Grand Traverse Herald, March 19, 1903

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Grand Traverse Herald, March 19, 1903


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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v.V'ft ■-.■'.rfv'

a(Siratiti @irati«r0e Ejetalib.

I Crwi CrMPm fkraM




Tire Insurance!

ASM# tor T
B.TP p > PPM (’ r tlip >pp •

put, GI«M. StMin Botlpr and AceWonf InauranCA

Honey to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.




ssss MA»E BY ■■' i ■' '

' JohMon Block. Phono 73


ap4 «pp MVTP pp(Ip4

lh>i h»k. w «Uh p PMib r«n . f to.

Tp»cisc aty Stale Baal

Cbl« Kind el WcallKr mak«* Reugl) Faces
and eipapncd Hands





tablP W.

H. iM^PM M>p m4 tnpPM p« ti* s I

Trovoroo City. Mich.

j And th. tniBfp ktol. MTpr s -pptt f- r
( F«rb.^Mp^<^a.bra™.:

WltCk BUil U4 Gireerloe LoUia u udciccIIcJ lor nil erh.
UtiOBSof tbe skm. LldlCS *ho use <(. are couch please<) wiih
0 follonr
'loo appliedthe soft velrety fkin chat is n
GeMleOKa »ho ute it after shaving, are never «ome><
nrilh a rough irriuied
irnuied akin. Oaly 2Sc
2SC tor » 4 M Bottle, “k ,
ary re-iut e lur a siituoih. healthy
Good Soap." is alio a necesaar'
-esiha: a
Hght. .AJi akin.
We have

A Caenl Buklv Botocu IMe

:-■* •^jsrsaTjg^aVrJgJ^
a kt curt •arw4w Tit Pepwits.^

b. ypf M CMMI W b» BMl'
HtoMr.HttopPWM <4 Up •

-Johnson’s Drug Store.:""-

that he wna to stay waa very pereapilhle Tbe teun rone .10 hia eyoo ns
be ibanked the ktad tarsM.
-'Im afrNd you'll tnd me gt«|dd.
air. Just at Brut, not betol used le
farm work." be said. ~B« III A
tw-sl to Itom."
"Wbat sort of week dU you i
the etiyr-' asked Mrs. Bccloa.
'My mele was n bocksier. ma'am,
and I nsed to cu around w«b bim In
tbe waaun
He took me when By
molber dird. nod I wnm't bat weten
years old
Rot be treated me so
hard, and beat me so bad. that I
off ten days ayt' I'd ralhee die i
bark to him'
"Vou Doedn-i CO back If yon
»e yourself properly.'' said Mm.
"Vuo can have a borne ben
as you de
deserve It. tor we a
. u help wHb ihe eborea
d like to stay, i
--I'll do all 1 m
please you
He was BlVv
Shd then the farmer showed
rre Jerry waa tnaied to a warm
and Blven a suit of elutbe.
1 bad. once been worn by pout
Rufr. and when be eame down
stain an boar later. Hta Eerles war
well pleased wltb bis improved ap
r ihai i look I e tbe aame bor.~
■aid u- I.ouiva "You won't know
e you yvime bark frodi
<ujr aeni'B. t •'M be so, fat anil




SAVINOS AOOOLJN’TS one? If you have not we woulti be pleased
to have you s.tcp in and let us show you the atlvamact't. 1
we offer. Perhaps a commerebl account ^oulti bcut*r |
■meet your rcquiremenis. Wtr opened rhore than ;
lUl) of these, besides issuing many certificates of de posit.






Caahier ‘

..VlOb PrcalUhAU !




m ciBTis t ca.


Fresh. Salt and Smoked Meats. Sausages. Etc.


T or


M. S. SHWiniUlTE&CS. I

uninehed the top drawer.
was filled mtib keepsakra
V sort-ol.I-fashloned Iwad UaBs
___e by hands torn; alnee iiimed to
gainst, a laee flo'unee which had belooB'
1-d to Mrs. Rn-les' BrmnditMrther. rsirIons old p|p<nna and (iwks which bad
been In tbe family a century, aa work
ipan. the Bin of a
other articlet whl
B made raluahle.
le end of Ibe drawer waa a
•dar b.-x, whleh. when opened
four rompanmesia. lined with
aatin. and emKalnlng
bear. Bold watch, a
' '
Hub chain ..
Hubs. Slid a-AI( brooch In a
.Ibe pictnre of a handaomr
Iwllb while


r TeleptKlpe'y

Hiqes and Fur Wanted

now in the market lor all kinds ofHides.atifl Fur. read^''^|b^



y the
the highest
highest market
market price.
g<y>ds shipped
shipped to
to me^,^"^
me g,
to pay
All goods
will receive me fiest atiertion. Will hhld goods imtit 1 hear aa abe looked at tbe jewelry.
Id’if prices are not satisfacUiry will pay chnr,fes‘ she took .ip (he tbr.« Hn*a.
from you and’
slipped them
both waj^
.of her left band


: three ermy dayr abe lald. tbtnktBS
bow Woodrrfully I
-were to Ike hand.
Travef»e City. Mich.
ly." ansveiwd
Mri. RefittacbP Pbot.r48P ’'’WT Ukrlr"
BeU Pbooe laa
' -o wort as I


Her hnsband was a rich man.
y of BemniB
ird ft
tor me
would be absurd
-Them he mine t
tbry. mother*''



T||M.B.BMUketM Af^


is Headquarters tor all kinds of

Smolctod ibncl
Smie F"ltoh
during lent.

JIndtrson {Indtrtaking Co.
A full line of Fsneral Suppl«e tnd (he
bew eqotppmenl -lo Northm Mich-gan.
aiMin UNtONBT.


Inspect the line nnd you will warn to leave an order.

Halph XttdtrsM, lUanagir



»n»lns T«t>wl»r Silo

ted Sik. (m tbe market lodey, bsib «f

•oloo1:oa wh<^* Pino

Painten, Gtiietis. Farmeni, id fact, all those who in­
tend to build, paint or cakomiftc: Wc are in a posiiion
to supply you with the best quahti' of Lime. CaJejne
Hastcr. l^icring Hair. Cement, .■Vabastine and Muresco for calsominiog. Varnishes. Fillers. White Lead,
stoccly pore Bmled and Raw Linseed pil. Turpcniroe,
Ready Mixed How, Bam. Buggy and Wagon Faint;
small cans of Domestic Colors: all wies of Paint
Bmshes. in (act everything that >'OU need (or this pur­
pose. We guarantee to fdease you and promise not to
be hard on your pockeibook—^mcr Front and Cass,
at P. KV


, LiDtd.

Bntrr. praltant t<u
Her Xtrllsb vanity bad
dear—bad rubbed him


-Ooe of em's gotas to marry.- be
cgplatBsd. ehe«fa»y. to tbe OM Maa
"Shell aeed a hM 'o thing*, of eowrae,'
%»d Itb goto' (e take bustlla'. Aaytfaiag yon eaa ibrviw aw way. aow—
III be mnM obBged '
Pa bad scareely recovered tna (be
Bmrelagv of (be tm daugbttv batee
ore wln> waated (e
. .. .....................
gave me' a llttk'
lime oo that, or I'd aewee have made
It," Pa said, drawlag a loog breath
when it was over.
Tbea. tn a llute while ibeee was aoLbee aad tbea aaolbcr Amased aad
Pewlldeted. Pa found blametf all at
.«ce with <«1y owe of tba prcRy
..Unghine at bome. aad Ibat one >kttag out ragetmaly wRk half a deaaa
re h.ra young mea. He knew what
ripect any day. You might (biak
ey were bablaa. bet ttsddoBly you
Kover (bat ibey had grown up aad
mied n home <4 their own
M oat of n blown stndy (hlaktog.

oiir Jerry
only real
and hml
him out laiu the world again a
was a hard task to tell Ihr stor>
again when her lather came In
V rnmutes taler: harder sill] ft,
■ece'B only o
he kwk of grief aad sarpnse pr be told
Id Ibe faabler.
eaable geolally. ^isblhg
• - to feel that her
tpectades vm tbe earner of hta
-Wbea that oae mairisa I'D leH
as tboogb my (wspemar
________ ______ italBg
pretty well done with. . . ..
done ta to_________
And Jeery.'saM
'laM Hr. Eccles Vhlnkln- that I ought to celebrate . .
when be bad beard the whole story
It ninirk me J«i BOW
-I'B.ii vu. I, I
aln I taaaul lee
when Lena's atoirted aad gut
.indly tbw!
yoa Louisa And
r.iote cme to look out .tor ber. I'd gp hardly
sry for me to
0 sav that Vit aa' have an orgy."
in yon
\As tbe (Hoe drew aemr. Pa ga**
believed the dough
■-tloDs of a llghintag betft
sees to alt at hta desk wtlh hta
d brown deroy oa tbe bach of bta
i^ty of
herseU to..................... ......
■he was la n.- mood the oeit day tp
warble under bta
alk over the Incldehis of her visii*
d of sUr
She ronid ihiak H.aotbtag but ib.uSF
untonuaaie rings and iSe poor
wku bad euBervd for bar vanity.
No one had seen Jrrry slacv hta
-arwihuuse wwa
I uadeiauad it ta galte aa eveal
I that It
b yvm. Mr-Mr rralg." be laM
pusalble to trace____
lim He w
r bad come wllbln ooe of folwH
•d to _^tMi kl^If with puittna
t (be name).
"Your last daugbler

' gel tot
with I
Amy will think my
■dly guud encniBh for every
-lay. Rut abe can't laugh at my Jew
i-try — ibalk handBumc'cuwBb.
a-way. and li U all the ;more
able for belnc
g old." and sbe opened a
lltUe hand hag she
he arried and look
ud In. a aallafledI smile
UB her face
tl-ii (far smile was
* replaced
! doubt and anslety
Bd a slBh escaped ber Ups aa she
lurmvred. "Sbeil
i(t-r«r know —
Bd It was no ham. alnee tbeyll be
line some day. anyrliow.''
Tbe all weeks pained all too qnick
' tor Ibe cuaniry girl, to whom
evwyihlas In tbe city was novel, and
■be had tittle Ume to worry over thp
fact that ber eouain
■be horrled Horn <
I anotber.
-There's DO time to rrn

-I vrobder If Onadma ebeMon


e day of being tired "TouH I
OK”' yue gM bac

It was nearly Chnatmaa *
'toulsa saw ber borne again, aad
lid Ml know bow dear that h
' rr until sh« stepped <
tbe big. tunay ktlcben
'elt her mother's anas around bei
Sbe bad ridden from the vIlUg
neighbor's wngvm. nnd so hnd h
: WB> off my dear. Now.
[> home.newt, and of coarse tbe
It hark
ihc iTBlrh. and put
rings, for I muetI go. I have too mnrli
______ -- began lo ask
......... ..
in do tn watte time betv."
"Why dldat father meet mer' abe
tviih s drop Ngh had an atr of re
___ vrbere
le Jerry! Hna be
inriancc Lonlu drew Ue rings from -rled, "and
Aad doet father
ber Angers and placed ibem agatai uniesi out Well*
iUll like hlmTla tbe redar hog.
"Yeur father was loo busy lo go tc
-| w+*h—" abe begtlt. but
he vUlage to-ddy and ns Neighbor
rovralev was teing. we tboogfat be
■oaM bring yodsjnst as well.' Aad
-Com^ b«e a minou- lerry lint here now. We neat- bIm
'There's Bome oim oi


want von to see."
1 Mm. tfcc’e. pushed to th.
^and. withn-i inopplag to kM-k It went
Into (hr khdien. tollowed a few min
uiet tain by Umlaa. wbo had

Do Vou Uiant ^

Wc have the^citcy Mr Ibe

L- is* V • V «un mnrb uVupled by
fur be* drparti^ to tss
tom niiiph e-atslderaikw on JefTy^
but she olMerred ibai he appeared
vnxio'is to U- of us<' nnd was ready

-Loutaa. wbat de you
m. BcHe*
-That I
(be Hags, motber'
Yes. I look
Jest after you gave
so aaglone lo
Amy. and the rlngii
witBg to ms
my band. I felt
u vrouldon ^ u> l)
Ibe taJg
I was guoe. aad I Inteaded tu put
Ibem bark (be very day of my re
ura I didn't ask^ou foe them, tor
knew you irould saj Ibev were un
suited lu my agr
Oh. mulber. dua'i
look like that' 1 dl-ln'i meaa to di>
wnmg—I didn't Indeed "
Aad down on ber knees nenl Lousa. and putting ber h<«d la ber


Ihe s’lKhiesi Indication that his serv­
ices were required.
"I think ibla sinuBe U>y wUI luli
r than Tuny.'' she said ar
"Eterytblae yon ^ve I. well
t the d«K» of tbe kitchen
and Bolied to yoar am-, my
aaM Mrs. Rerka. -| d<i nut aplirotie
Tom and >‘ntsy from the
leaelrj for youi
<it sllki. uiln>
i- wanon. In which abe wa*
off wllbo
Bins; Iht-y ar
Stan OB the Bi
Bril sIBBe-of her Jour
ibsm. And If
dy. and Tony
your trip wl'h ; .. .. ..................... .......
faihrr ever
Ity and envy, I Ibink rou bad bnu-r was the lavhwt
dulleet Chrlsimas
give It up at one*-, and slay at bonie. ' Mred."
Ten mlptitea later ber Ininki
"Oh. I'd cnihfr eo wlA only Ibt1 tbe wagon, sbr bad
divss I hat.- Bot im than nut icu at
e <U) (
drlrlajt awa.v by her
. all!" «*elj>*Bi»d laiulsa: "b-u I can't
at alL
tell -wrapped up In
help liklnB nlrc thin*., niolhpr. and
I dn wish you would I<.| mt- taki- yeiir -ba«s and L’uSalu rubea. foY Ihe
d and Ibe drive ■prlng' came, and then summer,
watch I woiil.l bv t>-r) uaivtii'. of It
luihlng bad been beard of Jerry.
wa. a
' and it wiiiild hr sucb n comlurl
"We might as well give up all bop,
r. Lou
r ever scHag him again, said Mr
Urs Ecrln basiiai--.l
Wies. as
a- be
talKed tbe well worv
"I would like lo Brallfy you." nbc wllb hiv pretty daushiar
with hta wife.
ubJeH ■
anld -nnd ih-UBh 1 ihliik youm: Bins
bln- Tuny ag
of your aBe appeiu- in better ndvan
tBBe wliboui Jewelry ,rf any kind. I .'IW "And don't lei your Cousin Ants pojta"
. night
will let you inke the naleb on oondl put (oolbb Dolioaa U your bead. I
ber. wbea tl
farmer and b
lit ask to keep '
comfuruble kliebeh..ltalenlBg
u the beat of tbe tlorm italaal tbe
vurk. And remember, we w
t you back sis weeks from to •Indovm, there came a llmU knock
Tell Aunt Thlna that we can't ng at Ibe dour.
y^ the very day I cum
Tbe fanner sprang to open It and
you anv kmaec than tbaL"
latnlsa. de’iBbiMl,.
Into tbe ruum. weL ragged. faareCoui
lisa lonke.1 out of (he car s
Kbe followed' her mother div
- stepprri tbe boy they bad thuughi
and watched her taiher ai
the 1l
l>ed-rDOm tl
•rvwseil tbe railway track to wh
■vpenrd off tbe klleben. In une^on
I came back," be saM. kmklag
was a hich. old fashioned btire
D Ibe farmer lu bta wife, pleadlag
wllb brass knobs.
*'l cuuldat help IL and I tbougbi
.Mrs. Beles look down n key wh
. ht^ you'd found those dtamohd
hknE on' a nail Juii over the bur.-


opnci notai*: » » ana u

^0CTr40Ma3. to

Qrandma-a Diameito Rings.
Thina via
inr Iblasp drtodtnil}' (rid4.
DottHT. ' saU Lunlaa Eeclepp. as ahialoud by ib<- upeo ti
.btrb bee
mulher was parkloe
I mvniber tbe ehteaot ctotbes Amy
l4M<iehi here Iasi summer. 1 f >4 alasbamed or m> |Kur llii


“r^jtod^^Ike lo (HI yoo—I kaov
rill be sock • ■hock to you.- •
Mrs BcHtu -I dIdaY menttoa It
motbar 8held(s*B JewaIrT. for
aut often she had a rbaace t
ftleve orer It
Snt. cd coarse yo"
that tup drawOT.
'-V kitchen waa a targe rbeerful ucsi know n bobh Ume. and I might
____ L with (nwr vrlhdoirs. Ihtwigb u well tell yon aow. We had sack
oaBdeace to Jerry. Loutaa. aad be
which tbeNovwhber sonablne a
eemed bo grauful. and no tnitou* to
ed broadly, sad by ooe of tbei_
ihr eatreme )dge of a wood- tltose (hat we (bongki him iwaJly
aad were rvery gtad we
r waa a boy of apparently
ffurtcen vean of a«e. whose simben
■at be
t. hollow eyes nnd mgged riotb
nu a ibwhnagec. wnnt.and aaglert
es job'
this poor tittle-1 tae top drawer o
vbea Jerry ca»«
lY want yoo ir
Hiv last wtwk. aad baa bera trying
n.' hr mM 'and
ft. Bad wort, but do ow woold take
there never
d the kiokf
him. 1 (boncbi it
the winter, yon know btn I caa have
this bne iBfiead He Isat t
Tour, bat be h bit etiovurti
cIkwws wllb my help, aad ft vrouM be
I an <d cbarlty
him a de
iwn was deeply tonebad.
-Why. they're bWedlag!- abe m
(?<i by Ibe tee and soow. of eouree.
on poor cUM* bow ywa mast have

races- abe saw. to a low eokw. -aad
(bis imv lookt tike aa boat nnle
WMw. wto) wouM apguwetole «. aaod
bmwe. Suppoto we keep atm John*
n can do ae b m to try ktm a wuak
1 K he b worth any
I to seme
n.- he sal



MU. bet did ■
rraagtog the drawer

."T .

you' ft
-O go cm. of rvMtme— Ob. doaY meatoe llT Tou've ben with Ibe Brm a
»ag Rbm. And yuull Bad an «aua
V to ytw eerelope. Oottlby—hope
bare a good tlme f, DOW. take care ot yoowelt,tbe raihier. urgeeUy. "Ton
you^otoY used to hlA fiaka,
_ea the cashier inched tbe ofSee OB tbe mornlBg at tbe ger^ day
he (oBBd P* at hta desk. IMM hat
waa to Its plaoe on tbe book and Pa'e
vH1 waa the shabby, neat. wHl-braMI seV be had BOW to (bat place for
I many yearn.
-B-oek already!" cried the dtactm- *
led caabler "Wbat about that ewgy
>u've ben Mag np tor no loagr
-Well. I had IL" *ald Pa. baamlBg

%en Luutan rame down stairs s
-noment taler, to see who It waa that
had wuiucbi sbHier oo sneb a nlgbt.
■be found ber uotber nobbing aa II
her bean would bmak. ber arms fold
ragged. w« Bgure. and

