aad iM will M TM Tlrgtnla cotaay lit iap7

Gladrs Tyrt^.

CadlUae. Ulriu. April Si, IMs.
hripii by name to the toher old mom- WastoaadM; the Arat 6 2 aadll.
. year SawdOae ctah. 1 wosU Oke to.
tan to
We hppe three will; tt.waa settled at Jamsrtwwa; bat tMa- Jta U. ao ptaeoe neetd are a pte Bad
s. aad that they TWas eeuied by .iBiUlab aoUeuMa.
wMr. that ia l«1S by <M IMeh


Ataoaa Uia ototte'-or the traaUed tMcs thta laue U>
aUehipLa la ihu aaaitaer of IVT:. tM me of the msmoc •:
e Is of M Boeh talncst that It is trarU
vhUe logo back a Httta aad lUate k. Thte tan
taeatad an
the atala tad near IM pcoMat tlM of MacklM* Otr.
Alwara. tlace tM irst Prouh royageur. or ieaatt |«tta»«.
tad paaMd ihioagb tM Suaiu of MadOaac. aore ita a baa
dred years Mfon Ue tine of Poatlac s «ar. tbit bad MM eoasldercd an 'iMportaat point, it ns tbe gnieorar betnen t£<eastern aetUesMt* la Oaoula. and tbe gm) vest, m (nil of
prmalse to etatorar. or tatadnoarr. or tar trader. It tras aad k
t Maalltat of au the great lakes'-wart that wlta
la aad oU frou Inland sea tu sea. wlib lu Fairy Isle of Ha^taMc taitat aawng all Us slater Islea that tbroag around IM
scetlag place of the lake «C the east aad the lake of Ihe wedt.
its dear Wne waters aod lu ptctnr«s«ocaen of rocky stares.
beaches of yellow uod. aad dark erergiaea taretw crownlag an ■
tM bUlt beroad.
Wbca the Jttac of
case to tM worthtad. brtoglag welCOM tputar dart htter tM slow tpriag Ubmi. all was itwnilaglr
peacefal at Pon MlrbllllMMtae. whk* ttood Mhind lu pa»•ado down oa the beach, so dOte io the nter that wMa tin
war« wm high they waMcd the root of lu wdodca srallt. Ja«
beyoad there M a little riUage of white Oanadta Maut proleciod. tao.hT high feocee-of tUMJt plekeu.
AU ataag the beach srere esaoea dran up out ei tb?
water, aad latr tadta*. «M aad yoahg. were ttieicbed ca tM
aaad In tbe tea.
Within tM tan. taUt nroaad a central opea aatian!. etood
b ata other boMea. a 1
. dowa wai always a erawd'af tcanet-eaated soldiers, baaadlaas Ut
jtalr gray eoatt aad caga^ red or Uee. aod lodtas gty la
bright btakeu aod rriaged legglagt.
. Proa the aoothwmid tMre bad coate no news to the gsiriaOB o( the stlrrlag oveau thhi had taken place at ItatfoK der
lag the aioetfa of Mar. The Indians knew, tboogh. aad tMir
ptaas for the Mpltirc of tM tan srere already aiade.
Em Bore tbas Detroit. MIchlUlBscklaac ns a loaely
apM lh a great wlldernc^' -»c two pealasulas of Mtchlgan. la
^ iMdie of tbe eigbieeatk «ent«ry. were a wild wasio of path
A and great aarahes. Betidet
I^tarett. solitary b
■Betrah the lIUlc foru u«t. dosepb.
8IC. Marie, and oa Uk
. . atnka. were all the pMeu where srhltc uca'a faces cooW be
BHB. or whore the dsrMbigi M * drUlied race asadc a break la .
tlM forest.
la thM legtoa. the tadtas were of the tribes of the oiia^ns and jljlbwaa. A line drasra soothnrd from iM;tort srooM
''^ve fi^thed the dividing Une, the OJtbsrns eUlmtng tbe eastern
seetloa and the Ottawai tbe sreourn. There nt qahe a large
*^iliaM^.bgbsfat ca Mackinac Island, while the Ouawms Ured a(
' U'Arbre Croeta. <» Little Ttavene Bay. west on Lake hUdtlgan.
L'Arbre Creche, which nteans Tbe Crooked Tree, was so named
from a great bent and distorted pise tree that stood on a btot.
and was «MWe for a long dlsunee to royageurt coasting In their
caaocs atong the shore. Another landnaik was a huge eedar
cross BUndlng -near what Is now called Crou Village. CnlU rccenUr K sini. stood tbere, belsg repaired or mended by the Ctihotic otiasras as It fell into decay.
At L Arbre Cro^e was the mlsskHiJonnerly at 8L Ignaee,
baring been tiMsferml there tram the former place. The aamo
a to Mve been used, bosrever. as a general one for tM Otta­
wa eetUemcniy aloag the sbMc of Lake Mlcblgaa la the weatere part of srhat Is bow bnat caanty.
These two tribes srere eqaaily-IMlIe to Ihc EngUsb, aad
each had been vtolicd by messeagcri from PooUae. wta himself
had planacd tM time and maancr of the captarc of the fort.
On the aftcraaoa <d the third of Jum. a targe aamber of
indbms were la and out of Use torL stawlng • great deal of carloalty aboot the traders' stores, baying Mtetaets and knives, and
griUng to sec ailver brecrieti'and onumentt. tar tM parpose. it
tflersraid appeared, of.bdag able to easily And them after Uk
fori sbocid be taken.
Tbe next morning was n boHday with the garrison. H bring
ibe birthday of King Cwwmvand there was cvtai less sratdilBlneu sh*" was eastomair among ibe soldiers. Tbere wars; more
r by. nod Ibi- OJlbwas were
< as rlsttors acvvril bauds of Sacs from Wiscoasla.
n early hour an Invitation tM fori tar dll tM
oflkere aad men to come outside and witness a grand game of
ltag-0-ll-sng. or Indian ball, betwe-ea tbe OJlbwas aud Sacs.
This game was a great tavorlu- whh the ladtans. always,
aad caused as much exeUct.-mBi as does our American gaan.- of
. luwas played «Ub bat and bsll. tbe tat being somethlbs
IMe a Sbg kaadled tewata iwekei. n tough piece of wood ataW
four feet kwg and aa laeb thleh. curved at one end and terminal ,
tag la a rin* aerous whlcta sms woven a network of strips of
deerhMe. AaconHag to tM nil6« of the guie. the ptayefh cskUI
not tooch tbe tall wiib their hands, bm it must elways be caagb'
by tip network at the end of the-bai. Tbt- ptaycn were dividied
lato two bands, and at either end of ihc grooiids. the staUoas
being sometimes a mile apart, were ptaicd |wo uil ptwta. Tbe
play coastatedUa each parly Hiring to send the ball to loach lu
adrcTtary's pout, and to keep the tali from hitting Hs own.
When the game tagan. both pankw assembled tatf way
■ the two poata. Tlie ball war loosed np In tbe air. aad
there was a great rash W catch It a» It fell. He who saeeeeded
started at ooee tor the post of tbi cncog/vritb a crowd of yelling
porea^ St hto heels. Wben M (ouod be could retain the boll
ao loBger. he threw It with all bis taret' towards the post. It was
-ca'«ht by «ne of the opposite party aad seat whlsalag back.
Bierytbbig was at once la tbe «
a ooe of the taaMTs
ick and forth goes tM bUU aad s
stumbles abd (ans-aad la an Insiaai U at iM btatom of a bmp
of bodies piled high over him. Sow tbe baO Is near Me goal.
BOW the other. Brerr one yeUs at tbe top cf Us voire, aad tM
pim pots watll some fleet footed brave sOceeeM In toaeblag
Wtth'a tM goal of the opposite party. _
Oftea the game lasted a whole day. and sometimes l«»
y la whk* to decide It. As few as gfiy play Sayajmeaee
•eta r'-"- -- C la this game while tM nnmber toten reached
. ,
Tbe ntgllsb^ accepted the tavliatkm gtrea tbr* to
wltaess tM game tbU mnralag. aad It was eooa ta fau pragres.-.
OM to tM porta hetag •» ap oear iM tart. TM gateb s
srtde open. aa« tW ooldtars loaaged aboU. many to them tmhftoM.- roder tM pambOa nkerv sMr«at>- shrttered frtrei tta'

■M. tar tM
«w rrrr wwtm. vot* M»taid • siMt mar
•twn. tach w wirnm* ta a taa<. thick
thl^ cWMtaCftax the Mu cCibr dar. if Mr oar Md lUijdl (•
TM «hUr Mala Mfore iM tart ns som a seme cd tM > ■
vUtaA cselirucai.'' Boaadtac Mek aad tank «erc MadrMs td
•suejns. aarsatac tM Ijias MU. aad thf dta «u tenltac.Alt at oace tM Mil veu' high ta tM air. aal taUlas la d greu
carr*, dwifud la#de IM ffct- With a vfM nNh the srhote
throm of atams taHoved K.

At M9 ganed tM sman ahoat the Mte. «ach
huh bar Wdaket aad dtaetaacd a UddM louaMvk «hkA aas.
Mtoed by tM neanu trarrtor. Tm jaaghtag ahoaU of the plM'ert e«Md aad la (heir gtaee arou tM vIM srarwMoa of tM
MTaget as iMy Mgaa aa attack apoa tM erhliet MiMg aad
wlihoui IM Ion. Them ns ao ebaaer for tM least defease.
TM aaiarta eras cnaiptote.
At «M faeclaoiag. Capuis Bberingioa and UnAeaaSt
d and tamed avayiatOlM trtaids. WI^ tta
tarf tMre was ao tacrer aMn. TM furtow wanton, artib
Sboou of lagc. dealt a rain or blows with toanhawk aad batchy
«M tM Ilidirrlf ta«a wbb sere scalped before IHe left fbolr. .

fur they baew aot sfMt terrible fate. Of tMoe. ervpa were
kiUod a little after by a chief and hit Mud wta arrired too la|(*
• to Mre h haad la iM geaenU uauaere. Mi Ji'toamlni tgelr
nMre In iiw feait of blood.
Tbo llr«a of the Mt of tM prtlMcrt were ewtowtly
AU tbe'ladtat punldpUlQg la tM'taasacte were OJibwaa. The •
QUawas of L Arbre CraeM had not ^ Inriied to take pari la
It. This dltpleawd tbeu gmiiy.
wonted aad latoHed. aad tepolMd to take caelnd of aatun
iDici tbclr on haadA
A party of Ollbwat took tour pritooera'la a caaoe aad'
•lanH for IM Bearer Utadt. near tM oulet of LaM MkhW
gaa. A thick f(« caaw OO. and they ihouahl It biwt to keep CkMt
to IM shore while li buted. Whea oa ibelAny they gtre iMIr
. war wboop every half hvnr. eu- (or
priseacr la tM bast.
At tb^ todaded Waagoihince. a hug polar abou cigbteM
ullcs fiuB the fon..aad were nearing fArbre C»s>ebe. ihor a
ibHr irir wboop us usul. Aa Otun ladta caote out of the '
^taods and asked tbeu whu was their u-n aad wta were their
prisonen. The Ogbwas rue sM-ea«oe la wear IM shore lo UIM
to him. and wben they srere la ahaUow watoT; a load leU ni
bMrd. and a bsadred OOasraa rlslag fiau tM boobca aad trau
btatod ibwtrees oa tM shore, ntacd lato IM water sad adm*
the caaoe aad pHsoaers.
TM Ojibsras proteated. tai eaekuty. and tM foer Ehigllihmet were led away. Tbe OUawaa told them that tbclr eapMws
srere uAlng them to ata Beav« Islands to cook and c« there,
sfhicb was perbsps not tar from the troth, as a like Ulag was
done to cook of tbclr murdered comradre.
But tbere was ao danger «f that wow. and praseatly they
s oa their way back to lUcbUltmacktaae, aepampdMcd by a great fleet of Ottawa boats. Arriiiag at their das-'
I. the OtUsras~took poasesMoa of the fort. A eomeli '>f
the two tribes tallowed and peace was tnally amde botwaea
Tiw Oitawas soon aDer reiamcd w L Arbre CrocM. taking
Captain Etheriagtoa. Lieutenant LesUc. and eleven EagNshmra
with tta- Tbe prisoaera were' disarmod. Ml trutdd kladtr.
aad after a ttae Captain Sthmngtaa sacceeded la e^lpfl w^
n Bar. asUag them to scad rottef
to the Eagllah garriion at Green^
to him.
A small company of BagUsb soMlers soon oame srilh an
ewion of ninety friendlr Indlaas. Meaomhtcea. and reacblBK
1/Arbre Croebe srere received srtth btaur and p^caesrted with
tM pipe of pence. Altar a sories of OMBeiU. the ladigas at MM
a^m that they wonld aot hinder IM I
golpg to Mtmlreal, aad on the ei^taealb of ioly they (Ku
mcneed Uk+v Journey, eocortod by n<#«^ of ladta tganrs.
OelDg by was d the Ottawa river, they rswrted Moatreol la
safely a tittle less than a moeih later.
Prom the time uf the mag' of peace sritb Psatlac mUI
the bcgtalng of the Rcroiattonary War. no taeUcat worthy of
note ocrarm la the hlsWry of Michigan. The war Itarif aad
Utile egeet oa tM throe poets garrtaoned by the British M Pet^t. Saul) gie. Marte.‘and MicbUllmackiaac. cwpt to kvCp
the* le a aUle of aaslons srateblag. aad give them some BUlo
aanoynnec with the Indtaas who were very rcsUcos In thane
daya of ehnnge.
When pcata- was made between the United Slata apd.
Omt Britain in 17|3. Octaial Wnshlngtoa n«4 »roa Stonbea
to Quebec to make arrangemcota lor the transfer ri the British
posts In the nonhwem. Sir .Prederlek I
Canada. Infqrmcd him that ibv Michigan forts srooM not bi
red nt that tlmr.
la t:*7, IM regloo lying between the Ohio rtrer and Lake
Superior WM organised by Coagrees into IM Northwest Territort, aad^weral Arihnr St. Clslr was oppotolcd lu goretnor.
iboogb ^ 'of It was stUI ooenpiod by \M British.
It was not anUI 17*t IM» a treaty was made betweta Mr.
•greed that tbe ports sbooM be given npoa or briore ioac flreL
Jay. the Amerleaa mlnUu-r. end Lord Crearllle. la which ft was
I7M. The garrison were withdrawn aCooidlng to ita Ictma. Be­
fore leaving UetreU. the Brittab soWleni ftlleri all tM wellt with
stoacs aad dirt, broke ttae windows of tM tarracM. and MtSad
iM M<M. hiring the keys to an oM aegre. la wMoe posscislea
they were afieroard foead.
On July II. I7K. a detaebnuot of Unltad States mops
under tbe eomawnd of Oeacral Anthnay Way
of Detroll, and the Stars aad Stripes at lart were raised wMfe
the lllk-* of Frence. and the Crlmsno Cross bad wared britav
fTo U-eontlnncd )

nuLen dupendlag on tM I
A Cbildran's Crop,
gage makes quite a proBtabk and -rain dnring the aeaaoa. li
promising ^Udrea's cnqi. bocaose It b> elgbi pounds to green oage
easy to grow aad the children bavv
Umo to pick and cure It. There U a _________soany day and «icd la toe
icady market for It at a fair price A shade: to. sUll better, hang M by «*•
•veecnt pocket to seed (brood leaved! kitchen stove, where H will dry gaMhwUI give a number to bnndred plants. g. To save tbe flavor potfeeig. tor
PtaU may be started cariy urdvr dried sage tooeM be kept ta Ur-tlgbt
gtas. * fUu or on Ihe gTeeaboast; cans. TM beOor (M qualtty to toe
beach, aad then iraaspiaated to open sage. iM better tire price, (ta aot Mi
gnmad la say good soU The rows out snore plaats than con property M
thoold M aboot el^teeo Inches apart cared for. ■ Seleetad.
aad tM plaata a feat apart l> the rows.
The simpler way Is to start the seedHags ta tM open ground. At tM progM
time tM ptals may be iiaas^aBted
Rastas: <Tbu nsai
to (be permmipci Md aad they srtll
yleM thtor several crops ymr Utcr I dldAl know dey s
year. • JoR btoore the flpoera opea cat Nesr Tprk JpoiaaL
too ease,
OM*. lyriag
I^Flafl a
aa Into or so to tM
Japan has a Ustory c
gta*. TUseotstai
ur Orer times. tM gfnwili iM |riaai.



mm m wiNy unns

tefp tore •»! pitr Mi mM: 'IW!
KtM hM mA mr kmkw, tlte
'Of DaoU. to briBg.
•otf. U roM aro atlOTMi 40 katr harj
vliT jim praslM «o see ttei «he ekauf
aerer aaala no lOMtac
a •!« Mi |i
;ta palaf^ 'Bov <m ir
Oe to jj
rieiiac ckMd. Tkii on
i iMisM mm ko #Mn m
'■ w
lahrarL' -'Tkea *U> to promlM me | «Ma MpaX"»«»
jlkai she dian aorcr be nnhaoor. «er pm,
t mide tsofs of iaMw, ant ah ftemi os ertelaaBr mM la tbs
wMck thsy sMnt brew#* m ^ cssiraiMti. or by.
*> a wrooc. Mr safer aomnrs. nor be
■pokes to or treated harshlyT asked thmrrotabeat andlrtandsIfithecsMrtrtsa mssML and tliaae wbe try them
the asset -Not if I om Mp It.' an­ aur hs aaaarad that tiMv w« M #aal Uiinm
] thirdi cap e««e( milk la arblek sUr
baps, OTM I oodid not aloars nuke
OaohaUMksYcam roam dteselTed, one tretlbsatmi ess- Cb<m taarapMes
her bappr-' Tben.- mdJed the aas^: la mam water. One aaart potato wa-, v<.-ry f do and add. IMwp
tendorir. ‘the srorM vlmro 70a toM ter and esoosh fopr to make a yeast, j deep. M* lard
fiy la bat butter.
keep her mast be a sad plnee. Kow 1 If lx tUs at DOUL maUas aoi too tblck, Sprtakle with sosar before
^ took into tbe
^Isalt. tlrofMcUts cap -»ssr. onehsirierne.
.TO, and Iheo. U yoe
tpsb It. I|
taller .M two mss. Beat wdlTO
will «* the Kins tor a tear rnmi the 1 ^ ^
taar. a i
tree W me to h^ yro stTO. Aad
^ a time, to makf a pood, mtf j
Lemon PTOn*.
the astoolalKd child leaked la where
fcMler. Pat la aSt lop warm a!- <Me pint hot milk poured orcr oae
grew Ibcllrlas tree, and wbeec
m jAo aMwins. i cap of stale bread erambs. Add
the crystal riser, aad where stood the IcMhd and roll the sponse asUl It Is: taUcspooaral baiter, and let
brisbi .msaatoas, sod whsre walked eCthcooBslsUacraf tricdcakedousb.'a boll la a spldet^ Beat ibe yolU of
d by ^ hkhett and talked Immortal eblMrea under a roll oat aad oook with a cookie cotter. | three i^ls. add one enp sagar and the
Ufbt more beaBtlfnl thaa that of the. Flatles well In the middle and pat in: scaled riad of one lottos. Mix and
• ofdiewDrtd.
and with triends more loriag
_____ than the ecnler of each etewod praara oi , bake fficca or tweniy taianies. Beal
those «^bcreiel»aed tore I
whUea of the esgs with one cop
and blesalag fmerer. He Meed «atUi,„ ,^1^^ ^ ao( fnlcy. Ptaeh the powdered easar and the iulce^ ow
Ue eyea widened wUh enni^ .u doash .,,*.1..
UfbUy over im
the f«
trait and place;lemon. Spread orer the pnddins and
dTOd with jc^and. tnra^ to
^ ttde down on a wcH-jeet la tho opia orea a momea
angel, he TO aotUy: ‘i
to rttso tor oae^iatt' b««.
Tta^ Is no plaee, no.,
for the team
{.hoar. HsTcBBoklasbat-lard.mtthe:

1 b»aiIol - llh: Uin, U .0 fH«U •» I
Fralt U>.

