Grand Traverse Herald, August 25, 1904

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Grand Traverse Herald, August 25, 1904


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


nuivsBSE carr. makd TaAmas oouhtt. mcKiOAir. atoost as. ism

TnTeiseatF State fiakl

Hre Tnstirattce!
Tmt bwt of «bU1 Mrrtc*
wl7. Tsatk jmt of prmetka.
Tov (MroMce Mlldud. !■
Itav Mum bM4l« »Kr K.
or P. han ca •€!« «IU DtKkar


S per CM almt w nw DesMitt.



Xmct to Lou on tavnrd Kol Estate Onlr.
RoomSlONaw State


«rtl (tot lOMU pWa.

d by tbe


Make it oBBfe to keep
re» maoer about tke
btHBcor OB jma penoo.
PUenitmaUrangbaakebereitviUbe aafe. can be
dnvB anyelay vnbeot Mlice aad *91 be carei^c j«n


Uep^o and «

-*tUo b iW place tt

a be made by ana.

«wrge M. 3arrt$


: ...OENTISt...



•r*«rt« 1

Espini Still Leads


Fre^. Salt and Smoked Meats, Sausasres. Etc.


Otimm ptmm m. OBoo OK. i
Iton WMnIn UmIl TnvMt CNx.

T^tma 4



OldHAtlS ^ resularabaitit Koc±. Special wafaib «n<l Neight
maJe to ordw, protaptlY, Only the-raty beat anuBDteed in every re^jeet
That are made to tnena *eH aa aeO. They are
not made oTdie^matefH and giveB a Saahy
latisb to eaid) the eyr, bat ata dorable, camtoit'able, and naaL Tbe dieapett oa the maikcL qwlity coniidarad.
Ortea naed aad yo9 will bay so other make.

UMn •tah. ToMOW CHy.



126 Slat, ttruk a Uict«r Peteiiyl.


Sea oae and cal onppHea at
Prank Trada-a bardonra atore. lit
ProoC: otraeL Trareraa Clly
aotnlBCDae. ate. ante

T.W.MM4 HNielAtl,


Alden. Mich.

Haw you ever ttied the

Woysbl *riKt»r


Hopa! tiger

Csmaea Caps
•m4 Sstm*a

They are the betL Stdd oafy by






; «o dip Cmmm‘ pf /r«ad nod •cMkn SfrmH.
A iwpa M narakenae at tke abort taeatm.




r^^ soniy. -tt h’lJJd'aptaU^
'The maiee wlO be sarartad.- gmi
luctaug and blnab^ ito
-reJ *a at KMOoby. -Cbcmah ‘
sd lor me. too;' Bbe teemod i
doolsbed TmohA very m__
yon-re a, klod aa eeer. Com oNm M

ooa Otways apprared


He asked new.________________
A oMe ba hM wataod oa they waiknl and board ttat m*
lomaoat bow
wto la bM ipdlteraot baottb. -CNaT
kaov,- worn da
tal dtor. - "So wr Hie ta a IM. owr tM t
tor mato, oM

with bi.
Beta heart, a buMb H vWMa____
buUim bole, b paper bog of ctaiaitatN
in Ua pocNM. . . . -BWaa me.f
aaU Kraaoby to bImaeU. at ttai^bt
uO It bU. "Wov yoobg •----

WeU. wt
d grow bo a
Id bow be a
. tuB potat-vith
dark and dabknu aboai ndac oa vNb
------ --------------- nag loog gtaores
- nenlac bouae. Tbb aabJeM tea' ahead Bomeoai's pulrk. pnatai " '
prrreoted by ibc poator Mib re
wnlk^ golden bead, tract,
U rear'd to Joe aad bb linple Cane. (or prayer and lynpntby. Maeb In tag: be bad nlwmya dwii.
Wag before
•fore the bad aero b
aad doaem’Hh? Pm
leader booda «e boried oar toe.



ainnoiiy. roe <ionn«a ataae
only tare etery. la a vay—ccold
ily hare alWrad naeb. Orey
opoa K: bat R did appwr
' lifnmil aad Rolnnlr. He
■or* alovty aloaf tbc vMe
or tbe aootb rUe. poet tbe

4 Una «bHi««4 bare oviuea to hlaa A man lal
aerraat of tbe Haaiar nerer tired
I «UJ tell you preaooaly. i
bMn aad Unbn o# tbc oM a
fcae* bln la ila erery fbru.
Oa Ihb April oraolv la 1M7. tbe

**Tbe te*«ra ate a< It aa' I Ua beet
The »IN rte raatk
rw lav aa' cNv: beoae. U tbe oU B
Aa* tbe btrdk. aa' taitea. ea* okr.- Ibe knt roGorda H
vbkb Iba opes before ne vblle 1
Thti U tbe piMe fv to bary ne."
Trite, b Ibb la Hr. Hal^'o vrHtas:
-Spatial nlBute. It bai baeu daeMed
Back naa <K
N ttet vaaea Inla
• pt forvard and boUd s HeeUag
Outterad aboal hlpi aad board Um
Hoaac tbb preaeol aeonoa. Coacre
I tart (bat «nad kisb above
tatluaal Uahn baa rotod •SaojW aid
Aod earried to HoaToa aa eonhJr k>v«
p b to be »7 feet by «. M toot
vllb towtf conplete.
everr eoc ia tbc Mordy lbnie(
Ufteaed la avr to tb* tadlas aoa(:
Tbea under tbe and vberc •over*



Mantod kin petal ally taw koevtadae

I tke «*M. «MVtklr.


FIRE and



ttmek at boevlv

Botonaal. baraMod Hcbl:
tovrKtbr _
■ oa tou nroM. Tbe
ly tonbayanl.
m. Hatcb bod baea oabrbkS wvnid lbs <
or tbe eSwab. ka knl —and Mt tor tbc I
ootaaad- Door Pbtber ybbtoblnioltao k
1* aad -OH* Paiber
•P” "» roody; be ^^tatokw l« I
b *aa (larktad aov vltb ibapr. r«. with btodioag wurto.
be b one. Hr be aUB
M ptou cton aad
dM aurtla oBf- ah. oM
^ U beUg
,«.! Til
be we n^ aad
ON^I 1 taw yoa ta the shop. . .
mtway iratlaa. da____________________
tm^ not aNsvM a tat-----•


-Ob. yen; I'm an orUaL poa kMW.
ruiber. a tori of aa Artlat. I pa m
evrvy da)
Trilby aprut
crubhy with
mN tbc^0fl. u her toUy w^. *

fered that Ood voald open the *a,t
bad been too btrald to marry a
and acM belp■ kssbad at him aoMn with parDbrk dnys Ibere evUsally wore tor ^"^•^micblit hare beea boimy to Pleard eym. hot arid aalh^ Bo.
afur nlL Ptotobly «ulto the •odioc Che way Msiss Uaa be tad ogIbe mile ebnreb. ibirtyaevea yt*rs
be maaod. -| abooM bare
oooounoao streieb of beavtay ngo laalgbt. but oa AngoM loth, at Ibe
pmdM 00 maorully. -Tea. Il
la tbe oM city, aad bava re- - -H,
Ita hope H asetac pao. Aspr.
moelbly meeilag eomra n laMtaoi ^atd poor to Uw cad H tba chapter.
noddiac weeds of a wild nc
( corns bock. ti spstoM pHy «
Then there would have come uerdld
A Ctimpae of Ibe routeou. dari
dream: 1 bsvsr rouH tav. ItaSU
ihotjta talm notad taea Boto op
Ibem.Abd a rooeb-brved eraao oa tbc prairte i ralnlag foada. All turned t
AHrtoletttaUtoeaL: -Tou-ve told that to'sear to many
bd aekaowledce tbe band ef Oed opd
-Cbleaco Herald
resisra cMs. Duuclas: havoak yos?*
> be deeply ibaakful.*
ler eyes aoUlsd iBto Ua.
Reralabeetiaoa or the OM Ctwroh.
Tbere la oo fnriber meailoa t
Mm that oU
Tbe followlnit paper wao nod by pragrew of tbe building UH year, but
• oa gtrtag
Ure. H. E. C. Bates at tbe farewell
WB ta Boatao. mr boymeetlnR held In tbe CoosrecnUonal does not appear, and vbat me
tbe foarmlle fadhoo—What
hmc. drwoiy prohollto. Thai *to ^
s aov to ten as I vbo write tUe. aay? Doa'i toll me Ctaptem
ebureb Tueeday eveolnf
hean-a ambtUoa There rameo a Une la Ibe Ustory is wbal Pbtber Haleb did for tbe boat healthy, opam ptaee. Why. la i
-Whto fld ytm came Bachr Ota
I grew raseu oae year?
Bobibs. Day ntler day. with bam
sked. paMUy. teeot drily.
days and iprreaae of nuabers make
lad aie aad saw be loborad .
-Last Toeadoy. Tmi aea. I tava laot
OKvaaary Ifaat the old borne roof aknll hired laborer ever worked. I loOd you
> oaly ocedM tbe e
fttralab Its abelter no kmcee.
Upoo my word.- tboogbl be. owddM-Tea apeak aa H ywa woto tlm^
rottrt h>« walU are pel of dale nnd ilgbl kaows hit loach. Prom daydawa ly\aaperatlikMia. -Ill get ibeos. ft-,
good to be yoaag aetta
agaia afler an ti
these potatod!- ata ertad mirrlly. 1 NMtaSP
dilapidated. Ibe ruof falUnc In. the lUI dusk be worked, aad I weU r«
We tuned w oer tbe aaallcbl cSorr'
tbe ae« made noaod that sb<
lered Joe.




-| ,
bumcly tlreplace abere boapitabb bet bow be sold to me.
d abarply towards a ohop;
d op Ibe old tume tired wbea alcbi comm that I raaT
haad. almost ibe Im toe
pray. I can only aay. TJod be oaill Mala ftrtet sfetotd be rto<*a4.
winter alchta nod
burned mure ouletly fur man.> anmanr
fnl to me. a ataMr.' and drop It waa an
mer aad boker'a. He, i* aattiElng nnd broken, and la
way aad ru faupw ymi
-a ihc.lmpulae. tbea to the aky. If onsd
ta.* ertad EMalta.
But II was oeer at laai aad i
no toeiPT a flltiaf
sd that hla sewilmcaial ootb
ltd bare to cool down to deUbei guile Ita aapptoM mar ta erwaUaaTflp
place for tbe hooaebold ao dIBereal date of Jiaoary litb. ita. we rood.
Tbe tbnpmai was bosy vHb a •MX toodiy to btaosK. -f am ta
euw from ifa.- oridanl little band vbo "SaUmlb day. our ae* Meetlag Haute
omer, a giri Molly dxeaaed. tod
eere so proud aad bappr kmc year, all flalsbed and furalabed. at aL ..
Tbe BlAlrwar was UMIabtad. tod |a
egn of tbeir botnely abelter lb tbe
prate of *6.«25. was ibis day dedleaie I
-----------------• otodM
L The roenicer oned bare lung
was saytag. Bbe claaeed awtftly at
-I do t
■hasMHi of Ibe CM :
Intocailou. reodiag of Ibe Seripiira. Veonaby. iBen her face waa Blddea
him ahocsiber. -Somie oT that
ivr ineotrer* wbu hi
■-vmoo by Ibe Paator. Introductory oo
eddlog coke, you know.- abe went to
a later years bate
prayer by Rev Mr. Draper of tbe tplalninc.
'We only moke It at CBriatmaa.
mailer of inlrth. and have held NetbodlM rtuiTh. Dedicatory prayer
only Mrong desire* In see In wall. by Bro Warm of Dk RopMs. House mtam.- aaaverwd (be mao. -| ktow -I'm partag tor the ehoeolaUa. afUr
what you mtoa. We tofl H
. Ibe crouad So Ibe dieute well ailed tad tbe nerclae. neemed
coke We nmde two obkaa of yJo'rr"etalS»d‘YrwiiUu!!’
le fonh. The old
8be tabled Ita key and aOpppg Mgp
od degree of
„ oBaaocr. -I've a good mtad to toot
111 paaalMi. Tbe nlr te fall ol iBiere*! Audience rxiom of Ibe I
-Mast I wall BUI CbriMmas tor it. you out," she ertod Then. ratanOOB.
burry and biuile of prepnrelkm and
la all resprsis pleaaaal and a
w OM aids far him IP totar.
anileipalUm. The alcht aetUea domi hle.with Ibe dusk of twlllgbi tnsi cWbei
Soeh was Ibe makiac of U>e oM Kemaaby frit Us_____
n stand soddcalj
1D( Tb.- old borne li deserted. It rhurrb borne, and now Ibe end has Mill. la aa lostaat of
l‘"h by^ *
sails bore. It, brartbsloof bolding
me Ibe old memories ihraog
Herv yow ore: all
cold, blaekeeed tabes. Into ibr ibk-k aad fast, and tbe air la glled be"Well.
b to the IlghL"
went to. and gaibcred op
o£en dypr. left abCRtbC from Us with Uir form, of tboae wbo
ha«. -I obajl hare to poac_____,
lilDgea. sraoder aileal. hand la n.ha bear fony year, by bare poaaed
old couple wbo. loag years aco. ibroogb these doors never to pats SL?g'5b'r^ **“ * *''''*‘* *-•>«*
"Ooud Bight, ailas.•ea vonb vabtac tor. Ihta-. Hd
e Ibrougb that door la Ibe happy IbriHigh earibly doora agaia Patber.
gbed ta pore eoaltoUtoOt m ta
Ile for
spring time, young, tbeuruos. bopefub uibrr vbo kived Ibe old church ao
alched bis eompaabta goMiy ttoiec
I'll, dear frieedi.—there
r hta ha< ata trim lackel.
nke posseaaioe of tbeir klucdom.
-Thank you," ata aaU pmiily. aad
The llcta feu rergattwfly opto tag.
me <« Ibe other side aov ibaa here,
r Ulaaful ibai long ago day wlib
be .btoa of Utat dcbr itae vhb*
to are vllb us loalgbt But there
morning .irn sblatng nnd tbe air
For a brief apace ta drank ber it Id been wlUi bla ao Hito ta ------ r
of song, from tbe bird, nesting In siHiib'-r born. Tbe dear cbildree vIn
ibIratDy. Then she hod brasbed
as now a gUd realliy. How paMtr
IO Ita paveoM«T Tbembty
have been wet wlib haprismal
tbe old orrhnrd. Into ibe di
«• was. bow prstiy- Time bpd ta
log rribd ber from bb ardeol gn
•ed stood ■m-osy. bad gans tata :•
nnd Ibe tir Is ibroaged drop, ai Ibese altars, have grova
ran I do tor yoo. sirr
with ber. Her aoTi Uwn eyas-eta btaO- Here oae by one come beoultfuJ
. . yes." k-Nss>.>
one IHUe Bowers of the eoMHiM
the rhlldren of tbeir kite, each to glad
takve tbrir pamis' places, aad
ennh vogoel
far aad oeor have come taliUi.l'
e came tbe guod
and or them. Tbe beat ' lagly Her small moeib arisarta tato
-res. si
lie aa be cai..................
H-batblad? Or wlU yoo
neighbors of ibe eddee lime, and with soul, and true i<i work for oor Master.
mliX?Tbe bright
It light of Ita p
cheery welcome were seuTed at tbr . grow deep lalo our lovr. There ft
■w you III
r beta modp «
festal board. Hear Belgbbacv ebo hate ’• paoae la tbr bright proressWa rtoi whalrver's c
pasNsl away, oae after aaotber nil row, and pasaes oa yrar by year.
there are alaon ooae left wbo etes
S.. goed byr to Ibe old cboreh wbirt
koea of thoae other days long gone begin- to fall tomorrow. || will be lea crasaed Bb bralB. "Do you kaov blark sbtalag messes ahoM ber btod.
Btark e> tbe ravM's vine. Mark as
i dim memccy la a few geetiag
Aod here ware dan of marriage aad
■' self. -H*by. Maude.’ ta Hotamlnh wbea happy brides lei
da>«. bui Us name is sorely eternal la
-what ever have you dooe to
h.-anbawoe for boonebold area of Ibr book of life
your aalr?" Dismay and ruipbtaa
gi.r Ibe anam of our customers to abooe io Keaaaby's eyeb; ita fmmm .
Weleoaie io Ibr new eburcb.
I heir own klodllDg. and here
Mraugers. No oCtmae. alr."
taking utter pototastaa of them as tto
Patber'a blesaleg aod tbe charge of
^h. none: you re guile rlgbu l-| meeaiog of ihe cM'i reply wept haPM
adlaace of beavva sbeme through HI. holy aacels be wlib It to lu bolld aeed not bare asked, as a maitev of
. . -My tatr? Ii's the
lag obd galablar bbd from It may taci <miy I waued to be gulto tare
oe dear oae afler aaotber
os It has always harm. . . .
li t MIm Oreeaalade Only, yoo kao*. my name dtot kopihrougb to walk eternally where by
Tbe man Towebsafed ao direct an- « to Is
irecn gelds and still walen the
twer -1-y# bad a great many eastomgreat gbepberd leads his ow
ers asking afaout that cake,- be oh >io.- b. ___
served, more freely. -Too woolda*! roo re Morie."
believe II, sir. bd* H arib u CbrtalPrayer bad aaorilfied the roogh
mos. Here are yoer cb
-Tra. ef eourw It was ^ta the
•wu walls, aml aaagaori
Keaaahy took itam
ht that 1 mist
sea and mingled orltb tbe
not ebaare aloee lUt bronchi
cave tbe
r aaoaab Hs
aa^ beyood the aura.
Kenaaby lo naphaa. c
'*re^proori^ *1 11
r bad had bb
m't aubuyba. oa tbe afierv
had a
Ajtd ao one kaev eaeept the old peog^tlIka. I UilBk there auai
----------- -- that i_
w. No one ctmld ever ki
dad tbrir latebded d
> with baads slIU ctaapM. and with movlog la the astter.
Wbirk way bad Ita r
tar way.- retortod Keaaahr.'ppeye* dim nlih tcora. they y
call opoo oM Mr. Klot
;*btai' ^ UvM" ta srvertag a little, -yoo mari admMOwd
tiio tb* Bight, to sew the iHd I
I was smry gtad to toe ypa!Kenbbhy-n—b naworthy of tbe
that ii^'uVid'l^'*?!^**Kto^lta
-rou ware.- she
tOBtaMy. '
akm aad a pretty history laal
very glad, to kmc oa I waa Matam I
Jf there are more Utaa tbe
beyimd beUet. The oM bowses bad •baJI eat ber rboeotata tat (P H«p '
(oiks who towlght took ta tbeockt.
BesMea. Utb eUl waa an atair aooc
iriormed and dove wKh. Four o'ctacA
evea. on the old ekurrh hmoe b
m, me
iw Doagtoi Keotohy BaisbX tor Ita,
an.-ta argoed. -tlarMptolawia
time, aad con up there old
>y—a> tar as preafTaagsmeal.
- • -• eNNca B> omeo:
inlac ta buy ImposMla
1.1 think there nre only three, nnd ■necraed. Klagdca Bad boto
a laek of priiisii td mtad? - Ha
third sraa then a -lamb et the viewed: bad cgprcssM abaaetf
tato a race vKb htmasN as ta
•n. dtaroH r«
Nra. Oiaal and rnymB aad ably to tbb euib froos borne, ra
ta U^tta taeam ohc bim.
lie AndetBM are. I am qolte Bare, bftre oo maay yaan to tta p(
m ta omOta btota. at «a«._
the toly members bow living ta Trav­
erse CKy wbo iwm^her wbea oar
ehoriA was bam. There are alban
ikda. witk Us vtatata ata rkmintalm.
kmc teotove-d—a rety few—bat who

• • . .3
uolcta *ui ool be <d thcoe to ooy,
-tSood bye. oU tanoe. pood
It was April L laCT. Pear yes





■tataStaPia Wnnl ULcnraS

•sMf/'mf nidEwSntSwN.

Tnnnt CHf. akk.

Trayerse City Manufacturing Co.


w. 1_ BROWN,

Wbra yoii want astov^r a range buy a‘'Jewcl."
They are hanihome igdlSbigD and linish, good
iHka. id ,«o»om»al in lud nnd wn
astee* them to give satisfaction. We have
then ia price from ^£0 up to $&0.0a Come
in aad let IS show them, to you

succtasea TO Mossa



but we want more, so dm'i forget to see what we have
that t-ou h^. We hare more than wc can mention in
this ad so we only call >-our attention to

0eiog to BM?

If M, the Sooth Side Umber Co. at Traveree
Oqr» Ae place to buy your material. Shop
aad mlU work done oa short aotk^ Ghre os
a daace to figore oa your waats.

Fruit Jars and Jelly Cup./
PrMerve Kettles,
Plates, Cups and Saucers,
Wngnnrantentlme: to be pedetl nt hnoent prken.



KtSSJSZSwv”-' t'


- "Id I mari.- ta e
the vislsts
Hs nib
ni tasp.



atom taw tbr raeaoi ptam aad
pr*Mr**i lb* *Mei for* of dowOT. or
•r tbrll a* a OToatSol Moa* or
-Happp for a* B tbm b. torn

\V«i alwra^-w carry a Rood stock on hand.

baaatp or worth to at whlck attar w*
u« loBi i«part*i aad oar bub* forgaucowbitato. . .

lottoB. *ban tan throasb tbr poan
ooi Mall taar* a roeacalnbl* aad

Awtor Aft AnodRtlM. tell I

n* MT*tM WM a«pU. M'taodita- VkM tkcM >rmat rvIM
*tMi Mi M* WtMM baiUM I

DartM tM MrrW a ckolr oobc

r ratodcaot fto« 1* o-doek I* tba
rntat oatll BOOT. Ttata* who oaltoi

aa tOTl tba Mbdalac aai potf■Mt aMoo of paraeaal km la a aaoi
kaagaaB* bold* BO word
tet aaboila am a*aala< ikaa lhal

. aa pwtau (bat oar Barlor a**i It la
Bw iait boon of bl* Mmi Itf* a* h*
MM* to bb dtadplOT. -1 bar* MlM
POT friOTia" Mur a au aai aaar
• unaia MthorOT bm toiar «u
yp OTj. *1 ba?o loM a «aoi aai tra*

of l(« rlrtUxalkui.

.to bdd a ruBpiraou* ptare. falrtp Le,.^^

1 lluoiiblan. wboB be
{SI ; ma*) of bl> (trooK

Park Plae* botal aad (he Raaaab *
Up HertMUIe.eotapaap aUeaded to a

bodp sad (b* dtp oBdata atteaded to
bodpatao. la addltioa to th*o* were
tattaoay ot badaoa aooodlb* Haaaah Riflo*. lb* aiUlurp onualOT mlltoid o*«r tb* Mato of MIcbB wbota Hr. Haoaab bad beIPB M aaaalawii aad eoariadas that
frtoadtd. Tb* •oMtot* tatnad tb* et. oa MaaM <i baatom boU* ao aaa*
eort of tb* foa«wl proeouloa to tbe
tatorp. *
b* iwtaoik* at Rot. C T. Btota
... M«b* OTaalu ap at artx aai men
o dtareUd tarfolp to lb* rar* per­
fMK o( boBlaan eaiaer la oaa totalil ttooiadartoUei ot Mr. Hoaoah
^ iQr. Bat otbar' trait* of obararUr atoo
bit roBtarkable ■boon* to Ut*.
tb* BOTbioOT* aai aBaeUoa of
Itoama. AMap* btoi aad aptobd*. ■ aaBlal la loelal lator^ toftac to uni Ut trlMd*. pa>■ of tb* ooudl wu
mMpI tb* pti^il** of btadfor tb* porin** of
MBIiMi. balplac la qoM wan
>* CO the dnth of
■MOT M ««a *i vUb aooad adHot. Pottt Haaaah aad to atake arln' <Mm Tb* aMfiwItoaot ih« «■* lb*
(or tb* Diaeral. Tbxoai-|«i« at OHata) iboachi aad trtoi *iiltu* that iiatud t
BariOM* va* aot rapeUaat to tbou
ram C. OUbert. C K. Morrap
. . BdMmtMMOThm*.
Bad C. & Dodmap aad tbe cooadl


l*, rrr liuub of TraverBe Qip ailcbi

" '■ that ttota my laatoraUuo tecu. la
« , dx waaha I wu a ebufod wonaa.

"7Sta^r«bStotoJ*r-OolduM«d. i<ll»POta--. He w*. *r«ed tereral til
ioIlCdonfr.* There taaatolM'ii* for (be r/Oee uf icureraur aod on
,ke* a ftob.

1- ; — Hu Orau OtMwS, *W JoOOT Bb, I

Dr. IVTtc?rk**ut Peneltatate tbi
ecUoaof lbt«OiKoectp.*

Perry Huub adopted.

