Grand Traverse Herald, April 08, 1869

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Grand Traverse Herald, April 08, 1869


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Leach, Dewitt C. (1822-1909)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



OTTT, grand traverse COUNTY. MICHIGAN, APRIL 8, i869.

. Wc 4o Bol wM it to be otbanria
VatevcJiMttMdTid lUl tmatfOam

ewiAtoptaatacimtamaber <d
Umm wlwa lira an depwdet and ke){>' oatordlfieulttabon; eodirthcpaM*
fraa (ae poH to aaotlar did eoespj
oUp toiw aad hM(mkai.aad little BON tine tfaaa It doee at pn-

AeOan^ Ua<U.
bad> mn »U
{MtaKOBHBbwa aid viltts op br

• AImmU two yron age I took nv ’Oaitaca fat a fow wata to cawo oil-

with 4 yoBog kdy.

tn4*.t>ra>dhM*v»it7. taw ‘

«e)r to wiadararA' aad of eecla( «la(
nan?weld c ^dwta tat

aad the poM of alf-belp «
tedeari; their dot; to «1L

We «D» M»* • 111* «rta flta w.


hetateataSlta. We«flM)uUCU>

•I lev

appawiHy. atat

- war deep aad bdly naawiw waa
g like tba wtogo* detok apaa brr

I Sid tod bar to dm p
ilithfol. She waa

* bafithyShVinta
ed^'xM^'Sutin <m the eolden of

yoang jtor'aawaattoi AMrmtata
taM than bdagoOtn of tha watch oa
toiBida br%of war.with eveiT kfUkef •nay trotor. ware teaglng. btoali® md
______ .^aadrade of thoanedi'af bom uf tooran ael. the bowliaea baaltd. and « low, apaa her tnenai. aad ihe toeerd
(o oriclaal pwwn at raiy peeelhli to do. vdl.-aad viUi theoco- kad ban bw kept on of aaricat fat natoi wind aa ahacaa itnnaader. arblk tb^ the cx^^ aach tada» aa
lltle baaoty kaotadTher ntoaortaa
pwhnalon or the DoaodUai «hk*i edi jouii aktian beet ben coaipelled tn
I, daae bawled. glUtag over tbe aaa
taka 19 Ian eUgiUa traala: (Teat dela; ia
oM BO* btee of niod aad (hanela, t
tbe all like Ihe mafioa n| o'piTaiam
Ulb. wfll loeB eail -Itaf
dnam She milled. boMhete war «A..achoottaanaad
bandj. pivtkal ideaa Then R at the note atalp aad at grnter iaterrale ^
thing ia her
ber anHt wbM told Me
toe Umt iu
noanfal Uaaly waa bal the rdketton of
oatael aa enor with
her^oartarAach. while ta gietaaato
a tear, aad her mtlds at thuea unimd
toea ban ditemd Iran eoetiog
(tap of the eteraCii
ante, nakta it mar mUllooi of dolUn to ber itan teal! tbe world to If iba wu.. hravny down, to If draggllm to rnivrto
«nk Idea, dlrarad fton eretr eeakdaia- peoRt thaa R would taa beea. It ie aol a llrii^ ereaiore. tad c^)oyed the dadoag the dda af agnay U*t wM hatdta ap
fnn> bar hran'c ttaen ora. SW Vnkra
dea«raeIMBte>at.«Hboat «bkh wraj keaaaa thtt the aatofpeWaf ptoacera who abe xtre the mas fomjA
n Ihe Unto we had to Ihe B-. to If dm cnald lave k
.. ta -_______
oae e'
qantin of a»oial nfonanaat UleTaae- ban gooc into the aew et
____ -..ary hole and corner of the cn- fnaWlty. aad gaw nt huiralb tha skirt
tba aaUana ef tbe aeik
en. We an alow to' egnpnbaad that aboeld tal nadtive ad ei_.______
tipD i
•oantinai down to thegolf of UasI- dan. ^ kUlwr fiiib ad dawa a^
tha nan ritei of par^at an daa to W
Aad pat if tbe lailioadi ptoridrd for en, at «ben eniUtog aimad (be tood bar* the fraab, gnen earth, tad poared eat Bee
idet the laad gnati onld bare hen of the Btaua Cliannal, or knocUu aUnt atrlcken aooV gaab after gtob. Ull It
adraa, aod wa owe tbla to oU atbce wanaa
tbe heaatifal Windward Uandt. We wan aiogled whh The eUmal fcaatah of
nat la noderbid wbn tbeaarrin readend baHt withia a maoaaUc tine, aotbiag
- r. who parity aad loea.
ended I
awn fomable eoold ban bappceed to tha
iiofaqaalnloetotlntof laaau TbUda- BoithenpeninoftheSnie. Beulennt
Dtof C>
;(ardto,toadaB the
I tore latdr heard that Iba yoaagkdy
< auiioa: but ta ia of wiKto 1 tore ipukee, fa
dn to lift oenaltae alioec astuol aaad aad
lid bar* bM
otaally tbe »ae. wa wan eert naforttinale dmaeiharlUawtotolto wthaMItaar
tbe foil weenpaBM of UdL U
tolnaingtoeBovarbantd. BHi^ananrfc- - -■- “nam. geetk ai the atolripg af
tha Stole w<
Hndr camifb tesdlng ataadilf towanU
Ibat itogen
Itogen for a whBa
wWk nwad
naad a
to,tl______ -............. ably go^ iwiamer, I wai—-------------^ , _to bteme (tot
bed of wkberad voaek aad than dkalbr
__ __ ______lallroada provided
_________ graato. than Ui Liam BO toned
be that earth b
tca'rti aaTIt waa wbea m
toeed. to iu fteadp aad naiatleaa nanA. davalnneav evea ladhrldaal taeUen be- net
ct wii
with the foUmrlag adeeatwie.
crowded out. Tba l^ialttona ^
to taka epnbendf aew data aad «
We 1_______________-__________________
buie bare aiaile a grare uiietobe to liut
ccapdliag tbe mporaliaei npoo wboa aUven on Itae imvth eoaat of Cato: bot
paRoaa. Very ranly, ban aad than,
laalaa of aone baa overleaped all barrin* they had oiafcnad tha gtaau to ahow
Beat f.
aene nawiciBble raaDorari^b^torryiag oa
afdblnaluid pr4odlee,aad Umj have Ihe
wkW. imp
__ _______________beeo
woA. It bu beeotoo
eaaj. alao. to ________ Ttot eraniu at
f oof aro
^ oioal bnor-a exerta to r^gjad ei^ef from Ib^tr
wtai^ their wtold'e work with iraa ^ obtola ateaaicea oad Ibeic haa at.
foxUng. all paadble toil wwi made, wttb
Ron Boabear, Paaap ba ao paWty of aaj aoet for aoglact
doddiag tofkalow ud tMt. to a tne Why b ll that lira lainhow aad Ihe ti___
Etada aad Jeaa li^ow have Ing bdd
fredi breete. the brig rang a Mr (waive eoBW over at with a beaniy ifaal h aol
ledkna Bjiimd, the pnaaat Icgbktara knou. One of tbe Bt&nep non bed rw Bank, ud then jait Ht airi -lewvv a* to
I denied to do exact ^^oe to all eoaoerned : malaad aloft, dabbiag tcioc job. and wea BOB to ibdr fata lovdiaeBt Wk* la
way down^ the «t-f—^ U tbai (to Blart. wbicta bold iheir feaUfel
gaat R^f wbcB the work
I. wton. by aotoe Beam at«
ereead tbe Ibraov. are tn above the gre-yt
t of that corporation, h,
esBil. aad there baa been
boIAead blllngairacktl
of ear llnhtd fccallha. ud forever meek.
reaotrad to gire then Bontrkl. nibarwe
yard, doa ed to tbi-taato ............
- ' a they have noued bataaie they apprabcad on aooout of the aU girei^tbe
Dt ovcrboaid. I wm etoadiee ee
fotopany to good faith by 1dtiaaBnortflefa>eiL Aadla
beeoty are prennUd to Ibe vtow todlbra
igan all along iu line.aad
luair, Ihe ronady k to ear own pieient BaaageairBt, thaa far any Beril
lakm away frna oa, luvf^ the ihtariiA
tada. Then an bailiea of giila wbaae to IU bittory token u a wbda Tbe 6d ibrowing of an Jacket, jBotped oret tbe rirewna of nfoetin, to flew bark la u
that other llnea of raflrmd tore beeo htrill qneiler eftn bim. The iaipetu of aiy Alplae torrent apto tor fatoitt I
bralban an bealtbny aad bopedblly
paralld to it. aud with a tok-rby tbat
work, wbll: ibey an to-doora, both biwlo
aecBU altooat like Adioa. abowi that Bader l.of on regatoleg tbe dtrfoce I «w hfaa aot
aad body dtoaaaed frocn idlaaen. waiting
for froa are. Jud at to waa fdng down.
How Urge an tbe ataa. nod nn tfoy
Exening ell my power, a lew drukra look .ilifce.orAolhrjdifoita*tacr Jiitodto
for the huahaad who any aevar
me to t& ptoto when be bed dtoppeind toeoi^roiond Ibnt they were nf wearwhat
lew of the non tbooghtfcl reeogniia a n
aad 1 tow bim elowly doking taenth atathar laagalnde. artanatahly at«vi a«
qtaatiblllty for tbemaclvot. tad

at oar tan. aito that Ibe difcuiate
1 ereato—wanted Ihe rta. aad ao lUe
by the toir, 1 brotoht nf apparant ritr an due to |lie diforaa^
thaa one baa token caoi^ and noppad LegiitotongareitoDemondtona. Tbit
' diuaitce: but a ben erirneaBen eeme
to tbe aor&to By tbit iIbc the brig
1 tto road moat be boill aad baill ae
boMlp oot toto telf belpfal
anrir tiro milm dlrianl fna 0>. far

aametflW a
Itog to tbr------ =--------•*- .—
........ - -- of the
tboogb ao maay dinlaio agiton It,
Bil bad btea abotteacd, and tbe
. - .______ _• boa gone by.
U woqM oot be Inpoatoble for
Havta rtodved to give Uie trad anotbot
teAto^hook toto tha old tan

------- "or-Sjr----------

b«ia kaBb)7 « taLdoiaK

■ ' -JTS




22.25 2LS--«!

aad to
edin tbe
wb«e4i^ garb of error they nay ba «ito lu Ibe end at lU tendni
re a doaU of Ihe the adranttoot of ha «
ought on (to' pan t<
of reform

______ kcr^Srij aaai 1
DTto^IbcjjoMfejlto ™,S"»e

lirokee it ie bb foU, wblrb prered to hr aod babila of wones.

V Dot aupriied to learn, at wc do 00
taold aay oae kiae tab to the aBtinprac- eenpdeol aoibcehy, ihsl the AUurac)
Oeneial of the Bute tot dlamhaed tbe eall
liana Bailraad Company. Ilmlg^il
______ ie <aae of fbtnn fannre, if this ooh
givlog {dace to were pmaed. the company could ny totbe
LagUlalore that bot frr tbe acthw of tbe
Bat thb fan dtale.einbameMng aad eoaUaTening tbe
eSonof theeumpany.
r. tteoald tore ooai
plied with tbe eEmdltioaa ezadad by tbe
LtotUlere. It might Ibat'acteally fownd
to apan. Wton the tine oena that we - elelrn for fotnve candderat^. Manido nat oonelTto dirtok fron toy walk ftotljr.jto StoU^bt ad by^^^imui
which we caa cradttoUy do : wbee wt an
podttoa to tbk. and oci dda acorn
wil I tog to girt ap tbe
caUbaibeendbtoiaed. If futon
BitobodyeBdeoul than ahow tbe atoctohy for eacU aetioo.
tta we tall toke oar mtonlag pUto, ead aneCber ail can todly be nanmenoMl. ud
bdf ttooppMtieawiUat oaoc be deac we fod folly uihoitoed to laytog wlU be
**^hgecferwoaea tn ooigrowtto
tbkBewvcatantowardetbe rmflaBeUtomeatof mtod.tadaieocmttoat ttot have
b and power to them, w
tbe poor aad imprittooed.
A wi
wUbaActompioaealUae Dto, ladin' IUterary elabi.
itad np'
oa; her abondant and coooeadul efforW
btair af tbe enflertog and oppneted

eamlloBa What iktoaiaat to the aba to
- Siriuiaed AldeUroi. deal t Tim tB>r it* •eleetl.iB
eeleetkiB for Ihit drtenniBiIea
wat that II b erne af the
whtob Blleda buerymw-twa*

I, takiBa* good grip of bb
n tvwams aad tortiig taeara].
ling it. made By eaJbrtaaate
abfnate fcaTto U by one
tba beduta,
wlUbb toad well tare
- thbtime to
to'wat oomiag to btsaalC
and I knea ttot if Ibey coaid aa. tofeas
tto brig, tor but* woQld toon ba aW
ride a*; bot tbit did not appmi to to |S»,
eoic. for betoanoBed pallfeg in ell dlrao.
ttaae but Ibe right oM. Soddealy I aew.
fow vaifo fna at. u ol>to itot to

the braU epproactod. until I uruli
dblingabhtta bewacoaeorttolaigeri
nfhbVM. Be evidatly Intaaded to ncooaritnaadwbu only aboot Are yard*
regard! oar frtoodr al Ibe Xortb. tbe frcB a*, togu la ewim rioaly ta a drda
toee Btoodt Una: AMin tore now nodi- but gradari^BBrtag, entil 1 emM dear
ol a ptm whu tbe road mat be boilk
tod to CODdim^^rf"^tenle
.t foifotbe
O^oocmbM bmcaib tbe buy brow,
banebtoe wi" • —
' beopeculbl
of the grant_____
token out of lu bandt, and Ju •
(rf fonditb raliee, af aaiet. ealm. aettled
Mod Bp. Wbaewoocopletot the
riWny, that ae oita
will lamre great
fto giBt oltat
'oiwSy eTto b
________ the road, aad ao people
totermtod in thb tbu tbeaeof fcradcwfo I meuaeneed to tphih •• mneh
- -i,^i.
Tblihaditodea* I mnlrl with me fe
IbeKotib If tbeOnndRaphbmad
rind efoct, aad wilb a btenl wav* of bb
ana hilroad Compaey dote aot eoadre
rrfol tail, to abol eC and for tto ae-

t^dtan^iU tto horrid


iofcacha RriaeaShrd dele for the
. .ipeUtloB. Ttariar'adabBre fttoina
it a nltlioB end a qoaiter time* tfmt aftba
M^flua tto un, m ttot HgW a
twutyyMntatrwvd Utkcrfoanlt.

