Grand Traverse Herald, January 15, 1903

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Grand Traverse Herald, January 15, 1903


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text





6rMNI Crmtnt mraM


We are no* ready ior' tlw tall
uarlcnTlwa with tbe fiiteM



tInniAiiT TmioiiiiKi! Tire Insurance!
l»>e of Ncnchiea and Kai>cy
Wooiena ever ahovn in Nonh>
cm Uichtgan,






Olw* 4j* jm 0»M

PI«UCJM».8tMn) Bolloroitd Accident Inouronce.

Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.
Johnoon Block. Phorto 73

In A HunOrn* Vnnm.
. ..rU will I. • ..-.1... H»-.
1,1 » fcvJHlT-J ' .w
W.’U k... • I.WM.V. bu-ww n.-.

llui Fh.

Travom© City. Mich.

anil look them over— Wepiar*

Itarcrsc Qly SUtc Bank


everytluii); ~ an.1


ncrfcaiMifit <anno( tw eaoeileiL


CAPITAL, • 100,000
A count Buktit B«lae» DMC




3 Bcr Ceffl iU#we4 « Tine D»B»Jtt.


of the past week is a reminder that w'v can • lenil a
hand" toward keeping oufthtr c«iM by s«;11inii yon.
if you will tjive IIS the opi>oruinity. a ChestM’rotv^tor. Chamois \'esi. or a Rood Chamois skio to make
Best Rootfs at lowest
iwest prjees.
I'fjces. Keep m mind
to take \'JNOl.-at
that this is the t





.. Pr«>msnt





F. C.
;. Dl
W. P. C



-II I. *■... CbJlI.-..

tw IM



We are now open for business and would l>e pleased to
have you call and ins|Hc:t oiirnew othce.
-jMi.-v kvdy.

I ocr AMD cruw srrrcK
TWO MACtartBS vt qn&




you receive our iiroiniu, courteoui, tkillexl etlenli<ni.



S.k(-ETY DKPOSIT BOXl-lS-io ,w Qed-line.1 vault fw i

SttmdMft Sewiag JUeUmi Ck,

GLevBLAeaK omrx
Par Sale »y



Travnra* City and S>k Ranida.



Warw Ommty Bank




■.•U.1itfC8irtai Ci't.Blicfc.










Fresh. Salt and Smoked Meats. Sausages. Etb.

Ibc l



Hides and Fur Wanted
l„anMtow in the market for Ml kinds of Hides and Fur. ready
'to pay the highest market price. All goods shipped to me
will receive my best attention. Will hold goods until 1 bear
from you and if prices are. not satisfactory will pay charges
'i ways. .

R. Se*-COMBE«90EF9
Traverse City, Mich.

, new tara.. eawaa, Pm.



Citiseu Pliooe 4S]

From the lim -coane to the-Kuts and Candy
canbe found here->C«ivc-UB a call.

.....Anderson Undertaking Co..

*1 aioak

948 Front StroAt


Rn* at FM DHpi.

Olagons "XSt.


12* State strtti. » Ufctor Pctertyh

Csitt aDd RiiliBS^t One-Half Price!


■—Trmwmrmm Olby. MIoK.

aUtiL Spedal wag«Mmada
Only the^y beat material
mod. awl foDygnaranteerl in erety re^>ect.
Hlinn|^ T»a«taie made to mean orii * aeJl. They ate
OMinilom mu made of tdieap material, and gi>-«> • Suhy
. finidi to caldi tbe eyr; bat are durable, comfort•bte. nd n«t Tbe <beapmt no tbe maritet. goality oooiiJemL
Once and aod )«• arffl bay »o eeber make.

OBlIowny nnd MernnHIdn

Wants to buy Good Butter and
Fresh Eggs and wrill pay
cash for same.'

YoolmaMbtbeliaJr.vetuiteDdmakethc cebt com]deu at a cot to yon of from flO.OU to f U end yon
get a coal made to yoar order that wouVl oisl yon if
bm^bl darwbcm S3&00 to dnptieale. Yon (umiah tbe
. bide awl we tan aiid fane for a robe all co^dete at a
com to >tni of fron $n.On ti> $9.(10, ,-ou get a t«l« (>
feet wide aod&l to 0 feet long Ibat tmild nM ron
anywber/6om$ll0()to$»l«lto,lgplicate. We aim carry in dock a 6oe line rtf CoaU ao>t -Robes.

, onr $tt.U0 coat it 61 to T<i >nAa
natoral black
GaBoway. OairajQai, fincai .{uality black Italian Iminy.
Silk <]nik^. Mchair sleeve lining. Homoid Har bmtont,
Iba kkd tkai nay buttoned, and Blaidad fmota. We
dniBkete dik coat b osr coatoni wort, we make the
mmt )Ml m yoa w^t it aod gnaianlee a fa. Write far


Sacinaa mwilBc
That thr UK-hi

whirb in nmrw of time had portlallr
decayed. Arm. 1 the arwrr there n>
a brtrk ■all many fpr. hICb.
ay tbal It waa fdrevr>l
p»ma« ihviu- [ oini.
I Tbal
Ipnrr newer whk-h It earloard
mdrai >d public karirur
.a-Wle the imt.Uk- iea-f-r-ended
m.-mh.-r. of tbr -.talv
cird bHvafirr
. ... ilmr aa
ut lime Arrayed and an ra
rrcf-nia of Ibv Unl.rr.ny :. Thai
Ira. «d pabllc in.imctJon calvpin. irre anmv aitt.v for. awayoOcr for a i.wm of fonr had lakrn advaaiac* of thiaf and aeat
of )>a rncu. to Ih.- P.vrieel apoi la
id id twn a. at prruvai. 1
ilreri a tlw* aa piwwildr. Hero tbe
I vnivrud lb- uutaidr Mwet aad
.ubilr inalruclKia b.- placed
.vwr.1 l(. roopw^ aa far aa It eould:
r wpta
at 'laat li ramr to Ihr wait, wbirb
. ... rbBBRAd I would
d bl> II
oB Ita ciirwe. aail brr.- Il rnold crt
Dd yuor .n»*w w>UBd« dfa.
in Ihv lea
m> fonbrr. tbr laaldr arwew briac
vl a. tr BV AMV luib
i> R> tbr aimuiBi vt
d ht. cm
.li^d BBli <> r si.uU wpr. Iw.ldlK
4 That In .lew of Ibr Hv iHufrclIy llcb'.- n»< on ihr other alA.1 duilr. of Ibr Maiv lamrd ut oT tbr wall the arwr. and tta doohir
line coBiInnAl. and tbla raealyyv
"MBud dt«l IWU >v«ni BCr
ilua 118 membrr»htp bv la. tree rvldaellv knew bow to art
nilty la (vm.r. -| am b>.i
mraMd i.i .IL thu. maklnc -alib ibr
Prr. B.W Ihrre tm bleb In (br
Wb.. an. yiniT••
Irk mail (here waa a .Hide hole
-I am W.-nnv HamltinB."
V or two Inrhr. in dlaih.-uw. and
-»«vd da».dly. -Am
Wv brlinv tbal. all talnim nuiaid.
I. (hr rwalrpata. (rrr waa awarr
• y« - Mid Kmny;
-vd. Ibv niori pr.-«aine and imni*-<ll
aa (ta hie pw.t brean
rllmb tbr
ihrw wiBi
•- ured id ail.ann- la ibv uliicalliuial
r watt and fare the am. and w(*d
til II found tbr tbnwicb wbleb
bk-b win Impnivv aad vaUrer Ib.•Irwmtdrd cm tbr oibrr aide, and
indr.ylf I am lirmil. War
brl.-nry uf ihv rural acbi.ri.
W.vntrrrM Ihr mrrr aaln aaid followed
li alone aa fortnvrlv. Waa ever a.irh
a la thte'aubirct by tb<n.o la-ilnri knnwa Iwforr nt arr Hmilar
1. bM,ne
Hi1 Emily
rrtaird u>
ttV funbrr laddrav aad
tbr work alnwily d.u>r by
FBI ailmlaUirail.U) <jf tbr
rdurmiti>Bal drpanatrni.
.wll<«v.l - ■
pMcr Ibv .U|H«n <d ‘
:'l-;illB Haniry hi.n«fal II
tb<- dvpartj
cM-h pnriakmr There la. of c»nty.
a hain.rwd luld him. at
.1 M-mula
half Ilf Ibr
.umhrw vtpinnailoa rd tbr tarfaaa
iir walrh ubv Unlrani.

- aay plaal
1 kIvv Ii up."
w alwava and unecHaglv In
la IN
Ifa dk
KHIa luicfai lu kBoa.~
-m Dniaawlrk. ullh a pupulaikKi
ikm .d It. f.Md Ju.i av INwr cd
>1l\ ■ (I* Ivfi mv dylBK la rbv dea
■baa tbai uf IV-iroli. I. a irrrl
alyplu. trar did - The Orraf 1
, aa.l nw»r arai a u. hvlp m»
■nr. larcrc ibaB Ifar k.avr prnlnaala
I'-n bv rrarhod ibr aritluiBrol'
<d MIrbIm. -Urn* arr furvai* wfalrb
i-aiiK- iM-k .b.-rv, d>.l hr? U
rvDIaIn Ibuuaanda of cl.*rr, Ir-ar.
Ropa Laa-a Prkataoa Tapaa.
rr aad rartbuu. Tall plara. Sr.
d to.
p.«* In. XHI will ral-thr o|>fiacrani taalutaia ru.vr Ifar moiin
liuuBv dowa
. To 'be kiBC canur.. nioarhliU rvlrbratk* .d bla papal
aifi- i. an tnvattd. and |nnplf aajr lhal
rb arr murr like ibr nunbvra Jiililfar nweiw. a pr.'M-ri wbirb an
laa never Iwv
tmiiraiu Ibao tbr ordinary ran,.:
1 found la i
Indian Mv.-d m*.- hv aval cm. Ibroocb tbr .wirilac ra^.. im lo par.
arurkrd on a calllr raarti llll I ibn.ucb a panonimm ,d thv mori mac
a .(an
aiwld oner morr niflii-rni ■wvarry Ii U a curtou. thlae
rn I wra
.........> arr a .,irrraid.« id rapldi. onr
■ br mlnr.
au.-. fa.irr ihBD^b.-u culac duwa
Maud tiilaV hv marrird.
■I akiiifal lapMarla.
■ h.meh, .rfAlhv ,-saimmy
a roHrlki f
(• Saplv. mutmifm
abv refoard In
vuaratrd IB rrlluf
. Hnt I ibmtcbi
al.k- C'-Di a Bcurv id Cbrl.i In (bv ari
av nilcbi lur^ri.-B.I« acaln.
nirk and carlBc to Uir frail rrafi In d brtakiBC lorad a' thv lAat 8
ibv IrU.lalurv of tbr .lalv lhal






Tto ptania ihlakr Slwond Cocowr
r ttoaia Barbara, fb]. brnrvea (bry

"A -^ a IJprri'.


rvrylbtnc but hit eyea. He
. be aUwi .lA yean gtma*. an
• wblir. but be Irm.wr p
rupprr rukwvd ■—!»i. Jamra 1


'Johnson’s Drug Store. S=;HrEr


aa fual brblad bla b
cload. cJory aruuad
nva.1.- A twwaiUal
Iful balu outaldv yd
UurL. win bat.
•Do an*.-l* erfT t
EmJIy— Ji on nlsbu til
>1. runSdniMy
. I alrnay. ibui
• iliinn Imt I
^fml b..
Tbl. I. pr..|ii«- tboneb
• - k..
•IsiiiU nlilk'ui ymr..
H.- <u>k h.r fi.r aa ae<rI-* WVII. iB. Ill,I liaiL mb
ibai UU.D. abr ihiiDcbt bmirll—l.ui
«ra|.|>-,r, wm- Boi •iiuall)’ rDb>IU.^
t>iy.[n.r (nr viair .MvmakMia lb ibv'iinllnarjr
Said ih<- rbltuBey mn>I Mitdraly. IB
vvn ,ii.wtUBE..ea(tblr Tokv.
-Maull. if )-~i »rv Hand, caa'i you
VH a trilo. a VH.vr rwpiwB ihac

P. K.

Will sell you Kitchen Hardware. Tinware.
Porcelain and China Dishes. Knit
Forks, Spoons and many other thi ngs that
you want at prices that .^iU look reason­
able to you.
‘ .




Ii wu- a ini'l.iiuiDH-r nlittii. axiil
daai|> afi.i- a li.-ii, > il.un.l.T»iorni. Tb.
-I.iihI. »ui.| aimn ai mibim-i a«d
I1.-.I (rlBiBr.ii for ib.-lr wo.iilbB
,h.t>- fl.«i-.l iV v.QuI.ti.. iialliir
acalii.L ihv Fiarvj . .lark Idii.- fYv.
ri.-arly nn.lniKhl .^hrii Knill.
Warr.-n Imx- .1), :ii .1—|air all lb<wKhi
of hi;-,'r am! fan l..-t pr.-Ity liiiJi- IrnI,
.ll|i|ilaE ..'li a I'igi: rllnglas yvlkiw


lakr. Ibr ni;
Thvr.- aaa a I,me alli-nrr -Ii
bv >vr> lalp" aalil Snlly ai laal.
line ihPHiKh Ihrm, thv lone.'aw..rplo«
I Mll.poav—1 blip..—a-r.ataall
III afaKth^h.' had a.x Imwb Ihv.palIrnI
.itady .ii-iAr. carry thv canor along
.rv (iwnuill. loaM>rft,a? ‘
..... ih. Diir».id drvf. rarlbou. muar.
Sill- >i»fa .HI, iiiin ,h. hall. Malravd
_... .
- ... kr«i.*tltrd boarrr frr
.ar. tiili, a'li.I ^tank-J ^..'.iTaT
gumil. 4.. o»l noilcr tbr appnarb .rf
mlebi Iw aakwaM for sm.,
h..!.-. ||> Mii-ly h'-m-n Ibat ao 1UbU
il hv 1. au.ui upon ibvm.
i>w ••
a.-n- faurrilar
t'nuH ia-i> ruuou
Hv W.mid nvvvr knnw you
faiw.-n) ib.--K.,im! ..f .IvclAnK
e Waodar af Moot Pelee at Night.
iv UBinu y,w wvgi lu aor bim
I ihv
t.-iKO->l dr«d sifaBfv
a .irancvly nHlm-oi mna.. I aop
-Salk.ra cuiac uvar ihv rrcluo .d
1li-rv War a ,d mmiellicbt ui,
tawv hr .lay. Ilf <di ammal id hir Muni I-rlvr are aBiwdrd mnrb foud f.w
plarra r-d »hfah a a-lfp Writ II I. a wimdrrfal uiory.- M^a ^a
ilnl tlithi in thv hall. Rntlv car'd-up.
-I brllmv II 1. all a
II- (b)rd'.iury vialraay. ib.-n amuaird dtram liomlby ”
f.-w Bin»
Sl.v fvli iiirv la Ihi- tKOmlBC tfaal i< latand rannot nmcvlvr bow Appallinc
Cm.wak; -Jlu,h;~ ali<- .aid in ibr
ManiBiguv Inuirdy la
11 drflr.
ati.l i«u«-d 111 llaiiini Thc-rr waa
Hpiion Tbrrr la oar lblD( beaudl.iM
Id nu rod Id qlM<<w,(ioHra
llalgne bowevrr—It you
of ihMv aialra and ihv darkaroa
and dtnarr. ha Ihrlr bouar
forcri fur a wblla ihr people tbal
fluur ah»..• • tbrfv•
N Ibv
Thr blUlard r.a,ni aa,. at Ibr
nlav daya' wimdrc In''hr
Itav bea.rma at nicni.
and Kmlly faiin-.l »hv muld liv
Ilitl.- bian a
pmi|r.t mnailicbt
Oinmlicbt iw Ifar mol
raufllrd nic-k .>f Ihv Iwll. v.-rc
p<'Iilne Hr ad lN---n yrry pnpniar la
illfnl of eln-lrldly l-faavr
ha.Ua VI.I.U1 ..f .a.i lovvr
bl« lai.rhi.Kl
T luH-n
The brauUtul dlo|day la
dr bribe lurid Brea uf Hemal Helve,
t a)»Mt Ibr lablr, a«d a. ibr Mx-d lb.- %r EmUy.
radlailbj; aad w-miUailaB like Baahra
Jdilla -aiM.v.r
-hlM.v.r ilalniily.
»br h.-ard a
at fkiprovra with acr.
lIcbialncTand ai nlcbi. an tbe licbii
•r. ka.-rl.T iwbn
He ndd It to ber 'are reflr
wa> an v’>l ki.wy.
»i<«ry. Th.
Thr sfal had fa.brr,
tu a Iran lumatlac
, laakra a apcwiarlr a
fttii- .it
•it h.-r n>iialn«. tbrlrbi aad
iro I had a a bill
■III «br
»bv dird
db-d a e.«.d'a-hllr
wbllr admIHne the licbia canard
I M.-rr.lllb b
ly ihrfr for many l.y ihc
c rrapHoB.
All at oMw a barrl
□rit.ahd rrlrd asU
came down oa na. aad batwrem
Thr) aw mrrw fhlldtm o
I be Blmoai doafealac roar of (be (bubdre ibe aberl llcbinlac 'led In laiea.
odara of Hand.
appv In Ibr old billiard num.
ally with Ibr hrtlUanry idJte Bra
Bac of Kano- ap
Now Ihr ailir F<alia~. Shr alipprri
.no,--N-w Orlj^,_JDi
likrly to bv thv phraac whk-h tri
ir Hill fliil.Hy
liiu-K te ctwinrrtlon wlib our ori
Hi-ai.-nF* Ob. It a-avl*nly
noi a ni or a buniUr. Shrar. and raaay prupiv no i
bavv ihrtnavl.vo wbrtv
atmlrt ..I mirr. Th.wr .lalra
mnuird. ilameh. and ahal a borfM Kano I. Sol many id u. will arcvpi
iKilM- ib.-y did mak.-; b-ununairljr. )hv dvrcrlpilon «f Ibv HniiM. that !■
(bv«r fame iRWnla. <d ihu earm flow I. -Ibr cvn'vr .d tbr world." but Kaino
a.-r.' aU,vr ihv hall In.l-ad n( any ui
II.lac Ibr lancuBcr of rairava Ifar oldvai and Be
laacb «d tbe iiwrwi. wtib Ita ooim
. aii.i br rankvd amuac ihv
thr al.Hiiloc ruom*
. ,
A Urisr. bo». loppvd fa> a «mi
.(indrni of Africa fi. hieh walla la- branebea aweeptne (br
IM Irr. amwa. nitb
.d 1i».ooo people,
on.-, fiuTord a way id, i" a' in.|. i
a pupnlalloo
wbk-h. ihoncb bull' crrai a. ordiBary irnnka of i
la ih.- rimf. and wa« *afr. bvlae
livlac la b
by any mMnt I
bmrlac a i^en <d aerial t
fK-ra. BIr a.
,d mud. I
air plaata n>m tbe<r bark. '
Tbr ,li»r wta hvavT.
ivy. and ©
aad whkb' liar broad ab
BSalnai 1' to
lo hrir
hrip pii«b.
and roaila. wbirb would put many
■r nrw F
airma (o abamr. Moat id
ai.-nlv-rlnc (hat
craperlnr iruaka Har alauooaly from
____ ra arr ahaded l.y tfrra. and
traveirr baa. drarrUN*d tbr appcnranc- tbe craund aad luar thrmcelrWB an''
of follacv that erowi
aliMid ahnvr It on t!
of lb.- Iowa aa l-lae that uf "a bic. Ibrgi
■blatrae. Tte aaplLn«i that uace ca>a
beautiful cnrdm.r
Inmphani fleurr la t
hem aupport ba<r diMppeaned tone
The errat market, aaya the trareirr,
ran acu. tteir oely rrrurd befac Ibe
^r«. aaa k tin.- hn-nr. llfiluc brr wtKi vl.lird Kano a year or two ar>.
BCkm and earrra cd cmperlne.
(one hair, rwavine ihr i>lnr« •itiTlac
f tbr wuodvta of tbe world:
thr faa.r* uf a mapir irr.- rtorv by Ibr
anythlac can be bousbi ibcYr :blcb tbey taat ihrtr tranaleai aU
llmbinc mkyward —Ccmniry IJfu
I ahilllae pre pound: rottoa.
rtuih. leather, nvodlea crockery, tin- Amvtira
Tm tnllra awav. ihai rrd apark nw
le-raaiward wan a (rvicbi irala. mi
dyr..lline.charcoal. Swat, alavca'.
la horwra. fi.M id r.rry TarWty
las way for tbr iwlft mldnlgbi .
nBlBli.g (ha Wind,
dies (umauw.. wbtaL tamad pa
aerma Inrrrdible. bai U aewe
poirm n
I. aad biriiaa. wlldcata. blrda.
a (BTL tbai aa late aa Ibr yrar
aaythlBe aad nerythlnc Tbe money
aa oU wcMaa aamad Deaale Milof thr euanlry I. atlll tbe cowry abelD. llv cd romoaa. la ite Orkney toloada
wbltr- id which the klac arai n. fM.ono aa
afarrra falUnc aaay
aold favorable wind, to acamew al Ite
nv«, Fbuuk
rk brr
bn- (kwilac balr^
bali^ and pmrvai. bat tbe.Marla Tberraa doUi
amall prtc* of alaiwacr a reaart For
drva- a bmi lone hrvmih
Uxtal a, a t
bay op aar fluaniliy td cold a»d alivcc
llilfa danriac atrp fnxn i.iini lo point, oolaa for ihv Haitaa I. aa adrfu at Laplaadeca made galte a trade by aHIarfarilae batr anninM-bimly ihe ya
illvvr and co»d.
liinc la allvvr
Inc wibda. Tbe old woman. aAer b*
cant pane of ihr bou—. tbr rmpiy dla
ad aa be la akillful. M<
Inc wHI paid by ite crrdulona aa
Inc pawn tor Inalaiirr. <,ca» abk-h to
rUa bU-oun urr. and worka up bU I aaed to knit three maeJeal kaaa.
hold brr rrvrin-. Sbr war al«c(nc na.
ivr true la wood,
buyer war (oM te vroaU have a goat
dvr hrr brfdtb—
liaa i: cate, r
mOe wbea te aalM tbr Bm knot,

„......«, IK

oompiMr Ihto
rf d'<vm.
irmvn- drollard (or tte toad
Ihr Vail
1‘odrr Ibr ArrbbUhnp Balefria
Adaoil and ibr Hnranir dr Balkw.
irk, T.wnarrlll a nmimilirr baa.
va formed in offer 1i> lew, WI. * .
. papal Jublirr iMa Jewel Vattbr
way aovrrrICB —ITilladrlphla North
dUea-B Feadietlana (nr 1B01
ma. A Edmcm. tbe famoaa li
r. fiderrlng to ibr^vasiwmN
arleecv during1 iIbe ramlBff fM
Tbe Croat problem. <d ibr yoar tr*
• problmia cd Bsbitac barirrlg. c<
cvtiltui rlmrirliy direct .from oteL
at cvMlac power frotn Ibr rlemenJa
m|,ly. and la applylBc tbr nauay
uaea <d rlrnrirliy to manofartaraa
-I ira.k fiw a woadrrful yrar. There
artlvlly In orlmre Ifaan tbate
r Irum befori-. in<wr meo ale
on -bleb prohivma and cradi
IlMovorlr. woald br only aaiirral
myielt. my aioiacv haiiery. oa
I bare wprked (unr yaara. wlU
no Ihr mariiri very tooe. H
•hr ■rwnioa problem, alad lU
ini (hai Ite tevar
alii bava to BD
-Tte wlrHeoa friecraptay I amor .
•dly raptci to oee' poflaetrd for comoirrefal purpoavr-lf Ool folly aoi,lB
Bl Naai ndvaaeaid lowarda Ibat
.. Tte rich! klad of laaa la wo©lac ai It. a practical man. aa aarnaM
man. aad I bare omfldmcr la him
a nut lairrauird ta (te flylat
me . t eoald arvrr are afar eomal tme in IL
I have nevar Nod
to road much abtmi li.
aapral to ara elrclrie«y aa^
plaot Btram aa a mn.lrr powar.' lb
16 yaara rIMrIetty will te tbr TBlhray
motive mrawi 1**3 will advaaew II
IS tbal dlrrctkia
.The yearwill bring cr
l purcery. In tte aiudy of tetarta.
• eaaaa aad
MmllcdBa la ’


lakaa waa all uarJma Tbry omy
aiacaear tte grrm of old aga. i
predict II. bul It micbl te by
tralBce td ylgMH^^IBe_B>ai jte .

■ .d (hr fotare wUI give ao modtCiaa. bat Wtu iMract hla patlaai la
tte car* af iBe bomaa frame, fa dIM

.■SJ."" ““ ■“


M—fk (Imbrr fa
at (te praa«« i
r MU rwnlng c

r all mmeaaaad.-tblr
adopted a wtoa ! aad
tbr aecoad knot woOM briac a atraag
te la cfaUac dowa tte .cm.. ^
mx Icara tte load a harm
e wbea tte cbnppani haaa mo*yoa^traaa wfU te aarad bad
pfaatl^ wia te made ea booraa
Where wll .
%-bea tte mlua tefah (hit
MIham aald. “Tb.
tracL iberafora. <te atmood
Ite oaam of Zkm
h wm te atamt amO^ Sir (fed
DaaM Wibatrr
- Or aneb oeaui
«M. -U (ten it
, me, Il la teeama
Bl my n
panpli Bt» to te emr «*d. As «U ,
■an of BB. MvfaB doBa a dimacfii faB.
mnnt wwa. R«mras aoms liM,
Ite acrlptor
acrlptam.ocwrjM. wat bm aoa. d mam of
4 yaara of ago. Vtem (ha oaa
' ^
-_____ “proai Md]
fa ahow ap with tte gi'Klfawa
la aad of ItaeK a Ubaral

tayanc rln*.
On tbe aiula.
Jte acmu—*
. J that
411. arv a lliile lrr««tilar.SUitar aacaL kwniBB
Thrrr I. dlcaliy la madeoty n
br wp of a chlmnry.
,jr bran of AMta It U aaM a
-But bow you bat* crowal' abr Afrkan moaarrb that each mo
afin- brvafcfaai br learra bit bni aad
tiira _ _______
-Tr.- aald tbr ancri. «alrtly; “bat
. bla cnai nmbrH^ aad tbca do
U a kmc timr, yim kmiw.“
I twiurv all tbe rank that tbe
-nat ooty nlBor yralrrday!
nay (ram that BaOM-ni afa
• who woald vtalt tbr Kfac
Ml bl. tkronr matt taka €0 tbafr
. aad rrm ibrir atorklaca. and
. ip tbr llillr btowa frame a
Mr beada to tbr ctoand. Threw
boar, an Encllab mlaakm waited
tbe palarr entra. and thee—-h I
*a ^ir « 'you w
all dowa.- aad br wayrd bla hand I
. . lad up aad draw nda - .
wt© |7?“SttTfaSlr'telltt'Mi^Sfag
TbH was tbr WadH. ibo aocaad i
b - Wbai bool - —
ly. How did br rrrr art to Ibr cblia la tbr klncdom. Tbe palaco. a Of
bOOh-4te Bll
wlrr wtibcBi aay vlalbir naai rt jld nwedmea w mad nreUuctara.
walklas' Ob. by bla wlan. to far amc
aa td pat«te. nad tba cam
---------------WkBa b« auod la tto
Uow alupld of brr. tbrircBmntd
“I anpiawr It N ibli oarrr faebi.’
abr Mid. “bat you aaum.almnn u
Hla tlnbrlcbl n

*"-yea.enveu. Tau bad <d
h a yuar or ia“
A yuar! But k
tJb! WrU.“ i4a---------------------------------te. cd esmoa. Bmaaaa H la am oT

bm fat©, oar amk
laatcbad (ram ow hoada. a


M Ftraaca (tera mra UJ» mi^.

HEKALfi. iAHUMV IB. lt61
Oaata IMI.
Kdwaad S. Otaaaall dltd at ih* ra
IdMieetbUagB. Tnaaa B. Otaad-

PtekPaod te bead.
Mg niutate wktoh O. B.
anra hu baas fcupteg te a

r alra Sow Tra’* dig | lapcnlnoos.
Weman'k Clwb en ftefem.
•(rate. yiitei*i*r*Toato. JuA awy Tbnradar aad tb* gitef
la, set kUl*T*t to b*
BetoB” twogtBB era* gitea at
• (Mod* et ra iwnlan teou;*ld*ga HrOnaUllwa*
tk* -—r
tk* aia via ■*(
«■ iB Ik* M* «nt 0( tk« J. U <Hkb*
Am Womb’* Ohik Prigar stuipeoa
bon te VuuB Oaaldn Oouir. K.
M*d ts^ot. I11* tko«H. tkaoik tkU
MU* u HtftaU kt T:M Thn
tk* leatoMpot Mrt. P. K Tibr., Ju. a*«k. 18U. noT*d to Oanrio,
COM k* «*Utair 4ftii'
wnlM. )k* beU«r r«M *u
tU. whkk wa* of eiraittag laurat
S. Y.. whu gate* geoag. te IMI
Judge J. O. Bara
«MBlMk*4. CM o( tk* boU*n
le all prraM Tk* pepen wen ee
n OeUwnnr. MM. la IVI
Hear of Ik* arab*n |
Tk«« ww n MB u tk* Mtr* Ml oa BaaMl *trM wm ot i
eabjMB whidi were of rtt*! iblerat
high trlfeato t» 4k* Ufa sad A
^SB< «hea tk* koIlM- npkM.
citT. tBUghi tr* Praar atiarBatn. •
BBd bad beeo pmared
•oTrarauOttr.wborafcoraldodtUl: ■■PterPoto" wa* «k* mm Ikal of Mra ManaoB.
wbou week w»l
e( tk*M ]l *M IB tk* *B« am. Tk*r
wa* grate doabt to a Use
IS tto* of hb dtaib. B*w**ea*of!Hr. flAttepianwi gar* to la* Mg teag IwraaeabrndkyaU
ra*abrr*d by aU. who
mr tbBi tk* «lad eBB**4 kr tk* «s- to wMb« aay ot a* MldlBg nr
TW gt*t p^er wa* glne b; B*a
U tk* *VlM*r. -» •MliMlr
UUdra. uas Motbu of W rra*, qdto aU wtws h* plaead brla tb*
itrdJedg* BaaedeU I
H A. Bute*, ber *abjMt belog "T.*■rrirnhiB. Bnith q CknodalL
irlBBOBaarm r tolnbsa kuDod
lylBg crttkallr HI to e
etioei of the pnpertr of woaro."
It toiklas tuag a cmb»o
K* ton* two oUldra. T. H but aut ton » banU to
Tk**carc<row coffcoi are thou
oral wrrk*. aad wkee the fre Im
tk* *cb)eel br tellieg
Ika trttk Ik* acaU«Bt
tk* ■
that hide osiirr a gUxiog of totorg
CraadaUaad Hrr Ooa. E. HolnMi<ran tk* .oar *ODCk flC Iraas a
ou be had a a basui)' reaanvd
egs*. glue and tiKb (tul.
bow week aaiail.
■IM* «MV*
Ik* rat at tk* M
naowD U>* ten of a bind tatksr.
(anna wick tk* Mira of tbs plan.
Dr. S u. SawTsr reiansd lad^
• ma w*r* Ukarallr gaMk>
kow Urg* a part it bu la all the deiMltfit I* tk* plaat tros bbt t*Tbs fmnsfal was bald Suday at 1 They ban w
at*d akoat tk* towa. Oa* a*s* pan
ot titr. Ww Beoilooed dlJorr whBtera. Kot BBOtkor mb
« p at. (ton tns rasidsau. li
faatly. ths spia.
DrJ,K*y Persaisu of PUnt te Ik*
plaagad aa tk* atm poog. Otkar erttkoat *erloa* laJucT «*> Ike »le1t iBot Ba. «kl*b taeUdee pr*ttr nook
•U* tk* «aslB**r kB* ae aoek ■
et L. n. OartU
gasslVt Dr ud Hn Sinagowoga
pl*ra a Ik* wfwek
unry te dnllr Urlag.
•oBiak. It ta *Bid. to *IMW ter kl* BBTDi. k«*Tra <g wmuaekatg wool*
tr*f1o«* part* at tk<
i. ■h* uid. U not grn. | ——------------------ =“— '

