Grand Traverse Herald, May 17, 1900

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Grand Traverse Herald, May 17, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



P. Carver p""'-

Grand Traverse Herald


aad me the dacaat aaw Itat or
8|wli«Stylai of Wootaa. aew
a aala. wkkb will he Bad. Up
ta the UleM dtylea. ead at
net Low Prteee ei will eerprlee


OAPITAL S100.000


Merchant Tailor Real


>■« «v--------- — mtt


at 315 Front Street

____ — cUongMt and beat

AaeUmtAnd SiekneM Inaiu----MTCHIN & CROTSER. lOaaapwij
in th« votld. Cl
iwUled whbMit tbe Moal m
:«f ted tape.

Bufiiness OardB.

Paul Bdm Cwed Ttaea.




WU ve tnlU atom yen bow

•are; we fnnrtib the worit and
teach you tree; you work In the locallly wbeee yoo Ute. Bend ns ywir
pro8t of «SJar ctery day** work,
ildysure. Wrltcataace.



I f. GtuUeU,


(Bji Sfidaliit)



*SSSt£:.f«-£. 'S5


Oa Iwa.^ Iww aa« «Ur fnawt)

it Cleaning Works




Burial GonpY, (T
ttaMnl Dbaetor aad Ba>bal««r.

All laH

eUU w A




Homestead Rights >

put. OUu, StMun Boiler uiil Accident Incnrcncc.


Koneij to Loan on Improved Rea! Estate Only.

laeb aboai.’’ faltered <>:m
a> tbrr nubed up iiaiia.
lUUac up la bed.
^"Up la oar owa roan tt'i wotae:’Mr«B)>liac <lo!rally.
— ___________
Bobeaa- —
i i “I”1 dsa't haoir wliaf
reymnatby. “Sbafete byalcrieal il [coldoees aad tbe irembllaf earn* oo
don't haaf my beat dream OB thr tame I euddenly." tbe faaped “I expert I'm
tU laUe cloeeL
I baaf non ber | dyiof. and it's a ;ud«oeat on me-lor
It would teem. I Bobeaa, titter dear. I wa'u'i hardly a raer .a.D^vr I re».l u
toLedouaeall alooce
I1 doa't know
kaow I1 aliexick
mlteuick when
whea I went to bed ycater
•ere fplac
I thoufbt you wonU beacared
why It waa
We were
foiaf to hare
bare ![ day
tbe Uorcaa Clob
Club here and
aad alUouxhcr
altboofbcr i aad put tbe ibiafa back. I expect I
it baa aeea that plate
place la
ia | barca'l treated you rifbL Uobeaa
ia il
paperoreraad orer afaia i, aomc-11'cc beeo au act—“
A DiplOBtaLc HiaaioB
bow.frltaalf i oufbt to amert myerif . “Yea bad a rifbi to bare the tbiafi
“if It doeaa't beat allV' raclaia
I feliai If at tbey bad always beeo If you felt to.
Hra. Tackaberryaa berdaocbier.oi. . and bare tblafadlrtereoi.
waan't proper aelf reapbct to fire ia about iL and 'iwaa mean aad aelQah la
eane along tbe trim carilen path berlonfer: So acw ahe tart abe'e fol: me to leaiit" ctled Hiaa Bobeaa with
tweea the trim rowa of dabllaa “Voar
rvoat proetraUoa and ahe'a beea aad [ pealteat tearo 'Tre w^led yoa lalo,
AoBt Caddy bat written for the Srat
. ________ _____ jd aa fa £i of aiexae
time in tit jtara. aad the waota you to
s and yet
n sot folPf to fire fire myself
s tbema Tiiit:'' Mra. Taekabecry
OUre fit
.. Ue doctor
Ue aaid
Mlao riyoroBtly from rzellemcat la' Idon'tkao' ai I eould. now I're
M .I feel
wUd aad tUt Him Caddy hada non oat chill.
tbe whole porch creaked ander really broken It...
ebe rrai la danfcr of bariaf a c
daplepcTion. “Star uje tbal abe'i recklcM. t'rc mured the dialaf rc
fever, but witb freat care that mifbl
d abe la comiay down with nerrona clock from the manielplaee over a
be averted. Hiea Bobeaa toartnlly met
moalralloa aad It will beao bard for
abonl realorlaf the eecretary and Ue
acraiater Bobeaa
They can't eitfarr
the mlolaier if abekoe
parlor orfaa to their old plaeea. Hiae
if them (mt op with bfted bdp. aM
rinuy at
Caddy heard beraadaeal m.rr to rc
ayt. U aonade ae 11 they want yoa la
tcadof ablredcirl'
Ymi aha'n't alir —__________ ,h tbe -'
rcll b* If abe doo'l want tokill me
Nra. Taekabertj pocked aiill liubcaa'a face
“What would y<
— Jet ttam be" the cried, “rre fot a
tore riyoruuely aad all 'tbe
rralirlaf tcateof bow meaa aadMifirb
I re been Sbe'e young" iHItt Bobeaa
It'e hard.' taiil Olire. inaunlly waiSfiyanJ hertitler City lixi “aad
aad l
Weomlnf lerU.ur ar
came a diplo tbe ODfbl to bare a cblore to be a litband.
when .people
lie mite fritoleue if tkr waou to'"
"I euppow II
“Tbey werealwaya bard to Ctl aloof maL
u;ivr eallpd to Hirtltobeaa totsme
lib and i'll warraet you they barca't haven't -barca'l larfc ialereaU mod
frown any leaa as—old ualda liylaf lead raUer mooutoaout lirrt tbcy'rc Ip,tain.
• I'rr tkuucblofaaew .•ompromiae.’
alone. ' cooliaued Hrv Taekaberry. apt to etatfcrate ullle*. the eaid be,
ibeaaid. “Wefaavcaome paper la oar
with the eaader that waa ber ebaime iiatlofly.
“TriflW I don't tee bow yoo caa attieeiaeily like Uai oatbeailUaf.
teriiUc ''CaTioaa—your father wa'a't
Leaader » room waa faUamileao.
Ue could al waya fet aloof call it a Wiile”. aaid Hitt Bobeaa ia an room wall
oaee. you knew, and tar remember­
with tolka Thts uaed to aead for bira
barefooeun bearlBfwItb Caddy if it ed Ue paper, and when be aaw acme'
to aelUe diipuiCB.'
--She lecma to be la trouble, poor had net beea tor bariaf the Doroaa like il be boofbl It lor oar farat ebam
Hot ber. There were two or Uree rolle left
>at CUdy." aaid u.i.e, readiof the Club here for afteniooo tea.
amped oldJaabloa,^ writlof. wbilea iherr’ you mutt fO rifbt up aad aee -folly eboofh to paper Ue diacolorad
.. mpatbetlc pucker appeared npoa k«r her. She'll know you're here, her earn plare. Tfarn Auol Itobcaa. yea won't
emooUi brow
“She aaya abe U beiof are ao tbarp. aad tbe'll auipevt tkal bemortibrd if UrreUa'l aayUiaf to
tAuBl Lgcy'efaalrwruathe been ulkiof about ber. It makes
worried Into nerroua premtratioo but
Caddy won’t feel ae it you
aabamed. it toemaaodialoyal But
>body it to blame. Bubeaa le a Treat
id abe can't help bciof a TrtaL'-''. Ob dear. 1 hare 'oorbC ao loaf wlU
id eeem aa
•earn aaid Uai
ad ulite woodmafly. -Duyoueup . Cbddj "
• real provide
that CNive
puac ihalabc and Anal Bobcat don't
like it She ne<
fci aloof togclbcr.'''
e tbeee
“1 ahoaldo'l wonder a mile. Uivafb ample piUowr. Hiea Bobeaa tanied
<laf for Hat all
they aeeer >ald a word." aaawered Ura. away witb a limr awlieb of berakiru
And HUK'eddy
Taekaberry, ivlIecliTelr. “Tbe TreaU' aad left Ulire aloae wiU ber. Hiea
that It wai more
I tbe Tecuberr.n botb bad tfaeir Caddy ezleaded a wora. blae reiaed
if KobenaaoBld
pecaliariliet and aueb tbiafi ain't apt hand aad preuaed Ulire'tatrectloSately. Uaa ahr draerved. butIlf
.“I bad to tend for you ' rbr 'taid la
to leeaea at oeoplc geloa Id yrara. '
old aacretary atood
(•lire medluted. aaiaf tbe letter to a feeble voice. “I've broken down and
ward Orta belated bee boreriaf about il aeemed aa il tbe^ mull be aomrbody between tbe w.adow. jutt where a had
tbal'earrlatioa to look after Kobupa elood wbea abe waa a xlri.
tbe hop riae.
j“Vou’ccalwayaaaid ibal Ibad fatb Sbe’taoairaofeaad flifbty' llalmoai
nil It lomeUiof bad Sowilober tbe Ulked of dyiof. Si leaald bard
er'a kaaek ateettlaf aloof wlib pec
thinft riida'l matter aoy way wbea pec
ple."a>e aaldaileiiflb
“And really
Sbe woodcred
thrv acctu to need help. There arc eiru ... jf Ueir plaeet- tbc plaera where pie loved rarb other.
aearlj two weeka before achool be herriaUrr and loolber,*! tbcui mod bow ehr rootd ever have beea ao
tab at to Uiok they did.
fiat.'' lUlire taufbt in tbe Milford
-If Ue Lord will only apare
Academy, aad it wae now cioae apoa
upon ber live toertber, Caddy. I'll aaver wove
Seplemberi. “i'erhi;w a little diplo
ttlalraee. another UJaf 'rouad' never in Uie lUinacy would art ikiofa rifbL
Aad. elbow mod apoke with
erird cboklBfly.
cbokii '
Ibea. 1 can I help IbiaklDf how father “Do you Uiok tbere't any.:Biad of iDf ivorid etar cried
cried IHimI Caddy
I'et, yoo ____
moriac Ibinfi out of tbe plare
wonld bare felt about ILV
ly. And;yoo Uall have ...
"1 eopeei he wBold bare waaied you, they beloog' Don't il appear to you
0 dork ov OP the bracket'__ _
la fo," Mid Hra. Taekaberry refleclir» to be kladef erary;”
l.lxy ForbuU told me
-I wouldn't ibiak abaatil. aow that
•ed It. wbea ehr came over to
ydu'/eSl^ Aunt. Caddy." (aid Oliuc
Iboatb hr
BmoralBg' Apd 1 *ld to my.
e more torflriaf tu pi
“rve had eboof a to make me e'tck'" aelf Uat I would never mt upotfUte
er who rma away to ara."
"Liulr I-eander wboiaeomlaf here There came madden roib of tear* b^ UU you bad moved )i back afala. I
ta that, aad now Ue
Jritbble wife and baby next month.“
ae to locf wlU Bobeaa' I want Lord baa paaitbed me witb Ueee lerrilaafbod (Hire. “I’crbapa I can eScet a
abould tell ber that 'I'e killiof me 9le feelioft' I want yoo utaoold lauvv'
--------^cilialioD belweea them aad Lmo- yoa ai
1 oa Ue bracket, bobeaa'"
abe added with aoddea cafrraeet. to bat.___
“Il'a jutt a little bit of a Uia«. Aunt
Olire Icaaad ____ in Ue rbiau arm
wouldn't expect aay elory book
_„enlnfi ifl were you.'' aaid Hra chair aad ia epite of bemelf a little Itobena." Oil,
ed ber llpa
CT beTaekaberry. with tbe calm auperiority eifheacaped
a real art
m eo diCenlL
of experieace. “Cuddy aad Bobeaa are
Caddy, ...
want a enpof
tbe kind that brood orer ihlafa UU
baaie'to fit well aad have
ailed matt
they aee tbem all ont of kilter. Kai 1 Him Caddy—Bqfbt to bare wai
re aad baby to Fall
you bad bad
a>np of tea. but
bat it'e Leaader aad hie wif<
expect yoa'd belter fO. coiae to think
of IL
A .ebaofe may do you food.' only In ihr family that yoa caa apeak
Sbe looked aBziouelyal ber daafbier of •eeh a Uinf and—add abe aayi Uat
e two elderly wo*
looked ia
atabeepoke. and uUre Huabed luddea. Il’aU coTcr UP Ue plade where little
each otberb facia aad laafbed
I-cu< Irr let tbe rain come la —"
ttle 1-eaader' be'i eomiaf to viait aadc-'icdaliltleallaiof '
'^•Tm' perfectly well aad am ia no
' Whaos'
1. I'eebeeawocau^ baby next
oerd of any ebaafe." abe eaid quickly.
“I'm foinf becduae I tblak a diploma9bent:'' marmored’Caddy.
taeartof fraoe euddenly.
euddenly, or, perbapt.
mloeiOB la really in my liap."
"Wby. Idid.loarafo: lUoafbtyaa
witb perplexity,
t wae rexaiioat that ber meiber dreperato
ere too—too acL’ lallerad Bobeee.
Hies Caddy bad lain back upon her
..jBld cuaeteeUy aliode to to tap
wobreaklnf of ber eafafement with pilloiM. bat Ur now uat boll oprigbt
lemtly. -Bet
Freak Thureion wfaeo be iaeieted on “Ueaader In HilforO' atyourbooaa" maa." eaid H lea Gaddy peslleatlj
I aerer ebaU be afala- Dalyualy—I will
abe aaid buaklly.
iriaf apoD that loaetoBte old bom
FaUrr meael toteil yoa—I Uoofbt live loaf rpeufta tea* little L*
lead cf hie.'a
la.'a mile from tl
tbe rlllai
I beta—tb ' ,ead bit wife aad baby It'e each a
ewod of bayiaf Dr. Haruy'a pretty new
coloatUiBf Uai be't fotawife aad
Iford firl.
boBte on tbe main atreeL He wanted Leaader had
baby"' aad Hiea Caddy amlled happily
k whom I
1 wail aatil they were better ert. niece of Ur. capuln
into bcemltter'a tae*.
ItaileitlTUL-ilaid Olive baaliiy.
both hie econo^^e. 1 a f
_____ llachmeat to v
and I
-•We told y
It fo away
before her tecllan
that Leaader waa
1 dear Caddy fit calm.'
firl of any.apirit wonld aland tbi
didn't eare to bear aaylhi' _
■Ho. not jet—not y
Sbedeaired it to be perfectly_____
—■fur Ue way be bad treated
aiaod tbatebe wmaa'l folac away be- *ld HI* Caddy WiU aa effori; ’-'boi
aaOB'.Ollre’ I've bees
caaae abe aeeded aehaareoo aceoaat —but I don't know at ifa any barm for
Ulak of Olive, bbe myi_______—
of may lowpeaa of aplrlu
Bat when me to hope that be't been broufbt
to a to marry Frank Tburatoa. at W
abe amde earc ibere waaa't a aoel from beturmiadaad baafotafood
Uer wrpu—"
Hilfordontbe Uebroe ualBaheerled tboufb I don't expect thatk B
Ufa Iall,'
"1 broke Ue enfafemeaL Uafa
aoftly behi«d her ceil, mod reaTy did would let me nBBtioa
UUtc. aerroQtly handllaf Ud
Dofaerre beraelf for diplomatic duty Olive--’ Hill Caddy lea)
____id .forward
wmoMUn CTwnlU**. Ypo «« ~U» Bat oui >bci «it rrti—'aeuiafaewmikrd belweea Ue feemet- laddealy and epoka
>kn inabnUy
wblt- of the door. “Fraak wouldn't fin
■boat llTiaf In hit old boude away o
Heal box-bordered fljxer bade to ber :p*—“doea Ue baby Uk
Uke after oar
of tbe vlUafc aad—aad—’’'
folk! aay '
"Ife Ue deareal little fir
Mue between
to eea Uem laei lariof la. S
■om b* pUlm
moUer aaye abe looka }mI
“Saeb a
' - BlU ofatbtaf- <
moUer.-aald oUve
Lobeaa. t don't aee bw jm
IHIee Rg
•Ob myeoal. woa'Ua't I liketoecc
If coar* there woen't may real
ber" fatped HI* Caddy, lylaf ba«k
belweea you."
apoe ber plllowa
"Bat Bobeaa
wau." fallared Olire. Aad
would aeter let me. Ob. II I bavra't
Ibnabeftrmlr etraafled aeoVtabw
UroaL “Aad
- Aodl'.e
I'te ueeo
oe* laafht
laacht belt*
ben. I’m foiaf eiraifkl boa* W make

TmvarM City, Mich.

without one. We have Ujein for toinperatore, for dairy nae. lor^eter.
ilizing pnrpoaea, and {or thermometota.
Bring PreacriptioDs and Family Becipea to ua. We fit] ibei
right, with dmga that are right, at pti(*a that aie right.


Brosch’s Meat Market

S'o'taorX 1.XX Seaaolx.

Eresh. Sail and Smoked Moats, Sausages Etc.

TatopboBed. ‘





' Sbe'i wbitkiBf tfalBfi 'riiUBd

J. J. B3EZI3Srj^»S,

Browiir Block.


848 Front StreoL

■^rtSHES TO ANNOUNCK that he is back in his
VY store, at 2!7 Front street, which h.-ts been re­
paired since the fire, and.nill be pleased to meet his
friends, old and new.'


A Fine Stoc^ of
Watches and Je\velry on Hand.






- you can If J didn't moat focfut' Saeb
a alfhi ol tronWa •s.v-

G.MRIGHM,Gtlwi. S^^rererABd Civil Enj^eer
Or attlM PraU A Darla.


Hack, Bus and Baggage TranslerLine

I been weaderlaf wby yoa
__________ Chddy dou-i ban M^iato
reema.'«aid Ue dlplomnUit reSeetiraly. “UtaakeUbaacTeufUlwee

ertwe. aw.N.B.a.aUM.a«.a,e^BeatUaee aadiaatwf
TnvaeCItr. Weai
met prepared to eomalt bernaU to aa


Best LiTcry la Northern MichigUc
faad aU Bala Btafeia ta OMaatU^



■■Why. far Ue laml-e eaker exelaiaJ ed Him' Chddy. “we^bcaid-" Bat
a OlinhadfoM
- I axpnel^Sddy told ytm Uat I uma
dririiv h* erm^." mid Him Bobeaa.
^ teataUrHy. while they ai^ Uelr


' Telephone to

-------------' '•Teal
are tow
batinemU whtah Unh*>
o M net eafaired.
' They are t—baeu.
rectoreaad buildjewelrre, propriatara of eoll
it* ft* aad '
They ran laimb* mllK
aaciliie ahopt. ataam lai

teaadrim aad

Uat Ue Bifromnre man aamUBBo.
aodiptboae two oaalaaoe«t Uuy baea
inf ia Ueamall L____ _________________
b Boilarfeeaoaffa'topUeuhlata Iba
eiMt of “baaiaca* man.' aad wba,
tbertfore. te left oat of U
UoB. It te eat!
- . retail m
aaaaiOB to the~('elt^SUIia-!.^

-------------------- ji wavcit tbraa Atihnta
tbedirianee aroiad Ue flotataaox
nlcUBf Ue joaran. F—lnf aad* tbn
dlreeUoB of half a doiM diffwdak «•*■'
paal*. Ue coat teama far tm* bmWtant
"Tbe ordlaarv coacie of each a etaawenld be from New York toOaan
oa, Nora SepUa. Ueaae to BaarVa
nat. .Sewtoaadlaad. when it die*
r Ue AUaatle. to reappear ea Ua
lot Irelaad. Fro* b*a It M tarwarded to Imadoe. wakb U Ue (rata

Choicest Meats, Poultry and Game.

JKX.MJz.JL ..;irr.V5S=:iS.“cWS.L-i;

'W.A.^inrjBiiD 1
Bta«d Urn than IGQ acma
prior to Jane S2,l874r
- , I wai pay you tt.Ol ^
' balance o( claim.


Some rare bargains, resulting from the fire. Large
.line of Sewing Machines and Kladiiiie Supplies. Call


Uvk nrk I ta.1 B>



' Mwau * OBOeOB. Anoc»


One of the most cbcDce nnil complete lines
in Ibccity. al

Own) xavtar

*4‘CU^l[one7 to Loan


nco^mrs* to uojs.i^.
afflMltLLlMUttt,WtSUI.>l.aMk. I tbatzbse


oowU baee. Ttare'e ■ntbai'e raea
UatwaaimMBatbearteBaa.aad tta
Uxalddler And
dm woe Umt «iae^tbxald...
hare a i
oemd plaealB
pUealB Ue paper t.
that It wtaM
tBeer. rlfbt Ibere la Ua alcbc where it that we aeear bare opeaed
Uel'BiudM BOW.
That paper has heoa jaet ao
-1 aba«U taka that it I emre yoa.ofaanrlyta.taUaB %!rT«k£
lar tweire yeart.
It—la. waa Uaadv aaid CHire faoUly. “It teat aa It ba UetnateM aamh* ta Mgra
who left hhwiadow apoa Ue ebaJ^. were dead. Jaat tar-lleblm here wtU
her abere. yoa kaow-ta a terrible bla wife aad baby aad you'll fetor*
■bower.Hi* Bobeaa bad ast mra Ualteeliaf-*
Uowed tor tea year, Ue name of Ue
Hiee Bobeaa aniae aad that Uadla.
boy wberaa away ueea. bot ehe waa tarroomdoer. “It CaddyaboaU hear
qaiteearriedoatel bcreelfpow - I cxpeeiube would falat aeray:'*
wnmU of Auat Clarab hair buBf Uerr abe said
"Bet wheu Hepiibab lirlrer
ud Cbddy wouldat bare It ebaafed. cornea for Ur tall clculaf I'm foinf
Of coarac it didn't corer that black mod : to bare that room eleaaed aad take It WiU io. while WaahtwWilatatataua
follow aad mouldy ploeealalll I re,tor my owe' i re foae uo tar. now. UeliatwiUet Tbma. U m*t ha laUeofbl I ahould aiak Uroufh tbe door that I may aa well fo e iUUe (artb*.
•bered. areaU n ' ' '
whea people looked at IL Aadniowa Uoufh I do feel a terribly recklcm aad
I at teoet fair ai__________ __
I alwayt wae oae to like to ebaafe wickrd womaa. It taiitj makee me
talBfi 'round
You'd Ulak It waa a fee! Iifbt headed to Ulak of bariaf a
^e. la bear Gaddy Ulk: Sbeiaya. room where I could pot Uiafi wbma I
wUta^me for the parlor orfaa be- liked aad more them erery day H 1
Ue wladorra. where people caa waatedto: Von don't Ulak It would ebaam." tuly b*la*t men tataMdplajiBf oa IL wbea we aerer kill Caddy, do yoo" tbe leaned to­ ■Bf ban ba* mleetad
ll ezorpi Sonday erealafewbea wards Oltre aad apoke wiU Iremateui
fonalderiaf Ue 1mm** eax ta
Ueabadet aredrawx' And abe tayt - earnealent
-I aay Uere't aeUiof moMy larmiad laAmerima buelaa*
Uat bariaf the lifkteland mured Ur matter with ber.. bat. al
after all. I’ai uterprieee. tbe SV.eoaiwo bald bp IM
array from that pU<«
place vader
t»d« Ue
hair , a
......... lyb
lUc afraid'
ineaf* enoulbibt
_______aakn bar teei ja»l a* U aoiar-^ A cr;..tharp aad
• bii amt (cWauciu body waidrad aad roar' lu't it rldlc-,audd»ry to their «... ______ ..
Blou.-" Bin Bobtsa paawd la ibelMaid ifaiaker adlpiouaUr aaawrr
inf of Uie ameaat U *1—itata taM. cry of diitrcM.
bnatblcat rrcilel pt her
Ofed br them*lreeleamoet*adllabta

UoUedStitesBeKfsle&tSodetj. THERMOMETERS
.im.Trarene City, TELL WEATHER TALES.
Once become aocualbmed to their uae and yon are lost
Ommt rna> a>a C3MI ■«&
iUwItoMF.irkIw. aiMieMta M. VUk.



Tba Paroma Papar. '

•tvtaaeal wmallUle firl. aad I

£ acAm. MomiGK a hOn

■- Sii7E;.S5K=:i=ssix^



peula^ eUwptaK at

Throufb the b._____________
Ue reuU lead! to Alniaadrta. aa«*
Kfypi ^ laad.-dowB Ue Bad main
Aden. Uk^ Ue Arebma e* ta

CUnaamtoMaaila- --------------- Irnfll
Ue maa^ laada aad mavtaS
Uromth wbleb it patata Ue aiii^i M
forwarded wlU reMaaUebntaptadm,
WlU perfect aecreey aad ajfUrn wap ta
Bafllab."—.Ilailu', Hopitriiic.
TraptMdA frare. eebolarly i~>hi«f man wba
macb atuaeUd by a petlU Uaadeata
diaaer reoMtly. Ba hoped abe mtabt
proreai iDUlflfntM abewebaraiof. aad to drew her into enramttaa.
WlU tbe fellowiaf raralH:
■You malt adm^ Sir WalUrSmtt.'
beeielalmad wlU eodd* aalmiM*.
' ll hot bU 'iudyor UeLaki'esqalalu In im dowiBf fra* aad peetta .
Imafexyr it It aoi—"
“ft it perfagUy lonly,' eha apemUd.
“AedSoetfe-HanHaa.’" baeeatla-


--------- - »*elIUe htalWoa UibaaU


“And Sooifa BsaWaa." ba eoatla“I UUk." abi taurruptad. reaUp.
"Uat ifa Ue bmt ttitaf be ar*

Tedwf*ble ceuatipda Ua Wfbtat
ambiuoa of tbe Jtpaaeaa mldltataatamao-. For Ue Jipuame Ue dead euata

wbo do DM kaew Ue way. Prem (Um
and from Cbeaae. aad OTitaUaWta*
email oerdead ban eemebaeb-aHI
Tbey are WlU * BOW

^uibai u^^tiwwtaMita.

• olI hr
- - thall 'be -----------------imla." Tbetaiam

_____ .[^'ue’^^UM*Sl Ued»

parted tnat onee are hHd bp aeurp
iananem to be at bla Mdeaemn Up
eoUi* to Ue atmnet bereMm. Ua

AreturmUfbuptaUaaHU**atawaet in Jew * Julp. aai forth* dnwa
lathe wmt ia Aafaetor Beptaab*.
You will kaew it bp IM tta dta*.
- ^ etar b^ beua Bytag

email fraettoa of a miaata. Tea wuaU
flormaad^rooat ea tbe Mnutwhlln
it WM ereeelaf Ue Atiaatkeaeaa Data
Hew York w UearpeoL Aad pM V
*M eboeld watch Uat etar all pa*
Ilia, aad im * low ae HrlbMilib.
yoa woald aet be abta ta a* ttat M
mond at alL The jeai^ that it
would maha iaa lb.............

Obtakwe Know tbe M
H*a*aaUe taoMa*«7dS^3S*
jeaet^ta ^^■a^ttmaad

Be mya tbe DrmoeraM are -Uc blpb


fertile in elmll* vbieb exprw bM
aeon of DemaoMa. Be eapa Uep
oeaeb Ue Md eayii ta ^*air from It to taU that ttam M aet a tawlwita
Ue wladowata BoabtArk aad “
tatailamOe UathmaeteeMtaam i
lataUe fetan baUward. aad_____
late Ue areemt apride down. Wont
at all. tW “tead^icUac to m*ta
tammraaa* wlSh^laeeribadtaa^
tau i^uS^ tamiMpt thetatoa."
BoTwuTUe Om*M bagaadt-



|. tM) » kt iMMi kr iM
^ piOM* tMik. Minetu tt*u' Mrfm ol&u Arbor. ‘Thv wU


AObotk (bo p>l|^ OBd tko oafibv



*%»«.»» will 00«I»1 *ifoto«*o»
IMwWttf* K will bt

tS wa^siid we^.
■»ls)rtOM*<>f^l)fMtli. wyrrr

bowA U oMh «e oril M M OOBIO

oru iMVOlUMM • «V7
waieat(rel7 raUeoMl or diaUtMsiiA
from Uisl time oo ID7 reeooeiT «ae
W.tht bdlowtacottoM
C t.-C M. UMMUr.

AM. 0M7 -«B BoMMlta.4WT'^*r«' ArthvBydc.
4m*-—Otto rortocb.

