Grand Traverse Herald, May 14, 1903

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Grand Traverse Herald, May 14, 1903


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



(Sranb Sratirr«e fflviriild.

6ma Crmm INraM



SUITS FIT Tire Insurance! - ^ •
Plat* Clasa, StMun Sollor and Accidoni insurunce

Mogey to L'oai «n Imiirovcd Real Estate Only.


Trayosc Oly Stale Bant


tbep are Wistaken

SURPLUS. S60.000

TravorsoCity, Mien

lock. Phono 73


-Who Ihiak basis VC (m buuocst n>ni. only,

A teem Buktic StslUM D«w

ilurv ilun liah the

deposiu iu tbe banks uE (he oouniiy (leloot; to odicn iti^ii t»i ii.<\.

Famcn. laboring iiieo, cteris, anil tehou) leaihcti tijv.- Imn-

Uredi of luillioas oTiiollan aaiiely m bank, ilraeing nii>leiaic intcti;.;,
in rcfenr for a “rainy day" or a«raiiiiae o|>portunU>

S Hr cm «U»we4 « Hat DctMlM.;

Our loeihbda loeet the oecdi. of all ciuaes.





H.S. Hl-LL.



A-seiii.&'.aBr ■








i sell l>>'nami(e at
reasonable prices,
s and e
eo fui
stock of 40 U-- -per cent dynamite,
caps and fuse on band
at all times. Use 40
percent, for stumps
and 60 per cemt. for

“If is Oery Rnnoying”


\\f dtoukl be




Iim i.rhcr n-


To the one who docs the cooking for the family, and
sometimes to the meinbeis of the family.'io find that
an entire baking has bc'en spoiled he
J c/u^e vk
tracts or baking powder had Wen used in Us
Is mam>facti
Jbwol id Hweh Asuruo
«•“ !>>
using John-son's Fi ire hlbvoring IMr;
and Pure
Cream of Tartar 1 taking Powder at
per |>ound.
« Carwfully and Cor

.A^^''3bim$«ir$ Drug Store.


LI. anus a CO.



omes aomu



Fresh. Salt and Smoked Meats. Sausages. Etc.
U6 you wsBi to tell yout
hmf U«o,)iiMritk us Out
liB a too tnall for Uk detnuHl
tHt-*e SK hsn^
QOl aaJ
■ec tn Ute aew time you are in


OR. J. w. QAUNTLSrr. -



— otay. t





-------------- ■—



o_ >.k •>«. cmoii

am now in the market for wool.
I will
^u)' your wool to your advantage and will
dk> the best for you that anyone can.
Rhone or write to me. Will also buy hidf».
Warehouse 75W E. From Street ....

R. Sohomborreer

Oairclmri S<»«d»
P*lowar S

Traveree City, Mich.
Bell Phone 130

Everyihtnc you «*nt for your VegtuUe or
Flower Garden, if >-ou have not tried it before
make a garden ibis' year. We will sell >-ou the
seed, Nature srill do the rest.


J. J.

Citizens’Phone 48 i


^ Jlndtrsott Undtrtaking Co.
A full line of Funeml Supi.liet stkI ibc
brat cqnippsDeM in Nortbm Michigsrc
Pnsi|R •ItentUM gWeo to all ertkr lor Cut Fkfurers an>l
hiatal Desigta.

If O Oma fKm 0«*-», Wi Klg»l.

ao Mwtotow '

Hsvim pwekued Ike HoMs JMcdvare Pock, I ikdl be
plMWdioMelsllw7oUWmdiswiis.syMe ones.
Wc vs« e^ «M to M Ibat it'f tbeir woec—tbat )ou
csD draft ia at aby time, oAeOm yoa boy ot wx—will ahrays
be |ted to ab« yea.
Yoa *0! &Ml.arcmbiii( couipleu ukI nc«. Price* viU be
a* w« a* U b pcaidfc to rail yoo good r»dt (K.
Iwaairaeallpaniealar attauim to SaOden- Hardoaie.
a*e«ain0MtdMlertbo«Hl and cart iu eetectiac jait



ABi*sulardSe.%i»od, Special ».
to wdei. praraptly. Oaly the-Toy best ntatenal
uaaik aad Mly fuanuUaed ia eveey k^ccl .
That see laade ID nae a* sdl aa *eU. They are
MwadeoTcbaapBautial, aad fivea I

Head* Ibaa relative*.
' Touag. aad i mi
ny ■Iftc.
"!. and (bar
*ben ttM had di
ihee. rsweeibn
eoalda-t do u>
0 adtUs
adtlM a
Be to s4of
••coad Saaee bstorv
More 1 h__
hsa^burM ay
Sni. she UuuiMd suiUcalr
.. .. .
euhosse ti



■ad iBhiidfii tisWf la Ibe a
Bighlrvh years sgu while
Furnas Krwm'i a broil
struck tb* uime. aad afieryrars huer hr
W.- can CrITrv. usteber "
----------- - _ — _jw»vii kicatloa.
g bur hands Joyfwry
He says that wkea be dug It owl he
'burr was eu us.- araulag tbe «ue* haadird It easily aluae but that when
1. es tbe chiid eas so dnermihed. be a-yved It lour Bra were waalred
Uisieed of drrliBIng ibr avliulo*
Pteca it apoa the wamm.
r no. that t dUnl lUak
Ikr stoov s grealesi dn-wafeecac*
IT inebr* and lu length ei. It has
bwi: asd ahe.MtM 9
haps ao( tf It hada-1 lw«a ainosne
> pnJogs. the larger bT aad the
aad she kUae.1 sir and
nte s
saalirr S Incbn la eircaafereoM
vu (lad to S.V h.via« up so brs'
roiro^h measuru* SS taehlink- tpfuo a
-Patty:- prlscIlU varlaiMl tn h
.-iHjid hold ul swrM May r
semhimg buar aad U*f^ i< B»lr tT
ixtr. -U s drsedtul Hoe could you
Then she groped t
and lui
bur think lir
-Hoe cunld I help u*" Tattt .
betac fnahteaed into hysiertcs ftm.
he had not far
then hattn* a simnsv Saser
Sh<- had a-i II
* Upaet AuMKat CaMaa.
>l at nie ellhoul a aosMU (u>
u ene-.
1 think that I earned off the slui
h Use
altoa nuh rare delicary and finesse
a.. .•■M4 1...W
Oo you think It svuld hhre i...eB laet
I u> let! her u nas Bothios but a
II pup the sias duoting ^nplure
Sew.' sbuelhg iht- ruses,
u air all line fur my birthday
'( doal see bou It sss raactly
bur bynhda.i uw. aad I want her
ur fault.'' Oeorsle seksou ledsed.
va> to tb.' cvl'hratlub
She said
The frags climb the polcw. aad End
"Thank you.' said Party
-U you
was gult I,. iBc pourKKis,. bo! he tnsttlnlur* caul aad plemmat to '
d a brother Uhe Tuaiiny Wyatt
can t Eu tb.-rv mamaa I cma'i 'hqu bodkw. and faacy that tie'dropyou euuld hnuu hou tu syapi
you ka-w '
par'' Is put Iherv t» funish them
s’l:b me . I suppose I oueM
;bi lu
seat After n nap
ning her liifr fm-od t-airrrd her
o« that the due is
reerb out a lag anu saiUcc I'-snnE a wnwih ol
S 1^ ^ie
Rronlt. elid­
From Jesii Wubsturs “WhM

Went to Collegu.'
wub you w bapiiy anbday. " abe
es In cundtin the cm rout
____B lhuu«(u suoL-k her
do you
. kl'MBg h>-r c-bc^ks. .softly, and
hate a paragrnH » Ike
I PuMI'Ik'.I 1>> IVriutsoiuu uf the Cea- bappea u rt-i&.oibee thai .ou anr so
1-pulling tbe rusvw over Ibe dl* rtecl that, -m eonaeibt- recepUoB rotualiiee u: ibe liraSI'
. hair she wool oa gaily
< oo< ina. i.< Tk iVolur.. tV
ailc Club «.*il.ll.>n toiaom>» tUehtt
ig tu i-v: iKwte together, you aa prohswy
W'hai mill Ure KrchaM. ibiuk ubes
It us. 1« ..fUuk and Puny, hi
arbnaev ta the tatrrior we sc* wn
« .„u III rienlB* Srv»» rucelvable to present our Penders with the
_____ a pa«y oa ibe «.V> Uaj your
ib!e* fraea Meroad.fiahcv bas brea bunedr'
■oBderr- said Pativy ouubtfuHy
lo«e yve." "Hless t
OM vss Know Ttitsr
you really Iblak I uuabi lu si«
i>!,r- said dear old I
P* M
were lavented
b-urst of mpiurv.
Aft.e vorklns like a litUe
Dmehmas aad were Erst bro^t lo
buai sau making tiaaue-pappr tavuss

WhsSssas. rt-aa.

r: r


i> W

r (be ihlag. I bale u bate to Bias
,am,. "Mi>
mi* Rlriiard. al^i...
ju»t (H.-aiue By bruiber's bulljpup.
.Mbs W.vsx
a> < B.'»-r .>r«« Hk«U. Is dteuj'
"At Ibi. hour! ' Hun. iTi.xl I
-Til EO." sh.. add«l. brtehu-Blhg.
'll Diusi IK- suBrihlwt
Bd ri.ol.e Ibe guests ulih a CoRod
Thiuk. PriMitl*.
Whui hui- I
Id aiecbaakal sBlIr; aad oeQ
,huus hi.'l. Ih*i uuuld uutrucf ib«
m- I feel the vardea's eyes upoo
»ar.l.'D suBnmtl) tu
f r shall with dtScuIiy choke bock
I'l uVtochT
Vuu JoB-t
e tears, ihd she will ............
pung iu be suub\,«o.^
ur ekpelM or usyiblhg
lOuT I boau.ii> ■4ii't
ihiBK I .<• fiunr '
•If. u u-Wrun,
drsw. to kxik at that seemingly rsd
yuipwib.'i ii-ull.
"A luk'uruhi'
Puity'. face turwud taiit creature, that, white she ki out
wardly so ghy. tbe U is reaUij con
" g a great sorrow ahicb Is gaasi.
1 her very vitals.' ''
PriiK'ills au<i UuurBlv
>iKh hBd luuknJ at .
iruubM laevu
All wdthary
teteCraiBa cam.- dlre«l. U> the wuijMta.
cb aa olT*old"'weian was
Thu> ka.« thhi suniixhih*
ipsl Three seorf years had tea^
■have happened u. have
ou ashr Why. three score ;

uowed away la aa ubnure curoer of
s N't-e York C.-airel smoker, the only
her sc-coad cIbm ikkvt prtvlle*
r lo tide
»b,- was comely, ax
than JM. sad uuwr. la her urns'
•be held carWully ud gaarded wMI.
s buadle wrapped tightly la a shawl.
At her fw-t was ihe laalllnr uUcloSb'
aicbel. marked "inspected.''
ver aad aauu sb.- bent her bead
sobbed sofit} and ralalag It egals
aeseniiy. great tears stood on her
ruddy cheeks
Bbe had no eompah-

thongbt passed her by
When lb* traia raacbed BnS*
iraJnmca approached her aad to
irrufliy that this was her dnsHi
m whered up her I
' D
ted would be young comi
room uucei
:* had e
Mrs Cramps' age. She wi
■sihall I Eu away, Hrls?' she asked.
. not quite nlnets Today sbe wp*
•I suw^..- l-aiiy aottW rather be ettbtvnlne. but tomorrow, b sbeReal,«e ir aayibtnc bas happened. But ed. the would be alsety. She hid a
e’s guiBK home and has <u i
al many wrtnkkia oa her old face
nsak lunlght. come aad tell
here a UtMs
Ich was worn aad haltered like as
I Bill com.- duWB and help '
e was proparud.
soldier'd. Well. Mra Crampa was
taqe brightt'> .'loud al tbe dour a lew
old soldier
She had fought the
worn sae saw aim. then tell aa
s taiklog lb low tones, aa.
■huaghi uf the new* she bm
bank of lire bravely, and had come
Oeoruie siane.I lo l«m away. Patty's forth vlctorloua. biiSi.(be scars were brrok to hla
■ lep sutldesly miunded In the a
(here. She eouM not holp that—scan
Shr left the car asd met the
"e cam,' la wiib a queer sn
of trouble and sorrow weartnews. ana brawny basbaad ai the trsla shed
r Ups. and ia< doau oa the oonch.
-Slw They ktsacd. and be put hM niB
and otklect
The ward<-(i has certainly redneed
r». Uramps was feeble physically. iruuad her asd ekywty they walked
fbe matter of waring people
toward Ihe street. Together Uw two
aft. ’ she said.
"f waa nei
' dowa 1

Ing unusually s
and____ Mf*. I IbB
good reason. 1
> be' taken
1iad happened
esinhqushe.- wbleh had engulfed tbe to the puurhou
Ihi- face
The mue one waa sleeping. Imt'
bad been boarding
maUce-r- Ocv>rgk
- ...........................
In the bouse eberv
II,I pni'llla asked In a brsnlb
A few
i'^ tKit pleasaal house
Pniiy wpread 01.1 a crumpled tek. .
stay aay hmger; the •uus leai
ratu on her ku,-,-. aad tbe glrto-rend
OBO died two day* before
money to pny f,w her
ov,w her sboiiider
ta New York. Rather ihaa bury the
- Robert dUd ul aa overdone of
Utile Pyenpold among siraagen eke
tkirofom at 10 this morning. Pither tf they had been able, but Uey concealed the death, had wrapping
e poor aad had bard trork to care the child la a ehawl brought R oa to
•Tboma. M. Wyatt.RuBhlo lo the airTowlBg (niher.
rTbunuu M. Wyaii. " aatd Party,
New Tork •
rtnUy. -i, m> small brother Tommy.
1.0 Robert is short lor Bobby SbEftO.
•set huoar Nulp.
hloh was tbe name of Tommy s buU
Tbe departaenl of BgrlcuKnrc hoi
»p. Ibe homllesi and wonfiempercd
ISI iseord ap laiereeilns pamphlet
jf Ihat was riwelved Ihiu
wiitieo by Cbarin F Saylor, one «f
jsuni ofa respecuble Uatlly '
apecmi agents oa "Sngnr Bast
• But wh.. la the world did he teledp a* Animal Poed " It amtaiaa
Kb lafonaailue that moM be vain"It S a yoke." said Patty, abaking
«L“ she oonifW "If It Is the
termer* aad heel tanr
IS wUl I musthY fret Blace 1
.r bead Uexv:iedly.
"Joking nma
I the family and we've all laberlt- haveat benn able to take much care grower* of Mlcblgna.
outset the quesikm Is ashed: -WMl
IDr myaetf I've asked Him to pr '
1 the leodeao
One lime
1C my (1
Is sugar be,-i pulpr- aad then It te
me. and He has done it'
Kipling SI
answerod as follwws:
anolhiw mlory
'prti, do*.
-gngar tewi pulp a the realdum
Sis Koben Shatlo-'has ca*
left after exiractlhg the sugar tram
cry As the sweet spring C
killed my klueu, asd
lau ia Hay—wore. on. Mi i. Cramps Ihe beet It B lo the sngnr beet wMl
lo the fiaxmy VeueOan ise* ouilar — It ilii
groped her w ay 0111
cf the teegive him Indlgnukm
He w._. the winding stairs.
Dd wallowed ta the ralu aad mud 'I faabioaed yard where Ihe May
L-mme In asd slept M ay bed.
aa were la bloom
By tbe side of
e starch factory Tb* etl
lule Ibe beefsiuah for breakfasi
s.beaolUui bulb of Iniurtani fiowXI
by-proI sbe slopped sad looked wistfully
le brewery, tbe dletUlerT.
the half opened buds
Sbe had
. laled thai bash berself. aad. as and the staroh tectory. all have a
chasers r.
<d to vnreha
long as abe could remeaber |he had - -mrreial value as feeds for etoMir
I wish to call wtentioa to tb*
: aa T.«
ocnaiy Wyaii kepi a
done what she ........ ..
advasiagew pMsessed by sagar heel
Hubert was with drath roses

ue aad time agaia. but Tommy al- pluck even
‘“Sof Saylor goro on to explafa
L't managed to coacwal him from
-as loo sore, far to
the value D tbe palp Is eoBthg
peadlag Justice uaill tbe trouble
k her laai look, she u
d blown over. Bui ibis iibji- I sapges termers who do not resMe Bear
se be eumBlited some supreme
-K'bea they bioseom agaia.- she
oqgh u> a beet, eagar raetory an
ormiij — probably rbewt'i up the iboughi. I eball he ta the poorhouac:-'
U they caa semre the palp tor food
by w oae of m> Uiher. IkmJaa
Tenrs came to '^r relief, aad
■ their tioek. to ralee tb*
nigs, or scaieiblag like that.
Aad they rolled down her pale cheeks. .
eta ulaply lor their groat e*_______
Toai^ ksowlhg how 1 Uetesled the small, rosy rbeeked girl, peeling over
>d for ftbek
After explalnloc (he
ssi.'evidently tbougbi It would be
edge, saw them, aad was lur*u»l Joke to telegraph, ihoogh
... Sbe squeeoed berseU (hrodgh inerroeing demand fw the pnip ta
Wbeala Ik* the polat 1 can't a '
break la the hedge and tmlkd *p New Torii and other stela*. FrnC.
u> the dear old lace, so klhd yet to Saylor thus refers to the demaad M
’ Ah. I sec.-.' said Oeurgle. -sad
laexpreaslblj tad.
-la UKhlah Ihe lambcr isleraau
Klchards thought thsi-Robert wi
yoa hu
sve been rcry extensive and aerfrc-aitun. K'hal did she sayr
out a d
the said. -Oome la. Patty duar.'
D 1 knocked oa the door. Vsnally
>r1ro were lastalled ro rapidly aM
a I have had the hemor <d balhg the gcalie vokc.
r.'celved by her the has somewhat
-I tongh! yoa did ‘cautc yon kkd.' ts each aeaber* thai no
frlgMIy called
■Mias Wyatt’
Hn. Cramp* eunld nera tell after
law ahoui that the uXd
heard that 'IMisy
iJasr.' aad she took my hand aad said.
taaad that they will have R> wait pm
I am so aurry to have to mU
Uaatly roUl tbe psopl* ef (he Msfe
that I have beard bad news from
beoome better aegaalated with the
brother-Pkase dooY go tf It make* yon lac aad beaefiu ef pMp fiidlag Aad
this B taking place smwiy « wot sap
ky.- eaid the IliU* on*.
Idly. Phrmer* aro begtealac «o atfl-But I most, I'm gedng to the
tae palp, aad the teekmin* are aHe
bn 1 contdal rcmtaibte any brother
dlepnae «r more at aeroe prtew: aad
k etartled iook earn* Issd (hs 1
- -He ks very in.' ahe nwn on. 'Taa,
mnat teH yw the troth. Patty:
- Robert paeasd away thk 1
aad she Mid the '—mi
aw Then, whro R Eaahsd

on the ihdA.- from whkh 1^ kook
the asBe al tbnmhte. user curropled
into IhiBbla When kawea by tbe
former naase they were made of brae*
ur him. aad H waa Ml tu a mere
Inaartmis age lo have them maasluwd of gold, afiror. bon glaas
mother of peart
Throe' latter
to be found In rwiu. esquMIuly
!ed—sjrnaawnied with Hb had top
told. In Italy thlmblro aiW mote
diver 0IL Mtidded rouad tte ria
J tsr^eolaro. aad a cuM iKfmfmt
set In like mnaaer wHb 'daaimds nM
rohle* U ttfleo found la m Usi of weddlag preeenla. Ko Uws a penoa than
the Uag M SMB had one rnM* •*'
preealy lor hla bride. ChshkaeTm the
shape of a loka* (rod; 4t was ikkAty
ai^fied wtth ------------spetlH* the

Flaate TIM Ceugh.

ef erolathm thraagb the vmfeuble
eiade loialero—that la wtot
Uu call hla. white w* kaow him
as -the cimahteg bean*—ooeghM and
Mew dust out of hte laags. RaaeMly .
bouaisu hare been glrtiig special
altentt* lo thU bean, aad tell telcreaUag things about IL It Is a a^e
uf warm and moist tngteal amatitea.
ta the leaves of the plant and
rhea It gala* asAdail pnosBe
eumea aa egptastea with a amM
cxBRIy Uhe
hhd,ihe fimd it
Mown .tram lu ted^awL^ And. Mite
*uai«e suit, the plaal geu rod la the
(ace ihroimh (he eCbn.-Uroha Bx-


(Ugrotacy •hatg *( again.