pbta •?<« taou heva erm aiut ef ttB
Ilttd ie a little ta oUta aeaatotog u|y
uerooBandalcA. WtoeUeBaetia*
tngntobed^ riraageblnkri errui
the Biddb of (he ronaa obA Ibe Uller^
aad the
loach eaten aiSta a^ft
tto peaky
tollv veraita'w^c^
aitch hta
of tbe IbUoUb and poll them IMb elf
tarn Ba Ary dldaH lUafc aotUa' of
tanked araoed ta BBtway nf ciBBa
Then wa* a ladder nocWa^wilida Sa
taI tori may tc
loft, eadi tb^'
iway fna (to blood
uptlier.iuldid Tto


which ia brtokieg ta opon her Ufa
war wbldi tprmd to oeb gigaaUc
tot of the
paeoe. fooad Wtoaa, at well u mea. qotofc,
: willi^ aad fearta to endun ervery privwtitoifottlg their
------------thdrawaBladto at tinhndy at tbe
diet, la eaatp aad fold. TbenweteOhar.
latte Oardnyi, to eeongo, who at btmiy
geve op chair yaaUfol pieiuitiag livea. or
wandendthitogh e deaoletod. panto drkfc

for tbe
that wa were tevn.
^'taLt wat fatl felling- there wa* ao
riora m yta y jWiariy for a tanSbl in Iboar latiiodB-and I mold
•ac-lTtUe or no hope of roeeplDg * boyeid
It hat often been lemarind ^ peiatai deeu from the >w« of Ibe brute.
' '
r adraoced age. long czprritae. and
(all wdl knew, wat not br oC
.OB obatrvvn of the piogiLia at bnaraa a cry of bnrrne fruB ay
bln, that hoi few ofuryootto dear* to tod BOW quite rvg.l_______
rrg.loed I ________ ..
taara Bvfol tiadea hbnv of ibea ban a
euitatm to the rapid approecl. of
BUtokee idea of tbe reoeet
.. .adeacay. Tbb tine to eenotd do
bade, end aeca to thlek that proa
mined oot to to baaiked. bol caatc riraigbl
' oaeoBM
u for
It oa Ageta
1 thnw Bverif on ny


Ihrir BFOtal geaint than a
it to All the poritina uf teller ta a took.
1 coaatry to mWaler to he Bcceadta.
Boy* geaerally *bow certain leah* of
When toto an eotorawl. Ub to pieto ctoiacicr or ctUMt eertaia tnriM for tbe
welfciageae^ Proa the'mtamt that am and ttatOM or tovcnlTe tognoily.
e«9a tboagbt. they lean W leo- which aboold be oulllvaUd aad pendited
r. Bad when they
lari we hal beu Bide
fect of eetf-aiptodtoee. tn toagNt to halof Ibe cettaa waa fori pollta toward* oa
aa* only Bake for ttoBtelvB a foctue.
eat ef thma fou aad free topped. Bol hot wiB ptoee thea btoh above Ibdr iri
tow* ahowen brught up to tto bp of boU kept cralriti^bBC^eta yard* oC In
the taer of tbe aw hiiaibnH
luaory. ud im^ to briieve ibat lah a drolT ruoad oa My ettw^ wu rta>
karaa that tor life 1a to be Btrtoaad dawB waa toaelfo. Hcahm* ate gawrally
ly leaving Ba aad 1 kuw that did I CBce
ewiradcefoctaDle waU, a few btonata (be pnaaat diriaeM that tep____ ________________ oeiety. Tbay aautoo
toli'g-— wttb tbair aaa aad wUle
fee the ma^dacB: tbe mydeey ef parfi
Ita aw am Ibdr hmAi exrbim.
tacUgaeae.aaderiafpltaag the 1
oAto toaiakae lever, wbkA taaoe 1



d** sri

totaM^'leto^to eBtaTta


---- .....

tto matter, pve'

lcc«n»ttoMhef perfed aad dUy madammeatottokpeacato ef mbb'o Ucal

They tab at oa ftea evacy pham
ef adBBaBtaretare.thdr levto»toiaMe
by every
tieiiem Chy, kBekciaf^A Ud.

wbelhartUttoiM b to tolaaBered. ead
■ewtypaof wooMaahacd mbdhwrf *


GEN. H. E, PdklNE.
e^»^sr -...............

tto <«.




Bcy. Ob.ByboaeBfei*B«.ranf* to a
very hard world I 1 know of Iml on* rul
•B*y plae*' to h. TW ptoca b the
A riMrir wa* oaco ufcad to exeeatr a
wiUagiiut a Qaekar.
Oa arrivhqr «
_________to BW ta Qaakee-a wifo,wto>,
ta ruly totto iaquby whtUer tor huba^mu at beoa. mid to waa, at taMme
tw reqamtfog Urn to be omBd. and her


-I wifo,wto>.

5SrS*s = **:

BUtaBystark riaea I bb aerer la
emeu ataw fcdtagmyflta BW

tta dipirapi ftne ta hea. by eaotau

We. d toXTB. n^ e brill

ss. oypwbtata»tm:Bisr.i
I. taftbaetto

Bef theeghi aad ceonge af

r.Sr;r:“HSrr si* fs

______ JT. Beery Weed
tlBrrlncvreealvcd a letter
froa a young mea wborecoBBended
who reeoBBendrd Wmeeir very bigkly a* totag benori, aod
rlneed Ibe naoBl: ‘ On lae an Bqr riV
aUuiy •
-------------............. ■* Mr, Rnctmr replW :
-Uoa't be u adiior If yu creaU be
-CM}.* Do aot try tto bw.

ta meter wttb tbeir biuAt. w« ta

b leftthM b^talr* fettoc*. at


rabe blmeri^l^%*^bn]**ta"ttS
four aad leak bccMI; traand the toft.
Souab he MW ae beae&Did ta bb dtoBt

r-^"* r

Shl^l^tiu b joM after


(Stim!i ([mxm %roIii.
». c. lAACB. .iiMraiB.





On Car
to vtertilB oM o]ri>
m*U. V«7 €<U. tb«y •• »n Hi «l
tmatafN, tiltkM pnakaifDsd, b« aothIi« .4 M tfpaalM tadcMT- 8rif to
gw wr Cir vKb M 111 to ■
■rotoktad. ftoaswMyweo
bOfnttet •%« vtdMif* Awld b*. «ffi

rHAHStE, Lit & Co. I^CH ft

atprirringtoeemtoyofCheitWa. ^
torrlto^ eBbraead U the an eoMly
tofWIore: Tbnt«gorto Ringat«.«.
anf igafobythttattera. tote
(and 7 Wdt.-Tona» Xerto.Bas^4. wiatcr af IK, Bria LBpngae weiap>. (. 7. C. end rWtd.-Boeto half «T
T«*to H north ef Bangta 4. ( and (
the Ubraryof
Karto,aad totwtetoof Tb*«MS«eto abeattMoeii
being I

m li

Tbtopltw of




.In Teas.

toirda of .B nlMfadqg raqdBdj: Tte-


te laenaJjlMii^te

Hr. XtoehtU that (healttflm «f taoty IMA AweryiatCfo«li«addiwwsi dalleerad by Ur. A. a Dmlap, b
ia3lByandlhat(to eea^tototo to te with tbe eietiiMe by te eUldics, wUth
kmtod by tot bea^ of fntoiii.
eonaiaudb repeeti^ UsU of eeriptsri
*-i anvataktotoe itogta «C Ctoito-

' T. IL SAteblB'.


‘V* rtetattaa At tone

aiptiea Thefoat em^
wae held dariag
lariog te an



Redactions! Bednetdons! Choice Farming Lands



alwaya be cenriteto

ed a etnoe ef te bat we tea erer ted.
tnbWd. Tbt,
tote^ri^of iMS,Xr.Bpragae toft
Prfofo.Li^tateO'o^ewt Snwi. TJader.
tfon. wUeb abo
U atoooi. aad it wa wttooat any deAnilc ftot whearrer te aBeant of Cnited Suia
a atritaag nut te tbi^-ymr
badcrferallae: bdag part of the tone
• oBBbted telTbeie eioeeenfSTW.dlenifo nodes
ItM Caralugi.
atUled fottba purpteonwfog.
- by Ur. a a Halbard, and 1.
„toe»------------ ■
eby XUU.aCraa. In the
te tbnhst^ in qaeetoB.
BBonat ofnsto exeea, util te wS..' freaU
JUM. WaeeMpCUatblitbt
ef IBM.
Tbe >4Bl reaofotkm. wbidi anbBlta a
awciear of Cetud fbataaMM«.Mmi..(ii
•tfWofaBcMitotngtoa. Aghoee*!
>aat>UtioBal —t~ Ttr*.
tne foUowiBg ehatofa of toe rtoe and added to toe Iforary; part nf tbe
Ugldatma with powtr_________________
BtnbUto aoeh
tbt «N> it w etBd»i». Uw BO wrlbefog nbedhy Ber. Ur. Cranto. aad part
ring a laOnad from PortUnd. Ore
M it MtU to f«b«tttoto tbit ttotodaaated by te Uaiafionday Bcbeol Pabwaa pat on ha____ ____
__------------mmL ITtmr itm mMI mttitt Cto daydekoel Contort, beU at the Ca^i» Utofog BeMy. On toe I* of Oetober.
WeUeaWBletrcwafaboee —wri
iig-------- of eesfw. aty dlnn at<A gattooa) Chardi. Soaday eeetoag. April IMt. Ur. D. C. Leeefa wae appofoud Ba- .
___________ ______
' te 14th aarendnKnt
to te mHKW .AHD TQT CHOICS misty of
Mhoclon in Oenia. vbich prorida
biriMtt <nai H that vmU aUwnriae 4th. It wnidoBbtltoeprert deeply intor.

UgbdaPotatass. for toed.
Mtbtn. r«rtoMuce.BnIlnitd
eetiagtoan.end reylrriilly to oar
ctemeMadthboonto. Tha atonri fron
twd^itrtMkfM. asdasoUMititwe
ed by aereral SecraUrMi of Bute AgrtealtolttfoMeeanedtokaep oo fo te
petotMXtotBty. MdBOMoeoi^bw.
e toe year ef getoo one
of Ite way. whh au dap of dbeoar- Ooremor, and abtll onnaiiuie ilie Le^lataal Beebte,.ai THX Potatoe to BfoA
tnre oi
of M«e
tbe oiaie,
Stale, wuiMiui
wllbnut reierence
reference to toe
e^^TaJia. Uairb M.-Tbc Spubrda nn>
VMld c« t« • toi!p tiMt »r too'
■ d and «fty4*elae. ageauBA fort stay of briglu.ptwtoe.
both aa tigatda quality and ylelA
ectloa of tbe body wbicb eiplled eolored
andtoepUtowieTnTweOty. i Uttl. til fo BepteBber, 1M7, toorrb aerrfo.a
HAHHAB. LAY ft 00.
ktowg torn ltot«biU.firaatb( eoe- groep of toWat ea a'
TbeTcaarcorOfioebni. eeimeaded by
aagwnded fo te ato^l boaw, open
CgtMtoa e( tot eouatoy, tUt It
iy Bore and galdota a Mod
of toe Uetoodtet Cbureb
wai icforred to te Jod
A great crowd of Spnaiarda cUeM ....
MM cwn, vbtk otbtr ttatogi bd^ oraahtoeaoUtndabBihe Tab ofwa
edlAee.eBd te eeborri war naaered toete.
tbe eiecutioa of tba Cabu Bomen. Re
Suars-Hardi 7(-Tbe bil
t^ial, tot iMto ton triU grow op. yH egalBM the toore. «.td toa tod taoan of the
— m te wharf la night of te
On te 1«th of Jtaotfy. 1M8, te ntooU
le charter of toe city of tVn>!
who were larfog for Afrio.
wind ia toe tdMB. Kow and thea et rare Be(atana!foteU.aChnrto. Fifteen
•totttUagt pmtoc
and eeretal billa re
.111- imprcaaiim
non AUt ^rwraiU at Bnnliago
befora, te Colon School wee ot^- Ptto'Dietriet' of'cirioBbii'
M,kbpatoibU roroorrUUgtUbaoew la«ml».a*hitewlpged etoiel ease op
Cuba Ibatlber
tot btM watota of toe Bey. and broogbt ted. Ten yean before. U bed been re«r.
Bte, at redaead pcicai VB(T CHEAP.
A bill to proride for tbe'
llarair*. Manfo *A-Tbe
wriotBenewiof-oBride'lifo; and oo gurted. and had oontinaed with little or
M aewa of ibc
towdb- Wi btlitn tbit if B fdIroBd to
Ibe Vatoingtop
___letoo UoL.
appointorent of Hr.
PIniab. Coaaol
nllya ■taaUby-feotod Indias, wtab no foUmfodoo oatil tbnt toto dty of ton.
erection of a aioilnr o
of Ibe
Vnitorl Butea b^
bare, la fororably rw
' «*tr btoto toto toe TiBtorat itgioe U vlll
(hrpreeiatoBtoniiagtoiUt baefc, thread- nary.IMA tbepaealioa we*: stell we Culn wat lotnidiued.
■- towb e» toiatoBta tt TiiTmt City. W*
cd toe lone foioto toet etrctdwd ewty
ewe ere? er. ibtll wc diridr
' bailm BobecMHt va thisk It woold be
brotaa. iu bandted totlre and toore, Co tor
with te tvocfanreboe?
of tbe Vniicd Staiea with III ' Cutwtt reto
XoT lb« Utrrett tf b toopBoy boUdiiig b
tuned Out two eeboob ouold lutinolUa traa repoipd from toe Conunitretd toMkt totoB potoi. Tbehafini
tee on rnietgff'Affaita
BAUiuB, UT s ee.
B bridge tbepw
PtotkBtd. ttot toil to tot BBtolBl bottatti
.. . Pomeroy i__
iotrodiKad a bill to pl>ruled, bowerer. nnd (be tcbool niljoomed
•Mar tTBB clletoiTe ngloB ef TBlstoto
•rltieri 00 te
-no Pnncipc.fof aoppLiea They ware lo
Dceer Bore to Beet tt dariag ell the yean public domain.
glM (sir. per kM.......
iru nett day. Advuca from haaaaa to
toiaiiV toad»-toat toert to B iBiger trad toe fordBitleB thU bang ortr toeai.-aDd
paet. TbefollowiogSnbbatb.icbouitwere
SSd bare baca rteelred. A buiab
tomb«r CBMtry tribtoBty to Ibto IhiD to nj
mao.orwar bad oaptniod the Britfob aliip
old of toe boiy to-diy. (bey here aU toe orgnafoed fo boto te C<
ototr pUet in thto tagios. wUl go tor
... ____iir fo 1-.________ Jeff. Daria which waa retarnfog with a
Cham of a diJB land of rorannen
Uetoodiftcfandiea. Each cborob bad pur ameodmenia by a rote »f 70 yen to •> cargo of i[mngn.and bad alio boarded
towirdt fxlag toto u B pdnt to be toototd
In tbit canuBcr of 1(U there wat not
rd «7S worth of boolu for ibeir libra Sara (be year befog all lietMjblieana Ibe andtearebedlbeaehoooerBrltUafo. Cue
toy tot drat rBOretd that rcBctoti tbeae
of te PenirUn moolton atill lurnaina at
BiBlMtroflbeOotpel is Trarem City,
Tbe niuact btrmoey prerallcd
Mrtoers aratera. With a railnad tom
Bagg^ IrlanA wailfog annilies of weal
tod it b deobtfol if tim wat a praying tbeee Aret meetlnge, and te numtier pneSnearr—March (O.-Mr Willey introiMdag torn ear totnn arojM be aatotcd.
oas witfab the riJUge Uedte. The Ant
daoul a Joint reanlmioo lo earmpl Wr«
folty equal
A deny line of beati areeld. of eeam. be
■ma erer pmched b the ritfoge. war aueadeMC tt tbe eld tebooL
Fifteen Virginia from tbe art rettneting tbe Joila operwitom. ^ tea VbIm PmABc
mfreabtfeto Stcuabt OBUttleBty
diction oflbe Coon ofClaima
BODlbt of herd Ubor oo (be4<art of ofi.
We know Rotbinc of the
_________ of tbe
Mr. Anthony inlmdacrd a hill aalboruda HoqbetU, tad *e aranid tons ted oer1
petMd eince then— fog aemiuact witfacenain pamea to tiar.a- nit iinliiDied igafoat te
e Union
tolm diradly ea toa great annser reoto ber bcoAel
KailfcaJ by. Jame.
‘ coma of tbe
WDthi fo which Ibe brigift dap hare far port tba bimpean miila.
made jo bil aSdrrit and tbit
to Ititoe Bepertar. Tbal all tola la io be. Bact Bey. Aboot tbii tiBt two or Ibm
oat-nnobered the darL. onet—and nbieb
•ad at ae aery dtoleat dty. art ftmly beed. ItwatearMnety
hare left pleatanl Bcaoriet of toil cbeer- Central PaciAc Uailroad 1.. tbe Colontdo
d tba leatimooy
te nad it aho
. joint
molalioD dtttribtniiig . . aia uf tU dl
folly usdeegoee for a noble object, and Rirer; alao a
iging. It It
TtoM^'. Tbe iomber betoted bm. aibiU
both leaeben aad tcboUii hare frit that tbe rank and number of tiorerUBCBt em-.tloo 1
railrcad b fo ibe
ploren amoog ibe tereral Auua and Ter
e E T T Xs H: ^ SJ IT TS,
MBBll at eeapared 'arilb Kaetotee and ate- of Baaotb, Uy A Co.—aad all b pi
they bare medred ample reward for all ritoriea
Ibe Credit
wbkb hna__________
gently inenased iU lenglta in orter to
«ni etber ptaeaa tosto of iia, to larger than don follow tbe dad to the gnre. where (heir eObrta ' '
Ur. Uertoa tonred to ukc op to
draw forget ubsidlec from te Federal
III to grant a riglit of way lu M
•t aty ether ptiat Is the TtaTtret region.' boria] nrrice wae nnd, oeaally by Ur A.
fo tbe Ceegte
I Paao aod PaciAc
d'Ac Railroad,
Railowd. and
ai toe^I TmMry ; tbsl lbs raid bas been built in
rUt trill endiua for Deny yenia, nnd T Uy.>dtocabori4t(or gitionil School for tbe year 1W6,
d ootil the capinlion of
rtnuigm on a lonely asd-beecb weie Ibe for tbe quarter eading Unrah si. 1M», (S. the
tootirei otwi 60 liireilrrady brciome usetrill doMleen be Uigely tocieneed by
tbeae efcoeeertadoo a a Ua-tabir.ooe Anoestorpetuiy
The Sesate then took ep tbr suppleP*"*/ f™” l***'
origins! deatfMttoBor nlUa in the Tadslty ^or
Jfbte tedstor, torn spBri IterillBm.
enury cnrrency bill, rpeei mudi ilnw ;
def'-«i'« rnsnner in
eetaing.asdU aatorally led to tbe b- daring IBM, BMAO; for qnnrter ending
■awtetenef ^ end
teiwne and made suodry smeadmenu
‘•‘d. sod partly
qoiryrOes anything be done to iapren llareh II. 1W>. M- Aatoonl expended Ihereto.
| [^ <be taralMj umge which they bare "
Boctt-Uaieh M.-Tbe Wfl^fce tlw
. tha: friodo,.el sod esoibiisul I t.
talk Bad otoir foreet prodocu to be (hU boUted aeU poeUwar Ur. Uy tlnee dnnonry. 18(8. for Bfogfog Books
Mpped hare will Inertaie foaa year to taoglibgly Hgzeoted to Un nnndaU that PspeiA Ac. t*t. He, of pspen UkeA SO roinsgeof nickel pieces of Areoenu and |te« Mttrad into, coal be
towssl «asacl.
-as token op. Itomita te efouw I« *«>We pnres frenn com.gnr fora long rise to comr. Tbentr- rbeefaoald ettoopl to rerolnttasia tbe eacb week.
ttCsltrs Baas, per]
JrtDcr bill for the soppSaion
owned by the Direrton of tbe Comperti wiU all add to tbe boriieet of the,
oent notes.
Tbe coinage w,II' I“»J : ““*o« r'rT “H* «f the raid IIA
Tbe Anlbtlcs for the Hitbodist School
loaboul (SO.OOO.OOO. After dit
>a pf"flls m cnnttnielion are reaUsed.
tows and eontafoently to iu proeperity betbScbool. tee retorted that
w tt follows: ATcrage ntlendsnce daring
Ibe bill wa> mitod
i»°'' •»-<*"« on come: that In praearing
If be. «r ao* one elie would aeiM ber. 1(68. U i for qaaner eadlag Usreb *1.
••'I renewing Miller’. jmIcrI im 'be
ofone of tbe rr^ maiosi JfARCeC DOWJF TO CIOSS OUT.
TbeteaheUe repartee
for surW condenser. f..r rtes.n »'.'•'f railrtoA tbe com of ga.OOO was
18(8. 81
Penny ooUertions fo 1868.
nrntUf. Tte prodtulbB of fmb
Jeet. Ur. Boodeld oflerod bit aadtUna. ___________

