Grand Traverse Herald, October 09, 1863

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Grand Traverse Herald, October 09, 1863


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Morgan (1806-1874)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



"VOL. 'V.

C I T Y , M J C H . F R I D A Y , O C T O B E R 9,1863.

N O . 43.-

ber in which she had shut the ruffian Henricb, caught bottom of the engine ; but even then his inanimate boThe Maid of the MM.
dy continued to be whirled round and rdund as befbre—
There is » lonely mill close beside the little hamlet of her ear, and made her slnrt at once to her feet
" Biethcr ! Diethcr !*" she beJj-d him shout, "catph the brave girl not daring to trust to appearances in conUdorf, near'the Rhiue shore, between tbo villages of
the child and come hither ! I am fhsU' Come hither.—- nection with wreb o villain, nnd being, therefore, afraid
Traverse City, Grand Traverse County| Michigan
suspend the working of tbe machinery, or to stop the
mill ia said to have: been the scene of the following sto- •Bring the boy here, and kill the girl!"
She glanced hastily op at tho casement from which ill gear and tackle from running at their full speed.
, .IVl.O
B V,
A loud knocking at the door was shortly after h«ird,
... ..
»?' }-.
^ l t was on a Sunday morning,. " ages ago," that the the imprisoned villain's hand beckoned to BOipe one in
miller of this mill slid bis whofe Mrtiily went' forth to the distance, and then looked anxiously after Tier infant id she hastened thither. It was her master and his
hear the holy mass at the nearest church, in the village emissary. The little messenger held on bis way unharm- family, accompanied by several of their neighbors.—
Oiio U o U a r a n d F i f t r OentM, 3?ajfable i n w ofHfereel., The mjjiriitteb, wasfclsobb •}&<&>**, wis
ed,-however ; and she thought to herself that the alarm The unaccustomed appearance of the miU-sails in full
^^•MmilSBJralSSrteaforOne Dollir p4r Square tten
W f i W ' ; o r was a false one, raised to excite ber fear, and overcome swing on Sucday had, as she anticipated, attracted their
attention, and tbey had hastened home from church for

line*) for the flrst insertion, and twenty.flvp tent* for each Jenny, a stoat hearted lasa, whp.bad.wog lived.v^itfi him her
aaWqtenttBMnion- Yearly AdTtrtlssnmii*—»10 for one in that capacity. An infant child, of at age. unfit for Just, however, as the child rca«hed a hollow spot in the pnrp&teef ascertaining the cause of the phenomenon.
• qnnre; $J0 for three aqnares; *V> for half q o^own} and
the nextfield—thechannel of a natural draiiij then1 dry The futner bore his little bov in las arms ; he had Out
SiO tor 0ap colamn. Legal advertisement* althe rat^a pre-,
the cords wherewith the child was tied, but he was, unascribed by law;fifty,cents per folio of, JQO proril*, for the busily employed in preparing dinner for the return of her with the heats of summer—tbe saw another ruffian startto obtain an account of the extraordinary circumstanljratfasertfoni'iuifltwenty-ftve e«nt*ror each 'subsequent— toaster ana his fttmlrj*. when who should enter all of aiug from the bed of the drain, and catching the child in
that had occurred from the affrighted innocent—
Everyfigurecounts a word. Figure work without rnlaa, 60 rtddenWahola sweetheart of her?, named Henricb his arms, hasten toward the mill, in accordance with tho
per cent added. Huloand figure work, doabl* price.
Bottclor. ,Ne win-an idle,'jftktclcss 'fellow, whom the directions ol his accomplice. In a moment sibe porceiv- Hannchen, in a few words,'told all ; and then the spirit
•AUIegal advertisements to be paid foratrictly In advance. tpfller had forbiddenhi? ftojSr'bat whom Jeuny, 'with ed her danger, and in a moment more she formed her which had sustained her so long and so well, white the
the'ami Sowperversity of he* six. still liked—perhaps fature plan of proceeding. Ratreatiug into the mill, emergency lasted, forsook her at once, as it passed away.
HI tiriirf.Mtr^gUnl^iJ V M ; tw.^. ill
the better because others ^ v e him no countenance. &he double-locked and bolted the door—rthe only ap- She fell senseless into tbe arms of the miller's eldest son.
She was £tacj to ^ee him, and she toid him so. too
: and parent eiitrauc^ to the edifice, every other means of OIK and was with difficulty recovered. The machinery of
altlTough in the midst of ber work.'ehenot only; got him *)idus access to the iuterior being "barred by. means of the mill was at once stopped, and the inanimate ruffian
'something to eat ai*op6e, bdt lilso fowid time to sit down Etrong iron gridingsfixedat all the windows—and then n » brought down from the great. wbeeL The other
with^icii and have a gosf-tp, Avhil^ hft dispatched the took her post at an npper casement, determined to «(Wnit ruffian was brought down from the prison- Both were
food she .set before bicn.' As lic ate,
however, he let patiently either her master's return, and her consequent then bpund, and sent off to Bonn under a strong escort ;
delivery from that dangerous position, or her own death, and; in duo course, came under the hands of Hie execufall his knife. : " ' ;
" "'f'':P,\h
' '
' "VPidf.tb«t op, hiy lak," said he in aJokiDjr 'wi# to Tf,lt were inevitable.
It was pot long till Hannchen became a bride. The
•• Never," she said to herself; never shall I leavewy
the good-naturca girl.
: "N»7. flcnrfcb," she rppheA " your bact should be master's home a prey to such vlHslris, or permit bis bridegroom was the miller's son, who had loved ber
niore «uwil« thentolbe,'f6f Vob'ttve le^wcirk.tb moke
They lived'thenceforth happily together for many years,
County Treaaurer..,..MORGAN BATES< Trar.CJty ft^stiff I labbr *11 the day toh^,'OTdy6a do
—; while I have life and strcugth to .defend i t "
County Clerk
. I»|
Bot^icver mind!' 'twoald go bird wtth me on' i refnsod She bad barely time to seenreherself within when tho and died at a good old age, surrounded by a flourishing
Heclster o( Deeds
JAMB- 0 • "
rnffian from without, holding the hapless 'cHld in one family. To the latest hour of her life, this brave-hearted
Proa, Attorney
»C» JJ.
This was spoken halfs^brtively and Mlf iti good ear- band, and a long, sharp knife in the other, assailed the woman would shudder as sho told thf tale qf her danger
Circuit Court Oom.--C> H.
- j.,

R." SKITff.r?!toBsfrlda- ,'st, for, kind-hearted as tbe giTl:was, and much as she door with kicka jind corses.' and imprecations of the most and deliverance.
ROBERT Ifl5Bjl<0*atrevtlle. Lked the scapogracc; she.was too hooeetand indqatrioas dreadful
Letter of Franklin Pierce to Jeff. DBVIH.
herself to encourage aud^prove of idleness and a sus- ' " Confound thee," he cried, applying the foulest
The following letter of ex-President Pierce, a part of
of which the free-speaking Tentonlc languages the correspondence captured noar Jackson. Miss, has
C. II. M A R S H . "
^ picious course of tifc. inany one olae. however dear to epithets
her. 8be stopped down, accordingly, to pick bp the are so copious, •'open the door, or I'll break it in on been sent to the Concord Democrat, N. H., by Copt.

• ; Gibbs, of Grant's army :
knife. As sbs was in the qct of rising, however, the thee."
can, yon may," was all the noble girl retreacberons.<villaia: drew 8 daggerfromunder his coat,
CLARENDON HOTKI., January 6, I860.,
and caught be r by the napo of the neck, gripping her plied. " God is greater than yon, and in Him I put triy
M* DKAR FBIKXI>,—1 wrote you an unsatisfactory
.jto a day or two since. I havo just had o pleasant ip- •
throatfirmly"with.hiBfingoret«; prevent' her screaming trust."
Cot the brat's throat t" reared the imprisoned ruf- terview with Mr. Shepley, whose courage, nnd fidelity
S' O T A R Y P t l S L i & t S b X T t j A X C K J t . the while.

that will bring ber to reason.'
Trarerse City, Grand Travcree County, Mich.
f ^Now, lass," said ho, swearing out a bad oath at the fian above
are equal to his learning and talent* He sara he would
Stout-hearted as poor Ilannck'en was, she qcailed' at rather fight tbe battle with yon as the standard bte^r
Office In Dwcllln^Hoaae. i
"'y same time, " where is your master's money ? I'U have- ^Ihis
crnel suggestion. For a' "mofoent her resblution in 1860, than under the auspices of any other leader.—
that or jrour life—«i take yoon cholqe.'!
wavered ; but it was only for a moment. She saw her The feeling and judgment ot Mr. S., in this relation iB,
,7. a. H A M S D K l X ,
the assailant, and -I am confident, rapidly gaining groond in New England.
ruffian ; but he wootd listen tn nothing ahe conkl aay. own death was certain if she admitted
i " Master's money or yo'ar life, Ins f was all the an- she knew that her master would be robbed She had Our people are looking for " tJoe Coming Man." One
swer he vouchsafed to her entreaties and adorations.-- no reason to hope that the'tife of the infant would be who is raised by all tbo dementi of Ws character above
• T t t A V H B S K CEKViiitt b' iifft
MC' once'"r'wss the only aTtemative
he offered Spared by ber compliance. It was to risk all against the atmosphere ordinarily breathed by politicians. A
e n i s b m t r a m i COCST*, BICH.
to her j : " tho gravror thp goldi*!"
. ,, j 'nothing. Like a discreet' girl, she consequently held fast man reofly fitted for this einergency by hi# *btlity, 'cou!. tpmin -a 'HRransS-c^si I • '
to herresolvostoabide as she was while life remained, rage, broad statesmanship and patriotism. Colonel Sey, She ajiw there was no hbpfc 'Of. iriefrty a t ' bis hinds ;•br until assistance should reach her.
and/as^hb taw i t herriSttye^olbHdn aW«>ke ' in Her "'An'ye open not the <loor." shotted the villain from mour (Thomas H.) arrived here this morning, and exbosom:' Like the grtehility dfher gortJet sex, she was withbut; accompanying bis words-with vilest abuse ahd -ircssed his views in this relatiou In almost the Identical
timid at trifles—a scratch waa ambjecfroffear to her ; the fiercest impreeatioM, " I'll hack this whelp's limbs language used by Mr. Sbepjey. It is true that in the
ai'drop of blood' caused her to faint ; atiy unwonted to pieces with my knife, and then burn the mill owr, present stfto of things at >
the country no man can prfediet what changes tiro or
' J T K A V s i & s x a ,oyJ7Y1
. s^ind filled'her soul with jifcar,' in 1fthe - night. Brit,.- your
head. Twill be a merry blaze, I trow."
three .months may bring forth. Lot me suggest that in
when ber energieswef« W)b«d ^y Boy add^ilate cause,
" 1 put my trust in God," replied the dauntless girl.—
353.2s: <D
she proved, as her sex have everQorie, that in courage, Never shall yo set your foot within these walla while J tho morning debates of Congress full justice scetas to mo
not to have been done to the Democracy of the North.—
in endurance, in presence bf mind, and in refltratws for
THIS Boone w now orssan, j o f c f g *
• emergency,rjro6'8arp<^#<id:t!ie braveEtan.d: cbole*t men. have life to prevent .yo 1"
I do not believe that Our friends at tho South • have any,
rnffian laid the infant lor a moment on the sward, just idea of the state offeelinghurrying at this moment
-'' rp
i ' * r ® -3? v.»
i " Well, well Henricb," she smd' feignddly,' " What as The
be aooghtfor combustibles wherewith to execute his
(Be pitch of intense exasperation Between those: who
is to bo, must be. But, if yon take the money, I shall latter threat In this uosrch hei espied perhaps the only to
their pditical obligations, andIthoae who hove
goalong with yc. - This will be no home for me possible entrance to the building. ;lt was ,a large nper- respect
apparently no impelling power but that which fanatical
C 1 1 A 1 U . K S W . I t o A Y . ereri
tioymore;' 'Bqt enso yoBr grip of my.ioock a little—
communicating with the erect wheel nnd the ma- potion on tbe subject of domestic sorely- imparts—
HIM » C t l L . ^
^ ^
'don't squeeze so hard' (• I lewt more, you 'bug Vra© soi chinery bf the mill, and was apoint;eoUraly unprotected
di8cassintr the question of'!Tight—of abstract
tight j and iM'can't stir iou can't gettbe m<Aey—that's for tbereasonthat tho simple occupants hod never supyon know. -• Beside, time preswe •; and. if.-it be posed it feasible for any one to seek admission through power to secede—I hai-a never believed that actnal dis••jWmj.'caj.ltoirWflo.
"- 1 ''' elehi>,
ruption of tho Union can occur, without blood ; and If
done atall, it must begone anickly, as tbo fatoily will such a dangerous inlet
through tbe madness of Northern Abolitionists th|it dire
bo«bottly bftcfcTrotBHemLf iti >.i
Elated with bis disco very,-the ruffian returned to tbe calamity must come, the fighting will not be along Mason
Thernflianrelaxcdhis jriji, -andfinallyWgo his hold. infhnt, and, tying tbe hands and feet of-.the child, threw and Dixon's line merely. It will be within our.own borit on the ground even a9 a butcher will fling » lamb des- ders, in Our own streets; between the two elaara of
Her rCMons were all eocent
» Come." she »aid ; ,rt: qrf<* I mrfck!—no delay—you tined for slaughter, to await bis time for slaying. He citizens to whom I have referred. Those who defy'law
then stole baCk. to the aperture, by which he hoped to end scout constitutional obligations, will, if nwe- ewr
find thetooneyift tpqeter's bedrooip."'
J A M E S K . OtTWrTQ-N'. will
°Sb6 tripn<a
gaily as a lark—ho following effect an eutrancc. All this was unseen by the dauntless reach tbe arbitrament of arms, find occupation enough
closely at oer heels. She led the way into her master's girl within. In tbe meanwhile her mind was busied with at home. Nothing but the state of Mra. Pierce's health
C90B SWBUKt Uffl m i ' kllB B1I8:| bedroom,
and polnted ont the coffer in which his money a thoosand cogitations^ bhe clearly perceived, that
would induce me to leave the country now, although It
means would be kft untried to effect an eiitrance. and is quite likely that my presence at home woald bfc of litwas secured.
•' Here,1' she said, " Wrench it open nt once ; and she know that on the exclnsiou of her foe depended her tle service. I have tried to impress .'Upon our people,
while yon ore tying the motley op, I Khali just step up own existence. A thougfct-etrvok ber.
especially in New Hampshire and Connecticut where
.-It was Sunday," she said to herself i " the mill ne- the only elections art to-take place during the coming
sthiftto fey own apartnfeat, ana get a few things ready
for our flight, as well as my own little hard savings for ver works on the Sabnth ; suppose I set the mill a going Spring, that whl^ Ouf Unlon'tneetings are all in, the
1 J K B
- now T It can be seen afar off; aud haply my master, right direction and well enough for the present, tbey will
the last five years.'1
The. ruffian xToa thrown* off his guard by her i opecnessor some of bis neighbors, wondering at the sight, may not be worth the paper upon which their reflations nre
apparent anxiety to' accompaxiy him. Like all ego- haste hitter to knew the cause. A lucky thought,*' she written nnless we can overthrow political1 Abolitionism
IF A . I R
. B A+isrKS* azxi
tisls, be deceived himself when self-conceit was most exclaimed ;<;* 'tis God sqnt it to me !"
at the polls, and repeal tbe nncotalitntional and obnoxiwis»Biitj)-•
No sooner said than done. Being oil ber life accus- ous laws which intEc cause of "personal liberty " havu
certain totoehis destructiboj
' " O o , Isigs," wteall he'sakl:; '' but do not be
tomed to mill gear, it was but tlie work of a moment for been placed upon our statntfrboohs. I shall look with
O A ! • E I S away. < This job will be done in • a twinkling."
herto^et the machinery in motion. A brisk .breeze de5p>rnterest, and not wiibout hope, for a decided
She disappeared at the words. He immediately which sprang up, as if it, were by special interposition

