Grand Traverse Herald, May 03, 1900

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Grand Traverse Herald, May 03, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




%rand Traverse Herald


IBS uusiBa

O. P. Carver I




ua M* «bt elatsst aM> Um of
SprlBf 8^« <rf WoQleoi DOW
eewto.wkttwill bet

mmsE m smb bui

TSct* k > b.y I
liTI (isaattn

Merchant Tailor Real




lOMraESMUtooksdoat. TMraadi
-aa acar tbebaMe and tb* saw ibat
e wwkoy mee wee. wna am xbbuj,
M-. SeracE* laAad ‘fsrteUy happy. raaMala Phrit. rceUved a MiMTfr^
Bt was laamlBE bad la tbe atourb. aM bU aepbiw. wbo was at that tli
UlmUauawaidrieiac. cbewiaE EaU- tradev !a Bydavabad Tbe lettw
aad talbiXE sll at oms
Uua Fetraioa dldaetapmm.
-I have reeelvad Ite pertralU o( ay
-■ to the fire, removed her aictka. omae*. Maty and Uancaiet. wbea i
cd a book
■ ' *from the tabic aa# bave never bad tbv pieaaara ol veisEr
Shv read detcrmlaedly. 8be told
herMlI that the wa* coMC M nsd.
w» tba ea«e el Ibb tveebM. a>4 wSb
*i Mb* rwEtsao wlHvd to do AM; Barra ta tac te*E <Jaok Bco ab
—'— -■------------ ‘yt mas eMbe^
I Axai ot ii.-tober. aad with year
atmt ehail marry my btaaUfal



■ ami

CrwB tto.kll^aaAUk kt

icaiiia'am pcenit4ik’
SNik ■ wwMy
u plkkk.
TiU iM rank • ,U kv la cxtor.
«ntl ik«! Ik biM
led tky Iran Is In;, sad Xu-.rr


NO BLUFF! £Sg'.«





MEN Wanted I

a W.Fueklk


AtU>n>er«»t Uw.

' We want a few reliable men to
repreaent.tbe Btrongeet and beet
________ 1 Sick__________________ Oonpany in the world.
■ettied withoat the oanal amongt
of red tape.

Mone// to Loan on Improved Rea! {.state Only.
Jobiiwi, Blck, Phon. 7:t

Tn-nrim City. Mick,


Business Oards.

Traverse City.

Tniene Glti Schwl et iulc!


Oorwtr PraQI ua CM>eu.

P. ".ii'il

Pacal Babn Citnd Tbem.


eemtioed vtaiioaary ea adatMtataad.
It wavk aearebjiEhi aicsal fawm tb*
dwatrsloJolave^iad jMU»yapw
la SB lastast aaete basM^sp«. wtO: ward from oaa e( tb* TasB*l* at tb*

’“■sTs.aiT.ur.......... rr^i.lKi''na


Plate Olau, Stain oil er and' Accident Insoranoe

etwuUM u »»U»a IK lb.t Ik
Mk* ■■ bk or tocki kMT. am «oI«b«.

- kk,

Be tookiL preatedit mvehaau-aliy, Ucatte barmoor
iieved that
aod iaaaotber moweat Be w*k Eoak
ben waaiu* same .
Hat FerEDkoa vat d-twa by the Are
adalltel to ber.-'f thatvbc was
At IvBEib a
a the e'umda aa a bMa. tb*
dleappoialed .Ur. S:-BEn do !.-CEVr Uatreac-1 aacaaaoperatlBE the aoMcr IMw becared
for ber _ Be
He _wa» _B.p»ier w-tb wou;i be .0 Far*
.day The
Ess 11 talk to etch oibcr. TV abaft
Hat Gate*, wbo c
wiib ijBektias*.
thea. wb^ khea^d abre
le w*« : t
repjed -Aat hu mj
determined aot to care. i
ladeliaiaad b
aad that he
tb* O ymbia -at mad. to woes Hnt M
take tb'JiE* pit.»*oabirB‘:y.
bim -y. 'am.
am cl-d
aace of the tberW' aad thee to iba Mt *<tV
________ e -rai livtie tbaleverdularbed , i»f, ,ba
tbat wtalob whlu 'lae
lae Ir
irem tb* deck of tbe draft
I'k-.l Ur Swuee*. bat be wai .bad cauicd a'.i
if-irtaae* of
iVr-Sve allva away
ootbioE to her
She bad bkeo foolhb t ,rp. la* Varyi
t ot tbe Artkir- Uew_____________
y»id-and kte would try to forrvt
B>Ui n'vtrra voted
by a t-.ric* ol riebt aad Mfl Mpve
P.tkiBE' uober book abe r«vmrd remaia maiuk l.rcver
Tac Piilplaoa bar* ——
readioE where abe had ieli rff. aad a buaebbicked aod pr Ibeaaeooa.B.
tb* A-nericaa oolpoala.’ cam* tbe fe­
- - ----- - „e the day with the
The arr.vrd
rae father em ply.
At tooe a* Dewey bed tebed a
braced him cordially the daoEbien'ineatlki. hv weald bold bb l«bt periBE. tbat niEbt her pil- eorsarjed Frm..j at. ______________
' away|teeUyavleLtofermabe**far tbeelEItb tear*.
Tbey wee# , Uelr eye*
Tie father explained
lb. aalllar a: ibeotbereV.
d the
e%a-d, by. tbey wca.dao-. aceideat that uad A-faliea ibe let er. I Ai; tau took piae* la teU vMw ef tV
kbe-couM pot
pat 1It fivB) her aod itua red of ai
objset Acerieao army aid tbe •cbU« nil-•■-er afUr a littV frmio‘0.' cry AI
place. aad wa* diaeeraabU fararadlM
ibalkbe waideie-mised
ised IId bake no
• My cjoiia Uary " • iwered Ucl^oae haodrw'
- •
adrvd mile*.—CxeAeapr


at 315 Front Street.


I joat sow rwwlvad a dUoaicb. letter. "
1 by. Hra Beek-aad Uiaa Perra .a»rta
1 doa't kaow wbea I aha'.l tee you eboMS


.«.V.u-.u.> .lIUiPd„,
a.k kl» br;a-a> .


I - «i.< .acM^ n.
Tw isifub itki
rk.r. slrO^Csa i

Miss FergosoB.

iadikBk FerEUMB iapkliaetly await­
ed tbe ereaicr. Fcr a week *ba bad
oaaaily did
next day
baea viaiUDg bar couia. Silt* Beck,
a* fr.afa m abe bad beea for ‘
aad biewilr. and ibUeveniaE Bobei.
*k ii> come. Had *he kaawa :
Once become accuetoioMi to their uae and )oa are lost ____ ...
Scroggi 1**1 expected >bei
■said Bot bave dared to ber eon*
without one. We have them for temperature, for dairy me. for et«r>
!B ju:si talk Unr.
die «a* facre,

- aodnowlbkV u.-»a» cobiIoe
and for tliermometers.
... .
Joldeceive h>
t-y uyior
We fiU them that kbewaaaoriy
Briai! Prmcriptions and Family Becipes to na
Mit* Ferguaos feUtbaiiho bad been
riKht, with <lruin> that are ri{;ht. at prices that aie riicUt.
uoklad to Ur. SemEra He bad eh .-red
ter hi* heart, and he wa* k iiseere
• DearRobeit. -1 have ehaBE«d Thr i •
biuuvlf.' excUimeJ ibeolbvr “-*»’• ?_“**.*'
. Sbe hkd kDkWered eeidtj. - Ur
IxIuaF" j*»l»r. tSt Eo->d aaloreJ Utrrarv!
aoMmok i tow mr«ii mmm
aaawer it y«*.
EE*. ItiklBpoialble " How beartErrhnntt.
' Kl!U blmaclt. ' the BephTRAt-KESE CITY. MICH
Wbrn re
n eeemed loberaow.
Bat there
■ a maa ab .at to esm- ot me direetorao
bees Froleiaor Edward Caalwcii
A (jeaer Place'mlta.ieidr.
Reed, and ii aecaed differeat iben
Hra Wythe l>.-nby. wif.otnioo ol
' Uy poor cli
Ulkk y.-rSUklB wtk a u*thcBiSllc:kO. the formv mioialer 13 Cbioa, la • it:l-1 wiu toara ia ber cyrt
Not Ibkt tbe ever did nivcb in a practi lap la l^'.waukee aad Detroit afler a ; ao far tr meet dra;b to
uoaom of I'
m,eh.- | rMUd“I ii|y
two ywra aW&ce ia Alaaka, where I bik famiiy;"
yoa bave All tabM Itr
She aaa-i'ruTekaor Uted ber batband u ia eba'p* of fflinlne!
"I know."'coal-aned tbe ai
bad aslby Ibc boor oaenaiinE pr. b property
Id a recent interview Uri : “iba; my deformity I* effenaive
lem* is which they were intereated.
Iiu; lor ibeac meetiBEk be'*Bkwer.c
radUBoben ScrOEE* wonid bate bi-sBiVff.-r.
"ftoole fr_» every eoonlrj and am *lv« aware that <ny potiUon aa a 1 "r.^ .w.
fmm every claaa in tbe world aiTEnth- meraba-.t i« ooi the bmi E-rarvd:
She now aai is Bediis'.ion belore'cbc
ered there and everyone i. looking i.ot !fr-ioi ea'iv yjjih in tbe diam >nd trade . i-,
ii iiZ 1 11111 **" Fwniy ■«
briEbt Bre. Bow stupid ibs bad beta,
far the great opporioaiae* that tSer j-lbe oaiyu-ad. carr.eJ on lo njdera-. L~“
kbe ihouEB-.. to aappokc tbataheceiid
enjoy kiliinE lorcrer drilliac away at


ber saibriattlo' Do people ever niir’Mbf'W'd. ■
jam youar. active, iodnau!^: ihMe i
ry lor ibai v- Wbat bad ITolaaaor £.-ed
e riche.
. =«wi‘0 »« ■»»» !■■'
!■ tw*BlJ«l-SMB
In tbem.5'.m,"
. J."'‘
' There it not a akfruge in nlLudali
done.- Uarried inal veritabie chatter Joaean. Taere art wagon* and tledi; “Ym. yei—
I box aad atiachiel luiinE Tomboy, b*3ie for bauiiagasd there are borae* todoi >e>k.- norm,
At lor hersell, did abe eter
tbe work, bot there are no earripfca
reaiiy love Profraaor i: -ed’ Weii pri- aadu for aulemoblet and pneomiiu:
"Poor yuunE maa.'
taapa. Aaybow.kBe wat-very alapi;- Urea I have teen my fint today I and theb added.-Ini
abe was aarc abc wa. aiapid. .
don't know wbal one would do with atfaard. conaiB. but yon
yo don i turn to,
^ ewmlM froM
Aad tow—eerlkitly late bad ibrowa carriaEt in.Jannn
lean even if
if ooe
one b
has : miad that "
ber io'be wav of tbe man who had
thing. Ttaete are
,re reaiiy
reail; no,
Uefoaed aad by who.- ' uked tbe !
tralj lored ber—tbe maa wl-<in tbe air.-ei
them here,
it* at ai; av wavblck
w« iblck of
here. eonaln.
He belurred IB woman's
for they
■piankH over
•r likeavlde-r
' Woy. by yoarwrlf. i. preterriaE T
litmn, and tbat .iBli'
that tb-,* wa* fortotioo*
mral happy '
When, atiaal abe beard Ur SmEEV
aiQPisE tbe wet *bow off biabxiU the door and tbe leit that abe
tamed allute pale. Sbo wateeruiay
naemn wc tuber go 'or boat cr os i
Voa cooteai. ay pretty
oerroet—an asusaai - tbio; f}r ber. borneback or walk' walk* mUrt' MarEarc’' *ac.a;m*d th* hanebbiek.
Tn* TongM't Pnmao*.
WhcDbe addrekted ber a* ' Mi» Kcrhad mile, tad ibinlieaoibinEof tr*ms-' "To u>e a re.nimn'a life I eannot
TbeewrioaUy of the loogM d«aaMt
This is the lime of the yesr to consider liealiiii:.
Euion" it aermrd odd atid cj.d
InEa'kmEPver.llnpe yeordoroyroada bev.^ie* momencanve th* hnman bring aomneb troabto
For ten yesTs 1 hsi e liaudird
uked local; ber - laoia ”
Idont be.iem tbat mere la a ^oman !
• \ery good, mydaogbler. aaU tbe „ uie earknlty of tb* By*
Bal the
"So yon're anjaaiaied'
wIthjD iia limit* 1* tbe moat
-- tbe ttre,
Ura Jlcch. a* tbey tat hi
rubber boom end who iao't obllgrd tojerive that rrumtK-ev bave not ap^-kJ eorione ot ai,
ber la«e radiant with
yoa It Lave a very liml
pet them to tr(<,ti-ol ote. too. for lllyoo
limited inoae,
tb* dcnlial
make e eheagn la tIkB
■ Now. I'm atraid wo'iin:
ibere-^a little, k-iti.
a-ifi. i bat
bs‘. I mhao;
mnso: foriake m»
my fatfaer'v
falber'i a-jo In mouth'
moutb: ielhi—
iBlfaia remove
a tooMu Sr rw
you two. Hat Ihes. lf yon'd a—been rtfet and rain* there—a
ap8ioE«;ic *urt Of a yale tbat | bi. di»tr-a* I wi.'l keep him here u
;,im hj, ^dmirebU artilM OM
xsairyioE proolc—two aoch people a*
Over oue hundred in successful ojK-ration in tliis city
■0 rcgultr y u ta acinel y mike . my ton :a4aw
If there e eo agli.lur : tbai'bu lo9E been Ahoeat
yoa—yoa'd a been married—bolb ol
. and Borroimdihu coonlry.
A b'oarsiiUo Ixjuil lHvph
ope feel nBcoafortabie withuol.
' three. tUer- it alvoenaagb for four "
chanE* the - form of a tooth b* fsmAyou. loBEaEo."
‘It ti a (icl tbat when tb* aantbiB.-t j "l'iicle.~ we.-l tbe riepatw, ••with .
. w.
^ t—iiei,» apa MTttr.
, with every furnace set by
Yon laiy Irutl Uii* .Fersotoa.'. so­
Janeau one get* ooeuy. l»UB<>ii,r yoor periuoaion I wi.i . retire to nr
^ wbel tba (oaga* willda. It
red Ur. ScruEB*
''I'm no aod|
doeicol iiuprore tbe pecnlter tyalem raagr my toilet a little before leneh
laneh . —m
..,.1 th.i yi— «.a4»y
k.u-y ynrf'
atcooodrel. yoa kDow.bu'.yoa will
. „
-fal and m'oete aeeowat of M MtiEs.
'PP ' .
Ula* I'erEUaoB aa riEtd aa-a. tbe
He kitud Uargar.ta baod. bowed Then li-ill Unger.^ tba pUan. U
F>ont Street
± pole •
to Uary. and -iiboreto- ebange bit ,* u called to eit«r dslUa It mmit
itm I'ergoaoa eonld not bard feit
it n goodhul ef fev
:lch oneqoii
■e nneomforiablr than abe did 03w
cr It vcow
Tbe uoele anc
etcapea wBbo it i
Bonceal ber eonfoama nbe tnraed to
Yon never tStak «
_..*nEv tome Bawer* in n vnte. waicii,
uaooou the tonebed it. broke :o- brella, tbsugb. Somei^.^^e ml
iD*t teem to be eo wet u it U here. | noanced
tbe tcrvnal
trrvanl Both tiaierv
, tb*
Vo. bo dlEnwau that tbeaa ew
.to n dcrea piece*. btoopiDg qniekly to
or perbnp* it a Joat taeci
ooe ECU
peaied iDvaetUaiioot p------------ -----------pick tbead up. now bioablaf very rnd.
uved to golBC ahaoi pi
•ly drnai.- ,
They bebild t TooBg annoyaaea
la tbe aappnied maaMr, Ihn
abe nwkwaidiy nptei n lerEC easel
tee any dia- {genlleman of eieeder
■lender aad lymmetiis!
man. tbe longv* la aatbiaE ann than
and lUpaicUbC
Ibes tbe rose up
I form enter the room Be edn
In Ibtt matter nvovaa that ItUsB aa*
very quickly and left the roaa. moriilotice U mint to Ike long asm-> and rmbraced-Uirgaret. Piadog be- miy member aad wlU aoI ba SMBed to tbe verge ol despair
She won
dayi. It really Idea not get dark j fore bar a beantifal buket be taid: trolled.
dertdlf ab* would ever dare toaee Mr.
ll. yoa.kaow. I've teen Ibe enn | "Tbia la your dower:'
SrTBggc nESin.
—.....................................moaeielei at 11 o'e'oek Thebatkv.-Meiedwlibdlomood.
«« astUAE
Tbe lollowiBE morning tbe had ber
boneh -bieb
■ lliaaieo Ibe baneh
bu dcwtll aerve Itexeapl tba fnlUat w
breakfut rent to her. com p'.alnliig of at Bigbi. and it >e^<.B;y a llliie dntky
brtwcee 1 and t. which ia ibe dtrketl eeived tbe eokkim tavau oBect*. aad , t|gm ot lUearkmlty. It adU wow
n beadacbe, and did not veotnra down
nUin nntti the heard Ur. Scrugg*' time of tbe dav. bet Abe moon abioea arrive^ here free of dniy. Tbit." add- onu rmtiin bat It trill
OBtjutlheaamr. It teem* ten timet ed tbe neiibcw.vkbat I bare carried pbont the atrsage cbaHP—£1
fdotetepi rolPE oat of tbeli'.t'.e e«te
ubigu tboorh I-. were right down 00 my kboulder. from Bomb^ tolrYni. ^^^ ••««* *'
and down toward a cab'-n where ooe ol -------------- -a>;S. tral it tpn'l do mr-*Havre, for ibv pnrpou of cEvrlet It to |
bit qneer fancin took him »*®P'|
ablBing ■
line away, tbe fair EDuin wbo wu vHIUe 19
Where Fine Boaay u Uadp.
' Bat w
-he op
■tbal day Tbe-fleeat bcaey la tUa anmUiy h
Inter wbeo
light ie ibr wint
. a abe .
atfaered from falvaa whm* wk'W
we bar
mre a (plendid eleeirie iigbl
down andI (ectered. tbe parlc
lover aad bamwood am adnmMHe.
onoeau—arc turned o.nat :ito o'clock |
meraut Ur.
"r. ScroECt lockiog 1
D Lacton e Favonte Story
a qeaatlij. boweecr. It MUa bAM '
Ibe alternocn acd bave to be burned i
.»*icn BMer wearied of re­ .hat mad* from tb* goUam rod Md
With ad" eSori Um* Fergakaa con­
in* fcllowinc
fell baekwbeatblo-apm. From Item Twk.
gee* lotl’er j pcaiiBg th*
trolled bcrielt
BOOS leu abd other BoeUI faneUcu in laald. liluiraird lb* IrreprcBolbla geed PeeaaylvaaU aad Yermemt aamaatha
-Ooed morning. Hr.. demgEv" ‘be Ibe earb. lo tbe old days bef >ra i bnmwof tbe nrEre tcldici;
moil of Abe eemb bewsy. 1
mld-ltbonEbll’—-----------------------I beard yoa EpIbe 01--me aad Calttorsta -electric IlgbtB tbe women oeed to carry | "Tne BEbt of tbe Ei Ckney aSair;'
aatef eatratud or ll.________
laaierMwbea tbay went theppiBEOr :aaid tbe geoernl. •-wbeo mydlviakm
r U mad* fremaenetatre
' wu btrcBing back-o K Paso lo take
uU-dd M mo|M
b aad wild tpwacB. It U
---------------------------- --I Bp a new pcel-.ioo tie P.XI msralBE. I
idonn friend to]
l therv ■e np Are yon
»■.. r-B—k.' webh. .ua.
farm U 10 beat_____ _____________ _
tied to
bee flifbt data aot aslamd dear M«a
"I nm well now." abe
mUu By the auv btva* is «M*
have ehanEtd *icc* ypo saw me Ian "
arUiekal wax It plaaid Ibo snmaafB
■■I belUve yen are -More bcantifnl."
yitid ptr blea hr- "—*------------■*-----alTlni ciot^ teoiSrTS !Sa'l«^T -*» :>•« begioniat u. dawn wbea
be declared
Amoas the artlclm wu a vanerabfe *9 beard acme on* camlaE down tbe uyoaadaaaaai a toiM.asddCMBM
■ Dont patter me." abe proudtedaT-^^ : ««>•
top^ bit Inaci. (ear Uae* that a
--1. flatter'' be exelaimed. . -Wtaen mubtarf f^^ibi*

will yon learn. Mlu Ferraaon. that 1
SktpjMad Bam ta taa.
am Ineapablecf tb* art .' Von have not
ebanfad eo mneb, then, aftet ali."
It U aotgaasMIybBawstbaiA^BM
to bei two yonog
dangbler*. and „ ''HeteMme the caio^ treope-'eald
•OBOE danghler*
"Yon ore crael if jso cpnlradieime."
enongb lb* Twealy may tavBcta maBss flsr waeUataA
aiU over tbe Ivnvee abe
. ivu of samiadid ASiWAthm sadm tt*
.. rra'whieb were pokled tagclb
"And wtra yon never cmelv" be atkIsflaBanaoCaold. ffUsAAd baailwmm
>he immellalely act to work to
poral. be
r.rf t^ gw and amadsa latssii Ingmssd talf.ssl »at
irate them with crval <»r*. and
■'Porbape," ab* aseircred. "Bat I reaad
...■otueceu crowned ber cEorta tke
tbe extra gaa aad MbMUb^ StaAMdi***
good woman wu inlentelyinrpriaed to
. bcloBgrd
1 limpinr aloag
bow? I have' And hidlen b;lweeo th*gummed pagei
ntx flve-puand Bank ot Englnad aotu.
AtUfle B-.ment

btlu Beck earn* ip. They wort eneloeed In nb eavclopc. bavereauk. bat Is bit arse he carried a
vrmevnry frayed aad dirty, and <m tbe
I iha woodmao. and when
'BernEt* tnrntd to Introdaee Ua ba^ofcaa wu wriltaala lab UcfallowinEKBarkable beqauti
fricad toUiv* Fenmaon ab* wuEPPa.
"IbAvewoAed very, very bard for yoa march all laat nlcbir
On tbe followiBE day Ur dowEE*
A aambmof -bambla bass bsmw■ Vee.air.-eald tb* corperal,
pnlCB hit overaoai aad leltt^boau tbia. sad. faaviac ao rclaUvet. leave
nmtly basi iblinmd ta Bow Smtaadta
to minim
uaoenu bicmkfut wn* over.
Wtaat dMT reader, wbmovver aball be tbv
tbU maaanr. wbma tbsy m irnm
■■-And didn't yon
tbM meant to Uiei Pbvebuo abe wonid ownarof tbb B< y Book, my lawfal
t Ptatsl ta tartaiUwitemlMssw
"•Jbt*. eir.'
-cAackBowlcdce even lebenelf . It
. bak tauiy bam taMtamd tata
-■■And bavra't yoa barn ■
{ wu a loceiy day—tbe lonelievt tbat abe
war niao* 10 o'clock taaigbtr
.. Men Who Blbamata;evrr psseed.
Urn. Beck, lobe anre.
•■'Yer, air.'
^ never eaaaed to obatiev. bat wbal
Aa oBdal raport of tbe Saetlaa■■ -Veil, tbm.' abeated Wabb. -what
________ & wemiAh talk can «U tkeeuUavntof
........ . la tb* Depanmeal la thaader am faa canyiaE tbat dag
__________________ e womaa'a Icoely heari?
When Mivt
bat aomt of tb*
peaaaata la tlw
____ mamaarthyoftbnaMW itata.
IsthBmaaacrof u
Tteront, wbldb *mm AsmaMsa, ara
bmi. or. u It it
"Wabb JoatT^lad eem ta the .dirt
__ Bte.UteB.
Dir^^ Ural Beck
"lejka.- Tb* bed-------------------------------- aad Uagbed aad ertad UhaAboy.’'— OAly moaataiB'braaha *r rlratata at
mesi—rticasmslMstwMtplgyter>nlpdi<rrud Itgalf to aael^bor wbo ttOTg. aad all they do b lo 'repiceah
captwbm the vata talk.
claimed to baveaeouia wbe married ihejtove aad^ dbpport life by a dimln
anlccecfOrneral OraeV aad Him Fm- iabad ruioe of bUeb broad dl|«ad la
d Be^. bUtaess t
Hew th* baby U sastad ta Ftaata
wntxr. Tbev try to harp u fmavwa■a'movad sat ta t


I (-SkABirb'lNM.