Dr. Milef- Heart Cure b K-’-i at hfl
liraspixie on a poattlra riuiruiitce.
K'r V> l<ir frre advice sod Uiokii I to
Vt. BUM Medkaa Uo.. Clkhart, lad.

at tha Btatlac, ud Aldirwia
bfai^didaot waat the poaiUoa
aad poalUaaIr daelbtd it. Alda
talth iraa daaUr eltelod.
which tbie
alder. »aa takas ap ran Hub. A
letatioo at to wsat ptrmtaeal ttreat
irork than b» waa ditnaMd.
d to be the aeoUBsat that halt of boraebj the elt7.
aod tha other half

mUhe fad (hat the best m^- |
4 ical autho'itia sUU. that rt |
Sis a cu.'sUe'diMASc; and.^
• .-ine o( the happy thins>
g ;.Sout H >>, Iturt its tirtims
■ fsrelt c f lose hope
Y w bln.- trerc wr aS sorts ot
sKTCt i:-% rXTS idneitBtd to cm
(i .-oirsutfipt .r. hone make ah-urd

adjjlabf proportp.
A patitloB irs« roBlrsd fraa abaat a
haodred eitUeaiatkibc that the part
of Lake areone batwaas Uaioa aad

TMjorr for tko Jut lonoof tht
raeairad asd filed.
At a laaolt of tha actios of (be eoac
etreaU coort wm draws tfoadap.
! raa'«aaUes of B. «. Bsasd
Ooort wlU ooBttM Jbm 11. bad Ua dl Hoeda7 CTaabc. it it probaUa that froBthab>ard ot edacatioB w
(be cit7 erUl emploj H. P. Morthrsp at
Uliowlwr It tkt pu»> o' io****-

ASM-Fnak Atmwd.
Blair—Otrid Sir^attoo.
Fib Lako-^astt Uarphr. Oharltt aVaaalar7ef>l.M0a7car. Mr. North'
rap baa had a flattarlaf oBcr for aaA. Traey.
Ua(«tU-W^. B. •MlUcr. Aalolot otharpoalUeaaia aalar7 of tl.eoo a
7aar. bot offered U> reonle ud pire
Grut-WM Braufarldft.Biia Baa- hUeoUreU»etotbeell7. if It ia re«ho roiortlorbIftroBt tUi •••«•
qalrad. farSt.MOaTtar
wa ««mlB krokM Soador kf ImIo
Tba ptopotiUoo to place hie Bletr at
Uho-WBL H. Beat. Aarlat
• fldoMb. 0 WMtaatiUi orte werho tat
that firere callad oat a prtat deal of
TIMort^tartfl. oadthot poobA nlB-: Ocalf.
dbesaakn Tbara waa oe qaeaU
LoBK Lako-J.- B. ^lam.
»o««Ri.tMafbtkrOoorp BoC wUl
tothefilaeaiof Mr. Norbrap fo
teMtoMnobdartkopoloi. oo Ur M
Hayatld-TlMO. BawUact.
MtMlwolchtboiMOtMd. to 0 0«abiftaalarp fora eit7 eoclaacr
Patadlaa-Bdtrard Wall. A, A. Bo*
Bnm> (root w-lorod M Mltohwho deeote. hU utlra tlaw to the

.heil Whe in
Orfoat and hin^> arsd nou’i'I. srd .
(trenjihen the body to that tl .a;! |

Oath of the
paaed tbroack the e!i7 paiterAap. t>
msare Ur the field work at tha ul.
rertit7 elaaa la nrll esflsaerlac at
Cbrp Uka Ulaa.a'
Duiel Uakr bps gpna
L. K. ivallarriredla U* aity paxterdap from Ann Ary
fijpi- C U Horp relai
Irem tbeacsiiosofhi* SsaU Sopadalesdcnta A(aoclailon..wkaca ha read

riall wilU oi.- parecu.
yreoce S sstr camr doWn lc«m Eik
Rapids ycsUTui-y to sisy ever Sunday
.MtolraFoi lelt yoterdayle *lalt
^erconsiu in F.fe Lake

ea oireeU aod wslkt.
^ f^Bk <ia=3clt earns up ftamJelet
sUowed 00 eemest walks to tha aaout
locbenyion’ay loawnd Sandap.
pamantndy cured s
J. IV Higeini.c; C.-snd Rapids.c
The (pKlal park commlitM reported
npi»*t C'gb: lOTlsit bis meUer and
Is Uror ot eettlok aptrl for a park the
partot Ltke aresDe belweeo Uaioa
,4 w-.i;ia» Turner o» Muakegoe. farm­
aad Seruib aueei It was prorldad
er proavcal.og attoroep ol Uat ccaatp.
tome other allc be aeeored for the
was ia ibc city yesterday vitiyg bla
aarise boate. aod that two bnlldioci
brother lice C. <• Turner
la raitoa. loeaUliaa. bot ibe comta
that are act panij oe the park
W E Hatify went to Rig Rspida ycawin draft eatimalca of tbr cost
«d. The report of the eo^
Tdav to sprad Sooday. wlU Hrr.
waa aeeaplcd ud adopted.
will enable them to do aometbiog dtfie commlltec os WP71 aad mnasa
1: Kclirnald. ludlord of Ue Weal
aa aooD ae tht traoafer bat
waa isalnicted tolMlode la the badeet
m iie-.i-; ia Eai..‘:Tf. is spending Sotbees made and the beeeaearp rapalra
‘SalaaqU-F. rt. Johoaos. W. ll workoftheeitr- Batlt waa qacatlOBay iB tbe city.
ed b7 teteral whether tha cil7 eoald
9 plast bare beeo rffeelod. Ihcre
lYtiUaui (Valab. formerly aergeut of'
Fint Ward-Joha HaUea. M. B. forhiah eBOafh woric for u enplsaer alraad7 Is lb* park fasd will aarre w will be aoolher meetisg of tbe board
l•^a•(kormlsbo•eaB«htb7 Baff.
to afford to pa7 that fipar* for hit tar- fitaptbu plotofcronod qalte oloal7. COOP to take farther atepa. While so and later uudersaeiiff la Urud
BrtIhoOtmM browa orolfbad tK
ftapids. U io ‘y c:ir v.iitiag fri
Saeead Ward-Praak Daaa.
I'sder (be bead ot appolntrrsanU. radial ehascra will b* outde at oocr
waafa, —it (brat qaartort of a
I of the board of
ud doing buslocis.
third Ward-BiwiW Boater.
Baud kaariar tbu (bt oat tbal bald
poblie werka aad of tha water eonslt' ■apor Friedrich umad tbe follow
Foarth Ward-Joho Thacker.
wbo were promptly eoafinsed bp
akraert. wbo bold
afer of Ue pVl will ke
Fifth Ward-C B-.BaeUr.
Virlor I'striek aod wife ofibeAxytbr qoeoUos 7e>terda7 moraine.
Uaderramiv FolBoaod.
—AlleaUrapaos and mueud the purebase price paid over
im. weal wacaoil Uap'.di asdsonUUvoUble
Campbell u toon aa Us
tka UMl7 of Bdorard Tad
The O. H Elaotrtc Roadra Micliigan resterday tor a visit.
a tha mlary aamed Aldar- Frank Barth
been perfect, which U
West Tutb abaot wtra poitwod
facial police without ,
’ W. C. Johaton ot Na« Vorit arrlrcd mu BatUaga morad that the dtp emF. W. IVoeiogtop of Inierloyn.
sprat bnuday ia tb'vcliy.
ia tha eit7 Moodar. aod ha aitd bit plophlm aad Aldarmas GarriaoB asd Dsu, James i- Raker and Dnaeu
effected In a eery abort timefor their wUahaeatakeo op their abode - *•a Bilk
n. y. .saoii. wss in K-agsIry on bos.
Hoera aopportad tbe moUoa >s osiaos. HeUugblio.
Abut hall Ukaar attar tb07
Member Hoard of BJantioa. Id
Quail to Town.
InriS jcsicnfay.
Park plaee lor the eamaier.
baton tbe aaggeaties of Oltp Atioroep
.todpartohuof tha -Oh. tbt7
Uull on Front stree; are a lllUe
:.s Jcila Ilili-ECd fassarrired in y
Hr. JohaaoD aoTa Uiat the pretpeeU Darla that IhU aalarp woold bare to lueof B. W. BooDd. realgoed- Jobo
*MiMI with larriUa palat aad a
OBl of Ue ordinary, hot they were in city (roni Chicago,
Hilltega will
tar tha balldisc ot the Trareiee ai7 be fixed bp u ordlBUee. Mapor B. Santo.
MV WMoaaimad. Bt diafaoaod aadOld Nitaloo Eleetrle railroad
A bill ol James Arerp for 19
eelduec yesterday, and some of
be btr.. sum fromti and. Rapids, wbei
Friedrieb daclarod tbe motion oat of
bntpiog fosr dead horaei yi bad
iplsred. lo y ooukiru ol tbe (lny win ter lo
soamer home at
T«7 brlphl. BOW that the ooiapaap order asd ll waa not pal.
Maad wttboal doakt treai (ha «ilk.
draggad aol ioto Ue Fifth ward, city they arc quite pleolllul. dheen in.
i8thUalt7haTe oMalned a ftancblae
Aldermu Hoora then mored that it
Hia.*aebar wot tha Brat osa of U
sraa allowed.
It ia Uonghl. by Ue forest Arts.
d Uapldt <
from tbadtr. the tbiak that the capl be declared tbe aaaae of the
teOrtoba aaisa^ tellewad bp her taliaUbaea bees beldlBC off for ad
W. F. Oibaon
OneolUe birds flew-inlo Ue lioUl
tbal tba wapt aad
bvoablldfae. Vbtbar aad bar bai
toereclabouaeon Uap street.
WhiUng in y .morning, and wsayy.
Marl lloraeti basg )oe to Norwood lo
r. Be aaTt that the Saw York
Cemeot walks were ordered bnlU bp tnred behind Ue door, where U srss
ikart wbo bare pronlaed the mope;
Kalkaska •
DOW read7 to (araiah It, ud thc7 Hr. Northrap at tbe talasT named. Ue Uareantile Co. sooth aad west of finileringaod irylor «> C«t cut-.
tbr rily jciicrday.
hart a flna lo rlew to do the aetaal ThB motion war earriad. Aldermea Uelr Blare, bp Frank Friedrieb ia front oUer Hew ngaiDti the window ol Fred
of hla store. S« Kroot street, bp ' " Beebtei-s saloon, nod seas stunned so
u. . Carlnr.'l baa gone to Abb
work of balldisc the road.
Hontagoe. dleder aad Wright roUag
UeUanos A Co. in froolof Uelr store yt It was readily caplured. Stiri at
Work of IdarttaaMik
00 Front alreeu bp 11. Krlslol on other Hew inu Uorgu's barnon Sialt
edooeb7 local eostraetora, aod Hr.
sn.ic.-y, also to attend-Uv
IhaBatabeotot the Trararta <»t7
A pellUoB waa praaastad from Ue
Eigfatb street, bp WlibelB Ilartak Co street, and wacalao cipiureJ
BoA aad Ow aab was bald OB (ha DOW

. R A I. Bailroad Oe. for
y-si Msiy liookersialted her moUn
Tne Park Qnasiioii ,
gnoAi war tha Port Barqaatu bare tba allgbtaal objeeiion. prerided
> baud a bridge aemm Boardoiu
at l.ak.. A'nc SundayUal tbe eeauVtora bare eu foulah rirer. from the aeadhooae to a point Co. lo frost of Ue east wing of 4'ark
Tbe park eommllUe of Ibe couaell
Place Hotel, bp Thomas Pienon
Urj. (Vasbinglon i'oend btagooe'lu
adcqoate aceorltp to that Ue mae wbo
. of 0am alraet. ud to extend
appoiny Monday
Slate street and by F. «. Ueamuo
Alk-gsu anH Urand Rapids (or
art patting U the memep can fe.
.track from yi point |n y rear of
aafa at though tha work were is tbe Ue bslldlnga os Front etrael. eraaa^ KigbU street.
w.iM. (;lcnil»
10 Ue work of provii
‘iMf. tied Mrs. s f. (Vail have gone
a of the firm that th^ know.
eelo tbe city where tbe pot
«aAe.aatbatfm|iaaadia ua that
Union alraet at grade jstttoaU ol
Good Trout Catch
ir dangbler. Mrs. F
lie can go (or a >iuiel’re*t out of doors.
•a* to all (ha aOBban of tha elsb.
y norU uey alraal bridge, ud
A Plaaaut Word
Hn. C. A JaekiOh came io
noarraafaMat of tbo gmai
Omriaa ProebaUa. Jr., aad wife dc.
Foueb Thueaday with a big cticb of
on bare gone
A litth MrtadoaAUle(ralnlMt >reslng for street bridge. The pUlag it to be
from Cedu Bnc creek,
•• hen Atbjr 1:
Qarriton lecreury.
is along Ue buk ol Ue rirer. ahd
bowahw beta baUl. the tse aao TtararpaCHp.Mleb.. where Uap
nnmbering IH. Sbe made a special
Montagoc waa pretenl (rrm tbe iirH
buk flllod Is to y eeubllabed d
MMatiM lab Plata aad tha
xkt their fatoca home. Hr.
eall npon Deputy (lame Warden Craw
To;n.-r went toJaeksou
ward and Alderman Kenyon tram il.v
CM ba pallad oB thora oarr ooar
(Veka hat aaaoeUted blmaalf wlU tba
to coSTinee him beyond a doubt that
fonrU. the ooly aVny being Aiilcr- K.•;^rd^y•.0 a-.t-o.ln meeliOg of Ur
Ij. Bottaraeorao wUlbemada at tht Hlchlgaa Stareb aaowasp. of which be
y fish were all above tbe rcguialion
Bcir.l . (.l-arddi-f
lan fimiU from Ue third.
ll rlM praaidast aad adlreetor.ud wUl
ol/s. *
tv. C. .lcbcs.;o. the promoyot ’Ur
There was considerable dlaeu.sion of
baaetiralp angagadia UMmaaagamast
of y m aod
rarer t-,Cliy..i».d MUaloD A Feoiosuli
varioos aly that may be adcplvd at
Inehea io leoglb and a great
of tba eeaeara. He r^reU tleeerelp reeled la Ue board of loperrlaort
someUy. Tbe prevaiUng aenilmrcl raiirjsJ orrTruT (roin Chicago, yc*y
Pvr7. Ti W. F, Bowaa.
ny very large sized ones. Kn. Jack,
Ua daparurt from Peoria, bat baa a
SLsee Ue ralircnd oompup had se
...•ooipaoi .1 by Urt. Jobaaoc
waa In (avorof a nnmber ot small parka
MBiip. Ill F. C. OMBoad. H: Bd flstlerlag offerlag. which he did
la naturally proud ot her catch.
enred Ue right ol wap from the pros
to variona parU of Ue ciiy. rather than
r-rr 4; j. 0. Boppaa. fc Dr. Boot*.
feU that ha eoald orar look. While ertpewnara slopg Ua proposed road
iigorol Maple CSiy.
one Urge park that may be laratrd is
Ortnne Park Association.
Fbip—wd f; B- 0- AUo7. 11.
deploriirbtadaparlnrebt bat a boat Ur. Darla Informed y coaDell tbal
.rrStT dAlagalltUc
Tbare was a meeting of (be Traerrse tbeoubkiru. y. would probably be
of frlaada here who will wl»b him Ue yonlpUIngtbal ypeoolddo was
Anorney '' I.
Isaeecnaiblc to maav
AAAitleat to Fua D
graatwt of aecoatt to hie aow field. Ur to prorlde for Ua erotting os Union City Drlilogl'atk aasocisUon Tlinrsday
a'plribl far; Ue Be
Tbc only definite aet:un takes was >e
night at wbirli tbe Improesmeoii in
Proehatka baa beao eagaged ia baai. atreat. That U Uera
■iL;.i.-»n com'T otlou for UolegislatOTc
regard to Ue site proomed U»ek-o/ tUnem is Ue Htp for more thu lea peart dlUoaalobe impotadiay wap of a progreas 00 Ue rue truk and groonda
f-cui L.-VarSJ eoooty. . /-•
were diaeusaed.
It waa deemed adrla- Union atreat engine hoosj. ' Tnb p'.i-cc
lUkaaddorlsgUNUoMbta eadaar.
olt. orgaolser
ofgrooDdb Ueead oT Lakeareose.
mMM tha VkhV adda oos. ad blmaalf lo Paorlana aad Ue trartl- flagmu. Ue

ufUc Mieb igan Asaoelal
but baa never been opened and it not trrd
ealslhaBra Aapartmaat for lu
lag psblie at wall. Ha bM been tor dealred, now Is Us time to fix tUy Ue capital aobscribed so that th
needed aa a atreat. U b no* uwd ed liiY ?. ASS io i^city a abort time
Ma aqalpmaU.
Thraa aa*
proeamenuean ba continued.
aomapaara Ue praetlaal msoagerof
MwaratrM.auhedwhieb gara
In ease Uera ii a eeiebratios oa t1ie parUy as a dump groond.
Ua talhcr Is Ue hotel bnalseat, boU
It waa voted to bare Ue cUy cagicei
irss Ssallp referred'
atUe Did Proeliizha asd tba Hotel
aarvey Ub groLod. auhe ll ou;aci
TtoBMtUBlawm threw a aelM
e oa atraeia and walks
Uraat.udU la hoped be wlir
prepare a plat ol it (or tba use of tl
gM*.nMatthaaama(lmawUl dhe dlraey o report «
eneomalal is bb new find of labor.- -Way Extantlont.
oommitue. Anelfortwill be ifiadc I
Mnwaduae aprap. Tbii wtU an.
tbe next meeting of y
PeorU Banld- Tmaterlpb
Tbe beard of way eommbtioneia have Ub work dooe today. Uat il:iy
The meeting ot y Laagae of Hlehbald so iofomal mestleg yettardap eommRy may vbll the place tome:
Womu'a OlsbIgaaHanleipallUcu.ia to be held at
and Kpmsible bold a meellog u
•1* while Ua aprap fca^d »«k tbe
A rtap pmfiUbla as well aa pteaanav JuuoB Hay n and rt. Tba qoetUoh morning to uka Ue inlllalive tlepa
row eveoiog to Uke defioite action
aaaeUag of y Womu'rClBb waa held of aeadiag dalagatm was .hroagbl op. toward gt
becaura 11 Is pure.^ban.
toreport to tbe eouocll.
Ftidap nlWrsooB. wlU Hra. M.
After y aldamaa bad alrnggled (or a
plant not yet having
Tbe plan proposed b lo bare tb
I of wMar.
The flat atraa* suite aa lander. Tbe fesernl trud el
With fqll ------------ya lo .fledj ont wbat from B. D. Campbell -A fi
street cloaed, Ue engine home removed
Ueaght for y afternoon waa satni*
Uap wanted, it waa voted y
dlpltb;impaailb'.e to make definite
imc more eoavenieht li<stion and
■tndp. WiU parilenlar refemec to mapor. WiU two mambwa ol Ue
arrangemenu (or extensiona
aaHthaaallarpIpa. Hlebigaii.' Urt. StUci opued y proiptee graded, aeaded and provided
ell, one memberof Ue behnl ol pnblie
.wWUwaibaaaad.wbarP Araaai
gramjrlUaflsBimperoB Nature. Ue woUa appoialod bp him, legaUer wilb
Uaae in getting down to bnalne
IpwUtHdawalka or lacallart. 1
Thbeanallba dooe at a
y Clip Clerk, be Ua dclagalea '
cocditiona warrant to Uka
«( Ita apparatoa taatad worked w
aa y ground b already Ue
.Id have lata reatralnt la Ue
tbli clip. Ue yveling apenae being definite etepa to boprore tbe tp:
properiyof the city. While Ui»
erf Ue ooeapattona and recreay
Later the matter Jait what extenaiona will be made
sot maks a Urge park it would
let y oataral trend fit U«r nyda waa dbeoaead over asms let cream soda
Ueleat lorabb a plate where lUr pubwork ItaeUoalln UU way. Tba two at Jobnaon-a drag alora, and It s
extramw. Ue very rich and Ue very taallp decided Uat at laaat ua wonid
latm kgr cnrrtwa waa pat ia opt rn y hot door air.
Mraraallka atarved as far aa Ue go. and Ue expenae above y five (nil condition slay, and win depend
Ww ta Ttnratoa CItT on Tnaadap. Hap
.cdp asAcnJoyimant of NaUn b 'Cee- lares (nraiabad bp Ue eitp be boraa largely upon y nnmber of conai
UU. ,
woald be waH If more lOlntlp. doit .la prebabla yt
woad. and It w.
SvierUs,', HxvrS
Ferthawmakk ar at.laaatastU It
freedom eoald bTglvMi
1. and Mrs. D C. Leaeh r.-turoed
city wUl have a
' mpbaadrtanWa to mahaaxtan '
apeet. Bar VPrr abonaded in axeail- Jtekaoa next weak. Several aobiaett
' «ho walam rrlU ba eentsed t
eat UoaiUU and waa vary praetkml
8. E. Ilea went to Sbikaska ycsier
ay oa boalneu.
'•BlaAUg eraw la tham. bwlDeaa
F. A. Barlctngbla niee yket c-1
to Ub city imtat Ua preiept time.
Iraea and 6breba
Among Uem U the matter bf
Michigan." which waa particlpay In,
aad whiub faroogbl oat nmap cneellant
from (irand Babldl.
la regard toy msty of p<
Tkwaara apodal taaUraa of itto
Uoogfata. Tbe ylet arere atronglp in
W. E. Bamplon of the Cbarlevo'x
' whkhthasMatearafalattealhmoltha
favor of a greater protactlen of y (wOonrier paay Ureogb Ue city last
a raaelaUon preVWlelatBTllad:
«u and approred
approred of Ua idea el a alale
erening 00 -bu way borne from Ue
X. Oalplattaneubanciatmdiibap
vUlag Ual y board ol poblic works

and |.rt,i»rl>- Ube
pirk In wbieh rarletlea of nil
tnrnbbtoy conaenaatimsM of Ue
MMI ka iWdp ia erarp napeet wbca
aad nhraba Indiglnoat U y atnta
Dr. G. A.Bo'Jlday retnrsrdlaat evenprobable coal of paving Front street
IhacpfTitrballA lerbe taforUddea. os
tbenld ba preaerved. Be-forctUag was
If aflarApendidg Ue week in Lao-'
from Union to Park wiU y Ml qua'.
pnlB el dbrnkml (o iralt oran for a
toaebed ep apoa. and conaidered a valAgon boalneu
Uy ot paving bri«h. and tbal eaUmsM
party of a mlaala loogtr thu it
BableyUodo(yplngo> y great
F. G. Hcsmaiia went to Central Lake'
also be (ovolabed en two bloeks of
to wrlM y raeelpt.
[amber Ihdaatrtea of y state.
damiztd road.
The raaolniloo
A •reap toltar maai bt Inelo
Him. P. S. TravUgavean
waa adopted.
Mowralapa stroagauagb lo aalclp
-Bltda dad Animala ol Mieb
Idwman Haatlngi mevod yt y
MfreeaMH.aMlia la perfaetauigan." apaaking eapoeka3Ip
«l Ue
laasee eommlUaa ba Inatraeti '
Aity. The anralope mwt bear y
gronae. aad tall lag <ff her own obaarvi
WiU Ueaa
•aaad y p
UpWeda. ULgencgal dlaeoaty follow­
pMhamy peataga asd ragiaypfaa
ed. Tbe ladles alto dUeoatadUe flewbolld all eament walks la Ua latam
ora ot Mleblgaa la an entartalntcg
thraogb Ue elty ytaurday.
Tba motion waa rarrlad.
Jfm-P.Thomuof Uteri
Jdto y aarrltr. Tba arrltiag c
qaeety aa y a
AdeUghifal Ifiano aolo 1
Mhma mial ba plala aM Upi4n
tnUa dtryeaterdar
ay works maUar
Him Anna Aayy
UpoBlaUte aomplp wiU UatAr
BP.andhad to ba awpbyd to y
HUa Stalaherg gave aa
tebeol to y elty. weal to Sabin yes.IramaaH y «nrt(ar la obUgatfi
by aty Oark BMierd. Ba
Don'l forget -to
of Josiah AlUa'a
tardap to aprad Sanday.
tiatad (hat y uaaacript of y proattempt 1lo move a aye, aa daaevibed
eeadlaga of tba eonneU bad beao aeat
byhU wl._
u u ha propwlp prafnrad ba
k. Good A Mayor, and ttoi tbn
Ming Ue-aamfor y (as«ral of Mrs. David Beou.
wmMv U oa y nant trip.
BO farUnr Mil
Mate Yalomawto of Boltond.b is the
‘ UHba toaad (hat pear la\ter b
Uap had aeltd on y maUrr. Ba 1
dtp raaawing old atq aatoiadcaa
" a W. a. Bnrlbat ot Fraaktarl.baa
tha ragbtry
Bcd to bm home afttr a vblt wlU
-Mian, torain Md dMuaUe, b tj
y moyr. Mrs. Bragdoa. •
b »e(«al«A hr *B Ue mambeta.
. asdikr lam.
GaorgaW. Palfrey, y new laadwaapMtad. bowevar, paonding yt
ly ot Omasa ton. ygOM to y old
SeapanElmballaad Btaaauof y
LSI. JMm. lor abort vWt bafegt
Ugbl aUty at WbllafiU Point Uet wiUHr.CtovbaUaatoiaM whan ha
Osn. W. Barr.
y time to opes y botaL
a iso-poBpd bear Ontwdap -msralag la arm ba willing to (coMy y pn

itjBtt right U&S.
Oidi^ giags
CDokiea, sold in tbe anal way.
and so^-tn damp weotfacthied and toogb in dty veatbee.


kgm &<ab aad delkioMlp crisp and
tamder. Its high qnnlity is ossored

BwUMl-rrcA Dwo-

Mum ay wxtiOKaI. KsCflTi'i




with to be Styilshly Dmaod.
Suiiil (>.r inf.irmnlioii a» lo


It May Fern


Styles. Fabrics and Prices

1 Tajlof=Weit(lfl! (o..
Woodward Ave. tod Stato St.,
Try our Mail ttrtor Si.t.-ui.
The >ir<.al .(id t<> Sli>q>|ung.
ir }->Kt want (in- beat (nr tbe
lirirr. send iu in.

s£ Drtss Goods, White Goods.'WaA Goods. Ucet,
Gloves. Hosiery, Fancy Goods, Linens, Qoths.
- • jackets.
• ■
Year. Cloaks,
Rugs, Mattings, Etc.

The Teylor-WooHenilen Co.






Tie flaniess anil Carnage EioriM,



127 Sttfe Street

Traveree City. Mioh.



tvs' MOIEI



S? aisf

y yard at y lytbeoM




MM Aaa Wauy •( Mamh,

Fine Artistic

Job Printing

Farms for Sale
It will «Mb ba aprinR anl yon will mtoa a good baigaiB U you
don't boy one of ny CtnnA
» aerto 00 Look Uke ntod, jtwt back of tbe h)1oo; oU'dew.
ed, with a aloe Orchonf; good froioe hooae, nice spring bnxA nniuag
full length ol the (anoi thin la a very deoii^le place (or gardening or
ito a home oe«r tbe c(ty. Frice 91,21K>.
anyone wbo
inty line,one mile w««t of city liraitt; BobnUdiogi;
HO acres on
__.-dof fifty bearing trees; about fifty ^i|de traea:
a nice...........
timber; aiaiee place (or (nit or pototaea; good «iil; price tSOO.
.two miles from town, ooeioarth'mile bom Arotodi*
heavy aoil; all dwed; amaU boaoe; g^ firing ot
SO ocrea fonr mile* west of the village ot Lake Ana, SO acne
cleared; mnsu
eroaU trame
frame ooane,
bonpe; mnnii
email frame Um;'a good fan; plenty o<
timber <m the place; pri^ 1500.
40 acne two milw north of Uke Ann, 20 acm denied; hmH
frame how; log bora; mull on^oid.good eixedtreea; ei>eap,l200.
40 Bcree owe mile from Lake Asa, 30 aereadeorad; good beovw
•o(l,l#rel; good water; emailocebsrd; frame booeeoad bam; AHa
Price, WOO.
80 aetee;(oitr miles wed of Wexford ia Onat; maoU ftvma-.

r 6BA8P TBAVBMB gpnxT.n WA-r- x?; xpoe
Tkhai oat ihn bmi honls •_____
■ras We fain. - Or. ihama»- Beleetrle
>a. % honaebold romedy.

iwfflnostha salMMW agmdto
byWa aomalttoaat Jaltaiary yaa»».
•nw Bnaan oee^ aoat of


Hay IT. t •.
ahnrWaf ud
»• Fractal of «twto ts U. Otmft
m» tlMte •Dd NaUl i( alBMti icaerad.


tte TnvTwS torenaUBt 4a« aoi
dalmtha\ (ha place bMb*ea eapUrad
lhe<«ht«|>erU(o that (Cael are
B«t>p»D«»atflaa- Oa. rm-«r 1.^.
L»ahi»«aiqa»latoUie effaet that
Hatoklachaa oaaBreneTad aad that
•aral Stoir. Pipeiteit Intfer-i ffhhd■OB. aad other BOM ban bau eapUrM If it baa roally oeeami the Bow
•atkoritkaaneoDeeaUhCtbe tort lor
AlUtacp reaasai
Kraaipao. whan
apeanatl; as action tocd> plaea oa
Tnada7..bleai than 40 mllaa freai
Mataklar. Thli p’.aje wat the ae«.e
of Un tint eoBflUt of the «ar.
Pretoria. Hap 10. ala Loraertillar.
qiaa.M»yl«-ttatohlnr.aeeordlae to
adriaai rcealred bare today, b atSi
- •arronaded by liaara The Britlab aol-.
nmn taarchUc to the relief of the
D baa been rapalaad vllh fraat
Adbpateh'froB Halopa today ctataa
tbatlbaearreapOodeBlef the londao
Homtot Poet wat eaptnred ycaterday


to the flrbt at Kraalpae. BriUab eaKlaaara am trytoy to repair the rail­
way bridye iberr.
tbedaBlracdOBOl the 1
. fold ailDta a. a hceea ary


LomaoUaiqaea. UaylO-h Porta.
CniaaoOtlaldiapitebtayithataa eoaoootcrhaa oeearred aaar Htlektoy
aad that the Boem wrre repalaed with
haaay loai.
LwadoB. May tC-The war ofliee baa
pmladUafoIlowtoymportfroB Oea
aral Bailer, dated at Uoadaa today:
“WaooeaplodOleaooeyeaWrday. Tba
re BOW eraeaated the
Bltrartbatyaad We Free Utatera oa
. (haDrakabbary am aoeh ndocad la
•BBbarr. The Carolloa. Lydeabary
«ad Pretoria eoBBaedoea trekked
a were aatralaed at (Ilea,
•oa. The laat train, with aa aaabatoaee. left there at dawn May l». Tbb
faaall wat laryely nrodaeed by the aelice of the Fifth dirlaloa. wbleb dnr.
toytbalaa^fewdaya faaa done naeb
aery bard work to Barektoy. Bonalala
^BblnyaadroadBakioy. Tmlaaam
*ow raohtoy to WaaaaU aak ataUoa."

Briyhi-a Dlmnsau Mo Lbegei
Blrma Lyonn of Perl Hnren, to to
If yoB I
f anaxlBn of aPUlptoo flay pant to him
by Saiyt. Baalay erho to now wiW the bladder or
dtopalred of yetllay balp. yaa oh
Miwlyrnaaoumto Wa tolandi. Tbe Uy a»Mp Beet, tba yrcM kldniy I
flay baa been traraliny ainoa ChiWmaa
4lt wtorrrappadto
tad frily
u traWot what
w elUxcas ssy a
Edward Saaload of Jaekaoa. who to
heir to Wa BrantwerW HtalB to Lon­ mormlOBaeffimey and worW.