-ehaagi^in this relation.'
broke open the cbost, and jras eo^n engaged in ruin- Providence, at once set tbe sails flying. The arms of
^' v e r
truly jrour friend,
T ! f S f ! ^ & S D . l r d U b j F i M U } l > 4BBEIEY: ^nugiog its couU»t». A# bo.was thus employed, howi tbe huge engine whirled rouud with fearful rapidity ;
FBANKLTS Pirac*the
smalaver, abaorded iq .tbe contemplations of his ;prey, and
Hon. Jrrr. DAVIS, Washington, D. C.
' ' ^ r ^ c a w f o l to bny'«nly tfc» genkliiB. -*Tr '
ler gear turned, and creaked, groaned, according as they
; W T : ' eagerly occupied in socuring it on his person, tbo brave- came into ao'ti<jn—the null was in full operation.
PATRTOTIC OU> MAN.—A correspondent of t h e S t .
hearted girl stole down tbo stajrs on tip-tpe. Creeping «oftly along the paawgei,' she speedily. gained tbe It was at that very instant that the ruffian Diether Louis Republican, writing from Natchez, Miss., menj s e T A B L X S U J E T ) 1 7 ^ 0 . .doer
of the chamber unseep by him, and likewise un- had suoccedod in squeezing himself through the aper- tions the following incident r i
bt«rd. .It was bat the work of a moment forberto turn ture in the wall, \nd getting safely lodged IU the interior «• Sitting at General liansom's headquarters th« other
,,'• ( . "P-'fi'
E Ti'.'..
E R»• ivoAi ndTi ftT| i•| ai fa> . , | .
the key in the wards and lock him in. This done, she of th<*^eat drum-wheel. JIia' dismay, boweyer, was day, I saw a gray haired man. beat with age,: coming
TOBACCO MiNpFACTDBEB rushed forth to- the oater door of tbc mill, and gave the indescribable when be began tp be whirled about with feebly up to tbe porob. He arted if be might come iu t
16 to *8 Chambers 8t«,
its rotation, and found that, his efforts to put a stop to •• Certainly, sir, H you have business here. He camc
Fly I fly!" she shrieked to the child, her master1! the powerfal machinery; wbich was set io motion, or to tottering in and stated his bnslneasto-an aide. He wish{TorWeVly « Chambers Street. Sew Tor*} . . . •
little boy, an infantfiveyears old, the only being within extricate himself from his perilous situation, were fruit- ed to enlist in the United States army !
"Wonia'eah theJtattention of D«Aleia: W tke artlclep of,hla
1 sight or Mund of her-; V Fly,fly. to thy lather T flv ' less. Hiscfieswere most appalling; his shrieks were
" But ycm are too old" : ; I- i
gaiiiilirrr • M O•W * ' < W W . lift t i t 'v• : your life I .TteU him weAalli all bo murdered an' he 1 truly fearful ; his curses and imprecations were horrible •••I
am only sixty."
" But you ore lbelAe.n
.tmsl> •••*" not back, Fly ! fly 1"
to bear. Hanochen hastened to the spot, and saw him
" I think I conld drive a team or cook- I have come
The child, who was at play before the door, at once caught, like a reptile that be waSiin his own trap. It
obeyed Ihe energetic command of the brave girl, and need not beiadded that she didpOt liberate him. She thirty miles on a straight line to seeyon, 1 wish to live
" E S & S i m
ps'p-nMkrt.. sped
<>n«9 fastashis riny legs could carry.him' on tbo know that he^nmWsbc io»«rtnghteocd than hurt, if be and die with you. These aeoesson devils out yomkr
• .j*WXO,W-6OTTFfJ
i^ad by whieh he ktJBw hta parents would return from kept within pis rotaryTJnson ; and she knew,.alf0, that have worried my life out of me—bothered me, cursed
Church. Hanochen cheored him tewajd, and -inspirited unless he attempted to escape, there was no danger of me, stole me poor, tried toforceme into the rebel ser- .
^ °Hl|t'h ToMtBcotoh,
/rertiHoMV Pew Scotch,
his falling ^ut of it, evon though he were insensible and vice, swear they will force me in yet. TTiafs a pretty
hfe RttWh««rt as ba'noi -'.»d *
n- i •"
Xrlab High Ti)aat,
' PrtshBfotcfc. "
i " Bte«tticc,^hoy-s-ble«thoe !', sheexclaimed, in the inanimate JoTti* while. In tbo meantime, the wheel flag over the'porch. 11 haven't seen that flag in many a
' CM- Attention la called to O e t t * e rtBaetlon in^ri«« 4fJadne« of Jrtfbesrt '•'«} As' master-arrives in time, went round and iound, with its steady, unceasing mo- weary day. I saw It in Jackson's time, in the war1 Of
will ofler up a taper on tbo altar of our blessed lady < tion { and round and round went tbe ruffian along with 1812."
The old man was assured protection without enlistit, steadily and unceasingly, too. In vain did he promise
'KreotebOrg by Boon."
'• Sbfr^uown on the gtooo bench bythe mill door to the stout-hearted giri to work her no harm ; in vain meet,-and went on bis way.
• aaoxrva.'
' -i
y t i t i e * «i»e her over-excited spirit ; and aba vjcpV » tshe sat, did he implore ber to take pity on hi* helpless condiA soldier in one of the late battles sitting very coolly
Hon ; in vain did bo pray to all the powers of heaven,
at the thought of bar happy deliverance.
behiod one of his guns, where tbe shot were falling fast,
, "TbsWt God r she qiacalatfld; '• tliaric God for tho and abjure aU tbe powers of bell, to bis aid.; She would being asked by tbe Chaplain whether be was supported
j escape. Oh, the deadfy vfll^J—and I so foodofhim, not hear or heed bun ; he whirled round in the untiring
Divine Providence, repfied, •• No sir, we're supportwheel, until, at lastfeelingand perception • failed him,
by tbe Ninth New Jersey."
N. B^—A-clrenlsr ofprleaa wl 11 b*»^te
A afaiffl-^rbistie'fromthe gnied window of tho cham- and he saw and heardno more. Hefellanoeekw on the

.<% €>nnrt CrHStrse ^pIi,

^ttorittii mti Coaiisetlw at Sato,

Attorney & 'CotensseH6ratLaw,


•»£!ss^' :rALcimsei&.^.