......... ..........



CAWFBSLt.-rw «ek»wl u rrobku ' |


*T«W I
Ur where yoa live. Send'tn four
MldreM aul we will exiOaln the basK
nee* fuUyi remetnher we {njaraotcee
eieerpioiuof tS fer everr day's worfei
ataolatelr sure, tTrlie at once.


oentoiT. MICH.’


J. W. GiimUett,
Opp. Eor.Eo«e

• «MUtta, CM MMMiui ai In.
BallPboea ti:.


Brosch's Meal Market

,?L“r 1;

Choicest Meats, Poultry and Game.


H'o-wl ±a. Season..

Eresh. Salt and Smoked Meats, Sausages Etc.


P. B&OSOH « 80V8.


Boon: »

l.ahsapkar, Midi.




ITnnfly tO IdOUl



Carpet Cleaning Works

One of'Uie most choice and complete lines
in the city.,at
- '

K. B.CBAnK.Prap.

J-. J. BREZI2Sr.A.’S, *

.................. ..

iKtaS' zr,

Traver»a City. Micfa.




SwTcyor and Civil Engineer

Broeeh Blook.

B theinnabiaii

848 Front Street


TO'.WNOrKCK that he

paired since the fire, and will l>e pleased
friends, old and new.

The Continental Assurance Co.
li s eaoMrTklive kloek compsay. wlih » auh cspltsl el tlOS.00% tarolst
Mpaliej hdderkorkrSSi.inp tlOl.ow dspkSltsS wlU tb« Asditor ot
Swte l«r proUcUoE el sU salley boldeis. AH psKdas sfs Urletlr sp.to4am: Elves brth eais sad kMsItkl iBdeaiaUy. Oar hasplMl tlekato clrt
Wmlsaat la s prlvsM reas te IM Jlttnlt Ssalurlaai or la ward* la
maepetUslMateEhakp'.MikteUiel'alMd SMte*. II res dmlre *bt
*— ot eithar sesidMl «e taaaUb loaraau or boapttel UebMs yos
staMld teaoar (1____
y«B will COB•alt Sk res wUI have ao etbar.
Mbar. AaBieMbcr tbe OaoUabatal
Ik U
' OaBpsay wriUas saeldeataAA
itsAAMMlBkataaea Osamadkce
tRDY. M«tr..NortAwaiWrB
NortAwaWra Hleh




Hack, Busand Baggage Transfer Line

Best Livery In Northern Miehigma.
Psad sad Ms SMUs ta OcpMstta.

meet his

A Fine Stock of
Watches and Jewelry on Hand.

Some rare bar^ins. resulting from the hre. l.ari;e
line of Sewing Machines and Machine' Supplies. Cali
and look over the stock.










»CAm, ROCSWCIt * COw •

.ii' .

..uru-ok- ,


"ear-". MAT t. 1000.

Traverse Herald

Taoabaeo tor Beet Vev.
Tbetcaeban tor the eaatlar jmt
woe aafecod et lett wtrkb
at the iBerd el r^-r‘^
S. W.
iWle. tfacaewBaBberef the beard.
m ecttre part la

n«. i. M erdlMMe r*q.lri«r
_Ud«y«"»W* »*•*“•
•n*r»draur9w» *• •‘V •'>«
”k,^WM-eSuraic raolw —

n|w. Ukte*.

(Mt m»nj earsT*! !■
w«k.wb9, whealtUdeU,
laarivor ta*eUe<
br»hed«j.»U«iriMm- Tb# dtv»»
“<* J***^^'
tee. ibu U ta luilslf rtst thee* perao#.
•Id be fw»li»ed W unre »■ draf*
lariellbMtiuriaf Ue fee s»d 0«»
wUl»o before ibe
wiU. their

«M Mi Tkmmdaj «ftan
•ad «k« Mtpwlec dde«M« *>d >

• lUri^

partrteh. B. *. Oerllrie.

Oblelol PoUae Beeele et»«d
•ieht thkt bio aoUee Vo drornes to pey
their UaeoHebythedretfl
UoeoMeb»thedr.lof Mey »o;b«rr; f. V- •ladetererroiievbo eorstee I
s. HeMerae- btalaete. eod tieleee they pey the
Iterate.theeerae Mtherefeler dret-


Mi mt>

Itw'ttAlie pUin cod-Uvtr'
oO. Doctor says, tiy it. tk j
u weBtdl me to mdlf,
rbutter andtfytotaKeJ
them. K b tcio rich and.
will upset tito stocnadt. Bull
you can take milk or cream. |
io you can take

tto «0
MO 00

sn w

Scott's EmulsioRi

Praath K-cberdiea .....
Ceatral Bebool.


Bee they •'lU be proeeesMd.
The reralar drayoieo hew ell
rated eeetldeieble Beaeyia their eel*

d«n Wiil thrive and grow.

Melfb«s^O-B- Uesna.
4»»WM prMm w*r V
W. P.O«»e«.»afl E- V Siwe uM they »o»et; eod Hothm telce aaei••■of beellBCwbleb the eelebllebad
dieyBca eeo ead ere rsedy esdwilUsc
httheUetr^leraieeUaf of 1—3


m er<ll« mker all ihc UB< uatil

»ole L. t

I t.-.r.TT'rr.iVsV,*,

PeOrt'' limpnrndvr.

who <Ued et tbelr hose ev Old Bit-

Mty—Wm. K. McKtiler.
,^taaeleleeer«e.y-D. U. Biller.
TVeawrar lobe Uloteto.
Muibel-Jeaeph Fleek.
Mde nerd—Jeeepb Lethe.




■eplattfo, et 10 o'clock Toeedey bor
\ag BBder the dlreetlM of Belph

•n>ertBelaeofbU eU laoothe' old
ebUd wee brooebt to tbit city -Bo
by Klebolu Berlcc. tonaeriy of U
IbeUMelaeait eatbe eeeeed
city, for berltL Tbeeklld It oae.
Frtdeye erf the B*lb to C ». P-1 ttrlot. BtwBcrtetdIdaet come .
•ecocDtottbe tcrieei iltocB of t
ether BbUd. Mr. Bertce rawreed
Kewberry et oace.

4U 00

WoBOO'c Cleb KeoapttoB.
The rmptloa Modered by the WoBea't Clnb
Friday efteraooo. f
Ibcae aol mcBbert. who bare helper
tloec tbc orirealnUon el ter dob to
Bake tbe prognmt a tooeati, wat a
rety pleatat affair. The reoepvtoo
waa lo ebarge of tbe eteeoUre eocoaiv
tee. A plcetat progran preceded it.
whieb wat to here beee nnder tbe
taderahip of Mrt- DetBad. botowUg
toalekaratlo ber feal.y the wat aableto be preeeot aod vbe preaidat.
Bra. Bobrru. prtalded Bra Deeatoad
•atalargeqnutity of beaoUfol
atloa la tbe elab enlora, yellow
wblle. wbleh graced tbe tablet ad
piano, ud wb'ieb were dlttriboted at
lb« eooclMlOT of the afternoon on
beee who attitled lo the program.
Tbe program wa opened by I
Boberu. who graafullT weleomed
necta of the afteraooo and iotrodeced
Mite WUbeim. who gare a InleRaliag
Ulk upromiDMl
America eompotert.
MUt Myrtle Biller illattraliag ber talk
by two deligbtfal eoogi. The Mtewt

Fridoy alter oooo the oody
ABelUUralUea wet leM M reil by
ioriiw frieadc who wUl bvIb ber freei
rkca te JeoHB A. Hlaek of PMcBtey,
ly aa Ibt ycen go by. Tbc foaerel e
bytbe Bar. A. J. Bldcad. MBtitadby
the bfUeb letbar.
TbabcUe orae etUrad la e delaty
bnadrede who bed fcaowa ead lared
tewaof while eUk Booatellaef
the deeaaiad crowdlag to pey a latl
•Worried brMaereaee.aad the
IrlbaU to tbc departed. The floral ollerian were prelate ad beeoUlcl•aaetkae ead erbol
The faera! aarrlee wet la ebargo of
reUewlactba careBCBr etaaptaBer. B Saltbery. who tpafca lo reiy
d, efiar
leachiug laagoage of tbe Utc ol tbc
whWBr.aad Bie.aieek lelleethe
^ated. and gmre wordt of eoBtert
»:U Bala (or tbBr aow booo lo PMto Ibe beraved taavHy. the pall
d by the boot wlebca
bcarera were Alfred V. Priedrieb. IS.
al tbolrB
daub. H.- Matagae, S. Oarlaad,
BlUad Hoar Bk BapUe.
T. Haab ad Dick OaapbeU.
■k BepMt. April W-A awe who boi ____ttoOertnide Mategnc asd Alaa
- ' baa MaattBod m J. 1. wnbor of Mae- b«^ ead Fred Bnoter ad Will
Habbt forniebed Ibt BBtle for the eer;ii«aA. wot Ullad by tbo alto
■ toalB Moadayebeat beUeBlla
Aa lonMBte taaerml oortege foUew.
.kalBkBMlde. tbotrala lorTrerwee
t AUee jeaer
\; .«By had jat loft lUi tewa eadwae •dtbe reawlatto their lett‘, rcetlag a able article on Motle in America.
pUet la Oak wood omaateiy.
t •' l-^ WMl^ et a good rate of opcad.
ral of tbe matt promlk
> ewndad a ebetp earra. ad tbo
The loneral of Bn. Mary Oatec
nut teboola of made In tbe llnlwd
—w-naatbatrwik. ~
held frem tbe tcaldeoeeet her death- Stalea.
I npoetedly bat Ut
to-. Mr*. ?. B- Barnam Friday atiMIti Bpnkgae rad a tororlto poem
BdUwtaaeaaad la gaUlagNtof
>e lau Mti- Leey M. Stoat, written
.|ba«v- ibd baton tbo train aaaU bo
byBer. y..A. Bready ad the i
by Sir Sdwin Arald. tnd tbe pregiam
whieb «w reiy awnt ad apprepriate
ceneladml by enrreDl matleal
wat ierabbad by Mrt. Bont ad Bn ereaU. gi»« by Mm. George Doyt.
narkBmeltbaaaeldaathadlB hit
wbleb wat Ihtenad to wilb moeh InpetoW two etrto et the Mateet'aakm.
Tba flower gUU of may frlaadi
aabtortaetboMaa of J.J.WUbar
At tbe cooelutia ol tbe rogaltr pro­
'are reiy bcuUtal ad macb aympa
••d the albar a B. Badley. the adtbfr waateaded to Mia. Oalce' daagh gram a boar wat ^at motl delightfaUyingroeUag frladt ad in aelal
tore aad tbelr famUlat in tbe loai '
BatebaamUesttAtfl at J.J.WUbar
aad eaki aiMl
and IM
lee mem
Tboab other engage
beatltol life wUlloagbere
.way a namber wbo.bad
ad wbeae lorlag preeanee will be cad aeau
TbOMefAdflloA. Olbbi rt Bdhoped to bt ptoeat ibi reeepUoa
el Br. ead Bii. A. W. B

wwfl A. Maaday and Tlmotiv r
MoMiay waa flnkbad in iha elrenlt
MrtTbafBdoy.aad a nrdiel ram
coaly waa held a
tetha ptatbtlff after tba )a? had
Lelad Batorday aad it dereloped aer
baaa eat ad Iha aoart reoae o«ly w
aplritad eateeia, altboogfa
■toatoe. Tbo arldnaa waa aaaeladad
the eandidalce were eame
BoeaUc. aad the argameaU
togtra. Tha aaaa waat'to Ika Jiry
' •bMllMe'eloak. aad a vartoal
aaabad toe flttaAt. tba taU aweat ol
peotota lodge a eloie aeeeed.

ihaatotokoeMtobapaM by the to-

Tbo reoa of Bd ward Dowd n Cbartoi
Dnrfl.olal.wre bogon In tot after'
walkaway. wUnlsg with
MOB. aefl toe -teatimOby aU takn.
Bgalaat is for the flald. Tborehaa
Thooore of AlbjB Dowd *t Charita
.determlaod flgbt tor tola BomlOewfl rreto on tbe remt evldreee.
i.-taat Brown diaplayad a taporier
M. M. Imrreoato apptw* (or tbe
tklU to organUtog hit foreoa. whieb
ftolaHSIaoedkoaea. end
addoAto hli good rreord re udar' ADalortor tbe define.
aharlS gan him toa rietery. Bit
(A by
cppnreta were B. J. bteflou. wbo
•reno B. OaulenLeMF.O.
a Fiiraoalred 10 rat*: cbarltadaynt. S: H.
bta.wrepote*or tbe Mm. re
P. MePaH.
•MotoiflHetwooUefBUa HtlugbThe fight for prebaM lodge wat a hot
on* aUo, bat the prrednt toeambent,
Tbe flMotre ooU el Oere WoodniS
Jadg#^. Oampbeil.
Acta e. Weodraff wot eemdooMd by J.
B. A.
W. PMtoM for W. a. PwUr.wbe woe
idt Totre. aods.
modtboolty. AdacrrewregmWfl.

. great BBceaea ad
boU by the elnb >
Alem^ WUl Banquet.
'The Alnmnl tatoelttlon et the High
tebool bad a merry time Monday erentog. tbe oecaeion of ibr exeitamenl betog toe dltentalon aa to whether toe anBoal gatbertof ahoold take the farm
otaballoretoBqnel. ‘nadloenulOB
WM a warm one. and to* qoMtlon wu
daeided boto way* before the meeting

, TMInny wreukn Thindarnight
r; GotaOB Waroer rru toe i
totkoMMotHnUli PowMIn Fmela
oboietlerrwlaMr of daadi. Fcreik E.
tamyor, and
grwreeoen^eMdto toe
lor tireolt
mm tor the relo of
Km Ktog at al. atoen. The
aton M rreerrad. TreUmeay wre
MhnMatreivflly to toa dlrera
«( .Oere t. Kanndy *a 3.
' Eeuady. Thin la a 'can
TbeoearentioBmad* a elaanjtbol
. and beaidu naming toe-coonly tiekel
amed dalagaM to aU toa eooren
et toe eemlBg eespalga-

treyreore had already ibare
a(. a^ tom* were lew <ae«
ator tbeaette otJodg* Mayne
a €t BdwwdOowdre
afl to* piatotWof «M. Oe n^ibr
rena Albyn Dowd wre gim n jiiSimet •tot. There
re to* Jmiy anleodar ai
re with to* eereret of boto

owood .tveeue.
Aea smith. Sixth grade
Martha Cbaae. F.lto grade
Amy Bart. Fcartb grade
Jaule H Blilei '* bird grade
Boima Batbee.Sen>edgrade
Mtbel P Chdy. Flrat grad#
~diLb Adanu. kiedeigarten .


and atai wat earried with a aajwity of


if you w4ib to be Styiitjiiy Ortt^d. ^
r-li.i r..; Iiif.rriiuititir. B.-1-.

"SA preuller.y ead ptaaie comw.te light
in AreecliOB with tbr kllUng.of Joa­
chim Rule and tale eon. at Riga, by
the letrmellThoraiay morning. Tbe
ciller Eruteeeemed lotaerea pramoolUoc of toe aocideat; for it t* wld be­
fore be left borne be took bla little
ebitd iu tai>armr. kUted U aod aaid.
"(>*od Vfr. pel. I may nerer are
Adrala Time*.

'Pe^i^..^<og tbromrb to* Apa
Arbor eaiupot Ueae warm epring day*
cau tee a dcrU or more ombrye at­
torney* engaged in tbe puUme of
iplooicg toot on tbe Omooib walk* in
front (rf the lew ballding. irbe erau
which ha> a rucA bold on tbe etadeoie at Columbia and .Yale lo to* early
epring bu Ukee bold thU year ^ toe
t toe Agricnlteral college TboftA rety comprabuelre report
law etedenu and eaeb day eeu 'mere
indered by Jobe Bennie, ebiit of .the of tbe young men engaged in too new
Are department. Tbc report ebewed tpon.
that toe total operating expentr* of
marl* for ttealtog.
year aggregat
1 In bit pemenlre •dt-i.vlbio.aad toal tbe total reluecf
to* proputy of the department I* SH'-tst or. IneladtogaddiUore durieir the
V l.llr or fo-jrirr-n
year ol tun. The actaal fire* where
by eoamt reid
awd nnmberad
ADra aanwaltr prefer A^
i: falu all


Kktoey TnoUe Maks Tea MternHe.

Aknos erer>-body who read*
htobrotoar. Rtr, VreoUreE Whitman
•per* b am lo know ef tbc vonderfiii
ol Nertopert. wbo had btee aaleeted w
caret made by Dr.
Alamoi orator, that be matt deelloe te
addiret to* gatoerlng if a ball were
denided npon.
. Back toca magoaoimeatly morrd
toreeontMer the reaolnUon preriding
te toe baU. Tbl* moUoa being earried
yan el
erienttfie reaearch by
Hr. Back morad aaabtUWt* preridtog
, Dr. KUmcf. >be emi.
teabanqaetwito to* rere! program.
Tbit propoaiUon wat carried with a
Mipr. 0. W. FralidtoMapU Oty.
_________ ^______ (u! In prmnptly curing
majerily of foor.
la.-ne book, kidur. bladder, me acid
arctUOoert OomMbaloaet^AU^
PrerIrioHware rt
ble* BP d G: Igh:'* blaease. which b tbe

The total loauB by Are dnriag the
yearagriecaledOM.MOO. with i
Chief Benaieoc
rbiy lor
u^aafl toreked toe eoaneil te tbelr)
offerta lo aid him In hie work daring

Tlie Taylof^oollemleii (o.. |
Wflfldwtnl Ave. and SUle St..
...... ............................................................ UC..O.


IM Mirqii.uc.

«. Mosicry, fancy urooos. unere. «-j
Underwear. Cloaks. Jackess, DrApenes,
Rugs. Mailings,.Etc.




1 have received a carload of fine horeee
from Fort 'Wayne, Ind., and can now offer
some of tbe finest ever brought to this region.
See. them before buying.

State Street Sales Bams

Farms for Sale
It will §oon br oiiring nrid yrw will mire n good borgsia U jea
idon't boy oM ot my tnriD*.
on Lodk Lake road, jiiat bock of tbe naylun; al
8^ aerre
ed. with a nioe orchard; good, frame boure, aice earing brook r
full Ireigtb of the farm; thin to • Trry denirnbU pUceJor Kardei
OM who wnato n boar near the city. Price il.SOO.
:t0 acmon coonty liar, oac mQe vert of city lioBta; no boildioim;
<» P.W..-M
pooch w.—V.
orchard of fifty'bearing trreo; ohoot _.
fifty. ^>ple Mm;
a nice
e tamber; • nice pUoe
fcr fruit
fniit or pointooo;
polatooo; good •
ouil; priee IBOO.
place tor
I inileo fron town, one.toMrUi miU from KtatoA-

tour mile* west of the yillage of Lmke 'Atm, BO nen*.
cleored: amnll frame honne. amall frame barn; a good farm: ^emtjrof
limber OB tbe place; price «600.
40 acreo two miles north of Lake Ann. » acret' otoarad; mBi»
frame bonae; tog barn: amall orchard good nwid trass: cbasp,fSN.

aad ta* M-tnU Qnarety Oeak B

W.Wbreloto.aF.tbww- MltHil-'



in Grant: amaJI frame
80 tcreoyoor mitoa west of Wexford
■om atompo; omnll orchard;
log barn: 40 acrea cleared, free fit
1 water; 40 acros good timber, 60 U fi

immHMee. *>d tto «
adjearaad with toe ntrenitgeodfc

ETkE ■si;,


1. ».M l-«- til.-


St that vWaton ef toe Meyele ordire nombarod 40; arteota te dropk
t. Si larerey. Si amanlt and battery.



Styles. Fabrics and Prices J


1* of the city di
year and elated that on toe w
unitary caadlUen* of toe• city. *1
toe *ol
rery good. Be referred
toerU eaau receatlr rep
ap^ingqlibe letuieeau aald that
tbeloealbealtobrerd bad daeided to
eloM toe BLmwoodAre kladergariea a
week, OB aeeounl of tbe upoenre from
Dr. Atotiw aUo celled *lMBiIoa te toeobelrnsiioa* le Board
rirer below tbe dem w'beieg
delrtouolal to good baalto u eewage
eoald not flow'away freriy owiog
toe loin ‘B to* rirer. Tne report
and toe mayor
with toeuw mill
regardlagfenspiag tbe rirer open
that toece thell re re obairaetioo.

*°S.^^r^^rareg Root b r.«: AeetmnendrdforerctTtbuigbstUyoeMTekhSlaying of
ney. Uver or bladder tresMc It will be
wnlhi and tost where twe v
jBBlhetfnicdyyeueced. Jihubera
Id to tnt:^
is be^oal
___ , way*
. ^________,.
_. work,
.in prrale
laU oo
ee. amoBc tbe hdplea*toe peer tepvr. reflet a^fau peered to auceeariulln
meat week, toe Ua* aad plaee net yet
rcue that * tpedtl hta
belag deeldtfl open, laeh aaabet et
A retIMrent ban bare reaebefl eat of
“ bU re toerel
wUl bo eaUtladteto^
nrettotoarea* ofBarbart Bayoctn -W. P. Nclren. L a. Beggc.
OreogOPreMeanfl bntoldaPertor.
aem fcre ty taalL are
tbegradreting elare harMg to* pririFoflflo
—t 0 - •
leg* of larittog two
7. g Htotoaw.wre eheaaa chairman
U. W. Oallap. a palaMt. .'*3!
f to* eeanVy eeaaluee for eix y
the recg tfl a bore* at JnshM*. atriktog
oa hk baofl o« » omret walk. ~
wMto*MBt)rkUlaA Bawretoyren


(a the meMtnre proof bo*.
Ato yoor grocer te a package toflayirete waty fir xanoicAL Biecvir

Bidr.d Prrttcn. ulra'.ogtol and
IptlisiM, wbu. it it cbaracd.'aacared
tn.m (Llipiro •^ilmhy.e toelety
; w.-mtti of •■.and Kap.dt. and tore flml.
[hu uroarrcaled In Debt',a*, la. '
o8i.^r La> gone after ber

B alrrev fj co*l
realdenee on H.
Tne Gommlttee on fire and wulcr.'wat -•.lii-rii.-lgr
aatboriied to act span a nrliiion of
While Meaeamre Adam* and DoekGeorge Sutoard to raiu tbrroof ul
toe aty Dining Hall two feet.
TbedlBieeity which arete'ofer tbc
SonUiSrde Primary, nnioe Street.
ttrnctare gar.- way. precipitating to*
ibeligllnlllr of come of Mayor lltm.l.
Bdltb K Butelt..
women witii their team io the water CO
ton'eappaintamon toe wM uomcc..feet below. HdVb womc* were aeriremoted by to* retlgnation*
ouiy.'pcrbap* faially. injored
Ethel Hoxlr ...............................
ofJ. W. Mllllkea woneof to* library
AdMO TiKcy. a member ofUorri
E. J. Felgbum at auietact
Ungraded Boom. ^
of toe fire deivtoxat *edC liiwrrrlVt rough rider* hariag enlitl
Btlubeto VJrian .................... ^
Dallu. Texu, wbo
L. OroQlekMan eldermao. I'oder toe edfrom raerb
wu euppoacil wbilrdrepondrotto bare
to'p 00
Adelaide Dayton .
imitied Mick
Iclde by plui
oioted theae geotlcmee. •** that
Sereral of toe tcaebei* hare had
l.rke Micbigao a .few milre tontb of
r 00 qaetUonre te the.
tbelr aalariei ralted. tbe' toUl
St Joaepb oa iVeb lu. ratorped SaUr.
ereaufortheto teaebara being abont
; d*T wrU aod hearty
troo for toe year.
Mtrt,uen* fire early Satarday
t to tbe trralnaoee
Janitore ware hlr^ for tbe year
moreiqg in toe Calea' Mock caoted
adopted, airtking out
Tbe boUfllag
Central leboel—Harrey Cortlt )
officer of toe city thill terrruBtU, wuoeoapifyt by J. /.erbeluagi
per mooto.
aod Ktwud Halboitu rariety
Tbit It lolended
- M. Krito tto
place no obetroelioo in the way of the aod Wilb tw.i grade* of tbt pnbUe
per monto.
of aa appointed oflirlalou tebool* uptleire. Tbi* U the
Blnwood area**—L. M. Tempkia*
time Wltbio a mbnib that toe ceboel
9M per month.
thould trier where *u:b cSitlli
Otk Park —u. A. Henu flrt per
deemed a dulrable penon' to ai^itt
block . C.c''tbn high «,-hool reeeaUy
SoBth primary-^Tbr.». Parker V- pet OB tbe cemmiatlon.
claim* receu:
paymentor rlpimt ambuni
Arbor toy wa« quite e^relrely colBoenrille — Fay A. Dawley
obr*-.ed iu K*luni/M).^l'lie leboelo
»pcelal program* and boobredeot
Tba anperinteadrel raporied
•rr plant*.
and tbowed aa expeaditere durieg tbe
I patlenu
toe year.
put year of aboni Il5.<irv id
fbe ebargeof tiftyatteBdesie and beaded
board alao reported an expendlio e
UTlum band, parked
itrom tbe Mmctery land oftl..''''l «1.
vrauad*. luteoieg toa boeropcar
leue.t III-' p'.aatlog of a eeo
Health ■•flieer Albion gare, '*

g aputollowi:
Probate Jadge-AE Campbell
fihariff — Martin Brown.
OoaBtya*rk-/..E Blnehaw.
Cbnotf Treuarer—OennU F. Honlr.
Segitterof Dttd* Careoe Warna.
Prcaarerlng Atterny — A. F. Baet-

PMreaa wren grentod to tb^eaau M
AlbatLatonr re Mary taehor aad
ffrta one re. Mary Otto. The dl. tog. A -P. Aederaen.:
erewaoit edSmla PewtU-uFm^
Daa*. W. B. Orelllto.