A passed : almhe Mil for s te ;
bj Uie dirertors of the cxMtpany to s
MATS; for aoErter
•mad toa Big. aad b toe linawditte
serre ol Atkfoson’. SelHlsker |wURt •tnglr I u.ied Slatm Cotnm.mionc.-to proand DOtioe war giren (hnt there would be sr.-. «l 1mtra,n.Li .
•leMiy of &t tmrs, if u eoccatfal aa
Ustcb 81. 1MB. *10A(. Amoont espeiried I Tbr rill reTiriog Uoe’. improenalnl in ™'».
If® the report sppranng the
abbnto atoool, on Bundny, at toe eebool -t------- ------------.
Ota, It. U* sr
Jaaotry 1868, for singing bocdcs. |>- ------- --------------efor seren rrara. and Cr- ""‘oo.; Ihst the t^on included simut
MW aalldpaled, wiU add Ittgely to
bonae, which all were brited to atteod.
pert,fte..888A0. Koaber ef papers token. to7n^lUIrtaioi>a‘“« rnV^rl^’by Mr iro miles upon wbidi there is
the wcnlto ae weU ae to toe growth of the Tbe Kfaool boaee wa toe old -log be
Jcfidtea. and si tbe eiplran^ of tbe moru ,
log hour went orer nntii to morm*
1 r«>#ire<l (SSO.OM Gorenuaent iobridr.
BOW atandiag. aeat Oaeloe-i HoUL
Tbe tfonse then proceeded to Ibe busi- ' ■"d
•ulho^ to iieoe s oorrasprmdSo (he past, so tbe preneaL It would
fVatl The capital eaploynl is .
bad bca famialied. and tadieri lilrwi by
hoods; tlisl
We hare ibisdsy i
be of inirmt to imee Ibe growth of tbe nernon tbe Speaker’s table sod took o|.
mtfia bnit&anbei«.aBd toe energy,
nannab, Uy A Co. for the beaedt nf elJ
te Senste mouge asking a omirolitra -f IhcL-ommoy has a seem service fond nf in price of erreiwl msk
Ikes ofXadlet and
Town tbrongb these yean, to recsll tbr conference on the Tenure.if-Office bill
n'aad Dberallty of tbe aen who
(.0'>."M, sh.rb bused for er>rnjpt pur --------- --lUdaa erf toe plea. Aaordlngly
Apsosifprlnnperior goods

VtoMttog oRMlw «r (Ui tMag.10
»rwwyte,l«wlMk torawtt

wtoddiiiT tbry wilt, (hat tlM wbott of

ItownUpa U north of begaa 4. S and (



....... sfresr

•ra,T-Ta!5f:^;“'rs^ -----------‘5“p.=S.1SJKffi

Early Bose Potatoes.

Thre* Denws pw Aer*.

t HiYB A L4B0E ftnCE OP tdO A CAf8t


T .


A ,

Ouuua Pmtt*. Orrtms,

LiiuB- Axo caamass veak.

60,000 Acres

Cmd TraTerse







, SSB«

PBlUn AT TEH OTU r$s rtSD,


Sold in Faroeis

HA>-KAH. Liir ft co.-a



Bednetions I






haaCW^I,'htreaurae(ed toe attontian of 00 Btbfaato Boralng toe dilliimi and
teetoen aet at tbe acbooL
•nddmwB tots here foMbe treaiarUon
There were Ibree tacherh A. T. Uy.
er aUrgt elitre of toelr boalMti. Thli
L 6cbo6rtd aad Uri. D. C Qoodale. and
W doobtlen ooolbae. ledeed,
aU er efgbt chUdm. Thea buer wae
■a leaaon why, at toe cnoatty iaproeec ceget end eariooh and their iaqainiin•adetone epilng np b eU dlreetieiu. a
arienily btcrfoad wfto torir taefaecrildirabU wbolenle trade aty aot be en' dalec. laegiae thea atklag each
dope a toll pobL Ewn bow qnUe a
■Whta it toe BabUth
Mbbtr afdtabn b dlSetaat pbu of toe
Btooolt Idoa-iaaell.*
*Whnt abail .
pnratry parebau a lazge abaft of tocU
do now, Uri. OoodnUr Me. obt. miiglad
gotdiU toeaaaaMth atom bibb eee Uppesed
loa patlimoe, aad «ae «ea eaUty Imdb(%. WebmMdoabttonttortbK
agfoc tet te ecaae, witb all iti aerioMB
b M whoa aaay peepUfna other lete
iafotereat, weald be fodtObly Imprcseed
fororad pbeee wUl epead (be
ea tbe Uachara- moBattoi. Tbe leoaBd
nlby. Onrrillige
Bbbath, teachen Bet at Ibe applied
will laetln ila share
n of eandi Tfoltora
time,bBtBa diUdnaBBe. After
ifter wall
Thrit BBBbon wUl increase u ffot aa
•e tias,'they toad edtd to go beoe. Un
hM amnanBoMthma wUI partnil.
■ teyBtt te

«aaHr. *• »lj forfriy opoj te fotery. Mtorpria aad gaasBl good char
•rof Mr p«|ilt toadraace te fotereiu

of tboae vioneen who desred
way ud sowed te seed for as to reap

biVTBl, bat we haet not te time to oigbl.
is It oar proeiacB t
Eabbatb Sebori orgaoiatloe
dmeerad to lemme founi for|

Mr. Butler moved to agree to tbe re '?'*’•• ihst orer 88».00C of te fonds of
I oion iOtoiAe Bailroad Com|
Mr. Sebenck moeed tbe Bourn reerd. vipeo.lrd
.is dime
bnl« i
•bmb motloo be rt
e orer eeery lUber.
Wood moeed te Boose
on Mr bheork’s "kmc ®r in the nsmas of refoUras sod


«*. .k


Urooeries ft Froril^

Hats Offl
Wa sbsll open, to close oat s lot of Men's
ri Boys' wia si s greet bargain—«t

s’tix ^s3'’cS;S.:r,'

ed i^ Gen. SbenMn. It

■ Pbrtag for pnAfoie. Upon briag
of te TiUl«A
nanaded for tardfoesA. tbey
. nplia^
wbatoTB is ealeafoud to piUBoU te pnbtbdr pareata had gooe benytag aad
Uegood iboaldbaebariabedandboillup. tlist (hey bad (0 writ anUI (bey got lUrUcd.

Wnahingten orer (be clmrges
Uon nsuMt Oor. Featcm. set f

Mt be te tola BCtina that genra at.
LatainBMbartelauweorgqe orrit

fSi .■sn£rwu/^.r.;^rs;s'i‘v



liut wme
•nme of the^irect
irectori,, snd ncsrly sll
of ibr wvkboldert of
' the
• .Union PaciAc.
I RsHraiid Coe nny sre ctnckitolileim
Judge Bnrnard o<

““ •“

fogtelrwaytoecfaoel, tbe^g, staging

Uarraw aad......................


K carr, aa.i.

That Baenab. Uy ft Co, pet te priet


Insuranoe Company,


MTUT itt MWX OB aa ACnft
mllfog PROnS low, bat ia btaey aadpartkaforty fo Aar Brown OoUcoa. ara f to
A cents below, nsd m seerrri make* of
goods 10 to 18 seats below nay oor fo
Tforene City : usd that wu dbnadntoU

wiab I

te t«e hcM of Oo^iBB ce tbe Tbaanaf-OAca Uw npmted m te tint aU.

cgaulifaetallyto Itia ateolaad
Tha bdbs boagW h^w far
UghtfogtelHMM. aad te brge faible.
eilstfog «H1. w« teak, fo te TDlap
,WM also par tell I forte Mkday
1 tad a cbna hems aad ganidnd

Tbairnpoit waaaAoptod fobeth hetmt fotebaamafnUtete haoM of Ood

Lantau, Uarch 87.188>
Tba bb and
nadOo, aadr
read Oo„
basegl*M Mthu that rite will
aupUatiM to te Dotafoloa MfoGot. Baldwfo. AedI—
____ for powun awthoefofog both.
fitots Trmaurer
alter of (^ coapaate to e
bridge orer, or a^3riSudrrteiriK“ --------------- btl£w eeafereaee fost weaefoe eruear FortErfoto cot»rato fo this city, nadderidsd to drrotr •800..
with oy teflnr aewunuxbting srftfafo MO of te exfanfog bnfoaea fo te Tnasaty'^S^i.rh.


wherUs te asba^atu CBea frcB te
Ur. A. T.'uyn meter p^mmiUd te
Bteto Ull. fo that U enaaa t
school with its 8tft libiary, aambefte
whkhgintbe Saaate power to
nboat eighty ToltBOL Tbs tenters of ^ MBl^td^CcteiCtofof tbM port.
etew anqiaBded by te PraridasL The te arw acliool w«n Hiss Brils. HsaMb.
MbtoWate baraa tepMersd mwMl of Mm RCOoedrieoadUrsLOM^
te PmddMt OMtpbte. Tbe PiwSdaet,
______ ______ hM^
•terawbonsMBbafo :
bowaear. b^pelbd to mtad fo bii
tM. Mfon Hsiwnb bod «b*gi of te


foaakuitodedarteiaaBBWltfafo thirty
ffaMBfoaUMbaetapptoteby te
lA teaUbMBfaeM b Ml tamoM.
M te IVaUatat wW be ceBpriW to



tateekdal^.kUto. by aagfott eaear distnlalJter.BBato te |daee,asd te

«ar (ateato to aO-aad wfll

. ^-

o. imo.



tbMBBd people ban win bring to as. aad paetliBaa t^ might better wo boote aod
Idiiig of a railroad
te Mota eoBBiry nead sbeat, Baay attendt(>4>^ownaOiln. Bob^asd;
Birrrat Paducah, Ey. by I a (U’err, 111 at lbs Isrmtr pUes.
tbe PsdoH. ft Gulf Railrtel Omi'ptnr.
teltabh pririUgaawhidt wade not BOW to ended te SnI Banday Sdiaoi fo Trae- nt work in WnsUugtoa with O
,-.Srto- to .,,.,.rtoo,r ^ with a ^ of oot lam than «0 feet fo tbe
i<«y, aad to for M w« taa
erae City. Ur. Uy atill eajoyi tellfog Us u>dote.«.a>de.rorin.
tocb a cHBtt M aa do it teerfUly aad experbaee as a Mbtotb Sdteol toaifoer.
foRber at­
fo rak for; nsBoumten m
In BBkfog teas maarkt wa do Mi for- tempt (owM^ a ariieoL lln te ma®
. g« tet ten an etoar prealUag pketa BcrefmaBer.D. R uibam, UeUie- Uaanry«wT«tBBmit,n»d<te_BaoafLeBail««l,..».^...4
Tben waa,by
parW awd by wiawad amargarie bcUm by
aUm.iaay ouutrip aa late raceofia- tfclstlmetaaew tcbool liniwh, aad great
pnTnaal Wa wbh ■mBeaaaoaU opto lalenM was Bauifiated by aU. Almafo

