Grand Traverse Herald, February 01, 1900

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Grand Traverse Herald, February 01, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


c Clanaalrae; aa Una,
eWnaw^ to baat^n^ bal
- _. ------------------ -----iMoaaeawr BOParamnadL IThaatta
,r aa' aapeer
P OM w laMolchor. ter I'B ibaal
p a good, kied I’popi
hcM U heal, fin
iMBseiar «aUI aa ttel
p teubpd bMh tbp aod; liwr oUc. as' apeoedi
owbaa be bad M
naePd. aettiarlb* aapeer. bow “rat
bagaa hta work,
___ _ 7____ _
..naals' ao- •lowed
The yesag .»«.
mea axenprd r.w._«ii
torprard ..
a»c aaolhpp tm
er. faele TSpv




Merchant Tailor ONLY

< suKHLUH a*.ooo




Plat. OUm. Suun Boil.r ud Abc^deot iBaanno..

SFrlaC’AjIa •* WooUo* aow
mml0r*hlet arUl
sad* mp
iB Itw Ut«t||lrl«B. aad al
' Back Low PriaMS will aarprin


Money to Loan on Improved Rea! Estate Only.


TmveiM City, Xieb

« Block. Pbone 7H

at ais.t^ront Street.


Business Cards.


a.c. tuira.


L)o ^oll

l^noW fhi^?



Ooee become aceuatompd to tbcir nee and >ou are loot
withent one. We have them (or temperator^for tUir>- oee. for aterng parpoeee. aud for tbermometere.
.Bring Prentriplione and Family Becipea to ne. We fill them
right, with droge Ibel
right at pricee that aie right.



its FEOKT STgasr.


a. Htat. Ti* wt** Ulu, MMk.




Fat Facts forfuoi

B. B. yn.t.Bm

H. ‘VSSSt*^'^ waa»l u m*a>t

Su'ai-'sass •





.■S "

ayea. ' howalich taiBga'il go : aadacrcM^ielrom
aayoodoy ukaa a boil at ks------- cae to tbp Lauadiaa thurp
Jeat look at
wrigbing terertl
' I tnoutand toot, ana w me of tbaa htre
> roeatin'-yram.
«j aacB
oeaa. from her ijuick. biack eyes u her
eed. they
long feet osaLy laccd into aer well
poliabPd beat abop.
Her freably doae- er MB turn big. alee
' great balk at tbongb lU tbrecor
ap piak lawa akirt apt out around ber.
unyltldiDgly atifi and amaotb with
abundant alarcbiog and elaborate irob
lag. and rnltlrd criaply when abt me ao' Cienarolyae doa'l try ooe mueb : vt',
; it aol lacking
Boeed. bar white waial waa like Ua. iikecrat"
• .Ser mr, n»‘tbee. '.e»l^.Tip . i wbotprad ch,
irUl aad fold atiuktag out witta a


Jdi fiber
aalow. amiable

» ettongeet and beet

: irif:

..‘fiSc 5
Bid giee..............................................
..60c ;• !rab*oJTd


doDptnj in the world. Cleime
nUled withoet the uenal uioont
of red tape.


"The gala iagoae U Ihep,.- ' laaip. aceordiag w the lariiatloa
Die. aa their bcaaa la eoei,n' ha«k wiib
Saaaa iatd aaule bpr bav aad wlih
•es: be jere at aia. aa' Ir iry ahe't aot | placldlj aaillng aiaage kbaed aer sew
beeiD' aaoerr all ready wkea they ' aaal ana oaele aad esbneed CUmaanr. The a I'ghl bread eeoegb—we tyae with oowalaly eordlality. WP-k a
a Bake oo- wiib—as' 1 eaa cook bam acat bea,de Hr. Beaa. aad helped bar.
• Bake a flee. ast Inoky yere at all, aelt to a large ear of cora. Seaaa waa
thwyere gardni trock. an'me like a . eoi gleea to eioleat aduumaet oader
olp woodchock fergetiiD bow abc tayed ; aay co
to cook IL Doo'l kaow ______
Bore's rbai
Tae boat aad bateM aext pm led
yonder bow j ibemaeipea. and le tbe alight aiieoding
beaaa. oor . cor*u,nm. no oop obaeraed tbe n»o»aB*a 0’Uxa.wbu popped lit) the left
Ip tip gmaaed while Aunt Doc- bauu loom, pitched fav but opow Ibc
loUed bpr black anoboaaau rat bed. aad Ptnod grmding brr bcai Into
aad laughed uetil brr porliy tbe laaoerel rag carpel and puneblag
a bole ia tbe plaatenag of tbe wall
fa rly p^ueaki '
leaw wbUt w tb her paraadl
Hep ryea
ep aaapped
rode Tip. eaid
sate par tad) o,ii...n
.it. I kaow
kaow,; ••- Talk of plum idiuu'" abe groaad
xy la. 1 kaew wbalyooair.
want cookia'ameal o' pAiiea ». an' I ouieKiooaly. - ro lakr fint pnia at
belieee I kaow wbet Byaiople Cbia ib, alggeal booby show ever waetiaa ;ity toa good aptgbbor man ta a ploiue'like I duaetokeep
Now. yoa run ae' apill me up aoiBP goia' to Uie a.colc ao' axtio'
.in' Clemea.
n»bt boaw
gwd. dry kiD'iia'a. fill ap the wood tyae. aa' yere br'a atoyed rii
t, fateb me a backet of water, as' i aad mamed Vlemealyae'a maw. aiiea
hee»»er'thlaggwlo' before you bat aa a whiatlr. a rai.lioa iIibcb wone'e ef
' eyes t'
twi,.p|. aa' aia ap a pao of be d sarried CleBrotyae baraell—
ahurki take it: Woy dma't I keep as
jdy b akit ’a ib. birpi
The widow aalied a t agham i
CieBeBlype m eioal"
Well. Iiory
t lijia',. lied it aa-ui her i
Uaels Tip's SapparTeekeL Mia' you ale'l got the treat of
'alat. roiled ap bpr black •
' "VOB w«,-t largil tba roMlia- yaan.
a good.aiaed 4eae Due. 1 reckow yoo
alccpa. aad id a eery modcfale
,t use bad the big Cr See b-iller,
belier go out aa' wUa 'eai Back }oy.
tag. Ibe TccriaiAra baklag. ate
ae'eat yoar aepper—as* mad yerowa
■•Ner the aiBllaa""
lalroB right aow
fur.., unJ
IryiBg or b.Liog, according to
leVuf j f'.-ral.l.
■-aa' jM'lidiga big neat o' awaat --none b .idircBeati. a h—•peutoea to baht '
ready ;
Ica-CruabiaK dtaamara
euuecing big alaculu
••A?oook'ajribr other irock leal like
Aa tor 1 oeteTlp. be waa la ao era
•teaacfeuf Uie .akeearc wiiaootax.
loUpBu.aod b<T eerr'tbiagrawdyai cyoldciigbi. akippmgabjut to rea,
« car femep-inal
ee-tnat B. they Ui
prcciarly aia o'cluea''
• bat ax.aiance Oe could, 1
lot uf pamcager aad
widow a eeerat. with glectoj alacr;
.ra fro B oue iwrmiaal ef a
L'ocieTip '^ckei. wboaaioa a back
aad comoieDliag actoa Ibcproceadii
laaa cbair to
importaal link waerebridgca
tween two 1(« rooma. looked a .iille .itowoodcraoa j.l
bewildered aad c.uicbed alblateaoty
>UOg 0|
aa if to bold ooto bit Demory

So. 1 Feed, per 100 poon.U ...

I W.We Miller’s Cash Store,
226 Front Stroet.

drat tbiag 1 b^rd la tbe Bpinll^
ooin waa tba aaaia Joks.
- How Baay usaa a day do yoa gat
bair 1 aakad tbs oparatar.
"Sow, U
a an pboiagt—b
gallarlee ia thi
iha eosaWT. aad tkM
------- tbatUwJc_______ .________ ____


foraaeaal} yeAra. aad
... aalbMHIl
bound to be eirrsnl

The Ai
cle e

mraal of Ttraa
la Field aaye that a b ayracalead tba fiallwwiitf
from a man la KaMM.

irri^U'_____ ______

__ _

Kao . aa it ntaen old aad JaatalMl*
Haas hot bk
iiB* hleal
>e by trail aad le* laaraad to Ada
Ita pllaof fua battaybMala
Ms A taller came ate
a a uittptp that baa MX tlrea.
Ukaa kaebaa
He told me yoa ml) tajaa rwbbor
jeet the mme m htasaa
How mwah
will It be to fix ep mlae Ilka htaaeaY
Htee le all iraa wbaal*. Oarapoaeh
or frill I bare to do It myrnW Saw .
.. yoa (tick the aade togathar aftar


ebcapar eapty'.' I eaa «l all tbs wlBfi._
’------it ber. IB Kaame &aa.
a —Haw maeh do yoa ckarg* br
____ oodad yoa etaS tka erlad Uto Wm
ruLbor with, and whan do yoa alartr’
6 L'ouBiry Talspbimaa.
Sural talapboca asretae ie eald la bs
moat adpaaced la anrtbeaaMrB Ohm
aad . panlcalarly la Umoga aoaatFi.
which le etrieUy aa agrlealtacal osMty. .Sot ualy laibaraaaoAmlawtair
loraeblp. bat buadiada of firmi
bare ealephoam la iMrhamga
of tbe compaalm lathsaoaaV aamad
■utly a farBUm' eompaay. U botag
atrd by oigai tarmara. whaows
ytblag from traaeklae to awliahd.
'Tbs prlaory object la ao*.
:tiag the Uae* ww aa a btip la tbe
tacUoB of boalaam aad to flea Ika
Urn aoBa of Ua aoeW prtrtlagm
i-iai are too oftea taeklag sa lbs Carm.
Tbaraatai prieeof a talapbeaa leoalg
(i: a year la adeaaau. er fil-U by th*
moatb. aod ttaUeatiUaa tbe aaMrlbm.
temlly aad gneala to tba fra# aaa at
Ham. aad Ibom wiU wUib Iba
c'lBoaar bu radaroelty eoalraau.—

la U> iL
Het ligOL tala ban
lake uick, w
3ad tlgatl) aad laateaed vary
waa a
tbe railruad
-alaal her bead, aad her Deal
fiaily agalaai
I plaoed aDoolbi)
aroaad ber neck.
in.oiabup when they giv yere. aa * “>o( tbecar frmet waa ewegat to no
"Izory. I caln't Bed airy cleaa hand,
tee Selu on Ltkr trie, aad t
kercaaf.’' ciawled a plaialiae voice
Uncle Tip t air Qf pleated animtUon , ^ afoaod tat moatat with a gi
froB tbe room on the lell of the paa- eaawbei.and begioaaaa m»re
moeataiat blgb
aageway. and another girl apprarcJ u
y (ban hr
, bad before Ue
the widow
wiaow r.
v- ,*r„BBd her A portion at bar. eraw
tbe doorway. In a caaioB Ih* eoaaie,
Fxabiiabed U >&m.

rued him from bn troabHa.
_____ ___
oDiigad to reaula
•bctitaiwMk (b Uatuaca. Sci«»«.>lu.ic |
part of liora',. except mg that the abin
• AUBI l)jreat."aa d be. "i "i*l>t ye i
tcospia of tbe
KFpen (mdiisK t<) apacialut* ia beih|
waa blae inaleao ol pioa. Thii ae-dot^
ootalwaye sue
'oilqis aad rrepaniorrConrw* Cradvgirl waa yoangcr than liira. ploapat. yeSynlOo i goafirr lupppr-an' fur at
A Hag* Army.
. — delibiratc
------ _•
... .. order Inaaearr
Iie> I* »br ColWt. ukiK »dac<w . w
of -....——.
1%# army wblsb fba BrlUab gorw
eiwSuiPTcacbn .Caxificalr A charmer of eolee
. ■'i-—
ueei bm asst to SeaU Africa tetbs
■Bg. bnliUul locaiioa
Adniuboih ■aie*.
With a artak maPCBcni Iiera fiaabed
reta." tbp little■ Jt“
^n «»'
t yawoiy erreat that sear ante Uaaaa. It
If roa «ltfa M Mcare ai amalJ •(pcew ib.
r into the room. Uue a plak aadi
a. aa it. barlpi
cuBprime MWOO ataa, ead mma
adneacn of Ihc Chnuiaa CoU<«e. lor
ilreak.her akirta ruatobg
wHl beaant aaerlly.
There an amr
CataloKiK* anil uJonaauuii addreu
'ladit I
ra. "I ai. I OPT'.
■Oldtarn et ilw Ualtad Statm la
-Vi eht yon'd-a aald ao before,
lore I'amely diaa.
lippla* talaada. aad IB.OM man
mUd briakiy. sDlockii
I wbut I'ee lowed eometimea '•
>f a box laalda.
tlag tbe lid of
'< got aay ume to
oaly SrIUU acHdlmg la lb*
baff oorderwl oce. an' doe'i you rye at Cirmealyee .
Hapali BUtaaalbsa*
r U np aud lie keole
knola la
ia it .Ike 'pne«d Jike aa ef
M Ui» aX ett/ pnvmr'ud keep Vbappeom
mad foagbt w
■0 laat Snaday."
e with yonm
MMaiV • OBOXnU. Atwnaam.
aomeUio' ud up aa': Caady baa beee added to tbe ragalar balB. Tweaiy alx tkaamad msa
I'n fix tar it ao
amp girl Inabed aad tatdown Ime
xk It in tbe bead.
bead. 1 cou.dn'i aapcr ^ral-mn at tbe Amerieaa aoidiar iim met eadrr Lord SaglaaUtbaO
upon tbefedge or the bed wlib lU blae giihalt
hall a ehaaC-e to arc
are her.
bar. an’
looked^ .S'ew Yoru firm baa ablpped Bore tbaa tq.oao to India aadar Lord CUea,
Itemaoe. aad auB.
aod whii
........................ ■ -“Ttoatof cooferilooefy dertiig tbe to Egypt ete^oh^. lha
prampUy •ike ! aeter wonld. But after a3i-.l
,____ Dllll
year lor tbe truopa ia, tae I'oillp
koD Clemaalyae a a Icetle too yoUBg
ThU ifi the lime of tbe year to foneiJer bentiDg
ueaead npoa by li
aa. Cuba aad Horto
Horu Bieo.
~- got oaaUawieai
ma Sow y^ aa me u cioal of a
CaioMCMiax aX rmaw Baaaru
Vos'ra y.i
"<1H Of- abeaa'i
For ten year* 1 have bkadled
Ddy of good qaalliy. of Ue Amar
age: paan toA« >>b< ae el we waa
Ow*Me*<naf aM baraf.
la'the kiaeclld. fia
jl from tiblrty
tairty to forty
pluBtuiwd to OBC aaoiber. 1 know whieb would retail
abe Boeed
a poead '
irwekoa ■tarrecouIda'lDoooa aaiiae ao good
mixed chaeoUU cyeaam.
Ueoaaiaiadf ml
LaclaTip'd kieder like logo ''loeg to
To Eaap tea koa( MaUagebop klB'llB’B aa' pack water fer you .........ebaertu.ler'u wbut t would filpoaie', ecidulatee .frail drone, mya Ua a
Aa ladiaaa aua ^ JmtappdMdsr
er«Uon in^thifi city
we'itojmrbaa'afer goad. ui« ao'yea ] eollSc Ai eerleas Tbm* am pal
lattan patawt oa a timely dliimmy.
wei gieieg bei Bind to tbe PCtUieg ol
pauDd eaa. of a epecial o'
He clalme to bap* leaad a prafar“—
ranUe bond given
her white etraw bai. with iia piak aad
luejuaDa. dealgnei)^ fit Ue pockets of a
eat eakm ef me M
ItB^BW M auato a ■•narw.i
wblia ribbooa. alrmw loopa. bege. bob
blag rad roee aod chnoby bud. on lac
Sarrcjor and Civil Engineer
-e aray rauoo orlgiaa ad la aoma axpan.
tael top • f ber bead, where abe a> at gituD' bio'liB aa' U
itv B'puoa tba diet of tba troops eoa
aotb uke to tne m»r k
youaojaacced by Ue Uermaa goparameet
aa' By cookin' erema
Front StTMt.
Troveroe City. Kicta.
ItPB yearn ago TbeyUowed UaiUc ___________ aim. ‘A* prapamMaalaa
••Aa' l.doB't pee." puraard finaaB. good. 1 m nil tbiak of it
high la
ip bi. I addition of 'caady
caady aad cboenlate to Ue whiu 1 quid which k powrad «»ar U*
I Dclc rip bopped a f(
ue Bleat,
iloat: regal
regnlarr rauoa
ar pat oe wit^brmb.
deligbL aod tbea caagbl U*
| beall
BUBd^cora. wbeellag*iboul. "Firmi widow around tbe wai,i.
ig Ir. fiiaer that Use U* 'iari
lea. betpraaerrm
plaea. wbod git auppergopcrascel bm laaoed cake, of cboco _ .....
If Ul*' diam
Toaphkia abore r- —
1 l.te aadaiialiod amouei of coal*, widely keawa aad '
yon, Lri'e light right ont
tine U U* tea MU '
he, ^ ruB leool:
tinern Vi. -.o.i* forwarded
etf a
arouadf like bopprrgraaaca a eaok
miiUoe pouodt of el_______ -j half
ipper ‘and c f lakie' it eapy ' Aa'
pospd package* m a
- Carisimm trml
old Ain't I told re bow I nonlCa't eepa git
x^place. ain't that loog.Boaad
for Up troop. ImUcT
Traospaal A war
BCoiyae P ummina bosoo to ne coertla' doe>r Aa' Uloge ll. r> xaa JIB maoefmtnn
itorvmara eoaaldrr
aa'am't'bc got ber yall.r erueewayexmrbow. el weiwaiiamiB.
BIT. 1 m-al kaow. Cose, lefa run , lag a wupemrut o
a 10 tbe aray
eat-ryea onto I nrleTip. an' bed 'rs rtgalopcr "
Iratloi It bm I*
aga "A Uasola" was eetdJy algaafi
there fer tbe laat Wn year, She'd of
Kat ClPaKatyar." d«fflnrrad tbe : mm* for tbe Bfil h aray Uat l.«:
at Ua aad of it. sad Uk wkiem wm
anapprd bis op like sj>t bird dor* a
"Sbe'll git bos. from Uclcnu ponede bare Mae' dlepatcbed
ar^rapbad U Uk erkr. *'0a
bug. forty tlBre oeer. et it hadn't hnae
•mU*' aeppiy
trr me upnellla' her plou an' heep’u' nipBle aa' be alceered le Dot find we em« ' ^ iwU
lr,.u(io troop..—ErrAoixx
•day yoar prhyara*' •Ite
hiB lut'n ber way. He'a will In', raongh
wlla' "Beer --------lobeanappfd ap. an' oerr git 'em ala
0^.1 Pra.» ,,, po.„a............60 •'1'";^;
............... '
_ >
b* Hundred Years Ago.
Caap year d
pleoie p'liyln- 'Sieiet H • bi'aa' Two
"filaar clear ad bUM
Trtkem.' a.' ibpy'd be eagaged midc
ae.~Oa alow aad
ol a boar. I U»n-« yon Iain'thap"cB
"Maya* Ucr* are a
Serfl- S.IU..
pl,.p ..d
»..ll, «W
~ '
' '
apart ibto loac to let es git ugoibcr
yoar apacial caaa raqairm to tea pea
^ ■ ’^aTwlU rSStm^
at . pirak at laet ~
■«ooo*« an ine Xoot ngbt cB. well
happy. b*L ay friiad. ebaaa. 1 teea.
"rfell. 1 do'ao." drawled Sai
•glm ywaagwad ltfV--*-me F-fc
'■mayac they air Uat a way. Bat •
aarrisd ao'
bemm,u.ble I'll Je.t aalcbelly
{ Florida wmaadCrfipaalebdeBialee.
you kia Boat rae oeer ber ef yoa w
ap aa goioptecm'
Maaaxpmadio tkartgacead ^
Ar Bndma rfrer bad retu................
848 Front Btro«t.
Broroh Block;
,* wm not proof agaiast
*,.1 airamboat. '
"Tbat'e aU U* farUrr you kla am."
Z^'Ttl^^eZrZ^ tesal U*
_ ; Oar grmi lakae war* aadcr Briwia-a
reuraed. Itora, aocrafaliy. -aot da -___ Clf qoeem m Uie
Urcat aad. tae*. bat hasp Us apaar
Mlk o'e'ock ease, aad Ur rlrbLarrip.'
lack beyowd year worn 1 DmlCiamecllpa time ebami- Tba aakima bam
tra* aad brr buw lira a'oM. aa' ffg puDciaally wtU '
from U*
There wasa't a railnad U oi
^nlda'l ber maw lire wherspar QaB bald Ana^^omm Ktu ula^ph
'.and woBida'iabe baa bom. ultcbae WiU a Frml platter, of Tied
aakeoftaa.aad Uatamk baamlaa
hPuly 'round Ult bawmr Aa' Mm aarroanded by rkb red-browa
grary. while Voele Tp camp ekippiag
Diuorlectric llgbia Twee
_ bcamiog
, _ jiag baoignly.___
baoignly. aad baariag law dip Uat finartabad.
Uw ee wbataanr aba'd after
, —- loUwc
apletTbmped w*U
wtU the
i.sacb haadaplete’bmped
a loag olcry abort.
>em my Uat J. C Orr; k Pbrt
a. a ST.................
maain' uiagt bare—
-tiUculia Tbe uWe wm eprnad la
I mid Uat Twoald
Thu., bm* aated loaUiahk
••I do ae." begun 8mu agais. "i,-*
M open otmageway.
iaad M .
J U* Ulaga
••Idn.- latarmpled Uwa drewirri*
■Biar Ueread a
Uay h*d"Yoa ain't got nmpuoa
gumpUoa ,aaough to
C.U* taltaal Baa la
Cc_me *loeg: yote'n Ua.
•mt two taobm M
oargio. k
BB. 'way ap. We'll be late
d a large’
TSa tail was a eery biAUfal ea* lamptiag.
d tato
Uatymr.aad teemed t^'Wda)i U*
MbatalUat dosaat karp a dk
malag of epiam aad trader grece papt
Down E
PPM A bag* glam c kb bard by w*.
rrof MimeaH ao alga e( I
a<ied brimful of aliepd loaaloea coma.
apamrud. aad U* aaa e
b**« aad eciooB. wlU drmelagot no-I aaf^
asif Myt
d la Ualag agar, mil aad black papeer. Taraaa*
wad pearip ail Bight (ram
arafaribac. AW.a
mdfd byU* of grmt fat batiar-beaaa. VoSnd •»
Tb* taaslsed wm mad k
Ml*. Mary*
TraaeraaCNy. Waaiath
lU Ue bakery rtabame bmmU Ucir ad roared.'-ni eat ym K
tegmltfB. traaUy gaUarad.of
aiagram aeala.)mU<d aad arwwdad
.. wall caltiramd asil ad Ua
taMsa Qimt toaad. eaUloay.



aHoa, Ckau iwai unn m


Traveiw City,





Ttiferu m S(Dim1 of loicl




' ““IS

_Mone7^ Loan

F"D' K. IT .A.O ES

Carpet Cleaning Works





w. tj. SOBBS,


Plain'and Artistic


a aracuL^ ^




Will!. I



Hoi is the Time to Enjoy Dried Froits.

