Grand Traverse Herald, November 03, 1904

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Grand Traverse Herald, November 03, 1904


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


-You're heard, barenn your' be
Wand*Hu«t Lending.
] n loogloc for tb<‘ Mavard and tlte pDed. after tbe New Easland fashion
of btailns at III tldlnss•nart**".
-WTi.v. no! You donY mea
Asd tbe wuderiBc U de^ ud
-Yea. Ahby went orer a year apt
1 an k»clB( fw 4bF bUla, vSerc Uir
Ae'd been poorly for aonte time." h>
<uD«et aooihM a*d aUili.
replied. ’’Left me with four children:
. Aad tbr smi vMte taaart of
Lixxle'a 'tnou fourtecn—ehe'.
a#r pulaei froe.
.What Uie aplrit la Ual atln, I kaow the obtest, and favors her ma. Nice
bouse you've poi here." he added, as
It has aaoK and ii baa luird for they went wllblo.
-It's In excellent repair," U>9n
7«ara natoM:
Weat or «au «e mile oaro, vo BiDst HUS Cranner.
"Um. ihlnkbis of aeUlns, 1 iradcrfollow. VC Brail dare.
Whoa ibe old ebart of the racranU li
"Yo*. I'm coins to sell."
The rurtneaa of Ihe n-ply seemed
Brerr dava bmki like the t>ca>ioc of tbmwB away on Pbincas Riwti.
a inuBpeL
"What's >-oiir price?" he Inquired,
Ererr nljcbi the aaoaci lokera
with an asiunpilon of IndlSeri'nce.
(he rtn.
-I'm asklnc four thousand dollara
SoBMChiat <*Ua <«eb nsUraad to thC' Squire Penion valnen hts house and
. laad of Ibe beroad.
term at Arc. but I've c<>i ti> break
Par Ibe irrMt nakaovn la valtlaa up—" She s1o|ii».-d With a llllle c<il|>
Just so—Juki an," aatK-nieil her
suesl." nnl unkindly. "Ttall is a world
of chance. Well. 1 eras Jooklnc around
It baa BonE aad It baa lured for
«mc place about like tbix. K\>ur
jraara imiold;
thousand? Ouoiui I'd 1w-Iut slei-p
^ «e Mat or RD «e veal, earelnu
II, anyway."
we of the goeai.
•Well. It It’s col lo Ik* anyUid)—“
Untea Uw old chart of the vagraBU becan Miss Crannor. lookhut a trifle
la oaralled.
—Jiew York Tlnpr. brichler. 'when the eiorm. tbsi had
been saiherAig stowly. Aasbeil oai Its
llsbinine wth a heavy ibiipdcremsli
MiM Cranner'a Cvatamer.
-My! " she ejaculated. "That wa
er«s. lUaaali. I p>eM 111 bo ooi vi.
And U's pouring, too. Won't you
iMta U a BKMib. mafbe. If I (Wa Sad a
stay l» supper?" Ae conlinurd bo>euatomar for the bonaa. I jaii bate lo
plUbly. "ira five miles to Ihf rillace,
Mara, tbooch, belnjt bora and llvlns
1 don't know of anybody to take
all ttj dare here, but aov that ma and
pa arv ieme. Jam- and bt-r folka think
•WYiy. yes. thankee; If you won't
. the bDoao la too bl» for no. let aloac make comiiany of me. maybe li'lt bold
iU coallBic no nueb lo run ibe fann.
up pretty soon."
' aad an. So I'n coles lo lire with Jane
Miss Cranner drew out the table in­
la Kev Tork. Dear me! Ob, well!"
to the middle of ihr ntum—of late ahe
-Now. I wouldn't wonder If H
hA Uken her lolliary meals fracchirked jou ui> a lot. Sasanf replied
meniarily in Ihe |ianirj-and s.-t s
Mlat Hannah Ponton. "Why. afior
Itowl uf roses under the swinglnc
Ton'Te been a r*ar In New York, you’ll
■et no cHlBcd we won't know you."
"IkmY acem as ft I’d anything to
Miaa SMan Cranoor amlled want}.
give you." Ae remarkod in polite
*Y fneia It1l take raorathan that to rit
pmeallon. "I haveuY kept cooked up.
Uy me! Y'ou know I riiited Jane laei
bebtg by myseft no."
fall abe wrote me I roahl have a swell
Vet Acre was ham, cut in dellente
noni Indhe flat but I didn't know wfaai
slices, Ad plenty of finely baked breed
aha »eam: i jand or axed ii up tc
vlib e flaky iiie, while the butler wax
myself that there waa a well under
as goMeo and alntosi as sweet as th<the Sobr. and I worried aoinc. thlnklns
Jar ul honey that lialBiiceil It <m ilx'
bow damp It would be. and that may­
oAcr aide of Ac table.
be I'd ttuable In aomc atsbi. 'XSTiere'*
here aln'l Aylhilic to apolociw
the wflir 1 Mild tbe Sm Ibl&s. «hen
lor. far as I can see!" declatwd her
Jane ^wwd me tbe room—ped^y liertriior. "Gueaa If yon;d been Ating
I, too! 'Here It U, 8uAe cooking lYr had for a year.Ack;
Baa.' aba aald. ibotlas up a window
you'd say so. too. Tbe girl's wtltlnc
yiMi cmaldn't aee throufh. and —my
eaoagfa. but she aln'l heavy on «mVpaiieno*!—^ara waa a Ms, aquarr
ing—pot so heavy as her biscuit, uyhMa all tba way from the sround to
" Phlness Aackletl ever hla lit
Um root, with windowa all 'round it.
tic Jt'ke: he was begtiinlnc to fed rery
and the kUehoi amelia comlns In like
much at home.
•mrthlns. J abut tbe window in a
Mens A me stimelimes as If I
hairy- 'Lira aad Mm.' I aald to mycould mt anybody's cooking, so i<
•aif; bdi I didn't set freab air in tbai
I't my ova. But. there! It's dllbotme. And now lYe sot to so and
it—mceslng for yourself and cook
auy. 1 doat aee bow I can atand li
Ing for a fantlly. There's roast beef.
—no. I doii:I'm fond of H: but—my pa­
-Folks tat Bted to 'moat ercrytience! 1 had a matt two weeks age
fbtcis.'' leplM Mlaa Penion. with perand it's much as ever cone, now. And
'ynneiorr ebaarfalaeo. -Now, doal
I've eaten 'em till
worry! Oueaa I moat be sHtlns back;
’most trabi to apeak, fear I should
tl aeema klad of Uttadery cluck!" .
Mtaa Panion bwrled down tbronsb
Sapper progressed with equal estisttte llUJe tale In tbe fence on to ber
CacUun to guest and bostera, but a!tfaougb tbe thunder lOTwIed fartb-’r
Mlaa Craaner tased after tbe viaitaad farther away, the rain ciuiHniieJ.
When the two feasiers dually arust-.
‘Tbai gaieb tetans dreadful rlckMiss Cranner remarki<tl:
. aly.- abe aald lo brcseir. “Oueia I
«»neemed. about yoi.
moat bare h fliad ihu
YouH be Wit through, celling lo th«
village, let ahtnr there being nuihlait
1 aln'l solag to be hero.
round here to uke you over in l>ni
Ob. dear ma. dear me! Hannah Pen
Squire ISmton's t>]ien buRcy, and h:^ too eaan beie wbea I waa solnc oo
alDl fond of tendinx'ihai."
Mo;" ahe murmuiyd. “lYe seen her
"I do kind of bale to g<4 auake<l,"
r> throapi
sate fur nb:h <>ntu
aad 1 abani see her Phlneas Ami'led. "KbeuniatUm’ l>een
bothering me some mtely. May-bo
theee aoi^orv. wrert And I ihall be
Squire Pentoh would pnt me up for
la New CaNt. in flat, with Jane
the nlghl.”
cant akpd It: no. I can't!"
“He would, quick enonch." n*pI»od
Yet iiK for* mlKent did the drmm
et a«Unc ha( will noi
nor her pleasure Miaa Crannor. -but there 'lls again!
llannA Penton was saying this very
asalnst^Mni of ber relailvea;
afternuun lAl Aey- were chock full,
M^ tle Iftkaat: In New Eas
along of company and summer boardLd ask you to sUy here in
^tWifa^reea■a of her “folka." Mii>»
Traaj^ pfflled
d herself
tosether with a tninuie. only-—" S|io blushed, ami h-f
test gave a itilU- sleb.
lerk. _
Phlneas Sierrct looked at Miss SuI bettesr ace to the wtndor^^j^Vottt on
c tat her soUloquv.
in Craaner. at tbe tomfortabJ-.
homey nwm He' oncniesed bA rv
there's culns to be a abower.
Ill peek out flrsi and tel a tmd italff rnw.-.ed his |«^ wiib; much •lelilw-rjHod.
cool before I Am 'em."
She epeoed the door and aiood ;n-Squire .Penton'* t.iwn cleAnad Jn»
^I^IbS tbe ftee^ eenhy
Hoc of Ac poare. l brieve?" he Beal',v
Ae tare a tllUe nan
MO waa comlns up to iho door.
Why. yes.'; nulled Miss Ciannc
DO tramp: he bad a dlsitnetly somewhat paxzied m the saddi
■j|ii|iiimiii appearahee. and her bca:i qmscy. “TYioughl yop wanted to aiiwp
mUik; beta was enolbcr customer,
the btulufK*." she went 'on at a
adenU)-: end ob, bow beantly. alihonsli venlaie.
perveraMy, ahe bed came to dread ell
“1 do want to sJ«-cp. aumuwberea.
wltbo-Jl being’drcnch.-d b.-fwha»d;
As the man drew nearer ber face
dool know as iketv's any use
A wa:ttpg. far as Ah bosioess goes
-«V. ft It ain't you. Pblneas Bler- i're kind of lAen a shine to tbl< idace.
teii!~ Ae cxchalmed- "I baveaY
1 gitess Toa aott of Ate to leave
Doa cates on for twp years! How'aaH
bolnc as Its always ivcn Tout
' the foftar
home. Now. what Pm gHUitk aCs this:


I th>-io. bA bow imjsTfew must be any
Abby. abe went mor-n a year apt. - ., Tht rice,,
determlnailoh of the distance of the
vasfelUDgyou; and wen alnee-wHt.:
motion throog'1
my place Mn’t .cwmA much
' stars bas<*l
^ where ItJ*^'
an estimate
home, and the chljdren ain't hA
iniiA bringing up as lx good for 'em. I;
“^'^^es'with Mher subtropMl!
can't U, flowery; It ain't my Kiyle; but:
ipjrf-les of «»•.■*
with the rvsuju ..l-tain.-d by the othtr
you and! played hroUDd logeUier. 8u- .^ruh* When first transplanitil oo ‘--------------- — *•—
aan. tx,y and girl, and-well. I
Pemon'x U-iwoen Ac drops and Are;
i Milky Way are sliium-l i a dtsiaace
____ ...
,1___ __________
in, I llS.1
bim B.I.. 0.1 ,b,
ub K»-U;„b , I,,b.„
b. ™ „,1 wir,. Jill,..
„ I, „„ '
lb., ln.b, ,b,
,™i bu.b,bd ... m. 8,™, uid n«1i; ,b..
,b„ „ I,
: al-Ub.-. I™ .......1.1. I. .o n., ll.-b,,b.ol».b,cbUaren.lkb.r..Tb,r
„.^.„U„^,,^,..„,,j,.^,„,bo .b, uu, bo-
bo, .11 b.,b.
,n. I „
bb,,.; .l™«b
-.Ul uo, .I»r«bb
We may s •• a» a geaorkK p staying. M to speak. Now. what ^
I conclusion indlcat<.d by s-ren!
do you aayr'
; ,i
, ,ntall tree, growing
, nii tho.1* of making th<- .-•‘ilmate. Ae.«
MlsK Ctanner l.«k.-d at Mu- guest; ,
be was a g<i*»d
uAn-iMoflve inch',
friend and a "good provider." T-. stay ,.;VdiamH.-r,” Its eun.,.'wbk-h tan'i
t.-le*co,-w ar,- cvmiaincl
on Ae fattn! Not to have to go Ini-j
gtrordlng to *.-a»ou are large i
* •I**'*''' t>'i
"• h** «uvh
the New York flat with jane! Happy
a^d .iowur ib.- form somewhat ‘
fears etaM In her t-y-w at the thought
in that u.uic*l in thus.- of
the cm.or Man.. Tlo-.^lebrat.xi rice! Tlu- inquiring i.a.ier ma, Ikt.-ask
"I-I'I1 hare A p-l no waterproof
,anoib.-r qu,-Ml..n Uran.Mg that al!
ami umbrella." she murm.m-d. "YooT.f..rm.d of thin sllr.-* .d Ac pith, 1
«trc you want me. Phimar?j , j^^h i» .«k..u from the I-k1> of Ac
ihi. limit, may there no. U- any
Phtaeas aicrret t«db her gcDily byl,,..,
...i.-x..,«< *'»« *»>£«>' «he limit
cylinders s-v.-rui;
whk-h arc Invisible •sly berauM. they
the Shoiildfwa "I guess lYn old e-nougti Inchtw lo leugA.
ar.- too far away
III k'niiw my o»n mind. Snsan." !uThe rbiii.-*!- workmen apply ifa.- j
Mill. qiilHIy. "And well go afti-r the blaile of a shati’- siraiclil knife lU' l»-r s Useazine
children in the imTning."—Tinrhi-M- cylinder*, and liirtiinc them |
around, elili.-r by nid-- machinery or: . Beauty Farm Arranges Marrlagca.
by hand, ili-xtenraxly pare the pit!. ‘ ‘ Umduo. Sept IT—A T.-markahle
from clrruiuferi-nc- lo center. Tlits | marriage has ixk.-n piae<- at Verm, in
A Hiaterie CAir.
Donheaat tlusida. ou the eeiaie of a
o]H-rati«D niaki-s a mil of x'Xira qualA sofa «n«. useil liy Qufs-n Victoria s
M 'i;'";?.
AAer. the duke of Kent, aod upon w ____ ...________ , 1,1,4.
off. xaya the Kobe Hb-rald.
The bride
IhlckneibS Ihmiighoui.
r a cyllnand brbii-groom. boib of magntficen.
which the queen ax a ^rl nfien r<‘
der has been Aux pxre.t it
cllned, rvceniiy found Its way to one
physique, wi-ri- •• -nurslings" of M
and wigfau are plan^d upon ii outll
of the small lowox in Oliki:. Tie.fiexh.'Aiki^, who lia* a beauty farm
the surAci'- i* rcndi-reil ' smooth
makc.-i four antlqultli-s of ilH- klud.
The di-.;tller ha* for maBy year* atAnnigtiom Its entire h-ugih. It ;*
,-.1 and |:ri.u*l lu the Um-keye
traete.l lo fais e*iBte Itandsume giant*
,aliugeiher pnxbable lAl If rin> paper
.frimi all jiart* ..f the irrorlnee by of_
, ,
. b making I■ec1>lnes ati Industry
i feting valuable privillg^-*. They are
Tb.. bbiar 4. ,l,lbb J,...l,b S»4b.'
I enruiirag'Ul lo enter mairiiDouy bv
founder «V niormoniaiu, sal wbib will be done away'wlib.
compiling hlx book.-. Is treasured in
{ grants of land, iiayment of marriage
expeiiMt.s aod an annuity of £3 Tor
of Kintanfl. The cAlr ini.i
Worked a Confidence Came.
which Joshita H- Uidditigs (ell stmaeA W.-st
butcher narrat.-tl ibe’'^
lii«* after delivering one of bix ami- other day a story llltiftrallve <d ih*•"' I>a«o-rs sHecU-.! an> deslavery speeches in congre** is in the inteltlgencc of dog*.
.ported. I>eft»rmcd and sickly p<-raous
i of hU son. Admiral Oi.l"A piiron of mine." he said, "had:*’*"
«>>'• «'«»>“•
dings, at JeffersoD. In Ucncra is a aeollle that came A meone mocnlngj*'^'''- '*”•‘"’''"■"‘on
’I"* >>oinap
pier table which belonged to Martha with a anp cY pajH-r in hlx monih. - :'xatity farm, forty model roarrtag-*
Waxhlnglrm's anre*turs, akd came
" Hello, doggie.- said I. and tb.
ovetTln the Mayflower.
collie wagem hi* tail And dnipped A' dr.-a have iH-b ii b.ira. • luiarlv all ol
Tix- soft which beliuigi*! to Ihe duke pap>-r on Ihe floor nt my fi*et. I open>-.' them iK-ing imm*-ti>ely superior to the
of Kent was bmught fiom the moA- !i. It s'as axtgmxl order from hix no* av.-rag.- !lii*»ian p*'a*ani children In
•r country 10 Nova BroiJa. T. J. Ford, t.-r It»r n piece of iutUKage. | gave hlu Mrength otiil licatiiy. The girls it,
of Oeiieva. «.. while traveling, ranu- Ae lati^ap-. He ale it iilxl »«-nl home parilculxr an- n-markahic for thelr_
acraas iblx sofa. aud. U-ing loiul of
"Tinx' alii-r time Hx- collie cam* grac-fiil carriage and lithe, active
anilquliles. bought It fur hlx own with Ae*c order* for rue. aod flBn!l> loriux. The lai<-i-: marriage was e,'lebrateu with trxct-ptliiiial dlxplay. owing
e. h'Vr many years it has been Ip 1 xinjip*^
^ _ reading
.......... ilx-m.
Each. I i>r
the home of Mr«. Nellie Clark Thomas ! huraeil, was for a sausage, and each to Ae fact ihai the bride and bridegroom are tbe flrst oupk- both of
at DIgby.
fpttjcun-d a sausage. 1 xuppme.
Like most furniture of long ago the
the diq: got g* many ax tw. I,,, wbiim sprang Ymm union* arrange.1
bv M. Re*h«Dlk..|T,
wood is ihlx sofa I* the finest mabem ‘ pound* of K3a*ago fintn m. in
It U band carred. a bcautUiilU munA*.
The Deadly Loco'Waad.
carved swan standing ogi promlpcnt*Uut the master, when 1 >>n'!>ei
Of nil tb pobtonciu* plants groaing
ly upon ihc front. There arc a*’ my bill, kicked. He *ald he had <
xprings. yet It is comforiable to sit up- j gfven the dog aUmt a d*««t ........
wherias 1 must have honon-d Beariy
>■"■« »«-<»- •' «»
The ohair once used by Joseph ^ hiitidred.
harmful that the ,iaie of. Colorado
Smith la the property of Mrs. M. F. j
-\Vcll. Ihe upxhtd was that the iw-y '‘**‘*”
In an <-ff«»rt to exterrae
Brotkwav. After Smith «»vd from K3rf- j of u.x got together ajul did a ItlHo de-!
•*'*’ "" unco-**.
!and his family packed the household ,ective work. Wc watrho.1 the dog. I
»“ Inioxlcailng efguods and followed htm. The-chair |
do you know -what we found?'^'^'
**"'■ *®'**“‘l caring It. Once
which the jirophet ix .-d was loh b.- ! wby. wc found that this running dop, •
' 'he u*. fnlnew of the animal
him! becatixe then- was uo room f*r it , w henever a ssnaage hunger aelxed '
chronIX given by Mr*. Smith lx a ob-; him. would grab op a pbw of white ^
who rexldwl near, and from him; pap r—any piece he cmld And—an-1
nhamp* it* jawes ard
it wax bought by Mr*. BnMway.
hriiig it to me.
he l.*.th dwd aud blind. Such
The chair 1* ct oak and has a wri.- i -| i,,j )„,^n careless, yoo see. never *"
'ft'"" tvxultx In death. II
Ing di«k nltachm.-iit of the crude ty-|H 1 hiking at the pain-r. and through try
n-(-.iver*, It at once aeek?^
in those days. I< >x i rareleviness th*-mill*- liad r<*>1i-l ci .again, ^-fusing all other
said that it wa* while ruau-d In ihi*
two moeith*."
"hd Ihu* ouuiimeu (mm one atchalr that he tranxisied the giildeji
_- .
<nek ui anoilx-r, until it dirt, which
plate* from w-hlc'j it is assened by the^ .
pajt-. Hat and tbe Birds.
ItaM*'''* m a fb*»r( time,
.church the Hook of Mormon! tIx- wife ot l>=ul Kruger wa* ver.v '

but It 1* nut..- tie- I.-*- faAl. The ani­
fxBtl of 1-lnl*. an.I when, t-mir yran*
Thr pier table, which cam.' .iver 1
acquire* a laxtc for the
igx, in,- i-eopb-t.f jxhann.-.-biirg
Ac Mayflou'-r. lx of mxhueany. an
-.-d a Piaiue of <)om lYtuI in a pnl.iic w.K-d and finally refu..-> 10 cat all
like Ae sofa of Ihf dnke of Kent,
square of that cKv. and there was food- After a liuc-riog [■eriod of emahand ctrvi*i.■ It cost $;ihi in England.. sittne iR'ctp-eion «•* I'l whcAer. b«- riaiiqp It .lies. X* if from vtarvatloB.
The loe-j habit spread* through a
time it uerniui-il an impuriaii. sboiibl »-• :epr...T'.%l .wearing .hi.-*
placi- in the home of the ('ii*iix fantlly.
Iw-arhea t-Hl. .Mr*. Kruger *ei flock or herd thnuigh imiAtion of the
Murtho lYt.'i-H bocame Mr.-*. Washing- t!e*1 ID.' qxexliuu. Site argut -I Ibst dpu-aM-il animals by healthy om-s
ton! This *.ier tabb- wa.- in a cellar
Th*.- plani eauslng ihe trouble is e
lull w»5 ax cliarneleristk- ..I Aun
Philadelphia when
Paul as a crown wa* of a k-tn;- and br- sityiry »h!i.- per*-nnlal. .-Ighl to
heanl .rf* 1. and, H. He sp-.-nl
twelre ineli.s bluh.
It prixluees an
01' *n(i foiUig*-. spriugin:
several days lo rv-Jiir™.ting U. No-1
j^at hat in bronze In At- juilriic
uBiii after be had flalsbed this
oa' « viu:t*-r from r. short central
aad lilted Ae marble lop did he di-*- \
xt.-m. It 1» repr.-l.H-.-tl from seed

cover that it came t.i this c-jutry in: Johannesburg had a hard timed it
the Mayflower. Tnder the cover h,
found an iit»eripilmi which told of ti« there «
for iii.-ia to drink
voyage arros* the d.-ep with the |d! in. S5.e >.taue*;.-l'that Oom Psiile
hvt not on;y 4— Imtn!:. .1 in ii» pr»

-in I'od* or head*.
...mewbat like eb.rer. It may 'U eraV
rultivsiion. but is not killed
Ii.v ctitttor- Til- i-dM.n i* eaux-d by
an alkaloid cmit^eind. and uo antidote
place on loi- ol th** h)-ad of Ac broozc 1* known for it
i-.-ad ..f the statue, but that tb.- crown
Sensible Tigers.
uf it In- made holldVsn that the ram
A ixatly n-nisrkatile 'xKUT Of ani­