Sfooeries ft Hudiram

Orenriy reduced te price, si

---------------- ---------------------------- Mobiller
id Bfogtatm.
Tbe Erasu bill in addition to tbe
ilj, I’redil MoUlier lonimd a forgi sum of
o.icg politkri di-bill.
sUr. Rosie, wbo cnntracied lo
I Mr Dswm^eicd a ctmeufTeat resnlo i'’“'l"! nhnodrtdlallmaflbi
oiieaaf te'iraio
Cniao Pseifc
K«w Toat. March W.-Tbe
dooflasl sdioornBmoiVd t^s^iur , ifoilrtei, and that Hozle baring esbsBsttbe Cnrdit Hobtller eemplet.
•adti^ dispatch say.:Tbe resofod- ."“kI 6 Hweli^ STt
snd recrired the
pay fro*
hi no
no u’quemion
of tbe rBdloem of ^ ">«


of (Jte Secretory of

Atsalybemperiml l—WA


futare history ef Mr Towi
biatoiy of oar Ubbalh Scfaoofo

hosdsor srmy buremtsto rw S«h Houw,rib^ra st tbsH,^^


Sugar Kettles Beduced.
Aw fo te tfane to buy fcsMB W

^ psny. drnlea oeder oath, pretty mart all
Ite« sb.,»e
sforee ataiemenU.
ataiemenU. Be deeies that


-some of wbicb a
. .replaced
., .... .f.>r
le Bone;^^<ra^r (bca for. Come enriy

— —wcw “ *-•
steal bM it BBBbctrd maU «Btyftra Sggte turytelribfo )fo.drteril
MbobB. Ybrterorftrry^OhHriiM


rist^ers Tor siaflnr goria
- tJtemfcoli Bny '

A. & YiwteuH goa a

........ .. ri



eiva THAT THE um.
A (foUacUsa Ulslrt- - Ibe 6i



oua ooasTj^T^aroKSASirs


a i^ocqi ^^tepsnriblt

i^tiipilp iha pnttaa yvr on te al
ALSO BSJfKXBSa. tet for te ymr
UM. Hanaah.Uyft Oo. teafobad tbfo

to Uml nDooBi ware ten Mown

-T-—11 *7 lit irllllsiM

BBZxctrojv «dntfour






UXnrXSE pa4M is lasv that n*
waste teforitite ftwdi' '

rism. wtthaelMbm
with to
sirpu, h Itettoto
D IMS rrites
Oty; ate that on naDOBter Mr Im
on (to, wa M
•rrM^by a.^ t^foUrds rte aa. fol-1 s.a^ugmte.anM^rirb.^hA.^ wks toUnadlmmttoMrvh
to s^fote tggtuKa to '
MBtd, to te r«y btoatto.

WS Barroaosa.



Il«rlm. Ilia lighted with amsll cawUcs IJeui Drew." cried liitlc Am Cik-lter.
red. while sod blue, made on purpoM. still I “That you call doing ss you would hs
'fsatened oocerry Imngh. 0**ld sod sllsrr. dnoe hr. do yoat**
I balls sad nuts snd cnCcucoplsi of sill *• ftiBirbody paMed It on Bill, sod i Bill
[aizea, with presents of sll kinds sod aorta, i di«s no moir than keep it going." fried
arc hung here sod there sod ctery where. Jetn : “ootne BUI.ffiTe tu iofue prsnals.
Merry Christmas I
"Kn atr,*’ mid Bill Dow. -I don't do that
Children, we swh y»u
^ Wbleb
vUb ■«br» OD4 coni m
;derful tree, loaded with fmit it nere? mean thing. I tell yi*o. I do not {otead to
leujr mu*f,
CbrwtmsB. We tend «ul thU little ptper auc ta*.e ali olrcbui
■ would hsve thought of bearing in the old i,, dUbrmest In s little thing, than 1 nem
And oU are aj Uac4 to Uw sifM.
to joa M S ChrUtmn* Prreetit, sod ai s to­
be caught being dUbnneat in great
ken of Go's! Will soflofthe Interest we They are not the klUMsofwbaajoa bare beard,
Who “iwi thirir Bkii-to*'Mc atr.
Of ooorae the diildrensredelighted.snd .tnes. Father says half the fraoda, embex*
feel in yoor welfare. We like to ace you Par they ai« au wise.
t >t) tjiak
totak It aMsni

ofooorK the grown-up people are delight­ alemrnta, and Unk robberiea began In IhajaaerkUtoo
henne at all tlcnca. bOd WC tbonld be Tcry . r* J«ot ulorea om toe thaa
ef kUun or Mrd,
Who esly has tiisc 10 phy.
ed alao; and wbeo the presents are dla iiedisboDettiea. They wnoel itw way for
rwry lo know th»t nny of you »re wid nod
a mih at latt."
r wbeo tbc timt for wUbing rrery•<}ood for you. Bill!" erW A«atcker.
. * ....
l«. I________
I..i.r. .«d _____
«ic* ta •
CbrwllnM 1. « a.J wBM K « pi»mm
both to take and rccciTe gifts; for thoiigl> -I believe in you. As for Jem. ha'U die
And n we Kud you «bU liiile piper, bop !
.. .winir, tb.t ill in • pile! V
it is not known exactly ho what day un the gallows yet."
big h mny pU«e yon nnd ndd • trifle, «1
TUejr boduie lit. Iceee In . ».ie. ^
Chri< was born, it is sgreed to celebrate
Bill tossed the ooonterfdt ten eests into
leut. to your bappincM.
Tkeret u.iblu, Ibey Ute w> well w • bdl
hia birth on this day. Tberelioo day in >
(b,. boys stood on the bridge
«... you -i.' rend .11 there U In
It iliU limc^tbru anouicr. Uk-b all—


The Three Kiiiens.

Publiebed at theTHer
Herald OITlce,
1,^^ om not f*r fno« here,
AU cnWicd. Bp la • brtfv.
:»TY. MICM.,
t tM Ormt Xn thrrr Irutc kiU<^»* •» mnniaclr
* (h* (»
, TfcriTiUtf}. 1 knuw, )w« -lU Ukr to linnr
kkbUeUtcj urTtotulctp.


We b.»c tried to mtke It n p'.oMonl nnd ykeoH M.ih.. On., wttt .
etorfol PN»r. b«wu« we think rreiy


this Dsner as you will ace, rasan aorndhing. ge geoUe aa< klBd to all stber cats.
• * . ,
_______ a
Asdlutibf tu oo« aaotoer—
niey do nnt i.y nght out, Oe good and
„a r.u,

«u.«biog like.bah
This paper U intended for all the chlldm. in the Omod Tra^rwi Kiw™. -We
hope at liwst one oopy will fiud Its way In ,
to every family. We thall send it lo a
«vwi many of the.Uulc folks. But then
are so many living lo the Utile \ng cabin»
all through the wood^Uiat we f**r wmnwill not receive it We know a great
pany of the boys and girls, but not all.
80 you, Thtwraa, James. John, and *11
the other boys, and you, Mary. Alice, 3feitie, add all Ibe other girla that don't re
oelve a copy of CfcriEmas
as soon
u T<™

Md s.i

jf ,iit fn^nu* utu cavti «u»rf they ever agtt
^Iharth and Home,

4. Christoiai is omung ! ’ “ Chriitroas la
couiing!" ahootedtwo Imlc girif.skipping
ibe room in a whirl ol joj-fokauticjp^xiona Their graudmoiher was to
a Chriumas tree on Christinas cvc.
course, looking forward
But this did not prethem etiy they acre so

heart to heart. And I think it must aii i ^
come from that great gift whidi God gave
Evening Hymn.
the world on that glorious morning,
eighteen hundred and aeveuty years ago.
I bear so voic*. 1 fwl no toaek.
sec Bu clary
tfre gift of bis dear Bon to be our Lord
B«t yet I haw thst Gad la naar.
andBaviour; and the reason ofit, you kbt darkacas u ia light.
roember. was tbst *^0od so loced the
Hr vaubes ever by ssy ddw
world r so thst Cfarisunss. above all days,
aed bean ay vth'apvr^d prajw;
• Tbe Father lor HU il nli ebOd
should be **011 of love and good-will and
Both Bight and day doth cars.
peace. That wm the carol of the acgcla
Old qaarreli should be healed, old grodg
Don’t Begin.
ca forgotten, old friendships revived. Ii
IfyoBwealdaotbta swaaier, ^
should be a thankful, loving, bsppy day. j

Doa't bagta:
la the flm lov-oumd oath
It shnold be too a day, as it really U, tu 1
Unthf da!
IfyoBWOslduotbaadiv hard.
remember the poor, to feed the hungry'
Uwo't ti^a:
ci,*ibe the Dtked.^tn5smslkemd hearts!
Ib the ftml alsaa Ues yoar daB^er—
in the old Engiiah^mBS, not only [
bea't brgia!
«erc the poor thought o(^ut our dumb
Two Face*.
fdlow ctcaturca were not^pamed by : the
c»«saodtbe bors« bad a gnwter suppiv
I know a link giri who baa two flwm.
of fodder; f.»r this is a morning said the
B’ben she is dnased up Id her white
4tld fannera, when man aud ti
slikr .iress and blue Mslu and haa on her bine
have oocasino to rt-Joice and be glad.
| kid akwa. and arouDd her neck a string of

k'kd iu ibu pr»p«t ol it.
For . f.w y«t. pwt w, Imn l oourl l«.d^ ibuu .Ik look. M ,wert uul
“Wiy” “W
‘■nuking *«J .w.k,iKd«rl, ClirUlm.. Bioroing by . *0.-1 tU.1 you w.uild wUh to ku,b.r, for

And don’t forgcttolellyuor Scbiolmasur,-I have wnrkt^l ujy clear grandmotbi-r a
. . '
little darling r
.^iCgUnd bare hrmigUt it lo gUddeo thetr ,adi|.a will aay, “What
orBondayBchnol Superintendent that U hr 1 pair of slippers my .>wii. .-i*n self. BU
lor-What lovely curls?" or “B’bataawwt
r England booies.
will oil we will give him enough for sM j arill 6nd them ou s tree, and won't they
mouth r and Uten kiss her Utile rad lipa,
-And all ibv aafvU to beavea abatl slag.
the diildren onderhls care.
' please her?"
Oa C ririiWM Say. on Ctenstnw day:
and give her some sugar plums.
Aad (hr kne<-U la imwa tot 1 alag.
•“ ?*** thinking grandma wHl give
Ua ChrUiBU toy la ihr aiaralBg.
! And the ladies who praise her think she

«.pK«..»o.fb.r.--ld Uun., Ad.
I ta very Udy-hke, too, f<ir the always mys:
**And all the seoU oo eani kha^l slbg.
Ob I‘brt» asw d^t, t« ChrUaus «tsy;
: -Ye*, lua'am." and “N*i. ma wn." when she
And all (U- soal> on cW>h vhsH stag,
' Wh.n ibr limr miuc whirh of tl.«c two
: 'Might, and mys “Thaiik y*Hi," so awoelly
Ob CLrlsuas* toy la the nviBiag.
for bim to All witliptTKmt. during llo 'klldrru will br Ihr b.p..Kr, do y.o.
; when anything is given Uvr.
-TbfB Wt ss sM re^iU* siaaia.
bigbt n.i.rrpr««.l«iM.f...DdJoMy 'l.ii>k! T.« mo.! do, f..rg.t .o l.k. inlo
oi) rurUiaus-dflv, on Cbrlauasaday;
\ But when she U alnoe with her mother,
l-t ■* all irjotcr aOMki,
oldmn wllh . long wbito brulri. .nd . Hk «couot .11 llic rij T“«''
l“«; Then
Os ChitoiBkos uay to toe Moralag!"
then she is ■nmetimrs very naughty. If
pa^ on hit back, filled with prearnts ftw
—Ouid'e P^eyer.
•lie cannot hare uhat she woul^Uke, or
go^ children,
cannot d * just as she wUlie*, tbhfi stie will

tie alelgh drawn by
pool and cry and scream: and no one
l««iwnirg.ldniibroid. of true loippi
Christmas eve. .f,rr tiK cliildren
Bill Dow wu .bowing lb. hnj. . cnon ;
„„ lliiuk .ifkiKing ^ueb bnarly
mrirrp. be conn, dnwn Ib. diimnry .nd n.« rtildn.) into grandm.'. Chrirnui. t».rfrit t.n o.-nt pic. - Ob, you don 1
tbink Ikt
AUtribotM bl. pr«,nt. At tl» h«d of Jipiwrw Itbink.
I kwjir it I. counlerfoit,- mid J«n Drew.
.hr Mm. little girl wbo bebered eo
tbb peper I. * pidur, nf Bent. CI.0. Jn«
The pretty curfoni of Chrt«ni.i tnr.
-TM,Ido; fklb.rMiditwM,-MldBill prHilly Id compeny.
ttupping Into (b. dllninry. He I. wwn.-‘ f.c flinilUtw end 8« iduiiil. i> inend
We ninw ®"w.
I know .ontber little girl wbo hu Duly
Umn nllrd Kri« Kringle or B«. Kidiolw. iig in <«r connlry .very ywr.

k»owwbwtlln. A «IUU flr-llT. it «l itbe’.heir blind, mud will BOTer be the TIk one with IW. f.cwe, or Ibe ntlwr wbo
pent, end All the rtockingw To their
^ hw. bat om f And "liidt "U* I"« ^
lore end kindncM you wro Indebted for dewn uni «TTi«J from iu fl.-d bome.iwiMrforii.phaHdtaa«>bsrBBd.aid pUafl ia a* lyiMaaBkMatilworaliUfcUwr }<• Ukal







y, .,

. r.:» -v-.^..^-...;x>-v- 1..



