Grand Traverse Herald, February 22, 1900

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Grand Traverse Herald, February 22, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



Grand Traverse Herald




O. P. Carver!




-i' ‘

Mwl aae U* el^mal M« Use of
8prt«rBtjta of WooioM wm
M lolo. vrtikh will bewo«ea»
-IB tl>« UkMt H^loe. kod at

9iXSS». -


mtariay treileaaa

Ha aatecH • aadwlrkr lor tba sal.r'of that, baaa UaNot otaaSS tala btai
- tfia
bad I waeid u, ba! Could ta yet. bki
at>« aadaecb rtaaal. Tba erboeocr draw a>ge«atdr.
dao-i waaL Mavb. I oatbt ta ba.
folk ------------------------ Tba auDoephere . aad wbm Aa ma wnbLa a bat* -------------------- -buL a. uc
era. tbick
thick with
eabia.' .repth vwar t-taly Of thirty , ,oo*etaoa. 'wataaolalt
Macb waa
.• arrirad from E :«'a»4
oac.biicb. aaa
thiBC ieaainr to aootber. oar i-apla a , 'o.; of aecp.
prcdcaCy rcfrrtwd to thr ridnarr'-o ia
Bcanl'iH t'
wm' Nrarr bad ‘or .rararo to nar a bwyela.
1 eay "baeo
cidaat hr bad witoraard osw'de ibr cya
«rr laaraed.^aot-aa, iaaraiaf." taamad
■ol voeodfr!. Thea —rra'biark. — bur
err-a. endoabwol} ISriaodyalli— urproaa. rboeolau eoiorad
lU.’ aaelaiaiad e ebia .Spaniard..rreeiradeKapil-------------------;l Ima^ bbriap flre^ktajy
with drrer M%gr of <br •
-Tbe call
:aald aaotbar
tbe wide -or


eaefc Low Pttoee M will eaiyelM

MOM. IMMU L « I. Sto.




Front Street.



Flu. OUm. BMua Boil.r uid Accident Innnrnnce

AUoracr* at Iaw.
Tba>B.B.MmaraOrwawra ta aa>


aoa«aaaUa»at»nuen»ub» raw
uwa era* Uaa. Vaa

Bnsmees Cards.

Mwktlaoaeao bar,oat aU era-



.ratiw brwr>*u.. r^MaaaaybabaUBfiaarwbata.


.Tobnaoii Block, Phone Ta

•Ttr impadcaor d»l that Santa Mar ; la parfact .aaa.-a. wlihoav iha prrparite " aaelalmad a mate, a uairt. m . Iianear.i c..ari»y of ao sera a. a anil. ,
i-cr fiecd man. "pora bc.r lad a.: lerro- Uhr tebdwar- app-oaebad. Tbr tnoUoa.
Uoo- Shr-aikaoff-l«Vb*dropht.-.'of Ibcro-rr. -rra d.rrcud by ..paa

TmT*»» City. Xiota.

=1 '» Trra an.: Kora w


; a B.

ill taly eay. tbertfare. la acnutbe rtbta ol oar predta
rbaela-r ■

pteDoyriap tbr poor JuboiCaxrora.
i/ma^ mk..nnt. .k„ ka'».
. .
**** *
sLajiep . ..
— Vaat!.»
. .
tala Kecrra - Ha. there beot nothlop;
Sthiap j ib*
lb* hoab-a.
taoab -a. Broken by the u;i
u:i ruBia*
q*. oa
_ aaala
tp^a aad
protaadad «abrtak
with a pcBsani at it. maatbr*^ —ath-laboaliap
,----- Jlitp Ofbrra
Ofbrra to
to laah
laah I0rt-u.._..
tbe l-u erMrI. .. _ . .
' lay abont tbrae watrr.
He- I loprlbrr
klttbai tberpai
.llo-lop Vhia ' At tb,.. laataol the .tout, rad faced
' 'little emlMr to
all her Q-a|iB«o,-bo »a» lodrcd no law a pefavaPtoa'li hei

Oncf brii-ome atfUBtutord to jlicir uac and >i>u arr'loat



a wbltiif to hi. lip aei
,f, .A.i...
‘•■‘""J wa. d,
four i..e
Kolb awa Ibrti whip
maleW^autt-bcad. lipniStd
iplaia.. 'abd ebaaed ibe
______ ... cap
■rc-oebra to their .hirt aleaiea ab.
Ui:- Aroned-bo-aa ilriaU
I'd bare
tUrpariU for ala bour.
aap f'.racoaple of callaawu ern
Wr fill bark ol about lunr faoedrad
paid bare lo.lerrd till
.rd li-hisd the «aa'.
, aldt of that diabalkal
I lellOl
too., ibrcc iDooth.cul Ires
luppec tbr ptup of cutihruau
au i li, a breavn, .u reubOiiec to the *no>, wbaal
___ as
oibw. IMlta
riKhU with drukra Ihtl arc ritflit, at prl.-re It,el ai>- rik'lil
aad bonad tota.anoa laMar. lay hrip.
>. I fallM top wilt.
Itetcfftbat Jamaican pori lo nha: ia
ktrwB toaallora ana ”ebrclcaim '
We want a (aw roliabir me
Tbr waltr fl aud like a brra.i of
The Kireily
the V, the Ueih, aad at they ru.-jed ep^j^j
wheal aad befora tba
ntpreaanl (hi> aUuiiffiwt and beat
.ijukdclkM. tad
j MtrparlU .S <
bctTf of e»rll I
Aoddmit and Sicknem laanranoe
Brietoi trader. Id
(\impaa; in the world,
eerlMri.ah IhniaU. bare been kbow* i
j_ laroapb tbt aaokia ol
ro.ird eery ua braeado wi
b«r propon
be I'lredr aa.
.e*,.p..n.«J ad.,e u. yrara.,,. tbe ear
aetOed wIthdM the oanal am
ortabiy iDdi
ja.ide io*.dr. tt ber wllb a la.
of red tape.
jlacbtr-idi .
eaof caait. la- iBlIeatalcre dead
«y lrlebd.,’.,*red .Wpta.a^"
le tbr maat —lit, maBy wrtpe-wiubd
••/•h.r. wber*
^ H jera. -no. wr haer tbeai
I'fUl | Jon’t ibiak be baa aota back yak »rlap wbacka odviI tbr i
about artmrd
r.plediap arldlrry
altb. aed
b,al waa >e
rrf iheiB
1-0 I
laroark «‘"r 4nao,(,B if I *w loBp m
'lantiB-B I .
r aarwiy af MWdlw
. laod
bira. UI.
ii., loei
Tbeir .. ableMaoiiii
/ oaa cauld 1*11. aalai* bt
• atra*
. tliere’a Both.ip
Merer -a. th
cri-ppad out of * bailaoa aad 411 la a
0 I Heed
t too. lhafepolnp beroi • i.ra' i
.liWiiiffureiiur* 1 loti ay eo«td*af*.
bea-ardtbe laiu.-Loo ol bet«o and : ”“^“'1,^
»f «litaf*.
B r*tiy, .be rameiye*. .uUand
i*mp. beilADil topuUlioe I
‘--------kiiabliihod In iR.,. Wall «i)ui|iwd l.e
oeoal. the udJla *1.................
■ ha haal wort ui Lan«iia|a Niaeir. Mu.u
. J aad ataelee
. Bolh.ap
jaiacrpaau iiiupuip ueerboa’d whil
I raa lato a»«y
• llarpe caucr rlfpad eeracl. Iiflibp
, tbe rrat —ere dneeo. bleedinp ai ’ iH.ny/B eipbt recepi Uia
f '.wieplDp upoB Ib-a-e.jbl ibediel------ebrlrkii.p fo' ,u.-r..>. .lown tbe hatrh , r.wil
., I-mUcok,. ra
1 BuidobBoi
rrytfelap la Ita
• I at aboet two mlira away from ibt HritThere are tpeJ men wIi'i.llM le’k
__________ ...achat •C'rfliti.otF Achatmtfalp raecp’. the aaddle.
Idle. I1 nonbld
iljnof KItwfleld I Her etletaacc la a a'abdibp deprada
^ toUradtr ID lb»a>re.'i<on
Hy Ibr.
•jtumtonicwd dtp. - .
tot baallMifl kmiion
AdiBiU both aeira.
rirrail BOI fifteealteliacimwhWUUlealo.
i tbit aftcreoon <
If roe anh |u wiarr al amal] tAprnw ihr
I eoe.unir. you ooel.
9 Si *Mr Jetklaa.’' ti
klBpoff *0d hrr pn.
adraalMn I,I lb. ChrialitB rallaff Lh
IBBB Bbtalb
tifely ih 111 ,
I paaeape and
Caliloitoaa ted |al<XTDtiK.B tddraa.
dlda'i fMhaa
•Btarril the barbo* of Kae.Be* la Mbl
tliuT L. LAt. iwr |„ MKH.
rei B-ay fr.« -Bee* I .taetad
aerleal belep l"•alldenl
t epnke tbe weed*
•iu.tb»a.|irawt. b.b. iwariwt
teea’l bees to auulad i__________
TbI* w*. doer and tl
peop.e empecleil i
' aaperle **aWed. (bey baoipad BBd beat.a. *o traaplad
3k a rellieat^ •
by ihneden,*. taleo.
ilaed aodai________
-Bir."aald Mr Koprr.. ibe raplala.
•‘!L ; to l.r w«ryl lor often it happened that
oie 1 left tbe I
r Mbi Itaartd* I
lo bit maU. "It It Bot mriotcatiaa
„.*. tbepiiv*r,M. of Ib’-e^we'e..
Mi'leay that I
• beioaa "
fouodar upon
tea of tbe capluren pii
fwod fee tbe
. de.p>r*ie cBMUruau '•!
pltiBM-0 Blonp ihi. r
daapleil la ehsia. for
' raaOvlclaa] Ortf Baa.



Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.

Ijnovil fKi^?

FATCHIN & CROTSER. a WAaa«to..o M-n
la.rFrura.aiaay aa.^.
•COtatlra rear



I«l •>, |-1—rr— MJ rat, ,‘vra ra^mi
owra~u we l>M»l irawrarat.




_________ ____ ______


' A rtia ar IM M4 ewr*

NO BZiUm Sgg-.»

VBsaiy Muraaa. t



tpilM lor Sa-lw balk arao* at eW caa.. ____ _

A rootU!,T.blt o.«wi*ah. wat a low.
bAek b«UW JKbS'SSSiiL'Sli
ot ra«aUI tppeoKlU);»l.s echooaer.
tchooorr. as<t*
Q»,«,tloaaa:, Uw Uobtiral' .— .. TKTSU‘!?tou‘SXa^w?^
.10 eterj
It p4CtAt* wttear
o( beaatT
beaotr pleearaos
plorarooo «bb;b
wbfcb bad aacitad
aac.ted U>a wf^U. "TL -.e?
^ia.aM am
r worn. OB tbaatUiaf el tb«!A CapTain li:i(«n
owed ao
uilba blaatefa beavj »iac* i eerier, aod bar aalla
l.tor tba aemwbal wenud by bw ei
M aearecanortweefrae' .'wtakdraarblet
draarbt at wtad
tbal e , blow wub tb* btlM.
aaliiraakaef beetiaadMea ‘
^ ^^ nyb-.
la ^ mtb at aba
My Dear «aW -Ukathatr_____
Irriap to tbe deck Ires peak
aad rvya. Mwiade tbal yoa ever w
-«rl»br- ................------------------^*ai aicbi o’clock Caplau magm want, uJ^^ri^beTaanmrd
••«>«( ay tar-


Merchant Tailor Real



without one.

Wr bnfe them for (euiinfatun-. fur >iair) uae. fur eWr-

itisiut; porpotat, aud (or thrrui'»iurteru


aiiiLBaar. auMwar a» tow ao* «



• -’amil)

IWHipca to n».


111 rBoBT rreBR.







"•-X’V"',.: "r 'r.SE

on every dollar sale eveept on
l''lour, L'ced, Hay and Sunar.


K.‘-dara^‘'-““ —

bwTT.s .-BiKa^ta BTORa.

Five Per Cent Ofti

Traverae City.




.....'iViff"'.,' .

W.W. Miller’s Cash Store,



g®»s:’K^>‘ST= —



..cck..J "£!



at, nStSawtrS


el. olaa traaa, Mii-k

8M Front tftTMt



ly ri.ispo. ,• .p> - M- C/..
. Mu« «l*r Ami.ii


le aar-Mee lo th. u

■man ta <m oraat BALLbLow,


TrtWM Qt} School el IuIg!
iMMllHU, iMdiliMt
Ueraat rraai aad Caaa ata.
MMtnteairVeiw.aMIawte «. WUaalw.


__Konay to Loan

- Illy
,t IB lay oua ceae I reaer-e mj do-

lii f will wall BBlil I baow wbMb......

Ivi, w. «n ,n.*nt

Thit ia tU.* Umf uf the year to iiiasiilpr licatinc,
Fot 1i-d yeKr* I have uandted


taaomut. onMun. aumw*.

Carpet Cleaning Works

Otar oua bondrad in aBco-aafuru^rerBti'jn
aihi Burroundinu ountry
A ifuarantce
with pvery furnacd apt by

iwaalrlourpoeader'e thro, of lU ball *'-i-*• wWc m readmora tiy
' .ece.t liopioehee- wLedi.» h-had
I OB the pabioa after be had bewo .botae
ea thy. ,
whether he bappeaed.V, be eii
there wbea he -a.
Hr. H-tabacb.of
H-ieabacb. of Wu„berpb. iclleef
••P*rb*p*awe*k.elr.’'*B*wiraoCap i»utoflb*b*rl»Y tbroapb the aBrrow
a.nldier who —a. killed a. bt era. rale
WIe Kipere.^B^larpe.


''^e plaaler rolled
the yellow iaBd ta#he*n l*Wly empioyed
' of bit cyee lo ibebtBeeDaaad
tbe bcaeeaa bad lapeupar
lap anper alopp
. tee cjatt
totaed bit baadt. wltb a maitdlclIoD eaarmed. ber H
BP to
bctwlil hli laetb
tiro* the Ufrali
pipbl ibi
that .followed ausdowo
Wbafe that yeadcr. eemiap round >I Tbe nipbi
tbal eoraer of laad:-' etclaiaed anolta *a. eee of rleb tropic Maeiy
tba I. phi Hripmde at HaJaklie* rode.

“5pUrip*T?^rt weht toibepompan-lU'TSe nipht beam wa. ao «lear‘and

r.tu';. rca

••A ^teearoop " he eiclaieied. aad the'


upoo tb* M*
. aed „ _____
Tba eloop lei
po ber auebor.
bm kepij
lal 'po
.Maedrelt.'vbould they dara atirnpi
-.SiH are i
■ led. aad
1 - tbe whi-eaew of I <•,;
KBt’vwMapeadlly eeldeel ber tti;. bPbled.
tlieil m-rre .. JM Ibae iboaeof e
elolbe la tbe llptat
of the mua was
I that tba plrtic'. quarry -aa the eeller,
’•lap Uunltcu a -a. an
abaaeonl of wb;!e

«re dencaioJy .leal
! ue Bol tbe fl'iitol merchaatiBB*
seaiioii* a cate of a llueslaa apt
! Tbe plpcarooe wa, *, leap, black bgraiapaioap -ay ol' OB the
Turk, wb, meeUnp. fodpbt to.
w_wa-1 It waa remarkable ihi tkoaph aboel
T low _______
achocarr. taltlep
hr top. tbe daau with deed bayoeeU la i
bearlly ripped. »bo-lep ...
ooi _
aa m deipbt a lipbl
The fatal IhruaU ■
td ao
Bb dwpjelUoa
ieeh of cane** a* the siealibliccrawlta
- libllc
:*"»P •bowed
lo'pel ber brea faaUBtaBoooa. tbe airaap* t
_______________ ____________ .. fact
•I for bee
oeerth* bara.sbed bine heart to lb-' aeebor aad make* aacoad .tan
elap that
both stood, with tbeir ler>
impnlBcoIber loep oar>. or ••.we*p* ’ rttaVnatlon, wbef*».T tba*. mipai be.
mnrb apart each wltb bi. bayeeei *a
aa tboeph alic were aomeplpaatic mt
Her eella trembled la tbe w:ad bedded deeply in bl. adeeraaryb breaet
rine reptile foepiap ber —ay Ihroapfa it' They were uwleae. yet tbr kept Lheic toreereral day. -lyfi;,- .i.c,«e.
with moreejepuof ber .•ui.......
,ioft Seemiaply ber notioa wa. to be
Tbe culler rolled belpieee. -itb ae nnder command to a. to pet *w*y at
The Prtaoe of Warn
* ■
It by alippiop.aa U* eniter
Here art ao«« lekrreatlnpfacu aboni
lifted her weL .^k“Sp oopper oat of | had doec'twto,^ tb’e ptearm walked ' tbe.
Hriore of Walca. which are eoothe water. Oo aanddeo.
bo-eter aad ^; off—itb bee
deatedfrom bw bitprapbyaa wrlttea
A fewminateeconkiitlii'ui. aa Iboepb tbe mea aboard ber had bet' SolAtism a aitple flpure alomped I by ba priealc aeprtUU7
faet waled from alcep, down dropped ' the deck. ----------------- •"-- or /oar j Me 1. a colonel etrfal tlm'be&eer.
Bwlapiap. b.p aalaeaii. oan were Tim*
,• after
lime oBe or aaotb rofkhoae! He bna oee prieatc ereretary.
atbfy two
orer.aad ..._____ __________
________ , .
the »ea amliiirt eeereiarica aed a ataC of
reetloe oftbe Briatoi trader. tUppiap . iiae. mm patiieelarly-.n tbe dlreciic
rierke to ami.t him
ber eatll^at eta roooM. wliboet atop .of tbe lud. with a bipi
ieocalar .
Ue recei.e* t'rjlettceaaday aadeapiap to___ , __________
rtmaiaedei leal and mnioslce* tweet mat ot them
8el the plecaroOB .buraed paat
OBl apoo Ue MP Nolbiap aUrrad but
Be hae ercry order of balptflbood ia
wake. A pn« of wbitc closd oee.
a few tbred* of eleam wbil* eapor eall-,
Jally broke from ber bo-, aad tbe
lap athwart tbe atar.. aed tbe water
I ball, iil-aimcd. -cat tklmmlapi
___ .______ wriokliap nader the delicate bratblap
- tbe cutter
CU-- - in the

th* of ihebrrece
ler aad yaeblman In Ba0aad.
. .
merebaatman lika a parched
Tbrn pamad the o«bt. Tb* dawe 1 He pec* to ebarcb eery tapday
pea aloap* table
broke ip a rlol*l plcam aloap th* aar't-1-------B«o! .
Before the ceuer bad meainrad
half ere aeaboard.
aeabeard. Prcaecily
Pemeer n|
tbe I Be etariad la life wlU aa
pirau wat aiooieldc aad aaB. aad lb* wide tceae of
laBblaptbe meeletopcitber foe beard-rdUlaatebadow of
lap. a* a epider rerolTcaa fly I
b hlee aad brililaat lato I ewid*. tropic
before uoutap aloft to dlac 01
. __
IVWM then ttat tbe a
IL rad-laeml
eomtamall etacbllap of :maa. dremd la a wide
raw bat aeo
laad piato! . ahentb faint I ta old monkey. .. .
aem) la bit tpcahi Germac. Preaeb. flalha aad
--------e.ailttie ItfUap of wbit* [ walk toaad
Btoeke. nebaaloem waa tkiw ended.; tap ap a Wlteeopt.
knelt down and
Ue ia s feet < ieebe* ia!l aad wahb*
and with true ptraie eeicriiy Uw‘pouilcdlT.
aeboaBerwaamahlBP tor the Mae heap' "Atlaet"' i exelataeed. addrcalap ^Hci* tf yeaneUtadhaaffarpraadot coaat with the aahaopT couer tow ^aaotberotoaL
lap aad tolllap aad Saebiap In bwlof him. clethad la a plain_______
Wbaa be wb* youBf be w«i ecty teawake
waiftcoat aad aa eld pair of WeHiap- dar bcartad. and cried for taya wbaa a
TbM Ibienah piece of werit bad baaa {tea boola. •>»*** they bra. Pottcb- lalur left bis.
walebcd with belplem wiaU by Oae- aad aboTi Uae. lee’ A prmy laap
Be M aald IP ba ea* of th* baat abet*
_ _______
____ waiUta
..citlta tbi*
tbb baa bcee. tarule- 1* Bapttad. \
Bcaate Ub\f*ahita* ia dotbaa tor
.iBiLidW OT^aKwl^tta I 'tb* other mu Ipab Me plaL. dl- tb* whole world
abc wMtbc wtehedoetofall raeted It, and elarad loap aad kaasly
Be ^ thlrtaea aaircraity flMieee
tbroapb lb* lesaea.
Tea." tald be. -tber* they are. rtpht
all of Utad wltb tempm at be did at
Aa hoar later aa laabm
Tb* obiact at wkieh beantoladthr
-taaaoM «M a man blaab apedt m
yallBltatUB Mtabbtaapta ttaaaa
Ih* had. Ita eh* dead
HhtaPilta Miital



If ready-made lin«kfaaLe.

WtaMt BUoalts, BoUwd 0«t> in pnekard orr hulk. 8
other doUcloo* hrotkfMt proparotioD*.

Plain and Artistic



. 848 Front StrooL



“Hgoseworfcis bad woHivritbontCfMBust'



Hack, Bus and Baggage Transferline
*,mn ta. ra-M w krwera r
M OM ew. Ml Ww. <M>.

Btot LiTcry ia Northern Michigan.
--------- TiMIIIlM




feet laaelap a bob eomt twMAy'
le dlamewr, wlib walla at ——^

id antll It M M
..d Iliad wlU 1....
_ . leaU Hepf, Hook, a V C of
Rorke'e drift, .taecfaiay f»r aiulpp
re than thirty feat
aft" '.be /line bad dleap(irabaa Ndpartoa. a DMmta Wwy«.
pearid. feubd
lad oaemaa kaeelipp baktad w la tlaabvHle aad epoke tpUNHMv
hu rtB»*nbl.


Pk«1 Bnka C««rr^

e pot i'I'i"
frleadi who baea aallad to *M m*
break down wbea tbay my "paod hy.*'
abd walk o«« of tbe roea M U»Ha.
ftul I woeldb’l Wied that Ui kbow
eaeaaa of ■ y ahtaMar Mai« th*
raa padar tbabay-wafta Otawfelly y0Bra.—JI J H»r.Leir, la pWria

■*' BMP ito 'taf <MNta to ita

■'The paepi* are praatly werkad ap
and aiclud oeer tb* alah bol*
It M •
and for ifeli

ITaSn'k^ "talljrZnd*"ir*SSI*Uta.
down U* bol* lb. other day. hat after
meaeartap tweoty eifbt'faelaf wbtar ■
lb. bottom ceeld not bt itaAad.

it taj dritatajad^a
day oa* of UlAata.
l^owT tae^epsK^h.

otUlud by the people of DM
MB r.Celali bar* beta I
eraetlop aw
W* now hae* ea abaadbe voted laSrleat ta aaat * Im*
wiedmiUor oat taaforea paap. A*
ibeboieltpe ibe aid* of a Hfh etoeaUoa. tb* aatlre town cab b* aappUad
with water at a aaall aeet --rev* aaa

peat ebatr la tbe k
hcfi are aaeh h'
H(wj**talmite th
watch them a taw i._____________
lepao. WelL ft WM atai*ta!l^
they war*, walkta htoa^aiA byata.
die. aad Ibea deetdwd to tooeaos.
--------Br. ■aabey. wb* waa ta ktow

d'JGi'Sil? ts STJSJm!

