Grand Traverse Herald, July 12, 1900

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Grand Traverse Herald, July 12, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


«aU 1 beard De^d come is while I {Iben wh<« I toaad the boaae elated

O. P. Carver




Merchant Tailor Real
•ad M* tb« alafiat aew >{•• of
^aiafStrlM of Weolon aow
OB Ble. wbleb wUl be a^de op
is the tatst Hlyla. sad »t
•Mb Law Priep •• will Mnnte




at 215 Front Street.

rnwH Gtjr Sebool of lisle!
iMMttUitl, IllflilML
p.w*iw.aiwa«*i. :
tnt. c. A dW

AUaraej* at Law.

TMO«. I. eraAOUl « •OH.

Business Cards.


MioasnsT" TO rxpat?.
«OMtl ULL wm. tmiu 1« I. IMtt. TSAVSB8B OITT.

Plato OUoa. Steam Boilar and Aoddont laaoraBoo.

/Ifoney to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.
.Tobiuoo Block, PLone7:i

Traworao CiQr, Mich


.W^ CM7 Beak Bid|, DKTBOIt

Funeral Director



Once become •ccoetouK-d to llicir
and ]oo are loat
without one. Wc have tliem for tpinpeniluft-, for dairy nee, for aUfriliring porpoaea, mud for thermometerB.
liriDR PreacripliouB and Family R>x;ipca to tu. W« fill tbcni
ri|;ht, witli dmtra tbat aiv rii;bt. at priit-e that are riubt.
il# OeUere.MedMaoek.or







Brosch's Meat Market

S-Ai.'BSa: •

lu raoiTT ST&KBT.

addreamDd we will ezpUlii U>e boal*
fnllf: ffraptnber
lloftSfer pTcrydmy'eworka
•Iwriul^aure. Write at uoee.

Choicest Meats, Poultry and Game:
S'o-wv'X i.3X SeaaoBX.

Fresh- Salt and Smoked Meats, Sausages Ftc.
F. B&080H ft SONS.





Purchased fr^om our fresh stock now
will save you dollars before fall.





Money to Loan



Carpet Cleaning Works X





?;5-2.S-2 «


fij aH


Cast! Paid for Bntter'and Eggs.
J. J. BEEZZIsr^’S,
Broach Slock.

848 Front StreoL

■1 X 7ISBHS 'J O ANNOUNCE-: that he is back in his
VV store, at 217 !-n>nl str«x-t. which has been re­
paired since the fire, and will be pleased to meet his
friends, old and new.

A Fine Stock of
Watches and Jewelry on Hand.
Some rare bargains, resulting from' the fire. l:arge
line of Sewing Machines and Machine Supplies. Call
and look over the stock.


AsMBUtf a*ia>ud up»



Pu, RIDUU) irnsriBT CO..


Farms for Sale


Prof. V. M.BpaaUlwof HtateaBaai.

fi my dylac d^ 1 abaU never farcel eater my oa^o^. Sd'mriid^B'ier
the look tbaa rame lato ItosaldV face ly ewar aed walkr.] o&. ttaiaklac aa I of Ogemaw. Oawteed and B
I watveryim
‘’•'um bu5ped'’rt5it^i'srko“^' r^trt«^iUico«“w'«r
panlabing me

rely for Savley
I wmild frictatm

1.1 ^
thtmeconnUee. it la aadeeaload M
lldten to my
theee geetlemoa will exUadilMr IB-.
dr knew 1 eonld Sad him
t£ ebildrcB—there were two.
'bad baeni)
«anor.daaart(kl.a]:4la< r.i
■ter had taken tbe
them buar
cruel, N^w I won
mid take mi
jact of toecstev and tamlliar with aBlIl,
the day with berbad a roll
baia in my pnrae ibat'ele.
11 of b.lla
aeraaar ii aut~ taew <r»a
Ibelr way. aad 1 looked onlot tbe win Dunald lu
lad' given me tbe day betorv. [tow*
dow apd remarked tbat It waa timr tbe
go oni of towu tor a day or 1 ouTined
by the «i
children were here.
two aod let bim find me If be eonld. | aioo.
Ucmaid ramr a lillle neater.
Aod ail tbe
tbe time omething kept add
In ibii eonneclioa It ia InliirinllM la
'Vos art goinc oat ibla evening
log: "If hr wo
note the atatemeaU made la a tonalrv
balletie jnvt ImbmI by tbe Hteblgaa a^
Trial rare. av. .a a aK4».
thece.mud tempered people are terril
when once arooted. and now 1
Ii . c«.UW.IIea4liuea
reclaenad Mtan
to uoderatau.l enmetbing o
0 <l>' -eaJ. a puablap ibniuta
agrlnltaval «1"To tbe piny, of eonrae.
I told yoe not................................
bcUrred anything
rtikeIII I Ui» ol Dm j ic^a^^i^M^J iJb»nll
at noon.- I waa ao afraid be wonid no
Uee the tremble in my voioe.
e for the moat part hM
"Rati eaid 1 ebonld not
the original
limber u_____
and forrioal Umber
noeald'a reply.
•cdpl npon an old »ebo.-il felted to
city. I deeded
for Boo-paymoBt o( .
•I remember that very well.
tatea by iueni
m who had BO Ma ter
-led aod went |
fret that I am not to have
the plew
City, aod of tbe land
-----------loaianeet. II la bw
of yonr company;" 1 eoecratnlaled mi wbom DooaU
knew noihing
lU knew
Ibete landa woald. aadar favorT .ay»a.
aelf on being able to nay nil tbat wlib- her Sp. (ouod
lod ber living hnmhly but [ able c.
oat tareakieg dowi
.|Uite delighted lo,Tbete
r. and .|Uite
leeeUede have been deeded to the
lionald looked rrallv alarmed then
' m.-. 1 told her I wae i
iU>r general aad
and are now,
ke to eogagr a trol ottbe
ot tbr eommivioaerof
eommimioaer of the itUU laB«
the waa to erm oflice. and can be l.>»ted by b<
____ certainly.”
veoirni loan arueibibil
>il that
I wi.hed erv fur In ceaU per aerr
Killy Urar.- tben be pat b;> band,
eh,' .Irranied
’----------- ■ of
- tbe
- •have beenma tha
■tele tax *^
my abooldete and looked very kiiiC Irag.'dy 1 lived clurmg ;Uoa<- daye I
y oflbealate forth.
ly Into m» ey«, Ihei
ImugLlthe daily pt|
eel lax
forbid yonr geisg."
cd'uino,. bopie
original oworra or by
Indeed' I ebook hU bt
meant fur none uf
-------------------in time br.-Mse
br,-ime tax bomraiend
from my sboolden: and jnet ibro
readers but luy.-c:
The agrieultarml eollawe aad primary
■"InTiin.. My
ouragr faHed .... acbool laodt arr landa from which tha
.ghod pupper. aolhat <
ilieed Donald
afraid to go home. Then timber baa not been removed, and for
egau to a;
p played with the eb’
blldren uoUl I I began
gam. hot
everr the moat partarv mneh toe vnlaabUfnr
HU«a> t.,rj„ui-me failed
carried' them off to bed.
Wbee 1 n
p by little luy fanalog purpoaee to permit their vwt
turned to tbe eiulng
ILlng room with my pride and anger «
d away, and at for for.siry prceervea. enpreiallv aa
he wae reading
laat I was remrty 0 go down on my
DlUr Dear.
eh available territovy
1 mr knufW before
. . Ibr
.nr wbi
w lole world and beg
nud tor any other parBaeb irrvat. (Treat tronblea crow from
m^uataand to lake)
all. email olTeneea IDaliatbe
a soarler patl
I went to
tnendand bade
irottble crew. Wbeeroscet
ren. waa eorry to t Kbliged to lea re her good bve aud
eyntemt have thair
of a lueper yoa bad
> early, lie'ooked
neatly into my ba;
The Ihoagbt
an area wbich ban an abnadralch
if t
DOW whelber I of
anec of Ui bomeatead aad-lax laadt.
little bit of temper will s
(e!i ibatalliili
d dare to go out.
ror; he had geowL____
Tbe Muaki
a furlouk lempetl beforr
(luring the Itat few dayr
grew iiaite aiern.
and Miaaauker eonnuee; tha Maamind that I waa an
I waa in aiieh a fever of Mipm«e aui olwUoate
■ and An Sable riren. althoogh the
where the Ugbtning »_________
dealt with me aceordlagly.
I the bonir that I coi
could hardly
irr diaohargea lu waUn Into Imka
wae naiy Iloell.
tonight., I breaU,-. ^ >| ahonld tieei
"Ilyoaeroealbal Ihrcnbold________
Miekiganon tbe weal aide ol thealnta.
ed my - .
________ you do not come back. Do yon nndei- { Tbapl
aia'oa of
tbr latter intoUke Horen ea tha
ant of my name that everyhudy wae
sidr. ria* In Crawford aad IMuawa'
pleaeant In me. You can't enap oat.
. He menol to ahade.
op. aod there waa tome ruunliCK. and the
of thaoBa te
aronl. or grumble out "i>>lly.” Joel frighten lua good,
that be might
I one
tkr parlor window. If ------------------------------- oteflbeothvt
my Sami' l> Dilly
be was gone only lbw,-n ldrrn were playing out in ii,e sini _ ]. I'lgeoa. Hlack and Ttanatbe -IUzon" tlvr to keep bia cogngemeniI
For all I j Uu-rar.I. Iii-ar nainrnl It would bo tor derliav rlrrm riae In thia tame lesallty,
ri, ago.
eonld aeebuw it waa aoplaiol,.
.. wsajmi-lo
-----------daioly. it
walk into the bouaew">- •>.— 1
' diew conoiloa aod tbe otbaaa
at. aod ererytliing
bee been a nulte uverwhrluiiog to have Douald elingingW
orr that
through wbiefa ibeae ilreamt fiaw are
bnndred Umei pleananler -elnce. for look and apeak Ilk-that
a | Hot there wi-rr no eii.ldreii invigh
to h-found tbe grrsler portion of tha
'U.zon^eau oneof the dearcal bucDanlv liecauae 1 did oot hrlierr hr: ao-1 then-waa ii.;-.>iiog for mr bat
available forestry landa.
bande tbat evrr wae made.
inrabt It. aed partly breauae 1 waa to walk lu alnoe. 1 uled iht door aad
In Hlaaaukee coaniy there ara l!.t«
At home they called mo "Dilly Deer,” nervDut. and parUy. 1. bellera. to teaar ; opened. I made toy way to tbe pari,
acrea of uzbomasund landa. and aa mand after I wae flieon U wat "Dilly him, 1 laughed.
ami tu.-priaed a yoaiig wninaa tbe
Ilmated ar»a of m.oooaemof ataUUm
So It dot
"Mra. Dixon." be aaid. with vneb a' she waiaatrangi
......... than flvo «•(!(• .
matter wbal cornea all f ibeEretoi
face aa 1 had never aero before, "limr She wax a beautiful youog-wii
townahipa. In Koacomman CMialy til—^
for it's always "Dilly
mean exactly wbat I aaid "
| A aiuideo fury gave me alreogU
U an aggreg-'
.■regate- of
- ■ abont
-' ............—
:so.oo»ai___ _
Rat ibel little bilot
of n temper—I will
Tben be weat out, and I II
ibna 10 toll towaahipa la Uwaa
;clt you nbont it.
rirelyon "Uow
til be waauulof ueariag.
Whe-r I, twuclaaarsofbbandoBMllaDda. Orawinformed tbat I
an { Uaggiv'.'" I in,|ulrrd with freeiing rtig- lord connty baa laisOnO aerm; Obnfn.
Theo—I put (IP tuy tbli
iloga »
1 pretty enough i
laggie Ctrler't to
' aak her to oily and la>lug
It you know a li
Utile uoouuy
wit'.iI tbe cbildrco
, '
until Donald spoke.
alt the year
back. When
Tbe woman looked abaird and ;’;ii.iiiinacrea: Alpeaaaadl',
alarmed, ann atainmrred: 'oo ars' timid." abekfiU; "you look,
"Haggler I ilu not know anything
qnite frightened. I ->ughl tu have aenl nbont Maggie . I am Miva llrTine. and watered with bemllal
benlllal lakes
“o';:".. a llieairc troop came into Houney for you "
I came to lake care of the ehlHreo. atreama aboundiug
aboonding is trout.
trout gnyHac
ch a thing never bad eeme tb
I iatuted that I waa o)ft timid, that
and other Svh
t attest to the pBrity
paw ia ibia
ia town to
tn my knowledge. it waa only breau-.e I had berried that
e won'
ic tbe dacr and olhor
big field anrt^t^da big I did not look more i-ompoaed.
.bif^ a big
ilj anlmaU of Uir loi
tent, and bo.«te.l a big
We walked to tbr tecl. it waa not my idratlly wa>> arrowiDg
c-xnluifd 1
al.iitat wholly coofioed lutbla
ered with red an-l blue Irltere that yon very far.. A big alar llial bad stared
The cipe-imaol atationa eay
•ay that
eonld read clear a;i.--n tbe sued. They at me all tbe way to Mra Cfaaae'a.
Did ,on—did yon eomr In are any cauteOfi'-aatea. water'aod
d excHUsl
aeatteredillUeband billeae'”-stared al'me all the way to the tent oar’.'" Him Devine asked timidly.
lopugraphy. thit territory la
the plant
'Crknew ttara euuld be so diaa"1 want yj are'the rhlidren. When upon wbicb to mar a new torcal. ihtra
able before.
Kver ainee. when
bring ill fart, no other localloa la thn.
le lodinner, wiib tbetwo
I recall llial eight. I ace that big
UtUe Idaia ill and meat be kept lowoa peninania whM« tha state aaa'
___red. one bine- in my bandi.
nlet. the ODclor
IDclor aakl. iai
cuouol an area ol land auSixiaal la ax"Three ebrera for the red. white and
tela tel oolay
for (bat Durpeae. —I.'rrhonpr
bine.” I cried, dabcisg around bun. and
i: my bxby III"' it .wxaon my tips
•It isn't ronrh of a mimpitben bolding the billa cloee Vj bit ryee
r, but 'male ad 1 aikpd at -(utetiy
fruit (ranlea
for bim to r,-aJ.
He held mo and the
dot l^care wbat it i»: aoyUiing to i
much. If any: frnlt tnm
• the monotony of exiatenre," I
ue. Uraea and waa*
lal cante'd
canted the illo^*'
« provide ahettar (or
•Wby, bt-r moUier'a dead, yon know,
When are got there, tbe tent
a ibetreaaaraialraud
. after on" baa been danrieg ail ibe
and klie grievev ao—'
alf filled with pewnr. luoally
care; Heveew tha noBniogin ha[ipy.a»licip*tion..»atriDd bora, and the women—there
"D.-ad"' I abnrke<i.
ke-i. and raa liken
tab the tranks of the
idone tliock to one'e nrrvoat ty». arveral 1 had seen in tbe etreet
. _____ -. -fd« iheiJiKir. onlvui tree* with vtmngaoapanda
Rtpeclally if one ie not ated le they were cot my arijualntaneea, and
innlera man b'oeking the wajr. It
In pruning fruit trees do ooleatetf.
Bot like'any ■
waa m.T huvbafid. aicra and calm
niimb that ia more than oay iMh la
I elood eliU half a
3 ever tee,I ft our mUe• coaolry
"Madam," be >aid. "allow me. to diamcw. To avoid apllttlag tka lUab
red bill Incne hand aod l
not* recnive via- taw about half way through oa tha aam. 1 waa
wiib the abow yon unt. We do not'
of .tne limb: «
. bang up tale eoat and bat in ...
banpneed all
Dorn tbe upper
moat uneoocerned manner pmaible.
. •oted to be charm,
se une *«yiog
Ds nut allow ..y fruiiln leraiaB
When he lamed 'neck again and new
carried, away" by ex.-lte. tbe undereat of voieva.
yonug frnliirVea. fitrnagthaadgrowth
me •innaing there, he came 00 to me
1. to langh aod cry and forget that
"D.lly Dear, wbat la it'.'
Are yoa arc more desirable than trait naUl tha
and aaid:
rrigbtened. Areyon llli"
trees are tcrar yean old.
'Dilly Dear, you <
■^^med affected
Io|ieaed jiyeyra to, find royarlfla
rut that effalr.” he pnt bu
iraeten made c,
my rooih and' Donald bending over me
Mil me aod ww loading me to
aoiTtgDWDed acd ibretteeed and faint with the mcfiit Innxiouteenevrn in bia.
•re tel lathe gronad wlU
lie aa f there waa nothing , in
ed acd raved, and I tried 10 forge; that face . I Jaat pel my arm aroand bit
-proof glue. ThtgiiearlU ^swOTld^f any coBMqneom bill dinai
It waa acting, and couldc'l.
Deck and cried ao violently that f could
r. and the poete wfll laet
nil rotUu.
By thia time 1 waa feeling lb)
AfU-rtbe play ,Mr. Chase aaid I; waa uotxpmk. He ainoolbeo my bair aud
lotion qt ibcahovk. and the hot b:
Piter than be expected, and Hri
A rkapberry pateh ti proUSe UBtll It
rnabing fast tp my bead tel Sre to
to ujy
aaae aaid Uc leMing character waa waa 'lai
..six yewa old.
ft rcaehea Ita boat
bit of temper, aod I antwered Donald
oa; would yon say to anv, Donald. beariogcoDdlllou when II la two yean
.mart" Wbem we got out it waa
lining, and I witbed 1 bad not worn
' o'.ay
I asked aaaoon old. Hy setting onlaew plaateavarr
iTnil do caret aod I am going to
aa I could apeak.
V best bonnet acd gone.
three years, one will he eomlag ia full
the play.” oven careaomneb abont it
From tbe Cbaaea' I went homealune.
benring coadltion aa lbs ether la gotag
"Ub. BO. niUy
yopwill not go
il that nu aent yon into hyvterict
Baapberriea will thrive very
F w...
placet > tbat." be aaid.
"Jaat anppeaing 1 go. Wbat wil,l
ueb a pbi
every character of aoii. If water la .
>l allowed to rolleel at
"Why. do' Wby-.'I shall bare to go
"Hie hall,lamp It left far me." I
la aad a’ nice, big
thongtauandl ran up Ibe alvpa ao6 with you. I ispp-aAed If yon are
be eurraat baa beea a aeglacted
■Utul mui: and elrsant people gave the doors good pasta, for 1 witbed going to take ittohrart like Ibla we
I the past few years baeaMS t*
Nothing erereqme here before.
• • r. -_____
I nevet to get in oat of the rain at
bad better go.
lint DitTy Dear. I am
>era do not avem able to klU the
mw anything anrway. and I km Jnal Bible.
vnrpriaed at yon. "
'm- Early In theeeloa betcra tha
wildtoga I baee UNm thinking of it
• ' then I begap'lo langb. and
Tbe doer dlAiot iipni. I tamed the
■9ma are set make a atroag aeop111 the iBorniog. 1 couldn't wall for. bey agaie aad again, bnt in vain.
laughedI tm
tio long ttbat Donald begged
a of whale oil soap aad soft
rnn to come bo lie."
far thwenr"Donald ia to used to bolUng it. be mr to tell him wl
aa langbing
apriokle tbe gronad aadte
I leaned my head againtt Donatd'i baa forgotten.” 1 aaid. and rang the

taoelder. 1 did not expect It wonM be beil v'lgomntly.
.tlon h excelleat^or r. __________
DN«a«ary to nay anything more. .
plnm trees. Another proveative H
il waaallent It eeaaed rnlelng ami
' Dilly lH«r. I am aorry.yos care ei
big alar stared at me throagk a Df cou-se be waa |^>'rd over
prinkletbe basarawiU tardweod
Boeb. bat yon mail not go. It it not
ik in tbe Inky cloud,. Il sat the -Tou wooliln'i iet me go off a
m. Abont thn time the trait H
place tor yon ”
You woolda'l cill me (ormlag sprinkle U» baeben with oae
l desolate momerl ol my life. 1 would vmf
rinat not gr" jaat tbioknt tbat;
kept •Ufa. D:x».' woa;d yen'- Yoi woalda't
) of white ballebovv.
llebovv. dlaoelvad fa

Whoever' '
tbe house lighted aed been ia
litlog •forbid' my going and trli ane I m
twogalloe-ef water. Bepeat tbe ap_____________hjfOfl'h
irme. This
■bonld comv back again if I t>
pUeaiioa every ten days uBtil all doa;
.eed I mnafi’,
n1,I not bfar to be
1 ran bat
Having received aaavlatartoryanawrr
____________________ -J bolting tbe
To prolong ibearvBBtseaaaa apre^
IknlS oeated meat Ue ‘.able and door, be bat forgotten aod bolted me
these Hneationa. I poinled'oul my a abset over a bosh or two. to cxelaga
then vx>k b it place up pevi eaod looked
and I cao't make film bear wiihoul nent'gown and bnoet ready fnr me to
•nn and oelay ripenlag.
Tha V|eicroaaat cbeerfalir a> if be bad been rooting the nelghl
, ia tbe bra; variety to eaa lee tfeia
ueallag me to boc-boni.
And be
Of oonrse toev cordially
ote.aaltmsy be kept ea tha ho*
bpve a bnsbaod to take cave of naad made me comlortal
weeks after il te ripe wIlboM i*
for tbe tbe Dme I was relating it. aed w
r tald. "and I ean go where I light, bn; I saw them
Beiabrd be
leaald 'Diily Itear
llaneea. and I koewtbeyai .
van not right. It waa a bitter pigfat
Maald: "leal
ornte, mod 1 cooldo'l sleep torthinkA Jeweled Map
m thb_____
playIt it eea'*'- and yon
heavy cloth gloves and____ _________
dean extra
would be diaappointed
We wi.I go to
Horaing came at laxt. and alttaougb
Ptraden; Loobet. berries off. laarec and all; than ruB
iheiilly aometimeapd aesa Srat-elata I waa la a lerer of imnaiience to get
tbrm tbreugba ranulBgaill leng*ir Krvoeh nxlioc
Il iaa
heme to Donald and the ehildrea. to
I.form. rale tbe leaves and berrtea.
"Sometime will never be.' I cried cstabllah myarll fnmy oanal plaeela map
varivii.a of ndilabed
ud o. delicate
"Yon are alwaya taylng
preecd aneaaUy.
ilUe borne, wbicb nevrr bw Siberian
_______m jasper, each deparuneni being
_________jdaeinvIMogaml aobrigbt. I
in n diffrveal color.
color. The whole
looked hi
of Iciterad. made my appenrmnee late— abowB
inlaid- with yewela. the
me, I keow.W I wee well awi
lOBgafter M-. Cbaae bad gone to h«
the veaeop wby We bad net been
Tool lev Ebi
------ ■
aval very iciauraly aboat
ewtool dr d
my breakfaa’
Hwia II reppvacated by■■a St.
°?Mt and pooled after that like a tnl-Snrvlv." 1 said crer and oi
BO t^t Midlen sbaU
ibe.f'jcof aanaaii baxtoat. Uavra by'
lyebUd. ItOoaald bad aely loath.,
DOBXld will CO
pened longer
an emerald. CToen by a asppbire.
me*»lfig.”a., ... .
becB tried aad apaareved at the HatiaB
**aftCT be had gone 1 bnrr->d np my _ . .iUe weight at my heart, and .—
al Uaard cmmpai PeekaiclU. «. T. Tte
work, planoiag all the time what 1 eeiona that my friend eyed me farticcdigger ia a heart-ahanwi. eon cam Mn*
a beryl. Hwdraax'by an aouamarinn.
wonid de.
1 wonid go over to
ofeteel. aixinehen deep byBva vUe.
HaneUiea by an emernld. 2>'i» by a
biend-a. Hrv Rooney Uaoe. aad m
Uhai two small weedsB^mll*. wW*
hyneinU. Cnevbonrg by as alexandrite.
BirascnmenU to go wi(B her. -It wt
. .green in tbe daytime aad raddiab bine
beeatyenongh to make an eienae
e impatient to go boa
byaehryaDoaald'n not going.
n will fearnanlBgov
obevyl. Tweaiy-nne iiiall towns arc
HraCbaeeaectaed a little «
bat 1 reel toe stiff ni
I ready enongfa to go. and had
the canMM. A coldiar thrown hlaaKbal that berbaafenad ooald
Hy heanel waa a aorry alghl after
Ui^dreaebiagof the
a Bight
before, and
w. foreCgn eenn.
«y ^irn kwM a-ber maaa^ aad iris. etc., arc w
fa lettenofsolcrnmpled
Mvk ;w froe k aad at the anpaadftBeB
Id gold. cbHmrd
ci into the atoon. efasavyliolelaher. ThewMa^*
thoegbt 1 woald pnt oa my
•d my besacl ai baH I
aad mat a litCe ia my room,
welghaeely apeaad. aothat RHm
a irvmbllag Uabs aed
tave had a long nap. for whoa I a<
tha clock WM atefUag Sve. t ha
atPnekikin eay itatttiaBBMifiM
min teg« nppar.aad th<
invMtieB M
back to gat mywU ready M
UaaeMdnaU i
ttaaBd MbthaslalaaMabaol.
Ta.} fr aptra ledfa Uecrata,

-------'iiiilT l>«sr." beaald. ieeeeba t
ed Tolceaad with aacb bcaeeeblac <
u^tbea be wailed ter me l^y a<

looking over oute
to laadawnhavtow
late tax
t their ndipaaMM^ tm


with tbe .


"s K.'t.ri"'.".'.


■ m";::





Paol Biria Corad TbeoL

biai etyppiac atoal saeaeDT.

pl«*. Il^ pride aad'
aad aacoBlewllUj
n mcoe.
ibe ro<se.
to ihe

wLa I tm» u. raiW” r>«b>.
rkaa uibear|4a.,a.
nal -aaU Ia..l, aaraat a uaer.
«ad I (.4 a. n, iw warai.r



--- -'S'r......

IllPmlSt..' Tele^okekM

kua tw^it


MilIP t BiiMutli.


Hack, Bus and Baggage transfer line
r. m. a. a.a 1.. «:• a.

Am. li

40 acres cme mile from Lake Ann, W acres dsared: good heaiy
aotL lerel; good water; small orchard; frame bonae and bam; A No.
small farm. Price, S-'iOa
80 aeres^foor miUa west of Wesfoid in Gimnt; small frame
40 arm cleared, frasfnim stuaps; am«)l orchard;
-Telephone 7& good waAnj 40 a> wgoodtimbar.SOMfiNiafBm.

Best Liweir In Northern Michigan.


pHd Bad BM« fiahla a OaaaaAlsa.

It will soon be aprinc and you will miau a i;ixjd baigaia if you
don’t buy one of my fuma.
£.'• aerw od Iamc Lake ma^ jBstha(.-k of the asylum; alltcleared. with a nice orobaid, pond frame houae, nice apriiig brook ranuiiii;
full iMiKth of die farm: tbis ia a rery desirable place fur gardening or
any one who ryanta a home near tb.' city. Price Sl.jUO.
:t0 acres on county lino, one mile west of
uf city limiU;______
limiU; no'bnihlinga:
lies pench orchard of fifty liearing trees; about -fifty apple
DU-timber; a nice pbwr-for fruit or potatoes: good jail; price $-*iOU,
SO acres two miles from town, one .fourth mile from Kratochrille brewery; heavy Boil; all cleared; small bonae; good firing'of
cold water; piin- >400.
tO aem> four miles west of the riliago of Lake .4nn, 30 acres
ed; small
frame bonae; email franie bam; a ipiiod farm; plei^ of
on the pimv; price
40 arm Iwn milea north of Lake Ann. SO acrea deaisd: email
frame house; log baru; small on-hard good di;v.l tress; chmp. tSOO.