Uneeda «

Slebo'toi Uuellaanul and Chnrlet
Parker at kurti'ca. wu puted witbi
bring refeh-ed. bet t&r ether, toal
■ Iran Ouan. * ito I»m>Biek Doan <
I Jtam J Uuna u tmtka. wu
! ferred to :hr commiuec. A Ttiaai
j Ere mlnau* wu taken, and the cs
ImiUcc r...lee .3 faroruf aeeeptlag
I Iccdt .'n.r rrport wu adopted,

tdJ 0.
»: M
tc:> O
Uto oi
ar.5 a.
tut a


of the masorial.
When to* qaeetloo w** atlU to doabt
Mr. Bock made two mrifcm*. eeehof
whleh.wM pmad.toat Ineaaeatmeqoet or reception were held, to* tkkeU
eboold be ooe dollar each.
latter fleally came

TkecM tsbUikl giagerreep,
M tot hare, paper«« M ret

board of edaeatloe bu
rlecwd l.ymau U Roberta of Wlnooa.
•apermtendeat of lb* ataie
I*, uaiaing acbuol. in place of
twepi clean ol maltcn of bupeflnicndent Urawe, who wu r<.
'•ally madr principal of the Ml. fleuImportaoee
There were many annuel rcporu.und aut corioa!.
tTet»i matleraof eoatldeT*b;o momeet
Lewia lAderoo;, aged to. aa employe
bcaldet. were dtopoted o' There.'
of tbc Art »Wtr work* at Datrril,
adelageof peUUons for etmest waUu tempted tc c.-o.* a aiteri car track oe a
•ad theer were promptly granted
bicytdeatacad of k^fut runaiag
E J. Morgan wat granted peitnlttlon trlccar.' Be wu’tbrewn
to erect a dwelling on toe corr.ercf Ir.i'l
ii bead Ir.gblfaily i.n)athed. He died
Blateand Wellingtcn ttreeu. at a cut
of Sruoo. W.. L Brown wu granted
Taltret are ttraliug cattle aad eheep
rc itory a.-Ovad Lrr'Cer for tbelr pelt*. Taey
permiMlon to ereet two
dwelllngt on NiaUi atrrel
lUrm toanooi ol to* way
ai.tWeaeb; P. P*™ wugranterfper vkio toein apd t-ury the care*i*ci.
mtoalen'to baUd e dweUlngon F.ltbi
Ma-ccl.n* -b brcomlsg a caster
Btreetweett tl.aao.aleo abarn. aedi
vile lUB'ketiBg and ahippigg Of -Wi

Oeing to toe feet toat'U>b City
The qnmUoa bad bean left open Opera Hont* !• engaged for coma
from to* prerient mectlag. and wit mentThanday.ItWudaeldadto hold
token np where It had been left c« beexerclaa oa Wed.
Prof. natday. May .lo.
Sydor. Chat. Boto. Mba Nettle tlrav
A new teacher wat natoerited for
aod o boat of otbon took part to tba tba teaebing el penmanahlp aad draw
detata. wbito waxed rery warm before
to tbe grade*. Mia Jichllng bu
toe matter waa floally aattlad.
dcroted half of ber time to thlt work,
Mr. Back waa tbe ehamplOB of toe bat DOW that abebu decided to Iwrc
baU. largely ea tbe flntnelal lloe. Et toe a'lgb tebool. a icaeber will b* hired
wat to* chairman of aeommllte* oppoletod two year* ago for toe pnrpote her lime b
. while
of prorldiag a aaltable alamol memori­
iber teacher *m be hired for i
al ter toe High eebool room. Bebu
aad drew.iog io toegradee.
worked bard lor tbit, and toa*

JmoMwreeaBogmMdtotoa eaaei
o( <lrere Breba «o Mary Btoba aad

Baek for toe (Hard 9l 'pabUe warha.
wilb i. W. Milliku aa tecoriwere were !iwo liqcer bowto
wkbol them rrlerra4
B i!cca««. ttaung toal it to net prop.

tttnte Srwritemt
- Ttr -ittannlverraiy of the fuaadleg
!o(->i: Prllowtbipis toe rBilaf fltatca
wuot»b<frtd a! Coidwairr Tbaraday.
. by a tpc.-:al tenuju ol tbc iHaad Uedg*
. of X\\.'kaa.
,tsu w!

; battle cf

te;Praak/l>ladrtoh. B.
nreuea F. W. Eaae. A.
d. M.Itgrig.toieUB.
The bead of J. W MUin
bar of tot wetee eemmlato

lebted. '

root of Elm. Plica, lino.


aEumnliiv I aaUJJIi, BAT A, ioOe

to Mto*. ^ to.* b «tin to

tttaarh Ihelf
^tBatkUlaSBpato tbaeptieto padl-^f
tea to the arpoaUks. ■»*. aalookad ' |
tornaalu. Tha itUfato theaaa «aa'|
Hn. FnAk UwrMoeipeto FMtto aaaa with aarprtalar elatoSM. ptesi- 1
teet seek ritolia( IrieBd* to Seath MUMaes hitberto iarWU* 'to tbaadpa !
Uula Ir* Bmee ha. bSM the (ast -............................. oatbeaartaee.
to Mr aad Ma B. Ibatocar ter the
paeltwo vaeke.
Bst JokaeoB. the rUlare aslth, bat
penbesed tUrir-thraa teat Itoatan to Brm Bnjchi a Iheaaei U No Uestar
Baptttaa a. Hopdaa.
theuathof hlepreocat proeertr. baa
leaded the roadude le Iroat mb vtll
baUd . BAt seaea win feaca. Be faae
BepU <51*7. toh«l* Tbto WUhtooi *.
-SMirad ol mUer bdp. pen aboB d
MmIo Btpide is tfl etsd wiU saae eaerjlblDC io apple toe order.
to Wflltowbuc ud broMhl bMk
amni q«»«K»M fn* U» <i.«.t»<»
Webetcr Rrde we oa the road with U7 daasp Root, the met kidarr rrsA There sra maaI (Mills «Ub
aed hare bar. e<7. Esrr reader oT tbe Uuuui B.7
cbUla a ssplc hotU. (rec bj sail. i«
oelr oae Itoi te eve lor tbe raat, who |
MStotkodOMi^ BoT* MS*
70SS.7 tslii lor rourtrif Md luUr;
the Botodau. Md ce* MAC toca ea
I. -A uanur Idrt** - B7
reallwtoe irutb of wb.i roor fr.cod.[
OUatW.*.*. Bo7 Tto-i-oe i
Oa Hoadsr toiersoaa.p.rtreesetetFraderiek
‘rlloedlAA. i.j atreparde IU|
Ina vttkw^K.
^Iboa > at uej aed trortb
E«d>.^ -1 Bid • H»r >- OrtM W. B. BAdl*7 we»‘ »P *h» toplbto baes slslaf two weake. Beed.7 ble Brks drsre to tke Bt.'dm.n Hrer
Md Mitmd Md vtotto lor bedrwBt lease io the rirar. IileeapKllsrr'r brtnpBoot bat bss '
I-Tbrr will CWS7 .od S«h. .od rrhea
- Mtk.
B.a.t=ri-aod traird bp ibcpuode wboi
di^. VknUbMUuUfblMoacb to posod dutb wea eoddeotel.
bbat^M j.taad blpblo.jhH ecssoolir.
DAUes.-Ato.hcB UAedlB--»W»«
act rreoanvord ter ercrrtblsp, bat i
Bleb s»rl bade ba« bcoa dtsorerad | FAok Vstoo .
f mr ibcMBe rttmod.
U70B barr kidorp. bladder cr arte au-.d j
.rooad tbe wslheborrrf Ltir Jordaa.
Iroatle It
b« fooiil jitt tbr teiac '
ailed hi. ho.k.1 Bith tl Am eae*. oersUcMoOi of ttoeOiAefc Md li ea with bostr.c,
B«dtor -Cff. to • D»>elj !*«»•
di 70U brrd
It briapi back tbe rorp
•bile (I- P. WObelm cto"b>e« troel It prebahia tb.l tber "tit be eaplolwd. ______________ It oC..............................•t»«e”-lle»» Oiltort.
■Bade her to kiua to the burp.
flu-, to Leaiib aal tireopib: It la .
»r:fl-T asd rrtuililrr, aed ia a booa to>.-FA.h Wrifbl. '
Ira WvM w.r at KIk' Rtplde
Bod. a M Todd to KtlMutv. bm.
J. O.«or*h7. Ooerc* Aih Ml
weak aed aUinp
t .era
aorklB* <» tbe
M«ie—tolceUea bj Vakrieu
perebhted 4 ooo acre, to .wap lead la week
obecuct.'oatod tuddeDlrnlib the
Bart OMBtAt WMt te Kvttosr. e.tehnorkt.
Telt irerk b I bu Ukes bia
Bcpart-WAyiif W.tM.
lN:w.7(oeo«al7 .nd All .toek U wltbji,,,^^
iwl/Lffc uvat Brpf.'. d....te had
>isp Uek'.e tbuhe.-. bar:ue
let tl. l>Md l7re.prcUr.l7
one wa>. a; oor lin -. tuaicn
r j -liot (u-irlsp
8oc«ty eT.Bif.
O C. A- F. Ommob. W. i>. blooded eatUe. Other.'wUl lollotr bU
fbrartop Bdeath narren-. md.’
BeldBB BBd John F. Oit seat to Will- cMSple aed the acetlon It liable to Is ttaei
S.terd.T «fi«-aooo WUU«« lUi
ay. tbaokt to the d tacoct rin of
Ur and Hn DtbroB to Aese drure
acd the rrararebm of Dr. Kil-.
HjIOm cfleb-.ttJ
BMe their mw.I r>«d
lop Ur. aad
> cur u t niirelp booeles Ecra
Atebae. maraler UlB Uto nlabt.
*0<l ■ lto«e «•»
o adcaerrd ataeet bace Wn =
toRtoBh Uutioft
bitbrefaUlop vee aed terlrailr ia ] un Merpte Sofirld rreelred a rtot mc^atd llfeproUnpcd bp Swnmp.
IM7to h«78«BAffleol».i»lttto h»r
^cAl.aad Bearr Laaphlle pot oaepbt I from ber broth
other. Hr. Dobson, of Acme
ictbe lAiifiUf. Tto l»»o beck to
toe berzaew aed earroalr sraprd boedtp.
PMk Plucaecs •r.'kh.M.DC to tbi
Hr. H.
immiard 1
t apokt lor UasMltA death.
rood ilBfc .ad . pete.'. b.Ht «w
burn 'b- matt d'hette <
It it> j
to ttc ebtrf. leatarA Ha Uofdca | uiila-Waller Hatllepa alao AapbtM
Fin dsiroped tbe b:cl Qamtraro i mother ,^itoe«a°'ttbe‘’ptta^mp be. picataolto Ukracdtbe 1 rnlv flfic. I •
.—.;.I— •!.»
tbe t.
U. pood ______
hoos at BiMtoo and W £. Vatxa'u [ fore be .-nebefl brr borne.
re.-Id bp f
Taap Baruk potaflaeeatebst
telha-b? Ure J. F Oi!. Ur» l>r. A U.
ff-.11. ibooetupnnta. bad a narrow : Hn U;esfoa. farmirlrof tbit teas
Send .Tour name vd tddrrM' to lie. '
BoUidar. M™ ba-o OirUad aad Ha Boa. wbaA Wllaoo HabbaU.SDd WUI
KUmerACc. Uiophomtnn. .V V . and
J. T. UtBoal- Firetpr tia were woa Kaah raapbt IM to lbs iroeL
wtodow. Tbe boots w 1 an old land ' itil wilb Hn. C
lampie bottle,.£<
tod a book lei,"
lltoK Bill <
bp Bbs Uarttd aud Laclaa Peteble
Cbvls Vadv pot Mt 10 tlue
taut dirsmr Boot
•ad the eotfola-.ioa bp Juls. Herti- wakes the Bib la tbe seralsc. sad
lata: aoeldeal o.-evred Honda,/daopbte-. oa Apru
Mb. ToaloUoaiop ware tbe pasO: aacored sraa btoore braakfath
CeaoorU Jteper Jobaaoa wee la : U C Faircbl.d to Oraad Rtpld; U A
Btd blood aad todIpsUsn are deadlp ''
■Iso Ftlklae. Murle Krlljpp. Blltb
Ur. Md Hn W. P. Eaaaap did
vt of reoer'.np tom. dpa.mlt. ,
wsk to cw
eaemlek to poD bet :h
TlsblU. Kloa Utiler. Jo'it Krllp.
UlCKtd liiltCAdniropi tbeu
i> Iot
eapt froS M oatballdlnp when lO ; fneadt io ijAOd Rapid, aad Jaekeoe.
Wlaele Baker, HtrcartlUoSati. Hv- Wiasle aad Dr. Rowlep fiabad
aese aakaown sasaer tbep wenex-i
Swa-u«'.b coofiaedto her hi
paret Caseros. Ura*:ie BsaaU. Oas Wmiasabarp with pood malA Fred
ploded. kllliap him letlMlIpi wtia a aerere coopb.
Woodboaac. Oreer UcMiebaal. Bawle Koteware Md Bea Hoatapae tabed at
t uaiqae
D li Campbell o Tncerae Clip it
MeMlebMl, taellr Bomdar, Comae WlUiasaberp slao. aeeeriap fO Iroat.
- . -.0 eeterletomeot
BDaara. Bbu Marila, Alls Toraer.'
pboDoprapb at Uc H. E.
Oeorpe Bair, Jr.. Md Joha OetleiofereeUoBbaa Jatt beea com-Icbarch 00 Frldap erraiop, Hap
iaupbleo U»ri>. Inule BolUdar. to- oksfltbedat Aese. Uaorpe breapbt
pleM. III. tbe
the imiriLSWek.
em^suek. wbieb.
wbieb. |
.irnst Io'
etaM Pateble. i>» Cassrue. Warso io .boat flie poeada. wbUa
Iblt TiciniV were leirip Itaed with
OU, Allan Pei-lr. A*t3ar Haebaat. stab esecedad Ibsl asoBal
taeed field etooe or booiden laid to 11boT* ecd pirik end older people feedlap
Bator; Loadue. Rotor: Walkv, U»
tkc fiib. aod with book and liae Indnu
Porlland eomenl. The etaek 1. i,,t-.—
Melavwb. Dizoa BW. Uaorls Ball. :
haodrrdt of iheflaap vlbt to p>
foet iqoen at tbe btae, eed ioj fsl in I jf*af J
LeaUrtomet9a.i(e*taa Wripht. B07
t. and It the oolp one to the
i-oah irtb.'tro*i
8lB«i. Jaliaa HartlMb. Tale Bau.
Hr. Md Ha Qraad aad tbalr IHIla hlpht aodltthioolpoaeiDthe world '
- "
* '
aearo.lp eooapb eebole » in the
seaBa^flabcdthaaeplaseraak to taoilt eetin of etose
Walter Baser._________
A Hiebipan Ceetnl train to tbe Bap J
Hn. Vaa l)/ka ateal rojaUp aaterClip diriaioa An OTtr aud kUleJ Ha ;
att-iOi.'t'tufrom.t at«if»i.krie»», '
talaad a eospaap at bv eoltapaat
. ,uan.aTus.
Leap Laka Batardtp Tba partp eea- leap.
•Mad of the-Biswood asBae teaebare.'
b ssde s alee ealeb at Hllebair* to
Ha UuapMdUr. rbospklM. The
alBoJ. W. BMBao.'wbo secured tbe traek. When tbe tnio cem. sloop *
h Asna Urdie cpeni Snsdapat
dap waadeilfblfallpapeat Io patbvatae diced aadcr
lap arbataa. and la Bablap. Aboot It Bleeooaa.
Tbe twopeir old danphirr of A. W
auperctocr, to burp takOaorpa B. Bipplaa otOrMd Bapide.
MobnhaieafsrfaatBaMdMflrh weA
top attcM-neol.
brea|htbe-aebp tb: jtilp eompeap. Babad at Beitaer’a. stchlap la Baa Hoaroe. pobliebrr of the Ypellanli
Carroll hu rented Un. JohrCommarciel. poured tbe coateoU to t
A rentable faMqoet wu srred bt aooa
eon'i fvoi
Charlep DsUp Md FAsk Bsltbeaeh srboUca<tl b>'.tle upoo her bandr.
tewbieb all did tuple Jsua* After
Frank / --toek bu parebated aa toreared a nice bwket luUstCadarRan and'tben nbM tba flerp Ikiaid orri
abeflabefSAAtaraed la tbe allsiha'.or lauly.
Bolb face aod hende are
■eea tbep were aerred to Wars aapv JhaMimkeasadcaDleceateb la tb<
Hmn Hrowo, Lmrdie Md Uitoa are
terriWp baroed. and It it feared that bacisp aome tar Apenp done. .
the rlpbt band wUl os rendered
Kren L Jobetoe. Jr., hu been appolai.-d i -L»o, taker for Peniwuln
Far r»rlT A>r> the *•
Ha W. C. Bell a I Hlu'aertAda
. B. Cooper aleo fiabed tbc'Bsrde
It ia reported that aa attempt
Eir.-AiD Dili AW ataru wtoorrew on
EnakaadJ.B. Dssoad weal
AaMlnpptrtTstHartaBPh’e seadesp
be made to lecnre the old shooner a lat.<i loakiop expeditloo tbraupb
Fridsp eraalap. The parW will M la. bW Oraek. and wbea tbep rewraod on .Porcupine, a relic o! Ibr btllie of CaVe Grand TAnrae couetp.
tbe«:lO Paea Hvqaette trala,
Brit lor the Field Coli ''
kaaor of Mlu Wtlblat.
J>-f llnlaaur. l.racie Ekstine and
ad from IS to :0 pooedt el troat.
otCbleepo. Tbe wre^jk It the propertp lie.:'’ T.mphlst will po tu TArerac
dtp toon to prrmre for caaCrmetiOh
Wiaaie Oardlav sptcrad Jk
to Hr. Bolibonae, a meebenie to
is the Catbolie en-cb.
Btb.Md WllHiroaa. flehlap at Map- iptborp, who eapt be
EmetaoD DtllAw. Ha, Cbu.
fleU. saphtaboat secea poaada
e tiubrrt •
nod pe:k It awnp. at