Tbero are abom HjmjtOO mlgtalory
eheep ta 8pate wbteb *Mh jw (raarel
a* much as IM mite* tram the ^alro
10 the mouMhla* They are kaowa
restteg ptece* aad beharhr me mvr1 by apeelal rrantettero. dating
lb* fcmrteeaih ccatary Al carlm*B BO OB* may travel the rame
* as Uve sheep, which Mea the

ST *


4 Iftlpb JtndtfSM, nitoagtr w


l^armers and
Fruit Growers
Time to use Paris Green Is at hand. Doh't throw away
yoitr ri^ and mosey, by buy^ poor »tuS. Buy the
best aod get beat rwulta. We have the best that there
is. so you will'not make a mistake if you will buy >-our
Paris Green Af us. -We will sell strictly pure PARIS
GREEN and nothing else, and best of all you will not
be OA-ercljarged. We also have Blue V'iirol, Linte,
Sprayers, Potato and Com Planiers, and lot of garden
and 6^ Seeds on hand yet. We know you are undeh •
no obligation to buy of us, so we make it an ob)ect and
selFyou goods that are right, and we hope to share at
least pan of your patronage. Would be" glad u. see
you at comer Front and Cass Streets, or answer your
qnenioas tkr^h maQ,
Sincerely youiv

travel 4U mUro to the imaata
the total iMae epeal oa tH n
there and ha* t* H weeks
Fla* Antigae Paroltera.
It is aaM by etperu that tbe
lUqut. eatatel (nraRsro R
vatry cAta tram thtstoMh.



erly tla^
•d oM ptece* of
canled by their
ufurn gtrW to tb* negro**, nek noderwiasdlag the valuaikm ef them
ihei would eome later. A richly earvvd Mbugaay sideboard waa loaad ro
'r la a chtehaa ratal la ooa itf
malheta tteta*. The chtehtM
roosted aa U every UHt.
? ww'raatc^* wu’* 1"


Many amag* echool caataaa pro
V all te China. Tb* glr(t la that amaeteom go to eehool nlas te
he eUJdrea of vary iti* parte
g work hagia* MIon dayttgkt.
Aar atadytef tbete tataM ^
a they go bom----------------------ch they retsro and ttsdy 1,—
dteasr lime
la the alteraoaa
they go avia 10 aebaol to peter* )*»
eoai la tea (aftewtag day TUaaBaa
tey-Fknidlphli Praaa.


Qud Tnfosc HcnU
•t iML U3ITJ Obc«m at WUUuw- tafV WkD* M. k«BUac auter.
emnd Um »u«r at tb« oBtortBoou
«aa tbou aoua. Md tbo »<ub; '
«( thli enr
M. mmt* Cteadter Ml JoUm

M3. OooiNr aade Us AlseoYsiT t™*
« UUU9. « JW*S
«fe«S UM Mdr ISJ. Us M« «
tkl« that kK^sd U> Ua Uka a
■M awl;, sad oasstac orsr, d»
«M Us raaalas ol Uk( alsataf Be
Tka aoO «as la aa adraacad i

THE ORAWDtTmVEHteiHgmLP. MAY 14. 1903

Thto MUw

Slop k,or you wUl BOOB be
baU. Gtoe youf hair aotoe
Xyer'aHalfVlrw. ThefalltoU will atop, ibe btir wOl

Hair Vigor
frow, uHl the actlp win M
cleaB BBd bealtby. Vhy be
aatlBfied with poor balr wbes
you cdB make it rich?

B appaand as Uoaih hs had
larwasd. aUlklBf oa Us aUa, wlU Us
W» drtraa SMlast Uc aaiU.
.haad. which was ban. was abora Us
.haad. as Uengb ha had utad to eaiU
htesaU B Us tall. The eUar h
IW hr Ui *He, with a amtaa os
laaal was vatr peorU' «lad. aad It
ti amH waadar Uat bs Ud aa
•artias Ua Mcam Uat otartoo
«■ Us pUaa. Ha bad OB a deck
aaal. aoaa too wwc«, a cap. aluaas,
■Um aad suaUaca. wlU astr poor
wdarwaar. aad tnosars ao lauarad
that Us ban aUa showad Un>a<h la
^a«. asaa bsdan ha Ml PoaBd-s
Wbas Ua bad/ was ftmad


Thick Hair
_ MsUsUosa
Mwsr 00-. ___ held at Us oflcaa of
>paa> Is Oraad Rapids raster
dar. aaa.....................hoard
toe o.______ ol dlrscion
was eleeied
led as foUoow:
foUoaw: Riehsrd
Riehird B
KaaMaB, BoaBi
sthaanr. U W. KaaMaa,
MaUnar HatlM V. lUuMaa aad
Tba aassa oOean wm slartad at
bantoton. aaawlr: R- R- UaUaaar.
ornldset: D. V. KaoMaa. Tice pntlMeUaaar. aecmaty aad c

**wiuBB r. UoRBlsht cd

Iraad Bapsl for boU
Ida was made aaaaral cwusel

IWa list of Us peopta who osra
toek B ths Um baaks of Ua citr
■ill ha of iDiaraat to Ua people rd
he dtr. Tba Utu of stoekhold

a aaoul of a
w aa follows:

_ _



■ hlB wHa aad dawUar,
■ aWatlTW an a hw^.

U BBka hB war Mb

aha* aw. aad 10 OuW'
thda waa at U a*'



TiBTotaa '

M a dWra anr Ua Uaa a( r

ssliissiaisgs'' n






rial B Ttea an aom
Wbimwt MB srha haow b Bt wan
57m baMa. Uaa wa Co Than
^BBtogawyr han hm



Serft and crw>k«l booes meRD
bad feeding. Call the diaease
rickeu if >-ou wan*, to. The
lowing child muit cat the
light food for growth. Booe*
BUist ha%t booe food, blood
muat have Uood food and m
on throng the Tut
eatment for .eft boo‘e*"in
c^ndrea. Littledoaeceveryday
gve the ctWneu and diape
fliu healthy bones ahouWluie!
Bow kga become Bti^ter.
oo« joinu grow strcngcraod
firmness comes to ^ soft
beads. ~
Wnmg food caused the
trouble K^tfoodwdUcuiwit
1 n thousands of catoS Scott’s
Emulsion has proven to be tte

»' ‘>0. .wa r OS the l.bU

irut' ^^,3“~J‘^^T•T>^«b7^ter‘7.^”'^J^^^^R‘v::Tbcdog'u•loo*wl l« KteJ


II lbs Isrge Ubis la tfe dining
iffi wblis ribbons sad ttnilai were
bg from Ue cbaadeller u Ue cor
w ol Ibe ubk. wblle s Ubie In
ler room was similarly deeora
b pinb ribbons
me bride aad gruom were Ue ..
clpleaii of many bcBuUful prBenls.
atlesUng ibe lore and esteem ot many
meads. BoU are well knowu In so
elai circles In tba

34 boars, aad lu oiakiug
Ue Im.-iruYsmeliU a eapaolly of r> «VI
beslisli every 34 boors ii >-ouir-m
which hss
U. Holsbed luYiduoi'will be mor,
(br lol adjolulug Ur oBor and
uei-iod WlU Ibe faotorr bV rude
aad Its aiunge oapsnliy luunws'''

diseretloo to makin
i-SuolIng (be impi .
Wbsa <

Nir storr

________ __



Ornags Day." showing bow
by consunt
Ut eSort an'
daBTor -• '
gbl U It
abowsd Us
Id Us plans used
•d by Us OiBBgs.
BierwilBg rM— rslattrs u sariy Oraags
Thlf papar wb followed by Ba Vofhses.’A. ~

Will HsbalM In Srteb.
Tbs TsBTsrss Ctly Iron works bATs
at Ua eeatraet lor Us rwbglMlBg of
Ualr akaebBs ab«w tweoetly doatroysd
by In, and wiu posh tbe work u
eoBpBtlaB as rapidly as poBibla
LaUsr * Irwin hnrs ths eoalract, and
Ua work of araotUg tbs bandsoms
brlok stnKtnrs that wilt lake Us
pBos of Us old wooden building that
was bBrnad wlU bs pntbed as rapidly
at pottlbls. Tba new building sR " '
IbOBI tWBS Us SlM of lbs OBS ____
wnt daslrayad. Bad ths planl wtU bs
SBlargsd aad Us business of Ut eoastany Berwaasd s
who are iBtaiwitad
glad w kMw Uat
UT in BM oaly U ba rabnUt. but u ba
oMIiaasd oa a Brga acalt than arm

If dollan aad give employ-

will hs to ahsps to ran night and day
Rytbs drst of Jaly. aad Uai after
Ibai dau It will bs rnsbsd with a
Pneldaat Davit, wbo cams bera
(lam New York Bat weak to tnapaol
Ua pleat, was greatly pleasad wiu II
' wtu Tnrarss Ully. Us astborlasd Us Improvsmant of Us plant is
at to pnl II to Ue ham

hs aM of Ua asw brick atruetars
lUrtorlM (set to Us drst Soar,
aad a pan of U «4xW aad tOaW wUi
bs two stoBs B sue.
Tbs work of rsBOTlag Uo debris
Bfi by Ut Srs. getUag tmt Us am-

|smong which «.-re bomng ro^s. of
hi» Ires iiu-ktag cal of
‘u«>»tastod man
louad In Ur iBsrmrat of die

srlU .^eh v.-pp...^ .. iln‘aTM.


..... —
Gillis-Ps«l>t<sn< Wedding
iney Ulllls airived In town SsisriUy
aflaraoen after serenl days' ah.vuo-.
daring which bs rUlUd Mina< sols,
and «1U bIm
dospls wan mat al Ue iniD b> the
family ol (V C Hall. Ue hndr being
a sister of Mn Hall, formerly Miss
HyrB IWktuus of SoaU Haven anc
wall'kDOwa to tbit elty
Mist Feck
ham bat lived bera with taor lUO-i
abeal Utes years, bsi wsni to Uiune
aoto two moeiht ago. She was |iromi
haol to soeisly olrclse.
Ibe zuanlage Aook plsee last Huuday
Ml (.alls, wbo Is one of Trar
aisrOiiy most p^Ur yoong bou,
springs a aarptlaa oo hit trleuds wi.c
wlll^ta^ladlo eongniaBte bimaod

Psieecad by kal
Tbu ampuiatiuB of Oeorge Curnell .
leg «hk-b Kcurred Iasi seek, sat
made aeoassary (rum pUsontog. wbkh
eel In lo Ue HOury Uat was beallng
and was caused by spttog ulmon Hr
Cornell Boi only lost Us leg, bul e
very near lutlnt bte Ufe. snd It
bard work (or Ue dpclors to .pull
ihrough. Mr. CorneR was not Ue oni> i
one poisoned by Ue canned goods. Tbe |
nurse and a litUe girl were also i
lery tick and Ue oil
e made sick, bul i
usiy so
Tbit happened )
,ys befuru tbe smputsiko, li

•Uto News.
Mon Uaa a bundnd gtadnam and
(orstar stadents of ths UnlTsrsliT of
MBbignn. an-or ba.s bsaa su
to atosKmary wosk in Ue foreign
flsld. Mat lute Uan » have seen
YMs B Ohina: ttoesaore bare
mlssioas of lodU and other
Btlc dDonlnM: M Iwvf
« Ua peoples of Tnrtey.

struMBta. will bs

------------..----------- oracdinMatawUcbcoUect intbeantemberauae
eblaarr that was la Us
e Sn wui hare
u bs rapBead or I
If diftsUoa. iosetirt Kidarys and other ergaas of rliainal
Tbs sztsataf Ua
Uet'--* aatoraUac
----------------------------- aad tokts
. by
. Ue-blood.
ow bs dalansBsn. ana oaiy obcbbi that 00X0 oat Urough tbe fUbds and poraa of tbe akin, predndne an iade>

AtuBMl Will SSB^
At Us Bsstlng of Us Ahuaa- _
.JBBtBa of the High sdiool PrlMy
asamlag. b«M B Ue oMe id SuperBleadaBi OUhsrt. It was dschM tbal
Ue anaaal asesi sbooM uk« Ue
term of s basaoet. aad p^ (or tbb
wars gousa under way Has* was no
aoBlSBl B Ut matter, and Us decU-

I.idia V.. ix-W-

“■ “«"mkCpSS

»>g had sol Ua dog on Ue boys while [,

£czema. Psoriasis, Salt
sss'jrs........ Rheum,Tetter end Acne

MKb It has bseadamigad.
Tbs Btaiaaca gdltBisra bare
I Ua cRy oog* —..................
■ears at Ua ________
•arks. BBd Ua kaa oa Ua
rpa Bdtostsd at lUJM.U.


by a ball dug owurd ! * ”'“''/il'*


Tbe eompaay will onaiss marki-i for
I,(ja0,iuu baibels .lara. anaaally wbiob
astntos Uat a good boms mar
kst for the (armen will bs ssBbluhOoro will Ib toksa stthsr la Us
eeb or slislled.
Tm (smI prodaet tudsr Ibe
roosas to ba esBbllsbad by Mai
bonaksr will bs of maoh bslUr
qaailQ Urns ilmi bsrstofon Fsodsead.
Tbu bled of food bat bsMi damoBstratsd to be flrst elaat (or stock.
Tbs valss of Ibis pBai to tin (stmsn of Uto refloa Is obstea/ Bad a
boms marksl wiU doabtlssa allmaUle
prodselioB of earn Ihrosgh ibU

^w«-r iimlA, auJTliiul sleep,
uutj only mesa sufieruig to me.

■ min By s Wa

Uuuipisiat sns —la fhu-l
^.r '

,or in- ‘hey xr'u

maluly of atssl.
(eel IB UelgbtBBd.pi feel In diametet
A railroad (nob will be laid be
resn Ue new balldiugs and mate
factory, vbioh will saabU oars to U
loaded aad nsloaded from the —~
Tbase ImproYsmeiits an extassire
aad will make (Ms one of the fine
Boat compisia non sUrob mani
betaring plants In Ue ooafltry b
sldsa being Ue osly oes of its bind i

prominent Southern lady. Mrs.
Blanchard, of Nash\ille. Tenn., tells how
she was cured of backache, dizziness, pain*
ful and irreg^ular periods by the use of
Lydia E. Fmkham's Vegetable Compouni

-"‘A The deg Uea-

I leu|4rd ui poU bim oB Ibe trsek. la
mUiOK Ue saddi-u Ism Ibr dog slip-

arnam to Urea storlei itirotlrs langlh
Istaade aud Us
and wldU as tbs used Is shown. This “““ ‘hat s wsrrnut wosld t» i
Uls IdeuUly nosld not be
will 1-e for drying porposes and will <•» (or Us snssi of Hr Koenig
It is said he crawled int
bs ooensetod wtU Um faotorr by elsI'-s Kseord soagbt oat Mr Kosaig. . ,
dnote also.
Tbs kilos and inoosls
'mphalieally dsn.rd tlij -—'
has offered HenomI
wOl bs'llnsd with Bi« proof Ills and:'®'** the cbirf cf poluy

■ "
:; C. L. .th.'whcls staciur. will be modern u .hU dog it a good walen
wstob dogl.Bi'®**
dc. . .. ___ ^ A pahlir library
. aad

cf LMlIa. Hkb.: k
SB.OnO. iworidod Ua Atwood. Mich,
U.U. .u.a
H. ->• Pi................I. .PP, .PPPPOI.P.;.. .™i, U.OPPPP
T. WalBee of Saglaaw.
irliig hailusss
l lima in qnesUoii he was plowing nod
will be aoAuoUir bslldlngof similar mats-' *»“hs dog was wiU him II.-slates
Us bsilding erected UU
nl, two suriss tu beigbl will b.| B addUlon Uat It has baei. a prao.ic.nllt DOtU of Ue boiler iioatu for «>* hoys toUruw siooee si him and
<',>dlllsol. ImUrredbya abormgs in
Ir hall OB Chat s
^Eng'lesd. '
I'*'* <*OI! abfl olberwise sliuoy him ■ »'r »oppl> of labor At lesal two bonleer day. aad mai
In addition to Ue two straoisres! And <lu>l (be obarges luadr-lelatiii-to |flkxd u^u are needed al once hr u<
g full Justles l
ascribed there will bs two stmage'hls sstliiig bu dog ou th,-hn.s will [■allls and oUer luduatriss o Ue eily.
d for
or tbs OL_____
Beks to take Ue plaoe of sieraiors ^ have tu he pmred.
! bat oannot ba ai-csnpd
After lbs rosUas business tbe fi
The faUrr of Ue buy states ttot be J
and seeond degrees wars eoarsrrsd
------ eJnss of sis A large nuber of

gBs lor Qtangs organltstkin
tally ahewB. ,Tbls BMllag was wall
- - UsMst Ub TMT, orsr H
Ths PaoolB Bartaoi Baak is
balBg WsMBt. baaidw a tew
BOB rsesBUr osuaMd cd Uo U
tarkad gatau
itau Ur dlanw
dlane and
kaaks of Ua dtr-. II M aapUal
Baabst* Mb oM« Oraages.
at tot.hM. aad Ua skana hara a par
Vbar chtriar-------------Briar BtBben were
of UM OBch.
Tba aUok B .it, E D. Ml '
as MBws:
■ham IVea Bate
re ara iuu
ware sot prasskl--OrB HoxB X A.
RaaMall «ad Mprr Bloyiar.
Tbs suhtset (or Ut Best meaUsR
May a. will be. ‘How Oaa Ws IBprora Ua Oaa of Oorraot Laai
6t Oar Chfidnar MBs NattB ...
kBa. tpeakv.' Topic (or Uat day.'
-OorrweUag Us Use of SBng.‘ LastOB tor Ue day. “James' PmcUcal Agrtpiutara.’ pagss kt to 41.


a. E. MWfenar, prBldaat at I
e, U * M taUNSd: S. V. Saa
«Ma jnillliw aad MBawar; I
Uli i. WbUm^ aBratarr aad cm.
Mil BtaacBi WUlte r. MrttalcM.

_ 1 y ! t.':?SSI 5^?ST•Jri^STi

u... i.-o,., i.fumskisga

store of Us Hannah A Uy MereantUe
Oo. tor ysain.
Mr. and Mrs. Kafka went ml once U
ihalr haadacisie sew home os 8lxU
strset, wbnrs they wJU begin bousekneplitg at'vhe*. They will be ni
borne M tbelr friends after
ne out of Iowa gueels at tbe ceremcoy were Henry Qresn aad Mr and
Mrs. Joaepb Taylor of Oraad Rapids:
- Mrs. O. a Seeley and Hr. and

-- "
B. a. uwi).


-Su »



k is owasd as follows:

r^OMMUsk aan ot Us

■Wto Mw


aiaia aaaa. us
U eapltallssd at here. ,snd Hr. S^a^bas a I
Uoucb this wlO Meads, especially among Ue yoong
Us erst ot aott
matUe dtp. Hs has
soolsnicled of steel nad l.rick and will!


il ha hoM Mb Us


inumher of lapTMonutiYss of lb.- tads
m-ndoiii iel.-pboee oomi«i.|.. from
: differeat }aits of Ue atsle
jeat. and til oppw^
A nianis wem-oot. wbo nevn bss to , >ts twetogi
amnkca It a«e
m. . tmnd tor bemll. ^ dors •« Isssary to oWrThi peTtolssioa

““ .V'::.r «5:„r

Thatom whan Us bodp »m
toBBd was M Ua dUtilat whan Ua ftdknrs:
Ua tlaa that Soaal
Mac abostt U rods boB
^ onr Ua hnw td
wM tonsad Us
tim OBatdUaBSBS
aZch^ panr who9 waat U WUihon B BBUoap wtu a stwl
mnr Inm lUs eltj, paaaad wliua
law <d Ua hodr, bat did aol isa H.

t to tat WIUBBsbBrB
It wM batwasB toar aad
Mb WIUBasbcts. aad
> tUwaaOas trm Ua

_()' T

ml of ibr
of lbs p

Iletiiia,-i' <’barl>-> I' Jlark. Hntry
both sides ad a
HoLert WnlTcr
-. ..
Irioiiniug ut catting
1 T.i
ble>spfTn-e<l by the
“ i Ueuprynol
Ue cxpcrsmCT
cxpcrwoc of
beesuK ol' tlCL.._______
ommiHw deoided to
Islo-l '' . -oeiAO
Iwckaibc M»a other woao- lamesd the lw~ lo do away wiU thU
sniv ,11s.
rcoine* sn otter pb>«*l |
Us pnulesi of home weddlact ut Us
'lb llerlnrt
L Harr.
lit. lbeT,-e'a rsvuntr Prescnptkia givrs ' ** Orsa.l ksm .a
I KuiAlls
I tVoa.-:»oi
newhlesn.] new tUeagUtowesk. worn- aud Hecry iJrilnT
Tbs bone wsa besulUuUy ____
, - Ms.7
iry HuDI
rated ter the occashai. Tbe oseiiKiar
was perforsed In Mot of Ue ■»,-c..ystlun»'—Reno foliij.
pBcc B Ue Mat parlor, s
bln-. <'har!-a Athlon.
iemskwewkneio. li mskes weak woawn :‘'"Ui fell a greet weigbt .o> his Ih e.
banked wlU pBlmi, ferns ai.________ .
K\.-LMiit.- r.p-mmm.-e
asioag sad aik womee well.
land drsving li t>-. dUear,-rMl Uat bs
CMBetT. Hist Satis Prall end Miss icTT.-ibr, nn,l chtlmicn of
norsBca Jackson bore tbe rll
fasd hooted B woman's body
troa tbe front to Ue roar parlor.
oorjisr bad been la Ue waMrs. R T, Wallace of Baglnair
term w.-rks. and Uer,- u oalr a,
Mrs. Josebb Taylor ot Ornnd K
e.g Incrssea >n Slsrvb Buainssa.
bsartac Ue oU«r ^di ot tbe rlbtena
TIis Mlohlgno Hurcli Oomiuii.r has
Ihr, did S.S br!p Bt My dnwr>o •dnato v
Tbe L'yetr old son of Hrory LsUTbroofb Us paiaads Uus funned "
prsparad ptaui for nteusiee iniiautebride
walked' unaRended lo
u "'I'- -ik miles aoilharsi c< KrsdiBg,
a wUlcti will nxoe
•trnlas ot Mendelssohn's wedi
msreb, plaied by ktiss Alice T. 1
«r1s Tbe bride was met at ibe s
u Wrs-d fr* I SB u-mrs-»Uw««sss. sNrt
A flue aliepberd ,log. tboronghty
br Ibe groom and Ue otBcUUng <
gymnn. and Ibe beautiful ring c
mony made t
(aotartog de[s>rtm>al. is
looked Tsry
wblle nalneuok, trimmed1 wltb
work I
An elecl.Tc!,an,a.srs directly
ease lace, and carried e beautiful b
duel of bride’e roses.
aecretary I'r.icbasks I
Cuagraiulaiiont were ibcn sbuwei
tobseai..alsr«b..,u... ' ^-^b-itut.J^
‘J- »^cd a
ua lbs bappy couple, all vUbliig ib
long yean of happiness logetbsr
w (. srey mills bare Iwei, or
n, Ji„cr's Plesaanl Pellea ahoold be str^ul belwrsu the miU 11m dM'r
Ullle inbles were placed fur i
dernl aud olh.r poniunt uf IL,- ,.|uip ‘
wlU - Fsi-oriie l^-ripoou ■ s ben-latsJlig-ocv lold bun of Ibr^
guMU and Ue following mecu •
'grrio Uo fowl and be ran ont tu
factory ttsru ap agaiu
Tw Be uiu
re tbe rooau-r o« Ue track. TB-

_____________________ __ _____ B«bU
stnet. tad Mr. Praak Kafta.
petforawd at U<


oU. aad Uaaa I
T Whan Us bed7 was
_______tubas wan foasd la
aUthlBc, hot Ua Msa Uat hs
totw to holld a an U
Ilf tim tnoslac was flsda
adttilBBal lauhlaans ot fact fraa tl
MW thM Ua Blttsh had baaa naosi
bm Ua M haad. His cap al
«M <« bM was bxiad br|a< sob
tow Mw Ua hodr. A halts aad a
paihads H brhisn wan Us obIt
M^^fcwad M Ua pochau ad f

WsbB, Arabia. ByBa.; aseaa ban
lisilBd Japes, aad (ear Cassa. U B
•wumued UatarMBbigan mta Md


• banguat
. wtu Ibe
I. addRtoB
S4 pBred «u the number
l»- iorlicd l.y racb mesa
•tma-Prall WaddlB*.
Ut irf Ibe Alumni, that maiter being
Ibe pnseaea cf Ue rwUUree aad Icfi In
Bber af Buudlau trleBda, Bfr
BUUb of Us Cunaregs"-----h Bit Wedaeadar perfirn.

your htfr!