.jii^ «f


Mi tMT boa UN



teMi BUUb* to Srud B^Uo. to
ud Kir* 0 frtolastor*
li irr'-f------------^ ----------^ *’•**


■UKM UtM Mldb a

feab»a Hsbauk^U tba kaa
■ibWlatarday. JalyT. t »w a ro
ptotod latarrtao arllh Mr. L.r.Pwbatt tootoaml UtwUt who Ma baas *■
Btratt ■^■■■11 ad thl* aaaooa
■------------------oar* to aatlialp dUIfioamlar that I weald bar tba
it tb* Bwat od Hr*. «. a BaU.
altad a larr* pertta of tb*
Bar. J. F. WUt* oaa la tb* adtp
araaad aoaaaaatara alaue as
iV boa Laka Cda to tba aapto «<
data. Aiao aabraaiar tba appar

of Life


did IP Fara^aM.
i.J*lx 1*-Ba;md tbi aat
paaliir* taaerM at help Bad
to ^maea ad im

dapariara of too I
troMPakla im* al
aaiberit; of too ec


praaaat oa too

brtoabopatou tUra b a •rhtU
ehaae* of aaet^ toe mliUon am
otoan abet ap la to* Brttbb %athB
Taka, daud J.l; T. to toa aSaet that
Ooodaewb olaUmi
ar* rrooad* lor boplar that
cpitr wlto bbarm; ■ al Paklai.
pntseUar lacatiooa araiaat
Taaa. hb arw;. aad tU Boun

k>hisn*ttv«c tines s^.
it isastoiM^ how bit
hewHiavnivt. itheime.
let the mother fafce the

BooU) erOBtt. Tb*atoilBt«ftb*aarksCBlaa Moaraadeia ar* oell awarr, apoapUat
MImJ*b**Io Ball* Oartto ad FraaEmatMML ■^•Mp.erilP*l
dar Picht eeaWaad aoa* r*^ aiaaaaat
loaalal*. *Mbrta« a laff* per- part. Hiab.. la rialuv Hr. aad Hra.
■oelal falara wllfc U* ba*lam of tor tlea of to* baat trait rrootar toe
Fetor tNiaea.
aatoa. Tb* laalaUatka cd cMaara «a*
• Florooeo Jaakaea waat
tba prlaelpal lua of ba*iaaa. a
ThkeatirararkMl* aaRwlv
OadUlae pMiwda; to tialt Hte BaWIa
A iNk* Bojwrtor Or«ito
Jolbl. IE. Jot; *—Fraak Shleflar.* al*o appotaUi
aloaraoeUsaaddroafbt. I left
TU bopafal tarliar racardlac tU
a peealaaot citim, wm arrtaiad lo■eliallBawmaban.
oa tb* Itto da; of Jaa* aad par*
D. -.aadMra.C.J- tioolaad aaf
taekaof BaxM* wm allrht b la Im da; ea a ebarc* el mrdorixe hb wite
«m« BoKito raNtoato. w* nadr «»
AfUr Ua traamUoa of tb* ba
a drop of raia. aarapt a llrbt abot
Barr; ha** ratanad tim a leaf krip
eadoraamat b; Admiral
witotoepren raporl toat toe dofead- b; Uralar beralir*. Twawoekaaro'
aakaikfara ■oath'* trip abac U* oltb* B»*tlar.**oei*l*aalooa
tot alt; of BaltiMra. aatU t raaebad toroarb Ohio aad mm pototo. Tbo;
renor* toat Priacc Cfeiac b drfeadim oraoftoeBrtUto eenaiaad bad ropeb
•ath^oraioC Lak* Batorior. Tfcey iifti.
lea ercaa aad aak*
lata at Bwbl Ue Bairhbwt la to* riMleblrao laat Satarda; foraaooa.
bare bm ahant aboat a ■oath.
to* lerauoe* lo Pakla araiaat IVblta
od U.ouocalam.
*raibtto*KB«aM ta 1. A.
ctait; of tU Hbntflrr bom won
lBaaa;a*eUeaabariarbad ae
Mb* lUSlcirlaaorOiBBdBapid*. I*
Taaa. If tU powera fled allU la
TU war batwoao Cblaa aU J
arowaod b; toe Mrram of a wema.
Oaa of tba atoat ddlchtfel
tiat* April. Uble bo* a latfa tbeolar eWttor bv aowla. HIM Addio SolM.
Dr. Batoad Mllaaraad a B. Blair
demmtntaa toat aliboarb toe Cbl
EMhlor loto <u hoaae tar; teaad
E. J. Fairbm toiaraad laat- airht I IpB. E Sbtoama y^UU Cm»»« \ tor uak of raatoriac order
iTMlaettbeaaauaor oaa tb. -dab, for applat. balooiarto tba droacbi
Oraad Ba|Mt. V, C. Vaaftia of Aaa
jwaradara* flraiar* toe; Mldom bad Hn Shrrfflw ela*pioK k«r Ub; la bar
iBDebaoB- Klraa ia boaor of Hut U«r- rarraamiaaddrap^aK badl;. Olbar
Araer. WIllNa A Onaaea of Cbkaco.
I toe eearar* to rooow tooaamli afior
ie flama. 8U wa*
frail* of all kiada. a ear; tkart
trad* Hiniaa Frida; *t*bUi(
I Uriac bcM----------- tiiTiI
toraarir Ua pHadpal »' ‘k*
rearord after aaeb dlffirall;
Daeiora ,
boBBOf HIM Louie aarllobd b; tb* O. la tPBMTlraala. Hao Jar**;: Hair,
iaiod Frida;, ropertlac toe reaowal of
Baatot BiKb *Aool. Mr. MeaUKa* aad
Ta to* blrbnl oSetoU bar* too im
inaod Ut aetkl^.
B. C. ■ laritatloo* ai* oot for Mb* Blf- laad. DaUoar*. Vlrrlala aad W«i
Cblo^ attock* toil mralac
BhaaBm TUilt aa
--------- —a of all troop* apalMt eeald U doe* tor to* woam. wbioo
rlat' ■arrlac* to Mr. C. Frad Baator. VlrKlala.all klato of trait a Ii«kt
twalresaaf. Taramm foren replied
tar am of that* KtoUea
btoeool/cbaaeaof Mtiac tU aailrc bod; wm Uraod lo a ribp
aad to* loeebeeo oaa lo too eatar* of a oltb a T*i7 llrbt CTop el ptaebaa.
with roa* laaded Iron toe Brtuab
Itrc* ot toe torcica ■laburtaod i
sudted 0 lew boor* later. Two
Tba hMie oaa baaotlfa^; Fnda;. tba Sto latl.. I rWUd tb* laqt*
r Terrtbir A mUM fere* of Ie toeir can Bat to* eamaaad*
VodolaK of KlB* Jlekuai
bildree wiih toe wotoer were WrriM*
UiatBod oito Boocn. aad car; aook Bortarr of toe dtorr* A Harrlaae Co. at
Hr*. Joba HelDWab aad aoa Hatoao
aeamadc aaortle aador corarel
■avatoabaaaraedrad ia tba eitf
too aJiMB ara appamU; daurmia
.ler of toe dead weoraar oI toe dlelaf roo« ou flll- PalattnlU. Ohio. Mid to ba tb* larr«t ataratd Satarda; frm BatUa Oraak.
Lb* fire ot toe aaral bricade aod at
of tot aurriaca of Mia Eaphraia
await bear; ralatoreaaaau b
toai fibnlUtr eaaie hoSM
od olto'ferea aaddalaiM. toealdeboard Bortar; la toe oorld.
Hr*. B- B. SalbbaiT latt jMtarda;
Mr. Eiarriaoa
1 toe CbloMe. who retired atur
Car aararal raaia a laaeb
Uteat olctat. aad after dellbaeatel;
beior baebrd ollh toem aad to* Ubl* told to* that far toa laat Boath b* had aontortorMi
wearal boor-* •rhiiar

tbaHlfbaabooI b*c*. ta Hr. J
eletU* wlto rowbaaa trrlar to loeato to* bnrlar paaob olUJiia bM tutors faBliraadTbit
uter dbpatebM raeord areera SrblBalloakofMarrar. III. Tba earaaOBf
applied a aalcb KarrWtr wm
belt for tola ;tar; that b* bad teaad. too Farta aapcaluoa aad otbar
lar- Boiabl; ooJal; : aod i. TU
taokBiae* Jaaat^U Ip tba HalbodUt
»d 10 jail. He aalotaiM tab laeoAt aaoe pUle oera dbarealra. paiau
to toe cpoeptlDB of a aMall aaetloa. eoaotriaa. to ba roa* too awatb* or
Chlaaoe did coaaiderabladamace
*aab at Hariau*. aad traa aaria
is.owj tralaed troopa TU ,
a oatar color* b; Hla* darliaad. I
itaod to a 1*0 hard rariotlaa. ia too ■orr. HbeoUl aloo etait
Tbe eorraapoadoiiia
rtatedeparimat hM la---------------- ------LMb. Jol; * - Two llinoooai
b*thapaofdablr*.aad oootalnior
rleJalt; el Haadiak;. Oblo. aad too bar;-* r*UU*o* at OaubUl
Sbaarbai n; toat a cambiard forco of toe Japaacae reiatorcamooM will ba al
tea.* am to bm-. auaUac toda;
opnato to taeb iro«
BBtoll lalaad* la Uka Brta. Hiehtcaa potou eo toe Uadaoa.
taa aad Japaarae bare Icfi Tiea TakalaawMk. ao toa
ordered tUstrtkrreoewedoa toe 8t
B. V. Warrier o
tor Baaaaad (be
bad all toe peaebM.
Thb eariatal;
Tata, tollowiat tbe railroad aa tar
TbaebarahwaabaaaUlaUr dai
Bot bmrta befor* tou
-ool* Traaail Ctmoao; >|wtea. •rltlod
wbleb. la It* preraUlOf eidar* aad arrood prioM lor all ear frail*, at bottooMTcatorda;.
l.aac Vaaf. aod Ure iboocr owo
adlortbaoetoalaa. Tba bridal parir
WaahlBftoB. Jal; T—Fi
IB tor V>o* Proaidoot.
week SCO. aod relmpjaeJ tU bo;t of toe dltoMoarrlod oot toe
MbcMioaU E. FaDnatU obo baa
I oe oaa rot too orop oell baawUU; to toe wnt. auaekiaf the Cb'ie
Midm to tb* altar., ta Ue atraioa of
betwaaa Seeratar; Boot aU
obltoaadrold l4^of toe dal*;,
haae vNltiar bar eeoato MiaitiaaMe;oad toallaluof earatoto.
ml« milaoaorto ot TloaTala aad Major (1*0. Oib to* I alul 8UU* will eou lilted at toat time. Tb* rtriU b'
Aplapadbr HI
to become rflrctire borioaloc to­
Oo;. tatataad to bar bom la BoehMaa foUoart:
kinior I.QiU of toem '
■ Uafba* of f
for scllae b; tbe other pow
pcmldOBt. raoaltod in too Mleelloo
tor. fJ F..;*atordB;.
lead UraaBta.
The bhaacUi ■rraapoodoatol toe ara Ufere lacraaaia* oar miUur; morrow morolac The mew claim toat
toe rallwa; oflielal* rlolated too loUar
B. B Bomb oaat to Harthpertja*. ot Adlal E Stoeoatoa. aad a* aooi
Slaadard mpi reporu from '
hrotbarof tba brida, aetod a* boat
loree Ie Cblaa.
aadseirliettoearraomret Siraal b;
italud AIbow
urda; to to* iauraaw of A. Biaek A to* raeli WM aaooeaead. toe role
from Qilorae eonree* aa; a (real battle
■aa. Tbabrld* aru fltoa bob
■ado aaaalBoaa.
TU aomlaaUoa
VlMBa BslU
taM takeo place, ia wbleb toe Cbloeoc
Dartd Jmuwt. aaotbar brotbar <
anwarad la to* araap of Daeld B- BUI
t**i rndor-r arroe
JaBMWitoa; of the BmMb
loot brnrUj.
of Mow York, bot U rafoood it. toooeb
Pone ProBUoi to Pa;
WaahiertOB, Jol; 'J-A cipher dU
Mr. am Hr*. Balleah latt aftar tba Ollraa- too coeeootloa oomad determiaed tUt
WaablartoB. Jal; :-A eabWraa •
rataraod Iron a rbU to Laaatof.
toda; lor Chicaco.
pates rmired at toe aar; deparimoi
tU eour* ChlaoM omplra.
■addlat laaebaoa. lor ibalr fatar*
Mr*. Jack Utoa;. obo ba* baoa *li
Fralt Jell;
Mr*. Jama MortaaatUi* Park Place beokould accept It.
rda; from Boar Adalral KeapS reiar; Boot decidad aoi to witodraw ha* bMO recolred from Charr* d'AfWboa
al CoMtaatlaooU aaptroop*
Faae; (^kao Ittof to tba alt;. t«Mr«ad to bar bom beatortalaiut Hre. A. E. AUboa. Hr.
at Taka wn eooaidcrad at
aralioo* lor to* Modlat of l.iNO trooi
iar to* porte hM prombod to pa; iM '
Id Saiuaa Ba; tob meratoc.
aad Hr*. B. W. Brldce aad Mb* Clara for to* Bomlaatloa. ArkoeoM ;i
held toda; betweoa Bseretar; of from to* l otted Slates will ooolloi
tollllaob to plaeoStOTCatoa la i
aou.uuu ladroiBil; crawlaroat ot tb*
• Uraae l-arka of Urn FotoL b Frotoortorbam ot Cbicaro
Stau Ma;.-beerelar; Boot. Auoroe;
Hi*. Harr B. Jaaaian >m !•■
wilbMb* Uertnde Bpraroe. Mr. aad Mr*.
HaBriaUBJasalaaaof Oatrom are at
Uoaeral Urirci flod SocreUr; LoapHtot Barllaad. pttaldiar ekanalerl; rlaittoc ia toedt;.
Ee^MOBlaUroJam* Wlllbrna pro.
in iV-' real oloelj d*;» PartUl protO
Mr*. Ja<m A. Batch of Oopaabb. b B.8. Pratt. Mr. aad Mra L. A. Pratt of
aatoaotoiUtraM, ealladtertoe follooTb* dUpateb' wa* deroiod to Kompr* dlrldod H PO^od from Nac**aki
ooBtod tb* pame of Sueoaaoa. whi.
bot beVe (m|orell; b*ee made bofore.
■ ratot of Hra. B. J. Flaator ot
Arbor, aad Mr*. A. a Baker of
opiolooa a* to toe alloattoo.
b Ir
Loadoa. Jalpr- TU war ofliee
bot toe troor ot Mr. Uriarom * cable
TPr Laat M«Ud-"Wo that ara oi Uiaat atroak
Oraad Eaplda. opoot too do; al
doralood be oxpreoaed toe belief
praparlar to diapateb tu.oiM aoa
iodicatet toat the *01(00 b ta
Mr*. E Craadall of Blaoood b aa- MMoe ;eotorda;.
toe;pre**ot lore.' of the aUio*
orer Bra- iMltato toe atorr; ebidr."
tUMara to U draw* frea earecat tob time. That there Ba; U '
tarlatotor lur abUr Hra. Citato
aod Mr*, a. L. Baahtmrfei
CblooM aoil la oolaofllelodt to mk
Hia.Oaetr*imSaU.Jr.. bl Bpriar- ifabol Bata*.
Sooto Africa aad Karlaod. BO failera tt
obaaoo of Sartoao.
■fol mreo to Peklo and for tor
O. B. C-"8p*ah’
BHd.m..braniadlartka aauarat
ebirfl; to* Utter
The rarerameat directed Mr U
Hra-W.I. DaEa; bad Hba Viola waaka’ rtait wlto their daarbUr. Hr* tboorb abort

CooBoeticel ;laldad to Hlaaaaeto.
Loaf Life —yalet-.D*;* —“Fralar Caatia are eblttor toa tasil; of Bar. Bach Eaaaad;.
Tale aod paardisc toe liae of
Hr.aadMra.aW.lrtah are at tb*
aad L. A. Boaiac aomlaatod Cbarle* A
leal wiiblolbc limr epreifled.
I. E. Wrirkt at Lalam.
Mbt BaaklD. head trimmer tor Mra.
■aat rm* b; lo^ mod atreUse.”
airalioa belwoeo toat place asd Toog
Towe*. The aame aram rmlrad with
Mb* Uabal Uallcck of CbartoroU.
I. U. Uwieaea tob aaaooo. lift Saa
Ua;l* Qrltoold,
Dimflwa; teriainaa, two miUd from
Jotaoii.r K dri-O, ore 1 ih. feaoJ ao
Bthoabam b; a poriioa of the delrfa
aoottoemid* of hooor of Qaaea da; for a rblt to tba retort* batore re'Ma.
•TU (mpertalror
iomaadb; toe caller;.
old plehil at bl* rraadletorr’t bauM at
r* toe fair.'- Uortrade Bdea. oaat to Bppaa CIt; n^torda;.
laralor to bar bom la Akroa. O.
tbe cootereoce it wa* .
1 tbe offer of tbo Saginaw
Thoarta Dartd B. Bill bad abaolatal;
WbUe lorntigatiag It. the
W. H. Cam of toe Fraakfork BU
Mn J. W. Oaeotlolt and HU Aaaa
toat toe rpreromeat mill oot lake ao;
roterameotof v,<iana to seed e eeral roe weal off aad Johoole hM a UlUl
rotoaod toe oomloalloa. ;*l Bl*
trie Urht Oo. olueaaad the edebi
Armatroac baee ratoraaid from a eaea■tep* eoBccraier lU oampair* araiaet eoollereol to Chiea
■ a hi* aide
Pekis. that keiar a Balter w|ib wbleb
eoptedtUoSerof Sooto Aaotralmofe
Nlacato Urad;. a Tamotoa; leader,
CfaartM Baebatola ot Hapeelaaa b
Hra. Jama Bakw aad daarbUr Wlaera at Tbku aod Tiro
rfaeoaid. wltoaeoiee llkea trooipet.
jnoboat for aerel
ofceriaiQ mMC; betoecitjoahb raeatioa.
pb ara hack from a weekb abit to Old
Id teUIl of toe Demoerae; of Mow
riag to Ur late .Swpti Mai
Hr. aad Hr*. W. F. Cataid of Maa.
Do W* Waat Hwiuerlanov
died, i
ara eblttor Dr. aad Hr*. HarUa.
Hr. aad Mr*. D. M. Pbrea of Lalaad
WaabUrtoa. Jol; v-CooaaUlei
toe OTOBiar'* plaaauro.
lomlaatioe tor tba tIc* prMldeac;i toe
IbaHlma BorW»* aid Oartrada
Hb* Jeaab HaeU* of Orpalal Clt;.
>are al the Park Flae* ;e>Mrda;.
oMiltaor ot Fraokfort write* toe atatr
jitalM oaral force* al TabO b;
fiwiad. Carafal
LaH^all. oba at* laaortiarat Old
b Tbitinr Mr. aad Hra. Will Wlaaaa.
Btopbaa Lardir. who ba* baaa at- am* ot Uarid Baaaet Bill."
epartaaeaitootocedrdlar to tUSwU
ralierinr Eempfl. and tbe
made. Ul witooot eoreeoe.
MbHaa. i« tba Park ;
toadlDC toe b* daparlmoat of too
Satarda; oThatoftoboBorof Joba Baa
>el bad orer; coDfldaoc* .rcM, tocprateetlretarlBiof EoropeTU moat *8Uairaralt; of Micblfan. b la toe
of Baadetpb BMOI. Uftilrdfrrofa rran auBrCar'a pmr*.
. _
ml aad oMIit;. Sbcrc aocouBtrlo* excloile to* prodaet* of FroderU-k N.wmao wMoppointed ex*
toniaatlc momel ot toe eoareatioB
cotor of the f*tol>^aod proreedMl with
of P. C Uilbert far too aoramer.
67a. aiatOB B:ehanb bad aai
U oero oerrod darter tbo eroator
tair'Caol apokr lo eampllioeator; Swiltsrload.'VboM lBd**trtet fiat
taUdotiee SoUrdO; U WM mIIUC
Mn J: W. Bor of Bolb;. N. Y.. artbd rartoa* raniM oor* pla;rd.
oaatlo MlUiartoa, Hbhirba. Tbara-mtofColooel Lbeom of tbe Kioto portool; io frae trad* EarUad.
Hr. urn workbd bl* wa;
U^oogio* to Ue' Hoam
rlTOd bat eraatof to ablt bar brotow.
oitlea. mooted U Mme (|aaner>.
plaaatd b; Jo* Flfarek da;.
letaotr;. wlto be aapeoaed b at Take
Iona, aod pe*Ulral;dMlia*d
Id ooe Uriel be wm ear- '
Hr aadHia. Urn.
Oaorre P. Tbompeoa. aad her abee,
aad Eddie Urbpa. A pair of prett;
Cbefoo.Jol;C-Tbe Nlotb Uolkd
prtoed to aad is old cigar box
8* '
d. B. JarrtoaadWI
F. E Uoodrieh of Elmwood are- of tbit. Uwerer. whea tbe Ullole
ohiu rabhUa oero preaeatod to
Boot of Oraad Bapido. ara eblttoi
iiad. It wa* looed tUt be Siauo reriiiifot Colonel Lbrom
opeaeditacd foand-toareU Stot ia
Mia L. M,TBtUtofOUe*r0.arTlt*d boot. TbotoHooUiro*reproooo‘t:
mad place io polat of oomber
Uth ocUoa.'il b aald. woald lorolt* bilb aod ollrer
at ^ Ham Wkitiar FMtttda; to
E 8. Frau b to Fraakfort ea b
Bertha \lrbaa. tUrj Flfarek. Vie
of *olea. rmlTla* me. wbil* Tbwee
bwitwrlaad ia iadnlrtal role. 1»late*mud tba aauM. 8b* oao ia a loria Baatiorak;, Alle* BaaaiaB. Baal
Mm Bertha Baldoto b tba ram of
L. W. Larr; and E E. larc;. two wa* third, with ool;
wraahas thaAaaArber laOroad Fri- rie* B. BaasaB. Hallla Dtoob;^ Joe
ioeUaod hi sock taf aa all
oe;'< ilwnbip. Ua* abe arrired
pcoaUeoat fralt moa ot Cfalcaco. ara la
*Ar alfbt. obleb dllebad aaar; (sr to Flfarek. Jopapb Babl*. Matbeo Slader A W. Walt aad faaUl;.
of Switxerlaad wlto oom ferclra
IB aad losdeo aM/marioea
Ed Ollbort b aourtatotor bb
too elt; tor a few d
tm teato aaapl tba alaapar to obtob Freddie L’rfaax. Bofaeall Cadixralca.
Tbs AllremeiM 8bwciim
Jul; r-libpatebM i
atated tbii moreiai rtlii,l ha <
tbo I'alied SUin
Albert Oknto;. Otu Haotlorab;. Joba
-"tedUte aatcl; of I
Ocorre Utoer b aUrtala
H. B. Ooeell of Wblloball. em el to* fo to KoBOM Clt;. lor too I
"laeplte nf tUdark sidn.i
aamaa. Fr^ BtaBaa.
K of Hn.
el Jutticr :.ruA wU wat
badalroad; dooe oo mock obooUoi
hrotoer* aad abUr. Joaapb Latbar. dlreetomof toe Flioi MaUoaoI
arc abo toaad there, ue Ualted SUtes
d. A BatUo. J. A. BatUa. Jr.. Mr*. W.
toattoe; woald not ba able to make I’ekio. aod arooted tbe Upe
Loab Utoer aad Mb* Usa Utoer of wBelBtUell;;ntord*;.
of froodem
V. OrtHa aad PblUp aad Joba QriOe
otoera bad eaeapei, from
aa; eoUoa bU aniral TUrafora
Mn U. E Beck Ufl ;•
;aaraold Frida;, aad toeereal oai Stratford. Oetarto.
laadwooidloMaotolorif abe •
lal. Jotlicr Birbam said toda;,
rer; prett;
UeoaaoaiUte of. tUI sited 8uu* of
• aH.H.9.Dm.eaaeftoaiM|aaltef
arar. toalhbaoo left PrkU Maf
from tbe mraatloa will eblt Liocoio
tatotoc Mr*. A. 0.'.Baker of
wall kaowo fact toat
tmaalaafall;. wlto bto oUa. pataad part; Iron t toe to toe alteraooa
TUrefore bb tifat; la ao
Bapld*,aad Hra. L. A Fralt ofAas Hbhicaa Womop-* Pron Aaeoebt
Clondbam lo Sootoara Mictalsoa.
aoeeral >UUa of to* Aewrim • oWta
IMa^tbaHt; Hoada; ea Ua ara; Aboot toln; etaUdiea och
aCebted toepoalUoeof otoer foroli
aad toeal; of toe metbeia.'^Tbe afv Arbor.
Hr. aod Mra Owirra O- Bab* will
Ealamt.'m. Jel; r—A (orrifle eloed
' taSMBUeabM
AlOaamo opoattoo Foortb olto arrire from Cbbace tob ■oruiartora baral swept orer Ealamar
I eprat In pla;laroa tba
Oaaq* HH1* Bratara of CUaare
Sbaoebai. Jal; t-Ti«d 'Taio
hb brotoM abd abUr, A F. OaBoroa abit wlto toe laBll* of Tboa. T.'
ator ie* cream to t
■eb aa allUacc. woald aacrifloa
atloraooB. Mml;.aiItoelMdliic'i8er
toIMmLodf* Uaada;.
oblte baarta. ■
aad Mil O. C HoEall. nUraiar to
of her libertlea
All *U
ia tbe clt; wpre oo aarrooBded b; luu.uuo Chioaae Jal;:
B. Kab aad faaU; paaatd toroarb
aod lla poaitioo it rer; •trioa*
•arred la toe lairt Tbrah Lake raaUda;.
Iwrj SalllTaa ot Cbdar wm la toa reefed. Six laeuaof water fall wl
Utc to d« woeld U to md bar
tba alt; Haada; oe tooir wa; froM
Hr. aad M t*. Fraak Frladriea ace aa- dt;;«al*rda;.
ban obleb Mr. Dtomeed bM Jaa
half aa boor. All tU elaetric llcbu U tat* of toa BataUe force of l.guo.wbieh aeetaUoM to Waablartoa.
tbatrCUtare bomte tba raaort
alartsd from Tkeo Ikla for P*kle earl; eall; aad polltieall^.
aroeudea blcpropert;. ThabarnoM tartatoiar Hr. aad Hn. CkariM WertM
dltball;. to* wesld gaU
JebaJ. Hard;. eaWlda rapna
la Jaaeaad Barer beard from.-b«UII
prettU; trtBsed for tb* occaatoa olto , of Oraad Eaidda.
it raoialM to U am
Ue* of toa Oraad Bapida Banld. b la
aruniaw, fena. floocri aad !!*(*. aad
Hba Aeoa Armtnac aad Hn J. to* alt;. Hr. Bard; baa toad a lair*
d n; aboot aa
ad at llula W. UaaaUatt ar* eajejtoca Tamtloa aala ot toa -Boon- Bsfrala.’* a po
alUaaeo with Swltxorlaad For a loaf
Waahlartao. JoJ;f—A dbpatefa n
toooebt to bare baeo leal.
eeirad b; toe etotc departmeet tob tu* too; ban triad to gate % tootooU
flaiaeWii b probabU thattbaroad tablM. Hi*. Ormoad balaf abated b; at Mortoport
me of wbleb U la to* sotoor.
ta addlUoo to toe damar* *■*!
Hr. apd Hn H. U. Balt are aatar.
BMibiaaryeftba HI; oUl bapat to tocHitaMHIaaleVotnibaaBd Bama
HU Bllds Orawa of Ht Plam
brlUtetlBCM bloefca rnat damafr ■oralar from L’aited 8i*ui Coaial la Earopa. Bror; cltlua of SwMaer.
FrIedrtob. While toe call^ oer* talBler MU Haaaoaol Ckhsro.
oark la tba rar; aaar fatara.
UU wU hM too wolfan of bb cooate;
Tbltlar frlODda la tbb ell;.
WM oaaaU la tb* mldeBea poitlea
Dwell; Uaewerto; of Uwall, b
atboartsboaUpoadar onr tob aliiTbt aoaaell araa abeat_r*ad; toad- aaUairud lalpr.* pboaornph cocto* elt;. troM bala( blown down ant tool toalrcatioaaat Pablo wart
cart oa* rirea obleb oaa maab aajo;- rtalUerhb aaeb. J. <
ataadlar 00 Jol; ]. aad that tb
PopaUau la DoaM.
Hrhur Ulldlec*
Ulaf parUall}
Ban; L. HlddbUa. pr«n ripriiia.
cd. Wbaoto* reMla I^Hm
Bnoto Oaioa
EaiaMCilT. Jel; r-TU Popolbt rrraekad. .
preaeatod tbea oito tooraelrato^ taUreottoeWallaeoc
added toat lb* Boiera •ecsad dbpoMd
atloaal eommIUM adjoaraad witooot
Pretoria, Jol; y-TIM alau ooerotar;
Bafialo. Jel;d-Tkar* hM b*.
ell; loobiac afur to* bUUar of tb* aeaapUar Adlal B. Stoeaaaoa la to*
to adopt plarratioo'mChod*
aad olate attor^.
raauw baraalpea Dldelrbt toat
Maa; torel; oil; for too obow.
Btraali ta ra*ma Ula. obw 'toer* I*
■mare b dated. Jol; f. -:M
arle* A. Fewa* m awl
toe txeeoU** c^aci: ot to* uraac*
BiMinrir ateamor Paarl. boarll; U
were left ter toe liUlo
Abb A. Cbapboll mad wlb. wU
mb a aatd of lb* aa* of lb
Fra* Slate. Ura aorrsadtrod. Fir*
arltoaxeBnloeNU. wm d**tre;*d b; TbcM adiicM from ileodaoi
•mtoe* of herhirtodo;. la toe bare baoa TtalUar toe taall; al J. J. Brpaa. It b expeeud. bowoeor. toat
TbamUoroM diteataed tor a loaf
to* aura wbleb awapt Uk* Erie IM eaoared toe feellar of dnpalr lo ofllc. toeoaaad Koara atucksd Ui
NbadaraittapkaaSalto tbapa, F^. eeaebr Hr*. Dracoepd iorlwd about Cbapboll of UU aetsao. reUrmd too hpaibu will wltola toa aaxt two alrbt' 8b* i* aappoaad -to bar* bad
tem-a brigoA. sear BaUteaU
t OOP t; ot toe Bo((hbor* to aa Uproap- jaitarda; to tbaU bom la Uaeater. ertbnownka daeid* toat tbo oal;
Tba; wwadrimoff wlto eeaaldarabl*
tba baaid of paUle
■ to Ura i <fpptdtt>p^;tetooUn.whld> wa*
mtU b to boeapt StoeeaaOB.
MObuload a
brirbq; lichbd with Japaam laaa A. HabeaetHorthpdrt waaattU wa* too eplBloe wspraaaad todapb;
tora*. >e-eB}erabb foatara of too W^IUar;arterd*r.
To Moul; Meklai*;. ^
WDlbalbaef (bdar b at to* Oa|.
onalar ara* a rudiac h; Hr. Waltoe.
■lead fren Imrd
^loa,U.JaI;l-Toda; wairirn
<;^io praparlar toe taal daulla fo
Boa. a. O. Ooeeir retoemd «
mmabaadmlf tba tiroatacaa
-Praurl*. Jol; i
to* proper roeoptioo of too uUflealloi
Graad Bapid* toot airbk '
bar*Ml; lmn>r«d to toa aaat
to Ue* booB bald tob awralar wu
eoBmIttoe at to* HcElale; faonu
Mn Banoa Peak of Palo, ill., b
IliiraiB Boarbo; bao to
, crowd ratkared pt the i
kaU toroarb too retaaal ot the pi
Tbarodaj. TU praaidut brirlsr bl
Btadaaaattaat m raaiBaUMtobe
itoda; to wlta«« too Irte'aof to* dt; ebltlar old trlaod*.
Hat* to appoiat dalaraic*. TU*:
pmmlattaotlu to too muor H>
paetaatl; eoMpatoab aad ba oilloaf- U*«f7 VoBUe;. Oabb Powen formr
BepaUleaa aatloeal i
Hotua n Jal; » trtto omated UteatbaakloMto bora all cantoru read;
rmUotam to too baardefpaUia B«»Ui7 of auto. Barba WbHakar. Prew OoB**!'* Reeer*
rj to raUlore* Mom with order*
lor too raaou
Hn P. A Oaeaea aad am Ban;
-Tallow DIA-Comb* aad Joba Darb.
dria* to* Boon to to* aaot of Brat
TbaaaUMal tba aaoareaHi
aeceaodofeomplfeltjla toemrderot aejojlar a Ibraa wmU- ebit la Orem
otad fatoiabl; b; too Wii QotUI. Attar toe •wtariaf la of elllo, Oi
prafltobU. aodall; mod pellUeoIt;.
HUOraet Cole. wUbaa baee bead
•arora. aad wm faroca.
o.eemmoewealto wltocaan to*
b Mopmd to Ur* Seoaior Ledn
triBBor tor MU TaeUberr; tob ■•■
0^ frea to* froet poceb of to* Cba
aoa. left pretarda; tor bar
toB WhIU Bonos. Ptaaldut MeElple;
two eSear* aad »''.moo
toro^plroatoaiamploeo A atoU
Hn J. K. ' TlBkla^arb. wile of
llpfraoud. rt b laid toalfhl tut aa
wUl U plareid oe to* rear taan^^os
l will be made tomrrow to awaar Editor Ttaklepaa^ of too Eall
a two boar*' aoaaiaa tbb ■oralar *>d
lataral M0«r hoB Fraakltoatra
hr barm Otto. ■djaaraodaabjMlto to* mU *f too wbHb to aarr* laaeb to to* rMa*
Jadre CaatrtU o8 lb* baaeh.
waa la toe elt; pmUrda;.
BaUmdaraBaa. oMieoalrod trontoe
A rmiBliu WB* adeptod
Cemrm MeEtola; u tU cam
aowwUtoa oa aaoara. aad Baaala
B. L. Oarur.wko ba* baaa at HL
ea* toeordorof Jadfe Oaatrlll
■U wiU U tnatad M ruati of 1
tbniagb Kl*«ara rapite aU toe whirltoll oeei; oae cetoriar the poert tooM boaplial. baaaolar meomdtoat U
Saata trill U plaoad 1* fmt of toa
ooa. U bb boat, to*
b able to retara
toda; (board Uaeaipbad ter arm.
perab tor to* aetlflatlu coaBll
FeelkllU. TU boat otracb to* first
aarjaat la to* raw of toaeomit
aad toned eror
Thi- fincNt ban) and
mUjMlthhad b*ra
par« of tba di; obmtooaraeBJel; C-Attorat;.0
Oaaada. laapalbat at to* baudlal. u
HIM* to awaara to* Demeratie
ma<lc - - mild amfddicatc flat or.
of a beat with a too pen
aaaUaaa are atalUWt.^Be aabad for
compUM aa
a opialoa
opialo that b alao Hn F. H. BamU.
TU SIlear E
.ipiiriA'cd l»y tbe Unilrd .Statu
ocearrad tom tUnU too rapid Joar•dwAadltor Oeaval Db
HnW.T. Boxbateb
Oa;m.Oblo. Jal; »—Toda;
B D. C Tlllotim of
• iiA-emtiK-n!
ht- the
antoooaaoaioltotoo Mom a
•07a.btfdbrtodt all Util.,
>UB*rM.apalBtar *r*d M. wm a>
Oabebof Idaho, aad Smtor
It took oal; two aad a half ■caaUi
iidbnt'tn); Travcrec City dealoa.
pambto. TbooeauBBakatloBoa
me; letaraed b; to* HcaBos Umaal Dbkb of Albloa Ooi- TbOarot OedorUo
nariw a ladder oa toe faorto star;
ter too trip toroagb to* rapUa TUa
ftrrad to tba eeaBltUa ea ardlaaaoe*. doraos AMneompaa; peopart; baloac* l*r*.o**etto*l*Ularl
absOdlasatr* EmIfloeood oWoot.
oaMWMflaag Utotb* wblrlpetiL
supped fro-a aeotoldabd tell to toot
to to* NaUopal Oeard Fead aad aboald of lb* t'aitod But**, b at to* Park
WM carried atralgbt to too
•eribeaatototbaelt; oft.
baaeeradlied. Tbb will riet the ■!]- Flae* ter a abort tie**.
totoaparomat balow. Ha dk'
JaHa Mam aad Aar«at E
wbleb aaeUd U to* boat. mUa
itar; taad a credit ot aboat tu.wo aad
a mUote UUr. wlto Eowaar ellartag
wUI practleallz iBaara tb* boldlac of la to* •It; mmpablad
ri Wolf of tob eitf. orad u. waa
b b etoliMd. Babm ra*« » nnU
to to* oaat. Bor* U roBOlaod ter
01 aa OMuapmeet tob ;**r, yaartor.
a E Sutobat rm
itUtJalb 1*11 to to* floor. Tbb dreoMdlatooMlaalrirorlwo alU
fort; nUoU wblU tU wUrlpgal
t oalka aaUDoaenlAthiaaoo Mid tob a<
WM Im Oetobor. aad abw to* pmar mto of to* dt; tob oroalarSwift ADd CooipkBF
pUfod with hU. utebMC bU IIU a
toa to oUah toat wbUe eeoa with, tbb um;
Jeooph Woba. ac*d n. a aeur
mbaalacBaba far fllW. altbu raUtag bU roud u tU
■ hoard af adaaatloa atMla far
we«Ur*9*lie aar; ehn Srariar
lUaaUlm’hemaU a aoBbarof to*
rtau aflU tUMpapL He wu
MtUhanef toa apta*. laadn- 4ttoOhta.SMwU; btUruUtarWa
■ram. dwtesMA^A tUoo U

flm^ io ^ymm army uf

ihm worM to fwaffiy hmr,
wm mMmm you tram at

^ZHmaaas WHtatalmr.