Tb* Trarerae City biord <i tr*d>bu l«aro*d with deep recret.lbai
Ibraatb tbe decree uf a Otrlae Prori.
deoro deatb bu rlalotad Ibe Hoo.
Perry Haaaab. uae of our dltalo.
Br*r/ kiffT]—t hooi* to Tiaroroe (Bltbed atooiber. ud u utoelale at
Otp wu otooad dartoc tba boar* at (T«« wortb, ud It ir witb Ibe (realOTt tlBcerlly that we owet to (ire pub­
tb* faaaral.
an the «ai^apo* ot (ho Traruae lic eipieuloii 1u oor eorrow. TrarCitp Btale boak. (be Boartac mio. the ene City, In tbe deatb of Ur{ Hannab.
bu kxl ber fatwiDUl dUien: a mu
ot neat toflueace la ti
wnrk bu been
eoBlrred In ibliwretlon: wbewe eduru

‘^^32 i

; wblek eo ottoa baton a

bunt ud irivin* u oppuriunky to
der M-rrlee lu tbe luraUty In Bbk-b
A iduneer In Ibe xreal Traverre Ba)'
repion whore varied Indonrli'B are
iH.u u Important ladur In tbe woxitb
uf tbr fUK- Ur. tiunab probably cueiplbuted more than uy olber alafir
mu lu Ibe upbulldlnx of tbe aonhern
porilon uf Ibe lower pealasula uf
MIrhtnn. Hr M-ttled down In tbr »-r; lino in wbk-h hir wraith had lio ••rtoin
am) ldrnlUle.1 hlm.-u-lf wllfa Its Inli-r
I n>i>. and U. pn>l>li-ma and its pmperr iiy.

bare ever burn to fo«U-r the inlefeaU ! Of all Ibe jtical Hiefaitu lamber
of bl. borne city by bli Indualry. en-1 nm. perbtpi Ibal of Hanub. Lay A
ercP aad bmu* tlace UyIns tbe four.- c.i wu the moat tamou* becanar tbe
datkie of Ibe city to lUl..aDd .wboM-1 kac.wt In ealtaeur.-. ud beconw uf
life baa been devoted larsely to Ibe I the autnianlUl an well u promalrr
upbuUdInc uf tol> cumnunity. dereloplo( It* rcMuimw and rxerdalne bla
V Inbabl
peraoul inaueoce fur tbe Ruod uf tb. l*nl> of the entire lumber nyrlnn. The
city uAlbe tuie.
kurvlvinn meml>er< uf Mr Hannab'.
It la with Kreai aurruw ibai we real- family and. to fact. cHla-M of Ultail
lae that to* wtadom and cood euunsel Jtan R.wnlly. have In bti recird of
of our oMe*t picmeer will no toncer achl.-w-ffleot Bomritalnc In which ibry
b* glee* ua. but we are pruud
may f.wl a laM-ullar pride.—D.'lruJt
TraverBe City bu rtaJmed u ber
u dltllnguiabed a cillten. ot tneb
lofly ebaraeter ud ntmoiei
Perry Hannab wa. a Btrunx ud
legTlly, aad ibai be will Invi- a lesacy furcvful mu. aucreaitul In Ounce,
of Indulry ud boo.wty of purpoae loyal lu bl. bume ciiy and toe Qruil
whirh Ibe rlty may Jutlly^lte: thiTi- Travem- realun, a luvlnp buaband and

ala« ti«* a* b* aalMai hM plaraatoi
Wtoim OT lb* aobool fraoBi. aad b*
■atoitHi tb* world bp tb* tto* tbasrp
■t tootloa of tb* btaroBlp >a<>i.
' waut Ha*rtmat*i wHb tb* t*a bMU* aai aat* tb* world tb* nIMtr
ooflaarr of aUBto ftorBtod'o poalbfal
aaal wot roaood to tor* of ecutry bp
tb* pidrtoUt bkltodiL ooai to hli ham-

body be extended

the family, that | Unw.

Vtal*m and CtMGOtat**.
Ifonitnned from Firat Page.)
you. She'll U- wundertag who I have
hrougbi In with me.~
She wu gone ere *h<- had di.Uh.-d:
her lut word eumlng to bim from to*
darkDi-M> uf Ihi- iiuBage.
.-*il.-d aner ber. ' lam'i
Mario: I haw a heap lo *ay to luu."
then lav Imrk In hf. chair, w.>nil--riog
what hi- khuuld My. Somebom Ibai
comfortalile twiing which had bwn
bla today aver clace.he bad bad speech
with Maude'* IHilc gn’wn-up *l«ier, re­
mained with him. It refiita-d i.i leave
blm. de.|ille Ibe fact lhal hi. dream
«a. turning .ml all wn«g He found
blm.'ilf lAM'I; citnti-mplailng a mran
le'lng tiver'Whi-liiii-il a-Jlh regr.-t
8u|i|kni'—■.uppuBi' Maude lu la- mar
rle.1- Much a thing iiilgbl hn.e linppene.t
She wu pn-itj i-nougb, ud
'Cfaarniiug .«ougfa-aJihouKh .he had
gagemem had
bene-lf. III. D>i
Dothin uf iMinlnx I
weallby In order to marry h>-r had
bawm aiulle Keanaby't own.
He »i> to examtne a run <d por­
trait. or Ihe maniel-Mere Here vra.
Mrs ilri-cn.laile. a di-sr old lady, tbe
.omia. <d B'hii.e Hfc *bn«.->l unroni'
plaininxiy i
nany quiet I
II hiT ry.-.. No turned-dow n

gi-nile niniiih

year, which tbi- world bu never
kuwB of. Aa aged woman, about
el^ty year. old. come to the retadcnce '
letog alkiwi-d to


a aU roaod o

:mm it OT hBT* baard hta rMal
•datr *1 that dap wbn anld*
■M*r *t tb* atOlac oOT <f tbii b

; oanetvea to strive to praflt by bla
bula** Btaboda aad hta reetltod* of
Reeolved. Thtat tbe deeptut xympatoy et toll body, aad ot to* people of
Aty be examded to the btaOTvtal
Ily aad tatailv
taolTfd. That
•d at tare* *P*a tb* city record.
aad Ibta oMMta aagiaaoed eowi
tooroat be prepared ud fotatabed
toe fatally e< (be decaaaed.

ataay ot • ■Imnar character. A few :
year* ago *b* wcat to Mr. Huaab’a '
•He* la ih* boak aod stated modcatly
that *b* woa to Immcdlaio need of a
saaU tom of mutcy. Mr. Maasab
cave her what the rrqulnd and al-1
towed toe toelOTot to illp from hit i
Bled tor tbr tlB* betag. A year taler 1
to* woman called wp-..* blm agaia to 1
apolQgltr COT not reuylag tb* aawut j

and wo* loM-that It waa an expected. ]
*b* WOT entitled to U ud need wurry
enaetaitag o( C R. u taore. Mr. Haaaab Inquired Into
Rockaeay aad C E. Horrv wu ap- ber laanetai coadlthm ud Icamed
poiswd by tbctaoyOT
that toe mbu wax taOl In wut aad
wu atao dtaddOT to aitead agatta toe preteati «f hU rlilior be !
tb* tOBBfal ta a body aad 1. K. Olbh* preeaed qpoa bm a aam aereral limm :
WOT aipalatod to ■*!»» to* riga
u large u (be brat kma. ud amarad
ber that u retorn wot reqair*d. bat
.WOT to* wish Of tW eeuaell exptmmad tb* bop* that ber tot woaU
I bulacOT ptacOT be doaad to* toereafter be eoaler.
Tbla waom
day of to* toaiOTl tram i to 4 e-deiR
akerlibm a toad aBeaary of ber bean
•at of rwspata to to*-------- t~1
totaOT aM to*** ar* aeerOT la hto i«■toa wbo have alanar taaaaoctoa cd
kladaaaaBi betaawOT.
jraea M*«lal taaatlag «f to*

I. eyra held Mark'. In ber o-necIn Ibe
de'a pk
piclufe. -1 hope II
-and I .
ib<- hapi'lnf.. that I hope
>e to find." .aid
Kennaby. enigmatically.
Bat Marie Uu.bed. wbl
hM all lhal might have I


huJy waU pocket, in Engll.b vkihyt
de-ign. regularly auld fur twenty live
cvnit. with n bou-dde fltty-cetti tea.
eua Of pan dried, any variei}' On.
poind and nee wall p-hViI. and aav.
SS I S per eent. oh tbe pureba.e Sew
Volk Tea t-o.

Al.yut lb.- fall ~)B.nx, becanar we
ba>e cralD drill, that work qhlle ym
.l.-ep, or tlri«e It I- lime yon hmked


look npoa tor faoe of ber old friend
le life to to* pecple of toe j tbe wept pitifully.

them «>*T. a- Ibe seed Him- U nearly
here. Thampion ud Karm-m' Pavor
lie both in Bhick. Ilarn.-y Andenoo

'elly. and eapectally to tbe yooager knot uf BowptB upon II
awmbenci lUi a -

Kb BOTaah aOTMtt tb* bn
-waai* aad ftttUlv ct lb* wM* u
IM aoTOT M Oraai Tranm

hy. .IvB'ly ud evenly .laiing a

B'ery fuilly nta-a le* of
or another. \Vc will give i

A Teaching Trtouta.
Stoee Ibe death of Ur. Haooab there

wblrb occurred on TbuiBilay I. but one >
of teveral aimllar incident, which re-*
veal Ibe privalr rharUle> to the put

tomel of bit
1 flddltp. oad

-------------------------ruHuwtag ■
tb.' RichUnd Iwnk robbeti mbo re-

>er of tbe bereaved family, and I <«>"> ‘“wi»'d from Jackiuin prU..n
(bat they be publiabed In tbr bewie i «v*' making n i.wr of Ihe .late and
paperi of Trarerao Oily.
- •>«'- nlready b.«, M-en In «-vet or

have been maay Incident* to lllnatrate
the etaeem in wbkb be la beld .by

« Barney Jinderson «

ftoaolved. Thai ihia city aod I
ale of Mh-bigan have ninaiaed
gmi ktai to toe depoHare of oae wbo
bu devoted *o macb of bla life for Ibu
good of ibe.commnnliy aad commonwcaltb. Bad one wbote charactor Inaplred our peoplr wllta a reallxalloo ot

apwad upon the !
r board ot trade.
oSclal record* of ____________________
that u engroBBed copy b.- eeni to cub '

Don’t forget US when you want a Carriage or Buggy. We carry
a complete line. We have received and sold about 6
carloads this spi tng and summer.

candidate. TIh-oaly pdlltcal bourr
fur wbicb be twined to care, bow t WtoM «M MWMOOT f-----------ever, where Ibuw conferred by nelpb- . Oata^M^Md«r,to_«[^]r<

Reeolvm. That thr direetor. ot the! —
81louip bad^ (orwwdl to tiiud* aad
aard of trade hero awembled re-1
----------------------------imwadlac of lU* life, ud i*a* to
floeta (bat all bUBlncu place, of the
eta the DIrte* Ruler, aad
* .tudard make ftclnway. In good
Wbtrea*. He. alwan took u adire city be ck>»ed during the ftmeial til
wortoy member, that tfaeVvOTt j
•' »*5»- J“*' «»* condition Im
part to pataUe aSalr*. aad eepedallp
bla memory may be given utiable ! M>»ed
b*realn-no .-.change.
to tbe ■OToraBeat et tot* eotaBaatlp.
wouldn't t'.cbange 1
betad for rtup pnra pretldeat ot tbe
Reulred, That Ibe aympalhy of (bit you bad nnc In your home
tour tbe ftnt napor of
toe dtp. aad to ttota* pata bl* kuwledce OTd foiwlboacbt bare ben
of Ibe tauold
paUtp aad todap we are rcaptoc tbe
eaetl ef hll wtae naaiel. ud
Wlwrea*. Tbeee dotta* ef-RB(er»r
lOTt BOW derolT* opoa tbe preeeei
nacO Bod dtp oAeer*; tberator*.
* H
Ruolred. That to hi* folac toe aotloe aad tb* Mato bu loot a toronota
dllsn. tbe dip catered to* lou ot a

Dmwririe Vwrkloml UIC* Mowwr Is especially
adapted for rough land. A very complete Machine.

« : Drtrait. Hkb.. seciaurp Amauer AK

fatbrr, an.l in fal. d.-atb Ulrblican ba<
terrible *1111 In tbe girl'*
I u..-fiil and an bunurable mu —
c y.-ani had |iuked
.liiri Im- had bw'O alUe to rule Iheni
CadllUc SewB.
ll>-re wa. Illlle Marie. How eould
TraverBe Cliy bu been the rlcbi-r
he have ml.iaken hi-r fur Maude? Me
fur hU genenuliy In masy way. Tbr .aw DOW ibo maay dl..lmllariiU-«. Her
library alle rccvnlly decided on wu a
ber .boBxxl plainly In Uarte—tbe
pin from Itonnab. The nubb- ataic
- of them both,
. In lb-' >y
buk builOlnc, t-recled lalely by Hr.
hand«inu-. cllr ■
bit worth u a man. u a clUien ud Hannah, will remain a monument
:hai wa. Maude. I
u a friend.
memory ot a public aplriied e
little of lh<- old '
Re*olved. That Ibe board of trade
In Kennaliy'.
Bbn arbleved great .nn-r-M a
le unn-mion.lye
deplore* Ibe death of one of lit mint merlu-il it.—Huliiee Ne*..
piThaiM. Ruch
energetic aod valued member*, ft*
•h m-iiilaieoiallii'-. en- Ingralm-d
pkmeer batlneu mu, roprceentlDg u
Ibi- nwwt of u>.
t*. the iargCBt commercial laterI Dow be pereelted uolber pic
A« well u the baby'a li aJwapi fol­ lure—that of
ecta of tbia aectkm of the aiaie. wboad
two .mall cbubl-y
liand In haiol, Iwfore a •'Imchtl hare alway* been lowed by a generout ute of raieBui
for the beat Inlereat* of tola orculaa- powder ud there are klndi to aull all
I .turdy leg. and r
iieh u Uenoen-t. Palmer*.
Uon. wbote public tpirll bu Ikw«
Ma-ide-, e
the pemuenl aad tubatuiial devcl- KlekMeker'a ud oUiert. both acented
adopted lb« follDwlBt reedaUM*:
! ud uucenlM.
Axide from ulenm
Wberou. Tbe Hoa. Perrp Haaaah. a opiBenl and proaperlty of
inwder*. Poxxonl't. La Blaztcbe aod
plOBOTf aad ohM bkHIoM In to* de- aad wbo bu givea fait goneru'n
vetopaeat of Nortbera bUeblaaa. ud port to erery worthy ptolect of a pub-1 half a dnea other face powder*
e OT prlratc cbaroctOT.
I <>» *<»•»* •« Bngbee-* City drug
IMBd*r and btawtador d tbit dtp hu

■oar aar b* tb*^ «arw. Bat tba(
wa* boot ap br ob-

milwaukee $ Deerina


wbo kep<: troid pdi aad a

RUai^ eoMitatoc of Bin Oat*. BoOTrl
«. WoMtr. Ralph Hutton. CtaoTfe



ibdr fare* toward ibe (alure ud! few_____
pubedabeuL AauwtoeeeMr.Hu.'

toM lor tb* lata tlta* apoo lb* faae
of Traror** atp’i (oaadar aad tbdr
mead paoiad bofor* a aalfortood

« C A. ■kHriia, U. m. Wkiw, Dr. J.
Newbortp. Jolla* Jokata* aad Oeor»*
A. tarMr Md C. r. BaUr Ml
'INWOT Mf Oooi. U> Tbee.- "B
Tb. tUkta WOT buk*d w«k tb.
M M« «d Boarrtai.- Mi *XMi
ual «M*l(lt* daral ptaec*. man «f
Toaaa. lOta*. earaatloo*. ata*r*
oOsWtM *M I
otbta OToUo*. *ota* of (b* eB«
t taBpta bat BOO* the lee* tafMot. C T. BMOTk Botmm.
n»giml UUM« «( Moplk coatkt
• lata ra*tlai ^o<e of Hr. Hoaoah
B c< th« b<MM <B tb« <«v. ci (k«
1* o taoioOTilh taote eoakta ot rod
r Mi traa
oedor, eoreroi with Bofltak bnoiBMMt eWM Mi kMMi b • r*ctoth. iKk bet Plato, with oxiitaai
of sBotUm U
■Rrer Uodta* ud a tatrer plate bearvhea an kmi to nta to m tk*
ta< tbe *lapta totaalpuaa. *1
TktkOT <d TravOTM 0K7."
I took Ulo tkc (BCOT d (kt ■
TlM reoialu were foaowei to OakM OTM aai «o«m ^berri bat
wood coowterp bp a koc Hoc li eoaMO Maai c( put. bMKfBl Mi u
.epaaeo*. Tba bodp wu bortod to lb*
tac- I look iBlo lb* faoM OT lb« r
r.^tif plat with tb* flBipl* Mrrle*
Mi MO a fOTecaltlea or tho tea
which wu Hr Hwaah * eipa

I aa foro tbat I aa iMaktai tor
. &a MmM aai arifbbora. for i


•------------------- - ' • ' -..... . • - —

Tbe Traverse City Business College
lias no superior in preparing for business.

SKCIA tniniH n emu ah eveii snoar



taodesta aix) their efH|>'>o)-evs axj of ar:


:i_i_ TMi


And we are prepare to PROVE IT TO YOU by the
of operation, POWER produced and DURABILITY of


will certify to the above facts :::::::::


Removal Sale
I will remove to the new brick building on State
St., opposite Brodhagen's barn about September
1st. Anything purchased before that time will be
literally discounted. We have a splendid stock of
everything in our line, but no matter what you
want, in

Wagons, Buggies,
Farm Implements^

of all descriptions will be sold at a discount
until September 1st. This is the opportuni^ of
your life to get anything you want in our line at
the right price.

Travene t'lly. Mlrb . Aug li. Itot
To M'boB It


1 have fcnovB PrafeaMw Darieeay'e biilne** acbool from lu be.
gtaalag. aad have a bigb oplalee of ibe ie<trwrtlaa aad iralalnc wbkh
It glveaPtofeamir Dorteray U a tboraagb ud practical

boatoeB. mu

Tb* targe rity Bcboula eftea fall to grie tb* tbOTougb taatraettoe
to. and overBlgbt at. toe tadlrlAaal papIL whkdi ta riven ta oar borne
boalaea* college.
A great deal ef moeey baa bee- apeal ta aendtag you. people to
Other ctUOT. wbee. ta my foAgtaeat. they uald ha*r Aap* btater by
taadytag ta oor Travew CUy arhaoL

Fred P. Boughey
Comer Can and State Street.


Both ’Phones 49.




^Afbataa Prmu AbraOT.
ii ■mg



amiss HsuiA iBimaDAT, Apoon Ml im
■ cMttt

7b* vUUB* tUbM at TtbOMbB
•ktoc vm« at* dt (b* Mmay
to tbe vilUB* trtaaary by tba tvw aw

har* asala k

mlefc .-te^l^*bar

tooat A that Harm. Tboy bav* ^
toad at iiamar for Urn poipoa* of mia- ready beat aaorly tbroa adU* flt a*«
BsAbertK WUlUm Bttod of Hakdaa
drove to U* farm to bad to hU crop
of oeu. eat a few 4oym prerioady. He
eatend the Brid ttoctoc 'Hrtoctoc la
the SbeavM- <sly to Bad ttot some
tartolaad a aiuabar of triaadi at
id^I^uS M ^ into Iho Fere HannMie yard ai Flint
Batardar t
rinala had aiolea every aboefc of oat*
daactat panr Balvdar arcalac.
FVIdar •oralac. Aa
The rubber left a placard oa the feacr
JusUa Qoubt od Timvart* Ov 9«at
Him. Leonard Bohr ^ daashter . io^ maa dropped oB me of the aleep^
m’eer la (on Friday.
LemrlEia Ihese wurda; “When (he Har
en aad taaatend op tbe Mattorm
.ididph J. Keaoea of Detroll.
Day* are O'er, Willie Dear.HIM HabM Fovlcr apoat a t«v dan panli^by tilaidf. apeat Saoday vKh -Whad towd M dhlir be Uasired of
mtr. H. D. Ouni at TWwm CIV at TraTHBC' Civ loal araak aad alio
Nlcbt Operator Predlrlek. BeUg In
prw*il «• ■mHu' « tve wniM*
Carrie Beaneu alteaded the forwwd that II wa. FItal. be aaked;
Hr.w««n. ■* look the laacben' nauiaotloe.
FiaakUa Salth of bat Bar tpanl
-How far Id Id lo Petoakeyr Pnd
tto twM c( Hr>. W. Wltaia.
I toymer reddeati who have an
HIM HrrOB Jekm ■*••( a f«* dan Boodar with Hr. aad Hn. F. PtmW. Ot».
reton»d I
e him the dmrired laformarialied the place la year* A lerewilr
*aa^ wtik MMd* U Tn
W. Laacnnkr of Trarcrme OV a-ahile~ loH waA. bat wa
Uoa. aad ln«alied it he wen aaBecarrived clercymaa Mood oa a atreei
called to Cbleapo oa baalana.
IBC from a cold Is ibe bead. -Dooeb.
A HivrlM »MV «a« ftna at tto apoat Bsadajr al(b Hr. aad Hn. Hop- the Hlaaoarf Friday.
roraer tdklng with a frlead eoaeennot eztoily a code la dbe bead.'
BMik haul «• fMar afunoaa la pUa aad tamOjHn A.- R. Clark aad eon Carnitl of
lag tbe akair aad he waxed eloaoeai
toMT H Hn. W. H. P«ftU hr oUV
Hr. aad Him. A. Kaasn aad Hr.
I. "Ill mCerlec wltb bay feLocBot Oiiin apei "
u iwo whhebdrrd old gea'lemen met
at har frUaU, A ror;
tl»t- Hn Witl.CBrtBllpbor of O^oail
be bob wa* not *loae la bl*
moat va« ap«M. ofur *Ueb a
near them aod creeled earb other
>1. Vaa WeeMon and faoiUy at
taaoa aMaar vai aarrad.
warmly. “See yoa beaoilful ligbt.I Haaltoa Hailed at......................
Tbora aore awrleca la the Catholic
wltb hay fever vuSeren from Ohio on
WnM EaU apaai TBaadar la
>dd (be divlae. -How diertloaaiely
efcorefc Soedar.
fevereapene Dona arrlred al “Idloaibey greet each other. Note the In
ablk" Wedaosday laat.
item, Pmoakey
FoHowIbc ibl* train
qairtog glance, ibe Bash of full rveem
Hran Hoefi no al tbe hotel To
If art hoar Uier (ben wa* a teeoad
■ taardan H ton.
nltloo and (be warm hand cUep. Tbvme
HlaaQoUaulUaad h
Un of Hfbl Punmana. and all the
^im. Wbi. Hualer and four ebddreii
rere probably ebum* la boyhuod
rapnat* awoke thr neii murnlnK in
hare leD lor Beotlaad. where (bey wOl
bl* Is (beir Inl meeting since
apead the wialer rialuas reUll
d IbeBMlie* In tbe pun and nrt
Hn. H- Hm of Oood F
biH«; happy dty*:" -you're way oC
Hn. Jaa. Tooas of Bnpire acooBi
d dr Itaal Imnlihe* bny fever
ottoMad the aira
iilil* lime, parsoe.- muraed hi* com
d Iheat
card aad daocbtor
jpaclue -Those two uld duSen bare
la Ike ouaiac taeM aad a 1.
'Ith coal aad toaiac two eoaac
Day Cliy. murneO from an emend
'ived aelgbhoc* uo (fee nl-*l sirert for
torr 01 Lolaad
uar Into ib<- bky lor sbelier on
K. A. Selioa Baa idiio to CadUlac
ed trip to the PblUppioe*.'where *he
__________ ____________itaapi
BrerTbody la crylat for potatoa
lavdBrviaTtaTarM Civ. tba tvaotoT
lln'lL H. lUy of Lordel Lodge | <Hd mi.*k*nfj work amooc the naarouad ben.
WIDUB uarrov,
imt Tbonday In town.-\lalilnc mrttb I lives and nnrmed Ibe eirk Mldlen
as. MamTharooMc : Ui lator.
I She bnioRbi a Filipino boy named
F. J. FraCurtU Aacevloe ba* been Uld up

foe seven! day*, but ta able to be it
work nedn.
of Ibe cralB.
Tbe houae party d “Idloa-whlle cd- . romlac convened
.e rbiixun
ebrnted the birthday U Hn. Hleroay
allarhi-d to
In n plenaanl aunner U*t Toe*
Hra. Jaula Brobaal Ml Saadar tor
her that be beseed (u be taken alunc. And gentle^,__________ ....
CUP.A OinimenL the great SUn
He imilered Hie DennlMO sehnul. and
><l a a
Ctre and ptrea and sweetes of
m In Oftai hai raUraed bou«
1 served al <U.
Kaglii-li i-dfew week* rUlUan (rlndt aad reU
ocatloD. But Ibe rip.r* of fdl abd
How* Thlay
•M Waolar ODI apaat Baador la oanp
winier In tbl» eiMintrj besna lo leil on
retaraed lo-their home In Chkaco laei
»av aa ladlaa aaap craaad.
Juan One day tar Iroie bl* <wn and
Ha«d.«ai Bdaafd aad JoM .... ToewUy.
I Hr. aad Mrm. g. J. Dbbw
Fred A. Dmd drove to Northport
aiurdny aod monied Bondny.
. Him. W. B. dahatioe aad
Nell Oleaoo rapecu lo dart <
-pt when 'he m.-aiber sa>«ai0dar at tha turn* at Hre. Bdavd with bli thmhlBii narblae aezi To
KaM oa TModv aftaiMoa
**HIbi Harr Sbnida aad John Krwb^
a F. HoM aad CaMIr raiaraad
WM- will be united la am
^hotr feaut la Daireli Hoodar. af
<l|Hilid a taw vaHa at Cadar Lodfa. Tvenday. the I6tb
. Faiun. and b>- !•
teat out for a wedding donee aad lup
par to tM> given at Fnok SbaUa'i. lb*
boae of tbe bride.
■—IM aad ataalag.
A. H. tAalla rataraad fiou Ch
' loci week wltb her pareeti. Hr. and
Hr. aad Hn. Ctarlar ChMlBhar ca-

.w™ P.IM

Hr. OIMiwt ar NartlviiH PulM U
lUttMi PiMlM
VMt « to* bonn

Peleo*. Hot Barton TabUU. «l.
Hof Barton Qwiek RalM (t.iileiMIt
Mot Speton eatarvfe cueo, M coerta.


