Grand Traverse Herald, October 08, 1903

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Grand Traverse Herald, October 08, 1903


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


CSirattJi ®ratier»e Ejeralti,


*Cna4 Craven* mnM ■ lUST RECEIVED

-nie btcai de«a(iH n Sk wo6t-


CM tor (an nd violcr. 19M.





tin McM

•ert, a peiect fit»c>i


Tire Insurance!

Plata Olaaa.8tMm Bollorand Accident Insurance

Money to Loan on Improved Real-Eslate-Only.
Traveroo City, Mich.


Traverse Qtr Slate Baik


Banking in all Branches


1nt«r«t( jniMMd on D«i>»tlls

A Sesosl BtsUv BnlimIMSc

- -i.ssrMswtas.r'"'
. 3poCat.UMre««TUMl>c.«ill.


r Leavings




gjtjtt'tiarisssr, Ksi"



Vice Pr«-A. V. Friedrich. Shoes; C>hier-C. .A.
tmond; Wm. Loudon, of Caldwell & Loudon:
, W. Lardie, Produce; J. M.Huellmaniel. Merchant
lailor; Chas. Wilhelm, of
of Wilhelm,
Wilhelm. Uartak
UartM; & Co.;
Stephen Lautner, F'armer; F'. C. Desmond, Charcoal
and Gen'l Merchandise; Beni. Thirlby. of I'ravcrsc
1____ *>r__i____ t r\ r'__ .____ -/ r-______
u. t'________
City Iron
Works; I. O. Crotser, of Case &


Story *be cooM nrvw 'fecsll wttbeat
keeaesl painful remnbraBee of a
laney thai «o*ne cif Ibe ladles bad
-looked ntaase" at ber.
No one really beUered uythtax
.caliui Mary Jaae. bat no one could
Ha* eTMTiblac ben braaktac Hfbt. have nalltetWibe wrUhi of mliety
ebdured by Ibe >>ur *W.
Or ba* ibat SwUna phaalom. Joy.
Mr*. J'lummer wrti oe wHh ber
HaB»d siiBbly Jiui beyviad yoar
h, ker bean cala.'xtat' with tbe
Id vxmtm W clvlBs
II U ao upblll Sfht —
sebi )
• mane
! Of (oioa
ADd ime 1
vw. bow am I ruiuc a tu ibc*e
_____ tailiA.vl __ ___ ..
bl* chair heaped with her (tlfl*.
-Peier'ii take eBi." *ald Mary Jane
"H«1I be elm
Had I.
• antiblBf lo help
lo do
Yuur. M>IdOtt pampered app<-ilte;
'Yob can. Mary Jaae You ran «-rap
Thodfb dUappolBUoeBts may li
fall the«- tblnc. up.^
WTieo Peter came »lih ibe
Voiir (boueht. lo CKipe la
nen Bunilas. Mary Jane vairfaed him
Look lo the *tar» liejrood ibe oMtbt. a. be came Into alfhi. ber bean
amine a. *he iMjtieed the velfhl
n.l .las a cone u( better day.
p camod, ,
"Peter'* a real (tnd.
Ere at the door .be nd. b» Uch'^ boy." She laraed to be W3tf*. OU’
Peter tufged on. Wl,h « b band be
'■ywe« lamed bmp ai Troy
carried a abort pole oe
Beinre ll ytelded Jo bt. mlcbi.
Tbepaib that lead* to yoad<T hicht balanced tour tjunn pnlt.


Aastt&jsr ■


i*a>aeagasF^ A LABEL TO A BOOK.


JWLt’vmss'aWser ■


"It i$ Uery Jlnnoying”

PrMOrtptlorw Canfuily and Co

"3obnson’$ Drug Store.


Do wa max to tell yoot
ttna? Hw.tewlU u. Otv •
liK »too hmD far the detnaod !
that vt ar« hBvh«. Call and ;
Me oa the nort ratte yoa ar ’






gommerciai Printing
Hll Kinds

VMM Omv Moh




Frash. Salt and Smoked Meats. Sausages. Etc.

Canning Season
it Cam^, f^nt hod Quart;
Jelly Tumbler*,
A complete line
afioe. ^iing Wax.
of Spice* for pickling


to 4


win (DOB be hm aad yo« «3I waM i
a CM^drte liM of .AIr
Coal Swrei. OiMbfaa^ wood aid
eoal tad BtM'Heatt
Beaten. .
the grwte*
mate* wood «*cr oa cat
Haaitr, tht
aar*«7 8RfalielrB0delid.the>aiiitta» aU
dfttt«atightlrt(«Mkera •'
‘keq> fire
SOaoBB. Itfaaa oroaieatt ia aajr rooce and wfll


Spwisl wagoai wad.


toortw.iWB.pUy. Only
d ia every respecL
Thu an made to bm ai wcO u sdL They ate
lofcbc^ MUerial,
gives a fiashy
DMIWafS* wotawdeefcbe^
wtteml. and

finhhtoeBUh the ^ bntuc dsnUe, onfatlable,^aesL The tow on the Bwrket. tor oosiidered.
Obm to aad yoB win b^w> other make.

Don't be in the Dark
When you can get


Moe pM'<> kMU fa fad MMd.

At P. K's. ready to use, cold Uast, either dark or cob.-





becinnlu' ofli
_>UW lo buy a
in to carry ny milk •- '
"Now, Pecor!" Mary____c resarded
im with admirlBC woadot
-'Sates you lire '
Peler stniuod
x>ut ibe klicbee carrytnc bis hc*3
"Mary Jabe," be went on. Impiwsslvely. -tbe day'll come when
dual si««a ocl) old ttaff.
*>ve«^P»P[e a ^Dce to five ibinm youll see me a drlrtn' a horse and
wapon with tay mllk."
Uo*^ p
-But. Peter, how are you cotn- lo
leihtns la tbi
•t It—tbe puab can. I menn?" .
r mlfbt east!:
-I'm savin' up for It, ini cost H.
I tbe taao' i
>d I've fot flt&o a- mdy."
Mary \ Jane's
mined with loriBs ayWpathy. "you
ousht to have li aoon
Say. Petce,
l;ve mu and. you shall have
. Ibe only horror uf ibai won
I It would (Imply mean motlt
can earn my osC'nKw.-y wliboul
■ lirle.a.brar
------------------------horror --------—
froin <nebouae
uklnt a rrf*." said Peter, with Sne
■All are eipecied to bunt oat
ir won eloibe* and tead Ub-m
ke tale, fe*
■1 r..t<alred. Tbu*. you ere. i
10 did
Mary Jane and Peter
me* a r,«: help to poor people, lur
. a Iitile subdued la tplrlt
»ti> Birmeai* tar belter than Uiey
beemnte Ibelr ipoUer was not able to
uid bny at the •tore* are .em In."
-If* Sue. ij,u." anid Marfaret. "aBd
ba* tbr meiit of noreliy. for
and tbe rheumatlim wwe Ibe CMses
U-i* do If- ,
for her nbseace aaalned by her aop
be (treat fuu ••
Bina«e tale wa» carried by and danshier. bit both knew that a
aerlamaikm, the r*wula brlnt aa ad. very welphty reaatm silll lay behind.
She had no wnp suncleailv warn
reril*emrni M»n anur*ard la a t
for aevere wmiher.,
Ins paper.
(livers and buyers walked ibiougb
“The BndeavL*. Soelely
■elely of the El
«ir>v.| rbnreh wllI hoM a njmraafu Ibe crowded buUdlmi with wonditrlni
tale at Hall * racaai itore on date el
Kor SI—day and eraalni
Gin* of
-------------Uy lolkiced. doth- could civs away? Rather, wbo
Merrbandlae ao4 have cueaaed that so many bennj
old be 'iBOTed by iove of tb**‘Lotd
crooertee of any deecriptlon
S bl* needy ontw u> cive so mo^?
' miture, booka. taacy work. Object,
•aluable «««;•Ikml tnierrupt. Mary
-IptlOB ■

. - J______ __


rntie a luad (or aMhis for Ibe wia-

mon kind, guaranteed not to blow out in any'gale,

$100 to $I.2S
ride lift 60c, no ppor erasb sold here.

Pw cwtlMwea to

Whips 10c to

$1.26. good raw hide^^\liips wraped in eel skin for bOc.
Axel GreM for Buggies or Wagons, Harness Oil.
Come and see us.


PwoeM atarwtotfkkSsNa


aMimnB. s.i.i>awi,iip. lliuimimi

ula Earn, u
ro mites wide, and Is
poad There are
(ener* around It. but ibe ditches i
ihemallcal precision.
;ln of the-farm arc i
bulldlUK*. from which tbe whole
o|>,'rai<-d. aad In wbich ll>e a* mi
■ are found In many vIllaA-vislior draws Dear the farm
sirelehlnc before him wbat
nppMtc 10 b* a lake of rreen. rrlakly
................ulxinbll Is coverwd
,kik vapor.
•clou* of a amanlnx

iuru. to Phanmur. ' aaM Lon. taS the croud to plowed ata laoba*
nc burtom u Hole dManca. u
r law l£^Bnd ta tbe yob«» ■W'a
_____‘ Tbh
-Tbia mnut be
mru—ft Bu
The Weaduru at tau MUini Pactataf
t<—d H
BytmrpnekH.ytrnr pcefcH.
Miu. Rumer look the envelope



-OfcLif, i. ifi BT

To thtoh

The iiacbtaes are pushed ta front of
Ibe operator, ud they automatically
drop ud cover the seeds at Ibe de­
sired dUtaneu ud depth ud at the
•ame time mark oS the next' row.—
World'* Work.

(li-urcv millps. a New Tofk pollew
laa who doe* duty at the dty ball
.me H the laal survlrtac eyewltresre of Sbcridu't tamou rMe. He


Ini tlen. Wtlchl h.__________ __
boy* bad little mmSdesee in WrtfhL
but ibey loved Becrln and Cnster.
Gariy ud hU Rebk rwsbed oui Itau
at Ct^ Creek, .twenty mUua sowlbwut of Wlnehreier. BberMu ta
ta-.4*i.M— *—..4 rj u He UPUt out
•ud tbu Poto
- at «t
_____ .
Ibece he buniad qn to VYtacheptar.
shere ba met Wrf^t. abd from bUi
obtained the detail* of Ibe AghL Hu
Ml Wrtahl ta WlBubMtec ud Ouutod (h,. tamou buck horee. Thu borne
black, kll nchi, al taut ^ wu
1 he started.
"I bad parked my wamm ai one
sldt of tbe tarnplke H> five Urn borsu
e kpsL Wd.were on the nia. Bo busii.« khOM Jhat. We sren sunoUai
fur HarpurV Parry ud the Mmylaai
■Ide of the Potomac, ud the Kuhe
* u everr Jump
parked Ud the
Lorees teedlas and rsiutaf
" '
d^tac the boys lU, iimpUt u-----------ataBK They ha dihrown aWny thuir
fvai ud bUmkpIs
and ekpuwnd lo be
killed ur eaptnrod kny talnuU. I sever
•aw aaythtak eleu like it. the Wky (be
boy* owe booCUB it to the Pwasuf
Tbe enur* nrwv wu banUB ud de­
y mu wu tmac ta uv« hlmiHf.



rare <a drilled ta. listed or pluied li
hllh. hls polauw* are pluied. ui
cvee hls cabbace. hls ennUSower am
Us lotmcco pluu f
are set out by maehlauty. ud the
IS donebelter
belterI tbu It eoM pern
ifbty be by hud—this. benSdU XM
saMne of lime ud toll
viable carden. seeders fi

al -be bic peppermint drofn and It
■tieki ul strlpMl cudy ,ii chtldbood uf
ynar ihrou«h hU mind.
duertaf the larvui
teased most o
used la tbe «


bbrdsn rsrtved In her ml»d.

Bmnie of Klna;sl«y

rbich. probably,
anny craerailonsmco formed pan of
tbe lake of lhal*Kme la course of
lime It became a freib
mb wai
.. ewamp.
a* valuelea*
alueleu a piece of properly u
- found Todey li I* a pranpun
It be
fertile farm, upon
oa which
wbirb one M
iDieresiinif ladsstrlea of tbe
. . . eoBdurted on a lartr acnlr.
TbI* chance was siade possible by the
■eleac'. whicb ba*
enmed tarmlBC. as all olber thlnci.
akuiE wiib IL Ditch dlnlnc reclaimed
servlna '

rr'» eye was esuebt by tbe baatry
Slvci) by Hra. PInmmer. Cdiicbl
held, for la (be boy's lorlac bean
._e rronndu.
at once found a plclure of a tmil . condocted o
•I ptau. A larBS
At look
I wrapped In lls warm tiAdi. well
a ou bentald Lou.
Ireadlnc ll with approval,
shielded from the cruel cold. He
win only tUr people.-'
II* tbteknea*. *oniy (troked
te-- There are
appaarod.lo. Thore wu a .
cheap fur. lifted gp tbe fnmt to
tee-boase*. farm bnlldlnsLwi .............
ma«d nuUe throach tbe whole of
a Utararr ud club rooB
• • town. , Meb, too larxe l
;bad put in two years before, am
men. There is a barn
I "dolnn."
ji." an
and i
had teBniely been worn alnce. Peter
lo be tbe larsut In Ibe world
In the 1
looked at the price label-«4.W. then This Imre aolved cm cd tbe earnest
paased *» with a dUiylnit nu
rcobtams. and the rnoai emhnrualac
anythbic wuhla’tbeb'r^ta*
which cnatroeled Hr. Todd wbea be
way of novelty.
Attic* aad •tore.;
ill mind-i eye was a erm
the swamp ud re
4. -«e ooMCked for atowawajh
rtsim K from Ibe wastaa and make it
lb had
bUn far too toaa.
naetul This wu tha qnuticm
of whal
"It's I
> eomfoii to
wu lo be dou w«h Ibe huadredt.
chance ci
ilBf Hd of tbinc* a llt—.............—
el mint hay afiar
» throw away, not quite
■n axtraeled from h. Be
Cood enoofb lo owe aad that you ' ' corn m
‘"w . Idanym
thouand seres of farta
fluHe know wboBi to rlr* to"
body I
t be wullpc I
tbe nertben part of Hlehlcu
WKh WIds* that have lain wide
. .... .N.__ ..
I be se* Ibt out
OBI ten puture u herd of Ire
: Bborfbora eatlle. la the tall
Thtats. perhaps, (hat bare
"Mary Jane, con le Ible wi
elm you ibai yon «obY need
pottllne out Uc c at -I e
food Iblues."
that for moiher.-Vou, Peter: Why, bow csnld you?"
-I couldnY Teas you help me o«L
wimdcr U I had better tlvn thi* IT live Biy enn qtiney K yu-D ftre
what you've ««.•'
Mary Jaae look,*] a* If dated by
Mrs. PTummw haM op tor her own
Tbe bare ia bnUt am umtou pi
namlaalhm a heavy enu. ven llnod
of a aur.lbeib b
and wadded, baud wtih ebup. smll- the iSr'M itod abe waa. Tbei It tslBOthe shape
-------------------4----------------------------------the elood of amaxemeai aad doubt bedoxu arms
radtatlu from
. from ber taee. a
iwnnda la tbe cuter
:ll 'i a Bice eon
TTm remark wna
It trows troBi roots almIX
dettobr at length
ide by Mra.-P
im*r* omrejuwn
■ n ahadow u she
aad aprud* by rtmnen. The
W.M*. 4**,/
Matt 4BB*
> croond ta au eorered sfu the
e. balac the uty paroon preaeeC
*Bm your caS." ,
_____ are piutad. and u koU whtab I*
laralty enacHuded that she
rnllable tor mist U ktao pod for
pected to reply.
wsed*. k larse <*00 of tbene mnkt bu
-I've had It for
year*." wul
ilruleulT encnoted. Afte nbe ksnscB
t Mr*. PIAmiv. ~ir«w it steady tor splendid Utnc______ er wu the
1* well kdvkacmd aad etUilraiiOB It u
Ihrae. and cecond best for two mon. of. Peter." acriemaly. -that coat
loacer prscUcable. the wsadtak Is
Since Uen I've uly won It ipeeUI Hu when It wu new.-Dont let-i wail-" Peter di _
Bou by band, and the amtmat of ta­
tlmea. It ain't mach aie to me
^ bacl In dire termr last so daair bor required Is very lart*
cept when there's a real mdd «_
AI uarvul time Ibe tatat ta combed
But Wbea I do wul h I vut It rent
sad carded 1a ou dtrwettaa by mesas
sun. when ibOTe'* folka that
- •
There were a le* words with Mra.
a powertnl^v
don't have srara thiac*—~
ettaktae. Uke a bund
-Plenty soeh" aald
Mary Jue. PlnmmOT. wbo would aaawcr tor
Mowers are tbu ru
ulBi to look with talerwt at the tbul tu puy fbemid be rundy t, . .
Then Puuw. U a freak
beydtruetkm nnd ptaals
mt. She felt lu wUpfat aad thick, -----. Ulkrtty. Bltivad ou tbu He «ObL
ness. b« mtacled wlih the Jatenvl a
ytald In quality cfuu
tick and Corlorn abake of the heU. .horrtnc bl—nn H ii* ample fuldi u
* ynnrt crop, u the HI
"Yea. yna. I know what year* the fur coUur unmwmdur bl* bund. _________
ta madewtram tha taavea and tmOw
uBs at the stama. bH the aauumf and
IhM yunr * eiopt tre aild ta ba (be

Ordinary dark Lanterns80c to$1.00, ordinal)- La


lour foartecm-lseh plow* says t
any to sixty-two cent*
pek acre
la pnmad.
Ik bis
" etmelder* i _
rente for


bare come u____ ____ _
edety. Seed lhLn«* t

ihonch It to 1 arver eonld o
wbly It thmiMB't -a t
la ecue emb M
tbonebt n of y.

price from


the uame work thi ._ ____________
dae does by ate trip of Its phtwa. A
tsrmre ta
cteurnl west wbo uau

ined ihau army la the valley cumpnliB, and he
a k bole
lie 1a the ka* itvea u accouni of tbe aCalr.
tbe fur
ll U twHeved lo be thoroochly aceuraie. and It ta certainly foccftale nnd
nailc. Ur.
Ur PblUlps
Phillips says:

.... £!rN4-52.-..„'r.'?,


iMSttt* strtu. w Dictor Peiertyl.


"I alnY a«ula< to work so bard
«l winter.- laM PWer.
• You-re not?" aaid Mary Jane,
itle dlaappolnied
"is that the


Berald Job Office



_ -ft

•lom) sil cordial *

veo i ytK beard? TbejAe bad,
la a. creal oiauy ptarva. Tbey
berm by (DIOR around aad aalum
sverytaKly tu rive tbem meryiblac

To the one who docs the cooking for the family, and
netimes to the members of the family, to find that
entire baking
spoiled because poor ex„ has
. been
ten spo;
tracts or baking powder had been used ini its mSnutaccure.
AnrsMXMMOM** by
using Johnson’s Pure Flavoring Txtracts and Pure
Cream of Tartar Baking Powder at 85c per pound.

dtoc plows wUl.braak (be croond B
depth of to laches at Ibe rue ef
leny-tve to elity acre* a day. Whb
asoM-board ptawa deatened e«qieclij|y
tor this werk. a strip tweaty-el^l fsut
a he broken This means that
abd a pair H boewa w«h a
Stacie mHd-boaud plow wonld have B>

le work tbaT^as^uMdte'te TU
don i Mwm ]B(t
Peter, a nu>b of deltcbl ipnadlui:
m-r hi* (are. 'bui U yoa eay It
Iwae II * eo."
-1-eter: JVtefl" Maiy Jaae
drilled ta
rm* about bi* neck aad eobbed.
_ taeckulrnl evenBeM. and tbe
Peter. It nint tbe muaer.
machine aBtomaitcnlly rectater* the

Uoiber and *i*ier. aad befw many
minute* bad paewed Mary felt aotr
at no llviaic Wrl bad ever beard
any kiad tbtaw
wa. doln* ber bard-wortlnyt b
Hut Joui
irsey inaard
ibe eiilBSili
-‘Horn are ihiiiK* cola(?' a*kad Uw
Man Mier In tbr evenlaa
td better day*.
-fYoely That coat episode uewii
; Peter delivered
i»e warmed everybody's bean at
auah I
- St ll 1
u»eot>d tbeir parse sirlnc*
tVe ai
Kitnd »h<T<> 1
lu Have all we hoped ftv."
Mary Jane aad Peter remained uni
_rta- atwi, ba
mr tfaal tbc (uiare »ty br brisht.
the 1a*i moment, bolplnc with the la
cbeerUy. a* Peter »
Asd star a tntr of better day*.
.eauas Ibe last lefiovert IVtc
Umbered bis elbow*
Ided the arfj ceai*^ a aecktle
"Ye*; but pel* ll*hier ai
rwo palu
alU emptied
empi I a- re
The RuttHaap* Sale.
otbW But 1 tell y
-What ran »e do that * near'
ue. I've lot a a
-There-a notblnf oea to do '
me. Peter."
"WVYe bad fair*, and fe.ilraU. nsd
d Hn Jarle). and
-Thcdv-* c«e ^hltu: we haven't had "


i—btias hud cm
■ be flrl-s sbooh
-I demt know bow
111 ever evea It up
know I arver laid It
-None of u* did - -The cbortm H
kindly voice* deepened tbe Saak of
ronfasloa cm Maty Jane's cheeks
-No. no.' sbe murmured ooBfuaedly
"\ou only tbouchi 'iwu.....................
Anybody wo,
Mr* Plummer eonterred
with tbe I
i turned to Peter
per.*, Ibe mosey that
wu H
, Btade up lou aco. and of cour
■ brtunc* to you " Peter pave
Of coone It doe*. You bocjcbi ibe
t Ud all there was m n
su tats
s lor the eout. and Haw*, you

AH the cnni oau an
and alW
and ell •

d a tentale ahMUac aad ysiltnc
be ucBtdka. WlaebuHsr way. aad
Mute later we uw PhU. u bta

>. say: Lordy! lonly! Talk nboBi
The brew had bu Haak. but
be wu iben noisted with wWta ic
1%U wu DM wnvtaf any cword. He
lito old rampnlca hnt In bta band.
covurod wUb mad. bath e b*«t
ivlnc tbe oM bat aad yutltas. -Osoa
ek. boya! Phitow
hitow taeT' Hta Mai
Utah wu
•trunc ow lor
r SM
yafd* bahad Um.
whipptac aad u ■ K. tmac to to
-A* ou. Phil CBlIepud by the wacu
iralB he waved hi* oM hat nLhu and'
•elM: Xlet back lo the fiul! We'D
lauou!'DU ww yHI? Ou!
There was sever skythtac eta* Uke
Wky. mj. Hd fellows wbo had
! limpfac aloac to tha ruBr and
•wuartac at every atap. sou* H them
-Ithout teat, turuod araond. and. so

a lo tbu nut.
Thkl wu a gnat ride. U the pout

CM mixed ta kta duuUa. Rtato

;, the day by that
_ _

Tha lobs had cnyuidd^
utawo and
td uteppH
uuppU ta
to ant cnAurunM
iktak whtaky.
- had
htaky. We
lotu ef
of b^
■ue H Ibe Bobu bad Mt
k.. had
I a cnehar few thru days.
* t. Whu
they twoka bilo ear
daHdod ib« had rnUtav
th«y cave Oaa. mi (!■• to make

Toru Mtau Iota htamm.
jwmu Of praaurvtac bnmu

Arnold Roaaft H Ai
VaUke the mschof. _________
prtaata who laid (be
Dr. Boaett I* not cu H lliMIdll
tiu bot laru tbe bamu M bte
^ but tarns bamu teak law taary
wbiwttoaa. Kta tbe MMbod uad by

IS* are rutared by a
t cn ebuca. ud hi
-J tahocBlafT. hnama bodta* lata
SUMUBtac uBIam ta frea fonr m eta
The bote apu whtab batata wt
pH iBte u aMlitat vuMl ef data
------------- ■ ware. BBd tbe rhaariuta

r. Omamay tbe aole-

■SS5i.t*£ SS.SS-b.2


thoneht-«o thh
mop thruBchuBt a sanaen'a wcafc aad
MW the rbsaye* that have «ue
minad to be -ta
Hair Jane.
we. ifij Janetand washed dlahu ntll her Umha
t it ^ Who ever
the ptowamn a^luBBur ira
ached. How towaid tbe taet*^lfn. Wbo
tasny aad wearily budi and 1
had seat ber to
ibu. Pfummur m»Us M. Be rMta «
Ti'|-'i' ptan lor every ntad: tail
_ . ____ mal
Ua. Bow *bd had
aeniehed ta rt
plow*. *fato
for ft. at Hmith
-The IS (hat wu
-Ton enld you p



I m .