Picturta Painted By Stamps.
The mold* at At: hospital of S;
Jaaa de Dkii. at CAeni. have \n ih.-ir:
“ “»>>
mal perrepHoL ha* been told by Mr.
*-Tvidr for I
This wi
teUiiri’ muatenis <l<<*uraii*<l the wallFrank Ik.stuck, who may be eonsldine, xa.i the iilile f.-xitu-r.-d rcre
vrtth gorgeous laibiKcap.-*. gbnyinan stitb<iriiv tm animals fa capiri-s lit* Ii-afler Yrraml tkim Paul'* hat riviiy.
■with tolor and fall of lile, form.-d
The Boston C-ommoewealih
jilarv^ la wWA to bathe and drink'. lissrt H;
xlrcly \iT ra.-xo*
the poxtmgv stamp*
of all tiatinnx «if the wortd. I’alac.-*,
-l oncv had a iraiser." aay* Mr. Bo»iorexu. sm-xms and raonulaJn* are
Sin of the’L'niverae.
tuck^ "an old Irichmao. who bad
rcpruavUiled. hulUTflie.. flil aboai In
To dct'-naiBe a sing!- posiribn o, scrreil in India, and who knew the
the, air. birds «.f bramlfnl plnnmge any one rlar iipoli*, a good deal of'ways of lici-r* In every detail. He
ftftrcb uDiwanClie*. snakes and iisards computaikm and U «e refi.-ci that, in Aught thro, of them to do more work
glide alwul. andiBnuraerabieantmaU inrder to a'.tack tbe problem lu a
in the an-na than I have ever smb
find placot hr-re and tbciv. Tbe pic-, factory wty. *- *ta*nlil have obeerva- dooy
any other tigers. I bare seen
lure* are B>t.»i ari!*.lc. In Ae xtyW of: imn* of a dxIIImb of ihc-oe bod«>* matle him MUine rkoro betwees two of ibem
ChlBC*e lasdrcaiK- cirden'ing. and al 'at laievyals of at leaxt a roBj.Hlerab.e at
time during r..-faewraaln. and
ready beiwvcn
gad lO,".'.. n*«>: rraeiiira <ir a r«tiury, we see vbai rn examiolng their cfaw» to sea If any ol
«if sump* haw 1K.-CU uxeJ.—Pearcou'* , ■-ionD.,as task the astroaoBm dea!- Aesa wtre sore or *pli|. Any one wrbo
Icgiag with (hi* problm hare biYaro baa-ever tried that srhb eves a bouse

cat. knoww that It strikes tbe IHloe
nsinre as an anwarranuble famlilar
iiy . but they never did more than show
their teeth and wblne. and that half
in playYuint-ex ~
"One day the old fellow got very
drunk*-ihe first time la his life,
my know ledge. Before be was Dottred
he had got lulo Ae cage with the tl
gw* and fallgn In a heap on Ae flour
Tbe other keepers made several attemplK to get him out of the cage, bnt
it wa* at once ainorcnt that to do *0
mt«nt a biller and Kcrtou* fight wlA
the tigers. They guarded him all
night ID biii drunken slumber But ihi
next time ix- pm the ttgera to work
llii-y and he could netlber
driv.- iH.r |H-i>nade them Tht^' had
eeastil to jrust him. and hi* p.
over them was at an e»d forov.-r'
Curieua Method of <
Ax- it Ihr- odd.-*i a<IverilM-m.-Dt<
lx the dirplay of pumpkin* in font -q
a Fuli.iu *irr<-4 rt-xlauranl In N-w
York which make* • specially of .New
England paMry. The adv.-rtlsrm. ut
confln.-d to the display of a fi-w
mun- .u- b-as. of- Hit* nienil.-DI
vegelalde. Each
Is a |H»i.-r ad lu Itself.
lly means id lutpcr ruti.utx (tasted
1 the pumpkin* whtm they hare al
o*t attained their lull gniwth. •■act
p.urd is made to U-ar the name <d th.
firm It bs Intended for. or Mime »hort.
pithy phrase Irttirying A the quality
of th. ptc* 111 Im- made Aetefrom
Whet the vegt-ialile i* ri-ady for mar
kei the psipi-r IS and the lu-n
d.eign stau.U out in niae.i
letter* »r a allghtly tlghUT sba.1.- ibau
the rc*i of the pumpkin nnd legible (Uitane.-.
Tlx Idrt Is fl^hy the aUenltan ol
fruit gAwers. If it Bpreadf. maybe
In the hlgher'|iric*-d restanrants then.
Im- M-.-0 liefor»- long ajtples.
lM«rbes and pear* each »lih the mon
ogram, name or devln- of Ae proprie­
tor indelibly sumped by oalure on
the fruit llxelf —New Y'ork Press

A Curiovs Oraar.
One of the most curtoaa wanu arar fonnuUted waa that for a lady's bicy­
cle u> carry 360 pounds. This waa
wanu*d for Apolo, tba efaanctdlor, or

nallty In Heago. and Is a wedhbgUi
negro, fully six feel two locbaa la
belgbi. Ha has the dlstlncttaa of haUtg tbe first nailre who has wrioaa
original books, tbe first wbo baa rid­
den a horse, the Brxi to use a Wcycle
aad the first of Ae grwai chiefs or
visit Eaglnnd.
Owing Ul the loag robe he wears
he Is unable lo ride a man's bicycle,
so It was that be sent an order a Eng­
land for a "Udy'K bicycle to carry Ik
MaUla Lika OoM.
With all rwaerve iha glad tidings
dlscvrery of tfaa,p
stone I* pubUsbed by^ibe Roaraa
Tribuaa In n-^alegiAl^JrDm 4v FI0rence correspondei
bU gentleman, a certain Titus PkblinU. has rect-lred a mtaaage from his
SOD. now Id Paris. declnrAg that be
bus coeipouaded a woaidrtful mauu.
posaesalng not only the culor of gold,
but all Us propertlia. aod has sold U
M a ayndlcaiv' In wbich Ae RoAavhllds nre inking vquni Aarra wltlfl
a Belgian company. Tbe substance, '
adds.tbe corrtapondeni. can be uanufactured at compartUrcly small coat.
It baa also the piopertin of radians.

t Lantam.
Tbx big lament for Ae Raa Waad
lightbouM- has arrlvtil In Poniand.
and what noludy has known up lo
date. It U tbe only upe ot Ha klad
Aat baa ever Ix-eo put InA use, la
tbe I'nited SiBiew al least.
The emlre framework Is of loUn
brunze. which bas been used In praferance A iron. Tbe new Inntera waa
Alpped In two different can, Ae ag­
gregate weight of all Ae matortel
was over 26,000 pouada. aad It ewe
Uixed Dp Id crales. Bach piece was in
B separate wrapping and all plaead in
Little AnU Help Farmers.
the (WO car*, which were then aealed.
Cohmirt of the ants lirniighi from
—Ki-nnebee Journal.
Guatemala by agrieiilinral d.-|>anni Ciperl* .in Ae lb«i.ry ibal Ih-j
Married M«A Live Lengar,
II d.-voiir Ac rolloo 1*>1I w.i vil ar..
An eminent proteaaor bas caletlatcd
also be iritil on a diet ul |K»lat.i ihsi the mortailiy among bacbelon
bugs. RTBwsh.iftpiTw and other inxeet* from the age ot 20 A 4t years U 2?
which di-»troy |lix>.«oii.iin«i worth «l per cent. whilst among marted men M
crops eyery y.'artbe KSme ag- it is IS per imc.
The loss in farmers from bugs ol
For 41 bachelors wbo attain Aa age
dlBereni kinds bn* been growlug with of 4<t years Aerv are 71 manfad mea
the locrcaiu-d »laughler of iusect-eal- who aiuln the same age.
bird*. Much of Ibis loss, tbe ei
The difference U sUtl more atliklag
pen* think, can lx- prevraied if the in persons ot advanced age. At CO
can aund the northern climate, year* of age iher remtlB but It hacL.which qu»n»n will be tested ibis fall elora for 4h married man. at 70, 11
am] winter.
bachelors for 27 aiarrtad men: and M
One colony of anu has Just been Sn. : bacfaeiora for » married »CB.
.-Ktablished 00 a tana near J>mbaa.
Md. Other eohmies will probably UChance fer Ae Right Man.
t creo farAer noHh. Tbe expats
Miss Bertha Krupp, aldeat daughter
encouraged over Ae report* from of Ae late Friedrleh Alfrad Krapp.
the ants' which were pla<iiJ In the Inrentor of the Krupp gun Is tbe rlehTexas roitoo
fields—Philadelphia ewi girl In ib« world. After Ae deaA
at her .falher she li—mi almost Ae
sole owner of As mowned Krupp
Blue Light to Kill Pain.
work* at I&ibmi. whIA supply all Ae
After Ar.i’ y.-arx of parient rrt«*rcb ixKintrie* uf tbe globe with Aelr arro pros|«vturs uf Genera. Switzer­
qf waj* The whole property
land. have discovered a o-w anai- and almoFt the irhole wealth pasaed
th.rtic wlix-b proffllsti. to n-volulhmiz. 10 h-r 8be U BOW Just odl of ber
the practice of demiKiry
teens sod Is worA fit least fiJOOjMO.In ri-iHirUng Ai* to the suie de ««*> Her annual Ineoae mast be at
(■artmect. <'i>n*nl LiefHd at Fn-lburg. l<-ast ISO.oOO.OOO.
(k-rmany. stales tbai finding that the
mi* •yntem wax lofi’ienc.-d by
colur-il light, tbe (>rofe*ixir* M*m peri-d after cxperim.-ntlng with each recently added U Ow cMlaetlon of
riiai blue ha.1 an .'Xirsi.rdiaary the New York zoologleal park. It has
soothing effivi c.n ih<- n.-rat*
Imi;d said lo have Ac tail aad hlu-l
'to- consul ray* that a t<*>A tnay quarters of a horse, tbe lags of a
|iatnI.»Kly .-ztract.-'l with non
de-r. the n*<k and horn* of a buffalo
Ae afu-r c-Bwlx on tlx- xy-Ft.-n
and a nondescript head which gira It
Khuiting up Ibe |.ati<-ni In a dark room a most fantastic look. The oddity of
aad -xpoilDg hi* eye* lu a blue light Its appearance It Incraased by Ae caof sixteen candle pow.'r f’>r Ihni- iraordlsary poatons It assumea whe«
tninule*. eaui-lng him lo low- all sense dl.turb.4d It comes from 8o«A Afpain, aliluiugn at the Kam- itmuinir.g hi* *-ns<,-i.
The Hunted Crouse Has Many Clever
Friday a Luehy Day.
On Friday Shakespeare, WashlagDefenses.
tun ami NapoUnn were born. Queen
ha* a hiindrail triAs t Victoria aa* marrici] on Aat day and
defi-nM.. It will lx- *1111 until Ae bunt America wa* dlKtivetsd, Moscow was
within a ,yanl of ii. then Mvar burn.ll. KlrhmuDd arns evactMted, Ae
Ftraisbt upward in ituat. u.wenng Mayfluwer arrived, aad ffnally, tb*
wmrfrock: again. It will ri*.- t dtviaraii.iD
of indepeedence was
yard* away, and tb- M*ind of ii SigtKll.
Is his <mly nxilce <rf its priit will cower upon a branch
Haw to -Git Chaaftal.*’
ODd.«-r which h.‘ |m*s.-s. and hi* cap
‘The way to gii cheerful is to smile
mure than a font below '■ when ymi feel bad. to Alug about
a* he gt>e«, and will remain qulesceni wiim-body eltc's headache when yer
in fear until bis back 1* turtxvl, !i <iwn Is 'most bustin'. A heap on hewin pisb A«-n. and when be has slew Itcreio* the sun is a-ahiatn' When Ae
ed himself hurriedly- artsimd be will ebrads Is AIA enough A eat."—Mrs.
catch onb- a glimpse of a IiTOwd braa 1 Wlggs.
wing far'awsy.
Te You In Japan.
The I'nit.-d Stales employed iBiZZ
A Japanese must be iwanty-fiye and
en in disuiboUng mail last year. pay i;jb> a year as direct taxatkm
Tbe cost, dlatribuled umoDg 1.4)Mi before ho can rote for memben of Uw
Uoea. was fig:.:!>4.»Ho
la ZTl acci­ Japanese diet. Tbe tag AtU oat a
dents to Btall-car* IS clerks wv-ce large part of those wbo would rote A
killed and TS eerioBalf AJured.
anoAer oonntry.


ited to appolst a eonmuee to con­
fer with the boose eonniuoa. but the
taloed U>e tpeecbM ot Hm. 0*0. O. house reniaM to do this mad saW, “Wc
Corell tai UbICM KMH SoiUor Bir- wiU hare ths Golby bill or none at an."
»owi, dtiJreri»d at Uie rejmbUoui *b1^ Cnlbr was after the eonmluee day
tb» «TealD« before. As u»«m addww- and Bight Oonseqaeaty the boose aad
the seMte enld aot get to«etber. and
M eoROte fplMdia
BO ganoral primary Section taw was
- peblitben Mtat then ecain to
that the people la the oonatiT *1» re- pasMd.
If a pHntry eleeUoa taw is passed,
etfTd thli edition tnar etudr then.
one is wantM that will not disrupt
' The addressee are as foUovs:
ibe party. A taw Is wanted that will
Hen. Oeero* O- Cevelt
d«a>ot»ts bet ot repnblleaa pri
HA bMM tar.aa0&c
Mk mM Tueeday. the roten d this maries and repubtteaiu oat cd denoC0VB67 »«»M be called npoB to de­ crailc pclmarlea. A taw such ms is in
cide vho shall be the prestdenl ot tbli force In Kent eoanty where the d«»oeoM^for the Beat tear jears. That crats aided in potUag up a man that
the raters of thlf dUtrto will be eatied they conld defeat at the polls afte.ry to say who shall represent It la OBitlng OB their eandldaie. li not
CMa^esi for the ne« two years; who ed.
in the demoeraUe prinarles, ther
ahell aerrf the sUte of Mlchlcaa
the MOR
yeara. He urged the ia-{ was not a coetest but the dooersts
portgaoe of laytag aside all other jweat to the
dtities on that day that an may rote ioree aad u
dor the sea <d tMlr choice. He aaid
that the aMleeoe waa fomnate In whom they could defeat.
Mr. OoveU then said that the slate
haring preent the denn of Htehlgen
was golBg to get a taw from the rete the United States senate,
who sraa thoroogU; reraed to naUona) pnblSaa legUtatore thta winter that
taebea. who eonid tell imre of the wobM separate the two parties io the
waridnge of-emgrest than any Other primaries aad would safeguard tbe la■an In Kieklgao. yet the people hnre terests of both, and unUl this is donv,
be said, the pet^le would never be
a dvtr to perforwi f'W
hare a deeWon to make. Are they isUsSed.
Lto you want a taw such as tbe peosattado-i wi>h the pnvnK ailmtnlstrane will make or do yon want tbe kind
bsi Perris will force on tbe people?
asked. Mr. Ferris conld no mora
more the 132 members of tbe legislaIhan that leglslatare conld In
fiiieuce the sna. Ur. Ferris as a demo.
< rat would have do ladaeaoe. "If yo’i
am primary reform, vou for rnt M.
WBmer and the repubUcaa UdseL"
The claim U set forth that Warner
vas nominated by a machine. The
uenmeratlc newspnpers and others ploTom Navin at the bead. Ton
N'arin lives la Detroit and yet Wayne
ooonty bad a candidate of lu own an>l
against Fred M. Warner. 1
reaeonsble to nppoee that two
could control 1400 men? Warner, as
Is wril known, doctared the speakei
by the delegates tiorn
•ICbtrwU CDunUea, aad If be wasn't
itad by them, be wasat nomat all. If any maa was honest­
ly aad talriy nominated, said Mr.
CovMl. n was Fred M. Warner.
It Is sM, the rvpohlleBa parly
e tbe people anything good.
pHcaa pany has raised the
tloa or do they wish as thqr did
tMtre r*An ago to nake a changeT
Twetre yaars ago, tor aone res, MB, the peojde denired a change, and
*th*r Bftdh ft.' It wtia a change from a
MAdmoB eg proapefity to a condition ored to give tbe state bonrst Illa­
that was not prosperons. Poor years tion aad tbe execaUves of the staU of
afterward U wae easy to make the peo. Michigan desire to give an honest adRowwfftil ArgumMrt*.



Dr.W.J. Biggins

Tire Insurance!


Cbe Store Chat Fills the lUost Prescriptions

the Best Tountain Springe
219 €ast Traat Stntt

Jlmericati Drug eompany





WKot the Party Hat OoBt.
Again It ta aaM that ik vt)l the
democrau gare Mlchlgaa^the Aua
traltaa ballot, which did away with
band. But In ISO the repoblican party
gave tn Mtchlgaa the booth and the
nnUofm ballot and permitted a man
go la and rote a Ucket that was tnaentlble to tbe man that placed It In
the ballot bos. All tbe democraU?
party did was to aay that all tb.>
M abould be on one ballot. About
SMiatnr J. C Burrows.
that rime the demoetata were fnslpg
srlth every available party and the they are apt to be swept off thoir foei
ou." Braa sidd ooncemlng the Paiididatea were getUBg their names by a cry of reform. Tbe Ohio people
her telegram, "It was manly afterthe ballot In many places on one In qaestJon abandoned reform, went
bet tt would have been more banoL The repabUcanc aaid that this
back to tbe old convention syaiem and
■aaiy If it had bem^aooaer. Bnt
waa not fair and a man muei aflitate carried tbe county by an old lime tnahlmaaH with a party or prlndplee bnl. Jortty.
Ha aptb niosumied his polst with
however, the repnbtieaa party de­
In the upper peninsula where there
■totr that bronght forth laaghtar and clared that a man that had been aeare a law number of different naappease. He thM stated that when laetad by several parties should have
UonallUcs, tbe wlae party so dlstnb
oao wing of ihd ideMoormtIc party was tbe right to aay which one be would
utes the offices that tbe men of dif
mneostfnl. the other took He medi- appear under. The Mdeet of tbe Aurremit natlonaliiice are BtUsOed. Ttali'
iraltan ballot given to the itata by the Is Impossible with the eynem at pn-sdemocratic party wu aeerecy aad thta
I to tb
tho goottlon
BMompItahed through the bootl.
wbk^ ho-Mid sMAof the oimOTt im- given by the rapuMlean party.
ponaaee to Mlcl^j^.,u> raid ibat the
tvanier ta a clean man. He etaneu
oleaioii of Bousettii !•>
isrgevt In IS alderman of hU own vuiagv.
■ajoriiy la tht..hUiurj ul O.v psrty ilttaliy becoming Its preeldent and
was already conooded b> <br Uem»
that to the state eente. then
etats tfat meelTce. wbo na>, "Vote tor !o seereurr of etate. In INT Warner
Booeevett. aad we waai .m
•ntrodneed tbe btU that raleed the
tor Parris, for be reprercoi* primary >0 express companies.
He then asked the questkm whether I
» qnai
the people of Oraad Traverse county
. the right kind of prlssary would rather have Ferris dictate pri­
ruform? Warar. long before bis a
Tea esTt wait. nwr*.fores by ivrim,
mary reform or whether they would
over-work, worry, snxtely. etc.
inatlon. said. "I am for primary
raiber do It ihemselTes. The demo­
Toutmawsakis yourself by not «oHiiy
tors." "I am for the kind ot primary cratic party bu vittnally declared thst
pr^er foM or secarlcg ■
retom that the people want." "I am If It gain the povrer. It will give the toaew tbe nerve energy
wQUag to leare It to the people ot i^ple ae arbitrary taw on that mbgood phoMphaUe food. *neb as whole
iUckigaa" thaat the people of Mich- .ect and they must take it.
nceJ bread, prepared cereata. eta. le
Igsa srant Is the right to speak aad
Dr. HUM- ReeteraUve Nrrvlse.
Give tha aPople What T>ey Want
that ta what the republieaa party
This le ms truly m WmJn mnd nerve
food aa may food roe could eat. sad beataada tor. Perris nys "I shall dictate
futalsbre etrength mnd ton. of Ite
priBarr reform and ualees the legu
yet aaid aotblng about giving
httarepeseos the kind of a bill 1
tbe people what they waaL If primary
Dr. MUn’ {teetormUre .S'crvlae is m >*•
I ibaS fUm to elgn It."
Watopr iOi. "1 believe Ue senate reform does not give protecUon. then treehlag. rcvltmuxinc tonic foad-medietae
it Is not the kind of primary reform for the main mnd nerves- It tveanstruets
and ii[esuskrpltii 1 who
worn-out nerv. tUsue. mad flJU your
the peofde. .better kaow what Mlchf that the people want.
Imacnld brain srtth new life mnd vigor.
Dr. ItUes' Xervine l;ms mmde so tnmsy
The people are all for RooaevriL
pm srahts. 1 win sign nay bill tb*
iney want toe
people to sick tho
the great pnncipies
principles that
leglslatare say pass." Oiond ap- They
do„ b, M.KW..
OOL let what would happen If Ker ; m maiiT (housmads of AnrevtoB taanem.
What wented* Primary i
rta was elecied governor ghd a sen-! The fl^ bottle is gumrmateed to brip
hat in the l^sta^. The Judgment of i Wor from Mictalgaa should die? Ferris
US BiB »•« Ptos upon « before It:
aPPolM a democraitc senator
beoomesalaw. The man who says he' f™® n roP“Wlron rtate. from a aiate
wrfflaigB sock ahlH Uaaafe maBaal|»l>^ro
tepobileaa party waa born
M. Warwer always kept hta wort. lAfiy rrors ago. He Ulastrated bl-..
Bot U ta arid Uial the laat leglsta- talk with aaotber story which evoked ^^fta *&itlt.*mad^eat aad'aSm’^^
tar* had a chaaoe U paas aoch a blU. much hearty laughter.
Mr, Covell closed by urging the fhmbWr. atmte Bmak. Tenmrcmnm. Arte.
The leglstatare 'paaaad a bUl but the
Mate rWilted It aad tb* cry was rotera of Gfaad Trarerae to lure oat nWK
relied that thw aenaiA was In the' and give Uie enilre ticket from top to
. baads «d tbe reaeblne. ' The senate' hoitom tbe good old matority of 1»00

moM be au*e oi a poor alow, with iti
Wink making and worn- producing
drfreta. The man auflera onlv m
purac, but tbe wuensn’a bralih and
happinesa are ruined. Lose thrives
in cooiian.



Store Fronts-Fixturcs, Sash, Doors, and Rcsi. fence Interior Work.

All Kinds Of Building Materials
Traverse City

F-f^AIMIC -TRUIDe, 146 Front Street.

Going to Build?
If -o. the South Side Lumber Co. at Traverse
City is the place to buy your material. Shop
and mill work done on short notice. Give us
a chance to figure on your wants.

South Side Cumber Co
Craoerst City. Ittlch.


Comer Lake ave. and 10th st.

Ptaam can aad me ttom, and omalt

CHx. PkoM SZ.

Not the old shoddy, but fresh from . .

Standard make

0-A and

Chase. They are strong and cheap'

Nerve Fag.

If You Waste Your
Nerve Energy, After
Awhile You Will
Suffer For It.

wort. Chur-


Money to Loan on Improved Real Elate Only.