Pncal Bala Cored Tbea.




jpsisr J. BR



' Hack, Bus and Baggage Transfer Lina
Bmt Uwtry in Northern Michigan.


Washing Powder.




.m»D niTua ibhuib. mtoikt i, ino:
rwaitea ol tboMB<w- tbaiv
aBlt-W w Mted abora. tka aeayM
«oi*aidiadtrMr. CML '
Wr. Taylor la «aU kaowa la railroad.
>alaa.aad aaa tka araaiom of tba
OTaadBatedadBolUadBoatrla Uaa
Bla aaparlaaaa akoaad Us at oaar
that tkeyropovd Uaa «aa a food la

lUibaMMTM «( Woa4«r&f4 m
hr tba oban may. aa« tba
laoanli bakwa Tta
aManay ter iba wytilaaat hai
daTaiawUAWlUaMal. aad t

aad ao^lw das sblek
abojarturaof tka adraalK«aaf
Wr. Taylor la aa aapirl
draarbssaa aad cWU teflaaor aad

ter tba lUac of aa aaoitertac trtef.
tba eaaawiU kola tba baada of
A aollaa tera ata trial vaa vad
telhaaaaaofWiUlavL. Btatdlad '
ao dokoaou. Ika vatlar la baiac
Maldatadkytha coart.
Tbo Woodra« aad Jebatoa dt'
taUa bara r>ao o»« tba tarm. I
Kawbarry waacrmslad adlrerea frov
lAdada Ncobarry oe the *foaad of
n «a<M «U1 b* ImMM at <h* ritravaarMlty. -Uatba aaveyf
Wary Blva traa rraalad a dirorca trav
■Mlaf Batai^ar araalBC. •> «U>b
Oaorca Hloic Tba aonrl oaiatad ■
•tt tba MBtan aia MvaalaUr i«
aoaoial order te Ibb eaaa. tbal tka
tetkar It to bara dMi«o of tka ekUdrra
aa^l a fartbor erdar by tba n art.
OMrMt O. O.T.
laabal W Ckrria rraa rraalad a
DMrM lo«n >- O- e. T- aoB'
rorea trea Lavroace B. Qarria oa tka
fr^ atlarWM la Hoatacaa kail
tdof aea' aaoeort. Tba eoa.
1W DMriM tectea ww eekterrad vae
k Biaklcy rt Aaaa BlaUay r>
aataabalafaMa. AfiaaaFealafteiot
lateMlHaw lodfa abjaaraad te «aal at
IB B. Millar rraa traBtadadlmrea
ttete. today.
fronBllcB Wlllar.abato bare teaaa
latbaaratear tba teaakaiaaalat tody of tba aUldroB. Tbaeaaayfkaa
tbahaUtera aoalal Um- drarytaDO n DaBM BatTMoa rr-JayaktetiMwaowaat. Bi
vara avted aad tba teUawlac pn«ia«
BlC B O .T. K Braat
Ttav So. rfl. B. O T.
iddff W- Baphtaa
M.. hMBfaia dasaartratod tba baatflalo iIooiFt »arAr.
Itae qaaUUs of is sasbtrt aad of.
Mtelta-B. y. tvTaadar.'
taao. of tbc oaa^is
Baritatka-Obaa. euebalt.
rrork darlay tba paat
naao Bola-Maad Woody.
» waahi m M. saabeia bara
Baallattev-Wr. Onbb.
addad to tba ML
rridty iraa a bly day for tbaSat aad
r of tba oraalay rraa
aeial Ro. art bar tba dlaUacUo. of karlaf
«ya.ttoyiaylB« laasaasl la toalal
iaIUatad tba laryrat alas oaar t
I aar toot la MCtbora MIcbi
Tba laltlatla. wat atuedad
faaarte J. U Otboa.
labotaW aaraaway aad Foraatarr
Thartaalaaof tboloto Bos ioM
aU aad pallary wara PMkad w
U Bibha rrara brMfbt to tba ally
TMdv kftaneo. a. tbo O. B. A I. that BO sora
eoold bara beat
btel. aad taka, to tba Bapttot abarob eroirdad la aad allow ter tba worb.
wbvatkaBaoyfnsaAtodlba daaaaav Thora wara a larfa aasbar from aar
• tba laao madlop lewat praaoat. tba laryaal
A( tbo saa tbay lortd aad raaptetad.

t Bteevk CO.


If your aickDcas is like hers,
Mrs. Jacobs' story will interest yoa.


Uneeda Biscuit
Wad»d down wUh » tUss of rood milt
can't be beat
VH. BlaMintaFrcteattbehlrfamtdcrotorincwlMDbalLiTir. I
rywbera ia $ eeot air lijbt. seirtiirc i»oof


Vis Hraaldcot-Boa. A ). Whaclar
aalarslBlBf teaura wat lelrodacad. {
rraaaerar—C. E. Marny
kept tba larpc aadleaeelrDB a'
Srema^—C W. Taylor.
daaira to po bosa. Tba dUUarairkrd
Couetel—Boa. U U Corall.
iktrraUBC wai l^i UrtatBcaldM tbr abort. Or. KrrtaU Bdfy.
of Hapi-'
a wall keoiTB eapitalirt of (isad Bap
aod la praaaatlap
Ida. a aoa iD-Uw of ihr law Joba Gaaor frtadrleb atetod that UraatCosI Sold of Mao BMr. la uaa of the atoekBoyaioo war aaabla
' bolder.: Um Bobert Siroroa. aoB of
praaoat oeaeeoaat of Ul baUtb which
:Urcreury of Asi« Staaroa. wba It
slltd bis to Florida.
__ , prctlarot of Ihr oospaoy.
t Kaipbt Coeoor I
I'J: ULrrtry dr.lrab r fratart of tbt
ikar aod a loyU Hi
' relrrpriac It that tbt liar it tb ba boUt
>as> le loyal tbal ba aarar pas Urad
prirttt caMsl aad oe
of addraaalap Moeaahos to alsllar.*®^^
boadawlll bt tataed Tbrec of tba
patbartapa. aod ba b dlltd w.tb la•
abort cSlrrra asd aiockboldtrt i
tersatioo wbleb will coorloea aayoae
acBtacirrai diIIiiod dollarr aod
that tba K U C- M. it oot only lb*
tbclr purpoM w ntabliah aod rqalp a
I—■ taoafietarr ords ta Htcblf aa out
tba tast U tba eeaalrT Hr Coaaor dfU das nroit bos Ibia city loNorth-

qaleiibar* ba* beco aob* ibe I*,
aetlaity la lortberiap tk* plan Tborkaoralap tb* p.aa* w,™ eeaplficd ;
> telapraa from Lxnalap ttal*- .

•lap waa apaat tea AoUp.
w and tb* boaartd yeaap lady
a Witte a kaMlltel local
0t%. MkaBateb. aaetbar .
*a otak. waa atao piaoa a ■


ll ha»'ortv>llcht,ihr
i:* pop
CT«B. tl,Oir..t.-f >i,.dK-li.r t..

.4 rl:w x«-. : «“<* ar,er^,u, .

.r t,.k ul ..vt bond uii «




. thr nm.s^
tb.- m-.v
laud rr.-dl.-i. orw ulr bod

ibtaatioo of kraiaa. caorpy aad cap
oald ba piHUa lopalbs fs aa aa.
trrpriar of tb. klod.
The liaa b asared. bat tbr peopir of
tatlaaaa county saat cosblaa tkelr
rSorta with tka eospaoy to bara it t>
sblUbad qalekly and le pood ahapr

.. T,

ripht of way Trararaa City aod Lsla
eaecooBty people wUl by otxt Jaly
ba tnaUad to lake at laaat two tripe a
day bttwMO Nortbpert aad Tiarm*

Cl':ofU-r ••r-vU a. t«..ani. n,.-i.
............_fUlurr..l.vrs,>ua J.teitratid. .r.,1
Miiilr. Iir Ts.a.|^:rfs rwtotiK »lir ' '

w at

, «v.w.«b.*h..;-«a *rt-W-i»l


Tba list laak that eoDfroaU tbrj William H-lirr.
piesolan of the Trararaa City a^-j *aat of L«oi>:ilax.
Mr IVurrrE. i
Uo. b tba cbtaloiop of a »lllr dead
w K-1 FrMxT ^UK- *Bpp. ' -d to t>« bsrt
riplTt of way oat of the city. They
arc confldeoL bos tb* ass^aes that
pirae tb*s. that ibere will ’ Rixacbr r.itlrr W l o-ay, iNvy.apt-d
i-j-lcboiBr Wrdbsday
-S---V' --"r
.w . .iiic.oa. line
Tip.irvu. ^
Laalaaaa eoaaiy. aad If tka ripbt of I .fauiuisira'
pump, hrr'
r U obulead oi
blok that tbr bard.
r ag .or fr-s .-oiirul.-iui. ,
>ork will bare bsa s
I for iwrlir
!--ir war a papj lo
S couocU at i .cbool aod war spr maoJed Pw t
for aa ootlri j usdact Sbe went isw tb* lar.lory |
to to* eoaaty iiae,
: tpd awallowrd tbr i-Jolca-. of a *oMi* 1
A XUasBCoo ayadkat* ba* pasha*. I .oldinp WD or b'vrro pratD.


barbs-. IB* tract ^sibm s w. ,

ibrourt lb- wood* lu


punbaas te--------- ------------------- -rn.
-lumberour. Tbr
new railroad
psy *on. koc
1 tbia autos
uadwbilelbry will urua ly litre n
idtabatthr aipbv of maa.tbryi
■ .bold by'bower-, s
' AtSb fpoacetbe caaebtFrof R-cb- •Ulladsin in tbv earn will ab«
ard D. Moos. fsabooUnp moos..baa tloap behind a man m a tuacurV wtaicb
beta stUed oauid* of eoart by tb* « halfeowardicr at in. f bravado aai.
detrodaol paylap a Ba* aad aoau isidadiy wsfVup oc tb v dcvts of tbr :
aseaatlapto PUT.





i^Dsed in Mniions of Homes!

Best Coffee for the Money!

Try UON COI-PCfi and you will aever u
any other.
It K atraolutely pun
Coffee and nothing but Cutica.

Accept no substitute!
} Insist on LlOfi COFFEE, in l ib. pk}^.
.These artjr/e.« mailed FNFE^in
5 erehauffe for lioo heads vat from
? froat of I lb. LiyX COFFEE pkgs.

Gold Collar Buttaa.

Q la-'C.



Daisy .Neck-Pin.
Orawlar Hard-Eaaasl
read Oold.




Stylish bclt-Du.k)«.

Box of Colored Crayoos.'

J nhonoUcB UcbJt «»u-tnii>im.«-

Ladies' Sclasora.

aaa a k. aamo.

-ThteLioa’a Brtite.”

Ladles' Apron.

- iChtWs Orbwinp Hook.

--- W

The Eminmt Kidney
and Bladder Specialist.


Rubber Or«aaiiif Comb.

that lb* rood area be *te*r«d fact asd i

Fruit Plaure.

tbe(iraad.Tra*era*Uesid.aed betorr
aooe lb* fact ibat a "aar* cnoopb" raO-;
n«d waa te be bellL lato Lcclaoisand site coaaty w*a tb* pcberal top,* oa tb*
aireete aad aaUad alu Goealderabl*
1 wte *0 .awah I ceiald te« awrep a room,
aad now I cao da a aaall waahite. and 1
' Tk* late UaobUd .Port te oateollab \ k
aBalactrk I sa from b«r* te Nor-.bpr'l I
bad nibcr diaooarafad *c«r/«ody ;
hcrcaboaw aad taoa* wba hoped for • '.
Are .yw« SKk ?
An rcur loujfs 0*0 railnad bapae to daapalr of ibri- ,'
*'weakf*‘- Have you obstinate hopca acer b*lbp raalixte. Bow«..r. |
There is X cnrxsr rcrvail-.r^f le tmt
fiagcdiif coaph. vitb bleeding Wb<« tba edm* mreer* le tbc laiaat |, eeiury irc:i es^gcreus bccauie ao den^
kinpa. vcakBcss aad esnkoiatHaif pi jwt w*r« kaowB eccrybody ka< w '' VC. Many r.:raea deaths arc ex need rt
Tboosasds in jnst yoor case have tbaill WM b bBbateottal moevm-o-.'
cficIT^e r^» of kidecy
Tc wawlia. MUb. Wl. kylb* £2^
been ctnd by ibe use «f
rraceraa CSiy * L—lanaa Bulroad I »xae*
" ■ hlcod*'c»:n'
OompBay. wbteh »teplte''x-d tor BMP- tiw vt-nl orgoro. or she kidrw.a •-hcmael.te
«-hxe ced h
I Then t!w r.r fcrem el thebiMd --fw ai
flied M Ltaaiep yc
*‘. • te-1 _le*xi o-.- and -J>e stritcrer has Bngte-.
seat uaavop is Ore
Salba fot iDue*»e.UevoT>tl5r™c(i4d
Dr. Klhnc; a dp ■p-RoM Lhe new dlaFalmigysie^. ft a/mest afa^rt .rwlap dircetor* w«
z-.Ue fit x-drwv, bladder
dsm, Sek peraoBs are nvh)id to
coosnH Dr. Pierce by letter abm>- Be. A.O Wb**l4« of Haaiaur: C »
Istely vitboeit fee or <^rgc. AU Taylor of Oread Bapida; Boa U C-.
"X- cr-.ggwsJa Stty^er-i
j«>ddolim*i^ A tamp'-* borje aca< tic*
correytedcBce a atrktlv tneate. OereUaadC B. Marrerof tbweity
^ ^ 1 by nul aiae a book t^bnp abow SwvnpWrite aad MSB A aftedkt^kRik.
Tk* dlrrelor* h
**“ *^^-: Roc and ns woodoSiiur**. Adteaaa
tea M ytesr ckM. tekt. AddrcM
Or: nhiwrACo. Bl^^teat. N. Y. Md
Lr. &. V. Pistes BMfiahia H. Y.


•• Dorothy aad Her Frleada."
Naval Box Kite


Tb* Baaatea Btedy Qab bald a *c y
pteasat aad proAtekU oataloe Toaday
i*M^ attb* boo** cl HMUtaate)
WaUakWaaktapweatrliL Pcaalka*
Aakbo teotstep tl had ksa arraapkd to '
■aprtte MM* Tictea in hoaor of her

teM,tka noiatew el W. R Kal'y.
''teawMateaaad to s-d tbaraalitbe
- plhorteMbwioftka*lak.wbokkdtek

Disease may be Ooereome <with

Dr. Miles’ Nervine.


"*MpScB-”*l te^bt I £

DebUSated, the Tired, the Wom-oat and the Infirm,


iBBCeaaa ScrrrSry of listr Suarat it |
• a.oaltby iusbarsaa of Laatartoa. ^
! aad if the aiyw arr rlfbt be itaad* a '
rood ebaaeeot beiar ibcsexLyiircrBQr |
of Wlchiraa. la additioe to the difoity '
of Ibr prraMaary of tba Tiararar City |
Lrclaoaa Ballroad Oo Mr Marray

I^l.^of tb.-.-b.ra%i tb. orip
Ba iliii wara aaadaaSd by Bar. W. and MortbpoTL Daprat Mate
orpaaiitUea la tka aarly aua,
r of tba Baptiat bos boU plaaaa. aod wkta It b
i^si^ tetU sSsb^ la M
>d by Bar. BaU ad May- tldarad that Martbport bMslIaa away
ataia war but Too. ssraaly sera thaa '
aad tba aMpblap poet tbt iateraat worapatbarsl SfaUter U Foraatar.-:
Mr. I
le Waacaboabs aaa ba raadUy bUlthatalphl. 8.baahaaBaotl»ala.t“i<-*‘'>‘««";'>'*~» *>•».“
bb rSsS ter tka baorBi of lb* erds “"‘O
Carp Laka. asr Biopbas.
«tba Rortbpert and Tkesp- aadbwxr proud to aea tba sapoitada tbans to Prorasaoi. tbros to dot
elvva ptaoteataad paalal te bla
of tba wpaaUaUoB. Ha pare cooald-j
«*»y “«*»»« I** **«>« «>roopb
.^■bwad AHboi«bMr. Qlbba bad
. MBlaUrs boa Old Hbolee. Cao ambU laUteatU.r btaiory fUattop to I Ostoa to SorthporL
wraa aallad wlib tba abaiob ba war tial Uaka. Unwa. Katoo Bapida. Oopa It aad autad that today iha sasbar-l Mr. Taylor arrirtd la ibecity Thus
M Mtlaa wtetar darlap <ko tbaaa abb. 8aod Uka. WUliaasbarp. Blsr aalp u Mlabipae aaoaada aa.aoo
Hr'ilav abrroooo aecospaaiad by Ua
yatealblblaalty, at om Usa balap hM. Palaakay. Fruklort. Ulartoa. daaarlbsl tba adroetaps of tba K. O.' tasiiy. Tury bare Ukao up tesporary
i U>ui Colasbia I
tepsiplaalialrTr- Bvt»l Baaday dllpbS Blswoed. WbiM Ooed. Ns T-H.bothwa Italareal aod baecaaa City. T^aka. laA. OoaaeU BlaSa, Bdary poebty aad aiatpd ikat tbara b j
After tba aarrlts tka rasalaa wara lows aao ties TTaroree Bay Teat. No. aoothsordor ia tkaalau wUek paya <>lf tkel
Ptemvadte tka ftelda.aa of L. Ktbr prseat b*
daatb elalsi ao prosptly. H. war raiary'a
OMakreUsof tko boa
of UiO. <J u.
aloqaaet Id daaariptloa of tba ralot!‘»^‘ad « taa
vhlab pkaaa tka kartel teoketeaaatt
ibaC.ty Opes Boo** block
atriekaa lamilla. I Oorrli
of tka
le w.ll bar* a broad puaipe
fbgaaaapport la tekoe away by dtelb;
pas Spars abowlnpuai the orxaa-; track aadelecia wiil be tb* proDcUiap
. biyi baod baadtd tb* liaa. Tai
ft .* lar-rioid bj rua at l-a*l
Uatioo S prowiap s alraaptb rrsy ; P->- rr
raabooi U« HaecabM* la Uec.
day. Uaautadtkal Id the oflrc oflV'o pusops train, va.-b way ercry
a cladlaptbre* Bsu whiah bora
tka Craal SeseUfT applleatusa as : daf aodd^iBplbn .uou-r aruto.
daptaatcutof Nortbport Teat No.
dlad at the ns of lOu a day.'
M». TMoaoBrill* Teat. No. 4«s. aad p
•rhicb Booths Istereal a
rnreraa City TaaL So. »7I. all artajIj Sfaup'c for disci
ad^porpaoea rapalia.
'eooorctiro. *1111 the '• ,R A
CkyteS «* Clapalay-' Twaaty-Br*
and huu'd i «*•« H.rqueu-. an laatt iroopa alr-p•saadloreks of usaaselllBslaa that K had'oars katos eaaa bU!^“» W^rau fro-a Cb.capraod J:n
fMfte tros tbo M9 atteoAod
avalote kUd at tbo taslly iteMoa
«arrlad by tba
pleaaas to wlias tka tolatloo of to ' «ak*ti dirrvt la toe r«*.i.-u io beria
pplu of tba cold tba prsWat fsuratl I*rp*acla*.k*ia*tuk*0iubes.
*!'■ b, aerrenm 4air
. Ball. Bawals
fsipbt uaflir ia coot
of Mf■mik— 4B4 Jadpa Baksia aaoba
abstlalkii wareplreo by sprsaou two'lies maati.rari
vaate «( aosJeri le tka ksaared
ADoel two fva-a ego lb* IradlD*
Urs of aaab Of tb* riaiUap teau.
m-o aod fsa.'Suf tbr coub
MB wko waa aaU*d away *0 aaddealy.
it tb* total'‘y bepaoa
that ibta It
ctisily orrr ibr sal*
Ip of tb* teat ap to 4
BoSoty RoiM.
alaoeuted thattkepanoo tor sc*..- poalcd *b..r. bat tb* of spiul
.A TOIF atsry aoaial waa aa)oyed
catia*. at tb. sdusd si*
err.,•□ted f.rUsr
TWtaday aramlap aads tka aaaplesof ordafpaaasUy aad lo TsrsMCIty
, «ai*ad*d two week*. Siaee P'-afv*** Abruv that Uor t
tta Mior alas of tba Hlpfc aekaol. for Taat partinlarly. aad flfostisly
tal dSpeostfoa rra* pranted Pio<ws of toe t>. S. a 1. wral o<
BtektbtBloltbeAaaiat. Itwnaaeap ptaaaatad tb* key* of tb* dlykp L
Slioh* has boea raeelrwl. of
•Mkaatoelal. aad tbas waa a
whsta about M was si sud u i, us»■*“«=
Ik* raapoaaa arai sad* by AIM '
pacpaaaoftha toailo briap lb* toul «»<1«
«' Bpors abo^ap
FcSdrleh. eossaads -bl tk* MaL i
• japata Baa laaok.aa
esblpabor* Modsiap tb* Beat:
vsoarcsof the duaty. Ndniap
ska aod trro orMka fros Um i foriber wa* dote bol Mr Marr^kep
aaty plaaaaatly.
Ihf dpurslohi-ha-. f.r fa-urr sf-i
kMtBtwUl ba aAAadIo tba faadts
ei ce. Mr Murny ba.'Ior a loop Um
It which tb* loaiop ait* io tof
bso a Sts brllesr io a :1m tbraosl
itat will plre a Ba* buiqxti.
I by tba Tbesi
Lslana* eoaoly and h
After tba aaaoeaeSBaet by
t'Zad tka saaar
a risl MelbodSt charak
saads Friedrich ao axsUoat tspsr leoce la tbc sUrokd bsxiec«* c
if tka sasban of Oas Ro. a.
oplninu to bare cos-idasbl'
taeraed la tbedioiap roosaod b*>- hit
paawB la a««y parttealar. Thas •stlaa. Tba tss ta u foUowa:
k Tk*a*w scBoes aad eltluep wclpbl with splteliata. Tbc i
saa a iarta arawd pratiea «l tbal tb*
Kiap-Oaorp* l^old.
fisiaad tbeotb-|"“broepbt the
kalphu w
paitett aroBld bold, fa faat. aad aU
Bltaxs-Mr. Ubat.
at'.«BtioB of Uia •
tficrward*. raes was telly fls
dadtat Maeeabeaa-Lorla Faisy.
Oosllwbotook coosidcrabl: iBtere-t
drad kaipbs la lb* ball ao that li
tawfiBS waa plrta w r
filpb PrlMt-O. L. Loarjoy.
wa* after sldai^t .befes upps aaa ib tbc outlook. Soma apo' Hr.
Kiap-apaarda-Joka Botaar. Lowell
Marsy aod Mr. Coccll •
prepoacd rautr and tbeir trip c'Bcio.rd
Hi. k^ Ms. WDltos laadoa aater- FkaL WUUas Ussaa aad WUUas
Tba toeord sade by Ibb teat doriop
HM BBtaiday arMlap at a Bakst
tba pMt ttara* wsk* w sryfl.usiap them that a Silroxl tbruaph
OBBty oooocctiop with Tssrae Ci'c
■matea. Iiwwa soat dUlphttel
aad wiib tht iateraat aid aaaepy diiincite Tba teUowiap pataU rss B. Poets
pteyod by tba Basbsa tba wsk of wogle b* a syloc iaastmeat. 1-bcc
litesat twif Plpeoa^in Mr. aad Ms a M. trail. Hr.
Oopoiy Harsu aCous baa ptarea
It wait after 11 o'tlsk wbaa tba «sMi Ms Baaiaslk Tkirlby. Hr. aad
of prtat slaa.
- HsW. r.CMlklMaad Hr. aad Ms •aealsws* ooael^. bat aaotber
tka aliarwoec Paat Usat Cea>>1. aa lo tbr right of •
IsCoaas rteltad Asaada Biec.
I. Is wat ib-oairb i
TMiAay vaaa kappy day fs UUl*
wbieh bald a seaUap aad pas tbc
d' Corell
loiBktr oaas iaaphter of Mr. aad Ms.
Haraba I Wo—icr
ItMOwaa. ItwathsaosaUi Urtb
aod thromra 'h- r p.
^ autaattaiy <aad aheS twtaty
L—laatb Oeaacy Raitreaa <
MM* telha was iBTlud to pani
For •ecaral aoetha a oroj-cl ht>
lelary of Ste-C 't-arn* !■ c-«-l*al—'
te the teaUaHtea el tba occaaks.
boraoatoolleiatebUabasilrgad b>
teeth UaloB tisot. BttUtP tba Jtsiwcea tbIa elv aad N'orlkeorL aoc
■flacaatSMls Baaau. Babyk acbool
■ hJ« themaiwr bb* baco kept ceiy

wanted^ to get well,
rd find oat how some
one else got well who
had the same sort of
sickness as miha'?