IBM dart aad


2*tato» lBta«M u tawtoS
•M akeiiuy......... nrrlim


taut TnTciK Hcnld

•ledleeloblac e( Moeba ao (bat the tai•ut aaO beat at ooeeTiblad la atvara

AM lABim H«*Uud HmoMI <

IM (9Vtmla vUI b* •rwH^tf M fitat at
lb* ««7 h«tl ta AAitoa. Il vUI UelaM
• UMM HMM of tbf WOMBAl
ibtvpM. la craalw
T» mam
«IU be jrMbM U> tbe dll' «•
iiOm that II aball bo aarob lor oaf
frwoMaf at tbc eilf'i
la tbo pRi)oct alBOB tbe dotaHo aaMMoaaMet of ibo coautliu, aad eoe
iftbaibau are Knrias la froolr.
aboM of a loaatalB aM-aaorlal
*Hb •aaeoal tana aau«c tbo frteada

MM It Ibo iMMla of Mteblcaa ibai
(ho lariar tbo eeBtrlIwUoe il
alabcoato *lll be (be leeilM
wma attlbl Ibe mamon of oae of tbo
fraaiaat «M*a aad aoWaoi of vtafeon la Ibo aaaae of baMaallf. Hbonr.
odaaaUoa aad the ablimaa of tbe



fBHcnl to car* lor the rertinaa llbco
MO'tt- bad ibo bed) «if erorrtklac
la IM r ita la ibe otnre. Tbe areereii
ObMor oeUirva
«rihe I lad le Ibt .
I Tbe kuttaaea dUpla>(
(FMkod* aad 111 grooth
be Mitb daHMa. erldear.- of (oo.:
Scott's EmuUi6a U the
Tao Mca non
-• roaeaibi
kMd la e dortl l-e«l «iik (be________
means r< life and of the enaai bai
leie^ lu sake It ollll nora oMi
foyiticni of life
thousands of
a:td to ao ibit II la bla alB ..
men, women and chfldren.
« tbe B010..S giero (be boeie M
D>ir ( reliable Bterebaodlee. (be enTo the men Scott's Emuljn> -jf the Baeai eelecUuoi. aad a
sion cives *lhe flesh and
rcry cneiotner eaa ao
igln so neces-saty for the
o be bad. aad oompvie
aa I lartlQB.
cure of consumption and the
I irt naa a tbe Mltllanr d«i
rp|Mirinf» of body losseslrom
aaaurcd vbea li l< kaooa
---------la rbarse o( Jin K. Haau
-^y wasting disease.
.•f ibh. II
Hn. Haana boa looked al
For women Scott’s Emul­
de{iaiinmesl fi>r three ttiaaiitii
r BodcrataBdlac ut ibe' sion doe.s this and more. It is
•-•OHreoieoU of Ibe UdlctofTrarone,
a most sustaining food and
CIi* evt rWnll!
ting airilab
Biimo'i tonic for the special trials that.
ha> beea largelr loairuai Dial III
women have to bear.
vannegi tbe gr
eeei oh'.rh It ta.
'K> children Scott's EmulT>>e tall aad olaler ba
:• etpeelallf prrti), as d* t'bere’arr
riei I I ntli all tailee tBd‘*^irm
growth of flesh and bone
tri: I. aloara |»palar. aad D*r«;and blood.
For pale girls.
we »o ibaa Ibla aoaaut
for thin and sickly boys Scott's
are hat i larfe rad rinal ‘ **



aMB abaraetar.

Oa^: Emulsion is a great help.

a too veil kao*B

balldthsa. aad all Ik an. U U rather a
txlgbl lUUc tenra. U u oa ib* «iIreiM aoinb abnre of Lake HlebMui.
alCMK TV Bile* (rocs Nivtbport. la a'
aad abmu Are


Tb* trip «<U Hake a _
4a (If anrt


Mana far Cawaty Nenaal.
U ki., Fall
gf paUb■aimi ti
a la Ike
rat I B- Ollbm
0«MSe Criap
ro'isir nUBMIaalnBer. aad Bimlx-r* .d
bf h»enl at rja<all»>0. la nwarO lu
■ ht- •-•labllabni<al here u( a
-ii.ituii a.-ruuii.r u> ib<- pruTUkxK of
t riisgii ari id ibv lesliiaiur* Bvcri■blic luuka
lavvraUc. and <br
■aallw »lll b» bnaight to (he a'lw
anpomanri at (beta meet
b>-fiD> a wrak (ron Him '
■ U 'litl* donbt but thai *
■ III be rUal'IUbed la tbl> r|i> '


•WwmlrrrBfaiban'ini li—‘t*

SirESi?oSr “"*“*"*

Poleoningand Waeting the Blood, the TIeeuee end Vital Oigane:


""•-ilTSSi,™ ECZRIKIA.


sar. ■


BO«BDvttte,Bi. lateeanBBmM.


Jas. G. Jolinson, Sols Agent, Travfifse City, Mich.




Ml parttcslsr* wltb reports of S
CamtSetag TaallBoalsta at Wtwdi
■ay address on spplkatloa.



Mlamif iiliHjiiiil aiiriBtii|iki,PaeL
VB.Rai*B. iBp—fcr ihmrtir htaal

lBltoaa^teqkTa<htaad«BpBcfa*. KA




UmallaMIk WaakbM

Enlightened Science Admlte that all aicknes* le earned by

u ( tlrtlrb
U purple, aad:
■-• aulUal b
Ir. runDM-ilua «
abuvB In thU I
TravffM- (My *
- rallniad
•MBHifuiiy ■ lib Ibe rSti m
CODildrrabl* dlall: .bin ba> aiiere aa
Had U nito oae of (hr (arurUe
It* ilie Brai rout*
' bu» puillBf Id i<
la alBoat Inpuaalble to keep phoaeo frir lb) Hell TelepbuiM- «
raourt •bite haia aa baad to aopply patty
- I !*• d’.'n.trd
•! let. UBIII all .
PMrtaTw. CT. U.'OoaMMloa
lb* Cea Bad Oiia of iba nnal bn
' full) undureuaal
tHIrer liruu
'ul facera hala obova at (ba
hair oio-ord ■ nr* Iltrry bam lo our ,’Ul-d. Imwftrr 1.) Mr hoaelly. ahi>:
<'l>*"lBg »at of wblla rhiffae. »lib
baa rbargr of ibv prellBlaary ai rang* i
''Hlf>*^|-ea*r reaiovf.l eltb bU ranlli tprnu (or lb* road. Ibai rvrniiull).'
to Tratarar CII) Uundky. Tb« Bade and probably la tbr near tuiurr, ib*
robiblaad «lib anreald greea or mu> l<nradk
vbHe h«v «b*> are mil «lll hr mad* a belt IId*. rlreling ’
odctaal oraaultor* of tbe olevoallf dtorl-i. Silk aaliora ara good aellara. aoiT) It. hare tbe* l««re
:hr rt'klnaula. wiih a lint- aloDg ..»*h
(riel, aad bai bron lie prodMral (or
■ ha aappljr of aari blue aad brova
MUd Hull! llaulltui) rvlumtul u. rktir.'. In IhU aa) r«rr> Inrh ut tbo'
: Ibe lean
(broofombe id ibe time darlaf (be Hi
lardly equal to Iba uapreeealad da Tiat.'ror tniy Mitaday DarsInK
IVoliiaula Kill be flnrlt
arnuniUt" '
.(•aaa wo.. _
M Ilia aiora balag obliged to aad
I -Tbe MbUob
Car Perry'a Pint ^rlp.
ur.lera nuiataaily lor Mora of
aaata i« oar DM
>•' i» pillar MHira. Tfala da) anmuoi
Tbr liilllal inp ol.lbr big T f. L.
Noad Tboar M br HiB. Marr
*« quite a apedalt/ id Baking A H car tarr) Irtdo Northpuci lu Hka
. ...
. CItjr, the MOMO
jM Itul ne
irlac a BOI aalB or ta la MaMbawblpII bab......................
MU" la skadea to mai
ilqu- trai a aucres* (aad tb* offlclala
aof^ tar MaMben wbo haoe
crowd tbai wl
>0 l>ou»keT t-f craoofbllT rtoMod praiiv loU aad viour aulia
Ibr road are «*n iileaaed ulib tbe
matirr at (b* rimrir nubl
■be baeaer lu Ibo ftaartortte uakia.i
Ik Mirat bau. (bare u aa BlCDOal
Tb* N«i l*(i N.irthpori
1.1111) egon »aa oiadr lu
Ibe V’a bat IBB bold ibo haaadr (nr a
bite W'r.liiraduy i-tralnK and rrluratHl laat «ar.t
T, T. U'a‘aad a oall <• Ibo -rp-.
rrcurlng of drSali* autuicrip
prMdeM of (I
7 ad TbuMdat aUiu k:::ii p. in. Tbme wbo •k«, . .
upiuiaUloD '
arm on tbli Brel Irlp »*r* H. R. H* vbatrv.T. and
di-raM) ao
by Ibe bird vaihla
. - --------------------- cnuldered lety ibretbr. pre.ldrm at (hr nta.l: U. W
waa plrdgud. Thf |)n>m<>lrra
Good ibli tall (bough Ibe large abape* KauTmau. tl** trealdrtit: Kllutaid T
Tba aoolarraea of ihe
arc «IM> (bon Ik great rartely. The llkDCi- (.r l)*(nili..aecretary of ibr I'e
if wa.t vuiild all ti
-rlBatlng* are uauuully pivliy. and .oil Tnii 1 Cu ; Old. Plank J. Ilrrkrr cd
tbdoeii tUM.
-- lb* vbo e eSeri u oar u( conporineu th.iruli, W'. P. UcKnIghi
ul Qrand;
■tdaru taoM tbondtoon, aaborta- Ibe principal tblai
. *llh tbU «aa *ad neatarai, erbleb lb* tallor-Bade Hapida
------------------------ ^ uo
a. Huaard
rd (im uT .Stirtbpori. audi
Sugar Beet Protp*/la OMdraty proSUbla opMi
viimkii rebdoee to Sod.
H))UBb*y ■
the ttMO HaBeet on "Tbe
- Ratalloa
r Sup
It .) IViry Hsunah l.fni«<-l. pVaa.*!
DeaarlMeal Wfw»~_..
wllb ib* i: arm of aunai Wu that
bttlii la In rbarg*
ir M by Ura Mary B
ftrowln* tula year a): an
capM br
lb* w.-.ieru pan of ih* city.
tea. Tb*”- oaKii;
Wood, la e
to b* ou* Tb* .**!• are looking Bne. and proaCity va*
■be l>*ni foglonera tba pile* lb* re ■ rpleadtd rrep. ihough li U IbI Oonbe I
daya ihU
i«*jU I lu 1*11 a* )*l hire tuiii h ib*
era of 'Ul.* Hlcblgan. TTie I
b* pir acre
a rre* cl aUiut So nieo.
I bandlid. BUd paaaeaaff*
nutaHI.'rablr arrr> Mre. T. B. Hagbaa cf wbo baa beea rUlllag N. Pauli______
r* lb* beat <rf atit-air
Ihr alBl*. aoiii* at
laBlI). led Wadaeaday (nr SuttiHia
b* onrlala are w*l plraaedwltb
lloadoii. auis*
Bay. vbare ba vlll ...............................
ard to a Sue
T *>pi<rimi-0(a
••Mo eaMHaa aad led la
brother. A. Mabaaau
Northpun and Mnala-.
! iDaianera Ibe
uA TaraiUer c.
*a£i.'i. A. IfeliaaaB thaa •aa* “Klaf p^y la. IIMraturt
given auffirlrol
mad art, Hra. Oao. Adellae Hiller were Sultooi My
itluo. and
aad Ibe
Ibr yUJd
Hnnce. Ileckvr and
ad awraliy* la her tmmt daUsbttal W. Urn^by U Ora«a: garllasaBtary ' on Wodaeaday.
nu. 1). oirg*. la othfr* tbe tuvu
jok n U«i yealerdAf
Jot Curton ahd1 daughter Barbara
■» U. E Hetloa at CharM
Mnekina* and will rt-iura hum* by kK" 1"B da*, and will hr a paying erup.
iK^di arero oMaadad to tbe W.! oaagaa
: ailli Pier
roll; praaa, Hra.-C. B. Sleklw at Bab
way or the UIrbIgan Centril. Ur Ur- in api'i' id Ibr fact tbal Ibla 1* tbr Hret
<1 T. O. aad (bar vara aarulalr am- laire;
tnlaaMi. Hia. Addle Ctayiheany reiuroed on tbr (rrry to .Sorts- Otixirtmi'iit.
«baad Ml ibta cMr la sM Ibai tbor >oa el Hover
Obeboygaa: eraagellMl. Hra ^Ur blaekledge aad (aBlly. vbo pun laat nlgbi. and will apand today
*: not
AUocn of Oiarlerola; lltanry. Mra apMil the luBBar h«ee. IHl Tbura- wllb Hr Kanfioau. returnlBg to Ornnd
i*liiB. HaOia fnahna «te to bare
It 1*
WUUaaoa of Aivoed: t. T. U aad Y dai lie ibeir
Hapidt Ibla rti-nlog la bl* apeclal car
MftaBMBd tbe aWlara oa baMU td tbo
i>n* It no lung aa
' to. P
work. Ulaa Oort Squler of Petoakey.
Uanlailqu* la a town of about f.AOO iiuaoiMr, and lbtaatl W. C T. U. bal aba vaa aaaWa
-rrewiu no) b* barTracy UillU and wife erf TrarerM'. Inbablu
Uat ereaJag'a aeaakia area voll al
). and lia* aume Urge aaw
10 bt M»i*al aa aaeoaat c< IDaa
Clly reglatered at ibe Rlrertlde lae inllla an a larg* laonpry. aotn* See •*ai*ri in I
Bn. J. W. Tnvta *a* oalM
aiagtag by ibe eopgyagath*.
Ik*, ivhlob Wadaeaday.
Kaaoie Nelaon of OUta Pier (wl
vaa Mlovad by ibe rcadlag <d
are a tbon lUae laal WedBMday.
Pint Paglaii aad prayer by
Bar. ^
baardlr noafred bf Ibe
Hiat Ruib HaBllu* of Trarerac
at tbe BapUfi eharM.
Clly la the gaeal '
... _ A. ■. Mabaru Baaiad tbe •Inv by HK C
tom Hlaaba* tbla week.
TMMb aa ammd at (be WoMab
Capi. St Peter of North Maslun
MbB a M awObl aad taUgum
peel Siadu la .Ulabd.
Wamm. Aa alstad (bat tbwo li aa
Scrofula nuinifi
ifeota itaell in many vaya. Sw.m«:
8wel1iq< of ll« B1.-U d the
Antoine Haaaaau aad at* Bd >
Beck and throat. CaUrrh, weak eyci, rrtihe BwcHing,
Suliona Bqg. were tbe goaalt e( Ji
•oci.m% akin emiiti'
[rtioua. loaaof atreogthaod wcakDcaaiamoecIenanilJuinlwcakocaa
eddoir aad (aBlly Monday.
ttw M Mima «tba wTcTT. U. Bbe
It il a BiacraUt diame aod UnoeaUelnalmoat evety inaUnce to buiue
Ultir BMlrkw Hiller daagbtar i
____ Hy liiood u;
Lao Hller. U qnlle Ul al tbH vrlilag
Scrofula ia bred in
Laou Brown of wnillaBaSbrg ha*
D Uie
an IdbMami. tw «eeW battar
renied a bouae (roa a PKkanl aad
by tbe Kaiha
U tnoBDitted
ftind tM Iba mot td Ibe bona.
experi* to oeeupy it aouo wllb
{■OB 1«fent
to chit
■BttaW. C T. U. aMM M ae
Hra. Pau* daterlbed tba
tbe aerdaare planted
plantea in
a» bdaa. ■» —
Hr* Bert Brown la aoffering (tub
rallera tba liiila la--------- cy and vnlM
aniaw the
t aorrer Stiack of KmonUa
■ that w* daiidad te
blood iauirfedMidpuba« lUag to a trip to tba r
Htoa Unlay Bryant entertained n
Ttfiedandevety Btaui td
Tba apaakir aialad tbal
r frieasa iaurday ereB&g la
bad aalen
M Mto tataftr of tbaaaMp
----------bad dam aa iMHaif - ber eighteenth btnbdi
Brynbt'a UM va* prettily deemi
tar (be oenaloa and bnaeroua p
alB M V. a T. 0. la (be tin. Pam
b'ut«nMyc(tu^te8.8.M.a'cuie(arScnilnla. Itcleanac* and bnild
earda ta rbyse In joaapleBbo* plat
cp tbe Uood, nakea it rich and pare, and nndrr the tonic edret* of thi
InterBel the gueru aa m vhai w
aapaeteri at ibam daring ibr ereab..
great IDood Kemedy, the geoetnl beatth improvea, the digoUve oigana ar
punch, earda. anrbla* and danetag
atrengthened. and there ia a gradual but aure (etwti.
WMe <m>oyed until a lau hour, (ol] to heaUh. Tbq depoait of tabercoUr matter la the
- '
■ slandpu
Slandau carriedodan
carried od an noonai
noon ai tbe blood
dinelptk** o( . gueata wero tmt
to a opnnal condition, nad tbe aona, eropaaualoa. niter vplrh the Berry etovd
othet a)-Bptoua of Scrofula tUaappear.
dtaperrad eiib Many goo* wUbea
U* boaima
t and btiilda op a
Lon l*ailn of North HabKou vu




ur-ual iab)«ri>
Tb* couoir •
av.' Ill ratte about IIWI. and tbi' ritj
10" u. nafc* lb.- plaa faaalbi"
Tbef* la
Indlcatlua Ibl
inani<r will bu ap|iru«i4 by bai
aad Puuoo . aad tbi- nuraa)



tn«ntatkM.hran iMi* weigdbrMUefcaf

Ar.vraing til <be pruvlibiaa ..f ibr
lut (be aiair aill pay tSiW lova.a ib<*aUr> u( a teicher lu dev<4e bl> on

Sand for free aai......
SCOTT A BOWNS. Chamlatt.
08-41S PmH Strept.
BOe. andSi.OOi alldruMlata.

lafaaltea. aad aov Ibai (he oaportaab7 ie oeorod U> baalai la «l*tB< otalbU
o«>enana to Ibo fOroroaeo la vbteh
bar HMo h boM. Ibo cMBMmc abooM
M ladt Maaai-DainiH Trtbuao.




To Cure a CoM in One Doy

HJProgressive Store
And Whyl Simply becaus* we have
made It poulble for the people to buy
hlgh>clats merchandlBe at reaeoneble
prices, and this result we have accom­
plished by buying In large quantities,
only the most trustworthy makes and
QualiUcs, rrcuher.difc w th f reorgnlx'
(d merit lithe cp y kfrd )Ou will evet
find here- And you can always buy it
at the right prices. Will mention a few
items from our Immense Fail stGck.



tba Hartla HoHl orar Stu­
Tbe reporta of tbe eooaty prM
MV tbdt tbe dMeM H ta Ibd

b’Ll Haeb drore to Sb

Cfery Mtractipt Values in Ladles’ Underwear


From our large and complete stock of such well known makes
as the Munslng and the Forest Mine These celebrated brands
you can buy here at the price^of ordinary makes.

aad Ulaf Dm 1


50c* $
I .go. $t
S t .26. $ 1.60, $2.60
to $4.00

m BM lea boHUMBOfiniaad Md Im
H«M la lb* SleeaaU dHUtaa artib
H daloM aad Til BOMbafa. Darlas
tba pwr SMM pagaa anUatatMv bare


sure aad bH laiv loree of aala _ .
aad uMavoBes. are bMi toBOag aP
Iba BHU deuUi q( tka ten epaa
, « Ibe aure aad (Brtag tar tba Mg
trada ibm Mra^ orasu attract ta
tbe btg etpre- Tbe Bpata* Bue* U

25c, 60c, 76c, $ 1.00 and

Splendid Values in digb Qrade Blankets
No doubt the
ich of winter suggests to you the neoeesttyof
a pair of blankets. Wehaveallnethatwill surprise
you both in the varieties shown, and the excellent qualities
) also the very reasonable prices.


A good full sise^ 0-4 cotton Blanket In white, grey and brown for 60c
Avery heavy I I >4 Blanket, comes in white, grey and brown for only $Bc
Heavier ones at-*................... .................... ........... $i.OO, $1.26.$1.60
Fine Wool Blankets up to............................................................... • S.OO

Interesting JIttraetipns in tbe new Dress Beads
and the

Bss h. to your grty hslrp,
Essp your hsir dark sad rick
MdpoBipoBeaie. UyoavtO



«kr ue Ar«rt Htir VUor,
Wfnr baJr MU MOa bm
a> 4e (tecii, rtdl color of
----' SoMbrnyoon.


ite Hair

siicidf kbaker


The best on the market.

ferris Impleiitent Co. Ctd.

crawra* enf, BHcb.

Here you will find the correct etyiee, the good qualities and
the eight prices.
A 86
A 52
A 52
A 46
A 62

ind) strictly pure wool Zibcltoe ta bbek/Sod.colon at. per yard........................5Qc
incb pure wool Zibelioe ia bUck only, a good quality at............................ ............. 71k
inch all wool Veaeiiaa Stiitiag ia faUefc, wiae aad Navy Uue at....;...............S5c
inch Bovdty Zibeliae Siiiriag. fine aad heavy, for only.....................SliOOpCryanl
inch Silk aad wool aovelty Suitiag, requires bo Uaing for.... ....$L50 per yard

CwMf Trtai

aad aahaSia.