Tb* opper part ot tk* aprighl wa*
ro« «aev* tran *«1ea Injarr. tt Mt
tbsMIr tot <
m *uacag tk* w«a4>k*d «t A. P. all boraed awar at 4:» o’eloclt. aad
. ud lua to* Ulloi for orrr »< r«ara. ud
>• wbrrr
lOB. a a* otk*r iio* et tk* awa.
wa* grar* doabt a* to ike akUot offlescs St U.S Doras Aid lUgra.
ed« awar. Oa* pae*
tko tr* flgblM to ■ere Bar
seoisly ot Ibr t-hortk ot riiriat <DU- away. Isarteg a frw
Boi fcBOWB. Tk«r* va* talk bbob
tk* root aBdaroBtapetCk*
Uaee batvaae Uw Bp»Ho*l panleu.
.i.uHt luaar reaMO* wbr itle olpteit. Thou sisatsd srst* a* tel- na to tk* Mrs ot O a
'Ik* MS tUa BonlBg at low WBto-1
part ot tb* baUdlag.
lag. aal tk* Mk«r cr

ud lb* sold, cold won
I okaaleal eagloe wa* ealto While taMtOBB* arale t*)B«t. tboteldealrakle. aiaoug Uiea brlag
tk* kotlar. kst Arehi* Olkb*. tk* a*i
tkmgh tk* rM sad tMI InUd*.
JiM o-doekbr tetepkooe. The
Prsuldaot. Mn Sleksls; tIw pnoluaiM
Bnr at tk* Bill a*r* ik»t i* *b*oiQhD Hum
e** h
eh* eaid tkat tb* batd- dsA Mn Heekot-.ssonnrr. Mra M
loMr iBjiraHil*- H* **r* ik*t
iloa witk Ik* BoeM«al tk*t kad a It
„f ti,,. baiilr kae alnadj beoa UialUj; Bsoaom. Hr*. Harr Al-; Thsaiitlngat Ib* Woau’* Mltaad water ton Ike poad ^l*d to lb* «*mo*‘of tboa* Used d
•B cteB*et ot tk* ladlerao*. Oa*
It 1* UB]M wlwrr tl>«r* U Do rufn-' toeghi The etoloitoo of we^ hae drteb. After thssteetloD of oBom
cmdsCg of Ikr Prabytenu
tBn et wBior «k«a tk* nUl 1
- the
,||bf«Bqetek and woedei
liiDstooshaU **«• <*Un Willtea* ttadsrod a sar-;'
work a U* BefBlai *t e o'eloek.
lalr. tk* Uhrary ot Judge
D01 waoi ell
■e*r*d *• Ik* otk«r* Vk*a tk*
past ud prm *o Uw ladiu of tk* soeteiy. **rr-!
It ta the right <d CTCIYCUU
with BMt ot lb* eoalaau asaber of woiau wbo- vr property 01 It. A. tb-y
auadBrt Ub* H* «o** Bot tklak
«al occofT«d. B* toraa
Tb*D olt srat I
• be well bora, and to tbe
BOBilba tkat tk* vbM cobU kav*
o< tk* kou*e. wen lared troB the •wnen. aad Uww who Ibelp to t'ani pmsDl III* folure lOOki lik* uopsaiiiig refreshUBU.
tsars tartebt.
ptopntr wbMi I* not Id their owo Wto urt tb* jTwps^ai*
Iboas fuUag *• ifii werr good W b*
panaU it mn^t look for
Bpoa a* am BBd atarad
kBXMB* BD low a BB kOBT W a <
T’*-- ~-ileor ihr*li-~>~
v-s. -------«r
m MileakiB. Wlik tka raw o( tk*
daUjr •eaiatBl a* a dirath
•W IM er*a ««Mb » might be,~W^
tterrynmn'* A
olalaed tkat the aanM wotaea were , Trarii eod Mi> K. VtVIiea ud a eoag
•Tor. *ad balor* b* haor
wIlDK ut to adi laory s.
Dlad hr Ihplr bsetaad*. the b.r Un. T. ii UcBuae
wa* kappeaUg. k* k*d
jroed'tb* reach ot Ike ' water i
r ot widow* Ud unarrieJ
aa tk* poad. TkU. U a eo
Bukn tb* •gbUog of lb* Are ezli
wbo ooatrtbale to tbe t.te* i*
Ce.oe* •"
aaantad. eooM Wa at and di
-n- um-llrally eonplried (ur Iks big
Ir dlBoolt
rar Urn and told of enne of
to be tnatnitted to to belplcaa child, entailiag to neat
ha ardor.
sirllUuD lu be bsid bor« Uartb 1*
Tbe Br* *tarted ton Ik* Maoer
pitiable nSeriar. ud narkiaf ita little body with oBea• of tb* oapMkie
good work wbU-k woDld be ««com-bnllU
.1 1*. wbisb days bars beoa flaally
faet. Tk* bae*r, kowara. kad k*oa
op ■lalr*. It I* **ppo**d that ib*
iptioaa. eUankof to nose and tbnal. weak ego. gUnduter
giUihed If wonu bad u esual voioe Heroiu W. Hnith Cm |«r. bDeed tbe
whkA wrakad tb* Olkb* all
ooBkaua ftiad br tk* t»« at a uc
ehlaaer bname or*rh*al*d torn Ib aakiag Ike Uwa
boaea. white (WcUiag ud drloctnitr.
in oaoeUeto | iaterrec ot Ur \VV.
twee detaralaad.It wa* ao
(ora poBb Mar* tk* •uoai
can pstTnU
itnU look s
spoa uch liOte oafisrer* ud not irproach
baralag eedar wood. Cblet Reealc eke mid. with icfereooe to tatDtioo
water. bt»i a eloaad ralr*. whieb
... lbs Itellrd Stats* agrtrullural
* lor faring^ *0 a
rj into tbe world? II yen havr
laiB*d OB Ib tk* Boraag.
aad hi* tom Bade a flae BWit wltbeet tepreeeanttea.
One gruTe DW.I l«: toi OD Ui.- WS.I ud *oi»* partnsni. Prof (' 1> Snilh ot
_______________ . ._ ^
................... W cu TOO expert Wdl dereiu|»ed,
Wan bsd b*a goag oa to narir sad* It poaWbl* to tk* *t*aB to o*- wtlk *aow Md waur agala*
Cull la ur ooaatrr le that wliieh rei«o|erly on
M. lbs
the m.t. *re enlarg.
III- agticBllural dsportmaal. l^okia aealtkychildira? Cleaaae gear own blood and build op ymrlmUk, and
aa koaf a Ika-Mnlag wb«a. owlag
game*, aad lb* rat of tb*' bslldlog
Ulllv of tk* Hichlgu Panm. ud ' Toabxmiotoalr enUiged goor capaeitg lor to enjoyment of to pleaaaia
.the iiUaiDi lulll ud |>giilDir la
w et
Aicbla oibb* slatod to the 1
Tbsr ars bDllding pruUblr Prot. AdaM of the Wlania-^
wa* M*d. though U will be nttaed
lu ilK«ty. loral’^'
of Uie. but bare disebaiged i dntg all paitBte owe to pootoity. and ntor
coaaMdtr kii_ _
- collet*, la addlUoe.
tk* **w all] wa* ikot dewa to a (*w Frtdar' that tk* «alr«
camaer IkU wlaler.
Bunkiad bealUiier ud happier.
llDS** will
<B a losul
local apoakera * III bs
auaara. Th* mm eaptored tb*r«. iBgtkdatoaa apartaaoU ot tk*|
There is no reaedg that aooarrigieacb** top rated, rinfabora blood
from Rivsn placos oo tk* prograaL
t««bsd. aloes braudex
n ll
boU*r wWeb explodod with lb* other
I* tk* aaBbar id li. woat bIokbI u
..^troabtoW&&& ItaearobeiouteTeabcTeditefT
ll la iDloaded tu make Ihe ezblbl
poiaoB*. and Knowe* remg taiat Iron to bleed,
Bto iato Ik* betto ra» to wa
iluo of dairy prodacta Uie beat srsr
Juoarr 7 wa* obaerted a* a dar eg
ud bond* ap to geoenl
nl bealUL
bcMUi. 11
” weaUugf*
mads la lb* suits. Ur. Barber. Ibs
ttwradra. Tber w«n tbn* a t>
prarer b Paieekor and prarttollr all
to-----------------tb* aciww twiawd oat at ahap*. ao
uf Cfaleago. will do
loro* aad btmlnaa* plaeet wet* boards," wa* aaabte to be vrasol
,that h eoDld aot hat* boea •hat ot
Mkia. aaf lb«r w«at ap nalr* aad
: fron f to II ud toa t to 4.
Hi** Olara Bate* rad a popn pro-1
Her** Conem Co.
hamlra in ite cflect*. aad cu be ttoa
work, la Mi Qua Ct* aWota* tb* afur tk* eaploWon U I* «Ttd*at.
plganue ^boc u R cxUl* In RatIre proprietor* and eleriu' a raodbr Hr*. U. K C B*to. oo | I’rM. C K IIotm wl.o i.c-i.ily isbg both old ud yooBg witotit tear of aag bad raaltx.
.sgpMta oeoarnd, aad had tb*r bwn
Write at about goar can. and lot oor pkgMdaaaadrue ud help gu.
e lo alued tkeBmller BeeUaga. '•Bewu*M>ar«a rarotora law »»j
,L (I*. .Sserlj Dll Ih* sbus* made
b*M OBuaad br Ib* peraar* ot
la ika belto ran it 1* lapeadM* bat
TbU wiU cori yea Botoag.anl we wflUian send oar book on bleed aad
smtury ar* Diuufsriured by •
Tb* Brealag News tar*:
Ua latarofW of widow* ud aoiaar- j
i >nitt,‘coDi;Mir. ha* orguiwd
MBBOB tkl* boUor birnnUg *e
IM a aaab«r ot tkon ckooM ban
In 81. pMsrtburg. whieb U o
There U oae jbtag peeultar
Wbteb Uiowed d*sp .»
a .-oowrt
,.<,nwn noaipUT
noaipuy of
,.f Ura
tlr*l eteu *rtb**a laiMUr kiiM. a* ih*r w«« dl- atroag that Ik* Mto gan war.
Uie bast
e most pna|isruiu> slock ru
tkoagbtand raaftil stady tUis la- lita. Kit sslsclion* ais from
Uw Balter uloe reriral ateeUage.
taglaaar DM lianbaU. tb* lajarod
Bb- pulsa la to woHd.
noUr is-toiat of tb* bolMr that esgu by avlBg bow llttl* womd know lalsal lu IViroil aad Obu,-ago.
____ himti-If ai Tlohatet
ud Hra
aa. kad aoM dUMUr la kaaplag
PMML inilBg tk* ngta* raoB la
It tot a woau-i of Batter* wbldi are et tIibI imiart- Horn *1 loinuo Prof. Uorit ba* i
ap tk* *MB tkat Mrolag. aad wa*
rtao ar* lirlag, g*ps<l Ktksl K Harria a noted m
a ____
IWwar*. Tbe »eerel
MarthiTI. tb* *agla*«r. **eapal alr- ^nag hard. Tb* raaaoa to tk* dlBram;
happy •
. I. Dr. >*l
Id kD*tdag ap tb* prunon
and Era J Varaey a rsry tale,
It woold saaa. B*
Ueald thtek of wliai llisy woold do .
and slocDtioalii.
Mk late tb* eoraar W (k* Woour**. that b« wa* aalag ooli
the ran of lbs bmaseboolddi* and
ool from ihl.
betlai* iaawad ot ibra. Tb* praaai*
agibuld be sadduly oallsd opou
.ml wiIII 0%'B
.. _______
Ik* laof aad aid* was ten la apoa
tbair owe napooiibl
cm of cteapL ran* or eoadutoa.
Of tbs rlroBgeat iBBaistI
Ua. oa* Uabn, 11x10 lottoa la aU*
t -all Boa'ra cnaled tra ud
Bi.'i which ha* apprarsd la
aad ton IB to M t**t loag. CWUag
itort daponda *o teigely opou aoa-: y^,',
1» *2P»on and Uis
iM;- that %'bu'e trae cbararler
radr opM Ida. aad apoa ihl* t
II teacrarUMlsM troa vr* aboelAlofthsmsrebsi-rt I* riiUl)sdl« a*
K ut be ^elgbed alwar* br bis
ucmily. ai il will
ail work te kUp rnaks life oailst for fal loor aaaacmlly.
4«brl* of tb* wrakad non nd tk*
ilaeas^.lbal a au 1* oftoa »*eh aad lb* eogjiaer. U tk* sight
tb* w^ H thor. are ul**t law*. I »*»o*I1t.
rat «< Ik* baUdlac. otaiplataly
gaged b^artala ToeaUoa tweaaae
M lito. H* wa* raised a* an
Ibar ehdold b* npMl*d;ir ertl. ll
Lain Roov
U aopportod br ekareh aenben ■
MBid ba righted.
a'* Scroll'la
Uie nan* of
la part al Uaal to Mbm.
tmasd by Kaaba T*m|d*. D.
Bbaepoks ot «ke ■
ter are tooeeatlr n**l lo klane.
■•ea- U U>* eaglSM ch
iWbioli wuMB or* otto l*ft aMba.
atuaciioiit Ao l» roioysd alike MtdTTbat CooM* Attar Deatkr s
with parhap* a Ufa teaafuor lafi fxtini to he plrsa le (toad
I INbb* haaUMd to Ulegraph ▼air* or aegloetad to opn
Uw topic diaconed tot Bight
W'tb* sight «aiek
ot M.OM Pfople think Ibat In B^dd* on Ihs «ag
of to
■al one* et (b* 0. K. * L to
enoh onw widow* ud tksir teallls*
il'trtlB (ran Tranra av to It wa* etood. k* woaW b* n
r b* that tl
r t^ aeotoat MmiH. airadtag to
ar* naplT jnrided for. aSd If ititg *•5* ■
pkr*lel*B to tb* tows. Tk*

H RtMet Son Fib

Lion Coffee

•k aot totklir lajond.

............ KiTuS




Doctor A Gasoline Engine

UteUn-. tatoUm*daa

miM WUIe ll II a pur tkal 0*

l>> wliai you need, and
you want


Said I Wtyuld Die Of
. HeaH Diaeaaa.



Dr. MU*«' H*art Cura
Braoebt Good Hotelth.


a orBend. aad Wt *t oae* la

wHh Br. a B.

Wbaa tk* trabt arrtTad at kUrtUd.
altar a tnt rwB. H waa toaad that Dr.
9mtm c( Ktaguor wa* alradr la atradaaaa mfm tb* lajaiwd naa.
waa-Mad tM U* lajorto w*n
•a Mlaa* a* wan at Brat Uarad. i
tb* pkr«Wi*Bi Utah Oat b* wui
caw. BllhoBgk b* mar ban eatrad
tawM latoto that «saaM Bi 7« ba
dalanknd, Oa* Ug
two ptBM hU taco a»d


*nniT>kt Boatod. aad k* M
aaanan bntoA bat oatoa i
ihlag Ml ......... I doTtopa. H b «■-

<g what le to taeoae of oor sotU*
atm death. It then war* ear ■
Iker won BlalakatL Tk* Doctor
ud tb* (act that we are
archllecu aad boUden of oer
fatare. oor oera after death *xl*l*aoe:
that bo wbo TiobU* Oodk b« wiu
’ ik* psoalir list ao rataia a*
tk* Mwar b*M naniag k*U
lU •iig*r Ik* paaaltr If k*
aaaptoa ot the beard ot trade. Tbo
■ uHual law. Maar
’ Id whieb the nea (ran the
at tb* do** et the •errlc* to
bnrod tk* Mom b a tribal* to eeato with Dr. Sailer.'’
tfort* et the ban
niueo, a»d show* or
(arnna are wUUag u
JeSrer Hlek*r*aa a*t with ai
baoM to a
deat^LVIeur Paurtrl'a wagu'work*
eonam** ku bra *xtr*n*lr (orta- tect weak Wadaaadar. br which tbe
aau la (aeartag Br. Barter
1^1 of U* Ictt or* WM duiror*d
Canal Siaiu
It win prababir b* awrawr
bad Hr. T
ASaM *ac
I* tb* Sra tiM that oor p*oM bar*
had aa opportMir to kaar aftuidla-

Tka «a«apa «t tb* raat pt ih*


ua a Ik* sagar ba*( iBdaMrr br dp MW. wbaa a p4«« .broke et tk*
who bar* aad* a atadr M It. No boaH h* wa* MWlDc. aad ealckteg oa
loMh of tk* ropMlr roTolrteg
*r whai oenaa ot tb* naotteg a*

Imr* f^OIIO it I* rtcdMO Bb. abowed ' for to brios
tlirc........ ....................................
tbnl>ilk tbe blgfaen rate of Intet- Koiikli____ ...
W.lXk. woold OBly Psaural ^ A^c i.idorabli-rximoteto
________... frig.-taior Ooaioar ha*
brtef tedlfOkyra, eat of wkleh to
lisDtsd to lou Uirss of toir ear*
III* Trstsrm
TVarrras I'lly
lo U«» Ills
to nrud Ra[ddt It <
ose*a*a>7 to
psi toliifrsnuur oar
itk of Uis haocli

tl. IM Mia-wteter

to mm, OOUIT, townabl’p ud city, ijia
Msli olalnteg tolr abats ot beiie< ;i-«y. John liauosn. Blakatlsy
MB* to tu*a. gonaiallg wbillllag ; Uamlls Lra^r '
toliuleteeeaa down to aboat-ffti.
la to tot (*w g«aa a atete tew ba*
boaa lOtod taxing aortag** end laile priaarily design^
to fall fora* eonie*
atOB lb* widow or BBaarrled
u wltb bar llltie plttues. bringteg
own bat I boom W aboal t per out
Bh* nad a paranal tetter ton Hln
Uo*r ot Kites. Trite aeue na* ago
teted to bring poopla lo a raaltntloa of
to tajaattoa at tbb law. In whiidi *bs
*aU thal to had broonr ntteHy dta«*d. toTteg noHtsil ridleals
aad oppeHto on orery elds.
a*a loU bat then wa* no reli*f
ua*pl te to Ullol to wobm. ud
totodnlutuUr OOOM to ketler*
toiwucn*. kb*. Bate* anrad that.
M It weald bs jrai it *T*r bston
m warsgiTOD to pririlnr* of ih*
ballet Is Hieblgaa. tot toy do all te
toir pew«* to gel tegtelattea m
a* peotfU* apoa ikl* aa*to. which 1*
oaM fa* of Tltol totortel not ealy
un bat totaU ksstaadalwho
look teruid to lb* fnlon yapTloteB of tlmte (aalltea Bbseoaelad•d with u ugut pto Ikal to dab
n et Hlihlgu Mfce to aaUor
op aad do all la toir pawn to briag

b BtUo Mart et tk* totBOBtoa.
eaw adU wa* set Terr badir vraMd.
bat dekrb ton tb* boOar reen w '
threwa thtoagfe tb* *aw nUl. sad
Dr. »rau waa ealMd ud droaaM tbo
to*t thm MB won hit br BrUg
d. Tk* aoold«M oeearad at 4
d*brb. bat aoa* et then wa* ha;
td t^ proaput b that tb* (anatn
WbWMi Bor*, tk* h«ad aa;
' wa* atraek la ih* bock br a trbg
pM* Ot tM unbar aad wa* tamWad
It lb* Bn fhwinil aertf ragaUed
dewA aarrewlr ntolag tb* M mw.
whkh wwdd ban aaad* nlai* nw au b» ••eatad. U win
k* tdroBlaUd
at Mn hot b* bJto M* Kte tka ckaanel* of mdo. Tb* etrn*r
B*r. aad lb* laUiiii
mm of tkl* ettr win prodt hr tb*
biM thU kad k**B Men o
*aJto ot tb* Carana. Tb*
fiHM atraek bln oa ih* aid
oa* whkh •hosM k*
A *ad kaotkad kka w
Braa wiikeai a taMarr ban tbo kino
Mtoa. kn dU SM era
TW ten paper u to pregnB wn.
fiu Mil b* raalduabli to *B
ymr nbte and *loqnut ao* by Hra
A IrMi 4enr hH rmtf TkenpeoB ooraed, bet it Ik* Mahitehaut ot a
Ttayto. btoMbtodbdag’-TbsEtetepteat b«n li n>Maaa>nil. tb
lteB of Voaato or her Pa*t, Praeant
wiH h* groatir aoitipBad.
Patorw" Bb* epok* of to *dte U tolarnUoo wUeb to* beu *e
Olhn MB had ton -kBito
jaaikad dartag to pari tew yrai and
ekpaa. The gabb ead M a part at the •aiarpito an ih* *
to gnat good wkleh ho* oob*
■ mom tka nilk
ifiasaghul Ux
ir ntobg oa* M
ud •daeatod
a la tka bora ud te Ufa orety-


ter te tto wagoa wnka wbon ho
aaplorad, win ran** tk* burttot
■rawalhr of aU wbo fcaow bla.

raanri *oa
net Marto
*B<o a*u*toon> w*n

Ml*. Hoofcn. ^toBnl ot tk* V. K.
q. OoBtoidn V. K. Bnllkottk*
PM JodB* Babarn. Bu. t. P. inten ud Bu. H. B. Bnknt

lag. glttag a nu to tb* raid a;
oratotakir aba* oaU.
toeaof tk* tegisi
Tk* ww tier wa* la kb non
b* wa* kaeehpd dewa. a* w«* all «t te oa* fg than; aaothar I* tb* parnaat
tk* «awi wkM wen apes ibar laeka. of tx*d aataH** to tagtetoora
laim prapontto weald har* a pro
tauaaMx. towaror. Ito Bier
oa tk* teagik <g tb*
I* pRihsbte that tb*
Ike MB oa tbo' earrlog* r
COM ot tegtelauoa n iho otato treoU
bo aalorlaUr ndaeod. Tk* gor
atee (aron *tragtr a prtaarr
aUO. had )M beoa U

. Wn. PaiB»; alagMta. B.
14dMu of Ih* dag. U c
Adi grad. & P. Sow
I, U E. Olonlulialto-

whlte todar thrir abUlcg> novatead
riftymn ago.tba
nld. aorii Wteou aa Elteabath (tedy
'Btotea and Hln Aatooy wm* dertd
(daad aoekad. Toiter «*Ma rao
pown la to world. To4|te May
w* hat aot bMa to adraaet
l•■houldlBTs htoo. Tbiili
J urn fogordteg to
ko of to tew takteg
(ran ton ta aaor olaM to power

wutoaMAMrd of tk* p*»Bk* igok* pacctcolirlr of oom


1* r»d bcaitk and bars l>
mr pndemui cous>itll|


a .local nssliag ot the .
board of ths Ladles' I.lbniy Aasaelatloa Jaa. 8th.' the tolloiHiig appotetment. wsrs mad*; Chalrama.
W. Poud: luiier, Mra. (.telli*
Thaokar* boo* oomBlIte*. Hra C. J.
Kaseiud. Hr* P. llamUtu. HW

CflMm, dividing the
shock of explosions, evenly balancing the
engine at all times and reducing the vi­
brations to a .minimum, admitting of
lighter construction, adding to power and
efficiency of the engine and doubling its
life. Easy to operate, economical to use,
moderate in price. You can’t afford to do
without it.‘ Satisfaction guaranteed or no
sale. Stt U mpHciai at nr $t»n.


........... :C*.EIkhan.Ud.

Hra .?

loss Of Flosli


" i^^fat you musa eat
Lott’s Emulsion is a
;-;t fattener, a great
lliose who have lost flesh
.-nf to increase, all body
houlsion RKTcascs them afl.
:vine. flesh.' blood and

Chinchilla, Irikh Fricic. Kcntcy-Be« hand
Uiiored and nctre*t «yle goods in ihiaoffer.
IX)LLAKS worth in this 'departmrat in
many cases—$S/jO to $S5ilO goods going at

WSen you can’t eat bre«!
and butter, take Scott’s
€mulsioq When you have
v.-n living on a mi1k diet and

tiand tailored, latest styles, one to five of
a kind. $7.00 to $18.00 goods—while they .
last put in five lots at $4.00.
$11.5Q.$l'i.75. Getyoursisewhileyoucan


ror inv^ lor coo*
Vdicseenis, (or coiwiniElivcs.
dddro. £r d

tew glTto ton. aeta thMef to


bmila *4 tkt
w 1 coauaaed caiin bad laksa
tan lusl.c boiUtt. Ml treaMc w*. esgtiiu; aad '

>«d •»< • ">bn<
Scott’s anubion for bene.
flesK blood and nerve. .

Largest line, best assortment 'in the city—
RUSSIAN CALF-S15.00 to $50W goods.
Prices we make youlnow on these goods are
rigbt~^very.coat gnafanteed..

Worth $1A0. $850. $S50. $450-p4it in
four lou at choice «>c. $1.45. $8-45.
'We do this to ckae oat all Odd l«s where
we have Imdcen rises.

ouMtioa la I

I hgataMolabAAkaa

1 »g*rai«*Mdaaw. bal rate btol

b ten tenvrib raa tallpratag. wkra womu too* tod

\ lte.aA«(AI4wi#to

; eixv, iviioi-i





Mkhlcan't Chief Execotir*
ComnmoicatM wittatbe
State L^liflature.

r rkarly
iDd tbo «ork of Ibr fuloro
ulal IB (>rrrr.ilj)« >br kyoira
boB :<i mabbif lodirol rbausoo.
________. obould bo IIP dfcila woj » aod
BMourto for tbo mi-ii-wl rafonTUMWt
•f Ibo Uwo MW u|»n tbe ataiuu
booba. bUIO kopm'lkloa of Ibr OkknoIne loaHilorry bam almd> witnifbt
‘ ' rooBlio bed tbr iworro

I m A noR unioi

4 Aj>«« or Um ,S40t»-*p>

wKfaro of llM dUM «Ut dlmiane*
Ito funbw ctmUub of Uard< larlaf
to do wllk prafmloa tod trodo r«tuUlloa. A«4 with rofttonrc ie Ibnot
MW rxtKlai prerlik-D obould b> loido

AMbUob U Mneolty lurtird (o tM
■ tnaalty of a ■ilUfictory twlmarr
oIrrtiBO law. IMb ibr anal i.OlUcal
partlM of tbo atau lavo dr*
' rorofi
!t IM II


-------- '

l«roa«L Tbe ajil«n I


I'loot auluUo f

to l» rX|<mrd that II
II Intrui la ml
r |.Bn->«w Tbr
' auvb a tieUdlus
Tbr ^•orty-llnp^>teluiy oulM
eomj-wi bout Uala* tbr lwo|dr.
lydoo lulk la .IbiTO jl*"! '»»
«f " b*iili««-«y ~i
blocko IB tbr city of I.onibi<. Tblify

Irriy. but •aaro Of Ibrot iou liaio

State Tai CommiMiemn

c«B«aM I.
Ii aar act bo ehar(*d tbit citbrr tbey
•r loral lalmau birt brt-u laimBfcUl l> ebUlBlBf oUtn- IbiB A fair.
noMoatdi tUevaBca It a drairabta

moo at tor iwpllal dariuf bto I
aad tbr autr abould l.ulM ood a
0 omclal tr>t4rD<pr for bim. Tbo.

Ibr U»-, aud IlM- w«t of Ba
bUdru wcohb ubirb lirrHoforr
undnvAluod la ipMwprd apMOktun
incnbrr. bao leo-rodi-d ooltofariurlly.
And 1 drom it profiTT to ttbr aoUrr of
tbr rarM>«y and oillincnroa of uxor
of Ibr iocul akoroklm; -mn-ro lo it,oprnlo wltb Ibr nnuiiiloiaii In Ibr arIt of ibiK noiili.
wbllr tbr work ut awrwiuriil bao pro.
rcipded tbeo aBltoraHudly ibr n-kullo
. to onm.- routillro. I.r.'ii l«r1tolly ct wholly uruirnlltrd by Iptuirdk of
Uxotlkon lu Ibrir wurb of r.|UktlUku. Tbr ortloD of Ibiw. I.pordt of aul«nlaan to ruBlroUod nuwr ofirn by
toni iBlrtoma of Ibr ■unulim than
py a doaire to loofora t» tin' tew. aod.
Bkirad of niaoMilnK uiae i • Okh Mto
a. aa potolrd uui by tbr •nBJO.I.wlaa
0 tbr luiU-r of nrlKli.iil kPOkwMurub
bry frodUTBlIy l*e-rr tbr •iurollOB o
aob i-aluo ultocHbix. .vud Ibla wll
ilwayo bo tbr teaull wbrn ibrrr to m
oniripl ovrr ll>e ooirMliif nlBrm by
A indnwodript and dtoliUrri-kU-d o
■ tborlly,
alpbt Uro bm raiirrtrd. iB II
loi-kllllra win
btooi I
porliy «ai mol oordrd fic
(orrenluii of el

rraurtrd 10.
If tbo work of tbr
bootd U to tw glrro Ita arrotrm
. and tbo rrouba of Iti
urad to Iho proplr moat In nrrd of aoatouoro. aome rbahyo to inxroAiry lo
• I tbo

No. ITS. Maa«>.l>y
loM Mt>elali
baa )uct eompletrd lla OreJ ataman
nil of tbr ilooiu rolliunf'frtporjy
;y oiKl
IM iiroperty of ''xpma .run
trlfeietor and faai frrlebi
pofiks. lireat InlrrMt crnlrrrd jb tbto
work OBd tbo muHa. rapeoUlly tbo
raloatlop to br madr of.
read praputleo. waa aw.
■not toimot aud no Uiilr atitlny by
tbopr<mleartbrolair 11 >r board of
tbr ealoe of tbo
rBlIrood peopoiltoo to t- RSi«.2tl#OOi


■nore Imiuwlnnt aiii.Jtvt wUlromr
bofore Ibla lr*lalatnr.- tlwa that of
Pwd rbaiirw (>• 'b-i la'iMiMawa
barlBC In «'lrw |hr irr.pfUialU.n of tbr
oBendrr. Aa |»..lrclli4i of Ite' j.uUlc
tl porauoitol »«
|•uu^.lln.rllI of
tbe erliuUiaL ao to ihr ani.Jp. t of erf-

'^itolon r
UrlbT. and II

repwt of tbr atetr Kurd o( aaarp

rend by BOlpa.llullne •abair ft
“miy” to Ibr ton. .la at I•rrarul I'M
atlluled. Ibr vrual ...................... and
p rraull proiteteii al
Ibr wiitriH liiE and

>r.epd to .ul-inii n* a
of Ibe .xar
twtrloariy uirfercvP"-. 4"
Ulebli.-.B op.vy I.- i.l'l- m
i|.r.r ;il n-tettej
tap.' .tf,j.npte.
It will t.e irse
f laetllv
to Utet of th.- ktelrs, trllllcus
l:ilA tWp-ii-rMjlly- Tli.-p.r kuupi-r-

ilU BOI t^r In ««nla.i wltb
firmed and vlrtoii. tximluaU mini
Iw A|4dto.l.
^ nH-lto-lrnniiminn I ansetwl biw,*r for o(T.x-lm

llaUr to br arolrn
■tllulloa. rndrr tbr !pr.—til to'
Jpdcra are womnlsra r.uuiiollrd
MBimce to Ilir Anicii Ipoti.r .d ya


• 1


. h tnalaiH-m M


pr fuf sirit to ai

ITbo ceeormr turn pore Into
rtrw of tbe prohatloo ayatem and Indttortninate oMlearre. and mabre renommeodatloaa and ouseeatkmi fur
r corertatr rm

for tl'.- iKPurllt el
at^tiu Itepeal Oalt.



Itoya ot Time.
II .4S—KomBckk by eei iBly mstttool
AahloB. Dr. Joba Vbtir.
„ _imak.l dXBBer.
A IL Ubllidat
i (l m.-t'imuo mrelBa.
0 Holllidmo '-Dr.
1:1S—S^pooIBBi Of lee aUBOIe |w
W. K Meoai. Dr P. port, lonico natollowa. lot Vhol >.
oapoPlatMdaal a dotetod. WtaS. Rowley
oaa « toibrr do
Srd. Whoi <«o.o

Mooort* ont pato. Boyaa, oom.
-.Waiaa ottopo loamat nUot. Dr
Tbomaa-Ertoewic Utl At maiy dnp

l:4»-SoloCI tewdti [ by Mr Neal.
Solo "Ueeeo ot tbr Barib''—Mr*. Kdaee

14X1—BoBiarka by
Dr J Oaraurn Zioa.
_____________ by Oa^ VBUtotta.

Jin ue *• Wtlbrlm
■ "
-Tbo Doot.w'0 Wife-Hrr Joya nod

S:*>-RomArki by

'"l.t^^iliomwa-—Mn >' J KBrelnad. Mra Oodar Coop'l obBrok
r|H & <Hnao
r:SV-^ow am 1

D, -H...rr-



I. Ike BUM M> .te-ruMeW
ituWp^b UrneOrj .a '


Annual' January Sale
> iIk- ITi!i...iip
i> liii\'-iri. tl>* I

SI pfi


•orthi. yrarur- Mbhwkn

m ptoTide a prtoeo fur, woi^ii«
to oad artro IrslaUUon . n*.»i
eol for mpptrd drixpnd.-ut <

Qftwver tbelr eooutry bat twU.d.
loBi rf MUblsao hove rapcrly feM oad fully «Bd toutrly dlocharted Ibotr duly. Aa a Ulbute of
Woiwr tototur wb.. oaw orr>l.w In tbo
pml cIvH ai-r, and In Ibe n.we p
omiurBd topldatkio outb.wlalnp lb
eompltoiluu and itriatlup of tlx rrc
orda of all Ib.- oOk-en. ainl enltel.d men
Who nrTT.pd In Slirhipan oraauteallone
dnrliip tbe w.n iiantr'.l. <«■ rtillatrd
fnuB Uli-blpun aihI lUrted Ui.viber or-

leiM-Bl .if II. M" .tel.hbripT.wlpl. hwbrfftei.el lie .\. 1 Sp., k ot tbr Inil.h^; arte
.el <p.> i.iy lur.h-.-'kBpr,
rf 1^10.
Ibr hile ihi.e.i mr lloa'P-e. on <M. If.
hlimn f.-nir.l Ih.ilwey


n£nl I'V whlpi. ili.i...ij.*l uteler iIiipV ikt-

latr. I. B> mn.'h e iiuin.x .4 rouiui.].
itKiwledpe Ilirt It to tbit nr>v.r.-ir> 1.1
rei«t It lu 11.1. Birrwise. Tin- ifiii-t.

w lepl.WiHipp of nut' »"• 'oV--..

