Grand Traverse Herald, January 25, 1900

Dublin Core


Grand Traverse Herald, January 25, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



Dr. J. A. Snyder,



Real Estate

nr ofKXx muj. «i«os.





Merchant Tailor ONLY
ud Me tbe elesMt new liae of
Sprto* airlee of Wooleo. «>»
oo mU. wbicb will be o^c ap
le U>e Loleet Bljlee. ood. M
eaebLooPrteMMwUI eorprioe

>4Me t t>

.< .hu, ree kwee klo ei it i

Setekere (el rrliriM eereua
. 4f>t- ,tMie- le mi k.^

Plato aioM. Btaun Boiler end Accident Ineorenoe.


8. ■uYtKJSTK.rLSrSSj;

eaaeeeraa-elpetWer-tUa tt-Htit aa-

,S’______________ -

-m-aad -bt
The old wan tr
ill Uat
blaboy' All
ibai -aa ikot and dear to : bnyleg e
blm-ail U lat -a* left to bim of kllb ' "Uutb-



areing. aad
rai auaigbl c«>l tbe aboe Into hi,
stber'r Bo—rf garden.
ibiBg In a pot-men hr-aa srrylng.
aod Ueforrman.glan.-ing oat of Ur
— lOd)—. brarrd aaign of ralief. f-ir hr
- right -r
ow'd ibr lad wy la bia hwtr role*
"M Ab r I're braa(bt y. n a prlw-

Tbe -aur aeed at Pwekdant MaKto.-

Ue tairedactloa of were wadaravauwa. la aow oaed for Ibe WUka SaM
. Ubir alone.
I Jranle Rublaaoa. of Bartaea aaaaW. .
iTez . -dgba «tf peaadz. aad In &
>troagaet peraon. -wbeUar awb W !----------- ----------------- WMMwm
1^. aad M
I BBder bw arm aad
tilw borne wtU bar
J.ER Wtrtek.Jr.iababy. Uriacia
Pikaeoaaty. Mo., baa oas naav aaten
nnelea, tea graat^Bstn aad aaelsa.
eignt giaaV-grcat-aaBI, aad aaeUn,

Tbr atreeta la Waablafloa ai
U'bairrer wade yoa do
erted tor litUr woibrr. paiiiar ad ta aawmrr by aboal
dilferect rariruea U bu b
gtaied to Ue Oiau-tei of I_________
Iwarlietof tirr fn tb'rin. too irrwblad ao »bralwoal in tbr pot fall eummlwtoaerr that a wlaabla
■Yoa Itauilled we aad you .naalted my : aa Jor baadrd
ear fa<b<T 1 barr or motbrr '
kept brseging brimr floi
I lull. I
aled that my fathrr
filled. I hirb moat pacplaair Igaoraat.
oor war. and rren tbe porch -aa o,nfl-9-ing
Idicg. an agad fnmr^
1 diwibry-.--lb Urm
Mr, Brr-lck.
Van /todtooai
inly. Tezaa. ba* —lU bM

aa pot tor aurpriaoa ordeligplrd. begai
Mrd tb. levbl.UP.
u-n uaeda earrnl
rrrd tor blmarlt a atOM
•nit Inler -tu bnwr «»
gooeoal of bia arpaea. ecfba in —hi
be bopw
•Serer mind
hr aaid. aobrrly. aa
WiU Ueat
reigbs i.fiti
Ifopord Ihia eyr. br aypbt “P U>e latl banging baakr- pouadk.
gry aalaala
bfni gti.(
ueatb ber Tepraoubl
aadin tUa• Prrbapa I oaa haaty.
Betotd -wUrra
aaid. "bat tbc pr
Pbra br qoick'y added: -But. kaowin* krpiaphu
aa yoa did that t oppoaed Ibe weddior. ; <>or aicfat
and your father onpoard it. too. -by .great
: great burly
berli cbryaaBUrmi
mr r er loat all patleacr.
aoefiUy laboaar
la ao rlutlrred

e meet lweoold mabe il clr«- to yon. I! up -.U|planu no- I eao hardly find
I aet mr f-rot do—a. aod Ue
Ihlnk." tnid the girl teblly. ■•ifyou -nw


tbaia.a.HlltareIlruffiMre U ae- Itniee

TTT ■.Poorga. Aiurarrai lav aat Brut
W , uur u rbaiiin OBea. rue—a.-H.a -III fiM tail-bat yea aall Itr.
M. Blart.TwmratClir.liIca


■ Tne I'ripce nrrrr
Tbe paalarra of Ur
Atadeekrd laglor


terUew_________ _________
we of aneUial Iran lor %
and Ue baawe Ite o


Ouee be<Yjm** occuslomed to ibcir u*c and )on arc loet
witbont one. Wc Uave Uieiu for ictnijcratan-, for dairy uec., for bterDg parpueea, and for tbermomctcn)
Briag Prtecripliona and Family It«ii|»« to na. Wc fill tbcm
right, with drnge that are rigbt. at priiv* tbst are right.

ijnoW fKi^?

P. *toim?w*^llaorrj.* Onrial auuauau


t.e.1 el(k.. ekU. t



... .

-WBjr, oboareyoB-''' be erled
"I no AUokMilcbeli.
••M.lcbel • • re|*aled Al
••M-wy aen'k -ife' And .
• Wly warda oonla not oowe nr
Id not ntler Ibrin in Ibr I«bl of
"#IU yoa brara'
br lawciy added
rtaank yoa. no. ' aald the tirl. "1
taa*r but a few oorda le ae
■rl'a 0‘*
drtais you lone ''
—Ul. and
>ped tolbeliirr and I
a earcaatlc awllr tooted
-N-t. no." ibr ylrlqaleblya
bare not «imr to p ead ollb
Dsr to Iwnfii
tbtny 'And
loliaUwanayoulw id ihnt inter-'

... wItUaaabart Umt aU kktwjaa
eutfy prteau laaat ta Ua


Timveree City. Rich.

At 3IS Froat Street.

Business Cards.

a ibewid tray aad
~l'w afwrd Joeb goia' to gtea la."
ri draforewn). wauerad Ue torewaa. eriu a irnoUad
AOil IseboB Ua face
laid II ea ibe old wan e d (.
-Uola’Ugier mr' laagbed Ua eaeftaaeed li ibreagb.
•d u be -altlag.
I wi»„e u>
acted him to b^d
ae aaM.ope and dlpp^ a pee la lak
oai ware's a week
•■lde8<nbaowtalaaAdrew.-haeal<l.i The eld lorewaa uread back u bta
... ..
Iiag like a groan.
T Bit Md * e<M#f, Ik.
daek »x
ez Hrnad*'iS-?’SS^^
He aad kM<w aad^lored Joeatsee be
end of Ue de*
- - little lad
leoded srr bend.
ibrr'a eolae.
e no eij-ctloa.'' aber «lbde-ailll
will deliwr it toblwia clear, alwwiabni:. li
qeleCy ei


Jobiwon Block, PboBc T.i

to n nil 1 bare to aay aad so

.kad ••-(•> talkie-ibai «i

Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.



A-trne- I


wwa inntr•




O. P. Carver


you beep
•a abaek. for

aolemnly ....
Jag than any oUar oaldoer azirledre-a:apao.
ant I Uoegfal
yna likrd fi>-ert|
II br lored Hr
Ur baa adopted Ula habit evBd- _ and
______ bard
d at the '-and
' —aod the truth it.-o«
it. —urn tbr old .-rarin'' lee of ....................................................
long brwta
phraielana. —bo
fore him ,lenme
enme back,
itninuiatefiUrd by-yaaU.
•lope OB Urdeak before
mr_ motl mad 1 jetl blaf Wkgutrat of Ua aatk
* young girl. - I, took to .orodln'mat moory for fio-^
in fiwta rapla.y, —
I ibluk Jim -ar: • might bare apeol in dnnk, and the
qoitr wrong inerotaiug yoof -lahea. Lord bno-t ho-it helped ote 1*0 you
dr mirbt bare —aitrd
I —anted bun
JJ p. cnMnSUr'Fur aaaaaal u prabair
TatOrigiatJPruc Haa.
Bat belt ao proud, ao aclf
her', cbreki
I am eery aorry Uat 1 abouldd d
il -r bare i
4UJ Wl
■— W— U—W
- .
Totlng you. and I j "rou can bu
a olaroaratli
• t.dewalk it yoe'll only
a carioaa payebolof leal pbenit—'
a q'altraorrl am not worth Ue “orroulon
d ttrady. ,i| cmiar I
Ur —aa .play
mg earde for aaoaey
.ue— B.ui.
aacrifice my dear -my baaband - 1 keep
One sack S
-nd Urn Jor'a isuUrr
It Honday t.ralsf
- ' He had
bad beee
beeo loaThe youDf -omaa turned to the
rl.y aad bit laeK'lollar
I One sack >
iloob —itb n little atnrt of aurpriae It
bare -rre tear. I
I belag dealt
only «:Jn.
But atae qnieUy pal
br did sot look :
We waot a few relifiblv men to
bat aad -itb a mormarrO fo
'^Vmlr°7-r 'alrpl' that Bight Joe t
represent' tlie attongeat and beat
praying—praying aa nn beeru tarni up again I hop*
light L fiUere
uat I may aerer taeak agala."------rala." Table
departing riutle he trailed gr-mly.
-byaieyoojtnoUererrr prayro f rr aaoa^a a
Accident and Sickneaa Inaursnce
aklrta—ilba tbaugbtfol rapree- a t «a>eyiag your-yoor
courteroatloa Ue faUI card tamed aptr wedding I lie field acfc-rc-Ual beraoBaiigbl
• ofberali
Company in tbe world. Claiow
lir allrmpted to atUr as aU. bat
Taere —ai n aroviair girl. A girl
d aion. Ti
settled krithont.tbe nanaj amount
lad Uat I
nerec grated on bia ferUega Sbe '*’-lPere —at awcaneyio' Ue bank
tfaia .Jor gaie bit mother alital barfi BlwZ. Ti 11 w» i Wit. Mlct.
of red tepe.
e to keep, and -heaerer be fell : abtre a wbltper Ha baa tried tart
bad raacbrdan age of dIacreUon.
II -be c my falber lAemployrd." uio tbr
' medical agaoit. bat ap to Ua praa
.. determined to marry a poor glr'. -anl tnthr- aacured it for Jim. ;br old'pawiop romipg back. be pot
Jim -aa
I time br bat not rwalaad bit re
—by eonldn'i be bare taken one Hu dntlet began today
Berbapa «e ilUrmoorrhr -onld nate
2Se Front Street
Tbr purar-aa filled
Maeyof Ur frirade of Weet losk SI
Emma Mornr.'
-111 take our wedding joaraey laUr drlok
■d it all aotil , It ae a rIeUalkw trow Uod.
d bit m«:
Abel opened a nenry enrelope and We hare to look out carefully for the
r at it could br apcnl I
~ lortn n folded paper.
dream cbaoce no—, you kao- "
atire Hprlagar UUe i
t cosSdentlal
r'Andyou didn't ezpeci to fall back
we." he gniml

Traverse City.
t i&y doi;ar»T "aa.d tbr old man
I doa't
ipTlte bia eoefidearr
-Solap'nnyof them.' -imckly reby direct com mlel Uegrl.
.No-be baa dlaobcyed
.n't bt oreilooked
- Toe old waa fidntad in bu ebair
tbiagirl I aalfl
-And -by ooi-^braked
cloaa of UaR|
•Uo-loog-be aaked
-lUmk you ondenuad ' tf•
toUe HhUlppi
blaring rod II »-era. aed tbe |
EneblMhed in SI44. Well equipped
filled with bletisg
lid. and her gt.e dropped to U>
ilgalag -1
The beet oorb is Lsscoete. Srieocc. Uu
: no (urratan. -bo
era part Bl
icoald'oot help irlimg tbr Brigbbora.
»rtui« b}
(oar Aod I married altl
Vw. ao«
I*; ^iktiM*
-Ii-a Jii^Jtao- yoa arr here
J; j ioc'la^^^hc foe'ad ^
a tnbe
tnBa o
arlgb: ar -a. eo proud of Jod. Tbr.
no a—ay. too
Bn il —aa a-ff-ri
-No At eattbedlda'I koou
t. -ho -ere all fohd cf Joe,
lei of Ibr Cc^a i^iaf PedMocr^ re
witb mr
My lather bad oeibing
Vainer —ill trll bim to mm |
rS»«eT**eh«T:.Gen.tu*e Acbenn1 —aa qatie
me at Ur corner at V o'c.wk
I matti
iiw. bcillUuI lucaiion AdmiU b«b
abift for m
they paW'd nod rrpa,
' -aa glad to
ceprSM the
father la a rich wan Jim'
day. and ao it eamr tl
-If Jlm'afatb
■Wait." aaid Ueold man
and be -a* abli
CcU^. lor
>um cl cbe Chr
>tber bn, girw him do laru -nere m.
lookrd at her aearcbitgij.
, prelrk for
I- hit tfliwra wlU a Uiba hs
meant a battir a
ktber brgradged me p
-itn a imile.
Her n
bad newer before aaardytfnp^ Ul epeak of thie Md reeeeeaUj
lUBT I. UL krr
te filial obedieeer
Wbiw. Ue -aU kaown *avobeyed me at bia bitter coeL
Abet deliberately pat tbe—ill back. •Joe' "
« gum waaetaeurer. wbe boaisfil
Ue enfolded Utr paper ibnl
•UiUCBeelope Teea be picked ap Ue;
Uea ep bie reeldepca ta Re* York le
>kea from the eorelopeaod .
iKier in u nnaddreeaed cbrelopr. tore
ofitwr of Ue Awerteaa
a Chlele Oa.
>«»- rr'baiU ao iqaarc aad Irar. Iia
kees^grny eye, do-n the ctueel^
il lalo mmate particle, aad
e aew cbewlag gaw U at. tarn bain
-indo-a cleaned aod brighteoed. and
mto Ue waate noaket
waatk batiaawearear
liarUff Ua
-Hr bias gireu op hit father fora
chanted wy mind." be eoftly iitweainrr -om -alU cocered -lib
rly yearn of bU warriad .Hebe
no Ibe toelb tide facing
preily face." br marmn'rad
"Ul him aatteied
■ag iri
alnnd by tbe cooerqaenw
He pulled dowabiadeek eercr-iU
gesady. which Mr. W'"boiluand here Jortpeodt -eery tpan
What ia aber
bang and reached for hia bat.
So doabt tbey it^prd h-----------t-Tbcre." be aaid I'm wady." Then •pmhal batyiag b wtclf Intnewreol
aadeaeartag tat get h_
Thia ia the Eme of the >-ear to conaider liratiDg
ding a-aod tudylng
... .
-A rich man', aee.' they be added. "Will you giee weyour arm. bit flj-era or reading
le bit ambitioa
But tbry ll bod thry're. wy dear? ' Aa tbey paaaed Uroagh Ue
For ten years I have bandied
o»»»i *>»«««—« tewHtneU trota boue errcr^tlmat oe-wd W -all a b^ ta
-Fetber.' bewd. -1 am to-be dodeway he paaaed
tretet fortl.m. bet Ue oWer wm re- 1 u-morro- aigbt
Will you
- I Uink, Aiiee." br raid. "Uat yoa
fated In erery wee.
Sor doet Joe forgel h la old cot
,itb we to tbr -cddlnc"
I tad 1 ongoing to brrery
rery good fnenda.
eubU of I
9d -bee be mrela ooc lo Ue
tawed -oo my heel
Then I looked
1 eok w
• and wntaiwlaen mfis
tlof work il may be. « down ...
Yoa kee- tbe price yoa pay
' bim I
boasd for toe ealooe lo bare il _____UOhtak Bektalaosb.
cried. -Vee. father.’be aaid. -itb
^■iri ItviUr.
Urer one bondred in ancceeefiil opi^tion in. tliia city
’ all oat In a tprec.
•fee. Joe «>U atk blw itto
-Ikao-. .taiodbyaad
and anrronnding country
A guarenU.^ bond givrii
i Ur mcaboase to tee tbc flu-era or to
llod blwa yoa ' He aakad|b blfaaieg oa
Smwv w eMUt • >«un». >
t Banug HenrL
'offer him tome odd bit of -o«k. or jotl
mr' tbai'i tOo nea' Bat
arith erery furnace aet by
Tbe 'Beat Piaoe to Llee."
bta'eff-itb/dofla^"u^im aap
Tbebwt pleoetn Ue werM «o lies,
berba for a -bile. That'll lake tb
oa aoweneeeaaUleuld
peer from lere’a yoaac dream
Frpnt Street.
Trevene City, Mich.
breice old
miinc'Ue flc—maad
dra«apa or--ill at boo>e t. -algb'
aad bare It -itatw'ea before 1 aleep
ue. II
Irdded tat Ue eatlefaetiea of LatAod to let OIra kao- -bit kla fool-b
ir of t
Poer Voaa. a Parialaa sapoim
faacy haecoalbirt. I'll -rite bim a Ibed of black cm Jera.' epn*.
paper, aa Ua raasll of a canditl eoa*
ter-a letter br raa eko- to bia m
a of twenty year,, ana : "Ac
Wirt era That', toe tbiDg-.a Inter'
all manner of 1 toy, tbe old foreman to a erlghbr^hF
_________ _
elaiewof Oea;
Be Owt do*n -Itb bia brad apna bn rae^^heelt. Urea, pio-a.
re Urm'impm-1 goealp
"Tbaft Ue -ay he leode a
It la at ua toot of Jars, baa tow<g
hand and bia r< ce dpobW pacer,
m enria -hieb ' be’pin'An'thrboytnre-imn' tiawt of Mast Blaae aad LakeOeaen.
m^wana eroar--------re tor about Ue. to ubc a word of adriee from Joe—
rua'lrof rk-ni ia tbr doir-ay o:
It ta bealUy.
foe about U.
--Lit Vr ^ been Un,i,h
b a att Btior- Redid aet looa ap.
Itlaeo iMts eowwasal triaail
—ae a —ay br bad
It aapplieaall
Uat a __________
-Ab. Miar Horria. be laid, -b
waeu f rae of ekacTc.
aia-c?" Behtd qniu fOTfouea i
It taUa twatral > wo. wbeca safiss'

faboadiebt ter bowi
n ue aaeii. now aod Uli wa
.jw datleeare etaargad. Ctfaa la U
Tbe yoaag girl 9 tbedoorwar <
eaaleapoaad.aagw t caala. balUr It
aot aaa-cr.
Ber bright eyce wen fiz-, ^
.suUy lieleaed ta Ue luoaic of J^'e awUcr walked betwaea Uem
:ed upon Ueold maa. . Sbe ezpeetcdl
all Ue neigbban eoald tail 'h* •LigUr eofliy bet wiU cesfiOei
tiarraakt easbahadtertewHla
him to look ap ' If be bad deoe eo br
ae- ebr aaeo to tiBg Bat Ue
' -Tbr Pciarc la rear m Urm
wobld bare____ .
She WM a rery preuy girl—dainty i
seat from ue tip of ber ae- bat to
aeo .leot-ooiy ue L-tra kae-po-' It *»» • »»*T etomlag.
noTil ringing oat
Upe of her nr— aboea.
But he did not bm mother aeed to pray
Tbe paWleaUoaof UeeefcdUUaw
ae'my care
Joe bad bean a-ay to a Sae'my
care and
and cheerily, aad at I luod looking U
one lawlly, abo rnwpUIasd Iw
-ji'i In Uwr.' be aaifi
-J -nat u for mootbi. and —hrn
Z1LTZ nadllaledlng It seewad to za. I bad
at Ucy
,reat lor?alea villa with a girdta The
iJezera. eorteaely eaoagb.* era dieplmatf Wiu Ue wide ad i ii Hi iwil if
r-rp«.i.d.............. ..................................... ..............................................
Ue ebeapawi at Uair tat—a- Tbey Sty
Uat If etrsagera are W be beisfbl
bera by edrerUetag Uey-d preferpMpU
Ue Mwe of a towseUp is
Bmcb Block.
S46 Front Stroat


Fat Facts for Slim Pocketbooks.




A*?S£:-u*a.Sita^S5SJ *“



U “DiSSSSPoi. ,|H“d>»-—



W. W. Miller’s Cash Store, 5

Doited SUtaBeuToleBtMtj.
J. i.uEaa,iiw.sqi.





Tnme CUj Scbool ct lusic!




__Money to Loan



Carpet Cleaning Works, is&^vss:.






SorrcyoraBd Civil Engineer


Plain and Artistic




, ■aaiiwgi




w. ij. HIOBBS.


pi I


iE iiiii
4 111


_______ ‘'S.fl'ny


Now is the Time to Eojoy'Dried Mits.


Tabss Winow Farshve csd


. Hack, Bus and Baggage Transfer Line
e«e«MtbeC.a ».#. e. A.a),n.aR. koMBeot lAaee-Ml oMoT
TveeaeaeCtty. We a»o Me peeple m ------ rirn-lgr

B«8t UTCI7 In Northern Michisu.
«M« and Aale aiB^ U O






CoU Dszt WwSws Fowla
de—ew. Uwtmr«aa<wa^<



JwtawocU bad Joe beea bom
___ ____________________jarried an
kM>-s girl ngaidki wy.wwben. I
wmtag WtU eedWUlag like wi
going «> tail bim Uat 1 -aab wy
of blw: Uat uwlgbt I ebasge wj
catuag him off -iU a aoUlory ■
^ I^r^°hl^2t‘t^td!ifg*rU"^
Ara yoaiaadyrLag way. Be Uraw down bw hawwer ago. are ao* wry bearte
Ttegtn at Ue ------------------------hwtwMt a pceliwlaaty dick or tm
-Jaaw Mltoaell.- bcrab_ tW
wouer’a ootiage ley
ia Ue Apnl aaaebia_________ ________ erspUoae Uat ai
fatanly wlabw ia wy'
d eye. art diatlsaly r
fotau. IWbUag w a« spole boagb.aaolM
■tra yes to kaow that I bare
bartUv WiU I
ttetyoamlsred tau

Ae gatdaa. Jae awU
•Tbe PrUea R ever la tU
_tbe dayUgbi ta aeraae.
Tbe panana of Ue aieaei
TV might tehaateUy wOL aad pea
» louea fiowan aad aaai
wayiaetaaaaiad tU( yoar asM wlU
bel^^ WtU tbe, awan^ji^ Uwd Uta peaeslal UtUe k

: st^ Is ue tarawesy of openlag Ua
•"•sUydow la *u Peura' oa Dan tt.ii
** I Ua tUws of aa oraiaary wnnB'ewUTbe bend '
■alief. m
i rmieJl wlU


Tbe bora of Ua rblan— M ae*
Jolaad to Ue base of Ue ho^ bat
gntwaoe U-UU Ubc a warter aara.
Erery ereakag aa-Ue eea gaea down
zwoleareaef Ua mmwna cDouvMd
uwaUertaoe «e fees. wUla Ua Uwd

Pwbapa M oHy twrd^UMJfi_lte
omm 10*37 I

wedalUoa le Jura aad Bareta Uera are Swa
Xmfrorn btadaof fieawWU tababW poMfiiMl
uUfi baa- ewaU fTwawafiw ...........

talaa '

1 be lotad bta woi^.




Tbe tytie-fiter —------- '
sacriaffe.- Ue oU warn
'•fahappy w
. ^ Ue elteklag

Jleab B

*h«a aadjiaa^ Ua tarn D^liaadItwfil ^owot jm aad yon I ab. bow Ue battle wa. wgb-r TWe

rigs fid dMaapl«.

rt r 'iflitfi

Msra AboBC Hr- HeXsaaB's XkaACMriMHiiiklMbMiMiltad bM
MMkB ksdW et lb* Mew Tab
OM BottM rcwtai*.
BBd Mow JrravPrsdBsaOB.. firlac
Mw'V.krw7 ruM CM
partttalan of lb* dsatb af Hi.
ratteolk a^. wiU «*k* *
WBB. ■^
rttMmm itek 1b U* »•
h* iMt I MW of Hr. HeK
rwMMw a>c kM TMtir
aUrswMwbaab* was pBr*basl*i
lBM« BB OWB dark. Bad Mllr. PbImt rallrsad tiahsi for that posaf
«w« bkk«* IB Ik* IM d
(roa Traratas aij. He spebs I
SI tto d*U Mr*i** *>sMtaBUas b* W
aad said b* was cotar u
dowB to Iks aarksi aad ass asm
et hk aad fst taadj to star
•rasGUrtbsssstdsr. I bU
(sod Blpht tbM. at aboal tc Blaaln
fm MS UBS Mr. PslTsr tes I
Is I oeloek. At sAo e'eladi b
dasd. HtwBsiaabaMSbSDWBi
TMikirBr’slMlBiH «olt*c*.
was lookl^ otsr boms Baasralaibs
Ml*. Aksar tbsk WM bk wtU. ¥bea
Msws MB tbs rtOBtcot ap frsta 'bk ebalr aad Mid bs
AlstMrwBsrsssM 8sMi4aj fr
>bM kora tblan BBtU k* Mk* k '
Wm AobsriB. BM wlib BbUss?
]k Ukklcaa la Hap or Jasc, aad
THrty*s»—» wIbbIsb IttssWr.
bk wUl la lb* Mf* B* tsiiiad
ItuasWss.sbodMO bUss aerdis
efllSBlls. Tbs IsMsr-IS dsisd D**- BfOsadsadllcbtedaelsaraBd saH
ksa wbo kept tbs store. -Good
MWt.ssd«ss*ar7 ebssrfml
bp*.- aad walked a* ki a* ihedoc
MBeisr. WlUnrstbstibsbi
red dead. Bk faaoral wm k
vsUsadteTl«sXnod Um- B* bjs
thBItbswsBIb^bbs. BBd
bstblv MSM* Is Bsidac <

ThSBCh hk scsBrBBT bate I

BUMsariBBC lad'MBSI FrUsr alhrl
hi tbs iBbdsos* of Hr. BBd Mn. RsnfT
AbdansB. IssrgBBlMs elsb (or- the
atadj edBMBka hktorr. sad lar etbar
BBd B IhcrsBfh food Mbs,
At»iBtsbcwr la IbssrsBlBC. B
fertbs siBb BBS ssUetsd. wbleb Is
UasItBlfhl safCBBi tbs Bias et lb*
■MbBB. tor stsdlss AbsUbb. Th
urlUbssBUsd-.VhtcDsvIebl." tbai I*
MaBTMkBt lbs slab Bcabv
praBSBBssIha went. Bad (si ibs asIt of lbs dab. Bad Mis* Clar*

Tb* Uaoela Lllerarp eodetp eajiped a koek trial at ibeir k<
batardap eesBlac >a place of Ibsir lacslar prorsk.
ones Bkltb. pmidest of tbeeo
dew. WM ascMed of stoaltsc a wateb
belaoctsc to os* of tb* Beabcra.
- Coetklua* lor Oraao Ball
. saaMaCbM baea beld bj theae preoedlBC kseUec.. Tbe proee
aworaep forth* soetelp wm Herrep
parviobeclreebrtbereaaciiee of Tripp while Hoeos (rilban aoief a*
tbeellr. aad tba rmrioM eoBkiUsca attorpep far tb* defease. Tb* jedc*
WM Artbar /. BiBermaB aad Wapae
bara baeB .ebaaaa. Tb* partr w
bald FeMati; «. la tb* dtj Opai* Watsi* wMOMisbl*. Tbe wltasiue
Boom, sad ao eBert will be la the ease were Cbartes Beoole.
iMlttad that wUl help to atake tbk' Cbsrlk Sitae. Leak BirdMll. Wapae
Watai* aad Fraak Wallas Aftor tb*
ee* of tbe koet soj ^bl* aeeial <
usUkOsp WM all is. tb* opposiac
Ibat tbedlT bMerwkaowB. .
sttorarps asd* tbair sICM asd
lorltaUoa—B. D. Allep, Or. Ua; L. ta'lp aaaaad ap tba oaee to tbe )erp.
wbo tboB retired sad after some U
rapwied that so aTneaest amid
I. C & Bant. B. raaebed
.Tea Book trial wm preesded bp