■tachlcl! Tea dcmY
r enabler, wbo re­
membered aa orgy or two of hta owa■ Too Boe. 1 doe'i care tor much da-liemeoi.- he ezplataed
"U'l Sna
ugh (or me )bM to
IHIng. What 1 want .pow ta
yoo know ___ no I took tea
nnd n bag of pe
ferry, and I rude a
and back np agala.
II day. you know, ft
h^ doaY gM
'* rery ale*
1 ifira waatad
it. And 1 I


e Jerry's dark day* of pur
eHy and oeglert were over, and to'
time be * as belored almoel aa a ton
OeublB Burprla*.
mer aad bta wife: but Loo
At tbe test meettog of Ibe O. A. R
forgot tbe leMoa sbe bad
learaed. and aerer again felt nny de- tmwi bare a giabd surprtae awaited
Heary Hiller, tbe Bfer of tbe poM wear Omndma Sbeldoa's
oely tn oae which
tmtnd rtogi. "
" " "
Mwoeded IL Oa tbe Wedaeoday beiRBoa, wbo Uvea aboal
• H mil
from Lake CUy. was
-How.Pa Cetabratad.
woeb *1
aad pinasad when hU
Qeorge W. BobUaae of MtaBrerybody about the oSee ___ —.
(or Pa: (lom tbe Old Han. wbo nesrHa.'
■a. of wurBe. Ibe bead at tbe Brm ers bad not mWhen Baiu
Ihr (reckled ottce boy. wbooe Ben
Sr nve to a eomewbat gray place -fty Mr Robli__________ __________
U color. Tbe bead book- be vtaltor. wbo ta a veleraa at
with bim
him As
An iIt
heard to any that Pa Ivll war. eame wllb
Ihe day Tor a meellag of tbe M
lead a
- dog's
-le, aad the can'
k. R Ibe eider Mr. Robtonoa < «b4ufteo remarked tkai..............
that bow Pa Ured

lly oa
o that

%t a Mea (or a drwmmer tor^lMr t
rf Urn The catbler '
sad drum corps, tad wbea H wl.
wbat It vras to suppoH a mneb :
er (amity oa a much lazger ammy. :bowb that Hr. Roblaaoa ooald aad
and found It a problem that taaed blr rould pUy tbe dram, tbe musk beBnance* to tbe vtacaL th'bal. tbeo ma. After a frw minniea. darlag
vbich tbe Mraagrr* earmed to play
became of Pa al tbe firti of
lly wHi ugetber. tbe drasamar
moothr asked tbe eanUer.
void to ..
H«ary Hiller, th Bfer. T tare
part of Ibe Iraoy of tote
was mue and wrinkled, aad imuwd to your Bfing bHora.' Aal
bad. as tagotry
iwTooM (be
altogMber out of ptopariloB to bli
•act that both bad ban mumban of
be lame reglmenUJ band la the days
tnd bai_-. -____
-d «■«
Time was whee bta lalary b
ig to thHr eyas aa they
line larger than
I. and (he eyea of maaybeeliaied a loag U
■re dtannad. Soeh aa at,1 seemed like 8]
1 happen bet oaee ta a
Ifetlme.____ __
mee wbo hod aol
M aald. to
eomaa to Hr and keep a boose c« a ■OH ilacie UBt
sat:- bot eveainally be sl^eaA other by (heir masle.
■alary Uke
lift Uke aty Ibis
I sbe aadertook tom
fnr bw___ vevV
by (be b«( wIMItll* gif
d s kmk


d Ps — bta real dsm wai
a Hnry Craig, but he became Pa
a- that dale. As tbe Bve other watt ne marrWd before be has com■deted bis twwBO^ ynr or tbeee Mn
the took ef Bpecutailoa deepened, aad .roobte for him Vlth tbe tss mAacd■et. Bomebow. tbe lolaH ttrgt^ad (t -w. By paytac ft a mowlb Mb. tht <
rover all of them aoS ckitbe lbn>
e ta allowwd to
aad give them a (air educatkm.
e aiS be b Id
If be
m another ooe of
to take a wUe be bas to
oath a«l] he ta St. aad
I be pays t» a moatb tor
be prtTlIegr at rtmdlslBg Hagle AI
he aae of fte Us las ta ptaeud ol tM.
<ad Miinlai at Umt Bgure vaW be ta
Two or throe yvwrv mo
lad died. Sbe was believed u he
'wrtoos toward tbe lasL tor abe k



!. T* went o>
- _
Tbe old eoai
did- Boi only hr a
■fter that but tor Mill
tiler ttaU. Sbihidir. imaltar. mr>
■eel. a lUtta more bald. Pa wa« a!
vayt at bta desk, working with nn

'er-i euts:?2^“£*.o‘^.i

:sr-sSihi-n-“:rJr.s.i ■s.'si's'-ia’-—.......


a diet that

vrtlita «n nbaaRby ta the^gUBM
-wtakn <4 by pong aad tdd aMa
a Amartca. Uve caned me to wW.' «MB Dr. Loreat. ■that (ha paMta
--------u( phyitaal aad aot (*—ntMBaa-

WWWM ratber
IW-4,U ksep my gtah

As Mm*
paaued. UUm ssak It bona" be taw to that »>ed aats
Iowa, to tbe Dearest Aalr. ber taee rd Mead ef whom Byna ipnkt
vbea the said faiead saggnted tbai
mle aad borrar-Mrlrkew.
be girta might bHp Pa msfce a Utlag
fM eoufua K ft wore realty aeno"There was w> roam lor doabL my mry. ywu kmrw-« 1 were to bnak
mr.- sUd Mrs Redea Tor 1 ^ m«
giart Ibe drawer ataoe yon tafL Rot
hTtoy dcBled ft uuutly. tie bogged dnY like to an wunea ouiArktag
d as ^hta knees am to load^ rb(B tbere-s a gmL utrsag man lha>
lugbt to stsat betwuaa ibem an tbe
eWorld-- Abeot this time Pa dtatsneiui to
UdM eoarae I__*mi amm an m> Yta 1------------tut an of tbe Ml
arts had a lonr. and wnu tUaktag of
^-TearaT*^ will!- cried Uetaa
rambUag with tbe haadta of tbe Itatta
mtM sbe Ui pM n the table sa w»ir an boor aftolwaui'A T wtmdm





a (be assal gum
Ity ft m
fauss «ff I

toe fur-old StM
a eU obon ate b

27 J

c ojion

s UKk op lha
acbools.- Ha
sebjM-i id "Oami
talked froB a praouraJ ssaaopwa^
haties 11090 a tisliar aad stedeot of

bail TttrcRc Hcnil
WwW»W MIlMtM AlyttM


He said ajtbooab the ABsrifss pec
pis aaaorallr iblBk tbsr are “If

MSlDS ssat to
Sivrtatai lr«a tMi
a* MBM pna hr
miliin ntottv* u> »fa*t pofvM

•aeod. aad wOl bare to
, thsTo.- be said.


________________I. ts •sciltai • f
■i Bt •ttsMloa all <H«r ite M_
4 irfWRDOSR to
bT tl
sAain K
tk* F»M Pnaa masr. oo •stnci
b^iid. *'S«*oas AboM." 1* A* lot

> ace cd lbs
eweshahnlli___ , ___
^.tsedor to a heslthrulraadtlkai Ul lUr
liifd be asrklr, sad Ite

Wbswi that ■OSS «»«s» ItRmE

jpw?^oll!™?bste M
loiT to
b> tbe
tbs rale Uu

^ npMi. DM ctf tia.ou,
________««.n*: u<nD tk* Tr«T<
Otr MTlaa aUMMt «• <4 fiajOL
TbM* M« ttSM an nmrtatf U> ban;a«
-1 iS

If your bkmd id diii tad i
pure, you are miaertbte all tbe
lime. It it pure, rich blood
that Invicoraiea, ttrengtheoa,
refreahea. You cenalnly know


bme-l ibrj bed pn.dietl b) belep ai
the insiliule He staled that U two
e»-t> lx- would sail for Herman; and

borne, the ooly
medicine tested and tried for
flO years. Adoctor’f tsedlcine.


Wemwa «bo aae tbeir beaura vaalec
n>«lr swiate the eateraaf ctwora
with lallore d the *«ira.Bl7 he.UI..

fuia. imti] aher bdiic rated o! »»

atr CkiBBaaderr. Kalchti TsMpian.
urrurrwd last week and a laise
dUpom4 ot.
lauaJ rlrcttoB was beM. wbMb
<1 la the selectk* ef the toUowInfoUkerw: Btal
WllNaB Ixmlon; rapialD feneraJ. UrIb Buheru;
ii^r. J T. lianaab: recorder,
ui-l Oarlaad: prelate. A 8 Row.
soukw aard^. K W Uretlick:
juBlor aarden. 4obn F Oit. aarder.
Olihert ^Bdard bear..r. Vlctie
IMen>l. sword l>sarFr. J. IV JUmnMTan; simllnel. A C ■•empm. trustee

. of l*n.f Mo)t
He led up to
rtiul lart of tbs work from s
ps>Mio!oEl<al standpoint, lelllnf bow
■ he ihild has a lubjoctlro Interest In
anil wants to know about Kim



Poor Health

ubirb ars- disumed and Kite tbs child

«fctman then took
up tbs subject of -OeMtepb; tVoB
the .Sew View Hdol " Ube weot back
II IsboerinK wbai a pleas
II Is lo work uui new ihlbci and
___L- thru beautiful, casuall; Isadlnp siliule sIbKini
up I.. ihr luhjen of manual tralninc AcoUand" andJ --U)
Old Kentuck;
IT .r (’ O. Hoyt s address on -What Hotiie.which Prtrf C O Ho;l
Is T.achIBK?" was tbs last talk of
ibe .or.nooB session
He sisned In
said bb address would
. ,c from Ibe
... _____
Etandpcaat of self
111 sod s.ilf-KoveramiBDL Hr
he power of Ibe "• _ .
a...w pni'rd
successful learblni
•h child. Ibe wa; hr Imliales
jl In leurfalDK Ibe a;m
FaeorUs Pi«scTt{il>oa * mska aeak
BM elreai. 4ck woatta aell. Ac laiheilr side of ihe bo;, and be would
hits b) the piwrr <4 s>
( ao MlatHDle (w tte BcduiDS rbi more and do It mure wtlllnsl;
imliatlux oibiTu
kb verbs vonden for «oak vonaa.
I. Ibe same iblns that all po o;er
Jr. Hsns-s WtasRRt Pellats ate a
Vieiatien ef Flst> L
Udr’s ku->«.
NMblac eqeib Uwa
t’p.wker said tbsi there was s
> Il'tu-lBR
-lap vtu
vtulaiMl Hcbi
drai of dlBereiirc In leaebinf a
Id IbcTv It au
II aad beariQK n lessuo. and Ulus-.
rf BsM e«rh rear tiw tb.
« lu lake Ihe matter up and make
1 Ibe remark. Tbe Brat step In
cd pslIeDU sbCRild loelude all ei
inp Is lo pn-paru the rblld's
•• flsb raupbi rasi so much munr>
vbirb are dmwssiit ■<' Ibe well-bell
and Ibe siuuind klep Is to pre
at It would'pa; a man better lu po
H-iii new maierbl tbroufh empirical
Alaska fur bis IruoL Tbe as;luui
ir^ U a part Inic •‘Sl. nbkb must be fullowed b;
e^lsa la <be o|>
<|e. 'islltr tnli-resl. rinssi; folluwol
dra lo make out <K doora
-•Ihellc iDiereul Tbe cbMd must
all limes pusslt
m> oue lu make s drBnlle o
~ie la;
.1 and furnish tbe proper eilde
ebarted i
aalfs. aod Is Just as aoerasarr
lake II an expeaslte lukur; lo
1 one of (bu moil practkal voes
-rell'belni cd lbs padao]! as U
enllrv llistliiue
The aUlh
rovUed tut Ibeoi.''
of the Central aeboo! aani a
retl; eelecHiin al the opeDlBp.
waa much approclaied b; Ibe
a in Bilradancr
srllve r.................
Tnrerse nnialj's tasplralbm

piitilliiK problem In the
laslliuie was to i>n«riias at lbs Hlc>>
rl <K Ibe tearher was prueanted In
aebral rnufc last week, and pracUral
lUKbl; prarllral
belptnl addrassra br Iradtnc edu iperter promlsw.1 lo propuae nottalnp etldenee' Is turelshed
il«ra of the stale orrapled (be alien- mil. addnwa but ihai etery (eacber ran funilab ihe uiljet
and make
ruiul I carry out In the rrery-day work
Uuo <4 Ibe laraw bod; ut learbers.
Ihe complaint wboVlcn a puulilun
Brer; eeat la tbe nasmsbl; ruoD
now lAi tbe lawwaa vlulaied •
proi. Ise The apprwc
(be HUb echool was occupied Thurs- Ho> receives from (be las
There la BO taaw warden bore. »
Aar al(bl wbM (be taiMiuie fur alie-ied- by
ifau applause r

le nipraai vlulallont uf Ihe law have
be ■ M received wbeo be
tba Oraad Trareraa leacbera
led lo aoeb a blpb teatkia lo tA feel
la rader .b; IT^. C O. Hoyt of rpAk last eveninp.
tops ot Iboae Wbu are penulne spi.n.
........................ ....................abrlataelMYwikBIL Tba'pracram opened wlib
aod lawabldlnp elitseus that
iltc explanatkm of .the orpaos .of tbe
by a;-Hifb acbool ebon
boil by which (mprweelons from tbe numWr uf them bate decided lu Uke
■trla. after which Her. U. O Kutb ot maii-rUI world are conveyed lo aad
matter Into tbeir uwn bands
Taaielleal eborcb pare (be la>D pen rived by the mlad. Then be
h Hate as (be warden (• appMuiKl
poloiucl out Ibai Ibe detective child
Hilt pan ut (be stale Hereafter
rtsman wA are merel; private cltl
S'will probably A smn hanptop
ul tbs plarss where It U «ai


tfca «—»»«* a( lha sti________________
la «r4sr (ba( tba boards ot esstral
a at tbair <nra s«<
DM U> tba


-Oaa tUDf lo---------------------------------lte>Mad c4 ooatRil of tba asrloa at
Trairaras Cllr k that lUs board asks
TbataaMd thk awralac latsrTteirad br Dr. i. D. Maasem. saprtatsa
dial at tba asflaai. ralaUra lo tba
< IMjn. Dr. Musm dM aot
tba lalOfMei o( tba staia o

Tbm oosw to bo la tba laBWatara
a ifMiPB
Maas as to srtat tba


bo of talarsot to otaU that 4H Dftleka
wo saawsratod as aador that bead.
a«d aot aasalir taod. ludlelaas. doth
t aid HalataaaBeo* la
■at of tbs board fl( MS_____- --0 M. im.






»'*•' .I-.

b« tba Mkrtao «( e«am.
dattkd tat M* daMfo as tba ja-


wun'd be uniatlstaciory.Tli' mure oommun defenta, tbe
il« stated, arc those of slpbl aad
roil. Ot Ibe pupils Is the public
I oil It per cent have daleetUr
1 Tbe speaker refarred to ebr------

ad la tba~ma i


itoc, Ibe btfheat type of coul Ufe.
Tbe lastltuU opeaed FYlday B
yltMCr aafalf to Iba iBf wllta a rery large atte*daaca.Wbra
Ibe asroUstant was maae »k aamss
■ tabaa. and (bsra arc a largw
ibar «bo did »M maba oM anrollmaol cards A kna auai^ of oibara
tba AftcrMan.
la thk oitr k kfew Mt «< tba toad
was opoaad with alar
M «( 44 oaak pw dar dor tba iMk- Inpbytb
o( tba ahb frndas
tMMSo «r aaih pakiai. plat Iho aA«**■ Mtartoa aad dfaaso tilbdad ef eba Boardman AraBiia acbool and
the CaatnL after «Ucb Prof- C O.
Hoyt of TpeUabU raad two ef Klp:
ttaiTb poaas. tba BaMCiloual betac
ClUnbctb .Wlcbtman ef kL
lniiht was tbe Brat speaker. Her
eabjeet was -PrUmry Randkp.- Sbe
brtely (old wbat raadlng la aaf bow
(bUdrmi matt be taapbt to reoocnlM
(be symbols and what the
tor. UUJe ebUdran aboold bwls with







lAt tbe eyee Ot etery pupil
room be tested by m«aaa <4 b
sod ttaal tbe aMtlat aed ether
■a of acbool wurk be arraaped
„ . to pive aacb eljlld tba vary beet
poaiitile omdltes (or ble work.
Tl.e matter ^>e(eeUve baaria«
iber (akeb up, and tbe spaa
Shu ;ed bow the raork ot a pupil
otic I
Impaired tbioatb dkeo
ila<. caused Ir searlet (ever, wii or other liable, aad bow all
ofloB tba pupa wa
laarbar tor wbat ins

illd Is found with evidence that
catcblof or Irylnp to ealrh
[ipearaaoe bofere a luitice of tbe
pesu * Wd a pood stiff floe will probA about tbe nest iblnp la <
ic pame warden will look after all
f tblnpi when be arrivee.
meanwhile iAre are a ensiAr of____
who are wflllnp le aland a little Alum
he sake o( Avlof tba law
torrad. and (bay will A tm lbs luoAui
(or offendars until tA opeolop of (be

■aaf Oemar Daad.
‘Tuan Ibe msBiet of aenre lmpal^
meei was lakea up and ibosoupbly
Word wae raralvad la Ibla elty Tjrtaad
Ay evealmr of (A Aath at
at. MudlSi'T
Istae <4 Blebaid Aymoar ot
i^arMteatloB lo iha-pupiii U^alr
cb^pi ibM tbw^mt^wofk usdar tba

r!“- • V"cn kloblMB. He was a broth
n aad K. W. Aymoar. and b


wbeule a*a the klUe* tbai

i.tbat (be e4aM paye UU le Aaw a»« to aB «b» aar 4kao
Mrtaa tbaak aad that iho


affykS^iAr^M lakg




Tba afteraooa opened wKb.alailsp
A (be Bemt«n of the laetnata aStat
which (A Brat sraA <4 tba Oaairal
acbool aaac rery prwuUyKkc Wkbtaaa apMc Brat oa I
enh|a« ef -Natan BtuA-' Bba apo
k tbs laBoaaee ef an, lu niathm
•ehool work aod (be need (or tbe b
k this Itae that tbe eebeole as obPteturea. tbe
(bey brlat to tbe old aod youip (be
deeenuoa ot
4 tba acbool room, and tba
botbk nataral
artistic, srara Await apoa
Marb. Tbe Importance of el

Tbe eubjen ot Prof. Boyt'e Bret addregi Its- (be afteraooa waa -lauraat
Bad Auaatica.- aad A baadled
B rary practlral aunase. Tbe peyebo
kmlea] Uwi pururalap tbeae all lmpmi
taat eabjacu lo (ha (aaeber’a wort
were explalaed. aad tbe au«cea



u.. .u.