all this in the eyes of those who, t»t blinded by the pas- Bynkersboek and Yattel 1 The physicians of Moliere are from berbow and port broadside igtros, the former keeping tlw main parapet entirely clear of the eoemy while
sions of ttfe hour, look forward to the future of our not yet extinct
race. It siill uodo, and much more than undo, the
Finally, let me point oat again that this is a question the latter played oo the second batttery.
M O K O A V HATEH, Kditoi-nndProprle
TSis conlinoed for some time, and feint hopes were
wor* of reconciliation, of which the affection—for it was not only between our Government ood the shipbuilders
something deeper than enthusiasm—wtth which the or between our Government and the Federals but be- entertained that tbc gallant Captain .would succeed in
Americans received but the other day the descendant tween our Government and tbc Confederates. The Con- extricating his boat from her terrible position. But
was not to be; for, at last, a shot from the battery
and heir of George 11L was the pledge aud the expression. I t will put enmity for another bitter century be- dishonoring our flag, eortpromising our neutrality, and at theleft penetrated ber boiler, in an instant reducing
The Infamous F i v e - W h o Titer are and Where tween the two portions of the Anglo-Saxon race, one in designedly exposing us to the risk of war. For thia tbey ber to the same condition as the Sachem.
Their are.
blood, in language, in religion, in literature, in the es- ought to be promptly called to an account by the guarTHE BATTLE ENDS.
When tlic bill for raising money for paying our sol- sence, whatever may be the outward forms, of their free dians of the national interest and honor ; and if a real The battle was now, to all intents and purposes, enddiers in the field was pat upon its final passage in the institutions, and ono in their destined action on the future Chatham were at the head of England tbey would have L Further resistance "seemed utterly hopeless, but
progress of mankind. And it will do this at the very been called to account long ago,, or rather tbey never still tbe brave Crocker could not endure the idea of givUnited States HOMO of Representatives, it received
moment when a rival race is seeking, in ojjeu enmity to would have dared to offer this outrageous insult, to the ing up his vessel, and ordered his men to figbt on. Withvote of 150 in favor to five against it. The names of ours, to plant the foot of despotism and sacerdotalism fu character of tho country.
out his knowledge, however, some party struck the
those five members who voted against poking our brave Mexico, and is about to be aided in that attempt by the
I am, &c.,
white flag, and the enemy instantly ceased firing.
to Anglo-Saxon liberty and greatness who
troops, are :
' j
Wheb informed of this, the Obptain ordered the deck
Oxford, September 2.
Clement C. -Volondigham, of Ohio, an; exile now in have gone forth from a land of freedom, to found
cleared, and loading the after pivot guo with a 9-inch
sho^.he fired it through the centre of tbe ship,
Canada, having been expatriated for < complicity with tion on Slavery in the Southern States.
Two exceptions there will be to the general calamity
the stem to stern, tearing the machinery in pieces,
the enemy.
on both side* of the Atlantic. The great builders of Naval Battle at Ha blue Pass—The Gunboats En- and rendering it utterly worthless to the enemy. After
Benjamin Wood, of NEW York, editiite
steam rams will ply a brisk trade ; and the great jourcaged—'Tremendous Bombardment—Two Gun- doin^ this aud spiking all tho guns the Clifton surrennalists whose ferocious cowardice has goaded the two naboats Disabled—A Desperate Fight and Slaughcewspapor.
v ,
tions to this extremity will thrive, as they always do, by
ter of the Euemf.
The remaining gunboat the Arizona, quite unable to
H. C. Burnett, of Kentucky, expelled from tbo |J.
the passions of war. The people, as usual, will bleed Special Corr. K. Y. Times.'
cope single-handed with the eoemy, and drawing too
House of Rc-preacutatireB for treason, now in tfiW rebel and suffer-—unenfranchised, mute and helpless they will
| NEW ORLEANS, Sept 12.
much water to engage them in close quarters rAictant4rmy.
bleed aud SHffer, as usual, for the gain of wealthy filibus- I told you in my recent letters that a military exepdi- ly withdrew from the unequal ooutcst firing a farewell
E. H. Norton, ofMlssonri, who ran sway from his ters and for the passions of a class.
3D, on an important scale, was on the tapis. So care- shot of defiance aa she steamed slowly down the bay, the
As to the question in issue there is, perhaps little to fully had matters been kept secret that it was oot until enemy not replying to her challenge.
home, and now is in the rebel army.
bo said, which was not said and said better and with
Tbe Clifton nad on board beside ber regular crew of
John W. Reid, of Missouri, expelled from the Honso more authority than I can say it, five or six months ago; after the transports had left, crowded with troops, and
one hundred and ten men, 75 sharpshooters ; and the
of Representatives for treason, aud now, or lately, in the but what was then treason aoJ absurdity is now fast De- far towards their destination, thn^ the truth began to Sachem
30 sharpshooters—all of whom were captured,
leak out that the expedition was directed towards Sacoming patriotism and sense. And perhaps those who, bine River; the divjdingiline between the States of Tex- with tbe exception of seven meo from the Clifton, who
rebel army.
after leading the nation into a fatal error, are just as and Louisiana. We had pleqty of force, the troops swam ashore, ran down tho beach, and were taken off by
Ohio War Democracy,
awakening to the truth, are riot very likely to state that were in excellent spirits and every thing promised success- a small boat
In pursuance of a call recently issued, the State Con- truth with all the breadth and firmness which the emer- But unfortunately we wet-e not sufficiently informed of
The loss of the armament of the Clifton is unquestionvention of the' Union War Democrats of'Ohio was beld gency requires.
ably a aerioasooe; hef-powerful battery of rifled guns
tbc local difficulties of the place we had to reduceat Columbus, Jon the 22^ inst. All portjons of the 8tate Suffer mc t{ien first to repeat the truism—no truism, On arriving at the spot on which our troops were des- being brie of the most fcffectire in the service. The
were represented by delegates, who numbered some 1?50 it seems, to prime ministers and leading journalists— tined to land, it was sooq found impossible to attempt boats however, are so much damaged too, that the gun3
that no Foreign Enlistment act or other municipal law
to be of any service to the enemy, will have to be repatriotic, resolute, and determined Democrats many of can determine the measure of our duties toward foreign anything of the kind, owing to the marshy nature of the moved from them and remounted, and consequently
ground and the excessively shallow water. It soon,
them " wheel horses" of tbo old Jarty j organization.— nations.. If our Government docs not possess, under therefore, became evident that upon our gunboats would it will be a long time before they cari be made availaA State Central Committee of one from each Congres- the present law, sufficient power to restrain its subjects devolve the whole task of attacking ; and gallantly did ble.
V . ..V- ;
The number of killed and wottnded I have not been
sional district was appointed, also a like committee to from violating the public faith and exposing the nation some of them go into an engagement, that is pronounced
the penalties of war, it is our business to give it fur- by all who caw i t oue of the most desperately contested able to ascertain, thoagb tbey are not supposed to J be
report mo address and resolutions. The Convention de- to
ther,power. Arid further power would probably be uow of the whole war.
beavy. I am happy to add that Capt Crocker and Johncided to withhold support form YaUandlgfiam, but not sought if Parliament were sitting ; but when Parliason are neither thought to have been killed or wounded,
to put another ticket in the field. Able speeches were ment was sitting the North was not victorious ; awl then
The attack was commonced about half-past 3 o'clock but both prisoners.
made; the' Conization was harmonious in spirit and ac- it seemed safe and profitable to indulge in ignominious on the afternoon of the 8th, by the gunboat Clifton,
Provost Marshal Is and, their Districts Tor Michibluster
tion, and marks a new epoch in the history of the Democgan.
change It is fair to admit that the American Capt Crocker commanding, carrying nine beavy guns
racy of Ohio.
Acting Assistant Provost Marshal General. Lieut
Minister in some degree countenanced the fallacy by two of which—one at the bow and tbc other at the stern
Cdl BenneS H. Hill, 5th Artillery, D. S A. HeadquarThe following is an extract from tho address of tbo making himsolf too active in tho detection of practices were 9-inch pivots.
Capt Crocker opened fire at a distance of about two ters.—Detroit
which, as being offences against our lnws. it was the
miles from his bow pivot and after an experimental shot
First District-*-Tfio counties of Wayne, Monroe,
Believing, as we do, that the octioq of the Conven- province of Government to repress. He would have put or two, acquired the range, pouring upon the enemy a Lenawee, and Hillsdafe, John S Newberry. Provost
tion pi nominating Mr. Vnllaudigham for Governor, ^rasa bis ease on better ground, and played a more dignified continual stream of fire,' the bursting shells knocking Marshal, Henry F- Kellogg, Commissioner, Dr. George
great' mistake, aud one .which, if approved and sanction- part if, aftef calling the attention of our Government to huge holes in their works, and throwing the debris up^in London, Surgeon—Detroit
ed by the peop'e at the polls will seriously endanger the tbo criminal practices which were going on, he had lelt enormous quantities.
Second District—The counties of Branch, Cass S t
perpetuity of our Goverumcut',; we havp felt awl now it to them to take tbo proper measures for maintaining
Tho Sachem, Capt. Johnson commanding, in the mean- Joeepb, Berrien, Kalamazoo, Allegan, and Van Buren;
feel it our duty to withhold from him 6«r rapport and the good faith of the nation.
time took up a position where sho could ponr a raking R. 0. Denisoo. Provost Marshall, OrrinT. Welsh, ComNot that our municipal law has been carried into ef- crosa-fire, and aWopcaed with her broadside of rifled missioner, Dr.-Homer 0. Hitchcock, Surgeon,—Kalathus clear our skirts of oil complicity jritb tne agency
by whicjf it was brought about Ana In so dojng, .we fect. "£he Foreign Enlistment Act provides not only pieces which were served with equal precision and ef- mazoo.
stand by the doctrines advocated by Douglas, by every that the crime shall be prevented, but that the criminal fect
Tkird Distric<-l-Tbe counties of Washfenaw, Jack*Deinocratic member ol Congress from Ohio, ana by the shall be brought to justice. The wealthy and powerful
About the same time'tho powerful battery of the Ari- SOD, Calhoun, Eaton, and Ingham^—Robert J. Barry,
'a>Ure Dca^riK^. ot thC;NortK e*"»ptfMr. Vallandig- criminal triumphantly avows his crime in full parliament zona, Capi. Tibbctts from a position at the ptern of the Provost Marshal, S. W^owler, Com, Dr. Hulbert B.
liani and a small.faction, prior to' Jlr. Vaflandigham s The Government cowers, and the houso applauds. Has Sachem, also opened upon the enemy with screaming Shank, Surgeon—Jackson.
nomination for Governor; and in no wijc affiliate with there ever, in tnefilstory of the English Parliament, shell and hissing round shot—every one of which could
Fcmrtk District—Tbe counties of Barry, Ionia, Ottoor approve of the doctrine of Abolitiouikn or Fanaticism been a more disgraceful scene than the debate on the be seen plowiag up the interior of tho fort and cruhing wa, Montcalm, Muskegon, Oceana, Newaygo, Lake,
A labama ! And can Englishmen doubt that the report through the breastwoika.
of any kind."
_S ,
Mecosta, Mason, Manistee. Grand Traverse. Leelanaw,
This continued for some time before the enemy repli- Maniton, Osceola, Emmet Antrim, Wexford, MackiAmong the resolutions adopted were these :
American people T
ed, the ships gradually Bearing the fort and increasing naw, Kalkasca, IMlta, Missaukee, and Cheboygan—
" Rrsolved. That we are for a vigorous prosecution
Next let mo once more submit that this is not a mere the rapidity of their nre, until they were within point Norman Bailey, ftovost Marshal, Noyes L. Avory,
of the war to the full extent of our powor, until /the recaso
blank range, and tho Sachem had nearly passed by the Commissioner, Doctor Alonzo Plat, Surgeon—Grand
bellion is suppressed, and of Miner all means in our possession, that may be recognized by honorable warfare, question does not turn merely on tbo difference between works—on the right hand sido of the oyster reefs front- Rapids.
for that purpose ; we are for the Union withont an if, ships and other contraband. Let an iron-clad steamer, ing them, when the enemy suddenly opened a terrific fire Fifth District—The counties ot Lcwiston. Macomb,
Oakland, S t Clair. Lapeer, and Sanalao—Charles M.
and regardlesswhethcr slavery stands or' falls by the oper- v ith her steel prow and turrets and all the appurtenances from bis ontire battery.
oLf a man-of-war, be exported to a Confederate port ;
Walker, Provost Marehal, Albert Draper, Commisation.
let her there be mamie# with Confederate seamen, and
sioner, Doctor Frank B. Galbraithr Surgeon—Ponti" Resolved, That wo knowof no modo by which
. . i y
loyal citizen may as well demonstrate bis loyalty to bis thence go forth against the Federal commerce ; and Tbc first and main work consisted of a powerful earth, ac.
Sixth District—Tbe counties of C'linloo, Shiawascountry as by sustaining tho flag, tbo Constitution and though we may put the men who carry on'such a trade work of great length, mounted with six heavy guns, aod
the Union, under all circumstances and under any Ad- personally on a level with smugglers there will bo no garrisoned by a large number of meo. To the left of see, Geuoeasee, Gratiot Saginaw, Tuscola Huron, Isaground
ministration, regardless of party politic*, against all
land is violating tho rights of nations. But these ves- this was a second work of similar character, mounting Roscommon, Alcona, Oscola,-Crawford, Otsego. Montsrfihmta at homo or abroad.
i from three to five heavy guns one or more of which was
" Resolved, That we would in no way weaken the sels are not exported, nor built for exportation ;• nor are rifled. In addition to these two forts the eoemy had in morenci, Alpena, Presquo lsle, Chippewa, Houghton,
arm of Government, in no way impair the efficiency of they sent, nor do their builders expect them to be sent, sight, and rendering valuable assistance to the defense,
our army,*>ut on the contrary, aa a matter of economy, to the Confederate States, or manned by Confederate three large cotton clad river steamers armed with one Provost Marshal.'Henry Raymond, Comjnissieper, Df.
crews. They go forth, and their builders know that tbov
E. G. Gale, Surgeon—Corrunna.
as well asliumauity, we would impart vigor and enei
will go forth, from au English port manned by English or more guns and a schooner armed with one bow
to both, and withevery pcico offering there should
F a t t l AflVajr.-A H a n Shot.
seamen, to cruise against the commerco of on allied na- probably of very large calibre, as *ho lay off at a
the alternative- of War or Submission.
apFrom the Port Huron Prcas.
" Resolved, That the gratitude of the country is due tion. Their real basis of operations is tho territory of proaching fleet.
A fetal affray occurred on Saturday irigbt io which
to- the noble defenders of our flag, and (while they fight this professedly neutral country. A faint show is made
The firing now continued hot andfierce*the enemy's
the battles of the Union In the field, w« at home wiil of equipping and commissioning-tbem. and of turning shot being generally aimed to high; while, on the other John Campbell, working for, arid boarding with Mr.
give them the support and encouragement doe to the sol their crew from ordinary seamen into man-of-war's men hand, nearly all the shots from the vessels were effective, Bedford, snip carpenter of Ibis city, was instantly killed,
when they ore out at sea. That process is a mockery,
by an old man named Jonathan Brown, who occupies
diers of tho Republic.
even- portion of the larger work, and at times with bis wife aud two children, a house or shanty, conand the Southerners are glad that it shonld be seen and
with such effect that every m$b was driven from ¥»e taining one room, on Huron street Old Brown and his
The Confederate War Ship*, and the Relations of known by all to be a mockery, because their great obEngland anu America.
j e c t ^ to drag us through the criminal cupidity of our guns.
wife are -both banf drinkers and when under the inAK ACCIDENT AXD ITS RESULTS.
fluence of liauor tbey quarrel, aud not unfrequently come
.Mr. Gold win .Smith, one of the cleirest thinkers, aud shipbuilders into a war with the North.
But just at this moment when everything *pjKarcd to actual fighting, to the,disgust and annoyance of their
The manner in which these ships carry on war
must vigorous writers of the present day. has addressed
most favorable, and the fortunes of war aeemed to assign neighbors. On such occasions, hoys, passing-, by-bare
tbo following letter to the London Daily Newa. It Is not enough in itself to show that they are not regular and the meed of victory to the gallant little vessels, the Sac- thrown stones aod other missiles at tbe house, to cottpel
honorable belligerents. They burn their prizes at sea,
mcreiy a forclble stotcment of the qncskioirat issue be- instead of taking them into a prize court—a practicc hem unfortunately grounded, broadside oa exposing her them to stop.
tween England and America, but it lays down the prin- contrary to,tho usages of civilized nations and obvious- most vulnerable part to the concentrated fire of the
On Friday night last they seem to hayfc been quarrelciples by. whioh tho duties of pations to each otlier arc ly liable to tbo grossest abuse. If, as has been asserted enemy's largest workj the steamers and the sailing craft, ing, and the deceased (Campbell,') accompanied by touag
Bedford and another youog man, while pairing by.'nej»:n
regulated in a maimer to claim the assent ofevery lover in full Parliament, and never, so far as 1 am aware,
This was speedily taken advantage of by them, and a tbe noise, and threw some bones which tbey foend near,
of peace and justice ; that % of ererjr honest and sensi- denied, they burn vessels at night to lure othere into the
snare, they ore enemies of the human race', and ought to erfect storm of shot and shell fell upOp. over and around against tbc house.
ble man.
According to young Bedford's testimony, tho three
be arrested as such whenever they are found.
er, making tho wat<r hiss and foom like a boiling canld" SIR :—The case of the Confederate war ships Is, as Further, I will venture to assert again, however rash roh Soon a heavy rifled shot struck her fair in tho youog men went to Brown's house on Saturday night
the TSpies says,,urgent. Tbo Americans have.already, and absurd tho assertion may seem, that this question is side, crushing in the iron plating and wood-work, and, •' to quell a row-" ' But he admits that the three started
it is true, one war on their hands; bet, i aa: experience riot to be settled on technical grounds, by the professors striking her machinery, exploded ber steam chest filling oot for a little fun," and that they went tp the, river,
shows, it Li a mistake to think that thSy wiB not, if pro- of that which calls itself international 'law.' There is the vessel with the scalding vapor, aud leaving her a aod filled their pockrts with Hme-stooes which arCplled
on the dock. Tbey then" went to Brown's house, and
voked, go into another. A pacific nationfa:not easily tio such thing as a 1 law' of nations in the proper sense helpless wreck, with co hope of getting off the shore.
roused' to the war pitch ; but being roused it is very x>( tho term, because there is no legislator, no enactment, The enemy now ceased their fire on tho Scahcm, arid threw some of the stopes against i t when Mrs. Brown
apt to become violently warlike, and to fly as tbo French no, tribunal, no means Qf giving legal effect to decision.— turned their attention to the remaining two boats ; tho came Otttand fired a'gun, upon which they squatted
Ucpnblicdid, withoat calcnlaUngtbeSodds, at the throat Tllto duties of nations to each other are regulated, in the crews of which realizing the position of their brave com- •upon tbe ground; 8oob after old Brown came out with
his gnu. Seeing biin, they started up and turned to
of nation after nation.' The fancy in which the discipkss absence of express treaties by those broad rules of mo- rades, redoubled their exertions.
of the Times hare been so assiduously nursed. that tbo riflity and justicc which are no mystery confined to the ' l i e Arizona, unfortunately, drew too much w^ter to leave, hot Bedford squatted on the ground again. At
Americans were a herd of poitrooos fighting tbeir bat- initiated, but as well known to every honest and sensible get to clost quarters acd it devolved upon the Clifton this moment Brown fired over Bedford's bead, aod shot
tles with hired Irish and Germans, and disaffected to the mim as to tho doctors whose learning is darkening this alone to undertake the perilous task of silencing their Campbell in the back, who jumped np, and then fell
despotic Government which forced them into war, has plain question. There are, Shdeed, usages of nations works—a task that knight have daunted tboj stoutest down dead.
Mrs. Brown testified that her husband was quite sober
vanished, it may bo presumed, with the smoke of Yicks- which it is most important to know and respect, though hearts.
burg and Gettysburg. We aee at last that these people it is not desirable to stereotype them as " laws'* because
But tbc Clifton Was manned by brave meg; and mo6t on Saturday night; that two of tho stones which tbe
boys threw hither, aod one knocked her boy down ;
a n a nation wi'h Our blood in their reins; and no na- as humanity advancos they are always undergoing tacit lobly did the gallant Crocker and bis crey respond
tion with blood like ours in their veiufc ever bore, even improvement But there is no usage, none at least re.L- jdevoted
,£i little
Liiu craftran
ftiroMl* towards
tmvnrrk thr.
awav. but did not succeed ; that I her
ber husband
husoand fiuaBy
. in extremity, such outragesfcsthese. j
down directly
the away,
corded in history, which will cover such a wrong as this; tbe
If a wur with America comes, it wiH bring devasta- and ifthere were one,'it Would be honored rather in the largest fort keeping up a hot fire all the time from her aroused from his sleep, and loaded his gun with five
tion to both aides. It .-will (top i tho putlet of emigra- breach than in the observance. The propensity of wri- pivot guns, aud assheneared the works loading with sings or bullets r tbst he went inJO the street hut did
tion, whioh is alike needful at this moment to replenish ters on international questions to assume the existence of double charges oTgrape, sweeping tbe parapet at every not Ere until after be had been struck with several stooes
thrown by the boys.
America and to relievo England ; it win sweep the com- a technical law where'there is none, is fertile in decep- discharge.
Campbell, tbe deceased man, was a native of Lobo,
merce of England from the seas, which will swarm with tion, and in deception which—if substantial wrongs are
Tbc Clifton bad now approached to within about 500
privateers under the fatal precedent which wo hare our- defended on technical pretexts—will lead nations into yards and after triving tbe enemy-a last discharge of Canada, where he has friends resiiling. He has been
selves established, and it will deprivo America of her war. People whose ships! are being destroyed and their grape from ber pivot attempted to throw her bow
Brown will, in all probability, have to stand a trial at
beet customer ? it will carry terror into American- sea- goods burned with every circumstance of contumely, by around, and take up a broadside position. But she had
ports and barec into the homes of English colonists ; cruisers issuing from tho ports of a Power professing gooe a few yards to near, aod as she lightly swung tbe next Circuit Court
it will prevent America from putting oat the last fires or to be their ally, are told they must not think of being around, her bow struck,—tbc volocity with which she
the rebellion, and it will, perhaps, bofore It has ended, discontented with this trentmont, since tbey are •' dying was running driving "ber far upon tbe shore. She io- The Courier Des Etats Unis gives a categorical deniaf
kindle similar fires in Ireland.' But it will do vrofsc than by the Faculty," and it would all hare been approved by stantiy commenced hacking, keeping up a constant fire to the rumors of French recognition of the South.