A ««7 >lwt
of Ue I- 0

« r. WM

kMl e«wlw i> MobU

ww lallteMd ioite eesMA U>m ba>
OM •(«« Bad Jkam
Pvtar of lb( etbor. Tb« iatlaf
»m fix ■ booqMI Bt the etoM ot th*
■•MBI. which cote Hb7 IM. la
•diiiao to ihk. the
oonathc ftmMM aaabar pt iaJtlB-

Aa ooiafahlc prafnia wx flxo
lOBl oxalBf. OM B flee oo« It pxpBXd
<xthB»BotUcaB»t8BtafdByoxolBfUhoelB UtarBtr Becinr
tka ptofraa bt the UbcoIb Utxar;
Mttr ABtaraar bMi wbb aoUxl;
havtoxita. b.1 wat‘ BOM the lex Ib^
Xctif. UwBBwWlowa:
■0jlMxi--OBahtB DBiii.
-Wtell deoHtIke abOBt teb

ibm cf tht Pritada
itb UMr triaada. wjoyod
adollcbtfalaxolafattbrebaxh Fri­
day BlfhL A toclal had bix anaafrd
>ho of Valxtin
day. aad all el tha ladlx wax rtqaxtbriaf xlxtiax. abd aU of tha
What wat the ebjxt
Bftl keewa oatil tht
aoxpaay arrixd.. < Tbx the xiai
airaafed apea a artala. aa
fixe Uay howa aad
allowed to Ixpoxeoatc Capid
that 00^ tacoaodod la pta
Meldad wtaiX lady waa to be bb partTbe bay* wex flxa
10 the Udix at xaxeix
Lifht refrxhaMW wax oarrtd
adotlxproxpto pnwrax wao fixe.

of tht l ailorB ftaak Kalf
Pytblat Moeday blfbi wmbb Baaiaally
wat a prixtt iaatallatlea. wbUh bafu at T:H.
Xkih tbffoUopiaf oaoxawtx
Oaptala-J. V; Helatxb.

rj Orill-OiMi te

raltoa. H. V.i aU alfht; *aa.
Haaleipal owatrobip proxOt at BolUad aad Coldwmtor.
laaddltloe wtbaaboxtha Bx-oan
bx baoa baadad a Uat ot a lerca
berefcitlx ot the aoutry. tor
wltbtbt aatoal ext of tbolrpoblk
lifbUof. X
from elttasof UltoUi wUI proxoflBwxt:
AllOB. Ul.: lot llfbX.-S>
Bwx, all Bifht aebodala. i
par IlfbL
LlBOole. III.: M IlfbH. :

i8»ta day.Keb I-

with tbt Twxly-tlath Kew Tork rad
moot aad Ito bxoital mao. Tb-r#
wart lo tU i.tle oa tbt txui
wxtbor wu 6oe alt-tbe waj
loll, wbkb wt xacbed Oct. i
After euliof. tae Oraol left tor tbt
iHbUlpplox. We had text pretty xPfb
‘ weather, ud lok of the t»y>
. About a waak after w
tluiof at bxaktut whu a blf
oeame raahlof la. kpccaod o«tr
ibe tobla. apltled xy broakfut aad
wubed away part of xy max kT
«u. la. lot llfbta. *000 <
bad a food appatitt for dieex.
IT. xoullfbt.xtdBhrbk ate
Oor bUi of fax oo the but
broad aad baid task, poutoea. ookoa.
!l Ufhk. MOOobadla
beat, dried
powx. all Blfbt. tUam,fMpor UfbU proaaa. applx tu aad ooflu.
Ft. Dodfa. ibwa: it Ilfbla. itOO tuWe patted a rolxoo oa tba way.
.0 powx. all dark aifhto. auam. hU wbkb wu afiaod dfbt to xt. u I
prr Ilfbt
bad Barer ten aayibiaf like It bttort.
Arkaaiu City, Kaa.: X llftax. MUO
Wt rtaebod Haaila Oct. «4 Tba ractodlo power. xMolfht. water powx. elax wax laku to Wall Uty tar
yw per lifht
ilfbi. _______
next day
AdriBe.Htob.:IOVlifhH.lM»uBdlt (otbe ely to tea the tlfbta. Tht
ewer, all aifbt otoaat r« px ilfbt joiruu all look rer/ much ailkt Thex
AD8 Arbx. MIA.; 117 Ufhu. MOP. i, , „mti oa alxott ttxy

» 7 ud ■ to the FrIArieh block.
Mwly fxmA claxio art work
ud book xnew will mxl lo tbr elab
toi* Friday aftexou. Tht
uly raptime ia ceoaeettoe wlA tbk
uielodtac o»*r
thouxadi of uatonoalal tenwi i
wUlbe *0 Amixkia ebxft to
from mdleim cured, ia wrpia* tk. Kilmer
■ember* of uo xoU at x-t meeiA Co., rn^mmiea. N. Y.. be a
Wbletbe mrmbxaax ufmfA
ibelrart neAIew. A aodoAx'
wwk '*omr ot Ac |
boAn All be rrriewA by oi


Tbeffioaey ««>ilxtA at At ‘


MfB aboBld taaah too, clotad latt
Idfbl. lar tht It oHaban lalUal
iHt Blfbt<B MBXi^. tefMber with the
U atm la bt brtiiatBd. will pat tht
wbaaalMihalodft wOlbaxtedea
naaMaladbrJ <1. BMnll woa b;
hfCW. n*all.aadttelaaan bad
fOBatda Ihtboaqaat. wUAwbb pra■WPl^ Iba Ladr Maatabaat. Tkf
MUoflbBtaoBaMadofpMdtt. el>^.

raaall of ihU l|ha^ty. be upUiaed.
wu that tbit ^ ooold bout of the
bxtiehooltlakidilcu. Hr Cuhlla
tpekaalMC the uaM U^xaod Hr.
Haaara alto x»de a ft
Sapariatoadtad Box tollowad with
aa talerxuaf addrax la wbith bt
tultd that while Bo:h wuuld of tbe
laeeo of the local tehoela tbex
tUlt morb to be doH to xaka tbi
mUI better. The fxd


ateoxary for eoatlaead ImX Wd. The uw autimet will
bm la ordx to kup
Ht BTfod apea tha profldo tor Uffato erery alfht op
Bloalfbt. aad oa AA aifhia all wtxthoi ud lutoetiy k.IIA. BoA
alfht la oAxiiorda all Bifht except of Atm wax yoanf men ud u
« moullfhl Bl^la, wbu tba IlfbU them luex a family
Usaa, aad doriai bla xxarka ui
ad the hope that a Btaaaal txlataf will A taxA off aftor toldalfht ac
We bA a food dlaox CbrkttPU
dopartxnt weald la tha eoar Xtax
tktiPf of frIA lofkty
HHBtbBf Moaday aflaraaac. -ni
otter, uht Ud
'The orlfiaal bid eftbe Hurd- warm blteoim ud batt
be added tn t>».i4^ tehnelv
tMMfht. Coadaetor Babar. wm
Rirtir do. wu rt per lamp
•llW aarata a Sll atar kaaDic'i aldlaf.
tothf^HaartxB after tape ud* hA
ptufuallaicbt ll^t Tbeuw
xarybAr whs w** pot ia pot aadx
tPO biIMb aarih
arrxt. He kaatorn old fellc
wbtptaAdtalr thalaat toertarmaod
I aapput Apt by At time__ ...
faUcoponof I
IMaAboaBaWtIhtttmek. Itblhoaitbl
tor ruebx lU dxtiuUoa Walllo Perry
To Aa SomexMa. Aa Hayx ai
tMalaffatloeefoatef thteaft
will to well 00 bl* way borne
ia tbp apriac of l«M ie tht
Atatyol IHrx
Wt frt food frab hex dome Iriti
aai dxpprt la wab a way M to throw Thirty Bru Hiebifao relaataer
pulatoea. dexiutA psAtox. dttti,mt
tMtaanttfthamtkaadbxak ca»ef
that raclxaatle Chka
A oaloa*. bard tack, brud ud blaAm of Aa oily Ufbtlaf wlA I
thtialla. Thafroaltad at tbattala
eull. ubbA Uuuiox. uaaA bxf.
Boaidxu Rlrx Bxtric l^bt
fWHd aU lifht, aad wbaa tht aaeldaat rad tb tht boapllal corpt of the rtralar Powx Oo.. wa wooU xapaetfdly
drtod applx. drIA puebx aA prppx
III itfid thttaciataadiht otbxcan army aad ,1a Jaae; Itw. left Sao Prae
At wxk whUf wt Atop fuA daty.
boaMa boat tioa the wraehad perttoa oixo «th the tblid bury artillery tor
Oar oAx* ax to tboet exry Alof Aat
adthatralm-thatwlaatraet kamrl^
omxwd tutthemayx aad elark to Boxtaftartoia. aad tfwa aet a Ilfbt
«t Brat Oat the ataUaal bad eeei
Be wu axuf tht 6x1 laad troop
boralDf Id atbuk. we *eod a boTlat
At roof We i
Ibt raU that mxi^ tha wxoh wat 0 load at Haaila bftcr the bombard
peraon w* tea.
bnbaa lale Ihrx or tear plaex. aad Mated the dty'by Dawart daotaad Lifht A Powx Oo. u toUowa;
Qlre but retard* lo all
laspo ot 1.000 uadlt eowt .. tbabfiwox.ttauaxd lor box.
waooxUxt aflat that wu la aorxal
upeclally Compuy H^^^
tMWaloartbaMaek. Thaytall
xtty waxa OBfaceiBtott Be baax
ttaoxteakxtavaad bt^ tha talaaxruhk rifbl eboak which wu


■aaph polaa. w that ibt w^ ax xadabya Maaatr.belltt.trax
ride. Be wu ataodtaf ar
^abhwoabania tha axaab ap.
wbu he tolt tlia tUof of. the tbot
aadjnl u bo totMd awa/
ballet plaokedloto the tru whieb be
Sxler Lyxax
wu Maalaf .afalul.
a Bwtar LpaoBX of tha ' Hifb thfoka that be bad o i
ri haUaaethx ofthair lattraatlxr Ahorward. howtrA-. the taef of ibe
thfi Mlay la tht Hl^ achoal "
familiar that he did
aWy roax. A wwj larfa aadltoca *ot atlad It maeh.
b orary fart i
VMpnfraxwat opaaad by aa at•m»km\iT Abt haajo daat by Hart
•MdaoMdOtaa UlUtapla. who
lafabadtariiieat teaaaaotra. Jmm
obA Hay Birtaf roadarod aa tax


paay. Ao autract to to timliar to At
ou BOW ia oxkUPu. Tbk outrut
oball to made BOW to
Hay Ut
lono ud
udallUfhUto raa aaUI that
time atti --------------------- taad oadx Ae"srX‘

Meet tor tx yearn BBdx Ao aamtlaf
eimmolaaoaa. alAoMh ha baUarA
Ae aebodala mooard to to all riffat
Aldtrmu OofTkoA. oka of At U^tIf aoxmtttoa. trpltlatd Aol wbllt
cxtelltotwaxfrttlaf llfhto ebtap
c, Aexaxafrut xaay which ax
ptylaf xero. toxt u xx
yau.aM be beltotod Aat Ak
tor Ataityu AktljBo.u Aaxk ao

tbowiop At ImmtDat AruTowa—d of A. Jattu.
IX u.t tpteMl
■■iaob.aA roAby Hx i«Ao
Ufx M Ae tide of Ae tormx. Tbou
Jbtxtofx At
It wu A txxlloatpapx..ud .^___ ^
who hA tbr pitwBX A Iktoniaf to
tooad uip wai to oaly su ouu ud
Ae paper esuid ooi bat feel. wlA a
Ate will tubit a lacft crowd to tak>
x**ioa u At club mtmbex
jxUBable pride lo tbtlr mottaeriaA.
A ru toft A Ao o|

to bate
Ae forut ud accuracy A At
Tbt'aeetxlty of potiilxl orfulAweal oot
oeatt Axoird
jtlOD fx At patxaA wtlftx of At
At Alma Mix Witu. wbilr u hx
A ebarmiofly wriltoa pap<
faAx toway to tebool. wu eaafht by Ac oao
Laca Ixix
by Mn Lxix I’ Tn 'ftAtr wu clurly broefbl
_ xriew ______
icaiebtr of a FxeHaruatUt paxa^tfbou of At Hoaday club of ToeoButu. < brief
ot At_______
wut OBt
ibe fxmattoo
fx'mBtlu pf
A Ac rarioa.
Xriou poltU..
political IrAo aod uaxrxly lejand that aha
roAbyUr* .'oho B .Saoio Tbt |; the
aublMt. ilwtj* a fatemaUnf erna wlu i ptrtlx of At I'aitA BAUt wu fixe osy die.
wut oat

AX» <1A.
mt Juaaiy SSA;
Axil «A.
IA7. fnre Juury MA:
April lUb.
bou Pabraary CA:
Harota IT'A.
IMM. trou Psbrahfy t(A.

X‘l U
1*70. bou Pabnury Ssd. wut oot
Axt) MU.
1171. frou Pabroary lOA. w
Haxb lOA.
i>7S. bou Juaary S7A': wut oet
Axil tfiA
14TS. froM JuBBTy


Dangepotfs Dpifgs

ISA: a


opium. Morphine, Chloral, etc,, oMch Enslave and Destroy
Are not Osed in any Shape or Form in Com. pounding -the Great Restorative,


l«;a. bote Kebraary slA: wut oat
April SOA.
1ST. ftou Juaary ItA; wut -eat
April SIA.
isTk. frm Pabroary HA: wept aol
April SiA
into. H-.4X
lUl. frouJapoary I7A: wut eat
May iBt.
IMS. tu-lrt.
HtSl.fnlu Kebraary lA:-wut Pot'
April ISA.
ISM, frau Juaary ISA;
Axil MA. '
IB'S, (rou Juaary srtto
AxU t»ib.
XM. (rorj Pabroary IA;
April »pd.
!«<i7, frou Juaary }UU
April Mad.
IMS. trau Jappxy AM: waat ^t
Hay .A,
IMS, but Pabroary SPA: wutoat
March SPA.
ttPO. frou HarA 7A; wut on April
tui.trusMakeb: l: irut Ut April
Ism. frou 'Haxb l«A: wut
April UL
IMIS, tiox Juaary StA: wut
April SA.
ItW. boat Pobrobry HA; wut
Hareb *A.
IMS. bou Pabroary sod; wrai
April ISA-


Miles’ Nervine.
Dr. Hpr«' Nrmx ha* hren hrfurt! rr*t and kliwpby tordhlnif tlir wrarrj •.tomr bat- «t-’ ««
I. Mm Eliu
... w>
K iiutilk-* iiii.iilr-rot }can^BDil liu : brain aod aiKKliif Ihr Mrir« tu rr-ltotb
allly. V'«i run xii ' — ir^ulioii Ul. >bc Br*iii kx bx
ll»manr w..n.l.rtiil rurrt <.f ii. ttou. rttk Id firitif UiUfuat irMoxSlx b|
*«. owk
a^ aad
H i- ir-rtr -ilr turuilc", trl*l. fxall dnu^i-ta
At li i-imlJiii-. no trm-x uf
Ilf opium.
Opium, lok-llUit
firsv iwitic uo a poslUtr
rfiu ur
nr or ullirr '(laarac
may be tikm iir Qi'-ti di-il'-atr pri>pit willi-iut l- tr If iViuirart
'' tpuuIti«Jk ud cbti
dnif Italai. Si-iili--r i^a it
0*11*10 jrry>«*>
torpati tk-Aro
tk-iro a«iu
a«k klirtiHfiit
klirtiMftit b
by 0.x
aleblwl <ir 'itJii-r --liinnUliiiK afrot«.<tiMdi*l>xH-■ntlnupM.aoda
i^cb bnlM up Jalw- h"X 1“^ • l‘®r ; iwpoMiHr^ me to c«4 uy
Ibd lliCD l-I.Ihelr tioAo d'-wn 'n r*-ri« to Ae B*r ri y«wrriiil 4i
luwrr dtliiba of <i<-«p>'iidrn<gr,
I»r. ^‘U“oortme lx inx x»



liw. bou Hareb 4 A: wut ul April

.lobbwra aod Itoalera in

1SP7. (rou Hai^.sA: wt ut AprO

Bicycles •. Bicycle Swdries.

l«M. trou Pbbroary «7A;' rxet'
Hateb IDA. '
i<nw. frou Pbbrury lit: wut
April ItA.
IMn. (ran ftbraary 17A.

Hayla IBKOAt bay rtxalaad frorx ii


•WoAseaaoetexprtxwhtt 1

PlMu^ Mftd mr to b^JD^Pkrer'a
xeacA t*kiaf tbi* xadkiBC Iworto
A BiaetyAx pooeda New 1 wofb
ou hx^ ^n^-mx pouf

>bt(; ISM. TV day.: IMA. St daym
17. Tidax; ISM. 17 daya; IM*. »
daya; 1S7C. 7c dax; isTi. SB dayt; tsrs,
Mdayt. l>:t. IX days; iXt. lii daya:
■Ot daya: ISTo. S7 dax; 1ST7. 1<M
: ISTB^ BOt tmm: ISTV. to daya:
IMI. aet (rx m; INI. IPs dax: tMt.
daya. is«4. lat
daya: lau. si doym IMt. f i dax- >so7.
«l dax: lui. 104 daxi >•••■ 40 di
ISSO. J! day*: IMl. 40 dpx: •»«dax: .>**1. «k daxi l**4. IS dpx: iSSS.
ndax: 1*M- 17 dax: >*S7. 31 teya:
10 data; IMS. ?t daya
. -laM daix all ralaw to Aa waM
Atj. Part
lowa AaCre
Tb* folloi
_____., jihat to 11
«n from A* xtirdi of
Of 8. R Wi
akra from'hk own aetu

Apnl nth.
i^HM^bt^Jauxry tPA: wut


yAtrr yrrfL *ad tbt

• lwaaUdyioi'l<»4l»ia In. Milr>' Neff
i*c and- «< bcc*D (IMX b A toi. A too
Unin «d
» w.trrtcl temrdi road bx
gf the mcrpluDf Ubk. *od mu<rd At box
Ucwbkbhcd Uultocdwfd bfroidtUM,
Rmi^t Am »br h*» Irr* ■ wril ovaaan “
H>. 4M> Ml- )<>u« K. RiOKCT.
; *|...r Mltcfanil ItfWduf kf
wilr ■> «nrtl«">o. 11ll rwn*
Miw .<.ri..i.w.-*k ;j
l.jcr 'I'.rnsi^MfkiuDt),Tax
■ntXM. r.-i. m-i
u»iK4 irL^T»t i«i idic
In MiU' .Smme k wild it AdrocfSH
rtUlrd o<r»-- *iid •m.-. di-«*xd
to * p.r.m< rumutu
Wdw lx fxa
ornim it i« a liirii: cod n'nr ftyM owi.t .< mux« irSmu** ■ •»■>'
■d.lcttod ik.AlKIO
aa well H a OK-ilir.iit aod todmv*,
tVa.Mll.u^be• t42.Ukbu.Mm4. | Da. Uiut MutCkLCo. EJktoiLlad.

^ ****

„l6Sd. bou Hm* Mb xom ma

SXiilties: Biizii(. lilcaiizlH. EHneliif.

Xtllcrl P<cy*lr Baridtf


»4l~r<>oi. 4.4 r40tOTy SI 1 Front St.


ihthoydtok' tixx la Hatch irrxv
txtimx la April, aad f»«r tlxx ii

b*d toomlt tnobl* tor oM

•d ■•■X awidiiu-i-i


Haich ISA. .
isss. (ran Hareb lM:srm

raurtmu Saally adopud. Aldtrxu Baattof* xUaf ofalaat it
Mauttootef Atbeardof pabik
k Urlaf la Otdar aad Blh Raplda worn wu rouitad aad axouti
txoilaf 6M.0S erdtrad paU
Thruofito pahik'aeboekt
HeuUlabaxbuoalaxdu i
at tobaOdahBra.whleh wu Aa otei

- • hAariato Atadv-

Axi> SiFA.
IMS. froM JuaaiT ITA:

Tbulaapxtodof tJyoa^Ac bay
bu fruu Srixa Hmm la Juaary;
rrenteen tixu la Pabruiy. axi
1 Hareb. <m.r. tlxo ool flxa.
XX aol at all.
OariBf At aaaat pxiod It bu loft

Uatoa aad Out auuk aad eu lo At
aUty kMwow Out aad PaA ttxe a
tx w ualt px muA uA.ueh lifhu
I suklaf ^ the utlTx. Hr. Roh- to to pUoad aadx At dixotlu of At
k.xry potlilx Id hk oplBlou, Aitf ot peUu
Omi P. ttaawfX.
Bt boUoxr-dIxi tiwy will
C C Oaxujrt
mlfhty food dtlaou abeat ala
saderfmad. la aay other eoadittoa
Al^drmu HoeUfu xoxd that 1
hf bu bk deobu*
It Ijwlr oaofol- report of Aoeommittoe to adeptod Id
loyaltp. TU ^Olpplax bo OMklar hk tootlu Hr. Hutofu
will make rick territory plalaad that Ac matter of tbt Ilfbi
after doxIoDxtot by Axorkaa
AbxD lefttotbe comml
prttt aod-upllal. bat bt bu ;
M UfhUar tot laxatlfBUm oad ha
tor the ralaytxou. wbleh
wu wUUbf to aeupt Atlr dxitlu u
oboat 6x moaUk ueb yxr.
balbftor At but leUruu of Ao city.

tMotaaraellattixBwox ci*M._
bf Ualx Back. -Xtat W« rorfar
OM aaotbx by Uraat Ogrbatt xtttlad
■Weiory.’' Axrytoedxxy writ
Hr. Bob
t. by UVarat Barday aad xad by
LatUoKathoa Abiabax Uaoola wat:
alaopMatlof. AabaWA oa the-Bexx
a for tlk euU
if Uaaoia-flxa by BfrxyAadxaoa.
I ot tbt war ax aet loutod la tu
IWII MbHhl xaaUea.xdox alaa klaadt. He balkrx that Ameriea aad
» Mxtab OB •’Blettx of Uao^-wbkb i
to ftxkb tbo.iotoUaetBal eqolp.
•« xad by Barhtn dotaxala bit
It wbieb upoorta tht iamrxnlu.
r. Bcberta ktatkAtd with uidloi
a Maatxytax of tha arxiaf wat iBf aad will xtax to tba army li
aad Wayat Waut, April, tboarh ho dex BOt eax pank
ad that bt xdxaaxd bow to alariy abeat rotaxiaf to Hulla. B<
la Ua nbltat. "Abxhax Uaeeladiaehanxd ia Aafut aad as
barked from Haaila u a' Iraatport fat
Bao PraaclMo, wbax be wu toattoxd
oat la Ottoher Be farxarty Lxd I.
Huktor. bet tame hex to 6ad tout

n Pobroaty ISA;

AxU «A.
l-uw, tu. lx
IWM. frwt Pabraary i«A; waat Mt

Id CoDpuy y. but oa Ao UA. fev of
u wax txeaftrrrd to Compuy E.
01 Ae aizA Uaiud btaUt ipfutry.
We aiariod Ae Bttl day to ou
puy bradqaartex. arrlribf «
About two wMka afo, abut to of u
WMt OP u oxptditiu AroBfb
ooutry Wt killA s luurfuu. b
«1C«A all At iewhtxt ume to ud
Strut Llfhtiu QaoPtMB 8otUM
taxd aereiBl prieoax*. Wt wex
Tbaeoapcil baa Sully aetUad t. Axe dayt. Ooly ue of ur bojt
paUk IlfbtiBf paxttohtor the ettt wmddA. a ballet paxiBf Uropcb bk
Hk cartridft toll Wror
A BOW euuaet wu utborilU at ballet uidt aad wtod hb UteHooday BlfbU BMaUay aceord^ to of tut bpyi axool today to fat
the tcooxBaeAtlou of At eomh...... buf, ban a Sown ud pet all At
poplM they UD. They will probably
uptax ume iotarftou while they

apHlatba Blfbaebool ad­
touberf. Pa.: 07 llffak, :noo e
it nudeqU Mayor Hamtl.
die powx. all oifbt auam. Pta :
1 of the
teboolt aad tba aywax aad i
WlaraxraatBbBralB Ttaxntat; the liberality of tha taxptyr
LotXM.Fa.. IOtUihto.tooo uadlt
fbat. Me. m E. O. T. U. wbb ftxa b;
powx. all Bifht auam. r» ox Ilfbt
Ml QarxoL Pa ; u llfhM. tooo up.
adoeatleBal aytton tot tba boaadi
die power, .all elfht oUbbl 6»4 par
tbaTxxxt Oltyyboac paopit
S O- T. M. Baaqaat.

