Grand Traverse Herald, June 28, 1900

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Grand Traverse Herald, June 28, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



Grand Traverse Herald





OAPITAL $100,000



Merchant Tailor Real
•>a w the alanat Mw llac of
8prt>( 81^ U Wool» M«
«B mi*, which wUl be Mdc BP
is the lAUM Styles, sad St
Prices as wOlnrpriss

MO BLUFF! »!■„.
at 315 Froot StrcM.

aad wa* wAkiarhl* way laluath
BUT to iateniew aa eU la
: diaa _______
bceaBootad toCadtheacit
nerMv- Tt title to MealoaaUad* eat,
oties j^ead.
oelyob» preach.hbaoeel.
talBtblf froa the kladly iBdiaaa.
BeBten.~ihat Caai
aync Reid
. w„
"F® I
ntl Blfhl he eleal oa bU blta
Ucw«.j.»3 .nold wbeabe
aader the elan, aad early the a
IB wham be ai
path oaeeie;li
eefeil ia lore.
■aell {tooh BO BoUce of bis. ba^ be o«
|(al. At lael. tbral u o'clock.


O. P. Carver





I loiAad Aown oa a lOTcly ealley.

O.SS1 ibr ifse.uTS p.



PlBte OiABB, Steam Boiler and Accident Insurance.

Oirs»» Pna, SS4


MSsMr.wsiu.aiMJswts K. wus
PM C. k


Business Cards.



-«-S«)...lK»,lWd. k.

see what tbei
louadcd to see
Mck of the lit

Tr«vei« City. lUch,

iBto the lllilt

Funeral Director TELIi WEATHEB TALES.
sad PrseUesl bahslmn of l






Send us yoar addrves sod
we will show yoe bow
to tnskeSS a day alwotnU'ly
we funlsb tbe wurfe and
teach you tree; you work in the local­
ity where you lire. Send un yoor:
address aud wo will pxpUlo the bust-1
ness fully; n-iueni)>er we guarantee n
clear jirodl of 13 fer erery day's work,
alisuluU-lysure, Write at uncc.

TMOI 8. ssBTO.Ossml 1st
M Sets StM. Ttswf. out.



*1*SU, Money to Loan
M IwpMM tsM ssS «IW pnssni

PASovni A oaowa. Arises.

Carpet Cleaning Works
W ssrpMesvwWte

■H I



O liili
— l||o :



'“rhVhsreaten only What some kiod .


"“"S ^“

m a lew day. .he-a. .iroBFrnOBgh ’ pwu


11 I

348 Front Street

•f^lSHESTO ANNOUNCK that he is b.nck in his
VV store, at 217 I'ronl street, which has been re­
paired bince tliie lire, and will bo pleased, to meet his
friends, old and new.

Watches and JcM'clry on Hand.
Some rare bargains,‘restiltinR from the fire. Large
line of Sewing Machines and Machine Supplies. . Call
and look over th« stock.







Hack, Busaad|aggage Transfer Line
HAswUass swowi.

Best Livery In Northern Michigan.

‘Telephone 78

It will oaoti be spnog aud yuu will n
h goul . bargaiB if. you
‘1 buy one of my Canna.
IrOBg Lake road, joat book of tbe asylain; alltolear
ed, with B ni«‘ on-bara, go«ki frame boaae, nic aptijig bwok niti
Tt-ry d.eirable place for |
full leBgtb of the farm; tUU i
lUa homeueoi tbe nty. Price
any one who
mile west ofi-ity limil
:» acres on oonnty line.
.'b orchard of fifty
fty bearing trees; about fil
a nte« pt«cb
____- v_,____
timber; a sice place for fruit or potatoes: good ooil; price
80 octes two milea from tom. on^.fourtli mile from Rntlocbrille bravery: hyarysoil; oil cleared: amall lioo*-; good firing of
cold water; pries* $1U0.
_______four BiUa VMt of the village of Uke Aa*^ » aerm
cleared: amoll frame bonoe; amall frame bm; a good form; pl(«ty <d
limber on tbe place:-pri<v $500.
40 ocrea two milea north of Lake Ana. SO acres cleared; amall
frame boose; log bam: wnall orchard good sized trees; cheap, $dJ0..
40 acres Mte mite from Lake .Vno. 00 acrea cleared: good bear
aoa,lev<4; good sraU-r: email orciiard; frame booae aod bam; A N<
m omaU farm. Price, $500.
eO aerea^oor mil« weat of Weatord in Omni; amH fAme
hoBaeil^ bam; 40 octaadea^ free from otuBina; hmB ordtai'

«>•<»• VMltiMfaAt.SOMfaM^Sir Me^«U0a

Ho« thaa that.

st;.:“uiib"i sr,

“ ’WU will, look af.r aK.ther,!S^^,‘^,:«,*1

J place.

U .xl

l?»y Keru

The tnorl proliit; p«r,ad uf
oldui'tMD the wnrid liclceer wlincsi.e<l.
I ;U.eone<
.-ilitmf to
I'^j.wB. ealle

wsiehuaker's lools. sad
them prrfeetly. Haay wfa kaew Urn
would rather
rPl g
I hpm than to any watchmaker. Ril to
-- ------- Ipu unsu.............................
uus*M “ thi k^ito 7l
lalir. who dim
at Magdalaa 1


Farms foF Sale


Homestead Bights


aad how
■ aaelat

^ look^ at




p ppp.—


Srt ‘
; *"
“»"r * •»« wbww a

prefrssp.mal waleheiaher hae bUad.
I th,s man hae eBeceeded
eeded with eoee.
n Ihe.juartri ] *,
himself aaUruIy


BroBch Slock.


bccaiBO more aud .peciai'' pi-rm^.'oop ' ^*’Vogog "'.irur!

any trade, aad hm

Cupid .no the i-Bu-.

locir eoaa&a acoiarr aia ter and a ffrt
eUlioLtotiid the* ,0*1
of ,’..1. -eli grooBci aud
.the lypical Aiocfu^BBeoi
d.cldcd to eliy tor »o:

A FineStockrOf

1I|I| s[lj'


iw^,,,.amr '.Hsi.u. -.w.|.».r.

el.Hf aod aj

b,a.keJ Alice ;f ebe '

t: poured.
air uy tbe Ihcu uewiy d»e>r
pl.lie’.ds of CsliforBPasod Aus
;be orrwat mletf iocrease
I • sl-.x s of gold far escred.



Blet a* oeo ^
it M>lte aate aad
him with each chemicals
w^l'jy^uoetioiis, who
able to

raodeielcr t
eoee alec, aai
we w' ■
''*",V*®*‘"^v*^?"f•':'’'»”'WwhcdaB4e«ocdlhalebcbad:A^!^‘X*.?^ld■.^uti.o^...froTa wul!^’“.

She lockt rc

J. J. 3BItE!ZZ3Sr-A.’S,

^|S|11; o;

ftrnAriMPmtA Dseri.*
Tnestss Otty. Bl^

IB a
asylum at UlooMtm
IKM. vsr ..MIM-Ik .,aiitrr » ij. ceirM ko" **J
became rsofuMd. bo palemsi eommso.* to fr:ghU-o iiii . there isprirste
|aod. meeline srrerai Bailees, they had , Tbe ordrriy wa, told ng: toalupwll..

Fresh. Sett and Smoked Meats, Sausages Etc.

Gasli Paid for Batter and Eggs.

bi8°l33 2,a

An yoa a Aoldier, and did yon
bsMtend ins titan IW arm
’prior to JiupSS,lt<74I
tli Front 8t..
U pay yon

•Ut.i! r»rL I.MUw.Srvi-i.UM;irs,.


N'O’Wl 1-P Se£hS03Q..

Purchased from our fresh stock now
will save you dollars before fall.




Choicest Meats, Poultry and Game.



Fbinsel Borne ooi
'\ ™
I I0B< arc a female InoaUc who WM (me
“ he
uocsoseiour Oae of ! A. he wa. reaesai^-5'oa' tais p„,ot
be iI"'
.,n, . ‘'“'•“irktalagealemlalomaUe,.
' thceUlafe took her; toon heart of grace and cs.:cd.
Inlhe'lc "
riter aad loajcoursc of r.^nre-m.,.,... I..
-__ eusii



e iBToawne Ilia

®*».^aa^>ad dlrialoaer
------------ St would lake
aod sister hare bsea trarenag with courage to propose. I Ur wa, arrepled ^:r a page of this paper to work m
1I am here os busiaeia. Wbeo
When . aed
aod inis

e strosger we shill be glad to . dalioa of manr y.
^iaflerafrw eeeoads tboughl. Forma
roles of arilkmatlc She
iHralioasc?*The‘old iLiao [to l.rsre t
■d la. Bobody seer sue
iplQg' bsr. aad the was
ibad su
T fiateide arithmetic
t all. aod
leicursloa b

scud you some of the drawn work."



• mrisk the rest. '

lice Chambers OB thr 11. Very odd. isbosifl U'


ywri ciOTd:” Csu Anbi


,wjs. •a

Brosch's Meat Market

PscalBdoi Cored Tben.

S*?a 2a:

100D. BoMl. Utes Ai*m. S


toksa with thorn.

she siaricd, asd far stepped
stepped up
up aod Tneprobiem grew ihsi; ? * l"



was fs^i^bir^fWd.tldTl^
^ two years the lareatkm had muwrkt
him la ti.ox. Ualf of thH the mpiuust who hhd' marketed the aaeber
rare to two
>o dawrhu
dawrhwm of the —-‘-ii


Ooce Uvnan* awuBtomed to their uae iiadyoD are lost
withuot oue. Wo have them for leaip.-™ture, for ihurj' «“■, lor iter*
ilicint; porpuaen, andifor thermouieteru.
Brim; Preacriptiumi aud Family B>-ei|>ee to at. Wo till them
right, with druttB tbag are right, at prio-a that ate right.



.laocw aod kaew apthlM of
. --- SBcbors. I..
diartams ahd made the
,ffwtro^This d^swdmd
day a maa who eistM hla aad mm

purfat'her iBlo osmp I St--.Bg told by a Meod that u
— . daugb rr. ia easy eireuBsiaMa.
rbl her op I'uBceo ' ey.-, p-uduced Ihr Woperly of dost.. ,,



Tieed, tbeaiBttee r*m.
-Ab c;»cUu’ ihrt
•B lied UB aad pass ttanragh nMos. h«
: leare
room •• She otlerwards ssl
I tbe rctBiuArip. k
tbe mceUac was ( sB
Jut csrhiBc SOI ■etblMr hopprsed
-r for I.tedSiOB
ASDSI: psrtj Of the
— T:llarrrs
...lagri w
>sid. burrledly.
been up ob the atouBtaiB ecitlea
1 fasd fo«D>l S'burro s^deeiuc
' I do But
;aiOBc Toey d>d not rccofal's it os
eec of the T;:u«e burros. It bwi B on
> ispd s^
side saddle ea it and tacked aadrr - A form
. _
MB of the strap, sras a little rio.c. j Capialo yJu askedt^mrtoteo.f
They kBew that a Tos»« AnericaB or j you my atld-cs., i 4-> sj ’ |
Luropeas wnmaa mast hare ridden I pd-; cam. the ar.swrr 'slo., ear thsl
the barro. aod they begaoa boat tolyou I.>rr tarau.i I w,i: t..* w.ta you si
Sad ber
joocr.' aad then thjr rrp s -i ihiDk I

stay ia th, pW4. aod asM
ere nalie cend'-aad mMM.
,«T>« o', aklFt iSor.
twice as fast m tbs
» be trotted BTsr to^'


Honey to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.
•loLiwon Block, rhooc 7:i

Hie j tory a. eeer wae CibeUo'e is aa e»rli«r „ *—

e little rill
.1 wai the bU I,
About BOOS they

- ■ - .... -I.-,


FIRE insurance:

rnnneCitjSiiHloflasic! ONLY

daw. a wrilm
larMd a>t a

a« tew" •« drntbbu. Irtte «' Os.

I tl L. L I. HMI«, HfMi L $ L iHt

Kane nC tbea >how wi




“ "“J>'^‘'^!rcad.—Iwr—.i


.... »ieg. Von amsla't."
I For the fonr ycarv
rv|l. •; S Ihclutirr
* oroiE i
which I iBfor ibal^hc.BBder jibe loW prcrin.-i
He was the |»rtc
iacat law firm Ib «3»W
hard aftcraooB of work
Uey rcMAt Uri aoma
pLi. the aoalaod:
There was a brief lea <
d do Bot sekpoWiadga it
•If aod'bis
“'“Ttne world hare yieidel
led both himielf
aed bis ■partner
partarr. Boll Mairia** has always hsea oae of the i
greatest themes Mercal Ber '»J'• it-.w wore of ^e grcai oijDej
as DC would to eoDcentrate his I
• rags IS thcsubjeci. ''ro
___ ^dooblsw»ork.hc«oo'dsc«Bo-a.iBg:e-'’»**'»'‘>r»"‘'J«'
tln-d |
tk«» d-'f
the f»»r yearSji,,,,^ ^ ^
f ibrlr
but the Iwantlful faL-ratlbe car w,n-;“f
‘heir own
owe lualrimoorAl
.ualr.o.onAl experi*iH.-e
, ,a,«J ,
Bcero-taobr. bat be IlaaernTgaedaU
I of ether pcoBlcs
tBaa luar rears orer
jiueUmer. bo
people's Bcrer.
aeter. I . tuc ,acrea*e
raeo beer nolbi
aad in his way has peobailj dame
Thegreat thing, at a wise pbilosi.- the loar yean from J--71: {., 1
of tbe
ibe ear
cs wheels.
m-jre real good to tbe anaa of the to*
ber said. I. a gel the right girl e*|sai to our Pialf of the whtire goi<
At lav le becsi
s la bit part of the eoaattT ttoa
'hare Is bo sareoiyped way of gsuia;
threw down hi. pea. and telling il
other two dosea aatire ebteta
produA of thar foui
er. JnstasmrB Bare found different
boy be would oat be back sot.I mor
r will Bot allow aoy iatoxiegtl^
-• A r.p| pet-eratmurk
ways of prstrmiog. M tberc tas.e urea
pr to he sold Bay where wlihia kb
> leal itock of gold i<
csdless sray. -awtaPi-h men Ustc met
ilBisee. He BBd ail hbpeepUara'
TneereoiBg at the theatre did not their fate- A romanlicelcuient tsm.i
asd ttoeeiBBfcMjy
1 up with a: get leer affair.
Pip him. and he was rather horror
fisr rrOB (er mskt&g mebaala. m
Stamp Hn-.. :s Hide a Hit.
Horace tireciey apd M.ry Vocag
■track to Sad himself BO bshcr
9r beer, a eomporstlraly h
TbinS Awiistaal___________ __________
Cbeaer were married
0 tbe h-st play they
moroiog. Tbb was a
tlM of fermealed moa
.met. Thry had correapoeded
-reapoeded for some Madden ha. raroen for the goeerameBt
lor him
No wotBst
tini-e Apr!; I . oear.'y epouga mosey to
thu. amutus. friend, who waisom
r betweeo
- him and h:
pay his OWU si<ary o' gi'i-ou a year for
When tbe Cspoeiuoii le One
IhiDBdf a maicbmaker, fatvlag broage
was silly.. He Beeer saw
Bis eotire term of fosryearp. Ob the
lore and he wcold see her agsic. ihU ^ui >be was yocng and beaui
AUboogh the farb expoaltiaa laMfll
dale oi^iiipd tti- piseeilion aaie at ali
fulandai’ his faaey paiuicd her. b
He musl hare dyiprpsis
adaiafaed. arraagemaaia hBeealntoy
_____ __
poauilbces hook, of slatiipa whk-k eoai
«oo fail
b'p way tpj ha ofiiee he made e
pees made for Ha demollUoa. Wm Si
h!s old eoiiegc chum, now s p.-ormnee. so meb so
rnUmeet or Wiflem which haalBtnmt.
eoutaiojog twe’lee twp Mat
prdmisloif youag physielaD. He did sol peartd before lirr. hat
d thte work to a foeefgMr? For the
tell the doctor'wbsl the mostprom.. bees aecrpled by let
for dbrnaallieg the toBOltoa
tlild h*m i
'='=“1 i‘eeBl..“aLd rwly^ighi eontraet
Beat symptom was. bgt was sure be riage dsrfisrd.sbe I
ha. brwa made with iha ChlMgB ■Base
Tied him. sbel*“»PV They are bound In Wrecking Co., which Ml Aowa the
Beaded amdlelae tar dyspepela
Ac that, ailbougb she b
e r mar- i aiaai.a pa.trboard. with tbieu of oi.ed buiidiags after thegreat warU'a (airat
iBgly befell rather fooIUh wheo was Dotla lore with him
asobliged l.psr-wer notoslltbe fled Jife was loeg aad bapp' aadlhelpap*"’ between the ieares to prereal Cbkago It hae beea calealatB* (tot
<uob arl^*^®'F*
t'03i sl.cking
ihrr la
rss'of'toi wifp- wasa blow nueb
gr's rjaeslioBi a. to wbelher he as-l
__________ -likeTt.giMAMIaatoC
______________ ____-,o(lBi.
id LOi lodg.turr Te
lie .ymploma paseparablefrorngai
Will bea.ailablc (msbIc after ttoe
rptodinei 'the aimbrr-pf btoks of the rxpositioa. aad II w preki
Theseensd lime that Ktssrarck ta<
trie iroublepstned- was
l.'» :-4.
.Idhasoa I’nukamme' ii
He weat to the oRirc sir.sag in ibr
rf it will tad a n
»’..;.p..-: sn Th< cost «g materram and
issed be' vgub-iiy la the prr.rere of
rreolre to Coisb tbe br.rf.
labor of uiodiog w.. at;'p:ru: and the
amber of gurtu
Tne immediate r'
He msple fairl/goni besdrray. bat
*>ar* the stamp
Boms Fresh Pioau.
Kl of ih s embarrmei igaod sboeklng ®®‘
still the iinsg.-bf lb- oesat.fsi gprl
impl acBouo<’w-'"»‘” »“'* «“* ®' peodueiiba’ was
woB'd eoBi- back to bppii
I w a plsal In 2amalsa aoUed
' He beeame a'.srmrd aad fearid meet .
tbs life plaat. bimisi
-----------BIS miapl was going
For he was Bot s followed ey tbe mi
Impcalble to kill It. Wbea a loaf la eat
belieeer ih -’.grr at 6r.l spght." o* '1‘uUkammer was s
oFaad bnag cp by aewtsg Haeotoast
, —,
. ingscrrc righlhsof seem itOBMvrople
fnreJ the first l:me Hutu
harily Is tbe grand passioa luclf
e. thread Iihe reetm gubma meWTheabo fouod fapmM:i wiia Bcsi. ThUM two ypsoog peop.e. as Boeallad : mj that be is e« tilled hi an inerease of.
(rom Iks air aad Wto to giww
reahtlemr ioaging to lake the'tirst.
learre In boalb Amarto thm-e ta
Had for
STimaw^to”h^e‘th“y**lM^*'‘' .^ft'b«iid<V'tori
Md (ollow hu fo k.
werwbirh eaa oely be ease wbea
Tbe first losrriage of JeSeruoo Uiris •‘I y*>--r- • "'■■JC.-sfaflernooB oaeof Ihefirm’. bmi
__ kind i> blowiag. Tkh plaathalo^
asofxrrmsatic ctti
Mamsd Her Irrahtilsugaihr.
Hessil mat be tsa
to-the eaetoe bmlly aad wbea towlad
ly in loee with Sallle Taylor,
um a»st romgnt c marriagta
tennplated purebasiag sgme ihoasand
ber of b
of Co /tehary Taylor, who that has occurred for ^a>T time toou protrude from little Iacres in-Mexicc. with the.eiew «f eutsbiishiag r c8** piaalalioa there
place at Rawlii-g i.reeD, wbeaHarTboa aUIk.—.Vcir >''.rt Wi^U
He was net sathhed with the title to
CSoacy. who it about t-g years of age.
How Flan
the laad.-aad felt that some oae oagbv
led to Hiu Agoes May. aged
p doira there and look Into the yarned before -Old____
Tbr mamarr wae . ia Ito
latoiag n
■r more clcsele
Be aoald oot to Uesoe-ia-Iaw. aad ttoa
; sray of faiEUmrf of a pronto iht eprrad of
to to asd bisragiaagt h
___tbe time, aod CBme to them,
I __________
made marly years ago ;
■itlBCof SealhAlrtMlreewlthg^.
mas. llred ie
ihlakiag that some of their yosag atea
a yoci*
yoci« _<aaa.
botany, will datn mnay a wood
Ito first lime Mary Todd net Ub- * Heontylracla towe and was a iortr
might bare saeugb kedwledge of Hyoa: to Ibis yoar of war. Fiartoan
n xbessidlo bersi^ "lyt
|of ooe woo oiarrird an<Ab« (ito took
ish to make the trip
Robert Onoeas regarded hire as aa
.1 be president oae of i^daj^ Be Iafterward, aad.opna her death
asvel. aediaid that as the was ...A otakeabusbe^ to to ;^d of. ^ed she asked Casiei to took after ber
be did aad she
SOI eWcT kw*y
tbea. be thoaght he Aboat that time Ltecola s ehsnem of \ ;ime daughter
prcaidrai seemed as reMc ,, ua« grew, afi a«i was emrriod. aad to sands of srhlcb it Is fSl wSi
stoold liks to make the trip himself
.aad M^yseoier laag^|aa,„,.uk»o sgeh sdTik eoaeumpikm. gcrmlaale nad spread oa to rdev
This was totter than the cileot expect
•d. so tbe nailer was saos tied np.

dfc-w^itoalW i^oa.vJo.psssed away.Ibutoot Before haaksasd ecldt.—VckOiytou Star.
to look after
'•Pethsps you will meet yoar folks
. aed la Hyaars the predictios
little girl thee it^Kara old'
c Preeerre Old Settle Flags
dowB there. " said
Asa child tas (Blare deeolioa to the'iiU
' '
"Why. perhaps 1 will.-’ sa.d UaneaB
Battle flags. a« kept la meat rapoMi
as if to had last thought of it Bat hi
_____________ -- wifeofa praeidoal hirrafroat I ok»n City. I^a . (rese^rbl
(Bid hU partner that It wm kardi]
nratohit. as to was goiog down ea thu of tbe fatted blalae
plaee to youog Ito^ ^ earns —
With Henry Stanley, the explorer. It
iowsr table laods near the coast aad
the rxearaioat usually kept pruUy well was "lore my daaghUr. lore me." Mrs.
rasalogj^rtotonr^tt^to fiOg
Peepb Wao'EoTN^'koat.
Tennant peraisleaUy refnsed to cno-:
apoB the higher plaieaaa.
to b^dau^ur'^ma^iag. "t>o;-| la ladia. Cbi^jIa^^aa^adJitairi seu^. wltt^a?-* — —“ •—






dtstrlbatra to m

BebMPd bium,ilfooc giorioat after ,iAail^t—panwIUber." HsI to oa-jeu^. aetire mad lac3-:i*to. wbo'eat
_aoa ellmbieg a little mouatale path troattodto fiaally/ieided.
"I wastloo meal Tae Tsrkish porter ea a -Cktoiyi. .Vrw..
oa tbe back of a barro
Ocacaa had
(er my wife.' OUaley daily ratine of rtee and dates will jag
told bis folks by
ia leaded
aloto with toot back aotorai______
trip. Bad taaad by iookisg
. their
time beeesae my osethto.fath- weald crash a wtsteral moo. Darwta
llteoratT that they bad passed itolle
er aad cMer.- -Sto la yoara.- uibas tot to Aadto aatnusdoa
Bear- whore
-ra to
to oow
BOW was.
rwplMtoaaa.'*aBd«aml.“ ‘

bMMlttotralaaia IHUelon
itoai«hvhtah ib«Tpa«od lomed^


dCauhoi ito

s.Tavit.csis'KK, ssi5njJor.3.2r-Msri Srsi'sri^-X'SSIK

"■ i" '■ nU'
Tr»TWM Bar Bm Wo*.
T»*«« Bar Him. Ho. Tl.M 'M
vrii* tw d»m tM work stthaKMahmnte ia «U w^n aad
O. T. H. aad L. 0. T..........................
baU la Obarloetei Ibacedap.
tteterb fits ia sash.
Tbsre weraealp ttwobaadsla lbs him Oa the wap baeh. the been taeh

SwmcuTIk. art^wt^Md

, WmT
^ wton. «n*Vt Bd. wbe b

An«U SwiMik neaMt ilij' U* 8»*dbb BraUwn or
BMriM halt t&ir •>■■»]
M B^. aad a Jsllf r>«> U»a U ira*.
tkOiCfc It was rlTW (or tbs ffwadr*
|rifrily.otbwa wma ast anlsdsd.
aad a latf* noBbor of tbs (Heads o(

bead at OadiUae aad the Ealbaite
bead. - The prise wee dirlded beti
•top Ue aalmel bates I
the roBpeilnr erfaalsstioea.
A PHse Babp
m u white tbe been e
Marraret Daaai frea the ce-eart bp
toe fOUa«t the IbWB partp rl^hb ^
tba ladlte of Si. Praoeb cbereb.
B. Sslbbarp’e Wapas atnal srow
aeeeod prise wae eaptarad bp Babp aad Ue treat whaal.
Hewtoe wUh N Totea tecarlad 1
rtaaaulp ao beaea were hr,
palretbsbpesboadaaatedbp Praab
tboefbbehadreealv.da berere ecalp
Frkdrkb. IlhblawB partp baa
Id aad a oamber of paiatal brsb
rcip prefiubla. bitb aaelallp
■aaaeiallp aad the ladkeof St. Ptaaeb
- will eoBtiaae slallar a ' '




Tima b
palataBt ia tho Ukhiteo eealereace
thateaa abew a aore r^dd sad sab
. MaatialfiewlkthaatbeSaeoBdM. B
■ sbssefeo(tbbeltp. Siartlarwithafsw
■te>ifi sod a aaali. aaflabbed balldiac it hasetoadliptrosrs ia Baabn
ted tafiaaaaa. aatil lodap ia Its aalaqrad aad ftabbad aeadlUoB aad with
n aalaifad aad fiabbad paretaafe it
Jfiaadi. aot talpaeedlt urTteArae
, 019. aad eepseiallp the Weat Side.

Beekn, ue oae aad a half pear old
daacUar of Mr. aad Mra. Watlep
WeUp.diad Saadap at tbelr bosaTbe
faaeral.wae bold Moadsp afUiooB
treaUechatchal Aeiaa.
Latapeiu* DsValla died Satsrdsp
elcht al hb boioe oa Btel £>cbU
tueel.UUe ace of <0 peare. “na
of'deaU wae eonesespU^
Short foaeral egsieee wore held at
Ua bosae Voadap jud the >eoialBe
UkeatoCaoibridcs Cltp. lad., wher;
Uep willbetaterred.

hpBr. Aahtep.pcssSdsatolAlbtei soltafia. TbetearebwaaweUfiUad boU
■BBtafi aafi evteiac badSI.Ht.TO was
ptadfied. tWawlUwbatbad alreadp
ban ptadtad aad paid Itava Ue
lb Ue toraer talUfsl-

A Woman

kam ham ramtora^ ta

•p«v«s Mar m^¥taa Im


Plaae-;M bs Oertrads M ntarw.

laBMC Beberterm. who livae ala mile)
lUiveet ol tbeeltp. bad aa azeiliac
who look tbetiiaad Ladfie decree.
sawmy baUrdap aad ae
C Suwart. H.
It be woald not earc U lapoal agala
WBood. Tbeapaaavllle; A. L Waka- varp eooa. He etae drlviag b
*■ P. Bhea. leaae Saabea. Praak- dtp Sstarday .Uomloc with
taet; W. terltatt. O. RarU. Qeo. Bice- binder wheaoar of Ua whHIlet
tow. Bortbperti C l TbaUa. D. M.
lodae near Ue Cniral eebool
»ol»a. MasMta; ite W. -Bobaruoa. baildlBc 00
BlchU straat.
■- L. (tarlar. A. B. Poi. L. HnU. A.
itetraekoae of Ue borace
Thaversa (Sip; O. C Sepdar. hnU tad Uc team jompte. Urowiac
M^a. A. BeXeber.A. Piaek. B. Hr.Boberteea'iBtoUehateles of Ua
"“biB. Bhmaa: Oae. A. Pameater.
■osbvUle; a Bordraai. PeloUepi C B. pcBitke BBtll tboteam freed iloelf from
Umm. Bnaeab: Qeo. A. Oaaeaa. Ue blader. leavtac It bearWIlhalm
•Man Bap; tea. MUtar.
BroUere- elora o4 Ue eomr of t aka
A BOl. iaaaph Bewiu, Oteir;
Kasha. A. tendsfia. TarUt Uke;
Thoteammtlaeedcm u Uaalkp,
HaUtap. Ktafislsp; M. L. Ctaek. L. _
kebed Uroagh the allcp U SevaaU
■tetactaa. W. bewb. D. MeOaear. 6.
traelate back U Uaka wbara Uep
BBo^ Maple dipU-PoBer. Maarot vere etopaed la (roet of B- U Cartorb
^atetatoptrtbftheoataare of the
Hr. Boberuoa's elaUIag wae anrly
--------'laUeraaawap aad be had U
•topatacloUlacelorate a
of treneers betea be eoald gc

PraMntT.Q. Bhi«a of Ub eifp.
fcsnd Vtas PreeUnt Mrs. W, A.
•naodtUseltp.bbd Treanrer Mrs.

aathaporaeB aaracaU $1,000. Tbe
aew track b balac worbed eoaeuatlp.
ate bp Ubt Mma It will be Obe of, fiocat half aiUe tracks la Ue |
L Tbe eatrlee (or tbe raoee will
ioaueevnlacof Ue eaeeck of
oeUe UIrd
Ua S:0U trot or psee. wlU


; Jalp 10.