Parks. C X Bsla, X B. BaslMU 0. X

Bsesptloa^. aad Hr*. A. B. Uolnswsrs Ma> JsrasBisB
. H. B. BaUiT. te Ibapastll rsan lldaj. Mr. aad Ur* W. U. Beldaa
aad Hra. J. T. Baaaab. Oapt. aad lira
iiMMrTctlbsBlsssBlb dialrlet
. Helelaah. Hr. aod Hia. A. 1.
Oaloaedtkk stBM. k la cemsi
tsat. Boward Irish. Or. A. 8. Eaw«as* wllh workan of that etrasUBlap'. X e. Baslatl.
fiUM ladiB. JBfBB. OssIrBl AHea.
AaskaUa. Boolh AasrkB asd Ub '

BB ortlaaiT takrait. sad go Islo Ur.
■sikTi 0. B. Haasam. wbkii k kBows
all owtbs a ■-wsriA
lbs iBMt BddiUOB to tbs BBSSBB
SBBSSbMHteMsda Hm. HkUCB&’t
a m. ■kdoBBiT la Taraar. Bbs bw


■kms BBd SM* Mass BBd tbs babj
«( «Mr Mlsr. MiB. tbs B
BBiaMly SHBpsd SSrtOB* If BOt
talBiy Mv bmUbc. Tbs; had
bBN *Bl Ib lb* aoBBirr. a^ w«
iBtBiv Is tbs dtr. wbse iB pssslBir b7
IbsdiUhBMrtbstarBotr. B. Moors,
Ih^divislatbeBldsof lb* i«ad
bsHar aMcWaf. sad lbs eatlwBllafsdtadibsditsb.
Iks raUds was oradarMd.
•adsMBda^tbshabj wars ibrowa

DikMtk M I O- O- T. OoBrasasB.
At Ib* kaaslw of th* Geod TBkpMr
aatardsp olebt tb* teUswlac detscate*
sa^fertbadktrtel wkTMUasle Mbaidis Mostaewe
ball Jaa.Maadtf:
Xvakr OalwratM for Dktrict Lode*
-Jaoak CkrIK Abbs OriatS. Hrs-Lss
•err* e«*e W tb* firat prise
Mator.CbBrkatiitcbal. Sdsa Braslv.
lea. Oaad HeOMald. Bari Roceca. JUi
Hra. W. B. Foster. Hra. A.
Hra A. J. DiplaaaaHra.
HartlsM. Otto Fartaeb. Loep Brooke
: AUrraale Delrc*l>e - Mr. Badlop. R«*e* of BoaU Hsren. Lots
d Hra Birrra arctrad tb*
OesB. Rap flleaper. Loelle Tbaokald. (sear. Tbe raasnli'iioa wm wo
Hra C M. Prali
Bwtba Browa. Hr. C. Wllaep.
Baoeptloo OokaiUM-X J. U*m
OsotXe. .oftbsFi-eiH. S tia
der. CharlM Oatebel. Flop Tbsebald. eebool. laacbtbp Will Wlaaas. UMUd
Frad Dace. Jake* Parker.
■eber to s sarprka Hoadap
Prsersk OakklUss-Joe Wrraor. eeeeicc >s boaor of bis birtbdap
up. wbleb wat fieadap
EiCbtaen of tbe ponac ladles were

WoBaa-s CiBb.
At tbe baUask keeUac of tbe Wokea-s Qab FrMap afierDoee it was
daeldad toclt % rocrptloalotbe ladies
wbo or* loschlOK la tbe psbUe aehool*.
as aatordsp afteraooa. Jsasarp
:;M o'clock. The reeapUoo will be held
ia tbe dab rooBs A ebon pR«raa
wUI be circa aad licbt rafraebt
larred. At tbe dab took k aot lire*

Fall la tb* Bap.
IkoBAdalsp net with saaaddaat
at a e'eleek batardap wbil* werUac brine rakta to tbit reeopliea.
adaak. Uat tbrMtaaad to rkslt Tbs rafatar prafraB. la ebarfe of
Mr*. C X' Daekerap. wm apiB the sabJeet of Hiebicaa. aad wm opased ep
tbeelaciar of "MIekicao. Hp MiiHIHra. J. C Horcaa.
B* WM OB lb* aorth aad of lbs' dock
Wadsworth Peirp. wl
pattlBC sooM ttsban la plaea.'aad wm
woridac aloao A piaoeof Unbar Unt tsibar WM an Mrip piaoaer. set)** in
M depeadiar eater sapportbad tbcezplocatioBot Kortbers UiAlcss.
baas mWm partlp-off. Bakaowo la him cart a rarp latarMtiac paper oa
aadM bk wolebt mom acalail it. It Bsrip Hktoep.’ Bkecarea brlelskoteb
of tbe ritlU of tbe Boaad balloer* aad
I la two. letUaf Hr. Aiklep
ibe lead aad de
iatoHie bap. Brsap* that bs ti
hsweat aparlpto tbabottek. aad as
*U pot swiai, be WM ie a raUkr bear*. aelfeaorlflelBc llrM of the first
Pkalt Bkaionariet who explored the
Cetbeideftbe Umbertbatbad fallea rerloa of tbe OrMt Lake*.
la wltb bla. aad Sbat kept blaiaal
• paUed torhalp
A.X WUkoa. whebas ebarraoftbe
aooalraetlaa of tb* aaw doeK. hMrdi
bkesOs for help aad came to bl
with a pike pel*, aad wltb tbe ___ aad warriora. 8M c*** a aksteb
> of AUao siBltfa. cot tbe faadlp tbe life of Fat^ Ballep. ao earlp
aleklar. m ippicm] of Ibe cbtrsclers
eblllad kaa Mt.
that moalded tbe earlp life ol
Be WB* pret^ cold, m tbe walar
tar tbe frMsiBf pelat, bat afiM :
tlae tboroarblp wartasd, be fell II


me for bk eold hath.
MtbtBBaL.aadstartadloraa. Us taa
Old fsshlonaa Partp.
SBBlaB rnklstrasv Bad BaraassMld Oo* of tba kost delicbtfal m wall at
MSlsMphlM uU tbs eatlsr erasbsd
BBiSiSBhOBSpdaBMPM. UlBQ-l tbeoU-kstaloaed partp flrsa bp pipe
BBd wsBt 10 pkeas. ‘
OtraaBlrialoeKo i. at tb* booe of
Hr. sad Hra. V. H. Bracken last
iiBjarsd.aar iwas lbs boras, bat
There ware eeailp a-baadr«d
Mb k unis Bd* ibBB kladUac wood
at aad attle ebeet* bao boaa ran
d with pood cSeet. m tbe qoalal

amsi. la wblsh riaab jikwia
iVl^BMBsdTwr sartoslBjarr. sod
lbs boos ttet bs was dnsia^ was hvrt. sad BBT dis. FtBak^rVas
Artai^alswr rrest alrsst Bsar Park
whM tbs hsra* task Mr«i.Bad la
Myi« ts watrel blai. tbs bndls was
bsab», Tbs borastbsaiBB wast
ffnatsMsl IS Ibsasraaref Omb. wl
Isnsd abort IB tbs laft BBd triad to
•oAswbCMb. Tbs eattar aUd
wara. atrfklBC iha talafTBsh pd* oe
tbsKyBBlkaecnw. Fraak was tbtewa
oBk aartowV >WBf tb* poU. sad
Ml apoB ths walk, brlaciarap BCBlaat
«h*«dldlar. ftnoasldj bswas^
IbB hdsa IBB SB dowB <ka si
tmhib* badlr daltad eatlsr. sad
Mdd oast, rsaalv •* OarwalBab
bM Bsra b* taraad I*; .bat fsOad to
aabBlksdeor sad fdl kpsBBSMlI
^*B>t wbkhsBtvsd hb BbdeeisB.
Ms WM MriUr tors. Bad . bal idaee
U L Dark raadtsd a latlsr aii»dB7
bsMaserta 8i|b)sa at Pssbr la ibe
WflkpiBd BBddr dal* at Daesaibw
U, Ibsl fHas a ***7 fta* daaeripUoo of
AbstrlpB-sMIbsPaelAe. aad of tbs
AasMolbarlhlBtBbsMTi: .
-IbsdiT 1*1100 has bsTBB. aad tba
HardllM M fStUac daeh bstur.
AntssrUlBawbaraloirai a raUr of
HBlM. srw* wfll asoB saplai*
' AdMlMB sapltal tbsra k bo raaasB
wbjrMabaaUaalbsae* of tb*M
p — bi iBsrkoftbswbelaaartb.
•^baalUottbsbsTikceod. For
mA »
■« raspoadod
taUdaosws raaMI bora as
gslMdldaa forth* DodUheh. Tbk
badkaMstbat n estof lao of lb*
bafival. aad U k

nrt: ■

Aad it WM aot far that
Wshar^aed M all tb*

•^bssaapsap had lariat prartiM
jMl-dbi. I aad* lbs Mat seal
*BWbalaseMpaar- WaabolMOrarda.
paMMa w.-

mAJ SMiBd M sat a< a

dadad tbe afteraaoa'* procraa. fi
■poke of Hieblcse-e crMi ;wMlth
eopper. irao aad eoal. eampai^BC t
sr ootpat of Barepe wiUi that

■ararued bsb.
fie* proCTSB was ri'es aad
efrasbBrau w*r* serred.


A errat e'aei bake ts to be tbe next
epectsl catberiac of tb* Elki of tba
It will oecar at tbe lodfr rooo*
as tbe erantne of Frh IS. Oittriet
Oepatp I. F Lee af PriroU. will be
bere at tnai Use aad tbe owasiao w,il
bemtdroa* of tbe Biel caj >pablc is
tee baurp of tbe lodes.
Hr. aad Mrs. B b Ball ealenaiaed
1 a o'clotk tea FUdsp.
and Hra .J. W. HilUkea. Hr. asd Mrs.
Fraak tVellos. Hr. sad Hra. WlilisB
ReUr«r- booo F Tua* aad Mrs. Tttna.
tndUlB Isabel BsBaoad wet*
irau. aad a isBt oelicbUsl Uae was
Hra J. B. Utrtla rapatlp entertain,
ed tbe Eb Reels Wbkiaeb Tbnrtdap
afterosoD al an old-fasb'ooad spread
After tb* csBie all were larlieo to tbe
dlnlac roOB where tb* caesl* were latrodeced to as old-fashioned spread,
the lioen* beinc of a scariet color as«
old-fMbioned berdered asskiat. steel
kaires aad forks, as old-testaiosed
while sacsrbowl filled with t
sdcar asd other tbiocs ie keepiac with
tbe daps cone bp. Btked beans, laru
snpkin pic and dooebnau also help
itoreaindoneoltbe co6d eld daps

WMsaaoeaced Mapar BsBllloa Bat-j
ad to the ooaod -W. bars artae bm'
loeiett to do baelasB aad I think that'
aatraet skaald be sinad asd rxr-'
eeted before th* coaaoU adjoocaa i
Wbile w* bar* delaped ia ecUoa apee !
Ue wal«r works asttsr it bsa boM as-!
•hie W* bare dBaped 'k»ci
rb aad I think we sboaldcoB.
pletr U* work tonicbiMlar m p~.i 1



ad toswpnp to tbeelsk adrakaadal
fix bb ticnatare lo tbe eoetraou Mr ,
OaBpbel! rr.Mdsd aao did bw part'
asd the maps and tbe* aicaed i
ter the eitp
Tbb aauer dwsesrd of ibcre wm a
I aVb of relief, bat Ibe ba.laew was aot
all oerr wits peu Tc* followtic raw*. ,
; letba caae at a w.-t af sarprtY is :

I 25

•Golden Uedical
Otasrerr' I took«
•X boutea of each g
aad BOW I am well T
leweaplifetbSr. .

«no^) a
air light 1
iljoK right tiBti!«ttet_
)rdioary ■ ginger caltea wnrl
kies, sold in thd nsnal wcjr.
get moist and sogg>' tn damp'
And hard ud tough in dry ventbex.

JInjer ^
keeps Besh and ddiciouslp criitp aixl
tender. Its high qnxliiy ia xwarrd ,
tlixt it comes from tlic<

• arbliraior In b
nad rxeenied ep a
■JM TraerrerCiip a
,H D CnBsbrit.' rrltiirc


Slat* Newt ItSBt.
sod'brn eaidre:/ dessp-arad Asa
'that ts* nwpor act : clerk be aad are
There are
•Mwapnpera peWiahed le re*ri-_ onr d>-x csBr down wltb tb*
berebp se’iio- <rd u enrlip the said tbe npper peaiaaiila. it vf wbleb are rabies last Suedsp and wen bUied
W K.fter os a* Iseorahie
a like fate preterdap.
term* as p.neiDle. nad to act i
nirre arr aevrrai others that waea
mue aad 1 relicioas.
with bla and ea.d
Aapbell ia hriodne nbnnt t«
The Cbtcarox Xartbwe
■a Railway
they wiU

Xj peraao* bar*
i eDBsanp bat told aboal 1
tb. water Works
tb* reBriotioB.Uie b*M hardwood tiBber laid ia.
rbere WM a qaorn. al th. .e&Mrt |
•a Hr Ceusaell arose aad
eonotr lo tl^ N-R^lbwette-re
AlPoriHcrvc Is a collwisa Salarotat Hondmpa'cbt's'
bl* disapproval of the aelec Cooserac* 4 Lo»>er'Co CUoaldera- i*P is Ue taaaei yards Ouadaetor .
BeeUscaadtubalaslial senCrtM wat'*
.VarUwraiera '"bn BarVr and Kacieeer WIlUaB
Bade in ibe water works aattcr UOB of Mr Rafter by tbe clp. He lU* firj.oi.i
rboae preseot were AUUrsea Farker. said: - HpideaU that Hr. Rafter'U cooperaced LeBber Cj'a headuearv RiC«* •«* klli«i R<cca'eeciae wm
At Uladaloae. where U. tiBber .laad.s,on tbe B.m track, waiUac
WriebU Urailtck. Cook. an Ibtereated person Be U a cood era
Biib. LardleaadKeopon
i deal Inierraiel asd it teems to b* win seabablp be abipped for B*se-'for orders tiraad Trank iweacer
ki»»*l«Uoo i» a direct violation
, train K. .'bwrkrd ,p to a aw.icb
sp U*
U* report
ret~rs of
o. u,,
sue ,
ee atp
Clerk Rlekerd
---------- ------------xbefac.lty ..
at .,ii„
Albion eillace ;
Joseph Karabard asd Louie WallatM,
rose a letter fraa tbe First Aaaiataal [
eBdeavarinr to Beraaad.
A delicfalfnl psrtp was cirea Fridsp HoalBaater General Is reply ho Ue | Mayor Hamilton replied. "I do aot
aoTMitl*. to do swap
---------------------application of the eranell for ihra, j «»drr»taod Ue: Hr K.fter u en lo _
more letter earriora Thalo8i.-ial as.P^-»
‘“'Uke ^
rec.oo Tbrp bare rented or p4n*aaestbenne.
Bonaeed that Ue fra* delirerp fuadl’""
**'■ C*«P»*li npoa
' BtmbU of Ue atndeou It It doobtfal •'‘“''''V "* ■"> oerr* of uiarab load
eejoped bp all. Uames aad social bad bees anUcipaMd aad that tbi. citp
He -Memplo/M bp the cit,
ipied tbe atteatloa of crald aot be aceoBBodalod-iU more
' moakrat torm Locao II ake. of fit.
tbe coaipasp Uil a late boar. Oelielos* aameratlUitUme. bat tbai if
u,u«rat^plao aad ap-;
; Joarph. •*•* latreesW m thb.eb.aa*, '
Vhl^. “
• Pan of the apw ,
•.hekel.frwtb.eBlerpra.'.U«M that do not eiinc" wm one of of jaij next U* matter woald be !<>«“«
' tern which be ptssaed Mr
»li«ew*ple bclsff Hr.
Aicwiill*e tbe Aaheaeer-Baeab.
acaia taken ap. This cocdbooi
' caaas plaped. For this a pne?
eoeBi/.tnt of Ue tliaatloa acre b,,
“rt-A^'*® W**d, wao reaide Brewmff r»BP*ap as* psrcbaaad of
oBered. which was captured hp His* wat reesieed and filed.
After UeditsealUos of Ue above br»Bot blared or iaUrasted and i 1oalp child. Hr. ii C*;
Bmi* Falcbua. while Hit* IrmaC
eoBBuoicsiioa Ue report of tbe ipe- caaootarettrforccofHr. <^PWlr. 1
ninchaa woa tbe csasolalios prise.
of brii
Cisleommiilee wfalcfa eoaferred wiU
Hiebiffso Tbep were mamad m LIcb .
fiodalitp of
Iderauc watfi Wl,. It mmH m
Alderman Wriffbt aappri>ted Haporl"'*"
H. D Campbell reffsrdipff arbliratiim
r. Coao TU pMrt ago. Kolb ,
FraaoUebnreb will plre a pracrassire of tbe pnoeof bit plaat. was tabmit- HtBiltoa'* soalUos asd referred to Ur
Ue iDleatiaa of Ue eomsebp ta
are saUeas of CoenreUeal.
pedro and shadow social on Wed
itarp ebnvestion at wl
ect a large c -id storaffe plant for ha
led u«cUer wiU a A-af t of as arbiiraerealnr. Jsa. Jl. ia St Francis
At Nile*. Therodap. KlUotl SUoIep,. beer*, aub to orake Cdlillae Ue dlsila csatract wbicb bad beta aabmit- Mr. Rafter, was sreaeat asd rerailrd
X bsx social will also be
WooditribsUaffpoiatforsarUrraHIc^aBIcd to Hr. Campbell f..r hit approval
tbe featere* of tbe ereoinc
AeeoBpaspiDff Ue report aad cod- be bad DO fktereal whatever ia Trav- PnlpCo . wbileal work clcaolae ose ; Work wi,l beffie >o<>o oa Ue bsUdiag.
Tbe barbers are BskinccrMt prap- WaotwMacommaaicaUonframH. D rrre Cltp'i water works ulberUas U*i >f Ue eat*, fooed a diamocd ring It A llougbioo dwetteh Mp* Hear,
aratloDs for tbeir dance at Foresters Caapbell la wbicb be rxd>re*red bis be watemp oyed tosaffffeai* pita for •* aew. the tag beiBff still oell-aad >a Sebutter. of Ibr •» d Half Way
a apaieui ao I did so. for -wAldi be was worU ataoet >rs.
Mr. btaalrp bre o* Ue Get
road, ao* know* m
A Isica crowd asd a apsrtjvai of tbe term* ol tbe coatracl. paid
beea lucky.'bav,off found reraral r-egs . the it'iaona. from Ue copper Bto* af
la aabalaae* tbe cnalwi proeidee
rood lime are aesnred.
Ur (Amobell-THe bat oerlaislp before, nose of which coald sarpas* that oamr. bas d aeoerred gold a* bk
that a price fee Ue plaat uf B U
The social to be cirea Fridar
[farm Tar rue* u >taar > aad ^aetOsBpbell abail be dclefuioed bps bereufio.-* died a 'tjriec oo the pissi
inrot this week bp tbe aeab
RdWaid Laseranx of Hon. .became
br»oght ia are r.cj, i, gold.
board of tbree arbitrators, aot reai- asd reported to ibis body, but wbcUer
Class K0.S of tbe F.rst H. X fiandsp dcauot Treeerre City aad al! diaia- be would bate bis report on the fiffarea detoeadcBlbearUedMihof bis wife I <’'•‘^1/. v.s.olr la sauu aaggaia asd
sebool in tbe 4nreb pari
and tried to kUI bimrelf.
lUakm Tae »*»-., u»rex vein exiaada
loreated partlea: oae to be chosen bp Uen glvro I do not koow.’
Italnc* aew and norel in tbe Ibe clip eonaeU. oae bp Hr .^eampMayor Hamillon-"ll iacerhaidp not
Womeo aeem u he "Ur ,^0,, ,“«»•'fi'!*»■»•»'»» suaiagtaa aad
wap of eolertalDBcnt. and tbe larcr tellaedtbrUird bp tbe two rer*osi Mr. Raftcr'e buaiaraa U> be an lalerrai- Uisg." ia a butiaea. Mare, al Liteh.
»«- omcei b, loesl
onaber wbleb
party 10 U* work be ia enmad iB S.IA TbeloealbaroM.UoolaowBed'*«’“»'““ l•'wwg«>W bre bea. foaad
named bp Ue eoasdl aad Ur. Camp.
^peri e * .1 eofftaeer
ip ttrrsB* u> Ue ripper dtebp a woaaa. aaatbar sac of the fal
Farker—‘-I Uiok tbai Hr. rexUproprmlar el Ue village me* Itnet. BOtahlp la Fire htecl river, bst
arbltrattra to be aceepled bp the e
and Ur. Campbell, bat tbr sansbare
market; -tbe hotel li coodacied bp , ; Dot ta sett:-,eat .^usBlitl** lo pap tar
sestaenu too Low
the plaat bp the dtp subject to tbe ,Tbere WM little fnrUer diaoataks woaae. sod both 0'the drag stores i ; wurkiag.
atnbes of Tax Uoaolaeiot TOta of Ue laxpapera in a special dec- aoddbe qgeetioB WM pel to a voir. uwk'beloae U woaeo.
David Fwarr^a M pvar eld bop «f
rr Otki n. wbo was Is toe clip r».- UOQ Upon a' propotilioe to boad U< Tbe resolution WM adopted bp a vole
Flasa I
( made wberebp Ue' Grand Haven, ga mU/ rosewad hB .
eesUp asd wbo it
dtp for Uat parpoM. The contract of -1 tb Aideraen Farker aad Keepoa
joaagbralhrr from druwai^ Is tb*
Detroit, tbotr* toa'e lateresUac deeer alto proTide* that Hr. Campbell abail voting adverrelp.
river baurdap. H<
a at tba
opaesu ta cossecUos with the. lax eraive all riffhu and advaaucea be -Tbia Bttier dispcaad of Aldermes
rollsofoorows citp andconntp asd miffbi claim aader bit cootraet with Gsriw^B-a^aff to bis fret aad Mid
KfwardC buttes U dead at OatiMt
vine tor Us eoBisg a<s*oa. Tbep will
>me of tbe eUlr* la this rieiaitp.]
tbe villaffe of Traeerre City.dated A off. - Yoar Boo^^frel Uat w* have takes
Hr. Uskmbn reports that onr clip ft. mi. It it alaoitUpalatcd Uat Ue atlep in Ue right diractioB. I would be raleed abrat Uere asd BdFkelad al of blood poUoaiog. A abort tlm* age
tbe large oiekie fatlsrp >0 test p.a:e. H^ Bultoo allowed a pM dog that Md
ailU qsd itetorie*
^bltratori Uat eborea shall meet lo like to have tbe Qagle atst* tomorrow w>leb uit firm expeeu U rest
eateaeamoa u lick bis tarn. Tba*
Uisdipai'utarlpa date m pocaibie Uat in apite of tbe isse. tbr halt aad
HUlloB* of feat at log* b^ve been dog's uagne came ie ooouet veftb a
and lo make a report upon: the aetnal Ue blisd aad tba card nartie*. we did
Wexford eS^aU
o5;.ipA.r «»*H *«• 00 h» toe. asd Mood pMateetloaare psplsc far IcB thao Uiep raineof UeapiloB. aedsoi takloJ in tciar baaions toeirbt-- 1 Ulek we heldoatkldtis Waxterd
sboold loto tbesuic trrasurp.
eosaldaratioa iU-tarnLoff capsciipT It tb^old Uke still sAuer step aad that
Tb* sew llBitcd filsM life aarlag ' ^
la' HaoUlee conoip. Mr. Oskaas
farther matnallp offread tbai if Ue aapecial committeeibdold be aopolol.
dCBStbat tbe real estate itsM
iaat la parchaaed bp tbe dtp, aader ed to confer with Hr. Campoeil to M- station St liraso Hsrai* to oompleted :i‘»"d there v. paara
for aboot ooc half of lu real rslne. tbe above proviaionv Use toe cost of- eonalo If be will sell bis lighting plaat asowill soon Ib teraed oere^ ^'u*
u* waeoad
sad tbe personal propertp gom free of arbitration It to be borne e-|iiallp bp lo Ue dtp aad whether be. woald' be goeersBaot bp Ib. ooetracior. Ta. ;O T. M , h,,*,
aUliOBtoUeBoet moders osc oeU* ;•**' “
orgaaiced. Hra Ward.
taxaUon in aost case.
boU parties, bat if tb* peoele' do not
eoaU abore of Lake dep^lor asd cost'
»»d oclgisster
U Petoskep. he dsclsrac that
vote to perebare tbe plant, uen Ue
loftbpUU T. M.. aad is ksowe all
rapotp is aweesed for aboot
dtp is bear tbe eaUre expeore of tbe
TheeHr Garnaoc
'overlbetuteM Ue ' Hotbar of tba
foartb iU real raUe. and that assp of
Used tbe advantages to be gaiasd b, i *bp tbe aamv of Morphy L. O T. H " Mr Ward lor Baap paara
tbe fine tsamer coUsces are ei
^“rt at Aldas last fiataidap.
After tbe readioff of Ue contrMt a Ueoitp ownieg lu owelightlag plant ! *“
loUon waa mad* bp AldermaBimiU ttatisf UatoUer ciilet are findlog .!*****logton a*lei«k aad
iMt eopage w
To show tbe difference between
to lap It 08 Ue table for Ue prereat. suebaeourre a good iev^tment add,
Joba Frerklie The.*
cMntp nedthntot Wejne. Hr Osl
Tbia preraUid. Tbea tbe aedetaarp are makiagprofiuoa maaietpal light-,
-— * '
ice 1! X aao wm
Ip* that Ibis count/ papi pir.ST .per reaoIoUoBMto Ue eapadieaep of Ue lag. Traverre Bight do-Ue mb
* ! Cllotoo haa beea temblp wroeght up ,
witboal toad
.000 tor sebool perpotea. while Wapae
ilast bp Ue citp m
ifarUe^ttewdapsover a >m1 tog,
eonnip. witbkasilp beiidmes aad biffb
Wbaterer Ue effect of AldcrBaa •tare. Tatre wMkt ago a tlrang* dog | ^ ^
]. at foil.
priced teaebers pspsAmlfic.tJ
Reeolved. Bp Ue t_____
laoB eoBi
which kagt
i it tbe deleralnsUon of the
I Ue dtp of 'I'raverac Citp. I
laiastoo to chance all tba. and see
doe* berebp declare, t... .
lo it that propertp b assessed a
expedleat for laid dtp. u acqot
bp perebare the water work*
real ealae Ibroacboat the sate.