Fastens its TkaMy CJbfcfi orpon; tte Ooerwortei, the Weak, the

rrork of ssblWhlar tka Uaa.
' Tba otkar oOsta aia irallkaerr
tbit city. Boa. A. u Wacairr k a
barad aseof tbr presiaael caeis
ofMaaktae aad bla eoaoMtioa i

tesQy.paylap* hlfh k?^** »« ««


LaGvippe IGlis.

^Fdot-Clothcs Uoa.
_Ohja Iw la





Ixiy a pound package of LIO.N COFT^E you have^bou^ tmn^Mag else. too.
be selected by you from our new Premium Lists t




JMMCJMV MOr «Ap raMtab Ofefa. i

I TnverseHeraM,
•rtf MtfVO* •
. tkBt tfMSht t


If w ikafrra el l


• wltk U* ekk *«•■

• lotflBf towtoSerebeaUeaMlew

I Mim J»<k«oe'*. I

1. Jea *0. tf Mr
Mih tf ton. to


Meier T. itosttor Meu. let* ei*


Mr. mim *M M . .
tt teefctsf ■» poie<«w
<«w Umt «UI* Maiol >beltoteetu Hetue eeetol
MedimteM'; rontf
eereeim ere eketcbtf le
itoW ortbcBerto* of
erayeerricee of U*
iloe rertowea by
.Oea. O. O Bsvmrd.

Housekeeping Linens, White Goods, I
and Mustin Underwear.

» VeMhl. Ikr lyoi I
»1. err Ho. ) tfcr Hr

Tbeiw**'* U

tf B<w. i t.

Wbbeot Meje-ld
Mr. <Hbte *e»

Peredtoe low
feel hto Uae.

Joe Wyki ff weal le Kleceh? Jer.

ee bafeeei

laed fled* a ready expeeeet li
Da*ltt. M P.. wbe ylrra tko r
hto article. ;'d Plw for

.... .....

tbe *'*^^^*^


Jeaee Oeye wret le Trerme Ct'y

reportod Is bear tf a aebemet of
dute peedoe* for worn oat worker
or dacy»)i roodmon of Ui* p.«s>. Ci
B. r Beekley reieretf bom* fr
«!. Hoe «. a LKky. Baplaadbeatnepmi*- d*n*-t) fpocn Cmer**. tb* gr •*1 >kln rorr. with tbe peiem tf clmstow .BtoteeCber
end o»o*t
o( «oe-»rndon. Mo tuber «o^. howrrw «xp»a«lrr.
... ........ .............
loeot btotorlao. ttfto -Wby I Opom*
toMibe reed oUbeUem boafkl
bub* eompued wnb it for *;1 puipow- of tb* toilet, both. *ad noiwer. It cemOld-AoPmloa*.^la
Ihet pleeebsmlo D«a Ruir *t Oi* Pear*—u*<a*ly. SR Crm—iba urr *km *sd cmo>M*o4b*bTwW|>>.
ttoe nmta from Ike eortb ewer lb*
*. * I Itee bad to ecme by tke way of
Tiereraa CUy Jee *». ce eeooeatofe
-tolacdoflit HeleoalortbepMlble ——
wieek eortb el Weltoe Jaectioe.
CUede Pelrer to bem* Irom Trerece*
a to aa artSdo wbleb
aaooarle tbe Pefaraary C
the dm ol Ue hitbarto ai_______
Tbe weetber U>okt more terormbl* -■Talk* with KapoleoB.- froB tb* dairy
haallac loo^ oaowlac lodey. - Dr. K E U-H*ara. bto ptayddea at

TavAdAy the greaieAt and moot contpre> enoive ccUeiton cf UouMhiMpfng Linena end White
Goods wili lie offered At vary low pric«e-lower tbao will be quoted anywhere on goods of eqUAl
quAli'y For tbe last eixty day* we have veArcbed tbe markeu for undervalaee on everything tbnt
is good And reliable for tbi* aa e. and we have aucceeded beyt nd our expectations
Tbe stiff prices that prevail todey OB everything that contains cotton, linen, or both, is anprecedented in our country's history, yet we are pleased to announce to an appreciative pnbUc **«»*
our Wash Fabfica were never so cheap, our Linenf never so beautiful. We open our store on

I, „...»



Mwe Vide Ketooe be* bcea olt* *>d>
wiU Moeela*. bet to better ao*.
W. B. Calor. ettoreey ftoe* Treectee
aty. «a* la towe Jee. M lookiac ift*>
Ik* iBlereeu of Lew »eior UaU*
Mra OeemiB aed 'Mia Dr. Trdmaa
were eaUare at KlB|el*y Jaa. sdik.
Be*t JeSery weet to Trareree aty
Jaa. Mta ee beelem.
Tbe dtete LaBber CoBaeayba* beea
efriekllBf Ike road* tbe ImI two deya
aed ibtfr Uaax are *o>e at workGha.Haa HaekWyotaraad frea tiraad
Bapida Jaa. M witk a aaw.uaB
Oarl Moody wool to tbe City Jaa. IT

Tuesday Morning, Jan. 30th,

— or—

Tb* Pebmary aaBbertf Beecybody'*
Menrio* to sued with Umt enjoyable
eoabiaatioa of asadac asd preSlaMe
raadtac for wUeb the eabileatioe to al­
ready we’l kaowa. Tbe -SlBpI* Ei
danatioa'' for U> Boetb to oa tbe aobjTiof in.lley.oart.aBd the writer rsp’ain In a roBBrkably clear aad
prapbie masoer Jett bow aleetrldlj
(aaecaled. aad bow It rue tbe car.
Tbe leadlap artkde la Appletoo't
................r Pebrwy

Farming Imptements!

'OK SAWAY, FEB. K). 1900, |

t 2 p. m.. I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder
ly entire fanning outfit, consisting of the followingdescrib ed
OB Heaopolia*One ii-hoe Flmpire Drill, been uw^i but two seasons and
wbtob to te eppear la Ue Saterday
Brealap Poet of Febraary lo-to good as new.
eeppuUee dtooBBioBj of Ue aaUo
One Milwaukee Jr. Binder, only cut about to acres and
of eaet Borporatlaoe. U dlaruB ta
etrlklapaod oriplsal Baaser oae of .s'^rood as the day it
ii w; _s ■bought.
lb* a*oat prtoBlnp qetatloae of Ue day.
One Gale Wheel Harrow, abt'Quite as good-as i i but
iaatallaUoa aad pave a eery labertaP ■■My eotloo." be eayt. “to U*i wb'.*
in good repair.
. lap addiBB oa tke perpoM of Ue Prorldeeoeead Ue kipberlaw* wb
Oraapr. Tbe lollowisp oSloara warr really ferarp Ue aniecrae are, la bcb'*
One Smoothing Harrow, been usrrd but. one seas
talk. Back iBlerior to Ua Beriaed
date laaiallac:
good as ever.
Wwtky Haotar-C R. Ba
' derc Ue
One j-horse Riding Cultivator. Ixreti used but
totood a
It o
one season.
Oewaatf Mr. Baadall.
to Uea aftak they ai
Bleward-T L
One Spring Tooth i-hurse Cultivator.
Katareabboraa bo
Two new Birch Plows; one of these plows ^as only plow­
Sasla Beaad. Ue popelar ketreaa. ed about hve acres, the other lias been used three seasons,
hae eoaiasud to kaee alt bar drcM but all in good repair, with new points, colter and jointer
with-each plow.
riora-Mia Sharp
One Hay Rack. One Farm Wagon with box aadlopbox.
pUy, “Mtoa Bobba.” bet bar
One two-seated platform spring buggy, only been out of
Itoa L O O. r. lodpa Mo. m tf tkl*
heap aad aoelal faaetleoa wiU
rtlap^wara at hoM
triced* pietared. Ae added ebara wlU ba pi*. the shop two vears and as good as new;
One Portland Cutter with ohe nkt F'ur Robe and i
ea U tba UliBtfmUoaa le tkdr abotriap
*Bu Mtoa BiaaeU Is her ImroriU *■
Plush Robe, afl new.
One pair of O
lap wonUr.aad afur prayer mill
•pea Bet. F. J Bryas to deliter i
■dlfI oa Ue “Prlviptoe of Odd P<
**e r»«r Onmw ie.o*i I* *Jk>* lew * me*.
One Boss Cutting Box. a good *006.'
UwaUp.- wbld) wae well reetfte %r*e'«B*lli4i.ia* ■>*• teuCenel tkeiiesm
One double set'of Farm liarness. One single set'of
■a. Baady aad SoeSrid raaden •ubeuilej»7 •• wril ee 111* aOnJl AS -bo
al atlrrUena oa Ue aaaadolla ai wr
II Ilk* u. oaaia o tee ta*i nr* •*•! Harness.
WWW* rtfel o» ■•*** e* Jerw twi II U w*0*
One mounted Grindstone and ail small tools such as Hay
new pel* CT*l*e *ae ibeweel erllms* uow*eb r*«wl**e Ik eltoewl lllwliiee e tbe prv*
eode Cle.pertweter*. ".rt* Forks. Manure Forks, Potato Forks and Hooks. Potato Scoops.
Scoop Shovels: two long-handled Shovels, one round point
I* It a batpf U*e Dr. TboBafa Be- and one square point. .'^11 the above described property will
anl kmoroei allaikBi u local Odd
ItflowB. Aa artplaal rhyBeos “Ood leetric OU. A celT Uaa Or. Thoau" be sold at auction to the . highest bjidder—nothing resciked.
------------«ad by F. J. Biyu. Bdaetric oa.. At yoer drapptou t Iw Anyone needing anything in the abclovcline of tools will do
era Uaa....................
well to visit this sale, as they are all
and in1 good repair.
A Tnmpb ol tootnoe■d to be Uere.
Ae elaMebOBtoal riap. to be wwp
Paleer. aboae

WH aaob Ueapht tf. the lam p^
. -dBPBbeaWiail|iUbala«taarTlntBti.
SyUr to Ua aaUea la which ebe we*
MS. Tb* bars*red bate Ua ayaya«kr bU la Udr afS cUoe.
A tew day* ape W. H. Baird act'
Bttbaaarieacleae byUedeaUof hi*

aoweUiaatad that * paarasty or aea
oyrefaaded to.oSeM loall eeCerer*
by » retpoeelble ootepuy. Tao uaeb
eric add is tke blood to the direct
eaaic of all (ora* cl rbeoBaltaa.
which iBcladeUSaeusaioo. Baaealar.
paralytic. eearaJpla. aiUma. toBbapo.
aad eteiT kipd tf ciaap
- -■ —
Baorea Ue opca** ol ar
blood udeueatbaaadtoi Bia A baed.
aue book^^wiU e^

Uaaba Ba had oaly ewaed hla abeat

UNaaeattS ThtotoUaaeoudMet
^^MnF. J^^u.atf dayhUr^Bal* Kardock Btoad BllWnearM It.prc
HUlee.'wb*pe Ueybare baae tUtlsr
tew daye at tba hoar of HtaI lalt bare MoodSy iaorslap ..

To e«ro • CM ki Om D■^
Take W»rotT * While W ine of T*r Syntp.
iMIwMconxhmueirTiiocanki- Saad
to crnla .

aeud. Sorry m lorn neb
iHTpanf aba will ba a WtadiM
aaarrtoa pleaautBmorteah
BtwtobaaefmUppwiU lur.
Blaa barrlap ofo rapoiud fidaktap^.
Vba partM Cbltaperirar.
IWHputoholeaBer Valla haa focaSared oP Ua eeaat. U of her crew at^drewaad.
tetaatywia CUasBaa are oa tritf la
Faepo, K. D., ebarped wiu riolatlep
totUak tkeCblane
•AMOMnbJaoB aed at
....Ant HcElaloy waa »T yaara of
^MoBday. hatlap ban barpat Kilaa.
all eoaatp. O*io. Jaa. M. IMJ.

Ss^i;.^i$S5Sxr-..6p.. $4
epr lioten


«■ aM Ole ateartf De


DR.G.H.SN0W, '

njteweec ie.





pure linen napkins,
.................................................. «CfO


MakaaaspaeBltrof all cknBle dl_____
dto’aaaa tf viubbi. the fra. aar, aaac aad
, thraat. Bato aaHarto'lraeacaiBtaJ lB tto<
t aasear. aatbaa and

Cimltitei Fm.
; oaMtoBnOtaM*

.\iid I’diow Cases,
each at
tlie above are below
mill i:prices.
lied spre;
ead-^. the closinjt of .a mill; worth, to
place them on this sale





“I’ ’«-■ ..................
.\dvance sale on New up-t
P-to-date designs of
g's styles ai

Muslin Underwear.


........ ;....................^rBarber Towels; hll linen.
per'Doz...------- -------- ,...



1x5s extra Vavy bleached Bath Towel!., ^3
Bath Teds.

Inail, M mill, I mlcr.,nr. 1.11, „ pl.c, on lhl>


22x> ^pure Linen Damask Towel,

'i.CKXJ yds Stevens' unblcached'toaelind.
all linen, per yard........................................

si"s ....



^.^1'“'’:™'':'^°“;''^'...: -05


Ladies I mbrella Drawers, ruffles, embroidery
and lace trimmed, good
- ' •
• • • •
the reach of all; from

*UO .

Extra values in Huck (owning in different
extures. ranging in prices,

Hr. Henry Beelman'a foae which fin- explaioe. aen-ea U> illnstr«i«
mipUke pliyaiciAu oft<-B make in (liagDOeis Ihajr do not alwaya

very coaatipated.
itipated. and my >atuiuach itaw me a great
My food woBld■ not
ot digest
ditteat and my anpetile was very poor I coald not
sleep at night, and
. _ 1. would be living todsT if 1 had
r do not Lbelieve
not foand help. I consniied Ur. Snow
made a gieat change in a few days I feel that my
sood for a man of my age. All tbe old evmpPraia'are cored and
strong and well If thare are any. who. like myaell have tried <Bher
physicians and failed to get help. I beliefe Dr. ^aow can core you if
any one can HESRT BEELHAX. Traverse City, 1^.

»,.nhi„ Diriii™- ,,,■ .nil i„,
le-r yd
y.,rds nne Uw Remnants, .worth in the
c.- up to
a yard,
cial. i>er yard
1 he l;isi call on Sheets.

II .75

An Interesting Case!
many tiuea. aa with thU pntieBl. wotiid nerai to be a i
eaaea. With Mr. Beelman the cAoae prot ed to be doe
^ditioos known as ‘-liibaemia,'' 'iii which tbe waale mAleriols wew D«
chjuiged by tbe vital chemiat^ isto orva. but inBtead into the inaolthv kidneya were nsAblc to rendUy
iloale from the blood -k
aulotizu; in the ayatem they cauaed
tbe aymploni* deacribed belui
"I fail aay that I lbi<
think Ur. Saow if a very akiUfut pbyHiokn. Hy
hoM not ben k.’uod for a lung time: I have hern in the bAitda of
txxd deal of trouble with tny
sa>! ebrat, eocb a tii.'bto«oe fb>-re.. and
snd soreu-ea My nose and h<
wore atvaya stopped np, bdiI 1 <rras so verv dizzy, with msbiiut
blood to mj he^. aadd my
m beau ached and fell very mneb distremud.'
My heart beat very bard
bar and pewnded. and thumped, aad 1 ooold;
hardly brvatb My atomarb


t'- Sprrails. e.vceininnal values.
t*' th;,.>alr........................................................

iXapkins to match!

^x35HuckTo*;el.for this sale only.
_ d one mile e_.. ..
: mile east of Elk Rapids:
east of Williamsburg: four

\ke;>iio» a sjiecia! line of beautiful Linfcn'
•icirs. Mi.h as Lunch Clciths, Tray Cloths. (
cr I'ieccs. Dressef and Sidelward
iii|wil Linens, Cut F.ndiroiilery Sets.
etc. To
ke ii more
fc inti
tins stf!.- speGal bargain'
;ain< in Keinfiants of



All under Sio will be cash; over Sio. will give until first

at my farm
mile east, one n
Angell: six mit«» south and «
rce miles north
and on
miles due east of Yuba.


Damask in new ilesigns; also Satin I'.imask-. ...
$2 25
up to...


White Goods Dept.

rjiiii»u' linen, extra double lUnnsk!
in. ]>ure
blcachetlil. this sale, per y<>..



Linen Department.

72 in.,^u
■tra tine I l.nibl,
worth, in the bleached, Sl.Jt, (ler yd ..
as cheiQj, for


Wadaaaday~ malap/'n*
faaitil avTloM were ceaoactad ia tke
M. B dhereh ee Saurday Bonier.
' ^ »ae«»r Qgdatlap. Bar taUar anu


in a white, spotless attire of beantifnl loom producU from home and abroad. On every ooanter
are bargains for the housewife, hotel and restaurant keeper a delight to the efaoppet and a wonder
to the onlooker. This event comes but once a year and the elements should not keep you from
paying ua a visit.

.10 to .35

^ Be Sure and Look Over Our Line of Ladies’ White Aprons.








HBAinnmnm amui. »wigAior i. uw.
MiMM Hhew ih Miwaec
IhaBVe'ltoadtoRefBrtaff te «•tad tea haw «hw ad tete bW Bad papalhr Bteto
tofran ba- iwteBiarB The naBbare held
aOraad Baplda. aadlaatada tela aaatoi« Taaatep to atarttea peeltealtr. It to tea lati
•btoartmapanaat. tea baateteB efatlooindaattea a
nation teat tnqaaaUp pan teioteb
w—W. B. OaspboIL
1 ttm ^ «ka Tan« IlM'i Badal
aaadan tealr wapaaat. aaddeaot
^iiak.flw**v«k. latbapadre
Watefoarb tttoatet
pv^ «b* M|Wi» tar Ula WM «>r
IbaainBHtoeetepeaad ortenaaBb•laMIvKa. M'teaa. «hUa &UU
dirtolen. Tte Oiaad Bapdda dtotriet
tal tMli IkaitM priit torfwtl
laaladn two thaatm laOraad
l^MaBmra mad Baal* D»m
Btarar-H E.Patffa.
aad BIc BapUa.
a tea parpen of tea baad wn
Oraad Ttaracn
itaatteablfrtatorteahiad arer
Haalalaa. BaatJardas. Patoahap, OteattaBptad la Ihtoeltp bp loeal t
bopfOB aadtetOltp Opart
teto dtp. of wbMb J«diB Wllhalto to

MmWM Um»
Iw w th.