11 ibclode

hlBC aew
WUl teclrm. that
1 omrtaiolp (araiab ‘ aarprbe
..rprb. ate

Cbairmaa J. O. L
ooBBte that Uera iavc alreadp beee
7U catHea (or Ue raeea on Ur 3rd. <U
UacUIOceallreadplorafioo eoatmt aad SU of Jalp Feet.bocare
ia raralar aUloUce. The CbaMo win I here from
from II ruskrp.
Ladlactoa. Maaloeeorla bat oae plaer. civtoc All eoa
But Jordan pad Fremont,
tcBtaauaehaBeeUcotkcaUer. Tie
lied" Ur well keowo troUrr
evcBto will be ooataelte oa Profitre Thaiadhp from
etraet hetwoea Uaka sad Cbm itreete.
duanard. ItU rzIS tor Ue FoarU.
Tbop win laelade. beeldet
brfore tbe oolenea elcae
sUll c»la|
otbeca. Ue 100 pard daab. Ue 1:0 pard
borace eaUrte. Tbe
rmpkllp for Ue crealeat FoarU of Jalp haidlea.Ueatttelacaad roBBlac br«ad
track b la fine etepe aad local borace
calebratioo ever kapwa ia aerUera
Ue euadlBc aad raealac hich are traioiac everp dap.
Michicaa. aad aalem all elcae (aU.
Ue Otaadiac aadraaBlac h^
IromUemoralacofUeUlrd to mld- eUpatejamp.Ueebotpat.Ue hamHellalre b ahlppinc larce amoants of
alcbt of Ue FoarU of Jalp wilt ba Ue aur Uraw. Ue pole rault. u»lnc Ue bemloek bark, wbkh b brlaclac a
Ume Ueold towa has ever bar. etc., aad alUceUer Ue cole- good priec'u Is pear.
-he commltkee are bai^ besUoa win
be Ue bicceet aad beet
A^ad.Jiapids cansBs cBBauraUr.
work, aad Ue rtaalt win bejeveraean la Ub bait of Ue euto.
lalfcat la (e
e (orj Chalra a Cbrver of Ue parade com-

Carpet Department.
No hard up tales on backward season with
buy for cash and quote low prices. J...
Jui now w.
mving special inducements in this dept.
Lowell and Hartford, extra superfln<


CoSn Chain Ingrains, ail wool filling,

50 P«T ceHt.^nger than
* apy other makei

Far III ID. IS. 25c.

Gold Dollar Bi^d,


At $1.00 your choice of
Wilson Bros., Wachilusett Shirt Co. aod Monaix


That Wear


a^ At 50c about twenty styles to select from.



^ Bicycle Clotbingi
I Oaps.

U oosa aot zab or scaia oK.




Thcfiii(.-st turn .milb-ii.-niiH-ats

appr.ivinl by l!ic btiitwl Suic
<i,,nwnl-f..r taio by tb.
f..Il..«tnsTi>i-fTM.- City ik-alcis

Jacob Fui^sch
Frank Hrusch
John Highland
Swift and Company
.rrve citr a 1«1..

s.'uscn 8..


Compare our offerings with anything in this market alld see
how much money you can save by supplying your wants here.

Ihi's Slits at $7.5D,
S8.S0 am SIO.OO.

a.. AU caps made of FaRc>- Cassimeres.
^ etc., values 50c, the whole lot Of\r%
^ tocloseat,.............................


We Make the Prices
and Do the Business!


a- Suits at---- $ $5X)o. $6x30 and S7.50
a- Belts...................... IOC. 25c. 35c and 50c
^ Hose..................................... ,.25ctoqoc


purOs hsslih.
llsBCmb sC
usu used p<isrip tor ibuweih.

I ^


Pratt of l^v.rm

rskes-tiao. Bopt. F. 8. HapoaL
BaUlk Petrie.
OammltteetoOsatral Labor Uaka—
Wm. Jdhasoe. P. Saadalmaa. F. Trade.
8. Cltek. U Seaeoa.

They are the greatest val­
ues in this market and we
are selling them to young
men who are the lead^
in fashion.


Joa. Klaaaea. B Doaclats.

Easily get their wants
sQpplied here.
Mens Suits made of all
wool Cassimeres



Vallarr !<hm

F. Haatar.

E Gentlemen of Good Taste

Its I>Tl^iOn


--oomr.-sadssi hs|a.,u... I., [baveboee more woaderfal Usa Ur

$lU:Ue7:30 trot at paa
local (aetarke Uat Uep wUl have floau
UcraaalBcrvse. S'mlle.t:s. Oa Ue
la Ue etreet dbplep of Ue bic eelshcaFoarU will oeear Ua Free-ferwll,
II, wil^
tkb. Prom Ue ledicaUoai aew It b
Ratal] Clam' Uatoa.'
a patae of $100; Ua
trot. $1M.
0. aad
aeearteUat.Ub dbaisp will be Ua
A varp cood maatiec of Ue elerbs' tbe farmar'a race, walk X mile, tn
oka was held Moadap ctsbIbc. at mUe. rab S mUa $». Tbmap M, Ue larceet bad beat ever seea la Ubpbrt
rhkb two meabeia ware aeoapi
coldelem woteer. wiU abo appear ee
TbclelterTB mara elaelad (or Us m
Oa UefifU^miUoecarUe
laf Urm .as follows
Ukiac bold of the
trot orpaec. $IM; Uetiittrotor
Presldeet-Wm. Jebatn.
I. $izt. aad Ue rsaaloc raae. rt. work wiU mote Usa ordioarp eaerep
1st Vies Pras —J..A. Dopla.
Tommp M WiU aleo appear oa Ub dap. ateUereealt eaatet bat bet becrali.
fploc- Mr-;Carvopat|toe everp mettad Vlas Pim-Cbss. Uad.*
Cbalrraaa Fred CsrUe el Ue eommlv
I cheat aad maaafaeurrr aad.eoeietp U
Boeordiac 8ee.-P. Saadkassa.
tn 00 etreet camea. dors aot make
jeUkUeir lateatloss al <»reaoUat
. bat daeUret

Equal in finish to the fin­
est imported and wears
Misses Stockings. 15c
and 25c.
Ladies' Stockings. 15c.
25c. 35c and 50c.


I. •tipSIER.Y' 1

Wish Dress Skirts made of Pique "
and Duck, colors Svhite. black, navy. ZJ

$1.00 ValflK at 69c,
$1.50 and $2 Valaes at 98c.
■^hite Underskirts,


Thc'sOc bind at 38c.
The 75c kind at 63c.
Tbe »1 kind at 74c 13 '
Corset OOTerS at Sc. 19c. 31c. -I7c and 57c.
Vight Oowna, cool kind, at 25c, not 39c. Better, ^
grades alb go al special prices.
Ventilated Corsets only 2.5c and ^c.

Attend our Ladies Suit and Jacket Sale ^
—the asso^ment is here and prices about



18i36 Hnckitowelfi 15c or two for 25c.
16x30 Linen Damask towels 10c.
18x36 Heavy Cotton towels lOc.
Smaller Sizds 5c and 9c.


Children's Made Dresses, white and
ora. 25c: SOC. 76c to $8.76



icMa MOBdap. Uat came varp
raaalUacUtbaacrwntojarpof Tbm
aahltanbahUdm. Aaltwte na

Ofwat Wallaoe Baowa.
Whn the Ureat Wajlsee Shows
' eabibitte
sbihitte ia Wi
WaUtorUB. D 1'
briui shoir uwB
lowm. Gcii^ Cd^ ^
------------------------------- capiiii. It b not
dowa OB Ue Bisp. The Vfsllscv Show
pleaaad two bic Uroafis psalrrdaj.
maap people belac tarard awap Tba

• -,'forlhe maaIt ate for t
kbo waatvd
------------------------------------------sr almost eatire|p
,, .0
U tbe
>sdrns»y«ii_hiys«JsvTT>ir.sfcvrts »hc» attrarika.
attrscika. “
IS eUrt
_________ __________ __ . _
, ______________________ wbou Srsi tls.l

Dosbia bass-Chsr. & Vader.
Cello-E. E. WbiU

ChatacBesewaotl 0-b.>.

U Ue dock wlUOat map lejarp brim
aoeaeaefsltedealepabloeae. Tbafiae dtee to borace or wacaa.
wntbarof Wedaeedap. wbkh Ormad
Cfa Proat alrael. Mark Craw rma hb
Maiahal A. B. teawa declared bad ban horse (or abost A bloeh la front of Um
ordtrad bp Haper Priedrlch for ub friefateaed team before be eoald gal ai
■fiiSUI Ptteiea. dta aaeh uward lataailp U'drive U Ur elda of Uc
aeeelacthanjopaeatef Ue ealebra-

rslee. Tbe pen are eat wiU a
deltaelte wlU a bapteke ite tbrasbod
oat last Ilk* ruia. a4l Ur cast of
batellar thorn b Uos Iredacte ua
peiatUalalkwe Ur fatlasr a CMi
profit oaUe whole crop I

There b ao slcoboi
ia •Fsvonir PrrwjTitem:- arither
dors It coatsia
opiam. caesiar. oor
asp otber Bsrtotk.
-a (Mrs IBS WBcS




mlr«d,batavna varp
slmpta dinlap wui balp.
ItbUchUmsferUota who lauad
WdseoeakUbariscatUoc raadp. or
Uap map ba dbappoUtad ia eblalal^
matarlal. Bavar was Ut damsad (or
rsaadbaatlac so emt ate wan
I proant npplp b axbaaaud Us
al mmcbaals map bo aaabls to bap
ira Bolt will bo wall u make
rteaomatsooe as pooslblo.^ Brorp
baslasm boast ate overp rasld^ la
UsHtpsboald bs dsebte wlU Us
ntkaalsolevaoa Us aatinb MrUdap.
8bow pear Amerleaabm ate

^ Cor. Union and Eighth Sts.

'oaparaad bare
ate^r»d. Tbe IlaedUeetreKaad tl

Bteiteltb of tbe Mertbere Mlch- a racket ostsl<£ aod wae ia time to ae
Ua team Urs -sp Uiloa street at
Wfiloeed Tteradap aflareoea iteh UralpeUp. Al Ueeotoeret Proat aa
tbe bteata of iaetreeUa ia b^ Daka Aoele Ur
bnaeteeef tba aawritln work. BoU rowip.mbBrd Ue bscCT la which Mrs
ateoob were (aU et laloraet U Ue Dr. RraebUal T
Prom here Uep took dowa Ue mlddl
Proat etreat. Kbea Uep rcaehei
boUtattedlp. aad Ueie b IHUe Uadrapaad^^lueup Uem. both
daabtttatihbwnibearraacad. The coaid not rea Ue lleta aad bb effort
firaad tadfis edtaara. who make Ue
foUle. Tbop
fiaallp eap
aelaetkaoftbeplanaf aeeitafi have
I at Ua eorsar ol ElfibU aa
Fraaklla atreeta. Tbe driver

ctedM^ at

■dben. It bUawkhof
Us oommlllM that ■ varp (scamp.evarp
ewra.ovetTbBalaats boaas at wtet•vsrktadaboaldaapnrleUt nnda.
Pints map ba mads aad aimeatad aa


Be wfU Ibbaadlbcaod e
Several Esmtiac Rsaawapc. '
A varp ekellitig
ccearred 8atardsp oonilBc bp one of
Oeerre Jhauape'e drop teoBe, wbkh
ran from Ue dock to Ue eoreeret
SIfitiU aod Fraaklla atreeU, makiac
Ue elmll dowa Pml etreet. Mo
damace whatetrr wae doae, alUosch

Picrcc’e Favorite

Oood Roads CoBKroeaOffielal Botiere hare baea eea
aatbsffcaid. la wbldh aJI aharad.
tetbsaoBlwr aaetiac of ibe Oood atT:ta e-eloeb. Tbe evaaUc ece
ifcitaUbrosfbttbalr baskets, aad
Baade Coaertas te be bald ia Pori
ofUevmrkme tearebee will be
Tbeobjretof the
ibaed.aBdBll ffaUer for a Cteecal
Mtesaan. OeedSwedishbovlUllt;
awabcB aad proaolo lha
leetlacoe tbe nbjaet of Uw aad
•aa dlsssasid. aad evarrhedr bad
ietereat la tbe imbroreaoat of the rder. wltt eepeeial rafaieate te
pabik roads
Bforeemnl of Us Ssadsp team
'The (oUowlac are Ue deleca<
Bad Death at Elk BaptdsirtfiardUtalooas.
BUi tsidik, Jobs SS-DacaParta,
Stveralcmd spetkers will address
a at Ub clip:
(taalasyMroldna of Hr.aadMra.
tbs moetloc. aad apaeial mask lAll bs
C. A. Nelaea. 0. M. Uaae. Jao.
PbrbsolUtaplaee.wBsdKiwBad la tbs
Bvatp b laHlad k
While. W. BsDeapbell. Williaa Core.
' ■sBtac at Iba ehste below tbedais Praak BaaUtoa. O. P. Oareer,
vbaa hslaat his halaaee, (eli la aad PriadHeb, £ O. Ledd. B. B. aoiaar,
J. S. Uodcas H. K. LpoB aad Bobart
WM aarrisd dowa br the cafTsat.
reorcaaUsd. bad beraafter will aol
tea hrip aoald reach bia be was
eemfias iu work to Us. plaplac lb
Rapid CItp-aPleld Dap.
Slelabsrc's ore
; will faraish
IhepaieatsedibeebUd are a
Saterdapb field dap waeablAcraat
eforall sorts of toelal (sacUoas
enaad with ghal. Ibe water ia aad 6t tepid Clip aad Ue eammadbtlaw tbs ehate b rwy swin, bat laseoaatrp. Tbi basUlaf lltUe tows aad all oUsr aenskias where Ue work
chUdimefiaa fished inm IheebsM was ia fall attire all dap, Uerc balac of a firat elam orehaitra b daelrad.
Thedaaeeorebeetra wUl be as (olaad tbs dawer was aoi tbearbt of b;. Botoae dall Boakoat (roa earlp
' maaj. Bb pareau did aot kaew tbs lac till lateat alcbt. BIcpcIe raeea,
First vioUa-Wm Bsim.
wbsrsabcets of the bop wbea tbc aecl- boru raeee. foot raeea. )aBplac aad
telt eeesiied aad were terHUp sbeek baae ball faaes (arabhed theldapb aaClarlaet -Ueorce Damllac.
The esTTOBadlac eoooTromboae—Jsp E. -Msteakb.
trp esat Uel
Doable bam—teas. 8. Vader.
aad tbs badp was M>t ■
t lltUe I
Plaabt-Harrp PerUaa.
4-te TVefaaeiaJ wil oc irlodap la clrea over to a dapt eport.
rill bs aa follows:
ball raae betweaa Ue laHaeibla of
BlsaSeboolLoetareOosneFirst vlolla-Pfof. C. B. Borat.
Cltp aad Ue Sapid Clip
The Bleb Stead Leetara aad Mask
Seeoad rioliaa-Will BsIm
lac a walkOeorreBlaa.
wDlhatbebest aoane ever rnaia awap. wiaalac bp a score of *0 I
Vkla—A. C. Apera.
tUseitp, Tbebesttbat two ba
Clarlaet-Oooiie Damllac.
Desui RelL
SM iBiabb has bean esesrsd
Ooraet-Willard Campbell.
WIUIaBt.PlBck of tkeead elreet died
•aaissbslacfaratohed bp tbcOealnl
Plato—&. MUler.
Prldhp afteraeoe at Ue'ace of
aad Badpatb LpeesB Bsraaas. I
pears. He Icavea a wile aod
Mtti at tbrss BitBkal BaabBS, three braldeetsUrraad
laatees aad a BB«k aad neelea]
an aad a abler. The faBeral
b«r eeaWaed. Bakias setw eatertaia- (naa 81. Praoeb Cbareb Uoadap
Beats of tbs Ufbeet order. The folo-eloek.
towtBt are tbc baaban eocara
Mrs. Saaas Tbcar. aa eld raaidoal
T%a Beaka ladies' Spapboap OrlirlBCnear Scdee. died Pridap aoralac
abeatni lbs Ottsawa Male Kaanel;
II Aloekofdropcp. Deecaaed wa
i. B. Badlap la Ue aalehlea leetare.
peart of ace
she eras . bichlp a
*^BBaap8Ue of Ufe-;tbeDai
The feaeral look piece frea
■tafle aad MaatelOe.; -Jaba .Dea
Ue OoBCrecmUooal ebareb
mUarta'ThaUecaol U^laea"; L
Ubaflemooaett o-eloek
Ussier A
laad T. Powers la -DaTM Oartfek-.
lacb bad cfaarce of Ue toaersl.
aad date B. OeMoU la hb world te-

I nctesol te tho hlfiM at tho
thM is te. anapptafi mateof Ite
HnofihapaWlsaad Ua aaiiac



TUa. TfcU r»aart mjmm tfr»« Aim\nl
WM iwalMi laUtUiarUraoaa. BU ll^itnh4»laJ «*(»-mjK •'TbaPaklalecMMid ala'
Mn*ar«airith tka PatlaraOafazpaOUea aatMAad elrbt aiU« tnm

Tbaaoaattp oat araaad Haakacoa
labalvlafMMd arltb aa Inert, tba
■Baaa Chain.'- that U dolac a
>ateaatofdaM«a. Abeat Jaaa e waa
tbaflratUawitaraaaoUead. ertai
Moaad aa attaek oa tba applaa.
atrtae. (rmpaa aad eUer (ratta

A. B. Snxaxt,

at tha Ohlaaa* Ucatkia Ma; atylar
■a aallralp allaa with tba laOat aU Ika toalra mielilati
abeat ta Itava Pekla altb ir«ar«i. Tb*
OhkMH Hialaur salM ap»a Sasralar;
Bartbkaoralajr aad aoaiaiaDiaatad baaUa. abeat oat-ibird of ae lack
WbiMtbe eoaleat* of tb« dtooatcb •Uh loap Ufa. aad tbap 00
«M 13 b; frao> tbF T,amg L' Vtaaa -vama.
Tba aiaUfrantrakaa daeldad 1
liTT‘rr '—.-->-11 detalboMli aahatbatnahairaroek thia aai
•cbuac at TIaa Ibla bate aol arrtfbd. TUaeomaadaMaieark baa kei
bat llli ham Ibat Itlulad freai dapbraak aatll aaea. whaa tba rmaa of lha iBf nkleb Uaa ait eklldroa aad work
aliladfoKaaanaaeaatboaa «ftbtCk> Itf flria ban baaa aaat lata eoaaup
aaaa. Aeaordlaf to tba Raaaiaa eeaaal
> for a neatleo of two weeka or
atBteBCbalUwaatba Baaalaatraepa
ataeoBtolabootOl par capita.
arbo raliarad 'Raa Tala, altboaghaaall Throafh tbia naaat anaral hare
■ al Iraopa of tba oUht
powanaotaaad mttbai
olbar raperai aap Ua Bacllah aad AsTba faadi tot tn
arkaMoatarad dial
aad iaeldaalal aapaaan a
A dtapateb to DaUtolb
bp tba baamlaat clUcaaa
firea Sbaacbal todap apa that AAminl Sapsoar aaait a maina
for that parpeaa.
TaUBoadap. BawaaaaOaa
lUn Lera KW^ej of Baa Claire taa
ttelpUea aad aoold bold eat twodapa
mm*. Adalral Sepaear autad that Bcarllncireeiatoooeefherapn
nap bat Ue an of Ual nanber.
ba had bad U kUW aad »00 wsaadad.
TbaadairaldU Bot aaaUoa tba for- Tba lOpaar-oldaoeef BooKr Parka
aipa alaklan frea Bbaapba'. A diapate* of pnlardap Mpa that Pnaea
Taaahaabaaaaaatlo dkaa Fa. ahicb
«UI aaeoaM tba aapilal of Ohlaa It Pa<
tba ooBBUrfaitore
Waabliftoa, ifaaa tt—Tba
pariaaat weaU aet kao« wbara to to dhUarahh ui bom own fro. Ue
tan for troopa If It waa daeldad to aaad. hlUiafa.
aaratoCbiaa. Tharaan00.000treopa! At-Hnkece^ bat SaUrdap aitht at A most.
mplctc assortment ol gent's suits
la tba Pblllpplaaa aad tba laaarraetloa bool r. o<eloek, Oara aad Ftmaklla
that are right
iglit in every
p; ' '
cut. qualla praetkailp aadad. bot tba altaatlOB Fnolfa bit t^Ur boeaa for a lltUe
.terns. Former
it>, am] style
tyle of pattern
. ,pricts
wala dowa Ue itroeL SloeeUatUM
ranged to $15.00: all in one lot jQ 00
-o Inee baa boeo foaad of cither of
V at................................
b. ehlldrea taod Uelr pareaU are
•f-tha Fdipiaaa that tba
■aatutlrad of lu aedartaklaf aad Iseatdhtnebd.
nadp to abaadoa tba lalaade.
Taaadap attanooa oae of Ua barati
out aad Oaaaral HacArtbor ban ad- f BlnarOonotoe. IweaillnaorU of!
Herringbone stripes,
vlaad tba aaoatarp of *ar that It woeld Rllbropk. oaofbl are. All of bh
__ i«D\/
values, a
ba aabarraaalBf to withdraw tnopa am aad tbadi ware dntioped. lotroai tba PbUIpplatt at taUar wlU abrccqoaaUtp of farai
toob. The bone waa aared WlU diffl.
coals and pants in navy Iblue and grey—
fin to Ua Plll^aoB.
eallp. Tba are h aappoted to bare
doubleorsiiiglt '
---------sled• co:
view of Ua qaaatUa aad will aet wltkBla
of aiatae will be
diawtroopa frea Iba FblUppIan for
an |B]d Beat Friday. BelaUm
anelea U Oklaa aalaea abaolola!
■mFaUap Uerr to belp ber ealHer baibaad Mrrad la lb*
er of trooft Black Hawk war.
Oa« of Uem^aaieaef U« Adrian
aau U Ohlaa than will ban loba pro- aipb tebeW h lipeareeld. t> loebea la We are showing an elojant line of lip-io-date
aWea aiada for aa Uenaaa la Ua belrblaadwalrbabaltopoaiida abe Skirts in TafUtia. firoadcloths and Crepons at
h b^tlabdlaetaallp aad da Sttlap
lie S6.50 ones at
aapeTbwB.dBaat7-lt h cBrtallp haibJlf for a protaaaiODal life.
will Uan
A baasaaaatwblUUematt
be elpbt eblldraa. Uirtp madebUdrea
aad tnaalj.lwe mat craadehlldne
cpMaaiUUaftaraeo^ Uate d
took pltaa limday afbrmooe at Dclarp of Forrtfa ASalrt irodi
of tbo alatp
•Utad Ual Ua fonraoeot bad
Tlaaette aad Oatbarta* TlBaatla.
■aatUatTUa IMa baa baaa nlUe TiaaaUa la M aad bh wife as peara


tnanaUUataaetlnan aU at 9
baaha. Bapeeta Inn aU aaaUM
od Ua atau ladkau mat danafa U '!
. Itororal panen ban I
aad laaUanpUaf lolaedawt

Ua Aaatriaa
appanau wfll tomallp raaoaaee

NoainaBtofraiBeaenein II. Tba
aad wife aitaatloa h acarlp aa bad la doaU Da' >ta. Famen la Ua aorUwnl will
eblifed to bap wheat for aead artl

T"^;ue walettlda {prenhea U l>i
Mr. where itelj all Inported
an ban tallaa U Ue D
1 h aaloailled. aad where
when. batUalcoploaaralaaanwaBtlaaplnd Oemaa orfaai i
lad. Tkc K^rerami
Uh|ad U eedar toaaaWa Ua aaUna M
iaa of Ua
the clip. Wt bp
t bit. omaraa-.nwne. i. .b—i..
BerllBdonaoieppoeeUeplaBaet St , rtciiaa
Patmbarf UUeCaiaaae e-pm ani J ttala,
a enulalarea. nkbiac all UejnST.
ponlble. Jellia,
lUllia, dowa pte-ian li alwta^
Uaf.ure wUl elaarl,; nu. ponible.


The approach of our grand ecdcbiation in hoiioi- of the nation’s greatest holiday hriags to mind tin- many m-eessities need­
ed in summer wearing apparel. Even the little ones look torwanl to having somctliing .lainty to wear on t’his occasion and
wo are sliowing many things that will make their hearts glad. Not children alone do we clothe, hot are fnrnishois. of every­
thing from liead to feet for Men, Women and Children alike, and arc making some very siiccial olfci ings tii cnalilc yon t() make
yonr Fonrtli of July purchases at phenomenal low price.s. -Oar prices have always gained for us a hig'favor with tlic out of
town people and this year we mean to make the in.luccimnits so strong that no visitor to <mr city for the Koiirth of .Inly or the
few preceding days, will fail to call at our store. We want and ifilL appreciate youi patronage and in ictmn you .'an always
expect in the future, as you have in the past, to get the very host-Jiie market atl'ords at the lowest possible |jrices.


Another lot of (tent's Summer Flannel
Suits in grey slripi-j, siiigU- or-doiible
bniasted coats, and a beauty

AT $5.63


TIu, Mpnar.U Urai.J. KinK-of ,U Shinj. u. ^


ill 2 (lairs fur

...................... »00


' HK; LINK—Men’s Fancy and Plain Caw in

3.9^ AM. $4.98



Fbr1a.daaan-1ha last Ual Baar
Adathal Bawwp la aaat to Chlaa to
•aaattd Adwlial Kaapff U acaamad
at Ud Amrtaaa flaat. h nordad
dhappraral of Kaapra u



SricDarrj.'irii'j-Jrr -s™

OoBBle Dalap Ut pradr.
Oar teaeherb brothar Hr. Deae of
Bjap^jhlbd oaracbooloB W*d,
Oar aoelal wbbh we I
Id AaaaeUUp. The
lied to «a.00 aad wlU u* »r 00 wa


b wdl

qalta aa Jdllioa.

-beiMlaraad tt*^wm or*^15^

•tODi aDdatc. I came to Ue emelSlM
^hathawoBldeloMOaraebool oa Fri


1-25 I

•- Wblla workiBC aboal bh ten I- _
Baadof Chawpelladropaad dud dta.
dap aftoraooa.
la Bdpio uW^tp. tlllUdala eoaalp.
haaanatpaen Said of wbaal Iros BkU'a Cm
wbkhUaewaarbepaa to hamti
baabaU alUfaUar Uh pair, bat bb UaUDraw
hatfbbonUlak ba h onmUa
At BarrUa bprlaca tba caaatac lac.
taap h la tall hUM pattiap op pa
wblekplaldapraattatba larmi*

Higa-isortm. nt NOVELTY HATS Q

Ladies' F'ancy Colored Jfose. drop stitched or
plain, seamless and a large assortment
to choose from at 25c. 35c. 50c.

, l,ong and short Summer Corsets in white
and fanc)- Colors: at

Children's I'ast lllack Hose from 5 cents up.


Freezer SLummerCorsels. mculium lengths

AT 24o

Meii's Russet Calf Shoes,
warm wcatiter. in s
new. Styles, at old ji
Mc-jb's'Calf Shoes in lace or congress, coin or
plain toe—no one can beat them at

jroidery- Yokiags. .all prices, (n

Woman’s Black Kid Shoes with kid lij>s—
thoroughly good and serviceable, 1
in all sizes at S1.25.and v.............. A

60c TO $4.85

$1.00 $1.25 $1.50

Taffeta and China Silk ones..aIl col- A /*W%
ors. tucked, corded or plain. :.jSto y*W
White Waists, plain, tucked, or with (aacy
lace and embroidery yokes and O AA
trimmings. 75c to......................... . w*W



AH Styles Ladies' 4 ply Linen Collars


For the famous Ultra .Shoe and i( is meeting
with an unparalleled success. Both high and
low.cuts in black and tans with hand tumd
soles or cof'k cushion insoles, all Q KA
stylcsaml sizes, at.-.................... 0»U\J
N'ouths' and Boys' Shoes in all the new lasts,'
Black or Tan. at

90c $1.00 $1.15 $1.26
$1.35 $1.50 $1.76 $2

Fancy Stripcil La«-ns. Percales. Madras and
Dimities with or without lace and Q AA
embroidery trimmings, from 25c to



, 50c AM) $1.00

Women's Black and Tan Vici Kid Shoes in
all thdate^t lasts aiid .Sizes. A shoe ive han­
dle' regularly every-season anti can O (SO
guarantee you satisfactio.n—price- »*V/Vi/

You will find n___
3 comidaint to offer against 0
line of Shirt Wais
'aists. Our assortment is compicte. our styles goo«l and the nicest, filling
garments on the market.



of alio r former iargir stuck
stock eff Pattern H
e ' niy,............jnty
hav<- iwcnty live
j e hats
hats left.
left. These
These are
II- swellesi things c:of this season's
wear and
II be bought at 25 (>er cent discount on our

Two nor* weak* of aebeel.