Pn4. Hoyt, otoeed tbe afteraDda e pro-


as done, tbr cumpanr ailjuurned
ve Ijlllr Taiern. when' a dellcinus
Vtsltiirs lr»ni inilslde <4 the
ere tir. (I W hTallrk ut Maple >
,-CT) Sullltau
Cedar and 1
uhl» uf KalkasU

prouuA ot (A b^d uf eo;sirvu<
iraoi for (nruistaiap tA boaid of samn' room Ad covrrtup He
Beoieot ifaeeoBaly oOltvsdowuataira.
Uh Hannah A A; Ut>rea>.li'e tX>.
Tm total eroat will asount w about

There wea a huny
i for the ambnlani'e of the Citv lliwpiial.
al. In fl
(A ivnirae of _______________
a few mnineni__
very airk wnttun «a brmi
in on a sln-iolirr—she va
li aiul
aiiil iI'VpIriith
vnlriith suffrrinc IbTii afEOoy,
There WA ahAty oil
and ivuisiiliat ion. and in le» iiian a qiunt-r
ant-r of
»f an tmur Uic {u«>r cnoluie
cnoiuie wm
ibr ofwraims Ul>U- ti utiderjftv a II «|sTnlioii lor iitariiiv
Tbe ulsivc is an ao
oiTItaIr aiMil: III rd an mtidi-ni «lu.-h o
■>l in Now York nurnlly; the younr
nan in' question had waniiiigv. .-I loiUfli of lit-r danpvT'Us oondilio
L'li in (lie l•'rril•lr -|uiA and bswnity
low 'douo
--------------------------------------------------• Mil- Imil 00 one to adviso Ar,
it r, aand 4^ sufferml tortuie ttntil fi
too lal« for an.
an)-tliiii( to. Are livr Utr.

Women should remei
r^ember that if they do not care tb tell a doaor tbeir
troubles, they should ^ willingX to tell them to a woman, who standa ever
ready to advise and help them. Again we state that Mrs. Pinkham’a advice la
freelyandconfidenUallygiventoeveryone whoasksferit. Address. Lynn, /iasa.
Tlie following tetters prove beyond question that Lydia E- .^nkham’s
Vegetable Compound has «he power to cure, and does cure tho'Osands of c____
of inflammation of the ovaries, womb, and all other derangemMita of the
female organism.
Ktts. orrosoN bavei> from a sriuiicAL «>i*kkatios.


“ hasa Ua ITivkusa; —1 cauu-it (bank ;uu aooupb fur wbat your TepeUbte
pouu-1 baa duoe fur mu. It it bad out bcei. lor your acdleiac. 1 tbiok 1 wewld.

lAir wurk.

“1 will tell yon bow 1 Buffered. I could Ardiv walk, wa UAbla to Bleep or mL
■alruatiuo wa irnyular. At last I bad U> aUy In my bcB. aod Burred au badly that
V arm lor a d.wWr. wA said 1 bad iuBammaH.m ot tA ovanre. aad moat (O
uupb ae uprratiuo. as ma mrdlclA cmuN Alp me, but I cvnsld out 46 that.
' 1 nraived a llltlc louk of Tours, and after rradinp it I .svaclndcd to try Lydlb K.
ikham-a VeffPUblr Outu'iMXiDd, Ad I am uuw a well wumaa. 1 aUl praim
zardIciM as Iobl- as 1 lire, aad also rrrumtacod (A same to aay oma auBuriap A t
-~Ua UikkiP OrroaoR, oibo. lewa (fooa

1 Wlliprsail; lactlllaiv
Of (be oounty tltvk.
trvaiurer and repisiui ut
Will A furaUlied wtib baudsome tlum will In
oorerv4 with inlaid li
private utBoee WIUi vrltet bnuseU
■^aeee improrso euls man ordenm
Hiup ul tbe Is

Farmeri <it Harts (ovmablp.. Keni
ciMinl). ebu Ate suOrlvd (rum
vhiiLen thieves durlnp
bate urpnblied a vipli
.viiuium.H- fivr the bast) pul;
.if au} ul Ibe (iSeoders
i.lieoders' who
.-auphr. The meibud uf the IIileus Is
en usixl lu clip
beads as tbej

Follow ilie n-conJ i<f iliis tunlii-itw, and rrnu-nilwr that thmie thoBPand* el
w of womvii wliiRU) Mtrnt uiv constantly luintod in Uiia imprr were
bnvudil aUiut Iw “lumM-lliinK rA-.’ Imt by LvAla B. PlakbsM'i


erval '\\'’a
KritbJy fur Woman’a Ilk.
iiu'U1 wlio
n to anviA amTiiinx eke are rewarded s
thousaiul liiiu's for ilu-y
wbat tliry want —b cure. Moral
k UvsL Write lo Sira, niikhum
ikhum lor advice.
exprcaa my rratitude tor tA-rretorad bcaJtb Ad happlovra Lydlb B,
brouphl lutu-----•
ut. mr life,
i^ha^*V^Ub“ c“oropivund
n. Ad did Dot Aow wbat (A
i wrrible p■sins at tl>e Urn
■ ■ ■ suffered for three yraru
latioo uf lA u
e was Atll
...........B doev
. that 1
snrTire the utdeal. acT^I Odd bl?(At 1 woaM ao4
•• 1 fell A weak
and .sick
week I1 read an adrerlAiAal in the paper uf roar Vepriatde L'vApuuad la aaeh A

« wrek
ro It.
aoserpeney. Ad ao I decidol to trr it. lireal «SJ mv >-v to Bad that I artoally Improved after taklap two beiUaa.
ao 1 kept taklot It fur tro wev-lis. Ad al tA emd uf tAt Utae 1 wa cured- I bad paiacd aIpblaA punadt
and WA Id eacclleot bAltb. Ad am now.
Yon anrely Aaerre (real annsA. and you Are mi rerr beat wishes.- .. Him Aura BatLBT, M Rcrth
Boulevard, AUadU. tia.. TiWAurer Su Francis HcAeolent Aiaovdation.




la Cap RsAsb I wssiakea sick wiiktke

Paia PribwIikt^rHa



Judging from the remarks of delighted buyers our line is
just right.

For instance take ttie line of Suits at SI2.50
“lar'KESira. COLPyHEAP

k rarried to tba

These are elegantty made of fine Venetians
and Cheviots, beautifully trimmed with
Braids or fancy Ornaments, shown in all
the new shades. If this is about the price .
you expect to pay we know you will be

Spooial Slcir-tM
F-or Dross or Strsst NA/ssr

(msaia^ de&At. aagrr and ekcMtea A one. Bnpy ^nnic aura, mo
matter on wbat part (4 tbo body it ««M«, i* M oeUcBM <4 amna ptweleu
coBamtie^ ororiaaktiwatie. bad that tba dnea at tkcao diae^

ymt.'fcMb ^



NBrrlDe Cured After
Thirtyeike Yekr».

into a cnoa-gralMd «Bd


M lenkwtik peedMia


Di»«asea 'Cku»ed b7
Dr. Mile*’ Reatorktlve Toole and

... Alma Ad Pot........................ ...
Hick, a tvqaaet far a diiirkil wHe
speaker took up lA difleroat phases » MlOyoare aU. laU. alanler. aUbar
c4 drawlap. a branch <4 btt. which
FnMk Irlab «r Boobeb. a akatob (ear
OMana beaut; aad tA
Otvaralee was tbra plrtm by tA A

Htm EBmbaib Wubtaaa took as
aabjem -Color.- Bbe laM lbe
iber tba work la art Is carried tA
ra color (hme le mad. -Wa A aot
ayi S4..................................................

April. Ibe dale not ;n beiBK Bswl
ils will be lor Kplcbts Templars
d ibeir ladles oal;. and Inrltallaos
II lie aeni to tbe surroundinK r»m
Manistee. HU Rapids
IVloske;. The ball and banquel

er helped ma Biuoamna atu^ ef
kcs^A’’HMmsUsm. aasal caiaik. A;


sehuul phyalclaB. wA
lid dlaeoie. oaptaia O. B. Wllbv. CMprala Potor
maiian plalaly with both ^ ■f^loam^l Md (kptaio riAorao ol
piris. easpbaalaad tA aeef of cmrM (lArW^ Oeatm M Daas ef Sonbselectlua ot lliaralwe aod
port iM Prank Priedrteb. K H. Pope
shin. Ad Aoraeaad ble aobHatloa
--------— ,a4 Wlllkm Beltaer ot (hla oily led
la many rasas at UA Anrday afaeraoA to aMnd
pupil At at acbool far fBArak wbleh oeeened BonAy.
unH^lbe 'chaw tro'm'^dbo aceldMl that ooearted at
nanbood or womaabood
Mb* of (A aaenrolA A (A lUl
Ml tA Boo Imi sammer will aerr
Tc4. Horl dwell upon love (w
chow lA aen of oAtMaertaUoe
Idrw, aacb as animated ffn
Dlok'' AyyBee^iopalar
tA Brat klndenanaer. as tA preai
iDoUve of tA leaebar's woHuempA- ^amVuumum
**“ ““
sUed lA (act tAt K U tbe weak. tA
detertjve pupil (At aeeds help lA rival at tae Boa. aS all wan afraid
a»m.-cbM. with a mapellbWBl dw tAi (Ay weald Avt Uuta or no Use
soVkm of the OolopA calbadral. lu tospAd there.
’' Dlek " pet A Ink
blnh as a dream In tA mlod of (be Ha ot (Air tran. nod be rama oo
treat arebltect. Ad lu ereeUon Ad
embelllabment aUI tAt old artlst'a rooM Ava eU bean A Ayltpfal al
A Boa. Jaat A advardsad.
A bad
d with a telUac referoaM U. ___
( bold Ma beat tor a weak to Mve U
of Ood tar tbe We of aacb child.
Ae taacber-e pieal work la balpo carry rat that pbto to 4U

^bloed most ApniBbd beiota tha MM wffl BU 19 with haaitky Brnh
and tbe ahia rciraiM iu aatsral cskr.
It k
tkraoeb the ctmlatlao tbM tbe acsid, «MrodiA /A /A /A


ici- will lx- an elaborate one. espec
.11) In Ihe matter of music
Ul be 3C toiccs In tbe rbolr
ArranKrmenla were also b<«uB for
le annual Kniebis Tcmplan lia:i and

N-rvim a4 Tak la dab Draien Are
Am laacUTit; <4 Ibt liver.

Tba Bakle Bymnnf tba
tk-«M then «>i by Iba •

asl to aea tbe beja
•maad by Me crarUaWap
Ma iMibir tor the eeaAM k ■■dea'i A ibts and Ast A

mrsi. William Uellner
Tbe Ti-mple decree was conferred
Minor W k-arrant of Him lUven.
id tbe commander; accepted an In
vltalhia to allend tbe Raster serelce-

Be sure to see the new Models at

£ "ztSt 5vts istt:

New Block.

Front and Union St.



THi aunD THAVEim
a M. 1a
U m
hoM. oAte eoCMr o>t
W waal at the io»--------- ----------tt will to tti«d ni> ato tMBlail br •

•■r^iss .u.


Sudden Dectlu.
aMoirr wnal davanna haeaiaa •» (h
rr-;hi U U^nre

Hn. JmM JMtoow. a an
Wb. Tkoaiaa b atlll laprerlac and
tt b topto to wUI a«« to abb to to

H Ulhir* or ipopluy
- an often the leauh
otkldiKydlSBaM. K

A. Naboa et OUb Pier waa
la towB Ttiaaibr
Mr. vr. H. Blattt baa palatad tto
latarbr to hb euafaetbaarjr atorHr. U K. OabMtoa wto aprf
taw ton b ibb pbea.baa rwtania
Mn. OtoUttatooe to OUb Pl«
Thurator to cuwaabpUua at ito aev
to U yton. A buatato ato alab>
chUdratL, lour wm aad foar touchtan. an Itoi ui town (to kiaa oT a
k»lac wlta ato toXbar. Two touch
(an are .......... ....
............... .............. "
las. (ha


TanrUa eitotlaaii la aatotteth
o«a. TatoM torMlaaawrM ba.
re iralnwal
eedasaa to toreaead (Bin
OatHd^iMw Wto twa!♦ w>bwtmw_______________
fraa lb* iwaiiaJ

to Pbbad
Pbbad wbicd
to iBato aecoBiiiBBwd hr nbabl^tanlto. Sto baasht tot plw 1 iwl : ooreeutlaa to
Pltaan aoarep
aaorey to ito
tbn A-arl
Awarl. >1 »
lerwwaao taMhUadi aed allcbl ahaebi
atotto MCBI^mato BlalBc laedlreada: "Pbaan
iwiwaBbs Ufwtoa babmaa la tba:
uMnln «ar
itookA to no to aarthnaaba . Aa pepabtUa to tb
baJlito ^labad (or cnnrrel relirf al-’ *U>bCto araaad rewatm ealn aad •
lETir^btrea-ato 1. Uadardrd
D-. Slop-era Iw.* HarticI tto paafda «awd Ito awaai
dUMl MaeMtoal
naeaatoal boMarm
babaraa oowom*.
oewwnia ]UI
Joal SoubMl
Baubod ■
a Bvoaay*Btadar*- tlMlc.
tinder L
or ' mteblac (to iMpotlac ^aataala
yto^tBawWJ.a-K^ySlraatto j


“ blood will»ll»ek the
iNet bratk d»w^ and w* u
away roll bjr rail.
libdd'.r irooWn moil airtya tt
.(tnwi.t of tha b>dncytai4
fd< ...................................
l bya pc<*aMreAmH..Icl
the kIdiMya II you M* Icehnc tadly ton canmaktiienoMakaby bMncDr.K>l«r>'t I
- aUtp-Kaat.thrfToal kidney, lit.
liri remedy.

M« fatly e-vtrotneai.^ "
Ittihlaaai toj Ito tob, * borrlbb
more tbaa ha* brem latwM to P^M. Hm ararYbedr: toBtabd to
fare a efatf. toaliby ona■•at wap er aaottor. UBltoooa' refa.
ud-wtlhia a Itw
ti wiirraarh .
«rar ftottosWcara-DeanVOtolaaot
uxM ol more than SlOo.UA
AI ear dn^tan

ta wbit raa aboeld look tolo If colas to

MurMMAr OREd^en WAsmmvn

< Hr. aad Mn Lwraoa. whan.tto raaalaa wan> lakeu Suadar P
Puaccml aervlcaa ware held ai

go often dbrlnc Uic dey.'and lopcl up many
lln.ea dunne the rdglii The mild and tha
cklraeidlnarycfbciof Swamr Rooi li toon
luHiad. Ii ttai^ Ihe Wcbetl lor lia w
Jl drura to Timaana dcrful ruTuiof Ih.
d hr U 11- Canpbell.
Svamp Rx«l b
Mra. Jota Baaburr aad Mn. 8. W. hf all druccOK I" li«r-o
ai4 ose dollar
•Utobaiilca. Youmar
Hr. a Slaliaa) to Bubi
hiMt aampb baiileo'to
thb wondeHul newdia ■
coaerr and a book (hat
lea enS aoelal ai (to ho>a to Ur.
aad Hrw. Oto> Waalae Tuaadar arae
11 Dr. Kilmer A Co.
tag Haiwh nib. AU ara euniiallj la
Bliwhamlofi............................ ........... ,.............
riled ta.aitasA
raatof Ihti gonarout edar In iMa paper.
Den I make any mlataka. toi remembe
the nemo. Swantp-Root t>. Kllcoer'a
artobs. The eraobs waa apasi
M. Y.. on eirary belUe.

$99^ (@MH ri@i!a

0&. t

la fa«* Iba foUa aoooapaolnd or eo calbd pereODally cooloned party, u " Ute only way " to Irarel to
cat Ito lull batwOt o( tba oTorUod wip at tto reduced rwe. Tto areju-«rel(ly

Ntotbport Baaeh bocoL
.Tto LatoM' Baaadt aocltop to ih<eb^b aei at iba hoata to Hn
attareoDa. After th«
tacdiar Maleaaa laaaluD. auppur waa
aarrad aad (ba rooabder to tto
aftaraooa araa spaot b aoelal eua' ranaUea.
Tto Ltoba- AU aodatr win naai
Tbarada)' aftarwuoe at ibe boma ot
Hn. O. a Bkb.
Hr. Tabsarda retonted troa Labad Buadap where ba baa toae aa■aaed b tolldbg a boaL
Tto L. 0. T. M. will tore aa lea
anau aotoal ai Ihalr ball 00 Tuawb)
araalas. Harcb tIU.
All are eor
dblbr brttad to attaad
Mba Kata Hook apaal Buadar at
tor hoaia b Sultoai BarTto Wanaa'i Clab plaaaaaUr au'
prbad Hn A. Vakw frUar afteraecia. tto txeaaloii ba«w bar enieiri
btrUdar- Oaataa, areab aad aocbi
aoaranatkB w«a (ba ordar to tto
atunooa. After a bowataou* nppar
tto cuaab dbparaad. laartac babbd
ttoa Baar bappr ratorwi to tba da}'
aad a eat to tto toUowlac Pomj’
watto; BrTaat. PPoa. Bbtowm and
Hbi HaUWa Haab arto baa bate
tto catat to O. U WHu asd buaUp
Hr tto Mat Mtfh afftrad b towa
KabI Brae, an eaeantai tbadr aaw
Hr. K. B. OUl aretrad batae fnaa
XbUntt HoBdar.
Hba ;«bU Jotaaaaa iwCaptad tren
(bad Kaitor ttb weak.
A mgra* waa bMb ta tto Hlsb
aebool raoai Fridar aftAaona ooa-


l' t.menColUii,wonh 19c.locfa«e


»*lue. while they

Men', fine W.s.l Caamiere PkWA 62vHue l.tS
Mer'*Mx.-k W.w«e.l Cotl.m Pinis w.wth
61.2.5. I., ikee St................................ .......................... 7f

Men * ccJote.1 S.xt A

I Siifl Bowan Shinv


Men'sroedmm weighl Cndenrckr. halfiroot,

ChiMren't S.pwce Suits 61.5« vxluei, u.
rfa'T »t ............................................ .................................. Sf



•c Suire 1


Me,'* W.vem, Su ts rnirih 66 6e. 1.. cl.~e




. I

Now going on and will continue for lO Days.