C.E.TbpUrMdB I. Raspp '
rattinp npidlp to tbe open a:r. in
intoh laacc
to tba Iwkt of tbe Uoardsca.
ttid Hitt:< .nHaesbeeBice
entUnpupaome to the old botl rebreupblWk to troat at tit^taa
Our acbool nnpropristelp obsned
Mtlp Hr.'BaLbovM lonnd uT eboi and
Heap othv BrhermeB wen at
4^ Bipbt teClsadeHcDnaU. who will
oae baUel imbedded to tbe wood.
7'’’^ butbs aod mtk.
lass tesonow Is CAsd Bs|Uds BebUp pnaada hot «»s* to ^tbas did
Aapeeiattntoof:iean Ito; H>1I|.
whcA he will tslde. The aerprlM net ean te ban their aaaasa s the dale toal week Imdcd with Bsor mane Ladiet' Aid ace'ietp . will
r WUIIe Foote. Md tick to it axploiled.
ntaclufedattbemilleto F. W. Stock. wjib Un Uoldeo oo tVedaetdep *fl
uaap I
nitaltlmore. Hd . Md
St to bid his pood-bp.
.Tanibla Xlha Aeodant.
Sorlolk. Va.. (ram wbieb porla It will rrarp eontcal, it fromltetto
toiriud ccratloc.
Salt Lake. Hap 1—Tbe mlalep 1
The wreolitp wee rprp .
be ablHwi »" IaUbB. Scotland and
tjiartctlp m.-ritop will be held at
epMtU pass end tba aejorseotol •t SeoSatd. uub. wae todep tbe 1
Aniiie at T;].-. and at «>id Hbtirnat
swta laraUfaed bp His Habto Browa. to tbe pnatst slalap dUeeter that
hi Jlr. Carrcll.
At Kalnmatoo bp meaat of n bntkel
Hr McDonald Md the Craaeaet bead. anreeeamdintbswsl. HiaeKo-t. nnd
preach at tolb
tblecs hare derated eUk aed
wbU wae' prtaaBt io a bodf. Bw
powder maperloe. eaplodad. drsapoodt to Ue calne of tl.OOf/ placet.
Tbe fnneAl
r*l ol Walter, the beaot-fi
trsbaaeiiu to Inlt. a>U. taa ercas aad tbersolt H ISO llrs lost, tbe ea- tbrenpb tbe akplipbt of tbe .lore of
babp of Hr.
ir. and
Hn. Ilearp Ltrdl.
••deakawse aarred.
iBber of Steen at work lathe OUo. WhUeAOito- TbilouwMdU- will b* heldi at tbe Oatbelic ebnreh to-,
Hr. UeDMsld hw reaipaad bU peto
oloe when tbs ekploaioaoreamd.
eoctrtd Hondap m'orninp. The work morrow moratop at 10 o'clock. Hr
ties in Sleiaberp'sfnbsln arhare b
died Sundap mwotopi of pneumonia,
10 o'clock Mtopbt \37 bodlM
I* cTidentlp
ddentlp tl
that to a
after a'n illnwof two wski.
bsa plapad tbe eoreet darlap tba pae
reeocared Md the apueh
latdecS with tbe dander onr
ansa.Md alio a lislUr puHlee le
The aesas at tbe sior wee
ThCAinfallto DeoArand tbe tar
tba rotoe of tbe edjo'intop block.
' thaOsaestbaad.
Uep to the actreaie. Women
snndinp eoaatrp bu beeo urere
paalUoB la Uie Me ara Bo> a Haad, wbieb wdeUidnaanwalllap. saaaiapaed
Apnrebcniiontare telt repa-dtop tbe
be wiU aster aa soea m he reaebs erptop «st tbe nasm to lond eaei
ufetp of CttUewood dam. at tbe
UAsd Btodda. _________
and aa ecerp bm la brtspbt from tbe
of CberrpereeU.-1. milet tram Dearer.
held then on her babe wblc
A plsstoBt partp was picea Satardap niac 00 e etntehar.’tbe cccolap ocer tbe into to her nrme while abe wi
The dam hold* baek e^r pallieslaptotha realdeeee to Mr. sad tholes la railed Md ibrialmawl
loat of water.nnd abouId it fa: let Irate
earanU tram Detroit to Port Huron
Ha Haded Vialos oa East Fn»t hear piht^te tbe dark Md ploomp
llwobld nauMpTAt proper^dai
Urset. la hBaor of Mr. sad Ha Jap
nrobtblT 1st of life.
letor w
Oeneral Me’
Upsaple. who will Is*, tb'n week Is
M safounded Apj'l that tbe dam bad
Eipfat tbouand lane
Horthpert. whew t^ej will roelde
etrtbe in ParU, Frans, demaodtof
Abeat W ware praaeel. bbAAII eeiepad
otben llrinp a'.onp the creek flrd f.rom
aborter houA Md Uiputr wi««.
sAellphtfalarealep. Hatlcaaddeaetheir bemetlwtolpbt.
Bandredaanbomeles and dslttate
when the dlseWr oeearred l»llpeentad topeia tbe tlBie UIl a Utr
w.:ur Weotwortb. 71 tenraCb.d.’eBd
ills aoath to ban ee tbabraaeb to lathe BntM callrpof Tckuasd
; 1 bear. DeJletoaa AfreabmeaU war*
Tbe 6o3d» let taacy. pesA e prateu'.ostl eon-'
tbe Bio <hMde A Wceteni Allwap,
tortltnitv. IttoNewYork lock'iopforl
wbieb ISM tbe sals Itoe bt Coltoa. are rceedlnr.
n- to buy bit bedr. Be bu lonp ’
Tba Bias are opentadbj tbe VleasMl
New Yorker, bare luncd aS'indie
Jadplap Iaid Mptonto** *t tba
been a totAU to medical men 00 a^-;
V.Ilep Coal Co., of Balt lake, (amine relief fund with tobacripl'an*
treat aUasst
aad poadt Tasdap
tot to the sceJcrfal p'Jablltlp of bl*'
wjub esplopad To) sea.
lUSA Sl.'WT. of wbirb Brlcn
seralap. tbit clip umt oarc be
imf: which be bualrea-lp’.aid twice ;
r saee to the eapkalen H
Qonld rsA $100.
dMrted to SMI to >U sale praulaU
see to Ur. Cowu ef Detroit, aad,
k«ewB, aaaooae tarclrs to tell tbe
A Metbodtit armp IU1.OJO atrosp. UtertoOr. Wwdrrof New York, re-,
aadtbCAireAseeeAl of tbe (pdla
No. 4 Md No 1 Bias hn
eonaecAted and btadea tapethfr for ecirlnp to Acb eaae tioo. Both of,
' wtol that wen oat afler tbe ttoet
d The men In No. 1 mioc
tbe uiraiton of woalc. mt; br tbe ontbripbtaadearip. Frau sldBlphtaa
0 medial men BA dead aed Went-i
lofloettel Md tbes to So. 4 bnraed
Mme to tberrst paUteriop of Heibod. Werlh to lookiap lor a third apeenla-1
tU tba ales tothe dip iheflibersen
snapled. Two . bondred ccSbt tom wbieb to to be held In Cblenpo
ww« botp. Mdeebiu U soprsred that
bare beeo oedend.^tbaatmoa^ld not feraiab Feb lor
J. U 4ii-ot«* u! Wpaadotle caaatp, li
Atl-43don.dnr.ap tbe maAiape to
ail. tbetearc few abo do aotreporta
be rlebst nepro to Kaaaae. He nwci thedaupbur of llaitUn Ambatndor'
IslTtoteb Md aaresl oroapbi ia isrpe
a (arm of 40} aers. calaed at Ssn.07'} De saal to Ccant Aiexit Dar-Id ff. the
GnodBaidda. Hiefa. Haj s-Will
laodmceb otter raloabie real na'.e.
eacpbi Ba from a Candle '
Uhs Aldeo Smith wi« remontoated l»
Tba aeboeU wen hlMaA,oal coat
aadhat picniptomonep to the bank abe held io her band Ibe proom te;;
res Udap bp a naamiooiu
aenblp. (or tben wcrd a latpc oasl
A, tr« rnnit to a riot amoep the *d the Tell and,^ni. ont ike blsi; bp
TheBOstoaUonwaaatribate, toCoeirslaltbata
pTseman Smith'* eaerpp aad fltncu medtoalatadenta at bcambabl aotoci cramp 01 tbe latarle betwMS bit
\^daj. •
tbuccAice dleclpline of the B4d.eti
lor tbe tons and be aeeapted tbo00
enrpbodp wae ca'eblap'..,jplweoUcFc ibere. Bfieea of ibc stoleou
patiOB with the peas wbieb la
Tbr Ti’lapr to KinesA. Wto . to on
There wu eol a ctresu
ic -^rdelB-e. The pita It wilbonl Ba nratevcbaneteriatk.Md be pos into tbe ns bare beea teat tolo nerpeinal exile io
Up that was aot ritiicd and iboreeAlJ
Uoe to any kind acd wUiet wiped tsl
a atoeadl
Wihcd. ecM to tba lUUa brooke ad
Tba'Partapneae erdaet Dn .torls t. ol n.tlcace. Tbe townhu a pope.aasall that It traald appear that a Bib
an/at tb bu nrrired ni R-o Jaoalre with Gen. tianofl.friQ. Tbe larpc popefsiUt of
weald be eospeUed *0 wade
a Wflu Ooad Osalto, tbe epeewl escop.ef tb* ktop of Kiaber.y.CUrk A (A» era tocat^tbcA,
btoe to the Bczt. At bipl
ertapd to ntwod tbe 40dtb Mdrer- nadir bnrsed the lauw.irteaeb >1poap the etnas be waold otUi soot
vp of the dtoeocerp of Bnall.
000.000 Tht Bet wu drirea tolo tbe
The deicpalc* to the national e
The Hvk Uoe Etprm, to Lsdoa. town from tb* wood*. whlA ba ablaxr
Aeosplotaaeeonnt to tbo aed
initowukipnetow oftneerop aitaa- in all direetieu.
scBletotbe IitakAFelteaepsardap centioB to be held te PhUadeipbia
Dr. BariFalrbMkato Luibs aad
Aaron ^rtoa. woe ww Ue alar* to.
waaldsakeabo^.battba Atebs to
A Wbrelrr of HaniatM- A. F. Butiatt week dsieopad the. tut
ui.HMbT.Ute pnenlla. dv.ap 'tbs'
a few an recorded.
to tbe wbcat nad apriap town einl war. ianiw-«yaaA old aad to
C M. Harker, W. J Hobto. O. p. Oer- lapto-BmpIn. [selanaa eonatp.
Wni Vcftato.*. AUred Moee. ..d

HR .

Mr. Md Ha ChB. Breed to oraeo.
Ik. UMOl.
h.nbeMaMriedW7Mn. Ther we
UMWT «Mi.V «M k*ld MBrd.r * .
cA Is their Mtk7Mr.
««MlV- T»to •» Mi OP.R mftant
Ve«toH« nUtaf Tt. Meor* tl ud
WUIUa PoillB. acto Ikto BlaMiha.
«.sseUto b7 hie metbar. fbetod
■UlTitn «j37*d
fadlov1.« fi«roeared . motrer Md towt blMtol.
W.U w«Bt to aUfhto. Md braefl
BesHoatesto OaoMo. «hUeeaCBf
kMkMKeMcbcABvtWIuic ftottof
iad la dJertoa a wwar. vu berito
rpeutoud Wtol 14.
IkiT DrtU - (tedwM or
hr . era la. Presto mUm wrto hi.
J. U. BtohHlsc Md wif* toeat


Men b Suiik. just uut from the tailor's hands: eter>'
a fitter: well
worked antl finished: cut on latest jiattems; vests single or double
breasted: material of the cclcbraietl Indian Mills Cassimeres.
in neat checks ami strijics,
250 Men s Suits of half wool, blatk Clay*. I ancy
highest grade of dothing:


W orsteds- an imitation of

l amy Cassimeres.

i.attcins of the most


pleasing effects: would In-Cfiisidered gocnl value >« • panic *|S

X50 iiairs ul Men's


I’anls. bou.>hi


this sprii

made to o.ur special order; eecry’
by the makers.



t>rr I'nion


I’ams. jfuarantced perfect satisfaction or no sale.

atrLeplitu*''’'^'^ ‘ *"

50 Dozen Heaviest Fancy
Cotton Worsted Pants

well made, warranted D'


li^i.oo Earn.for......

Twenty-five Dozen
Men's Dress Pants
Made of tlurahlcfalincs.cut on latest patterns. Iiought
before the advamc and priced below
market tahte; Si.jj M.......................................9Ut\J\J


, .SEi

100 Boys’and Children’s Suits
In all the (rrevailing new materials and styles of makes.

The juvenile ,Ves-

tec Suits bir.thc little tots, and t-jntii e siriis for tin-obl/ r l^jjs up to i;
years old, long tm short pants, single or 'doulile lireasted


vests: we price them (i- r -uii from ¥f.'» to*...

Headquarters for Millinery.
Chihtren's TrimtiR'd Hats freun ;tc up.

-I.adies s Trimmed Hats from $1.00

Sailors frtmi .'5c up.

Thd Largest Carpet and Wall Paper Dept.
In'xlje city.
We start our pajK-r at :l per doiihli- roll; Border from 1 Me per
yard. Wc start oar Ingrain (.'lirpcts at i.Sc. 'We handle the Lowells for


the best atl





Front Strut ~

□ □□□Q □□□□□. □□□□□□

surpass all others for their excellent workmanship,
and splendid wearing qualities.



Warranted Notto Rip.
and we will pay you 12 cents for
each suspender button that comes
off; 60 cents if the waistband rips,
or a new pair if they rip tosewhere
within 60 days after date of sale

$l.50,S2.0(lr$2.25,$2.5D, S2.75-Handsome new line Pelterns

aeCABd B.D. GhspbeU went te WUI
Hsebarp aad toeapbt badi aheto^

BlOO Usnrd BUH).

eora to Bapland and Fnas beiap llrinp with, one to bh daophicA la
reaped ^t tbe aceApa date while It Bracklya. Col. Hoaby'a mothw pot
maUrtoUpdimtotobci tbe ehanes tor Anns u n preeaat Doa bee (a--ber.
tba crap* aUalaiap tbe acarafs pletd. nsd wnen tbe war bepM ibc'Colanel
Obiaaie from man? eltto* oosprepal- \Itosk *>'•

« Bet aad BanBRUs
Ihw ■ew« ^1 Wweetlr^w nm
taeeAnpaaadi apibcBoardi
L. J. Beddp aad Frtd Hun west to
Wpkie. aato aaeariap a Baa
to>M to Hr. Baddp aawbarlap I
Vrto. C. B Uorel Md W. B. Usls
. west te Aasa Frot Bont brsacht
awe tiwltll^c aw«a?r ladalar iu verk Tw
' baek It Beh, while Hr. Uskr antoed
-witoeBtoaada wrataed aaUa Ba
tolppedesMlcp plaak. isatatoj m


ad to Otbkeab. Wto.. SaadAy » attoad 1»«t«k after hto muwt'a boAaa
tbe rirtof to HaaoBl: depTtea. TheAi The pi* bekemto Hew York eap that
aboBl fifty tbcA aliccetber. lenrk bwbeea to plenttfsl (or mtap
OoapBnvtoNew York, the beM to jpeoAomi tbhi tbe eouamp-Joj ef plm
Cbtoeae HneeafT to tbto GOUI7. pre-j bw powh to tnjrmoaalr tbAt tbe
a-xled. Aa olabOAte baaqaet wltb h!«l“ ^


U»dtoaMuna*B to tbi
btoito ^t ptoa an to

WE HAVE ALMOST roiTBLED our stock of Overalls, JaokeU and WorUiiEmen's Pants £his year as compared with previous years—had to do it to meet
the demands for «ood groo^ and popular makes we are showing..

Mamilton Clothing Co.
200 Front street.

Trove^ee City, Mich.

□ □□□□□□□□□ □□□□□□□!

b the hart CtothlM
------- 'City. Ban yo* tad
lU boa W to «N. Habb Fbtf


MUi EUe Btaalay «dMd tbieac*
tb* eity y**t*>d*y oa b» way fro*
a«. tM «U IbM {•rartu. ww. barbeaelaHa^av to attaad tb*
-------.k.a». V. H.CHIIMI a«*Uafottb*ftnabra HMoa board
ottb* rri«ate ebmrab at Bkbi
n« mUM of Mr. Mllrtoll wo*
A. B. Wllaao w ittetbatooi
I wmMllj
n*olM>M«W* Dr A«A>* A1W«
•I taWJo aoutr **d >oha B. Tte1 doeiMla hold tb* •

^Md. WbU* tht du* et Ulo «a
ltaabaolr«l«*odltwUloreb*blr W
oaUodtOBootavljlB *aro*l- Tr*».
M»atr dorlBC lb* PMt f*w rwn
hUotUod B (h* eae**BUcottr of Worths wwiim *od
__________ -.........
» pro»MthooewTnUoBwlUb* aetahU lo
h^torr of Iho EiBcatt


A. a.

Timber tbW«*i an *ald lo b* r*.

. H. Alleo. of
le'of Ue otbento
Unad Bapid*. A. H. KM
Fred Araatreag ol
a drowned
»hlp. Keetoeky. aged:
Teeiday whUe Bihtogjxi Piekerel
Abkc to a leaky boat.
by* aaa
Harry Hartwell
•rhoewam froa
father wa* lo the city w a delegate

r, ww U tb* eUr gaaterdaroe

Hr. aad Hr*, ttorid Btoe of Ba^.
oe. logotoor with bb wife.
ran to the elty yaterday.
■ba Haad* MtcabaU I* bar* bom P. B. Ttotoa of Wnilastbarr. M
A t HaabWe.Ue S yearold coo of Bate
CUiWa to out tb* (aaUr of b*r *l*Mr at the WhlUar yatarday.
Petereoo.of EnllAke. while play­
HbIM MaTbaiahl.
P. Baadi or Hanblea. wa* at M>* ing with ame efaUdrao abeet b boaflre
ObateB. Btalabl, aanbalof 8attw Bbg, M la tb* city
laadtord Boatraaottb
elolhiDg cxeepUng the aha*
boned off hb body, wbbh wa* boned
I. «. aiB* wa* la
mad blackened all orer. The Brat to.
Hr.a^Mn. OaairaB. Habbatoret OadtrSberiSMarUDBrowa of La- tLoailos of the awfol aeddeal roariitoad, aod 8. C. Oartba of Bortbpirt. od the aelgbber* Ibrtafa the chUd't
UbaABB,wtrt totbad^yaUa
aaiahmyateidayn tbalr way to
wbo wan too frighwoed to
Aa K B*bto wa* to lb* dty froa
tba Htoth dbtriet_eongr**eloo*I ooo- doaaytnlag.
Jwiy Bamraa of Oadar. wa to tb*
Raal Enat* Traadar*


enatrootioe tor tbo
: Hataaaof BapU Qty.wa
fan M tb* Path Piaa ytaord^.
H.M. Uraeath of TboapaoarUl*.
HUttaleityal^ batoM. Bob Tbit U* Better. Hra. Aon Higgtoa.
a^ittot Ua aaaa of tba platotiS*
iBlboDowdMlIitoUealreBll aeart.
A.laJeya aadCibaria Faaatba** Hra. C O. Stoatoy a
Bert BlaylOD el Uko A** «
araanedlaiBlghl city yalerdqy- ntaraad to hb boo*
Jeba Polelpher
atAca*la*taigfal.afwrapeDdiag the
day to tUl city.
AM. BeboSald wat to Kift Ltko
yalerday. .
Unbfaell wool to Haatea

WalM Gray ntoraad fna Haab
Wn*. Tbuaaa lat eraatot. whw* ba Boa. aae Hr*. D. C. teach arrired
Taetdty aftaraoee froa
babaaattoadtot tbaTaadabUtUri. when they bare
WBUaa A-Bardy ratanad lat Blybt ■peatth
A B. Pratt baa ntoned froa a botl*
Waaabaliai trip a Detroit. H*
«la aWtod lalaUta at Hayriaw derJ. H. Tboaat went
J-UBoydba ntaraad firoaBBfi- bariaeayaterdty.
■awwhaababa baa atadytagaad- Mbe Baekaa tea gone to Dalnit fora
OatBl Pay* rataraad lat alrbt Ber. B. Wela of Maple BUl.
laa the appa patoBBto.wben be ha cat of Bar. Sabbery. lot ereatog.
He to OB hb way to Kwirieb toapead
baa toektog toad. Praak Ballb
wpulii ktaatb* ntaiaa^ra tow day* with hi* aon.
Ml*. B. B^hTd ntaraad to her hooie
Maikar aad arfU raaah tbb ei^ today, i Unwo yaterday aftanoon after
a Ptora wa to Btogilaya
epeadtog a few day* la the elty.
AUa. W. J. Kat aai aa Bari ten ■r*. C P. Onwlord retnraad to Wenford ymterday after apendlng eeraral
am**dtotteeltylreaBnc*U.W*ah. lBBta.aadantbata«aa e< Hr. aad day* rtoittog tripad* to Ih* dty.
Hto* Haiti Baya loft yalerday for
Whitehall whereabe wUlnaaia a ftw
W.J.Irwtawal w.BlkBatteiya'
tateptotatoabarga oi hb ooatraei week! TWUag friaadi!
Hra. C. r. Darto m* called lo Atw.
Brtte aaaa weak a tte
rese* yalerday ey the llloan of her

1000 yard* fine Cottas
Covert Cloth, in nil col­
ors, others ask 18^0. yd

torltad to all aad k
iltoaet aprtocaod i
Hra C. r

Best Calicos, in all the col­
ors of the Rainbov»(best
made) per yd....................

for B^

tonloeoaeaal tb«dr tbafla aad tb*
n* **r*ad. dolaf fffaat daMC*.
B. V. Warier mad* a b**laM ti
ilraad Ladfc etaim* to b* tb* btaaar
OadUlac yettarday.
KalauaeraywaottoOraad Bapida tolapboMlowatotbaatato. Ibapop■laUoa b (.000 aad than an 1*0 t*toyariarday.
1 aae. Tbk b aboat os* Ml*.
Dr. L. J. Tadaaa wat to the city
boa SamaU y«*t*rday.
WUUaa Cbaapin teU >0 tea
Haleolai Wtoal*. Jr. w itioHaab
u opa door of a abaft bean at the
Peter Wonbarit aad •Haary OarUal* Oalaiaeat A Beala atoe to tb* rail­
road track below aad aaetatoad toiaria
from which te died ahorUy
Pert Bgrea yeatsday.
Bar. A.A. WaU waat to C«8ln)
It wa hb Hth birthday.
Ab eotaraak of aaaUpoz to Brandt
■ta. B. B. Ball ba* tooa
towatblp. Bagtoaw
Boothb rtalt to Chieace. ported to the tiaU bard af baallh.
Hra Joba P. Oil wUl toan today for AMItercaa to Coloa lowaahlp. St.
BB eatoadedrblltoCblsaco.
Joaaph Co., b ala reported, while tte
C B. OarU b to CadlUbe eo bati
atbeak la SfriagwelU tewaaUp.
Boa. 0.0. CrreUwealtoOiaBdBtp- -faraaCo., beaded.
Two of the thm fcUowihlp* offered
Jo* XlBBwnaaa toft toil erealac tor ytbt Aaarieaa aebeol of clanleal'
Etlbaakaaadpotota atobf tbo Etos- ladle* to Bon* for the yean ttoo
dlfc* ea baitoet* for tbo Hereaatll* hare beaa awarded. They go to
I H. gradaal* aehal. Tb* fellowla chrbtba arebaaology

lllMB«UI*talthhi*rai>rMd froa
with fri«odi »t MtaeoIoB*.
. MM* BmU Tj\m of MmIoo who
hHhMTklUat bB (WUr. Hu '
W. Pwk. bM lotarMd to bw boa'
party ooaabtod ol Boa. J- W. HUUkeo.
t. W. «l*lw t* la Maaealoaa oo bati- Tbn. T. Bat**. Jodg* l<orto Bobart*.
Boa. W. B. C HltebeU. F. B. Welker.
J. a. Jobttoaaaad J. A. Locaafar.
W. B- F*ltor of ni* Ltka. b at tb*
a tbiaga M Boea-. wa* ia tb* CoiBBbla.
W. L. Talbot wa* to the elty yaator

Ri V-*'

The foUowtog an the real atau
traaafen raeordad froa April
Hay I todoaire. m foniihed by O. C.
Hcffatt. pvFrialerol Oraad Tnrerae
OooDly abatraet cIUk.
Hdtoaa E Cra^ to

T^ts k:^Vr—Siso. ‘
V Darto ^ wile to L JaadHaryH
r‘r.H S.TC- N. B9

Hoary H Blackaae aad wile to Jobe
*- Beaeafa. tey .i
Bally Parittoa to Tbeaw* Bberaiaa.
touuand ». bikt. Baaaah. tey A
Go-iCto add-»«M.
Wa UeDoaald to JoUa* T. Haaaab.
lotto, blk IS. Haaaab. tey A Cob lOth
> HIdght aad wile to Baary E
____ :BaB.Bwbol twk.Sac K. TST
M. B 11 W------aanaa C Orialt aad wife ta Wa I
ra. wtoftof lotol aad (.blk 1(
nab. tey A Co'a Ut add-Btoo
B flrorall. pt lot* 1 aad t. blk
anh. tey A Cob let add-BMO
Bamelt Bagardoa aad wile to Paler
TPetenoa, e^ of awH of atk.
IS, TSS K. B 9 W—1
And!tor Uaeeral to Paur T Patoiaon.
MTk' of eek. Bee It. " ' ”
___________ alto Pater T Pateraoa.
iwkof aeV.Bee'll. TtsK. BeW•S.M.
Alenaader D Heya and Haery B

*»d ae* Bct&a, in Proat
Bt. Tnrerae City, before yea bay
elotfatog. Be wiU aaden^yei


2 000yds extra fine Cam­
bric. new patterns, new
colors that will wash..

•U. The LACUO. Aa ap-lo-lhaDoto bieyel*. Oaaraatoed to Jaa. 1.
>1. freaeaddle loUrrv Tb* bat to
Jolla Caapbell. tit lioatb

Bay thUioat«AdbfP«reAlB


Specials in ‘
Men’s Suits



r eoeetrr mada tM to p>i>.
Boy* Kaae Paata lie. -se, »:.*ewed ------ Hoaareh qoaUty Jalle* C
Ml. «i: Sealh (.'aioa atreet.

Ladies’ Neckwear, dont
fai! to see our new col­
lars at.............................

Hra May Baocy baa <d>eo*d ai
etyaad dreeaaakutg parior* at tit
Caloa etraet. firat block aoaih of
WilbelB’e ctoc*. Bbe will be picaoed
to hare her laaay friend* call and
look orer her stoek.
it tf

onnets. m
and colors, at 26 cents
aud ..: -

aai Hlack Draa bolu worth { rumttmndaitim-. .
goaipjitp ataBeeda * Co.b.
»t St . Tnrerak City.