€. WHbehn






Cml Tiarcnc HoaM.

paptoaltaa am abaai a«aaUp dhrM
a Ua athar var aad tba vo-. bmklat to aa axla aa a ieaba. _
batvaaa Tivka aad »-«t—*»-- *' ' '
tea vttepv. Bba cv a fr«tet tralB raaalM late Ualoa
tatter ambtoad UM tiiam
to Ue rear vai Iba tanapite IwteH
I about ibi^arm. Citr. lad. Tbtrteee van itaall
ta tba taacbm to tba totr lAaall WHOB Ua ear.
laaaad aad «aa aaaetoa
'OBI Kat Kah ibc CbtatM
Hmm Hr IMMM* H
k amias. Tba atcM k
Ikin OUb^aiTbato
kcaoa, aad Mra. Lear vaa aearlj dead
WatoutfUa atiaal. Tba beaaa va* • tera a ArtoOaa aoald be neared. bpitei MM VtoU to ^eaian. fool
TW toihnrtiu ariS* *m «rtu
«ttb iha reftoattoa aiUMad
4alaii:r daavat*d lor tba
Un. Harr An. vUa to JaaaUaa ball irtOMin. capa. toathar Boektadi
to PiwUlH Ate H. P. Ontvl
Tba «toUm. «ho van
- •
.M !• • IMWt
tkla <te. ud prtand
1^ bean iluMa lor bto tea. Woa«
aaar to tbas la tbtor to.____ _
I to tba dtr
tor to tk» Norltetete
uair vma ee boabaadi. — ^ aaad 7t. Bba had ratlnd Id Id”*
*lte IW •?•••»"**[; van pal to 4«^ la tba mat botTfUa
tbat^ toladi
- to -tbadr atoir. vttto tba aaeaptka to VM>d baalili.but baeaaii rlolaeUr atek ilrad to irrlac to ptau ball, -rtdi UCkmi tot bM raeto^ MMn to ------------_______tba
r» cMid dartoe.
la Ue atet aad died vliUa' me boor., cyelaa ud go kUlag vlU loou (cU
ite aasr*. trm all
to (haValtad
iblac laio tba atraata la a
. ia«airlB( «
A lalecnuB aaaoiaelai Ue deaU to •tipper* ca^Uelr feet, aad aky Uoa
tba Bret varalac to tba i______ ipasi «a>ai to ratkaai ktadi btoac bto biMbto U Uaaada a lev boon ba- Uk rebec fultarlag.
to Uk ra.
rna ftraa. beadradt to Iba da- l^lrad la. aad--------- ------------------- -- Hn la tboagbl i
r Uw coaalrr t
Tbe rallraeda to tbe
eatlre eoagtry
nt^la tA------------laai Cbrtotlaaa van mvtd '
M Mortli Daktoa. w Nav H«te
are face Ibr tba bulMa to '
Hra. Thai. Hare to Bcnte I
(M tba
to iba far aaat. »
I Bapitot ebareb t
Pt-to- UUoUl to Glealyoa Pa., vbo
Tba aotolan
aoldfan Una aattoad tba h
____totlas to I'
dU liB vaakb wukiiis u ut.
. ihatr Uatotf
HIM Pearl. auptovlBer to Beale: a '
. patNba au«n aad ehlldr
lay ud vu to i«eBtoB aaaollaal
naJlaii. ~Tba OU Baad.- br Mia
b. Bba vu toate date to I TraTaiaa dltlrtca. MleUcaa '.lath br tba .verd. aftar tba
hare b
daadiph I
Hrr*Je MeatacBe to Ua Hte-aebato.
Ban Bonttog. haTtof died
him Eldora Slakt.
vhn mpoadad U. aa leaen vlik not1 falliire. Bbe vu Ue vlfe to
Uteaelrea uuble to arcopi all
itJicco auilgod ibj
toe bu been *u ao aeU be cotod boi laU. but by KSTn. loitS ‘
ila lor fUBe.' br Bacaaa Plaid aad laadtog repabUeu to Ike coooiy a
Uc iraHc that la offered. The (vadi beqiHvibed fkiXi.-PDg he
be vu
®- ■' Tbomp ftreuig
out to danger ud^^.STtauST*
Urea rkdla duau br LaoU aad Laeila - putnutcr to Hicblgu Orsage.
liatoaaan. AatrUa.
ib.D to affair* !• otiiUaed by Vice •oe• to
tioiorado SprUg*. Tbompacai aald be had tried to aurve htouaH to
aasan- It U lo ba bamed
Triad U Kill Pi
Hlaunc old Fte Hacktaac le b«
Pmtdebi W. C Bren to the LU- — -. mine ovoer and a barbrtor deotb ud had Ulo to Ue gmve aev
WaAlapiav. Oet. &•
tvpatnd and Ue groude are bal
TiM fliitra ataun borte to W:--------Bbore. ebo aaji Uat Uat
a party to etal day*.
Tvo total actodeau vlibln tveire
ba Sara bto aa«a aa )
to brick toe bnulBad
Tba boulerard eklittog II la urgttai aeed to IM>
to Cba awn to Laka Mtobttait aad
llvaakaa. Wli, aad
Wnna La. relok-tog
occarred at anllroad enaaiu
to tetor
ladtotad to aiariHtoMi ai a nacblalat. atlaaptad to sac
tally. Uo tobar syaicBa vlih a
tgo ud bl
VlU hlm-.csure they ibouaht ttaet Ud »aded:** ffprtaggtod. O
carrtogB vaa
bwa. «Uto tba hiurtar to deuad wltk ■be Wblii bouM Uto mnilM at
ervater Bllaage ibu Ue Uke
le vay <
vatc bato. aarrad. HIM Oraaa Hv
ouBber to couDlerMt ellrer dol large numbera to car* are beeded
.bwnttal iakaa.toaayto ikeai aavlca-; aonb PprUn valnaM
4 ud the aaoUer (iitai^
MMul aatmaiaad Boat ptoaauUy
UTe baa circulated aroood Bl.
br Jaaea Clnla.
.... vttb a BUBbar to eatocUoat ua Ua locapb toleir vbleh am’a lerr good
V loha Hoot, poataiuier
''^HMUl'^laT'bu bees preclaliaed u
haapto. aad apoe baiac loM Uat ba
aad totally
--------lloa. made to pavter aad lead Bulgaria
If aarUabto vaun Tb« vatora oould aoi na Iba praatdnl. baeai
Muting to Terktib ireopi
to all Uto ra«k« ara voadartatlj para ribleat. Aa eaeoaetto Itokrved.
.e border bu alarmed tbe lubabl
plut la turned at
Apraute at Nartlnart.
^ aboaad la tto. BaaaUM a^i vhlU tbe rUllor vaa badir betona
r place
the eouibero port
Pirteea ailk’er rhalloca have
ralfricxuioiy Bod
leer* err i>o the oiul). dliapiwand
(taaBer Cbarlertox ru aironte o*
yara awaca wawn. alsoai tor •
................. ............................aacrtaij
frora tbe aa
II) to
Ure cbM of Apia K
Ue port yeclerdar Bn
*e ^
“A»*»rr». vbo keep, oidlu cblMrat by the avamplag of
•taa ia totdaaMMr. an aail aut»
l*«cr », Hame. Tbe aitUorllltv
itala died Aegu>i yt
Hn. H J. Hurray cd Luatog. re
near OetljvlHitg.
-----------o'clock, ud not oatll Uto t
-vbiitg- Pi
aallboai' oo ■->Lake Wloaepcg
vttk tba( aatotoal of all Iba tab. t
ed. specially u
prvovied vtu «2^i III gold. ^
OB CtoW, teleUyJ
” 1^
«ily porrbaerd a Ur <d eoaii el e
Bil) ai
10 O'eloek vu ibe adoet auto.
Tb« Oraad
ebann abd pereooaM)
A pie tomlae vblcb ihmicBcd Nnc
eal groeary, aad lu hrr
XHir*e to a le
day* rmtied* uo tbe harbor Ua boat vu
aad fadtaaa aad iba Pan Harqteu aJIr
POIHihuked by the pn-.idciit of tb> '
York bu beea arened by the baker,
tba dtoutot a«ib aad ba vaa taka |o
ud toe eooa. ud Ue
.•ring lu.lracc Ue abtiraclod aillrlea ValleJ 8UIM in n-co«nilk« to hl» ^
lU iba var u> pStal. ai
aod arreai tbe cnlpHit.
•enlrea In utlog lltes doriag the, ^
aaVarlBa troB a aealp voaad
iltoee ber iradlsg
p. aad tba tai- tad a 1
tba Antu to Macbtaa*.
Mr» lutan Hearn to Hlichellvllk-. N. tllaulreu taumcaar to UW. «ben a^ —
baad Afito hla
lu bard ud tui.
nurnher of varahipa
. -ahlpc Ve
veto- wrecked
While Herbert Honleit: vu buotlog tier daugbier. vbo live* la Ibe neigbYaalcprdar a cood deal to vork vu
1 polla autkiD.
Nonoa'a vixidi
ir <j ooiddoae lovard pattlap the boat oB tbe
dw aoDthan cad to tba dtou
-lag ibvaablp. preeenird her huv
Uanx-t'brog. ChlBCe mlol.ii r .
Claela'k vouad b
roeba but eba vu alack eo hard Uat vater. be fouad e b
lu var to pyaakfan. aad I u cn
Id vith ivin* tba ume oi-nlne. no* hu a c^>oipaDt»a lo Ul.a Woiu:
U. A N. ear ferry, vblcb care vblcb toeanred tblny i
rtaa naalaa iba raar raoad e
. tore cuagntulailoDa vert- u»er Mrz ' *ho ba. armed at Wublngioc to Unutoi u t:
t Uaa. dM not dara pull bard clrruottereom. It la oo dtapUy
aa wtlb tba Bonfctoaal. Tba
Beam* granddangbiiir amt void that icume a
tU-r of Ibe mlnUier'. fam i
tb to relaaee bar tor fear to do- or Ibe local cigar ainrva.
■apMa aad iDdtoaa arataa baa an r.
• - •
e the' molber ol i«.j||1>. Th
arrival n. U year, old
. dtotac tbe nrrlns r>
iM UrecB
ratCblog one ul
laaaloB fn* Travataa CRr to Nonb
.. iwf Ib.-- ume ai
a. Ibe mlal.lcr'- '
leo ai vork no a oev l«lldlag
. Bondai. bovarer. Ibe Uc
nrt. vbara to to ba fovad naa to iba
Mardeu aod Omr 1,-evl. ate daugblvr
The) 1
aIrwaJ) maklni:,
ID la erectlDg vbeo a piece of
lertT retoaud Ue tmallar raeuL
iaaal maral harbo
inve.ilgailoo by
a OHcago plan, to* eu)o)
aakampl i_. ..
Tbe Charlerali. to lar u keovo. alael puoebed tiff by a cold chlael eir grud Jury In auineclhm vltb u i:|. - Orleslal ta.bkiL
aaarad viu bh»d tbai bad dova
daaouad by tba aecldwl. ud
lege.1 laod avlndle Vblcb C00il.te4 Wubtogiob. Where
there were ni.
hoa tba aalp
itra bj^U
<d tm bar var to Trarerte
Kllliig h)l. ID tbe ••thrlrlog " cr> .nrdrni ud aummer bourn lo vbkh
ytraa aa------------------- --------- --------------------ktorknpar^aI hli
Deer Pari. UIcb. lo Luce <vuot. to while avay ibe leeit
lee* dayi.
waat for all afar pnditoca.
forelCBto. Bill
beea ooiaeUlag Ulllog
Icb exl.lL-d prtacIpoJI) o
TW ■mi ataanboat Uaaa fnaa Obi VPa to u
Uuf begged her toUer to bring nI Calk
cblckua at a lam buoae about dre
caaa aad tba aaai umb tba laka i
to her in
It le tl
It be to to'
Blnck br Ilcbiatot dorlat a ul* Bllco vest to CllatoD. aod L. K
---------------r prlaclpa] boom to co.i fane) and the compaoloo of her earli
aad paaaima iba laraar bar* da
Bdd tbe . . _____
eOB aad Ji
I to a aireara oalled Sucker Creek
f Vlad. th» Urae barn, tiabla. tool
tba aaaan to opaa aarlfaitoeto t’blM. Hu.
Wong went li-i
17 Mtot Alter Rooaaeal
BuDdaytUer abut
ving Ibiwigh tbe tmer of tbe rnp
HiBbar to Aortar raltoar llaaa
[uito. vbere obe bUned ib>- toBll> I
a Ue Mutotaa nmaty p
naarto beat Itan^^pcPTtda aa^ aad
tod 0
r Uug ll.un. otouul generel there I
toebre froa tip lo tip Thto
ThU 1a
BlfM la «raaa Cburoh.
Oeo Jamee Uraal WlJauo of Nev ud wbn to alM> a brother of tbe Bln
torpeit ovi Uat bae I
1 kllle.
York, ud bla daagbior. MUa K. U. l.ier to tb.- Vnlled State.
■nrlr ail tmponaat lalaad itoau.
br dra Batardar
Oraaa eh^ to Ua^ radptet to
Uat Tletolly for a ■ood
ay > «»
Wllouo. hove DOl rxebaocud a vur<I Haun brought the young voinu to |
nm taa aaaattoi vktoh eooatUi
r« torn trane bofUlan
_____ ____ laUtal cUm (to Ua alJiut becaiua be ihoDCbiI ibai
aeteral year, ibougb
•ugb Tl
tba dtolrtel Ito la vbal baa baaa lar. Hn. R. W. Brldga ha ptra a •ere deetrared. taarlai oalr tba brick
Ibe fnlled Stales
potoe betootoBB to Ue Mich
bwwa aa Ua -laabar belt' to Mtobi
HIM KaUIeco Nunata Pteldi 1. tbr:
■latair daaica ud ar- paorbooee etaadlai. Tba eaUra crop
ipaiO in froot of
}f bla
bit b<
loUr. IV'ber ud daugl yuunge.1
toa. Vato tortuaaa bare h------------ -tuiulcal director to I
.................bip. aad MIm Alllaa to bar. anln ud feed atored to Ue
bmo ud ooe bkndod bull
bbrtr b
irr Dirt lo a ralivoy depot tbe oib> vorld. Though
tRto tbatr (anatt
(amata to aapla aad
u naatotta allrar pata for i i« eoto bare, tbbrtr
butI elevca,
elevca. ab
abe p
■Ito deotrorad
Tbe eattle
doy ud boarded Ibe ume iralo. bt
atod hmlnek aad plaa and a4a^4 _______ aarrlo
>vrr a choir to boy* ta tJ
alBbl polet to the coapaar. The eo nellbrr gate Ibe other eveo a k»V
boroee, o-aatne
o* ai
ud (am Bockl
Wreb. aad Uiaa far ta laaite ia- Ue obaHce m
c• I•d Oogar.
e Ten, -Mak r« i
-.......... church
lire eert-lee ua tbe Carleloa ud Plat Tbe eilrugrlDeai la saU to dele from
were eared. Tbe k
■a. Kaglond
dterr ba Mifair alaorba Ua a to ible.' ud a lad the oppar edpe
I>iiect tfom the maker ol long etprricncr
i about hair Bock circuit la
lime vtaeo
tl refuaed
aapla to tbe papto- Bat la atol la U» aia U Ue Pan.
Heildeou to o vlltoge oo IjUe Otm
pan, -Take.
Taka, at; Uto fS.OM. vlib loeur
to order.
CUE.APER. tndbcBi of guarantee when ttm cu *cc the nuterial Wc
V HUe WllaoD
.tance. Svilxertoad. vere wliaeaa.v.
In. J;
to air bodr." Hn.
Jasa Motua bat
^yruk^ta»l|^,^ brtober ol
of her Choice.
Inake all tijlei and ever)-lhmg in Horae good*.
Wc uk )-ou to acc the
(Ira Ivo eraau
■s to kpralr date tor
1 her te park
A bull
.»r wu k'
the U)WU
Iba ewHBBBla aantoa. aad a ttoM
Wclvllle. N V.. U
c. bovlog lag* beauty
ramu are rapidir die bran, haad-ehaaod alBi baaa. la
tentui BWttou.awnwkAtio
o fora
a peraioi vlaht
appaariat. avadlto are ptoai eat Md tbe aater to the alae baaa Id ratted laUe—coded. vlU ivartogbead. Bke
> nblalo u tvigtoal dtego
1 buDItog.
r u imutraU4po.t card, permiadod
tip Madi an beta taka op br pote- ■tolert to Ue uousiaai. “J, H. B.,'
Huy old gnldea bcllriv Ibe
young girl, ibc vlltoge belle, to poae
(•rreiiada br the patala riaa.
I larva arouad i
aiuck (be AiUroDdarka
r fatoateA caaatat W Araad Ua upper adpa to tba ten,
UtUe Beealc.PVveaoe ut Jackom
elk vin be a failure.
'Alt UlagB eom to Tbaa, O Urd. aad
.................. illy Barer bora lo be killed
Harrr Horiar. aped II rean. to OaT«> proud It) accept food ^lim her repivoeei the bear caught to Ue act
to T'Uaa DiPD hare va plra Tbaa.'
to ktostog Ibe glri. Tbe bear teve
> pattlBC a* tbatr
«ltu an Bawtolato for Hr. Uea. vw lendblr iajoivd tpr a horaaelorr vtogav a fev deya ago and
tbe girl *tob a rlooe embrace tbat>he
R W. Bridie to CUapo. broUarda. povar cork eouar, Tbe tudooe
mnam aA
toada. ___________
^ taf vare mt ud be to toBad
but beyoad
a fav btutoaa vu
TW Brn Boer .todent vbo erer en■tiM Hafca aad
baaStlfal nalMra. L. WleaeoiB to Bv Wr,
by atarratk)o.
teied Cornell unlretnlty. ud ooe to
naaa atovd at tba baatllr
1. ibr uommo bad lived to U»t tbe Brat to the delcgalloD cent lo tbit
fwda« 'tofcuUn' to spaeal
. ._
bar toIty. Ill bealtb ivceuilj prereoied country from II
Ue untvenllle* of South
btov. Ia addhla ta Iba tau atoad
ten dara.
bano etore. daatiorad by dra a vaak
Africa, hu tol______
token ap
giaduole work
Oar aaU aad totakaia an aapurlatlr ...................................aad. aim baa
OBO, ate
aao fat
lor vboB
waam tbe
lam police
puuoe bare
ao<e Airtoallunl eoltese bu heeo appotat- the

■lihoca toiUlnlloB.
Ml. ni
Hptad to Iba ratobki to trvU ui
fc Ta Ha
baaa dracfiac Ue rlrer. turaed ap ed by the Louletea Pureban atpoMr plight, but
t. Leopold Kclockc aod be ball. It
eoBBUeloB u euperioleadut <>f
he declloed K
Tbeae elacut annoriato vUI ba Ufa Ptodar atet. Bbe bat ben rlaHlebtea banlcultorkl exhibit e.
Dutch draceoi. wUh a ehg
seed for Ue dnt ttaM oa Baadar. To8l LoQlo. The coBBlulOB to golog
paUar vtib Ua naBorlali prartoaalr
Di-i aorept Ibelr klndoc*..
SouU Africa
BgA fallr tototoded fnu tmt br itno br oUar aeaarou (liban tbar bar bad net vlU u aecddaot.
lot to fnilt to cold itoraBt.
Patman to tba rtotoltr of Lake
uolfaer vumu living In ibe UntH Ul. year no .ludeot frun tbai
i tba altar.
Utodea. HoachloD muir, vlll aitece
wem lu ber room vlU food, do- region bu er*r enirrvd gn Ameriru
a( MaalBiaa aad Baula ud Onad
beeo a
- ■ breedtoc aad ratolito elder a epludld atari bu
lenulnuil lu oiake aooUvr effort to unlvcntly.
- . an corerad vttb
Thle fndt to aov beJop uKcled by
Beak br MUIbu Writer.
Headrede to
___________trull _______
proverb to Keol, OtA HUfatea vrHar vto bu ant
.oaoat teui of Hoidb- vat Baad
fed to flod
e toller •
I on Ue
lals to poutoaa an
Uva. loala. Vu Rnren. Beozle ud
wtU BBOb fiitovad laeona ta bar »» hv baatte kto
kit Tf-yaartod
Tbyw-tod antbar.
aad ibafr aapartor
aed the Qrud Trav_________ irtor It vat dtopomad Battba bteaal BBitai vte H Hn. Leila Bovu to Paloakar.
vbsaa poaau ha*a baic bad aaeb ar«v that tba HetbodUt ehaiU bad
• ell eihtelad biu
Hooper to Wexford, a Dlaci1^ nputatloa. TVafl
tPm.1 tiMilli* llMComa c.Mid by utohrAm
taio by............................. vbo
■ •
pie Hloleier. leealrad (ran the Cau ^l UodkliM Imdgc.
BuBd retell km to 1^ iwwmu Halo* to lb.
divorced ksabud of Came
goVrhU* TBbvv Vbre tba l*1w fro la
n gDrentmeat lut e
ooaialalBi Bach to bar bnl
or. Ote anall dtoa
ly. Air. Nation
died on But
la ihto Uaa. aad the eala hat
ud Um the
from hi. wife
recelite bto dtroi
ben larta tn>a lie Brat appiarun.
Tbe UW aacored » Is
itenl of b -r
No pratUar or Ban appropriate ftfl
■all rbaate
tamm baicbei campaign OB KanM.
eooU be foud. at ibt boUdar team
Lan fall RHItoB Calrar bad boQi
Bi cat off aader tba nte to Uc to OadUtoe bu also ncclred a dead
Jeeiy noaarU aged I«1 yea
Vrvlllm IB. Budnd l.aiwiw r« aay
Kennar-i Brook.. W. Va.. ud
.atot lUabkBC Ue tbom of bnv' ____
Au Jenk
ttfsl Lake HlehteA' Tbe book takei avardad tlD.oW br a clrcoK emr
urg W. Va.
Va.. lut V
Ut Bane traa ^ ~
**’'*'*”■ ^ V. A CHKNgY * VV).. Tubdo, O.
vblcb Jury. Tba verdict vu eet axMa. bo* ato siraale vith u iBBcoao catlab 11 Pi
to full to Ue
ah to ipn^lUaa ta arer. ate a aav trial ordarad.
• • veatiire. U<1 Ibe foi
aorUera Htobtea Anuaf __________ aaeete trial bu Ian ban Batobad. i Olato km bla lit* HeClato vu la a
Vkiff ateoytoff,a dayV apart Boddealy
an tbon ptnaf ptoiuna to tba aeaU- rardtot Hr •if.on batos raadand.
Chgrln W. (X)i»lnD to l-enni U- to
toad, betel biu about abUdt^. aa
K to aaU tbbi nd agatrtea ■» ha fait a hU Uaa ud be uepared to lud tbe Bab
Ac Ua ftnt
1 Bl. do.eph. Mo, bir tb. pnrpcpe to
paag eatiote by tbe book St bla mouth
rtoglbg a i>ccultor tovaiiii. Me hu
U* bag* eatllah abut lervard, dng
coninct with John W. Halloit f>v
pun palatteto aklUtal laaoaBa Iba
flag HeClato oat to Ua boat ate loto Ue paymeni
patbatto tony to tba tore to M ladiu taatbte aaimto bbv at
Ua BVltt enmat TW Itoe bacaBC
—•*- --'-■aivaah- to Ua '
Cham ate taUn ate <
I brlu
to u ladtoa eblaC vbo krm aad nar- ■vary obMM to tba non. a acoM rv aatoagMd about lk« aafortuuie Bum-a oa Mslloit. a
ton aad tea Bade tUa tali to anra*.
to kill off, body. ud. daapiu hla efforu to ra- ■all OD-.the c
Hu* blBMlf ar reach the abore, be celtoed^rslln
tllruSd engtoe* driver
bvi vMb a bappr natea at He e*d Uau dninpan of prop* Jdroned.
ood vu oerkHUly lalured
•• • • •
npea arat
tb* pet badger aaot to tbe ia u aceldeai. It mx beccuaiy to
kaova u Ua btourr et:
t telktm by a Utlla girl to gmfl .kla upon Ibe vuuod. Coodoe
Ir u a grape markn I
t badag protected
d J>7
agreed tn .uhmit hlmnlf to tbe pbypaH-toic
a (orelUy ■klu. ud pemll them to um toch_____
itep vtoi It luunmad vtu bait tarn to aana
At Wh
UB the White HooM staff,
-u aemeary upon-a con- ,"4.811
sto te pltAatnaaa 1M naud Be- date1 ate bto vU
u a gml larorlie vttb Ue
Halloit for tbe paymeat to
u a mall <
4 vu taken u> Oyaicr Bay
le akiD vu taken Hob Om
The badger vu
te*’ d"^'
liMtotote bae naa. aad aba tolta
playrul u a yoaateer. but u hla ipu
d rajte'y I
KtoB to Vu Wn Rtob.
anaito Ute. ■<«* lor tba aaatSato Ute leagtbeaed bla vlld toaltoeta
^ .Mtocwuwv
Port Ham. KhU. Oet 1.—Word
gm airoagar, ate tbe gghitog leadButoO later tn
. ____ B HeOallBBT^ VlU ba aiade ucleo tor vbite hadgan are Caaiotia
.................................. .........
I a
Coadon U aov there to brlag
Haruwpa. vbo vut la Ua Oantlm Up tofveat ealary ^m to'tba Uahad grav ao proawaaeed that he could
call agato.t tbe mao vbo to wcartog
latoadt Ian Hay la tbt Ub
b* tniled. -Joalah- vUI aerer
ll.atw wenb to hi.' (kin.
Hra OaUertoa OlUtoR vMov to
Cbtoa Kal Hla. a Chtumu. it
. .
im to d^vagtoe.
tM D.
r OWaaft.
— - hat arrtrad
a n tba Onad Tnmaa 4 _
yean old to Lm Aa^le*.
bacfiwda ton a' toot baiL----------...jater Dwke. OXaafa vi_______
___________________ Clark
valar ate vw (teUr anted. Urtog
aa Iba klai to Tapk ate la aappoaaf
_______________ otter day to ved OarPayette
bad retotim to tUa ettr. Ha HA tauafavl
aam laBaanruna bto vtla^ daachter at BaraaBab.
_____ bu barred_______________
Baa..._ ta da Uto. Aad It pm Okk la Ibt aaiir eamtlea. ate vu day (upfato ate itoun lo otoetoie at year there vlll be ao USB. Preeteal
pt Mlw Robbto* eight yean
vitead oe Uto telaad.
Baaaatt la a bellerar ta alUetlca prop­
Waltor Nenle. to^ Poaltoc ball erty regetotte. bat bH obaerraUtm
»;-ar. banar. eena aad kte
a. bu
.- M
tbe betanlMr. patens totoUy^ to
ate anan rvnaaB Uat Ua
i HorJoak Batardar aftarbtB klax- Onr a roar at
oBpUabad vtUeat a football
11 nf rk'ili I rate an ml
toiHnto Ku<u liilaii
It it rtstad that a auBbar to
AjiBU BMnn naai Tnram Ctor
bat ^~va^ao^ m
ataitad to man to Tap u oe
orn <
to Ua Helbodlal
^.^ud that vai the laM
teaite hoU ateUar riavt ate U
akall vu nvtead to. TW dootot npa toaoratlu at Payette prvrea at
Jm aaoPber emaarlnti. Wbu pm
AKkote be bad tvo vim to tbe theraliCBty a ban poaalbimr to bto M It viu be carried ta-eU«r «
•nttoea. be alaari kapi bto vtfe ate
ere. N.
daacbHr la Baeaaaab veil aapplte
retired (naa the aerrlec to Ue Brie
ralirete Shar ffRy-threc yeara to
UvTw HanrUse loote
■te a vtl^
_ _
Mler. ataIMM ate ooadoeur. to all Ula
i tLUa.te la property,
Um* W bu aarar bte u aoldeat
to prodaeuee. Ha toft a lam entaa to ainvbacTlas atoal ta «aaUtr
• ibau to laaa. TWy.asn rateUy ate b* la atm a bnrty old maa.
..t lo bto dBatewr. Hn. J. r.
Ue «ral
i (nu li to pa etea a Burt.
BaUar to teraaaak. aad h to ozpaaad
t3acar. tba teraartod am to Pater pWititr arer aeat by axpren ud half
tba BaraBaak vldov vttl clala
Ladte aad Miss aU
A lacay pnrehaee,
Dark faroim baUe
Uen-a bite Beaver
• •
• to ..................................
out to tba asUta.
voal Kafwy Bex
te da van a vSato M to Beaato Pl^ Penia vbo atriroc
Famote JuUa Marvelvet
8carfo.thssed viih
-all vntoatearndCoats, satin Imed,
love Shoe*, sou tte
Caaaartby tie
. _______Ne^Bptclt***!^*iSaa
6 Uib. faDy worth
triauted vith velvet
vofU ever for $S.M.
vbere W to vaated for the larcaay to
Tm coaoari that to to ha (Ine aest teUioaTanU.......................
foDy vcrtfa $8.00.
$8.00. sate price
oU oate Ua amplne to U* TTaropeniag sle iviee
Btetoav vin ifirfai (oar bted- portad bin. rwrlt vw vUltog to^rv
t Cttrbate v(B ba st*m tetter
p ate teU ate BaRPW
«p mtm. Tbtn on ato ba a H4f
■ditetou pate ta a Tary aattr* veaH tet be oemaarr to aete u to
teoe beard, nr vfU tbna ba a tody
a dtoatli
dtoatlito Iba npotoal a
Boys CcetSsoy Pants
Bteferhaa. "
oho old U«a ear Ite u tbe ptoFrctefa vote faen^
tnAL Tba MaoaK vtu ba Baa. aad laate darttg tba aonte vteat. tarte u tba ragalar var blU u “O
Ladk* aad Hiss
Udic* heavy tvuM
vtu. Vllbon aeteicn. taka vttb IM
aU vool Zibeltae and
CoatsSO in.
‘^^'uoihar waawt to pHaate that
Hcra. tijasod
ba «( u aatkair ddtamt Ute.
Ome bow to Ue cmaMminty aula «nr ate on to BL
otaid and dedp
Bteu Itarbar. TW M tor tte ecarteto
Onmec, venk $U8.
ptptog fancy faattim*
aahaa oanM to Cfak Bravotcr. aoa to a Nav Ttofc ewrtee
and frogt. vortfa
akata. iMn to vhkb aakcr. vbo sat at a «asB MW Hatote Ateg. daagbtar to a veatUy
S7.SO for
ate toBOte Cfataaae (amUr te tte Ha
' a totatea Be vea tte gbn
ate ter suiter's cismt A
m toto*^atek r vbialBii ate
a ttey are to tte
ank. Whu W
a bte PmHst
stee of ted aad bite
tend (o aav M bate to phna.
Meal Goatakii
a teuat. TW ji'BMwf ted
Mrs. J- C- Lear to Ovoua vu pate
foteyteaidaBd bsabte tht teltepa. ate
aMr toufar totevd m tw CbteBo^TriteU. aS V o ol
a ate*, actesnaiail fay
an.ali to Tranm a
“ '
boaL Burr anlH Mnte
g carrkc sea. ate fate
totalte vnito aaa*. l
tba meal_________
uRte-------------------------n «nte Bam. ate Hrv Umr. tea
_____________ _____ _
) MS vs klltod. oM
toteftenSo^ tte steg^is te Ite jsaB ate Bra oiten rnartte fanfan


fcr WOMEN.