Jacob Fuitsc^
Frank Brosdi
John Highland


tafiiiirHu too fall mu tu uul*



iBBKaaiLTOi.T IS. itOo



Tta bnll7 of Mn ud Mrt. W. SboaJetos Manfleld. w
ta. of PirMooto.
wmt m»At
lam a gencratiaB ago i* wi
toMUp *lek wUof diMMd perh.
L bad a fatlur wbw c
_______I. Joir l*-Lort Baborti. to »
Ralph. UotkiM ymi
a Dixtnreof tJ
taut EUootoh w> U- w*r offlo*. mjt
t«to a erill. itoeandtragtc. (todaCallforDiafvtpIkataoomli OtoMli oa4PMMoc-.
■odilko. bat wlU rwow.
tbe other dap in o miolaecat
— Jolp 7. tcoetoctbo
Warren came tm
maanaUp aarip .oiaMr.
KewOrleant to San Pranciaoo in tbe
flftlM. U* r-au* after gold. like
eaaalar pnat Idas toroorboat Kaw
*• be wae a email.
Walaa. "
tco4«a. Palp 10-1 ba war oOca
aallea U tatorrapU^. tralalaadt of
raUraa abow iha Mai laaa
Id aod trairbt
Saath Afrtoa ap to liat Satardap to ba
OO.WI otttan aad aaa. aaalaaira of trafie U paralpiad. la
tooaaaewlatha baaaitoU. Oaahaa tot aoaalrp now ataada alptat fatt
AloaaadoirbtpsaaacB aads.oaoaaa deep.
"In tbo«n d*p»jM*aoal Jonmaltom
oabaf atooBean aad $.«r; aaa who
OapUlB Dnpfta, wbe U atUI ataplef wa* Ibo
. too thing, and is L^lltorma (be <rlhadbaaa alaalaf or warr prlaooan. attoaVllU Uaaurita. at Ccdicap. itor* apoko right ooL calling esefa giber
laaeribad bp a «
-- kiod* of iiamu not s*ed in wMletp.
peadaot wbo baa aaaa blu aa barlac W
<a replied, hot lo a gentlcuanlp
Oar PoUcp ID Oblaa
Whilu toi* newipaper war wa*
a WBBdarfal cbaape ia taU
Waabtopwa. Jalp lO-Tba poliap
landed la rraaeel gtdng do uoo of toe ucrebant* aitacked
Wanes for aotmi allegtrl illgbi. and
tba IlDttod Puua toward Cbtoa to i
bbeptat'anlteasatb apo
Warren being Mssll and ph.'mlnllp
praaaatartelawBtaada kaowa todap
ar waa aod tola, a teriubla
k got t,
to Ua pibllGlip iri tba tottfanloei
Ik. aad toe ptatan of
Oa toacootrprp ha baa crewa ataeh KUtol. a* fcomi a* Iw got «ac i-f tael that
r tola B«< atoatar. baa a baallhp
lie wnold kill Ibo Don mao who attacktoBBaallDOtoar
raallpcapsad llcblbaarud.
vd him. Aceordluglp, bo pureba*o>l
Pbaparpiaa of
l<ag bowio kuUa It »o liapi.-n.d that
Tba Ultoaia. a 10.000 tpa Oaaartlar. tou tdlhir nt tbe rival elnvt ipialu
topirawaroiactoall foraUra powara
ItiwrrplDCItt Cbrialara Badaarorara abond blm, and l> ftmi WamD’ii joper
camoont bnwa* atia'-k<-<l •« the eintot
With oalp foar dap*' poUet tba Caa- bp bl* oppnrM'ot. Il.< kunrkvd Warm
tba faattoM ear poller baa D«t ebaai
down, lompoil on bim ai»l wo* holing
ari itot taoeaaded la traaararriec
ad. Tba Ualtod tliaMaaUIliaaRUtoal
fralcbl tuaaitr lelo a firel elatt paatoe tolaprilp. "Ttorllokial aad adwlii
t III* binrin
irabip. with aeaeaipodatlaai
lalratltaaaUralp.- of Oblaa ahall ba
ba atabU-d Ihu aggremnr to Uie heart
aaarlp *uo pattaartra. Tbla qalek
paaaariail, Saeralarp Uap'a DOM dl>"Oil tho ulal itwaeproridlhai Warr*B had ton-aieiird lo LIU tbo next man
eaaaaaotoertolBCBaBdfltat toe par
I of toa CbrUtUa whom ba might fight: aho tliot hu liml
poaaaoltoa praaldaal to aoUaf eoc
KadaateraraViraaafa ttoodeo In aplie booght the •

oftoabaralac of tba Saala.- apoa
making iIm
trgned toat Worreu did put ba'
whtab tbap bad amafad to lall.
Hral tditor to mtod *t liicnu liSKw. and
(sTtbermcai' that bu arti<l io arif delatoladafiBlUeaof toa poliap o
foiae. wliieh wa* tin- truth. niiweTur.
be waa fuond gniltpand xiiuoeirltobo
baitgod. Thv guvima couimatMl to
Tba proaldaal baa ..nrdarad atorp
tenUiDce tu life imprimoiim-ut. and in
tree^ to Cbloa. to act cooearraoUp
Is toe rcdlar pronto the whole prio- pear or two Wam-n waa pardnm-ii.
wito toooa of etoar powera, bat oalp
"Tbe familp trtuov.d to San Pranrito raaealac ABMfieae efielalr. nlaatoa obaaced. laatead of icrii
eiL and bvre Juelu U«aii to a-int in too
artaa. aad vtoar Aaarieaa elllctoa la
aieratiou of tbo atagi-.
iliBtar; to plra protoatlea to Amarlaaa
a aucJU aa ebv biUfa aod propartr to Chlea: to raard all to Bake H lltuj floor at pi
uld age ai
tarlUioato Ameriaas lauiaau to Cbloa;
pormp ond flitted •.-ulwaM
tl to to-roj
notcriuoa aa ton
■e of tbe 111order nf
aad to aaaial to pnaaaUoc toa api
daond lowbat U kwm-ii or jialont flooi
Jim Piak.
otdiaontor to otoar prorlocaa of
Nowadan the oomliur of rrdocKitau ra“1 Iwl track of Warren sntil
toaaa Icrllli
riea tnmi toat to vlgbt or buiki. -Milkn
' Im Id Ni^wflrleaiM. ll.'eiintrtil
beaada tola cotaroBaat will
po an BOW able to grind vllta a length of
ID* too Unit iaiiiio of TheTrne J.-ffi-raoaer will U
nil* equal to HO iocbmpi-r nalt of 100 Dian, a rvilbot Ui-nnx-ralio paix-r (hat bo
; afaallro. UUa wanleraa wrll aa
bam!* at floor In s* boon and do good bad jut Ktarudat Camdli'n. aealrurb
daSallloB of poliep. It la a warelap
Bnaiatlptbe "plan*lfhv'‘ ba* ttopto Caclaad, aanaaap. Boaaia, aod
Japaa toal toap aul go aa fartoar ped Into aotloe and i* ow'd with a ri-rp
ibaa toaaa lariUaaU pri.llacaa o
r'l. grosllp imluiUi*>a
rd ahual
tondra powara to aaedlar Iroopa lali
ptOTad..TBrplsg in aln) ftu>u right fmt
>f tlni tnigidp of wlilrb litOblaa It Buaai toat toa Uaitad la Iriagth bp thnai in wldtli to thn« fert
StotoaaUada for toa Urrlwrial aad
' ' IboBltondaii '
. in New
•dtotolalrallvaoatlratp of, Cbtoa. aad
A'ark during tbu to-ight n( iK-r r
tbai toteporaraaiaat la raadp to laalat
Slid waa verpeoldip naviv.d, lain
at poliep bp all
At aiip rate, h- livi-d pi»r ninl
II di
di«l aa
oomprftlug nil*
roUa aod *i
m-pa- poor ax b- bod lii.xl.
wIto wboB It bolda fnaadlp ralatlona. email epaee. oomprulug
raton. and alto povi-tol pain of nil* is
"I map iiieiitinn an inatanenin bia
Aaupbal, Jalp lO-Too baodrad <a>* fraine. In tbe vlirat rlraoing
-Iraoing nou sreor wliieh will ehow that be waa not
ipfafaaa frooi TiOB Tala arrirad berr the taiideo^ ba* Uem to om> tuoro nialOowanL it waa thecnxiiiiiinf tbu
todap bpauaaor free Take. Tbap ohtoa* (baa forpuirlp anri to oloan the <ra to ablp Ihi-ir gold dn»t Ip «r
aap toal aa ordar araa iiaaad to TUa wheat bettar- Tbe Boor M It eomn from Saeranii-uiu tu San p^i
Tato Jalp i feitoll woaas aod ehlldraa tram tbe nel* f* aow packed wKb gnat AI»n(OI,<iM.<ii«trn* uimle iliduuahli
enhipnptdllp aad eactnr-M. and the liran Is meoi.
.......... „_______
rded|i* Wnm
a half
to toata. aa aarara Irbtiac with
ame of 1bi< larger nillli I* ec
doaan omlataute. ' Alxiot .'lO niogli*
Obtoaaa waa baler aspaalad. Tbap
Into half the former q>aoe bp p tnacbtoo barked cat the aioamip oudir Ihugoito
' ' ' OP llthton apd rwabpd toat will pack 40 too* a dap.
of rattleiiiiai and ranch..... .. ni tin
la abvt, tbe whole ImproreaieBt ^ Priam 00 ImaiiM-M. The Ih-m-api
bees OP the Use of amallit uacblAe
a Yoaar Uaa'a wlib gmler caparllp. taking,!*** room
aaJsg a abottto road from llio wboat tli
to to* floor aaek. aqd with a rwlactlou
ppaaatcBadaaUafroB Hhaarhal. aa- IsUiei
........................- ........ |l ilienorago
poapetoc toat tba aatlra Aatarleaa
of Boor.
A 'mill boildcr Indlaiu. who mou raai.i to regard tlio
aeloap la Ttaa Tito waa aata Tba _____ that in a well plaunod 100 faanel
■floatlBg himioi’ with fear and aopenti■atottaUdatod Jalp a. pad it tap- mill a banal of floor per sn-lOO of a
Wam-o *uf]«rb-d a move no tbe
pond to bare boas laai bp Bobart
■■ fair w«wk.
port uf til.' nniglia and flxixl tho gtm ou
Uwlt^ toa 'aeaBittia'a aacrtUrj
plTol. an that it wonld c-niimaud tlm
tern of the I-uat and tor approach' to
Laadop. Jalp lO-Cfctotaa oOelal dailp e^udtp.—Chicago lioeord.
be treaaora room. He heavllp loaded
aoan«faralBbaaotoaraBrprlai todap
tiagon and then Ihrewln BhaiidfnI of
all*fnr*calteiiug>lii<L Tbi'attaek, hu
toPaaaaaalDf toat toa dowaparawra* lulornied. waa t-i lx- made at nunt. wbe baa baaB-twportad diad.flad.
down, jo*t a* Ihu Ixiat was ruaudliig
................................. r Bad, baa nVlam *c<Dewlminriini*bpuatoTt.' tbo Plralu'a nTve. alxiut an inllmnlxive
ataad toa rplot of powor. Tba data
Has Pranriaou. Warreixaml lilxui'i-o asirltaa la tba aaaaa aa toat oa wbitb toa tald Mr. Paatom rmeitlp. '-arid
In tlw buw ami •mn mitieud a
wa**tnek bpttai
laaaaeraof terrl(aara Upl
niwr uOokUra wora bp poeag Donilxir nf mun furnilog on toe ebrn of
lifpd to bate
beat ,and otlnr* Jofiiiiig the»n from
Ma Uinka. who alu oppoelie pie at oog
re I7 ruling down the liai-k
• adatolalrater boarding bow latde. I proooadod to
oMaiMPapba aad rallroada to toe Cbl- sinidp tbom. and after a Week <« two I atalrwap. Tbe cannon waa immixlialelr
' that tbep weae not oolp al- rvngicii. ami Watreu aud his men drew
piBi Blalalar at Waablaftoa, wplhc
revqlvor*. -tio op stairs, or I'll
toat toa forarpBaat Uprotaailar toa wvr amootb aod trnb. bat that tbidr
appcmaoee waa
ra ngul
ngalatod according
, ______
t- inni lior Inuev and mow puu lUnru Uku
Par twii dap* be would wear wbeatr- abaabxl Wnmn a* be atuad
•let -ergo.
a black aod gtap tia for toaUuna Tbn
aaea to tba allafoddlrpetlopt r<>aa bp
toadowactr anprait rtlaUra Jo tba
ostflanked. rvcniri-d in disnnl
up ataira Just at- (hat moa >rf foralf
mt ns on a sand hvr and
ttUwldtoatahaaaata dkpatab to
. .
otoedUlnkatKuaplato waa ku'led over, nearlp oiM-ttiiig lu-r.
Maabtobpaeoirlaraiarataof a baafal* (Hcktla apitem lin looked Tbo toughs were panic strleki ii.'doulddiad.allia a dip.tbaabtoc toa rloaropt
lea* toloUng tbla was iiorl of Ibepramp*urloo*4U>d
s*»of toa Taat Taa Klapf pnitrlBaa for
grammis and aomo nf them jonip.'d
eladwl ooroer.
tooIrtoppUp aad ipooBaiaedlar'toal
-Mr. Ptatoer*,' be said aanmtlp. OTceboard. Tboeannnn aim wint nvirtoop ptMael toa toralpaai at
B fi-w liours. fintmiat.lp. an-,
otbor boat rauio ‘along and liauUil us off
Japaaiaa Iwpiloaeatlalt ban aaaart
aired ar* fl-n to Dombm and b rrwU tbe bar. ami we arrivisl safe)* st dan
toat tba Japaaraa ban ee lataotloB of I hian. iwiotf oneoDtilftgetxwiilud, Pranclsrawltb our gl,

halU^MThkaorTloe TbIb bat pro- ■ad Ihtti11Idiopit
in gapiliiiermuldeof
flldootgrtlBK-k. ’
pest toPdraaaa oa Pakla daHa* tba
paanatwaak Tbair ailtllarpaatberi
Uwaspran toaoplalea toat of of dirt ba* dlmppnred. Up doHiVUiH
<01*1100 with ilw tl«7 itnl keep ap
toatr iroepa. is pdditlaa to toa latarappearasoa that wooM e.eiiiM<in
paUasal laran atraadp arallaMa. will than 1 euold affmdlt 1 dtpemU.I opcai
aadUa to tore* aa aairp lato tba Obi•Mto^tal.
- "I thanked tba poong mal fur hi*
TatplnunatlBgiaftniallau. " aald Ur.
Faatban Is ooBclualuti, "and I do uot
Madgti—1 dim't like that fmelguir.
dooM that MSP otbara Ilko hla know
t believe In s a eoBiil ai kll.
to* valae of gwollue n* a oleaiutng or- BSdl
Uolt aad pat II to good nae. I tanpa .MairTle-Whp milt ll(••eel■l•tokuoW




Oapi-Jeba IrrlM-Jatlamatd frea
AlMba at Vaaeoprer. aatlaatoa toal
toaootpatefroldtroB toa Klaadlkt
wiU ba »u.Dao.oao.
TwopaariaeaaUha atasBan. OOMlp( tt.oao.OPO. an to ba ballt at OblaaCP tor toa OnM Ukti SarltPUea

•boeranl aeiitiip fa aaral einlab Tm
tarpada beau wan balac pnparod to
nUlaraa toa Baiaiaa Haaiaeaotallrap.
Leauainebofailwaabaa. lait Bit
wUatoratMtot afo, aad Hobtap
te toanlad bit natoar-ia-law. He U
» aad aba U 00
HawtaoM tma Oapt Kaaa toat
tor tear or In BUaa ap aad dewa to#
aal It U ispaailbU to ulaa as
bafffifft balar pUad *p
ItanUMLoaoiepaptoa dtip *■ a
•arfeofffrala kaffa etasaUp t*aalt*d
la RarUaad. Ora. Tba MMp wm aar- '
rM ftoto UahMk la lbs taaisa!

totp all tise It 1s too open air, bowtivcf.
a* it la a rap vulatihi and lulUDmiahU
IktBld and I* liable to axpl.xl* if eipoaed
thwe^l* a ga* Itgtal or

Oeroian embmilVin In 1 w wak
:4to as nJip.iBe.1 lo 12IH**i In I>«H. Ah

own.s-Chirago H*o-

ADexi lti-dml.tilI'.iige.| Inili limnei-d
do a siiliurlimi i.dl.-e stall'Ui.
-Wbi-re'* luj Jlmr' ale- sb-maiided.
“He* uanbm, iiunlam dug. I preaunier- ealit 1l»- mIUot.
-Ihrti-I piMi'ihiiv tl. pmonn- niuhing
of tm- kind.'- t|»- lnd>. -Itoe.
ludis-d; So. ulr, liiisleiiHl-inr bna.
lli^s'udMlng. dlsap|s-arnl. decauii"-d—“.
“Veu don'l aar •■'T"
“HM^ni bar.- vm tot'
doh- )vm alt Ihitv nml flnilp
a r*h-i
................................ tie- lawful
.•i«in pen. *1
air. |Vi
wife t.f
I II P-i«in
pea li-nr tliat 7 m Misirt j tia! W
mp hiisliaiidV

a srrater varlMp <
them Ibao (hr oM tiiar dre trw^ ba* i
tar Bon- eitlwralr eenipmrat at roaoH
M rU ooe >.<1 .ad snidbee tor a*e fe
UUtr makiac to ab tor** *p|di—........... id urir tbtoa. ate totos sddto all
the tisre.
On oo<- <if Ihe Cblracn trorti there
2 laddei*.
to* lig^ t «f them „ ____
. I*d,t-r that eaa be r*i**J
> Udiet i> ojf Ihe Lied lUt ni**d
D lb* irork. to
Ui f.M b ■eiwred.
.1.1I (I
(be »-oh*Blr*l
' a((»ebed (nil. r>

a Jnni-ir eiTeodun, wl.i.4.
there ■< ne.a>l-o to carTp a l*ild--r iod.le
■herelbr •toinref. migl
U imp-

axes, i.-u er-isbars an.l leo i-l.-k-.. banmer li-adist na .-u>- side and |-i,k |s.ioi<-d
on tbe .nbi-r. whl.h an- u-s-l f-r piel
bvli^ tbronsh wall, t- p-t ici,i an
j-iuloc Iniildinr. Th.-n- ere two ila
ten. k-oe ksii-tli.I lu|d.'UR-uls fur ^
ting b-le. in ibe lio n..f. «,.l
apibeiin. Then-an-tail
ers, Inio bell* altsetod t-> a leiii;
ronl. A man -a Ike r>.,r the.*
Iniii Ull over lb.- wire m l-n-ak tin___


twvnlng to Bwia abottU be a £art al
*vrrpwua*B*«lBc*Uo«L itlaapalal
no far toat ha* been too »Deb
ed. arrardiac to a wrtter'-STTw i.a■Ura- nArtd. who giv.w to* fuUowlag
Itoer.wn w*ar a Uf* m**x rrmThOe
■ Irwralne. an h i>erv-u*ta aiH>n-(w-iaton
i la BvokVsl Tbe ktwtvledg.- Uiat uo*

law t acer aad BaeLet.

WlJh-cr liaoipe.w flti.d np to«ui,pocket* and n-od,I.xl ro^lMd* ar>now alui.tot atl.willj..r t.t the .
aoior. droeala. to,-.- '(>It^ olinjit.'BUig
tube avd all (tu- Uii--!il U'l-oalllge vf a
UativV »-ar.lrol*-.. Tto- toimi.s' maj be
ten in il> nanroi eliadi-. l-m 1* ovoall}
lialiilid with .rrani al>i;e '.-i<aiu--l
oo th.- m-uiiil. •** raiw- lhi> Udder, ex- paint l-tb liieldc and ouL with riticbe*
(eadej aud lu
fur ole. to 36 *ec- of eili ato'Ot tto- -det-*. I! I* n«u»ll
oade. neeideeih-tol t..e-xt.««iun (b^ Used w ito a abode ut ldu>- or ptok IDU carried un tbh (nek a S<i l-M enearhki 1. uLoo
(he truck wlieo

lepi.-... r-JJ.T un Li. .1, ____ _________________
BeeMe. the tbter exteiuLiu ladden-JeMTiUd. lii.rv are c« Ihh tra.L two yf...l laJ.l,-tc. ..o.- 23 tort,
f.M a
111 f..c* U.ld.r, aiel four Id f.«« walto.Merr Uf the kit>4 ivib irl.Mb tireeliiul- tor fmat vf a ita
bavinc eaeb > iiiicL- >hart ,d nod. a
niiu; iliniiudi it tt-le.I.I.m
le.|.|,« bp
b-;u; l.-aLlil..- Im.A *1
ud-e M tbi; ahatl. which i.
iLruuxh a wiuduw lu ri«t up-n
Tier.- an- larrinl
1I-.1 -.a
->0 the tru.k
f"ur ..alii.i: ' '
c ll-J

Ooe* aww* toe whit* pettkaat,'
aeetlaltp femtalB* sitd d. aa. dlapUptog It* anowp
c«ef*ctlooa of Bne*t ranstln. lore and


j tbe timid pupil, .kri.-tli.-t gix.l war If
to bat* an asshtoni dr drre.(..r who
alu 111 a IxMi ew s-u ilir rod .-f a tiwingbvard I r raft lnsMiug a |*d.-. tb.- sdber
.•-nd U U-c altarbfvl
a Itu.-1., a siuuL
Iwied to-t: ars-onii the . br*l. \Vb.-(V
1. row,her o Ilf.- p-.-py.-r m
at Ih- .Dd. -f a pole Jb.-;l
, Its- nxitowia uf
ami PM.-I1.,-. Le.-|.:t.g la
**w pgmcigaTw
igu-r. •« that wbeii tir.xl lb*
nirtirrditrrto*. Tl..--|.-(il.-M*t in gebert^ '
s- tvgniiHsl Wllill-tX-SIlKS
take* .Ml new impurlamv- tbI* M-asoii. I '
and its .4.slss-ai,-.ii» t»-qulri- aliieist a*
mu.-Hh.mi;bt .i-.h.lU-.-f«!

-If P.>'l--!hi'ets.w.-r.l.


fi-te.- ivilh win,!, tl.,
-L. ILe
til.- lu,T„is ar>0s.xsi:.i
mnw^nitl a.-i-l s«ex4 I.

l—ly pr.i-araf-uv- f^ran.ill

itng It is alm-M tni>e«|.
: 14i- t- l ...g. ri,- i-,.s- .-mirol} .-m .4 ili,I wal.t ,i>,iilt1,.
r.4t,„.| .-ris-M

dia silk. The' i.


rwF***i Htolau
ral’ small


!""■ -‘i -i
If IJe- Iimge: are
is 0 I -d-lt ..f Ii-tu ■ “'•ll ■''' ■'
l.-nimii.e tm-'.tw.i..11,1 imiil I.ei,' I-r IW-I
a.-xii 1.,.e,-..-B,.ili t
h. 11 III.-pie may Isa shirt .if
..f i*»i--n-f Bi',1 tiu- IniiBs a'gohi Is-.
pl-gile. st-.-l a,.»to .,f ■ ,r,- fv-i.-w mg tie -v-rfl.m.
Tl,.- t-sr V a.v-t- p..s.ti„. «n,-r im.
plljlle .4- i h.-.i-.l, . <ll,el a I
iisiuilly cm bttlI .ibrf. lrUlhS gl-i-s. -itai. sall.o I
l,mr. w 1,,-nitwly .'.,-r.'-. W n.le
xl.-r l« waist ibw]i

aiss.nliiig to V-u<

aroin-1 th- s
tot lu.l.llhg I
aafi-l) plus.

1 Is- wi.m ..

llisl.le ..f (h>- .>■!
mol i- al— protOd-d
w ith ns-k.-i., '1 Is-u- w ,11 Is- f,.und ij-w.riL suu-Ls. .-luLn<-k»ar.l ssiiir xii-l ... I.1 -ul the fiil liuv hil's.
•ke Bli-I vi-tiliuie <L.- Inlil.lioc. Tn- hrol'l.-nsl uaek. and -Ih-i .lalnty Uder tin- la.ldef.
opiiB which
IVill.iw liAs*ln.-ta are fnsiu,-nilj-usisl
thi'i* is line b-i
Whildl. (7
Lrnns of tvihl.m-.n e..uipluupv
voMed I,B I- tire bi~e I-f aup *to
are also a I-d >-C nci«il.-s. one of wbleh
ranis-Irlmmisl ht> fnii-ltully uiulgre
ealled tbe .li.inbul.-r. Till* b*. aii a.
quite oil unioim-iil
III.- hah'-'* 1 —
taeliuinil lb»t whirl. r.|ildlv unJ.T
sun- nf waier |ui..iiie ilindicl. It. Tbe lulieliigs. r.ii.-.||i llK-var>-fst
diuribntor i- UMsI lu e.-llar fito.. .k hnle
is ^
pih in Ib-- 6,sir,, sad the
tbe di-Jhl-ui
di-Jril-uu-r ia to Imne the l.ns- n-t .lra|.T) flint
thnixt Oin.iigb.
*.‘n.-< tor 'iniuiii.iii and iin.i.Ttkin
Iln-r .-iri-ios s-rt ,.f |u|>, rarriisl U
fpihi dreft -r Ihiw. S>ii,.-lliui-s th.- 1ut-e
Till. Is a reiber long
ke-1 .uily Is u-ssl. ami o. Ibis Is ilgjii it
Is in ii. The ivlloi
•111 a b-d.k-r siaisliui em. 1- eosllj 111..'.si al..ul fr..i.i
ruuiii tu aii-ilHT oii.l idii.s.I .-ii a Usl
gmund. Ibu- iiiaLii.c ii
g llle |.||.. lUi-I |.,illl Ul differ..•e.-hnirs, a. .I'-sIr-sl
direel. ...
Ils. The
-.. ls-l„|. in lb.- |,i|ie e
abb-IW Iluvw ii
•id not Is- rex
•1 kuig mmugb

I.aivsi Waetal OTriabl**.
w mi-r t'.lng will Is- lie- (ask ..f till- s-as.4.. TIu- Ilm-x i-f
-liais-nsms.- im- |.. Is- iih-n- Mei.dlj-

oup1s-l> fr-m a l-iiil-ting af- a |xt
J lower hiiuM-K. Thi-re ar,- iw.i
ciiu. ibxi will iliMw a slug will
I liii'- alia-bisl .-Uai fivt .............
-ling. XI jiiin|-ii,e i„-i. iw„ sm,..
k> SU.1 slgnol Hoc- wud hsl Ixiii. in.
to (lag Irelus -n ih- rb->pi..I raileo-L
p-iw -lUer. I1S.-S tb-r.- an- two while
huaps.-.-Jib-eg.. t„i.-r (K-,-an.

-nlly stil-lusl |og.<l,.r
ivliig l.swi jrtvvl..ii-.l>

The Specialist. ' , ' . |-j
en I,-K I-Mill,IIS AT

Mlm- I ...
■•I-L-it ,
is.0i.1.s. e

Jf.v lady wiH. Is «|u-mlliie Ib- sumni-r I
I th- .s.iiiilr}- miM ---i-ni- ul- to i-w i.' ;
1 n r.,ulunl iw liiilin silk g-.wii. Smart )

Ii(..- i.,



dulg.srm 111 till- lempurary stil-nrliaii-1'
liriiil.v urtai-lsHl .
I.r.-ltp sll|. f.
pUl"W Is mild.- fi
hai,.tl..-ixlil,-f> .If

li lo.w m.snt yeofsr
•lilrtt I,..- S..,,,^ a. tlral*' .-v.-talo-.J Ml.

1' i-arrlige

s.ti.l'Mf. Ul
..iir l.rl.1;d I.

Stu b nun SB family phyaicUss fall
i..-l|i, soil imKMiuiir* iarural4a«n
ilariy BiiUrilml, ni|ir(-ia]ly UngS
'uti-nhxsxl wilb slroiig mlncfsl drags

-l.'IRng ..f til.
t" n

nii.l iiuint ili

It ^ill pay yr.u to inveHli-ati-'

After s rnr*/nl inv.-idii.'alinn w.- ftniDil Mii. d.-i«Miiii-iil .-o-

«hI In i-i<M* oiil liii- i-iitir.- BbH-k ailli-.iif d.-lay, la-luu foat.