This U the plac« to buy your

26 dozsn New Wrappers
for ladies. It won't pay JlJI|5
youtomaketbem<i»fM VWU


Spring Hats and Caps.

BarrrO (-Irwmil* Borlra
BuRLrekaru. IS (prll ol

rat >MR«.r I.orm-.v. CJ

ST :BI 3sr B E I?, C3-’S

NoUo* to StocKhoidara

Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet and Clothing House.

•A.M'KI) .» I •

Reuse CleaningTime

.......... sSHrv :■;?



Contest Notice. .

Piclure Framing Oepartmenl



Oome and see tbem^lt will pay you to see!'
these horses. They have been raised on stock r.
farms and are the nicest lot *sen here fOri ;v
some time. They come from Moble County. ' :


. ....................

We hat e told you of our immeose si«»ck of Wall l'ai>er
and now wish to call >-our attejuion to our great Picture
Framing Hepartment. We are rtxeiving by steamer
this week a line assortincni of the newwi and latest
st> Ies of Mouldings. Hring in jour pictures, have
them framed and beautify your rooms with them -it
won't cost you much. • .\ thing of beauty is a joy


Plow Shoes
We are selling a good solid Plow A I IT
Shoe, lace, buckle or congress, at V I ■ I J



Snres «i BigSitiU nd Tranise Cilj.

you will find a line of Ladies' tine
Stioes- lace or
button, formerly sold for $2, $2.50. $3 and $4.
are odd lots. Wchavemarked them $|,${,25, $I.S0, $2

Wa h Brarra aad wife to
A Jeckaoe. w'. of tot S. Oak Hd^U
bdd- —
We sell the Hoosier School Shoe, the best
CathartoeA Weed to Obai A Wddeahamer aad Uee W HcEeaile. w 4‘ ft
school shoe on the market. Childs
to 11
lot ll. blk S.Tf*rorae aty-«lMLsses*12 to *2, $1.50,
Hra. B. Pellw left yaterd^ for la- Chaa J Slapla. iraiWe. to Cba*
tariocbai wbon ahe wQl naato a tow
dayartolUag., ;
We have some very good valnes in $2iXI Work Shoer.
Ote* J Blapica. traatee. to Cbaa L
HtryaaMr*. B. PtottSrof Interlodwo. waa to Utge. w'.of aek.SwSl.TssM.Bl''
th* tab.
the city yaloid»y. III AaaUa
_____ i Crotete to Helton E Ckois .IteatteHteaJJoatobad H*ry F«. Marito Brows bf Ulaad. aad
FSill line of Rubber Boots for fishennen.
Oartte of Harthpert. ntonad tail
TrorawCUyfiiatelluk to Cbaa L
age. pilot 9. blk e. Tkaneae City—
‘ ■. D. Udla«a. aaaayor of Cbari*.
Ws MeDoeald to Boi* HeDeaald.
ab. paaad tbroagb tba dly jaator^ay
m lit aad K. blk ?. Oeedrieh-* addabtowaybr- . t to Fatoakay Bln D. Tylar tel ntoniad ter the Cha* WiihalB aad otbon to Fnd W
■aaarfteaaieago. whan Be. ha* aebroder.etifttef
• - BaBaab.

Ha. O. 0. Oonll arrirad to tte rily beeeforthapaM yar stadytog. daa- tey
- A- Co
-o-tKaddt V add-BMO.
HBBaakril to S W Aabtoa. pt aa‘,
Be*. Barge el_Hewaygo 1* rtolti^ ta of aali. See n*. TM B. B II W—gsoo.
aPnUafteteAa wa b
A Blod; HhaetByBDdpatteaadafla'
>. Bfckoadail af Otown wa* to tte f*U.B»v, ofab.aa t*. owb of*w‘,. Olty Bod £uia prepay.
antop* «( V«nl* A Gbaapeay.
1-5 caab, balASOB on tim*. SmBli
loeST. BMK. EvW-gl.
ObartaBaUbbCha niaraod trwa dty oo beoleaw yawnday.'
pBjrments, with interrat At 6 per cent. Bee '
■owall, whw* te rbiud a____
p&rtiBlliBt below. If yon went m barwtea b* had BM taa ia Baay yaia. Ihroogb the dty yaueday oo her way
end eee me.
WmDeOraw.awS of *•••. Sac
rtoit with frtoad* aad nlaUra. --'
M Jl, B 10 W-gl.
W. H. Porter of >-erthM we* at
Ho. 163-80 Acree.-$1.600 iS milee from dty near WiUUmiibarg
Fniae bsildiug. about:« aeree improred: good «il: «eli irat^r.
Wiaek. panolla Bee SI. Tif B. B
WnitoB A flatdy <
ed; onrfacemostlT level.
1. H. WtoetohagaoetoHaatoloeW:
-79 IAcree-4i2.860. .13 milee from dty, neef Tube P. O.
lead tte JeoM with Ua lerHUwaake*.
Hit Horrttau rataraad yaaurday Boa. W. a. FoBter. Poatataalar Baff
•>5 ecree improrrd. f^e boiUi^ or^atd. Well vatered;
tooaa badaaatripto ~aad Fnak Frtodridi waalOe tte out*
irel ioAB
roam: nrtece. moetiy levd.
- raHtoblpaa.
tepeUloa delegate coeToeUea
Mn.Aa*ieardaw of Aktoa. Okie. l^dt yaterday.
Ho. 117—$600—acre* 8 miieeveet*^
mLdty. About'«U
HaWttocteribMr. Mn. Pwir Oard.^
•v.rl. SurfAcr.moetl
SurfAce, moetiy
lly level:
level: edl, aauoy loam. LogboonSmt^Uhttron p-watgita yarrrsir «a* w
arafthb ally. Htewa famariy a!
Oae-tbird cash, balance is am
kt € per oeiit.
raHloat ban bat ha baa away tor rtaraed fater hoae yateteay.
188-$4h00 ^acr««2imiU
. .
_______________oo Pcniteola. Frame
tte «a*ttwaty yean.
Hra C iogaraoU reteraad to tte
baildiogs; aboat J»'.
i>'> acree
ecree on nrefaard;
aoiL etndy loam; anfface
Ian waaiagafterapwdlBgatew rratea'
rtoltlaC bar bnMher. JetteOtaalaeof
^ mile* Som dty on Pemnaala
Mb Leraagw ntarnad yatorday Elk Bapida.
__ _____________ __
Hto* Wlailred Bara* el HlddleriU*.!
“2 S*aiaS£“*251}^
Mte Wright ba rataraad (rea Plo- to ia tb*city
tb* city Ttoltiag bar brathar. Baa-i
BaarHa. wter* b* ba baaa with bb aaUBvB.of Divtota.treat.
He. i^Ili^ioo. aorv bniidiM and 50Joot lot. Na 517 raiaa ■
itear. Hn. H. V. Atetoa. wbo b . Hra. 0. Hlauof Wachot. rra.
etreet. Bake oven ccmnected rritb building; good ebaebe for ISyS'ff-riifcJfft'SySSiaS
Ihtorbw tealib.
Ha- PMllteor aod Hb* Oraa Mar,Aem im.
pIVof Oraad BvUa
wbo I
kagoe yaterday atto- i
proved. LogboiueaiidataUa UmaUorobaid.BoodaoalirarIfeiffBMiOiHr.Bad HiaA
aAT. FBak. Ui elty ati
hoe, level, OB good raed Some timber.
■.iBBrtpteaw mstto HaprlUo
Tmrww Clq., Hide
W. F. HARSHA. '7^“ ■^«sST

Kid Shoes



«S 60, $3.00, $3.60, end


S. .

"'"-..fcssi. i{ Bor-.KW,£Sr.



r t .. ,

.... .



I Frank Friedrich
Now store

249 Front StMot

R A T.-R1T
Several hundred ecree of valuable fHrmfy>|r
land, part timber and part under cultivation*
well watered, good soil and denrable Ibr fruit,
potatbee. grain; orgraealand; $reU located for
oonvenienoe of ma^keta echoole, etc.; good
roade and all tbe oonvenienoes of an old eettled country. WiU be eold in twenty-acre lote
or laigrer for each or on any leng^ ot
deaired by purohaeer.
Inquire at Traverae City of



Traverse Herak

dr.>>«M mmtrrn 0M.mW Bmo^ IMhrtM. Bifti E«>a» iMMtaUtta mttan tMaluala e{
(taUudefLuM. Tta IMUr -w
(re« tta oaaf «• Marta eta.
tad itmotad KntaaB tae lsta.<rUeb
«earti«lee «oaU for the pepali
■tatattadMtase* aad Upw
•nil7 efkoMH •oapUe i
•MtawrieraMurM mta MulU.
toUvelauatouSU ra*ta«Meenbe
Tta tetur *M tataalM (roc
Tta wrilar etous ital ita naUtn h«
l«fa cvaapn (tom a taw
aad arrow t» a taairaa. tat ara aaaj
Beatataattotbe k clad
ta Mikud tat will ta eqaally vUd
fet bask to tae atataar auklM >UHm U IM
W*H3BOrar«kobw tan MWBdKot a Bad Fjra.
IM tta VMteWlt isMltat* et Bub*
A etui alarm cmUad tba dra itfutreu.. tae (MMcUd the BIfh
MateaUaelBlrbite tta bean of I
MtaDi «Ub *0 taiihUrMecim
8. Wrifbt, cts Wabater atraat. Tl
dapartmaet took a bard raa 00)7
C»ii»»iu.M.«l;^ toying^I^M; kaieki
ttalMtTHtr otttaTMtasrKIfht dad that ttara was bo dra. oalp
dibtorttaMMOB WMclnalB Hv- barelar eUmaa7 that tad aeterta
taWh-e letaeay Tandar. MvrtHffb's baatad taa plaalarlar.
■ratasM fmltblBr tta SMle. A d»Hri. Wrifbt waa altUac la Iroat of
iKbtftl Ubm •» tad.
taa elova with tat tab] whaa aba waa

State Bank


fc. W.



ta* vl..

Ocnr Tbosat. wfao

aof taa WaJi,-airoa- tack.i
-'•«>««- th*
wblehkaow raa^ with a bonla* eblmorp aad «at caakiac to
eetil7 taa (amllj. Tta» alarm wac
(orard 10 (mm tba Tbemta rtaldbaec.
Harriad. oa Taatda7 eraalBp. April
M. Joba P. Paal and Mildrad Ciippec.
The atace of tae €117 Opera Boi
tatb ofOraatattaa komtof Hr. aad
beler rejarraafed ao ae to allow for
Hra H. S. Dlan. Tta eaaaaieo7 waa
more elaborate aad eztauiTe
performed bf Jaatka Bikoa.
Ibaa baa beretoforc bcco poaalble 10
Hrm Marla Haltoa taa of Baaiatac. aee there. Tee pleUorau wbleb have
(oraMrlpeftak elt7. cspeetaaooa to extended panlallp over tae alare from
paUkaUcm of tba daltOtj tbe eidoe bare bc«B narrowed eereral
becria tba pablieatloi. of a fecltoaeto permit the awoflarcer;
aoelatr paper ta BIktort. lad.
drop aoeoerp aad more of It, also

l HMaAteP. MAY 9, 1M»

Hob. a C LtBob beBc«ht Barer
rBaalaBdaaaaneamkcl bk Plettda
trip aa OBlei mllat addlBaa to hk
eeUeeUoBofbtrdkeBTata tta ahapa
ofaaeatMoh'aacrt'Ota tbc Jaebaea
Tilta oatrieb (arm'i wbkb miiaarai lilt


A BeiloBf Rnaawap
Mra. Battle Ml tar aad Mcarkc Omk-. amplopn at the eaplem, were tajerad ta a raaawap aeddnl oa tta
bapabore Taaadap e*n\ar, Mr* Mil­
ler betar qalie eertoaalp berv Tta
bOTM raa awap. tarowlac beta e( tae
npaaUoltaebBccpael. Mr. Deck■temped with aevare tmatebca aad
ikee. bat Hr*. MUIer waa readered
maaeioai bp taa (all, aad It wdt at
L (eared that ehe waa ytrj badjp
t. It waa taoafbt ibai her atm
wu brobea, bat tbk wu (oand not ta
be tbe cue 8be will be cosfioed to
ber-bed (or noma time, bowever.
Both of tbe vicllmi o( taa aeeideet
vrere taken ta tta wplam ta a hack
and tbe bapn mod barnrai ware mbI
out Per repair*, utaep were btalp



; Clreulalioii this week 2,250

A w:dew'a pOBtloe et ta a moetb bat
taaa riaetad to Mra tae7 J. Oartk of
takelir- __________________ ^
Amarrlare Ikaaie bat beta t
*0 Gap Jobaaoo of UrMt. aad I
Baaaa of Wexford.
Tta Novo OiTlehl bald a verj pleai' . aataaeclta 'J'«mda7 erealaiwltb Mkt
& Ufetrada »pracae.

Blibleoa aprlaot iroca

ebarce of W. &. Anderaon.

XBvamv aoBssar aao aivarr

TtaAmerteaa Fodarattoa of tabor
w3l Btaal taa Ant aad third Hoadaj
aitalni et tafeb Boeita ia a & P.JI.
Jeba Lotaariat aad Harp BtAaak
bataof-takeltr. vrere married Tact,
dap bp Bar. 8. SaUbatr- TliapwUlrptldtha^____________________
JaUleaBtowa perfermad tba tart*
mtap Taaadap ttaloaHad Ta matrlao Joba Raarot aad FloreaM Tbaper.
'■ balfcefOrawa.

j -aOBatp- Fa.,k TklUibr bkaaav Bra.
%U.K. Albrkifht aad map laeala here
^ daatph Kaat el Baadolpb atreet, tba
!f..fe«rpaar oldaobof Aafact Raae. fall
^<lBm a little axpreaawacoa aad broke

P mak Altar

Ttaalaam taaife Alice M.
oadllp parebaeed-bp OaplalaaBaderan, baa bate ■Baalfoea aa a UsblbdkM
tfPdar atChaboppaa.
WUUam JaokaoD baa flakbad tae
order of IS BUmax basket mathlaas tor
Ita Walla.Blr<BU Co. Tbc lait dec
ware dcllvarad Satardap.


itp Cook Book

Wui'b”‘MiW^'i^ n'd.’ta
of price AQdrcM
‘Tuk Hexau-.
Traverte CIl]

smii, .


Tbeladluof tbe Oboreb ^1 Carlet.
wUlBerveatneeBteapperta Urapte
Ball Fridap crealar. Irem s ta «
O’eloek. Tbacbtaf attraeUea of^a
topper WiU be a aerlptara eUe, aad
aaeb patron will raoaive fru the raeipe
tormaktafll. A.lltcrup andmaelral
preynm wUl be civan after topper.
Bvoqbodp nvltad.

Tta mldeaec of Joe Betw as
Waabtaptsa atreet baa b«« ratad. a
Tbe TVaveru Clip btata^nk atateaaw ataae loeadattaa added and ataer- maat. wbleb la pebUabad le tadap'a
wtoa atlraetlvelp Improvad.
Bnaxus, maku a prood abowtaf for
A carp fiaa mlraca tru abowa aa kb* that tatUtatloa abd for Travrnu Cttp.
bapTbaradap. Tbe klaad appeared ta Portae drat time ta tbe baaktarbl*^ la Mleblcaa, aerta of Graad
ikuoalpeaktaa, bat above
.,Wnlda. taU bank tadap msbu a alata
Imare verp clear, bat laeartad
to^et Otar ape millioB doDar*. It k

wm Goebel mat with aa aaetdnt at a a^akdld neord tor tae buh manar*'
;Mapdald Monday nfuraeea. wbUa. man mad Uvaae abowtap for tba proaij werktacoB a roll wap. tact roanltad
a wadlUoa el tae bsdlaemaad
I'lta taa dktaea^^ k eboaldar.
tormlartotarumar tae wbotarortaa
Tba WiUatd W. C r. V. win moat
^Stak afunmoa at tbe liaeoad M. B buaarramtattra«tiaA ta Fr*l Beebl-.Airoh takaflanen, wlu Mra. Tan- 1011 aqaartam dkd Tacadap. Tbe
- ’ Ppha In chart* of tba precramtob baa bun elek for aaruml dtps aad
sararatarmoBtalpmcrUacol taa il apUa et Hr. BeebM'e eBerta It eoald
aaab Cemetary ImnrovaaieBt laao. apt bt tavta. Tbk wu tad laitut
^eUUo* Will be bald ta taa L L A. traataveroaa^t ta taUractaa witaa
dp. It wu (Mcbl taraa peara afo.
; roami at l;U p'dtab tali af icrasoa.
Aflat it died It vrHfbed merataaa ata
JapHaltarwualraeh bp a karaUac psaadt Ad maatarad ir taehu ta
_ bait u the MleUcna Mnelutartac liafta. Tbe deb win bt pbatc*rapbed
i0p.blBMec3r Tuadap.aad while not •ad tae Pen MaTqataraUwapeempanp
lucteafllp laitrad. n k
U ueit 1a
naart aoaaaaU.
iMIpMud .ndmu iAhn ta hk

tAtk«.a<1Uiatore am the


Dor famosM aie qiwi.

If you w«Bt a cbMp


Kew in Ml* Urtdrp^
oftkita store bare w» b*d

carpef look at Ihta ««e--


die; there i* no other alt

it is bMvier tbka any «0c

CbioA AUttiog u w* have

wooltatpet jutaiKOod jb




Ton cuBof fade

tbu any 40c kind -oolor.

At 12^ tbe yud-«-fn]l

it—the only carpel made

ings and patteras are very

line ot oolorioga.

mtAlily of tarpeto we hu.

Ui4l will AUnd that Knar
will WBBT


an.l look better than up

We carry the only






Brwjhowi^ of



We yeconmend it

M-, »•, Soc, 30c to 45e*-

tf you want a good carpel

aoy folor, any puten yoo

At a l-sw price. ITjen there

>uld aak for. We ean mill

itsusplew Btoek of Lowells

are tiranite cArpeta at SSc


ill the city -fiCk- lo 70c per

arid 2.V' and Hemp at I3b-

look at tbe line and want

per yard-

to get one.


matUng U yon wUI


Tbie pojsular floor cov.
eriiiKj* being ite^ mor>-

N's niatler where luii

raeb j-par. Tbu pt-ojsleraaJ-

hare be« n t-jokirig f.,r rug*,

iz>- that it is ulipapr-r toLuy

lie here and yisu o ill gPt

.ary a position to
money on ibis










<1r|mrtmenta in

llie store.

W* carry a fnll


lixskrtl abea<lLac(1 took ad-


Uug*«i|l.:L-. il„i

you ,w..ul.i think worth $2.

aiid isiy dootor bills


Then aee tho»e al $2.2.5 ail 111,- m-w

oiieulal de-

Ruffled OurUtua, tbe
Aak to aee liieae


wben you come

ibp money and you gH the

ot larger ruga, let ns make

io,— The

KntliitgbtiBt at

lei us figure with yon


stock in loan to

tsdeot from -.lOc yd ujs


originaions of tbe raffled


b.-opfil ..f tbe loer price

tb,- large



six montbi ago-we pgt up

vrmlagr- rsf tB>- J.sw prt<-M


line of (>)ben Bros. Bobbi-

it for you. anv site -You
M‘l« t the carpet, we
the rV-t


$1.81 40. $2 50 end $TS.5:
Irish roint at $100 and
Kobbinet at $1.75.
$V<W. r.‘iMaiid $12.

- 6tv

\9 -

use vxn,\.\ sVari owr beetmd KloAta 'UnderoseaT Salt.
"VDe b&xie been qetttaq ta h\q Vots <sl deq&rst qood*.
hmxqbt Vast
arv4 an aecoaat tertata corvdVtVoaa,
use are iaat qtWiaq taa qooda ■K6^D. ■\Joa maq VotAi
lor some Trtaes VVvat \b\V\ meet \atta qoar atqrooat.

Protect Your Chickens

' Carboliueum Avenarlus

Law Breakere Oaasbt.
Jut one pear aco Monday. Hark
Craw reeelvedhltoo'nmkalonudrpatp
Camaaodlib warden,and fortbc eetlrc peariie bu been dimltac bit en.
erctae toward eafgrcinc tbe came ned
fivb lawt, with ver/ cood rceuita, -Oe
do*»d tae aeuoa with tbe blccwt baal
el the pear, landtac ae'vta violator* et
ol Me dth lew. (rosi whom tbe flau

Depatp Warden Grew, fjllewiof
melae that be bad received, want to
The MeraanUla Co. hu mae at at- Daek Lake nau laierlwHien Saturday
traetle* addition Jo tae croeerp de- ni«bL and afur walUac till 3 o-dorir
partauau Fivaxlbu ibow eaau bavo tatbe marnlnf.unchlbk mcd. tfaree
beenaddadlB. wbkb are dkplaped n taoa* boa'.aodfoar ta tta* other. They
kepila the hotel at telerlechen
fall line el tbe aaadiet made by Blraab
(or tae rut of tbe nichl. thea were
A Amtatta. Tba ooaleeUom
nleelpdaplajkdaedtaepanaeWra laa broBfbt SO tak dtp.

lice Brewa wi* (otiad and tbe
flat Uac of table endimeeta. Mlia
mea dapotited tasiaaedeat lo
Mabel Brown bu ebarfc of thia deapver tae eovl* ta llse matter. laetraet*
iar4he depatp wardeo to pleid ceUtp
Ckrdt have bwrraaalved anneat.-.. lartbem TbeUae andi-mu ta ueh
Use mwTlBKe of Mki Aaga Looke Ladi ua wu to TO
win aad Mr. Bobart Frumu Cknreh
Tbe mao were entered ta epearinc
atChloro Tbnradfp. April io niep bat* off the bedi, a practice that re
win beuhomata thair (riaadt attar aalle ta Ibe uterrataiitipo of the fiib
rf'tp 10 alvTT WUaoe aveana, Jlsveat- tuter than map other method ttaat
wood. Mr. Obarebwu a former raal-: eoaU be •dop-.ed. More arreau will
drolofTravarw atp. nd hu maap fellow l( tbe practice k aotwtopprd. u
wbovdll exiead eoafraL Mr. Craw k In euneil ta bk <fljrta to
ufot*e tbe law.

A free ntarlatamrat aad npper
Tta treat of (be Jrwelrp atera of W. wu clvn Fridap Blrbl attaaFrlaada
Filtaaimb Aa noellcei:
C A B. A. Uaaaen on Frool atrtal. tiav
tan beaBlided with a eeai of Hack procram wu rndarad. nbttaaUallp
A'earp aaeb eBjtpcd
patat trimmed with allver.
taatareoftaaevoalac «»• tJk ulre.
AU memhe^crf~tta~ K.'P. mra rrqaaaiad to auaad abc meeUac le.
imita. A h
alcht, aa taere K' ‘brea coed ,
tobuHptloB vru takea tor tae parpoi
dalaafor tae eeeead raok.