™.Mw! FV»r wmiia. «o.r.u«I o«
B»M« Mi mt
ttM, niW..«kc «1„IW
upon :
;,iM,|,tod .ii«u-, Muilmlt pyuul ^
bl» -AM —
» he
Id went a
. ray
rw of
,l»ndA l,lua»d ud
Ui^t tcU apoD bis path, and wonderfal |
jcal ftnc: six ounces eltroo. cvt Sne:
aaale, sodi as he had aeror betore
Break toar eggs in floor and work .one pound raisins, one ponnd curranU,
j heart, filed his ears, aad hr kMw that togetho-d pMilBg In ns much flosr as | foar 4o six esgs. Take one .quart of
j tha foMen saU bad opened to reedre caa poaalMy be lahan up. Rdl thin as !tokewarm milk, taro cakes of corn'hisalater. And It was ap that when be paper. the Oinwer the hotter, and let i prawsed ymsi. and make cnongb bstier
I saw her allent form npon her little bed aUnd a tew mlnates to dry. - .Sprinkle 110 make a spoasc m for Mead, adding
[at borne be was comlorted.’'
with a littie Soar' aad roU ap. tbea; araicr If necesaaiT'. Whin it If raised
......o. ,4^, ehareajthlaaspomdblcwlthakBlte.!add the other lagredUmis and bake.
lUh. Bout tt uo Mnagumc, ws ugua
plenty of boniag areter resdr.:H>le cake was a special favorite with

m : »fort

EMM ^ inb IM laailMiMs





. ■


Thoosaiids of llnp^ll^ Testimonials on filfc

mmsmtt «r ChnoiC/'Ail■eti «f Wfweii Cared
Cm MmiUl
Mteubed tateraai Catanli
Uw Eneany «f Wwoen.

r iMer htre had 40

fto reltrt (mn doctors
“I roolil aol ru)
not sleep st ai£l

_____________sire IVruns a trlsl____

ssLa; 'i?s 'aisre rjsii


Pt-nM. UK Sahr ksnil
«yd«)c CMTS SCTO
Praohmt CiK*

Mm. IP. f> --------. ifr -Mwm cm
*-Far e>sbt Bi


5r,‘;s.‘rLS:!Srsr^ss .sun

bwi frmslr (ruohin, which was really
‘■Thcr iHTsUrrtIwd tor ms, sa« I Mk
tbclr nnliriBes,ls>t k«M cHUns wtmr.
an ul sTru-od loU sac I weald aersr ct i
Marwi to
take It 1 r.-U murk brtmr TO I noaUaurd takiBs A toe two memtbs with

Mt compIrlrlT rtmtl. 1 rsonm my
IDO mu>-b fur Pmos s- s mnlx-loe lor

Psnma.“—w. f.

/Mfetaepehf, lad., member of A. ft
Strafyhf Clrd* af fhe La«ee «f Che
O. A. R., wrlUK *'l sm to-dsy cnjny.
the perfect hesltli, tl.snka to IVrun*.
lout years
_Fur. nearly
. 1 »uScred* ......
ovarian troubles.
~Thrd<k-lorltisijited on sn opersllos
> ibeoalvebsnee
. ebsnre to get
grl well. Iiot
I«t I had
ways- dresd^rt an operstion and

streng (sUh In tlie r«cwry «
to nit* the Ills TOolisr W w
short limr sgo I found S
veiy serlou*.
; "Ih^b
xmiu, which grew
•wild (reqnr




life to ihU doath:

Oook flve mlaulee, take
in.,.-____ jupand drain to colandCT. Brownsome;

Lemon Cake.

T m
The stone tram tko moath of tha
pg^r. one icaipooi
"I tried two remsdlas hitere Pwnnm
i«poontal baking P
them „ ,h,
noodles. sBlUas th^
Biul wss pretty dbswuraerd when I
jwlohre radled.
Berre as a.side dish wlih ditt oaadMtJT^onnd fine sugar. MU these,
•-My husband frltdlshearicnedas well'
L oar faith which la darkneas and
and ad^fhe grated rinds of Iwo lem- as I, and when s fricadtv druseUt advised him <0 bring ne a (utile of
caldaaas has lain.
;on« Ud the Juice of me: rail ns for prruns he did so. and I Slsried to use IL
mi health wss iestorMl.*^M.Briekncr.
Beiive the warmth aad ^ brtghlaoas
Orel lickvUle. : cookies, cut la (ancy figures aad bake
"In a abort time my hesitb tugas to
jja a slow oven.
________ _____
_ BenMirinaeiTB.
Owd Friday KnrtefW Spataen.
,w>tb«r bri... 1. qil.ndM
potatoes onUI they are mealy.
com Puddinfl.
Aa^aHUrmnra wwgTO
no aymboto aad types of ottr^de^ I
eoM. grate Ibnh and to one
scrape fnhn the cob three cups of
—John O. WhltUor.,
^,11 n baker's loaf of bread
oora. Beat the -yolks of three
' ——' drmabs. one egg. ssli and impper.' 4.^,5,. ^d a tablospooaful of sngar. bis
, In Cteaniag Time.
i Work till Utoitmghly mixed, and form ubknimanful melu-d buit.r, two ruiw
b.;;7S;,'ba....... —u
.Dry salt sprinkled aaraag your furs | m imic celts 1*0 Inebes long and half nilk and a mile ssft and iM-iiper. Last
• hoer name U si>yeBcled.
and under aad on yoiv qarpots Is anlan'lneh ihroq^. Have hot butler or..,ta corn and the wbltes u( ibe
........................ Alreifmotbs.’
jha» dripirtngs In a frylag pan. ptaeei<*ga ta*u*,us. Pat In buttered pudOrease marks ean bo ramoveS from tbe rolls in corefnlly ayd cook natll} dhig dlsb and bake one boar,
two Of water. Tnkeh seO cloth a Uttfa not accessary to liril the wbjte ones. ! Ix^ieT ways W driag things, k
books.hy sptmglBg the enfled leaf with jgoliM browu on cne ride, inrn an.d>

larger than' 4tae band, dtp it IB the The fact Is. j-uu todies get into a rut— ; off all that aiv lynsesmaty. aad tmmotbers travHod 'to—and
to—and pravlng sech as ere
aiy nreea
necessary, griilag '
basin, hslf wring It and wash ] ■mr’ the rut your mothers
of bloUlng paper aad. passing a bat! served at dianer
Good Friday to; gijc* cooked potstow io a snUd dl*h vtodows. both sash end glass; Then' like lots of farmers you never iryjto ,n WOe rvsi. btms«dc seleM Into
iraa orer it.
I Germany.
rob dry with s soft newiyieper mini eel mil. \Yoti do so snd'so becauM- ibeir dooinlfa affairs.'’—Firm and
and cover with the
U your window glass Is laCUag ini
Bauer stor of a saali egg. and one'
briliiaatt- el«aa It wli a liquid paste,
flchenlcsa Noodles,
Ublespuunrul (four, bubbled logefbor. cosa will n-miire -fly specks and din so, end bccsosu others do so. m-ver
•ry Werh,
made of eloobol end.wbtU^ A little { Make noodles by miring
both glass sud paint more easily asking. Is U tewssarr? Must It l,v
Add two or three Ulilcspoontals of vin
of this mixture win rMaovespeckinadj flosr with Xoor eggs to make a stiff egar, stirring eoastanUy: then add one ..J ,.IOirril.M
UM..OW ns.., T Wl,,T
Impsri a high luster to the gto**| paste, adding salt to taste. Itoe all the
car. beaten >-olks or
It to ao'aew idea, but a very good i four the eggs caa possibly take
•nie qitsnlliy given Is sufflcfant fqr washlug by ten oefaek. If j-ou f«l «wked hoastwlvcs ri Amcrkto, the
“ '•P-'two eggs, two l<
ordinary sir.ed wtodpus. ■ that ytni must boll, then faiil the very Htcheu cupboard would be an emfone. to Mtamte pfabca.of|itou s thin as a sheet of papeirr and
.,' , pbpper
" ;tanl.
aad salt to taste, and If westo®; t
• .

bdcH or jowwbm eioihes-almul one kmlplnwr Is which to begin worn. On
with perfumery
aad scatter | fug over a cloth a few mtoutrs 10'^^
D fleely etaoped nalpa. Cool..
thrgogli_buraau dfawere. The renlU dry. Cut lalo flae iowrings. Gook ^ ,
iMdkrful^Htod wsslf the others to the «» •hc»Y*» would
found a
^ ;aad when coU add soar cream to tsMc.
A BrcakfavtHlsh.
better than where cubri right miattos in boUlBg salted water
marbloe. the same a* you du ibe oil- Mrely m«e«er slock of rid-fssWoert
Add to <«c plot of euM mluccd neat orvd articles.and I think youwlllbeas cooking uunslli. Ofly a few of these
bags aip used.
and drain to n cofandcr. Beat three
of enamriTo dean light wall paiser try rubboors. ware, which fa cbtmp and durable. On
blag the atdied spots witk dry plasler ^o^Salld're-l.^'M
of Paris. When all traces of dirt are soTOuU ebeeued uarslw i^rcnli
of the old r
removed dust the powder off srttii a
’ Imve atUl. ‘ soft eMb.
inodM U a bature.
ud '
la, «T,lb. dbb. «.rtbU.
. piece of butler hsU the size of
A^IM.tkeBorif TbegoaltoloTeNotbs to your carpeur Kara you
that way. If everybody muck ib ib< «•»- b«*o»«- “■>« "f
Brt 'r«hrtl
mt-g to each. Break ap ogg cm top of
flg tlmJtomhUL'' ' tried powdered bmz or tobaoeo? Both ■M.U, .Itb . fM. M U .
l'»<7 Manya
. .
old riit* we would still t~ .cwtto- .
f ibM hot Imra,' are flm rate. Beatter It dose to the
cwcdi:' set
set >u
in s
a boi
When tb.j
oven. When
sfahlew snd ihrrshHe it •fl»n '»
CMtotog of arid
—, ..111 tt. M. M
«Mb .
VMTO toa.a»y >ratrtli7
' P®*"-over them the cold custard.
edge where ibc taolhs seem to like to to the aunc dfab.
wiib fliils. The brat farmers don'(
• ‘Hfaac’di islIilH tmt flT liovp halb ' «rk.
• MIW>JO^ BARHY. i “<J«'®P PW the sUffly beslco whites rolUvl crackers. Serte hot.—Bsebauge. ■ blnss mm like they did a few yrar, Whra buying suci, pots atti
vwMv MAiut . .
: ^ elosets. after t^vtag'beee tborngo. because they bare learne-l bem-r th(*ft«ghl) nltoble goods sbooM In
the Juice of i lemon and a Utile sugar
Tbs flverlsstina Washing.
.cccpled. sod for Uwsu- tbe paiTOer
ttighlr ctoened, eboetd have a amall
This fa delicious with oranges insuad
The foMowlUK, fn.m the Ksrm au.l
id pa, s raMoqabir price.
one ai.dt^l'^J^’aour, .
tray of quick time placed where it can
. M Mt lU?t ' Mt be upseL This wtu ahaorti the
____________ ^
I of peaches. Serve very crid.
s man s vieWof the -ever.
,^4talnr the „.«-ss«rt Very cheap euamris are seldom rril- ,
dtt-andailUIe salt, Mix well, add t^o!
lasting wsshlrx probUm.- Hotte

ehfa. if cme can nfcfd It. aluminum
mol^nra and keep the air pure.
' One woman I know has a home made
Cheer wvs.l.l Hk- u. hate ibe Ide-as "f .„i«.i,toery .Jfunsesork ha^ not ms.V eooktoK-vessels are the U.t «( all.
- •
rack la her claaelwith-dosaas of pigsome of IW women readers uo .1.0^^ stlrmiee that Urmioc has. msU-ly They eo*f a ttltle pore TO those of
bceteh Recipse.
eoeholca. aad U is -a Tory easy
berauM-'the worncti ar». sv.rie u. s-t , onamH. eerlbeawnre. tin of In*, btt
The foUowtog reripes.dipped fran a **» oonoes sueL and'mix It with tour
-----ling out of thcrid.ruts.. llouM-work fa ,«bey wintownllfetlme. An alomtonm
Scotch paper, are contributed by .a.baaces floor: add half tcaspoonful bskSome wivks set I called si ifa- b«me ,jr,„i,trry beeaiBc- they rhanoi seek owt saoeepap with a espsexy ri one quart
Scotrii fritad Of Home Cheer.
: Nfl pnvder. .Mince an gnlon and
of s farmer to see about s llitir hurtbetter ways ri doing 11.' ThooTOdv:«» be bought tor forty-Bve eeol^ oBe,- ,
aaim'ifThtynr Urn one mewl full of^drasa’' e<ri almBar
a pound of- Lie parsley; add those, with a pinch of
- beve and aMor. and the Joy
| her to And almoet In^tly wfaaterer
lies* matter. 1' wss sboui two ockici. la-rufai to siandiug (or boiir* <ncr s but I wWrii wit? hold five quarts oonttog
t .j
, sMsoulag bertts.nndaseasontogof salt and
In Ibe afternoon. si.HbU-VIfawis Just »,onlng hoard, and Iroolus every aril- onlk * UiCe o»er s driiar. rood pro-'
j H
A sad
bcarU,. she Is searebtog for wlthoal the iroo- bolied potatoes, uid add
• are apw.
I bflt an Mlelble of haaltog through a prioh bag.
flhlsblug up the luinily washing Whin- eff. that ha* be«vi wssfa -t. A man* pared In aluminum vesseto-BcMcm f.
TO«.M JegramMkacy. A MM of i wbleb fa a moU calcber at best.
L walti-d for bim to return Irom .>hc-,orkjag shin will b.' iramsi as smotiih ssorches, for tbi. meUi ta agTO «»»•
Oli iMflri—ml unriributesthefWIow-l Hoacat pride keeps thefana Kioktog en cfg; term Into fleL round cakes. | tor tea minutes. Thea add to the sit w flold she ggve me s luoDody about “the
(lollritod marble, sod ftre mtouies idoctor of besi.-New- ld»
Swe Ibe top of each whh d fock.
Potato Salad—CnUl we can g« Iri- eviTlasiini; wsshlns,'
^WMMMMfa.Ci thahape,ttOlu 'as neat and tidy as poerible. It seU
alter he get* I; t« n.i enw ctwld fail
’__ 1 ,
IP aoae reader; eoi the trees around the boom aad and bake to a quick trm till quite hot '«« n»d other earty summer "garden
I nM. "I observe <b»t you boll your whetherli bad s«'..-r loiu b-.! sn Inmiui:, Rub tbe rengi dally wMh a soft cloth

mbepu bsart to eaiag Wiay.
| flSos up the flower beds. U grows the
Cloibe*. Wh.v do yini boll ibemrboard or not. -ni'- n- fa iris of rouei mrisUmed wMh s'fyv dfTO «>< kcra-.
face.. sprinkle a little flncly mtoosd th>« kind of salad. Bril without break"A Uttfa -bor was beaithrohsa be-1 be« craps. B mefc— erery man
•To gel them cfaiii. of courw !-fb" for impruvcm-ut
buUsekeeplug sene or *w*-u .dl; this will keep tt ■" rr •'
parsley orer the top. and servo as bot ling one pound of poutoes. and also exclaimed:
MM hto ewoet yoami eUter waady-|maa and child, as well as other
way*. Mcl wujK-n should seek out the btock aad cicsn, iboogb pw polished.
ilapsn of course) one medtom slud
ns<AUd bad heard that tf one;turas about the place. Just ss com- aad erfap as possIMe. '
"I* It really n«Y-s*sry to bril tbemT’
sere but asdTOM from the [tertablc as poeslble. ft wears good
Kxeter Stew—I think you will my
I asked
tneeef Ufa that grew to thegartea of clotbes aad Mtoks well whoa away from ihtofaaveTynleemodeofocmktogor.j^^
poUtoe. Into yot* satoJ
-Why. ciTtalnl.vt Uid yon ever
«gfl every Utoess ceaM be luatod. No, heme. Aad the worid looks oa and dlnacy besteteak. Tree. it . entails s **•'
any ime do a was'alng wtiboul brillnp
eaa bod dnred to nttompt the ffBeeLjanya. "Let's do timt sriy eoiselaM.'
mUe extra trouble, bat that ahould nri
ibe <9«hc*r .Everybody brifa ibcm
bewrrer. ter the way was very hud
Zcoloas yaang'-toornnkeepen sot— be gradged when the traall fa ra verr
to make them look wbRe and get then
■ wd a veil aagel gaarfled the mle-nf Umes make the mtoUke of cfanalBg saustaeury. Yon will require two “P
• «*ri:»e of the bectraot. Clean."
agatommamto. Tbs child'tmlat'wtibaaad soap.. OeaT! Uoaty PoTOs
ri steak, fairly
falrtv aiek:
ihicfc: two o
an«» «»“«■ • dresslag of rinc
a .of
-Dp .vvu bull,the cufared ciribes an>:
the phlat; Ite other poop
you pass our store today yoa will
I of floor, oae gar. oU. salt and pepper, mixing well. Oannelsr I askvvl.
-be rseeteii ta flofl the garflso aafllwin do the wo-*k.
UMcwocaful of vtMgar. a UUto’drtp-' **^ addlag a tittle tnrragao vtnegar to
-Bless yon. no. That would toke all
see .us ubloadjog tbe third carioad of
Idng. aad salt. peiTO. ind powdeTO;‘‘®»^LT tod
gfaofl via the eofri Nr the bealtog’ If roe pot muttog down, bp
the color o« of tbe criurrt doTO
; NM: •aovor.raekaodblllfcadmoor tbefleecearetbonMtbtydrybefar^lt maep. Peel, slice, aad try the e
and shrink ihe-llBBBcIs np sa we eoui>l
new Pianos we have received this spring.
to the driving; then put than tout a
not wear them."
TO add It fo half pint bread crumbs.
Laadbeioar-j Tsarold mentog galas new stewpan with the steak. -Doe'I they get as dirty as4be wbit<
of COM water; fat boll. TO simmer • ««*• «raied famoa rind, sugary tbiagsr-1 Inquired.
at cloaefa add hwtees with v^stowly tot quite two boors. Take ““■••d two wWibsatasuggs. Pot
-Yes. and aonwr ef tbca moeb din
i -ttpOMsl.-bat those ahJl-itvpeattoe watg. mad
Beaenms out the msoL thicken and favor the.‘* border.of paM aroond the edge «f
'm feOf hM Bsat bad' pragortloas of the turpebi
gravy, cut the meet teio small pieces, i^ the.mlxtme. and bbke
«For Man*
-Then.- saM 'I. -If tbe colared
d flsr yoa.' Bai eae,goed omwe of prevsM
and imltt back toto the stewpan. Make *"
.ferve wtth clribes.aad flaa'neu. gri more arifad
19 jbM, *00# HtUs tear; moths.
and odd pomh aavoerV balfa.M vbea
*f***‘tbsn the white efathes. and it U necevn-‘'’
Tbe^lag wffiaM; Uatog barsae.aad c
"rcady to serve, pm the meet to the
' '
sary to beU tbe rtlie riotbes to get
or the dish, with the balls round!
KerassM Per Wladewa.
them cteaa. fa certatoly mnsi be aeces.*• Wms* Mrvn*
svy to boO tbe others, also, to gri


• y**




ibeoi'rieon.: if fa U aot aeeesrary 9
bon tbe cedarad efaibea. It certatoly fa

Miamurs LtUBK MUiK Bfi

nuvBiiM cmr.