U was nasuoteertO. The repahUoaas
aakM the people of the oonatry *o
adopt repnbUfas prlndplee and topabOfM vcaitim, whkh they did.
Tho fepabnosa party said that
OtpMiihd'a atalntatrauon wae ua■atugiM. bat Bryaa said U wu
araoked. tlmi it was dtahonast. Bat
the deotocrmtlc party has erer been
tat by ettifA H bee nerer pulled to~ gather. Bght years sgo Parirar was

1 U a. CMW bm. -n.. ..nul to .

Traverse Qty State Bank


d Seaator J. C. becanse all wouMat t > «r the same bis home tasro, for seven years i.e
n Raberu 1
Barrows. Ae tbe senator advanced to! mind. Another thing, tbere'is ao per-1 was village prealdrat. for four yean
tbe center oT the stage be was liberal-! soaal eontacL la tbe eoBTenttOD syv-1 be was tn the aeaste. fur foar
ly applasded. He began by layingjles If there are sli'<M<Hdaie« for be bas been seerMry of state and at
J. T. HANNAH, PresUaet.
that he was very favorably Impressed) sheTia they nre all ibire on Inspee- •■very elecirua be received larger n
with Traverse Ciiy and that the rity j tlon and they can ta- fadged.
n>n- iuriOea aad no maa bas dared utter a
a. GARLAND. Caghisr.
had every appearance of prosperity, j soltailon. a stronger party -aad ta<ier bfeatb^racsadal against him. At his ; A14. KIKD6 OF OUT FL0WSB8
last elelDUoB. be received a majority:
Tb* prosperity of this oocmtiy. he ! governmeai are possible. ^
second only to William McKinley. Tha ^
Mid. li largely due to legtatarioa. Ledvtarmr.
CAPITAL, $200,000
tatation can be so framed thst It will i
ot Fr*0 U onlv maeblae that lifud faim from o'
SURPLUS, $26,000
l..r .b, p.,
advance or ntterly destroy prosperity.!
He said tbit Pwwldrnt Boost- tm, l»r 1. ■
ibe »ovHe then cook up a few state Issues |
,hnt a man sbouldn . erttorsblp of Mlchigaa
eivlgn people of the Hale,
~ -r.
and aUy discussed them for half ^ | nave hysterta In tsro tbiogs. religi-m
A Gcienl ButKlBrBaslimlMae
hour. devoUng about fifty mlaotre to'
Warner has ta-eo >r;^l plause.i
bis speech on national Issues.
Va.- an
tt'-iniiuu--l I I, ::nt Ibic- .t
The first topic be talked on wa» tbe j
lalurr done to tbe roral
S per Cell aiiovcfi a Hat iMfeUts.
through the stxalled '•primary r-'-;
for*"' as ta practiced In several cities
of tbe Stale. He died Muskegon as an
Very best of dental scrrice
example where the * nttre county tick­
only Tenth year of practice
et was made up from tbe city and sard
Plate ClasA. StMm Boiler and Accident InsuranceYo-.:r patronage aollclled. In
that no system sbuuld be advocated
New UoBson buUdiag. under K
wberefay tbe rural popataiion Is deuf P bail, on floor with Docker
prired of a place on the ttckei- Tbe
S' - liu<lc<-«> College and over
fanner has as good a right a* the cliy
■•Ir.K.-r (llhcv
man on the tickei. The city men had
gotten together aad agreed lu fill tbe
tickri aad the farmers were powerless
Room 310 New State Bank Building.
Traverse City
to ^voM It. He said It was not his i
leteniten to crHIriae primary reform,
On Real Estate.
but to nail ibe aUenUon of tbe people 1
to the fact that they should frame a I
law os to protect the IntoresU of all
people. He regarded It as fortunate!
that tbe legtalBtare had passed such s |
law for a few cities that U might see;
tbe defects and remedy then.'
He then alluded to the suteq>ec'.|
at a-d at w.ihrlsi Kv-'. Tmrvrw tTi j * a
that the sew aystem woaM do awaj- i
with tbe use of money aad told of bow |
You can bur is our Combination Syringe and Hot
one maa had spent 11400 for tbe nom-1
Water Boltles. with a ptaraniee for Two Yphts »n'l »
laatlon tor sberiS and then didn't get
priceofw,lt $1.50. The Red Cross .l-cs-h-f.t vou
it. K.ta a great evil because It cor
nipu tba electors oi the state. Under
the old eynem li was leas expensive
because a corrupt candidate had only
then to buy a eaucat aad now he must
bay all tbe people.
No syaiem I* wanted whereby tbt
Cltlxens phone 10L OfRca 40&.
Traveiac City. Mich.
Aij'f.rt E. Giaiicxskv, Manager
democrats can nominate weaklings on
rat City.'
Warns Csoatv Saak Bldg.. DSTEOIt New Wilhelm Block.
tbe republican ticket and in some
case* pay them to run that they may
defeat them. In that way they cod’.J
olUmately secure tbe control of tbwhole state. If the advice of certain
Detroit papers la followed.
He told of a county in Ohio where
the demoereu had gotten control In
W an kinds oi
this very manner, bow they had gone
Into tbe repabileaa booths aad nom­
inated imfit men. The people of Hleh- \
Do rooix ihin »are meorv every d*y they
tgan are aobeT. thinking people, bu; i.
are ulcd. They aUo iigbieti the homewite'a labors and keep the borne rberrtul.

est at

We Want to Sell

- ,


Ever>' family in this counix' one or more of our 5 gallon

Oil or Gasoline Cans
Maybe we can't dn thai. b.»: «f V"U are imer«-M< d vivt
us a chance to rihi'w you our Never hail Can. This
can is guaranteed. Take it home and use it: if it is
not satisfactor>-. bring it back and get your money.
There is n.ithing to get out of order—no funnel or
measure, no pump, no slop, drip or waste, no leak or
evaporation. It is verj' durable. It works by air pres­
sure. It is the best can in the world.
We also have a few Dinner Sets, composed of 'S)
pieces. They are bargains at StJ-oO. Every day arti­
cles, nicely decorated Cups. Plates. Bowls, Pitchers,
Meat Platters and Cake Plates.

!■« CASS Sts

IUA AAttC Allr^ttlargiietin ttoc^ Sprcial wagons and
WCiyVII9 made to order, promptly. Only the-ray best ma*

t«rtaJttied.aad fonyptarenteedmereTyre^mcL
That t« made to twe as-ell as mil They are

not made of dicap materisL and riven a flashy
finish to catch the eye; bm are dorable, CMSlortable, and nesL The cheapest on tbe markeL quality considered.
Once'need and yon will bof no other make.

126 state Street w Uictor Pctcrfyl.
Have you ev er tned the

Taas mn<i Goffmmm

J{o^a1 tiger
Tliey arc the best.



Canoed Corn
and Salmon

Soir -wily by



(OoaUBued li I Sad lYte.J
tke err ii raiMd that ■onebodr
StiWoBad tbM onglit dm to bate beaa.
XU Wanar So it? A little ttarr abemt
vMUsk atu oa as Imomm head
BtaaiBt forth load aBplaaae.
1 have DoUiw a*Ua»t F^rta,*
aaid Iba aanator. '•hot 1 wooldat rote
^ nr cw« IStbar if I hae* he
BIBBS’ Uadetataad, Perrti nrrer
a iBBVbBcBB. Ho haa rolad (or Crao
altm and all the Una that repnbU«aaa hare looftat acalnat (or rear*.
Tot ataae repablkaxi* flock
vUhoBt aar roaacm. Wanor beat the
Bnrt|Hit and do* H look* aa tboasb
tbn Saab* to boat him bocauao be
boat the maeblaa
RIatform la tb* Oalr PromI**.
The trst prlaciplea of the Bute

tat hlnaoU to make the cbancei aa dolitad aM auubc that if be wa* eJoct
W Boeaiwir be woald fo lato oecc
YKb ao pnwnl»e* to rodeem e«*pt
tbDoe made br the partr and iBoorpoed
aiod U the platform. Ho alao pledtod
blmaoU atalB U> carry oat asy pR
lau made by the patty In rog^
prInaiT refomi. la oonelndlnf

aalbtacinry primary refonn la* ami
Wantor voold bo olected by amajorlty
at ISiOOO becanae the people hare
abBOe et jaatioe and right and a mi
«Mi bo abaaod Into defeat In thU
aUte.. Thia atatcoient eanaod long apptaoao.
Natiaaal laauoa.
;Tba apoakor then aald that the ropebUeaa party had aclUed moat «no*alaeo It bad beat in power ainvo
IMt. The ooQDtry baa only boon in
Oio band* of the detnoerau two year*
to (hat time altbongh Ororer ClercIpd waa twleo elected. The demoparty cretaed more baroe In
(k|(t tbao'tlua the drU war
mm men.
' Today there are but throe laanea.
Ttoa denoeratic party oonoede* that
4|V«ry baa been abotlahed: that the
«fh)B la aared; that there i« one flag.
M tvn; that the pablle credit I* high:
1^ all the lYpnbUoaa party ha* done
tp.vdt done aad if It geu la power it
ehaage and' aelther wiU the retoOiUtaB party. If It eontinnea
thrwc tonnea of today are the
MS. earreacy and the qaci

The TarHT.
The-denDcrBlIe party aay* lhal profoctire tarlt is robbery. Tbe apeakrr
■aid that all who r«ed the
ticket Totad that protectlTe uilS
ndbbery. and that if that party war .
to' power It would take away the pro(action. Tbe demecrwUc party U for
free trade beo/ise prerlooi to Uncoln,
BO wortwen were hired, they
hBodit. n>e aonth waa the ____
0<blie party aad the north followed
aaH. The nonth waa Batnrally tor tree
tn^e benmae 1t waa a country of tree
li^. Ontton couM be grown there
aiMl cent to ftiglaad to be manatactatad. {Y^lou to the acceeilop
^ repabliean patty, there were
tactdrled eowh of the Uaaoa and Dltm Itae aad the (oreat echoed with the
My of the Mood booed In poraali of
the faglUrc etave. That labor
IfBiBr enlato bat (he party c
tflUh^ Althoogh the aouth la
tBi wlih nOU. It cannot got ovei
In* trade aenilmcnts. ,
He then aald that U It hadn't boa
tnir Cleeetohd* wlminlHratic
wIbM dtacaaa free trade, but it
•Meenary MW
the people i_____
bSfM It Bone aay that It coaU more
. -M lire MW than II did then. U.coH
done people nothing to lire under
Ctorelaad. Their meal* were *err^
tin (hen tree. The aonp was thin and
was acne conplalnt but it
ail there wa* araiUble. A maa *ho<il<i
be wflliag to pay a UiUo nore mw
stoee he kaow* that tbe worknaa an
lahar amd rewite bla Jimt reward,
tlnt-he eaa Hre.^that he caa oeetiiiy
henainhlch be baa paid for
oin oit bla labor.

S-' 1.

Beand Weney.
■~Tbe carrcacy tpaMtloa was
takea ep. Tbe earreacy duesUoo was
cKtoUat for forty yean oaUl Marrb
1»«0. when It was nettled by the
BdoBtioB of the gold etandard. Th-.
Benocrau (ought it to erery way and
the Bold Maadaid woald aerer have
been adopted bad it bM been for the
Boaad noMT denoenu.
Wbea the
akm (here was m na
totaananat. so th^ borrowed some
at 49 par eeai. There wa* nothlag to
hf 40Bd bat. to give aote. ao greeaMfBe ware issued. There wu one pebettarfly of thcM aotes, they pronlsed
to pay hut eei M time. The soldiers
ware paH to these notes and udd (hat
they naat mtc the gorerameni else
they weald aot get their noney. Tbr
•wn weat down to thirty cenu on
the daOar boi the ooidlers had faith
eaaagh to take the gre
hBM aad a nnaket la aaotber aad
•Sta tor (he Oalaa. Oraat dM iu
Ca»a du IL
WbM th* war was orer tha gorernniBt Md M«^ to pay. The
payamit wu etartod aad tnnedlataty
than was a great ctaanr «( a eoatracEhc enieauy. n

waatod nore groenbacka toaned but la to the ihraag of d
spite of deaoentfe protest, the issue are only waiting few such a chaacc.
wu Bton>ed. Tbe gorerameat then
Tbe contTorersy between tbe frlan
abotlahed the.state baaka with tbelr aad tbe people wu eetUed throogh
srtMeai andey aad oMaUlsbed a syw (be pope at Rome. Tbe frlan owned
IMS of aailoaal banks. The United 420.0M acre* of land Md the gorrruBtalea stood back of erery Mte;
ment bought all this except 104MI0
Then there arose a protest. Tbe aerta -for r7.£»,r>00. These laads be
dcaoctatic party waalod i ney that' long to the Pfallipplae gorentraent.
I M proialae to pay. Th^
Archbishop Hartley inspired by the
wanted 0 pay oCthe banda that bore progress made by the people nnder
iDUrwt with ootca that bore m inter-{ Aiaerteaa anperrlaloo.
Then when atlrer got to be feellag of security, says that
worth flftr ceau on the dollar they United Bute* will place the Christian
wanted free coiaage of atlrer. kaow- Malay oe the highest plane bai ihr
lag that tbe country would deMend to twk eaneot be abaadoaed bot must
tbe terel of Hexfoo aad other aUrcr be carried through to a trtumphaai
And yet. Parker aad his party
The rapuhlleaa party sought to
want to Ukc cacirol and compel th?
tabllsh the credit of ibc ntUon and United States to leave the PhllippInM
succeeded so well that tbe pnblie debt to ibeii fate.
can be funded at two per cent an<!
Maybe they wilt never want anythen recetre a premlam. Every dol- thing bat Amcrtcan rule, said Mr Burlar of goTertuncnl currency Is worth rows, bat for the present the flag wUI
It (ae« value In gold. Tbe demoeraU *uy up and we sill go on UrUae the
aay If the; are given power they will people to a higher plane and.a higher
retain the gold standard, but so will; civiliiatloD. iApplausc.1
the repabliean party.
i lie Closed by Bsylag tnai no mau
But It Is imposaible to forget bow | cau vote without answering one way
the democrats fought the guld stand-i or tbe other the. three questioas. He
ard or bow the rdte stood on March' said he wanted erery man on the re1& IMO. Out of over 400 .members | publican ticket elected. The leglslalocrau ture made a mistake In making it legs!
of the boose, last nino demoe
voted for the measure, while In the to shout deer Nov. 8. But tbe
senate there wu only one. The Park- Michigan mutt not falter in the crUU.
telegram will do DO good, the pco- they should excrcUc ihctr right of
pie are afraid of the party back of I fraurtiUe on that day; deer hunting, or
him. There U bat ooe party that will no deer hunting.
retaln the gold standard. .
-So let us send the whole ticket
along triumphant, let ns say lo RooseThe Phlllpplnea.
fell, wr suKiain yoa in U-sdlng us on. "
The Pblllpidae guestloa wu next
touched upon. ‘Hie Best speech Park­
er made after his BOffitnaiion wu one
criiiclilng the repabliean party for re­
taining the Philippines and saying
that the flag must come down. The
people mun be given treodiHa. the repablican party Is an opprenor aad Is
bolding the FUlpion u vassals.
Hpw did this coantry come to have
the Philippines* There was a wat
with Spain and this country did no:
arant (bo sovereignity of Uuba but
wnaied the Spaniard* to move out
The sorereignlty of Porto Rico and
the Philippines wu taken and Spain
wu paid In exchange f-(r
the miinons that counto' hud put i:i
improTemenU In her possessions. Of
«ooi«e the United BUies became ob­
ligated to govern theu islands.
la (he Pfatlippine group there ore
3.000 islands containing peo­
ple. 7.000,000 of which are Christian*
and COO.OOO pagan savages. Mncly
per cent ol these people arc ignorul
while only ten per cent arc Intelligent
aad laady to usltt In American rule.
The Islands contain 75,tKHi,oi>0 acres
on^- 0.000.000 of which have been sur­
veyed. The soli of tbe lands Is rich,
the mineral resoorce* arc wonderful
and tb^ forests sources of grcsi
wealth. The Unltod Btata* took pos­
session by force and queUed the re­
bellion then la force.
The flrtt government wu mlUtory
bat In IMO came a relsxatloa from

To Cure a CoM in One Day


omovy I

Don’t forget tike <^d man

»*ith the fish on his back.
For nearly thirty years he
has been traveling around the
world, and is still traveling,
bringing health and comfort
B-herever he goes.
To the consumptive he
brings the strength and flesh
he so much needs.
To all weak and sickly
children he gives -rich and
strengthening food.
To thin and pale persons
he gives now firm flesh and

We can give you a BARGAIN
in a Second-Hand


rich red Wood,

ChHdren who first saw the
jid man with tl»c fish are nt>w
grouTi up and have cluldrcn
(*f their own.
He stands'for Scott's Fmuldon of pure cod Jiver oil—a
dcliglilful food and a natural
i_i r n
nl. ,.niuc
th,, ,b.- b«d .bbuib I ■>>">'-; lor children.for oH foils
be rwomiwnscd. men if he had to pay!
for—all wlio need flesh and
o I-------I strcngin.
the damage htmscK.
lYesidcni J. L. Snyder, of M. A. C..
bu noUfled Clerk Busbnell, of ifan
Hotel Albion, (but be •ir.ild see that
AlbioD puH>1e were rulmimn-cd fur the
souds carried away b> M. A. C. siiidrtits lut Saturday. He wid (bat
never before had the students of that
, . , ^
Insiltutloo been guilty of such


incorporated with such .lesdlog Yp*t-1_
lunU edeeatoru u Pix-Kldcni Jonvs,' ’
Profs. IVOoRv.
Rubcri*. •

Jeffersun, Bowen and Mrs. Burton u; birds eouW am U- kllW at aay ilmrthe Incorporators. The object U to The quridion suggest* ihe thought
receive ud dispense funds for thc!ibai we think U« little of ihe*p<od
benefit of needy sindents at the norm-! ,nch birds acfomilUsh. A fanner tolrl
receatli bow ‘he came to changc
ilH mind about bird hhootlag. H<
yrongbt in three quail and upon dre*.-ng them foond In Just one caw tb<
'etnalns of over four hundred cinch
lug^: He cleanifil up hl» pin ami
'lun’l shot n liiM hinc.—tU.
FZdwin Goldbiirii. a SbBke.-.pearm:.
•4-boIar and addicted to whisky, wot
icnteneed to the Muskegon county
lall for being on hol>i.nial drunkard.
Saturda.v. Mooday and Tuesday hi
was fined for being drunk and Tbiu>Jay. when he made his fourth appearmre. he wav sent to Jail- He made
X dramatic plea for clemency, quot­
ing Shakeepeore. and held ihe and!
tors eiiellboiiad as he demiunre,!
of which Taft of Ohio wu the head mefuye?"ff nJvwSry tHtej
liquor In all its forms. He claim* he
aad Brewster of Hlehlgaa a member.
WOE for three years iirofesnur of Ly
wu aplb ’uted. They t
a bed. hrsty W-Vartw. gieao at Yale.
Uloads ud had been there bni a short ^ pais sod
Last vrirter several North Lansing
tslM. .
Ubk When. In IMO. T
I* Curv- riiird ids business men formed a comiiaiiy t<
ley appointed three Pltiptnoa to
lu aiKu.
coaipIL-tciy. ii.v\Aititp.ilDiulel.>i.V-"
It. WATEIu:. ill
raise beets for the l,an*lng sugar fsc
seno on the commission, Today I DmgrM*-A-k f.-MVw*
tory. Forty acres were engag'd anorder exists In thlrty-flvc provinces.
the delivery of the prudurt shows r
Then the government took the cen
vield of mlKiut ten tuns to the acre
*u. Next It fixed the sutni of a:
which eanoui but prove profliabU-.
voter. Ihe quallllcations being full)
blooded Plllplous -lwcnly4wo year* o.' j
age. then they wire allowcil to elect
ihclr 0*0 gutcramcni. In thirty
Are proTlnoos every oIBcar is a Fill
Pino, lo »82 smaller munlcipalitkevery oQce bolder, about 12.000. U a
Filipino. Then a’Tgislotiirc wu cleri
cd cooBlsiing of mtplnos and a sen
ate half Filipinos and Aatericus.






Is ThU OpprauUn?
ThU U the tyranay that the dem«
cmtlc party ducUrcs must eeos<.
When the United State* started to
govera the Uloads. a large army wa.
aoccuafr. now but IMHM men arc
ncccaury to retain order. The nx
lives bave been cstsblUbcd Into eon
itobulory and poUev the UUods. Fir
teen Jsdiclal dUtrlct have been formci:
and ten member* td thepuprvme coun
cbosca. seven Amivlean and three In
telllgent Ptllplnos. Etery case of rcertain magnitude lu on Inferior eou.-i
con be carried to the supreme court o:
the Island and from there to the e ■
preme court of the United States.
Every man entering olBce must pOKa civil service examination and li.
event he hu the some grade u ai<
American, a FUiplno U given the pref
ercncc. There arc l.Onc American
teachers In the Philippines who hsv.tanghi :.00U Filipino teacher*. Thor,
arc 2.000 primary aehgols. thlny-elgl)i
High BChooU. a manual training nchou.
and a normal school ,on the tslondf
There arc 10.000 old and young atteadiag Bight school to learn the Bsgllsli
longuagv- In 1M3 tb^ were 184.000
pnplU enrolled aad la 1M4. 2c:!.oofi.
Banks have been establUbed. over
iOO postofltoes are In operation oaJ
the city of MaalU hu free deUven
aad pTsry moll carrier U a PUlpIno
Tbe isUada ore coaoeeted by the tei
egrapb and ihU la turn cocaccu with
the great pacifle cable. IsibUtyroa-l
ay. U thU oppresofcm? Tet the demo-



Onr tleguiai
work* of art.


b. i

■■ IkV '-

Capvright I9©4 by
Hsrt SchoHner

ties. They are 42 lo 44 Ineh.-s
long, for DK-D of medium
size. on |>cr cent of all
fine Overcoats arc "Regu­
lars"—thdlrs Is tbe true ponulsrily.
The medium overcoat U
suitable tor all occasions.

irsa FuUBozy,
ComforUMe Leneth
reaching Just Ik-Iuw the
knees. It's rao'le in black
chevloto. oxfurds, smuutb
kcncys. rough fricxes aad
worm toned meltons- The
. price* arc os varied o« too

From $5 to $35



« pleBsant. potent, and penmaneot fatvigorator for WOM£N. and MEN.
--------------GET IT raOM Totm druggist.






l- rom $1.00 to $:L00 on your winter cloak or from $3.00 lo
Sri.tiO on your new suit of clothes? It you do, it will pay you
to examine our larjje stock. Our goods show for themselves
values that can not he equalled for the money
for which they are offered.


is the ver>-best. The best fitting Suits and Overcoats you
can buy. We can save you money on eiiher.

Did You Ever Wear
Staley’s Underwear?
If not. buy >-our winter's supply from us and you will
be more than pleased.

arriving daily. Ladies, don’t ^iss seeing our line be­
fore you buy.