ler la which e^per was flat dis
cerered (a tbeap
CmrceomcTSleaMs atatktM
Isc Ibe predacu of tbe copper asd lion
BioM of tbe ctat*.
A raeal eelo bp Him Brelpa Horcas
tbeiroddtp. bal aop of tbe« weald 'itb aecoapsaiaMBt tp MM Ponad
M mneb eBjsped.
Soelecp Motes
ItUwpaepI* of tlM MTlIerpartof
Meeatorphad M Back fao h lhair Hoadap Bicbl a. P*np was cl'«i
latter dap lalktera tbhp bmv bare Fraoklla ctnrt > boaor of Walter
poplar moBber of the
had a food Ubs, tor all rMttalat aad
.tomalllpWH baakbed troB tb* Ume CcosasBt BssA''Tke Beabaia tlnrd
it o^ortanttp to fir* tbeir
tbe door WM opeaed bp Tepap aadtbe
aad with tbair poeac
Vallow KU. asd tbe emk were |
ad bp Hr. aad Hi*. Oeorre WMbli
Vll tb* arealareDded.
for Xkbi lad., where be will eater
fMtaia WM tbetacciac of ibe
the Mhool for Bshlsc aasioal Isstra'
CtMSH with tb* Boat laappiopr
meau coadaeiod bp C U. Coon, ibi
posalbl*. A delicbtfal preci
wMCiraalawhIefaaB old tlm kelo- Doled BaBnlaeUirer of lastniBenU
daoo ptapsd ao skall part. Tbe pro- Be Wiilaator work Islbo factor/.
Tbepoaac folks bad a bappp Ubs,
C>«k. wbkb WM la ebarta et
aadaejipadcaas aad ratrastaaeau.
• .ea.wMae.-toUc
Tbb fakU left aararal tokens of tbair
itaaB aad wkbad tb* poaac Bs
-Solo—-RoUs Adair,’ -^Wua
irtsalaaceekaBd protporitp.
HllbelB. .
VsadlUac has paid elf tbe iMt of tbr
A dellfbUBl procTetaire Pedro partr ladebledaeBoo tbe local eebooli. aad
RaeiuUob-SalJia F. BarasaL
Mbala FridBpnlcktattbefi;.Praa<!t saw tboereeUoaaf a aew dtp ball i.
Orlctaal poem aaaat Ibe sew err
firenb/ tbs ladlatsf Ueebarea baincdliCMaed.
MadsB Jrflaraae Oadew
- .
Oriaa ae^o-deraBltb UBBlM.aet
aasied br Bips SebBldt Sapder.
RetTMbBeau of eisbe
BUM bp Prlaraee A West's 'HIbDO YOD GET CP
aerred. aad thp
strek-Hoatb etiaa. JcrsBlab Bast
ia ererp retpea, aad
Boms, Gap Faakss;OarTer. TlBotbp
Prlqr;,Taaboria*s. Bbsrkep Waltoa. seued a «a* tea to tbe cbercb.
-Crpaler. teaeber of tbe tbiro KIdaep TiMbk Hakes To* UberaUe.
W. J^Bi^Jlobens.
Basdtoc-Bbarkrp Welias.
^ / crade at tbe Oastral. sod abcai ti ol
Almor ererybodp who read, the newM
pepUs. Cfl-ipad a alelrfa ride
Voeal Bolo-ChrkUae Nellson DahA
ol the wondsrfJ
aroaed tbs dtp Tfaaradap CrealW. b tpwi U SBC te knew
Bsei<aUoa^Lo>9na 0*11 Poboral.
.cure, made bp Dr.
. plcasaatUetcwaseeJop^ bpall.
Base. BastaruBpBpboap gsartaua, Kilmer'* SwcirpJtoct
Hra CbM Uarrer sal Hr*. Fred CarAdallsa Paul Bsraak. Jasal* Llad
- ^
,1 Ibe real k'dacy. liver
flICClas. Oaotfc Wasblscton Braekea. tkaetertalaedfrleadsTeTp pla
ikl Weil, MBOksastod bp 8aUs Fridsp e**Bta^ at the haae o
, V
^alinumpbofincnjoe• aejopad aad del.'teeniti ecniury; d»
■ •. cavertd *1» pern of
Baleetloa ii
■ Ubrarp
iMBadcIrt. J Bams DsFSe Hob.
Bips Bobkldt aapdet. Bip Vaa
Wlakte Bon.
Mrs. MBiSIbs Jeraalab Eraecrr d ebon procraa will be cirea aad reIbea istredueed bar faaUp. Bsasaiba -sahaesuwlllbeearred.
Herat. Jake Boratasd BeBiidtu Bar. Hr. aad Hra. RakcU VaaderUp of
Rest Bap. ware raip pleaaaatlp ' ear
soi^Root U ad ree-------Krea^. -Jakelararlac U..
oraraended f M cverrAmt b d « pou bare kld' witbarvaarksblr riolla saloasd prkad tktardsp eraeiac bp a aeabar aep.
bver or bladder ucubie It wlB be fennd
aftbelrfHeada Periac tbe ercalac a |uxi the
aaaaatiM sisclac a delicbtfal aoi*.
lemcCy )-c , need. 11 butaeen tested
I tbe eoaolsalOQ af tbe profra boaaltfal sapper wm serred.
a to Bsnp ^t^s, iR hoapcul werk. a prtvsa
eeSea. erallara. paapkla pi*asd cheese Prepaiatioai ar* le procraas far a Maetlee. smr&c ihehel^a iMpoer lepaealieo ball to becirea'isColnabk Ball ebsK rUbf and has proved as suecesUui te
rerecertedaoeld tlsMdkbfa
owycaaetiiti a awrtSJ srrsn(cment be*
.The cokBlltw wUI add »SS,TS to tb* ee tbe Watt fiida. Fsb lev
beea made bp which all rAdcr* of
dp* areas tnadM tbcressltot tbeir Frtoap araalar abjst S> ret the bsb. ■whe hare n« alread)' tried c. in^ have a
:b«tkBnilr«brmxE,*bo* book
bertofOakNi-Jof the K«»t H E
esj ipatal* partp.
Rise Meut £w*r^.Roo» tad haw a
fisadtp sebool. with tbair IHaadt. ket
I Bpcii hare ktdaop s hbdds ■reubb.
sitbehok* at Hr, aad Mr.. C. O
s trait trek areaad
waaia a matt Asilchtfal efls a ttdsMpsaad
MU M'S H A. KUiocc.
be a poor rkk tor
tba taaebarof Aaslsss. wm prMsaud
with a fiasredaBC ebalr.
I flOk hk dSB
FHfiBialBbt tbabiapikblikikiad

asd ayatem, toffatbar o'....................
riffbt* asd privij^M. i
cpdrania asd appartcsai
log thereto, aad become toe owaer I
Uereaf. bow Lb ^wraUia ia tald '
dtp. asd heloeglsg to H. I> Campbe I. ’
asd loeootroi.operaic aad aiaislaln Ue
ease, for Ue parpoae of acso ping said .
irdioarp aad .
are* for dweliioga.'
hoxla. alllL faeune*. lawes.'
sod all oUcr baildinga. sod for
Uer purpoaeautaid ^oeil map
oreaeribe. aefl oa tueb ter^ aad coo
ditios* a* aad eonaeil abail direct; but^
UstUrexpeaae of laM water works
-'iDlaod U* time arqulnd. .
absil aot exceed toe ana
cigal per
. oe the -tixtble proper:
•ip wiuia,
acbjret also to ,
provided hp ue I

Wrecked hy Grip.
Terrible Pains in Head, Neck and Spine, Weak Back, Appetite
Gone, no Seep for •weeks and Nerbes aB. in a
Commotion. Relief fame with

Dr. Miles’ Nerv^

Keopoa voted
At Ui* poiat AUarmaa fimitb moved;!,
Ko dlwmre pjtrs-aurit bavae. witb
la take Ue report of the special eomUir di-Iirsi-- nrTTOOs
si that
^itle* trem tbe Ubic. which prevaded.
-taasKcspM peraiMtlp voting: 4erriU!e«i-"tjrcr. Laflfippr. It trsrv
sod atraliri at ymt spitrai mluniD.
at tourWk atid aerosio
fairlv split yr.ur hturt wtd* oj-n. In
« Ltrdle
Tsio you atrii*. tO ihr.w U I'ff. Ip
> adopt tb* report:
-C swap. Y>ai srv
Works. rrlatiT*

_____ riag to
with B. O <tomilobrll for delerminlBg bp
U* priee u be paid bp raid
>fr wp^ plaat au

I. beaeoapted‘STfi?
. ..
I Hapec aad Clerk 'se
saUarWasd direct­
ed to cxaealp tbe esBe is beba'f o<
said ehp. sad isat Ibe aerk be asd b


XCbBobalLaBd UwM'M-dslp filod
Istba <«M M Mhd Omk; It b^ hMs-

txllly r« yimr- Oirtj Irfl 1*1 die. Dr.
Milrs' Nv-rTiKewlUtirJpp'ML It to a
irta,4<-rfulI oorrv
rest'-rvr. It liX'Ol'nrd up tbr laoerviuumLh nf tlKnjsstKli vt grip'
aofonutiste Tictima aod atarud
tbeis 00 tbe mad to remrery.
Dr. Miles' Nert lne to a oera* food
M well W a toediQOe. sad U aot asip
hMda MM meem mmrn.

; eiakea srw "WTre then, teoasac*

’Lmi Febeoaryf we* tokca wtt tbcirfp
nd R
<W ncTTom preetratHa whsU
UsaedtettoreBcmto. I wes so weak aad
ebeulof is bbdr and Bind tba I ccMd ato
itoepandBy eerve* wnc til ia a
JM. I ted imiite psmt ia By bcaA the
iwefc <d Br neck red dowa mp cpm*.
hgs were co weak tost t
caddo-x waflt-BraptKtXr wasgeae *ad&
had au sleep be Bead 1 nuw «c^ N«(X
. «WI the dccinn gave mv i .uiif to A*
ibH pm bare to) deolrc fur food asd me MV r'd end *1 too I icB be a hoBk M
00 amMUrei lor work. Dr. Mika' Ur.Mdm'.ServiM. 1W fim Are beaagbs
.mg slrep .ad frees U-et core wa I
Xemoe wUl atlamlate poor appeUtr.
.ed vcr> tspriJy. I mrd three bods*
iangorato pear dlgrotlon asd build <d Nervine
aaf two phials of Nerve aad
up Btiesctb tor body ud Biod.
Livw Fiia asd my beabX ■ w rextorcA’
*Xa Grippe kfaB
■T wriBira so weax mat
. x. t-sawuv, ss Bench xao.


DbHUcY BeaMdatafitoig« drag.


pos find ftiori^ ■» orrrtws. reaUeas
sod InfCUrib ^t peu eano>« alrep
at Digbt. iPr.l HOea’ Nerriae vnll

1BU.M- Ifiifcg




feiAih) niATBiwairini it.njJAifPAaT m. i960.

Grand Traverse HeraM

atmarr cnr.
Joba SUwaor rataraod boa la
Balarday: be raoort* lok ol mod.
Old Hr. WykcCkqoiU tubie froa
waa bore yeeierOay trea Oaaeepolla bkbartlMtuaaer
tebMiUbrtroa vrell terega
baylBf elaetrie licbl poleatere |
Tide Nekoo k eoeared wltb IHtle red
hmiwm Uoofbt to be math
Be»M n bsnnj dlnaw HoaUfnad ettbetplaee.
B F. Baeklay A Boo alerted Jea. W.
I. HeBell of Bartlord. Ueb.,
Hka Battle Plareo of CUeapo. an *k- for Braocb ooeaty to bey a taaa ead
Itgppwn ttot bl* ba
Ulapattba borne of B. B. 8t
ewMd to M»u u4 be
Tha lorbaellep k L_________
J. W. BUlH relaiBod lai
le iBBberBea are aylopetoae worda.
eaee to » beul aev bU
t visit to the teraUeio
bet tbe doelor ftbo
The polalo nerket k iielle lively.
alGraoe Bapida, where be plaaad aa Prieea reepe from n w 40 oeate
'edeoBlddewat ^baarii
. Hr. WblMlee*teewlIe.eacd»nffater order for a large edditleo to bla aloek.
P. TillokoB'e healU kbetiarthl*
Jaek Probert wQl leave toBoarow for wlBler tbaa il baa baeo la ar< oneolobooiUBIeMrE
lioBpaoarUla lo eooMdeU a Job of
WblteotlbH city.___________
wu is Kiagaley Jaa.
plaaterlop tbare



Trerere* C117 SooTeelr.
Tbe nm Nethae) Beak bee taoed
e BWt peaptal.t esUtled “A tJIlBpe.
ofTreven* City.- Ta.
Ulne ipeorei eke rirwe of Trevnw
Oty. lectedlof priucipeJ
pebiie belldiete ead eoa* of tbe Aae
raldMoee. Akoacood leurlor elo*
bftbcbeak. Theoaelcf (b. plcMn
Mertoaiib.«B>«eofOnoa W. feed
•bile dBllb end Hriee feratobed
food *lov of Kront etfv.t ead a Be
rtew of WeebiofioB eual
•dby Ure- J.W. Uin>kea.
Tbe eeeveair 1* beipp eut oel bp Ibr
beak to lu old trleade ead


Hta LUUaa Prtetiu left Hobday
euralap tor a vklt with Mead* a
Timveru City.
Tb* Ladta-AU aoeloly wOluead,
tbe day with Hra Bert TboM* TbaM
day. #eb Ui. and It k batap teabed
for-vard 10 wtth a prut deal of plru •
H ta Celia dteeie rataraed Hobday ti
er aebool near daueu Bay sfrr
tpendlap Huosy wltb her parrot*

Onr Prices are
Going Down..

Bnadsy Bcbool A*«cctaaea
Beoort of Uraaiaed Ureee Lsb* den
day Hebool Aaoelsijoe. bald at Huru
Osam Jaa toth. I»u0.
Horalop aewlu epeosd by tbe preal
^D votioosl aerrieu lad by Bev. L.

-U Bordaai will loava today for
Scriotate rudlop from 1. Oat- 1 t>
Oraws. afiar apeadiop attar apaodiop J*««Jy“Bd'D*HM
a. tou. re
Addrea of Heleoac by Hra. r. d.
tew daya io tba dty.
tailed la a vlelory for
fo Hooioe with five OiUoper
Rueor-a* by kra J. Bluid.
J. U. Beejaala fetoned laat aipbt atraipbte
d-op-pp by Miorue Center ecbool. |
Tbe revival Beetiapeal SeBBltCily
Let tbe tkvior in.'
are eel bariap very pood aacoeaa wUb
Paper. - L-ssoo Helps.'br Hra H
tbe claaen of Ihk place
The ellior of lb* K-opa'-cy Beailer
olnu aad iras vary aneh ea,oycd byj
wpi lo towa tbe mb fookiap for ■
ead Hrt. P.-C. Beeer aod Hke
' OIpplep. -rfarowuat the Ute Line "j
Welpeod retoraad yaatardey 6«a a
Iriscotsloa of above paper-ey Heoif.
vkit la Cbleepo. C a. K.lesaod B-v L A cr. '
-./me** at tb* b-sektaivh shoe is
KceilaUoo. - rse-K»rrow*d K.Of.'i
Hka Kery Beitoer baa rataraed froa

py Bessie Osbors
a vlalt ibOoiaaa.
ermaa B. Hoalapoa left yeaurU.oaer aoo soeal sealoo
Hioeb sad 1) Honror from baylnp a
day for Lrirolt. wbwe be will auead
Afterpooo seuuw c^wped by prer.-j
to pet from ihrlr booses to the
tae Uraod Lodpa of F. A K. H. For
'’'u^-lMPai serriec lad .by J. Btssrd. |
the paeteflooByaara ha baa bora
•Iipp of slop, prayer and tut.-;
aaa of tbe flaaoea ooBsiUee cl

To the Cost of Production of a Year Ago-


weseot* tbr three-vrar-old
nt Mrs. Jess.
Potter of 804 .-i-ml. Fir*! s
t. ItrocklMi. X. V .*1,0
iirier d.iic of
Sept. S8. l'!c>. tvp*r>!>nc
jrrof a.-1»fice-i-'Tii f.ce lioui..r. Mr l-at t'
f*--e »*• .-i.\-r-*l with rln.
-ol.l ii .i lj>- a |i!u
Mrv^ -n lii«.f.---* afi-1 n-- l..,iiel b* no* a
I-~-k at. T>->
*tl*n-l«l Imn I-r Ihmw-rt-nol son.
I pnl » '--t -t <1l’,l---ir. s,cjf. M.d o b-v
api-liv.1 I|,*,u jl„,*
I .-ml,! — hi. f
sul-lw Bs. .
vivsr j*al-il. 31,-1 b-»I i.
->ii il.

Baeiaaet Coli.A* L-yoeota
Tb. Ooekeray KaeluMeCoUepe Lye)
Henjtala of Lrlsod ws* is
aabaebeea roorpealted tor tbe work
Norttapori Tharsdsy aod Friday.
sobj ^cl. " rne hcnday school as both a
Aoa Arbor, where ebe will vkif
Of tbie peer, end tbe H-et eeeeioB eiBC.
A aumber ot lbs yooop people of literary and splniosl spepey.' was
>Pda for a tew daya.
N^ivvrt eajiyed a dellpbUoI sl«lpb odroed ^ Rer L Aler. Ilaeawioo bv
theelecUoa of oSrere wee beld teal
Ir. and Hra. T. & Bpbart bare rv.
Wiltof Toller aod oihera.
alpht. Thelollowuw ere tbeott:
Btoptap by cuoprapatieo.
•k***t!- l--rv— - i-t —I
. nrr • be* >11 el-e UIU MM lhr>uri>-*l’>r se-M
UnedlroaavUIttotbelraoo lo lieof IbeorpeBlietlaB:
of tht* place are mskinp errsnprmri
-DU , Il-poruof schools and onr schools all
m-v.Tni. ' mr-s. *.-> .i-itvtw* <-i>rst*i.a>-.. t i-n.v-Ks
PtwU.nv-nae Deea.
______ the to be -o pretty poul eoodiUoo
SB enleralameot to be
J. BanivL lOfOadar. vraaia tiM city
Hrs-C B Uye wu re-elected Home
Vice Hruideai-U B Ulooeke.
ir future, of which fnrlher

Hepanoteiil secretary.
la troa HapI*
kpford deott eptartalesd
Tb* euLJrei op for diecaeeifle leal
City yeaterday.
frleeds vary pleaaaptly St hkboar
■Ipbt we* ■ Beaolred that tbe Wcyelr
.tourlochea school extendril to ns so
_____ .
A. U asd Ueorpa Joyee
taeitellon lo bold our next cjoveatioo'
haacoaeBoreearB tbeapood." Tb.
...served lo tbe pvreu aad a i
lalnisp tbeir brother. Heaiy H. Joyee
ibere, which wu accepted.
eSlaaure tide of tbe ^eeetioo wet
delipbtfol Uae was ea; >ycd by all
of Ormod Bapid*. wbo ropraauk tbe
Erec-op seuioD opeoiri by oruideai.
baedled bv Hr. WllllaBi. eaeBted by
Joe dtelarl of dottoas Kay took
lo tbeabuoceof F I. Iloell Hn. H
ner at Botel i*orler Thniaday.
Hr. Hell Bald ead Hiea Ureal- Tbe
H. Ui.bert conducted uthe soop eervice
Hra II. F. Boxsie. wbo baa beea tbe -rlia sloplop. prayer sod lastlaony.
T.r.4*r'. P*r«r«
pacetir* waa la tbebaadaof Hr. noapnrst ot Ha Jao dsobora at Hotel which was very belpfol.
ebe.HiMOoopereod MteCkirre. Tb*
B. Holt of tVohatbr Araet k uri- Porter for ureral davn. left Hooday
Becliatioo hr Lvocn BnrtOO.
dadaioeof tbejadfee waa InbTorol owly HI.
- -her taoaelaUland.
taReciutlon.-Toe Hessape." by Hln
Voroe Wood^raMroed lut aipbt ofole Otlioper
Btsdinp -me teacher iotbeelsM.'"
The aabjrct of tb* Bier war will be
T 0 loor Bulhl trip threapfa the Uland..........., ..
ralci*. Scist,C3. Icn6*;c. Ceil. Innaeir.ster^. Pu-eul.'.r.
Mrs. 1'. n ■Ittinper.
takoB ap el tbe next Bcetlep. tbat lo the ialereat* of the VieiorU friaeds. retorplap
eves lop.
l>-scuvs<00 by C B. Eilu
qeeaUop tor dlaenteloa belnir. Beaorrei.- reeliplppebalr. kvuted by 0. B. (krPlliil‘t -%
-.11,-1 .-Mf-ij, -[.-I,, ol
Kaadiop No : on abore sobj «i by |
dstarday evmlnp. .Ian. r..
that tw preaaat wer wUb tbe Boera U
port Tut K o T H. sril! iolltate a Lillie Uorton Uscosslon by J.'dkard
'!. til- nn.
n: IIRudinp N-1 > by Hra. C B Oye.
jetUfltble. Hr. Peeblec la tbe ludJ. B. Haato left lut oipbl lor Petoe- large onaber of eapdldatu la tbr
Beading .No 4 by Leoes Horton.
iodpe at this place.
or of the aerBatlre ead Hr. Haltb of ker'eabulere*.
eleoiM--li,-iiii--al ai'li-,!i
i- m- ,
t|.. ,,i
Uacossion by J. Kennedy. ,
daoptatcr lialtlr
H. J. HerTe6eld.eori.el trlmme- lor
msinvB ouA«ANrv.->.
.:,irri 1), II.. ,-i.rnliv.
Therada ereolop.
pMI«-ni—-Jl -gr «IVJ i;ni c- --l.-i , . - ,
B. L. Garter, baepooeea atrlrittobk drove from Claeon Thnrndsy
•-.--•Ii.ii.i,! >l-i,.>
io Wood." by
ipnoird by Hta Hsry Britnerof H^y Osboi
r.-fiind-l -r -lit
,V--.. r ,■ i■
home la Uraod Kapida
nnd atteoded I
bk-. Itnl r<-l-r ( ,,i I-i -!i>- 11 It- I Jiji--r i, i ; -Our Hero." by Allen
B. B Pope will leave today for a two lodge
K-.11 W;i -I -*• J-l. . - , I- .|.ic s t olvu 111 RIMI. W. ij-t. ItcnHl«b Bobool Abaeal
week* vaeatlon. which be wlU apeod
1 •
A tea frieods were very pleasantly . Sinpiop No yj>. after wbich w* wet
Tha boerd of aditore of the Bifb
H.,*. U' »-.W,..,L. 11.11
ti-. ' ■
1 .. V
• 1»> J. L
utevtalned nldinnerBstnrdtyby Hrs.
, aoboel-Aaeoal-beldaBattlap alter
,e day spent In the e--------------to Lake Aaa yea. H. ritppon.
aeboiil Toeodey ead Ireeaactod eoetr. nnd Hra Payne drove from Batlorday.
F.iJ Risssa. hr-Jn-f M'.- k.,',
aldweble boalaeoe Tbe board-bapfealu llsy . Otiix-ikk. Sec
*n„. ki d'j -vriT—: - \ .< ,f tf
, :t„.
B. BHalUeftlUieeity yanorday oe . rpeeeol
od tbe aaaee of tbe adierl
batlaaa* trip toUraad B^ilda
tbk placraelieltan which tbe prmldeal of tbe
'* folly to vogtr. from that horrible I
Georpe Uaac left yutuday for BooFrank Hook of Sotlons Bsy was a plague uf the nlphv Itching pites. '
Beolorelaae waaealboritsd to appolei
_ 11--.____
ill t!i- .--tiiiitat.-li
Nortbport visitor Sondsy.
lljao't Uralaeat enrea. quickly aoil
erbeo aeaded. he beiap a 'Bombki,l...-v-v,
Hn: LaornUvarbv ot Good Barbor
John Bsoborn pndre bosUeu trip priliaoratly.
Atony drop store, hc
Unlik• jl III alod tbe
family of Olio Tbeia
I jk- ib- f.-3>- i\ • ^
Thoaa wbo wwa appolatad
Albert Baamer of Cleveland. Ubio.
B. K. Whi I aod mive White w
i .i:il n-ndUloii of
aetborlxad to eoUell adeerUalec Bat­
A Tnuniph 01 ScieucsWM a pout at Hotel Porter Wedoudsy
Il rniM-lll. n:i'i .-.i-m-.i - r>
• !I,-HINU bllie
ter ter tbe-Aapear aie: Wi aoo Hob- called ieHaneriou yulorday bv tbe sod Thursday.
0 electro rbeaical riog. to he sn
lem ry-rv.-v—
Il tv.-tl.
i.q«.rit.g -i,ly
the boger. is o positive core tore*
'beU. Bert Hoetaree. Edper Keltb.
I it. V wuru -.1 Jitici r
Hr. and Hn Amu Barlieti eet«
cry fora of...............................................
It has been
TI.-RW0 I, ,-.-.,r,-.l II,..I,
talced a ncaber of lady friends *«r
Leeile Tbeobald ead KelUe Urmat.
so well
i thstapu
mg VM
plensaoUy tbedratof tbe week.
r„- -.»v . fer- 1-)t depobdi Qpoo the batieoB bob
Albert Well ol Traverse City, ad^n
wtrj laipaly bow ercll the elaai ane
t^-a recpODsible compai
' -r -■ -> Il ...................................
pankd by two trsveliop men. spen
eeodh ie tbe aew reotere. Bob* of lb*
tn--<-t<'»MM:jrl t|i» r;-!-.
f*rice *»; Solid
Hta Flora dhepard ot Old Htalon.
cao-e ot sH f'was of rhroastisa.
ni.tiBOPey (or tbia pobileetlae tbe cleB li
valiiaUlc ii.fofinatii*
port, pnuu at Hotel ihlrter.
wblbb isclade lotlsmasiory. musculsr.
Aod wim-jiil-.
leleiop by their aocleU ead eaUriaia. has pou tf' HaoUlM to aprad ^
-lytk, oe.......................................
BeaU.ead for tbe reel they ace depesd- winter.
:ramp Tti* riog re60LCIMPORTCns:
Hta Urpck Ella of Old HinteP^ baa
ol nrie acid in the
iat upoD the -bmlaet* mea a peirooeraorrAN 0|-FI«-|.:-iaaee « has-se* d'.li
-Is. .rraae*
bl6od and e
these dueascs A bsndbuD spondtap a fe«r W* In Traverw
CasiSisa Okie:
Uont 4 0- >>iiOm'sH*vs< a-ses.
this place Soodsy for s short vklt wlib
-omet • ilh explsnstioos aod
City ealUap oo trienda
Hra. Delong and taaily.
. uf wonderfcl cores srill be
Hra Balpb White retnrned lut
t. Anprr. wbo Is boylopcedav ilu. aaile-l free to %ii by tbe Swla AaeriQlpbt toHor boa* la WUUamsborp af­
ko Ring Cl . 4 llelroit Opera Bouse
. wu a bulpess visitor at NorthTae--ABDaal wUl be W«ll iUairaUd ter a visit at Lelaod. dbeww aeeom- port Toesdsy aod Wednesday.
Tbe Hisses Jcai* Novotoey hhd I.iiwltb eaiB ead will eoatale a latte pspied by Hta Hynle ij^uleof ibat
«ie Kornrlek ol Hills Pier wrre tnc
To Cupo a Cold la Oma Day.
sity. Tor-voto wa«.kir,gkea •>
BBoentof bripkt mdlag 'matter.
neeu of Bam 'Uspson and family
Iroub’cirhileJe-tlijrlag si tb- HtU eoatale abooi ino papee.
E- eliurch at Ann Arb-r, It:
_.J Will Wilson drove to 'Daeon
Railreaa Borvey.
lour.vreroTtelUnplatbaeity yetter- Rstordsy and spent tbe dkj wltb ber
Aaawaarvey of tbe aatirc Oraod
daaphter. Hr* L A Ckapbell, retnrp
BapMeAIediaoeraUwayayaieB k to
CarrriTVart. a wnu kMwn planing
■lobn BtsSord spent Fridsy with bk
alU openiior ot Besor. wu In the city brothers
atm for tbe
yuterday oa borineu,
sod'Hra Loo A. Ckapbell of or tbe paloe of Neuralpla. Cholera
maot of tbe praperika of lb* <
L. dellp ot.Norib|M>rt wat la ^ city
spent Sunday wlU> their, oar-' Herbua'orOoIio? Are you trosibTkraeyaaia will be repaired
eats la Nortbport.
led with a Cold. Sore Throat or
tbaearTeyaedapaapof Dca will be
W. J. BarryotUraod Bapida. k in
nr. Wa. Payne asd wife of «ouou'
lu Orippe? Are you peetered
haplbaayoatb* toad all of that tlBe.
le eliy oa bnalneu wltn Hanapne Bay enjoyed the hupliallty of Hr. and ‘
with ObUblaliM ?
Hn. It a Scott Thuraday
Tbk BonilDp tbe dfat party.
Barry of ibCtelepboae exebaape i
Hn Osrallne Nelson,
Neleoe wbo k
Hatiap of Urea peraaot. atarta oat
boa tbe eaplaeer-B oSoe for tbe
k *1111 in a very
-ry erltlul oudl
aertb. and win work aontb from ike
D. F. Boxsie of Leland snent Thi
HrBlaaa of the liae. la ebarpe ot tbr
day aod Friday srltb bk friends
ptny will be BaplBear J*oBe^.
North port
- -inibala of Traverar Ctir. now la the enranoe Co. Be itaried iwo oew ai
aod Hra Um
tbe pnuu ol Hr. u
Hra D. L I
Mploy of tbe eoBpsay 10 ftraad RipGoapeay ablla tbare.
of tbk place, drove
-r to Leland
Ida. and be will be etakled by B F.
U karner of Dk Bapida. k la the
andipent tbe •
with friends at
HeOrta of Uvaoapart. lod.. aod by city,
Blcbaid B. Heibeaay. Jr . a e>» of
Hoore ot Baplaaw arrived Tn
Hta Ida Farranv tbe tend
Aadllor B. B. Heibeaay of tbe O. B.
tsrcily Iwlolpbttera vklt witn ba (iilU Pier school, drove to Nor
Friday errninp aod ebe
L Hr. HoCira bat beea at work for u. F. E. Hoorn.
ed over- hSoaday
aad Hrs. Uleo
B.A 1. eapir
F. W. Wuaoo of kinpaley. wbo bat Parka
A work car wlU oe eaed a
au ia the elly tor a few days.
PeternoD hu
' of tba time b» tbe party apd
>ft last nlpiil fiw Bapid aiy.
OPT aomt ol tbe time.
.. ______ __
Aldenua C. D. .Eaoyon.ef BooUi
-To. i .-.
Sbortly atlor tbk pony atartt aaotb- UoUD aunat. received a mMapeya- baUouof tbe wioter with beraotber
-v>** r —
in this plau
ar laiper corpt will be e>s>iedtotbe lerasyfram Allcphaay. N. V.. eteuep
T. H. lodge will bold tbeir
aeatb to work oovtb. Oooe la two tuluaaolberwudyioplrwpa parirera Friday
Frida eveolop.
__________ nof olfijert
waeka tbr partlea wjBtepvt la Urtpd alyuc Strok* at ber home l^abat ^aec. Krb Jrd. At the eonclwion an laterwu ISraegIvts >*11 It b- SI
BopMt. Brery plree of property be I'Bis a tbe third stroke she hu soJtsr- ulinp .prorrmm will be piven
loaplBp to tbe toad k to bb Ukea leto od. Hr. Keoyoo Will ^ve tbk aorn Bcabera are rrqouted to be pi
Adellpbltol sleiphi
aaeoeat by
tbe eerveyli^ panlea
tor AUephany. U* wUt be aeuaI* school In tbr E
HaaoarPBeou are to br ukaa aod (ub«d oy ba too. Ob*y«~<l^KuyTH08. t.
Affsller. wss enjvyed
9 be made of
Friday bv a party of young U
bariap aaytblap to do with the road
Abe Nortbport blpb
Mrs. W.
tbou that eompoerd the panjTbe aamy vrul l«be tbe yrbole of yesterday tor a tno wreki'
Warns Ceuoly Bata Btdp.. DBTBOIT
tb* O. B. A 'I. proper. iaelndi«
F. Ikapbttl ntaroed yeatelday ape. Allu H am end Edith Hot
Claapoaui. BlrbrnoodA Port Way^. Iroma b<
trip to Fetoakey.
and family were very
tbeHoekeppB divkioa and tbeTravpluu^ly eotertalned a
,hu reinraed from
at dtotjer Son«aa City divktoe. Tbr Bear Ukt
day by Hr apd Hra C
bcBBcb tad tba Barbor dprlapt breach
>1. arrired by steps {
w(D ako come la for tbeir ahare of atid wu the puut of H
Tnto Eiai wUI luxp tbe city today
irpinis i-apooD ever Boodey
lor Jarksoa. wbau Me bu auspP
Albloe Brooraover df Bettoiu Kay
speotBnodsy with his inolfaer at ibis
PTaBPaUiev'r Kwwfd
CB.W. BeoebereaBeop troa Uraod
left Hopday for
»* In tMoitr yuterday.
Ba^ yaaterday oa baslaaat with
--------------------------- ---- _.-re be bu aeenred
U«crp* Poncta M Bortbpert k In tba a pultieo u drsaan lo a uw mill.,
BolpbOaoBabic. Jr..oftbe City Book
HewlU uaalp-durinp tbe entire wip j