Something for Mothers
to Think About.

Lives of Suffering and
Sorrow Averted

I'tatn wl.iip

.Mvn srytr.
ihmlpoi .'ili.>4Ki\

ic nlaikel

Mvp's lung Oici Six, l'..V value

tJ2c ■'« -'Uii k exua hcA») yiitv wool Over
Siv, .v.l ixlue Sl.b’.'i

aboold tw token. Tbr pai
on oiad IM Sib I.
g toptoloikuL luirndod

I 9c f‘w AlenN hcaiv wo..' MuiciD
42c » 1‘4‘f '“f .Men'»lrathctfxx:C.l. wool lii.
cl Milieus the faernj; ronaiiit rf Call
KLin. flKOc Ilipfr. Kcliufcn ami rfhrrx.
all “I ni.m .Mailc" an.l ficai filtiag goente. t0C 4

Mcn'k C.oJf (lloves bmoiicl
Pilar 6(k: g<p.x1t
. ,
Men', all n-oolM nitleti

Mon'» W.irfcii Driving C.lnvc*,
-.',1 ami real liexsy.

Ladles aud Childrens
Tumishing 8oods
I Qc 111 rra' hv-nvfleeceI'nc! R'tilxd I
»cXJ, l»rO UIW ganiicni nia.le
20c A fair I..T teal >me all wmil l.apfiek llokc.
. Ribcl twj.lam, the h-gular IVJc kind
35caiairl.>r l.x.liet U>£l Cl '.es, baaone.1
flam colorv. f>Ucgp»S»|9cj]>air h.i l.apfek Mack .Mittens, fuie
wuul an.! w.«h .I'k:

iScfpp. a

r flain while flaUet

5c IP

ten wax Ilk

i 9c lot M '»ex Aiul O'.Urvn. nvn.1 H«»c.
lioaitivelv the
3-k; 11.4,Ie
35c fin teal heavy fUie
M.kkint, Ca|w.
a>»,>ne.l i-ilors the .■>lh k n t
I 5c *nJ 29c I'A a l-p- -■ Sip>:k.n; tfaj-.
rv.;ul«2'Kam! -x-py

Assund bf

Same Beards
06c l.'r a laigv .P.-.C Ook:ir.i.< tlameBiwd
S I .98
‘ ''tib'i-Aiiou 1 laioc DokI.
.an vU)-.-.4,g.ii.e.
$ 1.85 <!**»■> 1 io!i|lp.iiali-Ki (iamc U'laip!,
xii'i a.(.f

Iw lUbveit ir


2c ca.Ii (.4 gtHAl full kixcl luuihlcix
1.5c Ilf a <y>ii)|ilete himllcl (llska lteni|i
.$ I .65 ■it '■ P'*** lAciiwatcl Toilet Seta

l(Ni gainex cat

reguixr ssiki Boat.'
■he heat Oune H.uip'
latK-I Bodt.f *m! w.-il

I giwel wooden frame Orfhea
xiileed Orfhea U'ringrf,
01 75^ 4 gua^iileed
■ il.e regi/'.a: SS.-MlkinJ
$2.68 for a vua.antee.' Bench yVringet $3.50

7lrt Proof Dishes
Ilk ii the ool> aloae where jwj icaa
them in the lu/are. we paamree n
' jiiece aga:n»l iite. me I
CM diahes wr eiety .U»

4« for Men'x
SeAic U-iiexoJore.1 Imnleied. Iwmnilche^
Haadkrrrhirts the 5e kiml
5« be (1 Chihlreti’a HandketcHela
J 5p a (xarkage for Uecoraled Crepe I’aftof
the kind that lelli for 85c all ouei

I Of b •k*'" <'>' *>x b*x ■ipuiA Tam BUck
I 4c a ykcin (ictbcbea Oenstn Knitting
VAfia. ore hna-e aevera) atagile odLon
I 9« a akein fur (he beat ('.ennanlown Yarab.
0C irf latg* aiae China Cp|» and Saucefa
r^ular 8.5c .{uAlny, aoKWlc.1 <»lon
I 9c f'tr a Set ol f. W,Be or Whiikey OUtaea
7cjrf a kM rf toacy l-adiea Haadkerehieto,
face c'lge. regular lu aad 15c kim1
3c a luar for Itoya good Suspeaden
~ On
4*n our erfice Uoxk of l.AMfS
0c a pair for Mes a good S«H>eodera
^ut.l tt
tt'4x a lorlor lAmp, a hang.
3c a yard for good Satin Ribbon, all roAon
mg I-amf a hall
and amorled widtha
Mil l.ainp. or aoylhmg you
3cfarAA{>Knveio|ies all macs squrfe or oliII in the
tl ihape of a ltera|., al
3c fur&lk. all colors U^t kmd
. .7* <«• *«»*' «*“ efotb Wiad^ Shadea enmcokwi
plete. all cola

85c for a
69c for »

:ei Set, Sl-Snialue
le Set, awitne.1 eolnn
fUin while Cu|i

/0ne7eurth Off

0ut 7»urth off

One Tourih Off

On our enlire aliwk of Jagtenexe J
( Ctrnw Wc haxe a c.
|i1elc ki.pp k to aelecl from ami at
Uweataegulai fiicea. now you a
kelcct what you want at

5c for Chau Seats U and 1C uebet

One Tourih off

I 9c I'ttf
Vmleiwea'r. all kirealtom 24 10
;I4. real heivi rice v lim--! an 1 onvth , 7,ic

62.48 «»>y. t


.dp’img Vegclalile li'xh

.in. k- .lpaad Uuud. lieaa ol^-t of Iho mn« trodrr t—
llehudc, aol oaly berooor of Ho aufler.
Up. hrf brrwu>r rf the dreadful fear
toot the dltipumtlMi >• to br lilrlooc
aad narRi future happiarot aad pp.4prrlty. Ileace It bocomra tbr duty rf
mocbenul Mwb afflleirdcblldtoatooequalat Ibrmtrivr. with tbe boot, thr
pamm oad uma rfircClTo tmatmmi
amaiablr, eir . -rUe Cutiewn TVtotmral.
Varm botix with Vuticim Soap lo
rtoaum too kUa oad arolp of rrutit aad
ocaJea. peetto apptlcBtlaaa rf CuUrom
(HatairBl, to alUy hebiap. brlutioa
B« ladammaltoa. aad ountoo mad beal.
ab Biild d«oe« ol t-ullcurm Itoaolrm
PillMofOpJ Ibr
totba arToter

I t.ri Mili.l
jitlinin- uiill) Sutiinlay Janiiai
niiitry illlM>ti;;ht Tn-fort-.
-ri liatvIiM-. at lowt-r tirii i --'thiin \p
of till- ,.ria-n wv nain.-.l
iiir ((ixmIs. bui wi- will «Ji»
lon.-v in ihi*
will conin- iliiii has alrraily savtnl yo
L-rs s|h-;iL in clariuii lonrs.
li.- wifi i,n>\i; till-jsst nion. 1 hi-sr

men's Turnisbiag 8oc(ls \ Crockerf and 8lasiwart notions and
24c fiH a
totff da^ Htctssitits

. ac » 1-A4 hit .Men', ami Ihiyv Wool MUtenx

coaunorrtal larihodi of fioblap In Ib*
IblatM wBim rf tbo oUTr If Ibr anlSctol tpcepiaptikm and idabtlap rf
pome bob hr.- 10 !• .Mitlnnrd. Kacb
rrotrirtrd to tkd ceiokl.lcn- naprftoa Inm.alnp tbo h-pol tonplb at
Upa rf pcarCBl Ulto tody.
wblvb cenalip ll.l. may lawfully 1-0
■ tbr topto- Mkru. oad tbr .wmuitaBkm omorto
MlrUfM^ft^Vwlxellar «bes
0 prortlro of a re-fneadam a.
toot for tbr tmumtuu. rf ibe trout
ppofirad the tarn 'df~lloa.(iM yteftyT
olieomo toor- oawbt lo he 1 bimil lim­
noboMr OU ouie Inatlluttow. Imartli
ec- bo auto mouda
it to tbr dolly cwlrb- Tlir tiHreadap
aod eoaatoatooo woaU lorfrr tbe prenuiatoT rf totoUtto. omoup buaim
tosatwt opproprtotlou or biUI tax ayedurlnp tbr ononn bi wbh-b dere aiay
bp fuvw
or ehtof Objrrttoe to ' «»«*• »« lb* «“•» aad tbr .«irtoUoa rf towfuUy br killed dmad* koarr IrfIty of Biakbif redantoM
tolaltoo BCtton. If not tbr blBOlutriooUMitoa rf too bipb |a>w<* «no » peamtoMT to f.wptt tbto pan
tbe •tomml tos btodro. TW imh
W cooRltMlOB to borSMoy wltR
that torn to Ob yroMtop a wrcemdiy
tor lt0M«tl*a
la0M«tln cwrtow rf tboao lumo to* forrpotos.
I oiroosly toeor eul-oittOop to too
............................................... rf too
I IrptoUitoo plttBp
paopto 01 too «wooli« oipctoc olacItoB otalo tnopam spui. autotclly
mww abauH bo ma«o os - oocrfloo rf lb. poatoral rettolos


Aondoy School Ccnvontien.
i>roctmm of ttaodae oebonl onoeei- j n,_____________ ^ _
AMton^itf ty tM Samtoy Me.-I Mn^a..>p. . ta>.«toriv.wk.^ aIT^

|cbmitto.tmJkB t
IU:«Oo. m -Di ..
by Ttoe IbeoldoBi I


19C'-' "v.p.allwi
here refrra tc
i^ war vtelm nod


onch dferto no torpor ibai
k iB It
• may I
totnrr of 1:






ndoalrlal b

procTBM won emy
toe. the fraoi pop* of ooah boinp doemnaod with o «»r popo dnwiop of a
m^o hmd. doao by Him Looioo


Stalurd. aud that a lullaldr opproprl
tooatetool toa-o »0»a.
evil li, Irclalativr pradl.e In tbto Bttoa br luodr for tbe work.
|Tbr govertigr letto of the tbr tliu.' .'..nVuiu'-.l in' tbr ooBilhiB of ..Mwlkd hHwl bllta. and and aallora' umna
oqtoMMwt bao bent liroacbl loo atandr\ll «U1 t.rotwtbly .oii^lnue wolll aneird oa the toi
Old Wmo. terbU wllk tbr ..blin- probibtted by couallluitoual luoitotoa. Blag.l
"urb o atop would br lo lUr dtrer-ltoe
I iror rronotuy. aiatrrlall.r otewtenb tbr aludo eacrptloB ft
IS lb.- k.poaku>o of Ibr b'etelialiuv. OUd
mm torltif for Ibr Uwobo
Ir. wbirr aa pMnlrd OM
to.10 Iw ni'lietd. osd It
toe* to druand I.W addla tbr munMidlU
ttonol focUUtoe. II la wHI to brab
oum no halfway

rule by
p Ibe Irsiktoi nffnian
tbdy- reSrrt
tocal aratlmrui
i-ui rrpanliup Im-bI kptok
lU. to uUatoUaa. WhUr
factory ta maba. tn o|.cfdllnB » «ccuptoa oBllroAr too uacb lime. Tba
' -. oa a baak prapoaltlBB.

... .
!r.'pe< l«4i.« r.To Mre imly.
liar Afro' I.Piii of eipol and
.rat-pl nUh the' d.‘ruaopl» .pf

atetr IpojrU of
pll.n1 Liw. l.atiiip In \lew
lullou of Hie an.
Billy rf Ihr u<4 III ...Iinr,'
the iniHll,-a1 lew. »t, M.ii-r. w
token an BiUnnve.1 .............. .
tyi WM-lliy aii'l 0.-I1 .|M.ih>
dank au.l ,kur*<'"p|i* wb'> In
pu-l«r.l t.p |pip>.llee
lepolly «
Uwa of

aU*llnl oer»drr«noi runt l.-trd of brti
on rnoiro and till, rraiilt ran Iw •

lo oeud to»M u> a
todnotrlal orbaol

no ooBtoiiir

Pir> tn «ain.- pa's'll td Koorulliol Ttininiwm. Dr. Aadaraoo
I 00—PapM by Uood Uarbtw aet
phypatvUa-ae. rill.w1e
Aold loop Seer-Vbolr eoai|iOBy. : S tfi-Keportaot oeotetary aad li
H-re U li'm aa m ibr
^ ^ llolliOoe.
; ater
M-pJ-Mkainut r( t-l.Bptu:
, ,,
ThxAaouroiB tbetmaboui wna full of
;i ith-Urpocta of teboxla
e of 1R.P •apiillvatu U rp-iulreJ
. Ipp Bkl npiB.rr. ATBeiMI kBpl M hwi. IP- Bin
. pood thiopa
Dr RoolrymKo-lrymp
•• w.
- rriallkr.
bonblup drjwrtni.-ul luit emni
bit ao
Aablou. lb. pooot of
prwale.1 blia wilb'a hnpr
Mto r. U
1. Shnur.
rf whalTwr''^ I
7-> ilpa Omnd Kowlre aiap
pp Incident: W 0 Bnodoo. in eharpo of Heip tl." .pjbpr. IP, th. .11- .4 to..««B.

^Trn.erte Riyuriai.. aaaovtaiioD ce- atwte.Iw pnod dial Of
Pour WbiM'o cup ta Alpor oeaute.
ipir. of a : bo. brcBB n eompoti B OU woleoi and
*“ ieurrrdai Pork Miel taalWed. .In t.MJOBtinp thr
■aaeta of (
»- ‘-'-•iDe.d.T.nodiU.pntt.r iiipiobkihrloriu eOBop dootor, Dr. H<
-..........- baa ktitod foor
iftoppto tbi|l br IW1.0Q Kc
op.miu lot ....•• of Ibe prtitir I B'.d R.oal dr- with Ibr mrolion of It
Kor throe Biaodoa will
- ePjoTr.1 tn Ihto'br bad wltb IH >'
Knrelnud W ; claim mt tn b

Tbo drerlo
iimta-r ot Ibr at ttwr.npo, and aaid i
I from Ibot Ibe nouily ot
n«ite' ramp are
lo OPtoir lna)au.p..a ii.i.'Ip'IkiI < .
: Wlih hi. rarly errtit in hit
meapo. rf the
,p.»*::Kw.hw with-tel.
bt-ut. Ibe j-rMrni. ooine of bit hnrdr.1 ilrnppte.
Ib .Mpet oOUly I
war nl nil have hern nilh phytii-iau.mihei ihaa
M are eery arrioaa aad at
ai4.-Peolr.1 ,lh:il the Vxl.lultire It
Itir fua.t Wltb paUrDIa
t bBDUrt moeh aaitoty
qulre'liilo Ib-' Wl..lpitii (r.-ni tin- aXiin.l|>aUil ot jPOhUe |M)h. j ••( fri..l. rlip^ lii
ellctbir the inkldri.l or .a-t.l.x of a
lUilonal hank or Ini-t .eppppany I" |e-rfomi lbe-dullp,-a of j.n-ai.lp-iil it vr*bler

Ouo of tbe vexed onl.Je.-u of d
. poo. etprrlaQy In tbr old.'r a
partlona of the atita ouiablr ..
lotrillceatly oald of tbto lolal toIoo- towao bod rlltoteo. to Ibot of U
ttoo or of tbe ooar»cnrtit:of Ibo ooeoral properllM lAudved. yrl it to a acbool arrvtnp neatly half rf Ibo ntlre
: mttofnrtkui to ioow l^t IbU
>r Of cbUdren of acbool ape la
: of tbr board urrta tbe olmoA'
StaMnltodb tbo«
autr^ deorrteo thr i.xy rareful
•mtttollRrd approril of tbr tovpb- Tbo
decallos of the IrpUUlure for tbr
ytMbmUy tbo onty aife rale lo fal­
Intmved murb tobe^1u>4-4al«
B tbit Ilk work mnn nrcroaarlly
low to to mobd pmrtalon to ratotbuoa Jddfmaub
bo under d:ai<-ulltro proBirr Ihaa ora
tbo MbPtoy by tts trr eerry Mtor
Admintoc ««oto a>r tooidUy to tocountrrtd to tbr riUra abil tlltopr..
kuiwrinlcnarat of pBtdlc Inalrucoa Ifeo corcaeineoo of tbe rcoutt
very |woi>rHy remaimrndi tbe
wd by tbe board. It to rieor to •doptloB rf AB BllrraallTC litou wbOTOao U Buial be to aU,ulu> bora by Ibr propla rf pontlpuouo dtouKlA
«lvn Ibo oobjort toleUl(rBt i-oooWeia- cobaolllBS tlwlr own may
Itobi. tbal tbe Iward baa »ut ylHdad
pIbo at Ibrlr o)Hiou and kUtBiInjlr
to etomuf for bish taluni^ osito*t _
oatnllard fur Jbr dUiiin 11.41001.
tbto cUoo of pruiwny. nor bab H hero rroTlakia aboold atoo l» mode that la.
awod or unduly laflum.-rd ^y tbto Im- caor Ibla plan doro Ml pcoer aall.faenitobi rf IPr*^
nrTi—r assrop«nou of wroUh. but baa tory afire a te-tialn Irapfli of tluic tbo
VtorarMy of StrU0a.
been ortualrd ouly by a dealre to do peopio amy rvlurn to tbr rf.trl.i-ayo-

ToMl .!V.........-toktsLMT.T*
Tbo ttS t«to
tbo youri KOIUOB wu |dJta.11L«t. It V rvtdrat.
thartdat* th*l enlnM tbe muaiiintioa
to omiedid juo to pnttlde aourreo
of roeoeeo
to thoar »» <M
Wibaltos idjMtojiml rxpmaea of Ibm
•Ulo. rare Mbt lo taken If tbe
toa key for laOd-llkH to to br i
toeo tbao dnrto« tbr ymra iBdt-UKe.
•bd Ibla. too. wiitaoel rouoM
■Buy arw preNu-ta.

ppBlsbt ati-l Tuv

■ar drrrloiplu
Inc .rsirup ■k-meii'
iRroriit rtatr loi.i

TMn obould bo «

tU faU duty. Tbe obMOM of' Uxeo
from ralirvnd pro| d*e to duly.
AU. wot f 1.4!B.nbX wUUr tbr ainuonl
fooulilus frmu tbe oaoeoauirut J«at reforndto wlllbeCJCAttl- Voder two
piorooBirnt tbe lairin'riv of rxproto
tompableo. ntHonnlnx a'locV ear. lofrlcmbpr aint fuai frrlebi Uiir iwnipa.
Bko yirtda at the ateraue n>U Of tOX•Uou abe
Vour. atleotloa
Win bo rrall.p.1 In rrrtiiln Ji

Sobs. -I
p.potbrr Rowire
I Job ITIbe fi.tlonlsK Aftepufire
«.->.xe ai.prnn'lR^''"’* i* t*^
^ rrwt’.M -Dr
an.* ^,r.l llpal ■are. ren ,..j
■te ta:ip-> Sunday, bate Voea’ Solo- Or
in.>uib of the Si. La»- ' Tbr Do. tor Bo
O. K Olmae. Dr
r<-nre. and bote Imn f.-llxnA)
P Imwteo
Bipwl eever. and »I'll.wpreotl <vl
VmbI oolo-A.
oflhearaaoS. I’.OJ weolh-r*

nx'Mlalloti with rof.x.-m
jr-rvl.U'ip of rlpk irh- niilwi

ealillol <

OUtc obould iwrrrBI
tbo ronlooluatlou o
(pilmlool of 0 mofT I

prtniiT aebort iBlmot fond. rorlow hat tsiwtaord tbr ipna’any of
M • NooH of Ibo tarrr uxra fald by lU loeolittot Ollbr wlih nu raprelrnrrd.
tbt tbrnor ipociat Ui jiroportiro. la a ............................... ipilrlwIKlrol Joda»l. Tba Mcraolly of ibl. rbanir
oabyet of irool iBtorrot lafalai
It br PTldrnl lq.all who nwllir Ibt
Ibo «M0Uiw If Ibo lliuo baa Mt «
nil tn wbh-b IH'IP Imni-kl. o.r
WbOB tbo poofdo oacbt lo be a.Vo
Sa a llBli to tbo abieuM ibr atau
Mali Mr froB Ibla food fur tbo oup- Dolita 4iy lorol
fwt of Ibo primary icbooU. luordar tbr oalont to wlih b ctKinly l■natd> are
sImtUrly torunxvd
ta alord Ibla roUaf lo tbo
Burn It orlll br arfoonry to auboll
It of tbr
muon of aU o«ara>iiinit:db
•ethority of lor.1 l^awla l.
tbo «aala« «ltn« Mortloii. nt v
t|Ua o
tnoMB pmeaplu b
fw un tt w«a «£«
aaaMrd rahwtinn of Ibr bn. InItAoTanmr Bltm i
mitrd from |miMbn<e« to *I41S.TOftOno to inie- an liH-nd-- of *460,can of MUrpite
of tbo ouio. 000.(01. Of tbto vaet euin ilir liKTroat
bet tboy abooU bo rarod for oi«rt to p«r«»BAi iwofony »«uooa
from tbo twabo.)
AbPOopoaoMM aei Iboimto tea Mop.
iy a amaU paK of tbo tout i>aid by
tbo ■aamel.taapaym. tboy ai« a lafco
«nto to P^btor dlocemioo of iho tabpayar^ bartoe. ‘Ao afirataio of tbo
us iary ta tbmaforo of roBrcn
tfeoM wba OM cbarttd wUb tbo
Uolttmy of uakbw |«»toioo i
tbo aoado a« tbo auto, sad wbllotbay
MMt «o tboir fea dtny to oartof for
aU heltoMU eomitifli, if auu tasaa
are w bo kapt at tbo lowcat ficuo cob-

.r.urlmi: to .1.Mpd,.'rj
itetoikinito.'lni; llhi-'
I-.I..CV Ibr j-vplp-f'PT
uiaiiTbpIty a.liaiuo
ro.Pl' iirpirin.ipi ;pi.d f»'

■ hr

no oftaM at Ml. Pliombt boa.
MlBBtoiy oteem lamed Ibo S. >kl bolUlBco ftw
to toeor .4
I ototo bobrd of odooBUM. Tbo toroMo to dioued omew too laodtot

Aiibe booioooa aaoMOB tbe folleolopoaiwn war* rleetod:
ProaiOMi—Dr. C J Kaoetoad
>"««—«pt. ULjra'itoauh't'BrT^i'^;;!^
Vteo Fteudoot-Dr JaIIoi H Wi
i-eeaJb. amac Anmij oe.w ibp- UkwiMO
stecnury—Dr Virnnk Holdaw.wtb
Trooaoiro—Dt. K H. loiwteo
Deles ile to Ibr >‘tote Mrdnwl Aon
etolloo-Dt. A. H Holliday
I nod wiadom' . Dmeoen l>t
folly, follow aa I Dt H B Ui
j .■lup.-pv atx.nnwwx

. ’S

...I I. ... p.""ei,s.TK.'.T.4si:r"


artlon of tto owt. biialiHwa. Tbr
atlalloa of Ibr Irslatetiirr I. oloo
rollrd to the uorraalty of iiuikiiie trr........ lepolro to thr .wpllnl bulldliif:.
Tbror Inprorrmrula abniild Iw mado
esdor tbo dlrreitoo of the l«ard of
•Ute OBdllora. wbo«- anllkwify abould
impU to ^•rotr.^ all Hir lutrr.ota
Of the atalA '

aaamnittcio bere. aod —----- t1 v*.
ooi oimditlOM orttb tbo oboeo of K

idTBBk rartetlle arlde ntb.x ihAB far ; ImmbObopo.
Tbto aiptmlas <tr mnitpl Jury n
P«sl n... '.TlAitnal rou»i.lmr)-*iii
i-odrr **"
;lCBiloti.d.-tuanmnx OB lAplanailoL. After tbo bwiqBot bad b
for Ihr omeealnirnt .4 lytUB infMP I«!»d. Dr. Kowlre. tbe U

I'M kul-toct

addltlua to Ibr
ir odirr bolldlBs
may be buOL
ProTlakui oo»bl to In
iB«r(rBt for tbe |«r«.ni ureda. bet
iBUcIpattoc tbo topltluoir demaDda of
:ibe .uioro. Tbe aiair la t.wowlu( and
ooecaaartly tbr work of llo p>rrni.
bmmro Bmi.x. Tbr atair bow
too to a nrtaln raleot Ibr ludrfrnalbir |ioamoB of twine a truant, and
oenmr obonld l-r loat in |wev|.llne l6r

Ito Aafeteo «Nk» tory
OB OBMo of tbo motlai^
tbo MTty doyo la Ibo rtty.

tarja and a!..ia flilpoep. Tbo repr,' ■ t..., *ud looet. fai
amiAttvr. p4 the Mine Op.-r«lor»' aa- led naefa otbor in ti
lieufuprard WUb'
s ii.-.l luodi: »wiatlnn i.n.lner.1 'h.-T U«.V» an.! t*a
M>iiiuilAn. an*
.....................-n.icol trlrei.naa. waa m
that Ihr r.->.p<«ai.

• oatMy frer from any pw
bo bnlldlnc

i. Bodtrlrliif Ibr foBBdatm of IM okcUon iia<-l>lHFr7 iuotf, orlirmoi for a
abenld bo Ijrutwteil fully ami |>rrfocl-

•r larb a Uw.
UadaMM abOoU al«o bo undtr*
ttkra ta fnllr laaorr ao armrau
eOMl of Ua ^acUoii laltota. ao far
aa poooUio rcadviac obuotIbc bmI


IrctoUIBR may dlrrri.

Poopir reaatmg In Cn«opa.
rhleosn Jon it-m..r adjilinmal
TM maae. whUk waa oweod ta
.l-wil... int a
•.( a;x i- ;reoro«o
to Ibo oayir tor wbloh tbo
P l^ra Plaer ta ao woll known, wno u
lU'rauoa fwiiablss f^w»:
are tbe U
Srenm of ttolokra
iim vlctisia oefr ftoak
Brattod WhUrfiab. Uaut* d'Boml
«e and C C roole. labor.
SaraloM Ohtua
■htakro f-tlrl.
ue to doktb ABd-O W
Miohtooan 8nom>
iBemployepd rlrri

Ot-iiiun oo tbr Bnuiud lUl it will.(artlluir ■k.llr.xbni. fnr ir.-two atol
barr a dr. ldp^1 ir:id'iir) to |.n >mt rn
iT«a<4uii.-ui>; oter. .Pn-;i.ui.» ciu|w«wi
lus tbr laud n«uua'*.bmrf and ibr au­
ditor gnirral to wll Ibr ilmlaT from
tax boBwadrad toiklpp >1.1 autburlalea
Ihear umrlato lo Iraw for a l«TU of
yaora Ibr aatur rtoa. of Ijudo pmlly ruUanrli.auto4r lalur. y'a'esraMr arll-ui alopillpt Iw uAou OB

full llwll or lU
tor raiulrli
pwre and i10 alPTldar Ha auitoalty
iddlitou Ibr ateic ewne a
Would bo to tir Ita baiida olid i-rorrot brtrb bnlldlos at tbr .xprorr of WiiiblUo laorrclbpii <if iieBteioIrd vtoto- InstoB arrnsr and .MlrcoB Mn-rt. ouftIlona uf Ibo loa tew
•• pun~M. for * blrb
ViHlrr tbe .ujwnMoii of tbr roa- iB odor of HO.UW bok 1«W« n#dr. Tbe
Ibo work of akMklDB uSiwro FteratlTr rcoldrorr oMoId tir IphIIi udI ptocluc TiroiaTtj OB Ibr roll* at drr tbr dim-oou of OVkiair loird of

Oeeaworfc Dom by tK« Bovd of

Oomwr DUh. Iq boftnalec bU
BMMS* U tbo TortJ'-oei'vad lrcMhm of UMUcao. iimfoU • sbart
' MMlon. aad uya U tbc hvUUtur* wtu

UiioWko bMOoOm m* Mobol »
U to tor Ibr br.1 imm«I of tbr c
lot Ibo su'mnr obueM tuvo

OneTourfh Off
Oft all Too. (lameo. Oidlk. It.«1luggx-..’lkjll
arias Tm Cliair.,
'i'nvCrapIlex. Rork'ni; Harxrx.
Alill liaie a ginnl akkonmentrf DrfK
Jihn Toix ami (lames which >.>u
vail xcleci now «i

One Tourth off
One Tourih Off
On a'l .^'fitiins Vanrv Boxes Toilet
<’a*es Wmk Boxes Hanpfkenhxf
an-1 ('.love Boars Cud and Collar
Boack all go now at

One Tourth off
IS per teuf Discount
On out entire otoe* of Tmwaye,
' Orsnileware sad rtalianited Ware.
Our (iricca un aUrve gooda at uaual
Afc tbe lowoot IB Ibe city, sad wnb
the aboxe dpacouni, g<*rf you a
cauace lo bu) thei* gooda rbeaper
than aeu eacr did before

Will fou miss this thauet

25c Aot 18 ru'laof Perforated ToOet Psper
I 9c tor (wing Rsaor Strops wafantod Henc
Hide and 85c
j c tor a yard of Lamp Wicfc. No. 1 atod 8
5e for 18 inch heaxy Ctsailc Bammg Spotm,
lllc vilmr
4c for a large mac Store J’oke. lOe valoe
3c fey a g mil csB opeher &c kind
2< tor a v--' »»**■• Nrf* Batuk. 6e value
I c for 8 HOnchca rf good Kail Pm
4c foi a rake rf WdUamv' br« Shaviag Soap
2e for kiuall
Curlmg (rum
I c fur a g.».f k4» Beater
2c far a 1 irge mac Krteh^ Frfi. *e vrfue.
ScfotaUigciiae tia BoMiag Spoon
4c far a I i'ge wiic Ppuio Msaber
2« fo> * ‘a-C* bMtfo of Carten bem' Isk
0c for s pimd Patcing KsjJs «"»ik •»**
2c far Urge aabealoa Uala T
0c for G white BwUl Tea Spootia
lOrfwaaewkmdrfalJiM Pais tSc «-slue
3« far U •« exteuioa Canaia Roib
8* far the luc n-htek Brootourith Usck haadle
4c far a dpmhle bU of toe fa** Olyortiac
Kstvrf *»i Pnvfa. «fc

kU aad chlUrao, ami tor earn111 mivs (hix xah- 1

«■ a M.xiiive loan to you. Thi* sate covcr> eveothinig o( your immediate wants
ally white y< II have a chance and save mone\'.


Th© Raoke't 3t:or
TH* S6or*


tovfa* Tow MofTfay
rn. •T*
■». «4bpilOKI.MAM.




Your Mone^'sWorth or Your Money Back
If )'ou are liot sure that CerSSOfo is the
best bread Bour^bake it and compare results
with what you are now using. Money back
if you are not satisfied.