Hot Bprtnn Bmp. 1« ooato.
Hot Bprtnn Hodla* Balvo. IS ooeito.
Hot Bprtnn Cam Cue*. 1« coat*.

Instantly Relieved by .
Baths wWi





W'e are now showing for the tirsl lime, some of the prelliesl things in Mannish Suitloths, Zibelines. etc., ever brought to Traverse Ciiy. They come mosUy
iogg, Broadcloths,
,ihb, in beautiful
in wide widths,
beauiil suiting eflecis. colorings very subdued but rich for uilormade iuiis. Our special prices for early fail trade are
giiUties naUy
VaHh frMB SI JS U S2.SB.

88c, $1, $1.25, and $1.50

If an nitre
y niylum.
Bnllfe- Crei'k bn* several Urge park*
and now ptopuse* to eeial'IUb smaller


BobUai arrtrad Batarday
a to actaad tha caBinaaUos.
Mr. ned Hn. BorpeM are enie
Hr. and
a Baabora of Tnr.
Inc ibelr niece. Hn Uyen. nod t
ataa Oty apoat Si______ _______
Hue Holnei. from Htlwnokee.
rHra. Wailw Oarrew aad aoa
Htaiday tor Tnvaraa CHy aHar • Hn Bllbbltt and two mb* rn>m
Bqdlly pain kMei It* inror 1^ you're
Northport Tlflted her dnnehter. Hn a boiile of Dr. Tbomas’ Gclectrtc Oil
a faw daya wltb Oao. r
Hyen nod fnoilly left week.
In (fee bouse. Instaat relief lo canes
John WsteoU made a biulnesf trip of burns, euls, cpidns. accidents of
mrerne City lait we^ aod took
HHa t________________ ,..........................

Baary BttHoat at Oaatral Uke

BtH BaMt
e. V. Oy«e and


• •

T. 8h»
t M 71

tbe Maccab
City tool wi ..
Hn. Hary. BeatuB. of Valpataloo.
lad. if here vUltiaf reltUrca.
Hn. Warneei and i
Taaleiee ate here
ilben aad family.

moac thoaa attoadiac the Haecacelehratlee from tbia place were
. Newt. jBBlaoo. Hn H. Thayer.
. naaeai Thompiaa. Hr. aad Hn.
«btH H BaHaa aad wtia to fttoa
). Haaka aad Plan Banom.
n lAara Lataaa at Fife tAkc
___ lac la towa Friday.
Joe Holdereft. who haa made Hay•eld Ui home for Hioe time, left Hobday BMralBB for the Canadian "Boo"
aad poiBU farther aoetb.
The rnaenl of little Jatper Baal
waa bMd al (he charA here tod
He waa two yean aad aerea mon
Bead, awti of awli. aae. Zl. town i
at ace. Tbe UtUe fellow weal
tMBOlP: ms.
Balay Uke Bnaday moraUs. bat v
d the______
the family__maned
boae. Wbea they reached the borne
gf Joba Vaadervort tbe little one war
b eeamitloat nad died near
GatUt creed ande* U be­
have been the eauae. The
parenU have the lympalhy of tbe en­
tile coaunnalty.
a reetdent of IhV
Ppal KDway to Jataoilah Saltlraa.
plaee for to yc«n bad a Ilcbt elroke
of imralyaU Friday laat at bt* farm


Ufa Bnoa aad ortto to Jaata W.<
yanoL tta. •. tan n. raa«e
iaba O. Lallar aad vlto u t.~ii. aaCertok tram blood poUaeInc.

■a & LanZ'lM



Park; tlBlW.
Banana W. BaOih to Baou B. Ia
au. tau tMt. blaek B. Oak Part: »i.^waBLLato
H.btoto 1. Oak ..................... .
Oaa. Daaaar aad wib W Mm Tarty.
M S. ft. tol f. BaeQaadk add; KFM tL^S^^sT^awti of awu
jMiaB. aae. J«. ton tt. raaia 11;
Aotaa t. WlibHa tad wife to DarU

SL Mack «. P. ak tod add; tlBH.
CkbltaUa A. Wntea to Chartaa A.

SkM^; SSk


Among Other New Goods are aoais and Furs "TiSSllf

If Tou are poor yoor treatnust
b (rae. U you are dbccuraged
and we can cure you, we wiU wait
for our pay until yoa«i« wcU.
Cone and Bce ui; tiib b yotff
bst chance.
We live to do good, are hanect
with an.
Forty-five yean’ cat‘ nee free. Thu ti^ tad t^

noew*; yuierm vws ta Dcivoi. wmcticw
twdT* ce IMS. n bmi twiuw. MIcO.. Wtlfe
M lorsv ■ mnk. u snv poruiis* ih.* ksA
Tws mn smmw er toiroit siwsrsMius
Omlms ss4 temr-lws v.«xs la OMr«n, RS4
TawiSBU we iMr. OM (<w in. rmsi S".*

Optuer a C*. »el t*. (eanJ.i el in. sssm
ku bMB 4.*! Iw ervr
yenn nnj Mr
Mve be n*ni Is tn* vun. ot BplMrt.
«inia» ■* »i*. »«•
.tW^ or ear (.otr-tsM


'^rtwDae 2r-rv^r..rS

-Btoaar J- HatSM aad vlto to OaorB*

Mr. tad I

----- wiJl be at-----


ssa-^kiascr"— Silo*...


Every day the assortment grows smaller, and it is now a question of being able
to tic >-ou. If you can find > our sire, you can save more than ever on your shoe pur­
chases. as we are GOING OUT OF THE SHOE BUSINESS. We need tbe room
for our enlarged Cloak Uepartment—that’s the reason *hy.
The Store that Gives You Most and Best for YiMjr Money

Centers around our first showing of NEW
FALL MERCHANDISE which is being re­
ceived daily.

School Suits
Your boy will

We can

A mammoth seleciion of
Dress Skins. Exclusive
styles. Prices.

A handsomt- n«-w- line of
Dress Flannels in the
latest colors. :}i*c values.

$1.98 to $6


The latest showings of
Waistingsin silk and vel­
vet. in waist patterns, at

Men's Black rtiibet Cloth
•Suits, highly tailored.
S.50 values, at



A new arrival of Ladies'
^mple Fall Hats, values
up TO S'JXlO, your choice.

.-\ large variety of chil­
dren's and Bo^s' School
Suits, prices.


$ 1.48 to $3.98

All our l-adies' Muslin
Underwear must go at
half cut prices.
50c and 60c Ladies’ Sum­
mer Waists, to close out,


One lot of Ladies' Sum­
mer Waists, values
$1.50. to close at


Bring him

nim out in

you enough

We have iwo and

three piece

blues, blacks and

lii. well


made and





suits ir.

for ages ^
$•'», but



pric- and will sell iht-m


$1.50 lor fulls
Made of good material, only a few
of a km.l but nearly all >i/es in che


aoc straw Bate
For Men and Bo)**.


Btsi $0e Kiw« PaaU



to buy his books.

Ever sold for the money

Bey*' math SaH* al Csal
Everything of a summer nature in
the entire house goes at greatly re­
duced prices to close out.

niM’s Pants
l-cft from suits. They are all wool,
well made and stylish. No two alike.


CsOit*- BsHa. He
Both leather and silk, and worth not
less than 40c.

Buster Bream*
And Sailor Collar Suit"., made of el­
egant fabrics and prettily irimmcdhandsome lliile suiu.
E.KTRA SPECIAL...........»*00

$5.00 Boys' Suits

B«fs' «nf €Mb’ SebBBf ttBcklrngB
Heavy ribbed.

Most of



hard service and are worth


;iAi............ 16c


Of all wool Scotch Chevidt* in either
two or


You will pay
anywhere else.

B03V School Knee Pants.
-50c value, special at


shape and save


Note a Few of our Specials MenlioDcd Below

no doubt need a new

suit when school begins.



tanoae are at Leeaat Otete eottaca.
HUbm AHee aad Bea Day have retonad tram a„tooatoh aatoai. with


Of Course Yon've Heard..Abont Onr Shoe Sale!

fwire«*»rn««r*"S» bsd dmi»t •aoi*'. nnC
a a COM *k*e. r.e b*u».w msam H. wiu
ritulU 1« lb. wmt_
........... .

Sr wtsi mat SUaral. ear eveeallsiloa sod
oCrl.. II rre*. ssd ear eMaleoe er. sivsn ine
tMOll *f W.ral eunileatlrwe ssJ * lit. ImC
Wb Benaetl Ml oa the HUaoari e^ptu^i.
Tn. rau-*t I. siear* i^ lb*
Friday tor CfaMco. where he will Inn- (rain Sisi si<o* nm *nst h. eon rvir. T« *B
•ocl bnalaena and apead a tew day* wne sr. **1* w. (11-.
n*v. eoir enemw -oi or oiiSklaM oe*r<
laltuc frteada.
sueoe at nasreisi tr— rnsrvisa ^act
Cheater Hanticb aad wife of Evaaa,lto arrived Bainrday aad will eav)oy a
ew week*- oailnc al ih eoew rreort.
0-1^^ M ’sS* p ^au7
Hn Haaaab aad family of Cbinco
an vtalllBS the family of William
-------Swa.t^ivWMi'ln'’^”*'” **
n. .esIterlaB wUr *«H.J,
II e< .kreiiJ. Clwsu*.
Hr. aad Hn. Han. w
al Sonlh Hanl
JilBc al
«~sns T-'IUnUr 01M~. e<
ir. have ________
rin oie*-.t. ii (W Lsrra.
Fife Lake.
- mil ru**.nui Ccaenaip_____ 1 Hn Twyama and baby a
aewr arrival* at Keawoed.
r W. Famat aad wife left f
Ckkaco PHday. when they
TV-oe O.
r will vli
tbeir alater. Hn P. C. Rlee.
!>-. Shaak made a pnfeaaiona] tall
uw lerorMiM. cien
I towa Bainrday.
Hn vni Praaae paaaed throoefa
town Friday eanwte for Bomb Hanl
(OB. wbeee the will apead aome lime
Ueoi BwUc«.a a.nnAinr« !c.
nwtwaij er^tiiiiB»^rwh|«
^ imii
Mr. Kaaaa. nrUa aad tamily at ChleaxD arrived oa (be KUaob and win be
t( Fatrvlew ter a eeople of week*.
Hn Wm. FhJTBBt aad daaebter. teowOeA A llUhSli cafe mjv ia«. y-ia re'er.

HUt Baaale. apeat a lew dayi of Uat I
weak In Traveraa Ocy.
Hn J. A. Oartlacue U aaURalalac har daocbtor aad family.
Hn J. B. Plther cf QUa_____
apeat Uat Tbonday with Hn T. J.
l at the botoc of a B. lU
Ftaak BsaeU and tea_____
ef Booth Haaltoa are rUlUac raUUvaa
It Baaday wttktrfaadf te towa.
Bactoa nahei

What There Is Left of Summer Goods Must Be Closed Out at Once
Lots are too small to describe, but almost ever)’ one that calls finds Bomethtog
they can use to good advantage and at a great saving, as cost cuts no figure at this
stage of the game. It will pay you. and pay >-ou well, to investigate.




Superfine l-lannels, etc. The prices are 10c, 12Xc, I5c. and IHc. You’ll be delighted
with the styles and colorings when you see them.


An* U
* to & J. Hor- ■who
The GIbbe law mill bat toVbad the
k «. P. H.t Bid
naaoe‘t cut.
Hr. aad Hn Ftaak OIbba aad fam­
ily were raacathc Mat waA.
Hr aod Hn Lm Holliday aiw Halt- DO YOU WANT HtBB CON.
Ips Hn Holllday'i lUter at Lndlac5ULTATI0N AND CORRBCT

values ever shown at this price.

The New Waistinss are Hanilsome

tar ta ftwracaa CRy.
La*t week-f Herald ha« an nrticl*
FBara wart ao aamoM baM la the
ThV !■ -home comlnc" week in Marbtoded “Old Betllen' Pleale. Bnrdlrk
•waditk HItalaB ohareB Baaday.
ihall and the city 1* entenainlnc many
Boib. to Hr; aad Hraa. Albart non. vlllr.- which caiman Hattie Flibev
ha* bera a reald^ of thii regtoa fee (dd mldenlf.
ao. Aar Itth. a aoa.
yean. The writer made a
MHt Beat HarrU of TewTenn City
of lA yean, ai Hn Flibe
leoslag alike to young nad old;
ba tba 10001 of Hkn '
here ooly M yean.
owler-i Rxirael of Wild 8ltm«
ban Hit wart.
Ndure’s specific for dyaenlery.
Hn. Ntebolaaa aad laaDy hare reoea and aummer ronpUl^
to tboir haoM la Habratea.

^&«mairwlb apoat Baada


pieces, and



for the same thing

eolUflo ^«nd Suits
F'or young men. the most stylish and
best fining suits for young men

;.*0. M.00, I2to. IS.M

Booeb el CoOiss' Bscawtar
ekeics. *c

School Shoes

and have the best values e
or your money back.

Our stock of School Shoes was never
more compile than right now. We
make a specialty of this class of goods
offered. We guarantee them all to give good service

mtsasa’so*** ssO at SLW. ti.2* ao* sue
eWM*'Skesa tsK at aoc. sac an* 7*c
Bsya-Sbesa asH at SLM, H.2* aao SLfO

Come and Look Us Over'

118 Pratt Street

Trarene Cttjr. Hlch*

Th. Stof. -nistSasMYcHi Mon.y-

Cbe Boston Store.


Or. aad Mrs. W. F. Stnagwaya Icftj

Chartea Heck left today for a few

aa exteaded ptooaare weeks' *lsU to OraU RapMa aad
r trip to toe PaciSe BMiC TUywmpocapa.

AMO tmoom ee.
ipntlaa that tU atate Idedge be

- *to toe Nortkera Paetdc to Beattie |

aad forklai eanaatl;.

d tnaa ItM to tut. HwaakaalI; dacMad to rdaa lU tUS.
Uae. telltat of tbe ptoatto aatan
Mr. Da; laid tbe eonat; ptodpe with
of tbe cbOd aad tbe pnat Impor
of eoaaeeraled *ock opoa lu ]
the torpaat la tbe aule. TU
meat called tor lood apptoou
A tpcctol reaolaitoa waa prenaied
b; Hr. E«»a u idlowi:
WhemA Tbe work of tU paa
baa baea tbe Dott imltful of aa; to
Martirt aarrtea.
oor Uiior;. the aoeepaa of the
State Bondar Sebool
ooaveatkMU aad (hh aplcadld c
fred Da; apoke npoa tri.
eoavealioo Jurt eloelac; Ibne
ad been alread; beta made poaalWe b; the drte and
aatd tbrauch hit oera experteace.
eSdnt naaner to wbteb Ibe paatun
btolerea that Ood aerer aeadi ooe oa of the cit; aad eoBot; aad otUr wurfc.
a "■■«-<«» that be to Bot Sned tor.
He eaU tbal a ten trtildi orould of Ihia a
eolre all eoaatr oOeen' proMemt to
-Seek n krat tbe klacdoa of Ood aod
f oar bipbert reaped

an €f neUva tan* moHMed tkfir
tatactaMe to tha pvt; tker hora aoppvtad and tkaU papn are vorUac
amaUeallr for lk« rapaHIcaa Ckket.
Ooaapkraaai aaoag tkaaa are HatfT
aad VUl Haaptoa el Um Ctaztarotx
He bellerea la bcMle< exeemire
Oaaitar. Mr. Waat; bin loep
meeUa^ oftea aad dtoeotalac naOen
alaaeb detaeent. bat kai ao oae te of latportaaee to Soada; aebool workaHharUealataor
tkkau. iBa paper baa COM out boUHe alao belterea io boiiae to boon
Ir (or tbe iiprtlho Udiai aad vlD
^iatt«.jSr^ loterylod expertaappertltlbraaphthe
ease to trae of Mr. Haaqdoe. wtwee
be kept la Ike
• tootbar. Ctoactaa B. Haaptoa. to
doeatlM dvelt

WlUtom Kkkenom M

ereatop. Aug. SC. Rer. H. R.

will desKrih. Us trip thrwupb

ar-!l'<^>* has kmp Wxb aoted (or iu

I aadwlllrelttrwby toeCnaadtoaNonk- rirad to tUcKy tola aflmiM (or a *”"*"* •»> beaaufd acewrey. No
r WOOL At Vaocoaeer Dr. Suaapwvs tew dare’*toM w«b Beptotartf Oaada ;«(ber state to toe L'akm to awre po(W
will attead toe <Tto oaaaal meetoap p w Witotm.
Frtda; eveatog aboat arty
a of toe Caaadtoa Medical aaeodattaa. I Rer. M. D.. Cartel
Carrwl waal
weal to
to Nortoport
Nerthport I «»tered *lewa of *ceaerT to CallforeU
t They wUI retore aboot toe middle tajt
xm to BUead toe emmp ;
sbowa^^JUae rh-wt an token
tlnou w^ioal p£rtocre|>hs of the plao-s
Mias M«;tle E. PooBda of ladtoBap-l nr*
Neritoper retarwad to tta- '‘*'1^ b) Rer, Carrell and hi. drerrii> bdy sum left to help f
TU grounds I
Cniltom HcUacfci

;li. aatloBal aapertoieadeat of faalor Lk; tou
•‘H uwdortcedl, w very laalnict
aidearor wtrtk of toe Church of CUtat L^os..
I*e as weU sl eBi.riatolbp
will arriTeby boH from Chtoapo Baajgr, Maitoa Mekker of Boyu FalltMbe beautiful Oread
!day moratop at i o'clock and dell*e*
to tU rtu lor a vtalt wUh Mr jbe *tarea Four lUiMlrateri
I ber addreu oa “Our Boy* aad Olrliu h. Huagerfata'be reap. .Adml—iko i.-a aad

Com ia hk3) Ki
let remase
u make |M
a iwi« <*B1 yovrsrArttdRital
Fewdlar aU Femify
We arc hwillmg
wllmg aiU waol
♦ jiKit traJe.

■ -L- - - ’SO I ussaa^B
AUgXT«il.<agi.l>gV Ms*

Cbrtrt oo Soaday
um Mark* Pierce weal to Albaifeta*abould ever pass out of tbeir band* {alpbl
Mire Panada it aa
II with Re*. O ■
Itolia couall Is to urs.-iiaitoe proreedt moat po to lU Ulldtog aloac (bit llae.
E Lewis.
of flo.MW fur
fund fur tor erccUoa of aa lodtoa
UM- .d --illlnc
aad Mrs. F. W. Wl
a of (fab
Tbe Re*. Dr Berry of Attoata. Oa.
serecal prvssli
cliy. Mr*. A. B SUason
wU apcMto at Ibe COaprcwaUoaal
This moreiag'f serrke* doted tbe aad toelr ctalldrea weat lo Newbda- ebureh loawrtow. to toe gtieM of Hr.
campmeeitop of tola year aad as (be waau (bis moratop to spend tor day.
aad Hr*. H 8 Hull.
■aal hymn was suog tbe large eoaHiss Uersky
Hr* jaates F Wysung «
o aod that the Ibaaka course of red people arose aad Benin I'aper weal to FiNicb
Aadei*»a. lod. last algbi
on are bereb; Icodcred --------------------------------numbed in double ------------------die arootal—toe'
Bsoreinp to speed toe day.
news of toe suddra death
aodlturium. sbaktop bands. tbooUap
A pan; of eight ladM
■peading I
Ms]. ('. it
Coopt-r. Mahw
and poartag out ti> bepto life agala I tbe day at .S'eab-to-waato.
{Cooper baa made many (rieoda durlop
wHb Ibe oddt agsJBsi (bem.
! T. G. Ileamaan {ecaned ihb
{fata TtoUa lo tob city wbo will greatly
(armers do a
marb e

; IBP (rum Loulrellle. Ky, where be s<- j
, tended tbe Pytbtoucoactore.
. O. G. Hiller aad wife bav. puoe w |