...d-.i,-risnii -;.w ;:r™:"i.;EK'K





K.’srs ~





HeKtear?*bair ao^ hto“^

r. VA^t-wlBi flirnitei Oo.


il<8 To Ocirn


..A MV










l-ftea to aaefte BaU toiTtete

y.rvrrv****«»“ »*- •> p—

I to Mtobitotota.


jS2PES!i;-a 'wsasrsa:




sural’s: sSaf^sTii?



CostIt you
yt>u leas aand maVe yoo lew smoke,
and have the ioofiI ilife expected of 6nt dan
DON’T FAIL to aee oug large line of Air
Tight. Round Oaks, aad Wood tod Cod Base


Our Grand Jlutumnal Opening

The past few days demonstrated beyond all qi^ion to tbe satiafaciitm of dl that we are the leaders of fow prices
in Grand Traverse Count)'. The foDowtng prices will tell tbe Mory.



i.’ftfjS’Sl.Mf kr

Koond Oak*




Per week does
the buuneag
So buy cariy
and be prepared
(or Budden
chuiges in
the weather.

aand l>’wri


Dry 6ood$

Best Studvd PrioA, dionlencths. per







d CU-


lor........................................................... 15c



G^^^^r FlaaBeLwDfthCc.per ydSftc
AUlinen Crash, worth Sc. aak price-..4Hc


SSteiS *w;!te^St»«M SSs rnA'mtm M«Ha Iff

Gft 6hbe

m VMS#.


tai< TriTcnt HcnU.


tto BOMT totolito. tto
torfeto w a totolkto aeUtiM.


m (tot vtoa > tr* M Mk Ml ta« Bar artU to ta Taloto aad-«
tto TCtrr (vs*l to. (to wttm toto
OM to
to* ato to** Ik* to* tot.
ato Itoir. Ik* M*(to toto*tolU Ml4.
toltor*r**M4 iototo*Mrc-

r*nM^i ifSalim a
vat r*e*lT«d (foa
KlTi ■


*( anM an

ml aad tbt larto* to'
« tbto tort baw
* part to (to

(to Ualtto SUM*
MJ, (to aD««*atoi to* •KMM.IW’
a gBU ta lu raiina. Tto totoa toi*
•W MI.MI. iLto totWa* tut F>U ta

I (0* a loo* tlB*. t
(**. Tto board to pal
____ obore tbor k*.* bMO to

d aot to*a toft (to totolTarl Tbw capaet to o^ tto aeo aBnl
•ttatoao Aaaiatrto,
■ Mr. WWo tot rmf •aaof abool tto M o( <Mtoar.
Tea. AtoaU PBoor attt hat Ito
—d all tto OB* IhU ohal- coaotoo olU to kaooa M CaBatoDliaracB tale of aap BadMto* la tto
MT b
to to Ito eaaaltoos'. Caab Orooacr. Ttoy oUl do rtTtltad oorM. Yob m-1btn aad
a (koto M
OB a atrtcily eoah baaia. aad
olUaddoitor Uaaa. T«0
...aod tto bolldtoi <d Mr. Oaaa kMterat. lk:*(ort
bolidIfor a t«*« of 7*an. Tto ol

irtot nptor. oa* to^
• BtBbart to HePbo
oad lor tto pott ooortor to o a

Brpi. aatik. atitr
baan inBblt - hto boB* oa Mav
■tobib Btroto- Attboa^Wla
or DiBTtoa Plato*
to oat aloar hatoaadbaaKjr.aadao
Wia. Btob**!** I----------' tto oaMtoBM^O?to tbo 0. A. B. at FUe Lake
• a*o tbaa to. H* (
laaUlar acair to an O. A. R. bo<
aad procoatioaa. aad olll to giaoUr
t>B (TiU rItJt
Biiaal aot 00I7 la tba poat Baa "
bol br bit old* tore!* to ae«
Mrt. U Pti
oaot to Dotn
Mr. Ul|il*r^ parcoit cbb* tioa
ott* aad tamltr (
'raae* to tbit (naatry la 1123, aad to
m ton WHB anar ibalr arrlnl la
t Bboob olll viBit ta Hati- N«o York ctir Ttor tootod la K*«
JrracT, ob«re to Uir*d aatU a Tooa*
- t roBOted to N«* Yorl
dtr. Hr oat aBTTl
aurrM (hwe la U&3 to
Mb* OUr* S. Saili)
"mVco^ ooto ta OairoH.

A. W. Haroood aad oRo ooai
d armd
B«^ DaV<a oUl »tolt htoodt
i ai tto
rad wl(k
» ynr*
■t proapree her*.
Praak Ppau .otf* aad diudrta to
<rty a( (be iB* at

Today tto aiUoUoa c

'kT pmiitod oMh aa

aad tto U. K. • I. Ballroad Co. Tto «Jf ^
cot* to a rBtotla actloa W ranwor
toB* paatoea allc«*d 10 ha** becal*'** •
•old to Mr. toCrtot by Mr. Mcctoa. ****
oto i«ftuto to ton tbe pouuora oTt*-l«»" <* •*(O biB. It to ctolBed. otoM Mr. MorPtoasaat PaaMy Rooatoa.
caa bnrd tbai (bey bad adnacto la
Patoly r«oalooa. aft** m* yaart
adth TIb*-* Tartod
Tto CBM oat ttarud Bat **Mtlas.
la (b« Um o( U*
aad lb olll Bit b* a..................................
Itad Uadrto.
***aia< U to a Jur
las tb«


racolaia (to aeti
tale (to aamo
o( (be tmaa. aad ibat to all (toy
look wto* taeba* doB aad tod wUk
haadaetot aad vtor acto* Yoa cBly
Btod a te« doan at tireeat Atotot
YVner. ta Itaatd tarm. (o Bake yoa
Cnapok'a Sale* <
caiiitod (bare to aaiktax tertoat (be
Baiter «iU) )Oe
Yon can *c* tbto • bar* aU otbara tan
tvltable r«ineit> *( all dray liter*
Price 3ic aad 7ic

to* caUta.
Tto itourtM atul U
ta bu to Drtiuli aad Toledo. >« «><l ..
CBM raodarwl a *ardicl tar tto ptato Bam. Sepieo
Tbe B*it*r to accoilaU
UaM ■as'* *aUU Uato It *
Hbkaso. *«.«> to Unad Rapfdt oa o.
U* of « ecau aad na(t Thr> vtae' Kcearailoot •
r'fataUy **-!«
lou to nr* (or (b* MUtl
taroB pkyUetaM aad 1
:lw* at MH* at (to FMtot Bi
~ * I abaual etnicaloa Octotor (.
eat aboot aa boor.
down (ucrtbrr
ta* oat broacbi ap bp a------------------f aarm truB O'* —»-.t_
Buad Ocotor 13. Aak
to^toad boMt Aad U totr to
Uto Into tto Pmpl*-| Bartoto Baak
worked U1 alght to nr
PTM Mday^BoM.
Mr aad Mr* Rlrbanl Lae hare been,
4HUe or tolaf at Back at Ito Baakt tuito* ibat (b*p did a« oar# lo tab*
tto rapletiB cbm <d Ctaarlet Jef tpared to a ripe old ace and ttotr tix
' M for t»* roar*. Ii oat taaDr
u( Baxlato tod at rraaot «oa
»* Btrary J. Horsvt tto }oo cUMraa are all UTta*. tad u the'
Taotatnat Wantal
od that tto Mjor aad <
braosbi ta a raidlct lor tto plataUB. piuTidenca of Oud were pentluad Cio-t »•“
»aa taoat
PA' '*'■''3 «>"(• P*r buthai;
tcird 10 Bak* (to loaa
Tto rTidrMw wat aU ta tatt .eceata*. SMber with (to yoBn«*r Keaerulos*• |(or »e>l rtpeoed truii deUrered at tto!
.Porta* (to tOMi dr* rtort tto i
tbort iiB* aad m*o It ob«
•ad tUi toraBioe wat ooeaptad
• tto
ad by
to «reet tto a*ed oBea lo ibit happy,tadocy. and retan all park**** Tnr. 1
(toir tny
tot Uoo addias
a jn
tarj la (hit oar li U tto b
SMI iZSjg- —
_ _
J. H. Oiarto
ear pl^ «< a*a*al Boo*r. Boa*
brdac ctrea ai
Mm. Barth
Bart- aad (to Hia*B BUtak
tto eltr do
a wat hotly e
eoaa* dew* fraa tto Uoadtot aad obleb Ito baak. ohieh
' Notthport o*a(
aad "Bertha - r caBpaar. Tto tiz *__
poaltorr. BtliF« OB It*
feSrlM wat rrpraaaaiad by P. C. Oil«to* e( U oat do* oat or tto BoeU*i
(o Cblea*o (or a * L Hra. L Oaot- sowan waddtn* BeUdra hit wife. 1
welshed and their luul
bar*, aad Mr. HoQto by Pnti A Da- vUsbl wat IIU pooadt. or aearty an
taaeaa Bra eblldrtw. Mr* Jaaa* Baal
Mock at Nortbpon
aad aoto* to K mm o*v la tUpt <f>
^ Tto Jury weca only out atawi ttwace V S«0 poaadt cacb.
(0*. itaocae and ta*ta Dtpley.
m kUaBOta. Kto all tooM-ltu
• MUha and Hr* I
Btiatorb Oarreci
aad- Mr*. Prod Piatl
Ttili tareao
- - Iran and ihi
a Jaiy wat lUeci
•pato at lo otottor *oM It tto H
M naa of S ort K. Maaa et t
Oto of Ito bni r.< i>'bac* iR DaaW Dak*
aoaaa ooat to Drtrell.
1 Poai. aad hat ..rid ito
Ooa. B. a OrtoraiB of Oa
mirtmer. Bm tto tact riBtlai dB
bel, all
UltaB Carpeater of Motke«aa rep- Lee V Brator. N. 1
K •oat. ai BOtoT. otor tto drUlaad toft lUa Bonlas for a trlall la DotroH.
Ml*, r D. Marrta .pad ooo toft (bit
tu Kobart K Man* aad Mr. Dak* Polio aad
•«rM. aad tUt ombut bat *m Itt fal
BOCBta)* for a Ttolt la Totodo. >
ineaeatad by W. H. Paatar. Tto - oea* N Y-: Mr* Maul* Orian
L. M. B*aaott aad torn Ota toft ikto
Tto taaeral tervIcM will to beM
It tto oQtcoae of a taaber d«a)
1 daatotera Ethel and Eln. of BUOa Ito Par* HaraaaUa oaca
•a loM to w* tov* a bUUoa to p>U Borala* for a rttll la DftioH aad Aaa
ider tbt aotpleat of HePhertoa Poa- (bat ocnTTed aaar Haakewaa.
rek. iT D . and Mr* R r. Adast
wik Tatoday Boralasaboot mp<«- •I • o'etack Boadv aneraooa froB tto
to MM* o* BMd aot trlsbtaa oor Arbor.
.. New York, wbo It a alwer of Mrt.
. S. H. Aliya hat com for a rtoU at pto Ian tor rartoot partt of M lob Isa a.
Uy raaMaaee. Rer. D. Oockita oS! P-Oa»*LSOR KkCBAPOB D m nt let R^efeeawd
Richard Lee
... BardaawatYUt
Illlaoto BBl ladiaaa. Maay did aot
iftlraat Hlto.
i 0. B. Doaaolly o*al to ttouolt tUt
Urlka at Elk Raplta
Ian at *;M>. hot toek Ito racoBoralB* for a Ttoli ollb trtoada.
Botal U oto atroM etoau aad
Schloaaer. Hookv. Bobar<t. Car
Batata. Mich. UcL
lar irato oot aad paid full taio. Tto vw and Vader.
- - - aad otfr oaat lo T
faraaee of tto Elk RapI
At t:U o'clock I
•aevtiua uala cotoataird e( alshl
l«to UtoBtrUto lo riBit rUaUraa.
la tto an
ared ta tto cbm o Edward A KUdev
**irri^aiS?By aod
and daaibtW,
i by a*arly TS uf * Prato Bazto* 1
and wood yard mill be rioaed naliai
Maad*. oral lo Totodo tbit son
of tto 0. A. R..
*h sea cbb be found to Bta tto
I traktac ta eoUcct a
(or a Ttoli ollb Ooon* By.
DIpIo wai laid to rat Suaday
1 Bi oaev. It It Iboosht tbai tkU
I Cbicaco—HIkr Tabo and olf« aneCBooo
aad Mr*. C. C*rroU aad *00 Tto booaa wat onabta to ocoobbo hater laad.
Lati week noUcru were poated it
Tto raportt at tto poatolBoa
Batarday altot (to tary la the cate
y Hr. SItohy.
OaoTto. Balk HUto. Ctorta* WaUaad dam baU (d thotn wbo gattorad to pay
Ito Ben whoae w*«et were rab
MtpU to ttoeupM tar IbO ibB
Ctorta* aiPe ooal lo Umdaarllle. AIBIB
AlaoB Bouar.
Baltor. an.
Hr*. V.
KaUy as>j
aad a toot trlbata to Ito departad hero. of Robot K. HokB at al. v* Daniel
•>. W.
o. a.euy
Hay 1C laiL would be motnd to wt
aoBtowad oUh tboaa of IML ara
OUe. tbto aMoatos i<
datobiar Htoa Brrtka. Hr. aad Mrt. Tha y«rd wat tall and tb«w war* pea Dake ware out uaUl P o'cloek.
at tto wa«Bi paid btaora (W rU
tiled lo a*
a. t. Ilaa. Mrt. AUaa Orayaoo. r. L. pla wbo were forcta to wait out ta
paOtyto*. aad aboo that tto toa
on aceouat ta a tall la tto >rtca
■ehulsaa aad ou* Hr. aad Mrt. El tto ttraaL
TbU aflacied tto wa*aa or
to toaarty aU ito otoeaa la bury. Tto
1. K. TriBbla. Mr* T. W
Rer. D. Cotolln tpofcc w
Ucally ta oaly tto comntna
poMotoea rwiMpU htoa* aa aoeonia
U. A. Bank aad ana oaat lo
aad Hra. WUUaa Vaa S '
irataa aad tyBpatby. otj
•ad top aad bottoB Allen at
toda to todoatrtai roadittnoa tto «r Kooark. Ohio. lUt soeatos tar a Ttolt
Holr. Hra. Qaoasti Blaa.____
le a*ad wifa, who It rary
c«. About 4« ta tto tnea (tacuawi
Mr. Wtaeh ta Oraad Rapldt U ac*rata. Hr*. T. H. Watt. Hlia
I whoa (to lOB of tto
tbe cuL They were «lren
S at court iteaocnpbv ta place ta
*Mra"N'*B!^Oor# aad Hr*. A. Naah
r*BL Htoa T1IU* Sptaae. P. U.
sir Une. (to 4 o'clo^ eaal ta (to!
.ir. Headtnoa. wbo It takla* (attl
Ml tbto BoralB* for Totodo. aad adU
oaa aad oU*.

aaale wat tanltbta by a saartat com. ■Mor 1a a Border cate at Cadillac.
aod ttoa tto tunaA
rtalt la .. .............................................................
iBsoorthy. J. 1
poata ta HIM Roberta. HIn Gray. Mr.
eatott tar tto yaar baito MlM. *•
Doactat aad Mr. Coatet. Tto 0. i ~
that thara will l>e|
CkBtac Oora aad
la cIrcBtl court (to di«urce toll
aiBibW tldJW tar a alBllar prelod 1
•ad w. R c. atuaded iba taam*. _
II be winiag U> arcepi'
n ihit Bonta* ft
Lnoraao*. Maknta Wlaato. Sr..
a body, ow f« ta ito fetaier Bareh- NBMd Wlkla ** Albert U wikic a
tba reductloa. ro ibtt Iba ti--------—
yaar a«to Tto aat raraaor of tto
IV a Titit ollb Uoir aiatar.
ilhaL Hr* P. tIatololBaa aad ta* la Ilaa.
(akea under •dtateeMai by (be cm
be aiartad -*->« In a lew day* II noL
pouatoe* bora to strae aa «»4H fat
aa. Mto OUra H..8ptoear. L. V
la ita* eaae ta Edward A. Klldn r
Praldani Lteota Brow*, arto ta bva.l
Prank dazUB all tto erMence 1> (
Mr* Jasaa Moody. Htoa
FtoMwa Want Italltaad.
•Bd Cr«ter*l Hsnagv E G. Stuk. t»y
t <* Vaaa MaotUtoatoL Mr* TWtoai Dyv
that they wlU blow out tb« wvto and
O. E. ItoBBa aad oU* Mr* Loato
openiknu ta the ehrmleal
abaolto to tto loUL at acmi
HiB. W. Bebradv aad aoa. Aa|
Rector. Ratk MUtor. R Jaeeby. Mr*
wurkr. wood yard* «>d fnraace. Tbta
vMk oikw Httot «f II* ato*. Haa
ooal to Laatta* tar a r
Leaiac Wtoto. Qraea Harrla. Ptorl
« load oa tto Paala•Sect over 200 bm. a coufer-,
•tib a topatattoa of llMd aho*
----------- Mania, tod Mary WUbalB.
tola >•• Bel with (to baartlau ap
( bntag told tbta anenoon.
Mta. Hatrr Cook toft yaatorday tar
Tu Datndt—Mlat iania CtoldoUl. pconl. »S.«ao ta tto reaulred ItO.Mt eordla fVe iBssnace Co.
dHpto of IllMl a IbUtto
cut ta teborw*' vagea ta (ron.
Two blllt fw dixwre were tied
•Dario* NobraMc* wbara ato will r. a Kaap*. C O. * '

" beta* etued at oato. tad half ito rl*bt
13 mu aa hour
WE tod aat rartoa* of oaly lUlt.
r bar taturr bOB*
day by Atlorneye Cnderwood and Hat
Oorbetl. JaBot H. HcAlltoUraad wtt*'
CkHpaiif ollh UMtolaa. tto dforot
r. aad Hr* Prad
kir la cireail coart. They are tv MUi.. H. J. Ryaa. A. V. Ryan. Miat
art **cr atoalleaat aad prora.Baeb
ale Bakv «■. Andrew Baker, oa (be
____rl Ur«y. Jasta Oallttlk* Lawia
Boon Oolltace and aua retiined
Aarse ta ae«1e& and aoaaupport. aad
Kailon and uajoa.
. a.
of Mopio Ofty,
to IbTdr of tbto elty aa aa lada

IS-.3: ITS



. fea asTd'Sairt.-SS

w a ,



I i|J^=



'uaato* b*^


daacktar weal to Kei
LaPorta yMtarday.
WDUbb HnWawortb
..oUawertb toe* toa*
rWt nIaUr** Ttoy
tid TTa***M Ctly ASBM a*M to Mb BMaatl al Noel
^ M. I»nl-------•(Cta

•toUr. Ctodlltoe atoroa a KNal af

p prera k daady. tahataMlal
Mlh. aad whaa
eoatparad wRb
itotaa. a* anad abora. ladlcatM

A fto Sab City ta taltta* U
la ttta tats ta fniiaE atoad. Aad

btaon tbtar
la Oraad

. Si !;.