ZVfin 5 d * < * > •


Position of Gcncral Meadu's Army—Probable I federacy. Take Ibe gamblini honsesofthis city, and the i T t f t . t i n n . i l , L a V & Go's
l o t t t i o n oTthe'WeM Battle. "-'.'-l
|men wbodeaTthe i<ardsl as well as tbC 'roperin,' are
CorwiH»»<J«"®ee'01® N - Y - Tribaoe.
zealous friewls of ihe rebellion. Deaccnd a step lower in {
-i L>ii •)
T T r - \ T i , - * -j ^
. >•
Corrut AT NoRmroBT.—Oar Nortbport friends are
HK»t>^rAKfKRS, Knxr or THR POTOMAC, ?
p^pt. 25; i8«a. •$ :-»> mens of. bumabity whb slmre the •' wagos of infamyarc j TTTE 1LWE
considerably elatedat Ibo discovery i of a miss of paw
op«ninjs, i
Again I ari upon the old and familiar ground : again the first to rejoice over a rebf 1 success. Theae facte are VV
copper on the farm of Marsh Gagnon, two miles from
1 asn»ily
• '
" merchandise, sueb
"" " ' ke|
significant, and will at once suggest to the retectinjt;
» Welli»
specially •
Xorthport, and between that place aud Loke Michigan, tbe ffluC ffidgo'isjrifric^rr.inttiMarj-'sRock and 'Iliorji- mind
• n i n i l that
t l t f l l there
l l t l t r a mttstiw something
W r f i n f f iu
111 a
toil'8 Ga^, .the Ht^le Tillage ofSpenyville, tnd the passes
which weighed 358 pounds. A few days sal/sequent and peakstyeldsofifmTyin the grasp of the gaUantSigol that enlists tbe support or all jthe bad men or the coun- *ilh experiiil care.both as to quality, rtrlc and prkt, in the
markets the coantiy affords, and which is tK-ingandwill
another pure nttss was found which weighed 15 pounds. last J u!y. apH yielded s6 reluctatitly wheo tSe' order try. * * * We repeat it, this remarkable unanimi- he*t
be offered ifc rates corresponding Wttll the lowert regular
It is highly probable that the Peninsula between Grand caloe to *ret>ea\ before the ad^nhping forces of Gen Lee;, ty or tho vile and degraded iii supyibrt of the rebellion is rate* foraimilar gradi's of goods iu tho metropolitan maia significant fact, and one tbajt at onpc suggests the pre- kcta abroad.
•. \