WM«*< Mm MMM*

We take Inventoryearly in January and in order to reduce our stock.
we make


TaM4v Blftii'*
PJ.MO for Ik* sM^rlBC' of the
Om» >--------- (.0** oer«* of auBd btwta. ssd tiJM
-ho for Ik* T. C.. UAH. richl 4f way V
I ear Hob Parry Haassh
tar* imm *«lt» ta pn»«la« •—
r frum (be
____ 1 lb* sobaerlpUuo wkb tl.MO.
ictoring Ite
MV tM( tadMin. •>« >k* <o»
sod • eoisaltte* ws* sppoleiad to a*tM who M U ehw ifc»
ir* lb* bslase*.
le staled that ImlusirU-s !
Id U* ti«M of WM «« «< tk* Cl»7
A. V. rrtedrteh colled ih* bmuIsc
. kwklag this way. ■>
order asd «ipbls*d that white th*
tk* Ttmw«o CJgr. LmIwM * M*
las are alive aod afi
U If Travers.- <Hi> Is
UM* tmlW Tk* VbortM 4M0P■mud IkM th. pwPM of U. e«7 *«
.! ; Itewoii. Jao U ^liy
on Boodsin every line we handle, and especially so on all small lots: •
J alias Stelnbmn
-i-fY loUTMiad Is- tk* ftloN Id tk*
Ueoi Ibif oiaratog died a bill ia'lattrvm
inp to Uedoit
short lenBths: on odd lots: on all heajfTBOods. etc.
dV, Md «• bsU**« IkM »kM Ik* seI Rayoe oucail iteert tor liar dtssdio-,
F. Wy*oc« mod aoo h
UoUm eoKBlti** BskM Us tov to
Prlitacsl Peaaibllrllta.
« itioa of toe Detroit Iteal Clab. a lotml | orlraoed frost a vUit to Ao-lmm.,
Ladies' Misses' and
MiM tks socvonr Nkd* tlMf «UI iwiarr. asd tbss Jsdc* Roberta collod
Ibsi Ibe siwiBc eIccOoo U ap eool comblae. laatotelnlug tool Us >-x-: tod., whter they .bare bteii *»•-* to*
W*M «ltk OkSSfful TMPOUM ssd >lk- aiKia Mr. rctedrtcb lo rxi................. pruacklOI. Ibougb aont. •Ilslaooe off. i IMeooe te in violalluo of a *Bt* law I bolldays
Children's ....
toe puUilcsl iwaslbimies Jo Tratc-rst-: ■Kotost realraini to tzada. Tbr ariml- Mrs Fred Onrtla aod ekildrro Kd'VrtMl^'ieferred to Ik* fact
Tbs (Igbt of »»J s
acutely discuseed
aal iwoMatloo of (be - Inb * ofioenjward aod Umldtoe. tetaroed uMy
tk* elir baa b*Mi at work tor
a Tiui wub Mi
UB* to aacun
deteral *uud fUlteus have U«B dlt
MSB <n iss

lory bar*. H* spoke .. ...
able garments. AT ONE QUARTER
a* poaslbb-caodidate* for.ihe I U)tombB*. Jao. U-Ooveroot haab ;sod Mrs O. P. Oarrer. Mr*. I'oni*'
.«». sod rtso U 1* ooosMsrod Iksi
Ii late* 10 erect a faruxr. sod asld
laod Attoroey Ueoerml Sbeela this af-|imreota
TO ONE HALF OFF regular values.
«U cost tkU dir bol tl.MW to secure that II would sot b* pu**ll>l« to t«
aoutex them Mi>or U^' i'arter ha*- Mrooou atteoked toe cmI trail In sa-1 h IL Ballsy ;af KB|/iir ii lu ibe
factory this r«sr. but ihst It
tks T. C . L. * H. tks valira of tks r»
oa*l ;«ily Ibu aftenoon.
d**B*d• adTl*abI<
• • .bl* t.D sreura a tare* beea talked tor-a reopBloatlon Hu
salt* csooot but b* »tsUlriBt Such
lu ilteir eharters U.e foltowiog .-oot
Bib lot of Men's Oassfrit^i^and Worsted
aad srtfe of ttatUui |
Hr t'srvvc has nut >el glvee the mat
. Mllirsr oososetloo to tbs I--------Ba.r are riitllng frteod* la to* mty ■
tyr any 'aeHuUB l^cb<- but sill vi.
Suits, all good styles bntonlj^nebr two of
Cb would b* rslard. a
rssoru sod tsroilsi dUtrKl*.
ooci Ibal oootrol tbe coal in Ofalk | lOda.T.
a kind all sizes in the I st. reBular values
rsA comnoBiwuMi *i»*i
-**— lory would be *r*cl*d herr. Me ipoke doubt be guided wholly by ibe a«*Ln.i Tite banday Oreek Goal Uo.. HtUsbnrg l'. W Wbeelock. toe local manager
of tk* aaccea* of ti '
of toe pari}.
• S.SO -to *10.00
Holoials, b vscT iBPortsst sod wUl pridar Mat. sod o................
UoalOv.. OulumboiA Hooking Cool' of toe Ciliieos' MteplioB* exohang* I
V>«s so istoisss* bsosdt u. tkb dtr was takes by tko** preoeai. He asld
freely discussed lo ibl> rooix-ciion A IruD Oo.. Sallabory Ouallkt. t-oogo went to Oiand .Baiudi tbia morntoy'
If the temen do tlralr pan
M *sU
........... ...........
the Kecurd has It rroiu reliable Uoal & Mtntog Go . Middle State*
ettr lia pan. ih* fsciocy la--------ddSS. VOSS LOSISIISM
Coall'o and t'-uniraJ llookiog Fuel i Vto
tiai goat to
Th* Me* of the *roolDC wsa to dl*Ktriiy that Judge KoU-ru-wilI t
•tsd tut dtr proBt*
*“ “* cuaa plaosBa to tk* be*t BMhod of
-KtogiU-.v for a abort lime.
tk* OUST rsllrosds truck bsTS •> •eeurtox ibla larg* acreac* asd the oooalder ibe lotulnailun. UU tenu
‘Che aoUa are broogbi oudei aoti-, Leu Uiaysoo la making a beaioes*
- a*-]udte of Ibe Hevurder'a court
t«rsd Ub dtr hors cost mt ***7 brt*
ttwkt law Ii 1* charged Ibal all the . txip to Peiotoey aad HatMr Sprlogs.
doe*' out expire for two yearn, and li oomieoie* usiued are to couiplraoy! Ur< (i. Kaiier irfi Moeday for
smrnititr is *•«««* of «bst U rsdoMl
He stated that the
to* dtulre of the iK-ojde ibst b# for a combioallOB to reeUaim of liaide OhatUvoix. where •!■* will visit
for tkb, sod whs* its »*h>s
br u
tr*d tktr* ihoald oot b* * -o—v.
n auBar isaoeur. aoa aisted Ibl
hi* oplBloa a b*M taior teeUM dUnxard a
hesUsUos oe Iks psn of ortw diUso
Id b* aqiisl in ImpcwtsBee i
lo csktrlbBUec csesnnsir wubio hU b««
(sciort** BOW located bar*. f<
is OleDllolled *v
ksesiB* tbs who)* dtr wUl he ... Ik*
tclure *J !»■(• He spoke of U
New Church M Monroe Centre. - ^
Biruag pooslbllliy If be wmld con
why that tk* beet tucar lactoriea had
About u year ago the i»ople of Moo-1
RehUr* to tk* DsessdUe* for tk* r«vi»ed Bar Citr sod SaBtsaw. aod Siol to allow tbe uso ol.bla owe tor
U.Ulked of stroof- roe Ceutat ami vtoialiy Bade u|< tlieir i
•OV bsst OMSCS. tk* t— of IM» urped.ibai Trareiee City Bd lo Hoe.
Liit Tr.p el tne Season.
ibe acruac* this ree/r sod
ly-uid oely by ut-mbera of ibe repub BtD<)> 10 ba.ild a oew rbun-h. lASt!
to dsfrsr tk* expos** of *«»c1b< sock secure
the factory oaxl.
5omlay It ws* 'dedlrxtrd by Kev. Ur. [
serssse >• iidfct osBpsrsd with tk*
oo i. W. HUUkao was tbea called llcao party, but atnuoK toe democrau
ksseCU. *T*s tbou«h s fsciorr b sot
lit** of th* board of trod* lie
Sdsbibbsd her* for MtsHl r«M
Ur. W. B. Moon has been oiebUonud
Tk* *ddltio* of *»V bed* to tk*
‘ hi*" atari.
Aod ex-Pro*M-urlite Alltuwet red dollatr, with auditorium uod Ivo-i'
prodsot* of tk* tsiWtMb will
Ike Mdsod fer Ism Isboc sod pat«
d here tb*n> would be oo Pratt come* lo fur ruaaldr.-fall<>0 tun ryum oaeeecii-d wiili >lldiii«
Is BetUac Ih* tanory. Fraok Frialrteh U’ d.rlpri.d u. I»- a lour*. Mutued glass v ibdoWA fortiMCe _ J ''
Isndr l*««****d svool t»f oooer
isio dresbUoB. of whk* tkb dtr wtu lb* factory, spoke of Ike toes alreadr gord .caodldatc aad a Ia«t mon-r. aod aod Kheultue lun|w. which give a bril-. - ~
' Bulubalders are giving J-rituk a liBUI light almoel equal 1<> eleclnr-ilv. ■ ‘ 'dsdr* s ditwt bsssat.
rat by Ibe eoaposy to took after the
Orvut <-(rdit IS uoe Itie I'Utid .-f.
Tk* lo«l SBdiol iwqultdl for tk*** latter, sod of th* Bee tuaptoyed by good deal uf thougbt to that dlr^liuo
s.if.' .,uri
trattwe v.'liii. uulwilbsteu.ltug
two «stsrprbs* U but
sod of irn wtau woul^ be ber* hi\lha tall
hour ilulK'* III furmiiig. lumberiug., f
beo the crop la karraited. sad a(i
..„ t„, I,
John H .8ap)o a-ili be.tbe dea
tkb SBOost Uce- P*rT7 Hsossh verr tel
CleU.-* Union .
the rllr U alievtr pled(ed to use
aod k.-|4 pasliiug (hi >u J
eostrlbui.. *L0#0, •»* a twai aCoru to aocuru lU (.OM erailc uooilow. Mr. asoio I
■criMiBe aU«ii to .■oupl-ltvb. llr.-al| ,
roBOlog qitelltlec'lasi ajirinc. and I
kosdiwd St s psrwosl doostloB sod CTM In beeu for this naaauo
ini|>rtnt-ij. 11
orwl'u.. *li..du.-ihbU.I...' A..r*u-|;^ _
U reply to a qe««tkiB sa to what aaaoerailc trteods aru di-K-rodii^
; tr* kusdrod for tk* Hssosk A Lsr
IV- vit.-,V..r;..,pisr n,.,-: 1
aletv wb» ismltibuliul a> a i> I
- tPhi ii.-h.j.rp..T l..i
Oo. Mr. Hsossh * oostrlbatka b lo •ueoBs the dtf abould b* par to to laee him lo the iteld agalB.
Oder to aectiie this acrrac*. Ur Mil­ Charlt-s M. Heen la tor- tnJ) r.-in
o.ri leu Luudred dulUr*. Iwarl.* ptr ' '
sddlUo* 10 tk* tr*s us* of rikht of likan aisled that to view of the Importouhl sui-.Mlplwu* 'J'hp young p-o
uiealtooed frdwar OTO^ kb ptbpertr os
laaee of ibe protect the -plr Os..- duiMs|detidldl.V. i.-iilltbtiiiiig
\V. >*lli!..-\\..ltrail, wkbh U sbo * e------------------- be wlllUc to pay soy a........
the Reid.
over <«.- Iiimdied doUur* Ki i-aHe, bowerer, ihodihl that
; USB. Hr. Hssosh hsTloc. oasMb- aary.
M.OOO oucht • std.ea'urw .pr^ur ami ■1*1*011*1
In Mstarnr'rrrf
el*d to o**h. tk«afore. otsitt os* porpook.
l»r...\iM ' .itui ih.'
toortk U tk* o*«l*d saeoBi te tkoBld
Boa. Terry HaBomh Iheo Salted Utel
Hip- Woatllrt Was tv.ld alpd *11
1 >1.1-. Ntdirf. I'.PI
boBoa T. toua. ehalrBoo of the
■II ooiile a drew- run for
b* tm/W * Id.* tbo bdssco.
111 11 hiT iittonuaTk* «loru of tk* board of trod* Is yBBRtoe to aecnre the T, C.. L. A toe repobUcf^^ oumluaiioa for city bet il<.' i-lucky and'tullpu*i**lii'
pie came oul an.l Ullrd iIpc- IM. H»t td wv ooi of Ike eliy.
ttnhmdt tk* Isdosirtsl wetter* <d thoi
Kveu-thv good i<eoplr of Cirawn drove
tk* dtr or* worlhr of
idldaie acala toU tpriiig.
Hr. Bata* thes car* So aoeosat of
DfCtod gate alpont fifty doltania*l
tbs work of Utel----------eeonctmbt. sod It I
to Ihl* Use oo other csodldBte baa sp tor iIa Mp^ymeiil of gtvug. Tbe
a yv ado. He stated that ep
V* that test uckte -----------------Jtner toe eleeUoo two year* pie of tbik charge expeot lo bol
(i:-J--.» J
X.-iUf Sanrho. tele
aday alikt Ute aaltcr was oot
s Hrolr iktsrsd lo tk* work of tk*
a* understood that Ur. Has- new iteraousge at Onwa and bate
ready few repon. eo oo repon
.te 1«
1« l-l’U.i'ri.-ir.-kk uf a husrdiBg boaao to
board. Otkar tsdootil** *r* tooktec
caiMcy by
by oexi
next confer- ‘’'""•f nbv dird iveuoily aod mad*
tkb wvi bat M bibWlUni esBOot b*
that he would be la line IbU t]
will make It ooe* of lh«.'Huori-bek.-, ahu wa* a
bod let sotklBc tt U op to tk* du to f*UlSd tk* tsUiosd
Hr. HaakcU ntotod lo toe Becbrd to­ Boat deetiaU* ebargee to aortbeni!•‘■iv teBa<r*•d out of tOWB.
l*w*U* Mm* MOOS* whankr
. Hu..rvU K.- I* enipluyed u a ti.-nogTh* Tax Ssiss.
by UMooBBUioaot day ibui be vould be a caodldale frw Hlehigau .
»oloos the b*r shore
Tb* pastor.' Rev. J.
Miller, say* ra|.l.. r pii ImmT. ll»r^ kto.l to
h.‘ iiiibllrailoD uf ihe annual
> stated that tboo* Whs hsd oot hod
Tb«e are toe aamen mraitone. ...
* llkl for Urand Trwverse
Sau.-h.'. a widow, while
t to do woald b* aorprtoMl'.. the principal ofieen. ao’/ while olberi yoo«ia'l find a olot-t or luore bpsidt- '■
■*- f.iuod In Ibis tasoe of t'
lo ostsUbk (Miod** bat*.
able fwople lo II.* Mirl.igaa coofw-'j
w*" ‘H- “d fur tbu amteiaot-c the
If you iiwn any rual rslale to
say appear laser the caodldacy
‘ ,»-piuu luan b*» riv.-lted her fStal.-.
Psiwsd by Iteaswralt.
ared n<kt of way across^ t
teera and Haskell 1* a foregooe c
Tw-li.' cuupl.-a recenlly ci.-lvbraled list to be sure .'utir land ip. not
mttiMtoa. dss.
e* or toor plooo* ortRhiiny..e
ilutkin. There wUl be an especially
i1p.-U C.ildcir W'.HldlDg together at Su\i L'ludedwhich was that of the HleUB
f^-pi. Wnlu-.da.- •ta.-u-l '
^ aeoa***lt has drlres both boo*** of
Vtomlol. In fmalla. Klflj- )ears *g.>
Oo. wklck was aeliiad to oeo..
' ooscre** Islo s ceola**laa that tk*r —a«k
be repubUcaa* are oHodfut that ■ CaptalD Will Frankliu. basgone to ri CkPupli-s were luarrl.*! at the same
ilBki of way was to coal tk* city
I «n*tt*Mpttopa***MB*Kirtattrosi «!.<*•. ThU wsa too BocA. tk* cobto IM iBlaresu of toe pony asd PiBaskey to alUnd a law soil ia wbh-h • Ime. and In the case <rf half of Ihes*
alitee tLooBhi. ao they beM oB
th* diy to same the atroogest pcwsl^e ho is lowreeved.
biippluiod and wife an- silll llvlog
kept St work. UU a* a resnil. Iasi
you money.
, .
, - - ...................
Weoffir l.adi<?s-.
aeavMs. sod on that nuslii i
For In^U aad Oild^A
ceUlDc tk* rlEht of war troB ... coBdldate.
At Springfield. III., because there
John Steimst of SalMo* Boy ore, to
•added BOW U how tarth* ■east* b cf S.
Misses aiiU Chiltln-Ji
s Co
Coafk. Jackt-iw ami
A I. to Urn oooBtr Uoe. tk* city
WAS a'cial famloe to Ibe city aod the Ttn KM Ym Hm AlwifS
le city, today.
wOBi« lo so la tied bodlss.
Cai»esat 'j off, all away Irel.
iw cijst. l-tirif
w hs* u^*«cure ealr froa tk* O. R.
Free C*al Fer a Vsar.
.Tk* koua* Ji sppoan, will psu ALU lb* M. A H. K. rouad boos*,
sianw. you jji-i a nice Keirscy Ucket, nc
WaahtogtoD. Jut. 13.—The 1
large nuntlier of cltixcns of Arsad th* cost, toatsad of bsiac M.4M. •mmiuee oo ways and auaos
of Nortoipoit drove t< Tritrerae Oily
iOM SOBS bUl WUklB tk* SBt
shoddy at $3/1-1-a coat that _____
^ ____
will b* ealy |2.(00. a aarlBC of aaarly
or fesr wMko Proboblr IM koos*
oralag decliled to report a lubsi
that i;fm-Tallv
UO. how*r«r. wUI b* too atrteflcst
« tha Oil property Mr. Bate* lor to* bill of Repr*MPUllve Hill of Joho ClDoe of Ob
sell's at
vvr)' nearly hall price: 1-urs ■*
throngb ll.*eiiy today »-hiiway wi «•* through ihp town Saiur
latoad. Ih* Ito* was eoaosad to bo
Travkrok'Xlity Marketo.
•all lb* Bar* eostarrsUr* aasatara

Rek of th*........
litand Kapldi to aiteod tbe foroliitrs day aftBroouo. ueciiplrd ibe engine.'
all klod* o
Oo * Pisau Hr. Ou BIVM th* right of
tliiaion on Overcoats, L'lsiers. Buy-s" Reefers
t*’»' iyf“»M l‘> «lk>w ib* car* to proway fra*, but th* road wUI pas* direct/ ^aoiiroe* for a period
and I'lsters. We offer more ^oods at rcduc-Hi«*MayB* Doogberty of Blk Rap--cod furthor, deepUc th* effort* of the
ly over tk* ptessai alt* of hte bolter rebate, being eqolTalent'io toe Diag.-.I l.ricfs than any house in town. Call in
trainmen, aided by the local police.
>d tor tk* roBOTsl oflhteAtr ley tariK duiy. vlrtiiaJly places coal on Id* I* to tbe city today.
‘ hot tkreafh tkb ssaaioa. Is rtow of
UdO. which toe
Hr*. J. Y. MhZntiafa and Mrs W.-:The clilieM are -willing to pay the'
and Ik- coiivinceil.'
Pfoddost ■ooseraltt rapsstsd atst*
toe Hat during that Ume. Tbe bill- It
O. Holden weal to Maoistee tod^ lu| value of Hie maL but are deieroiloed
a*ob tkotk*w«lf*dtttoUhb
to be called up In the botue toll uftep
to* M
* vAtei
lo Kamsdell tali '<0 have U. kdbUe dvtr to esll so wztrs
passed nl ooce.
- BOOS* letlalstkei b sot bad. bet It did
Uvea Payae. Ualxell and OroevoBB
sot sfwssr that tk* sessu Adidaty platotoB BsUera. Ik* pric* wa* called at the Vp-bite House tote BomKottall.
■: «bBBlm* •tasd* rosdr to adopt tor -Topwed to «td«.
i the preeldenl-* reqaeet Ip cooHowar.1 Iritb >>0* gene
•MtkiM lor l^bbUoo trsB«l by |lr. KaBaah glv** tore richt of way suit with him regardlag the coal sltuwoaa
PrMldist Boosotelt ssd Attorsar
OoSBsl Ksn. TW* saBOHUB*
New York. Jaa. 13.—Al a eoofi
way acToa* hi* property, althoi '
S Ml too hot tor *0B* Old-tlB* •
Mweeo Mayor Low and *.
toe btiUdlac of toe road wiu eoB
tors, who hare loot prsettcod ozin
rtBOval of a bars,
Bclie coal operators. I*r*aideoi
he city dnotla* th* ri^l of i
o Is doallod with btMli
Barr of toe Reading tallropd
w* th* water works sreoada
atoll* lo bpbbUeg.
been selllBg cool
he MeiaelBio Oroear Oo. give
r.' Uuual I
ftwo right of way aero** thafr pi
Cor *3 It toetw U nay case where Ue
-tniatj.. IWplMuf lipsod Tr*.rf*>-. A
«iy. sad th* eoen has tied th* o
of eroaatec th* sraeada d( to* Hh
eaplarch Oo. at >UOO. bsUsc
ply chut off eoUrely. Th.- i«al-<aiu*
axpease |z.»oo. The omBlt
•MT7. tk* trwth of wkbh. koosiM. tbs thea lorBaay leponed that to aee
>e acoioliy of coal U Ibe strike
HmwU wooM sot Toaefe ter.
the right of way/or to* T. C . I. A _
ummer. We caeool compel to*
Th* boM l«*tHMBl*l fatotebod to It wtti be oieeaaary lo raise lUOO. aatoiacUc ladepeadenl operators
tk* aucsi teetotr edctei* br ssr Tta commltiee toea asked to A* dis- sell coal at lower price* temor seise b**t palp tor estUo toed
of Hoa. Tho<iias 8a
WasUagtaa. Jaa. lA-B*tweaaaB- A»jji^i^W.«<J *< t»k l*v. »i.
Cbr fircalcst gterr ter
. wo* Bsd* paUlc br 3sB*s Mrers of Waite lb* report of to* coaialtlea
MreJaBUnaof Wteceoato.
Aiso<»i.<f tste^aSd-.rdsraw
of to* ooaM eoBBlUe* oa jadtoteiy.
otteelkte was lateod as o
loaed a raaoUttoa iatoehoas*
SBsaa. hot Mr. Baua atatM "t^ *oday dlnoUng to* keoae ooaBlttee
of eows. which oea* Ua* spo CST*
•ere were aose. as toe gobbIii
•0 larasMcaM a* to to* power of eemIk* Idas of tenltotei tbdlr owsb was worklag to get toe road oot
B Bk* poBnalon of all nml
to* city, asd sot to get as expeoae 1
n this Section is the
with Bilk. Tk* uot-at.’ sedcs — allowed.
vbtesUr s MrllB scslsst s ra
Hob. Petty Haaoah than sobiosU.
‘ ' IPj'•£*^'tC2S'b
<bt of dry food. Th* owscr. pot to •at to* 12.000 tor to* togar bcwia asd
kb wtta* owl tk«B bowht oo* lead «f .j* BtAOO for toe right of way be
sad Utal to* eUy rola* too
bast potp, whlck k* serrod la sbbB boseked.
Tha rssolaltaci goes to to* oobbIi
Booey. Thte fotud laiBedUta ood
: dosatltia* Botwtec ssd Blpht The r* oslreraal favor, mod ca Mr. h«—»
Me oe role*. TM repahllcao bob
Botto*. A. V. Friedrich wsa Bade tl
barroa tool somaiHs an bellevad i
o b
a dor ikas doe* apriac pastor*. Th* ehatroian of the ■'Uui'i-t <
■posed *0 Ib* oaoiidecaUee <
rip*bMMto*ar'~>IL-----•rat ckoratat cf U* wlstsr leek
«•**. H*>r !*.> marssd aPkeoI ateoean oa to* groonda that it HPT XO^^ikog.
MAIte PS iXsl tPPld.* <S **11?
bMFrtdaj, Battpr COB* hdeur
ais uva rvtwimiiiee. bet klr.
~ tral.
Is Hkatal oaosUtbA pAdea U cahw I^tedrieh oblaetad to tola, asd
AtegMo. Jao. U.-TR* boast
ssd d odasdld daTOT Tk* -calker- ^ Hoa. Perry Haoaoh. Thomas T.
- s't^taYl.m'sb.e.atoMXnW
In sreat profusion for th«|little folks
ISK* set ws* oBMoallr ooar- Tk* batS» L*.*.satec^UtBlte was ao peed that K was psrod
a of a kill ftoBtoevays
a to act oa to* coBBlitea. The
: for Mosda. Whoa It had born poorod
d ^
«C, toacisa tk* Brest aoiprtse of UM
kea***II» to dsdlac oror dr* pc
of par* snsalstod aossr la tk* belletoaUUwUlb* allow- - ”
*d Batter to* Twte.
Mr. Friedrich wa* sot s»vt~
take to* chatrmasahlp of to* csm
Utter bras tko Os|y “ht*
ue. bM Ha Hsasak tasteted. at
tot WU graatlng a rahaie eqaal to to*
Th* RoraU hai rMMrod a biter
in Breat variety and the choicest assortment of
-BBoataf datr aa all Impdrsed
trea Wwidiit Ckstte* A. Oateerd.
CHINA end GLASS in Northern MichlBan. You
Good ArtlUary. OeioBbM BorrselB.
*Bt*do. Jao. 14-111. araoaooeL _
QolsMbta. OU*. C. m. A. U
Haaiiah rspUad toot
will miss a Brest treet-if you do not call end see
day toal owlag Mto* ahwBf. a< ecal
lou* la kb wosi war of ib*
them. Cctenplete displey reedy this week.
will be aa eorrlesa SooMy
trip to OoteBboA tko locKteota *s giwetod wrih toad asd prohaged sp^
root* ssd tk* prorotWsl abonoto* cf ■
, tosL Btorawd that toe people
•^ppraelaled toe geucwstly of wUl have to aaeiwad
lehocB. H* oar* k* ha* alraadr B*t
a soitodr of kb oM comndm of th*
Da tk* ecBOrin** had hMS eno- AgBodfoiy U MlU
•g Ike metim of tk* aauetiea toeoealMoaMoa. ood . ....
: TwMtiMh Okd ThM tetoslir k**l» aoUcUan. Hr. Prtodrteh ha*
0 be at toe loUiaad yante'aoaal
. — as addrara oa etkw boumb of lag toe-eata of aool aaikod -BaU'
B sf tk* lecdon. 'Sr«r*:
•—--------------- itlstb*r*0*Mw Maroai. He moh* of to* aacraaRj toot an aacced toarm *S*ariy ermy
C*., Pf9^s.
kraxot sD tar eraikadj u go down
rwB% bat«*«(t Mo tkolr poekau tlM UB*a oi dam «aai«iMlaTaiaA..-ka* ketaaokpaa-

Im tutaMr*


men's and Boys'
men's Suits

ebildren’s Suits $1.65**



Maiin nd StaHomm



I '*

FRANK FRIEDRICH, Manyfaclurers’ Agent


January Sale



Annual Statement.



Commercial Printitig

herald Job Office








Brtd Oainn^B

- Iss
2jsl£sa.r~ -> /il




EliBe;arTt BooIcb
Bibles, Albume,
'Xoile't Se-tB
end Pio-turee

' '".■-TL'EASS."-


■1^ >. -



B pear h*Aw*. H* oB*Pd tkPL Ite.

€ity Book Store


0*sin of Martin Shondan.
■ 0*tlUitry of Akol «1»btr«.
p> GnM TM««rM
SbtTlJan. uac of ihv mi-ly
no. folIintUti; vMviurj su-Licx
.r-^-.u i^w
T«a *» ewdlaU; larlM to aUMd Ax<4 Hiilwrt. jtbo tliV-J «t OM Ml-* |
<>( Ua>oc------------------------, dx^
-----;tk» BM» FknMn' la«tl
•lua lait V««k. 1>M beea »m la t]T a >at 'b>« bum* IhW Uat
U«t Btcbi.
atcbi. Tb.Th.Oraod.
beU la the eo«rt
Id Ti»T(tM/reUlhr of Iho
j Ilt-nU KuM to prvu ]itsl o« Ibr a<-»
LoU of fuo. cairbT aiDiir. bHsbl
> Wodatodar aad Tharaday. I A«^l iivbon^ abW-<>v«ib has b>«o
bl< dratb u ror^lYrd. aari raa elvo aliaanoea (oiwlBatlaK prU and ••aifrKtbaad Mb. IMi.
•aanoimr.-d U*)r.'. »aa Ixm lb SltnrA j.^, p^.oiur.. Tbo fob^ral arrabgo^ ' inma« n.modkaa. it a lair toinmarv
Tba laallWIe aoolatloa a» orraaliad holn, a»odcb. .ila, a.
b»tv n.« y.t l«va
Ur '
Tbr l.lhmy Brllr. - -bleb ho*
»‘*».^|«.dor a
plaead ia|eafav to old Uia«>« mram'.j n>«r |s(„.rij|,n »bk ..or i.t tbo w»U-ko..aa : i.rfa ai>rrui1> m«a*«l bv Unaaorr
*TM** Miarro trf tbo
«# a*rte^-! y.-ar oU. aad bail proan l.. P>*obot«l i
<d lj,ai! lakr u.aoablp. b.-|8irtnbrrc un ao
tan. A aiaie aaperiaMedaat
local' br avuld bare
Poland 10
Ki« «if«- iiir.t a.-vrral ,vrar» j Tht> muMcaJ nutiedv la
«urk of:
la anaaglac profiaw' all tba yoara tbai Ik .ba> U-u with
I>r.dtflr trriirr Harr? H. Sb
Tnr; Lny.jaaltod to tbr a^oda of the diffenat to- bla pareau aad achwilmab
Thr pirro la a miirlral .cioird} a
■oo^dtra*. J T Ranaab. n.«d Oartand. ^
Live Len9'
.Mil a aiar—lb« la thrrr is no par
lar pan Ihat ataarta .vie t>-ytiod Ibr j
Diir Is ibrrv any namo «n ibr pnr
emu IB dark.-r i>|r- iban lb.* oih.r.
N. a-oddTM all lYUarum aM moan rlcellaral ('ollr** BOd tbr Calrcraitj I I'Tlnt-a
..f C!»- ••. lu
ud 'l aiab
It I. ramalMr <taO< Mr
.................................... “'*^*^tof Miehlgaa. alao oU« aou<I edae*.
lY KIdk*
.a. TlaTMia Utr.Si . ton aad aaoonaafal fa—*r.
...lull,, i. *(ir
•llO|.lh.n <»

ttiTcra: Btnll

te Um




twt iaToatijCBiiaaa ia


•el. aahl.l»».«ihl»lB=«

I t
i «rtp
1 »vak1 *


. Plata, baalMBC'lUr naBarr no
li* reodilj- aademocl b.v *»«7 ti
arcburrji m
• BOllrli year obbo aa a b
hr «a> always «ilUnc
or Um lettlMto oecirl.r. The aanaal
I kD. «:r^was his duty. ^
’uru I;
for of t.'i oouta la BMd ealir<-l.r for to.
h.. v
armhors roroloo Uir 8un'la>
A..K. P. eicciion.
hr’.liaii i;Tk!.;
batloUaa iBood by oor tuir eaprrl- —’-'•^*1
it atatioB. tbe anabal latlltato
Tl.o iui.rral oBr hold In rhoV...
bolU-tU'aod <
r |•..l,lar
. ...i.ln J -V Ncln.uah;
D Ibe dopart
>1 of ifrtDaliaro at Waa
Yob are oapnelally laritad
, TfK- nvmna no?.e
Ibn BOoliDR aed tako ]Brt la tbe dlasWp In'J.Va-.-' "N.-iy>T.
- oataleat. wbatber Bnaboradrf tbo ao• eleiy or hoL
nti.tiT.'i.oa.''lI. • ■
l.r.-flio ci.rtKiu a .\rr> oa>.yaWr
Lowell Soon, rraaldeuk
. , kind Irlo'il . .Itnivic iiii't.'
K. O. iBdd. Sreretary.
’.ar a l.r.ri.ou wli.a'J Ir..
inii K. O. T. V.. of V
•r. hrsAon oiroir
Uttar Ffom Famoua M:





Circuit Court Juroro.

Death Nall.

Mta Uude Baeoo of Kalkooka dlod
Taoeday at tbe botao of ber (ather,
ObnlM KewaaB ot BBet Bay. al the
ape of SS yean of lobarealosU ot tbe
bkoki ftoB eltbar OM of Ibo laatleL Mn. Baoon waa oa a trldi to
annW tba walfbMtar or (roa
bar taOwr-a borne at tha Ubo Of ber
■■■kMi of (be oannltto.
dnib and bad bees tbore aboBl a
lilalbooptolooolMae la Mienweak.
ceased Irayei oBo cbllA

Coluivd Isurdcr linen Huck tc
,ir.i ((iialit)' . . .


stfis; Sf“




worth Sc or Utel

Imiiafion Lint-n Crush.
l.Wii and JiiJc Cra%h colored border,
k'uniin Hurk Towellinn. •


MiB Ado I . V.e(»r.H! Ihi
Inp tor Oli>-l. Fie- uilt v
hrotber Wnyre'for h (lu.“ ..
(lisa po on (.. Ann Arh. r f.n
will, bid trihuds. '
Mr. eu.l Mrs. E3,
Is-ur. v

Clislbs J. .!M«. nl


,*-J 1.1. shrfliiij’, i^hI vahio.


Special Bargaina in Olinter

IPrank Ooart^e went'l>. Ciopslev
thuBoralop and eipjvli (•■ n iuali.
all wleter • .'
Owwie lilaigefl awruiup f,.
(irand Bapidt to atiand (be fun.ltuT'nshiblt la tbe iaterssis of Uie Ilannal.
b toty Meroaoiil.: Co.
,Protote Jodpe Jolm A. L.naop>-r
aad AtlortM'.r P. C Oiiui.rt weui tv
this tiinrniop lo.alteu.l ,-ir.
Mre. Soluo T.rlsr, luolber of Mrs.
.JFr-Pecl. reiened lo bet horn.'...
laaloa IBIS moruiap after a vliit in
(be city With ber lUopl.hir '
!omploo lefi'lhls tsor.1
iBf for a TisK In Granil

Bsnii Elccllen.




Wliii SliakiT

I tannd. you|>ay six elsewhere

l.iT'ill < liilill;;'.



