Grand Traverse Herald, September 10, 1903

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Grand Traverse Herald, September 10, 1903


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


©rat»rr«je Hiralii.
nuyxBas cnT,
8nHNl CrmrM INraM



We iMnatM pw Uw k>wi
rat, A perfect St «ii4 kmal


Traverse Qly State Batik
nuun-HAKBAB. FM»



CAPITAC; •200;b00

Money to Loan on Improved Real^tate Only.
Johnson Slook. Phono 78

trovoroo City, MIoh.

Banking in ali Branches
liHrrtM jmo«i4 m DrpMlIt


» )Mr Ceil •Uwe4 « TttK befMUt.





Pre*--A. V. Frie____ _____ ____ _ _ ...
Hammond; Wm. Loudon, of Caldwell He Loudon:
Ceo. W. I^rdie, Produce; j. M. Huellmantd. Merehanl
Tailor; Chan. Wilhelm, .t...........................
.of Wilhelm. Hartak & Co.;
Stephen Lautner. Farmer; F. C. l>esmond. Charcoal
and (rtn'l Merchandise; Benj. Thirlby, of rraverw
City Iron Works; |. O. Crolser. of Case it Croiscr.

6^j^ii2r-”JS5c:. C3i"

TtM. .Uuena]
Aattonel L«An
L«en Company.


Kiessas.-'iijr"JWtt3?kSsrJc«r ■

-Well. Hr Staadlah.
Doo'l br luullab and art wur sbes
father did me
(btiiaa dcin'i yui (XKDr T**
a a hoy. a
Uoa-t to a paairad toby aad
uat likely
rat H4}f



A swfti lsakt« SailMM D«c


sasihe might aa
.. time,
aew attack wlik
- ra edoeatad as a gtoUaaau la
freah l
regard fotmthrahosor. He ahotod
iwlai a
be derolTsd. aevee to SBjtoUy
At I
Ibe evAra. la lu wriihthg
and ft
^ ahoald be takro to devtoap to.
rctohed Chk^ Hr ~Cha^
'NUd you were la Caltforaia.'
H. which caau) down wlih a creak
The old maa amlled a Ihile.
It might have woke up a roaatry
Biaadish beckemed to the
tfoeman on duty Tto suit araeat
there an, a about aad a tcurvy outIbt- curb and BiaodUh. lurelto
ifaa-t io toadlas out |r«ir troiiblm
side, and m.v chum. Hanr Templvra
e shamed by wwrda to
ypor tHwy Mhnt mn
Id maa. said 'You pe eomlar borne came burailngbeodloBgiauilhe room.
.rh (irews etaptoau
u abtto Ibeyll Ify lo kto|> troBi
Tommy got bold
,‘k “"f-7'ia"*
a lo underetra what
****^ ««d tairiy
limit dwtan, ibv vurl.l > -ula" WH-t my wife." aad Busdlah folrii fai tu h^Jd'ig’
weed the old maa into the carriage.
"Hallo: ck-d Harry; ’whal oo
Ikiat lc> p
They drove aloat In alleaoc for a eanb has bees going oa here’ Why.
V ttore‘0 kHt u
few mtnuies. aad ibra Jabai Chaadler my poor uld fellow: to ihlak of your
r. (<(eel dreply graWfol b
said: •I'Ve kept track of you.
belDg left to lace that horrid hrule
His favor hramiia- Tie-et^
Ruadlsh but I guess
didn't I
hows (he eBvris to had «UM
There are nunir things that .___
csilloge Irliows ran t see ihiough-'
....... ..................D bllchted
a a dUh
be old mao bad a queer eipi
. jd dmpalr loosu lalo vk^v.
o as elephant dahaatvl
I yuur
aad wUaprr. enmly: km oo hts farw as he mounfed
itoyTe fi
-« nt to Steps uf the Baaks manaloa. am
Care ehouM be taken not lo let
with the youoger man Rtandlah
Mutg etepbaBU go with tto oM
him iBiu the great room o>
WUb ! Mir <«r OB Hopc'r <>ai
knew bHon- that a goose had four •tagen to ihelr species who have bees
preverted by a aad experieaoe to hautorani as_______
I schoolhoy "Doroth;
maa aatnre They aeem to flad deilghi
lii«r t Vo'> auDS blrda bravt-ly
be called. "Ikwoihy "
raid Hairy ■'youto
it urgtag on the yuveaUea to play
Ikwuthy m
(olhg to iwicnd ll yoa doaX kl
aasiy meks. r-dim comer
Kwp aavri.
worn -Itonlthy* yet whai a muh-gta
U; Wky, ■
ITr "brought
tto beat fritod. they're the greaieel aerpe
Kl«*> )
vurtd'a a good harrlng my parents. I
■r It kadaX
hadal besii
been for iliai
life This I. Ur. Chandler, dear
Id will al»aj- ________
IfaitHby came forward
Hal,', u albropy and mallcw tovr i
rhuwing whiler Id tbe halt light of the,
la Naiurv'i plaa.
The Ubariy ftell.
lih a frightened kiok la
f> clear off tbeae cun
Veaenied by boeU. the
... Then
-OM Liberty Bell" to PbltaM
went forward
-Umndpa" she si
Ktop bU Bag U duurate 4ytag:
a lumdauc relic to twvtilcikmaiy
held out both bnads Tbe i
Help hliD^lry—twUI top you trying.
days Aad ll has had a raawatle kto
kissto brr quickly, with not
of the ____
Alexaadsr UIU i___
--------- Alexander
img of ynaralag( in
I hU look
India, and ibai
things la tto Ubeny Bell's romaace
him bad acnially saved my lirj!
are aew and lalnreetlag. la
may to
I made a grveiler pM which
The PrMa »l Aaeaalry.
after thai -llarperb (to Phlladelphlh Ledger AMxaader
Unal.lliH< Basks, widos.
I’bktoTO. and h<T daughter IKoo
*^he Ubeny bell aaa cracra .
Kyv Bearta
lag the vKHenily fayfnl riagtag at
have VhuWB. di«r." she said "I dont
UrptalTres ia tha
uiiuugh tmine]-—aumelblDg
(MHie'n vlril to l>hlladelpbla to IMt.
khuw wtol Ui tell you We thought
Ueaeral Omai
de the UestoV
mllikins—iu make bar laat ...
• I think I see 11, but I doD'i bell.
ifaaaJ Park, the home of Calttoiala-a but not <«mptoiely dIaaUed Ull <me
npuil) fliilBg Her falbur. wbu tod Vuii ibougbl II. You told uic aut
following winter, whaa.
tre«- artsiorrac)
’I 'barely wlibtn' Bighi I
niaik a foriuD.- In
riagtai i
to fl(
the bouDdarles .
thiag uoee ut your moiher's Ideas
e llhlled Slates: while
n.leago iat toui
toio dellcale
Presrh stop Urib and edumikm aad rrhiMime
sally gave nui
fumal reserve.
•a db
given her the milllun, uulrlght
The arc hell, which mw k»«g« la
iImm things civeiyd ihe largosj tte.. la ito world
mamagr wllh John Hnnka n
le sleepk- to IKwmahiowa halL was
don i make a maa forget bis friends
ible patriarch, wbflb dome
ashamed uf bis rela

■ d crown
Fniber asd daiutbler didn't aer aa
yuuYe not ashamed.
greater kelgbts. aad whose taagM
iher often In the later dayi
n.^ W« Wlihaak's todTrari^p over a greater area, ■>»■»
lOVed In dltei....................
a greai gray stone palnee
Our (^appreciative council, to Itn
nlibli. I nd uf tbe lasblng lake
iralcbi to the room of h
iwdltfas 1^the
Nevra°£io^ would nqi pay Ur. WUtosk Ul WU
' -■ « preferred In
He was there about flfn
Ihe atlenihui of A H Kofag. a (lain to deducted l«>o ftwtto oU hatt.
le bigger than
whtto thus beoasse hla private pra
rest aide,..........
Aad be raid tove meitint
- night In a boi at the opera SB ------- - the gmi
I to tl
very staadoB- of tha chimneys
nnd old man
ys and
a ahy
In n bualawa suit
■ «i
ml at tto
t_. aad bq Immediately
wurd loPrto -fl^ lor door balla. dlaner
iln smelling raage. aa tu speak very (rum b. tbe side of hU
Joha Uulr. tbe noted
acieattst. ex otherlktnd to
faeiory that bad brought him Two young people In evaatag_____
-X|KU«*<h fatty patrfatlam. to stood
U furtune.
ltotea»>ra.sald: ~l will sot daotroy
id looking happy, aal )aat behind,
Onroihr Hanks was dcilghifuily
thaibm: tarator-WbealamM
daughter Is a daughter.
sahled by Ur Kelley. I
artsiucnur kniktag withal.
sFout m q . ..
>11. aad there was actu
whw*tt'**'"|ito^ will value it
.nd as sweetly dlspoaed ina-ard
ibnw days o
llglii that night la the eyes of Un
nauliy in general as a girl poaslbly Ueraldtne Banks, for that day tor
Ubeny bel
ould to whose awMber was caisiani.
I lenmod a leason and her
» reminding bar of her sintlon In
. Ilhaakb ~h^tra~ aad~^rtMH
t fail a bardea.-Edward B-,
Ite nnd ibai the botpulll
Otalcagu Hecurd Herald.
d glvee the follow they ebooec to eater suit fur B the
only way I see for Ito city to Maly
. her daughter to
charge sioraga.
Ttore u. _
a gentleman and
Oae sulin afiemoosi I was lying In
e the ground tbe clrcumferasoe
in of llsea
0 fregue a
lay hamaMick on tbe veruda eailag
e hundred and eight feet, at four ban. namely, that It
, a ’Mayto
sdM whh
above the gni • nlnety-alchi Ihlag that n must
Irulti aad blaculu (for U was loo boi
estraofdlnary <u. _
at sis feet aho< the grouDd the
anytblag elasi, when, i
«ir> fa
Tha tree fri* folltag to plecwa Oa the c_
railana Hut. <if aourwe. my dvw
tiary. it would rwqalre heavy aledgBovered with h
lusi to all right blsnaeirtaE-Jra
long oohlUistoV
oohlUued. to bnwk U a^
—nke a « ■t of eroaa bw ^
There came lo Rye Beach that
1 Coaverer Basis.
ndtcooi. rat
ra and a
sla. tea i
ler young IVabod) BtandUta
•ping sloag tbe floor.
. ---------Umai...ifacal
Park', aad^ wllboul (to allghlml
... It a bit of toaaaa,
rectly back to HIHwood. a ssmall to
Hnrvnrd mnn and one
in aad afaoui wbtek Is an Imi
flrsi It seemed startled, aad ■
names had been btmie oa the If II would rnn away : bui p
iumbtr Indusio
.. _ school t .. ___ .__
flres were aiade reraUy la H»
d hark again and snap^ up
Hsrvard's day Now. Heabody Staad
I. which ir seemed lo approve
eipfaring taunts, ibe (a- ■Ich. ueramay.
a floe
. ly I gave It another bit. had
talceer tramped I'
then a piece of bBculC and by de­
foraei wttbla
r KngUnd toga and troats had crees ll began to gel more lamlUar.
the liflBM.
Area oaa to aaUagatatod
and appeared quite Inclined lo amke
______ __ Dorothy to tto llqaid a Are la a

-- Just Iton one uf
Hanks met Tbe Boeum nun liked
even after, patrotoem hto
e ruBBJag across tthe c
beauty aad
■f the
id oror H. «■
ghi. and Dorothy, wlih
the a
sd. as tto Uqt^_____
Ight .............................
iltahta CTwst whtah
tah cra
i pita flf
by ihti UMh it t^. By lulng a mle^^S^aftar
eagv. likto the rateni
k for hlmhaighl ra
quite got over tu obopplag away the eharvwd aarfegg, wood a
w s ttoUad I
1 ra ta ftUI
look readily eaoagfa Ur- Hulr esjcolatad that tto actaal width
a. perhaps, needlaat u> say that
to Are w
It After we bad
___ Banlia looked on approvlagly. bena on TlalUag.-terms for two or
I la It sa
8be took paisa (o Aad out all ataal three daya.’TonuBy" (as 1 had aamed
ms to Ito nqaid.
PeabodyJbtaBdtob. sod tbe Oodlaf
qoMiliias to (to pTOparaUM*
my toutfooted chum) got (o to to to tbe ipectM -Sequoia gMataa'^m
---------friendly that be wotUd cUmb apoh my pervlraes"
Tba* you
' from Bostoa -------- •------^ airoke
ilch nouriehad la the ar«le
iBlerter to North Aareriew gad
as U^ed'bnea
*•------“itufta. ago. but which
a general way
fa who 1
quite fond of him at last
■ ' » ttoI hraahtpa
' ■ "
for he ha
Just about that time I managed
of law busiaesa wlih a Chicago
iflasra to atantritaty opM ptaal
uhUI oaly two
other to catch a low
cIRmt.lo wbtrh some of the Baaka' ■ever, wntca. iboagh It wasn't
koldtags bad Bgutad. Ha didal maka you'd call daagetoiia. left me at
-Sequoia gtifo^-^ ato lbt"8toaM
any taqatriea
Had to momeatarily
later. la fact, tor three or four glgasiea aemparvlresia.'' both to whUb lurteos ttiaacu to (to soU. Nottatag
soM« worms atrivtag to gat away
wr a Inclined,
.a kmk
. at Dorothy
I I ooul
ralee mytolt ta
bvm as lagM moaid that ra hafog
rould have abeoksd,hla
him. for ato was
without tolp.
aa tha .
________ winsome enough _______
ery la Ueaeral Otwai Natfaaal Parh.
Well. oBc day—It'll
1 le tto earth a
up for a family akeMoa la erery ■few* 1 forget ti-I
tto Oeaeral Sbermaa la BeqaoU Na—meted with a ere
rlosM or a Cbbago maaaloa.
lie valts.
Ihe native ‘boy who used to a
ttosal Park ra a lew-othar Uiaak
irotky Basks and Peabody Stand
■lag bim I was golDg-to tore
were ea«nged..< Hri Banks ud a nap It was the very hotleat Ume the worM'a p
yards eoase
daughtto were kaedt -in Cbltzgo uf the day. and every oae was ellher
the aarftet tad
'. fluted Unnk. straight suyefom^
the marriage was aM for the
oklng. loaaclag or fast asleep; ra
.lumg uaoe Hi a whUa ibtoogh tto
eovered with rich.
saan'i toag bafore I fell,aaleep loo.
wUiter a haadow sroald emme lato
fang 1 slept t
w ira hniwB bdrt almost (wo feat thick, aad
Dutolhy’f taoe ’’Hamma." abe wonld
frre to Umhs lo a btoghi to <ms
~wa oagbt lo have told Ptobody
Ipa. 1 fcaow to-i what
it b eaumaied to be elrvea fwt ia
you call vulgar,
ilgar. bat
boi be's
to-s good and
lagood diamefor. The braaebea. ctottod ta
kind h««ned and voold be
«sra ftolage. radiate lymauleatty
ate If you'd otoy M hlm"
Creepthg lau
room from tto frem erery aide to tto tiwak above AH tree ifoiCiillf wiSTsaitag meet
veranda, ctol a
coa was a hags ibb bsigbi. aad form a thick, fci hegta with aaH ra flaUh^ TSShooded cobra.'
dtodtoat aaato eroegi. while myriads to eoaea floildt
othy. but tberek no panlmtlar bnrrv a ali India. «. .. ttoa
aavn teat Ukt gay grern laaaela cw tu
u they Aalsk wttt vlaagar thtfe
' want yoa to get marriad
' as tuck
. as
— a maab afM. it Magm.
evUeatly BSCAntiig^ i« auaek
appear toward the eto to
ra ibatw I lay. too weak to Itfi
the flfwi to aiAK Mttag aadlto
toad, all tkme. ra with ao toe
ra swwrm'nki'fo<Sutol'*totoi*S
« uaro ec. Tto^M rotou
which, by the way. he d
where wtiUa beoriag.
(to aads to tto braaetoa. The puUltate flowen are ahoat threatoghthi
_______I tall yoa "
. .aJthoagh
laagth. aad when the J-ra drJS? raer‘5r5,‘Sg?5
Derodhy. ttoagb teeretly
troahled. did wtoi faag eaatctoi bad calM for help; tot av v
veto that It ooaldat eves
beard la tto aesi room.They were married la April Pea­
body Suadiak. rfetdiag u> hla mwbar horrid rauad bead aagrtty. aaa amw1 by llghfolag. they Uve oa
IB-Uw^a reigora yead to mra CU- tag tot lu bond, as k dam wbaa K
meaai miatolef It bad alraady gos to
ll Is parefa m ag^telertoU WtuTontodhy tmmST (to toot of tto bed. aad was fast prw
Ha. yet there Is aa aV
aialy after tto waddlag to «<to pariag to crawl ap. whaa t '
tack to i -...............
abroad sad rematoad for
aklrr of tlay teat ao^ the I
ihs Whaa they retaraed to cu­
cago fa
be aeeuied aa oMee aad buckled
r parfecthm to tu predown ii
itle fellow saver totoStaadlah-t taeoed day a. _
leai. bat west right at
t BDtll K reaches tto age ef Nf- Kaaeas sad North IHksxa..
He aad Dorothy ware Uriag
a tigar. asd cave ti
haaMto yean doss (hla - '
Miw. Basks. At flve o-chMk that
qttala Us priM. ra greara
toned tike the c«
Tto dtamra Mtaaa to
aftanotm tto Baaks carriage was
ra aat uu U r------ Ka (tom, .
to Staadlab-i oMee to lake kto
Pert iMra
. drew toMt. •ftM year is B aeattawM tod. Pto
y Ptobody wmtM have prudmiad
i^flrat two w —tag. tot to took Ua atal M tto
« (toirVrowtt has heew
earriaga and aurud borne. At a — > patlad •>~f togatber at Owua.
Siroei Cerato to saw the beak bwl
■tardy flgars of aa old —« wta was
ploddtag atoag wfth bla eyed oa tto
groaad. Staadlah loaltad at tto howad —varir. ra foautoag on tto
•gara lor a momaal. ttoa a plaaaad
U ra ana gave tom a aana
taio bis ayes aad to itoab
rwe lhaa tto itm. wowadta
r parempury '8iop'' to (to
aarcawty that to vto ari
.. . Buadiah tumpad fraa (to wsaktosd. ra hegaa lo show si
earrtage aad la aa lastoat was by Ito
sidt of tto oU follow to tto ridawalk


Ptatp OUm. StMm Boiler enO AooMont InsurAttoo.


laaBiaAX, beptoiber la ims


Tire Insurance!

Tke UUM dMCM » Am •ooL
cs> far (aS wt rater. IMS.


ohakx> iru.yxRsx goui^.

“It i$ Uery Hnnoyini


p. i;.aiLaff^

jgaasaB^=^ L B. Gunis & la.


omom aooigB: e u. aad n

To the one ho dot the cookuig
for the family, and
the members
k of
oftthe family, to find that
n entire h; cing has been spoiled
bKCAll.sK |poor ex­
tracts or baking powder had been used■ in its manui
AwmIM MmoK Ararii

MtoMM*‘ by

using Johnson's Pure Flavoring Txtract;IS and Furc
Cream of Tartar Baking Powder at 85c per pound.

'Johnson’s Drug Store.
gommerctal Printing

Berald Job OtHcc

IP sail your
I yoo wa
9.1« Pitk M. Ow
' ifa^lt
R ia too HUH far ito demaad




oegi time yoe are a



TM08. 8. IPSAOVC A Ml.

Orafe itto

F-owu IN Ibbabon;
Freah. Salt and moked M eats. Sausages. Etc.



Tw ibt

Canning Season Cm PiM ud Qoim; Jelly TomUen.
ftn,*oe.S.ali»»W... Aeomplete lie.



I IBS now in the market for wool. I will
buy Miir wool CO your advantage and will
do tltt beat for you-that anyone can.
Phooi or write to me. Will also buy hides.

R. SkoHombtorartoP.
TrRVBriB City, Mich.
Boll Phone ISO
CitH«ni' Phone 481


...... .


> is- T-Ji. ''«s-





FaU rak win «mr besia aad yw «0I rat CORN
aMratoMlUocilitpdo the rafc aady. I have
lira dtaadBy {m is r«hL Look Ihoa orcr
-iBfate yoe buf





AD tefRbr dm m Mock. Spnaal wafopi Bade
to «d«, praa^tiy. Ooly the-veny bM ataicnal
rad, aad My goanaioad ia ovoiy le^Mci.
Thai an Made to ra aa «s8 ai hR. Th^ an
M Hade eddwap Malaria], aad fira a Sa*y
iaM to eaxA the eye; bai art danhfe^ rrmafen.aadara tSe dMapm on the
qnaliiy eraidend.
rad aad yeowai boy to othM Haka

Grain Drills, Disc Harroafs
and Land BoIIbts
will aoon be needed for your Fall
Saading. Don’t forgpt that our store is
the place where you find the best in the


You will be benefited by deal.
ing with
Yours truly,

Fanis inpiainafit Go. Ltd

•MtsMtb w Uicter PetsrtyL II _ III, in to 111 Ml a.

titoM tih .


------- 'Ji K'^'?