uiS-,V -




rtiTsiuui t.iour u*aa] rustom we do not intend to
- g-Ti ovrf any --f t»ar Winter Ootbiog. We must
make rooin tor--nr maulm>-ili .Spriag SUadi that
will arrive -divrtly.

1" i Biiiinpx Suit, f.trmrr jirife
1 K'-'ri'i: m ■ ■ •
.................... ........................
|v lui of
Suits, going
1 -41
- • . ■ ...............................................
.•k ii>i of ^:.50 iimi S'^
Suits, strictly all
; » ool. going 41.................. ..........................
.KlI oiir heavy weight all w«»ol Suits, formrr
; 1-nce Sio.OO. now going'-at.............. ...........
One fine of .Amt rican 1 rie. e l isters,
t io^ng for.............................................................

Stxx; T.iiys .t Shetlaiul, Woo! I'rif/c -»r Oiint bitia I'lvtrr.K1I of our Ss.ti.i and SS v’»fiart.-ats ami
risiers to close at.
Cliir Sio.oD Overcoats and Vlstrrs'io close
, at...........................
.^11 ot our $15.00 ami Si.'t.oo i lirrcoat* and
; I 'lster to close at.........
Choice 0! any of our l>eM l ur Coats
for............................. .... ...........................................
genuine l.hick DoyeCnats •

M'iil'Mviss-Ki-fX'i i;o



(;iood Wwl Working Pants, worth $1.50.
; lor..........................
i'it key's sjx-cial make Kersey Pants.
['ii kev 's fx>st ail wrjol Kersey I’ants, worth
S.'.a-. onlv.'.
Heavy all woo! Kersey Suita.
■ for .. . .: ..
Hf.ivy Mackinaw lackets. to close
at. ,.......................;
....... ...........'.................
Hctter grade .Mackinaws, uji
from . •... ..................................
.\ll wtxil Mackinaws.'liest grade, lo close




..V. s

or Tke Nn Coipd «! Ballb,


If SO, Why Continue to
Suffer when




r/ i.l.UwUC«'t




“sSSifs;; .t

Thins Oalatar and son left Heoday
forurand Bapida wbue Hr. Colalap
iBienda lo aalu'bk beau 'itawU*
I w]u yoia bia nut


baterday ot la

----------------- of the Chrkiiaa Bi
s B UnlaU of tbk elty..k la duvor tlociety will gir* a social at it
ball Thoraday eeceiap. Feb. )t
Urtad Baplta. where she weal to at Tbeadi
use weddup ot ber aoa. Peter
HcMparL to Rue OardeUa. Hr. Uni. Is for CsUTTh that roo
t nasbie to go u aeeeont of poor
t. The waddiap look place la BV
A>-orrw‘tuikadral yuterday aormlap
ai V u'eidck. Msay enutetroa ower



Hka Harka BaiAu k rkiUap ta
-fltnod Bapida
Jaau Beocaek, ol Port Boron, tbe
H. A. Itaaa ba* twtaroed IroaTboae f. , ,T»W». auvUla wbev* be weCt to lobk after a vpurao uveyor c( SuUac oonnty. hu ,poo tb*
.. t-UoC sa* ■
otora Ip ooptae of ooaatraetluIs SvlssKaU *0010*1* <days sfo dieeaiM tbpa nad etaa* Fvog*, IS* eyosla* U Is tos*o
‘l"****^^* Tv^os... s, v.a.csoM, a upe.
ttatbeenai^wnUuwbuba wu
Baa.B.b Oaaphall 1


«^:sws;^uiutagwb..ta i«s.

Don't Let H Pau By UshMded
Yotir- 2>&op.&y Sa-veira,

..Thp Boston Store*.
Come to Tbe HERALD Offlce*for Job Printing

The Herald Job Office

Largest line rulod and unruled flat.
Linen, Bond and Parchment pa' per; Envelopes of all kinds, and
Card board of every description

An Interesting Case I
' Mr Ht-iiry 15<---luihn'i cAse which li* ripliiok. oerrek to illostrato
th--iiiirtthke pliyxipnns ofi-u moke in liiaHnosis
They do not klwsy*
iffb lo II------V
• • •
-Jk -i-*-p e^ougl
kit will- lliio 1
* proved 1-. ..
Hour known n* "lithaeinik," in wbicfi ilie wtato mak-rimls were not
<-lik»it-vtl t*>- Ibr vilnl <-beni»sU-y into nr.a, but inskad into the inaot*
ul>lF urHl--* nnd im< ii'-id which Ui<- kidneyi were onable to rekdily
rliip>D«l*-(roui tbe Moud iir.-umiilktinc in tbe wyMem they ckoo^
tbe|v>ai|>toais drncrib-d Is-luw
; "I can Bsy that ( tbink I>r. .Snow ia a veryAkilltol pfayriciu.. My
ban nut b..vD
f-r a long lime. I bare been ia tbe bAndsof
a pfoiiiinetit phyai- iaa tat (wo yean-, bat bis cnedinac
of bylp.
iug uie mail*

• • a v'oud
made m*
me won-*.
deal of trooMe with my laosi
au-^ ybi-kl,
-rv ml ways slop
•topptvj op. aod i wat no rrrv diuy, with r^ing ^
l-lixyd t), my beat
bead, kc-i my beau kebed aod Irll very
)ly h-.>irt t>-at v*ry hard and wooded, aod ibomped, aod I ooald
bardiv brealb. Mi •.tomach aod bowels were .vet
thefr wMibe mo-t severe puD io them, and all over my body, bomb
very .-ouslijalt-l.
1. ao<l
aod my
iiiy stomacb
itomacb gave me a great deal <rf tnwbb.
My|('xid wool-J Dot digul and ray appetite wu very poor. I could fwt
>]e-B> at ou-'bv
oigbv ai
and ] du ooi b--ii--ve 1 would be living today if I bad
not fouod
r- 8oo* aad be gave me medicine «bat
lukd-- a gieal ybaoge io a fet
lya. I (eel (bAt my bcaltb now ia very
v-Kil for a man of my age
All tb*
the old urmptomt
symptomt are coredand
cored aad f....
1 (u1
MRWg and «;-M
If there me aty. wbo. like myself have tried other
pbjaic-ians sbJ^faiirtl to get help. I believe Dr. Snow can core yoB if
any -n- tan *• i
HKNRY BEELMAN, Traverae City. Hkb.





fs Queranteed to
Relieve You?

Hka Aaaada Gapaa of Uaabec. k
.vkltlHf ber brotbar, Anbar Oapac. for
•a oeoplc of imlbs
If. E titraep baa rataraed from a
Aort eociaeB trip to Cbarlevois.
F W. FraalaptOB relarwed vrv!*r«py troa a boalaaa* trip to Klk Bapida.
■ka HyrUe tiiaaiao. who k laadl^
Mpr Hum Outre, ceae to tbe elly
Hot oveaiap lo eiay oeer Seoday wltb'







Hskrskseeealiyof all ebrneic 61
Skusu of women, ih* *ye. car. aeu s—■ f
Uroau Bek upe< Is ir snuaafal I* (ba «
irvataeat at CBMu. aUbM ata aoa J

CMStluta Fra

ttlAltfl mAVBAll MMfatP, dAlfPAltT M, IMd.

Tb« Hew B«ilroad Into LmUoau County ia
An AMurod Fact.

Obj~«iT.PoiM» -A«ua-ofi-ooi«ioi.
Ud Wort
of OeaotniettOB WUl Bofia at Onoo
fw fmn

PM» (b*




Oonll. of

mtrnglt odmaMd • nllnad fitn
air <e Korthpen M« Mb«
iMdlV POlaM la I—IM»»« ODUQ. WMl Utobewdof diraeion.
•ra to ompfa mtiiai bMh et »•

••»r»olMte b«»blalPMMM tottei tb« bBlUlM «f tbit rad to M'
••rad. Th» •l^ratJra polat •( prant to


Tba flool dwtolm


rawbW fa lb«

oatur tbto.oorafaff. ood IsBedtotc
»ra etlek

draUtd am. b»t «U1 fallow Iba arai

Mpt wUi bt fa

fMWbUrafa. Tbtworkefeoattnra-

•Oik. Md It to bopW
ibi Ifa* wui bt

Baaeoad Pnoet tor Bamptp DaoitNp.
Maaacar Aiefaba* bM dtdded fa
A UpOanbO: BUek to ibt afar
Btke e rrdaciioo fa price lor the crrai.
A W Jabrara faitataoat AM oa
ipaetecaltr prodectloa of "BompQ,
whitb WM eaaatd bp raBoral wl
I Demptp- for Prklap errafac. Om rrawMfMiodibaltbatridtaf Ibt amt toe tor tbit to that a* bat Irarweid 1
woaU fakt Ara. OMrfa Wfaato tbt patfaCDiBc to fa be cirra fa He
at priea ranefac f'oei *& raei
latt bMwMB AIOO tad Aik tbroacb Ibt
BC tba AxttrB
tlabsralt tiple
eoid^re t^ar(a ■ >rt
aca-tte. Be will ba raadp 1
toebarced laotbrr dUtt. Tb* .
of^ 00aotrip. b
em ot *I ud
rt aad inebk aot bariac AIM. Btl eodtr 1
d ibertepoe
ir toat dtpa btfdbe tbt Hr dulabm hM a
It lewrr tbao
H reperud bMUr toot tlUltp ot iixiac tbt
II atoo eaable
aasp fa ttWad who woald.................
aot bt able fa tee tbe attracUoa
Tbe prieot tbtrafm will be it. M. Ti
eaau tad «l
TboM who hart pad
Aaafa't ^awep. AMO ea faraltoio
talcbtr price* eu btrt the difftreecc
aaram oa Hr. rafnedrd at tbe boxofllw tad tbotc
Afalebotfa propmp wm carritd la tbt Wbo btrt tabMribtd for blcbtr priced
ofap.ChrrtraadE. W Bm- •tau will alto baarBt bp the radactloe
Mr. Altard. Ilatani (ortbt Kertbtrri
blipbBaiCo.Urad abera Hartiaakt
>walrT0Ura. Ba wm aaabto fa

- 8 K. Horuam fa F. T. Htpurd tod
C U H*od*r*oo. lot t tod pert lot t
• ttram Are teefat did prat Ate JJ. r *■- K, B IJ W—
. It WM mtaatd bp Pat Uei
Btpid»iroo Co. wfl^ 'ola-ni
will bt fa LMfaota eeaefa tod Trat JotUet Varlp. AUta Uraptoa ■
8«A‘.. SecT. TST'X. 8» W-f
•rat Olfa bat faaar Untt beta raftirad
Canto Fowiti
iwltr and wife fa Andrew
fa 1a t^tft aeilatoDt, aad lb« BaxAi.i'
. ____ iSilov
Siloiorc. pared in dee. it. T
S. R 10 W-RSS.
eaofrataltut all ' lairarafad fa tbt
1 fa PtUeraoD et al fa Andrew Gilmore
rrowtb a^ dtrtli^arat of Tra
TbebtUdlact oa-tbt oppwltt tidt et tl.^erU la See*, ii; aad rr; T ?v S.
Otpaad tbt farrllorp fatht Dort^watt loftbettreet wore to badlp teorebtd
CoDtlntafal Improrrmttt Co. fa
titaltbtlrYioattwUI bate fa bt rapalBUd.
Tbeorifleof tbtfirato ttill a mptGet. C. Pierce and wlfr to <»to W.
Barcrarte. pi lou I tad
blk H, Uan
tlabwapof'Sfalabtrrb Oraad taaphl
atb. A Co '» rib add—thru.
Art IM tbt door optolap fau tbt ddt
Pfah Ufftaam Ii
Pcreiral B Stlltborr and w|Cr fa Fred
of tbt boildfaf wat baratd twtp aad
L. Ooatl. *r^.. Sec. !•.. T;5 X, R il W
It Mtmtd at tboapta tbt Optra boate
• 1SK).
WM fa prat daaeer.
btl baid work
l.'aloaOeatrai Ufeio* Co.toHarrE
dtp Hoadap. aad wbilt bert did a
mod pood ttratat atrtd tbt balld
iriekland, aw s of 'ar •«; tot •<« of
little botfaBB iDcldeaUl fa bit olBet
; V. dee. ti.TrsN, R 15 W_AUiU«x
fact. altboBCb Uk tfaeb of elotblar
Drpolp Coalu
oror fa carp
fa tbt -ttora WM faadip damtetd bp lake aad apprt
Harp e d-rirkltad fa 'Eerl R Conk.
Art offcadrrt
of orSa: ri. T t.r S. R irW—
wafaraod tbt wtutidtof tbt boUdiac
acalHt theflih Itwt, who wart Ukta »iO>i
tafftrtd w tbt ttfaat of tbool fa MO
before JuilerUtct of B’loeod UwoJtmmH D.IbrIdrraod wife faObM
at of tb^ larft pfafa clam wfadobt
thip aad miard tbt crauof tbt act oa A. Wlnp. >n lou is lolrrloi-htii-d.
w btokte bp tbt boat.
broacbl acafatt tbtm
Tbtp were
lara't fa W F Hxrtht. lotw
dtt:0u tbtftra wMBadtr doalrol aad
ebaretd with oxiec Ml UoM la Atbio(. « ».■><>'- *>)k ir.^tootb. Ltp A Co't
tbtra WM niUt ttar for tbt other
rat Bte eltloird tbtl ibep were atlac
bolldfagt. Atto-eloek alldtoitcefa
g I.. Hi
wife to
"bobt". bat DtpatT Cotlur dtAoed
>M. Idl U. 0*k Urichi
other pnfatHp wM patMd.
Chu add•bobt-Mtet llDB arfa tbtlratocoaBactdbowtnof tparim poortd «rar
Geo t ...
tad wife fa Kiwis R
mrpto law, Tbt offiedan fa tbit
lonr.blk l.Htaetb.
fafa tbt lambtj_rardt of Jobe V. ^tt A rate wen Jama Hill. Witltom Wbeel- Tbie* aod oti
Imp 4 Co * Olh
O! add—*»oo.
Oo.. bat $loM watch
rr. E Vto Valkeabarc. Joatpb Ootob
te fa tVelter L tad
lad Alradxb Bncpa.
, lot* Head
blk i
Wbta Uraatp.CooIttr etmt here bt Bth. Imp A Co'* nth add-Akk).
prooertp wm ptrttolli^ tbt crae foend other rioltUoDtof the law. Be
Marie hVirdrleb tad other* fa Fraok
lambtr fa the ptrdt wble'b woold Dot tUtirad Ihat WUbtlm. Bxrltk A Co. Friedrich, part lot r. Mk •;. TraTef»e
fabt An nadllp.
fa ibclr pcatraloo in> potadt et
dtmuel M. Hrowa and wife fa Wm
At at aarlp boar Wadacadtp oorafac
L Krowt. lou 54. rr.. biK't, Baaiiah.
tbt txuat of tfaedtmaettad tbtfa'arHiller bad m. Imp .1 Co'» Mb add-$.«*>
aaat wm rarlootlp ttUrntfad dt loll- paoDdtcfibeitrakfad. while W. J.
•P Al •raoo and wife to Wa. V
Uk K. Hannah. Up 4
Bebfatea had n» poaodi of aialUr Browo. lot
Co'trib add-;45i>.
Atb, aad ibt HtreaatUt Co. aw poaad*.
Daniel C Smith and wife fa Carl 8.
I I* antetd that tbtM Atb were
Baai.^ .nf^.^. pftw‘. 8«c i*;. T fa N.
alow the wticbi of two poeadt fa the
aaad. wbleb to’prohlbllad bp Itw.
Marir Frirdrich fa Aooa Fartaeh el
I. lot r. blk V. cxeApl E ;<I fret. TrarTbt Vth wm eeadeBDed ibroocb
praoeedlBCt fa Jaiict Verlp't eoart ef*rCitp-4i.
L Wanowakp. wotkatp ttock aad aad taai fa the Mplea.
Frmok Friedrich fa Marie Friedric'b
et al. lot T. blk 6, except E
E 2ii 'feet.
farallarf. fa.fae. tMaram *1.000.
DapaVp Ooelter aad Proatentfac AtJ N. Manfafa.baUdtaC.Al.tOO. jrw. uratp Prau eoatalfad r^rardiac the rrarrrar Clip—si.
Jotepb Poboral »■ al fa Wm l/radoD.
B17. Afat. m> Imraaee Tat tfaek et
tbt e^ Taitdtp. o*u or aw I. See 5:. T 55 X. R 11 W—
jtwalrp iniililntaF'"
affaraooa aad PraaecaUr Prau ritarlp
of It wMtarad.
Alfred W. Black faoweo S-hoolerail.
J. M. BatllmtafaL balldlaf. partialloti, blk H. Hamab. Up 4 Cobfib
r boraad. tto iataraaet. faoo
faeUeaMriolafatbt lew. M tbt ooaWa o, Fooir aad wifr fa Ckt
WoodBtofara. mlUfatrp itock.Ci .000. dtaatd Atb wm mixed fa with other
helm rl al, lot 10 bit 4. Uaoaal
maraatt. »<m.
DepBlp Coalttr had a eoaftreace' A Oo'« ird add-«til'<
Jacob palmaa. ball^. fa.OOO. Bo with Oxmt aad Pith Wardto Hortt
the WltpBOBi aad the rttalt wm
that tbe ratal wm dropped with tbt
<u ttr School Odictr* of Uela^mlttra. etc . SMO. ______________
oadeaetUoe of tbt A»b.
Joha Tert^.
Tbrao from whom tbt Atb wm'
We rkpect fa bate the new eouatr
etoed will rraora ibelr rtlM from ttlM rtadp for delirtip in Alarcb.
be panoap ftoa whoa Ibap brorared *11 Ibe mapamtu he Uihorrmpaai.lut
wteditloo rao bt pnblitb.d aod wr
raeeot promiar fa All order* titer
balldfaca. 11^. PartUllp latnrad.
Pan^ttara troa til tbt baildfaci it
^'’wtoh fa appeal fa
Jtdrmeat la thto matter
>t row WM MMMiod tbroacbfae
more important fa tracb ponr children
the ceopraphp of their owo towotbip
It lookM at Aral at tboacb Ibt
and COUBlp tbao that of tbt oaiion* of
LtdiM U^rarp balldiec »at doosed.
me aaemblp loralcd at Uaaotofar. Eoropr' Bare thrv born Uectat
Hrt. Ltrl 8eolt. oea of the board of
•edme aod dracribc Ibr
Battla Creek Praak Carptattr
iratfaa of tbt attoeittiob wm oe tbt
after btloc baried aedtr the debrto ot
'spot leoB after tba Are broke oat aad
aad aecbar Aral datp wm M rate ibe record*
_ . ... knowhow
ettd. but hi* wife diad from Ibe exof tbt anoetotloo aad orxt sbe carried
t ditto
lltfaDcr from point
aad *tctlOD
tbOrportralt of Mn Aahua. Mra. dtemeet raoetd bp waltlac for tbe fapolet
cet biB from tbe' ralax. arc haoi
Aad pet all Ibit to
Aoolt WM MOO lofatd bp other fadira
atndird aod irarord
rarard e»ro
trm bp childo
(torprefar will lire.
of tbt anoctotloB ^ tbtp worked
if lanpht from CPod m»D*
H Perkloa. wbe for tbe pMleIcbt
Another poiol io favor of *tndp of
•ralp fa rare tbt ralaable tSceu of
Eretbt teelttp. ..Tbtp tatetedtd admirablp
method of brctoolDC the tladr of
and a foree of mea aBtotad tbam fa atocKcwi la Oxford, to » paara old Ceocraphp.
ccrapop. collar
Childrto art led tiep
parftet bwitb. aad eojopt
taeb cood effect that tbt faraltort wm
•p from the
le xtndp
*tnd; of tblBC* aroi
•■ the fBorrapb]
fkrrapbp of all
■a oat of t&e boildlac. ««tlbfr with the dtolfaetloe of beiaf tbt oldott tbtm fa keow
Xoibixr woald d
drllcbl' the
Ibt Ttlrublt bookt aod creo the aewtbep fa tbt alate. He wm oat of world
thrircoaotbt Iradfac merabaato i>f Ottreit for
tp. uwnthip. vlll^r*. aebool '
land WM twiet boroed oat eharebr*. evti
Itoaot kaowa bowlbo Araoricl
•arptbfac. Hit amblMB aad taonrb-map
aattd bat li to tappoaod fa kan tfarfad
> look tftrr thto mat
rfacafaaa bemott livallbood
fathtBUIbfacptfaraorbeaeath War-,
:I1 bt'betnd ia vtooep
m for bim Ue ratpaet aad:
towakpl lUrecloth, the Dtptr
be tbt brat that
ip of trarp pmoa who known
b« btd. the mtp* M prrfeci
At4:M Ibt Arc WM atarip exUi
«bor can _____
nd itbor
makr __________
price A'.—jott ball that ttatllp
NUeteta prate apo B. H. Hartla of
•1 for tact aettlai.
Bap Clip, picked op oo Ibt ttral whet
If Hr. White
e do-s
do-enot call 00 pou.
pMtanfap Boraiacb Ara
wMaterattappoMd fa be t ptaap.
CO Proatitreal
------------- F»xki», Pebltohtr
bat wbleb ptorad to ba a So ttailifac
tacit faur wb<
J<iB5 tVniT*. Soliia. Hich..
cold pieet oofaed fa CalUorato fa
Sole Arral.
loac btfon
•iaberK t tiraad U
amlai on tbe PadAe
diac It WM a I
tide ot tbe tola it tbe aamt -0*11101.
alt." and the paar. and oa the ofaW
cldc a pletara of a mlaer pataliw caldReetaUp Hr. Hartta deellaed tioo
aatlre row tras cofac ap fa aaokt aad
Ooedella. 8k Clair Oo.. W. B.
Chief of.Polite Roaalt aad
Eowe. a aaptraaBaafad Bantltl clmpwith tbe
maa. vrat kUltd Taeadap bp a WmIlor tbrir tffeetlrt work
ft a alroac toalboMl wtod booed trafa ea tbe Chleaco A Oraod
wbleb prerailed wbea ibc alarai *m Trank rallraad. Bt Marled fa. walk
Ci*«B bet few oe the omI aad aoath went oa tbe track'to a. burhwap
BldBof tbteltp haew that tbera had lac aboat lOOrodifrem tbe Mauoe.
-ttaaAraaatiltbtpraadof H fa tbt batwM orartakee bp tbt train aad
l fatiaaUp killed. He wm
Ixrafac Bteord at tbt braakfMt u•a. Itotowra adrafact taeta • rad

bm dfad aad tbt e>i>DtfMfa> to ftUr



HoB- Jartw8.