Haalto. May ia-«apt. O'Oaaaer'*
company of the Foriy-ttoW totoatry
Mia off Thmeday Boratofahoet
•pwmd It riflw. aM hotehklB
aad atne’aloA.Ioar eOB|Myei
OMBawwahelltat SUaa.OariU
part of It father, otartad oa a maieh U
lea War mtwaaa Uriay
tbetomi aallad Ty-TVadMaaaa of
MaaltoaratorBlaya eoapoay of one
aboatOor lOBllaa.lha plaeairhmB hondrad saa aa a BBelaat tor a BlUlia
iBybeaapad.aad fat Into tbair
cmmpaboat • o,eloek to the aftaraaea.
Ittoptoaead toopea taamtoJaaca
We reated tbore tUI aboat aidalrhl
ewFUlptoo coU^WaiwUI ha nee.
•etariaa. hattoy bean aabeerfbadforWe eadowBcnt of Wa ed-

Oo. K. 4iad

. Paaiy. F I-

dbaaral Talayrapb-

don. and who 4>dl baeoma Lord Braal
worWaadheirtoealBOOMol fiU.OOa
atyaar. toatlUat werk to Wa Fallar
BayyyCo.'atbepa. Bea^htoBoWar
will lean for Baylaad to Wa aariy part
of Jana.


aadby a o-eloak had abont to LadroBca
UMd,ap V the bank to treat of na Wa
eHilarad aboat Tt Beloa bat ae rifle
Aatoataa the patlraa eaBedewnU
rimr wo roped thcB to. Them WM
aharp bwd to the rimr and we>r°l
joat halow that aad toeh tbaa le.
They eaaaa dowa yaaerBlly three or
foor to aaa caaoa. They ware eomlar
dowa to attack the town etTy-Tt bat
way warn tooled for oaee and we atarted baek about c o'clock to the Bomtoy
aadfot baek to B empany aboat a
Wb atold there the reel of the day.
lea nambad baek to Paaiy. arririny
aboat J:to to tba Boralay. We atald
to eaiap Ull e o'eloeh at alybt aad 10
man atartad oat ayala to a amall town
' with Paaiy. Weatart.
ed oat aetOB tba rice paddlca to tba Paa­
iy rimr. a dlataaeb of 4 Bllca. aad then
emmad the rimr aad foroed a akiraiab Itoa Wa went Into the adye of tba
town and laid dowa to wait tor ibe
Ladreeaa. Only ala oratran ahowed
p We laid tow and walebed tham to
N what tbay were yotoy to do.
They weal tea aback oa the beak of
We rimr aad aaeb of ibea yot a belo
aadatortad toto the town, bol we wem
apeetboB and I tall yoawayot
alee boloa boB Was. I yncoa the
Udroam are fatltoy afaik and tired of
tbair work. Wa wem mry ylad to yet
baek to camp ayato and ban a yood
alybt'aalaap. I aa yotoy oa all tbe
aarcbea 1 cab for there la a yood let to
aea aad laara.
AbTUi-aO. HuaaK.'SiJtjtsrd
SSSSb.'TjLSSS;"' ■ ■

A Beaton Barber weaaa waa awak(Maia of flm aaad oat of a aoaad Bleep to a mry anplentaatBanaer tba eWar night. She
fall a aharp poto la eoa ear, and diifit. Leah. May ic —After eeaterrlay eorarad Wat blood wai fiowiay freely
all day aad tote Into Waaiykt a bail* froB tba poeaber. Farther tomatlyaofayreeaaatforWeMtttoBaatof the
llca ahowed that a rat had bitten her.
reae'oed by the
yriemnee eoatmittaa aetlny for We
and railway cfliilal*. The ayretProf. B a. PatUt of Wa Hieblcaa
. But be ratifled by We ezeentim
•tote agriealtual caperianat atotioa,
eoaneil before beeoaiay operatlre. Tbe
la Beawa Harbor Monday Inpeet
of the ayreaaaat are withheld
toy tbe frnit ireaa whieb bambeeatojared be tooccta. Tbe prefeaoor
■cd Wat We cat worm to reapooilWe imported u
tleforWe danuye to We peach Irecr.'
ofalrikere. 'Theeiemllee eooncll ie
In a few inauneea tbe worai hare dri1 oecalon bWtod cloaed doom aad
troyed tbe praeh badi. bat the proMBi to be deadloeked.
feaeor Utokt the loea will not be great
Traffic OB tbe etreet railwayt 1< ae-i
By lytoy esttoa aronad We treea. We
■uBlDyaomerateBbtooee to the eoapeat may be ereresme aad it to Woaybt
dllloai before tbe elrike. Koaeof We
Wefreitwillnot •affrrnBch injury
etrlklay employet of We Traneit
Heollb Offiser Dr. Klrtland Of Lake
.paoy bare reWraed to work, bat
I are belay operated wiW the help riew. Tbortday meeired a icleyraB
freiaXeir CaBden, Wto.. ataUoy l^l
atoek wUl reach Vn.OM.

pablieaa to ataad npoa. Tba principal
Bybtwai emr We aelectioa of tbe
•'Sly Four” veleyale* at larye to We
Pbltodalpbto eoneenUoa.
Tbe dele
yatea are: D M. Beater, D. P. Dyer.
Loolt; J L Maanto of Carrollton.
8. Barton, el Keeada
For OoTenior,
Je*. Klory of Jaffemon City: -Lieateaant Qomreor, F F Allen. Kaotia City:
Saemury of Stale. B t. Porterfield,
SpriayBeld: State Treainrer. W -8
FlOBloy. Webetertlrore: Aadllor. W.
F Bloebaum. Si Charice: Attoroey
Ueneml. S. F. Ofatoe. Boe: Ballway

The aenlor lawt eUrtad a popnlnr
a of the Cbleayo Boekfo
hoatory arerha were baraad today, loai. fad when tbeyinlrodaeedUc-sptoniay.
Panic eoanod aaony Wree Itbaaoaayhl all orer We city- Tbe
haadmd aan. weaw aad ehUdraa am entire town le apinalny.
ptoyas .WiWtow aaoepitona all et hate dlapoaad of orer c ooo toye tbto
It U eellmaled Wat Ann
aHBdtojaiT- ___
Arbor pM>ple bare apeot nearly n3’.
Champa^. fU.. Hay Ur-IlUnoto' to- for tope.
abUltytohit Piieber Utley waa Wa
chlal eaaaa of bor defeat todaf at tba
lay in
handa of HleUyaB. Boom. T to s. ~
iney and Preeqae Itle cs
ry toallrtybt. bat the wtoatoyolW^yaine makae Hiehifan
klllad Wrre large wolrei.
■aeblaaryot the Daadaa ebOariaa baa tba elator in We aeriaa of three yamea
At AnreUn*. Eli Bon, wboae esit waa
bapa dmtroyed.
Tba boaaaa of tbe
eknaedintoarirerbyadoy baloagtoy
' floWB era damaged, bat araatraetarally
Herrick, a neighbor,
Chleaya. May »-Tba Ptoyrea poor
i ley to We drowniny of the enlaal. wai
yardaaa to Wto city will tab
WMO toaUlaeaeleetedby Wa .yirea a Jidyment for rs ayatoat
I diipauhet.
board of ebariUaafmB a leey Itot of Berrtek by aelrcnlt eourt Jery.
la ymatod bare
Andrew 0. Brace of Lapeer, eomapfaieaata.
The halt
Blued colelde Friday by jamplay
city. Bay It—Jailae S. SleonC
of Oaaeral Babsrtt at ErowtUd eoaetotcreia We woodibed while bit
•W to laemaalny rapidly to Bay
feaad daaybler wem la the garden.
oeoa^. Be haa a majority of Wa
torelaaladin We towaWIpa
re aroi
aad hto (rianda ate eeafideat Wat
Featorwa to Ooed Shape.
It of fareoee wood to belay bare
wUI aatry Bay Oftr and yet the eennty
1. At Boyne Palli Area am taglay.
W. T. HBBBary of Elmere.
toatoty iMpoetor oftha Fifth Diatriet.
A eoBpaay bu bMO orgaaliod at
St. Otolr. Mick.. May IS—Mm. JntUn.
Flint for Weratolnyot Bclyianbarm.
B. Whi^ died of apoplexy Wto aemAboat 100 ipeelmeat am expected to
toy attar abott an bear'a Ulnaaa.
atrtre Wto week, one et wbleb to on
Wabaah.JndTMayls-On the teonh imported aelmal eoetloyflvso.
trial of We datnaye aalt el
Charlie Van Amberg. 14 yearn old
WintoSkaA.aaaBployaot We Uke of D4E Van Aiabery of Joyfleld wax
wUehba findi. He aiaUp th^ the Sheca rood. ayaliBt Waoerpemtlon for
inatootly killed wbUe trytoy to stop a
' engaa are rood aad eoapare toeorably lajariaaeattoiaad to an aeeldeDt.a jsry
tnaway team.
Tbe wagon pole
'- With llBbeatto hladiatriet. Tbe p«UDck biB in We bead.
prtotom an eamlel aboat eaiBloytoy
“Wehamoeeusled Daadea.
S,aoeetthe enoaiy left yaatarday far
Slaaaee. where Wey aatralaed. Their
traceat alee left yoatarday by DeJay«ti drift aad the Daaehaater road.
TMr EaSm aald that they ware yotoy
toUtoffaak AlBWlarery

Sobool Note*from District No. 4

from daayaroai Boebtoary am mrj
aaUatoetory and pmprlelora aad aapar
U bam takes palai to- '
tboralot aataUicbed by tow refatolthe foardtoy of B0*1« BartDaary

At Ncyaanee. one of We nklpi at We
May is—lha toerpaaad
aw i^eaa abaft of Ito Begani Iron
Oo. broke away from Wa top, Wronyh
o atota iroa rail
■Dcaeof We anylaaer. a
to We boltOBOt byhtnlny
apead. and a asBber of
rkiUad. At We fifth lerel
It Jaaped Wa traek and tom away

Hiim int HamiMry atotad Wat be and whobadayaenfeaBedtotba atoap• laylirtoy apeeial^>^ttoe
pceprlaUea of
wai airaatad
" aasd tba ——
night, teerwer wlW W. H. Ba<
Wa aafely of cayiaca ao0 b^lera.
dapatyondltoroftic totond, and
li arylny Ibe adopUoa «t tow i
elerka. Eiward Moya and Jorya :
alarBtto all ataUoaary^, boilera aad earn, cmpkiyad to Wa alaap depart.
hit aocyatlom are belay ^rery -laTor. They wem ainodyed to Jill.
ably raeeimd.
lie ttoUa >hal with
Plitabaiy. Hay ic—Tba Drand Army
a ezplaalM eaa be
borne for aoldlera' wUewt at Bawkwwmntodndbe fladt Wai
ineatattoa waa boned today. Forty
eaattooi am belay etowly
toauaea, tnylay to aye tmm
weatcatet. Beltaitniut
enapad wlUeat lajary.
a atate tow prorldtoy for t
loaofallalBtiODary boUart. at well at
A. and aaeb a tow. be arWabntb. tad.. May le-Stale
\yaaa would raealt to We premaUon
Prank Haller. Dstjtaahbor
'yraatloMof life Wrenyh ez^loat. LtorlUe aad Jo^ Briler.
«Ud> would not oernr aadar rlyld to Baa »t Wblte^
. eoanty.
warn arraatod
today (or eielatlay the ataia fieb law.
AUweramlaaoad on ball. Brllar to
:ad(r artan for rioUttoy a Uw paaead
by Welaftolalamol which he waa a
From the PhlUppUea
A mry ioterttUay laUnfrea ArWai
Wosblaytoa. Mty l«—Tbe i
0. Merer, now to Co. K af Wa 4tnd

loylsy oil of aboot ioo men for a
Harry. Was*, year old eon of H. W.
Borrir. of Alma, waa drowned Taetday
soralay. Be wan toand wiW hto head
la the qelekaand at We bottom of
xpriag aboat IS fqet deep acrom U
rood froa the hoaoe.
AtMsyrLie. dariaysbanry Wnadei
awaek tbebore ef A.Alexanler.klUlBg
one home. Two other homea wem
itaadiay oa aiWar side of Wa eac

Tbe foUowioy pnptlB him been ab•ent fromacheol oapceoant ofalekaeM.
Pepper. RIsleDo-ya. aaddobalied to
aay Wat they am reeorerii
Id bope
to bare ibca with as oyola oooD.
Lena Pepper. Julia Wbeeloek. Flossie
Cose aad Bitella Wares are in oebool
oyalo after a week's aboeoce.
Tbe chart and first reader eloa were
treated to oraeges at We clooe of the
- torbarioy oecompUsbed acer-•
' Wey were

... .

Pialy aiy. P- L. April r. laoo

m ...

Silver Leaf

We have goods of all kinds and pr.ces from 7c to $3.00,
but the few quotations below will convince you
of the happenings of this week:

miU Premium Hams ami



Sondoy School CoBt-enuoa
Tbe flfW Soaday oebool eoareetlon
of Diatriet No. 1 will , be held at Biaplre. May 70. Tbe president
- o'clock -a. a. with
, — ..
1C following
' "

DrrolionaT serrlceo. led by Ber.
W. Barnet
Soay. "Aaywbem wiW Jeeas." by
ibr cnagregation.
Address of wel
BeepoDse. & Helatym. BordlekrUle
Sony. "Jesas to Pleodiny." Hn.
Belm-sclaa, BgrdiekrUU.
IJ o’cleek, recess.
1 o'elcck. praise arrlee. Hr. Boldea.
on. -Wboohoald be iateresi
sondsy oqboolr lea by C. E
Busy. "How con teoebers Interest
•eholars lu the Saaday eebool*" Mrs.
Maggie Ualtmon.
Dhcuttioa. "Saaday school work.
Hr. Dickie. Olen Lake 8. 8.
l Seay.'-'Blyfaml Praise.” Bardiekrill
Saaday school.
"The Sandsy ocbonl teaeber." Mr.
Sweet. BnrdickriJIe.
Beeitetioe. Mabel Hood.. ..Bardickrille.
ecitausn, Harold d>nmbriU.
eeiUtioo. George Bttdsy.
yan in. by the eoagreymUoa.
- tres tbe d fltreat Seed

Swift and Company

K....... <11,



A Ixtautiful line of Black Brocades—
I; Dieers. nice patterns and


uood black. I2C. H.C.47C. loc

I-'ulI line of all wool

«hecks and mi.viuies in all


,V» in. .\rniure or (iranitc Ci
of tin- best thintis in the

KiihUsIi Cam.-l I lair I'laid Skirtinus, this tvef-k,

Lambayo, Beurtlfit. BacknrU, P.leo'u.
ttieui.'^SoTo TLnu'.,.a C«4J, sum-- forai
cf La Grippe. Col:<-. Cbolrra Uvrimr,


Obilbloint. elr,.<Ai.



Something sure to please for those hot days to
com'e will be our grand display of Bargains in
Fancy Jap Silhs and Foulards in neat and preU
ty designs.

\Qur 25%. ones must go at 15c
Our 45c ones must go at 25c
Our 75c ones must go at 39c



I “'“I--O ““ “

□ □□□□□□□ □


' Front street::

□ □ □ n .□


Reminds you where to go to properly fit out the little
fellows. Many novelties have been put on the market
this year for children’s wear. We buy firom the lar­
gest manufacturers in the world of fine children’s
clothing, and ouf styles for 1900 are very new and
exclusive. CHILDREN’S FURNISHINGS keep pace
with Children’s Clothing for novel effects. • Call and
bring the boys.
JaveDile Suita,
i to I"
JuvaBlla CoUara, ag-e 1 to lu
JuTaoilaTlea. Mgrt. 1 to lu


(too lUwardSIOU.



of the I'. S. fiovcnojicnl.

kUlad, aad three meo. titUay amr by. cooyreyation.
wem nnlajamd. • B Ci-uBBiu.. PmaideelMb. N. C Bcua. SeertU
E. L. Lewis of Sprioyficid. presideet
cf We BiBboatet Sheep Breedefi bt•eeiatioa of MIebiyaii. Uuly roeelmd
dor trom a SooUand syadleata le
lore l.SOO Uooded Bambeolct
shoep to be teat ts W« wootore
territartoaef We Uaitod States
WoBisad of Wem ham already baea


tiling formceSL'hool
at 7c. IOC. i2'ic and............

Hrcakfa.M Haom :m- .nil
slaini».'<l «hh the aj-i'iTA-al

lapatlal Boti Boyobtratey.
ira Duryatoiaiebool Wtoapriey to
IW her 'Jib grade work after heviag
receired her diploi
WIrieen year* old lint we am sorry
ie bti had. toetty — Wto week,
The following pu|_________
neat crery day Wit moaW: Gila Dor]
Blaaeb Pemr. H. DelU Pepper, Bmi
Wbeeloek. bertha Conkllo. oso Batt...
Beanie and Oicar Darya.
Our teaeber Mi l Dnoa and Mr. nod
Mrs. Lyon aad son Lonnie rtolted with
IbefrTeodtaad relet'rmof Mia Dana
Bsplre, aad are jail yetllay rested ap

TheOrandBspldi. Beldiay A Sagi­
naw railroad to to be parchaaod by the
P«m Harqseue and Bade i
part of that syatam. ~
life to Wa tolaado. (tome aatracta _____ per apaaB ths aolariae of :ooo laadiayaptoWa mlt ham bMS lo
tailwaypMtal eUria. aad from «l.r«
baa the latteran w toltowe:
aad Wa deal
Te Koihm in Thle Tews.
tofli.Mcia year tWc mlariasotew of hat ptaftieally baoa eoasaamaMd
Dnr Folha at Beaea-I aa anjoylay clam ter laU way:
.' Wa beat of baalW. aad am yatttoy
held tor We pmiMt. The eoasidtra.
Woohlayte. May lo—Ttoa how
ntoay all riyhl. Wooyb Wa wnWtr to day did litUa baride pamlny th< ai
ttetomld to be bolt a aUlte dollerrftdy hot. Wto belay Wa hoUeal bUl to iaeorpemto the AmarleaB 8atnenWtotaa year. The rainy aaaaca
The W-enaial report to We Ineia
^ b^la to abcat loto waako. and
lameofOormeltoaoffiriatoto a.'
e loto of
daa. Ths report iriU 'ataow a deddad eextota or other________ ______ ____
No need lor It Doaa'n OinUnrat emi«.
te, ataadl^ on ijparfl nil nl^t to Wa
aaa la crima and aeeon
Ctoa't harm the ^Btdalkau akla. i
any dray atara. M.osBta.
BaylBiai to aerrlee to We>Pbinppton.
taaahaoa r
« paiaato.
7 bto



Onward and I'pword.
« Ose aonW ofoartehool boa expired
and woiaremryaorry to see Watlme
go ao mpidly. Wa bare only alybt
weeks more:
We hare an earollmeat et su aad a



harm the moat dellcaU ebild.
It to'!
pleaoaatto take and tbe reyalor fifty.. !
eeat aad one-dollar plica am oold by;!
all drayyiata.
Bead your r
and sddrem to Dr. i !
ilmer A: Co . UioybaBioa. N. V.. sad S
bctlie and a book telling all 8
---------^ IB wonderinliS
IS will be seat to yoa free.

>re riulatiey tbe pledge made lo
, We Betioaal eoumliteo before Kaatoa
City obtoiped lL« conreaiioe.

' Bailer, dated at Daadea at 1 e-elock

n' and ylria aad
and -mry tow
r boye
■aaa of
aadar aye am to
foaad. aad
Where them bam bean each eaaea It w
baeaaaaefDobalt of the a


SeoalorJonee. obairBanotWe demoeraieatiODalcoBalttee. boa
omrwbriBed with
of c-xwrliou by hotol Ucepen of KatCliy. oi>-a a Waablayloo ditpaleb.
Tbe hotol mta aredeBaodlBy Wat ael-

offijs so.

Beginning this week we shall put what WE JUSTLY
Northwestern Michigan on sale at prices that are
sure to SURPRISE. A cold, backward season
has left us with a large stock on our hands and if
styles, quality and prices are inducements, you are
sure to be pleased at


and that be bad bme ezpooed to We
lallpot. Tbe faeoltb oflimr weot to
We houae weal of tbe Iowa and' fonnd
biB m with aatUpoi. Crnmby arrlred
wn Wedaetday aad walked np tbe
atreet afaak'ioy hnndi with • yood
Beayfriendiaadbcitaatotaacea. Ltter.
eot feallny well, be went borne, where
ae down with tbe dioeoae. At
leoit lou perwun bare been expoced to
tbe dioeue. Tee acboali bare been or­
dered elooed. Tbe eoopeil met to epecialoeeiioa aad ereiyWiay bae been
dace toebeck We ipcnd of We dioeoae.

HtaaoBri State Ticket.
SCantaeQly. May K-The Eepablleaa conTeatloa today aoBtoated a foil
aUte UekeL elected deleyatat to Wa
aatioaal camnltoa. and realeeted
TonJ Atktoiatehairaaaof Waatote
Ittoe aad adopted a ptotfom
yood and alrony eaoayb tor aay Be-

Everytliing Strictlif...
as Represented

reoeaed and life prolong by Swamp.

eaenred froa oWer elU

WathtoftoB. May D--nM prealdaal
today tmaaalUed to the aooata a copy
of aa aatoyiapb latter of Ayatoaldo to
hU panoaal frlead. lienor Leyarda.
Writtae to Malotoa. Jaa. T. fonr wcakt
atara We iainryant attoek on tbe
Lorecu Maiqaez, May 10—Tbe Boera .mericaa foreta. warnlny Leyarda and'
oa Saturday oaenpled ibe Kaffir '
tornDy tcleaee We city of Maaila,
UoaatMatoktoy. They were to
Waahtoywa. May is-lt to learaed
atlaekad dnrtoy Satarday alybt aad OP
oa Wa beat aathorllr Wat We Boer
Saaday fooad Uienaalma aarreaeded,
delayatB will ba raaalfad effielally la
me Been leat aaran killed and aemo■
by We yorere CronM, Pierce City.
woaaded. Tbe DrRIab
maat if Wey pruMat eaUiloetory arad
pertai to ham been beary.
State Mawaltema.
e. lo We optoloB of oBciaU
Oaa mport aaya that a laiye loree of
ban, hewarar, Wa Binton of the delPriccipal Selby, of We Clio eeboola,
Ba«awanaaptared by the BriUah ht
otmtloB to pollileal raWar than dlplo- orraetod tor whipping oea of hto papIU
Kafahiny. Pretoria reporti oa tlu
aaUe.BBdwiUMt bawtor itaalf by
led Hsyb Benard, pleaded ynllly
Btherbaad that Hafekiay haa fallea.
obtototoy an oSetol atalua
to Jutlee eourt at Flint and paid a fiae
taartred the Itoltowlay IrOB Gearral

Wa weak and oUloy.
Tbbeeoatroaled raddenly wiW the
knowlcdye Wat BriybVa dtomoe bod
told of one one Uae. eqaim '
eat to bcarioy a den'W waimatimd:
bat today, tboalu to We dtoeorcrtoa of
•etonee aed We raaeorehee of Dr. ED-

The B0ST0N_^T0RE|

for ageji S to 6. Some
.Handsome Suite. in
Bilk Face at $2.60.
Othen at $1. $1.60,
up to $6.00.

□ □ □ c

$1.60 to $6.00.


Wisame a«ea. Hake
^t a point to bring
‘the boys in to see ns.

□ □ □ □ □ □ ■d=

Osly iwo KasUib |ievre win Deeec
of ape la 1»®—Ibe youac Deke
•WeeiB^eroB^Matrt IBandOH-Barl J

Death of «B. 4 Parhar-

. W>«.T.BATSS.S«U^

WOUaW 4. Park*, oao of tba
keen aad blrblr rtapMMd eltUeM of
dty.dlod jwterAayotoralaf.altw
_.jortllla*Bofa week. Be wai al-

Mhw.Mia.E.4. Baraaeal EeadiaCMn.4oba Pewka. Mr*. Tita* aad
Mrs. Pimah Bldrad haee fooe to atIhe H. B. dktrkt MkahBary
itfdar at t:IS.
fai^ee at Oharleeol*.
AtfimUwa»tho«btUatllf. Park
• EibBoaflaykaa aeoepled the
OrwooUeiartOBetbealtaek aad »■
pealUoa of tBoorapber la the law

tw,had *rtk t7Pl**“ pbeeawola oa
«edaj of loat weak, aad
jaat mm la b lb»t U ia mbcUbi* a>

taa«f«MUoead farihwWan: 1
Otaallv. bat huj: Bnrf Tfaw
HUlawaUr: Will 4ihMa bb4 Ji





morlal to l^Uii It offer* !^o<orr. the eraeatyi
^tnator of the Speocenao promaa-

eSkaol Pratt* Darlr.
Mrs 4aaohParMdi left yeaterday la
MarcbU «f TMaana QVthe May Foitlral at Ann Arbor. elcreyi
t wae awar
a Vl-torlan
...wnae MeOalre. tmeella* frnlfht for saUintr
liattlc of Cl
OaadMIat— lor JaO»« oi
aroat for the Pore Marqeette mllroad.
Ifkkopelaaa j
e err- KsI Bl
Id 1«A ae« lo tlM aatur of eudl
-WaUaB J- P^ker wee bora ia KalaiL 10 Timothy
HamiHos \t* L. En«laa.L
a tor Jodfo of ProbkU oa
Be reedred ble edi
MorfaswUlrotoAnaArbortodey t» BernKf.
■Wkaa tiehal. Boa. J. B. Ha
Boa to taaieUy.aad while Kill a yinef
pmmi laeoabwi. l>a eaadldoM sae, eabarked Is ihebriek boeianeal attend the May Peitifa).
4aaea Peamlcy reiaracd laat al(kt lT*io'?irJ^11i/-Tii-j"!«‘rK "•
; ryrimnb-Hnli
4. A. Loraarer
A'leoehe nubllebed a
froB Betd City, where be went lo al------------' ChoM^r M
alw oeaadUate aod 8«|«>Tlwir 8. C
tend Ue feneral of bie father. WilllaB
Camrw. of tb« Pifih »an>, aooi
that hii aaM m»j aloo be ecnul
CharlBaarkao'l wileot Like Abb
aaestyealerday Is tbeeliy
Vl.-iorla .fill I
: Boekwbeal Plonr aer bbl....
Abeatall Uere le left for ibe Dent
Uen Johsaoa asd Fraok Trick of
'. le'iOE elorlod trUltCr j
efawtede tbalr saUoael
eeaeoatlso. U to oedorae the pepsiot
le eleiliaf
Bade lait week.
le the dly for a few deya
_____________ d for oreeldeoUal
Bedford VaUeanol Aldea wae ia the
«dats acd Mr. Towoe for riee piae'.dly ywlarday.
there M little left lor the
Mf .j. S Crawford of ChleacoU the
DawMraU lo do. The popallel pU'feentofMlK EliiL E Adamefor Un
ler* la ealietaetory la Hr. Brjaa and
! «*»>'•
The f.nml
beaoaepli Mr. Towaeat rooDleg si
Bx>n Foley of Cedar k la the dty.
.O' agaiu;l' Bprt. perootea.........................
•y (Iiolr ru]'
Mlehiyaa Siareb Or.. eu:l p
the OMuerat eoaraallon eae oolj
tt. J Corde* aad E- 1. SuBeaa of t tl;.-.-..Il-ilo
loM tbiuj; cente . F.eldtua. U lo I'i
Jirj'io}-. -thf

Miff Ihew aosloatlOBi and go
LaUod we-e lo the c ly jeiterday.
I l*'rt
'I' '*
The popelliu bare been loo ebarp for
S.8.Stro«raodJ. It Ik.j.mla of j te

tbdr alllee. bare rot la their work
Uraad Ila»id. arc la the city le the ie■nt. aad the clory. laeb aa it ie. la
lereaWo’lheW. W. Imbill Co.
«r (our l■r.•1bl■r> nl
bit oUisate raeoTerr.
tbedlaeaaeloobadaeldedtarafor the
■oltaUoB of
woraa aad Tneedar







I Imili Hi’ tile »jxK)l .-oltuu
lleaeraj Newt.
. n-m.iu iiiatiy million'.
Tha Maw OereraiBeBi Balldiar.
•f jeen Vtetorla oeeer remoeaa from!
Boa. Barloa Parher. epecltl arett
of Uw traMaiy AepartBest, wae lo it e market there, aod atierward* reaored
with ber cosrtabip and marriafc.
‘0.1 1^1. ins. I
mr Taeaday Boralar eader »a»lr«. toOraad Bipide, where be esfared la
Mrs. W. 4. WUaoa of Toledo will lose
:blbeeaaae berdmakea baalotaUdiy. where for eeeea year*
It market, la lot be band Bred the bed with bU elKuette.

Be* boupbl the tutluee* of li s.-bru.
btrser atid t* oeeupyiaj l!u- s.-aem
berxrr hou»e on .But Front »lnrf
To* hirhen prmr paid Tor wool etr


Thlrty-JiTco Japaaeee paapeia bare
Mlerediato a partnerehlp with hli
Mr. Paihar wUl lapert laeorably aad biolher. Coarlci M. Parker, ia. the bwi Jelled ioHew Whatcom. Waeb.,
I- ib:ii
'Jlsv.' Tli‘->
•MfiaaUypMaadatthepowth aad boot aad laoc builBaai. under the firm lor tryiag to yet into the I'niird
pnapBttyofTkaenraeCaf Ike a«eat uame of Pe'ker Btjv
Abonl nla Sutea
-Of th. poatoOe. dap.rt.Bat will be moathi K» ttiey reaortd thdr ntock
The daadaf pariUoa bt Bleetrk I.m'1 l.arr ,v.vri;- ;.i-l
I mak-i *olU:
hath Moa to learn what noB tha poal- ot«DOdito>the HrKamim bnildist. park, oee of the larfoK ataoeti
adSae wlU te^alta.
tlac«e la Cbleafro. wan bareed Monday ,
they bad belter
Mr. Park* ataled that^tba lapor
alyai- Tneperillon eorered an acre] Llule CLarkebaaarfTraeeneQlyae the comaBrad. Total loan, |>T.<KW.
1 yesli-nlay yon.trai
Maloaatnof aorlher. Mkhiyaa
ThoBW Browo. » yearn old. drink8lito.|4cy-A polUlebin? 1 ■wooB»*r* U to a -aallablt gotfni
...ale city. He wae an caemplary
iT -why »ln- Ihlat* K. .
elUzB, pnbliciplriledaBd carefel for of a leeemeat hotue laKew York,
Uftle Cbariee-siw nya you can do
the iBt^a of tboee who enrroetided a terrible etrunlc «<>b hi* brother 0 niVh talLIn wUhi<-jt commltUB
Bebad jaitdoeed a eereiee
4ohB. who tried to preeeal bl*. end r>’ur«elf.—Cbloago Tlura-Uentld.
foar eohneeotire yearn os the c
iaeiaally killed.
eona'MIa* alderman from the f'.nt
be qaeen bee Imaed e prodematloa
ward.' where hU work woe eharaeterir
permlillnc trediaf betweeo the South
ed by carcrnlaeK aad tonad jai«rmeel Afrleeo colonlm eod the portloD. of
■r. aad Mra 4. B. Ibodt at Poach.
Be wae earatnl la bU panleipatiop in the Ureoce Free Sletc sow occeplcd by
»e bride balaf their dauthler. Miee
debate: bnlhkwordi bad wdcht. aad
le Brllieh foreea.
Ada iMbtl aadtae etoob, Mr. WUUue
atwayeflreD mndt
A. DUsw. M. * B. B. atut at Cedar.
Stepbea Creae.the American norelUt

■ ir.JK. KJ.iUTBSI .
Sawcl Bifaii. - Proplieiot.