■MIB Marata It rUma* la Oraad

____ CbiTta Bart left yataarday Rw

Sma^ ^

ri Sarli wt
d PM. Haw TMk-a Htatfawd
_______ _______
3 inmjft
___ for a TialL
Hr*. OtaBia W. Jaekaaa taft ____
day (V Um Aas*ta* CbL
YatTaaata aad
P. YaaTMata
wU* ban *eaa
jHpMa far
*tmii* «aly ta
te Wataaa.
Waataa, Orwn.
4. U Bvttay.
wUa aad Ava toIHrM
-Inf» mr. ThM lifiBtaai wtt aot
taft iMitodw fv WadtM. Oraaoa.
- MM EdMtolH. BM I.NM Jta at- »*«
3. Riimn aad wHa want to B**____________ tor to (to Aardean
Ua.Haibar yaaUrday oa a vlafL
MM Ttoiwilli It wtia May apt
.«*tM Mdn OBa AM a y«M Asr

Hr* Bta Radaa ta___________ _
•ra vtaftia* tkair alotor. Hr* Wto.
Dyto ta m Hop* atroat
HIM Ada L Wblan____________
boM WaoaatiBtaBs. wban toa ha*
bta autalas t« tto (bm ats waak*
•ad taft oa a caaa at Bk Baptda tata

Baal WMk ta tto Ctato

Tba Miekiteb M
;; «lgato J. O. Dmu

M- bvta. Tto abot '



■ glvaa. aflv wbleb
d. A gift ta tu
a prMMUd to Hr* toyvalatoMw
Mm Hrtbday. aad a ttoy



_* E W. Ftour tetai a taw toy*
ta tkta wark wHh rataUrM aad
triaada la Trararta CRyHtaa Ubbto Oaata« leak a
Tn*arM Oty TaiaiayHr* Jowaa at TiatMM Qiy
tag ratallTM tad btatea ta u
Hr. aad Mr* W. F.
~ Haakv
“ '
aad ate
ta Oraad Raytda are tto gaate ta

■•MM "THr.
EH Uvdaaaz
aaa IhBtly.
tM tto
Ltel FBMtt ta Lataad wm ta towa

Mn W.^^PathM w«M b
• Ttet-

to tto aad. Tto aawa ta bta daatb will to netarad with ragnt by bta Maay
Mttet ta tbta ragkk. Mpteklly at
M. wban fv aany yean to haa

a rarorar hob which Un balM
Irta to laaltaa tto aatarta adranArad waa ta tto haadt ta a U_ J ta tbta ptaoe H BRldiAl
yaardd boy. who “dU aot haow »
WM tedto' Tto raaalrar had ra- BM raaoct. aad ta IHA paicbaL.. _
etotly ban rapakrd by Hr. HMu. ■Ita oa tto hay ahon kta baynte tto
- pt. whkh br MMto "CtoHlatad WM lytag la tbe abop wUh tto
be.' *aa tadlaa word-------- Ty
—-ridgM ta (to ebaabar* wbaa tto
ailtal rtaw.' la ItM to BMO.d blBMlf wlU r. R OnvM ta
Wtag up Ovraa PtaaL wbicb baa
Wiua-a Ilf*
■laca aoM# to be «•• ta ito Madtag
Uoaday arattag Mr. Vtttr w
laBBV raoru ta tto TnTcrn Baj
Ota in datlTta a wbata aad Bato ta
raglee. It bat been largMy tbiougb
etatatakB* aad oa bta rrtan to hi
bta tatatteo tbai tto wa« akva ta
to waaM bava itetMar*
ftead Tnvrvaa hay hM aoma te to
titasliy ra­ >• w^^knew* aa aa Ideal tenikB
OMUy, to 4U BM te te taka any >bMr. Page aaaia k Oraad Mat>
aaranary toaaor*. an to h
taadto tto
twnilTar that to' had }tata
mI rapalnd. wtth bta paraata ta UM aad wm
blB. Oa bta man lu aariy daya tea ta tta iiiibIi
Mta kok li
^ >*U Ibe
m. tain hiadad. ta ito


fVM te tto waapoa. aad palM tto
(ilglM. Ha dU a«\aow It WM load•d. Tto ban taraek Hr. WHlr la tto
right atoaHM. v rtal
ta tto ABtay
part ta tto an* tet
■k ta ite ba. . agb tto aaa
““ .
ta ahoBldM. aad bvwaaa tto
bkda ^ Ito rtb* wat IB-<Mb ta (to back. Ii
___If* i.bsite^ s. 1*.

I UvdMaa to* caianad I
to Obtean te baft- .
Eatt taft Ttendar fv i
r friaad* ta CkteS*
- a Htate Brito aad 1
Tepk tar f.
s- B. Btetey.
Ortaber lltb:
I Hte ta tto
_____ ______ IvaaiaR
Iam*- UaAM._______
UBy Hagg* wtt TBR ta OnM Rtea

OMth ta Atol T.
Abal T. Page, oaa ta (to aarttet
ricaatn ta Onad Baffd* PBMad
•way M bta bava ta that city 8at*^
daytaitoa«4ta7L Habad bav
BUta* fv aarrnl Mtb* aad hk
daub bad baa a^vind far aama
dta* Ha waa taadariy tatwd tar d•^

• ^ SiS'sssiL'SSi’K:

Oaatral toka, Ui tag bta Bf* M tl

JtbrwB ta TnTBwa
•day ta tawv
. ipL Kdaaa attBMad tb______
•I Battcaa toy tata watk.
Hr. aad Hr* r J. toyaa tota rataracd tea Jaefcaea. wbara Ibv
—f. E ccBlVate*
■Mbvy rtaaraad be
« CRy tata watat.
A rvsrptte wat glrte PTbUy aaaatag ta hcBw ta Hr. aad Hr* p. j.

- I WM pte

1. B. A L eeearnd tkta
Bcratag. ato tu paapta fate odrata
toga ta tbr’ebaap raiM la tto
BOto (taBt Who Wtet Ob tto
m WUt wan (to taBavtag:
Bairy itotM waal to Mniw
■Bdi toTidi ratatira*
Hr* E 0. rbinyBa* af thk elty
ate Mr* Oaarar Hyar* ta Oadar watt
........................CUy. wbara ttoy win tatrrtagr ta ttob mtaaa. Min
iuM«o oaady.
Jeto Paata waat le Drtrdt aad CU-

• !

1 1



i I

I a waak v tv.
Bata Hr. aad Hr* Wlua ara auaatattobtewtodH



ty aad htetta dvlkte
a bk tote aad aataal

pwy hateiB ta to to a*
to (to ate 1.x
brick Maildtag
ta bntag eoMpkWd At 411 BMdb
DakB rinat by Prato Dam* Tto
aaw Ara wtn to cira*GiU ta E R
aad L. A. CttaptolL^tak ta w
tora tote ta tto ib|Iii ta J____
PMch. tto oU aatoHlteag aoMk aka
groav. E & bv baak wtth Hr
Pbftaeb alaa yaar* PWtaBtj to wv
■ataiya^wto ^hw wbtaaaale *n>-

1 tell bynamite at
reAJonable prices.
Estimates and exMrienced men (urnisiied
at any time. -Laree
stock of 40 and 60
per cent •d>-namite,
at all times,
pier cent, for stumps
and 60 per ceot. for


I-' ;





Tto todtot- AM meiMr at tk______ ■kip. Pto tkta. to aay* ttod tto do
buM Chk
rytl^ ta^^ glTa a Bfioaa B aot BOW laady. Pactopa la » yaan
(tvM aad
K win b* aad at that Mm* Baddpal
WaRar K. RiaitoB taft ya*M*dar .Irion taTTtoi.-^____
tar a taa duta- TBAI la —
mb. taur wtn to M
to T:Mi. talar which a toWBa wV
Bavafaar Wm
. .
to glTta. All aia ovdtally tarttad i
Wmiaa wm*. tto bkyela bbb ato
f- Wtaata. Jr. ta TiaratM Cfty ■arboalc ea Park atraac ta lytag ta
bta rooB orv tto bieyela abop wltb a
at Taaaday ta lowa.
Me.l(hv eavdw h.UM b, bta tbOto
i. L. Joyeo ta Tiuaraa CMy

baft yaotardky aad wtt tok

McHalloo aad Hr*. Rda HcDauhl.
Ur aad Mr* a U Lnwtoa toturord
(.. Hancock tkta Bonlag. afwr n rtatt
la Use city with Dr and Mrt. F. P.
Lawto* a L. lAwioa ta a *>eBbMi
ta the law Am ta Uaaebrtie * La*-|
too. and Bade tbta cliy a> a ucddlae'

Rlea Pram Crowall PUaUtk
There ta at Use Herald odlv
<».dw ta---------teraUa* aaUbii ta rice, nix
and Ikat oa tbro
Arthv H. Crowell, aoo ta t
Old HlaakB (bar
Crowell ta (bta
Ita city. I
trHcbt ta HEOOLa Mr Cnnreli baa 1
A. E Ponv lati Toeaday aoUAad
LMler and Htrbrrt Welch west lo
Atlorerr Praaeb BDarlly that to bad
Beilalre tbta Boratag. and will IVB
wUeb BiMi- b ratafvl on *rouad a
tov. P. J. Bryaa hat left tv hit •vary foM ta tto risbt *
(to itauvy fv ihe Botlalrn again*!
and wtth wai . (run (to Ub* It _
aaw ckarsa at Haatoa.
(bta eiiy and <Hd Htai
a foot hi*b < II about three week*
Hr. aad Hr* C B. Kah
by M ta tto beat aaf
S. la crowB oa
ai a weddtas aaahranar

a Siva Ito ftskt ta w
Mn. H- _ __
vtaltiB* miattTM b
•aeb fv UtoaaN aad fv tto olbat* *
day avaaiat by MB* Cbariona Paw- An aipBtoM esuBdad with ito to- •
a pomplB* mstae. Tbrre
oirtBS ta tto risbt ta wttr. by pMcbaoc
* ta 0^ Ratoda
Ausal O R A I. nennkta to Riteoa rnofiB*it1iB piwtiittaB*, th*M > a twelve lack pip* aad tto capa
Bdated plaaaad an. Maale waa tsr- f» BMO bava baeoBie rapMOdbU tv. < r at (to wall ta S.MU saUnoa a Bln MOnd. tad. ta on Tunaday. Octotor
Ithad .fv (to oInakB by tto orH. B. SUiBc ta today looUw ov«r ' . Tto Arat Afim day*
tto probabla ronte ta tto road, aad <
•gaal V nddrwM C. L. Lockwood. OraMr* A. P. Aadvaca ta Oi
•ml Pate Agent Onad Rapid*. MleboU fv taaL
Wtoa tto rice, whkta grow
_ ________ J «i tto TiBTacaa CMy *
balwaa* Ira
At* mod
and aix
tix kaL u
Paalaaala Ralboad Oo. (tore to* baaa kafgU ta batwaaa
•OM* talk ce tto part ta tto epioal ready te eat, tbr work,to doaa by
tka ta tto fravdilM ta tadaata* aiMwi ta a •atf-bladv Bade Mpaetaliy tor rica. Aboot a loot ta atabbta
Mayv Baato to Ttto Uw ordtaaa
B taft- Tbr rtea aaft go thro^
graaUag tto traacUa*
It dM 1
iM. the taM oar A ptatah
V. bafora 11 ta ready tv tto aarkdC
Tto rfcw Aour ahd rice atnw arr ate
ta Ua atalaMaat tbu to favvwd tto BarfcaUbla prodi
Mr. CrowaUt
-natotaa aad waaud tto road. Uto
■•toad tto propMitka It ce*'
d.OOO bMbata. TV
aaato erar kto Tate by (to aaau ....
wad a t*(7 good OM
hU paavd It U Ant 80 MayV ^ waa
Mr* P. H. Bopdaau to____________ laaio wai aorv approaebad ta tto —--------— aarkta prka wbkk
Mr. Ciewall reetavad wat » a tadL
Maalloa tataad aad to rtalta r^
both Japaaaaa
Mayv Baato atuad in a H
tlTM aad bteadt la Uto ptae*
aad Kondurat rariattao. and tto
Painr Wantaug ta TiaiWM City
beads arr vary Inrga aad taU, W. H.
•paat Thamday .to lowm.
, Cnswau ta tkta dtp-hto aR^tvaM ta
pMpoata road wotad
Hr* C. E Sevt ta vtatilat rotailvM
Ik WhUowatv. Wta.
tto daabab&Ky ta Baatritol oai_ . tto pteiatloa wttb bta taa.

HIM Kale Norotay arrirad ta towa
foaday oa bv way to BraMdaa. IIU
rbaca aba will tprad tto wlatar.
Hmu* P. P. Rn*B*h aad B. tt.
la New Pickard drove orv troa Lalaad sJa-

*lS5t" HatlMa Hdiakas aad

■ (to r^aet ta tto 1
•ra BMl aaiMM ta tto Ctartatot* ta tto aototry. I
tara* (aMBy «t rblMiaa aa-


LBella Ureea v* Aluetu Qreaa, o
Bolalo aad Mtaato lAtartok. Mr* R. C Daoprat. ta way.
and Acsia OoodalL
Hr. HotoUy potalad oat tto iBBeaa* ehatse of pElrene aiul rep
ta tra^i on fruit aad prodana.


Don't brsUatr a momrnt about eomlngw
btrt for anfthing ww
in Stationrrf. « 7t's
htrt without a doubt.
Seboofsupplits, CabMs, Writing mattrial. Books and Stationrrs Sundrks.««
Ch* largrst stork in
th* north.* w « « «

nobaft. Btwbar
• e*.aaPiep*

$boe$a«o Rubbers
-We are putting in a line of the
above goods, and like all other
goods in our line, the prices
will be made to Interest you..


Ml Pnta ac TnaVM CKy.


Reliable Footwear
Rm Fall $tyi»
Made by makers of good Shoes.
value receivcKl.

Pingree ••Oloria" »*8.60
"American Girl” a S260
"Royal Blue" » 9SJM
‘'Gloanw" a *8.00
"Golden Rod" a *2.00


mayer* $ch«el SkM* made lor »*«;


TW SMort kwn«




««Mr4 (««• bj mi. imbr vt oo-


ItwMfl. OMk €t
tM batora tba

Bauaa Tioa Prom Oaotk.

Trovaeaa Bam PM to

cw mi. Jacobr kM bm lywittit AitMaa of raqaaat vara
iiad tor
China.- vrlie* Mr» Wtka anaiMr M Traww Uk«;
Ike <taata< ot tka aatata at toM
blTce of
a arc emled,
«t Araak. N Y. -but
MT rMort Mar KkMlaM.u>4
ipertarre for
otkar taaiatoaa talM.
tarad bar la tbe hirtv. viib mail apertarre
tar for CUCMO oe a akort bMtbrmlblat. Tbep are ehtpprd bp Pamea
inp, aa<l «UI rtiBn btn la a
aatata at Harlli Ibe Vlik Ur. Uaca Nav IHocotarr- Hilbert ot Ttureree Clip. MhX.. and
Irw 4ara.
I cane to ■ooin
Mobile hr Vap of tbe Buu'b
Tka eaiUBeau aad tagaaat at Wlem Rallvap. ai 1rlB«
« peeicrdap v
«ard Frau, a aataor. aaUac that KaUa
‘ jJap Tbit la tJ
Pratt NIckam be aiachaiV
but Iba Brat of
nbrr of cuoieaMdated ablpBem
la axda reoalrtac doiMva betap lakeo to Caba
DBt 10 tia addUoaal
■irrBpibm tbe aaiire buerp-Bokm
« to (be aatata of WUli I* aailelpaied tbai tbe adrt
tba air ai a anX aorkmaa. a
Trial tax tie* lor
ika a ralixMr addiiloe la ih
•K W« atarr
Tr«v*rB*Cltpr Markets.
or Ibe Hi;
TMa rapert <• made u p.
sihn u> I
dayerdaobwvak. Tne b
ilaatatton oper
a «( tow axparlt (or ohanpae
ar Havau and
ID that they map pr.
I Um kaa4 u( iba akm tapanaartoc atatloa. vbUe oa dvtr ai
T ikep ' II for a tov Bootbt. and
i>r I). K. HuBM' laraa dk^- tba vatd to«er oa nroplac Bear
all G
nor* at Ik* Soo.^Bill ibr ra- Polai. Satardap aeaalat at I o-etork.
bunep ladaetrp vl
vaj^Uwk br llcbtalas aad toataailr
aSoT Ii
t*. tkraaevan raeoatlr took a ai
Tbe feokowt vbera DMadna vaa
aU ot ora Inia tba aatoa ot iba O
......... K oa^^^^j^ibe Sb^ta*
itoat MlBiai Oa
Co aad
aat aaot
V It to Martaar
* Hoaklaa at ChMMo tar aoiar. Tba
-------toe at T;U. aa be vaa to
boebH J
•o oa dutr at I. He toaad Ibe door
^ mt-ii npeaea mm aeiireroo at tb«'(
of the hnkoul eloaad. but aot
:v laeiorp. and retuis all packace* Trav. {
Iroed. and vbeo be opepe d it, Dvte
• jei»e OIV i-aaota* C.V
...... '
•taa vaa Ijiac oa tbo Boor, ilaaedead.
and tbere vaa a atroac aaen ot pat
------- ^-----la tbe room. Tvo dataltop Baabee at
Upbtalap aad haarj poola ot thunder
et evirantaom »u>i
Markbaa aad Waller OrMhek. map
out aa Hobtoaoa vaa cUbUbi
vtlh lb* able aaalklaaee at Haarr'
■B UMpptoa had been
Klastaatlb aad oiben. vaat to tba
boaw. aaar bp. oal; 10 n
“-----Cllr IMrlai Park Hoadar
to pet a drtak. aad via
IB to blaat
lealap tbe door vbea tbe b
r dnvj C U Lockvood. Oea'
ibat killed bin.
M* Apwnt. Grand Knplda. MIcb.
H a wife
V aad tvo A
Ha Imrae
•' G. R. * I. annaal eicureh* to D.d > pe
I iroit. Toledo. CbMapo mnd Grand Ua;.
.. Tveadap. Oelober « “ "
■rake Into Hie Ptauaenobd October 13. Bn G. R. d
tiBva oouBip. for totorsieot.
itaina ut Uavradleb. Vi.. vat lor partlcnlar.
R U- G
robbed of bU CMlomtrp health bp luvaaka. Mr. Toraer aov bar aboat
rettaMi uf Obroaie Cootilpatl baadt aapiorad aad la taamtoi tbi
|3W> to Doimit aod Toledo, tS.OO l
Ur. KUid'e Kev Ufe PUIt broke
nachlaea. U tba vaalbar arUlkatailt. Itcaat ot tbe elate. M telta^a hU buuie. hU trooble aa* am.____
irdiK. * I anunat exeunMai October <
ka Mil m aatll Daoaabar 1. He bat ■burt iiBc apo. ocUve prapamtkne
llrulp cured. Tbep 're Cbleapo. st.oo lo orabd Rapidi oo C
were becun for tbe bIrikdap aBalra^
plaair of applet oa
« head aad krta
e rtr
VIII varraal Ito r
a Meade
tbe oake" la Jaekaoa. Juip C.


Hsia to ao* laptap tbea oa ibe
Mtru of tba eitp.




Best Coat on Eartb for





t tba Hotec Cbaer daJaiam ODbaaell. Jaekaoe;
baa lo aaprtae bar Hoa.
urer. W. L. OeLaad. Jackaoa:___
o Mra. Akera tor raaaa, vbicb, larp.
Ueorpe Arthar Miraloa.
Maratoa. Detroli
Ji iTova I-. .. ___
aMluani eramarp. Mobert A. Boilth.
larpe aad tracraai ae Joae
aad aiio lo Mra. AnalM i
It bb I
■akin for------a torpe
boudaat o'bmullfal
•own. iaaadlH aelvn. ptoke, ebrraaatbaMaou. ponulaeea. aad a prtai
entire oharpo u
aarielp <d paaalea
u for Ibe eelebmt
a of tbit
tr eltp bai bna aoUBed
that be bae been eelecled ae oae of
. - Ca't boai itoe. aad
............. Mtohipaa aad OUo bp vap
Tbe luotldeei ut the Ualted f
ot tbe T. * A. A. resd. bbd abeal Idt vUl
ba an boeored puoel ^ the
veraarp, aod all oiber leadara o
repuMupn paitp vlll ba loriiv
DtaBodatad to the
feature vUI be a mtberL.. ...
te Maalnee. The i
bo PYomoni ToUn vbo can be
Hr J. U. Wnbatoi left B-vdaeadap
tor UadirUia. Obk>. vbere Ue marr Peter
Mtb Mbs Bertha A. Cll
ipl la the rveoal Bre I e beoB adluellieaiBtMd tadap at ibe . . ad.
aad Ibe lotol toot B ■ree
MlJi aue vai fav

ClanBOe Mania bad We baad badip
BVBhad TaeaddiP vbUe at vork Mr
tap dove the bWldtop of VMar PMar
WUbelai Wd Ibe I
1^ oa Stole Ptree*.
b aad v«*r popolar bore
the iWealre r
Hun •< Capembh.
CnoeBlib, Mliib. Oot. 1.
Hank. B heskaatoB m tbe B
Aroadto rsUmad. net Mib a
totorp tUe Bomiap. 'He'attaBi^
■^e^mptlu *ltb bii font, aad tba
Ukalp that Ibe toot vlll

6. P. ^or i'*Bnall of LoBdaa. |tW:

WWi cwmeetlagt, $tW; Umrpool «

Ujodca d Globa. WM; lire AaaoeddPboaati. WM. Total
------ i Mra. Manba RapaeUa. aped
TT pear*, vblle
ioba R. Baaid't apoaep—NaUooal
Iba tap ot a ttah
«atar. vbos
. m Ull bto
lamed aad -oallad

Children's Coats

Economical and wise mothers
are bu>ing chiWrens Coats now,
economical because they get
that much more wear out of tbe
garment, wise because the slock
is complete, here are three num.*
bers. for pourcxinsideration.
No. *97—Heav)- /. ibeline
brown, green. Uue aod Cardinal
4 to 14 years, cape and cuffs pip­
ed with satin, trimmed with but­
tons, priced at

tbt 3udgt of tbt

United States

No. 8S5—Zibeiine. colon
Cardind, blue. green.and brown
cape and stole storm color, satin
trimmini^. turn back cuffs, 4 to
14 years, price

Onttnd tbt

Ba $* Tryman


od akrrtap toad Oa. Ha M bom ta look orar Iba
Bald, la an to put vktt sbaaa tbe
Batter otobda. aad to Bat ada^ta
Uaa at to paat vbai jrapam baa baaa
Bada to tbt Battor of fMBsrtoc tor
tba aoMI boOdtof .at tbs rood. Ho
eoBtracd tor tba n»l vU b* Bada at
Ibli Uato. at Btttera ban sat prepaaaod that tor at peL WWs
(btoi la to abapa. bovarar. ST I

Sold for tbt btmfit of tbt

Jllfred V, Trkdricb


m M nSSi

bp'a**£Sila1ls^' to Mp Tpsi^


MitMa tor Ub. It vlU btsadl ih*

M baoaaaa tt la a pood bntotB wopoalUas tbW ba baa pot to Boeb tise
aad Baser istoti.
n wa a doUarto it tor aa.’ ha taU.
-aad 1-B ofur Uai dollar."
Mr. Biroap elated that vbea atarribtop N pot la abapa tor tba aetstl
- ' las of tklt
BaU order
bulUtop of Ue road, h voaM be pot
Bad a bwdra._____ _______ to ae sniek "that tt vUl -make poor
« tbtrd rsu amt. He bat satar
mt- H. A. Oobb. toTBBto Mdeoaa
that dtUar tipaa aad aMdk vtu
•■aliar to the lacsi Blph aWaal mam
tbe erark W dooB. Tba Bellsr mad. ba eaid that aaaafbotf ttmU
neper paP kkp ■iwa wwiil or ptea to lop oB that Bar. krtoai
r Ue oan viu atan.
rood tM lor hha. ae»r balp balld np
-4,“------------aUlad batora aarUtop
> et hie aetpbhva. M dose ura 4 tbe aetaal boUdtop at
■ ■■ at■ vsrp Vfll
MU ban
ovtotthe^^ot the msd. U npht
to be oaen aa d tba fWWd bovei
Mr. Biiaad M ben «w eslV a tboct
Pair W« au Baiiiat,
that Ibe maaii at tadtaaa pvartp
itoMiBtMtrto Ha boa a
■aattap ham dootdW to da avsp Mth
...................aad It


“STJS DoarBir;

Nonelty^kiiyj. Wooltex that means allTitki'Wted. with
walieau pleat, shoulders, cape
storm collar, colon bipe. brbwn
and castor. Price


We have bought the entire
‘rri£&'Si«5L,.. Stock and have placed it on
tldiM: Aetaa, |M»; Oatodoalaa. fdW;
Hanlatd. IHd: MMfbata. tIM; Marsale at way below wholesale
oaaU)a.lMt. tWal ttlSl-'-i vork et raboUdtac MU be bap Hr. PaiBtpl at oaea
prices. Shoe up the whole
Death of Mra. MaMtofa.
Mra Jaiale Bavltopa dM T
etslap a^ t a'otaok
family while you get Shoes at
HapBaU tovaablpa
your own prices.
kaabsad. tvo tost aad
of tbe TmrarM Cttp B

I aao a aartbors MIrbldaa
aa -X" os a aUror doltor

We are having a most s oftderful Suit business, people go
as-ay day after day unable to
get waited on. The complete*
nc‘s of the stuck, the beauty of
the garmeat and tbe attractive­
ness of the price is what bring
the crowds.


ntdOO tosBisBoe.

U.ITT.t(. The adjui
.lap bp J. C Wripbt 0. .
troll, of tbe Pm of Cralp i Wripbt.
tor Mr Petertpl. aad tbe rvprar Id tbe M tOBpaalea that
a tbe Mat.
kiee. la detail la ae tollove: Oa
------- IP. »«4»I.d0; Moek.
BaeUaerp. t3.Y4T.Wi ao Mae oa BtTotal tltlTTW.
hae It dUtitbaud bbobi

HaSff lfl£^OWl^TSS«SAr af-


Amertcan -wooles milk best
Kersey. ijuaramceJ salin lining,
colors black and castor, exactly
like cut.