BrUaraifbtlht looraapaatad baafMtlarlht wiaalaf Mdala thav»-

ThThklorix of At i

jpeomiatatlaexaad tbt mttbodi oa
The dxt putr of tbr orirmoa <* 1-lorA I* omkiu Aem wm* ii-r—
Sptctai Trala tc
"EolaUx Stxpftb iA Wukax.
toifht aooAotx uxA ...
The lx raeord tor the pxt fony-ti
hatioo*. wriitoD by Hn •> * «tlu a, uie facto xox drmly lo Aa rntm
ThtoHooxof Txrxx City ItoUyxx. kMt by »be Oxad Txxrtt
ofA. Uakxid. clob. Muklxu -a»,^j^
d,f*. I Ko *7|. f o. T H . box umpIXA
Baxid. k u toUowB:
n*d by Hu tlato* It wxu abiy ,,a^
^ ^
i^. aA Ao < A~*rtmMU tx a tpacial txla aad
lo ISW. Ac bay (rou Oat bat fur
wriuoa paper, aad Ap.A caxfali„^ ^ toealitytaf it cooelodA'
»« A. Wf Hacubu
xdxxUaa: toawuteatH)
ttAyud moA tboafbt oo At partL.____ l.rul to ukt plact a
itfiO. from Pabroary I7A; erut oel
aotbor —
Karefa ird.
Hki. tmo Juaarf SSA:
ope. eontrutlDf Atlr aru. populaUoe.,
of Tut «:i will fo dowo wlia a W
March MA.

BaterdlMbtoaMrya^eba Pxbart.
Trxxxr—J.-T. Uaaaab.
dtatlaal-B. W. AwtlaQaard-X H. Iwrif
Aftar the IXMllatlix eaxxeay
A.B. Holliday^ a aole labia
plaaaaat atylo.. aad Lao aad Has
‘‘^doxof laMr-MoBBt UUbtri. Weiller. two llulo Uoaque beya. aabf
eaDdltpowx.xldalfbtoMaa>.*Upx|B,«,7wbrx oaUrr polieom.
caleby aenc la (tonaaB.
Took Hoafb OB
1 Axoneao toldmxax to beatoa. Tie
—bM» woBOfoa Bl BbbbobIb Tfcp cake walk, dota by Dr. A. B
<%ebayfaa. MIA. 43 IlfhU. i70ojriiy look* moA luc baotufe da Caba.
aar. wboB tht Mwt of iba BBicUt loUlday aad A V. Priadrieb. wa oaodlt power, a all alfkl. SI to I
TA Fuip rixr k fall of
* ——
IB. J- r. JBehaOB WBB laaned. fxatly xjtyad. Taay ax dxUrad la- clock, water powx. fT0.M pxUfhtjof them oaod to ooarey o
MhBoa WM the wtfBof the pxBl- Imliable la ^art by tbOM wbi
lruH(xatoia:Ulifkto.tMacmadle|ahip.aocborodlD the Ay. A wbelo
powx. meeellfbtoAAolc. itoam.tiio famUy livm op etcb but eopaitliaf
It daax wx a plaaaaat ftaUx of
r, aameroad ebUdru.
ef fathx. moth
the txeiodt pltotarot. Martaaffa'B
llUrtUo. M y ; lUI llfbto. ISOO eaaTkt aafortaBBta woua hBt had
orebxMa faralahod tba auk.
dlo powx. all Bifht watx power. W»
pat hcBllh to a CMtMexWt tit aad
Tbehaaqtx wu datly torrod by
px Ilfbt
IMra It M dOBbt bat that tht tBAcrfaf
Ibof OarJi. The xooa ww pi^Ix.
7iUfhta.l00PoaaIBt hot oBdXftot broBrtt aboBlthB
aadwkbat. oal^ doaftaBott. baUod
Uclotor::.. abooi7oof Wfotu A
Oraal fx Ae lui timt. aad uarttd (
DaxbridfaitHilo; 70 Ufhta, SOO
MtfTU klAd. Wt laaded at lioiiO.
;8api Bex Fairon Maaul Tralaaif.
AMth xnlltd IBM 1
Mooday BwtxliiK Hayor HaxUloo. die powx, all alfbl. atoax. P70 par ud aboot M rexaiti tor At HxA
ialutry. wxt takta to HuolA .
Bar. D. Ooeblla aad J W. BaaaM rk llKht
Bailx. Pa.; so liffau, hOOO <
Itad the Ctatral tehul boUdiai
Wo tlayrd lo HaeelA abool
aput BuaaldWBb'la- tlxt la the xrfcxt powx. all Dlfbt atoax lU.px Ilfbt
Cooulluilla. Pa.; oo llfbto. SOOO ua- wxkt. Noxmbxl. I wlA XX
■Ilf. oke will I
die powx. all Bifht auam. pa px Ae boy* from Txrrru City, wai
■ tttp lam of bar mfle dtath.
Moatic werh ot tba
trio M BBTfeor


mtetian will folate Ae Aobbuild 1^^

•lolWhon. IM.

.f*'» -"bh.


'■ ®oc 1


«•. a
W^ir not ti'-ifin to boy your orbrel Duvy Voi won’t miu $1 each week, and when tbr
•Boo opras yiiur wberl will Iw rsxdy and yd« won't hart to make a- lafKr A>wn paymrst

Repairing and Enameling.
Now u tbe time to harr your old I
ow 8torn«nKrnn.

d ««] ro^'tABeM. Brlaf tiMM tb

4 >.••>

VSMtSI .8-oont
-■ 4MW*work,
WWSW,baking ekaarl
VMliStU, dann
V4^MI all

!■ ■ t^4l SL*
444 . 4H -S'.------ . . J „
baarints and tme tfar
whoeU. ptain.
imnuph 44
or WDnaal
tha rioa;
ail ad/wted op in conpiei
diu-Mi Tor tbr araall Bum of S2.50. Utbe toraiog. Onpa, OoMaa, A<lu and 8bafta to
BiCTClan Hoilt to Toor Ordar.

z: \




»a teatt lA HiBlMfl of BtoP Mau
or<tottaeto.Pt«boafOOf M. taadta
Uak wllb a he* paav Sba waa tba
eeeopd AatfUttr af WUUata Oobbata et
- aad tbe

|k«4Mr of tta bet ihMtbe poor
'aatberoftbeoaly atatar fmaitaar
MilwWov pobloo wUeh h>
laMtUacaeapa toek alaoe atiba
MiMtollr Umn tko erden ter
^■tr hv«f« ot
aij. leepeet-

w. TtooUrnotepbeeMbetopclaC to Ibe elKpe nm MOek. IdUed

Mljeill Ifco Mieptioo el
no poMtOM thto poor

IMr keeper end fored neether otee


And All Forms of Itching. Scaly Hiimors Are
Instantly Relieved and Sp^lly
Cured by CIHICURA.

r«aee torrlblc ptsto tntbiM-

dtoBoe etteedLsK Uc ecseert la Ue
cieUe*. OMeeitoelvMeeptendehfr
rmtduaateloproparw. Ttoe elber
oeanped tbto«(b tbe pmeede. bet «%•
,^_„__-eol»liludbj drowkl ; eeptared leler ta tb«eeberb» el Bipok•■4 tae*« l»rt« pot*W~ *»
WkSlatkeo u Utoywr to bepepd ou
not be neteOPVP
TnkUw lew
^pn»peetointbe poietemerkelM:
pmet *# iroeld otpmiHf impnm Qf
eoell femere tbc nbeolete uimmI'P


From oor bttjw. Mr. Obas. BoMathal, Bsjlag

\0hse out at any price all the winter stocks, especially boys'
and children's clothing, men's heauy suits, overcoats and
ulsters. Jackets, rubbers, etc. We must have room for the
mammoth stock I am purchasing,"


rludwl Uiu,l woald harr id (o ta a
t-lta-laaoil hoddul hefor* I would c*t

5 We Make an Extraordinary Cut an All Such Goods.;

ra of the relatloB
u r Byeett tor eoffertacthree
^mimabra lvouUha*rtttad<X-nci.-AA



“''h? JESKIXS, Hlddtoboeo, Ky.

M aerketo eed *e eeeld be oUlred
tbe edihto el e eeaberof
,» take oorreepoodlBplj lower prieer. hydrebik eafteeare. tbe dlTleloo el
tr* wbloh tbe tSeete woold bedewlMPtel to ell eeaemed for eoaefeerr
te eoarcta of tbe Ho
JomeC. llota,AW * S.», L. r. Pmrt. B B Binii«er>. On> W Uablib.
a ae tbe beet ecatar far ex
WeuwLxIPiMii.. A *pwlaeato.
Aedraw Coeta. leet of tbe tear brotbere who feeaded the boaae el J. A r.
Cotta, thread atak***. to deed, at the
ecaofis. Tbe Bra wee toeaded b*
Be*. S. deUbery ■
Oaeta la l'>M eed tekea e*a bt
the two eldat tone la mu
•tbeoB. tamed bto eUentloa
Hie-B.d-Beineft jeeterdey efleree. where fiea mo to ItM he
MP torWeeieaa. liftio. where Hr.
.. redlaetBeaUlaf tbelaaeaa
her la
Ui)ola 1_
- e lewder* dor
wtt to Ploride. end poalbly to Oabe. tadaetrr of tbe >ra la the watera
When be retired from eeb»H. KewBea.pretol
at Coder B I. wee la tbe dtr ee beel- tlet badatae te i-«0, aaarly tbcaartbe at tbe boeiaeee doae by tbe
Bap. Csae P Bteket of tletroll. er- Oeau wet Aneriaaa.
rte^laeteteolaf toettaed e aeatlai
All the iheatace of Porto have ratoad
of tbe eerlea board of Iroetodta of tbe prloee ef eeaw la claw of tbe ecaoBotalmueam boaodiap apwUob be to eaeaber. today.
HM IWI Biler mtamod yalprdiy ward ate r^ld mU. BoMla where
aod boerd tvaarly eatt hot ft a
ton. lurid UeOelaaea.
low aaainiBea that tbe price wlU
Hto* Hertbe Boddep retamed to Cbl betaadeyattarAprll I. Tbe prelect
eace ydelaiday. altar a two aeath*' of police will pe< la foree a law to itep
. *toltwiaitbetea>Uro(B B. Popp.
ertlck'bt eealpiac la Parto. aad
e«ort will ba Bade la eee that
Barb Joyal.eod E. J.
protoeted CiOB aaborbi*toliod HIM Oberlla at ViaBbeaywtoatdoBanda. but prieee of all kimU
arc Hkaly to be bipber thaa erer before
kbowo ta Pari*.
A cabladtopatcb trOB l-raeldeat Eliot
ydroreorer la Bik Bepide Soadey
I Barrmrd aalrarelty. to Alaxlt E
_>Mond tbe day wlU i. D BLater aod
fataUy. HM Nora eed HM Dockery
BMypdororaad twtamed ea tbc «:10 probably do Bare for Cabat future
UtaBBBythlacyet. ^^a>e werki aco
tnia yceurday.
Hta. B W. Bird and dtacbler
loSeaib BaardaPB yaatanlap ic
1,000 CubaataaebBt to attaad tbe BarrardaaBBereeboel. Batard.y Boralac Hr. Prya roerlrad Prealdcot Btlot'e |
fltaad Bapida.
B. B Vaaneat lett ycatartay tar hto reply ofleriac taprarlde. free of ebarce
etd botao la Mew Yprk auta oa a far 1,000 Cabaa. dartoc elx wealn ofj
It to baliered arraacewaakto raeaUoa.
P.B HeerewaaiaOtoUllae an baeltoUiel’Blud Stataeaa board i
BMe yeatardaypone
Hia. Barbert Cork and ebndiaa af
ela’weekeehaUbe atlUetd la *•
Haple Cily were rtolbac fttoodi '

W- C Makoa aod Dadarabariff H.rtte
Brewa war* la the dw tnm l.rlaad


d<*-u>r after dorter, a* I waa traedllaB
oa (he reed Bad of B> tlBO. aha apr
ntourdtydoewn. Xooe ul Ub dar------•------------*—the troddr waa. I(u(

el »*tle« eet ell -biU l»
««bbT end ent pMetea. tor eelee
tUe be dene, it elU be ele-et i-poe.fUe ler M to rCeet eelee et ell. eed In-

Hia. B. HoPtarae. Hra B. J. Hercap aad Hto* Qmee Hotraa left ytp«Mday tar atrlptoLotAorala*. Oall-

n mr Iral aad UbIm far Ihne TBit
u<ic*e aod wauM harp Be awake a



iat d Conceal Soar flSc.), to
. Ib> iktn ef muta aad watoe end
eeftca the ihi^Fanl cailcto, Cei
Omunrei <M> ). to inMeetly *lla« it

Hen* i« when* wr an- Ltadid ilia badWi-el. [brnit when- «v i-iil fill- d«-pr*t
All an- npUi date I thill aeaKon'e tjbuOK )
It it oiir aim
as U-fon- lo Ihifui the epriim arp-»->p with
l•^su lit** giaaU of lha lairot atylt*.
W<- haiv

ss'isrTu'r.i.v-:' '■

M eWtafa ytatatday. Tbay wUl
papa pboat a week.
Bap. a 0- Tamar waP) U Dw

Batl'> <taurrtCsr«iaU)iroUl*naJli, *rl

Lot S—i'oDdiei
-i'oDdielr of, el! wont Wureli-iU, faoi-v
(WilliDrri-a, plain eD*l fancy i'lii-viot^, eio^.loublr
lit* brranlxd ooau. talo.-- riiimitu:
up to $5 III. <-1nn oppriiv .,.................. . .$H48

rRUSSES,JS(. ->--‘-5 4HD UP

Fine Display

Lot 4—t'oiiaiiite of noiibt dated Wumi-d-, fancy 8tri(>i*a.aiilt.’io aod iliHlIil*- broa.lrd -ilk fai-i-l •'uata.. vatiii-- ii]i id B>..'iO.
< i**au up priiw................................. .............. ..$6.00

III ladies’ aad Missis' Jactits lain Cast. I
la elaeaat steel ta sort froa.

raliee tl ear* am >MU er«r Ji aa
'tarkSrT*ViT I
.OralB-o; OrataAl

eaderteaeatae ta ttoa C


4 Tnumph at Betaaoe.
a patlUerrura foreriBtttoB It bat brea
d tbalarauantyorBaBHr. aad Hra. Seatfe U Crtop peaead
ey refasdad to
I offered to all aaBercre
Ibra^ the dly yeetartay ae tbelr
Ible eoBpaey. Too aocb
arie add la tbe blood to tbe '
8. a. CwaaU aad daarbiar ef eaate of all fara» et rbrafflauam,
wblcb'tadadriuflaBOBtory. Bnacalar.
Qepaaiieb. are rtoUtap IbetaatUy
parainto. erpratria. aalfama. luBbtfO.
aad e*ary ktad of eraap The riaf reHra. Uirla Boberta left yoatardiy for Boree' the aaemt of eric add la tbe
Bow Oricaae to aluod tbr Hardl Urae. blood aad eoree tbae dli»eei A basdbooklet with * •
Md alto to rtoll btr deaebtar Alice, et
________________ _________ rure. will be
lailM rmr toall by tbe SwlMABeriB B WblM weat to Meaealnwe yee- -aa Btad Cta.. « Detroit Opera Boaea
Rloek. Detroit. Hicb.


Him. K. A Pnrti' vMtad

m.J. Hortmaaad A B. Petrleba**,
■ 1
■mOraee Coat
- ' lata Haaop a

Te Cm U

24 Nm.

No i-sardveqttali* WARSiBto WnrT*
WlXB tip TA« SVKfP fur thi. tarn1*k- and fatal dimmr. 11 takra tbur.•uVlilVABd IntlBK-. it willouiv a i»«w
ip St bourn. anJ fur tbr ««wh that lid■Trimr
tiniii*.' ii nrvri- (aito W rfire
I, .Frtiv.Si-awl jie.
ttosfal Wegsw I* dead aad toar
ethBiarc ertUeally lU at a teealt ef
bptaf eetraoe by fat lap Cbteaco

Mrii'-Storm Alatkaa._Boitoa an<l<'aD<ir.*..76e ]

M.-ii - .\Uskat. tint equality..'.................................. S6c |

«-ooi Trirot-i

drwi op pri*-*-...................

................. ..


86e |

Woiitom'- Arcti.-- ...........

76o I

WonirD'a Crr,- lillrd fittbWm.............................86« (

liiir of JJ.i>V-«»*bl..(’*i'd- ..............................


Wont-n'-(iism Kuldu-ra. tirsl iiualily.............. 8Sc ^

Kui-i- I’antt from ........................................................ 8c wp

Womri.’s F. lt Stipp.-n.................................16cto60o I
Wofm-tiV Frit Shora.. 600.000. $1.00. $1-86 |

Men’s Overcoats and
Ulsters Below Cost.

..............................................76o.$l«).Sl.S6.$136 (
Odldr. D-. Fiir’TopHb.wta...................... 86e to 60o |

You will appreciate every one of these Bargains


Traverse City. Mich. (



mUrr balnnre
balnorr* of
u( tl
llir MrN«uiBi«-\V»taOn »lior Stock, whiob ip
.br dollar
.kfk-r fe
%000 pair- of bieb
Men'-. Woiurn’e. 1
ShoM. Oxiorita And RuMh-tb wlii-h muei l>- doftad i
fnrdltoid of pri<-«. it- we muM bavi- the room. Tbit i< a cliMot* tu tboe
up your wlioir family «t tli.- priew it would coat lu -hor up oni* prt-on.
Shoee et Almost the Price of the Shoe Solee. Tbie i« not dr.
luBion orkuarr. 1 ut the n**]. Rruuinr bai^niiu
rantAis* of it, aa ibany -itben bare




0 pairs of ladies' hand turned soles iind old ladies’
vici 'kid shoes. McN'ainara-Watson price as high
as S4.50: to close <»it at -.
o pairs of ladies' high grade .A. I. Johnson vici kul.
doth top. hand turned S4D0 shoes, to dose out
50 pairs of 'John Kelley's French kid ladies' hand
turned soles. McNamara-Wat I $4x)0 shoes:
to dose out at

Abni'e amount huTs


Men’s grain leather working shoes, all solid.
Namara-Watson price 1.75: to dose out at


reputation for low prices

■\*our‘Bite is certain to be

at our annual sales,

somewhere in this lot.

jear is no exception.



eight 6ftj will do at this '

at $.’‘.50 and ^.-oO.

^apma City. Mieb.

spedal sale.
that sold the past winter

It's a small investment .
to make so great a ,
saving for yoiu

Ten dollars and fift/cents
gives you choice of best
makes Cheviots, Worsteds.
Cassimeres. silk faced.
'donble breasted or round cut,
as yon wish. No sneb

' who have seen what


ock mttat
fipoiMDber thta abor ptoefc
mn«i ba cloaad
ci<wed t
out at -ooct—Come Brat
and gat your chakcp.


Single or Double Hreasted

Above price astonishes all

Cassitnere or Clievitat Suits

l.Adies' dongola all solid oxfords, i 3 and 1.50 values:lo cipse out at ape and---Men's calfskin and Kangaroo. McNamara-Watson
300 shoes: to dos4 out-at......................................
I s 5D0 and 0.00 patent leather and enam
enamel calf- ^
skin lace and congress shoes: to dose out
Men's satin calf, up-to-date toes, all soUe shoes. Me- Qfi
Namara-Waison price c.ct. to dose out at......... »wO

Myaara a«a.
AtltoeOoUCta«Btaata eUrt
Oat.. Sao*te Peatar. Loato Art
AakBle Tab ware eaaebt ta a
tabis. AsiaetoTta.b7raulat.iared
ktoUle. AdaadPoetarareeawtatbe
riMaapdlbeBaa troB tbe Oold Eipp
■taeafaeataceearyeSert to taeo.u
ttpbadtaB.bPtwUbpohapaaf ap*tiw

IhW- Hud rud- uoitm « at-iiiiet.-. and
auil la*Mt Fa*lt oc a


■eeretary Boot proeaew to^_xlAi
OP rodaetaf ABerkaa foreee ta Cah*

Hto*earab Porter, bead at ataBoa*
a^el ta ParBlaptoa. Oeop.. aad i
afltoelata Saab Porter, to dead acad

Shoe Department's Deep Cuts
Mru’a Fylt- and h

Boys' and Children’s Suits
Lot i


to 4ad ta Mew York, BfadAi.

baaa artatwd (or eBbculeBcnt.

a*u At ropt.


A. W. Jabrao* waa ta Bk Bepide aa

Sato, aa toamiar that Poataatur 61b-

ir >>Mt Ms.-kinai

LdK 6—Conaiita >if tbr Impi fliat it oarri.«l
in tbr oity
Faiu-y aod plain Wwrelrdn.
I'lirii-'ta and OiKwinii^.-e. niailr ttridlt u|>tn ilal**. paou I-Ul in lat.-iU -lyU
mulil (i*rl pmod i*f -noli
n up pri<-r I.

at Paapta
. af raflH. PeraDi.
W»« are lajow- v, — —■.
ISHZJnXpkUX’ihv tabn'

Botlrr un-. heavy....................................................... $1 48 (
Kriwry ( oalM. sill wool T2 £> valura............ $1.60 i


BP fine B oprloAd of good 'taorPM m ever
came to Northern' Michi^n. Moke it e
point to sea them and get e good enimel
* at A low price.

»l2-'> .Mai-kinsira...............................................................SSo J

^ Lot 8—Ci*Dai(ta nf an ob-Kant line »f piri-tlv
all wool i^aio ami fan.-y W.imtHb: fain-y
I'aieifDen^-. <.'h*vii>ta. raluHi up to
tT<<0. ai/f- into IK. ooatKtini;li-aiid-donbli'
breaxi.-d. -li-aD op prior............... a-------fS.ftO

B. V. Wartaf waaUOpdUIpcop baeiPMi yMtatdpy^
B.S. Piatt w*pt ta Piaafctot ya>-

ladies'Ht Ceils'WiiiNllifimui.

('Haatim-n-a. Itla-k ami Uur bla* k thi-tiiim.
ji-Hv wid fmoi

Job Printing

Hr. aad Hr*. BBaaaal WUbelB weat


lOt 1-1
of tiixaf slruD.:
T-* S Lot

Fine Artistic


Prices Cut in Two on
Men’s Heavy Suits. 1


1. »ni Ci-nri aa EwkitTcar (t^-l. ta
iai,d rl>uB>r the ktato. koluu tuS^t u>B< lenonne. diafleeriee^.
atal]>. aiil ai™>l I.BtDCr*. n>b«a..aa4
fKwi.m-hhleo el kairwbK. phy»ln*^b<»umatfOeai ih' enrl.1. P..iTca Dace axn pUPUou M Panly mhI
>br AUn. - tnm.


We bavd always bad a

Ten dollar and. twelve dollar
suits at eight dollars awk
fifty cents from this lot *
while they last.


opportunity will be again
given in tbe near future.
At advanced pricesof woolens
many of above suits wcmld
cost ns onch more than
we offer' them (or.

It's worth kmlriag np

Above Goods Put, on Front Tables at 14 to 1-2 Off Regular Prices.