Memt. of LadUftOb. prahiMiU A. 0.

C W. Tvler. of Onad Kbpidt. ■
Iht; C B. ■onv. o» Trawra* QV.

llTO Storo BnUdlngo Dootroyod. Loh $1(MXXX
dap faoralar oad «ol7 far tbt dtapwaw
•torueftb* ItoMUto waaltaortb
Fral etrat
OiMl Optra Bmm fa Oafa ttrrat
Mldbara bmtwwt awap bp tbt
At U to Ibt faat will amotlaota II,
«W aad tow fraat baildfa«a wart
MMOr dwuopad wUfa two faora wna


UwwaUHltbtfanoeto'eloMi that
Ibtoharp thrtek of tbtmttklBf bird
wbtotfatoaadW (bt alarm aad tbt drt
dwanatalwBitooaoatbttp^ Wbea
Cbtof Bmtato aadfat Qtfa etratt^faa
BMBtof tbt bfaldfac oceaptod bp Chta
: A Uwrwra at a bakwp tad tbtl of
idbp 1.
Ilewiit tail aorritp fara adjitefaC
fabt faabot
MMt bwu fa baratfroB tbt
bwt wlaWwa tad tbt Araaw
rallMd*kbM Ot Ara had apoodbwd
wv badM tbwt wMwars w^
AatCettwMmaAt fa atlaeb a bow
tolbativbpdraatfa frat of Swiabfafto «»*od w*«»
dOrtamiip it wi**«ew M aad afwr
wraral latfat tofal tidt bpdraat wm
abifa^^a^tbrafatfacbWM tbt
hpdrat at tba Bradla hioeb. Tbmt
oat awrlp Afwn mfaatm dafap aad
latbfMtfl^i tba Aamm bicaa to
Mato to cot
^tbra tbt
WMbtowbtoaL (Wpt lew

«farad bw

fa Ctl two '
trmliltC (ram tbt taefa*. thw tbt raal
•orb ad An Acbtfac bacaa fa dtaparBraama wllb a ttraoc prtaara at

ACOOMOI tfaim WM madt
motbaaMMWM AUad wltb pao^a
aad -r*Ti~-~ wwa pfaatp. At tbit
Uma ibo balldlWto B

pfafaffaBWMCOOO AU tbt UBt
mobW m tboacb tbt tra eoold net 1
•fappad abort of (tora ttrttt. aad eot
weald aetbara r^oa fiflp deHart for
IhttaUnrowof boUdiaca.
Iba work ot tbt AroBte wm bard,
aad bnralp tbtp fooebt wlib a dttptrallaabeta of a raaltoalbm tbaltbr
I of doUan

be Wanowakp aad faaJlalBaa boUdwW lUt tba toaafadm ot tbe rot
Uhalp fa r> wlthlbtB.
WUfac htlpara tron Ibe erowdt
wMrad Ibt bar^ balldfaca aad ra
faorad tbs farallara aad ralaabtoa aad
taiBlIara aad olbm ralAbIta.
od tba biuoadbBUdfac* leal aearip all
of tbfarbdeacfaceeoa a roacb
Baw plaoB tba toB apea faraltort fa
abaai Tba Wood StolBD Bllllatrp
•W taaamBtl fa a rarp abort Uatt af.
faCbattBta prMWrlbtOobtabalidfac
a aa onaeaioD of
Ibat atraetara..
Ibt amlp ttlt tetmuiOB et iht
Oolraa taeUdfa^aed tbt dBtraetioa
ad IbaOip BetAowoad aad
be Jaha tbrbalda aooa lellowad.
baOdfac ewaad bp J. N. lUrtlaeh aad
•aztdeeBtd aad wat atarip a fatal
lafa fa a rarp tbert tlat.
Wbito tbt abort boUdfaca wm borabCrtbtlraBtortaltoad that eatraordlmp tSarto woald bt ra«alrad u


wto tbt roaafafac balldfacaadjofafac
potbawfat. TbtKtbaadlratfadtbrlr
•Carfc fa Acbtliv tbt Atmfa tram tbt
baildlwdf J. M. Baallraaul wUeb
• ataapltd m t- faOor tbop Thto
tbratbara WM alto bwafac aad~badlp
itBiCtd bat aarBBl straaBt wtrp
paarad fafa Iba Ara froB tbt roof aad
dw adtaatt ed Ibt Aastt wm gbirbrd.
Traa tbto pafat the «BK7 ed tba Irw
MO WM dliaefad wttb UUfac oStet
•MttltdMMcatdarfaalBtfaa tad
awp bald work Uttpbttallra raw ot

STSUrwiSs:'' -

as!KcE~:u:; “S

tbe aaoBBto et Iraaa firta fa tbt
aeradmera«ot tar eat of Ibt wap.
Tbt tern oa JbHm Slelabarrt at
wlilprobablprraebAl.on. fatitad
MM M Cirra. J. M. BaellBBtl



Uulc tfUa. tbe tear pearwdd ehl . .
Mr. aad Hr*. W*CM'. wm btrot^ **vp |'
*-rioat)pabotl two wetaafo and dird |<
------lap moralBA aboat alee o clack '
faetral wm bHd at tbt M E
cherch Wedaradtp al 5 p m . eowdact
•d bp Brv. Hr Barwa
Hr. aod Hrt ! ,
Wtfwer have the branftli tpmpatbp of 11


A 0“ yesterday morning caueed coneidarable damage by smoke 1
and water to a portion of our Clothing. Carpet and Cloak stock. 1
taunaiotd of _ .

,.i hi. wniio the bulk of those goods are only slightly aotlod, we eball §
death ramt Matbo:k aad ha*
the wbolr
i hi* aatp Irfaed* alacmlp .

’-------- * -It who had mr proved '
Rtti Enait Traatltn
hiBtel' U be aa hi
St aad nprieht -1
Tbe foilowfac are tbt rpal *
“m?. Gil
Gibb* leara* a wife, two ehll #)
traraten u faratobed bp O C.Moff*tt. draa.a a
Bother aad four broibtrv u> (•
prepriefar of tbt ilraad Trarmo Cone
tbe brartfeU ^
■trad, tbt poUep barite axIf Abetract offix, from Jaa. ITlb
pirsd a tbort Uat ace. BtoloatoRM.
Jta Sird, iDciaxlrt
Eerip paaltrdap sorafac a tabaerlp.
00 paper wm ttarfad bp Ut Kaicbu
atX. Sec. IV. T:!i K. R -■ W—Aii?
Tbe New Herald Ccaltrp Cook Rook A
of fTWlM for Hr. Uwrcaoe. who
ceeufa* tbe brat there wm fa tba Brr- ^
tld Cook Book* No. 1 aad No
aad V
!5 K. B lU W-ATWO.

■m will biffa >i tb* •witort poraltfa fa operatfao daHoc fa* pritwt 1—pa.

Daafas at (Plea HattB

CaBUPfac*. oo* of Ibe pldallQ
____ jmod thto plate, dkd ThatWap < '
aetaiar. Jon. It. at 1:U o-cIecA Mr !
'' —ifara WM aboat Tl peara eld. Tbt
--------wl WM held at Eaptra Fridap. I
Jan It, at Iifao'dcck


the dratta ef Sfapbea Sratl and Jamet
Sweet, who dropped l.MO feet fa a
backet at tbe AtlaaUe mfat baadap.
broatbt fa t meat remarkable ttrdiet Bpck^rat Pioer o
r bet about AMo. fa the tSael that tbe
BOB tba Wc
p tbe (aaltcf
IiUfte WMbat AMOaa afaek fa
•ifacf acaaep aad AIM oe Axtarra
fa daafa-t acaaep.
Tbt lea oe plate claa wm aboat
.l.OtOMBIafad'fa tbe Btexd.
that Oapt-Oharia Barr of the famora
fadl^'atl lotta art m fetlowi: Tbo- paebtCelamMa. Ibeiffaltoai
falfaai AmaricaB
Brot.. AttO; Jobe B Ealltp-t •apdHtmder. wUl vtoUtbatpItM
that pItM fa
btlldlD^. earaptod bp Bleb A BaCbaf. Ibe aarlp CAttaf:' Ctoplala Barr I
ATI: BaoMbAL^ Cet boUdi^. atot Joh^
HlUar. AW; a*r

.. .

ed and well boond
Mra H K C
RaUt bM bewe prepariop tbto tew cook
book lor teveral moatba. and tbe drtt
copie* will bt Aatohed from tbe pret*
tbit week. Everp new and old *nbtcriber of the Herald wUl be eotiUed to
* copy of thto baaMome book m* a premlnm free, apoo coodlllon that Oir
aabacriplloa to paid Io fall faJxanxrp
1. IMl- Tbreoetof prepariogaaiLpab.
Itoblac tbu premina bM beea brarp.
aad the only
onip o
coedilioa apoo which
ran be farawke HKHAi.i.fabacriberi it
kid IB loll Ic
____ ^aryl.l;«i|.
The Cook
miam will beteotfreebp mxlli
or terarod bt- calUor at the Hi
flia. Thto 1* the fi-ie*t aod


’ •)


SeUing aU such goo^s u above mentioned • soiled.
.. smoked up., wrinkled, etc.—at

Look Out for Further Particulars.



Travene City. Mich.

Try OiwlB.ti: TryOraln-O:


Sale commences Saturday. Many of the Kpods you would (
not know had been in the fire if they were not In this sale.

Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet and Clothing Rguse. |



7;:.:5Sr--5.’K.-s3Et --"■"-irsi.-.’KS
■W- F.

DESK C.\i;E\n.\J<S-'-i5, ia75c.

Real Estate, Loans. Insurance a.nd; 4

kUHBHR Sr.AMIS- i.k t.i V, altnc.

Masonic BiSek.

i)iARn-;s-;iii si/fs.

TrsToros City, Mich.


We are just gettinj; in our

*»»««•••• •«•»••««• ••••••••;

i Removal Shoe Sale I



I’aticms direct

Irom the £actor5'--drop in from time to time
ami l(x>k over our new stuff.
Wc have a]H-a>'s

the lead on

Wai) .i'a|*er ami expect to

have the largest and best sdccled
year of any in our htsiory.



slock this


Iwclosfrtl outaialMSCOCNT.


We havej^aced on sale at cut prices y
8400 pairs of Shoes -We give you tbe
m best makes only.
We can save you from 10 to 50 per
cent on your footwear for the next 60
day a After March 15tb we will be in *
» our new store, 242 Front street


Frank Friedrich,



riie Old KellAbla Shoe Alao


Tilat’s what we .sell.

It’s to your interest

to buy jour trioter footwear here. We'bare
everything jon need. Onr stoclc is new and
- our-prices are as low as the lowest. Lum­
bermen's Rubbers'fl.4'0 to $2.75: Lumber­
men'aOrersoxSlicto?!^; PureGum leather
lop Rnbbtrsf2-5<| and $2.75. Prices reduced,
on all Men's aod Wonleo's warm lined Shoes.

\ —cnCIT\W

Will 1»- hwf jo»l na if tb*- fir-- '*f yf-t'-rdny iiKtrning

Steinberg’s Grand Opera House

Friday Evening, Janj^ry 26th
Tie Eiailest Pitfutliw
of Holku Etose's Fail) Stori Enr Wrinei

w (<t*i tou« F*ly-B..rt-

The Season’s Greatest Success!
efawa. M Btmptp Deapt*. W.



t* Fran*. M
- Trocadm Gxxrfatfa. Ftrrto
'BBraE. AAmm. tbtfaaora clews Md tarsharie
BoiUa OB •ok at bes oOee.

Tdapbone 112.

&itWtiLATl^ ai^.j>AireABj,»t. iM&.

Death BoeotA
Death o( koB. Jaaoa L. Oibbo.
Mra' Uata <Mrtleh of Blair. dW
Pplar Poriaf of HayBeldl wat ia Uo
loa. Jaaea U Glbba diad M Ue
aa la MayBMd early yeeurdty Tbanday Bcralaff at I o'doeh
. raise. Oa Baaday. Jaaaary It.
te the city J BUT Bay ee baalaen
Mr. (Hbha wae alrldrea with paralyale.
Mm. PriKUtaSUlwell.moUerof Mm
»od there
M.'B. Stn»y. M e«y eiek at bee daaybhope he Birht raUr. bat hia coadltlea
ioaU Caioa street

I Ftt^wOl be rad
whblkanmaty That 1
aT. M. Atthatti
laHMMtbelaffeMMMtcf new ■
At tbs tiate of tbe IplUaUoa of U

teat* of Ihb aaMloa
aad BMitef tboB. I!
Inet. wlU be la S'
i parade.
There will he e (reA
with ell the 4«rw Meat ww
lafiseflieto. TheMrcMwUl be
iBlMted with Bee doiee dearer
aele. end tbeerboie proeeeeloe wUl he
ebUee with the red Br«'
the l•ltUtia• ol the eudld»l«.heweUbeBq9et wUi he eerred.


Mm B. J. Moryms aad daaybtar.
Grace relU Mm H Haetayar. wiU
for a trie to (Minorto Ormad Traeeiec eoaaty la
of Blair. Thofaaeral wtUaeoarTsB
loeaUar with hit brother. U K. Oibbt. day Beraiar at the (btboUe cbarA la
itaery •elanied boar
at MayBeld la the laBberiaf beeUien. MayBdd at 10 e'elodt.
"'m*' JUatSI
weekt' ritli at
the Brio saBC of Glbba Brea.
Mra Wiaab died Woaday aorolar
iOairolt. ____________________
I her boBc la Maple Qty Tbe re
ilicaa party, ■aad be
with tbe I
BBlat were lakea to tbe eeatbwa part
1 aed faithfal la bU
of tbe eute Moaday tor laterBoat
Hywlte'tyood adriee nerdBrllte^
deeMtoB to tbe riaciplce of bb party.
wrilB F M -Ecib of WinflelJ. Teoa .
the hSetr ie ell mr. loMra will
tor 1 bad ruck a tad cooyb i cou-d
> la life
Mb part?
the wiBBier hide th ewUcr hBaqoet.
■ hardly brrwur
I rlrsdlly yrew worw
ibM will bUo be e BOUbic i
Tbe qaarlerly meetiay et Uc Board
rlheloeBl HeeeBhaa
r CoBBi

eorcry for Couampuoa. wkick uom
Oitj Book Store Obmnrt.
Career. All tbe memben. C B Eelea.
Mpb OoBBeble. Jr.. Beaecer ol tbe
Uu^ty Ferer tlti?tU
A S Fairer aad O. P. Career, were ____
a poamrrij
Qtj Book Store. roMlred e neeeere Sj
oreeent. The btard repertt Uat Uert cared ^ Ub
I* marrrlQi.*-merrelo

I'Irpboee jwterdhj (tob the owser.
trery bo
tre few aeoplc la Ue cooaty wbo are
H. W. Beecher of Oread Eepide. that e
____1 hot................
> U'eb. ai
i-faalT iBtareat lo the baiiBeee had
aad& E WalUdrayti
alt't dray
bet tboee who an ia need arc belay
o told to Mr. Bobert el h\f Baplde.
eared for properly. Imat year Ue ck-1 Colembla Hall bat beea reeesliy
oieoncBcwl to eeinUer Use Id that
peote for maiatUaloy Uc poor ta Uc I
remodeled aad b bow b
Utj. It wet eBBOoimed tbet Mr. Bobelerc. Oea. aurecUre aad is food tbape.
)roBOiy a
irt woeld teae the meBoreBe
UlayUbynr baa Uat far
le beelaeee la e few deje
tbiiwaatllybteapaaae. bat Ue uul
Mr Coaaeble hee beee offered e poelof Ue laet qearter wae ymter Uea
■•Gar of Or. Kioy'r New Lite i'ilb
08 me Becerer of tbe BeUa
the oormpoadlay period last year. neb Blybi for two weeki bat put me
elwe of Beecher *. Krspr bet bte »ot
la my -leeat' ayale." write* I' U
decld^ to accept Bedeelrei to etap
Tarserol IlrmptryUwp. Fa. Tbry'
la Traretee Cltp aod hae plaae e
tbe beat io Ue world tor Llrrr. Sioi
acb aod Itawrb
Btjffi?Bblaa (arerable eppcrti
eoadillao amooc Ue poorer eb
locetabllah hlBeellio affood botloeB
Tbe board bat kept ue eapeoae dowoi
totbe lowcat poiolpoBlUe aadatUel
lame time afforded rellel were seeded |


iu wife Strtd Elm.


““A:,., '


- -lifS-..* ' • KSSiS-f....... _
Circulation this week 2.400

oeere wae dolac a Bacb aaieller
»• ibao DOW. The Brat year of

The Wff Bre WedoeedapBorelaf will
kBaffemeat the bualBeeeBcrreca^
'MtUtartare with the preeeoiatU» of
ed r 000. the eeeoad. •Il.ouo aad the
BaBptjr pBBptp Friday eecolor at

WdoUrer a laclarc Jeo teth at tbe
Barber Orach Kbool booac. where Le
load Trip Mtcacbler.
O. A. Brlcbaoi of Grewo. bac baea

F(Mk J Baodrieb of Waiblaftea
Mresl. b Boeb Improrcd after barter
a caacMfDl opetatioa partoyacd by
Ota. Martto aad Minor Thataday.

Hobart will lake tbe saaar*■aent of tbb aten wbUe tbe BIr Bapide
■tore will be in ebarffe of hb aoe.
R^t AooMenia
Tea DbkviiaB of Soloa. set
WHbapalBlulaecldeBt U tbe w
reeeaUy. that raealted la tha braa
of bb ^kle.

ibarr Lanber Oo.'e mill at Good
OllrerHoaffbtoa. oaeof tbaold reaideala of Klafftley. bad Ue mbtortaae
break a ley while eklddiaff lope


Dr. M)aor atlei^ed him.

-r ” — ■
-------------- --—,
iday aturaooa
O.-. BoUldey
■ ootbeSiith atrecl aide of hU
waaoallMBeoB u droB a rary aerera
balldlar. to Bake room foraa lacrea a-' catreeeleid by A'cek Brpdreaa while
at work lathe woodt near Soloa. Hr.
Baadma wat felliara tiwe. aad had It
arlykiS, wbta thtaae flaeced
■L a efaereb.
Forty-flre Beaban ianeb a way .aa to alrtke bb lattep
wiUffiaat feree.eatUac affbeboeer
won roeelTad on probalioa, tbree
lotMraadtwoeran eeeoptod latofall toariachBla lenAb aad at laaat aa
ioBk la dapU. oae of the emaU boaea
of tbi lotwp belay eat la two. Be
.ke Jiwel
wat broayhl to bb be«e. ocf E'Bwood
le who hi
reaae by bb brother Tom. where tbe
kb store UateearyUlay la Uat liar
oead wat eared far by Dr. Holliday
waaaradfroa Us Bre aad Uat Ue
Circali Coon.
owaen eaa bare tb t Ume by caltlay at
Tbe (BM ol Fraak Zoulek re. Jotepb
S» BtaU atreet. aay time after Friday.
%ialek etal. bet beee cetUed c
Tbaaeeoad of Ue ol partlet
Thb wet for the aeeoaaUaff
(leaa by Dr. aad Mrt. A. H. Holliday
oeearrMUateraalayaBd yrorpd tobe
a meal daliRbtfal afftlr. Blkly-elfSt
yibehelrtioa (arm oa the
■•Bta were prtaaat aad prccmtlre
lotiila. Tbe farm wat ralaed at from
padio waacejiyed aatil a laU boar.
•1.000 to *1.too. Fraak /lalak. o
The BUr^Mrot. prt opaalay tbe an Abe brim, bad paid a BOrtfar
BOB BBder *BT taVorable eondltlOBa

y iBUnttisy
a. aad it larolm Ue celAle of
U» latcJi
•oh orer BM.DOa
le Norembor. Ut;. Joha Wood<
Dra Gamer aad Cbate oporaud apoe
>ea oboatTfl yeart of aye. bee
Blalaa year old bey llriay
gryUlaadwbile eoaBatd to bb
at Otdar Baa. tor ateresb of
>• preeem elalmtst beet trie Ut r
loBBtal bWAl...,tbc rlybt lay.
tdatteadtdhia.nnfQllyasd ftiU
twcrloai 'o p e r a 11 o a t
illT aatil be Baallr
bemi perforasd a^a Ut na>.
deetertalAao Arbor. The operaUoe bnllh. Tbe\aUsacr aad trbadthip
ripeeed Uto a warms
wat performed ti Ue oew boapHi'
feellayoe both tidm aad soon after
Tbe noe'of"K»;M V. HuUey. tried
took hb eorte
for'o wile. They weal to OUlfurala
lonraad remalood there
aarried to tbe eupremyeoart aod
It time. Hr. «
dtriokie bat beaoaffirm^.. Tae aeUea
isrolrod Ue replrrla of
elly tor
sally Uey retoracd
wheat wbleh wat U diopatc helrnyp ■Bide. Oa Jaly eU.
A. laPV.Hr.
laPV.Hr. Wqedwa
tbopartiottoUe tail. Pratt A Darb died and It
diKDcered Uat oa ti
rrva'Uo auersoya for Payoe aed C. G
. preceAM^eeaa
tou day ol Jooe
Taraor for Oidley.
badcraatfpml Ue bala of bi* atu
y-BBorai of Co. l/ Boy.
Tba body ol Fred G Corey arrired Gnat BToedward aad tooUer relatleoa.
aamad BaU aad Hyna Sbaldaa aad
Free L- Soaae.
la tba teiUcmaat ef Ue nUtc it
foasd Uat eery UUle wa* left U Uc
wile- aod taler abe eoayU to re
waatabc claimed to be bar riyhUal
partlew of Ut BtaU. waick the ooe Ultd
be tauu. aceordiaf to auteloey
I. Hnee Ueaaliaow lapeofran.
ta aaaoeaead by Ue attoram
tbey will be Ureayb wiU the
by today boob, aad It wUI prob­
ably be Batabed before Ut day It otar.
TbeBaalaryameatof Ueeateauy ha
left tin tbt Boat term of eoan.

uiSnssi.ii’rLu'srss; ?

must set DMMiey on
oor ahjok


in February L

that a.- i.boald have iiml J
. in .laiiuary






Our' Climk f

priivK are wonderful and k
our Pluah Cajre


, fully triintiiedaad bmid- '
1 ed. at <»'.47

ia ll.•J■ol•d f

• <-.iiiidan'

^ Qixt ^tiiv«a1
» >0KVU &oo&» SaU






Wait-h still

- I

wait for it. j

»*e up.*re. *pc

. tI..:’:.

UK) DMHlt kui ti nu ti • IB1 In CBH



e of till' vomiuoD ivotidiibi. KOeb


u-oaU than we want-


piriw Canphur. Parwric, ExSpirilr
city at l.tnoo f’Viday.and willbeukca^
ictof'Vil.'b Hjii!?I. E*Mn>-.> PeppHrmiiit, E-*—o<-e of ■tiiniHi'
direiUy ti Ue Baptla-. cbarcB. where for
a half boar all who wiab will bare aa C'T, a i:>akl Linimeot, etc. .Ml thi«<- in the innal rehalili- lorni •-Unity of taklay a laet look upon
oae who for tbe paet rr- yean hae been
knoara amony aa After which a
brief eereiee will be.bfld. before pre.eeediay to Gakwood eamelery.