.- fSiiif.-denirT. bria

tlie V.
>••0 call me vnnr dear
dangb,____ ,.............
Jen think tlial I eoiue tor of 1
I- .-noiJjrij/lo »s- Iesiilt,-fl7 I tell >nn rov bna- lualanti
a Isxik
bWtl liae .l-s-anipi-U, ami piiti eli'tliene <m 4lie -l-nflileu of ilapplDesa" li
ll^e a danimp. What do piiu think of
win- dlwasnsw ontlrHp with Ib
af her fatb.-t_^________
"W*H. tnadam." roepunded th* yw
lit* Inepertnr. "I lutKei-T tbe ph-asnr*
Tbent la aa epldemlr amnog ,.
rfOf ho*l«ad-. aixmaliilanev. Imt
laltoa aa6 ProDob ailkwons*. Tbep
r*ftme to aat and ar* dplsg bp aprlafl*
as tbolr MlboRP IwTOA


Iiax* divi<l<-d til* Btook inlu Ini* no.) prirml llii-iu ax rulIuWK;

rl-lT «f LTilrov
rqo)iii»«1 ai
onnso,! to SI
Well dlsm.-i
rirtalr.1 display of eiiljerp a

rX)T 1. Idulia*' amllTiiidr.-n't Tfimwed ilals. rminint;
ill prim-up luEl .'al, r.xlum-d .........................................


1.01 -J
l-ndi.-.' aii.l,‘# Trimim-d^li*t*.rui.Dihg
m pri.'.' up to
-J-\ rwliic-.t| in'.............................................


u. Lsiliea'still
LotlieB'still I'liildreirx
niil(]r.-N‘x Trimiui-d.Halx,
Trimiui-d HbIx. nuiuiiiL'
r.sTmvwl to.....................................................
0 piic-e up tl. $
Ijulii-xami <I'liililn-n
* Triminml
Triimnixl Hsia.
HsIa. tunning
.ft prir* up t.i
nsliu-ml lu............ ...................................
81 76
I/iT fi
Ia«I W and « liililr. i.-B Tritnm«l Hat., rminii.g
ill prim- up tu f I.Uk miiired tu..
Lailie*- and n,ildr.-n‘B Trin iii-il Unix, rubiiing
prit-f* up b.
('• f
VI1 .Vi,
-V), rrdiiuexi
rrdiioxl tu.'.......................88-60
All rnturn Flats, ruuDiiic in priifi op tu6)2, r«ltimsl to 88-60
A'liildren'* and txsdji-*'Snilnre, ranniiiit in prirt-up in 'Pi.-ro are also LiiU..

Loilin*' ^ilun aiid'M'a1kii>b iUln. tunning iu pri-j- up tu


iitl .Miaotw' TriBoi*^* SsiiutAnud Waking iUts,

In foriiil.l^le row* ra rtiber aid*
Tlie other creoSoc*
naiden oi hce .flrwt
• b.w anpp
growing in-pb'ld her
1 Intciidisl^st
tbepAetmnld he nw.1. bat notl.loe In
her eiperioDo* bad taught her wl.lrti
wa* Ibe right end of the r«w to mrt
In with
.Fiaallp, In dwpalr. abe
BDOgbi b*4p fram b*r next-door aelgh-

pMiM-W to* BSabfffaff oMBOts. -4a
■ BrtwwtBrlsr


Ix-’i'g drestexl deily f»r dineaiM Utsl '
Ibi-y ilu nut lure,

while n few dft^

uf iDitlirine dirretnl to ttaeotst of tb*
penuoneul cure in f fetj- abort Urns.
C.xxl liealtb is tbe mu*l preckm* JbWel iu our rmwn uf lurn'in''^


tbe wurlil iflirigbt.wiatoolii, nlBCiy.
It yon ST# a

■uifi-ri-r x-uu abauld weigh well tlww
wunU; A iierMw wbu oeglecU U*
Ixwltb ix guilty of s grant wrooii to
biiuxelf anil a grave injury to ‘

of ou

W»ITPipO>r*.i M to r.-dii,'- sl-x-k .Eiii. kiy aii-rmuk.- ti.'Mii f.

I'arry uver «ny iiiilliii.-rj for an..tlii4 w. aiuin-w.- liij.

niatot*e*sl*d A«r*ttoa.
sfrsl.l. IMwanl. J-<i’r. tuarrpisg
me wul> I.. .IIS,- I'l,- rr.-iii nr
Bert- lisi.i-x.i ,-r,.w.,2.“
niaiH-li-. how ran r,.ii thiak
toarVr ui-7
. ...........
Bel I w.iuM ninrrp pmi. n.i msiti* from
-lerni >mi tato-Hted tbe niuarpr-Dtt

ns-tlv bL b tlUuii- wiluuul sekiug any

elalm* ua fnr b>T ow|^

lirvly mi.rato-'kisi. Bii.l Ha our riik-liae nUaya lx—n. aeri-i to
•■hlldn-iiU. .-|,liig

Ill- i. WU familUr wlUi lbs

nil .Im-awk of tbe mind or biidy COT.

djix-axc. wuulil pivr apotaly rollcf, sad



Hr. McDonald esn

liaveWii dnsT hy bim wbeaOlbeK'

In nl tih-ir |.»n. nt -•m-,-

rnll urrtvnlK.

clnii lH hlaiatieiila tie- way to bi«Hb

I tiuiimb xyxtoio that be I* able to nsd

liiirmt: iKis wal.- w« Bscrific* tbe pricM on
I Mil,.-. 1-1-;,el„:

tl. (ho caine nf tbe (1mm sad fa. '

. fHiJisI.

r Gain, tin- Railr.).nl CorapanyV Los
lUiiii will, ..................

lie |ixya sttraUoo

liaiulwriliugof gnb-ful psUenta «ko

H |,ln,-Ml I

Hr M.-lk>aaM wans.

U tbi- pimxil nimlii iiH-x (nun tbe Tag. ‘
-laiili- kiaptuiu!

xlxiw buixlnxls (if toalimoolBl* In ths

We place Ihtm oc sale for

A.tli.-pr..| shi- Is-eni,sl wilh pride.
(fai-p with amus.-iir.sil.

;nml |..|s..i,..

^ainl bniiplmwa.

Ladies' Tailor Made Suits i Skirts
Ladies’ and Misses' Jackets

si,.- is-i'li-'l. "Keep ty*r.k
i-P'lw tixdil on lUI »"■ .swi*-* m iteennier l«n bi.AisTitiii- SI
eb* lie, ole p-.1.ifliei- urns] ll-r Is-. .
U-.I t- y,.' l,-r no, pi-iTl gw ligbi tu


till lumiiral tnwttnrDt fur tbeir CWK

Tito stc«-l ua* .'.uii|xiw^ ,.f

Tw.i l.iey.-li.i, g.assiiis llinmgb s small
.awn .0. till- Isixiid xher,
ta take Ibe train fn-ni ItH-re Imui.-. Ik-iug
liliar wilh tl.e jda.-e, lliey sti-i.i-d
liiirv'er a <-l„n-d wi.uiau (be w op

Hr. Mi'IkdaU ba* for years nods
a nod »|Hx-ialit uf cfanmic sad
liug.-nug itiki-aM-* tbal m|ui(a> sUll.


IVbi-11 sli.- liine.l luirk Ti
K-flli-d. bi-r |ir.>n<1 Virgitda
ifaernui.. fiw-aslulb.
depanmeui.-' -.-^rw Ork-ans Tim

'auihrMc-. Uaaa. r
,.*V tl" hiif IIm buns.- «f Jami-e
-U Is-Well for n fn-v librarp.
Ml**.*• le s.->.*al of his
III .|ir..l».U) n-rln- ii{
-.-•s-iit u-ru. Ill- ba*
a |*P'



• tes, Ii.,

hah skirt f.,1- tb- Mil. -f n .1=.. -r !

and. rmiulnc nv.-r (lie I—'k |sic- l,y i-aci-.
abe Ul la-l eiii'1'iiiier.-d tbe enirj .lie
a* nfiiT. •'Paoilly tns-. I.ianisl 1-) .Mrs..

•w-Hron **...... .. Im. r'-Hvliis| an Inmotarp
fri-tti Ihr l-ulier-Hj' nf fraiww.


Thursday Eve., July 19


Damaged By Water!

.anting ih- inaiiet
■Jtlr.! ntllie *iart, ll..w mu-li « dl yw
ehxi'ger-- \>W Yi.ik Mall and Kvpn-ee.


Monday, July 16,
-r. it,.-11 wi.bhiig J-.iin..-},

wid.-mm. i.d.i.s.
.\ go-l siigi-.-sCi.,
Ibe Allxuix .-»i...ili,.n iu INWtb.-ta
hrokl.-risl III
.SUM,-. Ir-.m i'rams-. WI..-1.- ii i. pn
U '>-iD.SIl's |,l|ll,llllg" ,01 |I»
b sprig, -r 1
Is.MsI i.i liii|>.~- n.b<-avj' lax u|mu a
gn-uuds, and il„- ............ .
iu .buixe
the ei-ntiT of II,
mad.- a s<n.iu: i-E->n lu -s-ure e di Si"
u.l l.imdl;.-rbi-d exbibil lr-,ui oil imHs .,f ll„- 1
,s I., .ii.r,xl i-u.I uiiiiw;e-i.,b-tii-r« wee
si I" ......... .
wimieii a.Liiix
aenmliig ilm-ly ami .slg,- il,.- four, s-b-s
Id aiDihiiig rliai w.,iibl I.wh- rigeui.u d w
. ill !!i.-bDl'-lel 11- ’
T ef 11,1- ..Id
pli.lld i.f Ii>r .l. ~ssi1, il
thol 111'- fniiii-sl i-j-. „f
»i>ia,l. Is- an inieresilne
as o-s-onlluglp
.‘^■ t.-nii IrmiU uf,-*' iii.,1. mi-..-, wollle.;.,
loii.-r I-Ii Ibi.' ladp Tidli-d the e>is,siil„[i.
in-il 1.1 Tli.-iiip-iiivili* fur n wil.-. w.s-k
ad, <-r—, me- ..f ihe lin.i ililin.-' .li­
til.^ Hu- <l*|Nii
re say. xlie w».
and WIT* m..r.- cr l-au tlaniHAsi Jiy n
n- wus

lm|, *'| shall
'hargi-4 ■
“1 *,*.*• toti-rrvfiled th* lilifv>'. “that

Dr. Donald McDonald, f]

galiie.1 w ,!.l- —11
nrnrlv p-.t-dn-s ihBod ttp |..‘sv'hw as
hwmliig ait,-iiipi (

ii,-Lm s-.c~..f ,--li..-t wo'ldiiie
- perfaUe bn- r-.--ais-. ms- end
w-bieh <W1. Is- 1,IIS.-L..| in a wio.|..w


. llwT'to^Ts* I

ir- h'.'f Liii.s| sitV frills, j

k. wtlieb


.Free ,

W-,.1.-tdgB-. SllJ*-U W
. eui in DwitHl.j tal~ m.-r-i

ui-'l the J,i-h..' hi, ii-.ishig in nun.b.-r -i
urdtm- ts,,-L I-I 11- tost tw.1 iwf. i
. m.s-1 fine -is tm- »ijnIt |.o.-;l.|- tor print .-r wash falv
- "Ill' ........... tl,.-r Cll.v tbe ,b.-lgbt
-Ul-rhii..ii, ls-iug-.sK«i..s.-d ..f rhe
St Uw.i .slfi.l nP! a d.s-p Ja.s-

brloAne OU., Baal*______ _____
aoeaap aert: ear**aar* Ihraa
oatarrh. aatbma: saw tolH. ,,

Ixiitliea' Slid ...
opI.vttOH.s. ....................................................................... ...................
Triinni.xl Hailors. inrliidiDK »b* beMbHp to 82:u0. r.-doei-d
Choiif of sny Untriotnicd absp.' in ibi-botu*. upto

Vo show a *i-w line of Ixailim' F*-It ygilTHm in sll the i
-• ill psy you tl

The Boston Store

W.-11 knuwu B|wi'uU*l tat t
diratiu- uid lingt-migdiirweca bbs os.
................................... io tbrtoous-'
BBila of ixiiiHw Wliiefa bb ekiU snd
trumb-rfiil n-uertles luv* mad* happy
reaUirmg ileor nnea to brallb sftar
II Ixqxw wi-n
grwduab- uf tlx- blgbral sod best ■
a-al uilbih-a. end bi* ailvanmd tluar.
bb ill tin- iR-auuenl nf efarusl^ dim
nuaxi «jn>rise Uto inost skepUtaL Alt
rhrutiic dixosoea of tbe

. BAR,
aad UUWKLM, '
aclrsUflcsIly and BooesBBfuUy UsatM
IN. MeDonakl ha* toads a apaelal
study uf si: dlBBsiB* of tb* UsJii sa^
iH-rYuOi lyttoto. BUd ell tfaUrato era
obwnire dlaesaes peculiar to WCtolU.
Dr. UcHoosId * 8p*cial IfaMdi*#
SR s pemammi cure for toes as6•^

ilytic (Tipples made to walk; eatants)
destneoi {nSiUip-ly cured sod tossy
made to tktor a whisjer fa s my few
ninntea. All acbes and paisa fads
sway nader bli Bagtral reoedito. Bp>p*y or falling aickaa» poMUfsIy
cured Utfoagb bin paw toetbod at
tresuneot, Special sttWBtien ftt«
to oturrb snd diaes«M of tbe btod.
Tboto iUmbfaWesU. wrttofsr^Mm UosUssk. HuidredtcatodthfiiHh




M sn«MBMs*t rmtssaMsk.


■awAbuatrrMTnU- .
Ih. ii»l U«» ta lu
M MiM. Um DMiwwik ptoUo»»

tkaHiU^ wait •blah ban

aVl*^*'ThtorillortW^aKJ* Ur.

WiM tkk wws-Mt l»-tc-l plaak:
W* nrnmrm


laeliea.bBt oa thaelbtr haad bepoaa.Id amy qaalifteaUea for aay paUto olftoa to whtab ba say ha callad.
OfsUet maty prmatad tba aam el
B«. A. B Darrach. i. S. MeCtoll MakiDCaa

“urilith#‘M)oritf atrahaafreaa ito
atapar, Iba daaoaralle pany trtU «nlk eaUUidloaba beaer el r
tba dtotrlet la cieticrna
«e Jeha MaaweU <
maty pnatatad la
Claraaih Dtotmt Ooarraatleiiil
bat toraafal addnat tba eai
MCioe-ekieklaal airht at b
eu B. Oedte.
bad beta Ukaa ia the Bapehllcaa
HoatoalB waa pamd.

will n—- r-^ ’—’ *****

bBaowefOraadBapMi wID ar(lntatbaaltyM.ltbA
Hr. aad Mn. Tbanaa Yaaw at HaTUra eoaBly—0. ■ Altnrd. W. & pla City wan at tb^WhlUac y-»w
llaee. 8 C. kMbrtda. Oare.
Jdamu eoaaiy-a. B. BMf. ^
W. i. BbUUday e( Laka Aaa la
rSfi. l‘B.«to?Bir*Bapld.; 8. u la tba city.
WUlato, Baaraa; A. e. Bm “-------—
A. J. DaVrta ot WlUtambafr waa
laabalU maty—P. f- 1
bertJebam.J. W. Haaaa,

McaUacauarMyA. F. BaeUac
wau. 0- U BardlBt. H. 1- Eaaa. F L.
Eaalar. Bt. Ptoaaaal; ff. J. .Jebam. ot Bwpire to la tba elty.
B-BBacbn aadOao. W. boacof
^Ora?Jot'mat/-J. V- BeOall. K. 8.
•arto, H L. tVeed. P. D PetUtu Itha- it Leala. ate la tba cdly aitaadlac the

BtM; U Bywtotar._gaad Ottyj,
Baatdalay. BrartsA. B UaraHa.r'
D. B- Barrio. TartlB.

eripUaaet«Mater HUlIkaa'a
tal wear aad rtataa to tba m
Uaa that ba waa a aua afalaat wl


Mootci‘«'eooaty-W. B. Srad^i
GrcesyUlr; B 8. Wa«ar. EdBOrai P. J.
dliapeOB. Bix l^bea: C. V. Preaeb. ^
View; A. L Baoito. Oaraoa City; Fnd

leaal oaonDUoa with ao preapcet

. Wladaor.of
ha pari of the nr
attoh firiBly u oflillaaH. Oallarhaa. Hawaaadalo•U or o*MMl «K ftV etkw MtkpB.
aW. B qaaet aad oaracat la bit ipieob la
tbalr lirtrltoa, Uanlen. whoa
«M Mjwitj of thteoTuUeadld Bradlerel UoeiealmBOnd toadjoara
which eldraace ot dlelloa waa »la.
Mt •*•» »kt». b«» >*'■ 8fT“ “• aaUI » o'clock tbit Boralar that
Clad with aparklloc b<
aammmi tlikl U It •«• Mt lM«rl«d la
waa readily acceded to.
ibaeUlnot Hr.
r. Cellacbaa.
IbaplaUanB ka arould aot aeaipl tba
Pke eoareotioe waa called to erd.
■ rr--—-' MMlaatlea. aad at hit
FM o'clock yeeUrdayalteraeoB
dBlccdlBaateliba eonplexioe of tbe
wflltna Uwth«WM aabalp (orlt.
8letebcnr-t Oraod Opera Hoeac. »»j em ballet, aad tbe predletlon waa
aadwlktfanrwUI ha«lo|»dowB
Jodra c. L. Bailey ol '
Bade that it Heelek did aei c*t tbe
aadateleeth* (rm aUtar I tea KicTcolh Dtotrlet eoa*na
the tret
«d«Dar7tanaco. .
lottbe eooleet woald be leec.dTewi
a attraetlnly trl»»ad
Tbto atedletlOB wae nrltted. bat
tboee who care Meeick tree tc ;
« .at ao-laalad hj
DO tbe Bret ballot auda a alicbl
portrait of PrerldeBt HcKlalaj-. drapad
a atplt
wUb a Urra Ataarlcaa Bar. tFraaloat
aad Aalal r StaneaM ot □Maelt
to the epealaf ot the leeilnn Prof. C.
flaaa aaaoad plaea oa tba Ueket.
to-Horat'i orcbeetra eotertaloed with
Bi.ninta ooaU aadona Ut IH>palta
Uabat at *at aa Hr. Brjaa -»* aoa aareral Iniplrlor mailcal eelcellooe.
aanad. hat mid tot qalla re to tb< wbicb tonaad a Bttlar prellBlsary to
l^rth at Ua .bola Uakat aad uk
Hr. Toitaa. It to aaural that Hf
IMna-t fnaada. aapaeiallr iba a«
aallad aUw BaMbllm*. did aot

a datamiaatlae oi


the preeaadlori to follow.
JadfC Bailey deeoted BO Ume tc rtnarka. bet after loroally ealller tba
to order called A H. Ba«la
loiytopreaidcaa Us-

The pocary abairaaa.
Hr. Beale cere a atlrrlac addreaa la
whWh be paid a brllliaBl trlbcU to
PbtldBBt.MsKlBley aad tbe BapabllhHeae Iba eoanatloa; Be eoatrolled caa adalslatratlOB. and ralarred elo.
Urtar^mad tbaaOBTaatlaa. aad dlc- qaeally to wbat baa been at
«bM tba pUUera. Hr Bunam to by ,Ue party aieee it ease
aa oU-Um deHoenA aa abla maa aad aaarlyfoaryearaaao. Btorefenneeto
a cntlanaa. Bt to aei eapcetolly ua bleb parpcaaaad creel eze
Mr. Tewae woald paweraolHcKlalbyaad hie noi
lb to tbe ilekel. bet lac darstioo to tbe lofty prlaelplea ot
_ . j. Tawaa-a paiaoatl faqaaat.

raralltto ban act pat fellj ariead

aptrtlofpevrieltom wee IquotlBed aa
the addi:eu proceeded.
At the elate of tbe addrm of Hr. B«.
Tbeplatlora rolutalai aad affirau
tbaoUta to I plaak ol itMaadda- oito A. B. Cocfer of Neeoeu cooaty
. cboaeo leBporery eeereUry.
cri--------axpaMloa. or •laperialtoai.'WtbaDeneen lepot It tbe PbUlpplae
■^PwtoBka I aad aboet erary ether aad recalar order c
paUay of the
U ttoDwaoeti

. r^ ol to aioBlea'ukea I

Tba caMpalcB wUl ba. aa waa tba
Hprrto waa added tolbeqaeuof
Iwtaetoaa eoe. Tbe panoDal ebar«t«p ot HcElaley. Boaeacelt Pryao ofileen aa aaaUlaat aeeretary.
aad FtoraaeBB art bemad mproaeb.
Tbe report ot Ibe eonmlttee ec
TbaeampaicBwiU beboebtoa lien IklWbroBcbtoatao ontborat of ep.
OffaUtopoltoyaadprlBelpla. Aa waa
tbala«ae wUl tbto napaica be.aa
alcM. Tbaimlteaai
aaelfbol by tbe admiatotrallei
PmldaetHcKlDleyaad cordially i
Sea lhe.naos>Balloo el McKlalpy
Partaetly LetBoal.
applMd the aelteUea of ]-Ibddy"
Beaaenlt aadbe ylee
, tbo-rca^atloLt the
twsabd htooi ra reMlTBd hla. Froa _____
mrypoiat of
Toalloa pathnatoatleally eodotacd the
tba Bra. WtUlaa daaa^ ^yaa la irtadpleceet forth Id tbe BepeblietB
aaUoaal platform adopled le PhUadelTbe fna aid aaUaltad eaaaca ot ^1
aad eooeladm wiU> a call to all
paattbanUoof leuiwttbeoi wait
laf te tba aU a eoMoat of aoy oihei lerUM
for the apbeldlBc
■alba a* earth waa feaed tUS aad the BatlCD.
Tbe adoptloa
mU la the HofUba aaowa fear yean
atuadedby aa aaUiimlnaUc
Maathaitbe BaL •Ullaa J. Bry
aa baaToaa aboat preaeUac tba rtaar
Maktomabd tbaUfeol tbto laaalaau

did Dotebaace. bat Ibe aama eotc wi
eeal with peralaleat receUrity. Tb
dmelicbt break waa made oa Ibe 111
ballot wtaeooBeelHeel.rk‘aeoiea Iroi
Heaualmeoaoty wenttoDodda Proi
tbto moment all •
HoBlealm. bet wbU
iacol a you from lleBiek u Doddi O'
mloaally and oaee la a while obd
Oarracb. iBqre waa bo chance tbi
mold warraotapndlelloD Id fatorof
either eaodldatoaa to the altlmiurp.
talu lathe mboaeol Mmiek'a.Montweat U Darrach aod tuyed
ia ea tbe inh. bet waal btek to Dodda
Id tbe 1Mb.
There waa a eocceatloe of a dedelu
roak la tbe 16ib wba foar
eban'a voue f-om Oaceola went orer to
bet there ware ao further deaortloaa from the ol
tba ITib the whole Bee from Oeeeela
went oyertaDaddaaad remained there

Meed tbe ae lUmeeU ot the eoa.
mtloB Boae the

The' Aweaty mlBBl
drawn out lo aboet aa beer o.lnc ton
mtaatlatbe Boaeommoe delrcati<
Two dalecataa aama to reprmat tl
TCUDly. wbUe It waa eatlUed
belooe. The delepaUh
Ward aad iamn Walaoo. A aplrtti
aeaaloa el tbe eo^itlee oi
HalMtoted ihatftmAtl beao. for be
bdd to leUle the' -maUer aad
Mmaalf badaaldltaad thaetbeaDbc- Anally a majarltybt tbe eemmltue deUa>lw wilt^ eqrfac. tOa thoa aayaat elded iBlaTorml
aa be waa U
Aral dbljcate eboaeAnito waa eo
•pBryaabHacaUnraaid allnr Bry- aldeted a Tletory lor Heaiek aa Ward
n aad Bryaa bela4
■BOBeporUralUie concimiBa
Tbto waa erldeoeed tolly later oo
at each call ot mattoa Boaoomaad lacteal aad lonly that arraecr n*B waa roearded for Haaiek la a de■aata iboald be made for aeadlnc Bry. MmlBcd tnee. which did bet rarj is
aa tomehe hto lowly bad poliUeally rolume or dlmlDlab 1b .eaneataeaa^ur.
With tbafcparted cam be lond aad lac the eallre alzly-fire ballolA
, TheeaU of-tSBoU-a pn>Beadi
Badtotelrnma'tbe eompletioa of tbe
taeat orcanlaatioa of adwtiee of

ttiac. 'aU


Then waa a larca eamber of apeeta;
U IBH Ibe DilRiit ^baae tappertton la tbe rallery. tecladlac a
«A Hr. Bryaa aad bto 1C te 1 policy.
berofladlaa aad there wacab
THa faUowlac waa wtjtua while Iba
axpeetaaty aa tbe epU for nomlaatloBa
Xaaaaa aty mneilea waa aUll U aatbboaeped. Tbe call tor Abtrlm
rbt Jadee biley to bto fee
be made tbe moat ol tbe An ml
It Buraly aa aa ladlmtloa of tba
alloled Id the rnlet of tbe eosnsUoa.
Jadee BHley rule.
Hmlck' la earaaet tonei aad retemd to
lbeezeell«Bl record made by Heelek
At tba Gbkaco mraatiee tear yaart
darinchlatwotermt iaeoBcreaa. lay
Inc-partlqBlarutTeaa npoe tba oapport
P. VUaaed Wtoeeuilu made eztraordi- ;Clna the Bdmlala



. C.



the report the eoai
Boeoseed that there were two

W.A. Laataad wife of Ithaca, are I
F. J.La Ocarof Ra^City.waaU
Mclty laat enalac ea hto way
Oread Baplda.
Kayea at tba Ooyan. Omt
waa la tbaelly yaateiday oa baalaaor
Hr. Royte atalea that tba Clonta baa
briebt proapect UOa aetaoe aad alraady
tbe place to Ailed with pleaaaBt
Preaeealor A. P.iBaatlac ol Kmpire.
tolntbeelly loehiBConr the political
Atod. with a Tlew ot doiac a Utile mtoalooary work lor C L. DayUB. who to
nadldau tor tbe

kteeio tbe eoenatleo from Bee00 eenaty. while Ue oonaiy waa
____ enUlled to oae delento. Tbe
majority ol the committee reported lo
leror of leallDC A. W Ward, that c«eW. B. Kettle, wei
tlemaa barlay beea tbe am delecala
I le the city ob baalBeaa.
tbto reeommradatloa
G. B. CraDdal. la adymaee of S
damn WaUoe wa> eet eatIUed to a
cala. tba hypootlat. to la tba city.
On ffloUoB tbe report el tbe commitThe Mtoam Mewberry aad To
eon are ytoltiac tba Umlly ol Joba
followlBC tellere wore appomad by the ebnlr. en.-moUoo; F. W- JaekaoB Tbey areoa ihalr way uold
Blalr. Urntlol; C. P. b>eoeh. Hoat**lSe
ibea admlbUured to tbe olBeen of Ibe .
Tbe report of the commltl
itediand' uaaolmontly adopted aa lollo.i:
.-hlcao. lo
... oncratulate
le demup3s ibr r
Mace ot Be
of tnr l.*i
mtolfeai by
« of William
MeKioley, and .
hto rcBomUnlioi
priaclplm aei forth lo the plntli
adopted allhel’elladelphtoeoanBl
, Wealat rejoice -In end apBlnod
aclioe of osr nationel conrenUoa. —

tor Ibe balaece ol the eaaelon.
' la Ue leib then waa asottaer IndleaUOB of a ebaace when oae of Abn Hoatealmntea emlled Hilllkea'e eonat I
elz. but that proeed lo be a lalne alari
aa tbe you ebUud baek acala eooa aftarwarda. althoncb in tbeeroBiac HilUkaa cot tbe eztra you on aaeUer oeeaalon.
The additlOB ol the Uuoola deloceloa to Dodda' elranctb made It appear
wry favarably for tbe Itabella eandidaU. bet bto rbu aUeraated from I? to
*0 aad beck doriac Abe eallre eyeoic
kept abIfllBC from Heelek
Dodde BDd vtoe yorea. with no pocalble
■bo. for a ebaace .
After tbe *sib ballot lion. Perry
Haaaab moved aa adjoarsnuat jreul
p. m. .hlen prevailed.
llyne believed by aome of the
.CarenthavafUreapper there
be a chance io tbe ■
red that there irae
halloUac eooa ebo.i
little U any eb< . lor a BOminatlon laal
alcbt. ao. .bai alter the osib ballet a
_______________ la to.adjoarn uUI w o'­
clock Ula moralBC U promptly proyalled. Tbe laet ballot cave Heaiek
»s. Dodda. *0; Daiiacb. 1*. Mlllikeo. 5.
Atleraappm-tbePark Place iraUtac
mm aad parlma .ere dUed with dele,
elee and there were eeveral con
fereaeaB but ap It .
ae ont.ard aicim^
lOB to benak the deadlock.
to order
Tbe eoaraalloamacalled
eoaraalloa waa call)
at -JiUbyJadeeC. U BaUey. of Mao............................B
ol the eoncimmanl

been fmrlm. aod Uitbfn'.—tbe be-- -‘
itoB Joan bill. "Teddy" Booeenll.
l-ledclBK loyal a
leaden. HeEloley
t eominee Ot tbto
.111 atradfaaUr eiaod by
carrylDConi of tbe poll-

Many lin«s of (p>ods in our store are badly broken, vhkb h the result of tbe
bis business done before the jth. Our experience has
h Uught
us that there
is but one way to dispose of odds and ends,
Jt is to put prices on same
that will move them. But
^ese prices are
ai on good, clean, up-toIt remember these
date goods:

Ladies' Shirt Waists,
nearly all sizes in this lot,
and they are worth Si.25.
$i.S0 and $1.7^. QQa
they go at......... 5701/

units’ TailDi StoB Salts
Still sell al

One Half Price.
Men's Straw H.-its; we
did not carrj' over a doz­
en straw hats (roia last,
season, conscouemlv our
stock is all fresh anil nwv.
but the lots are somewhat
broken so wc give you


Men's Shirts: a few left
out of each lot of our 7^c,
85c and $1 kind. dlQp

Linen and Crash Skirts;
wc have some sires left
of our soc Linen Skirts

Men's Pants: this a lot
of one or two (tair of a
kind and they aro worth
from S2.S0 to 1 Qfl
Sj.allgo at... X.J7U

I'reity Colored Duck- •
ing; a few pieces left over;
this is our regular izj-jc
duck, new at. pel Ckf%

Carpels and Mattings;
one piece of gooil Hemp
Two pieces Ingrain Car­
pet. regular 2.‘<c. now 10c.
Our line cSc Siraw Mat­
ting now lyc.

... 26c

Ladies' and 'Children's
Straw Hats, only one and
two of a kiryl. and every
hat has :^<-n ritiuced.
Prices wilj'surely suit you
ou these goovis.