«The Standard^
for purity; strength and <^lor/is
Hannah ft Lay Co's "BEST" flour,
manufactured from Michigan wheat
and every pound guaranteed


Im On» XHai«
This is from our CLOAK DEPARTMENT and this
is what weare doing—Listen! We have some of those
elegant 45 and 5f. inch garments in Cawor. Tan. Blade
and Brown that range in price from ^10.00 to $30.00.
We do not want. them. We would much rather you
would have them, and to make it an object for j^hi to
purchase them, we will-give you

FROllSS.Oe $15.00
This is the way it is donc~if yon pmcliasc a SIOXO
coat from this particular line, ]>aying that price, we will
make you a clean gift of $ U you pay $16.00 for
one of our splendid $15.00 garments, we make you a prcKOt of $7A) in caib. If you
rant a $30.00 coat, you will receive $15i». IM ycMi ever have a fairer offer?
What do j-ou care if these were made last seatoo. The material, tbe fit. the work­
manship. is the bot that can be found. Tis true tbe stjleis somewhat changed, twt
if >xMi want a good serviceable garment, one that keeps you warm. 6u you p^eoly:
is made of the best of cloth, and reallyslooks well,'why buy some of tbw. One
thing to remember, these garments at these prices will not last long. The wiwist plan
is to make your purchases at the earliest possible moment, aod while they last th^
will be sol^4s we have stated at just

Tata Wllb^ ritvid vord Tate



We eat a pood deal of atoe.
wet torpa, bn tbap van
lhal: U M hard to Bts A
T Ugh otoaiL. aad arm bt____ oapi Bo
ef load aad a Miaak of Mac le
___ r taw ehr pmr, ai aU am Mbs- atiadk
Mad aad One. Tlw Mad vpUi
Week m pvitkto tbt rtaiBl hrtok elaaae. Haeh lormr baDdiw. «fu ba sat
~k eC.Aad tba atoe ptal Wt. Ladd
IB fibtp PS Wo avs Cb«ab o< Ohrtai -—0-1 aau paar.
W oa._
. that Bakat Deroe Baadp
MMWP oMst vat aet toW mui HmPWai paed paiaL Toa oBal Ba Ibai:
S^Tba aaBoat brtok. vWeb are
-M ovBital atord K. eeea H paa
to Bdar. — ---------- —
•H da K.
We ban baas
BaSap ontrseva at t:M Vttark.





J A F* - A- l_ A C
Jap-»-l^ ia like tkc tm nmiah >04 over tav—bw it ii
mart tkaa Uai It « a BmW (or enry voodn or' Beul
thine ro« 8an apcBsd the hoaoe. It is Bade io U colon
■ oriaAa Bodel bnitb (or


COME TOMORROW aod own a splendid 0ktsvT1ie'cheape« you ever bought

Oaibi. Ob Olmmw.
MtaHtasmmy, OIwb. OIbbb WHiWm.
bfBtMbe*. OpBllltam* ■lltatahp. W^Bk Whikm,


Cr Watd w tbe Moa tTHr. Petenpi


0B6-Half The FomiBr Price

Wmik a. Son*


-..^Sr T e

Grand Traverse Region.
•mteft *•»( unmb ibft brUa* om
thft ftftaftb >a>< ftonh tt Tm/iatt
TbanteT tnarsoM ahMit a»« aAleeh

ft an.

A. M ittnt • TktttM »
A «f
iin- aa

ll tftftb ftftlll Iftft oVtoek tb*

m-. WM ft tM «ftn iMt *Mk vKh



bftgp that at ftom taiai* Uaa (bty

buBw la CbleaM tftfti -Maoday-

- HftiB dror. bar fo Oka Arbor.
am erbftn «M loeh Um baatgUBlay Bevbft aad toally art
la Iowa. Tbft) aacapp tbr
e Mtriy ra

__ ■Ml «rf tbft Midi «««r. rwtftftftM

If as M* *•> IftJOTftrf ftftrf WM I
iftJbai *•* rfM* ut tbft eaalft*

w” *

Tkft tOMnl

Ferry Haaaab to Hrimati W.^amltb.
ou bd. block b. Ferry Hanaab-* Sad
tdd: tzbo. _

«M CB^ftCtW UM ft
M Mft ftXtftl ftl H


Tliftw wwm ftmaUM
IMS miftfti.' AU n»o« ft

QftlU ft

Many Nmalley ut North FlalateU.
Tbft Ladlftft' Aid ftuekoy wlU Ml
Tturaday ariftraoca ai tbft bom erf K. J. aai aboeUtg a party erf Meade
Mr*. Addle Ulbb*. BuiUftftft erf te- tbeaugb (be couty Jail la BomerriUe
■be utber day. A deputy aberlR look
ft to Bbov ibea aa Impiorftd
Hft^Weiod. ybo repMeft* Be» Doa, Mr*. Oewk rWlftrf Ibftir Jd daalaaoa apoa tb* Elagaky M eUL iterlBg the wor behlarf by mtoaa apprecta
•bM erf oar moi^ wob
ib« ftftftUfti


*'^1. PWlMpi Ift •«*!«
CUMrn UfWk

Wftdftftftrffty ftflftT-




Ift bftlMlfti

k (rf HaydcM aad

CbAilift FW. fcftft hftftA €■ Jta ^

, snsf.
Jobs teriy. vbo baa -baao rkltlag
bM paiVftU at PftaarUlft. ifttaraad
■•••• ftad


thk tea
Mr. M4

•ad rapere a wry aaMiyabtr lUae.

ftnr loaktei ^ taftft
- - voTft tra* hftrft

WMT ftUiWft.

Mn. J. I. OMBtecft hftftft

Mn. Hwr Hfttefttt

. .
Maude UodgftA
Wte Paiaa toek ib« ftaearBlaa
•ouib to rlalt bM Pftftoau at Had
Mr*. (V a Uaab* ha* goae to Obk>
Tlftli rftMtlreft aad frieada
MM* Bva Bteanu erf Fuadutee. Wu.


hftft ((mm

OIV *»•*> avftkv «ite MteUTftft >■
(Wft FiftM.

Mr, <

Soluft Bain hM mafftftd
Onsd aatild* vbarft sb* ba«
Ml*. JasMt MU
ft rMurac.l
iftBft ^WkaThftft bo^ DM (feft Mift. VlrcU erf
Mm fttafft Uftft erf Frftrf Wteftlft.
iterrUM ftara ft>rf .............
Mr. aad Mr*. WUI

•ft tMir
hM^i^tfeft teftMT*
kMi at tUft Umb.
M hM caw erf hU (b* cuftftu (rf Ur. ftftd Mra. Mean
Thuraday craalaf.
ft ihrftftbftTft- vblMta M baard
man ihrouab oar rleteby
.Wft had qatle a hard tmal tbft alcbl
ft (hfftft M'ft .u> Ukft o

•'t*. *1

-Bd (anily have apaal
tbft la*i lyo vftakft tUlilaa to IIUboU.
They raturaad hoae batarday aigbt.

Mftr »■

Tto bofti «( l»> wftte •M Ift lU

b«M TtftlUftC; vhb barr

ty rftoriftftd a trMh trite bey teib«^
Uy ybo
- iteldftft
. • la
la Oiaad Rapid*.
Mra Wteue of Ttar.
Ira Llaiaa erf Ktegaky. aeroapaa'
M by bl* Ulilft daofhiftra. vldi«d la
MajAftld liuaday ati«raooa

ralB dorte irf ib« a**.
I laat gatetrday aigbt
laab-oau aad tb* vlod
damage to feaee* and

my ftMieiimu. Sb* iMtaa vUb
■Mi teAu- tbft ««• MftMtM V
a wUkHikek w ft whM erf k

INmiiii an ft mm «r«i> aarf
tmm MMft U«r ara Iwrfir

U tft OMbelMvft tlM gvidaiiaft ef Tra*arm Crtr Citlaaa*.
uy Trarerae City ptool tor ^r

three year* old. broke out la ftryplloo*
>bkb lUeially oorered hit bee. neck
ear*, aad under bl* bair. UcapUe Ihi
u»« ol laircft aad olaiiMiaift aad medi
tag tB« gnalvr pan ol ibv aut
be «a* really acyte to ito- tall
aiu (Nbvr part <rf tbe year' Tbe *ore«
*plH aad be aa* In ftueb lalaery lb«:
lertetaed all day ^ aad rould ■
fp at aigbt. We aerv Induced
Buas'i OlBUaear Th.- Bml ap;
catkm aaa *o ■uolblac ibal tbe cblU
>lepl Ibe aailre etpbi
At ae cuojlaued tbe
the truatmeai tbe eruptloaft grad­
ually, dUappe
dUappeared until Saally tbe apaaiuraL For
>me tray aH y uea*ka. ao treameai
When 1 toaad
pare rftllel
Otblmtei *o *ueo<terfal for our grand
lU. I ercMtd Ibe *treet. applied It
d fur Ibe er*l ulgbl In
(Iftpt »ound1y and belore *ei
aexi ayuTDlna ber toother ana at lb,-

‘oS.*M5itete bte friftOte tMIUML’i^ieTL

^bft!rs. ::snrmii!^

imoSs^. ^oi


^.Hopki* at Ktotetoy

BValhraed up by prefteal*. gS.WO.OftO
A. a Hafti and M. Mlteaugh trerft
lor pockei noaey. and *ir
bcylb after |waob«a.Uaat waak, but liy Ibe table.
Adah U. Mm vlfthM MftTTM Uix name back and r*parlftd poor iok
(rf WftilMrf Iftfti umi. SAft vftft ited
A. r. Hopkina bat ftOM hla bm
Chat bft ported baaltb aiUoui purr
>y vMecMftd by tb* Mama ambarA - more to Trarara* Oty tblft weak. blood
Burdock Bkmd Bllien mak«A
Oraoi tovBftkIp trill tea* aaoihar para bkiod.
S *HL"* ***^ ftIftftM u> hftTft
Tune* and Inrlporaiet
ol lu ftetarpriabg tarman
,y°* *y>
Uft vboM tyalem.
Mr. aad Mra. A. Bmlib U Obk>
ST*taMjfiSTuftteMfti”!^ riftlUag Mr. BoUlh-* brmbftr. !!«■
Waltar Craig, vbo » law mr» ago
ft pan. TbM a aloa laaob mm Bmlth ol teM pMoft. and think* a*
died In a
d ter bM pad aka atanad ter
UMI pMw. and - A the borne of a
ft la Ateta.
» Ift a tta. ..
He bad lo*t e(
1* making
10 Waxtard'a
to exhantl bU lurUioe.
L markftt. aad
teya vtll be
ft w^toi^ib
'nralfth anyO^
Big BagUa whan b* vUl^tMd la Uai liae i
Thomaa' Mrledrle
•ohort Wtuift M a bright inUa hoy.
Nerer can i«
aad ^ bft graaily aMaad by bM
dent I* gala*

Vftftkftd ranr teMhtally

*%. oSttA^M*'ft »n (mftft* la
UaM« Mm ft^leb Ift my aiM




VT«u*. -For IS J
TftUoo Jaaudlre.
her Irf phyttctou

I euncahed .a a
aad irM all a
ggl tM> relief. Thea
UM of BMeiTK Bluer*
aad le*l that 1 an ao« cured ofl^ft

jkteftCTw arfAM WHO dwftite orutoi

^ Kimball

uuuhift. ftiuaucb dtocyder or geaeral
debility, get Kleririr UtUer* UM gnaraatcftd ty Ja*. U. Jobneun aud F H
ttoly i

r, Mu urtun: "I ■oBered
luBered «lth
a year. but
a bo* of
Bucktae* Arnlrat Bah
It * the brat Balx- te
Ja*. G Johnaoa'ft aud

On a Piano is a safeguard alwao's.. These
goods have been sold for years and their
fame is established. No other Piano on the
market to-day has a better reputation for
perfection in Tone, Quality and ■ Durability.
Isn’t this worth something to you? Don’t
you want the most for your money? Most
certainly you do, and in buying the Kimball
you are sure of value received. Call and
see what the popular factory prices and
easy terms mean to you.

La»i April John Ooeyea. as
■ •
- - a Aolgu
- buy* ftbo vere tbrunlnt
____ at bU bou*v aad oibemMv au
poytug blui. alter baUnc U-en uarsod

W. W. Kimball Co.

glr Obarkw M.toile tbr urlhknoyn
railroad builder lu BouU Africa, and
I F. Jonerf. C. U H Dianagrr ol tbr
Cbartarcd Co. tailed uu tbe Cunard
e Ucomer Uampania Ja*i Baiurday
.. aa Importnal mlMUio to ibe-buhod 1
Siatea. They Intend to tpend a moath
I method* esipl ,
■ally to examine tbe irtiieic
the povenef Ntagnra Fall*
■edtoteiy after thrir re-

by wM

haraftftBlng tbe Vfc
Bambtol river I* S

a rigid lavftailNo beitftr pruot of merit can be. bad.
Mr* K. IX Headermoe. ol luS Weftt
mb iLreci. tay*: ~1d the ■UBBor erf

tft about
duoft aovlaii
bat ba«a delayed by i'
aad a'aftcreatf la a<
age I* (bt- nauli.
' - froftt of (be »»a*oB vat
Joha »dMr la la Tia*fti«f*C»<)
nilikd ol tbft 1tPlh.
It kUM uoe preparatton abirh acu up
bk ftftftk. t« ibft Jury
a aad other <regeutloa. bat m>r«ftonlaU(iiu made lor It.'
Mra J J .Ceok aad faailly erf KaiaJl beyted harm
Fty tale
- •by all
c- ■ _____
----------at* rtftlUad Mra. Ooerfi'ft BMb■I*. FM(«r.Hllbuni Co..BuBak>. N
•r. Mra Kobe Utzoa.
ft good
- Uiflted
Joha Bartky bad bia mM Iba. Mat
- Bartley erf Oraat lovaahip Baatemb.r tbe name-.Ho«nft—and
had aa anetloa
letloa ■*!*
.*1. Mat
but WadateAay.
"• •

aad vUl tian tor veatara Oragoo In
Wft ara aorry to aftoy that BMiir
Baiaaa la aeu eoMiaA baok o« ibla
•harift tblft yaar. aa tbft mmM voaM
gladly ftftlooMft biM baak agala. H<
aiil bar* (b* baae wMk«ft M tbft moMr* JeaaM OotmU rMUad Mr*.
gift lo Uraai a* b« torn oa hto eaar
treat la VmaerfL' BMr Barm baa

ewTy ua>


vboae ruaingvord bad b<-«Bre«elred.
locbej ibe mayut ta a ce"
retaaiaeil aa hour btrfure
*«« diNovenMl



,'sm ,r.ssii{
d a Friaftfc

MenoB U> KlUle L.
Ntekeruoa. iol I. uoepi ed* n.. all ■
krf «. bterk
. Ffttvy Haaaah'f t
add; »1.IM.
dte. KaHy aad «Be to Oalrla Ulb•oa. tot 17. block 7. FftTry HaBaabh
lad add; Ilia.
Ffttry HaaaBh to Floyd U gmlih
krf 3« aod *M n. block 4. F«m Uaaaabft lad add: »lf7A«.
Jacob Funarb aad «if« to U F.
Pftrfcelt. MU X>-4» aod o-lft ft of te.
- ft. H.. L. A Oo.’> lu add: bl.lltB. Uaran *aad wUe to Hftcmaa

the buy* aud tbe obi man ax*
courirird <rf manttontbit-r and ten
leneed to a term ul.yenra In Mar
queue pruoa. A peUUoa U u;iv briu* ManUUqoe a*klBg a pardoa or parole tor bim.


Eventhing in small Instruments, Shn-i Music, etc.

129 Front St.


r toad of healini; stoves of all kinds, and to the per
We have a larj;<
•ho will guess the exact number .t>f
e will give them free of charge, this Round Oak Heater
Mstoves in the
i our price $6.7^1. 1 o the oi-c who
„____ the ex:_

. .

< >ur Fall and Winter stork of Furniture, Cook Stoves. Kangea. Heatiof Stoves, Stove Boa
Boards. Oil Clotbs.
Linoleums. Carj^ts. .Mattinj^s. Kii^, Lace and Tapestry-Curtains. Pillowy ViTiow Ca«es. Iteshes. Lamps, Glassware. Tin and liraniteware. and cverjlhinkt
iverjlhing you need m
in your home, ts
is (fnnplete.
Ifnnplete. Our assonment
asstinmeot is
second t<to
none in the state: and with
:perieTTee in buying, ami buying in large quantities for the three stores, enables u
to make close pric

One of the Fne$t Cine$\
of I (eating Sioves ever shol^ii.
,\ lyeauiiful Round Oak Sieve,
jitsi like
t. ash pan. draw
grate, nickel foot rails, nicklescrw
dampers in ash pan door and ntckle
____.r J_...............
damiKir in r___.1
feed .1_____
door, nickle
name plate,
plate,' nickle shaker, steel
nickled top band, handsome spun
brass urn. .A beautiful stove.
comes in 4 sizes. (>ur price comtneiice at............. ................. $6.75
From that up according to size.
t>ur next Round Oak is a beau­
tiful stove, in thifce sizes. Our
prices commence at...............$8.50


MMft Bath Milla «10 h_________
Mgo May «bai« aba -vUI Tteii b
ftMU Ml* r


Hr. aad Mra n*ak iMbk bar* a
a*a plaao. Mnteaaad erf. thteaftll
tea*. BBftk fttorft at TramM City,
r. aad Mra Fiaab OBm mIM cm
aad Mra Joha MaUtetteb Baaday.
Mra doba Balrar yUl
vMarte Obta.

y iMtUd at A
«.!.■» laiU. MmW* mm mM



by ftaa* « OaddtegleM erf
■ift- Clur.
bad Mr*. WIU CbfklBpbM erf
------- ftbarg ipeat Baaday vltb Mr.
Cbartey ChrWapbM . aad
W« UftWartab «rf Kbikate ftpaat a
tev dara Mai vaak vMHteg bM mrftau Mr^ Itea dahaHSteriob.
MMft Bra Booraaay apaat Baad
yM Mr. aM Mra


Baal Babb TraMbe*
Bftcorded by RegMin trf Dtito WUm to Oelobar'C. IPU.
O. A. Brigham aad vte le A
y^^ftwM, ftce. bs. towa

•vtrTbodyl liable la iichbg pUv*

Albert J. Uoyte aad «lf* to Adrba
OdIm aad vUa. v-lft ft. of adt ft. of
lol lb bkwk 4. U.. U « On.'a ftUAdd;

Martin. krf> 1-S. (loek TO. .luar
•a: IIW.
Oharift* UpMy -to QUr« V. V*t»at.
.................«. H., U * Ctk"! ftU

Oari Wateftr I. bem tor a^
MayAlban Tbawnaa tianad ten Mm
Mr. aad Mra daba W«aUou aad Bi­
te loa AlUft fttarlM ibM teimteC tor
Twrarar C«y for a rWl ylth>aM-

ft FhUltpa t
gad vlto to Tvp.
lb towa SI

Mrry Haaaab to FKiyd U _______
4 4 aad.vW te b btook b Farry
aaaab't Sad add: PUlM
Oco. teag. ar.. to Joha A Fogban>te Fart>*M. ftaea. IMI. ton S&. taag*

tea or gnato yaata

Hte^ a. Wabter aad
Trar«i«e CKy Cm Cn, lou U4C. a.


a^*^ bmty' *teA

l;t2rA=£.“s uA.
m «l h« Mftftd MBftrf


k 1. WUhrimh aM:

JbMMft aad CHaua Flabar bar. taMM tb«m erf b>M tor & d. Mama.
Iba Ibintet at f>ert Cteatda vUl
aM today by a ftamal vatet vMH

kuicd' aad^M* Vilittei
' bat bate aat b^
Wftftiia M la —iTi


Do-got tkial that'it ii
.iKfitQlh to do a bankbe
bteiafta. aimpty becam
you bee -A little (HMapcc
owoftovto SemdwyoMi
«Aack or fttfar hma by
tetter apd dtay viU leomve
careful aucatk4 We
cbeerteUy awwm aD cotPftayoadeace Aad took a&er
all u^cnc«trtu:«d Mw

Inwn Ml, llbk


^peda! 1{0be
and Blanket Sale
Tar tbt atnt Shelf Daps

Special Bargains ^ €hods
^ Bftt.


A go^. square CookSto'
just like cut. large shelf un­
der oven door, large shelf
on back, guaranteed, in
to give perfect

Our Stock ol Tumilurc
was never so complete.
A fine line of Couches.
couch just iiKC
like cut,
19 hdhvy coil springs,
canvas between
springs, and upholMeriog. covered with pretty paRcras of Velour, ^ __

Jolm C. Beadle
CMwnrCMr, Kfcb

nice. high back.
. . Urge, hcavj
solid, wood chairs, three s{m
in front, ju« like cut only
nly wtLb

No. 2.
No. 4
One of the most hanilsomc Round Oak Stoves ever
shown, just like cut ‘2. with heavy full nickle ^se.

Commencii^ at $1.25. up.
The best and most economical Air Tight Stove ever
sold for the money is our ‘’FUn,'’ cut No. 8. Heavy
Steel body
oooy lined
tinea with
wiia sncci
shitet steel,
steci, heavy
ucav> castuiwii,
heak")’ cast top, hinge cover; will keep fire for 48
boupi. I have sedd this stove for the last 12 yeA>%
and it gives uBiveriMil satisfaction. It comes is three
>ur price commences
sizes. Our
comroences at
at........... .............. $4-25
Our next Air Tight, cut No. 4, is madej
wa>-, oaly it has fine nickel foot rails. h«l .
Comes in three sizes. Our prices commence at $5.76
Our next Air Tight is a larKC.
y stove,
siov< just like cut. has
top and bottom, cast Unash guards, check damper

. .
Vtlft IP
AMi^er U MoCraa.
ft. ef M
5. a. U « Ob'* brd add:
Albert a OoM aad
Btepftte. brfft a aad H. block U. a.
u A 0o.y iftu add: PblftO.

^ (gvek^eocs

31 Big Special in Chairs

H CaraeCiiw el JlirCteM Steves

tew t and I.
—w >»> ftiftTftra* vftiy.

I iMh 4Mh aa '‘aammftT com­
plaint’' vbere^ FMftler'a Bctract of
Wild gtrawbrnty I* kept baady . Na­
ture'* remedy tor kiaeene<H of Ue

rcsen-oir. commt
.......................... $40.00

A full aod complete line ol

ft aemplnd an
ft to Ue Hoak elab'a
• O. . .
p ftom Ttrfftdo la a slram

Ham aad MdM Haan>» to Jaeab
’mty. 8r.. parcoM. aoe. SI. i»«a M.

Im”?' SwIot and yltft to a a
Fovar. prop. avK «d ae14. aec. b
S6. raagft 10; tfftft.
HtlbrU ^ vjto **1*^ aa\.

ever put on the maiket i. O
Steel Ranges, high closot

They range right along up. in all styles uid grades of

poor.; old aod young—lerlorture they *ug(T
sorb cun. Uaa'M

"SdA^’i^'w Oo. to Bmll; A.
RMokmoA Ite b block ft. U.. U A
Od.1 Sad adte UM.
Bhoda A. &rk to Benjamin F. ten
ftft^ A u— ».
Oaa W. Ulite. gimrdMa. to Ja
ntman aad/ete. krf lb KeaM

M Tbaraetey.

Me., told M
aueiioa a lev day* ago to r
bay to paint Ue local cburck.

**prAii;uU*Oapo aad yllft'ui A. C.jBjS'Sw■
Aadller Ueauyl to Ira R I____
M (rf aeM and ft»M of aria, ftftc. 1
toy* ». raagft Ift. baft* tor 1 yamn

N. E. STRONG, Mnpr.

in collar, smoke^ cur­
tain. spvk arrester,
nickel trimnungs. nickql steel band around
top, nickel foot raUs.
screw draft, large feed
door; makes one of tbe best scoves for geaeral use
ever put on the muket. Our price................. •- - -$7.75
Five differeat soft
buraers. Tliree diSereot
hard coal burners. Lai^ aod complete Uae of

Steel RaiHWA
Steel Range, with high dosM and reaerx oir.
complete, just like cut. for $27.75. They range right
along hom tb(> .ri^t up to our Qtu^
Ranges (tbe very bat and most perfect steel range

J. w.

SJi sS. <3y^.$l5SS
Seventy-two different styles 4>f Din­
ing Chairs to select from 4Te endi

oak, well
SOO different styles of Kockers to select
« tftom. _
Best $20 Bedroom Suite ever
shown, for only.... • $14.75
Large tine to select from.
Nice odd Dresser, just tike
cut., ti
two Ui^e and twosmaH
A 'lasge and complete
Iran Bedsat
In fact there is nothii« you
need in your bouse'boc
what we can show you a
Urge assoctmait at the

We can Save You a Lot of Money


Reliable Home Furnisher
: Mi.

m qbAhd sutbbsb herald,


Ov«-W«t Weak«M
Your Khfaicys,

IBM w«ii
UCL l.-Nt
s lk« BlIliM U
it H okM VIankttM
be rMloead M tkM
vkM Ur BM *<«l u
Mt tfaMMMrt Ortk*.



tbi^rsdat, October %


varalt) actool o< Marie to* ecBaeatad
to lake eharf* «d tto toad.
A aaa aMMd Potar Maanad aa
~ad' la a Uwiatt Mtor atatta* tto


baraoa. Ha prwrad la to a baadaoB*
Mh>« vnk a iraat s«t o( '■ak." apd
U ihajr aiaaiek or M voB iba bean «( lha vidaw. Ha tbaa
a dian to wa* axpeellac
auaiB'oMBe <rso> eaOMBOf srteaeldBito

.•nit ot cbeviot.
▼ icuna or
worsted. We
sbow tbe naitty
new etyles In
single and
ed models.
^ Tonr ftret
glance reveals
tbs finest of
clotb, deftir
tailored bp

.......... - ..... ■“•‘““S

•r odik* poUe* atatloa

liMadiakaceaathndilMiMl) anaar)
WtM bM
tbH to tohtotoiie b* Bacad w Un lodMra
*U1 b* tto MX! »lcu« 0< Ub BM Wto ketani Mtoa aoMDoa prMM thaibZl)

■ock«r*fl*r avt ke par* a* W
U rack IkrMla aad 4dm aoi
ibaaa. aiiboach b* to thnat vaa iMBUa. Thar* la a atmai
taard «• lb* ltoc*««*fl«r Mtala.