IVien Tu.--Lsj
'bl liOte hss UkeB a losliiun will.
Ibe Shelby KJ.-ctrio I'o. ol Sbeil'r.
Ohio, as traeeliop rnr. sman. II.' hn'.
Mlebiiaa as bis distri'-i.
Miss Orase Kldred was call.-d iioii.e
fnMB Indlanapslis todar by il>.-set.aus
lUaeos of her leiher
Rohm Sbeperd and .Tsek Urew. lu"
of Old Miatoo'sywpoler .vosiipmi'V'.
jolaed . lb.-(f Iri.'Bda Mutt.
Tooipkiai and I'lia.. ll.-rben. Bill..
Ferris lostltnlr. Uip KspldsRer. W. K- Wrlpl"-wen, to P.-ivs
ly today to ln> iweseel for a tnu.. ,.•>
ke Smiley reeiral Beetiopr.
Bee. Mary Stro»*l of Umpte City i,
IS Corel of friends in Ih" ntr
Rod. <1. 0. Unffslt is ap Irt m f .au.
Bo will rUBta loowm.u,
i Hr. aad Mrs. Klpia O. !.ewis lef:
tbU aioralac for a tisil with Ur. end
Mrs. Oharlee J. llelm aqd dsupliirr
Aabland, Ohio
Miss MlaaU Leriustui, wli.i tus
MOB TltitlBC tbi- famllT of A .'i I'r.-rererard to ber bone In Peini.
Uy today.
SiwiapTillr, fur-^ *
James Horthtedf
metly ot tbit rlt.r. u sbekiog brnidr
with oldfrteadr He is ]«)wrlup to
yaoTs lack to' Hits rile .in • ■l.cri
___________________ •



: .10

r.iH wUhh blr-ai-hed


The differ...ent. Store


Yon SdTkm Here
If Anyvlierc
Mred Vr Trkdrkh
It alwsis i>ii^ lo.lnilr here in.I peofiJe liivc Uiun.' ;i "iii.

.ii'tv.'fi I. I in: III K »l n i.rnci....



loti. J u cil nieanl, weU jdanne.:
r.-i Ec.l|l'.' *i.iub of |W>r Hour.
il.r. Half the voyage » where )r«i pel good dour. Our Beu
U.iii coniei vuu lo t3(KnrBfea.l nmbwtff fkiUire. Whiter, ttiongr. khoJiwr dour^ifinM f< tnlile! Ami the price is josl as
liiciive os the liremL' ll'sapreltf jw cook that can’t
ner . and delight the family with Inca.) mode from our'




A Heavy Cold on
the Chest

Tic Advance Shoe Styles o{’03

The Best $3 Woman’s Shoe
The best that can be done in
woman’s footwear—Fine art in
shoes. .You have a daUnty fooL
you need a dainty shoe; you
are a good judge ■ of good
shoes—look at the fineness of
the sewing—the perfect grain
of the leather—the beauty of
the style; you will be interest­
ed in these advance styles.
They are made in both heavy
and light soles—The latest
shape toe—The low heel—
medium heel-the spike heel,
and remember the prices.

Three Dollars The
_ _ Pair

At Ihii seaaon of tbe year may

Oor StTinfs Department

■t. T—mi Mr BMley, boM btaaeb M |i daatra M rip was kMIr
Bfdad 'snStr^w£m ‘eiCS'i—nAf ¥'!«
y da tiM
WM iMaki fa Me
a( wta oiaai
Me Itaee.

Will Btllae bae beaiM ot Fraak
Frlodrtofa a Valedalaa lae Mflae far



.\11 Lini-ii Crash.. n

Pays Ik— ysr ssui •• x.u-e' (H*-..'.* r»
■ ns kssein*



K. il. blue and while bortlern


Ttie V W. KiBlian Oo are aaah
idsaaad with lbs Imelaese for Me year
oa. Oaa of Me Mile la Me MUli aaase IMI.
Then Me been a etroai aad
owl. aad Me dbUu fell down ea aaa
M«a aa as M alriba Me herae-e haeU.



Tbe oioMbolOers of tl.e Tra»«'rs«'
n. O. U. OiBkey
Oily Stale bank held >1h-lr atiuu.,!
BoralBC al t o'ooek Iroa
reports too* be bad harts avanclBi
> of Mr. Rrwaae of East Bay eleettoa TaeeilaT aii'l il.'ei'd il"
■tootoM tOM b> the oera, rcaUilap at
fellowloc board of dln-ei.n ' IVrtr:
aad Ibe body was bcoapbl to
tbsfaakny prln. »l M pat too. «TS
Hannah. A. Trace Lar. .1 T. Hanoal.,
par aero, a an proAt of tu per acre
Bamael Onrlaad. Bowarl Irlel
n Sana B Orarel, wid
After this the dlrerloi' im-t ai.dl
The tiainadsll PIro.
....... Paol lirarell. died al
' ;
The nMdaoeo. arlU oM bo robaUt aary f al Me hose of ber darter. eloeled tbe followiap officers :
President-Perry llaaoali
Mra. OUtb HoocIiIoo. eoraer ^ Piae
Vice Presidi'al- A. Trarr'Lav
aa.1 Teath aireeia.' after aa HIdib. of
11 wrake. She has r.etdod la Mis
was MOO tBMTBBOe aa the bBlldlac olty (or Me past isb ysare. aad has | Oasbler-JaliusT. Hsiiuol..
I .ABtsmel Cashier—Saiuu.4 (;atU.i.J
aad Me waa bbobbi ea the ooatMIs boaa 1b the ceanly
for n ...s.
lap eeliled ,wllb*^bsrErei ^ntead^; *•«««« Oashl.i -Howetd frith
Tbo ire maifat bear Mo olotbee afara at ^^Irar lake la
Fimak Friedneb is barinp ^ Hue'
pram aptoatn. aad all tbe oleMt
IM toMly asoapi Mai whloB May MM 1^*
will Mre II BUe'l ts ilb a Pay A Bow
Oeecasad laarea atne oalldrea Ur.
wan wu buras a ap. Tbe flaBea
wMS-^ dlaeorotod by oee of tbe Ulally. Ibirls Paaas ot Klanley. Mrs
OlTrar Hoapfatou of Ibis city. Joslab |
ne wart doae by Ibe cbaalealaa- OiBTsll ot ArkdasM Mr*. HiBa.
ftoawMbae. aad aoMlat aln aaald enyde ef Maaoeloua. Bbenaaa OtaMm M*ad aay pat at tbehalldlai. rMlot Aitaasas, Mre Smaa Mlokrtsae of Klanley 'aad Mn Keiile Roh
than wan Ihraa laole. cm. abere lasoB aad Will Orarall of Mis dly
amadbar. wfaleBaada It eery dtOeall Sbe
.. lar
.wr n llrlBi
llrla« praadMildrea aad
B pet al Ms fliass________
ibrer iraal-praad Mildrea.
A Llraly Nunowey.
Whils drlTlai aa «aal Side Maeday anaraaaa. M. B. Bailey aad W. W. KirabaM Pmanlag Hna Under
Cbarin Taaaeltn bad a inMar exeikMsnsicmaal of J. N. btltlwcll.

Days in the year to do your shopping—any of
these days are good to trade at Milliken’s.
Every day finds bargains that are REAL values
that can stand inspection—goods that are
backed with kSUr guarantee policy—H not as

>|.i. iiili.l taluo Sutiii

Circulation this week 2,725.

The followiap olrootl oearl jar or
ran diawa Utii aftraaooo (or tbo
Febroary term wbleb ooBrfmee oa the
Wallaee Bezele of Blair
(owi»].lp; Jenpb R Oeortade of Baet
Bay: Joiia Peoder of Fife Imke:
Kaneet Welbora. of UarSeld: A. U.
KoBwyof Qraal; Slapbea SBroaM
of Oraoo Lake; J. g. Adama Jr., of
Loop LMei Lodwlp Baartel. of Maybold; UoaroeIBeldwla ofParadlee;
Fiaak Fowler of Peolnsula; Barb
al Wtaltewatcr: k^arlaad T.
KaweU of Dalcm; H. Hol|aBBa. Brel
ward. TiaTom City; FraakQoodrlch.
ward; HoBcr BaaU. tblfd
wan;W. J. Hptool, foartb ward; A
ward: narld KawDarld Swatoftou el
liar of
efUaitold: Theodore Lobooel of Ooal: Kdwatd E. Maytmid
of OnoB Lafca; Beraao Fopit of Loof

representea, it’s your money, notours. • • • ■

as takaa wblob--------------- ---b..Bm,oaBT boardtoMlBl^
Kllro M. Sloar wboee nplarr by brt.
Ida lo HaoedOBla Ir alill freeb la|Vr aaDlada of all. No aekoowledce- '/ pl>»
at waa orer recoired from »• i
JfJi. .
board, and tbla Tfwr.,abartly befonl
HOB BeoUai. a letter of tBiairy j tinne
sol. whluh. waa loraed orarioj •hi'" ''•'•"Vi
Pfdok OUakey aad faa,Uy of ICM mar mone. Her rridy baa joM beea
iuv.riHl.. L..1
, iQnlabMtool liad a narrow rMapr from reootrod. aodliaefollowa:
II Umoeot Are.. Cbeloea. Maea.
i«Ml caa aqATilailou Tereday alibi.

Ibb BoMoll. both of Bay Oily, ore
I—-“‘r o> work eoeurlBf uoreope tor
Iba taWai of ea«a* ^*a lo tbe
ai eoeB M Ibo CKBBd 1* la •
miebowetbad. Ibay report
■ bore beaa neared
baKkr by oOBineli Md ltaato«iaM
amyatbor «Mart« boro aualSeda
—■•-I-------to nln tbe beM bat are
•otnollB ready to «tia a oooliMt.
VMttM s liltl* ttae to tUak tbe BBl«or orwr.
Both laalUBoa an tary
Mwabaweownwedawertbooollaok aod
tbo Bar Ibe funan arc taklap bold
. At yet tfam bae bko«»o ceaaral
telMltbi. bal ai oo(B ai arMag*MMt am bo Mdo a Tlall te tbe lar.
nWi ta tbe ■amudlBf raclao trill
be anda aad aeraa«e oeltoltlBi trUI bo
taotMkMtUqwlai. ttootlaca triU
bo bold to all parto of tbo iocIob. Mr.
DtobtoM aad Mr. BoaWl will tbea
Saoota Mali Hbo to Mdlattoi tbo tor. Bon to tbe earo at their beets aad



I -ha' ho ha' i.r.«1ur.-.1 Th.'
is In 1
ana. Hir llr"i ahuttloa ihr d..r I
iBiUury of a >oui.k iadln' m-mlsar) ,
! ih.' am.n.l iho naJLlng oobnol »f "The 11
aa.1 Ihr Ihird a "
a r.-mark
................................................. •1. I.
. -1
ir hojii of II ri

A jearaco. at tbe tlar i

!AII wen Bade 111 bal an «e| of.
To Tm«. of (JaiOB Woaiea'a Ule..
______ _____________
elonary Seoletlee :
. J W. Jaekaun reoalred a imae from
I OB eorrr •barihie ooie roald ool
and Oily Tueaday. ^ Ue jorcliamt
reaeh you for your ennael upetlDr
Ibe bone al.cut a bosk a!p.i and bad II
Tlie |ICMiOfreoiTraT*rn-City. Miefa...
idrirau IhrOBih.
't he ruade wei» la
nwhed Be iwtflly mod I ob quite euro
ncdi aoendlllra Uml it mielrod ibn«
waa Bekii.iwledfte.1 In the UiMlaoBty
. stare to Bake the trip and ib. i. tbe
Hefald. aa aeai M Koalstui. Albaala.^rlrer had lo i« aitiabd by the way uf
Torkeyls Earope to Bolp make up
IKelkaska. reaeblDK bne Tareday.
tMOiW for (he VDlarteaiiut of tbe
bttlldiai of tbs girls' BoardIni sohoel
Tbs work bV brra aosou.pUahsd aad wo all n-loies im^lly la
Mio. were lu tbe etty yoelet
*OTe 10 ttollooe Bay, when- they pat. (be added facilities for Uija saiyedlniMbmM l•ueBIh rrpsk Priedrleta tba ly Inwrootloi seliool. Yea wlll- be
that your atceey waa ue..d to (he
ptaB fai Bra HtlL owned Ay Oeeqe
aaraataio. when you know that
BkBlaal. Tbe boM will be need dor
knaklai loo oa Hm lalaad lake wnr (be rrBodellBi waa doo.- aadsr tbo
earo of Hr. Teilka blmaelf. who pet
bla owe Ubor la. oa
M lla.BBTl.
woUattaU eapnrlaiea. Usaldoe be, Tba adlooRiad adaoaS BaeUarof lop V preacher aad Mwaher. biiaa
tbo (ftaad
Aatt-Baloaa ckUlad Baebaaia
I aB rare tbbt
H^beldanBloa lo tiw Flm iH. your ladlaa will re}olae lo barlac bad
K. obBreta imrion Tberaday atunoee. > tbare lo (be arork. Kow ao.r you
Itor. W. U Laafaaa waa al.oaiD-ta- aod tbey elwaya nasuberlt la year
patlbbindiiit of iba Onad TTararB icayan.
Tble la wbero Hnt Teilka
piid LootaoM dlatriet. aad C B. klMot aad baby Eleseble atao lire, la tl.U
•CSm waa Bade ohatnaa of tbo Tory ebhoel b«aidia«.
law aferoenoat oOBBiHeo. Ue wae



r all.iar.1 u

th'nrlurl'.l Tire- id.'aa Ihio niualra; J
.y.B.Hly, aiol bo leuai,
rrrdll.*.! Ini
njih hai.nii aolvr.1 Ihr pr..b- !

Are you a
mait order
Better try
It. ; ; : 1 : ;

{■ore total-if not cured' ai once.

Our While Pile Obi Sprace ExKCtonUt is the beat preparation

‘we:i 3EI-U TWE BEST”

la all kndi of coogbs, cobh, broadmk, a any kiad of imbaoBOry

hlsi Sent bM u ns iti ra, tn IK

S.L Wait & Sons

■«*■«*VEBBE orrw. MtlOb*.

tHi6iUkiiB.f^ygtee HEim;p, jawumv
Tb* Warn'* alab not wltb Ura
1. BuMtev toai Banidaj.

Grand Traverse Region.

.J..'lr2,'Er‘i.S7K K^ a*nlaa.

»b*7 ••«»

Tbr St. Jeaeidi eltr ceiaml bare
t okkfBbp at Otaad
foraiallp oooapiMt ItorBegir'.odvr tor I
Will Onao Hole You Gra*nr-fl*M a biboon UtoBiT for 1
__ ^
wort of eboo^ lb* alto ^ tb* 1 dm pnr* a Blnr *Btt or orar^aat, aad
. VooHaThaaitftJcioltoteotoihaad-jMaHtoooflhe balldiag foU.
; arrrico a aalt erotr paar.

tb* CMd PaUewa baila* lb* *«bu.i: L


tnMthi koM*.
W« «WaMi m* U
hope* tt kairlM ft ftfttalaaUftl UMM
M«ft mtitm jmi pftMtft.
(k*4 Mok ft makar U Mftftk- vciaaarradnd aU da|an*d farUai:


(ft laar* a* oa Hoadar aad L».
toe ai* w
aa *««*a»*d Umllr.
toad *UI
■Bft mv
AftT >Ml Vft^
(ftla ear la*a
vbarebT A*a>* «|U
g aa afflolcal
Hr* Ham* hat
V. a BavtH hftft bftftft U EftUBakft
a till- Babbath
Mk aa Ihft kov* «< aapar- aafta, ftniftftd boaM ■ faa 4ftfi
1 iNt* aait *111 b
I*. IMi b*at vtok** t>
W. a Mm TiaM CftUata taftXaUft OfftTbr lo« ft Aaft ban* ft !•« Hair aa* hooK
a«(L A «•• g«taf ftaoa Ua
Leal* BUdnll of K*#l LaUad *w
aaap «a« UM aaa»
Bkfthap am. vko lai ktaa
Bcaaaai la a artaofpta.
ffttanad frea Oht- -------------------------------------,a*fa *0
ftspaeuCblaaco ta a *£**1IM.
___ UUU daafktar af M
riAaekU. li ftaaftrtacvtl
Tbanday. Jaa. tliJ.. at
eatald* cae X Hi* aaBC X Ifam- bull,
tot, wbiob fanitow* po*er for. lha
i>ftal Kll*T aspaet* tave to Om
Ulbba' n*BlUa aad fartor? Ur*, axIloairortk* BiaaaOe.
iDtomaa IbftI >. Kill
tb* baUdiaa. la apiu of tbit brloc a
boB^dM jMb li
Matka OltM «wi W Tnyaw OUy
l*o*WrrB>llaadlli*eiiiv all lo (bail
bat DaIdaO*nidtto.__ vUk
--------------------U TiAookU aad tcaa dror* la Tia- alaJahBBBd
___ ^ Mnea
- ■
aan*OI«rMaMkaf aad iMaRM« tk.
Hanball. who *a* dl------------* kto* la
U lb* BaaiTatai*.
of *

t HIM KUft iicbasbaii ti ttdtuc bat eraaliad lag and iiemaroa* ouM aod
•aat a* Mllvaftha* X faaaaaL
bania Or*. Knaloo tod Gamer wMr
U atwadaone aod prot|>
a S. CHwT. who »«a» I® Obloftao
Mka K. Ooanadft tatani
(or Ml. Uartball'a n
(erik* wlatar a fa* waaUrtaok Im Ik* aaMftt. Obaili
b* la* all b* waat* of laiool*
_________ __ „
___ mill wai* tbrsaa all arouaJ, Itar
Bikaal hM Maa^ ai bwi U«ad
«Mk JUat&aa a* taeka.
ui waa, tblcb *Ub Bplox dabrl* list
00 oaa alae lacelrad a acnlra. A
plaoaof tb* bollar atiaok old Mr Uar
Tb* ramat*' laaUMIa that *
BBB’t *oodah»d,
makiac a bolr
Uiroaab lb* root, braaklaf tl.r** raftVa aaiiiiail tk* ailt a( tk« KaM
mtU Lutka* Oo. will b* naatbf bp aflaraeoa tk* maaUn# «u called to ei* and aarea roof boanU. Thit waa
lb* ODip
balldlor ttrooh bj ao;
*a kMl a( lha vftftk.
tboaRh lilot.
r. W. Bapdar af Uiaad Baikd* la*
wUdow* ar* plruiifol to that rm
a laeklMeTar hi* laad Mft* bfiUar
.. lowB ttaaraat tba aoeldiipl. Tk
nr ymn
Mbi'f 1*0 betlara wrr* blowu or<
paa, ak< to T*ay waU plaaaad with bU aoea *at tobaa apvltb tbadltoaatloo
edfrait piovlv aad lalsed famlaa Ibne fret aud abirldrd U>* miU troi
la lb* *v*ataf Mia OaBiball lara aa tlM wetal Of tba foio* or Uia daatrai
woald nr* l»ro faarfal. Tt
addfoat oa obUdiao la tb* pabU* Hon
, .,r
oilU • .
- .
aXoeli. ThU «a* fellowad br aa UTb* noar of tli* aoeido
laalraaed loetaia by fUr. K. 0. Baifaat-rrm ib* pdaa ataaip to tk* peaob la obaoat*. it baa not pal beep a
Bonnoad wbalbn tba mill will be 1
Ban M Mr. aad Ufa. fiMk
im for baaioaa* or not
Tbaradar sonlaf ataaflac ot____
a *aa, Ual •aadap ■otalaf
aaan wne dctallag back the Ore and
'Ilk pcBiar br Her. Malimaa.
Polar Toorblra opaaadtb* dlaeat- elaarlag awap tba wrock and aov the
wont U all picked op aad loma ntalragolBg an.
MtHwi Barlar. vba baa baaa **17
Pridap Tbor. Ullurt, vbo wa* dlrr la
Id* art* Ika aeallalfarx. to aav lairaianwd
A fra* dtooer *** flrea lo rlallort Ib* mill,
br tb* Oiiiaoat ef Uoaoi n bott dapt Bead Clip.
a lb* laaUtala. Tb* dm tbla# eo
L M. Ulbto wa* In town Wldap
■■lha pneras lor Tbandap alWnM. nptng u> bira Um mill env from bare
to work OB a algbt aldfl at bt* aitll
a illliWlI m-||[ par^ tool Halaraaatbvaal of Ktagil*7- "• bear that
AU aaparl
Ml Voorbto* asT* a atlk oa load. Bbaraan Bapt.' baad aavpi
Dot* Mantgold. aattot. willi go orer
tan to work
JImBmI* WbaaUa to aa tt* alah
Sabtoad. Tb* food w* aat
Brie Koa* ef OopamlM I
la Ib* araalBC Praf. C. T. Or
bl* anew. Hra Jama* aad
gar* aa addran. fcb>*et. Tb* a
Xlhtraral wkoelf
ll vat alalnad Ibal tbU «M
baai Pamar*' laattiaia Baaato oai
Mn. Mto MUU hw baa* aiab a fa*
ou’Ttvaa bat
ip#* Wtik MMftlfto.

Hn. V. a Boftkfc rMM4 la tMf.




?SuS.2: “K.’ESiS'-ui ?.



i caa



‘k* vftiij'stotoriSMiJtirr^to^

^' tbr followiOK.
. Mr. Jamr* taubrap. oC Ml »>bI Pridap for :*<rr atmt. bm of tlir roll mp* al
amiaaied at' tli>'Orel Wood Iltali l'«.. aart: - f'or
re or tit .mr» I w
tar aa Tr*r<-rte Clip
--------------- —---------------------- ...-------------pinaaol nuiMtr waa
inM-allauamb paia la ib. back, wtalefa
or of MraCba* Wrialer bpft'oam-l»bNi aerer. rraderrd me mitanbl*.
. .. of twr frlrad* on Wrdaeadap . een- 1 «*• alto trooUled w«U rbrcmalim
lar llie rveolag wm* rpeot la juiMf- »“
l~«> o> ai" ‘““rr «btl


tarotd to .ibalr booia* fnliog tliep '1">S
• “«■?
bad apaot a Ten aoMpaUe eiBOlDg
Mtiataciotp K talii


SetUnaom of SHnIcr 8eed* at goat and Below. ]m must 8o aad
Sucli Pricts Bini Do It

s, “ '.r.
‘br m.M
Tlioasb I do ooi

Mirn > Slo.'S' Suits and Ovorc<'ai
Min’> Slii.'M Siiiis and Overcoats

‘ii^adn^’ Mmo*:rdu‘rT".5fr''‘‘


Mfii s Shrsi Mackinaw j.acke-ts...

M,.„-.ffe.|.„ckt„a,s...... .

aalr I7 all . aWr«
Price if
I'orter-Milbi ti I'o- lloBale.
tor tU railed

Tb* Joulon will (
lllh in Ui

Mint s

rl 111 tbr
Tbr Libmrp
Ueo. K raterroo, a I'ltcktaiith of
lligb B'bool room '
ialrtharp hat both father aad mokber
araek to plan
plaa for an < atert
be rieau la tbr oaar latan-.
tot litiug. the formrr KM. and tbr
H. K. lilll took a tnp 10 Traierte latl.-r •.'-.I Tran of age. Tb"T t.aTe 'torn
married •»> pnn. and har.. txold.>d
Amur Bailor U ill al lb» wrilicp.
Krerett Kedpord va* merelp bura- dorlBK the rniirr ]• riod| on the rame
ed one day ihia w.ok.
dlServOt hooM.
A larlp of pooog |ieoiile Im-W * ] m a lillagr. roa
ri-ar Kdlnbargb. Soot.
plnmii >ar]irl*a at the borne of Mn j leitd
P AudertOD U»t Pridap evoniii;.Uamre Vete plapod, after «hicl> C--;
H,m Cenlgr, Comfort.
ftaabmeuia Were aerred.
are ila'K Cndiiii; a oorld
.I.Ti 111
Anilen Sale*.
jj. 1
Chanarola Farmer on Boot Crop.
. join from Kurni., fut*.
kldiior Sagar^-atIlariug been rv- i i:r 1:'
qoeated bp metal farmer* to give an |
aoooaaiof Ibe oorr of my brat pear r-



,y or MTOM, 'll,-a
olWn 10 growl


Mfii s

Kt rv.-v I’ams..'._____

llomt- Made.

Home M.iil-'.Sox-.................................. ..
lU-nv, AllAV..,.!^:...............................
Hf.ivv M'-ft' d Unilt-nvfar..............
Slu-fi« Skin Vt-M...............................
T-’i Caj"

!>ij* lint' ...................................

Hii: Wann l-laoiifl Shirts...................




od to corn
It ol*^ oeltn^ aad K<>‘ * K«sl
of oon. I jilowed Ibe field earip
•prlug wiibuut manaritig and kr|H
well arorkrd ontil aopiuig lime, wtiiei.
I fi
. May l<i and I
tba field Iw tPr
of Ibe ruwa tbr fint time juit aa Me
werrcomlBg Ihtoogb Ibe ernun'l
gain wbra toe treu wen- will
S tbuined. m-oordiug lo inrUv
lioaa and gar* tbrui good eloaii esln
Tftitun with Ibe follewing teeulla.
Plowing. At iwr ae»
iltoamoottalng liar-

A nipitoa «B* lamdad far Mr. aad

» axpael la bora ilalgUag IMl
tMp* aaowlB#.
.jot. Dbbobb to oat vwltlBf aebaoto
^coadaatlada Taaobat*- Anaelft.




' I’JUidaMtvlibMn. Jn• - •
()mu a


O. & Mil vUl b* bt*a«bt
Piaraaaal laaiaad e< TratM



BEGINS NCN\A^. Buying as we do. in car lots, we always have a lot of odds
and ends to close out. and we always put a price on them to move them
before we take our Inventory.


Kolllag urtr oner ..
Uarmwlng lap]dng hall
LarelUng. laifidug liaM
i >'
Onlliug ID .eml bp liand
.ping and tbianiiiK'
■' "
Unlllraling four liui- a
Mr Man
ton mthli
i^d la BOV rational all the Waedingtwo iimr.
LUtIUgTmb Iwu buraea
Tbaakt ar* da* lo Praak Mapera for Pniluigawd ioi>|>lug
Gm^ov plovtag all oral tova laal lioadingand tmullng
. '*■
dent of laiid V- l«r acre
tO >t>
Making a total roal of etup’
Mt eliMk from to* augar tomiwni
Hto* DorotliT Kehl, di
a* AW.M, locking onip niMu
aad Mr*. <1. k Eabl.
pOBoda of being a lo iun-iier-aoir eiop
tot* vritlag.'

Eaai Battort I* attaedlat l>i* Ferrl* aod lewTiag a balauoi- aborr all ex
aatttaw al Big Kapl<to.>leh.
M|U Ik* bm of Uri. L E.
J. Headaak of flUl'a Piar. wtae liaa
.aae tIU to alevlp iwoaTertng al tola
Mn. J^kna., who haa banjraaj
datwlb* OMlof iwoductioo «>mr ail
tor a tow vaaka.k toaoMiaiiX.
Jnltu LaBcaa u Tlaltlag fitoadt tn Otoar poah
^ Jtllt* plrl to’
TVwrarto Clip, Wtoeouale and Hlnnaanrldrr tbr berl top* <|uil>' an
at Iwaaearp abort of laatnie
HIM Kato Meok to Hill al bar Ana*
Tk* Twtobar*' Aatootolioa will b*
BadH tk* docMr'a ear*.
bald la Ulaad SatBidiv. Jan. tllb.
tbaa I abonldjo get gtreu Ire-o
Boavortb of Trarera* iTip tm
>r mp oow* aa tbap Wrta abriuking
ban tk* bra waa BM gnaiar. Tb*
Oaerga llampaea to allandiag tb*
. Ibalr milk. 1 fed luaowa folly
ton IbM Iraa raeftat waa aa tb* bara torTto Inalltola at Big Bapid*.
all waekt on bert lope Which formed
toHiBPof ahtacla* WB* Ib* oalprtaHr. and Hn. J. Sptagl.
lot a I
toe large s»rt of tbr ration.'
Tbi y
m «hp aihH balldla#* ad CMM TBlBa
WH* BOl bacaad. Tba laM of berm* dap* of laal vaek in Tran
gained on Iheir Bilk, and «r mmlr a
A pleaaaat tarprtoa wa* gtreo In
Bad Ilf* of tk* tBlthtal
----------. ..
»r... ......... and Id* number oor aniole of both r.
■■PbM" to* la« hard
Tbaa again lb* eondiiion to. lan l ii
lafi tn after a well .-nlMivated'ie-r|
crop MTM 11 ia anoihar gain 1 ibiuk
'Tifk tor lb* T. P. H r. I
woilh BOmeUilDg vblcb 1 hoTc nut
*?«•{«. Jaa. lAto. “Kadaa
*». Bat. giren tbr beat* credit tor and aoolb. f
pear wltb the factory oompl-ird luiO
TkaY. P. K. a E wlJlgiTaatoeial raeulng we can nae the polp fot fird
la toe naar fatoio.
1 tblnk It tb* Urmenwtll aiick
Tb* galtorp of K. J. lirvp will b* to beet gtawiog tl only in a aiuall way
«*.*•*, b«* b*Na* k*#ai bilfw
aatil they gel aaonatomud lo growing
b* hfU bo na *• Ik*
toam. tbap will pcore lo br lU bHi
O. U. Baigato of ItaAarrlU* la
monaped crop tbap aamcTow
toanhlag to OBi aebool.
Artfanr B<«mr.
■aatlM at Ttam^^toM%d»BMpS Wordao to votblac for aTO.
h* Aaerwt of Long Lit*.
JfttobBBki tbit viator.
Tb* Mlaaa* Emma. Harp and Raato V..n.i.r InAreping all thr inani
Hr. aad Mr* Araty
Babl of OaoD* rialted feinda ta town gam ui thr body In h.-alil.;. r.'gutor
n* Oilp Satoldap.
artl.iB, and In quickly
jg^B^Pny WB* dm draa aaap
Electric lUideadly
n.«uUlt- Elomaeb. Ux-r and K.dpurify the bkaid an.l give a
Hr. aad Mr* U. E Sooti Md* a
»"Hrip to TiaTacat Oity laal vaek.
1 curing Kldoey Trout.lcf. I'.Tb* irark on Kakf broa' aiot* it
•omplalnia, Nerronx pto.'k*.-».
being paabad rapldlp and a larg* aam
Ation. Hyapepaia. an.t Ualana
u> healih and tin'Dgih.alwa.>«
follow ibclr UM-. Only >. siiarani.-cd
by Jaa. tl. Juboi
Bart teaac WBaaTiararaPOUp *toJama* Heato took a trip to TiBTtrw
Clip iBH MoMap.
BHra J. U Varaar et Blk Bxdda
Hr. and Him Eobl. Tbomaa *nb
tolnad laat Ptridap.
Dr. Oaraa* af TiBTana Clip waa la
Ska raad* ar* saarlr iHfaanbt* la
I Hoadgp aa ]
■aato ptaaaa BB acooBBl ardadrittla#
Bor. Taa Aabaa. paalar tt tba On'
-------- alnal akaiak, hat waMaH kto
■taMbtoatonaa aaiiaaiatkto MKikAaptdi

■ Ejsissa.--s


A nice pillow case. 43 incdies wnle. f.u............................................... .07

..... ............t
l.iic-^ li-itii'li


I'l voilvlu-s

K-for.-wi-vlaii- c
1 liii'in iluit will saw you

nuiilr. iiio- I'uiu h. ll


yv . ill ali t'olor'. .iikI

Iiisi iliink. a

.inchi-s wiilv. 15* hiavy


..i>U .

in iieaily all oihiri' irin^jc.of nici.'*.

i. ii-i oiir dii-uin
!. !l. '.imv


r 'iiriiii: onjiT. ivc- h;i\ <• ]>m


■.■•<•1 spriiiys, iliick laiuas owr spriiii'.'- i'-tT' pm ‘
j'.'lir. .ovi-n'il ill jpKiil vrlour. jiisl likf till, for'

wi; hate it clif.-ip

\\ f c- 5^7 ilifTi-r. iit sivlrs of coiuhrs. ningint: riiriit along u
Ir.oii jluit lx ihi- 1m-m 1i-aihcr for S'.’G.T.'iyfworth S:Ci.‘Nii. i:oni
ill diul {lii'k luK-jiiit klnlv oiir assonmmt is

Wv haw a i. iv. of
'lo do-i-




bc.aiuifiit fxtension l^lcs Icfi.

OMI liliai w.- lia\«; iK'forv wv plact- our

'.|.riad oril.f \ir wilt vui llu- pViw from $7 li>- •


'wCF* #

full heavy rim, oiorly
on the lofv just like rat, extends six
fe«—will seal lo peo|de crwnfcrtablv.
Wc have only a lea- lefi—Caasa (tbiek.