TinendGreniteweer Notions St
Grocksnr at
Challenge Prices etGhellenge Prices
Ctiattenge Prices
: for a art t^r 6 pUia wbhe Pie


Capa agd Sanceri
23c far httren atone eorered Chambdn
JOcferrouofl tooblmg Hiape wgi-,
table UtAet
I 2c far ObiM Sabd to Fnn UiHiea,
! Oc for Urge lue Jaideseen gOt trial.
metl, anorted colon
16c ftwitototed Unto of Uige aiie
Bread Platen the SSc load
$3 98 far decomed iS piece ToBet
SetaaaKWted decoraiiona. real Urge'
alop Jar, and (heap at $6.00
Sc far tantcm Globei, (egalar riae
:foraaet to
• TambUn
a DM Water Set. aaaorted

49c for Urge tire Gmlvanitcd
Waih Tub, 76e val e
6&C for Na'S Wash Boiler wiih
per botlom
, tcftotiDdnnkmgCu|«
. I 5C for 1 gaBoi Cahanired Oit Cant
24C«toJga0ooGalvanii«d Oil Can*
8C for lU quan Uiah Pant
- ......................... itCA large tire •
lOctorSqu i tin Tea l*i«i
6C far S quart tin Uqipera
39c far a gcCkl full aiieit (.an'crn
35c far No. 9 cold blatt lanlernf
No. 9 burner, tto beat Unirm made
and worth SLUG
I Oc far aheet iron Uripping PamlOzlG


2c for Udiei-' hemHiiched
chief*, coloii^ IxM.ler* -

I 9c far a heavy tin Steamtr with cover
9c far heavy Japinne aen-wig Tra>a
I Oc far k good ailed granite Wash
,1 6c for a luge lite granite Wash Baam
7c far Urge tire granite Pie PUtet
6C ito graniie Jelly Cake Pan*
I 6c far 9 quan granite Itippeti.
30C far U quan granite Ifcdr Pan*
43o far RBpd tiled granite Tea Kettle
1 7c fard quan graniie Saace Pan*
HC far white lined granite Cupa


H.nVS*t,nCHf Shoe, for..............................................7*
Bo,VG..,nShr«.*ire.lSt.. 9...................

I.x.lies' Cof»eiv to cW at......................... .... ^



Miww*'heavy CklfBuitimShocMo (lose « .48' fine-Shoe* mt .. .^............................................... /5



Boy»'WoolHMs. .v*lue50c.tock»ext ..




Cadies* Oese


Unsurpassed barRatjis in Shoes on our bargain counter,
m over, also a Idi of jt'emnants in Dress Goods.




IPs up to you and your mope.

the Boston Store SS."*

6C for 7 incii tiickle back Comb
I c for wire 1'ea Strainer*
3c far a bo* of KnaflKline Stove Pulith
fur a <W>*en Safly Pin-, alt .tie*
I Oc f«i a U» of fine Toilet

Soap. 8

2C fa* while and rol«e.l fim-hipg Braid
3c fof Urge me Curimg lion*
6c'tor Urge iwckagc ol
Stove Polish. 10c sue

Ri»ing Son

I c tor a )>oi with lUUU Tooth 1'M.k*

Sc far a Urge tiie heavy tin Mixing

23efarac5ap{MfUM TBble Leap
with No. 9 bamer.




Men'* Cokvel Shim, each......................................... ff


1 Oc far a DM Water ^tk. Urge me


Bo*-*' Cotton Pent*, worth Tile, foi

Men. Hoiking Shoe*, to done «t........................... 78




m«n*s funiltblnai

Bov*' Knee Pxnt*. worth :i5c «n,' 95i. tor

. « ,5

you should see.
• l.arRains.

TCs Up to You

m.'ilirei «i-»lin Riibliee Brev* to ckKe si i.49

Sc ito duaa Tooth Pick Holden
Bar. Wabar D. BUHlac. raatca to
•b Jata-a obarto to Mr. Hortti. H.
r.. hU bgaa a aalqaa Mtona to ia■ toMlB ihaiBf I tobbtoHah. an
^aadindhtoBeOtwia la bU pwMB HB7* rata far laraatoaat Oa


Ihere ar.- Iiiindreds of It, ms on the table ilia
nooRh here lo.iiicftiton all.
.A visit will reveal ra


I 2C fce b Urge Btt PUier
5c CBdi far China Sauce Ui
7c ito China Tan Pm Stand
29c ito a act of 6 Urge me pUm white

l^pEr * OOa Tabda, O

. It.
Nr. |•...lllv Il.l
.1.. 1*,-VX|H-.
I*,- VX|H-| tt Hi K : vost.
.. 11.ll
1...1 i-w-ll
.-wn .1..
It's a
■ 'U|>; S youi sprin:; « mis
ini', at a sni.tll
sm.ilt ..inljv.
Uol -uiihl this sn
'Il.ri aii.l wr- ar-- n..« •'"'ini-it
. lnAinu it .mi
at i.-sMh.iii at
It . si os.
You can set- what
W. Iiir-iuiim Ih-I..« a I, « ..I ili,- n,-«- pru r-s il i ui]| move (he rikhIs in a

Men'. W.ikins ShirtA M hes.y mkletUl.
worth 6tlc.k«.............................................................

to partfcolar foUllt alt Ito resoiretarob ol thta aprelal aervl<v. o«Dr-l:
wbobaooa hede. rood (tat limn. R«rky MnohieiD are-nm-v, a er-Un-l aod in
aad InfonsailOB aarouta
IstormauiiD not only »o biruiry aod areorry
laad, leroaUDOoU, lrrlca»<>D.
So t/toa bare our rzrur>i<iB' o.a
back and forth orer ito rouU that they are aaiuoc tto tirai blonurd a
ltoaab)eet to wealaropniprrly. I'aiTIriilarly they know onrytbiiu; almul
railway trip, rellerloc itolr paaaaoyru^ of ol baa-fag
eoaaaotlooa aad Ito reapooalblUtira ot IraWTbe Jndaoo-AUoo partlea hare be.-lr to (torn the puar
to tto Cbleaco B Alton.• Mliaourl 1^-1110. Itrovrr A U
Graada aad Rio Grande Wrewnj Kallwaye. tto Kr.uih.
PaelOo OoinpaBy, tha Oraenn Short Llaa aad tliwgoD Rail- way and Naricallon Company.
bnoa oore eyi^

of G pUtb white


\\t have disposed
pat of the winter Roods.
ispo^d of a larg''
larg.' part
Mi.-u I. mains will U- almost citt n awav
'*u in
Hurnow it i> Summer
Goods and Roods all :l... w ar onittml. ha, nu.M Ibe disiH>^-rl < and thatin a hurrj-.
.ilii niamf.
luuM haw- ihr Ajiaw.
arc is already crowdittR this
iit:-> Atii.illi-r () innc-rs.
In-no delays.
• »is »tOck Will Ro if pr



W. D. Waa'bora to Hinan|wl
^ toad to > a^BdloAO wblrh b
Itoildabaca lartarr to Bwn
B. P.. tto tto wanBlarla'a to farl
nftor tto plan raoMillr teraalad to Oorwaa*. Tto brtqarttn
■bnllr. wb>toi I
W aedtolb In bra* doaniilb>
M to IbH DakOh Ttoturl

Four weeks atfo wc a Ivcnised Koinii out of thr b:i*emi
havr- Ur-n most ^atifvintf.


“^ii'eSrUaBu. wu. tora a.

■ retunied tnxR

Tf$ Up to You

bMUtUal wlaur tooM la OlaUamti

'3c far Urge heavy Gio\e Tokef
3c for a long handled C»ke Turner
6e few 6ti ft white braided Clothes
7c ito blark lidt eUMick., all sue*
Sc flit k conibmklHm l»i|>|iet.
ami i uramet* a 25c ankle


7C lo» Felt Wmilow Shade* eump'ete
I 4C fat Ik-u Linen Wm.iow Shade*. Ml
p.lot., 25c kind

3C for extettSKW Btaai t urtam Rods
2C l« 25 en*'tfa|iea, squue or .*kmg
3C fiw a



best MuriUge or

White Paste
3c KW Cenm l>e>i Red or Blue fnli
2c fur Carleri be« Blark Ink

Winter Goods St
Gbsllsnp Prices

3I.K9farae<ofa*to*iet Sul Iron*.
8 Irons one P*»ent handle. I *»beilr*
Mind. th< t froo*

rlh S9.W

gC 1 *t a 'trge 'fa I 'c bar ol Gliier'nc
Soai> well .ullb
to. a roll nl'ierl.-'Sl il luilel Pa|*el
lor i

.loren whi'i mt-ul Tee S|A»n*

Slro|>, well wuiili .'rOc

•toliMw iMin at

17C far Ladito aU wool very See
btoto Hok tto beat 9Sc to»ejp^
IScifwUitoto'bxlCaul^to^fine all
wool black Hoag
i Oc tor Mnaei' aria' CkOtoen't bUdi
ribbeil beary cottde boK real Ifc
29c ito Udiat-Golf Chrewa aMOfted
colon tto baw We Gloraa made
29c tor Meo‘a|Me wool good tonvy
Soi, oar regular SOc kiad .
S6C ito Men-a gooddeeceUsed HoderI9cto Bora' good

\Merwaar. aB

86cfar Boyt' good wooka Knee Paata
warranted not to ri(k regatar Me
to ■aMlIlMii, to to
reMPtib. Thbta



83c far ctoaoe of oar BOc UcB't knttor
Mittena aah Gloaea, amotted faeii«i
Sc a pair for good WryernmaGhMo.
ioit tto thug to •rear now

WooilenwBsr st
Giiellenge Prices
69c far 8 f: adjunable Ironing Board
Sl.23farNalU ChalUi«e ClMhe*
'Wridger* made with double cog wheeb
»d vaicnoiced robber eoBs
for wooden Cfathes and Hat 'Rack*
for tto 10c RoUjog Pint with black
enameled handle*
S&Cftoourdoa«dtopCadto UiOMto
GOc kmd
49c ito our Urge rim faUiag Otohet
RackA tto TSc kind
• 1.76 for a
guaranteed Cfatlre.
'Wringer, cheap at 99.60, get one now
and tave 76;
I 9c for 1S*9A Bread or Pasl^ Bitrdt

2a fat good smooth piper Ink Tshlei*
6a for 1000 sheets beM Toilel
the 10c kind


3a f<w Childien’s Jomptog Ro|«*
7e for 8x10 Sheb


the I4c

6c tor good iteel Chopping Knirev 10c
I 5e far a set of 3 Knives, Rreul. Cake
an.) 1‘canng Knife, worth 96c the let
56« for *
waranted far 1 yeAr




with bog


6afto Japanese SpUah Mab. aicaly
painted and Just (to thing to nad up
by tto eink
I 2a far fan package of DeuBtaon'i
decorated enpe paper, tha regnUr 9Se
7a for. Ladia'gomt heavy bUck fleece

29e for 90x80 Bread or Pa«tfy Board*

Imed Hose

I Sc a akelb for tto beat Gemaa Knit*

5C far wooden Ruifa and Ntok Brx

3e (to a go»I Scnibing BruHi

I 6C each tar Childreo'a ribbed Undto.
wear, a rnediau we^t aad iato right
for Spring wear,- atf tiaet to adtet
bom, they are regular tSc gooda

39c far 14i99 Mirroev Oak frame and
good gUm, worth TSc

c C foe 9 doaen Aeeta Shelf Paper

6e far wooden cbopfuogBow^ tto.lOc

Mop Sricki tto 10c kind

if you contemplate buying a Buggy of
any description, a harness of anylcind,
any Kind,
a Farm Olagoti or any Farm machinery
or Cools, a Basoline Engine, a Olood
Sawing machine, an £it$ilage Cutter or
Silo, remember that we are in the
market with Biggest StOCh and Finest
Assortment in all the most Popular and
JIpprooed makes ever shown in North­
ern Michigan................................ . .

3a tar a 10c Pearmg Knife
I a far 9 rkcoea Hooka aad Eyo. bbek
. or white


I o* (to ■ 9 quart Con Popes

I 8c far Udfaa- Be«x Imed ribbed
Vean and PanH beat ifScgoodi

Our prices are also very attractive
We can please you if you will give us
a trial.

and save nnoney.

The Racket Store
13A Front 8L Cltz.'Phone 676.

Your Store for Barsaine.'


Terns Implement Co. m

r*. Clir »»' - 1^"
i Ir.^ (IMKNR. Ui


Both 1 n Dress and
Walking Styles


. il nork will cmUy iBnrraM- iln
VnMM* Id (ba Iiaak •bou« the eiuii
tlaJ IntUfuilQU ed the nontiwnL
HaBUb, 1^ * Cd. WBUred Iba
labktiK boalBCU H banfcMb >■ IC(.
WorW No. 4.
b«lii( B( (bbi tiM (be ODij .buiklac A rapobllOBB caaeut of «o(«n mU'
IBA IB ward No. 4 wUI be bald at Iba
iBiUtattoe IB tbli pvt of ibe
Rneioe llasfe. Beraor Cau aUwM BBd
Tbt flnt ewblsT cf ib« buk i
• a aeoBue. on Frldar araalac.
. Crawford, wbo bold lb« poallk*
-b 2<i. ]»«]. a( < o'clock, to aleci
IM to aiiead
aiiend a rapuWleas
ropubllras | ' .
i; .■. iraaira

. . . . .


' ’_ _

r t-niir.-stock of Ladies'
and Misses' Dress Skirts and Walking: Skirts lume r« siTvt-d. \Vr ha\t
an iinusnally laive varit-ty and can plcasi- yon, I'hi- n jular prices arc
considcnsl siK-cial valntrs, and ttitli this s|H-cial distoinii, it maktS them

aurli Iilber tra>ln<-M
f.w.- ibr caBmii
Idarrh IS, IbBJ
Dael. Tblrlbr,


Ward Na. «.

A rapBbllcani
U.C IB Ward So
Hir.-et ~

iM id Totara raald-



t« mar tv tb

ai^'aad'ieo^Si^ ^ ' BBd will utra fv iBta Man *



\\f have jjonc ihroutjh the Dress (ioods Slock at:;on and pidlcd i
more short ends, whidi are now on sale ai H.VLl- I'kICE.......................




-nil u«ti t laiLji i«

SSit risUiloTtf

IRtliable and Popular
Drpj^oods an d Clothing Store.



of shoes has arrit-ed.,
W'eS-e looked it over
carefully and ve an.niorc sure llun ever that we hwde no misUke io ■eenring
SELZ SHOES for the fret of our enstomea. Every
Seiz slaoc is a solid shoe tad u a»de
by the iqamiractaicn wbo in 15 yetn
lia\e grown £101
in the world. They did it by making
the best ahoea for the money. We get
the benefit and k> do yoo, ct their ex­
perience and cnpitaL

lA til xwi-rog ta
Km to Hm

It •• our iMtinrra to su|h>Iv toiii
ticcili in that line with (iniccriet
id the hiKliest ijualily


Cbe Hew

mall Papers
Suju, best grahuUte.1, 20 Ib.

T«r the $eaftoit of 1^3 at tbt

€ifv Book Store
’s. fo,................................. 1.0,1
are certainly beautiful and artistic in coloring and de­
sign. VVe have an immense assortment of pauemsnnd


when it comes to quality and price we can save yon
money. Don’t be deceived b>' catchy ad
of outside concerns who send samples and sell borders
by the roll. W'hen w* figure the actual cost of a room
to you, wf; beat them ev-ery time. Call and nee us.

lUualen,&ao- iiaponetl. per

J1. $.Robart

HorseHor Sale at

The Pioneer Lively
3. IBorgan—^
Amved this Mieek; a f i ne car load
from South part of State. AH
utied to farm work.

' f ■'

THE OWAhO »ifAVtllak nen*l.D, MARCH 19. 1908

(raid Traverse Herald.

i fiBM i^aa, a Momt Itrlat WM(.
mm hoar Itwt arr looted h) of Uahtey, dted Saaday motatac ef a
tPiio. wiwk.o—Dc
■arManoai llteaat tetris aaly oat
ICbiR'e Kvw l.lle Pill.
•iwaytai W.W* Bl(h' and il
Mr- 8r>B eOBiiUlPad af hatec ttladl««
r,. t'„
immaly dnway and aarat awak.
lix k HMidacb* aad all ri«>«
•ad Roarl ir»ut>li->
!{>•> ii'.'t
.af.. tar.- Ual) 21c al K H U.


MaHy a> (nte at aa tadhldoal d
-rder of ibe tyitma Orarwurh. M
■f tlwep. orrvout (eailoa will ba h




Tbere'a m'


Profusion and F erfection
lialnrui lEwnii) <)di7 ^ and
iniiin (uaraoieuJ by


The b<r heel tluu w a tiiown lu the
Uctian u d.jW ooetiUUlinh in ibc
•how window of A. T. yitrdrich'e

rm. mi iMtf »t *. PmIvt lk«r M. «.

BOM Orang* EaUM Traiwfart
"To What Bxlaoi la the Orcaalxa
!,> Keclalor of Uoo4> WII
DS Of Labor Jeailbabla." va* <ua- •<* lo March U
.UM4 hr the Oraaac ea Saturdar
Haaiiah. « al. m Jullui
C. J. BbIU) opeaad ihc ‘«tacuaakjn jKotaK and alfo. parcel, ka at. t
taklof the poaUloD that labor cooU-'a. H L * Cot tounta add: tU
•atiuna Jtera Ihe aaae aj aar other' autiB W. I>airbki ri al to "
eosblnalloo and ahouM be elico«rm«ed I ■■ Uardorr. a l>M>
ao loiK aa thej tetor laclalatloh aed j block 3. Vmj Hi
pruDKite the aellare of tha vhola poo- {lUhn
Bmnia n. I.uraa lo Howard
pie, batt ahoold U lllnliH]
lllnlied br Ue to
r. lot 7*. Oak Het(l
ao rocolala their aetloa il
a W 8inlib ti
tad wile lo How
fare of the people all]
anlne^parrel, H L k Coa
ha naoirolled aad aar aiieispi
loaard Bonopuir aboold be reatralac.l
The eub)eei «ria fiillr dter the menibera hirm lULIIe
1 ihnuaht that the labor
Ihe alcaa of «ppi
by the labor enplurera. their orcahtU'
ttoo belap la aaell-dtffenie. aed that
Ihe> dlBctiUr
la fetilai rood, tab__
Ba lavato repdlala Irual ecUa la
the iBBi race id.iDuDvr and the
■mar power with the taw-Bakere.
that brothera of the order ahoeld tar
llhat DOB* but man alare aneh laBti
'•>*-1 aboalii U- e'orted lo oSee. and
Ihe Botbera abmild rtlae tbelr


-..e... ee.......