couktv, wchimn. thum^v. mava



OfUd BapMt ud fmBOdteoty re-' wayataBcoatatatatag and W BN Bora I veek « btaie:taa«e euBtaatlte wD Burdsu Areano otaool. w« tan
tnned and. Wietod tar tether^ oT-; than a wkUperad war'•““^"^^ta'bdd ta ttamuy bsUdtag for alf ehargo oT tta om tars*and if. Ua
tea. Where bor keen inalghl and gam‘ her was not a conj
**^‘^ **^”^- **•
Mte as »o
W* P-*
boataMa ability Bade tar a valoable -lag word to tta dear
^ UMl uludUM Mr*. HdtwUr ww
Bftaber. Por .als'yegn *be was her as she wonM bo ail right
' tb. Hti.b M,nol «■ AvtniRml
IWhw'. clM. -mbbuRK I.
tniin ibo hth-r ui, »oUi«
.1. ■
Tbl. I. . ...
UR 1. • u»r~~>«re bu rat wu, luw JUrt. ud lU. mU u. Iutt-r...uii tnn tU. ...Tm 1. Tr..^
« • <'--»* •“ •»
tu nuu .d dn«.U«, lb, toru, tl. Prt.ldb.l.K. All d™a»b«.U B» c„
M.... „ UMlbb-QUl, ««lu. Abl«pu.rtl»rm*rftr cw
.bleb wu ... « lb. U.U.ICTUIIO lb. b»ul u.. ibU. b, ... bjj. I, „u. louou. lb tb. uua-.>..Wbl.t.uurtbb
«tb.iu»ll,udt.ib.ruddu»bt« bU awnbU bu™».,b.«i»l.j«|.p.., ^
rt tte.iuA
grew noarer ud nearer ia aBoettao ftaiple servleo wet» ptaued by her. ■ ______
ud love. SaVerlag a swere illaeos ' Tbe oerviee waa eoadtwtad by Rev. i
sbo retired temporarily and spent tbe , Oemaa Ooeblln ud tta pall baare
wiBier te Catirorela and anar tar ro-{ cere setactad bom those wboB she
tonP araa apparonUy agata in; good i called her naaraat friendi. Interment
health, but three years ago tbta Boalb , wa sin (be family W M Oakwood
abe suSered a atiRta of paralyaia from' beside fbe little brother. Arnold, wbo
which abe poritatiy recovered natU. passed' away mUy yeara ago.
the foIkiwlBg February wbeo she! Mlu^ Beltner waa ooc of Trave
begu to fan and entered AlBa aani- i aiy's most popular and charming t
i wng women. She waa ter i
years a popolar member of Joaal aocial
elielcB a
1 ud affbcUon of alt with
whom she becatae aaaociaied.
For several years past, until illneaa
eompolted her to givo up her woric.
Mias Bettner was a valuable aU to her
I father aa manager of bis ottce. She
j bed a commendable bnalneM Inatinri
j which onabM her to grasp the details'
j ot u eaienslre manafaeturite eMcr '
The best heavy cmvri U 10c. three
prise and manage the cierkal end
I with great suecess.
pairs 25c. Chrome un leadier. patent I In adiititon in her aocUl poolHfm tnd
fasicaer, extra good giove Cor
!h«r ntofulnesa In W-fntber'a*nme.'-i
: taHbr taawledl ddl^Mingk orerrMra. .MarsarM Robertton. u old and
-Miss Britner filled nnoiher enviable '
^iitat Bta an;* ta tetag tar ut«i^
eapeeted ploneor of Qrud Trnrerne
j place In the comrannlty. She was tlie
^ italMta htab It wmBn6 dothteg ddd
Black or Un. new shapes for eveiy
Bmt and only young woman to became'
- 'mm tar Bothor reitaBa wUh the Int
lake Satnrday ntghi. aged 70 yeara.
iu bonornry member of n military or-i
d£y wear-~extra good for 50c.
^ taMdteeetartaaterlobmi.
She waa tta widow of Alennder Rul>j guizatlon In northent Mlcbigu.,
ortau. who waa drowned In tbe take
' Ftaldmltaidtad.
When tbe Hunab RUtaa *ere ar*i‘
ten yenra ago ud ia anrrired by throe
UMo ta tta tatttag rqoB of her
lorguixod Miss Beltner took a great'
Our new stocjc just in—best unioa
Mlaa Minnie Beitaer.
Tbe funeral waa hold at
tatad di m i
iintereat-ta tbe work of that orguisa-'
made goods, heavy, warranted not to rip~
ftll tatadF dVOdtac. MfertkJt, lfo^
--------------------^-------------------------- 1------^ ] Hon tnd muy times aided by her prr- j
tag at 10:30. Rot. Hotaaple oaclailng. tarium for treatmont. A yvor ago tbff aonal effons to make tbe rompuy a
■m mm wmnm n tar imie. m e>full shape and sizes 50c—we think it’s the
{ud Intonnaot waa ta Oakwood by th<>r 'Mi;t. Beltner took her to -Call-jai
MtalM 1>»^
bedreoB wu oo Ire.
best one yet at the price—jackeu at same
fornlaK to .'try
Ita g|tai «di id 0 bteaa dod betore tba uburban home of Mr. U W. Hub- j .^e of her buaband.
.ir climatic reaiomtlon bnt -bee wortt waa appreciated ud awecas-,
*■ ',
boll. waaUieBeeneoradellghtfalfani-|
-■ It was a light agataat the odds of ao fuL When the members of Caanmny;
Uy retmUm whita oolebtated the inr-| JuaHi^ Jameaon, for flfioon yeara peraUient a irpuUe and nofbtag'Jl returned from tbe Spubh-Amer;
nol a realdeat ot tbU dty; died at mid- smiled ta tbe struggle for health and | leu war. after a campaign of hard^' ud Mra. D. C. iBoeh of Ibla dty.. Itj algbl Banday of llror MBptlcatiuna. strength.*
. labip In Cuba. Mias Beltner was one,
From the best dollar rattonade to our
wfll be romembered that Colonel j taring beon ta poor health for over a i To speak of Mlimie Beitnta U to of the Brat to bead a movemeat among)
all wool goods from $1.50 to $2 we can
waa U early realdnt of Sprite-1 year. Ho leaves aside from a wife awake memories of the beaiittfol. Teu- the women of tbe city for relief and
•old. oecupytng a prominent position and ofur chlldron. Mrs. Fruk tayhm der ud alfeetiODate to the parenu care of the tick ud wcatry soldiers,
best values to be had—rif you
i In tbe commnoltr as editor and pro­
who Idoltac their dtiIJrcn, dmrtieM ^ Her work wu noUy done and her
wear^rduroys we’ve got them at $1^
prietor of the Pnirtot-Advmlaer,
Itself to Ihe sistar Marie who was so , memory will be tenderly cheriMied by
tbu the leading newtpapk
near ber In ace ud last
sstes. the vacancy every member of Oompanr M. Ever,
Nu u
! Of thU wholc rcgfaB. After living for
Hatal ta ISilver Li*a
today in the family cu never be fllled, since the return of tbe compnay Miss;
aoiu rinra ta Michigu. he tea re-! Rllvar lata.^ praity liitle reeori yet her auffering i* over and she Baitner continued her tataraat. udi
I inrii^to'make bla borne where' aferly I eight rallef from this meiropblln. Is sleeps past all care. As a lover of na­ always expressed a‘desire tcTaeo'tbe'
Here’s where we can give yon what
■ ud the nwlduce of all taking on the
ture _..v.
she. —..........
watched ereryihing_ .uu.
that n.wgrew boys hold (teetbor in the unity'whichyou waat—an extra fine soft yara—you’ll
Wgte Into oSect {Us ritlldren conspire i
urt ate among ttaImprovemeoU |
^irds. the flow. rs. tbe tinted' .as cemented on the field at Suiiago.'
say it's cheap soon as you see it—Sell you
tte Buday. Apr
aboni tobe InaugnmM is a fine new
|u?ahtl« to her. As Bvery member of the oempuy wa.-tmpummmxu a
one dozen pain or one pair at 5c per f>air
she dro|>iu-d Into her last sleep the her friend ud she in turn was a flmi,
________ _
ttat al tta ttetaa bnt i Oetoael J. W. Usenby ud Proresaor i by Henry Bnrt of Orawn. Tbe dlmen- j
lust'aetTioR in the west ud friend and suppoher of tbe soldier i
—another one, heaviest so^k to be had §
HkaMSlNte^SMtktebat. -W. A.ChaUut.wttb all tbe cMWmn.t slooa over all are MaSS and Bfteen j
at three pairs for 25c.
ItMS ttS IfU ^ B. tiilB. lamate wera driven to •Tawaeenthn- In the ^ rooma will be ready by tbe end
^bo fnneral scrvleea were hrid TneswaMoaUe early ta tbe monitag. in or. j thirty days to accoBBodale the sum-,,since tbe begtantngof the new ; day .tiemooo at 2:sn ud iha Urge
ALL THESE GOOD THINGS and «theiteto .
dar that a long day might be enjoyed ; mer trade which Silver take la expect-;
^ ^ud but those .be loved ever attendance of friuds terilflte to tbe
be had at
I te the green fields and by tta pleaaaat i lag. tn addition to the hotel we bar- ministered to her and everything that wide circle of friendship wbirii thedor
Its liilM aMaiSIt geaa toto oSact watern of that dcltghttel retreat. Mrs. dred feet of sheds are being bnllt for zealoas watchfulness could do was ceas^^had gathered around ber In
r. a near country neighbor. the public driving i
.flsMBi so* IM w fUlova:
,done. From within ud wtihout the llfa. 'Hunah Rifles were In attendmm ior.ite aonth C a. m. ate the family of B. M. Shepard were
« • VOTt-. cuy, friends far and near came the ance ta a body and remained Umwn up'
TtaBiNtrata tte oaly otNsIde gnesu. *
DOM €rf Backeila farm ud will *»•« jautetobensof sympathy in flowers Ud ta two coiqmns ta front of tta resl^IM»IMteBo‘a|ooh.
Totmg ud old entered Into the spir­ *3,fl^ It to oipecled that n groat; „„ ^,j.
thn.ndwm the almpla service
' S^pteggntvofnm tta aealh 1:11 p. it «f tba oecnaloo-nons with more numb^flsharmen who have former-1
Her room wns within. Music for tbe ocaaaiw was
«, rjl >. te, If :«S p. m. Tta If :4t
. .***
' ****>^ • bowm ud w Raster she I rendered by Messrs. Skdeher. White.
come to Sliver lake In about I
» te tfSte teSBWU arriTod at If:te

was mad# most happy by recctring the'Snyder and ^iunter, Rev. DemaaCoebweeks ate try ibefr luck tn a new lo-l jbeantifui Maliaie cross of tbe Knighu ,Un delivering the brief hot louchlag
*.:* «teulgm«Brttauitkai7:tea.
I Teaqflar. To her it spoke a message i tribute to the depaned.
................. MBttaoorthalUtlB
of lembrnbruce ud tt was the dear-)
Mbb. -Tta B (Mock
est thing ghc had. When aufferingt
I tat tta B:» 1a a fUl
wrecked her fraP. body abe waa at-; On Tbnrtday ud Friday of tbU I
^taat uring work to writ noder way.
iMli vUeb OBrtteooi u
'tiifnri Tiiir l- BUnka for ibm» i*-<Ma to etmm tba teMc«( orer hklf K
porta ten ten raoHrod br Ooma-,'oMtW7.«*4 UmobMob ndaoi i
•tenr Oaorgr Citsp ud vtll bo amt s bauttfni ttea tbo IK* of wreoi botpto oU dbOttor* itewNEb the toKvblp'tahWM ud ubotoatMloM fKid
dorte M MM Bi poUMo. 1W U-'.rtleb U ambottiod.
' S^^SEm* toU^ brMs M «Mteri«u] BOOllbc «r ite aeiuMH tMpeeton; *Tte bonomfd rood vaa retaetulbAtidttetMk Otk« tepra*«B«U! vlH bomflor bo brid on Ue flrM |ir maBodonorttaoerBilDrnMOl.oBd
■teb^K 0^0 vbM vfU
tbeinoBdor to Au<«iot Ivtrod or tbe fim;eronr BCBbor or tbo portj f«R •
lAtet Sotelo Ma utedtr.
•McMor >• Boptoaber m fOmwiI;. Idol prlrlitco to tedne beu obB to
foBlljr clreto."
' kte' Ik tte eownet to tte TraverB
r oM-ttee menda <
brtek. Tbe
. Death Roll.
MM.SM ote the teal dtr or Hen. and Mra. D. p. Leai^.dowj
Joaapb NeedboB, who tea beeo
tetfd ten oearod tte 00
teraalod in the rollowlBi^oceoiipt U: Irtag III dt tbe laBtly toae, S» Weal
«M'-o«kr ted iteF ted u NiBlr
teafttodte oou oteBi iMcjm bda their Uth wedding outvenary. udea Teeth atraot. died Sraday Boraiag at
rmai tnberculoala. aged U yaara.
tellMr tbto oprtas Id dUUteo to the troB the BpringfleU Republican, and #;»
He waa bard la Hobbordatowa ud baa
win Mtand Bdoero
tired ia. thla dly for fonrii
be made muy frtendt. Aaidr
■ f .;■• :/Vmm ^ Wooonry.
ftrom Ibe parenia he Icarea three aU'
Setter ,0C.*ddte«. dolera. Julia. Mary and >nna ud four
•MdgMM br tar tad, Ctarlio, tobrolben. Pr. John P. NeedhOB ot
Mptattatar te«o «■ Buordar. dtiar
WhIitakM-. Richard Needban, Caraoa
ttmum dte'dtal ddja bare oUh ter
City. Dennla Neodhant. attending the
«MiMr Mddta «ta la uktsc treat
teBlaary nt tahltnorc, and WliliaB P.
iKta UB diyldB. 8bo data tar
.Veedbam of tbe Hlgb achoot^faenllr'
' iitatak Id d M,
o( thla elly. Tbe tunenU aervleca were
tadtttai wd tan Btaot tape ad tar
beid na Wodneaday Borniag at -»
^tatateta idurtaf. Otb-Odd podr ago
at 81. Pranda Unrefa by Fr.
tadtatabwr Mtai idtaMdg got ter Uio
John Keedham. ntaiaiad by two
- ataman tattaU Ml ita drag threw
contina: Pr. Catalan oT HRiadale and
tar IdtB d wild taUrlOB froB whteh
Pt. O-Bden of tbe Cathtaral pailah,;
dta doNr leewred dod deriag the
Deiralt. Burial wUi be ta tbo (^oItadMiiiai t*B» pmloM to botdg
iMigta tan Mdrta t Ota wdrmt

Some Good Bargains
Tor Workingmti


MATS. . -




“tbe Dm Sfore"
236 €. Trent St., Znotrst Qtf

Sherman St Bunter


oeen beg^m and ta additloa he has a
number of others which he has not yei

Mu’ChUSna Oa Want

Mb mfiMM. prtodgal of HaakcO
ptteal. I.M'
Ku, wna tatta dty


Ntae^tma hfUe. Solon, for Charics I

: NtaiyraoBhobae.8o)oii,forBdAV!
itolne.- :


M to 9Hr lidMimBi ta Haahen to-1
' aMste
WMtvau baa beu ab-j
Mte iNto.tta toteai ter arm MI
M a «to« «MBt ft* mm setaol4^-;
tartal ta tta oteM of atUe rte chlldrw i
ate ta tapto to RNtad uBuy Botej
tatera hia latote He left tor Idtejag-!
Mra. D. C. Loaob.
MB mmate Patoahay to wa of tbe)

Mtetato BM «( tea aaitoammy ta'
tbu the coade ta wboae bonctr |
MIetegu ate «u ter -muy yaara a
MPS to tta goranmeat acteola. later the fete bad been arraaged. The red-j

Ototb of Minnia Baltmr.
..her three year* of untold auffering
K ter tta Btalstry He
i <*«•«»> wUevod Mlis Minnie Beimer •
ia totanM to seetog u many of hli
rite with tbe bloamontog at i::«B at the tame
pawta wlar tta
Saldt ai
^ breterd ud gardea in mak-1 ^f ber parwta. Mr. and'Mn. WiUiam'
■MTkii ufl to
tta trip with
out-of-doors allmiog: while (he ^ Beitner. F«r a wete past It wW*
tba miawtteitetoaMwta bar* ton'*’'**'<by tbe dear ones who ha^ sor ud Bgtlm rtH f.—«»r rif
fires <» capacktas heariba termed : •axlooaly wwcbte beside tbe bedside'
a« lta«« Sobs |««««- * trong couior attractlu Indoors.
j jor hmg montba that tired utnrt-:
Of PBoMwy; Psarl PC
“Ttatexplc^tloo of the beaniltei :«nld not mub kmsat boar apagaloK j
bHo fiSteud.valleyB of tbe tom was a fit-) tbe fkUtog lesourees wbleh bad so
.'ate Jennie “«* prepafattan for J^be aamptnons!Bus tpeu taxed ud though weak be-]
( party iMi over •“'nUy meal, and a «olet hoar with fnwd.all belief, tbe ilrte aad frail
ta the rtetaa te the
irr"*; patleni anuged for tta fannwl which
I warmth a walcMpe taiemi before the uiu be J»t u ata wtahed. At C
I rcoewte eajnj wuu of lake, tareat ud o’clock Ae raatete anoiber allAt,
atnto'e ate dropped Into tbe last loog j
y of the bf- slau- aaytag u she did ao, that abe |
te tetaooa was the pluttag, ta Ootafiel hoped that she ataonid never awaken,
ud Mrs. taach. te a tree aa a memo aa ate saSerte ao mack, aad Ae realrial ta which ihrir^idren must aV Izte the wtoh ter ber pawing iato tta
•ta tta Srte.'waya recan tbla'lBSlTereary. Bvery-i beyond waa so gradate ud paaeefol
ate BOW tta;
one present V~~A.»UMSI
eonirfbiitte •a opadefai of! that not a tieoww or Botion waa apMcBday! oorib to tta ptaatlag. wU
paieot to
------------------ - ----- --------------------------------1. and BBta witty tar btetlde wbo
te tetab droB thnt; telateena to the peroonte Aaiaetcris- la iffa.
lien te tta
Wltbetmtaa RUae BeUwer waa bora
•“Utile 1
«, im. ait Britter-a. ate after






humum* ■«»»<».


th* wtl« taMO A* ««*1
A 8- i. BiyAmY PtMY. MitMs *M «
tkc fwlub boftftl. mV. nnurin
! kit f»*nr «MW
with <bt «0f» sad
^ tk* BOIW toot didst c*t op' 1
tber ttoaitd jirniot*.
Bnekw wmi low tbe store h* foood
(Jm evttcb bOMd, tk« wtU KfoQBd
sBd k Urpe mcUob ot tbe oeUtat oH
•bfaue. Tbe Mue «m* so bed «■«
bontlBR to lereelr ibM be Otmght be
COTidot eottefolih « tool by, doled
trork tnouied to cet tbe ire oat.
I«rfi tre olraody oodrr vmy.

WlDlow OodfreyMd Ml*. Bertht
BeotM etore. were fMirled ot .Beolon
oTtportt- Harbor iMt Sotorday. Both yona«
people bare many frtendt lo ttU city
■irtd wmthm Mh^lfu. tBclBdlnt
d«b. | to witb then happlneo.
CMy Mod dbd Oaa
; al|bl.Vwb PlMwtborodu' ■Igbt
r* doMUoB whM it or eiul
Last WedsMday eveotas M. M.
. oot doty to erery
Deeke gave a ta«y pull (or the Beodon
bat to every pood
of y«mg people which proved 10 toe oseo(
Midifas at well. An organ«H e«Mt*d to Mother tbe lo, ytamger people that hat bteo

■b«tt«r tb«
iM be • _
bnUd eotUCMl
ttca Dekaidi^ahlpidBC
«C M dira OM be otaudoMl.
Pbmact have tbHr tWlng

Tbe HmM aM iweert Ca
‘“irteetvdd a iHge

0Ai|tetarato,flU atore. Prii
laebool l|wS& eboeld.Me t
______________ •ko!caU •» «*o.»*ald and Ri
ire mon^. give the ebUdwo |e^ UapeB t^ tMBplre.
W>d woke the b«^
le Allea’B Foot-COM
wUetnille. We cm hove ooe U Sev
WexIOrd. .




,irt r.;i




$dl Smut

tatil PncHc)

Thf Kuut crop in a single grain growing, guie last jwor
caitowJ {■ wt idH of five ratllian - tWlan. Te* tixAMBtl
iloilan* w,>rth of high-grade FonnaltWiydt* woald have
|in-v<>oted tlii*..........
low. For________
Fonwildrhjfile U a posititw pTfreoi.
giavthg*taiDnt on grahia. *<«b on
.-itive uf allI fongoa
l«.t4ilo.>s. v-lc. We buv FonnaMebyde in originnl-.pBckngtw direct from Pnrke. Duvia & Co., guaranloe it to be
full strength aud aeU it at 50C « pound.

; GraAMte Mesial IkeptrtBcst Banes

S. E. WAIT & SONS, Druggists

Try a HeraM Want Ai


Ifiimi Ctti RiikNl taum-



tojtirMWttmtn M weiru tbe i»-!____
Bne time wm re-

Mitt Lulu Barr.of Empire ritited;
wtih Mra. Edd Barr last Tuesday.
. Mr. aad Mfk. L. C. Stiller are vltKtag wltb rntotlvea In Empire.
Mra. Bert Bancraft o(*Aral I* vltltIng with ber mother. Mra. I. Raymo.
1 tttoi «r npnee to tiM dtobllu Uule McCauley of HanitiiaDe
dtisMS toidcn to tbit Mason ^Tiitor Anna drove to Ktogal^ Sal arrived on the Missouri Toesdsv lo
tpend some time ai tbe borne of tor
“*^’a»d Mrs. John Baili ot Monroe brotber. P. J. McCauley.
Oentor were vltltart toat wota.
l ilBI 1 glMln sra «
Mr*. U F. Sheridan of Glen Arbor
Mlta Uiile SehlcfctM U reported
ll-gbenM Be knpt la mind that
viidted here a few days last week.
John Boston aad Mlu Anna Batch
a profratt an iniclliaitoutod tbe party at Maple City Ssi•Bon to bring abost
araay eveniiit.
luntoORt .
Lt^tbouse Keeper Larson came
over (mm South HmIIOU fVillay. sn.l
tow,; It Ts «M known. tH
ountered a touihwett
on hit r
Mtot Mm grantor gut «f Uto
ItoMi fteto aonrcM that an
air OHn Haven vIMUd at J. F. Tot- plre. wte« be wai obliged o remain
prauctien tartf town. tan's TModarnnUI morning. ,Tbe life tavine
Mra. Joba Tobin Md non Walter of ■pent tbe whole night on tbe lake boie
tag to loeau him. bnt to vatn. Howt that V* teektog the Nantnra are In town today.
over. be land or. South
tyaadfararthnnsbgltogedap- ' Mite Nora Cota apent Simday with Manltou safely Saiurday monitog.
Mr*. Ctovette.
n to Mtof If Mititoet tinuaw Btoi
Tbe tteamer Missouri called here
p. A. Daa» and wife spent Saaday
'ttoCTttory. That our eonttry'*
Frank SberidM of Glen. Arbor and
J conditions I
Peter Olton of tbe U S. 8. dined at tbe
r. appear* to'
tbe church on hotel Saturday.
tng motleal
Mtoct upon tarts rertolon ad- the erentog of- "
Mra. Herman Allen and ebUdreu?
May Mb, and a warm
Tkcy woald he the Srat to maple tngar •u^r wlU be oerred Im- hare retnraed home atier an extended
r tor the toadtateiy oner
of the Hotel Dentmora
> to OB tbe aica
Hoistein oow. pmehased from ihe
Nonberu Mi(^higM akyium st Traverse
MUet Dentmore of JackL-------- * wrbtob gtv«* n» opportoalty
I nnd critlelsBi It atoo tog a few days with hi* parent*. Mr. City.
“ ' a numi
imber of oor wag peopto
and Mr*. B. F. t otoMalrabto. It It becaate of
the u
Itov. Mr. Zli
( Of sato inflaaacai to I from a O. Bnilinger** boom into th* _____ __________
. .
■ that tt ts BMcsaary tn; hottM toinly vantod by Charles Bor- .rbor SatunUy cvrainx.
The teacher Md pupil* of *he school
fare a very enjoyable entensinmebt
' ic« cream *ocUI on Friday eveuto splte-of tbe toclemency u{ (be
1 oar eoaatrya prugran Md da-; Rev. Zlmmenm mato a trip W
Iber there was a nice turnout and
t. aadto see to tt that tovor taws Lake toto wedaeeday. rcturaiag
the proceed* amounted to $U>. The
lowing program wa* rendered;
:’^j'S^F^ Of Burdickvttie^undsyed foIlo'
b-ebttotoetory today to hs tafip- ,iu,
- I trontta than ever hefbn^
C. J. Bloom and tasslly and D. Ue«-» htetorT.-R«ort.
^ i Qtorr aaO
TlMte^ at Empire yeawi? of Samtolt Oty It
, i larfor Doom ^ny-.