Whaa SbariS Cbaadter aad J
Won roaebad Ua spot tW
lhat Ums *as araiT »«»«
Mm Uat Ua tad7 was U>al oC

I Hia? dean wipMlisBt U
r tBd raiT7 oB Ibe ha»-.
W R WIBBbs. Reed ( .
C-»•. Wbntoek. TnYssae Oltr ..
Rdhert *. Walter. TnYstss C«jChai WubslSB. Trarsrse Cttr...


tbe akin tender and nw. Tbecflect BsStoewd.
of Uc poisai may emu tba akin to
«U V. Oantsml
«nck and bleed, or five It a acnly, fiaby appsanaec: onia tbe craptioos may
Ue W Parificatioa ol tbe biood'bteeSy
tbe oaly icsady
lor these Tirions____
Wasbe* and
caa .««ly
bide lor a time Ue glaring
-EaEindkateaall ttoBoaonsi^ntbo Uric aad oUer ac^. and
jfiah organa, and tbe imperiUca paaa eC tbmgb tbe natanl chanacU aad
tdiesw tbe akia. Ti. E
pcti6«. !troaUiBSB0AncBie,Mi


*DkAK Maa Pdixbam:—1 baTg toes

has^ another

CoDT, MflO Blroh ^ Iliilad^hto, Pa.
•hecftuUy c(wM IpO avary

Tew Wen are 6ood

Judges of eiotbiiid
If you are one of the few. you can buy anywhere and know
what you are getting. If you are one of the great majority that
does not know, you must buy only from a reliable store where a
guarantee means that you can get your money back if the gar-mentsdo tjkt prove satisfactory. Our guarantee is absolute
and has nc^’strlngs" to It.


I 1 'v



Wc have selected tbi« week Crom our immen»e ftock
0 colicciiotto of Sack Suits lhat must prove of tbe ut*
tot interest to every man of thrifty dispoution.
I's three-button, single-breasled Sack Suiti,
niylinhly made^lKjautifijlly tailored and richly ^^0
Men's four-button, singled
ioglcd breasted Sack Suits,
tade from choice
:e selected fabrics,
fabric*, plain and
fanc)' and following all the latest diciaies- - s of
fashion. worth $1S and $2<l.;
price ....... '


4 buiton back Suits—wur choice r best patiems in fan^' Worcteds an^
Cheviots, sold at the beginning of (he seasoa

Other desirable Suits at
$5.00, $6.50 and $7.50



To Core a C<rid in One Day s?:.'5U 1

F'ront S-tr^o-t Slioro.


tan TnroK Bcnll.
Ifct «Mk v«»^
u ^‘ni- iw« it t «oou‘« M*iitvT n U*
u4 Oat«MT Afl aMBrlMV, *boM ••wli are
4ineU4 wvardi laduclai rMtaBU

»))r KiBuM wrwkBn:
-Tha CWCMO Wueb of the
m't BUUkry of Uo AmcIm Part
tta OulAotf Art MMnvloa lo Krlr!>• l« uom* tmmi ttUmt la bwkrar4 gardoalac It ahaBM ba cacoiir
acaf la lU «<a«
"•oB* arocTM* la Ub <UrMtlaa lo
vaMUea ba* boM boA* la lA«' last
turn tmn. bat aaltbar tba aoaaiblUt]'
Bar Ua AaalraUUij of bMitmac tba
bar* rarda <A oar ooBCaalaA dUtrkiU
baa at rat baaa rtsocalaad br the »ao»it BBai 4«<«>lr ocBOaraad la tba

r a rUoabto additlaa ur Hr.
«• alraady Bm laUaeUoa.
Uftwph • Irltad laoeatiy raiaraW
T«BL WbOa tbOTs bto trtaH
1 BOB vlib vboB ba bad lorBar.
ly btwiad la. tba nppar paalaaula, bsl
bad ioal raturasd tnaa Bootb
Ma vllb tba arBadUlo allra. Ur
Baatori' frlaad uadanook to ta^ tba
urt> bona Vllb bla allra, but |i
dlM oa ibavay. aad vaa Boealad la
eblaaM. tbae asat troa Naabrllla.
Hr. Bgalara' laaaar Hwit. lo thto city
addad to tba aoUartkB

al kalBbU H tba V.
attaad Iba BaU day tbarc Tvev
day aad panlelpaia la Uc
(ba day aad tba D. O K. K blovI la tba aravlBC
rba total uapaby to aura.ll to uld.
of tba ivtu for Ua loassal dlataoea
irarrlad. TWto to IimU ti a pretty
I la (Old Wbti Iba ratba eoBpatltlra drill la,
of couTM. a BteUar of eo '
vbo van frvB
moaay ara aa ft
Capi J. V Hell
.A. Praak Alrord. C U. Boara.
A. W. Baitak.
anat. Jj
laa. C. E Carla
Carla. E C. Coaip
top. J. E CaBaroa,
.. .K Carvar, J
W. CUle, A. V. rrtodrtfh, X “ Orel
link. A E OloOeaaky. P U
A. H Holliday. H. HytaaB.
Coy. E E. Miller. J H UoOouab.
Jobs Pivbart. P. H Pratt, Claade Pul
ter. A E Polrer. Cbarlea Roaealbal.
Peter Wurabgr*. Harry Uonrua
Haary Palaraoa. Ilarrey Itecker, C. E

JIa Oaaiv* bad triad SSBS
''a aaaa aa aAer-dtaaar pai
WUcb laawa
Aad Ailed bla varU vitb iad>««.
Drapapsia aav caat babar btB,
' baa nada bin “Sasay Jia.'

I aal -rum' ei cvhi euJ it
ma Ba a rwlul .101. Ii

Hates'today The actual vork
the rahle lu Iba lalaod vlll I
pareuual i

by bar tlaiar, Htaa Joaafdtlaa Bao-|‘1^‘
uader tba
vUb naata, tiaaa. ahrabbarr.
laa atU Ball aad I pen
H H ■
Craaa glou ara aot vaallac ban
tha alraafa tblai la that, vbaa to
BMb BBT ba
aaall as aapaai
brids, aelad aa rlnc baaiw aad vaa tacUUy for vSeciHely di
labsr. sa (a* ba<
B aa xtr.
driBid la plat atlb
aali la

tva bnOTniilliia ta a Hna aalcbbsrbood bare boldly atniek out lor
IbaBsalraa, rsMrdlata of eorliOTiBlbU. oiban bars baaa Udooad lo

(dsaUsat. cra^ast yard to i

bb rard (Ml aaaaot ta toaprorad: ao
favaa: ao porah, ao bmas. Iroat
raar, that eaaaot ba baaallM for lonr
OT Bra BObtba of tba yaar, at laaat. by
tba BHPdsa of )oal a Uuto tasrsy
aad a ttttla utu. All that baiora toBitota to a bactamHc aad -a i
BBiaii of atioatlM. Eba vUi do tba
rssL AM aba to so Baaarmi ta bar
fitia tbai aba oaebt to ba aa dlaplbyed.
Mr. Day tnda p

vbkb Baraay Aadoraoa U aow aaoa
rallBi tor bli arv (lore vat taovod
out apoo butt tUMi aad Ian tUadIBC lhrr«. vllb vherli mdtr both
end! of It. Bona of tbs prtBsrti
to-,..------------hat. Ua
vbeato ua
der Iba I
lold. aad____.. ..
mldalfbl Baturday nlsbl.
Jail vbaa it nurod aobedy kaovi,
but Biwday nuntiDi at 1 o-etoek It
vaa aaaa vUb ooa aad oa tba valk la
froat ol Baraay Abdanoa'a alora. All
orar iba buUdliic vara atfu that road
llbe Ula: -HaaMea ' -Nottoa, EWSB
Haat aad Baotrie LishU. Bolb
■pMaae." -Por Heat." -Dlphtharla.”
"Oirl Waalad.' -Whafa lha Hatter
vtth Haaaar ate.
Borod tba bulMlBB
.WB Borad

tt II had

Our Basement Floor
7s dtdlim out Bargains that an not
duplicated anywbtn!
When yuu want bargains theie is une place where you will al­
ways find them, not cheap goods at low prices but good reliable
merchandise priced low considering their true value-

Rats and £aps

SE~ H : £


Meo-i aatl boy’i caps vonh Wc. to dose at 25c

Staple Roods

aarrovly eaeapsfl aartoua lajaiy.
B iBHiasiad la tba ud
Nobody baova who tha Baa vat.


Men's fmc ralf ehoce..........
Afca afllie celeluale.1 Floral.e.tu
a«ib *4,00 .............. ..................
Men'a gOtol lubbel l«ul. . .
, .


dn,Uto to

A. g.
Laat vaak at tba Baitle Craaek
Bsatlac of tbs Htoblna Lattar Ca^

Men'; Italbnsgan undeiaeor, y.V lincl........ | 5C
Men-e line knit ehiiu. vcie dtk-. i.ui |ave .. 25c
Men'* fancy Kgyidian ballirijyjan umlefvear.
wM even^here »i 5llr.........................37C
Mea'»boebU..kteleen*ln.u................ 37c
Coodmong .uvivndert.......................
Men'. Mack wckk....................................
Men's grey an.l Ivovn iniieil locks S ].r«
| Qc
Meo'i blue and *uii«d uieialla, Mk (he

::: ii'
Fiae W^^fa Uee aad nwreenwd h»« • _
Ladit't viapperi, ibe b«t you over lav al .
S6e.ouipfice.................................. .. - • • 48c

Shoe Snaps
La^ caM abosE Iw* « UtfWo. value* uj.
iBlaatV bM ahocf.............. ............................
Cbildrip-i Me Kid aboei...............................
A kM olMMea’ tampte iboea, valuet up 10
SUSMile they toll...................................


Children'* Mioag cotton knee |•ant't............. 17c
All voM knee iwuit'*. SOc value*
.s.. 37c
Men’s cotion iwdi'*. vurih Sl.nti. fix.......... 69c
Men'* Be*i-tiiA) Corduioy jom*............I.J5
Men * cotton panu..............
.................. 48c
Men'* black Cheviot »uilv worth SlljUU, for -2.98
A lot 01.void Catsitix'e iuUi.47.Ho value* .4.50
A lot ol C'ateiiuetc aiut S1K 01. tdack rta>
Woratevl Siult. nicaly Qia.1e and goo.1 ni­
ter*, aorth ordinarily SIS.UU. for.............. 7.50

These goods were not bought regular or u c rOuld hoi i)uotc ) uti such low prices.
These werewli bought at gntlcrprOD^ in job lots or at auction. Our big chh-Ici and
our rebdy cash works wonders when it cojMcs 10 pifking up bargaln>. I'atronizc the
bBsemeni and you will be satisfied. Money back if you are not pleased with your
purchase at any time.

01.0TMIN0 SAIpit? UotSaa. MwamT'aad

m TmH St.


Mma Suita eqoH lo .tai^wad^
tba aktoi OBOotb
obiata. Tbeaa Tabtou do avay aa.
tiraly vHb artlgelal aMwtor tba eoB' a la tba fom cf taltot ptap
' aa Boeb BMC

% black clay Worete.) Suite
I be coaaidereJ
dBapall.SO. Oor^nce'
Mca't brovB aeNa caa

Mao's pare an vooi Wonted Suit!
Fwtaer ttaia liaise.
cd.voRbSlSML Oxp^P

oebat * - ■ ...a (roB

atroac aad durabk.
------wM for S&Oa Out ^ QO
Young Meo'i lo^ Paats Suits, age
Id logo made of all voolcBBicnerc

McaV Black mtiiiiihad Wonted
Saha, padded aboalden. very K}4-


------- ‘7.9S
aHd by all divBgtofi A tital tAntBaal amt liva. Addtaaa Draba *
Kbodaa OOto
HarH - — - ’
Cara aad Marra^SaatarOT.
AaaldaM WMto PlaytoB.
DarU Toakar taoka tva beam ta
bto toft M Priday al*b( Hat ato
tbaraakto vkUa ptaytas vtth ta
otbar boys ai tba Bapttot ebwch
eWI aad party Ba aada a BbaMm
aad Ml vtth Iba abava rataH. ■h
vm nba a
emraalaara aieept aa a
aaaa aad ataCuu vaM.
u"«M aM BBraWB ba



amen Sints
B tba aav Tobacco brovo vub
aHt reUMg MaU. ^ QO
voetbSlO.Oa Oar[«ioeVe.7(7
Mm'S Swtt Bide of aB vool Cam.
wata. bmt dwk tBitam. vlk baad

A-ILMmiaamJ Saiu
vkb tba fasiutecd Hbd. Othos


Mm's WoMad Saiw, vary asat
daik paitarib vaBlHad aad uBottTJO

asji-'i.'rs,'■“2r ^ sr


Soma Sp«aal BaiKtitu is

SiH OB Ilf M Mm

A ran pratty b<na vaMtac
pteea al ttw boat af ibaMAt't far Mia. Hr. aad Hn. 1. E. Baawa.
an Waal rreal awaal, al t o’alock
WaAaaadar araaiar, Hay «. vbta
ttaaU daacblar Lala. vat aallad :a
Mrrtaca la Ht. Balsar LtatlialU, by
•ba Bar. Wb. T. WaoAbaaaa. Tba
vat Tcry iVBlIilr daoaralad with
bawOi Manttau Cabla.
fmt aad peiiad iilaait aad iba hrUal
I> II Ila). to *1
gam aMod aadar a Barrltfa bait,
ubllabBonl of Ibv
la (raiB 8le.'B
.tba htaairalTlag tarriat wat lB( Btar Pulot to
lb HaBllou I.
ally today on
—' .
.land la dua. la lo
am ibai Iba ra
Tba brite vaa btaalllally levaad ! buakaaaa. Mr liar
la blaa riU Ball aad oairlad A«arl- '

Tbars ara Hatrteu Ihrousbout tba
My vbkb a«erd all lbs adraeu
bam aaspU laft iba tallevlac day
Ibal sabvbaa er aoBairy Ufa eaa o
Cor riaakfen, wbatc tbay will tfti
tor oraaBastal sardahlas la a ai
fav daya Tbay will ba al boas la
W- Tba yarda, (mt and back,
isle frttsda al l>ll Weal rrael alRal
w latia aa thwa of tba aabarbaa
after Hay II Tbs Ml af lovu gaatla
bawt. tba aoU la last aa ■ood. tba aa.
vwa Hra Bsary Laaiboht aad Hr.
BaroM Iteslbolta of rnalfart. Hlebaad Hra Iasb Euary ol Ho­

AblHUadatphtotlba aatpival wa- Bv«tan bMU late tba t
sertpa of B^Br Alias Paa'a -'Iba’Cteriaa Bbart. a (ataat vtar Oraval
Bella- baa baaa aidd at aaMlaa fa*IPoiat eiolc K.m Ebrri
H HXL U vaa pvt Of tba BaroU bad aaeralsd ifaa isoavy la aii old
Petm Ubaary. Tba
'Isaac* la bla diBlap roea b««i
little wivebid- lioo
bla fear of baste
blaapapw paatad lecaibar aad artf . ProBhle dyiB.
Pieut 8 P«w-{
laally foraad a atrip elebt laobaa'o^
Vida aad Kt. iaeba* leas bat It baa ! ***“ “** P*''* **'* laveilua da» ao
a dinOad law tbrw Bare or 1«B
trlihoot iba kbovledca
tqaalparta II Wake Uv toal II hbaa >ot bia vUr or any o>a io tba fanIW.
of Iba aoBplawd pooB
| Thai oi«bt ba died

Boys' 36c auit*. Koe< Pants a uev
green effects, mibtary cab tadded


Boy*' 8 pwee »ail, 4aec pant*, high.
Iv tailored, self retaining front*, MiU
itary cat, in all the aev fabric* fhl.
Mce'* Cordoroy Paatl.

70M. aett
h $T.Sh.
Bbys Sailor Sails, made of bine
flaaael. triwBwd ailb Soatacha
tawd. a tlOO