to learn M bU death.
Mr*. Wm. C. Orirababer, formerly ,d
b-r way to

Pere Marquette

Norlhport, Ml«*, Aop. ll.-The
cm nap.flt. Rate 40c.
io(B her mulbe*. Hr*. Wolfe and sto
laurritf tbe auto
market, la spile of all the talk about
la -Keep iboi'
Peteakey, Rato ttSO.
fleoplap aceummodalloaa on U
1, Clyde went to Uoatreal
ten at tbeir Northport cottage.
e Coortor, Uka (be Haakwoe onsbtr trained teacbeia.~ .
rrenrd pTlcce. They teem to bare an
Sunday.. Beet. 4.
dlaa camp pnonda are leaied W.rond
tmirelap un an valeaded rtoll.
Tbe man; (rfeads of A. F. Csmerun
Hava. wOl pin Itt baajt; aoipiort to
L that It to potap higher yet. aad
Tbe eub>ect. "Prlaar;
capa^; and aa aew. wear>
Mrs. g. B BougUy left tola
■ooaaraH. naae an a fa* am
aad famin' *■» be glad (n know that S (m a. u .-t
bolding oo to their crop, walttop
BeUtMt." was preeeated b; Hra. G. L.
' rvin.c to IU. .ireatat t--. s—1 in nd
Itoax arrlre, ptod tu reach tbela de»
lap «B Ike Pen- Marquette treto foe a tbe; bare returued tu tbto city (rum 'or |>artl<'iiUi
ef vhal to taklap ptoee an orer .tbe
the time wbea the; like toe look*
ta^AM vS^toTtovlw to»">J^s.rt'Vrtl? to .Ntogara Falla
ttoailoa wllb no ibougbl f<w their dall;
Ceelnl Lake, and -will wiake tbeir
of Ihe fipure.
I, Ibe; are boomed to tbe modiJ L (ilohad has pone to Slontreal
lotion tepl pad fed by tbe roaldia:
aad uiber I'aaadton puLoia for a vlalL
I at varioo* [oIbIs •
camper* who. UU Mr*. Wlppa, can put
Miss Benta Sector went to Petoa- retorued to Owooso this Btoruiag after ; Oaa way. aeooedetas* Uckets <
this to be IU case peocreliy. practicala Utlie more water to tbdr fropal meal
vtolllog hto toother and itoiera, Allen *•>*
all rtalkmi oa Srrt aad (hi
PAMt aNlKlARtont PitH SAMt-Kaowu
same report belap made from
and bid all weieome
Tuesdays or each meatta. A«k agra
porta at epeloaea ta aaeeral etata
place where Inquiry was made.
(nr particular*
Thinei'n twines, the uoluck; V.T.AI1. wUe aad daughter
tbar «oat aad aoatb. aaja tbe Oraad
BO r»lh>wlep dUimichre are falOB to writa little aoUa to tbe ab
ber. members of fU ». J<din Ja«>b«- M
batr poo. ll•.Mflatrea*l for a »UI
AapWa Herald. One of tbe lueit
meobera, plan aoaelblos poaal
Wertd** Fair. SL Louis.
E. cUrrb at Hobor «liiy nlle> away.
A K II-DDell and mlfe left
Jame* Thomas aod
le rxuraed t.
klltod ivelra penoaa near Mlaeeapo- Me aad proStoUe aad practieable aad
HouDd trip Uckela at low ratem. <
Adrian. Mich, Aup- IS.-Tbe Mar
Ure meal word (hat (bey will be aloap
muretog lor Ntogara Falla.
CtolBorato this morm
• sale at all Uckei staUema. Ask ageau
Ka, and other aauered dcatta tbe Baae take, laloeal Id tbe Sooda; acboot na
tog uf wheat price* skyward has not ^ <■ u- o
today to fnll force aod caoptop
Precort of Kalkaska to io (be weeks' Tlalt ta Ibe clly. Hr. Tboou, (or I
da; aaoBBlad to aaarl; t«o aeon la a
«. Her talk waa rer; helpful to
pbernalto. tokinp Ibe weary lumber
used to be a brekeman oa the local
batr doaea ataua. Badt; familiar are
prtslun to this eealer. Farmi-i*
wapoo rootc.
' Gus Greeauald
d wife have pone
E train atsd now hoU tbe p.
tbaae ato^ of deraatatloa and daaib.
iliK riclolty, the millers uy. are bold
-Tbe Kacber and bit work" *w ibe
Be*. Mr. Jacobe ba* preceded them
ire Falls
u( tfooduciur on a Callfonili tlue.
lap oft fur better prim, aa lUy iblak
“b*. I w.ah-eurai
Pos.irr,f.s tT.i
aubtoct takeo op b; Hr. Da;.
ud to ooe of (be best known of
t'e" tVvmAa-re. Hrt su
they see rtweale prozperts for a cooMr. Da; baiteeea no oae aboold bold
re Hlcblpaa ladlao apeakers
Pere Uarqueiir trata for a rtalt Latham left mday for a vlrtl with the
____ _ ..
ilDtM-d rise (n tlAo or tberetbouls
poaltloo of lach rlial luponaaee
aebool teacher as well and to sharp
Mooireal and vldnlty.
doctor', parent* at lawion. Mich.
The nlll-r* sa> It Isa'I Ihe Sfsi llae
ta repartee as well as keen iu )udpK. HIppins aod wife left toda)
Mr. and Mr. J WrIghI aad .laugh *“’*•'
‘* ■-> > >
t •• |
lo apeaklap of tbe canipmuvlat Niagara Falls sad tor Mar^ret uf Chicagu are vtolilag
! elcinity.
top of (be fuiore be laid: ~Tbe time
tbeir parent.. Mr and Mr*. Are Hale
” A'giSV*^*' “*
TUn ware two exedleat addreaaea to part for that wild aplrli of bywterto
I Hr*. (. C. Lewis of Chicago reiurud aad Mr. aad Mr*. 0. E Wright
vr itat<e
atoed epdone btau Wa hare leree
> Uetroli umtng cumpany to toat tU coareatloa last ereatap. the
I chaimetertoed the deratlooa
home tbto morulap after a rtoll to the
Hr. Ceorgte Booker and Mia. Nellie
day oOerlap 11.11 (or red wheat runapaaUn taliip Hn. 0. L. Fox. aiate
•oars back. The lodtoo of today
Downey of Chicago arrived to tbe clly
«•*»—1 me. koadrel ss.l
ttfUtasa. bot ibo terrible nwtotenflfiyrtpfai pounds to tbe bushel,
MUs IVarl Eller of Kalaamioo r^
night fur a visit with th.clr slste,.
«f tbe veetera pnlrto ctatee oraall;
fat- urn.- for while of lUI weight.
had AUred Day. i
ealfd. Tbe; have also done borne tbto ntorolnp after
Mrs. H. A. Coat..
' Uto *r U-bs uma4ii|., is ..lO i-Kiiui ..
PHi ai b;. Ehaten Mtobitaa !
Toaiormw (his Arm will put the price
Mrm Pox took Bi ber nb|eet *TU with camp Bm." “Wb) ?" wa
to the city with L.-r i«ivau.
Spp, Wetaera Htehlsmt neaped. Tbto
auu. ta, r.tKus,,ds., .m !
Neoeaalt; of Child Btod; by Pareou QietUun asked. “Oh. they had rather
Mr. an.I Mrs T M Itortett aad
Mk; be dec to tbe smt take Jeal
Kalamazoo. Mich . Aug. !».—Fhrm
and TVmcbera.’ 8be taM
cook on sioTe*. It mny not Ik' I
Ralph llasiHi r.-iure.-d today ft
Mcrkley and cblldrtw cif irctiart-. i« ikr ton «iu sokI
el u. Creloan cmdIbc acroaa it be
ers In the tiriniiy uf tbto clly Seem to
pin ao preat as that of cblldreo to tta. lime, bnl I predict ibni uur yonui
■peodlnp a «h.« time at Lelaodnt- guest, of Mrs. r, I)
oone water apotna. satber water
Imbu.-d with (be idea (bat tbe
borne, yet while Bian; pareau realize pie will no loepre ramp. They wlU
M. E. flalrd'aud wife uf drawn
la eoflapaed b; lU owa welpfat. and
rat ntarki-l haan'i reacliad lu lop
. KTto tSTsulJ/ ly ihT'.uiJiri!‘
toll aad are Doeb emeetud
the tvtotar to hrakea en H naMiea
r. Steward uf Chicago., “ti '
8anU Claufl, ,
e*ernUap la todr powv for tbdr will be aopenwdcd liy reton oMlapet.'' notch >«. and grain buyer* report that visit.
orSmall Acme,
laBd. Lake HtoU^ la Hke m
brother of Geurge W. Steward, cuuni>
an- sluhUtnily holdlnp oul for
chUdm. looklap imnicutort; aher
Hia arpumenl was riphL The tent,
tlallop of Midland to lo
prernta wlater wlada to ozpeod madi
ireasurer, to la the city visiting hto
their meatol and pbntoal welfare tbe ed audllorium has dispisnpl the ofu-n higher, prices. 8.-areely a load of
the iidenwi of tU Mlchipaa brother. Mr. Steward form<1y lived
of tbeir raenr before Ue; caa mob
wheat has ta-en l.rouplil lo siner- the
(pMtaol la oftea aoplerted or
Bvaevuli-nt assu(^lb»
air wkh ihe deep sombre preen sba<le*
aod worked (or the llanaab S lay ('<•
loobed. la timtolnp for maabeod above, and tbe Mrrfa bark inrebea of li^e e.iared. and a* a reault the stock
(i. HIlUr will h-ave In the scTeciica.
l.aad her.-1* said In Id- Ibe smalleai
Hra. Pen add people oftea eUled -toe fl*e yoar* apo are dlsplaeed b) modern
today for a two'•s-.-ks* Hsll la New
ten and John P<ir1er of Lcland
bo; will be a bor but tbe; eddoi^ lights, wbik' nrariy half of the ■
Votk'rtale, Ihelr vU home. s|s-ndtop
If city today
reattze (bat toe bo; will be a maa
im.- lime SI lluirai.. and other potolr.
era. luH quietly loaded ibeir kitrhea hate coiaplei.d their ibn-shinp f>rin->
Warner and wife of 8ui(i«s
toe boy's tralatap
store* nlih Ibelr tent* and ramplnp
Jam.-* H Rnto-ns to la the rity tbli
.Mtkad adeaaiataa of tbe renoea tbe;
Traverse city eallers.
qoote.1 here today were tt.M for reil
mark <m hu ebaraeter.
oultt. sctllnp toeni down wItt
ApaaMMY Mleblpab baa a Ibir MlLamMin has retarnod
aad tl-h- fur while
!a Uktop ap bla aabieet -TU 6toU
■Mm pood aoll. tbe adraatapea of deUaks of pipe, where they continue to
Wallk- Ltilman has pon.- to Tidedo city from Cadlllar. where be
Boada; B^ool AitoetoUoa.
do bnlneat In the snmr old wny.
or a t isIL
Hold-Up at Crawn.
Judge to the recent race mi
' tkM «f aa; other Mate, mtaenl aad
Tbe three srrrlcea lodny hnve beca
Mrs Walter Trumbull u( Old HtoR.iberi Razey s bouite, ooe mile
flue meeting, good
eaa; for a farmer to charge of Indian preadicra. Re*.
'talkm aoMareaa be;aad eompare. Oa
luo to spendlap tbe day la tbe city.
north of Crewa. wa* entered by an
and good rare.
follDwiiip tbe plow to teU Of Uw blrda
Uwts Heda-wli (papan elder) el unknnWD man and robbed jrerterday
tti kfvapa lu peopto are aa ptoaperH. O. Hum of Pelnshey to to tbe
tm m ihoae of aa; atate aad iu
ley. HIcfa.. the anernoon aefriee
3 oVlock p. m. (I Is repitrled
From Moaday-s Record.
tbe aaeeetotloe. U to ao
: oondoded by Jamr*»-nuwl
U..K. Powers of Suiioos Bo}' owde a
■bo ntliU-r aecttred IkO and a
Kllraboth aad Hulda Eeaaa went (
them. Better eooat cm mUlloB aad iatererted to it that tU deUU wortt
of tbe-Saudiers' Itomo. Grand
usitnws trip to the cll> today.
. A womaa was rbitreiap la (be
Twin mouatalB tbto muraiag for
dlOeoU to apeak aboat The
tktek aiem Umn talon paUlap op
J. Sullivan of t'.-dar to to ihe city few day.'
cellar at Ibe timi- of the huiglar; aad
alMHa aad-rBBbHBc «B la aone land tkm to BBileiiomlaMinQil. it Is toterIU oldest maa oa toe pnmnda to
hcaril sumeonc walking upstairs, tbto gn,-raooa.
Olio Furtsch will gn to Muskego
w MttalfaosoodaatbeoDemiekn.
lawa-hum. »7 yean old. and a
K. WbUacre .if Elk Rapids
lo louiorrua a* a del.-gaie from (he local
eupiused It WB* Hr. ttoxey.
Oa; bellerea that tbto to a pood
It of Northpon long before tbe oldr. gaeketi's molbcr. a nearby the eliy I.slay on busines*.
I. O. G T. lodge.
Tbe bo; aod piri
lahakltont In tbe north came,
Oaaatj B. 4. Ceavaatten.
nelpbltor to «he Raz.-y'a aad tbe house­
ODv'e-Pease,and tsoa
bnopbt tbreoph not oae ebareb bM
keeper for Mr.-Razt?, siartod op the
VMta nreadara Baooid.
Crawford left on ibe Illiaoi* ye*i.-rday
ibroaph all to Ood. ta lu tbtrt; nan itnog labor and walks wllb the stride
Prom Friday's Kenxd.
II w-cure help after tbe rubbery, |
. Ar«atawakaaiiiclB8aada;aAael
rreka' Ttolt In Itvbor
d pjowth the aoetat; baa bad raaurk- of a young wnrrtalr.
Victor Peienyl aad daughter wre;
OMrit baa takea plaee la (be a
(be thief stepped out from a
Springs and oiber pipce*.
a eeater
NoRbport. Mkb.. Aug.. 19-—Yester­ clamp of bushes aod bild the ladies ' to Carp lake this maratog.
IU tart two weaka threapk tU BoaHire Lorcoa Maiwelt of Alber
of tanIraUoa. iaforeiaUao aad copan- day waa n day of preat relolclap at toe
E Manln went to Keyatoue Ibis
Skr acBool agamaoB umr which ta>
tbe polal of a rerolrer.
ucrqoe. New Mexico, to la tbe rity
at tafap aa lodton comp prouads. thirty to forty
Bkk ito taiaHapi Aapoat 4. ttarttap
to suiipoaed that Ihe 'fubbt-r I morninp on ■ bualaesf trip.
K a rirtt with her Mr*. F. O.
. Be ba- Petoikey ladtont arrirtap at noon oa
The Imo- Brown. Eaitb Has­
bnupbt be was being followed. Only
He*ea that toll tour torouph toe
the chartered aieuner BeaTcr. Ac- moaper deulla could be obtolaed by tings and France* Faller weal to Ckirp
. Hr. and Mr*. II H. Bracken left tbto
l; will brlap aew toougtat end better
lodatlont are eery scarce all Ihe HereM as it goes to press but toe lake tbto UiornlBp.
Baareana. PIfa. Lake, Ktapde;. Bammorninp f..r a la-o'or Ihrwe week.'
aad if there to aanbtop toe
aronad. It to impoaslble for tarpe nelphborbnod is IhOTOophly arouaed
• C*“t>!“«bam .'and Mr*, visit at Alma.
atp, Orawn. Bimler. Maplatea. Cedar
da; tetami needs it U beUer mtlL,
Bwa. aadlap at Trereraa CIt; la ualoa
and nearly crer; arallable
Mrs. J. HarrluoD Pltteupcr of Grand
One of the mort pleartag feature# of
1 this morulap to aiiead the funeral teraarrten Baadtf erealap at tbe Cit;
Rapids Is risitlag at the bomc of A.
se monlap^ pnpnua waa a talk b; toe wild lorett to full of pltfallA t
s man.
‘*'•■'1 preaddaughuT. Myrtle T- Peek, SH Wartiington lUreei. for a
hot»e lo make a search for the
Irm. J. T. Hllllkcs to which abe re­ and deep ruts but. aeTenbdeaa. tbe
Cornell, and daughter of Dr.,and Mra. few day*
TU Idea of Martlap eaeh a toar oonewed briet; ber trip to lU holy
S. H. Ouruell.
Trevi^eTci^-taan Weda.
akttM to C. H. Mcin tbeai a rear apo.
Lelah and Merile HllU-r and
' >ad.
Chicago. Aug
iB.-MUs H. U
N. P. Sieveartm of Cbvlotieivllle. guests. Miss ArTIne Crane of Bay City
tort than wai preat keatteae; at tbe
Our Shoe* have a rcf-utatiun. n
She told of toe preat laaplratton of
Quirk, daughter ot Mr and Ur* P
visiting bli brother la Ibe city.
ttu amoap Banda; aitood wer^ to
and Miss Martha Baker of Fllal. anbetop with ao mu; earaert aad coa- toe Pleader banded Ottoare takes np Quirk, was married to Almon R. Ball.« countri* anr) Okc aale*.
•tart what appeared to ta a inMvirtiiag In Charlevoix.
•ecratod Chrtottoa worhere. Hpoa the life again to bla wigwam.
Wednt-rtlay, Aug. IT. at T a."to.
dan wadirtUrtiip.
Hr. Mae. bewProf. C. T Grawn. who has Wr r■ aemce* were held aad Cbrtrtlaa
bride waa attended by her staler,
as la the city a few hours tl
Four regular scrrlcea were held yew
•nr. waa not to ta (aall; diaatad. U
sonlag at lA-lBzid. neurn-l to Mi.
soap. Suaday sebool. both prtigtcedny, all Ibe day apoaken using the Mias Nellie Qnirk, and Ihe groom by
I’leaaaot this morninp
Willlam Proben went to
Indian laacuape bui Rev. W. A. EltoA Healy C IVnn. A reception wa* held
llyard of I■aaloe oa Suaday.
after Ibe w.-ddlup Hr and Mrs. Bul
Ibe loop looked (or eipnpel
TlsJltog her sister. Mrs It F 'nit.nias
Mrs. Hllllkee's talk was eery talerIcr l.-ft for a tour o( the takea and will Itfamting at 4 o'clock,
, W.-st Tenth slre.-t.
erttop. taktop her bearer* orer toe
ere made for an BaglUb see
lua OoocbiT rriursed to.her
hi*. Inez Farnsworth w«t to Wt.
242 FRONT 8T.
sacred by toe footat^ of
p. ta. Re*. Elina Is a (errece. Chicago.
I oome in Battle C/eek this m-ritlag | Uke thi. morning where sh- will
St Paul, tbea podap aUU further tale
■ waa appoiat
I after ri.Jilng rel.llvu. la tbe city.
. ,oach tbe coming year.
bit father betop aa Ottawa
A Rna Edition.
•i a eontalttM of oae to look after Ibe tooBtry about Jernsalem aad toe aad bit mother a Chippewa, bat la
Bereie Dick reiqraed
South ; iirt E. C. Obeuhire and sister. Mtos
A flae souvenir edition uf the
IU MidUr. Ttaooph pranr and per
toiardmaa this mornlog after a •Isli le i laa Tracy of Huoor. passed tfaMugh
be partake* cf neitber,
Jba. Xe»» was last week
the clly,
ataieai eSort la ran of dtocoanwe- Oalllee kUed with mart hallowad aaao- belnp brary. ttolidly built wttb a
ithe clly this muraing qn ihrir way to
>c «toea.loh ot the bepltinlop of
nant u baa beae aaiMed. with tbe cUtiaaa. Her brerer* Ml h a preat fortol. rotund (ace. *
Mil* IaiIu Tripp to eiiH-ried - the South b. tieioc call'-d Iben- by
prirttop* toat they were pemiued
.lx(e.‘Bth year of pulilli
aH ed tU paaiora. to (tart tbe pnavoice aad enpigtnp maeaer. He ca­
«»'icUy (bto evening (ur a with Mr*. Ithe deatb .rf a rHaiUe
of tbe toad abe b
tered the public' aebool at Walpole
; E S. William, before cuing to Battle ■ Antim Koss acrl H
. Kiiae aeJ
<f to aacb an ealertototop and belpful
Ada. wba bul ' yean old
*|*®;Creek, .where abe 'ba. a puslilop In , Frecda Bwanson Priurned su>
lad jwetab
and took three yean at tbe Indian lathe school, as leacber.
I borne at Tunin tbto tnorelni'after
PRd. Doyd was tewteal aad was
da; la tbe Dtodptoa drereb with aa
•Uiate at Huncey. IntoUap by a col- -e.reii«to tse.
Ho^er-J Wallbreent of ' rttIMn Ibe city with thrireocalt.
klM upon to speak npoa BIMe ttady.
awndann of"orer lU. tU maeUapa
lettote course la Victoria college. To- exce leui Idra of Ue rerauree* of the , central Lake returned home Ul. after-1 Eda Dorkmaa
Ic pare some prtoclMca to pnUe
to Mttaae loda;.
Fr^^a«, .ad wit.- .c,
Itmlo. being ordained ta issa. HU husdlaecKyofS., Johnw The paper.
tale wbo woaU rtady tU work,
TU tatMlBp waa epwad b; taapli.
cmly work ouulde of tbe ministry waa
tok ***nr aad pratoe aantoe b; Re*.
as laatrwctor to toe Indian depanmot , ..
; Dr. R J. Sharr. aergrito to Mem' '
of Coluralms, Ohio. Is viritlag
e poverameai sebool, Chlppcwm c uniag ail the pressworfc and eompo-,
Hr. Mae tUa pare hit aeperleaen aboat It tbea take tU les«» pnttlOD Today he rtaads emtoenily a leader la aiaoo, to iwo weeks, and it a CridU to fHendt to Ue city. The doctor lived
....... ,
whole aad tbea aaalna U lata lu
Ita pubUabe
to eeaatr paaetdeat of Bakdto joi
hto work, rcolgnlap bto regular partoihere and was to ilm civil eagtoeer
lake time by the foreIfKk. ill,-rf-ffm-. and
Rer, Ida Robbias, funner ftoati>r of
parts. He e:
«f kto barttnac; ta aeoapUat lU |
corps wbea (he G R. A I. ims Bret
ate to taeome aa eeaacellst.
rooms ready for f;,i|.
You need
tbe ehurch at Bate*. «lih ber husband
ttoOB Which ta didi at leapto. pietap
deae; aboat twMre jaara apo,
Mias Ellmbeth L. Ftoher. prtaclpal
ery pretty wedding took place built into this city,
aod llnie daughter, are ritlliog tbeir

WntK finn t« Ml

Za“cJ;;ini.erd two children


Eienc. mns


For a limited time








226 [.Front St.
Trmrsi Cll)i, HU.


.3.50 Shoo for Men


S3.SO Shoe for Ledies


$4.00 Shoe for Men

COMPOSITE *3.00 Shoe for


NETTLETON ssand .e snoa for Man


$3.00 Shoe for



$2.00 Shoes for


$1.60 Shoe for Youtlis




Geo A. Brerrit and D. E. Corbto of many frl-n.l. ••t tbto place.
Tkur*day. Augart ISih. wbea Hire
Roia Lriif-r. daughter of Albert Iriier Delta. Ohio, an- Ue guetu of M 8.
Several attended Ue cuoaly Soaday
. j aebool cunu-etlon held in Trerene
of Bate. wa. married to Harvey Slued. Hull and family. , . '
Lynn Van Karen of the clMblog 4eborne uf the bridegroom i« tbe Ek partmeat of the BoRoa Store I. spradtog his varaijoa at the exp
Lake r<ad. Id Ibe presnree of i
ben oae of profit aad encouragetaeot
InUmaie frlewd.. Jurtiee of the
to tbem to the Sunday school work.
Cowel oOriattog. Mias Kale Smedley
Harery Smedley of Aagell aad Mia.
brideoBuld and DoU Letter acted
itoxto Leiier of Balet were quIeUy
From Satontor's Record.
Ml man. After the cemuaBj
married at Ue home of Hr. aad Hra.
MUs Mabri Brutal weal to BDt I
Smedley Tbureday erealag. Aag. II.
as boat after boat arrired bouBllful and delirioaa npper w;
Id. this afteraooB to sp^d Boada]
red. tbe menu bring as (ollewt:
aad aakiaded the human ftelgW.
Mias Callle Zeek of Acme apeal BotB«* Hamlltoa of An Arbor.
|«day aad Soaday wKb frleada at
(or tbe todtoa camp grooitoa.
Btoriy of Uto city, arrired to tbe cHy
Moada of Mr.
The OriuBbto took her limit. 5«. the
Plefctoe iad Relishes
Oeeeeai broaght to a heavy load (rare
to Houle Pmad. stole raperiaI al U Roaeoe. J. V. mhhu..
Apple Pie loe Cream Aaaoned Cake*
Blk Rapidi aad Old m~u—
uwdeat ot Jualor Mearor. Lu ar.
Bride's Chke
Orouoa'a Cake
Brever arrirlBg at the same lime with
be gaeau reoatoed (or some time rived to Ibe rity aad will sprek to Ue
ibe y
a load rrem Storgvoa tey. Ciuai VU* of Ue Brtgbborwboia. TU ttfen was .
kfler tbe rapper. Gapes were playad. DIariptet ritareb lomicRre Xfhr sab- hood were Tcty h
toge aad Charlevoix, while mtoor ei■ Oar Boy* aad Olrla.~
aod a eember of beliitlfal wags were
of Hr. aad Hra. nreweoHoa boota }otaad the mOe bay
T. P. unare wui irere Mooftoy
■mad M« Hia. i. W. umm^ „
lewdered by Hr. Wtoato It was Uree
tort Baturday erealag, the imreHim:
■oUUa ao that ever a thooaaad paared
k wbea Ue goerts departed,
tog to attead the Bib4e eoaferto the gate* to attarel Ue tolereeUag
briag tta Uinamrth MrUday o( (htar
tg taegretalaUeai aad wtohre
u Wtoooa Laka, lad.

-ar. Hlreftta.
•OTtere aad eee the poor red mah at Uat tbe bride aad groere migu ten
Lola Htagh dgota aevm tan

knew tbM U waa to take ap tU wrwk apes to (be Bible.
Genoa. Nebrmaka. arrived yeateri
tW. Uoydb addreai waa tiled wtto
■ad U U( aanr nsrwttad It.
to look over the great gatherteg
TU eoaM; nrewai;. Htoa HaatU daep and pood tboo^t lot (tame to- ‘llriilgaa ladiBBa. aad plead for
teae;. apoU of Uklapi tried and lererted to Bible Btady.
crolts of the fall term of arhoo). B
toerad to Ur eoanattoa wIthdUao
spoke at the eVeelag serrice to I
From FMdayp Haeotd.
pareou aad win be an active advoci
buato^ acarto.
of tbe edacatloa of tbe lodtoa of today
«• of tu eoa*eaU
Northpon. Hleb, Aug. M.—Northpan oa Baida; was almost (he bob of

ttlall Paper and
mindow Shades
in o( these rooms.

Call on u. .;ari). so ihat wr

can give yoo ihc careful attcoiion required.

®|- jWWW

aUSDmTBnOBAXZ^ nOBaUT,AUOORli|iUOA. ~ - - - - ]


Na» #W I* M »


„JeiaH had a hBf aad
dttlt 1^ * Oiaai^oa M
reaUeate of tkla localltr. died at blailjf5*’“£‘ Z^l^L Zl
boBa bare lam aisH aRar a Uafarta« bodTXoSkbt^ Sie had «
lIlBcaa, bii death bdaa daa to caaear. a laat rroort I uted Dr. Klaj
He laBTaa a wile aad aeeea ehOdrwn-|£?»^ »« C.
aa?* ra
Mr. Stotoal waa bora .ia OarBaar |oe ar taei to a few cMkttb
dara Sow ITe aeId caae to fbaada la ittt.
lU. la lies I Uradr i**aioed av baaltb.”
i caae to Beiioei Bar aad kai ra-|«aen aH Coacbi. CoUa aad
aided bare
Id mi be Barrled Mia Dtaabetb
draedau. Price 50e aad tIbO. Trial
After tala arrlral be deroied I bottleri^
attcatioa to farBlat but
be plaaa aad aweiteatVaa saball
br Jeai Petaraea of thic dir bare
ar became elected lowacblp ireaa la, Biraalajr of Biabep Potter i rt^*
beae acoaptad br the Aatria eoaatjr
w which pcattkia be held for aererml jceai actloa to drdIntlaK tbe ~8abwa»
bowK eoa»ttlae for tba e
aa. He wma rerr petimloeni aad Tarera"
learea a larpe drde of frleoda to

«M «r IntaMlM « Ik* koMC •( folk>wtw pemMl; “Mr. mmt Un.
Htfw 8tfw. Tb« tUU WM tma (« PM Mt PHdar tar Tnrcrst CH7.'
twlaa. Tb* foMiBl sarrlM vBi M TbX maket t*o fM(, u4 u «M* bare
It t o^elMflr «• PH«v fran tha hOM. Itro tan. tkal aakaa Coar taat taan.
K. L. Chrtar bad tba faamL Hr. Tm aad toar makbe alz (aat TbwaBatahan li tba atatlaa a«Mt at PIUU fora H la aix taat te Tnraraa Cttr.—
Rliw oa tba H. * M. t road.
jHaaiitaa.Kawi. The ana that eoaeocled tkal baa dacr baaa coabaed la
Awa Waa Cwkad.
Paler BotbleU. aa ladlaa. at Sli(bU laddadeaa.