Ud SusdHh wtth a rfeg Of gwawfoe
pjraa^hu ra. ra to.
-WeU. Ura ma. if K afeH y
" A. Tea. U-a ma. Jabn a
riCW. bu I dtoaY rarai


"iss.’s.see tto wtofehatUagMHpialtoy:ra

M tra to Mto WM dtapftasu froth

—-> wUek My Ufa iMMlit
■t u didst taka ma fegg «a M
oat bow tto flgu ra tt»m fa ogd.
for Ito aotoa had tto wmM to H
bsH tto very totohiM;. Oogtatto
MM, tat AM «y aa tont m M


roe may tUak how Mg K was tor

M^aatosphsat ta aotos titoa U



. j



but tiMRC Dcralt.

uaanu*. IIL.‘ vai
d Ih* ereala* >

Hto. Oapp*

aaary day. aad aa
to *»*f7 tray. ati
all bar iMBlar a

Hra C. H. Oantaea cd DetrMi
Itotroli to II
--- ------------------- Drvr) BI thr

sr^;.'’Oraad BJto^peool*
■ "
of tb*

raaaoo thai I aaa eaaadaaUoaaly «l**
10 ny Lord aad Maaltr; aad Ibat )a*i
ao tacaa I baov bov. thioosboai nr
wbokAdlfe. 1 vtll eadaaaer to toad *
ChrUitoa nir Aa aa aatlr* MUbar
1 prtMtoe to be irae 16 all ny dntoa:
lo (I* prrarai at aad lake aoa* port,
aalde fnaa tlaclM- <■ rrarr (Artollaa

1 an aapacdally |

TW bwl oavatka la tkr.hl
•4 Ik* IB«-<««nk IMMrM CkrtMUi
4a*ra* uaka rkaMt U*l wcati
Ike 0<aip«saik>Bkl ckurrk Tk*
«•*• va* Iwgr ud MlMIlv*. U
cTcalkA |>u«rkiB m> • niMt i
mt OM.
td by tor
Tb* ratoli
Tburaday riealag bop
U Max. M br lb« ektihu
d Ik* Ian «
veil kiteadad at
(ki*. aMt-r lla dlnmiMO U Pwfeer
.......... ... .. . . v-tat a pIcvaaBi
a taklBctoa. mased Ik* awltiu
•( Ibr aerin).
li dlf*rad mm tke olber hopi of iIhH#. W. K. Wrlfhl iHl la • vtfy <v • III. If |e»al
anton lo lhal Ibe uidei p
' '
an*l*l**uilaMJ B*rvm. vhlrb straci of aertpiBrr lo be read
a amt- trf dmatue lhal raa| IhJvack aiy Bane ai ike roll c»
>b* ootlr* Mwka-wkich haa pr»
Anuac Ike r»d ihtoaa coaialard to
tetsauid ikiuuckMi ib» cuariBikiB


Mn J
- Ib«a
. vb« doaa aol. la hi* bean. racc«Blxr
. ...................
Haard Ik* Volar
d Jeaut." auk Mia* VtMnilil« «
• ChttaitoB Ufa b
deoreiar) M. B. Hullrr ibea ro
aoaw atift cmita«* fnaa pttifit i
uvrkird ft. Ibr n«T»oUuB. allrr wkl
I Whfl«, of
- If dlScBlltoa arUe anuaa ihc ■
KriiSdi tJmrrb td Tr8»«T»r f'lir.
bare id Ike aoeira). Icaorr than.
rIaMad U. Ik* fMltlwi od aHatOBar; aai Ike ladlrldaal a>enbar* to keep
MlimaiaudeBt tuT Ike dUtrlrt. W. K. Ike idMar. bad Ike dISeallMs vlU flea
■fcjr Ike away, aad ron will aoi kauv vkarr
kavloC ikey are ■M*.’'
aa>*rd ualaldr Ibr dialrirl. .Ao
-Tbe pladie. (o Biy niad. I* aa Ho
ia« «aa Uat> ukcB rnini Ike eoarcB •pJratloo frOB iMdlaalBc lo *a4.~
liaa lu kelp dafrap Ibr diatrlrt ax
- Vuur ova cbaiob—aappon it. Boa*
tar It nakaa ao dlflaraae* to
*Thr Cbriailaa Badearor Cbariol' ekarck you batoac aay eharti
vaa Ikr aubjeei id ibr (vIbcIiibI ad- do Buppoaa 1 were lo carry oat tbai
<d Ibr rraslBC. l>r Rcr. r. P. Ankur of Idea to recard lo fanUy Ilf*, aad vbaa
Oraad HtdOda. firaarlr prtdldaai
I raaeb Uraad Bapidt «*!« lo eater
T >__<i
Ibr aUla iiakai T‘---------------------Tkl* addrm*
«a» ruU
of aood Iblw. a
and d»«U MbaeUll)
Bfue Ika praciBal aid* of thr Bdearor
nrUiloc. If II vara U> atir upk tn**.ar'a ererr dar Ilf*
Tb* (Artaiiaa bdtaror ptodd* U
He bacaa vlik ihr iiurr
la baai barscaa tkal a Chrtottob arer
a»d bfa) aoa. obae " e laiia
dcalred pal Ob.* la drlT* Ike rkarloi
Tbto bddreae Ok* followad by
Ike akp. aad Id Ika kdrlee Bleaa bj Had gaaerardl tkc taibar. -Ka<«i a aitl raia. nr aoa
AI Ikr chn
a»d noira caallr ua Tba alaada tkm tkm tb* rkrioua
ralrea vlil $o loo tael. TUB* art naal tbai bare bacoac laacUve vara ■
tM^^odaraie^eir apaad ' TtU ad
h* Itot of oBcan eboaaa vai
Boi eotopleta
•ta to itone caeca, balac tofi
to b* flitod oul fa
After a daaertiKhn of U
toUad to tba fal
•ad arkal li auadt for, tke ai
ikenaalra*. It I
farad to tb* orsaalaalka at
-------OBBly la w hoM
Um BaAMnir noretami, aad aald toaraatioB diiiiac Ifar eonlag y«
Ibat II baa aol alartad by Bar. Praa tad tbai Ifar diatriet oAear* era
cd* B. ClBJk. Bor r*l
r*i br Ua trU«.
trll*. bai Wtld tbenaelra* to raadlaaaa lo i
anitad U
He tadarrad to tb*
I or cunilaa Badaaror Idea
> of Ike old. PurttMk cbareli-.
tbaa oral oe to Mbaldar tb* (our
•la or tk* Cbriailaa
bM ai b* beaa iban.
IVeat. Kaikaeka:
aaotvtary. Varold
a tcBt od Ibaaa be ataiad to br Ifhaltoy. Bar
M iBdlrldiikl loralir. Ha bid
t alraaa Bim lUa. dnpb
1 lUualrallac Iba abaoluia

' ' *v

lb* iVallaoa. Bty ahorr; otkn oAean v
aaaBbd «baaJ od ika paat dhartcH. Ha M eboaaa to tb* aoobty.
rafarrod to tb* rafalalloB tbai ao« ob
OiMd Traraiaa rtaaldaat. W. M
lalaa la bwtaaaa, to ladaaiital llD*a lordoa, Trarerae CH; vlea pruldeai
bul la udtaa lo kadnllr laoktat la tke HI** Xitilr Holnaa. Old Mtoaloa: **c
verk cd tba akareb. Ibnooi. dl- raury kad iraanrar. Hie* HbMi
naiad abrl b* raaoauMadad. for lb* Cvaa*. TfaTHve Ctiy.
Baoito aoaaiy—PraaldMt.
I. C
SirtSIia‘naibf..*^d"w2? to**M HillA. Pnakfort: Tie* praaMaal. Hi
lam* of Hie aaJTklkn Jbktoftar. Beamto: aacraiary. Hn.
Amr. Tbo go dir
Ik. fkaej. Thanpaoanua; traaaarrr.
artah ID taarb. I
lhai la ftixiaad
Bacdtx^' tit
art knklax lotrard ib*
ef SattoaTBv.
hotdiac of airaet b**I1dib.
. kad to Uk* the
tbal Ood a paotdr taka np ibaaa naib Ptooa of prvatdaBU otrlac lo tb* ra
oda. -I doat care vhatbar il'a ra
- of Joha Beau, fonaariy Kval
Mnetabl* or aot.“ aald Bar. Artbnr
*1«Da1 can Tbatbar It la pupolar or
■am*. Popelar acailaiaai «ai a«ala*i
«MM «b*k be dlad to ara ibe »cal|l
Mdw MMlMOt baa beaa anlaai
WiiT MfdriB w kni. Try iba aireai
amt HTTiaa. todraform. Toa vlli Mai ■atatoay-* Am*
^ early dan

>. Jacob prox«] bt-ntdl lu bi.
anioiic ; (iS Aral
arut a bile txoad bobon trll lu
Hr Barrovt of UUrlla
■ralk-nae'i prlir, i
a trll lu Ur. Itoi-na
Cblmo. Haalrr Karl Jacob moc
. i'balpt alao Wlac cua>i>!i-d wHb
r M J. Carpeairr and .a par.^>
iBB o« Toeaday laii. niaklns ihf
Mp la lb* toBBCh Crulaar ••( Tnrurti
Tb* Ctovan. Oman,
olluviac cuMia Ml tiv ibeir
bone* darlBC Ik* paei a«xdi: Arck
(toaoun Uau. P. Torraorr aad famll).
Hartoo. lad : Hr. and Ura B. 8 Cbaa
brougb and daughiar. Cblcaco: UUi
Bltoabetb Turreara. Claclana I; Ur
HarrIaoB Kiax aad Mr Carl Rirfa
Jackaocrllle III
Un. Cbaa Ada^e aad daucbiar of
.Ucacu left lor
Vl*v aad Paloakey HatunUy.
Th* LattoaaB. Omana.
Tb* fullovlac caaala at lb* L**laa
ho 1*0 for ibrlr^bitoM durlaa lb*
Uart and laBlIy. Ura Hnnito. Bdvla
- Rovibala
iBila aad lUter.
1. aaetaaatl: Jao. OuodDoiicb
wU« and Hit* Paya*. Ur Jao
Uraad Rapid*.
I* KalbertiHvaddiBX 0
and Uru
Bouebm va* aolaantoad al bi(b
aon Tburaday at tb* reaidaoca of ihr
brtdc'i Bwlbrr. Un. J. A- Moor
tlactoB alraei, the poly xueau

-Moore hu baaa a
huuae vaa pmiily irlmmad for
Iba occailon to vblia aad graao. nU
toi and vUie
t A
Auvert endue ibr parIon. anl the
oy taking place
before a bank

dlag totreb vat played by Mr*.____
Hoover Tb* groooiaiBan vat Laorte
Buck, and tba brUe vat aUeadad by
brr titiar, Miae Kalcai Moore. Tb*
aad to vbli
Preach tovB. lace trim ad. aad «v.
bouaoet «f ABM na Ifaauiy
The brldeaaaM______________
aad earrlad ptok loaea, vkll* Uaainaal Bouebtoa vote bit full ItootaBaai'a
Tba baaatirul rtog (•eratoos)
tor lb* vaddlag. and
eovclnthia t._ ! tUne vat ap
cxtndtog roBi
beat wtoba* to the bride aad
>. afiar vbirb a daiaiy vaddtog
braaktaat vaa aarrM la iba dlatox
the HUaa* Carrie and PVirace
Rarlai attog to tba terrtog Tba v
ly aat at a tore* table and l
be riaau ven placed
Ubto*. creaiB eokved roaea
a Oraad Trarara*
tog oaed aa vaddlag laron al at
nattoc plaeaa. aHl
e aaa-'
ptot*. Tba maaa vaa at toDova:
vlU Taatoln orar dartas
BbarioL Tb* apaakar
fivaler pan of Beptanbar. vUeh le
nuy Iona* of daro
torn of axpa dallcbifttl noatkTa
b tba year.

U aarrta* of flod. paiUag

sss^^- •s;

I larpa bolato i_.
M. bat lb* eoUAcen are u

rnf «?"b#

d the *<

I Un. BoBgbleb.tofi
OB tb* anal ------- Pare Harqoettr tiato
(or a tkon oraddtog
. ..
trip, atua vhtob
lb*) vUI taakr their b<
Both UauteabBt aad Un. Boughtoe
e aaMOg Trarma Cliy'a Boat popv
lar aoetogr yoong paopix Mr*. Boughtoa haa a^ bar aatln Ufa ban. aad
hat a vM Hiel* of frteada. la vhoar
ktaeUoB aba holda a klgh place. 11*0taaaat Boogbioa aaiae bar* arUh bU
paraau. Hr. bad Hn. J. A. BoogbUB.
vbM hut a mu* boy. U uIm ao tan
le bla Maada vbaa be aalared
MMta at OM Htoaloa Cev ikta
tad bar*
to 81. I|ai7^ WtoL Potot four yean ago, aa ha cone*
«f a BUttary CbBlIy. bit ubcla. Coloael
Htoi Hortaaa* aad OaraU*
Boagbloo. Vtoatu blg^koaon dorl^

—>■> la
Tba aeeret of attaeb hw Bot baaa a
I nnii^t tena bate baaa bad Ike vaatl
irenaly bot durtac Ua aantoar, yai
Iba anallar raaivta bar* dtna a lor«*
bmlaaai and todlcaikai are fv cnUanad tBproranaeu aad rartom amor tb* crovth
D auract tb* iTtallor*
«U K it aov <

MrnH Old lo harc Rb vay
lb* IM Marar tb (ML (ran all oar tar
awC^. -va^rtall bMcaa* aearar and

iSTitoT. AKbnr. “ih*


rtotiad her* ualy a ^rt Hbc
RvBS vat Mot and kulad bj
iber. Ikoacaa Svaa. vhU* ib*
va* galbertog cm to a Arid
teiber vac tbMIag rvoax aaJ hr Ui
krr bceldraigll).
Mr aad Hra. Svi
Bcartr m> year* of gg*. are prua.ra
baraaae tg ibe accldaat. Tb« dau
irr vaa tbrtf yoBBgrat child a
m> Ol
age H*r
fuaml• bOoiatadlc*«ainito.«a ••-------of
Tb* faaiil)
taftboltod. Utoct.tbt**b<mtottBBt au 11^,^
tbc Use CMaBed le dtocB th* aroM
tvalre Bitoiiu touch
objeel cf tie
Haatgeiaary^ldmtr Wraolag.
Hr. I tank HUIrr and HW Ada V
fania i* acta**, the auaueb i* ioacure
UuniguiiKTy v*rv usarricd laii v**k
by K*v r T. Sioui. rmor of Qrar.
church. Th* cert-niuo) took place to
■ b* pr*<enc* >d a t** n-laili>-> ai I
Piarea'a OoMea Udxal Diaooroiy. o'clock to th* l>*au;ilul boa* id tb*
vkMfa com diacatr* of tbc iioaaeb aad brtd* and gnnai on Uaiaood
Auiic alu-r lb*
oCb0 onaat of digeatioo aad
Irli'Odx. add
aad auabk* llv^ect dip
d m*rT)-Biaktog
cuuavd Ibi*<*aing lupao auoicki
•ekiy. rrtr*.homii
to-lng t-rrrd durtog '
in a kivrly butao. compli-n-i)
cannot tbov tba oaigtoal ■gaalure <d f^Ub> I. aoxdai b.w. of frirnd.. and
and beauiiful premt* i-wil
tb* iadlridoal reioatoeiM the tcatiBovtoiMtov^^ alao of ^ mtert M ly lo tLrIr poiHilsrlly. Thi- brldi- ba.
bn-a .n>lii*f in tb* Hannah A Lai
i rlrganl kllchru lane.
jf b*r falib
nil urrTimi. Th
. vbo to ill
ih<- *D<|ilu> <■( lb
• alor*. va»
al>u Bxat kindly
d l.y Ihc,
, pruprln or
. . frllov
vllh a U-auiUu!
lamp and buAri.
Tb* cungratulaUina aod beai vtoh.-i
ol a biui of frimda aticmU-d ifa* bapp>
■CauuBaB SCBM Hidical Adirisct ■ log
toll* PM*t to paper cam*. I* feat >ar «o

bit Deg Killed,
d of cu;
Cu; Wroi
Wrol Brvaalh
airrri Bourn*
- Ibr
Ib* lua* «d B
a valuabU'________
r bl
Mrd dux on* Of a An* pan
b* valued lery highly. Ua Bat
urday night Ur. Wland and Wllltoni
Artanning. who live, next door, beard
RIlKni. 4i: Rtaic atreel.
Keuaady returned ihl» pruvlm ahoui ib* pn-intoi-* ol the
ig troB Oo'dvalrr, vkrrr b*
Tb*y found algna of
llMirgr H. Croat of tbl* cliy to lovaailgntkin.
Hi** Jaaala 8111a* ol Cold totrudrn. and afiar a dlUgroi anarch
armed vlib rrvulrem, ibry Anally con
Ciudad lhal Ih* vtoliur* had A*d
Tb* naxi day on* of Hr. Lrland'*
dogt vat found u> b* luRertog trom
Aablog II
puliun and n abort lUnr afirrvanbCbarbi
Ur. la-tond brlleve* ib* doy
CUrp Lok* 1
nlgbl pro* I
gv- him oui of
vay*. but br- dorr '
MUi P, Jlndra u Chicago r
not g1v«- neigbi
aotu* Itala Borulog. a.
a tuggaatlon
lhal ;
rblckan uvniT* mlgbi bav* .. _ ..
Ura Jam** lAmdoo
Utot Pearl EOar v*ni lo Uaoliiro apuoilbl*. a* th* dog. baing a trained
bird dug. vuuld nut niuUvi n ebU-ken
ibl* murnlng lo attend lb* upoatog
Ur. Leland va* uD.ved «|im a >bur
b* op» KaBadrll ibcairrt
R E While, Charlea A. Skeicbei :|lin* ago lor im* uf hit dog*, hut rr
and Carl Netoun vm to Uanlataa tbli fuxtl to M-il bln.
mornlDg lu play to ib* urrbaatra.
ihc opi-olug ui
of tbr erv Kanudvil lb
r>. Cbarla* Cuubav. vbo baa beaa
ling her liToib.-r, A R. gtlgiier irf
clly lb* jiaai Ihrv* w««ki. rc
lurcpd 10 brr bon* to Uguakr. Ind.
O U Clapp of Breat Creak It vtoli
tog b*n- fur a l*e day*.
HUt Haonab Hack <d Sebavatog L
Ibr gOCTi ol Hr*. Robert Waller.
Mm Kll Purrta rMurnad tbto an»nuuu ln>n> a vUil lo Prankfort.
LouU Aodmun ufaraad Rapldi I,
ilal tog bi* brother, N. R Anderaua ^
fill W«al Ntolb atreel.
MIm Mb* Paya toft tbto BonHag
for -We.1 Hupartur. vhrrr *b*
learh trbuol Ibe cubIdc ynr.
Prank B. liirdaall left Iblt Burntog
Iiv Uiark. uppt-r prnlnauto.
Ua Nona DaVu Irfi ibto murnlDg
Hlllbruok. vhm- *b* ulll t<-arb
»cbi>ol Ibr cuintoc year.
dm 'Wllltom (tonp'U-II left lUt
niing for Urand liavcp and O.bik. at.rr a vtoli to the cliy vtih rel-

knrrury laeraaTb* 9>-pirBber 8t NIrbutot I
oaually Jlcb to; llluatralknx Tberr
are full page reprodurilout of O
LrbBgnn'a portrait of Robert Brown
Luarelno'a "Tb*
‘^h.- Ougidlgc
tog. ae<l Uuerclao'a
------- Oliver Harford. Hovgr
.. .,K*Bbl*, Maud HuBphrvj
and nthrr acMablr
lltiulralora nx
irlbui* Ilia aad talrraei to Ibe pnga
Hoal padple know vbal tba Nn
Tort fliork Rachaap la like.
Hoorae la gitaadad by qalte
Muand peraoBx Tber* '
aala of araia. knd no BeabanbI
- Bberahlp being largely heli
iipaalea and Amx BerUn tnding
-- Qulai lo the potoi
The** and oihrr toU____
will b* carervd by WllltoB
to "Tbc Bo-tto Boar
■enber LMwary. for vboae
Warner SebB* haa draw* ai

Hto. Joha HartbaU
aad vttaaoi of Him. bai I doat
• ha «a do b. R* omM Bead
ilUMdrt id dtv fron the (kirtat

aasT aaaav*
Hat* if lb* CbHHtoa
HMTca cbarlH. With '


a te

Mn. Latu*
tolaai aoral
WlailoB.'—a Burrl
itokad bui
arrerally <

Hr*. Dr. Vaipka cd: An Arbor aay*
OM Htoab
- - it la a pin* to
ook farwaid
iboiber for baraaU aad^auT'
Hr aad Hn. A K. Ward cd C3i
tr* anoBc ik* lata antrak who Ma*

tdUbg. aad oar of Ibe rtry
biigblM Baabert cf that reaark> tall tbaae vtu b* aaoiber vary able group vkleh toeloda* Whllcouib
good taaB ia tb* High tebool tba cob- Rileys Uenernl Wallace. '
About tvniy cBBou tram Naahia- tog year, it vat feared ibat tba icbb and othiT aelabrUaa.
Wkairrer' UBy be the
orar to OM Htoaln aad Bigbl be tar balov' la
ant period to a aan't
ha cvnca-nlrnlr tab vli
or ibe rboira of a pro- -artnla tbai la a wo.
Ufa the crnelAl period occur*

year. l•vTtaB tba leaa to Aad mv
eadt. aUb Ladarla, the blggaat bm
au the laaa. vOI not plgy at fall tbb
*> he alee vaa giadaBled to


I Uoaa. tb* atar ateter,
to aabool. He Bgy a«
pooMcB. a* b* abovM
a toH tbekle that b* Bay

■7VM DO*

UMMwiaa aiMaaTw,
a beat tUac* to lb*

■Wbat Ikr ka*l If to tb* aUp.

«M I* to tba body, aacb •
(dlM Cbriattoa


Aw'd Ck«w Pdctonl


vaa abitoiy Uto pi
n* ad tb* okllaM

vtU ia
Wby Jg
b* oaad

..................gnanar. Kaltoa to at
ibaa Sootbard. aad toil year
vat at pood ateapt to the Batter of
paaatoi tbr haa to wUA be vat aol


£mta MMbar'* pto4»a vWdb



L#*vr ir**nii.
-Hbvir Rlr; —1 aB very mury thi* III
irl mallar haikat bto tenel Hefuur.
htvet bad lhal aailrh cotnlBx in me li
• yrsT* I Ihlak I bb* on the gain

..............1 Hr* aad th* Lurd U
isttog Ibto nji III lb* Uird ao
M vlll
"I rmato a* rvm
"yoaT tHi-nd

tb* Hto? *1^ iUt
^ *'*n„.
play on tb* tauB Tbaa ibar* wlB be
Adam Panak and Ban Robmaoe. boih
of vboB vara ou ibr faat aautt aUr
iraB latt yaar. aad both of tbra vi;i
to adttttfaiB 10 tb***>, tbrrr vat
ta nauaaaUy large aoBfaer of heavy
--------------------------. . r
dr tott yw.
-------------------vtu atoo be.
Itolde for tbto p
yaar-t High tebool,



taHtogt^m r^
I. HUtor vast lo Kb-

ac af^tha lerrorautia

to myriad* wbbTuynpSy.
T.-------------- ■

gtaxi aimbrn ato aiurb to aattom vtttl
eegaa* «i tot body by iced^ a^ ttom
HtoocvmoemicrobBt^ytoibciiofarbronchi xbam br IM^^aSd bw3
tb* prfirrvn af nttom woMd xtogmto.
*- to b b to.


egtractforta to throw off
the patoaaa that haVa
WUter. Theibolltgad
pnnplcv. radbes and
crantiatB cd ei-ery eosraiiBble kiod tnaka
Ihcir gppMtaiKC. g«d


______ -jCdUvtvah._________TO^BMUTAURl—a.
Poiaos Oak aad Iry, .......................................... ...
and aack'otbar akin tnshka aa laaHj tatagta quiet dvritir cold Bcatber
fataakovtAbaaktotonwst bad dMaact by tkaW Itarfal Imiiw. ikhiav
and ttibgiac. A opane «f & & a acrv ^ parifr
biBid. Riaicm aud tose vp ttHn.

' rr-k iiflniB-iliTi -Yt ftTniBk iiiirfMiiig

WHtUvtdr tba fftBum COMBOS to ipeiM bad
anBMtg.fteBkU. with food btood toso^iL


to pacidtoi cbacactor b R



‘Ttodxs'i H*^ Kmar.”
toabDBixciib ,___
itBdtoxM orlgtotiu ban toe____
Bdoebtu RadxmHMkiubtKdtoi
aad cm EVERY DCEASEbrto!
Bactttto tot acgaalc td. ibai came* kmva-


Enlightened Science Admit* that all Sickness is Caused by

Polarnlng and Watting the BloaU, the Tl**uet and VIUI Organ*.

™ S!?»SSSB»!ffiT!.S S'


‘“■SliSSi,™ ECZEMA.
CANCER ssisrssL
> ol WoBdarfol Cam* a
asy i^ddraas *■ spplicatioa.

4D0g.eMtto.8l. |«88.0or.*l8tfMt.


JAS. G. JOHN^N, Sole Agent Traverse City, Micli.
To Qire a CoM in One Day ^

RrlO ttl iSe







Will Kubltoh Tan U*L
Tbr andlior grorral haa iaxued
of lb* nraxpapara to tb* ataie which
bar* berv awarded Ibr pabUcatloa uf
Ibr abana] lax aalc^ ibiae to tbto
Uob bring at tollova:
Qrnad Traverae. • Grand Tiarera*
Herald. AetrtB.-Oalral Labe Torrb:
Braxlr. bTnnkfort Kxprcaa: Cbarkrolt Cbarlrttdx ficBtlsal: Bmineti.
Prtoakry Kacnad; Kalkaaka. Kalkaxka
'<r; Lrelaaau. EBpIrv Juuraal:
---------ur. Haalatft Advoo^: Wexford.
Nava and Bgpreax


r---------------------- "tr

CI08ES wNica riLLAoe xio bestwh.