"Daata Baoortj
lopa. (Ml
‘rbal^tcbtUof Hr. aad Hre. S
Mawlattem^tefabaaa aaaaUaal
Bark! ed«» Bap aitact dlad Haadap
«v dklMlat >o(B bat IM lM« at
^laa Matooal
yianatiJ haaU^.M tbaMlUa.
tbtMllk. Taaallw dfte BBBbar oa tea Blpb Sabool •r~l»f«W, hawaaar. Bm amla
amlB «aa ra- Laetataaad Haalc Osane will taka
plaeateBorrow araolaf ia. tec CItp
Orawa. of paeoa
an Boon Tba iwcatp :
oraalUam ol oelp Ihm
Itoaeftba Boaton Ladiaa Opaii
Orebwua aarar teO of telIpbUac aa BrlnratawUe.aBde
twoatolaie llrlar hear Cbleafo. Th
fiaeral wUl be bald froB the eboreh ■


*latMrtreaBarlaaarOae.W. ftafm «aa raaaHad jaatardar br Ct^
Oatb Btahard. to a
awhaqawUea.aadaaratbat Ua aarvlaat aHll aaal RS a dar aad
ttaWMaahk tanar task tor tba
attf. Ba nya that la klaeplBloaU
aboaU aat raqalra leafar tbaa
* taa dapa to afraa apoa a arlt
a a flamaball ataUd to tba Ha>au>
iaat aipht that ba had ael pat anelB'
•<kli atWtraior aad had aada b
MaaROBl pat la that dlnoUaa.
Mr. OaapbaU atm ballaaaa Hr. Bat-vtabtaaUlaraaiad pama aad that
hptba ailpaaaaell It
T*Q lha

tba h*» diiaetarp of 'i-nraraa OHp
''thadTnaaraaaoaatp. pabttabad
L. Path * do. at [talialt. tea
tt It a relaaa c
waU hrlatad ta plala tppa aad to
-Ira la ralaabla latora

dtaraha aad aaoMia of tba
7 to piTM la taU. aad a Itot of tba
Rto of tba eeaatp alto, ta-

Tha dlraalotp atoa
M flraa a
. UMadtteatraato aad i
laaa of tba
' dltP^anaf Bharalbtphtrlaai
^^tacBlte Uato of thr dti
ildMi ia dotaU aad aa Ispror

Haitar Haaip Doalaa. tea w
np npraao, to alao with teto eetapaap
Aaoterr of tee old ploaaan of Lee.
ofBaalolaaa. Tba Bararbill Oaaatla
laae ooaalp baa poea to bto reward.
Doalaa. lha bop ao Bearp W. Eodfeie. aped a- paare. died
at tale boBC at Used Harbor daadap
praao, wbe bn attractad
MBUoadarlBC tee pntpaar. Bore tbaa aifbtatli o'clock. Daeoaoed ease u
falflltoto tea atpadalloaof htoandlion. teto aadtioD thlrtp paare aco aad aae
Hahnaroiee of aarralou atraartb. aleae bara proBlaaBl la Latlaaaa
.p. He learn too ■ooaaodtwe
iwaataan tad porllp. with tee bl«b
letn elearaadfall. ttaeBlarlp *ltb- daiuthtarr.
oat tee laaet eaartloe. he reached C.
Tbe fuermi Wok place at iiood Bar
aad aaBlalaed tea Mae teronpb aereral berat lO e'clock Wedacadap Boralor
He wae totallp ahaSeetad
John Wlaaa. a wall to do fanaerof
aad aalaral. bat nac with Ue ex|

toraat. Tiaeain Ct«p. Hlah.

iBlaad lowaahip. dlid Hoodap after


B. MeHaon ayd HIb Ada hmite. the
Taaadap Bawaosb a^aared la^lba
Hrt aad ahowad that te ted act
Lee aad Utta HoHaasa.
W—to teuiabto aatla» ite awoaat
laehaixeof tee ooffn booth wen
Hn^BBT. D. HeMaan aad W. F.
tadaUhtoprop- Oalklaa. while tea Htoaaa Haula Lpoa.
at^lehtoaadllota. aad waa ndaaaad
Haiparet Loadoa, Late Ctlhlae aad
OlllaFalcboB aarrad a* awaedanu.
of thaaotlaa fer<
Tbto booth -am oreullp arraacad
IV fRdoatolathaaaaaofBopUL____
n oflarra WaUa-HIvMa Go. waa aaaUaaaa te
adar.aad whita.
tba Ban tana of aaart. Tba partlw
Iba fania ware raoeired bp -the
ante hara tba pdrUafa of aotWaa
Baeea aad aneaUra board of tea
' btel.
Ladloa' Ubiarp Aan
oCMadBBB HarUaad. C. J. KaaalaiMr.
Maaaa'a ValoB.
Aaaofaatwiabald laat araalac
teaaB.P.8.haUtarlba parpoaa
C. Baok and Htoa Lea. WBMlilBd' abtaateef tte lam:
There wae m foTBalltp ebaerred:
Hotel MiiuRaad BnaUapara- U.aioa.
rerpoeawnaadeperteetlp at
ItenWMacoadattaBdtaaa la aplla
anbaptar..aada laaipowp enrdal- apd froB tee Boowot ol tee arriral ol
tbe reeaw it wat a ^pp ratfaCrlDr.
At l;»0 tea iBpioapW profraa a
baRia bp a pleaalef piaaoaolo bp Htoe
Bote. Followuiff teto the prealoeov
Hta. Barllaad. weleoBad tea r>Bi
teterma of tte bedp. aad Jan
wltea fewreoiarba Appropriate to ll
• wUlte aSaotlatormal
wn ffire
bp Mrt. H. l;. ^^Bataa, eae of U
ere at tea. alab. Hre. Bab
toatead apoa tee earlp btolorp aad
eroaa Rorrth of the

Is teto ertoto tbe aaUoB'a

of Vermoat eepportod tee
teaUoe of tee aajorilp for eaclL. ..
Hr.Thlboleald ual in can of such
boomal aad dcSanl iBBoralllp
BhnloallUao ehoeld not welyb.
Ooeoel Shot Down
Tfae'DolIlk^ npbi la Beauckp b
lot oa tee btowrp of tee aation asd
to aot tikalp that tee aad to pet la
alxhV Tbe atleapled aaeaaelnatloo of
Senator Goebel to a dtoffrace to the
ahd to tee eooBlrp and a ffrare
bladraaoe to a reaaoaable eonlderof tbe Bteriie of the eoau
or Goebel Itoa at tbe polot
death aad there to ellfbt hopn for bto
recoeerp, pet tee Uoebelltn do a' '
tee BsarDcw of daate to teeir :
deur thcB fiwB earrpinff ooi
parpom. Late last alffal Goebel waa
I is n (ovemorof Keoiaekp npoo
tee ftadlBfe of tee Icrialatere oc
Bluee ia the eleeUoo eoateet. Tb.
lion Are aaeb uceerp pap expected
froB te* parilsaa leclalaiore. Goeemor
Tbplor was elected bp a safe Bajorltp
aad wn awora la OB a tras eerilfi^aie
ol eleetlBo. Yet tee Goebelitea In tbe

tbe riclla of sb
wlUpnriBblp oeeer lire to f
dli«. Oootn Bate.Blaur Vaa Wa«aa^.
oSoa Bewcecr. the psr^n
lobnt Dawaaa. Odto Htgatry. Baerp
Bm tee offend a
talDod Juat tee
<toB«aM. DarU Marahp. W. J. itelaoB. tolatloa of tee qaeatloa lo eaffe'
e. aa tee ceodidate for 1:
teat tba ffood work baftei bp the
■loop PalBiiuit. CHbA Hel
foaadaraaonid ba lirrmfntlj a
daatb of Ooebei-proridlac Gor.
«■ bp tea poaiffcr woBaa ol tea clip
aad tba taalierad teal It tbe anoei
■lotes will ba BaboUt
tba taaaUea whalbar tba taUdlaoi
ill Uw
>ld cooUDae to CTO*
I tee eUii
teat Bna dtetoujad bj Bn nantlp' ^ plaad of lie looadere wooU be
telll ha nbafit that aom of tea rUto-Bot •aaoteafaUp. to eloalac Hre. either of tbe eoBIcalaata. The shed.
dlBffol hBBhB blond la saeba cam to
bteMlhte wlUte raplhaad V brite to
icer woBea to adtonaeeiotee l eloa aod wboeVer
hBwRaatitellpanarad. Hr. Oalnaa.
BteampoaBibUltp tee ameelB to bto eel aboold be eon
1. te.
wba own a faaataca of «t teat, bn da- otteofood work aad-a
. .
-itedadte tet «p a ttna aWrp brtte. aoda for which tee older BOBbere hare
k^teHbowvalambalew.a palroteBaa. norhadeo loop aad'eo hats:
tUa] Xetau TThaalc^
‘ Ihaaaaaad BtotTfitat,aad teteof
The (oUowiar arc tee r^ eaiatc
Ibe talk of Hre. <^tce wn tol.
tedranoB- TbateMflenba lowed hr a rocal oole bp Hr. Balph tranfare aa faratobed bp O. C. Hoffau,
> te Bt ^ n a dialBC ball for tea Baalatl. FeUowia. teto. Uula Hotelie oeoprlelor of the Grand Tiatare* Ooaa
iQ nlartalaad rrlte oae'ot

ctloa. troB Jaa. at ta ic


•rare readered bp Htoe Hoi«ma.
CItp Slate Kaakio_______
Hte.DepwetodFmkd>arhe. Oae of Craadall. e«4ar tlBber oa pareeto in
tee praUp taatam of tea prafraB wn
WKBM W *!lAoo**
a raduUn bp lluial.^ Daa. daopbJoho II Elat aad wile to Wil'to B.
tarot Hr. aad Hre FPaok Otaa.
, ot atb ol See la. T SiX.S.
After tea lalorBa) pn«iaa tea,
3>ae. wafer! aad .'lee craas were
W. L Browa
owe aad wife lo
to Wb. Jaek
wrad a< tee bootee aad tee ceBalader


Wb. L Browa aad
aod wUs te Se«ire
rcBalaa. :pan let ao blk-E." Baa.
nh.UpA 0a.'i 7th Add—puoo.

I 'T'HROCGH the delay of the fire iasaruice adjaBtera ia arririag we conW aot
offer our damaged atock to the pablic before oar )o« waa adjaated. Now we
^ mast close out at once all goods damaged by Fire aad Water, regavdleaa of rait
> all tbe way from

FtaUlp B. Pertaer aad wife t
Joat'e.a-i ofrws
> tea Towaahij) Boanu aao
Bcaooi Ofioeti of Laala- '
“ *•
We eanei w kaee U)eeew____
Oae raadp for dallren la Harah. Aa
,1 the eaapa naat be Utemntpbed, bet
-e editioe caa be pabltobrd aad wr
TrararaaOitj mwtoat
eaaael proB'
. Harcb 1.
below to a llat of tee barlaff aad aaU-,
. !^ W,
arioaa«f paataidap
■j for rroeanaa.
We wtoh_
wlah .w appeal to poar rood
rUonaad fars prodn I la Tkhr- .jed(aaat ia teto aatlar. Ii It eot
--------’--------------------- laacb pear iblldi
ipbp of teeir ewa tot___ .
than teal of tbaBatieaeof
late tbrr bare taaptat to


IS to 75 Per Gent of Their Actual .Value.

Adallaa. I- Barllaad V. Deaato.F
Boaeto.oeb of W. SacJr..T»».B




.iaboead ..
« «o , Hare tear
, b^D w^hi''te?^m™(Sl*or 2
- CT


f^itSTire-lSTv^r “^'e?k‘oirw b*:?;



odeieralDc tea dtotaaea from polai
o point wfaea town, taafe aad lectloa
, krekoowp* Aad pat all thlttokimplp
,j etodtod aad Inraed area ^ children.
«t, If teof bl frOB food Bapa
3t! Aaoteer point la laror of etodp of
1,1 borne CKWnpbp. U to the oorreet«iBeteod ot bcfinnlac tec etodp of
tg'faorrapbp. Cblldree are led etep bp
ggietepfroffl tee etodp of tfalape aronad
1 IS I IbeB lo know tee peorraphp ot all tee
agl world.
Noteiec woold dcllpbl tec
e 00 eblldreeeo Buteae tom teeir rouo.
IP. towaabipa. rlllacee. eebool bouire.
leharcbee, ereo '
cs ' We onre pou to look afiier ible mat
n ' trr Tbeatlae will be boend lo tiroop
be tee beet teal


That these goods are not burned, but only water soaked and slightlr
damaged, most of them being only slightly soiled, and practicaliy as de'sirabk* as goods that were never touched by water. But our loss is your
gain, anil we now offer you



of damaged goods, consisting of Clothing. Furnishing Gitods. Under- .
wear. Trunks. Valises, Carpets, Cloaks. Capes, Fur4. Mackintoahes. Goods. Ktc.


one of the ra:
ao tbr prtoe Ss-jnt belt that


lo faror ol aestlhff Shd teen eapelUaR
.Wni Vl^oU Adeocated tee
capolaloD of Boberta. Hr. Bnwina of
Feanplmia aiffned tbpt Beia-pbpei.
oal aad tochnieal cttaalderatioBae




toooiaad wm aol take a eeati
>0 It aa
Bii case wae eeltled Tbaredap afair of ierltoaf eOBfort.
OB wbec tee bom look actios ao
Ooap eoraare weta arnaped bera aad ea tee Btaerilp and aajoHtp reporu
there aad other rrorka of daft bande
helped to Bake tea rooB a place ol
The Snl TOU wn taka epon tee
CBM aa well aialwraaot. Ia tba aoal
taiaorlv report, faeorlaf ewcariaff
tarve booth, with
Bokerte la and tbea expellloff b
mrfolfltotealBc iBltatloo of aao'
The eota ctood »1 ia favor of tbe
whata lea eoan wn aarrad. Kaar tee port aad 94« acalnt Iv Thes a row
■tace ee tee wettaide of tea
the atjorUp report.
aaoteer booth where dalidoet coffee' farorlac
dlapaaaad. while jolt oppotlu
oaanaheoib. with dalatp floian
aadeoaraatottoirireitaa appaaraace
airlatlp la knplBC wllb the oaUoaalitp
BeprteeaUlire Slmi of Teoi

spoke Srat. Bakiap a Iwa! arpeaea'


moa L Gifford, reardtoa to O. A.
, tea. as. elac<t.aSof awl,. 8iw lap. Fab. a. to a ptop with a awe^ aad
aa^ ws of aw V. tee at.» as ». BII w aUrrlaf laiaeaatlaTt. Iten wbohare
read tee book aatttUd “tba
“Ttot Tt______
aaup nnauija teapnWRoftea
JawphHGolllnaadwKote Jnete ___ .. A teeatrad bnbaai to bariad
aU^baiaeapn toon tea WBbaad
ratamtadteatoe w tema tea aa
Owe. W arda aad wife to Wb U tetefal
Ulaf baralteai_______
Browa. es of BWV tee a:. T M S. B banakB
alfliaowa- Tbaaceal
Wb. L. Brewe aad wife to Geo. W. i ablp
C'pdeaod Hlma C npte. aartef p-.i*bep
Otawv teeac.Ttf X. RIOW-RSOU aMto.

at hie bom oe»r Baadoo. of
drapap. affod M paare. Be leorca a wife
aadelrbiehlldne. two ton aad ala
daerbWfe. AB«er tbe latter are Hre.
Dell tiqelm aad Hre Chn Hater ot
teto dtp.
Ubraip Hall Barer looked ao ptetlp
Tbe foseral wn held froB tbe Soekwbeat.....................
aad larltlaf nTunlapBlffat.wbaetee
tlraare InJI la laUod Wedandap at .
ibBief tea Udtoa' LIbrarp
p. B . BBder tea dlreeUoa et Ralph
which will pan 1
can*. (MIoBloa
Hra. R. A. Wall, a proBlneat realdaotorKlatelap. aad oae of tea pk>- te.leccordlDClcqaelltr. l
aelUaie ol tee lowoebip. died el
bar botot la Klaffelep Taaadap Boroa tea BBBOrp of whatTrai
Ib(. after a llafferiaff lUatn of caacer.
CUpb fair woBoe caa do to sake It
Hre. Wall learn a bnehaad aad
aat fee eteara. Tba hall
BBrrtod daaffblera.
Ufollp decorated aad tb« faacraaoc
wtnoddad toUa baaatpottee

a tea. brewed, bp fair haad
(■e. were aarrad to tee faceu.
tedaart waa tba aaaa Joha MairaoBh.
Thto beete waa pcnldad orar bp tea
' mmi daWer. white waa dw
■ BarUaad.-Mlaale. Wall
la tba BaraU aoaw ttaa a«a- Haw1 aad Clara Bataa. The p
bad baa. aamadarte bp
ltdtoa were atiapad la prettp ent
aaa. hto bretb« Oarld. lor ■
tor wblob Japaa to aotad.
The loa eteaa bootb am preaided
orarbp HeadasBO. D. LoPolote.

Mr- Ttebaiai win p


Hateaa Booa to F. A. Beaa. 4B ann

aod^s. blk «. of I'erTpl

Tba eoppar aad Irea dtotnA laaladn
BaaltSMHarla. ManiMtla. lahpbaslaf. Bteaaan. Bearbtn. (tolaaot.
Wan eaparter aad Dalslh.

wa«|. waiBB anil at

^ 0. K. Binan



. -reat «ar».


1 Come Early and Get Choice of the Good Things We Have to Offer.

"'Hm. Solon^Hieb..



Brought to our store can be exchanged for
one humlred cents worth of

You gel your money's worth every time.
sellers this year. jM-ices

l>i*y (I.xxIm, C..r[.x.t CloUiinil HotiH,*.

»< IIS
} sii s

rc't .ssiu for


Vliro 10 T

do ool Bto* la
. ___________ for Hes
b'rOBt StreetI'rlo*
,eci ic two
»!• no Orereoato alteuu.
tn.reuaia at fr.'-o. te “U Orer-.
I -eu al te <ri. Hra<.r Woolen Sob ITc. i
I Hrarp Swratrre I»c.



Some prefer PACS. we have them also at
50 and $5,00.
Name what you want in the footwear line—

DESK CALENUAKS- . te to r.w-

DlARlKS-atl si>«.
RUBHEK STAMI*S~,oc to »c a line.


We are^just getting in our igoo Vatterns direct
: factory—drop in from time to time
and look over
pur new stuff. We have always
uken the lead on WallI Paper and :pect to
: the: largest and best selected stock this
year of any in" Our
ir hist

The McNamara-Watsony^Stock of Shoes
Bought at 25c on the Dollar ■


QATUBDAY, ifBQUBrg 27, we threw our doon wide
^ open with a $6,000 stock of High Qrad* Pooiwenr
—not s shoddy shoo in tbe whole lot, ss Mr WcMsmars bad tbe reputation of carrying nothing but firstclass goods. The stock consists mostly of nsw np-toshoes, recently bought b^ Mr. Wrnuon. his Intsndona
being to continue in the business, but family Illness
caused him to leave for Canada unsxpectodly For
limit of space, this ptock must be sacrifice within 80
days, at a trifle above coat Now is tbe time to shoe up
your whole family for the next tbreo years. Bneh an
opportunity is'rarely met with Don't dolky, but eoms
at once.





1 Removal Shoe Sale

HcB'c (enninc toilwanke* ollcrwln bnekleaad elaxOc worklne xb-w-


te h-cb a,f.'-yonr» for.. .

fine kid and
0. black aad red a
HcNaaara Uat..................
I price a* biffn a* Sl te. aow -..........................................................
B'» doope
aoepp a kid ana aalid Hi.wankednil prain
'rain acboel abm.
aboea. » zx
- - itraWi
- ___
priei Sl W~M
aaJe prier . 4Hs
. --cb kid. elotb
lotb ^l«B.
l«B. biph
blfh prwle
prede aboaa.
abaaa. alxea (rom » te
_____ jrleetl.?*—aaeriSi
price tl.7X—aaerilcc sale prine ..............St»^
' ,'frtL. far trimmed, low ,bo«.
%bo«. aad Soe all releet tnoiBed b-w.
aod aanda:,. HcH*Bara-Wi
.ra-WataoB P<iw tl dO laeriSec lale .
adiea'fioeaoapnlak.d oxford*

to.«.ira» telt.
Bopf aUMl'id ^UL "HckaBaiteWataeaprleeRte RXO-aaedfe* wie

Mot s lot ofBbslf worn sboss.

We oBo SSTS yen

I Per Cent. : FRANK FRIEORlCH"sS:e-A\'r'*i
»•«*«•«»»»•»•«•»«« eeeeeeee
-w. S’. TT .: ..
j IM

irom lO to DO per cent, on your eboe blUe -the next W
SOdaye-Inepeetthem-get our prleee and we will ft
convlBoeyott that bo other ehoe house .offers each ft
goods for the same money.
After March 16 wa wlU be at MS Front Street, ft

a rsb a

M eve^ doUsr'd worth

of good* Sntil farmer

Corns to the bosy trmdlsg corner. ■


80CTH 81DK.
Oh». r. 4. W. IL DspoL


} W. ir.lflIer s Cisli Stste

3S6 Fraot Street.

Real Estiite, Loans, Insurance and
\ Collectlona.
Hasoaio Btoek,

TraverM Oltr, Mich.



1% Utter »kof>. wta« be


State Bank
BiMMcrou'r^ ■»—>• *-

" • 7^




m ' “

Circulation this^weok 2.400

■a teurter of >ba I'ara I

WUllaX. Allao aod Baa ^yter. bi
of Fbiadtea lowaablp. wara Iteaoaad
■arty raatefdAp
______-1 (ba baaamaat of
N baa baaa Solabad aod
d for (bt
ataborate baU te ba
OpualtAU.Fab. »te.

>>i ‘bt city

«(■ vUJ b« taU la Oruf* teU cu
radar ud Tbandaj. r«b TU> aad
Ith. asd a lanra MUadaaea it a
A. L. Jer«a baa
Ut bouUac worka
tbabaaasMteflba OraOtek Uaab to
□id Ooebiaa ball, wbteh
tha waf^eaaa of (ha Oraad
Loraraor daaeiaraadaeetal plaaoBia
rateokuv forward with eecwldarabla

Sow Liba th FrteFaoiBadty ImfayoUa hw lecHrod
MUwadhaa m Uma pcM by aaabrad
htebrothte WULnaiU iho Tmotew
.tea trite a ala
peed deal o< the ahlpplV trote bertliarobabU parcdiuii of a rtuHar oaalor
otb Hlealpap. bos of bw yaan
tbateftr- Maateltebaa had
Bortbara Hheblpaa TtateportaUm
tbrowB the baatasm throaph
rr terioaalr of batter Ara p
H. Oa the erowp of tba bat te wrixea
■a atUaUeo to U
tba places wbteb baaa baaa rialtad. baptaaiap wita tba fliet aaeatepi
lalaad Laka. tba ptacoa rialtad by (be Ua wbataba is ioaiap aad It a report,
A. O. Uad. wbe baa doaa aSi
eompaay la this aoaauy. fbiba.
ad (bale aaw eteamer llaa te tp be
orkaapaatorofibaBwadtah La<
aad daally maoy plaaw la Iba PbUlpas diareb b«a for a aaBber of aaealba
plam. Baory • iwoad of bte pi
aad baa uada saar (rteadi darteA bU
aad cnllkaapUwaaalBBldaaoBraBtr
a call
asm te axpaeled. The Nsnbara Hieb(ba eboreh at Ttetla aad left (he Ant
Maw Brtdk Blooa.
jpaa TraaspartaUoa Oo te piriap n<
of (ba weak. A call baa baea estaoded
Flaasarabalapanpteud teraaaw pood serrleA bnt aaetber line will do
by tba eheiab bare te Baa. date <hil.
Iwoatery brtek atiwe balldlnp a
laeaot Irwla. Pa. wboUezpeeUd te
by C. B. MeUaaw of the
ATriae laa faodayA
Bariapi Bank basar oa Frool atraat
A K^t of Tmt.
uddaat bappaTad te Fred
ara balap drawa by
Batarday bear Keawlek. Archlteet F. B. Moera aad (bay will ba
"Awfol aasieiy ww felt for
Be WM dririap dowa bill with a load ready for bids la abont a moaib. Tba widow e( the brsra‘ieoeral Barnl
He . whao the doctora eeld
tba leak ehala broke, op- balldlnp will ba two atertai aad bateshe wonid die from pneomsDla before
aetUap (ba lead.
Balap ecor a win
tba whole will be oaad for ■oralap." wntea Hra. R Lincoln, who
faaca ba eoald aot pet away and wu the dteplay aad alocapa ot poode ban­ attended her tbat fearfal oipbt. "bui
oaopbt ender Ut lopa asd oli
died by Hr. HcHaaoA Tba sineton she bepped for Dr Klap'e New Ditear
ary. wbiefa had more tbaa once aareo
tba proeod.
It ww aaarly t ao boon WUl ba
feat wide aad loufeet deep. bar lilA and cured her of Cortnmpuoo
before ba ww dteoorarad by a paaacr- The aaianal Is aow bsiep banlad for After uklDP ake slrptall si. B'.. Fur
Or. Payaa. wbo wa* aammoaad. the baildUtf. Whan cooplatod U wUl
Dtlraly cored he-. ' Thl«
tcand bte ripbt
badly ereabed.
baaaiT sitraetiraaada ealaablaaddi.