S i',
•el. we
l>; #1.1
ilunaa In P E «*bh

. «Kitu. I... b~
dtiriM the paet wlater for a bif trol-1 Perry■fUnnah
....ta W. t.
rlaU thU rear. Oaly twice hat the ^ mit l. 2. '' ' '
12. 13 14.
llaaaah'a 3rd add:.»ttt
Wm It Fife aad wife; lo , Horaee
Jaal drap^nd below pad at aoother tiBa Rotod to i below, which
point raaehad. Au far
aa eaa ba aaao. peee of the fruit buda
bOTO baee hHnnd Ih the laaet. They
an to perfaet
ataad a bard treoM ret without ItUurr.
Oharrr hPd ploB Ceao ladlniBpar crop. H It loo early
kaW pew BiUI pan woek'a Maw W
BUa ahbui ap^ ha jat. bai


srarrs ts

th IMt
k*! Hare

Bob. X. V. MUIUM toe reoalead a
IPMW tiM aeo. X. a Oamfhls
BtoM* ko tWMa IhBl kt wiU ba bU4
W bNp Ida aM tP ^ adMapt IP «o*
ppie Iko B—B*bt if «ka loPTBapp
n of ilka letport.

r apt haptea

Ve •

and Luox Tr.lil.lrl ( wl'don'
area' pop-lari') all
will I c 'hm'iKPil w<- calli-d
aiu-a'Iun ' > Ikm-h.-ci IJociDan,
H>rup. TI..W.- a

“• *"■" “
ioba Piilripber and wife
Boyd uM of ewM. aee. II.
reb*a »: IIAOO.
Rudolf Weldoir and wife lo Jaoob
W4«eer. »r.. paroel. a I. 'I. town tJ
raare it; n.f-Rraak R.
I^k CahBeld
12. Mk.OO

FlhPe a Cere
re IW Oyapep
from Mala^ Callfarnla are
.la _tbe ^ee of Drake A
Uleh.. for thetr
-T At tha BotUaf nf the board ohUtB- wcBdarful tnail
Dyapapala. It
laaa et th( Northom WchlBUi •v«iai
r the way the
II i_____
hat apraad
Ian waafc tha CoUow}bs raaolnkB wat ftm cf tbU (nai
within tha law aoeihi R bat bean c
**'^o*^trlBllora. other tl-------------- ----— tha market. Thera <«B be but one 1
raa of paUaita. wU ha allowed OP
la marloB enuade «• BeBAhya."
load Nervona DytM^lA fhb .
Thii potkB wpa ipdmed hr tha (an
aaau^ of by the Baay nwUetled
that tiwtra oa Bnadara. tapaeiallr
doripB tha WBBMr
cnwhda aid halldIPBt hare beta EhTle ni"^Skf^or«?a“
eaoahd,thanki for tbelr dellr____ ahdtthi
IhrMRPd with Ttoltore. Thli boa baaa lalp praiae
e froM that dreadful dbaata.
,tapaeiallr triM whaa teBSar aaciir' ..................................................................
•aptla. a dlta
tloai pn niB trom.rartoiu'polBU. pad
Ihnt eoBplaul'
a people for
U baa taeaa fouad that tha tfael of;
clrkl 10 the paileaia
kUny of the Mien reeelred by thit
■Bpnny aipnaa wonder Ihnl no rnluRleaeewt Fonwell Rertr.
nble a rpmady can be proenrad at eo
aha «■ BeoM wtU leave la a it
reeamnble a pi^. Think of ll."
f te VaWtaBtcP ta Boha th
‘A weak-B trantokeat ftw
p Ma fatare hoBt aad Un eeaati
centA and noarly ah
kimewl for AWU • dollar,
Anil*. ___ Bt alnaaa et hit food Tnrana
boae Of
(MB frtaPda at tao heat of (ha "
ear aotkiBd
T&o. tIO Soalb Dtrlalae airaa
Sf Ihi reiilu oTthe treat'


% mm


Jad«a lUTar


■aa harmaard hr bardeat too baary
tor (htB. orerwockad woaBD. and'

Mhw. kPi hadbawllnac
ghwfad aad wife

! IS remArkal'Ie for it s;i- of |»ricr, for the »;ri..

.aii- j

(v .111.1 ple4siiit> styles, (or the tasteilispl.iyeii in inniiiimid. 1

.All the neuesi fashion

<-lT.-iis have

maik- their

mark <m the suits.
T here are'he liloiisos. with­
out collars! whiciiVe braiiled, siiuhi-d or emhroidefed or with the ca)H- effect to make up


the lack of collar.
liraids in
in IV
, -....................
fancies (hat t;iye a
touch'ol color

, ;W«|htMtituaitMiuit«Tinaii. .y

ITaitintts. ffomicrs—^ld nani
lew effei-ts. hverythinmhat fashii
shuAn has
_s decreed

s riijhi in fabric from the• heavier Hruailcloths to


the net-like weaves of the voiles and twines. : ; :

Trices for lliese suits raiiy^? from $7^ -

QQ |

Another Week of —

Spring kfiil Miiuiii'-r


Lw ar<* ix.iirin.; in


Krmamini; siipw of all



lines at prucs away l>rlow cost to

et the room

thry DKiipy for sprimj uihmU.
LISFS (H- NKW M>RI\(i (JOODS IS'CI-l'DIil > ill iliis s.iIp at cm
sun- of liaiiiit; siers fur all.

prices to


.....k.......... ......_____ _______I__ ____






7'ix^^ heftinied sheets,

Better Be Quick


splendid opiionuniiy to buy sheets at a part of
their won h.




These are of gcKxl servieeable cotton,

size, and are well worth


more money. ^They were

bought at a price and you get the benelit.

Woman’s $l)o«$ j


pet pair, Civnyon >
chui.-r(ir4<HI|>«irot'tli"oihil hive Ihe Oilr.m tn.1 j

I Moro’s -tho ^rloo, 3d oon-ts

IRtn's SI>ots

lyarnnteH patml Iralher thoea, best tiylei
. only

Sdtw Ct/f S*9H. nl-vylotelv tolxl


(tocsl ii)in„ $* viluc* for | .50

apeciat vhlun at

if/«aW teafdec .Saim call Shoe*

SOt. 6Se. 7S»

- lace an.l roiifrcB .... 1.35

New SKiirt

\A/s i s-ti rres

Woman’s thoughts now center on planning for spring
and summer, and of course her toilet must be plenti­
fully supplied with gowns and shirt waists made of the
newest fabrics. We are showing an exceptional Hne.

Iri WHite Wsis-tings

Alfred V. Friedrich
/t a/wa/t pa/i fe fiWa hara eW padp/a Aara /wa/ rf aef.

ThBi'Old StAnd

Odd. Herald Office

We have the new Oxford with white back ground and
all manner of pretty stripes. Ther^ are several prices
from I &c to 2bc. The Scotch Oxfordjis a beauty.

jPlaiio F>iq|uo
Will be one of the bestsellers. This will beoneofthe
greatest seasons for all white goods. We want you to
see this line. There are three prices, 46c, 30c and 36c.
A beautiful Mercerized stripe for 46c. The white can­
vas Weave sells from 20c the yard to 6uc. The finest
of ah^s the White Pique with a hand embroidered dot^
selling at $1.00 the yard.

We want you to see this special line. It will surely
please. Sells at 30c. 35c, 60c.
76c the yard.

frSpt *** ***** *“^ ***^ ****


m ss of iht- showing: ihji has no equal in the city.



Slant eiBD.nnhold ef Caamt
Oiw. Ua.afnahnBatadMOaleeraf Miehlcae. wat drewaad BataraftBBoaa aa the Baroa rlrer
white eoww laelac with hit tambia
Sari Than it mid w ba mata probLaMar ta lto«. D. Caehlla,
abUin (hot aaaoatBd hr atadaalt wUl
Trartrae CHj. Hkh.
Dear Ste; la imMbr paaural rla- ba peabltdlad at Ihe Ualranily al
A «f eontea. rn <R> aot euattder -leUdaB aa a nmlL
mr plaaaarc or coBfon or eoM.
SB Bb where rour people ltre‘ But
Travprpp City MarRptP.
M hawo iwo Beta of feellasi ta aolac
'■■pl-oaaX help tl—wa all hart Bat
. eapeeiallr hare: fiw a pan of

i. alee
Blea people, are ebearfsl

If you have had time to iiirTcK iilance at tht- su|>e-rbarray i
ol sprini; msuimi-s you uill hr surpriscil at the compk-lc- <


can ireal Dyepmeim Barep. Uleh. Haroh ll.-d. H.
aoMpaWL eUaf <t the lalactpphk da- _hr ^rat. wTb. Bttflma a mbit
Thit CMW hat ncmtly perfretad
• panTtr of the waathar Mnau. hat
a tnatBtat tor the cun of RheuBa. wOBW D. K. Upy of thli plaoa that wtlk MPMm hPd reaaa aad Iha tar. UtB. catarrh. Kldaer aad Urer tnw-:
lllrprepared la a plaanat aad
tet Bptwlal haa baea ahlppod aad aaiwareetalata nm waiawmi.tiaat UbM. which obrUtee the
Ttat ha *U ha bon ahoat the )»th of
tak^ of dtlniad alcohol aad dtetaite
. at It the cate with the
Thh BodetB
WMa Mr. Baen Itaeat thli etlr ha
BID rM tnw the ofBe# here la tha wUl la W'htoaaw hoBt wiih Iha beat ireatmrai It already Aemawnllnd Ua
eiaMoa m BliipiPi
apaetBc dedHtlat aaoac tha aMleted.
•M. M thwa to tha Maad.
and It known aa Orake'a Batter TaM
leu for the Blood.
OalBg Woet.
la » aad hhoaei -.led
HawrOameet RlaWtrai.
Bold by all di

tih aim olatT^..............................meal Itm > datahUaad laatla«
taw Wiplap.B«w aad vUl ha a



Our .Saviors Derartmeoi
----- C.-u'Xl-rii’r*'-------;

pcc-iniT for
.. dl«c,„. .....
iiiR durnn 'b.- nuebo aud iiH.roiuK*
llaaaab k i«y i .. to Allieri Wolf ■hi-rw U amhine Ukr iii-nunu K.vri
>U It I». block t.
L, k (ki.-a Itib The 21 cvni alK- hat ]ui.i l-o-n inli
la. t.300.
Jirc-rt ihli, lt•■K<■ltr »li.- 71 i-eu
At fee ll Jtihiiwon'i
KnalelN-rl nari« and .wife
lak. Marcel, aet, <d aeW. aec.
:. town 23. nail! II; II.UO.
laaae lore and wife to Abraham
Iota 7-t and aw|( of awt.

Fraak Ranteni el ai i
leader aS of oeki. sec
raaae 10; tljtto
Oe-nte Hear,- and wl
KInrak. aS <«r awM. aac.
rah(c t;. ):»•
Lo ire R !■»•?* lo M R. Wall, loi
- OI1 Mhvlon Harlkw; 131
JidiB Omaly to K.<na R Rl.k aw',
conceded <•! Bwla id f«- S*. Iowa Sfi. ranKc ».
A'hert Redel and wife In 0<Wla are ninirar} lo Ihe nimnioB Iliad. Rlmpana. el« of aw^ aee 10 nel<i>r!
B'l.Jeel for aeti meMln«. "lUlaloK
' . •cc.'ll. Iowa 27. raaae 12:
'' I'.iUIoei aa a Monr> llrap." by HuU-r< tl(»e>
tW^ma- tUme.,: *T>lher Money Cropa" U)
"annab dr f a> Oi. In

aerfor l. tot IT eS 10
i. ^'i-- fod add: »221.
Tharlea Rheldrc aad <
■ Ihal Barer R Ha'.-, nw> -it nw««.
nortbem Mlcblpan
”"“■ " “,abet.«trnl.
eel. He looka fur
in, |2dKl.
rMunt braohlag yield of all klada of
Myron D. Huaterfurd lo Xbarle.

.V OreuiMtio' >hl> wnffc 2625

Thli U nn< a (m'lc w..rd—b<n Pp'd Pb CApIttL
wh.-n you think now iitMe j.mi ar*.
iiui u> |iiiri'l.t>e the oiil) ri'iui-dy.un

'oraaM; kn.-wn and m r.-ui-vly iht' bt.
had rhe larKiw’ »alc ..f .rny the world »lnce IHC tut iho cure


iby a writ iii«a''i, wrll |•lanDe•‘. attetnpl al breed making n
wracked on the /Mali of poor flour. (V>od bread it not har-l tn
make. HtU (be vorapr a where roo get good flour. Ooi Beal
Flour carriet )O0 to liood Bread withom (allure. UThlier, iimag*
cr, ahar|>er flout canaol be made. And Ibe pnee <1 juu at at>
traniie aa the Dread, (t’t a pretty poor cook that can't uvt
Doacy ami ifeliiihl tiw (atnily with bread maile from our






Parsiarr La\AF
In all grades from 20c to 50c, and beautiful Organdies
at 26c. 30c and 35c. We havea40 Inch Lawn for 16c,
a splendid bargain.

India Uinens
We claim to have the best values i n these goods of any
one, and we think we can show the largest assortr*'*'**
Prices are from 8c to 30c the yard.

Dainty Dimitiaa
We take great pride in this spscial line; dainty scroll
Persian effects, broken figures, in white and tinted
grounds and the various stripes and dots and ohecka.
Prices are from I Oc to 20c the yard.

TMtap^WD THAVeme


Hn Wibh*. Hlat Ula Enapa. aU
Banaatter parnta rafaaad to par-'
al Ttarnn OUp. nade ajlaanat mU
llhw tearite atem to Haato
to tba atok e Una oar Hula
Haadaj M Hn. Uaatpa M. Alin.
au m^.mA
atTad.-- a^l,
irritot Hn W. WalK. Hnnyte tba
to^t bor
klaa ct Plaaaaat CUr CHilo. PaeunooU had p:a)ad ate haroc etih bln
Ooian Oonlaa Ann to Tnnna ate a torribi* rough bad act la he0>to Taa^ ea banataa
aldaa Uocun tnalaid bln. hoi ba niatte br drtaklat oarballo aeld.
It M bunt (cr t «f»tli-« ncmiloa.
arlea Ktntaa haa toand aa tba ,grrw «or»» r»ef7 da}-. AI length wa RabW HUltr la a me el deep rrllgHn. J. tehwt* wbo ter l-««i rltli
IV Dpha'a tarBL
trtitl 1». Klnr'a .Scar Uacovarr tor
KSTletioM te abbon tba MtollUat of tba worll Ua te eftaa
OtetaUb rHuniKl
aa\rd. Hc'i sow auete and
watte bit daa^Mtr Puap agataai
Ktrrrbodr ought u kou«. It't
TIm naar fnotea ben ed
tebcunte ntllte
<tougba. Qaida ate

tl Btunet llty Ihti week.
all Lu _
naofen an«f tba tanou a
I)r. Svarar «l {3rmi»l Rtptdi «
H Hradt. I
atei. balall bin ai tMar.
11.00 Trial
r rSa‘2;:
b'aller ate Bart Itonna of Earitoii* an baallBg Iam bar Iron Uoctteak laka Ben la gelaa to balld a
-----■New Tork
Hit 1 nrllllatr toft for bai
tarn at KajtWDr
A Itonlonb of LaOranga. Oa oitr arid will terota blnaalt to nlata
itten th tbu BtcnlBp
auBi‘ra~] lur all nuoiba with a trtgkl u«tal labor to bolclt aad bovdieg
•alljl^ Utm erewd a^dad
lanlBK a..rc un hb> leg. but vrileu
hinaalf wub tbr
liucklrn a Arlnca Sairr aboil)
Htdan WaoAi ____ Suplan U
lagaep of ten oou
runal U Id B.r tla>a t\Jf UIcCfu.
Ttera —na te aa
Wuuuda iniiui. Ha (ha hual aal

■d to n a racinl
UL. tea eibar
•nftad. liUM

Gmnd Traverse Region.

‘ Twi*w~l iMtttM* 4 TfftVHM


Hn. Mkm LrU ■«»•>«
AM 0u*4ft iMt Tkandv.
S» ten bM> «»« t«it NofMter.
fcl™. W. 0»rr nettrad • UiteM

Mn. Mb HcDtemM it




» with Hn.


Ufi*- O'
toft lor -Kavafo laal Hi Losla. Mo , rvporla It.(no
to bflp bio fanttr ftl of trip, nuallr anobf faeuer gtrla.
wbo an naoerad i>«nliarlr liable to

I. ticaila. llruggiat.

te **"
aaelMt of a fate for laacolog mat
paraoea (ran tona* aaplamt. haa bna
feate to ba tonar hararlf.

Trutt Thoaa wbo havo^Tnad

^Smh** Htutstt IB Timttrte

Iba lanbar oanpa all brake ap lait
tetartlar lor Ibla aprtog.
AUenae BBellmaaWl of Inka Ann
d tba propenr kao-n at
IM UTmm mM • trip to Tr«Ttte ObdUte tatt vttL
Ward bat ponhaaa#
Ata. niir^i tea BDTtd tea
Nid Kriaoo
Mrta'hH (»aib
to tte nin.
Iks aad fanilr —111 a
J.W .TtMm ate HsUr -tel to ■■
Our K
•‘SyrwI'SiTtet iml to oite Af­ Mr. ate Hn Bldncj I ------narad lato Hr. Bobbalder't braaa
ter tettrtv Ate rttofted
M preatet.
Bller Bllltogt of Ink* Aa» died at
*%r. Dn^ tenp hM brsi
la ntldcoee. Har«^ mb. IM Wc

«r -art Snplra Milan raturter.

. Tta Ha lb <Haa Ukt It praUf-HI
Abtet b doftb of tba rnas M


iT£te tbrib# *1-111* friaar a
(Bf. Oaaat tad netlc vara ta<

Hin OoldU Baiat haa been TlalUas
vttb alaur. Ura. Arabia SoUtb.
tar tba |tet weak
Bora, to Hr. aad Hn. Parilat. t
Lake Au, a aoa. March 4lb; alaa i
Hr. aad Ura Ranrr Oha<x. a aoo

warahlp Hatoa. wblob wu bieWB o|>
la Hanna harbor Pah It. I8W. to aa
etmlo (te
oaaaaol tea arploaln
Brarp fanilp aboold
boldd aaadiolM'ebaat.
nadioli aad ib» Praa boi.
la II aboald ba Dr. Wdo-I-o Kor
T ^oc^SjT^ aatara'a mnedp lor



I While Aba JohoaoB. an Sinrold
I ill aod a oenpanioa wm tbrawtor
a laokkDlfa back and forU> at Ikwiob




JIanU Ellbrida. -ho bat

^ Mm. bteBt a totla froBt

tba tena ate aatoar Ma tbraotb
«nb Mb. WatM asd bad It Bot baan

Blctra cubbEte

i Bantoi^rsfiiSr^nSrKV^i
aaaa VIefaMa. of Ho^
Hoaroe O

tba tot mr ai


Hlana Oera WkMi and Klda Oteprt
■| Orate....... "

KnBHktatop vlaltaA bnote
n HK^bte a^taTm
aiSte A. Vtobar ntea a____

» totok tti w teraaih I


Hn. Watraa’a habj la detof -all.
Hr. wdHra WtU teatteapaaiteaate Hn Bren Ttant



nearitBlakealepbaaaH ben oraU
Itoto vtaiar.tet la ftaUag bate agate


Hr. Hite li tefdtefBD^ fttet
•at weal

Hn Sartean ae

with itoa nd




BUbba .HUIteM Inttelr el ladlna. bn parateaad tba Barkbate tem
baOi -81 ib« tell tea* HUD aarta, nd lagnetet raadp to
ten aa bit aaorlp pnrnhteil tern.'
npa be waa Urad
Und et UdUaa
IteSn nol
aad Bart A. Beaia an Ha


tea tea.


IS AI.'. \vf;

ask fok any


chou.f: lyf any st.V'

3KviToa-iK I-nonfM”


Don't fail to see these, as they arc far Ixjtter looking chairs, will last longer and look belter, and are
more (.-omfonable than the woixl seat chairs, ^d at our price cost only -lifK more for six than the
cheapest wood seat.
I ofterpitetalBlbrdairp
.berinen It la btcaaae
pea air not aalBg a

De Laval



Oeam Separator >
• ntp uU poo. oar
Btawill ttrelbeircori

Our next is a very high back, solid oak. reed seat chair, for.................................. ........................ ..