Ire *100 and Ue •
pr»bea to be a eecyv^lDUnnbaowoa trial bel
Mayae la.lbe elieoU eovL It b Ue
•ctioo breaybV-by Ida Woodward *a
John H. Woodward, at. al.. the
keini^ a bill u aet aside eartala
>tyeaoB. Tbe avmracyi la tb^ ear
^rait A Oarb aad C. G. Ton
It; fcr
Bor. Fr. Borekowaki. who bat for Maaly U. Dodye of Ub city aad Boa.
aoate Use baaa lacbaryt of Ue Folkb
Diekma. ex-apeaker et Ut
paiMh at iaadore. bat beea Iraopferred
rapmeaUtiree fortUs detea saeb larcer Beld at Alpeaa. Thb

find oorsclvee with more U

• mm
- nu-uo

at to Uc eatirr rommaBily
For josl sin-b emprn'’"''**'
The tooeml win be beld from the
n-ry home Biionld W proviiled with

no Kbbiyaa Telepboar Co. wirei
apoaUe prUeipal atmw of the city
wUl ho nbled Id Uc anr fatore.
Twolee baadred teetof Uc nUe wat
naaltad ynuiday aad a laryc yaay
•wlUba here aooe tot pat^ ap aod do
a Ursa aBOaat et oUaroonatractloo

la Ue eity yaaurday aoea. aad wae
met at Ue depot by a tqaad od Coa
paay H. wbo eaoorted the retaali
Uoaadertahlayroomtef Will Ai
asm. Mr. Ooreydifdatttlboaey.Caba
of yellow toear. Aay. t. Ite*
At T:W Uto moratay. tbe memben e<
OoBpaay H sot le HcKaaiAra baU
from wbkh plaee they marebad
AaderooBb sadrruklny ronme. to
eort Ue body la Mapisloa. A aam
of sambwa of Ue G A. S. abe seud
Tbs toasral will oeear from the Oy.
dMbary aharah at 11 o-eloak U ebatye
sf Comptoy H. Bar. D. OaUUa wUl
Btadart lhaawTUs.


a mao to be trotted *ed faoaored.
■rat yeeial aed happy lb bit maaber
at all limei aad la all placet. Hrwtt
A cry At oi^bi, a aiulili-u
atpleodid example of CbrittUo maa
)>aiii. tbe liouiM-bukl alarmed, aiid all
hood and hit iadueace wat alwaytfor
fiirlbe lack of the appropriate remfood, aod Ue world la better tor bit
life. HladnU ia a diatlari aad beaer .«d>- and tbp liitfiiiolty of gettiiit J

wiU a etroeyer eospaay than aeer
a. Fratt aad J. A. Loraayar. Ue atTfcvwUI alajABlBlraJas. STU. atu^,,^ to,
p»ryB to Ue aait.
Haylotd WU aad MU
They opeoed
oat of eoan Uat Fraak should

Id .Uiioary ha» bml its U
rffrt-t oe Inidr and i


Want Aaolber Churca
Father Bauer of St Fmaeia church
• prompt lorenynlu tab ability bat been eaeryeGe for many yeart la
1 bb eerrlece. aad baildea lecU tbe baiidlny op aad yeami prodperity
lowsahlpofllntbeld. la ur- be wte otUecbarehlaUltciiy and tbe imrleeled to Ue leisure from Ub ptoeemeal aad ealaryement of Ue
dlilrioLandaytla la lr*i. Frooi iruo edifin here bat b*ea oaatemplaiod tor
to iit'ri be wB* elected eoeoiy clerk tome time It U uuted that there bat
•alaryiay Ue
aad reylner of deeds aad la UM-b'.
clerk after Ue eeparetioa of Ue
oBlen. He wat oae of Ue orcaalienot Ue Rnrdmaa Bierr Ele trie
Uybl aod Power Co., aed was oa Ue oew Catholic chereb
board of directora After bie retire-; the
tbe city for Ue accommodation of tie!
meat from oUee. beTlny booyfat tbe.........................
Hire boeioeet at MayBeld. leclodlBy
the cure aad lumber mill, be reloraed
to that polat to uke direct ebarye of.
lerted ymlaad tneeeiBtuI effi
the bailnen
Hr*. Gibb* and two ehildree. Marios, tbit direction, bat Uc tereiem arc cod
ducted la Eaylitb aod tome susbeta
ayed H aad Ilarolo, ayod 11- »anrlee.
Hr. Glbba wat aa aetlee member of with a ebareb in which tereicn tball
tbe Haptbt ebureb here aad his loo* becoodueted in oUer lasyaayea. The
win be keeaiy felt ia Uat aocleiy. at muliof Ureffirit Cor a saw ebareb

Cbarba BiaSord had Um Bnyere
Tbeateam barre. Alice H. GDI. nia
ill be by *1! wbo kaew Urn
badly bfalted at laterlocbea We.'—
for aaay yean oa tbe lakB by
ybool Ue eoaaty and eitewberr.
Wat Fraaklik. aBdoeeed by GUI A
Mr. Glbba watamaa of eteriiay worth
While at work at J. B GrelUek Cob- aad inleyrity. Hit charocter wat *poi■oMofMortbperV baa baaa told W
paoyb factory TheradayJ. Kaleoa fell,
Otnd O-Coaaor ol Barbor Sprlara
He wa* a polished, edaeated
atriklBf BpooeOBiTmaeblaery. Ue wae
emaa It alwaytdid ooe yood to
al of tbe Kew York eeeerely bmbed ^t Ue, back aod

tUa .prerot Ue biyb obUiUce of

aa. aad bad Baay fnaade to thb aty. Ueyaeatotbba)
J. W. SUUr wnttoElk B^dt yaa-

Mra. Loob* Uatadlad SatarSa
rr boat la Blair jewaahlp. at the are
•. r; reara She wat the d«irbter of

■« at Blpaa eolUce
OB lor a fiae edaeatfoe. Iai«»ecr. aelf aeqalrad. Me ease

: Keep
; Youp Eye
i on the Indicator

"Wai-t’s 3D3?-a.g S-fcoas^

Dnvtng park Ataodatloa
The oryaaiutlM of the Tmeerae (Sty
Dririey Park Aeaoclalioa wae perfected
leadayeiyht. a'eoaetitalioe aod by
lawi belay adopted aad oWeert elected
Chairman T T Hatn presided at the
inUoy is Ue coaoell rooms aod Utre
watalarye aueedtace of tbe tuck
boldor* After tbe adoptloa of Ue
Jtotion and by-lawa a- board of
director* waa elected aa follows.
J.T. Basaab. B. J. Horyaa. llr. A.
H. Holliday. A A. Cook. PetertVoutmry. Dr. J. E Mania and Edward
Immediately afUr Uc clecUoa of tbe
ditaclort Uat body met and elected tbe
followlay officer*:
Pmideoi—J. T. Hanaah
Vice pmldest—H J. Horyaa.
Secretary—Fred H. Pratt
Treaaarar—Peur Warebary.
Saperiateadrat of yroaodtPeter

Uebcan of director* to perfect Ue
tmanclioe iseolriay Uc traoefer ef
Ue^perty from F. C Deuaoad to
Ue aawxtaUoB aeeordiay to Ue opGoD I
yieea by Mr Deemood. Ue ipiard j
aaUerirrd tbe preaidenl aad becre- I
tary u effect the oacmary imaifcr.!
aad upay the fir*tio*tal ui-aloftMu ;
Tb. attocialioQ tlariaoff uadenfae t
onbta aatplee* and aa tbe iloekbold ;
•manlndtay aad mpooalbte baai-;
Uefeture of Ue oryaelu-:
tioia I* rery promtaiay.
The parrhate prior of Ue property, |
bleb eompntrt lortr acrri. fOrm'rlr
oowB a* Ue fair yroaodt and own
pird by the GwadTrerertr Ayncultai.
al aad ladattrtal toidety. it et.iioo. It
it eqlaabl* propt^ aad belay wlUin
Ue elty llBila it npeeially deelmble
parpotre the attaeittioa will
deeaw it to.
The ttoekholden bb.r paid ia •l.ono
aadafur Ue Brat paymaet iaMade
Uare will bra aaay tam iatbetmaary wlU wtaica %a effret wbaterm im
foaad dnirmble. It it
Ue perpoet of Ue
it a drleiay park at well at U aliew Iti
oae lor other parpoen of reemuoe
At Uere ate amay horse faaelerb lo
It may be expected Uat
ceaaidsnble atuaUoo will be yirea to
imetayereau: bat Ub wil. aot bleder
oUerhiadt of sport aad amatea^av
which wdl bt CO
tier ^ Ue
11 be BBder


Use your telephone. Oee our delivery wayont. Uie
the best goods in your heme.

The Wearers
Our Famous.
-$1.98 Fine Shoes
For Ladies
pnise them more then

w>- do


Icnni th.'ir b’o™! •Mulirica >>y vliial uw




«■ sbon

bnt-o tbe liitme ai
$S.60 dhoes an<l
most $li.G0 phxra.
lo rbooer frcdu- ,

Five Dollar
Overcoat "


*rii-- iirral labor eavere —
cell front J-i'M lo-*:l»Xl-jiist
trj onr

. l or tdij. and a *>;g0
on- f >r $1.G0 arc- au»e of the
price* Wr're aelliOK.for

All the siceot colon nod
•bapea from ««to $L85.



r.iustAotly — up'Io.dati*

SI.SO will BUY
ordinarily a i>air of fair w. ar
iny ahtw* for lailim.


Carpet Sweepet^


•i lls fitr 15c a package -it
iuakea the siowt fruit jelly.

a pound

Fens .

For tbi-^iiftat •taiioBr'ry.
•ml (hr r-avi-InppyiH'Ufor I'V
h pa>-kai^ or H for itV.

it will buy not oalt a pair of
li.ioally piod w. nrin*; aboed, but nlao
•l}li-b, wvll tiltioyshoea, g'“»l enooijb
ti- wear any pla-v.


..UBies' Oeiltr Dollir Kii Boots...

Soli- Irathrr i -iUOtets, itincrsolrs,
oulersol.-e aud lierU. i«tcnl ir*ther lip, fancy top *Uy


Still Selling LaSies' Warm Shoes
and Slippers at Reduced Prices.
Cut Prioaa on dom« Fmir QtuiUiy Mubboi*

;si ?

TIte saw <lr-ndart f«lty—

maud for fram<w

Get up
on time
Buy a l'McI Blara cjock
foi ■-•Ot HAtidaomf maoi-t
and lemdoir'-lot-kafrom$1.40

of Soups
Cbick''8. Ikjollion. vega,
tpbir—aells at 10c a <-*8—
miidr- ip 5 miiiates.

Bella for itV a kIbm-oranjw. in»P«pio^
apple, plum, nwpfaerry, red
.'urraot. oUAwberry.

N-ver let it haiqienatfBin
-^•IaII the kb-al wriurw--V
buys h>df ^do2»■o.

Grow Healthy
Eating Nuta
(iot tbv good klBda'A
Brazi't and ^'caodU iGc a tb.
Filbert* and r««n* 12c,
Walnnu I'v-. Almonds 2Ur

ChUi Sauce
tl>« fiiies^ table reliab

Fruit Jama
Ope of tbe uiewt rolub.
eav-CGcnea in all flavon, and
ael|d at 12c a gUoa.



Of all kindt-tbe Rich,
mood & Baekna Co'a bi« al*
ways the b«Bt—fiOc a 'qnir*-

LetUr fita* 25c; raU-ra.
5r for the wood.
for tbe
rubber: calendar padt lOe.

Hava Wafers
■ In the bonne -Ouena
Mndwicben 15c a box, ebam*
pagoe wafer* "^Sc, Unenda

Always bave them ea thn
Uble- Baby oUtcb « lOe,
Qatta oliTC* 25c. Derilnd
olieea 90c.

Made at bom* aMdaells
from lOe to 30e a pooD^-or.
der np non.

Tk Hamali 11U; HercantOe Co.

BaUlBB. oa tha iraaad «( dmmtit


aMfWkUe Mn.PrlMU

Uf. nieb«r bM r«UU<«* TtalUv
h« bmm mikn HtebinaIte (krr ••lanklMd U* Aid teel^V

Ba-kloa. W. B. Bs-ktaa ssd](^2^(^
DosMd WUaoB sra oaulsr *ooo ool„^, for oU pmUb ooni
_. Ua saaasl Bsatlsr o( tba U altad Osa basbarfb Maes.
; Osly soc st das. 6. Johaansb •
ebsr^ e( HxU^oo Wadsaafy law
Hr. Hsnr'a paopic hsaa a las aa« | Wsifa dr«r stoats.
PorUssd eatlar.
Praa -B«. B. K<«
Edit lirsy baa rosa to Btf SapMa. 1 »«isas last fall Trasasrv Smltb. oi
Ms 8ssfasl. wbo baa baas w<rtla
Praa.—A O.
pMd ost
(or Hra. MsicarM La-ia, ratn^ i
Trass-jseob Wt

tba klUiot of
bar boM os tba PaslsnU fc»«rda».
baa -R. A. H<
Baa C. Babaaah apaai Isat arask at
TSlt^ B I
•apta swialtw Boa- «aal
sad Kate Bl______
Lska ia
____ a fro* Tnrtla
y, Hla. B HIsraowrssd rictlalab.
ria lor Kis. H. Jsqi

n»nc»dika LBsbvOo hM«i«Md
1* b^MWM MOMBldl so llolfM^-


BseUa'i Aislos aiTs

.._ . llrwM naatiofi bare Saedsr

Baa •rorld--lda (saa for asrralooi
.iraa It oarpsatt say otbar aslra. t?
loUoo. oietaust or bsla (or Cog. 9)
Coma, Bams, Boils. Sorts. Falosa.; (m
IS Tettsr. Sslt Bhaom. Frrer I ^
>. Cbspped Baodi. Skis grpptioaa. 1 (S
IliMa (or Piles. Cora nsrsstard
»c st Jss Q dobsaeo't sad S E ' 7

rttt to Trsraraa City
t bar aoB sad otbsr
Hn. Was. Otaoaat at Traawaa Qiy
li aWtisr K>A Obat. Gsrtesd.
Asaabar eftba (anaafs is tUaalwool Ion-

Ml* Artbsr ■oMssas

tbay bara baas st
■aaltar o( Priaod
foot hart ratib s pair of akUdiac loan roodaaatlan
^s I

M»a.PS« MM

■a solsto ba/Uf si pnaasi^


baparieiaBdant—-t P Oisy.
Aaa-t Sap-t-C T. ElBosds
daeraisry-HM Uey Bawklas
Aw'i Sae'y—Hte Asss EdBoeda.
Trtainrar—Hr. Prascb.
lirrsaitt—H laal^i^llswblaa.

sdiBC q'aarurly
wails raporla

TboutSBda of brsra boy* bsrr (ailac
is tba l•bi^lpplaea; Boabsada.-------------brothar*. bs*a . firoa thair

I qaite badly
ay sent lor tba
▼atarlssry. s'l^drMa^' awoopd sbd
atom sad Aodraaa Pray
tbosrfal tba boras
I nt
H suoiay
BapW City Satardsy..
rary •rel.
Isal Hooid p^ol bar (snilT ria
Hta. Bstiia FollaUol Ballslra la st
bar psroala rlalUar tba >aak.
t toCopaPrayarOMsUsrlaat
alrbt si
■BartJohsaee sad •rifaof WnU
miib Isat Wadpeadsy.
b^ riallad at Walur Wstaoo-^
. LsBs'a.
Tba rosda sra oot dt (or bsolisc si
Jehsaos asda Hsbal s <»ll
>la writlsc. WblU tba rosda rran
_ood M sod JO .taaaa aroold paai
. throarb tbta borf.
gab Cos baa baas sIbosI badfaa
i larrlppo rargliitoo poannoola
inl-sa bald at Esipira OD iha

Hr. ssd Hra. Bryan HarTsy«< Trsr
arsa City alaliad wRb friesda st tbit
plsea bsMrday sad dsodsy.
■a taVTsa.
M wtsolsT «»• »»« rsawo dartof
Baa. Hr. Crslsa trill prascb bars
aaerr dnedsy aatsUr berasftar.
______________ Qg' M
A waW dssea aaaa (haas si
K. J.. __
telWa ^aoa. ta>o mrira bom
rlaltiM bar iBlaee. Hn. Jaht Wlstara
AbSSt OcSlbti (rlasaa arara pr
laef Bsska.s<ioo»
Hn. E. A. Osrilala
AUapasisplasassioaasIscby ha
tOB sad dairbur.
Mipsslad t
Willlsmaatlppad as tbaaldawslk
.m,,u SDd Uas.
apaat Hoeday sad
I IB TnaBraa Chy OBt dsy Ibii
Tuadsy alih bar danrblar. Hra. J. J
Bod aprBlBtd bit sakls
W. L Friak raursad (roa Cblosco

^n-xsEsr— . iZJ:,’'

SbbawassdbgUtby Hr. Horn
S.B.UwtoiasroaBd arsis.


HIM EOa BaaUiB k akituaf «Ub
Hlaa Hary Blrobm.
HIm.Lbbib Usdiay baa r>n
traaBiaa Cltyurweme iMrctodlMSt
Prof. Doakany'a aebool.
Jseob l*0Msr. Br.. bsc mU------PMesdcrsaoBlb'c alallst LssalBCCyrM BslS bsc irosa to tba Trmreraa
City aebool.
- «Baai.«»»»
psi— .•
Baa. A Bskbory sod motber-la-lsw
■ib.B.B Obldbs kaklUsabarak
I Trsaarsa Olw aklisd Baa. B, Bsib
ad IsoUly Uat Wadaaaday.
Xr.BMfw hsaqi^ •wlnflatsssd
Boa. K. Bstb bald malaal oeaUDfa
(OM ksMt tbk aomlsr
at weak sad they sra atlll Is
OMT Bmek SAsdsy
(too. erkp of Oraens sttsadsd ausP
Ik bara laalBsedsy easalsc.

ot'^Sr B>m ^

Acker of UloB Arbor
thk plsea Bstardsy.
raDOell ssd I
il(BB bsaa moa«d
C Aekenasa sed H. F. Hersp of Bi
pira sera esllara at tbU plsea today.
Cbss KlBf sed tbs HiMce Ktbr. B(
ry sad Heletyra sttsedad ebarcb be

HsBioel. Haora MsdasbaelpMe ulp
to Cedar Isal Frldry.

« Urore to Kmplrato-

T«eiraU8rtppil^24 iMre.

biasiry aa leader.'
A li. Frl X rtlaraail bomriaal Hod
day DlBbl aflar aa rxieadid rkit la tbc
lulb psrl ot tba atala.
Irt. Wiaalr. Vbo bM beep aary alek

No n-m-rly •■qualr WAKStJtV Wlin r
Wine ok T ak sv«i i- for tin- .vti i.
•aod (aul
fL- iiierSMi. If
ilblv ainl in ims-. ll ailf i-ui'

i, stu aarpataayi

Cbrkttoa Keadaes. aaeUos foreMsa
ofEayatoae. bom to Boyst Falla to­
day. •bsrabaslU be tasrrtad to Him
people are all owamlsc
Violet Wood ot Cbarlatola eoBBiy. Hr Otar '£*
om e^f
Um ion
of Vbeir~^i
their akatlDf. aa KbSdtea baa tba bMt slaaM
lltOa lake k oos
IDS eorarad sits
sitb taoi
maey (riaadi la tbk eeatmaaity
1. Wiaelaof rrararae.City
Wa bara a aery r<»d aebool sllb
a ose day tsat -------- HIM EUa Uaareaey aa taaofaer.
' I slU bl lead sad timber
Joba lletela alill lu TraaaraaOlty
tsklK rare of bk (atbsr. sbo bad a
basllK lota
atro)iB of psrslyak tse iMt of 0

- - •

Hna JebMoa sad Hrs AUh
teas bsas TWUte tbclr (sU
asrfc.iitsfi4P Iteir beat


teMsd Bsadv- Tbs ssrato
Hfs B. A HkhsnOBCtsrtod

H ter ate broka bk bask boss. Tba
tbla a«ddMt. cnralax rtebt
Bksssb Tbsrp baa tokae U. C.
atm tbs daatb o( bw ebUd. arsa s Wbeslookb plsea oo tba eaclloe. Hr.
dasUc blss IP Hrs I(Wtsra»s;‘
Wbaalo^ sill dtss lof tor Falcbam
Tte HcmbiM ffsaa Ustr Isalslls- A Oo. sbn tbara k ecos seeKbttoa •prk tetsrday aaaalsc. a lama
CbsrlnOadsntM kBalUKnstesdsr
sB*bar«blS| FTBssss
B bk farm.
Hra. JsabanoG U rklilay friesda
dobs Aadeisoa. sb
iK a aery badly eat
aU sMks kable Ml
PrasebiBB eaary taro sMka st elaaes
o'elook. Frsyar MeatiK nvw7 T«r~
dsy oaaslaB.
Oottacp prayer BssUafa bara eleasd
lor tba praaser
teto UartoM;l.*00 taM M hard


Tte ssstbar dartaf tbk weath bsa
a forwbasi; teoasi
older today sitbsUfbl aaos Oar-

WllUsa bafoataeasd Uaor^ DaWitt
sra oaltiBB MS lota oa tba 1 Wiaalr
pisos of Issd.
D s swraa era ao fas asd
that it k Bseeaasry lo •
otrosd work OB tba loa
eat ten.

a day sliboal I
UU la tba lioai
,t momeBt an so


Ptm—C T. Csrpaater.

?£ " ............

lad Vtoa Pras-Hra. ClaraOrlap
trt Vloa Vrts.-W. E Crtra- '
4tb Vies l-rra-C. B Bartlstt
dac.-HkaEama Waits
Trass—ora Qarpsolsr.
Obrakiar-W. E Ckas
Ortsskt-Ktra. ULsaU Pray.

ks beaaato bawd,
b ttenraaatryk babHfksUtsttteOBBiar.

to* *

Oraaa lAte ass SOS atola tte oldat
,M0m is tte aeasty. baa Whippla.
stetanoppiM anth A. Hsses ssd k
--------- --------------of ttefsaily.

lal. V.ea Vraa -Aaoe Wstetor.

and bar sasi at Torcb Lake
Tte toaal tirsawo bold a patok Mast-

sapsoMdMsoaktto Uo prevrsM
Tte^Btobar bsatooM k saCsriK tor

it ssd bBsladariih
. _


Ctora Pairar to Mill swt tos

~ Knmt Street



Before 13u\ in^
.A I’lANO or (»K«.:AN do not fail to :
SHEfS. if you wish lu SAVE MONEY, i
\\ care selling out our Small Musical .Mi't'ehandisc 3
during January- at great reduetions.

Such as \ ioIins, ^

liuitars, Banjos. Mandiilini. etc.


Annual Statement.


1 Or*c« M. Cunningham. I’ri.i.. ;


SIC co.^


112 Waist Frodf Stiwet. 3

Bl lor Ibr raar aoBlax O-r tl. im. ol lb
.Abins aB«U-i*i



«. A W/akara.


- Ss.Carr.

|;.B8a(lle’s Winter Offerings..!

Aluseder. a Toledo boy.
lor a plosoasl aialt oi

Hr ParruooD aad Hr. # aoa both
bsd'tbo Biofonaaa M brtsk tbair Ik
rtec oloiarho toot - '
Him Paarl Wlaao o
Oodsr. sbora otekat
Sasdsy- _______


A. Orals bM Boradto Wylii
tebteasearadsert fratte si

atpia-r oiif pni'v ir. liiwi-sl

Bareaias la Buggy Whigs. 8 cants to tIOO. 3

doi-iora M eara a BoDOies Aora on
; lee. TbsB Usey saatad to cat it
- ffS'e-; but be cored it sllb ooa b * of. Hi
la Syrop I lea'a Arsles Salta. Uasrsotaad <
>P(-* E- (or Piln.
:t ru ^ box. Sold
♦ I« 'J.O. Jkhaaoosad^l'^E WsltdmBfiau

J sals Das Heeaeld west os strip M
CSrl Walber bsa cqoo M HUiraakw. ■ar « Maal4 *
a Teolay k drswtK bstod bay ID Otssd Bsplde Isat seaa.
Bar. F.-J Bryss sttsadsd tte (assrabas.
Ba bsa a Urea ocop ssd
(toorfa Orady ratorasd toat sash
u (srarO. raas al Bs
I of boak Herssll. Jr., at HUMS last trea a aklt to HllsAakaa.btoasapraaalK.
•B WfbsB. sbo bsa boss qalls
an batoc dras^ .M Ftoter'a


ntvlarcv inervsae of our mAk>- of HnrOMS ;





Horse Blankets I
Fu BibT Robe
to $<.50.
Urjt isgrtiDtii Fv Bobs $S.OO to {U.OO. i



Jobs J. Bsedy. oT Oraad BapU
sasriy aU tema
toads to Trararsa uify.
essaaaalK tba rllUca is tba lals
of tte Btasd Bspida Herald ssd H
Oar btoelMMlU at tte Oaatar
qatto a rma of eaatoMi te ksest
Tbs toesl Test of tba Mnwabta
W 4s a food j A.
Hsay an sozlosa for aura boos, at
tbay teas s Isryc saosstot h«aos
Harry Ilasd bsa s 1st)
offiesn WBstter sUb s toelsl oreslK
(fsirtlos ascina froM Fart san
- —tapsraossBe Friday. *
Hte Amt Ulteball. priaary
Oisa saa bad asd
oBesra see

Traverse City, Mich.

OUldrao era Ackir

Bay and ayde Alrord aMppad ban
today os iteir say home fiw tba lit
Ua lake, sbara tbay bad bsas looklK
tor a ebsaea M akais.


J. W. Slater’s House Furnishing Store,
ist Front Street

From 59c to $6 00.

‘Tlaa'laafa to

"NaBlralad-Bolda Osaka I
arda ' Hr. Wood'aSorsay I
alpsaaosedaromra MS b


1 Hiuan maket



Makes the.ncatest. cleanesvand
>tr-snge>l l>ed C*
made 1 have a w)
large line. 4< different
fnihi No. '12' ftibv .-ut),
0 •).
4 ft high, in three different wiriili-. for $3 76. Next ••)
• $30
Large line (•
one IS $4.76 and si
Springs. Mattresses,
Wildren N CriliN.and Bed- (•
ding of all kinds.


d al Iba holal for
Iba psai weak era aa- follosa. Joba<
KruBcr. Kmplra; Hra. C. E. Sheppard, i
F. A. Fo*. Satinas; E A. Latur. Hn(-; »•

SB-B Paot-Bssat




iir-ffl____ ..



..s. Ulirlpt-' « wv.-r faiL-lu-f. Wsv.iVand ai^-

alBhl o'clock. Her (aibi-rand moth !;■*
aad brother. Hr. aad Hra. Harry of; »•
Haatlnra aod bar broibrr from Lsa !,}
alBf.eamaate s.
turpad v-diy aad

ISO daya Tbay..............
look Iba ramaloa sllb tbeio
at bar boma. Tba family sad alao tba
bnabsod bpa iba aiacara aympalby of
• ratanied from


iO y'

III 3J buiirr. amU !■» Uic c-iij'li :

Hssa sera aaddeead to hear of tbr
_asth of Hr. CBBalBca of Ulan Haase,
sbichoeeerradst E.pira IsalWedeealaaly. A. Ha
day. Ur. CammlDCi ssa ose of tba hanoa. HHso; Krnrit
old aetUera ssd ssa blrbly Mtaeoied. Hsiaaky. Haoiataa: II.
Tba fcBcrsl asraleea sera bald at tbr Arbor; K H i'srkrr. Hason couBly:
obaisb si Empire Isal Friday.
Mullnfloo. Ulee ATbot; ilco l.jhr.
Hrso.laer of I’orl Oaeidsssd toe
slOiiada; J. u. Ncaaaa. Ulan Ar
srssrc ot Empire psasad IbroKt
loiaa llalcy. Kmpir.-. Hr. Harry
j inimcJ4V ifl-*-iiiiiiirn;v-niiiiiuTs;- > .m l •-icla.
>SB raoeotly.
Ifs llaaliDB*. Hr* A fi WllU-.-.
Bstir^ awlBg.
Hka H 1! UeadOB ssd A Jobsaoa ol ..r*. H.-Ilioald. E-Bplra;»u. Harry,.
So tSa w-..
CUldras Ol
edsrealledoB trlsada bara rseeatly.
J. HcCUl of Bapira saa te toss last
Frsd Baaold. Jr., k bsaisf a tasala
•aarliailaaa. Em li..ioa.a.,a aaur..i,>o« aa '
KM Um Orekw .hsa flaaa bp
BtBrtUyMhasi •erk In Tmaana aiy sad ra- •rith tba rrlpps
Hia..Hsrala sOd sepbes of Hsela
Joha Relsab k
City sara plaaiaat eatton st tbla plsra
_tbsr Dbss I


I will quote yon the following prices:
No. 12 Peninsular Round Oak..
No.. 14 Peninsular Round t lak..
No. It) Peninsular Rouml Oak..
No 18 Pninsntar Round Oak..
No. ‘25 Maple Peninsnlar................
............... 11.«5. now
O oO
No. IH Box Stove..........................
No. ’5 Box Stovt
4.75. now
3 76
Air tight stove with cast lop. binge door, double sheet steel, for #5.7.^. and a feir
second'haUfl beaters from $( 0>. One jarge Peninsular base buffer for w.tod.
just ak good as new. sold-for $30. and fl8
will buy it now.
fuliv guarattteed, I 4l will pav you to buy
now, even il you did
not'use them until next vear.
-- ----------------"i not
\l have a lull
Inli iine«
line4>f the Peninsular cook stov
_and the I’eninsuliar and
Ouickj Meal steel ranges.L fully guaranteeil.' A liet
rtlcr range for. f4?.00 titan you
will-jtiT agent.-;

sad 'smll;
• , phya.
-. ...
shere all othera (ail aad alaadi aloa<

Tba Tamprrsece
Hra. H A Cpjrcr k luBeriBC aa-y Slib-Hra Harrry tViday aKpraooa.
i...,----------- •
Qoeb with tba atlbBB Bod U la (aBrad
• '
' sill BaoaaBiutaBcbssraof cll- Feb. Sod. Tm
/JmII*** *H*^'



(sc»i but tbcDtSBda
sra ....._*a»
IslUag at
boar today wbomicbt batsrrd It
O tba<
saslt t)r O-.tais

lard. Shota rary akk. Tbara la ii„ i. !««►»»«
bote Of bar
,ab. omcar 1- H. Easdolpb of! 17"
te- M «“-1
leida saa
ssa bare
laatfVadaeaday oiu sbea ha riaiu Trar
ot a lltlic
iaBlrlaboataiiyaara Mich.. Tharada.T. Fab. UL i
SBr sbl
abourtad from aitaa jn Use prlrata aarlora of II
atlOB fpr ctiildikB: la . ao,«i,
v a. m. to •
that place.
' y. raeb
' osoatb
> ie^si
.mleaiioa (raa sad-atricti;
W. I) Haraard

tlqs Uwto
bk psrast
parasia -st
raem. Fsasrsl
I Uao LlBOBBy arBt daeklDC
st tba bone on
OB (rldsy.
mdacisd by
a day Isai sata ba ssa timck
kd*. B. P. HawUt. Baa. O I). Wsikina.
patlor. sad Baa. F. J. Bryss ol Wll OO tba ana wltb B a«Boip book. reOTiaIB^ Ba wriy Bad pslBtul fsaB. shkb
flSMbarg sitiaUM.
m apfor a sh la.
. Hr. ssd Hrs. B P. Bsrpta droas to
TisamtCity Bstarday.
Baalasl tarrioat eoaUsaa this
lasry alcbt aaaapUDC dBUrday nlfbk
U W. BaPlamls aUlled.ter aebool
tltboorb tba Bsraleta. sc yaX bsas sot
aaas asry Isrealy sitssdad. tbay bsaa
Hr. ssd Hrs H. Fanaat of Csdsr
Wen osilara st tbk plsea Baaday.
ot Hi

______ ^IK


wpisr. rat frsritqfjBrt
'« •)


S“' s::t5.