Turn fsr Silt.
A farm of *o aeraa. bartac aboat
itteorad. food hemm aad bara.'atait
at bar bnbaad wo* Ul. 'itay dren ty road ayaiem law. from tta lomptiad | »a aaete K OartaU towaablp. An
from Traaam CSty. tor nl* re
util (hoy puaad the farm af Oaa
W HeWathy. wb*a Hrv CtaUndu
em-naft. 1. Tta paopUof itasmm'™*"**

lltalfu aeacft. That tta baar«.tf
locM forttar late tta cwadltloa ef of Mltalfu
CftdiUftc. Hieb.
Hr. Ctattardoo i
ft. She Im
ary >. lam. there waa a balaaca el
ftabmlt tbe^anOcm of
II fMt tortbOT Id lh« «w
Bboetata dcon a* ruMly aa
end ftyetam to a
•4«t.TT»ys. Tb* total, aaid to baa*
bvTfl^ ibb ft IftftUm raoM
b«m. A MM •«• IftM «ui bft MU( fleiariaft dariac iav« wfta jt.tu.sM. pcBlblc for bona, a diattan ef alx the muaer prcftcrlbed by tbi* aet. MonHeoa aad fan prodacta la Tnr
mlifta- la tta mautlmaata wn foraed
MttftMftIkftUft el U* beUdlBfler tariac ft bftlftBO*
Ciaebfoiemay be tUen at a raaoral or ; ana Qty
. ibftftbMrMd lb* vbeift beiUiat wlU
id la “d^tta fohoelat term ^Mlai^
P^ par ^ aa
MS to. Tbcuaaftl •**>•«• diabarae'


Tb* Hodara Wood mu aeelciy eol
tatad«i.Mt.t;«.n is baeadl aaaemc>* Jdaa

walafttaoa IW. wbae theaoeiaty waa
■CaaUad. h»*e beeapMl.wt el.
Tbft eaprmaa Bln. Lodtael tbr Mae fact that Mr. Cbatiorda*'* ultra rkrbt
iipatalyatd. B* rallied at
4v«nen«. «7««ar mb V *»•
thaa*. Imaadn MtevtlBealcftla ia»
BoaaUac to MS.imT.
r iftiftrad ftBd cBM w Shift year with te.MTieaaibanud (M.- bH baad alisbily bat wn uaUc
iBMfteadftat Uftloft- svT.cmo laoaraBce ia fore*, ludtath
allboarb ta am aaCeinUy
eurei after the UeapbftU Iftna ermtal rata last year waa c>» par tl.c»>
II*. Or.
OfftOkfeTiU^ H. WM With hto fftUMT
• aad iu dlaft lead el ciftta ftsd weet to tars <Mi
er**s*T.*i:.ftO It*

TerdMl far M. S Btton*
tbeaaa la Jaettae Brawa'i ooarl
halmaaa Tb* Slat* Ufft lataiaao*
afladtaaaead X B SWaaf. wa* d*-etdadUfafteretUr. Strcatc. the tary
laaeblBC a aardlet « I o'oJoek Taaodfty
. Mralac. The lalt areaeoai of a III*
tMaaaa r>»<T parahatod hy Mr.
B, tor vhica two
•■cm. Whoa the policy
Straw WH ae« aattodftd. boldias that
hwaaaatwbfttil wa* rapraacated to
hoMd M pradaead ft wliBM to ft rarbal

the deal el ibh year ware Mso
Albert C. Siaraaft. formerly editor of
Bfadtaaata. mya that tht fraiftraltlaa
oarryiac bow aboat oi.a-tUid of aU
hprasa* Pcfttt bft* ntaraad trOm a
the laaaruee batlaea* ol tba coaatry
abort fialt to Aaa Arbor ud Detroit.
tweailfttb tba
X.tlU Hard 1* fiaitcaf the
wiib the traaftftctloe of tba
S. Pratt.
Holdiwortb la aerioaaly Ul with pi
•aruoftathorily. BaM tbeaaUar^
WaUaaad Parkar P
tararal.Talaable baoha ,oa
apBBd 8*0aad frataraal beaadeiftry aod
day with tbair btotbu.
mbar otca* at Ibc
A. H. Browa rataraad laat alfbt from
wbUe dchUas oo ib
Laftoa wa* tboBfbt to bare haaa hillad
aty Clark Bickmd wut la Acme laat
la oaa of the earacameata A Iftw d»y*
etcaiDS to ftpaod SaacUy.
later be «*•> broafht la badly woaadMr*. Tom HcQaaky aad daosbter of
ed. from wbleb lajary ha dled'laft law
lalftftrarlaltiastht bom* of D. B.
day*. The luHowiac ftre the aatrla*
Mbaa from tba aermat'a
Mr*. Jack LUaay of Satloaft Bay ud
-DM. Died by mlalaha. Badiad. by
Ml*. Hike LItaey of thi* city lift ye*
order, of Uw
lor MUwukn to atteed ft
Cftttartas of the Entora Star.
Emcme l 1* to C<
Hr*, a.
Ierday t
Sttardftv at Xortbport la tbft iateraftl
immer ia tba atorr ef Jolln Sietaof tbaTrareiaa City A .Lftelftaao railarslead. The eommiuoa Id ebatse of tbft
Hra. Baory Wilkia* M fiaitiar tba
matter of obtalaiatra boae* aad tba lamUy of Geatfe WllUa* of Woahlarrirbt ol way had oailadft maa* maatiat luatiaet
Aad tb* people of tba towoead vlelaliy
Prub Friedrich jwul u ft batiBcaa
trip to HcBaia yntardfty.
war* oat ia^oree.

aamwatt that U U* policy w*. eat aatlataatoty. the matte tbaaldlb* ntaraad.
8a aoeecdlasly rataraad the pclley
•ad wbad tar the rctara el the bom
Iba oJOMuy taod to racoeer peymaai,
tat the Jaiydaeidadthftt there wa* ae
awmaelaetoa. It la atetad that tba
Tba pretideaiaad aaeretaiy of the
J. Bldied wftBt to Muecluft
M* wlil be eppeftled to tba cdreuU eemmitua. B E GUI aad ti. M Demm
yeaterdar to tpaad Suday.
bare btaa oolac aome bcmtliac. ud
J. C. Horpu aad 0. V. Lftrdie tan
Mora Aboat Btrftai UfUDacoee OD ft batlaom trip to Piuabers.
Tta aemmltw* oo pablic lifbtlar of Isi.tOO ol promlaad to faraifth
Sutord Fallcr. who Una wni of
tIaaiAd help ftloar the proirat.
Iheelty. burfttarae^froma rUlt with
tAiy Tftylorftlotod that IfftU tha part*
ilatifn ia Ueaauift.
of tb* eoaaty atoof Urn llae were a*
pabUe UtbUBf. Tb* dtf ol Kalai
O. Brow of Lelaad. wn at tbaCo•WMUaptoBVtb* eoat of operatlac ••tbBftlaaUe aad wide ftwahaa* Xortb.
whMI*M.l*’‘par year. Tbey
as* MS s.een-audt* powar lamp* at a
aoot of tfto U a year aaeb. Tk
after dadacmlae 1 par aaaV lai
OB tta taroaUMOt of •M.ouo aad all
ottaw aapeaaoa. Of tta aambar
taapa aotad IM tara all alfbt ud «*
la AUfttfu tta earraat i* tealad from
au aoapuy tar fB* oar moatk aad
Itaiaatof Iba obealla troa u
ri-------------• **• 1-------------“• tta aambar
afllshla balac 44.
la Battle Otaak 141 lamiB are baroed
nlll ttMaisbt ud K an aicbt.
Ufht* talar ruoa brWftat maoalwbt
alfWa tar aDdalsbt lampa Tta mUaf^taapaeeatM'rpar year am
Mi Bitbt lampa. •«.
AtThraa BIrara tta cutraet prioa

perl, tba raiUoftd woald be ia opeiattoa
Boateof tbacHiftea* of Sattooft Bay
war* attbemeatlaf. Tbay
loat that tba read fthaald r> tbrooeb
Batloot Ray. bat bad to coataft* that it
looked a* tboarh they wocDd hart
eeakamoraafa hafttKorcetoProramaat pad aoft tba road r> by.
ne ialeraat lakaa la tbr railroad
project aad the lueaeat attained tbas
tar la aecariw the lirbt of way baa
atlmalated tba peopM of Ulaad lato
■aaertetie acUea. Tb« wut
read. too. aad hare eooeeired a plae
tba T>arer*a

H. E. Baacbftm of Williaatabarr. wa*
la the city ycaterday.
D F. Buie cf Lelaad. wo* at- the

"Tbftt the plan U p'raeUable Uera ia
Maw Maaasar of KOabpu Meate Stor*
Ttad*«BnBiaolB.E‘8ltoaclo ba- Bodoabl; a acaaottaar road-bed tbaa
UmtalontUitftboraaot Carp Lake ba*BM maawtt «> Iba «. H. Ecmball
twaaa tb* two towa* woald b* hard to
Ob., ta wMtara KleUfu. will aot
dad, Ht^ or ao rtadlBC woeld be
■aoMtttaM tta ramaftpl of ttair tier*.
wbWibaa baaom* ao popalar amaar
li^eeal lorih. iht pl»o aaw i* to
' tta Batia leror* at tta city
the Wftlcr power of Lelud to rso
apoattl artawamtat. tba ater* will be
seobraton to ftctpply the alrcirt-Hty.
oeaMaaod hera. frith J. «.
aad Ita ooet of ^ra^ap the liaa weald
atarfo. Hr. CllSt ba* baromt vary
man taerwa ban. ata wlU coadaet the
•Hr. D N Pi^ who bonsbt tta
btatMafttaaiaBcaasdectaaft totalber
wUhaloa llae of mwleal Barebu- wat^ power ala rcoeol tale. wb*a
Mb. ‘n«attBesa«ilaBbattbatta aakad what be tboasbl of tbcpcejact
rfbUftoBadallbe batieetb lam
wCD BBlatala lb* uecB* of tta c
baartilylB fijcir of aoy-mA*c whiefa
paw btlbi. ally.
WlU taaedt Lelaad. ud Ita
Waad Staara trill Bert lato tta
compuy that wiahrt to oome
halfafttaaian bow oocaptad by the
war will dad me ready to
Btabill Oa.. with a da* Itaaofftmllllawtalcres. help iwe ia my.
■Pftata. MtaHiBBia Wood will laare
. tilli i.wtarGraadHaplctatoaBlatttaa
"Tta offleiau ud ttoek bolder* of
taBiMr* aad tnaraa lor tbair ater*.
Ib* Trararaa City A Leeluta
atawtUcotatoCtaftalaBd. U.. teparfarerably Imprcaeao with the idea of a
•taaaa da* llaaef aprlaf mllllaary.
llae to Lelaad aad tbair
tao trlU b* Maad tbara by Hta Boa*
tin* will probably be bare before muy
Wood, wta wO] aaalat ia tbb aalaetloa.
day* lb an If tta
ol Lelaad ar*
AU ft^l ta ready ter tta aaw araaion ueosb to hare a railroad to
laWtat"! *0 take affect W the mid.
a aeaftlbias to help It aleu.'
4i*e<Har*b.wa«i Hr. Streof will fo
The Lalud paool* an aathatia
taeraadBaiddftle tataaBtlre chars*
Otar the project.
Mr- Ptarcc
aftb* work tar wtatara HiebIcBA
ffoa* to Cbicess to esafer wi

MB* Utxie Blaachard ofMuBtn. B
rlftltlas friamda ia thB dty.
Artbar E Olbaard haarooa to Graad
Rapid! te attcad tta auasl meetioc
ol the Hlehicu Ultew Corriec* A*
•oclftlioa. of which ta B traasarar.
Hr. »ad Hra C. Shark of Haacclcoa.
wbc tan beae rBIUa( Hr. aod Hr*.
Biwlud DoasiOB*. banr rataraad to
tbair tame.
Wftlior of Satloo* Bay. aro* at thr
- n .Uwi* of Rik Bi

tUal Batata TraAatara
Tb* followtac are tht real
raaafan at toraBbad by O- C. Hoflati
ropriclor of tta Ontad Traaafaa Oranty Abttraet e«m. from Pab. I4tb to
F*b. »lh. iaelaair*.

HoM Tacaday oraaias C E. Harray
wBl w*bk to lb* ftiadaoM. hm Babjeet
taMff Ballreada.
Tb* Ta^ay fSlewlaff. Boo. W.B.l'cmtcr wUIapukoe
“Bam BaolaoB D Dea* at tb* Lawmla
taro-' dararal other laaUra* bar* baee
^aaad that will b* aaaoaaead Iftior.
TtaaBBaalaeelftlaaaalBBof tta eol-.
lasa will «Bta plaae Thaiaday ataalacd ft«7 ^oaaut Uae m aaaarftd. A
BMd paatiam wiu ba siraa aod a


ta .rino by the Clark,-bica“otataj|
::v ...L:, r. .U;^ ^ ^ ^
_______ per* Oft required by **id »ectlon,,
lo the Ustbio c-f U«rcb of racbl
year Ibbreaflcr. tbe clerk ttaali s>rr|:
utlcc that ft c. Boly road coteioUiiuer. aprc'lylos hi* term of effia. i» to!'
the lollowias
elccUoa. to [
-- elnted
-......... at tbr
illowias election.
ta bald 00 the f . Hudftj of April. I
•me In a oewapaper.;
Buner alemald.
mrd or eoaety uftd|
y Ifty out aoch new
SBOtyat ibeydeem> M- tvjii II. I.B:. General \Kcnt
road* fthftll not tel
Iftm thaa two rode i- "
Said brard!
Feb. 84 ud Harcb 3
may alao ebus* tbe
or the
Uu or alra sbteo ibcitarof aoy rc*d
onrwfaeb they uk* jorndletioo. M
ie tbe layios out. wideaias. cbaariBs
rftisblccioy of aay road, it aba l
or necraaarT to take prlrate prop
•rty. the raid board aball racueatar»cy of aoch propoaed road to ta made,
torethciwith u aecarate decer.p-.ioo
at the Undft rwjuind therefor. Then- ■ ....
apra they »ha1t eodeaTor to asm with :
raeb owoer. m>deat of raid eoooiT. yt
lor the porchaac of a rlsbl nf way orer
hB land locladed withio - ■ ■
tlu. If they are able i
tbeowarr tberaof. Ibry may porcboft*
ihtrefur oat of tbe .i-.

Reliable Dry Goods. Carpet and Clothing House.


1 Removal Sale of Footwear



Men's Box Oelf and

Now $2.63


Spring will soon be hero anil with it will
come the tlemand for


We bavp a linn of these gi'onils that we are promi of
—we mention a L-w below;
'.A (jood heavy call shoe with heavy single .Jg gQ
.A shoe similar to above, with heavy sole
and tap, o in. to,.-........................ .......... wO*UU
•Then comes these river shotfs with a id
top. double sole and tap. at . • ........
•We go higher than that—have a shoe same
as above ie.vce|>t top which is iS in. highi

Now $i.88

Cut Prices.

Boy^' Shoes.
20 Styles.
Every Fair at

Men's Felt Boots
with High Cut

; '


Barr Godfrey ud wile to BIU B
ChnA.wt,ef Mb. See ta.T*tX.
Praoem B (Mae te Joliaa E Aller.
lot «. blk V. BayaidoAdd-id a

meoBeay T. Ime oftal ta Jaha B.
Fbaeleratol. ws of aeb. Sac 34. T:t

I. mi W-swo.

Albert Byda aod wife to Jobs Wood,
a . of aa<,. sects T :s X, B 1i> W•«« S7

Cut Prices.

Now $1.69

and Beaver
Lumbermen's Sox





Miseee- Size.
Better Orade. If You
Want Them

Ladies' Kids
Lace and
$1.60 kind,

Now 81.13

Tr.r C-te

For Sale


the oRers made i
'll Urge Wall I’aper house and
)\ bought a trcmen.iou* s-tock
j of .\ew I’auems.
The goods have alout
arrived and comprise

The Largest Line of Wall Paper

Joha Swaiaud wif* to Baaj
BalchBw. let b. cH lol >0. blk -B
Pita Lake Laaabta CotAdd-SSM.


A New
Carload ol Horses

Tbr Cook R
h. kALt free by n.
taftccurro b-.
at tbr
fBl prrm
can erwr
Pillar a.
,M aUoa cr-pj of IBii »»
IB fro* cf Yori. Addram.
. Ia. Htayu.
Tr*»*r.< City. Hkb

\f^ H want you to look around- first, but D(m'/ fin'y
till you see ourtiije. Write for samples—state
color and character of rooms and we B-ill
will mail ,you
. a_
few bright papers. VVe
We guarantee
the best satisfaction
in coloring> and prices of any house in the state.



Will arrive Baturday noon. All in need of
horses for logging wHl call on me and get
a square deal.
Some of all kinds.

J.: VK.',


ChftA A Wlafabd wife toGaoeiaA.
:iamu. lot a. blk K. Ultaloelbu-

Already the ntir* Kae
from SaitOB* Kay to .S’ortbport. ud
RIkAUh Tharp te Emil Aadenu.
much el the lirbtof way from Sattoa*
e*. of s*V.Sael4.T» S-E 11 W_
Ray to tftia ei^ I* aacerad.
Jobs Emil aod Jaka Aadenu to
The aarrayint party woncioc dowo
Elkaaoh Thorp, awl, «f oeb Sac lo.
from Xortbport'raaebftd Satlso* Bay
oadoll that Mrt of aai, of ar‘«.Sacl.
wllb tta perUmisftry llae yetterday
Taay will pB*h tta llae a* rapidly •*
poBftlb)* to ibb cl V ria Btebam
J. B DalbrMrc ata wU* to C. A.
no(. poraal* U Gnu Lata- ll.
ratocy Tiylcr i* cralltad with the
Marram that I* beias mad* aM thial
that it wiU be bat a then tl»t utU
■taOarpaaaBof taotb LcyoA loft
ttaaompiBUiooiacu be
fBaatdaj dm bar boa*, altar % rwi
t. Buub, Uy A
..BlMHB. Jota aigUud *a Uaio*
Warrea of Huroe Cealar. wa*
. ,b tanttaOM aiaUar ynatadw
Dattu W.Ow ra (tomW.O

Rubber, to Cloae Out



Mary R XawbwTT to Wm T Bo
barf aod wifA lota 33 aod It. w , 1
4S. blk T.e L A Co-B Ul Add-«»M

a. C Tbampaag *od wUa to B P
ook. w«of awS b. Ste »«. T M K. B
! W-»10A

300 Pairs of our
Pingree A Smith
Ladies’ Fine Shoes,
New Toes.
New Lasu. at



Ladies’ Box Calf
$2 50

14 Off.

b.p that •ball '
9f thift act. and

River shoes


LYdiSb' R


Bello Oibkate Wm. Bob
of She It. T r. X.Bi: W.

__________________________id D Brwia
eertala cepUallau
BaBaaa* Oollas* Daocar* Coer**
pareeU la T M K. R » W-Cl it.
Paaf.CB.De«katayef tta baaiami
Aadiler Goamol toDaald D. Brwia.
I meat with aaeoaaa.
•atlw*. ba* plUaad a aarla. of lactar*.
ev. of ftwv. a#el. T *s X. Bu Waiao
fBItapaplIaef tta aoUase that trUl
Qwa J Staples, traoto* lo Du1 Hci
icraiort prapirtroa the Hullon Chy. ae-,©! a*k.8ec». T ss X. B
ptaftoaf (raat latiren aad proflt M all
> aradcapl; iBtaraaud la better tae- W—WMMat taor tb«m. The ffr«t of tta ftoria*
wm ftftaa Taeaday alckt la tta eollwe
Ao aleelrle Iloe aroold
fttaaft. to ft lartt aamhori of ai
Ota Atlerwy Huly C Dodfa
baiaren Lelaad
littari oft cammarelftl iftw.a sabjaet of
OBoah Imperlaae* to atadoaVof baai thift city Which woald be ef rreat'
------ ------- ■__ a.
'' _
at tp the Multocu. ft* beau tram tb*
ieiudaeoftld ceaBeet with tba rill.
»ai4 aad prorida an nay trip . u
TraramCily. Kow coaaiderfthl* h^
pal potBM that Bboold bft a
hp Ita ftladutft. aad rittaff them a abip la eaialled ta laariaf tb». Waadi
taar iBBisbttsto ttafoaoral priadplB caeapt by d,r5Ct. ataamer to Cb<«BCo.
which raaa^ly Iftrice a waak.

a Wraf?i!




When you know that you pick from strictly dSsirable
g:arments-thoroughly well trimmed, correctly fash­
ioned as to style, made up of only reliable materialaand all ot this season's mannfiacture. you should real­
ize that the opportunity Is a rare one and should not
be missed.
Every ladies', misses' and children's jacket in this
stock is included—none, reserved.
Many, many garments going out every day. At this
terrific cut in values it'll pay you to come as soon as
possible, and investigate this grand money saving
oppprtunity. Closing prices on Capes. Skirt9, Ear
Collarettes, etc.

'<> aaruorTaAVD

Whitias ynutday.
C. W. Joyce el Ocoad Bftpida. I*
apoadcas Budoy ia the eity.
A. W. Clftrke of Ealkaako. B iu tta
Bade stall tbaa ta
city u battacaa..
O E Hrmat wUI lean
lias for Detroit to
Grud Lodfe. A. O. L'. W . wbltt> bolds
its acniu tha 70th aed flat.
Hr ud Hift. Eotarl 0.IM of Was
ford. reeuUy wodded.
Id^ftre tta
of the bcotber of the.i
Dluo. of State aunt f

Dau cillliapie wUI Iran for
aftyatbi^o! tta project:
■It la mmw thu probable thpt fta baday to f ialliim bocae. ud from iherr
rtU aeuco east to rater the aary.
Tkararaa City A UeUaaa Balltoao wlU
^ mldaicht Btaad. fotbioaflc Proramoat ud U it
•Maaab. «
Chrte W. BelU of Lelftad. wo* ia thr
' ate, BaaUaa tta abe*a raw tta elty Lmlftad will bar* a raOroad.
yotaS^Mrof MftMatn. B la tta
pwa •« a raar eaah for aata laatp
"Aplaa-iaeowoataol to baud u
Mr*H«aadMttmiBf. mobl^ atelal aleelrle Uae from Lelaod to Proramemt city iaapeetias the work am tta dock.
B- W. ■
MWaaftbparyaarto cSboact wllb tta bow road.


Ttat tta Short Oat l5i..............

VwOB el rooftiur Aoetdnt.
OkOftoe Utwftjte IfcM dtj bftMr-

mmt Ibft <r«ak there tar ft load ofloc*
vbaa the ilelft Oftenuraed, thnxrlac
thahartalolhftwBMr. Tbeftlairhbot
alradi hiat. treeUriac eee of the boa*
oftteanBABd Iba whiet MI npoa bia.
ptaalacUa iaaaeb a way tbet tbate
WMdaaaw of drowalac. Uoa«h the
wftM waa act dftey.
>Thareav mu wafttafcaa toUraUtabftflla.aM hi* tatbor «ao>* cm iata
tbft eltj. Dr. Tbomraoa *•* aalled
aed allwdad tb> la}»rad reaar


~w. F. b:a.~rsb:.a-.
S 1

Estate, Loans, Insurance and
■ Masonic Block,

Trayeree City. MicK

p^-i=ff^^^|yaai| .ABB OITZ FBI»BKrr MB aeiM.

A Baddoa Death.
C A. Or^ t»t 4MhMr DM
Ha C W.TbyiariaialralatalegTaa
otud lAfUi. taMrtr or tui ptMo.
ra^y s->i-sss.f tbe dSMb of her
■ntaroteMhoobUf* e« th* i .
■tt- Ooa*Mr% bulMM. Mr. CH«r graadlaibm. U 8. Hillw ot DaanrtUc.
hM •!»>*• (rf Uw MortUn iwa of U. Mleb. Tbts.aaaonaeaamot loUowsd
wllbiabalfaa bear of the rooetptof a
letter from hta matlag that be wad
escrlleat bealtb
Joba Olbtoa of Klagaley. raoaaUy
Mr. HlUerwss e« years of age. aad
MtaaeadtaMdarBleJall or to Sac Maptealaeot ritlssa of Dsas
p«eaele.paldhleflBeyaBterday atim a bad acssalamana la tbb city, as
reoidlag with tbe tbariff for two > has risliad bora Mrs Taylor will
«. Be bad to part with ni.M) to sl-.4Bd tbs fsateal Friday.
e bb rolcaea. Tble Itarss Mt.
BoiaU Clerks' Dalon.
Slapeea with ooly ooe prieoasrMofeaew aeabers were added to
tbe Setall Clarh's I 'aloa at tbe meetM. Swaaey. i
j III with
lag la ibc C S. P. S. ball Hoaday eeaeMr eUicUea. Be bae BO dmlrw 1«Cfor food aad^Bot
Mbs Btta o-Nml was alaetad record,
of any Mad. He feels
tag secretary to fill tbe raeaacy a
pbyridaa eoaelden bla eeadlUoa ear-

teriar of woodcraft aad olae moe
ted for fstan lalUatlen.
the laltiaUoa a

&9oU> (Jaioo tWML An
UDOMl ltd; aBdcrtoker «tll t
otatod witli hiB. Hr. CortM bM beca
a rcndaet ot Kaikaaka tor U ;aan aad
baa Bao7 trtoacU io Trareraa Clly who
wlU be plaaaad «o bare blni laeau bora.
Work obea Ibe laUrior of tb« new
nrtboiwe ia a«« pracrataU*
rapUlf bad Ooatractor ()>broa tapecu
ibatbtapartof tb< work will be eo
pleMd seal week. Tbe Sateblac
k is eeariag <
tbe raUiac ot the sals aUirwa/ kalef
ta Ibat Use to be eomplated. Otbir
work- ia roia< on aioelyBer J. d. Baoa baa accepted tbe
paaldaaleottbe Cburoh of Cbriel for
the ^cac ytor et aa adraaeed
ealary. bla three meathe trial balec
« Onriac thb Use there bare
added to tbe ebarch t: Bembeia
t eereral otbart bare made eoaAaU W. Clark of Hooroe Cezitrc ea
at. taltb, bat ha«c BOl aa yet
pwta to atari far SaalUr. Weak . the
ranirad iato sambenbip.
6i»l of Marek.