(BUraal (o Iba aaltee taU l» ba (iraa
■bColaabla ball, oe'iha WaataSda
Lwt Bipbl Claytoe Lardia aauriala.
Tbaradaroraatar' tbara will ba (ood
1 (be papUa of bte Baaday eebool
■arte and Uaaa wboauaad will ba aan
clam aad (hair yoaap ladlaa la a
laer at bte borne on Ninth
ibarofaaata art left lor tb
airaat Tbearaalnp ww dallpbifnlly
aoweart oltba Boaloa Lad tea' 87mpboa>
apaatand Hr.Lardlaprored b'atalf
orcbaalta. Fridar araalar. Tboaa dapood Boat The eraniap waa dcroud
- -« a aaat al tbU dallrhtfal aoeoan
te Iba eajoyateat of rarionepaaca
lid eall ai (ba CIVj (iewa diaod
ntrcabmeolA Id a Jolly pneteioc pame
I. aa ibara wUI pcobablr ba ao
price WM woo by Oaorpe He­
aea a IKUa later.
ld N
a Hary Bbarp capuired
BeitebB Boeeatbal. a yoanf mi
raara of ape. tea arritad from Boaalae
Tba Bawlap cirele
Pelaod (0 maba bte bocM wiib
Bl*a L. O. T H . drera ont
broteart Charlte of (be Boaloe Slora
lallen-a borne oe tba .
aad Artear of Iba New York i
Taaaday and apani the dayfrialUnp Hr.
Ba wUl eoter (ha local pablle aebooU
aod Mn. UeHellae. A plcaaiep prolo eemplale bte adamUee.
pram eenateUop of mosie aod raciteTbara wara a preat maay ttelUap
wM randartd dnriap tbair clay
Haatebem letba city Friday alpbl
paaeni pood tlaw craa aejoyed.
wboeopldaotaaeBra betal aceoi
Before rataralap tba Udiaa Drcaanted
tarieoA TbaboteU wara fall
Hra HcHnllan wltb a haadaome aalad
•etairal pbaaU wara foread to dad aoft diab. Tbara crarc 24 ladlea In tba two
te (ha oHsa aad cralUap r
loads and rataralap borne they reaetaed
wbl lb to raa( orar alpbt.
(ba city aboat i o-cloek
tef'a ira did i
Tharaday arealnp (be Bnttona Bay
Hotel, raa by Osrid Selber. bad a
row aaeapa from deatrucUon by Bra
afiteiba Bra aaR.Ub.bat (bte drare
from adrIaeUre cblmney.
te oAly ball (ba real taaa. malrlap
Oely prompt crork by (boae who were
tetal Of Bl.ono Ur. BUtebarp will aot aoao on tef proaod terad a dcairncUre
>0^ hteatora aatll Taeaday.
oonBapratloB. w tha wlod was blowlop
palA Hacb of Ibe faraitara aod
<>a Tbar^y atealep (ba deprea of

BaaUtep'Caipfale of Woodcraft
UBferradoaW Bembeta of Hod.
Wcodmao of Aaiartca by T. W.

WUlLamA.oMW>of AoM aod Hra.
fllaao Vaodarwk of (bia city bate aartad aod a good (Ina aapyad.

• brisk boildtape oa (be

Only Me and Cl
lOc at Jss. t>. Johnwa
Walt's drop storrs

Shoot snryVnt \n »nw Vines


■Broken'Vrts nn4 sViet Vn others.
■\Dt\V eVote them nW aV qrat-Wq rtJnteivtVcst.

See Out 5\tL.OO YVusVv Ca.'vie—■


Werklap bipbt ssi Say.
tirst lilUe Ihiap
tbat erer was i
Dr. Kinps -Veo
OUe Pilte Tbewe pills chaupr weak

.h. 1.1

mental power
'fbe repnlar Cbrtetiaa Endearor Day
They're wanearrulln bsiidinp op the
prapram will be carried oat as praparad
uoly V ..- per box
Sold by
by the Lolled Bocieiy. Tla eabjact of Jas U. Johnson sod S. E Walt
thweolln eerelce te "Tblnps that Bohsre the dlflarent enbjeeu oo the ropma. The ansk wlU be in the baade
r the Friaodeiocialy.
"World Wide Eadearor" will be the'
acbjecl of a short talk by H. B. Bollry.
■Ne> Flowen aad Froit" will be dlseneedaeder Are beadA "TheUilal
Honr" will be Ibcsnbjecl spoken uf by
Hiss Paton la a bre aiante lAlk. Hiss
Bamaond will speak of -nie Tenlb
Lepion.' Urs. W K. Wrlpfaloa "Tba
Forward Uoremaol for Hiisloat." Hr. ^
Hoyt on "New Plane for Lelly la Local |
t'alou.'' and Hr. Panoinpum on:
World |
Fire minnte talks by tba pastera will |
alA'ba plrrn, Bar. J. S. Bsnin for the


5oo4 \»taVhsT,VoT snth surrav 9sV and VV ujvVVht qooA
VoT manq njVnVers Vo oome.

S\)\eTvA.vd"Oa.\.\)iesVTv ^aicV;.e\s


PUd up UftOi,
Sofflu •


§2..S&, SS.AS au4i up.

OurSBTiDBs Department



np crill be at oace repaired.

! ^“b^ten Endraroitra te
Peu Laraop. OB All ara nrped to be prawnt.
Ssel Slate street, narrowly eaeaped
laalraetlop by Are Tneaday. OnrU B Vofol tri
np ibe Bbaenoa of the family it Is sapbXbaateUotW
tesed tbat a coal dropped trw the'
eat bate te atoek at ':l». aodatlOtU itera and bnraed a bole thronpb the I
Sotiraledteayeaatlrteoda of Hite
loor. Atallaeaeta wbea Hra. Lorsoa T n fa
Mayua flhaaa O'* b«r a raiy plaaaaat (baaMcfaawaraoot of tbeabop eon■auraedto bet borne the fonnd the A-tiiC
plate, wltbooeooatof eteatoa.
'Oome eilad with smoke. She toon dieCbarlea B. UiwiteMa, who waa bom.
mrerad tbalablsse had atarted pear
ad oat ia WedaaadBy BMnlbB'a Bra.
Ibe ttore aad with prompt action she
the dames before earione
e bad bees ansialned.
A cry nt ni^bt. a buiIiIpii
Tbara trfll be a ■eatteg of (be Ualftra Beak Kalrhte of Pytetea tela
TheepaeialaerTidte that bare bean pain', ibe bou»-hiili] uinraied. and all
iTiit-f..............- r—•»"i------------------ (d
I pracreti at the Sewnd H. F. ebnreh for the Inch of tin- approprinta rem­
laa ahape by tba diet of tba weak.
baaa lieaaaad te atarty.


wmber tba h« Bala oi
Boys'. Ctaildrao'e Clolhlar. Bst
Fnrnlshlaps. Ispaiop oe at r
Sueat. Trare.raa City. Uicb

The arlstiae Bod


**“ “

Got dVnnnaV 'DVsconnV 'VDhVVe SoOis SaVt Vn 'iehraarq. UonV mVss'tV.



Botea lapM work waa dooa oD a
ordar Tboraday at (ba wafoa worka of
Caldwril A Loadea. Tbay raaaltad aa
for a aalr of atelcba (hat (bey did


Tba ■teta of Iba lata Loate HaBaea
Tbe Woteaa'a elab roeapttee wbtek
haaJalbeoBaaltlad. Htea Ada Hcotwaa te bate bate ritaote (be taarbata
pomory baeoiote bate te tba aoltea
bite inlt—'
Batarday of Mtete. aad baa baaa praeted tba (lUa.
oaeoaditloettaataba pay te the ra.
Ulna la Daemark Ibr aaa of R.OOO.
Haoibera of tea C
ad aaame Iba da^q of (ba atatt.


d. H. Baallteaaial wtll iBprote (ba
aU*o boUdlaf raaaatly daau«od by
lia, by a aew eoat of paiat aad arw
Ibeiavalar teoatbly baatetea uaetla*aftbeBpworte Uaco* «f tee Pint

Tba Baolor^m hai raeeiteda raply
from ProL Crawa. wbo waa aaked by
Ibe elate te speak al oommeaeamaat,
itep Abal be wiy ba rary pled te
eocepi the ietitelloe aad dalltar a
abort addraes te (be pe^a, ae be baa
^wara^ltehte bean lor Tratarae

law darloa kaewa te a ealealoM. B. ebrnrak wUl ba.baUlotee ehareh
«rapb bte baaa teitallad la iba ofica
ibe MteUpaa Talapbeoa Oo. It te a
Kite Mary WUaiw. for (braa yean a
kcbtea WteteBara azaatly tba Uat
-■T-------T te Atea. ia ratantac W
eapiad by aay i»a wbo talapbeiiM
bteboteaaoateofpteooaa. ’Bbelatbe .. aaoawlda oBln. aad will do away
daoralar of ueerBa Wllua. \
wltb Iota Of -ktektep- oa (ba tlaa by
OteriteB. Kalido of Vtetepert. aa
a wbednire te pal aofltethlap for
aaetaoltba boy trbo waa klUad U •olhtap. ____________________
(tedOtee by a (rate white eoteUac.
olMMad bta fBBacol Baaday.
i. U. Haora of Aaue. bad (ba ate
«enoMedbatte(bletwo alddlc (Ote
tewahed by a tec laUter ca bla foot
ala Babtwll of tbte.S>iy. aadlbaueaMn^Bf Or tterDar dratead (be
ban of Iba aobool will aUe laka part 1a

; ___

Lob* bt* baiv boated te (be B. E.
Dally telH at Battoae Bay te te^a
) Hleb^ Hlarea Ob raealtod
■^aaatlttei. aad tba praapicli era
frcB UaalBp Hooday 'tba |apan
larataUalote. Tbaateirbtectete.t whica aatboriu aa iaeraaaa of (ba cap­
atelot^ la falriy poodital alock of (be eo«paay Inn CW.OOO

W. D. Bloodpoad. wee reeaatly.
tea ckuoal'
patteaatd (bo bakary ao Boate Ualoa
atroat. Itetearty ru by doha WbaaU>.
wttlepaohte aaw botteoa tela aion

doaad Hnnday preniog.
The a»eelIpps baae aaeminply been of ae nn(anally
Imprewtre aad prodtable
.bareeter. Thirty-two bare profeoaed
itiOB In the maetlnpA a anmber
om hare already onlled with Ibe
diarcb. Ear. iCenoady. I? bis earncat
and oooeecratad lltA bw the
------y eo-oparatlda of tba members.
(odaeehorebis Steadily prowlop In
aamban aad its lefloanoa for pood is
leereaklap^____________________ .
7.000,000 Out.
ObsrllB's MW mill al Blnpham Is now
rnnalap at fell blwl. The lops Are
balap hanlod at tha rata ot abont M.-

sronnd Oarp LakA Tba waaon's cot
will baabontT.OWOOO feat pad ills
expaeud that tba mill will ran until
MXtOswmbar. Slalpblop is eery pood
.aod a sprlakler te balap
laedtelmil^e IL In eaw t a larpa
a daa pataat

Iba oaw abaery

as Spirits Camjibor. I’arajroriv. Exiract of iViU'h Hac*r. K-.4pnfe P-^pp-rmiiil, Esssnva of .Ininaic-n Oin
pi-r, a

LiniDieat, etc.

b.- bad at

.\{j thuao in the moal reliaUe form vr.ii


"Wai-b’s X)3?'\xg Stiox*©.



the prices.'and NOW. when you need warm, "weatherproof footwear, you can buy it here tvith the profit all
knocked off.

No need to buy cheap, trashy stuff •to

last tit] spring" when you can buy serviceable, satisfac­



ball by Bat

a lioe of ibe uouinion remt'diee, nueb

FoToad to FlphL

aroned them.
Ur. aad Hra- i- U. Uwlimaatal erra
soya arpt bwte. wylop (hat they may
ww-rlta low- daipbtfollybarprtead Toaaday araeiap
(ba ladite of Ibt. U C. B. A. and he seat te tbc front any day.
cawaa. tetea baildtec torUarly oaeaTba
pled brllaaab bakery, will opM Bat­
r baahale 4
A straapa thing haopaaad at Tbomparday.
mrllla Tueaday. by which tbraa
ai<ddaad a
aaated wltb a Ana iydialara aaa mamotaotec a Bttte-aallcblfal (itee
lie of tbc oacaclne.

.roA As It
traaaaioptd by (ba Kaipbieof Pytbiaa
Tha aula qaanal ot^be Pteat JL E. of rack Frobart of Traratw City,
BodtaalrleBdltea. DaaeU^Aad.
nrga Hlney of ThompsoarlUe would
ebarata para a dallpfat/al aanrin party
tea latd b
ira baaa a daad maa
BBOdly BBBbar wara eat te tedte or (be racaday alpbt le aoaorof Joa Dlxoo,
Jack Frobart. who tmt Just flnUhyd
oaa of (ba teateban of (ba qcartel
fee ataolnp.waa apeat moat Oallpbt the p'wte. lap oo the new Sharpe block
Toaadayai«e(aflra broke dot
drying the nlasterinp
lally at tba flaaeabt boms of Ur. aad
' harata Nert^lte aadtba wfataUaol
Ura-OixoBoaBteteatmat. Hr. Dlsoe saaaral cbareoal Srw to d fferent parts
tea telil waa biowa. white mmoi
mealTad a bcaalifal baaeh of nae bada Of the belldlap. The tames of the ccol
feed deal of alaru. Tba Bra waa-aa.
riUte aaa ormapa bloaaoma from Gbll- saeaped late Ibe baiidiag, aod the
llacalabad bafert aay daau(a waa

For juid smb eDirrueiirira

W. 0 a tiermalae

d. tl Baaa and Prof. a pteaaaal tea parfy M i^^^idaeoeV

kma wan pink
k At aach plate
Tba tereaay cdMt afateat bra
Wetdaa aad Doaclaa BoUea of Ktai
lay. wUlaoMaplortrtelat tba aan
Moieoadelreau eoart te Caba a«.
Tba HteBipao HaaBlaatarl^
fad. I. Hr. Pattete te (be atteraey wtubrptotbte waabtom alphlatel
dertbedefeoae._____________ . •
day.- ThacoBMBybte a larpaaaBbirof
enUn ahead aad la foread to
Addle ffavl. (be II year oU daapbter
ot Hra. Baate Vofl. dted Bauirdeyar- m axtn lima w pet (baa oat.
Iwaaw al kw hOM aa CaaiBIphlb toqtcry te ^w amploylap M'baoda
alraat. ot typbeld fe«ar. The (aa^l aiaa^. Om order aalte far (.om.OM
«aa beU Crete Bt-riaBHetearteTaea. -^aaatera. Tha drat abipmaai ot

nearly ororeoma. WUllan Bohan
raaane City, escaped baton tba
a bad effected him rary mneh.
ButOaoepa Biaey-sew orereema by the'
deadly pw aod tell w the door.
Jack Frobart. (bqapta aery mneb atfaetednadatappartaf srithiba affects
ot Iba pM. selSBd the naeeeseians Bloay. and by (ba ataon affort oarTted
>lm Into (ba open air.
Dr. U. B. Biaran ww sm tba apot
paotepUy. and eared for (ba maa who
badao oarrowly tetepad
Hr. Bobart
and Hr. Frobart are alealy eacorarad
(be affsea of (bt p^ but Hr.


every home aboiild U> proi idnd witii

A (elapram from WMbiepUn aays:
alepnlar caw ww laid berora She

salred a latter from Empire Btltea of
Barker Creak, Hleb.. setUnp forib tbat
Lhraa Asericaa boya. i’alrtek. John aod
Banry Bwhel. of Wilsoa township.
ity. Hich . had beeq en­
rolled by BrUteh arfoy offiten while
rislUep Ireland aod ara afraid that
ibay will be sani to Boath Afnea to
rpha Haaiek's aid te Implo.ed to sara


edy and the dilficDitf 'of Kettiiii; a
doi tor.

tory goods at THESE PRICES.




:*) and
kisdr. t
Siippan. tlAO kinds, now____
* 25 kirn
ida. DOW.........................
Slippers. fl.OU kiwU. now
Slippera. “-V kioda, ii


Also the Lowest Possible Prreas
on the VeiY Best of the Best
Quality of RUBBERS.



png Stock Of Wall Paper
Recently fitted up is most complete in every respect, and our new

- The largest we tiave 'ever carried M here—has been
^ '^-v.^ecked off—put into the racks—the samples all
made, and is ready for sale—it’s the finest stock of
Wall Paper waVe ever had
exhibitor This
year’s designs ate not quite as large as fcferetofore,
but the combniations of colors are more harmoni­
ous. In many cases the back grounds of the
Blue — Greens — Browns and Beds are nearly
solid, showing more fully the gold and mlver de­
signs. but the »nly way to appreciate the full
beauty of these papers is to see them. It's time to
plan tor the improvements you’re to make in
your home. Those rooms you were going to paper
and didn't. Our prices, qualityiconeldered. In nuuiy
cases, is much lower than last year. We’ve got a
fine combination of two band white back paper
tbat sells at seven - cents the douUe roll, with
border to match, at 2c the yard. Our 12,and 16o
papers are beautiea The dining room patterns—
something new. 15 to to 3Qc- The ball designs
show the artists' hand. The sitting room and par• lor papers are beautiful combinations—prices from
l5c to 40c. Haj^ times you want just a
room, a bedroom perhaps—We. can ~flU the bUL”
Have some remnants that we'^e cut right in two.
Then we have some patterns that only cost 6c ihe
double roll.
ITquality, quantity, patterns and prices ent any
figure we’U get your trade this season.



The Bannah & Lay MercantOe Go.


sgii^^sggjattjay bje
nonttoitak tMlM •Mk ■!•

W Grand Tfaverse feegic

aaka» JSSi ttatka Ma»atqalla gr^k. IValar MHla aaT%te

Ito MiMa o< 0. A.
tDWdIrManadBavU--.. .
k*f. Bate BWaUlaail oatd
tat a TV7 vaak.

5^ -ir ^s^S.s-.ssyisl.sjy-'sr sar-r

» —» aatapakU *fiaa traa
J. H Haaraa tea EtME api ika toaM ^ ^ ^
laaitWbaataralvlMarnMt. Eak-J Ctea. Tapiar: itavaad traa Qota
Ut tewUl »o**aio tteaaia akva. Barter tetartep tea *ait wltk ha
tefaa yoe took. '

Mr. aad Hn. D E (tatadl .
I Tte WoMBt aah haU a *
Majj^MtatarJ^^attata ttatBaa-


«brdtlde of her father
^bw.ittefdlawlBrw«rap*teaat: I
. rataraad bOM Headap
Dte*. a EOlU. C B K._.. ___
Hte Maadt MeOooald aapeadUg 'OH
Wrtehp. Jao Haabera. 8 W Pmar
w dapa la TraTaca* Qtp. .
I Btea EU ate Dr Itebel Oopp. bte

Orawa Taat. aoa. laltatta-----_M)Btanat ltatr»aatta» Wadaaata;
<»». M. Ttaaa wat« part of
• aeaad to nsbar that
at*. W« ataU •te ttea taaateaae
al .aetitae
todacalda faralatadat...
h IB Mr ridaiVpa‘terttaM*aaaatan aad wtaalac

--_ ....