' Nav Drug Firm.
:t Ulobaniky. who va* for t*rxrt with Jaaai U. Johnaon baa
a half Intaratt to the Amrrlran
ks II* i(iok puateaalun Tbur*
of tb.

A VtoHar Fr«n •eattond.
and Hr*. WIIBbb Loudon
animaniBg thru nepbrv,
of flalkoata. BesUaad. vbo vUJ
aoBC waabi to Trarmr Cily
Mr U.V* la ibe toa of ratoUva* who
Hto* Mary Svaa. vbo vaa aboi by were rlilied by Hr. aad Mrx LosAm
her faibar accMeeiaUy to a cm Aeld
ibrlr lour to Bnglabd and Scsttond
at ibatr boBa. aboat ivo and a half
* m OlaagQ. va* a altier of
Bobataoe of 1011 Wabator
. ibto city. Mn. RobanaoB vaa
IgforBCd of Ib* anridaal l.ieeAl.let.
Tba tplek
*Ber It bappatMd. and igodi tb* aan No. 4 dellrrry v
irnto tor brr atoter-a badtidr. bot vat
It tb*1 Fife Lake and Hougbinto ecaaectioea la
aod takeg la Eat! Bay
B* to tee brr atotcirr alir*.
UartrM. W. a ailleu. t6f
tu*d oaly aboal Are ..
ggngfBan al tba G. R A L
borrlblr aeddeat. 4y- d^KU. I* tbr poaiBaa for tbl* nmtr.



agp. - Ur. Ulobentky bat a hoti of
frlabda to tbr elty bad aumMiadlng larrltory. vbo will viah hlB aucoeat to
vestare. aad will glre
yuragrmrDi la ihr vay o




Will Prebabir Net Object,
fi E Wall U.* Mlonii-r drug*....
rrerivrd ihi- (uIIuwIbc reply lu a >l

U "8lo«y- Kyaelkn Mb orcrciBM
bto ptoyta^r‘^^aU*B^*Me'3^ttoJ

ftnMUy daetarad or aoi.
Oaaaa tv Maaa* k* took ap tb*
|Mbb laaaa by tb* anlr* nanke*


Praa»kata far FoatbalL

Kd S'onb va* amaird us Tburaday
by Shent U. O. Chkadlar at Ur*. Wll
hrIiB * Iromr. abuui Are Bil
ilia tomb uf
rlr., .Vurib ir. oani.-d
Ind.. and l> rbargad i h criminal
vdiu-llon J U Elrlchat
. ba* Ihvo vurklni: uu tb<- r
Cavdei) In learning ibn. I
to ihi* Ticinily. tad U•!*^:mllb.■d ib*
toral oincrr* III arrral hiD
ba* been vorktog ai Ur> Wll
brlln'* Iliac* fi tool* llmi'. Laier adTire* lo Rbrril Cbandler aay <hai ibe
«n ihruo eharge* fur
H* I* In thr ahrMiri
haiid*. avalUng ib* ai
II Of U-u-c
Flftrbri ahu to




Jn Selecting Your


Cailor made
Be sure that you get a garment that is
perfect in every particular. No doubt
you have experienced the trouble and
disappointment of getting an unsatis­
factory readv-to-wear Suit or Skirt, our
pasf reputation in this department for
high grade garments at reasonable prices
is the customers best protection. For the
past six weeks'we have been receiving

new ran
Suits, Skirts and Coats
We now have a line ready for your inspection,
which will compare faooratoh^ith any showri
by the Big City Stores. an<j its a line which will
meet with your approval. As you will be de­
lighted with the new and effective styles
shown. Designed by Americas’ forennost
artists. Each and every garment is made from
the most stylish and trustworthy materials,
superbly tailored and absolutel/iperfect to the
smallest detail. We are showing some splen­
did values in Tailor Made Suits at

$9.75. $12.00. $13.50. $15.00
. and upward.


. :

vji s




pcral IftTcnTHgaM
RMTT WUkl»» fcM •□>« fcU t«
lo Hr. Bmt ot Wesford towwWp, ^ aa oa Pridap etMlac The eeeela«
<D« WH ctr* P—MrtnB Ull Mit ra. epeat la ■asae aad «aalr. aad
be aaooal tahea la waa ahodt IT.
I»o^ *"
Harrp heera la in at thli writtas.
utolw 4 c<ewl4. Mr. Chmriw Ck4>HrdM' *1 ''■■I'*
^lad bp Hlaa NeUM fltekaa. left
k44 aonid IBIO hi.
daadap for their bom to Etaa.toa.

doachter. Hi*. »d ■art. ■otartw,..
Th. Ldtfto.- AM «eM.T of Wmt
VahM oalwd with the KaMi*7
eb«7 aad Mrt.41 the boaa of lln. AI
lUwor UM Thondmr
There were
4houl es prewt and 4ll ewiivad
The I^IV AM imctetf of Ihe
llteetph- «*u»h «M 4t Hrt J. Berller'. I4«l U'edseedaf. There W4i 4
l4i«e rrowd !■
siiawdaMe. ee ell
wUhed to ti.1l thoB berore Iher left
lor ihetr new bteM th lh« weet wberr
we hope ther aer Iwd hMiIih end 4

bearer H. Wlaaa. Ml Hoadap for
li baaae la KahfaMO
Mr. U H. Seoii aad mAtr. Urt.
Wb UIII. aprat Moadap la Tra^w
^'‘&rmaa Thteaa. apaat hoadap with
rwUllta. aad friteM. ta Iowa.
MU. Laura Uadler arrlrad ta town
The ludM- Aid aorlatp wDI amt
at the hoiae of Mra. U Soellc on
Thaiwda; afierooua.
Loellr ion ToMdap for bU
I ClrtelaDd. Ohio,
ad Mre. J. M. BaUU of Cedar
Hoadap la towa
brsaa carTplBi the maU

•erore their .
her lh* pouio rrop will be daaep.
NTtouly tr we do hot here pMuhi
weather boos.
The eocial cirea Id th. town ha
hr the Desda; achoet •eholare wa.


r of Brtttob New
road okekto art mUag erenr aBon
Oolaaa i^oru the dto
• aaewra tbe Bkatag teBalaa
traordlaarp Mbe of ■
ta iba nm hoaM to which Mm
awBBpp giemd aad tatoMtiag*UBo aa a bride laart tbaa U
ago. Hra. Bank RaaMtp. awth
iht ki* Walter Q. QraabaB. atentary
dwelUagB a»
aad a. a of tuit aader PrtMdtot Oerf
. aatlrea eeubraied her 101.1 blnhSap. at
re»B)t of the
_ _
(be WM of tbeir Albaap, IbA A Baa diBDtt- wai .1
... w UBb. aad M
_ OB^ tojfHItM for aearlp 100 gveat..
bard gnisBd withoat t
Tbalr hi
>ber of geeatt.

bar talt tor dtmree.
boabaad let a botae
She aad Hr. Browa

idrddcd wbttbtr t

rtdo. Uter the daMttxBrd aad Ml the
derliloB to the borae. wbMh tarsed
of at the CtaptoB road. ibu. daMdlag
the defradeai ta hto choke of a wUa.
u, CUT.
WIUIBB Haoip BUU. the BllUoulrr
daiurdap. retaralac Moadap
■uker. aoBellBea calM the -Hoer
Wall Street." ha. mailed for Ahpa-

Ahpulala — — — ---------------------eiblopla. where all the aakrpa. of the
- Bap hod rrdage. He to aaM to
the mileat eoafldeece of KJag
_____ Ilk. aad wUI eaiabHah a aaUoaal
MllUrd Mack of Lai,laad tpeat Uoa. haak aad apaleBtoe the legal Dllltarp
* the eoOBdap la towa.
apoe the
Mta. Jmlr Pioed. who ha. beea
to akiwtp reeotenfig.
Heedaiaea Hednoed aad Hllllkea
apeat Hoadap la Traretar Clip.
r|p tbroagh the coenlrp
Hla. Ubble OuiaS apeat a lew irlb(wm«a map get aa Idw of t
dape of laat week la Tiatara^i
deiTuI iBporianc* of the .uaager who
1. ttolilat iwto
ibein. Mr. Bllto wa* aeHra. A. »
Lira, aad fiiead. to Saitda. Bap.
........ ....... .............hit told*. fOTBorlp Htoa
Hra. foaaph Oagooo aad
faBllp Maude Sbelmbd. to wbOB he wa.


delBK aioeljr aad eao aW* oa bar foot
a mua
Her sraadoMllMr Bart haa
Uhea care of her atoee Ihe aeeMeei
**”?.*<aa«jh>a'. father Ttallad Ua
kaa w<wk. hat rctaraed to hi. ^-----wear UtoMac the »lh.
Hrnie L«wU 1. warfctaf fur
T. KoMbm* and bar ataier. Peart

Hn. Cteteiaad ooe dap Mat we^
Wa are Had to hear that Un. «.•
oa I. aaae bMter ao .he eaa walk a
few Mepa. bal I. Mill at Oopeahh ah
dar the *ietat^a care

who came to New York receeUp lo

iC R. Wearer waa-te Iowa WedaeeVHra. Vaa Oa Walker of BtiUPa.
flap apeat Saadap with tHaadi la
tbto paaee.
1 Naeh U
worWM fc
H. B. Om baa pet ia large acale.
Hr WIM U dcawtai loaa 10 Craa- ja the aireel wear hto alore.
dair. Biti.
HM Bdllh «eoU haa rataraad tron
will Tottoa U boap toiMp pleklaa
Ttoit wuh trlead. ia UMlagion.
The Wleaath aaaual coatrailoe of
tbe Kletewth Otouici WM
haat of tIrawB far a lew dapa.
Harrep lUee U hraaklajc at> anauid
oa Hr. niaak'a plaea «i» aowlad rra
A aaBbar hara taaa cb eahlac ai.
awrakau Aielp. nklai cood caiehaa.
HBa PhMU BUfcaaMp ha. aeeepiad Rapiito, Her. Wood 0
a poaKlua Id the daoBliit faMorp ai jtber faJihfal C B wont.
BleHlngi were «erp bcMal a
TiBtarae cap.
Wlai aad all^^ht^aiMided

Ruth Bryan, eldeat daogbt« of WII nn JwBlngi Bryan. Captale Hob* ■ deeUae. lo conmat np__ __
w either to nam or deep.
Time who know np the powng cap­
on wrlla. a letter arerp dap to Hto*
lynn and reeeteea a dalalUp tinted
■tclopa na olta froB Uneok. Neb.
BeUerlag that the bedp of her dead
huiband wa. la the faaaag* oar of
• nae train oa wblcl?iib* arrieed
aarlanatl fn>B Loe Angelea. Cal,
ller wa. borrlPed to
Hr.. John A. Belgle.
Mm bad vxoii
Itwra that lb*
M far a. KanpaahM rroB a
’ a woBoa con-

TSt«ae*CU? HlB«*^~ ■

•wBdap. tad we were retr 1
we ihaa.
Hra. Bkw'a daaghlar, Hra. .
Twaddle aad hw dai^ar of Qraad
BaHda hare baw VtoldlM at ba«e.
Hr. Warraa aad faatllp rtolted Hr.
Wwewah brotbB toa. who ha. totalp

w Oora aad NatUe Paalu.
rare la towa Twtadap
0 CharUroU.
M Poilar. who hart btee
few weak, la towa. Ml


B. L. HaaUaa weal
Tbd B. «. baa gBKbaaad a aaw aai Trarttaa Clip.
«( Hvlag booha. wWeb art a great
HM Baaaer Harrl. waa
bi^ w the aebcBl. betag greailp
’ iuBore UUBPball a few
*TtaP^ BbeHaU. who

bat heat
C. B. BcMI h

a trip to Trararte

Hra. Jama Bteraat aad daugbitt
. *^?B5M^Mtbtr aad Malar aad a Bulb apeat a few dapa of kM
mbW a( oCbtr rafatlraa treat
ta Trararte Oip.
Ur. ^ Hra. DwHmb are 01
kg the Bertroouaga,
Tba hew of ehoreh aarrlee wa*
Blee aad daaghM.
takn vhptbeV. P. acftoa Saadap ernkg aad a report of lb* Deatar C. B. OMTealkB waa gfraa bp
Hn. Taa Oe Walker of BattoBt -Bap.
wbkb wa. hlghlp aakpad hp all who

rSte (MB *M bel^

mi Wetk." Hr. Pnaekki laibtt
. HMid waa wtih hto. paaMdap.

Hn. a Tkaae aad m fUroM art
*MUm raklltaa aad bkad. at Ttar

IM. Onk W Tnttna dtp diwta u
IMkbiiH Baadap kai.
Htaa* BMa aM t* ObatUa of
riMii- watt at tba Bfreraldt faa
HM * —**T
who baa
ekUag Mr akur. Mn. B. Bkek'
fbr bet bom al L.
Htoa HBm OaLaag of Korib Haal-

Hia. Harr Haehattoa of
BBBda aad Htoa RaUlaa Oeoha
.totakal, Ohio. w«* tba gaatu of
Hn. W. H. .Bleak 00 Tbondtp laaL
Hra. f. H. Hpder Mt Taatfap tor
bar hem ta Bnnhipa. N. T. Bbe wm
aa tar...........
a* T
Timtem dtp
to bar Mbar. Hra. A. ^1
Volea aad bar
hut K
rat Clip
. -..................... ............................ g*al of
Hn. W. B. OaapbML
Jaam Heath total a few dapa of
at weak k Aagola^A
Htoa LMa BaaMbatger H
Bead to nMlkf rekiltM aad
la towa.
Hwb Btabbla. aad w|fa. old realaau of tbto plan, aablbliad a aaat of
I lira all
Mtoa BUal PetatB ba. reiaraad
aad will apaad th* wlatw bate.
Hto. RUtIt tarhont. ifho bat
ib^geaai of bar.aui, Hn. Joba KahL
ton Batardap tor bor bom to Leek-

St:' ~

TW taBlttoa of Hb
^ ^T^Vwr'eMlhBagM'
Ml Pndap br ibotr bama al
wm Onok af Praakfen torn a lew
dap. with hto unp ibk waak.
BBter Brea pkpad Ttoradap
kg to a larga aadkaea.
Mr. Btowi BM tatoOp toll
for ibatr bam at Chkago.
Httoth. T---------- aad
Pawan al
Tthtma tatp-wm la wwa tba kiHr fan w tba waab.

and tnmllp.
A pkBMnt aeaai' toito pkM_______
mtnga «f Hr. and Mra. Battk at
---------------------- “—
balag Uw ralakg of TB
PBfehBM aspatlikB la»
•M rakad bp Hra. BMbi____________
— -at won Bad* bp Jadg. (knar (d
•apolto aad K. BHotow af Cta-

with fiu of dUilnen. Docun' imw aroaad
die. all tailed and abe eoailnaad lo
becoBr wBtkrr and to toM wM^





J WeR Bangor. M
a ba}- field. Hr eoi
e waa Keen pear, u

Notice lo Farmers and Feeders!

ant to a. .irvag aad nlmbh- a.
half bl* paan. and nl-y. ibr

Howto ThiaT

eemmcncing luilb Saturday. S«b.
I2tb. m will be In a po*ltl«n ts
luralab Olcl miacd aiultn Food,
in any euantilics. TerlurtbtMntarmalien. call er inunirc at Ibe
eltlccol • • « w « « «

The Michigan Starch Company.

Bbe awaltowed I

■aallp cuarluded to artwilalater aa
cBcUr To bl. aurprUe a krge frag
*a> di.todged tiom hi. wll.'. MOB
I boUkg •
It bad bera ibefe tor BMWlb..
wa. n a pertrcilp beallhp roadtUoa,
' ' A* ‘
ami aflrr br^ placed la a par .warn loltowad tbr UghUag c

Imprtotd 7arms



A*. -Thto^^

We’ve just pickM up a !ob in Jewelry at a
very, very low fiffure. It consists bI Brooches.
Cuff Buttons, Breast Bow Pins. Stick Pins,
Rinas and Bead Necklaces, etc., etc.
Ordinary vaiues would be 26c. For Sat>
urdayonly we will vive you your choice at

The quantity is limited will soon go.
some of them in the Window.

At this early hour to be able to display a range of FALL CLOTHING
varipns in details, such a wealth of style and exclusive
characteristics, that it matters little what a man's [or boy's]
tastes may be, we can satisfy them

Ypr Clothiig Fim
aii^ up to date Depattmant Store?

Departmaat Storas
Hava a Greater OotlatThey boy more advanugeously and can and do kII imm
advantageoudy to the trade.

Why d© the department fitores
m the • metropolb control the
clothing trade? The anawer is
obvious. From tbe eccmomical,
Btand-poim .the department
ttoret operate on the plan of
concentration, enabling tbent to
do business on a small percent­

We sell a high grade UNION
MADEUneof clothing that i
taking well among the union
tradesmen. We stand hack of.
es*erv suit sold.

aad lb. panp
Mr a J. Oiwp.
idieai J. UtCM of Datrolt nad
laow of Lo. -Avakr mmt San^ U town, tba naaia oC
. Mr. and

a Traram Otr

B. H. PttHd I at ai aad Bahard
HM BMk Sonlt. vbe wHilkd
kato a dban eng at Ttaema CBp.
aw bp tba daaU of h«- Htbor. iww-r. H. Bpta aiilrad
Batard., mad t0 tbk pkea MmW.
g tadi Tratataa CHp to bagk
B. PwwaU at Kidiiba. eW k tba
' i af tba Lekad man of Mr. aM Hn L OamtiBb.
Hn. B. Hlaabaw. wbo kw ba.
kkg at graad Rapid.- aad Tn
Oto. letarato hem flatordap



• fiMMU point.

Jeba Walu
toadap k b
Hr. and Hn H. Lhaop of Tnratwa


ga ODOk .

X and iMar nnd
Spring, nre lb#


ST betore .be married. U ckildbood
dap* toe aad Hllllaa wa
She wa. (be tap
rtdowed Bother, and tbea
. long a. her Bother Ueed tbe would
ui Barry. Mn. Calien died lerentlp.
sd xuB after her death arraag^
arsti weer Bade for the wedding
YChlle totoorlBg her fooibre- Mto.
CWIen aiadied kw and li the oolp
Wbea palaten of alga, oe tOB«« woBaa rrer appouied a. oaMrr oT
dkitoaided the prolrou of Hn ' Boat cbaaecry la IlUnola.
baew of Trtaloa. N. i-. Ua amed
The eniptwB of Veowrliu. a
berMiIf with a Beat ax bet did aif lasuit coailaar*. ha. Bodent
UBhtoia ibek. Bbt tbea broegbt —*
OoMaBlib of
wlaln extra!
wket of whliewato. aad a. ta«
li to reo
■at. • weaderial algbi
palatcr. did the work aba .pu- .
c iD(w^ ago
mb tba wblltwaU Tbe palDitn deep a lh ueep MdM which arooMe B-nhera New York
peat a dap
aad with earn fTieod. .peat
^ k
the fra
gar* ap the kb
lb* woodx Belnc ibtnip toe teaned
Vaabk to tea tba aaSoiag of bh
w *li feel utee tbe edge of a ttmo aad d^nnk
Bitk aod. who wa. tick. Oeotge Baat. aad to abooi S&e feet dee
-- lara
- . ma II. Bbe noticed that toe awal
aa aged ladltD al Sharr. Nvr.. killed la Ibr dliectlub td the ra 1 aad aurth ItowMl wbat tpprwn-d to be a naall
tbe kd with a ebolgaa aod then.
piece «< gt»«
la a dap .or M> tor
coaiiaiw* la liquid
plaelDg the Bank of Ibt goa al bto
I ratbel] l(•rnallrB
Ibr clrcoBeocer. an am of 6
own bead, blew bto own brain, out
acw. Mn. Goldimnh
ba. beta
-lag aa ia>-rrato<l appnur (nr the
Hsr. Wong, wife of lb* Chinan*
pa.t .IX week, nod ba. brea coonanl.
UDBtoMoow In Ibt ei L*juto tnlr. a.^
dnpitc I be fact ibal before latl
Ip iblr.1}. She wa. .Iw aitackto
■led at th* dedicailoo of Ibr .1:* April toirhad
ibe had doirn. at admlren
wan for lb* e.hltdl of the ctlnlkl •Ulion. Hum Adam, ol
iBgdoa oe Bninrdap. Tbto
begun »Qll agalB.t the Si.
» of nap -Cht
JcMuph-. Ho*pliaI Miclri} fur flo.uou
.d lockl poaUk
•be allritrw____..
allrerw that bp mwa
public fuBClIae.
. an detauw ahafl
at a pa IxMpliBl .be ba. ton tbe o«- at on.
par weigh' oa hto wrlitag deek tbe rai. ha< <be c.tbrr'arm ciipplrd. aad
that .hr "I. tn
■aaDli of oar of the htgbnt boud.
We have cuitotacn
tala* la Atrkw. I>r. Baebaer. an Af- llglblr (or *.|iroi<rr marriagr" tad
who w-xut im]wotevl
rlcaa irateler of oiine fame, broke the b.i her nuttcir. h.»i- l.mgikrt bee.
place of K«k from Ibe hlgbeet polai
farto. d' all tWa<pi{>Ixird Saltobur?'. tnarra:./} hto rx
of Ml. Klltma-Nkro. which I* oa Qer- reM wUb. wa. Boc to cuei u.ire than
luBs. ir you want to
ana Amcaa grovad. and prewativl
glou. A. a matler of c<»l ualp
toll, list )-oor knii as
to tbe eBperor.
i*l>. Tbr late liekr id \Vc.>imlD-<ier
Uc Cub HUB. a ChlnaBta of floap- M-i the rxaiaple of cheap (uncral*.
laat. Buoon. Mexleo. died after eal- tbr out lap I'lr hto bat lac 'been oaI>
tap a drilclou dtoh be bad prepared fti In Uab cwMw hnwerer the wo<n]
wlifa iwo >uoag fat rau. one of which (d the conn wa. .uppllr.1 rrvB Ihe
he round ddead oa ibe atrort. U 1* prii-atr eaiatr at ibr decra.<-d. ('aderrodrai had beta

A*"lklgM* 1*" piOTlnnt**SmnnS
d la Lo. Aagelet and the
■ pkeed oe board the Irak.

Hr. Whaak'a aUltr, Ura. Oloter of
_,_M hp
OhMaut. to tIaltiM I
aodeip. aad all eiOoped Ibr
baa baaa here aarar
veetkia aad feel that It wa. rerp belp• aM wa ara all glad II
Whlle la Trarwee dtp a bob
Bi uelw.