OA ahniiaidMeiids



She bridmmaida wera Sho ||lmee
' |tanWaraaraadAdaMaam».aadUe
jrBimMii.4aaae Peaehaad William
Hmmm. UlU# Mlm Mabel Lai
aarrled the baakat with the riaif.
Wilamu were eery dalaty aad pretty.
«be bride wae fowaad la whiu dimity
•niallh, wlU aUk Uee lrlmmlara.aad
MTkd Me reaaa aad earsaUoBt
Bba woea a bridal rail aad araaire bloimm. Ml^ Waraer wae attired la
Mae dimity with ribbdae aad o
Mom. aad Mka Maaaoa la cream d!
ailk with sCk laoa. and earaal
Wm Habal Laalaar wore a preUy
» dimt^ADd laee i

ioaaI|T Mr. P^er wae admirti
and leted by a larpe circle of aeqoelal

LedyWlleon bae wL-ed ber »l»ler.
freak ie hlidealince. and tbeie. with LedyCarijn. from Mefeklay. under
many other pleaeeat peraoaal qnalltlee deleofMeya, eaylB*. Oar breekfeei
Olboreeeeniaym asd laoeh
him to hi* Bkay frieadi.
ol mlaeed male sod curried locatu.
AmOBE the bo*ioe» men of tbe eljy h
will bedepeeialiy miieed. a* they bai
All well."
learaed to look ap to him ai ooe wfaoee
lUe wae exemplary aad kiioee eoBBiel
waafnU of dkjrelloa. Be wa* sol i
mamberof any rrllFloae demomine
UOB, bet wee aa attcadaat of tbe Cob-

Itto Boweettledttaet tbe marriare
of Prlaeem Merle Lealee. of Oambcilead. to Prloee Mesmilllaa, of Bedes.
wUl uke pleas inly lo la tbe Prolce
>lantcbereh at limeadea. upper Aa*-

Mr. Perker'e family caa
wife, edenybtsr. Mn. Fred Keehr
Leltera from AdeUMe. Aatlralla.
Oread Btpid*. a«d e eoa, Berry F.
aayaeaaaelrceeDUyeallcdal PbIbhParker, who U with Mr.-^ecor in the
slos lelaod. midway belwKo Tahiti
aamoe, sad fenad the people
ilaed by Ber- J>- Oothm la tbe
eterelBE. Btihu WiUla**. who owned
,. ere still llTlayet Kelemeipo.
M of a lanre parW of frleada
the Itlead. bed died of elerrali
Tbe faaerel will beear from the real-,
t tbe eoaelMka U aUb
lalde scat oat e reUef »e*el.
deeee tomerrow efieraooo eto’clocH.
Illiaole SUte Oaac Come
the necaben of the eoasdl. who wei*
i.ofMr, Parker, will ettcad Loredvleei

Mr. aad Mie. EUImer e


This bank is now xijien for llie I'raiisactioci of u <r« tieral banking business.
Money tc^Loan on real .estate or go^ emlorserf nolia-.
Collections will receive our jiersonal altethion. ..

the fnaerei la e boiy.

M arreetod was Oldea Sean, seed
ratka^thnnvb teasda aad oa their

who wee Seed (» few kUUnf birds
reeara wQl make tbalr hama at OedeiMn.4.ll. Ladd relamed yeeterd^ la the aelEbborbood of kl* home
to her bomE la Peaa*ylranle iut/% Keallrrortb.
ib wee mael d<riellwllbbmaiaJer. Mr*. J. M. BlaketAt SeercBecto. Qal.. Mn- Lelesd
■rilh'e fiamlaa
suaford. OB tbe eaalTenaty of ber dr
Aldermta Boueb^ west to
ceased paa-* birth, bae dellrered orei
Qty yesterday oa badaet*.
to Bishop Oreee the deed to the old
MM Cook haa rexomed to ber bome Stanford maaeloa. wbteh eball beaee
forth be known ae the Siaalord-Letb■ amith.
rop CUldraak
giM, flak aad white baiag carried
Umethe traaeter wae made
«al ia iha laBebeoa. 8o^ of freoe
Urday. after e eklt with friead* lajcl
wbleb it 10 aerreae aa endewi
MdmeftbedialBBreemasdtbc Utlie
UBonrcMcLilteiread Arle Ltaeeeter
At Perl* a fire ooeamd at the expeMMMwandalatUytrimmed. A
teal to Sllxbta. Seblac yeeterdey.
litiOB Taeedey alieraoca.
•mnmUa Ol the rooms erare pleead
Mlm Bempiaad will (o to Ana Arbor
pMaedi with dtreeUeas In tha c tlqaeUe
today tore TktlCheleeo d-E»e. which i* iolemieo to be
af Italaad oftha Bame. qaoted from
MMAlieeSnowol Berbor Sprtssa.
MaaMaa beoha. whk* ware aatertata. lsTlalUB(berBl*ler. Hre.B. B. Oera- oae of the leadlac feetarcB of tbe exhIbiliOD. Inleau alarm wu craaled
by the bUr
it rrae Imiad
Tte ■imlim of the elab amt at Iba
Wuilem Hebbelerof Lake Ana
adjoialsr Belle dm Fmtm mi«bt behMB af Mlm Cady aad exehaaied
ia the city ymterday.
lurelead. The Amerleea Mctlea
IhiWbaadcaar lor baeomlac Bamka
._jm Peraley wee
o{ tha palace of eleetrieity la that cbm
himaati-ol yailow aad black, la whkk
fteod City ymWrdey eftMooh
woold bare beaa one of tbe first
th*rp»aoald.d to the homo of
It of the leijooe UlBau of hi*
toseffer. IbecSorteoi the firemco,
bmeimse where
wore met
eueeoedad Id leeellilv tbe
oaibaret. and after
At tb^ platmpfettily deooreted aad
:. the fire wa* e
aaaatad maaa cards fare lbs follow>, yrhere Mr- Keaaedy will'
appareoUytllfbtdaBideto a porlloa


MimCherlotte Belm left ymiardey
tor ea extended Tieit with rtletleea ud
trieadeatNeeheUle. MIeb.
MM Loreae PeeolaEtoD. who bee
KB UimWer In tbe mlllisery itore ef
SlealeySietcraet Maple City, be*
laraed to her boate ynlerday.
Bee. A. L Tbaratos of Kiayaley i

' Tbe Bamlaa aettoael
. mwae beaetMIy ease by Mr.- Dayka aad Mki S>m nee a witty
My to "Tbba or not to ber The t
mtm* aatkael hyms by ell
wBamlep Treealcrt*- coacleded the
pnpem asd a pretty readll
-gemi. Aweet Bome'' on the
harp by Mke OeorytollaCner b
tta party lafaly back lo Amerta
fhamembam, ae a lokee of tbelr
m of tba (altbfal w
tv tba erlatar of their leader Mlm
Ckn> prmaalad ber wiih e dainty plwm
cr MBMn.ths eleli yoraraer of

J. A- I’eBBtccla
a Aen l*ln
Mr*. 4emt» E. Lake ef Beadolph
tlr^l will go ta Stesioa today to eiitl
ber Bolber aad friead*. 8h(
yoae >wo or three wMk*.
Mr. end Mrr. C
Pro(e*eer Morrow of Chlcepo
thermort*t Foueb yNterdey. wbm
they arc tbe entresortera
Berry Parker errieed la tbe dly ytatardey to ettead the faaorel of
father. W. 4. Parker.
li-pa Cartle west la (iraad Beplde
Bewberry left yeaiardey ter
Lm Asrelee. Cel . when
Bela. Ue bei baas la the eily two
yaara iIdk . cemiv here fro* Lea
Aaitele*. where he “bed rtslded.
4<d* Twaddle.' ex-prceeeatlac
ienay ef thk eeaaiy, left ymierday
ea his ratars M Beaetea. Texas.

a |•.■Il.'ll friiui 111- |M
M.r In ivni In a i
be BXkl.- .
Tlirti he n-ad
wa* wriiKm on the jio!*-r and
out a ovni.
••Knperflonu*." t>e Ml.i balf

*T " and 5i.k.> lor a beautiful assortment of K.-\D1ES'WAISTS in plain white,
- i v)(. dimiiy. pique and,1 many

I I r' \c-u insist on " jiaving the preltir^st waist in town. TMKN^jrortte to ns for it
las a be4ter assbrtnieDl in Trayi
a Atve are 'proud to say that iher never was
Clu -t all and be convinced.

LAKtlE LADIES' Sl/.tl;.

‘ J{yy-a and iii> for Ihiljes' ready to wear Linen Skirts in .afl colors. Tiiiii is sonics. 'v's. thinu that you really must have wh^n warmwfiaiber sets in. Why not look
bit. 1-it right now. Many new styles this spring.
.AM* ri* for Ladies Summer Wrap|>ers in any color you tnavroiggesi. Wo
V *L i'.ivc m>w the biggest stock of wrap}>er4 in D»wn. See our line lirst.






VIs'W '
l\lV \\ ^h«T pretty things just received.

\ V’'|' IR'V VC)IR TrULOREl) SI iT before looking over our line—
1 .1 iN-aiity al $5xx). .

W . .:••
t" h.ive the ladies vail and losk over the New'l'hi'
i:!:i: ,.!■ .-n:i>i.imlv arriving at


Reliable Dry Goods. Oarpet and Clothing House.



who hea been in ill heeltb for K
Umepaatel Brcde Place. Samex.
BOW iobeturbeeltb. Be we* rets
cd to Dorer Tarndey la order to derire
beaedi fro* Ue ebeo«e of elr.

l-or l..\l)fl£S' l'.\.\CV COl.OKKI) W.MSTS. in strifn.., chneksand inney
OV'C patUsriK. Many styles to cliotvte from.



Mr the omwioa. tba room la wbkb
thaaaramoay look plaoe belsf ank
tf«4y arraaved with lowara. amUaa

Do not fait to take admntage of the many good things we quote
here. We want to impress upon gour mind that this is a
good place to trade.






' Interest paiil on dc]i0dit8. ■ Your business i.~ rc-sjuvl-;
fully solicited.


We Sell The Best Ladies’
S2.00 Shoes In This City.



The Old BelUble Shoe Mbd.

New Stare,

House Cleaning Time

•Ti;i-.»SKbY -V KAV VIEW.
•I SDAV. MAV ^Tlh.

il'erclea earrW
Acllac o.'l*. A.


THE HK8K MAU-.‘l'i:rrK

Wc have some very good values in $2.00 Work ^lioes.
Full line of Rubber Boots for fishermen.


Picture Framihjg Department

J- and •:

you will find a line of Ladies' fine Kid Shoes, iace or
button, formerly sold for f2, $2.5". $3 and t-4. Tiivi-f
are odd lots. We have marked them Jj, $ | .25, $ I -50, $2

Wc sell the fioOSier School Shoe, the best

242 Front Street.


.Wc are selling a good solid Plow
Shoe, lacc, buckle or congress, at

school shoe on the market. Childs.S'Z i<. 11'... $|.25
Misses 12 to:: $1.50.


Inspect o jr shoe and we will conTince you that others do
uot sell you a $2.50 shoe at $1.98 or $2.00.
We sell our shoes tor what they are, and you get value re­
ceived from every pair. Not how cheap but 'how good—That’s
our $2.00 shoe.


Plow Shoes

09 nn

;u ; coo ;it rate pin*
. *td '


'<iae fa^rab
a 4une
oae fare rat.
r;uTB 4oae lo
r^rruion of Women * Club* Osc
f*rr Ciditv
<>;U«a Beacb or
i-ul-neum Sell JOBC.I to I. Bewra


Wc hive told you of our immense'stock of Wall I’aper
and ucJfv wish to call yourattention to our great I'icture
I'ramifjK Department. We are receiving by slcamcr
.tliiswifek a fine assortment of the newest and latest
Mouldings. Krins in your pietpres, have
them framed and beautify your rooms with them--it
won't cost you much. “A thing of beauty is a joy



Stores 11 Big Baplls aid Tnnrst Cit|i.

Olty siod farm property. 1-3 cash, balaoce op time. Small
payments, with IntereBt at 6 per cent. See
partial list below If yon want a bart
g«lD, call and aea me


No. 153 -80 acres.-$1,600 HmiWftbm city ni-tr WilUaRi^l-iirk'.
Ftwnv building, alnul 'M> acrei iinpn*vi>d; ge.'id noil; well water­

ed; aurfftce mostly lew-l
lie wrol over ll affalo aDd ernwed No. 164—79 screa—$2,860.
18 niiU« from city, near Tuba 1'. «J.
' ■
fninip baiidiugs. orvlianJ.
Well wateinl;
i^n.' wi
ailji-rtite* and adverb*. aaj-Tray."'



mil, gravnl ioain; Bortm-ir, mostly- level,

ibau. -W
- a.
S mil.bwc*iy.ciiv. >baat
Log Lout*rome out*'b'e axld 'Tbe dmbIdf li^
itnprov.-il. Surface, moallf level; Boil, aamlyloatn.
perf.vilv Hear wm»n> It. ConvlMven
One-thinl caab. balHDffi in annual payi
I. really Ib* rrylne Bred of t*B
tlie boD^;Ho.
bonr“: Ho. ia8-$4,0OO
f>0 acrei SVmil.-B aorlliliKi^$4,06o •f>C»Hcrea2V»'L-Baortb’-ea*t
ou IVmnaula-.Erame
rt.j^_.nmlnff.e.beBlrIbe«ld; -Be,
1-'. a^i'.^n
acrt^n orchard;
al»ul I'l
noil, eaady loam; surfuce

•T*t> you ate kniklDs r.
BXM tie- nietvbani
niervbaDt to tbe
It yoolk with
l.lKli ealUr and noKy werfctle. -tVbBt
c«u TOO dutrtVi. any old ikla*.- replied tba
yooDj; maa. -uf rwrar. I deo't expert
-• JuBlor parlD.-rr '

dwitb bunding; good ebance I
bakery bnoinesi
< >ne-tb>rd caah. balance on Une to mR.
3 milt'a aontbeaat of Cadillac. - 40 acre* im­
proved' Log bodae sodetAbie. Snail orchard, good soil; tor*
lace, level, on good road. Some timber.



Sevsral hundred ftcres of valuable farming
land, part timber and part under cultivation;
well watered, good soil and desirable for fruit,
potatoes, grain: or grassland; weU located for
otmvenibnce of markets, schools, etc.; good
roads and all,^e convenisnoss of an old set­
tled ooontiT. Will be sold in twenty-acre lots
or larger for cash or on any length ot time dsaired by purchaser.
Inquire at Traversa

BELL. ;m

oRMrogHAVMudcaibuiii. mayhw. no*


Tba BUlaOD boMa. tba boM aa Iba Hr.a^d
w of t’aka aad BaoaaU atraair.
a will baopaaarala lor tba pablte.abda
• tbaBaaa«aBaatofTbcMO. BbllaaB
of tba diraelora of tba Mlehlfas Starch
Tba boaaa bM baae aeapMaly oaw- Qa. Baku baaaa raUiead Bta aad
PBl la am elan akip* for oorTteo OD baalad.aadlaaewlB Smdaa aeadl. betalBabacaraatUraaaatly. Ba
tCMp«|nlt«f Bapka'B. Usnaad CirpLiko. WbUothioiou old boat ties. Maw papar baa boaa hC^. aaw baud la tba aaar !.««. aad
UhaotfmclMtBMblBVT. aad wltb aarpata laid, aaw irea badataate pot la aaka tbli city bb parBaaaat boaa
Mtln no* BUlaco ih« will ba aa
all tba rooaa. alaetrw llchtt pat la aad The factory baa had a rary aao<
tba bolldlar fluad fdriba aaeoB
hi raa Uaa far ia iu bbtory. The
tleaettbapabUe. atacest e« •i.aoo. OB petaloaa will cooUooa about 1™
aiMtcroMJ *«>Ty kMuk. *. tn^ l»t
lUapbeoa Ooapaap
waaka Ioa>er. wLaa tba aaw balldlanUla loeaUty ladlealaa Ibat awaat
For OM Baiuara Kaottef.
■*««r4 in^. «.T. a«»»«»i
tba llaa to Oadar cbarrlaa are Dot aa badly le)artd aa
laeladlar the laryt alrralor. wilt b«
all onaciwa »»* Oww ^
nadr ter pnbllo tba UaaaUicaUeBa of Oro. W. Lardla ArraaraBoaU ha*a baaa cob
'baraby tba ateasar OelaBWa will arecUd.
* aartioa. Ibla will ba a araat
Tba Uob Id Jodfa Bam- 00 aa azesTsias to Old Hlaloa flaaa
—(o tba raaldaoM of Oadar aad aanatcdImanlaW
daU-aorabardara la BnacoaditloDmad
tba oeeatloB of tba Old BatUerai BanBaaM la thla dtyabew BO daaaafe wbatarar. B. L. palberisc. whieb wUl taka pUea at
*• ••«»rta» was endured by
Tbarawill baa a^ial Baatiaa of BaDaoa roperta a alBliarly tetorabia the mart. Tba priea ter tba itnad
bete^e'hFjan to^ilrVaU’'**''
iOBaOo. Ka 3 tbia araalac at ftto eoBdltion and Ue troB la Di
trip will ba tn cMfa asd tba atasBar ad
nlrhl enUI my
o-do«k abarp la tba L'aioD atraat boaa Kaoalaad-a orebard ara alae 1
will laare bare at t a. b . rcBalalac at B^ljnw; then tried Dr Ktor'e
m-wg. New
lumtaforlba parpoaa of alaetlar a eoadlUoD. Oibota raport tba aa
Old HlBtoBaattl after tba rloaa of tba Dleeorery whieb rare leetuat relief, i
ban need It in my fcaUr for four y&ri
dalacate to tba ateu eoareotioD, bosrb la ac
■ ItiittaermUatreB '
Brarp maoibar ahoald ba praaaat.
Uaiaca k oettoable.
Tbb wUl be a rood oportonlty
Hr. J. NairtoB Wlibap of Cbioado
i Laor traoblca It sriU slop the
Tbe BelaU aerki' Calm bald a very oldaeulenaad aay otbera who d

aadaot oalypnreou but
^ aeeapiad a poilUoa at tba Boaloo ileaeaat and profltable oeelior Tnei a pleasant trip to ebit tbe mwt
iption- Price iOr acd »l fo
aa Baaarar el tba drp caeda da
ay nlcht toC S. P. S. hall. There waa bare a rood Use.
Eeery telUe ^aianto^ "rrisT boil)
HbaHairKaetoreltualiaareDM, u partncDl. Hr. Wllbay 1
lares attcadanee and a cool aoelal
•* e«*_^it S. K. Wsifs aod Jar. fi 'obo.
New Bicycle Clob
law. Tbe priaelpal featorr of Ibe A bicycle clnb wa* orraalaed toe
renloc waa tbe olesttoa and loitolii- arealBralthe borne ol I. H. Beaaatl.
a C. licrir !• faaodallB* aad palalBerala Century Cook Book
tloB of W.Uiam Jobaaon. tbe popular wblcbUas yetwliboot aname.bat
larbii hoaaa op Booth Uotoa alraet.
dry c*>3l* ealeiDu ol tbe llMtoo eompoaed ol people wbo wUl have
Baaaatbal--nioapaoD hac p
Store, ai pretldeut. to eostesl A J. rood Ume If It aarer «eu oee A coo
wboee mlcaaiJoo
mitiee bat boeo appoiated, howevc
Waabtoctoa atraat. Bartetbar. Albert Haysard
. Tun Dckai.p.
Tneemaiy. Bleb.
Who will chooac a aame aad the colon
Baaaetbal aad aiatera. HbaBFIoraoa accepted Two aew Beabera
aad JalU, oramad Bapldr. will aom< tabea in aod after the butioeei of for tbe clob.
bcreto'raaldawitbber. Hlu Flercneu tbo aeaaioa let ereaa aad cake were Toe flm ruD of tbe club will
A rata aatr Bnto.
- ____
ObarleaU. Broadraetii aow a>
laa^e tn Boata.
Urdle a* leader, the clob meeilar at
read ter A. W. Jabraea. tba elfar
Bar. Barclay Jon<M parterBad tba
tbe home ol Arthur Bari betere tba ran. ly oc tbe perfect acUoa o( year Snm
nr Tacadaj. a abaefe
aramoay Ttaanday afternooB whUb Bade la tba Use of the blc aleaoen Tbefollowlar om:en were elcctod: aeh and tlnr. Dr. Kler'e Sew Life
Ws. B Woodmas of ttontb Hoard- eltad to Barrlare Fraak BodCB ol that naka ttaU pvt. Tba llltoola will
i-mldeot-Araold Ooeb.
BrarkBadJaeDlaHaeay ol Mayfleld. be diacooUaned. nod will net atop hern
aao bat bad bU paailoo locreaaad
Vice pmideoi-Heule Falcbam.
The happy eoapla WlU mlde at Bran. till tbe fall niib of fralcbt bnatooaa
■ (ifaBoaib^_____________
secretary—Fred Simai.
JohasOD. Dnrrbt*.
Tbia ia loUowlac tba aaaa plan aa toat Tnttarer-Ethel Pope.
Hm raall dataraa for tba ootatj of.
Sara arrired jaaterdap. and will ba pet
New* rem Benor
wars eomplated Frl- Tha Cbarlaroix will leave Cbioaco
te^aee today.__________
Little Ben Corey of tba Uwa of
far tba layiac of tba aneb weak on Toeoday at
Hoaor b probably aatlUad to tbe dbFriday at: p. ■>. rotor aa far norifa tlociioo o( beinr (be yonareat fiahoreataabt walk
>d the Ha
□eapaay block. Fire haadrad yardt aa Barber Sprlnra Betaratoe. «ba
Innartbare Hlehlrae to laad a
will ba laid, aad U addlUoe tba wood win leare tbia pan oa Baaday ai
birtrouL Uaonle landed a apaeklcd
Tba teboo&er .J C. HcOill la toadlar
of the awslarareoad tbeballd B. and OB Tboreday at 6;iu a. ai.
fewdaytnro waleb maatared
lambar far Cbieago at tba doba F. Oil iac will ba raplacid wHb Iroa.
Death ol Mr«. Eliza Cortii
is toebea to lenrtb and lor a while it
A Oo'a docb^_____________
U. H. Uiaadlll aad wHa. wbo bare Hra. El 'tOvllt. one of the oldeet waiaqnnUooor which wa* tba mgrraak Frladrieb baa decided to lay
bat tbe boy finally landed hb PHda»Ci
baaa TUlUay tba laally of B.& Walker lahabilanu ol tba Unnd
aaaaBtwalklBfropteffala aaw atoi ai Wataraadcr wUI apaed tba aoBmer rarloB. aad ^bably

OP Vroot alraet.
la tbia city. Hr. Blaadlll, whortpre woman, la dead at the home of her eldered that tbie Ud U but tear yean
tba Cbarlei Dadley Waraar libra­ daorhter.Hrt. Albert Barow el Korth old tbe feat b worthy of man than
Barry Alford ol thla city ba> tabea
(ba BtnacaBaat of the Ordard Baacb ry. wai a raaldeat e! tbli city at ose port Deeoaaed waa !it yean of are. aprclal ptuatloa.
tlBt aad hai aaay Iriaoda bare
and bad baaa a reaidenl of tbto reel
tocu b rnibinr in Honor aad
OMbo >t HaaUlao.
then are no IdU men about tbe pUee.
Our Savings bepartment
WmUrn oiaaeDt bat raioraed from tor over 30 yaara. eomior bare fn
Tba Oral Wood Olcb Oe.. baa aa
Oaie ia Issu She laarea fonr aona. Tbe railroad*, ailU and faetorle* are
trea Uermalae Broa. a beary draft Spbtb Htaltoa lalasd^ wbare ha eloMd Harray of tbU city. Bnoa aod William very inay and the merebanU proapera
laaa. t tao wei»bt._______
wkleh ba aaesred irca the Uardea City olOblo, aad Harioof Iowa, aod
Work bat brra becuo oo repl
daad IW. ol -Qblraco- The tract eoa- danrbter. Hra. Albert Uarae. ol Konb- After thi* Booth tbe Todd Hotel
tba cottar oa iioioa atrert bet
Uiiu a Urye .icaatlly of Cae llDber port. with whom ebe had reiidel (or .11 beoe.-upled by liarid llalch and
yean prevlont to her death.
fatally who WlU cooJuel a rood hotel.
•Istb pad SereaUi.
aad wUl prorcacr-'------------Mr. llareadorn ba* remodeled tbe
J. L. Herray hat been aafraced by CbarlB Fraeiaaa. wbo baa baaa
Bnrciara at Klnreley
upper portion of hb brick bnilflUr and
the Flaoo AcrieiiUtral Hacbiaery ~ UoB boaa for the peat eicbl yaati
J. U. Urown of Kinrsley was tlalted
at Chicbdro, aaacaot.______