Elation »is week Z250

OaorvaHctBllaecaarMTlake trool
Ibat waWM <war Ire pooada tbitmrh
the lae oa tbe bay Meaday,
Joho bepBoarot Baelse. Wia, asd
■UtaJ. Nawaledot Lone Labe towofUp bare been Ikeoerd to martr#. Daria baa arrtrad from SaflBaw
to lake ebarfa of tbia dlrialoo at road
■aaur ot tbe fere Harc,aette raUroad

—aacaomite are aearly oospleted far tbe flpey eosapaast-and
all are Inrllad to the City Opera
Sonae Hareb t. to abe thdiilpelea in
etoryday life, fortaec Icllisf
apd a tribe of Olpalea wilt be oo band,
beeldee aoaie aod other eolerainaabt
dariBk.-tbc ereBlor. All tbe patflciWiu be draaeed la bn^btand

Prof. Uora baa pnrebaerd a DeoaratadUTOB wbeal^aUr^ and lore typewriter for tbe nac of Ue Bifb
10 b^o woraiac with a^olKbt oebooI. oatolUie proebeda of the Leeoorae, altar Ibe nadbiac bad bees
Mha Salle frail ia teaeblsc the alxtb
e U may lake
graSeoftbe Oeotral aehool in tbe ab
reatady^B the
MoeotHra Boldaworth wbo ie alill typewrklBk aa ao alecUre
I.' Notceeber will be employed
•orrlil- ______________
for tbe Work, but tbe popita will bare
OeliaA. Dexterof Uia city bae be' tobetbelrown Italrai
freaad otaoBeopport..
lobo Bn-eolilrawe eaa^bc oi
Ua Utile ftneen ie tbe lire roller
InABlhcayb alM etar ilrawp i
day. and bad_lt>J^«-B.
Hooday erenlof tbd Soaaer elub
ooJOTod f delicbi
elty. and afterward took aai
hoM Ot Mr. aodHra, F^k Wellon.
In tbe rerioaaeeboela'ollbe city i
day. axereleaa will be bald appropriate
bP Waabiartoo-a birthday.' U aoi
tbe roomt elabenle proftbi^ bare

.of Ibe HsBllloo Cloth■Bg Co.' bos' been refllted for a •alesA new flwr has ..been Utd sad
aalm pat io. A stairway has
baaa added.oolerlag the bsseaeat from
of the ilore. aad npar it a
dressing room thas baep-arraoge

litteeeappoietcd fora
aloo to be glrea Friday erentag. March
2 at which all the retail clerks la the
city will be larlted to partake cf >
locals' good cheer and h-wpi'alUy
Richard Uouoxll Baaly laiured.
WbUe at work for tbe -ral Dish &■..
Thonday. Elehard Uotflall of 4i' Bail
Bigbth etreet. met wMh a rery painfsl
aeridealaadeaae a«wr loalag tala life.
Uc sras aaloadiog can. when one of
tbe stakes that held the log* oa a
roke asd tbe satire load started
I. Uac of the logs caught
baad aod (ora Irea It ooe of tbe larger
aa, making a rery arrioas wooed.
Aaolber log eererely ernibed ais foul.
Tbe logs rolled daws, and bat for a
depraaaioe la tbe gronad. Into wbieb
lloodall fell, Ibry would probably
barrerpabed tbe life o«t of bla
Holliday attended hla
Au Eaioyable Party.
,'Allasce LoUe.KitUe aod (.Ipay Bolmes
>f (i:d Hisaloo gore a cbaralng party
la Friday eeeoiBf. the lath.
tiamei. music aod refrefibrneau of
tee cream and. aseorted cakes pasaed
Ibe boars qalekly by. aalll all too sooe
the "prairie aeboooer" sailed away.
Mka l-oner woo tbe first pHseof ibe
eeanlag asd Robert Swaaey the eoatoUUoo.
Those present were Lolie and Lily
aBa.Raae aad Myrtle TompElss. Nellie
pd Loela Stone. Bthef libertag. Voa
Porter. Bose Ellen ditasey. aaraaad
Hiaia MIoer. and Messrs Harry aad
LeaUr Ddna, Will aud Cortls LelgbUm.
Chsa Pbrter. Qareaee Ladd. Robert
dwaaey. Harray Toapkias. Axel Hoberg aad Joba Drew.
PoTusiw Ret Lutes,
first cases agaioal fitbermro
ebaiged with using set line* will be
tried Detorc Justice Brown Tuesday
Fednesday of next week Tbe
men ebarged with riolaiioD of tbe law
Joseph liladek aad Juba Brieinek,
both of this city. Deputy wardenCraw
. after them at tbe bead of HoardLake Sunday, aad rlalmi to bare
d.wsorered toem io the act of nsinR uet
Roth tbe men promised to see
Jnstiee Hrowa. hot failed to make tbtlr
appearaoce on tbe charge, to ibry were
seat for.
madek wai beoagbt before tbe court
Tneaday and his examlaalloo wss set
ext Tnatday.
Hcr.eaek was
bro«ht up yesterday aad hr will be
•asmlned Wednesday.

Puniaali sea bright tee an
tsiaraatlag Uma a* tbs Hg
meaUsg at TMapaoariUa
Fab. Kib. Boa. Parry P. Powaea of
QadUlac wiU Aalieor an addras a^ a
Uegaolam wUl be laliiatad. aoeatai;
dsgraatsaas wlU bepeemst. laelBdlv:
owe from Trateras O^. which will'
participate in the parade a^ M«t Is
eonferrlaglbe Inttiatiea. Tbace wlU
be a daaea daring the e*Mlag for

OBs of tbe mast enj
pearg.reaby Ibe Bpwo
tbsriiBl H B-ebarek was that of Friday
edag- fieeoealyary pleBaaatfaatatTs
w* combised. aad lb* large anmber
reseat bad a daUgbUal Uaaa
Tbe anexhlbltioa waetbalni Ibiag
let Ob* petiaed wbaa aaterisg ibr
mm. TV* walls wm fairly eoeered
with pictaras. Inrisdlag pastela water

. eiayoBs. pea drewiagt aar
rangameais are beUi
almoateeaeyolbcr aty.e ot pictnre. Ii
special Mts. to iaare bi
eaa eery Ss* colleetioo samberiaf
aad retara after tbe e
Boat fu. la addiiioe to tbe pietnre
far* will be yo eeaia for the foatd trip
era casu. be* rrilef*. e»e
A wry pleesaol program wes rruder
tslBaouB ana Baaqaet
Tra*ar*e Bay Tent No. rte R O T. i Beiraebmeau of cake aod fruit
proridad. aad cm the wboie tbe
H . bald their regnlar review Tnmdsy
Bg was a yer.e plcetsat affair. .
nlgbl and Initialed seearel new mtmiBioibeorder After Ue ieluatoey <
A Bight ef t*rr«.
tnacb prenared by Cbcf A. A. HeOeg.ief Maebias. Me wbea the docionsiic
Tbe last eoarae to the baaqaet was shewonid die from poenBcn.s before
-momiBg." wnles Mrs H Liaeein.
cigar* forniabed by one c
attended her that tearful olgbi. "hot
I she begged foe Dr. King s New Di-"
Charles Vader. Jr. entertained lery. wbieb bad more loan once*
a number of exerlient mutlml > her life, and cured her >.f
•eleeiloot from hb gramapbon* wbieb :




Soeal paaumm teilowed.
core all Throat, Cbes-. and Luag t)l»
are eaaea. Only
acidfil. Trial bottles
loc St Ja* (1 Jobasoo's and s. E
a Ter, neat appearaoea. A fine ae>
____ :__
irpet ba* beea laid and tbe wall* aad ' Henry TuBBeiier ba* marBed ftem a
miUeg bare beea finsbiy papered.
heslaem trip to Beaton Harbor aad
At the next regular meetlag Taea- Gtaad Rmsids
day ereolag aereral more caodldatea ,
----------------------will be present for laltiatioa.
Werkiag bight aa&'llB7.
An AmaiiBB Eateriammeat
' f** boeieiisnd migbtieai lUUe Iblog
Tbe Bulking Bse met w.u. a. enlbu: {{“J'
' ThSS‘^'pi^l*“^W *-eik"
siastic reception io tbe Cuy Upera nee* into lUenglb, IlsUestteei into
Honse last erealDg aad the perliripaBls energy, brain fag inin mental power
acquitted Ibe—Ireeaxtremely wril iB

thewrh»paruofU.«pr<*r.B ' TV.
Jobllioo'aodT f^Wali
^ ^
Piece wae a typical New England farm
ikeicb nicely arTBoged, the ebaracter* i
beieg tboae famlUar le erery farming i
Illy. Tbe easumes were well:
chosen and worn with as aase and !
grace suggneUre of s fsmlliarty with '
farm life.
Tbe stage setting was a- ba'm'teeae. arranged with ebarmisg naliSD.a huge of com fonniog tbe centre pieee.' p,y .. *.^^1
Tb.amr.1 of tbe cbarviier, to the i
• uim
bnsiriD' berglTca by Jan ('adder ard Sir|in
bl* good wife damantby Ann.
SraRatamedaymllaM* In aoT oars
signal fora.jiU'.SeaUonODly known in I
n sulks'
tbe floor
OurSaTiogd Department
dan old r
•e sewne |
oflon't'ea for the rwriw. s^nw
display of the good ulent in the cael- wi”* a»w*»c
and many rery excellent teatares of '
eoieruloment were Incideoia I to the' ,
Jollity of the occasion.
The eoteruinment was fo' tbe bene-'>
til of the pipe organ faad
' 8fii«) MpHttlfiM nnn fit I t«jIlf m
ebarge nt Hia.-I. B. Maran andHn..




to tbcireff-irUand tbosewbo ai..'*ted.........................
The act proceeds are betweea
S""»0d ST-I


cry Hi DU lit, a
|mi«. tLeli.iKrH'li.'l.l Hlimn^.
for llie lir.^ i>f
ii tip- np(ira|>riiit» ri-mPrtiuars' Union-Organired,
«sly Slid llic <lif!i<'iili)' of geitiiu; <>
C p'iolers of this city held s i
log Sunday afternuon in tbe Record diH'lor. pair jiint I'lii-li ■■nii-iKciii'iie
M aolia The Im^raremest is ac
prtas room aad perfected the orgasirt- .-(vry, howp'aluAild !*• j<coviiU-d a.fli
Uted by the Inereaee of basineea.
lion of a anion under a charter tesned
Kylbr eettleaent reached In the' by the latemaflonal Typographical dincDflli'' riiiiimnu r>-iiit-di>-H. >u''b
o! America. Tlmy'jisw atK-ot'V""’'’'!"'’'
' Fx
of tbe Barrisos Wagoa Co. rs
charter aaembrra and expect aooo trad «>f tXiti-L Hiw.^l.-KHetqKn- lV|>(>'-niijnt, £-—-iv-i* -( -lii-riHi-h (ir.
E.iiidley. which sta* settlod cat of
coarl. Mr. UIdley keeps the wafma apd to barn all the printer* ia the city Is gt-r, a k'hhI Limmfot. wtr. .til ili.-m- in tli.- iiuMjt ---IihI-Itbe
tbeewt 'ot
ot repIeelB i* bgrveby the
le- liad at
USmrawereeleeiedjtod inaulled a*
A>oUypanyfroB OlaaaKo. t of he bd^Wlms than »f. ani ratbv
ibv than
rb*t Hothodlel Snoday sekool drore staa^ tbe expense of a
-R W. Bird.
it is' *e
OattoAeae to a party laet ereoUi(.' court, tbe wagoa com^ey seKled
Vise prMlden—U R IVbIte.
ettled koT
•Aey had a OneUac asdretaroed early tbeeoaUaadtbecaeewas drop^
deereury Treoaurcr—V A. dtroag'
Reeordiag-aeercUry-MU* jrraBC
Tbe larg«ai:^load if hardwood log*
Hta U D. wickbam bee leaead tbe Bparled tbns fa' this'
TriuUea—Wm Ur.-wa. A Ii Me
aten of Hta C. d. Hall at 4M lialoa ed from tbe campofL
L- K. Ulboa A boa i rv».h«
i n Masaaieh.
OttMi. and rrilt oeeapy it wlUi a elock to tbe aUUf dtaUBce of four milea by
Sergeant at A'rma—Wm. Browa.
adallllaary. She will batp b
of (teoege
(leotfe Lalmaa. IVerc
maboot March i.________ •THE POPHUfl SHOE HOUSE.
liigs ia tbe load.
load, Mcb i: ,
tbii week and iaitber
Dr. H. B liaraerleft Friday ew
feet long aad tbs whole aggregated s.otaperialworkU snrrery !U3 feel. A plctore of tbe load wa*
thoeyeatlbaaBireraiiy. Ui
lakanMoaddybyC W. Xsbtoo
Eiilea oy a Fan ibboat three weriia. Mrs.
AabtsB want to doloo Tneaday to pbolo
Reory Tabor died at bi* borne ia
•gr^h other big load* wbieb arc proto,
Waluo Satnrday from the effocU of inTfi-‘T* aaariim bare beea plaaaed tied to bew the abOTc. this sale continues to grow- fair
Juriei reeeired at thil place In alight
<or tbe High Mhool toaorrow mora­

are not the only attrition,
be Bmirdmaa BUer Elaetric Light
P»irooft that low
le. .tpeelal astlc ban been proridad.
l.lon't miss i lis great chaflee. Just glance^ o
Power Co. baa ordered a large
aad aa addrem will be girra by I’. C quantity of copper wira&r anindepen .
log to hU hoDi
the few prii IS quoted and remenil*
denV circuit direct to the city from tbe
Be 1* M yearn of ag
reds'of other bargains just as good.
}eba Sewated of Loag Lake tewa power boaee at tbe dam. exprmaly for in walktag through the ear be fe
Aip. bad hie right wrist seemly is- Ibe-llchiiag of tbe city., tbe eonneil striklBg bi* head on o
Jtred TawUy by s fall from s load of on Moadayhbyiagantborwid a new eon-, Tbe train men eay that hr *eemed dated
yles. It^hf
black or t.nn kid. lace and buttonIT Hyh
wben the tralB reached Walton. He
lege Be came toto tows aad Dr. Marn-rre to altgbt nolil tbe train
and hravy soles, all shai>e toes, perfect
irfcct -iktiiig.
tla atlesded tb^jarod aenber.
at tbe lUtion for *oaie time
, handsome shots, «ver>- one—
C. M. faraentar. iSe earpeater. bat
and bad started to back opoa tbe V to
amar'iii the eoauaet for.thc laprorc
turn around. Then with hii arms full I
Mtof Ibe bnlidlnc owaed by J. B
A very-imporuot *ori*l eeeotwUl of bnadlm he Jumped c(f toe car. Ba
Manlaob. raecstly damaged by fire, sear at f.eland on tbe t<-.-.b of slipped aad fell, atrlkiag bit bead oa
aad tbe work ot rcpalriog ie well oader Ibiammth Ole Lar*ea. who 1* well
of tbe mil*.
LaVe and button, black or tan kid. jiaient
o ia SulloB* B*y and Tm*
■W■_________ __
c nerer rpeoremd from the effcel
leather and kid tips.. They fit well, wear well.
erse City, will be tbe groom la a eery
The raqalalie perabaloB hsi bees
and li>ok well. I'or the price of the mure Or
pceuy yrcldiag to t»k< place la the of tbe time, dying Saturday mornic
dinary kinds—
Mr- Tabor owned a f»rm near Walt
aataouag’gsllrry will be erected sdbs
odownedaretuumat there Heleai
opos the BoetniiB lot os Kiont etreet
two eoei who lire oear Fite Lake, a
bgJ. d. Kagan sad W. (i. Myer
adangbter. Mia Cbarla* Lrei*on.of
popalar yeang ladles of l.«laad t^to.oby..____ ^_________
The pick of men's shoes in all iH>puiar shapes,
r.«. Bolt MBooor. baa boogbl
Tbe ears^ony wUl be periormed by
. Two Fine Yacbi*black or tan kid.liox calf and patent'leather—
baxiaretecKoIMn Wbltkop. wbo bss
Virtw Hoatagpeis baildiag two eery
an opDortnnily to buy tor
baSB kxatad oo I'atos street.
Boll bae aoi doflsilely derided whr^
Irele. Ikrtqf rMeleed e »pieial di*. by raaorter* at Foeett Lxdge. Both
awuilmte bet will probsbly re
'beaaatt.ok ebted to bold a eoalcai at yabbU are to be of exactly the asms
tala ia Tia«w Otyfeet wide,
last mjeilqg- Oontesl wii; be modeL n feet ia laagfat.
Saostae }. m MilUkoB. KostiSMler
tlirApril 1st New member* will aod beilt along the very laueel i^lgn*.
Nice 'tylish shoes, black or tan kid or calf New
OsMBB W. Ba« aad Kraab Friedrich
Oae of tbe yachU li to be owned by
admilited wttbont ibe aanal mec
natty shat>cs and shoes that would pieasc ytn; at
laftTsesday for Itelrelt to atwad tbe be
tbiptee; Tbe society expecu to i
Mkblgao CIsb ilteqset- .Boa. C. O the lw> mark before tbe eontMt el
b aa expert sailor, ^e 1* tbe daughter
Taraar bad already gene, aad elheriff suw Deputy Jobntoa will be with ofJadge McConnell of Chicago, wao
•laipa^a west yeaterday.
them ^ ot the time Mpa and ba* spent hta •ammer* a-, l oren Lodge
We Hell the Hast WeatiV
for a enmber of year* Tbe other
A load ot hi
« loga. to la .asm
yacht will be tbe property of Kt- Kid
bm. sealing 4TtT feet, era* drsau trua
, Jtiothcrsisay
man. whom father wiU te'dd a cottage
.. Q. C.fl
«aorgr Letaan-. caap a distance of
good quality
Ity during
at Foreat Lodge this •ammer.
Mx mlUa to Haybeld. with one
way down —
Hr. Hoeugae i* pianoiag to bn'dd
Ae tnaaatnr wae Walter^Aan tiollder. Tbp s^dioooer Martha NeWoa. wbieb
eereral other yaebta on tbi* lame
.-bad tbe loadeci. Roy EoWaarf. Harry arrlTCdwt 8aa FraBOlaeo Tuesday '
model, tor poojde In this city. U ta
Makawcll. Hawaii, with .agar, t
Boot aad Joba Oiaaa
otrrow eaeape from wmek by a hare thought that If aereml beats of the
It flgm b« n long time bafor* you can tray ShbMt no
waterapoQt. wbec almoatxrUblB sight aamealte and design are owned sere.
chMiPagaia—Dou't M tbe opporiaoity Blip.' lihora for leBs
et lb* Miebigaa TeUepbosm Co. wa. .a ot Saa Fraariaeo barber.'After a
It will gtre rariag a graat Imnetn*. aad
Iban *«*>alp prtcra—that’* all of it.
the city ysiaterday. aad in commny wladtpraec^asd a waUrapoal
the fiae mriBg taeUUlaa ef the bay
sritb Manager Barry of ib* local 'ea aetieed eomiag toward the eeanal tromi •rill be Btlllxed for tbe apnrt. hereral
Bhaage weat to Acme to laspwt tbe Utcslera Laekity tbe
geetlamaB ot the elly are already oonIT iLWAYS PAYS TOTIUUF. HERE
saw Unm. Two new loll ll£e ewiwb graiwl'lb*
________ _______
Tbe eseaal alderlBCtbe maUor. aad D ta quite
taardBBtBbriagmad* U Datralt far waRaag forsrard with grmt bwm, peebabl* that a fan new yaebi*
................*faBBMdtiMy srIU BBBB be riabtadBadUMBbagioahmi

'Wai-t’s IDr-u-g S-tooro-



ladies’ ShHf'MilO Valdes

Onli 12.00 a Fair

$2.25 aad J2 Shoes far Udias



' $1.60 a Pair


For $1.75 a Pair Shoes for flea

flea’s Shoes earth $4

The Resalar Price. $2 50 a Pair

58c. 75c. 85c, $1 a Pair





Linens and
White Goods

Closes Saturday Evening, February 24th.

JSV qood &o«m ^or . . SSc ■
qoo4 SVArt ^or . . ibc
TV qooA CovwV C.OTST, \0c &oo4 ■^Tamers ^or . . \%e
'PVeaVq 0^ oVVvCTi tqaaVV.'j c\vt&v.

Stv eXoaks

\»t o^^tT Vitau^ dVSf

coadVs.SS Vo 50 vtr ctuV.
Varqc silts. 5A.50
and S5.00 uaVnos


TbXacK %
mVV bt ujoni x»rq eaVSTVswtVq V\vVs svrVaq. "VDo
sbom a utr^ Vint assorVmtaV. 85c. 95c, Sv.OO,
and Vo St.90.


and get the best goods by trading hero-8o can you
—We've tound it good business to divide profit with
our customers. Read tbe opportunities:

The Full Merit
of our Clothing
I'lrii-xht lie whrdh in itx line appearaht-e. though that - mie' str’ni! fact, but
the tlioro.ii;*!! ex-cc.llencar of make. ' akc.
foV instamr; the gray Washingior Clay
Suit at Sori r. Hard to tmil its r-.;iai at
“the price
. \

A Black
Clay Worsled Suit
lx always dn-ssS’.
To suit all |>ockel book' and liivc you a tine suit. You
can choose from these prices- S«i. Sto.
itny one
of which is a spleniiid bargain.


.A iiiosL ini^tortam article, no home
n have too many.

Our Great
22c Sale
Is now on. [ Glance ever this list of
unheard of'Jjargains. any one of which
’go'-s at JX:
three yard long.roller towel.
-A fringed Hurk-a-Buck tbwel. either
red or bliie liorder. si/e 21 yixu. .
A hemstiiched Huck-a-Kuck towrd, red

In Fancy Suits

«»r blue l>ordered. si^e jsxji.

We liaVc some big selicr* at S'.-J';.
$s, **.. irio,.
One h>ok
mean' a sale.

ors. ji\j^.

These- Clear, Gold Days


A frin'i^ Damask Towel, assorted Col­

Hem'-^ilrKctl damask toi^l, sire 20x40.
great big soft bath wwel: size 3~xk7.
M'e have a smaller/lutk-a-Buck linen

You want to go tlressed warm, towel, all fringed, usual price iSc and 20c.
(ireentvood's Kar I’rtnectors. sell at j?c our sale price
the i>air.
On the same counter we have some of
Thej'Way'^ Mulders Isomc caH them
the Sweater Necki sell at jtc, 50c knd Si, those edebrated Bates whiu hemme^
a big assortment to select from.
^quilts, size rjx^a. for an even dollar.
'Oxford Muiilcrs.'wc have in endless
A new stock of Turkey red damask at
variety, made in all manner of coi'*rs. at
. gll, ^I.SO. j'j. S'J.:©.
[ he Common Wool Mulder sell at 50c.
No trouble to show these goods. Ooe
Ever use the "Pulse Warmers.", They
rc warm goods and sell at loc. joc. jsc. look and the sale is made.

The Hamah & Lay Mercantile Go.

anaro raaemns hbbaij). mnuaET aa. laoo.

I Grand Traverse Region.

Hra Ji
asoatef WlUto^barf
and trtoada bora luA
. •aaUwrbaUatdabs Adaaa- Ttolud n
. aeaalBB.
------- rdef U
Ml* Jaau BUIeU and Hi* L C.
---------- -----------—iUn. Chu- Bauna.
lehaedaea am oa tea alek Itot
Walter Braaaas. (la* Baapaeb. Kora
Jim AaV^ to etolttow t
bidBap Parblra. Sdra Uapnoc.
kto taaUp at
Albort Jsha, CM* Bairp aad Archie
Hta Dalla Bkaak apaat T1
Oaara aad aaalc made tee
Ifhi with HM Addto OoHald.
rtiealarlp plaaaaai.
Tbaodora Tboapaoe-a lUtla riri had
tea BtofortaM w brwk bar aia lut
Mr. and Hr* Asm* Eanaadp n^
daachlar Marion apant Satardap *kd
ttandap at bar aotker'a

U(hK.«beb*d hliUB MtMoat

’ tarKitss"^" ”"

Uka to freaaa aoltd oaoo
Nr.OM.wbavMhBrtbralaC'oD- tar loamt to otooa. aad a taw load* .
»a drawa aon
aonm* tb* laba
W ■• fela M BMUay • DoaffM*- li«a bara bias
' MBS i> I>VOtIb(.
Mta. H. B. Lawto to qalle atak.
A Oabora aad B. baatoa
ro* Oaotra haallaf loga.


ttan* •fo, ta


[. Xakk to werkiair at itaUsM B»;.
Hr. lltuMtBu
to iBHoriaff asd
th*Bn«tDr. rr»UekolMafUav.