^ ---- -

I My Outfit

1{ fon want lo {uniikii t*oar houte, bow ia p'our timi
wltahUbrotbrr haia.tat eowof Oopr-.artieterarardlBf MwBeabB. Bated
Bhh. Tlaliad bit bretber tet waeh.
i tba ctea of tba BaeUag a half boar
' will li-ll junt tbrw. nud eo nmrr, o( tlirte' oatfiU at Ibia price.
Hte Addla Bobbt. wbo baa baea | waa dteotad la pariiaBaatair drUL
, Cash or A )i '
aUpiagaosaBoathtalA B.dUaaoat. ’ A. W. Jahraaa. a baaleaa* saa of
reureadtober taesa ia MaphaldSai- Trararaa Clip, wm ia Nortfaporl MoaOdea Haoraa of Aatall a drawiaf ardap.
dap of thia waak.
baptetate Piap A Kaaar aad aloe u>Birat'eaap.
lOU-piwv drcoralnl I
The aioeUar bopt te«* hired
triple plated Koivoa i
Btaad Daaa Oft
Mwatlp BOtad
Hr. Bial-i paepla aalartalaad era draw log* for Prap A Ealtar.
o Ctear Baa.
B. a Hateap. a lawperof Baarlctta.
paap (roa tte eUp Saadap.
Areha Caapball ww a alltr h
KorrU Uroi. ban tbelr bUI aboat «aaa. owaa foriad a g***« diner. Br
tpa; “Mp brother waa *arp low wlib
■Si add Matter -r—n
The P. A M ta iaataotora ara khr*
’ Hoc dsc >kiap, (>dk 01>a'k; one oitUd Oak
Blartal ta*ar ate ^^diee. I perawHIal alaifWac tte Boat of tk*
awapaalo teaak oat of lodap tepcetlac tte for W. B. Bodita. ap ta a ftw dap*.
hte to tr* Blaelrte BIttara. aad
tValrr Table at<i( one haiidiituiur* Parlor Lamp—
LaeCoakrtUot Ktwapgo ooaatp la .aaded
ba waa aooa maeta tetur.tete’Btlaaed
Oto. WateiB a aklddisE >ar> for Carl here
cboiiv of thrrw or four atylen.
wlib bit teaa worklag tor hte ttelraaa
Tiipaa A**rp dior*toTrararaaCttj Hte Llaaa Karatete a tec* *altta< HatUac*.
aatll ba eraa whollp eared
hrotber. C Coakritc. of thie place.
I as aara Electric Blttora aared hi*
H. WatMO. who aprdaad ha ara
life." Ttala resedp' expeU malaria,
H^Anted ktafoootoTorkStak
Hitfh sradr. Iiiitb anti. «aa.v niaiitri^ Sewiau
billa diareaa gernu aad poriflea the
agaia drawl
MacLiiic. KUanuiUid for liTc }'rara..juat aa good
Ubp peat. WM >er* eerisailp iBj.
blood: alda dlgaattoe. ragalalee U*tr.
Elk Bapide bp
Arab. Br
i tioldro Oak Dii.iDu TaMa..9lO.«0 every way aa one that you would
e falling tree while workiaf f»r
kldacpa—■ •“-*>--------------Satardap.
Belleu. ote dap latt week. The
pay ail dgeoi $t0 (or. my priodpa - •
tte Toaag PaopUb Utearp Boedatp
tbej waa aboat l^lBebea ta dtaBaier
uoablaa. fataale eosplainta; gl*a* par
ate kaaplag tba (aauwphaa
Yje eaa bap aapoae or ell ol tba
■oota orary Wdap artaiar
ittrack kim. bnihieg btabodpaae tega fret baaltb. Oalr aoe at Jaa U Joba
to thaB lato hoopa. aU*B ai
aa pna like at the price—bet I will
I to rcav I la a trlgtattal aeaarr. At Isat nporta aoa a ate 8. E Haifa drag ttorra
Dell Bkkerd.
thep thoagbt be wool'
wood for tte wiDter.waelo
Tba armp aatbariuaa al See Praaetette Sat of hl^te tte biBaat of OMof tte bolt
borbeed tte sath."
bodlp asMbad tteaTateahanh.
To th« p«rso& tbst bnjrs tta« ant Kitchan Outfit. 1 wnil giv« « B.yfi sqobr* Oil (
ma. tear U>*a la Mkiag oarairf Mb ^ la tte wapr of the dowB-ooBlag
taroed borne Satardap ereelag.
dodffbte. Ufa. Baa Oanot^ wte la
Edgtllhaa becB aalfarliig
Hte Ada....................
* Cloth Rug.
B-HayaaidbaabMlogt aUaktddad.
A MghtfBl Kaadw
Ha are hariag atalgblag at praaeav wllb a
I tor two weeha paat. Ste |
To the one thht buys th» first Diulng Boom Outfit, I will giro Ahiadsomo 00x84 ^
Brarp boaa ta Iowa la taouled.
Prmah Otbora of 1>a*araa Clip waa a bad her baadd lanced
be-, it aceint to te.............
oftoa eaaaa a borrible
; Scald. Cater Brelaa. Baeklaa'a Areica
Anbar Raah rtealrad a talatiaB r’------ - eaUv her* raeaaUp. Call
) Fruit Picture, framed, with glABA
Ulhlll the pain ate promptly
„*)B Hi. PlaateBl that blai
To the oue that buys the flnt Bed Room Outfit. I will ^ve a nice fimyrau Rug. CO
OhMa Paak ate A. a OoBobaU beta dplagi ba ^ gpoatbaia.
Carat Pc*cr Sorea. I'leer*.
The________ _
Skla BraptSoat
) 80x60.
I atari ttaair hardwood
OBllWd laat duadap.
I I-Iie vara va earth. Oalp tie a oc
m. Saw toga are baglaalag to otore
I Cat* gaataaiaad. Sold bp daa. <
k ler B. (POteBalL
I am ahowini; h lart^ line of CarpeU. from I ISc- Hemp to tberery bent heavy all wool Pro- :
. Urge QsaaUtita.
JtaaaoeateS B Walt, dragglata.
Mtatoraad Iiwb hit trip
wllb HaWe Wtu aooa te coea*
[ BruiweU Mattinue. Oil Clotb ami .krtSiiaarve.
my teh^teto^ i5?tet?cfai
ale Clip aad Oadar Clip b
Hra. lagletriu of
ttatofteraiitar. Hr
eal-edoo butieta*
Bon. to Hr. aod Hra. 0. W. TtoBp.
Him Ulliaa PeieiaoD .pent a fewj
mm Brea taa< > BOred their
aa.Jaa. Mtb. aooa.
day* of laat week ia Tra.erae Clip, re- :
ponabla itw aUI la the
Mr. ate Hra. B. WlUioBa. of Praab
laralag borne Wedertear.
The H teat Hiaar. Hte Daaa. aad
Trareraa lake aad
_Mra. Ited ate Lelghloa wera ibe uriag tlea► for the SeboBberg B
A party ol pooag pac¥le from the.
|f!to^r.‘lte'l^ IteaMta^' ' gaaala of Hr. aad Hia. PoriarHaadap.
towB Cfijayrda.leigfa nde oot lotte
T-Bata laatHaooBlaao Uteoa Hlepa are beleg tehee towarda aa aa
ooaotrp BOB* of Hr. aad Him. Cbai.
heoekad dei
0 Oteriip. wbo ---------------—
te laltedalorMt a'
xaaiiBBit to te glraa bp tba Utmag■ bp a BoUep tell a few wetaa ago. la Hel«oB, wbere tbep were pleaaaBUp
oauruiDad by Hte OotUe Netooa.
: Joe Bellord reiamed briae Satarda*
Hr. ate Hra. HeHallaa el Arebla atto be eritleal aad Ifroa tbr Setaombirr Lumb.-r Cj'e eaap T$ Oirt U ftrifvtbi 2« R$an.
aadad^age bare Satardap.
Noremo^oquab WailvebV Wmrt
aad will reiaalo oaavUi-. oi aavaral
Hr. Porter Itetaa for OragOB Wadaaa
Wive or ta* Sy*ri‘ tor ibl» u-rndap* wllb hi* family.
SS. o«4.
Hia. Ed. allow arrived Headap from ■ aad fatal dbeawi. II takrn
.•Illy and la Urn.-, ii a-Ul run
Sjolb Boardmao to pack brr hoa*ebold
.. IS4 hour*, ate lur tbv t.Mu-h i
floMM Qo«.ru4 I»r tm WoUm
good!, aad abe left Salordap for Kite iiwaLo
Grippe It never lalU
Labe, wbere Mr Bilow tee aaeartda -vlivf, l*ri.v,£«-ate
40c. BBotaea DeGrawate famUp ba*a all pualUOB Id a dip good* atorv.
lira. W. BeajaBio of Leland eojoped
Maar Schoal OhOdrM B(* A
Praok Shoaae. fortaerlp of tbit plaoe, baea ill with tte grip.
From 50c to $6 00.Hi*. Dreaaadcr to worklag for Hia. Ibe boepiialitp of Mr, aod Ur*. Dave tlrm*-* *.«
BOW of Qadinae. waa beta laat weak.
Scott Satardap evealBg.
Prad Thberarate MtB Htaaia Thber-^ Foraaler of Trarane Clip.
Frank Sufford of (illl'a Pier apaat esre re.erteDVM,
Hra. Botoaoa apaet a week wllfc Hr«.
or weat to Tra*araaaip Tbaiadap.
Saadap In Sorlbporl.
Tp^tie., T^ler Pi
Breaat Tbjlorol TiaroiaaClW »•» Urdle of aOld
. Myeri ol Sattoa* Kap waa i
Up. w.. j/.ba>oB apaat
Koiiaport vl.itor Hoodry.
Hte Hal
Hi*. 8to*eu tall a few dapa ago aad The Lover, of Aatbora bald ibeir
boBa bp ta
regular meeting Tneadap evening with CorteMWtp'iori Csr.-WAmer'a
waa qaiw badlp hart.
rdle aad Jc
WWtA WlAA of Tat Syrt^
Hr. Carroll. Joha LardI
•o. Purkte made a bukiacB trip
KitBfa are haoliag log. 1to the Bill.
licij coogb rrme-lv «
The U^.-« incTteae of our mAke of HmnAAA
rerw City Teeadap. relnnatog base
^^goteoe^^ntaar la atsliag loga tor Aagoft Oraea.
. it'i anJCiUct*.
Ir. baa
ha* bate appolBl
P. L. Jobaaoa. Jr.
Bbu«-R uur pniw i« loweat.
>wa Clark
ad town
clerk la place of A. E. Porter,
baa reaigaed.
_ .jareb a
Freak Zoalak mad Frank BdgteBB>i> Friday
attateed tte Haoeabee eelebrailoe at
A. J<*B wa* lo Trover
Ttaveiaa Qtp Friday aveaiag.
Praak Glbteof Eankakae. lU.i
LalaCoBteeatoriatoad a b*b^ of dap aad Wrdocadap of la.
r .Front Street.
Ptaak fiabar. Ua aoo dlatoa aad
bar frlenda Hoadap eveaiag. It teieg
Mr. BargoB Badaa triple Tratetae aad death of Boo. J. L. OIbba.
bar IStb Unbdap.
Cba* Craaber retamrd borne .Wedot*
A pleaaaet aarprlae party waa ge
ApbWellBaBOttte Ufa aariag craw
Ulp UoffBaa SaUfdap e*aeleg.
a eoople of day* al itei place.
OB Alb Haalloe pttaad apaateled
mb blnbdap.
ridap eveaiag
bottla Bo*. 10. Wbte brokoa a latter Joba Haaoe drove to EaUaeka SatJoba Scott ratnrate Kridaj
Harry Johaaea.'aoeoapaaiad bphi>
the be aooiblBg. bea'iog tlefloeneeaot Dr
iMAteorarad addiateod lo tte Aadar. jadap.
atotoia. L'ule aad Lria. attaaded from Detroit, where
ige (of Hatoaa Wood'a Horwap Pine 8i
aeatiogof ibeOraad Lodge
U read. -Ttm b------------------------He ar* ba*1ag aoaa wiptat waather -BaBalp'DaB
A la^ delegaliob of Maeeabeea. la
at Itel; jaat wkat Ike lambaraieB la Fridap evaalag
ate Bcffmaa,
wbo werhed at tte eladlag
tbr deg>ee team of tte Kortb»
ibk ttolBilp have baea wtoblag for.
'opaan paid ever noo.oo
■eac* tekerp la Traverae City, laat. port Tent So
drove lo T •
Hte Haggla Boekaa rialtad Oaa TapIf* te care a Banalag Sore
tor. wte? vetp tick at ACBC. laat
iag'-lbe iolliatioB ceremoniei In Trav
eraeCltp Teoi No. ati.
Arnica Salva Unnranleed enrr
Ed. A Haoaaan of Sotum* Kap w»a for Plica » Cto. a boi. Sold by
Nona port vtoitor Sainrday.
Htoi LaeUa VNaal «
J, Q. Jobaaoa and S. E Walt dragglata.
' no Sattona
Dor Dean drove from
dapa with ter ■totoriaEalkaaka. .
attended I. U. O.
____ eveniag
. aad attonded
tmedp to tba world &ai
F. lodge <at Uiia-alace.
top itoblaam of tbe akin
f the body: Doaa'a 'J
top Tbc C. E aeeietp wUl rive a ten c
Mr. ateHia. H. I^Prlakatedaagh- GuTHmiteS
S,S’'S‘. >p dra^ alova. M cento
bp aoeial al the Town ball Tbntadap e<
waa qnlto laegrip atuaded ate
to mta^ta^MU. tot Ba--*— aip."
vary mach aaloyed.
. *«• 7*? i: *“
Are Tea Ualag AltoWe Feot-Baael
\ Hra. aoagfa ate ter daagbtar. Hra.
Ma Paaooa la rWHag triaada la Ibla mbte
vtoitod Travaite Clip eaa dap
onte^ lbelE£r.~b>,
amoag taoi
baa beam qaita aariOtelpUl
Nortbpert Tki
SnAag hto abaaaee.
Aftkar Wlalan baa haaa hariag a
laip Friday a
Joba Baaar ate wife, wbo «
aarto ttea with klB tkraaA
A Ocawtord hah hto »

«n.A Ban
teatetef air*
Ma teitera ta^p. wte

Plaayjd mow bow aad lotte

ssi:jKi“,rs^s‘.r?,.f‘. $16.261

“ $19.76 •)







3ssa;s^-r^’"“^- “■

Horse Blankets

Hutaw P Bib; IMS |1 JO to $6J0.
Urti Atetaot Pu SMS fiM to ^00.




Baipies ii Beep Whips, 8 ceils lo UOI).
Tra.™ Cit..


^ ..Beadle’s Winter Offerings.. ^

Gentlemen’s Fur Goats,
. Gentlemen’s Fur Gloves and Minens, #
Wool. Fur and Plush Robes,

siiifs.'*-.;’?. f“siS'


Mn.C. CtoBBtn waa eallad b
Ombt Whaatea waa ehUgad te te*a a eoaalp laat week bp the Ulaeai
aaala. a Jonaa. wbo wa* wall
ate Ugblp raqweud bar* a tea
tote that tewfl] leap Ua Mad. Tte
tobia area eaaaad bp tpptedd f**B.
irtBM to fall trOB a lead
wtteh te bad laat wlatar. aaUlteg la
bMH*W.aaaBlafa tUgbt toaeaea at
ireak hto teek. an they I
Mad tat which tat ftowa lataaaalp
tolol- Dr OoutiStt
atlaadlag Ttera wUl te a aoeial at J. H. Boward-a Wadatedap avaaiag (or the bearfteu.- Aid Btala wlUi Hra. WUaoa 8l of Bov. Mr. Alar.
Earl Cook M letelag leg* at Borieoe.
IE U PrlBk ate aoa tateharad M fat Hr. Howseft. who te* baea daagar-



Bicycles ■■■ Bicycle Simdries.
Specialties: Biezine. lelcaniziie, Eeameiiie.
omAUd FACtory 311 Front fit.

iFrom $36


Monly Bato
B. Cbto HUw^totA-MBtaato patraK: B. «. WU-




__ ■AElmSAltlLFMSMl,


Winter Gloves and Mlttene at all prices.

Traverse Oltr HlclL 3

I'aite «iat«* ettctoto will eostei
tbc grecD-rood* men bp P»Uta *•«
gr*te geode eimlan la poatoffia**.

Come to Ttw HBB ALP Office for Job Frintlnf

The Herald Job Office

Bring th«m In

jfo-noE weat Ton get for the pbioe.

Tn Mn U

The best Trunks offered for $2.00,$2.75 and $3.50.

Repairing and Enameling.

I will re.raamel your wheel any color. S-coat work, baking <>DUBel aed vamiab. ci«Aa all the
adjotted op in c
inga a^.
aod Una the whtak,
auin.----------------vamiah or enamel the rima;
: bcAringa
—,-------Sbafta (p order.
= ditiMlor the amall anm of S2.50 Uibe inmiDc. Cupa. Cone*. .Axlea ate Sba
= BicyolM BoUt to Yonr ordAr.

We tega tb-p wS

1 hare a fine line of Fur OORtfi and invite yonr inspection. Material,
workmanship and durability gnarantete for these garment*.
Remember my fine of Horse Blankets it the Uiyeat in the city, and'
prices the very lowest.


Now ia the tim* to have your old birychn overhaiilni and rw.enameled.


Ladies’ and Gents' Trunks and Satchels.

E Front Street,

$d Down
$1 a Week.

lined to tnake.1i«X) tbe banurr World y*Ar
We arr drtermi
all vbewU »old pivfioiu to .April bl. after which date i
abore eicrptional offei
> bny your wbevl now r Vob vroA mite
m $1 raefa week, and when tbv
draM. Why notbeBi
iaqfT down paymnit
riduiK saABOD opTna your
to begin with.



Whips lOc, 16c, 20c and 26c.


I Bttete. The lavuiag
beartp IbadCi ter bto

________ _ .watte gwteta n
oa Satardap laat aad ageed time wa*
td at Itebotal tor tte peat w
.. Ulate: a!T B
WUlard. Darid I
What to tba raaaoa that the Noth
Date. BbMii; H % Bto T%roato^a^id raa
Aramiagtea. J. Braacae. Qlaa
Alter: C. C BaUldga. Qao. J. Bripal*
^. - Fi^in:
MOrateBapIdBA. L B -- "
1M ArBBtceag. WUI

TAlApbon# 168.


Balia Dlaoa
■tapiBg with Hr*.
Hte Beat Paaalagtna of Tta*etaa (kawford.
■IB. e> w. Praiiefc'a tathar e« Baallae
. Ikeproprtotorotlhi
•aiB^ la aUttag hertteiaMaX Lelatea
Itea flaaikinnwal^ H Hlilataa lint
Mate work fer^. piUkk la-tte

Otte Mabaaai toDp.te*a Borte
hB*HeBTte*te**atp. s.,
teia^ toa'i'Mek la toSSr5*0*0!?
oago Saaraatp Ufa aeedetp.
lohaaoa. .owri*
forBorlp oi
of i-w.
•Fred Johv.
' oMim. Bart twtante laat waak lioB a*pBrebaate aMatal ^aerta
iteHag trip la lUlarie.
offarmiaglateof Oilto Bwa. ate hte
Hr.ate Hra. WUI SeoUof HOlte BiU moved bto tamllp terv.
MMtPaaal* BUloWwOl BU tte pal

.fobbera and Dealrra ill

Praeeleal BtopaU Aalldav

•-« at tte Treat

a valaabla bona



M, taioi m, M.



jc^^sE Largest line ruled and unruled fiat.
Linen, Bond and Parchment par
pte; Envelopes of all kuidsfand
Cbrd board of every deecription

nissaifiltt miu>, liilSIl^ i.-u6a..
ItetmltktMt «t
•t rtMlkMk fcrkUiM- W. lift
______ 1 Md 8»
w. MOT
pta M Bm KoOUl M ntwM* *0^^
»• W tatara w trtMd. wd r.t«U«y*-

ttmcfc »«« ».3«b»i ^|»r. lfc»»
Wai LalajMM. J»j

B. Ff*»» »*d

tat m will mai be abi« to wriu to
ocr «rta>d* aad nloUno


tataor. Di. 1. ita IM

B. UfuV7 •«*»«• b«b. *!«• *
,M« r«» Md krUUorr ocUotf ••
tslsawr trlUi 70 « W Moooi—“
Wa tah Babaac tor a Uttta a>
dUMtioB ol baa Me
'etU-WepoMad Maa*u>ia r»d abapa.
aBdaaaawaraaosuf ap Uw '
' Oaa be Ualecto «c aaa «aai «
after. Wa(aia tbra a aaiaM
arairbtfaaa of thraa iaeb taiapaal
ataUa, aad Oo'a A. B aad C ol tb* »td
labalry wool altar tbea oo Iba rtpat
ata Ike Jfo artiUerp waoioo.lba lad'-

dirtrkMof toUem.
Frtdaj. Dte. isth. vo bran eaap at


I0tef tta aicbl) aad wn«ta u
«• •»

dir to tta Boere. ClploaaM bare weald

o of ihk


calar Stocewnew tar

' "At a a B. 1 e
iaptfe trald. B

UtTepela. wltboet Ibeloatof a aas
a posed of atorea.
■Tbe fact that Ua force could with­
draw froB aeUal loach (la cate tta
Usee were ICB that yards apart)
wlUUesseByleUe pertoet Banser
it did U. I Utsk. esaekst cTldesee of
tbe Borale of the trbope.
That we were perBitled to with­
draw ear euBbroee oxAsd Bole trasatcniaa a nrar at yarda broad. wiU
to fool banka, a T#ry awllt alream. uoBolealad, waa. I Uisk. proof Uat Ue
aaeBy.baa beea taspbtto raapect oer
aeldlen'dphtlsp powara."
PhlUpMar l«*a-l
tbOB ibe way we did. We (et
That Ue oosUoestal poweea say
eoBpliBeeta traa tbe offieere. on tba
BOW lake a baod k Ue rzprreted rirw
Tsplasd'a Orsahtsp Oafaat.
way wadebaaloBa. Oel. Bood of the
iBoctoftbe Biliury ezperU.
LaSdoB. JaB. M-Tbailttol ca
Tbrcoofeeelosof loabllity to rellere
rarast attack on Bploa koo
aod lit abaodoDBCSt baa sot bees
pralee for Oek A. B aod C of lie Ttalrd.
and the mreat are'Borr far-raacbwada pablleXotU k talBsad 1
Well, wearrired Is Balloac aboet
rerrhea^. Loados aspeela that tta lap. both froB a Boral aod pbyrleal
titO p. B. OB tta dtb. pretty tired, ear ofiN k boldlsp back lap<
Uae all oU:r rercroeaor
dirty asd baspry, tor yo« BOy^^ces II
ksoaaay teak to eboas ita'people,
Tta fall of Ud.rtBlth. all adBit, k
la sot real
ported fiOB Boath Atr
throsph tta firlda. Tba rtca li blpb.
oow leerllable. WIU Ueeeral BdUrr'a
tlpassdloe«b BOW. asd wbesa tallow
torcee apale abd mpals npslwd asd
rasaauOyardaUroepb rice aod
Uk time forced to fire, the abHity ol
wadee crMka aod ellBoe rtcc palddica.
Ilaooo tircabiBOuC Wa rtetod to
BaUaac asiil Baoday. Drueaoi
wbaa M alartrd oot apalo fw Maaais.
amerarasoatllAB. W. loll Mac


and Mn-. Jeuett is a meober
of tbe First Reformed Chorch
of Wettjcben. snd ishii;lily e»
teemed is tbe eummunity. Siieuy*

to w

•■«*» *»


IS St asy tlBe piariost k o

«aa power* twee their owe stodla
pon bar. and Uere weald h^ in 1
resBcal. a
deelrea of Ue Berra
bare Ue Bedlalioo of Ibk poeeroBeet
Toe Bapue treaty k aow bafore tbr
eesale. asd It baa
diplomatic ijuarlera Uei it ahoold br
ratified at ooee. thallt Bay larskl
Uk porerooeot wlU tta rxesM for
aeUop aa Ue Bediaur tatwoes Ureal
Kriuio asd tta BosU AtriM Bepsb-

■ toenMnorono.
«v<iUt.iil> *-a.idrala»il
. J Bn*ur bond
. eel 1‘r.> FlaB
b.4 0*rd a- dr-t !«* 1 DlSVaJ *B
r 1 i.»« i*«ee l»o Iv*r* I n-i.f aalX anOMii a
race, aad amt 001 «rf d.«.-e...................VIUI rnauaiiad «*m* ihr plus
aod Or U>« tiltr i I..d ukrr
• *. mtir.;. ar L atjd
esSmd ae pam *i *iL
aaJ.l_J«am. '

Siccessors 10

fw P*le Fr^lr expel
nr.Wmiarn*' V
<■« taj.i.l:.' rTl aildlRx aaatnl nrr*e
blnnl, asd Buppir t!.e l:.*
luasrs. It ba* prrf.errr-l:
i*J* of a’mo»t tnir*cnlou>
■er doctor* had gifeo up bope.~

/w /kit


X row




nJ toir..J>.yo.








to be a pcsMbllily
Ual Ambaaead
taper White a
petfaer aekinp tbe pi
mediator Is Uk bourb Afrlcea w
Chlerae Empeier Dead.


Losdoa. Jan. rt—A dkpalcb from
•4br Chlnete lecauoo at bl Prtei
boip ba* reoelrrd by cable oOdkl
ootimlhat Emperor b'waop be k dead
aed Uat bk body k sow lylap is ainu
.Tbr orremoaial otUeeuu tosere
k fixed tor tburadey.'aod tbe sew heB
Ue Urone will be proclaimed Em
prror at VrlilB oe Feb. 4 asder Ur
ameof Cbik b'aopa.
Toe Empros Dowaper. It k aald.
(eare dktarbaocea Is tba aosUero



3 Pulpit Echoes

Cansulia'.ioii atil Eiaininalioi Ffea aad Siricll) Coififiilill

Darlop the la*l 11 mooUeat lead
UeHirrato leke LadytmlU
plaaesre U sol queetlcoed. EaofrU d'teo elephant trelBcr* bare beep kill,
apree that In every probabUitr tbe ed-more Ueo hare been killed In
WlU apale awBoll Ur parrieoe. yean preeioa*.