ExtrAordlnsry cleanins up in this department. Here .we quote three lote:
u apaad aenral weaka
c Uanaat of laterloebeo. waa lo
.SuilA iiol uiaiiy of tlieee lefi, liut if .<• i-aii til }.>u you '-au
tbe city yeeterday.
AJwX ± ^...faJil.ou. $C..V». «7.t«. f7-V)ort.".W«uil for................ ..............
Nebeker retarned ye>terT /^Fp Q Mfii'eSaib;. About liflM-n in all; thiA i" H
lot. ami lire woitli
day to her home la ladtoaapolto,
XJ'-'X « «'.*.GO.r'/a>,$$l::oii.j....K’«>At...........................
a ytolt with the Mtoam Morcaa.
and Mn. L. A. Pratt ntoraed la
tbelrhome la Ana Arbor laal aicbl.
±J\J ± Q iwdly bruV'-ii. and 1.0 you u*-'l nfi|0it3.
90> i O
F. W. Peaolncioa reuraad to lolo
loebeB ymtarday attar apeedtac a day
Goo^ Lathrop of Jaekaoa to the
neat of hto mo
Utbrop. at B
‘led eon of Kewadla
laere la the elty yeeurday.
Hn. Uailaad of Berea- l*bio. erTlrrd
. Cenury oak Hook to
Arch CameroB aad taqiily .111 laaw laat alcbt from Hanniwr. where abe', llciyeau all euUcril
aw to a itol of the tnyluc
„ , -.aoe Of yaaurday for c
today ter CeaUal L^. .here Mr. baa beea ytoltiac. fora vtoit with her |< F dollar le adranre h
proyirtons and farm prodacu !■
CamoTOB aad bto brother. Al. CtmerM. aepbe. W. W Feircbildt of Suu ' d Autecriben who i
ry let. I'.fiI, .111 atoo rrcelw- tl
haye cztaatl'ye baaiaetA inureau.
•“r* ‘

8. E Blacknod aod aOB ot tulaad.
Clear I’ork
Sulen Blnycle Recorerea.
tia la tbe elty yaaurday oe bnalOear Bork par S>......................
hard 8 ilookiot baa vomr 1
Moedey cwnioc *o<oe C>'>* *bo were
8bort Out Pork..........................
• of the racee aod alee of fa
at play near the Pottto I mp'emeat Wa ■
Bbort Cit Pork per A>.............
Mre. 8barpe of Chicace. to the co«at
Flour, H I. A To llert
t at
of Mn. Ueldoa ot Edce.oad^
Bye Flour. II L A Co. teat
Peat Unod Mailer ol
' 1 o»
iD.ltbe wheel waa Irroncbt u I to the eountry u Uke farm yIe.F aa Heal. II I. A Co. But
Feed.ll.L.AOu. lUal
Uie I. O. O P. of Hleblcaa. to a Abl*;.
^e encine houee.
caUte tbe eoByeaUeo from Untlot
^^.la alur.arda laarned that It beA Huaieal Offer Dir*
Imrd pcrA>................. ........... .
lob^tn Walur Garwood, and bad I
Parker Herrlll. of 81. Loola. to promlioiur per ft Da^.................
iaeatamonc the aupportor* of A. B
returned to
Darrach for the eoacrMleaal aomlae _
To all ainren eaeloaioc ten cento' to
J. Jefford Hardy, the ancceiaful aony
Tbe Crm ef Southerd A iiandy. pro- wriur. leare Herald. Onra Bapidr. Puutom. per be..
^UperbV. .............................
Ileorce Southard relit- I
or orcan aed ynlet
wkMeal riw
of Almtar
Mra. Handy uonlinuioc the enlltled, "Tbe Boer'a Kefraiu " Tbe r<
m-vni> HztaaopTmAva
The bobae will be tboroaCB- j fr*lo



Piiiai Haunaii
Pima F- Dolin'.
B-J. Lo«ru;»'
llpder tberecnlar o^erof boelnaee
oe call of eoaaUeefor the preaeaution
I candidaua proceeded.

•sjij.ri'.u'.fif’rjs:' ■"

■eotad tbe i
E. N. Clii_______
of Hr. Heelel


- »>“■



lyrenoraud and rcbttml. It -m
lit of Fnu>TtunUAr.ltov»m
Heeick on bebal
lowfiicllerj Wheat, old. per bu...............
kept opcnail?nichi, ao that whaUrer
;ewr made
made and all lo
, ,____
Qai« county.
Dr. J. ,B Berlin left yeiUrday
“‘“''•Wheat, perlui. (uew».............
1 be eupplied .at- shrald
should uke
Uke adraUce.
1). C. I.aacfa preuBted tbe Bame
UaU. Mo. 1. per bu. <oc«>..
tead tbe 8uu Hedieal Aaeoc
Tbe ediUr ol tbe I
W, MllUkes from Grand Tear
AU. reeomp^, ^n................................
maoUac at Haeklaae.
i-outoec.perbn........... .........
McCall of linllot eeuaiy
Mlm BUial Tl
rented tba nemeol A. II. llArracb
alcbt from a eto! yrtlb Miai Herion
Jadfc John Menwll of letbelle
Pratt al Pealoa.
.(rleaaleectbe becla-|
rouQljtmaenUd the name of Praocii
. mlltor el tbe Centra!
W. II. Totua eiipported the Bomlae- ImkeToreb. came down yeeurda/ to
fire which dealreyrd the ImUonofHr. oa behalf et Rato see' wbat tbe coecreanloBaL coBeenUoa
____Swamp Boat madiclae pleat ot

Dr. Kilmer A Co.. July I. waa tba matt
dimatrout wbleb baa erer occurred lu
Bierhamotoo. Howerer, the Kilmen
u aa Isurmled •!
reaumed buainaaa next moroinc.lbourt
not at tbe old aUnd. wbleb ia a heap of
SamnellCramptea aad A. T. Bodleol
.nkee coanty.
____ yet pourinf water oe the bernlBf
Montcalm coanty waa paeeed. by «• Ballalreare at Park PlaceB. Doucberly ot Klk Rapids to lo CheaaDco atreet euUoliahmeot. toe
Kllmon were arranffinc t*> do bctlaeaa
•mn 11. Windaor preaenUd the name toe city atuadicc toe eoBeeelloa.
M«n’s ane satlts calf bals mod coogr«u BbOBA.... 98o
aosuwbere elae.MlleeM CellaUao on behaW of"iFlemiacCarrow ef Aae Arbor, i
I Indotlry mlfbt pot
da oountj.
Women'ff floe kid lacA and button sboe*:.............. 98c
moment, tbroucb tbe
ad at l*ark Plaea yaaurday po hto way
1. W. Ward
prominent Grmi and
'VomAo'a floe black and tan oxfords.....;............. 7»e
aupporUd V
to Old MlaaloB.
elllrena. toe Urc« factory and adjoinalek for Iba
Sorry Duasmon et Caatral Lake to Ipf buildlBC* OD South •.treat were
Women's sUppers and buskins.............. ...................... 26c
s^o’^'vh'eB preceded to
a tbe city.
racaUd for tbe benefit of toe Swamp
caadldaufor repreacaU
Women's Testing top kid lace sboes............ $1.60, $1.76
Boot people, and i4a>eaalon waa Uken
Hra. A. P. Gray baa retaraad from
Immedtouly. and -bFre. by Hobday.
Boy's naan calf bale, sfflld.............................................. $1.00
The flnt ballot rtaoltad aa follow.: -toil at MarlaatU. . Wia.. wtto b
July •, tola new. umporary factory
Heaiek It !>>dd>, 11: Darrach. '''' daaebUr. Mra. Mootcomary.
Tontb's satin calf bals, solid.........................................$1.00
' be turniec out Swamp Root, tbe
Frad Darldaon and wife am esitisc
,t Kidney Remedy. >□ rjnanUllec ot ^ Men's canTss bals. leather soles....................
e 15th ballot Dodda calnedi
......... 960
>a paraata of Hte-Darldaon, Hr. aad aboat 00.000 bottles per dar. aod is two
onlcelmandonlhe bal
or tone weeks' time toe loll capacity
Men's fins kid bale, new stytes...................................$2.00
..jle’e Hra. A P. Urpy. oa tbe paalaaalA
three ____a Oieeolv cetlioc Oaeeole'
of more toao Tour times that mmouot
fall fiyeoa and alter
er ithe mb
I. Wm. ^Haak weal to Ceolral will be produced. The immesae deMefl's tennU-bals'and oxfords...................60,66 and 76o
ap to the
Laka lor a etoit yealerday.
Men’s bicycU shoes..........................$1.60. $2.00 and $6.60
material ctaanre in, '
yyay be ioUrtreed wltht .MaryTraay ot Adrian to
- OBtoeoldaiu. with adiBinlnc prop­
Caaet ot Mrr. I'. 1. Cartto at MO Ig
erty wbleb baa ;sM been pnrtbaaed.
auu alreet. for a few dayawill be erected immediauiy as
I'poo reconyenio* at .:SAp
Bailey called to the ebair aa Umpoi
New 6tore-242 Front Street
ehalrmas. A. U Bemto ol Menu
m.. the bitllotipc wsi reaumed with,
Mr. Bemtoadunoaed tbe <
out taaurial chance, there beioc no camtof Hra. P. J.CarUa at 6lo 8UU
The Laeding Shoe Honse of . Horttaem Mtototgan
-leAy OB tbe toence ot tbe
atreet. aed will CO to %y View later pldtod.
mpalca aad reealw el tbe Mea^n mollono?W**H.’l^ley of for toe aaaaea.
The Qrssd Rapiaa Hcrsld
irork ot tbe Eepebileaa admlatotratloa Hooualmanadjitirnmeov ^ Uken
Sin. D. C. CtorllB of. OraaBrlUa
aad then Mked the plane
naUI the foUowinc motplac «
toreed borne ytsUrday afur a rUt Orasd Kapida
rank. It toco ilply toe beat moraine
A. B. 0(«ccr of Heeoeu
with Ht>. OarllB'a paraBIA Hr.
republican paper Hoot toe leadlBc rera. Am Bala ‘
uatheCnt ballet ihia coraiDCtbe
Mr. and Mn. J. C. Wriebt rati
Oamch ana Dodda mee combined
tbeirboma la GraoBrUla yystarday republleaB parly, combined with Iiaes______ ___ . D. Totten ol Kal Ci»itc the nomfaaU
______ Loa B. Wlaaor of OaeeeU. 8. C.
afterayut witoHn- Hrlchfa panala
- iDcrtaaiqc circslaUca—.
XlrkMdaot Clare. W. H. Fort
t^l amray^U clam, ime niscpc
anaeifflcv*. the rannUrt all oaitinc le Hr. and Mra. V. E. Balaad.
Gtaad Trnwree. aad E. 8. Bear!
Bey. and Mn. J.
Ream went
boariy eapponof iheaaeeeaofol caedi
^rM oflitrolb**
Graad Eaplda yaiurday tor a ytolt.
Tbe Herald aa a newspaper to tbor•Fred Meecb of C
after wbleb tbey will ptocaed to ihelr OBcbly op to-dau.
la addition to toe
JohaaoB Wood. I
ao. homo la Ohio.
rery yaluableacrriceoftoe Amociaud
MonUalm: T. T.-------------a. L. Oarur left yaatatday for toe Preaa.llaaUU Bewaierriee from apeF.C.Browa. OfBUotcial eemapoadeaU to becominy betur
. E
___ mlntieau-F.
WiUii--------------8UU Faaatal DIreeton'
P. Dodda.leabelU;
Graad Rapida
adeeu embmeea not only wealeru
Oraad Traymne: B. J. Imwrle. Heat
Arthur J- HlUikor ef this city, and
_____lean but the aUU capltol. Uc
HM Hay Daocherty of Haoialoo. hare
auu metropolto aad tbe naliouai eaplbeua
tol aa erell.
Xotoloc that to yoiacoo
ir Avery.
miiuw. OB . meUas ot
sacapaa toeir Fiyilant eyes.
k eaUr
reema ma taken tor to a
J. M Alcotl A Cx were ooati
Upea neoBvealac eooi
clock, tb

publtohcd la lueolumai laal week. It
OeearEaBcmae rcceiyed a mmiace
toaotanyloc too much, to tuu that
tbs raponaof toe ooayCBtioo publtobed
Admlototratioe of oatb to oSBott o aaaoBBcioc the death of hto brother
la toe Ecrald were mor* accanU and
Bamael Bemnaef Kalkaaba. Be left for
eompldU toaa were pablUbad in aay
Be port of tbe eemmltue ea era
Kalkteka Tneaday nlcht
otom aewapaper. net aseenilac any of
toe Detroit daUiea Tbe Herald to toe
"Bt" Waldricb. a clarinet player wbo
ooly aewspapm la toe suu that eo
amtoled in tbe mutk of tbe fourth, baa
toe aeor^ of ^ aq^ day of toe
ttollot eouaUee
deeided to make thto city bia homa.aad
__ _____ rd toe n
We have totd you.of our immense stoNck of Waif Paper
ef Celoael A. T.-Bltoa for .
■are here In SepUmber.
That BOaalaatiat
and now wish to calt j-our attention to'our gnat Picture
toeauu ticket was
o Are miBBiae ear
> Thunday alcbt
That wbea tbe <
Framing Department. \Ve are receiving by ^steamer
maoaaeed by U.
'^teaday edilioiH of tba Benld
Ireichi depat knosklac off a
this week a fine assortment of the newest and latest
anuMBlIy atyrsaad liuemryccma. la
erepe^ waa adopted apoa tba few brieka and eleaaiBC tbr fl aa pieely
Its TurlDOl iBBlracllye fcalsrta, iucter’styles of Mouldinj.'s;
Bring in your pictures, have
of all root________
"22 Us. lUlilaatTatlcoa. iu_____ ,_________
them framed and beautifyj-our rooms with them—h
toc.. It tocBilUed toraak ate^rtdet^
Tbe Urcwoleo, tbe
«be partld
■araeiaca. i
of lbeeoeve._.
won't cost >-ou much. “A thing of ^uty is a joy
-•maeb maker
Therepbnoltheeammlttae oe » paled in tbe lauraatioaal di« drU
neayura^ I
ef toe Daily
•adottaen whoatBawd the 8t Fran
cseecda coM chureh on the Foertb were drilebt
•Weekly Herald toe
werere^a^aaeaUtiedloel- fully enurtaieed by
men toaa r^alar' aah
1. J T. Bawaak. Caaaier of IW alia
■•day eeeaiBCtbeaeboo: ball Fridi
hast, Aa I ilFMtl^aa«rUm»IW ah
The Bcml-Wetoly has baca calalac
enmad rtrj rnplBly dartoc toe part
cS^iMal*E^^k.'Kaal J«^
KfI. ‘
*” J.T. ■aKaC.C.
Frank Wioaie.. former!
year or two, Bartieularty amow toe
** ***°" "
employ ef the Ameeima Eapreat
Urmma of toe FUto CeacrcmtoMl dtoIt
thto eily. has ntamed from CUaacn.



XV;rsrha:i‘.:u"“ -



House Cleaning Time


Picture Framing Department



ad tba AatafbM appeal U baooarelu
whoa a raaalaltomat delacau abak
Ua bad Iba Bryaa maa play* I
him tbe -Ormad YoaacMaa of
Hmj^^,n,t.Mr-ElanatbHIcblcaa Dtotrlet."
B b'. Qlnk wae qalek to aippert tbe
Heelek la behalf ot
Iz aad wbOB cure waa o
to wbat b taala to


Biaatoo; B. J. Lc.rey, Howard City:
C. B. toFlaaiboy. McBride.
maty-W. D. Totua.
l Brow. Booth Beard

W. B. I

a. Clark, peataaitar ettbalatl
of Bipreaaaiallna. to la tba idly.

. I>f. E A- Baflay. C. F.


------------- a. e-mtp wbleb will prmaUy
«k the paopU to plaea tba conrameai
H Ha baada; a party wbtob. U It alaada
Aar aaptUacr ataada tor the rqaallty of
maa. maaUe tetbemaadaw olaaie-

omlaalloa is bebatt of faia cooaty.
deeetlac a tew momeeU lo t^ work of
Heelek la WaablectBia wbleb bad
BBder bia pmabaal obaamtlea W. D
Totlaa fellewmi laur with tbe eeppori


of Ktlkaaka lor Mealek aadA B-Cer
CtrfeU.lawUae os behalf elMaemU
eouaty. Kmeommoe eama ap lalar
With lufall atnacUi of oae la fayor ot



sr.'Sis srsMaS.-

Wbea Grand Trayeree waa eallad,

IOB.D.C L^. tba vaaetab
llo Iba enbm

8. Ball, lake Olty;


wbm be aeeepud a posltkm U the of
tolhwe. BeyrlUleaecaeee U tab
wp lha Arttoa ol bJi Pmr paallhm,^

S»res n 11; Ripfs uf Tnim Cilr.

Tatars wraiw sMilr »U tk«


II foot yaebt baa )dbt .b
_ .
^cabep^el Lyaa. Maaa., artll toctara at
Uaa vUMd tb* v^Ub- Bma 1
rUarf M tk*lr dlMSWl br
Oreaifa ball oe Friday CTcatof oe tba I dturarad to Oaorpa B. Blfh et
Ladceoa Lowp Lika. Tba boat WM
th« aWM M>of«d tm im- ■bjactotai
dtor aiartlae tba road
lo.«f.tbal>MlUUeBU«M- '
aeaelatod Friday aad Mr. Blfb baa
Mr. Bdcarlyto
aplrltealtomlMaud lu eaUtof naallttoa. wbleb
. hare baac hired aed a Mr. Plml bar- Ue bctl. The boat earrte r» feat ot or Chl<mr> aanct^ to adpertotoad the
MIbE-K CteMwfU iMvatodar torbaeoeeracadto ewdlomtoUetrorh caeroaaad toabeaaty.
Batoaa aroot tor read ma
wUharwIjof (ricMk OBMCxUndtd
ebtocry. aad tboroarUy oMrenas
«Vtb«BMtvud Fox Uudi
with tbelr oae.
tatoerary atate } made of tba abore beat and
ilaaC'tba dotUi ■hpn ot lAh*
itry, The leetare will be i dellteied Haeday. at Foreit Lod(e ra­ U to tboorfat that tbe work will proIUalfU. ^TbC|»rt7 »>U MOtUot
re ecrdtolly toriled.
I tort.
Of. ». D. Aahloa. WUUas Lsodea,
,k A tiiBa—arlc toot row aad taU
atoa few wrwka. Mr. Ptoeh
iartoUah U. Tbomtt m4 U. A. Lmt
Ibaathaaotoojaatbaeo eametol^ for will protably ba employad tor abool
wcnhy. ______________
WbUa at Baaaah. Lay A Cob d
I. wbeo a local mas will take tba
maaaroBeet ot Ura work.
poor O-tlook at Capa Noata.
et Urut iDwnUmtetbar et Bct- Bv« toeplBc to Waaeel Loatear became
Plaaiant Sommer Borne
KaSB«d7«(tUa eitj, ww nradi bj Mrbteaad aad ran away, to attempt. | saa Pfeaetooo, Jaly lO-Tha St faal
Hfhlal»»rri<toy»;fhVmBdb»faed to lo(toeroaatbelUUrbrldre«matortbe;^,adl^^^,
«aBd »ltt*n lUeo«MBM.OBl7»
>ilh 40 paaaBQCBri aad %fCm.o»0 to
a a taaalt.
ifraaara. MoWotUiia to from Dew- btofamuy who copy
woa|dtebadoalaloB«a!daot a Mr et
oaly tlDS.oOO nmat from Noote. they bare ter arreral ai
|a*l afTBl
lime eaek aumaaer la camp oa
coco ao clima to tba mUl reca tbai r----*'' -Tbe rnator part of iba pi
ot the eoro waa apllled and Mr. i
Bear the ablcrlc mill Wtew
- poor lack a^d were rlad to cat <
Koped a doekloK.
dmaa river dam.
-'tbecoBsiry. .
tot Ip tf wteMent wbllahed to Ibto toaalrly be waa oaiejered.
WaabtortoB. Jaly in—Treaaary offi- Tauyaar Mr. Mootarse
tootton arm »<9M1o-h. Tba team rae to FroBt atraet and aet >:.ia..t; ri to aeaed hla time there atill
ty isforaallob they
•Ueb OatirntTBeord (orbfiouetol a llraly pace tot borne.
UolBer'» 1
dortor the toai »mfortaWy that ie tbe larra tret that
•oaMra to a city ot thto (io. Tbe a well lc-io farmer bad litca Bear So-i
reaaoo to beltoaa Ibat
formerly oaed. and baa
voloBuofb^m to r
|tberewUlbeOTer!<.,OWatranded.rold|^»“f"'“'>>' ‘‘ouae. l!*S4feel
of tba alraortb el tbe laetayiBi
aUUUoa. aad tba oooSdaBaa to wbleb
DonvaauoB '
toAtiW dxyx- The pmuare 7 feet
ll^to held to tbto toeallly.
bleb, aad Ue bglldlDC lia.varyeocpraclkal fBoeral direeton
Doa Mortas. aeaapaalad by WUl
vaolentoae. U wax boiltquite larctlyby Hr. Muitocae'a efalldtea sadrr
Oatoa of Qraad Bapida bad Gaoraa; balmen la Hlcbicaa. to oompaay with ,
Miu JeapU Aadetaon. who is |
bii direction.
ot tbto city, are away ea a enilM
prlday nlcht to Ua
Later ia tbe leaaaa Ue eoUre family
to tba-Wby Not.'’J.CHortaa'ayaebt tokiac up Ua protoaloa of a lady em- j ^
Oflleara ware will ipradtereril dare SshiacaadanTbayarUlBtokaall tbe bay potots. la- balmrr. will CO to liraed Bapida ibli
■mine to atlaod a jiiat eonraotioa
! "i^tad aad plaaa dlaeaaaad to Ua to>- JoyloC tbemtelvea ceaerally Uare.
aata, Bowera Bar- momtocioattoodm
M iehicaa Puaeral Dlractom
Ax , provemeal of Ue club cn»adi
BIk Bapida. Korth- of Ua
dalloo and the Mleblcr*
Mieblcaa v-’
B -'----- ______sere aa follows:
Vu It A Hiraelal
port. Sattooa Bay aad Oscaa. aad may
three day x ; i.„.idaai-*> P. Carver,
"Tba marvciloiu cure of Mn. Bcaa
po fertbar aortb. They will be
■f Conxomption________
hai created_ii
aoaloo Uera Ulx week, bactoalac to-! vice prealdenl-C. E. Morray.
for aereral daya.
....... excilemrnl SnCammack. Ind.."
writes Marion Stuart, a Iradinr drsjrTom Cboreb ot dammit, ompio]
oUaywIII epeod Tretaarcr—s. K Walt.
After tbe
Icnt of Msovir. Ind. She only we.xbed
IbaataTanlllat iBtorloebaa, wa
few days
in Vork
ly bart Monday wblla worktof id tba
atUI. No oar aaw him wbeo be
oalrad tba iainry. bol aoma Ihtok
bolt became looae. and aUiblOf a
. Milliken
lUonaandaol bopeln* caaea. aad it pox■loo toe itaM ol paUaybelt. plaaeed mod atroek
akolbtobmd. Howerer It waa. be
raealrad a aerioaa woood. Or. Coraall
«... -I..
ui .,.k
ofOopemtohwaa called and eared ter|
dariac Ue
V »• -------------- ------wiib bla taUcr. Rev. I.', l■eaB>DyWD. C E Back pratealed a plan .-O.,
lor the
Mtirtoa ttourday by Boa- 0- Oachlto.
word Friday of tbe drews- aproTeaant ol Ue evoaade Ual met A limitod nnober toaale at v- <
Klaetrk atorau are bacomlac aoill be mailed, poaiace paid.on receipt
toc of Bay Vaadervort. a yoDoi; mae to ith mach favor. Tab plan providea
J»a» W. BoMfMo of tbto'city. wd plaaaaaUy BomaroM to tbto aaetli
price. Address
Ue pan; ot mea he bai Uarpe ol al n-a Soe tennis coon, ciaial walkt,
Mia Ulltoa ItoMton otBoalb Itoxid. tba slate asd every day raporta
Tat: 1I...LU,... '..
MB. «>«>• liwnad to tfry MiBiday. to ot damaca eMlatoad to tba ixrlury Pearl Lake. He waa to tbe employ of
TraverxeCity. Mlcli '
and taaliy BarToeadiiV Tnvetoe City. Oa Tbnnfouaiain, ijolek CMwinc treai
day eicbl tbrae bead of eatUe c
other altraeiive faalnrea
atatpOBdiatUieir xaea
by CarUaPowlar. oo tbr I-aaii
Mr. Rack wax aolborl/ad to perfect
WoodbCBisb lamiU a
■are hit life. A pecoltar featore ol plana, aad appoint a committee to Liver an-out III ..rdrr lint xurli iboolj
were alntek by lirbtotoc aod k
know that Ur.
K.-w l.-fc l'.,ix
cm Friday evaotor darto( tba affair waaibaljsslat Ue boor be wax work wiU bim to carryout Ue ideaa cive aapienaiil appetiu-. xouiid iliccv
Tba llUto da«rt>lar ofJaoMa ttoaBO heavy wlad etorm rrelB aod fralt traea drowsed Mr. IVastorWo, who wax to xocreaied
lion sod a reyoltr habit (bat io .;
of Blto«ood towaabto bad tba atolor.
perfvet health and yreat energy. I
damirad'nMr Old .Miatioa
Thu C.ty eouocil will be aaked to ... ■■ret
and JobtXwmt to btxk bor toll ara ablle at
bebkdiaat bad a trrriWe
Me dream, la
Montairuc special police xon'a lime Stores
W^oo be
oo wu tryioir
xrytmr to M.e \ aader.
Satordayaftorsooa, oeeoltbe meet vm from drown.a*. He la.cbtd it? to prevent ,„jory
Injury to Uo boildinc
exeltiar battles that ;rrr took place
UtatM al toe tal
by boys and oUera. who
la Ue rasp, aad wlnduwxand dooe olbr
oe tba local diameod will be teoebt at
tbaTwelftb atitoai baaeball Uocrht no more about it till tbe Inter Ueclub hooto.
> the priatora of thully aad the
received talltoy ot hw deaU al <.‘iiilc a namber of yoooc people
TkaO. E Parfct elafod (aa tba. drarmabera. The two • team i a
I have tuematod that tba uae ot Ue elob
doeb ot Jobs r. OU A Go.. Hoeday
•me for bnatoeaa. aad a hard
wUbM0.M0taatof bardaood laabar toacblitametoaara. ABadmtoaloaof
»“>*“ »»<*
to moUer Mra. Sarah Barrett. 1 k”*'
miebt wiah u nolle wiU them, duriac
eota will ba ebaryad to Ue llilBK sear Lake Ann. Ue was brouebt i the aammrr. by payment of n
PtMap Cl^UJ,
Ue family ot
nallUledaatbterotSldMy Swart- irioaodi Udafrsy tbeupasMof eoarl
tee. This
aaeommooly railed Ray i'torfere wiU tbe rlcbU of reci
oat of Wmiaaaborf dM Satardayot plaatar. a^lca, wltctM»r;1 ^d other
■ary appartesaaem of tbe fame
wboo^aoarbof Ulx kind may be
tier wax Icft’wltb Ue
XheehallaafelaaoedTaeaday ■
Tba flra of W. C. A K A. GaBoatt 1* lac by Ua Invlaciblaa for a came ot
OurSaviags Department
aaUtor Ha Unta atoek ot Jawelry. ball wfU Ue ladepaadeam lor sno
Laalanaa Connty Atlas
pwiwte Urpoxilx or f-.iO aaU uvvarU* ax-'
aateba. etoeha, ato. at aacUon. Tba aide, baa been aooepud. aad Ue fioo
aDewUclaoaa county allaa baa
»a. Sii rva.;.
tala to to aasltow Ull all tba atoek to
rtoUahaadcot C. V. HaaUr.
leoeivad from the pablUbara aad
Tba came will oecnr Friday aftoreoea. John White, the sole aceat. will at andbe WBianUoriied toroarpel Uirm
make cood tbe damace. and id
Toa Dapra. aa aaptoya to JoRy Jaly MU. aad a larra crowd will ao oaee becla to deliver Ua books to anb
atlp■ibara. Tbe new wdrk la eomplne to
Itolllaaa'aabtotlaaUl at Oadar. oat
iacx acalaxt Ue cnilty parties.
ariibabod aeeldat Maday. A bolt uiatod that no uoe onulde ot tbe two dnall. hasdaomaly bound aad Sarly
.•hall play, except abet Ue la- eairrav^ asd printed. U will be found
Caw tram a »altoy aad Daapra aaJfar
Hi of Ue Miebican Tnvritoc SiiA) MjHU lUB u mt lU TVJ In Ctit
ilca may have the riebt to oae
l^crfrom Baoda'a Twlrlera to pUen seem to have necleeted no eexonUal to mikr it folly oiaal to Ue aer».
t, win be tbe Mt attaettoo
bovine it kindly retorn t
alUcs of xneb a pablication.
Mtiletobacir^UaBdOpetaBoBa- Be c. F. wni
Tae book coataiox Cne mips of tbe at once?
wUl opra a waakf aatataaaat aut lllxao of TrsveneCily. bat
viHaceaaad townxhiptof tbe eonoty,
iMldeat ot Cbkaco, U to Ue eily vlaitnaoru Oarna. NorUpon Poiat.
tor oU trieada. M r. WUIIams wm a Lec-x Poiol. Traverse Beseb aad SoaU
mr ol Ue old bead ortaaltad by Maalton Itlaad: also mapa of tbe Cnlt.
caa CaoBetolly a wall a to araty D. B.Cbrtaraadwlirbe wcU
od sutca. Porto Rico, Hawaii. Cuba.
at this store in rejutxinaUnjj
ba^ by old 4maidonto. Be u
UaPbllippiocaaodUa world. There
dortat Ue totoratUBC toeidaeu av la alaoacomplelc directory of Ue realwilted bamanitj. as-a sbower
taadlw Ua aatraace ot Ue G. B. A1. daau of the emnlry. toelodinc tbe
the llowers in; Jncie.
totoUlaeliy to UTt, aad lati
townxblp and TilA W. C. T. U. toatlUto wUI te bald aftuwa^ Bobaa not baeaberato lace- A tablxot diataocea
There is nolbinp so grateful as
M BayVtow ialy 1» W. Ttobalalta
ofexat valaa. at, it takes to every
tba toe daya OBly tl.oa Mia May
a glass of our rare and delicious
^ven ioealily, ioelodiar Traverse City.
OaBbUB.aapabar of eaUdeal rwpotaSoda-Water.cold audsparkiing
aneb csanoCbe said of tbe value
tlae.wUl AaUaar tba cadltorlam bdofUe peblicBtlon aad it abonldSada
Babacab ElacuoB.
TmT^Tfl onahotdar. Youcan^iavcii
I (ollowtoc offiears wereiaaulled ready tale Mb Urnoeboat tbe county

with any flavor that tcniftts
to UaUcapd Travnae B^kab lodce aad to Travatae City. Tbe book wax
poblixbed by Cbax. K. Ferris of Knox
'-J' yourpalalc.or with phosplialcs
Satairday alrbt:
vine. Tasd. Jobs Wbito of Soloe.ia
».*a-Mortlee Fox.
" '
or icc cream. We now also (li-^taea Ua loal fopaa. lila prUa ha
tbeaaleacontaad the. atlas can be axV. G.—LmIc Darla.
baaa awarM to Uia Kettla U
enred only Uroiurb him Subaeriben pense the good old fashioned Milk Shake, at
B. S.-Martha E. Browa.
wbwa eollaeUoe wa aary Caa.
I eonoty wUl be aoUfied by card
T.—Alalia Fox.
tbelr books wOl be delivered.
to ABBUl tnatlat e> tba Woaaa'a B. 8. N. n.-Lalta Moaroe.
«to>7 lapnwaaaat Aaoetoi
L.8.K. G.-BetUeBooker.
ba bald tbU at> the 1
-Ltbbla Tberaoe.
toe- Ubraryraoaa. Than wIlLba al
G,-aai» Deaa..
' toe of oMaan aod Baanal raporta.
Biaabaca ata artad to be praaeau
O. G.—Lorn TIbbeta
L G -Alice SmIU..
Or. Ptosk Boldawortb ba tOM
WUlto»bart. where ba win b«to the L. S. V. a —Llxxla Baakle.
B. Ik V. O.-Jaaale Paacbora.
preetiaot Bcdieiaa. Be la a tfw
.eflbeUairaialiy of Hleblcas aed a
et Maato to tbto city will OBlto to Bnsht 'Prbapaeu for Electric J(aad.
Tbe«faeaa t phaae or Ua Old M iMloB
wtobtoc bla tba raetaat ot aeceaaa.
railway peo>c^ l^mera dhtiatactory
Bee. A. U. Wbaela ot Mastota, Uaa any prevloaa eoodltioe attoadtor
y—* tbioayfa tba city Meaday.
Ua ealerpriae. Bociaeer Partoal
hae BOt laaa Baerataiy of Slate Slaento erot Chicafo bu been over Ue :
and larMUfatod Ue ^paourcea pee
ad by Ue pamiaaala tor a nrotitable
Laalaaaa railroad will mUway veatara and bia eanelaaiona
balfaeciatllyiac to the
Mawday at s o'^k wbea Jallaa Jeetoraoftbeltoe. aa well aa to Ue
Beeeab waat to l«re tba State bask, raaldaaUol Ue pcDlnanU asd Usee
who have beaa advoeatinr Ito jobbatoeedibat hto bteyato wu m
atracUoa. Hr. Paruabalator W
Be bad latl It laeator aKatoat
plaaaad with Ue oaUook and aarpriaad
balldiMtotlo-ctoefc.aadllmMt b
thalUetowMaoebaa aalaaalvc fVail
baaaBtelaatoptolBriawof paopla
torriloey la Ula part of Ue alato.
wuaaalbara by a firm ot eleetrie
C. a Oartto el tbto ally
railroad eomatrsetora to tovaaUQiasdBaptdafaatorday to atMM tba
prqiaA aad Its reaooreat,
Paaaral OlraelerB
-aad be staled that
ba would
aaMaltoa. batop bpM tbm tbto waafc. report favocBbly to bla epMpaay. Thia
BewUl atoo [iniilinr ;faraltaia asd
tobto artabltobaappllctdrU
laalemaat In Ua c
to to tbe eeesamaaalkm ol



“W'ax'b’s npnrnxg Stoore.