f ■
Borough Is ristttog frteads to
■) . Traver** City.

t «a •hkMk. the ebatneUag pahtot

ft ,



A...,' m

eighteen girl*: rradtog. Mis*
Fbrrant: ebtwut. •'None *o gay a*
vocal sok). -Von Mustn't Pick
Plum* riom
From mj
My t'lum
Plum Tree.I'lum*
ijrr. Ev;s
ivy Day;
rtwliaiion. -Granoy." Ical>elle <
■tore building, which will -be ptoeed UbIeawK. "America.......................
oa tbe comer lot and oeeuped by Plotk
-n,, MYY ™.l. w
ml Mothara: Motham:

Sargent* Plumb Level* «» h 65.
Sar£cots SteetSfjuMT*. esf h<.5c
Hand Saws. y5dUpl3Wto<ii------Our Majestic Saw at 69c bs* ■»
' Twi*l DrilU girted »Ue»
Auger Bit*
•’ ,
Bit brace*, ajc eash ^
Gobbler Sets «$rand upWar'W
IlsrneM Mender .Set*
ileninw KH-ctm
ilames* Rivets
CImIii Kc|>air Unks
Machine snd Carriagr Bdis
14 inch Horae Rasps, etch 37c


■ Mamie Uambrtx «ad Maigaret ham togi; also ho:* u
ImcfleI af
ml MapMoa and Maasra. Carl Co.
WjB. Oos U doing Brat etoat war
Ctttor aad -WSItam OarrMI.
it leg Job. Win I* a hnstter.
I reodrred by
Geo. W. MeWethy and Jao. -R. Santo
Firitowtoc tbe Ctoemony ;«f Traverse City were baafaeaa catien
the wedAtog party Ud •eventy-Bve. <»• dto ^
gatols repaired to the borne « 0>e
_ were bwe Friday wtu boiA e
biid* wher* a samptano* weddtog,ft»
biaafctom was panakea of. Tbe happy
Wesley Spangler taa been calling
cotple totar laterd to ttke a trip in:o»_telailTe*.
r SI. Loot*. Mo.. Is tbe
oraaf Rapids Md JarksQA. rewralng
to ItoMolM after May », vkera toey
J. j. Hnbball of ItaalKae wa* return!
w(B be -at boato- t* tbeto Iricata.
: ly here to the laiet^of the town aad
. .
tlirm II Sraini.
J. J. Hubbell. Jr. is to ebargeot
—-____ (the w*ai Of towi tor G. A. ------------- ---------toaratog Mghtoi^ «rackl
^ ^ guawmi boaees w

The Herald and Recf>td Co. hts jtnt received n
large line of samples of beatttifol Commencement
Programs. Some very low in price, othen more
elaborate cost more. Principals and school teachers
should see these early. Call at the Her^ and Rec>
ord office and inspect tbe samples.



is one of th^dett and best known
Windmills; Sold under very best
guarantee'-both .MiU.nnd Tower.
Every -farmer knows^ tbe. bid
wood wheel windmill: it will
last longer than any other srinid*
mill made. We also tell Pomps.
Pipe, Fittings and Tanks.


; to* Off M Jwrww.ttoy, (nr wftwts*«tai mad

115 onO 117 Stats Stroet

flgin C. Lewis,

Wf tel) Hardware, all kinds of Farm Vs.
(diiiiert-. Impltonraita. WogOBB. Bm*
gifS. and Harnegi.

DO Yor rsE

Olool Cwine
Aic poand




•Ad th*t th* nazi
- o(
inurtlid tn Bid «

$1.30 tier 100 pounds

11.00 iK>r 100 pounds.

201 So. Union St.

*“****oibir railablpprrbSSp pcyjn.tlw prrcii^^'

tS.50 I»T 100 »Y.


those Carae


*Dd tor hesnst IhMoL by muaiw m cog ot
tot* «t«ar to be pubhOwd to U» O^rasd ^c

226 E. Front St.

Painting This Spring?
M OUft Painter uses Pure White Lead, of course.
^ All good painters do. But for your safety
and bis guidance, instruct him to buy ••Shipman!'
Vklme Lead and take no chances.





Universal Food Oioppera ytc neti
(tonlen Hues, Rake*, Spades. Shov­
el*,. etc.



PUat oer ArHIaimMd llta<



TravorM City. MIoM«bn

S. ■. Cor. Prontaito Utrlotr

oi,, pnUadel- -----------TrBVtoTM City Mariwts.

,f . Bnperrtoov Fither went lo Sor
Maaiion ton wert in the Interest
Train win leave ^Traverse C‘» •'
tMbtonner la
; boy, and girte again at they enjoyed to hit ofllceC:30 a, m. Bee noefpr..or a»k «en..
Igre keen enforced, nnd a det^ ^
S--Uappy U the Miller- or
Grandiiia Botoard. who apent the’ M- parti
H. F. MoellqfQ P. A‘■“Itoih and Jaeob," and “the JoHleti. winter in town with her grnndaughter j 18-tt
^ pereonel elori. and. If necet- parv I ever attended- to tbe retdin Md famUy. baa gone tack lo her.
dCurn forWtou
AanghtWt for tbe tnmmer.
tbe tegtolatne. Tbe
of ell.
Charlee Otlom. who to engineer
gMMt at Mat Blgkt't gatherliig
le Nedten mllL bad the
It to oMlmated that a fog la London » have tbe rmd taken of
Sthlag anS bnnUu add | entnlte na espendHure of SliSjmi for _ngen by being caught in i
yanUae tbe valne of Mlehlgan't 1 alngle day's UgbUng.
RaiTe hall was full last evening
•an attraction to
to tbe;
freto abroad. Tbenbjeetwaa
M eonetfenble Mgtb and
rendered, tbowlng
nt ntgnanauaa WM
waa wnemeu
•Seeted ■ riiuiK
Prank t\.nv
Klep bat ••moved Into B. 0.
boib leachcr and i
wtllbe tawadiOM to en-' nawitngi'
The moaic by (he little toft, leas than
are home.
towing their oata.
icn ynara old. was remarkable. One
tbt ta«« of trap tbooUng. i
went^ Byron O
Buie mtot brought down (he houw by
F. IsMlt Bogel Md Bdd TItoB went her tpenking and acting. Tbe tinging
by several who were not ptipllt. with
ts»|^i»is an^Wlra^OnBp^ fw^ I ta
6 Klngtley latt weta.
aoTKingaley diovi pIMo accom^nlment by Mlts Helm,
was flne and heariHy applanded. Two
through teat Batardar.
of Mr*. Prailck’t piece* were paibeUr
Joka Bradetlek and John BOtoter aad were Jteiened to with tlleni artdrove to Kinfiler tott Buurday.
mlratloa. but the applause and encore
<Qnlte a nambar mOi here attended were AO loud and long the gave two
It ooe comic, which kept
and cti-1 tbe dance al
Snoirday n^L
In petit of tonghier. The
or the etote. j
w—wf. rtMted Mrt. LaIu

• HaWtodaCaiitolI <WNMtop



Mr*, van (brtrand It etUbntbrt in
(be Burdlekrtlle botrl.
K. Voice of Boiplre was a BurdlebA
vllle vltUor Thnreday.
, ^oM:
Hit* Bteveot of Ceder patted ^jt^blwi^rtiHr.youngrtt id whom
tbioogh town M Satarday eoroote
a tttall babr MfK SbaiUa.wa*
atm Arbor, where tbe atteoded the,
, burled at the Nonh Unby, resH«ei,.
^’urt B. Tromboll. wbo bat
tUnc relaUve* and frirodt
e lo
la TrtvTrtv- i nett
nest irtp
irtp to Trtverte City Sainrdty.
weefct. returned to her bome
iretuminp the ttine dmy.
ue City oo Satardar.
■*, Frank lUw and
kir. and Mn. Brie Johoton wfl
-united In marrlace Uondt}..
to Trarerte, City on Tn^r. The> ; wer<--i
bare been rtaldMtt of rtu piece (or
An Only Dnughter_CurA, of
the pett ala yeore. and K it with regret
tbe recital at
Hen Arbor Baiurdav evening.
Mr. Holmet preacbed to a large c— ——-rr-—jlatt Bnnday In the M. E Sm*9&w^i


H -.Y FEED & uRA!N


The redial given in Clen Arbor Itti that
Sttorday evening by the —
I,and na­ Mlw Nan Hein was ven- l
1 of Mrs. Dr. Ftnlick.
iling. and a Jollier, livelier
rWrdTn the progtan. were ctneeitl- HSC* SyA
wonM have been bard to And. Tvro
Wa hew
known thnt onr!

_________ -A. I weekt ago Mr. nnd Mrt. Deeke gave a
town bore Been
vioMitt Margaret Baxter ta worUng
_A • penv (or maiTled people, at wmen
Y^; there WWW about ISO In aiiendance. (or Mre. Va-! Oitrasd.
Mil Jennie Parrnni of Oleo Haven
' Ptor (na M^ (wile ihit certainly pateed
rbrongh BurdickvIHe on the
one day Jatt week.
toMMid (br CM of ^i^t^^
mcbigan-t *»“*«
and pMyliig gaipet kept
ouat ABBtn
"*’****"*• Tnet^umo"
I O’clock In che ok

T«i« TSntOfWg.




Hann^ & Lay Mercantile Co.

Which need new Wind^ Shades ihis^ season
as well as tbe
GrtjundU1 here
can be nicely curl
smaller ones.
Our special ordeFshsule department is alwa>-s ready for a ‘ huri7 up order." and you
can get any size and any color curtain you <ic*
sire "while you wait’’ at prices that will surely
satisfy. We are waiting for your order.

City Book Store
^brr.BMcJtre*., Brtpt.

Cmmtm Otf, IBkt.


» TWY*«M'jWlteW -Wtll»10AT. MY «. T

---r ..



att EM<HPrr Oallw^' H»- “OW Mhfcory- aad the ^l»idahero.*j
J. M. HUcaea <*<01d Hkhofr-I aad
ae«ar or • ftie De« Fort iwlMoli^
tt l» k toariss «B- «nb tke.atde dM Dr. S. V. Wfaaaaa of (he -Kiasdeherk'
(BIBOU4 aT^eaeO eotertc
aagh»—vlU etart e.boot the 1st. <d
TUo Kteole)- idsb bn com ^pte the •Ur. ae aa adraace gaend. hir their
aimaal hehlag trip. rU O. p. * I. raOtiop pad R. K DcTnuce h«P h^ wer to Glee lAke. aw Trarerae CHy.
eicetod Ttec prcoUeot.
Mk£ other aeaben or Ueotgaalsa
lion wm t^Oem later #or the pmi»ee
“*^j A*a HoDfoe, the hulUu ^ W efije^tag the cxeoIleBl bate. Meekt-1
b«HdH-a»4*fnrc(|dlPP. left for Btk
aew troot. pickeret aad peit* flehteg'
'___ fc^plloodpr »<>»■«•».rtew fce•««
or that locamy. Pbr a aoath “OW
worh CO the Bcv
Hickory’ wiU he the gaest of Ow
Itoek. He hM PlM ctooed » depl FUber aad hie esUaeble wife aad the
Vberebr X;ttO feet.of trpMeJ wUI be veteraa aagler will thee go iDlo’eaiap.
the Wa. H- White oompMj -Bpomnaen-i Berlew (CtaelnaeU. O.l
U BOTM Fhita pad mrh «U1 be begna
(he im
P«t trw*. The week pt
Sjt' the CPPd7 {pctory U done pad the otni lU hPP beep aorad to the power boaae. by dynaadiing a space i



Good Thins:s from the Suit Department

long roy feel as if oothlng but
-i Mra. CtMMve Uwr <ft Port OaeldB dynaatlle woold core it. Z. T. Ora> o(
......................... re had a
iwpp »«T pJepppaUy esrpriaed
ppBber of her rrleada Mooder
awake taigbiB. Two physk
IPC. MPr 1. tp boBor or her birth^-. But belo ber; so sbe took pr. Kins'.
w Cooianptlpn>
I Will Pnaae eatPitataed (he goeeu
Cougbs and Colds, which eased ber
i with aaalc oh hie grpnwphahb. Dpne- eoogh.
gare her steep, aad dnaliy cored
lac vw.pleo ode «t ihe.a
bar.*' Strictly aelentifle cure for bcoa^iils and La Grippe. At Johnson
Drug Co.. T. H. Meads. & B. Walt A

At Money Saving Prices
To the »onlm who wishes lo be well and stylishly gowned at a moderate eapense. the items will meet with
her every requirement, lor every one is remarkably low in price but nOI in quality; that is n^ sacrificed here (or
price. Every item i» this advertisement is worthy of a higher price.

The ramiera on the p



Pptltien Per Opm Waiden.
A petittoa pddrpPMd to the lecteiator« peklPC tba p cpBajwprden be ap{pdlated for tbU odwtr U belpc repdilf
ieicaed br the eponaaea. The peit: llOB prortdee tor the pppohiitiic of e
It BPplitr or aot Icn thaa U
pdaraadM^PM. The bille of tbS*
depprtateet are to be aadhed pad approred hy the itate c»ao wardea'e
I dppwtaeat. The elcaerB of the potttioh beUere that If thie bill !• paeaeii
jby the kdatPUre a good aga ca*>
eecared who win go <o wtnk areteaatleally to break op the illegal practice*


fwa dcHrery aerrtee has
MiWlit OB roM fbar te la
flatlar TfX" •srvica.
' «|Ma AMnSk ' ma«fB be «cMo«>reccot nucUag of the dlreeton
■J^ im a Ufse
raMdlag 0 the hoard'oT trade tt. A. Miweetaua
to the aactlaa. The nUn- ^ ^ --------------- dl------- -----------VMB Mo eSaot May lt>>^
(hat the diecoatlBoaBce of
the 0. R. A
Mfi. A. Hebert Mt m -Tau^y tar ihe
, carty noralaf train m to.hU
con' UNtr batoT bt roach wfeta* aha has I pany
. la ahipplnc rreichu aotth as a
was aitaa>ed to the
' The hoM Ubalag radttod
leariag here at 6 'a.
......................... 1 aad afat

ccoaectUk with the north bonad
fonwi Added oa thc thlid atorr
fron Gnuid Rapids at Waltcn
Ml «• ho d»Mad the Mtar poh oT‘ at »;4C a. ■■ After tbis. train, was
takea c« trelght ahlpped o«t oT bare
a. at. freight tnla were coba are flreiy for the
theVta^ ioadlai t rHIctf to lay orer at Walton unUl the
Ballshoaad fteigh. fro. OrBtd
Ida arrived the following day. BBklng
a delay of tweatyfoer boor* or .ore.

.Then the body is
by Dr. King's New Life Pill., you c
tell H by -the blooni of bealth o
cheeks: the bi

£. Wsii A .Bons drug stores. » ecot*.

J! Dollar
Mttf hM MsMe

Silk Sliirt Waist Suits
These are the seaaor/s most popu­
lar style of dress and they are so low
price that voi can afford. This
is a special offer on good dependa­
ble stills. They coine in Brown M ixtures. black and while mixtures,
brown checks, blue checks and plain
black, made in styles that fashion
says is right. Made to sell at $12 50
and $13.50, priced for now at

t»»ti ttenuM la.


Ten dollars occailOBslly de­
posited soon becomes one huedeed. It doe* «m uke i
bnndred i become a ibuussad.
wbidi fl^re is a very respectalkie nocleus f
titisinesa capcss fur oU
age. slekaess. loss of employ------ any of the
cooUngenetes that sH are subicet to. R^ih only II.ixi yo-j
cap Stan a savings sccouoi s lib

Three numbers that for <Tual'ty
style are not to be duplicated any­
where. They come in box style, and
half Btted, have triple box [deat in
the back.

Silk Coats

$6 50, $750, $8.00

Cra«*rs« eity Stale

north hw
SecretaiT BaaBao rebalvad the lellowlag oMBBaakaUtB from W.- B. 8i1b•aaerfaitaMaM at the anrthem

at f o'etaA nmndag
■Btalae calM the tr* hvpartmaat to
Batu’ laaadnr where a Mte

Jeha fiavta. the llUla IfTearoM M
at CeAar Raa.'who-----------Mm wMle haaCHag a gM
•iP la able Uta waah W he oaL HI*
Mt M«e to BUI paralrtBI. thooM that
’ Hi-agMH&Ma hr tha.tfaatraetloa of
'0ba Whlh «Mto thtoagh the pai
-«r dph MB whkh chiered Jnat bat««M tbaaraWw* ang wa* otfhcM
at the IBM at thc-lKM.

Tht* to a-*
taotMT airaagrBsat. aid win tks approved hr *l»oK^
aalera aad Baanfactarers In TtaveraiCJtr harlag good* to ahlp aorth.
wUi oaaMe tiaight*‘bhlpp^ fioB beta
la the Bondag to be detlTWed B Pvtoaker a*d taterBedlaia goiau the
Thto to oae esaBgto of where thv
hoard of trade to ehte^ beoeSi hwal
e br the O. R. A L will be appro-


U. W. OlbetB of HaM BighUi street
was the TfcOB Of a paiatB aectdent at
ralghaBh aboat •;$• oa Saturdar
laet. A* ha was rcaddag bach of a
as*, to take oat boon waite a fellow
l\r allowod the eaw
lo Ml hiM la plaee aad U cpoght hla
' tm below the thumb oh the Aeshr
. part e( the hand Bhd eat a |Mh to Oft
. MBh. A Mr*Maa was cohsalted aad
the wooad dreaaed.

the eaaaaa. harlag made the -thing'
Mile’ (lip ta three and a half hoora.
^ The weather wa* thick pad fb«gr
whhA made the rue ale*. Thoe* oa'
: beard -Were Mr. aad Hta. Cart SMtow
dor. and Mr. aal Mr*. Mas Schioeder.
ptowinarg. AhT'KIMa Oagaea a>d
The trip

For Thin,
You csB trust t mediefae
tested 09 yetrs! Sixty yeers
of cxpcrfeacctthiak of tfaul
Expe^ce with Ayer’s Sar•apetitle: the orifieil Sem>
perine: the stroBgeet Ser^pw*
riUe; dttSerseptrflbtbedoot»r> eadorte for cMa blood,

To buy your Spring Shoes.
\Never before have we been
able to give the people such
good serviceable footwear and
at prices that win make it pay
to come miles to buy of us.



Shot Salt

Wtth tbe *hdec roa
have bech bnjiag?
Are ibev whai ihrr
Sbould be? Are ihc.v
made right? Do tbey
wear well? These
are the poinu to be
considered when
baring. We gnaran(ee 01T shoe* to In
right. ,

We bBve bought
Drew aelb>'* line of
womeb'* »■ B p'lc
shoes again tbil seaeon and have placed
them on nie a<
prices (bat are a big
aavlag to n«.

IBa’3 Sad
Wfit Shta


’Tbv peet wort *boc«
made, a* son apu
eas;- ax a flee aboc
and J«t win keep
out the wet.

' That wc kell Burt1 shoes than anriiibtT
> stuiw in tblK region.



Ev << r y o D V b a s
■ rouble flodiug hboi-»
that will sianB the
lv>> We have thenj
made w iibixii k«-*iu>-


. 91.25. pl.59, $t.7S



Made of s<w>d. «<-rt-lceable leather and 3
good atrled. Wr
tiefr TOO re i-qnal ;

Tbi- kind that will
stand th<- w«.-*r ami
keep out the wet.
Bsdf Id .calf ektu pc

at -fl.So-our price '


flood MiliU xIkVi..
(tiwil wuartuK. litM-*
$ to k

A ieaihi-r sh<»- -l•l.■l^k ur tan, wiu-t's




$10, $12 and $15

$10. $12 and $13.50


Walking Skirt Special

We have twelve three-quarter
length half fitted tan coven Coats,
full satin lined, whose value is eight­
een do!ta». we offer these while they
last at

In blue, brown and gray mixtures,
-charming styles and all finely tailor­
ed skirts that you would price of
your own accord at ahigh- 1C OO
f.r price,
ikrice. while they
ihev lastlast...
•. w»W W
Wash Silk Waists in black and
white; beautiful waists; you can wAsh
them as well as if they were cotton.
Two prices.


$3.50 and $5.00.



SeIkT of Gbod Shoes.

don't cam tfow (]ur>|i tbv arabT ia—yon go right hi
itfU-r tlw fiafa and-iK-t Uxaii. A pur of thuoe will

IVIen’8 Hip OoG-ts
Thai arc nacd so tnncU--uot only for 1istiiBg-~bt)t any kind of work nr»uiid Ike water.

ilecauM- we.nukv
It a point to always
buy the best] and'
prtet-s Do more tlmn
you pay elsewhere
for ordinary goods.