Hra. J. Bocalssd la ap srossd tba

md Bnviosla aary •»«>■-.

>I have a larce line of the Botmd O&k Peninsular^ the best M
) oak stove made, that I will close oat to save packing: snd taking tfaein to mj.ware- W
^ bouse, which’is crowded to its utmost capacity now.

taral - rurrrj rsaya

Gentiemen’s Fur Coats,
^ =
Gentiomen’s Fur Gloves and Mittens,
Wool, Fur and flush Robes, ^
Ladies' anjl Gents’ Trunks and Satchels.

We soald like throeeb tba Bsasxto
Mtsaak Jas U Jobaaoeot Traaarao
Oty for bk ktodeaM la assdtof aa a
oslaadsr yasr afur yasr.
OaearJohaaoB wasqalta badly hart
toat seek by a cblp atnslar aim to tbs
Re ibtoaa Ua alyht s sot <to-

nOrM kUM i-riiaeMikc
«. a Macs kotop aM
.H.SBU lMrt»4. MBs.SafSr;

Hr*. Todd la toipaoator steely. PorlaosMty bar ssa. the dootor. ssa to tte
room sboB aba eaaxht her fool oa
a place of carpet aad tell, breaktoc bar
STB aasrly half war batsaaa tbaaboal
dar asd tba elbow. 1s s rary abort tlna
her srB ssa eat ssd aba la la aa aoMterubla a poaltloa at poaaibla
' Hslpb Uoceay of EBpln rklMd bla
aacU asd aaev Ur asd Hra. J E
Fkhar. toat
bbaabaae <
tea abora U
shlta ibalo_______
toba saaBoifroaeB.
Aboal tsasty aoeplMfroa barai
Ibatr rrfraabBadla aad Baalelasa a
MFradTWk too aa'isl Good Haroor
■stsrdsp'arasiK- Tba east day mm«
«r isa.^r*a sera aakad if tbay bad s
•Oood titoa- saa tte raroMlL Itsasjaat


Whips 10c, 15c, 20c and 25c.

k> I akiitor
Laalr SHir,. aa..r OasaarO

OBO « ■eWR
Buasar ■ItSlaaa.'OaaklrolQrasCTfB-masa


ra-s«. raw; as.

1 have a 6ne line of Fttr CoatS and invite yoor inspection. Material, ^
; workmanship and durability gnarantcMid for these garmente^
Remember my line of Horse Blankets is the-largest in the city, and
1 prices the verv loWSSt.
The best Trunks offered for $2.00, $2.75 and $3.50.
.Winter Olovea and Mittens at all pricM.


Bar S ■ » Sarrlaclaa. ksra 4as.
a«ra to brkiaia* ................
XAXCSa ■ BltoBOS. l-raatoa
------. Ds Ha a. --------------‘■SO V Hnrmiv.aifma...
SnraaaaarbsnkM kaesa Sr a>Tiarrm
& _T. ■dMotoSi bra rraa .to tte
skasi Haas -1 in I B«s tar
Ov. i* «« rt^^» 4ai M
asraarcSisato................-te M, Jasasry. a. U M
Frate HsHsUK.s^«lyHc«<»

: Frant Street


Traverse City Mlcb.


^««nd TrwerwHeraM
• at Hf. fciXfM
Uiok. waafnaaM tatk« koM i
* tMf. tM wjslv
kiCMd b)
tUMtkWxtet loali.} on lornl;!* •d br B BBaaufv el Um U» Bod tsaa
(Mor of UMfiriMh. TMdiMkMM
roowwitei o «na«
hoUta li tB oracrat ood •
Bffordad W Hr. Eebarts M praa»
troa tk» fTOTl f*oaa U»(
Bide of Ub cbm Bad of hk atsai
to UBUfJ. Bad Iba aaBalaoBBlr
of Oaa«l» <»»riai Bod BBllBf B*d lb.
»bOBl*ha- -----------•■

The Only Cure.

taosari a Cmch, of io6a
SeoOBid Street, Appletoa, WiA
constB, aa\-«:
*K)iir mm Wfllard ins aW
Intdy hbljilvpa. His lower liinhs
woe parah-zctl, and when we
nstd elcctriciit- he coold not feel


it below his hipo.
tnotbcT, who lives _

________ _

wrote atlvuiing the iu^e of Dr.
laraUaia Btaatanarara

WilliaitL-i* link IhHi for

Haeaholl O. Htpiemw Of Tbkdo. a.


People a»d I l>ou);'->t aotne. Thii
w-as when mir lupy lud bm,o
the biodthCT f.’t an rtiiire Ntfit
and h<d]dc.s fup nine luontlu.

i of Kiald HaiBbBl
LardBobartB. tb* warcaw
eoaMadM Ibai Ua rcllof -i LadpaalUi
ta oalp B aatlar of B atiori iibb
AeoordtBC W tba tdoa* of iba <
■aWaadabtoalteM KloibrtfT wUI
^Bioklf fotloo fba rallrl of Lodraaltb
BBdvbaoftboaiBdoiibiB loBc aa>l
of or|«alrBUeb bad parbBpa tbia a
dearaoLtba bibj Bbp- balore tbr

BMhar Bad tbBI tba boaa
rifbl M aaelBde bia. Tea alBortv
pcopar a>
l.baaoorBlaBBd ibaa upal bis br
liro;Ulfda TOM aadar Uat aobaltuitoa atrtatoB proatdlaf tor
■ Yov ooBBitwa dairo
Otu tba alaat paatUaMoi
oiljUtbapropalUoaolupalBioa a
appUapwibu a a Bat avaiaat pc*

tl abBfB lo BdrBBM trlUr tba oanaUIr
0( ■ailBC BO Barwu raaena. Tba
iBUor aoealtaoM Bra bald bj BotbortWaa U Bbaolatalr aaaaUBl batora
•B7 taoBid aeraaiMl toward tba Isof tba IrpataBl ta ba(eB.
.asa lor taolr oeUeb. Iba roport
IbOBoa. thara UBBBll prebabUItjol tba
var aodlaf uulda of bu aaotbTbBt tbara bw baa rary ba«j bfbw
toe velac ao aiaea baurday I* tba
Udyasitb dkUtoi kaartBla. bet Bay
adiqwMtdMof tbaraBllli aUraly
aot tabbcaor boldaaaaUa Iba boaaa
loabtai is Iba raparw w tba war afUai
.f rapnaoelbtltav aad- that tba
•bd MlbaBB<
to wbleb ba wm alaatad la baraby daLadoe. dab 13 —X dtapoteh Iron
■oartaa OBapdalod Job. «I.
Tha Blac^ty report ll^alpa^
Hary OdhltBr baa
bli day yaatarday aad today, leyaa
of Haloa. aad DaArBOad. Il.morrat. of
lotdBy'a debt a total of t« ware
Mkaoerl. Itaoya:
woBBdad. two wara blllad aad twoara
-Tba aadoral^ ara asabU to aprea
- rapaned odMlB«. Tba eaaaaUlM of
lib Iba eoBelaalaaa of tba eaaaBli
teday-aBfbUbir are
aflbOBabillad yaatarday waaOayUiB
AaitBlap that
Baxlay of tba 0>Ulorarla<
M-lar ibatrc
waaabotlBtba forabaad.
tba opiDtoB that bo oaebt aot
■■Today tbara waa aoetbaratabbora
>Vw. what coor*a aeald
tfhtlroaa dawe to dv>. tbp brttub
rIpbtfaHy palaae padar tba aooaUI
tW baa
tlOBT If baba aaeladad. it Boat ba
boaa aoaalaat aaabalry Srlor
ba ta tar aaoh raawa la«bl‘7 !•■ortbwaav Tba BrlUab rataol • b<«laUpitaU or Alwiabltdad. Ubo parpoat
Ita tba Boara wara boldlac oa tba
UapaaaUoaol aoaaUU
toahy iroBBd bayoad.
liOBBl rigkv Bot of pocrat. oa lliacoB'
TbabttiU wbiob U profraatlaf ia
aadad. that tba hoaaa baa Iba powar u
■aat dtaaoU to daaerlba
Tbara la
aselada. Tba osarelaa of aaoh powor.
■fhUuu fieatabd oa bolb ftabka.
ooewriay b wMa taaf* el tarrilory.
At lotfeloebtttt BMrBiBf tba DabMarafitBaotaBrrtad batroBC pealUoB
M Iba oalBt of tba bayoBat.
Tba aomapoBdMt akltad Iba Said
Wonaa'a Prlaon at IUr|g^
haa^UI oa tba baltia laid oa Cocaaraba.jaa- »-Ao laraaUiatK
tryk larM. TbBbaU<>fb<i ware fall of of tba woBWpa priaoa b»r« rr*aCt
; woBBdad. abaat Iwp baadrad aaB. oeodlUoo that ta Indwaaerably woi
Hooa of tbWB are aanowaly womadad tbaotbatwhlabHnrailolB tba bm
OtBarai WarraaiaaaaS test mad car«. tioanara. Tba woBaatprlajato apart
8a prafara taklBf flra daya U
from tba Boa'a. batap ta aaolbar part


B toe lati ad-


d all day.
Warn baa boea aa(«fbd
flatly ea Ua tatl. wbleb
. TbV»ae«Bd
la aarr di« mil. aad aa Uia eybUaf ia.
aUlba UaaapbfUUlidiHaaU Way
oaaaily bow aoab ira pato. bat I Ulak
wa araMklof aabalaetial prarraaa"
Aa aarlter dUpalab fioaa Oabetal
•ailw. Uaad cat o'alaek a- b>.. Jbb.
■‘lb ardor w raltoro tbo praaaaro oa
a, aad w aaeartala tba atraaftk
<4 Iba aamr
aBmr la (roat of Potclatar'a
X l^tWlloa
tba aoBBy
la (araa yaatarday-. Br-kapl

of tba eity. It baa aararal baadrad
Attar Hajor Saaaia aad OoWabl Dadlay iokbad tbblr raporioa tba Oares:
aad Praaldie, tbay laTaatipaWd ' tba
cpaea-i prtaoa.
laea btwriy titby. BaaluUoa waa
kaftpatd^. area la tba HaTaaa waaa
of tba caerd. Tbara wara aa aati or
blbbhala ia tba priaoe. aad tbber^tek.

1 iBBatoB wore oblW«> •<> bl«bP ««
wtvaalW. Tbarawaaaot a
«a atlaadaat laAhe plaea.
Major Baada k mow prdpailaff a re­
port whkb. wbaa It k aabBllti
ikrraraortloBaralWoed. wtil ba<
wrooUapdMalopBaaW. Two baadrad
aad oeoaiaty-alaa Bala prj*aaro
latbalrirMabao U fall itrawrlb all already bow ralaaaad by aaaaral Wood
4ay. Oar aaaaalUaa. two kUlod. II.
weabdod. aad two Blwtar.”
OmbbI Boborueablac tka war ol «tb Haw<
•wtbatOaaoral rcaaab raporta that
o, Jab. 10—Tba ai
oadaauury wward Babrob Friday. DoHe arrIwH today troB Boboldla aod
Ic porw. «ba brtapi aawo of Ua
A dkpatab W tba Oaatral Nawa. apraad of tba baboak plapaa la 8adbWd gpaarwin’B OaBp Baaday sipbt. wait
daatU oaoarrad botcraab tba dathat tba Boaca atm bdd tba aoBBitat tba ildca at bplookop. Lord paKare of the oUmw Chlaa. wbkh
Daadoaald anapalaly holdo tba a^ arrirad Hoalday. aed tba Ubb of Ua
dapartai* of UaOjrla, wbleb left Hob
via,a Jaakary 11.
Tba aaBbar of.
(i>«tbt froB Ua praaaat oaUtaak pi
tba plapaa k n. aad it k aadacawod
Cartbqoaaaa ta Mostoo.
WeaaBara'ia Ua baadaofUa
y of Uapke. Jaa. It-Fba oarti
a wbkh woo aapbrtoaeod la a
Tba Dork raporOa that Haoelalab
CBtaawoa Ja balap barbed aad
TbaObarab of tba Tbraa Klapa
oniAod aad baa baaa aloaad far rapalra
Adobe bale wara larelad aadaoraral
WUpaa wiadnd. Tbara are ao fatal
•aaUaatB reeled U tbk elty. bat
m»Mj parwai waraaartoaoly lejarad.
Fraca aU part* of tba ooaniry aoaie
■MriB ol^kailar At Uoadalrjua
the abarabe* won oraekod ao badly
that tba aattaorlUoi bar* ordered Ur>
alaaad (or tMalca. TbaObareh of Baa
FTboekao. ao baaatllal ia lu Iptarior

lakaa oat W tba Dork at Bawolala la
are datalalap ua *■
•rUpaUaa. It k i
lUar aba wUI baqa

Banbqaabat la Caulorma
tiaa D<ap 0. Oal- Jaa. M.—FroB a lat­
ter noa>iod la bao Ol^ It woald apUbapaopUof UataaetiOB of ^
JaeiDUeoaaiy arafoarfoi of a rapatlol U« oeearraacaa of loot (%rktawndap. wbaa tbara waa paat
by Ub aarUqaaka whkb
talwnd. paruabaotly lajarrd. Awoop doBap*
olbar baUdlapa tejorad ara tba I'al
craMlyda Oallado. CkrBaa barraaba,
Up treaa batwaea Ibrpe oowidan tb
laiaat Hooat Taapqalu
It k
AlOalloB baildlapo of Upht
«atd Uak ai*w aiaea Ua Up abaka oa
Dae. il.aba irbeUBoaaUia baa baaa
BtaaUal oi
qaakiap. aad Uat alpblaad day amybody k eMtiaaally rocksd.
anotato aacap* tba taUlapiraabllap ia ao praat al Ubb Uat
tbdrdwaUlap* Horotbaafli
.aararaly Irjarad aad oararal killed.
weiad froB talUapia taatablaawlU ba ipapaaiad by a eaBBilUa
Ulaa Ooetaa Laiam Out.
'peiBlad by tba porarpBaat tor that

^olkbcd aad Baby pacooer trjored.
' «wa batpp raponod klllrd
Haa Bkv oa tbo P mie j. wa* at droi
aurtlad by aokc* aoalof tcOB etdarpraaod whjob c«BaBbl«|l the raar of
Obaocyaaa. Tbaa eaw*' tb* al
wblehaat tba d'.B<y boooB of Oa
paerar claaaaa toBbUac abo«t ibclr*aa fatal aoaldaau ba«a ba*a
Matlod IraB ib*l ploa*.

York. Jaa- IP-Hk* BaUa
Ujald-a .akat' baaafaatioa k far
aailoraof Ua Uattad dtalw aavy
il ta Broaklya. Bka haa pivaa
aaeUar iarp* UB. aald w b* biu.ooa.
towaid U* baildiop of a aaw mma lor
daaaaea'a Bauaat. aoar tba aaa .to Uaaary yard. Tba 8b
iBctraaikeoadacMd aadar tba
oB of U* Toaap Haa-a ubrkiBoaialloa. Ukeoa Ua Ulap*
taaa Baar AdBlial Patlip k Bpitlally
mladla la tba aalpbberboc'
IK* aary yard ara aaorB allow raa
wbieb iati^ tbaaallera. TUBaai
•Ik w abolMr. aBOB aad pto-

- •

^adlat b laurp of tba dkta '

TBacaBbla* of Jobe BaabU. taoa»beaB aeBBlliaa oa llbcmiy datawlipii wttba wkb taptaaBd
arday bearably tayartad Ua I
l«a> vUI ba latarrad la (kaMea al
Fanr.Ua baroaf Uha BcU

U hb upUad ak


iape( wrluap* o( laOdak Haay of
U* TolBBi* war* aaModiaply

In six Wd-ks aAer uhine the
fi'.'.i w-q ntPitsl sitfns of vitality
ill hit ]<-]:*, and iu four months
lie wa.* able lo po to school,

wrlelt aad Sm priaw oot to b* I
la aay oUtr llbra-7 la aaatrk*.
Tba Veaee lalaa aaUeriika. alaraad
atibe|tkr«at ol U* Fraaab poewamact W toad a eqaadroa lo tolore* tb*
rlpbkofPrBeb eliiaca*. baea n
•d H. Ueaiaabaa. tb* dlreewr of tb*
Dost axpaet loeal
^ Uiakof VeartM:*. a(wr twaaly
aoapaaiida^TaatoeiuoEmma. They
reaeb oolyite .aiirtaee. whlla Ua dfAt Hillaboro. IIL. Btwerd Mboca. ao
OBaa^eonB trooi MUia.
apwyaor tba UUUboivCaal Oe. Bk•00b bit wife. Bob C Hooc*. (or
berpiar aad kUied bar. .Hoare aad
(rlcad ware playlap ebaekart. Moo
*ty* h* tboapki hk wUa bed ratlrad.
Haar'lap a boke at Ue kitohao door
■iBUar ramediB. beBoae tl agiu uwa Mterad hk wife'* badroM. ac
wbleb era bayoad Uririaaeb. B.8.S.k
por^ rapataMa. aad kUroolyUoad B-niclap her atateaca. aaderl^ hk
—‘«ay«nibBWwd to entalB so pea- eoNer. aad. tBiap a (arm ia
■■reaiTbrother bilaorml.
kttebau. Head, the ball eotarlaf Uc
braia el bk wltrr bBlap bk bu
e bcBB* alBJal IraaUe
He aroatod Uc aalpfabort and
aeeurad beta bet Mra Haore.aeeer
Ooarra] Naw*.

was Doihiiis


in ilte wwld

tliat saved the lupv* tlvm l>r.
Williams- Pink PilU for Pale
People.-—/•>««« Alp. Cfttcemt,




SoGcessors to
Traierse Ciiir lymber Co.
ITraKtseCitr, - - Micliigii.



traa by Bbift eFBciat

Pnllmao oUelak daay that wapM of
Mdaewc* aad portae* are to ba cal.

I Ua elaaM
Bkkard 0 Blaakiwra. tba poralkt.
Bqerpoyne IB Jaly. l«i>r. aad who kb(kdbaBday
Ha waa boro at LeaptalaadaJadpBCBtapalaattbe Fiyaeh
wertb, Bark*, la I93S.
•ay of lov.ouu naBoe.
AU Healoaa palf pork ara to b* la- ba* toel bar cat* Ib the bipber cnrl u
d baes repBlad by tbecoB
ptsy Tbe eoan Is plriBp it* dccaios
paid eloqnanl trIbaW W Ue be^
rratloe troB Italy baeaaa* of tu torU
the Il>Bf;oyac. wbo. It k
eoalap eoealraetloe of tba cltyb »M.OOO.OOO abdarpetmad lallwty tabi
oomaitlaa el Daokb farmara
t to tba PrlncBi of WoIb it.
B«f aboiM bettor (or tba BHtkb
ikr* lb Hoalh Atrloa. 8he bat ae. lad tb* pm Ib Ua bBBa of tba akk
aad woBBdad, aad haa ratamed • i
ptlBaaury BBBpa.

r.l.*l !i;T..u«h-«LKl.


~s£ liioihtr-^ mcM


rlab Copeland, llelBplo Uc auborbe
or Winfield. HaB . blew oal Ue laao
la bk tlttibp room Ua oUar alpfat aad
ratlrad to bk bad apatalr* la tba
ilBp be reaolared U* ailUap roow
to dad Uat a fir* had ladneadeeery
Ulop to BbB Tb* earpal. oarWe*.
Tba whole Bbla* dktrlet k tbeao
book* paper*. mepet^oBaBd * lot of
ad wiU Boedt. ewlap to tb* aiaaw
eloiblap bed Mbs wholly aoowaBcd.
and frcqaaiit Uaw*. A ana
od Ue door*.' wlpdow eaciap* aad
DftbeMoarlla Wwatareaow Hooded.
tbar wooderork ware ebamd black
The Bbtea. io aararal plaeaa. rote
depU of half ao loeb The map*
bad bteo bo'sed oat ol aokae of tb*
Tb* aiBatar Doric, wbleb arriead
.Ice and all of Ua (aroUnr*
daa Praaekeo troa tba oriaol, Uadod
raided, bat DefcrUeloB Ue fi-« bad
M JapaatB at Boaotalu. Tbk
oat ol lu ewp aeeord. Bat Ur
•letod a Ikl of 1.000 lotida of lonr day*
PBI elreoBcUBC* !• yet to be rw
The record* of Ua immipiattoa bnrci
laud AUUladopbadbeaolaltinUr
. Boaolalu abaw* that alaoc Jane.
room and wbcB Mr. Copland opened
Ue door it era* (osad wlUoni aeipn of
Allar April I It will be poBlb
Iraw moaey ordtr* on aod toad 1
DeaU Ol Job* Rntkln
larad latlata direct to alt BUblkbod
LondoB. Jan. lo-Jobo EaiklB. the
IHUtB poatofficB laUePblllp(amona aothor. died Uk aftcroooo of
Atwr lylap Idle for half a eaniary iBflaanc*, aped *1. PorBabyyB
bad occoplad a foeknuat poeltlon uoof
iba aaeiaot Heboylereopper mlae.
benaaale ritar, oppBlta BaUarlU*. Boplkb aoUoc* and era* U* kwte of
K- J-. k apBlo to be oparatod. It k to an eauaalee literary coll. Be
aoMd -for bk critical eaBya
an. archllactara aad kindred eabji
•aad of U* eaatare. Tb* mlae
tratopoaad la ITlofay the acbayleie,
>bo tbara laid Ue loaDdatlOBOf
A cheap remedy fc
tor eoapb* aod cold>
of tb* taBOB* faally.
k all ripbt. bat yoa w)
that will tvlIcT* and <
ale dapartBeot ha* bees
rormed be UalkddialB Apant 8ay- ______________ _____ -____ a of tbroai
doaad Unp trouble* What Uall yoo
*t Boeolola that Uera bare
1 more repalar ellUo to a
ICW cstB of baboak plapaa aloe*
ibU: KnotpaBible
Iba IBI report. Jaa. 1. aad ala deaU*. (or yoo. Ueo to e.Cber cue take the
XLV remedy that ba* baea lolrodiucd
A apaeial to tb* 8aa Fiaaekeo Caaai- g all oirUlted eooatriB wlU
■or tcoB NopalB. Mexleo. By* a eat
g aerere Uroat aad laap t
BotebB'e Varmao Hyrop.lU hB bamt foopht by Uc Hazicab*
oely beak and ttimalaU* Uc
•ad Vaqak la wbkb U* Ybqek ware
lo dBtrey the pwtn dkeaB, bat allay*
Tbeir kUled lefltmmatloa. caruB aaty cXDeelora•■Bbacad POO aad too war* lakaa prk-*Ba
: bolU* Becom
U« p--------At Brldpeport.CDaB.aT* at Ue Bar•aa A Ballay wlatar qaartem dBlroy>d ewa of Ue laryaear barateoalaialep
oara. aad ako the qaariar* of Ue
alka taborar* oo iba railroad laroeaBMBl* aaar by. caaeiap a Iob of
0.000. ABoap Ua cat* dBtrayed
re* two claaper*. Ue BcStlo BUI ear.
Hr. BaUayt trleaia ear. foraarly a*ad
•yUeUtaP. T. Banaa. The fink
»*lke«d lo bee* faoaa BU**d by *poalaaoBt eoebaetloa. .No lataraace.


tberrorld. Bamp
Johntoo'* Trace
Foley'*. C*d*r

f n

n._________ ..
....................... "I eaa eetBj loo
I in pralB of One Hisai* Coapb
In By coo*"------ ’
’ •
■L’ Tb* oaly barBloB ranudy

-1 *B It debud to One MinnU Gomrb
Cnn^for my bBlU aad my lif
aardrrad bar awUar. Uia
a. laUat slty. 8*pt- 15. I
erl^ TboBa* Epu. the
•Bbasd. era* banped. alUoaph to Ue
rretBUap bk iaaoeoao*. Mra.
aa Bora waa bk awpdaupbter.

F B.Ttairklc1d. BbIU iBpectorof
Chieapo. eaya "Eodol Dyapryain Care
----------- "............. ............ •-«> biphty
carB lad

.. Bee-y. L-ip*o«oa, P* . errilB
____rwUllap loBkeByoaU U*t I
wa* eiu«d of neaaoBk cailcaly hr
U*aB ofOM Hlnata OoapbCar*a(ur doctor* failad. It cared By ehUdraa
' whoopiap eoapb.’ Qaiekly rMieeae
„Bpb* eeld*. eroap,' pripoa aad Ureal
aad laap treablB.
OUdraa like It.
8U* dootat iadkala qaallty. Bewai* Motbar* eedecB it. F. C Thoap
>f ceailcefrttaaBl worUIeBaaieeof
erad fo^Wln-’a Wlteb BaaH Salea
DeWiiti* It U* ealy orfplabl.
Aa lakllibUraia (or pUb'aad aU akla dkBtaa F. C. TboBpaoa.

rv Zb&btB aa ChOira.

0. B Applak-a. JbI
JIarkabarp. B. J.,
J . aayai OaWUt'a iJi
UaBm-ly ' —. ara U* bBl pdIU (or
. «B aw* BO eUaa.'- QakkUeu bad bowai

DKS. li. S.Sc CO.
». SeiBrili *T See York.** a

Amcricii lediol ud Sirgiol liisUtiU of Inhtn, IU.

Tbg, Tjtovoatso Oi-^gr*



Feb. 1, 1900.

omeeMenfBbeBfi AB. tofip. ■



Fine Artistic

Job Printing

poud* diced to retailace than any oUt
--------------J— ------- OeiapaJral

• ba* c**cb*d Hloaa Palle,

of ite
mdy of CborlB F
ilaetrieiab. who waa abol Nalardby
•ipbt at Braareekk. HA. by eoadaowr
Iwartlay, aod died Tkaaday. reeealad
lb* Uat Uat SMbarper Heed fio
wlU a ballat boi* U niapb U* BBUr of
•k baart. Tb* woead lo the bean. U
loeWra my. waa of aacb a aator* lb*
eataataBcoaa^daaU aboald baea re
mited a»d tbavlba saa Heed (O boar
•tier laealeUp it k r^aiM Uul


Coasullaliol and Eianuaaiiaa'Ftaa ail Siriallr CiHUnIIiI


Uat of fbe Al



m *l J** U
aad B E.