Our next is a full size, high back, cane seat din-r. with nicely shaiicd scat, three wide slats K
ished.4a chair that others would charge >7
across back. nicely linished.4a
»7.5U fur i uur price
. • . V» I O
seat dining chairs ^almost any
t to pay. up to the box seat,
at a^lbeautiful quarter sawed, golden oak, well made, polilisheii Imish. box scat diner,

Our Dm of fleckers

Below Cost
Co Close Out
Ctord ga»> Ml) N cind Kfit ulr


Only a law lalt

Absolutely the best baegains to Robes in the City


Is simply immense. Over liV difleren* styltm
and designs, from a wood seat at 75c up to a
good, well made, solid oak. high back, cane
Ladies' Rocker,
arms, for.........................».
inaiie, well
A good.solid oak,, well
finished Arm Rocker, large enough 1 QK
................................................ ^ •tefw
for nnvnnfanyone, for
for ...
you want
In fact we have Rockers for any prii
say how
to pay. -All you have to do is
I put into : Rocker and
about what style you want, and we will de^se
you every time. II we
c cannot, we will make
you a present of a rocker.
We have six large, fine, quarter sawed, golden
oak. polished Rockers, upholstered spring
covered in ocsi
best leaiiiei.
leather, uiai
that wc
seat, covereu
we will
Bpvc you your choice of the six


for the
These are the best values 1 ever
finest made; all
They are the very fim
___ woodwork
___________ that shows on them is Tine.
quarter sawed oak. with piano poRsh.

Jf Oyamt of a Dktimt
To get you a beautiful Sideboard at what you
would pay for a kitchen cupboard. We have
a few'ihat we will d->se out at once. The fim
ones that come are the ones that get the bar­
gains, for these will go at once.
.A nice large sideboard, imiiarion quarter sawed
oak. shaped douUe top. three drawers, two
top drawers swell front, one drawer lined for
silverware, two doors, one long drairer,
pressed brass trimmings, shelf over glass, one
shelf either side of glass, all
II buutifully
carved Icheap at $I5.7ol,
price now....................................


Our next is a beautiful solid oak 1 Q fCrt
Sideboard, for .................................... XO«OU
Our next is a fine, heavy, large, oak sideboard,
partly quarter sawed (worth 1 Q KA

rA, r'!"



«« 1

tetetate*^ H te
_________ L-babteto

^TMaTVltaa lataited toes 1

Our next is a beautiful large, solid oak. quarduarter sawed, with
rith full swell front, handsomely
_____ mely
carved . f'W
way, two large beauiilul
French plate
ennuis lone 15x40 ,»,.y
itfc 'mirrors
and one
llx4tl|—a fine sideboard, well Q1 AA
wonh $45.00, now for ... ........... Ol.UU

Open for Business

Bacbant <S 1{osco^

We have several others, but have not space to

latea^ teU.
BUbaaWUiteni toobthaafi
■te Motep for Cnmn <


mention them all.

Complete New Stock of

Udwtf Eraapa. Braari Hrt^




amieJte Osarep.
Boat Haetn af Capatoe* teat Baterdap wat the fatal of Pte Demtea.
Hr. ate Hn Joba Stew lari flea.
Ty^'at tba M- 4bP wnl to Balte to cult Hr. aad
Hn irwto Halt
a. Tionatec apaal *atep with Ua
■■Up ate matte to Cater Moatep

toW. O .T. V. ted aa totrattof
iMbM toldhH Hat Bl«ht M

[irice you

Our next is a heavy, iai^c. solid
d oak
partly quaner sawed, fine heavy carvings.
ctly up-to-date
- •strictly
i worth i2».00) -

*aa MHrid hr a «aad


. $S.75for6

Our next is a large, full size, high back. soTid oak. cane seal diner, at ..................................................$5.25 for 6

V'y T!"!r^bBd b wnibid




Baatf Au- a eateldfM.

ten of a bane Hate


HI vs ANV OF OI K RKiil l.AK
• 7.SO MKN*8 SlaJI-rS

Wc have the best thing in a low priced chair. It is a full sized chair with medium height back, three
wide heavy oak slats across the back, with double reed seat, makes a very strung, comfonabSc, dura­
ble chair, our price, gnly ....................................
......................... ............. ......................

bandravtafUnbar tronCraadall
tba tea
J.O. teaab I. ».
ttotia BaatrOnn tea beea
vUh a nep had aald, bai la I


Of chairs is coiuplctc. W<- have jusi unluailcd iwo full car loads of Dining kixini ai'd Kiichm (rhairs.
Just think! ()ver Go diffcrcni styles in chairs, commencing at a thrive stiindlc. bow- back, wood seal,
at $'2.7o for (>. 4 si>in(ile, bow back, all solid oak c.\cr|>i seat. 6 for ..................


MadaB at tba Udlaf AM
baM b Hatd MaPthte.


Our new Spring Cine

—.'Cl edTkLoon ------------ ------ELKRAB.T CARMACE'e UAHNUS HP(

Hr. Hbteer 1
"di fan. _
r Obrii b

Hn Watacn had fatU ae aspai




nOltr Batardara
lag. ratamlagal
Tba Davar nUI haa atabt do-a for
afaw dapa ferrapaln
Hn Will Uepart la rarp 111.
Hib. Wh. Bbttar to deb.
Wb bn aonr to tear that date HIM la la aiiaadaaaa.

...IT’» JU*T...





Smart? oy. Hate e»n briton. «l>e-wkv>d^ Kkr«Badim.*<aU
tttota apiatoa Meanirab

Wa naka Itfaiflaa «l mlii^a'iTS' ^det*3 bai^ jl

;otoa Bade
_____ ra-.antatod bp Uln Bahbcll
af Tnrana Olir. ganao alooeiloB-

BA Tnjior of Kortbport waa
town Houdar.
Hn W. Oarrla did Htopplag to
lanraa Oitp Wadaaadar.
__ ________ I Me Trinbia ten Hin CbirU Balltcaa TtaMad at Bobart Blehard'a Pridar.
BM^.^ lb ttetr


• tW
bail.. BuUl.* aad rurmndu—:
iMd br drurguu

rarroai au
tin. Rbtt e( Sobto Mialtoa <
It ridUB* bar nothaf. Hn. Rbf—^
Hn. Btet BBBiiiuri fatofbtd to bar


matad Ua, teat


j-’WeSafir«w?Tter-'laaalttewte efa -iriiiak
atoten of Tianm Cltp non on<
tef ibaa tea Anbtfal atiriabn
note Urtbf oiaap-h-tteiee r Bnltelti
Hn V. A. MoRlU. of d*l HaM
atotai ava.-"I ten aatute fran a
teafcaaf teteai' '

Direct from the Factories
We give you the Most of the
Best, for the Least, in

part bat Vateaadap ate a

<* teat Utoad

2^ Front Street
mitUmun BJttk.

Come aad

t forget our mail order feature, for there
is where
here w
we will save you a lot of money- We
have every thing you need to furnish yotir
home, hotel
lOtel or restaurant, and we can posi­
tively save you money.
Either write or come and get our pnees before
buying an>ihing.

Come in and look them

over. If you have any idea of getting a side­
board. 1 know they will please you.
If you need a whole Dining Room Outfit, we
will give you a special; ban^in -on Sadeboard,
Chairs and Table.


rtm mmmi n»on
H<a. Pn
<1i—. WCMUIT <« »UU. CtTM
wr MwMitec Hvbj n(MiT« te «h*

•hw te tte MW <• tw mn in«mi «H l^?A aai Uw
MMkl rWi (or IW MM Um «m U.'fMJIi
i* tlM mr INI tkM ««« IJM.
■ m MTW Ctf WkM hUTMted U IW
MW U MM or Uw Mwbr iMMailM



BmiM barTMUd IMt wtm. OibM
TniMM MM MTW. iUlkwka 14U
Md iMlddM «>4« MTW.
h OfMd Tim*«M atNBtjr Um
mlMd la IMl Ujn* bMMW at «hMl
m tm MM. Wbk* cSm aa a>anc«
■at It bM«l» pm aera. la O*
taaMUla. Arm* nlaad IJM WwImM





bMlwl* oa tM

m aa arwaca at } IhuImU pm men.
rua Laka raWad «T* bMM <ia M
acM. m II bMbato pm aers: OarMd ralaad lJU baabaU ea Ut aeraa.
' m II liaMili »ar M*a: Oraal ralaad
TiiM WMbala oa Ut aeraa. ar II buab
•W par men: Oim IMa ralaad TU
taaam aa H aeraa. ar f baabal
aara^Leac Laha ralaad 1.141 ba
oa M aeraa. ar » hartiiti par i
lUrlald ralaad tJUl buabala m
MTW. ar It baabala par aera;
dtoa ralaad tU* baahaa ue 401 i
«r 10 baabala par acre; Paalaaeka
ralaad ttu baabala ea tU aera
II baabala par aera: Uatoa imlaao

World'e ralr
•taiad tbBt Uie
tlaic ba* oiber war* ta wbicb to
p«Bd lu iBBd* to halier
tad I* Uwrelur* aoi ta laror at aa ap
rroprlatloa. la ibe awulUae. Baau
la tb* aUte. aperUllr (be
rurollBio Baber*, are bcaleglag Ibe
eglelajara fur Ibe pofpoae cd Mur

II* tb« ataw Mr aa* tuooo or
1100.000 to BKMt exMimi adrai
a (itbar dlrMlua*. a apMI at prvtraM
ud a daalra to daralop tba laduairtn
a (he atala (apaMU ibal thte •late
roBld do aAl to Biak* a good dlipiar
tba aipaalUea. lo Ibaaa llsaa ol
Ada axpaailoa aiueb b pilB*d br
jrlBclBc ibe prodoetloai of a ataw b*- Tba a^ MMlfila IMi vaa I.OIT,
tb* world Id tb* Boat oCaeUr*
n» aeraa, mm» Uw pUld HMMiU
laar. U m«u lo tba araraga pro
baabala. Tbia la aa ararapa of II
(TMlt* bualBMe Baa . aad el Uao
baabala par aara. la Oraad rnraraa
% alata of tba waallb abd rw
aeaaiy tba arraapa *aa t>W. aad ib<
■OWM ef MIebIgaa aboeU graap
aaabar af baabala 1»4». Baaala
opponatlr (or a pnidlabla dlaaaaair bad l>» aaaa. aad 11.101
par of iu pivdaeu. It awr ba tbai
baabaw of aaui Kalkaaka eoaair bao
L4U aooaa. aad lUti baabala. arUlt
LaaMaa ooaatr ■aalad *m mmm.
aad ralaad U44T1 baabala
Tba aaabar af term at bar ralaad
Mali wbM bare Bade Utcblgaa Uc
la MMlMa la IMI arw U4t.m
baa bMUB*. aad tbair
aaoM. tMl4U uaa, ar aa ararapa at
jplaluar ebould be rMpnrled.
1.11 |<M par aera. Tba ana sf ba>
ffoaa la aMk aaeUcp W taial area af
aa exbibll; aad aoeb aa
bar lalbaafawwai: Poatbara euad
eabibll aa will be a cradll lo Uw rial*
Uaa. 1.4n.T« aeraa. or Ol par cmI;
ilgaa’r produnr bara roaad ibalr
Mual aaaatlaa. dW.CK aerw. ar K
lalo tb* aarbau of tb* world.
par aaai: aenban eeaailaa. ttl.oto
H bar hot b*M boeaaw our aab^
a«M. «r l» par aaaU aad tba
larwa ha«* baaa aalaep, ba)
paalaiib, b4Jdd 4 pai
ralbar la tb*' raa af tb* gnat pro
la BMUla atMV iba bar crop war
tMl laaa far UU-aeraa: la Oraad
u* brought law oloaar loocb wllb I
. ttarpraa aaaati. lUU laat lor Id^lt
outatd* world br balag oabibitad
; M Kolbaaba eoaatf tba rldU
MBlatlra* of tba paopU of Ibe
ooagrMaWd « a groat otaWr of
•U Uwa aoM
eboald b* giroa Uw ptobabi* adraaigat of aaeb a dlaplar.
Tba Harald laellaa* to tb* opiBM
aks ttaalred aoUe* truM tb* poat
oMa* dapaWBaat at Waabtagtoa-UU
wllb lb* gaaerol bppretbl al
MeraWg that tWi laptorad rmial fraa
laxpbreta (d M itala. BeaUa
dattrar traUM propoaad aoM Boetbe gaeatloB of eoBBarlal adraatag*
d«o bad baaa graaiad. oaa tb* aomoa
ibero te aa aWBaai at pride ta
^ «< Airll.
«taia wbleb will latpir* oar etttaa
•rar Mao* tm%X fra* daUraj baa
aaeDong* aueb aetloo oh tb* part of
baaa aatiblkhad aa tb* pMtaaala Uw
■arM* baroad MapMoa aad at Old
•Hiialiia ba* baa «*rr naiatlafat

Wd lalold* br •beoUag bldwrti
caa** aba bad ausadto a da
partr wttb aaotbar rwaag Boa.
Tb* Traettoa « UgbUag Ox to
Haebepoe ba* aboat d**M*d to add
■fora to »poaaer eoaple* by
I -lerar*' walk* lo* a quar
*U* aloag tb* faeaeb at Lake


a crowd oi them there arc
Persons who ;jrc thin arid
iveak hilt iu*t sick enough
•0* aik Oeb ptaat at Ikeldlag aMwa* logo to Ix-i!.
• greallr I*
■ I hnniii<-s ' that >
plOTBea) of
Her ioba
. _______
what thcdcK-tnrsiall thin..
bo bu Bade blawetf rerr popular
Ub Ibe nwaben cd at Mark * Bpla- Mhidi iiiaunmoii linglish
eopal cborcb. ba* decided u> alar
means Icnig sickness.'
........................................................ Hlbec
Traa.. at
To stop the continued
a blgber aalary ibaa b - receira* TbI*
oUl wai terr flattrfi ■a. Ibe <
of flesh they neei]
betag ooe of lb
Ibe lov
HeCoratek I* imlr<
Scott s Hmulsinn. I or tiu
aallr kited br Ibe cborcb peiiple. a
fccRng of weakness tju-v
bl* deetakw lo rwBala 1* a Ballet
craai Rlulring
need Scott's limuision.
of PL klark e
a irop. f
It makes new flesh and
-err di
Irowaed la Ibe Millie i
BouatalB. aad (
I gives new life to the weak
re awo were workle* lo a cnwa system.
drill uo
ue Ibr fourth letel. wbrn they
Scott's Emulsion gets
broke• inu.
the old eiirklLga. which
tilled wltb water Only lour *a 'hin and weak persons out
wW^ I'ollA^'tbM*”"”
***** of the rut.
h makes new,
Juba Kubrtak uf Bar City. a«ed U,
raa away (run
Iher (baa rich blood, strengthens the
« la rbarpe by lire (r
Juaped iBiu tbe Sagli
amuet the rbual
f'lr ordinaiy food.
I tbe ulber abort Thl* wav*
ire ihr u«eer did aui care lo
Scott’s Emulsion can lx
lie. ail Ihr yooDStler escaped
taken as long as sickness
Waller Ca*leaakl. obly It >>an old.
j| ataadlaa 4 feel S tacbea 1a hit lasts and do good all the
Ini feel. I* ruadiMd la Ue Bay
acUon ol
of ibe time.
nuuat:ly tail, awalila* Ue actloB
. There’s new strength
r'tuuk letlen fro
eharg* that
|and flesh in ever^- dose.
By April 10. Ibe U O Haaun r


Aeoc*. whlcb elaad* aluae la a bl

Wa will ba clad
WjMd you a lew

The SUIert uf Mercy hate
bought It far ».bU
Ward of RuM»mmoo bat rw
a elroof leller fruB B H Hel
ea. gwaeral aaaagrr of Ue Michigan
Ceatral Park Co., which ha* acquired



rapid U

s;.s. .




I» Peart St.. N. V.

Ml M p. al

A «^taB ferwer wn.i lo Ncrth.ilto
with a «ei>noi*d iwtl of ccg* which Iw
1-fl fur theolerb k> piwni while be

Om bBBdrMei
t ta tb* UdatoTBi
•llbia lb* paet lew
a *p4MBlo bi4a fatal*

dMi«« Hbltb bw Bad* lb* a*
at MMiaMtaoT
o toM
Tba ararapa btoarUaa. wbea
It te pan plMOlap M tb* PM*o «<
gatiaau Iba aeadaet at tb* Oai
I—T— *• (ba dadtarWa wUl b*
raato-taMIIMaUr ItaMilag «ad
(M laba Oatiaad, Ibe iriiiai
lag a great a***ar* at aathml poller
Me. 1. will MMlaM ue tbe t)
-wllb tb* eeMBM ef bl* en •
ppd M* wlar w« be MW pa fW
MlCUag 1H*II to be tataed aalM
bam tba path af aeibiael laiaroM a^
dair -r
latrtgaea ef p
pedttoa aad paur toaal lataraat toast
M ibai apntoddea arw da* to Oaha.
MB aeadinta. deepdu all Iba.prs

be MaaiUd or ibey wtll be to.«
which lo oOBplr wlto Its «
Heodn-de of <ksc la lb*’ cilr
oBected Wltb rabu* aad B.aet I


•Ilk *11

u( uwest Bad iBiss.