^ «Ub a t**B lato boa Uw
harm Tto taaB later «ai bwad aaar
Ht CieeMBt. It la aappoaed (to had
lato* W tto lake aad pot aboard

i^aoMa Mar C*um War.
iaaito. Ocl- t-A laport prlatad ta
•hi* Bkinilac^ Dali)' Hall that Japaa
to iMii inwp* >o Kotm to eaato
rat)' pare alam la dlplnaaillr cliom,

fcSii^ssri- m.yT

The Japaaeae maaJ ■****%] i

Adrtaa Mr*. Wtlbaa Br^a.
apd W. aaa foaad dronad la a datare at bar buB*. Bto had baah la
l«or baaltb. Tto bale at tto Uv of
Ita rUten la oal) a tool aad a bait
to thooriit aba bos< '

Oaa id tto asalleal eeiata* ars
uad to ao« la cooit la Waabte..
tt aka to nu«] Ctm deHrar)
«usi taw aawt ta eooaty. Ii to itot uf Hr*, awrlolle
lapM real- lUat. aad er<ITT raaloeal of tb* cohau WataOB or YpaltoaU. Tto patltka
atataa ibe eatata a
BUI brwwU - arr «o
II ha radaead W a rarj a
ABB Arbor BBoax tto aaairlaca
Mt Of Qraad BapMa.
we iMued Tburwlv «** (bat (d
Haraa aa ib*
_ tBaaral
aa BaiifDid. axed *4. ot H
atoat w^b^^ew (to
aMwl). 1aad Mra. KUa* teae 8a
Of tto imie HP of Pae
•wwal PovM* to
axed U. or MUaa.
ttolr borne. Mr* .Haan'• ol 1.......... .............
otooiead aosa tUa* ax
U* teltoa i----------- •—
- .laiTdit cd aiaU (aka*
>o«al). but bare raaolri
I ea tto Dacaaibar tak lapaod_____
^Bldat of I
---------- — dtod • or baan (alliira b
deead br tto pW
ito atai*. It bal
aeaparad wUb H......
wdjrTM,t7l.oija Ito
aad mid bad i
IMBuTaad tto'voA
. WIUtoB.abd Bber toeaatoaQ oT Oi
toa baaa aauaiH m
The binkptooe at Cbaria* 1
turd vUI toar* to a r*a dar* for Catot.
vbera tto) bare purrbaaad Ml- i
the earlier part a
- -- _____ ____________ cattle
Tbe) etolB (bat ibe eUaue aad paaId for
b) tto Bajor. reptanx* la itoba la Ideal lor tto par- boapit
(b* dt) of PcrtaBoalb. It
ira to reaeeUox
Block — aaaouBoed ttoi a DIekaa* bbI *111 prohabi) be eatobUabed
ri dwy .______
____ ______ a Mlet, Oct. k-:
tto Bu
Ire Bile* troa
Saiili i
1 arai^ 114
17 *UI to ioatallad aad _ Haadradt ot boa
llbl* a lUiBth. Prkie* <d __________ _______ ____ badi) toa tto toca'tl) Bad* a bit lured. Trea* whieb had wUhatood tto
o« baton JbaUca X X Nanbm a<
Mdiaial) rfter tto dtwor- bunleaam ot ptmtoa* paar* fall ba­
ler* tb* odoae. Tto atrapU at*
•IM vim dabrta. aad ilri lalaada pt»
tOTBad at oee*.
battarad aapeec Tto toaaa*
TSv ChUdcaa'i KofM at 8l Jo*.
BBoaxed hr tto HtcUpaa Cbtldraa-*
Wi SB W <b* aaaai) Jail at jrraakfort “-----BOdat), baa outxroM hi pn*
Puiw^ pT^'^ariSan
tto Saooad (Badaal xmadrir r*xb

HH trial 08 lb* parJaiT *ai duanen aad t
M ap tto a*Et aaaakB
ei bar* beea arraatad to Barie lor
loan lor Baari* eoMt).
tbrovlax ttooM at tbab ~
a lauataaiorp and aa axtiatloa
ratuta w tu ubc baa baaa ba­
p aaibertua* hrid tto
rn. A Baaa Bwtiiix of rittacaa toa
N* at tto o|BcUoo* -(o
baaa callad lor peat Hoadap r -aalax.
Wr hara app maaau baaa laaa___
- > tor tto dlatto xaBarai aaallBaat laap o*
P8t. What acCoa trill to lakaa f* aot
ooBiaal BBORX (to aridMra.
pat esittilp kaoiaa.
la coa**MMBa of tto pr
n# .. K ..!.. 111. ■■! ■
of bnboalc plax«* at Pab-Taax. oa tto
XtiV ot 4^111. tto (otrixh BlUtaiy aa-- ...plr« bad bo*h tank ttortUu bar* cooperetad vttb tto
eat aaddaelp ttore ««i a CUaaa* aad riaeed . an aad-taad
-- ruBbUax. whleb oordoa arouad Pah-Tani
A bttadrod t ?*K2y;%t______
(rtKbtaaed tto •orkmra. Notblax dar Uat BlYar, to
ralBxad hawwrer. Tb* waD la —
•I aad looarip OYor
aad Ro *aur I* li
Vtib lb* —B ,





1* ara BrrIUp tooeretal
Mcnad bp aa aerieranL
For Uia*« pean W. T. I
r aa mottonat H TOO ate Dm Motoa*. torn, ha* baaa t

, saKri.‘t£sst

1b* Baarihotarer* at bvfal eaikata
at Hlehixaa «*( at Jactooa US vcM.
e<l It 1* Mderatood Map b*m to
IM prloa ot x-od* W a

tcaarfcabi* (teak to (to ezpert..
d tto Boi*l «al- .. . of Bbtoriata to reportad bp Oo«
FamaxtoB. «to ana ttot a awaiB

ssd mOaf% I
Oallc. ^t ntorai Tto
a tto road, r

r Bsut fiw SicBBtu* «f

la aacle aad uimeaake bu I
a beeo aaarebtex 10(1101
puM ot tiaUax bioi hair
be ROM aeeker b
njOT a life et loxur.'
Wllep of tto Bplcattan]
acnired wUia abroad
tw tbaorlM. Aeeurdlax
the hunar reea I* bac^od WotUew at I
nalf.p an
r -readllp cbeoad
dec-area tbe dap la
_______ ax «bea hair aad
OMib viM beeone u exUaet u tto

In Use For OveF 30 Years.




to. MBRR
______ .jABrtllOI.
aaa «< av toattof Serto* or eawitf-


West and Northwest

bodlet tbuuM be claaaed a. u
dlae. and ahouM |w) ihc rosuii
of 1 cool for four ounce*. A» a
ot bU dacUluD, (our air ilpht t
laue*. cuoiUBiaK the ervna'
main, ut a laffiU.v rhln>od trot
York (o Sao I' vere tr
ed (tom Waablexiue poaloSce.
ttop^had b



vban M vaa lemd (tot at a naalt
a fib balax tojarad a xim ««ai
at p«* had fmad aad bad ctoB
UBkaHi.ahattahlaehabdAball ...

StoMdp M atodavta h
Uv am SeawtoMt *( tm
B. fli M. tb* aaedM aa

(be pai toavw a earltp to the bnaal
vbtcb to pvtaltBX tto doclan. Tto

le kw wtor* (hep____ _
F. C. Dap. a KEBbtou at tto aalHiap. baa ladxtoaiad a mv Ua* lor
faraat (m* trou a voodi--------------- head Baaie at tb* unltosf. Tto ptoa
amt. It ta a (VO pear at* »>«■*«* to w ptoo* (to weal iDOttox wtU (to
that (bap Mh? d aB eolHs* Baa^ frto


___ l^to'oMwiA^R

te^toaarvhm thuMSguTM^

____ _ .. d a
u, Smt^ ^

ir baa riUBotowd I.


atonal bad too


__ (to atoaoi r«*rvnk

<f Md. tto Mreuri *•



c poetaxe r

(be funeral luurtie.v.


ra r-.,:c.




._________-vaMeeMn* Otp tlUB
b> txamt in IltiBcM. Vr
N.-Ttoni NicliH;...,
Urwj, Sebruka a-wl il i>ak.<es.

& PVMmm Imtm


W. a. ENIV'.hN.


•Tour Kldarp sod Barkarb.
adtvevtvY ti.ucwn a*HiU’..

Ided. Ber. W. A Leui»
at lb* CtotTp- VaU«. Pa.. Mulbodtoi
ebuicb. rebWU tbe boaae (rf sorahli
e did (to patoltog. a
> -ededlcatea laat




Hci.shin«>ton and

va* tbrava TtoleuUp to tbe xrvuu
aad bl* lea fraolurad above tbe kae
------- eb a vap that be vlll aever b
la New York vaUtox daleuiu
have BoUbed tbe baUd'uix depanoMat
(f the board at adueatkie tbat ualaat
all Boa-aaloB B*a ao* etoploped ea
tb* acboot bulMlux*
batldlBx* *:«
a:e iBuradUtai,
iBaradUtaip ,
baixad a gaatral airlke will be or i
the acboo.1 '
, . .
t U. a Mop. Laat |
Jutp.A eoBBHWe trcB tb* Unlud 1
BoanTot BuUdtox Trades awanvl tbc{

J (ifi vnn


K\c iirsUm.s

vork. aad ftama of a

ooaU)- cooeJneted
berth Toursu P*rtj is *hai yoa
look iaio if goi« to Caliioraia, Oregoe « Watoiagtoo on th«
OOmelton) Chieegto The ^I.w*ek1y jintooo-Altoii KacuraI* (uMI all the ir(]a^taMls o< this specta] eervicr, aarae<y.
brpi^ can, dean, vboleveiw becla. good lari time, Rodry
ID sceoeiy, a taket and ioteUgent coaipany. and iataw
a route. Tbe Jndsoa-Alioo Coopaay ako torvanS
bold good* by freight s a «ay vbiiA ivdacc*
^ '
GOBdidcfably aad exsthclto pa«"M>*»
The Jodton-.\hoa paniei have back of (be
tto gnataaice of the UiiGa«o& Atom. Mid*
von Pacific. ItoiYCT aad Rio Giaade
'Wctieio Raitvayi. tto SdmbetB fadfre A' /
’ CoatpaiQ', tto Oregoa iSbtot Line aad
Or^ Radvay aad batigsiion

aboottto J
■ cot off (hi*
' Mttorigbt. 6U hbi tto
blank Bmcet aad naj]


able tor a put D
vtoa tbe aink*
daprived of a
peeled tbat ptoaral biifldiaia «o«Id

!45 Marquette
Bedding. Oiieag,

**-n^torito^7^uauter Oaaaral

" *

• or enimtsd bodle*. MaMea.
r da* daUberaUoa. prepared
IX w tto acoei that craBat


For wan

Cures anything tbat a good,
otrathigliniin^t can Cora. ^
Soaks in! Stops Painl
Allays InflammatkMil


mm* btoM BdatW



I-'* r><iri-tnp rale* iu puroti b

L buK be 4srava.od bit ortxlnal
m bp deecrtlee. Hence he will
retare w bli aatli? lasii uoill aa-


aaxh riexad with bu altar BUtag C
uU Baa. Nov •rerybadp to tava mf*

t.) UdSuUU^^I. K.


Suffeiwd Terribly—
l>M:tors FaUsd.


• Ofud Rat-tB «

■* tbe pM prer wboui tbe Oj
baa tolUh toir W *£>.000 left Uto ..
ceup. j.i.rrii.L*ot>.irau<
( ratoUv* to Uershap, bat cudoi rebreatnL.B:-U. Ato lorOMk took rra*
, tun W that eoatrp to etouh tbe '
toEitance tooaua* to one* loid a 1
' hp awrp about the katoer. Thai <
« etxbt peats axo, when Buch. waa
•d Ibe rwrp
aa amp it
dtooa aad a brother oSeer ,
advtoed b
B, oUK-reife

BfibFHadTwptoSix <
E.Tery Da7.

M Oarpeatar^ taibur at Do«abjeetad to tor BBtrlM* to Jo-



___IX tto ■

7 to the tree Mretal
J bavo baaa barilp '
. aafctax «*w atoce. Ito neau baavp
mtos vaahad tbe booep oat at tto
, eoab. *hleb to ailU v< b* oaaa <•
b df tto tre*;—lautax ioi


The Kind Yob Hafft Always Bought

union street.

eztaai to
ualj. I
Xtoto. lor U la tald tbal
at Curr
-pBai. ot the elate,
forr. hD him
all over S tact toll.
baa ihineeo * ................
' valxbtoc Bot* t^ ^YU pcRihda
that eaeb bop 01
at lb* top
(be pi^ A wat etotb aat dtoeorerr of tto or* kaova aap- Urecurp 1* eUll puoa
toHof*rtto*m«fltopIp*le diiwh
. . ..
toatomto HaniTtak.
tow 11. aad a whStUn eoaad I*
ot tbe UreccTpe.
re. to c feet S
- ___aalBal atow o*

■ *h*R tto auaexeot atr A
tall and bu nii.c BOB*,
too all over
Manhautoarh. la,
............... \[ laebde
la obaUMtad. No antoai
( toet toll, vbo velxb froB
OB1UW22C a <


fTTpiii iMtsla that trito eMM mmi mfhimap tto toatth rf

lihe **made*
t o» o r d e r."
liTbere's e
distinct sir of snperioritr
Clotbes tbst reises them
ebove tbe common leveL
p ere tbe culminetion of
9wers of teiloring experi*
b end tbeir meKers ere not
setisfied ,witb producing ordi*
nerr gredes in ordinerr strles
—CLOTHCRAFT meens *^best.''



1W Kls< T«s Bm Alww»JBbW^ mt arfcfae Mm tom
(M SM br orar ao y«Bra. to* torma tto bKbMo*

• hovild bu «


Wanwd of MurMr.
N«« York. Ocv 1.—WUUbb----------




( Battle Crato <b* UtU* polaea:

«ltb Ik* »M
raia^OBlhi I**— ot tkr »M




Thff UNiMENT^hctliM toea
tbe OLD STAND-BY for two
generations. Oood for
RheiioiatlMi. Sciatica.
Neuralgia. CoU. Bums.
Sprains, Bmlaes.any trouble of body or maade
wberetbefo’spalii and iiiflainKBCPITINREACtL


One^smaO bottle of AEXiCAN JHUS>
TANQ LINIMENT wfll effect a cam
■ when a gailon
the watery compounds sold as liniment would have no
reoulL It is money thrown mwmy to








Ibm UkBd tor »i* *«*U Mon Mlag.
M ToMl« PrM»rr«»—7nr«»
•witen oC 1 »mb4 at trail la rad (MTUr tto
• ttmam. Pal ail McaiMr. aat
Mok iMUt aalU «oaa; Umb eu
OoDd CbDV Ctea—SUea traad U»
■atoda. afrlaWd alife aali and lat
•uad over alcki ikM dtala aad chop.
Take tour doan* ,cta«
ibrar daarta tabba««. («o quam
loat. dHW l«ra» PW«^. baU<Bp
aradlib. Una ptau aDod eldar



kitr lcnla>. ' QiBllI
bar Ibaory aba aari: *'l baHara tbal
tbara a» atdniaal rkriMau la rood aa
aad (bat It pra
patbd by
aoBi aa < til at body.^i^ eartala (Ai
HM BufI eoBt IroB thto
■laoat of litlac. aad pan of
fkai taUa W tba hN dtlba boMa«Ua; vblab nobody baa yat haowa-tba lal■lltea at leu aad «Mob (bio
Aa STraoka «t Uarnoa. (ba l»a o(
Who Ml da*a at day «a Iba aaidu
CMMblM iMadw (baa •wt*. <
la (bMbM. iba Ui»-^arlay aakA

Ha SSSi a« 1^

m bwn u

Or Mb (ba CkM ^ Bj Md eoBAai’SbiSB B Ba (bat 1-ra darad t®
ABBB BT (bwrtnH Uja Wt at ran
WBbatfal (hM palB (raM abaai ■
rr^iraad lair aa tba a^aad laa.
rm akbbad tba vatan at mm«h« I tbU Id BT boy. Til wttb ley

la (ba daaart. Iba bB^

r%» BatbB MOM oa la bar beoa
(bat bayi
Bat tta MaBdr «BBa (e i
ABd^BOiMida toOpirad blB. «atek

Thai trBhtMad tba •even abac (ha

dloaa ID a lowty

■pcna Mh craned eloTra. aUtpiM
hew Uoe Par ■
and Buimc. and uea-baU cop
If oa> kas ralarr. frwa oae-bu
-Will you phOM toll an wAl roar
«u~(blrd of cb« «Bloa* Bar 1>
buy it weariheT- I raid lo a titoA
rad and ralarjr eaad . teaiaad.
wboae (brea-ytaroM too wat parforaeboa otaoa ra«alraa no cookla
lac all tortt of aiIci 1b iA baBtaork,
aa»r falli M kaep If iba tIb<
A fbooa anry BoraartSt raraalA
Cood It abcaM be kapi In cUm or -bai knkA to be blaek lleku.
eanbce Jan aad be aHrari eeeerad
Cbe toAbA Ad auwerad. "Blaek
«1Ui tbe elaecar. U oaa baa no face- (torklA Iee*.~ aA Ihea. teetof
the oalosa.
look of wuatlikDjvnt, Ae'tbowA
they were laAe, aA they Are
>d reltry way A pat tbrooeb a
■rtrr or taotace crinder. aod Ibut tavA lae a preal deal rt watblae. be
rider aiwayt elvlA the child tuck
k*e Boeb ladtont rbiMw
Chopped Tomato Plekle—SUee aad irliB appenraaer that I would like
ebop lour qaartt at erven tortaioee.
mr quaru o( nmall oatoet. aad
rprlakto <** '“r
«•'! ®*er tAm;
ad o»«r Blfbl. Drain veil, pui
craalle kettle wd Ad tou ■Df. FruB (A (A cut down akne tbv
t elaocar, Ad eook Afieen bIp
abAl (WO aucer laac'k*.
Drain and Ad tonr egpe <d Then cul a cuaae'. the aApe rt
oral, and Join Ae aide lu
<uv. two ublwpooa'k aaeh of
tptoe. ctowe, eiaaaBoe. dneer.
sUMklnc lee* where yA
eatery eeA. Ad uoe-balf pooA ot atone Ibe aran. and Join (A other
vblta Buttard. AA two qoartt of kide lo the euaaei lo Ibe other aiocfcvtoartr aA brine lo the Allinc polai. :ui tog to Iba anne way. Tbto learra
Ibra nA lA ebwd Aton Ad to- an lAh A A at the (A wAta t
Boio nA eook tra olealat; teal In •lAklnc Ice* are JuiAd lo raefa oih<
Ctoti Jart vhlto M aA tht plekle The hetna foTB the band, and may
aimiibenA by w ptore rt ftra bi
m keep ladacalialyOreea ToBBlo Plekle-8ltoe (be to- Hn. to which tbv butAhula* a
Baton while very trm. bafora (Ara workA Tba Aiiomt. of eonno. a
la aa'y aica of luralu oolor. aA plaoe haBBA.
la layert wlih nit tprinktod baiwaan. .The aaaa Idea may A cnrrWd o
Let tuA Otar nlfbi. drain Ad a»k- In saklac undw-drtwen froB t
aloeraa nf ablrta an/ tower pana
m at a itow la awaaiaaA
■ be IM* of under drawertapleA TlMcnr. II all eouktd at
•ma will cat un toti. Plaoa la
- a tuna Jar Ad kaap oorarA wllb
UlllUlne*S(arM Cletbn CMIa.

Plokalalla-Waleh alcbi poAda of
• aaw at Mn. OarbaM that (be. rrta loBBtoa# aA altoa iblnU
<aa (biBC aba dlnllkad at oaa parted gprtnkla llehUy Ath aalt. Btklu
Bt bat Itta. pnanaMbly baton aba ba- thin layera. aA tot tuad onr alchu
Iba Bitiraat at tba While booaa. Sllet tbm oahna. ebop na larco
(raan APPtr. aA Ad to tba dralaA
Ad na cup of browB iac»r.
ao abapad (boBartm that Inr cna tlicbily rouadlac
(laa at laa» aba anal aaCTE^ •Abed BBttard,taA aA dnaaBOB.
k Atll teabraod Ai Ant bar aoid iMIlad
at It Then laUac eoaaaal «llb
PrlA Oraaa ToBaioae—Wlgp eraas
baraaif tba aald to baraalf. "1 bara
ikla iblu to do .ibai It InarttaMa. In- loBttoM wlU a damp ekKk. ai tboa
lain tlleat Alt aa-lach iblek. dip tu
a’aad at fratlliic acalaM li'w
HMa I aa colac U> pat a llrlai hAira aec aA cracker rruBbe, art In
taiami in ii aa.l Jnai try a»ary ilaa tba Ma ebatt for half a boor. Ad
to aaa vbai food brand I eat aaka. than try to deep fat lo a daltoala
oaueioe of iba matlar *aa that brown Drain froa erraaa and aam
bafore tba taBBn- aru orar aba *aa A a bat platur.
a pati Bitiraat of iba art. nUb patfaei
roanki lo Mek bank npoo. and vbal
at Bern, tba ierad to Baba brand.
Ililt it tbr road oat et dradcary lo
une bouaekaaper rao aoqiiira U
rantaot—10 pal loaa tala ear work— that rt waailai her atrenrb to Ukini
) Iba baal ve cna la artrytblas aanceateary atop* I' to a BlataA
lor Iba basi't taba. aad la ao dotac duppoee (At it to Bfre troable
a-t tball turaly Baaotba Maotar't ihtok to Araaca ibA^o to IA extra
a«ard. -Wail doaa. iooi aad lattWal work tAi to alwayi AoaA A tort rt
yarraat. Tboa hat batn bttbfnl orar lAachL Md It to Altar 10 work ay*Ian ihMct-l «IU Baba tbaa ralar
tMally. bA ua* tba Unw calaA
Bany iUa«t. Bniar tboa lato In inbtoe n walk a tA atraot m canIba Joy ot iby Lord ■’
lac a a rrtond, IbM 10 prohBC work
d otban ona baa aniarad tato toy,
amt Bora It to ba daalrad?

a «art- mM yev $a^
L« n* CO (ortb oM caibtrcoMa rod!
»tu k
lU yellow hanaon Caul aAta ito
a a a a . a . •
• UbWBW BtB.
• ThMO an ibo ba« '
■iBtiBB (bM HdMW CM;
a Who BCbat (boB ba
Hlf cladMBi «hllo bo IM.
• WHb orary day
• Tovaba aid tnr
TMb Ood «ar vBt cbd
• ncbi^


boar tba brand oiBlItl (am mm wt^
«• tpoba io on old My B tba BBcbtaiMd abort It. loBlac bar (krt Ao
Ad Mbraad bor diraatM taltWal^
brt itBtnrra (bo kaand arertd nai ran
atrt to ba BOda pRBtrty. -WA.’
Md (ba rtd My. "yim aata to Ab
tattoMd dirawbBt nil rtcbl. At did
yoB pu ton Into Hr- -pat ton tola
bmoA.- MM (A rtBwa. -m%r
nonr Anrd at om* a Otoe- Wbnt
Aa torn to A rttb braodr -i
tbM.* anid (A oM lady; -V nm An
MI art ton. yon Ara ototuad
rt lA (rtartcni tociAtonto. AM
(•to prt idtrty at ton la on b tA
Art. oM Btr H A ceod antu H por>
aBotot anry part rt li. aad yeo nrUl
■A art vbal an iBperuai (btoc
An Aon toortac mm. Why. «Aa I
' bbA brand I tort oaa (A porlM
abaad B Bt. aad 1 uA no totar

ilqntoa <m (A Boor aad a bar okxhat.
amnra bar kitebw (nbla with
w. Md atnuer* (he dAr abAi
wbA baKInc. dAhlta bar tabor.