Malaar b Brpaa-a Obolot
------------- j that took
--------- aad woeld bare beaa
Ckaaka. JaaaW—Ithaaopaa____
la Habcaaka tafea'alteUt that Bepae l^*Sd
bat^ltflOBlbaPoWlUt tlekau Thr
htalBfbp Cbalrmaa BdmlBtlOB aad Tbafollowlap are Ue MaaUid^
thaneraiarpof Ua aaUoaal Popalitt
eauhlllta at Llaaola paaUedap of at
'* **‘‘*i^ are^^iUu
apptal to ban Tewa nutaad. elUet
aaUaladontdamlaaaof tba Daao
WOTk for Ue peat «lpbt Boai
«aUe coanaUda or la ibapaiMtlde oc- rood
Ta. folbwta, aaplh wm pr____
OapM bp ffalaoa la <00. U la VUle^ am dap Uh moaU: Sla Dana aad
la doat alUar at Ua reqaatt of Brp'ai
erwIUbhfaUeoanak AtUa usrUm Brpaa U aaaarllaf wlU frtai 'BAwa.' Batma Wba

IfaalU. iaae rr-Uaaml MaeArUai
wtllfraat ahaaatp U Ua prheaart
aaodaiatf la Uaalla epoa Uair laklai
UaoaUof alUflaeaa 10 Uap<


stien anywtiere. i.adic-si Mis'
ren's all cut about onc-half in t

bu bm III aad aaable to be bare.
^ »U mda
ir^ hara-beaB
hata- baaa uklap Ue :

aa of III a

t Jl ST Akkl\’l-;i)-a new iol of<<Varl Hatsin
all the latest shniN-s.

ItiuaaaadwoiDaa aatplppod.,
Fnd Bobarta. a can eoaatp t
pWnd onitoo eiatai of berrtai lion a
fearaen patch Uh------- aad leir
Uan Idr aaarip PIMO aaib.
Ufa. Baaaab Warrae FolUU, who k
daadatUlInL^arpaaia. waa U«
fraaddaacbiq&Wllllaa Wanaa. •
aapaala la Ua war of Iba
( at Ua BaUUeh aUlnad that Uap
hatwaaMtodopowwara lor it
Up dac taa h


---------«:>op. ■ . Mat-

shirt waists 5c
Fancy Piques for ic. belter ones for loc. 'tsc
LadiiS' Black and Fahey Parasols.


ikinings for i2>ic. Yard

tioa. Oaa fare rata plaa as. rh
------realaa r-anra Uaa <ac tare
*■ ‘‘‘'mLWAllKBB. Wf*.



tits p.B. BauKOO Qraaial
■a for Baadap rhltora.
H 1


Ghla-ss BXcxsTs;

______ ^_______Trarv-©37Se C3±fcgr, Mibit


Hill Llltia Hltte ot lUalilM.
lUer laUnMUf •MUMlei <
pMMt^Utbinpart «f thi «.

Uri,,." bf Otot^.Umlf of Kortkl
whkb WM fall or Moral tbearhL
Um ditidod
toar daoart«»ioOipartiMat oC 8*Wta*l WorttLeidar. Am- Ba*b Eiaoad}. Trarana
*^*Dipirt«»al ot M tnr aad Halpbiadar. Mu. --------------------------Oraad Bapidi.
ror Tlea pnaldial
tkak «ba daUfaUB aad UaaaallMarof
Ih. wtouaaaau, waaanlaf bUalo Diparlmaat or 8>iUl Worb-Leadar.
Bt riaUad Saallj U>a
- Mn. raaala Millar. Oaar laha
Tbtaa caararaoei. *ara fall <
•t datr 10 eaaatiT aad aarlraalBtatioe and aarsaataMi.
piobablr aarar balora la tha |
la tba araala* oasirrad tba iraat f(
Mhlaterrof Uaaaatar;
all bad bMo loaklar- Ariar
aad aarlalat;. aiTar la Ua btow^ of
Ua party, baa a ao«ioaUi>B tor tha tI« abortde»»i!oaalaar?lea. lad by B»

ChrtotoBM Btddtoaeah to Thoa 2
eanaaaib.BH of «M. Bu M. T«
et tha HwtbM TMwhoM
K. K 10 W-$iaoo
la aMiriUd eoauit doo. <MmU to SoIUo aad Htoal
irkMaot oal7 f»*i bw Um »*j»I
lodlnet ikacaralvaKnUT
TVanna aty-IMOa.
Parry Baaaah to Aarat Bill, toito I
bib t. Parry Haaaah-a Ut add.
taaalaad Uat abo ahoald wear Ua

Yautday alwtaaoa Mia
draw oat of Ue eeatat. *IU
toKaerodlt. This toft Uo roaalaUl
eaadldata al l p. a. a taUoM: Mia
Beluar. aCTiIMia WUhala.
Eattoabary- ***Alloe'eloahUaatenthaltol hstaa
aad from that tlaa oa than *u aaaHaait aad Ua aien rooa *u
yaaaad arlU paopto. Tha Beya baad
aae aroaod aad ptoytd atratal qatokato^UtUaaUto Uo aottof. whtoh.
war. «M aet araasary. w whito



U. T ti S. B 10 W-p»
Piaak WaaUara. apoA toard. to Jaaaab PtottAtwh' oftwK.Bu ta.Ttt
N. B 10 W-8IM.
Daatoi C Vlbbar to EtUabaU 8^
at, ofaH of ow<».9aef8. T iSB.ElB
■ia.aoo werU ot Hoato. Beya' bad
Chlldraa’a Sella. Paata, Cadarwaar.

Jinni98. iioB.



We wish to impress upon your mind the fact that the Big Suit Sale which
has been going on at our store for the past two weeks, positively comes to a dose on
the evening of the 4th, which giyes you just four days more to buy clothing at.prices
never before heard of in Traverse City.
Read the figures below and come and be convinced.

BBHDA. aa<t door to A V. Prtodrtoh.
A aulal preaeat fru to BTary eutoa-


that are marked aad always

were bought
rant an loO'CnaB Prorurer
___ ,
Uabok. aod Uraa aUPtd
for this season's business: fine
Bol.I for »5.75. ffa.SO. ?7 and
apea aay Baa. I'ra.ldaat MtKlalay'a Vr. S. Mlada, tba -dt Joba
tor. be aan aad an ay ttoek
wlU papBT. Aa Uo aoBotlac proeaid
.......................leHardi -rannalrf---------aoartaioty. aod e« M»Uodlam,"raraaa^addraaa that
$7.50. Made ap at. well asi many yic
$10 suits on uic all wool fabrics, handsome patterns, and are marked
pr^daatalaaa Mr. Uaaola baa ao *.11 Uitaaad to *IU rapt atuatloo. Fba odUartwuoeraohaad erery sa«oito
market today. We give yon
•aiMd Ua dUiloatloBOf aoeb aaaal- : blibop It a raaarable U»Wa( naa, aad opa WM eafarly wotebad. Tba tnt
1 fU for Mlu
$l-.»,50. We give you the
■ewaalioa by rvbolaeoaatry- I'raa- kladllarat baa»t froai e.ory faaura.
the pick .of a nice lot for
tiaadlait aboat
idaat MaKlalay baa Boda a raeord la Ula addrrai wat aloaf Ua llna ot
choice of aay for....................
a aad war that arlll ba a proid pratleal, erary day Cbri.tlaalty. aad wbon Uay eoeld aaa tha eoatoau
waali.taaad u wlU aar^eat attaattoa roady to bat ob bar. A lltUa tour,
For Pan Parto Uraaa aad Ua beat
borlMC* «o Ua w
taeworar. • baory aonlopa dapoaltod liadlBf Twlae. at lowut artoa. call
by Ua larfa aadlaaaa.
etparty- Utaefai
by Bart BUto waa broifkt oat aad
Ua iBlvaata of Ua aatloa. at bosa Tba procrao for today la aa tolli
aad abroad, that tba ^Uey of tba praa- c;00 dsba Wcalay,.MoralBf Olory ■aaally reeaielud by thoss wbo sow It
that ^tand right up with the
ml adBlalatratlaa aboald ba eob- Qab. Bbr. P. K. WbItBao. rlorUport. wbso baadad la. It wu a asra Utoff
* l>oslgoods
prtaaat fm.
best makes in this country,
p DaroUaaal. Bar J, W. Hart. Uat It eoatolaad a larft
tlaaad. It *111 br.
Ua aya of Ua crowd balfod oot whta
nlLIl d uUllw in sack.sijuarc cut or cutawav made up first class in every res|>ccl. Some sold as
WlUoat doabt Ua atroocaat pertoa- Elk Bapldi.
H A K A E E CO Jl.LV. f. IWO.
UaeoBaltueeoaBtocoBl «ni. aakaUtr la Ua wbola eoaotry today la Uat
BtylcE This lot will do your heart good, as the s:
Will Mil tlckeu Jaly Ird aad fU rtloc la Uat BBTalopa alooe. I.uo *
; give you ino
tho picK
pick oi
of any.
olByroraorBooaarall. MoraUaoorar
are Halt Jaly iU at ooe tore Ue
Hlaa ^ UiwklBt, Cbarlerols. dU At Ula Uaa It wu kaowB alsat
oaed trip betwcee all ttalloet oa tbU
baton alaaa Ua aarllaat daya of '
or in othc^ words, we
lea PraaiUrtly Uat Mia Wllbala wu Ua wla- .leeaadeoBBri-tloci ia lower Hkblraa.
aaauiy.wlll aatroai loteiaat be
—yon may pick yoiir choice
Aaaoal raport.
give you a^y suit in the
Tralu will leara TrareraoClty at 5;M
Bar. Alter Ua boa
Papar, "How aoelala Bay ba nnda loent ballot Usn wora ti eBWlopta aadV:WAB.. a:3iaod«;l0p.a. Jaly
store for... ....................
«U (or Haaktee SBd Boaor aad T:to
profllable," MtB Mabal Oelllaa, Patoa depealtod. ol wbtob Hla Wllbala
a. a for Cedar City. Train* will arrire
eelradhaad Mia Baiteor It. Tbara from Hanklea aed HoBor at a t« aad
lorMlaBatUabary 11:00a a.e:ltaod 11:10 e. m : (raa
Cedar City at - V) a. a. aod *:<s
after Ua o'clock. Tha Seal raBoIt
ba broafbt eat darlar the etBpalfa
Tbit will aeeoaaodate you all. ao
Ue ctoM of Ua eoatotl wu u lollowa; tor wbarc yoa wLab to oelebratA
■paai whtoh Ua ooatry bad,bow obl or this hot weather we h.ave |u-.t the right QK/%
Mia Wllbala, t.etl: Mia Baluar. 1,- Ue baoda pl» aad all jsle la.
twat. Jatl BO* all Uat aeed ba aald
kimlofltiderwearat......................................... J&UU
Ifi: Mia BaUaabcu. t
toUatUa Bapabllaae party haidooa
■p. A. Mn< Hici.i., U P. Art.
TwaoUaU oaotary call.' Mr. J. O.
AaaecBuUe rualt
wMy aad wall ia Blrlaf to Ua aatata
Orlta. BberaaB.
Uore wua ebaor u
give you the choice of about u» pairs
call ow BBN'DA. Ua atweloUtor.
DeroUoBBl. Ba*. SaaBtl Tnwta. there wu a rub fa Ua door, Tba wbea la Trartrte City, A aafal praa.
of pants, worth from Sr.50 toSj. for-. wx*yfv/
baad baraa a march aad a liar wu
aieyeM Bacaa oa Ua PourU
loraud la tba atrut. la a fa* aovKW-t akl> iit:u- l■■l-tBnlkl■T.
Two aatlUat btoyola raoaa will eerar
aaauUaenwdatartod for Ua raalYou will want a new Hat (or the jlh. See <6l f\A You will wiiiit m.iny little things lor tin- nil. Come
Mbba PoarU tor oaab priaaa. Tba
licre for them. We can sur«-ly viv<* yoi money.
of Hte WilbolB wbon Uat lady
____ aftu»w*at.
what we are sliowing at..............................
lewBllaniad raaa *111 ba frea Ua VleaVra.
Batow It» Hat ef Ua ba/taf bad u.l
Papar. • How aao w* lounol Uo otanar al Froa't aad UbIob atraati
tolBsBeed araaaa. aoaU to Koar eentorad yooBf people Is eor work.'
bMUatraat.aaatU Ualoa.
PersoaalMUUUaalarUaC'PelBt. All ridan -iBi'Idaola IroB a
low Thenle;'* bMsre
■It M
arill start from Uaaeratob TbeprUi Boob- Mia Wcatcotk Uraad Baplda.
Mrv U Ulbba of HayflMd oator.
UTtauiiv nirasntuT.
Will bafia,H.f« aad »i.
Tba boya- blayela rue for Uom aada
Prof- J. P. Milthewa. Pltor au. trd ulBad Mitt BlUabaU Cbareb MIta
Oboreb toft ymtorday for Ue aorUera
U pMta. wUl ba troa Preat aad Uelea Vae Praa.
WWrWoeaadnUn. naprliawll
AbbobI nport. Prof. J. K. MatUawa. iieru.'
Itoper. "Tbs
Ula Ut^ra- M. M. -EuU bu coaa to hla old
The BparorUtoa.
taeal Elyria. Ohio.
Ui».' Prof. 8 W. Larfc. Ballalra.
AU aatrlaa aboald be a
Yutorday Mrs. 8. A. Palrehlld, wbo
Paper. “H»w woald yoa iDcelcato a
Balpb Haatiaia,__________
loreof food llteratarar' Mia Mary buboearlaltlarhertea. W. W. Falr' nsciUt CpwoTU Lsacaa Ooawtloa Loot, taka City.
eblld. reeelTOd a totorraa from asO'
A laris aaabar tMbtna ia Ue Pint
aos. Bor. B. A Palrehlld of BalHoUedlat ebarab Taaiday araalac. ea I’lbtoeurrlce aad I^re Wui. Her. falo. Boneaaelaf Ue erittoal Uloea of
tbaaesaabB of Ua BptrorU Ltafoa re- 1, i>. carrel, f. E.. TrateruOity.
bif little daatbtor. Mta. Palrehlld
aaptloe wUsbopsBsd Ueseaalou et tba Addrea. ' Uee I'p." Ba». P. U will lean for BsRalo Ula aorelair.
Qraad Trancu dlatrlet eoeraBUoa. Tboapssv, Jackaoa.
Mrs. A. B- CborchUI wbo bu b««a
Itao pmeat laeladod dalafaUa from
rialUac ba daoebtor. Mn. L. C. HerBl« Parade u Aatsrad.
iMcaaBoaUkto ol tbit elty. meDban ObairmaBOamrof Ue parade
rla ot 8uto atreabwIU laare Ula more*
HeroUl C«BCnry Cook Book,
rbc SkaAiJ’ Caaiory Cook Hook U
at tba OhrtotlaB Kadaaasr toeiaUea of Bltue lor the bif Keorib of Jaly eala* iBi for Bycaawre, fU.
llglTeato kll »BUerib*r» who p»y
lUallyebarebatBod of Uo Bapllat bratioD.bu aadoB Uoresita eaa*aa
Hr. aad Mn. a C HeSatt waat to
OB« dollar is adtaaee for the paper.
TeaacP«>Pla'BUBlea ot Uc BoptUi of Ue buHMuhoBBea and
r day*
Old saUcribar* wbo pay la full to Jaa
n aad
Ui. I'Ail. will alto Retire Ue
obwab. baaidta Ua BpworU Laaiean iBilcillBitou of Ua MU aadbu vtolt wiU Mn. E P. BlUtofi
Of Ula MU.
baas rery noeawlal la aonriac
A dalUbtfal tlaw ana asJoyoO ^ •»
u aad euer diaplayt la Ue will Aldrieb el Oblevo to Ue reaat
Who wanpraaeat. Om iwdalairatoa b;i parade.
ef Hr. aed Mn. OtaUan hue trea eatalda of tie elU-- There vr tllU aoaa oUert who hort
M!a liraca LaPerft dron orar from
Thw^HS n eharfu la tha dbtriet aad not yet dulded wbat they will do. bat Elk Baplda yatorday far a abort riall.
Hat* aad Oapt at ci
Prof. C. H. Horn wlU lun today far DBUT8CHB
the tellowiiii bars
Carter that Uey will be la Ue parade aabortTkilathlt faUarb boas ba- Trararu CityOwlW Us lOOtpiloB Toaaday analac wlUAoaWt
feniolBcto BalUa Ckeab whue ba
M, BatsfafaUenboatn dlasoaiaad Keleoa A Jobi
will aoet Mr. B. H.Bydar aod Weather
awotAsUrbltalBaale wbtob waaUor- Uamlia A Co.. EaUrprlaeOroeary. J. J. • rwlliprocaadtoOhlaaf '
For your shoes. You can buy good re­
If yoo an aafferia* from aay fora ol
beU Ukt aalx wpakai
.jowaaaUta. abta or kideay dlaaaae.
AGO., BaaBah A
liable footwear at our>tore at a very reasonablu price.
abMiU. or aay ebmkdlataM. Uebul
Cbtoafo CalnralU '
Lay MereaBiUe Co , Haraao
Read the following:
HIM Qtaea Chau aad Mite Uattia . truUMBl you oaa lal a tba Bair
UItaot a ebaop I
rbiaflaUe First SebaylwAdaley.
UrMlIck of MerrtoriUa an la Oraod Alrtrulaaat.
or taka aBair. bat Ua latoat aad i
H. B. Uaroh. arlU aboat too sarbai
Baplda foraa aitsadad rtolt. Hafan tauMafal iBtaallea ol aedara bk
Ken's nne Mtin calf bals and congress si
ibary. UamUtoo aetblai/to..
yoaat pooptoef UoLaaru fBo^T u
Mlaaaa. it a curtuf aoaay aaast afur
thair ntara they wUI *Wt DatrML
Women's fins Bid lees and button shoes
all other moUoda of trutmoat hare
II UliffUMrbcalldaueaUa Lord's J. W. Mimben. Tba BatoaBtore, A
Baada A Oa. Wllbala Bros.
(aUad. It eettt aoUlaf w aaa tba ap- T Women's fins blsck and tan oxfords----beat
paraua aad la*etUeato lu maria, tl
*Aa men\m SMStoa opaaad wlU W. d. Bobba. UaaaabA Lay Hareaa lllataa ef bar awUar.
I^Bopwatioa at ay office latoTim A Women's sUppsrs and bus^s...............
i. K Moeiacae. dalloa Oaaptoniliwil torrton tod by Bar. P. J.
Dr.Jaaa Lsadae cams ap Iraa Oraad
i Women's Testing top kid laob^oes ...
ftyaa of WUUomabarr. Uo aatl
A. Bledabraaa. P. A. OlaMaa. CBrI BaMda w auaad bli alaurb waddlai.
ifE E Flood. M. D
^ tod fay Dr. U. A. HMlIdai^.
A Boy's satin cslf bsls. solid...... ..................
Mia BiiaabaU Leodea.
' QTW Arsl paper of Ue aealaa wi
A fine lin^of Ladies* black and tan Shww
H. C Dadca waat to Oraad Baplda Bpoeiol tow pri«« on Bieyetoa for U« d Tenth's sstln cslf bsls, solid....................
Praok Prladrtob. A. V. Pftodrtob. A.
haao baaa "Tba Bp worU Lworae
yaierday oa a baaiaaa trip.
PmiU. H* aara »sd om ay Mb*. ^ Ksn's osnvss bsla Issther solos...............
Oattriw Powar." by Mtot JsdbIs Wellt A Pryaaa.
E J. BilTWA feraarly at Ula MU. ar- Jallu Csapball, 417 41*. Uatoa He
P. C. Theaptoa. E. B- ‘UlUar. A B.
...... ....... KM!
OfPiaaktort. Cbowu saabla
rtead froa Mastoloe yutorday.
ftMtoLuBloboplflsdatpoka oo Ue Walt.
BoodB WlU Mil IIP : •Db Bolu for
3. W. Blptor. BMaab A Lay Hareaa. huBaay Ulaft to toll al Ua
K.H ca^JBl^ 3rd ud 4 > YoB-a Aad
■altfost.too aaaoer Uat wu ra
laUfal aad faU orprutital Uooibi.
Tha nbjaet ot "8plrhaal Werk"
P. Bteub A Bona, Slaapar A On.
The followtoc an Ua raal ntoto
WM tatndasad by Ue drat *ler prral
H. B. Ulbba. ABlatt PaUBdar.t
trmoafar* rsoordad froa Jau M to
tet 9f tha dtoirtol. Bor. A. F. NacUr
H.W *tor.- S« Front»««.
Htasah.A Uy Flol^ Hfti; BMlB- Judo io laalatln. u furalabad bf 0- C.
ofOhutoreU. TbUwu followed by
Ths Lssdlng Bhos Houss of aortbern Hichlgsn 1
BaaHoffatt, pr^riaur of Oraad Tnrerea
ararhalpfolimpsroe Uo "Balatloe
manB, Tailor:t| B. Booffaay
OooBU abatrut ofltoa
^ LeMa i. VoaBlekla of Kalkaaka.
W. A UelbrldiB aad wife to W. B.
Bade aad wlta loU (. 11.1:1. II. 14, II.
■ssmphoMaadUoatsdol aanuat iaIT. 1«, bib U. iBUrioebaar-Al.
AMdaal aSart oa Ue port i
Jaau* H. 8brl(toy aad wife to ArrilTtofMM
la O. Morraa, leu a. e. lo. blk i, Uaa.
The oasaol Baoaee raport wu Bl*ee Cpbolatoriar: Jobe F. Ott A Oa. Laa- aab. Lay A Oa't eu add—to.OOO.
ber; Welto-Hlraaa Co.. Buketa; i. B.
It a. C BMdior of Ctortoo.^ TU^^o
Eeoatta Eatay to Haryatw HaEUl.
• toUoaead by aa anallnt paper. '-C I Uniltok Do . lalerlor Fpratoblaci; Pal- pt.leii.8ue.ltaN.Bii W-«mo.
ifuwrtoc Ca. Taraod
• Ttitlii U Laewen to Ue Ploanen
Uau F. Bolaw aad wife to Oilw A.
flIUt Cbaibb." afur which eamr a Work, ate.: E. L. Aahtoa. DaBtlat; Bar- HodfUA lot IS. blk "B." Fife Laka
«ay —i-wiwii diacaaMoc that broacht aa A Bari. JewMm: Sqalrea A Boa- Lumbu Oe-a add-Prrs.
ar. Barken
Wa. U Browe aad klla to CUraau
sat uat addlUoaal polatt.
leaddiUeeioall UeoUer ftae' tea- N. Aldrich. loU II aad li. Mk t. Parry
An entire new Une of these good.« at very
ina ot the parade, tban will be elab­ BaBaabb fed add-«tSoo.
orate diaplayt by Ue local tradaa oaaad fratoraal aoeiettoA
Ua praMdcal of Ua dlttrtot. tebool ehlldna wlU flair.
Utaaithall will be kept opoa
Mta P. B. WaUama -of KvUpert:
Wa. 0. Foote aad wUa to
Pluaet-Dr. E. B. Wkka of Cbarlc- day by Ua local U. A. B ' for Ua caa- Kebtor. w Sos ft of lot
■cc otrUIUei ntoraaA
roto. A. C. Baldlai of aarioa. Mia
^bL A OaLoad aad wUa to Samaal
Oeaiua. lot 1C. blk SI. toto S aad 7,
good one for 76c.
—tn: M. B. Eobt
blk to, Iatarlaebaa-«l.









Wh) Go to tho H Spiiossl


Yoo Neede’t Pay
A Big Prices





A Complete Variely
Summer Lap. Bobes and Dusters


lowest prices.


in all styles, colors and designs-

Uha. Hha Hooa ShtoUt. Tnrano
OU. 1
*------------ -k Urrel of
P. IBtila af


Xsoaady of Traestu aty. A. T.
fortefEblkaaka. A. T. J<


Paltowtof Ula caaa as exeolleat
papar oa "Wbat I Eaput
loonw* •<
Tianras Dlatrict.^PmUiaiBldorOkml. The paper
wu fail of li

ba Bade ap' ef teafti of ulu a
each. TbeUml rolllaf raee tor
yards aad ntara; Ue wbaal barrow
root tor IQO yard! wlU aaa la barrewi
to buk race lorTt yards wlU
for Ua beya
aka a lU^lbal <
loan., LIbenApritreare prerlded ter
back ran.
EUe^lrim for UaM

BlUabaU Btrflaad to Barbwt Ba
;M. lot IS. blki. Uaadrtohb odd'


U N. B 10 w-uoo.

CffiaaB. Maonsaadwlfo UBarray
EHearea. owWef twk.Bu iv. TM
H. BU W-«M0.
Homy E Mooret aad wife to Aodn^
Clvb.owb et awl*. Bu iv. T
Baaaah A Uy Oa to Joaaf PWterak.
teU-^b 14, toaab. Lay A Oeb ISU


Laac aad irila to EebortklpatslaUaMi
rartE DalaBd.leil«.Mk U. law • aad
7. bib sn. laurigebao—<1.
ThrtoIlewiBicuwtt are VtUltd i
Us "CioTsn."Oasna. for Ussbbba- BaaaalB Clark aad wUatoBarm
Tkoaawaal ropert of Mn. Mlaalr Mn. Kdward U Ctlaoaa aad aald. I Moares.aaraalato •wta.TtoH.t
Mia BaU Cclaaa. Mto
Btow. sapaiauadnl of Ua Jaator aadMasurJouph
H. OMra of U
WOrkafUsdtotrtet.wu<allot later. Chuaa. Wit. aad Mn. Jobs M. MeU awbetawl*.
rb.*Seo"iET*tTT'B Wll^
aad Mka Jaas Mouof CUsaiA

•lawUaltoe <
a work.



159 Front Street

*Taw M bwTM (irao. Ittt A HWMMt mt

Traverse City. Mich.

“W. E'.
Real Estate, Loans, Insurance and
Muonic Block,

TraniM City. Mich.


Picture Framing Department
_ ^C1TY*^1


\S'e have told >-du of our immesse stock of W’all Paper
and now u-ish to call your attention to our great Picture
Framing Department. We are receiving by steamer
this week, a fine assortment of the newest aad latest
styles of Mouldings Bring in your pictures, have
them framed and beautify your rooms with them—it
won't cost you much. “A thing of beauty is a -joy


Suits«li{ Ia|i4s ui Tnmst Cii;.

KUlad by s Fslhac Lwsb.