'Traverse £ay and t a k e Michigan is rich in q<|ppor. W
at the WevWrig booeS ofthe q6b!ff animals who fell in sumption that the cause and its advocates are worthy or To a fall cxammatioa of prices wc would invite the attenpasted throogh all the stages of the > copper fever » s"that
of our customer*,- and more particularly thoro contrafierce artilfery figlit; agayi tlibse glorious hills nre, each other, ami that tlx* f-iiiorc of the rebellion will be tion
tbe downfull of scoundrclism-j
1&4&, aod survived. l i k e the amaH pito, it <nan rtter
which wc can give, wlU be cheerfully given ; knowing a« we
has it tho second time. We hare long ktiown that
PKATU OP TUB Ou>m M AN 1.1 THB CotncrRT.—Pet^rdo that if fully understood all would avail themaelvea of the
^ Rozellc, .i)f (Vi»ri-go, X Y.. jlied on the 18th ipsV, in advantages offered—w)itch may be better nfidenitbod^by
Nortbport was coppat-headed, tod we pow cbngratolate G f n ^ ^ i ' w f b t J i t t ' d g u r e d
naming the same as follom-s r No rents, no insnraaee, low
hie 111th year.' being u:.douVed^y the oldest man in the frtirhw, smalt expense*, las compared with most towns)
its citizens on the diseovcty that it is <Sbpp:r*boltomaL
of heavy traius,, tlie clatter of brigade afle^ brigade of tlniou. lie enjoyed life—possessing a contented mind, cash purchases, beat markets, perfect familiarity with and
cavalry, and the tramp of iohntry; again we talk.of the aud a heart over gratified fo» the benefits bestowed by a long cjperlenc# In this kiod of business, enabling us to know
JOBS MCKIKKM PAEDOHKO.—GOT. .Blair, has parlapidao.and Crooked Bun, and ,Bol»iusi»u Bivcr ; of kind Providence be Was, altnough a prfor, u hanpy man. just where to go to purchase diflVrent clasae# uf goods to the
doned John McKinney. HU health wa» very poor., and
fiul Orange Court Houses, the line of the Vir- Mr. Rozelle was of French descent, born in , Brooklyn, best possible advantage.
IT tlthat alt who read may know our
We are thus particular
it was thought ho could not survive many months to, pri- ginia Centralillbilroad, of Gordopirilfe. and off In the K
and «n examination which we inY.,, April 23, 1753. Hjo has bad two wiTes, the
son. His wife was afaaTjM* atttepoiotof death. A ,m distance, as to time, of Richmond, and General jccoud whom^is now liviiig. bnd is 82 years of age. He
prove to,tbe most casual observer thai' wo can «n'

- :rr statement made in our column.
strong petllion for hta panloh was aljnseflof hundreds of ^oe. i
has bad iu all 25 children, mostly boys the oldest a dorae
Our atocVof Dry Goods is v
., Gep?faJ,Lee'.did'i)fttylelj^the lino of the Virginia male, diod nt the age or82.; This venerable man never Our,,,
leading men or both political parties. Ho was sentenced Ceotral Railrobd.without.a battle. The south of
dies, comprising dreas
the indst
dst appro'
In Del.aln*
on the 7th oTMa# 18«2, for
j w i ; We a p glad |)M» Bapidan, like t£c south bank of the 'Rappabaunock usell glasses, aud could, at the age of 110 years, read
cpmmon sized print forfivebr six miuuteS at a time.—
under all the circumstances, that the Governor has; fV- at Fredericksourg. isateiip and difficult of a^ceut, can be Tn sire ho was about.five feet six inches, broad i chested, white Plaids, Swls» Muslins, CimmtaevNtJiughaai*. 4c., 4c.
easily .fortified, • and, by direct assnulV can be carried oof and fall but not large tinibs., He has always been a laDO.MKSTIC.-S
ly with great lore of file. .
boring man. Up to within jthe last two years, he assist- Bought at reduced rates 1 Double and Twist Camimtrea.
I ^ t to thejipprw^hiog contest, skill., g e n ' ^ . talent, ed his agod'companion to cultivate their little garden j Black and Eancy Caalmerw, French Summer Caasimerea,
The B . r l B . 0 . Wim!o« o r t M
bill last summer , hi? legs begim tofail him, and since tha^ York Mills Cottonr Wo, plain and fancy, WhitMntoa Ptaida,
tear days from Bofftlo, wilh 815
shedding of mupli blood, wiujbe p^prted to before , h»rd tTmc.he has beep confined to|his b6d. He read hts Bi- Nankunctta, Kcntncky , Jeank Tweeds, Mixtures..Pewms,
fyr H*nn«h, Isy
fighting;*fith the wwkct t^comps'the. only, alternativf, ble -Joily, and patiently awniled the com I tig of the angel Checks Apron and Miner*. Ticks. Shirting Prtnttf DlWa,
Flannels, Wool Flannels, Brown Cotton*, Bleached
t i l t . - , i,
. i.)'
, You must not expect, to bear or any largo engagement or death, converging ever cheerfully Vith .friends end Cotton
Cottons,-Bugs, 4c., 4c.

A Democratic JU*o»*e. . ^
for. several days* and perhaps moral weeks- . If General strangers.
. The following fpototioo was adopt*d
Meade can in any way oat-ltynk General Ixc, ana comOents
qualDistrict Convention, atGreetoporVLoog Island •>*-;?few ;«l him tosbimdon tbe,li»e,of^e^Rapidan, the Virginia
Miss Aiitocia Ford, who {flayed the Delilah and betray- ity,fineBlack Casilmcrel'anta, Fanoy CaslmernCoata,Pants,
I (pppseaioo • •. ,:MOrdons. ed "prig. Gen. StougMon/of Vermont, into the hands of and Vests, Summer Coata. Cottoaade l'anu wdeCoata.
days aince : ,
Cnder-clotliin&a full line Oenta. and Ladles, Over Shlrta .
vjllc occupied, ftu) tho reboljoripy cpmpelled . to seek
" Resolved, That Wo favor the immediate withdrawal shelter behind thj^Jorts of Richmond- From theR,»pidan tlwxebels, in^-iyfring, .10 vV^ginia, had ;,l*eb arrested and Alls, On SnltH, India Rubber Coats, Wool, Union and
flocksInxirfety, (J«llnr<a large assortment. Cravats,
of every Federal soldier from tto Southern soil, and^the to tho railroad the propnd; is, comparitivcly level and
within our liues, and brought to.prison at, Washington. Cottoh
well assorted, Traaka,- Travelling Bags. Vallaes. Uuntlag
ilD<, a r t i l e r
absolute abandonment forevpr.of thO claira warrant *»
1' J
no clanaein the Conatitatioo. nor by any eoasKfei,
Mr. 0 . Adams h%J talieu tlie job of building the whole Bags, Umbrelles, it H. Saiehcls, soma w j toed, *e.,!4a , •
could all be brought into aoJSob, con almost,any where
. *
•' '
or natural or moral equity, that we have no fight-to ^
be: fought, and as wo are. bow rrawtlr superior to Genoral of the Port Austin and Sanilac State road except six
Gloves,siHc, llsle and leather. Hoac, black,' white, slatevadfi the territory dtitiy State to f i j j W l W j g W <
Leo in both cavalry -bod artillery, it is 410! ni a|l probub!e
brown sad bine, Ootlon, union, merino snd cashmert Beltstho citiaons of anclt State a Rovernmebtto iwhicp they that, ifbe is ^orapellcd ta fail bijek froai the ^apidan. miles near Uichmonvillc in Sanilac county.
assorted; Maalo BofHius, Tapotrimmiiig, full line• f ouac
. never consented, and which: they will,new voluntarily hewiHiplftrJ^Ule b^forc.tebchmg the yicioity^of Rich
Ings, Swisadamlirlc and linen ; also, Edgings in tUirtad;
couon.siayria, cambric, swiss snd si IKCotton Wa«i, Tnrti
Here is tta d&tribs of the Democratic party remings, eotored and wltifc, very pretty ; colored and white
I am not much iuclined t& beliovo the stories with _ reWV'nrenojy'ia receipt of our
StaYs ; colored shd whhfc " Bklrt Bupprtors." beat jaak*:
gard to tho wbako«ss of (>eqiera\ Lee's ari^y. The weight
Crinoline, a nice assortment; Ladies Drawers aad .VastS;
«(the testimony,Jt,is true, s^eips to favor tho report
Wrought Collars, in linen, cambric, and muslin 1, Crotaaat
Braids : marking cotton i r heui stitchcd ,MnflkereM"* j
that l^flgMisMttasjolgB tq «w.;relief of. Bragg; but,
A DojCATi:('(^^rfrw\.—A^hon ^ "stamp is attached admittiog.tjiif teboip, R«kno>jr,that
purplain linen handkerchiefs f drtss battamn, assorw l . veil
wjtbm tbe mst
berage and tissueIsce veils; uafes knitsklrts { baltmeral
jfT 4'c^rflflcrfte W WatWge, the rfiimrfer^s -Teqeitw- to three months every available man from forty to forty;nve abasesw«fent%def6r!,
sUVta. nicely assorted, summer styles -, Brock® «hawla;
write hiaipitiala ami tljc,^t» jqt ttojrmamaee m f t^e has been dragged into the r ^ j , uervi^a. , stella, delaine and wool aluwla ; cloaks 1 ladies embroider,
anil «t a fortunate tMdln the marWtand (tny bencflu we ed rtctu, low price and cholse {.wwh blond t Ui^k 'Wfst&np to.cubed i^. ! ^ ^ ^ m o i . willj^epe take 'notice or
figoered J French jaconeu soft, cambrics, for ladies; marbut, if so, it was iiot until the corps of. Kwell and HiU
this important rcifniremt-ut.'.! I t ^ogf«T )>e. ja sad _mbfor^. were cnlarm:d-ta the original dimensions or the armv.— may bavo received we shallfltvidawith our • customers. XOi*Ue»; India cloth/ <Vo, ivc.
tqne ii;
Two ablaWenerelsare quite as vafnable at three, especiBOOTS AND SHOES.
wedded coopW alipuld make > this r'diwofciry tfcai ,'itb|ir ally whin they hare tho advantage of position by nature, » shall iio|d out especial inducements, and InVitc a call as Cents oxford Ucs ; congresa gaitera ^ haiimoral sboea ;
plow shoes ; calf brogsna ; kip shoes ; brogan* ; carpet and
and can greatly.increase it by <rW " • •
marriage was illegal on aceount of the
entire ijtotk nrrives.
rubbers;; calf, tip and heavv Joots
ladles Roat bail moral boots; ballmoral petfclacflt beot^j
ranee or neglect. . . . .
The Mtaisxlpi
Traverse Clty,Octobcr 8,1463.
glovs kid Agrees gktters; tasting congress j side lace and
{in Confederate Funds
Capture of 92,30
and. slips »- carpet aad pUsS
OfaU hundred rvbol a m i f r j sent out by Bragg on a . -i—Deaertbms
Aom ft*
slips ;• childs copper tip shofs ; Boat ballmprals ; laating
aeputing expedition iiithtf mountain^strioti iteariy five M.f ••C ft-- -a' : ^ 4 } W # 9 K v M ° n d a j \ SepL 27.
TRAYED ,>'ItOM T«K I'REMJhfe OK THE 8UB- boot* snd cscks ; misses boots, full assortment: w f t n o e a .
In Traverse Township, oythe 24th of September assorted'; boys boots ; chnds boots, nice -assortment. In
hundred have come into tlie'Fcderel^ines i t M<
;^ef*^dn»w«3Forterf.wfjtwg:;«,0 the^avy Pepart- last, fcrfber,
a LIGHT RCU COW and spotted r<d and white hetfer ttje sbove goods we can olftrtndnoemena.
and tukeh the oath of ollegianee. Thfa Is ^a moat uaigni. ment [rom Cairo, u^der date o r % p t !•>,
calf. The cow Is six years old and the calf six months old.
V-,laeTiv«r^^beloi^ se^ma qu^t' There has been but The cow had on a large east brass bell, and the calf a small
ficaatiwUes^oa.'wid carrobortt«es;tlM(Op»qiocor a gen9 attempt made iff ^trpct,commerceor.navlgatioii. bell. Any information which may lead , to their recovery Forest oak, Minnesota. Yankee Doodle, Albion, Senator
tleman, who came in, a day' or two ago, that all the A. body bf.gucrrillaa atta'clfed.,^e franboat Chammpb will be thankfully received and suitably rewarded.
Volunteer/Orator, Sovereign, combinaUon brick
OUA B. CLARK. Compeer,
" the ICVCJ WIUID she ' wis(eooveyiag a body ol
oven reservoir top snd warming closet, CotnMnaflon. WMp•
.i^onesiiwaii would Itravc Bragg, when be , ciacuated firm behind
Traverse, Oct. 5,1803..
*3-2w* Imperial Brick Oven, Tmperla! Plain Oven, Comet, Prise
jtwpabek>w,, ^rho troops passed on aarelv
Contest, Lark. Cooking Stoves,