' arHb


aap. Hr.;
paplac atiaalkn to a wousatadi. aad .b
lited la Clapi
araied to I

irato 8blr-l
for oxer a a
t fire ta-;
lep Hlllkn.
aurance adfatter of Chicago. bat'Bar-


A dianor wa. btU at tba Mm (d
Hr. aad Hn a Banr TVaadv. tm-]
tat. tbe enmka bMv Uw WMb anBtoael htglM Twndap wUk Pref. Biratnarp of tba Barrkga of Mr. and
Hra H. B. Bpiarir. Bash Hr. aM
Hn BptMto. tkiagh aoBowhai Untolrad H baaWb. rwtak tbak aaa
riHirl nty Bw tbatr m Hr. Spa
balbg H ywari ok. Ttoa giHna <------Hr. A. Utomn. aad H«Up cd Ora»«11k. Ubio. Mr. Hottaa «( Claewkai
nnd Hr. and Hn Barry and tab
Ik. Ldtodto aad wa Bdwar
Hr. carma guk a mm.
MMa are «mdac k tba am 1
aMtlkd *n>* OoMta Waddlag.- TM
■av frltoii jsM IB wfablfig mm
Bih'eam dtp agm Bwhdw at I


Suits and Overcoats, $10 to $22
are strictly guaranteed, have self retaining fronts, military shoulders. The amterial,
the woritmanship, the fit are all that can be put in clothes. If any of these go wrong
in any sray~wc are here to replace k or refund your mones*.




bald Inrcnc BuaM,

. . . no. I* bulldlop pan
fctod dial a* la cwdliSr
atx toeb** d brokra Moa* U told oa
prao* and iborouahlr nrtlrd
........................... plleb under a ■portal
loarad orer the lop to
«a. Tbea two larbM of
kaar mubW
U Iborouchlr
ir Bad plieh. and eamaa
a ia» Mjwet froa tbabaaitof plaai
re of-W-depiao*. TbU
After ibU.
______ coatlai d Sae prarel U
over Ibe anrfaoe aad railed *■
Tbe adraataae of ihU n
oror ordlaarr
. . lo Ibe
Hut Ibe Dlilure of the
with Ibe lacradUaU aasied
abore aukta It alibaolutelr waierprod,
wbleh U a amt eoBelderatloB
to aar
reueei. It U ca*l
1^ clnaand. ^r«*
od fooitof
. jiaud nut It
lea* doitr tbao
aipbau proper
.................. o euia
to Ibe .urlac ur a
eUc raqulrlac rwpali
In. Ibli W(
be done br k
wbleb li

boweror. that Ib* lot—or
f did aoi_________________
ad* la lb* wdchlac at a
tkai lb* keran
iklas oC d 1 pd
din. bat tba» do waal *
___ r who caa do tb* werh
■■lefclr aad aeearawir, vbieb '
- Mr. tMapra —aacl do.
Olbba ataiad tbat h* had___
that tb* (er-ar board d pabUe
, bad laatnwad Mr. r



trtc MM*< nrtl*«jr »ra)ar
Ufto. I> M mU Ikb
«sl) tUac
■HUT «■ in—1h» ibr «MI «■ • fru>

(kM turn >b» rtir
•raaUil. Umm** CaBOlar i
lo*a mad «1IJ «i>prartala • tmUrr IlM (Kbb* laalfiad tba board bad ae r«bt
to do
Mr. LardI* repifid.tbat lU*
TraTimc CHr gnaiad • fraMktM iwo
wa» br apraa—l with Ib*
«fc* mllwar b aoi r« bat tbat tb* borer* are aot 1
for ikU ai an. Tbar eaa arraa—
It. Bat Mr
with tb* CaraMT* all rleW.
naiad tbat b* did ad Ilk* tb*





r«kn *

praa*. a>eallapkw tb* ~
> tlM> bwlMB IM. laltr. Ibat tba bvran *

I* aaU Ibai all tbar
____ pood .PUB «bo I* I
valphiBp. aaniwi aar pood >
-Wbetber a aot all then clalcu
.......................rr. b«i aalaai a pood a
■be bvran would b* a
but fur mideallal Mrwu
pallod io pal la
p^nr I wa* farprablr iBprnued
:b* blaweir VM 1
Iba bet tbai
tb* kick, a*
clM*p«r ktod of (lullar p*r*
iBMir Ibai ba I* a___
I pDvera aft laklac
railed tar
ha* bees to
I baa aealaa d bU e
>n«M iWb rab
for a toag iliae la Canada, ea
* «l bud* tbai b* bo
peelallr to Haallloe. aad th* reenlli
b. TiMrc b a<
be aald that tb* borer* bare protae to ieo*t caaet
Id bare Male* d Ibair ova allblB lacioT). The aane p*r*(
toiplored lb auktoi (
1*0 wnbi aal*M *o-*lhlBC war*
neat a* u aow a*ed
rat br Wairea
doB* al OB e. aad lb* dir uarhat
Come of
Maror Caaio euied ibat lo bl* Mad
tb* roraaal at ib* pr*d^l wi
*<HMl at aMt bind ■
-OttiTfe C. PlerioB of Kalaauiu.
te dMbct tb*
1 p*r Beat
. tor
TbU aa.. .t for lb* oppaatUoe ef tb* aad two oiber piuBlaral peatli-------He •lalad ibai b* had Ibe d Ibai place, made an exieaelr
o abow that frod U lo M* eeill—II
Imari ta IMI hj
e city. ____
peoad* ware dedoctad br Ib* forswr
puwan Id ibr Uaatj of Pwb
>r tbelr bomr
vadpbauwter. aad Mated lhai aoi oa*
li tkBi Ttar AtairBl rarracx
tar—er U tea ka*w of lb* dadactlo*
Ik parlai t>
belap Btade for dirt.
mlcal pave
aHfctw • low of Barov* la lb*
1* aad
aU|> rraakllB. H* had ben nr,
bat Ibat
aartblap denlltl Btreet* a*
ta la
wUb aiarbad euaneir ta Baglaad of
- Ib*
-............................klclad. That h# laM.. "ta )a*l —ttoa tbU biiui
Praaee aad (bnaaa)'. bad arbaa the *1 (alae M aartblap ala* that ba* beak wbleb U eouldera 1 to raak well 1
It, I would look I
makllB eaate taio Tafbbb vaiart braopbl op la lb* eaa*. Thu 1 per
eaat err U alaplr a •ebda* lo poll ib*
deal of (aror. 1
arool over the era* of too** at Ibe peo­ pelally I.
«ai ai (baauatiBovi*.
ple. TbU oSea ibOBld oerar ba aude
I expeci lo make further to»e*ll
> aruU aar anai>lieai
a poIlUcal oa*. Wbep a pood aua —ilocu aad *«e aoiar of the pavtai
kai it. b* Bboold be auovad to kaap Uui wu put
A iMtaapi tb* (
k) aot CbT* t<^^. Mj^tore
caabeai tWb aai % j cordlalb r»
■r IW kaealka al m



>r u>u *»«ai

c»l*M br lb* aahBB

iSepro*. but ■ do
** aot be**
MaaallaM, lb* Ai
tlera be U capable.'
Aldarmaa Haslltoa aiaiad tbat the
artwl ibat lb* fMaklla be vamkM
RomataaeaB tbat tb* etir U Cadep
to eoM to UoMi^aftavt* ior AdariM
i preaeat ai* rerr oatanpaaie. He
raxTBCBi. Tb* Sattaa tava bb «■jdarrad to tb* lad that Ibe dir ba*
aaal.aad tb*att>irtir<d lb* Miabtan lakaa pride in lu uarhai. tbat it paid
- beliar ibe drat
ravraawltac lb* Bmypiaa vo«en
car* ihMr eoaaMl.
n» FiaakUa vaii lo C
Boeb. Bod 1h* laeidaal au I
aaMa tf iba I
lb* aoaiuoa lhai

I vavan took

M* abU U

M d ibU bltamlDow maca.1
am would tw M^ewhere from Il.Tt to
1: lu per equare yanlKal
laktng a large guantUr.
pay* lUf
per aquare yard, aoi lacludlag
roublaed torb aad gutter Tbr >
wonld be eomewbat more bere.
co*i of tar iw«e«ii»ni would be from
IMS I.. flAo per egiure )*rd
bliuaioou* Bueadaib U gaaranleed
by the eoapany for Are yean.
~Ttali elaa* at pavlag will probably
come bdon the eUyfor conalderatka.
aad wtMlerer I* done lo Ibe way of
s already^pe

Bonlnc for (todlllac. in rc*in*e b«
doi'M ** traeber. Bbe U prleelpal
of Ibe Third ward aebool fhl* rear.
Her. M. U. Carrel weal to Lake Cllr
ila uuralap tu aliead qiurterlr meei.1: ti aad Ptliunile
MU* Cora BeboBeld d Wllltouabori
i>ied throuah the etir IhU aroratol
a her war l" Kla—ler- where *b*
111 leaeb erboul ibu famr.
Trace Hoad aad Lera Daadr iwinrried iu Cadillar thU uoralai
Ti.iiiec Hen eiiu aad fatotir
Culllraa aad wife of Cedar
aad Ml* rrallek uf Maple
led tbr opwalap of Ib*
tbeairr to Maaluee
Ur. and Mr*. Leopold Rllek at Crew
.n. UblA are rUlitoi Mr aad Mn.
Charle> Breretl of KKbtb •ITeele H Uleil. who miablUhred
ileldlns flee, a datlr. mwailr. I* to the
i> fur a wewk'a eaeatlua.
Ur> K.dwn J TleailBa
Ido • week * vuil lo Deici
Kev. and Mn. JoaMbao HulpMU.
•raHTl> <if Itau place, are bore fruB
ladUa* •« a vuii
ri.m CoDkn rrluranl ibU afo
Ih-lrajt, aHer •rvrral
da>> t
rll> oc
Ulu JeanIe CortU* lu* goae
kUoUtee IU leach for chr wloter: MU*
^mpben bo* ukra a pooliloa
rleld icbool 1
dU* Jr**lr I
I Fenavlllr.
thy tu>
Itorry Holllda; rerurerd^^U
to Ihr rll> with bl* ancle. Bert
J. J Hrertoa aad family we
Ka*i Jordaa Ihl* morotog for a
MUi Niu llugb
;bre will go lo Octroll
part of
d aril week to begtfl


Roy Praa* and wife resumed 10
tnd thli muralng. after a few day*'
UH to Ibe rliy.
I gone oa Ibe pofor Ibe
............. IB place of Mr. Tt
Oneida, from wbleb place
ex|>rcti 10 arcouiiBby her aual, I
Low*, to Cbloaga. wberk *br
(IM'Bd Ibe wlairr.
Kay Tbaeker aad Jamra Mllllkea

Hr. aad Mn Jep Hupkla* of Shelby
rr •pendiag Iwo week* wlih Ibtdr
un. Will lllabup. and wlf« uf Tealh



aa art—arr •aeh a* aow ibiaai
tb* Uabad Ciab* bbt do w>. li
^ twalKia baiwaaa Tarhar aad
^Oabad Btaua li b a aaMloB at
taaUac oar oa-a. it b sol a Barai


ip. AldanMp Hlaihiw aappaalad that
* BU* b* hired to ebeek Mr. Daapr**wtichu tor a waak. Mapor Baato —Id
h* woaM b* willtop lopartbo-eau* d ihl*
httoiilf, I
U tbU woaM aot ha


Cbleb Hall of Splwlasd. lad.. Mr*.
Mary Jaw Itoaeock of Piaiafleld. a «Uler d Mra. Tboau*. aad a ranrta at
Hr*. Tboma* tram Lyaa. lad
Ur. and Mn. Oeorge Hodge returned
lau araatog from Pon Oaelda where
they h«v* br«B vUtilag Jobe Hodge

per ceal dadadlea tar din.__________
lurdU Maud Ibai tbU wa* botbwtac
tb* toarvr won* tbaa li evar hotbatad
■■ 'em Fort Oaeida, vbne they
lb* bapara.
Mlrbdi^ tb
tb* raaakm of the Dago tarn '
AldarMW Mlbal*. who 1| aMo a a» lly- iTbU fi
lb* tonam tbar arouM bar* u —
■ ha* a* Bto*. Ha pare awap aopu of tba
irMu d tb* 'Maasl (umar.* nma
• Hraiu.—I
Ik* kBoeUBt- e* d Bad i:
aaa to U* wbaoU baton lb* 1
-ICbtap d tb* waiM. Tba*_____
»r» oiban: Tbrowt^ oat lb* aumaa
ued u bold bMakau oa: ihrowtoc
—lb UU Iba rlrar; taatUai faoe**>
Pad tb* poiaia b
wkli* aaloadlBC wttb tba^u 1
af tba
‘ - fBMorlac a tar oTbatwith tb* toad:
n iBit Moadar. aad ib* a
lar la iraaali; ktoUap «n Uueipb tbr
butoa d tb* wapoB boa: wdcbtoc a>
PM aema varMb. ftaalijr b«u Mi
«B tb* loadT^
laat aa It vaa PI Iba hactaciac. tb* paoa lb*
tala bf7*n BttUac that ib*r vaald
pal b wata*
tbair tbra wubla two;
aa LardI* ,
—fca aod tb* Mam aafctap tM aa
a-Uea ibat If tbb «ai* dea* b* vUi
■ak* aema dbMtaaarai that vfli

-• B

bMrbat pDUio bar***, broaebt 1
maaar ap. H* aald that all b a*>
ravataw •aaoUlr OB tb* dv maitaA.
that tba &man kick aa tb* ««WUa.
aad tb* barm arui aoi bar -adao*

patato baran. b* aaU. a




:. B Oar
Oaraer left yasterday for Fob
: Ik Btiaad lb* Male fair. Prom
Ibe^ b* will go lo Detroit to atl*«d

dUwaipM* U lb* verb at Oet
a u dDi*pr*a. ■Ii1—ai Vtoa
Mat that It uka* a —od -ab '
diiurtoai OOlett 7^ T. A. Bata* d «« Bim* Mrwel
Ufi tkU aftoTBOOB few a Mtit to eUlraalca. aad other* _
drwD to eaairBl aad aoodm Ohi
**»• nr*. Aldcrmaa Wtoato 1
nor ►h* will to to Koifoto. Va. w
bai lb* eKp eealM ar* a pood
If rltbilp uaaaaMl. ud autad ibat b*
- ba wlUlBi u Hn lb* dtp MW Mn.
Waltar C Dsnt of cS55^*;
Ohio, who baa mi tba aaauwer with
w parwu to TiBvane qity.
Aldarmaa HaalHoB taroapbl tb*
Mia* BlaBBb* taraam morBCd

b at tb^SSi. aad tor "tto**
*a* Mr. Deapn* la
rwaibaattbadirn ‘
Hop. Ml npBi. u PM. h u ap to bid . - - BatUa. Craok today oftar _
lak* mma Map* la..tb* waiter.
rtMi wlU bar atotor. Mn. J. A. Metoaema aeaem *hoaU Jm tak*e br tb*

Ml* IE—* Olhar *M. te baad odf 1
ktootod d lb* aeate* Ic tb* bapd
lekblap tb* enr d a aoara* at toea
d M Mat tLoaea rw.
Mdmmaa OMa *m oa bu feat m
Mb M >ld»mi* Lardto
■ad alalad tbal tM tm
—Mtoap dadait*. aad
b« V B. C. Ma­
lt to Bll ^ peal-


Aid**—** iMdl* raapoaded «a«« tb*
paodae* daalan «M* laadr to pndait
lb* praafi. Th* aaaia haeha. b* —id.
•ea&M tbdto plautr Ban
la * tolatafc* d alcht or Id* k
M Iba lead d a toriMr aa-ad t
■a*. BMAbar Oa th* laM e(
•Mib. ivo -iBlakaa la aaeeMBi
Mbw kiada. ail* d vhtob V—■
aaauhi aaartr •» baabd* aad tba
otbd Mat la bMbt*c.«te lb* toadi
van aaartr lb* aa—a

8am FVnw wtmt te Aldea UM afWBood aad may ac—pt a parmaa
Aldarmaa HaBdhea ba* b*aa look- poaltloa Ibor*.
lap leto tb* BUIUr at parlai far wa
Bert McOby tofi tbla atiarBooB oa
rear, with tb* ld*a d —Ktap ibto- a^bjyata trip to CBartarcdx aad PaM .ba- aad bartoc
Rllay BwwSr* want lo Pauakey ihU
*0 Ibat tbar* aaad b* BO de
Mr «pa tb* tia* <nam aon pear
tiarBoaa oa baaueaa
- bopia wbMerar partac U te b*
Charla* VorbaU rataraed chU altordoae to tb* elir to IPPL Hto auaaDOB from a aUU lo Otwad RaMda.
Hoe ba* boMi 4
iiaetod to
r eopeetoJIr
A. Harm Harrto aad wUe. who kav«
htbadipaa- beea vUtUBg lhair aUter, Mn. Jaeb

d thU. M«.*M rfuTto
Hibaime «r

AttorBay W. H. Umier watn
tW IBM motBtoc OB bBitoto
--------- PBtoa aad JcBa OaHwaU u

T A. UoBkm and wife o Bvaa Tvans and wile lot St b
I. Oak
ark: gsaOL
Jao. KUbkaev aad wif.
.. to.
coBlest ckmed Saiurday
Sebweder. aelt of nets. *ee: &. t
a. range II: |l.m
t and Un. WMguo^"'
Herman K Smith aad
ladies lure chopped
dwelltagi. *'orei.____
Vleuw A Jtoldek. kM* n-Ifbloe
bra shop: aold caady
Duieb ■eheear: givea
IWCB to wasbtog. The ladle*
Flaas place the bodle*
Hooper', side aUo pul t,he lalb cm
de—nrd relative* to
R- Cammtag'i ae* hou*;. Mn WM
days, -aad
"" ‘ ■«"" ■
np.wlib tbr dead
the relallvn gulag tu bed a* usual
br rharmclerUtlr of ibe
race, bai 11 s true of ^ay rukmle*
of Plaa* In
kTehuiwB, a |•>rtlon

Vm. Augcui PlowiT *111) ba* Ibel
largoM sale ut any medlrtor In ihr'
rlvIlUed world
Yuur mcHben and
fur IndigniioB ur III*
Dueion <
•r Heart Failure-.
They used August Flower
u UUI the system and slop fer
of the undlgvwted fuod.
jlaie the aciluB of the liver, silmii■rvnus and orgnnlr aeilun
:em. and Hut Is all ibry
leeltog dull and lad clin
bmlaehes and uibrr arhe-s You only
need a tew duses uf tirvea'S Augus:
Flower. In liquid form, to make you
saiisSed there Is nothing sertuus the

drag sturc-s

of ircMuen to uke
girl to the cirrus and then ebe got
smitten on ibe svrcll suli worn by nnulber lelluB.

swti. see.
II: gl.UKi
IV. eti
24, range »; |»ft).
c Wwsslssd u a ra 0-wsi
Wm H. kkuier aad
Cha* ■—MS fsU fwrps ut u
Bd.1: yi.<
Alunto F llowaM andulfi-ic.Hc
H. tie*.:, luto to and 17. hkiek 3. Ferry
Hannah'* 1st add: tj.3<s>.
Hanvab lllbbs. ei al. to Samuel F.
Iludges. set, of sei,. sc-r t. town 24.
range k: II.chh.,
Heroian W. Smlib and wife to ITus
Wllbelre. ei al. s 4n-ti of lol* 20-:i.
block «. F. H's 1*1 add: tl.nuu
H. I. LaBar and
ici Prod
Pierre itk of nek,. *ec. U. icani 24,
range «: ghSu.
Hemuo W. Sniiili
K. Travis. I••l 12. lirarer
l*Brk; ltt<i
Kaltii-rlne K. t' lirnies to Hannab
a lay <‘o. lur.-e: In Traverra City
*1 •"!
Mourcu- It lUldwlii lo Herben Mill,
toi 6. w»i C.f lui I. village Ilf Fatadisc
llrignnr aad vlf« tu locz B
arasworfh. h>i 4. wk> uf lol 4. Tilla»
irf Faradire; I2ric.
liertutu W. Smith and •ifv lo HerId Hay li.
I. Ferr*
Smlih Barnes lu ItoBDab
undivlto 4 ki U.
OPy: tklw.
Smith aad wife to’ Alei
24 2*, block
I: t1>
Calvin o (ilbsoo aad wife
el k>u 11-12. bic
7, Perry' lUBBsfa-* tnd add: IM«U.
Ruben Utie* and wife lu Joha
MMsen. -* 2« ft. anil e lb ft. of Im 7,
blork 2. H. U A pus *ib add: t240
' a lay Co In Katherine K.
li. Trarw4 lol
‘%e°c“y‘ g4i«1.
llarry Mimroe.
Fini Nat. Hank

aelghbon. The cm a
her ckHbtog cm
rU. the careen


Reaicm Harbc* al
park Mcmday afterBoem
raaapw ol Ibe gnat M*
• era scaiud* ' p,<q
were eerloBsly lajiired.


Wohavca nootlaupplyof Tableto, .Peneik IHfns.
Inks, hrasers. l.c-ucr l*aper. linvdopcs. Memorandum
Books. Mucilage in boiiies and also in bar or bar ce­
ment. Tablets se!l from one lo 10ceach. Pencasfwm
one to tire cents each, accordincto quality, livcrj-lhiiA
in this ad is useful to chiltiren that go to school and
also to little ones that don't go. 1 hat Bar Cemeni issticker. It will cement paper, glass, crockeo'.
hard sultoiance. Try a bar uf it. Crayons for drawing.
SIX colors for one cent, and
assonetl colors for Jive
cents. Jt is amusing an.t iiiMnictive for children to
draw pictures of animals. landsca,K- drawing, maps. etc.
It IS a foundation for the future to become expert in
some line of biismess. such as an engineer or architect,
so a small sum sp,;m for these things is not thrown
away and should In- encouraged. W« Invite all chil­
dren to come to V. K.'siomake their selections out of
what we have.

School Books
new and Second-hand

Esiaie of
« lay Uo.
‘ Traverse
Floyd I.

rivrry lUntuh'. 2nd add. .



W. Judra <*

’■ffnt-MMuf u.,

(Illiaore lo MVn*?*Cnmc«w,
nrt. HI. H. L. A Co's l»l add:
. Haymund Thacker lu Pkiyd
Smlih. kai 21>-3ci.- block 2. H. I.
Iki',. HHh add; glOb.
£v*n T. Keans lo Tbos. A. CoBlnn
and wuev sW lot U. block •. K. L. A
CBnaaa’a SbIt* onrw
tVs. 2nd add: f*M.
Alley B. Thomas to Anson R. Han- wicere Ml other* InU.

30 cents on the Dollar
i* MiU ai your diapaaaL Wt qooU a few of the many tutfaini await*
- io( yooi iimpcctioa.

One lot Jodton or J. C. C.

$000 v-anls of dtockerecl Ap­

SLOO ConeU, now

ron Gingham, worth 7c,



boh* of Ne<k

I sell .Uynamite at
reasonable prices.
E«imates and «xper*
ienced men furnished
ly time. Large
r of 40 and 60
_..d fuse on hand
at all timet. Use 40
percent, for stumi
and 60 per cent.



■old at iSc. gobs DOW At

Baaknipi MockoftbePriiucm
WaiM Ca
We Rill hive got
B few Buppy bargntot left.
WaiMs oude to reua up to
Sl-M. BOW....................
Wtoti Bude to retail op to

Obc lot of wUto MwIid Skiiu

We are prepared to furnish anynhing in
the above mentioned line at the right
prices. Can save you money on good
second-hand and slightly shelf worn books.
Also some that are rebound in brand new
covers. Kach and everyone guaranteed ■
perfect and complete. Bring youo. in and
get cost or trade at the

City Book Store
Bebdl. B*tch*r t Ko. Pr***.