Also popular, more so ilian ever '
this season. We have some extra
good ones, finely tailored; clear ideas
in slrappinS^ve them a.very. ssrell
iook^ned wfth faTk-ta silk and Skinner’s satin, «|>ecially priced at

Vs a Tact at Mild lUlU ;
«-r for work or in >
pood airllnb ones for ;
Ureas, at onlj-


. OhmtM's

Three Suit Values
That arc extraordinary’. Blouse
coats, kilted skirts, coats uffeia «(lk
lined, hamlsomely trimmed, checks
and mixtures; none better in style,.
and fuiiy up to the Milliken standard
of qualiytg.^^


Jlr. 41
roar* of the mb alt., the Bomtag
from TraTarw Otf
hb* aerer paid oparaUag e
that It woold
waa iapt M. hogtag Uu
tmllg he pcoltaUe. or at toast par
e the aerrtoe.
“RetarTtag to the frelMl baBaea*
far potau north of Waltoa. Wb will
arraahe lo hMd oar aonh boaM
IMght train at Waltoa toMiohact wtih
ftp (relMt irala Iwvlag Trarerae Oir
at S a. B. ao that MIserta* aar- be
mua U>e aaaa dar as herMofore whoa
marMaadtoe <ar wa* haMlad oa
the aoralag pas**agar uabt . from
Traverao Ctlr-Toqr* tnily.

Covert Jackets





Th'Hf an; nuuk of tki; very I*-*! nikU-r and an- din-ct frr«i iIk- ftu-tory. ^

IHieh Top Rubbor Boo-tb
The Ion:: I'-WP’d kind—mml<- on puqww-for fisln-mR-n. and tlxot- will onot you onlyi-VA'

iti lu-lit aviglit--.on pun*rt<- f<>rlr»ut Itoliing.
liirlit on the f«v*t—iviey Vi ui-l arotiirl wiiti—«-r«-r)'
li^lirnnuti slKnihl own a |Ktir. fV-ll f--r

•BtOO '

The alw that wT«r8.v.tlmt is .s-wty'Ui
kIhn- fbr auiiiiinT w«nr. Tin- Btyf «>tl
iiia>li-for mr-n at $2..7l till-(uir; tin- Uiy*' af/<« *
S’'.*i->«nd tk^Viiatba’ 9:>.0U. \\\- hati- aob] bnnilnvls of pair* aral noi i/ne’ bus eoiin- bark in n*.


OtTV, jibitOM.




«AY 4.

Lta Whaler cat hie foM «idte badly <
Mr. «M Mo. UmU BBd COB CIbtc
iBtt MvadB}-.
to OcBBd BBBble SoBday..
«M Bt^
MIm AKaCrandall epMit a few daret The .eekool la (
__ x Beaeie WMle wae the r»»*l ol
CrteBiie IB TravcTBe CIt)- the toUer part wiht meefle Id Trawree Chj la»t; |*,g4-jy aBeaded t._
' txwo Mate (Moash aad I
Bofaert KiBsiD k*» frMv lorCedar:..^ board parehw<<4
DnM* U Old Mle„
<Soa bae BrttreM te taaeh the Oedar .prtiin to aiteed the fnend of hU , j*, rtalra, also a taWe.----JUns.
(oiks eiilor them tmmeaMB'.
4. Hai
Dr. Cerrell cere a rerr ■*«»■*»* I CredteciiooL
Mba 'MivCle MeOarty apH BhBdaj
a BBMlwfroahere w«B io t^eoa- fa>, jnerr
0>e^ oew
------- - taat.
i Hr*. Hauie FBaeta^ daaehter.
IB the H. a.chBich-------Mrs: J. Coaray
was a
Trareew City. '
* eeatloB In Traterse C«y «a»t<^or*Mrs.
Hbbs ABdem «Bd AUBUjrf ^ Bol-ii^e b«a the cdeataef M. A. BlOeir
tone Bv here gMred Into (he

L«e-;»B<1 lamllr for
--------•— «.
Mrs. HeBTT HeiBM <* eBlywr ypeni
*, data^ate ____
WcM 'Unta* Bnaday ^ Miss Babel Wolfe caM •
W. M. Newaaa
Mbw hoUL
hlra aeaool. Be hrooghi bae*. a »e*y pood. Mycrn one dar last week.
Will Pre^tlee.
trip I
Bert Warper and fanrily at Tra<
Ada Wilton Is rMtlog Irtends!
N. ndard wwt to CharlevoiB
te BihTinA to one
on« <of the nea ! jb TmverrH? ClD.
■ _,____OMar ^ari* aad
Mlsa Coi* aBd CUbIoij Ftay^e fo< bwiw* j«r
...............- Ihc.brtek-; ; MrA
Roli»naak.aB4 Ultk'daitoh ; la^ld Ueaas ha-> hls-wefl done;, “Ke« ool#s Mrt* IW gi
Aina FlW tftaaded a dwslnc partr TiwacTM
Tiwame City Wedneeday night with; ,.4^.
■ tor ritltei! her pan»to'a| ywaiMa !*■« ■ cw^ KewmD and ira Dowser did . :anfe.".Ur. Wood's NMway FMe 8..
is new dH*e».
will Kidder
iviaaer left
ini SaiurtUj
at SnttMta Bay Monday erofelng.
' week.
• _
I ibe Job.' It U 1« feet deep, wltb abtM-, help* Men and aroiM to a ham.
Danon Seeley was a TravetM! Otj ! fbr Boyne'CHr for
Brown wMe.bapUMd,
f( dajV riili- ! |fr. and >l».......................
■ • a few
f„r nw.
ton Monday. They will
bnildtms a bam for;
i Mr. jamlFon is bn»
la the M. K ehareh Bondar Bigbt.
LU..U ) Chris Strohinfew dayt Id MtoaeaiiU and then
o Tresterh OrvRon. where Ibt? ex-; _
MluBlaKbc Arefy is on the akk
Mky 1 t Hr. and Mm. Iona went to CadiUar ;
Fkiyd Beach Is hOaldtec w»Ui Mr.i ^
• wcddlag oeeor-J.mst Monday, wht-rv they will vtsH
A. i. Albright and wife bare moved
iKg. -April «. at ,fH«m<U and from there
ttw-re go lu
Vo Uu- uuwnt
here from Samoilt City«ber^. their *«m lives, ex
Hlac Ciaodto Petwwwr and het
friend. Misa Dolly Hoyt. ^
ts Isaa Wheat of tbai. Mr Champion and famUy
famt vUl«d ai
(3iy have foae to Wmow City, Borth^
Core Ot Btoaham In, Paul Gllroy s yemerdaj. .
DakoU.-forBB ejtteBded na^
place aud
__ Bcv. Hncb Kennedy
Koch Kennedy
per-; T1per-; The (imagera are orgaiil
.Miss Dash Btwd baa moved her mil
.'fonnhiR tl^ ceremoo);. Glen Luisaud.nt
two MI.
liacry alock to Honor.
iMrv EldaTJiti of till* ct')' ncUni; ax. Mrs. too will lead the- W<wt Italon
ad iirMetmaid.
laid Vere. dramas
Bttolhditea. 1 ra t rIi toa
Sieels's pansto. Mr. and Mr*. W’.
^ley-s sonaar.
toV^Uon* and Vpilw
Terrihe Rse* WWi Oeath.
Cram Kyea aoii Ri-ntort*
Mr. aad Mra Itoon g«-ele>_'»*>llt'0^^ The
The bouse
houso was
was very
very pri-tUly
pfvtUly d
dee“IX-atli waa la*t appruacbii
i^eiicet Vision li>- ihr t
iorated with evergreens, the bri< I vritvB ‘fojvb K. Fen^ilp^ of
Iowa from hero a
■mtsndin; under a bank of
, giM by th lodges at Kalkaska; Sunday.
frf oar fikt-ial RTiHirKl kmarn
r dtoth.
"V a res'iK tif i'vrr tluui'U'and
jlgiu. and report a;
' ■
'gtccne dotu-d with toM-a. After
-------- -------Ume.
. .aamM
}««rttaony a aumpinous w«Ming sup-heart dUeaiK-, wbteh bail
very . .
:xA«yiiMAh*riOM pwkk
The Ijri^aL the.of sleep and trf all interisl lu I
rsldOuiMMsslMW ■
KVI ; per was served. The
Mr. and Mr*.. Dennis McCarti
bad irit-d many dlffervui doctors a
Uoardman rivLT I* lined with Asher-; f,<Hp|pni of, se«*ral l__—— .pres-:
Oilef were goe*Sts of their SOB. J;
,en today.
'««*- The bride and groom are both, several medtrine*, tan got *
d the road in front ^of Mr ------'wai-knosB
...e All IIn-----------— - In
- Traterw- City and vl- until 1 bejsan '« u-»e Elertr
IrU-uil* who wili'So wtuiderful was >h<-lr effeci. that bi
Norris' has been token out. the Ole rioliy and have
Travwraa CUr. M<
413-414 WllbolmDIock
ilavs I feh Ilk
lowered and covered aipiln- xu now the' wisb them tbe
- • - I am <
Chas. Hed^a'-------...
their futare huma.
I been quite ekk.:
r * » » » t » I I » »> » » I »
I •
* ' » • • » • li
Mit-hican ivsort keeiwh. are'ffnswr-j
,.•••— ,
Id Tiaverto City. Is M* »Bntn
, Dayton Schell of tvIngwUy was •»««• ,^5 („r the annual tnfliii of pn«r.W-^ • F '
It 1« said iha: a uew'y msrrV*] , •
Mrs. Wm A- Kent has gone to
Thiw Rlyers jj
tend^; • Into„«t (cnniDfptMiU 1
Inaw. called by the acrious fllnesa of| „.. aad Mr*. Geo. Bryan.canvO.atialve hiT.'inakera.
licarted that she r»^u»es lu Is-al the «»
her tWher. E. F. ScUncUlcr.
K. i. Roger*'. Snndwy.
(loQiMltvl'BiHni. .^^kHOMaaSil^^
Im wlflitlrawii m'
Doatoaaa Cannot bo Cured
.iR,'. whip ito tjeam «r
but. »

Mr. and Mr*. Will Rogers .have t Mr and Mrs. ftwnk Mggll. Will:
and given
Ml.«* 10
Lnor* Rogers Norris,of petotOc.^_______ ^^
_ nnnuaUy)
Mni. W»!^£d!t*oo baa rcturaed from ^VpaTty givi'a iiT MJ** i^ABay Norrl*
Grand .Rapids,
where she has beenat Gunton
I GuntonSaturday
Saturday evening.

ti<Asl nmndtaL
•* KlU'Atoi •*
nurwlag for some time.
Frto Nbton h*. rvshlagled h**
A Crtoplno ricath.
Mr. and Mrs. James McCarthy ate ktldieB.
ifeS!s^S^^;tM?Sj*?.waa .w iSi»r,
irnsri iwlKitt rre.-p.< op toward thfj
Mr*. «Co.Roger*'experts her histcr iH^toartaa. wod wtaw ft U •■i.tinSir'rtn-4' p.^ri. rauthiA death. J. E 8uwm»,'
nwsrlng to Manistee.
to Traveise CUy from Saginaw hcrt-'ruetoay. for a vUfo-lle, inalne. Mton . w Hu» that a *
uanarmwlruBdUhn. h<wrlnsinl)l>.il-Mru<’>M rrl'*nd dreadfully injnml bis band.
Mr. and Mrs. LonU Morris and chll-----------''*T!T=..'yri,^,;;?,V w’.'^
«rbirtirweUed.ij. llkrl.kJoJt»UoniDs-^
. H. H. Hull. PrwtA
ditoi sptol SundBj'» Kalkaska, the
eveM* of Mr. andMr*. L. Glagler.
Mia* Ethel HAy»**. who U
Jhe Beharmen achool. apenc Sanday
V J <-ngjrgT*fU..Tuledo.O. K. M Jlcails. S. K, Walt * 8es» drag , «»
a past 1
$ I I I A I • I > t« « < • * I • < «
* < • « « I
It wrilia

Grand Traverse Region. Iisl;
Mm. Wfa-1Well* cvterulaed tbe
Mr*. W.
Dn fben Uib week
B. Omt «Ul'«n«n«)n

«tM< «l5w» 4«WW«



apest Stmdar

iafttriinc yi«iUd Hn.
lareh odc day Um week.
Mort has reUimed trooi
gwhww ■>»? baa been lor the
i^Se^her is laid «p with a
Binii SparilDK weat to Trarto atioDd tho-Snodar school
iqn ‘Thuradar aad Friday.
her of yoiiag p^e wen'
uitifnt bonque
—W. 9. Saxton vitUrd h«- atet<
E Sbmiljter. «pw4ar toat weMc.

. .
_i. John OU. at w—.
f, last weA. reUimiBg m Buni. slepklEB mndwavtol al Travor»o
'" mday.
(. Dalton IB nick with pneuitUtto-wriUag.
BamaDcUMgand A. Zimmer* to SHUanfBa.v Saaira^-.
posalng and dnn^ter
I* arrived from OUeago Tbarsday
H of SM^t« called In town
lUs iiaxT HoTB, toacher hi BheiI altahded 'church here last Sun-

B Btown and E. Cbandjcr went
C^c^tor^ex H spending
|M w«h bar mother. Mr*. De-

Cassatt as Btt Spec­
ialist Itr


Eye TnnUes

s-xiiw.Jiss.. ....... .....


Dr. P. A. WoUe,





c;U“s:! -


good here. -

the cdsh to buy goods her*. The fact that we are Selling at a discount for a few days does not effect your credit-,tha^ is alwajw
___ ^



DMf'CivkMrds and

Just received anoiher biy shipment
of couches, all styles, all prices^ from
a Rood grade, well made couch, up­
holstered in velour at $4.75,10 best
steel constructed, genuine leather.

A IniRc BMortment Voo «so find jort

wbut yon witnt for just wliat you wiM

ii . *"W'

Spring earreU
Baby's Bigb Chair


s n pcrfiloxinK tiotAtion.

Indihlini: nil the Ink•«l thwtRiu aad paP'


l!oaid >*00 uto as extra
laid? If so. don't fail
lo Inko odranikgetrf

clinir. ono that will Ifl tlH* rhikl


down to' IholBoiir. so tliat fin-

4«t bcBtp to the wry

link' ono’ can U'. k-ft akUM- in


cet slo(^ evvT shown in
tJio city.
From $2.2*1
id t£>fiO.

Odd Orcsstrs

Buying for ^rar ibitv

W»- liiiven fidl line at lowfst

lafg>* sionw
ston-a Ji"
n* wi-ll
as for th-wl»olns.-tk- riuildrtl us to glBhl»rici' way

A»pcl Freod. pUto ninot,
'^lor.............................. *19.76

Aaot Vsu
Bern CscMiig


A full lin-<rf m««, iiiHtiding all «*«* ia-tkerw rugs sni
i-verytkinv' iii Art S|imn* awl Room Jiiw Ru«».

Far a Camp?

Odd Csnmsdts

Jf so, roitif k'-re wberr lh<adsortnii-nt is^'n':iU*t..Wf

aiasmnfl m«eDiii«s

can show you Just wbnt

from $3.00 up.


Sercral different styles
s6ket from.

ivflirtor, al

Bmch VriBflws

■5 ctntf.
ILp vTiy best larior

A good Inb wringer only tl.50


ktnp at $14.00 '

EIK SMmg»ia» mr»€l Tt*.

We, can

mak.- yon a nie any sizt? yim wish.

OH €loO)» maflittd a«id

want. Trom a piod

iirackrt lani]ie»mplvU'with


RnaN Payment Demi

TTiUlowprioe Twnpfft gnesfe^

the coslonj-r.

Only $1.75

We Iwvc dozens of odd oomBiodee. Stane ^rerc lioagfat
broken aniteg. Wc will cloae
duiu oot at jnst their avtoal
oost IXn't foiget to

C’. r.l.alera.

Crmtribntog iiMrc fnwanl lumrs
comfort than any olhw piiw of
fnrniturp. Wu bavr tlip jrrx»l
iind. A prtl, well nmcl**. fnll
Msu mattress,
i;ualilv of

%, lor S7.76, lo . V«.l.l«l

u-ms in this seosob's
goods from tlK'dio^

111.- room »-illi verfort snfHy.

prievA. -

n essd mattrtss

a Rood, Bolid, weD made dfmer.

llW for yon. (J.-l n wlitrl

lonll gnid-sandwkUlto.

Wc rany Liooletim 12 ft. wide

Slid cfiB ci»v«T an ortliuary *tze romn withoot scams.

In t',irp(4*, Oil C%Hh. Mailing and Uwdeams at less Umb

easy PayitieiHsi


ne ntbuto wu ts SAarday. Icsvtnc mte frelidit tor Ucbit Lsrdle ud
.ivrer. fermeny • rc>>d«at
Tbe rallniad betvece ten ud
bees Ti>- Trarene City to beiag aciUted acals.
Utag «U frtaitf* Acre duUs tbe put Bat H hai been Ulked aboat to modi
and amoanted to notblng. people do
not fgri very eatnaawaUc abont It.
r. Mn. mak SayMi. I

• aiUtr^atek.
Hra Pkaae Tbooapaaa drove lo Ttav-

........ lake Meada Btotey.
A aanber or people fro® Elk RapkU
pawed throagh hero oa tMfr way to
tbe tiaoi otiaatos.
lto«ortb taacae A oar ehnrcii toot
.Snaday eeealBp.
Dell Fatotanloi oT Elk RapMe paoswi

eater, tu grcAeA cita A lndaAi_.
nweperily aad tbA idltalk A Wte-!
Uoa to boto. He gayu the RuMtaa rad-:
CIO leti Tboraday tar Chi- leal* ate oety dctoylDg the aptoailld,
ftiama whlAt.tbe w to dAemtaA:
to pat Into eVcct.
BwlR MacNeDi ts gatalai: tAooaital
to gtowty recorertag;
rcaowa becavc A tbe baili be makao'
TbelBlaataoe AMr.andMn-Peter
bouse A
• •*-!aeo be threw the boew Into coaVwl, Eer. TanAukeB arrlred CAnrtay; Moae by.oaylni: “I wfll now repoA
milDs mud occplod Uic pvlpli I. th. j wh»t 1 hire ht-m pre.rei«I irotn w-


“SS'SjS2iS'i"14tSE cit. U “» h"!.". - TW. ... d»nl, tire
or Mr. and Mrs. Oias. Westoo. In tbe. A a cabiaet mlntoiA: "It to Bocew
intereat A tbe SalrAlon Amy.
| sary tbA eono aoUcc be taken A the
Mrs. M. F. Dane and daagbter Pearl..
e genUenae
•refrel hon.^ htretu .lS». ttre i
gpendtng tbe Anter tm Bearer totoBd.; ^ •» atoke.
tbe gnveto A Mr. aad Mia. W. B. ioh»-;

Work to I

'bo had tMT band aeaiduM?! toud ^

rianpCTo are prepared


___ ___ _________ SUbwood eebool lael
yildaj'BlihV Then aae oolte a entord
than la «pM« of the lalay weather. A
toOd Uaw WBi reported.
Aaother box endal and enla
MH waa aleea U the Uffllor nt^ooi*P0M Salarday nlsbl. vWdi waa atoa
wan ntt find and a good time waa on^^Wa^waa a duee A FVed CobertIBA tataiday nigkL Brocybody

r OB a;

A Conttoual Strala.

Ad^ OibU , bouto. and tic .totaleri,^, s,u,rtav asd Bnadar wllh Ria.
aitoe* and (rtends In tosrd.
Tbe Ladles'
r Baaartai or taniiy Uwebfc-.
a hOBto oa bli farm Boatb ! >
HoAA at the bone
A Mr. ud Mr*. A. v^rs aad dtetreaars then both nuDa^ on Tuesday evening.
tiaMy nad phystoAl.r aCeeilag tbeto
. —___ _____ about l;ao p.
Mrs. A. elevens to on the sick list nerrm bndly ud brinidna on Nver nad
at., tbe DOfth boMd tzain toft the track
allncnts. with tbe Aicndut
o tbe roll DOW..
Dear Cobbs' iencaiOB.'about
evlto A coostlpAion. loss A appetite, j
aorch A lowa. Tbe tcadw. bu^_
lurudsy noising.
Aceptagaeoa. tow rluaty nad d>
and smoklog oar wore derailed. The ^aopplIA Ath teadtAs. Mias Akin,

wreeklag.ualn came Irani Cadillac at
Gordon hare neoeptA sebooto in
about 4:80 and A h ip the hr.vth...
eraiteg ...V
the ificlantlT reoAiwd to Gils towonhip
lATecU by Uktag . .
' rf*'**
' ■ w. 1^
B. UAneo
DAneti viuiM
vlAiA scbooi
sebool oiArici
(Green's Angust nower.
derniled. j hODtoor three teat Frida)', aud glrc* a
hurt when the oars wer
Mias Clarissa Knapp A Boyne City [tbe liver, rUmntoles the kldnoyn. ta__ __ tbnv were stotr
Is vlsIUng hw parenu for a few days.{«UTcs healiUy bodily fuaettons. gives
nbonrd: bA bne mu was aonewbat
Chrslcy RonA commenced woiR oo 1 vlia aod spirit to one's whole to-lng.
Injured bya blow a ibe Jaw /Ton u )«be A. Louis world's fair tbrough
londsy for Bari dibbs
Gibbs for the season, j(npd
npd crcniiially disAls the physical
gterentidnin i—
Slmeun fireVoirehreh.
Schuster 1re.iireV.t
bought aa reh^h*
epu «*I|Orni
A i a mental distress causA by that "eon, M™.*’ MAse and 'daughters, Haaci
I Unual strata." TAal buttle of August;
HowaA Al»“'' Agn.» are apendlng a tow weeks bo»i-s laif. week.
Mr. Potter A Summit City was n ; Flower. .S.V------ ■—
''B parents.
caller In our neighburtioA one; day tale by 8. :
Anna Burdick and Mrsf Jaa.ltoil week.

dn»»c a wAI fw caiceKetooo MeQoeeo has novA to the Rice ud ehlldrm vtoliA la Blaloe j.
, *cy Booa last week.
bouse near Cdbbs' JuBctlon vacAA last
HascI ud Xnes Matoe arc attendMr. Storrs aod Mnlly and Mrs. wih! A tbi' Uroali Umin fur ibs O
br Mr. Burs,^ movA to hto '
tag scbool here
Clark and dugbter Mamie
MeA or ibe'Boardi
Mta. Hyatl to oa the sick Ilsl.
I Mutotw river one dar
Chas. Spaulding hag novA
Lucy Troyer A Blaine to vtolling I toR •»d wpon * B«»«l
recently oecuplA by
Mlw BuAIck for a few days.
Hr*.'DeU A Traverse City eallA ool. .Several
... A our young people ailend-


^r? luSa^towlaB wood with hU
aad woodjamehtoe tor
Id to Hodes
. IkaaA fluwer baa retnraed tiwai day. but bao retarsA
«*-»»« Cook _
ire' Btolae latt Buaday ud span the day |
nWliirila tar a ttalt at bone for i
A large - '
' BtlMM
* '
tiwc BotoyoheiMItamrat
trylag tbeir InS to thto nSlSToo" I »«* Mr. KeAer's tamlly.
let tOoTiUscr
c‘ty) A Trsmr City, ib
«an and thlBka be wiO CD bank I
The torgost enttdi nporiA Monday;
----------------- ttAeby Bmm« Dowiau .