Do sol parmit H to pass yon r Ups, forit bed. 1 shall bare to talk to ber."
ueck,‘'joo are AllieAsd father is the Cimer,
only opena^tbe floodgates for such torriblc, I Jenny aaid. - poor papa, be uao tired' I am so sorry for my sanghty wor^t and
we will pot this bUokrC orer him. place' actions. 1*11 go right oot and
terrlblo wordx
tT KM. T. t. UTSt.
While be wo gone, bU father retwwa oor preaenu here by hi* side, and go away • bed for Zephyr, and milk her tbm times
Qnd«. ««r dvliftf, ni six jstfs sU.
from town, where be bad been to scl 1 aome t and let him sleep longer. *tis ao early yet."; a day, if you want me to"
Ab4 tat7 Bcftk vtf Ibrse,
corn, in order that be might boy a ebrist-; So they “ lucked him op warm," as Allie:
BU*<e7ed Ofscie tud trsssMorcoU.
„»«t forhi.*if.«d «n!ycliU.i«id,.nd«Jkcdoato»Up4«, »» »«
Bat • Usek.f7*d rofst vas ht,
i Kow Prank’s mother did not say a word to waken him. and went down to the, „othmg sad In iL" We bsd not ibeo reA«d‘totb a tbs parlor viodov sat.
i to him abool his ill humor, simply answer, pleasant siuing room to wall for him. ccired the above story, which o»m« pre|.
Woichlaf the aiUog seov—
Graefe as4 Bertie sad peas; est^
;lng-,«i"wbcn«krfifU.™ Bilking. Liulc Allie, or a. tbej .nmcUBC “''‘-d
To«*d Uksd to hsee sms them. I k»ov. , i Wbentl.0 cTcning work wa, finiahrf. bar. “ onr U:ii.ytarK)ld,” loon began to f«l
I and they bad
tbcmielm ainnnd sleepy, and so cnrled down on the aota to that the stop: cooes oot all right, and go
Wbeo Oncie tslkod of ad BottU Oaos^
♦K- little
ii**u pipe
table, before the bright flniah to morning nap. and dream Ij^t on with tbeir ChriaUnas n^jolcingi.
U thdr hop|7. evcUss pUy.
; wood file, as Frank-said nothing, his fath- old Saint Nick came and bronght ber
Bold Boftie. paUai oU POST'S pm.
Olsd tidiagi to the shepherds.
*« What'S KislBsa aorvaj r*
! cr asked him if be sbonld tell him a story, ** oh. eucb lots of things." Jennie and
Brosfht the BMseagers of eld.
Who caoK ea rsdloLt plsloas.
And the qmleklj sasvwod him. '>‘Dsat yea' ^ ^
replied "yea sir," be drew his Johnnie took thdr favorite books, and sat
W ith their shialae harp* of gold.
Oa the first bright Cbrlstaas^Boreiag,
I chair up by the store, turned his eyes down to read. Jennie considered her-:
Why dortioc. tte Ohrlstaxas Bon
Is the sgts fsr svsf;
! from the light »nd commenced:
««lf qolto • jonng Udj, as riic wm now in
thej Bsag tbcblrth of Jcms
Is a tlsw wt lees, tor losf ago
As wc slBf It here t»4sT.
. •' Ut me KC—ja, twenty-fire year, ago ber “ teena," and John, why be was a man,;
Oa that d«T vas Jesu bon.
I thU winter, there lired in Boflalo, a gen- of»«»- Was be not fifteen yean old ? :
----------------- ;--------------------------Andnctybo4yoa|bltatepy
tieman who wai wealtby. We will call Conld he not Icll you. all about the Fall
him Mr. Tmman. He was a merchant of the Eoman Empire, as well as tranalatc
Wliat a merry, good-natnied group of
IbU yaart-duit ytta thlak—I hSar* mamau |
and had jnit mored into a new, and half of Ccaaar •
boys we hare here, milling pell-mell down
Oracle and Bertie.

elegant honac. He had one son and
when the breaklait bell rang, Jennie >he atepiof the ichool-hoiiie, aoattering
two daughter!, and, as might be eipected,
h. went again lo call their papa, and •>'«
‘here, aome going down one
i they were ihrroanded with everything oh,Jnnk ! he was iW, The icenta
down mother, all eager to
I which lore and money conld bring them. ,ha, followed omnol be described. They grt home
to moiber and dinner. I fancy
! Twai the night before Chririmas. and bad no mother to go to, for the Ud gone • ““
‘heirgUd aboauand hiity hnr----------------the children were dmieing mid ainging in
: home when
Allie was a little baby.No "ha a. they gall, throw their haU into
Rrwnk iSdthrStora HU Fatheri high giee, ore.aion.lly apodring to anh .elaUon. had the,, and of all the wealth the meat thepro««toU whole wedt of
cf^he'^«''.hcy had they ont. ^ not a thing wa. left to
----1 that day pnrehaaed for their frienda.crery them. The dear father had worn himself
‘he ho.idaya, and they will be free
ar co^ s«r.
to ont U hi. effort, to sar, them from min,
«hool dnti,.. No leaaon. lo learn
•*Come,ny son, *tisgetiiDg late aod i<!if their papa wu oot comiog. la a;aod when the failure came, and poverty ■
fon the whole week
you do not bestir joanelf, darkness will'
momenU they mn to the door u they stared him in the Cm*, be, was nut strong i
to® «*» tothink of?
be here before you got your chores done."
familiar footfall, expecting to ; enough to bear it.
■ Yes Chrislmaa lime has surely come
The place was a neat log cabin not far i
^ amiliog lace as usual But no, that
John was a brave boy, and said from again, and bow many young hearts arc
from Grand Traverse Bay, and the qioak-1
oot to be. The door opened, and in-; the first he would keep hli Uulc sisters beating impniiently, waiting lor the long­
er a quiet, paUent lltUe woman, plainly;
the amile of Iwenly four hours with him. *• Why," aoid be. -1 amrtrong.,tosclnalljdawnupOD lb«n.
but comfortably dad. And to see ber as
t|,^ vss soeb an absent, wretched I can work, and Jennie uys sbe can too.: I beard ooc little fellow say be tbougbt
she Mt there, with her basket of mending look, they all stepped back spcecblesa sod we ttiU stay logetber." So ibey left I “Christmas was longer coming than any
before ber, lookii^ ao sweet and happy, Ho went into the cheerful room, threw •u,-.«Bd oh, bow tbeir hearts srhed!—and |
year, and that Christmas
one most needs lore. her.
: bimsclf down in an easy chair, and graag-; ^ent toone of the poorest street* of the j*1** best and jol^iest"
Now Frank had been borne from school ®d aloud. UtUc Allie went lo him, and
hired a little room with au old I don't know but I agree with lri«;for
««mirb to have warmed him****
stove in it. and there began to keep bonte.
to be
ilf uloe^ghly.Vad yet he append
^, .aid, “m* yon aiek pep.!”
. j„« ,ui„k of it, Frank. No f.lhor, no
CUriitqnUennwiUingtoBait. In a moment hu! “ Oh. my darling children, forgive me. mother, nothing lo eat «re a. they work“ *rir«ed by nrerl, all the
mother apoka Lain, “Frmik. are yon utk I
kept thu from yon nntil ,d in the elore, hot faetory, and earned it. wwld to commemorate
"f oor
lo-nightr" Hc^ not apeak form p,-i»f“f•'>“
not. To-mor- ko, they hadn't even a cow to give them
Sarionr. I am giwf one day u
Well bsve s Christmas Tree!
Tea kaev we slvsys keep as they go.
Year birthday.'a aad paA aad the rest.
Bat I thlak oTsU sach days that 1 knew.
1 levs dear Christ's the best”

^rtatfli^'y tomllrL w

mUtma remet,me, before the .uter.

«e.^of hU^other .aid net ; kome ia to he reld, reld to pay my credit*” 8« "P-

apart for that p.rp«, whether it he

„,e morning, Johnnie nreo
" Dfcemhcr. I hope thia coming
P* ‘^kri.ima.Ki., will prove to th. many

*' ““
“ “■e wharve. to icll
reader, of Thr Oxnnrr the bap^’oot in tK. atonn and «ld to milk ' “
th/Lw I wish we hadn't anv at alL"
few pennies lo bay P'*** ‘**'3’
to some it wdl
w^w. IWIMWCB* t
sorrow, gloom, and d«;|eclion.
up, the poor broken hearted man. And ocmdc milk fur AlUc to
When he had floisbed, aad after a mo­
when they kissed him good niglg, be seem- fo^ her breakfast.
ment as he beard no reply, he turned to
good Christmas dinner, that many will
ed quite happy.
look at his deareot IHcnd. Oh, bow be
Wfaes the children parted at the bead
SomanyofOod'.Ilthated himself when he eaw thoee tears of the stairs, they promised each other to they paired through. J^l^hu ,™ an
drop down upon kia dotbes that -she was
repdring. and how his heart ached, and
he longed to go aod throw his arms
K,.e , “d«“W«tonukehi. ««cre com^
around ber neck, and, asking to lo for- ““ ola,
Butjuri a. he wa. beginning
"f««” fe nrena«.r«. of life, and by
give him, kte the tot. away, bnkjnata.^;;^i;g'_f“/y”
(*ey rieep
-----------too. ,t.,riecp
of hiaUbor^ and^ee.
>>"“6 on.j
h«w*a getting up to do re,, wicked aomew>aato be
'•'*8''' quiet home for them all, be aiekened „a i “a aadnea. where God ™nt .^Id be
iff ihc.^r:;,‘";“““‘
the.;. ^
joy and P««pear*. II »»“•«
would »ol
not hare
have yon
-chone, Uok their
whatj<»',y«.tcrd.yyo.wcre ^j; fo7:'^, ^.;p;g-^p^^^^
Allie wa.le!. all a!,me in the world, and .p, p,
A-rtre. yur, M. Oncre Fd hire «y .mcA |
w.a-obhged to care for ^rrelC She went
,„j„g f^enda, tty and ree if
re." Ahir«mnk,yonnretobc pitied, to |
j g„
to help ukc care of a alck woman,
bile there met a young man whom sbe
think yon could he re week. He went end |
jouiie nert, end he last, bccanre
Auc Mwy, vcMwev

uv e^w, vev,..rere« ,


i ^*** f^rtonste.

To all scbool-boya Uttd

drew on his boou, new and thick ones, the be was a to. So they crept along quietly,;
tnamed. He w^ not ridr, but jgirigj ^^uld my, Enjov this holiday week
money for whtdi his'motber earned by «.dw'uenAllttremd.«ltbedoor,.h«op.n.:‘'”^"*^?'<’et«‘'*a.dto^hone.t.l,„,p^„^<^
and atormed
nroond, knockinc- editrerywrilly, re he would not bearlT^f" *"^r:’^'-e Imd tinm 1 —
^ndy. Mek. U,e
over ditin, end pulling pene off the ehelC them, end then they ran lo hia bed, eech:
‘*‘ey wereJiriog in a log hoore on »: e<,eieg yore a Imitfol one. Be ttreilred
inhiatffotteto find the mfik pell, end j o„ ^ping •• Merry CfirUtmaMupe." put 7°?'*’“,^.“’!.'''^
“•'‘o K°od. eernett men end women,
then. With e elam of the doer went ont to pe did not mnawer them, end Allie taid he;*7 •**”=* J®" *f- *
““. »nd fight, among yoor many fpea, that
milk Za^hyr. He did not talk to, end pat im playing poaaom, ao abc climbed np on,
** **" reme y.
, giant, atrong drink. If all..JJife children
ber aa wu hia wont, bnt the nther, kick­ the bed, and with bar little fingen touch-1 Frank had not apoken daring the dory, will pledge tbcmselves to iWoiah it, I will
ed ber, end—yea, .wore at ber. beceoie ed him to open hu eyet, u ibe had often: •»<! »>«■> he looked np and uw the tear, veuiure to say that the Ck'ristama-days in
ebe happened to atep Jut u be wu .boot done belorei bnt ibcetarted beck withe •‘""■■‘“R d"*” bU darling mother', fotureyean wilt bo n>to fraught with
^ ^irwwmithwn milklog.
aboddtr: "Oh, dear, he's ao cold; nau^ty ^Mtka, he saw through it oil "Oh, moth- joy, happlnm, peace, /and good®wilL—
Oh bqya, that Jint edk/ Be oarefuL Cate did not pot
eooo|^ oa his v” Mdd he putting hia anas orouad her TtoJ’s TknwTOMBmMMr.



«•• t


»Wble; and the wUeat aatnimaocn anp

The Sli^w.
ST tcm.* ctuuc.

Tt« faMa>lfBl
F^Jlag tie*

nma po o o


Tlw fccrTBDU like Ui wc NiUie OMBC io*

•The Sun.
to il»e kitebm. "tShe ir slwnff ready to
Id another
soother coinmnwe
colamnwe uaro
Usto aaui
said as tew
fc* ^|jg,
oblige them,
Uiem. too; and
sod many as ““Tbsok
wordi about tbe Bare and now we are go.
XclUe," abe hura Irom them.


bv mkty ltgt4,
re p«f« M«I wbHe«
Like qal t «bow«r«


•Of tbf faUio* lesvw of ptuBiea floven,
Usm vf lUlkt
Tnm hlgi>*r. brevrsarr spbem thaa osn.
•Inkliijc devu.
biirntl V, eonif elnklujc
barcssd bren»
Wnstslftg lb« trmscbw barest
BoMai Uw r«Mb of Ut bsiy tows,
fioh sad fair.
Here aai there
Asd eeerywbefe—
BesoUfol now,
PaUiog alow.
Is a quiet ao deep
That alt the vord aeasie gatef to ala*^
Bot here cornea the bteeae.
Beaadlag hla fife ihroegb the bcadlog treev
Pmh fren a dreaia of deepesUg drina.
Bee, bow be llfta
The loaded boegha aod daacca awaj.^
Threegb the filing ailM vt the cryatal sprV'
Then ta aad oet. fa eetiy fdaea,
etHpptag the Tiaea of tbdr garUada of graer.
Aad aec, bev be croaaea
the Use of the {ailiag fiakaa, aad tama
Thr« blihcr aud thither.
Who kaon whither t
Up aad dewB. ^
Aad all ihroogb towa—
Low aad high, •
Aad atraigfat lato the (ace of tbc paaaer^,
Blowlag each fiakr like a fiflag iealber.
TwMlag ihea. wblrUag thrm aU lagettier.
la a barrr
Aad flornr
OI ecaarle»a ceaMoa.
Look aloft!
How B or—how aoft,
Uow greoefelo^ow fair
Tbe daoce la the air.
Kow Cvi»a0w slow-.

irand'h^nUf:.. they mat bare more ^y anend the p.«nt morning bonre in kind de«l. that
ann like the sun that mrea* l«bt aod ’««- If tbe Wn were to be dertroyrd all make Nellie a dap so bnght If atked to
-r'pUntaand animaU on tbe earth would doanylhlog,the alwap baa a tieadadie,
heatu oorworld. TbeyaayUute-i of
or her foot hnrU h*. or Bte I. Ia»y. or
tbewatara^ ***,“
Ooyou knowhow Urge the ran iaf the baa some other eicuae for not doing
immense ntc, and
that great
Wc rappoae many of you do not and it is It She seldom receires a loring<«• ap*
wkidi we cannot^ rerr hard for any peraoD, eren for a learn- proring look. Her &tber nercr thinks of
-Theyte lo. tow Irey haTef^n^t aU^
calling her hi. liUle ftitj. nor her ann.
tbean things but ttUku a g^t^y fig- ^own in figure., but no one cm. iben Uer lU.le <U.riing.' All are k'md to her.
^ ^ I form an Ida of ill great alto. Yon know but they unnot lore her as they do Kellie.