vaeSi SLM. to «kae om>r i


Men'* vOTitnd paau.
neat ftri pe*, $S ealue for
Mm'sffanaripaatt, well uilored,

iOU pair Mea’i nteple paw*, aoc a

Men'* cottcat

oa coat MacMambe* doa­
ble leatore aD arool anerim *cd-




[ Judge (or Yourself j

paying froa M to kZr

rt^g fttaUr^^^ mr^’^tbftjf
^waiter Cook of Travaraa Cl
ling a seek wlik Mr. aad

You can tell (airly
well what

Ladies’ New Suits for Spring


r of bar al>
fl.uoo. bad b« Hdaad Harek
Tbe oa» la tka Woodaiea lodse
cdtMl co^llkw un wlllila
poUCT Cor ttdOO. aad tkoved
4v« «(
deuk. pi9 MtttBC h> u<
Baplda Best kiusitay
d April
bad lolaad
' " U. l:
•HumlM 4 Mrkmi (onn froa tkc
poaRloa at Ika bodr R
- '
simn. Mn. W»lt v4i bm la Ckat- •w )t>da«d Chad IMaa vat altilas
be pBiked Ika Irian. Tba plare
W Ottto, »sd ~
« •« »k*
> iba block bad ceatad waj aaiUr Verly. aailitad by
itaw at b«r dealk Sba *m imitM
aey^Oeorge H _C«
«.KU in Ihn uA idU
t0i B. W4h »»
Wta, »
Bbarlt Cbaadl--------- ----------- I Ike tol
MO. m«d lk»T h»». -ad*
re bit notker. Mm. M. Hals
1-rvd Av.-fv ma>l
toirloa -Jarr; Nahoai *t«t.
Llngatey; bli taUcr, M. Helin of .. .
i>e Cii) tb.' uih
to Tr*T«r»« CWt artr itoe*. »
Wiloox. Joba UeTaaart. Haarr
A S fVay e.-i.l
ktaa OlBloa Mellaa aad Oeorf* W .tooa: Prad Hela of Peoiacola. Pin.;
» Mwdaagkt". Mn FV«1 Csh
HbniT Helin of Keyalone. Mtaa Stale hr Mh
•UU4«. a* l«4Ta ihTM cblldnB.
ilr> r. T ITa>
Hra Soila A Ayarj. troa «boa
CnwbMti.v i» m'M liy
MM MBato. W»»« *■« RV»«d.
Tr»i.-r»r Cliy dbe
elB bomvad tba tea. wa« oea <d
ly and Hln tVal- ’
ttU eRT. tfc*
5*«- U># «ltaeiaaa.Bba italad Ibal abakad
E T aod A S. Pray
(dean Gracar Co. O.atributtra.
MCI «ttli Uielr talker la
n drove lo town the Sto
up natll abOBi 10 oelock ia«&K
bOftM. 8be l««Tec %i>o lour •Iftan _____ abc «aai lo bad
Man) <.f lb.- friend, of Mra. E. T.
About II
and Mn John QunUe of fit Pr»v aa'hrred at h*e home cm the
o-cloek bha heard aoaia oaa calUa<
al'.-rwum of tbe *lb lo h.-lp her eele
'KabuBi.*- bar haabaad. aad lopaM^
i Spruce aireel oalrbraied tbalt
r birthday
It, »BlB( aaacar aad aaarar. Tbli tfilMb wedding anolrennry May
r hae boill a oapol* on
.•Djoy.-d ibe^danrr ai Ham
caUlag avoha bar, bnl br tkla .Uaa
oae at East Lelasd
their children aad gmndchlldreo lVaiK>D't Olday c
be «aa os tka atatr atapa ta tba boi
Her aad M» Tiso* viul
Mrw U
itariT ker
aad aba aaanrod him. Ua sal
. Out and lake Aoo e
ad at Tiw
OmHUm a* 4 toyaJ ttttad. a Wiktal
lo bk
few days
•«> aad 4 dmiad ■oika’, tad tkab
I i: HaakeU at Traverse Ckty
.rn-n— —_______bOt
ae not brre were Ue tamllle*
Ttararee City
Obss Psnlor waa
BTtapalUM *. art la lac»e r------- tursad (ros lodge 7Cl- The rojoa os
1 bft l.roibvr-lulaw. •- ttmnn
osltrr Ob Monday
- «» tkc iNCMCid koiliaBd aad c
Mrn. inuca Marker of Hlltadalc. Iowa,
' I. berioutly III
tka ataln, which aba neocBb
Mir U4t Ike kM pataed one
who bu been >:
and Mn. Blnncb* MUIer of.Ionia
leogtof to Hala. altbough
Bauer taad.
I eesvslaueeoi
Dot aak bta oaBD. nU Uu- —
CW Blbblr, Jt . 1. to .Ymrlrvo
WWW doga Is the. aheap paatnre <d
Tbe-day war van dUlaUy and pleai
talUug rrtatlVM end frleada are nil 1.u»> artllbC
gmt deal a* troubta---------- —
aatly apeni
Mra. QuaUe eayved
[.lent euro
Will Krddow l.fl Ibe Brat ol t:
.SOS aa (kt fasaisl of Hra & B. WaH. ^tly tiwa tbla
dinner, nnd boU of t
J Um U liemha uf LsLv , wrax to eoter thr I' r^. 1. r>- »
waotad a gon. Bba ..
^akleekiilaeaalfa aM fro* tba kept la tba taalda raiiba<i^_li t^
rj IhtwUiSli .mr vtclnlly
lltOBlb OtatOBgO.
bappy old couple received aoaie rt
ililniin as WadilaftoB alaeat. Tba
na mWBI.
UM, wnn.**
'lay f"r
W. a Krltoo (ptbi a frv dsya
and uaafut preaenla.
MTtaaa w«e is ^scgl o( Baa. D.
Trnvrma City thii wrra
nnd Mn. Qualfe were narrled
It and go oat of tba bosaa. By
Mr and Mr>. Hsn Willlard
Oaebllk. After alaglB«. -Osly BeHra J Lsirrt leioroed from Bela.
ja ago In Oawtgo, N Y
■ aba ranasibared...............
■aabaced." br the okoti aesaiatiaf
yean vf tbalr young married life they
Mr. I. E Hate* n-m. Ikr purut u( Itaeadsy
Mlaa........ ........... .............
Id Htaa Bcbarea. Un L A. TbMsp' of bad. rafted the window aad walled tpenl Is that place, and from Ibert Ml- RIUUD Gmy lent Tueiu]a>
l Tmverie City a ftw dapa
■s. B. X. Wblta aad Trad Ba>M. lalil ha bad coae around tba eorsar they made aeteral movei. Utlng Is
' ' llUnoft aad Wlaroruln during Ike
A f. Bunlmg ol Kopirv wu lo
^Mr anT"Mr.'^’uru.'*tolrV Salur
Iba cndlac of asatartlac 8I- of tba bosaa. where ahe oooJd plainly
algbl yon. anlU they came to
aaa hlB lo the wooBlIghl, and —'
>v .v.-niug na. nri: aiieodiHl There own Vadneedav
bda 1-------r- bd^
-Hmlsg bln that the gos waa loaded. H<
inie regkm. flrat weaUag la Leelsoan
irr 3» preaenr
It war the birthday
Hr.. B J SlvBen. of Keel IslsoJ
lad." Mr. OoobUa apoka baaalUBUy piled. -All rWit; I hare eooie
county luyt .0 yean ago. Tkelr (arm
' ih.-lr da.ighirr Ooldta
Ai: repuri Ibtl Thotadsy aiorblog for beat Jar
at 'lbat Uma waa In the wUdernaaa.
af uia eveat ahacaoter of Uia osa «bo BM. too.- Tboee were tbe laat w
dee for s abort atST with frteeda
Tur mBea from tbe village of Olen
be waa ksowo to hare aald.
Ml.. Rekab AVlIs* and Mr> L E
tai COM faatorr bar dear osdi M tba
Ura J Koetmso end too Prsuk
a'r. drove over io ltalh*yvi;i.* TueS' drove to ttauos. Bey Iset Wedooadsy
hanrUbd. BaleUad harauaUib ___alao laatlled that aba waa
'*^11 neareet' neighbor waa tbreaaaltep
whan Mr. Arary retomed
daeoUds M bat bona aad laisllp. akd base, ha being In th. house w^ lb« Unaneri of a'mile away through tbe
hm iMBt asd tna Irlasdablp for bar dock eiraob It o'doek. HtaWdan woodi. aad they bad to go tkcre by
meani of a trial, aad if they want off
Kddie Beob of Bael Lrinod i
aokban, asd the taftaaaea ber lift waa about tbree^uartera
the mala bastea trail they had to
«UI alwaya ban apos tba line el attar Mela bad left.
Mr* AUea Raoala. wUa of WllUaa btaae a way lo loaure agatul being
Oaga irta fcsa« bar beta, asd------tosL Mra. Qunlfa autad that bean
Baomla. wai aworo, and
• Rllcalu-ih Krlrh r.-ttiruv-l from
were aeaa frefloaollt, but that aba did
. asd had Isat
aba - t.v fit} )eslt-rilej alter a fen
not ever feel Umld ibd rather ei^yed
lafl baklBd. Tba aaralea eloaad vilb eaaa diwwry wbaa Ua heard a '
aoundad aathe life at that Uma, but does not care
tbaMsBiSB ad Hra. tfail'a taroaltr Wttanea up atalra. which
i.\lesi]y Hehm eat s \rr)
pliWimni «.irprfte la.t rvrolng In him
bjas, "By Oool Sllasst'a Bhsdy If aoaa ooe war walking around.
got ap nnd want up attlri.* lor rrf her birfflilav Sbr rrrftltrd
great dtsl of thought ta.
Itnr Dlrr preM-Dti rrom ber frlrnda
Tka dal tarrldia ware baW at <takget some mOt deUeacy f-‘•‘
Kl a gCHl ilmr mu b;
wblnh her U-yaaroM
weed eaaiaiT. where all Bwi wsa
moot Kndn; and Batardny.
Whan they Inestad'at
aerwl wsa lasAarly laid awey M reat dSktw^'n nung tw ait^. arid
Thr Ulur> Timr_I'rlmrao.
Obaa John of Konbport nnd Rtan
Uaobi It atissge. She want in. laR they bad three pretty dangbtara
lay Waraer ol Ob^a were >a town n
br tka loan* hMda of tHodi asd arsasd tor aalebaa. hot waa uaabla
- tbe admlraUon of
• Rlnabam ech.wvl <
Ikon timeiaatnt^v
to And any. Bba ibaa want to Iba
'Mn Owaat and danguier of Obien
bad and felt along tka edge of It. boat that aal tbaa down at Olea Ar­
H tipeli-r u rravrr.v Cli> h
go aittved ban thu work lo nmaln
king a bead, wblek aka tkooghl bor; and tka captnlnb pnrilnt
A W Urbrr
IDK a bam i
for tbe lommei.
t Iknt U tkay baesma Hred
tint of a
Ska aakad If tt
Haawa Thaa T. Bsiaa. 1* EokeHa.
In tka wUdaesats. ba woul
Him Csrrie Pstar. who baa been
a. W. HllUkas. 0. K. Beak, ~ '
them bsek to CUeago wken h<
vtaiUug bar (larauta et Real Utaad,
retarned tn Eaal Jordan
■a—will asd a 7. User.
Awaagtks relsktna pnaast tra*
Prlmesu rluaed a
•St e< tka eltr arera Mr. WaUb
Vltswa aak.ed him why ba waa In
Oban PwM of Tra.ene Olty ta n.r
pn-prls^v eaerclaea. Ii
OagMar. Mra. Weed Oslaar. asd UtIkMW. sad ba aald umt be had bad lo
_ _
,l Northport to­ gsaal of Key Peaee and wife
«a DM
Saglaaw. astsa in tbara to go to Ika doaoL Bba
of Snuos. Bay epant
lag hU wits nloss la the woody
Ua .Mar. Ha K.
D.' Abhw toU Urn to Itseajnd
Sunday wiib bta daagbtrr, Mr. W
at ML
IL PtosssnL
lo^ if^ t^ ebUdmL
a( Aiks, Mr. BaBasa Wail asl
de 0of Trsverur City be.
.. yrpn they have Ured
__________ Basnla waa oomHr ahd Mm. Bafisa Brinkwee asd
.King wUb Mn R. Hurlburi
nd Mrn Uarv.y Knegeegicer uf
Tba ehlldiws needed
. . eras CHg
I .
wast to Ua rooa wbnn Hr. Traveras
taa Ksiberloe Keumln sad M'lll- ____ drove ihroogh (own SatatUMS M<Hd HiMlas.
go to tehool aad
bailar chai^
_______ .jusd Urn draastag. Wttnasa
Sanborn were uoliod In holy ned- nrday os their way to Olllta Piet.
cHy. boylng Ikatr
ef tara asd baastUU nMSlsaa wttk bar chUdrsn aad did
fipnwa atraoL Oaly ____ SI .Suiioaa Bay U»t. Wednesday
Ura Plac£cf Uaoietee i. vtaiiing
Bsweaa taatlSad to tba torlsg tatsoM set toUow him. m girl dM SOI praaaot h
Mr., asnbuni tau been a aurcesMul bet psnsH fv a few day..
h-oM. ef Many Mods AsoBflbaa nwakas ostU aha btard. bar molbM
teseber In the eebooft of ibl. coubly
RU-hard BoMoo of Ssnoo. Rav
mmraf to HolM. Sba also lastlM
tor a number of yean and the best
a pUisw of pish ssd wktt. tarn IBM bar bnsbsdd west tslo hli rooa
in uwo Snoday. of ber many friend, gu
■ sthatamUy to Ulk vRh USL asd tkas tkay wsst
.riy meeiiiig was held b> .
her tu tier fulur.- heme at Raiill
sa^ Ui
of Trbvecae Oily Sunday
‘‘Ostta sM<" M ptsk asd wkUa roaaa down atalra asd Isttad tor wm
talaed tba oM farm onlU a
ileted by Rev. Bryan of
Wtab oMa SMpsaad of btsaafeo- ■ba kord Mr. Basle taU Mala
sra ssd sanr WMt back agsln.
After bar baakasd bad «oaa bsek
rltb ear. they CM
-i. O. JnkMes. Bsfbaa
mM OiiewneimisMnr H
to tte bosaa fra* tsIUag vtib
Auoth.-r rldlruliiu. foodJpd ba. Peru
Kanora Keti<l»un of Boyne Fall.
_a. B.
•- MiUw. FMSk be came back ap atalra wkmi bta Mta
brand.Hl by lOF nitj*, e^poieiit au
_.'ba«a end eoaalder
,lt.J n-lrb bU brother Cbrli
asd A. W. Peek! alakla of waa with bar ttaDdrss. Tkay sat thSra
iboritlce^ Th^ hkv.- ^dtapeUt^^thr
to do tkelr own work asd
idretr. tasi neek
• na lalkMg wkas thay heard
H f. Wbeeluck and mile (SlI.
down atUn. and thao tkay to take csra <d s smell gardoo.
-I f..r brain, aoulbrr for m'lerlc.
down' imd 'totawed 'all ths doom,
.(Ill asulber fur booce A
r Haiuam-ay', mother, nbo ft kt
area to tka oMlW, w that k* MbM Jg tko old p
diet mill nut ual) nourl.b a
flora Hurfcar ol
Od toMtiy. Hra. B D. AbbolA Mr.
tr part uf Ike buJ.v. but
gsd Mm. B. a BoBaa. lb. and Mra
.ID t'trry other part. YeL
_ ^tm. aUbTboi
t. Ill
e<vd >our food Sfty be.
CMiillalt; laraa way
attar this, bot beard so tonkar soiss Oadar atroat Trararw ORy:
. Is dettroyed by IndlgcRloD or
ftSBtbB Oasitatalliwil dhareb asd
u> bl. aliler, b
Vnitam A. Baasta. who emplcyad Lucy MeOnaky of Bahtt (ng U
i-|Kla You mu.t prepare for Ibcti
R. B U«B P. Oota power besasl:
eft.- City ami t
Haim tor the past tkrat ywri.
arancu or preveDl Iheir comlDg by
Traverue City
Bad Ifcal kawaa oatssUI WobtoekW
Ura. Joha Shorter ol Sabin apeal taktag regular doeoe ut
Mr. MoRsa'a, about a mOt sortk, aM
II Inower, the la.orlte medicine
dangfattr. Mr*^
Mra^ E. Augu.1
r dangfatto.
8an.lay sKb ber
of tbe h liby mllllona. A few donee
*‘mT wd*Mra Qoalfa kata » grasd- Tba
dUe. lion. .Ilmulaiee ibu Uver to
WIMrea aad nix grwbgissdcbUdfw.
Osh; fdsk mat froa the O. & O kit gin. Ha esBt ooL '
uedm of Fret
thy a< lioo. puri&e. lb« blood, and
^k. IMBS opasy af rad mote ftoa M tka dog, ssd waU
meLo. you feel buoyant and vUoroiia.
dTo-glrlt asd thrw hays of tka grandfew go.g m
Ban BsTilssd. Bart MtUar. Jaltsa
Von can gel ihl. reliable remedy
ebUdrw; Mra UKtla Brottartos. tka
IWga asd Balj* BaMtoB>i Aaataa hem and wwt to bed.
molbar of osa key; Mn. AUea I---------Hn. Wm.
n Lao
T nssrasll mn-"— Dr. 7. D.
.. later Aere.
> a Ww wbw Ike glker ef two keyi; Mn. Locy Helm, who___ . .
rr of a b
Grand Rapd to g home
Mssaas HlMf ef oUa misa Thea. ______________
allttg Urn op MeCtoWy. the me
t. Bstas ssd fsBlIr. sad grawlBg atalra. Be did net hasr bw g« est of
.Ca«. aod oaie oi»„ uou
errgiri. and Bd. Qnslto tbe fi
nnd wife of Rtg
Qmrge Carpeoi
Baanr lUy. Mra BsMa; ajiraya at bad. Ua taU be wpnt up atalra aM a Wngbter. Of tba itx graa
of TbtatlelDe. guaranteed
Into Hslm’a raotn. whara ha aakfi
■MS, Mr. and ,Hta. ▼. fl
WUdraa Mn. Mtante Brown ef
e Sunday evening lire) Ctanndtao end Kuug TUillea.
him twice what ha ww detag UAha Iowa, b tbe mother cd thrw of tbg terta pareoi.
Burdock. DDDdellon. JohnioD On
«m Hasla ssd Mia Ba

gtrta' room, and ba tnnUy said k< ww asd Mra Oliva Bbtay of Iowa ta tbe lof^a
WUltamt nnd wife of LodL Mullen. Sand Bum nnd Milk W.
datMn. 7. V. MlUlhaBi BUph As- going to the ekaat "Be aMo adcsawlIf
dne. Di.I money rheerfully re
Ut other tkrw.
vlilted with Mr Wllllamt' parenl.
dag iiwji rif irnirnr-r- "---------- ‘
- - to as.’ isU tte
■ ■
laat week.
„ ta my dangku
iSwOMPdr; Hr. aad Mra B. Idea
g li reported lo be dultc
InvtttUanto H
twaac Mra AUo. Mra PakoUs. raea chat kt WW CSSgb. vM. MM, w
Tbe dliieton of tte board of trade
kids.' He alto aald 10 Tttbtw. 'My
Iba. BnOra asd Mra tdsd; Kara Oed. Pra doan «y laat data work. Pd
**W. 'ftewew*wblle loading Iol
eoraerga or oossnmouos, ywt<
met Tkaraday afuraow tn tte Peo­
r at Ibe Pore Marqueue auUon. tte eoottg. bwllng iiflanbra.
MiljM Or. asd Mra W. B. Maw: Uhs to tee my metbtr asd kratber
ple'. Snvlngi Bank, and took deSalta
narrow eaeape from deaib. One Dr. Wood'i Norway Ptue SyrarralM UUao aad esraatUw. Hr. ssd
nckhm reUUve to the aecutug of tte
r akid. drewed. lelllng a tag
Mra U BoktMt; potlaA Ba«t* Illy.
tte Mtablgaa KorTbe N7w MuMr SUtae. J,
M£ wdMra r BasUMs: roaaa asd
Manager for GHnnell Bro..
tleuUatal eoelety tor tbta city sen
'^Wtalta Uouner and wUe .pent 8i
|-ii-------Frask Paisa asd Jay
Freni St. rtinne nml Otgan. lor nnle
ig. An lavUntloB waa ei
lay wllb Preeman RMbeo of Bi
Hite: Hi. wd Mra r.ThsnaM:
ad to tte sodety.and llwas praet
klsiBfil bdsqsata at oarasrtcaa I
lira EalM) Mailed wllb friend.
gnred ttnt tte meeUng wUI be held
Mra Baeaw. Mia Clara CBsta. Mra
Boratob. eentcb, nontch: unable
TbU ta aa Important ngliig Tnverae City laM wg.
alMbd to bniiag dsHag tte day or
a. O BaasstU Osa biokns. Bsttta Aad that aa eooa aa Hi_________________
Eugene Packard SDd wife at Tr
draeatag ttay wwt down ttain and asd ose ttst b mneb noogbl aftar by
Mwp daring Ibe sight Itohlsg pig
ae City vlatted wllb J M. RobbI
a Oasy. AIMS T. Bobana. Hra W. g 01 tte pweb, wbwi Helm ttsrtad
borMlde btagne.
Itasa'i Otolment
vartow potsta tmtte trait am
Blly Sanday.
K. EaUy, rsaaa. Hi. wd Hra 0. -O. u go. g tte vrllsg liMataad bta
Kaver gia
Ai any drag
Mtae Alta Craodall bai retsra
at tte Mata Travene City ta torts
BWtoMwdMra I. a Mad
ge in MeirtBg tte mdetlng. wUeb
rSeld. *
told bim be vronld gire him a efaasea. will bring fag tte gi anttorttlea
. Miller A Cook Oaaollne Esgln
! apeot a
g be bad g bo wove out of tts, 01 tniU la tte eowlry. IF.
Sulclda of Arttaa Hal
■V wg you wuaL Ton g get
few days wRb t
Dartng aU tte-------------at l-Yed P Bougbe) '. They are
Anhar Halm, a yosag man of dd _______________________
tbta plaw laat a
begt aa^
as eatd ttat He
guaranteed to give aail.facit''
pwr* waa found dead Tssaday m
tag tg be wooM g hbatclf eat of tte’rommJig on s
WkeMock a
-V refunded.
^ am tka tara ef Wa. Bosnia,
■Ke way. nnd ttnt be bad done bta |g
MlUon Culver sad wUe hare b
aDss aontb ef, traa a g<B- work. WRsg also told Urn be wke The dty gi be rngnlrad to tonlkb a tiKe alek of tale, aad also Chaa. Du
« and ttat be had a
ikot wonsd tn tba bead. Ba tkranb
meetlag ptace. bit aside tram ttta taa g gn on tt* alek lAai.
H. C. WbMdoek railed o
OBad lo akent Uastif Bosdar sIgUls
there wlU be so expog to tte eity
friend, ag Mnyteld one Any In.
I be did I
tka prraeei ef bta oapkiyar. WlUlna hta owe Ufa.
’ I gaectg wltt tte matt.
week, and nmosg ihcn found 81 Lavc
la bta g
Raamta. la the wrly part of the pram tttnk be waa ta
Tbta akig WBi token is
tor. fotgny M ibl. place, mneb la
menlA He ab
tag be wae tossd tn tba badreew at
> tte BWnag of tte saentory at
nderwood of Sllgbta mad
». Basslek lAyaaiaM
ttat tte tawtlag
wbw be taat ww b
_____ , nmoes bee ol
LgBta. who ww aaiaw. aad wiraad
bbgf tr rwdk tnita tba 0
^tond* of Ibl. Mrinli) taat week.
Id ItBTa tba kessa taandls
Tba body «sa dtaeoewaL
—"I akest f:U by Wa. New*tad. •ttaoddira. mu; yoi-ll BMir see me
8 K. Btadtwood of Utasd. w1
igala.* Mr. Beaale aamrnd ttat k«
dM g wwt to. U g ociTereattoa mntee a slelnl guag wotkn of g
tkle magsnsde' ttere. ww ghrw
Msw swr tka row. Ba Bot oC Ua wttk Helm ke wld ttrw or toir ttaw
wsgem asd tkas raw tka body -at ttst ke ww dose os ttta esrtt aad
ke did g know g ke aUgbt kfil
mXrn He asllad to KahM A<
dty. aad be wtu
Uauelf. Tbe wtttg stao twtlSsd to
Lto^^^today: g ^a W ta
tte tsMealag of tte dtffereiC docre
«wklaB.aaiwkadug. Wtsata g
-------------------- y, ^ „ J, ttooghl
The matg ef
-of Dinb- yai began hta ‘
________ ____ -we bsdt asd get wg
B eowty ww braiat np.
tttag wbw ka beard tts setae '
TW body ww lying gsrUy es tba
MB aue and nrasawbaC asttod .sp, tba
Call ni FrW
■ttdag porpoaea. Organ wUl ptaaae nil the Ynrmera
rMkt hand lytag screw bta bre^
P. Dnughey'. nnd try at ■ If g g
kea to tte Sta^ mglng of tbe fre-ily nnilMnriory moe y refunded.
ttat he eoald g ataw
aSf tba Bsgara of tba Wt hssd aUU
daring tte sight, bit beard w
BW.B.dlb.asBlacfthsa>sotM after
be bad bMaaed
• tte

dg. There ta a estav of ttg paopla ta
Tba gw ww a tt-rsllbrs K
At 1J» be g IS. took can at g
1 Itakofa. who deatra to
watt, whg w bmt bg w daV
•swe and wwt back In the AaM
m oat. asd an oert wBl b»; WttanlawltodBnto ggnad is^
vnrtiwntosen. Abg 7:M g
tin dnoghter BsMe enUad to Urn to
Tba bsBa astarod Iba rtgU *Mt at sag wMl w a mnn had ag kttaBa bast at tbe wpper part of tka aaif to ttdir wrdw. Abe bad gntand
CBSsMa W tka asr asd came pot <s ttta tnMjkttaA tnw g. Avvy and
- s Mda (d the hasd skost g. gwstad.
- ret the tar and back
Be loek g MOM to tts t,----------. asd Mra Oggn BsmUM ef
- VB to wkwn tta body g.
gw tytag tttai. g g
* TwiBrasW. Osgsw wisty. at% tka
Be ***^
• IL aW bad to aak to
tatf g. asd Mrs. r a. «ghs
‘ sf fit Mortt Otdsr mrara
raw wa* ttw glvw to tta
Dr. T. B. Smm ta aeadto« i
rbey wws sW g n Wwt Uma
day. at g gltartom


OT‘i a

We are now showing a great line of Tailor
made Suits in all the popular colors and nriaterials. The styles are beautiful and you can
hardly fail to be pleased with the swell effects.
They are perfect fitting garments. See the
lines at

is by what people
say who ha\ e used
it, but you can tell
Ijetter by using it


$7.SO, ^8.SO, 910 ana 9I2.SO


New Skirts. New Jackets. New Capes. New
Shirt Waists, etc. See the handsome things
in New Silks, New Dress Goods. New Wash
goods. New Laces and Embroideries, in short.
New Goods in every Line. All at prices that
are sure to please you.