Geo. Jacksa
tbe ,
Bne fish.
Apr.ta j ___
ud coBBtoiAd A thirty fine
busy wwlDB aU. i atary StiAay scbool confetenee
Tbe farmers
Fnmk Taylor has gone up oo tbe
ithvlmAins in hct
Moatoteo rivA. Ayoad.-Kalkaaka. to The warm rain o Friday I oralng «B4'Traverse City lalt week.
< ■ nnd TrsnVM), wsl« A HkO—d Mr*.
Mn Emory Burch of Rapid
Mr. ud
a party A Ornad Rapids fl^r- greatly neAA.
UlA Maud Phutc* Is much better City AHimA to their borne iAaj'.:2T;,‘’7^," .
after avciwI days' vlsli with Mt*.l^'‘*«''"'' ^'*^*?2?-‘***' *'
and able to be ot again.
I Frlto AtktaMD to taking music i«s- Bureba' parenuTMr. ud Mrs. J. W.'
sooTB MAvrroD anwtHD
Mr. aiwl »ft*. Geo. DowBer A Meslck i HHiVgT B. APbgRSOK. _
' '• ItoaBk ViskoAiil to bone fnw TravTumlay with ibelr dsughter.j
the day.
IW damno are pAla baoy i
. The iteamer Mtoaourl bai cAled
hare two or three tlmea thto emtac.
/ %fuiUwMift'tDday tar Lima. nd it ee^g r>od to see the boato onl

lui. i!sas;iA?ESSs«

tte ladtoa at tbla place
Id at Mia. 3. Abbe'a toA Wed____ taPtotot th eewlac.
Ike party J eSta MA Tharaday
. ■!« «ta «aU anaadad AO r»
f * atad%d la ApHl A Aaa Ar’
II—ri"T 'mt ww br-*-*
a, «a iilirlil Me Itow
bar, ataiar aad ItoMbA’ to ■
^ taT«3f%Mrtana at Pearl LaA
4 I iwril^ar. AprU nrd. IWe. A
a AaMAdnpayV^iaareaabae
h ilM4 two alMcMi.bealdc other
rSlIeii Ip noara ber loaa. The to- a beta A OrtAt charab ud
Bid to ran la the Oreea r '

^ td

I aad ototer wort

jfiadiir. M thitw boaro wllb a
on. Who can boai thA os
„_JeW»e» ,
UaoMlaa Myere lAt i^ia laor
•otaa to work tar Hro. White.
Uto Chartotu M; PAter w
Warao City pdtor taoarday, rnwra>00—day.
aaeo A Mia. U D. Speford*
evoatai wag well Ateoded
4 a alee ttan.
0 A Lake Aaa wag a tall


The AeanA Illlnoto cAled berv thto Uto.
Ibe muy frluA A Mrs. Joe BbalA
Botaiac oe her way booth.
,V 'te*wSe”'7Bs>7*T*£b!w*A SBUemiy.]
Soqael tohnoon rAoraA fi> bto were grlcvA to lum A ber suUra
E- -.ems'ilrt-'r^alnd M re~^tMr''^AB>. (
hotoo bore Monda.r erenias, Aek rrem dealb--------teUac oold betore cstiraly -recoTeiinc
rron the •
..........................>d tbsl BSeh
saeb rUlssre
rtolBui will br
of^ ilto nvlu^ww ai'«“«
Peuefully. A faDsbaod ud 1 Mr*. Rouse, are boldlbg revival muli{gM.a.I>>d
' ' ' im “
________ (essldOiutt
TotAsy the mtb
rt «a^n wf hw^AII •'* young cblldren mourn her los., 1 tags here this week.
, dsj or Jui* . A. 0. inn. ssU us
tb<leral toAt place................
taxItUyoT Ask-UM. A.D ISteat tm^i-Iocb
be able ti______
» re.™,__hi.
A. BardlU was callA to TraverK Ing. Father DIunasrtski otBetotiogCbarle* tlUkcchil was In jCedar CItv
City last week br tbe death of bto
• Ita influenM Has Been felt By
'erda-Uw, Wm. Smith, of OIS Friday aud bai'.:rtfay < I bastars*.
HI<-< Hum Wvni taom* te lre.‘UUJ;
Many Traverse CKy Readers.
Tbe funeral look
'DfiOBATK KUTn»^W of SUeugsa.
Frldn- .vOrmoon.-.
, Tbe soothing taflucoee A rellA.
'r CuustTofnrmBdTmrmi'.aChaHcH and Friuil. Vlskochll a.loud-' After anffcitag from itebtog piles
(only sUter A Mr. BardIlirt). learlng ed th. Wisld.'ne A Thomas Relder : From eczema or any Itcbtacss of
WUhAm ud hon«c oLd Mtos, Ryut ToesJay skin.
City: ovenirg
Makes one feel kvatotal to the remEd Pueatt^uJ Wm. Ludwtg wer.' ery.
Abo two brother*. Andrew P. BuAIck
A thto Dtocc ud Fmak A Cedar aty. haultaK jmlatoc* to Bodice SIdtag
Dou's Olntmcat has ooubed bimto wNtra thrir ton. Mr. and Mrs. Tbnreday ud Priday.
Bnllta were mnrrfod here ud for muy
Here's whatMe Traveree City <dliyear* nade -this ibelr bone. Both
ehUdren were bom here ud latir they
D. A. Gr
A 313 West
novA to Glen Arbor, where they restiret. esvs
C. W. Hastings of Central Lake «
ivtag from a vtolUir bonr-Balurday.
__ _____uf tb—I dsyo
Ibold* for mu: rears.
_ few years
I> ItuL
Dell Falrtiuks ud Will Hunt A. Elk I <er ih*') were . inieularl) patafut andi Dstkd Anil 4to. AFSgU
later they sHtlml Mt Trueroe CHy. Rspids were ultors berv Sunday.
mt to bed If Kit
| annoying pA wt
where they have lived AnceSbra. Our, A. G. Fblrbuks was down from could not reM on
A the afllifampathy goes ont to tbe bereaved Traverse City Saturday.
ilou. I ii«od
't W. II. Bockew A Kalkaska
thing which
gave me entire rellA. It |i
b gai
Uuu this, it cured
Mt we n
For sale bv all flttaier*. P.fla.d srUl^vej tamber here near Elk lake.
eciii*. {■‘ymter-Milbum Co.. RuRnto. (wbtrb isfirtgwr wore .n—rdw
and %Ai;re
rors iirej
ITaj' uiviv
drove to
New Vtirk.
sole agents for tlie Cnllert iUw towt-l-r Iff Drnb (»rr 'UrmiMl TraVow
k.jiui.fu ft.iM
•'UoUDty. ElrlitssB. in Ltlnr M Horlss(«n. «■
».***? ®™***^"*'J**1^*'“^*»^*^! Traverse CltyvWednenday. returttaR Slates.
iae»:«.iiB (br SZwl 4>r '.r UMvmbor. A.U.
Bleeping Bear, where she will spend s; Thursday
I Kem<
taw wbek* with Mr. McCanley andj Mr. P^ry A WlHIamsbiiig vWtod

. "f

ualhoUbdsr>dMsy.A-D. Il^ Hud —ngn
T;.™.. reiH. ™. k.n ;> u,.
1 Sbng are; The daughters of Captain Jobn Hul-.a,ren|
'wrelinw duly ruvu'd In Ihr ulTirr of tbr
home A Mr. and Mt*. Q«i. Hauler toil 1
Palrbuks ud
h. C. S. Are are running a tounJn'to —^ ” Tintnr of UMd>. hi Librr B' of M'lrl
Saturday evening. All report a picas-«
ud are maktag a success |^A^D_jX
ant Jtne.
I'mo.uu uimfiim v»vr lue maiiruifune.
Mtos Rose Taylor, wbii has bcea; * number from here atu-nded ihei A tbe venture, though sume of ibelr
Saturda)„„vcs are very indlgnuL
HU Arbor-returned borne tost Mon-1 Deri Webster had the misfortune ,

.......a aad taniiy apoai Budo with rAaUtret.
W. DooB aad Ma.C.'D. 8*lfi
Mac thooe (ran Kioegtoy In Urt wrek .Her .pcndl.* . wwre wllh
c A the Sitaday eebool ooo- her sister at Bensoala. Her brother'
acrampulcd her there and tben I Rev.
VanAuken to t
to bto slattaa a^ Green Bay.!|g'

rere.bre „r
•K and etilil
for.-.-h..nre ^
ot —d
r»ld n1gbt*.A
with Its warn days
t I* respuMible Tor a great tarreastIn.

to SSdSlfUL

_____ Foster returned to Treveioe
i-, ftahOMoo Borteer. who bare betm
Mrs. Taylor lAu^^^boM Satur-'trcainu-ot f
S-taMtac a weAt vtth retoHree bere^ aty last week, after pending a week day. aflL-r g fOw n
IS* visit la Luding-: ont slomscb iloslng, vboald
at her bone here.
cTw.v borne
AU Hoivenun returned to the IsM
Nelson-spent Monday ta
____ _____________
, .................
■r more
than a ceotuo'
Ber spendlna A few days si her - **'Itos Addle
_. :?^Siwde Trtpp wag oa
elck Itot
have bc<« sending persons siiVering
on PJ^ Hill.
idlng B from catsfrii to l^pi. Cotorsdo.
I UIQaa 6nme-Vdl today tor
e gtiesliAURlraUs. where the pu
Ala. where abr All accept a po­
A Mr. and Mrs. William Uarrow.
lid cure the disease For one perV. & stesStee Dahlia lay I
or ^be HeVaU AaB. •
Rath re..—re
SatnAoy morning
---------------------who could take ibk trip, thou
. Lydia Roberta antred BAor- Pritay nlgtat on her firm trip '
for her home ta 8L ignaee. after spend-1 suds Lave been compelled to stay at
nabag fran Cbteago to be the
ig the winter 1b thto *'
■ borne and continue their dally toll, To

Mrs. W. DODB.
sufferers who could not chuge
____ Myers has bad two poteen
.spent RundB}- in town, the guest A btr Ihetr rtlmailr Mn>llll..n. vre ..War We/re
aa hio houoB
Hr*. Weston. ; .......................J
mel. a metbod by
I '
Jos. Haas to nmklu regnlsv trips ! grandparvniA. Hr. and
Hr. Kebl, nephew A John Ketal. baa pregnati'd with Nature * own
ow. carretag tbe mall to and fni^
t KA “

- * InbaJed
ten Haven. He alM made a trip to
K-r borne.
luittee Aier freight last week.








tat tbe tot
age and wU



Jm Mch bAooI are rohtoiAag a1


pRtac thetoaytflto-

thto i5eL




ire— '

ll: Wo- Ihi-ti-fvre. uotKr II
.■test by TirVB' id lb- poViV at saleli'
ifwteaere <-oot«iBte. sad id tbesouoio
. 8tou>orHiebic«s.i>atdWieiiisrrwiiU<ekMi'd tiy resli- id lbs pnAliK tbrmB ds________
5?-'SM.'si pDlilk BBsIMfi tu tba tiigb-n Udtetri day of June. A. O. 1806.




-The Grand Traverse % Aritona
Mining Company
Bpae OTOce Trevene aty, Hidk


nmes si Care Cre«L AtIzim

Over fOO Acres Rich MM Lands
Forty liiown on- l«lgi*re

Poavr Plut iu oiiojmtion.

Ores Now In Si^ht Mske'Snccess Assured
Coll or oend for pm

We t.'tiarunLf nil oar BUiemeu^

Stock lur vntnu. $1 per share. We will soQ for a s}iort tuno
tmisnr)' stock at 20c iter simrr, niah, or S<^PPr almre. lor rash.
{Uid tai (vuta delenixl and to U.-intd from tiiviilends. No sale
less than SO sham.

Act pnmiplly.
- Wtlhont notice.

Prices sahjcct to advance at any time

TitTvotoc City, Mich.

12111-inst Front Stn-ct


The MeViekiwt Anlomntie
GtiaoUnt! Uu> bent
1. OiiQ-thinlthcnanilwr
of part*.
2. No gcan,
!nuta>vee^ntric«, torobling
min, or oeiii|iliaBtud mts
ehaninu uf fiS^ k&l^;3:irAn electrical <soTcrnor (nuriuiUvul 10 timea an <|nirk as
tftber. 4. Owini! to Uu: <iui<-k tforornor, Aiipne will alantl 2K) per
Gvnt auiklen ovhrWI witliont glarkitiK- •'>- Ko otljuatnientn to
petontof onW or jau^t llie operator. ' 6. Automatir walvo.
a.-lioii. 7. Automnlie cairhurolioti. Tbune ant exclonivi: ifointg
of tin* MeVioker AutomuUe Uuaoiiae EiitrioL'.




A Simple Separator
Makes Sweet Butter
Why tlnr-o yottr neigliltor R<-1 morn forhia
[ Initter Ihaa yoo i!u for
ra? He opes ThO

[ Always Clean

S Tubular Separator
I H<-^'>'la
IniILt nevTr toiDUri
liy dirty Ijowl cuDlraiiUriiK -IImi U-at i>rin:
frtr tiiittor—till- heat w of akimimvl milk—
th. l,u«n,.1nr«ndw«rr>-. YOU’LL UN-

tok.' the J»r.wl jiiwri, «CT A tWTAUXii'K. KH).


' -J


eiAUusd to s r.nsta unneairs mad- uo

116 And 117 8tate8tr««t

InSbs cOn-or tbr BrsWer oc tawfe tar Ui.-

Wt «HIUrd*aTe. aUki^reof fi^|.ldea«nto, V/eSne,'


MeeurlM*'eOrsta Ul
^M«teto-k«*«b« Zitb

The Wtomu't dab wilt meet at tbe haler that comre with everj-'outffi. Iu i
• borne A Ml*. Chat. Wrtoley oaTnea-.faealing. volaUle. uUseplic fragrance
Jtayi . da)'
Ireach- ._e
' 'lungs BD4
son air
«ir passages
iwwssses as '™re. jinnm it - niTiih ■■'■■i >7, - —
Beer*, who has been so very
The Ladli
lies' Aid society will meet at; no biomsdl dosing possibly cu do. It MatofytersnKmntbMidav.laeladiacsrtB111 for two or three mostths, to regain-1 the borne of Mr. Datoell <m Thursday [ j^es immediate relief ud make* tosb
ing ber faealth and expects to go .to her: afunuoa.
la Elk
Rtoid* uus
this veea.
w in
Eia aapiUK
i Mrs. Irene «telp Mt this sroak tori TM^^implete onUli eonstollag A’ jiStaitu2ESiS£d*ts
Neil Friday being the tost day A: her borne Id Gladstone, after spending I tbs inbaler. medtetae drower ud boi- ^
<»« {^.M; OrsM
!bo«. the isacbers are ptonAng for,a few weeks with rdailvM and trteods.,
friends. Ue A H.'omei.vcosts
H.romei.vcosis only one dollar.
I antertalamoat Friday evening..
Rev. DmI*________...s
tmli s IrinWtoLAud'Ud
I.Aud Ismtextra
HmoW ir
SBMiM' s«"ta

u>«si terety.
Mrtb.uf lasgeatevesi WM.MsxW vtl
wbMi will eondr A a >tor ard drill Sunday to crmdnet aerriee*.
i can be proenred for fifty cent •
by tbe scholars. Judging by the
... past' B. K. Pickard A Letond spent a fewi PnA that the Ayumei
it win be safe to ay it nBI be very days A this week In town.
"' will do all that to claimed
-------ma* rsMue tsompson leii roesusy unuia w ise cusruniee uauer
wniea ,re . .
______ -zr-^
r whiek
*“*------- --------Mr. Beel A 81. Joe to here looklac for Big Jtaplds. after spending a few a B. WAt A Sons sAL tt. u agre»
after hto large fruit farm which FtnAi. days at her borne ID this place.
kOKaStA • lAMAKu
It to pay bark the price. HAhe puA
. Bm.-TtaMday. to Hr.
h-i oav that H.vamei
v-rx----------- -------I MriL'Stoasrr «u
Mr. Brtnfcmu tw4 » iMmber A: John Oatthe. a daughter.

I nerd tta- wool and mint have ii. Muoe]r is nv ndjiirl T spent
money snd
time in Ku*i>m and rnltodeiphia. I ntailr routrsAs wHh two A
;ust WDoleii mills. /Jucmill 1 Itswoiitracted SJojSsO pounds A tbe
best anwaibed wre*.'. n lA-rel
tk-rel anJ JA
i* lAoud. and ibe Aber mill lor
fur all llic
lowest grades 1 cm ;H. and 1 aie sere
sare I canoumpste with any A Ibe biij
dealers in Ibe I nited Slate*.
m 'I B« sure .......................
If yuu don't listen to say“local
dealer and gel my prices aiKl i6
jr4Mi will lie
I wH! try to increase your
which I a-ill mention in 1
twem^'SM everybody seemt tu~be happy slier getUAg Ibeir price. _

T^TSR.K. Pi«nf StiM




i. k™,. u, .o...

ftiw WMiriMMwl

«ni ftoi a «rtM» M a* «oal MW)r
i. r towa Ti. Taa*D
com lodv or toMrm, A
, pa>«d.
PrtGUaa > BTova. vnu*
wmrt mmM Oamr ihM HowT; m.
■n*o rafww*- laatliBir BocMteolif Mr, Darroa. tOe board look a rKwaa Crataa. U K-A. WaadUI. L. W.
the iMWte arlaiiaf; •

l.ftde for tbi
wtm. «. r>. » I II I ■ U U 8«t8i8uUc ia tho Hgkt ««• toiv. ciiriaa atatc
aad'UBiil l;xe.
Ur ttfr lamy be aaerlScod to a, eoaair. aad
A ttlUr
loit Uw tailor fanrlcO a uImUc at 1iIk.
e of the a
1:98 p. I
aMack of ovam IT jva doan ; ibc^a
, Rather, a arbUe aiaa cwajSJTur. Tbo^^itSaSfte'ai ob|' R«-1«
ftoud catted to order by rbalnaBa.
Atbert Pdenyi. A. *. tv
the cokiiTd «rtke brtahrra.|,haiid to uicca«f«acr.
aad OU?hw aOotc doitw U ahall, of edaeallooal esteM *art.
: all ACBbi.fa preroat-

{•rniii. At»41 St.-OM basAretf Umw
uad tniOM are HfeMod U 81.
tat« (■ aMldpKUoB «r VPiiBlM- «»
I boatea by a aoh.
UrbMCQi os MV I.
nwwiv alcta.
««TWt« W«n> r«eb8lta ^ dto. Aa

Rather and:

. rare or Uw whole peopte of Ue
u,Wof tbirti
^ ^a aoUied the dl««-d -tfe oC[«*b befor:^*. boatH.
, aad atm.
«too >br f
Kllbuani. K. L. Aabiao. J. M. BtakuMm ra 9UUK7.
• •— !
vlc« ivadered to the
b: a Lidd. at the laqato of ;
3- Oar
ta*. a 8 ^rb. J. W. CTltr. T. W.
*^Hvrndr^Oe^<ni TraiNtf hM I#totiiae. that be alH piaaeat t«>;^_________
M«d SB order wMdWdc tb« poputoec eriored atrika breakan am beatt ' k*'
rooBBllr par-1 era' ladlime aoclety.
•tustlw to nraen U «hat
of pat-tox the ..j By Mr.- Bo^baai. the---------T. b«,t. A. atoaor.
TravereeCItr; January. SSth. tM
TBO pouec —a" .BBctcnt to Itre la It to royal atate.
leettoa* ts by a uaed aaa allowed by r«a i
the Hoaoraine Board of So|
Haaaya that aar attaBiH to male
nail uanual fee.
Everett WbH>
n of Grand Trarerw County.
a dtouirbancc arlU be rathletuly. aop-f
lied the
Tbe foHowina ci>mni‘*»“''to> »•» ney JT Hannah tomuel
OeBUcatea:—The htembera of ih.;
6. We bare conmllcd
Ue pn»si»*»
•1 G
Oaiiapd. W.
t-hwru-.inaiume nbetety of Grand/rom many coitnite* to ito atoe and w«^ed and read: . ‘
J. Hlxstns. J. B. HrBvoy. Edward*
Bal»to 8. Hna**. Loala. Aprtl ».—a' dlapatA to the!
------..Srho.OTbl.l«ar 1. n^.klrrlj»««. •« .«d l„r«, iMtK.l.. TV. lb.
of SupmUon d 0.«4 Uw, C K. BdUb. 0. W. A.bU., Wdtun Work.
the aeiton taken ni your mwito* In when held at the county neau. and
Traverse Co •ntT;
. __ _
ter «. False. V B. Mooiaa**. O F.
'SoaiUhlaB unique in the *w ol ociober. I»M. whereby *e were de-*ihe town halls for onedv nseetlas*. Gentlemen.-We. ‘he uirdmlg^. carver. T. W. Carver. M. U. Alley, Uw,rk to now belDc r Barred from the use of the court room without eaprnae to ihe Inaiiiuic so-jtti»uu and tomtmen of Tratetw Ctiy. |b «oBm*. Flank Kafka. H. Moniasua.
thiwusboni for our anaual Fanners- Inriltnte.
)^tHCifully peUtlM l-oar tomor^i g
j RQ,b„,gi,, b |i
MR«ad «r the c
We bedera we should he rranied the
Moved by Mr. Beecbam and snp- body lo uke such meaanres na n^ Athlon. Chas. MrBeers, A. J. Haviund.
, wbMi be started oa bJ« at(ht Mde to; ^b* Catted Statoa tbe bradquartera
trf the court hiMM tor a iwo day portod by Mr. CievtUand. ibat acHon U- neresaarr tor aa o^lv toV: Chaa. 8. Vadev, P.O. Peanln*u>a. C K
aroaaethccouatryaldc.wayuptoCoa-^ the aaMclatlw betog to pei^
for.tbe fol- OP the reaoloilon be made a «t«4al rnoiish In the G H. A I R. R. hrUUo
*. «•. HamM.H. Moertooa. B. W
were eatled to quail tbe Hat
I to small town* ' aeaalon
order of bitslnea* for Thursday. April for the tree and safe Paaaato
r,j **,1,
p SerUag^. 4.4.
Md two woataa mdlcal stadeati war*
Lcstoawa. apni

ihrongfao-t nbe lowing n
Tbe plaee was about to Ic torn dim. ^
do not have
are cliUena and taxpayers ol llth. at Iicw o'clock a ro.
laopches and row boois: also the re , bbh^.
dergarteo 1u ,o™nd Trmreiwe con«y. We have ,Oa motloo of Mr. Cleveland, sup- moval of whai obsirociion. are a^
______ ________________________a ..■■
list a noMber of eltiteu have uader-,
ndraataces of kladencarteo
ith Ihe mcaj ihiAped to build aiMl fUTBlrh the conn ported bj Mr. Bewhnm. Geo A.- Csiwn' tor the »ve paaaage of lanteUildoo. May l.-A btilleUa from lafccn the task of ratoln* •IT.Obo to boy stniciioa. a^___ _______ __ -- **“ ‘ ......
• ....................r
We are slad
aM we
we hare
have U and Stearns was appointc*! wtrvl agent of es. ro«- boat* and aewerage -fTwo the Mr. Beecbam. ipv o

■'South fnlon atrcei bridge
Wimw uayi.tbai a eollWoa betwet* m. pTOwir.
------ n »iin>- w
■ <■
.-. j|_ 1 ciattoB
twelve frwn the Detroit bead- ■ are proud <rf It. We feH to a certain ihr board ot^niw-rritur^undw
tOnounaed <« Page 13.1
mouth of the river.
i. retwedd to Ra eotontol dlf j^„aj, , «mp1«« o^8^ *?Vdcr!*“**
dw.tfUaeaa and tnopa oeoqrred tbere
fy t tooatb'a work, lo be canted v
. thM <A«iraooB. fltotr aaMaltlea «• Blty and preacm

joporfad. >Mv day opaoad ta Waraaw relic.
1 Other older peiaon. Tbli month-* ootIft oDBsista of printed InKrnctlon* to
with the trdopa fpiratlBK tha iineto
Rual Catate TraaaNra.
) the mother, followed by poems with |
bectaM <d <b» tmaMadw <d tbe pepn
Ralph H.Bbepard to Cartto M. 8bep- uniirestMu to carrytosom ihclr tdcs;'
taco due to the aoadUloau that hare
beaadotwd «■ tfep dtr by Ita aatba^ aid. paiwel. wee. «. town «d. »a*e t. with mnale. aad t .
e of kindt
B. J. Morgan and wife to Albert U gartea materiaU suitable
Bwlocaa to at a atandallll to
Nash. cM of aeU. aee. ,M. town JS. telh. with fall InaiructionH for using.
LMbr.adrlcM tbU aneiwtoA abow
dbtotiMaw! perma were killed aad
(oUtog. a
tfiMb wounded la ibc riot at Waratw.
.““MlmTiadred of tola eHy has charge |
•eranl iboauad peraoai ^ked •180.
Newton Jamtona and wife to Ada of the lotol work.
tkimsb the streets wavtac red ofu
ate tbo earalry rbarfad on iba*.
' '
Tbaa the aoldler. Bred aereial eolleyf field: 8408.
Mtna Morriana to Octtnide F. Phil
tato toe emwd.
a proal «K>«d
It town Sf.
made of snow whiu and tlainiy muslins, will be
aanmblod at the aquae and becba, lipa. part of tot
I Tcntbel ptngaea. thooe Itching, fw
^ ^jlaccd on Hie
M. MePhro and wEc Ui Alevdtoeaacw at the shin. Pnl 1
1. >*ay !.-•
■ i end to mlaery. Donn e Otoimcnt cur*
Cf toq Sauer ^tegrmm oompaay at laader Me Vlute. pareel:

fteia <%laa. aan tMil the RuaManj WiA. MUtonU aad wtfo to Flrat Na-;
MaltJe fleet to lythg «t Point Dagal.'ttoaalBank: «9«ao.
Call far Special »
nnjsItoaaenhofICamraahijay.Tbet Booll B. Canly aad wtt« to Hiram
Fm^^dtoa has been mobllited. Taylor. wH and auM of awM. aoc. ii. Xf> the Clwk of Grand Truvomc Cooni
Drawers eificUy Utc CBUt 23:
▼ ▼▼
K. range II; 88W.
Wa. flHuer to Joha & Hdrtnn nad
.agiintiuy of toe 1
and will continue ail through the month, at prices that will make you wonder how *uch pretty gai.rroeota can be
■ Ihal
. apuclal moctlng of Ibc board of »tf •
MiowwvuI wire. eH of 88M M •«% «f«ol4.
sold so
so cheap-? 1 loving
kving just
just opened
optmed an
an enure
enure new
new nne—iresu
line-fresh iiw
»m the
*»•« factonec-you will lind a lai,rge Assortment
perrlaora be'mlled to eonvenv at iht!
Tbl gaUee fired Into aMiher crowd
| town It rahge ll; •1488.'
at Warsaw thU ertsing. '' Tweet;tyV CanieM.8hcpardloMmooC.8htq)- eoon house In Travrnic City. TneidBy,
urtunities this sale offers and you certainly
the wonderful oppoi
of*.----------^—----:. 28, Uiwn_J«. raage »:
aid. pareM.
ifawers, Petticoats, etc., that an: the very best
ic them. You'll find here C...
ought to be among
. Covers, Gown*. On
^3toa. May I^A dtopatdi to toe tlW* Datcd April 4to. IfiOimade, the best style?, the best values ever offered m the town.
JnIhM T. Haanab to Manda Miller,
Vetogtaph Oteany fraa
3^ Hoxale. Attoe township.
Mtmbarg says that a bomb qat- lou ss4»«1-Ct block 4. Bayside: I17B.
<* H. Hoarde. Stair township.
Biraey'J. Morgan to Dcnaa C Mil­
ig«a«ecarnM there this afternoon la
Bdwln Black. Bast Bay lowntblp.
ler. lota 1-S-t block t H.. L- A Oo.-a
srhk* twa peraima were wounded.
------miTla. Fife Lake.

J. ...
H. Buell. OarflMd toemahlp.
yakirtaerf white
wfiiU- c«
Ora. D. Bvana. Gram towaship.
Annie M. Cook to John Dago. Wa
Hlilohod tBcka,
widL- raffle and fai-nialit
Chaa. B. Dye. Oreea Lake lowaahlp
16-17, hloek 1. lad
Sylvester prown. Uiog Lake townor trinumd with .milin ‘ 48e
hagkte Id Vlrgte died at the ProvP ,j„_
amfiiiiuTttoii.At.................................. 2lC
R U. Olbb*. Mayfli-W township
deaei ho^l ta toto dty at ll:»i p w. Wltooo to Kneetaad A Cool
U J. Tvdman. ItomdlFC township
oidoto toat night as the reanR of aa
,00.3S, town K. range
auaefe or apoidav and phralgsU. with
t at tiinaliB
teeb ha was ettlcte oaHy yaetarday j
c. Petarooa ^ad wife to Hony

.....--'i^siEsr-s^—isrr..™ -~- „,

tef :



Heaps of Fresh Underclothes



Mu, A./iA...

of stales and sizes i




qrte»Mto8.^i»Wl»‘**—0«- --.lo-M.


■amtai stoat tatsIMg hr «8dJ *»■ wifttoa. fived. aec. 4. town *7. mace
■astoa to Watotaafiaik AtMahadaldc 11: 8t4»4.
ste to died wore «B-hntoar. XtoaM
Myrtle T. OoodrMi to Chak B. Tar
Urn. aad Dm. M^to aad Xoaa.
lor.tat to. btoek t Btoshwood: It.
Tha sad earns qslie ssddeoly aii|
Oeaeral to Aaguat Craa
was wittoat gala. Tto daad geaerd|,^
91. Klagstoy •tie.
" "
Frank S Par»oaii tdJ.Q.
wrsrtty «f tto attack, nata about to Jrn a% lot 18. btoek H. H. L. A Co.'s
mVaek toat nlgkt. «hoa a change cam nkadi;li.«8.
tor tto werss.
Jbonqaa Welalor to Howard WhH
log. tot yi. block t U- t. A Oo.'a fith
Hmm From Cedar.
Cedaf. MIeh.. Mv 8<~J. SuBIraa 1a
satarglag his bouac aad putUag ee- ISO city, parcel: toUAo.

'’‘a C. Darrow. 8c«on| word. Tn


P. Hattoa, FWorth ward. Tmy^ ^^Ctevrtand. rmh ward. Trmr-;


9-^.----------------------------- ^ of the toll

All members preaeot.
C. U. Oralllek. et aU to City of Trav-, qb morion of Mr. Dean, suppu
wall oat yeaa«,•».
iVday. Ohaa. QUimaa aad Chaa. Moch
Cleasenrina HoMawortn to rruouj
of Mr. CTevcland,
_ _
mdet WSM to Ptott'riTsr and rstoraad Holdononb. parcel. H.. L. A Co.’s ls(,
ported by Hr. Davis, tbe hoard |
tolth a Sae eattfit. J. A.
covded to the election of a gevnun
and coal Kieharda west to Mctoria
Haanah A Uy Cn. la pranklla H.(
gPMhaadBoltaKdc. WUllamWlwent Bndth. toU 4-54-7. II.. L..A 0o.'s l*t. On morion of Hr..Black, suppumsl
If Mr. Davto. the chair appointod l'
to tto railway aad got odd. Piaak
add: •t4Ce.
- Dean 1..................
TMtto waltod out alghl and retnraed
........ ...........»uiiod In . _
Jeha Kallel to Kajetan Krwiaa. lot |
wRh « Sae toteb.
\ , sac. 94. -town X. iMgc It: *So.
g cast, of which Oia*. H. Munroireceived fifteen and B. O. Lwld three.
Tto Bhlagto adU aad Inter mill
Oacar Slmpmw aad wlte to James
On morioa oTMy. Ladd, aup
aad Dewoy Stare epttfiaay araaU
-Id. London, lou S nnd 94. Mock it by Mr. Cleveland; Mr. Moorue «
I choice or 1
elated the 1
H, U. A Oo.'a IMfa add: •I.4S0.
fo' ehainnan.
Tto aenrtot levto patteato arc nV
James M. Lamdon and wife to Oscar board
on Btorion of Mr. Beecbam. support­
8lmtooa.'lol* « and 7. btoek 17. K.. U ed by Mr,* Ctcvciaad. the rhatnnan
was requeeu-d to appoUi tbv usual
AOo.-sCihadd; «1.a80.
r ratuaM* far tto towaakip
laabri yobng to MarUo B. Hamer naadlng committee*, defiaiup ibeie
Ubeaw y
sad wife. tots. 93 aad 34. bkaA 11. lU dutiea.
_u muitaa of Mr. Cleveland. *ii|F
U « Oa-s laih 4dd; *1988.
ported by Mr. Tcdman., the beam took
Alonin Camptoil to pllrev J. BttmdWnranw. Mv 8.—Aaotber gcncml
way. acM of aelt. o*«. 99, toorn 95. lo gtve" the chainaas an op
strik* will pratoUr be tto 0
make np bto comasMtees.
**aato«.'nr y^ordnyb firing on tho »•
Uit ^ODpa. Penis ars espreaq^-----Wodoeadv- April 19UI.A. D.
k 8.
ttoew wUI be macs iroutto lodayLr Del- i *
• ;90 e-ctork
cgalto of the working mto began via- tod; •lAM.
Dtort called to order by chalrinaii.
Oma. Wllbrito et al. 16 Mike Nrfian. I
AlMaembcn. preoeui
tUaghJI tbe laetortea ta tho cit/

>n»«- ysr.

u, u.

1.1 »• » ». ».

«. M. 1. » o..

$1.1$, $l3Sw|nk $235 H M $43$

‘^^Sieaday. April llth. A. D.. 1*«5.




tl.te, $135. $1JBS, $2.25, Etc.

*^W. W. Dean. Third ward, I^Tcrae

lof witfi iK’UiatitelKd
tucks, at.................................................... 33c

[•ttily trimmod with .hcmstilcfaing. iaue ami
inaertion^at............ .............................. 33C

Ifittatfi* U$c DrcMU $t

atj-lca. at..............

Escwlh-nt 4iuality of .•amlm*- draw' i-nutifuUy tiimniul with eni.In.laa-.' henintitching.
lucks, i*tc~-at ....



on Uahy Cloaks and Bonnets, also on all’White Goods. Lin­
ens. Sheets and Sheeting. Lace Curtains. Curtaiaiag, etc.

It will Certainly Pay Yon to Be On gbitL

CewB like cBial43c

Steinberg Bros.



pntlc8Bicu kUtod while Ibi* number of; ‘ aibir. pareel, totcriochoi. ................1 and to rccommcntl -to ihe l
C. Ttllapangh to miltom H-’amonni of isxe* to be nssossed.
(be wowtded Is otUauted at over ouc Juduon
Bqaailiatton—Hoxslc. Clcvelsna
CIcvelat and Bqaalixatton—Itoxslc.
Gmior. iiarcvk town K, vaagv II: fit.Baril,
18CII, wboM
wbose doito*
dolto* it shall
ttoll -----------bc^to^cx^--At -RUlM yootevday the
a: Bunx-ti an4 wife to Rich-11 tto ra^y Mdrep^*^i
Uua began slaglng patriotic song* Is a
h rte tto traopi madoi change “'t
of mto of awM. •MLltmilon of toe saw.
Ctotms aad.AccoaniB—Dcau. Sgffiird
•: HAW.
ant Fpsndcd many. A !-»")- followed. ^
>. rv.
Olbb*. srbonc dnriv* It shallcutin.
4>e to
Hahaah a
A ILay
Co. •»
to w..Bk
Frmak u
M. ’
Oardner. kx* 10 aad wH lot ll.Atoek
The Chtoato Blrtka.
rtlmgo. May 9-Thrvc handiwd and lA H.. L. A Co.'* Ah add; •8*'
i^wwtiwSmt'^-^ Bvana. Dye and
fifty ^e brenkw* toft their hvWl
John Hopktoa and wife to Kirbari j
vfte^dato W itoll to to y
quanets at 98 Lake street guarded by A HofAIn*. lou 34 and. 95. 1
went to the Frank . Q» Park
_____ ^
■ barsa to be aent ant Into tbe
Hannah « Lay Cu. to Ptoyd L.. aad efty.
ihe merehaats-, Smhh. tola 9M1-32. btoek i. H~ L. A
Harsha and Ladd, who ahatl h.
______ ' MperTlBloa of the (
wugidu. AO they pqaacd Moag the co.*a I4ih adl: %i>.
mrraU they were pelted wUh uonn . Juba
___ Uaatd to Aocwt
, _
Bchafer.. par.
groutuia and
ato klcfced at by th* oiwwfl. Mo oar' col. *<0. IS. Jea-R. range IS: «3.9to.; Mierw to toto
«m aertely tort, Om- hoate and j Anguri fielmtav to' Bmmk achdfer. |
an teSS’
OllhlyAce MTtae bimket* mma fram!*wl( of neM. esc. 13, towa R. rtoge l^torinr^
< the
DMKdl today.
I IS: «l.
icoanty poew. and> re*ori*jth«v«;5 toj
It qma nuiad u4|r thai the foeli Mary A. Adhten to Howard to*huing.;
too atrito ta Ohi ; S4 feet 0$ worn Md. «< M A Uoto 7. .STateTTrteU^ to Jtet W
Ittlrdby tho Mnl tonl-jTntnwC'HT: •l.«ea.
j|,|j ,Hrili>4,* hw ito.- rhnn.-rinr. ^

r,: 13TO$30 SAVED,^
*J- ...I I.



imW a fw—tot of thatamuoat of moo.yT ll
»*kinr th-d**W
btok. sad yosTI haveatotof yrar muMlett
.1 yon
Sato is aba
................................... . _-e a»l iiMPuvy e
aad make (he ■gml'a gnial ynoradL
-iq. m

to- u*vt< the ajki »« want—HD vwur^n
woo I ms _ _ '




~ y«c 1i>9«|3a( wtalibU a**
t Uy v*r askm <-r lt« Panw* Bmwdy Wa
traaac la —vatad ny C. a msnss. **4 yl>ls.-ca TV tUwdy au« ID s cU-a ’->y
aOetlsMOi^.a *»>. r~ .i;ai. siws'f
•twwiwiii.-..: ].r -<;fa—iv»e-.>«*.:y e•v'i»•'>'-v-■■
- •••■Otoe I
------------- --a.wwd-<nf».
t Tt prrleet *r wco-y K*n r
:hc OewtK.
i. Bnt*»alw*:itn';:
Bn*aa-t>*:icn':; !t t*U*l
*• SSU t» *Dy a a.;<> far ao 1
mr * abort Cm*
M wvM

d. ■Sim: u- Ma-dum. kte.
tUJht b*y«-y*v tsk* ac rtem.
t ua Msaoc'a erwr; •wtosw a* dSnnai
■wry arBIs. sa yw« c»* SSgMbAw
ay. u:. d: ua the alMsUeymald
■ ttt t» ro-* •■a* mm M anna
> Sdm.-. “Itow tnanww OM* <sad
• to ma I
Um-i totoy. .»«• M*r





___ cf m.
• fdMM te <te mat* ■rrttin. te m
. .
tote Mck wdM •> Iter dMtre i» tkt’ OurvtedteTtetedmr Ttee; «U*M- U« Mr
tel te tte aMntetl** wm ite ester
teottes te Mr. Ctevteate. nr: vte» «m rteerrte tte ■miur te t«teMttte.-'CKiM.

tertsd te Mr. Bsek. (te owntun n »tew tfrrlcr Mr tte
■prte te Mr. BteTord. nd —Pte»tte dM te W. W. Dew.
ktestr te UsMte ste c>«M« ........ .........................................................
_ _____________. wobW r«»an itei «r terr itekrd vHt
te Mr. ■wwi.'tkw tte rvrnm*'<**
ImU- MrHte^
wbitette s itewttetteiir MB (rtstews
tateertr te
>■ tte tow Mr. WkMiock. __________
■aai|w te____
ut* MwktT te «Ucni«« tte UK «( (b«
aoatd ra«»M«ad tte

- aUMot

Bcfite tte dsitca te vertafa aMem tf
oMtr te Oraad ^ntaa.’^ bM
I tte I
aad W BOV pradlac ta tbr atatr m


.^SSi mum mt Mr.