to try to do U >.ow. Bot we ^ a. the
resdeia of CkiMmat Montng grow 0 r ,
b' aay : “ With Itiaa Belle would auy in tbe
they a-iinore to read .boot tbe .tare
be more tbau 887,000 mile, p/rior.tlutMMofthem wUl become wire
long. Kow get your father, or mother, Nellie waiilcn wed and gaOm" fio*"*
lamed aBronomeia Bemember.
• „ big bruther, to tell yon how ikr one .h ,be d.j, while Belie wonnda and ta
good to lam all yon an abont tbe
nnderetand the „^ed by thomi
sun and tnwon and atara.
labo^g^figarea, to Ull you what they mean.; of course. Belle is Tcp nnhappy, 6be
But who made tbc stars f AU we know 1
^ jf
okn pvrw bow
it U. tlways looks either crott or lad. A aelflsb
about this ia what the Bible tclU na. Too i Do you know how far off Um: son it? child cannot but be nnhappy. But It is
know that asp: *^ln tbe beginingGoo ! It itnintj-fivc millionsof miles fr?m theher own fault If she would do as KclUe
i created tbe licaTcns and tbe earth." And earth! Ii would Uke one of our
does, she would be happy, aa Nellie is.—
a little farther on it aaji: "And God made steamlioatt more than cAiXera &vn<iraf pern
Aad 00
two great lights; tbe greater light to rule lo make tbe voyage,'were tbc whole dia_______________________ _
Coiare tbe aaow—
tbeday, andthe kmer light to rule the unee an open aca And fair aailing! A:
Stars at School.
la a taas}' bouod. drUUag below,
Uat of lae g la; Ueoda stooplag low—
- night; He made uX stars alao,"
| cannon ball, flying nightaod day, at tht
There were a few leading bop incur
The beaatiral, baaaUfd aaow.
LittU CbryjoniZ, j Yes God made them all Nothing came: rate of sixteen milea in aminute, would be achool. at there ire in every other; tbe
I by chanoe. Nothing boppened to come ^ more than
par# in reaching the ret looked up to them, and thought them
i into existence. The world and the atara ran!
' ropcrlor to ibemsclvea. They were the
The Star*. |
i do not exist'by accident and they wiU ; Now, as wc have mid.kbe son funilsh» nara of the school. One of these was
’ light and beat to this world of oura named Spencer. Spencer was a rare boy
How many diildrcn hare looked op to ^ nerer poriih by soddrnL
There are many very curious things about in the playground. He was tbe best balltb« bright Bun .nd wondered what th*j
how this U done, and about the appeareoce player in tbe school, aad tbe fleetest runTempo ranee«
are, ud bow lar off tbcj are, and how
of tbe son as teen through a telescope, but uer: indeed, he ** bore tbe bell" in most
many tbere are of them, and what they
Bore of ffood than we cu telU
wc cannot tell you abont these now. Tbc of our amusementa.
More lo bay with, wort to atll ;
are for f Tea they look op end woodcr,
Merc of cowfort. le*« of tare.
science that telU about these thinptscall- Bcrnolda was a famous band at making
and wnnder, aod wonder. And we don't
More to eat and more to wear;
ed Astronomy. It is a Tcry interesting and flying a kite. In'these tbinp so one
borne*, with
wonder that they do m.
AU oar ki
'Sodl*m«h alronger. study, and we hope you will all learn could come near him. I have acen one of
Very wiie men aod women bare pozzlcd
pcBU BBcli atioricr. persp Iraj^;
somelhiug about it
; his kites stand almost sUtinnary, high up
(heir brain, to find out about the Btara
Hopes that drive avay all sorrow,
in the air. by tbc hour, when other kites
And soOKthlag laid up tor to-morrow.
and after all tbeir toil and ftndy they
About Two I.itUe Girla.
I^erc ducking and turning rounff^nd
don't knew half aa mudi la they want
A Talk -wltli the Boys.
Kellie ii anch a kind-barted, onaclfiah
j;„ „ondcr that Beynoldi ahoold

'l I

« -i


Too aw ttore are no railroad, to the
■tanasdiftbere were the diauna ia ■>
giwttbat it could not be trereled in s
grandma Iw her .pectoela "P wc dortt not ahow oar ill-will towards
lifetime; no not in a thoniend yean! the farm and net into better boainea;,
a flgiilcr. We were,
•Why learned men who hare token grant bnt they am only trying to flatter yoo; J"“P*
half boliday, at cricket in tbe field,
]iatnt to find out bow far off the etare are, andaiou flattery ia worae than icnndal. and rnn. op rtaira, down to the kitchen,
»>' <"■"
Price and a boy nmned Kogere bad a qartell 01 that a cannon ball treTcling 8*0 yon moat torn an orer Jaf e«, and h«d >”“> l**' P*''”'inilea an hour, would be four million, of mil what they ay. Do not beahaned of .11 .be find. toem. ^en grandma pre. „l Huger, offered to it op. tot
pri„ wurted to Bgb.; when up ame onr
ycui in reaching the neamt of them 1
>»“•«. •>«* «»“ "> “•••'" to righto
Only think of it! If the bell trereled at fn bard .to boner* toil Hire ariy, build
. lit”
Then there wa Williama. at the top of
the late of 500 milea an hoar, that wonld the fire, end fill toe ta^ke^fory
tothercoma j^me, he find, hu
claas who in racing, writing,
be 1»,000 mile, e day and yet It weald take tore; go to the tain ^
allure all ready for
,rft „
f„ b,^
font million, of yean to make the joarety. arrjttato.*^^^
Then be wnd. a luring bindiim. ^^rniog .to good —•
go yoo cen we bow difficult it ia to find
L n'tCt L^o^^f^
dnetbe-ooddont He waaoornJr.
out much about the Btori. Bot there are
to many of them and they look ao bright tod‘^^Xk. t1 work to. old bore.
^1. ‘‘“"t L? “nX-ng n.
ted bwotiful away up In tbe aky, that m.dktth.yon.g«nepUy.i..poamJt
When yon nee mi torertiaement in the
,bn, ,h, i, bn.y, Kellie knowe at ^^.0 at whool; but wbirb of them bud
people hare alwaya been corioua to learn
about them. And I do not doubt that
Adam, when he lired in the pleeaent gerj
den uf Eden, otten looked op to tbe been- elt. meditate before winding to the tore*6^ chair, take. WUIle oo her Up. and
^ fl™'-^
„d U food of figbdng he
tifnl aton end tbooebt nboot than, and tuea and conclude that there U . tag .mnea him, nntil
bU, mrf may low; bU lift
wondered iaatea people do now. Hieti ther^bog that U a bombog. Aro.d .hat ah. ™ doing nod Wllto ha be„
brawl; bo. laoarea many ttaoorend yean ago and people theowiof tntawn. mid of intonating come pW and forgotten hi. "tappi- ,
drinkt The oo. U . oeaty flltoy practret; nea The. mother lopta e|^ronngly e^ . ^
•till gate and wonder.
her end rayt >181... nghk my d-r
If, ,bee, yon would be. «er. let
The number of the Store ia rery grent. and to. other U low. degrtoi|«, and
■ it be for tomethlng that will be alnable
Only n few tbonannd an be lecn with the brotWa Bpetoyonraper^e to i^. Uttledenghter.
naked eye. Bnt with the aid of n good
teleaoope more thin one fanndred milliona
ofetonwnbeeeen. The more powerful •STT maiij a doilDr for 70a ia jour life’s; and for that, too, sbe grta a tmUa of lore, time, aad brightea jour prospects for eter^
j and-Ilunk yoo, darling."
theOdwoopetto grater ii the noaber nMemne.—Tt<miFia»a>miL


- r- ■_:;----------------------

Slocking Song.
QX cmxunfAf «rs.
Her* we w»U tbre is • rvm.
Com-. r>o4 h« vc h«f—
FUl •» UlChUj. loot anil leg.
PUl m qeickly ere y»• c©,
P»ll o* ull w* venttew.
Tbat'e the way: M« kaee as »®rr /
ifi pile* HiH>n lb* Itior. /
Utd« feet Utft ran an day
Twitch la diaaas ofmcny nicy;
Uak.faHihci)awpad at
Ltoan|dBk.aa4i ■,cnd atHL

j BolMbebejf»niogt:lw«»e«brtrtroiig OLu^w.uid. rnflsr* while, Ibcjr f-<iud Jhe QxtSii. TzSTOM Eflnld far 187X
' er, fail lelber awl nM*hcr thought be oouWihii* Ml, and vUtl^ him ooimtajitljr, in
____ ____
no bi»bb ahop! To their gnat rarprice, tlniogh
IvDdure it to go to
od b4imc playt had to bt oe had nerer been to acbool Tcrj mocit, U
igiTenup HecMldDot hart bee® Trry knew much more than tbc? did, wn i
1 happy at a^not, fur the mogfa boja and about Ibiaw ihinga whidi tlnry bad studied
Ja am
I giria » ho (iid n*H know what pair health mnat. One of ibeae gcnilenieo. named
: waa, laughed at him and called Uim nick- Boblano, asktfWaniea S’alt one day il
; yg,
i namea beaoae he could not ran and pUy did not think atcam could be made to I
•with the beat of them. And when be more wbcel-carriagct; and Mr. Watt aoon j JV fl^^/-Puadt*c BrigU BHa,

I would be taken aick and would not be: aet bb witt at work to fled an answer to: ^
nd tic Bri^ Bide,
able to Imre bU borne for weeks together, the otrange qneatioa.
0 flS
they did not feel a0n7at.aH; they Uugbed; Kow ateam bad been partly bamea^ The HKBAU) cad tie Bri^ 5idi,
fiM as! howM IlyMy awtaf;
Baw m! boww* try to tlaa>
just as bard on bU return to achod, and i before thU time, but a real ateam
mad Afr' ITiaten
Vclcema. Cbrtetaaa heel oad toe!
, called him aa many hard namra. Tbewe! bad nerer been made; altbougfa a queer |
* 05
Come sad fiU aa m you go!
boya and girU would nerer bare been I little oachioe, aomewbat like one. bad, jv JISRALD, PcMe Joia^
Here w* bang UU some om simWf

Jampa wtUi mwaarr dova the ebimJ
Bbaa ea! bow bed Uekle aa
kiodncaa to one, wbo afterward became a tbougfat it waa a rery fine plaything, but |
•^jbarti and Bme. ' great man; whererer be b spoken of with'as It would not work rery well, be began ; Tkc rcauitr mhcenjt tan pric^/erw
; honor Am will be spoken of with db> • to set ezdted and became determined to named paperc is ae/eUame: 'Beaplee JjurWhat Jamie Did for the World.,
»o« than » ptajthiDg «!. M <«h; IT-tm. Bom., ft 00; Bri^
only fond - ,
;, Safe,.
. sT r. A. uoraii**.
. _______^ boy
, WtT^
—----------^-----„» ,a.
.. $l
. 00,««« u mcaO, 60 omta,
There b > darTtnam in Scotbed, i
JmiM tircr Cljdc, thet Bow. tbreegta 1*“
e beeaUfol rdley’.rf ceiptie. intTtLi

F^b ./c^wbbr^» r.rm

“'®‘*; How be •neereded, yoe inij know
, „
, .
, yoomeir- MJ A.J when yon will Bep ont:
^ by > tmUroedend w«cb tbetreln thunder- hoB«^ erndwittb/iW

‘ •‘ory-bllrr « he w« tool,

Onehundrrf.iidtbirtrTe«i.«o,.rickU People eoold b.rdly deep for Iweningloj
On«bb mother took him
Mn«rlot^w.t.r, tbu. when the tide "I* beellb. to «u.c reUlirea .nd .be ^

j, •

you wiH-«“
on. of our
«d ^




wu high, it .wept or^he lower of >«• "W‘P^ «“
1 bg tbdr wy threngb the wBer, breeth-;
bb btSert gBd«.
‘‘“■e*"*' '«•'*>«
: ingoet ««.ke Md Bin. like Unwe terrible «e* ^
Bo f«bl. w« J«ne^ tUt for the .flm j the Wl, w> mneh th.. they would dt up ^
,*d u, bU !»■ ^
few y,«. of hud to btrt the
1«, nanj lie. .bout,
«nl eU p-d./» . -»
- be could
cou]d not be;
be ; _
How« wb< w.. done
dm. b«..«
care;'and aa
—'/• J*.---------------------------------- i Nowaecwbttwaa
necauae _nf,tbe
oi toe
mafic mm 1
lent to «*onl a> airly « il wu curtoin.iy *
i dndy ud thon|bt of one poor, dAly boy.
to aend children, and could not run and
^ hU bor'
»roteto a friend one
Bead ia tic arian Oi maaac prod MU.
pby«.hedihy boy wo^d doo'.
Lrf„„ be ™j‘J
bb bther and mother nmd to ooninre
b to bundle them. Orndnelly J«« -f “f «f«.
» »“■* }
^of muudng .nd te«blug him « be u|.n ..''bare betmr bedtb.
w« » intereded In all nmnner of amdiin-1 “

m^t” b‘.^“to”Jud



ererflhlngbe aaw. Uiat aeemwi to !»“: ...j bim to leam the making of matbamat-:
... _ . .
muBewimtatmnge. Oo^dayhcaatatthe b,iinrtmmeDm.
I I think the bet tbu be bad naered In
mbie for an hour and did not apodi a I g. be went, a poor lad. into Obagow. ^ k" boyhood, ftom the nnkindoea. of bb
Neatly and Promptly Bene,
butjnlt took
off the----lid of the tea;, ,bich
a maoeu..
am.ll place and might nerer
kare mugbt him th. Talue
wawau, uu.-^w—.
--------- ------------------a««a,vu wu u

ofkbidDeaa,forbewu alwaya trying to
am and put it on again, or beid enpn or | b,,, been n large one, bad it not been for
qioaos orer the ateam, to watch it tarn to Ibim. Little did be dream, u he walked help otbei., and wu ao well lored that,
water on them. Hi. annt ut neu and 'r on tbrongh the poor atreeta and by the wtarn ho went ont among
- the people, there
notioad him aimoat angrily.. “ Jamei j wet aand banka, that owing to hi. own wu nlwaya a crowd amund him. When
Watt,” aaid ahe, “I nerer mw anch an idle! bard atndy and gmnd inrention, the little | the new. «mc at laB that bb engine,
boy u yon ate!"
‘ town would grow Into a great city, riaited i which had co« him ao mneh time, tbongbt
Hot tlioogh it aecmed to her that Jame.' by the UrgeB reiaeb in the world. Koth- and money, wu really a great incceat,
wu allogetber idle, that part of him that ing wu to be learned there, bowerer. and all wbo were familur with bb toil, and
abe oonld not tee—that BneB and bcB Jamea went boldly on to London, and atmggles were highly pletaed; and one
Al prion tkB oaatot bn to lira
part, the mind—wu rery bojy. Imppoee Uiete, after aome tronble, found n man i old man, who had known him ftom boybb tbosgtau muB hare mn on tomewhnt wbo agreed to let him work a yur if he' hood, borB into team He mid, “1 know
In thb m,nner :
wonld pay him a hundred doUara for the thb b foolbb, bet wbettarer I hear of any
“What make, the water in the nm keep prirllcge. The boy wu glad to leam bow ; good thing happening to Jemie, I eanBot
babbling to and tending np eo mneh: to make thote cotiont inttramenu eren on bdp crying for
Beam! It he the hot eoab pnt aoeb termi, and went on learning all Apol
And eo the poor boy, wbo bad bred ao I
wnder it to keep the tea warm; but why i gaadmnta, btam aeetora, tbeodolitet,; badly, and been the ^mrt of bb more
tboold bet ooab make waterbebbU and | aiimntb-campaaaet and—oh dear! Tre brored acboolmaiea, conferred upon tbe;
throw ep tteem t What b Beam anyway! ; InB my breath before I're mentioned the worid a bletaing ao great that it oannot be
in dollara, and
left a name and
-----------------------------------------------■ a
me u
in1 can
eui nna
Bnd oot.
ont unatningi.;
One thing b! Kow tU. Bokly_
and aw
------- - rightom-yeamid
bme that will bBboy
u Iwig u the wortd
mre; Beun muB beatrong. or it wooldnt »o'ked harder and nidnred more than
IndoBry Md Body did iL-HripH LOKO POSH DEED*,
Brake thb bearylld-it weigh. almoB a onnyBroogmen would thwk powibla ,^
pound I Tet how thin and wwk it looka After be Imd worked tee bonra, and hi. |
--------------------------------------------uUgoea off through the air. Hi hold . wbob body wu wearied, be would Blll|. ^^.gMdrn.tpceiweearihaaBASDTBAT.
q»ou orer and keep it from Bying away, work on. in rwder to earn wmetbing to re- EBSE BEBaLOudanbuyealilniL
Btruige! There ere one, two, throe, four, Ue»« bb blber from the eipenw of proSHORT FORM KORTOAOES.
-M many u twenty dropaofwBer Biding i »Wi»* f« kirn. At the end of the year be
off the epoon and dropping, dropping back wu worn out and weot home; but toco
into the um.. The Beam muB be water.) grew Brong again, weal to Obigow end TtamaaCny llarkal. wUeb are caitbny ceo
yethowmnllbe. when ft b no n„* began bnainew on hi. own aooooot.
etrooger, and can By ao mocb higher. I j He had a bard time liriiig by bb trade
A gteB in bb new home,and u rery few of thow
jm-Omt orerioak ut*
the lha af pr
mneu ivsMtMfc. nl
deal mote Beam amid lift a ^wb bearier- eoriou iaBmmeeli that be bad learned ^ nwnu n c»ie ubacthati be MIL
lid, I alm'oB koow."
to niaka were called for, he tried maey
Janxewuqnite right about that, ube other kind, of work, and atadied all man­
pvn. BERALOI. Ike ■<« a
found out yean afterward, when be made ner oi maetaioety.
Then wan aunt ^ihailid acMan in BambtheOandlnwiaglB
the BrBBeam engiae and aet ft in aotioo.

lal Bbar BUnka Knnj rriatel n< br tab B
tke HESaU) eOw.