A Few Specials at S2.10
and $4.25



PAOe 4

•UaNM EpWrmic Ch«riud.
[ Ttipr «crp <fc<- reeipletiii at tnan>
t>nrtBK tbP
sanifa tb«re tM>c bct Jiifu] prcMDU in altrerYirc. rlilr.s
bi«B rrporteid «o «bc beslib oBcer. Dr 1 and bouso fuml»htn*K.
iM^ion. ■!>«« <*c huDdiwt <*■« ol; Or. And Mr*. Hntl ot BcllMr.-. AlK i.
eudUsicNW dlMUOC, the vooth belfis|Tbomu and Mr<. Tb<mia». ou>th<-r <>;
Ute vcni Uwl Ibc dtr baa mcs in > tbe bride also alieodlnc from milsiri
aone ran. Tbe priadb*’
ol | and Mr*. Guy C. Drrs of Grand IU|>
tbe larse mnnlier was neailM. The Id*.
Masto* tbli rear are ncrt tbe senerally I Sir. and Mr*. Hormi will
is more dane:«roQS to yosr life than tbs drink. ooceIdb
light form but an- ib.- old fa*bl«»ncd ^ bon*ekfe|.inK at «mre In U>-jr Ji-.v
or morphine babiu. for It soon ends In C<
-red meaiKt' and arc asually «uUe , bone.
Pnsomonia and Deatb. Save yon|«elf from these
actere. The health autborille*.- h)
awful results of Cougrhs and Colds, by taking
dlni of hard work, hare at la« gotten j Mist Ida Mac Whitney and WilUa-..
Uie »|>per band and U I* believed thtl | Tayhir were mimed ai the psr«.t;atc
^ farther ooibreak U past- ‘ by Rev. Thoma« Cox of ihc Flr*i Meih
However; tbe reporlln* of all ca»e«; odist chsreh W. dnwtla'. On. 2C. Mr
ibat they mar be <|tiatSBtln«d and j Tay lor Is an employe <rf tbe plumbltu:
Baatiary meaave* uKen It absolutely j (li?partmeni of tlic Hannah A Lay Met
ioantlle compsn;.. HU bride U a r^’P'
Tbere arc a fc* ca»n "t Dl'hoH j lar ymag iadj *-Uh many fricadr Tbfever In the dly. also'acariet fever, i happy eonplc — —- •
At prceeni there are *ve case* ol j their, nicely funnsbcl flat-over
attaUpux. two belnR la the peel hooit Carter undr-iuWiig parlor* t
and the frtber ihrw being
of (bi-tr friend* saibeio
"SltUng by Hy Wife's B4>d
borer aud parP-^l- ol a
writes F. G. Hnntley. of Oaklanden. Ind.. "I read about
Hard FMi^M SoiL
wttldiOR *«i.pi-r.
Dr. King’s New DftooTery. She had got a frightful
Korthi»rt. Mich.. Ort at.-Jac«b
chronic cough, whidi three doctors felled to relieve.
Van Atu brought a civil lult agalnn)
Bees to Kinfr'erAfter taldng two bottles she was perfectly cured, and
, John C. Wank yesterday before Jos-; The O. H. A 1. do|n»t |^r.•^.;.l.•d
today she is well and strong.''
Hce Weston to reocrer about S3U0 due ! lively appcaninrc on Sniuruny a*
him la iwk aad labor performed for twcniytOx lady “bcis" trrarrow!
Plank SI hU resort on South ('bx; aronml the tieket office in tlir brst
islaad. George H. Cros* of TraTsrse *tart off of the day's enjoyment. They
CUy BMn^ aliornay for the complain- acre mom berg of the Trev
■ iKiMnd f-T
«ni and C\ 1*. Dayton of la-laml for the bln-.
Tbe case occupied the alten- Klngvk-y. rhi-rc th<-y were piriiltr’y
- IIOB of the court for an all-day setston sure a banquet a«alu-d them fr"m tht
and cvptdBg as veil, sot doting until KlngsR-y hive undcT whoso lavilaiioti
the trip wa* taken. Th*^ foIii.wInB __________
10 o’clock last sight b number of
IstSDd retldenU btdog auineesod ,by fodlcs wi'rc in the party: Mcsdamc^l-------------AflCT a f.umiituou* Liisner -crve.1 :::
ivw uakimsn rouatry
(be defense. WllUain WilAm and TUsekt-r. Hammond. Baumbangh. Col.Wilcox. -Gardner. Ashton. Hcigo-.Uhvrc fabulon. . talcs -si-rc told : ' tbe homv «r ihu- brldi-'* ^laruiits. Mr
, Loulg Anw of the' llShl boustf betug
Cadham. ThompWnf. BrUtol. Jarol<“i »*:alil‘ aud opporumiUca awolicd all aud Mrs. iVrkins i.-n fur tlii-'.r pretty
hiimc on Ktisc street in Trav«-r>i-Cltj
'"^^rwas tried without a Jury! wn.” Mdllellatiti.-l.a’nlle. McMIrhaol.^bu cntirci the wide p-jrtnU o.'
will-re th--y will be "at bumc” to tboir
and JiBtk« Wesum will fake until I: nils*. Ebaor. Yo-j1.<t. Ra»cl. Kelly.] door'.
O’clock Monday to render bis deeJstoa. I Jarvis, loocks. Lcutpcr, Cawle Mon-; ,AmoDg these were Mr. and Mi' fricndc after .Nov. I,


The Cougli Habit CASTORIA



Dm Dmt Dim ReiM

nreflad . -

The Kind Too Hare Alwny* Bought, and whick luw beem
u, WPMI. MV>
for over «ev
30 y«3
YeArs, has borne the wlgnatcre of
-» aaad has been aiadc nndcr his per­
sonal supervision since it* iufan^.
Allow no one todrcelve yon In this.
All CwnoteiTeits, Imitations and“Just-.asriroo(l”ar* but
KipcrlmcnU that trifle with nod endaoirrr the health of
iiifanta and Children—Experience apainst Exp(^rhucnt•

a fikm
------------------.'Ir, PliWSiat •*
I nil-t wuu.
tvt the tWiiiy. . ..Ml Lann'-t.
U«net,.f ihuBtatr.mW
( me tlotmt—.4 AB-ri
nivw*.'. KsUmmAm. Imm^.bu


(VauiO «>iMr*eyBrMM«reroramn
carMeyBr mM •« ~

Oastorin i* a barmlcsa inibatitiite for Ca.*tor OH. PareKoric, Ikrop* aud Soothing Sj-rups. It i» I’k-aMOut. It
contains neUber^Opiam. Slorphinc nor other Marvntic
Its aco is its guarantee. It dcf.lro.rK WnrttM
and allays FererUtincaa It c-nrea Dh
CoUc. It relieves Teething Tronbies, «iires CouKtipaUun
aad Flauileocr. It aaslmllates tbe Food, rrgulateti tho
Mtomarb and Bowels, giving healthy und uaUiral rloop.
The Cbildren's Panaoesv-The Mother's Friend.


kj Hv-hiauL. smrtMBth JaOr

tytiU <3»BBly*3oiail1 TrSTOTw, is

il 5sr~ «««- uv
g (bat (IM- 0^4

} Bean the Signaturt of

. «>.. iwMKbs (tMi ibM 4aM* «( UtM


S. E. Wait & Sons and Johnson Drug Co.

Mr Van Atu presostod no witnesses j iw.-. Mi-rc> Honnw and Ml** Seiiccal.
> (or tala case.
Narrow Eseap<t From Death.
During ihr foot liall i^uBc Frida.,
Three October WeMini
y hhadJ a narrow i
I, Cbaflef
, _ Daily ...
A ..r. pmtr warn uok .1... I



• Min Mini. EllaMU. Sn..bMl
uUiiMto ».,il«.UMor..Dl-.l». .1

n™ •


*> “ *•’

-»c»! "«■
•™"«l "f.

»;» oclocK tbe

ib.t H

. MrMb. ol-Hm ..a Flowor.,-plbioa i ““""“t
by Mb. Gr«y H««ilnys, Mooubcoa “o-.a.
tb. bibUI ibrty «na Ibo briac. lebbloc!
Ob lb. b™ I. b-.r nibor, J. T. Sbo j


. (he flower bearer and attended
by her bridesmaid. Miss Marion Snu-



Innd t-imc*. there were fciuml jur-t 1*1

n- on

i>/oEeeau>r Ward



his address to Uie Jury and tbe lakiiiv

tbe <ll*cvmfort-> iH Iholr craniin,-d qiiar

of ctliloacL- was eommenn-d.


IlnaHy lamling

harbor alter untold

in Nttu


(Ui- vc-ise) going on her 4»Tilu-a* reuu

onder in such a msxnej- iitai a strain |

Uvcrlanil by train the furrlgn band

wo* fnii on the ligament the same as'l (raveiad lu C-faicago. arriving there o.*i




Rtxi»-» en Is to y,

» ‘-hi '•’tor-


znuralnc he m-eivedI a [ire^mt Inin
-.’arh .If the children an.l Mrs. Roo*.
i i-i: au<l mc-ssagcj ol coagrainlaUom

**Tb-«miMia II o iwSeml. tbol PrUoy. tlw lltb

mail and a-irc fr»ita all over Ih.


Fretty Did Mitalon. Weddihg.
I Old'yl-Mieu MUii . «)ri Sk .A v.i r.
'(ircfiy au'uirm .^'.'iMlnK was Ailemn: fred Jicri- Oel. 2r- when Charlr* Chau•B.qg Perkins of.TniwrKe City bIxI
Mi>- MjTtl.r T.uui.l:in* of Olll Jdkri.te
were nulled In itie holy Ixindsur ma:riniouy. .Til.- ctT.moitj look plare In
iltie Klrsl" f.oigregclloual church alM
1 wa* wltne*.'>-d by a large nonilu-r of
; invH.-tl gliesls.
i Til'- church «a* lu-auiitully deriiriait-O In autumn leaves, the colnr* of
;n»a»ei. rrfRoon and gold lending a
: ftrtive air qiilie In keeping with tb«
|o<^luc. ITinuptlr a<
o'riock, the
m 'finir apiHTintPd lor tho ccremi.ny, te
rir*d“* of Neodelrsohn'* wedding

After Uic twremoBj dainty refrwji
■K-DU srerv serrod of brick lee crraai.
areorud cake, ooffee aad aatted a:
bnHida. Abimt' aeveaty guesu . were
errrvnt. Mbs Mandc Uagadorn war
V A_____»
- Btsiraas w( -cerenonlcfi and Frank
M * WZT u* , c
' Willard rrtedrich uihVr.
Mr& DUIlOrtil, of St. Joseph^ man-h pla.csl by sir* Cummlne*. th ■
•. The happy itHipk- Were (he rtwipieni Mklu, tdls how she was cured luldal lany miteh. .l u. ilH- ait,r. ih<
• pf ottmereu* inxwcBt* In cm glas*. wlof felBrif of the womb and its '
'"'‘'’F Flven awa. by her father
werwarv, liand paUiinl rbinw bric-a
r and (able napticry as well as
h fr-i
byLydia E.
ataniiat gifts la house
whieli lr;bg i u.-dding I
Mr. and Mr*. Pklgc -rettl. be --ti rCoO^Od.
* anil T
i-^ at *ui SIj

• her atreogthb fading awgysBd she hi* • «>1 while- figured villc and «h.

accompaojiiiK pahn and misery
by Lydia E. Pinkham'sVesctable


' So bopea of ever Itcio; rc.Uored. Sorii

a bnuqnet

ol bride'



1^ Redneriav.cTralng, Ort- «. l>.^^j„-^.^,i,j^„^,'f„Ulngoftho :a»t. lim.v drraaed in a hindeunu
Rev. Dean* C.r-hlln. the eoatractlu!., wonilj. The word* aoutd.-ri like a gaa-tk-s-’wn. The iwii man wa*
twntra bring Dutmld S Morgan w-l'
Keuliln-rry. Tbe impr,f.‘ve
MIS* Ctrie Thu^
Tho happy toople won- married H; ijtrairrilifes H rratorodthelorifarrea kuj trf'Ki-cki-k. Iowa taih-r ot
their own borne. |2I Sixth t-tn-ei. aoi.- , ssd built ae ap nntil mpEcxx] hralt'.i i-r-om aoiried b
ihe tmmedlaie rriatltw and a few irto,mt- For (our.mouLu I ..... Dr- Ix-Ruy „
War:i-.-r uffic‘aie-1
____ ____________
ThP bride was ■Imply (towned-m thonkfaKerthehelpIobUlnedUi
of bride I'reac*.- She was •lu-nded b- - -------•<°•!€*» t«liB snamy
(“Twac GtbwB. wbii *w» gowned ‘n : M-’—t«f-wwr(oreres .IWatre*. the be*t man being -PBEE MEDICAL ^VICi:
. the bridce bTWbri. Alien Thomre.
Women wqSdMTe time niul
> Carnatltm* were used pnifiuriy lu moefa sicknroa If they would
Afiw the esremoBj drii Write WM-

A treat 4US3J gift' .4 chlua.
gi»,. lUvrr aS4 ilcrii «-«c re;. l
l.v Ihv bride -.\ftcr the reremir.y.
g-4c<i* B.rv ii-orired b.v.tte tride
grorim. maid of honor shd bc«t s
Ml*. Perkin* ha* lived h.-r ert\r.
at Old MUaloe where »h> w!l! I ro
mia-od In tnniirt! , rlr!-:«-f
frit-rd* arc nnmbcn-d ticly li.v hir *

-lent, ef ia-a- ,aV. ~if. “ «»*» «

yrr. wsfiira smi whed aiBMmii* siw-jMit UtoBjuuMl* u( woncre «M ttiM i >imBE Uurin.-a. man -r 'mi.-t v- r<i<


. .ri»tit»adM.recwer7.

Ui:h h-t* of


A* a result tJi.- faaniture

l.i-luggiBg* iB tl>l* hulvJ


BuW lii-i:

ii-l in JI-il
-aoebuau *au

with' I

pjDdouvi er..;:

- i-i.-iur.





Vhtf are your friends sayinR
about you? Thai your sriy
hair makes you look o!d1
And yet, you are not fc
PoFiponc this looking

Hair Vigor
Use Ayer’s Hair \'i£or and
restore to your gray hair all
deep, dark, rich color of
early life. Then be sarished.


Dark Hair

of (IibM TrsvMrw, m.
.4 111. Prulato Ouan (W Uc
UI Trer.-rTrar.-r- . boldrr Ml
at ibe
ike P*oih. IK. -r TnvWB* Ony.ea

_______ VB-dSllaa ike peUltoaSBlp W
. ivf Uru^ H Owew. psymt^siBB^BlSre


day lu l.eniine the
imu. whuRi

; I iKUKu-NTAYSur MiumoAir

o'./l.'. t>. I.- iol.llii;*o
> r»-- U-1
U-eild. . i*B.pM|.
and riivi
.-BlMllnr la Miwl
t>el>brwli>« I
• orb a ei-k r.


r-ilminating in -Mia*



Twmwiew I.__________
dsy <4 Nmmtmr/A.O.

''■"■(»PllIt«rK W




CaistDiitlODalAniUnigls Killn


r-ih.- Ie-,-»l V..:rt- ■■! i.raud Tnvmo < «>iu
that ti-T» will
..I ti, I>*.u,ar V.,1. IB >--4r <.hibI< b- : Brerr l-> U- BuUiah.U IB tkr Oraa< Waiwea
li.o»d e.ruilirair
> MB ■» •
o*(Mi*rrii Mild lit..‘V
iOkK A.
a CGU! It lU Lo-l
qutk:yCCMID Balm i> piarrd laia Ibe IwatrlU. fpmii
■wa tbe BWtt’itBoe *"4lUiedsuu•rdii-aaritcB(*Ie:»'V li Is bo( do>a:nuDneMU
. produce
«‘"S- la.-ge *
irrw. wade IMI The 7lh day <4 jjlilikw. A.
Artirl- F-ur^Uj"
or by »»:l: Trial Isie, ;i
MM (-W iBunlha (CM tkal doU WBra
SLY BBOmBUS, ii Wanea 8a»el.Re* To*.

Is all 1» SU--1 Uow
Aoo'.J b« ctouJJif'L.

Dyf| Cream Balm





QTATfi cif SU-HIGAS-1IIK rib iHATi;: IT."ui^ iStr.uiT.r*^Jilw! J'W
0. . f«»r1 (-r

............ ......





,Bnil(hBi .oelietaUBeBiU !• hau4


(4aaMli> Mi­
llI I. onl. t,*! Ibal
Ibal the I*m il»j • t S-c-m
1. -f.
A - U '.'.•■I.
■-'••‘1.MM !1! D -Vl-.'k u> IB- t.a.
pxjn.Ml Mi.-t l-riAat.

n.--i-a1M u: a .-.i-y
eq.y „i
thta iit4>-r. Ter tbn.- fu—anv* ir..-li. )>n-rl»u>
tnaaida«v-t bnarliia. Ill tba Oiw^ rr»v.-i-ia
Ha»»ld.B u«asia|»riT.iii«l»ada(rBUxoOlB tll-.I-*i.4
_____ a


«. & N. L TW URD

.«i flU iliai th.
Ii-.I ar-«<l-lit I.I th>
""•*:- I>-rar:g.v
A |; Lv
L» 2

nr K;£r3S33.'Vi;.-",.»,
<3 41

lulr (

.-h.iXui J»,


>iinB->-'4 «i4 iWmdBBt, i
' -MTetB-ilblnfevr;
I. --Mer and lilt
...............1^ III. aaa<r<4 lu I
I r.leU in .aia •■auw UilM- lieT.«4 1- If- —f»FVt OIMiai ;

Kmptra. na K * K g..
Intarb-rk '


-.'“i’Jhi.A;! •S“:

b1?!'J-rr>r. o... «|»l
"I .',r




It *ir»IVr

rta'i* tb»eimi..amaBt-BU—a,«<py <4 Ibw a
Ar.r I- If- pta> in Ik, Uraiad lYBian

Nm*.- w
Ba-u-4-4ibr1ia« 1!1-fi
to Irak- ftnal t-rv 4 In


30R* A.;^^

w-rnivbiDi <4 B r.*.; ..tIKkI lill. anil nolicr
(4lbi'(irder. bb-1 tb«i ui dHenli Ih-o-uf, >u«
ULen B> •xmfroM.l l-y Uw ->buI uob no>Sial<WlH*lBBt.
AlMiltl. fllOh.T

from ihv! *1

.nghlj iBallcriul <.u r Rll -IVnidSb
viritiliy.—Elk Kaiiiub Pii^. .x '
liecauiw he mi:k.s! a enw tl-.a- I- ■
kinge-l t» IiIk iii-lgblmr. Char:- - Hyd< .
72 yi-trs •'wa* gifii :*u day - in Hic
euiiDty Jai: l-y Juvlici tv,:’.i-r. -.f llej
fl|v. ;n>ik-JuailfirJ hi* ae; !» fOylng
lliat th'c-fiw hart l.ruU-B Ir.Ui bi - Inrn.
rupeau-dly acil lisd ■'.araaced l.i* v--g
ciablc - crup. He ru iia Jiivf rulk-vl
damage*, had 'n-> innn< y ii> w

-It >

i K3^’rri'!sa'a,«5if€?

cDicring from the

gua fern araa.ailtl foribn- UauUfied
' ^ the laUc araagareimis and denw
aUoaa. Mlde white aatla iMtnds wer
caught (Toni the chandelier nbine i
the tnMe bcocaih and held In plsre
with a single while caraatlou. whi:.a green h(«ri. twined in asparagus
- (era was snapendnl from (he ebao.kIks- orar the table wiih Jt» Ih>w| .>(
while csrnailofls tor a cvoUt pkt-c. all
. mahlni a boaotlful and artiiilc a*-

^ r

a Catib- t n-i-K *:..rc He claJuu-d hv j
I ill and unable to work. hU
vie UikDilkurUiAl
lug swolK-a out <>r abaiK’. and rirasMhr
IMarsnr, to !•- miernt hervta. (HIMb Isar ibe«i«>>-<>> Ihi*Orn.r.SBdlaraw
lu «t«al lb.- pbeew to rain- *4
iMia at»e.«rBBnM (liMi b* cwow bUMBMaer (o
- his *iipf<iin.
Having nu lbrn>ar-lMnMBr«>*lle(
lbrniB|>UjllMBr«>*lle( e.-cBi>Uuitb>be
enCBoUuit b> b* nUO.
BBdBCMI} Uiem-flol—
Ibem-r lot- arriKl
MrrTKl -B
Bold rtm
.. |iay 111* flue of (It he went pUUiBBlkMelu-iKir. viiblii jaeiK. lUl* bOmt

hall attsredod by hU U-»i maa Jullu*

Puca. wet (he bride at the altar aad

vgas 3

e nf Midi
. (or U>

f.— Hyde, whu
.If land. r.-k-a»-.l
Albert Roy wa* M-cleneMl to
in ihi- rouBJy Jail yefi.-rday

Tbe team ptlud npj Cbri*lc<-s day wittiiiui work, rntmey

----------------------------------. ‘-insnasc
make th<-ir
o;i tupol the Urn
N. K York. Oct. rT. Tb.- Kiil.was rrk-a«ed.
Bccnnil* brture li
waati known.
wiii'-h ru*l i:*...**...**! wa* forni-.ll.
ihimgh KUfleriag i-ut a little,
In siK-aking of ihe uiiuer that ful- ip;-n.*l for traffic at 2 o'chirt. il.-:
tbe bwoilfal Episcopal ring service
alterm-ui by M.-iytir
■ At the-esd of the half, he
peiiiilu, who talk of hardtbiiis lu th:> run:. Utider New Yorl; sln-el for twwi
I. RfV. Charica T, Stovi pc;
to go on and WVUlrt- was sabsli land of plenty know nothing aliout It. :.-!|:n-<- miles aud under East river i«
(arming the ccremuny. the bride being
luted. Medical atientiun wa* secure, ami suffering, wom. banger and eutd OnviVlya. Oae tnndn-d and iwcmy
given any by her father.
pronuonced a very ; all walked slik- by sloe with tbe htin five livt.'S were sacrificed' beton- lk<
Bbo was bMotUolD euvnod in white and the inji
r white silk, with duchcsi lace narrow escape. Altbongh (he bun ■< | Me little family groups thro'Jgh thv !ia>krinkiHR wa* complctc-tl.
«rri««J a ahower bouquet of I
'** “"’•‘l'”
P*”'' !‘““S-tlrvau-y wnUT of mi.5 Uut a*
krMs'araais she wore no ornamcniv. j
'*•'““'Wag in thU world can UM. c*
New Botlntss Firm,
pcclaliy iliureas In n aiuolrj of *ncd
Ac.oihia- ww firm M-saw l-u*iii< «>
Hw lrta.amMd <ru r-AlM h,
j »» »«1aE 1«J«T-.W ™raH.
wonderful resource*, the little baud |„. Hiy la-l w.-ek. Co-iU A Vni;
aUk mall and carried white ebrysan-!
of tli- m-w lirm are
thomuBh. while the little flower girl.,
iTed Grand Traw-rre bay «n their j;. o.xik and D. i- aad ih.Drilgbl Stwycr. wa* dainty and win" llh tbe ptuslng of
Anna Lada,
enilid tflling expuJlIlun on the TeU- | cstma ,1* 4|ii Wcsi Front etreet.
aome Is white ponlan Mwn.
grai* (wv. y.*srK after leaving Ihrii I i,;riuiinB fonnerlj ocHpled by J’.-li r
Tbe parlor was a bower of'Vi P»"tn«r nlilers at thL« rHy,
1..1....... with
«i.t. bis
-.1. clear facinry.
Kurvlral of (be Uit'c ■•and
ciolber eountry. -Mr.
tbe mantle befon- which the bappv |
vHh thPir family, i-ml
■Ih 'mclulK-ra ..f the'tinn arv
CDupkc aluod being banked with potted' came froni nuhemla in IST-l, la gon
lUnHom ofrinud .m the tuiiUi •
-irunt in the l-urinevs And will
palres. <deltcate asparagtw (era. re^ cacopi Traktip Kysvika. who war
" lad of ten y«rs w-ben he ranne hwe Jn , tana.
'le-llf 1^: *iirre**fiil.
Uctod with American Hcauty
I IBgII M* parml*.
1 (la Tliar*<lay
and canailoiu.
Tin- Hirtel Klver»» a vari.-i
f..::i ral . look plan- ai St.
Thceotorachomcolthc llbrao a-asi
•xjn rt. nrv' of fire year*, during w in- j
ted. tbe etamWler bring btavy with ‘^s rounty wa* a wlld.-mcss, that. •iiun-h and that chbplcr .if-p
tta- li had four dlfr-r;‘3t propririor
cloeed wl’h
wkb bat onr itn> n-.-natnAatg> crlBmon ctnsiercd bar berries bcird but tliile else (ban (hr rllppiogii. clon'd
ia«'■•et-B pcrniamnitiv rioaed. Moi,
ud ibc walls and arehawy (airly hid­ Botind of tiin woodsman•* ax, aeveVn! i Mg «t the Uml «*f, that fifly.i
lay »ad’T«u-Mlay .d ibi. week a Trc-.tiip
den with autonn foliage in ciimsun
-. fit.- aiuni<uii-.r «--'il the fiinii-i.(Ulned
;-ee1«1agv Tho dlnUtg room, with U-*
:-r,. ,-i It:..
3< aueilen to eail.-::c ie.'l hi-r.;.
gma rapes of evergreen, and (ho
!.-- iu..r:eBu.*, Mr. r*Of-r.m;...l Trad In drilCDie aspart. the gnxxn

In Use For Over SO Years

ri^tBC and nu^ lb- i-rtluea Only vsH-

urs ilci-p down in the hull of the frail

fall his neck wa* turoeil; <t> Australia,

c::crieA: by a icvtrr.


Condensed Telegrams.

l>craoD*. .who lor fllly<wo day* braved

n hetug


Tlie Kind You HaYO Always Bought

load of

•‘'*=" b, ...