We ctata Use »po-


decree of comtort. Tbe boat bu/oeco
laaoebed at Lelaad. where *be hte
bunrebailiaadeext week will ukc
tae place of tae Salilc, wbleb hu been
rouincoa tbc ronte eloe* the uteoB From chicken lice and vemiin by giving a ctial t,> tlie inside ,•( ymir *
ebiukeu coop of
The Ti»rr bu beea lenctaened " feet
nd 4 feet have beta added to her
earn.' The cahta now extenda the
entire leaetta of tbe craft and many
mirneu have been added. Cap.
tain Jobe Baritac will now be folly
fTOoerp ba^era at SM Froat atreet.
Oleais tbe walls and roosta, tbon apply on.- .sr tw.. oiaii,. tiiling tli,emovo with Ida tamilplo Alberta.
cmcks well with the SAme. Il should be appliM in ibe morning, tli.-n
Britkfa Colambla. ta tat atar fatarc.
close the coop for a short time
'riie cliu-keii* can oi cupy ibeif
wtanbe wUl eater ta
worki, k alctadp h

Davk, wbo an bow

tm talk nrpMA to

l«M Mf« llUBjilf «rt

Tteer ta improvafl
Urouadwaa brakes Frldtp for the
TbealeamerTirer which bat 'plied
boUdlepattaa Travam Clip Brick
Worke. aboat tatf a mile weal of Ckrp Lake between I'oaeu aad Lelaed
>I peara. bu been taoroocblp 1
Oarter'e mill The werii will bt paibadrapldlp. Tta maeblaerp k almnt fitted, remodeled and ealarred eg u

la "TbeOatarer^ of April, a very
flattanaraeilw ittivta oftaaLittlo
Tavora of tbk eitp.eflu proprietor,
W. L. Brows baa becan oo two
rieorte B. Wiaale. aad B. F. MeCloekep
Me ratblaBom oa But HlaUi atraet
wbobu ban ebet erer alaee tae Ureni
Arabia Ovktt aad Charlaa Laaeaata
wataianed. Tbe blue rxrb capeelaUp
"The Catarer'
drub Allctr >1 bailetaca alx room le wall tpakta of.
ta Obltaco. ■
baaaa oa
BlcbUi atraat for Ed.
Haidp'. It WiU ta eoapletad delp is
W. W, Millar, wbo k eloel^ oat

iniiii i~nTriim ..... ..

latCBta nSerlBc irat endartd bp
wittpam T. U Martin, of D x,r. Kp .
balen be rave tbk aTldenat: "I aonebad everp alcht aalU asp throat wu
nearip raw then ined Dr: Eior'a b’ew
Dktaverp wbleb cave Iratani relief,
have Bead It la mp (arnflr lor foar pea
aad recomend It a ■ tbe rroatael reme<
for Cnrbf. Colda aad all Throat, Che
and imec tronblra. It .will »u,p ibe
vrorat eoucb, and not 00Ip n'ena’a bat
CBmOoatnmpUoa Price so; ard «l.(i
bottle caarantaed
. Tn*l
. .toitla
rerp bottle
eiantd E Wali'eaad Ja>. U J.:bi
n’l Drop
Iror Starea.


MOsre^forUble th'iaf ever k.p,


2 P Carpels Carpels

ma-eect *• •
Four WmabBitr aad
wbkb baa taa ai
Ha ako braaebt aa «lllfaMe'e effdwhlchkadactded aovaltf tatakpart aodtaa taraa wiU ta vridnad ta «s
at tae l-alUd Slaua. Mr. Kaaolaad
baeoMortaedaait.lf BOt tba daaat
eolloalioa of ana U'Mltatcaa aad
14 Froat 81.. Trae
ttaaawlUbeawaUeMaddUleato It.

wldnlartaecpaee to 33 feet aad allewtaf a helAbt a( 3ii,
‘Tbk Improvemcot will allow rmler
died at taeir borne Meoda7 of eaeral.
tlooe. Tta (oaeral oeearred from tta taoUllpforlbeaea of the iae aeeocrp
rtaMaaea Taaada7. Kai. Bavb Eeeaa- lobe aaed la tbe Devit'eAi
appear la tae CsipOperailooM Huadap
dr offlektlar________________
nl(bt. Thu prodoetion k rerp e<ab>Tta TiBvane OI17 rtftoe k
aad a lam amouat of tpeckl
wiib iBtareat la «ood roadi aad will
(or ita ual
tafon tta aad of tta
Trbomaa Oitp axampta aoald be proflta-:
hip followed bp otaam.—araad Bapida:
pcrtad (tom dal-. Herald.
homeat Oid Mimtaa UoadapafirraoeB
Otoire H. Olfb of ,Ctalearo. tat
at tbe ripr ace of at peara. She WM
brarbt el Jadfa MeOeaaal bla tataraat
the widow of tbe lata P. Bubaurr,
ta tta Taraat Lodre naert oa the aboiB
owner el taa Iluabmare retort where
A aldetntek aeile ic talar ballt (or
be died aboat five peat* aco.
parebaan tae paeht that la belap beilt
taa Heaaah A U7 flmr aBll.
Mre. Botbmore leavea ooe ton, W.
bp vieur Moataraa (or Judea MeOoaH. BeihmoreofOld Miction.
. Morpaa'a Ueer7 auble U raealvlac a nel-nUaebter.______________
dauebur. Mr*. E
Sew pravoeimarehal.retanstarwHlebiraa
fyfc roat of dre proof palat.
of friend* who;
Rr wu elecled .berilT of
Ttakfadereanndepartmeatof tae York dtp. aad
Tom Sbaae kmc poMbaaed hi Fort BlmwooiarnaeMbwlwUl be eleaed
eaonip I0 I-;.*
be aad to leara of her death. Tbe
WaTaee Bee UrIekBaUUIoa.
(oaeral wu Ueld (ram
>p at : P m.. Her. A. A. Wall ol


itaamaBla aaw halar a-----k of tta Travdita Ctp Drie*
a 4070. BmUaa- taa imW taa tmk. a BOW
aaw jadca>
otaad will be taUt aad wbaa
taarewiU be few traeka la taa ataU
taatwiuta tatter.
FUMta taama bib at w<M

Youi bui teehne*. pour uual pj*!Deacb of Vaiennaa Lea.
1 or butaeu *aeeeu dmad*
>rnd>l«rc<l«rc<Word vru received here peeurdxp et
n Ibe perfect ecitOD of yoar Stem
Ibe aaddee death of Valeotiee Lee.
and Liver
Dr. Kite'. Kew Lift
■ e iBurraccd etreartb, a '
old rcaldtat mod well known ciilivo of
alo, bleb ambliioe A r:
Lveianao coantp. who lived at Xilaod
make yon feel Ukeaae
lie died ul a raneerpraterdap mornlar
lid bp t'. E Wait and Jj
Valentine Lee bad loac beea tdrat’- JobaaOD. Drarcku.
fled with the Brpubilcae party ta Lee.
iaaaa eontsip and wu aa acUve worker.
Be wu tsora ta ItSS ta New York ttate.
eomtartoHlebicaaia IliSf. Beleeat
North Manitaa bland aad for
two pear* operated a ferry from the
tbe aaielaad. Previona to
that lime be wu a callbr’oa tbe lakri
and ihv otieae far it peara. la irtu be
entered tbe employ of Cordec A Tbelit
Carp river, new Lelaad. where be
had ebarce of taeir doeke
F«.r loer jeare deeraaed wu ta lie
•oit wbrre be held the pocUlen ol
depatp United Statu manbal. and
Oorinr the wu be urred fonr peara u

Clara, tae iltUe daarbter of Mr. aad
Met. Fooda &a7Dimd of dUUi atraat.

a. tac^r a Cc-^»j
a «.»-«



Aataton Got Use Ooode
Mra Brau bu bad a nmarkabledomcetie faratorp Twice marrlrd
tame m*e aad twice divtwetd.
BOW ta a little dlSeollp
boBsebold furnllore with which tail
aad heruH kept
scrip the wife of lleerrr Helm* of
Kvpiloae.. aad when abc aad her baa.
baed decided the firat time that tbelr
patbt tfaoold uparau. Mr. Beimiiet
her take tbe bouebold feraltorcwlta
taeo they were arain married
>ed to ibink tUt the aropertp
hif. mod when, tbe dsp alter
they were married ibe ueoad timr. the
left him. be bald the praperlp aad n(aaad to comader II.
Hn' Betau eblaiaed a divorce at tae
October term ol coarl Ad wuacm’a
tbk time to Oaear Brant, (he
marrlMllecsw bataf made oat wllb
(he Mom pen that elcaedtae divorce.
'Bam time arc. whlk Hr. Belmv vr**
CUM that Hr. aad
Hr*. Bvau went to hU Temldaaet aad
took tat (areltara. withoat ukiaf bk
obutatac bk permluioa.
Wbaa Heimi earn* borne Jse vru ael at
au Aal«bUd with ibe matur, Ad r°t
mnplevta paaan. Tbeu Couuhie
Atalcsa wok with Urn W tae rettaearst
of Mr. Brau- pareeta. aad becu a
ah lor tbe foodi Tbe elder Erau
wu dkpteaaod aad aspftaaad biedkpleawN ta ae mil
mild lerme. b«t Hr
........................balsa*, aad lend
a pan o( ta* rooda Batarday b*
taaaud taa rut«(Item ta tae Bvau;

m Obkamta aA

in llic en-niug

For sal,-nl

w ai-t’e IDjCTig S-fcox-o.


Good leather,
The Best Leather,
The Very Best Ohtainable
Tliat'e till- kind ii-rd to tisc s)io<-s *-e m-li
Wr- Dcver kitoiriiu(i>'
coll • pair of sboea tlsat are not Kood: what vrt- mean liy.vuod is
that iLey will woar well iind be «ll and more fban yon woold cith cl for your monpy. "'<• Lave tbr- reputalion of

Selfing the Best Shoes
• >f any liootp ill this rr-gina

Ii'k -

A Repuration Rightly Ours '
ior 'ii> trae tb«l our abotra. wbvtbrr ves*Il tbt m for f1.00. 82.00
or liklicr. are mor<.' dnrablfl and -morv ■tylisli tbnii «ny (tya
rould isiircbM* ^iMvbeio ».i tbv aAfflp pric#.

And the Prices, Well,.See These

Suimner Goods
For Sommer Wear
Novelties that are novelties. They are
elegant just because they are so simple.
There’s where genius in the weaving
comes in.
Wool Ch,allies
Some iieauiirtil patterns and in all
the newest-colors—.A most-dressy
goods and s«l at 50c the yard.

“Red Seal” Zephers
Inst the thing for summer wear- light and dainty—in checks, stripes
and plaids, and only cost loc a yard.

Always isopoiar—never more so than
now—in ptpk. gray, light blue, in
stripes, solid colors and large and
small chreks—sell at the uniform
price or IOC the yard.

White Goods
.Air manner of stripes and cheeks--ihe finest goods for dresses, waists
and children's suits, and prices are
from 6c the yard up.


Embroidered Mull




The daintiest designs that have been
manuiactured, in pink and yellow and
white, at iS

A beantiful line of these important
g^ods—all widths and - patterns, sell
from 5 to 75c the yard.

Pointelle de Sole
Comes in juM 15 yard dre« patterns.
-\o two alikc—in figured black, blue,
purple and gray-tselis at $oc a yard.

Nothing niccr^Tfor a summer waist.
Many new pattemsr-ail sell at *x
the yard.

One of the most fashionable fabrics
shown. .All the newest combinations
of weaves and colors—sell from 25 to
§oc the yard.

India .Linens
More new goods in 'the popular fab­
rics Handsome {Patterns and many
prices from X to 40c the yard.

striped Specials
A specially handsome line of goods
for shirt waists in blues and reds, sell
. at 40c t^e yard.

All mannerof patterns; in stripes aad
figures, and a spleodtd line of bees
and insertions.

Hannah & Lai lercantlle Co.

«UMn TtoVilitf.aMitjLiUT a. isoo.
Ttoportemoc APswtoawu tsbtod
lattotoUAiRM, tto ak bslu oarrkdtottodrpot frusds aA dualkbA. Ttoooioouki tabu u that
Mb* wen foaA roonliy la tto lUlwg
AabszearalAtwoA. til.. aA tto
tour hu ferwardA ihea to tto peav
auu at tVol

aJL CtafitiSli.aKlMlwWlBMr

% ttr^ Traverse Begion.


Mra. Laneodara aemallpartrtoa ^^Uktoaasr too t<uto Trar«
A*k Tost Scoter Scr AUuS tow
8 to ble bam to |«v larlied frtowAi ee AeA <eib, to
I hewer ol lltUa Aaelat UrthdV'
Arttaftaa SpHT whobatboewMAatl
who ba* t>
.smal maoMi ol fttl tore baea
Vol^oiBtae ter ohool throe
' B’aaa^ eoder IbadoA i .Itoneria
uuk Leau Vtoewow aA Piuk
w^eetadhoM tUtwaakU hek at the Ual law dare
Fitber an taeth oa tto okk Ikl.
rj treat
WAter Hear* k laid up -Aik
T*r«nlB.OI S*TOtols.O!
va<»aniin msoaor.
baA. bcfotUknnloitoaUL
Mto. SaUhu woat to Ceoamkh wrilaa ttei drehlc ia
tv**** ««»<» «»ll «ui of fak
lyu alert ter'
%arodvMr. I^.att haa «aH worti ol the toa•. u Ccoli. ten

ttWitaa toastteMHtt


• WMtto KkIkaMnte

Tban on aarorol oaw bkrelat to
tewa tbii apctof.

MflUf Iwtir

Mr. AkwrkwUoud twwUUdiu
Vtokt Cwutoc k u tto ^ IkU
. Fluk Fwtor ktoytof potowu at



Waw»ha*tBC taMfllmt •Mitara


' Sip&iSffn'll-' —Blaytom
BawyttrokB wm (mb* frooi'—
Jm. 4. U*. &■ W. lUbartMd Wm.

Seadv at C 0. BollaB-

threadh hi^Uh*kd!en^Uar. r>iar worth.
Thera will be a plaaeelal aadarUe
> ot the Ladit'a Aid firea at

^ M &i!nZik SM^d?.*'
Wm. Brifhl h nouidellad. ealarriar
aad arll^ eM^ate^ hla be^
■omwt^^ matt eraHia. r. IMtea la ea the aUr liet.
EMM Barrie qmItaaWt.
“ H^ lS“Vrii
D. B. Dedh mUI atartad loot Header tbawerl
wod tow tba whale weak with food
Waaler Ba^aaerv wUI .re to Bid
_apida tbk week to attead Ac Petrh
' aB. Dar aad wUa modeatripto ISdaatrltl aeboal.
Bar. B. Bath dUA hla naaal appoi
^^Oij^M^hlar rkdlad at Mr. Tot- meat at the Aareh 8aad»r *l too a.
While werhiw la the alara m-----StaArherChAFertlM wasetraek
•MB the Ala wlA a atan.


MB. n«i bach It ee th
Mb. B C mt ralorwad

dr. aod Hn. O
r Satardar.


Aaoaroat Aiewe frieedi eeidem receire the beaeSt of oar Use
Uar bpeAl hilce. we bare decIdA to make an

Extraordinary Offer

Albert Bobblwt k'rldlar a new Baclr



wlU woA Hr. Oal-.

MMhM tea imtad hit term had
bOOfoM to Serthpert tor the aammar.
B. W. WeCbv aad tamllr wUI lire
wMk Bearr Sbattorir tbli aamaar.
Mb. onoa haa morod tote her oww
ttotor BMnb

cawa to BtW ie

T. Ft Horbw ol Rayae Cltr k the
CoMlAJ. H. B:
Albert Bobbtoa
- "itoa baa
to foae to work at
toa Markham brick yard.
I of'T

■^V*S*™tisri.aBHoBtaAto».ib>c~s»aAi-i»«T.~*eAsi' •*'«


^^Johm oMta^araa Ottp It work'
Hr. oA Hia. W. E. Bdmca*
< TketBB aw«WMd tbair daat
HB. C. Oaitowd, Sudor-


LMClnefl. ikTs LbAstaeaeOCrj sllb asodioiwl.
PIsSATTrarwbsMksLatlrr Har IOUnb» irw..' itt-- OIatt. .hi le I1..1 s (s.r.
(let resrenm Isoo or l-lere this Cste. •

The Taylor-Woolfenden Co,,
Wesdwsrd Ata ud 8Ut< 8t.. DETBOH. mCR.

aariA cjrr.

___ itltol aprtoc treattor, bat we
Hhw adttk QIbba A Ttaroraa Qty waAtoto.
Htoer Famat aA wUe aA toachmutotoMdayAfki.
Kwlfht A Hedra wu herb lar eallA oo trkode ben yatertoj.
Ha. wm YooBC ud Hla Hay
CsaABCtrkltA their Ckter. Hn. T
Ye^. iatt WAaeAey.
- (M^SirilN^J.^LOlbSi

ooutym^tk^t totoAtoto^'




HAlubamA aA Hn. C D.
tou TklUac ttotr Ater


^ Beiry U Jnlldtoc hk uw




I am still manulacturing Harness at the
old stand. Wbatcrer your spring wants may­
be give me a call. I can save you money, ami
give you good good^. the best in quality, nat
ty in style and at very moderate i>rii:«K.


Read On
To the End.

Traverse City. Mich'.


..lcj-/i/crm<:l L'r .

II-1 • I'l

It Will
Interest You


The New York Store
iMitsd St SIO, Oor. TTaioa and ^xth Struts,
Soatti Bids, Irsvepse City, Mich.


HU Ekk StaalnatortA thk Bernloc ter BiehaaA. Indiaaa. an a
tolecau to the elate mtoloeary teci-

Men’s Working Boils, iood weight, at Ibis sale.................. «1 98

MU UUle Barwee k geiag to K<
aaaka to lire Ath her aoHe ud iui
The Borne HUioa lodaty will met
Ath Mra H.
Hra Cropp of UoA Barber rAlA


ud Iwown Birdseye Suits, worth

• "J


ofiea receiv.' Aiatal .'un, S
or bruises from -a.':;r!LM'. S
Araire ^

V ; -i


TWwpktoe kaktUtoto
Hn. Boaty Lardk Ion tbair
todwAltktoat Sudsy
bwto tto ayapatby A


qatw ulhaal


Ttouu ud HU Vkla
Joap A Korthport attoAA the a

Ite BtotoW k tortoc oyrall d

tou Vuls. who ba


aedlucs wu amaUet
MU Fuay BUott
aA toatrwetire

bate la tto C. H. Bepdacea A BeA Qty k tore
Its Al wtala-. laktocpktarce thk week.
The caale ruklarA at
> betel
for tto put wuk an a> lAu . : Frtd
oe: A
Wa BoeUbu. Wa
. Jou
SaUlru. wm tony.
a City;
C C HaiahaU. UraA Bapide, W Ha-

IMJ pill iMAl A I Ihkywar.

A F Baatlac

A PIANO or ORGAN do not fail to
SEE US. if ytou wish to S.AVli MONEY.
\Vc are helling out our Small .Musical Merchandise
during January- at great‘reductions. Such as Violins.
Guitars, Banjos. Mandolins, etc.



Orifyou wantonly an.oddpiece.this listiswortbalo^ofmonsy to you, so reid and
remember it. I carry a ihil line of the following ^d sell as low as the same grade of
goods can be boxi^t in Michigan. 1 will cheerfully meet any prices, I do not care
where they come from, for t thoroughly understand the buslnese and devote my whole
time and attention to it. . I have at all times a full line and a large assortment of all
kinds of

Springs, Mattresses, FeatKers, Pillows, Quilts, Bod SpreadsJCarpets. Rugs. Mattings, Oil Cloth, Art • Squares, LacO, Chmiille and
Tapestry Curtains, 'Window Shades, Curtain Foies and Rods,
Pictures, Picture Frames, Children’s Wagons, Velocipedes, Doll
Cabs, Baby. Carriages, Go Carts, BicyclA, Sewing Machines, Dishes
of alT kinds, Lamps, Glassware, Tinware, Graniteware, Clocks,
Clock Shelves,. Crokinole, Carrom, and Checker Boards, Jardi­
nieres, Jardiniere Stands.
I aim to keep the lai^eet and beat a^rtment ^

Stoves and Steel Raijges

Ion,R W. 34.N. 8ei». worth R. .tthi.«l,..
Bo,.' School Snif. fNilj oNie, .Hhi. «le...
ChUdru’s VeAto 8iito.f«Uy worth IS. owr priee.......... 98c
Mens black cotton WoiAed Puts, worth »liO. A this ule 65c
Boys’ Knee Puts, np from..............................;................ ..

in Northern Kichigan, from the ebeapeet np to the very beat
Steel Kange made, and a trip throngh my large atove room
here or at my atore at Elk Baplda wiU /bonvinoe you that I
cau please you eitiier on prices or etflea. In ooncloaion I
will say it WiU pay yon to come lODmUes to go through my
mammoth stock of House Furnishing Oooda, where you ’can
find anything you need insyonr houee, from a sewing machine
needle up to a fine paiior anit or ateel range. All sold on
easy payments.

A buotifnl
buotifiil liu
of Boys' .-olored ud white'W>iA*iiiA

Mu's Cotton Ototskiito. at this sale.-..................................
M^ black Salesn Orerohirts, warr^ted full size, worth


SacoaHl^j'Bato'urrF^^;' jtu
Eaoara. CeaWreUle:

Before Buying

*'*i g: Qj'a'^oM.'Cuuningham.Prop.
1 IS W<««t Front Street.

-jeTMaMeaBce Uaioa wUl lac____
who hattowakk. tto tome A Mn T. P. Yoaoc Fridar.
H^llltoter the election A cSceib.


Good Harbor. Klcta


A r«t Bicytl* ai4w

TtoS.8.aaraotion of dtotrkt No


Uurl Batlioge bu«'o
trip east A Kalksaka

^ ^^repbrll eA perly err lUhi-rj- |

159 Front Street
City, apant Saaday at h
_____ leldoB ol EtocaUykrla
bar bretbar. FraAWatotor. }
Swday aAwl will be reoiAnlc
Ukplaeenezi Saaday. v.7^
Hra. Bto* Moaipe ud Hra. J. H.
XobtoA on raoorarinc Itoa
Yoanc pApli................
Teaday alcbt at Itae aAooI boaac.
Tto rirer aA trool aliaama an ItoA
Ath totaarara.
A weAtoc eheer wu toederA Hr.

siMciKl Sellias AsetiL

IMiloTe-arreelsatlsIsotsTr aaCairrMpneu brfoie trj^r »o. ili» e«ar> <...11«

JTTST ON'S -WORID .A.BOXrO?------ —='

Batwer HeOUl ud
Tmtarte CltroallAt Irleodtal thk
fdo^r bare’taorA to


Bend for“90tlt Oeatury" Ostslegue, to

yoeteA .
Hr. eed Un. Dell Palrtookt tr
(Ipbborbood a few days icl


''Att. _
Ha ud Hra. Bert Crtop aod daafhtBAddlaead'ElQA Batotepeat Saotor «Htb Mr. aod Hra Uedaef.
The lAtee- mietoaair meetlec will
be held at tba AarA WAamtor alter-


BuClay Orlfie hB


Monday, May 7th, until Thursday, May 10th,
:a-T $x.oo

Him Bet* BA -haa rotarsA to bar


'P HE arrn CESTCnY -alpha ' i>e

•» machinn) are the very aoim- .d perfect ■<» in cream
•cpnAlors—euibodyrioi: th,- new and perfocli^ dru-lupmeiit A the "Al.PHA" disc principle.
Tfaecieametyman or duryman wb<ib«R uul exam,
inrd or used a iOTH t'EXTllBY -disc ' ma.bim' suf.
ficienlly to understud the and impnrianV,- of tin
nea impruvements hu yet to ^rn the iiieriis siid virtnes of lb<- op>torilaie crenin M-parator.
Inawnid.iheaOTH CKSTl'RY “AJ.PHA' mschine, in any A iU siru, is simply beyond th.- paU‘ of
L-oniparison with aDyibinK else- that calnral force and
human ituienniiyliuyA derised inihe shnpr ofa cruDi
separator. li stands iti-a class by ilselt—far aU>vi- and
beyond all possible competition .*,ate iu a.-toa) ctsb reeultw alone at h-asi FIO per l-«w js-r year and mahe y our
dairy-work asoun-e A profit and ulisfa.-lioii iost.-ad »f

For the Benefit of NonrResldent Gnstomers.

rotlel feed'There wUI be preaAlac at the lUt

IBb JABla Qprwabee



100 doz. Foster Hook,
S5W HaiiaOlHSHlBlESlOttS «iSl‘.3;,Sii

•Bd Tharadar
D. B. TiBaarot iTararB.atr rlaltod hfn. Uao. Lather and Alldi
thlOBlaB loot work.
tor with bir'tit'ter. Mia. bk'^
^ Mra. r. B White et WUI
. The Imdlaf AU mat with Kia. B. waa.tha coaat et Hn. A. L
Smw laB Frider.
Freak OeodaU la a«oa oa oe
^C.A. Fez awd Ator HaMa
IhereiB Oltr Satardar.
, B. beer cMUac Tmi, (

• Um SUtBot BartcerC


Balpb Dancy A BaAn wu hen to­
day cwllUif oo friooik.
Mr. Bnaci bua ily Mas. Be drore
loT>o*«nt Oiy ud back lut
• erer tolortor aod Soedor- j
^ Hn. Heorr Bataet are Monday, .hk wife aA daechterocc^.
the death o( Ibeir little
debbor. made ea a pleeiaot
Baaln. who oeir remtlsA
A Fkbet sA Uraty*'eh.EO
.heat for ito tbsrt tuet ol tee olleAA the
ceuety coBcrolion al
bomelrem dar» asd then took her deparUnlor a leodyecUrdey
Vbom batartof ercaiec.
brirbter warlJ. She wai laterrA Id
'Hla bteoley of Maple Ciiy was m
Maee Brea, taro
bA a aealrr ' the Koribcori cemeterr.
Iowa kei week.
aloof too tborce ben eoallac toeir loca , Boekorea cibelatmc
aA woAteahA
hA alowf
the lake dei
Alrzaader lamu bat Bi:,rA 1
A Wuaa'i AwtalFcnl
lee the late wtoter.
• ; hla uncle'* place ooii a piece of
■•rhei* k oaly oee ebuec' to u*-AlAaleaiaak weAtofal the Pke, oeerer the Pier and capecte to wor
year life ud taet k' Ihroufh wa opere
: the fatmrra the coisiDcaoaaier.
tloo."won ihcsierilier wstd* btar.;
by Mrs. I B Uuol tf Las U;a.-r',
Wu-. troB bet doeirrafirr ti- b»e
IjAedloenr* ber A ■ fricLifol tj
of etcBkeh Iroeblr aA:


■We XXbvo Beopi-r^eo




o^'w^auTprioelpol el thTw
aider had Saadar *lth maoda 1>


>t Do*ol lut
oj urjT«,v.
w oA Mr. Eobs mate a
? to Tracene City lut

ahoal dra ioebaa load alrtkiof Mr. !*«al(
Croti'a lawar lip oa ooa aide, peealnl-1 lowla lamae eama hem oa a at



Stores at Traverse Oity and ElkHapida. lUch. Pro:

i to mail orden.