$18$. BOW....................-770

A nice assortment of colors in the better
grades of Outing just received. Our UNI­
FORM LOW FRICKS on Outing* as on
all other good* will please you. : :




W. H. BNOWNBLL, ^rap.

Ml PrwM St. TfWrtrm Cl^.

with SoBBce all liieg worth 60


Meo'i heavy plow

Sboc* worth $1.50. BOW

OitokNof McB-g *oA BoMto
UadmSbini worth 7» and

Odc lot of Uoi^ Sniti in «aat

$1.00 BOW

we hare left, told op to $7.00


One lot of Men's biaek


Wo* Oreralb with or witboot

•otd np to $100. aow

ttoioagoleSte in an
(.rtgnUr prioeMc. now


Rob^ at m Btpto MfMd. tor tb*

go*: few day*. iMUrBOd to tbelr I
to Byram, Hleh.. today.
• aoa Hanr Of Coamimon*. Waib.. are th*
ih* gaaei.
gB**u of Hr
--atotor. Mn D, HcHMtoa el
PaatoBBto. They will ramal
a mimtb. Mr Ooilto* forawrl
bare, aad ba* maay frtoad* wb
jwUI be glad to a*a him agala.
Prof. C. T. OlBM of Ml. PUMBBt

In II Uaion
Nlckenurd. sc-t.

boir lodge r«» with nwpel* aad
----------h ate they decided
. give an ezpertoee *aelal 10 defray

10 cAUtoA few of otif DUDf Mtoppy botgaiiu awaiikig )<mi ai tlie
Globe. ThebalaactooftbeTwoWKfeatle Stock* biN«hl at


Ml** Urao* JohaaoB d Otaad
Id* 1* lb* gacostot Mn. J. R. 8*l .
Un. Prad Calrar aad ehlldrea of
igtoaw are the gnat, d Mn. Calrr-» ratotlaw ban.
Hr*. BMI* HoruD and cblldm. Jtiae
W Loato*. who have been tiwadlag
tba aammar nuitag rMactra* la ibU
aad Hooro* Caater. 1*0
Blag Tor ibMr borne la Pm

a 1*1 add

r-tlnble l ._ .
Fnc-e 24e and
EiUle Tranafen
.y Reglsler of Iku-ds

Just Tn time

mm. Dare
Oaapball. —....................................

Cttr ibu
of lb* pr
--------------------- wife of

r Sage (d Wniumsburg 1


>1 M and a lit ft. R.-Wock 1

UHfinil; ScM tf Hult,

"m‘Hafaecr. formerly <d ibU diy. but
I. h*>
h*i IKWD
l>«ra .ai Cbarterol* all sumr. U tliitlag friend* la lb* city He
tpMi> 10 gc> lu UUvaukr today fur a





Alfred'U‘’•pedal poHcrman
Weqqumoag club ______
!a> r of k'raakxa Blrdiall. rtoigned.
J W. Kaiiapday of Cmlltoe. Obi
h'l wa* fiwmerly here, ba* returBV
i< I hr rliy

10 tb* Bailer d lb* allapad *1
■.Iber pivlbg
**«r Iron lb* dir* laiaraat.
IHamilf peman ndarrad ovif to ■
Thlrlby. of
portn that aicbad tb* traaiy. Tbb **Saror Caaio aiaied that dba a
Baglaad. wbu ha* been vUltl
alttog re
«w amir a
•■a ar* aUU walpUap oa U* dtr
live* to Iba city during the put WM
-baabw tb* tbaa*7 ibai lb* uaai/ e< eealaa. aad Mr. LardU raapoadad tbat
WUbelm gpeat SuBiUy
tbar aeaM aftard to. whaa a aiU '
bnrthrr, Baal Tbirlby,
. Carp lu
Uil atmpiT nautwi tb* aaebvf rab d IM poBDd* would PMaa a di
Mr. a »d
Mn Robrrteon arrived
Iber brother.
or lb* OtioMa aaidr* torM
a at ealr a o*bl
SuBda) ..
from HardwMKl fur a
n. W. li. luwrcBce tetarned laal
Jdarmaa Olllru tiaiad iba
' caHac* or tb* nardaartiH i<
wlib Mn.
L ItolurtooB'* (Uier, Mi
itog from a two weMi* ttoy la
J. NelMu
aUpt at otbar aaHoai. *u
>d Rapid* and Chleago, when *be
Gear— Hoaier aad I
tt* port* ahoBld ctT* lb e
her tall mtlltoaay
tb* dir purhai. be a*M.' arblb
•lock. ,
. LardU worked Joat a* :
■lae lime
J. W Slater unt to Tbomiuanvlllr
tt Wbaa lb* markat wai
le) ulll U____
today no burtse** cnnnrricd
Mn. Z. E. HI
iw tuUraeal to l.eMud Catarday eveeli
iDg after t rUli *‘M”rb»^Me»'en of Pile luk* wu Is
retottvae la the eliy.
Ibe rliy on bu*inea* yaelerday.
gf tba dtr aad tb* tanaar u «a* tbr
d B a. Borkbtoi of Cbarlultc.
Couniy Clark Robert Waller la
tb* Baacbonu b apbMd. a* vM a* --------------------^
lumber d yean
fram.tau -buslneai trip" to ifac Bouth
turdl* auiad tbat b*
le Trarer** City
tb* aa«*r at bb lau«rial ma>MV
pan of the stale
tad tb* dur aobla*. bat wbaa
tbr kUI*. U laybe dly
Irtaa to opaa tb* iimu te ilM
Hr. and Mn. Homer
Ingram of
pd la bad
.. tad J. H. McOoogb Hullog* retumad borne ibU moratog
«aa*^ ahip* at tium4ir aad alibd elaatlr.
apUe*eit*Ui* iMllbat'
eai In Carp Lake gelunlay ereatoi
wHh Oai^ .Ballb
at bU owB. aato two weak*
. Bptfwa.' Tb*e 1^ «a* Udad to had ' "
> *peo« CuadayT
Maror Baato aiptad tbat br
Ob elamaa; -It tb* exaeoitoa iC ib*
ibd.. n-lui
Delbli morning after
./aihaoalrklek- Waw lad. I* vUlllag W> •liter. MnvUli da the cliyy with J. H. Tbomu
cnpJaUMi la Ib* traatj at f>a>b oi an. alee* whkk ilB* be bM wal
Id famtly.
- aa bli owe aealaa..
aiMb a*, im. aboaid r*aalr* U.Wllliam Reeni of Dear Ft. WayaV
Dr O. A. Holliday went to F
Maror Baato tdd d Iba rtall 1_____
Th* traair of Birlla *1**17 naf
Ukr IhU Bwnlag oa buslaeu.
> klB br AManaaa LurdU aad Mr.
Mn. P. Swindell of Iowa. lad.
MektoBb. aad d tb* tbraai ifcai
lurried home tbU mnnilBg after bel
CtorcBM OrMllek toft Buaday e
ihc gueai of Mn J, H. Thomu
oald b* uvaU*.
tb* uaafr at ParU Thai h. Barap*
lag lor (iTBad Rapid* and ttoffolL
Wrbater alreel.
Ald«r— WUbdB Ukad tba Ida*
I—Mdid Tarhar'i rlcbt to eoitM lb*
J M. Tboeu* aad (amUy of WebUer
l>roiurd Bmllb
retuned to :
d barlag two **u of awUa. Maror
aUBH*. If Badapd or a«rmaar av •aato aapraaaad hU 'Mad a avaUp to Cbaiuatlaopl.
«4bBa* af lb* irMUr of l>arb bad b*
rMatad. aad ibai lb* aiMvboa aa

a moTBlM a^
II to the (
w Cmlih.
Praak Bealley of Oraad Rapid* rejraad borne ibu moralag afttw brlag
the gva*i cd Cbarle* Bkeleber
Floraoce RbuliM.
teaefaer It. bUiory at ibe Normal
YpalUi rl. rwiaraed lo Hut ptocr i..
all t after a vUli to ibU elly
1 A. V. PrtendHch aad family
• formerly a leoeher
I Ibe load High •eboul.
Naaelie Steward of Ha
who apeal a •bon
visit wUh *
and family, I.
tog for' the Unlrenlty
Ui renlly al
____me her *tadle*
Umrge H. Reeder of Grand Rapid*
in tbr cliy leoktar after A. 8 .Pry.
ua'a baaknipi *(ork. prepaninry '
utof II appraUed 10 rourt.
Mrs M H. luwrwncr muraed la
ievenlBf frum a tnp 10 Chkagu
Mrs !L R. Kalbtgg lus returned
Irum spending ibe summer to '
eoulhera pan of the »Ulr
Ur. aad Mn. P. P. luwum ban
lanied tram a vUU wilh rrU'ivr
luwion. MIcb
w’ >1 Newlaad. wUr aad iai>
: Heaum Harbor are ibe go
Newlaad's sister Miss I f
Mn Hellr Place
evening Irum a trip Iu Cbiragu,
•rail aad llraad Rapid* whure
purchased her fall and vtoler goods.
She has also seean-d ibr servlres of
His* CbUbalm of Obkago as bead
irtmiDer. who will arrive berv Mon

Odc iol of Mca'aan wool, hair
bae ptau worth tlSR aow


Perfanad Baby Takann Pow­
der worth lOe DOW

good web. worth SSi^ a


The Globs,


new Toofwear««

Our Shoes are made for wear.

Rindge’s Custpnymade “Hard Pans” ']
Pingree’s Custom made “Gloria” ^
“Boots”—Mayer’s Kangaroo Calf $3.(X}
School Shoes, Mayer’s
River shoes, Hinge’s custom made
Men’s Waukerz $3.50 hand welt shoes
Misses’ Footwear, the Walden—{#««..

Call and .Inspect our new Tall Stock.

as^lmiK maBcii t cminiiiPBa


Grai4 Tmcisc Hoall


f Lw. T>«»-yii<l III;




Newt Srtdpa at h
Tba Ormad Bapldt BtMfa Ooapaay
hara beta awarded ^ eoatract for
wa* wartad oai fecoatly. Tbeir eoaIrect ealle (or the ocBpleUea of lb*
hrlda* la M day* aad a* ua dart of
that Uae ba* sea* aad aotblac beta
doaa they will bar* to part the
whaa eaea atartod.
> Tba brtdta I* to be of tyoa with 40
(dM drtreway aad walk* on beU
itj will pal the
approach la ftralc li

Bis Rapid*. Sept. t.-CllatOB HeRaa aad Hlu BU Oau areber* (r«B
Trarenr CUy la queel or'laforBa■to Uy
they hope

. laio tha Birtilaaa,
to Uto
d doer aaoUer Ba­
with a family _______
ulk aad waabae It
im to dm. aad a eoe rldlaa
MnM to tba boor
Tbra Ue <
r. aad ..
oorery to Ocmeumptloa. Coesb* i
Colde. W. H. Bruera. id Uoarllle. b
endured drat b'easuo to from aeUma;
ibreosb _ . .
bot tbU wooderfor medlelae pare Inrapid rate, aad la only a taw bIbi
•iaa< reilet aad
from the (Im* It I* becked Ue c
wrltro- "I BOW elvep eouadly erery
pirtad me* are plaeed la tha cooleie BtgbL' Uke marreloDt
marrekiDt cure* of (!lui
- for tb* Ubellas openUoa.
Ooagbe. IkiJds aad Ortp prove lu
maichlfw merit for all .Throat aad
Loag irouMet UuarhBievd
fror- and tl-M. TrUI bntilei 10c at
r tlBHcd 8tat**-h
Ja*. O. JobaMC'e and
H "
drug itcre*.
, food caeb aiarbei for Ibrlr produeit.
Rain Spelled Unber Day.'
Tnv*r«*Clty Mar|ietg.
Srtlert to amuse mauer*
h* weaibcr mau retBlied la the com­ Oay Of paoh wMk. The h
mie ebaDdonmeal of all Ue dellfbt- rpoponelble lor change

PERE Marquette
Oroad Rmto. Setoay. Septeto
Train will iravc Trnrrree C
*e A m- Haie Otao. See poeirre
•w a»l. aaeui* tor r
Wtei MlchlpaD State Fair. Sept
te IA
One rare plu* W eeai* Itadadra 10 Ue fair). Ticket* oe

Denver and Cetortoe Peiirta. Oct.
and A
One (arc n> Cbtogo. added 10 kS« >
)dr«lna(to. Ttekeu vo >aJe October

aad who wral lo Kanaae about U
Bd*wrerybody walled t
yean ago. Two ycon. beforq that
IbMr mother died aad Ibey wen
e fare (or tbe nniod irtp Tlckei!i
It waa hoped *i Brel that
lie Oct. ly aad ». gdud to roroi
ilpbi be euoasb clear weatber tome
ly adopted
lime duKos
ts Ue day to pall off tb*
y ebaaped t
moBlrlpal albleile rveeta. bot
B« to be, aad Uey erere poetpoued.
Menlttea Mich, Knighla
They will, however, be cnaleetrd tome
MD. SapL 17.
Umr ibU week.
One aad one^blrd
miMbIrd (are
(a (rom *utton*
The bat* ball same belweee Ue
leiaDi not more thae luo mile* Oonl
Kill lb* Has Wet
»lum. and the O. W. D'e wai alto
> reiurn Sopi 1v,
Kdllor lIvniao^toM (
declared off. at ibe dlamoad wae a
■eeiloe of the (i
poad at
aad o
ibe Romaa
The Modem B’oedmra decided
nwood. or ra« weed, from ibe
1. U.. and Buffalo. 1
iwaye, Be It le oar of ibr wont poelpour tbeir plculr for a year, i
? will I
Xoraacw a Lonoiar ■
■V waa uo BthleUc
la oaaaroaenc* there
te la the Uad
a> Miebican Souibi-ra K> Tueeday. Se|>i
IM IB (bBir DM oa«M li
ly iHob. W. H. Poe
!• aald to GBuee bay (err*. Ii U eoBteet. uo tpeeeb by
SpecUl train erlll leave OrenJ
DO eablbllloo by
all aloBS (he bishway*. WbUr wr are
iUpId* al.kKd; a m.. rouolag ibruuKli
DO baa* hall same between 8oi
aaaloue to bar* people epead UeU
etlihoulI change.
Kbr»- lo rieveUnd
itay aad Traveree Clly WoodraUdty* amocip ue, let u*
|| a*
n muni IC.TS: ituffalu ty<"i 1
bealtby a* poealble.
■ auud 3*' dav*.
l‘artlcuUr« f
It wae really loo t
bad. but tbe wealbThe crop aow la Uw sroead oosbi
kei asenla. or by eriltna \V
Ue downpour early
man tiai^‘ Ui
BM to so to aeed. Yuan for bealtb.
Mk-b . u
What la LMet
CtartiD ‘nooUB MDUU ika H««)d
_i k
kept tteadlly at hi*
iday Bls^.aail
. Inuro. (I P A, Craud 1U|
B lABkBt of tac PIUDI froa bli Haplr
k almom t(l dby
day yewtarday.
In tbe Iasi aualyela nolody kuow*.
aim Cam.
UI we do know (bat It te
ler etrict
Tbe epM-lal eicunloa trtia o.
Tke i«CB>ar
Lew Rau Eecurelen le tha East
Irregular lirlug meahr
ti 1 o'ekwk
A family n
m wa* euloyed at Ibr dcraagemcBi ul tbr ormne. reeultlnj;
S;U, lltanUU
IlMallon. lleadiTbr or Uver Mlchlgaa Southera I
ir bomr of and Hr*. Jobe Dago
k •Bcankki rmrh here aatli
• •• a *lUi
Hr. King'. Kee Ufc PHI. UIlD KUmlly etfursloB i
IBM Huaday
luBday aad Hooday. Bepl. (
elated of 11 Mmebee aad uae_____
ir. gi-'uiu-. aad HuOalu.
•wrlvr chlldrcu
idren who bhrr
C:10 regular aleu brotMfal 7.
ilj tic at Jae. O.
Fiy I«nicuUn> aa 10 Hi
mill*, bat It dU Boi roach grvwD to lannhood and womaubond.
Ilrug train, rote*, etc. *ee ant
ill pnweni at the old bomeelead.
7:UZ. Tbe epaeUI
toUi o( ClTBsa, war* ultod la muU ymn ago Mr. Dago with Ue
ualD wa* paebed. Haay of Ua peo­
1^ Tbaradar BaaBtec br R** Oodi'
boueeple got off b*n. whlio a laivr aamlla at uw hoaMof tb* Mda'a pi
ber weal oe aoAb. Tble escorokm keeplaa In a mile thaaly where Ibr
pleuly of
Me (rom LkOcaae. ladUaa and New tall iroet afforded them
(theeefeUy and with toudeel
T. t. Heat (arsafip o( tkla eltr. bul
Aaotber M|
Ibe .Q. n. « I.
e( lhai ptoea. aabar ihe im aai
Men ia valt
ibHr labor ba* not been
(h* nm^Hoat Oe.
a IS cblidrea were bora, one dying
Oead Per Cewt Raid.
. There are S4 lirlug grandj W. Good or Oadar and Hlai
be amoual of taka* paid thU year cblldr*
a nnltad ia
Mailc m a thoroughly tdiablc manner ol
lo Bepi. 1, after which (here le a hare guoo to II
Tburadar.. Tba.
Tba, eer»
■se of 1 per crat for callerliou. hai boualUul dlunrr
j-ockt malcriaU. Aa catremely fortunate
memj waa partonaad
naad tv
bj K*
t., Wmia»
i computed by City CIcrt Hern ihlrty^-lfbl of I •m oeiOB reuwne*,
Ulair «d tuple ctir The eouplr
...... «ty Treaeurcr Haekell, and
imrchatc ctalLto at in olfer them at
■ be family of u lal logMber around
found that tble year a lolal of bri
e-ai a ptoaure to
I and Tdlk W eeat of Ue e
> a vetrraa of Ur
tmmi ha* beee paid, a very good
qaaua fwtraaii win eoaea*
Last ymr Ue eoleetloa be^ Doth Mr. and Hr*. Dago are held
apKUl t>alB la pla«e of Uu
elBcere reepect by a large circle
atcbl iraiB will nu ea Ulf «
friendi twho were paKIculaHy gra
Uf Harbor Bprtav ia lUm
Bed to eee tl
BU le fTt.
pHrllege of <
It Of u* aauuai coltoted
vnth tbeir chlMrea.
017 U erbool aad IW.MO fmeral cliy Hra Dago bat been in very poor
Wert tor tfc* parinc ad
bmlU fur tbe pact year and It wa*
feared ebe would not Hr* to eed her
_______ fartbar dalap arUl oaeor U
They Pound the Money.
tnllrtad* kaae lb* aatarlal «o
g of late, and lo eee Uem gaUin our etoce—except, a few pair of
Tb* esrt ea Buia Btraat b U peal
racaaUy" irttfu? 1_______
ID tbe borne made bar ebed
aad eeaoaitac waa b*cu tbi* n
Queen Quality are j-oun at only
to been •tooebad'; to a
of 1100. tear* of Joy.
family was tabeg
the police eoald do to Iceal* the UM
It was tvro day* van pto
The beaae which baa baaw aeeaplad The nuw bad baae U a caloaa. aad It apeat and tbe memacy of It e
hr Or. OaaatiMt la batai sorad '
WB» tboortl that he had ioet bU roll
ling It wa* with regret
lartUaw aa Bartow auaat. Tha I
there, bul Do elae could be oblalaad
d for tbeir diffenni b<
boeaptad hr r. J. BawMaa wiu be a* to who wae the thief.
.BOSS thop* preeeat from abroad
■Mrtd wear u> tUa aba. prapanlorr le
w: Hr*. A. M. Cook. Oeerge Dago
lYaaaaUr two or the maa-a Head*
i. W. HUHfeaw poniax ap a brick balld aaalatad him 1a bcMlac a aort « ■»at of Traverro City. Hr*. P. J. '
tap ea (ha laUar all*.
Uaaalt. aad tb* ndl cd J(Mia aad Prank od dSeago. Hn
tooad atfeir laekad laaMe Bulllran of tepto. Mia* C_______
bit aoch. where he hlawalf bad placed Charlevola. Hr*. Baaeb. Port Obhlda
t for aafe^aaplaa
ca Ttutfataj. Oae died ab
aad fbaaitfear died abMl
Navel Map e< Country.
cloUtBg aad geeu' turaUbiPMr. OhDiani taUatn V
. ... blf all acre aiap of the Ualtad tag vodi Brm od KubPtk A Hoyt will
ad *B«h. Uadartakar A:
Suits that tka bateau cd pUat la- bagiB bmlneei la a new etcre. erlU
For wet wcaihet. Soft, pli­
-Large tiiee of Sl.M dioea
oB Ualoa
Ualoa eiroet.eiroet.- aen
aen to
daatry wUI show at Ue
the worMe lair --------------- ■.t. -U Ukli
LaUDm * tbo*
etore. Octo^ 10. The
able. but eruetproofanddanble
---------> CP«n rrtdv abaaclac OB
•I just
pcalllre tom
ydiy. 1 .
building U
I* uB.der praeae* of ereeUou.
gaiMg^cdIt^iaribart to
uppcrt Solid damp-proor nolet.
hat aH the groat
map palliaed with
be ruabed 10 completion no
Sajmaii^ Bevr Toakar. dmiiit.
that Bark tba hegadartea between the
alatee are aearlr
all eut. aad Baarr of



Circulation thit weak 2«625.