p b a ^ s a . M p p i ^ i ^ <W|SV
she made
BRANDBETH'8 P I L I ^ , Xew Ktyle.
In parlor and box stoves j Troy Box, (>em. Peerless, Wval.
•" Ck>MMKR» Bn'iiiKV IN
dnoftcla! esti- them retire losing ^onie of their meiir-^cporl snjs fiftyHUAXDJIETH'S PiLLS, NEW STYLE.
Locket. Idshoe, Casket, New Piste Stoves, DouBle Door P l ^ mate ofthe number of colored seamen in ..tho Uniied feveo. 1 .They have no^.beeu;hfiard bf^ncc, except that Arc infalliblflfor costlvenoss, spaems, loss of appetite, sick and Parlor Cook Stoves with additions as occasion dcmaaiM.
Kettles, all sizes, from 4 to, 90 gallbns ; Bake kettles, pots,
States Navy, stows that there are now aboat 6,d00 in they were falling back 011 Alexandria, Gen. llerron hpv- hcadaijbp,giddiness, sens^of bloating after neals, diuiness,
iog given- them-fJuw;with his division.
drowsiness, and crumping pilins, and all disorders of the sto- 4 C " * C ' 4
tbat brandi of t h e j ^ H c i ^ W - - - I : f - -" - As I came up. I overtook a part or the Marine Bri- mach.and bowots.
A full aiid complete aiaortBicnt, which we invite inJudge Bartlejv a Coppcfhcftd politiclarl who IsStump- gade, under Cyl. Curry. U<j; reported to me that he had
... .
, QSE OF *AXY CA^ESjust captured at.Bolivcr thrtj§|-,rebel pajmastrr^, with
of best grades.
^arOriKinal letter at iH Canal Street, New York :
ing Ohio for Yaltandi^ham, declares O f t Stephen A. $2,200,000 iio vopfedwate m^ney," to pay off the solTOBACCO.—Plop,fliftcut, smoklbg, turkish, tlp-tep Old
of the Stato Banner, Bennington,
Dougiad ' u tarnished hia fiune** by dt'eJsriig^Yor^ tho diers at Idtilo Bock. He al^» captured the escorts con- J. I. C. COOK, pub!Isher
logwood, cadbar, .bine
si sting .of 35 men. This will qot Improve, the dissatfsUnion before hisVdeath- r v
ifety from it, that not a particle of food could be swallow- vitriol.comwood.coppents, cochineal.
v. )W ,' '
faction now exhtiqg in Gep, price's army, and the next
FOBiXHK TABLE.—Preserved jiesohe*. cherries. plums.
Wjusisy baa been smuggled into our « n % b y . » I » npws we;hear 'jKUl^ thayGfiU. (Steele baa possession of ed witTioht occasioning the most nncomfortable sensation in. quiaces. currents, gooseberries, rasp bar rj, turTWit,grtVo
• '-'MO : hlB *tt>wacti. For Bvcyasrt he suffered from this dreadful snd strawberry J?llic*. tomstoes, spplcs. peaches, prunes,
delpbia house, by placing a gallon jug in tho eentrtf 'eor little Bock.
complaint, when he u«ed BBA?fI>BETH'S PlLt£. The fifrat
a barret or flour. The fraud has been detected, and the . The gubboats pick up deacfters every day, who say 1>OI did not s»'fm to Wn'-'fit hira mnrh, lint the second pro- cheese, cracker*, dried
the rebels doii^t intend to fight in Arkansas, and that
cqlpr||arWitlbe ppnistwd.
.. , ,
with proper ateps-she will the Union again in ror- duced a chaiifj?, and by the tiqie be had taken six boxes,
Nsllsfrom 2's to 60'a as low as csn be bought elaewhere ;
s full assortment; glass, all sizes ; axes, broad, narrow
T^Sagibrfw Republican saji tlirt "beftrif next1 • vrtnter ty days. Lieuii Unci*: captured a CoL Mattock, who COMPLETE CIT.E wss effected. He says : " My dyspepsia iron,
snd boy's ; bsm door binges and rollers; cable and traeo
iwaa on a conscription expedition, and it gave unusual was gone, and my^xpcrl«n«e of an t arly deatli vanished.'
chains,* traps, tablo and pocket. cnUery, a fnl1 line j dew*
sets In, «bout 250 building3 pf aluiwsea will have been
us, complete stock ; carriage bolts , pad, chest, till,
pot up in that city thia aeaaon, andlatill greater « b i i ^
trunk, box, and door locks, assorted ; carpeatera toola^a full
' Bourbon Instruments of Torture,
Piincipal OBicc, No 2M Canal"St, New York. For sale line ; shoemakers tools and flndings, good assortment;
. t j & . a ^ QMttie.for the
-t.> ,tii Asteelvardf, balsnces, flat irons, grub hooks, scythes ana
. A aerioa.of lectures has recently been delivered in by all respectable dealers in mcdiclncs.
London by Madame Clara I*ytou liicard, with a view
"^FARMERS TOOIA—Shovels, vpadei, hoes, potato hooks,
• Everybody knows tbat sugar was oOenl abnl from New to bringing to light and explaining certain instruments
forks, 2,3, and 4 tlned ; manure forks, schnffle noes, garden
York by tbeHudson River and Like CWmpUin to Mon- or torture said to have been recently -discove'red in the
and hay rakes, pounders, cow beils,scythe snaths and scythes,
Read the universal Answer to this Question.
treaL On the 18th Inst, fbr fte first t i i i ^ a cargo of fortress of Oattellaware, «t Palermo, and supposed to
grain and children* cradles, plaster, lime, Riddle * Fanning
Mills, lumber wagonm-light wagons, wagon sesta wbimefrees,
sugar rrom Montreal frr NewjXqriL^rrirod at Troy via have bee a used; 00 political prwooera during thejreign of
wheel barrows, road scrapers, plows. 1 and t horns j «eei
thedwo.laat Bourbon Kings ot.Naplea The instruments •
!r nUi impart* a natural black or brown.
plow moulds tot shovel plow* drag teeth.eulUvatortaata
of tortnre. wire produwAiat^d U-w# stated that a ccr- >t
, It docs not orisp or born Ihe Hair, ..
grub hoes, planters heavy hoe* half bushel baiketa, well
rjilmtoadiaf tain Dr. Gajsuppo Mani, of.BaJermo, having had rcasor,
It does aot soil the fairest skin.
. 11. .- buckets, chain pumps, cistern pumps. 4c.
boring">f the New Ytwk ho"n5^ he6f|»lltoj to tbeta, to beUwe^thal, peetdiar. uistruinenlo of Ujrture wtxe conIt Is spplied in ten ralnntes,
importing direct from Cuba to Montreal; Instead of tha cealed in the fortress ofCic>telWan3,. obtained a com'
New York houses importiog fcr him. TW same Wthri missiob from the proaeut Govaswnent to. search (9r
• 'i' The Man otTaste approves It*
and extracts in variety.
fact in respect to tha importation, of tear—M
ithem j aod in the result,, within a galled up rccess, threo
Those who value Silken Hail use it.
• •
' " got W tea
s now
special dfcvices for crwUy nfluiahiug poryerse apd noi>- '
. y " The Ladles-everywhere prefer it
tlmt'^iDd many, other important Brticlcs br im|
confessing prisoners wvTQ.ui*W>v_qred. They coieist of
N Slngle>nd double, heavy and light-harnesses, men£ and
• to ahoti time is viflnahle patronize it.
lingsHs. •—
extra tugs,
• t o Mttotrtltf. Thfe ohangcis nndctebtedly owir
a foot-bnraer.juade of plates of copper, beneath which Jlannrsctured byJ. CKISTADOROje Aston Howe, New sKt ^ f f l e ^ w 5 K ( h a l t m , ghfta, maklnt^*
^''-vfttfofapeHng *;oeotr«l Sag
flatpea are.kiodled, and which Morch .tbo soles of tho York. Sold everywhere^*and applied by all Hair Dressers. strsps. 4c„ 4e.
fcBfcoraiKiCsiofl.tdi^odppop ii,,; of a chair of irou and
Cow blije, kin, calf and findings. Complete line-, lasts,
marked effect npop> ,ll» ,Oamjdf
copper, very logwiquaiyrja^i: with much mechanical
OVisitsKtoro'* T^air P i v f e r r a t i w ,
pegs, nsila knives, Ac.. 4c.
trade bring exceedingly light -Th
Bkafdetiaed»,iB-whlch th«i«>fferer^ helplessly confined, h , invaluable
wftbhfaIy-e," as tt Imparts the utibost>oftY A 5 K E E NOTIONS.
thlstrtd© now-pssaag theNortMra
while beneath him a firo i.s canaod to burn ; and n cap
Dolls, cologne, tiiiir oil. pomade, hair re»torsthte and dyes
meriy amounted to twenty. I i t t k r h u tone tnto Canada ofiron, which fit* on the head and beneath U»e chin or neas,;the meat w^'utlfol gtocs, and great vitality to the Hair.
haadkewhlMperfumei«. loflet and shaving soaps, spectacles
and S2 per bottle, according to slae.
this year but coaL Xilttio comes from t|»erelbuUumber. the wearer, and cau be acrewed up to any givou point of ,-Price, 50 centf,
, .j .
-•< •
m * . tobacco and snuff boxes, and pouches, meershauni and comtightoeoa Theae singular, niachincs. for meeting pain
mon pipes, pone-monies, money bags, ladies traveling begs,
were .exhibited in a harmless fa»hion on the pep«n of a
childs. begs, rattles, toy*., tey; books, compasses, bipsbes,
TH* BKLAIIVB SIREKOTII o r w a f N x j r r . — I f ; a war ftec-boni'Briton, who, when a ^fitllo fire was about
sssorted, toy watches,i
should break out between tho United States and I ranee to be created beneath the irou chair in which he . was
or England, the ocean would be the p*»t battto4tald.~ bound fast, assertedfai*liberty by very docideifly dcclinletter, note, legal and cap papers, envelopes, aborted,
' In c^e of war with Bog^and, we *<igh*
iog tohave it brought in^o contact .with the candesccnt
All kinds' of Sarveylng done 'with promptness and pencils, pens. Ink, black and red, staling wax. 1
' ada, of course 1 but otherwise we do D
Dtotal on which lie was seated, and withiu which he was dispatch.
.)BWdpB.V any,groat attempt to invade |
anoibaed< The;findingpftlfo macliincs is very punctiliSander's.McG nSV's Daria' MUchellVand CUA> « V i » of
on either.riac. This being the.a
ously and authoritatively attested, but no clue is giv)?n
school books, childs and adulw miscelUneous book*,.Wapk
books, copy books, sdljg and mntfc books, *omc for sftools.
know that Iwt^ear the United'~
as to the period to whi<h tboy could positively) be,
Accurately and n««H> «xe«s
811to tbe 16 each of Prance and K „ .

- •
vessels to JS8 in France and 3 « h
Our tin shop Iain'A No. I running order and alt wi»k
Alike the World Over.
thia estimate was made our nary,«
part, has been iocroasinff much the ft
iid Tbe Dalle* Mountaineer (Oregon) has an articio ou r ATH, &IPI.UJ. C^JEIUJX, OAK. MAPLE. tVHITE
A good assortment constantly onhand-at fair prices.
to this we could fit out aov number of p
1 ^ Ajfc.aadaiLktads ef seasoned . l^ne Jr
- thd^aecertota sympallriaert.aftbat regtou; which says:
Upon tbe commerce or a hostile power.;
• " W e have in thia city a score or two of fellows who
. WefindIt lmpoa«$«e t o k i ^ « w i M 5 e a*^Ww«Wfea
comparison ia very sstUfhctor^ sJf B-fitly are desctfted as the sqnm of the country, and, with- twenty to thirty feet fn length, and for sale M*Ute MlBs o kpf our stock In so small a Spice, tA<T for any addlUowl parout an exception, theap vagabonds of society are uniformare anxioua to ongagein a
GEO. W. BBTANT. ticulara please call on or aiad to .
y ardent admirera or JeC Pjtvis and the Southern Cor.
Traverse City. Mich.. Aug. lo. 1W){
, St«tea, UMQ






13'oil ©tpiik ifi M e r c h a n d i s e



•• ' ,




wT«n-Sg'timWrJo^ana.? ...