Tk* Epwacto Laaga* aaplat wblcb

tot to* liMle oor. anfftr from
er ioiTBriag aaio u...
needI torn Itoanal'in
CAu'i term tbr ok.i
meal oarew
detlaale akin. At
an.' «1*«« •‘o*-. •<’
M an.r

Po gel some nice , carpet rogt or bcJrix>m carjict fur alDiosi
nothing. We have a lot pf remnanto in all grades of CAKPKTS, MAtTISaS.on.Ci.OTH AMP t.lNOLKUMStoine of them latge efiutigh to rover a lair liied

Aina PHo* ran
Citp Hamdap
VIU BaAdav. v
IH** far a few a
Arm af lb* weak.
B Htaabav va* a TiBTana Oltp
rlBH Howto
^ Bllaaa «w la Tnratn Olip PriJr.. rHarwad ftwaa

Below Cost
Co glesejDuj
CivM lt»»r M/r


wuiW **

« 0.0.1. J.

uu.» D..U. nuiMd tm . rt.
lb. a. HM««. u br

irtfwipjsfff igr.KtJJtin.'giU:


We also have sainpin pf Velvet a»d .AatsiasteT Cw}<eti, 4) feel
lung, that make lieaiilifai rogi for a Utile nxmm.


.s..r,ic !.caui;fu! (\‘ 1 c):air. in nuaner saae.1 .lak. lia sea',
tr.-vii S:t 50 I-' fls'di. I,, rlose nm a: lalf )ince '

.A gooil loir wringer b* $1.4-'>. file .imereni
styles, tight akint; nji to the best ball bearing
-Btogef—(:oarai)tee.! fin five yeais ^ 5G

lArt Bbhob vnl to Tnrtm Oltp
Hto* Bothar Bopd wool to Bapld OUp
Trldap arantag M rtoil lalaUrta


These arA ax light as


\ Is-auufuk h:;:li liJt'V. .>uk vliail. just 1:1c cut. sulsl oak,
I 'le iin'sh. cawscji. luacc arms three wslc slaig ;
I'g.'k malin^ a iv:i slnmg, duratilc chair
la.ulh $s f.rt .iv(, I ij: ]itieenow is i

laU araai


^0 dO

ouc ii ai A4.i''.'> is a eoui'h that nthera woulJiBtk $li-7o I"-

\Vv .an s'lc lou s-Miu-.'1 ilpc brj^evt liaigatni )oa ever
t.c'ar.! ot full .iMirtod sule^ some oi thm liaie
i.nh a. 3, d, 5. i; nr > oi a styw. Ttese *e will ek»c
oul al !cs» liian ivO. , S.v '.•S.1 oak hifiU
lu.k.ane sea: chaii>, !ui..............

Tk* Pat* Haiqaatto M B. Oe.'*
m rapato^jlto
at tb*

-Ke.1 .lainask uhle cloth, StHnebet wide, |iet yaril.............. :. .IS

unii h




5 Siitiie immei- on lJe.1, llUnketx. l\> have a lerj- large «odi of
luce, warm lieil
• • hlankelt,
hlankelt. ranging in |>ire from a.V each, <1
5."jwr jiair up.
InHr.lrr to Te.lm e our Mmkal
will give you Ing Uaigainx on il



........ ............ N'W so..-.......................NO\V Sl.oo



Shi vp Lined Co.ats..

MeiisS:{.i«<.\ll WtHil Sw.-atirs..
, M<-n > .'•‘K: SiisiH-ndors...............................



a den BOl taplad*
to gtm U boaoro-

iClt.T U woJih poor moat earefol al­
tentJoo- it
*0 nap
«eap matin to tsTM-,
I Itga'r aocb l«aof *• ihia TtMW

\Il. KlNl>:t OK WISH DAY OOODS Waah Boamls. WaxS Tub*, Waah
Iki.le.-s, Chkiies I.;nrs, Clothe I'lns, CliMhes Racks, and everyliupg Deeded is
ll.c bouse at •.nventoryj'ncei.

k tlcKKl UacluM. just like cm. far $3.75.
l<cix •


foe .lilierenl «)4e* of bench wringen, from a
good bench wnnger,' just bke rut, boMs two
tub*, for $2.75. right ikmg up to t!'._lwst_b^


Abitolutdy the best bargains to Robe* in the- City



rbai win give you as much atantaneBt theae tag viatcr rveetax. (or a Unto Bwoep. a* one of our Game Botodt. W'c
have a (iiS line, commenciag wilb a axe Croktada far $0.9(1

Unr next Came Bcaid caa (toy
wito an impiemeou............................
Oar Beat » toe taat Game Board
with an implentaa lo pUy 54 a

H* tort agaryrtmy /*» aaa^ at pwar toato ato wstf aara /tot a faf aJ maae/ tofarw ■w^Atotofda^toa—to^.

VkFPiol*Ml]to «bnd

tot MoMtoto ■■'umItoKtor
■nvr ,



kv« <m»i kr Ol* iMncm
Maltf 6muot*^ W »t« U
«Kk •!( Hi aoMi
BiM teM bakwtu
M« aad t«o boM >iili«|Uf U> OtrMBtaM ikw. << TikTin* Civ. OM
K.1^ IVttT BMSk M4 (OUt of
tlonwlM aroB. Mck*. «wdm. bo(tto. mkML kOAMM.. •»!•. kw. oU..
Ml I«D Ufte nalui ovMd bf O.
A, Pw; •
■» of fiaA
N. Y


jtMUtu^ li \m

Md^jiMii—j nnrn r-v tapaRMtai.;


bi poor todp-,---------pour tirtniji oaoa ar«^rtb>«a miamet.
ruiliie».ttap(.l- '

oea a_____
Iha Oalwd Mataa hoa baaa

Uoall. VIH

„ jr Mk. ho.,

wortd pawat. ■

Om of ibo MIX k<
•oH*^ iko »ro vwlkocnMttM of
-P««- MnlMI. *h0 •»» —kbvoo M

___ JLi,


caa* of uric acnl m tta
blood. duMo neplected
' Ktaaap iroubla cau*oia'<dck or i
beari baau. and nuku m ieel a:
Ihey taodhaariUeuhle.baca>fMU>e ...

• nnk»Amm>«Sc Mn. b. taw. 11/ bMwT,

cka« bar. iW bad kM ta ibo as
ttnolUt. Unoa for hm U»». aad
«a> K) rran of ago. Ho torwrV
tnakod ia Tfarorao CIV. aad wa» a
. «aadU^ Iroro ikora.

t cmlMI tlw talatiea af
tba am aad teSmaf bar raiiak.
with 11.000 a

Mr. Lonoa-i bar «tn bo at loaat
•TAX. aad tbo haa to Ooraalaa Bna.
aoi haaikaa MOO.
•na.tro broke oat aboal 1 oVIoefc
Ikh owralac. aad r»««T offoW ■“
■uda to Otar ibo •aaaaa, boi ibo atada ebaaiiol aaiiaa badoadac to tka

s Air Caator OU. PaiH
Coric. l>ro(M aad flooUilac dprupa. It to Ptraagat.
rmiala* ucitb^ opiam, MurTbiae aer oCber NareoHd
anbalaace. IH ac« ta lU cuanaalee. It deolrwpa Worm
aad oUap* FerettabDcna. It cum DUrrbcM aad Wlad
CoUr. It reUevea Teethlac Troubleo. cum CoaaCtoatloa
aad flaiuleacj. It a ' ‘

iryou an aick pou can make so muraka
bp lim decionnc pour kidta''a Tha milo
and itaaenaocdiaaip afloci ot Or. K>le<et >

asd U sola on lu merua
cant and eoa.0ollar lu.j
aa. You oup hara
>pka bolUa bp rcXI a.^wa^
k abe pamtobt lelknp poo haw tc
Upeahaea kidf

wart of tba oarp la i
wbaa AaaatlM woa 16
Uaa wUa Oraa* Bntata M
am Ba petatadoai tba ia
b Co.. eUftantoa. h
of tba aaiT't »«*b ta the
war. aadrtawad tbataf thaiwo mat
Hetan ef tha ClrU war. tba Uoakada
of tba NBlbacs porta, tba opaalac of

f Bflus the Sigutan e€

ibm lbta«a bad to ba
iba Spaalab.
Ueb. wbila It waa

Tba erida at tka fra b aakaowa.
koi U ka*a Uka laeoadlariiM A
•rora «a. laaaiad la »a aaraar of Iki
kal»«M«. bat Ibo bo atortad oa tka
Tba lannwoa oo tba atraatara aad
mmmf oai oaV $Mt. .
Hr. LaroMi. atatad tUa atuniooa
Ibal abooi tM boohab of aaU aad «W
ko*ab of aora vara daotropad.
of iha boxoi bat via a ftaa aa
aad Hr. lAram xld that It eoal<
ka be^t for «ta«. Tba othor boraaa
«aro aartp all rarp paloaUa aalaala.
' Hr. lAnaa H fraatlp iriarod orrr
tha dxU of HeNall. vkoa ha rocardad ar*p hHhlp. aad who had aarrad
Ua MthtaUp oror Haaa ha had
HWaoia»b)p. '
Tba bora WM Heal ad kaoaa dHiaaea
(Tw Lam a holH aad aalaoo bandHs, to that Ibrro woa HtiH daactr to
thMfrofMMp. .
Tba-kHAl bo daaarwiaat dU ox-


loanad. Hlob.. Joa. ».-TMI Iha
rrlMfT aiaetloa apHaa wlU ha m*
of Iha Iradiat aab)aata of IwUlatloo
la IhH Irculaiaia U iadleatad bp iha
Hot lhat tha bat bUI la ha law
adlalhahodat la Oolbp'o btU of two
p«n tgt. Tba aamia U iha
CM tta* paMoo tka hooaa U HOI aad
wUah waa kUlad U tba «ao».
*an of I
hUl Aaold
ba aokoalMad to tba
paeida haptai baaa amoad eat
dra Oalbp. who hoa Ihoa
dlrael -roHac ■«


n wlrtoot looa. eliaekad
.._B aaollUoa that waa
opaloM Aamlaa aad broophi


The. Kind
You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.

a Laraacar. probata }ad«». wa,
aa iBctoata ta ^larp of HOO.
tart bira. Oooalp Traoiocor
Ooorte W. Biaward WH allowa.1 116
w alack hlTu oa.Htapaar.
Tba bmd thrn adpoacard wllbeai



len.lH-r l..t tu f..*r unar.m-d Ku^.l...;
... ID..;
hat aU but
bum. fbli will
ibr.Hvb <h<- lar.lau.-Kr-. Im» Hr <
ut tbe BeU 'ptume* will be takes
and He niteai' 'pbooro pul on
Jlaea Inatead of

Hot WlU br broochl ta, aad tba
> oa ataetloaa wtU paobdUp
mka aaa of tbaa all aad laport a biU larttoT.......................................... .....
Hat wUl aat ba kaown aa tba pet '
WM dO kaof
Hrt blU tataedaead ta tiM liaoaa aad Hal
bat ewa ef tba
H OM bp 1 .
pwapoal^ tbatl t.000 abaU to apptolto~Kt;^ Tic. w8tah

cM HHab la tba altp will racrat Ul

rt OaUwta. Mariat

at I


cround* were InBiruried io fnrnli
Sirdtt* I'
-ounip oOre* recaalnlnc uofun
d. lacludlnc tbe oSre* of He
. resuter of deed*, trmurer
circuit Judse. n» acsrecaicrroat
be between *1^ and «1.6v«.
No acUoo baa been Ukea on.Hc

aad Ha Amrl»ai cot 17 kaoCtaa
.. kaol obipo.
aad Ha

8mlH float. aqMl taacm aad troMmabWMawapttcoaiUMaMaad aaaoUaradHa



Maa la aharpad H__
lat ba aUrtta tatatakaa
> hta lojatp aad dMtt-

pbeaBanl. ublcb he at oace order.>d
i.. K->eDi lu Berlin and aluHnl
guevu AleMLOdrn * taaullful cuttma
ilua crown I* lu ba brokea up. tbe Jew,g. un- lu he remuved Irmn tbe eel.
i lox. and the lar.famed Ki>b-I Nuur U
u. le- uiu-d bj her majealp a* a Beck
' Suln.- who cat «wlne" i* He laleal
i.irai’lineiii lendered Americaii nul
dh-rH do MlBdaaau bp He Buliaa of

Wa re<-ei>e.l bp uffleer* Ibere declar-

Alns>lutcly DOWk-ttc.
Dock uut rut

r (be wiHiMli ware HUoaalcau
AttarMp OMOcat BaHtoo u tal
.Mtora aeldMoa Hat Hr aaiire oo

lad Ha
i^to Obh^ Ha

M tba Had ef

WaaUaataa. Jaa. (.-Tka «

4«t of tha Loadea Nawa eHbaa
karo ralHkIa aalkorltp that Ocnal
axtawHHa bapHc ibo FaaaHa
—-«■ u tka Caltad Siataa doaa aot oamla ltd oatioa bp March «. OokaakH
HMUtaHTarOarmap. Tko OoH»

. Tbato H ntuo Wtat that tha AMrteaa eai
oaaato no o»Uoa. w U adHi^


KIDNEY «Backache


iWHp tka oaaal traatp Daeawkw

tidb Mow Ha Wm Omd rt a «

OUeapa. Jaa. L-Tka
Mp WM aulkod hp tka filial
«Mlh ta aa anap of a hlltata
A ~Ti-------• «»~»«n* nco wlibeot
iiT • -• fart and toaL Tba milcMd
PWH iMU hoU lav cratai cf
toadad wlH aeaL TUa H batac
M Mil---------‘
aad tadlTUoab that ana wr U> taoBtam. Tba autak aitoraop H taKaad Hat a roUcaad ta clYaa erar
to HWDtkd paraoM (or Aalteacr <d ml
at Ibatr parka.
CUMga. Jaa. k.-Tbara la lUoaM
aad tacamtai aaOMtac amoc Ha
paor. aad a aaaarU aftat'la robart
Ha aaflartac baa taUowod Ha dm ta
He luiTi-T- rraa Lakartaw.

; tern othar paor dMitcta M Ha wa
rtda. Tba CMiltlMi aoca to ba c
OMwaraa. WUta Hatoaada ot ta
u Mol ta can aiw watiatod abac ti

Bwaand. tod ta a tmO wap. Tbo»
•••H <r paor paapto, wtH bartata

SS*.srtS!rSJS lis; sr.tmis’MiHi-.s-rSss'i'!
irtaJ^'t taiw*^oW?Ppw^^ ^
tWiT At tlD*a I taD taia ewp tad, ta
» rt M er IW tawa. I
Dta *f wiArtD am

Mtop mralat Mr. -Bmtatdaa aakad
Ha MClM takeo aa Ha BaU teUD Thuadap. whkA dlraotod Hat
ac tta CM kam atclab ta tama^ Hot tHom ba HkM eat of Ha OMBip
U ta aortt paaaa ^
H aad bolldlaci with
____ *-**B«aae-a^^mwM cSe**Md
Racea flaalatw D eta emda ndweet te to
Ita. Cnaaw. aad ttia.iad. 1 eitae cuoad liartil Hap npanad HM Hap had
^ aba Tdtooea,. ’Manacar Barrp
WM paanal add dtaeaaaad tba taanor
Ha board.
aaamamaa m etalm m4 aaaamtataftotad aad HabrapertwM
adaplad. Aa atari wm aadt to re*


in iiualiiy. in price.

LF. Ferris




»Siirdr!: si.’S


-«'aan‘i-s...™.ssr.‘-h:„ ^

Ita kaa *e«rr vH i. m *~* u~~. wup


Leomta Maohlna Oo^ TRfln. Ohio

cull t-MM t«r tta ruuBl; u< ttwd Ytaurw.

15 fbr,:ge:‘;.Y;*gr


Sljytaa.-tar.nVr •*.

U.-ewue III


Tba i(Mkrr tbaa wMi isto a dta-

___________ iattaa of Ha epM
paliop. vIH Ha Oaltad Stataa
.Tr7'.«. prwroat Ha
bpfaaee U


ixvrsLSs r-TNrtSaS'jrrss. •

gf OhHnco Hoed
cnod Jarp HU mocatac. Fortp owe
ara asd opacaboti of miaao, wholmU

world M o woca oot fanawic. la Ha

StLua^mZ^'alT tto


* ‘autaSr k WAi.TkK.

at i price

Uatoro bp Capt. Habaaa.
tka «MOb attUM H a thalr. hS
“I----------- baa baaa Mr. Sndl^
prnau aatrotarp tor map paan. HH
tmar wife dlad Hat Noroabar. •

- Both

.arc PROFn ABLK ior
you to have. W'e have an

WeJimhfldthebifCMtHfllidijf Tradi ii Mr bMory Md
«e 00* prgpoM to dotfl out viist urphis

Aawte. M.7 i> Um


WmHb H. Bibdlv. HK Hcodap.
ladwaeHbMioadafaBOHalaYalMd at tlMddm br tha daaU of bb

For his comfon

>on(p road apMeo.
Tbe bMTd la awaltlBc'He report

two botUaa

_____ ktab wtUtoaataottom

eoaaaita HaldUHt


lit Slate Street.

aoUiraolle coal laid
duwaia Cbioacudoe* not exa-ed|1.6u
The board of
Tbep aell fur dl j
larpe oBoual f hii»lDo« a ihfdr aad dU. A duiea taailaealre* who |
r-ilax lodap.
re tomiuooed left Wwa *a.Mealp '
The bond* »f all ^ cooiitp' nSren
1 alcht. Two deatba from tre..iioc !
repurled llila motnuic.
ibonp waa clrro per■emit. Jaa. 10 - The coal oommictae a|>|niiiied.bp Mnpor Hapl.urp pa*.
Idapfio aecnre coni for Uetrull. Del
reaolutIuQ wa* poased asklos Ibtialjrainc. Tb-->taealiOD of *ecar-'
lefUlature lo make It oplkmal with
bnp the
Ibe buardi ot aupenluon to abuliah perpleiinc I
ipatem fur all ruuDI> ofllrer*
ilac'a luaelu 1 L JladetD
rommliiew oa
aruuad* an<l ebalnuaa of the <
bulldinc* waa ampowen-d lu Isaore
fauuse fur CTV.OiW. and
Bap be would loau He dtp flu out

r (2.000. dlvIdlDc.lbe I
•lip betweea U
General Newa.
Upo. P Carter A Bro.. S Y
Itdiuln Bu. xiSi.r...isIv ,,r.v ]
A duo. and John R. Saaio
tci >h>- Turki.b Eux-rinm-iii <
The tnmmlllca un bulldinc* i
asalUM ll.e i~-rii.l~.luu Ki»ui.-.l lu Sep. ^

*Jato'n^^Jaaaa. Id Oaplala Uw. .
aaa, aat tba paaa Hoc
Ibo dmrtaoo teoam aoportar lo aU
ba not of Ibe world. iWpaaoAmTicatoa kopl Tba makt* paid a
iHwtaf tribata to Somaa. Oartlar.

laatolow tbicraatawaf tbaklariooa
dapa of tba Eoroatlab.
6apaala Hobaea daotaiad Hat tba
» artBfaa will ba mada ta t^c
Tfc ef Ha aarpta t»a lata war^wjH
Mil tatar lo m to mka II etafer«
ia U*oemn«d'MrnMMlp Bol
ta ton ta tba bill prapaiod bP
polaiad oolHaHSttbattaallbiaHaaltdpal Iwpi of Daoolt. Aaotber ««7 proTteaa M Idrt. ae Seal bad aror
bUl HVtriat to Wapaa eeaalp oalp bOM WboUp dtataopad. aad ao Bim
Mrtl YtaMn bad am baaa woe wlHwlU ba tau '
• •
> aeoDV mabar. It la pelbla ootaleMimtctJMeleiet. Dawor,

tuta'll raapaea for Iha 100 MliHl»aa
wldlanvhadtad ta tba oaafadaimu
pctnaalttod plaea. TWtUaaA.
% mdrtfe.
»—‘-r Xieb.. Jaa. ».-Jan bafota
OH m pa«a ara aad workad ta HoHa bam adlooiaad jiwdapalwar awk laBhar
Spaakar Oaiaoa aalaacad
Wood nab '
-Iw on aotu at work la thla aaetlaa. «lua to loraalHala tba'oi
M aace ef VatIa
Ha woo a taHlUar Uara aboat tM
Biaaa, wbara WtrUaa
I mjo^of


Ami can suit you in style,

oai oaa of the

boro ka baeaM loM aM( tka Hd
.oa tka «ala foor aad faUad to lat

. .

oetad H tlspip oHat tb« .aaaa.
wtpad tba Spaa-

Fur Coat
For ypur own cujgfort
a nice, warm

bui as« modwa aeaiKc prov«> mot i.c'r.t

I Amrlca
tha Borboip pfram
BwaptfrcM tha am tha
“--------- ahlppta, fa. I

ami your HOKSK nccti-^

li toad lo ta conatarad Ita! erip uraurv

ta tba o
ta t»d. ta which I
Esrw' tba aahlaraBaata

lok Ibo taaMo aad kopi ibas coakaad
la Ibo ban.
Tho bcarotr diaplapad bp -Pofo*
tpoa giaiaaadihla. Wlua tba kte
broke oat ka aado otorp aCon lb tal
ow tha boraaa. Ha aaoeredad laro

Tbe KlDd Too Have Atarapa Botwht. aad nrbtrb baa bam
ia cue for over 30 pm, ban borm tbe aicaataro
s aad bna beea atade aadcr bH
. TwHIoa niare tta InfbaiT
Allow ae aae to deretro
nod “mo tort

Paul*, actac and I heu-






at i price





at i price

Grab these Bargains Quick
RASTALL, Husfflng Jeweler

it sinks into the skin
1 b absortwd by the muscles like nln faBlng npon Uie thirsty <
. It ge^-right <k»wii to the most intense pein and stops It-

nluetaiiS FOR MAN OR
It will care anything thst any good I
Keep it handy in cose you o



, THeawJiB T«A»fc«S| Heralo, jamuarv f«, isos^
nwai h awtrha n|b»it by wrlt-

aMwmaotgnaollMforaoae Bar.'Ksnrerw-^^rMTWr^r/qowmmm]

WkM »• (vUlchi ^ IM bU«D.
JaB4.«M *e b«*Ai low M B7 kM*>
AXWUUkteadaan feMad is >
tmrwUal »v.
AMMO UKlo t7M.Ul0kli^WW«.M
MoUMteM«M Up* Mr.
1 *17 »• dewB to t'o^ 1 p‘W
tto Lotd nr ml to toop."
AM I kaO> tbo VMlMt UmaU.
AM >t pUono Hta op Ibtre.
WMa mr M>7. diOMBd tor UmloM.
Baoolt to M7 ta onMof pnvM
ThMO't o M«mo Id tb* AMO* wkm
otftlr piMT*.
AM »
aola oodoo e'er bo
' VfeaoavbobpkBoeliDSd FM7«:
AU M7 dooMtM tuetoo twve no.
•M the OMIa of witb Boo.
At I bev ar boM mod UttM to ap
bobp'i pbkintiTe pIco.
•*01 t'oM die before I vote.
1 pV tbe Lofd:ay eoia to tote."
AM •>oly bub aeeU o'a ae,
AM perroAM lb. oTtalBf elr.
ay laby, dtaaM ter Or
gooeli a ay 6er erulo* pcmyer.
AM I Mtu eti aM poedor vbae 1
> eenb be W ae
•AoMd 1 ala (bu Mtee eou dvf
It, yatboeei, 1 felt ee Dutltng. dlaItai bad vltlila ay
At ay boby kMlt boMo ao, Uaela«


">«nr I ■or at dewo to e'eep,
IPV tbe Lord ay tael uatqi."
AM I bba tbt'Uod vba «are bat.
AM ba lore wltb Hia 1 Moio.
Wbaaaty boby. diauad lor Dnoa.
" bad.

TM egg belag tbe ok

bat It atll yalk aad vbta era wall
alaad Tbe aTotaae alaM egg will U
fata. aM a a half 0^ a bird a foorth
of aeaggele readily-aeaewiod.
TM tope of large baking powder
laa, tba adga greaead aad Ma betm oerarad with a elrela at paper
rtUbeagaM aakaMlft far tbe
oaed to lake layer eake la.
flay Tea Tabb Oaetard-Ta eaa-

. .
ilaf aagar: aM tea
Atm of raailb. Baba aatU tM tap
la taralsr erava. la a aoderala
Oblld'a BrwM Paddag-Maba a aaawwd u bafarti pal into a da ar ebtaa
dlM leal ua Blat M aUaw (be lop of
tbe eaalard to be eoraiM wltb Unb

'bM a rleh galdaa baava Me paddlMbdeaA
mtb .MeewMlaa Mii wltb
MU aa Mg tUar aaaagb to rail aaUiy
a triSo of aalL BaU aM tiy

aealMd diaoeror Man
Mppar >• Ma popper oaoaar. or
to tbe mot. or ealy <ae
guitw of a loaf of broad to Me box.
(W erne Uttle ibtog Ube Mat. wbioh
Md eUppad ay aamory aaeag Me
iber of aer* iaportaat Mtoge 1
to «u««r «f—by Meaaalrn et Utaoooaat. bot Jan bdgnmg
akelMa oobpli. ma awv tn
goad ani wbioh It aaede to be
oogbly coloyod.
••A* ov groaer. aM bakw. aM bolobar. yoa ae. an all two M Mm
aitoa away, oae eaaM* tall Ma girl
•to atop oa bar bat, raa eal aM aopfdy
Mewaat.uroa'taB whoUrotoibe
ally, n I bU Joba I bul Mra a
book ter Me fclbtMa. b
tat then Mbge dawa to. eo Mai
wboaldtdgoabapptog. arwbtoMe
did eaU. I waald be

•Tberery aa« day Me dear boy
brooght ae boae a lerely Uttto book
with trary eeren. aUror tipped paaeil
aadooUalaldBaraa, ttob w^ Me
writing aeald be eraeed aft* tbe beak
wufoU. ItrledUforaweM. balll
wu ee pretty Uai U 1 were baktog
plee. ay- of obewrod oat Me eloroe
olaael gaae. 1 waald harp to

baab la ay ba ereolac papa-

irbena yea aro, be eoble. :
Whatara y« da. do veil.
Wbai»iryta»paak.epeeb UMty.
vbaera yoa dwell.

yelk ef aa egg add fear bbb
aU of Bilk: Md eee third of
btga aada ooMar wall rolled aad owe
aad oee-hair taaapoawlab at. MgarThb la M ba babed.
. '

Dalaty Peperara—Taka oae qaaitar
otaa egg wall baatea. throe table■poewfab of aUk. owa-qaai
Sau. aad a plaah of aalL
laga tar taeaapa. To ba opened when
hat aM aam wUb aaoa aada by MWttb auay of u ou batAe an
•wtrlaff wblia vbb Ua aowi o( tbo dlM to oaa MU taiga Mt»l at batter
Ma aobuta tiaA
Ufa b beblad

Jliwwnte etUu's tttk.

«baebapa. Tbe ertal dayi aad «te
>eyMyi aeu tste a dlatael taaaeu
CM bobi back froa tbe aea
AM Om m Mrdly teU tba ewa
faa Iba atfaa axeapt a kaawtbal
Ihpnfb Mta aU tta ratba't baM
iM bd aU the «v. wttb levtM
•aaa. Batibwaboat aaaeiy thu
’»e«a abar'aed brigbl teataMef ab^
Md dla.-tbt aeacry at iba dear
aattwwbaleacato paaadertr tbe
hUb W Iba teatUaJ baycM^ Se that
bad ou tbeMfcb bMtai acre aM
aau la tan uwa grew Dear M tbb
Mdadiblo Whae Iba opwaid patb
aaMW to Miata, Md we aiaMob tba
brow oftteblO. wbot AoUepM to

Appb Pat. Beaoea tM Mtn a
on of a MkM m>« aad but I
PBlptoatnNb. adding Mgar iomII
beta. Potto aaaaade ta lUib
aatf wUb a dab eOaUy ^ taeh.
•mraai Oalaa Cake—Taka a ptab
of kraMdawgb, afbr IM Srb.rtotag.
•M wbaa hwadlag to tM flaar
bake It the right ebilWbiiy. M
Unb bgu aM ato or algbt obopgM
u b a qaaBtlty wbleh wUI ba
bakM to two ar Ibtoa ballapM patty
paaa Pot to iM UtUa paaa. fllltaw
iMb MU fall aM aat to Tiaa, earbiM wltb a MjAto.- Vbaa IM beeM
hu aaarly BUM Ma fuu. baka Hake
aa iatog of throe bagptnjifbto

Bake It aafl. aM two drape « raaUlapaM when
'•Oh, aatbar, art tbeo Itrtag yw.
■brty bard, aark wedge abmd (•«•
AM daat thaa Mil ti labtr atl
U MMM(aaa aaaaa ttat all aotrowi aatMbg
grew dta Md fade away bat iMa
AM abb tea paMpa
u Id tbe eaeki with a m of Uiga eardi. ao
of wblah a etogb reedpe to prtotMtworfbpa. Bat wbae wa toe grew
alt^lM ouleoi WMty wllbibe
Haiban «t tola tart do aal '' '


iCahe aatbar MM. ibaabwdf Iba
aaUbraua. Bov awaatuiap tba
Bat kMI e> tba dear ebealdara!
Beir awaaa » bear awaa aaa tba
ba. leetbg alaaba mg. aM age
a aba M lUo'a tvalM aaelfaM by
tanadBlaabe! Sew awab a arako
wm aaoMag tbkU dawa. at tba
aeaob a Iba aeONt lira, aM 10 epa
aM'a mo aria the mda apa ebla.
tag era aa, wbUakbadaamaahaadMbaaaUaty.^'llpaudl” AM
lhataa dat a a aa*e a laew.
Mipf Why aa ay It wiu?
*ald mat u ta that MW watd
wbaa ««yi wlU a awatly alti

Om of too Coewol Bwaabar^.

Tb7«^ tee bilry fa ay MM.
tka eaaaba abdoftaw a lala.
<WM^aa a I dalbad abag
WMh Bto aM abg a Ubaty.
Vaad bp aa adda UU at am
tMI dlbd iM wati^vllb Maa fc

tweUttb I
Men are freqaeaily wooM wUb balr ar a
kobdag tbe broah froa laroirtog.
Wbaa tba iweapar to daabd. 1
bM an. Me wbaato laahM la. B
brtagi bcdd IMa froa laratog. pbee
adiagafoUaanM of IM ptabctiaulMtbnd tM knakk
Me Uttto wM at AM yoa wUl tod to
MabatoaMtaah Md et tM baab.

TawaikbaU A wiwii wtaa.
Ba Ufe awibhM by aawy a yea.
Kaapto Me <
■M bad ae Mb ba tawra tree

ra yoa keep

aa aid hat fb tar -dlgglag oat Me
awdeaf Me kraM ande
HI of aa (dd aaam aeab, wlM whlek
Mabrlatlaaf the brwM,
gat au dirt aM awbplHt whi
••Taabbr' AMa"Utar?" Ta; da aol eeaa aS nadUy wlM tba
batwbalb a aatba ta If au a
aba fba at ba audt AM wbai
ba Mm ta if m a arro a a
imi gaa at amdat aM XtrT
Bmp Iiibiti at ba Mea
rabhir rla abonllba
adibg a tM altayi awabr ••
I tbna b bta baeoktog Me farbgbamb" biUda abmatt
.oeakM.. AmiTiaMIlhm
BBbitaaairUHb girbaaatae aMMan wtfb aaall bake. Wbtak
Mmdbwbaidatal dbAafaMatr wUlkeepttto pboe. If^Me nbhar
Mpbaabbai ihbb alwayarm
HaeealM wbaato beepaa elwbbed
gb at* «Mldaa A a aM T ymi 0
b they wlU an aiar oa. wHb Me


mMlMb baea ae Daley bM
|Bll*bbra*‘Xdllbl(a,’‘ Ml tbe
adbaip Utma aage wui
,MBM.M«n*:lMad attra bamadaaavb
ro, aad Mar aatwaw two i

:ly book. Ooemqee
■U Joel re■Ub. I'll not eiop
a wbee 1
ambw Mu and pot It down
anmoManiogo wIM
a I forgot aU oboal tba olora
aatU Ua aetl Oae 1 wait to gbi’ eoae
aadfoaMoM baU eaoagb. Helretogabd Me iwaUT mM to l^ie reeeeeb
of ay faareaa dtower aad boaglit
aoBaea bhoel alab with a paoi
aad a mage atbobad to It by atitoga
Wbaaarnr I Bnd anyMtag raantog low
latbelardw, I }ol it dorm eo Me
ilate. oa**!^ of oae fide of rrhich to
raeerred forW groan, aad Me
for Mo bnb^. Mo baker, etc
1-a dm to Me kilebea when they
eeae.'Brldgel^Mowe Ibea Me elate
aM May eopyldowa Me orden Tbee
oa Me uhar/eide of Me alato 1 wrib

BoUm tor Bridget to fallow
11 go eat. or Me page,
bn to Ma eoak book of tbe raoipe by
rrUM I wau^ to ooek oartato dtoh.
ee wldU 1 epe arrv- Altogetbn. 1
Bod it anaadtogly, aatal and handy,
and waald adrtoe all yeang boaain b tty It.’
Tahofi In Time.
____ . . aw to Me alvei a yoang

lady. waU-dneaad, who weald bare
beea nelly pretty wen It aot for bn
. wUeh loMM ae Meogb 11 lad
•ebbed ap eror atou Me ehUd
bnn. It reminded m a
ptg'e aeU than of a aeaa
eealdhara bm eortwetad an aaelly
wbaa Me obUdwu oaaU. iadred 1
Mtok yet
be Bade to It. If Me yaoag tody atU.
a grtu aanT tiau a day. pall It
dorm. 1 know a yoang woom who hu
u pretty and ttralgbl anon u
woald wlM to au. and bn aoU
b b MankM fnIt. WbanotaUdbn
me M au ni >a Atrtoan’a
. ,Mtbe Me boMn took bn op.
Me iwetty ptnMtd Me neae. AaMbn
of bn obUdna hM e*tn

How may ora paMtog arer
•ear a eaipat awaapM all obakad with M and aoaMd tbe atobboia hatoa.
dab and
tlmt remorug'a taw Mat iroaM
tUI tM kraab to tted
go Me wnag way with a Uttle pair
arat Thto awaapal dab^
tbtog bat cwaoA aM I know at awa
wblah WM dtobtdad aM laid away
wtM atbar diaahtod feralton to Me
Oeaetbt toga bom thaa

kraab amtolly. tad paUadaUMir.
■lrta«a aM Wb of daal; open Me
)awa at mb aide of Me pabu paah.
wUMto dlferutto aaah iweepor
TUe aaede aa awatgitk haadltog. aM
Ucara ba aaM to Madibg tbtotha
Mp Migbba aai m a tbe m
Ufa at Me rweaper to pblaagoA
•ha daggM a waM at greotuggay, Atbr tM BwaopMga are nmrrM froa
Mr bak a brigbl, ba awa a awaat.
aaa. doat aat Me iMida at tM
I am»d «
>U tbM day.
naaaa Mat a«gM at ban as

Thto to **oa a aew Soabeaa.