. Lrwk Denbk. tklem. lad.. **y>;
Kodol Dy*pep*ia Car* did me Bor*
peed Uao aayUinc I aear look.’ It dlpeau wbat you rat and cannot help bnt
ear* dyapeptlt and
F. C. Tkoapw»

Tba Oral »00 loot aMaaor bailtoe
A* p«*al lakB wb laaacbed troa Ue
. of tbo ABerieaaShlpbolldlBc Co. eoupb*. coldmoronp. bronebiilk. and *11
C. Tbomp.
Leralaa. Ohio, b
Daw boat WB aased UeJoba W.
■ aod waa ebrklawl ^ Hra John
GalBodUbkape, wifeot Uc priial
watkbailto(*wel, u fo*t
iaat Boldod depU. A Malar.
I BBBad Uc J. J. Hill wUl
id laaboBtala week*.

ouw w u.




mWI*S»*iriM wS’tSlbSrtBB
umenCBB'lBK:. >BBVU(-e.*Kn
BLOOPflmr— sb* >U |bh* •eWBaaaa'WB
tiA At MB* 1km I
w Wlevt **•■ Mm

\nri «anr-ty of sljW


Tb* Seat Boeeeaaftd and BekBrific Ttw

-’^OTTkA>. *bw r**M*( «


Hmy Team Haniess
That eao't be beaten in ({Mlity.apd oar
prices art- tower tbaa esiue iiaBlity cad
be boofibl for ebewfaere.

Saiblc ud Siifle Driiiiif Hines




=SaSS&”SftSI,*t?J?55S: irewXrtk
—-r^w*w« «y I■ «n b-B I iiitrm M-

Vari^' of Btylea kod prices.


Battle Creek asd Cfaanipioti


WOOD stwne iicHDias,

Circalar Haw Machinew. Feed CaUers.
Feed GrioderA etc, *ic.


sstst’ass.'t _

___ _____ _________________ 1 the waa. hat

b ae »Mw heU »

««wlv «( • UtU* «kB4!


The oM MleMM «leMJ tto took Md
jahademadtbaTUtKeeherM. "Toa
•rateU.*’beMU. ••*»*• joe sekee
bMt.M«eUloUeM yoarrtah acMb-

Sum* o(M DMwIeew U*«
ore etnet eaiertalBaecv Tet the
MdwUMM. leaetiMeoMelyea.

b MM tte PStkMVteaa
t»e» •» Mm MMMr ietMM M*l*d
M MilM. aed BOM Imoot wk/.

rvtaM he hMM'^ WM
•• Ui i«pl>. „

«hteh .to iMke »lM»l. ead «bo i
the pMT folk whoa r» ebeek* «d


■nmlret bet the Ida riaeleert la
(healMaefeiMaed Ue heeiere. aekgj^th-raeede.

toe hlaokaaiUbV aw. whote hb tetb.
hy dial to yedn to hard work aae eartMM Mlkd te Ua e tlnld akOd.
AM Mt bM to the stdei e( MM.


?*to^!wad bb

MwSi* » .t. U«U

dm yaarf HTherahatyto Hapiaaty.
BabaBairto Oefatt. Marb Brtypto
Ue. ^ WOMMSI Bih AapUa. Btea Cbtr baa (bdUlla.
lb toloMto b had. I haee beard tolla wharetba baowptoc toaaaoal
tete to Wasted, Mary aad
toflaeaeato the watery eapor thateolr TrpiarM City, all ef w
toeee wUhia lb toMaer aad pTwaab
Btood b Ihae dneaa
IfoM the Up to the aoM to adjamt
wbm btood eaaaab la eeaa
’neaUhereoeeldoae baUtoaahtU.
1,....^ baaewa aatoryad aad aeaapir
eretarransd roport e
ow- Tha aoadUka b acparaiad.
«laaaaa b cither too dabp or too
the oae of tha roU b patabiad to <
af. Ilblhb;
froa a eoie to a warm atae
Aod alldew or dreotb b alwaye aifh.
wweod Bobtolaa Oab. JaaThe alteratleae lead te baeoa
laoA—Ite elab mat at tha bcbt
leatlha leepr the «eU bwa
____ talrtof. tbeloaprftetojarto
ecllea b aaletatoed by oeaercaeto
tha holder Ua aaaaaa aad tbapaator
aBar whkA tba aaw mlea were
Ui wpoaoia.
The roll wu thaa eallad. ef which
BoaaUaea tha ehaake are aleo aCcet TO Ibtok that they aeear look teppy
atottaaa bobbaia aad ow rbite
ad elallarly. The treats
____________________ to dbaerdtoy the
ft b 'Ob. dear st:" aatu aehoei b
eeU. aeoldtoy for e UoM •'
aad peat cold, aad whoa
aerer b time tor
(rosaeold k.. --------------------reia. they bU dcOoBtle aaetoce ebottld he «
« thaa aeread aed
of alkie layer of Ua- Aed esMBl.
tha baatlac woa cleaad hy a
eeld ereaa way
Bwh Utile
Udity ttacyareapt totoirk
■Lot a UtUa aawblw to."
■adr. followed by that
tb of eeaaetai
they're Ured. or tb too ba
Tha oast baeUac b to be bald
powdM. seeb be Uk • itoreh. Wbra
Tharaday. Jao. to. at tha hobe of Mbe
Erery oee b m pa>e ae ea owl.
Bot astead below the aesel aril
. FMt ef Wmi Foaneeath elraav/
Aad bwpMiUoy llpeorecIoeayeeow^
M to paraU the eaeape of <
Dcisjt Deur. Oec'y.
The ruteto wbtac aad the cyae arr wet
TBpM. yartbar. It ib^ aot
hMrr. por eboald it
MO tlyhl.- to tbb dototol eeaatry of Pi
MOf Kembera of the B Y. F.
______________ ‘
'a^to MWr''^TW



laetaad be look It doeraei^

Sr.'lSiS^jra.’ss: ’^ir=;“^ve=s£a


to tbelr'sTb^ etotbae eel eod
wlbedre. Bow hare aad eoip
ly tbeir hew were—work bad elree'
Mfl. BelU M. P«T7 to hereBaiet
■‘1 weal to read yoaeoMelbtoc Ihare
writlMi.-' he eald. ebeertolly.


«Me the Mtovtof eeeeUeet totoce.
U Mid be weU tor eU ramie


-taaoMteMld: The the
M MOdkaed are'toad, lead >bee
TMe«ael«r>e—do. aiyatod .today



-‘By tody reaellaatlea of ay (hiker


.BU. . I.—


ts M .u—I.. «w I-


vitb Wbola Wbaai or OrahbiD Now. If per yosr feet are aet
Ob the dowe bill raad Ldto Pt
Tam bed liaeel tbc ether way.
Oaa eapfal at eyrap or b
Oeeesptel of aapr.
Ooacaptalof laid.
To Ibe lead of Um
bilk, to
Oee eopfal of thick a
el otaedb.
_ ooe
_ teaapo o’ale
Tbea eometbtoc brlybt you wUlalwap
Oae beaplBC teoaps>B«al of ylapr.
r. or h_
Id wb^.-.b.
Whole wheat
half. «i
.-I aod bait wbl e door, aad hake to
-Boleraie oeep. Byaddlncooe tea
aad oae uetpooetol
i oa iU b u badul


“£nou.u», ~i .1—1 .»■.«

b ea iit'rr------ oee.' mU a a.
Ooe eopfal of tnuer i
aj ^tlw He leetUt tother
biter Btood).
a eaiy Utile hay aM the only a<
ahbk he aaa raaaU to a reaUy <ery
Omae^tdi of eweet
artto aad IcrtoC totber b eaeaeclee
Jeteaad paled Had of a
wm raabhaeM. Be had heat
--------- —
Irteada wbaee ntoleal toet*
teaepooofal of aoda dtelead to
VMiyyalaBeh Whiitether.ebowM aM haee ealtlratod. -They are ny
the bilk
•ert^ to the laid, aad he etopred
HtoatlS eeoQBfa to roll with wbide
toe way to ptok ay Uekecr aa
obMl e Mr, or port Orahab aad pan
‘^p^A'StSd.-w.tob.eo-. while dear. Bake to a qeiek------bead aad eatee hyaeae Ma ‘
aw the iitoelna to the paabba
ThahBbMeabUehhw ibaffiM
baif Utabab aod oae half
_______ jori. twoteaapooofotoof bak-

‘'xr^^STtodto tbehcemli.
adir^^heraH had the toaw



Mher with the whip la h
hMUHIeerae teeeUeetto

t^w to a wUd aole to trlaaph oc
aad thaa. The dbcc
■adeOrmee efainr. bet
ehewaebslrl. bad
hafpend aad the toenwy to wbM b
the tort-- Wbee
ti.« .fi.rnraei wBh OThT. tba farsirr
^ to urea. • It'a baao a real happy
r t«e

SM!i*^d*^lM^ ioT

Utha Ufht to thaw

lad hbM oe Uraa'e iboelder.
••The happy boaie arw ao few at ay
apr ate^. Ittod hlaaa pa tor
tlqelre Patoo wee kaowa M Ihe te

■iwtaooa ha itod bb wUe aota^ bb
btotatorlM, iMTlas hareerprbad aad
«M daye to (eU-bat toblce aad bar laacbtoc. aad -atueed h>a atablenaa
ewthMhklMhea tabtoww pUad hlch to wteiBf to hue cbaarfelly aad
. wtth aawaMed dtoaardbhaa fhara "^'hardly fblrhiald Ika iqalj
had haw eewway to dtoaer. Thahwi
year r»d_tblnp
aad leeee tba poor to year
AbhMwwawadaadabeataUto thaa
ewa baaeaheld eafed.-■•awab tbttohto.
Po the Blaburb iaaattoa wm aaap. Toward the eealar to the tdhb
_________ BrlcMwl.,
ahewltoaaBH. Hy(Habd.aearyUtbefiri tbaB.elbBbad ap aad teaohae
KkP All the Year Aroabd•MapaalhetoWebrtkeeacar.. Bat
BoM paotoa teally balleee that It b
«MM apea thalato oetotarwad the lapoMlhle to pt eyp tba year roaad
tokbaad albMietarydbb wwhrok- Yet It b aat a difBealt better, prorided
eeeeetory Utop are properly
ea. ThaaothMwwdPdbmwc
_______ efew. Ofeeurae. aot to baay
mm eear the aalaMty to bar aaw mti triu he ebtaloM to Ibe fbU aad
Mte that ab> aaal the Uula aaa Is- ---------------- aatkt aa dmrtay the eprtoy
__ ________ ar boatba. aad yrt tba aap
B.y Bby be made ao ooaalbatthat the
Uawh UM» aaad aerar took ayp.
. TbaehUd aeaawbwtba aoekboety bodefaie
1 ItaahllM. Ihataib
ertbUaed qtoaily aadwbaaab
ato teia UU Ike dial of rebn
•hbfeadtoldfwUy: .
iba leaaoa b tSal the feed bM tea
“‘Whaa yea ara yitora to ha a yeaac aaeb Uia wbola laadaoeyol tbetewU
iiuiiaaaadaieebb taeereiaoar



Atoooc ear lelten b ooe trob Oa*
dooehtoe prt. Pearl Lewr of
Ueelde. wbo write a food Inter aad
lard: I_______
Ibea add ooe
)Ib u aeoat Chrbtbaa dbeeap:
rabtoa. Hto with e
"1 tbooyht I would write to yoa,
aebbealldeocb; roll oat a I cat with
bbealt mtier. and hake aa qabk elaec it i« qelte a while aco elaee 1
wrote My abler aad.I yo w aehool
erery dey. oar leaeher b rery ktod to
Ooe Buy Oirl'e Way.
M. Her aane b Hbe Itobc. There
Ibe ru^t a
otbw are atoateea eeholare ta aehool today.
elbUy toleruud aa
To the pU eub- We bed aa eatertalabest aad a Chrblmae tree on Chrbteiae ere at oor eehaol
booae. We all bad e alee Uba. I cot
rridoetiy elippad
cold rioc. a baadkarehbf. a alee
-,-BOr. Aad tha pub bappeaed to
be tu ••EeteelonaU- which eeerybody
kaowa eboot. b
' kaow.
.bin, caody aod pceenu.
apto e
: cot a tia eari. a aoatb orcoo. m drea
lOd a (_______
lUfal. aad we looked a baadkcrebbl. eaady aad pebanta."
Oar Snnbeaa Bath Tmaeiac writee
to oor trbad for 0 esplauUoB
from Meole City. The prealdaal wrote
ly want to knew piaaed to by coal- (O her ukiar ber If ebe aoeld aaa
toa." abe eald, cbillay. "and wbea I'b
eoplee of the Voaor Hecrle'e Weekly,
ud tbb b wbeiebe
• hare the whole rom•T reMleod yoer ;
y ai
and tbea I rempe it I woeld like tha Yoany People Weekly
Mltted to menory
to lb dead "
oraoae other there err
Now tbb flrl. m we baeoaa to boo
> a ete oaay pri. a eieoocrapber la a aeay epd people bare, end they
-iw oBee. an earaeat chareb worker, e not cel oat and eoae are eick, ead ay
teronta with other yoaac people, aed
we had been earprieed to bear ber epol
Where they bare oo preeetalac Bor Saaea of M "ao well iatorbed.'' We w«
daad bow ebe foeed ttbe toecasirr dey aehool. ead tbeae papere will
hp tofonselloa. bet the pto eotkioe rery bandy aod the people lore to reoy
rereabd the bpter- Bba bad learned the alec atorbe, and I would be plcaaed
n of BUiiitoc
to do eoaeihiBC for the daaebtae aeelety. J ea kalulnc e pelrW etocktop
A Etubea Aproa.
for ay doll. Hy doll eoa wear ay
_____ r« b aaylblDC the nod hi
'beo I woe a baby, but I oa
le partleatorly deoiree It b to he
;irl BOW.
quite a blf rirl
eepply of fcUeheo
old and loor fe
feci ead thrw tocbec'ull.
ebeold to bade leaf aeoacb to
qalle to the lowar edn of the eklrt. oadwclcboy poaada
_ te reach
ead wide enooch
' well
" an
oaa From your tiule
_ Thare
eboald abo
OTor the hlpa.
loae Nayler aad
hib whleh will
wl com the treat of the
lire at Fife Lake aad are peat trieode.
A oeelal addliloc to •'
They had a alee Uae Cbrbtbbk aod
aprOB b a pair of fall
eboald befeacaaoacl 10 reaeb abore bad a nod aaay prowota 4aiib hoe
tk lathe top
'bowa. ibf------ireeobtereaad twobroibcre BatUe
aadJoDb weald like a Suubtoe
ecree I
lo mat)
la rife Lake,
ds would we. ell ef w.
• Uey a
and we hope to bear rery aeoB' that
Iberc b e floarbbinc one catobl



wU hay eoae were dbbw. weah year
‘TMt (athto at that w»aw
awwaadad by a bate to thaairht to hb WMU t
IMbffW aadMataUa ikaatary
pibh a depth to latoiar that lalb
tbtop laaat be hap weU to
iMwpg the toMewiba bade apoa hw
rbtod to worictoc for ««p the year
«W did hay a tot at aaw' yaarreaad; fret, tba toed bwt ha of a
.dHMawhw aba pew elder aad darlw fctod that wUl caaM the atoalUof a*'
he pebUy aborttead aad that
a MtobM to yean to airecyb erStb
MMa Ua aptoc pallau topi
ted ttma aad poor baalUabarad with
powtb by fcloeebbar; aad. aee
t«Mhw by te aaralap with har obd. tba ehieka to Ua eprtoy Baal
titMhlaaoBe feel b>e. Bo
eomoelat tba abaU early teoar' “ the troBl.
paruy eaaacd
eaoaad by
tll-fii. b .parUy
tiac ebaaa. bat------------- flea byeoBiii
**U b caad ICtoHlaii to hate ear
who b
a obllpd
•peater part
both tha old aad yoaac haaa.«Qi
ted. Itaayaakawtoarecwtlaaad partaaaa will doobetoeaprore. Mia the tiBcoacatto hi...__ _____ _______
JWwUhaarehi^caaeefUie wHier.tbat the paltou do ableahoce pOMlbto.
Bare theb bade
boat of the toytoff.
of eoft iMthar with food, broad. Acs
It b aa iBlamUar tbtof to the loear
aad low baab.
Bat Uie ful wUl
Tha (eUwrlBC Poato wlU toaeb a tab
of peallry to aM the Utua etocka of
I eaCer wbee erea the tet o'
tetetteibabaanatoaU aothanto
laiowerpla thalcaee. lakea
•te. Oaato tha daapMiaoar
____a loot bath, aod after It mb the
feet well with earar.toled eaaeltoa Bab
It wall to to tha ehla. aepoelally oa the
itpayeto aelaa aad oror the J data Petabuaee
thb trmtteatwUlearel^1
---------^hMa^%batotla^aade eoai




Abuai PiUew)
toaet factoo
We are told that tl
ewe toateaae.
rlyet eora. oeltber abort
are ea eottaaC
of moalUay war daealopi asppaeiraWtbeUm I era hard.- Ow
aaa the U
0 ibe fall topr. briebt riMBC wobee boarbt
aoornt aeici
Aadau^w^*!^^aen i^lk tha Hay eblek tote
____ ayoUB
hy whleh
poaada of earlad hair, and tiled
'• deee
n^b BO.pasdble
both toad aero aad pt
HMiW baartslaa. “Uttoa kaew
WteSjrnawm brtactotoydear.
Oe^ ftbohel. add
laat of ^tte or

Hy bM^hahy daathiar b pdac to


ftete iretk Bay ha waU Aoaa

Tepid Bilb aad wateeleaa oUMoih

whIllBt aad haoMaa. btood tocath
‘'IWb.’ aaM tba eblur wtwly. to M. wtU abaa barWa.
hatoakalaip wadaotef hb poiket
Aad fwfd Ub bte polhi M ala.
aaa'qaeraad pool all otbaroao.
■teaM toll be wtet It wet bt wlf<
Id a while la a peaay or tuy
Hw hb heart hepere ae the bean of aate toa to hrte ^ hoaa te-alpt.aa. will deairey emw aad Oder
laekaa tha brWkt aide.


Bette rba aa hear tarlteto
tte raa all day to «ate ap.

job Pardp Mark, to abILw Craw


to M tolad, thaa apoa pottite

1641 Varab Learelle. Hodp.
K44 Juab WaUOA Bodcc
164!. Blab WaiaoB. Hodp*
1646 Utodp Hennell. Hodyr.
164T Jeaele BIplow. Budp
IC4- Pete Biplow. Kodco
U4U Mtoab Beader. Hodp.
leu AyoM McDaaald. Hodp.

Oerald Adoiaa. Hodp
EdwlB Adana. Hodp.
FloraawA^aiBa. Hodp.


Alice Adaeaa Hodp
Etbal Ua'ull. Nomarlllr.


EJiUi U*liell. KocTbrjlle.
Imedley. Nerrbrlllc.

t Bean the SignAtan of

The fere MiAte liiM

[ The Kind Yon Haie Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.

omHii anctn

. -...

-A N “pN -nr—rr

ArllrUUM-Us. t «v w
Lrvrn lUrte. • a>>. a

W o>
It W,

(AMNQ Koan.


■fe' -«

liEisS' - : ii


(IPO paMAVPi.a^i


. aecrrs.

unsm UD niTBUTUi il

*M s
r 41 j x:
r. 6 P ■ Drew
• ir 4 >■ At OMCamalrfB l«

>FAR8. ROEBUCK b CO. Inc.i Chlcsco. 111.

:s js


ilil ^ I
I if

II=i -^iJi



Albert A. Besoe. Btorbaia
Barebtd Biebardaeo. Tmrerae

o( Oar Fellow
of Tmrafiia City. II
kloy oa ic
„ ------- ------------------- of plUny
the worth bf tbair bootoy^. They
to know all tha whp bed
aed wheraforao.
to a direct roAlo to the
tbe ralu
rail of the
ireataieettbay bon e aod fi
I aatbdrd 4riU) the ... ........................
_j toatoboa to the realm of proprietary
It we know of a fnaud wbo
tea beoB eared, we Bare come faith to
tbe ^ pomtioa: U ire know of two or
- reoer fatlb toeraaaea
- irell kaowa eUiteaa
_______ a - > atUI maiatatoa that
and bayoae
bdroad ordinary
that iberaboothtoy
thera b i
terit la tbe eald preporat OG eoBi '
ly he left to the cam of bti felloir
payoi*. If ha wbbaa to
with tbea oa the q«
Jedyaeataad rermeity,
opportaalty to Tmrene
heyto witb-thb caae.
Hr. Wa H. Larate o> s*i Webator
Streak Mya: "Aeoordiay to ay jedy
d experleaee Uaae'a Rldaey
a rood Obd raltoble kldeey
Por yaora 1 ima OBboyad iriib
« of Ibe
I did
. .... ...............
aaeb boekacha bat tbeaotlootf
kldaay aecretiona waa Irreyator
d Obboylay. yrcatlr dbturfaiay ay
DobB-a Rldaey Pllb boad toll trouble bad If t can My aay. ^ to help eoariaoe otbera. I aa
Ctod to done, for I woald like to bare
aayooe adete ae about u aedklac
which ao aaeb yood m tloua'a RU
PUbdid ao"



Ely'i Crate Bate >

ted ter


lets Bib Uoaer. Mopb Qty.
lUO Nortaoa Habuod. Maple City.
IMl aifford Aroril. Hooer.
let* Mary C Poiur, beutaalo.
lib* Hory Sebuler. Klncaley.
ISM Lee Halett. Elocaley.
]U* Adorn Cbai^le. Kiapley.
ISM Walter Itormtt. Kiapley.
lAt? Ueom HooehMtor. Kiapley.
ISU Abbo Bebutor. Klocaley.
irjv Praoeb Koeladorter. KiBcaley.
1640 BMb Kwladcrfer. Etnnley.
1641 Earl Molar. Hlyh Polat. S C.
164* Harold Motor. BiyhPolal-S.C.


Kate teadteaf

Casteria ta a aubatilnlo for CaaUtr OiU rarreertev 1>rapa
aad ttoolhlDC Kyniiwi. If U HaratteA aad Firanaal. It
ctMilahH bcltln* Oidun. Morphten oor otbrr Narrwtie
BUbatoitce. lla an In lu Cteroate. it drrtroyu Wurma
aad allays t-rverfa^amm It rum Dtorrhtra aod Wind
Colic. It rwUevea TecUtlay Troabkw. cures t'oBaltpatlea
and FTatalcacv. It aanlallalcs the k'Diul. n-ptlotce tba
KiMBacb mod Bowrln. ylvlnc healthy and aaltuul alacfi.
The'ChUdreti'B Panocoa-Tbe Motber'e .A'rtend.

use Beaab (torr. BodnI6S1 Laella roreylhe. Uedye.
US* Bath Foraylhe. Hodye.
USS Jtee Wlateio. Pbtto.
I«S< BlaarYoekar. UmwB
UM Frank Wordea. Maple City.
ISM Clam Balaa. Maple City.

aad hub.
I wUl rioat bow wli
lore to all tbe SaBbeoae ' ‘
Lory Poet olOrbacs mliw aped
letter to whieta ebe eeye: T board that
^b aE to anew tte
tbe duaeblaera pri UtblyBCoeta

loaa b Mr. Broaa. wh^b a net
Mate, cod they Uka hla rery aocA.

Try rahatteOBt peace oe aearpot


tedora Soyder. Platte
ArUorBa^M. Platte.
Ollre Etoyder. Platia.
Prbcilla Beyder. HlattoCtotcaec Soyder, Platte.
Lilba K deelcy. Kieyaley.
HtoaBwtoi. Rlayaley.

Jetob Wteloek write* with bar, ao
we fadp Jeaele aad UatUe ora p»d
friaadetoo. Jeaeleeaye: -1 bare been
toUadlBc to wilto to yoe lor a loaf
Uae. bat I here eot bad tiae
I hare Bir<ite^r^'i%Mouto Maiiadt^
Poator-Hllbum do.. BufCala, N. T..m1c
anedtiae ntoctoeebool
for tbc
tbe 'DblMd 8
the elitfa pade and I like ay iwd
Baaaate 1.. _
We bad e Chibtew tree at (
Whe BO anbatiiute.
I nt a aew 4reaa. a pair

_________ MI b a ned (amliom po'bb. it oltoOBb bahoe a taa poibh.
aad pmaireb (rob tha laotea a( to

Vto^ar frill rmoeoaU atalae


I bad b raal alee Uae Chrbtaaa
1 nta ww drraa ebai. two boadkercbiafa a keir ribboa aod a botUe of

teeat-leather tlMod ehowoe
r with eweMeO apalbd with
aWloK aoaal; it trill hoop (bob- '
toe aaw

' -erdowB Bor tmthaea to aeaklac
dllowB, that aha keeea cae ead
toeawelaee tbea that tbelraett-

Hteb thatwktoyalM toward yee^

BbtUe MritorTT. of Reyetoae. wye:
"I Ukc rery rrpll to raad Uie leUere u
Ibe Hitkaui. ao I.lbourbt I woaJd
I f > to eebool bad

bbppy Sew Ycbr.
nt lee Cbrbime a coop dbb bad a
let aet. a botUe of portaae. a oaody
eat. a pweU box. rilbea aod eayarbewL 1 likato n toacboel.
We ore
hartoc roealtoa. bet thera b eehool
Maoday. Hy eiadiee at aebool ore roadtor-apelliec. writlar- onUiaaUe ooB
Hy tooeher-a b Eaae
dbe b rery klad to aa lllks
to n eMfh rid icy racy aaM.
deo-t hare aae x chooec.
eeaealy acbad Itb bud te harto
ptdal.emly wbeaabehww. Pi
laid ae an he coa’t do anythtoy.
b all for thb Uae. w nod-bya"
Bor. Ida, tether
Oladye C-aiwal: jniaodlha Baaahite
tel week.
Boy and Ida aaeb
alette, ddabaeieayaoi
aedtevbalw. Thoy *alh two aite

Hhat toaaaara to )ey or wpa-'

T^’hertet to tba aatht to^l
Aad te laaa toward tha aaa.
TP plea hM etraaph her tha eatea to

Jboaary So l«oo.
How the time dicer Here b Jeaaary.
laoo. ptiipf alony towarde the ead
We BaaablM folke will eooa taaec tbc
epritof eao ahtoiac. bad eb we
ehiee the herder wh.Ie the cloedy wloT
tedaye toel. aad bake all ear world
brlpuaad ebcery.


9M KteA
Hatre Ahr«ya
Bite wteeh Ma tete
ta tee far mnr 90 yrara, Uaa terae tbe HcaateM «r
Me* Mb n*.
stodecudre yooia thta.
All OooQtorMtm. Initatloos and gahattoatw are b«t Ea-

M§1R r - ,^

Mt. PlBUteltJWoMO. SMl&BW, B«7 Olty. DBtrolt,Hew•U. Abb Arbor. TeloSe aai
peiBts BMt ASd Soatk. 'dOM



BoettoBA Bt Ooiwaiahvftk


Brosch’s Meat Market

HteYTpNABp. Taltea-

buiutioi If TNCben,


Choicest Meats, Poultry and Game. rp«r<si‘.


AacaM r>. Uae< U...................Me


Fresh. Silt and Smoked Meats, Sausages Ftc.

TelwfaMP 4.

r. BBOSOa * 80VB.



Carriages, Catters, Sleighs, Etc.


name o. «bay


Boisesilodig and Gsunl R<M Done


B^Pfdnting «nd Upholstering.

H«iwss Oi

.BOOK ASPfniyAJftKHf»»

StBtc St. sesr UaioH.




Pulpit &hoes

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