Bouui aorrutiun;

a.l A


A / U©Y5.


■s^ EqbHoMicAi.



liifo mssranoeOempaBy

Buxoau, ^nfl Mb. Uii.

ftmfc at *a beat «• gift btlew.


RmMTfm^ftlk^Smg l^<nr
8hlr.MiGnM.tiEa*Bar.& Tpttl.

orzuiott* zstaatt.


Lctatpr Betta oFFremiitns


^ -:i


Mtal Boobar ef p^ wba

Ba^r. miM>7 »««>9. ■■

adMal ytar anaooS! ba?bm^S^


rreBtew Piywt

Dry Goods, Boob and Shoes, Clothing and Mov
niitiuiim Generally.

OaBbSlTia*de Ankuany.
■r tU all retorerett Pn-

s T OI>

Aad beoghl fbrtbAderioglbeBartfaarHombar.mbaBlbt
BMttecnbheDBdhicmembByatt. Bd^mottof i^aa ten


Amlir't mU.r«fa Elmmaod. 41

w^jrtTHtnwor fcam,«

Htmadail’t matoity la tbt teoaty >U
Wt ait not qallc tart at to tbt eotm.
im of tbt ftfurtt. for WMfetd Co. bet
Ibiy aia prutaaUy not tu bam ewraet.
Maamn Ootam.—KubMadh girat

It.VMrIsUr. n

w;sjr. b .co^ «1 «tu >pp»r

ef tba imtia Abooasty abowUmI
Pradtikk Browa b ahOtd Proamatiag
aw C. a Ntf* by t raiy brga

tamainM OMpirstuTus^We oil
aMttUBtUmaf Mr nate*l«lhtc«Dair fMrlli
opM tie
<0StelMftctiUat«i>l itaofaUM be Dew

M Mar. ufi “»• UpUU, IB B «BrtBfntOtJ
WereamrdllBttha M


Pcau&—1» addlliM to
ikaCM »^ltd
ridaiiy «t nett tbt folkntleg: &ai>i
Ca. H. W. Babeai Ckkppaa, W. B.
Maltby. D. R fimlin. IL Mahthr, i. T.
Doroe, A Woobtaa.
Branaoek. F. X. 6.0000* W. B Me
Anbpr. L-Bt^oti EbmtA P,-B«en,,J,
Pya* A 6. Viato. X Wttidf. f. )l.
Wbkamp: <7rand TVeoi* P. Brooo, H.
faritnao. H. Commingv

b tae jmt 1868, Oft aptateg tf a new Store on ftaot



At Balbard-t. Waold yea koem Urn
omaot Callaadaat.


A. 7. AZ-ZoSZT Ac eorr
refamiUaaBr tbopaad.liii i Ijf i i
erefaYVerene City in Om tear of

In Hats aad Caps onr Stock is Large,


praoipUy, and in tbe beat auBaer, all ordenialbeU lineof bualoeaa Ybair law
expaiMee In arcry kind of ^

AadkbMarnaHtkatbaaaaerbateA''tra*B^iVUK.BadtM Bay Cap wWi
Cape te 0KB DOLLAR asd atbar Ooada la Uib De|mrtBeat at a deduB iJsB par

I price a
in 1866 and now 1 Bai^yduceto foureei

U ir. BDBBBX * 00.

U-te ..

New Blacksmith Shop.

e been Mved to die intaWtanti of


Garden Seeds.





UV.BOife^ ft-oa

b dt^aei a kAkaBil goB^tat to tba
paUic that they andettti^ Ibeir botiM

rear OboiM for 26 eta,
U W. BCBBXLL * 00.




What ii the diSerenehjb Tkaeene C^ then and now.
Eight to tbiiteen cents. lU^iCbRBce being in favor ef the

Onr BaOm.


<nl kindt CUIdrea; Fancy sW
neiU UadtDMk to ardar. S.VTIRSLY BY BAND, mbicb me mvraat M ia rip a peg or tUeb.
tich. Shasld
Sbasld they
*myi^rfreeof charge. Is lower gtadec me e&r i
• •
•• •


Horse and Ox ghnning,


B Boa. W. H. C lliinacix.>-OBi

Are alia in tbb reom. trenl af .pace cnaptlllng u In keninaal of U la tbt WarebooaicmibeDeefc. Tbaa-gnodi are Btdc at tbe ffukMa ^ Piken. and me df
not beallit* lo rey are uperior in Bttaitl and madnofat^ to asj and. tteabMU

. OMBlitI
todCbarlaraUaadBtbfk. tIiisMafte.
tbu aix ecnatin an ortaaiaed at a liafU
■lariea. So oaaaal a pfinRlli« tbo«i

oiUiigsalud - of tbaMBai cm tbe boUar^ Uekt* moa
etmtod. «ith Uw OMcptbo of tbe
Higtaa'ty CoomiliUoout. TUmt


apeo tbt Oramfiba bQlST and mbe
Umb Oksabd.—Mr. Oaa. ParaUm
ad in tab afferU to • qwak bb piaot'
.iaietBtatUiat Ulatradataaet aa ottb
BotB’UbmaDdlngtbiutcrTuptlou of Ibt
aidofMaeca, mnitlr *itb aff>)a tnoa.
M Ut bim at Old Mimtoa tUi apriag.
BimUy. Bo. too. did
Wa Utalin aacb facti a* tbit vitb grml
tfat-Bb*B^BaaC Motblng mu btt■ a, a* trety Boah aep Ukta by
ttaa Mm -

Supposing die demands of this country would wBmnt it,
and belnmng we hod Ae right to do so, we.........................
Of a bormtS^ Hocantile Uoctse; aaMcve nwt witti spceess and
favor, ftr wiiidi we ate giateftiL


. taaaikl,. aamlar lUnyao. *

arm U rttiy «m Bt Sprbg MMkBi.
m ar Campaill A Oaatrlct.)

A ^tter Aitiole

Pareaaal mmttln x1^ m tka parohua

lOESBS, o':K cows, ETC.


Altofelfair tbt oxbibbiab wu highly
cndhabhtotba TMcbtre. Mr. aod Mb.
rooag aad Mka OruoalA u mall u ta

mark them down accordingly.






>d (xpriBly te erwy ankle. Wba* me

BBBM Duamj.TU.ri



We Actually Keep Everything Needed,


AadtoBO SMALL Qtostity. U

------- “.................. ftr tat itm tf Ox tea.
end and thlnj^ Mb,
«aUan u4 f«tt)d»rea
ereta. vbleh Mil init vaa na

eaymAfrti.a.p.iatt. Sy

frepaiv kaa hBB aaaebai.

D. BBAT80K. Menteoi TbRor,

Howe Sewing Machines.



are laerl, wkkk mil




Kolbiag mill be tend maat!^ Onr MtoU an of the very be*
nuaaa, miBhbJta-


rmlnlatreaM tr k'aUac* w. MaCIa
i OMa A. MiCirllreA
M>Cirll»e. of
«r 0
Bt Oaaan ar
ire. Utu
Bbt« ar
aC ■l,blaa,i
|ll,blEa,i lo--------lo itKft ..i T


The 'iSnow Flake- tod “Impetiel- F1o«r We !
Aad manaai to be eoaad aad prede tea Bue bat WUto WbXer Wbut


flfpogrjjrr otraorKBssrs,

jus.TTs;3£:Ssij:;TC3 Oty «f Pn
raao.A.b.iUt.aitB •cloBx. IL. b Lbtr




iWa to tabi hj b« am am oat pitparml

Com, Oats, Feed, Bran, Shorts, eta,

al Bla aabat. Ba an ar Are kaaOraJ n< aixm.

;ssy;ssi™"i5S^ t fx-ira

At tba MOl, k WJlBked^aaatily.
mefeertret* re pag.
---------AFULL STOCK OF DOORS ANDSASH, •-‘•'sK'risrSSst'i’S

aaderdadlagmiyi to atada it mbm ant

Boots, Shoes & Eamees,

Maaiai)*a atamlire hamBaAla

ex. iiu.1 Ui

rf OTK.00 x^AonJiKere— >—> e

prererebg at taw hafbg kare rearetread la ta.

*ty mUl do wilbout lefbnnettn tbt trim
kg Mr. Pnoia aipreatd bk
at mfabtt of D«Ii T. Doaoing.
tkaato te tUa liAto at good mni aad
O. R ft L R R-Wa Ian that
ateale. a. the part of Ua imopb.


4uul* df podr


bf tbt
ftiMoffuly. tutbdoettaoomiplraitb Bkta at Boa
tta rammtaAaftbtL^WatataaadtaT* Maitb, takM
tbt bad grant.
Omrktlbuhanily aganlAo • a ptUs ef t^S* m1*^^rmig.
ar^ of.
of. 1
TJ*" abere

M4l|^ Htaet,ilmar pat^ :«M,
^la <bt mBUb- maaiWiy and abam


in or lomo rosB b derated to


It Itaraad In ibe law. (i. e. la tbt art ef
(milling tbn bm to nett bb ova riaot

^fmU ■BUiatipaaftdidkM t^i
- ibyanr

OMb Paid for Bidw.
Wa ffba M Kite -a. fbtr twa-


I »”•»

4Mlaa. 'W. *.11 Mur* (b» Dmitb bim bet ban K ler Ibt ptnpb and
tbt aoom te mtlb. mhkb «a ptamm


-■ '(.atStoa^aI tuae« Paha aaimU. I.r riOax Bba.

Fashionable Style


CacaiT tear er.Bnwr Cocitt.— Caoaty. Ht babe gctiteaui a ^ntatiDaob T. Dmb«. af littia Tianiae. ly at mood for tba aoB^atamw^ boai•rhai to tbt Sybto cnatratan a tutt-

aaly tatl cMablUbtd la tbt onuty ef
~ Wtbartlaogl

Good Balmormi SkirU fall tbt. at



mibt poWie tkiat' at pmtet tbm U

FyrMli Heriaoa at 6S rCt.

All Wool White Bltnketf frooi $4 60 to glO 00.

Tiarana Cll;. Ma. tOlh. lUt

Msm. Qbn or
Jeba Wiyby b balldiag a deck fer moodtag piwmihn at CrtM'VBbim SbbK

lhal -CbarUrri. it tbt mmaly mat of

A Bay haet'
ctarer ea at. X, ear hatlare. L« tore ai
aaC la^ ea maaoCaetare B, aRitIm ml
eOm (ar aala. ma an eaaHret Bat rt a
FaecrSbirtins kanu artida (ar Im maaty Baa aay m
UUlBataibUtaae rnrerea eaouiy.

ONE DOLLAR The decline in all good, ia tbb dcpaitmeot amoub to ortr 10 per
wUhin thirty diTt.tad we


ptaattd *Uh frail titta. la tha Tictelty ef
«iaiid Tiamm Bay withla tba ant t*o
paaia Koierattiarat Ibattaa bt mad*
mUlpaybeUtr.aad Beat arUI da am to

MmCTtUtnBi.,lbMmi ftB^BtU toha.
eUag ear (oMm h dm Hxxato, b i ^
tea Bti n U teat U attonJre. Va

ShnwInstaRednetioikefaSperotfromFsll Friooi. SS^iriiSto;- :r. ••
r:.-iS|!S :

llahue lrlaaa«blham>


Benot mt do not adrertba eXTBBUB BOW PRtOEU bat gunatot ear tgana to be
u law FOBTHE QCAUTY.uetBbtf^^Kicbi^tf Wa are Mv^Uliag aU

Which it u Imr at old hard memry rlpMt


SHOI*soun KADI sr.. ti


- Tbiac tbnuld ta Ihnnmiidt of aoat

Read This!

Regnlai Make of PrintSjat Ten Ots. per Yard,

Wagon & Blacksmith
iTic)>'iX'^ae**t?a ^ ewTue

tand yoa ear Rgsbr ■■ eaoeos U*tL’
Stbu Psb.

ScmrjaMtt Eimcm a Qaaim Taav. nf tha Diarlc* mftaol mat brosgfat I
Ban OenrTT.-lbe foUowioc b balbrad
dreaby npp»priih 4bd Wml^
M ba a oomet Utt of Um 1
aiobB OB Friday tTMlag. W. bare ad
aketad ia tfab Coanfr
doB. If erer, atiMdtd a acbpol nkibillaa
:_TnomrMa«^AttM AUto. tU^t
mu brtbr coedoctad. ar ibomad Bor^
l>MiaiaU. t P. Urt4 Bap-i &M
CBrefalandlboroogb prepaialioa e
4oha PaMpber. B.p.a Loq Uka, J. W.
partof iboB
Baatell. Rtp i Kalr, H. W. CIrdt. Srpj
All ptrfbcBtd tMr putt wtll, bsl If
Oraat.J. V. SpaaldioK- Btpl Harbald,
mt mart to partieobrlK. *t moald mj.
Tboa. Wrakoop, Bap^ Whikaiter, R P.
Tbompaaa, Dna.
Rarriek Cpnii, mboB -.fUbar faadi Ut

Tba Middk Boom b aalBly dantod to Dry Oaadi. ef kbUh ma


Ha« OocBT

Ironing Chttmrwei^
Mid Wagons;

s' opening, yon paid a rmmd percentage for
Prior to
the necess^ of life. They are now a"'
ns, «i
you at a small mac^ above actus] cost.

oUr it dceltd Baptrriaar at Elk Bapidi
the doliM tl«t d«T«lrcd npoB Um. Bad
and L. K. Kanacr, at Aalrim Citr. Uaakt
Mir m tbt eipaeuthmi
asrtb. dectlcmia'B^ka. W
.p-indcBl tart:
•wm. r. Uasaafanl it clitUd eaperritor
thoagb Barely loetl. vttBBia^
- CaacM iwM ae Tburadar latt. for Ibt par- href pobUelaiaram bit wlnitr. 1 rehr
to Ibt am« aad trb) of Rer. Mr. Orey.
anmiaatinf Totratblp oOstn. D.
mtn matt aetirt agalntt bim
C. Uadk L. O. Wllloot aad J. C. Boafbcarry tba tiectun ef
tM «ttt appoiBUd ItapuMicaa TenaUp
Cnoutucfni lbttatalDcrear.^v- -<-j



of the btUa paMd neeired a amlnoiu

roatMlte iMdxd bnM <a TBMl«r
.tUBVMk. S» haUfe bu bn pw *«
jbBO^tbtBMIaporttatbilb p
B<«M tine pM, but mpiu ftuo Ubnand
otrt Uh OoBCrdl Bailroad Aid loo and
Um intality trf pm* air *1U daabBlM
tndiog tbt tax lima
BMB Kl bla all rifbl afili
la AaiKta Co.—U.
Mr. MXcMI hm rattbfallr 4M>Bt8.d

CbduifiBt.^ mftb


^iBiisaxDatbrt; aBdrssrnEArr Pkaad

Aad aU Standard Cotton Goods in Uke pt«

eRBBI * miu.KM.
A|m>ferHIBlfaB.Ukia aaalUlaM.

lal^TUrde^. ,b lUt D^artaeat, Ooedt art axteady hm, atablhg oa

Bio Coffee, 25 centa




^' IjkmLtma.-Tbf LagWttnre'M-'
>ooraadMTbatadar. ApfU IK.
Oaad Taaat
I amphaticBlIy t watkiBg body. Moeb
lima Ibaa aantl Imi ban tptttja
Mrph. bet aaoBrcB- i^MCb maklag. aad. in genml, romaibtbb BBaoiffllly'

r 7tB>va B»~rui



Wnter Dress Goods.