-1 $unsbi^l.^5'^£i‘: PROMUIEIIT’PHYSICUUIS

llharoaad menbiiHy te Bre
aeem aawaa good a* whaw 1
AaoMn i>eU7 wpy b aab lUa
. card aM taatton. aM |dean taM
_iltt: MarabMr rta to bakM
|by 1
My Cofnpeey.
tob plaoe. aM paMkty awathar year whlb ootm tMlcoan tokalltfec
I think while I'a Uttle I’U
wlU krlag uw rim tar Ma wboeli.
at part till to'idUow eaaa ahapr.
ay Bind
TM baM b qaib tolab aM Ma tolabmitaU araand wiM a'wldt.
TMaUowlag m e
Xeb joat Mektodof aboyMuItlke.
aaoltopM border. Mrongh Per If 1 aa ploying wiM Tom and
Preayau Uond.
Ipa that bore ba
wblob to ran a wide auto rtbbaa lied
WiM Pick
to a bow M owe onwer. Tbe ean to
,AM don't Uka Whu they do I ean ThtolrttntonU tor BwnMla
raa Bbb •• too KIbln. Wab.
done to pbto eroehel. Hake a loog.
m. b pba at "am'
knre pretty qoirk.
»MI le Ma be abb far II
agood letin it to:
etitrti ot aboat nreoty aUlebea,
an tbe aodeaa btga a
Bat when I’a eroa nM cgly
lyoarfcttem walir-aid apai whlM ereebal a dooble crocliet
Oraara. Mioh.. Dec. rt.
wot tbe aafTOW,
Dear Hn Baiea-1 Maagb t waUd
aM a deeaert « toap cpaow wUl aet a TlBbr b a yam heaawira tb Klleh to arery other etlteb. w\lli
WiM ayalf all ibe t
toy. "Ob. ibu'a lay beaoeau.
wria yoa a Uttle MIrr lodey. 1 wu
do at aU U ^aea of
UMml^hriftautteet. lire. Hager
Tba MUdna an laagbl Aaa book." wutMrepIr. "Wbool
to kero boaaoal to Mle
a pretty good lodge of Me frUowe ud Mia WilUaa*
a keep a tM

yen they bM grewB tob
Una. Obtldraa wltb waak Unb naedagnudtaJ
at rabble, aad alao aU Me
May can ban. They need pi _
eoananoabd. aM to. food »o whlb

wblab U pgaporty prepared, to u palabUe a nw eyobra Tbe beef
ohoaldheynawaMtowdn. tm
htaadbadet U Meald bo Bnely
Mapial eoaaoood wiM •»» •«<* P»Ppn. and it eetny to Uked flaroe wIM
a Uttto oBoty fail, or poudad erlofy
lallobBe an liked,
aqaeoM tba lolta tefalaaborr
aMm«ak U koir
hwbd aM buan. w u not to ba
n if tba obUd Ukb ptektoo aM to et
oboutbob. ooanpteklaaay
addlttaa. Moagb u a role plektoo are hard b dtom. aM U ehlldmi
balMy givira peopto,
they MoaU oU food oattly digeebd.
wllb eary Uttle eptaa Trolb
OMe food ortU >nke btallfay
adalb: regabr hablb an rtry m
biy lor ebUdica, aad Me ao
obeald IM MU they on tocaed.

I know.
me u Me —n->~t
» tor Mr anhnl
ae when Mey play fair aad;era. and ooe wuU Mr. MeWetfay
■toe: ptooe Meb tagather, Jotoiog!*
-------------------------------hr 1
bcb wbaa werktog Me border, ex-'
iaeewbrn 1 abirk cr aeU oft
eej* ee oae Bide, whiefa eheeld be left
Ibetr leaaban Me dar bafeike Chrletopea foe Me rabbet elMh. Any iweciy
.rwu-.- Wehada'
border can baaerd. bol iqaoo eboald I'a ioM aoefa a bor a^taaoet abide, i
alalgb la
Mt ia It tor ronaiog the rtbI>oa. do Me kind of a l>o.r mA 1 like 1 will; we went orer la Mr two ali
Wa tad a alee trtu and ___ ______
«B Me epaa rude wiili narrow rib­
Por I alwayi ana lire with ayaU. and plared all ;we wanlrd to aao we'
don't yooe-r: ,
all liad praeento off of Ua little tm, i
-Lydia Arn^r Cooley, in VooM'a „a Me oMer tm wu U ay Vwele'
Oaeu'a and 1 got aoae preaanle off of
and taaUy nany eiepe. macb worry
ontaaioe by hariug a place for
praaeaia 1 got a little eeffee Bill
erorylhtog .aad alter tutog an artieir |unrv there
■. for short, a
long* If erny aeaber of Me faiu- Ur wore bi.elio. root r«y lul - Mr Ue bona foil of aagoted popeora and
Uy le rdoeatod to obeerre tfale role,
war be card to fclak ;
abm pUn of hair nbbooa My grandaad to ret wbat Mry want Mreearlrra.
k)rk.-il tl.r ebain and able to*«- ; an got ar a new drea for Olirtottua I
id to wall eo Ihaaaalret witlioni
hr kicked againettl.<-door.
-1 aa going to aaad tan ceUaloMu:
ikt^ any dieorder. Me aoMrr'e loi He kicked the atrpe and
»aun. atok boy. ■——> Krwatud. Mr!
iU ba ewon, and it will not be ascA
kicked llir floor
nod hto
a dlBleall battn to keep Mr 1
And walking np (be areooe. be kl^k- Buitea ' 1 WlU clow, wiebiog all the
bt aad ordnly u U aboeld hr.
iwrh mrnod eloor.
banabtoon a Happy hVw Vrar.
Viaettu tad bit will clean tbe a iiilr bilcliinr pcati aad olbet poeu (>M of yoor little bonoliiBe girla,
let nlonr
lack eroal off obeet tmi trying pana
Leila Gibba |
bot Mey aboald be Moroogbly x-oor- Uie yoreulc eentded
e'rankrd hi'a'ctery
Loa Aagelea. fat. Dec. OT
ed afinword* WlM fpBd eoap pr any
And hoitght inat abee* aoni every [ D«ar Mra Balet-I wUl be ul
good eooortng tap;
wrerk.wbU'lidKto'i mmloat lirhl. ryun eld to (WO weeta
Mao Me fat'a to Me Bn it to nern
imu rI —_...
got an Ur___
gar, .a .checker board
e to threw water opoD it If tu
and ebecken and a dram, a hot
in a lettlr boile orer and More are
toy ragiae. eome pretty pielon botte '
Maaata bu otoe chickena They lay
. aafret way to
ail winter: May toy great big egga
pot It oat.
the bma oaa ran cat ia the gieea
Tu and coffee ataioe a ill eoat giat
gcaoa aad Ul Me ireata grae*. We do
of Itoea if waebrd at tacr. bat If iliry
not need wum heabcaww imra Ibay
are of laiyrmndiag reb parr rlytrrtalM-little ebiekna* ban-all winter
■ae oe Mra aal mali iii (fai- oiual
1 go to tty etole ooraat acboet W»
hare Dcw teaohar* erary alz monMa
leaoa eqeerard ]w*t nil olbrr tier
Taere aia il iwtn blooming aU winter
(f bulled awhile lea grvuy or bUiy'
■M'bool yard fhriumw Day
boeepan wllldeatroy grraer and odi-r
bnaolitol warm day. 78 ia Me


Hear to Keep a b



n aanaa. Mo Sk Leoie Oliroatelr
Ptm be eaiefol to yonr alee
Do oot ebooM ou orbe'to ino rc
end take only oaeb rarleUiw'ae
reared to a good moral et
phen. Then onoe Me nlectioo l.u
been ae^e. h-t Ibe pul.renieln (or
em bttled. end gire entire Meeghi
to Me fntan.
geie toetot oo k«r|dag tbr huband to a plofcel. while etben infer
bot wain. It doea not aaam to be
geneeally known tlu erm poor ranettoe Boy be mde aweel. leadn. aad
good by gamlablng Mem wIM |uti
aalln and aSeeUos. They
Id Me^ bi'wraiipedr In a Baaito
of ebarity and kept warm with ibr
Heady Bn of derotipn Tbo^ imicd.
they will keep lor yran u wbrn Bnl
uleoled. .Sometimee they imiwon
wlMagr,________ •_______
A Ueeful AWcla.

Amoag (be aaefol an< lea ofteo otrrleoked to baylag Me klioben panjAer. an little eerobbing bmafaea
Tbeu an rcry ebup, ooeilng l« or !:•
le apleee, and an of naiold on
tooarlDg tbe kiteJmi Uble
peoldtog board, aad aerobbiiig off Me
Bilk ebtoe from Me iwfiigei
It it to elraa a aoimeg or roc<
grater wlM oloM or mop—a i
ibbtog brub. thU uu pmictrue
roegb todoBMree. wiU dq lie work
qoteUy end well. Tbe loa^ nrfaoe
of pie Una un be uelly oluned in Me
wv- Aeoall broah aboold be
ke}X akcloarely for cleaning regeta.
btoa PotatOM for ba.tog are moch.
euily oluned wIM a broeh (liaa
Com Bread.

to go^ tor elMer brukfut. dinoor or upper to made Mot: Pet cm
ptol of allk in a doable boiler, add
ocafal of>BfU and belt e one of
Whan hu aUt la alowly iwotblida et a eoptel ef grenoleted oom
aael. while or yoltov, bal white ia
beet. Bib aetU Me mtotarr bogtoe
Miekn: If* anal not be aUff; bai
Httlo BoaMaa orway. Take trea
Me Bra. drop to. buting aU
while, tbb yUki at foor egga
ellr to Me weUMutea white*. Taro
toloagreaeed baking dUb and bake
qoiek oru for aboat l>aR
bear. Tiy MU.

Ou bonbi-aiD* air going
tfnehABOod lot of
inglOD #lntc.''Yoa jriU enjoy Me leturs cf ou Pacibc ooul Uouahior. I«ya'
lonjuch.' Now we will begin.
Bilvitoa. Huhlcrwo. Deo. ». Itus. '
IN-nr Mra. llaD'* -Werectiired you
letnt witj. It* fhriitniu greeiiag and
1 will h'll yoo What I got inr fbrialma* 1 kUt a sweater, a {lockrl amfe.
C0|< and aue<'r?t|lirre gai^*. one oalled lioK. and His game of Kobio Hood
andanoMcr cslto.l Dewey.'a %'iclory.
1 got two alory book*. ’ 'loey ate toll­
ed Utile Polk* and fliutarbua Nato
rU Kiiwrr ^od Iota of not* and candy
and oraocf. and bananaa. 1 bad a
coal fhrtolmu
UV liad a l.irrly
.'hrialmu tree. 1 will Irll yon what
we liille hoy. did.ihl* anamer. We
green'd ikidi for paju to liiel log* oa
and we hacked to her two and a hall
day* iVe-arord tfi-s-n doIUra. We
boogtal fou *beep iVe hare all we
ftom. Mem. PaM uy* we can
a* maoy u we like, for he bu
• tiBDdrea and fony-aik aefea.
We had a eery nice gudea. We imi*nloe popeora and U*o »wael
Vare haring a rery warm
winfetaud a good deal of rUn. We
:ed (VO rooebnd* mud aome tweet
for Chrialmu, ao yon ae<' It hu
rery cold.


lUlph Hn
Bllvaaa. WaMtogtor, Dec 'SO.


Di-u Hr* Bale*—1 will fell ye
what I got for ftartittnu. I got
nktl kuifr, oopand rnaeer, apia
lied Jolly Tan. a gam* ealtod Tl
Kight Before Obrmmu. nnd two
booka ooe called Tbe Merry CbUdnn.
and the other Tbe Wide Awake Ou
two aoaliet wbo lire way onl uh u
Bu Ilubor etoi o* eaob a nice neekand eaeb a >weet Uttle wah-b
ebarm. aad a gun* tolled Ou Donkey
Party. Ralph told yea aboat ou
aheep, ami paia got u a pony fu a
Cfaiinmu prmwi. tobard oar aboep
mod to go to sehoel wiin Ha i* going
to get ar a cart now. Won’t Mai be
Papa and mMuma got toon- ntoa
itmu pmeoto too. Will. Balph
I aU webi to AtliugtoD a
ombaok. It l. aboni area
mile* ibtev. aod wlu'O we ouae baok
Jap* that worked on a railroad
iraek raUed aome eUy down towrinU
u and aoain Will * faoreea oo Mey
nouly got away. 1 '.mat drtodfolly
tired wfaou I got boae.
Er«r you lull* Saaafatoe l«y ii
tar watt.


C. B. Chamberlin. M. D-, wrluatrem Kih and V Su. WaMingtoa, U.C.t
~ Maajr canes brra cmir ooitar rry obserraOoa. wtmrvPtnma
Bm Brarflfwff Aotf eared. Ttcretore, Icbeertaliy rteaatmead it
dartttUnB mad A gemermt teaie."^ B. CHA.HBBtUS, M. tk

[ferm, PetwHa t

The Peraia MedlrineOa, Coteabto,a
«imiUemeD-»ln my practMe I bar
>ad o-easMo to fr.sjaeoUy preaorib
youTa]ubleiBedlclu*,aad haveluaia
lu 0*0 braeSeUl. esjsciallr to uu* «
ilarrh."-Gurgct. Uarraor.M. D.
rem do not re
. andr4ia
•lory resnlta tram tl
write at oo.-e (o Dr. IlarUnaa. isnag a
foil >uirmrDS iif yvor aaies aod he wfU
bepicasid u giro you hi*ralonbi*adrttogratto. .
mcatb bu teoogbt forth a rut change Addiu* Dr. nartaan. Pmahtont <d
. IK/W cmi*lder myaUf a well
Tbe Harvnaa baUtarton^- Itobittbww
Bwaih* of aoBerlag. FaUowwvl- ou..

IcBether mi
tea abon. 1 lad a 00 1 did oot Ml her bal 1 at Me oi r foonbn del. geography, i
mee liae wading tn'Me old FbelBo.
aad It liatehed oat all. My cbiek idvatology. gramau, epelliag aad
There W<ee eome people to boMtog
aretn wiM mamma'* aad 1 oaa wriliog aad «rtbogiapby. Wa Ilka
not Ull (baa from aamaa’a ftaauaa oar (sncIvT «ery well. Her name to
n- npe erangu on Me trees. Tbe ia going to tatoe aoae aorr chtokmi* Hattie Schell i goear 1 un'l Mtok
if the enn get atav egg* aod I will o( more fu ibu tin»'. e« guA bre
try tu get one of Mem. I will try to
bTom you ftouhtoar,
do better next yeu Good by
Pied Jobnotaa.
Froa rou friend.
— — -..........—
uid MiaHon. Mloh. Jan. S. IMS. owto
‘“*^1 knlve. aaed u uWe. u tar
Dear Uta BalM-I tbooght I woald
---------cotung bread, meat at anything ter
nte.yoo a leticir aod lal yon know
Hutlett. MWl. Jan. &. IMS
wbioh a ahwp knife ii aaadai. aboeld
lat I woold Ilka a boitoa and a oard DtuHra Bntaa-I tbonghi 1 woald • ucrer by •*ed fu eiitrtogu took og
pteata. 1 will tall yoo wbat ay
.fewltoaa today Uu aeboel anythtog in hot griwer. at II Bak««
umber * naae 1*. Mtoa Jee* Mtoa
i rery dnli
Miner. My ftsdiea arertodtog. etSsUtbe foortb grade. 1 aa foarl••eD yean aid. W* have had a ramtioa for two weeka I am gutog to tell
at 1 got fU fhrlitma. 1 got
of Uncle'Toa'* Oabin. a pair
of red bair Hbbooa a -broth and coah
aad bottle of perfoae end ihm band
kerbfatefa a bu of toap. a pocket
look, a Ink of toady, a new red drau:
a tarn. I will eloae for Mli lime.
¥ou loring trtotfd
Mary Manball.
Korwoed Mk-L. Jan. I 1W3. .
i>tu Mra. Hale* 1 wUI ait doorn;
tonight to wrIMd few Itoa inyoa. 1
hare a llllle AroMet: hto naa* to
aifford: be to'-eik year* old. Bo
woald lUe to beaSanbaaa. Will yoa
ideaa oawd hla a yds and card. He
tonnol Wriu ao be wlU hare ae write
fublal IwlUteUyoawtatIgotfu
fbrutmaa I gtR a eop and anoer
and plate aad 1 get a book and on*
>4 yard* of pink ribbon
kerebiefa aad a wbilt
boku et wrlttog papu aod on# pdn.
We all wool oot to dinner Ctarlatma
I hare an
Ktostosippl. 1 SB to Me
fouM grade at aobool mt there to nM
any achool now. bnt t ve wiUbebafore loog. I tonaol Mink of aneh
BU* to wnu toaighk I am getting
Bleepy. ao good by.
. Proa you loving friend.
Alan Mny'PeorL
fedu. Joa-f . IM.
■Daat Mra Bate* I wUl try and
write u aoeh of a Mery abhni ay
ehiekeat MI ton. Lmi nvlng I Jetoed Me Yeug Polk* Peoltry Aaoctotlto. In Me dving »«—«- gar* a*
two heof to tart la wiUi. I eel owe
ben bot she did not haleb o ehlckea.

a traded WiM a* ends
Thtol at ayoMA Teei Acre Wife.
u hto end ah* hUMed
Med erety'egg
. I
_____ orhiie poor aurrlad a w<____
oxder ^bu aad ewe day
who helped bla work and ure Ull be'
when we woe away froa boar, ebe
beuae qoitt proapatoa*. Men be ap­
gM oat of the eoop and loot Mm of
plied to a lawyer to help dtrom bton.
Mea ono Men sb* toot Mm aen of
"Why. wbu tau tbo dooe?" naked
Mem. 1 don't knew bow. Than she
(bo lawyer. "Ob. aelhing. bni M*
traapled • Obe nod klUad' U and s
tojael e len-nm wife, aad I wu'
limwfc tried to gar oo* to Mo
. MU’n all ay new plaoe.
Moral: Don't lot yoomlf atok Inie
'ja« a len-aen wife,"a boon
irndge. Seep abruat. it au a little
abend of year boatoad to eolur
1 win be nto* yoori old AprU 1 hnu to toU yoa. bu Me kltta* klUraid wbU-agotogoBto
Me Mirdutonmaaahu always toll- ^ • .any of Mea I eeoU ja«
wlA llto b
ae Baby. » yart hoto year
yfc, pou Uttle nfl downy
TM Lea taututoi,
brtoM' 1 bare a Itltto toother jnn foUowt. joM Uka Uttle bolU! Ther
A lap pmootn to alaou a a
nndatmlf wuk*«lA 00 yen aejan • onnatog. Bat wtol I hare
b tbe boMn at aa tofaav U
I'm DM baby any more: Be ia m twmj leak aa Dar like ^mm'a t <
lal to m IM w for meadtbt
bo4>r to tba
* Mtok I
to aaUag toyu ewke. OM MU I bebr. We bate itol named bta yek •............
I got tba aae Cbrtotau |CTiinn m WTittu awtogb . not aaob «f a wlar
Haabhnii bUa
toMaMeto aaa ba aata: Oat two
taking It froa Me bora did. only 1 gu two rnpa and
onoecro. On* of ay guaea to ealtod
a at ItoM thirty toedua bag aM
Littto Bo Beep, the ubu to m einma
aigbbo. wlAa.
.•tovuo Me ether I* Tknin lu BoeC*duHtob..4a>. I. 1MB.
•aU ewin ring. wiM layo imyrei. b^ toi”lad enok eiperltMe and ua. My beokr or* toUed Pretty Snae
Dew Mrs. Bttrv I Moagb 1 weald
togtroaUUkaomo. Mtog aa maj
to pat letog or ond-Ibieagfa Me Looking (Hata We
deatga b Maw aM aaaeab aMJraiy BIttog oa, while It koopa ollpglag off WlU and yea Me pMore ef a t'oegu, ITIM yoa a tew Untoabnot toy ebtokottaaliee whan AatohaA
Tba moo MoWarttda. An............................. at aama toU ft Moonato Lleo. Umt ox Momma gar* an ewa eld haaa.
impnfcUtod Mnamo teak the ptotom to* wmtad to oat bw wtato pa I
left u ana man to b ba lUad b
roaUfoMwbuM* waald By wC.|
rrlM a bew at b^d ribban. te Ma lower
to ou dng treed to. nod |
habibeald ba wo^ Mm Aum
of atate brad, aad aUppeA
wader tto thto mt. rato£vu
with aaall peart
toff It to a lerU WlM Me oM«. The
~~bb Bntobad a plew at whlb rab- mtot Ba taaily toagbadu ao u
ebth Ma afaaatMe
tberwuebad'ao balldap ay uka
baaUppad brndMaua_______ bU I lengbad toot, tat to worked Uko
*haa to aaa, Ma aad Mu Me the aetbo kdag lyruittog oa to

licoler in


IaIcM mil newnt dnigns.
Vin'.-c Irw wuiluuinMip };iixroiilcc-iY.
Coping and Cut Stone to uiIr.


Ctpren* -Phone

\Vc arc io the market for all kinds of

and will |>aV- the highest market prices
\Vc are also prepared to do all kinds of

eMstom Savhifl and Planing mm Otorlt
oo^shon notice

traverse Gtf Mfg. Co.

I CraPTfM Otf, IDkg.

hf. C. Bnmij tOgr.

lndis**^lor*s Bnid
Om^nirrH o-f 8^om«oH

1. Lirct nod Kidney Core. Wea
IO back Mia renady wrth a •'money back if dm tntittocloiy- guaraUec.
We know Mu k dM Me work, a^ therefore ibur'a no da^cr of <iat
hxraq; lo five tbe rnaoey back. IT Cl'R>:S—It Mu it wbu you
rat. Mea try n bottle today U ooi rwk. Large sue boule, one
toooM'* treotaeoL SLW

nrawAWMSB enrv. twitoM.

To Cure « Com iaaOmOssr
One Df^ KShXj

-Ilu (bat tbr atoia !• dMB( baalotoa
••aaa^Uala. Tbf «a»drd loSabtod•M a6 ac«oa»i «r tbr HiauUb-Atoatlae oar kaa «11l to wlt»] out oe tba
<ir rriml.
tot •( Uar t»it. Tto atair baa ab
4m to to*k( fb* >*»«•>
« *■<
MB4r itaM tanjco oe n>r bo«l» bBoad.
dwwd Mmurr t>r ibr I'tfiUiert
at lUu. bT rr*Hto k n» «l«r« m- aod Ibara la ■>«» la Ito alokUii nod
^ •UK lal rbanCT, HblSI. 21. »-Ilb Bhlrh to rrtira iba
baUto* or tKS.Hii and tl>r luitraat.
to inM pnHBlWltoi to )itr niBlaur
to lb# blcbar prtcra paid lor labor.
to IMIniU an aMlM aaatuM ibr >uto Tto atair ha* Ito rlabl to i-T ito «a
He tbowtd Ibal Ikr arrrmc' pn>
■to O-Iixaialhic <»< tto daU
to an} ot rmala rUiaiH roun* at tba
ducUoB or torla to tbr arrr all am
aud oiaK.oW«all) will .lo ao.
alalr. atocac wtaMi ira> ll» »'a;aa
(ha I'bited Siairo la »< toaa. at aa
rtnabt. lo n>i*aa aoi'li _
ateratn prtcr of '
•ritU nwala to h* troth
to by noprodurtino. roabiloa ti
at i: P-r di
MB «f •«(* nvral, ir
daotacra lluierlral ■»
wbirb bwrra
wm- attoUlnrd. aaf |a
wrar MTrr abd |.<tbllrli Ibr rmTita »r Iba
IdopBp*- arrracr. of til >
toa4r fto Ibr .paj^Hit
nt of a..> Jod*- dalr IflrtudlBb tool
taialil to na-o.rrKl TM nor uotnl *>!cblc>u |n.|ilr abddrrda
In rrcard n> i
toordia 1.1 III.'
•iBMtHa artb.n «•< llwUt.d of Ibr earir luuorm siu) to furulab aa
laid br oai IH.I
rcbSMUa from ohi.b fuiun bta- (aram. Mr Hayl
j-rar shtr tbr raerrialn abk-b uf '
D aat Ibr |rra< .
orlaua. Bur.
liaBl wrat tolo rffrrt. Of Ibr raaiia
br aair nl tbr broia ai a toad- ;
aortal doll-.-vtl*' . ml liduatrtal
vtoar Hiartor. wrra mwBM la ]«•.
protl. (br pufvbaar of ibr pulp
It—of rt.mMlrhl^n Cmtral la ito Obir oaa
eboM> frod for riurk. Ibr ,
>1 iMtbid of alato aelrailfic rotatloa or rtupa ibai
I tbal baa cuiuaiaBcod auli oUbla Ito
ilib aloaxi I
llBW UlBlMl.
toM oumrailoB
lu 1b.‘ llnil
la irrnTa<« lo Ibr rblni Bbida
to MO­
BtolOBt tba Mija. wbUr It la
MiKT lor (to roana t« dn
iiiivnrd a.'lkiB OD Ito (srarra or tbr (nod rcanlla (n>p> II
trti I WDtod oar that Is mr Jodgmrat,
M> trcttlMCr date (or daiuatw as- ... awii imriioar
d bjr ai
tom. Tto pfBiwwyjof Ibr cotbpbiv tabrn adialnx- (round abiac
uipply tbr plarr of I
allboBsb oo tto fuonb duo
la ot
r tarlir
tarir paxlnc aucar brought to
la Ito IdaBttoU owad«bli> Ibat rxtatad apllol bnIMhiB m.y to ruuiMl taaaj o tbr ooaotry rvrry j—r, II will rr-!
tofvr npfol and wattor iba ralua latorraUhC rrll.t In chan*
luira IttO.OOO.OOC U> build aad roulpl
of Ibla |W«pmr bar 1u raralBc raiiar- ft (br arctriarr ot tto MnMr. U la
farlorlro, It.THO.OOu
llr tot bom aB far aa I toro Iwm net tbr liitvi'ikm to po iul<> .Iriall aa
DBitallr. tor whirb Ibr
'aUr |a Iraro ioJarioBal}' affrrt.d.
la Ibr nacdaortblai
to paid MtdTt.ono an
ual droleri would to
Ito BU.n eoBMtor aoruia lo i
towrrtr, abmild to
Ibr dndrra In llmr
fatnre lo auiouta(r aod •ilmuiata tto
and tor Ubur tbr taeiorlra
*ork-ab>iip lb. Uu.t atovr aus(f«Ud.
la Tirw or (to- aitraardloarr
r spBiiaii]
Boall)'. . bi­
MBd Ibal la IbBi tolbt BUdr. U |a
ll Ibr rail
dab iB (to poalto or itaU alatr (bat Ita
raada. haaka and a.._____
all oib<
law idBi Ml oao orrrr moun* In Itolr pa«al
and bualoraa rolrrprlara
ibovir and wllbla Itotr ir.ninaikl lo 1/ taoBWlr Ito KMwnl wrlfrra.
uroi QumiloBi t
4«(«l Ibla anil, and 1 alialJ luonlob. rreuBunnidailoti* In tbl> inmai
Ba»k.r. ' • • •
ai bbdrr Ito rilailna lawr 1 am rrr- aabtultird aa ito mull of too xaan'
mlllad Is da. tto ruptoraMtil oT ladi carrful • »lib ibr rr.inn.1 Ibat
tobdai rommH aa tto atiinirr bObarat Itoy to rouaidrrrd on Ibrlr mrrlta asd ar rultarr
P. C. Towar, agrleuliurtai tor Ibr |
toar torommao^and iIh' Inrurtln* of not Utauw Ibrx arr Ito Ilrwa Of
Lonalag ducar, Cu„ oprnod ' bU adMM* UaMUilrraa mar to nrcratarr
OBa upon- a l.o
droaa br aiaUeg that ibr suit,
MtoibbMr and pritolr rr,M*arW II
paara Itodu-y
ralalai breia waa parcly actlOBli
IMatOBU or tto aialr In ifali aioal li
Ml OB lo aboo bu« tba la
ftottat mUbtlon.
ttiU dn-m rlfrdl
M. Manrb awa COmI aom
Prior (a IWI. I.r cmala ron,
tae. iBlo cluarr n'laibia tor mu■IpMtupsr'Maatlap.
wan rwriM op tor*lto traoatrr bp
lutJ boaeBla.
Wbaa Iba day daward vltb a
Tbe aprakrr Uea wrol oa lo Btair
Ito alaU ot Ub-blMb wi tto I’aluri
Ibal ibe soil la bla aretloo. aiouad
tto to Warr-a I^IW ablp lai knlrad aa iboocb It wuul
bad bmiom depreciated «od
•sough lo krep aU Ike fartoara la LABslag.
It ter Ue rolatog of corn. oala.
Iba Urand .Trarrrso n-gloD la tkalr
aod other ofroala; aad ttaal tbo
AN No. IT. FWbUa Am ot 1»1. Ito
Bto. ikrr« wore ibosr who ibougbt
•irol of tto ramil waa dl>1 Ike bMl sugar oiawttat (kU kf- Uoe orS‘be*fmacjltore.**H!^bm^i
would br rary allaly auaito- tat Uai Ike aoll tbore waa SM aa good
a lo ttol I
Ihay did sol tally nallas (ba as in a gresi maay oiber plaeoa fur
Ikal tto lanura to tbIa iwralBing od ikr broia. but ibal Ur
(k aaiirr. fur |0B( b»
caaal and pa/ otm: te tbr I'sltad (kJB fral la (ba
nrr made a good margla, arvarlbrMatas all MMT niutlola* in (to lira aoDB |i t • eridral ihrrr w

Equally as Good as Buying
Silver $ for 50 Cenis i

Reliable Acrdiaadisc at
' 35 Cents onlHri



I i.o.imoii.Try

Ai'p.ViPUp.v.P.Aq.g. I

at SS cbbU oa the dollar. We
boufht tbe entire «inter stock
ofLaierutfc Cohee, Wholosale
jobbors of Geeeral Morebandise.
187 ud 189 llerbat Street,
Chicefo.lll. This lira is too »ell
kaoVB to require onjr comment.
Tbe stock is new and reliable.
We beuiht the stock for less
than it vould cost to msnufact-'
ure, end it sallini them we are ^
foHowini our usoal cn^em in
firini our customers full beoefit of evetjf price concession we

^ 7>T i ^ \/M


a,. ...

CBBal mod. aabjon. towoT*#. tp ito
IBBdltbB .tbal aorta Iranairr of mats•tataa ft a
apanM Is (BSamtoi with Ito St.
Karra ratooUp oaaal for Ito torer
AMUsd mull Tto aaouil la tto
tfwitop rradfW le tto aaaal road
at (to Uaaa (to tnaafN waa mada mp
b tod ailara fioa tba a.
d to tbr rBitrd Hlatia.