Tk.ltowli«anto ef
Ihc CTsaosy (or sa eztasdad
Bn. Ho. 71 irUl fo IS Du MaH«llss%
bm ViUsr asrsist. Bsm wUl trisoa tba takas, sftw wkleh tkkr
ud irflIssMietUidtr. arknatkar wUI
On* stns^ ssd Hn. Jswms's ss raalds. Ika Hasu> }olat tbdr frauds
■rraUlsUMS ssd bast wiakas.
WsMSlstk .trsM St » o-doA.
n sn irqBMtad
reqatMad to ha rasdr so
Jos BS7S1 dlad St hh baas thrsi
Id oas-hsif. Bltas waat of Haaali
Oitr raatsrdsj awratar at tbaacael
tL Be UsTaa a wUs.ssd eea ckiid.
lha fsasrsl wlU ha bald at tka Blackcbeel beaaa at to a. a. Friday,
the dlrteUea of Baatar * Boak*»rk-__________________
Hra. ArBaala Hslfrieh. the wifeot
uha Bdfrieh. died Touday momlar
at bar beaa oa Taatb atraat. at the
ha was a aialeref
Hra. B J. BsaiaioBdaad a daa<bicr of
J. W. BobartaoB. The fasetal wHI hr
id:freae tba raaideaes today at :

iaatioo wbea It eaoreaad at To'cloA
yestarday. aod tbeo- toeb a nett
tear o'cloeb to strait the report of tba

WDUa a. Tfitm. tba ll-yaar-oU sn
rXr.sBdIfia. Btssao TMlss at BtoD
towBBblp. dlsd at Bidsl^t Tsnday
ilrbt. tron tba (ffeet at as tsjsrr reelrad tron a falltsr imb Taaaday
■wslar- Tba hey wsa Is tba
with hia tatbar who waa pariisc bark.
Bla father had iiai fallsd a
aiartlar toward tbs Irask wbas
tba boy setlead a Ilab that had eaarbt
Is asotbar tree sBd atsrtad to tall.
as ealled to bla tatbn warBlsf bin
ef tba dasrar. bat tba Hah torn* dowa.
strlldor tba boy BD tba bead ani cmah
lay hla aksH. Tbe latber started tc
carry tbe boy bese. bet had to saw

altlaaoBCredeaUala, whoaa report
wee deUyed by the eoaUtta la Waeble: iajoted beysererre^albad cobtbd LlTloyeioB coontiu. Wbu
ocaa. Dr. fiarsar waa called bet
thdr resort waa offered by Cbalrmsa botbiar oOBld be daoa. aad be died at
Wcaelloi It reoomBtBdcdaeaiiac Wil­ aldalrkt.
taseral will be bald tron the,
ed eiybt ol U
tewB ball today at il o'clock
9 a siieilsr a
ioo nf Ralph Aaderaoe
tlOB Is Llriemtoo. Attar eoealderable
eklrmlahlee the eoareetloe aeaud both
the blaarss dcletratlooa
l.lrbtsiop played acrorsl rety'ao

Circulation this week 2.300

Boailsatloet for aiate cffltentrerr
tbae declared lo order, the apeeebea
beloy liaited lotco oinstea. locall■« tba roll of disuieu the Kiratcara
way to the Koerth asd .the brillieol
'icior M Oore of Hrrriea, 1b polished
dlytioo aod forcafol raatsrr. Boatlosled
Dealer M. Kerry of DatrolL Be waa
followed by Cbarlaa lllalr of JaBtsoo.
Mtas Basil baa tba thaabsof the BuBesHtBle
Bailtb. ef Ba|ae- eon of the rreot war tcrrrnor. who
au- far a larfa baaqact of reaaa od
toe, died
beae then BOBiBaiod -lamca O'DnaoclI.
drolaa aarlatiaa.
Basiphray ef daria
Fseeralaerrleas win beheld today at Ulba. Haliseror MreoaUroeoly ssmed
wmiSB Bsydao Idt far the
7:Mp.'B. aod IstcnaeDt wUl taka dlearsa with rreat ebeariar. torsos of
ledoibors.asd Turscr
place <a the Oydeaabarr eemetvy
aaofUaibar laada.
teoeral wlU be la ehaice of Beet
TlMuaa Oaraiody. chief of tba iradaa
aalaa dlriaioa of tba Foerthof
north of Jaly
BartlaF. KUhefOld MWM ran parade, daaliaa that all
uaiof aleda
at tba rarioet aaieaa bs reported to
biBiatoaer. Be alee reqeuU that the
. addoah paaslu of ta par atdee Beet la the C. B P. 6. ball at
Bsoday Boralac to ouke deal arrai

of WUlawator.
bntboBssaipioeoatrBdletlba rtt thatboa ban drcalatsd that be
withdraws from the Celd sa cbsdidsU f«. cossty Clark sa tba Rapablltiakat. Mr. BecchsB la
t will be praantad si tba
rrsUos saiaab.
1 ban tbe Cscai aeaertawsi ef BIq-



writiBrrt\h*alJ^Sstm!Jt^?oM^' '*
fresi dasth tayi - Efpoaarcafln
lea Isdeced acryrat loop troabir. waiec
coded Is CoBsaeptioe 1 bad frrricrot
hemarrharca and roopbed alpbt aad
day. All my doctrr. aald I matt ioo
die Tbca I brpso lo oac Ur Kiap
New Daeorcry which wholly cored m<
harr c»rd it oa sly sdric*
ad all
It oarer faiUlorurc Throat,
Cheat aaad .l.aap troablra - R*palsr cite
Bd SI or trial botllrt ai S K
■ - JobsaoD'adnipst

pU'taaat antica darlap tba atorm Tnce-1
day Bicht. aad maay dcllais' daauffc 1

(Herald Ceatury Cook Book

done ihronyjmct this laotioe.
' : *
nsmbr-r foraalcai
aa boliairsckapolaofihc Board-"
■ 'Rirrr Kleclrie Llyhl A Powm^ Co...
oat in front of D.- Aabtoa'a ram-1
deocc. and fOT-aomr time the doctor I
amellad amoke aatl looked for lire la hia
pairof Mre-a I'antr
Bnry pair
feared bad beaa
eaa ft Yoa take tour
leholccfor >1-3 at Brads't new atorr.
Tbr lIcbtaiecboroclOQl about
■ !•» Pmt St. Tretri--* City.
fuaaa for the Noriberc Telaphone
' a few tor tbe Idlebipas Talcpbooe
A HoBtter Dctil Fuh
A Iran of aboutSl.noo wasigfferad

Hslroyiap iu rlctim. it a type .
by the barniep out of traoalormcra for
ontllpalioo. TbrYowrroflbft inalarl
Usardman BIrer ll.cctric Lljtht A
la fell on oryaua. arrm. ma-cln. ao
Power Co.
basiu. Rut 1>'. Kiupa New l.ifr I'.I
leled is tbr bialoryof Miebiymo KepatYeaterdsy mornieff three faersM w
daterday area Cbildreo's day at Trar-Sroiuacb. Lirer. Ki<ini-TS ami
ireoliont the dni is- found deed Is tbe esroer of e fleld
res^reiure. A thrasff olhappy ebildcrnls. ai S IT tVa I
formal ballot waa onlereid. The tow- tbe Uallal farm near Aaffell.
I.irbt- llowria Oa^y
rse esjoyad a beseUlal Orasce dlsser
ertsp formol bybrani Wcnaliui and Dioy had evideauyalrack them deed la
after wbleh a pretty proyran of reclsaarly
The Korihem Talepbeoe Oowpa
tracks Uae of ttacm was owned
iBtloBs asd tlsrlsff waa rites at which
hu bwas the eoeatraetloB ef a Use
all of tbe little folks did tbemsclrea
Him S7J; Kerry. ISS; btearn-. itw; farm, and tbe otbrr two belooyad
MorthpertPtBstraaon. aad poles are
rreatcredib Tbe day was Is ehantc O'Dcnorll. iS; CampbrIlJ U; ir^bcro.
tbr Kallrteaiair.
blrasdy oa the rmsod.
of Hn. J. 0- Banadall.
Kroa IbefimttslbCL.
icacrcotb t
Abaul 10 o'clock, a halt atnrek tba
HIsa HyrUe Hoala aad Fresh Stafford
Uc rabllre airca<|tta
A dse oBtertalasiesl baa bees ^
house of Howard B Ulatey near Vnba.
ofUlllaFier were Berried yeaUrday
tsfod ter tbe cloas of school la the chaoyed aarr the flnetcation from ihr Tbr buildinr was sal oa Gra and
SMTalsr at the bride's boas at Bates, Oaatoa eebool boasa toaorrew ereolsr spper peninaulaaiid one lor two eaecbnrnro 10 tbr rrouad with almoat all
aad left at boob for a waddlsf trip
leellasl prorran will be rlras ly
MicblPBO. At loeae, of the conteaD. iDcladias tu la mWy.
tbe yooBC people asd ehlldrea of
ehaayea and yslna were called paodr- Tbe family carapedwltHoulaerioQi iaare lariled.
woald break loue ie tbr IcVky jarr. ihoayb aeme of them were forced
Ihe Basau’ls todabled lo W. U,
quartorr. Is tbe tenotb; bsllol Kerry to jump from tbr windows
JeweU tor aowe at tba larfash straw
took tba lead with
toux: btearaa.
The bonsenf M«. (ice near K.k Lake
berriae oftheaaatpo- They are the
Bllat. S7J; O'lijoneli. 51; lljboro. was strack by a boll.aed Mrs. dec was
Tbe bally et CeplalaI and Mrs
Janie. Dies Mary and Farker's Barly
!<: Campbell. 13; I'altoD.jl.
iojurrd. TIic bsro of Lowell Soursi
Obsae of Mosm alreet the eojoyley
In tbe nloUi ballot bvarna tell brlow
- the same place was also strack 1
fSBilIy rensioe tbla weak, ail the bci
Our SaviDKs Department
TbeBssautto lodebted to Mrs Ida
sou. but rallied In tbe tedUi. tbe role,
lojared aomewbat.
ben of tee fenlly belay presest. Cbery
Basel lor bnaUfal roaaa. tamg tbesi
briny: Kilt*. SSO; K.irry.ll-3; Sloaro*.
FalrbasU.'mIds . Barry E. 7i«i; O'Dannell. «; OrbJraa. J7: Caiap
bsiara Oaa Jaeh whieh baa as off:
riMO* bcarl^ delicate plsk bloasoaia of Chate aad faaHy of Ilea Holon. Iowa, ■ oil. IS.
Olaa Psrka sod family of Northpoit.
aaotber rarlaty-______________
Klereaefforu to tecn-r .aa adjiaroasd Dr. (ban of tbla diy.
•eat were made by the fiiseroi mra
aod tbr aibria
BryaabCaatedlaas. Is a ap
The little ns of Jabs Codacy who et tbitjuBclarcasJ wais« Ocre-ly oasro canrbt Gre. aad
tors oaffSffMeat. will be tbe
Iraetiee at Btrisbarc's Qimad. They line sear Sllybta hod a bead ocarly poted by tbe llUta end Ferry force*. only by tbe most slreoaous offorla iSHltj DiKUl B»W l» fOl II 1 f»|llt fW
■day by as ase is the banda A roUcall waa accured amid yreat r>u- After the caritemaei caused by tbe Gre j
wQI bwla a week's esfacsBest Bait
etas aider brother. The children bad failea and reeiiUad Wayac' rotisy lor had sub,iu.-c. 11 was found that the'li
Ifeoday, Joly s.______________
> of the axe nsksows lo tbclr
aljoorsmeoU when the dloaroa bouse bad alto beec struck and tbe c*»Sirr u— ►'T.i . • -n.- . r,
The Feerlb ef Jaly oratloa at Northaumpeded the coormiioa wiili- rafters coasTderably danaerd acd ibc
Tba woBsd. wbkb It a very
port will be dellaer^ by F. C. QUbert.
a,^sa tewed spby Dr. Miser. oat waltlny fur tbr malt to br an plastering-kuocked off up
be harbw aeoeplad tbe lorltaUos. Os The child it bet tbree yeen old.
tbb oeiaaloB tbe Old BetUeie ol beelaTbe snjoommeal la coaaidered a
Mr. end Mrs. Percy. M. Uoldaworth
■SB eeeaty will btdd a rei
more and It it sow bcllered A mKAOLE IS, PEEFORMED EVEKT DAT
anaowlsBIehaoBd. Va.. where -Mr.
today .
derelop a saw ellaelioo.
Bpldewortb hei bees aeet by the At­
at this store id rtjuvunalinp
worken ere baalltn^ end talk of
FcBBk. the three aad e haU yaoa old lantic Oesai Use B'y. Co. is Istpeci The woi
are beaded'
an at JohsTDnpktsa ol tbe Fealsnia. the eosatrsetkiB tor tbam ef easmber
wiltcHl btimaniiy. a.-: a .>;bo\v«.-r
little rm for
died Friday. Fsaaral aarrl
of m wheel ftolyfat loeomeUrra. II
held Basday at t o'clock trots tbe real- esluble eppertsaitira arc Cossd Mre.
rcfrcfclics the Hotver.s in June.
tt lu o'clock today.
dneo asd the body ware ■
' ■ '
wUI do tome work lo roicr
There ib nothinf' so frralefui .n.<
ealtorc wbila tberr.
Water Worha Bond Tahriia }f!ass of our rare nr.<l ik-Hcioiiv
Tbe laat atap to be Ukcu by the
am Eehoa baa aDBoaabal that
will ba areeted tor John U. aad Astoa Ua Fere Marqaatto railroad eompaay council lo iba sale of tba water wsrks
Soda Water, cold and sparklinj:
F-Btraab-oatbaeoroarofMaple aad baa arrascad for e epeeiel usia from bonds waa taken by that body Tncadaj
on a lioi day. You md have
n^itb street. They win coal abest BIk Repldeos tbe Feurtb ef Joly. Tba nlyhl. aadaow little remaina hut for
•l.onaart. Tbe plan ban beoo
flavor that tempts
trals will leara BIk Rspida el » «.
^ Mosre.
baada. roccirr ibc n>oncy-, lorn il over
oetfaatdeyead retarslsy laere 1
your palate, or with pliosjiliatcs
Tba body of little DafTTarka wbe eitret lC;lop at. thu etlewisy srerly to the owarra ol the Campbell
or ice cream. We now also di>
works pleat aad reeeire tba dty'a liilc
wsa krowsed Moaday at BIk Baplda sUday In theeUT.mnd plenty of thciroodold fashioned Milk Shake, at
to tbr property.
was lakes to J. W. SUIer'a ssdertsk- to eea the flreworlia Is tbe erests,
Tbe committee, compoabdof tbe may­
Uffmow wbsn Bert Moore, J. W.
A qslel Bsrriaye took plaae leal
or. the clerk asd tba city altorecy. re­
Ostarb asderteker, took ebarye of tbe
roalsyattba raaidasca of Mr
ported tbe fallowiap prt^lUoa.wblcb
Ira. Wajlem Losdon. which soiled
they had obuioed from the two local
■■Fetber'' Adaley oelebrat^ hie sue tbelrdasyhtar. MiaaBII/ibatb London, baabt:
tleth blrtbdey Setaiday.
Be le ss|uiii f.r nil-.-,,
To the UoEorablc Mayor.
sanlly well end eeUn lor bla aye end
tioaseU of the Oily of l-rarerae
2osynyaUoseI ebsreb la
ta^ndottbe feet that ba baa sol
''esUemes:—.We. the undcraicned,
-■—' atteadley ebsreb asd Basday ..___ sea Iff only tba femUleeot the___
it tbe
Ibefoltowiay^^imllloo fur the,
aahni a alayla Sasday tor. three ] par. of hoods to be issecd
will nstdeiso Oak atreet.
^ the ci^ of l^rcrsc City^mconUnr
Mrs Bsfasa Oydaa- died Taaaday

wA wU
Um 0^ ■KttrdtbftAVse




S,E,.-r,- ■ST.'.;-!;::;-:

w a±-t'B IDuc-u-g s-bore.



a bOy asdsyirl. w
sfUtBoeeetbw bswa et Sllawertb.
ad to.Cblesyo.Tiindsy on the
Bba bad beaa Barrlad only a jeer, asd
H. B. They hen bees with a
Inan s fastfasBd sad osa child.
FastsIssrrlenwIU be B^sld at la- mlsaAl traope asd were ^t ctruded
et Boysa City by Ibmmeeeyrrl They
bed base eaticed swi^ by.him. ead ecTbe ebatl of the Oneonl. wbleh wh eordlay lo tbclr story their .treatment
krekn e week eyo. bee bees rspalrad athlabeada bad beSs asylhisy Iwt
asdabswUIelartae ber teyalar rss kind. Tbs yirl la whltaasd tbe tAy
. today. TbsGolsnbls will bayis bar
blaeh. baiiyatap brother and aUlor.
nyatsr aaerslsf pss oot of tiM city
Tsteday aflaroeso two well known
tssisy beraaa arrtnd Is tbe city for
nsqaartarlynnUay of tba Fsrn- tralslay es tba lonl track pretloaa tc
seaa of Jsly 3rA 4lb-asd tlb
wosd Uain Chepsl aeelaty will ba
. Jsly s Tba Tbar are. Bay DIamoad, owned by Bd.
Lowe. SBd Name B. pwsod by Jake
Frlaod.bolbof Balisirc. Thepr^ei
et^trlfs saiurei tbe Isr^t
The M. A N. R. bea Istaad sotleea airtny offset boraea erersoes »
- .
oBnIsy BW reword for tbe srmi asd lomltrsck.
- enrietin of flab law oBeaden who

The Bessie Besser pabllahcd at Bensasla bae ben boapbt by Ferdiond
VoUasd. tbe fcrsier editor of tbe
FrBskfort I'atrlel. who took pnmoales
of thense Jeoe IS asd laeeed sa es trs
sdlUn Maldcs tbe reyslar weekly
JesesUL >
C & Barsea of Bay City, who
hsnehartcollbaSaadayaebocl mkalaoWT work Is tbla coosty for tba
asn Ibm BMiaths. anind from KaU■Base aellap tn leat of tba <
Be bn otfsaliaffa aebssi at Sllphia

Miaa Mary Booker left tbla week for
as ratesdad trip- lo Bsylasd and
Barope. She will attud the International ObrIallaB Kaaearor eonrrtloo la LoadoB early in Jaly. and rl
sear by poiala. afterward ialalay
Ctaflatiaa Eadearor eaearaioo party
wbleh Wiu Tialt Ihrit. apead twe aKeeka
in luly. attaad tba Paaaim Flay at
maiisa aad will alee ritit psinla
of lateraal in Seollaad.
A bars bo the tana of WUllam Pratt
emtha ^laaaU waa baraad lo tba
yrooBd Thaadar s(
oftbabbrjiaaald to belbeamokiny
of twe beys who bad catered tba bnlldiay. Ttaaloaaoe.tbe bulldiac li S400
ead OB tba coatasla SMer'
ead I
a by tbe bard work of the
Sereral olbar balldlayt

oflba SmtaBask tba Ut;eo l-ro»
BWsal seat adJMalsc that of tores Fsl-

This sssimor will aaa soma mark sd
. ebasya Is Um aaadleal ataffof tba
Mortbsn Mlchlyas aaylsm. Dr. Deed
will lean tba Srst ol Mstmostbto
bayta pmetlae la Jssslaya. asd Dr.
Moya wUI laon la Aapsat to taka a
poslucs n tba U. of U. snsol sfsmdMnataff.
Or. MUlar of the U. of M.
benttal will Mta a paaitln n tba


boballt Ifefa year. Be autad that tba apar woald leara tba •■fttj
abl Has ei tba railroad at Boles, t^laat and Omraa
aad poambly M^perl. Iboarb that
was bat tally AadAsd. Bastaledibal
sroaUaUyatralD woald ba pat on,
cwaalBfdlraelle tbla city tna Oaa-


ifoa. wlz:
First—That tbe city conacll rqusily
dirlde ana make tbe umellmllol saul
bonds ten (Hi), bfleen ilM and twenty
(701 years.
Beeoad—That uld beads beer ictercel el iba rate of four it ywrceon
pw^tper enanm. interest psyablr
Third—That the undenlffned pay
tba coat of proparinff said bonds.
Foartb-fb........................................- 0.97J dollars
1 to tbe Kirsi NatioBSl Hack of
City. Hiubiyao. or bearer,aod
tbe balaacaof
aald iseur to tbr Tra>
rrae Ciiyei
dlale Hank ol Trarersc L’>iy..
bUeblffaa. or bearer.
Yours respeelfully,
Ta.tvriws: lilt Staif II\m\
J. 1'. d.nosl..Ca.uirr,
-lUi-r Nat i. Ram.,
Trarcrao Cuy. Mich ,
Frank Wclioo. Csabirr.
tlmltb (BOTcd tbe ads.
IfoB of tbr propoaitiou aod the ssleo
the bonds Id accordaoee thrrrw.tb
Tl-b iDotloa was promptly seconded by
Aldenaan M rattfor, aad paiard with
adisscalinff tote.
1 Tiew of the ocyolialiont ia t£e
past, wbicb were recited in a leegtby
preamble, the following raaoletioo was
Ecsolred. Tbal tba mayor aad
aod city
alerkba aad are herabyauthori-d and
directed to lasoc tbe boada ol laid city
' tbaanm of tu.iia: for tbe psrpoai
pnrebialDg tbe sold waur wnrki
ant of H. n. Campbell, payable Sit.
Ola tea yean. SIS.000 in li jeer*,
and tH.WTla soyean from tbe date
Itaareof, with iaternt at t per east per
aaamapaiakleaami anuaaily.prioelpal
aad Interest to be payable with cz
chaan on New Tork or Cbicaffo. boada
to ba dated Jnty 1.1»0O: ba II further
Baaoiaad. That the miror aad city
cleik be aathorlrad to make lacb ttm
porary arraagemeaU with Ue Trarana City S.ale Back and tbe Fini
NaUonil Bask of Trareraa City a> will
be aeeaaaary to effect tba traatfer of
. the city I
before July I. ;i.,
Thaboard of water •
were alhorrsd Ao take
tba plaol lor the city -oa
Of Jaly 1.
Tba ways and meaaa e
aatheriaad to parehaaa tbe aaecaaary

PVtbiw «A «e
mAe ww
a— wraao vrar

\9 \0(k ODW



ATt sm \b ht AAliA^ mfrw ft &Ai'A

humhtTs Ui-

Lidi” Vi'cM r‘'JT' '"i“” f
Fmpl^re St vk

laseriipfr aod


sc«h .

rtflle .

Ladies' Drawers, ivirie rullle
Ladies' Drawers. wiiJc rutile,
Ladies' Corset Covers.............
Children's While Drawers e »il.r..iil,.ry lrimni..l.




Sommer Corset,, d.-r. .I.V. . .


.................................... ...

'SrivipwB &vo\ie.

Fraak Kalkatlaa bad biahaad laaeratad la the alll at BlBfbaai WadaeadayDr. HWB of tkla city drtsMd tba



3tu) ■years ^Vqo
Tliero was „oTa„ry neritvear iise.l bj tl„- la,lie.
-l>-«■ you ,.ar .tyli.h

U H ■

li„c of

If. dUcrent
Fancy Tirs

,--^It'^o n l.tjF Jine of Leather and Rililwn
A little inoner will l>:iy ia lot of jyoods at our store.

Su -DomesVtK-yJe £es4l
?V\V Ottvers 3oUo\d.


n nt
'.»t »Lal w.
•«i l- ryacl...

tl tVilli


.All tin- I'riDt
- 'M! ’.'"'Tiilil.- Oil
)..ii tnn
-All lb.-Lin-n c'^sii 1
C.m).- I.i iliiA MiiT.- all.-,I ill ||„
« inhiiiej-uii 111! « lili. I ,


We have something of Interest for youl
Our PARK MACHINERY stands at the head. This U
proTsd^by our sales Wh have Just unloaded the fifth car
load of Mowers and Binders and Horse Bakes since tbe
first of March. Our customers are more than pleased with
theLr purchases because we stand back of every stat^
ment, and the manufacturers back of us. To show the
superiority ol our goods listen to this:
“At a mowin;


Low Prices!



$2.7-*> and flfAO nliot-fi,
blni-kaiid iRii; kid nod
Filk .v.-eliii:; top, t-v


slyU- to <-booR- from.
#2'll Sii«. lilm-k And
fnii Fine SI10.-B. T..n
Hivy.-le SL0C6,
Lo<«. otylieli




The llclclirated OLIVER CHILLED PI.OW


FliKiline and tViicelcd HARROWS ' Fill*

Several.Makcs of field CULTIVATORS
And nowhere in northoni Michigan can you find as complete
a stock of small Farm Implements and Tools.

C.'lcbrallnn Price,


Blm k kid. patent ti|is—
eliapf*. BBcy




KOI and

Women’s Lea Shoes


Our Carriage Warerooms

Bicycl.-' ^

lit^lil nod toiii;!i.

Black and tan low eliuca
tura f .Ics. Vvery dubbv. $1,00.

The JONES LEVER BINDER is the simplest and most per­
fect Harvesting: machine in the world.

braliuu Pritv.


are a pleasure to go through - no display like it in this north
Our Open Buggies are beahUes'-prices iropi $88 to $48

1: to '- Black kid. patent


H to N black and Un, lace or bultnii.
patent or Bid tipa. OOc.
0 to n bWk kid, batloo.-68e.
12 to 1 lace uid bniton. Uack aad
Ian. nicestylea. 86c

TrATana Olty'a £.aadliic Shoa Hoasa.
At tlM Old StanA

se^IsK^I m $68“'
A line of Surresra to select pri^ from—$76 to $80- Tb«M
are made with different colors of wpod-work, the finest up­
holstery and the best products of the great fiictories.We have
a great line of Boad Wagons from $40 to $65
Farm Waa*
ons from $40 to $68

flannah & La; Mercantile tap;.

Grand ^teverse Region.
lattoannatf atlaradalt
F.A-01.......... ...



Bata bat. w-.fa aad<6tkar aWtad
laal Satardaf aad Saadaf at Anbir.
n. VaraU EUkHtef Traaaftaatf etroetloaeltbalrdert.
Ml*. Baas wu calM w ______
It Saadaf at danaa BUloU-a.
Mr. to Hrt. a B. Rabl tooot an
k|^MMcad«Mfeefhtf*iiUr. Hn.
daft of laat waab
weak to Travnaa QHarlf all of tha tarmanaro
UMr poUtoaa plaatad. .
•. to Hra. B. E. 6IU alMwdid tha
IWlowa’oclebfwUea at Traonea
Hrt. Bllii CfiT fata parebaa
nUeh oretto
Mr. to Hra. Oaa Bktow wan la
- - duaiUtMaai«B«*<TratacnOtf laat weak a " - —
EalUrB DWMvb sad Uttb SUuvi
tba 1. O. O. F. eatobntlea.
Kr. Qoat
^ M • 1

wn n «as weawnan "PBei—inasKlar nlla will U bnrtbt apatoat
to ^ toert^^trtop^^ tba

prota. EtnybodyH toritod to coau
tbani^ baaprepnn pitaa.
Otlbnt of ftatmn aty wBI pin a petrtoUeaAdtm.
MtntnHiaBnhaaUanlnd Utoay
lotfwtop faen Orto Baptda *-------alay at bar aannar oottape.>««, .v.r '
JrtUn Laepblto. to Sapnne Ooart.
BaCalea. bnordanA apamasaeltoBaadnAs of lien aavad ataef year
jaaeUoB. wlib eoata. toafall aeeoBBt by hariap Dr. Tbomaa* Blaetri* (HI to
lap elnlaa. u toe apatot Pael B Bad- the bean joet wbaa ItUaaeAed. Cana
mra. tba sanefaelBrer el tbe foot powdercallad -’Dr. dark'a Footle


FowlertBnnel of Wild Btnwbney .



Bar. UOIa ct Bawwwia trUI oeeapy
the palpit of tha OB^t^aOeul abareb
A party of Sn lady roaorton ar
Iniwnb to will oeeapy the boi
teat Baf to Elk Baplto.
Hra. 8. Johnoa dartop tba aama*
Albert Daakalow left Saadaf far St.
The Ohrtottoa Eadnten el Laelaaaa
JaawL Bnm latoad. when ba wUl niaK.
Oeaatf will bold a i
lalD lor aona tton
Thanday to Fridayy of
Olbba warn rttau at tha wtddiac of
JohaHdtanof Sattooa Baf wn to
MbM Jlabel White laai Wedandaf.
H^aort Moadaf to Taaadaf of laat
Mr. aad Mft. W. Ooddiarion a
Saadaf wl
*Hto Emam Boroaaa of Tnmaa Citf
it Tidttap her pareaia la tbia plan.
' the laat waek'a riallan to
Hr. to Hit. Obai BtabMn w
Cara ofThaaaa.
oify-wrra Hi*. Sodfat. Mda Tnnm aif riaiteca ntaral daft


J. Benda to i

I OnadBapUa for

law daft.
J. r. KarrUI.:

la IB Ua WMlae

Hr. Kaaaadf twnarif e( Hortbport
toM^te^faw daft with ^daarliter
rovrtaartara trriatd lotof loapaad
tha nowar noatha »t Aeaa.

BMtrleatba oalf ehUd of W. Welhtf
aad wlla died Saadaf of mataunla.
nta^utifnaathr ta Mi far the

■BBdaf laav
^KIM andaaSflBf trip ta.Bapld

«a art hartaf faff w

aBlnwoad Uat Saadaf.

Hn.JeaaFADaarwoodof Obariarola
wat tba caaBt of Hr. aad Hit. J. Eset.
md BoToU. Jr., aad Haraas Ut-

HHBta «»*«i Bath aad Oatbarlaa
Caaanla attaadad laaataen' esanlaa.
to alLalasd laat weak.
HHaLaaraUadlar eleaad ataaeen.
^tam of aebool la Bawood laat VrlaShtowaat tobladd ftataidat
•BdraharBad aaa tr«a Anerto dtlML




Balltf. HIM raaeia Tboatf
a llawtborae. Ulbar Macf.
lie OIbba. Atra
HeU KaBBtdf.

Wo. the toarUpaad. daain
ba maoy
kind fit.
friaada wbo I
____Unto ear I__
alto dn Ire
ir metbof'a dcaU.
a daaee to
to tbaak the Bar Borrol
of Jalftih.
hall tba arealapof
Hariaf Beet to W. B. C of Hapla
Pnlto Cerpa
.... will.
... rtalt
- - Woolaaf
- •
rien. which w
of tbit plaaa.
TbeUdIn' BmaStwxIatfoftbaH.
SSSj!*"*"* **“'
*® ““
Aliaa Ta«>:a.
E. ebareb met Frldaf attoraeoa at tba
W*. Tai.eaH. B. Watawn bai Urad J. Cooper. boma of Hr. Jobo tebanf.
|tto^^)rudBapida aiarkat maa)
Hr. to Hra. Jtf Paanpa ntaraed
Friday from Tncaraa atf. Tbaf weal
At Bally Hrt. Cbarin ualck amt
Hn. Uik‘1 abtar baa baaa anklap to attoad the Odd " -------------looday Boraiap la aoaareei pood
bera abort Tltit. '
1 Hra. Ola Unee of Snltooa baaltb. She died at the brnkfail table
0«o. Uoll'a fttber tad Bother froB Btf wanModbpert rkltonThaiadaf
from baartdlaeaae.
laQcf ntaraed bona Fitdaf.
aad Fddafoflni waek.
Oeo. Balettb people to eompaaf
Hr. aad Hrt Oaa Barib apti
troB Klaptltf SaodBf.
daft of laat weak in Tnteraa atf
Bla pertoM wan ba
an from Dr. D. B. Oarpile, of
Uarcaa Beyl, tba dr.npiBt la Sal
Lake j^f.
ilu, I. T. Be write*: "Blectrie Bit
Bay waa la Kortbport Friday.
laa eared Ura. Brawer of *00(01*,
wu to wblebbadneto ber preet *nfferlBp
for yean. Terrible eem weald break
Ur. aad Hrt. Thompaoe i
.eaborhnd to face, aed the beat
Hit. Uraea Wrlpbt aad daapbter Arn tbapteitiof B. P. Uillt
dor* eoeld pit* do bale: bet aow ber
rla left Wodacadaj tor Ibelr borne la
atb k eanllent.’' Eleetrie Bltleia't
Bora t ■................
Hew York.
' fant blood pnriSer keeoa. It't Ibe
plrl. laal
ir. aad
to Nra.
Nia. Feu
Peu Btoram
wUh tboir tapeomo reeiedy lor eriema. leU^ir.
Hrt Win Hodart asd Hrt. Leoha of
Idraa nwraad today
u tbalr bona t^rbeem. aleera. boll* and raoolep
■fe Lake attaadad tba Aid Seeietf at
^ Empire,
Baplre. attoc
aftac a tldt with tr<
' tent. IlallmalatnllTer. kldoeraaad
Ira. Ha ReUra't laat WadeaadafI ralatltn la tbk
boweU. ezpelt poUoa*, help* dlpntleo.
.V let Btaa’t MOllt will pin bar a tar.
balld* ap the
e atreea
ttnepth. Only SOe. Sold
A. JobB kattoadiap droaitaoa
priaa partf at Bd. Lerxaa'a oa Thara--------------. 0.
- Job
lohntoo. Drug.
by B.
n't .itaad. J.
L«lto Wla week.
iaf etoalapof tbUweek:
pltla. tie
Mra. Baaa to baabto'-hre tUlUap
bar brother Ho. Letxce.
Hk't Francn Joalln
In who to* beea
aeadlopafawBo-“to witbCraIttar
Ira F. M Pierer. laaret bhra ter

Prepare forihe4ttiof July!