J. W. Slater’s Exclusive House Furnisliji^ Store
ISO S'sou^ Stx«eV

> C».«w-F ACiOlx.

TBAmn wajuj>^ mat z, i«oo


4HMM. OM.. *|vll M-n* tan
mM br tiM tr* W
owMiW Uta

tatotOROBta A;tafBado daittd
anUtrapartot Jobaaaa etaalj. Ua
afBUaad Ua aatura
artaot ebldnUa. m Ua lalaprapb
aaradowB. AballaUatraaWan
UataUrriUadood tea tttatttl
Utra. rrondaUtaallmbattbaaB
Mtrilorr. ~ ttowcfc
loat, patbapt aota.
Braan Hoar
rtrtta tlM
pi'~ of

lalo Ut Ottawa Jkwtatart dtatrtat.
oUoek toalcht aa iaaaan
UkaUuhmr <ro« tkt eatkrtak
Wm «uw ««rt btjesd MoMl tl lha taMaodnoarl.KaaaMATBxa* rdllaUe ttaiBttp
gitdtpvtaesu of BeU tad OUMta
•ad Md twept > paihwtr a nUt tcaf el SMUtOla Blaa. la BUI eoaatp.
partly dnlr^ad. Tbt paolle
thnrork BaU. Inped aercH Ibt aarlow part of tbtrlnwaiCbiodtartraUt atbool balldlac wai wraUad taed two
•adhadfaiatda fo^Usc tBoa( Ut papUt hart Bertral d
tatabtr eUe« 08 Ut Ottawa kUa rroa wtd-daatroptd aadthe Baplitl ebarata

V,Wd«r-anUMMd»k •M.Otta.MA.
tolnbtcuMU o'etoektUtnnt M BtU. • »tan ef IS.MO >mH o>
«ta« ot tfc* OMnrivcr. Tfc*



Tfct wboltcttaDt at Ut dreb paU

•ap at 10 r- *«»' ““*•
of brfikBiaaroe wbota Irdntrlal diktric-. 'ir Ottawa It eompitlcIfwtptd oat. Tw«bI7 iboataad par
aonarahotattanUUdiwo elUtr.
Oetarlckt woata aad ebUdraaflU Ut
prtaelpti atrrtu aad ara bataf tarad
fer bp Ut aattaarlllH asd citiraa.
A eaBaerrailre rtUoaU ot Ut tanae
an la fron • u*lo.«0.(
watab tbalon aoUtlaBbtralo
Thtroawallr ttorptad Ueorp
tbaerlvtali tbatu waiaaiala
tateta'. bat tout mall ot aw^datMaebtmof BoarkympaUJaata «r
FataAi. IttafraalpttatadUatanerM vcaataatloB of UU ebaraetar la
tMpaettd to bata beaa werUac la Ut
dtp tor taoatba pam bot Ue beat aftortaotUt pollnfdltd Mioeata U.
MiowlBC to clottlp apea Ua WtUaad
daaal oalnce atTborold aad Ut
Btr to whUb at obb tine dariat Ut
dap dm Uartad ap at wlddp dlSaraat
' pdattalastt alnaluatmlp. aaptaia
W aSord |oed mwattor Ue taaptataa.
The loan arttaaaarUtdnfaUawt:
Ottawa balldlB(»d<ttroptd.t.OOO. a


daafbtar c< B Paal bad
bfokaa, aad it faart iDtaraatlp. total
Tba wito of Lacy Rjbariiae


OMta oHy who baaa *
At Btlfltld a w

^ aarafut I

•Ir tor Ua alaala aataad a
ttof water. Ptopla la Ut
paale tutoktt aad araryUlac It
futaa Waodbaip. it aUta
Blaa It dtatrapad. WoBdbttp it eS
UtUat at raU aad wire oonaa

iB^dip inu Ua Johaaaet'
borrnptaatao mailed la Ua aaaptaiea Uat it wm a plaaaad oatrara.Tba
aaebUttp it bat UlUa. dttuttd. aad
work will bt manad la p fertalcbt.
baadoB. April t7-Tha DaUy HaUb
Loratzi llatqan awmpoadaat tayt
1 aa BepUi
d at JohMi b»t». Tba
■aaptaioa It Ukaly to badoa tbe azpalHall baUdlare dntreptd. l.too.
leaatalav la Ua
TotallanlB boU dura, ntlmatail,
TnamaL It It toaiad Ua Boen «U1
Total Inataect. aMaatad.,. aUaiaprlnlioaUa aleti.
TbtaxplsaioaoeeaiTadat Ua BtcManaria.andbytha

labanra. wbo hare larpa (aaUin
bara loet atatpUlac. ara ottarly dtatltata. l;iiaotaxptetadUira *UI be
ataptayaeatfer aoatel tbtae paopta
te a eaaaldarabte period aad a larrt.

Tbt aiptauao oeearrad la a nao-

id bp Ua. pbreranaat
Edtat eoaaltun wtrt toraad tarlp
Uta aoralaf aad taadt fgp pwrlair la
toon all parta d OaaadajTIaltod BtaUa
aadKtclaad. TbatOoedataa Koraro
aaal wilt doaaU dlM.OWi Ottawa will
prebablyteatrlbBta a IDu tea; Ua
Oatodoi coraraatat bat pitta p».OMaad ToroaU a like asoaat: Ue
Baakef Hoatml ttbiertbtl SlO.on.
Prttatoaaoaatattbieribed la Ottawa
MdapanoaBl to
Lar|re tuat
bpra beta Wirt*-traa Loadca. Bb(laad aad Mew York aad adrim Iron a




irtrri7|ii7 parhapi it «^l be non


o*nU Baptake.Ww*^. Utrttaae
doabt Ut popalarBocUab^dldaboQt
hlBPtoa. April it - tba biU
the war wUl be Uat it bai btta ai toaridlapaperaraauBttor Ua tetrilorpafBaw^faaipanadboU beam
■Uaalaaa bare taUrtlp dltap- aad baaa aipaad by Iba ^rtridiab
L BopaniblepalDemaoflttttbt
~ ' tone adapted Ua.^oal«
tateat alraadp p^. Ibaqan- repert Tanday necslap. the WU
to a id'inapeleIntBt to Ueaa
uptettap er bealap to i
UareaU aa cann of Ue tarriury laaatpMiad nlttaka fiedtao expra
naU aa it to proridad Uat aU 1
at pat la tbt pmt loaraala. la tad tortal oBeafi unt bt alUcaae of tbt
tbapme a aot a rtllabta iadaa to tarrilary.
^Itah paWe aaqilaeal at Ua pr
noneat. It it aaeaanry to pet at Ut



Bo taBoartp alwaya la Ue flald.
aartod wieat ebaaaadon aad Ua
Bear train dally tan nta
ptaen eaaoot be tappltad.
tbbraarp Uora hare aot beet a dosea
TpltDtaert boa Ue onulle world.^ebartabnaUUetraapeardeta huhaat
aad ht eat aablaeUt Traattaal wltb'
odfirlapbattia Oae aaed oely wait.
a are dialailap at a preaur rate ibaa tba eew
uaad aball aad eanridpn n

Mra, PImbbam ham
ta^ad a hi—aa woiw—
wbo muffarad with tammia
YOU. Mar addramo la
Lymm, maarn.

^7.:: 77777:77,
ttadp tor ablpmtol bon Fbiadejpjn

other pntDoonntomtoumltr pi-—---------- ------------tad Icare the tyeten ia a wom con
nedtoioe (bat cat ntdt deep ented btaod Uxtobta. t&«:
tr«7 rcttipr of pciun i«t of ttor
Ybr raoU and bwto tom which it » made conuhi wonderiol bleed parifyinp pn>ptrttox whkb

litotti-ea taatcnl to Icariap Fii -

oaptaUpbtooa tbtep la a barayaRi
Friday, aad abet It. lu wiapa ntaaT teat»iaebn. .Atutbtd to oat
top waa a aUrtr tap. oe wbtab waa Ui
jAtaa ef "F. Z O.. Jaly «. UTft.'
Tbe npta to btUtrad to bare taoapac
from toolopletl pardtat dorlap Ue


■“ ■?»?.

wnrcluMbnud>mudMiyUkK>I uiat.<fc«'i
' acn btaod purtAtr tod blobd hriiklrr known

it ccotaiBk ao piittaon mi


' " '



' ani^^
. . wcklmoitCainircCcr hrrlKc. A to bccm.-i awin-ktiMk. enrd c
A eepro ItaBdlt held ap a tram
Ua ' awdorrttoimninr.dhcimrlito ldaotMhctirmim>koniakli.»arNwramin'i>ria... wmn kiT hr}. nd the .power «t Mhec
Wood rtmtcu.
a -------------------------------I ProuET ttomiiwtl
Iroa Ma.ataij rood. Mr L 1U< Bs.t
mcdictl dnwunrat u in Cbtist of cx:uer)t>Krd pbvricuBt wbo have oude
ir.op lac raaaliln ol
alt tbt| scrofala:___________________
asdatberU^ diteuna Idetiodt. Wnteibem
tiiost itnir
ttnir cate, mam w
tlwm kiaot
Kupetk tu oat coach
' yoc an satnrrtad in. Your toner wai
: aad carcfol anrolion. We mcL
project to ou loot tocoaaect le.- aa cbmpc-hatcrer to UU.

railway faei

1 wiko .WU.CI8 £nrop.t b/ cable.
TbcMorUera Tcleprtph Conpaoy ot
tbapeo. l>.nmark an made a
prupoaiUoD for a eaatraet.
Lianl Forpt. Fa., waa almnt wiped
oat at catoieBct Friday by dn. Fomt
dm IB UerleiaUy eaaaed Ue eoidi
The tan to nUnalrd at

rioleet apblbae ia Ue proriact
Uuelra. dpala Twelrt hettn bare
toltaa aad aixty oUna UmWa to tall.
TbeeaUway Uat to dntropad.

I Take Notice.


We invite you one and all to call at
our place of business and look our large
and up-to-date stock of Buggies. Wagons.
Plows, Hairows,'and all kinds ofFarming
Machinery over before you place your or­
der elsewhere. Satisfaction guaranteed'
or monO^^wriU be refunded. Do 'pot for­
get the place


Tbeprian ot Wain ackaowledptt
Ua lynpaUp aad ccapratalatioci
from all parta ot tbe inirid oo bit redtat Baker ot Ua bipb teboel. aad
afterward Ue boyt wut into Ue bate- letter. Jut made pabUe.
BM8t U,rtmoonraU wiU bin. A row
Dr. Ricardo Btnrra. aa aped aod
took place la which reteran waa
dtotiapatobad Qolonbtaa. 'mldeat ef
maodad >a ibt baad wlU Ut eouta
Ctracw. bat beta tapelitd from Veacelarabbor bote. Two al Ua boyt
tatlabyorderof PmldtaiCnire. for
para Utmtelrn ap. bat it la
kaowa wbeUer bt will twaar o
At Madrid, t eonanetal boan baa
aiat or aot
(•eelcedadrienfromOabaaaylep that
Min Latra Weirieh baa ditapptaiad
Rabbi, tba Cobaa leader, bn
bon Ut bomtof &. J. Webber, who
beaded tu "luarrecUoBary motcmeoi'
UmoaematteeU of Howard Oily.
I proriact of Saatlepo. whlU Ut
to yaart old aad waa aopapad to
aeederof Ue dtoptteb bellern to bt
narrp a Howard City naa wbe waa at
"topported bp tbe ebtet towu of Ut
Coral Satardap aBzioaily lookiap for
lioBie time apo ibe wae aapaped
** AptraInKo. Ik oa Ue Paa ;Beadle
to be ourried. bat bn daoee died, aad
waapanlapHapeiaiowa.iod.. at Ue
rate ot W milet ao hoar Ibto Tboraday
afteraosB, DaLltl W. UnrdorB. a mail
ti aow Uat tbe bat billed
elark, fell from Uedoorof bto ear aad
b^L Htoa Welrlchb pareau lira at
at laalaaUy killed.
^r. Cana and Stale Slrecta.
White Ctatd.
Lula EtopaU. ptbliabar of tbe 4 Btilli Phoomt-IV.
Friday atiaraooa a twaatp-acre wood*
Cbrlaliaa Herald of New \o«*. left
patch on Ut torn ef WULtom Brant.
Loudon Friday for India, la order to
Um nlln bom Lawlos. eaaphl tre
Llpite tbe famlaa aad dtotribete
bon oakBowB eteie. While flcbtlap
Ue Amerleaa nUtf. Fnrtau to Ua
Uo ftonn Mr. tad Hn. Bme Were
eaapht is a Are trap. Tha rwmaab deparme Mr. Kiopach aad tha Bar.
T. Da IVlitTalmapelBoehedattht
eloUlap waa
Maation boaae with Lord Mayo- Maw.
toe. wfaoczpreaaed tbe moat keeo ap
frlphUol iblerick aad
preeUUoo of tbe Ancricaa charity.
eattrtalacd of bit recorBO hepta a
FromauneroBk poitta ia Oarnasy
! bacaed derealp aod deme reporta of aepnttoaal murdtn.
ttroyod Ua esUrt tweatp
In addiltaa lo Uret eaua in Berlta.



PJK »AL(-T<.. Jn«/a«lh.(amtoa> to
I iMjri. an <arw. Benanrv wm.



Q, E;. PpUGHEV s,


Traverse City, Mich. •



TartlMa Fomt Flrat
Harloalto. Wia.. April W-Foreat
AmnpedfarteatlpaleapUaripbl of
wapefiboWtaaotataA Hteblpaa railrap ttaadv aad today. Ann. Htab.
.TlUapa ot *M labaWtaata. ta wiped
Oat aad aeratal eadar pardt hare beta
dntrcffad. A aptelal trata took Ue
lababltaata al Ann aad MaUao.
atah..toPanblaa.Wie.. fortafetp. It
of Al
UtaU <of roUaf Itata balac ta raaortd Uat KaUaa. aeoUar tatall
toera. la dntrewed. A panaapar trala
ea Ua Wlieeoaia A Miehipae. which
u Wtaiy.
Wl hart Saadap acmiap, baa not alaee
Uadta. ^Utd-PabUe latomtla
bmahendbenaad to UUtboraed
tkamrjAAJaHtato a laaebblaUU
dtatnet. eat oS. 'Warn ara do wa aaw
aad BPlatnnaUoa to baiaptaterad.
eatiaottoaay Up «« >■ *a|ddlp be
ara alto baralap aloap Ue iian
. tealBK aapepalbr. tbert atap be a
efUtSUPtal aad aloap Ua Soo road
abABft tborilp « Lord Bohartatatat tor wnt at MlaatapHii, aadealtn
taabtarpraiatoUtooe Ut danlybtlltrad will be
ape wlU be aaoraeat.

AprtraUlatitrrtpalrad la btadoa
feota Odaeal Btad. aa ItaUaa otteer la
Utoaploy at Ua Boar porarai
aUUpimaplooay aeGoaal of Ue
Btato of eOalra la Ua Ttoaateal )ut
aaaUapo Tba wrtlar tayt: "Brerp
day dlalatabn Ue barpbara' bapn at
ebtalBlap aa boaetable peaea bta
taaepaUlbsof^lB^ttoadeaeeot Ue
lapabUn. Prtaldaat Kraper by look

Owto« to Ua peaeataan of analI|op

Hmr friBiBBrf —Mamt*
tra aU
arm a/iamaM ify waaiam
nay ara raad ty tv»naaoaty.
Thay ara mmmamrail by
remaa aadaaly »roiw—.
Tha oarraapaadaaaa la
moradfy oomfblaaaal.
WrHa tor a book Mra.
Hakbam baa faaf p

toiuap beau tad I tors from tha mayor of
tfbt .Midie ^Urr ptrtoae I iynii, tha p^tamotm' ot


Tbapreat w«a>U Uat Ina ta (ha
qrairiotof Swtdta taatla-t bato;Aa>:
Theqtaraold*.111000 taatUiaba
npiclpkil.iepoB toOMof btrtabjtcur a]
inntai of BnukO Ittalapi.
| V]

Ball. BMrtj «lplv oaltta •rbola i
‘ n» art mmei lUP

Utatt tkt BkIkroarb Ut wwicw poet .ta of Otaawa.
UrBtck BaebtatarttUtaad Utattbark


A rtah ooppar Bad ta taM t

IB^ Btir RituniM

'Mtoi Htrpby.'-tbtblppo]
the Mew York Oeatral i'arktwaaperie BlU. TrrI
brinp yoBtp pirto and bspt. The
Batarday alpbtpare birth to tbe foarU
hara not beta dlkcorered.
yoaap "hippo" boro la the parh. Thto
allhoueb large rewardk are oAcrtd.
"hippo" to aboat 1« taebn loop
Tbr atuner New Enpltad an-ired
•taadt sboattlaebnhlpb aad welpha
Salarday at-VancMrer. B C.from ibe
abaattO poDada
Bortbwitb aawi of the dBdiapotUr
Bad blood aad iadlpntloB arc deadly
larptr par; ol ac nakaowa abtp.
temm to pood bealU.
erldanUy ot Anertota baud
I dntKTs ^em
only recently wrecked. Her deck aod
e life I ay be laeriflwd tea •tarn had beta ao anaabed oa the rockk
: croup. II rot< doB't
aaddea attac:
ladiati had ao conplelely
Dr. Tboi
looted bar Uat ao trace of arr Ideatliy
tor Ue emerpeaey.
wai tatl. flone boanot aeimale or
fotad it Me bcuoa of Ut
Dr-Woodh Na-way Plea Syr- wreck.


igaar.;;' -- “v.?."___ ..... p;s.a

Tttrible ptapae.U
>rlap dIteBMB of tbe
Antony. Doae-t
Doae't OlatBRBtearai

iWltt'a Little Early Btoen an
_____ piiu I erer Jwd."—Dr. J. Moon.
MUlbreok. Ala. They qtlekly eera.aU
lieer bowel tootbln.' F. C. Than
t eoflerlap from pitot Ja
an I wat cured by atlap t








(o> MM

.................................. II- MW


and'Swifi'-i Premium Hams

•represwt the highest i««Trt in


ham and barnn pruduition.
aod melt deleh la M daya. Cittot ef or norc lababltaata ai abewa by
prandiep eauok, nut be cmpleted ia
two wteln The four priaelpal rtporta
on popalntiiw, mcrtalliy. aprlenlturt
M. oiatt b« Rioted by

Swift's.Silver l.cai l.aril is
America’s standard <ii ]>iirity.


Swift and CompAay


I iaqairin wUi I
. wbiefatbnc I

WlU the orerlaad inle which the Bar
UapUia to nbnat to pet latoaerelee I
between 8V Laa'ie and Fapet toond. by

F. C. Tbcnpacn.

Tbe caalnl aad mnt raerilrtmeU_d of porifjrlop tbt Weed aad Inriporatlop Ue tyaton to to take DeWitt'e by Ue trelted Stawt at Utaine of tbe
LdtUt brly Btoen. Ue lamott lltlto Lontolaaa perchkie in IsM
pita tor etoaatlap Uellrertnd boweia. Napolcoa Bonaparte, oo babail of

On JeUi««
kUu vl iMtsde


P. C. Keaoady. Roapoke. Trna..tapt.
"I eaaaot taytoo noeh f-jr DeWltt't
WltebBartl Met Oot boa of it eand
what Utdoeton caUad aa iaeurable
Blnroanyjaw." Cam plltt aadaU
Joaepb Bidar. Ut Pehtpaa tata
■kiadtonaeaLook <nl tor worUlnt
tow watki ape waa aa badly Uun inllattoaa. F^
whlU plat iikber al Ottawa, which le
bpaonabop. wnb Kttaantoa “
reported e( amojnilar to from ISO,
____pare op tope of btlop cm
aoo.oon to tuo.oon ooo. feet, tapetber
I b«aa to nie Eedel Dyapept^------------It baa dene ma ao aiueb pood 1 call it wlU Ue loaf of. mill eepiritr of beTNOB. B. BMAOUR H BOB,
tbe nrtor of mplito." writn B, W tweep soo.oM.OoOaad iSO.OOO.OOu feet
WUklMop. Albaoy. Teaa.
It dl
per aennn, will hate a pmler rffret
whalyoant. F. C. Theninn.
ap»D Ue white ploe eed epra» lenber
Uabap'abUa. Tba tStcu ot Ua bile
. 8. Mann.- Hlllbaim. Pa. eared
10 tbowa la Hr. Eldtr'i
Ue lift of htoUtUepiri bypiriapbtr oUer period withlp the put tea yurt.
wbtab It •aUt Uat ba eaaaot mert Oat Hlatto Ooapk Cttn whea Ue wet
Kot only dou It take eat of Ua
dptap from Crop. Hit tbenly^Wa
market toUe aest Ii noatb* oeer *o,
Seed for oor o eniiKAh i-acelojru.-r
Oar.*Alloa, oa laadlap at Saa. /baa,
000.000 tot ol InoUsrpriaclpaUy while of mbeei maeic. tcalled ftwr. i’-uiiirl»
lap ell (be-lair ropuUr nutU-. and oar
Porto Etco Pridap. waa melrtd wlU brooeUtia. prippe. atUoia aad a
plaa bat lideceUtoat a time when
daataaatrauoa by Ua pabpla. Uittal aad leap iroutaln F.C. Tbrnp Ue denaad wat ioeruelap aUepeUer
BUilnWd praat aarprin al Ut
oat of p-oporUen
tinplUdtp of bit dma, mtaatn aad at-Attar taStrlac from term dyvrp- eapply
Mato ortr twaire yean aad atlap
A acnon eaee of tearlet ferer hu daart tat In MV 1I toUp took KSdol''^S5Sta TTioped al Ue Apricoliaral eoUtpr,
■tawpe Cbaadlrr af Oaaway bei^ Ue
. paUtai. Tbe attaodup phyalelea did
r. Chdliet
' aot prononace tbe cafe eaaHet ferer at
f.C Th
Itdlpaati whatpoe
dretaad thoaph Chaadler wuetat
irbeBthedrawoot dlaeMe hn ptr
ooeeioUahup'.tal. ba wae net eatiierued JIM to tbe Tory briafc od d^alr,
^'*^hk<tK B.ouaas^.
Janlae of the Fcarc. ikolatod aad aeeeral ef the
don't Mva up the abi|L Whea the
cnkee lU- fclswirc
• creeeptaed. Mine wbo wen rspss________
. entity ibkt Oae Mia
ioeladiop oee laatraeter. hare baaa
mta OaWb Care wdl Oe ad that i*
taatnad to It.
My wife coaid oaice‘- ptaeed U HarrtooB hall.
hat taeaU aad Ue dnt doee of It re- eC Ue eanpet. aad UaravUey wui be
rdaont d««U aa a itn.^1 <MI<
beaedted my
Ueecd bar,
ed BBlUaa
wta e ftnily.- It aria into '
aold. croap,
croap. prippr.
Blau tbe Oaebane TCu'a r
. aad all threat aod bleatcaatlekt^aak all U« w
laapmeblea F. C Ibonpaoa.