Bora AaeL
JBAt dawy raaaa. Atb tbair
bada bate blown.
rtd wkni anra wa SrhUa traBikmi
nA rnra
Tbl* coUM aanrtaA faitotb ni mr
AA ortc Hna on. tbowb oubmar Mrd* An tovnf
—Mm. JaA C L. Dewr.

(bat aeddAU ara larfaly preala to »eeon
raanlu vltbAt waata rt lato
waate rt aatortoL ft. for taatUA
bo( fai 1* to A poorad frea om naaaoibat. let bar lay a aawiApar. vUeb iboold olway* A at
oadar (ba raealrlac raaaaL (o natch
aay poaaible drop. It 1* aach nnMr
(o bun a bit rt paper ibM to anrab
or tabto, (w otoM a dirty

fowl to A piaparA tor «aal|•llrad (Mb Tonaio PlaUa—Cat
ifB BAiam aliA en« (rtaaiOrt to iDBl Let bar toy a ptoea rt tUrt
hair-laeb rttoo*. Han
a Aid bivwa paper opa (A work Ubka.aA
lAra wUI A ao -Ban" la M
afterward* with acrqbWac bra
PAr onr (A i
■ aA art
Lot bar An a nra to
Ida for (WAty-foar bean. DtoAln
Ml rt alBB lA .tea rt a Urtcivy
art to tbraa qnaru rt bolltoe water,
to n a portfaB rt (A toBaioaa IB nva aay aina ot uqaaL or A
HOB ortll latoor. Hto waU lo- apt ft <mm a Aapod araanri rt
■A tdiftuan at Coar or near: for
a rihaa^B ara that M naataady aoUA «DI oaaaa tpUUac.
Lot ter aloe
UAat with bar
AA IA toBatoB fioB (A bofltoc aliBdta aad wrtebu. and to taA Md
tbtoci CAtly qad Cnaly.
liqnld aA prt to toyon to a atom Jar.
apnaUtoe orAly with bUA aptoA lot her oaa bar btnto tor anty detail
WAa lA Jar to Bitod eorar vUb e«N rt bar work. aaoaiM tbai to Uao (A
baUt rt aaataaaa aad akUl
rtAcar aA pat away to a dool ^tooaCwoM Oran Toanto PMktoa— will aatwar all (A paipiwa rt (A
•prtokla At cop rt aalt Aar dae part
rt er«A tMilOrt aUead: tot ibaa
oiAd Aor.alebl Md ^rata'tfc (A
-ntoc. Ad two rtpm rt waUr
OM quart rt rSrtar aA ecodl (A
MUM* to n antu tboy an aoobA
tbraoek. At ara not MtL Onto vrtj
aA tni tato a krtUa vkh two qArU
' MAT. IM (BlA* alloA tbto. ire
rt toowa anear, law paondM

leadfly porttoc tato.
mT Too yortf tor any taA
un>! Let toe aaa—the
acrtpiiuo." aA craApn't brav* bacA

iLtok-pou mart Mp up at Iba Braka
m tba ckx-k or tba Cm aooA rt tba
. Taka Ubc It «ly ukea a
a. U will hvA you yooas aA
aA yanra » jw Uto.
WAc A Ilka tba balfr. Uka (ba kHtan. Ctmeto arery Boaele to yoctr
body. Boil e«|r aA yawa aA atrateb.
titatA aA yawa. aA you will
cel A feeUac wlda awAa nnd tba
bean aA (be hue* Ad the tin
will r*MBv tbair work without tboA
r. Ad tbe buddy finvttoat Kart
a a Araal.-kaaltby bbHi
al Talk.

'Oa-i I
Itob. riHtally. -it'a I
—whra Aeiw'^uat
xhiA ai all to A clad
■Why. Met* ay bean! NeUfafT'
aAcraadpal rtaea b-* —■- - ------AUBl Mar> aJ<
D paru ml aanW1*hl.
Her,-leaye» me (lark craco am
dvwen were pare whitv.
But all WA came nIA bra.
U'ara ao worried by bar. '
TAy d A At (4 Ihrlr way lo krap
ctaar rt the Brier.


Btr Add A Aa I


• Main rM^. IMr la rtoM*


• Tt* Ml lAt *A» folr.

For yA aaj' eosiatr.In beauiy wiib area Hto* Vk.M tben-

* Apple Jall'y.
AA>< )Mly to dna U made rt Ueb
Avornl tan aAtoc. aueb at Nawtova
plpplaa or Alleneura. WIa Md
to placra without aHm or raniortoc
.. Hot to a poraalato Haad
kottla Md barely eorar whh cold
>ler. Oorar tba AUla aad bod clow
ly uUl (ba Bpplaa ara taader. tbM
drata wttbAt aqaaaatoc Ura«ch
qnlcUy to a brtl. tilr to Uto tnear Md
All rapidly uUI It Jelllea, .rmovtos
the akuB u H rite*. Becto lo l
nftra.taa or Ifiaen Btontra hj Uktai
Bp a mua on n rold aaaecr. Cor
aalto w1U> n npom; If JalUed. (A oar
toot w(U A >nrtiy trtM. tf noL
little kmcer and try ncato. It BAI
orot half an hoar. A aom m it JatiM
rail tA (uBbtort to hot water, wlm
and til with IA Adtoc Jallp. Cuad
oatda mUI mU aad Ctb. tbm pot a
lA Hdi. tt yon Ave tbaa. If art
wllb two IbtokBoaiea rt UaaA |
aad paaia lA edcaa down ove
iqablor. Tbm Bjttatm tA Up •
paper with a b|kbcv ^pad to
water: tbto atrvtrtiaa tA paper. aA
whan It drtaa-BMto it abrlnA nnd U
CBMb nnd Uebt. Kaap to a cert. dark,
dry ptoaa.
Oovor taa Km panra wtth ____
aad tel tbea atouner alowly aaUl' tmder AI not hroMn. Ultml enrafany
Into COM vator.
Uioy ara ODOkad a. aad lu each halfplat At (wo mpa rt
and tel ooae to a brtl
ball Sk|B wrtl,
pat to (A paara.'and atomer cmtly
Ira Bra Btoolat. Then At tA paan
pour tA tyrap orer
tbaa. aA let
la (A BoralBc brtoc tA syrap to
boll acato. At to tA paara. aad oUev
to tlBBcr aaoibar ira atoutaa. TbA
tAB mi. aod pert tA aymp over aa
bafora llapant few tbraa dayp At
Ua third day allow lA pmn to rtaim Btoutae. Km (A tyrap ovar
tA pean to a eWM Jar cImU]
rtod. Tba day betora Oeq dra
otod. raaova lA paara tram tA
dry to a cool wren, i
(Ay ara quite dry tprtokJa Utekty
obtPAd pacnat or A
aaau. Tbraa aaka
I owtBBtat tor (aatlra

HBiaad. It tboBid A ptonad to
tbm yvB vOl anjqr (A hnU afl (A ertd aaft o«irt and (A aintoa •
am. Adara tt aM Me (A Cmaral
Cbbt thtok pan hMont ttM. vmx

n iblac to Ibe mmU

Ullk- UA BrMr wat toofctoc Ae A>
her eelabbor. the VIo1«._Iai
Ibe way:
-Ko. art exactly Vee. ja do. ia
•i wAdw." aald
—Air you dAt lake H tateraal
•TAi A oae pen me.
lAt'a wAl yA a^M. Ii'a applied *(
While all raem *o atod HOh- VtoU-l'io i.-nially.' and crandpa'e eyra iwtokleJ
Birrily m A apoke.
Mibra oM Uann. wA mi a a
1 apply 'A 1
Hrard tbe tpracb rt Ibe Brier, and
Ihua lataraA A:

If it to anyAe'a Bitfunune to live
In an uld-fnahloned Auie. where (A
(toeela are dark and narrow. (At
know the crowded oondlitoa lAt
theee eloael* cet to. aa the elolha* aeeuButole. Ibe AB»-Bak»n. to tA
day* rt thono AolractA clolhee
ipaoe*. manaeod very well, for (bey
Ud a beat drw< and Aravery
tree*, with- Aa aUIA earraMl tot
tbe two aeaaAw But now with
town fw every oocaaluo. It to a prob­
lem. Tbe wooton who aald (At whra
the AlU a booae aha ihould Brat Are
I made, and ibA tbe nnn
aruunil them. llvA In that tort of
a tA hat nevra An able
to Aw a naw boBe. ah* tboucbl At
an arrancrtnani lAt bat ntoaly cotton
aranA lA old inoAvnleae*. 8A bnd
nickel rad* put Into tbt
chwau runnlDf croB way*. lAI
Ibe door aide to tbe Al»i
wall TAy were nhAl three Inrtea
opart. TbM ab- Aubi nt mna)
etotbee* bancan at aha Ad cnIUBaa
and huoK them frum tA rad*, la thto
way th* etolltn were kvpt parfectl}
BuulBC. aad yat ab
••ally aaa (At to lAt ww. <bara
aABrtny of apaee.-UAarr

TA Blew Way to hot Owt rt Bad.
OAt JSBP op lb* tirt tbtoc y«v
aye* art optn. BtacBbar. that wbA
yA atoap tA vital ocmm ara at ivL
TA vnaHty la krararad aad (A diOatoiton net to mcacAi rt bad I* a aboeb to (Aae orcaaa.
capratony to tA Anri, aa tt ataru
PBBptoc (A blood aaddanly.
TAc yonr Uao to foulac ap- Tava
atorn. aA etocar, Mlrt «*—«
aad airatc*. WAe ap slowly. Oira
Wblta BAtard hoA aA Atary aaad. (A vital oiCBM a ehanea to raai
aA ooa-vBrter lanipoA rt oasAba. MMi work cradoally.
Oook ail toMtber tor Mem ala
(toe bow a AA vnbaa kp.
bon H trtt rtebt tad I ton Jaat art •Untae frea tA bMUa rt (A b
aM yawaa aad.vakaa a» stowty(A pirtte to doaa add —-biH t
to IL And (baa i CO a
Wateh a fctttn waA np. Fb

AAd ao (At h It
Ara mi ma toe. tbA am
<1 fcA«r Art »by tbit la. ID IA pteUa
IBA m (ae^ raUt eyar, aad atra
* ran ToBBlo Cay-^-Ma
BT (At K k.A”
lA whole body. TA bttkt A net
Oram btotea a aawvawto.
A) eat eroA inaaioot tato tUr. wake ap aad ty at aOA at tbair
la tA aOBBer taaam wawa
. TbA plaoa to a atoM Jar. ah
opeB (hay xbaA ai tAtr wtac*
a> daty to tatwad toward tooktaf
iiraaitoe eaeb layw Aib alMA on- aM airauh tbair Ma—wakto.
BMb doty It lormd toward ore
BA a aprtebliac rt aH. altowtof tiowly. Tttl* to lA antnral way (a
tiiBBtt dretiat and aalia a
vaA ap DAT JoM «P *aA
craai SI IB ay. crat* italai are rti■d cror olebt. aA to (A
I A to aaeh a barvy. Bat at
ta (eaad. sad aany a emUy
o> all llqaer aA i
M dAp torn Ao Mih. brt a
yawa aad yawa and ad
r (oatBBa hat bam ratoad wlU
rrtoe baole Add
■trauh tA arato end tact, araip
< unto* A cammi to thto
Wbotobody. A nod ynwB aad tt
Id nsiA^ A ihrowa lato a Ub rt

Are Never Withont Perana in tin NqiIm
for Catarrial Diseases.

Dot VhilM 1
Bo tcolle to Baasvi.

rtotMSvlth Peraaai
pIratMt t

Tlierv * Carl ktonto." bacan crand
paakraty. "Uwl hU Mcht arm to Ibe
deni la*< Bonth. Araa'i you «lad
bai.-u'l hto aflUettoar'
■hould any ao." declared
Che woukt Barer lU-treai.
qidrkly. wllh a lilllo abuddra.
And lu bint. Im- and builarflv alWa.
-And KaljOi liarrlBao—arvn1
It kladtad you aren't like biB. wlib hto
-Abbb Bart.. |XK.r crooked Ark* And Tom
Am.r—Ibelr lovcl) borne Anrd only
October r. 1»U3.
reck. And Jark MaBinvn—think
Today we will make a alary ivUIlc «Al bit taibra la' And- "
at) Nan wo-k we Ape 1i> have a
- But srandmn'a run-r luirar
vUIiIa da> aetin rnae an4
i.h "Vou Awnl ap—applk-d li


bumbh- h

I noted phyileiana. Ona rt
rt (A B
imbtet vta ebronte emtUAitea ot aavrtal yuan' atandtoc*«A also VA ptartac Ureoch tt
cTlUoal AViod ta (A Bit of
uH-ebtaca «■* in' ' .............
t wrote to yon aboot b
rtead a eouraa ot P
to tty 11 e

Sabby Whita'a Oaad Haraa OeQ.
-Onl) wbair
Ml tbv pvople to tbv vlllaRc wrav. vrv-t ueb Awrafal quattloorat
urtiad orvr wAi (he avw dortor
-That—lAl you-ve ahown Be how to IBS Pvwon* aoeecdtoc to yoor In
uto alnix Jliile Jvuir Orvon
tls nta for al
ail aad thankful I nu ttai l a nut UoasandoonUBoed
-Shv aatl CO >»■ rldlns.' -thal wtb llki- (tori Md Ralph aA—"
u- new dctotor'a order. -Klrat tb.
-Wall. Unt ttai Ihe curv-tu otakc
ibuat A lakva alowly, very (lowly am.u rac wAl you htru to eiiJoyf Aad
caraluliy. ibvn 'bo hurra nuat U
al) a lew BOBi-iit> afo you laid you
i.tailr to CO a lililv faater. Md tbea In
utl irul. gfar UiUal fat Ihr air ano Ad tHthtoc!"
Uraudpa cmtly dran Hob toward
I- caerclu'. oiherwUi- «h^ ranuin

tm. lo mr

omor pawptetortdqrCbdnMf,
aatlAvat wtth (A momtSh
nortto. fAartOfmrattadM
WAa rtd ar
wnlraraatto old paopte,
to asplalu vhy Peraaa bu bsMBa
dtopimabli (odd peopte. Paraan
tolAlrmtocnud. FvruAja.lAanty
h eaaaa eonnrt A malad taaim
Botbtog At aa aftorttra eyaBMt t«to>
Ay oonld enra (Am. TU* St arnofty
If ym A not vaatlv* pruBpt Hi Hto
•tocictr remlto (roB lA at* rt rwHto
wHU al once lo Dr. Ilat(Btn.glvtog;>
-te* grtUe.
Athim Df

tan ay llitia man
-Wall!" aald Uii- vlllac.- I•vupl•'
0 pteaanrra. think tnolbcr; toBc JAUictl - lo takr Uu
fralt tAl I
b'clt: Aw 1> Ura. QrvoB fcriac to
p tblnct A Buuiy (unit lifTbe twins, aad eoBv
nimiAly ovra bee tirange brqii
re a horn? li V a« much at tbv rai
•oied morv IbM Ibrlr tharv »f cbvrdoean't Arw. Jutl—'
loogh they were all kittam. ^
' Apply crMdBa'i aacatlrr eaentort e*.
Not (A SAon' '
. |[
cun-' brake to Bob. cbvvHly. and
iictog ttat a mtto gin. to wattfl
froa bU brlfb'. lunay face A ona
SUB wAl*' aald the rthcr \ sraund tA aeboDiraHa. Itoipod. I
would euett ttai ihct llule rlren
AIrr lauahed an.l Imuched llll
■hr wu wrartog a Air rt aqi
tbe window panat we<^ lUBbllOpfi
■bora, calling bra lo me. I bM
;cr than ever 'all to a^beap lacvtbcv..
eilmra eew kbora sr* BIS: Ml
-AdvIArl r. Ctoldwall. ta Ural HerMttoA whi-n A (ouM gel Up breatb: U you wtoh. yoa may go lo IA wfM
and kbra A lolil them p^AV
■ tv they tAej^l II a
. ,
ttatt Atean aA WWa V**”-Oh. I’Ate JAn! HAle Ahn) ara
d Indml II pravA to A a goA
am liim mr it * my faai t|M
(Lat lovel). bli wonn!- tboulA Iram. l-lau Tbry Kite it by innt. Iwtol
TA Uit'le (ace wu an toaqWBt
u'tA aud I’arle Joha were- oui In lA uBpIrv dt> alxnii. and lA)
rbd ttc volra u eafnetl. ttai IbgCI
tri.en one briebt aneraam In IA cnrvful to do at tA.umpire draAA could A no doubt rt bra prtfoB IB
when any dupala arotc. A all lA<
Avtog aald •
Vnrle John lunkA. wbvrv li
rvBBra tbry playA under ibr niapto !hlA bright
jnlllns. aA tbara m a CTeen Iraf A
II tell you uAl U ta" Mk
"«by. ttat to Mtoireu Caterpillar talAr of rac vet rt Utllr folk*, -ttl*
rt AvlDS an Tuaplre aA glvtog
out for bra topper.- uid he.
autbortty to fllllns our eUldm
-Hon ildw tA to!- laM ln«e.
« grad cilliMU of IA I'nllA fnyra la hto ragutor nay.
-Te. " raplM' bra naete. T tbluk
tbe It
-HeHer (ban Ibai" aald me rt IA
'WAn will tbe go lo ilaepr'ukA
iber geniloBm wTtt a grate amite.
•1 c*n-t tell,- tald I’Ale John. -At -It to fuing ttem to beeoae ba
(At ktogdoB wbnee law U. ‘At
If ym WlU aak ymr Bother to let u
!oke one rt Ar Ug gtou Jarc. vt will much u lAb In you. Uve pearmbly
wllb all mm.' "
|.ui Mlilrau OattepUtor to It for
HoraH gave m togmlOB
MieOra L.mvi
tew dayt Md watch bqr.*
lA olAr day. Ha WOUA to ptoj
ttraaga Faater ChiWraa.
IreM ?M M fait u iA-«wU for
tt* entdao. At bis BrtAr «bM
10 fo out rldlac. wA doetD-t the .e Jar. aA Hlttreu Catenriltor toe
Tbe Ikm Md tA himb lytog dowa A biB. m noKOit rt tbs isattB
doctor lAe her blatelf. Inttvad rt fouA heraett to a ctou faouM Att
He wu too proA to barn
tide by tide woald net A a ma
irtitoc ibt poor motAr lAt It’a
■over ited over tA top. markable tpactacte lhap that pn
ara bA cry. ao A aald:
only tttoc to A donar
plenty,rt leaven, too. A
i tbe reeldeme rt MA H*M
~Ob. »«-■»« dto bora* U
Bobby While waa much worried 1 IA for food. At tA waa art bungry. Otenbrt. Htoneaprtto. Hina.
K dra maka* my eyas iwaaL'
BUI Ihe mailer.
Hera TAdlee. IA pet tabby. It
RA wu mly tleepy. Before ktany
-Jeatte Orvea hat got lo gn owt uayn tbe becM to apin a tilkaa covey teektog after tta welfare aA mtir
Hdits.' be ttid. He connied all tA for bhrulf.
tratotog rt three Aby rat*. Ta
pvanlee A had bran avIbs for Chrli
gave birth to (our kllWu s ebon
Iraoe aA DaU JoA waieJM
but Cbrtolmat wat tUll a loi »he alowly wound it roond and rooA ago. ttrra rt which were drownA
rouA htrtelf. At lut wbas tA 8he moureA tbeir km*. aA w
a horec and cairtoce. He pul <
morning her mulor wu torpritA
aU oovrtA up abe eouM tpla
bit cap and wat ertne to ran oat aad
Dully, dtoeova
r. tbe wmt fut atteep.
tad two >innll rail keeptog abp*
Mb Ibe llrerymaa tt A would not
with tt* tone ktuan. vrttt TAdtet
I lAt mne eonU now aee ^
■ IK
biB bare a buroc Jut once wttt
liitte boute tato vhicb Mtotreoa (oAly wnicbtog ovb- tt* ttrae.
paytoc. wbm A rmitBAttri tAl pao- rtoiarpflA bA npaa Ataalf. D(d you dty followtog tA wu taaa to 4i
pte tald ttc llrrayBan wu aUncy.aad
tu any rt (Am
tAl bit mamata would not let
baagtoc m tA branebu rt (A irau
drive ejra if A did gvt a bot«
arthtor After lAt be went or
UHte Jc*a cnlted It a MryuA
Ibe frmt wladow to the tUllog rnoB Irene ealted a Cradle. They bnag H
and ttouchl and iboucht aad ihon^t. up on Ibe waU to (A Ubrary. for
Wb.; a boy tttokt and tttokt and Unde JoA tald tta eaterpUlar would
ihtokL be to .mrv (u Ihtok rt i
ilam a lone. teag. kiag ttma.
Iblac: ooywty tAl to bow ii wu with
^ did- Bnt ona day aom
Bobby White.
-i Are It!" cried the Ilitir
JnBpiac up Ad dMctac about tbe
raua ta a wild ttole rt deUfbt. "Jetita to colas rldlai erary day of Ar biary Md Aard a Uitte movtog notes
MV Bare at So. 16« Kok Prtmt sucei vfB A imifi
life unUl *A CM* wen Oh. wfay
a fev dty*. Uuil (At time yon can tnem a BIC BAKOAIN
cnlted Coda JAa aA A hoard It too.
Ha Mil. -Mteiruu Catrtplltor to
S IOUN. or My
When Rohb) pui on hto cap ttto awoA We will watoh u ooe
takii« adtutotr ot tAir
time A fM mi of lA Anee. In lA tA doee.yard be stoppvd nnd whUited. Md
WAt do ym ttiA happaoAf
tbara tpraas armA the Aate a
rt ttto qaaer Unto crAto ttat hA
rhassy Ac
i«m thin ap tight (rt tack a katg
*OcBe oa. ym dear rtd burv
teag time, there came at toil a hmntlym!" er(ad KobAtnl Atterky. Tboa Daeto JoA npanA
Ttoa people to lA vlUace aald (At IA cradle wide to look for Mtotreer
Jeule Urem would never Av<
Oatarplllar oA fouad ^gothtog
roll froa her Bag tlckarat If U
It to open tteir mv
“Where to tAr atkA Irann.
wot been for RoAy WbH* nad bit
iBtoa.tAwv good* Are Am oriiM'
-la Ar kBS-ateep aA been
good hone dog. AlftrM they wat very Alterly.- «U Uaete Ma.
Ar twasMt
wstdit Bora to bbA
■abd (Ay mm tbopooe of (A Hock in (hair
(lowly op aA down tta vtllnce ttrevtHnfcrtABev '
Jraate teoatoc agalui Robbyl
way Hot Hava a BuBgliul
; ibm tt«y wtyi a IKUe tottar.
'W-A to'ttu Mg bay. Atoc. vA
aA ton of all they trotted real fan.
It ou ^kBd aA aotB* to bbA
aad Jeatte-t Jolly lausbtoc wu lA paopte Btod hlBTlert tttoc that HNA rt lA vUHlldrA wu watebtog a gM
Bga paopte bA Art bonrdhaubalL aA Atee «n* toytog 1
-toat n a Cm tttoc. mpn.'/toid ptoto n lo Ar.
Bctoby White, -tor a boy to cLa a
-Oh.* taU A. -that te (A A
goA bonwdogr\
M aaa A dacddu vAt te fair aA
mest. A mre to enfi atul Bcr miol a very tone uvmg ym com
very Ba tttos. ' aald papa; A- At ItaT. oA that Aqga (A boyt
at (hit tale: A groH umy Arc bera tqU, M a nnetter of
10 bhaoett. -AA-ttM s too (htot
axMllent Aifaim tnomia ad ya rtrtatoly kyoM art A lA Soft
bimr ntliBi*
boraacanaa bA a big baari.^
lA unto glH.
-Itora to.* HowrtA-Al
amac^to mil yve.
ihai-t tie rkte.*
•ahM Hoflattra Oavnlart Cura.
A tow iBtA latar Alee
-Well. vulLart!—bans!" aAfraAm taongM bit two Anhi tocatbar
* Brt) bA naa (a tara bit voebocMa Bate (ua Mb (A wtadpv
. a*ovn vbiM. on Voo litolto.




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