Oeed^ me bare

.M.i< % Mb keB*^.um«b.omt
■ bateau mu rbdam. ffbak
W. Tbt annitnal daBy

^"*Fir0 ExtinguiMhi


The Tin and .Stove Stor©

OaA Paid for mdse.

laar aad alx la
rtyna tank, ar


Pfa OnapeM FWeaaabytbt laataf WoibBae. flto^ * all fclBdt,f!« Pane.

..ucn n e>u
Pabrua. A B/llli. a WrUaf ABathuat WB


No Credit will be Extended in Any Form.

DEXTEB a NOBLE, Bk Bopida, Mich.










, A


,[ p- 4- ^


. . V. ■

New Tear to Onr Patrons!



Our Stock u Immense, and HNBQHALLED in Variety or Qunnl^.


We hare^ Large Amount of Boom,
But NOT Enough for our Larger Trade I

We keep almost Ereiyfliing, and each year Keep More!
We keep aU the BEST Brands of Goods,
V and seU at the iO WEST Kate I

,We give as much and in many cases MORE Value
for lie Cash than any store in the State.

Examine our Prices for Merchandise I Compare and—be Satoeei

Boots and Shoes in almost endless Variety; also
Boot Pacs, Shoe Paes, and Over Shoes.


tTbebIbnrinC biciwtiac ud ia
ire letter b from eeo. Parade*, B«q,,t6r

to lha abecser of any opes water i
Tfaear are tbe Um ofgrsaUM daager to
mAc* at 9L joaepb, aad ar* lb* saiy

Onad TtsTcm ead pr^sii^ ta




■ - ,i-

tto Own Bocta, made for us^ aed Ma^ed with
our own Brand, are Guaranteed I
We are able to show our Ctoods all under one roo^ and moetiy on one floor.

We sell at extremely it? WPrioes,
And make it an OBJECT for our Customers to come and see us.



Certain Lines of Staple Goods are 10 to 50 per cent
lower than before the War.
;Onr prioes on many makes of Domesties, Prints, etc.,

JfatoAf tte »r*v«i** CBBBtry aad Labe
«BB,it wUlbttecB that wean
The bell Uat Urn Tnnne r.(isa fa
Twy bTMUe for gnenl htmlaf. sad leetod ia sKb wtoda. by aloBcdfaUMsf
Omtapart af h fa ranerkilily wdladnAadtoOw taUagaffroit. banloa
ra. set ferUi is tbe eetaans ef tb*
> hrolc very badly frcM freiBm
knsix; sad Mieswats flrcaee«ra(lsg
leaa la tb* pradpethms of tbe brai wIbIct kflllBg, aad tisvel Borthward.
(tadsal iBtproTcBratwIll btascatoaii
idAttit»>«(M wUnatoinulp^
) dirfialo leettt -bn did tbey ^
ledU teaslL Imnbeeaat oftcaaade. fcir eoBditiaB. ThasooBllBoc aonhealbc
{*w*ygo(bii« rcad.asfirraatbc&ialsf
WbO* am are knOsg boa. tbooud*
lairdago. or to tbe tdae ooeatry, aad ■*
of wsttcoe
eooteapfatiag a r«-, Ibrn prah taee* tbK caiBid Ita hwlea tor
neiil to ane piaoe. ia vdgiiiBg'tb* ad- (BlUry apponooe to any eoutip.
{«*itf di&Rst paru of tk MUThem fa a kiird of cold that mast BOt h*
ecefoBaded with the stows
Ibat w tbe will aad dear cold ■oning^
bMlarsorthttet the beta giTea do a*l gsBerally oceotrlag in tb* lattor part of
M pntebU. I wiab to nder that «te
rnadanlo cerlaisafatiBrnlomI
, to dm that tbe bets are oat la- y nacbcatV towmtpototMtVsc
probaUcjMtt Mtbeeontniy.aretobeatoapaalata. From S to It V
tacted; aad tbU U lookiag turn aev ben*,
I itona to total to pmefa bads ifa
they may ap«t to tad bocaecntiy free
leader nrtetfaa, aad 14 wfll kill
Irom biliotB diaeaaea la ssbaer. and
pithnfrii is otBter; «hate ateadwt aboot aUef IV aieatJwidy; bat to tV
farm crops can b* iiitad, and as tM •IBI aad faear cold of plmmat wtotm
BDiBtogi,t>V*baTC VmTmwb to carry
g>apea.p*aeb*a.ebcTriaa p-raandplam.
ipattoftbeir bloram bad* Ibioegb H
atgTowBorthorib*OUoriTer;sadbM- ladHbdew sen.
ter apple* tlma eu b* OMcd ia tbe UatUd
WheUter Ufa owing to Use dryDH*, or
Beat** Mat of tbabeOy Houtaiaa
short daiatloD, or both, of auto estd
tbattVyan |Mt to Vag*coBa,la*
Tow nadaca mb r
t oM wfal BrtUed, aar to It Bslerial
is tte pedtiOBar labs lUAdgw lUi aol4*et:tV bM it arfal kaowa to
OB tbenoTtb and vest of BaiM
frtll gtoweti.
t^tasnade timt ridsity aoBsUd
W* would «y to Iboee wV Uttok
pesebcoutry. AdiftfueBbfboBiMto good cu oocac eat of tbe aortb. that If
SOdegraca in cold *tanu,wUI be
Urey wfil took aboot tV world, they wil
batveen Chkago and Batst J«a^ is
dad muy ptora where MhaaU fa
bror of Ufa'latter; bat If the lake
partfaUy govetaed by totUade, aad
eoreiad with lee, tb* dtaiinn rasld ut ralUog* aahard tobfaievc. aiUmt tV
Itls lb* tOBpeistBte of tbe water
ef artotcr btr^ an. Ira 1
tbu at Carlo ud St. Loefa.
U woBid be kc.) which taopen tbe winds
wwT T*a la a rkort wnaw.
' aaTts tb* thiiL BIcmqb bods bare
fcUlad oMubraUy. and aerecBl dsBS iB'allUM fruit ngiccs within ra
I baa bats dts»c*i« tbe wood of the greM markrti of tb* Kortbwmt, wiafa tbe aaet dtagsea* toaioB, for. to
whet Uiere was D<
eddlUoatotVIraor aenpbylV Ultog of buda. IV Ine*
Webave aan favonUa oondltiM* of tiaca dtaaged. aad ocafanaally. a* to
ator to Lake lOcbigu aad Titverto Bay. 18>eaDdtolW4.iBuyaredcatroytd. b
la ttta broad part of the lake, fncB Qraad tpctktog of Ufa regi'oB to eouectlca with
EaTta aroud tba aeotb aad to lOIwu- IV pndsedw of tb« leader fnilu, wt
fci^tbawator.aaoaapandwithttotpor- DMt V BBdetfaood at refarbv maialy to
Uoe lytog teorUt cfa potat aBabb,MAMl tv Ugfa toad epiB IV ibera of tV
dMpaatog OM fade of Utt bar. aaw gaaatal wateia. Froo wVt baa beta wrUtta. it
rale, fhOD one to two fethn»mr> tbe Bllr, wlU VaaeotbatweaneoBFaraUvelyasto
toward* tb* oeatr* ef the &*. priag totVwtoteraetaoB: aadtVara iaSoreader daaa«tog apring trofaa. at
aboot faxty-Sve totbora for Uh deepcet
inlpprt, wUcbitwUlbepenaiTed IV potota ladicMcd, aimset
given Buy eqaan ^Im aloag lb* ibore^ after tV lOtp of May.
ofqiiitciboal water.
When wiator tot* to, a htovy wall of to*
M here, did DO
form* oa tb* bar aroaod Umt pe*Uoe of wt* only to V foud oe tboas tbinp
the hke. aad to Mid mow itotra, larga
wblefa Beat eadly aho* II After saeb
Seldi of toe fora OB tb* ibeal
laqeiry.IhantoitodtolMTBtbMUiabto*to Mm tb* w^ •***»! ifafai (tom toad,
et freit Vr« em bcM fclltod to
aad ftaqaaaUy c«t af fa^ fnaa tba Ugh- qntog. Afters VaBaer’ssoB baa sboD*
astaboiB. Oatb* oCbBrhaDd.lbtBOftb
Into tVae deep wsttoto wbfah artMlnaspart of tb* Ink* fa my deep, 9W totbsnia, parot as UV Oeorge. U teeas Vpoaaibto
or IAOO feet, tevleg baeo fnaad, wUb geagfa a toU fim. TV Mfty mat that
enlly a beU there; while
was eiperieaeed to Kssmk MlBOwi. DUiteelf famachda^ Uiutbetoatit part Bofa aad Micfa^ to I Ml. wasfeUhcte,
ef tbalaks.mfatboaiibfaaggiT«Btoit
i^yt •
letbofKoreaVr, to IBM.
tba tooth part ef tbe toka, ae eoy dtep Utb of KoTSDbar. aad to tSto H was cm
water, aad nacb ttotal watar oa tbe aborea; tv aad of OecamVr. givtog a* will V
for tba Borth part, Tary dc^ water,
■sea Icog aesfoe* betweea fnMa. TV
little cbcalMUieabetta. Oa tbfa deep
day* here b to Ifinmanta ate
water to lake aad bay. toe fa faow to form. ray bright and warn, wbll* tV algbta,
foratto aay gretoBAMI, aatll owtog to iV 'water sarroeadlag^ are a
tb* totter part of wiator.
little cool, prereating Mddan growths.
neMldMatB«f Deecnbertott,
V that grape aad paaefa rot are ulaigeBt
falbeecattbpancf tb* kuwp.'ibdgiTiiWtV apptoaafiiB toaltke,d<
deal^ tbe haibon aad cemtog tbe
apeigbUy Vrn aV a petfaVd aad
water «ot ef fagbt oftoad at Selat Jo
wb*t* tb* wiitor aw tt. bat U atad*
elsewhere, et IV ntoe tiae raktog (beat
iaTraveraeBay; tbetberaonetereehigb tV Vat keeptB tVl mb b* fcaiad, aad
toad oatb* bay. at that timt.itoBdtog 11 gtvtog Urra tV UgVM valatat Birkrt
d^rra abovB, whtto atflalsdiaaepl "
Blfaa acadb. U waa ftaai * to • degiaw be­
low MM, aad at 8t. Leofa aad Chin 1« aad TVagb the aeverity ef winter fa leap**«d.MhMbMBMM.ocirbi^ UUiad*
IT below at the mratiae.
at from Ure eaddta tVwt,
Tb* •tona af iusaty 1 aad 1, IW4, did
DM OeaM Tnaera Bay. *0, too, that coldest qaeat farther iMtto flriv to tV wiatoft
af an. Jaamry • aad 1.1«4, did aM draa m eraaara rarely met with. TV
are bright aad asodarnMy v
ef lee la tb* Math part «f
toka as tbe IV toad geaenllytoyi Ugh, ea wUdi.

We,Are fully satisfied CAN’T BE EQUALLED 1
In Groceries, we invito the most careful attention of the Trade.
Our Provision Stock is full; as also onr stock of Oats, Corn Feed, etc.
Remember we Ai WA PS keep close with the Markets,
even if we meet witii a loss.
Look at our Hardware and Stove StrAj^'and let it teU its own story!



IV Hertb AaeriatoCeallMBt IBS three
Varto. tad qalto diAftat cBmal
gtoaa n* great MatralbBto, ra
fr*M tv <Mf of Haxtoo to tv Aietto
Oeeaa. fa IV oaa whkfa «awi
r wiator this fa swapl to tV gelL by
UoiBS cf wiVaadMow.&ratV
—“-----1 rhUiUtoW* lika.iillLB iia
VMlbfartrask, tbie^ tbfa toUtade.
tVITiiliiiitdavat. nayaretvooidMtatonwof IVwlBtat,BBdiv«eBar
Miy toNtoa toag waydewa tV gnat
rim, wbtra to aBmar, tVy Vtii

aoc foaad, except when they aratod-by
tpriags. IV ataoepben fa bractog and
me tnaa Bttorto; tad with tv wide raage
ef predaeta, tortrethy *11 tV beet fMta,
eabti^ tv rafadiiats to erdoy IV gi
micty to diet..M Madadrc to baUh.
■eraaTcaaoaaMe.wetblak. fort
IsttblaMafary.^perVtiaaaBby fhaa
Mcdi mtdra ftra
*(VrdiMaatV:wat mtotollg

Thra ttaras alwayt acaar before Uw
Biddl*orwtotar,wb*BlV bayaad tbfa
^of tVtoVaiD opM, thfa^
Obm to
------ ------------every
aoatfc ___
^^itom^oecwtotor. Vtos^ Mith.
alWiTBCoaMBaar tVMae sdafarepaaittoa, aad fatoV emy year h afataMTtV
— to aa* part of Use earth. The oaly
--------- 1.------ ‘ds year aad ^etbM
I9 awM^ ta warm aratVr la wiatar. M
tbsta aaedatBtodigiatafeoldMtowii^

SashandDoorsI A Warehouse EiTLi,

actieB.*ato9ak. gtri^ to tbe sooth
part af tUs Btoto. a Ira poworfU. b^*a> tb* aeaibwaat. tb* tofr.

Onr Ctorteaden &), ni dniraD kind to.«

I fi«SetoCOBflH.nd

mA.\rm mozi


aio !Doxz<fGk.



And We thtendthatshitllbetbe LOWEET when VUnes sin Oonsldared. ^



Hamessos, Colhos, Lines, Haltere, Bii«C^ Saddles, Sido.Ssddle8,


Id Crockeiy: White Granite, Comnum, Yellov, Rockinghaxa, Chisa,
' Flain and Colored Glass: one can find a laige Stock.

XI. Bl ac XB »c 8BIXI.
> peoBd of Batter paji for about fbor tad • qqsutar pidi «f bolt ChBeo.



Tbdt before tIvWir it took one and on»4i>lfn>imd« of Botttr to piy for ooiTud ofAtett




llet tbe diffmaoett the Bolter end Frist
at ^e.
ta»de. now eod
i then. bibootfiOO per eiBtfai &n» of
the Batter

1 Ftaiisc Homesr in Prioee.« eoBiq

POBK PBOOOOT8ereidIiagiiiAnTetee(%fbreiOTtTwo Ddfan lev dan tbejr
Gonldbe Uiddownfiir.if OMifatkawM openl

FAOT, to tfaoee who think, dttt Mm of SM^CMton :
Good! are few in Out town diea eUewbeteia MiehijM

“A Wort to 1

• etearnte AnAlbew^eoftrinA''


net til

irSloek will befiNnd.irBbdiew. the wok

Bplete on the Bej.

Don't Mtetako tho FlaoA when we
that Bf»t art Shoe Aet ere eoid by OniMiTei
■ dm eeer beCm known in die airioiy c£ ncm.

_______________ eadONLYo
FLANKKL8 ate., et dw


A Bowart rt Do_______________



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