DRS. B. S.&CO.

all hops Uplrea sp tor the raliaf of aod tbet Uk Use tbe perrlton. In IW
J. I. Beery, L-vaatoo, Fa. rvritra:
wcakeowl cosdltlon. will etaad liRlt ■■lamwllliep to take my oath Uat 1
Uow to bMt off Ue eerBy.
Tba war oSca bat eolpIras tbe
aaawaa paaaleic to aas I.I Drfaoro
Bern if Ue B*ere do oot attark Uee- Ue o*e of Ooe Minute Ooopb Core 1
o' ttacaaatUlaa Is laklsp aad boldiog
trr doctor* failed. It cured my eblldr
aad oiaalad loar ol odr field f coa. Tbi
eril White aatlaurely be sear Ur eod
.. rhoop.up cooph." y.1e“fyn'lU .
MaccMba aeuaW were alalloacd
e tether is Batlers ol food aod couph* cold*, rmup. pripoe and throat
isfasuy 00
toft^Bk. u>«Mlstaeetk1 isfastry
iBBiUoo. aod aty be drirea to a aod luep tTOBblea.
LireetiMarqara aay|Ahat l.ion Brit,
Cblldrea like iu
tta rifbt aod tba Third lolastry Id
Molbera eodoiee It F C Thompenn
kb dead won left oo Ue batUefield.
tres'. WeaillsydoVa. with order* Tbk aaataruUaapblM loelsde Ue
p the eick a
loSoBooBOkleffor talklef, asd 1
Is All IU forms—MeerMtk.
wcBOdcd. Tbe report also itated that woBoded. et be did
CTAiii|~ai|*rAUPb. 'i}|.uui'i>s
te fartber e iBBaeda ^d dayllpbi
«ubeFAix),totadAitfe*u. '
Ue Brllkh prooir cliop to the
Uraeral Boiler bad
I’lUUi-lV S.-.i:U«tn-r*' tii'l ri.iTiii' ff'-ln Wlial'-ti-r rsiiae.
falBl bopr thttUrrrral Wtaltr say be
lerer. bet bad reeoei
... .'I !„- i,.|. oiul.1.1.11.. ^■^^TPS-ELK•^TI:0
Tdc p--cu'.iar . .1(11 iii.ii

to fipht bk way tbruoph tbr Borr
If K;Mr rrporu are to be bell
nil Up- um-Ai-Ki 111 III'OHEMl'i.AL KlNiJ t* iiiaR.. in .-..i.m
where they bate ec»a rery pood
UoabBt Ue aecJBplkbBrnl ofUk
bloal-wliidi i* III'- dir--l
"I ull ^ll••lIl|lm•«• ailnn-nl«.
dpIoB kep war raeaBtorsd by a dl
irasebB-aed wa weceaoool aoo parda attaU aad oot abaadooed, ai ftotaral
i-lcCirti-clii'Uiii'Al arti'io wlii--li r'-oi -v.-.
is frxBt of tba c«oa . WcNmI
Ba'Ier'e dkpatebrs bare isdkstad.
tba Uoo Oroa Borisp aroata
rot Baenearrtod Ue Britkh Inmebee
Upbw batcoald sot tell what they
add. took 140 pritosera They
wbre Bwap- fel ii*‘ ■* !*>■ ('■f b'tdily. bBtabowed Uoi they wrk—
. Vce. Aspoat Flower eUll ha
Btrsba of dawB eoBe. tbe artlilcry
brore apalsst IslreBcbBestd^a
lot ihcB tare iu Tta way tbe abaila anUlIlol Is dptesdlnp UdB. "
. MUeneerer iboupbt of aeise
•laa orar aa waaa aipbt. dTbai
Tbe Wlowtnp dkpateta froa Oesenl UlnpclM..........................
Hiltoaalatoatry pot tbe order to adeasee.
were icsree. aod they
Sir Redreto HBllrr. oomaasdrsp Ue seae
«a did It with a yell. 1
aaldoB btord of Appcodleit... Kereoae
LaiytalU relief oMobb. e
FroalrntSoB or Brwrl FsHare.
It k. tta «
Bt the rror offlre laet nkrbi
They oard
Aopoet Flower to clea
bwe ae asy oUar place.
"Spearsan'e Oaap. Jao.
10 p a.
yttrm aod atop tcrBrolalioD
Tbr top ot Uat bill waa as awlal
rr*trd food, irpuli
—Os loo. to, to reported. Uroeral Workokiap plaoe. They bad beep djppldg reo diwre taek tta eecaynsd oWnUed
B. end I
rUrptk and traaened. and eoukisp petser^ of Ue aoettars ereatp of tbe
tlmr t'l Uke 'll" r*
rueto^breaklaei. bat Itay dto not
bipb tablelBad cxIobUbp lToa^ a Use bed rrlU hredacbe* end olbrr *
atop tor asy of It. We .eaptared two at Actos Hosck aod llonperb Peon to Yob awlr eerd ■ frw d>wr* of Oi
le in .-T-re <-a-"H wrki roii'-ixiHlr mi'l Liiilinillj-, i.*iuiii:ip inilr
or Ureetflicfa. aod Bunod euBe Bore
'Flower, to II>|B
llijuld lore
Ue Weatorn LadycBllh blUa From'
maatkfi'd Uere I
ktooo ooraida iH'i Ulok'
Uto tc fas. :s be ramalsod In eki
-fterr Hidotiip ymit' ' |.i*!i,v i.v r-fir*i«iu' li^a ir:;il .11 t'.,i- i-rrnwtaa I toy - we" that I scao syaelf eo 'iaetwiu tba esemy.'wbo held
>- ili-.«.-iitiin"<nM> )'*•
>-'aUif-<1 ll>•l{lr. Si nt
> ataBOBB other fellow
I seas Uk etrisp poaltkc os a raspeot rmall
Iiy mall af

partkalar part ot the Aaarleae aray. 1 bop>e* •trrtohlop from sorthwcot to
D'*ri* ariiuiid ] li<
PartefUeartUlery watkft at Bao
Bite doeao't Isdicatc qo»Uiy.
aooUoaat aeroae the p’atoaa from Ae
of eoaoterlrllaeod worUIcm
AQd l.-rTImnil
UOefeaulorapsard. aad Ue reel
toB aoaae Urosph Hpita kopto Ue feted tor OeWlU'e Witch :
eftoWtot 00
toward B.s MeUlll.
left bask ot Ue TspelA
DeWIttk k lb« otaly orlpibal.
A* loaboottwoBlka. aod ate oar break•'rbeaeisal psaltioB bald wa* per- fallibleesie for pllee ead all ekio dU-haimam d AoAn. PAria.
toal. «o soed lalUop waat U wae. feetly toDahla. bat did sot lead luelf
***.*11 * PrtrellO**'* »e«*r Awefe.
for rra earekd It WlU oe aad we bad
" "ICH., U. S. A.
I aa adraaee. a* Uo asattaro elopoe
0. B Appletoe. Juedec of Peace.
OMapboflV rtar^tlareoldleraeTCT
ere ee etoad Uat Oeserel Warreo
Cta'haberp. K. J . tort: DrWIti't at
•aid sol r>l efleetlea srtilkry is peal,
s MiU.a about
os. aed to eapply bk troopewlU cooetltotloe We B*e no oUer. .
-.r.„ --------ood bowel trouWoe
*tor wiediffl^ell.
" )a JlBBory 11 I cOBaeotod to bk
Takty-BrUvelBowar ipfautry. Tbey .ttaeklBf ffploBk-rp. which k a Urpa
Lewk Drool*. Sairm. tod., »ay«:
toBCU from Ota elde ol can MeUlll , bin-lDdeed. a e
Ktaol Uy*pep*u Core did a* our*,
aad we ease la froa tta oUer aide. oeldaetly the hey U fee itoMlkm. hot pood U*D aBTlbior 1 errt took. " It d1- you (eleodeaneot brio bet
Oascral Del Hilar wiu bie ataff asd
aeeceMble tros con dnprpel
pel* eod •toaaeh trosb'n*.
eMd^ akipped out Urospk aose
U thoa from Ue **bU. Ot Ue P. C -rboap*
oetBef, leWUe BceelalBa asd we
BlfbtofJteaaryn hearirulBpioD kop.
oslyeeata lew fiyiBpabou alter hlB.
bet it was roT diS mil to bold, ae IU
Wc all camp'd id Sas Hr<i<i| on Ue 'perlOMler wafetoo larps. eod waler.
of Ooe MiBoteCospb
IlUasdUc arxL mdrolppal
which be bad bras Ita to talieve
BBartof leu Ue mnetaiBe 1
id, to UkaxtraorAstrlly dry aea■■nbbtt easaeta'' That k t.
I weareryd UraltUoMMar
osUtUalicat K.Uuap Tba Ihlrtr
Tta ere.u were held all Uat
C. Tbetep.
•fuetayad at MeUlll We bad a Hlll- apalBBtaeTM-eattaektand beawy ota^i
piscpmkde toebew o» the trail iptoUc fire Oer l-oopa toopM wlU ffrost
• *aa Si>cM.i*t»«ii. M n
o a. of Ue i:U pallaalrf. •
Ur All t*B» r. Pa*revo*i.
e Beportiep CobrBooi Bi
1 tretl.
IraU. '"by mculecf )
ta bad Itat fta
"I woald aptolany Besttoa Ue Oto- pony credit i
■riaCo:. aakenoi
d Ila tta loot (iill. don ofUedmoad Ckmaroeias* asd "Wesr-Bmki
poeee. and w^kmprd
diital to retailer* U*Sm3t‘oU«
Ur Tslrd Elop-e Royal R flea, wbo pood*
or llantib nliBani Orep*.
•apportel attnek* oo tta Btestaia
• Tta boy* west nmbllnp brehleker* froa lueteeseel aide. Is eeeh eaae
_r Boderu aod 'scat eSeetIre cere
•■d raa aerow an isaarproi
fiphtisp tbrir way u Ue top; also tbe
tereooBUpailooend el! ll»er ' oeWe*
Sbdrapiored a few boia*. p
Second LteeaabIreaeedBeeond Mlddle' foBona llulc pill* KBOwa 1
r-n’SB tta a^
aex. wbo
a Little Early Rkera.
Ca’> . tt itbool Iwem. <»
Oa Weddeaday. mb. oor nilpisc ba*t tr«flilta*«f Ue R-lkk arsy
paid* found Ur wmli apaiB, after tta iBroepboat tta irylop day: alool os
■t aa ItdeMta to dar Mlsotc'Ctooph
fPD (SO bad anoiber day* (inruand we Jaeuary fe*. Tboraryerort'a BOBBtta
ay health aed ay llto It
prOead at tta ■ rocpbold of ita Inasr lofastry. ‘who foopbt Uroapbtat
wvwefAwAn-B suasANTceN-—''I
lOweUsIr IItm to
ffcot army. Uk a pretty place aad U
illy well aloep*lde
tta proBpt aetlos of Uk sreer faiUer
Iroerel Wotapau. wbo «ns ia teatay. It esre*eoopba. oolda. eroop.
alntoby^ a wbok MobbiU rey u. w
Bead at U*aaBBli,tatBp eroeodblue. poeBBOSta. peiope asd
Why UoT did oot atop BBO S*hiu*c
ta, the cB wr wbo aaeostata bis de- Uraat ^ Is'sf troaUee. uT^y nae
. --------------------It k tbe osly
' Uat
tl day k sort than l.ina u 11. fur
elded OB Ue oipbt of Jaesary M
•aoM ttatlioaaaot tatabao.
abasdre ttapoaliloB. aod did ao be­
Mtax^aib bow It k ekaaud witbmt fore dayllpbt iaaoary 14
•Map two mere eberU ol papt'
_.ih Impaeuret
"I reached Warreo'ieaap si
____ j1 Dyapep^ Osi*
taeeeoly one son. *'ta Msti
B.. Jas. ». asd dseldta ttat a
Mb at l:W a.


Tiiterse Cit).

tlNK 8
Jills E ■



gJiiaM toTBeart.rnil.r rmt* liiuia*
paTfjrist.*, oDd mmoltad IM Bral
rlptoa. •■at fcund oa (•emaaMI rw

Baeerd^ Bed they ere 1
aoreyoe. ItdotaaaB

asd aercs hardtack.
How I Beat eloaa hr^I’B abochot
Belleaf wbee tbey opaaed flra oe ^
IniBaBboab. The ird-lolaotry war par asd Bayba 1 tare wrlUss
asp bow, tat 1 wasted to let
io tta Iced, the lath lalaalry 1
ksewttot we
wtaoa tralB feard. ttaartlUeryi
•ell, tapay aad eostestad. It wUl
tatweea tba trd iBlanuy o>d 1<
be (OBe tlae tafece we
lefaatry. bet did act ^re Ubc
tbrowaeball.toraa .eoeo oa the
BS errila to yoe all ai
oaiioou fired 00 aa. wa aiarted oo
a CBS aet write
eas pel oer leUera Jaal tbe
aad tta arUUory waa afraid
Bailor where we are. at
ereald hit oa. Well, wa |ot e I
le asap old tblsp. wbattar la Ballsap
taeabotll^ yoe what U la.
rutptooaeaarap Ilka daer. aad taey
Oood-byo tor A abor\ Uaw. Frei
look like tabbUa. re'tatof 'o*ar tta
Uuait bepa Is Mae asd brews. ..
' LararKTTX. FSAres. 8e«emu>.
Tta Third lofaetry waa ooBpli
Oe.A.trd V. B.-Ufaa^. MasUa.
Boated 00 that day for (rolac alter

EiotB poblober of 77 Bible
House. Nerr York City. Mr. .5 rf
borne is At Metseben, K. J .

kcaldtohare nacSed aa aeaieetap*.
sot oely becaan of tbe pcacral cyBpetby for tbe <ioecB, tat alee baeaeae el


____________ ...

Jewett, tbe well knot^ rcU-

IfwtedtoiacUfytarJtot cacb a


tack tbroeeb
-»Uea froB


Jewett.'t pretty sobnrbaa



•ww Mb JcmM MB <M

we wont eceec
- - - — ~ v** be

It k bcUercd that Uraat Brfiala will
Uk place «
sot be allowed to cooUeoe to Uroore
tta ripktoot aeetal powere Is beref
aouib lioaaa Geaaral Lawioo llfco Ike
fort to cebdac tta Boon, aad ttal tbr
Third letaauy. Be bad tala m(ti
Eoplkb .
laCabawitb bla.alaooaa eamt
daaperof ialcrraolioe or coBpuliwy
XTcrybody knowc that E
wbeiw wabaee a record oltTAf^U.
I a diceaard eule of the
BdiaUas of bar dlffcrcaete wlU tbr
sly a iilood rr-Bcdy it ibr or
I. aboai » ■o.aal.a ibara waa ao "Moo wltbOceeral Wbcatoa froBGaloeeaa
I Suelb AtrkaB Bcpobilc
rcatmant. but a remedy e
Oooa" la .«hk eaoepi ' *000
Tbe loflaroec of Becaia at Pchie asd
y OBly acgiaratoc
bad a lew terapea of oer o*
Ur caapletooc BorcBcst of Besiae
asd wo bare oot boon whipped yet
troom toeard Ue Afpbasklao bo<
dae’t thlek eay of ea baaricaBa orer
|are alao rapardad aa warsLspt.
ere eao be whipped.
that we
The UeUlBK roe Ibat Will LafayetWee»yed ia Baa Ulxleew aoul
I Inrtoo dipl- tnau If. after aooUn
itUjloiosdoty wjtb laflBalleacthu beinp Purdy VeprUblr. p
tbCBoralac uI.tb«tt:a aod ibaa paU<
Berolnc lor the aartb llpe aosawbrra tbe eery casae of the d uwai
■aabae lor Bailees a«a'a.
Bianen cuye ejweya molu. U k tta iBBisast. Ureal Brtials woald tars te
Belorcwa lali. boweeer. we bad
' blood resMdy puarasleed to oen- : tbk porrraiam aa. the sat acet^ieaall aUralah op toe BUwnlDt ol tl
------------- ---------------------------- ^
a„»W,r. Sta would prefer to
»tb. Tbe"«l**et*"trwdloooBehai
Books BaOed bm by Bwltt BpiMfll
ttatdayaadwaebaaedkhcei all o»

' tta hliu seta we were all pretty
tired. We loot aoeeof oar

After Half aCentury
The followitig ststemest b
nnde by tbe wife afMr. J >E.

SSj faSSy^'SSi;^^ *• toe Uktsp of UdyBsItb wOl «•
tta )etoa to fwrU end eliSes. leiwTace «be tdee of tatcrTcsUai as tta
---------------------_--------- booea 1 part oi seatral powcea, la tta a


t:W p. B., Mb aad «
hasr7btabtal9- WorMMdoUdo}
oool QBariAbMleB tbiiotb
oar dottaa aad ekaata ap
nworaUy.'Tbkaefslar all of oar extra. otaS
-waa ablpped away aad wa baaeoed^n

AfrkB aad tta pratabUivy itai Udy«llb wiU BXB ta SCBpeUad to asnew

M aet «• tonwkei *0 eee Waaitoptos
I sU beeoBc tta ocatar of laureel I:


olafattaBtaDefaan (botod'pMOfd
lUMiB abOBt a. DOOB.

PsMsd Stans May MbUiih
«atal>«Ma. Jas. fih-Ieetoweflta
TCpertadttaBrMabtatoaMta fleetb

.« Moaday. tba

Tbe •Ultontrd !ipeeU1ut*.lorBsny of tan tarb.aa onwsftta

Anericu ledical mil Sireictl ImtiUte ef liitegM, IA.
WIU. til AT

'WliJ.tiXxig, Tr a-worwo Oity,




Feb. 1, 1900.

QBer Boon froB • • ■ to • p. B

Ter l&fbbU ud ChiUrsa.

Tki Ifaid Yn Hin Alnrs BncH.



'.is -s-'-'


BBBOFPaii orrici-i-ip

' ““

. _



Bere’s What Yoa ffave Beei Ming For!

of w—bla. FoeMbU to ewsu.


■ TktiifftaNiiiaMn,



At LesS^ Than first Cost at the Factory.

we mark down prices op all
Cotterb ia oor store from
$i00 to $7.00 each. I^n’l delay any longer, for
they will go quick at tbes^prices.



>Ml>aa<ba*arTrr lolIM I* ikeeaaac. el raa~ ^1 BaJ b.ra

Ol tk* or- r*w»dr OLJY* SLOSAM TV to nta
karwto-*ar*aaarat>*M OentaHaUes Frae asd Mr




rIaM rapuir le feto akiunl

feiB ima* aa. aoCy wIB BeW





M-«* warew*..* alfBtar «>» «»ww i _





•toff bae all been-aklpped to
■tosa. I don't luow wbera.
MUMP tototail snUs BM

bMaekosttploabopwosIdta 1
asd tta asosyb riffbt we. BOO atnef
BSWiMtott. 1

ryTeirsTrerii: OBAI e.lAmU> *tJtS««Mk.Ot.
■••• -sr


Tnwr** City. Midi.

K. L11 CL mn Ml iH. aniiMfi, I




anuta. nuauMr i. imo.

UHed Ibo faron kapoBt for lbs
BTt H tba toUa. wltb bk boma.
k apt M bitoBs a fBilBl
OBly tbo soBtor aMs of Ufa.
eeo to ooBfaras wkb hla to

At Jaatooa plaaa.

niM l^lHMtl ItlT-

^ .

ffflf T^T >— *-'—
ta «h* >M«i IM Uuto taooUM
tnaUMM^ aUU «la* Moi

wUMw «nr ati.
cm tta
MlM aMa
Ofll •



Or pathways 11a ao alaap
:at n aaa go, If. by God's power,
faooly boar tba berdaa of tba beai
Atoet Playtkisga.

, . --...

narsk BOtblag Bort

ta»h»ppla«a« oftehlU U*e plaat; o<
pUjrtbiafV Tbcp aead not to enU;.
hr artoUnraUe tMi« ill aBUralr
Urely a aalaavtarof............................(
adaaatioB^ tot
anaaBarwaad adaptad to rarloaa
aartoat aaada
of tba pUy-a-day irarld.
rid. That nolhar
of “tbraa aadar als" wlU
«rlU Sad al
aba maM
(aratab Urae aaia. ;ae<]
aad will olim


Qatow aad ara aaia.
rl&ad akpato of rarWim bm MaMa pa> any.
Baa Ito aU world Uaih wUU
WbUa I bora foood a boraso drawer
la tba jatiaat baab ol a^bk
dirried by pl#M of tsioWrd ioloea
Ba» a Aaa of «no« tbrlUa
there were a—
thranh tba Mlaato of bar hUlaofeUyUtogx.
gartniaatbadawaloady aaUaya, ebUd.towerb
rigbk I waat lo pal
■aabad bar aaaaUaaa toaaa of war
lo a ploa Joat ban I lor iDdIrtdaal
rlghli. Lalea^htoy. bowarar aiaele.
sod ir
baloac'lo oaa of tba (
—Ifurper't Bator.
thaetWaloreearatia bk
ta dalBt
1 at
Ilk baaae
." tba leasoo of
wbatk tor
wilt be eeelly
The rahraary DaaKaar,
A baffalo roba. a bed
lor Mbtof a -pB poowipar.' wbleh
rsgUagraat balpH
_____ ,
d orar ebain
ehairt for
wMpotltoCtoBoiiaCMBU'o oaaae- wbUsa aMlto sprMorar
UtoddlUan toaara foroazi Cbrlat' a teat will ebsra .»has ererytslogclae
UUa tooM aeull ebaire aad a table
U la BBda after Ula
ahtold always to
srorldad. If sot froo.



the favbei.

bdnil OBd add littU daak
It «ada wltb aara It wlU lock
good ioa^ to aak"
PMt ii Bwda of aolorad Ud wilb plalu d
or doUb pta Plato la aaodod for tba fdjiMblto pwtleo.
Ibta k «llad with
McadoM, erar whito k glaad a pkaa ol
■■■bwij HiKiwlallb aiif mar Ibla la
aara a ptoaa of Aaooat. Tbs latior k
nttoaf oo top la pla taabloo. abowlag
tbootwtonyaUk. Barati
oetarktoodto Uattbaadgaa aad top
ad the Beoael a srt^> brows, aa If
waat of tba p4a la baked )eat to tba
boral^ polak Tba dkh k tbes f
la tta aaotto at tba kid pattwlpar.
other elgla of pie Bay to auda by
t^atrtcacf tba aaoaal is lauiaa
laaoaartbs eolsrad aillktbae tlstlsg
tbaaa. By totag grass sUb of tba right
^daOMOM aara goaasbarry plaaa

ritba faw tools sod boards asd
spare boor or teOvAa eae aaks what
will yield JBU ga aoeb dallght aa
atoiaapesalra aphoUlery. Sbooli
prettotasd daelara tba BlolatsM fat
Bltofs . aaadlaaa. Btoa bi I laagti
alaualf llrlBg wbere ba bi 1 to cUs
bk bsigbt to rsaeb a aabt__________
opos Up was aad psU Bp wltb all bit
Bight to brlag bk loogloc eyes lo tbe
loral of a tabla The tas psrtlra aboald
aaear toooppraiaao. A bit of aa
BMhkoreraekar. will fernkb a_____
daUghtfal Uae. aad as Ibay get larger
■t k ofios a relief to Ur BoUer sod
graalplaiBBre to Ua aeeoad party to
allow uassall ublaie toaetapoea
porU, aadrra tree la Ua yard, oral
OBsalda of Ua dialog rooB, asd let
UaB aad Ualr gaaaU aat Udr Beal
froa Ik A aaall child reqalmebaega
10 ik plays aed leys Kor tbia raaioo
I fooad It a good plas to pet a part of
Ua wyi oat of right for a Use aad
UatBsda ttoB frsab wbes tooafbt
oatagalb. Abaaboiof doUaa p u. a
lot of alto oreo bloeto of wood, aad
alrtsga of tpook. ferokb Ua aatcrlal
lor aarkd balldlaga. ral roada
paoa. sla. Hot lug ago 1 uw a

loto OB7 attoaaUaa. aad Ibay aaariy
alwiga Ikoea good asUara Taoagb It
ktordlylB ksaplaglora pklBtoraBotaUol toebotpowdar.yalU tba Ilk
Ito irtoBiit k iDUodad fora lady's
dMkUeaa IwBada fragtoBi by
taetag the saebst powder Uberalty orer
tba toardtot wbkb k SB^od for tll-

lag aoBa bright carpal lags
SBsa auk of ebatra,
It k plaaatag -to SoUoe bow cbtldceo
will tkiuu Ua Ufa afatol Uaa.
aaarcbaot'i tote bulaa eery aprly
-keep otara.-Utatotaprodace dealer
basdlsa gralok wbBa tbe tanoar'aeee
aUn WlU Ue ebalra. asd rigs ap
SOBS laaagtaary coll to break. A lllUe
girl, wbOM srprld bu beu boaoded by
Ue walls of a oarlato. beapital. eocld
aot.for a loag
loog uto
tine afterward
---------'-‘-at a beula
lOfasy IDU
to bar aalaS It wai a ck. A bli
beard aad aoae erayra will anpaly
great )aeuUe aaed. Uai of euaiai
BaricUg. asd prora ao edaeaU
oalp whra aobeol daya arrire
A ward Bcro. trao a ohildleat bi
abuld hare a few playUlsga ptii ai
ledleartriaUai ehUdrao
All bi._
era ksow bdw BSCb saaiar a elalt k
" ■ k ready tor Ue
. .If WlU. A soft
olors, a clou alapbaat
- .... or a bos of odd balloae;
toeklaa. asd bik of eearyUlsg. kUI
f Uaparpoaa
'log lascbtld'a toaieni ai
•a praetdad far.—lirtrrfad.