He an ha*li«-*taf wan waatfafr
aad Hia DofBl of MtBMaa
Hr. Bad Hit. Vnd Bauatt madta
Hip to TVatana ORf laat weak.

Mr.aadHra. Inlid vaatle Lelaad
Halaea Olaaee'a llttla bof b
haad kart qalto badlf with bit I

Verf drf waatber to extrcmclf
ram; aoaepoUteea to plant fet, aad
be bat waatber makea It tarf aotator
Hra.«. P. OanoB died aftor a leap
ekiian aad waa ialrred la the Ibr Elk
Brooke oBeiaUap.

HawlahteoCortoall eerpatroa* aa ^portaalty to prepare for
tbettb ofJoIy to tart a way that it will notdedaetany aarplaa from
tbe Fire Horht Fa'Bd. and to do ao we bate plaeed prion oa oar oatlre
aWrt^rtat win enable y 00 to bey tay of the New aotbn yoo may

d Uaaooo ai

■n. Vbb Uaw hM rm to HaBlttae
bad Hta. U. Saapomier to
daaph^^bbla^alartto ^ndaf for
t with Chat. SevUrt. Qtola Bedinria tlalUnp with
bar pareata. Hr. and Hra. Oao. Bell.
Uto Ladle O'Hnl eallod oa friabto
la town tbia frerk.
^.Om iaapeadiBp the weak ia Orto

SMiotoatotote^lB*thla m
to H tarf poor.

A. B. SUatoa ti attaadlap the ataU
It baa baaa too eeld eoBteaUee la (Irto Baploa

BSalr tor Iba tantowto ban.
tkeaaamaalBUaBBUaweed loadA aiaall partf of tSaada eaUed oa'c
ad with Hat at OiU-a Pl^ laat Tbtr*. B. Asderaoe aad wife last Fildaf araa
daf. Fndaf to satardaf. balaptbair Brat aBarrlapaaaalTSa atonar Ktto Lfta b baloi
loadad with aUb wood at tha dock-ban
Sllter Bna. toot a
towa Prl^ aftarao.
Hr. IBMB to T>. Wiaaa an both will tall ib^ pareata.
Hra. Fra
Fraaen Brae to ekUdraaet
Hr.eui had aavenl taaan
fok- Tratene Cl
ttot lanbH laat weak. In tsaaa'to ^^IJohoHt
laiUe B«ae of OopeaHh tialM
frihadaja tow* laat weak.
LealtHaap H ealliapoeeld frlaada
Iblaweek. ..
Hiaa TUnO'Brira rataraed aaterSbr
from ber rialt toGAd Ba^t.
Hr. Wlsae took a beat ride Teaadaf
Bp to Otdar. when be will pat bla atll
beat which hat ban Ibantoa laat
Min HiUie Steffna elned a taiTaaibto COM to Baavar Itl- enfal tem ol aebool laat Frldaf.
wart la tbaaaw sUl for Hr.
OhatUa SUbbatla waat
k to hit
AQ the Odd Pellowa
la tba rielaiw
wort la Otdar laat Saadaf.
aad tbelr wlna
aatlraded ibel. 0 0.9.
^^.^Atoacab laatlUtof Btbwaa

1 Uln urn.
e Cmpinae

Prof. Oarr attaadod tba taaebera eaMlnatioo at Lelaad Thnraday aad Fri­
day otlnt week: elatera look tbaea——------------- ’-eolwhlrt
Sqm ct Ua toman an atlll plaal-

lembar fiom

J'Ji.SSSiK.lEi—"'- of Smpln wwathlp.

Tba pnraU n^larad at the Mtol for
the peat waek an.n followt: D. HaeaaUy. Aieapo: L W. Boopw. Martin:
J. Paapbora. Aleapo: Uao. H Sa**y.
Uraad Baald*. J, Farrel. Tkatecnaty
l.Uaal*Ut: A**Mbnto

■nifiaa Ed'Ba
aabertaall Frkdaf.




Ulae Arbor; A. J. Donl to wife. Maa- ^


All wABt sniU for the Foarth AU went bMt Telnes for thslr
money. We have bongat enoogb OhUdren'B, Tonth'e and
Men*e Clothing of the right kind to flU ell above wnnte.

Children’s Suits

or Two riec-. at

at .<).• pi>r suit; belter on.« at 7.*.c auci il.OO-jual the lliinc Jot tioi

nit uuj«B«

w.-al^M^ Our ChiWren'o Department is Oio m<iet <-oniplrt.- in Ncwtli

Young Men’s Suits
teme, double breasteil vneto.

■ J



trilora or lilack for dnea
<• fancy dark
<*. We have
gixels titan

wuraU>d8 this month on wLicIi We give you cboie<known others to ask F*" for n(. li..iirr
si A'l OU and 6H1XI.

Some Noveltiie&.^or Young
Peari HoU fl.Oo. fl-IO. 62.00.
LIO. fa-TONSome

We have a lepiiUtion for jx-rfei-t fit

Men’s Suits



.So prettier |«Ucrn» or ilnugne w.Ta, ev­

er shown for young men'* wear.
on ever>’ suit aold.

Bella 2.5c lull .00. !
I'le. 2.W.
special bargdius in Panto At tl.75, 62.^. 62A>

.This will be a Busy Month

glig.v Shirts .-dK l.. 61.60.
S-H-kwear «l 4V and .'lOr.

Fancy Hnse Kfc,
Summer weiglil

ItuI be dijiNiiiioiatetl in gMling
unlit the "ruah' just lieture the

Fourth may not git jusl wliat they want.

Harniiltori ClotHing Co.
’I’rH verse City, Mioh

S7o for choice of aboal 7.*> pair* Udiea’ $1 and M.SO Oaforda;
most]/ Hmall pi^.
98c for hUn'eSatiii CaIf,l>oo|;oU Tc^ Lace Short, worth tl.-'iO.
1.79 f^^i^lart aad coBKtert—geaiuae coU ekia, costom
-TO short - all

I5e for men'i sweater, fully worth 35c.
I80 for men’a sood heavy black and white stripes ^ockini;
9c. for men's Sestnlrts black sad Tan hose-worth 10c.

Men’s Every Day Soito for....................................................... 1-98
Men’s single end double breasted Oheriot Baits, worth

If You Once Used
An Iron Bed-_
You would II
o other. • They arc clean, strong
and durable, all iron, lo cracks for
dirt or bugs to gel in. We have springs that fitlhem,
I, hem, so .you need ni slats of any
c the fine
kind. I have
line of Iron beds Qver sijLDwn
in this part of the country; 70
different styles, and the price I am making on them now makes tf^cm cheaper than a
wocxl bed. Call and get my |>rices before you bhy anywhere.^

Hen's Bioe'^'wf U.'a1 b!wattto^' fist 'coloii
worth fli.5C^ oor price...........t..........'............................... 6.98
_____ DRYGOODS.!..
300 different stelrt and pettena Indirt' Clover Bread 75c
Shirt Waisto, for.................................................................
Good eised Lace Cuitains, per pair, only...............................
Oro«tOntODBeltB-25cLe^-Belts for..................


25 Per Gent. Off on all Iron Beds.

:k>-jnch Novelty Goods, Baitings end Wonted, worth 33
cents, for................................................ .............................. 16c
Turkey Red Table Cloth, worth 35c. at this sale, per yd. 181c
7 cent aad-8 cent Sommer Cballirt, tor tbia sale only........ 8|o
86c for Imdirt’ nicely trimmed Silk Capee-ebiffon eollarsworth two dedUn.
98c for Ladies' Tailor-made black brocade and figured brilliantine 63.00 Skirts.
88e for Laidirt' Crash Skirts.




Ij±n.e of

Springs, Mattresses,
Pillotvs. Feathers. Blankets. Qqilts, Bed Spreads, Etc., is
complete. There is nothing that gives more solid comfort
than a good soft mattress. 1_ keep,a full line, commencing at Si.ys. 3j.oo, $2.js, S2.50, $3«), $3.50 and so on to our
felted cotton mattress which is fully guaranteed not to lump or buncif up; it is made of the best fancy tick with
stitched edge f^ $9.50., It is the best mattress made for the
money. Then we have a hair mattress for 616.75 and one for
S22-75. We can suit you on any kind of a mattress.
I use
'from ten to twelve car loads of mattr;esses a year. All kinds of

Mattresses'for the Children's Cribs and Cots.


I can taka care of

300 Horses on July 3,4,5.

One-half size. $1.75. $2.00.
board, for S2/30.

A good, well made, nicely finished bed, full sirq. hardwood, with a nice bracket on head

Will -oheok your gpoda free at my Feed
Barn Office. Ky pricae will be 26c for ain^e

60c for teams for stall room each day
Msi.1c“'s:‘.”-ssrsS borsa;
up to midnight; after midnight extra. 1 will

Fesat an »aryj>|nllw
-ban at praaaat. Tl^ani

That will lead you to such DESIRAuI.E
MERCH.ANUISH as we are dispj.-tying
for lune trade. Those who travdl this
road once are certain to come the second
' ^

TbftTNM lu

Potato ban *n naUap nd banc Ulebed bla new inetloa ea '
froat^two w^oBS to Web
Atoaaadar laaaa baa raated a alaea
afgnto of Ooorpa Bordaaa to it
pattiap taaaf to pleat It U pelatoaa
Hr.eiUhaabtd theedper takaaoat'


88e fur choice of 200 pairs ImdW |2 aod $:i 8boea; moaUy
anal] aizee.

He 1


Tbe pre*teat load wblebeaa be baolad
ewer a road j> the load wbieheaobebaal.
ed op the ateepeat bill oo that load
Therefore it ia a aeecaaity aed ceoaomy
to bavloptroada at leral at poralble.


--------------- GRAND CELEBRATION^----------

Tnrene CItf Uaal Wad-

Alataader laaua to Oaerta Bordaaa^toan^anoa tboirwBf to Ur.
Otecta Btotot hBt'al________ _e
taepa potato patrt ea Ur. lanaal

OB a riae of oaa foot to 100 feet, ba drawa .. too
OB a riae ot OM toot Id to feet, ba draw*____tio
oe a riot of oaa fool ie «t leek bo draw*. .. tm
os • ree of oee foot la :i feet, be draw*........ tto
OB a rtoe of ooe fool ia 10 feel, be draw*..,. SM

Oor city bn mad* bip prapenlloaa for year welfan oa tbit oeeatlea
towaancnopenttopwlib themtoorerf ponlble way. to If lew
prtee* oe a aiee. clean, ap-w-dato atoek an totlttop toyooweaball
expeet year FATBOHAOB.

76c for Miairt' up-to-date chocolate rici kid


JobB Eolabai took a load of nD

OB a level road 1.000 peaMt.

2U(1E’roiil Street


Ndl Oorbett It trialtlap bla alater Ura.
Mr. Gala of Tnnna Oltr la bare Peter Morriaoa.
HIn Addle UrMaeaa rlaitadoter'dBBiMtbbatoekoftaada. Haopeuiatoa
1. Smllb.
atota tcnarlf 000^ tfBP. Baf, dtf wlib Ur. to Hta...........
. tocaar of Uba toHala avaata.
Mr. to Hrt.

Hr. Stlbbaua of Marthport i
fm^fln totaka Vlawa pin


have plenty of help to look after your horses
and will see that they are well taken care of
and watered. 1 will not be responsible for
any aeddente. Hay and Grain at the Regular


Si5-75goods and will give you the price;

J. W. Slater’s Exclusive House Furnishing Store

xao TxpXLb Stacoot


Xaro-onsrwe Oikiy, AAloTa



•Mr «n Mat to Mtaiftoto At HatolaaadBwMitonl iammr M Cto
vltoM aftto tto «Mm( smUm
rtoM*r aad tkv M ae ntoUoa to
taatond <» 8«ar AdnlnJ
EMBFrtoiarttatU««oUaa of Rat---------- ' •—“—1 htoi boto topaltod

toatoM flaot 04 Ika ra«ie. tM«
BMB eoald wMhoot dlSealw ha ptacad

Haalta. Jaae«l-A mmim ^ toaallata betwaaa the FDlplao Itodan aad
- .betwMotbcaiaBd SMatml MacalTtaaWa. TteA
Uha rouip|>iae
Pi- •
tar tor prwtotot aai T>ooda
snarmaltod la the aaBMtbUac todap Of SOU
toll tor rtaoprtoltoakaad •
ada.«toa.thaaloU nntar latoatrr.
of the most iaflaestlhl PdlplBoa. Inharlac haaa laartatlr ordarad. waa
4tot IhM Uo ttakat vfll F«to Mraarir taft to Maahrtbar. Thraa of tha ablto dadlBp ax-mialat«B ot AcalBaldo'a
thaa aarotaMT itol tkrpaiV «»■“ arothaaaalMrJleaadBoA. (tapl. E. eabtoct aad mOltarp oSemla. who
Bctaallp leriaUted and faachl acalsM
pcialUr hoto pat ta lb* «ota.
T. Aroaf. aad (aabaato HartaUa.
the Amerleaaa, sad M priiofiert. wbo
Wb«a aialtoll— far pmtfaat
hr B. fi. Utoaa. aad
wrroeaUto tar. u Atabatotaa »M R- —• • iiaiaiw, -foaaiaaDdad bp Baarp bad bees rrastod a half dapb liborip
—who *toa< oa a chair aad Eaot. an all aappdaad to b> at Chriie. to lake pari la the maetiac. Amooc
tha latter were (leaerale Moateaetrro.
oriai. “hlaUi jtalfatoObto.''
Tbta wOl rtto Cenpff IhlrUaa tooUel Pilar, Uarcla. Torrto. Hacabelo
Ihta *to to. .icmal tor iho toec«.
^ tbaotban balac tha eralato Naaraad Lokben. The elesMst laroraWo
ailtaaef BaaUr Fonhw, who ar«M
ack. (Saaablp). tha faatUaabip (trattm,
to Americau wm> MBepiesoaelp abaeot
tonahc lh« ipaaeh aeaiaatia* m..
tha f BBtaato Kaabriaa. Vwhtowo aad,
the three hoare deroted to the
——t- •« — ■•waau Bad trcqaast- Hoaaaacp.tha dlaUlllsc aad appolpabip;
ir latorro*to« hr load chaarlac. aad IrtaaadBBpplpaUp KtBro. «lx war' diicBteloe of aa arraBcemest to brier
BboalBdlcaiSed BBd hoDorsble peace.
whaabadariaradthaitha aaalaaUca
Bpoaa a isaadroe
a ccbeaie caaprlelaceeTcl
•fWlUia. KcKlataT lacqaltoiaatto
•»«»• «a wat BBnber- a deal,
aa ataeUoa.U* dah«aMi wnl'ita' ao KaapS Brill haaa a dlmtoa Uat map .topoeluoee. ecbjrcl to Arniaaldoe
appraral, WBsaaanieaoBtlpadopled erd
Btoaklac of lha pratat that lha
proparlpha datlnatad bp tha latter
will be preecDUd to MacArlbnr »a
Utaat daaarrto. Pormkar mti:
------- - Tba BaalCBmaat of the Hoaadbaale lor codiar Ue war. Tbie eebriac
-Tha preatoeal't raaord apaahthk
------- la aapaelallp alcsiacaat. not baloclodee.CraLceaerBlamaectp bp both
UphtolaataCT. ft oo*prahaadi
- eaaaa of the latoBlloa. aow at
American* aad PiUpInm; aectiod. th<
tolar bar apis ctaarto.bareinrsor eoalUeated proprrtp; third.
caoat of tba (act that aha h B
tb,cprDridinrotpieitioBi. for Pilipioo
OBH lor auaeBiar ctnof lorUBeaUosi
•mm ladlacharta of pablk datr.”
rrarral cnixrvio the new miliiarp:
sad armored ablpa thao tor aap other
foartb. ibr Die ol eaSeleBl rrTeane ol
Bafaltairaa wlU a maaM of tha
tbe islasde to rellerr ihedittrcu of the
arorkot the part (oar j
Mew York. Immt »—The Joarsal
■ — ■ .BCBBrantre
prlataadlapatoh from Bar. Prladrick
■•lathaaa-aorall tb—
Brows, preaid I DC alder oi the TtraTela
ttaaa. la tha aaaa of all Bapahlieaai
--------------piA.u. tarn |i
dlatriet of tha Hatbodlal Epiaeopal
taklUhcieal ol a cirii corcroicfol at
throtofhoat oar Jarladtatlea. 1 aoaleharah. Tbadlepatobla dated at CbeMaaila aad la tbe prorincre. aod tec
■alaaoraaBdUaiarortba praaldaaer,
too oo Jaaa tf aad U aa lollowt:
Wnilaa MeKialir-*aatb. tbe ezpoleioa of the Prlar*.
hate Iflat pot awap'.fn)m Tien Tub
ftla apaato araa
*7 ^
Tbe mriaben bellere Apalnaldo

abide bp llieir decieloa.
■batdad.^ toreral dape bp u.e
aad watod aad raltad. aiato ataadardi
The poticeot ameeatp. pnbll«faedt»
MBS. All Iba foralra jmrt of Tienwarawraaehad traa tfaalrpUeaaaad
sp lea* follow*:
awebdmtnipM. Lteatehaat Wripht
hna alatt. tofotbar arlU atabraUaa
"lip dlreelioa of the pretidcal of the
afoar aarp asd I to otheca of the white
aad naat plasaa of lad. whlUaad
leal^teODl np UDiu.t autre the uodenlroed aoWaalaa totopattoaaaaaaofeolcr. •
leea amaeelp to all penoa* who
_ —-------------era killed aed
Whoa ordar wai doaUp raatorad.
or at aap time einea Febraarpe,
woaadad. ne American eotaalate
boildlac bdeatiopod. amm.B.tma u Hrj9. bare been la laturreetloa ac*la*l
Baoaatolt. bM at the oaaad oi
dUM* io eilber a mlllurp
allirooe. nerarrtaoB btaSeriaclcrMM the orowd ohosrod with aa
eapadlp. and who tball wiUie
rtblp aad Bead* iaetaat help."
a period of nlaetp dapn fron dtir here­
WiehlacMo.Jaaef>-Ia asewer to
saaf MeRlatap. Boeiof foraallp reaoaaee all ceDSaellan
araii awpaad to the pUUorm. aad - reqBoat bom the a**p departmeat to with enbh IcanrroeUoc aad lubecribe
aalmlp walUaf tor the tamaltlto aab- report how maap Amr-'------ —
to Ibe declaratiOB aekaowledrinc tbe
Pakla. Admlisl KampS
Mda.haeahi: -i rtee to eeeoad the
■ - ilpaadaBlhorilpof Uiel nltod
■emiHllaa of WilUam HeKlalep. the rla Cbafao, that tblrtp AaBtrian*. arr- auui peer thePhllipploeeBfMelt who hat had to meet aad M(p-fir« Presdi, Otlp Oarmasi. aereafiatll IB lice aad preal i
anito ^tblamt mom aamaroai aad tp-alae BrlUahi fortp ItAllaa*. iwentp- IteWlit'i Ulile Earip Bi
*. tue ft
meralmportaatthaa tnj olhar prmi thrae Japaaeaa. eereatp-are Bamiaai iDOMlItticpilli that deal 1 Ibe lirrr
Tn__ a.____
tel Blaaa tba daps of mlchlp AWmham aad Sbp-alcbt Amaricaa troop* are in ..rf
■r. F. C
Uaeolai tha proaltel aader wboae
ot tbe whenaboou ol i
.......................n Ihb eoutrp bee aUalaThe Cblaeae aek "bow k po ir licet,
•d a maoh iUfbar piMh of prMwlt|?at
■oalead of ••how do rou dor - for wbr
ported bp oaMam
hOMMdhcM abroad Ihaoararbetbe licer Uaelire tbe health k fCco
Japaaose axpoet
UetVIUb Lillie ftarlpmuertai r famoD.
tota iBltahtaterp."
traepa Mw daa."
mue^^lt for tbe tirer anc bowel*.
At taal. after qatat WM natorad. the

^ **.**?’ “ " ■«“ *«>™-

lit daerr b « blidibe..:, arSttSh

aetobeiaicfccBwith thedeedlpmetadp.'

’“-'“~~"^»»eBeaietad with h are lmhleal«p

------------ -•eftbrUooi


» no,




Klatar- tta«toCtoM«l


IB’ac'boi'y lE^ices
We ere t>ou.rLa. To sexi ifri-ty

-- •)


Three Bing-s, Half Mile Race Track, 1,000 Fu­
tures. 100 Phenomenal Acts. 25 Clowns. SO
Hurricane: Baces, 4 Trains. 1,600 Smployss,
6 Bands. 60 Cages, a Drove of Camels 15
Open Dens, a Herd of Elephants. '


. ■




> In order to do this we will DISCOUNT $6.00 on every TOP JOB sold uc c
Iwcen now and July 4tli, and in addition we will give a Discount of Ten Per *
Cent, on all Buggies in onr store for Sr»ot Ctsh. This will give you a '

eallachBCaa. Whaa It wee orar. the
obair aaaoaaoad the raniL There
mtoB«M*etosMM.o( which WUIIam
MeKialap raealrad «M.
Aflarqatothadacalabami rmUrod.
AlaMma ws* caesraUad tit tbe pro
Mtathm ot a same far rise prmidaa
AtahoM plaldad to Iowa, when Oe.
UtoYeaarwaaraaivalxed. Bewilhtewlheaamaof DeUlrar.aad aamad
Oetocw Boctoalt of Mew York. Thb
WtofaUoiradbp a damoaalralloa pot
aaaoM to that which lailawed lb#

Waahlartaa. Jane ts-Cblsa'i appeal
toraa armtaUcoaaUI LlUnac Cbaoc
Neplect i* tbe kborl *iep *o aianp
FoklaiedealedbpUie pow- ukc from a eoiich or cold to contumpHap *0 noUOed
ptalapM slalitta V
( Faac'tbic
••ibeonlp tiarcalratreBedp that pice*
immediate rmulU. Ueore^all tUroaf
Laste. Jane tc, 4 a. B.-8a*peaec and luBp trouble* Cblldn-a all like it
aitotbenalalualtaa la China eUII and mother* i-odorae it. f. C. Tbomp
eoeUaaae. ^a oalp tatormaUaa reedreBhptbecorarsBeelU Bur Ad
Blral Braee'i dltpaleh Bad aaotber ae-

i to"'

aa«adac that thr troops neat oa the ..-cK'lal.
baulaship Tbrribta from Bone Koac

Wlwa tba aoUoc
WtoflsIihad.Uwa* toned that of tU
•Maatoato the omiTtoUem. PU had
besa east tor Eocaerelt aad oae <
fate had aet *otod. iW data
—. B---------blauslf

hara arrived ml Taka- A Jkpaich
from dhsfao dated Jane M. reporu
that tbe Tbrribta had laaded at Taka
a bricade with Improrked moaated
nailer the coital cedaBB. A dkppteb
totheTol^TophtniB Sbancfaal Moo
A dTmitralliB faltamd____ dap upB that taecimlre faiUi
aiUres hare
Meek tha halldmc. aad ihM the attoadad the oBorta to reU'e.. ....
Tain, Un Baialaae aad Oeruan* bar
thamaainta to thair hcMa. tba eoaa
ttaa hariav adJouMd atao dta.
beste. daae *t—Tbe admlraltpj^
AllhaachaadataltoUma haa h
.-*alred-l£e foUowlaf di*|utcb froB
Aaad tor tha aatlteUea eema
Admiral Bniea. .Aatod at TUa. ria
WBitesthapnaltetaad fdmuUpao- Ohafoooe JaneM:___

Pretoria. Juoe »~Ulssuted onna
.uuUoeable aatborlip that Commaadmat Oeacral Botha croald be williap to
larreadrrbot kprecBBled from' dolor
»9 bp Kraeer. wboUafrald he will be
haalabed from tbe Tcauirail.
CommaodaaUAadretaad Croajc bare taf.
rendered. ____________________



a,j EiamiialioirJiei aaf Siricll* Coalileatial.

The Purest, Cleanest, Mightiest and
Most Magnificent Aihusenient InHot PieldentortlieOUiDan HtdlcUlislilDle Co., laskegoii,ljcli
stitutidin of the 19th Century.


triut. lu

Notice for Publication.


Kotesl WliitiiL^.Xra-w-^-^OttJSr,

THURSDAY, - JULY 12. 1900.

.^8p. m. Our dtp oal|^eb Booth.


Some Reasons

Tlir (iivfil.Nit r«T iirmi-n) in l!i,- kaown trurld an> wilt the OrMt WaL
.Slittwi. this KHawjQ, jorladisi;

The 9 Nelsons, $10,000 Challenge Act

The 7 5tit-ks, Bicycle and Slating Experts.

S^rlitrtt-tl,. .i,...tlei, ,t.
I*'-""'-- ■-ti.,-T,-.,i,l.


IliU ta* kept ll.>Bi l.r iktrii;.


BumDitioi tr leicliin.

10-Principal Male and Female Equestrian?. 10


'Ll-f X ASnsiKGIXC .MULE'TfllLBV.-


Tha Cblaen aamber u,om oatalde
8L Paunbant. Jane JS-Tho eiar
tba dtp aad thalr etenrim crowd tha haitauedtheMlewlar "A* w* cusfataies qaartara aad an eeatt
atdar it aerimirp to rak* the troop* la
ntUac te to tha balldlMa.
Ih* Amvdkirtal tea ctar tooUnr we
Tha GUacaa hs*a baarp pnaa wbIM ra-laul the mtaktar of war .to uke
aiabdac worked atoadOp from the
>todlraellhea*e*uarp aatawaUiettbeaatIndtp. Allthacnw ta the Slberiaa-Amar dieaalatoa ham haaa daMopad..
IrieU to ha called eat fur aarrlea."
ThaCtalsaaelnoee pemau tba but
Tha Amar dktrict k la tbe uetoraoaasea aad riflea. bat the rabble ban ao«t pari el Biberta aad the aearait of



f, 127 State street



treon from borne lo.aoo
aeald U oarrtad throa(k Cknda to

B. K. OTT-nIXn. M. D.

Far lafanta ud ChiUm:

fatabi dMaHalp whea the «Mbi wwa


Bvffrr from pllee w
that licWiife
II Rlrr them L
' It will I

lee* food ltdiemtod <icicklpU will
rat and irrlutc the itomaeh. Afi
er each
take a tca.poooful ol Kcdot Itpsepam 1
Uly him of U* aomtaaUea. It h kaowa
"Tba total fane which left Tiaa cat and will 1Cure.
allqawpott to eat alllyou
Hut the iwmldiut ha* ladlaatod that it T.U with the ooaauader-ia-Mler for
need of what
It never
Paldaleaboat t.tlOO. emnpmd of de
. *u.e Ui- wunc CBM
taasgumltlaswoaUrWthlmat OaaiplrauBlto uke.
mtho allied ablpa. Me
iMialplI. Be aad Men. MeXtalep
oapaMlelaaTa bma tor Chaua aot
Reporu ibew that over fiftecs bna
taUrthaaJalp l. and it ta aot Improh- .. waaeslp kaowa that he era* eat drtd lircs bavr brea «»vcd ibraufh ibc
BhtaUutthop map learo ta Ui
BjeafOae Mianie Conpb Cure. UmI
Of bp Ttaa Tala betac iamtod.
ef Iheee wrrr atm ol prippr. croup.
reaMCtasMaJaao M.
"TimiTWahaebaeaachUac for lu MthBa. whoopiBc conpb. bronchilu.
•if* one alaoa. It«rae oa receipt of
tafarmattao that the Cblaeee armp had
aadecatood to be the p
ifersUaeklacTlan This
-—rvallon neverpeteured dpipep*™.
M>teB aot to maks aap «paaebea darhad that that thap were ravarlap Tpap Peraoa* with indl^iion are sl^p
tarhlaikiia . itram WMhlactoB.
Kaaadnlafarelac Taka ae well a*
Tbep nerd plentp of
PWtaAalphta. Jaaa tl-Tha KalioMl
Rodol Dptpepua
Blatap the month ef the Pal Uo. that .•awBome food.
Btmlltoi Bet Immadtatalp after the
wbat poo eat ao tbe badp
It wae pnupUp daterulaad to aaice
can be aoorkbrd while the worn out
Taka. Biaea than averp effort hae
audt to raUere T»a Tkia. I ito^lp prepwt/OT^'owb^hal win
ataatod ahalraaa. Chat. «. B. Okk of
—eamaaBdad a^imall eoarilap
OhtawBtotaetodtomimrair oaerati
*tnB«r far Uklac troea* and tbe elck
Ttm^pmaaeat aosattap
aattap will I
aad troaaded aenae the Imp to Wei Ainlpdopoapood. F.

too. Ckalrmaa Basaa waaampewwa
• apMiat aa aaaasUta___________
trp poiaoBlor. pokoo wound* aad all
■mbark Itle ftermUp aaother aeeideaul lajoriu mak be quickThere are ramers that a larpe (brae
AarMaad hate that Olek wUI
tTOB tbe armp baqbeaa *eat to China,
theaamtoarpof tha aaw
Take BO other.
bptlheprar departmeat offlsial* wUI
tl h pntebta that same maa froA'
Mow York wdl be appotatod to that not varifp or dl^ taeh raperta. Tbej
adailHlmtlf 'ttiBrokW be trar wlU
a *rUI hr
China, tha mUllarp wUl hare to do, the
niiriiiatod la theeSdal e
echUar. a* the aavp eaaaot do mbek
afataet a aatteo «t,«eo,o(W.oo» paeple.
an tb to
Bearip all tt* Cblaeae purU are aow
apiaadtaOhleacoaa------- .
aa pteblt
baU bp farelcaar* aad tbe aavp eaa
asd a ricoreaa oamp^ will
BMepecBlaacataritlwB. ft will re
qalraa larpe snap to mtrefa island
aadilwllltaalhe farslce power. 19
OUaeaeOriMsSbaacbBl.JaaeM-.AB ofisial dh- tentah ae snap eqatl to .ubdalar
fotob (fom tba ABartaaa beaad at Waa la tbe avaat of war. even if tbep
operate ta mlU^ eperatieaa Ta*
TIaaTUa aaslrM tha report af tba
bsntarottbofaraiCBeaeaalale. The Bevnuaal wlU ao doabt' aoattder
dtapatehadd. tbe Hat at OBaalttaa. plaBaofaaadiaralhebtroop* to Chiaa
aadcaatotbamtobtlaceadlBea*. bat
wbtab B a haarp oaa. '
k ntaalBC abort. whUa the Cblaeae tbaoffielakdoa^t care to eoaalderli
Iteepaarebomhardiac tha dtp with wmaatu there k ae ether crap of
riawlap the Chlaaa* aitaalioa.

tha eiarh doaula* to th* leaae of the
prmeat trembta la Cbiaa. The Amar
UBaarthera boaadarp ef
t. whkb adjsl
iac the adraaeaof Urn aaaBp. who are
----- vapta---------- •
• praviMoW
WaaUactoa.Jaa*U-A brlode of Pakla k altaatod.
baeik and six mem waiahipa barn
Hoatreal, Jaaa.fa-lhe Baflkk «ovfaaea ordered bp tba evar dapartMat
wamaat wUI pour troop* iato Chiaa
owthaChaadBaPaeiOe rallirap pad
>ram*d from tba PbfHial*ii toT^
te aompaapbaibaaapoUAadub* la

First Class Big at Factory Price for Car Lots.