tbe BIk Btpldc braaeb or the Fare bybnrrlan aume timeTneaday olrbt.'
^ Taa Smllb bloek b to be naodeled
ft H. Aadenoa of the Elefalay Har^Mtla railroad, haa realfaad bit Wbeabe aatered hi* Urber abopyet and
totoa boul with a aapoaltles aod foae to Aoa Arbor to ae- Urday muroiac. be fonal that tbe loODooarorled
aahaaihuUkaa tba priaelpaUb
aaaiapoattloaat the bead of a a<« eatob oa the rear door bad booDapruarthaacboolptFife Uke.
itradttoa raat oa the Aaa Arbor road. Aaearehebewed tbatelcblof blanzon
B- H. Fraskllo haa add a born
were mlular. Kotbiar.elao bad been
Fatbar E
irmed tbe eare- itolea.’altboBrb aereral other nzon
(wolou te the reaort at Old Ulai
IBOByyeaterdayatBt. Fraocle cboreb >ere lyin* baady.
w. B- Umlnr Of thb oilywblek Halted two popolar eoapl« of The barrlan had evideatly madean
Hr. Vrarer baa boopht the t
WUtowatar low^lp Tba eoatracl- Ifvl to enter the aaloon of Mick Erialof partlaa wars Jacob BillBas and T, aa n panel ol tbe door waa broken.
Bllu Boyd, aad Blras aaymd and Bat tbe eSort to eater the bulldlorhad From chii keo lice And vermto by ifivioK a coat to tlie iatrido of your
cbii ken roup of
B barye WUllam Bodolph < Katie Boyd. Tba Vridea are aiatora aad not beea anccraafal.
. eloea frioada!, U loadiar loBber tor U
Tbe cue waa pat ia the haada ol the
aathorltiw oltbia city yeaterdb} by
Hr. UrowB'.
Three BOltao walleyed pika at
Head oa tba ti. B A 1. Friday aad
Fourth of July.
araitt dtotribatod la Baardmaa laka
he wlU wad HIb XalU Herd of Aaa
Clonii Uio wall® aui] r»o»tF, tiion apply our or iwo tMala.-IIlliuK iLe
Otraalae Broi. bare add te Phil
Arbor. Hia maey friabdi la tbli elty lUor aataaerlpUeu for a celebration
'Baaar the baadaoBo aaddla posy wUl eztoad tbair eaarraWUtletie.
on the third aad Fonnb of July bare crni-kfi srt‘11 with (be samr. It ehoold br R|>|>1ird in.llie moroiiiy;, thru
-HaJcT," joct broBCht IroB Ohleafo.
had eery eatiafactory aan-ni and if dew lh> eoop for a idiort limr. The cliirkru* can oi-.-iijiy tb.-ir <-oo|'
After all tbe bottler todolred to by aboetpsoo more ban br raiaed thi* in tin- ev<.>aiii|; For aalc ai
Work hai bejraa oo Uo addltloa < HaaUtoeevartha'kllltoc ol tha bir
wUl be Bsarked with tbe rnadeet'
tba Oily Olaiac Ball, which wlU c<*e Bah wbtoh wianappoaed wacllpaa tba yoarw
that Dortbero HiebbattBaoeoBBodaUoM tot the klteb*
eatob Bade by tiaerra Balf. Jr.: the
Tbe caoraa* of tbe dly
Salt City BBil come down. That biff
The KalfbU of Pythlaa will r>r* ratobow ttoat kUla^ with an oar. new
tbHriaet aoeUl party of tbe aeaaeaat toraaentto hkre been a wall-ayad of laylor the matter before tbe public
tba Pytblao Teaplc. oa tha araalac of Pilto__________________
(or deSaiU aeUoa.
Hay»a. _______________^
anfgtoUoo b for n bir premm
ThaBiBofHUlar A Pennae, which
Hra. Jobs Daaa li proparlac to pat baa bean eoadnettor the Imlt aad ato. lor two daya. ose of the rrent feature*
aaawlaasdaUoBB^or her ratldaaea
T aura teraaarly owned by A. A. Mbearnnd iniiqae earoiral on tbe
aaSlatoalreataad tepalet otbarwlae HeOeyASea.baa beea dUaolved. W. nlrbt of Ibe third. Tbiapropoallieo !*
n Hiller will eoaUana tha bnatoara leetler with rnat faror.
TbaOrtacaatBaad la praparior (or aad eator to the public aeadl to oaeof
A Marrow Ecoape.
the prMUaat and moat eomplato atom
lha Baact aoeUI party la lit bUtory.
E>ed H. Koowlee bad a very narrow
to the etirba.riven Friday airht Is ~«ba C
eaeapefrom a horrible death at tbe
Ibe bieyelliu have orraoteed and aiareb factory early Tnewlay raorsUeb. a member of tbe olrht
'OeBIrhaehool baMball team will nra bnildtor a path to Olan Uke.
CD to -Fotoakay SaUrday. Hay sath. They have doaa aoau vrork and have (oree. and to aome way eanzbt bb
»M aabnerlbad. Tbia la a rood elothtor to a rapidly rerolelar a
ter a came with tbe Bleb aebooItoaB
tbe factory elated ter the
9t «•» piece;____________
AmacecaeBti-bare beea made for
Hie elolbea seen torn entirely off hb
. tbeappearaaeeollrriBC Fraaeb aod
body, with tbe ezeepUon of apart of a
The honesVjuerit of the ;roods will
Ui eaBpaay at tba City Opera Boaee.
pair oUabbor bsou that be bad oa.
11. Jane land3.
develop oil inspection.
Bb watch srai completely cratbed.
Frank Van Doeten. who dleappiared tile CoBpasy'a Store. Tbe eaath made
Dr. Holliday attaeded Ue vleUm of
ao eaddealy from a farm near BlnfalPy' IroBaeleetohsrry.andwIHadd mneb the aecideot, who wa* tahaa at oaea to
_ .rmUy. baa beea loeeted la
I borne. Sereral aerere brnbu aad
Wtbeeeafort ol Utlady patrooa of
sootbara part of the itotc
arlyesioatbe left aide will tar
theatore. Tha taaurial la a portion of
A vary pleaaant aoelal bop waa riven Boeloiofebarrylaltovar whaa tba Mr. Kaowlae off (oroema Ume. bot
Soft.dn«We kidekin.aew
Taa^ay eeaainr to Fonatora ball by tore waa bator baUt. to yean nro- . blortottnto to have escaped with
vri.Ir tor*, kill topa,
. .
AUndHayaadl^aodoreOma. Halab
Bz.proaaeator C. L Daytoa ef Leearebaatra Inralthad lha aaale.
Daatn RolL
laaaa aenaiy srai to the elty TaaaWendall Seeley, ooe of tbe ploaeen
Btlph Ooanab-.e. Jr., wbo waa forB- day on barioaaa and lacldeotolly to ofthbrwion. died Toorsday ereoiar
arly aaBact^ot tbe City Beok Store, Bnke knowB tobtoUrmad Tiaeam at hb borne npar WtUtomibotr of db.
,0,.. uo...
-Jaaow iDcbar^aet tbeatoreofSelbcri.
ity frieada kbal ba U a caadidato betas tube are ol«; yeara Us bad
• Oead A Co., at Hloomlartoa. 111.
beaBareiidealollbUrertoB for orcr
8aa Oarland will befla tbia vrart
3t years. HssidB hb wife aad tbrer
rmodel hla dwelltor adjalaioc Park Boo. W. a. Foaur,
cblldrea bs leacB an ared msther.
Plaeabythe addi^ of.a earaeda
I'brotberaaadfourabien.ali UrTba baUdlnc will alpHBlalot«d.
Bear waiiamaborr. TTse fa»eral
Grain workT>)ioc«.i:^ and
held to tba H. E ebnteh at
SeaabrJ.W. Uaraphray'will eom- Pblllpptoaaot Wm.O. llenry.hnown
BMaea a aerlet of rariniW for tba Kmpira. where be worked baton hb
ealbtaaat. as Will SBitb. Henry bad
ObarebofChriai seat week “
bean woonded at tba battle of DbBaebate laal wtoter. aoJ waa very
of tbe now apring and turn*
and sraa to tha boaoltal at Haalla
Edward Cilmury of Paatosala. aoa ol
iiier ulyleiB in Ivies' aboee,
where hb death sna canted by dyaea
amaa Kilmary. died m\ t o'cleck Tub
The HaBlltoa Clethlnc Ca bare jott
«17o and«:i0 bora ao bet*•>7
___ ___________
day motalBK ofaeaaamptloa as Ibe are
plaeid two Aae'naw abow eaaea la jhk(r
ler dscwbeiv, here
aaaekwaar departaMot. each t feM m
rldtonrlb.aDdal pr. broibenand abtora. Fgaenl
prohlblttor the BMof
adrrieea Will ba-beld from tba CsUoUe
have heap oomparHiraly law riolaUoB* ^nreh at HaplaWa. today, at
and what there bare beea wars
m. H.L. carter baa ebarrt...
paiaoaa wbo have IpSea to m the an
slamB era* received Saloi^ by
aoaBeaBaataoftbw dau apoa which Frabk T. Do'pb of Taetb atraat. aptba tow w
Doaaetor the dntb at TVtiy. K. V.. of
baaBBoarraBto aad bo oaei
hb btelber. Jay W. Dsipb. Oeeaaacd
was born to tbb elty. and Heed brre
callery oppoalu tba Botol Colambla,
-Dn.1, He was so yenra Old. pad
W. O. Heyen of tba alaaB abeotiar
aad will aoUrely raBodal aad reBi It.
laavB a widow.
aad will be ready tor baaiaaai' la a few Callaty. bad aa ozpartoaoa Satnrday
Bl^t that ba will aot can to rapaat. Mr* David ScML wbo has resided oa
Ha sra* on board tba avaaiac into for a (ana near Monbpart for « yaara.
Pltai bare beea dra
Otaat-laroU to apead' Saaday. wba died Friday msrntor. Besidaa bar
tba wmiaaabarr bUI ha beard
•d tba team tbrea amall eUlArad, aad abaliaieraabadtbcaar- dne. tba nldaat bator bat U yaara
r«ort. Tbe balldlac wUl be
tba car wlndaw. aarcowly asbatoebb Dirsasadwtoeo yaara of are aad dlM
wltbatotoedabtocM aad a fra
' Who trad tba Bhot and
of bean (niton. Tba tewenl ssm
afoitobla atoat. Tm a«l trill ba waatha aoltva Iw tha dead, ao ama bald (ram tba Oearr^atiaml itear
■f>Nr»* wu rrid*r «nBia(. n*
iTMillaM m «riun la ^-»«- aad
kn Twrr utqM.

Circulation"Ihis week 2,300

tolVe Sa&Iss..;.^


Oar 2nd Semi-AowiAl
MimKii Undeewear ^ begiaa
IU7 19th and luto tnXD the

tO?n CatV'nKrmL

Warm Weather I

-- - - - -

Covert Skirt, strap trimmed, for......................................................$1 00
'•Elite" Petticoats............................................................. $1.86 tO«4.76
tBeat rnder>.kiri .-v. r
for ibc price.)'

"Big "Dtvoc \.tv “SavVoT "Nlaiit Sm\s.
Our famous fl^.OO kind, for a few days only, just.............. ........$10.00


"VDra.'pveT Tie\>a.TVnveTV.\
was never more complete, from 3Wc to..................................... ..
Do not fail to buy your Gau/.e Underwear of us. Our stock ‘is
complete in every line. Prices run 5c. 7c. 9c. K»c,3 for 25c.
12>ie and up to..-................................................... ......... ........ $1.00




6ut SVvVrt M3avst StocK
Is attracting tjuitc a crowd these warm days and they arc going very
fast. All lUc new aful -up-lo-ilale gomis found in this department.
We have received another lot of those famous Bed Spreads for.. .98c
Come quick—they cannot be Iwugbt again f.»r iBo price.
Standard Check Shirting, blue and brown, only, per yard..................6c
Full St.mdard 3b inch unbleached factory. i>cr yard........................-4^sC

iJliiaCoiloii iaa buRinii r.)

15 dozen liemnied Buck Ti*wds, the 2.^c kind, while they just...


21c ^

Yon-irs Eo!9i>ecti’-u.lly,



Protect Your Chickens

Carbolineum Avenarius

w aa.-b’s jar-uLg S-toarp.


These are seme

Examples of Our Liltle Priced
System of Selling Shoes.








Are Wheels

That «ive you comfort, and whee!t>
that give you trouble. If you buy a
>good wheel with an established rep­
utation like the Rambler, thnt'has
stood the test of twenty-one years.
$40 could not be better invested.
Barring, accidents, the Rambler will
-..-dasbj'ou for yean. Glad *o show ^ou
all the latest improvements. ‘

What Aiiout
That Ghainless?
Couldn’t afford it before' You sure­
ly can'now. They’re witlyn reach of
ct eryone. There's the Clipper, that
today costs you just S60.00.It's a
beauty, and so easy to ride. AVant to
put a few more dollars into a good
investment? Those that ride them
will tell you the Cleveland chainless
at S7.S beats the world. They know
because, .they have proved them.
Better join the ranks.

The Time..
To enjoj- one's self, especially out
• doors. Have you the ttimmer furni­
ture needed?

Lawn Chairs
A most comfortable icbair, srith adjustablft frame and a canvas seat
cost just .one dollar. ‘I’wo other
grades sell for $2.25 and <2.35.

Lawn Rockers
Those w;ith woven splint scat and
back, and woven splint seat, and
spindle back, painted cither red or
green.. Sells freftn *1.25-10 $2.50.

Lawn Settees
.Most ornamental for the lawn or
porch. Diffeiv'nt sizes. From $1.25
10 cj-7S- They're strong and durable

Iron Swing Chair
A -most comfortable chair. The sides
and supports arc of iron, the seat and
back of canvas. Sells for $4Jja






09c ^


it's Cheaper to Ride
Than gp afoot, when you can buy an
.Ajax wheel for $2« or an tdeal for
Sj.v These were Selling all the
while betause they gh;e such good
’"^tisfaction. They look good—they
. wear good \nd they are good. Try
ooe for this season.

A stock second to nose in the dty..
. The Meidcan
good, strong and
dura|ble> from 85c up. The Painter
woven hammocks from to the
hoett and most elaborate at 44.5a
All manner of colors aad every com­
bination of stretchers asd pillows.

Store open Tuesday's aud Saturday’s until 8 p. m-

Tlie Hannab & Lay HercaDtile Co.


ttBAlia fkAVkkaa Mwam.

k^£ss^j:isss:L:i^s:t. jsiaissisjsrt.'ssss
5i~ *•—.
day loatMM tha'tBBMlW Mra BnU.
Mra M. E MOtool iBhUdepaBtaarBte bean U HMbparkaa Bateag toot.
Bm. JalB MrahalMd e< BhUote Bhp BKmd to^ grate bp em e<
oMatotod at a faaaral Iroea Ue Lwlbataa abareb laet IkaiBday.
Mra. Betted to rtQ mattbo
ol bar oob la tbto plM.
Mil W. C. KAoa WMia Kertbperl


Grand Traverse Region.




E a Vao D« Walhw ol Sattora
Jag at
..aaaproloBloaal eaUar hero loot
Oep Htoeoek hae geae to Trareree -naiaday.
Qtp to work la the baeket laetorp.
Hr. aad Mra Arable Millar of TrarSome hare plaalad Uair eora
oraa City laft Ula Boralag lor Uall
Uwe are ready.
fatara boat., alter aptsdkag a lew dajt
Bar. Hark praaekad to a (all b
la Nortbport
laat Seedap.
Tbe I o U. F. aad Babakab lodgaa
attoadad Ue (oaaral ol Mra Scott Io a

0. L. Alltoea. ageat (or tbe Pare
BargMtu B.
mod bU lamilp left
Ula BOralag (or a rtolt to aootbara
apeak acrwal daya <
tUehlgma aad Oaaada. eapaeUag '
Kortbport rtoitlag frlaote.
ratara lo aboal a Booth.
Jeba Liard el Loload apoot (
Mtoa Dollto Boyt. who ba. boao rtoHlag bar pareate at Keaaeo Olg. ra- Northpork.
Mraad Satartey eraaldg.
- a weak froa
The Baoy frteBda ot Hte. Markka
■dai tlM7 VIII >».etwllb "
Matbewe gare beraptoaaaat esrprtoa
at bar boar, la hooor ol' bar birthday.
Satarday eraaieg.
Mr. bardie aad Mr. BalUajr ea
■weed brlw the wall (or tM Mi
Mtoa Hloaia Yoeher ol Trarana City
■eal •( 8. r/Bodfee Mra Ursdar.
t^t Saeday wlU frleete io Uto
idR SMk.
Iba Lad toe' Aid aoetoly gare as lea
C U Deptea of Lalaad wee ie KorU.
eraaa aockal aad aatertalsaaaat at
srl Saotey.
Mte-OaiaCMw waa oat ridiaiL laa bOtMcf Uao W. MeWeUay Satoi
Frank HaBiltoo of Traa
week, the Itat Ua» lor aarctal rnfM ataolog. Hay it. TbeMwesede ai
City waa la KorUport Wedaaaday
Mta Sflrta OeBald from T»rafee begirao to help peicbaaa a oaw
Ote eWud bar patreaU la thla place lor Ue M K ehareh ak Uto plaea.
K. W. Haatiage of Traretae C.ty
SSnter altht aad Saadap.
B. *. tefa Md eotapaar laat Seate;
b- Ws Pepaa of dnttooa Bay waa
(naa aiver Uka.
Nerthport Tbocraday on profaealooal
■Uteb Oea (eaad qalta a eartoaltr
Mat weak la a haa'a Beat. A eblefcea aec
D. F Boztke coBeorar
>'red Pool ol Hrooklya to rtoUiag bto
thtewiaelBBaBaal^ia it maaaiad
IroB Lalaad Bandar
attoadad Ue
ta teaflk bar a hall laebaa. aroaad tba kaoLMra. A E. Palrar.
C. DePew ol ICalkaaka was Ue gwat (aneral of Mre H D Scott.
MraC K KabI
of B. F. Cbstob Satarday asd Saatey.
Mra. J Boagiaad ol Haakoa to apead- 1-ritey.
Joba SUSord waa orer IrOB GUI'i
lag a Uw dayi wlU bar paraale. Hr.
adheter* ecf waa white. Balwcea ^ Hie. Uao. Weidaer.
Pier aad apeak Baadey wiU hto fc
Qraadaxa Laosard baa baaa rarp alek laBocUpert.
Ua paat week and bar raeorarp to
el bad BO 7<
Ira Dare UagBoeefUto
herltaL AlUoagb Uare
.. for bar raeorary bar t____
waa a aboek. The iBaaral waa bald
troB Ua CaUolle ehareh aaar Gill'a
Iba paiaeeara to batar palaled
day. the Tib. Irem Fork Wayae, Inc
Pier kodar mad aha wae paaealnlly laid
Proa to etolUar kereoaalB where aba bad Mea eallad by Ue 1
Uraav The baraared habnsd haa Ua
aaa ol bar brother JaBaa.
alncere ajBpaUy el Ue oatlre coBBnHtoaADDke Weldaar letaraed h____
Oaa. WbUeoB baa ratoraad koa<
nlty Id Ue leoa d Uto.hU aola eoBpaa
day tooB a Urea weak.' rtolt wlU bar
atoiara at Hastoe aad CadlUae.
Mra. a.'£. GUI ie eajoylag a rltlt





VnU Seriptare rialted btobroUer-lalaw.,W. F. Btuta. at Attea a law tepa


XtoanMM«uUao( Elk Baplte hai
tetbaeBttollt^ beratoter. toia-Clar '

■aie great ptaftaa aad bapror
la the Iwt pear. Tbw
Tbap bare pot
op a
i.paiaemgaaad kara.aadabU
d aad tree troa debt.
l■atereaueta are to be Mda la

Loa Oraaa aad teagbter ratoraad to
ama laat waak.
3. T. tiarrill of Giawa to worklag ie
Ua woolaa mill.
CoaaldaraUa daBige wee doaa lait
weakhyloreit SrataonU aad aaet of

ed Mra Deo. BroUerloe aod
>r Hn. Freak Sbaridaa aad lUla aoa ware la Trareree Cety laet
Balaoa Oiaeoe'e llttU bop to aiek wlU
earlat ftrpr. aapsoiad to bare beao
aagbt froB oaw ejsin.
Teadaoelagpartygirao bycraaple
A Itoranln Rty'e biU.BaUrdty araolag. wataaplaadid aSatr t>r aolarga
a crowd.
Mra HePOaraoo ol SBp'ira wet la
Iowa Fridar aal Satarday wiU a
atosko! BmiearygMte
MIm BliU Akkioioa ol Eaaioa caBi
OB Batoiday to rtoik bar aiitar. Mra
Bigga. attoadad tbe ptrty to the arealag. aod retnraad to bar hsoia oe
Mr. aac. Mra. Tiraig aad lltUe dangl
tar drore to Maple City yaikarday.
cane bach by way ot Port Oeaida. aad
called on Mra Barly aad bar littia two
waaka' old boy.

Boathmtre of achoo'..
daUr atteoteaea the pmtl
butc:. A g.-eal atoy of th: popUa
atbaae toauiitw.u dotiei,..,

Tbe followiag popila eaj oped a drire
toliias Uarea on Satarday laet and
were aatartainad at Heat Farranl'a
koBC: Mary UoUan. Anloola
Clara Barkb. Boa: aad Mlnoia Uf.
Oer firat grade e
The Uleretorc eiaw. ailer tmkisg
aerdral atleelic'Bk from Irtlag'e Sketch
U»k. li DO* rcadlag Hilea staodiab.
Tbe teacher haa fiotobed readiag
-Alka io Wooderlaad" to Ue oehool.
Arbor Day we apeak tbe afterewa ia
plaatlog treat asd eleanlag ap Ue
Chriulae Pelecaaa bat bsea oak c
a:hool oa aeciaat of lllaata.
VMUoratba peak Boatb were: H.
StUblaa. Hr. Porktoa. Hr. BaaaoB.
Hr. Batkan. Hr. Affolteraad Hr. Il>rteaot Kortfaport. Htot EaUryo FarraatofUlaaUaTaaaBd Htoi Winae of
GUto Pier.
Claraacc K:low bat Ua whoople
Alice CaaolS ot the &rtt grade aolei
tainad»ol her aebool maUeoa April
(1 (roa T:M) till C p B A peaoal hoot,
a ipider web geae and a donkey gaac
were the aautoaeatm. Tbe pricea,
pretty litCe atick plat, were won by
iBaratU Bilow. Aatonla Bi '
Irwin CoreyKnU. caody.
emkae and coffee ware aerri

WlU bar aietar, Mn Jayeoz ot Ohio.
ItoeKathorioe Voiea bee elorad bor
ool oear Soloo mad ratoraad boae.
% Kahl rail
trarea City.
Diliow nlarasd Friday
to Ue boBe la Ctoerelabd. Ohio,
John F Okt. Jr. of SoUOBi Bay apeat
irdey aad Saatey
in KorUport.
K. 6- Oornatl. flnt natetoat llgfathaeptr at Pox lelaad apeat aararal dmya
at laat week la Kortbport. retaralag to
the lalmad Sane
Ur. and Mra. Uaeiy Or Vriea a
La Wil________________________
bailaeM trip to Trarerac City oe
ih triaate la Trarana City.I I
- .orl
Fraek Porter of Lalaad ______ _____

are-COW at WUlla~''” —- ^
uttolKtioB Wblie bera."’^uj?’ladiea' ‘^Ua'dratholMra D B SoolLwhleh Hoksa. leare today far an axtoi
weeaeanddea aad nnazpaeled oe Fri­
rialttoparenUaad (riendt at Boll
day laat. KorUport loaea aaoUer
aad Graad Empic'
E. W. HerrlU.
irrlU, who d
wlte cLrala of loriag triaate A boao ble boaiaaB le aabacri
to left deaolata, a haahaad aad Urea
ehlldraa are bereft ol Ua aaaraat aad
.............................................................. .—til.
Mtoa Ethel Bnith. the yoentdaartte Mn. Scott waa a proakiaaal tar of Hr. and Mia. John SbIU. to rary
oflfaar la Ue Babakab lodge aod area aiek with apoendieitto. Or. Vao Sickle
alwava (alUlal la Ua-pdrieraaaee ol to In attendance and Dr. Marlin of
bar datloa aaiocb.aad la bar laBlly IVarerae City baa been In eoaahluUon.
Tbe fanerat terrlw at Ue Into W. E.

____ . _ada
Satutey night waa
large etiale el bratkeiB aad
--^tere, aad by Uule SUtee.
lbs ladiai' boa Baking eostoel. aad a
■tap trieate to man hie le
eat of ?? pieeat of allrerwere wei wj.
by Mra. Hoaela
Msoday oighl Ua
Boat popoltf lady raealred a diamead
rlag; It war won by Mra. Boat.
Two Bkatland aoalai arrlred Selartey (r^ todieaa fw the SUrar Bret.
MrBBl Mra DUl and Mr. aad Mre.
Kidder bl T.wreiat City r altad M r. aad
Leri Pa____.
Mn. B. HoBakeSaatey..
war bare Prfdap.
F. BalU asd faBlly of Ua Paakaiala
Mra. l«le Kaigbt aad Mtoa Maip rUIted relaUrB hare Baoday.
KaIgbtS Bedte waw h« Taoaatlp.
Mtoa Myrtle WaUer rtoltad MraMra
Witbep aad aoa bare Bnt Satartey asd Sntey.
.Mra Lewlt. who bat boao rtolUag
Mre. Eaifbtaad Mim. Bofeartpra (be aoMbera farthepatt aeaU. will rcgaiaU teUra. h B. UIbba.
tora to Dlaea. Ill . Uto weak.
Mr. aad Mra. Pnak Bapaip diera to
Mra. Mott wtohet toUaskkarfrlaodt
ofAeBafartbeto loyalty to bar ta Ur
rotlag eeatoav


Mr. aad Mia Sirlkar
Brrtol Cemaaitorc
8UU I '
IMak Bbattaek aad . Bert fitegeeot
CtodUlac are bare tebtog aad are tbe aalea----------- —--------lao aeato rain Tnetday.
gaaatoolHr.aad Hrerplall teraaa
Mra Bobaka Slaalay to qnlu alek.

' Set


tala Mate iaprortd la health.
MtoaJcaala Maw «d tbto plaeeate LUxto Piq^nt ot K
Blaak Bedew ot fermrtwtee manied
Wa nadantond a B. Barke Will am
lake neiatep artMooa la Traren* oBBee hto new atora Uto weak.
Jeba Kneera bw Uelaabweab
otter hto new boUdlag.
*■“------------------rl ealp e bw ralatlret
Two bean lalar the
' fartkdrlBtaraheBt
„jlr 111 •
The olactloa ol eSoeia io tbaW. C
T. r. waa
the laat Beat,
chaa Uey will
I"! “%



UtUe Baa Cur-M Bapirt to rUtlag
bar graedpwaaia. Mr. »nS Mra Clesi-



One pair of lAdieo’
SboM or


giren away free.



Fred KoMwara ol Trareree aty Higb
aoboet apaet SabbmU at ba^e.
Mra Mail of HoUae. Mkeh.. atowr ot \
Uo Wohatei broUara. mrrired la oar!



B , Trara^Gur.

io aU strlss. colors and design^. A
good one for 76c.

159 Front Street
yean, eaa aoaU aad eight teya

fc* ^ Md^koat hae tailed
«M ler CM Bratia.


Gao. ABlotta. ol jba aaady flr^f
SkiiBb Brea. A Ateictu. of Tteaeiw
Gty. to to toite eaUiag oa Ue Bar-

«aea^ A Im Mara.'^i'cT’^aara
la EUfcport oa bwleaB far
Mr. 1^ Mra T. OeaadS of OOib Pitr




m S.
« WUUaax


M «• .ft.,.. „

Traverse City. MidL


Factory Prices Prevai
of Uto b
In m lirii
namring be
tndc mad i
liuamrkm lo
llMidee m nnBber i
atolere, be hu Irft beb
Bother, a wife and three children, m
there are a great mmsy friend* who
tympatblte -with thcar who arc beraarad by Utodtopeneatlon
Faneral aerrieea acre brid pt Wil'.iaatbarg M. E ehareh before a large I
gathering of people.
A Wnaa-I Awfnl Ftra
"Thereto only one chance to tare
your life aad Ual to ibroagb an opentien.’-were Ueaurtling word* heart
by Mra I. B. Uoat of Lime Eldge.
Wie., from her doctor alter tie has ralsly triad to core her of a (rigtatfsl ca»e
of ttoBaeb trouble aod yellow Jaan
' :e Gall atoDco had formed aad the
gas to nee Electric Uittcre, which
wholly enrod her. It'e a wooderfol
Stosracb. LUer aad Kidaey remedy.
Cnrca Dyapepala, Loa* ot Appetite. Try ;
It. Oaly Met*, (inaranlccd. Foru'e;
by S. B. Wait aad J. O Johtooa. drug-


ISO Front St

N. E. STRONQ, Manager

Before Bu\ ins

A Fait 'Sicycl* Etitr
receirr nalatcl eui*.
-utoe* from arcidea
will kill i:
friead. Cut,.
wAanag. onappco nanni. Bore 'Lipi.
Haro* Ulecnand File* Cnregnara
teed. Oaly :5c. Try it Bold by s. :
Wait aad Jt*. >1. Jabniop. droggtolt.



. Th* VoBBg Ladito- Aid aocieiy of tnc ;
faltod chnrch of KorUpjfl will girc a
box aerial at Pelenon Bro* . on Satui '
tey.- tbe ivib. at-elgat o'clock in ib
erening. for the purpjec of railing
kin aoffl of money for lUa;


A I'lAXO or OKG.AN do not fail to
SEE US. if yon wish to SAVE .MONEY.
We arc selling out our Small MusjcaI Merchandise
during januao* at great reduclinils. Such as Violins,
Guitars, Banjos. Mandolins, etc.


Once M. CuDBingham. Prop.

118 WriM Pront StrMt.

Here is a Fourth Page ofSolid Comfort.
How little wethlak about what kiud of a bed we hare, elmply hoeana* i
l at Bight that waxma Ue dowa oe aoyU
aad feel reaied. Kni how oneb bettw we could ml if we had a alee oofl bad to root oe. TboratoB
tleatleptioa Uaiour bed. anddt UAho mo*t imporust oanof onr Ufa. tor if

to rery light, for a firit claB epring aad —-------------—------ ------------expeato per Bight'.' Ami if two utc the i
bed^ wbirb Uey can. lor 1 bara Ue kind that of tprlaga that doea eoi roll yoe togcUrr< Ue eotf
be alBoat nsUlag.


or Oxfottfn

To be oloaed out regarcUess of cost.


So rarelv
rarely nmet vitb. - We h
for of MoHamArE-WAtBon

(I to out the btlShoe Stock, nU« a1>out
.V» peiro of high-grede footwear of T..1..V
I- March,
' < ir.-gory. Mich
BO are mnet bare room for a big shoe ci<nsit:iiait-nt expected in
daily. . To make it more intorrotiitg we mill duriiic
niic thi
thii: sale
give away free oar pair of LBdiee Sbot-fl.c Oxforiln arith every
four or more paira of Men’s. Women’e, M i«c#l or Hoys- 'Sho«

Childron’i DobgoU Shoea. aizra.from 3 to 3. black or wn.



1 keep e fall lia* of Spriage eee M
Ue beet Bera to No 2T. Spriag. the
I keep It ie two
erir mete (or the Boeey. It be* 11*
grada aad two alylce—in the common_____
.' 2S or in Ue bci
oil tempered etoel win. guaranteed not to tn..__ __ SO.
Hinged ao
will fold sp.
extra is either grade I h»«c all ain
4 It., aad 4 It. 4 In. Tbto epring and our-faiiao--(eU
feed not to lamp or bench, at 11: for the two. ma&ti
Don't go another day wiUon

Uoheaee. Uto mate of bard majOe. weU bolted tSrat^. good, eu^
weroB win bottom. Yoa eaa told Ue lege eater it. Uen It rente oe
caotarc as yon cm ekore ll oador aaotfar bed oet of UM war. and It to b
alee coBlortoUetoad tor UolitUtcBB: high elte raOe eo U^ will aot
raUealorgetUeeoreno8UeaL I bare Uem ia thracelrea.i It. C la.
X 4 ft. r.ia.. M-t». } ft. X : ft., tl M. and i ft- c la. X t ft . f*.00.


It toVate etoteTIltrirnrteMd ^SBeSuagTleTte M^haSIft

- J. *1, \
to made of hard maple, well made, oleoly
Sotohed aod .
wi:h iron bslu. ao you can fold It aadetaod
t la aclooet. orasy place. It make*
teakn a etoo.
otoo. eoBtoruhle bed aad o
la. forte it I
tobarela tbeb0B*c
I ha
bare then
iper grade for 8
(or R M. They or* Ue boui: faes 1 ba'
aod R.ts, and Ue caauae eat* that fold np fort)

rktoipor grate at te.eo.' All etraCto te *■» M at ramo pilea.

'-y. MattiMB lhaTealJci<B.aU»tytoaaada!l prtooa. InB a ckild'e
leribagtlato at 81.00 ap. eot miUroaeB
7t ap; faU etoe maUreeaei
oe at 11 Tt
aad to 00 ap to that eleep prateelag Idled cottoa al to »o. bair atSl': TS and SR 7S
We eao p'.ea*e
k tad yWB eaa


Ladie*’ band tnrnod aol«a, MeXamata-WataoB
•nitoal............. .................................
....................................................... BSC

ebm «.«11 to 1. B...(thi, «k.
M..-. s..i. c«. b.iia.« Blow to. i.„ Oto., .li .lesc


Iran Bod jote

iifrc-Qi: 4 ft. high, one half.
tKree-Ionrtht and fnll aize.

*’'s *«aal
Ulii’: Crc£Bae.~Wbito aood:^ W
doka eoltes.