Il^nUl S;U, lltanUU


Olomen’s $1.75 Shoes

ntw Tall Stylt*

Only two numbers but they are of unusual val­
ue. They are two of the best ones we ever of­
fered you. You know what our Petticoat
Specials are, and this is fully up to or beUer
than we have had before. : : : : : : ; : :

At One Dollar

only $1,3$

' it

Bay Pair


Mercerized black Saline,
very full wide flounce with
three narrow rliffles stitched with six rows of stitching
-dust ruffle; all lengths.

ttlomen's Oxfords


Mall Ordors




dial, klocb of ibU plaatlBd caa- bualaaa logeUer under (be Boat I
»M be doae aaUl the trui ia out of
, be flteaad aeit eprtas. but the
* haaiSM M Brtaii eoatt Mdar
a* the paMb bTl T. Uaaaab to tba
eaeceae of tba m«ee oaderUklap. of the Brm .. ..
. _ .
iBowaMa ad tfed wtD ad
Mty for Ue pact Devea year*, but U
Utiaiid. waa babL JalST^Haaaak
Oynam* It Hero.
well known here, havlag been U boaiuea* on Pronl etreel for Uree
K. W. dy_____ __
with Hoben Cbureb a* Ue Bj
r Beetrte Light <
Urte Bebaru ware ap
Power Oo. arrived leal iweelUy.___ Kwbeck A Chneb. Prevkxis U
a* ODOB aa potaibl* It win be totalled itma ha bad been omployed to Uo
Btaro cf tbo Haafcab A LAy.HercanUlo
At« AaaUuad tbs beard cd IhraiT
Oo. where he woefced hM tAy up bom
lb* place or I
WbMmp bairiatBrtv aBafoea. tba
Ue poallloa edtoab boy to that of
----------------------------- U OBc. aad wHi
basrd. M dMalad bp tba ccBbca waa
> do sway with all Ibe bclUag.
e good baeteeee to ten
The Urro Ug truaetomei* to 1
k u>
ia vaeuiac.
CUdUlac. bat
eooM not be ta
etly are te place la Ue baeemrtt
U any iplace but Trann
Ue oBee dowe town, Ua twit . UBed' wtu
la boBC. and bat returned 1
board* are B pUs* npeubn. abd
tbiag______ __ _____________________
. to Ue Mg Baeblae. which wlU
be pel M acrtt Sunday. It caa be pM
la aad oooaected
few boon.
. la a ft
m la Ue City coaUe beelaeet od-tbe
a lataataB. TBa tnarai att"lU*W* talertered wKb
mile, aad etaatly alaee\lSt>. aad 1* very well
dalay or aa- kDCWB. DM (B^la tbe dty. bet la the
cd tbe «ODla l*», aad.W_____________
\Lr a
employed by4k>Bgtoe A Bo . .
Q. B. Bougbey A Co. larly to ins be
Death a( Hubert Oeueto.
' '
poaltlob wtu B’llbelm
Stz fretlbt cart waat edi the M. *
iQDt Bey. Hkh. Sept. A—P .
N. B. uaefc oa TtModv aboai (;«p
er. coe ofSattoa* Bay-t'aarltot
ever tlaee, for
k aeo- the flelcht heoae oe (be
•m. dropped dead frea heart dlttowBad or (be doUl
a la kaowa why aaee at 1 o'elaek UU moretag. ta Ue . .
BaU Haa . Ne n
genu- furulablag
tbrt iaapad tba
oMe* od Dr. Payae. Hr. Deaetar had
year aad
was deUred to a taw boara. aai u>a
PitoWBtly lb* beet id bealU abaitrorA.J.VUb*la.wboreBi'
rasalar •:« traU waa able to tore
t tot night he baeaBC'to at Ue oM eUad wbea tb* Bra
aa Uae. all the traek barlai been
etored ed the derailed eara The dasU aa laBueptUl t
or Dr. Payae abeal t o'etoek to SM

tMaaud anwft tba aadtUap of bUla.
iurt'a Owaatag. died Widataday od

S5JSirs2s'j:.?sts.“,£;: .“LIS

r. H. Aaweu cf l|ato Orere trail
tar« krUff tba HaraM appto wUcb
to a^


i a BMiite

•t Uetablly,
r wae bora ta Oer
d bleaaadwi. whleb......................
many l« yean aad
age, a
Id < Boatb*
,,___ I B cdteBBldraM <M two baab- baa beta la SitUBt toy tor 4B yea
ait which ba lUppad tbit weak, to- .. .................... wife, be tovea elx e
drea. tow tea*
bee. aad two daeghieeg Hya P. C
OMA^^d^^ Oectrod* Deo-


PMla toywa O
Mayor Saato held


t la tb* CBrUtto;

Be baa beta boserod by tb* poaltto
cf member cC tbe dty board ct edacadek from bU ward. Berrtag ia that ca­
pacity wtu crwdK to (our yean.
Mr. Hoyt hat roelgaed bU po*
wlU A.
WObdB. to
SeptaBbar U. A taU1 llae d geode
to tb* new etore baa

tba fwtara

U* tool BBrtet, at a rueairnr wbleb
lb* Aayere bagaa boyiag agala
with tba (be dty eroto UU Bomtag. w
They boyert _
bat wtn .
tb* city ecoto to a Ita*. uBtll tb* v>
taiow bagla cowtag'iD Mr-'irely. ~
Maynr .Saato
to tto «•«
ud ‘ko*^
k to a weak. wtU tha
li I* eapaeiad that tb* aHp (or tba
iMg U Mr. Dmm
haw deck to tba car (arry ed tba T.
oaoogk to& I
a. U A M. read wfD ba aoBptoad by
UU aad that b«
beau wtu be raa- (be poute boyert an u
abM recaiailr boB
OTw U* dty Dcato. » net.
■S* U to be made that wSI be n

a bueb Buck tBallar Uaa a raapberry
Tbe bloaaom
riiiBhlii (be
eomwbmij. a* doe* tb* frwtt. bet It

Letter to Jeh> MHIer.
Traveree City. Mto.
Dear Sir: U you Mw palat by Ibe
galto took out to abcrt-B
Ob* or Ue palau to ml* ta y
ttoa hat aboat tie cable ti
Ma . Takea m to taak* a
‘HMce are great baeta^
oa tea per oaat
It U queer (bat a tana >
1U axpoM Me er m aak
at be done, and It doe*.
nu wui do away wtu tb* peto°e*d
Lock out.
Bat that U
Maa er lb* bayet* to pw ta nedte cT
Udr ova at (mn. and wtn dewbUto
glee (all Beaaaro; aaTMCml ta


Cry a pair of onr Famous


« « Band-made Shoes

Guaranteed to be ctric

. They ftt better, fed better wi
ir bHier than any other iboet made for Men'i ever) lUy iraar.

$!.*«, $I.7A $2.00.
Web Cut Band-mad< Sbecs $2,00 and $$eo
Boy*- $Mml«ss Shots
TVe kind Hut D,.et rip.

Stic 11 to 2-S1.3C ««1 $1.60;

Siui »



of thia^ family, is the “BEST”
. flour. It is the best all around
flour for femily use on the
market today. Ask your grocer
for the BEST, and you'll g<*t it.


' *** ****


wa buat pat oa aad the Oa
wm be laid U a law dark.

__ tot all to took mt te.

Mercerized Black Satine
-two vefry
pleated ruffles under dust
ruffle, velveteen bound. 6est
$1 -60 value we ever had.

TTiis is the mail order store. People are finding this a
:ory way to shop, and this a satisfactory
satisfacion' store to
send their orders too. Our money back plan is your





At One Dollar

J A |9- A. I. AC

si"' S'.’



ING SEASON-They are tbe^ats tbe men wfll
wear—they like
them—the are not
such extremes as
some seasons call
for—they will fit
Bcarif every tuze
face. You’re bound to find the right hat here—because tbe variety is hcTe—
and fashion says: Wear the style that looks well. The bat that fits one face
won’t the next—so »*-e carry an extra large assortment to meet all demands.


1 hal aix- so much in demand. There are so many new de­
signs and combinations uf colors. You are planning changes
for more bed room—you will need several new beds—such
beautiful colors, and so wdl made. A full sire white enam_
ameled iron bed for SY55, a much finer one with brass trim­
mings for $3.50: other styles at $5.00. $6,50. $8.50 and $1000. . Tbe colored enamel is used in so many combinations—pink atKl gold, yellow and blue. Une aad
white, yellow and nile green. Elegant braas beds ia the most artistic shapes,
heavy rwo-inch posts, and brass kn^».

The slMp-inviBQg kind—you don’t have to hunt for the soft
ts. ^^ese
s all soft. We xlT you a matireas with ex­
These are
celsior foundation and cotton top or finishing, for $2.75. aad
Ae tickiiv is tbe best made. Got another kind that is soft
any way you use it. for it is cotton top and bottom with excelsiorin the middle. These are splendid $3.S. If you rat a
genuioe dandy, but the all layer cotton, warranted not to bunch, gtt hard or
roll up. T|ie> are so s(A you almost over a^. These come in four different
grades. There are many who will have n
the best of
hair mattresses.
We have some fine ones. The best that raone)- can boy. There is n > wear out
to a good hair manress.



gdagw orer a^ to. Dartroa teak

a: rsjT
A Mg bold

K at Caadag FwBry.

tba wert. TBW bto

TB* Trorore# oty Oeertag On. U

, ,


Ortlc. Ojc




Uae to a bold, yeatoww—etn '
bargata: mrad ive eaoU a ga
Btaaad Dwea
Pewlellew! Tbaie tot aa ca. «d
tod ta hU palat—we deal knew tow



IttoOrt. iMBIBtoP«l<
rtXf, Mluek. 9ttoM WKtW*.
illlmro* MSIaioto. nma WKlAw,

U*ctotoreDDv«ttbetBit.Jro$ner.|iictaK6aBe. im bed
«r tiriik. We bkrt *n ktod* of PsBta, Viniiibii bM Wait

Wmi« A Son*



Grand Traverse Region.
to tkta MlctlortKiQd. Ur t

P. E. Darb rtaltad la Knrtbpnrt

Oi BieB eiiBate aMaad vui bln.
UruK Sktaaer. vbo hae beaa ao daa-

"'uta Aaole asd Hba Carrie CadkBB rBIted at tbe E
la Kbrthtart bat -m<
VaB De Wall

) pretty weddlat took place
Auver i
aad wt . Tbe weddlat look pbee at
e ot tbe brMe* talker.

Kurtbpon Suadhy eraBbc
____ EBBa IbLoat vlll aUead ibe
pabUe aebool tor a Use bMord be«leaiai bar vork of uaebLut oa Npnb
wcBi ut atcely. Tbe wUbei u( a boat
or (Head* to with ibem ihroach Ufe.
The Creaeeai baded a llrely rru
AI SIHBDi-r bat rrlaraed boaie trooi
ur tall p:ay«re hare Suaday truB (
Waahbciua aberc be ba* bera workHUelOD Tbe rap U eilll bare.
in* ibU komaier. Al ae«-iB» tb' ruseni
pbe>Tbe ru
KM home. He ibblii Ulrbban
ere Suday.
Tbe taak opeaed lu doon for boel- be bU.linure boiee.
I. Ed 'CoDlae U quite ik-k ai
Sepienber let. aad Ibe praapecie
.a W, hope tn.aooo koov re
. toud buetaree are rery brlthi.
Bee are dolat all In their power
.•t'lujln.- aad
wife have
ire tbe people a Srvi eber
dine a lew daya dabtat at Oreea
la« aerrliv aad ahould bare tl
They bare )UM ndurae^botoe.
port bt (he eouaiy.
There l« aM a laI many
mac eoua-' nrictlat wiib ibaB a baakei ot tbe
^'larebse aad Ora Palrhaaka *ara Uw Ibat ha* Ukea ibe
F 'penaaDeat
lnlee«i t>h ever brvMubi la Wexiurd.
froB Trararae 6ty Saaday.
We hare
l.<Ma ul raia. lot* uf crala. Tbe old
ffovth that we ba<
laa WataOB baToaotad
bare placed I adace ha* pruveo
Itacll true. Mr.
«o:blDt bb.
Pray'd caap.
ihai will
will re-1 Nleki-rana nf llraal auwi«l SJ batbeU
waw lored knt >plk«* ihai
Oao. E. Pray of TraTieae Cliy ralU>
ibreabed over V*>.
mala lor a Illeilai.-. aad when ihe
(rleada byre PrMay.
J.ihn*oa ot Wetfurd will
ronaty lair 1. la openil-a. call aad
Hr. aad Hn Jbb«b BuUob aprai
■ee u> and kiok tor yvun
tew daya <d laat vaak arhh ralatler
ftasoo la 48
Boalan* Mea'. taaorbiloB
se wish her
~N»b Lake.
B Pray ««al lo Bk Raplta OBa
tay la.. _____
b-iwe k«a lo
Hr. Allea hae boBtbl I
Hr Hadaatb or TboB
and beaetebl a
tlilnklDf or loealltC^le ihk TtdBKy
The l.idln Aid aorlety of Weal
ColoD met at Mn AI. Ramaey'a bat
piatlac balWIac dalle
TbMn.<l*y. Tbe AM w»* well altended
ana. >
ibla rail, li
' veryUMy bad a toud ilDr.
Tbe Bill BabhMl tbe year'* r
aad Mrs CbaMes Caaule luuk
5:M o'ckwk Priday aljthi
Illniwr with Mr. and Mr*. W. H. Ulxim
Mr. and Hn. Treretil- \i*lte.|

elu* McblM. Mi«
hiMlar. luo.
Hn. r. C. KmtoM ot Orra« U4f» CUr « rlilHIatlolaUwa ban tkta
te rWdaf torn •um. Hr*. A. M 8a«U.
Iw A lev dan: Alia krr soiuls. "
a Tra»«»p CKr »l»Hoyt
WbI.. Hicslai
Hiedu or TratPrae CU<
lior Satartay.
.In. talili to
Charlaa aad Ed OteadOBBlat ara aa(04a7 »llli bpr nt«* rot
KttalBlat a aooalB (hla »aak fro*
Artkor TboaiBa ct Adaat. JaVam
MBBly. N. T. vbo haa baaa TMABt
rBlaitvB bare, ratorv^ bnBa^ar^'

Ud daotlitOT. STHe

tan. *111 to lo MartiPM wdar tor a
akett vUlI.
I. aad
tail .Ik
.ibp laat
tta wMk
la Tn»«r»e
ae cur.
CUr- Nph MoBday tkar
I atari (nr ttatr bc*a I
a. HI.
wtik HBa DaaBU
Hra. rnak Job
lor a viali to bar
m MlBblcaa.
A aarprtar nanr wai tU'an at Oartd
iohaaaa'i laii I'^Mar rrealai.

Hn L LaPraaler et Trarew Qly
m lut veta hm *BIU^ ita^^

-.. l!TKdlul!£^
• laaraa sen Hoo-

I a nJ^I

Otmadaa Plata

BO bailer.


^ ^ «m to
' iUa. Abo* Hall baa >aat eow
boBa troB Haaleiaa «bara Hr. Mall
hBB baaa aorttac.
Brta Baal'a ataat

Hra. Tbanbort waa lo o«r Bidtt
Hr. aad Hn Duryaa vaal lo HllvaabM OB iba aiesnlaa. Ob tbeir
Mara tbay teal ae iboBtb ibey
hae« *HI taid.

Ira. H. Speer I* eelenalnint ber
_iar. Hn. CIbIbo. at MarloB, lad
lle* niileally ill
Hlaa Lellie WUar. «ho bar bees
ally bou»e
Iw Oarner at
vlaUInt (rteada bere. retarsed lo ber Tnrecue Clly waa rallnl to ronauli
raw Id HaatoB SBiartay.
with Dr. Peaion oa the raae Honda
(n Hodie* la very popula
,e life ot any rompary wher
tad ber IIIbb* haa rasi
;k»ro over ibe whole eommunily.
Mr* Isaac Howell, who haa bee
rUliod al UaatoB bat w
tblilnt al KIcbmoad and oiher polqi*
Hn K J. Qab of PowIerTilb b <
la aouibern ladbaa. murned borne
liat her abler. Hn L. 1. TedBtaa.
0. H. Speer went to Sonlh BoardHn. le-tl WllIbButa WalioB la
maa yeaterday. wtan he U Mtated Ihe Kelly boaae.
ifl Irarb acboB.
1 Mr. Neifi JamiIt U reported
Word waa recelrod today of tbe «oB hat boutbi Ibe oou*<
lb of (1 8 Stalker al (be borne of
be Urea, and foHy
raiher at KabB. Pa. Ur. Stalker
It land
a mile aon
been la poor beallh for tbe patt
.-ear. laai etobt be reaied bb fam
In Unloo aad tamtiy of Klafsley
tad treat to Abb Arbor fm- iraatawei. rialiod at Pbu Barnum'a Subday.
Mil railed
to reoeire aay '
Hn. Hobart and her ated miftl
kbeai tbe alddle of Jaly be
Mn. Kaltbl. of
R<»kford. 111., are
day* I

SK L‘.':r"'„rs:'ss a,s

rey aal

■ery faai slacv pdat ibere and died
aal Friday. Sept. 4th.
Ur. Stalker

btler harlu apesl
(bair aaBiBer bone li
Hr. and Hn Paal

Hia. Joba PuMytar la rary kM.
tai la asoa tauar at tkU wHUbc.
Hn Handaa aUl baard ibe taaebBBUy
k Hn Hop.

Iba nat cd tbb amk. t

Hca. ^Babbit bbd ta___________
Mra. Oa&lea o( aoBlbtrB bubi,—

«*d Hr. VIU Tlbbata.
Tta Baqba'ehlMraB are racorarlat

Mn ABM at CiMdr b bare taUa*
: dMt
• ad tar BMbar. Hra lBplb|ana


r. i^W?1lad toBlIy Borad
Hy. pSm at TtaMfBBTllie

2^^bU da.B«..Hn'
Mn.-5d!nM Id Orabd EapMa la
(ta| «B1 M Hn Heaatal ai Ibb
^oltaMBWaa o< CHBvrta aad Hbt
■lalb Adaaia or taiartotatB van
BBirlad at Utava bM Priday algbi.
Tta yoBBt touplt Hdl tor Caaborb
•Barday araBlac vbara tbay vlll rta
It batora taartbf (to Oratss. wtarc
(bay aipaM u Bata ttab biraa. Tta
»aac baopM ara b«b van kbova
tar* aad tare a bon at frleada vbo
trUI Balu la vlahlac ibM eeaey tap


Jta WbRe b bid. «p

2 ISn'S'.Jr:

Mn Oaarve Laadl* ta
OHy to rtatuac rtaatlred la Ibli
<talte a (rv <rf our people a
•aUBB* Bay oa tbe Creeeeai

tatoe la Jolin. IU„ oa tbe -stCBawr
Ckaftoroix Ian Priday. Mn. Lelcb(BB haa epoBi Bon ta ibe tuBBer
vta raBUrat ben.
Hn Sbav at Cbkaco export* lo
atan tor bar boBe today. Sbe ba*
beta HiBilTii aeraeal vaek* vtih bn



[*rly cotarrenm ta
r Uua^i

jfr WalM ta Weat AlBhB aad Him

Hr. aad Hra. J, D. Hke have Mfi
AlBlia BAd BOV raaU* at Tratrtkae
NelUc Roaa ta Lab* Aaa vat tbe
ta HM* Hlaa Meyeia Moaday
jinkl1i»-^ bera on. I. itaa. Oairia *^r^^lZto*Hym. SaBBrt Myen and
1. OatpaBtar ta ibH ptoaa baa baaa taaily. Hr. aad Hra. «niua Laba.Hn
taadlat la
appalatad carrier. U *>Mdlaf
Uaary PoMoam aad Hra. R Bata* all
^ ent.. aad '___ have BOB* to Cedar Rn to attead (he
R Cuwer. O par
M nii Bllaa ta

WB. tt
MttaSlBdloA. E

n If yoo dm
lerirtr Ull <

nk Waib, PBBlaad.


bark Hft.tbH
MM* Ub PHfeaid aad

(Ha to Iba

Tlie lime of year to b«' ihinUin;; aliout stoves ami ranges. I havea full and comiilcic lim; of Siovos and Ranges
•H different stylfs. sites and prices of Steel Ranges, ranging from $ir>.7ri up lo the celebraicd ^luick Meal nlie very
best Steel Range made). Have sold hundreds of them and have never had a complaint. Have sold them for ^
years. l>oth here and ai'Klk Rapids and have never had a call for rejairs. We guarantee ihcm to give (torfeci
satisfaction in ever)- way.

When )-ou buy n tenge

ten. tmlcfa:
acraicn; una^
unaote ito
wen darlag the day or
« night
llrblng pH«*.
ileep dtulBg (be
Doaa'* Olatmcat

Umps of aU Styles.and Deslcns


willjhxv v<t-t lo Imy A
;Ufgelmctagla»UmpsBp irom ..............
l^>u»L SIcO, <il aill Uw
voii«a lilV tm>*.

large iltssini^t ihuite rhiafery........


A |»ellv decotalol Uin]i, Hands 1 ft. 4 in.,


jui t

high.ftw mtl,....................................................... .

I ike

c,u I ^
cul. Band* J fL G la

rtbcT steel




rwiiiw ce » W

LEON F. TITUS, (^thicr.

toir. juxt

celebrated malie'able





Tliey lange in twice
along, $87.75.

out ta A dUh ol water
anid pul 00 a Ump with
a big bUte and it

. I liav-e ffUeti uji a depansneni
We I

We bandte the
Ump efumncTL

^ that yon can pick right




not break.





lobii C. Beadle


ta nickel

Nudent Laretia,

all kinda ta leootKl

give mret light

han<] pMd*;





-------------------------------------- exchange .fur a new
w iai«e ta any kind
ve will take
oo hand wvcrel gened hand tta»-es and

offer cheap.
ASNAl’lora mnDcrw OUD.UU6 .~.ore.
Urge, beamiful Cook Stove that ve took »n exdiAitge for a
•leel range, li i* a firat cUai. 6-bole Hove, made by i>leweti & Co
The top it 4 ft. i-m. kmg, 2G mche* vide.
wiU uke S3 in. wood. A Uige eocaseU cottper je*eiTOii. catra Urge uuare men. 10 indieg tride, 81 luri.ea deep, 18}
inchet higb; Urge ermugh to bike to 10 m 15 m a
base. Uige iu(*e! t«neU on oieti dooiv in Urt a *'nc«ly
bigh grade (tore (worth $30.00). eelM no* to.............. ...$1E00
Several tag bantini in obi 2nd hand depaitraem ai414 We«

A U^ line ta Cook Stove*; 84
.•elect Irom, ................................................................... W-M Uke cut


oke 18 m. VOO.I. 17



oven, with nice l^abctr

on lock and under oven

A 6ne Urge Hore. joA like
em.wieely orerftoenled, will
uke 18 in wood, cacaied,
cuBeled reaervoir


and are more duiaUe.

y-oo hare an old glove




where ve erill -haiwUc

We barelb«Ri,}ito like
to................. ............................$1511

Riuben Brecket


whb top ta ettnv, etrictly

lampL j«t Hk. cut. i

piete with reftcclo(



Um. Mt MK SrNM
ta IN Frictt.
In our tinware and
rvcrythiiY'^ need al the loweH pcicci. Carpet Sveepen, broona,
mope, all kind* ta dotke* vrityeee; anything you warn in your liidien
or vadi room,
lo Furniture oor hne i* eon^rfete, aa it thntye «.
The moBt ta yoo krtoar that ve have the UifM atooetmeni at the
loveB pricea, on everydneg you want to furnah yoar hooK.

«ric|i gUBAbt^

pBta a pciMo in mind ta a nme venn bUnkcL We have aiadc*
ta tbeea. 1 boeght them early befare the adyance. and ag
lell yoo a nice pair ta good liicd btonkcM at low aa.................... 67c.
They ru«e right atoig np ftorn that w a GneptartaAU Wool at $8.76
A Urge line ta piUov CAMB. op from.................... ..................................
Sheeta, bed ipreadi, and qnihi at mil (xice*. AO Blylex ta piltov
riiam bold^ up from................................................................................. ,*-

F~iLi' .iii. idol

to only........................................$1E76

Heety, AH Wool Smyrna R

Special J{0be
and Blanket Sale
Special Bargains


andaiae* olUn^dun-.

SSiSZ'SinSJ,. lr,'£"o.T.
.... —

Tartbt mxt Slxtf Dtps


line ta all H)deg, (wicet


geatanicrtl in every was

■i M 9 B B( hhmt



high xhrir an>l rexet-


Which PM b*vc hen


bowl, largc.kimetbaile. for only....t.

aBonmeni o(

with Ihe-




A full

Omi Thit siriici Acemt



A Ilie, Uire anortaest gf decdoM Umpt
A lieauiiriil Qulvk Ncxl

The tame it oi«l) oraainented. reU on a tttrHy omimeplctl

Itoet put h off a
m()e day kmjer.


Cohuetl sUra lAn>]>x in pevn.'or ns(. with


aoU to U|>.
Al Ceatral Village. Onna.. Ihe ex
phwIoD ta a citBee po( aevercJy la}ur«d Mra. Sibley Sawrday.—'
' ' f, and -eb
.cupper (
a a gin.
ji uaual b
led on the cover aM lighted
hiir »OBe r««aoa toe ateam
did nut eacape, and aa Hr*. Sibley waa
about to am* lb* coSee l*e pot
d bad ebe not worn apo
would probably bate' b

N. E. STRONG, Mngr.

Jiiaei "I
a band.


Dtato. tbe oBBlat

*IWB BHBCbard ta WaUla
Hmaiota aad atmtea ar* n*«iv
‘Ttn^WETcarpeatar H oa Ita •Borf Sgara
-* bool b*^ Taatoto via aa la-

W. W. Kimball Co.
129 Front St.

Evcrj'thinB '** snail Insmiments. Slum Music, ric.