Just Received!, 3.50, 4.00




mA Shoe Am Good At in

S« out new Hoc *1 .V). $1.75,
We teU

Turn tad rain. aS.90 am

the best Pateol Coll t.calhet.

$3J<L KH amd fa'bt-

$10U. S2.60, SS.O0.

ikem wlib same »( the

Me-Unn Sewed Shoes »ld hy When


„. J;-...

Our New Line


jstsi -




5S: .'j.'s,'?.* ss


Drf Beads and Chtbing Start.

far/ sw and seW/.


The New Stand


li i» oui buaioen lu rujifI) yo»t
TtccU ui Ibal line with Crt«ri«
of the highea .|uaUtt

At the lowest
Cash Prices..

242 Front Street

Voo Dkt ta d>at tbt Btsf
-cttM Bur-

Bdst Ban Goods
Here. Everything for this great
^ National Sport is in our assort­
at the proper figure.
• 4bl-U»Frttm

• 0*0 •!.■•

fMKTS From
Ol-OVKS Froa

■ •o *o •• OO
a«o «o ••.•o

Bo *0 *1.00

'I'hfn the ottier necessities such as heel
plaiL-s. toe plates, proteciors and


Three disiinct Ifhes we carry

mreAi.oifka, noraoH, o and M
Pork, clear hark. 10 lb. for .
Fknu, Kureka. 6H tba lor...

lU for........................................... 1

«an buckwheat. 35 lha. for I.*-

l^t US take your measure for a ball suit.

eilv Book Store
Sabarl-Bttebtr Ca.

trrvent Off, tWekSectl Core, null an.i White
Cap igt. grown asd ripen­
ed in thiicouni)' tatt acavon,



KTgV. .




m£S. {£2?


n n n im •!< Jwf Md .»Mre n a n

Ca. tmaig.
taNlltaM MirtiHtlU

•9* We arc eely 6ve doors east of the Steinberg Grasd Opera Howe

TK* Koorsomy
041 fmmf armal.

W. #. MSVtm, Brap.

Trmarm CHr

Commerdal Prtnttng
HU KftOs

fkrald Job Offlcc


tmA Tnrcrsc Bcnid


»KT Cat tOnt* wTltgtfwm.

tantoy Seheel Pia*ni>n
Real Mata
mraB otlbe iblrtydrtl vuMerly
dad br Bectoter fld Deedt wn
entton of Ibe Loot lAkv lad Oar
am to Mar It
‘titer Htp C-.__________
r bw IHM looklw <i
______ Saturday. May IS. 1P03 •
wife, aelt tif twU. aer. II, town
■M pnikMcii.
prleedt' ebureb di l-oag Lake.
e >: Had.
Ur. hewiM It not »rwUc«t m4 sen10 u'cki* a B.—Sana tertlrr
- -r- Haai ioitT4-n4e.
weloiKBO—Geaa Shearer
(bird add: tw«.
Keratia W. Sallb aad wlfl (o Pal
OM utM ol toad la BastlNo pnnHr KIntduu
N Tbi* inc( to alUalad M Mltot cbla * Crouer. a«0 n. ol loU 40-t>
OeMnI dlaru*>kn
n. block 1. Perry
retry llaanab'i '
.» flaaitor> and M bIIm troa t~
lUcUaltua-M-Ir'Ia Pepper
li It torteir corcrad vtlb a
CltoB'l! raiteo aad wife
l« iIBbtr. a oatldarabto boitioi
■ tervltw-Rev I
. .. Moflt. BwU of aeH.
lich U mabaCBB/ tad nd <•
(owa M. lance H;
lara are atoo aertral tbootaBd a
Attcuatn M. l.ewl
imaai H " Cullrctlun a
at fanllt paai» laadi at can
11. town
PaitoB. nwVl of tel4.
»d la (be wortr tba cnatat aU
«. lance 10; CSW
tnc at hlfb at a Ull Ban A taw j
• to wn
Albert II Tuille
will be erected at oaee, aad laa
twli tad nwU
be maatifaelnred bulb for ts|
a L. Hllltard. ttt
Hn. Neal aad Anbiir Neal
Ue boae narkel. Aboal t
of awli.
10. U a yr.
Oane early
: of catUe will atou be p
Robert Banter. Pretideni
Edward D Corbrli
tbe aoaUiani ttolet
**? 8 TbuBBi
:. i. town 27. raac<
Ptord Paanlnc Secretary
at cleared
donm <>>hi ye
l»*be planted ..
Jann RadcllBe aad wife to WIU
other tropical frulU.
ja 11 HadcllCc. t(4 of twl4 of awlt
>d tw^ of Lwli. tec. *. .......- **
Oaed for a Lon* Time Vet
iBce lu: I1.200
aUl O. Shorter of Cedar Ru to
Jehe Drake to Joha.Veatob, ell
' lot a. Mock D. Hannah. Uy d Oo i
le city abaklnc handi with
Our Lansuapt.leeaib add: UOO
fricndt. lie to atopplac at Ibe b
Itaac M. Wlaale aad t
of hit titter. Mia A. A. l^^y.
_. Prail. loll tO-il. Pei
tecoad add: tWO.
KuWrt Hate* In Hennan HyBaa
kit *0. block 1. Oakwood add


Malnat <B Mbl Marfcat. Me.

IM V. T. Woedboata of tba Ftoat
•mM ttoarab bat barn Mleetad to
(too tbe ll^tBll■l^B■al
FUt iBba Kayn aad bataob

Ktot Acwat •Wetol bao ratarbed
tooto tbo bortotfa tbaMto •»* *iU
d>m bto diwaMtoktaitiartoeaat tit
■toto 01*01 aaai of BiHba> t lapie-

Tbe Me ombb Mml to bwv it
Mrtmibt T. O.U tolLiM-tbe
btotototaf of M toadbed to pnfieto
M *• WtoffBB towBoblp Tba fallt
bata aav teaabwd Deattor't Part.
Mtob af Sattoaa Bay.
Piaab ftogbatt. wbo bat eoadaoted
s 4rm Mara MOowb lor aoBO yean,
Mb hM hit ttora to Dr. Bartoa of
Oat ptoea and hat raawrad to tui
toty- Ha bat aol tally daddad at yet
at to hit (aiara plant, bat wUl bt a»ptogad to tba drag More of Bogbea «
Kaapait (or aose Uaa. Mr. and Mr*.
OmbMI wM ratoda at 111 Sonh Op


■Ybc eawtotot to tbt tult tet aat
beaa Krred. bet U It uU tU facto
an aa Mated, aad It Jt aaapuad that
Ibera wUl be aosa UUrtoUag deraloaBtatt when tbe cate eoBta (e UtaL
to ba anatad, to (btor mw poandt to fbe^i wtu p^bly be trtod to tbd
If I r—--T T1toMmiMM «Dbe
of Btoir sittita. ud
Whalieitt Baalneta Only.
cbapi tf tm b^ A rwtoptoato hat
9^ t. Beadto bat daetded w
bt« prwddad. to wWfS wm ba ptoMd
•haM* lahtobanHi badat
_M **ra« of pyaai aad Qato it
MM cf totoora towfd tba aonw MdvUldtal tobtiatta aad haraato
Ml. Md ai^ «^4Ug Id tody ba
•Mae at wbetoale ealy at •
ha MB otoat aei bit prtotai lanll
ThttaUia appto Secw of Ibt
OcMrada Oarwto. Mt
Hff*. dtolOD faat to dot. «rlU


ruin omul.




Hr. Btadto fe* to
baMatNfNtot piMPIptari ta toto
Niy, aad Btadto’t I
Ma* M tavtohto rapatotto* Bo
toN ooaaptod (* Nomd Soar to wbal
toosw.too Solvactoo Amy haU *
tooHHdl 1

Decidedly under Price.

TIi.'Nf urf liruk. ii lot-, ami inltl priots only one dress nattcrn
of a Llml tn inaiiv v .im


- >oiiu‘ there are parts of pieces—only a

little of l aili in any case,
secure a

dress at


li- a splendid



I'hf'e anv not some lilyili priced

novelties that


4-4 inch




was $r.iM



. -........................T.'ic

................................. ....................................................

........ t:>c.

l’tir|>lc Crepe tie Chine, former price $l.ui, now........................................................ ........... Toe
now............................................................. .......................TFr:

44 inch Old Kose hatiste. former price

Don't Pass
1 w ll lilt u)ii gou.1.
tairlolioiinuxc) In coi.e
lu urn uuie lliu week.

Bit’ll iMk lor you!

44 inch Colored Silk Wan- Henrietta, a iH-auiifur piece t.l «tKKls. former price

5«l inch Diauonal Scotch Smiiitu in ^rey onfT former price $l.jli. now......... ................. $l.t>0






Castor. s|Hm«ed and shrunk ready

for the nceiUe. former price Sl/iO. now.......................................... 'y.................................................... $lJ

0’ $1,011

■|4 inch Ulack Basket .Cloth, will make a rich i>reHi skirt, forrtierprice $1.65.
5«'inch lire)


ett none

these Koods. former price




uood weariiiK qualities of



54 inch Old Rose Vcniiiao, the best all round fabric at th^iwever was soldi

Bargain Cable

............ y.............. ...

................ 7'»c

3 I'aneymixtures. \ery £)ft pretty fabrics, fortner price

$l.t*0, now.................. .................... 75c






4C inch Melrose, brown and castor, orininal pricc.on these were $1.45. now-.
46 inch Sharkskin in dciph blue! former jiriie $U«a yard, now................................. ................. 75c
50 inch Castor Novelty, former price $S.(«) a



46 inch Silk Sharkskin, tan shade, a very strikinuand pretty
dress pattern of this, former price $3.50.


only one*


........................ $1.76

4 patterns Novelty Suitings fonner price $Ui(Uo $2.00a y.Trd, choice now for$l.i»0 yd
41> in. drey .md brown novelty, former price $l.5L‘. now $1.00

lagsftbH Sum*
mrf rsbric»,g»s4
timt ts get tbm

4f. in. Ktamine in green, former price $1.0". now------- .... 75c
4« in. Mohair in green, former price S5c. now...............................51k
44 in. Silk Eollienc. former price $'2.60. now........................... ... $J.50
44 in. Etaminc in brown, tpily one pattern, former price
$li»,now............ .. ..............................................................................

....... 75c

men's $8tin Catt



*m;N’Si> trranie'1iH tolul leiiH.T iboet. till and i>ltm toe, Uce.
S|«citl at .



Bov»’ Sheet
out lltrgarn Table ol Hoy'i
(lioet. Wyc-vivcl on c»cT> l»if.

ContinuaUy. Clearing up new land, cultivating new fields,
building fiew fences, putting up new barns, fixing over the
house. We help you as no other store can. because you can
buy everything you want from our big busy Store and not have
to run all over town.


10,000 Barrels of eement

Boing to Paper
Some to'yow raoBBt)

Will ahoa you that when yoa put in that ae« loua-

It dependent largely upon successful
cooking. No man can be happy with
hie stomach in insurrection. Use
FLOUR and your stomach will
never ‘Mraiurge.*’

CcDent j-au want, al ihe k»we« powiWe price.

; ble roll op.


The nice« parlor, dining room aad

« toare papers at 10c

Bl»nun't OiWrdt
Sew thtpCf, well (Dtdc, good
maientit. tpcciil tl $1.K and


Meant the betitoptow*
lieam Plo»?

Wofbcn’i Serge Sliiipet»,Si>cci4l


Building Betp Tences

Kver we iheOUvcr Sled
Or repairing the old ooca, you WUl Baibedwireor I

No breaking ihe beam on atnmpt

lliilhcbeM plow made.

the Americu Fidd Faaec.

Von wtll want

Nothing to unprovei I

the looks of the farm at good wdU«ilt toncct. I

plantetl. rakei, hoeL forkL gpadcL thovek.

PUn to do tha before your other work geU ahead |

catty the beat hoe in thii tegton.

to you.

ebiMren's Shots


We have 80.000 r«di to (be

.latioo f« year Uira ot hoiy. we car topply all the I bcN wall paper to telecNrem, aellt 6om 6c a iloa-

Ataolalel) all taii.1. do tboddy,
nplete lioet to iftei.
Suet S to 8 ... 60c

toclotbe. far $6.0(i>

6ood Bread

We guaranlee Ihii the be«

It dollar turt yoa ever bought,

Makat the fattoN’t tamQy happy—Sopreme Floor I

A ^Oendid pair to

makes the bcH bread.

Ovetalli for 50c, and a good bU* (dl Hat far One

joH rardved a car load. I

Get a lOO-poond tack the next time ytto bay

We always aave yoa mooey on Olhing.

ccfies—it wiB only


gio- |

yoo 6140.

Site* Bio 11... 76c
Sitet lSto8..|.00


bSio 11. Sl ot)

Shoes at $1.50 a Pair

Vour Plants, Crees,

Agenuiitoallleatber ihoe. with extra thick aolid
iu*rL*v Kle.

llrtMtS* SI»o«s
No heel, leather ttoea, Mack tod

BN gaUuar'a
Blatog Mac. t1
toatoi to Vttotopwl to a to
be* botag wbH
Ha iBiiWto to betoc tot* to<
Utt atttot to-«
aaw. Md too wo* wiu to
wito aU ^tobto Mtod Tht In* to
M oatoMad wtokod aU to------- ^
MN tala, aad UtoawMtoi
do by band wMU to bN
MM WOBH to mUa. aU Ml
Haad-wa* anal eoapeu with Batolae^ra*.
HtolSL aUMiU. Tba na
Deroe Ready Mat to year paint. I
;( *1 Hto to* MM
art twtw at toag w toad and all
TUt radaeM toa coN to kaaptag
•aad to todt alto, Itoo haw wNi patatad to halt



made up -

"ainl r lIM.adT lli.ig Sutrea

WOMKVS Shoe* - good ttylea
SpecitJ |prirc-

ia* Wtu bt btoU bp toe atN-

SctoorStoHaibN. BofoN^HtoL STgiaTltoNll.
toawwm. tot Mg lofiy wlU totwa' Lattor to Mr. T. OoMaa,
*as.)MiM0Maaatoa Ao*to«a
TravocM City. Btok.
*»«, .0* omptoHoa to p*»Uolj
ir tor: iNad
iNod ai
aad eU to aa k
or (be gala( ta * p
f*«a*toa*w iBapItoti toSak
k Mad and to(
Bi^.aadtotSfNHatogmteM ebalki or pawdan d« to obo* throt

r. rMfgbfwaiaow year—Urm ymn to Rt OtolL
Patoun an.PtoUw a,l^to Min
la (balr toad lo
. wHbTnuto
kw a geod (bfae



Imik welt

•Hi inch I'ink Henrietta- line soft f.abric. former price $1.'W.

Want a Bood Suit

•BV towMvtot. by 4*t' wo* toe
WtoM In tot pUtot bato* Ml hawnear. Tba WO* wtU bt patoad at
■MartotoNi*M.hatiiwui*iNIp m BMbta, bat II wUl ba tol- *fc».b««.>My_«y_«

half their

and jjite pit ni\ ol service too.

|K-r yartl.


opiK»mmity for you to


sell, lull are yfiHhl siapli-tte.tveiLthat will

^liiuli ILrowii and \av\ Suiiinc

1 Ik..el.

m»ll Oritr


Very CrMItabl* CdKien.
Tha Mv.1rk Sun of May I. the Bnl
MiOtbrr of the third year of tbe pt>-r'i |>-ikllcail»n i> t tvry credtuble
ilploK of till, hu.tllnc aewtpaper In
be butilliii; WvUuril rt.unty town
b-.I.l.-. t Itrte anomni ol retdlag
iitiler Ull the ttrii.iii indu>trle> of the
i;a.e and 1Ii<- uo'n who httr intde It
he paiK-r .viDitln. riili of SS uf tbe
of ihe town, together
• llh viewv
Ik. lot.-e luelf and of
li uiauulai'iurli.i: With
ii.'li t lijuer lo p.ith It alung." Mu.1. k M-iylii I.. I.- a g.anl thing'

(irctl lytrgtint
ODK (itet to teverti
Uan ol M. SS.60 and
b ubi



BdtoNd WW Btoto BadL
Bi W, Umtmm to «a T. C. L. A
■.MAMadto to tba atop
wtu ha
d*PHfePtoMbald In nmISw.
MB Bn limidra. to *t ptoattor
M baUSM to tot Mt 4a* M >Ntt’

Mead, nruaglitt
K.-c iU.i bite, linn

^ Simts


Bbai teeasrawlpc


..III.-. I'H

II • I

is b*n
B<fttr sta4
Hr sme


DaUML Hay II.—Hay wba* Tttoi

patoty 44 the abop. aaa it wat aaoN
Nip to towNit Uiit aafaaity- *Ub
M to—N to Ibt wbotoNto baitoNa,
.He. BoaSle hat «aei4t4 to4rt*> tot
iMtoUbastotN tattoaly. ,Tta-.*to to
hto Naa*l NO* wMl tofta al ao*.
n4 m n* at It to Bwpittad. tba
i*«a. wW* to Ptoieo Met to Nat aad
wtotoa bM baNaot laeatiaatla
M to t faat t torbN a*aara............ toa toty.arUI * laSiltoti aad nSttod
5. Hd to d taat f iaabto to
<to »• to* to «a die tba jn^ farmt
gXha toaaatt to tot aotoairt to toe
>Nito.itNWNwlU aiNoee to atb*
mom at Mdtj^ poNihU. aad tot aa.





Our Strlnp Departisent

Mw wfll be
A-ha«a tba a*pi

N»w nt.

(tart of (tie world.