*lera MteT





Ab entire nsw line of these goods at tery

(riven away free

Friwteeha^h U< emu^d^bd 8n*
teyaef Up BQoU le yba ereaing le

Taa tollowlag are the gnnto rtgto.
Mi. WI.M tea MUd tt. PwrU Bu- toted at Iba betel ler Ue peek weak:
Wb. Vao Laruna. teaua O. deaeoa.
3. B. Saadln. Jeba D. Klag. W. E.
Vaa Bow. 4it- Eosar. C «. Whoa
look. Bortoo Colrle. Alb^ Andrne.
Fraok Pertea. TraaetM City: EUnar
McKlaetry. Joi____________
Jea Baladal, Pern
wp raadp far ealUac la the a<
B. a Bntlidgt. Gnad ^te; Joha
Wallere. SatUaa Bay: vL-k. EeaV
Mtoa Ida fartaat 1wdaU bw eeb
Dendoa: Cknb AllM. D.'Boaka bad
aeboel bo... pbeUgiapt
wile, A. F. Baatlagt Jobe Bowom.
Oaa Laall, Bsplrerjai. P. Batdtob.
So. Maaiton lalaod; Lonto LlaMtoB.
K: a Aoor. OloB Arbor; E Coelldga.
BUbkaUa el Merthpert.^ tor. i
■5 B Bolto-.
Uta.taMaoieui'a Pier.
Brjer^b^lllBl wliagaa bar.baae
etolhto (row karewhhla thelMtNiwe

Opde hirwd. a Eaaaoa aeqwlataa
ewde ea a pi wet rtoH Batardaj*
heegeae back

Bammsr Lap Robes and Dnstsn;
lowest prieaa


One pair of Lediee'

1760 Piiis Stoe

Tht aaw addltioe Hr.
, Mr.Iawaahaebeaadelagadwa
nlldlag oa hie alore rtlU
; ii« ler Mr. OIU.
apreraaual aa mil aa a great ibbMM BBw Biowa rtoltad aa darlag raaioeoe to hto atora. Be r-ltl aee it
faragrtenltoral iBpIaBaeto aad bog


A Complete Varjelii

Ko Baa eaa cm mwaaBpllea, Tea
ema prareat ll Uoogb. Dr. Weodb Kar•V P« Syrap cam enagba. i


HtaaLalla BolM*. who toMadilac
at tha HatebaU mM boBM. *WU4 at
iMaaBawsanb-t Boater.
■n. aihrlfht ol TiavarM Ollr Tialt

mUAaktoa aad


F. J. Bryna.atelaBUyte«rato MB.
toe Oeator laat waah to rtolt Jiaa
HaU. aa. octogaterlaa. wbe boo baaa
aarylUi TbiT ropart bla aoBc '

^Paaobt piaB aad ebertp tiara era la
Mra. Ebb. (Hptoa. wbe bra boos
rtoltlBg WlU bar MMw. Mra S. W. Wllraw. la Uto ploeo, rwatwod lo barFreak Shartdaa to raaaiag Ut FiahVerp wars vaatbw ler a law day*. la UtorMaiid. Okie. Frltey.
r Mg Uto MBBra
arairtblBg to looklag flaa.
Mra Will Dartow ratoraad to bor
Mr. Jobaroa it a^a fa work altar
hUrte MeWaaa* who to wetelag far hoBe Friday, altar apaadUg i
harl^ ^ laid ap two woeba wiU a
k. U. Bttitb took a rtda hoM «a bto ariU bar paraau aad Irteate
wbaal laat Seaday.
^ E P. E^hae BOrod bto goote Igfa
H. (>. Oaapbell ol Timrerte CltJ gare
Hci. BddKabl ^toBtaaracal daya ol
aaeotertalaaeat la Ua aebool beaaa loot week at Trarana City, ntaralog
Mra Looekt aad daaghtor of Port
"Tba^MwM^MV'« • Meead laat Prtdaj algbt oa Ua gnmubeae bane Wad----------OaMte riaiud Mra Bargni today.
■fiinin If 1^1'- •--------'J«Rrib«
Mra Bonraaa haa paita a beneatal
^-----------la lb* tom haU. Ka? Mib.
;ol toardatm. mao worklag tor tbe Loba bald at Trareraa;^


iut it,

DTsSTte^Bbira ra‘*sSSb BMora. Ouaadi
alMraaea la the H. E ebarab bara. UTigtoteaibaw
Tba aarrkea waa Ttry fargely attradad

only $LS0.

Forty-ooTon dif­

ferent atylM cf Iran Bedo



J. W. Slater’s Exclusive House Fumisliiiig Store

lao yaroja.^ s«x>eet

» Ol^e Mi oil.


Traverse Her^

Lbb4m. K*r l*-WUle Om. Bob.Mb MVVMtir btlUat >4 Kn«aia<l to n«i»lr tb» r»I]««; ud Ma*
■Vtnasparl>.tta«etal«riaur«>l latk*
Be«tbAfric»a ewpoIfB at «ac> OMlaniBKoul.


tol ao«n of Ouoml Bsllort


«hi^ beVBB Toatodtr■ovocaf curtopoodooi
eaii^ad oat aod ooi .
Col Too Ben
oitfliakaJ o«a


Ills ot

nu Bardlac renatlp fcOUd a Uu
maight feet ling oaFUak OoaUli
TbaMUiguattH Bramu'au
IcB iriU bald iu Mth auaal euru'tka tt Kattmaam Jaaa M aad SL


Ulmrimm mm^ 0¥mHmm

Smam mtm Om tUs that
amd t


aad that Bedtfloa »«« eomforlt erare
■dtbat Bepoltleto priooDorref <ear. lore'«aer« and
barfbore, erere treated alike.

April 10 Krafer replied that ao diSeipace hM beea made bei«a» eoloalal
■ .••d
Oalp a eaatl
eambtrof toppoted to ‘be eplta
otberawbobadoBBilUd breaobae ot
marUal la« or tried to eeeapt, bad
baulBprlKnxdlDjtU. but had bwa




Bnay of biood pokoa ud ectari e^ierteur ib____
it. Yob cu eure }-oar*elf periecllj in-1 jienaaaratlj

Popellau are for Brru

Dlaaa, tore her Unb. ud.lbu lapeat
cd tbeoperatloaea tbe tu other bit
lie. Karl Cellar, oae of tbe keep
Seallr killed tbe putber with a
riBe. Hoatof theulaali eaiDC frOB
BerliaaodooDtltaedto Kaw Vork.
na; will be dielded emoat PUUtrort.
Ctaduetl. Chlcato Pbiladelphla zoo
cardeat. ____________________-

Sloox Palla, & 0.. Mar 10-lba PopWniiaa ~
Brru forpreaideatthla afleraooe with
a whoop and iba bud piajad tbeDozelefpoTer aad over while the yeliiot.
waa folot oa. FoUoiriiit tho aoBalaa- - Tbe eealeet aad meet effeetire mi
tlos there wore heart of debtlajr over odot perilyiat tbe blood aad loeli
. tba qaoiUoe.of wbelber «r aol a eaodi- atlat iba ijeteB to to Ube t
dattaboaldbo oamod (or. Tieeprool- ______Barlr Blaara. tbe faBona little
^Uk fo cluaelBC tbeUreraad bow^cla.
Buator *AUea aad tba taar
eleooat to Brru^poaed the naklarof
Wolcott, Been A Oc.. of Keaau Otj'.
I. aad Baaator Batter ud
B. Oarr/ BrowDot MaaeachaTtU: led bare a eoatrael with tte Britlab to*enuaeot lo (oralab U.OOO boraaa before
■ildalcht la a rletorf for Ibe oosluttea Bu bt a dteblra rota. It loeh
three roilcella to brlaft tbe matUr to a
haad OBdeaeb Use tba
f letorp waa;BoreeoBplete.
Darlat Ike debate la 1
tWtwaaaUDe wbea tbe
wai CO Ibererte of a not Bx-Oee-

-J. C.Eeoaedt. Beeaeke.
leuaot autoe aeab far (
wbet thodoetara ealled u Ineereble
aloarenBrJaw." Carei pUet ud ail
ikln dieaun.
Lookoat (or wertbleM
F. C

. iiwfffl

I Wonderful Spra\



of the lever gives enough
pressure to

large trees

lag aader ealtlratloa
Ike arerate ooedilitlOB of Map 1. waa

1*1^ tbe rung froman.

W. 8. Hamer. MiUhelm. Pa., eared
tbelUeof bklltUagtrl bpgiringber
A Coagb-------------------------------Coagb Cure when ibc wu
dpiu from
It k tbe ulp barmleaTWedp that glrea Imma^Me ntaitt,. It qalcklprareacoaghi,eolda.
brueffitk. gnppe. atihma aad all
tbraal aad iaag trublea. F. C. Tbomp

Oeatral Neva.
Upon bk letera to Aaierka (roa
Baropeoaxt Aagait. Ber. -Obariaa M.
BbeMea iBleada td wrltaa eorri. bar- reaebkl Wuhlogtu Saadap.
Watltaob>eet tbe eole^loa of tbe
-After ufferlag from pUea (or fiteerrultlrlofABerki.
a pun I wu rated by nalag two
ceaof DeWiU'aWItob Haul Salre."
Tbe board of foreign miialaaa of tbe
Itm W. J-Bular. North Brook. N.
PreebptwUo ehareh ot tbe Ueltod
Btatai. wUl eloie lU Bacel peer Mep 3U.
free froB debt. Tbe emoent e
prialad (or tbe pear war trt:
At Ca^eo. N. 8..Budap, bopi«rtV
Faada anSriral were raked tr pa
r aeciduttllp or parpoulpjet dre t(
_ Urge pile of tarred leiober w&ieh bad
‘ tll.lPTforthe pear.
beu •lore^tn tbe market bonae •
that baUdlag.
TbeBoBbap eormpondrnt c
aad HamalldwelUBCieaaalBga
leea eallBtted al»lM,»o aad read«
' Maea to race
^Tbere here been too death* ia ibrea lag (M people
dap* al Mandiree ud *o nuBeioa*
utiuim iia»* i b ■■
k impcvine
teaoUecttbebodia*. Tbe people hare
Badudemanotbe Induced to retarr.
A tballar elate of thtaga preraSk at
Fonr nlUlgb iron aad etael qaat
(aetarca bare arrirrd la rblladelptal
tram Baclaiid oa u lapanut bI
•loa'for tbe Britkb corcraBeet. Th
rklMta are aupp«aed lo hare
tbe ikaeopd
IraaCo.. rar
roc o^moieo of eereral
•A be batU la Boelb Afriea

■■Alter lefferleg from aerere dpipep.
*U for erer tweira pean ud aiiog
maap waadleB <wUbut
Oara. ItAid meumaeb good ! n
mead it ta crexTur.” vriUa J. B. wai
blaa. Clerk aad Recorder. Cbillieotbe.
!tdl^U*'bbtpuuV r. C Tbomp> aaeuBced in the Attaau papan
that tbe prieeam of Wale* and ber
daaghter. tbe . PrUeam Victoria,
asu expected to arrire at Corfe. ud
betbratbal of the Priaem Victoria
with Prince UeotgeMUreau U to be

WorkoftheChkaco dlreetorp ci
J. y. Hood. Juilee of Ibe Peace.
maraten (or lOCO, almoal complat
.. Hwa. makm tbe fo'.lowlag
aborr. teat the popelatioa pf Cbiea
Bttttmul: “1 eu cerUfp thatUoe Mia
it net l*a* tbu 2,001.000. Tbe dirrci ate Ooagfa Cara will do ....................
wife eo^d not gai
my eatlmate k ao eoeaemtlre that tbe eUlmedbrU.
d tbe flnt dou_________
of It ca­
ber bruth ud_____________
Ilered ber. Ubu ako beaefiledmp
wbole'fuBllp.” It aria immediatolp
aadeareaeon^uU. I
brtBCMlia. utbma ud i
Inagtroablm F. C Th
■Bglwdkwritbarlac ia Ibe cla*r*
of a eoal riag-Tba prtea of coal baa raked
JO pereut.tbe prctexlbriag Ibe h.
Anaudt (or (be war. bat eeal oVi


• ,

far coekiDg. ba* rirtuUp •lopped,
■alBUla U* prie* lo (be former exMatacut flgare. aarieaCp arippiiaf
BBap ladaautta
ladaautta. r^Biinj atael aa<


Tv lifuta aa« OUUiM.


Tbe Moat Baecaaoeal ud BcintifleTraetB
of Maakttd Poasible tt OMals.

Made to use on

Ta* BP*ioijeirauJ;«<orai.'r ■iiv*i.aperia:oi lo It* I'onMeiaMo ~-| ITII miflmw.
lo lo* lorro*! kaap.lalo la IW vert* 0*111*1 Mm M
ai *::> ubiiKK'.KBKiKl-H.HiLro aa.i nua-ii DtoraM aaaa lae laiio* ———- mtuw
. •*3l.ii*> bm u- lb* f3i; robacrare ot la* aWici*. eu roa aofo

barrel or jMiih

t.abana. n oraar. .-I ,b> Kt*. Bar. K w Tb'eal acU Lbb«*. I>b*.eaila. BnniW DWaeaa. Bm-

S2.7.?.fris.’.“b.!'cr*.5S^*^*a ss:

On Uyhtbitton

■ab| ^-ev.»iaer; ,;ealbe-e"i ...or *b • alj«i ba*e toea miarod bo perkn Ualli bad jU.



POaiTITB oum '
I-J'Mi.r .lee ab< U.T Lb

Travtt>t' C ilv. Mir-liii'iin

Cor. Cane and Staiv StiveU. Uutii Pliom-ii U*.

i>i!MiDA«aiNa BAbae*

aHkoj 10 801U








OgMr.iv^*r.i.Mr.i*dGii*vui m-e tn it
IW OTTMaK »<14iGmm ttmr w^
1*01:..,. ttm -Al* otoo
mry ubit* saC ruei bao* nuaU «H» aM
POdlTlVKby OOUD P*tm* Wmt a«Jbal,. *bCuil< tarw to* GUCy. ■k*ll
ol *« OLd al: d*.;**l» Uioare*.-. oovalar u vr =A»rtoro
*,i**r w. I»«u,*.:y c-3»*.Va. •*;! a. 'v:,aatlMIMi aEK, a* laso*sswrlua* tael

Aehlldeboata pur old of Jamm

Some ReasonsWry You ShouU haaf on Having

Contest Notice*




Rvii-li r, luril K-*ibrr rufU

erer and klUed at Nile* bp a Miebigu
Cutral train Tnmdap. Ladd repreIbe Joliet. ID.. IruudStMl
Bridge compup. and bed come tt oe
gotkte with NUea for a new bridge.

Tbe gndoatlng clae* of the I
srell Dighaebool wlllaptcariocapsud
gowa* on dais day. June ‘ Svaie of
the girl graduates .bad already purebs*ed pretty gradcattoa dresee* and
foagbl the cap ahd gowa moremeat,
balulbemijcrity of tbe clu* are
beji tbeglrla weieoTcrialed and tbe
dalaly white dreetr* will xtot appear al
tbe waior reeeplloa.
Abeam Wllaon met a terrible dmib
laCadUlee Tburtday ereattr HebC
gu work la Cobb A Miicbeira Hwmill
Nr. 1 witb tbe night erew. Daring the
fora fiart of the night be wu mUted by
hkfdlowwcTkmrr A learcb rcrealed
the blackened trunk la Ike both
the buge burner Died w eoucmi
refoar. Tbe body wu taken v
LobU. Hleb..Uiehomeof kr Wilioak
parent*, tor intermut. Tbe ponrg
mu wubat M yean of egeuduimarried. Tbat night wu bk Snl work
tn the mUI.
Tberakiag of orden track eo
ID.oao-tcre farm, to be seat by the ship
load from HuikegOD to Ckieago. k Ibc
plu proponed by Uermu O Lange.
Tierp of tbe Fbrguea Poandrp
ipup of Cbleago. Tbe lud tt be
elcd tt celery, cabbage, eeiom,
aee.radkheaaad all tbe taadaeta
of tbegardUklatbcMaakegu rirer
. rallep aad ika along tbe anlb bank u(
tbe rirer. A lerm II mllea lug k tt
be baDt fire feet high, aad M (a
Ibtekaeta. With a lake rate of 7
attpadredudaDlghf* anil from tbe.
maffeet. Mr. Image and bk aaioelaUa
balkr* tbap cu eulip eompete with
(araenot tba CUeage
trial. Tbeemtof tbkimproramei

^DltaPJIMjn yen Warn maim

taibloa.:| for >ielal oyao taeryr,«a. mCer
K».y. tbrtlor Ib.-r obb of eye laatto or IM*.

Long. Eut Elmira, while uliag peaTlie pareatt
•ttrted for the doctor** office u ftxtat
libte. battbecblld died before tbe
office wu reaetaod.

M. Blep, eitp uaunrer of BaUIe
C.wek. bu (ododbk fetber after a
adueh of n pean. Be wu lo the 1111Dok Soldlen' Home. Tbe elder Slap
•reat Into the war and during bk abborn. Before tbe
father ccold uian bl* wife died ud
tbe Infut wu prarlded with a borne.
Tbra begu the eeercb that bu jatt
AtnrudBepldiaA aDupblKlested
doctor marched Edward Phelps, whou
corered with naallpox erap
tloa*. tbnmgb tbe dowattwn itreett.
and into tbe beallb efflse in tbe dtp
hall Saturday tt Sap out whst eiled
The patieot wa« ordered to tbe
peat home, aod tbe utire aectira of
tbe dtp ball In wbicb tbe bealth effiee
k located, wu deserted by derk*

UK oTTHair. atiet yeanar eiamaea*.hea «H*a*WM

_ _*a.Ur avoiiN
SB OTTHAB cae-ait. i>.erom!u:ir are

ranDEBfui CURES r.:::
rtrrtm. 'or *••** y***i-*to.a*i^.

i fS

Twelre pain of prairie dog* acd two
mollbe *rlU of John
Bmkinahewilbatbk peneoai cattle prairk owl* bare jut beearecelred
from Eaiuu and placed la the new
oalp uo,eoo, all that wu Ic
prairie dog rUlage ra Belle Ule. A
bit taUttr'c beqaeatof
lageebore. tt hup them from raeoieg
■T bad alomaab troable twenty pean away, sad a eemeat Ineloiura nnder
aad gare np hopa of baleg eared antU
I bera to BBC Sodol Dpapepala Cure. grraod. tt keep them from borrowing [
Ubu due meumaeb good 1 call it oat, will prereat their neape.
ttae -urlar of mpUle." >rrite* B. W.
BnjamlaC Hoptof St. Joivpb. bu
Wllklaam. Albup. Tna.
It dlgMU
]ul eelebrated bk used blrtbdep.
whaipemul. F.aTbonaptu.
of tbe law Black Bawk war
Oatlook tor Wheatpsulocen left.
Each member ot a
eotapup ot to who fought Black
Wtahlaflea. Maj lo—BVuraa to the
Hawk lo l*S3 reeeired a peulra of !»■:
HaUatlduoftbedeparlneatof afrldaeasasd heir lo ■
per pnr. and too aerat of lud bealdte
r that the area of wlater eattU crortb dieb.aao, toob
aoU aad died. Tbe nidde k altribotwheat aadrr ealtlratlea Hap


spray two

' baaee ateerei
talelBer. OeaU were oS ud it looked
like a Otbt for aore Jbe reritatloo ot
apoaaibj a Mlehlfu lau <
.Waga (or'a time
eioBX Falla, Me/ il-Obariaa
Towsa of Hluaola, wai dobIn
for rleaptaridaataPl a.B tbiilFrtdajr) a.aot.OM. or n x pn
eaat lata tbae the area aewalaat (all
TharadaeUoB la tba aereate ta tfai
principal at*tea owlet to wlater kUllnt
«ad tba raratae of the tactelu flp, la aa
foUewi: ladlaaa. Obla, ten.000: Hleairu.

ia ^

________ Addiea*. gwirr SPtCIfIC COBPAinf. AUABTA. 6fk I

Cbarlee Beeex died ia Cadillac donipmonlag at tbe borne el bkpaiuu,tbe ccaull ofu aeeldutwbleb
oecarred Satardap erulag. Beeex al-

C. O. LUd of Kalamatw. wu nio


Send for our Httar Tn.

baa warned them that ibep ma*t atop
emokiag or lean.

Lswp I
wtaeela. hk left foot b
tblelo •
ecox wu aboat IS peww old.

OMerSaafaMauBa.a.ttep.m. Ou4ap oalp «achmuh.

Of -Bcdicri adiTCe al aov time. <______ ,
Tbe;- ban made a liie «udr of Wood
ill give your letter pfjmpt and rarcfal .
aiiCBoan. voatull tbeen as uftcti a. yuu {deare ; me m.n* I
Do ebazge whaleter for Ui'i* arruce All tiorrenjamden
m ll.*
— ‘PTrl-11-*^

toorgu z» ud boldatbew toere oex:
The attiM* of B.c«o1b. Urut. bbeiman and Famgat at Hatkegoe are

blew CbM eieb of Ohio baa
ebaJleagcd Miebigu (or a aerl
DeWltt'a Lima Earlj Btien ei_____ gamer, ud. a* Miebigu bat aoregalar
Oeetl pilU r erer aaed.^-Dr. J. Moore. club, tbe Baglaaw Cbma clab. whicU
>t at other prleoecn of HUlbrook. Ala. Tbep <|Bie]^ eareaU
treated U
wwal traabiM. F. C Aomiaea. raeelred the eballeage. will irp to eeenncBongh plapen (outer tbe con“Ealerle terer. eeeotdlait to Kr .
wai ear/ preeatwt eaoo( tbe cieil
P Pita, jaat airired
Btadul Burp Briak of BamUtoo.
pppelatloa ae »eU a* the the prlaeaan Iron Haabart. wai tba latrwi ebllae
Aliegu ooutp. who woald hate gradud mrf ponlhle Bcaat were helM Uoa el aolBaU arar broatkt
Dated from Hope Collwe tbk moatb,
tekea to praeoei the apreed ot the dU- AUutie at owe Ume.
>ilrack bp ligbtalDgud laxlutlp
tlcen. eaaala, ud ,olbar
aeaa, wbleh toe treat eaUBl kae utkUled while waablag (or braUfari at
uiaala. tocetbar with a larre.iftortaealofbirda aad'reptUa. Tba trip tbe bema a( Burp Luidca* at Uollud
"Oa AprU tt { rolled aiatlat
Satardap morning..
paaaafal with oaa aarkad atflad to raeaWe tbie aataranee. tpeleleOUret tlodeou wbolore thrir
ceptloB. That waa ou alcbt Bbca
adoat that do differesee bad
■ado betwaea bBTtbpfa ud prlaoaon Pulber Jaka. u aaral; baaal. ueapad
liege rale* tt ou Wbaeeo. pet these
r aiebt »
where tba
«roaad toraaipletoo woald trp 4
I while tbap were
ootbebaekof tbe elepba^t Uoddeei
Itboatbtaaeb a

S'? rt-


Geo. Wheelbarg of COBitock.
lo orcr acd badlp cra*hcd bp a hea
(arm roller, ua riaiag from tbe groai
be apit oat u tie-lMbloBcd copper
eaat, twallowed bp him whoa a pouag
He k BOW at peen of age.

Mrty yamfm.

Hcrtol -W-rritn-ng,‘Tirm'werwcJitiy,

Thursday and Friday, - Tune 7 and 8,. 1^.

Yra map am racogiiiseit a* tbe mae old uia
CratagioB* Blood Puuoe. ud ii wiUcnra
ra era. It u Ibr ralr {aiTelv trgetabk tdood panfim kuwa.
and tbe^.e aatidole foe tbi* pmes S.«. S.
pmam-^tbeteknereruTrenmof tbediwue

lllPridap aruttg.
traced tt lee cream.
peer* old. wbL'a
xaemn Crawaj
riding a hkpcle Saadap at urud Ba^
Ida. ullided Witt at
eelred fatal Injarka-

iboara. Tbatof grul wtU probably
be erected firat
Hoagfattn miner* tt tbe ns
oft.MOarcoe etrike al tbe Oj
udyaUcpmlaca. Tbcrak a«tn>ng
•trike apnadlng.


IwPwMaUflhOltimifialliiiHlttlb bwh|» am
..................................... tbcrirB*.
or ia a modiaed
Eoaa or teidiik.
--f life, u doe ud traceable tt biaad
U.rforor two or three rcan

, Mt7 I»-B.t>l7laf
ofMaTlO. Oj-barak
to Pr«ldeai SniCB' Uat
1 bad board that priworr.
eoloatal foieem wtn beioir treated at
«rlB'>oaUand ooSeed ia a Pretoria
JaO. thateolerUr«*erwaa aBOsettea

:imim hw ni SMelb

B. e;. TTMAN. M. D.

ttea oaiKBL
raeal*adUef9llQ*larfr>m L>rd Bab-

CBnltalin iM

PUaahep k aazteu tt ahew <
paopieattbaaeauitbk Jauaadtba
a are aigttr ermp aae M aup at

Ued (be BatUeOacb Para Pood era
wiibtoeplMl QtJI.WW.OOOud
paid gp capital of •MQ.KO.
Hba Hiuk Lae. a gaaatat Paw Paw
Lake, near rv.i~.* ,ru p~i*—< ud

Tho l»t«t dbptt;l> roeolTol lo fron
Etwi r»>a. dovad HoodiT airbt.
B**n «*»eu»led H«U■ uku. ud that 0»8. Oaadaaald h




PriTJteSBi 170.'



;r r f firwAW
cmuii. UTTfnrtfwiw
msasw. irant





the WorU
imm wmmsim willBo HiUEnf?




|. airli'




Wapu Oenaly Beak Bldg.. DBTBOtt [


X U auya. U. L

M u: M»r* y-4 u uiriMW Ts



_____ -r-----------



filbrf ID lutoy or

iti. S; I

U»r**l. lo* iJipum.***f»

KiVt^CLaRk li.auxtenx.uESBe Uop j.
TtTANTED * v '■ i-



*ork IE G rAor,!i
I..*.CU aidaUcDiI.
Cf*o. Da.IlcLa Sa.A.I ID* R,GC*ro i-DOtrEU-orc* lolifbtoo lAbur IbErrito hM GLO r.<l«

Gbo;. G,n,D;l* U-GTE GDd bcrom* (GGilUGr
Dr pVG»*J l«tl*3

.rlir loner* tb* t*tl*r. • itfa

"f wmmm

y.Air* u i*-f*Dy xi**D. iDGi to 1---------T~rr gm -r
.iTDlr ..( *I .*Cr* rr*al*J U lOr SGErrUTGra. lA G1

-J-K.*«i'*L: it

iGadrr. AI Ur TMUn.* «G IL* rrrsl**. luVrii
ywEMr**. ICIL. CUT .» Ttoirr.* ni,. It „1J
<L«My,M.>G;imA>.U«l»u*Ay*rJG»A.A I* u.
Al I • U <,.«A IB Ur tvGrtoJGG oi BAie *AJ. GlI IDf
nriiL m> jd.i itwR.i *e *gM aieiiga <
IB GD* D> Ur tjU*Gll,a e<



italirs Vlift

I* tbe jorof tbe boaaebalL for wit^
out tt DO hAppinem cu be eumpkta.
Tbe onkal througfa whiitt tbe expcc*
tut tnotber mset ram. braeiei, k
so full of danger and eaSering that
__________________IttHwilh in^mnliahtt fcfear. Erm-.womu sboedd know tbat
tbe duger. uip ud boner of child-birth a a be cstirelv arcaded bp the aae of
____________________ ________________
" HoniEa-a^iik.vt)."
a KkaUfic 11 _______ Beiisaidtbra>aBd>«fwemmnbave
paamd this great cris* ia pcrieclaaiAr and witbooi paia. Our boob <( t«ioelem

Homer’S niciMi

Batanlar. tt.

BaraM. G Gtwwww ^G>*4 AG4 eueGiaiG* t* tua < g
JGUUr^rtoksto^toWGGtomnOGAtoU «Ay ; .

du^ of Map.


itAmiA. Mmeauk may it. noa
iMi> ttotnis


The Delicious
from a hot
Royal Baking
Powder biscuit
whets the
appetite. The
taste of such
a biscuit—
sweet, creamy,
delicate and
crispy—is a joy
to the most

J^OYAL Baking


thtoiwaU banter brtfbtmud

unto DnwMieaQM UUla DnudeUoa,


Ltots to the rebiBb uoU
Posted tram nbeae;
Wiss littto T^—
Gold tie Ibcdstoy bahlm.
(Bathed b*i 1* ci«e*.
Brifhttauan imenea.

their lip* to enry

Powder improve*
the flavor and
adds to the heaJthfulnds of all risen flgurfoods. It renders the
biscuit, bread and cake
more digestible and
Royal Baking Pow­
der makes b tt breads
wholesome. Food
raised with Royal will
not distresks persons of
delicate or. ciifecbied
digestion, though ea;en
w'arm and fresli.-

their nhystei nnd stupid tear <usfUiteC ni oppon*.it,

Oreetsth the Msy.

.1—1. ... Mkorard.
_______ elrele

snboul n

ud ererythlo*. nud <*•

giA. nud lr**i««t o«

Meeh llUle Dnadnllon
Urawelb mere teir,
TUI dice the nmber dew
Oel e( her heir.
Uiefa ridei the tUtety ess.

eOBfooDd her bUdly unvut*.

nibly n Inm *--------- *—* —

*e rewKnee..»« wiowu «, nw «

How to Langb.
■muted tbe major.
tralBlng our yossg
• Bake


Hu. H. B. 0. B.n*. Bdlimr.


^ lo.e dciee


Be a happy sromaa. aud breaghl me
coaatleee flowere. Tbeec. I bare glrea
and Bade many bappy. Tblek itrnet tbe arerage yoongWu---------------to langb. At a nation DO women know
of all the dragibwee lo the cUy,<»e
M do to hot Uio Pranch. Olbw
OS almoet ereiy ooraer. ilgbUeg ap ibe S?rto .Hh.r»Bleker, giggleor yell, n^
Week with their large fine* botOeannd fdo»;t hnow-b^;J-,Xd,*‘
rhen they
flsmlag adrerttoemeayof pateflt medl- thelbei
n Ue back and Idm
If t oely aad the power
____of tbe peiso miD’hontrttheai.
throw all these drage enl and bang to that'e ten tlmee aebedseaDopmhat
the wladowslole of light boee.rabee.
ipadea. aad It I eeuld ealy make
wemas la^be land work wUb
one la Uie open air abont two bonie erary day. wUt a bleeaed ebaage there
eraaM be. bolb la bealUi and gardeae."