Steel. Range,
Juai been roaverted and vlabea

. ootmruxE

to City ibiBiilay to nar etar
BaHdiy; Iyb^tar paraeu. Hr. aad
OtadH 8
Itaa. H. (
iBBa^ Ue tvb ttttl* aeva
I. ta eweapo. ara rlaltlaf at
Tb* earpTB* party at UM Nipa
Hr. TboBa* 1* a Mayen' Tamday rtraalBg vaa vail ai( Mr. BobrtU


Al I.
arlence ha* develolwd.
lady baa Jual received ^
lac foitr large fantloDa and live pen
ale*, arfatch a domeelW In her assploy
purloined eeveral yean aga The Irt-


Mra. Prank Hardy .ta taterlorben
ha> bvwb npeadlu a week at Oopis
C P. Batea etpaeu bH tlnar (roB aUab vlib ber BOCber, Mra. Robert
idtaaa aaxt vata.
Dixon Hn. DUoB baa bee* an ti
Hla* Ptart Dan ta tan Mtdaa taa (or nome iIb* vtU rbeuBalMBL -.
beaa aptadlis a (av-4apa^a HIb tbe baa greatly Imprared. We bop
LUIlaa Utay.
abe Bay eattrely raoover to abe can
Hr. aad Hn
reiam boat aad vMlt'ber tamlly an<
-ere Iba caaau ta Hr. aad
trtaBd* vbo bare been deprived ta be
Heary PoltoBB taBday.
tapany for -ao kau.
MiB Vida Bp'
at wrer^
John Bmltb ta DrtrolL Oregoa. la
.Bborva Friday_____
.kaklat bead* viU hit oM frleBdt In
ap^ aad aBai. Mr. i
OfBBi agala
John took* a* It ib*

These instruments are made by competent workman,
nothing but the best msterial is used, and every instrument
is subject to a critical test before leaving the factory. Fact­
ory prices and liberal terms. Everything guaVanteed
. .

Cken. Teller. Salt Hbeum.
Sfirea, Chawied Haad*. Skin
laa; Inlalllble lor Pile. C.irv tuar
ite«t. Only JSc ai Jas G JohnWi
Id P HI Mead*

Ilua't .Ktanium. it
Reader auddenly




Bucklen-a Aretea Sahn.
world whie fame fiw marreli
li surpaanes aay other saJ

Kiaavl. Howe, a Hattie Crv-k
lo-r. 1» iilekln* ..•e.ind arttarih-airaw..erriea frum hla vine.. In
. of Grand Rapid,
riuanUlle^ They have Ibe saute llavor
ne Saturday.
irlBK InuTliw
Txima* Ollan r. who baa beeD bier
r Dill bere. relumed
1 bkiod and iBdlceattoa a
lewd City Saiurday.
ly earimet lu Koud health.
Illikd Hitler, deulniya Ihem.

A mile Ufrt may i>
■uddea aiuek ta cn
have Hr. Tbomaa' I

enters into the construction of
the popular high-grade ....



aay one advtae jm:
|oud a* Ih«n'>
which dou« ao tnu
Kidney ini. did a
For Bale by all oawien.
eenliL KinlerHIIlHim Co. Ihiffah.
V.. aole aceaiB fur the I'nluu) Ki
fteniemu-r ilie name - lv<an'>

... ______ _ .
ba* toorad tato M. Uera
RlcghiB ebarefa asd Tuertlay even
■ apd
Q. Neuber ta Caledoala will oaelale.
Mted to R«v- E Mohr ta thU plaor
a Oood aad lanOy.iaok a
are eordlallr lavlird to allend

KalKbi* ol Pyihla* carali
HcHIclia.-l, cootrartor. drv
m-eeni i
had abuui learned lo raa It when
urday u.>nilas the nkachlnv wa»
atmyed fay Bre In the cbfi ead farmer
ibnla. where It waa alurvd. Tbe In
d«*'roye.l i>evet*l .rther laluillh- re-1

IkoaD'. Kidney Plll^ riire all kl■iuey
Tnverae Clly people leaUfy lu lhl>.
Mr Wm H. Iwrralwe. of Ml AVeb
.ler .treei, aay.: "k'or yiBT* I waa
annoyed by a veaknea* at the kid
ueya. 1 did nol have murli baekacbe
but Ibe aeituns of ibe kidney
Krea'Iy- dUturblBB a
haalabvd tl
lioan'K Kldsey i'lU.
imuhli-. and If I c<-an aay aayiblnK
I help iviBvInee idhei

--------------- je a
Fred Proellck ol
Traveree City
■r Trarera* City rlatiad
Jl.<d on Mead* here Sunday.
tod Moaday.
Hra. Krewirt ta Untlac l» »l*lHn*
Hn Cbreaee laienoll M Trarerae her •ialiw. Mia. J. F. On«ea*er.
Ity vaa the taaat erf Mn. McDobad
Hra. Wm Cure Itai Saturday for
Tbit vltb reHllTea al Bay C^ty
^^HayMII LadOe of Nortbport
Mra. ABdenoD ta Omena va*
muraed to bar bos# brt Thunday. Cue:ii of Mri..Jeanle Oraetoer la
A rery eojoyabto rraal took pboc
w beaa* M Mr. aad Hn. Joba *Mr. Ziecler rrtnmed
to DelrtU
, vbara a tamlly raoataB haa Toetda) aner a Tlalt hare vltb Hr
MOB bald lar tta part (VO data. Tta and Hra. Raladi.
iblldrae pnatat i
Ed Welaa ta COelaea. Hlrh.. I* call
Ociok aad Hr. Oao. . _
« oa maada bare.
City. Mn. r. y Lovaa. Joba
MM* Ullte Ofoeeaer I* taktap maale
Praak ibao erf Cbbaco. Hn. K. r.
iullleaB^I............................... "
Hn. II. Of iwald^apeadlap a fee
(da OBBbB.
_ at
_ Trat
lae aiy wtihJrteadi.
flora. Saphb______________ _____ . Hla* Lima
LlIHe Welaa lefl for ber boa«
Joba aad WU WtaBbr tatartalaad la Reed Clt* laal Saturday, bavtaid
ibeir ablar. Mn MeOsBaU aad ber apeot Ibe aummer vltb ber <
VO cblMraa. of Oaaada. Ian voak.
Hn. Johb Qroeeter.
Aletaader HUIob aad (aaallr ta*
Tbe aebool lb IXalrtel No t wilt
tajoytat a rlalt tros Ibeir rotala. .jvmaace ibl* Bomlas vlib HUa
Halllda PrlBuBB ta Nortbp«n aa
' ar
Hlaa Prtmatu laosbt toe
_____aebol Mat year aad paee pood
Dare Deeeadorf. a painter ta Ttbt
Joba White of SoIob t»d Hra. BUb..-aeCliy kaa baadr paial IB| the arbnolMb ----------------frf HapI* Otiy vara
oBTTtod ABC. W aad vtal to tta E E bouae laalda. vbleb la a «wat IB
eoBtraatloa al Haaeoek oa Ibair
Hr. aad Hn John Thacker and Hr
id Hra. John Saabora ot
oT ~
'“tIoww W. Oood aad Paarl ArltatClly vldted vltb relative*a bm Bubm vare Barrtad Ian Thaiwitr.
Acaaa Uood vUI ratan lo Oblo lo- day.
Hn. E Befell of Traverar ' City
Hra: Ida Ha**4 aad Hlaa Estb HUla haa been vuiling vltb'Mn. A. W.
H OM Mlsstoa rtaltad at J. W. Utaar^ Hebert a tew day*.
HM* Laura Uadley Mi tor Nonbon Balnrday vbm abe I* eegaged
Hill Priday.
I 1*^ la one of ibe achooto.
Hr. aad Hn J. W. Dtehwnaa alpmar OmbM. Sr. an
itaded Petooaa Oraat* at lataad Ian
ploBeff ta Blngh
Bingham loveablp.
(bey called
...aday evaaing sRer
__________ vta la alao _
Tbe rnneml vaa held
. ,
_vy rapen a raiy Sae Uaw
—XJ atrfb* '
CaOoUr ebureb at Sut
aU aroQBd. mil aad eropa look vail
K* Mava* a vrtfe,
They doat (blab tbe (artoen paad umi Bay. Bie
to m
aay tpairaeika tnaa tbe Ben Socar and ihraeliidaugbien


. U«Bdi. UratClinr.

Many a Traeertc City
Knew* Tee Wall.
When Ibe klda«y> are pick.
Nniire tell, you all aboui it.
The urlD.- I. aature'. caleodar
iBireuorai or t«. Ireqpeai ar
Aay urinan Itxiuble left* of kidney

lienba HobUal* t

^A^l-lo owi^a or^ci •


Howard Ibe uld>->i prmvMi. Clemraa. t. under
rrr to a chanie of aaaaull
lo do treat bredlly ha
ASBoyeil by boyi who .lole ap|
fiosi hi. orebard. he U ac«iiM.-d
11 phBsed wllh Ihelr barinc ibot Into a crowd ol th
at Wextonl.
They Huldrleb On»«-r rxrlved Hi .hot
la the ritbi mac In Ibe h-K aad'l. nald II Iw lo. danter <
- - i.ilMBlnK.


preaehrtl bit farewoll aermon her
lore toliii lo eoblerepee.
lehard Uanball ha* Ixr-a enJoylnK

W. Bullteaa at Trarwaa CUy
«aa iB lovB OB iBBlBaaa SalurdBy.

1 la tta bon

RveryUMy li

■er of Ihe Odd Fellow* lodte al Klttga-

Hn Harkel i« quite airk.
P. W. Balllraa o( Trararae
elBlIad rrlettda here Wadaeoday.
HIM Haade Hall ta eWIIat Maoda
at Trarerte oty.
Ur. aad Hn loha Paul *aeo the
SaatlB or Mr. aad Hn iniMB Sub-

L OtltaM I

Trarane City Wedaaaday aad Prtday
aiarted lor their home
Park. Hina.

Faarful Odda ApaliBt Min
Bedrlddea. akiae aad deatUnte.
wai tbe eoBdUtoe
aa old aoldler by
%'eraaUb*. O. I 3T yean be wm*
di«eab* aad'
aeftbef doriiirt aor aredirlae* taw I
11 Wasifa be tried >3«c-1
Rtr Bitten
li pat btai oa bU laeilf
r aad auw be tnilfin:
ruad lu eoBpMe reeorery." Beet oo earth rur Liter aad
Kidaer ituublea aad all fnno or
Stiwaacb aad Bbwel OoiaptalBta. Ualy

ODD-cup*. BBocera. nUiex and evatotbmg r» want m
' w hi^ gretH. decoraied EngUdi ware in open
r our
out at'
at hatl yncc.
•took to data


to an ng^

ta tarf


. a on ime ta TapaHty, V'dvat. Hoqnette, Sajk»,
t, and aO kinda ta ragi and art niMraa. AMo a ftal hne ta
Lace and Tap«atryCimBiB;,.aDd Rope Parttorca Onr hne ta Tapea-

A nkv Epiem tm>t eel. hieeii^ ptaoetoto nicely etoboMad far $L76
Sotoctathe tooH beautaBl deematedtaitet •«* yoo ever aav


We can Save You a Lot of Money
to* YrttoWtoPtoto



Reliable Home Furnisher

tba uabswilk aad bad isalMd tba dnfe Ibefr aallra crops, which
wbaa It coBBSMad lo aprlahk. Ha by Ibe hsilsloara.
At a eofa rnoai
laoal to Fueoetrf
Fueestrr a pclir
lalssd tba oBWelk. wBkb bnaa
lo (be oae MItog Ibr
bura brbkir la ibe breeu ba a
A Iraclk girl blib tuuDul
apktas. bai be dlda'I utaagi tba I
eyas pllol *P ueran cube aail w»a
Hrory Wllsam of Nllea drook a
■d Whisk) to -sr.- If be Clulld
_ _
Mgpldt _________________
< (ruB BBban rvdaniar br
■ trad tW cuBtnti^i f<JT baUdiBK i
li'did him aad be sa.
dsV Bunlw iuund the aheletoa of a
The only Lind of conpump i
r>r« ft«taik^ tTMkMiw. (o o
p Itrf eetaral days
i-ablla dtgsUs a Iraacb oo Trooi
sr Uad BBiurs
IIU.IM, WkM Ikr (invrat
to It-ar i'»
“ m-gli-ctcd J
Al (.aailag the a<
n. Tbe booae waro al a dbp' b
>li >S Iba BbouUBp, tbousb tbr
kM bUH Ubvtra Huira^ Utra edt> (be ruoeai sireei raroltsl msuagr cuiisuniptiun.'
feeC No irace of coHa or eloiblas
lojurlra br rereirrd are srrtou*.
I c td ibr OiTiTW. bMvl7 ra)*ed
tfaa> (uuad aruuad’tbcB aad Curuoer
Berk BBd iircael ware pratly well
rlul li)
H» bsUdiu Ui I
People are learning that con'
U.HI.J eiaies rbai Ibe Byelar}
(be .earsdd rBpkiye uf b. m-aii-fil
srlili ska. as was hk fanK>
prawal kmlkiB, uid «b* hbnbt> d
■>r ess pul OW, b»Bi-lr«, Bad ibr pbr Mru! mai ar*<-r be dlsduaad.'as Ibr ll rust biBi 10 reals
.um|»lion is a curable tli.Ne.ivt.
Z L: Bliss uf lb., naiiuusl b.
Kbad Ton R»v« Ahrikyg Bo^bt, Mtd wbteb baa b«M
TliB' bu (irurad tib trUdhstloB. r<ir aeUB BliFBillaB biB Iblafci (bai ibe tsidy ba> ecldraily beea to (be stovad
r^lr} lu U'asbIUglua. 1) t'. tis> It iv neglected cunsumption
ly yton Pyont slroM haa t>*-~
la uac) ftw arar 80 yean; haa borne tbe nignatnr* oT
(1>* |ircM«C MbtUaiUl tira«k»«lBr, •IrllB. u( Ibr sbuuilBS will I»*bW»
*1 lu liraad Harra slid ilrlnliy (ur tlut id so often incurabLv
as a sireei (uriy years and I
i allBK tlt/Mlb. U> beruw u ub ranoo-r (ruB his laJuiUu
M and boa been mode under bit
sr tiBr s udylug'ibr rbaauTng uf
HrBiBibr ■> Urseir elih lln- rtnlB UUy ws* lo Ibr Biddle 4d Ibe tb
• :nar taa lu urIoiMi uid Biut b»
I'wrad. -ni^ U> k*. reradMt It- id Ibr aSBlr Ibniusbeui tbr arlsbbur
«WMr74 ^««Md«(
ibuds lu slup Ib* sbifilaa: u( ibc
Tbr* repuM uf ibr euBBissluoer
iiutd Usird U said lu U> a plrasaal.
—juiimption get a iKUtlc of
ll. Hr tuuk iprssureurulk til Ibi
AU CtMiatcrfblta, InaHmona and •• Juiit.(ks-guod”aiw bat
BsnVUr BBS. not iBrIUnI lu U pruspios lot the Bsral year rod
illffemii saad hills sad will pri-bBbli Scull's Emulsion and begin
popular tbrousb Juar Su la>l sbues Ibe auiPber of p
Kg|srrtnieaM Uutt trifle writb and endanger tba baoUh of
be bark ni-U spring lu •sp>:rlm.-n regular dobci
Is about to rears .I..Drrs la Hlrblgaa lo Ui tiJU a
ognluat Bxperliaeab
• Uh Ibr gruslug uf-lM«rb grasses aci
hr amusiit pal<] M.btd.IM
of apr aad has s IsBlIr of dn cbil
Lt targ'^ cvtImI Ib cbbb bb
Tbr uddesl. aad wllbal. uae uf l
ua Ibr lake shore Tbr-PbverB
The u-Kf «< Scott's Emulsion
draa. Kiuir. uf U»" mulrarr. who i>
rsraCtillr Ml«rUd belM W tb«
awl Bra la Uwusso. Is JSBes Bills,
ladirvrs Ibsl b Bribud can b<
about <•> )rar. <d asr. U said
at once, ha% in ihuusands Of
BOVBtBlB cilabM. B vobbb—MlBi Ai
> rbarariur. hard u> i
ab U PMii (d Ni^ Vbrk~taA •
ssuai like Ihr pruvrrl.iatrcw- ia.s..v turned Uic balantj: in
aluas wUh. aad wllb a rrrr vfalaal Ur Kills Is aa expert baedirr of da*
Ibt. bitbral BUItade «it
N>Im.d. a> drIv.T fur lb. favor of health.
fbr Cnaior Oil, Paraola. and «rry Isdusirtous
Mr has a «l(r aad nrk^mi'
nfb»d br auta
ArrardlBC lo s dl
on as<>. IB bis spare hvarsl be made Owuisu l.'rraBtey I’u sas hrld up bj
Plroaont. U
drre. bulb adalls
tofFlY J HivIniAK.
lateb nMirad hpra. Bb« ba* aeoua
a number tS Uwuss>.<.. sml ssi
brau'ilul uak caikn. When b
Neglcctitl consumptiondocs j
e .iT tie BSSU .diS. ISatnis.
Ki>nr mill b>' iskra lo Maalslrr (or
eoBtolaa neathcr Oflilua, Morphine uor Mb.. NoreoUe
pibbad tbr ItBl of aacaadlBC Houi
Ibraaleaad sllb arrral unless be la
sbuwnlji to arlsbbon >a bit bam ua
RumlBsiPiu Mr b uadi^r arrr*
knee, su
lu aco
ace U___„________
U lu riumulee.
____ ..
It ...______
deetroya W.
ot fkist where Scott's Emul-1 Mlila. wboae balgbi b mbr said. In a low lose as be ui
tlBaiMl at froai tl.OOQ cn tC.OW ftwi.
and allnya Pereiiahncga. It curea Diarrhuu and Wind
Cup Ctars Ifi AmarlcB.
aad b triraadad aely br
.\-rls.m obryr..
■li's lur me'' Bu< br bad a wKi grrrd SI r*.r> sir].
OoUr. It reUerea Toethlac Troubles, t-iirra Countlpottoa
Ni-w Vork. Urpi. ( —The ABrrlra:
«an«d pMtka n( (b« lliaa .
Prompt use of Scott’s Emul-;
baadlwork urders sad i
d first, and
aad Flatuleiicy. It aoaliullatoa thr Food, rvulotew tba
“—le acbaliau belltnc Sorata to ba rup aili raaulo uo tbk aide of'lb<
see. Tb.
. hursr
M ua her r
■ion checks the disease-while it'
aad Botrola, ft\iag faeallby and natiual ntoeps
ksa ibe Hlaalara paaha. aairr (or a while bBCW, as ibe «t
as l>crn u
The Cblldren*a
IU« tbai abea ib« aiaa*- parted ^ppmiKl rraUfdar,
-Tho Mother's Friend.
ig bra*) h
were driciird lo pHtsie raskel build
sorb •
l« br Uba l>erJ('a ripa boailsc Mhaoirurk I
Tbr skrlr
a Ibr rasa u( lb*
d«ad Baa alll b* knova Bdrslo
lirallui cuunl>, has Jusi
•d (ba blfbwt pnlat Is BBl ABenea wmrn wui
SOITT a bviWMg. iWmm.
luupd le North llakuia. wberr h<
TbBrr’s BO sanBd "^boB
1 (ba boaer oT barlaf v

perltfaed lu a billiard ;» wile, (rum emsu Frai auMt.
rruasrd the Palsb iTar at all . KNUara aauiher wife.
Mr. Maddr llslkalla uf Cbassell bis bui. ISU y.ars agu.eased al l:SO:(«. Burr.'
Hrresc ill KsUliisxuti liM-kt-d
tst Tburaday.
Her butbasd
Mir iBslilr (be-tlae tiBll.
d..g lo bis rsim. on iIh- Ibird Hum
two Plalandors. his ouuolry.
YoslrrdAr's was ibr rlgblb annapi
> buildlng*sbllr be'sent Ib illuwT
Id irftrred Ibeai each ti If
Mil a rare After oar duke Ike Ha
I paasarre tro^ turtbar dacar tba
uId dig (be prare (ur bln Fur Tbr dug Iu3i.-d uui Ibe sladuw and
tare w.« iwo raras. uoe br T ml
iBb aad BaatbB td-Oasnir Wasblac
in Ibr I'v lfic Island,
wsuB they rtfased Ibe oBrr. sas hU masu-r rnmsiug Ibr Sirr<-I and Ihrae seruads. and Ibe'_____
m al Ml. VaraoB, a (urea (d bm
K. laihcr uf 13 girls, o( <
1 tried IB rain b> gei suae oac Urlng uoabJr to gel uul by ss> ••( liir
br upr BlouK- aad m srarods A waok
•r tba diraatloe <d Saparlmaedi
inrrl.-.l ttouca.daBs. was ■ . ...
>U work, and al tost he weai
■ hr dug iinbrsliatlngly Jiimpri'
ISO raierdar Ibr erst aiirBpi lu asll
: Ui>d««. ba«aB inmilBd '1%
Sbu cunbr lu llueululu In Is.'.*
Ibr slndus. Kinase Id s
retarten hUnsell
be ifaird race (ailed, and aiiea^
oaa. (d vblab Iba loBb U built
SM-J a foriuu.- la ib.' silk ami
ai sas n»i injured bryutui
h lhai was ui oui
b It b sup
S'* Irailr an.l t'et'SBr srvrn
udyF A brirf (uaei■lal sr
I bruises
4 VUI B*ba U 1
o>d aad Uas nillllnualrr ifaruoch Invra
» of
•■kerp>Ts'lu Mlrhlgtn sbu
Ike sas brid lu lb'
n sugar pIsutsiluBs
lery (ra (rlmds and be belpod
led u Itleiim.- lu Ibr lodusiry are
DUI iwu Biles, but lu (sllsd lur<
a Is-digar. a (t-yesr-uld NV
II la sayUig (bat Ibis yiar Is Ibr
Ibr niBn lain Ibe grave aad tbr
be(ura tbr oiplraliun of the I
I'lnsrr. bas brougbi suit I.
»rad 11 hiBself while ibe other a
remarkable evCr kausa la the
llBli. Vasterdar-s riciorr Biiaiu
llBa B«o SuparlDlaBda
Biddle watl (or Ibr boar) crop Be- «I."-S' acain.t Miss Uinnk MaUk:
Ibe rup Is desllaad lu raSDBlii lu'Ai
Oudw B«»l (hat tba aliwaa of (ba o
ng'-J S3, fur breach .rf prumlvr bo.] ih
Imaslag Ur> Tboi IS Campbell's piFTls have beea received fruai all d
usm UDIII KasUnd Is abM to pnr
UBib. Iba OM bum br Uaorga Wat
ri-ooo-ry uf Ibe •liamunil Mvlltulr.- ci
(rkis uf Ukbigsn and s'ljulnli
« B srelus equal Ui HerrMbo(( la drws. caugki fire while
iBCtoa. la wbteh bb..........................
nnbi dnlniiDS. aad a Bailor rqaal
bto We raatad eatil
church a
, Vr ”..^a s*-ll knusii rtllxe
,ie launches lu W’used on ll.
to. wbu. If her rlolbas are burn­
a MBdiu
tbai vltb a pea fiaptalB Uarr U> sail tba craU.
sas given blm
exlngioo. Ky .. k In rrc«-l|.i uf a n
Haralr. I( arar. has Ifaare baea a ing. runs aniuad yelllag and maklsg lacuuaiI al Ibr world's (sir lo Bl. U>uU
kaua or
B ftacaniafl mw
- Bapiltis, bui
.eble IHIer IniB s resldrui uf tb
" - '- '
Bab- ■be are burn more fierrwly. she Jusi are lu br BBl<- hy ibe^rusoXI Uutl
'. In n grn
ns, thiBgrega