•todadlbattbaarataarTtoatotba ra^
balltabarebwillba toe ptoyaaaaat■VMalrblalfJOe-eloek. 'fhawacal
aarrtoaa will be held aext tft^ay. Ual rorkapoa a railroad to Old Mia
alan aad a atiaat eu Uae tbronch Trmv.
ara«.av wUl ba bacaa at ao dlataat
(tonto are oat aaaoaaelay tbe ap- day The basaffto araobrioaa aad it
pmiaablxt aarrtoaa ot Mlaa tiartrada
Blcrlsa to Hr. Cbarlaa Prad Haalar. ofUlallaawUlm«rka
wbtofa to to taka plaea ptoaa Jal^ It. at peoCiMiof Uto^^ity aadofUa peatoIbabotoaottba bnda'a methar.
aala, beUaatraSectooar aomm.
atoirlacaaaraaoeywUltoka ptor
prasparlly aad tba raaort totoraal


All the White Piques
vw \.Vve s\oTt ox6-^ou.rt\v i»^V
TtgaW vvvee.

Ay ta Foulard Sdk,
\\ve mos\ ipov«i.\aT \.\\vw qooiiS
Ms se&sow; & \vi\V Wive co\OTVXQs. a.\ owc-WtV\v 0^^ Wve
Tegdar marVeii vnw.

Ail Dress Goods Remnants
Sovive ixess vstterus, a Qvsai
mawa swrt au4i tnavsUeaqVVvs,
VoTA \Vve -oera \ies\ scVVing
qooiis vx Wvc s\oTe, a.\.V 40 a\ \-A
0^^ TeqxVax vvVee.


^ iimmimimiimmiimmW

The long looked for fla>-s are here. When you
go it's to enjoy yoiirMilf—not
work as hard as >-ou dti at
home. We help you enjxiy tinoming, by providing go/ids
that only require the serving.
-\'anCamp’s |>ork and beans.
W the can; V-an Camp's pot­
ted ham or chicken, f and loc:
c$rnff<I ham 10c: corned Irccl.
i> and J.c; ham roll. loc. \'.ln
Camjis soiiirs. loc the canonly require healing and ad­
ding water. W-e have chick­
en. ox tail, boiillion, tomato,
mock turtle, vegetable. Then
we sell lots of Bent's assorted
wafers, 25c the box,iujng Is­
land wafers. 15c; chantpagne
wafers, 3^c\ "Buner 'Thin."
25c; ‘s o'clock t«* wafers, 251..
These are good too. to take
with you: Fresh deviled crabs.
25c the can; Bar Harbor little
neck clams, iOC;fresh canned
salmon at 12. i-S 20c; canned
shrimps, isc.

Is a pleasure ‘.when goods
arc bought right—where the
stock is just as advertised.
We furnish .your home coml-Irte. from cellar to garret.
Want to begia at the dining
rpomi There are tables—a
breakfast uble for Sj.50; a
splendid diging table for $4.25
from that to S1400; 6 good,
high pack chairs for S3.75;
■ sidelioards from $16.75 “P.Now; the bedroom—An iron
bed for S2.00—Never such a
firice yet made in the dty.
-Mattresses at

$1.75.' S1.40.

.<2.75. Sj.eo. $4-75 and $7.50.
Springs atjSMS- S2.25. $2.75Couches—the greatest line of
low prices- S.v?5,S6.7.5. SSxjo.
.-^oo. $12.75. The full bed­
room suites from S16.75 to
S54.00. ■

OXFORDS $2.60.


-v. iFiiXEtomos:,
The onl) plan- you c-a» boy *‘C^^XOOXi. QliaXity” Sla.000 in Trayerie City.

The Hamah & Lay HereanUle Co.

*rii«--Ate SaT^bSw 1ii^KrSSt:

^hir UlW.* 4taj*™"“'“
Om. OM ud «(«. Addta Wfc«^.

_________________ MTkarabf.



Mmd boat tUtarStJ'

Baboo) Doattac
;ar^boelbooaa Moaday


*. 8. Pray tod Willto.wat U
Mrt L H. Pray btt frioMt
Vork 8uto Tallitc bar.
:tHB«itlar<i<t-.E^k Btpidt
AtMiblB Uttaoniartbbt paltb
rforb- O. KttrbtBkt.
draBott PrayU qalletlck M IbU
ViMk UMltr It bk
MtaHctUa Pezof Btlellt tItIUtf
trtMta. EffiiBrawa
Mi*. Dira Bailor titllad btr raothar.
Mn. Oat. ?«tlt «ua Hra- Tone. Otar Bttdty.
A rood atay Ires ban tpnt
Mr.^ Mf. L. FoartbttTrarartaCity.
Dattb altltad tba ItsUy o( Sldtay
Bwtrtboal Prldty tlfbl tad Wok Ib^r
W.L l^Itttra) wat bald frrat iba
ratldaaaaol Blehard PrayBar. Mr.
Bryaaol WUllaatbart etadtella* tb*
aeralatt. Tbt paraou baa* lb* tympa(hy o( iba atlthborbood.

Mr. y^ Mrt. D.

Ohio, wh-------------------


ifaw waaki with frlaadt.
Mira Cora Triplall ralomd I
frewaabort aiiUla TatUa aad

Cbopt V* all fTO»ti« BlBtlr.
iBarab Bryaelol 'faiUa It ataitThorovib «MMd pltttbUy with
Wfl). TriplaU-t.
WMMMt. dtMc>tltb(«l«lbtTn»'■“toward DoBB U auaedlof achsol la
amaiy.aoM MMotle*»»d-----------~ ~tplda.
___i Mtade Mc'noaldrauiniad Fri­
Babrat BrwMbrUra bat bata akk for
MoUsa. aoiabU Wbaap. Blatoa day fr«« Matkafoa.-wbato tba bra,
btaaawioatlyUI taraJaw braarlamiicraltiirat.
. ,._jr hat___________
Naarly vh« whole wwa waat wTrar^ bat M bauar aow.
ira City oa Ue Foorih of Joly.
B.awaploaa>Mi (araUy tiMl ft
i>. 8. Bitter aod Ually ar« rtolUor
day al-Bart KaUanb.
at B. Cara-r.
Mia. Mary BIrWriaadIa Benar
J.O. Orotraraadwlfaaod Hite Hla.
ok Daeael will epesd a taw daya of tba
woek atl'twakey.
A party of oar Wwaepaoplo apeat
Batardaywt Balay lake.
B. Oara it aatartalalac hit raotbar
froa Falwa.
W. L. rriak latl a ralaaUt work
tant taadoy.
It had bata aiek for

Mr. aad Mra 3. Hall rialtad tbatr
traad^aibtar, Mra WUl Uat, ot Blk
Laka Hoaday aad Tattday.
I. B. UidUy lirtt wltb B. B. Araold
Mra. B. Prlak M aptadlac a ftw daya
with bar abUdroa la Trararaa Oty.
{. A. Tbaeber bat morad oa to bit
Him. W. B. AadraooB rataroad borae farm altar ttaylur with Mrt. Tbiaktr't
BatBidaylraraatwe wtakt-TUt with tttbortlaaelutftli. .
W. B Fife met with the altlarlaBt
Bra. aad Mra F. J. Bryaa of Wilbtlar Urown froa bitbafyyaftw
- .......■ I oar Bpwonb
yiapo Tbt horra yjt turod at a
I. Bar. BryM rrad
ea ibt -Bpprait Loa^la Uw — aa." whiab ba
M flrao attba aean..
. al.
Mr. aad
- ona^Mtkraftlott Hr.aadHra.
Tba CbarltroU Lanbar Coapaay
ara a crew of rara at work paltloc
Jitlr loft from tb. '
teradiate Bay Viaw. wbaratbay boachl laat wlatar.
wBl otraad tba earap laraiinc.


rtaawm. Tbair raaay frlaaftola-MUtee


__ ptople bora A

lb etpiritoei for

at tba Oaorcc Peak boara. aad bareed
It down. It al.) killad tbrra boraat
bekorlairWJobDBareraaBd Blebard
Wt Beaded taa rain rary
Tbt fflarlara Foortb la a Ulv of tbt PhUllpa
raacb. at tbt wraiber wtt atUaawly
botaod trtiyiblac tofftriar tor waat
raU. Wedaatday alrht wt aipprlll^hSp^MuT*** **

oaead tba won-, ball aad rala twrra
Aoha Bybtrlt
tbatorerrlaltedtbl. ueUoe. Wecaa-l
tob^^M add"
ttUratta dtniKa to crept aad balldPiiara laid tbt
lafa Tbt plara wat brokea more or
r^l Iktarday.
Ittt It ertry boeta. Tbe charehtt tafOra. Aratdoo it boUlaf a dwtinay farad at wall a. otbarr Ota ot tbt
larfooitBbritl wladowi la tbt M.B'
ebircb rrat brokte. Tbt eotl of tbt
Jt— draklira talkaof morlac btra oat wtadow rrat IwaatT-firt dolltrt.
.fcM tte ^tbaro part of tba atata— Oat larwe earanea wiadow wra alto
- wi-----------“--.r bat boaa rary
odor tlormi lor
Tba Uaka mat at Hra. Newaaa'a ___with ot^ make bay
MtrMv bturoeee. Tbt topic'wat orarawrak
BarraMai Tbaaaat rtfolar raBattac batoaa-toB
plUbaatHraC. 8. Ba^;o_^ u^


h«w.* Itkt^aa
M. Dao
C B. Bany it tqwetad borao
Mio H31w ot PtoaU
■IB.T.F. Yoawb laot


Hn-M . ~


ra aba
•at to

jrtoor wrabt
aat bad a (raat warkar I

JalF tut, after wh'kb ka oieam ami
«BhB wni be eerrad atHr. CUrarafe
kraorloy to Erat
TSaC HeodoUraef both ^arebae
«aUM kot ara^ aad haU Ibair
to IMra to tbe raperte from Ue o<^-


to K.,^ to


UlH-^'ida Maleon aad Kka Loaella

thetrd toaiuod Ue weddlac of Mae
MOa aad wUa, Teoa iraaylar. Will La. Mary Palter.
Qm«. Brat Mrayaa. Mia H. B. Bheri- Jaara Bayik died at hk borae. ts
doa. Ora Arbor; Cbaa^ Do*k. Bo*. raUot eooUwaet ot Soramli aty. oa
dlUyflle; ioOfolor. Q. Baoeoo. Aac-

SSsi;,r““ “• “™'ifto’ii.'ZiK:-

kHdULFUaLoka: Mary EUIott,Oed.
ItaL L. Tbpmpeaa. LUt Aoa: Hra.
SA Kmar. haaklrat; Fraak Vaa faor otooua- wlaUr tram •HU two



ara wat eaarhl la a abaft. bnaklbT
ooa boot la tbrra plaera aad aaotbat la

w^t'^i* atVaydaid.



F^BcwdaaalaeoUibr bay tor Mr.Ik probably tat oulau ptraoa la Vao

bald la tba

it tba lira aalU aaotber birthday
hart rraebad tbe
ot IM yeora.
■ BtfliabUU work aad rtlalat bar
poolal faeoUiet

Xt brad B«

K A. DeatorU e< LaUrarai
Booald Baabla. aaold boatbaUdra el fared for ale mootU wlU a trie
■era oo kk l«. bat <
Maekteeklaad. wat rawlac U tbe
ekira'e Arain tkira
■alalaad Irora Haeklaoc kXaad wbae
Mbeary ;raeapt/rd bk brat oC 8M Wooada. PilM. ilb Ue brat aalrc la
die t I^at. Raakla wra wrabod
Ue werld. Cora raaraataed. Oaly f.
board, bat Ua baoyaaeyof bk lef kept cu. Bold by A B. Wait aad Jae (i
bla edrat aatll ba irw raaebad by om

Abrrakdowo oeearadaltb* SaUlrma
taw raUI UP Boralar bat fo«
It wat leltred.

If you ara aaffarioc from
Tba MlalarUaialteat Uaacbioe. la
S-Barrowt wat toaad la bad aeariy
uemaUam. akia or kidi
■ aacooBl of a reecot trip uf
obaally. or any ebroak
■ad at Bay City. Bt had taroad tbe
r Haeklaae. wbeo tba loel wiU arcl- teal
ratea bafora ratlrlar. bat wbether
bora aeridaat or dwlro it it
laeldaole at tbe Uora ot or I
il lorratlao
taadiar wward btuorlar oarraboolt koewa.
. woaeo faletiac
■eklaea. It a eeriuc i___ ,
lor thee
BararbaatwaadlarlaBay tool
etrooc raaa cryiac. etc . bat tbi
eUer meUode i>l treat
boQtaadad. Tbt enqi looki loi
d Uctu boUIbc UeaeUe
oralaaraot oaebi Icaaeeyoeac Uay
erat bauar ibaa it did latl year a
She bad baea etracb
bylicbielacalaw wraki before aad
Ua ehock left kcr deaf aad daab.
Mr. aad !
Hr. Day aad Hr. Nilct faraltbed loraboat
acalral Ue
raaha' ttay.
tail fora ti
Breworfci tbatl
dock aad broke la a paddle boa Ue e*.
Mra. Baau Iowa of Lotbar rkllcd
Praate ot Trararaa Qty Mrlalt
■ eoaatar eSeet aad the
gr aPtar
lar bar
____ M-t. M. Farraat aod
toaad baeaalt able u bear aod talk
Mra. C 8. Colllra. wile of tba
bcotbar Tkoraat Ml
Mta. Brat. M*. aad Mr. W. M
HtlUaM.Ue^it ^^rae yj^attra^a ■aator. aadoaa el Frooklorfe Mdrat •cala."
f. aad Mra, W. dJua aad Mrt.
ata. dkd at bar boaa at Fraok- jaai ibt Foortb at Yaoiaaod n
Fire aura bodlea bare bara rae
ad froa U* eiaaaar iiaale. raakla
Hra. A Barwood It oa the alek Utl.
LaralBf.twe erara ot dlplbark TlctlaeotUerecealOrvea lar r
Cbaa-Pwwaaa hat porebatidaBi
Tba Bllrar (asUy will laata Jor
bare danlop«d la Ua family of Ooorte
from Sew York barber.
Blocbao today.
Tripp, a daalra la eld race Tba palleatt
Mitt Baa. Btrwood tataratd M ~ Mm Com Baaaeu bat root WTrar-I owe my whole life to Ba
oeraaa wbora eeeaaalloa k aorUoc
Klk B.pldi
Blood Bittera
Bcioluloae eraae i
Beiu Coriar M ritlllar b
Hyrtla Hatby latl today lor
ad my body.
I teamed beyoed
Miu Myrt
for a
ra Urea oditioea of Dr. Chaae'e a B B. bae made me a periaeily__
Tbe Hirara Fotlar ot tbt Itlaad^UMra Cbea Halloa. Berrlilr. Mleb
Fittfibbra riallad bit tamlly
ipl book, watch eaa ba roaediaae
tba^t woak bad laB Hoaday for iWd Ua|r
raaay boraea, bra aow raaebad
I. Tbara k ooa pro
Mta Barr aadch Iraa of tbit plaea
Mrt. B. E Bibbtrd aad too Barry
baracoeatorlaU I r alttar Mrt. Bart Coorira o«ra wklcb baedooa eaUlec
An entire U6W UUS of thc»c goods at very
wr.. tlay Mrt Wilbar.
oka for
yaan bat prlat Ua boeke
Hra EjbOtrry aad Mabtlof Oibora
tace of MapUCIty
rltltod relavirta bara laal wjob.
■Ml Beaaatt of SIdaaw. acad
k mlaat a bead aad bra a bole aa li
' traalar la fakeloraacfa. eaeead by
Iraworke Uat had boaa Ufl o
U. Old. It at Elartlty thi* wrak.
Tba tlh paaead plaaaatly wltboat ao- Ue FoorU. He miy lire.
. jra Btzlty wat boat trora C>pe- ddaata. Ue draworka la tba raoBlar
Bojaioe ot Fen Uaroe. k
mUb Friday aod SaUrday.
W. F. Btwtool Trareira City wra la
leapilof a lattra from a araber eP
. ra^iy
‘ kail la
wwa Friday la the laUrrata ot Btti,
KeIrhUotUaHaocalraM.aaklac bio
good one for 76C.
llarabarl A Cj. of Uraad Btpldo.
In. N B Bharidaa rataroad latt
Frad HcMiabaal wat la Trartrat waak froa bar rielt la
>.qalla tbe Ladiraol Ua Haecabaaa to wbe
orar eUly
City l-ettday
a laor jouraoy lor a
Thaaaaaal rahool raraUac ot Dljt yaaie ot are to Ube al
■be bad aot baaa la U
■ larceet woodaa boat arer
te bra ebildbood boaa.
alroeted oa tba lakaa k atariac
15‘) Front Street
TratcrRc City .’Mich.
for director.
Wa bare bed torae rary hard tberrora
« at Ua Darklraa yard. Bay City
Obat. 8wrat rawraad W Ctatral ot rala wiU UBDdra mad llrhtelar
Lake lait Tboraday. wbtra be will ro wlUla tbt latt weak. wlU hall la aorae Bba ka Urae mralod •cbonaar 1!
pltata. aad rary batty wlad. ft beta aad ;r ft daae.
taat work la tbe wood..
Hr. Uaaaee bat ballt t oew taro oo
Blmar Shoeiaan wtt at MoerotCoabit lot oa LakeSttral.
E Sklaoer bat told bit boara aad lot
Chat. Wordta of Klnctlay wra la oo Mala tlrrat u L. F. Sbarldao aad
owrtd wiU bit faally U Ctatral Lake.
Wwo Friday oa batloara.
Hr. Boatoa aad family kart
Bereral ot oar pt '
oartb aaidf. tbt ■
oat of Trartrat City-i
Hr. aad Mn. Wararat aad llttla oca
opoatUttU wlUreUtlrra Id MaaUwe: bit broUtr raiaraad wlU tbam.
than at Trarant City.
W. Lallrar aod Mira Ltar>y Woh la
Bharlff Little aad B A dtllra droee
ap troaTaomptiarille Friday oa baei- tbaalrblt^ia Trarerw aty UttU. aad
aaoe ralaUit to a eou of lareoay la tbli
O. Jebaaoa It borne artla after to
•‘WatehoarimobeV- We bn w bara al raootbi ahraoee.
atw. thlarle. lath, plaslnc aod doar
Ur.Baab of Fort Ooelda bad a apt
ilUia the oear fatore.
_otara raadt aatlrely deaf froa a at
That* It a rood opralbc bora for a of llrbUlar a abort time t«e.
drat claaa ratal markal. A food bolUCapl.Jlb6ridaa hra flaitbad WwUv w
lar with refriraralar aad eoelar r-----Itbra-t Mill, tad It DOW wwlor for Ue
opto for Ut idjrbt rata.
waazptat baiUlar paoplt to loMr. aad Hra O-Mtal of
bara. wt natt "fatahatU
rt kotplar a camp aaar I
oarralrat" aod by aacaadlar aoeu i
aad clamalBC ap tbay will kaow wt
ntae baiiarat aad are hart to ttay.
>e raala ttraet laadlor aorth oot of
a U W bt elayad bad rrarelad.
Hr. Barobardi k
eb wUl ba aa toprwearaaal raaeh Barber for ajjw daya.
a froa I
tipba lamkei
_^eon la tiau Uc
It has the best chain, the best pedals, the best l^rings, adjustable handle bars, internal seat post fastener. Morgan
WlU bk'lolkf.

waia btb
Cblldrea't Day _____
ara latl Baaday Tba a
Ball. owlBA w tba ralaBrarybodywaa aetoatof
oorth aad tbay
tbay wtra aUU a
Albirt Prraiai
it alttar. Mtt
plaea. laal



A Complete Variety
Summer Lap Bobes and Dusters'


lowest pricea


in all styles, colors and designs-




The great and glorious Fourth is over and we are once more settled


and I am goin^ to quote you some prices that will surprise you.


_________________________ Mleb..

tbehooM of tba bridra' paroala. Hoe Oetfce a^FT^k Wi
naroraBUlMW Mr. Joba Slarrew of IrawkSaaaacaaloaJad a
falaad, aad HIra tea SUlta W .Hr. om laet weak.
OoerRO Morrill of Wallla.
Hra BarobanU wae made beU proad
aad happy by U* porehaaa of a oew
ay. took plaea proraotly ai
taeed boaaraold larallera, wbkhebe
rraalrad ea tbe third otJaly. tea day
bar baibaad came boara from Uood
Ua happy eeaplta took tbe tiala
TbottpaoarUla for Trararaa City.wh
Mr. Wleaa. wbowcet wCadar
Uey ware sat by Ue Park piaee bi
bar* ararly Uro* waeka aco. hat sot
1 ralaraod Iren aad takao W tbe Park Flaea
Hartaa. lad.. Ual Friday.
Tbay rataraed Jaly «U oa tbe S:W rauroad ae yet aad wt bara bara LaMira LtUla Hlaar el MtaWa baa r^ W Wallla. wban aappar <eaa formed that bo kaacoM U work lor
Bardlac ea ika lay 8aUk.
^ eitltlor fritadt '
lorrill tar Uoaatlrra lod friaad
Btaale CoeaU aad hk faraUy ara ■
oeean’lac Ue boara a Olll'e Pier lauly
Hki Clara WtldaerralarBad Friday
raeatad by Mra Oaorfe Rllow aad fam
boa a roar waakf riall at Haotea aad
Hit. BoUeabtsebarceof bar:
Mira NlaaPayaot Trararaa Qty
Mr. bad Ufa Albert Satll of Dtt^t
Blaoa.wbota'raoUark toe III U
art TUUar Hr. datll’t paraata aad bara reeoBtly.
Will Adaraa. forraariy of Uk plaea. cart el bar own baby.
Sort te pattlar ta rood tiae oa the
Hr. lamaa. Beaty Browa, Ua V
oat atroaoit.
Vaa bora Irat wrak.
Akzaader lamaa all doebod
Hill Ltira B^laioa waat w MaaM
Hra Tbaratea of Elacaloy
lor Hr. U|ll Irat weak.
t« to apaad tbrVoanh wltb (rlaodt la Hla Aacla UIU today.
Erarybedy aeema W ba aaUadad wlU
HksAIU Craodaltot SUcbla-eallod
Ue amoeal of rata we hare reealrad
Mr. aad Mrt. J. W. McBlkaaia el bora latt rrrak.
BOOM ara eomplalalac
Mootpalltr. Ohio, bayt baea apaadlar
Goorra Bariek wat aa tba akb Ikt tbair eropaoa low laedaraceUla
afawdaytwiih F. U. Wiacb.
latt wrak.
mrab water
^Tbaaoelal firta by tba Yooar LaMia. TbempaM rkUbd t^atlrra
o. Hyen aame
Hr. aad Mra
'dlra- Aid at Praak I>aaa-a Materday Bodra Itttdtiarday.
from Qoed Barbor
eirki wat rary welt aiteadad aad the
Hitt Alice BIplaw kat raiaraad
paraou Ue FeorU.
It proeradt were >s to
bra boaa io Walloo.
TTUi. UMa u* raauawu w «u
Mira Doit Euea of Fife Laka rkltad
boeloera a few daya loM waak. Hr.
Bora bra one (ana ooe mile aam ot braakter. Ara. Aoaa nilraaa. Baaday. wUaera
KtUle aad Percy TbaaiM bar.
bara aad ooe faor mUra aoatb.
Wa. Baraetaad bkea
Joba W. WyUaff aad Mira Mary B. urerd trora tbeir rkitatHodfo.
Fddkoa.aad Hra. Brary Banal left
Mra. A. ■
Palrar war* raarrled by tbe Bet. A. U
Uk Uera ea Ua aenlac of Jaly lor a
Tbaruoaat Ue borne of tbe bride'e Bird OIbba
yoorov ap aorU. wban Ua bblac k
parrale. Mr. aod Hr* A B Piltar. ea
baiUr Uaa bora- They axpaet te yc
iBf bit
aa Ur ae Haekloaw balere tbay ilap
at borne to their trieode alloc Ule rWtilc bra ^r^X.^'iS^rTobt Hr. GUI bae Ue beryT EIU ElUo.
wood at bk dock, bat ewUy U U<
waU. Id Ue Whipple booee.
Mke BdIU Boleambef Traterae City Hr*. Praak Bod«raot Btarttarkll- blyh wlade Uey ara harlay rary poor
aaeene yoitlay bar loaded, Uk balay
ratanrad-Ao bar borae le«t Hoedey larralatirta bra*.
afler a loor •reeke' wklt at Joba Hri. Goto. Mra. NawaU aod Hra Par- Ua UM day elaea bar arriral aad
ooa Ue bara able u load waod oe 1
■raeurotPita Lokoara tbaffaaaraod allAayyaL
OUad Palrar wae bome^ FoarU Mr*. Maad Uodfta.
Hoa bat beyaa baaUay mod
to aiuad Ue wodalec of hk ekior Mr. Wiaebeoab of tba Klekratoa
da lead at Ikoyebora W heated



jjjjj-,.... -------------


K T. P»»T d«


than hat aot'

Wti wratbar lor hay raafcata.
Wlblar whrat'leoka rood la aosa
Mta iarait Sbaira who hat bara rioiv
^ bora tba prat watk rataroad W blaeoB. Mr. BadbM braaaeatra t«ad
bar^^lMIta Uat w
toralaa Bootba olaa
Irati botaloraara doUr Baaly
_____________ r of MtbMaa arrirad
Mira LalB Wlaebwrab at Baaaab It
^^Bditfaadwmapaad hla taaaUoa tboarb that* la aot raeah ara araaylar
er* w tptad tbt tararatr with baa
aaytUra batwaaa aaab btqaaatabow.
tatiB. Olada Boar.
^ ^ a^;y ararylydir 1^ ^
Tbt eaapUr oorty that bat btaa
rUUor with bar raaoy triabdt la Ot.ptadiac aorat tirat at Qryttal Uka
bara rtwraad aad roportaaoed tlraa.
Met. flaary Bara aad daafbtar

faiepelt nao t


Hr. OBI ^ a araa haoUac aradt
bora bit ptora ooar bora lott woob.
Wa tertM mull —rarara. r*‘^ *• “* *" "•SK “ wbleb w«ra

tod Mta Bl Portra at Mai
lad., wat ataa as oar iWaaB
FOartbef Jaly.
A (faat aiabar Irora bara woo
TVararaa Oiy to opaod tba Foaitb
Vlolat BabaU M rary 111. aad bw
raaoea ter rantaty ara *ay deabUal.
Mra Ptoak Tarry aad tbiaa ^Udraa
of Mailao. lad., ara vUttaf (riaada

Tba Ladka- Aid raat wtU Mn. Arab
Clbbt latt waak.
Vkt Aork am hu tom* u *klt bra
akira. Mrt. Wlaahcorab, la Ua mebra^
BOB paktkboraoed.
Hr. aod Hra. SioekdtU of tbt Spar
Ub( atl^borbood tpMI Baaday wiU ____ Pier. *
Hr. aad Hr*. Bobba.
bafid himttlf a aaw dir
Mkt Atra Haoy apaata taw dan lut
wraV WlU bar Malar. Mtanhwab
Mdeterhkaaw baUdlay.
Bo^. la Bran
aad Mra. W. B OOlatta aad




^ strictly hijh grade 1800

Ea^le Bicycle for $19.75

& Wright double tube tires: the ladies’wheels have aluminum dress guards. 1 have only a few {^ , these. Every
bicycle 1 have at less than, first cost. Wc have some big bargains in wheels that have been used a little. One good
second-hand ladies' whe«?l for SiOdX).

Don’t Your Wood ^ove Make it Pret^ Warm
(Or you this weather' They are expensive and make lots of extra '.work
to builcTa tire every time it goes out. If you had one of our

Quick Meal Blue Flame
Oil Stoves^^


it would not heat your kitchen and would not cost so much for fuel. You
can light it in just a moment atld it is perfectly safe. Any little child can
run it.

Canvas Folding Chain. Lawn Chairs, or RHCkers'
a lai^ line of anything you want to furnish yourhouse. aod 1 am making a special
mid-summer sale. My stock is complete and 1 am giving a good discount
already low prices on everything.

J. W. Ws Exclusive House Furnishing Store

^ ao S'xoax^ Steoov

> OLtJsr, M-toto.