Oar IM 4aartarl7 BaaUar la Ibto
aoatBMW rmr waa bald laat Hatardy
aadaaadu.aadBar. J A. rrya. f. &
W OraiH kaldt. aad B«. B Rath of


E. P. Dauaora sad erif* droee le
Bapir* lut Thandap aad bach Frtdap
riu Caddie Berrp wfu Astob tec
term of aeboo. la Cedar rulfsad bp
Hit* Uordoe
Cbrr aad wife eiaitad teelr par
eat* batardap aad Snodap.
o Hr. aad Hi*. Jack Tncj.
Hia Oarra B. O-Hul of Tmeaeu C.ip
Mia Hapae Uelatpre wu la tows
bu baaa TtolUne korttotar. Hto* Uatardap
ail* O-Haal. oar lawraadlau
She ratemed do bw boa*
la laat waek'*
Hr. aad Hra WUl_____ . .. _
______ ,________
____tea Oddfellow*
would do teelr proUleat lo make tealr r'aited at r. F. Voasc'* Batardap
Ooo. Taplar and ^ SaalJ of Eapira
rooeptlon a aaaaaa* wa* oet a rain os*
There wa* a larc* alteadaae* a fisc
aXT TO.t*.
aapper and. tekea all lofetea. oa* '
W E Cum* of Uilwaakeedld batlam with Btaalep A Yosap last Than
Ward KaoBatiaadCbartoaBarriUfi the bapptoat recaptloaa not rleea
M.fooa’to—beatdar —-------.N. W. Oark took a abort trip
dn maauB ot Trararaa Cllr wu
Plalswell laat wate 10
lo leek Bp
ap a boa*,
rlap for Hra. Cleaaat lut week,
teere teat aaltad
if Tremala ease our lulor hi* ]<fe
C B. Dowd w«at to AU*t*a laat w
wblla aaloadlar loptat tee mill lut
la son* rear tb* ehala an
>a (towparaad tamilfba**
booked and he ailpped. Irttiep a lop
U Aadrew 1'
to Haab^, wbaro ba laiaed*
roll orer him la a wap teat emabrd
tbe Bub from the bone of hto left lep.
Hi* Blla'PbUlip*. atoe Oa*a Ctomb
Bao Belllaperbad tea alatorMaa to
hd ba I____________________
MU. waralB TmrarwOltr laat Hater
et ter
*ke Ihaab ot
of hto left band rawed
labMofmaap iriaad* that lMt
wbUa worke bam aad p
O A. Brlraam of thmplaaa tea a
bto oallar alack oft petaiote
petaiote to Hi
Oopeatoh lut
Mr. Boautetolted
Hro*. otHootbBead.Uled
Hondap aad Tacadxp.
of Trseerte Oitp were xaral*
Joko -Barrw. whUa worKlar la Aa- Becker'* paresu. Hr. aad
asd Hr*
Hra naorfc
Iboofa mUI Hatardar. rN*t*ad a bad Bell. o*er besdap.
eat OB bto band. Oa* flafar bad to b*
(torpasur* are at work patUsc ap
it Empire Soodap.
tea abelrlDC of o- --------------------I'm aaw—
'. SWdalU «a*o oa* of bto hrpaa
ar teat b* to
bow* her* laat FVlday araalBC.

•oat bar* eiaaiaaead
A-HSaallb aadwUtwart Tram*
Tbaaoaialal Hr Bralaard-* lau Vrl...r saw dtop vartals for tba atere
•aralfbt iraa wall aUeaiM aad all
BBMatoadUaa. MrtBmlaardtoa of (Iraat* BaU. wbkb bat boea la profor aoma Uma paab
-___ ,____ i Tb* arttob J 1.
M cuy___________________
ir aad Bar. BraaM._______
UW* Cuamlart. ba* oarialalp doa*
iBUd^HtB^Ufarya of Bk Bap- whole eoamaa!^ ar^oat ta*erM
Tse work e
ad oaBlar plac*. 1
eaaUi. with a water

•hrabbarr asd aMteateiot la Uie back
Bm. Bart wm aWe lo ba witb at Itat
apd. aad with a watch tower c
Baodat aaa praiebtd toafaU boaat
ibon oppeillAlb*
craideafUie «ralar A dabtea
ibe watm add* life mod lateraat
lo tee
be pletere.
pletere. Ot Maal 8»rU are tba
Hka Eatto BoIm
aararttolBceardtofTraearaaCHf bahlbar baa* PrMaj m liar, lb* iR'b. oea* mea whieb aoirooBd tee picture.
AbMt tmmty ot bw rooM CfMd* Mr. CamateB* waa a profaaalooal aifs
,,,_ _ ..
yitoaial r*^ tlM. atooIwcnaa aad
aod bote featerraof
alalp well '
Hia Mlaar ba* r*tara*d ht»
■iMrtoWtwUh Irlaadtia tb*e)(T.
* »a»W ot Old Hlaloe'* poiiar
Hr* Wa. Hntcta to tlowlj laprerlacpaafU«to**io Hapl*ioe lo a
PW Batardar *mlaf.
E. A. BoldaB of Itowlat eto(tad rela^ygaiBaaaaapaal ^adarteTn*. llea at Ibis plae* laat week.
a Wa. Walla aod daB^ter Blotoe
Maple Citr rtoiter* laat weak.
OmA Bmorr to arala bav ta bto *Aw
— a A P. Baatlarof Baiplr* to
Itiac rclaUcM at tela place.


H. •waaar te* **rv peer ^Ita I

Hr. Drawasd BarTp PaUaarlll
foae to Bapirc to work
Be*. Cbreerioa praaebod at Oedar

Hr, aad Hra. Darwia of Port Oa
two bare rttoUar trtoad* Frldap.


lafaAoolUat ..
Bbd D*ak« freai (load Harbor 'ww O'er to attudtbaau^:
K Tbarp. It to <


kWcUUtobor- 807X1*0 to
Mia eU. bto haifbt to 4 ta*t. eX


Ttooae raporud alek at tee laat wrlv
lar are better, except .Ha. W. l«waoa.
wbo aUll reaMa* ter) peortp.
Obrtollaa Kaadaeo
idaeo apait Snadar
with friaeda la Traearae Citj.
Avan AadarooB. a eoaala of Jeba
asd Aall Asdereoo. n*lted teem
dar* laat week.

Mia. w«i|ba M peaada, aad btobatt
Uia Aaale'Buasal aad Utoa Uum
UwaoB. wbo are worktac aear tlUear
(*ke. aitesded cboreb bare beadap
^^laaMdapj^d towa. bal
Asderaoo omtser*. jut wwi of tee
Uoa Witoar. *bo wad bar! wbU« railroad track, for tee aaa of **U Be
expect* to tekepaaialoa la tea swtr
fatare. r
B**e«lfear.aoBO(U. H. Jtalaa
hia aaOar beaa aad oa* rib h
whOa halate bto (alW toad
. llaa Uiool
Uloowa. wbo bu baa^l at
IM laM PrUar.
Or. Todwaa
Md to radaga tba faarlaraa.
IbaBMIa Lamb.

thMVrhoa tbaabtda. Tb*r esprcl
gtol^dfawlar wbat tboj bar* ■•■t

Wlssa^tottad wite Hr*
Lawreaee Alexander ttolud bare
—a Haod Halbart etoUad at Uto
ptoob with Hr. WlBB#-* (elk* aeearal
dapa Uxl weaikKr. Wtsn to sow baallax lofi tor
>e Bordaaa C*.- a abort wapa from

Ibw will Batob tba JobtaoiBa Uma a«at




iriiattoo to all a
■p and a m cud oan 1


Oaedap oelpeacta month.
Couulu '
Hon mad rxaaioatlon traeaod auicllp i

eandap School C
Tb* I r':b -laartorlp coareolloD of tbe ''
Lone Lai(e aad Garileld Suaaap bebool;,
AuoelaUon wu held at tbe p-rieod.
ebarebat Loop Lake. Satardap, Feb I'
of tee Hondap aebooU of


fo' tee fomiap pear.
Frealdeat—Bobert Banup, ot Lone
I Fraideai—Hra. rsaolae.ef ibe
rp-Mn. Lillie Adam*.


t a barpain and will give you the beoeht of it.
Thev are well made, solid oak., wide flat anas, nice
s<)uare i«sts. adjustable back, can be nsed with or
without cushions, and only $3.60. 2 well made
Cnshion-i. filled with short hair, for <l.i0. There is more comfort in
Chair than any other chair made.

My Sample Goucti Sale Commenced Today.
Tliinyqliffcrcnt styles simple conches; they _..all
first-class conches ami
ran^'in pnev from
f 10.75. $12.50.
and right on nj. to a genuine
leather worth f.^7.75 for $28 50. The$‘),75 couch has ‘M high tempvivd steel
Springs, covered in the iJKlgT grade velour; it would l>e worth $12..=^) regular.
There i.s nut a cheap couch among those, but I have couches, full spring .slge. for
54 75. louiiger with back from $4,75 up to $10.5t». A nice line of Infd lounges.






» rocker-s lit all styles m velour. I.rocatelle. silk damask and leather. 1 can meet any (•
cornjwmion in the Unitetl Slates on furniture, stoves and house furnUhiug g.Msl*. (•
I Cash or jiaymenls.





Horse RIankets
From 69c to $6 00.

Steed Itoste OS

Pucj Ptisk Beta ^.00 to $S.OO.
iuisim ?u Bib; Robes $1.50 to $t.5e.
Luge ksMtmBl Fv RibK $3.W lo ;S5.00.
The large

of our mak'- of HArnaas
iir |>ni~c i* luwrart

torsaiis ii fuggy Whips. 8 cnis to $2.00.

ladle’s Winter Offerings., t


Genrlemen's Fur Coats,
Gentlemen’s Tu; Gloves and Mittens,

^ «



B^a^lyj^ tawp^t ^

Hra*. Vaoau of Ulan Arbcr to etolUac
to|^ aad at Mr Baidu-*

• try two T-ce
0 FrMap
lop tee wioter
A foil attendance la rapeeiallp derirUal teeueeisi meelln^ tbe L u' Belreirli: Oil .
of tbe Con
aM Tboau Tburaday attersooci.
Jake BnOi of Sattou Bap wu 1
lorthpori Wedneaday and Tburaday.
Hbod ~

* tweeip-ain*.
Dr. Thom
At any dritp store.

1 a fine line of Fur CoatS and invite yonr inspection.' Katerial,
workmausliip and durability guAranteed for these garments.
Remember my line of Horse Blankets is the laryest in the City, andprices the vew lowest.
The best Trunks ofiered for $2.'>0. $2.75 and $3.50.
Winter Gloves and Buttons at all prices.

Whips lOc, 16c, 20c and 26c.



— -


Front Street.


Traverse Oltr bUch.


Before Buying


____ ____ j*V7

A PIANO or ORG.AN do not fail lo
SEE US. if you wisb to SAVE MONEY.
\i e are sdlint^ out our Small Musical Merchandne
diirii^ JanuAiv at gnat reductioos. Such as Violins,
Guitars. Banjos. Mandolins, etc


Scs\ff=L"rtSL*=s: 'e.?ssr«-s.,r5-:E;:[?r~!r2'

Wool, Fur and Plush Robes,

ladies'and Gents'Trunks and Satchels.

for Aura-e Pati-Baa* a PewOer

r. Allu and Ur. Lnrpall ware t
Hr. Uaaaot Xartepolt. wbo to do„ work for- Mr Hdbfhep.droee
locreuOlen Lake from tel* pli
_____ Satnrdap bat exi
ter drat of tec
naof theacaip
a Parrsaoe haaai
* bat It eu bo
era at woA
work fi
Steer. L^R'^Peck.^'
Dou'a OintBeo). qa'I
alek aad
. Wiaai* tea bad a uaeattisclop
Jeo Purki.* i* in q
aap drop
at 'Maple'CIV te the
Jui Gap Ice fc
bia at at preoeat
‘ 1» .
pard* at tbto plae*
Mr. Carrp hu to.
.. - N Kama of tee Fend* lutllac oat tee locaci
of Bip Rapid* leclored upoo "HaI tb*a* pleoeof lead
Natare- at tb* towa ball Friday
ilop. Toertwua Urp* aodlesce.
. * aeoTTjAOP
Srteptrr '
eotand Iboaewhobad peerisaalp
Clarwe* Asdrewa of Traeerae Cltj ___ -e him irctorr 03 the •ame aabjeet
Hto* Hella.jmaarr7 to boa
boau m>a .rce* a iraeaUac bob teroBfb.froB werasoi *oiTy that be parr 11-------nrarM Clip for a few dap*
^ Sbaax- teat plto Salaf^p. ult tobjib loainictire aod ao_____ _
^mr. aad Hia. Bmaraoa ttoOraw apral
Kta 10 relam Meadpp..
Udiar of^lu Haen 1* ai^l Voral aaalc added ailll tnrtbar to tbe
ereolap* cBtenaiameea
A aaaber ot Arcble poosp people
Tbe little folks ara eb;i>pimp U
Oar mM wiU oilabiaW WMblafUeoera. Dtp. Farmat 'and Barwbod
of Ulea Barra bar* and* aaearal trip* alee* thi* ereoinp trite MlteTiue
iarnattbc Wahwataabeonay cotUp*
Jobs Bntean to hoM’^Soloo.
to tbit placeraeuUp.
l to a birthday party in boaor of Eddy
Wai. (torfoll apeat Sesdap fit boat.
J Tobin, aenlar ter
Loabap*. leenlp* Baekach*. KhemRaosom
aod Warreo Bill.
■jared qalle aarloulp two week* ap*
■Ma. Sera Tknat. a Onld. tear fera
wbilcauUac lart at tea-oaap. We
ef U 9np|w. Oahe. CMen Mortiu.
The daeee rlrel bp tee A. I C ia aball be ploaaad to aaa hia back at bto
teairball bare tee ecateff of tee lltb datteaarala
Ohilhlaiu. nr., etc.
kt -their bail
A la^ aaaber
mb. at
Oeo Pllbaaa, who bu b
were preteat
Tbe early part ot the'
The flosscial raertpa warall!
ererni peat* left • lut
•eallnaartaklnpof dell '
le aeaslac wu»Mt
ww ipant kp^
bp tee Aoai* Hleb.. wham b* a
ibar wbo atUsdad.
The epra Iruted.
Tbto rrufjllowed
lowed byarety
____H baltotaa ia ato ae^la*' laall*
arraatM for^
Uluu Kallto aad Ste
repiren by Aiiorney P C, G'Jbart
Maa. aad wUJ aa* 1^ tb* ladia aia ball t
«In tows raaraltp.
of Trarerae.................................
erne City Tbe remaiader of tee
Hi* Hlllarot HUlar Bill rtoilad bu Uac wu doroted to aortal eom' ....
tioe. aaelr ud duciop. Oa tee whole
lU will baiereed. dai«bw. Hra FriU. taeutlp.
wu a re 7 pleaeui affair
Ml* Harfaret Wdeb died at her reaMO to tba oallar.
aallat. wbiab
wbiab fllad wltb
Tbe I O U Tetc* a si* aeMal
Feb. 14th. Mif*
• • waad tba____
------------ tee lode* Wadsiadap
eed tweatp-eix
Feb, n U tea hall bore, bad bora aUlBf tor aeue tia* bat bar
ads at tbe brae-ot her pareaM. Mr.
ip to doedlallp Iselted to av friead* asd nUUru did sot rulin
Mr* B F. D*ac.
t: wu a nalrs' .ttb* esd wuu naar She luru
partpaad each carat tecelead pitta
alraUae*.eoale*Bd Iu?._ABae.
> eaat ia tba Wapsor Bi^liiy upper
barAaa«MtTa>dbuba>*«.atea ara*: OUra*..................................
rtaah Eaaloh to i

ggssss s

' I have made a dea] where I got eoine

eta Hieklpan. Foot S
1* bare bara atmtpll^ for 1
^ people were wild
■( udrateaalaaa boptap apaUet hope
pe that teelr teaa would
be tbe rleMrioM
Erarpwbere U
world orer dlaraau are eoBimtlap
tee eleiorp orer banllb. pea. erea ll
Ofira tbe oauoae I* doshital. bat bp
eoualtlnp tb* caiMBtaad rcaewned
phrtielaa. Ot. Oitaw. foraerlp of
Kew berk, eowprraldcat bf tee dra
otU* B S ACt.oB* fladi there it
ebaaer for eoapellltoa. teat be
OB of bto own profuall dlaeum po to
a and arc eai
Be la a woedrrful
ceialtoi aad
naods llrr todap

fCmpIrc riilted
ThefoUowmr reulatloo* wei
r. Kralico'a
idapbp Urasd Trareru Granpe
.____________jTod at tea hotel for draib ot Mr*. Almlea Cnriisle.
the pul werk are u folloirri Uen
Wberraa, death bu apals eoiered
Alleo. Haalaler. A llall. E Beck. J oarc
circle ud taken' a belorad member
Fr»okfather, Cortar J W «eotJp. Haa
-.a Mr midst.
Ladiu'Ald apt with Hra
too: C J .sm;te. E C -todicwt. H J
teal we. tbe oAiccra aad
Sapera Itat weak.
Cook, Iwn K Amlotte, Trarera* Clip. T ' metnliera of
Traraise Granpe
Mr and Hr* Hellldap of Slifbl ware
_________ . -xtend to her aped
kere lut week.
brotbera aod alatera. bubaod
J. H. Craadall alartai kto ahlacle
111 todap.
red. teat tbraa
Harr) Urap ha* cold bto beaaeaad lot
ID the (iranpB record, also cop
to Hr* Fraak Sapara.
Harbo-: W V.a Loraou, Trara |
to tee Trarrru papera tor pubHia Addle Bebbr bu retamad beaa
from Poaoaa.
Hi» Cnaiu.te lai-u.
Nortbpon Depanaont
Harrp Oardsar M* Jolsed bto ftallp
Uw Uant Sli'% i>
llepararai l»r t*»a*x4Ui..
ru*. in \
at Ualon Clip^ ,
Ha-. EiJ/a Bxaki~
Hra. I.aaca*ter ot Trseera* Clip I
Tb* bap i> fraasD orer.
apesdiof a few dap* bar*
Joho Saaborn drore to Good Barber
to* Lula Wlsabaoab
o« teeKiekartee Kiekai
liie the raaedap.
rtoitlsc ralaUm*
ti H. DaoM made a b
trip to
lulilate of Trahoolacp.
Ballooa Bar Iul *e«k.
all and
Good Barbor
Urawn etoitad at J. M. C
E. II HoBdap. a lawperotBi
John Baebora droee lo baitona Bap Texu. osec________
osec fooled a prare dlpi
upa: "Up brother
Crandall c_...................... ..........
Walter Uordoo aaeal Uosdap at Sot- malanal
lanal frrer aod Jansdiee
1 prrTramise Clip etollora lut weak.
tou Bap.
ded bim to Irp Electric Hitter*, aod
TIa uoodaall to oa tee alek lUL
W F. Uill of Giirs Fieraeeot Haadip
.ek better.bBlcanliokrd
U R Gibb* of TiBTeru Clip li
ia Kocteporl.
until be wa* wboUp
■e K.wlric
K.wuic Biliera
urrd bit
Faroe and wife of tinttou Bar I1 au sere
Thli remedp cxpeli malaria.
Hr* Liu Mrtoerot Kisiralep '
_____ dad tee 1. 0. o. K. baoqoet WJ- life ’
sws todap.
diaraae ferma
.d pm
neadap eraoinp.
blood: aids dlccatloo.
Tber* will baa aeelal asd opalar aap­
A larfe elelph load of ponap people
kidsepaaod bowels,
cure* conalipanop.
per at the obnrehJBadMadap a* '
(roe towo dmre ool lo tbe borne of
.. cerreu dlarate* kidney
.................................... Tboradap
lale eomplaiou.
(rire» per
feci beau
OolpdOeat Jw G JotaDHrroU Cm..
lelichlfallp coUrteined aon t nod
Inp. asd w
£. Wall'* temp *tOm
t larr* wUd while then
............._..ler of Trmrerae Clip w
^ Fruni Street
Oasbnr bu bom to Tisrerae Nortbpon Wcdnr*dar lookiop after
atp to work Id tee Soate Side baka^. tbebnaloM loteraau of tb* HamUloo!
Hr aod Hra. Jaaca Wmlao
ii'te Ciolb.opCk:.
PERE MABifVErri: K l:
Elk Baphto a tew dapa afo.
Fred Smite of Tbirlernix. repraoast
Nkw Gxixav* axK Hotiii.i
tptheJoalpo Cracker Co. of Hllwau
aebool a few
•e. wu io towo Wedsradap oa bati
lardi Gras: Gee tar* rate.
5 It* test,. Eetorn March.1.:.
Pare Maiquall* iul aoalb ot here lut inp tbe narr.aee ot Ole l>ar.-Hi of Sutalrbt. wmeklae (our un aad badip loB* Bap to Hiaa Aooa Vt aruer ui Le. Hell Feb. ni aod c:
daaariBC tee wap ear. -Ose brakaaan land, which Ukec plecr Feb. :6-.b.
wu qalte badip eat abeat tke bead
ep F. C.
asd It wu h
a lue
luekp aaub up teht
A Triehtfal Slaader
one wu hart asp WD
''Will-often caoae a horrible Karo,
A. R Pairbaaka boBCbtaflu
-eolop. F
___________or Bruise. Bnckleo
a Arnica
a few dapa tfo from Clapp I
Hto* Kal
if GiU ePierwu Salro will kill the pain aad .sroaptly
me Hoodap.
heal it Caika
Cnika Feler Sorea. rieera.
l ie
Hr* A. Uowoua. wbo bu bean qalle
f SflttoD* Bap wu Is Roll* Oorn* all Skio IrsbGooa. Heat
ick. U ee tke fata.
Ooly Sic * bex
Sold by Ju C
Edward Croa to aoae belter.
M. dleodealnc.
Aeae a few dapa bTo oa
Nortbpon Tent K. O. T. H eejoped
Wbat'e tbe teero f bsppr. eiporo
Hra Cbu OleedeaieB. w
I* quite aeerp plearant aaetiop BaturdapeToii- tes]th7 SImpty
Simply kerptef
tbe bow*
alri.1op. Sereral caodldnu* were inlUa'.ed
e atemeeb. the llrer
r and
Batten want lo Aldan Mdap oa Into tbe order.. After tbe repulareea
reap and acllre. Hurdoek
dock Blood Hit
^ a nociaUUee'wu eojoped. r '
A blrtbdap partp wu rfmo
fa boDoi
CoewiMiifi^ton Curct - WarMT's
of A O Yoaar Feb > bp
b a few of bit
Tbr Woman
* C
will aeel
trlesd*. All eajijwd a rerp pleaaaat Hra -< >bn Baobora Turaday aliereooa WMt« Wine
Tar Syrap.
asd proaiara to be of prrai Isterrai. ■ ■ Much tCTt.nlv .III I ir-.). ,uri-««i
ensatoUBf ot lea eraia and cake, after
eJevifi.i-.TOinuiw. i'.anJiycu.
'irbleb tbep took tbeir dapartare for
' aeearal hoau. wtoblns bias
ssd isetrscUTe
Too Uta 1 3 ear* a cold after
Tbe Ladle*' Al____
futeaed iu deadly prta
Bocieiy of tbe Cb
........ will speed That
;■« ' Take Dr Wood i Nor.
dey with Hr* Oeebr Tboau
way Plac S
The third leclere of t
. Walker aad
will be pii
This Will IMS met Hothar*
at tbe town ball bp Perrp F. Power*.
Hotel Hacoai HoniUp.
Fraok Suffard drore orer from GlUb
B. Dauaere aad wife of Hapla «ip
Pier aad spent Snodar la Norteport,
caned at thto plau Fridap.
luei^ Hondap moraiap for a few
a Tlalt ie irarerae dtp.