Wushingiun. Iu<-iu.lng
jy uf
Thr n.nlnrl;
dasbed iBiu a bedruoB aad rolled ber ooBpaay
anew'* Is the Itai race. After i
1-) ur.ler lur t!.. The wriv-f slated
celvrd yesliTday and rslli lur
In a bcary quili. 8be asotherad
norc Ibae aa boar al lerrlBc
.ivint ihu f
alsi'ii Iblny years ngu. sblli
I luunrhus. (be torgrat *>( which 1.
nsBir stMl eseapnd
usb a bltadlns (us tba HaJIaace
1. Oblo
g I'lsin a (arm adj>«nlug ihai ul
IMI bv (eel In Irng:
I Ihruusb Ibe wpH u( bIsI .........
Insirumcui. fruw all ih.- scb«>!'
daaa (oaadaUaiu of iba bla
>rs anil
Ferris, hi- killed Iwu ur (hr>.
Ptae Ilapllsi mlniBi'
.( Vllr. slug!
The pruspi-ols, wbkb
■r (ball tb.- ktodergari'-os
rltbiB of Ibr sponalurs i_ ...
ahB la vbleh Oaaaral Waabin tub
e l-'lunglug lo IL.' toiler. N.
us eseb Bunds) l~'

rad ware aadaraotac a Ilka
ges hS'l ever k-el. filed kgaiu.i
fuulh llavrn will hiS'- II. basket
b Iras
lug uBdrr a gr<«i bellrlag tialluue Ulrhlsaa hare berumt
f dWaiegra'IoB. aad Ibai
rd damp: lacuiry aril uprlug. Thu raw uBK-risI hltn kail b>- did am kuus wbrnlw-r h.
(urahle siarr tbr run
ripsall UBIII Ibe lee rail
U aCort Ibar eoald ba'BBdi
week. Tbe
Is berumlng luo s<wrre lu lhai sranluh, had liM-D under tasiikiuii ur am. Imi
arruus Ibe doJsb liar al
1.- reel.tog a prnyv-r In (he pul PUlm’fllell* Bl * iikuBo. Ind.. Karab
Ip. It U artdaal tbai K tb<
and Ihe plant sill t.- luutnd '
Ibr sruuad
pit uf Si. 1‘aul's church ni Inwoud, 1. FuhiBBB IvBS 13 .-x husboDds living
in his iln-aB* Tlu-y firs orvruiid blm
D Tran.
I . l(.->
ilBlr Ibal It «M she. Oarr Burr
i.pp.-d to
ot ilu->*. .-Igbi live In
"uu.tsnily during bl> sl.v-pInK lu>ur.
A yi«r ago iblny yuuug
(■'■■rly ilriwks are aua ai work cui
iCc Uu.I- 'of. tbe '
d or (ba bulUlat the Vaabre luai bad added b> ibe loos
IS I'irred lu send the Buaey.
ckst« rlubU-rl lugi-llirr tu
grt-gBlIuo. hulputog ru bis sl'le (uui
baps wltblB lao i.rlBs cd rinurlea la coalesls (or tbr be Iluyne Clly A Boulbeastero eilen
I S. Ki-ttis'-n uf I'lolnfield,
ge; relief (n«m (be hurrible
•Ira. bojdBK lu wjB a big
lue tu (iaylurd
Uuod- progress It
uBurud sllirr iropfar, wbkh carries
Hu' Blnister. sbu was 7» yean old,
i.i pBss*il^i-r faundrrib
' caused (>y (be cobsl
all tbry paid SMW fur kmn
ring Bade drapllr Ibe
Ibat Ibe
0cu<1 fruB heart failure
Ftvr a m.s
[lib II tbr blue flbboe al Ihe
.**li.-r hundretb
>1 Ihi-lr slugs kn'l Ihe
d woo •!». Thr
- mile lira Ibruugb dense (oraats
The durl beiweea tbr sbl:
II- cungrv-gaikiD
sas alujusi
.1 >h.- wusi 'Irairv-d Bbc
ABoag Ibr reosuns sW»B by a Cbel
I auilors' raunloB :
iw w.ioisii lor asking (or a dliorcp
slurvd and Ih'- wurshipira sUiS’ly left graliry b*r.
> ableh baa haaad iba bapi CUB. aad oaatlaaod ihraupb a aorlNi row ber husbanw is bis lourdlna'e
‘iHaache l>Bcut)l a Mveh'
Kill Hie rid.'
>1 eklii of Iba lalaad. dta baaHb ■if l.nillasl ataaaurtira. lo eblch Cap
ua rarib. rlh.e
Han't, (la . U In hyniu^lc.
lolag (iBe Is assured
rsirr always lu !•* kisdiag ber
I'UIH- i
( Is
la <« Oaba bare ap lalo Iterr asalo prurrd hl> spkmdid
•ss .>( h'-r hair, sbli'b sns
Miss Annie I'vck ut Nes
will be BepL 8. 8, 10 Bad 1
ItoBSrI n>sS. aged *3. of Buafield.
■aamaaahlp b> (>u(ct«erBllUK Capisli
as bis cigars
■I achlev.-d fame as a
(are (row
all parts o
sik bis link' lUugbler. aged CD. out

: S^ir aad Ja«ar«oe HadkW eol'
_____ .II.HcdmUrr. arnilnpBBled by 11
Ole to gUca by
blarkberrylng. and ibuugb be helped
la llaa.
Mpa af PUUMibla. (or aM la deiar
Wadoeedoy olMK
iMHap Iba 1( BlBotaa belure the ber over all (be (eacea. be. bloiaelf,
n cleilcs
- skiHtapu.
■£lu Iba aalere id Iba diaaaaa. AJI
itllu) tressiw. H<T
Swiss guldra.
bopped over Ibem wlib preat aglHty
■ir |>res<-Bi
Bl pudHS acMUUa af (ba taraetl»Usa
mil was uf Hue
d Ml. Buraia.
< n>g buslaess
Brlilsb Isat uodar bti
I variy Ul youi
■ h.' hlgbesl IH-ak ll
Boat of (be lldw> blaakal.. ..._____
ng uf a suIbcc
Tba dtaaaaa la auar af lu art
p>'r(<Ti brallh
Uis Is tbr first Htte
raO|»r. Wrik A (
raaranHai baboala placaa. ba
■ kern ecaled.
slerr pUbi was rehulK ibis uums
*blrb Ibo HellaaM bald ahaB Iba pi*- dig sbon weigbi. diwlara
aaM to ba awa aWl la Us p
a:i a cnsl u( |*1..ikhi wllhuui usklui
pan.ufT SUB was f- •
-- --------- has ruined him.
r-f Is Ibe nolber of twenliT
Md autre daadir la lu efaeu.
liar boBuk. The company waa
cuauBon council ha*
illdrrn (weBlyO'e buys mnd
II ITM appaarad aaaa Boalba apo salaisl I BiButa aad I
atl'-ep the walked i<
-ad big BKkBey lo c" elsevhera and'
place Ibe deadly toy
ris. She has be.-n Islce BOrP.^kJU1VHKA.S P a.
la Iba taslaiad tova <f OatfluM. prov- Urash lo vladaard
I h.-r sclssun lay. <
hav^ng^ •*.'
Iba boau aiartMl
taaa of SaaiUipt. Haa eaipiapad la
up. rm off her hair
(be baaquei was leadered. Mr. Wells.
u> tb.trea ■laaa Ib ibat leeaUtr «sre
■K the TraeefSB Oiy Baakm (onory. uealp. Iiwvlnc ihe roll ul
Bpm abual ibrw (aat
aCaeiad. Tba dHaasa-dU aot rMd la
Tbe scissors she Inik 1
a meBber of ibU firm.
aad tba Borumr *aa
s, (ngalb.
prraervinl sumBD of m-dluiu
urn si_^
BBoa-s pplBaakar. Al 1:10. eltb alawal prollBc euurre o
Oenaral Nawa.'
wl^ Ibe di aaBtls
I glaol fir
all tba ntaraa yet to ba aalh
Krog Tung Uack. dtugbier
cracker waa letroducad a
Mr. and Ura. ABdrvw lloolttcb ot day murnloc v
lick bask »f toe <aaa ntlllBS b
af tba dHaaaa far
tbai body Uoaday algbt
HraKiIyB bavr taeelrnd a clfl from hair gone.
aouibsaii vlad aad aerakipef
Wash., lu urgOBlxe ibc refuriiisd
bridal nH>vc,B<-Bl among (be Pugec Suund
Tba (»o raean talM la aa Irreaular unanlmliy of seeltBeat oa tbe port Btodar ot tbe udsfac'kra 1
•rfnge wildly dnsbed fur f.iur bII<
Kb* sUl'tolcr gu tu fort
Uuluih-s etrrato. dragging •
of lu adopUoa at ibe aaij
by KoBliecta
iBd. Hon Jiancisco and H.-w York
dHtlhllichrlds .rf Cbtrl.
pweilBg Id tbe nnocll.
aco. Tbe king
ioc had
bad Ibe
IraoU DOS' lu her
A husuin an culUs-tor has Jusi
CoaplalBi haa been lods<d asalaat
>rder wbeo bare os
larled uu a lung and cos l> sa-orch fui
tahlp to Mtabllsb (ha dam ilaa.
al ^Bki
lira, and be Mid be
ll an'-k'M and
valuable Japanese
'as «;lu be(are abe (ouod II. Tn Harry Newotaa. a draad Raptda
I benfUa pbaaa.
Imd Hs<-d rn>B Ibe aupitol brawklur s-hb-b
in*n»ni Murgaa Is
. dies (bar aaliad. aad Batlapoa. Caaal tlreat clothier, for aalllag gDoda
hoard. A* Ibr rouple ium>rge.1
Ing lu w lUMi.wm
bwltas btfore the wind, bar aalit bat- oa Knadoy. Tbe ease to lbs beplaalag
* the house ibey were greeied hy
'e agalaal Boadoy aalllag
naxlvc affair uf s.>lid gold. ..
niley <1T rlcc and ah'in falling In and stuugbl by HIdab Jinguro
by tbe SaleaBao-a
and Mrs Wm
’nsluu over (lie carrtocc. drlvtir, Knipcrur VusblrnKsu li was li
.. daocbter
■tater of InoBOOa S<
iwaa. a BbaSer were bunied to ditoUi aud
- of (Of aad dad aoroaa tba llaa.
oonb of 0( ibelr ebUdren narrowly escaped at
. -UHlo farBer.IIMBg
a Ibwosb Iba kaa of yaebu. - wall-UHlo

hr P......................................
m tp iM. *>
wpn^ dead (roB
'rosB a
a .___
- su warn w-m SM
rkdafT. ^
■Inc* Yothitn-I
Hlue Aah, O. . The bollloc over of AI*?b * id »t Iba block The earring'kbatibablfb
bat On bli
father. Bbe^>
“-------- ^'k. tba ra»ila canaUtta-a
coSee extinguished hr fire ood tbe
l- l, UiL-gWUHI.U. I' *T.A
an obslnictloB
■d tbrlUr lu caUUac slaak lac carp
id. An eaploaliio
camKlae Bow uunoUcu.
3 years a coin lay to toe m
ckisl. bur the woman wn> unbur:
trlBC <Bad Uleklnf followed Ihe llgfadeg uf
Uas Hbaauon. Tba Ball- toe tbe tope wartoc
a posi la IW. Whlie'a borne
Ira. Igiulu Bnbr. aged SC. of $(tbe
field, firad, tba
aaoa bad rroaaad (ba llaa at i;tS:dl.
aalarlBl farar.
KIBC WWard Is-excaedintly parUal Uo'ilt. Mu., ended her life Mooday
sn<rBu-kS':b<'t'uu-1 passed s grsvell "
aad II was anar s o'daek wbaa tba charge toUac efiert
lo good ooBer aad wberaver be goea sllb isdsoD in n levicr to ber sister, wnitr Ustioree was
lap lifted a bit aad dlarloaad ibe cbalWbea Ihe faouM'
be to aeaoBpaalad by bla osa roScc
Itohr uinied ibat tbe gbcsi of her tog II
laasar bore to aoitb of tba Uae. Oap. ao EgyptlOD name'l KbIs
and has vlsli.-d her and todlcated 1BN> Osbunif snaicbed i sliver 'hn^
- ' WrlBss bad Bbaad K la (ba b«
er that sb* was ro rod her life dollar from Ueville While, ibe dnriur' f^lsls. We-fl Avkt.»(N.AIVu..k-rrM.
' br 10 Iba aaat af IL Tba
d tores: i( lalo ibe bole
and )oln blm.
fragrant beverage
IBC ora oat qolte n h«
ihougbl Usboroe bad kept tbe
auendant appeera In all
Tbe bealih BUIbcritlra of Cuba fans
ra aa la past yean.
ibe*clary of orleaial
ooatnmr Favored appealed «> tbo amborlllea of (^lum coin and dlsr^ged him Thlny years
BeM took poaaanloB of a
■aat. waa takn la low to tba Hook.
meada have
bto ' and JoflerwB HixlICBl later Oibonie mw DoTtUe White and
Tba Paat nartad lor bona, aad iba aw spot lo tbe wmlla cf the Brw
w earafuUy prepo^ brew.
uneateod wss men
rolled* of I'bllBdelphto for aid to de
rin of raeaa la dafaua of tba Anar- achooi bousa Bad bod Blond
..............d be fouad.
An arai yof Bnilclaas appMrvd oa ipcBlPtog ihc aklare of a myaterlnu*
ponada of boaey baf^ (bay a
lea's av (or IM waa a«l IB itraeU of Butfalo Tuesday os a nialMly ihai has made lu M>poBraaee ■he place was Wing tokro to places
(ber day uid Mr. White, now »0
- Ikra cdAll (he baadt la tbe
Tbe CadlUac elty-^aoBacll baa- (>aea atat* ceoctoTeof
sof it
old. found toe bmU dolIar to toe
naked t>y olaetrlc railway proBoisn too players to all
posi. II Ik dated 1811
• the plague, bui
- -. . . .
. . .. .
tbOB to Blae dnuamer matore at (be bead wai
U*-E deed many yonra.
Travelers (rum l-aaoBa report ibe
Icaa iboa elx feel loll.
IsibBui alight sith fires bf a nei
Jobs Hutler of RoekUad. Mom uul (be emire lou
The proposed raata la (ton the oortb IboQgb Hut tt yMra old. la tbe falbei
Blcbal-l McCaill
. according to a dlspatc
'Waa aUaatlm Iron aaral ai^
‘ .city UBita. Tba pro- Of tMny-fire cblldrea, tbe oldMI o
Jose, Cosin Rica The li
A«bMI Oaana Dtvir baa an
la toe i>ock*( of a aolM *fi>7t Hr dlans have-rlara and (be late followers
whoM to 4k aad the yoaageet lw<
_____ r laalla-a Baabaan aad la tow af toadlsiel
? tba bao^ *11 yaori old.
alrold tu have (he lilll In too
- " i.'Beafamln
lln lleTTors ore muster
«ad ap arttelB to tba cwml laaaa af
IV >• «IM«> ow the
Ylllngoi preparanr. Adolpbua Keckler.
tackier, cf Clpcln- bank siul pul ll'lu tke pockel uf bl>
a aarr partodkai la arbMt ba straa
etib akeirk railway.
> lolBtog
Bail, to about lo atari oa bla Afiy linos sbln: Tbere li remalant uaHI
omaltrd revoli
o'ctodi today aad bnaa bar iiti
Btotta toor aroead lb* wiwld. He it a Wedatrtday. when be gave ibc shin roused by the r<
reJeeHon at tbe Pi
ipHaia. rrapoa aM Oanaaar aaaU aat Jawuay la Brla BaUa. WkL.___
be sashed
He had forgoUen
■ludMt ot ethnology
ll liwal)
Hundreds iK
irmiiBid aboard arary aort of ataan
e blU. and It waa not until
The old llB<
X cueflsraied fay Ibe '
craB aboM flaady Hook, aad Btala
uotog wanied an B'vernmroi n> tbe close n( i
M wanaad Wb ear anall Aaat at- aad SUtpM daitarad la the bo '
sbln (bni be rejoemU-red
mie. Not ■ boy
uluibm bsve
aanbiBd at Bar Harbof.
H. He fumbled In Ihe poKei lor to*
ve mysienniif aourro.
orcb 0
•ooe after Bk Ttanas Uptoo-s bla laloB ^(Am of Oorert towoaMp. Uoos <
*«ar taBaeat aaast Uas aad aar
bin. but all be could find waa a few
Karaged because bra buibt
Btanad ap. relh>w*a by abannek UL
oa Barca anuty, by the tarrUte
DUI have aaBrlent moA to bu
aapUJr taneaslas world uada.' nn
decayed by lime ibat ooly
la tow af tba tas Cruiser. Therm
aew bat, Mrs Carolflr L
On adnlral. . *danaad a aarr. Wa oe say ookrm Oylas ao tba Sbaa.___ battoicra cf loot Aatorday to asUtoat- protopl repolre oaa save (bea.
Tfaoy crowera lost
Chicago (brew a njkber
Dob HalaiMd. tbe lasi aurvin
III., aad aba aamaamd to barm hist an
« iBdlaa UlbM that cane laba
r^ops lo her buiboad sYare
^ Ua nau w«b tba Karr Imm
ew Jenay, to llrtog ibe life of a
lai Is wbal Mr Isecmaa 4
BMID tbk Mw iaio ito ntedi of aB
Bit OB the Horrto rtver. Dear N<
bill for divorce filed to the etreuli

>un. In which be charges ber with
atean of alUani aatU tta pr«
Not ooly did be eadnre tbe
a( pabMe «dalea fPraa at aaab a bary
soBpaolon in hit aotftude la a
................. a (a ihU maBBfr, Iraemoa oa■a la baaisd for tba mnur^ pnatlet
^ral dog
He aokea a Ilrlog by
be Blau anfferedorjual physaad aaeiir.”
•ibiBg OBd truck gordeatog. tnarfce:tog bla goods Id Vtoetoad. to w^b hr
Tba BrtUah *spl~lbat wUeb k ta
sralki dare a week.
taM *BUn ahna. tamlbS bat a frae
J. 1*(en>0Bt Morgoa bod a narrow ea
tka ad ns Bmkb aarr—vhktt «
ipefroBi death to a (arrlage oocldeat
Hra ■'Bob’’ Burdel'
1 t»e way boow troB bis yaebi to
buBcrist. baa been np]
a tba wylaB tana to baeonlBS nrp
ev Yort:. The bone tell Into on aa
officer to l<aaa<
caa. Madw M baitiaabipa aad ••
«U ktoiwa to broaden.
eavattoa al Tenth Bvcaise. aad the
badge No »S.
A WblU Uak MB bat_____________
of BllUcat wma (brown viotoatly
Iber cf tbe 8 r
U of baran wbkb be was adrtoad
dean, and totOMlt lo
ise 'ber.Maw
' He caly aaMped toadtog oa
> sail to Ibe elraat. bai (ba aali '
a tbe bok by gimaplag al the
............................... k 8be Is too
arm too Tail to ride to tba aaia
wumoa polke oOcer to tbe stgte.
u sole fall Uroosb.' Tba aonb____
nul aifsat ai Be
Hrs. (toltoU WyBOB died a( bar
> M Bockpon. K '
Lv-w nsiod-tHp rain tu pains to
walpbi ol (bo boraea to U» poo^s,
lya awnvecires bsask des-n end wssie
Dsa la Hllwoukee. where she hae
Wtscamn. N.atbenv Hvebigaa.
. Batnar BliM nan Anbaah
Walter, (be d-yeoroM m of Albert
' eaU by dell.
Head (or over bait a ewetury. aioea
klmoc*>u, loan. Ncbniko. the
omonr od Boeoa Ttota. died to eob_ jddw irsubtoe Best alaayttassli fiera the death cf bar bBitaaaA to ItM. aba
k beodred noA first birthday.
(VskvX.s. Wyming. MouUBS.
rutoloai Tbureday ae a reaah-af a a dsnaaacoem el Ihe kidnys and a cuts ts baa beea alone ta ber boote. eosto
iHt aBiar thM will pret
Idalsi, t,Vres.aL Washtaglun and
lertbed os a
It goefrad tba day btfon. Ha ebulosd qulckeal by a pnper melmcnl e( (ew pMooBi. and keaptog ber oColr
other pudni wen. Arc m cffca
sluus OB a tme* at boBo-wbaB (he kldasy s. II yeu are (eebiw b^ y ou vtrtoily to berMir. eraa cn ber dealt
oae et tbe brol aeoram Mr. Seymour
via the
with a tbraoblac Baobiae ouUU
laemMakeby taktogDi.K>lina>'a
«Srtn Kam k la M a______ _ .
to one of tbe weottbtost TOtodeaU of
. looWe were fdor .
s«aa(. Be ftaat kl£i^. Bvar and
dMi al tba .veaad b bdkiad apaa aaeaed aad poiaiad at Mb. Ha orltbe Btogbborbood. He mired from
•mtr. OBd down toe middle
buttoaea iwemty yeora otok baring
Koiiwav ro the fim aad (bird
•able oarerad wlih green '
TueadsVs .d each Bnaiili. with
Iba fuoes 1a terror. Ha dU aol'-re
liberal limits aed with av.ip-orer
fietol aaoKh of ibe boM* srot Bade
priviJegea ca touu. Lscellenl
to coob waa toaad Uddm
tliruugC train aenkc tu all poiatt
maml «f ibi
biB hare aoi
away to oa dd-teobtoaed
_________ jeftocItfawempReellaaeoa of tore and ta 'Mber odd
«d< ptorra
CbkagD t-v Oasaba; ibrcc txatoa
Bred at (Mm. Ib Aocbm eonar <d
Htoc BerMea Haiiko of Qrattaa, rnkxad. li luadalba bkhwlta HawaaHra. Blaabelb Honl of Btooklya.
a Uav i> J>cDvvi.b<lt Lsl^.W'
m Yoblele laBOged a *•* riiftog ft.
.jai le yaara. hae tratoada to ' Mulevasaaf iba raaM dsMtotoc eueaa.
IMfd birthday
Fraacacu. Lro Ancele* and PunrwBftkftsr. Oetolde <4 toe brok step
toWWe nR to drira atoaty beftwa
tl tbe boaaa
Uod: four per diy C St. Paul
atoall oart, her cBly balp botas a sal
Hra. r. W. I
_. ....................................
Htoaiespotis; lunr per da T e > Siiax
able baraeaa tupatbar with tan al
by kivtog a poNy and
Otv; oM per day vu ihe BUefc
Itoaa Bcrmlae bM laealTad a pm.
,_____ of toe AHyaad Msjwh
fMtlTUlM srooBd op wtto
HUIt ood aimUor ample serv ice
tnn (be olkars W the Wtat
cbopal at Twtrkasbaa. Eogtoad. Itov.
u puina la llliauis. It iscuataia.
OB <Ad-taibloaid Aaoee. la which (be
i m
Hrory imKh. to a aacro. bon ta Iba
NtAen MicUgaii. Mi
Boad beMOM opprored oa onlve at
W. C Wetmare cf Ooanrd tan «
- NB statao. bat odaeated la Belowa.K*bnsbaai>dtbel
‘ m deacoadoBta. who were
prir ef oa* beots mode to U»-«
MoiiiaaiyBaii. Aaareasut.-raaNrabBv
Ihe Boaber cf fifty. Tbe
yearoa*a. Hr. wmmm '
Oae (d'lba riStt''iU SSa« Tanb fiontly. and aa
roe «f tbe to«—e of H
*W„wBi a Baa corrytas a blaatop •»
I Met af peat
hcatla BlBpp Iba Mratt. Wbe* M ^Bah.BvNM<ka.M
ttwWd'fnn hMO¥ waoBt rUMpi,

Gnsd Tmcrsc Herald

Utfca aad iBTa hiBaaU op to iba
dopatr BbBia U (ba onalrTba atair bai eraaiad (raat adcHe-■rat la SprlMtab lovBBhlp





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**ftTiBi»alat wbaa BM waat la
wen ba ■HHd bkiN tba «hpatad
nad. MklaaMaato a A raniaat an




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