MM. dad tba Nan aow noMptod bp
ftt-banaB tbap aad ntoU •!«

Kt. BtadtobaiM


for til lung tnri lhr\it< iriHiblia. Tboii.aad. ctn inilf> to ihti
Mn. C B.
Van Mem of Shcpbrrduna. W. Va.
• of Broa•veryih^
hearil vd. k

nut be kept to. He totltled oo allepd'
' TTBlab M. Tbotnat and wife 1/
trr*’''^nLr.“e.’u_ u^l‘b“ lllil."'.
lac tbe Odd Kellowt- lodie Tueiday
ard I> rorVHI and wile, wlk o
twH. ter
i. town 17.
orealDC. to tpUe of the lari (bat
ao receBlIy out Dl bed.
Plnyd U Hmltb aad wUe to Jullu
Bborter bat-bad a luoc tJece of CejapMI. lot. IMS. b
t lllBoat. aad for a k»c time hit Haanab'. Mcnod add: $
aaay frttadt tboucbl ibtt the
Rlrbard Urtu.l.)' aii.-rldt,, .'
bM.'^IoT.'' f5.'"*Haanah.
(bey took of blB Bid
lunb .ubdltlilan: tS.t'S
Urwucb t eoae lid. It wu at
I be t«l cuini^) lu um .ti.ku.s.'
WinUB W BoiKh to Wlllli
ilBO reported to the city that be waa Drown. T% of 1M 7. all of lot t. wS
dr«d. bat be to worth a whole red
trcoad add; ll.riM
at dead Bea yet, aad U catotoc
RTy Hannah to Phiyd L SBlib
to weicbl two pooadt a day. ai '
M-C. block t. Perry Hai
« of
Ilreectb lailar Ibaa that. Hit i
add: 117..
dainty inilv nim<-d:
i.-dy than
iCraluIttlBc hiB o
•ment of the len_
before the people
II tbould be iiDdertbud. tbe pier.Wrl*hl Suet Sank
oiigtaally prwnicd In Enclaa l
CharlB T. Wrtcbl. who
B lUwlcy M ». bid* 1. Dooe t
ward* In tbl> touatry and nil '
year, aco pardoned after aerrlac to*' Iboby.'e add; ttOO.
pnnripal furelgn niunirirt No*,.
era] yean for marder. bat faecu tall
Prank ScbBuckal to Anion C
prvM ia>i that arraj
tcalntt the Unloe MiUpatl Bank of BH'of nest. tec. S!. town Ic.
iiiKirr way fur >h»
HaelDC. Wli. for tbe of Ml.- ll; liW
mi'Oit t
Kehnu I
000. wbicb be alicce. It doe '
Jdd. Bcbumockal lo Prank
c Sriiuul r
the bank.
Luckal. parcel tec. St. town St.
The Racine Weekly Jouraal to pbbtodal.- br-glnul
-w Vork elly. I 1. ivry likely
lUblac tbe allied farti relative In
Ileddea. el al to Dora M I
II U- .iient In Ihni
Ibe talU lUtee:
laeoB. lot 10, Old Uleeka;
eriluial.-J Ihi
-Mr WHcbi, U year* tmo.
Jdo. .Water tad wife to Jao Ki«ph
the bead of tbe C. T. Wright
wto of Bwli. eec I. to
Co, with larce ymrde oa tbe
•• lt»a».
lit rlattlc li Uniad to erette
tide of (be rtrer. aad laaea
Tht productloa Ibtf Mr. 0».-u
at Aerial. Mlcta
. .. .lb, neli of net*, ter 3C, i..<
.eOli li M»ad ta Imiwrrlirov. I
■Hr. WMcbl
becase lavolvad la ts, range 11: Cirmi.
irooMe with two oBcert at Aerial aad
aiirartIuD tbal can be
Chat. W Slllee and wifr lu Nell
i|ilrlc fl
that ibeo. at he bat alwaya clalsed. V SBlib. Belt of aelt. tec a*, ic.i
Iher wunU. It !•
1. iu^l.
la aelf-defeate. tbe oBoert bartof ». range it: lisoo
t-ten l.laDdpulTa,
Bade aa aileBpt in aetoe k«t. aad
HevBaa W. Smith and wife In H
when Hr. Wrlcbi ob)ecied. they
•e. It
dotf Weldofl. pared kdi l-t-74i bln
tacked hiB aad be killed iheB.
gtrea grwtler
4. Perry lianaab-t third add; inoo
oee rhar^ he wat tried aad tea•Tke fui ScaCdtl "
Heary K tllarkmaB and wife
lenoed lo pritoa. Uae Ibaa two Oliver Herbon aad wife, pared ter
yean aco be wat paroled, aad then f5, town tr. raace 11; 11000
Uler pardoned
Tbe aacond ebarte
Jao OallBCber to J. B OreUIck <
e-K ft of lot 1», W-I7 ft of lot 1
-W'ben taat lo pritoa
Oak Hdcblt: CtOO
tar—Jackt. Jcaneiu aad Mulnv—If
Wrtobt owed tbe Ua
j g Orellick Ou
u> Adallae
Tbe belt and <-fat«|tu>l ua earth f<
*1IM0. that bit .
» »« Hoary, e J« ft of lot ICO. w IT ft
le Boaey. Aluu •emu fercberua Sit
mtd over |o tbo eorporalloa, *»ib Its*, Oak Helghit: ll.OOO.
:iot. Write fur price! tad lermi i
, agreeaeni Ibtl tbe Ilf.OOO .
Cbai Lancaaior and wife lo R
paid to>d tbe batonoa luraad ovar A Wbeelock. w4C ft of lou 1Uarloo Cu. Indiana.
u> blip (be butoeu batog wertb »».• bkBk 10. H L A tloa, dm »
0*0. Tbit. It to I4U. ww aertr dona, twoo.
aad now Hr. WrtgU atki tor aa aeTwo atUllCo AoterleaBt tafla |b« I
eauaUu froB (ba baak aad boUevet
that aboat MIAOO to daa btot.
-ll to cUtotad to tba baakb babalf
Al aay drag aUrn.
that they aoud boaorably In tba saltar. aad tbal tbtre It no enata for tba
btlagtog of tba IBIL Tba bank e«eart tay. h to aadtriuiBd. that aftar
ptytag (ba fltAOO wbkl Hr. r>—'■
owad (ba baak only I1.P00 raa
aad that aua wat (oraad ever


CifOilt^n thit week 2t675.

A San Thin*.
It anld that Bothiac It ture at


aad Potaioci matt be ap(ayad.

We are seSlag

bcH amruatir Syeayer far only AOO.

The bcH even' day tooc we

Tbit ia i

toUfarSL6Q.. The Adamant Shoe ita ^ilcndid

carried by hand, ud yoa cu reach evary part to I

tboe that teSt far St-00.

the pfauiL

We cany the bcN line

It M«et time and you pMatom a^ I

toWcMM’tSapi-ud ChOdten-t fiho* In the city.


It alwiyi payi lo ira* here oai
foopit have foood if M



W*i« A


B orrv. WMOM.

6c&NtoGood StoM





Grand Traverse Region.

toll _es May Itl to witslto s^atoMM


TwvtUM'* iMbw m4 aUwt*
haiilM Am Mr tli* mmmm.
Mwv »»■■■ te h»rM( Ut hMM 7MMTdv

M r^th fisA* oMMlssribs si Bmplr* nUsy ua AMsrAoy.


^ bUr M |«Mlm« • m
P»rU BMefeMA of TrMtno OlV
«Mm« MooAi u AmbU SuMy.
0mm Liyoo bM • B«v taoa.

Frask Bmmm mt wiU m
laptro FrUv.

Ito «!3iMc ^dvBM ‘^uT'oraiaf!
fl*M by Mr. aoA Mn. Am Owtl«.

Mi« Ml* Kllaany bM bMO tlMt^ M WmM Is Tmtmm Oity IM «Ml

Olty asd tot rtoltate wwt ItmiM is
lisiattl, Msdy. orsayM asd estM
sad all Msto ^fMl ii^Mriy^ wsl;
M^tolp VM Mm ftl?^ iwX M
M WtdsMday tTMlaa, wfasa tbttiert
war trewdtd vUb MmAs toiprsitnf

Um1w*» tb*«ilir MdTvtU
UM ImmM klM |>W*4 fMi AM
i< Ml *U MMW M« M WM


EaU Bim- tpralia, told WtdsMssMtSstoottvo bes.

Si’S,"!!__ _______


BatsM Bowsrd |isrtoBM«
8 K*U«7 Ir St vert to the
SI Ksrils.


tor* aabUrtd moomi osly thmfb
tord. fsltofsl week asd all Jois Is
vtoblay Uww ausy bom yisn ol }oy
sad tseeras fMlIsi that Itolr Isrte
sad bMSUfsl (ter* li Isdasd a it««i
iMprernsesI to oar vIlUc*.
A q«MI VtddtBf took pISM VtdSM.
day •rtalst at Li(hlboaM fWi
WbaaMlatEIU Vltoos. dasfbterof
Mt asd Mrs WUIUw Wltoea. vat
ultod IB Bsirlata to Mt. Ptad Brtnt
ef Tiararia Oily. lUr. Bryae oBerai
TIM bridt It esa of Kortbpoti
liar yoasy ladlaa sad Ibt yrooi
_,h a Doo-i..................................
n>. asd tisir assy frlaodt )oio
la vui
rltbloy tbaa a lony asd bapiy
lad life.
Mayor Llusysf Baltoot Bay

A •tatolh.f TasL
Tto vlfa^l JsMM E, Polk, aapbaw
To Mra a llfr Dr T, 1. Hrrrlii. of!
Id feSBat Praaldaal FaU, It d^ to
lo Hrboopaay. f*a . mt
No* Tott at tba taaoll ef
Blatad a Urn alfbta aya 8to aar^ i«hlrtpailrfii vat aiiackad by
a eaadta toto Iba tolhrosM sod >c-i
-■--' al by uK*r-|
ffarlallaa of the ttumarta
■ra to tiM wladov canaliM
bad oficel
y~[fi>"<'il KIrcirk BKlrrt axtella
toUitoba eaayhl Ora. Btaa laraad
----------- ---------- Itoulilc
lb« vaitr IB lh» talk lab aod Jaapad
nw iheD
Tlie |■a1le■Il yalstd
la, bat It vat too lai<
| (.1^111 lb.. Srti. aod ht> ooi bad aa al­
Ciooiosatl totfsoot ivriOTBad a Urk io It mooib. " Ekeirk Uluara
.oalUvely yuirtotwl (or l>>t|M>paoadetfal opatvilos apse a
Jtla. t3uB>ii|*tluB tod Kldocy iroublat.
I ayttell bad b
|To Ibem Osly Hk at Ja> II
t 001 all I


rlllied ivtafBa lo tasildtid form
1 Bllevi-d II 10 bantro Tli» rye
xt Bed BOV Uk patb 01
10 Bio.v It at (reely Bt tlir Ollier

lodiao. '
San in I
Ilf Ihr la
Kalliay Imm tlir wladov of as rie
tiad Itals lo Kev Tort, a l.tto- vaa I
earyiil by ivo paiarrtby and revored ; n..'-d
aoiu}ered to Iti fiaolie BOIlM-r at the ........ be


Beojamio Baoaatl died of a
b.«n at Ntv Havao. g>B0 . vbto
foosd Ibai hit too tod aoetieevl o(
if cariotltlei he had t|Mit 1
vhoto lift in nillaotiBf
alpaodllare of |l.'iui>.>u> vlll


There Is only one “largest nr\anufacturerof Pianos
and Organs in the world." and that one is the



>iiii> tiiiii>. ti>.ii. tt

Artil.a Sal..- qukklj

This, coupled with the fact that we utilize the
largest cash capital employed in the business, and
sell direct to customers, fully explains why pur­
chasers at this store receive the most for their
money. Cash or small monthly payments . . .


Mlat It 111 ai Ibi. daelllayt Ji
ploi be reoaeily boayhl
I H L. Batllly
ae, K.
work OB bit at* aUri talldUiR
rhr n-pulillran 1
. raeorartoy
KUIlollO Oovdro'a.toek farm alllo vhl.-b n.-*r.~-. 1
Ptad ASalitr Ufl Monday faCUi. Hooal Kltou. i),
...i.f. r !
V.OI OM.I uiid Bird ................... w (.
lyo, Boatb Uasd aod Baffal
SealbOtasIto to Iota asolbi.
I will tpeail a fav moolbt
Ili eU Haw raaidaeto.'aa Jobs BarUar
Povart rtlaread from
Oraad Rapidt Totaday ttaaliiy
tUI BSM faU. Mr.^yttoy aypaeW^M
ryaardaad Mta Aaaa Od«.
. _jra BSttod la aarrlaye OB
EtoMBl^aad^Uy. AUto^vTan
tod Bt Iba boaa e( Mr aaJ Mra.
aod commaBoMl vork no a
N.«I.MMt o^dr
to toya tbaM ye va vUb tbaa
Aood't 1
rallaf drokiloy thr
_____ H sad totMt bMlfb wba
hat baas loeaud asd
tb« depot
and V..K
toay aay daelda to leoala.
a Qill't aod Eahl Bharo of le roayb rldaraai Han Joao
will ba be
C. Caaau. vao toa baas II
Bros - doU.
Pmtaeot Konacri-ll ir Icadluy
Mas li MBob tollar
ibe ebarya aad at fair foal Iim
Barrova It ataytoy vUb bt
(icrcL Hamilton PUh vm
ala U Ibt aeaU pan ef tto ttoU.
kllladai Ur OoaHmaa nrrral dayr
Ifal> iilaot.
btlort the dybl at Bao Joao
to tows
I. Plaol
r fto tto Bral
Trr.entB Cdy Clllrror Apprtcirtr
Mra Joha BMtary ralBtBM
Mrs JasMsea fa '
"Trtr Llltir Conyurror."
TraratM Oily Moaday eraslsy
toayEftry olavof elttraor bars tick kid
Mlat UUlas Haapaob oloaed a taa
Tha bary maa rarhlay Ibiooyb
aaMfol Ura of aa^l la Ibt ttootl o»yt
Ufa i» Uir KB tallalorMkllM Ibroou
dUBtiel os Wadaaiday.
Mrs B. B. WaUar
Id hr dally jhiU
Oaorye Uiaokar ef Omasa vat la kidna
■ayi. The
.iantoU did bad
maebaule fc
<■ DBoaiBral pqaUlonr. ■tooploy
Ully Baarday.
aod II _____„
bir vork,
_____ dOM
___ oot
kov tbat fall baekaobr ir limply
U^.ra*0li7 wtv mIb.1.
'‘t^^totba OoaMoek look a IHp Dry ao!i«. Tbr elerk 00 hli frri
to Tmara Olly Balorday, raianlay tlDOally. Iraaloy orrr a oooolrr or
drik: rallroadm. ooodootori. rnyiThe IlUnolt tallad at tola pot Dim. itrc-ei eat moa ruhlrot u 000•lant jarrluy, all ban Makaobr from
lb<- kidueya
Wotuoa bory ai Unit
Hlw Moody of TnraiM Oily vaa Is
boenbold dnltor. boyr aoo yirlial
'irtar tbi- kldoeyi aad yire
lurr work than they oaa da
lortssau tblay tbr kldaayi
vara yoa vbas la trooble . that tbry
Tlli-> >Mrl ill Willi a 1 mum.>11 M/i’il ruiiLh, I'iniTcil in
sr; OBI for help.. Don’t oeylaet a bad
baak. A lame, weak or ai^uy bark
lapi'siry, s|>rin« i-.ljj!-. lnr.
0. E Kabl took a Mp to Tarora If seylMtod mMDi irooblr. ktdsey
Oily Friday, aoooasaaltd by bU tronble. ntleary troubla Dcvi'i Eldory Plllr oera rrerr form of kldaey
lit osn a bad back and amka ili^
___ _________
DM ef tba M. E. ebareli
told Basday. May lOtb. eoodaclad by era aederaed by people yoa know.
May 11
RMid wbal a Ttat.’ree Oily clUaao
Tbt Woaas'i Olsb Mat at tba borne
U Orimo of Mitobell ittrehOad1 otlaalasaa
ad Mrs 0. a Kabl ee Tsaaday afur lUao. afrelybt teakaiuao oa Ibe O
K A I K H.. KUDiny l.etweeii Oadillae aod TraTena City, layt: "kly
jt^ raiallrat aod trtooda
addfVMto P. U. Boi ai7, aod 1 wilt
aorver aoy letter aeol lo me by any
Tba T. P. a O. E bald Ibeir rays, oor vbo really viehei to koov If
tor Moatoly bsHntw Maatlay le tba Ooao'eKtdoeT Pilli oau be dep-vdad
Bpiie to Dora kldovy oomplatot
toarsh pwlatt ea Moadvtraalay
ll my eiperleBOr
I baTe Iwao tvll■a^rtoad aahseto
vhtoh toa dsUovtoy oOewt vt
roadlny for tvaoly yaare aad alvayr
Ttoaharob wot BUad aitto
had Uw bMt at bMlIb ontll abool ive
yeara aco when my kldoeyi either
waakMied or ware oearvorked.
FapM. “OoMfSHltM
\ gooil. s.iliil, (< I'll mil.I.' nxidi: iii-i lik<- oil. U* heax'y coil
trSered from twlb and aefaloy le the
Mool"—Bar, B. V. 1
(.rings, ii.-.ii) .i« Ix-iw.-tii '|.fiiig> .iml iipliolstering,covered
uatll of my took to roeh an exieut
Mrs MsOtrdky of ..
that I war qolu lame
A railroad ao
Wloiir, Ikmv) will.- oak traiim. nice rosetteb
M beautiful pati. i
ylaear who hi
hadaaad DooD’e Kidney
< ai li *i<le
Hi-.-ii\ wit!.- feri Uiittil on with iron
le of lu
- ' • me^to try them
pair adeliad
ihem The
.\ strong, wi-11 tua.l.- .iiul servki-alile couch and very
traatmral tell
itoppad It.
Ibe troeblr
I rvroried
\Vc havi- ihis in ilik styli-. plgiii top, or in tufted top
a. M. Daa igto^da, Maatoy to (be pllli ayatn
for a tav daya ao
iiigi' iMsi.-ml (if lu-ax 5 oak siil.-s. (worth $ 1 for-. -$5.75
olbar rtlapaa followed, vbeo ftoally I

BosfcUy * Do«(Ih hsto mm
pMllss iW lOfi.
Mr. sM Mn. Msrfc^ «Ml to Tss^M^rttoUwto UMsyl^vlto Hn.
M> tBMrasr. lotorstof •sstoy.


4 vUU hssAltof rsilrosA Ires.

^Jl^blto, to AM4 M.U
Mr. bk« to ■■■Irlll *M to

Mr. AU^to tbSTMto Otf ws« to

OsA?^'mX AgrttollKr b^
tbs y. g t. U. vUI heto s L-^

^yMBg^WMTsr tovwttoffor
WIU Btoto ss« iBMlto rtoltod St

ttMfOlfi to storktof te Ols-


Just received a car load that should have b«en here a month ago. so I must make
a special effort to dispose of the quantity contracted for. Wehave a iargeassortment;
over 35 different styles and designs to select from,


OtoArs OmM. whs tost Ass ^
to^ to^yssrtoi ts8 to

t CUrtoJ^M to nk

Bto*. to Ms B*4 Mis. B. P«to«. >
Ms DsM^ssA

to Mato

rwk Ftobsrto iMMatMM Ssalh
Ifatoto^ to bsytaf pototoM St bit




• • D^ea ibetOByh

^ Joto Baabary apaal Batarday
aaed alt boxaa Biooe tboo, aod lUi
to TMTarwOlcy.
ll two maatbi ayo, I Uti boI notlead
Or. Oarata af Trart
a aloyl* rymptom of a reoairsaoe.''
IVB Meaday oa pr
Mieby all doalm
Prior to
toMSi That tto oMbSm tot vert to
Koator-MIlbara Oo . Ooffalo.
Mlat Mary Aeltoa tptat .
Otoean vats atoatod 1st tto tilto af tbU vaak. to Battoat
. aole aywu for iLa rollad
Uamrabar U.a name-Doao'i
—and take so otbtr
Jeha Badd It ill at toit wnuay.
Mrs Gotatt Johatea
~ ~
William Orlmaa oot hli Buyer 10
liy mat Baadayr viw
vli Trtoadt
Oaleayo llie olber day. aad by doluy
Mr. sad Mrs E. Biabbtot of Elk ao saoaod a yrial boom la (be Mira
BapU awa aptadtoy a ftv <Uyt vlib boitaara Be booybi a box of euyecot
Mtodt to toll ptoss
to daab oa till lojrtd dlyll and food a
Mis O. oaastt U ill tl tolt writ- dlamoad Id ttoiMC vblob baaold for
Doraai of ethara bosybl mIti
' MIm OaroUst Eoyto tpsal B
and triad to <to llkevlae. bat Orlmaa
Vito dttoadt to Bsttoat Bay.
bad aitoarted tto lepply.. Tba Mire
A Baatolati’ asd BtaadUto- baU
SBSl him M oaotr.


MsaMaadtaka vtrtttrrtd Asaa.
>gMdt^raatoy vat tptei by ail vbo

!X”^as-jss-ii; jssjsrsjtes



Morrib Cliairn.

Thev start at a ao id

oak, witfi a pair of rei’ernilile cuahiona. for
$3.75. right along up.
Cantcis, Rugs, Oil Cloth. Linoleum, China
and Ja|un

Matting. Late and

t henile Cur­

tains. Ta|>estr>- curtains. Window Shades,
Curtain Holes. S; I Rilods, etc., all at the low*
cst price-s.
A large line of Dishes. Glassware. Tin and
Granite Ware.

.All kinds'<of wash day oece*-

sities at the verj lowL*st prices.
Don't forget

my offer.

scription from any


out the de­

mail order house, cata­

logue or adveriiscrnem and send it to me. aad
I will furnish the article or one better, for the
same money.
You know we are headquarters for

Stoves and Ranges
A good Cook Stove for . *........................................
Right along

011*10 the best steel cook

made, for........................

.A large line of Steel Ranges.

Tbnmei Eire Bdlnm maistoiai bli
«p iSa trploal AiBirloaB to.
. P. a 0. a sad J. C. E
ruoiur. tt) toe end ul Marob be bad
. laaaloa awtltoy oa Banday
•akao OBI ao fever umo Tvi paiaalc
to^JMJ^ Allartecrtlali,
aad bto ordlaary feet toK awaatod to
tamaf Ml.COO.
Aaavbeol blato-t Maad bat btaa
•ysrte talBta. bovarat, oely to ibli
MBBiry. Erary Edtoee laraailoa of
aay Impeaaaea bar atoo boro |wowoiad by patoBU abroad. M rbal tba m>Badbtoai
•al pataati baanay bia aami- lo macy


Kftvi , we. wBjffti ir-i.:';.-

< >iir next (iri..- iust like (ui-. vi-r> b«:si guaranteed
ever made for less than $1",
s between springs and ui.holstersteel spring construction, I an\as
ing, covered in lM-.iulifuI Vi-loiir. dee(. uifts, with "Never Come
Off," stei-1 shank buttons that go clear through an.l clinch, ro­
settes on each side of he.iil: very heavy, solid, . arved oak frame,
heavy carved leei pm on with iron
couch now is onU $7.7.‘>.