SUIac. aaiptorad ia Jaaaa CkaadalTa
■dll at Karatoaa, sot hla left
boltar ee Taeadar aad taad <ha laver
■narB tarrll
cttr la a boatr ia ncord braahlac
akaa to a doctor tar diwa-.
tbo«hi br tba BOB wbe
DM. Tkla boUdlac wlD
Tba OaalS PeaaKra BOB to tba dir ibal ao BO.l!lO.
Local FbB Octi CoatrmeL
Hf la alio drawlai plaaa Cor a I
Tbu* a mere ectaicta. iasIgalS
for O. D. Tlfaar. the Tbe Haoaab A Laj MercoatUe eoa.
Is or puny Udls bare paid Ibe
Paodtor AooMaal.
paar baa been d»eo the meiraet to
peaally. It Is wise to bar
booker of Beltolre.
H. A. Jobbalt waa lotared la a paearoretoh the repeat lor tbe oew fctleral
's Anica Salve »ver hand)
ar Baanar FrUar atteraooa. He
bM sake oo earth aad wi:
bolldlo,. The eiaci aamber of bar.
ad cooc lato a atall to kItc a eoK
preveal raCallly wbea buns, sores
To tbe Editor of tbe I!enld;-We. rela baa DM rei bvea
cer* aad piles threaten. Only JS.
DBa altMlhia aad fa aoae Bi
tbe contract la a large one.
ob. Porrr IUb'
Drug Store aad F.
■a aafiBl fell oeer oa bfai. eruptoc
aab. barios dooc boalaeia with hlai waygo wOl be tbe brmad auppllod.
Some llae ago, Cootraeiur Dawson
dUfoe. be walked I a barrel aad aad the Otb for a period of tblrtr-alae called npoe H. Honugac. general
raan aad aoi a bitch to pU that Ubo.
la life we bad aotblac bot pralae for arcer of the Hannah A Lay MenacUle
While be waa alitlac oa the tend, the
i company, la regard to the eeaeal
pala of bia lajarr caaaod bla to faloi hlB aad ia death we Boara. You wUl
by tbe cnapao)' Hr. Mootague
bla ipeecb aererml reara
awar aad be fell off. Hr. Jobbett
aso to tbe boilaeai sea of Trarerte aobmltted a sample wtaich wu m
Washington along with a number of
Cttr- Hr. Haaaab UM aa
other*. Tbia mornlag. Mr. Moetogue
We isne the beM aaviap book
Infomed tbnl tbe company bail
waa Rooe.- but
0 can fonel t
aad we koow you will like thii
been giren tbe coolraet u tbe Ne
kind and pmerou
Bank ibr yonr tavian deioah.
waygo cemeei bad paased at tbe bead
J. H. and N. C. HelB.
The book 18 a ttue ooe-h
ibe lUi.
meant a great deal tp depoahoti.
SordlckTlIle. An,. 18. IM4.
U you have a bloe book yoa
Pwreraad dall te Plaa.
Oantb of^fra. Frank Hartaeo.
know you are getiiag the best
Tbe Lake Odessa paper bnuu ihsi
Complalbl waa Bade Moa . .
ihe Iowa is tbe borne of a woman wbi>
Oeorxe W. Parker of Klapaler asaloat
bat roceotly look here olnlb busUud
Oacar Vaaur. chained altk aaiauU
aad balterr. Oa Tueidar Sheriff 0. Mr*. Frank HmrUoo. In her furty-firtli It neglects tbe muni Importaoi part ol
<1. Chandler went to KlasHer aad ai- year. Hr* ilartMn and ber bunbaad tbe story, however. In not relsllag the
rum Trarene City a abort time fate of tbt- other eight.
rtdod tbe accuied tod bnwfhl bid
Rapid Hirer aad to QIadacoee
before Jaatlea Joba VerJr that after.
L Ha plaaded salUr to tbe ebarta froB there July S. Sbe waa taken nick
waa flaad br the }eiUoa to par k- FHday Dlgbi and a doetor called. On
flao of tip and coau or taka a aca- SalBidny hope wan glrea up and abe
of thlrtr dara In tbe eooBtr HU. died SuBda)' aigbl froa bean fallnrc.
Sbe hu one daughter by a former but
Vaaaar decided to take the lallar.
band wbo reside* to Newaygo,
tWoHo lad BB cf Oaaaaa wm eater
Vaaiar ataled to the eoun that
fnneial wu held Tueadty from tbe
tba OBplor of a wiBd eoatrad
weal to tbe atore to aew Parker,
by the Rev. Mr. Bellown.
Wdadn bed weak.
aepbew harfoc been worktot fw
who bad been aeouaioled i
Paiker bat had beaa dUBiaaad. Tber
#FKIaaa ladtoaa fttaa Omam p
ber la Rapid Hirer.
want to fat soaa eloibaa aad
thfOBb towa oo Toaadar tor tbair ttroB tbaB. Tba bor and Parker
rarioBi boBaa, tkla aboot ■atohlac tbe atepped oot of tbe aiaore and k’aaaar
Low Rate* Baeured
lad af the caapan oMad we* at the Bid be foltowad iham. wordt reeulted
Merrill B. Hcriley, secretary of Ibe
aad be aald be airock Parker wllbosl aeveoib Dlnrid Mlcbigan ChritOaB
UaJon. hu Jiut iwcelred
Tba HaraM la ladabtad te P. H. Jew- JaitIftealhnL Parker waa atrack aer- word tbai special rates of oae and ooea of Maple Orore PMt Farm far a eral timei aad hu face waa aoBi-wbil Ihim farr* hu beca granted fo
■fed of the larpad aad Baait paaebOn these counters we put remaininu sizes of broken
•IxlecDlh annual convention of
aa pot aaaa thto aaaaoa. Tbor are of
linecs of shoes and tho'e that we bought too heavily,
dlslrlct to U> held at Kalkuka, Aug.
B THpBpk rartdr.
Thiley.are ail new and verj’ good values.
Tbe foUdwIa, teacbera were auc- ID and 31. Tbit laelodei the eountlM
VW wfil of tbe late Uoa. Penr Kao
BafBl Id the recent teacbera' euBlGrand
■ah waa tied la probau eoort Salll^ aalkioa held for Ibla coanlj-:
Tlckel* are good going oa Aug.
^ attanooa br bla aea. Jalloa T
Second Orade—Lola Cana of Elk
ah. na aatl Bated raJaea of the ■Upida, Eaale Calkina ot Reed Citf and 3 Oand 31, and retamlag oa Bepc
I la aboat a Blllloa aad a bait. Blnacbe Cirpeater at WlllUBibar, Delegates can leave Traverae City
Ibe Perr Maranetie at 7 a. m., I
baa wot r« beaa died. waa dreearearwal.
Third Orade-Ulllaa L. Dana ot Old and «:I0 p. B. nndOB theO. a A I.
■ raaldiaea of C W. Hadlaci at
5: to nait ll:in n. m. and t;S« n. n.
I baraad to tbe proaad Boadar Htoaioa. John C. Rank of Griwa,
Blblrn ToBpklai. •race Theobald.
Fathetlc Dasth.
al^t. Tba eaaae of the «ra H a araNew auppy
stylei of
We have a few|ttin
Shirer. Jeenlc Rose. Mabel
IBP aa Hr. Haatlan Bored to Oaatral
Ftaak HclMiu. a iioac cclier wbo
ol this famous shoe
EMred. Bra ThoHell. Sada doaen aad hu been working In II. a Alley's
rxx<«wearing shoes.
Nona Darla of Trarene Cltr. Mary
j m odd lizrs that
d the bom alaea that tiBC.
M-ke alnee April, died
Schoflrtd of WllIlaaMbun. Hmie Do.
f we wiO close out at
8 o'clock Saturday aigbl U the boidc
ter of BeadoB. Beiale KaBUloa ot Fife ’ bto sUler. Mrs. Uitteel Kao
Bd throash town oa Tpea- Lake. Btowdre Broce ot Bk Rapidi. ay sifvci. ol bemorrbage afl«
la to Cadlltof, wbare bla ol- Mbit Mobooner of Elk Rapida. Harfew dsys- Illness: His age w
>1 baaliiii calk Ub. HowOlre- M7 Speer of SobbU City. Habd E yean. Wbai makes kis death
s ban tbo MOB part of tbo WMk Wall of Elk Rapida.
A M.O0 SBOE FOR $3.00
Md Is that be came
J. B. Mailera, third fftade. of Ttar. from Ibe old country only lut April
«Baab taek la Bomi
As good u many $3 00 Shoes
wae aiy neelred a traaafer. Sadie
worked hard aad uved aJ
Klapdoa. Om pade. ot Trarene City
me)' eaougb to amid for
rtar baa bawgt.i back nodred a mewal. F. c. Warner of
sis chlldrea whom be left to
a be* ▼. C PataMT tba prapatr Old Htoaioa kraa glrea a reaewal.
the tonway borne. One daughter,
MBT of Pnat aad Boar
oldest of the fnmily. hu been to this
New styles inJ
Fall From Church.
t of tbe Beat BBrfcat bolUcatn good
Roy O. SeoSeld ot lin Penlasnln coontry almoat two yenrs, aad
• Bbi tbiwe hoaaa^ which Mr. PaltrM fell from n ncaSotdlng lut Wed- with him when be died. She
r pprebaaed boa bla aoaw
at iUm old Congregai
b -wfaleh la being ton dowa
placMl Wa new ntracture. f
larffHt ralabDw trout
OO tbe I
d la tUi cttr waa eaptorod Saathe egren, wbkfi an about snite of ofllctt about SepL :
r br Ma Bom la Boar
H HM «C tba Oral Wood DMb dock. tweniy^hrae: te«i from tbe gnmnd. enrller. Tbe new oOces wilt be i
wbea It gare way precipitating him to Cau street aad wtu be oa tbe ground
floor. The cauM of tbe ehuge Is
tod that they ara crowded oot by
CUisees Telepboae company wblcb
qoestkm by tbe altead- waats the room* tbit ara now used for
u to whether the head ibetooBcea.
of tbe hameni to teoMd or BOL HU
aew oaees wUI be band
eattn body was badly bmleed and hto
Uge aad alcely Sited up.
tone eoaewhat cqL He rerr forta- deeilst aad doctor wGI bare a
aalely eeeapad more eertoot ItUnrlea.
WUliam Maitod wu worlcliig
will bare two private
. Tbe touam acoffold with blB wbea It gare isrlor of ILs aew oScet li being very
way and be a|eo etarled
prettily flnisbed lor then.
: «Ba He>^ of the wUsUe of tbe
Ite r. on LMber company at 3 bang oo. Heavier see thu tba two Tbe oM oHces will be need by tbe
tetepboae company u oBcu. giving
Mttetk 00 AagM tT
who wen oo It wbM It broke, bad them tbe other fsomt for operating
<Ba OM Hr thti OOM
wericed on tbe lame eeatoU and It to
ss ami storage rooms which shows
SHM. ThoBinwin
tboottt that to throwtog down debris
the telephae eompsay Is ckpaadHf tbe tiBo of ooeo
_ troB tbe nef It wu poaslHy damaged
wm fMor^ the boglBaiBg of opor- — caught tbe two aeo named ahore.
Mh. tbo plBBi raa eight
Smltb. wbo to
Itom* FrasN LakD Ann.
tbe tearing dowa of tbe bandlag. look
The besi for the price in
Uk« Aaa. Midi. Aag. 21—Depair
the lalBTcd maa to bto borne aad phy- Sheriff Oellto took Joha & MaitJa of
nlclau did all poulble to rellere blm. this place to Frankfort eartr tkb
Twmti StUe todlaa eUldrwa ot aU
FHSHg fNB Sto to OlgbtMB
■ to bto aaaltr.
mma. win toaro tbair aatko b^
islag, Hieh. Aag. J3.-The toul
E Fletcher aad C. 8. Tovaler »tort
to take ap a IbrM ygan' populalloa o(;Mlchlgan.-u glrea out
nt warn for Mlsoourl. where ther
------- -• tbe ladlaa
By Beeretaiy of Stale Wanwr expect to seuie. They will make the
lihaol ot OeaoB. Mahnaka. Tbeae tea. aUUiUee token to Jnae^ J^SC.tHp la covered wtgoni.
KSrmot tbe Mted eBortf of Hta E flie. aa toenaae of lM.031 sAee i*oo.
la VMM. grtodpal at tbe aebooL aad
foDowlng to tbe popntoUno ofl The Portlaad vAMge eoancll ban deWe buy nothing but the best grain and you get the
M bond of Ibe ladastrtal aeboM of
itlee dvea oat today; Oiboua eUred war agatoM street toklra and
pure article.
mwmtrr. BMoob Radbird. wbo Ml at S3J«: Emmet. I7.i«; Qeeetaee. <3.
■taee mtoatreto.
Hto ao Cbo Pb. Haimu* tor Hart. Mt: Grand Tnverae, a.t»; laMtam
Atotoa. BnOey aad ML «A«: l.euwoe. »m-. Hoakegon
WtoioaL tormal ladlaaa at that plaea nmi 8L dalr. S3.MT.
^vene city. ftuk"*Pl^'
r. Aug. r
wmrn*u to Mter thotr ebUdna la
The pcvalatioa of Onad Trarene
kP woatora atoooL Hr. BeobM aad matrby towMbIpe Is;
Mii FMor wfll rwaad ap tbe wbtot
mam ad CbtoMO oad laavo oeat
te tbe opaalag torm. bogtaalag

»9«0MI dml «tlw D9«M.

Savings Book

trwent Otf SUtt

CIrculitfon thii week 2,840

Bargain Counters






CmuI HNtt SUHiers 25c


1 Fey lien's ShOK.$L00


me Can GiDeVou


Feed, meal. Bran, middlings.
Corn and Oats


Tba toOawlag abOdna ara tea!

Advance Sale
Suits and Cloaks

There are K» many good ihinK* coming in every day that wc moat tell you
about aome of them. There are so many noMiy effects in tuil* it s hard to give a
detailed deacripiion of them. As we have told you before. itV the acmi-liuetl coat
or the loose fitting tounst effect, either in the mixiures. or in tbe plain bines, browns
and black in broadcloth. Venetians and Cheviots. A good many p^o|,l. like to buy
their suits early: they then get the cream of the selection and gel ihe full good of
their sun diinng the season Those who do this will be pieawKl with the present
lowing. Those who wish to purchasi' later will be pleased with ihi- showing. a.s
It will give them an idea of what they will want later. Prices will be

$r.50,$10, $12.50, $16.50, $20, $25 up to $50
Hac’s a Coat al $5

Handsome Skirt al $175

That IS certainly , fine, made of all
wool Castor Kersey, good quality mcrcericed saline lining, box style with
bell, large metal buttons: collarless. 27
in. long. One of the best coats we
ever had for the price.

Brown 'MiMurc Walking Skirl, excellemly made of good materials, made
in a very last) and anisiic manner.

WDal $5 Will Bay

Here's Anotlier at $8.50
Tan Covert Tourist Coat, very light
weight, just the thing for these cool
evenings or for traveling. Unlined, re­
inforced over the shoulder. 86 in. long,
brown velvet collar. Very nobby.

It will buy a handsome Walking
Skin in the mannish mixiures in new
tailored effects, either in blue, grey or
broarn mixtures, i

One More at $12

For Lar^c People

Black Kersey Military Tourist. 42 in.
long, trimmed in gilt buttons, veo' full
cape over shoulders, with black velvet
strap. Full sleeve, turned back cuff of
black velvet trimmed with gilt buttons
and braid.

This if a splendid Skin in black and
white mixiures that are anistic and
jet unobtrusive for people who usually
find it hard to get fitted. We think
this the best value you ever saw at




^ MMM is

Better Make it a Point to Come in Saturday.

The Knox Hat

A man ia known by the hat he wears, and when he has a
Knox nothing more need be said—he has the most stylish hat

AM men can not wear the same shape hat. For that reason
we carry all the different heights of crowns and widths of brims.
medium, and the


a" ®«ct imitation of
the $5.00 Knox hat. but because there are some who do not care
to pay the $5.CX) these are made to retail for $3.00.
This is the “Hat Headquarters" of Northern Michigan be­
cause we sell the hats that give the best of satisfaction That la
why so many trade here. If you don’t, let us prove our statements.


a DyedU
City today.
Hn. Dye. wbo has


‘"VnW Wlgbtoto to Sbennto. wbo the ReadUg. Pa. Barteoden' ualoe at
bat been the goeat to Carrie OtiUgrr Monday olghi a meettog Tbe noted
for tbe part week, retnrncd home to- apdoaor to Ibe-Sobany Tet-cn Wei
^ (rM.4. «M( c«t l,»e*>rt«rrT»Df
IMI SMurtW Wl ■« qoJi« • f

_ calUng
............. oo propoaed
for aembenhlp by an en
'“miw. Wlrttoto
Center one day laat' ihoalastlc Imrteeder. but his prnopalrnendt

I tloa waa tnrbed dowa by the majority.
Bartender.' tobmlni^vUlilag rrtaUvea here and ^
idea la lu Oinnbenhlp nearly o
Hrt. Carpenw hu a altw rttUlng
r diapeoaen to driukt lo Ibe cii
Itorrey Dtoker ritited at C. H. HoeHUt Krt'th U Tltlllag at C Bill

H^ BOIaaa and Hannaford took

k>» «W( U OlM< Me*.

. L«B»r ud Mn. BvTCr totol

IM T»«tow tm ir». wiaotof
r tkrat wka- oat-

M aMOTte


■t to Tnnm atf

^TSi Mott

Z- H. AU/m or TiarorM Citj i _
hm B *>v tori iMt vwk toftojito
Itortto WUM

og a»w*H

Kn Fitteber of Lake Ana toU
Hn. OMidor one tor Uit w««
Jillu Norili tod wife left iMt
tor Wntolastoo wtore they expert to
—fc« tlMlr fiitBre teM.
Hn. Urtli Cbwe left thb ntonlec
for D«lii>ll, where the oipecu to flTi
little dhu^ter aportil trenunmu
_r, tod Hn. H. O. Shirer of Oder
etty. who hsTc been Tlalthic here the
ptot few wmki. here monad bosa.
Hn. Norrlf ottended the <
andoy achool ctarenlloo ot Tn
liy iMt WednewUy mad Thoradaj.
he reporu o pood Use.
ftonie BSd mnkle Norte of F»»toItlng tbrtr
latlrea and ItrlendatolUa

Hn. Buccoe Crfppen U eolte atek
_t (bla wrltlnp. tod niao Hn. John
ntur n.two_______
wetoa^re“ - Hlner.
Cbartaa Keodall prewtbed at Oiul
Tnrerae City.
eoHao. bea ntonad to Tnrerae
koreh laat Suaday to a large eoegre-|a«ley ohd Ihrm ebL-._ gatloe of hla old frlenda and oelfbHn Wb. Ba«ley
«>eonk« north oo the
■MM totsrdw nitht
_____ -Ud aortety art arllh Hra.
A noBber et oar pto^
Paol Ollroy laat Wedneaday
Marthport Sanday to eueod the Indlea price oo Hn. Gilroy ud It w
plele aoceeaa aod largely auended ud
ererybody had a dHlgbtfol i'
~ it J. Briniana wo* called to TmrG. D. Braaa and Hn. W.•. H. OUon
erto CUy leal wMk by the aertooa ' were alerted delegatea fn._ -------^ «r Ua afater. Hn.
oHoc* to attend the Sooday achool
i held la ^
Aog. 17th___
e differ
waa Htgely totesdad
{oaaUaa. which abowed
^Mn Don BeoffeU baa gma Ic
e IntaroM thla yaar than there haa
We hope the good
MHa —■»» Whita apeot a lew toya
___k wOl go oa and cerer atop nntll
to ftatona Clly laat week.
Hn. Albert HcDenaott la rUlllag oar boyo and glrla are gather
the good wiwfc all orar the hoc
lato hart been rltltlBg old frtebda.

U B. Oarpeater tod Bogaoe
•ter wore eeat oa delegatea to

B. i. HoruB of Trarerae CIt;
pauad ttooogh here Batarday oa bla
wto tone tm a bortaoaa trip to
Beau Maoltoo laUad.
fbt yooBg people report a eery
flpaMt toMUc party Bataitoy arm


Dwred to Trar

to .tovtoefcTfUe

a Ud wife, who Urad
laat aaaaoar. bare


Hr. and Hnu Haltar

•M& knthan. Nathulel and Leow
(HU*ato Baehael Hertagtoo
tMffd^Aland to UM taaehen- anitoM oC Uat waafe. dM

Lelaad cb boat-'
~ol Cedar haa gooc aorth

d by the hureatan Heat
re oot ud there la sooe

rye ret t


Mn-VtoAokaa H oaUag her Dleec
Hn. OtotSa Utobtoa. a rltlt
Mlto KathiTB Bber of Chicago ia a
«aadt to Mfart Ktttla Golden.
Ika Bw*aee aptoto are ioekUg toe
abd they will eooa ba ready to pick.
bH MM. Mlea Hllat OOaaace. a
Oty Teeapklaa la toaUag bom
BtoH abd Wo yoo can boar h

AM art FHtoy wm>

d to Wlllla
Hr. tod I

‘aOM HeCloakey. brt
Tbdt to a tew dara.
At the

MW CbtoWte Fewen to Bl. ChatW

ba«r ato we an glad to oeei bar

OtoTlB Oarpaaler wu H pnwa
**Mn Anee aad daatoiu
Mtoiter Haul are
vfaBlM rrtattraa a AUan..
H. A. Ootoaa wai to town on boaloot troa Bdei Bit
___ __________ to IW haaheu to

- - - oM Main b«w Wt weak. Sba
M to fkartooo Oty Saiorday.
bto anto. wrbo la 01 Aw Ar
_____ r toddWI tnattotot. la loprer-

toM Mr. aW Vn A. U — "
I BiMw ntoiM

Frank Hencbea'ataally bavetriendt
rraa Obkj rititing tbem.
ThU monilat at « o’eloch ocrurrrd
the oartage uf bnett Tucker to ibU
place'ud Hitt Horton. We with Uem
long yean of bapplnea. and pro

Vl^JaM^to Norwood rUlled Hn.
y.. anil HA Thayer a few day* last

These instruments are honestly made and fully
guaranteed. Tone, quality, style, durability, price
and termsare right in every particular. The world's
leading musicians indorse the Kimball pianos and
organs. Better investigate our claims.

d several to them are antUmt I
have HItbup Potter Idenlineil •

taxed organa. Dlmloesa. backache,
_______ juiday.
liver CDCDidajBt and contiipatlos. But
.... Hyen preached hit ffral i
thukt to Dr, Klogt New Ule Pllla
«.at patUPT of the BapUtt ebn
tbey pid ao ead to R all. They a
ymierday. He and bb lamUy '
geoile but thuraugh. Try tbem. Oi
Hire loto ...
vltlled rel- tie. Guannu-ed by Jobosuo's Dr
CUn PewWt to Hi
Store tod F. H. Meads, drugglatt.
ailvtw here Sanday.
Boro, to Hr. and Mn. Prank HupSdablnw Frlenda Kvery Day
Ins. Salurday. a daughler.
Hrt. Halgooyen It rltlllog her par ,
ms. Hr. aod Hrt. Seegmlllrr.
Chat. HilUrd. who baaiseen rery III.
much Improved.
Mrs Danlord It o«ne III wllb to
Hitt Dahl Manigold will irarb i
Blnce the fpnetal to Jaaper. Ihe littackmas achool the coming yvwr.
to Mr. Eaiioo. which war held
Uiile Carl Brown, while playing:
). another to the Rastoe chil
ear the retld.-nr.- to V. Undeo. brok<-|
h> h-g. Ho Is g.KtIng along nirely
ItKils Urk rviurned Tuesday from,
Jacktoo. where he has been employed |
a drug store. Ho hat accepted a ,
aooner than they ezperted. on i
nltloD with Dr Kenion
to the llloeti to Hn. Holliday.
JKH two werki more and we will '
T. Whybrew has cunn- from
Ibe M-h<sd Ml again.
>. U, P, loaaaui In caring
Mist Adth Thayer u aubtlug in U >
T. A. S. Barnnm. She Is
Hamburger's etore.
d by her two younger cl
Robert ^Wood wai a Tnvene CUy