The Effect of the Habeas Corpus Proclamation.
Liberal Government Proposed for Rumia.
The Cnuse of Quarrel.
Pfora the London SUr, August 28.
La France—«leading paper in Paris—claim&4o have STATE OF MICHIGAN, >
The New York papers publish reports oT the proceedAxntr* COCXTV.
Mr. Gliomas Corlylc's " Iliad'' has not failed to attract ings before Judge Betts in a habeas corpus case, with intelligence to the effect that the Czar has resolved Dot
T A SESSION OF THE PROBATE coimT FOR THE who30 recent, hittory it pur- tbe Judge's decision in full. It is highly important as only to give a Constitution to Poland, but even to conCounty of Antrim, hotden at the Fro bate office in Elk
ports to write in little. Ho baa many admirer* t h e r e - being the first decision reported upon the effect or the vert the whole orhis vast empire into a constitutional Rapid*, on Monday, the fourteenth day of September, in the
out! more readers than io England. The first recogni- recent habeas corpus proclamation, Judge Clarke, in State. Nor havo we merely vague assertion in support year one thousand cigbt hundred and aixty-three. Present,
tion of bis genios, we believe, was TnmsalSqntic—«t the Supreme Court or New York, made similar decisions or the rumor. The very outlines or tho scheme have Solomon Case, Judge of Probate ; l a the matter of the esof Theron Boatwick. deceaatd. oa reading and filiag the
least in the shape of a ro-publicntion of! Bcattercfe writ- in two coses, bat bis opinion in the matter has not been been likewise communicated. The contemplated policy tate
petition duly, verified of Mary E. Bostwick, praying that an
ings. The comments of tbe Northern press upoti the published. The New York Times gives a clear synopsis is to be a species or Federalism, or which our own is Instrument purporting to be the last will and testament or
clumsy jra iTeivrit that bos grieved BO many of his friends or Judge Betts* opinion, which is a sufficient and very evidently the model. Every province is to hove a Diet •aid deceased may be admitted to Probate ; Thereupon it b
are singularly forbearing. It seems to be regarded as a complete answer to the partisan denunciations of the for tbe management or its municipal affairs, whilo a Pan- ordered that Thursday, the fifteenth day of October next, at
Slavonic Diet, consisting or a Senate or three hundred one o'clock In the afternoon be assigned tor the hearing or
compeiuatioo for bis b w estimate of Northern success President's a c t :
petition ; and thai the helrr at law of aald deceased and
members, and a Lower Chamber or four hundred and said
that he at any rate rightly apprehends the cause of quolall other persons interested in said estate, are required to
" Judge Betts holds that the effect or the proclamareL And of that an unexpected confirmation has ap- tion is such as to prevent tho issuing of the writ of ha- fifry, is to represent and rule over tbe monarchy at large, appear at a session of said Court then to be hoiden at the
peared. The capture of Jcflbrson POVJB' private corres- beas cnipua in the case which it specifies, and also to i r this plan be perfected, it stamps tbe Emperor Alex' Probst* Office, in Elk Baptd-s, and ahow cause, if any there
pondence, iu a hou* near Jackson where it had been stop all proceedings in such cases in which tbe writ has ander the greatest philanthropist,and ruler or the present ' •, wlyr tbe prayer of the petitioner ahoald not be granted.
It is farther ordered that said petitioner gtre notice
carefully stowed away, bos been followed by some amus- been already issued, and he according leaves the man age.
. '
' • r' ;i of And
the pendency of ssid petition and the hearing thereof,
ing and some humiliating' disclosures.
Letters from whose ease was brought before him in the hands of the
caaslsg a copy of thla order to be published In the Grand
TUB NEW YORK XOWS hopes that " Governor Sey- by
Northern "politicians, written ten or twelre years ago, the military be tried by them for tbe crime
Traverse Herald, a newspaper printed at Traverse City, and
suscirculating in said County of Antrim,' for three successive
reveal tbe primary sources of the • rebellion.
So long of desertion, with which he was charged. His argu"
os March' 1850, Mr. James Buchanan, tbe lato Pres- ment, in briet is as follows: The Government has the pending the habeas corpusl " He will," it observes, weeks previous t o said day of hearing.
, (A true copy.)
to was actually fomenting the sectional discontents right to defend its notional existence, and in order to do " surely not permit the State to be thus summarily trans- (40-Sw.)
J edge'of Probate.
and design* of the South. It was the beginning • of the this it bas the right to call for tbe services of every man, ferred to military control t " The. Herald replying to
epoch now near Its end. The distribution of tno terri- whether be'be under age or not. And it has the fur- the above says:
tory acanired bv the Mexican war was still in dispute.— ther right to soy; i f i t deems it to be necessary, that in the
Henry CJky ana Daniel Webster demeaned themselves proceedings which it tbus takes to defend itselC it will of pcacc, to inaugurate civil war and anarchy in tho
In the matter of tht estate of William Rankin late of
by t t e advocacy of a great concession to the Slave Pow- not have pie military interfered with by the civil Courts, streets of New York, as to issue this " counter proclaOrand Traverse County, deceased.
er. To the grief and shame of New England, its great but will have any questions which arise as to the pay- mation ?" In this way tho silly Copperheads, with tbeir " V r O T I C E IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT BT VIRTUE O*'
orator supported the scheme that took effect under the mentor this military service by the citizen, passed upon
a licence to me granted by the Probate Court of the
name of the Missouri Gompromisa
The Southerners by the military tribunals, to whom the decisions'of such the disgust and contempt or every man who ft not a Connty of Grand Traveree, I »h»H expose for sale and sen at
pnblic auction, at the front doot of the Clerks'offloe, in the
generally acceptcd the scheme. In Virginia and the cases belongs. This is effected by suspending the habe- knave or a fool.
" The Presideot Is acting under the authority of a village of Elk Raplda and) Connty of Antrim, on Tuesday, the
Carolines it wag deemed a-satisfactory settlement Not as corpus in such cases as the President has tho power
10th day of October next, at top o'clock, A- M„ aU. the right,
so in Mississippi and among the apostles of the new faith to suspend it ;'»r not from his position at the head or law or Congress, which, according to the constitution, title ana interest of said deceased, in and to the following
that slavehplding was tho highest form of civilization.— the Government, then by Virtue or tho act or Congress. Is a port or " the suphsme low or tbe land," " anything described pieces or parcels of land lying and being la t h e
Jefferson Davis, as the chief of these, insisted upon tbe This power be bos seen "fit to exercise, and the civil fn the Constitution or the laws or any 8tote to the con- Connty of Antrim, aod Stale of Michigan, and known and
right of the South to extend the peculiar institution Criurts'accordingly must take no further aition in such trary notwithstanding." ir, then. Governor" Seymour, described as follows, to wit ft' . <. > tt_i
The north west qnfrter of the south east quarter, the south
under tbe State Courtitution and Laws or New York,
right across tbe continent—from Missouri to the Pacific.
7 could find any authority for' this aforesaid "counter half of the north east-qnarter and the north east quarter of
Mr. Buchanan, a Pensylvania man, and a Democratic
the north east quarter of section O township twenty-scren
'f The Judge also makes two points which seems to proclamation," nnd if he were to issue i t the thine would "orth or Range eight west
aspirant to' tbe Presidency, then wrota to Mr. Dnvis tbe
AccordThe west half of the north west quarter of section 0»e
letter which bos just been dragged to light' on tho- infortwenty-seven north of range eight west
mation of a n e g r o . U n d e r the superscription" Private to overlook tbem. The first is that in onr form of Gov- ing to Gen. Jocksoa, and every other uteible and fowl township
The north half of the north west quarter, the north c u t
and confidential," he declared his disappointment at the ernment this action or the Government is our action.— man, a law of Oongrdss must be obeyed until repealed quarter of the sonth east quarter or section twenty-five
oflfect produced in the Soatb by.Mr. W ebster's speech, W e have said that we would commit these powers to or suspended, or until declared void by the competent township twenty-eight north of range nine west.
his belief that the concession would prove illusory, and the Executive or the nation, to bo exercised in his dis- tribunal, the Supreme Court The persuonce of the law, •Lot No. two of section elevso township twenty-eight north
of range nine w e s t ; the south west quarter of tha north
' his readiness'to sppport iho elaima of the South to an cretion His action then in ftll rairness is our action. con be reversed in no other.Way."
In another article, alluding to the occasion of this west quarter of section twelre township twenty-eight north
equal.division of the territories. But it was only under Unless we adopt the <vce»fon view, that wo win abide
of range nine w e s t ; Lot No. one of section twenty-two:
the seal of secrecy that .he would confuse so much: for by the compact which we made in adopting this form Proclamation, the same paper soys:
the south east quarter of the north east' quarter of section
" Id Piennsylvonia, the Copperheads had collected twenty-one, and lot No. four of section fifteen township twenalthough he had prepared a fetter for publication avow- of Government only as long and as far as it pleases us,
ty-nine north of range nine west
ing these opinions ho had determined to suppress i t —
C. H. MARSH, Administrator.
Why, he asks, should he expose himself to be assailed
by fanatics nnd free-soilent for having gone farther . in writ. Military offenses should be tried W o r e military and raise vexations and dilatory proceedings in the ease
support of the South than Southern sooaton and repre- tribunals, ir these men are not lawfully enlisted, they or every man who was drafted. They Went farther; and
arc not deserters, and cannot bo punished as such. And it is well known thot 'certain copperhead sheriffs were
sentatives T
From this remarkoble expoie two things are to bo in- these questions are all to be brought up and passed upon .organising armed poeaes to resist tho draft aod take forcMERCANTILE COLLEGES.
ferred—first that Mr. Buchanan had no idea of Southern hy the same men, who might be called upOn to sit as ible possession or any man held fo military services under
rights and interests apart from the extension of slavery jurymen, were tbo criminals to be tried before -the civil its provisions."
This was probably another Way of electioneering.— B r a n c h L o c a t e d , a t i ) e t r o i t , . '
secondly, that be knew be bad no chance of election to tribunals. Our =rmy is composed or no soperatc c!o$s,
tho Presidency, even with the aid of Southern votes, if having seperatc interest and feelings from tboee of the The Democratic leaders wanted tbe drafted Democracy
M i c h . , Merrill B l o c k ,
he avowed tho extent of his pnWarery devotion. Even body or tbe people. Every officer expects to come home to stay at home and Vote.
C o r n e r o f " W o o d L w a r i Ac J e f T e r n o n A v e n u e s . <
then the people of tbe North loving the Union i
LOST tx A OAVR.—While Gen. Joe. Roynolds' division
and bating slavery little, were not so besotted as to copleges located In the following cities:—Detroit, Mew
wos encamped near Nick O'Jack Oavo—about 10 miles
sent to slavery's"indefinite extension.
But time and calls upon him to givo to such cases as come before him from Bridgeport, on the Tennessee river—two of the York, Philadelphia, Albany, BaflUo, Cleveland, Chicago, 6u
' events matured tho depravity of thesihool of politicians a fair trial: But doubtless that is tbe last thine which boys or the 72d Indiana regiment, who entered the cave Loais, Brooklyn, Troy, Portland and Toronto.
holding a scholsrshlp can attend either at his
• to which Mr. Buchanan belonged The Fugitive Slave
A n » I• M u w n r i A i t a n n l f A r n v l i t i n n " 1 Act J k p i r • • • ' I n t h p
' Law was carried by the same shameful combination that them, desire."
' Tuition
l » d enacted the Miwoari Compromise. Dourias,<< boldAmerican Growth.
10 for
, m-TMru -c
er than his successfnl rival, mi a Mississippi general
Students to enter at any time. Avenge time to complete
finally rescued from a horrible death by means of a brass
A glance at a few Tacts and figures will help to conthat the-South did not stand] up for her full rightR.'—