PSSUw..... L-

.onid be a ebair of Ungl
.male aeademr .............


tw the United Btatee army. TbepopulaUea of Boek Itlsndie to.coo (eeple..
Tbunday. 40:3S p. m.. bed time.
Friday moraiat, AprU SO. 1»0 -We
bare Jett peated tbe Mtoaouri prairie*
aad cattle ranebea. It looked rery nice
to eee tbe cetUe feeding on tbe greea

tomycspericeec: I bnre been reread ,
log for tweoty yenrt nud always had I
the beet of healtb acUl aboei two
years ago wbes my kideeya either
weakeoeaor wtra oterwotked. I aof
fered iron pale and achleg in the
.m.ii of my back to each an exteat |
that 1 wae nniu lamr
A railroad ee- r
glpeer who had need niaa't Kiduey,
adttoed me to try^^m
treauneot raUerod me
I stopped It.;
the trouble returned, I resorted to the,
pliUagste forsfew days, aaotber re -;
Ispae followed, when flnslly I decided
. r~.
. ..--------laeedsU;
take a
Siacc then, e i tbli to moaUu


We an going at a raw of •
mltoamlnate. Weanpamln
litUe leg eaWas altsaud na tbe plate*
of Huaoarl. and now we hare stopped
teaellyaased Tte&MB. We pawed a
dsatetb uway!
eolored rromaa piskteg green*, for her
— VeitJirr-t riillJ l.ifr.
dinner. I aappoae. We bare ju*l passed
la rery large farm where three men
May 15, iwc.
were plowing and makteg ready to
We win glee a tew of oar little let- farm. The toil to rery rich aad fateck.
ilTaJo. K. Y-. solr agenU for the:
tare tbit miming, thee tot oeeof onr
We bat* Jutl pawed a large plain
ilted Slate*. Bemember the nr-Kuacbhie boye. Cbarlet Blag «f the
wbar* tome hogs were graxlng. Tbe Doan's, and take no other.
Ferawoodclub wllueabout ble jjnrhen te Utoaoarl are patting on
ney to CaUfornla. which will be rery
tbe leerw for the kammer.
It tos:l3 a m .and we wl
1 Kaaws City. Ma
W« bare Jaxl
piaeud throe cow bey* monoted on
WegotUie enrdennd badges and
honw and with terolrem In sight.
. rare glad to gel them Tbe BoothiBe
We bare pawed a liule tows ealitd
dob bad aa enterUiuDUt tiatarduy
Kearney, when Jeaw Jam**, tbe great
Tfaere was a large
United Stetee stage robber aadbigbThere are orer aerenty Are aebolaie lo
lired. We ww the epot where
eebool. A good many more hare htobenwanee stood,
Joined the club. T^e teeratary
write to yoeeoea. We wenllo UraadWe pawed eter so many places te
pt FoUar-a yealerday
Three Utile Hiwonri where all the frail tree* were
girle want with at
Wh bad i
boiler lo the wagon. When we
W* ate pawing a eemrlery now
to the big
we children walked.
which to rery grcmi with grsa*.
k, HlhHl „U« V,lk T,-1 IHKHIH I,' I,
I am eight yekr* old and them are aer- are pawing some rery large foroeu.
eral little glrli near ne who are my
We bare Jest posted a pretty Utile
age. I am in the flflb grade, the tame town called Ilirmlngbam. and
at Summit.
bare arrirad at Kaniae City.
We bad
YoarUlUe friend.
had te crow the Hlaeonrl rite rand
FxHse H. Ki.m
was rery muddy. Tbe people here gate

You Have
Always Bought.

tbare an aeoe’ot yee glad aa I.

J —

“.-SSs^SSfiSff i

iiace 1 came np here. Mary Totten m- We left Topeka at I p. m
W* stepped at a lIlUc terrii
aad 1 are great frleads.. We arete
gotheroreryday. Wo go picking trail Clay Center, which to about I'^imile*
AadoL,-----------------------------1 wlU eat la the gold of tbe bl
lagarbotat and we bare lou of foo from KanwB City.
tilate ol Colorada SaUrday
together. ,1 bare a real nice
And tit at (he Kaeler'e fecL
aey. She AprU :i. Iwu-We hire now passed
nieca. Her name to Jennie Trae;
■And Uie lore my heart wi
eg for the
line eiab Pike's Peak, which to ltu<» fcelaborc
belongiutbe H..Y. F. Suneblni
_____ the mea w
sea lerel. Tbe top of to was corend
Uielr We all think abe ii pretty nloe. She to
other garmeDW
only •-•‘i jeanold. I hare B»e broth with saow aot^U looked rery bcauciera. their names are Ueorge. Will, lul. Wc passed a great wrick uf two
obildraa, they played
the I ue Imaginable
Itootney. Kaal and I.ioyo. Lloyd works engtewbythe side of tbe ros.I. or.*
was eompletcly dratroyed.
la men Arbor. I hare twoeulera.
other WB* Udly damaged, The wreck
Your friend.
pdnu of three bonebr* of atpniagas
occurrrd Monday, April fTb«
Kuna Waiiaxs.
eogiBte were going about «Mnilei per
little piece* Cook ^c ti^^ mot
hour when It happened, so. the coir
..................... perlrcUy t
am going to write and l^l 7
ling water.
Tlraie. mb tbe pal. dbaraeier
aboat the .‘iuodsy acbool aad crery day tbe moantate* and were caaget by a
sngh a eotondw. and add three
In Uie Sunday nohnol 1 am In passengrr train and tried M get cut of
pinto ef milk. Tbe tipe eboald be
cooked tv flttean mlentm. la eligbtly
Him Rone Toinnkias' clam: the U rery the way and made a tUp ol tbe
Blled bolllnt rtator. .anri then added
kind to her dam. And eroryday >ehoo1 and ran late each other
to the aeparagito pale and milk. Lei
it all boll up. wpsoB to taete. tblekea
hart were tbegaginier, wbo broke his
bolb of my wacbet*.
The last day of eoJIsr bone, and the
alltUe flouraed poor Inwa' '
of school Htos Dsns garo es:b one te broke two ribe. bat no olber serioas
laan* of toaated bread.
ik aaUl tapioca to
her school k loreiy card with her ptoIt the yolks of four
U tells each one's naios
We pasted Hloerai Halece. wbicb
a rap
-ap of gTanalated
granaUted suo^.
beat lare aa il
yoont. tender etolh
that tola tbs school. We bsrr a loreiy
raia. Jnstv-'—
eat them In Inch
rery large balldiag sltnatcd
water onlU
le ere. add
aeboel boaw and a large yard te play Iteebla, Colorado.
ratty in salted- bolUi
We bare crossed
It bccli
done. t>rein off tbe i
the Arkaaeas rirer. It is about as.
IB Are. add
eta Well. I mastdlo**, hoidog to
laddy a rirer a* tbe Htosoari to. And
9 Of bidllng
I am te tbe flaasblae
mUk with
ow we arc te the large city of Faebls.
Qab . Your loring friend.
of batter.
ol. It to e rery beauUful eltr indeed.
LiLlJAR Wtr4i.
Bathe n—.---------m IHrt,
- ■ u. HU When qalte ameoth aed tblek ream
Colorado Sprtegt to another besaufcl
the^U to. than to a word lobe«id bnatSe flra.ndd the beaten ynlkt^
elty ellaated amonf the Rocky moont1.
ahaat work BBOag tbe flewB*. Hous
This to tbe third letter I bare writ- aloa Colotndo Springs haf a popnteCtona wDold be glad to kaew that
tu to you.
it to quite warm new. the tion of about lu.OOO tebabitonto and
ereryaat at He taadarn took adran'
Ths Uees ol Vinegar;
graee to green and there an djweia 1a thirty mUlionaSres. Hike's Peak can
tufatd this btoased hMpte aoal and ^ lUlYk^j, _• IIUI. boll^
Vinegar will ■'eet'' dubioat greens
oods. 1 go to acbool oroiy day- be seen .^toilncUy ibera. We paiwd
aiadandbody. Throngb Aowsn one water naUI teoder. drals, add oa
katldau lorpotoonteg Hy teacher's name is Htos HtenieAu- the Colorado Stneitera which were
^ cream, swsni te telfe and
large. They are te Feeble, meet
Hike her rery moeb.
and Anar then the grow mcterial ol
OB To**-W*^ and <»V
-Sesday aeboel te oar acbool boose
•sw^AarlUa They ate Indeed a flow
I like te go rery mi
lateaiViritacIktecdew. DM ool the dAn. nntto tbohamteea lay ihAetalks brntoeor-blaekeya’'
We pa^ a UtUe town 1a Colorado
laegar and
make a good
aad engar will
Mcner-a name I* Hra Unlmca
g tk* lUto* of neatly oe bet battered u
called CanoOB City- The slate pealSB WO bare Are eau and two
erar them* eraam drea
*'t'tearuwdsalt wUI atreagthee
follows: Let a pint ef
Aeler the mtad.whmi oos to heart com* to a boll,---------taete. and
need lo wnab tbe wall before
mwrr. w psrplexod or fall et
tetokon with one teaspoon of Bear
padarteg rrill help tbe paperteM'e^______________ I te a Ultle oold cream.
0 hell
help gnaur thae thatof
«hcr earth and te
tattle* eliwe t<
a brUliant light
It of green thlag*
teeb . .
_ . ler carcfnlly.
Orcrworlng Soya
beUteg water to
Dnrlhe hoAy there to
farmer wbo bad tc
ysboald beet
Uka It.
Achteg head.-----------............. I and tbe fs
T^yall lelth:
CWrrt ./anufir rr*o.-Ww*
aad weary matetee all Bad rest a«d
they' wore If
1» beeaoae they
teey w
d. and now tbe old n
•rate the Wlteg tomek of Mother aboald
Would be need. Wbea none
__ _______
d,being left
rt the
ipfal of mUk.and
o of Btoir.
II Bald
____ Ume when
._wlUiall(Uc floar.add
badly, bnt they
of batter and acai
lAerent to bto •
___ ___ ______ . »11 and
cam uT
AA.— •
“What medtoteadM yea take.',taU
more than
nicely. Wlmnnbor know*
-wyattfhber. looking orer i^nMen
a mn)e be know* when he to orerwml
uahHAnu-NTx _•
a daUctens wind. Mix them gently ed.
A mole hoowa that nneh. and
fsems. 1 ww werfcteg areaad \tbe
wHh n flasly mineed apring oaten and
eagbt teknow more than amuli
laettof myntosa. hnt leaning cm toy
rioid rnm FunvHf.
hae ttGued te chat far a lew mtenua
They bare effiecied ciins Whepc
aelteaU winter loag.aad grlppete
can>«> AWhwW
emioent physician* felled and have
Av.aaAberareeararrorktegte yon
heallb aad hsppiitete to him.
*w4e».nBde*ea ataytegthnragb the
hrasbw.-balr beashca and
- aboald be real
^wer Itet Cell a law mtentea aga"
diedsoftonured victims. Ckroaie
_ _ _
. othorwtoe the
“1 teke my modtotea ihreagb Utto ol^Uk. ^ft ewiand tbree-fOart^^
ewes y^d tothb tEsedyimifto
dealrpy ibaVnah.
saU I. “aad *kill two a can of Bonr with two Kaw
magic and tbe tranble sever rehMsitUbow etoaa- ter the motloa
. at IV •nw.BtoA the eet floor air. hare
tms. NosaServr Iniin any form
d my langt aad made me tbe toyon and aprlakle
ct RMnatetism can afford to neg<W *f M-*r«l.r iUK-wSm
Ira Itobtow teke eeU.'

S—H IH Hu-H 1." , ^

r fi


I wlnrHis"?

iBspldHlePrWH*^^ WrmBSV.acral
o 1, ux:gw‘K)D.“ put*. «r»»e ***>*•


t wUl told la tte lUy'. b

— — —^



tilen Uaree.
it tbe name of the Big Muddy.
We left Kaatat City at lo::
Aa I haronerar written to ibc Ht.RAur. I .wUI write now. I Joel earn* Friday, and now we harecraeacd Ksnfrom York atete. where we llrad for 10 tat rirer late the state of Kaosse.
We crowed by the Caw rirer before
yearn We came up here Inal Septem
>«n in York we got to Topeka, tbe capital of Kaa•ai. We arrired te Topeka ati: tr,a
atete. bat I bare been pretty well

4ad ho;«rte€*. Uaekeo tbe
flor “teBt aad dmer.


iThelGad Yni Hm
Always Boa^t


irof speech *s
t tor remorlBR

meat Mrio^leW. ebe to tree, w^
eronhy tbongbta gTaelesely exprneed



Of Chkago pretty aaarly.
People Tell It ee Plainly,
I toftChtoaconta tt
. U.MU.
It mnde
for the Bate of Iowa. Left the auta
re eillxao 0 Tiaru
s poaltlre.
Ton m
^ 10:10 p. m * fliriaed la Iowa
■Me 1043 p. B. Iheieday. Arrired at
ary * backache euffarer. oury mas,
Boek lalaad. Iowa. I0:0 p. m.
woman or child wlU> aey kidaey
creoMd the HMidppI rirer aad
tranble wQl Bed pre6l la the raadia*Weed la DsToepirt. Iowa, flrst largeot
Hr. P C. Urifllih. ol MilehoU suast.
OndUlne. s freight braktmsa on ths (i
B 4 I B K , rooolog betwaew Cadll
la the middle el the Kieatotlppl
auiilaadetltodBoeh lelaad. oe whi
nDSwerVsy totter teat ip me bysuyto alluated Um gjaeraBtat aneo
itactured OM wito tenlly wlnbes^-.;^w U

Hoy plsma* Buttering


The nuaeewUet Woee-

BsadlSE. the enSodllb
Bsufbly bead low.
l^der thnt fleecr tent.
Blithe llule OnudeUaB


B^a] Gei«a lAlA ie two reeheJM
taattohaight- tlwaeaaByr
righV TharadBwaradiSere
aadaerybaaatUaL WapMwd______ _
I toft Trararu* City. HtoUcMh oa the Oraad Chaes et the AihaMa.
It ena aaty beaaUlBl to eaa taa dfhaaWedaertny. the isth day at Aprg at ma Hear flaw . thrau^ the raata:tr^ B.. aad had
Aadlhaaaner <ba caaoa wia puMd
Oraad BnpUe (or CUnaffo. bat they
aandtel tosee that 1«m «a the
right tiate, ae 1 tet le Chlenr» aU Dl,.--------«->------- >"
,ri«htat TrWTharaday aB-.aad my
there to Beet aa 1 etayad
aU day erith Ub aad ha took BC ee the
ateeated onn ahoac the city tOitoob
Wt..« Ta.rra

CUBA sise's.

Pen lut)geUe liilmil




vK 1.1


___ . .WS^eeay •


f^oSrlhem ^ia Josrbe^





en^ 'T?to^4^tw*1u“or‘^^^'


Some of tbe Cored.

r, s't



.d., Su.. Jsd

Pink Pilb
For Pale People


1—1 WlU, wnu



tmX of acato pate will eftsa relicrc.
Kasflv my hoe geteg far an boor
mate erwry day, the weed* are kapt
a scant cap of sagar with a third
Awea. aad the ecdUcaneaed ee thai tbe
up el flear sad eaewlghlh of a
ie aed
rasaad alreMcetlelbertau. Itto uwpeealnl of nail; add two egrs
mltobdollMW. aad maka Ihs snakly poll—
waoimfal te watth my plenU grow
tegplmoat nuniiiisiry. Thv »b<»^
fieaiflay today, stod bow mack bstur
bsteell ■ '
—-•------------•urrtng eeonnauy aaui satoceatu.
1 Awlfar tha.awtetoa
______ psrtsetJy deUeteoi dhb, mix
Mtfae hew pan the air to after a shew. Wbsa thick miongb te w*aad ate^. ragb exactly w you wwld for bte
ramew teem An cool aligbUy and add eslto, roU out and cat late strip* and
W« lika hwlteg helm te weak laaga
CBS tewtenalaf at *aallla-Sr(/«Md
htoclm. Plaoc ta a kablac disk aad corTteto theasUwertmapae welly. faalU
•r with rich Wtekw or best broth.
It to tel afatoo the bet aos forma a cnat
SswrrallpapsrsbosM asrerbspM
ralUUtealraad ratetarigotohatew. ea oraanoli
toM ra
coat. Mierabm wilfbe
k rary or benlb.....................lU
■ytow haodlelwhesM Uka* magk ■ra te Ure B*d

Ittee heated my lanff*. ma

Absolute proof that Dr. WaCbnif VfO'rer'AAr"

liami' Pink Pill* will


Suday £xc«KlsiTr*lw nK. A>. (.

Carriages, Cattere, Sleighs, Etc,

Horeeflioiani ud Gmenl Repairing Done

Be-Painting and Dpbolstering.


mstfem in all its fonns sriU be forsisbedspoanqiiAtt.

I. ''^•""^wHwto


*- uTT*V

Trs—w otr > to a w.
na >>< btexscr aUr>





Mt. iMMBi. OwcMo, Sad.
tthw, B«7 Oitj, S«trelt,Bow«
•U, Abb Arbor, Tolo«e *b«
polstB Soot OBd Bestb. <Scoo
loettoao »t OopoioSoh with



^^twwree Herald

naartert^ aaUMari WitoMthaateraad^ririat. tba wtml ^
k b*iac madar «lraet par-

' ■mmiTffllTIlESOIIT.

Ta tea Cterk et Onad Ttexaaa Om'

taa tarM adjalaiapUa
nnrt ttol M ettrmeUv
Patel aaUe eattacaaa toabtala a ptaaanldMlot •xtmtiim letalat <M
tUalaapplpef tea aarr bMo(
ItaM mx NorUport Polav aev Ue «■-U^
, MM«IUraadTra*ciwBM
Tim*»Ur««B iba Ckkaceaad Mae*-.
. beau wtreh «aJI al Kenhaort
baTaalarapaeoaaitBUd aaibateaatp
tlaaetaBaltra tool
pf tea •coded pfla»*hkk JaUaoaU.ionaUe plan: cm eaa omSv bk *i
vard late Uraad Trarma Bap.
eatloa •Iteoat tee U-eaone caaelioi
cat Bead Potat. {orcDlep tee Sortl

noakned Hr. Wlphlanateam- I
tfrtWnpnrt.aaakiadil.ena adopt,
bp tea (oUclap paa aad Mjr eote:
Toaa-BaUtkk. Hoaroa.' ChaaAa.. .
Banilua. Waibar, WipblnM. Hateb•It. QUlk. OaiTtHr. Kpaelka. WUhaln.
, OcedaadaadSbepacd-ll.
Kapa-Bmll. Km. Bpaar aad Udd *


oftea nada an aea'a tine aad pend a>
■Ua lev- reatalaUc n aeraa. teal la
•bne toelelp k nade tea neat
mom nodp far tea loertal. tea aoUafcr.
aad tea baalte arakrr.
onua iJnx'R
Oiaed Travnaa Bap Baaertaara alnadp faaaooa aad Kortbptn Polat la
•aaaroaaaed bp aap <b in qaiat braalp

' '

aad aalara) aarroaedlara. Kaacr a dap
I lake bn«n
Uaa or maother. The Unbar frowle*
OB tea Polat la of tea noat baaoUlal
Mad. Tbeeeaterorhlrberpartlaeo.arad Wite h«a»p baaab aad naple.
«hlle tea aloplac akorai are deaaalp
npodid Witt Mreh. •bile aproteoedar
aad ai-treae- a noat Ideal place tor eotlacnA peUlp beaab caUoda aroaad tea
pealaaala. tee abcro rlalar rradaallp
fron tea •alar'a odpa. Brcrp lat taere
tea «ater. tee drlvaa belap la tee rear.
Itiat brae teraln ol tee maBacnral
ao ieaee tWaa-oral brtalp of ib* plar*

• BMb «a irtS**<«Up neel ^
aaada of tea raaork Oadar
t/9dfe k ballt oe tee aartewnt part of
tbo pCBlBBBla aod aommandi a elee of
r fa bote dirteUoM. It k
raatla ta daalfa. tea perebn axtaadiaf
aaarip aroood tee balldlat. vlte ofli
dlaloc roon aad parlor cn flnt door,
aioapter roona an of pood du wtUi
■fM-olaaa eaatllatlaa ajul eenfmablp
farakbed. Oadar Lodpa k la tiu
a elab boM alao. aa it fa
cxpaoM teat naap tenlllaa wbo ooee
ilapaa wlU profar to taka teair
allbakotal. The koU »lll be
laefaarpaef Mr. Olddlapa. naaaperof
Giddlapa Hoeaaat La«un.Hieb..


apeclal aaaaUap of tee Beard of Sapn
rkore be called to eaoeroe at tar
o>elodi p n. Twadap. tee lOib d p of
April, leoo.
Dated April 4tb. IMO.
WiMlan Halkirk. Aene «o>aabip; C.
B. MMroe. Blair tovaahip: U. U
Cbaodler. Raet Sip toeatelp. da*. B
Hanlltcn. I'.ta Uka u-atblp.- P. E
Walker. Omat to-aiblo; J U. Beall.
Oard^d toaotelp; Willk WIphtMa.
<lraaa Lake toaatetp: Warroa Seal.
Leap Lake tomablr: Tkoaue Wslcb
alt. Mapatld lowaabla; Bairkoo Bpaar.
Paiadka tciraablp: B. 0. Ladd Paalc■ala toosablp: Jaba Qltlk. lit Ward
clip; a C. Darrow. Sad Ward, dtp:
Joba Kpaelka. Ird Ward, dtr: Jtea
Wlihrl8i.nh Ward, dtp: L. K. aertlaad. Ste Ward, eit': B.
UaloB tamtelf: UircU Boera. Whlu•mter toeaihlp.
Ap-il lOte, I»IM.

r blU of tee J. K. OrdUek CbnpaaefarBtuitiorereekaad mlnial
leraktelap eoart roon wae nterred to
.Ikeennliaaaoa Ooaalp Uroaade aad
I Tbe Oonnluae oo ClalM aad Aeleoaate aobailuad tea toUovlap aap! relief nenbeteof tee Board, aifalee
Inetkn of Mr. (ielkirk tec nna mm
i adopted bp tee folloirlap paa aad aap
;*oU. all nenbera eoUap pea cxaapt
.Hr. WUheln.

Board net la poraaaaee of call of tbe
ClBrit nade la eenpUaBce »nh tee
fnapoiap rcqstet la mUlap.


Board mini to order bp tee Derk I
wapa aad Mmn-Mc
Is tee Jxaaui
_______ be
-- pebUabad
On notlBBof Hr. BaUilrk tee Board
Boll miad. all nenbaraprearat.
.Lajj, noaroe aad OcTalaiid. wbeaa aad Eapla.oa tee earn iem> aa la taokaneaataaUI 1:Mo'doekp n.
Oo notioa of Hr. Speer Prad B ‘dauea it aball bate cxantae tbe ao farmer paare. aleo tee eane be pabIkhad is paapUet form for dietiibt.
Walker eraa ekeaaa lempararp ehalr-jeoaaki aod aeltla wlte tea Coaolp tlea aad teat cipbt baodred eopiet be
Board mied to eriar bp ehalmaa.
iTreaaonr. aad te raconanad to tbe printed bp tbe liraad Tneem Her­ Boll aUod. all nenben praaeat.
noUoo of Hr. Spoer tea Board laoanltee anomalof taxei to beaaem ald.
Tha CMBnitUe ee Oaina aad Acaded teflaeiapamaaaat obalc led.
Lomu goiae.
t ;
BoaU. Wi>
Waaawt St ai.
UsnoUoaol Hr. Wipbnaa tear
j ee to exaniae taeaereni anceeniFBi
Voat Conni'.tse oa Claim aad Ac
CIBBU woald reapeetfallp eobnit teei
j rolk of tee eooatj aad npon epoe tee port waa adopted
.«> noUot of Hr Sion tee Board I follooiap ae ibeir nporl.aaddo bare-'
leqaalirtUaB of tbe lame.'
aosnead net tee tereralanoeeu
I ''laimaed Areoeau—Maatn Bpnr. adjiarsed tl Lliia'c'.ock B n
. tebedeled
leled be
bereia be alliwad. ako teat i
l:)U oVoeii a n
, the Cirrk of
[Mtubrtlaod lianlinr. irboac dotn
Soird be teteoriied!
HitrdmiM to order brCbilrni
teCooBtp rteaienrj
lit e>a11 br tu iximit.e aod nport all
B -i; oiled, a') n»nbera preeeai.
‘be tan •
ela’m apaiait Uie oniotp
ktpir Uanilii-i. of tbee'tpof fne
A..p.>rt«Mini?at—Hcai'e Wipblnar.
Soariat'd U.ltia. aboae dati-a Itabill ati-j..jl *• B»«rl
be loapporiroo ter aioieiiot ux.-au tcb.-<lior.p-.el ro.UoiT.otoo ia
e : tp D.n.tU.
be aa.ra.ed a* reounnrsd.d b/ tbe
ter Oid-l Hu.rwir troPiaaace 'Ceanll re. lu tbe


I Wilik B-ipbinta ...
/ . .
,„»|WamaSe.' ....................................

• VBM..«..


u nr. COaojlrr.’
kirk mud <1.111.. t. «U aiteall b- .e ’
‘frrred all ibk u> ter on .

'npon upui 1 I peuUwoa fur tbe .-l.a'a
_ tapof «Ma I lar.ra or ter o-pioUitiue-


_________________ _

Ootteennt arofcr.tx»n xv.i4>

r i: w.ti.tek emrataa. '

-r.„ Prad R. W.llr«-ra~.i..J 1R .ra.teriao **'*“**“ ‘“'^ *“* linap<» that ntf ,
le oefora Uik Hoard.

•xpoeedrnebteof LakeHiehlpaa. 1
jaebtonie Horthporl I'dial eiteods


\ -... ,


larpa aad anali pacbf. >116 atfa be •: ik«. will ba nada •ith Norteporl am 1

ad ta'Sartepo




at ectnina xo eoart hcrave to be cos:. ^
atructed, aod cs'ow a tanoel to be built '
to coarec. tbeeaert hontaaod jtil fori
teepairgaaot haatiap tee Jtll

itfakauox r'rcica.
OotUkpw nt XXoi-tkmon kolavt.
Titokaa Han oMb
J*.. E BaaiiT..T.
^aelap tU nm nalerla! teas <irasd ' Poblle baibe aadar tea eoatrai af tea
ue neliOB of Hr. Monroe tea r^den
“““■ — tUppoTeramafUlaooebala opara•aa adopted bp a v«a aad aap tote, all
I .kao« of aeteral e..« teal mde
It kaa baea asiklala,
mrnbkre roliap pea
frrnri apto bill., eeraerr Oeccaae rd teat butea oa ba eataMkAad al
Mr. Speer pffered tbs miswiapaad
tt Caro, wbrn oa l'« aeraa tea clear little expem at tea wnt^Mba. a
uDmoiioaof Ur Wipbtnao

•sa adopted.
Wberrar. tee -lattice.of Die I'aaer. ic-Tcatlpate wbat baa beao doee la tM
atate aod pet aon* of poor tamora to ■ I
• betijwiirpte lb- looolj
ooolj Treaai
>e teia pear u ablp ta Holiaad
o. hsa act rireo
• k a
tbap •m'rap*tHlf“t?w“i
eel -of Bora
baita a
at Joir plaaa.
Tbi »a. anallpox aatkal nmarwd to tea
i4«a4i^.t>r fron wbon aa>d. there oer eeoi baaia
Wetc Hi.-bipaa weald rraai poB ante bnrd of boalte atOcaad Baalto Moff
dap. Tbo aripla el the dknaa la Ikk
.le» -e-aof thr I’eaee. tn kali lor pour exprrideotel crop
: ai d ih»
lh» .1 -^'le H .cor.Vr'. C wrt,
Venr toil Ik nr ttefa lextora tbaipra «»*.• I< aakaowa. aa Hkn AseeUla M
r qoin
*00 ir,r- r.e.eCVr
qa.rert tonabea
•isieiBr|t of S-wk la mb
ibul If poo take a pleca of Mw laad : Arefalkald Melatpn'Alad Tiaisr al'
Beaoiatlee bp Hr Spec.

i Tbe Pdat k at oaeo aecanible and !

raaUal qalel. Chloapo bnu
laad at Morthport aod a dallp boat
eoaarok wlte Cbarleroix. etpfateea
nllea awap.. The Tranm
ranm Hap Uaa of
ataanate make) two Uipa dallp Iron
Traearae Clip 10 ifonbport. loocblap
Ip from tee
I Harbor. N: -te-U-waaia. j
Bap kad OsMBB ea looia. Tbej
tt. li-kao'.dSnUtekaepeaa'atebr noat dlnct laoU fren tee larpar mtira;
oappllad with traab Aab dariap tea ai
la bp rail to Trarem Clip, tbe train
kn aaaaoa
The bmont troHiap aceomnodattoea oa tbe Pen Har-;
.pra'aada tor lake treat an bol half a
' ntla tram tea mart, aad Am lalaad
tabae •iUla aasp raacb
A broad aaadp baaeb roeadkv
ffeadaallp frontbeabore teat teenlao daapte. afford) aa tdaal plsae fin
II plee dlnct ^aaoUea bp
batelap. Tbara are ao rote) or pal •
ill tee Lealaaaa caaBlpnMat-Jastpan •bite aaad-aad te
«a*ar k aaarip alnpa warn, baiap
fOBteslad bon tea mrth nLada bp
BteMj Peial. a earp Inportaat fact, aa
tea katelap k teo aold to U oonton
able at noat of tea aorteara raaorta.
Tbe read) Indlap ban tea Polal are
asarip alt bard patead. cxmiaei

< al



konoMptecalllnaadoat. Tac dock ^arcaapanaak will U nada w ban'
toHoetepm KoiDlb •ell ia the bap 1 sal! aad expren aeot direct to teal
aa lb# Karteport Bap alda After iu'.j \ Point.

i i


natter of tbe lecalioa of a pUat al
At Ladiaptoa. at tea nnal^ aal>
Traearae Cdp He keaepeotemMUc. laetloa Mkea Saadap necalap al tea
aad belieree teh to be a apleadid polat! Coopnpmtl<nal ebsreb. tea Bom. J. B.
for ih* batinen
laarecaet letter be StaaroanadeapiftofBl.OOO te OtIeM
aapi: .
eollcpa. Tbk k but aw of Mr. SteMk
I aap to pin araie teat no poiat in
Hbam eealrtteUaoa te adawll.
tee slate it non farorablp lonted tar oeal aad eharitebU nark.


brehalrmM. •

Uerad bpMr.SbapardaadoBnolionot|f*»
“ <*|!>sl’ Ur Speer tiferrd tbe foUoainr '
texatloB wen prMeoted
:Tb.t tbe Conmlttee oo ilroaod. aod i
Oo nOllOB of Mr. Wilhelm
Board adj -araed to /.to o'clock p. m.
of a qtoraiB,!
MDo'elock p. m

a toTp:



I Oonotioaof Hr. W.lbelnallpaperii MIoctei of p«.terd.V» procoediapi '• ’i'*«»™'”-“*r.M.n»i
, |- o-.,m.j-..,;-.'