It aad ^Hla ^teal Hllhu to workinc at Hn


-* A book, a pipe, tobacco rare:
One thing ts lacking, see that



Qraeo NL OimBiaglmaL Prop.

t IR Wwt FroM Sttwt.

sun nunan, rbboast sa, looo
Cruel Knife!


kW*. wUl ealatoate >k laotb Uttbday
Wa. Hahaaaa el bftoaw.a

raMl<«S M tb*
MMtol Lenl UbM u*<^ UU RlBfewltr Ud b*M raUc**d. a?o£ir!C£^laaa^1wSultj
tU dlwtub «• daud fro* JMob.d*>. of laeh uaatiaam la iQaattmlad to tha racelrad 1
ta. B-UtoUuaMlMnbbataMM^ thfBitoB Boakar ot daatha •»<* f
■Bit traa it. tha illnaat i* to '
lee.eoo treat to etrcaaearoaed PlatoVrmei »»d kk eanlar a»d aoaatad klood. and Ua« eaa DM te aat
Ktea tioMa eat of tea i'
WkaWT raadBad K<«l>erUr iMt
Laata Keeaedy.-ae toaaU a
ii«. With tha dksaieh L-ml Bobata tnilaaa); haatatudath,
boat*, wa* takea with aaraly
auda thr
hr malvad trM
*k Saaday aad m to a fair way to
-----------■ Fraoeh anoaaelec Ua arriaal
Raaaady baa rtcb relatiree lirtaf
M Klaharlcy. wbKh 'Uat leUewk:
K. V They kaow of
"I ha*e MpIcMlr dkaaratd. U«

the peblie by
b-werer. tboofli it mb do moHi for l
tbiafl. caaeui & eeeryUtofl. It way
cTMlr >
for a time. l«l to oi>lO
to iDute a laatiitfl ttoiBeDd the tbmp
adrerched mu>t ban- nolid worth.
Thi« i> the row wi
ham . Vr*rtal4e- k
' w.wlb. '



aawa; rraai tha aoatbara alda ot Kia-


eaaaee a thk eoeaiy. eay* tbe
Ray'cily Ttaea-Prea*. bet bare aerer
deacaaytblBf lorelkr* her deeikuWbea the wu a rkri. It k eaid.
ebemamed a aaa aMtbecbaiee oi
rr relatiree aed they dieewaad bar.
Beacic eoeaiy boea* to tbe toaber

lake aad as oof cMaf
JtBroeBd. Ihi*«»eiiir'
ad thaaDa«r'alaafaraadatera dapM
eap^laaaad aappilea.ef •
oar caaaa’.Ua ar«-abost w ol all rei
' moadad. K<Bbarto7 it chaartel ■
The feeea whieh drfraded Klmberler.
naWed aaarir aed the rare* el
aaa b* BO laeb-. a* to th* ablUt? ot tba
Rrilkh to bold U* ritr aafoljt aad tab*
aernatir* aettoa a* trell.
.* re«a diapaleb dated Wadi
A flap*!'
day. asdJ Ineelred todaj. laja: -rhe
t learlBK
rakatoree other pca'tkoaa. It 1*
■ated that beiveeu T.wn aad I
aaa raoulB there.” l/vd aoberu' vide
tarakne ao*ea*at ria JacobMUi



lUi. fa.'i.aa
l> a lasting
drmaad fur

betopebtoaed. Tbe toadi look
lib* raet bay atacin.rmarioc fr a three
cord* M' LrddlrkOfU.
heeled lu eerd* taet Pruley eod yet »r
record aay aot be tbe i*t»**i
raeke ea wbleh thcae load* arc haaleo
c TeSu feel.

It it Uiai there
leir aarqoalrd
tlw larve.' -air
frw toatalr
tale ill. m tiw
. baa beea tto-rmw for

Pinkham claim, noihisir ftiat .hr bnot rntitiisl torlaim. Mie cao do all
at -.lie .*1. .she MO do. aod her
reotv tear, of eSperaros-r make her
It-weinvaJoablr. lierexperieoerba.
I Dot <N
loofl »«« w.irlil.wi.1^
4>e ha. h^lpwl
to iKolUt tlhaa aat one ewe :i
W.FTld. Tbew
faeu rOiocld. as
lure iwweuw wriflht with allwi
w.xarn .Kemcmbrrlbeae areao
.tatemenia hut .olid facta.

At RelaaecoeidteeheB Bras'll, a tor
ler aeaber of the lith Uicbl«aaro|.
Bteere, weal aaddeoly toaaeTaea
dey Bi«ht aad attempted the kim of
ecerral people
takcBBwey fioabimhc
lore be did aoy daaace He will be
naiM fiM takea to tbe aeylea.
bat vbUa the Britkb toreoa are eedeaNewtoB Mcaieeic of Palaekl. bat *
eortof 10 totereept the Boer eoBBeBlflew wool ewe n yean o'd that bat bed
aatloa* three parallel Beer eolaaiat arc
Tbe litrbleet oae
welflbed 1S.| poaade. the beaneet l'<
Spaatah Caaaoa (or Oraiui &apu*.
tbe arertfe beiefl It poaade The ewe beariDK-d.rwn iiaioa; was eo weak
Ucaad aaDida. Keh. 17-Tkkaelw will
bae a fell tet offload teeth yet
o«n”workf>ad* .ick heiki.-lw.
DO appi-tile. Bomh ^wIU. hei.d. aud
Oil aad eeal bare beeb dk
* tMelred
Jwl odd all tlie tinw
Mr Battle Creek and a coapaey will
■ayor Perry today, etaliar
ha pet at M.«ai> la oppoaltioa to a
Thoupb the a.lriiw of a ladt
order bolJIac Ilia Waehiartoa bad
aray. the lore* of which ka aalto
frimd I Vrau the use of l.tdia K.'
baee reecleded bj Seereiary Root, aad
Eer. Ur. Haflabay of Baocock. >
at all the way froai lo.oai to »
«uVhaioV Vejreiafde-omp.«nd.and
that tbc raa weald be aaet aa aoaa ai CTMI faoeltr of poelu; and bae
after takinp .MIC l.ittle I fell ^natlt
the toeke wa* eelaeted by the cUy.
floek of cbickeat that b« watebca on
rclh-ced. aii.l *'.r the lime I had use^l
acTrral b.iu1e> was eouplrh-lt rared.
Thii MDDoa k of bc«a, : Icet lear witb meeb ialerret. Latt tall lie can
t wtdely ealaaded aad
aad of i.v laeh ben. It wa«
aeaeealoB of a floe black speelmeB
-am (tow Jiaasiup ihmocli Ikw rlians-wof
feeltrely harrlac the direel reed Iroa frWB the Maria Tbaraea. aad
life au.l n.ini.' > »iir< ouij.Mind. It lM-t|w
toe «on*-rfull.>^. I wamevrrv PilferMadder Map to Ktmbcrtey. hek de of tbe four awarded to dUtersl Hkehl« lor eabakataeoe dkiefly oa aap paa eltlea. Uaelac. Oetialt. aad Ac
while. Aad be alee eayt be will atew l!iu.. Nesr |•BlestiDc. Mopika taeirhi
ht by wa(aa trataI ItroB Arbor retttof tbe ether thiae.
Tbk ran will be laataUad la Meai
cblckeo. It k plato that Abe
aad E
” L.tdia K. Piukhaw'. Veprialtle
«at l%rb It will BOt beeoae tl
eblekea. aoderbk laepIHDflMre. rolBoharta- drat taak wet to e
’ s*v,-d in.t life aa.l pats-fw.-l<
pi^erty of tbe dty. bat wUl be aadc
oatarily look oo a perer color.
aaoay troa hka Ikaaa
call of tbe Ceitod atale* at ai
la Paraanof Croojea. U k aot iwolable, 'bower*
LoUoa. Kob. IT-A dkpatefa trea
that It will erer bo oaUad for.
hare retaraed boar UDexpectedly or-rar. eayb the
aad yelloo
aatire aray of fkaeral Oroeje.
.U,i».si l..e abiel. fev.-r. I on,.1.1
llpot. Albaay. (la., eayt,
They bad
<rf la.eoa aea. k to fell retreat to­
.llUe Bari^Rtoen dM lar
letten of latrodaclios to Bod*. Leda a tal. ..f w.ier
BMia coed tbae aay
ward UioaafMtala. Ue bae left Spyi
low aad Wood, aad especM to make a
a« pllk ler
«»—*» aad le cekac le a aoribwniarly Tbe tanoei little
a. biUoe
aod liwrr a
lO elay oa toe lekad.
dhaeUoe. Ueeetal Eelly-Keaay
Uraeaiacbk retreat aed aakiac e
l.vllto was .uvrd
ataat attache oa hk rear paard
Mra i. K Hiller, Kewtoe Baailtoe. aol be able to act away wbes deei
r at this ,Tili<-al kiw.- aa* f.trl.tPa., writs, ”1 tbiah OeWlU'e Wilch bccatiee of the ferer. aad Ibrrefor*
Thr fraatlar of tba waaaaed
tc.” -1.11.1* K. IkH'.HMu Ulna. I'a.
Bax*] halre the praadat sire n ' "
l up. They declare toal iberr
OMetal Preach la Kiaberlayr ■'
s pUe* eU hsk ereryt
lerabke emallpos to Piondaaad
oalbiakatietotbeenraBa Tbe
other seolbera eUtce. bol that the tael


Fmotm Atomt tkm




Foots About Two Omsoo
of FMktg at tbo 4M«fw*
Rooovoro^ by Lyma £.
Pfmkham*o Vopotoklo

ralfaeJ aapeeae aaooc the aoldlen
Tbe foUowtoc dkpalcb bat jetl^
raeairad baa Lord SobMa by tbe *
deaarUMai: Beaaral Rally Kcaoy'e
betirad* eapured ycatardoy T- we
ot atoraa. two wteoe* of Haaaer rlfla.
airhibaaaeet ebelle. tea harrek
as^oalrei asd a laipe qaaBtlty
Moroa. all baloaplap to Ueaeral
OKa}a> toafor. which wae etlU balac
•hailed by oer artlUety whea Ucacral

At Less Than First Cost at the Factory.


Saccessois id

Tranise Cilr.


I 27 State Street.

Traverse City. Mich.

SO VEAltfl*


*:*Wia :iiBS

Jlrimefital Trees.Slinjbs.PlROts. Bulbs.Sseds.
m siosis t HMiisoico.. !>i c riiiBiiiit m.

ifknm Jifflcilcaiie



.... . .
:U: •


Geo. ftarbe. Meadote Vo., eay*.
■Hetbliic did me ao macb pood ae
I. fl. Moaaoa. who webt Itat flrptcm.
fodol Dyapepak Core. Oee daae reIkered me. a tow bottle* eorwl me ­ ber from tbe espciimeat autioo to ac­
■■ I auflcrvsl lor flfleen yrarawithooi
lt dVteol* what yoo Mt aed alwayt cept apoeliiea la tbe cbemiMl dlrleioo flndiny ant rvlief. I irirdd.cior.. hut
eormdrapepak. P.CTbom,*». ..
of the lloilod flutce dcpartmeol of oolhiiip ~.s'uusl lodoiur any pond 1
•flriealisre at Waabiafllaa. write* to had Ittlliiiir "*f the woml.. leororrli.r*.
Jeha birr, 10*^*111*. led . eaye "1 tbc BflTicaitecal eoll^c that tbc flor- pain iu the back aad brad, and ib-wehrartuK-dowa Itaiot. Oue houlc of
bare aoeer aeedmoylbknc aa flo^ a*
lot k now carryuir oa tbe moel
Lvdla K. PruUiaiiis Vejrelahle (..mOae Mtoote Cooflb n«ic
We are aer)»uotl tlld UK-w. niorh v..wl that larnt
er rrlthoat It.”
gokekly breUe op aitcaaire esi
eooi^ aod oolda. Oarae a>l throat bad
The work doae f..r (.■urluorc. ala. two l»xrs of hirer
I'lUs and .MIC pocka^-e of -■sanatire
lu early ate prvreata k aloBfl the line of teattofl
Wash. Att.-r Ii-rnp Ihew J felt like a
PlMaaatlotake. PC.
bodiafl method* of unddcD?^.ilut Stl.
Dewin'* WiteK; Basel flair* k i
-■ 1 wa. illiflcrinfl with falllnp .d the
dekeetinfl adolteranlc. They flsd that
qoalled (or pile*. toiorlM aad ekto
painfi.l menstntaiiim. headaflrMldcelof horee flrnh ii pet npoB
eeeee. ft It tbe orirlaal Wlieb Basel
Iw.-'.:aeti*. |iSim in ptsiins._exoarket a* beef, aad ibatcaboed V-iidini: iiil.. the iinile.; al-'a'
flair*. Bojean of all oeeiDiarfeila
that it latwied petted ehickea.
pain at l.-fl of n»mli. The pain hi int
laiVey or flaare k <|elte apt lo be beet. liaa-k was dis-n.lfal derisp aurrwtru.'
tiiKi. anil ui.t head w.nild ach.- until I
TMl or pock Tbe proceee of Maalafl- wooM.
itelirlt orar.r. f.t.hi. U.
year* aad ae m^lctoe parr lae permaaeat relief till 1- b^aa to tab* Oae k aoeb that tbe cooeoaier k Dot aware ISnkhatb'. Veirrlabie t’ haa
lur erra’ relief. 1 .iiffer no
bat Xbe rv*rt
ow. ainl 1 fltrr yuor awsltoine
the bat tOBBdy made.-J. Eocats. Car­
irM eooflbe. cold*,
ry. Pa*,
e. aad tbTMtaad
aeuberp. TVs.
tbe eblldraa'a tarThemambenof tbe medical fraterUy at Alpeoa are pncsled orer a
MMFm < arnS.Mlr. V *. .wler.
U HeUteald
pioacor eHiito. ha*
___Oorcthe pDinner of show while hair
Twe. bet
Bomber of yean, aad r*oeatly
_ ______ _ H. Warrea.
hair beflao to make lit appearWle. It
- diflcata wbal jmn eot and caa
i,~t pralllyinfl rr»ull^ 1 h
obUI atareaeot It kqoiie ootketarried fmir.vrar. aod had 1.
able. aod at tbe rata of ebaofl* io color
It wUI be bek a brief time ooUl black
........ _--------------------- dw.lhivw.t
tbe oriflinal eolor. eoreta bk
_________ ______________ t of it eared me.
■b.Tskiau.bul 1 d*riT*derryU<tlr|n>»l.
bead, to additloa to thk preo
It k alee }be baet remedy oc earth lor
roan hn. liraUDeat .After laktoi:
liartMie of afftin. Mr McDonald k
liuiae. I V
.d nnnw ,
flrowinfl bk third tuU act of keetb.
>. do tor work and
Jao. Barn. Uvaatoe. Pa.
It •* thi
iw.r.iUs-o!d»w»ir. 1
Borne time keel rear bit flom* becaiac
oaly harmW ntaadj. that flf^ ttoox
roiir to ewrrj wife an.l"
diatr raealte.
Ca^ cooebe. colds iciccedififllyaore and what tow teeth iDoIlirr. Had 1 Ome. 1 co.ilrt write
ip aadall laar Uo
laiaed to tbc moatb toll oat aad
much 'n>.»rr in lu prwke. 1 l.i.l y.m
rea alwmy*
ipkete aew -aei of opper and lower ti..d'ia-e,l in roar irond work.”—
F C.
■etben eadorm it.
UoKBis. Wriaka. Putnam
loadrii- Ub*. 1..
the hack teeth, tb* front
• UiwuMa. PlrtB*ie-Wheole..rcaraall deabl*. acoadiuoa that la almmt
aaru.H-.l ih,- use of y.nif reme.iies 1 wasBBkDOvA to tbe ausak of dcDUotcy.
i »«H- ba.fivoff tren tsMjCrek. I was
paay credit J. B Lewis Co., laak*
Coca Fflpee. U>* If. year old flanfltalcr ^ tmuhie.rwin> S.>wiDfr S|iel|s which
'■Wear-Raakten." with ebippkacot Jitoa Kiito*. wa* toiuatly ktlird at made me vert weak. 1 ba.1 two of ibr
flo»ds direct to retoilen
than ear otbi

ac tbaoaar
h.wtd.«.lors. hut tto-vdid DM.
tbc Bryant paper mill at Kalamafm .
. Uetaaairat
Mid my trsuih
wa*rid;afl on
oo a tra.flht
toaiflht elrealor
Iron, weakor- **d
coatrarylo rule*.aad ber bead waa; iop h. w.irTvaboul. ItoIittre.laII ibe
eaoflbt betwceo the elarator aod door.; time: h.d imamhilkm. Iw^arr..«.^-


Ciasuliaiioi aid Eiaimiiatdi Free aif SiiicUr Coififaniil.


DKS. li. S. &CO.
b-aa aawoftha

Clerical lediol ud Surgical lostttiitt ol Inlegn, Ihfc

Job Printing



! Sottodi ' n g. Tr-a-vo3?BO Oity,




March 1, 1900.


tWT—wt *•
laprohahle. w t
paraaUhatbaaa as etoae that Otm


__ iZ‘]

lane a taacar to let bk eeced reel.
Ike Hrktkh caaoallilai to the sapaWa voaad 'Jaeobedpl ware aac
ktUad. M woBBdtd aad thrae mUa>



lyAlm -

aasBs.-'-'’^ wmkmmm

aaaaral Praeeb eaatated tha gaae of
tha Beere. bat there k BOlbiaC li
^hpeteba to bear eat Ibk ballal.
Onr tbe wbde Hedder rirer dktriet
tbankaadi traaaodoae aetlrlty
it k hard to reallte the area eo



aatOraapaa. bat that
kaallkaly that they will rSect aoy
’ deatataily ou

The raaericd captor* of a larfc Hrilkh
M«oy by the Boon k tbll aot
TV* qaeOB bee proaolod tlei
riueh & be aaier ceaetal. Preach
w ooly raaked a* wImmI
with the local reek «l
8tau Praea Aeeonauoa
tiiaad Rapid*. Peb. iii-The moetiaK*
e( tU Mlehlyaa jBate Brae
aU af the Hkebl(aa Asockated Halltot
Uebtaaphltothk cit^hoai M>of tbe
eeo of tbe atatc aad
their aaeuaf* here heca aot oaly totSMttoC bol prodkaple \
n* twa ateoeiatione reielrrd thea.
aatostoto a jeiat aieeil^
aah)M of lapertaaee aad
«a the eratl <

to., n*.

kdoat. J a. McOail. Ithaea Joar
e* p^deat. Fred A Ri


Pnddeav Rohen daltta. Laaaiac
RopahHaaa; rlee preeldeot. (I T.

Rbatoaaa. Port Beroa Tlar
MalL RtoRapIde Belklie_________
(■amaa-eMelo Itwaealeo decided,
that the ■seetotloa ehall be taaraeeladsttheaiattoi
Akuto ba held



For iBiant* utd OkiUm.

ni KM Yh Hm Atwqs BncM

aad the top of her bead ramored




lool boohe u eanaioly d.
oeai of toaaraaee

triced* and tbeold aa'
vitl take charfl* of bk aortal, wbtob
will uk« plaee taetr

Capi PraBkCWhilBeyof HvalceroD.
report oftb* Uichlnu deaart- BOB of t L Wbiteey of
A. R.. for tb* loai half of isv-.- of Gompaay I. Sooead t
b is tbe TBC* lor major ot tbc
OB* flatuflay.forwarded b
batallieaof theSeeOBd roflii
. tbe **01** raakinflMpUto of tbe
■flimcak and kaeatiUad to tbe pkacr.
BM tom foribe period aamddwaaoaly
14, while tbe dMtb toot aloo* was IT1.
It is Bowlderad that tberckao
yo*v Uoed to be totoaed into tbe or
CaalMlioB. lb* raaalH are eoBaiderad
•aeearafllDfl. Poar y«ar*ac«
fllBce UoB than ba* boas a cato
of akao peats, bat a lea* ot l.iMfl
wa Of tb* latter 1.4» dtod. iMriaf
tom e< ns tram boatrabl* dkab



t'mStoim-. V.”Vwe

A boy baby, bora to ticrman-AiaTi-< t'empunaA 1 atn'aow able u> help
waranui MOD
a abort
aluwt dutaoce
dialance abool
boBW. and'h
-ay. a
^ hMltb-'-Ma*.
rreo tbe Sllk-ooe D.pM. H. T.
'Dxtor' la
aoetioa ol tbe new HUbiflan aut* med
iMl law, It would teem that camp, c t
At facktoB Andrew FarflatoD. ao*
Upei woald arke m tbe ua* ot tba .let X». :.f.y at tbc prko*. died flajmraaiu by iu owacr.
day aftarasaa
8* wa« eeat from MeeouBi.y Je'ly i. l*»n fortwoyMra
Fire tiaurday'alieraooB destroyed.
H* wa. ao old •oldlcr.
Uarquciu'* flee browa auwe biflb for iarcepy
acbeol aaildtoc witb a a*arly laul Koa baemreekTed to Co-G. FifuaaU Hicb-

*)>*rt IBU*--. B'-aiW fnw. oiopn*
*U tb* kat* petnikr mimic, sod oar
cr lorirw Ihaa any other mome
_me to Aarrrkc*.
a W. fOmrtto
PlaaoOo. Marria BM*.. D«reH.»Ik*. lOitimatod at beo.ouu tosaraa** <
baildiafl *» «uo aad o* fareitarafl;

nV BO«p
isited a> follow*

- ts‘-


mark dnwa prkt-s on all
CuiUTs in tkur fllorc • from
$4.00 tt> $7.00 each. D'to i delay anv loni:cr. for
they will »;•> <|uick at lhc'>f iiricc. ,

Fine Artistic

With CroBjrtoteU retreat aad <
oral KfIcUetrto eharfeof tbepui
tha taalkac >■ Kaflaad le better
tbu It bae bcee lor aaay daye.
Tha aoMkar who eo ralMUeialy
aUaialy acd
ertoly lellowod tbe lihalifa to bk
does Bwy raoaeaably be aapectad
do leaathtoc



P1mkhmm»m Vmwtmbtm
Onwyni—f iM Omfm at
Ohmmg* ot Utm, k



Here’S WJiet Yon HiTe Beei Looting for!

At BoothtoB tbc aisoat eoattoaom
atorm of tb* paat ua day* ha*
paUad Ibo half looea toMl rBilraoda.
wbicb daUy boat lt.«» too* of reek
Iramlbcm'jtealotb* «
to the petot of •abaiattoa
taafltofl Bp to IS feet' bae*
q«r*d aad with two thiida of tba
m«irafrMt WUca oma or loa* aormaiy.
lb* roada bam Iriampbad to tb*
aatflebtaflatoat tb* l^l■■av 1


w. new h.i B.H
...•wpi of W-.- ,


am. aad m: .1.1.ralr 1.i.ri*.ri pw.lur w
awwiacMcwor BMur. nbr>.
at:Ah*VTRCtocr«fl a^yaja
OR OTTXAM o**f*w. UemmfUly
and ^WflBCAhaVTj

AadttScr jwuiful and tc
*u OMU- mothers rufi'-r

-WOBUC who uw.

codr. > urt.n pence-. a.!i*> aad no pats No
JdhTKiBi a i BII-M'” jr,- the srdmrr -.nd dai»e*r to


FMom .


triUeataa* pUla fare; aa< eka» to
' ttorlr-ratall akawt tU* larifaaatto aiB.Ua daarakla aad
krirat area are aap Uat. and frea a
aoBawbat aaravar peatk a daeUaa
(mia la teh ta aa ladteater et ehat la

eiaar beeaaaa aba ia lee lala.
Una Ba^e Iimibi, ebleb are tc
BlaMM toowa;
dalirhttal (raltlea ae« day
TtonM faalud.«b*rtBk err
BlaaraaieeUy aa eatl aaababepaa
to. battbaiaotalar »baa iwr aetb•el, A to tto peehM itot hear ia
oeaarahoed aod feed
boBa bait Bluaea, te walk
Bora to taka bar leaaea. ladaf
cet her face
kaUe. waa aet IhhlanareoaBaal beatT
n* ter leesr pe^ N UUm
Tba rlrl did act tblak aa. bet wa
Wbaa aba
CMUteetbabeM it fa fe«M ot to>aada were ao anab abe
P4 Si^l tto aoaree «f aa ea^



etatraaUeleat 1 bo bro^t M
kpoa aad folha too what a eba
tdraeaa ara la."
Dear eUtera. It b bast te do ear i
ed te werh of te wo4d cbowfall
welL Tbbbaolalwayepleooaat. We
harcadoal oaBro-oeob to rw
•ewery bode of oaa. te eter teorar>
aaac throofh eaerideo. aad tederifht
tboafh te beaesat faU.
e caaset do rifbt wilboat aaCarTto Blbte eayt “owe of te trwMa
of te eplrit b loaf ooBariaf.''
lowarkbatd toaayfeod thief
la lUo.
a boat to taka adraatafe ol
taaea. Uaa afau ciicaaetaaaai
altar tblafiaoaaeh: We elide dewa
hill half way. waeaaaet retimti we
Beet fo dowB. eerer ap.