Grand lUpld*. Mich-, On. 2C.—Tb-

human J;;ry for the i’.-rry bribery cas - hs;
lr>-lgbt wa.-i rounded iiji on the .nmait l«-cn finally securetl. twelv. men beUi'
tubse! Gnu*
Herrxigm. at bwurn In at the t»i>enir.K tif Supi riu;
Shortly l>cfi>'Crt-meo llavco, after leaving th<lr in- niun Ibis morning

iKM-tn craft.


ahall. slowlr enicred Die parlor from
lh»- library, preceded by Delight Saw-

(he liitu* tun at the lender age of lu

<*'-■ '■"*

So n*!.™ ->«. 'I-'Ir-«•
yi- o'""”?

n>HetUd iwM t^taansarehM
p.- IB fBcb w*-'k tiW a* wares la
.oaUBliS W. <

JuMph Luua iMr:, Anna l.atla) an-l
Ihi- parents of I’nikop Ky-GX-lka wlL.


- (VMXiiy «S Ufud ^ov-



- -

Tri—Mirr. i
e ttaOUHLi

iba F-ri-iFF-4ae
• Fa|.T rf Ikui.
XM. !ki><b4<i>aa


t E N.U .-I W
t'irruill-dwtr«<u.»tMm>F,.B.Bdt»F GRAND RAPIDS I INDIANA RY.
Ht liauralla.................
Ic-1«»1B< W«B-—.«
111. -c-e-in i-Mia r-u-lcB'e npciB a»d -r
•4-aid laixS,-.'IT., Oiart.- e
iwtwa- adfuL'TiJT.TJ^LTt“*F tugar
i« tSret *• wUy. Sre»- »■ tm
o.yjaiid ein-b. all -A liaI1.LW Ua.K
CBBil Itbi«» f-.-.Bty Ml- 1
■ «I ai-ti e-Mil 1- I--<'iai«-y.arVi a m.IB b-f-TrBT-YF-ClI. -iwi IlkgW WU
.«Fitb iv-rrhaiFlaBn.l^i.WBaBriJ.Wj^.

-rUaj.tftrCmAi—. ..
___—rT-i1 BlB* buBUrad BMl t--c..
pTFarat. 2«kii A.L>nng.c. JadgPtvtm
Ir. iba maiw -•( tb- aatat. <4 CdiB-aul
tw'raartmgaiidSlU-.cUiaP^ilieB.dtijT T*
,«S.i/K-::i- M |y-Ai.--aa.
.iai|-«iai Mid -aretci
UFllBf or M- ett-r .u.ta-lr
r.4aiu* l.c till- pe.'-.-r-<^ ■*■ tlaiM-ii
na*F aial pr--iida4

Ui aptaor at a


FWat. J<*» A Jy-rmage.. Judg-.g Prmoi.-

P« •«»■

. . _____
aiaiap. m
Ounodiaaaad ah»f tk< lFun,«i.46ly Tirt - Tralii arn,—Itnre cawwacnng
U*. (nrea
Bad. c4 Tborea* MaireF4t, iobfibc ikal a r>e | at II4UB u
Iv^-raadwear> at WbU,* (or swtb
and Ikal lotar. -4 ad ..mi.-fBU-y.


of -aal <-..■^'1, «fa»a lo ,,,



-aid —


at ft., ITolAt.
.«•» I :;..a-v; ^
.. '-.nW -nread. Ikat .red paU^. ' AB.-1 ‘!i !• (ar-h-r -o-mfcI. (hat reid pni
Ff giro ti'.'Ur. U. UlF )—raw- talar—
UoiMV girr B>«^ V-Uir bit.- at lav awl r-v
wt-l.-iai* -4 lb-- i-t4lF»ry af wid §.
MW IH FM--d iB «1'I '«tala-4 tbe wadowy
atyl IB- b-anng tbe. 4. hy aBaaga r
•4 -FTi t—iilinri, aiFl ibr baariBd twP.-4, b)
art.j.F U ih»..Jar*»-la-piiid>aWla
r-tr Kmli. a Baaafapar rnsiMl Bad Mr
FBUtMl m laidniitaiTtf Onod T.anM.f e
.1 aw! Fi.rBlatF^ >B


Traaaa Ua»» Trara

T<ii*da.'SS^*>riMd.4aia ».'u fii'a iB:
ntfSifrtu aiid Ptk^y. 1 a ».
E—OW **-> Tiwa^iOM.

. B.r «!«i-iiwA*.re.





Hat^atiam «/ Tka
lUtr^ fam§ Fib tanbm
I wtil try n«v«r t« worry <
1 will try to S* M MpRT »* •
M for w I wn.
1 «*ni try to M lovInB htipful
ins fctiid to ovory^oay ond to
Ovory ihrlng thlnf.

If I ovor foil In trying to do
thooo tUlngA i will Try. try

RrooWofit Mr*- M. E. C. Rotoo.
Flnit Vioo ProoWont MoMI DotOA
Orgonltod Doeon*or S. IMS.

^ Nttmhor of momboto boionglAi
V. K04, S«M

tnrfl aad bottoe and wmi pletied. For
pen I bare a dog aad two eaU. We
bad two wMka' racntloii: I have born
picking Bp potatooo. We are going to
dig oar poiatont next week Monday.
I am Id the third grade nod my ttudlea
are readlsg. arllhotesUc. iaagoage.
ipelling. wrlUng and geography. Well.
! gaeik I will rb>«r for ihl« time, m
good liye,
Maudh! Aana.
Age IflTrarerte aty. Mleh.. Oct. Ji.
Dear Mra. Bate*—I reeelTed my eanl
and batioD and I wtab to thank you for
it. Our ncbool will begin the first Monday In Norember. I win be glad when
sebcm] begins; I think I will go In the
fourth grade. Now I will tell you
about my pea. We have a little calf
his name Is Pau and I have n inti.*
kitten. Papa takes the Herald, and 1
nke to read the children's leters. 1
am ten years old. My brother wl>i
be eight years old next Wednesday,
and my sister b twelve years old. It
U snowing out to-day. That la all I
can think oC. so I will eloae with marh
love to yon. go good bye.
Violet Brelibaiipt.

Traverse CHy. Mich.. On. ft.
Orar Mrs. Bales—1 thoogfal I wonid
TM OtMr Point of Vtow.
write yon a few fines to let you know
To bo 0 mtio firl <d ton
BooMo oleo oooiisb—to boyt ud stoo: that 1 was very sorry when I heard
that yon wer sick and gtnd when I
I voBder If tboy’TO eror trM
heard you were some better. Papa b
To «rr>o from tbo otber sidof
diggingbb poutoet now; behnsaboet
I don't lapoooo tboy'd #w
baff of fbem dag. Onr school will be­
Tbo ottCnOM of K surctod wbito gin the firai Monday la November, i
will be glad when It begins; we will
r how lhrr'4'HkcJhe booki- have the same teacher we had lad
Lm oloar tbo wiy it taokif
year. I would like to Jolu your Ruo-'
thine Club, nease eead me a card
tbry^d nrrrr oU «i bomr ood lew.
And wnicb their bratbm eomn nnd and button. Paia takes (be Herald.
He has taken It (or several years.
to read the sttnthlne leters. 1
I ihobM not eren Mke to ny
pets I have one cat; her name b Min­
Tbof (W wooM b«nr It tbr 0 dmy!
nie. We bad two doves, but ihyy flew
They do aot know bow-hard it oeei
r: they are staying wiib one n
To. be a girl, ntill in coo'i drouti.
neighbors. As leant think (gan.V
> to write I will ctose.
To tet^Uiat OBO eao neotr bo
A SnidlSKT boy, or go to ooa.
Towra truly.

Oct brothers say we're bard to please
BHasae we losg for things IlkFlbese.
Tbey Udfik It b a pleasant Me
To sf*n dBtn ycm'pe some one's wife.

Ato If.

then bees | animal, and brings nloag soara dnlnt.r'
Promthen ou
never n :«sate.l
dty pasted
tob p!sy vrtth
I'm g.a-1
dsyi, alut r!ie? Well. 1 gue*? I will them to shed Hsving
have to cltm- or my letter win find l-.« ■ eyc-wlineui .of « murii evil that she for the baar. The Hon toon bsglbs! thatthe bab> bad her •■animal t»la»
’ Atrai Hannah rent'at mi *o we couM'
haswrought, who ran wonder that. - to notice, ibes to watch for the hahy's —............... .
way Into the waste bsrkei.
tse- them. I liral u-lievi ifc^ wtnl
;bosch Ihave never seen Jess Ootug coming, and fiaallr shows real uneasiThe Merry Lsavta
n»rt half as lortly as i- hw iw'orc
Your l<-vlng Bufirhlner.
To. and my knowledge of her is only' ness when the child skips a auraing.' Bump. iMittp. bump, racia (he tc!«. [
Oina B Alli'u.
P. B.—I win ct-3d you susBC stOTIe irif-------of her efaaract-r. Daring these days the baiafga atw st|Malnst the side of (he Hnb wh:-r ■
and a verse, which 1 h«>pe to see t;
i*t-rwm» wr« •-r’!p.’'.rc-t t
OcrtrcAe tha* i*>c r»
I with lo avoid heeome per-. Ivy b taken fhto the rag<- with them.; seenuHl
prim thb Xlme. Y'oor sunshine girl.
|.U!-b the collage oi*T ln'->
sonaJly acgt»aUiiS!.l #!th her, I hope* aad before she oomes oat she pet» her!
R. a A.
bbsiae water oulr a «bar
she'bD': a rrh-ud
yours.—S- nt hy new frlenA

RraiB fer Alt. ■
EtlnaAll. n.
• At prasent ibe Borioefc baby ba«: dlsunee. swar. B*i Art;
-Mother.- said tfnl.- FYed, ‘I «Vi
h>B as she
kjv.- CM and }«rj btuh. so I wlH choose
-A Tiny Animal Trainer.
, sbe plays as (ear't-rsly as
you. The Whk- aajs thai I must km"1 f»i-ss l.wll: trnt* <uu SB-S.S-IUThe m t^l leariera llite- girl la the : were only children Oo!ag Into ihiir
iH> h-«w Mr. liume | - s-mt:
OoO wKk .11 m. h-.n. ...1 ll"-"- »
rt,,- .™,, .1,5 h. Il„l. .tip, ,5.. r»lld .down
bat Obe bll t.. .1; s>- If 1 U...
HI,!.. ,ir;. a.„i romps with them, laughing atd I raid ;ite<ty M»o "This 'win-! «i'
w«h all. tb-re'lt n«it fce -tm. i.n left.
i«,;,ar.U. w.dves, iK-ar. >r»eamtng trim delight The older of m^c him iMnV rrf jbe happy .il l day
for you.
. <,-o-ar.!M>oi*nr«. an4 huge snakes. t« the cnio. ahlch Is nln-- months oUl. wtw-e he iL-i-d lu go m king v.>yagi-'< a
Hb raoihcT to|.i him t fill a laf,v» [
daagl.i. perionc!, scieraj tricks that the child sea. It;:: sti;i he Will tie gbJ K. s«-l(hI kpoiattjes. “Tbi-rx-.- saW be, ............ gr.-i! snitpt! tralu-e. who i ,; has........................
taught him. —.
At —
tbe word
of...nun..... .......
piling Op the Urt one. -itv full."
ic Part-:.
Imaart (riwi his fair llitl.- mistress huj
*»"' '
'Full, yet ibcTv's rnoT.."
SvitkKvery -:a% t.r h‘T :;Ii- she .l«>c* whit; w!.I lie down, acamper elmui as If In)

howe-..-r. f.r tL- ,-'i
moth.r. a. she to,* a bag of .beans
Qx}„n.j -tf buy* aa.l men wo:iM: a fi:. open Us mouth, aa.l gbe Us
f '-p :!
ami shwk them into crevlc.-, betwrci |
g amt,«s*-ber..-lf br 1 tenlle nmr. Th- younger .ma will pull'

potato*-* -W.J
•'Net r.,ii
f;ilj ...........
re:." sbi- ..M
»a! I.'I ,„np|,||,g
Modi:, panther*' Ivy's
5 g 'dly at a ki:- In heroiTnin'v taw.thougfi tb-- i.n:
*f| (bar lit.
and dropys-d iwia ab-m
of sac t'
tparu-. and in making itiem r
Into the pan. "N»t fall yet. " aad she
She tiimhiA m
Pit., 5.PPP5P1,,
.5,, ,5,. .„,5,
took ii|> a c-4p aul ( su-.-tu;
cb>u' a« If ii.«'y 1
whiRi iraini-rt say ran nevi-r b-iru«i-|
guarts of waUT Into the pa.i. ‘.Nuw." Jiarmle^s playihlng*. and It b *aid ; <.d. love il..- laby atrimai qo--n. These
she said, “you rce how n thine ran bthey *.K DUO her preft.-nm-- Ar.:- animals show Ibeniu-hes more like'®*^"'
" V
fall aad bold miue—of eom. ihlog « is.-.
mst*. ilrai milk In ihr presencr of the
wh*-n ilo-ir
« l«li» them.'
u""* '
Tour heart may Iw full t»f love for Ood
famoar traln.T hlmeelf. purr and be- They rtra up t-> her, .wi her hatid.1
!'.‘T '

Bod yi-i barV plenty «if r.*»ra ler fath'- e-..m. floeile when rry b-gtn< .» l^' ami the >-..unseroi»ra climb «p nsalnst
er and ni-, for sbirr. for l««>k-s an.I Ilf. 111. The .■uracg-osian: hs> grillin': her like mil<‘puptde*. Tbese animaU ' '
Ihe bn-. ih..ugl.'->li.- cli!{i2
ftir wha' eUe U3*l wlfJt- s y..a lo
-o that he really fondb* her wb-n by ha* a*-u-bie=t with fr-mi ihe time
cousin'* hati.l «:ir « r.s/ firm
•^■ut by Hdna Allen.
she noni-« co pUy with him, and two, ib,-j s,-en- born, for ii ba» aoi b-ra
fOie ev.-B h.*t|B*d I',. o,..-n ll.p- UBI
Hons. LlgBer than Newfoon.llsnJ iIin:-. : roB*Wefe.i ub- to slti.w her fi. make
‘ Ihroaeli whiel. ih*'> na*t iiaji* I..... ..
"Jrti Coin' Te.“
He <io*.v uben.-ter *he cimet. m-s'iii.e atsjraiBiat--.- .rf ..Id anlmaK
I r»afi~ wbii'li le.i n, m..
,j it,
“Jess going tn' ■ I brar noiniItii-ni. Iiitiiiiig her til kprawl tivi-Shb epeele>.
i brave ol.l mW ra)ri«»n «b->n. tni.> llui
say. "Why. whj. who l« eb> * Do >o;i
sleep be,their
„„ ,he i.tlu r hsn.l.
old mirai.i:-i
know her? Tell ii* what ^lii- l-i like. l.-gs. a/ rhe nfteu
outang. Matilda, b big aad fi.-m
fl.i' flu’ >Bini»*p! u-!.. r t'oTes. I kobw her only too weil He
Just now Ivy's (avurfie aaanq; her enoDch In i.-»r a fo’l.gmwn man into
K>tbi- B !lttl.- WU);- 14. 1 IL.
name b often os the Iln* vf eertal! lavcg.- pbymati-v U Alice, a gn-sl.
Wt«. ve, Ihe Mby t> all'iBi-d her romoak- -bIpI.-Ii u.'ce gn-vucc .iifi-pi:r
of m>' young friends, bat 1 ani sorry .• hulking e’.-pham^ wlili whom she
pany at will, lo fan, Ivj'r nwa m«ih- j tall ch.-TTJ Ue**« h> ll:-- «
say that my opinion of.her l< not ver: spends a great .leai of her time.
er would not fight fiereely
I NhHi- w-as .eiltng a tie-pgood. Jt is xatd that you ran atwsv* Alls.- wa-- prai-iirally iralnsl by Hullproteel her from Injiirv than thl* cr
1 when •‘iii!d.-nlv jhVr.- *
tell a person's ebaraner—even the' Ivv. and it b most amuKlng lo sis*
jgty tM-ari li b »*'H knosn ihai i clh-k -click -rik-kety .11
of a -eblld—by th*- eampany which he the two |H-rfomiDg lirs**itier. The
m.-mle-rp. of ihe ap" family ofi.-n «-x- c’l.-kl Mi.i the riit>-- .
or she keeps. N-iw. Ulm> J**s'> (kiin.c sr.wt .-l.-i.bsm ha- dilUcHUy is
hlbli wondi-rf’il afii-ftlipa for human
To may geaerally is- fuoail hand is ki'eping sight of h.-r dlmlautjie ibw- being*, and Matilda ri-xi-mplifieH this aispiiT the dolls'. .It--**.',- .wt.i.-h i,. aB* telling llrt boa i.. ituikhand with Ibnt v.-ry qnestlonaH.- char :nsi<. ajd when she hyves sight of
to the full if Iry U pbylcg or fcmlacier. Procrastination, and it l» singt- her for a momr-ni Ihe animal iian-b
• iih. the)'re roming righi aft*T
lieg some other pet in the onrang
Isr ihsi when a b>y nr a girl U sb>u: p.'tfcrlly rfill iitilil th<- child appear* uulang's sight. Matit la l-mk. fe-miiely ^
ilnHMi >1)1 1.1 11*
to give wa.r ti> the le-rsna.tioni' ani isaia Oir-e. *h.-n Iry l;irt her?i-!(.
And thetr cbw* ac- tat Kbarp. ar
St the proci*ediag<. A tbUir
lempiatloas of old l*rorrisiInatUin h*' Ihe <*!-phr.n' »tof»l lixlJ for a q*ia*every featura
_j ihej'o-. oh ^p| *lr..'.R.-^
ftitinxly de*cr;bi*:l h.-r evpo


I.«.k'i, niuchi ■
cia«..r"a«k..d N,(i> uwhen >be satil'
I pnrsli.d «a. as she hngxi-l
.til:e I
h. r.
_ f.-itvil a gn-at deal i*f hb aire*iiou
. tome luher w.-man." Msiil.'n lo..k» ,. I Aad:iheii she enddi-uly add.-J, p
wlthoui ciimpbirinr- l.m when tie- i II kiK.w v.hj; ,-.0 nK-»’i> You
,.,{ tiiiliki'-K of lli.i^p- 4t>^ieN al^eii
roi-s In her she i xbll.itk
-nt ml.-n and fairi,- Jnnip.. wlib j.lea.-f
:ire. The o:iraag-ouiar.g will pm hcl
*“*> "• ‘Mtt ijl.x ah!;-;
arms al»Hii ihp- l.tilc girl and 'Ua*'
her In th.- mo.-t mmherty of favhionr.j f
"h »—ctioti
t.y p'jlllrg h. r i..i.'c elise up to lit- ' “
child's fa-v.
‘ .liar.' (n i.i- ro*.l

Box M.

Keudallvllb. Ind.. Oct. S3. I»M.
Dear Mr*. Batra~I ibouMtt I wemld
srrite a letter to the HtraM. I bare
When I'm n wife. Ill gladly sit
not writia for n long time. I am go­
At home and cook aM sew and knli.
ing to nebooi DOW. and like my teacher
Bel there's a lot of Wung when'
very ttoeb. Hb name b Charles
Toa>e but a mile girt of ten.
Franka. I have gathered about three
Out braUma do not s^m to
^ bnsbeta of watouia. and If aay ta my
^ttle HIchlgaa friends want some Just
Tbnt framng can be veiyAjpi^:
eW an
me. Will close as m^'
Too see. they're never really tried
Is gettiag unite ioag. Good by
Tn aegae from Ihe other sMC.
—Westminster Omseite. from jlnnr snnshine boy.
Bari Boughey.
TrarerM City. MIcb.. Oct. «
Traverse City. Oct. f1. 1901.
New members Joining since last re/Dear Mrs. Bates—1 now uke the
ileasnre of wriilng yon a few llaes.
Hnieit. Snmmft City.
a I have not written for a long time,
AnknMtee J. WebMr. Oafiar.
go lo school and I am ta the fourth
jewtsBeck. Cedar.
ifrade. I eajoy tiding my'wbeel from
AbM Brelibanpt. Travens City.
e not rery many tetteia thb Bast Bay to school, u It has beeo
very pleasant so far. My sbter Lil­
week to start i
bat Moac we bare are wHooiae one*. lie b auylng la town with our aint.
reading the letters In the Her­
Toe wQ] be pleased with the ttorlct 1
Mns amfia. and with tbr alee letter ald very much. For pea I have
three dneki and atmie baatatn
from ear naafaiae girl wtao fives on an
taland la Laks Mtcktgan. We are Mad ehickena. I wtll bare to say good h>
to have letters from tsro new members to AiMiie Bates for thb time from
Jeanie Zelgler.
Uds week, are we not?
Ton will all be I
1 In thei
Btory are prtat thb wa^ of the tUtle
toar-ysar-oM gbl who plays with Uoas
aad baara Jnst as yon do srhh yonr
dogs aad rats. U yon notlee raretttlly yon srlD see that the reason she
gsu abtig *0 wen with them b beraate she ims them, aad they tom
come to know 11. WhDe tbeer are not
maay of ns who sroald want~lo raange
Biacra with lime Iry. did yon rtbr try
•o ase how mneh atore yonr own pets
will do ftp yon
are alstays kind
aad lortag to them, and never frlghiec
ospaairaMcm? Ton «aa leach them
all kiads of pretty trteka. and If yen
rase gala tteh frtendaklp they
try to naderstaad yon and do ererything yon wbat them to.
The HeraM oMee bad a rail from
dear tittle stx-moaUts-old girt the other
tey. wboae mamma. l(n. Geo. Pert
«f Maple Cny. says «he b a realty,
She laughs nrarty all
She Is named after the firft
vice president of the Sunshine Clob.
who ta V€by prond of the fact While
she b not yet old ettongh to have
eard Hke the rot of onr membei
the sHlI snreiy be a member when she
la n little biwer.
Cedar. Mich.. Oct ft. IMH.
Dear Mrs. Bate*~I ibonght I would
I eoold not write very much, hot
ecbool BOW. J am In the fourth grade
and Harry, my 'broiher. U in the fiflh
grade. I have r^log, arithmetic,
(aaguage snd phyalolocy once a week
' Harry bat fire grades aad Hartaad hot‘
ala grades; be'b la the aerentb grade
I could not srrtio very much. s«
. please M-ad me n card aad bMloa.
^Good bye.
Jeanie Beck.
Cedar. Michigan.

St. James. Oct. l». I»ft4.
Dear Mrs. Bates—I go to school
here. My teacher's name b Sister
Clementine. I am In itac third grade.
I go every day, but may not go when
snow comes, as U b too |ar. but we
shall go as long as we caa. 1 have n
drras and coat. Papa bought my
brother and I each a new able. I like
It oulte well here. Wo* had lou of flosrert this snmmev; some I had never
seen before. Jack Frost killed them
We have a few bouse plaais and
• of them are all my own; nil ar»
growing nicely. Grandma has
cow. two heifers and a team. Some­
times tbey take as to school,
brother aod I. My brother b in the
chart riass. There are lots of wild
fiowers OB the Island, aod one island
we can sec from our shore b ralb-d
Oarden Island. I cnJoyRi my
—- very .............................
much: sre went.......................
boat riding
atMl had picaics, and went bathing la
I.Ake MIriligan.WBd went
-------------bnggy riding
and a good mfiny other things. There
pretty shells 00 the beach
here. ] have gut acquainted wttta a
good many children here I like tb«ra
very muck. We have anme veo' pleasUrae* logetber. Hoping you art
better, t remain, yours trnly.
iluldah Burslcy.