'I'hry range




A good steel range, with high shelf aod
reservoir just like cut. fo“.............................$22.75


right'along Jn price from



toUato toTaSto*;?—- 5S?!

f.:. - ■ y,


We arc cominumg our speciabsalc on

-.I -,...

B*4r»Ma SaHtf


OM Okb*<»

We can save you a lot of money on these.
A nice dresser, 4


18x20 bevel




Tbrrlbto playaa, tbOM itobioy. pMtariay dirasMt of tbe rklo. Pat as
aad to mlrary.
Doaa'i Olotaral
eataa At any dray »»ra

• Oytmt BsUawsy of
a, tot yiaai «d sea.
fiMS totltM
H to to Mill yrevtoy.
lltUa Ufa BMy In- aaorlBoi 1 toa
idisy to hto toMtt
___ Job altaek et emap, if yet das'l
aisdefMt THtosaMlB bsffhi bsK Dr. Tlieawr' Eeleririr
toad lor the tMeiieeey
aad vatybod ns pesada

Mto. MsU was fstos alto tost wtsb.
Mr. OMtohaU bat psitostsA tot Da-

jKefs ^ saais

J1 Carge Cine
Of those moM coniforiablc of all chain.—Re*


(W Bail WM to tow« FrUay.

&tW 'to toa^hsMsto tto toMt-t

•xnopdrt. PM«v.

A Big Special Sale on

I iy!f7?B n't?*



A beautiful dresser (wonh $14), for............ $9.76
.A large

MraOsLUMto laewy Ual
artUtoJsstMOMsHM ■siMVM toM
rttorfumlM.MmBiy toMasMMsst-


SjiriDg anil Summer Robes
^ Trunks end VelisBS.
Oenfs’Pocket Books
Geutiemen's Gloves.....
Liglit Drtvirig Hamess....




like cm, quarter sawed oak

frame, nicely carved both head and

foot, covered

p!u«h 1 will wear like leatheri, verv best steel


best car




struction. tnassive oak feet, 1 worth $-0 ‘ only..................................$16-7.)
We also have some big l>argain in odd upholstered Rockers.
Arm Chairs, Sofas. l>ivans. 1‘arlor Chairs, etc., left out of parlor
suites, that we will close out, some of them at half pricti.
A nice line of lied Lounges.

They make prenv couches and

can be made into good spring beds.

A first class $20 S-piece suit rbr..................... $14.75

The> range from $9.76 up.

Wc also have those all steel Couches that can Ito made into
a nice davenpon, a one-hall, three-fourths or
bed. in less than a minute's time.
articles ever used in a house.

One of


full sue spnng

the most eoovenienj

Only............................................................... ....



' _





prices; if
if you do
' you wrill always

regret it.


Usdta. Mv » —Tfce Uallad BUM
aow haUa tto cmut of tb* mo to
tb« tv 4MS(« «imas vhWA «u Iw■n
kMEtof «atnBM necBtlr to:
to Mot Ctovuw U to •dtoUu* tlui
Vbl^OTV sMe Ur UbIUB ftistft '
von will te U* vteur a»4 apoa l_


Usl PnMssl RooMvrit-E tor
toaURjRM «U1 MUa bla to »«

UCTtUIT BBd ESSrtoM hlto Utot ABETtea RhoaH bM smot* Um Bood *UI
«d Maoto tsr U* parpoM of sdvsaeto« Aastotaa trade atur tbe ntifl
causae to tbe Cbtoeee provtoee arc
WaMwua. Mar • —Tbe suu da
•artaeat bae received oOetol eoatm
Klea rroai its acMte to Cfctoa at (be


- __________
tf Pi
RaanvaU appravee. that It to
lac to take vlcnois etepe le tbe beI
tecfacan Hap to to ceeiBaBI
catlea with Praeldaal BooseTelu as.
opta lbs totters deetoloa tbe seen
tanr^ coarse wW depead
It to >iai
ad that the detaniMsi ham bad l«
paUeaee used br Ue coarse td
veats to Haaebarta. aad U>at n auw
BBteiBptotoe a Bore radMaJ step
(baa aar wbieb has beraudorv b ed the aecMlaUsai betweea Uc i
sn ea this sab)eeL
Tbe proposed step cooleBpl
total ocUsa br iapaa. Baglabd
tbe UaKad Btstae.
Ptecedlac o
itoHnae have base haaipsred br
tottodlRr <d toe Ualied Suin to
siSuBt Ito (ji^Iods'm II If '
htatad (has tarn* ptos of ooeip.
Usa vltb taclaad aad Japaa may br
dertoad vblcb Bill have ibe eSvi u(

df tbs I

Dorlns AttacllM Of
Heart Failure.
Would Appear To Be
Dr. MU«»' Henri Cure
KeltOTed nria Cured.
(cbt. Iwsf Uwbkd wuAbtsRdaaass tor
dtwcB mn. 1 bsn Bird assr ditiftai
KBcdat bsl aatil I tried 1>. UiLs' Heait
CairlcosUd dioirlKl. IwunUOTIo
bndfehr. sAdbsd toed veui Pass Pills s^
tber wen to edecure I ibowhi yoar lUaR
Can ei«kl belp me. I wouiJ bsn invbi

I locih tbe Bcdicwe etoctlr u dmetsd sad I


t drat leU (be eferti el s vesk b
Ike IsU ol IbB 1 uw *s s/nrutet
(be buBi (Tiy papei is wbicb s bus
s nosUe smalsr to sise.
la Ibe cbul el toeev sad is ny ebosldei. as

Beau, bol
of Ue af
4 Ue llBC

stor was taeltaad to be r«_____
BdB that be baa basa at Praakton.
•ot V LaatlaB. aad (a u a loas to
kao* last vbat tbs aad of tbs OBttar artU ba
b la evtdwl. bovavv.
that hr baa m hlddsa a Baal tv»

vau to hto tob.

Mrs. Bravatv to wHb hv haabaad
to Ua cdirb to BOW auted to a Unstop dia
pattb Ibal BrowaUr-a tob to sals
Oonaww BUaa will aot pal Us bill
..............•« Ua e*et of ehtod dWr
taW hr tbe pnatdaat______ ________
mt (be epaakv ot Ue boaae ot ropWBBtattTto. It to elatoaad lUt Prask
4aat Mlv ot ibo ataato to. not to
■IBpathJ' vhh tbe paaaBra aad ibat
ha Bin prababtr tod hare ttaa to
It. TUcabre It appaan that
bevaur aaad pot Borrr-

PlBaktort. VhB, Mar •
I —Tbe bearIBB ta tha aMB «t OapaU’
_____ j’OaBe Ward« IpaM bbM pBMan
paMardtr. Bid Ihd
Mart BBd alto—VI TtoMd_____ _______
yoB. tba

mm vanud Bpitaird aat to
caBB toe cdoaa to hla. fetk mm


loin h bn


' ‘


nadlied. This oew eiienelos wl
tolFDlbble IwneAl to Ibis eeelloa.
win pul all parts of wa '
Ulcblcao In direct rallwnr romai
trvipbt went by state troa Peetwniv
in Menlsiee



'Ext ~

eonnecllDC tt<<aiilF alita Alukan
BIberjas lulnif l> plEnnnl by
Kunb ADK-rlraD Tt-IrKrErb aud C
Cu.. lust Inrorporsiol s< S.«iili'
ti.WW.OOO csplisl
Hltchtoc s (v>*
n eloeiiic ll»U*
pule with s cbslD
FDdinp Ibe carver of Ismes Stela ai
Codv Orovv. N 3. He was thrown
seren feet snd so ebsreed by the vleetrlclly that mt-n vbu
. —___
ran.0tobit ns>
soce cuuld
>t bsndle blm. Tbv oj
snd s doc
e badly shucked, tuo

Pill s boule or commen (Isas wlih yeur

.1.. ..................

tn.i isij^^ro^n-v




HrTmUar haa been b Ariaooa tbe

HegtoM.N.Y. WwnwrS
e nay stotake, bnt rwname. Swnap-Itoot, Dr.
iBp-Root. asd Ue adBtoB. K Y.. oa very

TV. ti.ds

The Farmers’ Favorite and the New Champion.



at tba taBeoai aBtaun aad at
tba Maad and ilnBtMhp talta. thM
at pan, aarvt Md

tafciBtMB^daBpBt UavorttaBf

AboUv rallptous ..., _irlnp eeUBBotoUoa
as ibeeardtoal
article of
.A creed,
ertwd. has bees .dtocevered
to Rot-


Harnesses S, Robes
Harvesting MacMnery'
Steel Junior Binders
Mowing MaeWnes
Corn Binders hay Rakes


and various numbers of


ao At Ua ezpOBBO of oUv todlvldaale. tbrOsworthu
aad they aeeepdibpir pledpe Uesaalva to die at that ate. uke toae
et^ Raetton enleldal eoetoUee that
b^e beta dtocovered to to at rears,
oei vlib tolUtoat Ue Bsaav cf 4«U Is b tsl all—.
Ue dvotaee beloc vola vUr tBBV«d ta —oUs WI14 tolef
alee. Maar adberaU ol
alrsadr been burled 1

“S.'SrueadBVto,. w



a cautoTBia «ou
Aa old. a
-ftoa. oat o
of Poftlaad---------------------- —
tw ot (be
be pat ta 40 .
ipo. bae be— baardOnia rse—Ur.
The talad eeeoa reeud aad rafrasbed.
........................ tad wriua Hr. Kimball
uw. 1. - nsvlr,to beooaa valoabla.
Tha Parttoad nda. oa raealpl at tbto
totortattloa. baetenad to ptoea bto
- - . ea rsoord. It arm d.SM feet
anroa creek, bear Poker PlaL
BaMwtaevllto. N. T, Asdraw. tbs
void eon of Lsaaard Baldwin,
wwi killed hr tbs dtocharpe of n pnn
Itaded wlU boons. Abdrow wm plar.
b eoma ebUdraa at a aalptabv-i
Tber fotad a dbotpaa ebarpad
T '------ Bbkb bad beta oeed
mtop rats that ovarran Ua
While plartap
I. bFsvr bsrkarbs.
it Baa aeeMeatallr dtoehar^.
kMurr*. al~riOT>
Ua load autktop AbdrwB to Ue left
—pie Ka died to a fav houta.
rrssd Bsrksrb. Care cum] mm
Dtap Ooap. (be Cbtoeee leper, who
»lr. B
bae bMB la ckioa cdtollatoaeiii v «aah
aattoe aboal two mllea beknr Jeter• barTseks. V 8L Looto, Ho, tor
PurasbbyJAB^^^.-------------jmt and a kbU. b
_f. Woodn*. aapettottad
qtanattae boaplul. At oa



bs. not Batarialtr ohaapad
___ __ oatracdoB todta aoctoir. b«K
be to too doapoiBOe a paltrai to be at

*T!*iraat bole ow tre Bllei bmp
load sw IMI feet deep to ptocee will
be (ora br Ue Ptaairivsato road
Uroaph (ba tootkIUa of Ue.AlleW
bios at DeriT i—lt. batwta LoIrobs aad HUlwood. H ordv to obuto
bettor prbdee aad lamari dabpvoaa
aad ebsl—attop eorvea. Aa artar of
a.dOd mae BlU ba iBoalrad tv two
Maw (ba uak. asd n.ra aipaadsd.
lod HWPtotoP aleetito-


oveu. a Vkorv

im Separa'tor



i sell the Kalamazoo Round Silo. If you expect to
build a Silo, let me know, and I would be glad to fig­
ure with you, as I sell Silos of several kinds of lum­
ber and a great many sizes, and we also erect them
at your barn. 1 find that there are not many farm­
er s who understand the Silo, and thought it best to
furnish it cor'plete.
’ -In connection with the Stio. you should have a

wh^h^alS^ t^tonpb'^w'ooir*

Oat—B. aa

Gasoline EnginesFairbanks & Moore’s make. We also carry a
full line of..

fit for the season. We are still selling the cel­
ebrated Milwaukee


ffsat ealM at CMtoacaa^ Otato


consisting of the No. 10



Buggies Of all Kinds
Olds Wagons
Spring ToothHarrows,
Smooth Harrows,
Bisk Harrows-w

We Handle-

- rEurz


I have just received several Carload's of goods,
consisting of —.

and one carload of-

lead ymerdsy

■hoaaaads Ba— Kidney Treobto
sad Iton't Kaow h.

of the best makes, One carload of

tliop indmaia sn
The PreeldeM*a Tnp.
unbeslihy cjhdiRirrralde. Cal. Har 1.—Trealdrot
ftuuarvell eoaltoucd hlf trip to Ue
(bto Boratop. leattop tor Ctoteat I o'clork Oa bto war to Ue
1 ’e
ney trouble Inc
rallwv auiios troni Ua bolel the
presldeai planted an orano tree to
(bo Oleawood (rounds. Last olpbt be ^vincinp p^ihsl ibe kidneyf and blsdpiren a hvuJioDe Uiok of rtova
ot kltcralde and a pold hadpr o
eemlert In lbs kno%M(e M
Lot Anpeles Terrors
fflen upressed. thsi Di. Kilmet t StounpRmi. tbs (rest kidney retnady (ullllb <v^
Hew Mtolnp Compeer.
k. kidneyE llvte. blsAlei '
-.Boap tbe nBtniae eoun
hs urinary psfss(T. It e
Tnvane Olt; aar sow be Inoladed i
w u«14 water snd ecaldinc
BbaltaTMie^imtoB V
It. or bad efleeii lull«win( _
UM On. Tba espial tloek of tbto eor- srinsec beer, snd overoamef ibsl unplestini
pvatloa vlU be iwo mlUloo doltorr. Bscstair of beiap colT^>sllsd is po Vv
^ sbarea vUl be ot Us pv valae V
oae doltor aaoh
Tbe orgnatoa '
vtll be aadv Ue towi ot 'Art
toebirbM f? lu ^
BlU bradqaartan at Trnvsrte OUrdarful curat ot Ibe moa dlttrwtaar cwbe
H you need a msdleUia you tbeuld have the
of talalap olalBs In tbe Oavt Orsak bstt. SoUbjrdru(rlsuinSOi:.sndtl.sUat.
Bmple b«Uf ef Ibla

~ ■'~
snd s book



•wucM and said ter cast I or on ruaonabto marclna on
Maw Yorb Stock Bicliani w. CMOSBO 8Mcb Bkchstipa ana
Onieaco Board at Trade.
Hannah, Lay It Co., .Traverse City, Mich.


V ba woaU Wd. Mat—a waned
(ba dMov to kaap bto dtotaw Tha
Cual abot was Bred afUr Uraa alaSTaW^to'u^toM^lMM'todlC
tbe mm atatr as aataa. Spaldrth
eoat BM broopht tato eoart abCBtap
I—stares altopad to have ba— Bade

Stocks, Bonds, Grain & Provisions

Insured durlei; Ilf nbfeore
-om Ue nsllr
Ueck KfIU of Auburn. Ur brllwM
F bns elruck s rerltnble Kloadlke
hu lieen dlscoiered—w
wIdF. which ebows for nearly
Hf hv urcnnlied s company
work will bade at obce oo Ue
Fnms la Ifae near rlctolly
cnnooi br purebssFd Utr twice Uolr
. sod men who bare- blUerto
ncricullurlsu sn- ec
Inc for (Old
Urv W. U-o .if nuBslo
nl rhsrlotiF N C. fnmi the fBfcu
of s chlck.-D iKine. mhn h rsu(hl In
bar Umsl
Ur. U---. seeooipanl..1

wne eoopvlW
«• ^ici sl^w tbo'i

F lureFyors bsre (

V StoBe (bat to bto i

& GO.,
L. tall. ».. CIICUO.

« Uoopbl f(

rorni fnmllj
ir to
(Old piste
piste------frea Windsor
------------- castle
be I sod The collwtkia. wl
Waed at lt.04C.000. will be i
alronp punrd in Itolkellb

m^^nnpmuacaL -Lewa Aadensn.

Nav Of
has BO I
bate e( p

r Ulltod freeir to reW

bed Jut bepne,


< tbe UDitod Bules

Ch«rtoa K. Brevflv. ebkf depalj
we wardee was la tbe elir Baiv
dar oa bis war (rcaa tbe evamlaalhie
ad Oepetr BpaMerd V PTabbton I


She toatoled on the tatoe rt^to a
others ud Invited 40 colored people.
Tbe plrto thea laaoed aew tovf
aad baM tbe dasoe to aaoUv
Wbea Hr. Do Challhi died
week he bad been sa­
il Boaiba 1a prvp
toelalTc I

,We sell the Empire, which is well known and will
sell on its merits.
My business has grown to such an extent that it has become
necessary for me to secure more space. I have placed a com­
plete line of the above mentioned goods on the large carriage
room of my sale and feed stable, at 32 I State 8t., where you
will always find a good line of hoi>es for sale.
When you come in to trade, anyone trading $6.00 or more
can have his horses taken care of free at charge at tke feed stable.


u °VS^*oS!* ^
aptattei at Ua aavy

Ss^csirt.^ r;;£srs2r-“3S5‘.

pounds. Tba Bapaat wms beU
rsMlr oev tbe oclBea aad Ua eo——
taraad ao.
ta as tonaat Ue idtaa
al flew troB (be BBoad.

met um Vtourta PtotibaalJ.
t tba^Hb HbOoL






_ of Ito treoa, oad toaptog
Ot*1 Tik* • ItfC*. Ju.fer«b. dtp
aadl toe taea ttoaa
Mead and B«uw P*ddlag-Cut
IBM tb* dluetrrd drv. aKbcr b bi
Tbea. WlU a aprtag, ool aha
aae a(a)e toaad Into (Ua ^DPea aad
the haU aad uu
Ust crtMOB. BnlMle brovB or m
alter eauagh to BU a Iwo^nart Bold
•Bd palat Uw awpM vbU«
the door
do« to
to gtrtoitoBaa fb„p nf TndiAiia’s Useful
twoiblrd. fuU: htitler the timid (blok________ they cnipt 6ar toltowa them law (to
ibr tear, w «t *rt« »mt b«>rtlT
lb cold bulivr aad by'le byera
to bread. allernUlBg with rabbi aad
JoelallhevrrT h.r.kcf<bv.
Tsmato Oravy.
Bad l.errlad 1^1 I l«nld |»er eod B« [^ MBCb b MM. BBd BOB.- loo Bl<
lady, aaa gee
<iT the illMellt rinuM at (be Bp(>le
to II. pprbBpa. *0
o. U bai oB« Tlno* 11
few wvrki eld.
bBT« aerer m»b DB&lloBed
ar iolt rnttaa OB
prapOTtr of eoiBlilfrlBC t»t> To ibli

One of Indiana’s Useful Educators Says:
-I Feel Like a New MaiL"



THBUEis NO suBsrrrurE

Edueatotos Simy

be Bd<M ■ ilnculer tonjli]
BMlBlleilBi luelf to the fliror
paTf vtlli ablcb lie )ulr<' i
be MxibBd Oor b.miwboeplii* frl»
iBb) itT a fried tia
eooktng a Uille luBiaii> Julre to
iliillod pan tun after n-Doilaa
■eat Ab» tDelied fat. or Ibked »htrd»
]ulce adhering to
applied to tbe meat, eatlrelr dl*
appear la an rmalekm. maklag a rich,
cvplimi. reddlibbrovn gravy, altb
true neai Bator learcely nodlBed
> tllgbl plquaoi arldlly from the
If tbe neak JB. bun left
vetael to aave llaUralnlogi
aa riW and tbia )ulre be pu
be by ao aueb enrlcbHl and
larged, aa veil aa iblrkened, by
ooagulattoa of tbe additional a
Colaadered tomaio pulp '
Oa meat ]ulre mak<
: like rtrb Baror. fc
The Baaltarr Bra

A Saman la RhrMa.
It yoa have « Mead worth tovliK.
Lweabta- Tea, and let biB know
tWt POB lore kha era lifa'a arealBg

Oat o( ay »
Oh. Ufl me apf
To live for olhcn, and la U
To bear a
iblae. aad tbe rioud*

larrrl and htadrn bet

TtB«a Ua brow with taheel glow
mv ■*•*"**' t~“* wordc ae'ar be aald
Or let Ibes but (he tllver aldea reveal
or a titawd un be ia dead?
It roB bear a eoag that (brUla yon.
heag by aay eUld at aoag.
Pnlaa tt; do Bot M Ue doger