SraBd Traverse Herald


A fAtUOMOCltry.
a Bolboo «B>d aa «k* W



Fv« tm TOW mnt mad t« Ucothw
•n tk* BatwUta Iwfon foa brcta ta
■ll. I« U7las tbr crrro It a damp S»
•« tf tpfilM to (b» Sow of l(
"pop«" tbo brat I* (root oooucb. 1C U
far brtiw Id barr tbr vns toe nU CD
brflo rrltb Cbau too boL
Barr a larpr imuid Mten rartbcb
bowl and a woodro aiuio or paddlr, a
gla« «D.*»of1ng cup. a auaU bo*l tuf
tbo rut. a |>lt<4o< of nllk. tbc-pot ig
'gnaalaird aaaar. U«- rgc brotrr. a pas
or bowl tor Sour, tbr alflrr. tbr SarorlB(.aaiDaUkBirrandai>'a>i>ooD. IJd«
four pan wKb viiltr paper tod (rraa*
tCtbereucbiT witb (■Bttrrorlard. Slfi
tbr Sour. Bctaurv It In tbr rup aad po|
It lata a paa or boa'I rradj fur par aad
>C pattdrr to n.
•r tnitirr and pat K It

■d aad tol«ai Unii.

•kaeor aad araUlilT. bsl oho lasted oa
tbr airMiwaittl aDlaarrofat Iraoa ueeof
hw t«D braottfal daaabtm will aa aard
anUoaalt* *b» «ar rradr at aaj i
tom to martr aaf prrctf ain «bo v<
rsoagh. b vat aoc to br rxeetrd tbac anr roaaa aad prcCtp giri
»Md lore asT old tkb« Ukr br ou. bat
Ma br waa «o ricb that lurr skcbl vrD
r atord to take a iiack iraL
Koir. tbr baabaad ot Ibli aaiUtliiBa U>
dr aod (br falter of tbr two teaatifiil
daud>i>ts wis foolisl
........................... to thluk
Utt loft mlsod with mrltiauai:
thaa moor, did. and br was arrrse to
ascUortloa of hi> wifr to dltputr
Iter uC Ibr diarhlrn m the luUJioo
c^dsp «*r jadf. lo 00
pleassoL -------tte^sobjrri of
, ^ i
omr amUiioo
Vuo kacr
aUr gg
Ibrm^ with Ibr tor



RHEtiMATM usmmm,

Tm That
Doas tbr brautlM rtplra of foroltnre wUefa Uc drmaad fur all that la
lab urisinsi and geoolaclp arttedt
diMtfWak-d loanufBcturi'rs lu r>i>redocr la
stgaaB totetip oC aad
that of Klcrsluo. wbk b licluaim lo tbc
•IcblrcnU rs-oury and staads Is tbc
WeaM Haoe Kw.r« of Be BlwIL
•twit rank f merit. Tbife Is a ciacr
ind iviineii>..|.t al»0t most of Ite- druua'< orm b a goal Ibiag t.. hanTbero la floBrlablnp a
OCDS (vuilduoil will an uricioaUt, of wkb him." laid a ml.-iiur . i|.-n a l» baa
•oral wUch cite Ue work a diniuct tawo all DV..T ite wc« |.« tte I..I SO
paapwtU a
a at Frracb aad
»W boa-1
character null-* aiari fn-ni aop otlste
Ocnaan law at craanl maDaper. Tbr
>. n brn I war a yrniuerlcr Itack krn-1
oDoai an baodaiio-lp appiduKd. aad
wllh Ubtr bap* aUu/df l.aau-,
appanmtlp Uc
U proStahlo.
like lo bait, atid it>-> u-cl V. Ui. n.. .m '
Miwt of Om clltsits of iblf cnnjpaap are
(d Freoeh oa timnsn Urth. sad tf lb.7
r»nU Cot baht a- l.-iaii— I w..uM noi
raio ibr,l«, mnl l«wk ,1." ^Tte
cao asUefp Uc g.aiml loauaerr that

silifeis JMUS.

rrCcrHcd. Rhtimmtimm tm 9tHetty m Btood Dtmmau^

f.m^ Ual If:. 1..,., j„l:.-, ba„ h.. ir-t\c


"" Kbr-mttJTC
lean.l I.
U.I m. I oiDckly
avaaa. tai dears

ri^t ww:.'..oll,iW


Ilia |-r »■'"
pcniuaraOj-1“ ite^rnKUsTtyi!!^ ^
paap will tillxT boy Uu lol
eotilsbi <a It will n>llm U uu
Hoo. Ki-w Vurk'sfwvlRO pupolalvm i<
larpc. and uiaiip of Its wcmlsis an
lirloc a liau'l to luoulb rxlatuani wall
Inc r« ri'lativ.e .1 boBK. to .lie and
‘•’'to muii.y. The LecKp A-lvaoce
nil .ICC il.-'l'.-.^ of iV'rJ.
eotopaiip will uui tUx'-onlUe claiuuot
llon.-f luov—. r.usllp Mil.
latwpccUre bvirs l■rcaoae tbo lawa in
wrUlio.nn l•b.^bao.l~t a liir ba. luan I

,------Uls onuottp wilt am ponuic. la KaR.
I. rod a..w.
■“.takvl lohaSvou.wbobKihi. iiApcarnrd
laud ibis smt of diacouutiuii i> a rreoc•r,dB« tbr
sited bmdoiws.
•b roaatot.'or]' that ll will
bkaud|'.ui.idl'teili.'.v,“: iV.
«mr of Ibrts. pus
poo moat o
mp rSurt*
KB ia a atnaai from Ibr apooa. 1 alft aad rrrk to Uwai
nui .0 all tb--.-.,n,,. U.,,1
nc,.: .
ift top porpurr.
•. I • •
ipaop. "Uot#
rof U
lbr'mVnTuHinK'n,'’“’lwdl bood for »J1 i.M for Iwould U> iNi-'
iu II. tmi II inn'b
a^y^.t maubo.l
of Uiackindcdlmaibu.l I.^UiUter.'.vra^'bi■ir
Ucfet aad aar Ibm aa TOP did tbr ollk. U ip tbr wr'idtV'aKIkmso wSn I*io tad we doa'ti
Sopcrioraitr ia LonAa aotur Boar arrila iDorr Ibao olbrn
sit ib-_iu.j.iin.T be rooM.
The state bsrrd 01 braUta baa brra
tu wboir aiaouDt railed for la a rrripa ‘^r^ITrri.fdc.r.-.tepua
■ar Diakr tbr batlrr loo alllT. If ao. hasbsod cootrllrlf. “When tte cenUc- Uoaodlaooaot..

Tills Kmw York oomiteip Suds that
7BB Bioil acast ll or add a llctlr mora mao roBM Ibli rrralnk. 1 will u1
on all ll.- ii.bsUisiir. r.,r mi!,. al -uud io '••‘’‘r Uwoahip, u-coda cooolp.
tad ibow wour ui(u uf S|
there Is boslDiws amiogli la colltatiug I
BUIk. Wbrti all tbr Boor Is in. add Ur
Walbcc Allen waskdird wbi!.- dri. ,
CpuD IbU Ibr wdfe wai
atraigbb game,
laom. and woo,. .,f U.,
•atorlop and twal tboruusUf.
rd. sod Ibr bostood wrai
who ask IC fur aid ci'-e It |diau- «“••* --------- and Sulisl. bul Ibe moat SIT.™,1.-1 1..7 l.v,
Uut I
bratlBk Buikra tbr cakr of, a Baa bis Mnrr, rrCGmlng is tte ..
arcs. Tliislapamcnlarlylrncof 5”''' .
trxtnrr. PIU pow paaa ataout half fuQ. tlr later Uss usasl. lot oul!<
«»1I'Hock Ibr ,
bMBf Bwa b> ampr Ibr bowl tbomoeblllf aril
«eui-ral priiiclpl.e ratadluc
. .. . tbc Isdp
It Ual DO battrr maf br «
brans cart.T.
had cvorlulo ton"
lug fruoi Kv.ty lime niilrb'-s "
brr lu.Und - •
partlctdar to arr that tbm
Tlu- draw ing ruoin < liulra batir uxuit- ■
lowed brr. brsriog iu bl- Uid.
uch pap.Tr annuonce Ur di-atb
■Urd lumps of baltrr or socar atlrk. irr Ivniha. with pH- r
alUy man w-iUool lirir> Ihrr.. is
lac aroaad tbr ider of tbr bowl or la
r. mill carved ca|vlMl-i. wliti
rllti lutap
liilap of 1 rf
tu be fouuil svaiir in,, in ilus dtp wbo
Unosn." be said, bsodiim ii t., hi. wife,
rrwt, fluK-d SL.
TMt .lbr orrb atalr and put
aad sbe trad upon fl bi Istgc IciCcrs,
itb itjadc feet
•'liulicfl lhai
take. It win DOC br Bood IMt_____
Tlrasc Call eo t’s Drf.oe |■un'baIllDC otUaralaCO. TbuLrgacrA
i-urvi-d ujirlglit
Hig T...
panptak.wimcbancH, Wl>ni a claimAa ardlnarr loaf of cakr sbouM 4akr ilacwbcrr.'aut uiiuBm Uu niaiiagiT Itlal hu has a
afaaan aa boor to bakr. lion'l loob at It
prUnn.-r- ia
... !iib«ritanni crati-r. raiuirv Irga, w
far al k«st tra ulawrr alter II «uca »2BiSft^*'ib*V’sh!^ka.'Mr«dpV^
lato tbr vr«L Br particular lo cloar
arli-rlstlc iib-cr. la the work anwi-u -a |..aaid U.- ~ji ..r a.Uin In I him daicd^’Aia. M<
torals down Town and akming to bit of ailnnirp to colliTt it. tbo oiaaagd
' tta door rarrhillT aad Dot Co jar
^.-WaaUogtwi 8Ur.
b.iig ii.p w-lib circular rnda
cabin fur lofunuation 10 bis agi-aC io
atara. which would uakeUr cakr :
ujist U-.vund Uc ludy of Uo Hmb ..t Ur 111-,- will ll.- p,.. .ia„d.i,gr
town whan Uo ctaw Jiappi^slo
nw draft map be locrraard iftrr
llrry round Uc tup. lid lusblo
If he reodre. tBii>fa.-iniT inidcnra
ptm CO la. but Iw Trrr rarrmi bow
!sl by
tbac Ibr clain is a goi.l ouc. bo makvw
Mrizger of liraflor. II..
Irfa OoUreitoa I
TOO Iran) tbr brtl.
our iraorr u-a. a Mji.l (..i.b
,.f bi.
■aoni 19 tbo lirir bere and siU iu
bterrccivc.l word (hat brr busUnd.
laar of HU mm
If tbr top of tbr nkr brawi
pi-krt anil a.Idn—I ib.- pn—is-r:
riraa ludUoa alt
iho baa been in Paris two raualbi. baa
aaoD. barr a |>krc of aalwoloa |«per to
lap Bborr II on tbr abrif ot tbr orrft.
bsco arrntedfliy b’fcnch ndIcisU for
UurIt ibould not •■rein to brown until fuUp ... treble miodrd. teHcring ihat 1
Ih-ulor fmiil Inlaid wli punlUid for aap injury lo ik-d maup tbas in l-'raiiou. ami ii is cn-ivy to
!.r jur of the hcwmchol.l. few wHto
naan. If it dors. It will bo llkrjp to
UroersI Sinjug uUt colleel tliem lu cillicr cootrtrr Uan la
■l• -.'4.lls• nanplHa.
f»a«* opro alone tbr top. Tlila la alao
rnllI.^] tbo I'alusl Htalro. Muhsme, i( b
u',-'i‘‘^’'u‘Ti'' r”'
agtortlmra canard Lp loo muefa Sour.
Iii.dlkl liiii.l law. blisrm, li
ebcaprr. Au urtioo mar bi .rtllrd in I _
Wbru II looka dour.
. ciran
«iral sorerp lu ring fDitn r dri
, ,
i.Il..f.Iui,:.. .iii.I-.i«.-nn*thst
from slg wis'ks loUhsi inuiiUs In lira- '• V.*!**'* Liaht rtoihs Par I
Credby lighinuu- atnla!. ahrb-k'.i.-iw-.Mt.,- .
IS predfraBcni,
bnma straw Into tbr Ibickrui [wrt. If
•• I - ic:r
I',..-.. ...U.111 Ji.«ild know that
rr.t w.n.l.l I *'*•'
Ira.liT. afiiT n riling vl.ii u U - nsni- *—
wbrtvas ii
afirr hsrlpg lUied bis stddi
'I..I'-:- ..-i..-l.-,i,.-.! nw of
if rbco arc'Uiik.og 1!"',!.'•edouch aUdea. draw ibc pan caraftil—b-d In 1.11-ling 1
ir unio acl- I.
y.utt 10 briUB
Ip forward sod pot pour par lo It If
Iiu.-I fan-] cbitbs from <nir ntti-'ii.iii'a.
tbr pnifiww.r r„
-.-.I. .;u i'..rh..ut iwm Ou, ‘iralk U |Wkcte
tbr cakr 'tlckj- loudlp, U Is o'ot dour,
uid tire.- lali.T will b.dcl llii-lr owu
,"U f-r b.'iw-,i..;itia. lui sill.ail tbr spread i.f Uc lire when it is hb.ii a.iliw to , ' .
• bsd wsi
>Iuri of tbo less
» wu bare ^
rd fartruB) bts |.rrtp and
-..m.ihn.u iil.- i|,4i.
taprr rakra abeuM lakr mora quirfclp
•tied la i
rb »( iBcm. Itrrluf ...nir
Tbr srbonocr. IMuw mmmu,.. M.i..; f;;'•, '
thaa a loaf and rrqulrr aboSI bait ibe
SII.-V—fill iMb.ta u-liig 'te
au.1-.u{4>..u.g Usl
ill uuia tailglllK fhilll I’.lHNl t
ITorand Ib.y.-c srr.scd al Miiwaiikcc' AtUm«. oV
Otoa. l>o not pm aopebioc rlar Into
Ur |.;dr tdu,, wlibi niv al tb.-lr l--.t
were bis fl
Bilordsy an.l cs.h.kipper bs.l a talc
tbr orra wbUc Ibr cakr u bakloc aad Ura,. boi. b. bb
all'll Irlimm-] WIU rllt.-IJupi aud
rta.t wt-l,., will tealtrad
da Bot pot ll lalo Ur box ualU I
itra|.plng«,ping-,- miiall
Miiall si
silv.T butluRs nad
ITtb- Kl* iuM-o-ild.- N..«,.w'LiHba..'
u la Ur cuunlrp ot
lilt- tkw aod lace
Irllur UM I bSTo just |
rd bu bunw aud alU-uapIr riau l-'CC-l klul pi. adrd <- I
. . ..
UoI bis aaddirlaga aud fecelyi-I from
lUng all —n. ..f pus..i_.s tl.that till, cup of Am-i.yilmu owes
asborc un Huit HIsuc
A luxurious aad looat Ingeutuua
. --..ooii.-tow.
- -Islqrd aod rocrisrd Sl.isk. damsgr
aa was also tbr tin bus
vnlli-d f..i 1.,. bipl ,.
■ppolnlmrat. rllhcr lo r>U or aUi-»r,
laaeru wrbirb liiug
aMtliO ili.rMu 1;
bii ray-, and .lick acns-tli.ii. I
av.-s To
A.-iowd of angry li«rmaii ftrmcrc.
/ for Ban’s ifirelal drlmatlua li a dgar kaodleapprd be mailr bu't'pu-.r Icsdwi
r. which 111., city lliD-' -I fi.i
Using III and alwiul Nilcs. s.->cd. mii.w
boMar wlU ambrr muutbiilrve anil tbr
uk bloi aud
apprv^iriatod. aa Um- wvni apparamlp alioiTld I-' n
from Uvsnstnn. I’l.. in ur.lcr lu at. uCr
AafI or teiualalot portkin farbloucd alga Itecuaxa ordmd Um to dismounl.
00 bHrs lo claim it ThU man wrilus
irrlf .d V« twrb.
or tbc prladplc of a calU|>rln(
tiny ^burredrd al .uii-r lu make so
'’’■'Tl. u
hr has ab-oloir iir.-if Ual liu Isau «ruiii.,|.
ladiwcliua af bb i•.■a*rwkms. Hr bad
WlNa not In urc. H nap br
and ll..- si-v
iK-fuD. i- rvliic a.M n imb- wbralu- »uv
a coBpam that iwnulla liYo bo plir- aotUilBv with which lu drfi-ad Umaclf. Urn. all such clnimswi-fu d.vlarulVoid
lii:.l.‘«..dtl, i..,-.
amiv.-n b-'^ml baii.I d.hh.I sugar
Bx.d Itir I.--1
ad la a Onp tubuUr rate oI pold «r aD............1 lu. I—.1 III.J
bp a law |«mud in iwhu. IVylis).s w.t< nillk. l-'.w iweplr. liow.->.y. Jake
Tor about an lurband
III ll.- n-ii.:l uu. •
U4o began lu plunge UrlrUaudiJoIu bis il nol f.* ibal law I,., might U- aUlu I. bltrrwlili b—luw.
windiug up <
.Vow. wist bu.,
Ir altBchmrat
............ —rot bp wl
puihrU. briuglug Ibcui uut filled will ranlUrtariuithlug. Whokuuw.! A. li
br .waprd into tbV woods at Norwusut
It map br fratcord lu a cbtln If «b
tbc hick k|ici4uicua
la. lirwcvur, liu i. wa.tiug his lime, au<l
- fiOtAji WiiiVLikb;, Tr.Tbvoi?eeO±ty,
NHUJaatlae Dathlnp Halla.
psri' Tbr place w'a. surruiinilcd by
aA-dawaton- arrular-WcakIp.
Acalo and rgaia tbcf .did Uii until 1 shall have to wHir and Icll him so."
sr.j .Uiijfc,
A vury |.r.,rt i.-al imd fa-iiluiii
poCkria. pruth nod tadJlrUgs witle all
‘•l>o puc Ibv- manp Isigus claiiiis pn- tUlllllUC null is KkrI.-b.-l 1.V Vugur.
.vaiipiin, 11,.rmpMed. Astbe pUc of si.iuw locrcated aontnd to you:-"
Cberrg Prllr.
U uf light gray l.rlHiaiillu... Tlu- -klrt
upeo tbr grdaud biwUr bUu. (br ludiank
Bosk asr package of grUUn 1
- iuip..-l>rtv..
and,- OD. bid lu l..\ plan.. Tinburst bilo loud Uiigblrr. Ktnaljp ttep
err arc au
s made than
........................................... -If is fuel.
epdurd tbo llo buf-and wbcS'lbrp mw
nkirt fiiij.-ji- lirfrrul imd.y tin- b-ft
oaicr Buiira frumB a. B. U B p is .'i One dap oalpaacb Bcstb.
ill's LIUlc
Nui long ag.i
aetblag b that bnl bug. and •>ibrr luabb- wllh t.iitinns >.n n ilv .Ir wli
ir tod Ur juice of recta tbry quirkip riusrJ II, and. lu-dilag oallnd Bl our nflicu and ask.-l ns to mlrut ................
Tli.- »;ii|nr odh
asru snaoaa. nn tbc disb lo K-Hi-g at aar taMhrr and Ura stry clnsvdp g| lectncbiiii fornnrwiOunrksfromanctUr ..................Uu- |-■u.•lll rf Ur
witar aad atir until the aagarbaad . '
PrWrteor UvdcD. Ibrf hwebed tbrir Catn Uat lia-l ts..ii left in Mvvitgrrbad. ar.. «r a .larli.-r gray lirUlimiilii.
Bbii are nU dlarolred. Btralo aad
torrbrads and made Ur
algaitpiag. Tbc man sh-iw.-l ns Ms pa|icn blcDllfy_____ sir. II.- -irm—I wllh irarr.i« -ill.-lu-l luuid- uf pd
tlisl V msuBiHiun can U- p-ev.-nl
as Ice 10 bardra. Tbeac JaUlca. oi—
ingbim. an.l gave os n d.wcription of
plsc. a:,.I I,-* I,I.
hi..- s .
y the caiiy nec uf Hac 'Miiilc
Tbra Ibrp garr bark all bb Ulnga. Un prnpm.r Um. and a >Miu]d. Ir his- Uriillantliir. w-lillr dock ur D-1 silk facing a f-iri, slib-.ajt. bii. atei:
WU fvdailD aad tniJi jukea. are daUCough Core.
Tb. - i. Uy fss.wiir vein i
braid. Tbrdickry b abuof brlUianilnr W.T.. li-l^ cisl 1.. . „„IJ
«« and map be made qollc ona- wns pbkiag up Ibr tpreirarna and re- l«7 of It Wu with evor
rdp foreongha. ralctr. .-nwip. ssUma. .
mtiib grs-v.. Tlii-’>a;l.T.-*. w
toautal bp molding them to faaep pbHng them carefuDp In bb p.n-krts. Bgcnt in bw'itgarbml aiid'f-nindUatan
sod oil Urosland lusg truuMws. i
pouch aad laddIrbagB. and lo ibr sign
D-M uf us. w.-i- moi
b— ni-c.-l
id acattrrlog frail tl
Carrs qaickiy. C Y Thuaipsua.
?: ,
Uagoagr lota him to mugnl bis burar and oaUlobadUsm Irfi InMasthisman bad
adu.ifiiii.-a f-.i-bi.
doscribi-t, aud Uiat br was our .if tbo
gooo.-VoaUooU's Companiun.
• lUTk d—a not t,--.iiir sun. <||J nuB |T..k ,0,1 bi
d—k uh-i Ibeira Wo w.yo toking tho nociwaaiy
fcar Ptoh t p
aicpi to Collect ll wbiw n 'trimipcamu
Bumsicr Ibocp work ibould set br
Into our ofHc. IIowasshabWIyilrcK-asi
Kur buns. Injuries, piles sad skin!
tugrUrr ibep fogsd and looked as If liu ha.l Uvu kl.
disrurs oar l•ciV,ll-s .Wiwb II.- i
ttsdi Iboo^t or taxes tbr
•’linr,- uur ,»iJ Uic
around Uo itiocis fur mmitbs.
coontlug. Vnt ibla reaaua and la
Ipas ifbr bad .-bare.--I
fsiu ral. li.d
tbr Croat aUeb oo Unro In whlcb each MOp if a Ibin panill
the tft.-n WS-—I-isivlli Ilr wkUi. ^ square B workrd oecr It BeaJrs- married ranplr wte rrldratl, were
n-iwd l-n-l. iiiiii applsi
•id l-r
a Slay .-f pr-.i.-lii,.--. n v„. u .aw
Uat -Ub
A genilomao rrcenl y ror.-rt nf ovs .
tbe'T>riroii Joaraal. .......................
go-d bard'll. r.v wianin; a-sm-l |.ig
Is oat aaatlp aojjatiMlp exaeutrd
ralUag at Ur maa la waspub-roucs.___ about Ik
odd-, nod ll... iwi-.D.r was f,.|.| I., u.igM priaia gsvr Ur full-iwin*. apurupr si. '
raHatpoftbliwork Uedr^gnbean- tkc busbaad wof graBp raidylag whenrendering uf liurns' CsiiiMi- l.tcu.irg
■■•WcIL yon aro on tho wrong tract'
fonp eoUlurd la alrsi atgrii with a rm .................
lie base iieslsn.l .-wunut rsl nod
.. .........................
ba Mid. -ts-caiu.. I aiu lliauL. and Ilia
-wu. U.-ii,' .-iih.-r, l-ii .41,1 1-.:
eoant ouRosi or a thick klol of waab■ ii-ibiiig .,r MV, n-.ibiiit •rril w-.
^^man for whom yon aro aciing is a
nest soil -we,-car, cat. K--1. 1
Isg silk, while Uu background la cn- etogoblcd. wbb Irara la
i~d liiii fD.rj.ite i..|.. .11. ,T.I liyspcpsia f.i.r be ibanh.-l " rou pra
tlrdp aued in with ilK- craak ailicbeu bfarreyra: I didii'l trad
itiM will digrsl will yi.w .-at.
Una Iraring Ur dralgo In tlW ccrdm
reUnto bb claim, but he
hottol.l tuManb-l Lini Ul.- 01.. .'Id
cotured Horn, for lugtaoce. cOrctlrelp
tlallpUe tamo tiotyahonl t|ir .wuta
“Bp Jevr, I was.” prlbd
coatramiag wlU tbr ralorcd backthat tbo oU<« maa bad t.dd, and my
“feat I didn't ^w ur
Wtpf“rryr.',.":' ‘i'b
V \
nurigaiiy was anuMsI. ilr said tiul tbs
be gut tbc si.trt, su-'
Tbr deNgna for Ub rarbtp arr'trr^
nan whom we auppuwud to Iv flw real
.y.giilry i|u„l, m J w.
■ iorcl Uc ponng aiiocb,* of Ur;
ttoquoutlp big* aad bold, tod wb^
Mr. Blank waa. or ratbor bad U--11. bis
bio sgaiu. Mil ! bur.- a
Kalicd Klau* embassy la I'avl. bss.l-s
1^ rnnr
lei ibc w'ur-t cu.' ..r VI
aarraat Halhad waited for aa opportnappeared sail Uc puiw U.nk br list {
• >-«btak
■dcy aud had Ibm roblnl bu ma-i.y cd
l-ecn niardrrcd.
Ml bis mooiy and Ms ivafa-rs. Arniid
VtU tho pap.-v»- be had l»eo passing
One Hinnlc Coogb Cnrr li
“I’m gbd in bear lhab" bl
bimaeUoSas tbonal Mr. Ulant Tbb
bsrmleo. remedy Uat prodn.diaterraolir. Try it P.ll T
tramp told aurh a oLtraiUnautial st.oT
I impressed br it 1 g.vt bits a
u frlluw named G
Uwi bad him ph«.-_yaph.-L
tb- wuni.-l 1—li!i
r Ja* bolds bath maker and
I photocnidi viiili till, .leuilt
-I d-.t.-t w-.-.„r .
ot a ,'auntcrfritvr aquallr e
a tbecatetotiwilBTUiid, anduiyngiot
drain- who aril- p«a
“Don’t wany .iuu ma.h ’bout
arat bock wurd that tlie tramp was ibt
irrfrit of bcW.Ua
Ub b tbr caar ibe background b gnnrra." aaU I'mir B-e. -Iw p,irel
bl and BcianiificTraatmantof All D
piabre y.-ur-.-lf,-r t--i—u «.
If a blgli .’-.liar is arom. Tb
trallp marked out la Urgiw tqnam Icatbrr to p.di «bo~ UAs fior. bul It
Yuiir uwTi fi.cp w.ll ...m- tiir.wigh
UdfaD-rfD-lsllk. Tbl. Ison
I's claim was frandnl.oiL Tlir brat
larger profit.^ i oo can nol ipasl b,m
•ban - I than tbuac us.d for ite- ordlsaip ttua- ata’ irwiMrt keep Pub ■ n rum
id Uc iiinh.v .vior .rambliialions
I cTidcmIr got wind of tbo la.1 that I •f '
, ataa ctuaa aUU-b. aud Ursr ote BDrd In —Washlngi.m Ktar.
bo bad boro cxiHer-l f.r b.' ncviy tura*. I Id wUI. I ill- suit limy Is- drn-lui—1.
wtU a kind of doubk- allti-h lu wbicb
that Is wnrrrlag o---. t g.4 a r,-„.
>11 kaKV..I>,-Bl*a».- M.
Xi-w U-it.T.
Bf aialicDlIv Ihal ew-rrr f.wgrta or «d up acoiu.
i wim '
that S0..RW hi.- a l.oxsaw t..log ib.
Ibr tbrrada ttv taki« Out'oulp from
gl.ri It fuuod uiilj In U-- an.l ignoldr
ig I- Ual It dri.-s suiuwtbly 'a kst."—lndi«Bi|v.Ils fie-v
urrs. whDsr alms^arr srlfiib and whose
d m—1 p. I>- pnws,-l
Its arr ladliect. rwwardl, and trearh"Tbii here bc(T,” remarked Hr. Die-' oft.-c wraclii c. .-"a g:iIai.o>urdu.k
Ter, aolld oucl of arltrb which
st.-nuiasd. t.T. Talmogr preached ja • «ca. i.cV
mil Dawsoo. ’-Uwhat migbttioMlIba i]ar should b
t.< liict, .-ariiv-d




Siimlnilloii ol leirt^




p^;.raT:^T:-Vte riw'^biv^Tw-






EH::BaD!f’s voice
Molhcr’s FiieM

CoiisullatiM Slid Iianiiiiioi Free aad Sirialli Cailideitiil.

H. 1:. OTTM,\N.1M. D.

Mai PresidtDt of llie Ottmio Medictl iDstitole Co., latkagoi, lid.

ar.ltS’* •SX'; .st’i

Thursday; -













“^lit „

eg'iar society affair."
!par.1« -f light era, tittlUi
•Yon don'I aay?" raid Ibe bukcoper. i yards -f a dark.T -la.Ir fo:
"Yoa, I da It is sorter W met j mlug anil a .ratjl ef red t..r 1

( Prasre -polni du diatir," bui
I psadaiolbcra trequenu, used It In Iba
I aUdopsof''woo)wurlooruD>'aa."aod
Kb Mid tbcp Ueluwcd o|«m H the
■on polllc Mtoc ot icftaUBD

No frwrr IbtO
a ihlrty-tbieA Rrltbh
i tnwrab an- aerring
ring In nooU Africa.
. Tbr abuc'uutpnl of New llampohlie
. atalr bat pear was worth *3ilMJ,W)U.
roar ur Ure

lejwtwl UII Ur C-WU CTVP
Tbr rr|.ulaU.o of a lippucrll. ' ta
on .|.raklns K-raii wU bis rhap


"Bit I daal kbew aapiMag about
roa.- pKtratrd ibr faUrr. -I dual

had dwid.-d vi.-m of bl- ow n un 1
)H-rsuadc1 tlir .<11 man tu atl-.wl.i adls rods .m ui.c .•( bl< barntdd fvUuw ..WII..I two Imrw.. ar_____
hid IlgtiiMne tvsis pul UI-U .-ur buddlag* SB su rsisylm.-ni. Tie- m—ml dav
slt.T- Uh- mis w.-rr pl.irrd In t-wiimii

grab from fbbwgii' I.. Nrw V
•rr fauan -Cbhwg..

Imllr News.

■srsl rh'itoserh,.
Al Stocbru.f i-lii. lauitt. whKrsprn.b
ig U-t summer In ttu- .-niulry.