Though tin.T golten-halrcl Iw ■
spend, more ,:f li.-r lim.* wilh All.-c-!
‘S'-rtnide e...
Ihe elcphsnc. than with any other of I
*»"• eltari. noi.
the iH-a-t*. though sl.e lore* h.v Hoar..
somehow ih. -iMiBd- v. r.- n<
her nidves and’ail the «aii<-r animal:.
if *h.- I, nskivt »l;i|p|i of all »he ilk.*.!''''’ *'«*"
over ih. cr.pjrd
tie-t. h. r an.wer !.-.
caw a handful oi .;r> ..a .
! i.-ive,. racing Bbu datfi-ing up to them
"I l.*v. re pubr b.-j.r> tii-M.'
*‘i Ih.*,
that she IrjgC.r
asked wh> fh" kire* them l
'• “•» righi ...
-. m-rrt
Ih.- .-cho wrnt rinria
Hte other*, .hi- .hake* h'-r
]* and I
down a
ibrjt UI-.
(ay*: "I dun kmot. 1 ju.'to.. ___
But she rannai spend any of her!,
, ^ ibea
Pi.,,, .ipp, ,h,„. 5„„
'‘"'I-'”" ‘•f e.„ ;
The, ‘-.-.•m a. if fhe, wyrr all r ii
[ tn the cumpanr of hey father loge.hpjr with J-jj."
other good trainer. When the bea.'s
rail th-m the link
lare very yotiag I«y pb.s ct-is. J.-*»:y,
leavl*." I
•■iDcr- (he, 1
jwith the rutn. Phe canj^ them
i irovatj the boasc like *o maDj kmes*. M-m fo Joined l.rc-th.-r Ic havir,
C«Kl llm- .Only we ll tH.I
takes them to lv>J with her. f.- l»
name lynx, but l-i«A-».:li-Tn milk and decorate, them with
•Tlutt wl!l make it »
The t.Mcr bear> aeem
fhibk boa many luncy itltig,
r the UMIe girl w:i lake B-v>d rat
, i
«f their rhlldren. for th.. . f:erlni#.i. --t
ateaway. erperially after the trainer'
Ihra*,' b-avei run a
datightcr has tak*ii them once
twice an.I n;tecno.l them safe an-!

to fabric,

fit and anlsb.
See how the front
fits without a wrinkle
even when only the
last button Ls buttoned.
That U due to the
unbreakable ' franL a
distinffuishinR feature
of all Clothcraft
Vou can't get larcer
dally ciothinf divi*
dends than Sio to $>5
invested in this suit
will give you.

li.j. Wilhelm

Hani Farn. Aped 2'; Years: Nila Esther, Aged Eight Merrth*.
Children of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Duryea of Long Lake.

All ctf Huh- Mbs Ilifslock's plit
mate* are t».t a* pretty and aura-'
Ire a* the {.ear., and Ihtn*. b»w*-v.-r
When the child was Utile more that
year old .he wa« tahetj to a cage -.1
barmU-ss but iM-auiifuI s< rp. i.t* an.
crt»-,l so hard for them'that *be wa
allowed to Iwurt: i.u.- .rf ih.-m that dty she ..-em.-d
, j.^,,

he will Very fregii.'nily assnir-l ur of an hour. ni« darieg
the name as well a. the dbpcHpi’ion t.l • for (ear she wool.! st.-p ii|K>n her. Abthis obJectioRBble joaeg lady.
i.oliuipiy alore. Ivv ta.islii Allc*- tu *1'
“Have you washe.t yo-jr face yet,j»ip.w her ba.ineh.--. Enterjng the
I *>*er.- her big pet I. kep,. |vy soap'.
•'No. mnibcr: l.m fui >.•** going to. " h«T whip and cries "ui>r''—aad the
Kitty's feaiutv* prcM-ai an onml>iak-j Iw-ast. raises berseli and omalas tlier;
iip.', she wa- ihr-,- ,i-ar> uKI >.l
ably solleil a*p,*ri fee iMprtiaiis an hour j tmifl Ihe IHlIe girl gfv. - her p.Tm;» S'oiild hati'ii.- tlx-Bi and wrap tie
anerwarfiK. “Feirh roe (bai shovel pfj •‘Ion to enne down
Itn upon her
with ihe-hreai.-.j ,deo-.i;
rtial.Harr}'. The fire t* p-itltiu
four l.g*.
-T.edtv a l-is lOtli'Cl Tha. W.-Igi,
1 Hut tb-- ■hrilliiia nuim.-ms f..r >1:.-m toosi a* m<H*li .v. ih. rtiil.l. i,- li.-i
•Yes. mother: I'm J«-s* g.ilog
i*b., are roriuiiai.- enough '« ».-e llii.- fx-ciai (ri-rrt atnoes il.c .. rtHi.t. T
T.m minnira tai,T the fire goes «1-1,vj *, L.T p.rt..r=miu-e. is wlno tn- er.patur. shows .»
f,., ,
-Water those etmlng^.w me. Tom
poi »l her .J.-bs of wild |.r*ny no-ir.*-., end when tak. ..
hrforv .von forg*u li. They arc v.-r, : animals. At th* lti»s.««-k home tlieii- by Irr win c..:' Iw-'J im-s. I, al«
'Ye*, father: I'm jes* going 1 are *cor. s of anima;* consunil, her and r.-st ii, h.-ai a.-r-e;. 1:,-a.
to," In the hot sun two hours taler | tiained, and h 1. anumg thewe that ur sboul/br In ihl-'p:.-iil..n
father* cholcf cutilngs dn»op and dU- I ,be chll.l make* her frien.U All if rcataln a,* long a- th. gin ran «-jp(s.r:
Peculiar, irn'i «? Another U1I haWi: ,hem s*,-ro u. Jo'..- her. and to all ..I it. perfectly .,.rt.-m w-itl. ;
which resnlts fnmi as,*.rtatl.* with; b,-r acgualniame. site U kn.ran r.- place. Thr sma'l.-r snake, t
MayMIm J.-s. < T- is the making ,t-jipo liitte que-a ..f .he atilmabt." Lit- with inibe..anu .a, l,.,t a-.
Idle eacnset.
| ip. 1^^-. -m.vh'pel of makiag trlen-:*. .rld*-r sh. u- • ih.--,- :mei
"ll.-re.-. a dcra.lfnl n:.-— yon haytan.I nnuiy u( them fellow- i.-*- -ar.-: I.-,: an.I
l.-ft fram-j-nur .fret w.::k. Herhen.-’ Me qn*~ U a p-n.-ti, .wipinai ... ft'her'r that in rim.
*a>s hU mother. "Why di.ln'i
|. mar he ,ha> a hal o.« 'rare-to hand.' them
Elk Rapids. Ocl. 15.dN>4.
dear It a**,' when yon bad .loner tgn.wn ii.,'n u i.Tougbt 1.. th-- auimt
How llTih li-j liostncl
Dear Aantle Bates—Well I think |i
“1 was Jess pnlng f>; ro-ith.T. tinly ' trill;.-r's hotue anil jnt in;., on.- •
qat-en iif the aatmais" b qili. ;
wa# Ume I was writing you a .'lettM-. Annie railed m.-i:.hs.k at *nm«tbing, the Mr..t 4 .ag--* It is no --e.r.Imevcs.lng -..rj, Defoie Ivy wa. .
sJir.^i«*T. 1“
•^landfhenlf.wgoi "
* l.rit- ,,-w bethe than rh. la', eooQ^ l.> <re..p abojt on the
sick again, but hope ou
y arcimprtT
a.ficvi.jonhav.. given yn >r^ it
m fa*-t. tM ammaJ trair.
her oMt-r brother, and ».M. rs ns.-J
ing now. MamaIsm (eeltng
verybird any fresh gaicr this ra-xrtttg now te;:.
ihai It I* p<*’iey t„
Ining the tin, lalir wii.i anlmaitrril Uieiy and I have to do all I ran hake bread and cake and
do alt the washing and mopping, too. wben
,n. 5bJ 1 h.,.,5
5 ,b™
a..,!,. &«, .1,.=, „ ,f„.
We have a pet chicken; he i* very ole*
1.T ..«s. > I... P.. .
and pretty. I hope >vm will be better! Never D ibe nato*.- of Torttig To' the Ir.m
and l-egk!. chai*. r;f;y nig.«. tine daj. h-»we.,.r wbm
Tl^ T *"
done, kludar-., ,h.r laby .ta-t - ^th. l-oft. At fir-i', ram* back f.q- a roupie of 1
killed an oar tomato vines and
all of. pert,.r»,.d .;r r ,ue.,;.. i.nt ni/,he
• the titile animal, wv-rt- ar-.' j
ylDW so I tftdn'i have many ripcivray, «i,h,. idJen.-*. di-m:.!
3y np 5.-,, st-ai-eh e-veah-d iht-m cnrb*d_ up iv.
tomatOM this yrar. We have lot# of; obiedu-nee and nrrt,:rt. An.I many arc. do* n. cr fie^ |n a

“'-'t', 'i* r....

good. Onr
Bale, h kevptag preuy boar

which appeaU (o the
practical DusIoeMmaa.
They are cut on liaa*
which are at once con­
servative and stj-ilsh.
and mudlah without
beinc obtrusive.
Look at the style
shown In the illustn>
It is the three button
*• Euclid."
TbU suit is a node!

.Dji Tie ban, wrrr (eft ih*e-. and when
!■ miteh la bet noriefr: M'aa.- tears .Uw-.
-4.te and nnaralHng-fioe. rite ran-., (.tit, fhc rty” chiS «ay"

mrtek Onion


Fxlraordinaty Special OfferiDir nf

Ladies’ Suits

Sfch values arc scl'lom off.-rc.i so .
in :i;c
sea-on cverv' garmcn; is thi., fall, inariufai.tiirc
and perfect in every respect. S«.-e the .Ii.jilay in *;nc
of the south windows on Union Stroet f)iir whole
stock divided into lots and marked, for

Lot I. $6.75

\Voti ten's
up to SlifP'.

Lit 2, SI 0.60
LoU, $13.50:



V .',pl

.a MiU'i'rt


ui;vttrrcs wi-rc 517 "'i

! $20.«iu;

of fuir y n.iyiurcs. I r.-riy
:ajl-;red arjJ u.mtnc-! w;iti :*ru-y
were SO;.! ior

Han isc;:!- S.->uh
;if, 'Msr-j-.i.f-.
:tlcct,. li:4;lUfuIU' trirgrut.; w:i!i writ
lirai.', an-! ic!\et, were $2^.UU.

nt ^V| ViviUU
11 Ii nn




rkWy $fyn-

t.w.!. w«c *27.-Vf an : S.'bMXf. '





Baking Powder
Mackes Cleacn Breacd
’ Wth Royal Baking Powder there is
no mixing with the hands^no sweat of.
the brow. Perfect cleanliness,greatest
&dlity, sweet, clean, healthful food.


'i :

mbs. besides tbe gorgeoits
sbadlagi being nsM In erery coiwdr'
able wv.
Tbe peacock sidebags are perhaps
tbe greatest noretiy. Jbe bag is tb*
sue sad shape of the ordiaary leatbsr
bag which bangs from tbe aide,
the entire front «f'll is made from
the lips of peacock reattaers. eaeb
oreiappiBg tbe other. The back of
this bag is taade of heavy silk uf the
bine of tbe pcaeork feathera With
awiinilngs of gold and a heavy goM
chain as the finishing tooebes. the bag

of a peacock feaiber. witb a large bine
stone tor tbe eye at tbe featbi-r. These
am monnied on fancy Im-Iis id gold
threads auvea with the blues and
greens of the feathers.
Btooebn show the fnalhen In the
pretty eaainel-. combs for tbe balr
Pull mstmcdoiu in the “ Royal Baker and Pastry Cook**
show tbe colom. not only In the atouci
book for makina all kinds of bread, biscuit and cake
Ing. but the bom itself U su iweiilly
tritb 'Royal Buut^ Powder. Grads to any address..
sbadedAs to suggest the same wonder­
ful colorings.
tortL SMow vowecji ca, im wiuum «t.,
Tbe bags ibis fall sbow a
<4ianges. but the most prominent
Is perhaps the elaboration. There are
ibe plain shopping bags yet. but those
Inieoded (or calling, or (or opera faag«,
are more i-labMate than anything
have bail before. Such tiuaaiiUes of
hand lice aad embroJiIcry are used on
ibera this year. Several lags are seen
MRS. M. E. C. BATES. Eorrea.
made of aollil lace~fine band work aad on tbe lace is sometimes tbe most
elaborate hand embroidery. The
^ not rusbod.'* gives a certain calm and mountings ahow a wealth of Jewelia^
Th« SWNpkin Sarry.
and enameling.
} poise, but Uls most be founded on | “<»
Tb«re ii a berr}- largo and fine.
a plain suede bag will
! fact, and in order to lay the founds- “o““a»S
Tfie'nableet of my Mma,
Hod. a woman must have the eouiage reach an inch or ao down, and bv
U haa’no both, a pumpkin »lne
10 omit many things from lu?r pr>- sparkling with brilUaoiji or lustrous
ll wbal ll STOWS UpOD.
with pearls. One suede bag Is shown
A dish of SMdi the farm boy taken.
The process of soleciKm can urvu- with aa enameled tiqt of Ulles of the
Wbctt plaatiu eom is done.
bccome easy and sysu-motic iia'il each valley, in Ibe naiural shadea. Another
And iboagb bis yonog bade neniiy
festoons of brilliants and
woman determines for herself what
' ,
part of bar developmem she wants to bandtome gulU link bag made
He planU them one by one.
consider first — then everything she seuares has a large pearl set to eaeb
Tbe stfoarb bug enU (be tender learcs elecis to dc must conform to. or at square. Pale blue, and pink, and oth­
As toon as they appear;
least must not hinder that develop­ er delicate colors, are seen, not only
Bewalb tu ebade tbe npider waaree: ment. . If her boose and borne are fore- in the opera bags, but nut Infreqi
1 tbe regular handbags.
Tbe bonely load slu near.
mosi. tbe duties of club and church
Chinese gold embroMvYy makes
In eonne <4 tiiie tbe blaasom oomes. most be limlied to such as bring her ugnifleent bags and when worked
—and .her famtly through her—th?
Hoei wondnrftil to see.
Ibe bag is as serviceable a«
greatest returns. If the attruisOc It'e
And f|i its deepest careni bnau
is the one she chooses, evcryitalng! one could desire, besides being ricL
The vnad r^ bnmblobec.
must be tnbiecied to ibst test, and aa enough to use for any occasion.
Tbe green fmir« now scooped ool a rule.'nbe greatest good to tbe great­
Tbe jewelers arc thawing very elab­
est a'amber" will deride tbe matter. orate belts this fall, loo. Hand cm
By youthful whUUorr.
8be must deride (or herself Just when bnddery on leather and satin; leather
And iantere rnees broadly grin,
a cooking club or motbera' meeting of­ with
And sWno awst borribly.
fers for her the greatest profit, and In the* natural colors, and belts and
lost when tbe making of a salad at girdles of satin rlcbly embroidered
Tbe bolkw loaf stem loo, they uka.
borne or an hour's play with her chil­ tiny beads are among the novelties
. .swH ucny martial tones
dren will mean more to ber and all shown.
Tbe fanner Usds and lassies make
All these and more may be had hv
etmeemed. Tben. when she bas made
With pumpkin rine trombones.tbeae deslaioa.- she must not be die- ihoae who desire tbe unique, and for
The farmer fee«ls his lowing vine
eomflued by being accuaud of negiec:- those who have the means to gratify
With this ^IhHout berry.
taste for paailng fancies tbe stores
tog tbe one thing or the other, but
Aad oE b be hlmsdf ean <UnA
could do only one thing, and this fall offer many charming
With sons and dsughim merrT.
1 ebcae what I thought was wisest for elties.—iletrolt Tribune.
Aad wbM tbe dparkling snow arrlros that Ume."
And boildiys draw slab.
There are many minutes wastH
Qsraniums in Winter.
Tbe dea and ibrlfiy maids aad wtres daily in Idle talk, in liniyi
All thing! considered, the germninm
Are making pumpkin pla
work, and In other profitless things U our bcAl pUnt for winter flowering,
which we may all recognize if wc It blooms' freely and consiaatly.
Thaatoglrlag wonld be rather ibia.
makcA atudy of them. A careful etim-1 most losiaBCos, and adapts itself
And apple partagi dry.
Inatlun of these non-casctiiialH would > the conditions prevailing In tbe orJiVtolia and partlct duU and tbln
leave space tor the real leisure to be nary living room more readily than atWlihouf lbs pumpkin plor calls ( shut-in
auy oiber plim I have
Tnea fbiks Imre eaten all they ean
knowledge of. And It requires tor)
SX other kinds of food.
It would have mUc care. Us abllliy to take care of
A pampkln |de for ev'ry man
space (or a half boor’s quiet every day, | liaelf U one of the strong s
Is still eomddered good.
when one might think things over and In Its favor, especially with the ama­
And one's self. Those little precious teur. wbo U dlsinislful of hto skill In
Te happy farmer glrU and boys.
With rosy ebsek and laughing eye. quiet seasons aro the bits of gulden the management of plants that Insiti
■IICDCC set into the mosaic of life to UD having tbeir p<-ciiUaritles humored
J«mt paase a fKtmsai in your noine.
Thank Oofi.t-aad eook.—for pamo- enrtcb and beautify U. They are the It bas little to boast of In ibe way of
times when we make good rctolntion*: attractive foliage—though a plant
kia pie.
—D. A. Knecland. and are tbe better for making them- well set with vigorous, healthy (oltor BO matter what the proaefaen says, llage Is far
if bell Is pared with good resolntions, but it bas a right to pride itself on the
• HoBsat eafinaw Is ae'er Uuoaii
heaven's very walls are built of them, beauty of its flowers. Borne of the
and BO luminous atw they that they scarlet varieties are so exceedingly

• Ood cathsn the talinrss. day by
might well furnish light fur the City brilllani that they' aeioally seem to im

pen a feeling of warmth to the ob­
*Aad weaves them leto His pertoct
Let the twentlcih century womsa server. The little child who deriart-J

learn to be busy wltkout being rushed, '.hat auntie’s geraalums were ' on flrv'
• U ways ikt\ are Boi for u to
abd to know tbe difference between' '■vms oonsclouk of tbU suggestion ol
Iriaure and idleaees; tben sbo will be beat la the tmensiiy of ctoor whie,
a sureeae!
characterises some of the most ritflily
colorod sorts. Others aro eitrcmriy
M*bat Is tbe cheer of tbe paaslng delicalc in color and tint. Borne are
pure wbUe. All the recently intro
Wbat word to tbe Hvos of men?
duced varieties have large, wido-pciId tbe old days, when woman's idoal
aled flowers, borne in trusses of good
was nhat repose which stampa the Tbe aame old burdens for beans
dte. on long stalks A well developed
oatt of Vere de Vere." a Dennon on the
t^i. symmetrical to shape and prop­
Over and over again.
an of lelsare was not needed: bo:
erly furnished with ftotoge to serve as
agwadays when nearly every woman Tbe same old burdoas to paths we've a background against which to display
who ts nt nil alive pses.tbnt allreneea
lU blossoms cfloetively. is a magnifi­
in conetant aciirnies, there seems to But love to llidiusa them all—thank cent sight when in full bloom, notwlll.
be heed of a pall la tbe oUer direcnandtog tbe fact that some persons
Uen, says that well knerwe klichlgaD IThat is the cheer of the pamtog sneer at tbe gctanlams as bring -cum
>ear?writer. Ilia, kfynte Kom Ctaerryman.
A little of joy. and then
to the Oraad BapMs Brening Press.
All beauty Is common in a
We nil anem to ba affaid to these Tbe aigh. tbe DOrrow. the falling teer,; and I wouM as soon object to the sky
Over and over agnla.
Gaya of betog calMd lasy If we donand tba annsbinc because tbe beauty
do ererytbtog that's saggesied to as- And reees will bloom from the ihonij of them to for the enjoyment to every­
bM tbei is a great mlst^ for letoarc
body. ibeiefore '•common.'' as to seek
And tbe dark will lead to tbe light ol
s aa an doca not i
to disparage a flower because
ibaply baring I
one that everybody could grow and en­
Hme to dfe
< all saieattol things wltboui
joy. Any one can undertake the cut
:ure to the goi who caitiraiM tbe an
•ame Fancy Fads fee Fall Wear.
certgJaty to soccuss who can give it
of totow »DOt Imw first of all aera­
Tou who bare aay supcrstltloasi good soil to grew In. water anongh 1
te coffillnln of betog baey. She sboak! aeruptos about veartog peacock feath­ koap It always moist at (be roou.
no man think of eamplatotog to m.- er!. or wbo dislike to have soy sem­ sunny loeation. and freedom from
(ivliy than ebe would of finding fault blance of them about yirar
froM. Insects seldom attack it. It has
with ber blood fur etrculatlng well, owing to tbe bod luck wbkta they are | a bealtby constitutloa that gives it im-'
or oouree. she U busy. If she U nor- said to bring, will bare tt> overcome mnnhy fnrm tbe diseases
Ml. ton aba need oot be too busy. all fears this season
other ptonis. aad it will re­
Horvul utolrUy of tbe tonetlou does
Peacock coloring is the rage just ward you for tbe cage it receives at
OM predace fever—It's' when they
and If you would be strictly up your bands by making your window
work tnertime' that tbe lempeeaturo to dale you murt have or Wear some- bright with bknm as few other plan<
tbiag wbicb ts sugesUve to that vain tan. Thertfore you can mak» no mis
Tbe veiy an to saylac “No. 1
bird. There are jwaeuck bags, pea- take In srifctlng li for your window


Jfisnad nt


garden. But be sure to ge< ptanu that
have not been allowed to bloom dar­
ing the summer. Boeb planu bava ex­
hausted thcniselves. aad nine times
out to ten, they will Insiu on taking a
rest during the winter nreattaa. Tbe
Ideal geranium for winter ose it (he
plant which bas been kept steadily
growing during summer, bat has bad
ever} bud removed as soon as se*.!.
Saeb a plaat will bknm prtontHy from
Jannary <o lane.—^ftwa R liotford. lu
Roekinfi Baby.
aoekJhg baby is furbldden nowadavt
by pbyaictans almoat tbe world over.
The riaim to that the tolling move­
ment Stupefies the brain to the chlio
and proilueeii arilflctol stomber. which
Is harmful, and Is likely- to make tbt
baby stupid In after yoarz. l>r. Maas
etone. the noted Russian a'Jtboriiy oc
the ptumamenon of steep, says to ruckIng that the process faiigues 9>'nsciousDtet by a series to n
sensaiktas aad inridenialiy deprin-s
(Ih- brain of ils blood KUpply. Atwm-i
to blood from the brdia makes s1t>c,v
In Germany- they have a proverbial re­
mark about dull people. ~He has Imh-ii
rnckrtl into siupidiiy.'' (hey say.
While many |>enpU- seoff at the iib-j
that rwking bahit-s to sleep may lie
hurtful, and bring forw-ard bright ch'l
clren. who wen- always rnek<il when
tables, aiul "show ihem qlT' as ex­
amples (t. ili-itn<ve ihe <lie.>r) sd
vanred. there still n-matos (be fart
(hat the pan-nis can pevre ksnia how
moeh brighter (be liule ones mixhi
have U-i-D bail (bey nto been n>ckoJTo be sure, sleeplcosneas U, and when (be baby Insists upon
wakefulness, and pertiaps crying also,
to the dead to nlgbt. tbe sltaaiinn b'
c»me» lad for bntli pareni.- and child.
NertTihcU-ss doctors say (hat ti«>
much sleep to bnrtful to anyttoe, and
Jba( even a v(wy- young infant should
but Ik- allowetl to sl<H-||-a!l the time.
During tbe find six weeks of Us life
in infam should be swake two hour?
evt-ry day. and the waking period may­
be then gradually itirreaztKi. Tbe il-me
allowed lor sleep for children to c>-iimated as follows:
t. p to I wo yearn of age a ehfld ac.-ds
: to IS hours of sleep: from three to
four years. It requires 14 to IC buiirs:
from (our to si* yearv. It ought to hav.1» to 13 hours; from six to nine ycam.
It should have from Id lo I? hour*
ind from nine to 13 yiars the proper
sllowance of sleep to eight to lo hours.
.After the completion of growth, ibiileep allowance ran bo brongbi down
.safely tu six or eight hours.
As tor the practice of rocking Dr
Manacelro has found by cxperlmeai
that twinging the Itody for only 13
fflinmes produced la bealtby adults a
lowering In tcmperaiure to from 1 to,
Ilk (leg. F.. with more or less pro­
nounced brain ana(>mla (bloodless2UMI and putting ehlldren to sleep
monoioDuus srosailuns ougbi to ,
fuTbldJou, tocliidiag monoioaoas liillihie*. It to undesirable either to inter-'
nipt or to prolung anifirially (bo slum
ber of infants and yoang cbtidrvn.
Tbns prtcileal reli-uce to placed
against wminu-nt, and the old eong.
"Rock Me lo Sleep. Mtohi-r." l.iscr
some of Its forci'.