Out of By lonely aeU.
Ob. UR Bc upl
Tboiigb other bearte with love i

at ll»- afwi

ruDoIng o'er.
Tbougt dtar (Bee to ay loaely bo


I have known

iwBeed ia lUi tray
reoutml III abi
drawer In ibb ww b iUghl. and
acarrely BMlrea tbe ruolaci of
ICm Ibough ‘tu Bight, ud UI araoBd keee with the draww Dm the 1
naie Pudding—la aa dillii.w aa It
Joloi ti a delicate •Irurlure. an
« paa oao tho hot h
uaxll) made, aad, althinigb uullii
Help M to khow thu ihoBgh I easBot bruUe BUty oailly be cauied that
aluiple will be generalli |•rnDuUDel•J
lely to veo’ iertnui oi
rlrh - Takr two cupRil. of gra
■y PBiher’t haad that laadeil Ouenrwi. I have bad many palleou
Ow» ywar UaabJp with Ue aUaa.
flour »iir rupfiil iif
Ibdulglag In Ihli babit hi
Wkr dkoBld aay oaa tB dad
cupful uf mu'mhi.-a, one 1
brought on UIntai ibal bitod fn
VbMa brwihart baait la aadT
Bo my advb*
Id bat Of all
The Wap W BH.
It a aSTdrr laad It riwuac
ra. ilunud BDd cut
maad> Iko BaaaUaa aa Ua taoo.
•a boura and flolah
li beuerpUlbougb li
Jtera B. ^ the wtae ana'a aaylag— aad olralghi-tecked chain iaataad of
Mr both ertef aad Joy a-plaoa,
oubkaed dlvaaa wen tha aaaU realheaHh aad voodatae la (ho tag plaota. the yonag weoBB bald
A Cernar Cloaat.
>elvat with a amightnaai t^t
It waa u a hotel cm oneut oor large
A Mllb Pack.
b bU* a* hoaM laaah hu htatk.
ww alaoM atlCaaaa. Then whea they
tokrt Ual 1 Brat aaw oua
A pbyUeba In tbe TranivaU
paw old Uey tuil hold thaaaUvoB
Wa had bacu a)«odiog ilia aamuar
gion to BooU Africa, knowlag i
■ paw *art la uado aora am
Ubo daehoatai Mr It b tbe ww ooe
to the moulalua and had anffared for
[ abaorbi pobonout gwrtaa i
a hrMr kalpihd haad,
raibor lhaa (he aaerebe ose
It ollouded oor artitlliexpoaad to It, eoaeelvad the Idea eloeal reuui
•w m. Mwk eat kraro aad tMir.
tahar (hat detaralaaa tha aweteeae of
B M tee Mil eloUua haaging no
ot applying allk eilernUly to people
»a tha'dnfeaeaa TOO the laad.
(ho'teara. A proataeat pbyrtdaa
alda walla of uur room.
aSeled with ferer and akin dbi
---------- a baothtr warttaan dear
lhal tha propar altUoi poalUoa
I waa BOra In II-- per|wa>. u bora
fhBar lgr a wiwd at *awT
ra«nlrw thU tha aptaa^abaU be k«*
clolbua OI eourar wa badramthat baa been aaturated with milk.and
Aralfbt aad that the rapport beaded
hrl.0 oovart fur ibaB. but arma way
ti--------ikw ywar aoadf d Uadaaaa.
a hot blanket b pot aroun>
«r (he Bppar pan ahUl be Mt la the
aal and daaiiaieaa a.-aniril to gni
All aarteWu ai paa ^
o. and kept oe
for an
oadat and mom nr laaa lujon- aud d*
iBavB (heat
Tbea tha clolhUt b removed, asd Ua
palbol li iponged wlU warm water,
br back In the ebalr aj poaUbI
b a raoB. aa bot aa cab to torna trill Uroagb tl.v lake ragion, and
(bat tha lower ead c( the Aptee ekaO
: ■amtithi
■a to aaaall par thua treated bad thara wa foand Ua ooauer rleart ll
■raead agUaat (ha back of tha
to Ue poboB Ukee out of the waa BOUtng Bora or laea Ilian a law
11 ihU back B otralght
akiB. aad Ue paUeht *•» placed on Manb Bade Into a door wtU a fraBa
•toaidart wlU hlra raM aplai
tbe rood to recovery wtihla tweatyaroaad; Ue irbngulai ipaiw U
bat wvra H Ua tUMldan hate tie
heura. Tbb reaiedr acta w Ue top waa oovered wiU Wall Baled
potu o( ikppart. It wlU to totad ihU
qaickty that aueoaaaful operation In boanb. aud abalvea Wnie |ilar-d In(toy do not nead it whna tha beat of
_ Bort WB raUty
frrera wdll reeeoiBead Ha nae In caaaa tide, above iba bookt
pane, para aad Bood with- * (to tplaa b anppoitad proparly. Thb to ud4^ altaek bilk b well adapt- • Baob a elaaal tabea ap liiila rooa,
poaltloa HBkaa no-ouala apoa (to Ugnay be added Uler Ibn an-hlleet,
aaaau et Ua aptto. Cvarp ««
ptokWrar and faipenw l.ara diaap|>aarUa body b properly thad by Ub at-


■a ter the MatoiurIN.

.. _.
nrewtw, RepreaentntlTc
niear or i m t'.«grv»a from Alalmma, wrlM Ue
a. I : f.-llowum l.'iut
Dr. II
ilouari.f U>-iirrarnUllTeB,

Halp me to )ota la other hawlaoMi
Obi <d ay doubling bbU.

Tha IVnina M.atl. in.-t'o^lN.lumiina. O,:
Hard .ina l»tUa
aodl taka }•l•■aaof IVrana fur la

beautiful gr*)' cat. will
aud aoR. velvoty |«wa
[tha la Iriaaj
Mamma bi by Ua window aewlng.
and playful na tan ba
Whan aha waa ^
,.tiy loddlad over Ilia floor
a kitleu. about Ibrra jrara ago. aba;
We'ter waa ybytng wlU bia
eanlddo auBany iriL'ka.yuiupaogracu |,n,. IValier get u|> on bla Lneea whan
fully, walk aoroai ibi- room on b-t
,„ok «loaa bnld
a. aad amnae na and out i
Iria-id. ao
•< mneb l*hr Aff
Ibloka II la uni xary dign>
- Uat aba la a cbI Sba wonld
Rally couldii'i ulk aneb. bat ha
ralbrr waloli tba klil.-Bt doing klioaa amiled vt-rr twaally. wl.leh maaol Ua
UUga Pate knowa all our lamlly BLU'- at ' Yat
rlo Waller kiaed Iba
lllila fat [Bim. unit than be abut
toby a flogar. ovarii.
'Tab.- HU
maoiiua. be aald, aad baby taroed
.and truuad baob U Ui- window.
IVtbaiw iiiemBa bed beard Waltar'a
Sba opened Ua ^lly
float'd liiilr Hat. looked In bit' pala,
ainl tuitU'd
"Tbunk yon. Walbr."
, tha aald Thro the, loo. blaaed Ua
I liitia hand, aad lotiy Ibogbed.

obauge lhair form aavatal UBaa. Here
II oua Ual haU-liei nul looking Jml U
lia alwayi will, Ibougb beany grow
oallad n graa>hop|iar. aod wall liaa be
raroed ibe nam.-, lor wlU hit
long lege be can Jump quite far.
baa fonr Uorl lagf u crawl wllb.

allken wUgt Tbay an vary large and | '
pratiy aoU have been growing tinea j
be waa a Uhy. Wbeu ha ootgraw bla I
oral ha leak it oft aud (bare waa a |
brand new ooi- ol graeu or brown al- I
ready on bim

Mito and Pcpparmlnt


tom aad Mbu w to bagh arhaa yM’ ia tto kaitb oa tto hack to (to
■aBontoi^rtadtoUaraadUate half aa howT TI 0m
gm'b m; Wt
tod Utogto* mt ,'irad (an ttoa atoBy tom
............................. " — - •Had braraab mim mm to



Bu tbay do. hot wlU tl
trpeoer, a le* bgarda ai
■lea. "If Uere are aay eUldrca." paint, one can lava aa i
a avera, "eoa eanaot be cure
cloaab aa ooald poaelbly I
BOM ww they wlU gel bold to PUel tto faBMwiwk ec
■a to Ue attiB. Bo whoa I :
■eUiag lhai woold raUty rt.
btBg a aiU panal aa Ur door, asd
OB tha top BOOM torga vaaea at a


He* She MeipaC Pa»e.
ll waa Uetinr dangj.let ol a clergyof line ein who wae reobolly
I of aa ai il
Tbera ara ntnally
aaked to aocoB^y bar BMbei no a|
la Iba aoraiaga we find Dor waU.
altaug u tba lower ball aboai break
"No." 1
1 poaillvr opokee an I
faoi Use aod wauhuig each one aa ba
eralieeonea down atolra
■'all ar.
Why not"
regelar time imaa
I bava to balp pape ''
o Ue Jlnlng lOOB.
In what way '*'
goal artMod I e lablp. uol«|
- Ha Uid ma lo ill here In Uia cornbnU I. vaoani ao.l iben.'.oluk uia;„„
k^pgolei while 1-wtoiehti
AaU. Ue rum np iUlie lo Iba rooa i ...rmoo. and 1 don l belleva ba la ImU
tto miBcUg oa to ma wbil U Ua | ,bn,»,b yet
Waahiogloo Star
if oo
remvined lo tied, op Jempa
Ind yon aver beat of "plokei
leoki kindly It tba oocapaai.and U.-a
Tber are lika Iml-- pralne
osru berwii B| . ai tlia foul ot Ue bad
dopa lu tbe w«ai tint wliau they oome
’■ le aee wbelher lband aiaya
ap ml of U. ir bolea ill up^ alralgbl
will gal Bp afler a wbila. Of
aud BOiloolMi tlial aomallBai a mao,
whatber Ua tronblr la iaelooi bbd Ilia
wlibiog lo plokei bli btuae alatakee
doctor will appear
Sba looki aa if
one (or a woodao piokri. or peg, aad
U< fall 'iBlIa a raainoaUUlty apoo
goea to Urow bla rope aroand u,wbra
b.-f to atay Uiare And iBy Ue doaa
Wllb a "p-r-r" Ue •np)«eed plekei
dlaapprara Into Ua rarth

a affect it <l«eld>-<lly fr'lly. for
I waa VCTT gbd. It 1>
aloBtl lakat aaray «frOB Uai
i' wonb to o
1 will fcamat tto wragto to poppermUt b UI l
leoara wbirh it lli< liana of t
Me boote rBrelebi-ra
mtb to It plaeed
Bbo arm Bead iboa acampedai
Handy Faat.
WhUb the oae id warrytag hboat
Mlco have a daclded anUpaUy
\ iMi.-nllM cnanrwled am. ilir
tto tuna BO tnag aa tto roaa
ter the pahgaat atii*. aad they will
I) MuwuB of lUrvard l i.iieraltj
wbk dry whlUag.
Boa froB It ao galeUy aa tbcp wooU
.11 liae iN-rn afH-ndlng •■•nio ilBr
BOB )aleo aad glyairtM
King tha Maya penpla of Vuraiau
troB Uba Tabby. Only oae triu will
. lhai tbay u.i- ibair lore In many
toraa aad aoAea Ito toMa. Otaab of to beaded to eoavlneo eU wo
klni» nf aork aa rcBdlly aa ibay uat
r will obaa wblU kM aho
b barBBaad by Ua fear that
lhair fliigara Tba Mara woiuan. abo
gtevaa alealy.
Utaga are aboat. that It U
rt C<l btirulunlall. aealll nlak 'Ip a
flU to aBBoab, dUetad wlU
tt applM WtU a ipoaga ■
ael to dbeitorad apod oa -tto caipau
•rUbd Chtakoa.
befora tba) ara do
or gamrau. win odtea reoUra Uo
ra b a ayciwt tor Baking brolM
Boat of Ua (iBl. Do )
ut and pour ibu )ulce oi
loai lesdar which baa gUaed Ua
. and tlial her VI bal animaJ ib a grrat tptni
•be Uinki aba li a a
b runnleg otrr, Urn
' toc,fMlBibra aa CUlly wlattr I
wm to U beat oaa (arrar. Split
parrUf la eoBfortln, U Ur ilcB raa
Tbe uldat
tot waab Ua cklokea. tbea place
fern- tl mtmM to etoar «paw aalU
!■ u‘ I Wkiob one oan inaka fBpet
We call oar pnaay 'Uowey
1 rat are tba Juice
apraad oat ae for boUlag. to a B<
,to *»■ to «to tooral «—l*to
through a torga bola Ir
peatlaa Mix and apply a
alter wlU oovar, «r toeUag that,
' > WhiU ooe It an eioellani Bi
Iwm to Uo ataad eawaga. d
deep btoean tin. Add a lUtto hot
Tbe braver
Boot taltiag oa Uo earpot troa
liar, rraewtog U ai U btob aww’. W bal anitaal ibo ww wnU'
(drtBboyi or aarabaely hbadM
aver WtU aaothar tto and !e
pipe. K oorered Ukkty wtU aoK. caa ehkkn ataaa to Ua o*aa or o
Jtodhar"Uoway. "and wr all did.;
' log! aa V
to brwabad ap wlUoot lajary
raaga aalll H la tdhdar. bat net (ally
eaohed. Tbra ptoet lit to tto broiler
Ercry ■entagaboai half peat eigbt
Toa Iwnver
ire aoap n
Tw deas oil doth, waah Uwayi wlU
aad tmlah U ovar Ua coUa A verr
M eoBM op
It in tbe tl
®y fOOB lo gal a wtiiei, one It a clerar fialirrmi
laiB Bltt. Oaea ta all
id tbay wll
yoaag ehlekaa wUl not aeto i
froB> BiBf 1 aeep i
^oa fiUUg hnwk
Btawt Watotood hr wiaag-delag.
drink of oool wi
*tU hot aoapoadt, dry therawUy aad
.ra hoaJUl
a walk! lu'n Ue|*T,^oo,
Btaaaed. bat aae walAtog
■An to Hto toora aaad to ear
’ a oou to vaubh. Thar pin bat peaada or aura b soeh tapeovad br
nrner of Ua waah-'
^ha iilk worm
HtoM. graa lo U.
mam ato toaghtor'tow toadt to at
a PteUkaTbla.
L waiu (or
lo pat Ua mug on:
qo, „ u rood wag aaki
the prooBB, which kacto tto Beat kdetber Never
Kobody'a BOUw avar taada a pia
loo Bat. I
fatoy and pravaata drytag aad banUt Ito aaaBhtoB to a gUd baafl to
Uknitol aerrad lo Ua gaaeU of Ue aha U. Ua never Bkai a drink oau
at Mtototoag to yaw Uto.
BBoaea' Pw Babtag C-o at a loll rat bar and »ooU bet hand all
IW wo Mtood to Boara aad bat
White apeu <aa to rnaaovad troa
to Baaavrtaad faUl. Brooblje. Iba •Igbl UBie if t BB la abbiaUlag
What anlMl drIlU b.
Bto worTT Paot un*. had try wbilUg. fatUura by rabWag ItoB wiu abohairy, aad giro bet only two
BlgbL ll waa tha torgaal pie to
holf that fniM atelaa la Uaan.caa
tt h tofld to«lM to goal, toll tt
vblah Ua world bat aay raeoad
Which U Ua DOlcy d
twovod by poariag boUlw wator wbto to aa aag wUl aot bava a bib
im la a toriw. Toa wtU to nrprtaad
bad UO poBBda
la It were *00
taaand bampa bar bead
to aw tow tobftty U* PoM fltoo ww
aaaowa (or Bora. auJ ol eoar* 1,
p placb to M-carboaue to
to a ame. WowMan Ub to a good
a aoi Ua baarl le tare away troa '
carry kowa a BU bOBd thu a
enabartiM. ly poBnda at leBona. eU
[. no BBiier if I aa U a burry, no which «
a got ap tnm (to Urou.
poBBde of paaesptitot. ato poasda to
b Ula wtih a
Tha white akto thu Itoei Ue ahall plmaaa. aU poondt to paacibai, U
Indtaaaf Ua (aaily
mm. Tw to aara.we aU have ow aorto aa c« U a aatoal appUcatlo
aa Uey ome OBl from Wtot oslBBl ki a w
panda to ao«at, and amgb othar
•vaa. Wg and Ktk. real aad Uragla
acbaol U Beaira, aad wa ail down »o
gaod kh>m to All • kamL
wy. bat ■* UI Ua arawb dtora AdBB
ll nqalrad IbU a IBB to eoBl IB
-Wtot oad Why.
tm frtghcra Uas aww- It bhv hc^tb te which Ue--------------- ----—
aad toaoB raUevas
tokeUto |lc acto iObcb ware aa
■ ntthw
» —nee w aattb wbra wwa oeoked b u drop a tnag to waab
kiBg It. A raaraw toto b bP~~i hreaklw wlU tag toda la a gaart to water and —'■
•m oddad la Ue tmttoj
stol alasl ptoke toto tab
kUB Bt SBBB, jBBpa I
tocaet tabaka
to eoCae aaka a cood toaie.
by B wtotow. pBU hm fen ra**
raw BK wtth tto yoBi aahrakSa,
BBito wlndnw toUabd
1 to a gtora to wtod b hraaAiA
iBUlBg Sows tto
Thb worW that waTt a^lTlB• U
to aighW hard U baati '
Taa tft a than vlU mm roaa,
•Wat Uat tto raaea owaotr

dallghtnl WlU all but oaa of
1 do yon kanr bfl,yt a vrnter In the PhltodalplilB telegraph
eicvpiioa Cfaa the big. tnrly dog Ual krept waUb abd ward tba amallrr paplli U look at vhUa 1
oaerU.'farB. Bbn
Ueotor:am bnay WtU tba older em
bni lhai plaer It al ohlldraa Ulnb lilt qalBatnotW
boeka One day.BttorUa
bookt liad bma paeud, asd ll vra
I.U kind U B|
llaa u takr tb--B ap. a tltoid IIMU
Baviag bran loviled by a lady of girl, ibiakingthat it yon -|BMBd‘*
ha lioeae to taka a araU doarb lo Ua
laud wbaa they ware !•
lUaga, Marjory bealtaled a UUle
to takeo op ktoy ware to to “to"Why. Marjory," egoUlBed Ua
Bid. ” Pirate. CBS'41 a^to.
Ilia bnokiV
lady. Ill aa Injured
"doo'l .TOO waul u go with »a‘"
Yea." replied Ua Uwla taald, "1 "Awake." raid Ue raocUBs. "’Tto
weal u go. bnt piraaa doo'l let eey
llae to gel np,
dogahappen umeAwake pretry daliy aad iwaafi katoto
»b> > jon'ae baM atoapUg tto vtob
wtoler long,
llarki Bark: dw'tyaa toorl'^tto
blBeblrd-a Brat aoBg."
' diSeraot
"Ooing a-Nutllug" being tba "Awaka,"
anbject of the leaaon.
"Wa-ae tola ton ae Mill,
bat grew
And new we BBetnU go to wora wMh
id our pa'l o> iba ooei
After (bay bad nased ebeetaata. "Waka," raid U<- wnr^ UuU Iraaa*.
aUenata. Iitokory uata. etc.. 1 BO“and yoa willow kna,
ma pat to yoa
yoar Iravea to a twtottnnd Ual ona asall girl etill liad bnt
kitog for BB.
I MUd. "Wall Loin, whai

.... ..

tooaobaaper. who la eotad for

Bve naek
lilU.udouamea sraBtdaalotiraod."—
WUll* Drawer.
If yondonotdarlTayewapti
facloar teaulU frora l^a nw a otkoa lo Dr. HartBan, gtvtag a
fnlTkttotBiiiiitto year COM and be wOi
Iwpl<wai?tb«lvr yoB hU TaloaUa advi«e ctaita.
Addraw Dr. HarlBaa. Ptetodtal to
Tha UartiBaB baltorlaB. OetaBbito



TbOBCh ararp day 1 Bita the (oad ea-

(Ita^ Tbe fact aboald reot aqiaraly
tto Boor; (to haadt tbooU raat
UgbUy U Ua bp. aad Uw perfaet
Ibrlia aad (Wit are aaearad.
aboald aom to twaiii. far that
paalttaa eaaaaa a otrito opoa


aaii.fy hro'lf Ibat tiu- goi-ala had da

Lack the >oy you Biaj bapu”
K~yaa hear a prayer that aaovae j
Br Ui hBBUe. pUadlBg laea.
. aoih It Do at* lei the aeeker
^ Bow htfort Ue Ood aloee.
Why ihOBM act yon broUar ahar
«ha auwadh of “Iwa or Ihtwe-

W. Ueng. M Jracr-m
. Indianapulu, lad., ttlete neprv
of ladianapolu lluinpse Colb-Rc,
Tlir morning
.. l Ormiy te/tt,-*
I o»t m.rltine bmHh n Perwaa. CoaataW fnare/ aad
■r the —rkanfr rf
' —-------------------- il^' bjttic B'Ah my unmeck. aad tor awarhg /
for her morn utffcrarf a Ah
........................... .................................. /MiharrheoatyCUto
teV.few mu b do w« 10 gfiwTp toy ocnipertoo wbfc* MWf WIT fwtocgato »o do. Sotow
lor a few mu
^ ^
fof CMUfTt I *KMmtegtreH o IrieJ. Bad toS
01 dunr looting u taUhtuHy
toe »It awefth
/ found ftof my ttowhba hadaJdbMptarid
Iruuk waa aadlaoeBodf/teeaea-BBO. / heir a hortb at Mrwaa i> ■Pd'to afl m
■ (ate ■ towdoahe wbteh kmm me le
uf U..- Iicma* to (law,


Cloth** Just rl«ht. So
' otyle* to choose from
-»o omsT to be porfoctly fitted
—so comfortabiT cut—oo teoto*
fully rUkished.
Suits Ukd orercost* for busloeso
or dross occuslena. flO ond up*
word. A guoronteo. signod



sou-rM mtouL

Just as Iasi year, BuHr
made OD tbe Empire wius tbe
bifbcsl score. For case of
operation, ilfhhicss of nmninf, case of haidUiif, $tmpUcily of constraeiloD tbe
Empire bas no cqnaL
■e. VMli/ AmI»; tMi. #r.

For calalofoc cle, wtilc

Trsverse City. Mich.


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