_ ^ MUea

te Mr. Ladd. .aamMned
br* Mr. Hnatt. tb« fmm tea* aeceattew loMteli »rte«.
mb'! Ca. sal
•d ate adopted bj rSTaad aar
«:«»».■- Tte. tetat tbe te«r w ttetowtai:
pkoae te ^ae«! ta aU mie« rw.
te eMUarsdM os tte- bUl te Dr , Ttet m« leaerai
toot, vttb sa nOusUau. i. W. Ptetecia asd ^ doo- tte Utearr. terete
•«-----------------------------...-----------1 tte rAktvte aip«r«d tetee ^ board rrlaOtr' leaaiM abooe U tte coasg- clerk'i tni rt«ol«ttee^
to t*‘«
: oMer. aad exteaaioa ten la tte oMce ; Wheraai a i
- - ___________________ —__ .-taiycoi
'. Hosaie, aeUoa «a tte uterr aod Me la tbe oflea te eonatr aaner.a deterred ntU lanortew aomiap ert oao Uae fte tbe }aBe te probaie. ‘
, eae Uae for tte eoaaerr tmaansr aad
r. Ladd e>r bU raport.
_____ __________
Oa MUM te Mr. Beetta*. aapport
reiHatcr te deeda
Ob BtelM te Mr. dcrelaad.
pMte a rear.■- A t.
Taiepboae booth to be furaUbed br
» adoeted
. MBnit.
_1 ■iT'L".....-.
__ br ret mad aar (
to tte
.rote. aU»otti« jrn._ _____________ tea<■ liMadaaad be«dta*sto rMort

MW tenefor U^sutel BtetBf.
s>ete»ai<f te* *>au Annlattei te »*•
i^TtekwwWtetter ted ten MSI
MoMd te Mr
4Sd nsM^ u irprrswitrtlris te xhl* besrd. «ad
teMr Di^ ttet tte Orsad Tmvkw rwOteteMdte ttet Are doUante test
ruiriMWa annfliTl-a te a)ld««d tte' to tto ottretatr te tte 8tau AaaoriaiMbtette ooan boasete tbelrnaui tien of SBterrlMir* to dtersr tbe ex-

Wattte Citek.


wMraaa. vt
ve tcasMu tte pa
te saM An a
laaee teA«
tte alaurmU te Oraad Trar- '
cuaatr. aad ta la aa^TMadllr «•-'
alrte br tte' peoptr te U
tbia eaaatr.
.Braclred, Tbat «»ar iaute aaaaior


,T1...!»!»». i».. “TrZJS^£.
la gaaraatlte caae la Blair toarattlp '


StreBttben tte Stomacb aid DicestlM. aid Yw Wm
Keep WclL


o-na. Just oae snail tabM oitt «
A ^
b-nt.ed tte lolb,.- .^£E‘ ^ diaestire traim will beeoate aad
an atraai
•dbr Mr.Onetaad.acfloaoa Itebill
Beard called to order hr cbeirMa. t.»e
*”''Mai molatloo. vblcta be deaired to »t«tecb ab<r aoceenbe
aaa Mde a apeelal order te baalaeea. Roll esR; ail neoibera preaeat.
Biard eafledte order br ehelraua.
teteraa a a«batiln<e for tte oae adoptIf roe •.utler vltb paiat or ilburait that -rou will te tte enMtdleMnl of
for loaMrrov at 3:M p. bl
, Mlnutec te rMterdar'i praceeilse*
.n atenbere veaeat.
. ed at tte laaaao aeadM:
after tviiox. headaete. te-leblaa te
t:Odp. n. TtU vaa ibeboar eet for read ate aoprored.
Simm of rMierilar‘a srocoediBB Tra««e CJt.». Mk-b.. April Idifc. IMS. eate*. so i- foo.1. a bad tatce In tte
(be report at tte coamlttee m roadi i MotmI br* Mr. OUUt ard nippotted read ate aostoted
Hoanrable Board of Sapervls- lacwh. (tiu1n.v«. mIm la tte teart.
Ask 8 T «'a|i A Sv*s to sbov rm
# cuataairv under vbica iber atei
ate brldiea to vboai vai refeired ib* br Mr. Tedaua. that tbe ttalmaa apP:«d a. la. •nd. belac.ibo bMr *ei ‘ ?"•
tpeek. before the eret. aad a Reaersl
iMI-om. it foM» Bottias an tees K
petition te certala tetiieaa aad boat- poifi a cooimluee te three to »«etiTe fur eonsideratkw m the bUl te Ur. .. OeattoM —Wberen. It MS>a to feeUa* of debpoodeser aad
•ea a Trarerbe atr reUtire to tbe • vriiiea optin oa the Mtelaoa prate - Oauailett.
* dlflnli natter for tbe board te jtob *fauuM let well at onre by ■
rcBorfaf te obemiteWmi la tte Boani erij on tte Penln»ula for a eoanir
it was awred br Mc-^laek, eappon« eater Into a cootrar,__________
. ,

poor fam Md report at tbe Ocioter ed bf Hr. Tedmaa. tbat tbe bRI be al- 5*'^.. • pbr»lclaa
Hr. Ott .wae litres a taeailai br tte
lovte aa
bMpd Matire to tbe nbtter. a**^ ' 'rirHeJ
- Mthefoi• tte botir eel Badl, norod u ea .aMdnest that
dotPw-Wte »» *»«■ board lor pay*'-«‘ te
for elaiiB* aialitw tte eoumr are in some
Board te Superriv
« cases ttouebi to te esorUtast.
^^dl« at Otaad
trem Oooter:
p^,T Co., relative to nghUB* tbe ‘to beretcea
br tbe fMlow. teterMseseonldtee
r cktet te thoieourt
parties (or vboo M-rtina are rea.
CM-vcland. SI.PMoa- 'IW-d. therteore.
iohD HoKide. Cbas
”*.?** ***^^_?^ i>0«e<! hr Mr,
tte natter was
xj,,i la ,1,^
II. Chaa.
tb foljire Bu bin*
Cbaa. B ' Dre 8j+
>w.mI br ttU board for |>br'
m^lT ^i'linPL^
vices Of other Beeea’iarr
eppeasce naless aceompaaied br au
r^r.''e'teard took a re ford. H. R. ^
MVpr Oe
..................- -Black
. . Maraas
Di IMrls aldarii und^ naitt. from the faper.
***' •J. Tednan.
-rfcor in ward In city or lovnabip. of
raro tbe
Geo. D. Brssa. Loeliis
- Ladd. T. H Olllls. S. C. j^r. prealdciit .if Uvr.i te facaltb In vll*
^oaM railed to order br chairman,
where such expetuni are larnlTed.
>v. 1 K Ck
that he bellev>-s Bueh per^
ibc orlKinal ntefaBi:
.. .b
-The enaiBiitine on eraoBds and
pa? said bills and
t that tbe
■ he ftelowinx re
\ balldiBKs I
ebarees. al»«» thai
Yeaa-johB Hoxide. Cbas. 1^. MmMr.^r
IBiitvIis I
toe. J. H. Baell____ ,... _. _
ebaaaei te tte rirer clear.
Hancslilc isnara
Board "t
telBaperrls- tester Rtovn. E.
W. O.WW ■■ rmisenit ttet tte To the ltOBe-aii*c
and c
Dean. L. K. CleeeUad, H. K. llrtehM
Dceeban ‘ovnshin.
imittee on —>•
'r£T 'aZ.
.te araoaos aoo bolWlaKS. fc vbotn was
Kara Mwla BUek, Hareas Davit.
n.; k.
.1^ rtfneed the praiwaltiae te the Board- 0«b. D. Brans. Lacla. J. -IJednan. Em- '«!:
................... " ^ B^tom.
atereMnadohatnntloaa. aad la case
River Baetrie Lhrhi ft power Co- nor O. Ladd. T. H. CnHiT 8. C. Dai?!:
JlISl"te ■*”
P**"***!***^. **• lot llibilai tbe eoon bouse and tower row. Wn. F. Harmba. John M. Salford
i?! "TS"''?'
|M l(r 7M bxt ter-rata; all *«•
mi Jail, wouk! report that nid con- -*•
° V* V.,^
*?*” pear bare a«reM to ewer Into a eoaMoved by Mr. Olllls aad supported •««'•
iBtttleii 'be ^ noti.iB of Mr. Dean. suMierUd
liwtoBtJraaairwefortbeabore by Mr. Tednan. tbat Dr. GauC
ad Dr.
toard too ka
tSM a year, we to faniab allowed tweBty.ali dollars aad
. Anapt .CMtract to be madei^Moa tea dtelara for ■errIces nen1;00 o'elto yekr,
I Uooed In bUls preeeaied. .
Tbe “COLUMBIA" pry CelU are tbe kiod yon
Board called to erder by chalnai
d recanatcBd Qiai aald
Carried by yea add any vote as fob
Roll call: all'-ascmbers (kesent
be accepted.
should buy to ignite your gas engine.
The cooimtiiee on priwin? sobailt
(d tte followini report, tfaroath
ifaraaih tteir
Grand pnie awarded the "COLUMBIA^ DryCdlU
iUraus I
balnaan. Hr Tednan:
E. O. Ladd.
- _
B- Dre. Sylrt
at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, I90i.
ConnHtee. Brova._Uielas J. IhdnM. BnaM o' Tnverse City. Mleh, April iStt.
On noUoB te Mr. Clevelaad, suit Laftd. T. H. OlilU. 8. C. Darrow. W.
ported br Mr. Tednan. tte report was W. Dean. Wn. F. Harsha. l_ K. Clevc- •f* ^ Grand Traverse County;
accepted and adopted by yea aad aa}- land. H. K. Beeeban—n.
Crmlemea:—Voor cenmlitee
ktBd^Mke tbe jappMrad Mm* tte board and
vote; all vwlnp yea with tte esoepNaya-J.
■ R. B-;elI.
• _ ---------------d that the proceed4 as Mim: m a rdpart reMUve to tte
10:00 o-clock a. n. Thla belan the U»s of tte board te aupempen. eouaIk HklM at Saper- aad liipwitlBiii te fait oMee. aad tloa te Hr. Deer.
I tbe ODiB- boar set for raport te oomaluee os ‘f treasurer'a report and oouatv can
- djr: . aH«ea»M«aaM that a plat book be
optloa OB pronads and bnlldlno retwive to tele- vans be puUiabed la tbe Hefald aao
Btiuee to aecure (he i
Dealer in Automobiles, Launch and Gasoliae-.
* the par^aMd for nae la hU oOoe.
leasra BoeR ^oae cmtract vltb ClUtea's Tele BBKie at 70 eeau per folio, tbe aane
Engine Supplies, '
pboae eenjatty.
ai In fonarr year
Tbe conalitee aabmifted the folAlto that foo <
, lovlap report, tbrouph their chaimas. pajnphlet torm 6>
OtiuB’s PlkMa Mt or 41.
.TraTaras Clly. Mck
s Mr. Darrow:
eeat.R t>cr paac. the
to the several
• To tbe Honorable Board te Superrit- rred by thy county clerk
Aa a nanH te-tta «bIW fM









a.R.11. B.R.C... ud S.SlS;^™r"m£’n




are as aigeneral thing looking for clothes of
style and excellence—good fits, newest col­
ors, patterns, etc.
Our success in pleasing ypung men is not
just “luck,” it’s due to our knowledge of what
the young men want and

m »#
«• ii M
ifssai *«■#

Did you ever notice how many yOung
men come here for clothes? There is a rea­
son for jt—they can buy the Hart, Schafner
& Marx goods here.

. W i™ .


i,oj by Hut Sdnfter 6f Mux



‘i.-' :v. ■'’KKale-'



•tbal ihe folkMriaf l< (b» w r«n for eirrt br Mtbertaod to ttvw a
«ar* kmbr tKiMM-],

r Mr. Blork. U>« i


■ctb« IM *Dr.
m *^ x w
• •■►:]»
JM !!f^
•W. W. 1

F br rw ■

. na»


•a. r. QuBbrii

d thMr report Umsb

; ly ter« tk« (hcmtici^ •■atr •

‘ Jobs Hputo .

••Hmoh A Lv f
H. A. DoHa. MTtMi
■ Hwald.' artaiitui
Oa cMUoa'of li . Hanba. aajtpor^i I«1 Ora^ Trav.
r. Harsha. taoktac alter ■
1 by Mr. DotM.
•■Retered b k lo dtf.
adopted by yea aed may;
•Beferred I



y at bOTfc aed ibey i




T to atait tbe a
KM , Located aa ve H«. >a tbe eeater. iba
)>.40 very bean at tte Mata, abd ea two

its '

#Ula at WfbIgK. Oonty of C

Ob I___
■Mtfcw« Mr. 8a«Md. aborted coBtt room aa sajwcated by tbe bar

. Mieb, AprO 1Mb. IMS.


« iBOMadi. fbr *M aea

:tbeehaaeeo( oar«eaaaMMMdny
eat Ab

It ibe emral aaooau


f XJ3

™?!- •”'«« "^■ ■
b Ofltoe Sopply Oo, ettom aappHae. Bar
I. A. Tl
eaaalalac taaaae, i
.1 Naihaa Laieaa,
I, fame
lami vardee......................
t Tbe «U- - Pea Ca.
oaems eapf^ Co. eleck

T t H. I___ _____ _ -______
.]d C. a Taylor, depoty abertv. aneedlaf ooart

over OBiU tbe aexi i


a Na Oalwt aad Character or Claim.

factocTi rik. apoke aad bob taotary.
}$-r taab. doM aad taUad tadSoer wcaU
ic'ta ecrtalaly pay bere. aa ibey do la oibbr aeokam-Ered Ctty Newa.


i Mr* itaraha.^

...................................................................... ......



BMicrt E. Walter

.. .................................................

Bnance. waya

nbmiued the tolloal;laj5


SAW expeaae of aboot ton.

; ail been eateriac tbe dac potnd abd aUBb
inoaB. Hr. BectAam.
Qlve. a»lor oar tend. tbM tStb tkf : "fX** w* “V v
S.2S;porled by Mr. BoelC tbe repewi waa '
' Bif valaatde *«■ to avoU pBlWBi of
Mopt^ by yea^aad uy ^Sutc of liirbifaa. C-->aBiy <d Oraad ,, f April. A. I>,
K. Beechaa^
d: iiceane feea. Tbe pMke eBy’cara af*
V* 1>aTeree—aa.
On amloa of Mr. L
dk.: ^
aad broaebt back acala to
chairman of the cam-■ To tbe HonoraWt^ Uoa>^ of Sttperria-':
EO. LadA
mitiee oa fraaada aad bulMlapa. made
an at Grand Traverse Cmiaty:
Chartra H. Htmroe. Chalretaa,
pet the
eeau odered for each aa~
a verbal report retethre lo tbe proGFotlenum:—We.ytwr eommjiiec oa < On motloo of Mr. Hotair,
Hotair, aapported
• needed <toR brm«bt to tbe paaad.
poacd ebanfw of the faraUare la (be unaDM'. aaya and ateana. do eerUfy: by Mr. BatdI. tbe report waa acaep^ • RolH. E ^Walter, aerk.


'... .


A M. BMM. aervledk f» taiOom....
' <Mo. wTcMtla. drairimf Jary................
. Btamdc A SallivBB jaeai*. qaarBatlae a

Doors closed all day Tuesday. May 2.1
to prepare,for the final sale.

Doors closed all day Tuesday, May 2.
to prepare for the final sale.


L C. LrevtA-tpiarantiae aappUea .
as Dr, a & c
as n. L. A €


U K. Oerelaad, deputy eberif feca .................................. \
43 E O. Imdd, expeuee ta Unatag at meeUag ef BUtaV
Board or Snpervlaora .
- ^...........J
vitb Tax.Com..........
44 le E Cleve
45 Br. P. P. Law»».
44 TW StakaHa Pea Oo., Ref. Deeds sDM>»ea .
4T MbBor Broa.. «aarantlM etati
of leaebera........

As our lease expires on ihat date andfwcjhave not the room to move the stock into the Globe Store. We MUST therefore close
out this stock at Benda's kd stand. OUR DOORS-WILL BE CLOSED all day Tuesday. May 2nd. to CUT and SLASH those
already low prices-pi^meat. Every item in the store will be l^itimately M.\RKED DOWN. We open up WEDNESDAY,
MAY3rd, 7Ki0a.'ra., withaGRAND RUSH SALE of marvelous values that will be remembered for time to come, Benda's
stock, owned exclusively by the Globe Store and bought at less than wholesale price, 44c on the dollar.

of Joba WelkeUai r aad wiiaeat feee..
m Or. J. W. OanaUeti, efamteatioa 1
. _____________ ,.._A to LABalBf meeUbg Stale AaM-

m Lot Men’s extra sizes, regular sizes,
n also Young Men's Dress Panu—fully

n worth $2.00 and $2 50 .



utl uo for... .58
$:i.0U Puiamns idl gu &>r... .78
$i).00 SuiukiuK JarkcU for. 2.98

$1.50 Fm.f.yV«te for................. 69
♦2.60PaiK-> V>i*U for..........1.26


CUoioe of my suit iu tbo home—

Meii'u $12 Cas.'^imoro Suitn. Italian
III liii


uothingM^T?d-41^ 9.96

Moii'b Cotton WoA Pants, nwit dark inttonis, sold llio worlil QQrv
over for $1. Iwt wt-mast vacatp. so they wiD goat................... .

UnUn-itnctof lk-n^'»«!>nl >2 SO KtKT Rata, ia bnnn and Q3c
black, in n«nlar a^d extra siir«, all new dupes, gu quick at..

4 bl of Ma^s and BoyV
oud 1
>yV t4oft Old
.Stiff HnU. PoW up I------

Ucu'a Uuo checktvl OvcraliJnckcU.
au»8 npD>44;-VRiiiQBt | 4C
vacate so they all

H. E Beeebam. aervleea <* Tax Oom.....
’. Doda, eerTioM oa Tax Oom. .

23c I

.allaabaa A Co- law boeke tar p
R. L. UBr---------- ----------Dr. A. H. t
1» Toenaklp Baat Bay. doaibatte
BP Mih. a E Be^ayM
•1 Or. A. E HoHMay. mPdlod) aervleea

’ 1: ..... ..

> p*l^wbM^i


H.&J. l&c LINEN

aad Jury ............ .

A btxif Uvu's OvcrBlla aiKl .Im-kvU. in^^lain Ulno awl 29C


any style, go for............. ...................

» «!VTOt^rS3S’t,"J35L.'*2d tBrtasa BOM


TpaM OBt ta


m Dr. U 8. Walter, i
•P Dr. U E WaRer. a
o Looae Leaf Ledter Go-b
(Tnm.) ................................................................................. . sdAS
“!H*2!: *
iwobate ju^.
tt Lea 8.-------M O. W. E OoK P. E Maada,


Oraaa lmk% Townahlp. a——m-c
Wm. HnddeaiOB. boauy aa (yax .
i. W. Stmam. oaarmatlbe sappllee
AmarbBB Ori« Oo- gaaianttae aai.
O. W. a Go- Baarmatlae mippUee ..
r. “ •

of our best new Spring Neck­
wear—nothingreserved, formerly 5Qc aand 75c r


A little late for Overcoats, but never too late to double your
money." They go at less than manufacturer's cost. Invest now.






For choia- of a mixed lot Men's Suits,
* oousistiug of fntH7 wui-rIl-iIs. twveds and
c«8siiw-fre, former {wire ST.-'iD.

Fur rlioin- of II tniinl lot Mcn'a Hiali
Suiu - laiiry wuret-.laramiuH-n.
-var>ii«i„»m tU) to.$I:tJ0.

For choite lot Men s ewx-pUoiudly Rne
Snita. iiiiiwrUvl woraterls. tweuls andAU
wixd erasht*. funner prior* $15 to $18.,




S RisSS&a::
_____X Stamp, gameiv
S. E OraBlek Co- an] A & _Drowa. burial (
lU: C E JotaaaB.abarlL
JO• -- .. _
lU C-E
U4 &RT
Hanr JE DavU. deputy aberifl fret


Ifcn'a laV nmaliu aimI
flaiihelcttf ^“3^
Nightgowius.. lyt^C'


Bartoodera' Cooka'

6r. J??*MajrUii. «aaraailae cauci
Mi^ Prate. prIaUaa e^ervlaDra'
U4 Dr. E R L_
m u r ■ ■

o,„ „f r,30
SlltuSi *


II Hot of Nerkweer. Btdis.


etc., worth 25«-r to


Hen’s 35c Bildied Uwler-



white bemstitebed


^14: of blue 01 AQ 1



and twivils.
awi$4 raln<-s.
They go at..


An Excviitiobal Chance fbr

'barbers. COOKS.

One lut DivSi. Shirts, soft
and sWP Umoms, aome
Wilson Brws .. Monarch
and other well known
makes, all go i

|f> A .
# b ■ ■■

/ Whiii '
•Cuala fa.KT prior $1.01, now..


1 '.Lh':

1 B.rt,,nden Braal Trnumwl V..U, fomaaiy
ASYLUM AnENDAirrS ( $200,ooi...................... .............................

Joveoilea and Bojri’ l>eM
BhirU. former- IQq
ly aOe
H. * I.^


'rs .~ir

“S “*S

Bmnds’s Old
01.0BC STORE, Rrops.


Donbb front ond back
a« p»i W<rt
Shirts for...


|« Dr. P. 1.


A •

We h a V e
Imnched abt
of children's
snita, axiaist-



ft Tbom Ooh eotm
a ft Go- treaaarer'a eapiiitca
1. Jamke feae


Meus al4
wool odd

Men’s 50c and .75c white.
and colored
Dress Shirts..
Boys' Knee Pauls, neat
(lark patterns.
worth $5c....


m A a PQm a Bob. <



Benda's 50.- Silk Hg^koc^i^

k m« A. V. WrI


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