band playing through tbe long passages and ventilated the corirse, three mdntho.
A knowledge of the OrdloaryEngllahbraachealissaffieUnt
Fillmore publicly declared that the election of a free-soil vince us that we are a great and growing nation, and chambers. Tho lost men, hearing the music, were -en*
President would jug^fy ac£oafion. Buchanans sagacity that ir we con overcome the centrifugal force which, in ablcd to find their wav with some difficulty to their com3. B. GOLDSMITH, Heaident Principal at D e t r o i t .
was justified' by the violation of'the compromise 03 un- our rapid evolutions, has broken up the integrity of our panions. Daring th^fr wanderings they had stumbled
J . P. 6PALDENG, Assistant.
just to the South—himself, as President, promoting the country, there will really be no limit to the growth we upon the bodies of two men, who were afterwards search- The most thorough, practical aod truly popular C^llep;*
Nebraska Bill and conniving at the invasion of Kansas. may hope for. In 1800, with a population of 4.000,- ed for and brought forth from what had proved to them In America. Over six thousand studentshsveentered since
which i s the best evidence o M h c i r
exBat the captured correspondent show,• that theso huge
a living tomb. They proved to be two rebel soldiers' ip
with tha pablic.
concessions wqrc just as lllojvy as the minor ooucessions ports at $7 per head. In 1860 with a population of 62,- uniform, one wearing tnat or a lieutenant, the other In a favor
For farther information please c a l l a t College Roomp,or
whose failure Mr. Buchanan privately predicted. For n 000,000, our manufactures were valaca at $64 and our privates dress. ThOy appeared to have been dead some send for a new Catalogue of 80 pages. F o r specimens of
letter, signed k "Q. T-Beauregard, • dated!'February, exports $9 per head. In 1800 the value of lands and time, yet their bodicb were in a most complete state or Penmanship, s n d o s e letter stamp. Address,
BRYANT A STAATTON, at either of the above Cities.
1858, aria addressed I9 Mr. Davis, ut Washington, opens houses was estimated at 8155 per head, and in 1860 at preservation.
(Cutthls out f o r j u t u r e reference.)
15-1 y
with the significant avowal, " I am no dis-Union man," ?4()0. In 1800 the ejitire wealth of the country was
[Lafayette Courier.
and goes on to assure the 8<fm»tor that only in defence less than $1,000,000,000; in I860) tho valuation was
of slavery would the writer .risk a quarrel with the $16,558,358,438. This rapid gjrawth has been the leIRRKOCLAR VERJBI—A little Frenchman just arrived,
North. " To ns the ouestiou of slavery is one of life or gitimate result of well-koown causes, and may be reodily who had been taking English lessons, on the voyage,
death," he says, " to them, i t is 6DO or fancy and political traced to the co-operation of individuals and the aggre- from a fellow pansongcr, coniplaincd much of the difficulgation of capital, to the application of steam to transporcapital"
ty of our grammar, Ospecially tbe irregular verbs. For
Truly, then, Mr. Carlyle is right in patting at the bot- totiob and mechanical usea, to tbe use of machinery in instance, says he. •' Ze verb to go. Did you ever see
tom of (be strife between Peter and Paul tho mode of its countless applications, and to the largo qualities of one sucb verb t" And with the utmost gravitv be read
hiring servants. If the strife were only a ccutury or cheap and fertile land which have been placed within from a sheet of paper t I go; Thou deportest; He clears
on Commission—and now offers for sale,
two past,—if the facts of it Jipd been .hunted up from the reach of alL Tbo day's labor of an industrious man, out; we cut stick; yo or you make track^they obsouatwhich
blotted manuscripts and fudfed pamphlets,—how, grandly
ulote. •' Mou Dieu:! What disregular verbs you hove
1 1 6 0 0 Acres of Choice Lamds;
would bo depict its tre^inJSuonts, how scornfully de- from tbe seed, would, in 1860, with tbe help of tbe cot- in your languoge !"
, molish the lies that had obscured its: epic splendor !— ton gin, remove 400 pounds. In 1812 it took six weeks
A n d Lota w i t h o r w i t h o u t D w e l l i n g s i n K l k R a p i d s , the G o u t y S e a t of A n t r i m C o n n t y .
Perhaps Only the pen that traced as' with phosphorns time and $10i)0 lh money to convey a single cannon from
Three members of the family of H. B. I/Jwis, of Pougbcertain pictures of Freuch and Eugh'sh revolution could New York to Buffalo, and now, ir circumstances require, keepsie, N . T . , were drafted in that city, and a fourth
The above mentioned lands are located in Antrim, Trado justice toon episode like that of Captain Andre OSail- twenty-four hours and a $10 bill will suffice to carry- a at Williamsburg. As one of their number, Mr. George verse, Leelanau, and Ifanitou Counties. Are among tbe
and best selections with reference to soil, water, surlonr This man was « free mulatto—oue of tbe few of heavy gun ond poiut it towards tho Canadian shore or Lewis, bod been a resident of Kingston, New York, ne earliest
and markets. They cmbrsce farming lauds, village
hisracc who in New Orleans bod been allowed to gain Lake Eric. Great art: tlie resources or our country, but though he wonld go up there nnd see if be hod been sites, water powers, with or wlthimt improvements, and the
] independence by his industry and enterprise:. Intelligent, great as they have been, we are yet only in the opening enrolled. Judge of bis surprise when be was told , he choicest localities for Propeller srjd Steamer wooding stseducated, and even wealthy, he was nevertheless, in. the scenes or the grand drama of American development
was, and hud been drafted there also. We call that a tions,or wood fOnrhhfng stations for Ohlcsgo market. All
on the great Lake thoroughfare, acceaaoble to markets £ s s t
[Springfield Republican.
obftefepe language of the negro hater, " a bull nigper."
lucky family.
' v-"
or West- COB be had In quantities to suit purchasers.- and
He volunteered into the first colored regiment rairea in
at prices.msking it an object in preference to baying back
Louisiana—saying, as be did so, he would die a doaen
A Russian. Fleet in New York l l a i b o r ,
How FKAXXU* PreitcE IB RicoAKmrn n» MASSACHU- from settlement
deaths to open to his sons a white man's career. Ho ob- Prom the New York Times, 33d.
SETTS.—Some -veeks sfoce ex-President Pierce attended
tained a company—led it ihto action jit Port Hudson—
Will sell choice lands, for farming; fencing, cedar poste
The Russian frigate Osliaksa, which has lain at auchor church at Andover, iMnss. There* were several other
and fell pierced bv deadly bullets. His'body was claim- iu our harbor1 for several days, ond has been on object of citizens of New Hortpshiro there, who observed him, and timber purposes, In sll psrts of the County ; or will se
ed under a'flog of truce—and refused, becanse it wis so much interest to our citizens, is about to be reinforced and wbo related the following incident: -' An acquaint- cure to psrtiea State Lands of their selection on as libers
as csu be purchased of the State.
tho body of a negro Soldier. A gua*d_ was oven set over by a Beet of four or five vessels of the same nationality. ance of Mr. PSerce addressed a gentleman, while outride terms
Traversa City, July 11, IMS. .
/ i t to prevent its being carried bff by his men.
It lay The English steamer whiOh arrived yesterday reports the church, and askod to introduce the ex-President,
'•^hore it fell, in sun and rein, until the fortress could having signaled the fleet a short distance outside of Sandy and without woiting for an answer; immediately repeat-" ~
! iroTicKi
~ ~
^'<io!d out no longer. T h e a the dishonored remains of
ed thenamos ofbotb; Mr. Pieroo. immediately extendT O L E N FROM MAIL (OR SCTTOSED TO BE^ M i l i Hook.
that handsome, gallant mani were gafhered up, and borne
tary Bounty Land Warrant, Act <ifl85£,No: 21987,issued
On paying a visit to the Oslioba yesterday, we found ed bis bond, but the gentleman cooly answered,' Excuse to Robert
H. Haggal, Of BridM^nitcrf. Washtenaw Co., Mich.,
to Now Otleans'for burial. From the day that it was her officers m the best of spirits at tho prospect of soon —- I never shake hands with a traitor."
whose Post Office address is ClintoO, I<enswa C o . MIchiMn-known Cailloux was dead the negroes put on mourning. beiugjoined by so laree a forco of toeir countrymen,
Said Warrant was assigned by said Robert H- Hsggai to Ro" For weeks paSt," wrote a scornful scribe tn bis Cop- with whom they cau snare tho pleasures or their visit
No great nation, tB the midst of a great wor, with all bert M. Hiadon, and by said Risdon deposited In the Post
perhead New York journal, " -scarcely a wencb in the here, and the attentions that are about to be paid them its turmoils and excitementi ever exhibited n o b steady Office at 8ajlne, and by the Deputy directed to Register of
city has appeared in the street without a crape rosctto by our citizens and tho municipal government At the trade regulations as bos the United States during the United States Land Omce, Traverse City.Miehlgan. AH perin memory o f ' St Cailloux.'" The fuDcrnl was such a request of Captain Beonkatoff, of tbe Oslioba, tbe pre- last two years.
Tbus far daring this year, tbe imports sona are forbidden to purchase or trade for said Wirrant as
pageant as tbo Crescent City had never seen. Draped sentation ortnc resolutions passed by the Common Coun- have amounted to only $168,679, whereas i t has oeen I intend to apply for a duplicate of said Warrant to the Pension Office at. Washington.
witn the Union flag, escorted by hundreds of colored cil together with "the reception at tnc City Hall and tbe supposed they were immensely larger. On the other
soldiers, and followed by no 1«» than twenty provident banquet at tbo Metropolitan, have been postponed until bond, the exports to foreign countries exceed tboao or MShlstee, August SI, IMS.
societies and religious fraternities, tbe corpse of this he- tbe arrival or the fleet. An Admiral or the Russian last year by $26,4731524. a very satisfactory iacreoae.—
roic mulatto was buried with the rites of the Roman navy accompanies the fleet, but his name, or the,names Tbe decreased specie export thus far this year, from
(CE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN APPtJCACatholic Church and full military hobore. Is notlhot a of the veaseu comprising the fleet, are But known on New York, is 811,872.000. But we must expect the
page or history worthy to bo written by our noblest board of the Osliabo. Tbe Oslioba has been absent specie exports will begin to grow larger now. as the
City, on the 11th day of
p e n a t Is it not a theme Wdrthy of profound meditation from Russia two years. a$d coma to this port from Cadiz. crops are ao abundant abroad that instead or sending
_ig them te enact snd provide for the
and most eloquent speech T The negro, banned by She is'here awaiting orders, and will probably join tbo breadstuff abroad. We shall bare to pav for imports in
Town 37 Range 9 West, belonging to the
Church and State as but a chattel OP «a beast—refused fleet on its departure from this port
Traverse, and annexed to the "Township of
Those who have
recognition aa a roan, and bartfc trusted with the free- been on board oT her all speak in the highest terms of price of gold fullv as high as the prewot figure, for some Whitewater • s « a p or surveyor wbteb territory will be a t ' dom of a domestic animal—rises op a hero In tho day or her appearaOqe and management arid of tbe rare intel- time to come, even if We meet with no more reverses in tached to the application.
August Klh, IMS. • .
battle, makes of bis owu life a sacrifice to purchase ligence and gentlemanly bearing of her officers of every tbe (jeld.

equality for his sons, and if burjod as a sainted martyr grade. We were told by. tbe courteous midshipmen
'<EL80N A. HALL.
i n ^ e very city where his raOo was most dispised and who escorted us through the frigate that all officers beLife must be pretty fast in Chicago, ir we are to judge
longing to tbe Russian navy are required to be able to
Oerrit Smith has contributed $500 in aid or t^e, wid- speak English and French. There were none on board door—' Gone to bury my wife ; will be back in hair an
StlZiows, orphans and other suflcrers by.(the murderous laid
hour.' But candor compels us to say that one ©r our
ofQuantrell's band at Lawrence, .Kansas.
Last night the vessels spoken or obovo as signaled, lumber mcrehonts—tho lost sickness or whose wife occurring in tbe busiest season—was only able to get home
, V A govprness advertising for a situation says: " die is and which prove to be steam frigates, arrived at> and
in time for the second prayer at ber funeral.
anchored in Flushing Bay.
pcrfeet niosTer 'other ow^i toricuo."












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