Congressman fleekison Suffered With Catarrh—Read
His Endorsement of Pe-ru-na.
Ai::':: • a mrdk'ine (bat g»e«
the loBW muet BewM in this roanuy.
where rslarrh uev pn-valeBt,l*a Umm
(hetuprnie. •« U>r n
to a tunic tu the mDrows-membrBne.ortlK-wbtoebodr. Itgivwatoos
Up (hr Fsp.lUry eirentalKW Whtcfc cuOSillnies these debcsle Bcrntwanes.
IVniaa to a speriOe in lU op«nlH«
n|«a the murous Bomhrenr. tl to a VtriLP*
strike* sSt On- root of Sll e«.
I sffictiun.. .tl git-e* tune b> Ibe
mlnui.' M.ul ve~.U sod ibe Irrinlckl
berwIiiT,-.. i'stsrrh rwaoot rs. . k>ug
re iVrous u used tolelilgvalU.
Pt-niaa *«eks uui ewtarrh ta sU 1 hr bid*
den )«rt* uf tbe buuy.
A. M. Ikcrd, an euipluva ed the\*. R.
• if. lU IL. We*t UcrIiBg'M. Is, write.:
“ 1 hsd cstarrh to t
email inuetians for s numb, r to y««n.
I went toanomlw-rto d.«-u>r» and p.t
qu retlrf. Finally «oe of my doeiur*
sent me (ot'fatcagu and I met the mu*
(ale. Till y said they maid du nuihln;;
fur BI-. ihsi i bad caoci ruf tbesuwaa-h
J sod ilirre was auenre. laJawsiUioacl.l
3 the .am.-, (ur my Iweath was *ometbiug
swfo:. I eowUl bsnlly stand H.U ass
- u.uriiitoite. I eoold Bot rat anvlbiug
,«• wiitoKit pi,-at iBiK-ry, and I gradnaliy
■ srewwor*v. .
•• Fin^cfI
jd yovf looks, and
cnrliiilvdl w<KiMi^H(^9Utf;kBdtbank
I found a relief and sVbrvfor that
dn-adfol dlseas.-. 1 t.*.k (ivt- toxils* to
IVninasud iwu
Muisltn. aisi I Wuw
f«-l likesiirw mao. Tl.i-re u nuibiog
I-tier tl.sD lA-ruua.aDd I k« |. a Iwltlo
III n.y house all the lime.''—A. U. I kerd.
• 'starrb ..f ih- .-unisrh Is ususlfv
, eannui to- <-urrd l.y {v-psin |•.wd•t■
y other ii-iiipinry relief. Tl.r ^tr
re f.w real dj *|.-|>to to a removal <•(
11 the catarrh from iIm- muixKii aieiutiraiie
e siomacb. This I'eruDs will do.
lion. I>a\ i-l Mvrki~»i i» well known, r
•tily In liis>>wn Mate Imt t!
Ameri--a. 1^ l.-gan hi* p.iliiieal ear.-, r l-.v .-.-rv-ins f-ur r-.uwv-oiiv.- terna a* . This t'rruna has dune Himiiiiiils —qs
1 to time*;
May.If to lhPl--w 11 to wloeh l.c live-.durin-.- wl.lch tiin- he l«*-ame w idely ks.iwa* I
as the lounde* ••( the M.vkir*>a ilauk >•( Nai>-h«m.(».i->. lie wav'-I.-.-l-st lu ih- ! ('o0erro>inan lioik'io. to Ksasas, was
Fifty-fifth Coagn-x. I.y a lery large int>irlir. and i> il.e ack:.owirdp-d leader to
to rslarThof il.e»tu»oeh of mane
bU party iahixtovliuouf the Slate.
'V-ar.' slamiing. llnadreds of otbe'r
Only one Daw- marred the v(herwis<-i-.'mp!ete rurn-ss to tlijs rising statemao.'
reported Ions tbroogb
Catarrh with ('» iu.ldlous apimiarh aod i.-nK-hHi.. grasp, was 1.1* unlv unnxi. un-.1lr.ied t.-stimunmU. IVrnna U UiC
It for ra
« aflirud
At la: t IVruua eai:..- lolhe rrsru.-, sod lu^h-laled (hr follow lag lelirr tsrrli yet devised. Fvery od
with .-aurrb 10 (hr slightest dogre*
to I'r. Ilartinar ax llic rexiili:
ougl.i (u take a .*>ursrto IVruua,
If you do Ou( ilrrive itfi.mpt aito aatlshaxe used several bottles of Peruaa and I feel greatly
fadory resul ts (mm Ibe use. to Penuu,
benefited thereby from my catarrh of the head. I feel encour’
w-rile Bi oQiv lo l>r. Ilartinan. giviag a
aged to believe that if f use it a short time longer / a /// be fully
lull stalrmimt uf your ease srut he *rfd
able to eradicate the disease of thirty years' slanding.”—Davi
Iv-pl-a-vl to giveyou bU vsliulde ad*
Meekison, ex^Member of Congress.
VIC- gran*.
Ad.lri-** hr. Ilarlinan, ITMbIrui at
•if Til- ll.-.rli.ian Saiiilar-uin, 1‘olun.l-us,
Some Notions et an ficonomical We-

rile has trii*1. aiihmigb ll K m<wi>-1 first one book and then another. Yoa
o n-e tbi- ordinary hmikv and eyw I have no irita bow damp .ach hmA will
The woman of "faeuliy'' ma.v In- rar- <ii In- "h'lmp" M)h‘. Two l.isik* an*' inawhen lime."
nowadays, when so many w<iir.‘ n p on the aMn land about one <ir one; Snel, (icaiopai of hnoki nnght to be
board or clt^nd on M-rranje. In ihi- ! and <u ball inriir* apart at (he'mld-iroavidtrnl ^gainst lh« law. Why.
die ...
Of .,i- liaek. and on the shin wai*t| books are among our b<«t aad trarot
work, am) ' two eorrrrpondlng i-vcs are jCaeed. A!! [ friend*. To dry leaves In a good book v<-ry like nuking a towel rack to
inventions. But the capable woman i • wardrx.h-- to lng ibu» pr.i...'«-d. it i* j <in.-'s father.
still in cxist«iie«:. A few of the ways ••ary ti. l..-i-p any walrl and any aklTy' W’hen d<%lroua of preserving anof wjch a OK- B^iferc jolted down l<> log ib..r -Farm and Fm-xl.le.
h l<i»in leav.-s lay tbetp flat belwm
Stimulate her sW'.-rs.
——---------------blotters: m-mhe bltotna place a flat
A Good Contributed Recipe.
Iward an.I w.-ighUl. Change the btoh
One to the rubber roils of her wrinx
lUlIard. Wash . Oei 11. W4. 1at the cm! to the flrv. dav. and
er w-iu> worn out, There was no pia. In tile tillage wlit-re It cieibl L« fixi-J. . Hear B.1II.1T of Horn.- Ib-ranmimt;- : ^xsin ai the end to the *ee«nd if the
and 10 st-nd l.. the rilv wai iueimven j One ..f .Nil hm- has taugh'.) p,v.-e arc am quite dry.
Abovt Quinces.
Quince JeJIy.—Wash fnili and eut|k-ni.
it-nt. 81k- met the eraeigetiry but c
» r., make a •own lomat.. mlno, Mur tbe leaves are tborooghly dry
Ih.-rf we think I* delicio.i., apply varnish with a a.*fi brush. Tbe
ilo small pieces, witbuul removing ‘ ting
trip Id beary fi-It as wide
0..i,.gh n.t Ml rirl, m. Ih. mor. .-xp< n- (,,rmuU ft*- tbe beet varnish Is a ..
.<l.ln or cure. Place in |ire:i-nlng pan i tbe roller
long, and ntvu-lng
with cold water to Just rtjv,^ (ralt; 1 smoothly and tightly. I'kl. bandag- Kivf- cilnre meat- ll may to- s-.m-.tlH:;.;• iow»:
yojr readers, so I send it.
One-balf nosee white Tareiah. one
stew- until all the goodne^s l» extract-1 she sew-ej on. but glue wouM have ee
Green Tomato M.nee Meat
• ounr boiled llns.«l oil. qwo and oneed. Strain, and to every pint allow i cun-d It as well. The wringer worktnl
Ch'.p green lomatm-s. and a few tart half ounces spirits turpentine. Sfnmd
one pound of loaf sugar. Rriiim t-i'ts w<l! ai ever Tne to » coi.-r lant--!
(lan. bring to boll, and boil rapidly fur! a y-t-ar w lih heavy wear, and was (tiiT ipples If desired, fine. I«ll la their, pliers In a cool room and ^irwnd
iwn liquid until li-n.l,-r. .Iraln and 10 leaves .m-r them 10 dry.
about 90 minutes. Skim off any scum j easily renewi'd.
k p>>:iDds of abo,
that may rise. Pot In the usual way. | on.- eron.imy ..f ibi:= housewife 1»a.
4 jviuRito brow-h siiiar,
Whole Tomatbu for WinUr Une.
tieing down the pots while the prt-!|>,..^
,.„y „
underwear mill
1 pint cldtT vinessr.
The apiK-n.iivi r..-cipe fur kivptng
SOTTO is still hoi. This jelly should be; ,i,rir remnants, which are wold by th.
1 itouud ralwiuc.
wtoile lomeioes for winler use will
.f a dark rcl color and very firm. 1: p,,„n.i: From ihoe si,, make* all wo-i
pienae those wbo are fond
ii>vi>s axcellrmly.
>hlns td a flal- ot'Ic. which at ih»
n earh elov.-s. rinbamou. to lomaioes aa much a* It did us;
Qiilnet- Cump«.te.-Pi-il -aad core ^ regular st.,re pric-s w..uld eo.i at lea=
eiimec and
Wash perf.-toJy eound. ripe tomatoes,
fruit and w-elgh it, allnw-tng half pin- tw-|e«-as niueh.
l*u( in glas.. r.'iiii jars and uo(- as whose skins arc uol.n.ken, and plaec
water and'quarter pound 'sugar to onwi,..a ihi- topic to umbroilas com.
ifaem carefully in a sumt- jar. nddleg
pound (run. Put fruit It, winmeled
,Ve ean r-il to nu«lv-rl,-*s brok. u nt* .ledVoiu! rinei-rcly.
alv.oi M-vi-n abole clove*, not more,
pan tor. better still, in a fipeptoof Isr; „nes repMn-i. <d e..iublnau..ns of goo !
Jtiiia naekerdebey.
i>ir lach quart, aad o
in the ovoni. with very tluie aaier. colon, pot on the frem-s whioh ba!
<Th:ad-!ior rt-nH-mbtance and wph r>n.-hair qn<M] rider vlDegar an-1
and allow to Kifitn, Mtanwhlle. to.ii'.
,b. ir silk. H.t las: wwk tu
skins, etc., with of wax-r. - ,t,if ,|„c was in Iriy ai a 'Tir- sal-" a= the rr»-ri»-. 'V.’-!l to- givi to hear fr*,in the »ib<T half eid.l water. 1‘lacc a
piece .< flanml .„.-r (be lomaKH-s.
which w ill give the comiiotp the dark;. .,n,|,r,.ua , i,h e.v.--T at: i
lucking ll down the side to the jar 10
color di-tin-d. Sii^n liquor, add Hugar handsome handle. Th-- wa;
the lamatoc.t will k.-«-p revered by ihe
and pour It over the Iruli. a’.btwing ll „ansl.-rred to another ..mbr. !ia,wt,!.-i;
, Nou- a few .lay*
K„mt- one in mototorr-. Tie a h>avy brown paper
locook veryslowly until tbe jiilry to a ha.l go.Hi material, but
V'”" ’“l‘‘'->iur rul-umn." arkrto howto maVe
Uilrii ty-rup.

eombinallon d.o;gfai..-d^ihe j M*nim-I. says a writer in the Chicago over the inp to the jar and keep Wberr
yuu do other pi.-kl.-s. Ooni were fine
A quicker mode to to divile the fn.ii
of ,ne fasildlr...s and unsUspeei-Iltaald, I make them as f.'d- In ibo tally springtime.—Chleagu Rvesmall pletw, without skinning It. mg y.wng lady .laughi. r of the family
i low s: I make a bard dough tho same <wd Herald.
sdd water and sugar in above propor
,-hom it was glv. n on Otristme. ' f.^.
- family uf fiv.Hons, aad CKik very slowly- unUl te".
Amonc the l<.x ..i cioih.-s s-ot ih-' / .

When She biistps.
dw. In riiter case the romih.K-abouM
famll;. from a rriailve wa* a wUt. j
,s.Ti' 'i “
The tartoul housekeeper pnl* as
be of a deep r.-d color Aa.l the julr - rfrcsing saequ-. handsomely.han.l -nt
f- r . i-h.-r n.svtiL or Lhnh.
nurh farnfinre a*, possible mnaldn tbe
like syrup.
brtddeivd. It w-a, old fashioned, ai.d|^
^ e
VK.m le-fore to-gmninc lo sweep.
Quince Marmalade-Wash qulnees couW to- worn In iu i,ru.s..t,. sha,e-. [
and put them, whole, inio the pr,-'and tb., .mbroid.rrv was us, pnatv ...

-rervins pin w..h suMrient b-dling «a- bi- u*.*l „n k hto.s,- garm^t when -:i 1 Weu riJ^oui
■v,ur’'b^to Tw!i
(-qm-ezi^ ibem. luars into bits
lef U> Just hover them. 1^ them sim- the worl.l was w-,-ariag omhr-.lder.
eggs (lorgey wiij make two ebev.'x. -and ’■(.rinkitwTm the floor <0 iwei'en'.
U-ader onough to to- easU? »hln,-waists ao-l she had none. She
Boil oiit ai. thin a* yvxi ean tihe sbeMs duet trom fljing' Aficr aweepiug sbo
pk-reed with a fork. Ufi carefully cut the embroidery out eart-fuJIj-. and
must look alee and ytol-w. and no rut.* tbe carpel w-lt wiih a clolU
pee), core and cut Inu. thin: ai.fdiquod it cn a watoi she made to
flour showr.tbfn cv< in.o litib- »4ili« • wrung mu of clean auKmla waier-oae
slice*. RHuni skins and core to. iLi- naturxi coioMint-D Bbe arranged tbe
pan and boil tbe whole until tbe liquor figures in an anistie palUtni. and abo'ji one inch wide and ato»-,t lour I tabk-spoonral to iwo quarts of water.
: bare viiur sk’Hiv half r.i'll >
wl|s« with a
is conskletably reduced, after which It' sewed them v,-ry carefully with lar. iiiihcs long: bare your skTil.t half fu!l| A poHshm Ib-w
of Iwilloc laru, as for dtnighauts. Tbevj damp cluib, then
with a dry ooe.
be carrfully straised. Jbe liquor - thread so that Ao one wvjuld diieovrshould be hiU. but t-aa Bl'»r, Ik,
only bring mcd. Weigh fruit, muro without <lose examinailon lUt a ha-1
«i<-n wben cold. Yrn, must be careful
Poor Water Over EfifiO.
the fsn. with an equal weight to not been t-mbroidered ou tbe matwtol
mi» to harei^hc lard so b.u as 10
I wonder If an th« housewives know
loaf sugar; pocr tirained Juice over it of the new waist. Sb- was told by
*oreh tt. Then yim w ,11 Im> ablu 10I that eggs may to, s'di-Vdled to perfeeand boil whole over a gentle fire, Uir ; frieedr that this was tbe most clcgaai
iise what is kfi. Th- «rimitz<-l must' '1"B by p'.arinc hot water twer them
riag it with a wtrulea nmll ibor- shirt waist they had set-n this
swim it. th.- lard wi ll! cooking.
j and standing »^ld<• until ready ,0
oughty eoot.ed. ThU may U tcMed by
Aimber shin waist notion plpkci
serve. W- tin.i ir (t,nvonumi to prepuitiag a little on a cold plate, whea. op »«mewherv. and not her own inreaOonl Dry Leaves in Beaks.
liar.' ih>>o> in 'hi' wayfew biwakfast. as
d it irilic*. U is done. About 9« min- rkm. o. a simple way u, ixrid waist and
Kok lung ago a magaxinv gave a for­ the fruit ao-l cereal aay bv served amd
mes after tt has finallr eoase to thejakfn. logeUter. It prorc* arm sail*-, mula for pn-sorving autumn leave*.
the eggs are ool boiling bard in tbe
boll shnld be saOcieSi.
ifarioo than tbe various pai.aied dev ; .'Pm-m (h(uo to-iw«-n tbe leaves of

hgcstto 14
Hailewt’en BUz*.
A }kNt oliBtern ctau tctt aec
oaotlBS t Mtioan Are at Uie bom
CUin- Csnl* OB UundBr- HU lltUe
BOS bad AoetdlB in n pnmpkin to bonor «( Jinllo*
ud dMiriog to lee
' bov it would look Id the dark. «bored
Jt nndof ibe covob itilb tbo reiolt ib«t
•2S tea «sa cMsed.
rh» Wn«» on the couch caugtt and
th« fli* quickly apread to the curtnlai
•ad carpet; For • tew nlnutea thli
looknd tbrcatralng. but by proapi i
at water the danger was averted. The
hm was fnlly covered by iosuraoce
earlBd in the Carrer agoncy.