Ibr daa- bs-^ rw leiactiwl *st tatspn <h>


bop* of r*oor*ry Sboald Us ho* ear
('audtan raplial
......................... ...
lake the Biaitcr lu cnirc-s an.I
oiiwu iros
hl> ladii.-ac- t.i .ccur.- ibe uhkcrrlbl* blow* *f ihr looetor'i epa

...r, ~s,


>u.o...u, .i

l-'ri.l*) nighi
Ilulidlng. »cn- .htken Haren Coea. *ei ap to* origlaal
-iiIsBi. ran loi” Uc »ir.-. i. Icoivui lo
The prlni-lisl .hiwk wa,
, hallnoo aad talllag
1 a irmii.r ■,! a f. w

, 2-

I. >)a :.’k dv cT y.r.


--1. .

r».i dl.ilnci eSek. •
I.eora.ioa aad ***** aloo* had mummt
|*<1 al ble boior
, TIsr* ba* besa a Bagnlleeal t*e*r
-If ur ........... ..
h-i al |>' i*l Iiwiofall Ibroagboai Soato Aaeirw
mroil>rr. iil the royal lam
I ' cry bright. It wa* the bewi
reauli .d a dl.p'iic i>icr the dnicr ..r - rrriy nialall la fflaey yewre


c.«. .i
isn> i.f iBfaair) |s«.
: li aoodv appcarnl at Us Sraneloe
th-D’ira LiiganU do la Ikxlcua ,i ; INillB* *lattoe wiih a cbelo akoal tan
Uiiardi a
,*nkl». hy whioh be eaid


rrs-ii-.-sti- di=srsr~

btMd aed w.'er

drwl BBl Ikr- Pr-awl. Jukci A Umwrr
•wi.d.sAi tosli>m.d u- aedwto. *ad toal
jDd*vu<hrBoh U Ur-Bwllrr S tor seal' .a-e
utocr BBd lurtox ..rib* *M len.itaiig.
.rUlB II UauW dma«l
say toa*4iBtor>.sal_ss*y toruTBli-l
brriUicre. who offervd to (sy fo*'W
tease-* f**,
,,,, a,- i. ,,.,J ATtorTV-tr "Jrf NMftoa^itals. *iu'
rich cnXh “ w-ad bi. -ta. i.’ .
^ »<■*• K'* Knber*. ol Norfolk
psmuw, BBd to*i to. to«>. w U* J
. .
. i mK..m h. ha/, h aaan hal a law waah a
8ira»«l"irg. ih-rn
8br at
r Ki.-.i I
a chcrrfiil aii'1 *11 c
her K>] d*u-ind*iiie 1




[to ^-to—

s to. av .4 T»»».*W

t.i-ruiany .-<ir>Ha1l}

I S/dr Poultry Yards

nubaad Uraieoed ber life and wa*
a Ue an of euBBldlag aa aaaauli
wbea Ibe family dug barked, abd pull
dliirariod bU ai
*etlue. aelag Ue «wife fruB bodily

Benaaa to* wM weatoii to to**
iBM*r sad* a total (allanto
ssao erep. bnan •roaad 8
Olty am- enowd te [daMieg teissree*
tola year, aad If to*y peeau* ie
towestaattaa II will be bard Itw
to* caaatag taeaary eMablUbrd t* M*
eUtage ta*l .ear.
Chief to PelM* Knfp to Haaki

; •"
— la a toed aad
ih* child at plar e«i*r*d tbeoalhoild
lag. wh*B Its rooeter Bew at biB.
tiMsklag biB dowe esd Miikm biw
itBeasd kg*u wllb dll* nan TM
BMber beoriag ber Mbe'a •ercoM* ISlWLjBl
deo** tor
'® *“’* •*“““<» »
ktrd iw**
Pbretetaa* ocr* earn
nored aad pTerytoiag pcw*lbl* wat
done for Ih* child hai tber* i* cbbII

.1) pHnl.
terta tb*
U> P*'l U * <1
Ihr Hall
(gipuelBnlilc* uf eladeau of Uc aonm at
C. Oliiognd In
ir.-a.iir>. were ->ld >«c day
Micblgaa BBtreraliy tor *0*1*1 *Mile bawd bbd
. It drippla* ■
al Wa.hingiuD l>> a dry gi
ewDt work bare been lacreaaed. a fut iwaaabe
Tbe taraer
uwatalp barlw lr«»n prorlded la Ikq
|sll. bet It ti
wtilmeai work la WaahlBftue fur a
' of M aludual
Eupnoaea for Uc
}-k. w.. «.
lUBBwr will be paid. The aelTereliy
ilready ba* a fellowablp to ibe Cbl
I of W.w< Ber Oil* will pc rw.
nodcr ue jarladiriicM of lb* i
laa Itaber of HariDri
gBMiriaui KedataMoo of Inbor.
T bolwe dog anted b
bl dug euuld apeak
Beatuo Harbor word ba* b**o.
prtaclpad wIibm la
'•d by tb* pateau of Penaedo
by M... --------dlrorcw •ull
aull broaghl
tgalad bar huiband. The cumplain
£gft for 5a‘* tram tkm fm'leai»f rmrrtlimt:
aai bjlegea Uaf a few wedk* ago ber I'urty-afU r*giB*Bl. a

Wh'lc ('orhin»,
Bancd I'lviiviuih Rorka,
Ainc-lcan Doinin’ijuea,
While W'van’IiHICB,
Knglifh Rcl ( *|>k.

c«l J*V*.

tocy ut SBI vsitos. aed to. ---------g Uw*



tVsri rgr Ik. tkseiy al Urwad tymevrs,
na-AkaTg hoTlui-eTATg ut mk-hi o
A( • .sa.s w to. rndws l>sn «*r Bid
«■*. iSsBiy vtu.aad tVaowe*.*..
kii>E*uhsece (ins. u*> by *a Beds of
toe ITuU.1* Cuon lie to. nseiy *t Urud
Trwnrw. sad. •• to. talk day .r rebrnty.
A u loa. Si seotk. frus »k*> d*i. ws.
Ptmi. JUb A.tonB*s. Jad4« ta PuAwB
J* y SBiue^ta to. MWtatWn* ktaly,

jsjJsirSZ.’S '^ss
SrrSd*Pr^2*lWv ‘.V'toc*

Iw-. ua— S Us^'lt^.r lYmm—> (Sly,

lM,f.l«*rj grto.A U —*

■acU *ari.Bl trt D'otoS

lUs*. UiKAru. 111. toew^r
s do-.lli-i Bwa Jtto. Ubbs
■S1U—110 bU BBdiwtsrtM I*



tokldtato. ansla*. s*. tmrmMir,


LipoolD'* aedmary of i:

. .. .... wa* aurroundrd by a Mlau* of aOddlwagod wub*d Inrind uf
A Bay Otiy •e^plair
prrily girl* who bav.- ls*a her
I. of boaur la Urn*. |«ri
rueiucolured allk
Hu aifaipaataB* brlag appeared ta aofl
' I Baipir* fMbloa. and wlU ber
klBfaaA. aad afM^an
Itaatobif* abc wur* Peicr U<lad bla to lb* Blaai a* b* ta |aat*et
tUDou* itar* of dluaobd* and
M by bla eaapaataaa. vbo an MbII ____ J* wttb -Ue ruby ta.
wlto lb* drtftoaad toad ibedapa to* eealar.
Tb* baad to tb* taw will rwacrfunb I
ta* atony.
fall heavily upba
wilodeMrien ta I
Jaa A. BaaMU. to Datoafk. wb* New York *>ly. There bu been ao
va* a Am m-------- boa* am Bole
rptdraita of graa* widowhood la (bp;
Wbea oalr a Batorttr Me wat aeeBtaae. «*« aetlAad tbta «**k Mat li laeinNiolta. aad to pat a atop to it. *.
eaaarr tba Oabaa esaata raUbad Uw
Md b*«A (aland aad nbbad. Be la- peaalty to cae year la tbe praltea-:
«elt7 treatr wltb tb* OalWd
Itary wtll beaewturib Is ImpoMri upoo ,
VM ginaa* wcbe aiieat eaeniBg buabaadi.
I br a tw»4bMs ret*, tb* detolbetoaartb*
Married ta a ebuicb bollt by
1 a«* reaebed after a grarr
ftlfTifr «*• oBtam. Oaaadtaa p»
Ir aopeldotatlop of all eigaa
ira^Bbbda'Ja >•* a( FUdtay.
tla* *n M wen ap«a
iMtoar to
^ JkBM H. De
A aaabar to Ba/ Tm«
aa oil worker Mn. Jaae* ba*
la ta tanr af lb* U
•araed ber livtag for ye*v* by waita
lag aad etaulag tbe oOlcee to prufeeplhen to tM aeetMfa
aloaal bmb. Star uved eaougb U>
laM* Uttta 1
bolld a obayeb. dolag much to U* carIan baaa toatlarty loetod
penu* work beraelt. U wa* Rimpleied
l^lbavtolato bM aeied ta tbls aatta
Tb* AM rani aaU Minty to tM
bar on laieraal aad tba lateraM ef

■BadiM anortag tbaaa at liiM a.
tb* Dabed Waiaa. Tet lb* UaMad
p. a.pad i-mi-— bla dHIrtrr, arrlrI eaaai* etUl detar* to aet. aoi
p« Mlfe at tbo Marina at 4 p B.
aalr lor 4b* latereeu af Cab*, bat


• nghi. I.) billing b<T w
cauM-d Warreo tSciatag aged »
liHI.-iue. III.
•bi> u
’bough (he bean aficr
from bl* ll >Mire>ld ■■>U
Hr WllllaB V*o Huro* ba* uftciwl
liim-b*»c Uc »iau- ic-BMcnii*r}
-•-K) IB Haiana taliitnl al ir-is'
hi. icirpow hclag (he rrcciv.o id

ta&.taib.-rn-. taT,r:s:s—-i

It aataed ta

• are wuat to eeatb* OalM aharoaler ratber teadfvl aad dltalorr. apd laehtaf ta prao
Ibt ddd vawpL
ladarotaadlag of (be relaUr* Ibda MMaMa rbritad Iba poll
pettpae* of Utaga. Tb* aeUea of tb*
■M* waalb* ago aad waai era tba
Oabaa «b*U oa Wodaeedw. aap
Ooeaa. proro* Ibet. wtib re­
gard to tbal bodr at leaal. aaeb Ideas

Oarta Ida. I rffl. ofia AgfO 1.
MMa OH btataa
mm OMfta »*. l tbiwayrtari at
aadWaatJ* tb* tdaptaf paaWM
M M a. a Ha wU raealr* tb* paac*

At MiddWwii O,. a rtetoa. ny.
daye aii.-r ] m«*ih Rock m.wi*r mtooale and par
.d parwl)
falalle wnaoded to* Id sMto*
........ * a of Hr. aad Hr* Cbarle* Itaa-



iirailoB eaperiBeai* la
ad Ibe aeiilag aalde to
a of land fur that par.1 pruBlaee Ue tuppori
ly la tbe Igbl aad plc-

Leo L Lueb. wbo I* kaowa a* tbe^for to caau. Tbortaaadt to pmrnm*
Paid Seven to.ColucMo. ba* aroted riood ta ttae aad (be poUee Md to
ta Sew \urt u, roa*ul( *pcclall*<a , pmerie order. Tb* lale taated two
alU regard to larital paralvab JruB binir* i ' '
whlcb be ha* *ul*red a* U* mult ut prMur .f -Ihe .bop $» or
Ibe arblcTeBeal wbleb evaed bta
all.-Kiirtcal *iat*e o
com*., Locb 1* the
dppl. oow telag A
D a cloudbiiret M k>w* a k* C. Head, tbe An
itcr 171 feel bigb Are Bl)e.«'kl hSiweBre. Italy, ha* t>
It HUMS* cf Mtaoelag ai bmkaeek *pced. i apiiUa aad wlTI he t
Bod U.- r *hl.-oi* ut Ibe appriBch- j city
The eiaior b feuB a *tagl*
Jupi uuUMi- uf Maaituui l.lork of marbl* wcig I I* us*. I* It
............................... r- aa-l I W aad ha* U
rtdt-r ucre piiini:.--!

Bat Taa Ba* aad Kto* Oyatbla
rauT. Albtoa MadMU. wmi ao Mar
iMU lUaday aad w«* Mtrtod. Tub
Haa Md }a*l totl tMaaUne aad
t« wark to a laa«Ug Mbe>
Map tWdnlOi*btol«a»ar

paUad 'Wr'He* bewa ta to La
m*a Twatoadna wM
allba tatddlag Mn beaa aapn
At ttaUaaier lb* nd Ufa to tb*
tow to wabad db«af a M atn

bia «M auaay, aad ba b'
tb* toSaeae* to lb* taadWbBbI -m
I* apMl. bar* bated wttb toltoU IMIMMdli. wUM tb*todat>* b*
a..*oblMir. aad proapUtada »al
e*rtglB dtoarliat liaauir* aaattaa*
ag gailiy. Vbil* to* mm*> trflta aitb a graai aattoa*] ptoler a«i an •ataaaly etadytog baw n tw
naa* MptfaHlag •peetwla* ar*
to* ftimmm bl* M*a will pnb
■Ito* Amanaj Omn* 9
Otoltoi. wM M* bna aacMaaiy 111 for
a, atat tot* a tnao* Tban
^ aad al* mem. Bn. t. M. Baary.
iu«M «a* deito *aa> (a* aa aa



iwu u <w —A isns*... !■* ikir wtik ea.bUBtosur.towsAS.. B
S. C Whit* Leghorrtv
R. C While Legho-na.
White Kactal Black Spaniih.


wd«rSi *w*h^ ^e"a
[ Agents for Humphrey's Circen


Cutter and



: K ii ii ^
s ss :: Ks a:
s ss ;s

Cyphers incubaturs.

IM* MIS Nor.* *r Kir ee Hag -k-s. Hmd mm twrws'* MW.

C. Coelingb & ($^ Props,

uHssM* nir ta Tiwse*. Illy. aMtov*
•as. It aev tos* to. why tto sm ta Us

ItB Yew M Jubilee has come.

T<iar klrce aad graod *11** oacd Mwwicisa
- • •
■ BIST 11 healed their
IK aai.
barie^?<wrod tM lU* o____
Bak.L IWhat
iwTaiwi _
Lii ._JKVdid
t.r BAA____
aed bnir kiad 60 vear* ago ii
IT. llhual
U bu alwaj*a»rv>l on] alwayl
will cwn aay fnd rv .
buaHtbaUtaiu caa care.


.* lyis^^W fras bMUOI (S
.1.. <• IBUS'S ihBl to. law ta-sa . Is. ta
lU to.
Alb n . W'lbV..
. .su. kl.-BS bal l^to.


*AT^£n?^to. . VW. (W, fu, OBWd
Tea-ss (Waaiy, u M*ecaey. r.Utoiy lA


UctoiewtilMii lu



taTIfli's^^JitoKto? ulta^LwmI- sTan or KK-Hi<>AS-ra i nuiuAtg
ni. B ...SB—, lb to totsM IB ikk •aas O (ksri f > -.Os ty taOvaod IVasas
.’tolB to’*r s—lto I'taa Ito dBto ta tow
At a *wsea ta to. *^-~|aswt Is


Ul^bBaM eMBTaTtotoUM^
—1**IB«BI1^«^SW» Wl.^ IVTiii


■cwuC |W> SM Ull to skto s n


uauwiaw tvan*.

. H OAot**“*“



tan s toe PritBii itas, s Ito tau eg ■s< I wliwlrnliw al sM sBM to r-aa-ta
. Tk’sw . has •Ml aed n rse* A ------


Apd n I. fhrtos a


Ail Sorts of Horse flesh
•n eahyert to aA eurt* <d Sinina, Rrose*. FI
w(v«k>i.w that MaaLm-klitotiuic LUta
K UaI ever peonnud fleah. It i* tM Mat in

me riwus. *■* that to* b«« u L*
4 iin I t,Be4 an UMr^pSM Bs.

: 2S-JSS:

It soaks down through tbe musdes.


IT 1y,il),'a ot

ud M

..rito, mu-..

w, I'llUtaanl. Wi.ll L^kr.Isd,
I- wr UiMl bsTvbi
.» »n)ihio« that
I r.Hil.1
ur.-il Viib m.. loi.iTr I «uutd |al
I..It tlifiuih my tn.-al my aUam-h
- .............. - uh ca> .'muloa tar murh

• M «kal vtll Mall ■•.
M teav • bW c'ar w w«*.



ttm Mar bI ut canrt vsik

B* Mlu* MV MM* ID WIM;

.kabict^ rmna. I am tmw «
, rrun.^aM ran rat asytbiuc t
« aBt I- vilKnil any u( tl
rjmi'l.ona. I ran iww rc>>p my Brfata

aalB-l .
V and u> Hum vIio will pa
B orar oaluBa. cut tbam up
haa va bar* cimc to our raal."
« (barn, put IB B piiddlai
The auccaaUua b a vonbr uaa
nblac of the klad aboold
buti.-fBd CTumba. aad
I •» Mt a M» Mon M
a la vail brovaed
Aa I Mad (ha Am* at (ha raar.
prepared by ebup
•« (to paK la allil ta Ood a tindai,
l> !• hot aloe* b7 bar ^bUe lUa
pUia- aerrlAl oAloiia Bsa. oookinc >
na Mara Bla aarar ahaU alaar.
At "AUBI UwraV hiaada
in buuar. aad ad dine to
AM •hat taka Aark la (ha AMaaaa
ir bar
Tbare aarar vaa
uek. Or tor a vhlla aoup. boti,
Mar fea(|hidA aa I <n>v aaar..
urnlBc paMuUtr lhaa h
sBa, rub Ibroucb a puraa aalra
~nt~*‘~‘ra aaaar U> ba (uratHtas vaa
pm. parfeaM (ha AiaaAad taiara
UblM vlib Bilk, or Btllk
bar ivaal (rid (ace IrbaxA la lU Quahla Im btUar ttaa I tUafcl
bar ayaa k>«ts( alvarh am.;!.. Tblckae allcbtly asd aa
Tha UN awr amataa (ha •pUr
vllh a ahravd buaur ablalaf is
M«a (ataap U> «rtak;
a Bay ba iaroted
a Iw. aad u> Uttea to bar ibrtll
AM Min »v h*
OcM vKk •*•« «M «1M IV-

lac alartaa. aapedally of ba( vorh
Ha vlU alaM blNAa (ha brtok.

ba Ha (a baaplaA
Mr (ha aaMw ad Bv M.
Mm cHiad Mdh ran tlaaaail«aaa,

diirtu (ha


•Mi pT M‘'atrawat7 avaat.
That w UM M «B)r
WMh tha thaafca 1 ahhaaa-apaak.

■ mt Orad ao«l to r

1 mNA Mt « I Mfht1 mm* iMbar Mlk la (ha «wh vllb

Ute. vmioB br baraaU. b o
gad IB At laaat OM of our .
Ubnylat. aad vUI repay a rt
•Bpiy. the lata Hoe J H. KArl
at Timrarva City vai bar aca.
aM a B4B vorthr id loefe a BOtbar.

> vw a •OBBA od loaaly Aat
lar aad paraonaUly. vai Un T—
Blhlawa' Vila, vnb talaraat In
r bar baabAAd'k aarBcma and ehpreb
art. PraaMaal of toeladaa. ebal^

m Ataa it IM MW:
I «J«<
••» «Kh HI

Iha work lor a Ually cd
hilly aataN to rodhia from araryTte valk akM hr alcht
tblAC aba took In hand. Tba oUat
Mb bwt *(Bha baM tm tha tiMta CAlIkfAelloB rr.r AMu Ih IbB BoooloAy
WbA* tta MNP Mr Maelaaa.
T« l-MW hM A MnMT .
h h. AAd BAjCThC

M mm (ha Aaar UN chAMi

I niSu»

-u- IT";

• WT& ««i»« .-4.—M-;

CMr'c 6MT CMr

-Ii baa hmm oar j
runal. ami I am aUu. K. I k
I am rtinaL”-J. tC. 1‘nk-harA.