tog.boteca tbaaUk eoewiogk>Misd
iBgtaao. Brae Bay to aabsUtatad for
toe tawdaok bat tas terBar laypt
bo a Uttla toe auiaeUts to tolaa. wbl
wBlgbawlbieogbtbaoorariagto get
Ota.Vha paowlpir pan to to onde of
attowi kid, aaa to tatokBad tra
witatoat old kM gtotaa. bat wa aap•M wa ta*t aeotaad to tbk Bstarlal.
-IBa UaatratkBa gleao latUa.Baga

niBBOBlaerdarte report aay
tabto ■eoad Is tba OaotoTT Ooeo Book.
Tbkl —- ----------- *----------------tba part
ad tba editor Ibat Is tM. aook
l^lbnH to*a Blatakta.tot alas

rerbawtaaBoy. wiUabig.WgB.

of Uooe dear uao at bu
yu basbaad aad faUer.
grut say to year dkappeistau
ooi cross Ua Ureahold of yurl

A ebeorfel wort or amlla will ill
Brerida wlU p

.. dcetor'a a
tarei hois* !• ai
LuttI* Olulw iMlt
Japasoae Laalaa
Bouty. fioB a Japaoaac a
coeeku of a lose, oral
featarea, alowod-Uaped eyes, aiooing
allgbtly apward. a biga.. oanow fureOead, aod abaodaose of SBOOU.
Be style ol their dreea pre
nlklog WlU eaee: Ualr
lods are delleatriy fomed.
tolaod hai

alre Blttaa. aad If they do got lost ao
ouer pair k qalekly made —Srlnuf.
for Damp Capboanls.
Damp eapboarda aad rooma caa to
_>ade on aad airy by plaeibg a baale
of trcab IlBS wba e Ue moIstart paae
■ toUe dainmwtot faod.Uaaa.
The 11ms s^lekly atoorto tbe ao------- saome faBmidtly, aad Ue remedy
Bead only to tepastad arery sow aod
uaa. la llriag rooms whiah are aoi ir
to depaadad apu aa telag dry aa
lid to dmlrabla It k adrlMble to


Tba teawt of eaiO. aakes a gnd
ouk BMW or pk
If Aaatred for
.outisg. Bsks a poetot Is It sod staff
asBa as for poaltre. Tbaaa who hare
aaear triad a al.oaldsr of laab or
Vo baea BO Idea of Its upenprity .
Bsab lor. sail to taate. a
ito leg tor roaaUog. The i^lkb.
a pleoa of batter Ue sire of aa a|
wbo koowall tbaraklokoow oboet aad fur Ublaapooefalt of cream
rich BUk. Work tbto pats, paltlag two
^■n ul* biubir'toni’ It to yii.
era late aoeb pat
Dip lb buua
lb lueea a pocket lo to flllto wiu
aod roll Is powdarad;.craeker>.
r boa Borald Ooek Book
. . a little bit of baltanoa top of eaob
« cnaal of laab ballad till Ue asd baba us light brown Is a bmk
. e will enp oat. tbea lightly
Dsllcloaa to braakful -Hamr
Hwaed u a hot^akllUk cao ba lereed
Mia. D. B. Cllao' foolpa for t
otaaMOBpaga lli.flaUa far ttoaddi- asahed. Ulakesrd w|U aaaiurqu
tioB of OBO atr' By tbo way. ear Uly of toer. sod a few aprlp of pai

■OMS Okus woald BOI to 8.
aHtos.Mtto adltto at Itoat. wltboat
HiWtofaaonila.tbtocb parbaptyM
MrlUahlioddlOtol^U with rae
Ipto^ Haay wort Bat why? Is
aad bngb sod aadar all tba wtjrk-ad^Vaklhssool Uls.aBd happy tba
woM to tbs Baa who oarrtaa tbs
Hatohtortofptoasaoi traaiibreogh
ttaOtooaaod baon aobaa to bar.1
oto MHIotot Hr tba weak:

UeoBlBe Yortnblra poddloc k-Bs
aafoUenr Ouaad ooa-baU plots
BUk. two. or. U Uay are pluUfi
oa kalt Iraapoufalel u._

ulu. sight whoU eloraa. ais
a. two Mblafpoutala
0 Hbleappofals of floe
d aad floarlo frylag pa..
adding a llttia tomaw at a time; aaaUk U) oaa sod of Ue pao Bu wlU salt aad paaak. aad cook
_eat k oearlyBua. Haea twuty bIbbUs—iScin-lnl
tto oeu hot. aod baba ue boor. C<
Is aqaaraa. sod garslab Ue roan wii
I bare wbat yu a


Clfartolllsg walor will lassoro
atolss aad Bsay trait stalaa l>urU>e
walbr Ura
Uraagb Ue etralaer aad Uaa
from Hira^lar orar Us to


Aa excellul war i
la stobklaga k to « lek a place of aat
orar Ua b
da-s Uroagfa it.
laa atiff bailar; U the aerslag add Tbia also la
mo aboruaiag. oae oop sagar. ue
agr.OBwhalf satoegrralad. oae UaOslrieb faatban may to earlad by
apoufal BM. ooa puad stooed ralahalf ^tosi eltru ut la Uls Urowlsgabaadfal ofultuUa flra
aad abaklog Ue fsausca la Uu but of
'Uaaa. oae_____ __ ____ ___
tto^biars betag carafal aot
ito*aB^ flur
qo!u «iff*f?i
a oaas u rka. aod wtoa^lg>» btkr la
caa to Bade Uat wUI rea.—At.
Ut-ew Drr»
epots troa npw. Take a
um blotting paper ud atoapltaor
aral tiaaa la a aalatiu of oxalic acid
A Friaad laAaaa.
or ualaw of potamlaB. WUla Ue


If to lakes poor bead aod Itfk yu


*T. Wbu odds are Straas aul»s< .a
tMB tow bHtaHHBlB wet tolaaa to


yu tor bar badgaasd
wbkb tba raralrid yeewrday. She bu
btu aUlbg bar papa If bar badge
. tiaa he caae from
tba offioe riau Chrkiau Uae. She
Ulaka aba aaat be a eery good girl
abe baa Jjlsed Ua fluublaa
Qub and I tbiak really trim harder
tbu before to do right 8to k uly
foar yean eld Ut cu prist qaiia sicapriat a lattor to yea
SbOtoyato toll yn Uat tto wUl be
Marjorie erkb
a litUa poea that bar dear Hud Atn
Maey wrote tor bar u bar fourth
b rtbday. wbleb Deeurred Ua flnl day
of Noramtor It was UlutinUd aad
prUwd by Mkt Muyk akee asd pal
form ol a llule booklet
thought yon might like to pul It la Ue
Buaablse coIbbu. Tbe poem ii aa fol‘

tba walluf Uat Sllad

.luBary S?U. IIhiO.
Borne sloe UtUe latkre bare eomc
bk week, but BCsUy laUeta to Ua
preaidcBl personally ud ao
prlated. ^_^'relly ec
uy la the taaakei'
tel to priak Uea what
we pal la ur dsaabloe eoloms?
We hareb'i beard from oar Inlerleebu
bnasbiaara tbk wloter, bot 'Ira
t a word
from .N'ortbporl. oor UId M saWo. from
Blagbam bovUill'a I’ler.aad ao maoj of
BOW a wlosome_________teir
aaldu fi
Ue places from where yu eaad
Wtu swmt browo eym ud esrly hair.
la aad make a friendly ull
Let aa A cbarmlsg llule fairy apnto.
Her pareoia' pride ud durdetighi.
bSAT from you. deara. and tell at
loursallag atory pi year dolagaor hap A real nsb-am with aaari of gold.—
WtsaoB* Marjorie.
Just foar yean old.

They uka litUe or so ej
oae wudara aoiutlBB bo
lodlea employ Uelf tiBe—I
mile to to due is a Japaeceebooee.
> toglo WlU. Urre are so regalar
There was racelrad oa Iheorgu fud
>ar at baod eapply
,tJe diaboa. woUa aiecc last aaud. Are ce
riare Howard.'ol Trarerae City, tea
etau addUlouI from Kaaaie Karrasl of
of lilu Bareo. Arc ea
Id torolp tiatel. Rrslah. and Higgle Canute of
tVrxford. dre caoU aacb froB Uurge
some riee aad eweel bkealla
rae Duorable lire Sab" k told by aod Uraee Foller of Kite Lake, ud flea
wbo carry oroood large walorlabs eeata froat Lowell R>reo backetl.wl
1 tauu to boose aoo eat off aa
book reqalred from Ue ootoia brloga tbe aauot down to aerediyfirecenuud we will call Ueaccout
flU. asd rsplaee Ue aadly
aledntaull etraggllog toaala
Aa to our good friend.
Strong, he waaall paid up al
' ebup aod pleotl
aod. ao Ucre k oo
k on
tbiak be oagbl to be eolad
rbe great alasd'by k tea.
In u boaorary
e lady k laldoB aeeo lo bar home aMoe CluB " Your preaideelloieir. yaa
' 'It little ua tray by
will all wy -Yea." soil is hereby de­
clared Uat be la aa booorary b<
oae whiff of U
trots Uk Uae forlb. He doea no
to atgo Ue ralet far be k a dai
BU Uroagb ud Uroagh
As mliuoa for old aod ynog are
Mary and Kra Tborapaoa, who arc
oonstaot damaad. U la qaiia a drain
little orpBba aktera
paras lo heap
Charlcraix conoiy. b
ilallj eblldru
aamoi for a dusabine Club, wbleh wlU
ly. la I
A BoUer wbo baa a
.heirowo aamas make nine. Mary aaka
cbtidreo. yat all old t____
wbat a dub haa to do
He bare wiU
good deal, tails me Uat aba
ua baralctur to toll berudat Ue
alUBpl to hup Uem lo yarn
•BBS qaestioB baa bewe aekad by oUrra

eata Ue pature ud
falldoU. beery
frxwiHu >1..................
we will ropy here wbat we bare wrtvblob bi------------------------- ua her.
or ue tops of old woolea aocka.
-You aaat bare a president,
are made oc the aewlog Bactala.
retory and a treasurer. It k alto wdll
eaar wall uoogb to pay lortoe in
pf oaklBg.
rok say giro a------ P bare a rice president, wbo ula
wbleb will help oat aoBooUar BoUer Ue pmideat k abaeaL
Two UkkoMes •>( cloth oae ba oaed 11
"Tbe other dabs bare IltUe bw
oaa uekBotaaSciaally warm. '
bast wear, of coarat. kalt-mlt lags ooen la a while, aad epeak pieces,
e Beaded: Bat for ereryday wear, ting ud read stories, and Uea bare a
bey are ao easily wet Uroogb good little play lima Harbapa yoa
lo aoDe lorgottaa p1aee. Ucar
erory urpoaa of a moro eapeo. dunoi do mneb al that aelil

ifsi. ate.

o Is ^t U
hoiav^otoa wsy lbs wmg eaawpa
wddad lo! wa bars oaUtalydoiget'
Boatttoa^ calk to taoraa tadiab <
HB tbs rigbl eaoi Aay good plHa BiarHwtard; tout aatlou to n
jellgt .iputpork to an’etaae
tapor aobo radpa wiU aaawer.' Try
-.llaBVtoBUlasaaa.-f1onS oa
• Obaaria rararla*' ob poga u. rwBkIr
It la always good.
OraodmoUer'a Loaf uaka.
Of iwaat c^b
ue-balf cape.
^ olowaaU aayBlataka


itia aod aaoBBa wore bartriag
___ »i
Aod as Booy aa alx big aeaia csbc ut
Toied wbotUa oeke wasoll obu;:
Aodabrraa lo to caddlod aod kiaood.
did ahr.
la a girl wlUasB
w a girl, yuiee:


ito tte taioity of aortal aadiaror!
Afar aaary oMtOBOO bad bass proof
ftoilbioailMBOBd otMo foar ibao
tooMlU aMakaa. Ita. Dr. Koaaftid'
.MlBlltt Boebaalar (bka oo page 4
tolh'lto two aad OBWtklrd asps of totHr. abkh tbeoia nod twe-lblit

••bMk toor Boighhto" hroaghl aa
pito of olisoBS sMwa tba otbar
Mto hf tbs roslpo of Mrs Tltto.
wUab laaaillaHly praooia thUoor.
tad Iboy war* omU d^MotoTto odIUriS owB roelps tor Waak‘^HaPHaapago It woa Irldd at oar
toBastbsototodoyaadteoadHto. it
■M a taDoro-oal ao r«y good,


Yu bare a dkagrauble daty to prr
OTB at twelrc o'olack. Dj ut black
J Btae asd Ua aad aU batwau wtu
too oBlorof iwolra.
Da Ito work of
cook, aad t«u yur raward
- wbu Ua draadad
momut is Ua
BO bisemii Ua preauk yu aball
ut it teaUlag la Ua ligbkaad


.;lBb If yoa do not bare aay meettsg.
You most all try to keep the rales.
saaUiu cblldraa at borne. Bret of all.
lorioc. helpful aad bind to taUer
stoUer. broUen ud aktera
acbul. too. be saatoSBi to toaeber
ud eehoolmatoa He on the lookout
to kind Uioga to uy and do.
will to aarprlaed to flod oat bow
cBueai yoa.wlll bare to do ud uy
Usee Ihloga. and remember ti
pleauni word or •oooy'aBile
oftoa bring great happlaa a Iioo'tfral
or worry .about uyuiag. bat always
look on the cheery sloe of thlnga
member, too. that yu are goiog
toetblBara always Yoa du'i hare to
to cbildreo to to ibak aad a Sanabh
mu or woman u a blaming to Ua
Pearl Tbocebary of Maple aiy wrote
) aa Ue lut day of lev... bst wa did
not gel her letter tiiriui weekUougbtMl Goaldeotgoto
cb&rab UU Saadey moralag 1 wosld
try ud wrl c to yra
lam well ud
baps Uat yoa ud all of Ue dsnahlaen
are well too. There wat not aay
Uk lut week. But there kill be Uk
next weak, I like to go i6
ty wall. There are abut tweire aebol
u roll. Hy taacher'a aaiae k Htia
KUr. I like bar erry mseb
1 study'
reading. ariUmetic. xpeJttag.
lyato pbyal
aad wugoaea week. We bad aome of
mycualaa here ab rat all of Ue u^e
e ume.
I go to Seoday
tehul ab>at erery Sunday
go pretty well
I hope you bu a alee
hope Uat all of
did wo.
I did for
Kor CbrkiBaa 1 got two raaaa a
of Blttoai ud a Bible."
Helea Harr of Grlatt k a aew ei
bom rra are glad lo

aaleat ol little w
helps barBoUv




IneSraale Signelurc et


You Have
Always Bought.



Tbe Pm Vanjiiette HiiM
iioiKii Btx'nt

^ »ii~>-■


Tra«»r—r Cm M
Sr<tr.'>Uc>C.. T«-|.«l
L.tirr kal>4, 4>VS.

c I'WAsa
W Ml

rj 2S I ........1 •____
Srdirc B4«.ic>
Lr lira CsuM,

c Bsa
; Su



SUt K.pis.

Jnti fear years old.
A merry llule auld k abe

Lr x:> IU,iO>
Sr Trft.rrwO)



J anoAserek

i55 .

And race rea ber callan wltb ebatiulag

uiisiti UD loiniusnu l i.

Wit^Tr^kb look la ber browa eyee
Harry H^joria.-

A tired little girl at nlgbt abe gnat
To ber aamma'i lap for awr«i reo
And Ikia to a story till to dream b
Sba gore away aafi k ful wieep


^ . ' ’'I



Jaet Ipor yrara old ''

Al Ckldwell. Texts. Urea Cbneilau
Pobel. wbn dwclU la Ue same bouie
bk Ki eblldru ud graadebll


Hta. WinUm flwartwood. of Mom
tola Top. Pa., k only 4C yean of ag
but abe baabad tt ublldrea, of wbo
uIt two bar# died.

tS '

ST? ti-

liS ?t.


M w ii! /
liii *- iitt

•KAM; ROEBUCK A^. (toJ.rwia


UoM-iatated people are oftoa irrl-


ItyoB^aew Uejuaea yea wuld
Brer bare hchlcg Pilm '
Ain't tloh reougb to go to bed: nbt
well eeugfa to to auteot
The eoeatani iteblng eeaaatiu
Hard to bear: harder to gel relief
dpolla yoor UBper, nearly drlree


a Aar rem-

igo aleeb I
need It for ilebtsg bamorraoiaa. won
t bod bees ueoytd wiU more or le
for Bkey yean.
In warm weather
wu ^rtlenlarly palaful ud uaoyic
aad 'When 1 weal Wbed 1 euH m
rert'oo aecoual of Ue afll ellon. I asc
a oumber of ao called corps, but D raa'e
UiBlmeul k tbe uly ue which gaer
entire rellaf.
It did better Use



Brosek’s Meat Market

troubled aow and bare aot
I oaed Uuo'i Oloiseal
I always *ay

Futer-HUbaraOo . Buffalo.'ff. Y..aole
tortbaCpltod Htatoa.
____ember Ue sasto. Dob
takr DO eabaUtute



dlty, D»troU,Sew«
•U, ▲&& Arbor. Tolodo rb4
polou SMt and Sosth. ClOGB.
ooBDMtloiu At OopamiaDwltk
Sun Tau.AgL TtodA*.

EiuUutloD cf Teulgn.


Choicest Meats, Poultry and Game.
JT'O'wl lA. Rofbnrrn

I Jrsmw OIM- cswwrmlsg si I stlesk
SsgrMr. 1bss4 U..................IBS

-5 '

f rwh. Salt and Smoked M^ts, Sausages ttc.

mis grurspky.




EIj'e Cnu tan



r^terr^d srt s<




^ra<c's4ras/r >i Ur ItsrrS sad sspam

TrUlKUr. Mr to WMI
tLf BSinMIBa M Wrm* im—L. Xre

'iScsua Milt to rrssbsS si sll Uarrsmlsa*
.s ton. Bird

Carriages, Catters, Sleighs, Etc.





Wsyu Csuty Beak BMg, DSTBOIt

Hot^oeiDg4Dd General Repairing Done

ggfir •I.2S ua UP

Kidder of Wexford, who k Uirwu
yun old.


BorPaintiBg and ITpholBtermg.



aba did aot base Ua aouf to SB



That k a sice little fsally to al
SaabUBS together. We Ulak Ue

tboegbt 1 woald write a.ietur to
tbs Bnuka
Masaa aara aba wuld
aoi do WlU rat yur upar. aba lUec It
s> wall.
We cbtldree like to read tto
cbHdraa'a letter.
It b Ue eoly paper
A frkwd lut^se
Vratt Oempaaioe* Uiu yean
We Uoaght Uey were raxy aka
wutad BBBBa to rigs tor Uai


Bears the

Sbe pattoaUy aawa wlU atiichas sea
itf rasa o'er Ue booae wiliiog feat,
Doing Ua srnada Uat sbt k told.—
Hoty Harjorir.

-1 am we yun old aod I eruld like
tojrin Uedasablae Qnb. Tbiaktta
fl kl time 1 bare wrlttea. Hy little ah
tar BcaalekweeayuraoldulBy Uibroibar Lac k turyeaiaold. Taay
woa'd like to Join Ue Hosahlac

loUer will to glad too.
Here k aaoUer happy fsBily.

The Kind Yon Have
Always Bonjht

Tba a dear llula glri wut deara.
Aad ap usa Ua groaad wlU a foasy

alM> boeoswa fratiel. aad beoe U on a
katraa pletors of Bsay
are wlUOt glOOB
arad by lbs tomiar fre
aad aadanat, aad IIH k_____.
I adrlM yoaur tarBara aapadally to eslurata a cbeerlol dkpoaitlon.
Uo sot wrap
... as
all year
yoor ti
tstertoU. all ,.jr Uoagbiaasd o~^took to please V
lo ralt.

______ llghk
ooaa to aal aww Uie playUlafi
aaltaa, If aba oafy bM a place aai
> tor Ibalr baeolD(. A aat of
abaloea or a eapboard Bade of a dry
fooda box. poA ae la Ua paauy or
waabn>oB.ortaaeereero{ Ua klleh
It lor tbta parpaaa.
A sqaara box, •ritboorerfaataaed.
da prcttr •!
I eorerad aid
aadj^letbalitisg rooaaiarao
Tbit aonof i
lAod oogaa
laaof farolu

TwInfcntH and

A dear llttia toy wbo was kard al play
dot dowB u Us ka oaa day, OBs day.
Hat dowB u tto las U a aaddu way.
Bk haada Aaw ap. asd kk leatBi
Aod to felt eory aad I haeut a
iSUartuHta foraBaagyMaw
Bat ha awallowao baid. aad to •
oalla tuk
laar. Tbuk yu. dear.
T^a pasera
TUI M Bsea os 0 BlSBU w ta
lattor (roB ewa of ur
Aadlaaw'a tear did toabed-aol be.

IBCBIB aad araatissa
8k k a bard lev ba
ba ploda aloog Osblad bk
toiutsl eas. aad with tkktbowfbt
t U bk Blod. ba torat ^ Uy work al alght to groat
with a glooay aoaotsaaoes
a frotfal




Tba OtKaroaoa-

■W.M. S. O. ■«», fedlMT.

SUte St, aear'^ai



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