The mill U runalng tbit week, pi
Ini;. bBi the lumber cut It all ouL
Hn Prank Glbbt It enioylnK a i
It from her parenu. Mr.-and Mr*. Nl
oil. to Kankakee. HI.
Newt Jamison tod Wm. Patun hi
compleled tbeir road Job ud >
bridge leadlec*eai from town It my
patable. Tbey are now engaged
remodeling the home to Burr Jan
A. B. Oarnom. wbo had a tiroke
panlytlc a week ago. 1* no wono

to Klngtley' held
Mrs Enilgn returned last week from
oatnnaloa aervicc a> the rhtpel Sun- her visit in Canada.
Mn. W. R. Ulohardi to Tnvene
vbillng Mn. D. U Kotlgu.
lungley. wbo hat •■een giving
leld boy. artred today for a vUII.
Ulus Pkirence-Raltenbury to Tnv- rouslcal Intirurtlnu here, learet toim
rae City It Ihc gueet of Mitt Nrille for Boston, where she will take ii|> iIhKiud> to music.
Hn. Addle GIbba tlarted today for
■onlb't with her |■areou an
ther rcUlivee In UIntcMda. She was
rcompuled to Tnveiwv City by li.Proul) la omviog his famll>
cblldrro and Mlw B»»le Emmons •
-re afli-r a realdt-nre of
Ftpd Avery went to Kniknil
Hrt. Neat Jamltoe warn rallvd Ic
Thi-lr frtrad. b.-re are
Rig Rapids by the
lllncw* o
Dell rairbuks and wife eltlled here her brtober. who hat since passed
away. ^r. Jamison will atiend the fuEmpire la d
Aim-n PYotla
Wheat la badly ahronk to UUa netgb- eenl which lakes place a> Big Kaplds
t U M R II
n on the n. 1, «
bortnod thU tall,
a a Webater atarted hit tbn
artdne Wt PrUay.
Hra. Beeley. who haa the amallpax.
1 cainp at ihr Narrow-a and ,
It reported on the mIo.
Rev. Cmell Benlley. Mrs. A.,
Hr. Boliaen't people are ealertolaRev. and Mr». Wamw P
« frlendt Iron DWoit.
jck. Miss Elva Vneum and Ho
______m. Re». Mr. Ib-ban la iiaaOn FUrbukt waa down troa Tnr. Grlag to Braill. Ind.. are reglsiensl at
th-r W<-allby Avi- RapllMvburrb
we atr a tew dayi laat week.
tbe Leelanau Arteland Rapida.
Hn. K. L. Pray It eltltlDg reltlivet
The Hisses Fahb llnyi, L'nnit Roci.r W. Farraul and w ife bax- rcI Tnvwae Clly for a tew daya
en. Elbvl lllDthaw. Hlldi-gardetlnwn.
Hn. Geo, Pray to TnTona Oty rta- Uartha BUnts ud Best Long
ng atlrt.0
has l»«-n
. Fivd Mvriflfid. u
It^fcWIrea here a few dan Wt ed campmr-eilag at Kurlbport
rt on Bbu- aiawdlng ai«H- time al Laieual Gnu.-,
day I
l.-av.-* for Grand itopida Monday. Hv
WD Brooahead. who has tw
Eva Slala and Hay HUUrd uf Tnv- will aali fur Japan In On
akb ter a (aw Boatba back, la
one Cliv are vtctllng at 7. E HlaOneida
Mloer Kelderhoua.- '
Wprored that be b able to to
ihaw-t ihU
as Ic lowu Tuesday.
rtdea on pleaaant days.
Jedin Gren to BnHI. Ind. It at
Hlaa Grace King to Kenwood gaw a
W. HaaUngt' boote burned to t.
Lieclacau fur an extended tlay.
•nnia imimament on Iheir gniunda
_____ id Sondoy crenlng. He mored
Ivan UvIngtIoB to Hi. Pteaaanl ren Thuraday and Friday to laat week.
Ut totally to OeotntI Uhe Wt Toe» turned to hit home Monday after
IXHil twenty gueala pariirlpat>-d.
day and It It a ayalary bow tha ffre abon rtilt vriih 'Carl Gnwn
mong them were Mliotea Ida and
atarted at no one bad oeenpled It '
Mitt Bertha Cornelint. who bat boon fteaale Farranl to Sleeping Bi-ar Ion
auying at the Shaw,
moniliig tor Adrian.
Ray Tltui tpeot 8 day with (rienda
al Trarene Clly.
d (be reaorta,
I Rev. L. C. Benlb
o| Until, Ind-.
ker to Oabora o
preached a very late
A. M. WlUobM of Old Hlaaion was tbe Mrtbodltl church Bunday
tW-jneat to J. a BHgbt
day with her parents al Tnv *■ CUy.
Gool Imuater and wlfv aod e<Mi
Mra. WJUlam Farvmat eaierialned
One to the totont twin boys to Bd
aereral ladles at a dinner party laat j
RInefanrt to Pintle River died Wt and wire to Kmto are camping
Panlut' grave.
Monday aflemnon at Sleeping Rear;
. Hny and wsi breoMit here '
Hn. Adrian DeVludl and aoi
Inn, the .wcwaU.n
avion being
- •
battel Prldw afternoon.
ward left Htmday for Grand Rapidt Mra. T. J. Slewan
ewan and Mra W, J B
to Join bm boibud. after which they
aburg. K y. Out of ter
the part tan dayi. He to bare tor bay will aiiead the world'a fair.
gums were Mra. Gregory
A party of leaorten from the Bhaw. Wetn-ier to Gregory's tvaori and Mca-'
HW Ada Brighi came borne Satur­ enth drove aroond the -bora- laat Fri­ damea K. Neaacn and C. A. Cook toi
day froB TnratM City, where We bat
lea Arbor.
been toktog antic leowst. Sba
Mra. n A. Feaavaden aad daughi<-r.;
-Korn Toeg^ to pome her leal.
las Alice, of ••Happy-Oo^l.uck).*'j
Hra. Pnak Boroogh ud daogbter.
io|ip«-d In lown Wedneaday.
llM Bdna. to Hoatana. aad Hlaa Bu
TravvIlDg Sal--aman Cook to UUman-1
tle Boroogh to Toledo. O. are vUltlng
rrtatlvea here.
dUted ai the boK-l Thuraday laat.
foe a Ids.
Or. All>erl D. Peraont and bride of
a ud Oeo. HuDler w
>pUln>-s. HI
HI., artve.1 Satorday nlgbi i
tethe 1I will In- the gums < r Hits. Ida '
Farrant for a couple to w
. —
......... —-d lohlseamp,
v^l hav
charge to the acfaooU at
Narrowa after spi-ndlng some'
iltne In rhicago atleoding lu hnslni-ss.,
D Island lati Salurday.
Miss OreenBvId is a new arrival at Keovrood
R. Clark has relumed lo tals sum
mer home
JcM Crippea boa a aew wlndmlUIxir-'nto ('. Knxiks arrived from «'bl
Hr. Kidder had a barn laUlag laa
Mn. UcLanghUn. who bat
Sgiunlay to s|M-nil aotue lime at
onliv tkk. is able to tit up for a
-Hra. Paui't elnce and little toe are wbllr.
vlStlag her.
Hrt.. Frank Bonwgb and daughter
A. Bpaffntd riiHcd over Soaday wlib of Uonlana and her niece. Hitt nettle
hb aUter, Hn. Behell.
Borough, vitUiHl rrlailret ben- Sunday
Hra. terowa haa hM baring ao u^r
addlttaa bolU to her hooae.
r. Kiwd
)' muddaugliler hat tbe
The lalny weMher to tbe laat t
lei fever.
Hard b
weekt hat hindered the farmen
1 wsat to F-asi Kasson
.With a ronsiamlv arhine I
irir barveat work.
lo vltlt. n-lalitet and friends.
During the hard atom tott Mom
'. H. M.
.y^intog atruck WUI Brasebridi
cream aurlal .at tl ■ partoeagr Prlday
boote. allght(y damaging It.
erening Every o
Hn. UlUe and dangb* from Ti
good U
Doan a Kidney Pill, make well Ud-;
«ew Clly were the gueau to Mn
Harrea a few daya last week.
Prierts chuR-b
Here Is a Traverae Cii, Woman who
Mill PaUanno to Dorr Cei^ter haa Ridgeway wat ope to i be delegatea iwdoraes ibis claim:
been vUlUag-Hn. Joele Blaiard.
that atteeded the great Sunday
Hra. E. Dunning to 712 Webater
Nettle BundUh alteaded the
rentloo held at JeniKalem.............. ..... aireel. ways: - l-alna acram m> hack
day artKio] aaTantlob la Tea'
very Iniereating lo hear her tell ohout aad hipw were .•specially a--»erv wheo
City laat week. She went as a
the places abr vialied aod to tho i
buay at w-ork; 1 was u.-rvous and had:
gate from West Ualoe SuodAv ac
pleaad Itaeir cottont. Mn.Ridg--way altarka Id faeadarbe. diaalneaa ud
She brmghl back a very good r«. .
brought back many euriout arib-lea ainking spells. I knew It would not do I
Hlaa ttaotoos of Ohio baa been ^li- which she showed duriag her talk
to hv It go any kmgee. and U-Ing proatog bar raorta. Mn. BtrUfttoad
Hlaa Flora Bellinger alteaded
irated In bed in Ibe wlater to 1M7 { j
There waa a nmrtae party oa

heldalKea- had a phyalelu treat me. 1 ubiaJned
aad 'Mn J. Raaaell laat Salt
wick Ian Friday and Bati
aome relief, but wav pot well, as thi<
ermlog. A good Hoc la reportM.
Detorm McOoeer and
” McLangb- aam<- Irouble cuellnued lo bother me.
___ Rob
A happy -raopaay from Ramsey Un an
e at work for iCbariet Friu, I waa luduced lo try Dimn's Klduey,
^Ijo the lake laat Friday aad bad
tg hU
bU aew house.
PlUf ud they helped Oe from the!
Hra. DonaldaoB
haa 'ought
beoghi 1_____ _
Brat. I used four boxes In all and am ;
Mr. H^rgltaa ud Hr. Oebrrtl and In biplie aad espeeta
e there «<> well pleaaed wllb the rewulu that I {
Ibefa- aoaa apaM yeaderday at Gneo aeat areek.
do out beslUle to recommend thla!
LotUe Plaber D vrortdng for Hr. rvmedy to anyone wbo ruffen av I did 1
The Hrtp Band out last wMk Wed- naher at Bbrttond.
aeeday wlib Him. BIggar.
■da Johnson la qulle tick at
Ftc aale by all diwJera
Price >»
Wert Hahm AM tort aritb Mra.
cent.. Forter-Hllbore Co . Buffalo, N
BIggar laat Tbonday.
Rev. Ur. Boroogh west to ^tt
V . vole agenu for tbe Vb|Pn1 States
Hr. wad Hrt. Btou's yongart aoc too Hoaday to rtali tor a while
ReOM-mlwr Ibe aaoe—fkmn'a—mod
Hra. Flaber aad Andrew and Mary
Touee attended the rnereetion at KeaFriday ud •

W. W. Kimball Co.

N. E. STRONG. Mngr.

129 Front St.

Kveothing in Small lnstrumem>., Slin I Musii-, Talkifij! Machinev Ktc.

in any of our three stores will save >ou a iot of monej-. We must clean out all satniiU-s ai onor^jiw our fall stock
is beginning to arrive. We just received a large, full car load of I leating Su.v.-s. VV.- must iRake room for sam­
ples of them at once.

Sample Bedroom Suits
Iteiiroom Suit for smly
on up to a suit worth


R Carat Due

Semr EacerHsnany Bis Barstlut la Russ

ortainide Iron tlmU at vglnct no one dae coult! think to' giving roo.

A Urge assortwt lo selecl frtmi. Some slj-les Uiat we have Only
one, two, three <>r (mu of we will iluie <>ui al cuci nr lets.

If you W.II necl a chiir of any .Icrtriplion thu year, do not ««
this rhance, ax *e Itatc anjihing you want and wdl potitively lavc
you money. We are closing out aome to them at away below what
the twdinary dealer awild have lo |my for them.
lien, ranging .right along in
kOCKKRS About SOU sample rail
price from *1.26 to $38. They go now;
A *1.76 foiid oak, cane seat, high back sewing rocker for...........


A *2.76, stoid oak. high back, cobbler seat, arm rocker, only.. I.B®
Same proponionH cut right through, to a good, aolid, wrti
made. Whvr upboisteied, spang seat rocker, (worth fi.50) (or 4.7S

Do you Reui any Extra Dlal»ta
or flUlswarr > ll is < hea|-rt In bu> Hun to bonnw at tbe |>ires we
arc making'uo them now.
We have all styles ami deoeriptions to
sample sets and kni of n-l.l pieces uf all kinds lor less ihsn yen coaid
go lu the neighbors and burtuw tlieiu lot

Barsains in On and Ormilc Olarr'
And etei)'th:ng,f<>t yvmr kildien.

916 and *1C leather upholsteied si-ring scat rockera, some

M Uasbtag IRaelHnc

with leather backs, for .
*2<; leather rocker lor ...

saves a woman tlircc.fuuttln of tbe
hogany and Huaner aawed oak.

It may be jui

I you mm for

wura in washing and duel it

. sijtlwirdt

Wlien j-oa Ihi)

|oat ns

come where

you can f.n.t an ssaonroeni


hsic seven •liliescnl stjdrs lu seleel

Tbt-y range from *2;76 ryM

aiung ii]j to the very bert machine

And so on right up to a *60 sideboard for........



Just like cut.


do a washing wit), thit

We hm

Ilircv ftyles to close CM at (artory

They uisy be just the Style

you like.

Rave V»u Ever
Used Dover
Sad Irens?

Don't 6o Uilbout
A Couch wheo yi

IC at these prices.

couch, IS heav7 coil springs, beautiful pattern teloor, l«r only 4 75


Just hki- cut. If tort, diup
ui s |<oslal card Un euiv and
deseripliuns. Vou will never
any leliei if yuu on- c use

Dtrt if X Ebanet
to 6ct you a

*15 couch for............................................................................................................... 1X75
I values on Moms Oiairs, Parlor Suits an-i uphoL
nereil tol-l !»«*;». A beautiful, all over stniTed, 6-piecc pailws^
(Cheap at *40), (or..
A beautiful dre^i hea.1 davcni>orl,.teoflh *22). for



CRtRttRiqii CsblkS

Our Victor.extension table is the best an-t tnosl durable table
made, “ntey havi^he leaves right in them.
All you hate lo lo
is to puU Ibetii oul ami lift the leaves up. raBaraelA-l fur ten tearr.

KitcbcN CaWnct*
If you had ooe in yuur home you would not have it taken out frx ten
^ tunes the price, aa it saves
ad so much
t everythin

from *:i.76 to S12.GU.
Tbe *12.60 style wiU cost
you only *10.50 now. and
yoo can pay *ee it 60c per
week and h win aave enough
to pay kt itaeU in a rear.

Bit Kavt a Cars* Ctau ol Camets
Mattings, liuokunu and Uildoth. Lots of remnants aad parts to
rods that we are m^mg a b« cot on -to dean «p. If yoo canooc
fiad what yoo want in these reonanU and pans to raUi we wiD give
you a big cut cm soy to our regtUsr goods now. Weare joHfy peood
to our caiprt depaitmeot. sod have done an cacefKwaallr large
spring bosineM in h.


g-N ' Si-wii-g Mvriiine at a
We hate two or
three Siu.rig iidchmet like
rui.ena-le by the Standard
Sewing Marhioc CooipMiy,
lhal ate-'lieap at *36. T%ey
will -to j<»( as good work
an-l Uu tint a- 1^ aa any
tiia-'hine ina-le.
l-e ten u-ara. TIvy are Owl
to style. *J<; will bay cHhes
(if them now,

Every One Knvm
We are bead-iuarters (or Stoves an-l Kangex. ' We rArry a largrt
astarUDcnt than any cine else m (own
We buy in sarh large rjoRMsties lhal we are able lo make lirtler (wirca. This toll ^ be no eiceptioo.
We will hate astrll larger asscwtmerrt and if anythiag
make still rower prsces Hiin e>er l-eltrfc.

Cbis Coot Oltatbcr
A little airligbtdreater woul-:-oil,V in han<ly.
grrs-! one (or *1.611.


A good rtee! range, liigh cl-riet, rt
evtoy way, kir.......................................
They range right along in pr«e, *27.76. *39.76. *33, *3S, and «
on up. A Urge, complele aveortmerit to the Celetarated QUICK
MKAL Steel Range (tbe beat fted range made).

art ar« Kreauifl on vor Rvoalittva
Of saving you money on anything yoo npe-’ far yowr hoax

Purer oarttog every Wedaeaday
------- — ■- ‘-^allat ebarth. Brery

(dating bcuu
henna are not a reay good crop tl

Inc Innanil
maeat «u
■lag Green. O.

|\ Four HealUi and STRENGTH with

IQsssiSiSSr-- -rr.