Uost eecivrl iba las Blaular re<
durlac tha day vHb (ba tea( rmlaa.
X It badara (ba aoup b aarrN. II ciraa tha vbola body a cniat gaiu
8llr.-g of oakB.lald orar ADau of dab
ipoae and
vork* vondaca I
D hour BBd raoioyed bedoca
•ffloulhlnc out ibe Itbaa of Iba face.
IBC impan a Aaliekmt taror.
>U.I iba b6vl Biny ba nibbed vlU
alka of onloa or elore od carll
3 bfeak Bp tha habit Sleepbaab aoBattmai eauaad by UBOuaa
rloua huBiar. aad a cup of hot vairr
or a bbrull win sTta Induce alaap.
Bt CO too kmc vllboul food
Huncar elver a itralned look to the
Nov and Uaa. If ODa U tatlc
iBcLra from ll. He atraUbed a
a bile belvaen arab vtll InvlfB (ba aad
tha vbole ayaiaB and ct«a rai flnear. dlpphd |l IlchUy
poar and relaxation lo rtraload aua
liar aad vorked quickly AiouBd
tpui b vbaal-Uka aveapa. caulnc
Dua l alt taciBC a ainiac lIcbL
Baaror and haarer (ba atnln. vbich
Dual atoop or bead orer vhllr
ytel led In a fav alautaa to (asda iDc or vrtilae
bnl flaady rabbtac. Tba cndual ap
Dool aoovl.
pruarh to claaMBc (ba auh. ba
Uon-t ba anxlopa or dUbaar
plalaad. ^.avay vKb all daacar
jr iBpaiiaat
Tbeae paaaloni makr Iba bhlo ooa odtaa baa
icly llBM oa (be lace,
•poi ce out a^ tba klah dlaappai
tkal bellara (kni (bare

AAd bar btava abovN ihni
a rtoa axpartaaoa Hov did
eba Ao all Ueaa iblncat 1 acAiv^

rlitu* In brlof ucly. or
vary frlvoloua to oontrlva

.I Ptyb. af Our OmiA.

aba AaVN.jaiBnd ivtbN AAd 081 of braath aaA laspar: bar >
OenH Whip tha OilWraA.
ladb vaa tvaaE aaA raatful t
ptoiiilM to land Jia back to taeb llaea
Tba old IroaolM Belbodi of puaUb
ccritairk aad eoBi a* oar pvadaoiban
lasi are happily paiunc avpy There
vine are nbuva Ip (be aacdivear de- bai baea a ratt ebance to public aaa
ponseat of a veU-kbova WoodvaN
I -lartoc the toal eantuty
-rod to eparN- Iheaa daya by bmaasr
iL Aba UAlAN bar vbola areaue Irai.
in the Aril plaoa. lorvovan are ba paTeato; ao ira (ba dark ckwat aad
ba balfdul aad iHcbt (baaBiiac vary aveb vldar. Tba auNt ithar bortoxv But H Bay ba aabed.
AVlbolrvork. Tba alxtaaa
(ba pantla reproofa. tba cbUItoc
oa oobU VAAh ABd pul Avay popular Aaslcat are tba ptala (m
U. (be daprlrailoa of traau. ar
(ba tea thlACi vhAa bh aothar vu orcra of (aefcN Bualla or AMly Mb
coaplUh the Bueb-Ukbedatored ra(a the pate, and ailichN tlaaa. tha
AN back, and tba cat triaeaa •uiu? An tbr ehlldrea bettor bea tvalra year oM IN aoeta^
oa at AiAUy aa (ha Boat eaMul faeianli'c to (be baek vllb uula poM
T>aaa aau are aov vara to
Tkate Bay aol ba i
1 ahau
IBMCB to boapitoUty aba «BvtUto(iy (be depth N aa toah bM a halt ar. Iqar to tbair aUan Than aay ba

a •ha had tha tAMht Bb I VM a yoabc boniahaap
ar. llrtoc to a aalchbortoc tlltoca.
vaIcbtN with
ataauy laaiM Bat aoBabody ahoald

pMWi raan am at .
imrn mnm*.’ am at MhAiMB'b
•MM r-1—. Vtn ba Mad la raad
tha mmm mm t>M A MroH
IMmh ad tha aatiaat waak:

Trareraa Cltr. Uieb . Jaa lb
Oar Uta Bataa-Wbea I vaa
(la clrl aboBt B'.na yrara old ay
ma had a brood of oblokaoa Uie Ir
lb* tall.and It cam* •
linie set. aad »
and ^morolBC 1 bad to ko
gl.lokaa boaaa aad chop
.* vbaa 1 vaa chop
llM ebiukaaa

l> (hat VlU
cure ralarrb ut cete tcroalkm v41 aare it
asyv bora. IVnini rvitea ralarrb vbar*
looak^ Thai H b a prrBpt aaA
f.r ralarrb at the
PfOf.UJ.lUUar.UlaProfMaor of Cbcmbtry and Roiany of ib* nich Schorl Vrmanrut
.trUaralMUly. rpallantt.MU'h,
wnoa from SSffS.
rttrert,<'h.ra«.^ HU a* f..t
j akMUa»-b the ah
Mtob., vmiearnunSS!?
N. Clark rt(rtwi.<'hi
•'AaaaTeraluf my (rtaoda barr rp.kru lo ma of Iho iav.wahle nealu ulriaUMd • It yoodo mri ilrrtea {waapi aMia
thruoeb (hr uae or 1‘erana, eeprcially la caaaa of oalarrh. I rxamload U naaj ; f, • (beroufibly to .a
“1 found ilonmjMrdolrxtTaotaof hrrhaaadhark. of mcenrUoahlrmrdlClaal tall alalrmral of your <Me and ba VlU
qaallttea n.mblOMl aiib othrr ti.srrd.oom, d. Iioaiely <ialaanot.eadculat4d to kma Iw plrraeod lo ctve ya« Ua ealaahla a^
- ..................— —riurr tha tunrtiunaand pruourr beallb.
F^rvaa owNtAeBmaraC/rMHCy
- AAdrom Dc. UartBBB. PriVdiM at

I evrae my iTller le ire'liBC »iid r»>. tl.ien tc brr. Hhr Ur. to’*'' »1-V|i vh.r»-eh» • t bTm rtakN IBwhrmi veaM
loacb. eo I will oloa* for IhU It .-ait* tbir vier.
Sh* 1» e Itom-d > tvlTe*.in*nt l*al a brv the Atat day a( .
bar CBi dovB abr would cal S| ■Ib*
1 VlU aend aoma a>n1a Inr tb« : Plymoulh Rook
W* lut'c l»i> uf foe , Airil aam« abeOei
by By ftal aad rat il.a aon I drop Ohluaae ohlldreu
i maklac raov hncM-e in ruov banka I nai Wn tlaliM la tkle vM /Aba
liked bar ao veil that mamma
Yoare noly.
‘ 110^10 bbI* ih*m Ore>at and I bat. w-.eld tek* (ba IntoM eway aad pat
Ootoo WenvL
’ b**n eavtor wood ihia Bicmih
I eom* brlrkela ito pUae. Kb* BachM
■aea bar to Bc. 1 aaiaad bat Baby,
aad the- la bev 1 oama to bare ay
Trareraa out. Hlcb. Keb. U, lUOS i *h»«k that la oBoueb for IWeiiom. eo^k. faBoy Hollie'e larivtor vbaa aho
bu Bbr la three yaan old Sb
'Dear Hro Batoa-lt le vetA «l.l to-1 Ntvl *>T»*“• •'"H"
i veut to lUvbar aceaatotoN anp bad
halebed two Buoda of ohiokaaa
daytoloaoBctcoo.. dooreteplay:,
HU-h F*btMM
' I'rVjT** •
rear bet ooa mod (hat yaai
Itaeuchtlvoaldvriuiovoa Iti.i D.«Krlrad-l (Uo..bll
«l'l.*n*n*d to
ceai aprlnc uov end 1 viU have to
Tit* a lev liur* to you.
I polo:
rolavaomcBoreotaloarnn leanom tell
■bool I Ilk* to CO. I Uk* my U
BT ohint.-aa trom nemme'T ohlrkena ,
^ j,,^i
ill for a'vaval will obow It to
The preiiiaat cb.'-kvai 1 bad died.
| *b u. lb* fouitb rmulrr.
.kto-oi .11 to mamiu.'. el.ickeu. died
,,.,lior. peoc- m.d ao aH* will b. feolad twtoa.”
' UiaodiBB anproved ib* al
Ivlllclomforthl, iim*.
, ,a,mr and vrt.hD Mlc
Toaav U-r*
dlBbrr tl.N dav LlabllBP wabt aai
Toare irol*.
ar<- ouly *I*v*e rhll-it*B In atoiool b*lb* oernap* bovao carry top B
(f 1U.
U*iiTud* rtaneei Oram.
oena* M reto*d_all dnv W* oaaaUy b-r plawpllMlaaitoi I
Oood HarW, klirh.’ K*'! »t. tout bar* about <hlnv every itor.
■aeopM over to col tha liBn i
Deer 11 ri B.iea—1 will writ* and r
Your SanUiir.* plr'.
•b>n voa *boaId hov* heaN hap
Aauk yaa for the and . bait.«
Elitoheil. KrtocA
with eunNc*. Tor b*heMI Ikm
vb cS I rwiv*d I’.t w.nt-r, aud va.
ijabllna’a AA*amuraa-Na. A
I I..** a*r •hrt
v* a .-.anroroe-*ea-a.
/ Urv* liM-d •
.leap la tbr
wauto to loin lb* {tua.b-a* I'Isb. >ud|
How Main* did imrv. M ba aan.
I bar* two airt-r» ih.i aai l to Joiu ;
Li*bl«i.p oaMAN to paafaaa* Iha
tbattao.bii-* O‘o--. Tun -------------wovlap nanl lb* beMe. tboald ba
iKvaABdarooo. S.ltt.
M., ““I'
brother’, o.i..*I. Owtr Ao.ieraoo.
Hnndroa told L okllar el* did Boi older. - Jb*y Bipb. lake oeM U1
/a card abd bullun i
'h* f»t to .la*p Ibei* le-uto '.rarbad'larm ao«." aha mM. «hat
11« to wbool *v-ry .tor oow
U.r i
oftoo pot .hal to bad il wunettou. atooBlp -a* ralaiedMa aanyMbaak
mtooal W.rl be
oa. lo abo.t
, b.i-i *• - • tba. do orw tbouph. ot h.r and a**orN bar Mtol.Mry ware Ma
waeka Oar r-acl.oi ’. aam* u Miea:
« “ne a time, ut lerv Dio- el kittoa. la Me wboB trarid
bat oaa wee tb* eery ■.‘blaaf* of
Ansa Dabe. I like to r<md tba letiara
Molti* -‘ate whtob Ma adM gmaato Iba Uarald. I will oloae my latter Li.Uiap w
ly. "BaA aaat taa-'aa. 1 aappaae 1 aa.
tap MB Utoo
nally Me eaa wba pot teaM ate
FtOB year trlenA
What do yea Mlak obaM Hf
Olara Asdaraoa.
hawhad thna
llba vaa d
Joa Daan. a
to lay to Iba wood box aM
btoa bqyi. bM* ai a raty triraaaoi
aoke aay dlflaraoai bev a
lUB aaU tb. oMac day. «'h& be pot
drove to
OBO be errata a letter, pan of wbiob
ik «c**"
*'■ blwaye lal bet aet to

u iDVanl. conodtoc
lar or euC. Tbaaa vUl ba vorv t
VbUa obildieo Bay aot lora tbair
ribboa UN to a bov to traai. pareota any atore. tbay an on
over tba abaolataly p»»ia collar, ar
I vttb tbaa (baa tomarty
toy ptoea
•oalda;i aet aay
r vbo to divnxu’ vllh bto boy.
abahadrauad ber Ant
.babd, to a aUn vaii
vbo ceta dova to that eacer. laqulr.aat and eoBBCMt
Abothar BOTBity «bleh BUady
iBC reetlaaa Unto
lay acala Bba teak pan at bar
blaatartac Uareh day 1 vai aat down
1 ]vat tha aaBB. aoiT vb*j
Mt'bactontoA to racard •tth torn
rtolu aad atowivcto. duaa aol aaN
a (Alivay atntkiB
to Iba •oodboaar and fol
to (ba oolBr bbd out aau vbkb
> cut a blnh cad or bv a
avaK a balaiN (i
a dtociplla.
I dtewd with ByBBlf MM .Aotoc coaaM of plato. itralabt babAa. tea
aaa <
acB bow. bat tha -todtoa'
- -tobd* Bay baloMN totbaBUdB
oolA dtogy ptoea. bad I
aUakpaa weald cot ap aad all oa U
vdta bait vKbto aad MK vtthurn valocte vould ba Btoa I (ouad
adia af Ma bux aM oao of tba ItU
bar reooTortae a couch far tha boya'
palBU waaU pet ap aM all on b
Tba aartvo. aKMy atonhN tnrakaak.
Tbay weald ill (her* aat
rar vbteb beltoai oato (ba toalAato
hrandN •oul aad wHb brau haaAN
May van haafry aM tbaa tb<
Bade, blaek HblxB ata* B abothar
taeka trai Aotoc a •oadartally aapi
•aa toraaA h* <ri apbalBlartoc. Brairbody
•oaMall raaoal Aeon aM feed
ttoura to an oU ityB.
at Traat C<sa (TOB bosa bu hanaO. aad ahe
- aad thaa they voalA ooma Mi
*a«. Tbay ateyad vltb bar oaul
4aat at the
•urpriaa tha hoyi vlih
An bay Way.
aha baiakad bar abBbaaa aM tbaa aba
ihB aaBpla at hv baadttek aad
a vaabtoc at a mvah ktoUa or
a tUk. ar to itota.
lokaa at bar leBaabriMa at (hair
othar aiaaxU otaalty ha
aad CDBlon. Aha dldal AuUar
Blaaa. haa toot aU Ita urrora for bb
tWBto. Vbaa atoeary VM ahoUabN
.1 BareN hov Into a ctol
M a«at ad INMaat Uaaoto.
(biB avay aad
Um -iMcbiC tha pitolliav at. rva aa (to 10 (ha pate to alt oa a
hovovar, an aon pa
tha *T. a A A.- AM A-etHN ‘ kfctoc-kouoB ohaV whUa aha rat Whbe B. to eoana. tba BadlM eoBr.
black aM vwu aacL
avay to do bar vriBt-maklac Na*a
al to Uatoto Vallqp Mto
By trtaa'da
M KM a
to tblti aba pave bb a ivekat to tha
Baa thaa a tkipato (ha varB
ctha Plato MbUa
Bp vaU
vbUa aba ellppad bbd teUatiAB vHl hava dOM tha work
at OaWMtor Md tha toat vaB-eam
r lar 1 ban b
ibad Bbd va ebatiN I be'
aad .tba panialai to fc«4 (hat abartly baayataaboal a
pan at hv aatoUy Uta vera AaeoiN r
to tba aitaal
L III Iiir ii • the (atoaiaa N tha
IhM M help I
OeN bya.
lac advBe aboat.tha curaerv a
It vaab of to taally aa tram t
■tofa Maatrtol haNa ter ebto aM viMUnMoU.
Tear Kaublaa plrl.
tly aba BBOtobN bar dreu. pat aa Thoa. vblB to thato Ant gtar:
lAi kproa troB a baafar drover and Betty prtau or fabChaBa an r
;aBpty of aaka aad pda. tha laiuil

looauy ton. I had aalartatoN Hnoa toTAN oocaaMi.' aM Mt


tod away- I vaa parailuN to
Bi haul aba oaaa to laba bb oat
laaebaga. We bbd traah btvaA
» avaat bate, a dBb to atovN
Plae and a eup uf tea. Thera ware
d tba elBple tare vaa
aMaa taaam .' >>■
“' — -PHA N aaa vha «u Aaar to all
Zb. a aatobte aabatotau M thto
e». A A I

I to Atotoa. ThB

tboucbl R vaa a and Uaa
fato; that VlU a«aM aa
to KM taAaaMal bite I
--------u. taBtoae Jar HbNrr 1 bad aaat (ba coach to u a
all (hat. I voaM baea
Mto ban :

i—^ tohtetoa^'_b ^

a* for anaraooa ar auppar aarrBa.
aad aa tbay ktcnaai bat allchUy aadla4 bad 40 not baea to qderpe tba
baarlar vaaA ratato ter a taoc '
ibatr (Nap. arv leek. 11 Acaa
we* for ihe'vack vblcb to Rmcb aaS
UaUa' lo atoto. they aoaa B
ertay aM aMl lo vaar are

■d It Boaoaa Bitartally (ba
K aptei to tha waaMy tooB

ihlBCi Mat «tU
•tocn. He tot*:
Ht broMor aai
n tlB* ibu m
calvee out for Ma
top It B preai >aa to •*« ibeai trvlap to ran 1 bare cot tk *ppe .luc*
■ bar* mao* tid oent.
wlM dtaiokaaa
li I. ao wars ihi.
maniac it doe* aet term a. thooeb ii
woald be leap until w* will pa.Mr
HayOowerv and arbuiu*
1 rujoyed
vielt to Travrre* City very much
atnutod from
> v<-oi to B
to tba .
(riaUac oft**
'Aral llBB. I VM *T*r tb.r* -ad be
1 aboet lb* Baoblnary.
Year lovinp tiwod,
Joe U*ao.

iWUc. mSighpa-W r.R.WlTK am)

'JSar'tv'^l.Z CkiTt
i - .....

I toim and orvot detifnt.



hirci-clau AorkBXoalnp cdvaNAal

C'opmp am! Cut Stooc to or'lev.


n Buck

OUawfto VbCiM •Mb

lyperra) va^cais Bade

oaed, ta-i fallr guaranteed in erpry rraprd.

•a toad IhB I vlU wrtBapalaaoa

fM Me btoto.

MBf-teBV-m oerva


vNM yea a tew Itaai aa 1 bar* not



il tba card
Boah. Why I hava mat •mtaa
aefoia B becaaa* mimet. U clok to
We bare pot a »arto lor b*r
ll ho* nibed bare all Aay. I
tty aad lire ap to Me ralro of
Sanabtoa Olab
1 vtll bar* to
clan tor MB tlBk Ovod by
Fna year Aaacbin* plrl.
Iroaa RdsiatB.

OBy. MBA. Mar. A m

MyaarpeatBTMtoPBad bNap
al my ahlataaa
VaU. 1 vtU *y
V toto atitpa halt aa •M kva tar MB ttaa
Taara My.
aad aqaaaaa tboB aa Ary aa peaatbto.
Axraai help B atoo (ha Kna tol- 'thaa aprtokto ovv yow aatpe
VlllBBilirp, Fab n. ten
rMi AMra awnptoA
b aM
Nh apna Bade to aHp Baaaiy
asTea Boeb tober to Aaottoc. bat
e bead aad axted to Ob botta
Ba B*bm to tb* Hocatd aa 1 bar*
beoa yow temc> ttoaa Boeb U
book to (ba hlirbM aad to Mb-:
bN vbaoaver BrnUi a taqaBaa Oa
CtoB aay BAvaab ar acrob Aayi. or whaa to(M

aad Bade bar «aUa ai

(yaMa>aiBia."—MQAi. J. l

Toar UMletrkaad.


L abd.fivaa a iMby
AaiM to cbtcb (hr aye; bv Ofv dantfak <xwtet.
aUc. aM aexL The Bhcmfcil oe the afakpt. qvafay cooBdand.
Oeor oaej aad yoB crOI boy DO-other Buke.

ntsBttttrMt. • Uicter Peteiiyl.

To Cnre « C(rid in One

teUMflva BroMO

Sz.’Z. 1



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