.1 ctV *rC*_*y.^.*****

utmiuoMMaruu cuir


lOtAI. OIi vuu or e.'


woman’s Namre

X to kw* ecii;em. *>4 u


The Sisters Vortex, Triple Revolving Trape^


' gg.

« far*


efdml ibnmck wBB ito

y-i^*??*"****".* »d <n»*Tt Ihu Ur
■ iin—L- ato

-^^Moiiicr’s friena



At 10 a.
lany. U tbe fioeat ever |mt oe «bo atn«U. A i
kpleodoh. i,.Tnnm|>Uof
Art.MoooyADd Good Taata. «
Lnxorynl Bp>-ct
lp.-ctaraUr Effevt, and


• ^



. _<irii«‘lSt'MrtrBek aba valbad

Vm Twfkrtta tai CUMw.

UtUa Bmbt bad fOM law tba eoaaaaaadea.tnittaal»Baubia»i »ld- _7 far tba drat Um. aad bit fiaadm. tta baas baat. Bad tba mm lalbat bad takta Ua eat to we the
naafaBhadaBeaelaad platMaV that
_ _,_ia rnokaddioMad Ut-‘M'
■■Web pratlp Urad. alat wa. Soale.
ABdaUartelkfaoa alaap wvereof''
Bad I dea't kMv >aat trtarB ot art.
Br tta aeaad of benyfac teaL
bat I fw WB-U b# daws Bad r
UtUa arUla, aad I'U pat mj flif
Itao lad br teptoia Fiook. *wor

Ropl Baking Pow' dcr possesses pecu­
liar qualities not
found in other leav­
ening agents, which
'arise from the supe­
rior fitness, purity
and hcalthfulncss of its ingredients.
Royal Baking Powder leavens rffe
food perfectly by its own inherent
power without changing or impairing
any of the elements of the flour.
Thus the hot-breads, hot-rolls
and muffins, and the delicious hot
griddlc-cakcs raised by' the Royal
Baking Powder arc wholesome and
digestible, and may bt; eaten without
distress, even by persons of delicate

The Food

WwTHtb TMUte.
Is Um BtUk. wkkh pow whm


wlth «MB.
OMRkiBftUr 1> nuMT (004 U

Of traapat Bod Ua bara.

otba mmiow wbtra ibalrtabt t
Bat wbalUtardldaUdar.
m»aBMblBatiUttattBia«ora ea
Meat bat Bbov COB aaj:

Oar area bad erar pat bebald.
WboB ba CBSM boa# at Blrbtl
OoobaUcap wblMaoRM.
Oof -hBlt cap aUk

L ploS?St.

irf baUacpeadar



MTU. •ruciM Mweca eo., too wiuiut st.. new


Has. tt. a. C. B&w. editor.

OU asst Mon-IL
1fM0% It plMMOt, Uh. bfolb
oCdoyt of Um iMi *>a>

a«d «• ««ot TialUac. “Bk
Oot to Old AbbI MBT^k?


ItoU MOM tadt elBor UdBjl

*Boi Um
WB OWM^ PMtorB. BBd thrOBfb U>B
WlBtB^otd ffBrWat ttapapUr


tbarelaarwtdealof traUlaUla
boawlp litue rbpas. It la aald Uat
■■Aaott awwerWraeU awap wtaU.'
aad arerp oae of at who baa teaWd Ua
aaplBckaowi lU traU. Maap
boiiKTar. it ii wlwr U oaiU er
'■wnaaawer-aad keepatUI aatU Ua
tide ol anyar baa urard aad la ebbiay
awap. Mo waUer bow treat Ue proi;lloo. do aot tire war to fnallaf* of
.. eateorhauad; Uaaeare Ua fooa.
of pear owa bouwbold. Uat larada
poor citadel aad rob It of pwea. Wwl
a abarp. Badeaerred. aBwarraatod taurtaereaelp; krepallll. Yea ibb do
It, aad the tacond time will be eaaler
Uao Ue dral- There will aot be auap
baetoaeBB poa tala a more perfeet Mlae. at Ucaytta ol yood willaad
kindnaaw cobc to be aeeoad aatorc to
poa. yea will aaratp Sad Uat poa rteelTtaxacilp what poo aood oat. Tbia
Mlatlon. dear frloada—It U a
treU Uat each oaeaf poa anp laat.S<larrd.


Waro brobea, aad bit apuleUaa
Ware atala<: AU terlarB
Ha ilood balaa oa.—baaBip. eroaa.
Aad Und ai ha eeald be;
-be Torp dlrUaat llule Map
Thai arer JOB did tea:
PoorlitUaladdM- la a bath
Wt waabad tba ■'Urad' airap:
- - * I left bia wfa la bad.
aat 1 bwrd bla wp.
■■Ob dear: oB drart la thU Ua rnJ
Of pea.deiioa Dap?"

a berBap.bBlaa


dar trap b
___________ aad to tieUia'a. bepii
tba airht
Birht bt Ibwa.
Ja.«« F«lu
wlU u ,_________________
altar aaolbar. bla haarl beatlay
hope aa te caaybt alyhi la Ua dtotaaoa
waa ewnlayeaud Ualr hearta
_____ alek wlU faar.
HauwhUa Troup alapt qaiaUp aatU
Ua au bad alBoat wl. wbu ehe
awoka wtU a atari aad leeke<l '

■■'wue ap. Baala.. abe aald;
.......................... «ae. lie
.'a too
too I la
Jaaeft. IMO.
,'l know Joat
Beat oaaeapof wbUaaof a^wU;
Balora aaolbar Baajii.uteprlBtadtba
uc altar a lltOa. oaa laral laaapnniifal
S^enaa ol tartar aad oae-WI ta^ PoarUi of Jalp «ill ban aoBt aad
;' and plckiriy
riybt aUsy. '
•poea of alaoad extiael: «boa aUff foae SBBablae hopa all tba Baa
beaau will bare a happp Poartb with
ae aeeldeat to aiar the rood Uaa. Jatt
for a chaare we will plre poa a PoarU
II poa tell Be bow toyo borne? 1
wut Bp OBBBa,*' and Trottp'a roioe
alftla*. aad tbae alftad fwr Uaw. of Palp ttorp tbia weak laataad of
failed aad Ue eobe case Ulek ud
- u.
u Be. where did p.
-Wbp. blear
rB?" aaked1 Ue kiadlp-faeed
lhalit nap tia welt before browalar
se la. poa little dr-----------Wbae aara it U doaa. Ura Ua paa boi'•Piae cbeara tor Ue wed. white and
aat it," aad abe yatbered
toa apwarda. rwUar oo the eaatar
Ubt aaUl cold.
HaBBia BBlIed aa Ue looked oe
wiadow at Ue pleUrc before
^ake Iw
‘"■‘^."teB.- ate called, "be Uea
botaee uraedoat? 'caoae here'e Jadya
flplay la Ibe wiad. oae bead yruplay reltoa-a litUe ylrl loet bar wap. ud
np cold water, dtaolrad lo oaa cep her UtUe uw dey. wblU waa traillBy bara eba to Urae bIIib froa bear, aad
boiilarwata. oaanp ao*ar. aad oo«- alopy Ue yroaod la a moat aapatrioUp
we But
■net BtaBaya
aosa wap to yei
foartteap laaoa jaloe.
Bitala aod wap. M with bar eUar abe draw bar
Wk tonlybl.
or Uep’ll yo^elaao
mua wayoo. la which were eeatod all
bllcbi oae at Uea borue while
'olllae: her rery dearaet Sule. I yet bar uareUlny to ut, ud we'il
____ Datop. wboae aaek teioy brokaa.
hare her boBe la do tUae "
bad to be propped ap la e eoraar. aad
Boap. wbo. barley loit. oaa am aad
Ttip llrbX. Pour iBlo a wat moald or two feat. Trotty Uoaybt woald fwl Troup ate. Ulablny uUiay ci
tetter to eoBe oat ud "braere the air tutta ao yood tefara
a Uttle.”
. ,
-bea U wH Bntobad Ue bone w
ildad. or troB a pltehar if oot
laaaed. ud kind Mra Urowa tir<
e and Uere. eru
era. U
her aBByip Into Ue weyoa. wlU
B0iu:i> <TaTABi>
Id Bobber, whom Ttettp ____ip ebaryu to teB u to ber ufetp.
Ueayh eba had aerabbad ud off Uep drore.
Ip. U.____
Swldoae pletof milk. Beat polk loted dearly.
.p Uaee Uat
! wat I
-| wlU oee-elybU teaepooi
Von eu iBuyiae
iBBkuloUerp Uekett
Ut to bo.
Joy at hCBe.
Hamaa wu eobappp
ad Ui
faatanad udUukfol. Ueceold noleeold ber
Followlny Ule wayoo. ud
rar. add pert ol the
reday lato tbe atreet wlUoat Irare
bot Bilk. mix. ti ra back iaw a doable to it bp a elrlBC. wee a amall tin
Ip till UaloBB aad cart. Ue laUar Blled wiU
papa. ciUer; while Med could d.
boner aad eUroc
aoldlera. lOnie wlUoat haadt ud
liny but look at ber u ebe ut ii
dbappeara a^ ;
wlUoat araa. bat loeklny u yap ae
lou'e lap. Jemploy ap ererp fe.
Uelr rod ud bine JaebeU coaid aake alaatoe to yire bera klaa. Wbea mem
UOB. Aad laeL bat not leael. bp any sa tacked bar lew ber little bed. aod
BMBM. enae Kitty Urap. aoberlp fol- knelt buide her to thank tbe Hood
lowiay after, unleai a yraaUopper Father for Hie care of bet. Troup
Tba Lady ol Ua BonaaJnmpad too near her, wbu Ue boaad. wbliserta. "I kurir Be woald.
■■OoaU 1 tea Ua ladp ol Ua booae? ad o* for e frolic wlU It la Ue yraa:
wkad oae ol tba boldaat aad braaalwl eosloy baU aooa, howerar. aad tabol Ua book ayeel yalld altar be M



a rale, wbat

tlitsc*! lAkle.


You Have
Always Bought.


I ebene beard. 1

^ r..r*rTi*»i«oe

aelUer bl. aan.. nor hi. abe^e. ..........
Bia Ubaoueye
palay rite la Uo
Ue dleuterp of yeld. be
erected tbie Bocament la boner ol
ured bl* life -S.'«cirJ

uea» «•


9 not allow er
>re ebarainy.



_____ liUat Itehloy Uiu poor pa
tleace. MoUIay .3 uaopiay. Moth
lay *3 irriutiay iti Itcblay Film
To -cratch Ue Irrttei
BOkce it wotu. to lure it aktae maaw
mieery. Some ciliiea. cu tell poo
how to be free IroB Ueu iroobiee
Bend Ue followlny:
Mr. D. A. lirnue ol 3U Wut kU
joet. uyi
I bad Itcblay hemor-



blae.-auyTroUp. at Ue Up of '
a tBall daliwta wostaa to Ue door
blladT^e eaidealBlp. Sbe^e etaadloriybt balore poo at Ue prowat Una

”^flarrah, Uieku:
Whafa U
loatad biy broUer Ned.-ai be -c
BWB Ua atopa.
■■1 alB'ia eblUM.-uid Troup. In-

forpeadoB^t yet later Uie boow
BMbbt Itare dieeaw behind poo af

^ Ltoa w^wb^t/*w^riw

annopiey ud wbea I woat to bad 11 oai
A briyhl little bop who wut to ecbool,
And wu ap to all eoru of uleke,
' laeoTCTod Uat • wbea npelde down,
eoree,.bol Itou'e
Looko jut like Ue flyare
8o wbu uked ble aye kp a rialtor
The briybl little fellow ulc
- imp. 1I"

• land• u Bp fee
u BP bend.
Aad « wbu
* BIDhl*
Ae WblU U Bilk, ud 'tlu'l Bilk;
At yrau u yrau. aad 'Uu'i yram;
A* rtau blood.aad.’Ou't blood,
Ae bluk u ink. ud 'tlu'l Ink.
Anwer—Tbe early eUyu of a black,
Tbe ledlauof Oaiau haTeaqueer
■raUBefuBBeratin. Tbepeoanibp
ttehaadaad lufear Boyan
wbu U*p rw^


.tbu UiauUcared BO '


For ule bp all dulara.
Fries to
euu per bo*.
Futer-MUbora Co..
HnSalo. M. Y.. aolc ayule lor Ue
Cniwd Statu BeaeBter Ue asBe.
Uuo'e, and uke no oUef.

oosneotloBS At OopamlAh wltb
•os'] Fam. Arc Tofado.



fa^-teild'ald ^sayen ■'umra
Sevoral hundred acres of valuable forming
"^‘?^*^“X^“i*bei~Hpd. part timber and part upder cultivation;
^^watered. good soil and desirable for fruit,
.‘iS^dtJdflra^SJr^ “ potatoes, grain: orgrasslandj weU located for
bonvenience of markets, schools, etc.; good
BU of wide rlew*—Ue ullor.
BU wHb dup elcwa—Uetdirar.
roads and all the conveniences of an old eet^
BU wlU unrroweiew—Uoarchtied country. WiU be sold in twenty-acre lots; *; _
rold wu eea dap laborioaalp or larger for cash or on any length ol time -de-1
dcMlny biBulf. Ue wat a email bop.
aad It tru not ewp work.
sired hy purchaser.
"Hamid." uUed Bamma. “doa'i forIBS. " eriod poorUar
r I paaeed Uet crlel*


■Yaa,dear; I do net i

Inquiira at Traverse Ci^.nf






H^n^^''ud‘7M?lay to w tate

■I 1 waoo'
__u llwabyar
IT Ue earU. I w
—i>en>U Ftrr Prtar.
Tbe Beet Wap to Hup Btrawberrle*
Pick, and waU poar borrlu bp dralnly water o«u Uea la a eoluder-.
_udle Uem u lliUe u poulWe.

____ teabMI; aktaupUlaynslay to
Ue aartaoe Uu a eery brud pu to
enpplp .of eayo. eora eiareb, tai
eote UeB la. ua. to ylr. UempfanU
aad yelatlB. to aee wbea fratle e
of tlOTttarlaeB Wbu Ue eyrap la
be obtalaed.
rudp. pat la Ue berrlu aboat two
Tbcw are cheap, do aot apoU bp
kaepiay. ud wlU Ue additlea of aew
ewaet ciaam aad freablp laid
(coBBoOUlee to be loaad oa mwt


If UCB areBBBbw
-It to a btaaaad menu). Uto Ilrlay bp
Boll owe soart awaet altk loaew
ttedap. Aap owa ou tarry bto bartard kettla. SUr lato It toor beaplay
doa. hewerar baaep. aaUl alybUell. tablaapwofaU of aayar aad foar toblr' al «on> atarcb. dtoaolred la a
I Bilk, ud added to Ue well
bard, far ewe dap.
Aap oae ou
ylaaauabOBt two tbirda fall of barawaattp. pattooUp. lorlaylppad.
tfUthanaypaadpwB. ' id'tai^ all
w Uem to eland im But BOralac,
Uat Uto prar Boaat lo aa—]wt
Uadap. ■DoUdapkdaW; Sybt todaya
- aprlaklt wi||b

.» U.11 —a tor U.M- rm .to


yZwwTpeaiaaU bp looklar forward
Wtbltaayoaeaanntaoaaad eeald aot lin.eraayuer ptnehu la Uel
mill------- ■ It poa aaw Uea.’ Ood of Ue paddlay.-terra wiU crei
ylwaaa alyhW to Uat dowa Ueear
'i^oca <-n*aa
UtretdarkBaBOBOardapi. WaeuPit* laUaepooafale of laplou
orerali^t in ooe qasrt of new milk,
lo Ue Boralay brlay to a boil. Uu
add owa tnBbltrfol of rite craam. foer
«Cft teatos upnratolp. aayar aad Beror to tute: babe flftseau twutp Bla-




iplay, ee beaJUfol aa ypod fraab fralta.
WlU that delicleaa ac«
■ Tto la to taU yao aba ^ta ti^
TP w^tBi aa-Aaat Wary faH
Hup paopit ara ao aitoatod that fr
Mbeyetoaeaa:* A
lor laetuee. people Ilrlay la reOat to Old AutHar
coBBUy bOBce, wbo have to dealoaa oa Ua prodabl el tboir
_____ > (Od Uara are mup lamare
. wbo talae llterallp a» Iralt bat applea.)
Foraaeh people I woald adrlae Uat
Bona O^auoIMB aadeftoa pnaeba
Ub UMwdBMof lirlay oea dap at
UBb. Bat Hie yeod toba*a alraU
taUPtaraad orar. wtu perhape ■ Ut­
Ua dlBareet wordlay. TUaaldUoayht

•tUera li
-.ahaater. eaaklay
re apea a ut caaybt la Ue
Sadei^bub of a Uicketau crylay wiU
s aanycr Tbe poor eraaturo
eruted that theWu alBut
pietoed her akia in placu. Tbe beater
lueaed ber. fed ber wiU food froa bia
yaBe bay, aod carrlod ber lo bla ubla.
u cala were aearce Thai alybl he want
urtptobed. Imtiay-paM-aaleepoB a
plleotUaTlnye. To blayrut aarprtoe.
be foaad Ue neat mornlu that Ue eat
bad eaeaped Urooyb a wiadow of Ue
"8e»«ral peara paaeed ud Ue bant­
er bad alBoet foryotten aboeiUeut.
One dap. u be wm cllBbiay a tru tor
lodyod came, be tell to tbe yrtraad ud
fraetarad bla ankle.
For two dapa he
iBp OB Ue yroead la dntalr. hanyrp
ud ea«erlay.
Towardi Ue clou of
aeeood dap be beard Ue Bowiay of a
cat. which, at bu calllny. use to him.
ud be rccoynitod ber u tbe ooe be
bU eaTcd from Ue thicket.
"After rabblay aad parrlay
him for a while, poup. wbo eee
take Id the ailutioo. aeamperad
irebe retamed. a<
paaied bp a b It old BU. telkii
Ue cal u ebe

ibUe^rtaitj; a^bM

y.r.TK'srs E.SS

WbUabSMtwayeiBladaad toaybed
OatWOUiaBtHaryk. ^


a ut robWay htatair ^yaiutuT

"Ob. Bre-eracker dap—to It to." wid
Med. "I bey poarpardOB. Ou I help
poa celebrate?"
"O. Med. uy.eid pea Jut wblttla?"
Aod hW £ eIrdBd B4 »B «Mt br.
■Whiatle wbat. Fnaap?" uld Me
Oot M Old ABBt UBTTk.
aoHlny at ber carauUua.
"Wbp. wed, white aod blae. _
la Om dBBt e^tbe
cDacie. I'ou needn't alay, Med. 'eaaee
d*i^’aftor 'wed baaa faoli pon know I can alny tetler-o poa; bi'
If yon-d jut whiatle, •cattu I ea«Aodt^^toBf'blcbwoy. with BaaiblBC
ilf braS all you Ue wrony wap, aa.
U don't aqaewl a bib Yon un walk
At thk^'MtatUr eo eooBtrr bread.
bellerc Uat It .. .
^ht aide of Be. anleu poa'd rather te
Oar eons bsklad. eor btBrit Bbeod.
alwy wiU that book,
back tbera aide of Kitty Orap. Prapa
taiwia It aad all Uo'
OitwOUAootllBirBpoa'd tetter, map^'twlll keep bar
It. ao Uap did. aad r
.............................. ............iwelt
Ifbj. IBBB tar oow lo tbfepta dopr.
baUarlay Uat wa
yol Ue f-----------«tart tta UUlt loordt
wap ate
aad I barai ua
Ua blaBad book u
UtaBBod o’w
ID Ua fantaw. aUboayh It waa Ilka
ftafi-ABd bar {BOBloeklayUeaUbU after tba boraa ~ wbAUadUe "Bed.
tP briyhtea it areiy where. B
WiU aU bU Blyhi.
Whatawp 1 clais far mp datpk
Beand ud roan. .
WM'tU ^ far B bar teaaaAra^aweadlau roaadeof taekeW
Aad wBBB<t It rood far B bor to bt
Iwealda^tU-.----- ----------------------------- - wut. tUl eru Tiottp
ol Uat aort ee mp worat aaaap. Yea emd ut down u Ue etepe to rut;
Haaytat bat a dall BOaoWap.
Bap Ulak I’B Iplay,................................ while Med throw blsealf aadsr Ua
elm*, upiny he hadn’t due te Boeb
aad If I------ -hlny eiou hie old aUltarp drUl at
“Orar aad ertr ayala
_____ d. ud be ehuld bau to take a
Tba aae alaka low la Ua watt.
aap Troup ut qalatlp for bobo Ubo.
Aad alwapB orar and orer ayala
farflllp boeta atabookatora. wbM bat bayu at lut u wut eoBaUlay W
WIU iriaaiTTT la 'aw. and aU
Uep woBlda't bare boa aUre wlU dl- do. -ilrWi I eeald yo to MallU VbulTbe-ToWo alayetobit lortay mata
...w.. e»d wbwa abadp'd kaew ^-ateUoattaL "HaBsa du't let
Ooea. cloee to aty cottaye door.
Ata UaBora wa ate waa'tba b
ylttla. Iteludatorea- aaartlbMt lure, bat Ueh yot eoakaaaoM ylad toay 1 bare beard blB
uta wbo ara oat aad la pup. ud wu'l wut Be to 'aurb bar
OaiwM ABatMary-a.
For Baap a dap before.
Ibat doaa Ue rotdn aap to bcT
down fma Ue atepa. wiU Sasle la ue
.v-w.—-.ItUefarUarteek fi«
IfUe heart U Uaad to loTt'i
hand ud ber praekraa day Id Ue other,
Ua door. parUaalarlr aa Ua r^d
; Of UMwUfawW-aBd tba aaolar
ehe wut eat Ue yate.
No twV cute dall BODOtoap.
Te be anre it mu only a UtUe wap;
aapUlay of Uat aan aneaio orme c
TboBAorer ud orar ayala.- ,
WbawS^awlar^ Mfw aad Ua
ap.tte strut and aroand Ue eoraar a
in Ua hoau aap time wtUln a era
few Metes; tet It wu near Ue depot,
t-d fnl aaro poo fetobed U bate ud
Whara*ita 25i*"l5‘yoldaa laaywer
aad Tieup-e moUer did aot like to
U)(laatirBar i>aeaaru

■did PM

-Whafltbe aatwr wltb Ua-fTBad-;
par'bswU. ■^BehM■|aBpraekdn.'■;

A Bliunlar laetdaBt.
B Bl^BMlsri*"BlSbr M
tbo^h Tret*r triad W look taaTc. t<re
Oaa dap latt waaar. ai wt wara rUor tkraa taara woald drop, bat at aooa tor tbre^ tba broad BTaaata of CkllMbwbaBd taaebadtharratB.Bbe«Ba foralab awatlaaoBewa ilde nwrt. we
M Urad. aba fall aalatp.
aetlead a eoaUp elatw la tba pard ol
BratbarKtd watawak
of a__________
pian. Oar~driear
___________________ plTB.
loUowlay atory u to Ue oecaaloa
Tbtra Btood tba ■■unutlBB.' Elltr oi tte

all'll n^ i_

.Unj:.T.«.s u, us.- lul.ud.

It renJrre th<- »nk>»K

The Kind You Have
Always Bgoi^t

*"£^0 cold wiU eruB

eakkii apria «
BoU twain applea. b
tta uTeUa^WlMwimiita UU do
Fraae Uraa^ a elere;
Bw b?A^ toteta *tU?Ua' 'beat da poandef aacaraad U
UtatafM *>*>'• ■V-'

Richard D. Creech,



"Oor ton Wilkrdwta

Ptae People



Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs, Etc.

limbi were pnia-

Ipnd.aod wbenwe need
taectrichp be could not
feel it bdow hia bipa.


FinaUp mp uotber. wbo
lira in Canada, arrote adtaainy tbe oae of Dr. WilUama- Pink I^Ua for Pale

Honffiboeiiig ud Gaunl Reptiriitf Don«

People and I boBgtataonie.
Tbia was when our bop
bad been oo a ytretcbei
fer an entire pey and

pitBlttp in hia leys, aod in
few moptba be waa aUc
to yo to acbool. It waa

llUwalaaU. Up ueltar illuirf tev
luta brand orar Ule mU^and
lor Uie aendwite. Betam tatudlu
(be brud lor la wall
to work tte teusr to a emau. M
dianrp leUau tatd.-4}ead Hmitebtep

uw* tael K wit

•otbinydae in tbe world
that WTcd tbe bop tbu
Dr. WillianB' Pink Pills


t IT. «I*.*! cn«a*wt 1 tn iM



a. w ciwKn*ca*n.'*«£7emaM «l*p
taS-A K. 1.


Be-Pamtmg and Upholfitering.
SUte St, Hear UidoB.


for Pak Feopk.-—Amu

whtlu of two

Second Street,

Appleton, ■ft'is-, says:


bdideat for tuM tnoutha.
In aix weeks after Ukii^


Bta^ wofte datot^tedaapW pb






Uct. Mk. Titiai luwtUiwwCW/rWa-wwrlra*.
Il*t.n.: tera Pill In
t W^ w , om,.Tra,iTw,Cnr*-iaa *i. klU
"’tiumOu Huwwata a
lUr aa wocin*.

tolkl^llteBIsiMk <»u«h elOU
Ml.. S. L. «Wf■
aUUna e( MkOM, WU., 1
Unwfe tkt d« r«M«kv «■ IMr
w«y toOMWt

J. Q. Baajanb of tba W. W. Kin.
haU.Pbaa aad Oryaa Do., arrirad b
alUea flUad Ibrao arpraaa aata. wh
tba ally bat armby b ylrahkaUaeb ebaryoof L'ali^ Statu y
Ugb b tba oanpaay'a baalaan bara lor

■taUkW*PiMti«taisri to I
bMMUQUUlM7«M(d>jft(IWft •
It with tba MtaM OUiabarr.
Mr.Milli«.rfukPUllyi«{ B*
M.MIah..te«*a<iwM) (Ui-dir
ndte. Hr. PbUl«>U • tarte. aad
will mff la tkM work k
WUl Uanadar rataraM Ual alcht
Hik- K. L. SUabar aad ass
laftyaaMnUjfarKaiad Ot; k
Mn.aaakvaaanauaadtoktla tka
ftalddaravcrta at tkal pUa* todaf,
Htw Bdith Bari, wbo

bf bar bratbar Artbar. wbs baa baaa
aiwwllaf a law dafa at YpaUaBU.

r. Paaalwtae b b tba ally b
Mba Kua BlrlTsa loft ystwda;
tarLalaadwbwoabawlU ayaad a few
dATtbatoo relay to Oblcaio. 8ba bat
aUaadlajf tba Iralalar acbeol for
sat tba Prtabylortea a^Oook
Oaaaty Boadial la (Mtsro.
wlfa Brad UalaU
aad two aklan od Uraad Baylda. bare
arrirad to rWt tbalr OMlbar. Hn.
Babwi OatoU. fAo'li qalla ill.
Bujtala la back amoaf bla
for a raw waak'a darlay wfalcb
Uaabawlllbaraebarraaf tba plaao
ryaa lAMsia at tba W. W. Kim
Aiwa* Bailor latt ytalarday (Mrolay
tar Orjnlal aty wbara ba will apaed
tbawaak. Bla lalbar wUI raUro wiu
Sin. Hiaryarib aad tbraa cbildrao
aadMca. Walaa aad two ebUdraa of

Tboaua Uvciaa of Unad ■<
Hr*. C. a. PaUnaaaad dilldraa trill
r> to Heaonlaaa today.
Mrm. B A. Wltborailof WbltaOead,
h TldUac friasda la Ihr eUy.
MwiPool otUiaad Kaalda. teaklllar baralatar Hr*. Caarlaa Aadacaoa.
Baadaiyara tba yaatla at Mr.
MtaiAcM aieb.wbo bw basal'
Oraaaaarrat Kaiwteh.
baadlAKlbaaloBal at Aaa Arbor iad
Dr. T. V. Maryaa aad Dr. Battae at
BaaUaci eaa» bcsa laat araalar.
Bar aaat. Mra Jaato Bleb at BsUada. holaL
rauraad with bar (ar a alall wHh
Hn. 1.8. Tanpklat at Chkayo la tba
yotal of bar alaeo, Mra. J. A. MwuMra. i. 0. Wrifbt of Uraaorllla. la U
A. B. Ulbbard wUI laaaa Mday for
A rlaU at bta bowa la Uraaorllla.
Mra. W. A. BiUhaoeb of Hutataa. la
tba vaau of Mr. iad Hci. B. W.
whIA ha b a dalayata.
Oaaala^aw s F^ftb atraatHn. A. .straabor Biybtb ttroat
BtanalBlac bn motbar, Hn. Uood of

Mn. (baKa aad too Boy el SonnlB
Otiy aio rblUay at P. U. Barab.
Mba JMBla Bara arlU laato lOMr.
HtatterabOraaBoef Hlliord, Oblo,
lilBtbaeltyrlamay bar tblor. Mra.
D. Onablla. HIn Oroaae yraduted
(mnoarBlyh nbool with Ibe elaaa
Prod a. Prau waaltoFbabn. Hlab..
Mia. B. BayMora of Plfa tnka
the MIy tba yaaot of J.'T. aaoatel
9mom» Wilbaln aaas ap
OraidBapIdalattOraelH for b rUt
witb raUUoai.
B^ Parry Buaab rraat to Chia^
Baa. U. 0.
a Dark It bi


Laa Baraaby baa rataroad la tba
dly Aflor eonplatlay a aaana at aUdy
at ^ Btala Momal at YpaUaaU. Hr.