Tbr aprrag.- wumaira kb-al Iwyn It
. nan wh.i frill cat a wN dinner on
iBsIwby a-|i^at.gramliUiig ti»ui u. BaU .'d l'lgl
There Is (irolaiUytwibbg |wiDy than UdI -II
be pw.ilv.. ..r a man whu lends imairy

.-uiilry amV
lii UrU-asC abd

^Jlilragu Imlip Xeaw-

-Wril." replied Tbr aifltor calmtp, “I
Wia^rtrbaogw rrcummrudalloua wttt
» phase of tbr Transvaal qursUOS.
•«trb«iK,«w«Bendattaas IdWt fb, gojd mlar. aad dUmimd iWds. aad




-N.d by 1 ih-n sigbir
uid man
• "m ^n“ m
Ughuib' aarar aufkM

wlld-cv.-i juiing r.-Uow rashI»an Uiiri-b'y'- j-lac.- In riucjnuj
•rcnlrig durum Ur- la-t wr-k, f.
over a cu-|udur aud-4b-a himm.-ni
iomllp un tie- .--nnt.w woke up i'.d- Cu.vuii UII his i-’D-b l■rblud ttw
1 ililLgl 1 am au Y. I'.
I DU nl-Mkcr.
H..U ar. • raid ftnynan.
D-.-i'-h j.oir milt Into U.-'.tiv1->x
aud baud me .-ul tlw ^ss fur a jol.y.“
Tlir pun.T uunpucl with Ibe colancTs lts|U.-g| and Ur juk-p was auua

11-vi/r.ur- a.V«



Sf to an immense congrmlioe


-B I w:i. With Ih. "A Mn*t»ff tronblro.
ri.v-trr'’ c..ii,|uny. taking Uf- |giit |.f
.n-d rmiigltani. I first m-t nui N>y.
-Aft.-r Itir le-rf-rmatHv ba- vD tne

yuiir a. l!:.g i-mldlib Y
said .in bis prrulUr II tarts did p«t take
>r Ibr bululsr' 1 ask,-d.
c replied, smillnglr. “I

_ . -SSS.^i-'ES

Early Blorra a
T Irsrr and bos
Nerrt gripe. Y.

---lOSOKK ryg» a,

uiMMaaoina cjaa sscso la •.
CSTaailflOPTBC *0«A bswM

r cgpcrimrBU.J's;;_^*»s,;-''t~‘-“''»';'-e- “•> ow ss-

-iniag al. Ur nat.ra!
ichavc bcea combined is
' nod in

dps peptics
■M In -Y-bc Isuir's food ssbllt
••Was ytme last
-sful fDwn a euair

•Mea" I Dturwr.: -alPi^lwMrwaa
l-ui n..t
•I a- g.ral a- Uis -Id-.
•T siipiw*... sol,, yuu kl >w til' maan•A Ma-lanl fla-i.V
Itif "f an v..r. V.r rai: lUc -irangrr,'
ttcr than The Imk. a
III tb-- rvuduls.--,,..-- *>f
slpjdng.ilw Jolii aj
rii-now's all tbe old folks down etstr'
-I am D.d fn.ra .iwan .wstr y.dlsd
Ihc'ruung man. -| am fram oar of
'' f'Dsi I'amilisa uf Vnbginla. anhr
iih.- replied HUI
"I’ardon aal

_ ___________
TO ^IM_-7rtl
oner w*I sswwwrs.a.. aidaessraS

lain Swed sh by an Inlcspmcr.


ll piralraf aoarisbiogl

»«i »i. dn-'aw

m • orwprrvocs

curr.1 bp lar medicinal iw-srvsc ctrem «• svaisc* sears
sa It S p.caoaav lol oPECiaLViPs comm, u.s




••“0. ,




Kjsas to-

*"^''‘V^u.*?u7S;sa a tt soa^'^fgt.^

LrmammmnMSJK JULTit, itoa.




•rtthttoeuMte wuPL m4*01110#
traaUr. Wko* «i^lM MM*c«. 1 olM*
It oewMly wlik •** shop vltb
iteaaa •* Uoaekt. WkMBsklaf *hao-


Baking Powder is considerable.
Royal is economical, becat^ it
possesses more leavening power
and goes further.
Royal saves also because it
always makes fine, light, sweet
food; never wastes g<x>d flour;
butter and egga
More im­
portant still is
the saving in
^2^ a.
health. Royal
Baking Pow­
der adds antimUmcHmn
qualities to the

-Tb* taMMOl UlB( I* ay Klick**.'
»ia tMOwr, -is ay «w hrsoil haUf.
Wo bav* *11 sssB * k*t h*c«lod tad
eat la ehaakt. bat ta aat It irUb a ttw
ball* Is a booB. Tb* *1 lea say baas
ibUMwIa-beanl *>d m saaoth a
Tbsuntspaaksr wasaya
bat balBC tb* aldw daafhta. wa ws.i
saratd la beaaakaoplaf. MbsoaU.- Tb*
basdlaltbiaf iaoar Kllabaa Iseelya

erta ia oa
ogaal qaaeUtf of BUb,
d eddltlpe
qnrtof beUlag trnb milk, to wbkbn
it thicken add tear tablnpaaefato of
Wbae Ukeeeked.atlr U bell
I et Jain trae* freU berrita.
awnteata. TBraUtoaanld
aedeorv* wlUewnteraaB. Tba Jain
froa eaaaod roapbomn aay bo eood.
' aetiigeedaeUefroobfralt>erry Pie—A half ptaief borrln
I two crael—— ------------*'
_______/e'riaBd I
borrln bav* beoa
ernt add two ublnpeeaiaa et water,
wlU aby Bevorlag wbkb may ta de
aired, swmea. eta dredge ligbtiy wlU
Add Uc epper crost. properly
suited, ead babe U e nibor qaiek


Th* Urtai* Ship.

TL-siissrsa:' “

Bk tbip k

qwmnat craft Uat

Tea Bag*** Wa* Baba Bp tta erase that
watch eadeta aael keep.
While all a-rew u« ton belaw ar
sUgrra MiaepAta BoUer k tb* pUot dnr -eb. aoa*
Wbn baby gen a-selliag, mad A*
wind k frath eed frn.


Walter Oeaataa.'
lUeogbt I woaUwrU* to yoa. I
•eeldliketo jaU tb* tuaUlaaelBb.
at —' will b* oet U* Sfedet
Jaa*. W* bevee'iavefy large aebael
M of lb* aebolen 'bavtja
aleyeet. Wbee Uey era ell taraw*
bare qalte a large tcbool. Hy atadin
rataieg. priumetlc. aaemaff.gnB
r eta gsegnpby.
By taeeberh
Mr* (laarg*

Wbae BoUer each* U* anile ablp. tb*
of strawUmn Ui* yen. TbT* ia all I
Tb* brent* tren tb* gwdae blow eac Uwk of. so l will elna.
____________3ob1* Laldtow

' Paddlag—tow a eaptal ef
with wbleh a ublnpooefal et
Ooll* wora^lad wlU eblldrta
b«tor bn boon ernaod. ttir tb* Ml* know, we*** got Us
OB yelkto
Tbs girl* of BBtint Bltaastoa bod
whole If
fal aad a______ _______ ___
two am bntoallll stiff___________ _
Boar for a mbrr UKk batter. Uto
wbleb a uaapooefal ef bUleg powder Wbn baby
M alaop. end
bn bne alagled
Tbea add * Hal
troah n«pb«mn. Btlziac tbooi la ibc
boose* sad dot k' wogoes.
oagUy. aad bak* la Ua ordloory aaapar. a*rv* WlU a harry or aUar liquid
A DBBbtr of sarUsa oolk toprtsraF
lag taabUsoBd aratoFed koWbu wrrr
Vw'ebHI Kka'M fa^*^
’rrlbe Maremberg pavroicai
I'etll in dnpata tnaqull alaop belli
-Iben dolls dato from Ue
tubinpeeafal .
Th* hair In one
’ w*M t
nghly Blued aad Kor BoUer wutebn. too. at algbt: foarWeaU cealery
^*Sfby'eOBldl?t’ all kiiabao or otb*r UJamota aaall U
d Uem k lor u>* rtcepUea of U*
wbtl* tbfaaffb hk alaBbor* ernp
bou. aodflaaily
orb Ublta bt duad wltb Mian?
cupful ol frasb napborry Jain. (r*>p- DrepaMBarlc* of ntliag ar* U*
A lady who bad jut eeaplstad e
bracotfcll aalaop.
rrry jas will anawpe. but k uotas
I aad fBtslaaad It tbroBybenl
oxaeUag Colored egg*, pulaied womi
aetiul w--------------- ■
*0 bird*, bladder* filled with peas, lit
u a cool plan—OB In i* bnt
tl*-'eraeiicable ' wladailkaod emh
Raspberry Jam—Thm fonrU* tba
Tb* Fourth
se oalBBl Sffureewer* ibsal-rsiiy re
, - Oddiaadoadt. w* ^llt a eepboard waigbtef laa brrrIeeiboolJ be allowed
tbal etlad iBio OB* earaar beblad a
boy* bod bobby bonn. paper
It wn a very ,.kl
deer, tren Boor to MUIar Ib tb* ay- Uiu"RIll. "S'd^i^'.'"lllti" ‘e.'^t 5ta : good tlBO.
liWs and iBUrb'rr
Tb* older
sbrlvtsaie iBBlara. keroseB* can. Juie* to glv* cbsnewr to U* j*m,-s 1 day for your pmldoat. wbo k a "«
boy* went fowlioy with blowffnas —
rs aad *boe blaekmy bad brash**. ------- - or Bftb part aty be added Ua" Uen day*, but obo eejoyod
otbor«wer* happy, and
li aad hABBtr. teap. ale Below ------- - tbe Jalcc to u boil, •blaming.
. . nbben aad evanhow. mitleav
“•' bBanBUod with joy a»d pride at
•te. Aaotber I* fwtaaed le tbs wall,
A UlUe two year old ia Topel
Let it Ue alghi of Ue dear
-............. bleb eocuyb far tbs srork table to slip danger of baralBg tba mlslara
been tofferlog tor some time win
eadarlL The tapabslf I* pariiuossd. boll up thoroughly. Uea ramsva from wborc Tklblr. nod wlU love for
elen. and In oecordonee w,U Uv orderi
■Ido beldiBC kllabea tooU; ibr the Bra aad pat op bi directed for oUor
iBlry. which aeed* alway* Ue
of Ue Hoard of Health a larce placard
O'. baadlM of eleaa. wbUa ran aad
sU iu chlldron. And to tnl oo. tad
#• tor elaaalar lABya, etc. Two
Baspborry Joily-Tba (cult aboald
Uiuk oaeb Uoogbu
Tu below bold ****1*01* disbe*. lOt M too lip* for Ui* parnote. aod
The other day Ue ebild's foeryeor- |
tad euaea pot* aad eaulsler*. aall. Ue DBlnral berrir* are bettor Uan FoarU of Jaly is really for. eyea If one old sUler asked her molber for aermUId all tba Ulan aaedad '
UcssrrawB Bpder s high degrae ol Is fur fromU* eeLscAOd sUr of
tloB toeall oa her lliile playmate litj; Oacbnalifel. latoattoBaday
eooklor- The table baaaaU bold* Ue CBltivktl.e. Tbs fruit sboold be gen­
water pall, aad all are bat a sup from tly cooked laa little water ueulaoft.
Ue tiove. uviBc Baay step* dariot after wkicb Ue frelt w praeaed tbroogh
II our bouboAB* ksew bow
Ue d»y. I oBoe taw a rood saMuw
lly beg. Uc aaOteqaBat procaediogs good It don ttae prauldeat to get their
Iff Similar to Uan bod in thepreThe hule ore tereod wiil.oui laying ]
,ob.- be chirped.
pantioBot oUsr jelliet
Mioy Bsk- deer lettora Uey woald
•>» prefer to odd from a sisU to * hull Uat Ue lottois c»B* ev(
la Ue eellar. tbal UeU ap of enmat Juice, os it give* u mom de­ Uey baveaot fAllod Asyel. Thk wnk
fiftoea mini
• 1roB
Ires Bice
sirable Jellr. wiUont ImpsLriug Ue
-hd twall
good friead. Hbk l.iadlay. of Kes­
_____ — doot* arc
raspberry dsvor.
A pound of augur,
hair was ________ ed. SBd Ue bright Tbea he v
fak right
«dmU air, ao mneb Ue bettor.
bcatod In Ue ovea. 1* added to neb wick nad* as lettora writtoa by
eye* were dlmaed with toorr.
away qeic
pint of iuicc, after It has ballad lor school before tcbool elated. We Uiak
lUacatoh Ahd I Ulok he deoerve BgoodapAnk
twenty mlautn iu s porcclaiu kettle; A ffrcAt deal of Uat Knwick *:#
[>oo-t yoBbs pat Qoder aaylhliK eookiag tl
after balling ua again, for bot a tew
of llB teoeber.
At tor Uo leu
likely to bare, to preeeat Uaa
miunte*. Ue Jelly tumbler* may be
______-______a butcher ahop asked
Uey will tpeak for Uemealvn. oo I
fliled.—(1...I f/'>s>ri.M>l»i;.
.. j yard of pork
Tb* batcher rv
or Urn ladln a«reed Uat a
Uey ore:
I plied,-What d.i yoa mean?- The mao
WM Ue baadlnl Ulac '
Sammer Comforts
Keewick. Hicb..JoBe Ml. !'•*
I replied.' Jaet what I uy lOa'i three
Uoe aaid: “la the ana
I Mar Bsix»-1 oncloeeaB
1 plsusorporah Jusloulsidc
‘ j feel moke a yardUe woaUd.three
Ubc 1 put a pet of boitlac
Ue kilebee. provided wlUacommoo her of letter* from my UlUe pnpilv
my little oil atove. aod wiU
one of bis bones, with a slate and pea*
eraet over 11 I eeek an eatire mwl.
They were writtoa ooms time ago sad cil In bis hand. "Wby. Barry." be; Oetilag up in tbe moraine aad getWindow screcDt of block Botqnito
ypr laataaoe. 1 pat creea beaDS la Ue
ciclsimed. -whal are yoc dolay : ting up in Ue world boU leqolre mo.o
llatoDded lo sead Uesat
pot; la Ue ateamer 1 lay eaourb pared
ipooition." was the re-; or leu oelf denlslreaching homo but won tokeo sick oed "Writlagac
pnulou and can ol crea» core for a
ply. -Well, why don' l yen write it io
Pisir * shade* mode of striped S'
cooid not do no uatil today. The Sus- the library ."- wked U le taUer -Hediaaer for four people: ako a quart tie
c Katie, -.'do yoa
wiU a eaetard or eera eurcb pod- iogeloifa tastouedoeaatout braes
* corner et Ue Herald k ve^ in cause." answered tbe
enriar. or eeaeUlac ol Uat klad. for
lUog Ota Is eagerly reta by U* lit­ -Tbetooeber told me V
aasrt. 1 cover UaateaBer elonly. - '-IS no Mily be poshed to oaaelde
>t smile.
POSlliOD oo s bone."
tle folks here. PleoAC count as os Oi
____ _______ .istic. reffordlog Urm
aad eook a whole ateal wiu oaly Ua
slroDff. nrvlcesble taamBock. of Ue KIrd Loren.
lari Uat woald oUarwke.eoak batooe
with critlcsl eye. "1 do Tfiey're rlrtus.
Uae of Uttis Itersie-t eyelid* wo* bed clouds, and Ury'rv sbocl three Biles
iBff oa the pitxit or brtweeo tree*,
aniele, aad wa all like Ue ds*.
Vour friend.
ly ieflsmed. and Boding It rather pala- and a half bigb. Yuu dldo't lave verr
turaisbed w<tb a couple of big
Ulan that bava beea atnaad b____
Lonra Liadley.
fal. exclaimed -Ub. mamas, eoaeond good schools wheayoa wot little, did
U*B wbea cooked in aay eUer wty. downy pillows coverak wiU bright
yoB. peps - •
ladnd, one nevar know* how wood plsidedglughsa.
1 oa going I
A foldlog placet ebuir coearei
groan com rnllr k uatil Uey bare
; tebooL
Aitbar Clark k in Ue lonrtb
ad It. Meiiber wiU they believe eae*M, Usl euu be asde iulom
reader and I aia ia Ue seeoad rataer.
naeb a larc* suaaur will bold if dnirad. Ttal* sboild alto bi
BB eight yean old.
1 hod to tiny oat
LOTS MURE UKE ITaaUI Uey haee tried.“Tb* baadlnl Ulaf la ay kilebea.' Bad an sffftaaa. -fl»u*rbut.l.
of oebool a moolb wbea I bod Uc
por^w „
nya Cbrktie Irviaff. "ii my dkb draia
We hare
Koia ou »t»ipfs to
n. Itd^away wiUwlplagat^e^t
A Good DisiDleciUbt
have a dug and a cat I am ffoiag Bab
Uariug our long, warm sumBcts
Uaa la good bet water wlUavery
■Off tooighi. 1 will goevly.
Id. What a T
many psru of tbe boas* each a. eellar*
muc whits aoap. Hie Uea la Ue
oe City ciliseo njs isUe best of eel.
Bad dark elont* become masty. tbe esagbt a bosa Oet oherrica oro almoal
dralaar and rlaae wiU clear, hot water sir not beioff ebaoged sod uo sunlight
race for Traverae Cil
people Heed
ripe. 1 picked tome elrawberrie. for
aad let Uea ttaad aetll aaedad. Tba eateriug.
■ it cose. Websvelolt
Rreiy IliUe dsspoen or
dralaar nta la a lart*- eqaare a»nt slop of m'lk tends to reader Uc sir ay grandfaUer.
Alfred Clnrii.
. at tb* aod of a leer unle like Ue oul. To couutoract Ult dissolve four
uys: -Id tbe summer of iDVvour
___ deacribed in Ule mrliele. It he*
nocc* of ebluridcdt Hue lo twoqnsru
1 BB a'litUe girl asd’I woald like to graodcblldreD bed tbe mntlea. After
eared la coet la asay wayi. aod I
t water and set away in a covered Jir
reoo» ring, one graoacblld. Urea years
woald aat Uke to c<re K op. The .Iwuys keep s saucer of it le Uecciisr jolBl
old. broke oot In eraplloc- which Iltordlibn alwaya ahlae, aad are frn from r anywhere Deeded. A erntt of esr- Hlsi
ally eoTcrad bk face. u«ek. ran ood
Hyconsln kale
boasto of lime will form oo lbs liquid lor my Uoeber.
noder Ue. fasiis
Despite Ue ose of
^l^twnt UtU* rlrlwhoerac praceat
Ich mast be broken frequently. This place.
and oiclBents and aedlcias
Uatdiy ipoke ap. Bayiac. -I Bek 'at k
very ebnp
from more than one doctor daring tbe
loag time, bat be bss come boms no
kaodint Ulac would be a 'iltla girl U
I *w p-ii*r^
grrator'ptrt ol Ue samBer. be was
ail-e taakeule. aet aad aant'e tr*-'Limie UeiBforU.
really won* In tbe ftll Utn aay olbsr
aad wipe 'e dkbea. Dna'I 'oa. aaaa
We have a BOW boBBock. 1 bav<
la'u* Oinliui Room.
pnrtof theyear. Theeore* lur va.-..
*•>.;•. ssH'
Vbeo tba lauctaucthat followed Uk
s as : V- s B
Unadpn -nta graadms
ABrattyAUd ssrviesAble spraAd tor new do'ly.
aalta remark had eebelied. one ol Ue
ss II ss s toll m .
oil day aad eoald not elnpnt night.
kaabaeda. wbo bad eallod W tUe hk UodiBiug-uble that is kcptcoasUDi wore ap Sandty.
.Ar or* BoeMc .. If u a is ■■ ai j m
We were indurad to try Hoao's o.etC-i.ibbstoS*
i'e9 amiissaa
wile heaae. remarked Uat taUoaebt ly lAld moy be mtas from See blOAcbed am well. Pan ii
c Bnt nppUcallofi w
- « u. In u. 7 r. |i B
abeat Ue beedlnt Ulag tbet floor SAdks. Sew four, six or eight tobe loaad waa e BAB Ugatwood geUor by IxTlBg oee side over Ue oU - naeo two mea. Uoby k happy today
and klBdUog*. tu Ue water pell. I
or. Uralag lo ta* edge* and sliubiur Papa boa a big
ouboUsIdeAso there will be uo raw sebool.
Ue Bra* aad be geaacally nselal.
silly tbe appraraoce bf tbe ekta
L I'oi A bAll-lDch beu all Around.
elslly at tb* Ubie. Aad Ue c
ttaral. Fern aelgbbof-* child
may agraad Uat whether Uey
brior-sUtob Uo n«m aad eoeb Lindley.
nfllictod ia Iheume.way after bcuIco.
Uc baedket Ulen er aet. boU BOAB WlU yellow, red or block wash
Ueekildruaad U* aeo were nice U ombrolderr eoUoa.* .Tollow k Ue
tcbool- Myuaeber-s oo IraUBeot ffivc oviief.
iBB goiog
(W* OiniBc'at so SBcenof
ban la Ue ^Iriubea. pad were eve pratticst. but block k at prenut the BOB* 11 Min Uta1*y.
I Ilk* By for oaograadcblld. I erased Uestrnl.
moat tsBbioaable.—S< imcJtneber eery well- W* 1
applied It nod for Uc Bnt eight le
eeboloro. There ora Blneteen at tcbool Shay obo slept sooadly aad beforanr.
BaicUy Praveataa
so o'clock arst aornlDg bsr moUer
1 stady rradlnff, epeJUi
la ooBce of rooge.
wa* at a drag store for a box It eared
Vary few «eopl* era wholly el eet
oriUBCtlc and laagBage. Uac o( c
ber baby ia s few days.
unagevnileBtUaaderalorm. Light
- D'sOiBl
ueosy lie* Ue fcmlaiar beta that
oebolan poned the rlghU pmde exs
bo^^AOi^l r.-poratioo <
Bing reoerally strike* eomewbera. end
n a lost yoork bonuctBO one feel* abselately nfe from lu
loaltoa. I BB a Bomber of Ue Si
it women droan wiU toatoUey o*gbt
Tbera is a slaple way of Inarlag oa*'*
tblae elnb. bot! loat my pin aad 1 tend
skto by all dralera
Price i
aelt agaiaal daoger. however. Ifyoa
cents peTvbo*.
yoa a eUBo for aaotber. 1 have c
pal oa a pair of robber* wbea Ue
Haffolo. N. Y.. sole agents ..
Probably Ue two most awkward esrd which yoa •eBlrn*.
llgfatalpg begiaa to Bash aad Ua UaaUiffud Sutos Bemember Ue Bose.
UiBgi la Ue^ld^^
der to rear, aad ttaad oa Ua floor n
IVOB Wkcond.
•oan Para. Act. *el*«a.
Damn's, nta lake oo other.
oeheler balding a
ihnt yen a
' aoUlagel
Tberiarolnalachoel. 1 oa golaff
win baa**1 e e* it you
aglaneage. Rsbbar k a aaokeadaetorot eleclrleitr, end If the llghUiag
baa to go Ureegb a place of robber to
n WB.Siky.Jok. It.Ita.
get at yon it will Inr* yoa eloee aod
Mis.s Frankie Hntluiuke eoaeUiog elee.
wbea yen bar* on e pair of robboie
way. of Sixteeatb Street.
and ere not le cooleet wiU aayUleg.
r.u. '
TioUxnC. Mich., saj-s;
poo are perfnUy leenlatod.
Tbk k
net e theory aeraly. li kafaei proved
“I -am tarenty-ooe
by leanBocaUe cxperleaeee A pair of
rabbnn baa need maay e lit* ia e
was pale 0D<1 Weak. By
UeadBotofB 8ai Uey matt be aaoed
sad whole
Oa pot doo ao eld pair
the bme 1 was nineteen
WlU a eraek la ue toe. bonata alaayears old I was so weak I
trlelty will get oot of a vaiyamall bole
could not walk actoib tbe
when Itls esroored. aad a pair el dofloor, I was terribly emneetleo nibbeiB will do yoa ao good —
ciAted and toy skin bad
foor tMI%w sad t«a tat *li(; I
OBS ba a larf* tsally aad lltUs r____
sb* win BBdaotaad ba« baady II k A
If te Aitad la Bodar IL aad *a ol;cletb proim
prowot* tb* tap. It SIABI
siaad* bt
eapboard aadolov*. aadlssaaal
rtaraaobfrcmaltbar. rarlreala^ilf! MUmmiaM. dlab was'hiay
ee aay atbbr bled of work. Iilsalasti
ladkpaaabl*. yat It tab**-lata ms
ihaa SB ordlBory tabU. aad k aaslly
BapytBC flaert, tie. at lb*
....................ol B«^.*d lb* BbchtB* *lUl



budbpiH.i uuiuBi..

I eo.. 10# twuuw W, anr voait.


Hb*.H.K-C. Ban*.Editor.'

bto U belieTe that
UdUraaUoB owe Uolr akforieae
bad dkpotliloa. Oood hai
a (ood dinaUoa, aad a livaly.
daahy al*bt where
teapered paraoe nespra aaay
aad bara Uy
ezplaaatloa of Ule I*
tlapla eaoBfta. A aorou pataa
tUQ aad talk*, atdluut apoo
rather Uaa blaulan, wbU* U* ■
fal aas or womaa aaeu abeat froa
ntj^^SdllWfoolt UKM'rt
plan U plate, lifu aad paabu Uiar*
aboal a •
bealUy euto of asarelta. .Iliad bu
wimay to belleve.BBda pleaaaal
*1.111 da BOre U kaap
Mgto If
daekar Uaa yoa an awaia of
la aTt^Ua n*a» -wM *»«* #*o*»b,


fort of Bind at\B**l tlae aSeett Ue
aarraa, wbleh le Ura ael apaa Ue
saeb. aad Ibat laportaat ocraaitatalba aad oaly half dan Ita work
the. daat uB Thia la Ua atroonal pin I hart u

,».JS5Sj7id* Uau .»«. « «-


■Ttae* learned boer u mV-aald a
ButUbawaPta! Thl* dauUar ««• dalleaU woaao. “1 Bed Ue Bn BleUbeiaatiylorpartof Ue
Why^ltevTlb* atalltkl *«ld: **d
day. lylar fl»l on By back, with
DatawaSv Baada <E*ia*t ****T'»a» lavd Baaeln aod cioead eye*, don Be
Becayeod tbaa Bflaea ailaaln weald
Aj^^wbylluyaite. OarWaaailtlaf la Ue Beat eostnuble chair
nar ^suatbat By bean afford*. U I caa ayaraBtiua
Uoaffb. t bow divide It la
baleear-Ue Brat bait for
Ipnhalarn pUlow bafalad ay back, ao tbal 1 eaa md wlu-abwo*. lUan. aad lU* eol iPiarlar my ayn and at Ua nma
UauBlee Ue lower halt of By body
tbareslitaeeasUrtOBira. I ruoB*
■y work wiU a ratmhed alad, which
I eoaaider ak eacallaat preeeetlea of a
weary body.'



^^‘Sd'kS*^ fta myaUe Ue hn!y
JwH At ib* laa at the tara of

^ v,«,^
na^Sillvtth UiVBfc—


Be.tta>«Iraor Ua BBila-t* a jolly

Aad tanka HI of waal lodry Uuaa f“*f^oyl*»ta«tit that do.
M ttua uauaafUU Uy' baad
a Uafh aad a aboaldar
Ita wladew e|>*a) r> >*

Aadgiata—B-.-^ —e"i»niefUatella.'

WtaaiaM t Hpafr la fel*



•lot rain kU*baa ap.
Aad the yanu ant tocret Uoi

la tta Way of Obaar.
Uualfhl IbadaUac talkwlUa
ta*ia*r.«*tlacalBb*d*Bd abla. Ba k

At the

-T**.- ta uld. -1 *B parfauly ^l.
. Ten yaan a(0 I Wraad eetr a aaw
li^ ItaaabrabaadoeratweorUtu

-Ata van yooaHa W Uk aetef
yaar wtU U atop all wonyiacr
-Taa.*- ta rapUad. -1 waa
Ke nalUrtaBtaidaaauI taea, or bow dkUBH'ra
oaUeakkU ayllaecf
baUM.1 aaeutetUtroabU awebt
Why, ^ oUor alfhi I
laind la utoakhMat bofaet Uk
•taJaHUaad atRBf BaalsadBiiattaa fcroaU Aabatslaatla*. Bat *«By ■aa.paiHWy. bu tU* powarol
Bm;ap»*0i*TB*aBt any saa flea ap
Miyk*. Bat 1 ballau that aaal

iff: : ; z iiUf







Mt. PlMssat, OwMW. Sffgln»w, Bit7 01(7. SfftroU.How•U. Au Arb«r, Tol*«e
polBta X ( find Boath. Cli
MnnMtionfl mt Oopnalab with


Brtckly Boat.
The BoUff when cbildrea taffer la
bM wosUer from erlckly bnt will be
glad to know Uat If she will pat bak-

—. _r* llrhtLet u tarry awhile
At the-IHro of Uedi
-Aad wtat dH ywa der I aakad.
"1 Md* ap By Bita that 1 eroeld
apt Bany Moat By baaUaa*.*



'*^ufT^ ***“‘‘* ““
Wa-^m^aBd flnurad wlU worry

I HIpa’B

You Havo
Always Bought.

.. SfiSSSru.1i*S!“bJr2Sdri*


InltBlkm lokimr !•«*« olirer4 invariaWv cmi.
tan slam. Al^> ■■•sLis tbe iooJ luiulsdesuOK.


BUUfftHbt. IludabnelDeatfar
dUaerepadAr. t an getag te h.
Ue^ Seoeg*-* taet. 1 an getag
-tw. I will hM*
Aaal Laaa
aidwwaet w
I bnid Us
nanUeae lait-^lii.''Then was

toward praeoalieg Ue arrival of the
irritatlBg BBlady.
tibo aboald not
wall aatil Ue nab appear* before
adopting Uk slaple mesas tostop IB
rran. bet nay all Uraogb Ue >saTO Ulo Ue world ai
bav* aod* added to Ue little oee-B
bmBaehitkU Uelr pawer u Ueck
I water. Ia oa* lamUy wbaco Uk
oatioD wo* takaa aoec of Ue ehUi believe Uara are read aad rlruoa*
. wore troabled wlU prtokly beet
dcriag Ue ealln eeeeoa. elUeofh eere of Uaa II yirl* weald
To Ue tHrlA

They Uiak they coaid Dsh-taeobslf
u coed Uaa if Uey ataald ny. -1 esa.







A Ball Bau.
rara ssH bsU -oanaBoe
V aad oanawbek Uroagb U*
lec b SB ezeellaat larlgonUr for
ebildroB. U eaa be eaally nbulaed by
patUag-------ovary galloe
dally baU. whieb abeold be
haWtec^. nmtaaUtiaU phyalcal After...............
J Jeit
- after
. .................................
or before roUre Uereegb
I rnbbtag otaeM
daad.-'Add n^elreUe aaaa parity la
itbeebilAUee the oklo Ugbtly
lerod WlU ewTk raot powder. U*;
tbM baMB weald soon be iaptoeed.
Oirk. yoa are u be Ue aolben
te-Bonaw. - Do yea wltb year aoo*

lUBTQ iD nmumn t a






lostallcolor. .Tbedoctor
ADmmia. Being advbed
to trv Dr. Williams' Pink
puis for Pale People, I
bought a box. and before
I bad taken all of the pills
found that tbev ware dMg
me good. Appetite in-ctea.^ and tbe healthy
color begali to abowie my
cheeks and lips. I contiqoed to tec tbe %iUa
until I fotmd mvaelfpermaoently ctued. Since
tbes I have bad no mum
of my old trotihie
know that Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills for Pale People
Bved my life, and J be­
lieve that DO other medifine conld hive dome it."
—frvm OmsM Tima.
Dr. wnuaaw Pink TOk Br

Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs, Etc. ill
■li,i W



He-Painting and UphoUtering.
State St. aetr TToioa.





Honeslioeiig and Gtnenl Repiiriig Done



ShHUy tannta InlBt« K * a. &

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