Wholesale and Hetail- -w' -

Reliable Home Furnisher



M a atoM pAa Hd MdM* the «Ma.
<d rwiasta. a Chat oaotr papar
a tut It araat vork, aa H vat
A OBTldM. M VtaM «L HattUala triad iBibBl eoBBir aai leas apo aad
Wtu N«t Help -r«ur
BlL Thar are at«an opts, al- lU oalr afock tU atoM pOa bad «aa
brt WiU
it care the uaw better appea laadr lo aarra the pobUe. aad
WahKhd YWr
ihert ardor «iBk eaat ba beat Ttt
tnj nta* u ■mi tMOoUwatar
tbaaa aa Saadara aad set a taa
««M « th* liwiMt «c« at B
tbHr baaUiiai wbee li coBca lo "woekdlaaar tor tfa.
--- ------- !• Mr* a* dtjr.
lac- (be mailer lowaa U Braaeb
Mwbm ImM br th> i«|>B«W
A lair DaauwUaa at ibelr
‘-T— tUi MnriM «Mr« tb<
aUlltr la two dliaetloo ti abowa la the
That^ vbat tba Unia Waarer^ a
mrnm rvpMM ic tkto «M. Tta r»
BolaeUea ot a somb for (be attest ear.
aa tbar ara jaada <« Matk wbotir <
tMl MBB* that a* boaharto
Blral bslBs bald la Coldwaier tbb
a* atr «Hi b* nBG—iint
«a was aeleeted br pop. ^ tamA Dr JfSar bap^r PBa
eaau a roto-aad tbeL
a eaadldaie aad woe
caBad la (oOo* Ub.
k coat! Tbe raow
ta Ibe death at Mr. Haaaab va bara
roaac Ibdf reoatred IA»1 »otae
Htalaad a traat ‘ laaa, both to tba
.Bl her adBlr«i paid >aai l»TA4
lMr»NrBtb«Ji»ilMMMara4«' Boatara aad to aaeb lae «t v tedl- lOMTUf iboB la tU ’axtraeter.peia a tree flip
liC tba attack oa port Artbar tmut- ndaallr. Ha waa ou at tba siaadoM To an oeBptaslaaa are blaiA baada to tbe At UnU ezpoa{tlaa. to be sore.
*• abA aaUIMBv ^mas. ft ta nrmwi u
•ca Ibe eoaairT haa arar prod
aad piBplea. Tbe aawatt darka tor
asr sttoaTte^
ot probaMr
kaada ot a prataoaioaal aaakorBM Is tts •BhfuUh. It 4e»towra WaPBM
arnad of a paaUl aad btadlr diuoal- lat It parferBa tbe work to perfaeboa (ricads tealbo that w
VpsuMma It CBTU DUrrtoeuMU WUA
Uoa. bla craat baan waat oel U> thorn aad altar tU applkalka ct a sood iber eapaadad iber Btcbt bare gtraa
OaHe. ft
; ladr a Baropeaa trip.
*U m life's Btnma had baaa aalOT- toe* aallaseDt tbe caiatdexlea baooaaet
M nu>l_7. It
n I u. P_4.
o. Hla lOB will ba racrstlad br saMOlb. wllboDt I Bbh or ttrllatlOD > Tbe K. R. Oldi Co. baa beea
krttua tMBir «HM or Uao TaBf tad
aiialikii bataM ihaM oatbaaia anvUkaevhlB. Oa aawrT'a walla Call aad talk It or wlik Mrs. Boaaer.! poratod at Laaalac wHh a eapllal ot
fl.oee.OM for tbe porpoae of aaeofaeUS Ito pletara of Ua Utorod mS-rnBitt.
! aad ibaw el aMtaB amr are «ee
lorlnc aotOBobUeo. Tbe bead of
faea. aad u> oar laiaat dar oar area
eoapaor b RoasoB E. Oldt, larcoier
aad oar tboacbu will arar tars to taTHt AMT T*ST
of Ibe OldaBOblle. wbkb be broughl
BbUBcaa cd bU. daapir laaortbad
Of cood BarkkBaiihlp la a
^ armlB aU«lMnf_____
op froB lit lalkocr. Mr. Olds baa
a tba iBBor UbMi of oar sonla: daek. Boi a decor oae. Tim to ba
, ChM Pee. ABf. U.—A »btia caawbSa Ua praaaaet Is forarer ahst 10 tklak aboot It. dost roB tblak*
praolkallT raliied troB Ibe OMa Hobeat e( the Otraahal tm atnek a
tor Co aad win fire bli eoilre
Mlaaot Liao Ttabaa raaurdar erea- eal tru our aartbir rtev sad wa Bar T. Saztoo haa a eoBpMa Uoe ot fi
aev reaiure.
over seek Ua eoaaael aad ad■Bltloe aad kaater'a cMblec.
Tiee. aun Wa tadoaoet tobsIbs. aad aaosaaorr adjuela. Load op bctore naaotaMBe a Bachtoe aader bb pailaiorar we Bar da lo tbs roars
Bsoobeclat. Opua tba door <o eai a^ baa alraodr coaaeaced tbc
BS. we wni ialaltlrelr aak oor- Baadoe'a hardware aura aad aaa fair reUblaatr «<wk aad ezpteia lo Ur^
toctorr to operalloa there br SepC 1.
atiraa tba foaothB, "wbat would Mr.
rnaaiillr- la ebW « tbc HaaaU aar or tblak at lir aad so Id
flrlat OBplorBeal lo fOt bco. to U
a Afw at Iba ■apahOe (ar tba
readr for lU IMS eaaipalpa. TU <d- A Bellow-IODed KaaU pUao. of
d wWi oar pt« oipanaaeai
Sren of Ibe aew enapaar are Preti-.
TU tor Ot oBtdoor Wa U Bade oob- dent. R. B. OMa: rice preiMral, Reu- itadum cireautoe walaut rate, per
plau br weariap a pair ot (SBtortable Un Rbettler; aferatarr Md iraatdrer. act eoadltlu. In both caae and vorU.
price t»b. A Ursala. Qhnaell Brm
Ozfaida. What b preitter ibaa k Edward P. Pear.
aaltlac. la Ittl. of
dWotr utbot eoli Ostord. with k foU'
■aacbaUBBa at tawaet «m aboatad
Cabas bee], or tor kaodtaboal
' a conplete line of Beal*, horb
la hsaor at «ha tau Panr Haaaab at [aallad tbc Haaaab A Ur H
SBOotb ordlaarr kid? TU oipoflprleaa. BeSnltblac Sae farallure
freab and ult. and aUi a Sae llae d
aaaM BMaUiff of tba dlraatan at
b kaa baaa wttb oaead Ujer wU laj. tllre bs tU
both prrued and dried
tba Tiafana CHr State baak. tba Haa­ u at eeatr Baellac at tbe
Oxford fair eeaiffld.- Both ape aad
G rour laaeb basked b belac
aab * Ur Oa. aad tba Iba Haaaab A abotber aaaaal or apodal. We par- reattk ear. *lNtul* "Bo aar I." Bowap doo' atop lo coo kBeeii but
Ur Hareaatlla Oe. Tba baa at Mr. Iteobrtr aajored hb btadlr preaaoee. bod W. Ibatlai, itl B. Fraat 0L
see oar fsall flat* canoed pood* Jul
Haaaab la Mi kaaalr br tbaaa vKb tad It Is rarr Sltloc aad proper that
But Preel atroat
for lUl purpne.
^vbaa be baa baaa l■^lf^llad aad tbar aa abotdd oCar a laaolatloa of deep
: bara piaaad apaa racort aattabia ai- raapeet aad lore U tU Beatarr of oor
u b wkal lU FUbcleta. roz. HUDONT READ THIS
Oalaaa too waat to ure nooer.
daurlod frlaed. Ba It tbaratora,
Hoar no eauie ba* drapped «
Ut while lU UM b llBitad. lU we Ure three pUaoa. each a barpala.
BatdveA TUt lo tbe dulh of Mr.
an of expeesfre deUr to probate
arrr lUaiMh. wa here leal a tber- strb b aoc We Uve all atrlaa aad eeldaa fooad to a Boeb bme.
irti iloiplr beeante tbe papen tUl
anwiity. J. T. tumm,k haa ba« aaah aad aprlchl boaUaM
a. Call aad laspeci our
we are oflertnp at prteea that speak
alaaiad praaldaat at tba Traram CKr ■aabl aad bowiraUe saatlMB. aad aad roa *m U aotv to U sWUd to lor thcBaelrea. A KIbUII. aabopaar would Ure czpUloed Batten cooM
M be loulad.
«tato bBBk. Iba HaBaah * Ur Oe. aad abo e'eerr true Mead. We deepir •I aad atria. Bd Uotaer, Okloa BL
MTla It. No. 1IM«; eted »
the H—..k 4 Ur Mamalila Co. depbwe tbe Uea. aad hope aad traat
DoeuBeoti of Ibl* aaiare are Creat ms. Crtoaall Rrba.
uenllr lucked aw«r la eoae book or
WMb Iba eieeptkB of tba i—a ibe lUt U hu salaad bb lust aad welldrawer, wbeo for a *Bkll enn
TUI K too keep a Iklop for a
atbar oHean raaala aa bafora.
taned teum. aad wbeo. In tbe ptaasOUR VOUNQ AMERICANS
r ran rmi a box In Ibe raulu of
raara. roa wlU Sad toae ot* to
J. t. Maaaah la nwasalsat aa cm at
of Hla ■WU doelb all tbi
Hare aartr aad freqoenl leceoar I tbe Pint Vstluoal buk. Tbb box
TkU b act appUeabU to Uu. i
tba beat taaacdan at tba Mata. Hr aell.* H ahall U oor tan U po b*
be rlxlted a> tifleo *> desired, and
baa baaa aotaetad «lib tba blatr aa hop* to bare the pteaaare of asalB ctollr aewadaro. AD tU laea. faeer
L We loo. Ure ulilUed U
> Ibr best ufepuard apalnM Ices
alrawa. Irinbed aad
baah aad RaaaBb A Ur laabar lBta^
br Bre. ihi-ft or forpeffulneaa.
at Ibe Wood Bbtera' BlUlaerr paiton. prsctkal war. aad Keep lU ae
aaU far man ibaa thlrtr raara aad la. IBMIOSU*Blcned
to toWA alto tU oeateat line of
US PTont Bt, will Calrlr be clrea awar
tbcaaasbl/ buafitar rltb ararr Mall Tbc HkBBah A Ur HereaaUb Co.,
tbb week, to BbU aona oae bappr, otlrea to bottled pood* of all diet. HOME TAKES ON A NEW CHARM
at an Iba lataiaau at tba tbraa corparBr K Hootacaa. Boerdar
w well ai u Bake rooB for taU atoiA. SttokBopA 111 A Uatoe ainet.
atleas. barlas baaa eleaair aiaoelatad
When the old-fubloaed
bob aad aU <d tbe Beabon
vHb bli talbar la the Maalloa at tba
done iwtr with, aad new uptodale
ipaar. I raeoBBiad that tbb Dost Btoa the opponaattr.
- saHnattbaaeaMBBlae. nadaathat nmlaikB be eptead apoa tbe oMETatpoae likes caadr. tf it b pure buflax tppxntui ta
Mr. Haaaab rU aaaaa Uttia ar ao
ad whotoaoae. wbleb oan to. oa we
aipeef patmaa to earrr AM
ahaase m tba aeadaet at aar
■ka a brge aatomaeot u weU u til lUuld be Inrluded tbe uew pluBblap
B nu waton, caraaali aU
baatsaaaaa Ha had aalletpatad bit
devices for coBfort and canliarr c
la reltow paper basA so wa Ufa tU lea ereoB told, if roa vbb a renleaces Anas A Cole. Cass S<
AMk bp ■aVtaa ararr prerlalaa to
aaarr aatbalailaiii atbatare.aadr.
la torobe of dalatr Uaat. to aO ealebratad boIm. we atoo btadle U»
Iren lOe Mtao to tUW. Bar bat aer'A Johaeoa'a Btoe Rlbboa. Leaea'A
r. Hanab la aAMbabir aqalppad to
• tU boaie Srm of Btraob Bros *
'the Haaakb A Ur OotaaaaaMa tba datlaa at iraaldft Ha
laf worth aad roa cat a SUad
otto. J. W. JocklOB. PlOBl 8L I Often needs It s> much as the I
paar beM at tbdr oHoe Prldar. Ibe hoA tost the rlcfat Mse u put to w
IW) borrower needs tbe brper
loUowtac reoolBlloB waa naOBlaaMilr
looa with, half a poaad. UQrecti
The Peoples Stviori Bonk lea.
B«lil alalte at bU at Mortbora adopted:
Its a* well as laipe
Wbataaa. Wa jaaet wlttoat ear oU
Poaad to lU aav tall kau la to
factor) paper and shows ib
top to all. aad while roa are looklo* of snail inasacUmis
Bol Oarlaad aaetaada J. T. Raa- irM aad boalam aaaoeUte wU baa
latarI oaUlar at Uw baafc. Hr. Oortr tedpe Btaber b not fratar- for Jail tba aerb to salt roo. loapact levy os 1s sbowa the
' aaoUfal aaaortneat of dalatr
baa bau aauaetad with tbe aoia, tartoBM aad bailaau ot tba aallr at bone vUh klauelf or hb
b A Ur tartotaala for tblnr Haaaab A Lor OOBpoar. aU bioactat aaifhbers oabaa he wean aa embton Oowera aad trlBulapt. polap a
bosbwiac b tba hardware dacbarB. Tbaaa caa U obtalaad prtea. at Htot Heck'A 141 Pioot
WUI toon be here. How shout (hsl
Bl aad fta* tbara asIbi late br bb pood JodSBast oara aad la- tbb weak al tU towelry atore of Barboy? Briap bla lo aad we will At hla
aa daparlBUt aad tbaa baiac laprtir. tbaratora, be tt
A Bart. While there Ure
out. to a whole suit, aad sevenl eitns
■d to tU caUbrh daU at tU BoaolTad. That la tU
WBIU tooked late. Pint etoea rapoto Soap this tael to Blad. that I make In pant*, la aeleetha we Uve wonted,
a boitean cd toaatop tooBor to torpe fanry and plain, also serpes and coseib A Ur HBreaBUb Oa Later loa. PatTT Haaaah, we lose ooa who top torn at reoMBabb prim,
k. wkaia u RMBded oat a Hfe tut win laara ael aa eKpeaaA Ut aa aeaooa
t. Kubeek A Hoyt fakw
a iBprau at booaatr aad latacHtr fcsu roar watch MaoA u tbaie b aoi
U ku kau Mr ti
rata at lalsroaL Par It hack
tU oaoatlm trtod «t a «Mr watoA ta BBoaitj to tatt yoonait. a
M br all wU kaew bi
cbolea oHrn to mu Mapto
upward of ?;.0M. have
•alto. M MeNaBan. McNaBBia 1
hliB la basiaaaa caa aar be baa
Urad a lEa that to M exaBpto to thou The etory <*tu Milrt lUt wu lou
I .Ibe tudi. aad cam oai eorared
with the supreae bod) despite the
BObasar at tU Hoa- arU an bft. aad after a boalaass
wtib etarch? Wa Hralphtaaad It s
Is tU Ubit of Btkinp weddtop narked tocreos, to ntes. wltt .be
sab A L«r : ataaUa Co, W. W. ebitoe of Sflr-fawr raara we taU
plfU. Before you Bake your seleePolUUd tbe tmu. rMoratoi
that ai Ibe next I
^............................... K?-'?''’*—** ****»»
B at tU ■oarttt Bill praat ptoaaare ta recordlac tU tort Joai as pood u aav. Ton Bake
tln call at our store and latprex the
e review oaoiber ubie of
aad W. a Mauaa m bbbab at tU tut we aerar bad a word et leproa^ Bitauke br girtaf jour laaadfT to tbe bcaatlful liar to SirrUap ware, cut
Thli ta accepted
■NBorr at oor ptrtaarthlp wa
HBk »Mea botaL
wapoB with tU UUs. Ftot work doee
. haad patoied oblu or brte a aeoatop
a Moccabee* < r"!
will traatoie da eoa of lU few pleaawhile roo wait. Wrtpht Bros. Pboae brae, fttslair* Jewelry Store.
bitterly oppose e rrelec'lon of
II aiT Jincpa
uraa ot Wa
preseai soprene oRevn sad
It b va BMP repret (Ul wa raeord
olrad. That lU baarttalt amps

will U mode to secure tbe neopenUatba dsatb at oor BU pnaUaot. Ihr ot lU Bmben at tbb 0
Doe* U secB u If yoa had t hole to tlue of Mh-blpso sad other
Baa AartT Hauab. wba> attar a brbt U oxtoadad to hit tiBlIr to thair af1 are ao awfallr dead tut roo »or pocket Ihroupb whItt your to- Ihe deaaad for a revtaioe of tbe Iasi
AMmb Aaportad tbb Ufa Aasost lA
recover, la order to avoid this coBo la eoattantly ieaktap* U ao. the enacted at the Detroit ctavesika
USA •( lU asa at n raon. U B.
BnaeM OaifaaA Banetarr.
wise thtop to do It to deposit to Peo­ A well ki
A. 9Uer Ur. Tie* ptaaldiat aeriplloat pot ap rtpht aU
ple-* Savtopv bank, where year 1
towBSbIp. t
la tMi Md iwaeaal trau BBB
apeetoltr to Bade of tbe piw- vrtn U aatr aad tleadlly laereuli
Uve ai b*i solved
ot a eoaapeiaat adwaor, traatworthr
nad lalereat aad wtaeece |i
iloo sad says (hat li
balBsma aad tree triaad. wa tallr
Itl to him wbrtber It r
rooBaa ttal oar Usa ta kroparaW
JUasoB Drop CS.
deld ot prowtnp ci
trie Upht aU Povar OoBpaar the
state Nasn.
iwboys of Arlioos havrpiren
toaasrttr. attertr aBeelAU aU irae u - • riac vace preaaat: Wb. U«doB. BaBoel OarluA Bobart OaUvelL ValooUe oapen. latura. tonU. mpaoro* tbe poby. TU oaee fatU traat rapnad la bU. Wa a
..U, „
■syswi.’lUab Oretllck. A. T. Prtedrteh. Chaa
Ud taacy krtldea that you Ure
•hroadbrlB- U passiap. to U
furnlib an abandoat
' hb toaA bat proil br hto pood a
BllhetB. A. W. Bartak.
BO sood place tor. Oee of our bninl- replacad by a Ut which, la I'u prts- nolatare for all bis eropa. besides plvtbb BeaUap tU foUowtop raao- ' • • ok eaaea aad wrtttop detka eoo- tlM elepuea. would piece elrtllxasobla sU arar aktasdad UaA WhUe
In oe onpU- supply of poiatuet
Maed. that we are rtoatop out wooM tKa.- aald R. A. Hilt of Olobe. Art- wa Bom hb oaciBelr dutt. U b
- S^rs.'"
WUraaA la rle* ot tU loat we U Jast what yoa ac«d. They Uve a sou. vU hu beea Stblap ai Lakeabtortos lU ataroal pbaaara of that
Ure aastalaed br tU death of oar alee, torpe wrtttop deck aad pipaan toad tta last few daya. Hr. Hill. wU
'■MltW tola ot BoBvvbara.frtoad
y W. Slater, your bone forllbriy kaowB as "Bin.* ta ae obBintriA That tbaaa tnalatlim U
aaaI veatener of lU ABericas
- faaatoad aad recorded opoa CU roetype. TU cawboy* atre ap about 17.
««i at tbb Bliflu aad a cost asal Utoad br Iboat wU ware dsaraat to
hlai: lUcatora, be u
Ua fall hat. when ttri po to
U lU haraarad tobllr.
BaaMroA That to tU death aMUTr Hat oaly aom boaaebaU pDodt.
ud tbeo back oa tb^ taoeh.
A. Tmet Ur.
Hbaaah ihlf eaapaar toBsau tU loat ad ptaaoe. hot U hat a Eu Itoa id they 'Ulfe- a few allu to 4U up. pull
H. CDstB.
«w Utoban cablaeti. wllhor wttteu
down over their ryes, aad
Whr b It diM Ayer'i Htir
■ aadwtoebi
■Ueboard tops, tut wuld Map )oy
■1. Tbelr old hats? Oh. they Vicor doa so Bpoy renurt.
toy oothinc of warmth aad eemel aMad praatlr to tta A
to tU hear of every boosewite aboaU plve ttooe lo tU Apacbes.iart—ta bavinr d iuraocc that
thlBcs? Beepuselitpa
ad aaoeaaa ef ttto eonpai
xriU burn onyLiid of fuel with
eu Ud Ka war toto Ur horn Uu
br that tbelr rsTortie caadl.
BAB B toar HUCABSU 0Q»an.
food. It feeds tbc htir,
cuaosty and
pbi U elected doeea of tU
BtonSm W lU Haaaab A Lay Har> BaaMvad. Thai tU hu
tueccu. and
lU bru- aew Utebea tables that U
at OoUwater ttta week. aev. patSDcvlifeUtoiL Tbehsir
keep one's
ot (d lU yoaapar ebsi rcaUbouse at a I
top to that city look ap a coUaetioe far
wxrm, ccwcB
tta porpoae ef boytop votes aad tadia aiavaalk of tU hpAiwa of ear am BaoMval That ttaaa n
-----^----------t an tines, dial cunod be
a lU reeordi <P ttto m
aM ot tbelr peoilaBeo
CRRBOt keep frOM croviat.
fcekcBcd in dglUfp ani cdDto. The put
•d a oam tboraoC U traa Ototorak. thkt-B what ve iML They (rtooda to tta aasooil of a Mdtor
a tta ttBllr of CU Cilaad.
ebaa. tonttop togUap. with aar
ricb color of esrtr ISe CO
A. ▼. rrtodrteh. Beeroury.
*■ of proepertty aad atoa o« et eatva tU votes dM ao( pet tU praBbsek to ersy htb.
Wai UUaa. ProaMasL
bur ttto Bark. ■'BrtMf, Suvu tood prist act any voles aad lU plrt*
Raopea- we atoo Uve tta fan an Uvtop proot spon witb tU a
rartaw haatm. roam aad Ut htoau. raised, atoo with tU mirtboto
Hr. Ilauahh Soalb la a siaai toat
3,.. la at. ban la a baUna war ud pn. Thera la u ptoea la Hoatttn Mh*- Mtor*M«r.«.HmFH,tatnaL
E BarWa and praalto dealer wU
ISM whara cm ooa pal mb a talar
bu beat latte bostom at Mot
ttoa ef buatltBl eaipoii aa to TravThat to u old aartop. hot aWt aa for ta yaan Maim to bora sap
etae CUr aad tta ptoea to eu ttm ta
twottUda of tta ^gaiani b
at J. W. MUlftaaS ThMr aaa
*e* are both. WaUTaaaewatott
Mjtoa are on to aad ttu an oBtalBty Id wUta bab-i wool itoed aKhar to
«r IMt u prim raulu Bob
a sSsB* Uosp w to tta taaat
W-toMiJS. MaUttaBdlaam
wtaUa iBd wwB md U WM u
aakad M aa api
aaiatanr ra»bat both Maa at tU
saaatlda. ao that Bfbaaaaa bad bit M
datoa ba faK aallrair aaOiSad that H
raa aa aaarlr risht aa baaMa Jalrfl^
SlMa ooaM tatboa.
Oac «t oar amber haa baaa ralM
to tab* tU loBC Joaraar. baaUad aad
. threach tba dark pBMapat leadlai to tU *«raet Uakaora.*- to that
■Mlaaoaared cobbut. from rboaa
heara ao Irarater rataraa.' SThr «aa
It be taataad of aae at aat Wa ora

pJE^aTlXVSJ: tss.



The Kind Ton Hare ilwajs Bonght

is a Downright

Hair Vigor

Round Oak

Gray Hair




;Mtag upiosiiHiutn.


PSS Marquette

Uta M> auW


iWt they an wot oaty dWcAft te tow
para, bat atoo nry ripaailrr. Croam.
to, it oamm. rather eoally. bat arm
r batTT ptaa bMan bafctogT I
I Ugkaat edty prlea tweaty aaala
• to aa (ea bto akm vftk

aatand baCaia tkar ara mkan4. aad Ikaa aaa tkal tkar an ator
net. dqr mea. Oaiari; kaata.
U wnifeakaptkattar8jaefcad la
drraaad. ■eatlar anall. acA bait ca
plaltara. NararMva tkaa la tka baaiVJr a*a watshi *1H «nah
asd ffcar arqi aatay. a<
aad «aa tankaa te a akM

,(OM raMr fw e(

'lOr tMMtM im tta aim:

4m*. aa« U«i k orlBMa.

aaa lk« tkar da M teach M* >
Keep tka milk aad tnam an

: Lit V tk* BMalw *kr.

:-Aa4 Uw. I tUak. K w ke.
,: 'itattahtfkewAnvaalck.

Ow awtkkcn um> *U t$aUk,
Mo« Baanat adtoat tkr.
Jbi aU aar rarM taUnau.
. Lika ariata vm lada a«ir.
■Mm aa mrtoaa mmtcr.
Whm aavaa Ika kiaat Oraai Caj,

diam anr a pta. part of
tba botlom of tka oraa.
-Why. aa.- aba laimbad marrlty.
aaoU ikiak yea ware pcceerlbtag
u lafand Aagored laataad of u-loi«wd pte.' aad a
at cba oklael of
teto at tea one at bar ohlalag a
baa la raaUty beqim to tare aad
mage, tram which aaaoke wu poarl
granlAe at Iba laal memaai
dlUag tba fcHtoto wllb tee odor
wbea whipped: ll la. tearefore. ImpoAbant aanr.
cure fr^ aad moderalAy
•Ha. CMa traatmeal U am for tee
. Wbto the frote cu be

talared' pto: ll U tto
fnaa ik« otkar loada, aa tkar abaeck
U to earttlBly worth tiylag.
r«*7 raadUj. U ketlar b |W- bat romote
ehaaad ta qeaaUV K akooU han
Wbto tbe pto to doaa. Lm me teU ywa
dotk nraad war tka U» aad a tUeli
mateod which I Ilka batter,
ma oWeet bemoae It italekland <f aali a»rlakM ee tkaL
Ike eMk float oaa aide, wkaa U
aea tee juke toe maeh. Wbea the pie
alnd le take oat batter, cat i
Ike top Croat. I aprtakle a
*nb the etotb aad mR.

ta eaae oalj

a fe« laaadi on pottk—t* *1 d >1*^
keep It U aa asau pall, or tf tUa It
Bot kTallaUe. a tla pall. Oenr Ant
aolatfc.*nuwoet af aalt i
aad tkea with tka Ud of tbe 'palL
Urd la a tla la a eoe) plaoa. I
permit fro* Mb la aeak la water. Pot
Ihwaa tar'tka EaowtL
xm la a aaol ptaea. hot aew <
■ aaa aeau am kacw
opoe artldelal lee.
PoeHtT aad maaU leeain a
vkkk Ika fa^

foaad tbto rery aaUatactorr with
an kladt of btrttaa, ptwaaa, aU..
lao w a enbaUtate for oae of tba two
to* which are reqolred U my raclpa
•r pompklB or aqaaab plea, wbee an
ra aearee.•Wbat a lot af plaoa* tore.- abe r.
eto4pnd. -Bat tail ma. plaaae, what
ten dou or left uadooe. teat my ea

laid pla Croat ta ao aaggyr
-ne remady te ai Ample ai tb
■wm baJdaga’ or 'eraekar traatmnt.’
yual are teal tee milk ha* reached ybe
baOlng polat wbee you add it to
Mattto tod lamb abeol
tMUto talxtan af agto aad Bogtr.
tka akato aad peWty toy tka faet
loto tea wAUag creA ud tbeo
Narar toy meat dtractly ee the lea. aa
le oreo: your erom will a
(hla dnwa oat tba taXto. Praab klUad
A. toll BkAy browaad next lo the
aiaat aboald ba allowad to gel eblUad
to—Ladlea World.
befan ll la pat to Wd cunga.
tua la am attaadag te tka aelmal to
Yba KttaliM PAry.
wU ba drlTM iaalda. aad termcn
Tbe -Uiebee fater" te a wmderfal
tloe, wbleb It pmaoBoat, wiU ba tbe
into derlcr lor aaokiag meat
II iOada almcwt w
aak. BtaW
ramwllh aac
It keapa tea klubea eooL
aad labor, aad keepa oat Aioa, be« there te ao email of eooklag
icl teem. MalerlA* raqolred •
rge wooden buAiel. or a box i
than ARaaa laekaa Mgb and a
laetee aereat: u aigbl'laeb gmaWllk tba growlag taeer far aaladt
llBBar pAI toHdlag ate
made of Aowen, thit oMteahloaad
with a tight AlHag
Aowar. with Iu freak apMaew aad rap axeArior. Pack tbe axeetelor laio
(raablto aeaat. It acqutolag qolta
tea woodae barbel to Iba daptb of
prafarmeat among tba alefcamiau of
It Ibrea leetaax. aad oa tbte
tbe tetod bowl. Bmb tbe tdoaomt aad
graalle pall, aad peek axcaUlor
tba plgamt graea laaToa aad eritp lit­
tightly arouad ll lo tea top.
tle aaad-poda, Ikat blla tbe umgae lovly packed tba giulle pAI caa be liftlaglr, are faM lo poataaa Tatogble
ed oal of tee exeeUlor ud pat bate
dletelle propertlee. aad are oat
B«Ao witeoal dUturblog tbe parklog
aalada aad audwtefaea or (o beaprtakle
To eote atriag beaa*. cabbatnt, turalpa. ate- prepare la the nxnal w
rnlta pAI fnaa ten
twenty mlaolea. *eaiu>o. pal oa tba
tlgbt corer. ud place bolliiig hot la
tba axeetelor. Oover the wbola
woolaa pad. aad over that plare -*
faathrr pillow, ll -will keep hm from
prattflr garalabed a
o eight boar*, and
the caokleg. Rtoa
am ao ptoealat te look opaa a
or regataUat conked In tbU way
ran aaladi. and wklck aaanma
hare a Aaer Aaror than whan boiled
(ateat aapeet wbee wraaibad witb tbe
>e ordinary way. (
bloaaomt aad dotted wllb tba pale
faablonad oatmaA porridge may
greto.poda aad haH opeaad bade.
made for braakfaai b> Amply Alrrlag
Tim allead rocamben aaam criaper
one cuAal of oaiateal lain three cup
tapoaiaf to tba raoad learaa. wItb
fate of aallod boiling water in tba
Cloaelr aalppad bfaaaam ban aad
araAag. aad placing it te the cooker
tkara. aad amaU tomato eapa lead aad
aigbl. Tbte Ample dcricc.
baapad wllb aiareaaatoa of aala are
which food coaka wliboot Are. raquirea
BO AtenlloB.
twpnd iba«. haw tl
cbotceot aad teadareat

Vha ihitaMh Mm Av* ■» «erd of
ton dmh aakdl
« OM had taHk te <aal tkal It

la to taid t

M BMT a«d tbda a
*Mm (rlaada afar; aad tbaa wa


re at aMMa" Bm. alai!

■ad gm m grMa te Uaue le tka

B mebaa wt a bX ef dllaraeea tow
■bM ema to manlaid la lalntlag
had. ed kow mwh motor la axp

e At tom la o(UB I
... dintmmam. aad la mmm,
; j an etage. *A womaa «aa throw out
what a Ma btlasa
«» a mm.-weald aaem to ka prored.
aad aalada that aiTlTa at
la tka beat ooaditioa
br tka cook to lie
kat ktoefem aad wut ikd witker
PM ■aed aad nadr to pot
t mm toWwin ba MA la Ika
Vmiiw ia m diaad feat to It ato ath
' dfk tka laau. ffwlt la bnlaad
diMFlw U OBt of Ike paekace
«y* a came, milk la Ml atmadlap
aaa. ato la tkea throwe out laalead
<r bam aarad (or toddBf. aad better
aatn It srowa tueM.