■ toes ao Ibr pan
•n of
------------- ,_B
o wbirb Ibr
«n to to paU Orsr. (to lapMatwa
• tba MOM to iatol nwaloUsB Ke. H,
Ptoto AKs s( ItoT. atdrrtd (to MOOto
to to (raotfanad to tto (rnanl Mod
adtto «».
Itorttoltolaw (Mro dai
■sAa «*ao tto tosadjot t
tto dioal and
aKown of tto DoHsd Slataa. (ar
•MWT asd MMartal to qaratloa
ItoMl. sad (to ao w4«Bito« OB
part o( tto noto far IM sator. oa tto
(toaar (tot to itoaBB if tba wm «(
. tto Kad fiBK fTBM ttoPl'pttad Stotao
to AM.tto Mala to tb4 naNlONMo
B< (to (kto caaal Ito ptaia waa toMOi/
• troMaa tar tto CaiirO Sttna. and
ttot «■ (to tnototo of (to (ooal to
(to ttoHai ftatto Ito atoU was booid
to aaaoat (or aay oodapaotod bab
aaat of (to tato v Matanol raMoto
^ oo toad. Tto doKaod waa im
a Biuroto

IMBKA Md ovao (tool* tto dato
«M oAtottoA. to oNtoo epoM bo takMi
ooeapt artto a WWatlrp spptoprto(Mb. Cpoo tbs MAiTa rtfo—I to aoatoo to (to AroMbda. of, tba UoHoi
«IBto* (to Isttor farsodbt suit afatMt
Ob Mala Is tto Valtrd oiatas (oproMi
dOOK. Tto attersry (roani of tto
atOM tos AM a Araorm Is i
at aosMtoW at tto Vaitod sa>
(to oao «(B to lMB*d to Aat______
Tto HlMtlM aboaU to if|Mi( u

at Ua (arWa'ilmre ln«i Oro te
Bllra. aad aoae rrea tanbrr. lo I—
about tbr mq. tbai ll la propoasd
0 lo Ibla arriloB. aad i.i mmald
iBBiirr or (he orUbllahiDrBt ad
1 sugar taeltoy krro
ha WoMSD’a Ilsllrt Uorpa fu
aUbto Iba dtiaar lo Uc tannan and
ttoar frteato al sooa. Tba dot
tto Oily Opals House vei*.opei
tnr mioniei todorp anoo. and wb
orloAr Biroek alraady IW lamora
br drew tbe cancluslon
were sMlod al Iba tong tablea. i
« duly to Ito taroMT to
owoploioly flilod tbs lower Boor c
oU If tbe eapUallat waa
b|u hall, asd by I o'ckirk sboal kOO
It trop a bait mlUloa
tsnssn and ttolr frteoda had boat,
ara Id a iBNory. Brery
trd. Tbr baal (H good tellowablp prw
Ibat goes tau augar baeia. br
vsllad. add Ue epMkara. who waas
. aahanopd ito rSar to wheat asd
prmided wlU a apertal UbJe oa Ito
ion. and IMoagbt bigbrr prteea
stole, deeltoad to ooeupy It, bat aoaturad sal SBOod tbs (annara. as' '
I# Bpoaksr tbsa wool Ipio tba drdbeosaloa at ito boM aapar pn
taila o< gngar broc ralalng. Hr. Towar
(Ida waa bacaa wUb' tto noaJ
aiaiad that lo gat ito toot roaolts ll
dapnulad oa Ur altoalloa aad tba prrparing to UO soU It la aol Ua klad
to soil aa much aa tba eoBdItloe. Tbr
Idea ta BM to are how luaay tons ran
ward Ur dlspoaal ot (to pood thlsda ba ralaod. bnl buw much sugar. K la
Atiar Ito dlaasr bad booa dUpoesd sot slifaya tbr toary toou that pmof. aad OTMybody waa (osMsg oboal. dsee Ur moai sugar. Aay fenlle a.<U
rlgtil. Uo taUaa bad boao ratt
will produeo sugar bona, said tba
and Ua qhtort toMarto^ to tbatr
apaakto. but clay loaa poll la tto boat,
(boa aaady kam. tollowod by clay, asd
oallod Ua i
tbaa msa. Uc tejt botsg rory poor.
Hr sdrlaod glrlsg Ue lasd opoa
Mr- ttiadrlcb -wslcaaM
pod Iba (atman wbleb boeia sro to to raised a good
bsbalt od tba boa ' ot' USAS,
Itoreagh plewug. turslag atrr e«ery
tog (boa Ual Uls
parUeto to (to ooiL Tbr (all be taui.
isiaraaiad w>i akma la ibo wattalo to waa Ito tool time to prepare Ue land,
(bo <Uy. but to (to taritobg eOMmoil aaloas it it roDIngJasd. wbre a eater
Has as wcdl ksowtag ibu (to toty lag gbotM to put OB. Tbo boa( term
■oal^AtoM^waya apoo tba eoootiy ■tor N-tonyard masore.
.Tire Boat par aero, oa aa STaraga. be
Nr. PitadHcb coagralBlBtod Uoaa Alined, waa trom W u AM. wbirb
prascM oB Ua good.....................
bla tl.H par day for bU
ibe elty asd eooairy.
airy, aad orgsd _ .
oa N. and aaaoal labor ot
lor Ibo tetoroau <
d girla 11
Tbia Uelodod a
lour-aUo haul, but did sot taelsde
Troigbl. wbleb waa aboat,U ««au pa
MOUkM. ebalraaa ot Iba
tototus. to Iba Aalr.
'"hs sdrlaod Uo aowUi to tba aaod
_____ a row word! at tolnidw
by drills. It to It taetog apart, which
aboBld reqnlrc abeal li poasda to
10 vUeb ba pat ororytody to a
bsMor vlih soBM wKiy Msrtos.
I per acre lo aocure Ua brat roKinikaa <aiM opoa W. W. Saltb to
Hr said plastlBg la bUU waa
pun toI tto
the wart of Ua span
a auceroa. In iMa motbod Uorr
iliut to t
larlag la Mod. but Uoro la (brer
___ js Ito loai la bsNa. Ho urged
that Uaro to Irtt pMly to apace asd
SOI crowded.
ATtw tto aord baa booa sowa a
Mr^iib told of too riab e( tto
oanMltioe to todpaw. wberr U
rek or Iro days It boglna to come np.
tenad'tbo boot auiar taeUMy agito
M* apoko at i
tto Tisll
.. (actortoa. tbr tamry____________
aouB aa (bla la door, (boy sbouU
eblaacT. asd Ue good eBoeu oa fans
wooded oat by hasd. asd (roea tba'
era asd bMlaeoa la gsorrsl la Sagl itor tba wreda atopM be kept oat.
saw. Kay Cliy asd losalag
Ho sdrlaod pocaoool anptnrUlOB
Fire or tos bctm be esoaldrroi

tMtotoBM to tbia o
to wall im Ibr bcoia are sold to r»
OoMaA StatsB. tto a ■A Ot UlrkMO. coMb Ibr bawadu. as tOO mas waaM
Cultlratbai abooM to dome btoorr
I bardartBd oa tto be aaiptoyod tor a year Is arwrttag tbr Ua^iagpronoaeo—m. A
) ttgM
Onbi Utoa aod Ito abippiao iattrwu taeuar. aad tor four moslba la a year
IB aa aei
to OMployad si
d ttost fMBt tolaad wairr ways.
_ Agltoa.._
1 Uroo-teunba
BdTiaed ... Oroslor doplh U apt to aaoU
Tto MaioM prandtof for tto eoMm posyia to lUa asn
gN a tatoory
Hr. Itowar Mrtiod SI hla iiatason

- - .rtar sf A pnastWa aad gr
_-. boeu.^.
to aak qsaaileaa al aay time, asd toaa*
iwra baa talU suled (bat Ua cototoUioa
sharp potaia wrro mtoa that eaaaed
. ...................
a to Ito onartsoad ibal iba erecHsa to a
aHaacawmt Tbr apoakrr atatsd tbo
' '
irtoirr totel laUM foBd. aod thw lory boro wdb' ' '
plaata could set to killed by bolag
ibi»Y {m iba^ ** awgpod oa by Uo bora# la eaUlrailoa
wiB pratoldy tocrosM (rom yasr to tbo cHy aad a
U tan. (boy wotMd to do bouer. This
yoar wtu (to grawto sd^^atota to
potat was wdo by osr to Uo andieoor
aogtoMlag that U laebn apart
ooarto ta sorb hoH/ Tan (bat tbii lag Fred
waa loo oloot hir auol to (to boraoali^tort abaoM aao that It la ao lo Ur I
retaary la Tr« Is Ibla ragtoe.
oMiAad ttot 00 •MMtaloty.wfi <«- OalUorata: P. C Towar. agnealtarlM
Hr. Towar baggraiad Ibe um to a
lor Ito Loaatog Bagar Co, aad Nr.
oodcr aa aoaa as tbr ptaaia wore
Ue llBltad
—-A Btoiaa
goMrsMBBl largr aBoug*, and Ibat ll to Artm
■sy-Aod to ptortatoia r^ar and u rapert. la ebarge a
also to tbe rows,
work la
ore. sad
jar bona will am loaa (be par.
Nr. Bay-, (oaiago e( augar by drytag. as eagar
orapotalr. bai tto toanagr
wUrb abowod Ue 111
Bt. la a last Uai to made
aiw taking la tbapfoMi.
atotod to aocb addolonal MirlilaUaB larmor*
bat Ito toBU. wbsa Brat
Tbougb Ur angar Ptbi mratlag
am Ibr anU. abowod IS par
aa May br nqolrsd to adraacr tW ■PrMsy
anmeoB was niBilaBod tlO
r. asd afirr drytsg aU woekt
war* Ito atstr toa
• boor Um
1 tbo ptottM to
showed 21 per oral, wbleb
Tto pctolut syiu
ig to a<
loBkod as It Uere waa a hig lieroaii.
tow to tto aadlilod of rlah
are aauaOy barrsaud by
tto aUlt toooM toy# Ibr ali.M
I a -Itttar,- bw ttoy oaa
od tto lofWatarr to ortn- ttot a a
Bt Uey waaiod to grow aapr
aatad by tto tegs, a msa
Id aflar tbr aorUag natfiNa
dMto toMbod or paywrad or oapr.
roes tto rows sad pBlItto
*lto may to atoptod aa ttot MUa
UfOi oa aseb bUs. Ttoa tto boats
too ofealBNac and aSr.-ilug alml
bare te be -toppod.' wbleb la ewtUaa
Hr gaykir bagan bis addeam wRh
■Mm 11 atoll to art)4 opao by
- npa SI tto Nat Has at tto tow.
he aiauBwai Uai wUla ba waa la
n. wbao Ito toarpa bare
tAMrr ar baord. Tto aodlisr «M- •bias
lour loiaciaBm ware aasi lo btoi grows. Tto raaaea ct (bto Inpglafi
(toltbb to
to Ibat oauwo baa ptoesd ad ambryoto
Ufa itora. wbleb to Awrltonial M tto
(bat be laaa titiTaf wttb a bUitord. l«a at oagar. Tto te bato ta bob
(bat tba l•clalat«a
Ito answer was prospdy Pawl aPtoaiMabaalli u^wtogbt
ttol as (asa retkolrd by stota
to waa a> go lo TraaccM city,
to tto stetobdnUoa ot mi- bbiaard iw so bUiaard.
■qraal wbbM KJarw tto baoo
od tto wair ratorw
Hr mMtkawd tto tart Uat Uo
............. j tto time U«r wota tofWBte
to loroad talo (to ' ~ AUMM.MV to raw oogm. jgsd ibat H aad .Aaaeqte to asU U wbsM wm Ibwas tto isUHNa tar tbo Mmaga to
AbH oA amara m







Women-. KUik,
Bouelc Jackcli. McfecTued

98c .

cA IViapii
Sl.iili vtl

Milleot li:

U and C
line of aren't undeiwqar. wholeule imrc

iwr tab


Horn Hair I’int,
Black Shell and
.kmlier, per doi

KiiwbriNIe ToMh
lafanl. Wool
Hohe. per |«u
Peifiime jief nol.


Putfumed Talcum
Piiwtier, |l»r tiu
Shaving ^BiuUeoj
ami Osl Meal




.Mcn-t l.’uc Hannet Ovcnhiria.
iirts. double


Men', exits bean- tllilert
HighSlunn Coll^ H'or»
ed l*Ui,l linniog. l_ ami C
wholnale ]>riic .S6.(NI oui

................... $2.98


Choice 0/ a ........ Men'. 815.
and SIH.UI-suim made uf
nolib) up-toilatc fabnn
. Serge lined, wlf retaming
fronts ule leire..$9.89
A lo( of Meo’. all wool. .lIi|^
Mri|wd Cashmere
padded .bqaldcr.,
worth fln.OO. thU ule

.......................... $6.25

Robher llremieg '


bl Ms 35c N K S

choice of l.a/aru* & Cohen

Men-, rml biesiy
Woolsack*. Unable
Heel and Toe, per

Men'i C o r d u I o y
Panii 1. amt C wtiolc.



For ladies -all wool Walking
Skirl* in grey, black and cadei
blue: slot seam*, nnaily triinmrNi
wall straps and bnuon-. tucked flounces. \.
«; C. wholesale price STi.ilO and $6jm-Our
prire only $:i.4S.


-9« hluA comittiDg of Peraian
I.AiDb. Electnc Sesl.llaak.
<7. ^ble, Maitiaand AatrsdM. 1.. and C. wtoletalb
plaice up to $;.M,oor price
. -•$1.48. 88c tod 39c
Sample lot oritodin Sorb.
Boa. sad OUl^W-in
Storm MartM. Sable, 0|>potom, Water Miokt,
Elleclric Sesb aad lUtraehan; )..ur choice StW,.
S2 *H. tun aad.......... 98c

Moamay fioi Ic


Sc I^- T

imti.eQ. 98c. 69c
CbikNn’a Rectors. aB wool
aod neatly tiinmcd. L, amt
C wboleoato jeire »10U,

............... ©3c
All tto brtler grade, efjvk.
tutor Ladm. Mimea, *7
and M inch abe Monie
Cprio-. marked down at
■ ccwHanito-doilaf.


bms Carpet


a Geld Ptoicd
Celto Bwiooafef

0 J tfl
amUSc f.rr your choice of cor/ft|i "e'* worth
The lot cotuiaTsof
.every new style sraMts. straight frortt

1 WU back comba, side comb* and barreuc
Rimmed with lurquoise. pearls and bows. L
C. price was all ihe way lo Soc.

Men-. Hesry Swesiler la blae* add (aanun t. aad C|»ce
SOroor price

I. ami C. Wholcmlc
price BSc Ihii sale

SamiJe lot of Chfldrea-. amt
iBhw. Kiderdows Cloak,
trnnmed mU erivN gml
AagBU. I- aod C. Btolr' tale rwicc ih> Ii> *S.<» om

Ohoire 01 a liqoflleD'.drerLoau asd I'taten. pluib
linc.1, made gf alt wool
Kctm). Mellon am! IriU
Vriete. 1. ami C. prx*

Men'. Dork Cosu, Nadinaw
bned. L. and C. wbiteto
)wicc tl.25 oar price... 59c

Men'. .Syhi (iowiu

Cloaks and Firs

Hen-a Ua

.Men's all wool black Bci>rt '
Otorcoais Italian CiMh lin­
ed, 1, and C. wholesale |>rice
SaiKI. our price........ ^ 39

A lot w Mes'.urKily aRwool
Suiu. BO two alike, all wmler weight. 1. and C price
$.5.ui. Boi price...: ill .98

1 fin



Clothing IIT

Women'. Whhr .
beototilitoed Hamlkerchieto
’ i




POm Tfirj-oiir choice of $1.1KI anil Sl.-J.’>
l■-l|{'•‘ J>hirts. made by Liilter
frokscitie. I hey .m- line |»ercale
i^d mailras
I' (^loih.
<^loth. new siri|M-i aiuf
li)i|irc>-thc Iwht olTer in iui(ilii;ee
iuitilii;ee and lauii
laundried iJress
bhin» yon will ever j;ei.








Womea-s fok ShM*
iaattor tocod. - aU

Bcm 8 and fie CaSeo
bte and psyfigtos

104 siae Bed BMk-








lull 1I-!



srA«4j -E ssisn


S £“
n ». ii lit
Mn> T<: tr: at a>ua>


;■■•;: iS



ilRsas.!:" !S ‘S si*-IS
is5js Uis iS




,||“ is Ifm_ mn
_ m_ tm

V 11*

k«id___j> Bu

it 11

U iS 8 S 55

a VMk B BMt» • «M

: !5 s s!s :s
ili 8 IS iiS


s.s :s It ir Bs





n Jill IH ;

■| T‘
s s "








3 S S IS

i isii !i






ssSiS^r^iir*'^.. ..

II <n a« «Bi«su
;: s £!: ::
•s’^iSts a!:::::-” iS S SIS iS
a « IB «'U


Just Before the Battle

is £ si: :s
■i : 11: !~

.s sisisis
sis •:$


C*f Tthmtrr Dtilat*t$r
•ml TmMm PirMiMitaM


Tr « n^v»»«»tl»■<


Wbu in doubt wbtH

------- ' -

gtf^SI: i:

UD 1




Every detail is gone over to see that everything is ready. So with us,
just before inventory, we have gone through the stock, ,taken=<iut ev­
erything that was not selling, or that we had too little or to much of,
and put a quick moving price on them; that we might begin the busi^
ness for spring with the stock clean and new. Probably before another
issue of this paper reaches you our Pre-Inventory Sale will be over.
Those who have taken advantage of it will have more than their mon­
ey’s worth, those who have not will have—/fej«/s. Which are you?



s Is

2. 25 *.S 5

piur or OLD HMioa kauck.

1333•■ m
i ■: is it

: i:

fiMmL '




-S- '■


mercerized moire Oelour ZSc



---------'------------ BII-





Petticoats Deepip Cut

25 a'., Reductions
A preai many pieccsin our muslin under­
wear stock have become soiled from dis­
play and handling, and in order to have
the stock clean and fresh lor ouf White
lioods Sale
//i<- tttty, wn luusf
iiof mi>y. 1 we have marked the entire stock



nu^0B ornvt uucB.

tlndpp ItAUrnttlrm
lUti^Un^ sif

Remnants Dress Goods
One-third Off

One dollar waistings. faiicies. sold at one dollar.
now.................................'...................-................. • I V



l\ S,—We capnot^five j-ou a belter tip than to buy now.


We have told you about t^ price, reductions in the' Cloak Sec­
tion—told you about the good values v-e had. Inn
help telling you about that 27 inch jack■ ei; that's a wohdA'. Yotiknow what the
price was—that's not necessair
now you wapt to know about.........

■r i i 11

It's a good one and ous(ht to sell lor $■')
(and has,) but we want to moN-c these,
so down they go--..............



We have placed a twenty-6ve per cent, r
Muffs, ranging in price from $4.00 to $12.00.



tlMt llPin IIIIMIH >v

%. tmt WwMMrf


ci.mqnroofe.a.r.^t Ai

Of Special Interest
arked to close oul. were l»c.
One lot Silka



68 Cents


---- ---------------- ------- . .veil andstyl
ly made—all sizes 32 to 44—all coloi^.
Best wrapper value we were,evcr ^le to
offer jou.

OnerJot^fflinch Fl.iii>cl«t.,<hal arc fin. (or com- Q’y
One lot Knit ShonStin.

Mincli Blot Eiderdown, tonblclacod,

Cadits' Tlttud
Litttd Wrappers

Winter Oafues, Summer Prices
adies' fine wool ribbed pants and vests, «dute or

$1 !so‘



Ladies' jersey ribbed underwer, two pieces


Ladies' fleeced \-ests, worth one-third more -


rw—l«y.^iin.<lBB Sir—»:

SII^RIBBONS-Noi: 6. 7 and «,


Watch for Our White Goods Sale

W. MMIlii


rm MMk

. IM ia TaMa tB- tBMM boaaU
an van two Baaala, tva Bivari fBllnUf el HweriUc,
aQUta, n Irak, aMwartoa. Ho. ■■ aaontrla bmw.vbaevBaia
tOnaaa.aBUa. aa Slna. | aBaok laei la that nttea aad dlad raI, BB *«>».«»« a raacl. a
«• ••»*•
a Baa aaa a BnkaaM Ua*l*a Ua lenaar ktrad vaa. BcoirBeac°---------- ^ »»— I—vfco mm* him lUtkIaUy ler
- laal M bana—OklaMelelcklTaantarlcacUaBfns a jmt.
Bommb-c aa«i7 aeqalrad vnlU. t«
^----- •( omcTMa •MiaMadatbevIltt.OOOtoklDU.'
•itm SapaHauatetoi Pi
via aat kaa»ia« koBMlPiaaf J. Hclaeef Kav Yack. l>*ai


taM ikM IT
I* ^
. ampH^ Mitar *«M M «•< wto.

n* pMM «( wa«M M aiafa

MM M br M k* tom. «up( b'ttTMnMf.
la CM iMiaBM vhcrc ifea ««


«MC «DMtaa vna wala. 4Mi an ika MBktfUlifl bMMp aa Jav U Ha
HtbaaUr analaw a( a tmitj M
'la aMUin. Bla teabarwaaaM
«taadM mU VWaa vw *a aliifc
hMM. Ha

!»■» ■ TTMI.« tamM ftviva bpi; ttm aawaai M MeM c«a>«
ao MlbpaUf alU Ua mtahvaa-cilMr Maa aIMn wm »l
■Becioac. aad haace Ua ■■■ U acl ot bn —rlwll nek cvnaea

ioblien M lha Pan Hanaae
Qaan AaMlta. oi PanafaL vba tec
Ua aMaabaup of
!«»)■• a avaMaltnipaaa Ua nai
ler tea atafp «l ncdMaa. t* aev _
faU-flaifaa H. ft aaf cMlet {MjaielaB
(a> Uc repal taailr.
Buu Nava
Iba fliacMrc of the UdlW Libtatr peaMblj nre nlpi a day. aad vlU
■ of Dovactae Ivra ncBlnd walM of an.000 paaaeo eapaett;
trm Aadnv t^aracfU Uo anoMai? am. A«aa( Umm Kahn oan
bUaka foe caeariac a lUi atflO.fOO far lean Tiainaa Olt; Haadaf w laroaa frea laUio litcarr. A aaBm
Ml Ibal Hra.
•Bb»n of tiu) eoaaoll Ic bain
Euhrriao Wolr. of a r nallr. dlad
aef tban i> ■ lUalibood
MB. barbodr
B Win bo ao-aptcl on Ih^ <


BCM hr a
M kx>w« Mto rt«* tt Wirffl *•


ImgMVto «m KMTI—», wfco

mac. Mr. Taw ntM ihat Ckae
■Mi ba BO itaaaitr - -------------' I la (bt
(ba frtaetpal can
ao tha vaadiac
daitn ao nauBCr. mad Uto to doM
via wtU baaor taaotu br bora
ant aaa h7 srm p<
Um^mU that ha kan ..

< S.’SL'stttiu-r..-..
tloa via Block ralclac. Ua tioau df-

vtourdar aoaWBk.
la BBotaatoa. ha aada aa aloqani
Mae far harMT baoaaa tba famn

anat Ina ffa«t to all na
ccpnaM to laek ti U aa apartaa^
aa anan. Ha aaU that tha beau
aevB at tha MoattBC jaand tk
IIMP eaM^ ba rMaod at a endt a U
Maik Many HauMbb AdMoaa.
At tha ceaankia of hS lalk/av.
PniT Haaaah na caUad apoa. aad
aaU that bo vaa taroraUr dia-----uvarl tha raWag of aagar hat- ._


an tha-tomanMiaiat u pat U oaa
or tve ann Ob eoHtag aaaaea. aerlac that tbap voaU bk lhatr Mcatr
kacH ad tnat. aad onUd d* oha enn


umm. Btnap aad
vara « chafaMM~'
rtadt lha M^mv
aalM m. hM wtb

• ha wntod «d tba tup vn OMond to
rnmm ban taMiH had iiinkMU
Mb dfeM bd va* dontaad tNn —
■ iwHt hr lUaon bn that ha
hMUtn la mar baat raiMac,




Your mo^y back i(
yon wibh it—aatiafac*
lion muM accompany
every popchase.

marly an ol llitct osoiU vtrt Irttb Iki* ccawn. mi 'an uadcsiraMc
IWiiO in Hit lot. Wc mutt banc room lor eur Spring Sleek mbicb will be
btrt com. X Dollar iota ibe duty el two inti now.

this T$ a Stock Reducitig SalCo
£o$t and Profits Hot Considered
Men's Wool Sinks in- A lot of Men's Kt efbrown .^n^i gr.-y
< rs. worth
T cents
$:i.7.'> s -


Men's heavy Kersey
Pants, per pair,
85 Cent*

Hoys' Double Knil
:Cm; ,

A nnsll fat of Ovefcosts

Ouldreii-s Keefai*. oeatlr
Irimisad, fanneilj laid
ahigh u SV.

(Atra bavy all aool I n.
ilervcar, valued at .
S1.8S. C.V:

ihit voe eiaou,
aov t6.(W





There are none better in qiialiiv iinil
fil—even' one a
valinlu close. &il cems.





hnaa of wmWm .
H ti a rarr ai wtbaia aha flaaaUf
niB( Mtr oeaaoU vlU oMahliM ptnUii. «i» »m of A. Q. SnaldlM.
cMn) wood part, baptac aid of iba te of A. «. SfaaUlaa * Oa..
nlte. vnoh vtlLba oat ^ la- Cblana. Tba foot ban vaa bbIo
diiooH no dtp ic aav oartaf far. a,MlaU7 tor Hlehtfaa. Banana oao
Wood la aalltaf at fs. aad Ua Mtr fard ttnacb noB corf to a*I aad te
«iU nn »l a aotd.
aaarl, rvo tad ut dtadar. Tb*
»Uac Oonrt noairad taMUatarioc pi«Mta i. «•• of the BaaaL arllheai
«hiU«lMPI>i.> la KobUBOa-evoedi abloBUl.BMaoaiaiM .t ib..
tMor Botbp 0117- H« had oal don a Urftai Uaddn onr ndo-ot UmbaBlaek aad n. raaalac to cal oat Bant Pan nbbar. It took a Uiarrb
of Uavarvhaatta vaatop hrotoe oC eccaa brllon to taSaB lha Me IbU


Ktmtmbfro tbm prices wrcM
semsonsMe merebsndtse. Cbc (imrnhmooe all
Olinter fioods U at band. It «HII pay you to tnoept
for next winter.

Single Suits, up-to-

Men's Coriltiroy


Suits $5.(Ml


date. V off
Ingnin Carpets
•Jion lengths *“">« large
enough ihr a anall t.kmu,
at about i l-ricc

.Armuikter Rugs .Ktx.S
worth »4.5V.-U>
cloae $i»K


Wt ^Ootniu
Wt fiaot



j:i.ys Sti.l^.Sli.HS. for vahas tlia
...l,l.-.irlv in ,h.. s.-.nM.n fr.m. $T» r
all (Ills scasun-s make. .


We hate just completed inTentorr oa the first ind second nom^. In
(olne thrmish the stock we find many odd lots, shmi leostbs and nuny
lines rreatly overstocked. We hm laid all these ont and placed \
prices on them that will qnlckly relieve the conjeslion.


MebnaroK Whirls


Cloak*. Anjora trimmed, new styles,
pretty things—to close out Itelow cost

Buck Coali and Mackina-s
— this season's goods.
. .'v3 cents

• aptaa.
™ __ __ ,.

on Winier Millineiy Stn-vt Hats ii|>
4V andUNc- ,
All iriinmcd Hais'ut
half price.

Ml pairs of Sample Curtains..made to
sell up 10 $;t..’fi, s

From our Furni­
InvMn^ory WmIm

To OlVUSo Wlrshor S«ooMb
•W SKIvMrlrvSc^aHoM*
Men s oncbuLkli- Ov.:r>hiH.s.................... . • - ' Men’s black beaver overcoats, lulian lined,
that we formerly sold at
iAH J.adi.fs felt Shoes. Icathi-r foxo.1........... ......................Si
ladies’ fur trimmed Jnlh tts....................... •/.............../Ti
Men’s felt Sht>es:wUh leather soles..................... i.'.-.[
Ladies \'ici and'Hox Calf lao- Sho.-s........ I.IH
Men's satin calf Shoes............................................... I ll*
l-apies’1st quality Overshoes....-, -^-••• ■•
Men-slbuclde ^libbers for socks
Childrens warm lined Shoe*..............*•.......................
Infants soft soled and fancy to,, ,Sh.H:s........... , Mn
Men’s embroidered velvet Slipi^fs............................ fS
Men s Mackinaw Socks.................................................... 4S
Men's 4-stay felt Hoots ...‘ r.............................................4n


dose iVu- lot for.............................




lo.iKi anil .’lMiulont; coats. C.VS.
'4 length coats at about half price.
.YUO to 1100 '27 iir*roats, 'j.ys. S.HS. :>4»s.
Vi lvet \’elour Coats tip to 45.(m for half price.
High grade Monte Carlos at half prici'.
Children s Coats.
-i ofl;
$3 to
Childiwt's Rubl^............................................................. 111. Skirt«y$a'vai«cs. yi


29c. YD.
39c. YJ).



I’tfsiiiveiy the greaicst rutting of prices on gooil
reliable, vasonable Dnrss toMHls'that has ev er
l>c<m seen in 'I'raverse City. ,\ general weeding
out of tKld lots. Read on

39c. YD.
79c. YD.


Plaids, seeded Mohair. VVotMeils
Covens, black, white checks, primted Cashmeres; jacquards and
fancy Waistings.
1*. all wool Sqrges. ai
Henriettas, wonli 'lOc.
4<’> in>. all wool Serges Diagonars,
Henriettas, principally gnx;n and
brown, fanct' Camels Hair stri]>es
and knirkerbockerplaidsuonh T.'ic
Choice of all our fancy Waistings
and I'rench llannels that sohi up to
1-ur choice of alt our high class
Noydty Ufess ittxxls incindin
dress .taiierns
in Snot
s that we sold up
to $;! yd.


eMTfflollarMrMadolkir; KtnaMe aeo4swni»n»y back n you »k It. Ho Imaginarv iNrincs. Dtbawtbo goods luitMaWotrflsotf.

1110 sale of ttia stock we bought of Max Savlan of Petoskey, started a week ago and a areat rush has been keiyf up ever since. It's seldom that such a clean
desh'able stock can be bought at 60c on the dollar. The stock was a large one and although we’ve had a large trade—many lines are still unbroken. On
lines that are broken we place extra discounts to close. Don’t Conflict this sale with those that advertise imaginary values and ficticious prices.







far 6c


WoaeD-a havy
Twilled Fleeced

Box of
lundeltc vsim, lhi«

n. BManaoatdta
u toboM tldtta
aUtha vUd

8 Papers

Kstip t» Wmr €snmtaf

PINS for Ic.
Sharp's Cold

' onUHMUBvnfc taafnacaf
kaadadlpaabiif oribadMKtali
; MMkadkaMkiMiiry dd.dadvv


Umt fW* m
bM vbM they Uck ID qosuitr, thev
■si* V is qoslilr far the
tl mkas v
pfaMCVtlML CmfUxtmfmm

Meo's good .
WotocD'a Kkl
woolen I'lulciMittens tofse
wear. worth $1.<M
fur irimiDed, 3Sc
for 46c.

Uco’s Guud '
Sight r.owns, wonli upi..$l.$S priced up btmi
76c kind SSc.

ii^rarn Carpet
(or Rugs Ufa.

Mripes 6c )wd.

rriatt. for Quilts
AU you warn.

sunt lor OtntWtor.

CsBfarMreaW aiM«sfa-$l.DOquilis
full siee. to close at.......................


Mm*, .rltit. dum, 76c v.1-


OoaW* mf%m

. 1.3.1


i istge.
.......... i»

• 2 for.Sic.

Hofto hlsaketi. groal) tmlueed |eiees



Hhrtttiaq to lOotber*.

LargeToHtJsh „


1 dtu. PEARL


Lot Na;>-jineoile soitt ofwvolcas-

• Uk;.

i Boxes

JSb COfMmf


™ wc

p™................ !.M

aev, tl.« vshM far...........................

.All vool benrietiss sad oibcn tbsi

Horn aad Sbeli

............ . >.»

Lsdie^ sB vool hose. fa>e Stocc hoM.
am fae sU owl esHuaere haw, si>le


One B^e

tkavlMim laVka *a« vha

mt%omm Wor All



km Id Ua naUb M Ma Odmi
dadtddUadmlia i «fCM.
. »a iiiiMia. lb Ihd daMtaaid

rib covets i$

asMsri voo) asdetvw. sD

rib aabami

Mw-S lM>

16c robber

....................... l.».
t.. N.
px.] T-fll W.1
■ - >nUuiLT5,Hlet.k... Me
lla an.1 Boy's 1 6b$6 Hau





S.SU hats $].S6
A ke ol ftid
hau 48c.


Sf in. hary peso de soi^
soi. sold is reloikeyai tl;
price .
Cofdnoy aad Trim dms


:HS“35r 2
Meo-s Laobenaea's Backk Rubhesv





Men's Outing

Mea's d
CsBimere koek mHa $1S W quahtfas

MaV fancy
sib less worth



60c Nockww


1 60r «adS6e
Mc'Nockvear Nedtvea-laH
acMM's Wrla


-- ■■'•mm

$1 kind Ottc.

a«ad^aMaap.«oakaU Un. ap.

Maadto latedrkhr-



.lHd«aak.thn^ UmtOBaaMdaM

Mm hara MUad la aaaan ha
tha CMma «HMtoal an
onmnd UnU iaiaaor M aa
aMda aad i litiiHii rf i



A IM of $%6U SD.1 $auU«on>faf1cn.
fiae white coitoe klbag, eUkoiiae on •
en on Inth sides, han.1 lied,.to rl<«c
. l.tUt
The battel cnei go St ...-----

Ha»T Oatm*
Ilsane), r« value.
•hiW it lastr

Goo.1 quality
worth IJc. OJe.

Jackets whJe
they fa«. Sic.


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