_________ .rd la te eoafllel
<H*a ap at drat dateai;
If oaea rapabdd. hb eoarafe
Tto bran heart wba te bail
Beane Ibroofb thick aad I

If roe bet keep oo tryief.
At leet yea will tronti;
Ba etobbora ofaiatl tellaro.
Tit. try. aod try afalo:
Tto wye wbo kacp ee Iryiac
Bare Bade the woridb>batjM.

Th«t Dr. Wfllimn*- Knk Pills loj Pslt People
bBT« cured obstinate cases of locomotor ataxiB,
partial paralyns, and St. Vitus’ dance, is the
I best evidence that they will cure all lesser net- '
i vous disorders, because the principle in the
|reatment of all nervous diseases is the same.
Nbrvousneaa ia a question of nutrition. Food ;
for the nerves is wdiat is needed and the best •
nerve food in tiie world is

Tto KM ToB UBTe Ahrsya BmcM. aad which hto Mm
“ toe MV
ao yrBris hae hone the elcBStWw of

AU Coantnfwito, InitatioM aod SaMIlulea are tort Ex.
Vr^BintU thto trifle with a.d nwlatitrr tbe health «f
Inlbau Mtd ChOAm-ExtoricBcw acalM ripulMiBl

' " Dr. Williams’
Pink Pills for Pale People

Ctolorla I. a eutoaltutc fur Ctolor Oil. Par(«ortc. Drwaa
aad Buocbiiic tt>r<(|w. || U Harmlm ud PkaoBM. It
CMiUlB« Ba-lllH>r O|>luoi, XerchfaM »or other RoreoUe
aubetaaev. lie ace I. tia ffinrautcw. ll WatM
aud aUays brvwriebCKwe. It cam lIlarrbaB sad Wlad

Oood Borslof.
aad dety. where we mey eae te
Sack a biuar eold Borsiaf it
eeaod brsate te eweet air ef
palafel pne. parity aed peaer.
I aa fUd II b tblardiy asd
Pt. WUhems* ViskPiSa to Fela People aoeum. is e ci
day all tbe <
lU tba elcmesB oeceaeary (d'fin aew life aod nckpca* u> the bV
Tba her laaft arc aet
rr ahaltarad nama.
1***. Tbey
Tbay an u
as uefidiiif
u^diof aprcific
aprcilic tor
to aueb diaatrt
TwoaSdtta? e
' •
partial paralyaix. St Vita' Dance, acatua, ne-jralfia.
a ebefOtboBt e
lb* eficf.efteci* of Uw grip, palpitaom
- ________I -y «~*I parebeaea
UtUa. Wa all tbb beelf
of rhe been, pal* asd
rsploMm. aB forma of wtakccia eilber
IhadaaUar today, a frlked wbo b
- is aaleorfeieab.
. --of Iba Bbre of OM ; loaeeUty.eo 1 eae oaly wbb thatoetatodel wife aad aelber.
ifilliann' Pink IMl. for Pair People ere
with Iba flbra of esolh- j daore or lo yoe easy ben e food
.Vn^ er
Ob.Br! lerltopaehat ttotha^ia te bat poMlUa are oT ha baetUal
al, poatpaid, a renipto* price, jot. a l«n ui aix Uixeetbeie" laler-| i^Blere ben bm raceired tbb week
oerer wild la bulk or bi te tu> In addrecblldrae. aad they }at Idollu bar. She
Cite Ibmaett' I
Mibaata. Soeib Arai Both
Coapai. Sebeaerud..-V. V.
b a oaa telr playaate aad tkelr let as asd aeparau from
o tbair apntal
apeetal i\ Uartmu. Cuy! Mery Saowold.
laf (aide aad dearai frieed
Hbe la tbraod.aedtu Bore theyara-'rebbed-'j Uka. with e Ibt of iweelrthree
6 ■?
ba taro ehowa la ha bealtfey. happy
that ba teeda alnblry
AfOWBarllbapedM! Bow lewdly J'd
nbreaMt^a? by i^UBe^aT 1Carpeolar of Ueyaloer. Wlsele
b ae eaerifia to tor. -We were ulklap
bees baodled ee^fta to eleaoMl Bbl of Cisfiley. from Mtaa Whel
BaeTte m I’d dee lu I'd' fareab
ebeet waaaa'e elebe aad olBa eociety i
1. aod ben bno wreof by besd or ley of Bearoaik. one of
where la
._____ tbroQfb
te wriafar. tbaae tbeecbool el tet
taBd eeald aabr
abort fibra are miaard
tofater. asd' II•
iloand to dry tofather. the flessel b Ibt ol tarasty-throa saace. ud troa
ThMCb tiiBsed with tba laeaeae,
lelM-'er ihickeocd. asd atretoblec Huaeb I mad ol Settoa* Bay wUb
tatawoBae'e diabi he tedOit tbay BB taare iheo.
Ibt of thirty-two oeaa
All of
Pnt Betlie Brows, duaait City.
diretcb them ihoroeirbly wbUe wei. wbkh war* BoatwelaoBc. both lettere
raway Ihlaf
I«> Ana Mania, damalt City.
lobe well esd te flbraa aepereic aeaily.
ThewUI Byfewdrlabolh hosde is a wet aederTeel tlesn
I'iPi Cardla Daft. dOBBit City.
(if sot already ' lellad:- It to. patUsee
. IKl Baa Brwda. Suaaft Cite.
••Yb.-laid aha. “bat 1 wool
ud repeotod proper waebioft will help
Tbe Parswood aeb tonry tothfel
Johaab Wood. Soaait
the aileetloel.ud U will atreteb owlly. in Uv aaaiiefa aad reporb.
my dety, ay whole doty, to my
Bar. rob SebooU. Hba Wbal)
to ib fell alK.
Da te tame with the
Hy.■eury mekB toe followlsf report of Taariior.
body, ud witb te left of drmwen.
I looked iwto the briftat. eleer eya
Strateb fleaeal akiru wldlh wue ef iUUataaetlaf:
IdSt KioBb BayB.
of tbb woaaaly wife aad aeter aad
kcb breadth to fet the bat raelu
Tbe Persweto SaaebiBC Clab eiet at
Met Lou Herrivt.
Tbe saxl “bod ptalloeopby” b
teafbl bow aeeb betta the
toe home of Marion Cbaabenaio Peb.
tet Haffb Netunf.
fliuelaud dry asdare
Id be U there Were aore
0, leotf. Tba ereninf wa* pleanuUy
1«M Poillp Oaa.
w aqd motbera. to wboa eociety Jbretud te
tprat with nadlBf aed elsfiac Ttoo
K..1 BoBbBednt.
hae ao ebaraa. wbo le te eoa- fatoar.
fatbar. uo
ud eera tea nuselt arc tbe BeBbeia took teir placet ia tbair
I'." Bderaauba.
r el ba lend oaea felt the letiforelnntet- Tba baallrr onei ware
!•»» Viaab Wbiu.
Bokk OBkhe ia qelU ceataal today atlBf tealcofahapwbeaelila She parelere of wetoii, ao biAbly reooa- to aad wen naoead by putlnf
idWi Bsatriee Hay Rhioehean.
totot B. M. V. flB. ae alike aeafaad
iBudod. ud etUI ay flesoale are of pawr laloetaaint. Tbe'next i
tel Harold K-aa
. .DOW the woBoe who oboe
ahriokiof each weak.” waa ope eeye
trnttm awd hreeibma blaa It la ail
mead to ban
-----------------------------te; NorBOB Baehu.
Now trr toe •Irelchloc to wall roaoabbtepadbar artielablaU ef balpfal weaaa-e riffau will aeon aod fa
Clyde Ladeke oa Sooth
Mba Sadie BedeU. Teaeber.
Beaded, asd do sot Iroe et e 1. itreleb
MkBBtoBie te woaaaof tewa aad inapllefoe ae whee teyaa
Ofele wba tekee loto toe bona, fold Botaaale etreet There were aari
leu) JosabHaya.
eaawByaUba. U aay ef yea taka laaaa
SMUy. aad if nry partleeler aboet tbe taeo rseaben ud one ebltor pmer
I4M Jeab Beoa.
amoolbeea, pleeea beard ow tea They ware thee dbabaod.
with bar ea aey ef tba pelata abi
IKM Ollee Sherbrooke.
with wolabit apoe It. aaell wlee pa<
atalta,btUaaaeaBd lath bare a Ml of
Dai.i.t ntxRi. Sae'y.
luM HlaabOba.
sle do is drytsf blukeu —ffoiurA.-r.
Mawdly amaaaat abeat H.
ICvf Von Sharpe.
ehoold be te loal ploee te be aeflav
A Uaa ler Old UU-Cleth.
I0I» BliBoatbyrr.
What It BaaL bODH ooafoTt aad boae ebea,
otlsf from floe booea to i
ia-.e.r ^bLuda.
WaadatBa Wawaa->aaeUaa ai lar Pan»i»'
workiof to. tbai oar firla
I ara ofloe a earn of worry to
i;<« Merle Hclstoeb.
abeeld ba taerht te cmt tapalaeee the predai honaekaosn. SoaetlBB
Leroy. Oraeola Oeoaty.
ITOI Beryl McltoaaU.
Wtot b bat to at woBoa ea te Of te art Of aaklof happy boaa. they ore toe larfo. bet ottosar te
I tboQffat I wRold write to ya, for
ITVt Urece Tboapui.
toar BaaeaywetoraaeiteabU- that BO odoeatloa b ooaplete wltboai room b e fool or two lorfor tou '
carpet which ant eonr iv Tbb w., hwbwnaloBf tiaeelsea I wrote be­
i:i>j Mary Tboapwia.
ttpaMOpate oarklfberaatoldaeat It, «tea It tey fTadoata Irea the hlfb- eatlly be naodied ll te doere are
fore. Ifotooebool every day. 1 aa
I;m BabyNatUof.
tel ear ally aialan hart. Tbwa we
aet aehoub la tbe laod
It b alee bat food. Bet U tey are too old for italn■enatbfnda We bad a CbrittIT-ii Mabel Kalb.
aa ara roilOTad fres te dradfery
laf. xtraw aattiax U anally toefl-et
they be taefbt bow
ra et oer tcbool hooe.
ITtii. Pearl Martin,
tolcf toe pairlad booeewlfe tarw to
*abera.« pealtry aad te dairy. I
aelree. bow to keep la health telr
eebool beeMwatuII
I fot a pal
iru: EibelUfda.
tefr Uea era, a a eartala aitaat. artibodlea. te wooderfal aaebtae
la a boon the otoer day. Into ckatea. e fame called earilnf. a b
IT.i* fluel Crawford.
Mai. laalaadof IrtpelBfbrrrteaett
t- tey sew are apt to a sefleet. wbkb a brifbt llUle wootos bed re- of parfaae. a aef. torw hudkerIP'r MadrauKaull.
fraa ato bafnat olorar they walk
o care lea lor tea their bkyele ouUy Btond. wboea llaitod pone ba eblete ud e tack of caedy aad popmu Mildred tiibbUafhl to be u expert eontrinr. Bar
wto te bard etdewalbi aad elaleb wbeela
ban Seaday echei
■Ittlnf roeiD carpet wa aueb too
mi Nae Orcolt.'
teIrdrataMBe babiad with mb bead
Tbab It b bat to
e bow OBd ■mall, letTiar orer a foot of bare Boor aahool booM
OM wbea it b
mt BdnBuehu.
whOa tbay bold teir peekel
a two tldai of tbe room
Tba Boor
araellM te art of r
ITII IbiberCaae.
thaeter tey taaU te aaoba of tba eoehaty. To ksow how to keep
wMtoopoorwadBllof | '
ITM Jeaab .Ncttlsf.
■be did not wbb to bny i
aeU, bubasd aad ohlldreD.well b aboMlberWibwwork.
1TU WlllBelU
teaaralariattaadef bird toofi tey worth a theaeaod Uaa aore tbas to
Shefoeed toae.old ollnlotb la te j
V«ur lltUeJriesd,
-haartbadteaerdaotakrtakof taetorlaa kaow all aboet the play, of Sbakee
ttle. Tbit the tacked down wltotel
Wii I II Tm«. tl
aad leeaaetirea Beelaty te lie elalaa
te peeae of te freataat Baa
tea—It wea't do te taU eat of etas poet who orer Ured.. Itiittrasfe
me that of e
fO you for i ban
tefteoatlea; if yea
the way oar pirU are sot adeeatad ia
wriitoDtorBloartlae. AtoorOhrUlteM do a te Keaaaade. W a artala
Tilal tblar areaary to Ueir
im I fot a doll, twe basdkerehbb. a
Tbe Heeltbfel Ontos
Bat whUa wa bare, ptrbapa.
t ia Ufe-aeaaly. tbe work la
to Mae a eary te ally people, than teboaa
If ue trill Mtabli of ebeete. a piseb
1 aa
ol rroBSd aSoo. or a crut ef ewat tm card* asd a pair of naa.
•la aerate tbten wa weald Uka to
Where a the aeheol to teadlaf broad, direetly afiar atiac aloot.
sot coinf to edal tob wiater benae
btow abeatbow a batter oar aoadl- beUa? Bet a baby ia apt to ba te
te mar sot be afraid that telr It b ao tar to r> Ibroarb toe auw.
Ite. te Ub WM why the Weaua-a laat.U^iobaeowaldarto bytebifh bmtot^beoflealn. .
Mte ad te UeUMte wa erfaUaed. aehoolor eoUofa fradoalc bride. Tb
Ooloa ban aedletsal a well a We buqp paPV l>Mkab <»oS with
is lie Bret cniBbeoat for te eaowblrde I wUl
OMfTtM drawbei* te tba sateat- bar. wbae It eoaa, It baa eakaowg oplcereu qaalltlaa AI cold,
etacee. luy often be be____
brokeo ep bye set write uy anr tbb tiac/
P.-abe cu'l br iBlUtad.
aaat of te aBbitieua' f^aara daayb- qeaauty aad a terrible ordeal
"Uv bowltal of hot cola b'o.|ai
13. Bolt a'
Voar little triad.
Aad tree pralee tokee rt»i asd,
ter b bow beat to ears aeaay at boar, tie. aaaly iblofe.'’ I beard _____ .
plot bowlful of onioa in water, ebufAye, ' yaara. Tntct-ak.
toeaay baa feed werfcw, aat te Kd woader oar dlroree a]lb are fried- lt>fte water tbroe tlaee Tbb robe
Clatm^eme toiof. proof asetber. i
tbeaot Bubot tbair odor, ud i
KBwiok. Leeluaa Coepty.
eriUtef a taka part la te dairy aad lafoataaek fell frtau
Cbia b wbal toe auefuterir
dere tbea ate for tot tsott delii___
Paa folac to write to you ud tell
eaya '
btoaahaU werh. bet wbaa b te
Bat tbe blfber eeeeatios for
ttoBeeh. WbM tbaooleaaereUBder
Proof b wbat toe peak uytoaar that paym hb daafblar te half
oaea raolly ehoeld dm be wholly the rniar tbeaU be searly all ab- yoe wbatay preteoU were for Cbrbtoia. My prcMBU mres rlsym draw.
if qaarto ata bIrad flrlh wa«B la
aorad. If tey woeld oolyloaTeo«
Isc book and a ttory book, two basdtea aahf Wbate bte allowaaea.
orwo etarebvwat wito oold toUk. beU tiaicblefe.a bottle of perfaae is a lit-,
Can^I kldoey IIU
bowatoaaU.teeaa atelaartebt.
tom alaetcAiaaoe wito cayeosoasd
Baadtod* of enliea UeUty to tbb. i
tic fucy banket ud eoac eaady asd
taUpbara Toe eftaa te bw to fe te
.. .......................rbpoiBL
aata Tbe oaae of ay bak b BauUtaMbaaboel,erawv Maeae (eamy
Mr- P. C. Oriaa- of Hlubell. Cadil­
toroafb. Serve whlli
falJoe. Ifowoctaoolud aaia toe
Pteaa te ba a aarraat w an fOWplMBOl iSBOMOtfeSUd
lac. a frelfbt brakeau
ti. a.
R. A I.)
toy aawv at all.
third yrada
My ateiea
etodiet a
arc readincr. R B . reoninf beiirea a ti
' '
Mi pat wbm tbe
aadwrittm all kaew te aad fata ef aoaa et tbalrt WM claiswd by all rcopactable
-My _drm
Bou Soup
- . - - City:
b P O. I
lof. nikeMfotoacbml IwiUared Ba va. ud I wUl auwer uy letter)
teateinatyeaif »Wa dwvfrDm paofM to be toe fate to pardlUon.
llfmeutlysappeatbal toero are
Mtor lota te aotea are. tetelly
elobe oooklsf aod boaeknpinf baked bcaa left orer froa te ttaaday
oxeof•laaparlawaad ia te wayt <rf te
two pet raV^ta I cae play a little a
sow frtUBf to be eostldbred. albo
oa OTfan ud I will take
■wlted warld. tet wowdartet tey diet ud fayrioso. ee woU a i^try asd lut anp tw Madayb dlaser.
Cook two apteb cold baked bout.
ban beu reilreadlof lor twatyyeen, _
ytoi te teaptetia aad taally ptrbb. art- .Bbeeld wa lin wberc we eu fo
— eesiBb bot waler.two dioBOeloe.
tlwayiatoyod toebeetof beallhjSena yeare old
tody te aal.
It b ladaad atraafe to toeee elebt, we oefbt to for oer own
ttalke qelery- asd ae ud a half
oaiil abMl two yeare ofo
Isle toaatOB Uretocr for tmnty
that teora ef tea do wot telL
Maple City. Leelauo Caaiy.
pood. Tbe woeao who hw so eerall Bloatae: tba take
kldoe— cither
■ or wereoeer
a era
‘ tto toairb Kiri baewa bow bealli eblldeee to-arc for tboeld coriotsly ran toroafb a tien. _______....
1 tboofbl 1 wald write a tew liaea. ^kod. leeRerol tros pals asd acbwito
Isf intbeustll of te hock tsuebu
We bad a food Ubo CbrbtSM.
•Mac H b to bar te aak ■•a’to a few boldaf to e dab.
Bet toe yoeaf ud pepper. Halt two tablapc
eEUottbel Iwaqolte laac. A rail­
JMitea te bay te MW area aad bat or Botoer. oafbt ebe to abet boradf ap le et bouer la a aaaapu. ud etlr Into It weat toa tmud fot a food
ate Dou't
tm Ubteapoateb ef floar. bladlaf
atot tetbtaka abaaaM hart teap
Jat tolek A beats aadtete tom well Ufete; toa praeau We ban u old at that will KIduy Uebod Be to try
pear at all daeeot wba ebt yea late eoel reqetrae twe laraU, e father ud add te tlflod beu aUtere. asd let all rap a the door like a peraa. aad abe Tbe imtmeet relieved ise
IV tbe trabU reterned. I retorted to
irwfiiy- «ba kaowe bow cradflayly ‘
Botoer. i; oDly oee of that toe
to toe heUioc polat. aad earn— alcboe rauaad Bln.
toe PUb acaio for a few dayi, aaoiber
We haee two
tber-oelilnlB bb-ttuUoetud bb
retopee foUewed. whu Baally 1 derided
pel bird! aad tm cato My little brotb- to teke a tboroefta eoorte
•tonar- Bar brewer feu bb wa«n eoeial utore by^Uw asd folsf oat
Why CMtanx Chirdb.
I need eto
ere bare uelr oioej booka yet. aad
Hfbt aleac aad ipate It a be plaaaa
-----ktoee tba. aed tob b Bate
sLl teBotonetsyxat
_ jUBUIb too loaf cataet wl
hen sot sotlced e etsfto tynp
toawarkiparhapea bard le her wqy boae all tba-tiae. a prey
Daeld ud I ar litUe defe We ban
te Are wilt oaaM eaisrdx to cord
Bat aU et


J $1.00.1,





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nt Fm liniidte linml


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tobkes elluhtoj^ltortcui^drt


Choicest Meats, Poultry and Geme. unmiiDio«iiinBii.L



Fresh. Satt and Smoked Metts, Stuiaget Etc..



Mtodea Why. thn. ebeeld the wot
I tbe cn i> eookad toe bard a
eeeaebeep I ban bea belfdaf to lb
---------isw Btkaa To roaedr tob ..
toa w to wbat te •<
.... te broad of
boeld each plat ef allb aed la te eaiord qoua. 1 fOCB 1 Wit] cJdM tor tob Ubo.
to eaall; }at aaaiblaf te aa all be Bade to fed tet toeirt
, Oood bye.
e fell
Bfeiaof eoraiaieh.
Pator-Hilbarn Co . BoSalo. S. Y..toIe
barowwteda.with aaato plaaatar Tto rsaier bait ef toe reapatlbUlte
Rota Ha> Piu a
IdBUk.asd eUalB
lie for te OelWd Suiee.
. Stir onr bot igtsroTlsf te beau tan. toal toote
UarBtld.UrasdTianrwCMBty. '
w antll--------------u
—-------ja add a bnua.
Wiliam taibb
bofle with toe tery ere. aafv asd flamrlsf to lab. Be-'
a etoor cblldraa ar« wriUaf to te
bbbaae:te twott heaw lUa ee te dawe of Ilia Ym. asd before It b Bon froB toe Bre at
BxKai.ii I tboofht 1 wald write toe.
toa b rateed wba bb ylrU latt It
tost we Iln ia Ue
toe eeastry
aa a hub boy Mva
Mea yeareold.
yeare bid. I fp to
. ------------------------------laaahub
OtlM toe aetoar. at toe nry tl
and euBot attasd
Id eoseerte a Ite^ra
ud md b te dret mda. My
IMi wbateata heoalsf u wba
r elebe
a a llurata>s../^eap
■area Henew Oil
ibe ha
te ehoald have a lluie leatqad laenaId food. Lphrib ben loB pie asd

Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs, Etc.


lill -^k


tia. h eespalM to dralfe barder
lore pase^ '
I woeld like to
tot dutbbe aeb.
ttM abacvadld bafera Oeeetued,
Bat te borne asd tba hoare eoaforb
Uoed' bye.
hteftOf teaoalMyof bardeerflrti.
roeW aenr W seftected ens for ■a fettiafn Ured of teset asd taa."
Boneia Li-tma:«
te baaoBB u tanlM. toe doetor eherah work Sein year faally be­
Kaaw of Meabcn of te H. V. P.
» Bosey flcee to fore yea tern te^bllc Beaeabar.
SeneWne Cleo
btrte at bQiae A brifbt woau aye asd tea. wlibai bavtsf to al bayud
ThWtoan'hUaaaUerofdtet. We ' I te Pm I’me.
“I belbtelt bforikwhlb for uy
wtolsftoa oar labia
woau to oosdwt a well rtfeUied
.. b b
beet boat if ebe senr de« a Mt ef ohetefa
aharAsy' U >• tree that what
to CM far OMb pet
'HalwayebBtlOTuwtwk b ail bar life. Lol.teeplabee
Ul aato OM eelcet wbal be asd woaa wbo have aoaoy to blra
maW itafnai wtto Ua. asd doa’i help aUewd to te aatlaf bi
tmt Molt with m aske fas el bla dabty bpae b u onapb of n«sta yooBf perm I ksow
sMfhborbocd. People naeabor sotttof abat e ebeeM aparafaebs asd etrid toed.
btof. MMtoarwiUhotpaehtoaoraot aSdaMab paper b farfoUa Is Im
IM. aotoiPkBHhbtetoMatMy teaaday.bat
fan who fade vbUad la s
sllMtotoi baa MSP. mUaeflted

fa^^dMBtaf to Beater bte

I iMte asd fatimute



Jeu Siaa Trovetee City.
Ciarosce Cralu, Traverte CityRoy Crate. Tranraoaty.
IdaCrate. TravetM CUy.
aether Crate. Traveca dlly.


VUoca Luo. teac lakr.

Idto Istart StoW. Klasu».
MR %tvfaflart^.Elip|y.



florsElioeiiig aod Gaieni RejiaMiig Dose

WqyaCbavBak Bl^f»nOft


Ha^s on



l«i> Vkirowee VuSrcickla. Q
mt WanUtodyeWoriBf.Qty.
lift (brl Wtrte. aty.


Ke-Painting and Upholstering.
Sute Si., near Uoioa.



n*w. B*7 Oitj. l>s«rod t, Bwdp.
•U, Aab Arbor. Ttfodo mmE
polatsBflMMidtMtk. Ot»—
BOSUOMS •« Oopflalflhirtih

grat.saa*at=r’»-^ CUTTERS


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