Mean tka took who M tka paUtr
•inp. fed ft Id qalU aa llkair to ba Ika
.Mtouma of. tka hoaat karatof


Balad gnaae
wa watm m i

toad tmmadUtalr. Prapar raeapto af glam or tla iboald bt pro___ m to tka eaaaato. aad tkar aboald
, toMtollil wkaaatkarbatoBgateacB.
4m Mmair eorarad. to praraat taaaela
■’’mtim to Ikam. OoCaa aboald
-tkm Wa to air tlgbt catoatar or It
«■ taaa iu anaae. gait. aoap. aad
Mmto ahoaU ka kopt la a dtp pteea.
«W allTa on aboald ka kept cto
rSaap all dried tiwMa ta air Ughi
gtommaa. Daleaa aau an kept coal
«gd dry tkar win aooa become raadd.
Ctotoilali. cocoa, aad cocoa aheOi


ikrowB ear aaM
' rMyaekeAtooatbwa
My ateoAreom Haa oa tea
Where aadaflke ctorer Ike amteuma

aaUog from

laM oa a bad af tee Aowan: tbe Aab aea. imahalf enAol of boltre, oae eg
«ttaa an aa daillaa af tea dark OBC plat at OooT alftete twice with a
gram taareia. with a bia
leagpaoafal of UearboaoJb A aoda aad
tema. aad tba Unto c
koUtog tea tattere earn
lem teneal late tba aide.

red wUb Iba_____
•to Btor Wo tbaklB er barnl at aeee a nghuy aakad leaf la plan of tea
dplkto leaalaW. B to wto te bar
. high
Wfea gaar to geaatlOm. whnt. to the
by ww tf rarlaty.

,--1^ s

rUe vewtad tbroaiaalagly.
■Xook bmw. n: Are yoa grwwito’
at tae; Whal-i the matter. oU boyr
The deg BOB tkampad bit Call to raeogaltem A a frlaad. bn did ael a
beat ower Mm to the dim lltet.
lag ba most ba bort. ud
a worelag grewL

evimlng* hsison. aad be mu*i often
bar blA had fasl flnlsbtd teklag •
hath, ud Mood toAlng high aad tow
fur ttmtethlag we roul.1 aot tell wkM.

In Ihe aummer time. »ben Ob
play* Mil) havoc with ifae akin, cauing
urn ud freckle*, rmt- A tbe
lowing lollona rhould be wAI rulibe.1
regularly every nlgbt:
I. Too ttuDcea A lemoD JuXa. half
drachm A powdered bora* and one
-acbm tif sugar, mixed well ingelber.

. Laiaee Foam.
Put two'; ewAoU A bA wAei___
cuAA A Uicnr Into a double bAI
- ----------- U-ben It bofl* add
. Stir, aad Ater I

Ike Are lato tba mntaeaa*.

■HeOa. nda. whatTe yea datog ketw.
daggle; Poor doggie! Wkat'a opr

have a Bower urdca at my owe
aad I am gtoag lo aaad yu aoma Bow-

per^pIraHun. wb
tnorta slruacur

SUr rery

Be Ckaanr.
A llllle hoy came In me whh

Ihn. BO I did Ad wonder in *<*
iipB quiveflax and ibe tear* rota*

A my picture My graadma «u l>
and stayed a week ud I got a lei
from her toaiglu ud t box with a n
tidy for tbe organ ttool l< was nu
yellow lu AR irimaied site
atlbsud red ribbon.
Dear Aunt 1‘Btty. I thhak you v.
much fur ihu picture yoo sent me.
B'HI. I muM come to a ekxe. for
letlev I- getifag Iimg. I wrae Ir li
burry, so please e*pu*e poor writing.
I win try ud write toner next iia
Well, gnod by. I aend my best wb
e< to you aad tbe rest A tbe rtab
Prom your member,

lightly. Nan pat la oaa wAI baalm
egg. teen tea milk aad tee Aoar
alU frAh with a
tenwgk white the aoda hw keen stfl- whiles A three eggs in « large
ad dry. Ba Very oarAA wm lo ton ca dMh
By Ibl* lime ter coteed
inure, bat atlr H aery 'Aagcrly.’
Bteite. white, bu bm stirrwd
Thla will iBson a dote took. Mke to
kaally. to eoA enoogb
omAl Ae Ptolea faom tea lo ■d orer tee white* A cb
mlaatea. to a qalte oren. Seme Bral rapidly, ud la a few mlai
wbAe mau wfU ba light and fimmy
ready |e to art away te eooL Tbe
ler It tAa to bepL (be better,
ted mad* A oae ptet A tens. 1
Iter, tee three baat-

when my l.llle bnHber'reamrks< “Ho*
I* totelng f.u; a low.l "

broken Utf and loom'd me l» ataod '
’for bim. ll was a very handsome luj
and was the pri.le W bis bran |u>i

Id pul Into a glaam butlle.
r A roAA A new milk, to wbite
ha* been added oee^UnTA tbe qnuilty A lernue luirc.
la also said that tbeae aua apou
readily yield to ihe appUcalk
■irawAfry juice or buliemllk.
care A ecupikm or dtogguAag
piBptos forming oB tbe akla. Aowen A
Bulphur will be fouad lo be a very «crtleot agent for clearlBK It. A
spoonful A aApbur. mixrd whb
quantity A - boney or n
I. abould be laken f>w ihnv r
WaoHng OM Ctetheo.
la kuecesalon. T^ree day* abtiuld
-Now. why te thur laM a
then lapiH- wUboni taking uy.
Art wbo Ilka* alca thing*, bai
le irealment abuiiU begia again fA
tree morning*. Pa*» three more, ud
wouU Ilka, -toy glorea are AI a
Ike for throe a third lime
out. BO thA there are hole* in AI
Clover tea I* adralrable for purifylny
oaa>1bI at water, tbaa add oae batf Anger Upa. and ITn poaltlrely wbamed
■e blood, for vemovlng pimple* and
aepfal of aogar aad tba galaltoa ud
wear them, ud 1 bay. a new pair.
wblienlng Iba complaxkia. aad ha* Aatir mull matiad. Wbaa li baglai
Bat wbaa I'rc got tbe new pAr I keep
ao a good repute u a alr^luduHog
coal add tba Wea af (oar lam<ma. ud
> wearlag tba old oara. ud I
late tba caa of tba (r
lem tbaa without being aabamad of
to a miuh. aad add two teUc111 of rery Uey atatortlam aaad
Plarity at Bleep.
-Now. why te teteT WAI. I n;
Berra la'lKtle paper caaea Heed
Sleep it oaa at Iba Sret raqulallaa lo And autumn will, fasten
k OB aocouat of tba owrA aappon
wHb Mtoea leareo. ad
gat from tbe new gkwe* I'm tarlag beallb. ud aralbar* wbo have ynung
—Kateerln.- I.-e Bale*.
ar bada aad throat u opaa Aoarar i
Aar* In aoctoly abould see ibal
P at borne. Tbe people I meet auy
to tto top. ThM M dataUly aarred
telak. Jail u they dM before, that the tbe> obiain fuadcat lo countertal
I baabate aboM tba Bite of
Anirosr IS. Itol
old gtoraa are tbadtmt I've got. bat I uee tbe late hour*.
(aa cap amda at iba loag atemt a
toueaoae feeling hangay
belter. 1 eoald wear Juti a*
taaraa af autaftloma. Proeon learm good w uybodr. now. If I wanted to. ee*»1ve fatigue. A mAhar wbo la will
sver the Sunshine pr.-tlj.-ni *
wllb Terr loaf atama. aad wcarc tbe ud ao I trot right along wiibout
iixIiT. bemuse here aiA ■ll•■rr
leg tor bar dangbier to attend rmierataaaa back aad (sAb to farm the
rytng. wearing tea old.
talnmenl* Ibal wUI keep her from her ibn.ugh star Sun.blne lan.l. K*te time
ket. aelpplig od a leaf hare ud tkare.
-Aad li'f jam tea *ama about
dnill midnight, or later, abould
daa are made at erckad atemt thing Aaa. If you're gm good thing* (eA ll bar duly to pton a way by wtlrh brightly shining llll nil ib- darkness
roa'ra not nahnaed to wear ou
loat A Aeep can be made good,
intoaa ll cu be doae. baAtb and
-I've worn a akin natll It an
preslJenl. who
aMm. aad trim Iba rlmt witl
thibby that li wu a diagrare i
opeaed bade, la^ ibaae aUp tbe ptola pear la the atreA la It. aad tbaa
It u exeallenl plu lo sleep s<-v
eerdhoard caae—atopiy a atrip of
aral hour* tbe day prevlont. If cne I*
boogbl a new ooa ud hung U >
board rawed to farm a cyHader. w
going 10 attend a late piny, and tbU
tba AoaA aad kept oo wrarlai
dW Aited lato tea bottab.
* w.s-kly a—are ,.f i.
ae ud fealiag >aA u chipper ai aboald be doae with tbe rbuhlBg re­
eoald be la ll; ud I re kaowa mbar moved at for rati at algbi. U is atgobltu aued
aartad that the man.-llout heaair A
girte to do Juat the came thing.
piaead at aratj
of Iba middle ued. faahkruble
-If you hataaT got tbe tbing*
Trererse rity. Mich., Aus tl. )!
low buketi I
yoa'rr mteerakle; but If you have got aorlAy woman A Engtoad ba* been
near Mrs. n*tre—f though' y.tii *
praaerred in thla way.
. you can wear what you m
le such a prAly plrtutv I think I

The -little aeeka'

BagMa. kUte.
rioto yoar toriag BaaaUaa gML
Age li.
Wim Baa Alloa.
bplrto Btoto. Aag. ,11. XSM.
Dear Mr*. Baua-lt haa baea a loag
are atare I wrote to yna. I recAvad
tka card aad boltaa a kng time ago.
aad 1 telak tea card to vary pcetty.
win be glad wbaa aetoml beglB* agal
I Uka to go to atenol I wu ouar

I BOW te* myatety wu rtplAead.1
aad Bam'a Cue rdddaatd with paddaa
e A Ua owa ahewtenadagt. a*
arad by ito den'* faUbfulapis.
Where tea kmg rta« cUag to
FUo wu Iring cm u old meal aark.
ra white I picfcad la IL
maaay bare.
There la a take oa oar (arm aad I white hi* asuler bad avIdeoHy ;
Aad tea dalalao iwiakto like
Ate aad go boArld- droptwd early tbA day u be paued ;
lag. 1 caaght thirty-Cwu flab one aftar- Ikat way: be had dragged It to one
aide, ud terra. dlBBarlao*. huagn.^
aeoa with a tla cu. They wet
B-kera elpatara A boUoreapa gOd tbe
a bowl. II I* wAI to
tblrety. hJOely. be wu keeping goarti
- i plat of
Ibl* tflfllag ptora A Ms
1. wbleb eu oaiiAly be whipped
mar. Papa gave me oae rent Ca erery ! property!
to from ten to Aflera mlaataa. Alow
qaare 1 picked.
8am eoald bm coax hlM lo gl.e It
y. (tt^irtok.
picked. Ope day I picked aevlacareou IbA are aboai two day*
up. bat by boldldg oae cad. Ud A‘lng , foun K.-cui ky,-wrilrs Irdm Uw XaUoaal
ealy-flvc quaita.
old: roll teem natll they are AaAy
. My eonala. Bole Haaa. A Sooib rtdo Ibe other, be lAtod bim lark | H u'-l. n aAilagbm.O. iaa* lAbrwai
eriimUed bot not powdered, ud atlr
Maalloa ialud. wu rlAllng A our
u, ~i. —
cBoogh of ihecnimb* lato tee whipped
[ hoaac a abort Ume ago. Ibut 1 wu bm 1. ™id — 1-.T
«... ILtm
a to Are It a dAleaie brewa col­
WU 1iberr. I bate
^ A borne wbre .be wu
e wrilira la ctooda a
or. Serre tea cream la glau uace
laogib A tee Iblee|
a pet crow aad a pet •aqulrrel. Tbe
diabex wllb the cake--Tbe Dellaealot.
vat* ll reUirdy bw aotanh. AIat. I have Ibrea 'nl • to Creyiborp tillage.
nxut warvl-dt know* by btrreiy
calvea at my own: I am going to sell
BUle, *r.Jllwo*'XKrl*aaa.
ud tee Mben I am^
wrmle*ntocur.-dlailH.»-glaalagM* '
going to keep till teey get torgar.
“ w-hoviw..|.T u.!n*|Srun*.lfbH*M*d
place. .

Dampnaa*. mold ud fac* are rife la
Well, my totter Is g<-iilflg long, ao I UBlAtbfulmw* ud an accuAag eciatuBi
Atignal. la AI aectlocu at tee eoaale light j ,jf,l,hfAtr.ol»e«l. Vow hod ksB
tty Iheu need to be guarded agAul.
fOOtstapA Ud lid., rcwently gAaad , dte^tmurefarfa^^^
rom year krvtag Suatbtae Art,
rnm bedchamber to
rweepUBUubetfa Rohr.
tal* rumptnlue. and lA j
^n. ;uow Me warm, dry •
eiea. tee bouaahaeper moat keep My ncbuol ban ring* la tba rtppliag
Kingsley. MIell- Aug. If. IBM.
go tea aark lu drink aiK'irruB'a Creak. I ^vagaarwiffaaitordaywaBfB. I'aa..l-is
watte. ScAdlng water, fmh Ar. aoaear Mrs. Raiaa—I iboogbl I would
tot.m*l> artnind Sam's j arwBM iJakfr W
■bloe. Ibaae three are tea ulldotaa. Which hide* ilMU. Ukea aihool-boy't
Orfay ywsrr ewre.
e lo yoo. I Uiuk you aver ao
Bad clAhlag pulled apart, apread orer
mote for tba eard and bottoe. I wu
Ihe St; 1.0.* fc>ug. fur Ham a- nce fr.wa AI orer tha I'nitad Mqtu ^
chair* aad protected from tba Aoer br Uader ibe abadow ud out A slgbl. aea my lailar la tea Herald.
■ tame saek. spri-ad out be euii-r— Ivniaw.
f ■
tea apteadlag aaderaeath of At' Hut laughing tilll (or im owe di-ligbt. Wc do BOl taka tea liareld. Wa have bind tee miller'* uddle. ou bl> mare’*
remedy ruaAnw sate oaa■baeta. aboald ba dooc u early u oc
Aoclng hsiiiauBlAa bead (uc tireb^fe
a tllUa ahlteeu i twood hack, and >•
copula Jeava Iba room*. If prartl 'uy achoulaiatat Ibera are the bird*
and down. duAIng hi* leg* *loio*l A
aiH] bn-s.
tlj.KidoBoireewirepnmiplBaduUs- j
cable, tot lb.' hrtghi mcwnlag auMhlnc
wlibla reach A Kldo'* aA*y leap*.
Aad tba aaocy aqulrral. more dull tbu
tsriiwy nwulla fron the oaa at I'sTBaa.
-! woa'I forget IbU. Sam.” uid the a rite at .uire to Ivr. Ilaruiiu, girlag a
■ beaa.
boon, than make tbe bad aad cloee
miller, wbea be aad <be u>> had e)>ri (AUtat.-nn.ulof yuureu* aad ba WrlO
Ftor be uely learot. In AI ibe wiw4a
tight tea blind*.
Suateiaa girl.
Wtltoe’* lltlle lerrbT friMa tbe br piraani to A«e yuw >.>* nlaoU* aflHow muy -ebaatanis will flU tall
Ckwato. torn need to be awaAaaad
Age 11.
Beralce Sayrre.
dark mlU. aad agAa rlo*ed ud l.rt.d abWBratl*.
All AMhlag aboold be taken out of
P. S.—t wu glad wliea I received
furgm a sign
tbnae tkal aeem damp. thco. bAore raAaat Patir’i blA pteture.
Uy learber Is palleal. and never >A..
plaehik the eonteaU. abakea ud aired
commuo la mco oc boy*, and H cunal*
A le*«oo A ben did I Dare forgH:
UtU* UKy** Prayer.
while abeira* aad Aoor* are wubed
The Miller's Dog.
wllb air. my boy. 1 can lell >,.i> tbai ‘
Pur wonderful hire do her li|w Imparl.
Oae evening little l*>cy kaaU lo Hop
cnfiaoed by ^mm»nla or
■Bam swept tba Uat apeeh* A goor
And all her Waiaf ar<- li-ariied by
-Twu KldD,“ ^<gu Ham, uneAlly
her et.-niag TTayre. Her llllle baort
aoda. lira** walaia ud arm ahlAd*
ud dun out A the door, brushed ofl
Thai * AI rig^t; yoO and VWo ru
nee-J apaclal Atentlon. «*hlto Ibe forIke bitmd flagitona Ibal served the settle Ibal between you," said tbe mil wu hurAlag with selfwatbitarUim—
mer wllb loread aleera* are alrtag.
■r wa shall to late. mill for a step, and toreed Ibe key le bT. “Tbere’s uuy a oae night toar* sbr bad been aa eieaplary AI throogh
the day. "U lord." abe said, -mako
oVer a cbAr bate, remove ibo itbleld.
a b-Mi« frtim tl
me srary good, et en toiler IhU t bm.;
carefully waab In water ilaAured
'lala'I rverynae IhU kliiias a g>m*l
Mu> an older perw-o Ihisfc* Ibl*
> ommonla.
NAbing more c
IrsrbvT wbea be see* 1m!i
prayer If he due* aoi dare lo pot S
■aabto raa to coorelved than
It wu far (nun booesl PMo’s lalen
laut words.—<>*ner> Time*
e wllbln ruga A Ihc fAM »
Hoe to ebanf- Sam aaylbing for that

a enp A bot cocoa or cmtmeal
MiBM ba piaead ta odM itaraga at iwam the euitelai aad iU tea atana. New Tote Bom
greel It taken whan cne cnarat In lata
toea W tka war. eary (aw paapto Phare with teilr
graaee. Oa Iba board tear are arnlgkl. jUfi befewr goliig lo bed. ll
wfebW (to Meat falaa <d eooaa a
Oorh. Aleh OlBtorkrwad.
raagad te knr.
ic aaent of date, rick Aagarbread w81 to louBd roAfol and qoMiog. ud
WWbto far the peenat to mf» them, tcadlag la a wary llae dowa Iba cearemember that nllka otkar caket wlU ofloi iadoce *la.-p.
aw tkar an aa baahky aa they are ter of tba labia, napleaiaat fa aherwda ao beating. Tbe foHowlag 1*
« the Move aatll areded.
Wmg. balad neemmmdad hr oUtIma;

aad tooaM ba haadM «t
■Br ta prwvtoi the braaklac
g the White
WampaNL BMaa the ioar Wat
fe* feWto tnm ito goer, aad ampL.

>d my book* aad hkUto «p

EU Rapids. H. F. a So. 1.
near Auntie Bate*—As 1 hare a
WTlilee la quite a while. I Ibooitel I
. n. 1 wu rery sorry
to bear ibai yon were very site agAa.
aad I hope yoa ue Improrteg. Mr
toa-i feellag rery well today. We have
had qalle u aawMtei A tetegs oot A
nor tecdee to eel. t bare two
I bad Diae. bot ibey an
We bare aouc ripe apwoola like to ask tbe SeaiUa
an ■ UMy waMT wead am ntee
card* to gtee To Ibe tearte lo oeai

-I’m siair s." n-Atod RteH. with a
deeprlgb "I atumld Hke to br 4. bal I
•appos.' ssimeiody ku lo be

AI HuB.lay le Rlpoa, * learb
r a llllle l*>> if be knew wbsi
le fxpressbm "sowing tares” meui.
wBlcbte me anAuusly for a
-I'ounb I due*.- uld be. poUttg Ike
rata, aad Ibea aAd rbrerfallly.
A bl> llllle breartoa arcdgA !■
.-Never mind. maaHna
If you eul ftvml, ••There'* a ICar my tu sewed
mead li. IU to ]u*l u kapi.y wliboul I itared U alldlag down hill "
Wu not that a lirare. auasblny
71m- Sunday aebool toaaon wu oa
bean; And Ibal made me thlAi A ParebAiis. ud Ibe U-aeher B* wtaA
ir llllle girl, cmly three pM. -iaggAberer- meaa'
Tbi-n wu s
1 I aere uw brloAac oi4 ban
ase; Iben a llllle too sail IlnAly.
teAoiit Aaytblags in amuse s liiile
goe*. ll meu* a man ilisl takes
luipiettok eousia. Among the rrat was
rarp<-<* ~
llitto trunk wiih toad* A silk tmi*-r i _

~-I huise raw

litto Mamie, wlili ber own
full A lean. uId:
■ Nrvev mind. FMdie; pul are
a alee lliito cradle tbe top will m
Keep a happy, ebrerful bract,
drre. ud you will to like
wherever you go—Bay* A
Pry had iorked Ibe
A WM* CoH.
FT floor twenty mlaTwo yooag boreea hare I
me* ago, u.l bi Prtie lo Ibe village.
pulure with a eamiter A rows u-l
ihr.s- miles AI. . to usoal'v did 8a
yearAd calf, aad teey were am*,
urd«> ..tenlag.
tomed lo nsmr up at the gale every
. busio-*s to gm . night with tbe cows, tbe Ader leadlag
dayitgbi M.«dsy tnr. |in*
thr yooagtr toiaglng up |
tT In hi* pimkei ,he re.. Owing It. « west A wAer la 1
onk Ibe key fron ihelr own pasinre some sb*sep Were
sound on Ibe up i.ftwigbl lt> Ihe ooe In which Hie hnnusi I
>nd A toretrblng. : *nd eow. were kepi, ud there aome’ i
faini Whine. Sam ,imm fAtowed the ro4rt when they |
ud Usi-nt'd: an : mcne ai night to to milked. One night |
i itiey did so. sad when all tee ul
-I su miriakea. musi V toxw out- j «crw standlac logriber the ram bnued
side *..m. sh.f.-..” he uid «> bimself. |ibe calf, which oould nm dAcad luelf.;


ud set out ruber hastily bl. j aod tbe Ader eAI. girfng orer to It, | Kon.lim'. .1 t.c
cm tbe D
mtober., wbleb lay le ae op
,be ram by tee wiwd on it. buk
crulc Tlckn , l-rreWmi A PerTta
toMl'c dlreciion (rum tee village.
| ud llftlog it entirely ofl ibe grouad ;
|n.n,.„.., i:ig RaAd*. Ruker aad
It wu a d<-llghtfal Sepiember Iwl ^ sbnofc U tlgurously He tbea
light: Ihe sky wu still red with
wlih son- |oa
on lb
Ibe groworl aod K q-lekly r
act dyes;
•oiil. ciiap Ar made Ibe' while

Prof -r.-frl* lodimre le.te
r-rms tee tirtnaell
Piun. mau.ifsAiiref) in Del roll by tee

enp Id ooca vAn*. bul
aoto-rly acroe* the fl.dd.

weiiln.psr MiiMr Ifimse of Hrlai
WhM a -Ultl* HeUvar- Heard.
llrie Af-'-r giilng their i'ldoi, a 11
J'*bBBP-BBd Harry lad tos-a b-K i
lb Ih.. Mii*lc Ikgartteeal
borne wllb Ihelr bhr *l*ler, nvnh<
hi* ln*H'u|.., Mr. Perris wr-‘e
haring gaae oot.
flrn^U f.dlnwsrier of Jo* WIIm*'*.” be uJd to bJm.
nix ItopAs. Mirb.. Jane 2. IMl
teif; •be bad no rail to gi, btoudf |"
n- Hrinneii Rriw., ItolrAl, MM.
locked up
vt. i:. h.. woo 1 starve; .
pU them to to-I. Harry
n-pilem^a: last Septemtov
teerv's ral- m teat mill. Iboogh Um;^^
lodlff-reare hut
Iin P.rrls taiMlAi- paretiSM-d a CflauAl
boss «ay» Ib-r.. aln ' 1 tod ibA'* what
Bcoa I'prigM fUno for Ibe Mi
irudy wu .ft. r wb. n be went up on I nab AMer ItoteaM at tee 1
A.nept, Tti. Plapo ba* I
Ibe grAn n<*.r. when' he had ao bcgls. hoping rbey w
b" ’ oaos OBI ever *'lnit It i
n«u to go '
1 Doriax Ibl* lime a tor
Sam Waike.1 oo. toil at every step
At last Job r supped, ud tto ... voureeioui
i< aplHU so-ard to go lower down.
a tar. -Vow cry a Ul. I .ton In UM- tl
-Talat ooe< A my bulam. u
L'-toiodua MAI
•hn dsdlgbtte. Wa
bow.- be *Ad to bimarfL "Why doat
bare Aready pwrvba«-l airntbcw OrteJoe look Aier bis own dc«T Uke U
Tto, twappad.
arll nro*. nami for tto Rtoderg
«. when he misses Tm beH _
A mu* boy in Bugor. Me- wu
•I euiiu
im. UO
Ito mfll
bulla- Tm;
ud Joe* gA
rlog from a severe rold, ate
We ecMuldcr II a.pHrllege to n
aad tto boas’* gA
Aher gave him a boule A a
d I BlnT agAn- to wear Oat tee lAea
litwrv to take wAle at ackooL
my trA for no »o—»■ iklnarif
bl* retora sto asked If to bte b
key A a dog,' Sam wu gwtUag Mi his msAdae. -No.- to caadMIy r* ,
AM. -bot Bobby Joaeo did. He liked I
K. ao I swapped M wttb him (or a hudf footKil-V*

- ho oald to btmaitf. pniiiaOj;

Hr are eordlany iarlted to Inipitl fl

m. amt my ..............
I hteal bM to late Ater Jto

t “Orfaten Brathen-r

M (atefl

_____ sLJa: .

Apr aAa* te,-


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