Pratarb. Joae M—Oomylab qolai
prdralk haro daaplb the oparatleet of
J..W.aaaaaawaatteUr»ad BapI*
olaabareolanDeeUldethe city.
stiilaiiilaat araalay.
I wu rauirad today of aa aayaya
Data Oanpball ol Srawa WMia tba
bolwaaa tba foreu of Banllba
Mty yaalarday.
aad Priaala at Badelbary. All latamt
Bar. J. A. Prya of Oraad Baplda.-pt». k aubriiw apoa tba apataUooi of
■UlayaldacamaBraocaliaa] ebarab. Dawat. Batba k fSatlay al the head
M b tba ally, ibo faa« of Bar. a Bala•alt. kaaplay la
J. B. Hartb waa ta Ballal

A. a Oaaybarty of Elk Bapldt, wai
b IbAOlty yaautdAy.

rllb the Brllkh
ay the noeberaooh bilk.
Uadoa.Jae H-Aa Lord BabarU
apparoally k earryby aot. Ii

Mra W. B. BhMr wawtwVawa IM
aroaby la apaad Baaday.
Jodyo Prod W. Hayaa aana b froa
Oharlateb ywlarday. aad wUlyeta
UUm la IwUMiwul eeart ionrr^—
Mra. daaapb Bataar rotarood
arasby fren a rWl la But Joidi
a «. carlo rateraad yaatuday fian a
bwtaui kip la tba aortt.
8. B. Howard waat to Qn.wa bat

Iran Sealh AMs wUl bwtably
peatbu oaUl they are eakpltbd. The
bat that iba faraaya nllltary attaebu

MraBayTbaakarw ■I to Hllllaaw-,

Break bWbaai.CUaaye. Jaaa z»-Wbaat b aot ycbybadeUar tbk noalh. The apwhleh b«ma brer
ap t-

tikdaau Boea tba Slab r

Iktubaryaia a
with n
PlowT«titaj*t EmwO
Hr. aad Mra. A. B. Willard «
plra wara b tt^elty yaaurday.
UA. PraUetAaaSArbar k b tba
Wn. Haadhan. who bu aonplabd
ooBiM of atady at tka Bbta Sorml'l
YpaUaaU. U boM.
Wllbar Qra^ w^| b HUwaaki


• •••r

hardly made raady for a as




rofaul at bard
apara troop tar aarrlubCblaa aaana,
it Irae, Ipabaw that the Bald narobal
eeutdato that naah arark lonw lai'

whetbarUwoaldaotwU faaek b
aaaUtoJoIy. The nai^el today wu
blyWr welbd aad prieu dro^ad
eaaia, n^ley a break ol 7 eaalt fren
UwbppebtefHooday. llwuaday
daratad b laklay praSta by ak
tiadanaad tba llnluay of lua<

tPlayoa atlUo Jaaano.
RiaJaaarla. Joaa M - fwaol-Bra
aw aaau at babenie, playaa ar
abllytopertad today. TwelreduUw
terooaeanod treat kb* dkaau t

Ubad-abmafaeartbayaa yaabrday aad Jodyo Hayaa. Lerb Boborta.
B. a. Prau,;p. C OUbarl, J. W. Pateb
Jaaa t<v—Thaaka b riyonna
b aad W. B. Fwtar ard attaadlay It.
niuaiea adopted by Uaaaral
e. Q. Oorall wu haaberaraaDdai
atbrarlaltbBeatoa.Haaa.. aad Al- pilaw feror k abatlay tiaadrty. Ttairra
bara baaa he aaw raau la foor daya
. bat laft ynbrday lor
'll Hr. BbaruTba Brillah adnlralty b* erderrd
Chariu J. Brudy bu lotarsad tren roawraeraiaanbyebChlBt. Tbk
BDbdato eMlaya'wbaro ba bu ]aU ropaaapte aa addlUaeal b.ou. tba
rauirad tbajdaytu el B. A.
nyaUay s.aeo.
MfB. C Hayaard Palfo aad daaykbr
at Athaaa. JI. Y.>n riaUI^ tM bnllywfCE.Paiyo.
«u abow parpoan. Sba k elybi fnl la
Bar. J. A. Prya at Oraad'BapUa hw Uykl.broad aad rary ^oteolar.
yawa b Peneaa altar attaadlay qaaf'
aTUBbaboolMnlln Iran PaIbpapalathnkabeat
Annbaat did a laryo boylaan whb
aUra narahaab ol tkaaity.
bte tba,ally rklUay hk Mioato aad
hk kratlar. Dr. O. E. Chaaa.
Or.BaraT. Chaaa. ternarly tuabar
la the alty^aek. k rklUay Hra.


iberl'e Volal throwloy ootata pcatbalyhlam

Arrangements are All Completed. All the Gemmittees are Busy Finishing Their Work.

A Pleasing Feature on the Program Both Days.




The iiight of the :>rd will witneae one of tlio most brilliiml eiirnival scen<is over organikeil in ^ Mielugan city. The fea­
tures will be so many that there is no room hero to oven name them. A gre:H Votiiig exmteet lias been bold during the last
week and-bne of five most popular young ladies of Travel se City has been chosen “(Jueeu of the Carnival.” A most elaborately
place of honor in the pa­
constructed and decorated chariot is being jirejiaied for Her Royal Higlmess, and she will Iiave tlie
rade, clad |n her elegant robt^s of staW*, and aftei this is over, a grainl iecqitiou will In* giu il in the City Opem House, where
upon a ma^uilieeut throne the Queen will receive herdoyal subjects. Admission to tliis reo iption will bo by ticket for which
a charge will be made.
The darnival Parade will be brilliant beyond desc^plion -The line of march will be ^ bla/.e of electric lights, colored
into the air from mortars, and
fire and Hashing rockets, while during its progress gieal bombs will be shot a tlionsand
bui-sting ther<* will semi a shower of fire eartlnvai-d, while scuttling rockets will Hash in tnitl-air, and tlie ’night will be made
into day, ahd witli music. anA rockets and bombs and Hashing fire and waving Hags and HTittering bunting of the national
colors, andithe music of bauds and noise of happy shouting of tlionsauds the niglit of the Tlifrd will mergt^ into the great holi­
day of the iiatioii and tlie moruiug gun will announce the beginning of the Great Day itself
Everyibody who can do so should be here the evening of the drd to witness the Groat Carnival Parade. Many unique and
unexpected fcitturos will be introduced duriug and after the parade to a'uiuse and interest


On the evening of tke ^ih there will be a great display of fireworks far ahcail of
anything'bf this kind ever seen in this i»rt of the state.

Last jear's disiil.i)- was con­

sidered very line, hut the committee this year have arrangi^l for a display that far
surpasses that! ' It will be largely a mid-air display, but there will be a few handsome
set pieces.

made to begin the display jnst as soon as it is dark ei^gh to make a good show, and
It triliheA constant ^tfe-aUTT flash, and siz­

All special trains and boats wiH'wait for their pao^gers until this exbibitioa

is finished.

iture in the prograi^ of the 4th will afford more aihusemeot and
. Perhaps no feature
lerest among younil and old than the display of/'l>ay Fireworks,
creake a livelier interest
which will be madee immediately aftenthe parade, on the afternoon of the 4th. Great
ill float off into-spa<^. <|iiiet1y and gracefully, whi^ morurs will send,
hot air balloons will
hundreds of feet into the air. anecr lobkihg paper wads that will Suddenly open and
' * and
nd animals and human
all kinds of quaint and curious figures of''birds
ex|>and iflto
beings, which will follow' the balloons bff
off into space.............
space. It is....
a curious and entertaining
exhibit, and is becoming more and mf^e popular each year.

Improvements are constantly being made in the manufac^ttft’of fireworks

and this display will be in keeping with the whole celebration of the day. Come pre­
pared to remain until after this part of the day's plugram. Arrangements will be '


Tha wadBUSadObaa b «id

Silver Bros.'cum1>iiii-il Nini'Itv Show amt Tr.iinrvl .\niinal Kxhilntion will bej
hery «ni Inly ,;rd and 4tli. 1 hi-, cuml'iiiaimii iKtsiu-. ii gr<-ail> enlarged and is now
r. iM the licst shows of its si e nn I Ik'. ustnmary (Mtimlar prices will be
charged to this entertainmem. «lii. h will prove

Traverse City is noted all over Michigan for its magnificent holiday parades. None, even of the
larger cities can equal the Queen City of the North,in the magnitude of this disjtlay. The outlook now
is good for something this year in this line that will surpass anything ever seen here. The merchants
and business men are preparing for elaborate displays, While the niills and factories promise substan­
tial aid in lengthening the linei The G: A. R.,;Co. M., an^ firatemal organizations and trades unions
will also he in line. Quite a number of features in the Carnival parade 61 the night of the 3rd will be
retained in the great parade of the 4th. An interesting and attractive addition to the parade wiD be the
street pageant of Silver Bros.’ combined shows, headed by their fine band in the gorgeous new chariot
just built for them. Every child over seven years old in the city and the surrounding’ country .is cor­
dially invited to join in the parade. Hon. J. W- Milliken and Drs. G. A. Holliday and J. A. Snyder with
Captains and Lieutenants will have charge of this part of the parade; and parents need feel no- uneasi­
ness in allowing their children to join this popular demonstration. Every child in the parade will be
given a flag to >ceep and carry home as a reminder of the happy event. The committee have in mind a
way of organizing the'Children’s Parade that'will be something new and novel. It is hoped every
child in the city on that day will join this parade. The parade will start promptly at one o’clock on
the afternoon of the 4th, and the children should all be in place before that hour near the comer of
Sixth and Wadsworth streets, opposite the residence of Hon. Perry Hannah. There is plenty of grass
room and shade to make a-pleasant resting place.

zle and roar from beginning to end. andirwill be sbgwihimtto remember for a whole
bat bay aad aaalab l4.oaa.aao feat al
lo^u. b ka tawed b Japaa.

Silver Bros.’ Tent Show

Tlie lE^iaces
The fun ivill bcjiin on the Third with Horse Races on the rc-biiilt and ttest halfmite track in the state. These races will beijin Tuesilay aflerrtoon, Jnlj ‘ . 'and willalso be Kiven on ttic afternoon uf the 4th and .sth. and will be under the auspii-iv «f
the Traverse City Drivinn I’ark Association. The purses will auuregate $i,ooo-,
Satsbun's "Tommy’ M." the "(riiideUTSs Wonder" will
on c.shiUition. The um.;.I
gale fees will bu charged to these races.
Many entries have already been made and this wilt l«c the best racing event
Northern Michigan has ever had.

there will be no delay "between acts."

Barry K. Chau aad bnlly of Du
Hataaa. Iowa, aaau las tba OharU>



J. U. Baaj^la aad J. W^lSa bara
yaaa b Omaaa aad otbar %y poInU,
Oaualar IbatW. W. Kliobali

Ybanu T. Bain of tba Qraad Trarano Uaiald waat b Otaad Bapida jtmbrday.
Hio. E. S. ProU bu yaaa b Paaba
Wllllan Parry wuealladb PaatUa
yubrday by the aarioei lllaeu at bk
JK. K. KaUy waat b Wbuol Ube
yubrday OB a baUaau trip
Hn. LHnVaalnfw-ot Ballairo. It
ttaltlay bar akb^. Hn. W. N. Krilay.
Ratlay wut b Balblre ynbrday for a. faw daya’ rltlt with ^
BntBlIaBabad at MayBald yaalar'
A. T. J.
n of B^aa Oty k
> tba aearaatlaa
Hn. J. H. Mott aad danfbtar atop- badaaee apea
Bpwerth Laayoa b Ihk city.
padatParb naaa yaalarday. wbl
UaqUaya U b - Nortbpart
tbalr way to Unabv

Ollbart Wllboln '>aat-la OaaMl
Uka yaalarday.

I we riTTT, U wi

•Maace Tba followlay k the Ikt >
r Bead, the Briay ptoyrmn b b« a raatworic oe the
Mnrd by tba omnlttra
Salara. Haaalkal.
.aaa bonk.ball utaiaa.
tiMfeal U the air and axplada
w lylay
laxaadar aad u—^. —
•>._ at ~.-------------' ' '
irt that caa
Norfolk sry yard, aad tba ruaal. are «

'lark. Mykt I
i^yt^l larmt alu aiyat
............- :TbcMBkal<aa weodartoldkplay Tba
ballaoar.! IS lark and i> -iirhyoba yraat beiybl
iraefa naklay Ibrre rrpertt. or aapic ■prcial ntestTb?BHUhIbU^
a^lareneat la Brewonrt.
lead Byam. Tor.t will br rary I
tkoo*. yriay oat at esb raporta bril-,
Tbraea poood aboottoy
!uilay. aad ate Ibparlad dlraeUy
tltaat dwplay of eelored atrunm.j
whlab trad oat
. abootloy atara of 'koaa.
I ab.ootigy ttarv II aware, paraehataa. ate rnrtrbaak.
Tba pknu wUl ba aot pad
ai: eobn. dkei
la rrery dlrec
S.z BmbI faoolalaa
Ytaaiebt laryrat aitt
loll tba Brawtwba dMy nadastha
Sit .
, .........
piaeta ____________
■' fiteworki
'--------ki ——________
— I Dorth kaak of BoaraMa rirar aaar
o ».poBDd prkr conalie raekaU.
Sit lllamlBaled tbowara.I ioy ait repjrw o-ttploaloat. aatb tine I Harebla'a btackanlU abop. •‘[ -m—
wbieb chtayr color tereral tinea while
Bad aad rrrwa tirr illeniaatioo.
ylriw eat a aura brliUaal dkpUy ^boold all taka Uaaoottbaak at Iba
autiayalowyawar.tbaatnddrtlyrr I Bifdar.l oaaay tbr uilaro.-etlro Ibaa brlore. oal.l tba whole brarea«< rirar
toire thsmvUaaletta reroirtoy ibeatiUryr Tbrta open witb aa illumlea- are ab:a<a.
a. radlay with a boni of >
>0 ia colors aad teraioala i A a
A wonderful display will ba ande by I tor blrty t
irsi of Baty drayoaa.
tba kit .aeb. alt 17.Inch, three tv iaob j tone b spar


Al! trains and boats will give pne fkre for round trip on the 3rd and 4th, good t*
return* until the 5th. The Bay Boats Mill also sell one fare round trip tickets on the
5th to enable all who cannot l>e here l>efore to attend the great races on the ctb. Arrangcidents will be made for special tr4ins*out on ail the railroads where such



The Traverse bay Line of Steamers will give bouriy exciusicMis on the bs^
throughout the day of the Fourth.

TftOLL£Y kiLUNQ imtEiL'
Tba New Ixodoo hrifaotlo* I
^er niMUd tan faU that aba ^
*lii*te whale dnila«;b»
lar to tb* aoalb AttaaOc.
U^Ttwroy* Uore iweotly ah ABrrIfao whaki- M
•(ttaaUw In trmX polIM di*k- b*M aobl for debt al a aoothrrt part
- wbab- nD harinc proTOd
Ins ta tka OUMMUBpin. th»‘ ■«>
wrilrra bare
MB AMrtau tRWpa b* Umit ee
CU>M««TlM>y. aMratarref BUU iBferred froB tbeoe facu that ib*
Ik* MXWBl apens whaW and other rartrUe* bMtod eUedy tor their oQ are teeoBtai
•MUartteMUrMaad. The«pp~J
atmwt «• ream- a* tb* tirrentand
to«>nwtoobj*et to thkt pna«atad ricbl wlule. which U eal^ mostly
TbU Inference dees n« aeem to be
rameied hy aey knunb facta, aaya
aigmi to
tk» r
he New Vorti mat- No cwtwHUliun MO
he dnw'U fn>ui the fallon- of auutb AllaoUc whainic for a la-aaou or two ex-


sssr-SEi* .

cooBtry. bet they An *q talMR
aad nniBctiaa ttat they
taton as tta nawaet dasicna. say* ta*
New York Baralfl. Tta Ftaneb as woU
ns tba Amark-aB* have



Mdse a nptita aa yon eaa «nd aeywbB*."Blda foMManddani of tb*
LMSta&UU. "lltaOBlitaBBTlxMpMta* 1 *w asw in tb* «*B aadA pood
dMlUadtar. radar ltiloWB>*« ttat*
ta a Up-wtJ
wUtaabbU la Uandentta
and of its la 1 tbar* ta a boasUta book
apwauA Whaaiiaw tta
noilon lo-roll. It Ibion
tM tall er« iB «D(Bt. booki ialo ta*
Upt and poa spizaiac awv trver.tb*
aiM a* Bwarlly so yoo pteMa
"Tta sBsk* MB pB over ta* proni
pietiy fsB by cxawUac. bat it ssanw
Bkt pest ptaMan ia roUiBc. TtaudMpan of ilB body ta bri«bt red..aBd
ydTMBsaetta otake quitaadtataaM
wtan it’i rolUac- 8om* lay tta bn ta
tallow and Mpabls of ajwslnp potacai.
bol I don't know bow Cru* tbal is. Peopi* who an ipwraal of bowtbeTtsss
Wmta* i* bnilt ar* simply amsaed
wMai taay bappan to aa* on* chaac*
troBB nwl to a roll TbeyMn'imak*
sal bow it ta pmslbls for tta su