Boll called.
. .—
-..w—. ompietaa taai ■
the mlButeeof tea proeaedlnpdap noat j “ Tbnd^^^Ulimi •■;pnae«ted
Aa aneetl
1 f
feaun will be can fork aad i
beread.aadaaparron teeraia comet-|«.,d read:
laol apaabt taeiac
ep •eah
•eeh ia Aapoti. jI tor a pertcol k
s be louad fc , ......................r____ibleulepboeaeeaaac- ad bp tee Board.
ro tea Heeenbla. tha Board el «a

Ant a pood white lipbt •lll bs dkpUj
odail Bipbt OB tbedoskaad. There »
•aur. clap bottom, off th<
deak aod
le rooediap tea polot pie
a good term .qetrter ailla Urtb, ttead
teaUap aboot aorth la tbe middle o
Ibo k^ aoOl tbe resort dock Upbt

i ix



„ ,0 m.ooopiaan tor teak Ant nop.
u •: wbleb •III baroadp fn nn ia falptsoe.Tbep^lllpat oat t•lea thk amat
II I” for tea aaeuad .mp. •bkb wBI ba


W. A. .Vx*,1.1, Clerk.

afUraad Tnt-iaad eaallp obtaiaad. af teen k i«
eS»»Blap«e abaadanoeof Unbarat baadwhle
tee anaunr paebunau aa then an npadallp aultabte for tek purpoae.
to ntsp
ntsp Bka
Bloa plaaeeaad
roodbarbore] Habalaatia! eeUapca with wide
la kr nade «iteoat peltlap late U

H. O.AUaa of Hamballn nm tannb
bom bopor. ^ teal ta bk opuSa a
bim tanlaa k aet far dktaai la tte
Daited Statea Be dadarea Ikat tea
tu^p of bomae k i.eea.tao Me* tta

Richard Hoodie#., wba bat bad ao:
naebto do -Ite tee locaUoa of beet'
aspw faclorie. in Hiebloateid
alaua. kia teoronpblp iartatlpated tee
. He •- la bad al tea Una

I PrinUBp-Unara. Speer. Boare and ! c loicatioa
!sm, •fane dam It aball be to pro:
jelds tor teepublie prioUapot ter out | linrd adiVurned
' tp aed all matiera panaiolop tberete.

|aereliadaDd HaioUuw i

tbe Hteool ter OMi at Adrela aatll ^
eeoneesi pcanof apa.

road, seate of Mstelaaw
Cap. mm etalted bp Bn
I notioa of Mr Helblrh tea Hoard ' Ibp. abtot tea.ueo fool oi
; deatropad aad t*o cars, aw kadad
tdjourard m>i. .'w
• Itefaapaadotear •Itepeaaral mr;cbaadae.

. aP'iaeel u> U>-r >.o'p V.' r
WiXb’wlB. l.rli]
'aad Sril.
Joiira u.aa‘1 <• :o


natrted at HoUaad. mm ■

Uteianpettlap mdp for a W* aMM.
Tbonn DaL*, A Horn an prtUap la T


(i rai d, and Uaild.oxi—llaier. Il.i
r.w, terpa'daBd K/irlk.

e abnnar Bonn aoa la prooeoa of ■ peloted
eoeatne^ at tee PolBi an eaoeUcat! Tha balloU belopci

ti. (^nadlar........................ .. ...
B. HaniltoB....................................
B Buell ........................................
B Walker........................................

Mrp. •hkk took a
«1»H •or. irBl bold Ibair i

IVbereaa. tbe
)al te a Hoard baa
d.rec-e.1 tbf. •!' e) tea .ba. prom-rip
one !»(.>'> ktid erort tlogld be]
broufbi b> (ore_^i4 B CLKdei '• C- art.
tad a* <b»-«toreta:0 ■Older baa beac i
Bnrlnd. teat UU



Be teas a .


Oa molioD of Hr. W«btnaa the m.
olbtioB me adopted
'Tbe Committee ee pSaaoe. :
tee e«ne o'Clerk, Bepia-er.Treaeu/er ^d H^“ali‘SltI!L \toSlowS
and Jfldee nr PmKki.

tepoH k^ alamp aeaedated
tetnton tel
-------------------------------------- reqoln the owaen
tee dam

iio lb. Hoaorabl. Bardots
Telecine Compaaiee Cor tbe ate ; of.Oraad Traearae Couaip:

aatorallp ba tba mala <

• eaa ba ebtqft ■' t^dlap
:#bn. T

soch email artieUs at - oaaor. Wapiaad Haaat. te wbem was
______________,» 8)b 1 rt>ell be Beeeaaarp.
nfarrad toe mailer of flxiap tee tala
.jatae aod laddareae
ladilaffa. reqalnd
raqalrid brtta'
bp tea
Tt qanibe beiaroa thaadornfam "*• *>' eoaalp ofieen for teecosaiap

toteo bcaaUfol Moffi wfaleb rkeat lap llalaneita ow
npUp from tbs lake aboot SOO toet.;roafb wsateor.
Tba aUpp&p aad
Order of apeaklap.-A nembor rkiap
migrate tram waters below to •aten|'**“‘‘ oap rote, all toembere eouap If .om. per aaaam:
eearleeklac MaallOB aad fox lUaade; lamber
to. debate, to naka a notioa or to re­ dam. aod poor petilioaera y*^
, sherff. Incadlap Jailor or Jaaport, or to praaeat a peUUoB orotber
’ aadconnaadlapanapalStaalelaw of iinporto
•ill beer map. ete.
Tbe committee te whom •m.-referred '
■ i Lab* Hlsbipaa whan large TSeaelt are I Tba alona an_________________________
iraU aWekad aad tbe
f. teall addran tba Cbairmas. aad
Heap road# lead; ebareba. aebooU aad otear poVIc aball not proeaed fartearonUI ne^•

• '................................................
or, H B. TOaatlier. A. W Bickerd. O ! Can ctraete reported aa follow.:
Coaotp Treamirer. axcloUTe of
e Maffau.j B. Mooroe. G V apde. To Ui.H<raorabl. Bnrd of Soperr'uor.'
of Oraad Trarem Coaatp
-Wbaa a!! A- H Perrp. C. K Back. I' Kpaelka. t.
qasstioB k nader debate
aball be aatertalaed oalankir ad>oaia- of tbe Board, for the pneieas
ba. te poetpoee iadeABlulp. to
peaipoae te a eoriaia dap. telap on tee
labia te commit it. or to anaad It
eodaaeeia teer le wbipb tbop a
lan suied.
ariB V.
ATaaaad Kapa-lf aap member ra
imira y. tba apes aad aaps apea map
lasatioo shall betakea aadeotered ap

tella. A V Pried
rieb. B BteUBps, Jobs
W Hatebls.
.. T
. -utea. J A. H
Hootapae. James
Jobawa. J I'urti
beC MhtsbA
lolienol IHr. CkTOlaBd aeonniUae of teres was appointed to iaTcatlpate tee nstter eoatalaed laealdpe-.
Utbaaad nportwtea Hnid dviaf

peyiln forpbetap
1 dam bet
• elreeu woald rcaoertfaMp
at tbep haee examlBed the old

Heesra Darrow. Basil aad dpeei
laned at tath eonmiuae,

■erteport k OM of tba neat kaallb-i
tetris aad wottp aolUi
fOl plaeaa ta aprtena HIcbIpaB. akae-Iteodain it to bs a laTmiisraaon


L K-Ci-avu

ere te pre«, np. <ne sen Iota, arraape
*tl> be onr AMB.dM. vantaHj to•ite faetocp at Holiaad wnp^ppov,eared. Tbo An stortod la tbs' totobto
lioo pou reqoln I will pladlp pie*, aad ,
if pern let jM^kao^ia^Uau I oeald


•«a«Maa, SA
lanbn jardi

w otear BorttM k

Baadap nor>^ whOo ala«dtop te

OatootloaetMr. Lbddteaoamef te«Sya^*S^ o^teaw!* a!ri m '
teat tee
tea Kamen- Hatoal Pin taBanaa. ------------------->«»wa^teatteao«oanofeafaldan
' ba nqeirad to araet _ _________ ____
!tesrria. aeeerdiap w pUos le be farWailasadap. Apr. M. »:to o'rioek a n. p^atekl.
Bkbsd bp to. Stau QaiT= •
eanatobt '
Board aaUod to orter kp tea ChairOennIttoB oa MaUap fopntod aa racrieod.
8-t p^a.
r. K. WxuE
W. B. Vrtma. Oack.

ales of fee) Axed bp Uw

*" **


A> 1 m K ca of H: Ha-obetl'lke Board
adjToroed le •:» o'clock Ic-norrow
lisp for eonmlites week.
P B. Wat-auB Cbaimsa
d. Kxwtos, Derk.

I neeleod a^ placed oo


AtKaaktosw OW. I

Bolca —A'alaadiap rola
teb Board nap be
ir^ap. April mb. i»-n. e:U e-cle:k
qpaa oae dap's
pnetcoa ootioe bUsp pieeo ot tee m> ,
Uenfor. bp a eate of all tee men
B»rd sailed to order <bp Caali
' BaU called, all nsnberapretaat.
1 nelknof Hr Ctceoiaod tbeCbalr I ■‘"‘to ot poatordapb
reqontod to^poiat te,
aod approrad.
Tbs report of JaU 1
aalataadtapec •lUa».deeaiBp teair
mbsto tta aadarbrssb hat booo claind' teritip obarartw ot tee lababitaak.
Atotp.ffMap (ban tea appaaraaai of I Tba anla boaiaan atnala an oa
writ kept partn. A wbacl can ba aaad'dock •bardall tba iarpa Idka i
to paod adeaatopo for tea onto an! land, aad oeatr btoaeh of bwiam k
hard awaph to naka tprilap a plaat- «ril nprnamkd. Hasp peofda naU
<wa.teair aennar bo«u bare, aad tea

**" ®*““?'i

m atm aboats an ai

It •ite axteaaiee

_ . ..
prion oa pear p^M ‘ Cadar pards of C H. Wanaitor A Onn
toot larstera will ba glad te Up a'paap, at Pkbar. at MSB ItaMHp. ^

to pea teas ear to- i
.-Toor ronmlttes <a Tu *

ibtet tba hdtowiap ntoariw^ip^ aasd ^-Ulf^sarSrip^*r


TO tea Boa. Board at,^ipareken:
Akakoadaaos af pen walsr Hat-j topaapriakaf kk Isipntol
StoatksA>totorito)7 ■■adtilwtotta|tea.Q-------------' -• MtoJafbto




Biito ,wuwa


■BtaAMk itAriT. laoo.

bueew indeed.
•• w nM. mm
Pmtmiir ib« fumaiM b«w .
ckOM br bomu brMI^ li ■ IKtl* «•
liUMl J»t«*ib.«»*irtof K*w tmrnma
a tfMbrle gul «iw iaelaM > kAom at U blta Iflaad. lo ebU rocky
»«‘J25 ;laoliii«i. -bn. « b lapoaafUa b
• ai that I bnl net y«l m. a ItU I „p, rm tUr fDOMa at ptacthally

lataaeca. aad Mber



1 Barlk. tba Kra Zattac laiiwiM tba*

(aoortM Is AMrtca. vbib AmerkM
!>■•>■ He aHny
rale for hb leb-rram*.
It at (vEertuaeel rsM«a-

rtal *-r
“ll*"** «n>««b>«*>
togaatWiwpn>’w^**>^ **°^*f: ' Nr« ZMlaBOcn rtccatly made tbdr
.«*»aab*rt«w«at«l»«t«ll«»b<« hoB» Tbe OBC ^Hfbl

r matattal a
-Oc_____ _
aaad. tBtaf to tba I'alud atain Sod
a bl<h tariff a-d am tmabla to
n by tome atValpbBr btaod. lainnin oMbatlatr. iw aide, away Iran (be law wbtcb focUda tba Uapt
8 a fee tide iwadiat to m tail tatbaat -Iberrater
of tbair owa mea.* It ta for tbiM
of tbe nrk ua pMi
bb la
aooa tbat Oettuaay ao atnmdy dim
giSSaeK. Al«rB«d« b. bw-1 • Iioae rarity It IB a
Sroaua- iMtla of Htaaam
a ad dowB f» # fa* ■*««*«*»
'Merair towker. aad aa tJ
•inroTca of tbe Dlafley tariff.
addlilOB Hie roilre ti
ebulimoD. Id addllk
tbe trrate j-wmlt ai
aaka btMrr damteoaha." „„
ilied irlib tr
rratera. teh
aVBamiatsnBed. aad atliTai)^laatobaU IbaaUck pwfoctlj
jorla* both day aod Bleb: d
la fact, mteetala preclaely tba
al.»B»«»»o“‘«F—**"®“““i*areoaly bw rapoft aod
feellax at tbat expacaaad by tba
Sda«l lhawlaaaaamad
i-ZHiun/ u sat to «aiy of cxpla*
rlrtkyman. wbn ‘-bam
a. Hut aor domaatlc Cobdealtaa
attad B«aarfoBbadi; tall,aWDon. uucwiaBd. ^■■•art^>f^. do feel tbat way to as actual fact.
They caoBot be reeoorlled to aa
aod WW.-a Wm. MSir policy wtkb ftrea tbrir
CDsatty to very meeb (be beet ot tba
uTttick With ta«
to rl*lt Si. 1‘Diil and to art a« OBr of bartals aod make* k tba jooat metod
, IB •rln-tltie
. ^tu» ibaoocldool baTB
" '
-muati^ of tba mrtb.
lalA-l !.•
ly dowurrard iranrealmiB
viMoodotyier Kb l-anl by (b.laraBld bare
hare Wona bar, tUA «■> «a
ab-obol ftoD
-»«bor. B« Ibrtaabattood. trilb
, tirtrreeB w-birb (be artalOf
. roonirr. «l»i will te^
A wri.'otoe coBtrau to tba aoedlek
rbair, wllb puanlt to keep
. ^rflhaSli. iod' bo«b
«eod paylap da>». to ibe aoodebt pay:
w oof BoHad affoetafoeae iiv *Eica ^*** _________ ralllof off. Orrr bit bead la
■u^ *iBirtl<'eBa..ta* wlitMlrawB la* da^ lo fa-'t. of free trade an(
Ibal voBdartnl baod. b^J- lbu« (be neam rosdeDier. and to tbc^lgbl
IWO eoa> rmi.1 (be Wa«blBkl"B
e WIlioo tow, to offered by tl
liaadlrt for alicrlD* tba
•aowd MBorlbtaCBBcaiiDyaboBt lUa
.0 erhnolE aad will aeod lb«
Bb» H ta way limply e^plaiBed.
I aeilclpated
Tb. bbed. arete, oontirtt in ImlaUn* aiie tprrd of the artrwa rao be varied
__ dlrMeDda or tba iDIrreei on lu
B tbe mm boldlos <be ttiet la B •I win. Tbe total WPlehl of Ibr »aia p->MbW^
One of tbe lateat ln«iaarca of
Cblae aod tba aetodbat hlwlf la SSd
YvtkBl potHloo. Wbenlbedtrl.
........................... donili "d J .trbabaHta (bU to tbe ictlaa of tba Baltimore aad
. hMd 8 «nl plarml acaiati tba
(b<. webLiH.-u r»tl. b t*«''ll*h-e airi Oblo lallread la payln* aometUa* Uke
BOttiA o< 0» 8lrk. tbe moeea It two
aollHir. beliB-riaad lu>« »••«. ooe of
I3MIO.OOO IB iBIrrret OO twada Id ad<c Utter timea op and down. pbIIIdc
He wa<
‘■Fear." nid tbe Baatjaa Oeaaol
of tbe dau wbea aorh lotereat
wtoMleBioBaBdBMtaaBBlBMlL At
an*eEi*rllrai iTo
I. tVbeo we set lo Ibo ptaat
tua aaodttopBll IbaalA away trom
till.'. .1 .tilllful a-nier, >:
... tbe laauere of Inode |>ae later|btTartieBl.«bo Isalai Utal Ute mw
«reee pilWI-le-i
eapialit " Ee«y offlcor Bodm bim wrai
eat befOR tbe rrpular time and wbea
bate It atralsht. Tbnt caBtlcmrd. Ibcy
bi^neted.. wbea tbe ocoaiiim caBie, to
Bot oBly doBrill eatrl Btme Bod mote effort notll
> ,.i ■'..iiul loa .tniliu be tiroK
lay duwa blE lile aa au Bumple to tala
wbaa aba terb tbal tbe firewtnre BgBinat
on Ihe leoial <wrd wllb bi« Bri-<-ptaU'r rlar* dlvMi'ode. but pay them before
tb-';—• -I remne .lie rlxbt ti they are du--. we nay well Inllere tbat
maat abow my mea bow badly tbt rorte-l .'-nr InU-rnally l-a-l c
we bate oxor wMbiD tiplii of a rooiTwttaaim." be »aid while alaudiogaa
T.i an a.iMriui: l«»-i wU<
laerrtol i-araiUnr' AByb»w. It srrna
taifCt OB •
a mail
raaipan ot altmrb at (be mlii-el ofaaue.-ri|-i le
a tati«
Uke uan-llv wlieo we n-ueuber (be
l«. ili.xra--er rate of lIilDCx aadar ■\»evrliBd aad
litte of Plarpa
l»e-ial rinl
vhwBM Ibiit Tcriiral effort b
1 doU'l ee
"1 know bow i<
to coteliim of otpaaiac
tariff reform."
aan dlffat—bimfBcimi area
bimatU,'' laid a aoldler lu Uie tnmebim
tba Alalnred tbe tilA actlml
It you will enid 11
"Tbe Snt time be yompa ou'tbo mapan mouKb Po-'aiir
tar moM hand. Tba 8ta ate rmlly aiW'tllj (be i-el-e of iltb cDril. I eUl re
Jet na all lamp aftm him-"
They did eo. aad S^otaleff. w'---------•■•
le Bi-<,.>,ar> eriK'iipf •« vuUI
taaA tlcbtly mqiint Uir appot tnd cd
tbataiA (bryarataallytryiactofoKa
(10.- <>r
o bl* portal -aril'
alnol a» t-dl-riiE,
k agalBat tba
tbatabtraad <ff tbaerick
aake. wim a«d take away tb- uuoaui j m evM.'
abb- m^^of^jwinr you left l.rre for


a bKb baada Tba
arfaadfadaf ■%




We find on lookiag^ through the stock after a very heavy baeiuees, a great znany lines
of goods broken. This is es(eclaUy so in tbe Drees Goods stock. Now we want to clean
up these breken lines and there is only one way to do it, AND THAT'S PRICE. The
prices we quote below will be worth the attention of eveiy one. whether you want
goods for present use or future. You can afford to lay the goods aside unUl you have
use for them.

to ■PlmwS.etl
to eXoM at 5e per

6 Sm&Vt

W’e find just so pivcirs of dress goods, single ,and
double folded that sold, from Sc to lef-ic yanl. and to
close us the lot we have cnarked ihem sc yard,. 1 ion i
expect to find any of this lot after tht-Jir-t few days, for
the price will dose them out gukk. -

There are just 3 pieces left of the 61.75 plaid bavk
suitings, and the clean-up price is fi.ig.

to Yteeti 4bt Tfutii ,
to etow Out at \&c ^4.
This lot rci*«~*nts |>arts'«'f pieces from five dif­
ferent lines of goods that all sold at V^c \ai:d. ,V> lo
inches wide, colors brown.' green, didk re.l. navy and
some two toned eflects in iJain. stri|>es. lirocadea and
diagonals. 1 hese ar«r a great bargain at iSc yd. •

StS I'm^S'diSiS^r’ WitlTtWt

°*Ati Dtiilillloua pMoriaa wa« <-nj«be<l j ^'| Ui- • l.■a^.lu'a'
-by the f.dlowlOE. -written. Ilk-' all ol.
uark-tl .lu-|-r.-»i'
Mi«.labB r. U Proyaof Albaay. It
'bl» I'-rrenemdi'Oie. ui«-n a l«*ta' Bla.-kluiiir* ai-i-^riiii
ouate maklns tbe ml"ake«l| l-tlie tlr-i «Jb|.
T, B«»* aeraal «ie«ioma of tbt
you ibio'l want la idodj: hm e-U-u au a--iuarti
lilbdnncfe'aC raal ttaren at a allrecei
lory. Yoo want lo b-aro bow U
- •
aaBBy a^mAiod body, aoeb mfcinwl
tot lUai yy-u bavk l»Of tba marala oow la fcmth Afr m Ttvebkdwlttaapaitof.lap. Cvllka Ibt
nc-.UM- TuuuRtbe order of notur-- ai
Ltrdi Babcna. Kllcbaaar. Uaadoiii L OAtlpeda —"boadred fu^ud" —tbay
Inurad t«
of obi- .. .lo— y-ii led
Amodrraranway mall mr. eqalpped rr, In'trad
•ad Oaaartto naach aad Maedotiild
WaahlogtooV--------- a frieml. 'wlm
wllb Ibr latml coolrlvanvea anrb aa
ptoreede-l tn iBdUirr: Half you fouod
ToatlbdU'e aulomath' <-outder.airbrakra. •
reen SMIui and SaiMO. ' .j
Tbe eovrrnmeat paya for tbe u«o i *
orkyV Vm Uir
railway mall ran at tb<- rair of *10
Ibt fctafftre at tba Una wbra be et>
K«rta--VT. »ln but It to
pMtad tba anpenr aad rmnrrM «t
(iriy-rmt ear per Irark mUrj ^ -V.-. al
Oatany U be Ida inreta.
$» per_yi'or forxi altu fool car.
rielit lim -------- ran comluci .r-ni in lu
Tta lata Lady iaba Scott BpettUtake Bdvamase
wmZ artbta of -Aaole Umrta.- wai
■Utria. did yon read ala-nt Ibr Phtl- aay you will -b-cliu-rl-j
adripbla-woDiaa wlio «a> cured of
-Nrreir e»clahtt~l hi* dorail
hor mratal'iroohlea by faellu* fort; “Tell me wbai }-hi liDt ejl-Be to
ffredayif J ln«- v,-au-h a trmiiorot youD* apalD au-I I will dr> it '
bar BwfcAm tatata aad atada bet
would rare that uDlui-i-y i.'niiey of
“Tben. .ir." r- i-ll-'J Mr. UUrkl-um.
« It* paatmem taffardiac a
youra* "Va«; li n-ubl make
Imkhi's .'Bnieellv lm-> Ilir evo* -f
,ba> drietr M aa odiBA bmoratloa dafrlrad. 'nakr in.v n-Ivb- Dtiil «i»l‘ r'UUa* •u*a'r In your wlil«ky, »lr"



S &ToVeiv'?ttttsX.^^
50c OcaWtij, Vot. S5cV.
' .
This lint.'is whiit. U-l, i.f'iv din,—,nl lu,-.. ..1
dress goods, all
iiuhcs wide, and will lx- apj.ieciat* •!
at the ter)’ lo»v price of ftc.yard. Then; is a good line
of colors-irt,h.lir ifne siri(«>rpja^s. dievints and mised

5 ■?'vece6‘ivveot
^Vantict S5c uavd.


One navy, one marin--. one dark gray, ooe cardi­
nal, one scarlet. I'iif.a spring suit this is thi-. bc^t fab­
ric for the moneywe know .i(, While they last tjiv yd.

4 Tweea bai^ct tacaac,
MABoA &aitta%a, 50c Vta4, 59c
Only two colors left. l>oth very good, one gray,
one blue g(ay. Just right for suits. To close at 30c.

Sea?© aa?e Som.©_
*i Tart Ytcccs
•a«jo >ac4 Bxftsc,
, 90c 1^\a4, ^oT 59c sav4


This is a very complete line'of colorings and is
especially good for linedresses or single skirts for sum­
mer wear, being d light, suit fabric, is just the thing for
tucked skirts. The colors are . brown and red. green
and brown^blue and brown, red ami black, and darkgray. This line has been a good.sellcr .at <oc. To close
up the line we have marked them fak >'d-

I^ook Them Up Before They are Gone.

Ladies’ Tailor Made Sull^


We w OTorthicked on
fine -loalitiM, so for tbe
few dsyt we will aell
»n our

|»IMStill It....$22.50

miOMltiaL.... 19.50
$lTNIto$l9Sittlll IS.OO
$I Uni $10.00.
Oiiij Dti Skim



baee taken all onr
aelliBg fracB

4 Ytcccs CViOTVoi, ,S0c
QaaV\X-i, (^caa^v Tncc 5Se

All Dress Goods oo our frobt tal>!^ will lie
thade up iato Dress Skirts free of charge.
boy the materials without any advance in price
and we do the rest.

Only two piece, left in this lihe. One is a red
mixture and the a grcCn mixture. 50 in. wide,
ail wool. Th^iiie sold.'itp to this amount at
and what's left is yours for wSc.

A Drive in Foulard Silks
65c and 75c values at................................................. 50c
Colored Brocade Silks at............... .......................26c
Remnantiatone4ialf Pri(v.
Taffeta Silks, most popular shades and ^st
qualities are here................... 86c and $1.00

SVVrt 'S\a\46


We have had a big sale on skirt plaids. We find
in the stock a great many pieces with one and two .skirt
patterns left in a piece. W e have made the following
reductions tocleanupthe line: 52 to 5'jIn.$1

Special all silk Taffeta. Nos. 5 and 7. at.......... 6c
Noa 9. 12. 16 and 22. at............................................lOc
Nos 30.-W and 60. at.................................................16c

yard, cleari-up price <x»c: 52 to 50 in. wide, the 61.50
kind, dean-up price o'<c: 5; to 50 in, wide.- the 6» kind,
clean-up price 6i«3S.
, .


Mada of Percaiea, Lawn*. Madraa, Oingfaams, Fiiinn, etc.,
jait c^ed. Beantifni gamenu, and tha pricea are only

eec. Me. 76e, *1.00, 11.76.

There has been no reduction made on this line
as the goods are very scarce, but you will find these

SOSIBIK-ZLadies’ Black Cat Stockings................................ lOc


wear BO p» cent- longer than otiter kiul*.
Wayne knK storings, fine gauge, silky fin­
ish, and they wear.... 15c, k5c, 85c^ 50c

w i1 ~h elin Bros.

South Bids Brick Block

TruTorM City, Mich.

\\ e still own a frWl.lavk srrgc at ihr <Hd
low price Wr cannot buy aiiolhcr t-> t.ikt- lh« if placr
for less than Soe var<|
While they last you can li.ixr
ihi 111 at the same old price, 65c yard.

iSV&eV Ctcfm
big line at the (ultuwing price: 5<i in, wide, 5-^
yard; v** «o 4* in. wide.
and 1 <.j. 125. 1 -.5, i s., and
lip V> 624Do yard.

'&V&cV C.\vcc'vri,
CameVs^Vr &ti4'kiX4Vcac
in- wide, at 1.00, 1.25. i .50.jxxj.
. 52 to
notch of fashion for skirts and siiiis.

'I'he top

55 \a. TetcaVe,
t»ort\v 5e, fer 5c satd
There are about 10 j>i«es left in this lot, while they
last they are yours for 5c yard. Don't blame us if they
arc gone when you come after th«n. We have them
. now. but when seen at this price they will be grabbed
up in one day. but to spread them around we will only
sell 10 yards to each customer. Come first if you can.

\0c 6\as>vama
.far 5 ccaVa 5aT4
We had 120 pieces, we have about jo pieces left.
\\je give yon the same warning as we do about the per­
cales—they are a snap and won't last long. l!heonly
difference between this Im and regular loc gingham it
the colors. Tbe colors are dark and of course they are
not so pretty.

\0 ^eces C&\.\co
That we can sell at jNc. This will be about tbe
last call on 55^c calico, so avail yourself of this chance.

CcMotv CX&VVat Ac saA
A very' pretty line of new cotton challas Just op­
en^ up, and they are very chep at 4c y-ard.

' A t ery pretty line new colored dimity just put on
salel bought to sell at 8c, but 'we have decided to put
them,ih this sale at 6c yaf'd.
A very complete line of all the other grades at
Sc. JOc, 12XC, 15c. 18c and 25c yard.

TtViADoA e\i».Vta»
A beautiful range of cdoriogs at 60 cents up to

Don't forget that Edulard Silks are very popular
for evening dresses,and (or warm we^er dresses for
summer wear. We have the Mtly complete line in town
—pri«s 50c. 6gc. 75c. 89c. 95c yard. /

'll'’ ‘’"‘n'""' "“'"r*’

O.NE PIECE 5h m. gray, vnry hca.y. A an. on, Ihal
.we just-4>ut OB sale at Si-oo. ONE PIECE, very- heavy.
22 ounces to Ae yard, brown check, sS in. wide. aj<
yards makn. aWcirl. This is a winnnr a. Si.,., a yard.
ONE PIECE, brown cWk. 5S in: wide. woiBh. iS oa.
tothoyard.atS.ooi-ard. ONE PJECE, gre,- ch«d-,
~f56z.. 58 in. wide, coarse weaw. all wool doth, at 75c yd

Boys' Black Cat Stokkings........ 15c and 25c

Setse.tsoriVv %9e,
C.VE&tt'-'W.v Trice 55c uat4

3aa.V&T4 65.X$

ot dXeseVe SoVUtiss

25c quality at.................... .............................................. lOo
SOc quality at................................................................. 26c
Hudume lillc P-illty ^elts. .BOc anil $1.00


Sea onr line made hy the Frent-h tiamiMit Co.
art mataHal, perfaet fitting. fl.OO to $3-40.

Absolutely Free.

'' ,




commendog iglh and ending 27th. A special 10 per
cedL discount will be given and this irill be the biggert
one of its Wad on record.

iJ. 'W. ~ivA-n-.~r. I v<

ihI NT



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