I ^x SisHST





Wvae OeMy Bub BUp., DCnon


buiutiH II Ttuton.



- OolQBal nieriaddiUatUacaai____
aat at Jfebaanbtrp baa liaatd a proalaaattaB^farblddiBC ritiiua patap
Bear the alsn froa wbtab It ii a
ad Una It tome tr> lb ie Ut tt
BbAt arraBcemkaU bare t-eta aakt tor

Britltb Molt Oot Oat
Pratorlt. April to—Traaaraal poraro.
•eat bat ordered Brtttab atb>teta.
«IU a tow aaeepitaaa. to learc Ut rtpaUta wiUIt fortp-elcbt boen. it eeeaaqatan of Ue eaplorloa Is Jobaaen
harp Kaariy hat beta atV
aertbed tor tbt reUet ot Ut rleUnt.
■tot (baa l« bodlee bar# ban e
•I ban Ut dtbria OonM

oterwBPbnly: bad oa appeUta aai
my b^naiiird dm ao that 1 bhoi^
I wobM W uy mlDd. Atier atfrr-


Al k mwmb w me Pm
taM Jtofitota-iBgV
M to rrtokin


ekme. eeery oae ladailnr tilled
Tbe cJ.-anltlee e'eo to (e
teeeral. epplkkitaai from
ar^'lba eapoeittaa bkilsea men.

h etoV fe M ef taPeriu ewi

I. e> torn taUdrre. w

iLf me htoe Serweid I

miiers mart




It ckecU ba tboroMUr
waabcd. aaaUad Md vlpad irj blur
fliaA||^^awelMeetb^liBaB 1
Miaf: bit tfca wwn cemmoa w»j aritk
BOBtfadp totevtrcUb bMlpaai
, udaatltap MMwfew* Is d/p of
aaotoe to greet tee oprlag.


to as diaia or eeioer eoeaeeted with
the Utebee the elop peU beeOBet
■eiT. eeeltbtlr aad at tlnei bb.
taTaryerll. To
I—a ebUd't top I
beot-ead oaeb dap throw a UUc•pooalal pt oal aada iBlo the peU. poor
oa baOlBC wBtar aad aenb with tta
A (aw Blaalaa will do tba
work aad poar pWl to kept eoe
TheOereef SUrcr.—Ualeai pea eea
take care el pearaUoer poaroelf after
each oMaL poor aerrea will Irrq aeatlp
b« Ml OB edfc bp heerlac it beUf rat­
tled abeat la lb* bettoa of tbe
pae toretber witb thacaoblaf ipaoa*
aad kilebea kalrra. Holhlar cib be
more ls]Briou to aUoer. eefatebloc U»
•eft polUhad larlae* aad wtarUf It
at D.m thaa Uble BBtr*
doma hoBMkeepm bare a pad made
oa parpoM to Bt their dtob pta. aad
It a rood idea. Bat tbe aaoie object
Uattalaed bp plaeier aaoli
towel ia tbe paa aad ttarn waablap
aaeb pleee carelallp bp itaelf and wipiBp aad rabblap bard oa a <
diaoel cloth, tba* dalap awap wlib
of too Ireqaaat psltohlar.

leercdlu. ..
p.i at with coal
era tgalna:
At tbla I

ora of tee b
certaialp a
eat, It perfectgrated.
.aaeoeof it to
dellcIOBt prepared in :be tcUowlDg

M»rA »«i»o iwoe* CO. .00 »«uui* n. »«w wck.


S. C. Bana.BdlteT.

daitdllp paera hare pined awap
Maeaere, Bpoa ear ereddlai' dap.
Prontowi to walk the path of )Ue
At tattotal baabaad. lortac erife.

Tba «Mer aha

acM prepare.

Brlrbt bcpn tbaasAerU Bare bad wo
01 what oar wadded life airbt bt:
UatiatebadbeforeBtbrlKbtBad lali
: Lore, hope aad plaatp ererpwbera.

Begin bp Bcklag a cream of

Ttoae UaMi Meb dap. wadt la. weak

Aad whw the Baal ead ohall
Aad tbe food Father calla oa borne.

we, etm rolag band In baad.
:b the better land.
a which torn
which Oolonal Leach had'i
— _ oaap peAtloae
bare been repCBtedlp c___


«£. Min tt. M.1 MltMl...



Aad bore too eonemne letter* bom
or Seaebtee bop* ud girt*:
Trarene City.
I teoeght t wokld write to yos- I
a* well hare oced ae maeh cell water
are beu at In tee ennlrp bclpieg
Tto ehOdrw iaagh aa tbep plek the W gnadpe aod eOBAet make maple
Ipetona aad teep art all 8
Fw.’bl^Bt^ to toxm^^^aanbaw. chBdio. aad eo I rraid Une
reqilred u eBort to get a mp feet.
SaaohiBe bojt 1 telak 1 woala l&a e
BepaUee maeae tee ep^.
tottee too. I geen teat to all 1 c*
01 and lack o
telak of.
lie been tbn
mp kldn-y» the pei'n _____
Rpmzu. Kuaun.
April tete. IMO.
been more letenec.
Sleep to me <
1* not teat a dear UtUe poem we
« l;ke a 1 u:r In which 1 taw 1
1 Ihoagfat that I woold write poa a
haretodnp- It to parUeolerlp dearie
■Irroa. Unto a-d diatorted Bgmre*.,
Bight br expected annoping d'“ '
poer Saatblae
lew lien today, ae 1 bare eererwritlekidocy cccretiee* cz
Bepattet to e Bower tbe lorea. aad be- ta before. H; papa nid that I era*
rd ud I wai auiutliy ia torur* tram i
lattdapiao maap prattp to tell pa teat t bare a pat cat called •‘•‘rai.
Now. I wui tee people of
hraebm el tee deer flower Bare been
irerae City to read tee fo’Jowtog; I
-d atru bszc* of ■Uoank Eldarp
brought her bp aad from osr Benekini | bare a little brotber end e little etoter.
Ii Tbe bicitleg wbicb peroiawaUp
bud. Thank ptw. eee end all. deer i “F brolherk aeme to CUtord ud my
i.uBg to Br for twenij rcari. giadulu. for ponr bright ehlning.
etoterk aaiae to Uoldia 1 go to eeboc: ip ditappeav'd. until 1 weighed IW
ud ap uechnk bmdo to Min Julia ponnd* le-... uaili 1 eoald aleep like a
nnUl 1 could read three or font,
■reek rre were not able to giro Rredbam. 1 am la the
upreportoorletteneaaceoeetof Hr. woold like to join the Snateiae Unt.
Leaehk letter, eo we here to b^iai
From par UtUelrtud.
mesk I will giedly g>e Btoulerpac
back qalte a little. We fire flm a re-1
Fii.BZZi-* Wabhi.o.
liuiitT* of mt czperiescc ud opinion*
of’t K lancp P;ll* to any lady who
port of tee flr*t aweUogot tbe Hirer i
roil. OD me penonallp. if the really
Lake toeiblee Olob.
Tto eeeretarp | ,
kcSrr, from Uoln-p eomp'aiht ud
IHaaeliiBe aeh.
1 go to Bcboel crerp wtoLci to know the eonra: to psreee to
going to write ud tell poe how I a,,. , m,,
^er bring rc ie'.’-

STS.T.V'S .‘’SL,”K7iSt



a got along with
ar Br«l
. mecUag....
1 ibink
Fin' u'.c bp all dealer*.
Price M
ar program wa* ee tolloa:
ceota per baa
Fater-HUborn Oo-f
OpCBing aoog. Star Spangled Bauer. ,____
_____ twelre peateold. eow.
BeciteUo . bp R»e I
The; hareaeal: her name to Daiep.
!>o*n’s. and take
Loet n>Il.
From yo«r frlead.
iraoteiien bpslemea Geoton
.Bercu.t Ci.bomBeellztiOB bp Ctoeler budci*.
SsUona Hap.
Ida Crain. Haney.
• 1 tore rend
Alice Baberuoa. The Hantekc
* I aUac Clelj that 1 rriab rou would
laeaeard and battea.
Roping ID tor
America, eug l>* memberi.
4hto la prink good bp.
ll.tli^Br bp uiariae KratocarU. Wil­
From par llilie trienii.
lie Bobertau and Ltwre
Oaiiv Hai Ha.t-KA.
ReaDlcgor the Colon
'Ikarerae Citj
Becitatiu bp F.ore Y.
1 tore been wuUeg to. ^iie (u ;
Oap We Lore.
BZKauj for a long time, but hare ■
Soeg bp Cbeater Bandera.
had time. Hp blnbdep it the liib p!
Becdlng br Aobb 7. mmermae. Bob
Junaip.atid mp aialer Lola' Ijirthdip
ud tee Bika
tee I'lb of September, aed mj titl
BeelUlioB bpKop Crain. Bobink MtoBeuk birlbdap to the K-te of Ma.r. V
^bareonr ineeUngi once .s evr'p.i.
'' weeka Latt.week wr didu’i harv v


anmof eetertelaBeot to be foam
Take good cost applee aaC pare
M Wieoka, and teen tee dep. ee ren li.
and eook 1b rerr little
- -- -- B>dBihe,------------------------water- Strain
tee jelee (fom bote I •
Wbee tbe toet ei
PBttecB^ tec cure to aoh tor
b^ girea. aad tea bOBcward Joai
teea stlaatee.
Tbca add teebMtcd
tbree-fovrtha at Bueb eager ae
Boll hard tor Iwaatg miaatee;
U^.ud tee b<m teat tee
glow Bight aerar lade from tto path- ten into glaneeead net in tee eso. If
BoaBlMe. for balfa dap. 8ee) tbe arzi

KUataea Talka.
Wrtim lerBunVetee
Beware Of itoDtob-Otote;- ;
U woBid teem eoBetimn ea it tee
abere eotlee OBght ta ba dtopleped la

OaecsaofeerB.oaeeopfalor rolled
taeken: aalt and pepper to UaVe. Pat
BB pan. eorerwlte milk; ehla batter
rerltotop Bake thlrtp BaaaU*.
The Freate eteUettolae. Dr. Lkher.
eepi teat half of all heBae tolnp die
before tbep are IT.

AauBg Ootermdek tdin of CUf
to eaaooLer will act
Dwallere to oae bdldlag teat ebolured
•d tee iBperlBBM of kaapteg
protoblp aou poepte
t Bead ler ebeaadi article parla
Oraat Brttiaa a e^rtoln elreota of
(aetlp cleee.


IB Ufbtibdbeaatp.


RMba nataatbUd M tba teaeLacBe

SMkTao^to£»!lu tea?^tber
U to the kigber
laUowtnrbeaaUGakaW Iteaeb to


B nmETB amm

You Have
Always Bought.





bud iRldi t iidiui ti.

. Tbe I


Kezt are two repom from tea
rood club;





*’*““** **



' See’yof the L L. S. S. tlnb.
Inter -o’-n

1 weald like to to e SaetUlnir. I

Tbe SuBifalne club aetet the home !•«*«' F«~*
* «» «« ceboo'.
of Kmm* Oldi. Weet tub atreek The :
“»“* frlroil.
maeUag wei opeoed bp elaglsg’’ieen* :
Kiij..j. Kii.-ilnti.
bid* u* tblBe." Tbe roll wa* tbu '
Trmrerve City, Apr,; ;
called ud tbe claaaei took thrirplaew-j 1 wald like to beloog to the o
Tbe (ollou'iug program wat thee giren;' Saatblne Club ealied the Hird I.oren
like to reed tee leUei* rerp auvl..
Story read bp Viola Fell




sears; roebuck a

; TruUurrlriaf M imip b Laa Ob
. paeal) m i^raae naptfe^aoe rmet *M
uaam.iaaat■ eep w hurctolccerPt

Story retd bp Klga uidt
EecltelioB bp Cbeater Saundera.
Jbnier Banadet*.

Ip erery-week.
I wear my pin toa-rtlmn. I dra't want lolbae il. I bi
Eecitatloo by llmma Oldt.
'Been two robint tbit* 1 aarro
RKi>allon by HaiUe Hakepeeee.
{at home ud one awey fjom borne.
Bote Boota told nr a eoBundrsm'bare ecu tome ehick-a-<tee> il< a w
which wai enjoyed by the dab rerp|ter. I thlok they arc rerp prctiy.
mneU. •
I think mp card to rrip pretty it tBd >
There were IP memben preeuk
i htie sol wriltrn t;C.c«

IrlTbe Pm larquette Rtilrom



. joined the *iBO«biBr Club. iVrbarrt



___ oonro Kows.

tor teU uer. h;ji
tog to benr from the Santbino C.nb. >c
good bp.
Naruz K.ti- i n ..

called toorderbptlBging-'Jetut bide
ni ehlBe." Tae roll rrat teea called.
I lire to Inland bat 1 am rialtii^ ii
Carrie Sipm wrote a rerp istermlBg
I tm going borne lo-n^etorp abant tbe Nicotine Pltnk Oar FnnkfoM.
Tice precldut wrote a etorp abat eora row.HarebM.
The day ah.
and reed U to the dnb Itwetererp toFiukforl with me.
o erjiped by went heae there waa a Are.
bare beu tbrae flree tince.
Tbe followlDg
1 go home eo I cu ride mp borw. Next
■ week when papa Btkm tyrop 1
Beciuuoe bp Llwla-Hekcpeece.
todrirethe bor*n tbrougb icr woc^
BeciteUoo bp Harold Makepeace.
Mp titter .Icnnic
boB# irom Rhode Itland three or font
eiorp tend bp Viola Felt.
Ihtre two rabbiu
Seng bp Cbetter Saaadrrt.
the Ben. They
A edlloetion of ten edata waa tabu.
yrlil eetIroBBp hud. 'I am id tee
VICI.* Foi-T. Ses’p.
third leader. Igotoeehool.
I ba.e
Thto to from the eecjeurr of tbe net beu ebaent tbit peer. I bare to go
Keewiek hnpibiee dab;
down (ar Htonir. logosd bp

______ . ..

A wamBBOtto aad CBrrtoBca



i t SEAWS. mOEBUCI<4CO.<lnc.) Chlcs«o.1H.







asiaap, I T la'




Betweu tto tiektof a watch a rty of
>nld more eight


ieaia the


: Itaa ora Baap o( Bom tenta'
Scramblad Egg* with Tomatoea.
who wUI ba ^ to bm to earrad oa tea wedding dip half a oadterp age.
Latlan aad telagraa of
Chop ball a cu of tomatoei aaUl
■naatel thorddM waddlafol Mr.
rea (roB loBre. Fata tebleapoonfiil
Mn. D. 0. Inaab. wUA waa ealaofbi
____________________ .___ and when hot
bntod at apWadMA. Mtoaoerl. re
tcrateM anUI t^loead expNattoB la tea alagiag orS
Jp.atodwktohiaradbltibed ifoe
OBgBlp Dized. and add a tebleepoonfo'.
of better. Chop half of a email eelea
flee. BlBce a teaipoonlal of paiolep
' whip tbeae into the egg*; teea
light at being let loom aae
... into tee(iauBerlag toBitoce end
d bp thsB oa that WBodiaad bilk aad teeoldar people eereBble. BbeeeBleelp ialo e loaf like
*o«a>p f
will write aad tell poo that rre
wneebUdrea onla la their perUeipe-. form ead geratob wltb perelep. Thto
ten of tee vane ef tec dap.
------ Site Boit to tarred at once, while bou hare etertea the Saatblne deb. Htu
• tjT.II fribui.r.
ofeUeomw^tokea low
UUu PeUteOD, oer tewher. bdM n!
^tea. aad treapi to WIU
to eteri Ik I think It to rerp kind el I
Rhabarb ana Apple Jeltp•troU BP aad <
;garc opmAbb

vSSto.MAtft^ iewp^ ^

|The Kind You Han
.Always Bon^

work a a farm both while mp haebud ^ iB tee a^l War and for

I will done

robbed aaoetb with tl
aide, tor ae
ao ma«p
Ba«p pean.
pnra. baa mia:_______
aetoalpte harowa. bet toteeaalghberaadairaagerwItelBhercatea. All
it with tbq batter

who weie itefuillted to ahare la
itareb; when beUlag, poor tee eua
orer the beetea egg. aUrrlogitwell
ead teea peer It orer the Bib -^'tole-i

mnaalv tor

eoanz OuH>>. tircY-

Aad^'tbehSi&'sSd!'^ eene.
~ wekeseteederUaggwL

Sail MaekereL
Vioi t kVi.r. beeV
iteek the Bab all night ia a large
■ Aprill" li«
aafnl of watn. Be tsre aod lap the
•b in with the akiB aide np
la tbe
loralBg take it oal n( tee water, wipe
of Hirriel Hakeprtce. TBere wi
rite a dry cloth aod broil it orer a

“*-"’“^kSSl*»riee'*tbairi» hla

The neeiy OM wtot to aw


liberal tableepooafDli of batter; etlr
aad melt la a aaaeepaa: add a plat aad
a bait of milk. aUr oDtU It boilt. oeaaoa
with aalt. aod let aiisBer oa tbe beck
of tee atoTB (or ten aieatee. Wbee it
to iwadp. add two ubletpooafoli of
born radiab. draleed from elaegar ia
Ithai lata (or tome t'me. aada
_____ jpooDfnlofeapeBBB. '
■lowlp (or aeeeral s
with broiled ateak c
lag rite tbehsrn.
If too Ibick. tela w
r.jnii .IM.I I'irecMi
Ii. Bonur.M*
A WordtoYonag Uen

A pcBttp neighbor of alee erae beadtag orer a lorelp baaeb of
: Hot aa we tboarht. bat m God wilted, dark moraing teat Booth. 8b
. .
ne^ Iroa wblea we draak waa alltUefrowDoabn-face. an
■Don’t poo like pearroeee:
pour roeoe'.' Tbep m»»t
eoat a dollar
ar apiece-’
Rot plteaare all. wiiboet allop.
the latermpiod. ”1
-to it." the
Bat reaorooa draofata of paaa aai
glad to hare Cbarlei remember mr
Jw' •TthMSlntteeappirr’
Urtedap. bat la a few dapa Uen wifi
iMMa to gAa tbaaeoMtUBc Dew. la tUaa three lOTiap daafbtera eaoie
hare to be Ihrowa ent. and teea wl
Ta tbare oar lore aad beer onr aaBt:
wUl there be to ahow for tbe Bre or
TBI aMae to awte Wid tbea tMKtto
Tbap OBBe oar qatet bona to Ubb
dollar* I know tbep coet.’'
Ttoe todik ed ^tobratMB.
Aaddlloer bearu with happliieia.
"Ithehadaeatme apalBOrfen
calla or a begoala. 1 canid hare wat_
ed aod eared for tbem dapi and dapa,
teloklagof him all tbe Use. aad the
Oeatlp tbe Beaeealp Patberk loro
jop ead tee telDklog of him wo
bare laated (or meap Bontea."
There to a eaggntiOB here (or L
Row ditp paare hare eomo aad «oae.
baoda and (rteada wbe apead opo
ImUm'read tm abe ■akae aere Still baad la baad we irarel oa.
alaglc bBDCe of eat tiewera wbat wo
Haarlaf bach dap the Baal ead
To which all lleiac




Bot BMMMiUr be Uusva emjr.
Olad wbm tee eaa ahlaet down.
betcM bepooedeS iatoan
piteber esd mi left is elMd la tba
~ • pot. triilA to Mue to ia)ar* tba
BvdBatt lereeder gews.
The Elt^ta Wop PalL-Wbata tb«a Bar Bktera an ikbad lajM. and aona

are made witk Royal Baking
Powder, and are the most appe­
tizing; healthful and nutritious
of foods.
. Hot biscuit made with im­
pure and adulterated baking
powder are neither appetizing
nor wholesome..
It all depends upon the 1 rak­
ing powder.
Take every tare to have
your biscuit made with Royal
baking powder, if you would
avoid indigestion.

r 'I


_... v«ie wkm tto .oti. wito 1

Tbe dtoh cloth aboold to waetod.
tetded. wrung oet teereegUp. and
hoag ep to drp after oach dtohwaa
-aotalapind etertee totlOB of tea
a«reaap. eoggp. elimp. aa
, peraoa with
dbeaaef ncataeB. me. '
iaaap oteer plaae. weeld aolea
Tfaae tblak oli
Ito beteg rabbed oreq. -the dtoto
It to a hoankaaoerk date to tooride
tec girl with plaatp of aeaad, dees
diah dotee aad aae to U teat ato krtpe

orte the aeol with
few mi

-------- --- ’

____________________ tee award el____
crnaMaud to Adatral Lsrd OolUagwcM bp tea «« of Laden wee aald
rnbatlp tor tiaoo.

a MtoBie Piedlar. of Kk neaMBt,

Sf. VHus'
Cured by
Dr. Williams’


^\0^0R P^Rry^^
of them c-cr did me ■ panicle of good.
After I bed *aBend for two end one b*lf
,-een. the diwam mitoaing tu grow
•one, 1 bead of Dr. WidlUctt’ I’ink
rai. for Pale Peopk.
" It w*. m itol that I «** todnred te
try then), end I w** RrpriMd et top
lupid iaimneacek 1 took only two
bote*, tad WB eminly cored. It wu*
hurt to reritoe the! I. itic lor orer fro

Ttorc ohetld baa nett abiU etoth
Tto whlrtiag wtede of ArebU eoaelorglaBatoehto».alaifarcaitorer- limn ezeerau aaad plu to tee depth
dlaarpdtofaea.aBdaeearee crate atote
_ tw^h«ad^_*eev itojHiB
_____ Adaptetedlai
torpoMaad heMae. Taa ebato
teat ende map to aaa.ariattoB teaaaBedote wOlto
d tea towbeota. ead
tend torpear beat ehlaa eadteebeltomoftee toitor. atoa pa

Carriages, Cutters,Sleighs, Etc.

MaaHue ea aliwaate tBMun.
Bar or laOririk.



Pink Pills

in fan pearomtDe «*ii of my pourr* I>p
two bozee ef tea woDdccftil rrawrli.
•' I am bW<pT to nate tbet.lny berith
toeull perfect end I tore oerrr bed the
eli*ble*'*TBlwiBi of e tetons of tec
daeew. elteongh it to eight yean euce


» down la tea earip pen of
>• qa iteoeptoet teower of
_______ ^1 froB IM Ulted toUege. Tbe
water cosae oat teroagh loaaaermble
littlepomeItteUdatteaedga of tee

fuitFlmfMtotalMnE AW.E


rvy erree uelkUinr

CCtote die.


Borseslioeiiig aad Ganni KjQiirii^ Deu

Bre-Painting and Upholstering.

Mt. PlMBMMt, OWBWB, Sad.
uw.BarOltx, DwMLBov.
til, A«a Arbor. Mo«« mm«
polat* BMt mad Sooth. CBooo


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