ley (fstM b^amnaul) mntataBB
ffWer tor, It ta taU yaspenatUs <H

. We lafar ta wtat Bl(M b*

Bey Kidgc. BruoUyu baa thta to Mr
"Fire yrara ago tberc was tte AaiB
sritb 'em. Twam'l moiw-B M y*ax* Dalurul atvbwoy of tree* tetw^B-Rilv—
aco«bwtb*r«>s IbiekBfiiaeootata ty-Afib strrsv aad Fort Qamllua to ta
HrsnhEO autmow.
wlihln tbe Umiu of Grenier
.aolbrr (own
ImparaUre than in the aeaaoa .
Mwr Pmb Mad. U BtaBBtaM a* tai
New Tat. New. for ^locta al a
.tralcfai akin In a abort Ua aa madsmBOarsaad -miaea*
dawolne opon lu. Korn* oneftil detail*
etrct.-h. one livv. at traat enl of eiery
apron eSc. the ai-alat wtib raver* aad (ffttairsfciii*. Ttay wa* mlcblywai
about the new ni.hloai are tbtw-*—
tbrvv ta btarinb aad ibc utbera. tboogk
reproduced from Tbe naaleoer.
tb.'v arc la kuf la the BUiumrr. am
BuSara WtasaBBBwaatedahig
matertal. ■nu puff coihlon 1. not. atrtetly
boot women find It bardrr to make low. ta only bad to walk doarn 1_.. hstloc tbelr riuUiy and arc *iir*ty
abl* ebaractor. Bach a one. bo
praf--- ollarrir* traoMMmd oely
tbelr taiblas *nlt« baromlac. hot Uiey ttanearat Raid an take bU pick oat ■loou.-d unlcia tb.- dretroylns tnflMDCO
wai tba Bar. Franela Mabtay.
ma be svevt.-d I* aaiar srqy.
WlatUMtb«p«>pU: tbottheOilMH
MB Mslly do *0 hy harinc the liUrti el two or throe. Tbay WB *0 plentifnl
hnonaa-FalbBpml.'’ BtatavtalU
■1 am rue> that If tta pMUe
ItalJiWMaeROBblotokai'rsn. Bal
goiifft aeoU ood weoU mior* Bat Uib 1» BB M atory whleb wlBioT*.
tilokwaalo lakoaarollksowa—-* —
knew at th.- Uuic tbr wlrB were'
tbqrbave bean kilMoff now *0
•rtvMd protoct (orttfi loMmU.»Bd after r.-murie. Of exprllence. c--------mom. tnnslato it tataanc
ttiuae ibrougb ibc tre.-* tbe effect tta
ttot tbo *Sa««r*dMi>«d tbot so ABor- cziitallt- IhoBKh tle-y lutr oftt-n
_ .1 boldly
ct.\-\rl.-iiy uouU bate there wsnU
IM matonMMOM be wat to periik-ted aial BltDoyrd hy ItH-lr f
tom it poaae. d praal BBtiqulCy aad
lata tta lower olovtr hit sn we bar*, to have been eurh a ih-k that tbbwIiM
rwttb havliNBolaali.
obaixo tbe astborwttb
to find the OBlmata wbete they Ui
would. ,M■ lM»t,_b*vc t»c-4 mere (w
oeaatiT BaUl ^ Baa« Oianp
root ‘em ent
Tbla trtek be ptayad tat mere than oau
taaahad Pablo aad baas rl**B u op- they had a rlcbl to expect them.
- • Wsakli Dilly Bntne
nnaol matbcrdarlnc tbe aatly days cfl
1 tJ« ea«} to exptalB the ereal dl
__ -dv.wd with In-'
portulty ol wrwwior »ot tha a«
osB. It tka'
^yoo'lIcairiitbMa eotaiiuj; tuaicrial and that evru. as la
prMtas ot tba aoU-feiielCB aprliliw
rnnnla boob Ibe lot In taoad daylictaL iHUri} o.-ry caM-. «bcD they tooMed
t>a «a«a of tba Tlaii TblB roltaf a
uu'lxna.'bre. tbr tree* wuaM
If^ ar* a good abut, yun can brlan
««7 gnUfylBC *"
toTenitaanU I
that in a foreipu la _ _
one down. Ttay’re tungb. sa * big felthe adfo WM tokea off lb* mtlOo^
•X|«-et<'"l Ot well
Prttal tniulaiod Moota'a -Oo W
.'- isikcd V
i-Cv-lricu! ex; low will Mtty sway s big load ul *bob
aniMitsrioks lu tail
Tbae" Into eiasUaU
by tba nport trea AdBlibl Keapff ^wii p<-rlu>l>. The tvlmk-r bauoti
lory 'Waits
- Ib-u ami have Ikkw taU
; But If you gel bold of s big (cUow. na
Yon will ofisn mater.
Fnaeb rerao. attriholad It to
thU tba PaklB raliat ooIbbu wa* nr- tha eootl--' wb.Te tbe rt/ht whale la
ta uu su.'h thlux a- u tonsold veteran. *0 to qwAk. you’ll And It
tbal ta crawUac a
■ deCl
.l.'twl thtv.ugL which el^
teaaAad taa alia abor* Tlao Tblo. likely to a|i|N-ar to the Mlylnp aeaaon,
B> easy Job to dUlodge bits- He's too
D all atWBO* It wi
Hoorewiihhavinfatotaaflbadily. Tb*
Abaol Bbbl hoppMBd is Tub TbIb
fcnovrln • cub to llva Hu ll only «at
song. "LsUi Baiba Beamlag Eyw''
le taduatr? oi
. > uuttl.-r uf 11m.- U-foe tt '
yonr elovur *X nlgbt. SB. Urd.
4b1« Its tsaaataaot lb* foraroBaot
b* Modered -into cboica Latin- and B*W1. yoQ tmacios, tbal tnaka lu bead
e d.-liU tcl t
viU l.’uk IhivKiiiL auy matertal ta tncb
modi 1>* can get away with li
baoiB aotblBr- No sam Bboat Rafsswim. Bet lu bMd is always ler*V no
etaimad it as a yonthfal pro
1. aa they have I.
nsy a-. t.> >l.->irv<v au>-Uiins tbe wire*
nlghtl In tbe dtynoie be keeps cIm*
matiet bow fBt it rolls or bow far.
Ma Uallad HUUseoBnl. aod oiber at thidr hrmllWK t
hla own, which bo bad coco
ittjr I.KpiK-ti 1.) Ik- la
with. 1
Into hta bole aa laugtat at you Dig
•Tt* seen many a man ata boy
AMteaaa tbar* ha* base raaalrad. their any to them.
Hoore. AootbM of Ptonfa achlevomaota
lilDk >oiur(bm£ sbeuld 'lx- dODc to
Tbolaatbottbayfaradbidly dariac
was the tranitalioD of Wolfe's "Burial amosiacly takn In by booesaakB ont
Hut the aperui whale hrreda la the
IV.- the iv-el if Ibe tew-s. TU-lt detalbe'll dlgagooddeal fsM 00 tb*
IbsbMbardasotof tbaelly laffsearal deep w-a. on.l 11. nii*e 1» the w
of Sir John Mooro" Inw rnmah. daim- taaw EraynewcamsrdeiirsatopaastB
irvx-tluD h sn act of vaixtaUsis."
Olbm cod tbaa yon will aa take 11
ioi, at tb* aom* time, that '
waatp of waieni ao far a> they at
Til.- n-«h1.-uiB of that I.ewUiy claim
omtj at ttat Hind you I'm tolfcla of
beads that tt ta as Bay a* lying 10 Mich
arete arrltlan
■Itlan by Colonel de 1
atillalile trmi-tature aod afford
1h* abtBst talked orertb* Q
old Ml**—thcee know all Ibe Jnck* of that In dauiji u.-eile-r rlcetrlr
killed ol Pondicbeny In 1749. M* Tbe tenderfoot Ibiaka be mb Mpfred rt^ultt-d. Nobody know, why
ks tlm.iigh tta- h
uribexraltta bnainoa*. Tta woudcbndit Out you leaks
altaauaa. bat did mi acre* as a
Not BOttabed with IhU. '
' ture a boopaoak* by poklnc a pota os
at time, tliej- arem to aluudoD their
tbey «mr la
Aad caLcaigUlaDdmwtatftfaaD ibote
poUay- n. l.far»*U0B Is U« paaay. ih
■Uok tbrooffb tbo dreta made by tu
Wber and tranalated *'
moel anywhere bIm 'mok ibi-y have to tvcla.-t with t.ranch.-* of tbe trees and,
ibafotsM-aotlstoa B
deep ceriM- china silk, the n
tody. He pU fooled, however, for tta
German verse and stoat
to eunnla oa shrewd nut to g.-t Ullud. piulug Ihnuigli tlx- tatl.v. meks tbs.
■ the center ot a
eonnlnc soake ioatantly nnbooks lu talk
•w M jntlly lltad^Mythtar ■
while Wolfe had.tolon
lATsn PSAB XBoani
n on aoioe of lia fagivuml. in *iipt«irt of this ilmiry It
pilfered tbai riddlnc ludf of tbe Brick or pdA tset and trimmlBS them with bandt of
tbe latter bad i
thM Itbaadooe.
e protind..
aril a tree
mna alone on lu belly tor a abort dta- braid pnl on In hortaonial line*, while iMB new tricks mil the lime.
^ tbe lic-rmon. the Utter poem
bees oterbDBP-d anywhere alace
stb ialaslry
"A few ytmt ago a conulo old fd- f.-n. v( le-o an eiamlnallun of Its triink
tbe eoahlou. wheo cutBph-led. look like
tanoe and Uun books into tbo lip acaln
IlK, as _________
be aloud, tamo Writleu
written to >
V) wbo do not have to bulbar
u of mineral oil made
ivv.wh-J lie- fa>-l Dial It was divnyid
art aad will
a en-ot rose. 1'he ouivr ruflic Is mad*
aad rasama* lu frolio with perfect troa- ____ i wLetber tbay luuk atout or Dut low look up hta borne lu tbal clovar
_ate tbe deatb and hartal
fteld Jut off tbo lower meddeis. oa we ami tadh.w throurh a gnater pari of
MbbMOrrairanrBlafflorTako. Th* aprrnS oU 'lr« lm|»rtant on tJ
Of a deep cerise silk. Narrow cerlB
llab Uonoral Totstenaao. wbo was
Lave tbelr Kuwni luual eUburataly
Itcht and tb.T\- U oo r«iw»o to believe
Us h-nrtb. it Is abu sUt.d Ibat wbertdvet Hhhon Is carried between each
riffiMat i* *«Blpp*d with rttab
s. { rackoc, fur it lakM deligbl in trimmed. I.ut wade wliboal any unaec- tad the bordast time to kill him tbal
th* staff* of DauUle. Poor
that the airrui wluli- I. an exeepttoo
killed I
you MB Imagiae. I guru afore we got <-v.v a vwUe l..ucb.-B a braui-U It spiwd>r puffA coneealloc the Jolalnc Off WoUowBB dnmtoonded el *09101111* _____ If woanuc and'taodarfuat by roll­
tar Md OTorythlaf. Tb* eralaer tolhr facl-whioh fl.herle. ekperl. be­
throagb wllb blm be rot u boot *100 11} shuws slrus uf d.-ca> and evrntnthrough......................
___.0 tbe other, bhicb puff la mad*
popnlarity diaappoar and wa* not mnoh ing right up to them aad dodguic away
Rraeklya. Aduiral RaBayb flafaWp. lieve appik-t to all d.-.-p wn fauna and
..___ ' —tbal ta, fur elovvr dutreyed aa labor all} dies. I'h.-r.- an- aiu uumlwr of
aepanlvly oa a aquara ot thin miutln
wat dtaooa- when tbey aeranrn or Jump They tell a
wOl tabs tbiw* bssdrad Bansas fros
t I. phu-Ucally Im
tnvvi lu tbis (vmdlihm la lldl ririoNy
or cbecaecloth. The mode of maklns
sury OBI there of a man wbo ran tbe
Oaaita la Taka, itooaral HaeArthar tarmlnalc them.
lldt U-r.xv the IndtaJ woa buUt pwt
tbe pnffa I* abown la tbe small detail.
haadta ol a rake Ibroogb a bsopaiiake'*
baa bMaoBtaadiofalapiae* of realmil
____ far
ibotgiu. H.. v
A tiny pdnlt is taken In tbe center of
ta got
drcle aad onfaooked It. Tb* snake
lAuald Pw.t.
of tu-i|x-d flanm-1 -r mohair and mnsi Ib6 wtae to poke bu oosa oel vt tto
Asm* thras days with teror.
a and bit tbe
It baa hitberio been customaiy to frit- mad. atrack al iIhCoo.ul OeiHuul Guenther, at Fraak- aacb aide, aU plalta turnlnc in tbeaam*
be lung ruoueb ana luu raougn to bole. Hot every-Digbt he'd wmo out
a VI eBaa-i lirsk.
Barila. Jams te-lbe UerBOS aoB*al
tB away the intoUeetoal fen* ot par- tmak of • u««]oiie '
fart. ft-iKwl. to tiu, but- department
qaltc cuare-al iboflcuTv.
Who du.-B II--I r.-uiruil>-r that onr
M oat cloTM fui Mioiicb. Be bronchi
atltcbea, then the pnff square la basted rota by toarely tcaKbln« tbom to any It sped away tbea. aod Ibe man fooud
•ICMb taperta that Adalral RayBoar that raltway aud wna.hip roui|<anli
Thwe arc uvcral dlffcrctit Idea* as to
BTeiidin.ith.-r* >■•*. »ml tbrir ffitwlllttosof yoangobocks
on tbe mniUla square, ibe edpea of both "IMty Poll" aad Iblnga ot that aact tb* priatof Its born in Ibebark. Beaxia atapotattwelTaaadOBC-balfBUaa to Germany atv experiuMutlne writ
lOW the hsir should Ik- arranffcd for
I w* killed
all except Ibe gramlim.ib.-r* - lo uivb-r l» make n
bat tbo Bunldpal aotbodtlu of * aalned the toab often. *ad b« look lila balhlng. S.inic wom.-n do nut care 10
Im TtaalUa. Varioaiiaralro mls- the tue of-oil fur fuel, and the merit*
..r BHWt tender nlwayu
nate wllb touch phs-.Prandi town have laitltulod wbal it b Mib that it died in 1ms than PO daya
tdlBiarswIthhlB. Tba party U bard of oil fltod loeomoUvv. and atcamera
wr«r aay bouMt al all. while otbm
d.-vl(v of some kind
tot she'd used a p
n to hta home every 1
"I (BM MW a hoopanake banclnff '
bo toped will boeooM o faDara! loah> heiuf thnrouchty laTeatipUed.
have most coqn.dltah llillc hats la
1 smss-Bsl Ax t none ot tbe blad feel Of a gopbri. TJ
UcBXlne tad ebmIIbo irc.aUo uw-d to basted on a square the aiso of tb*
rough straw irlmmi-d with flower* ao.l
.wts was a OaReOed
Ste aeMBl atao nand* a eoafirOBi
Tta poor bo* at tbe town ball, it gopher klttaed aad eqaeiM and palled, quill- In Ih.- uniun- of a hat that would
ftiVnIil) tuoilvc power for many differ eitsbka top nnd the velvr.q ribboa rtn
eali-e |srih« of tbs
Mnllalof TtaaTilaoBJaM ri
etna, bad for a leog Urns been io a aad tb* anake kept tapping It on tta be wum on Uud iDsl.-ad »r Ibe a<«.
piui>o*>n A I.Dilne ivorki.l loco- between.
r~ ............ -.--o—t..
Dnlabc* tba ede* ta
bBd and iMkwUbtU burn. The anak*
_.llve haa Uvti nmnlnp-ln the KWoA liat la a v.-ry co»l l>rul.K-tloo to Iba
With ull Ih. .llffetv-UI Utensils tor
IN hSUad aad *00 Maadad wbao they trtu cool dPirtct for over a yrormiJ Bade of the china ailk doubled. Tb*
eoolda't bars swallowol the gopbur, COm|d.-xlMi, which ta nil.J.vl.-<l to moat
this Iiunmse II
rd by man to bos
~ of thult dnly toward tbair poons and It tormented th* little tblng out of trylD* testa wb.-u tialhlDg. but 11 ta dif­
BNi lupataadalTMo Tain. Job*
ha* ]>ertardied-tl* work moot MtliAe- Bise of tbe putt B.|uorvs depend* Ul>*a
toted out again extupt cai daric nights nr-rer kwt sight of tto Mr htaa-ttat
Tbt loMB aow lawaoBdlBf to Ttan IblB torlly. Ahoiil SS iHiuud* <iC bciulne 1* tba also tbo euahkB la to be. For a Belghbaas a pamil wai potebastd. wblob pnr* deviltry, lu aim with
ficult tu nud a sbaiK- tbal la iKK-umincWo had no cbanni then. Welrludto
trainnBbva A Bi)nrity are Japa- eoiunmed dolly, an.l UiIa with tbe ndig him (loL bnl
thrto days of
"For tbepot*. if yon plaaBl"
IBC raOe. tbe puff a<inare* should b*
■Ma. Tb* fore* atao iMlado* malalns d*Uy exiwiub*. Iiiini.’. %
steady weak we got ilnd. ' Tbea w*
SSt Incbet square wb.-a nulshcd.
Tbo mail. It appear*, bm beoa blfhllany of ilw iirrerot cualoma fog tUiMd to born an snAke bhn onL tat
Brtttoh and I.SM Oomaai. Oaaanl dllly coat ot a U-ualae locownlvc ^ tbe ptceei to bo puffed about
Incband r"---------Jam- liridm would have ciulic aslonlib- it ain't DO easy matter to make smoke
ALSO. Ibe lorumative baa ^IuuUba
MMUaa ta iB eoBBBBd.
thc extra qiBTlcr inch allowlas for
go in
ed the cramlmoth.-ra. 'Thu latest ld(» go down bill an getlnloall oftbebolc*
> mrlrtc Iona,
ilBTlly iit ahonl
fiUBf* af Ib* fSBbeat kioBBOBcy
ta to mark the truusarau and buuae- ttat a woodebnek eaD moke Finally
akius the coat of
-r baullas |H-r too m
NbB pan ta »b* bBBbordBOBt ol T*kn
An exeeUent hammock or poreb pllit immudistely bopped opts tta kreidog IlD.-D witli tlx- loIttaU of the
mu. ea apalnstt 2 M ivuu with
iclded to drown tte old crillct OOL
tsakaand bit it in tbe back of tbo nock. Dew I'lnic Insl.ud of the maldro name.
lew ta a
in a varluty of ways
at uaretber nil tbe old perk an
d white cooda saod, for oiamplA to
Tbe anake let go of tbo foot mighty Another custom which would Dot bare
Tbe experiment. In olL henslBa aad red and)
mb that w* ouuld find ao filled
saaullou a* unlive powers have *0 far. belBC aeleeted. The enahioa may b* tbe proximity of wat paint 00 fcoom « qolak. and all tta lively writhing* Im- been taucllourvl la former lime* l>efoil ot wal«. Tbia when uvuiyagioabla tbal anake porformcl In tb* Mus.. of tlx- sniK-ntliion cDunected
oaionMaaMd tb* Obtaaa* Uat It'wlll not BceordiBs td the roiuul. I.eee eoeourapnext etgbl or ten mloato*. It thraabed sritb it I* tb* dresslac of tbe brtdv la thing was rrady 81 an Jabs my two
saw. stood ready with a pltehfork an
tabi BM ta lb* Yaof lb* Etaac ral- loe tn a decn-e. and U is cUlmrd tbal tofelbar. The cot aboara almoat wllbtbe
taiaalat ta<iB*m«« dlaturb- tlgukl fuel will eoua tn prvat extent
tbe need of draeriptloil Just bow
letBl raemhera of eoclety.-Yooth'a amewr, and 1 aeror saw a ereatsre bau ment of llw bri.lal party at for tba
judiug. It raU.'U lu tlx- tut ot
aupidant the iwe of nul fur mannfacI little aqaaro U worked. Tbe cae- CksBpanioo^__________________
to die aa tbal snake did. It Anally
a ixei-iiial buiis.-k.Kqs f tu luv.-iit a d^
i; iiurpuMW to Euiupe.
elr. ttat bole bald n
t»mr taa daeldad to ptaet lit float ubla tho only porUoa that la at all
sireicbed oot motionlusA and I cut off
hst Is nil .-iillrcl} u.-u .l.-smrinre.
ktarirU raeek 1* a ChoraA.
Mr tbaa any mlMpctul It took Ibe hall
ipIUtaed. To work tbU carry Ibe
4la bom. which bad -no hollow in
im-al i.-iNlcrvv, as »h-»u m txjr UdarltaBrittab ftaff.
tM barralfol* to bring it np to tte eurBeoeDity there wat au ocUpae of tta Tb* wounded gcqibor was aqaeallng in
luslnilh.B. Is pUced u|s* a toctsteak:
IM*. tmm w-A SbsacfaBl ditpBtab
ran* Is hsvlne crent tiee, on then. Jeet n* I put lu '
The oailvf.Unaniau. for removed, as
electrio light at Elm Boad Bapttal mm bratb. aod iu reacoer was trying
Ui.'U, hy ts-orlux im JnM hard enuogh
«7B ttat U 8aBf ChBBC baa detemia.mending a fruit poul- pnilfnl. that p^ old'choak
o uauBlIy Ir. frau doeton aod a
ohapul. SoDtb**a.aad. (mrionsly oBoagb. bardtooMx It into a bulA but It bad
h.- t.K-iU tu |s-m-lrate tu tbelr
adBBtWcetePakla.ata taataad will Ceona,'depeada tlpoo a little ont to a
tta pastor bad ebowm for hta text*. been done for by tbe anaku and it died tlcD tor (he face. Tbe iniUadcIpbta tdsDMS 8t Jabbed tt bias
d.qilh, ol tlx- Ksim- lUu.- using tbe rucbllaqulrvr aays that the strawberry poul• wound, when he l» .laabvd
- hforh. an Jake sbpi tbe ht
paotably fo to Itbaafbal. whlah. psodProaiirb.Iixiv. M. "Tbecaadtad tta in a littlu
eonsld.-n-d the muet bcurArUL
■ as be banged away at tb* entter. lux uK.tluu. guliix ttoruugUly vviw both
tarltafadflaatiaaet tb# eapltal. baa aeraicbed.
wi(Aed ahall to pot out." and Pi '
"How it rtoosmakeaload'e.
Thii odd
it wsRi’i no use. Itawaureoaked sidi* uf tto ateek. It wtll III (Sr mlBBtS
rvU. SU. "For tbon wilt light my
%MNt tbs aeotral oawt ehasai' *
Ih.uuugbly lriiit.'C Ibat utx-’s flDcal am. from th.- uiu to which It U p'
tb* wuodefanok want
iy rapidly,
die; th* Lord my Ood will BilIcbtM
orer Ibc wrinki.-d iwrt of Ibe far* or
lui. 1
at onr failun.
rn again, grinnln
my darkno**." a eomblDaU
•r.- Is au frnpUon. Even
"" "
erml to tbo olectrio light, fot
he very-cfficactous. but If Next day we
battle or fuinse;
Bre mmu barrels
UghU went oat asm* of tb*
Tto SBok* ta in do burry, for it know*
XKl the rethlts 7III rxrtwd ex- sn all U» ta
pall* ruoud tbs
W-hew a Itradltaa baa cat tdmiatt.
Moo went oat alto and obti
rvy well ttat tbetoai
tb* toad can't gex out of
un. It 1s ctolmed that It rvThso ws togan to flood ttat IxAs
IT eumiik-. be plefc.
taaap* taadad far Uu proUellea ot
dla aad Umpa, wheroepcai aerrio*
It take*
ot It fc.-v.vs the fatly u
wrlnkk-e and maktu tb* flesh
This time ws bad plMty
•SsdBd. Tbe paalor oonldnoteetiaen- tori lobearing tbe load
iBi-tni- aad ABarleae tataraata- . reuea Urn a
which ar.- Ibi- enos.- cd meat* br­
yoota looklox aod Ann.
t«. tot ibera WM ao woodMook
lenity change bit texu in ctxucqneno# behind tbe toml. and when
^ Stath tateaVT will nil fros Mt- one on neb
it gets good
ing tuuxb. *u tint a nxaix] sIMk cot a
Women aud glrta ao loncrr greet pte. Tb* water onme Bp to tt* I
laam 8 B(]uiviv.
ot what bad bsppeaed. and be may have and tesxly It throws Us tail forward
■tta flat Tabs toaonow aad atfht
fk afl.T U bos boM op­
each other with a kiss, as wa* former­ an flowed oot of lb* bolcv hot no
Th.) Indlcuaut ant snap. lU nipper*
been prepared tot tb.
aad givtn tbo lomi a smart ttamp be­ ly tte eoslom, and nxittiera are flrmly,
Mpn et tka -RUtb aaralir will sail 1061-11x7. pU-rclui; tbi- fleah. and brtita
ui-m ts
t on IbM or more In
Muck. W* thought be bad h
wbieh followed tbeir
tween Ibe eyre wttt rite point of Ibe prerentlng tavtab eirBsee for the ba­
s Just tto rrven*
wUb Oaaanl Cbaffa*
lop tho taet-mti-d tairu eloao toBnhc«
Lately a
born. Tbe toad Itaokt ap a few inebai. by. The luuxlsbak.- Is now tbo ar-,
bos Iwen poffDdrd.
OnBt tMB baa Pnaetaeo Haaday.
The Bnulllau. nt tbal moment plvr*
aad tbo snake eelscs U by a bind foot CTpled crvs'ilnc. and Mils may tx- a dlgFur this vs^uan's lusi-oully all manan
TtTT-*— daoa M— Aaaardlai to Ua
Then tbe toad kieki with it* free bind nlOcO moveiiKvit of the hand for elr^,
'ktud must t>- thankful, as It outveo •
tNort al a Oblaaaa raiafaa who arrletd
foot and alawt tte grass wllb Us frctit ger* or express ronllallly aad woJi^lb
tbal be hod iwuhleni that has berelulare poBtad
ttal tto (titlet wb at
alRbatatelthaeoadlliea at Ttaatala
of frcHacatoBefeeta lncllBed.-Uco*ele way up toward a bill *0 ttoosands (If mesL
Of coorao tfaU kllb the ant. but It baa _/ ciDBs St Iba eentar. After all . . trio Ugbta-Loadoa Ughtnlag.
tabBTtbta. Rrarywbar*
rid elt ep then an witeb
served It* most incfnl pncpuse la life.- Ions sUtchr* are taken with tha tbnwd
oUw for a spell, but by and by knocks
Mltabodtaef tb* BBBierad atsa
US pourin water la at tto olbet end.
The operalloB I* repealed with other weave la and out each .am ot tb*
■toe wed OeMu. '
tta toad on tbe bead till it stops klokThis put a atop to av*kttmtA te drown
■ of Bt
■ta ««MA. ABsrlsaaa as wall a* aau ualll the wound la aewed up neap etost, balnc carefnl to secor* th* thread
Tbe aoclal .
A MmUoaiiuB uf hiue and .
UrmlyattbAcnU. Wash allk or heavy llToln large tocietlM Ttayeeleetatrs*
Mtar ■aUaaaUUaa. Th* Haac Koaf lytadtboroushly. •
"While a boepsnaks wa* handlinff a .eems a popular Date la forutatalag cf- him cob
eotun t* asfd for tbs wor-klnp. U tb* of cDoaidcnbleeito.
alto, aad
"IIWB 81 tbM rigged np tb* Mp
•ta OBBM baad*. b* add*, wan baU.
lend la ttat way one spring I bw a fecto Wall ims-ri are tbuwn wlUi •
that finally Mugfai lb* eld fellow. He potauos cun to dtaKwri) uf in a aalaral
aqnares or* Joined losathcr. tbe Join- it with gTSM roof, under which tbeir
AiMngta nrly dartaf tb* besbardbultaiake Inurfete. Tb* hnllsnoke of two cskn comlAned, aad In sluSs
luner. Take kmc walks. drawtiN
A proeaat liasRccntly Iwen pataatad Inc U concealed by faatbenUteblnc.
eonuMn dwelling 1* eeostracled. Tb*
DOS an.l ilraiNTle* Ibe two colers; took a Ug stoo* weight 'boot M> poonds
Itatabal atao raporla that lb*
TexM ta a big bMded repllle abont 8
bany de.-m fuU brMlbs. rxeicto*
la Gtnnaay far uaklac qn aniOctal
Plain bine or rad linen ta used for net mmt tbe doable pnrpoB of kseplu - _. . ■psntc'l. Blur Jsrs stand on green an enqwoded it right over tto beta
-n- miwrk- ot tbe tody that tto rirABBtalWBaB
Iroty from tbo boar* ut anlmtla. la tbo rnflle that adgat tbe cusbloa. Tbi* iag oC tta beat and tb* rain, and 400 or fMloOi
TbM to fixed n URIe eUek dosrn below
■d that tba fereas ware which Uiu following' are tbo main eorer mb te tanndered wubont tnjiir- MM pair* of hinta an known to bars tbe
JlstB be would act nnbWC trap. Tb* eutaUun may he quickeord and erery
la Ibe upper Jaw and 1* nonpoltoooua
o abaadoB aaearal field |
siepa: Dliwehlntabo boaea la aoy eon- Uc It in Uie laaat If Mr* ta taken to
old muaknloonldn'i get o« (ff tte bole pari of tto txxly tixtairngbly rkwiMsd
Tbe txx^Biafce bad tbe toad by a blad ity of Uac and gsm ap|Mrs to bare
noway wUbool bIRUg that Mlok. an by this areek-nited rirMtaUoD. Uetto
Alioet 1^ twloot tuauaer. removal ot fau by always iroa It on tba wtoac tide, sons
-foot aad of eaorie tba toad was mak­ sacceedto that of Uoe and while. Tb*
Boaklnc lu IK-Dxlne. ndorilua of bona
se tbe darned woik.
ing all Ibe nota* it knew bow to Bod- abede* *<rib.- celore ore a rich, deep
(ace of tto body hrttUf a
MOad arwmandad, TbaQanaaaru- to a esatrae AKiWder or lata narrow
and rattk-r a dart green .that It
dealy a buUsnak* glided out of Ibe bneb
veetnreooktolttoeeecad moroln tbe Bve or ten mJoutra. After mlBtnc
tant nita ata a Roataa terpade bent strips Tiy aawtac. boUUut In a ami
aad etruck at tt* boopeimk*'* middle not a* raurb a grass hue as a tint with
from two to three m<wU..lf s ruvenoOB
amount of amhu. paeklns while bet
>e eapftil of pm pulp with tw*
iBl !firafopntrnUagtb*P*i»e aad
yrilow lights In IL cays an exDr. Holmes' lltrary it rained al only Witt lu apper Jaw. Tbe booptnoke Inapixrilte ta acquired It is of rounrrieL
Into healed uoldt and aiqilylns pres­
CC*. a few drops of cailon Juice,
ctaatlyrvleaeedtb* toad, fared tbe bollnkita wlU BBtala* rua naUas ailU- sure. wbcrrtiy Ibc deianilv |ilucva are
w ttao."—Sew Tsric strable to ladulge ttl* apprilb-. bA In
laake aad bit it on tb* neck with lU
fta. wktab aro Allad with eoneanltd
Kehoes •f'pBeblem
boro. Tb* blew didn't phase tbe bnUtad a lifelong fondness tor
■bould tbe stomarb to gorged, and
■mcr gown* tbe slralgtat.tMn
After tbe arik-Ic la flalsbed tbo p
of popper and a few cralas Dr. Hnlmra was not a btodUig worsklp- —.b. a pvtlrio It tettnmd tbe ettedt
ttooo foods wbkJi are Uawbulewms
looee uppei- kX«re kad tbe puffed,UDrnreoey of-Ivory .it plven by n
cayenne. Turn Into boftcred moMa
tr. amd Dearly all of tbe best works la with a tidewiader ttat koookad Ibe
_____ JniT* hnd e
or hut moderately Bulrittous shuuld to
TtaeOrkFamlly- moB d^dedly -be '
U trealm.-nt with inmlBa and
43Mo in a pan of hot irater tmlU
Ita oaotteay of tb* SpBitah tbJeVB ea» avoMed.-MeiUMl lYesn.
Tta taBOB Rtlrk laarilj.on* of Um
snlMtnaces.~^I-neUeaI lirnefflst. _m. Serve wllb coe cupfnl of wblls tta world, in cheep sobstealial bind. booiBiak* oot of tb* peril- Tb* latter
faiTt 000 be boDcbt iot *804 Tbe vtry
flashe* wm be »
CaaMtaataraaol Tta Wallas* 8
saocA to which ta added ona-tblrd enp- bat book* of tte world oro qnlle limit­ fv, iBSttOdof
iolo tbe big feldreseed
eo gown* of all matertali. On
fol of peas drained from tbelr Hqner ed la number.—Boston Globe.
tom Boafc ttat beadsaa on
_____________________ epidemlelatta
a «a*b worn from tto
and tborongbly rinacd.
■BraatoN. U tratb. bob* of
tto w!^e taito Ibe toad rigfal awey •tom flgffrre
Doriti of Engtaad the aaim fact ha*
CRWcopUt liYncat tbe ibrory that iba
ot tto aide redDcrt t^ oppnrtat, number of'1«* pteom and
BUfau Dntritt "tto learned blaek- tad started to ewaUow IL -New Ymk
laelodlBg a boDcfa c< dried fle
been Doled tbsl only Ito men working
rad blood eotpaaidca rary la slse to
-Blth." knew Id laneuagea Be we*
tor fstbar's grar*. Tto It* worried Id eery Ugh innpentarra tare osdifferent race* have failed to show aio
xrw'wuy to dlalnfact a room t* ta eelf taught ceocrully DoedlDg only u
Sqtare bat rtinrna reoDrofttem
BrtUUta Basra noUeatroB tta paUUe tnaikad dlffuraaceS.-I'ui.BlarRctebce.
tb* arilste, tot wbM tto
tma a small dtatBfurtlne paa with A •’ ioooiy and * crummar to mactB
pbasMla mllUnery.
ItaBtbtarsiaatardtaplsyt talsly bt
tMcrvoIr that coatala* the dlslofacUaff
Btaks—Waste ^ber* 1 eaa find
t tte many new exidela shown
Tlffee* end Ogee of Ftewsrs.
ann« tta aadtansa eaa not fallow ha
liquid. This ta to be tatted and
Min waists the one with'
ttttto packet, tn which as s poil
11 ta ctalmed Ibat tome antats (ni
poIlM Dule bcffOstrich.-, nrp ofl.-n iinruly. and wbM
tatrtaata and porplaitar paradox.
Jtnks-Let'e aaa TU* Is .Thnieday,
of flewvn. ai
of itonttonl* Ugen with the
they an- shinied inch of them but a Tsrtcd tat** by a Omc ben
glng that tto "f
ItBottMqaaaUyhappsaatbal arttaa
tta rraervolr. Tbe gat ta diraettd
might to pBmlnsd lo keep tta mooey
hdy-a atiK-klnc drawn over the bead
«b a Baal* to any part of tta
n paiMariy taasrdao* fsat ta ae. and tk-ek. oud to that coaditloa tbay
to a aoDTsnlr Iff so MstBing a voMllr
al tta dalx-New York Weakly.
-New York WerU.
——‘-TT*----------- eeme froB tta
■MsyrtBoiattaottar acton of tbe
Owe upon a Use
"Wtat ta tarer asked tto XsldM.
TWD MBdIdair* obliged n* by ptow- Oreirfh of Fravlaw Wiaga,
taawBnytafnrthly ta foaad raa
The aomher and vartety of kalvM
(na reorier with an
This la colas 10 be Iba banner yanrta Ng eta acre* for n* ycririflay.
aad fork* that jtaw ence a writ our export trade. Dariac alna moqtb*
ofUmaeU. andaibe
M •pnetateas wbso "tta SUrks
•Lot# ta the Bost d*
We ackoowiedgv riro AcerfnI
aqoipprd and formal dianer taidc may of the eurreat e«rai period, iqi to
of Insanity. traeblBg its
wen dl.may ime nsoiwvl ID ra.-b a vawO Bake a ettr In Ibc world, I
rcffud tto flm law of
Uareb 31. our expewu exeecled *1.053.wtU atauci aitsottan.”
WO.OOO. aa tnervaae of more than *100,ohrMiid. presemUoD.’
<m a eenalD date ttor* wee*
Whereferr be be« to crow lostlly.
tbd UaMen.
t* I01
OUU.itn over Ibe corTe*po»dla* period
(bowsand more appIlMilooa •
altbeogta be bad nothing BOrb to crow ”B-r-rviitimla yoanirir; Do not glre e* nmag
_____ _ 10 Ito Child, which fcpUrd)
Boose of Ibe poUtkul UoyTar
fatrfol ordalr* for ooe Iteil* mo------hat mar bs la the preriou* fi«wl yrur aad *430,flee next day ttao ttore w*t .
-IxiTe ta
•rr arc alwi kalvw. to enr- OOD.ono more lima In le«5 nader tt
mne *0 fast la ibis nelghborto.
for. PoUfles was eonstdreod eery Ht^And why Dotr Inquired tto chleY.
1.- folks that may W nod- Wltam tariff, which wat (dalmed to b
sbeeW cu't c« clear enoneb to i
■WeMBe." rrled Ito Ultle -mi. "b
ta thst nwtal eoo- aspcclaU]- conducive to forelsn trade.
Boring picture eppentns ta oaf
tu Iw fiaeriquitT to___
I Bsten w tta ktliks'doan. It saay
Ovracboo) ehndrealu
seen the bntanm.' owing to tb* Ittte^e ■atriy Mlayrd and cannot pes
-Wtat ta lover aoki
tto Snri
letanr Bll^_^
oaeeBsrv. this tl«taof
guB It res
d ta Bid to bo traly ffr«&''
hnnUB crow^ttetawk tanrd nad
4tl>aaarM0Uy on TModay. <loIy
fthepUte. ThcotbcrcvoDlAsa
ta tto ebtlglBg eblef waited,
law* tun and ww
Uw doty of goirdliN
era dloarr wi
ig bta flight toBewtadtomew
forks artth Erowlat ircyd>r aod Uxluttiy aMlrta
A Wtar onlBta tta rstadsob* pf.^ ta)vcs and f)
eonvMt Foeltab NaM;
t was Just after the dtoarr tta
datlon. Her mntmoai xcotr toH bar tbe ralBuos rrwah* of onrarirteter ‘
^B. air," (aid Ibe man with tta
Bad Me sMad as. I wbM ta.v*
a fisdnrbwff la SaaFraaetaoe wbUaAlir
td goalee, "we bavrem v4ecui<; street
aten ewnpaurien and the pleasu
IVM her ajewjdteejjta oMJ
iota, nit; Yoo mb have IL
taBlIy wataaaray.booad Hn. LUUaa ..Jt-r I? whirt li
w Aoea'i atein to te BffM at a
Mr sysies in oar lewa. aad I sb
8aB.ttaMM.tea >*d. ee wfaleta a thry shooM be owd. bm BOlbL^
flotra Ossnltary attempts bave bssa
praod of tte fart that as aldetmun 1
Thlriy-twe mlta* *( ai
tabrwMdospita. Mbbod tta faeaaa. bMcsrcrlcnec bad tAsrht bar wblA
to (ta meet of the rra
•—«. to iweveol tto drfsifs oisnt af
talpod to aecnre It'
ly wtae and levri beaded poUr*.
"Ok. bM tbe la.” reyitad tta glri^wta
ery lo this rooMiy by tto
olffB bands, etc. at mo­
os palBts.
A goad eMffswMsa
"Bfft ita oU almeet Mtkita at dta
troB PiwMc. *hst* Rtapon■cr.” ta arged.
Doe.” ata qoastlooa._________ ,. _
p^ B tyro n taney tax ffgtaga
^gaOj»l-TO^ nu^^-i' Is MS I
torn In tbe boBK. noleaa It may ha tb*
Utebea. for erery room Mwadaya has
lu toneplnc ptace or coiy romar. asd
time I* a dtO and tieab snpfdy


pantentariy snraetlvr. It has s pisll
ad akin rat oo iba Uaa. tba waist open


sa^vis;:- s

§mt i

.... 4*.U"


^ 31


^ V




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