Ode. H. H. Stelmd of the Hotel L«e- untU the eonmer was summoned an I' made toward progi-«s. and so iniinruh ■ m large numbers. The bur;al servic* oni
o falihfui-; In
bnr;al i
lanao took him all over the city Sun­
the maralng seaaloa. ! the remains to his n^ertnklhg e«ah-----before Judge Main ’ lUhmeat.
day arylag to find some one who
The body of At wa» fo-atd by David-, trusted to 5:1m that Ihee growth
growth from
from [[ the
the Knighu
KnUthu Templar.
Temolar The
Twe aerrtcea at
a ' .. .vl
the morning aeasion charged by the
spoke RnaaUa. Finally, be found Mr. s<* brwherK ot Ctearwai.r lownshlpla counij vatage to tie progresslvt I the resUenee
omdueted -by Rev.; people with keeping his saloon <R>en
Winnie Krntochrli. eon of Mr. nad
liszaros of Union street, who was able about a halt mile fariker awwy. Theicliy of ludny u Urgrly dtpendtmt on D. Cuchlln
be Congngntkmnl on Sunday. His pkw that he was not Mrs. Weneel Krntochvll. died at his
to ttoderetaod what be wished.
body was remave.t tn.m the wat»sr_hls dose persoasi aticntion to the
The young mau had about llTS and uken fo the Ciearwetcr low&ship l-ailaeus offiirs of th.- corporation, rturrh. who spoke words of comfort in personal attendance, but that the home ihtM miles aouU of town at 4
o'clock Monday morning. He waa 24
when be left Russia, but tmly *10 when ball to await the liuj'jtesi.
That he tad a vital hUt-rvn in the
he ranched here. He was bom la VI-; When the body supnrwed to be tbai j weUsro of t-.,ry citizen van domon- friends. Mr. Cocblln reviewed brleBy; Sunday vt.ttors. did not lessen the a' years oU aad leaves besides a father
the cam-r .rf Mr. Despre. since be fen.c and he was Sned *». wfaicb be and mother. Mx brothers and three Msenna. but hU ptrents evidently emi-jtrf Towee was tshrn from the 7Wai'-r I etraiej by tls organization of n Ore —— to this city in IMC and dwelt at psld,
The funeral was held Wedacsgrated to Leon Tolee. Hungary, as haj thU afterc«a. it wa. found that it i dcpartmcoi in the early days and on
bis faithfulness in the
Forest Hartwell, n
day afternoon. Undertaker Anderson
•way from Uiere to escape mill-! was Al. and the bod.v that was found! the regular twganiaiion *•- —
public trust
Artllp, 10 years, two diminutive Udt. having (be arr
a in eharga.
***7 diuy.
: near ncarwaier lownship •'as Towoe : cbotc-a 6
^ief as the most flued for whleh he had been placed by ibe peo
with Ibelr chins jut rtwcbtng to the
A message from Cedar Monday
; tbi- p:»r|:lua. serving falthfnlly for pie of Ihe comtnnnU.v. commeodtog es­
Mn. John Kennedy of WUllnmsbnrg
Judge's desk, were before the court
•Uies that he was unable to And bis
Death cf«. C. Oesprea
' twenty-five years.
pecially his work as the organiser and this morning charged with ••feloolomly
used ibrough town en Monday tor
uncle and was unable lu ulk to nnyAl t;3u vm Saturday deathentereJj 3ut after ail it was in the home that bead of ifae local fire department,
burgiarizlng. without dangerous weap­ Manlsiee. where she U called to at­
one until F. Bimlweskl came to town. the home of anoihtr pioneer farnHy | he was at his be«. always kind,
Happy RoonloiL
He went to work for Peter KndrorlcU. of Traverse city =nd bore away a bus- • der and loving and In all ihe Ions (poke of his noMe lineage, boneny ons or fire-arms." the pawn shop of tend the funeral aervloos of her alsterana uprighin'-i-s of characicr and reV Jdra. L. Harrington returned to
tolaw. Mrs. OragDry Wlllbrandt. who
band and father. F. OiiiiUard IK-rpres. i yuars of close family tiee. no har»h lau-d Inridcnrs In his life which dem Lawrence Day. at 7 o'clock, October
C(«M 'Rapids Monday after a two
died Sunday, after six monibf- Bi­
Death of Mm. Jehn Black.
i familiarly known s« S. Cnarlih. iu-s-i word evor cr\»«-a the tlir<.»l;bld of the vmsirated hi* worth ns a friend of- 16. and taking three » cent idece*.
wndtt' eUlt vUb her sister, Mrs. JeacMn. «*Ulbrandl left four
o5e So-cent piece and one t<ent piece ne**.
The many Mends of Mrs. John I Pt«[ home h<- cherish<4 ao faithfully, his BcUl and clllr. D.
*Ue Dm of MapUtoo. wttotn she had
chlMran. the eldest only
belonging to Harlow Jennings.
Black of Bast Bay will be ahocked to
tR had beta gradually fsUing I last .vtwr. w ben ho waa weak and til.
The Travi-rrv escorted lh«r
not Bwr for forty-two years. When
The Judge appealed to the parent„,|four >ws old, and the youngest six
cf.=procesrlun to the cemetery.
but a little gtr! of eleven years the
of both juvenile offenders
formonths. Mrs. Kennedy having adopted
day morning. Thursday morning sh.y I “w and only, with the lapsing -4 ] tent to live and pars bc»md.
fually beeanr aeparaied. her lUtoi
formaUan that they might give that'h*"- *•
had a stroke of paralysis, which was i/> I atrenetb. lIsiK- by l!iih-.-uniiI life wav • Mr. D<-spre* came of dlsUngnishe.l
Circuit Court.
mnylng and moving north, and she
would In any way mitlgaie the offense, i **“
^pUal for feveraJ
lercre that she could not recover. Mrs. j »P«ii did his family realize that he - Hneaci-. datiag back to the time Jf From Monday's Record.
: (oiag to lodlnna, where she grew up
bat they pasecl up ihHr Infant privl-j
The opening si-s,;ion of the
and manlod «4 tweniy yean later Black was oncor the early ploaewra ofi «az tote lakcD away,and even at tho I Louli- XIV of Franre, who Branud
igics to the tui-rcy of the court. Judge |
the region, and she and her husband J '“<1 III" mhid seemed clear. Ibe last I letter,; of uoidlliy to l.ouis CouHIard jounuf! term of circuit court
RgalD moved to Uichiraa. but lost all
Mata look th.- matter under advis.*- , Claud Pulver iwcelvetT'o' ^iMaaage
Sunday auiing that bis graadtnoa of Mn. Doan. Through a broth­ were among the best known and most 1 'oos Bleep gradually dropping dowsi . giilns him Hie tith- irf chevalier and voned this s/iernoon and the cs*
highly respected rtsldents of Traverse
S. Co-jillard flosprca was bom Fi b.: creatiog him Fli-ur «!•’ I'^plnsy Fig- George Bmlfh. charged with embez­ meat, that he might look Into their !motfaer. Mrs. B. A. Ptilver had died
er. BeiUamln Babcock of EngUshrllU-,
Ufe. ibeir azsuciaiiuDs and inlo
City during Ihe 60's. afterward removIM.v. in Qiicl.w. Canada, and came; neiir de St. Fo-r.-e de la rlriere du zlement of eioiblr.g from the Boston
Saturday night at her home in Waythe wheroabouU of the Iwo sUlcrs bcIng to the fans a short distance south i« l/--land on a railing vessel in Ihe I Sad and giv-u}; hiin lands in - X.-w store was the first on ibi- calendar. the azKwlBilons and home Influences
caiaa known to each other and ibr
ibe city .which has been her home spriug .of 1866. wherv he r. mained J Franco" and all the priuieg.-s Smith stood mute and the Judge oo- .hl.b .111
rtutsed by old age. HU father, A. B.
dosing of tho visit marked qoltc
erir since, and which Is one of Ihc but lluve weeks iKdoro coming to ‘ tiixiors oi ihe noLilii.v i.r h'Vance in im-d m plus «>f not guilty and a» ho lhai be might he aided In detemJnlng llUvcr. and outer. Mrs. M. K Paine,
•B et>odi 4n Ibelr lives.
wlial was fur their best tnii-re.d. and
dnost farms lo that excellent famlnr Traiwe Ciiy.
j cnsiil.-rallr,:, ,,i h;- • .listicBulshet
no means lo employ council the
and her husband went to Waylasd laot
KciioD of the county.
For fifleen years h>- li. l.I the |«id-; servlros In Milnliilng the savage*” aad Judge allria<-d him a eboiee at th.»
Biittona Bay Church Burttetf.
WednemUy. summoned there by M»»'!
Mrs. Black, ncc Helen McFarland.'
county • siifase and Parm C GUben oaro of County Agent Hmlih nil their Palver-s Illness. Bbe was 80 years '
The Catholic Church at SuUons Bay
ease is settled.
as bom at Marnutown. Ont.. Oct. I.!
burosd to the ground Snnday afierappuinied. to defend ,him at hU
old and her «M(h was- due to the
' noon at ]:S0 o’cloefc, nothing remain­
erts. blit their age dMiarred ihemi weight of her advanced years.
ing to show its ioeaUim but n heap of making her home fer a time at Bast
coming under his jorisdicUon.
From Tnesday-s %1-cord.
The funeral of Btlks WblaaMT. who
mlas and the stone foandatlon. the Elay with her sister, Mrs. Gca l^iueks.
She wu married Aug, Si. 1865. lo
The morning session of the circil:
twfiM of the fire being nnknown.
died Monday right at the reMa«SM of.
ooort was taken up with the Smlib
angular aerTlcsn were held In the Joha Black, a pioneer of 1851. who wav
Death RoiU
his daughter. Mrs. CynthU Thorabera
of Maple City was held on Thursday
^weh ns nsnnl Snnday morning.
Wiliam Larrabee. for forty years
■Itloa with the lamberBm of Hannah.
ihaU proprieior of the Boston Store, resided of this city, died at Hotel at : o'ckick from the church at Long
Lay 4 Co.
who made the complsini. ^«lng on tho Let-iauaii at 4 o qtock Monday morning i.ake. Rev. Carter ofliciatiiig. The
ad the ekme everyihlng was R
For several years Mr. and Mrs.
aunrt as the first wlincss for Ihe eom-1
was at Long Lake. Undurtaker
wal. wood storca being naad. as they
from cerebral M-murrhage. He s
plalnant. His tcstlihony doali largely j
tfwnp* have betm, and theae were con- Black kept the "Exchange" hotel.
past ntJble grand of the Grand Trav- Asderson haring the airangemenu in
with the id.-niification of the vartousl
Bldared perfecUy aafe. Ii is thought wMoh was one at the old landmarks
lodge of 1. O. O F.. No. 200, and charge.
sulla of cloihicg alleged to have Ik. n ' also of the RolK'kati degree of Ibe
the arc was eauaed by a dtfecUrt: of the dty. For many years It Tonned
part of the well-known Front Street
taken from the store by th.. defen.IJohn J. White U an EnglUbmaa.
Bna. As aeon as the eames wer
order and held the standing of a vet­
om. George Smith.
can-end hrunktag oot of the roof the house, which was destroyed In the fire
eran. having be<-n in the order for and like all from that esnavy Ukw
and will have a good garden. No garMllliam RaJr.e. bookkeeper for Mr. tw«-nty.«-ighl years.
aiartn sprad qulddy aad the whole
vslRbsenibal. was the next witness called
den U cumplHe without cabbage, aad
town en masse catered tho bumlns
The dfcc-ased was sirlcken on hU
direct ex.imlnatlon be d
hte Is no excepihm- He presented us
•uwetnre. and carried oui the alur lablo farm a: i^t Bay which Mr.
eightieth birthday, which occurred on
scTibi-d the discovery of the allege!
with a head of esbtaage tbe other day
The church was valued at Black secured In 1858. Mr. Black died
fYlday. th.- 28th. HU bridher Nor­
taking by Jacob G.wdai of the three
that weighed twenty pounds aad four
aaSM. Inaurad in the O. P. Ouwer B in February, 18», nd Mrs. BUck con­
man. with wlKim he made hU home a
enough to make all (ha aauer.
Bros.* acney lor «5,W». Whh only
portion ..f the time at Ontral Lake,
cross examination the eouniel for lh«
kraut wc skosld ever wanL^^lalon
fBAnary pratecilon the cburdi could her deaBi. She leaves no eblldron.
with him.
D- Cerils twmored Ixiral.
defense laid sms* on Mr. Rain.'-*
htee'liBSir aaViil. a bucket brigade bul there are two step-sons. Bdutard
testimony In r.-f.T..-cce to what (5!.r.1.,:i
vnn formed, but this was of no avail. Black of this city, and A. W. Black of
replied In answ.-r to Smllh> query a<
The hand engine was out of order and Lns Angeles, Cal.
The funeral sms held from her Uie
to where the sails wt-r.-, and he
eooid not be naed. The dre started in
residence Sunday afternoon at 1
tilled that GonliJD n-j.liod that L.
the vestry on the west side.
y-clock. Rev. U. B. Bisscll offlelaiiag.,
knew nothing of them. .H.-o losiili I
rhe house was erowded with the Urp-:J
Hnllowe'sn Mlsehlcr Waa LIpM.that 0.irdon did ncd n-ply ai a lau-i
U was **huiue clesntng day" along concourse of friends who camo
Ptont nrvet and almost the entire Uielr last respects lu so old a maiden:,
The tertlmony i.>-d«y gaie the valu.
hsulnsaa and realdoncc dlitricu of Bie led at Oakvood fully :W) had galhof the snUs at *45. and
the cot..
With the direction, counsel and financial backing of
tity Tnaaday manlng. Merchapu am! ered for the fcurlal services. H. L. Car­
pUlm sworn u, Justfee \-,r!c.
baaaehMders awoke to Am] that the ter condurilog the funeral arranEethey were vahitd at If., making
strong men makes a desirable place at which to keep
wbdows of their stores aad reaj- ments.
trchoicallty as a bone of conti-iHon
your bank account. Such a bank is
The pall bearers were: Messrs.
dfseas had bota decorated both in
At the evening session a dlvorc.
aaproprlaie and Inappropriate styles. Hugh Prouty. peter Courtadc. Ker
was granted Cooha A. Hager fr.m:
Names, pithy aemeseas and remarks Unger, Wilsei-, Roush and Taylor.
J. Ha».-r, j. \v. I’atchon
on .the personal appearance and cha^
IK the attorn..y for tb.- complainan:
| of ace. H.- hvated at Kmpl
netertsUea of U»e owners were InwnlhOn motion of Pros.euifng Attorney
All the Bodies Found.
|ihea an.1 began the practice .rf law. I cr.j
«d on the glazi with aoap. It U need­
are afptinM Donovan wiWilliamsburg. Mick.. Oct. S1-—The i Republican Candidate fer Representa-“P »Jufrailve prailess to add that no farther appliCz- bodles of Joe Towne and "Al" were
tive in the Binz.e-Leelenau
tloM were needed to make .the port­ found in Round lake yesterday after, He has served I>?elanan county t
itirms s>s liri,*.-ri;!inc nttarnev, i
holes more brilHani. although many soon. As the body ot James Biilllvan
' fytn
- iil-i
- - ,.........
— <>n'joni-m* conci-d,
woold have liked to let the “Cold Dust was recovered a week ago Sunday, all
Archibald F.
Buniicg, Uie
F.. Buniicg,
Ui^ rcpubilhim tn b-on.-.if th« bM.-kiI exp'jiiui
Twtna” do their wortu
mystery surroundlns the disappear-1 *•“ eandldaie lor sum amamemaUvo of inw cu r cK^ted to
nffic.' In ...
AHhongh the (adc and lastlca used aaoe of the three men has beeu!*^
was WiW. Albion,; or.uniy.
a upeaka be has galiu-<l
Illinois. In 18,1. He sun-pd to South cousideral'l.- reiiutaibin, ha\ ms
a large quantUr of soap, no *srio-is' cleared up.
Oakuta, and In l8-8*r to Frankf.-ri.'‘ rea excellent orations on Four;!, o'
the dUmanSunday. Oct. f>. that the three Mich. Shortly after hi* arrira! in ' July an,! oi’r.-r imporunt d«v,'
Since our inception in business it has been our policy to give to the: coDBumers more
tlelag of several wagons and the dlv- men went to Rapid City to spend the Michigan -be I
------ -- ■ Mr. Bunlln, l, . MJIos i;..,,,,.
do. Today we stand done as bargain
•ppearanee of some portable preperty flay. They had been digging potatoes i
the board of oducailon of «lu.' villa?
gnt-rs and undersell all competition. At the same tin we give merchatuiue as
, Empire an.i 4< alwayf. foanJ os th
were reported. The town was ejccl.. of
perfection as brains and experience can produce.
anxious .1 ude of g-n*rt
lestiy ptAced and ft is probably doe nine dayt The men came from Mus-1 ,-arn mocey
V fbW Ml
owm-r rtf ;he Kiupin- J.
to this that the damage dene amount kegan together and .but tittle wak t*<irked In s
a bciliiitf. iip.tonSa’e
ed to nothing nave, perhaps, the labor known eonwrnlng them. Ihe last name 1
piblitiii: piper.
of tilmbing a trve or a shed afiw s
In cLuvlurioB. Mr. Isimiir.g is a nii.i
recnaat gate or wagon.
Fine all wool Eiderdown. 35c goods for...................................... 24c
; whora the n p.iMI.-anz of this aisir:,® lg«ye Rapid City ,-hiph he declde.1 lo cfcatischans- Ms
H* propro- may
m»T point
com, to with prld,- this fall
about 8 oclock in the aficrnuon In a , f.-s.«loa. He tool, up the nuiiy of, law rally ar-in
ar->i-n.l Inyai.-y.', v-r kuu
Children's 35c Rubbers for.
small--twat i--hlch they had borrowoJ anil was admtf-r--1 IK Ihe bar. bnt'i:..; ttst *4i-n
------volte Is heard ,o
-At a m^ng of the pastors-naoocU- of George Baggs. The lake was roagb i
sallsfltV, whh Ms ctiEi::- !.n;-*l«b*f- Lai',
givr.: *
IVIen’s Wool 3ox for.
bb Ob Mobdv 1, .U d«ad« to 1«. I .bb
h.—.l I
•ml |,lb.
u„. 0.11.
ci. ,or
i„ boln
bi-ip ™ b....j!
J the si.'
vRc tbe usdertakera of the dty la con­
ik.-ri- wi-n jio:i«-and TlKhi. rnd the coDft.i;!
The men were seen strugglinE In Ihc , high Imuors, receivlr.g tl',-• ,1-Kr»-.- .4
ea J.-.-1 safe a:
distriu can
fer with ikm at the meeting next water bin on accouni of the darkness '
------' • -................................
then iiMt
in ,
ia-4r trust la bi
amath aad dlscaxk tbe matter of Sun aad Ike storm, no rescue could be ofday foMralfi. TtOa Is a step toward | fee(t>d. Tben the other cries died
ahoUshlttg the bolding ot saeh j>er away aad finally but one vulce In the j'lion of rofwnaa in the tin shop ol j ■V'-biiiihs . U:e, C'-iitry .ot- ".V.-.
vleoi on Sunday.
$^~s5lRever?birSmyTna RugTf^^
darkness repeated the call for aid four'
'‘‘“' '“S
de . Monday Umes and then there was ulIencc.-How ’ ‘:°‘f "
Lnzi trilinti-r.uf re.=p.<! were p-ld
tor tbe unfoa Thanksgiving aer- the bou came to be overtuinod wlllj;^"
»^t^n«rJ* en-l r a Ursr .n"mler of eiiUens to
vfca-. For the east aide the service lUrter be known. The next maralng!
»'th J. .4. ladaijr; of S C, Defpruiat the fatniU
■wlU be hew In tho Church of Christ It was found half full of water hul I
^-f- ri-sidcB.-e.-where hi-; font-raj was ;:,-.d
Ufi the Rev. L. B. tUsselt wJU proach. right tide up.
''Inning hb husli^ ns a phanLir..Monday afurcuoa. Tl-i- *,-nias w.-r.
Ftor the west side the meeting wJQ be
There U . perulizir colneldence 1"'
cn-hlUhment, ae:i tiMil In the <lu..-lllcg whUh lit.- In-n
Mew hi Ihe Foaneemtt Street Metbo- eonneciloa with the stx-ldent. The:*^
ihe fck.rj- of the family ofTJr. Ik-sprtfihn chureh and the Bev BdvaM He- met! were drawncl on Snad«-. Oel. 9. r
fsir lbir;y-stftN- >Tar,>. oa.l ilu-r.- wj,
qna will preach.
I marriej in May, :j74. t " ■
Sunday. Ort. 3. the lu>dy of Jatner
-afly'. suITki'
...............— '—Iasb, luuuu waa on auncay, —e---.

TOUnaa Cor will rwad a paper on I Oct. SO. yesterday, the bodies of b«Hh
H, Gra;.
.es. .Itof
thl-frfv of imi- whol.l Ihty
- Evan^BsUc work-. At the February ■ j.„ Town* and Al were reeorered.
■*“>:= “*
**“•• «*^* «•> >»- «• A. had en. ,c. d fur maar vea« ar t
i^lag the Rev. Charle* T. Stout will j Although the Uke -was thoroughlv Thomiwoa. »ad B'iaRyred. wife ofUi-rt'hp* :,-ca a i-rumlMU fig rx- in
^a laperoa the divorce quraUpn I dragged after the accident, no inev
Navarre. Aside fram HU Im .p*;,* or.;,,
commun'iv t,.whether n tenister «bouW marry t; of the bodies was found. •R'alch wa*
fMwIy ho It-av.,; .Ufc hrott.r,' jcre ihar- ib; -e ferade
mwor woman that has be^n divorced kept, however, but SulHvan'* body was
f«n-sisurs. Thetid.-., Vi-rr, -, ..........
The mnctln, this morala* also d.^ only recnered by accident, a chance.** « alMer nf.tie
Shepherd «
dded lo.cvteml an invltatton to tbe rawer across the lake happening ie!Q'”-hec.
three reiaxiniBg onoy ‘
^ bauKvJ
Bute Sunday Schodi aasoclaUon *o’ notice his hody In ikv water.
mem here m-xt year.
Joseph Moran. Geonte Baggs anJ i
George A'oiiga aadl«j.^n,
Eearch' for an UncH.





C, .bo C. ,™

The Globe *£?'

bbb boo. w..b,« ; It'.SJrfSr.'S'S.r'"”'


Urge size Comforters. $ 1.25 varuefor..................................... 79c

............................................. 24c
Misses’ and Children’s Caps, worth 50c. for........ .. .24c and
Ladies' Trimm-d Hats at Special Cut Prices.

Bast Table Oil Cloth, all colors, special...........
75c Umbrellas, special for............................................................ 33c

Press Goods, ip Worsteds anil Hovelly Gooas. wmtt 35c. for 19c
White Crepe Voile, worth 35c. special per vd ....................... 25c
Men's and Bovs' Jersey Shirts, 50c valueTfor'r...'
Men's heavy Merino Underwear, worth 25c, for..................... | 7c
Men's aU^WDol Underwear, odds and ends, value up to $ 1.25
Boys' School Suits, special..

Five pieces blue twilled Flannel, also black and red plaids.
suitable for men's shirts and ladies' petticoats, former
price 28c. now....................................................................... |g^

WV In Iho ciiv s.tbrt.jirm’L^T rioK-^ iho''o,h^'L”'i
Dm*, who was suppoKW to have hem
M a luiaher camp The yoimg man
was uaable to sprak a word of Bug•od thb made his quest a dlfllctali

w.,.,.-^-b-koi Jm <beKoishi. T.-nii,Iar .....j[

oCee of town truSfjr.T f.rt- two jnars.1 Onefw.3 a
mviBS-r of that ord.-r.
tody uf Joe Towne was round. On'
when the
The Kalghw
^ city wa.-i
, bIn lu l.-tfascr:
- so is.
-.1I The
T-miliar were ri-preaecmni of U being wedged uadm ih^
cbstraciicos. the body would' never
hate risen, it nma kdt where R was


"ned, storm collar, worth

Ladies’ Felt Shoes, special-





Grand Traverse Herald




jLLSEijnuKB aunxAKp.di

Eft. J. A BBADLBT. ef b«a Si«Ma.
nun p. aiuziEB. <t cmm*.
oao. A. psBKxnr. «t a>«M atr*«r OoabMmt «( «w aiM* UBd Ofte*

MTSicE a. nuxr. «r DMtt.
r MmW «(th*HUr Board •fadMM
umn U VaiOBT. fd imrowd.
AABOK V. ftoAEVAT.«( WinWoo

Fr*d M. W»mor and tho ontlro otatoj -Mnr of Ibe otodwro attanded tbe[
Sam 0»d T^tSea.
(tekat CBjmat But ba aiactad bp vary | neaUns*. Iw tbay dh) ooi erlace tSatr | Thr maoD tor tb« «ar vraced opon !
targa majorHiaa.
| craat affectloa (or Hr. Parria by A-1 Hr. Wanar la ibla eanpalsn to aonia-1
torbloc Hr. Wamar; oo tba eoatrsry. iblnp tha: ha« not >at barn rxplaiaad
Mr. FanSa' FtatJarm.
(ba iMBnieot chaara ware from the by tbr ronao tbai are puabins ibe i
«Mr. PerrU daelarcd ia bla addraaa .aindeMa. oho adaur«dUie8traisbU(»-> warfare. There ^
araak that tbe daMcRswtk plai-i ward ■
in which Hr. Wamar
as ' twrlre nata oScara. (or iwatva eoafora prottiaaa a-primary rafmt taw' piatnad hla poaltioB On tbe nate ta-. Yrraanen aad foanaan electon. for'
caverliit (he wbota aUia, and that tha j aueo or (ba day.
15: aenaior* and repraaaatatJTea aaJ j
pr^lr under (bat matfortn can hare ] -EHrly In tba aratOag it wao tean (or ten or twelre oounty oSem In
)uft what they wao(. He condemn*: that tba opera bouaa and the Wood- aaeb of the aUtbiy-threa anntlea oT
(be rapnbllcan plan adrecatad by Hr.; men hall would ba crowded, so Hr. the sure—coubHrs orer l.MM oBea«
Warner and eoadannt Hr. Wamar for | Warner sad Phil T. Colgrora oa|«rat _ to be contested for between (he ternthe faoncat aUtemeni that be would' ad. Mr. Warner ipaaklng at tbe trrar | oemu and rapbbileana—and yei tbe
cifni any bill the ieKleUiure might! flow maetini; first, wfalle Hr. Oolgrore | democraiic campaign effort it cor.
past. Hr. Wamar, la this aascrtlon | addrads^ tha opera bonte aodlanca.' cectmtod wholly upon one mao. to tb^coDcadea to the senate and house of j Then they changed plaUonns. Dan C. neglect of alt fbe others. coaDtins all
represeotaUres a -wlsdoai «nd Jodg-1 Chamberlala was also oae of the tbe rest of slight Importance. And it
l>euer than that of any (Me Ban.'speaheT*.
: Is a rirange (art tbai nf that <
Tbe only (oplra
and he it willing to abide by the judg­
’ 1 Ftad H. Warner, our nominee for g
state Isiuea. meeting Ferrts
ment of those bodies.
1 tbejemor,............................................
they fpeelj- admit that ............„
On the other band ^r. Perris do- batUegtound o(
a own selectloa-i degmeatory on be shown. That
clsres eopbatleaUy thst be would not ] These issua
aggrcsslTely met is capable ud honest and faithful, --=rrr.
alga any bill tbe leglilatare might and tbe legislative and
lod administrative
I and-has rendered good serrlcc in nil
would reserve for his owc'hlsiory of the stale under republican { positions be has occupied, they hav.Cs\wU tv^l vlwO
judgment the merits of a tneasure de-] control was cgpoanded. The ralsrepre-1 repaatedi) coofesited; but tbe prt.
cided upon by both senate and bouse: i s'-nutiians of tbe democrai* were ex ! fe*s to fear that he might not so show j ^BPC MAROUETTE
aad If that measure did not suit Hr.j posed and tbe tacts clearly suied.
'him*. It a« the goremor. Sorel.v. that i * '"^Tive Steth
Ferris he would refuse to sign It. Hr.| "Mr Cotgrove. In opening the opem. Is too injertie to be contldered. anl^ Special exrur*l..n rate to Chirac..
Ferns- platform, therefore, might be! bouse meMlng. spoke In eompUmen-(too absurd to be esndtd.

ret«™ November 27. rs anj “•
refer.! Tb^,.
.... “1'"“‘V"
aummad np like ibis;
: ury terms oTtbe tiodent. and refer.}
^ the
lbv^“-n.w r*-;'"’
■ I would give all the people Just j ring to the Ferrts interTlt-w to the ef- „.-aring „r rertain UAIatlon which , agenu- |.,r ,.nrn. -iiar.,
tn twhat they want, but when ihe^leglala- j feet tbai he feared they would maer. ,b,.y have taken up n> a war rrr. af
turc paasea a primary bUl U I do not, trouble, he said be was surprised at (..cing to think the aaivailon of th-,: Battlers' Fares to the SetiUi and South-



When a. tjriaEe is re-)ui-el there b no reasoo why yon ibould
be liroiie-i in your choice or pay an cxorhiiani price. (Jur stock ia'
diKlct every «>-lc and kin.l of syringe tnxde. We hare tnany varieties
not commonly ^nietl, and while dtffcrcat grades are handle-} oar
price tm ea< n is the loivesL
We have a special line of loontain sytinges bearing our name
srhicii arc gnaraMce-J for one year. Prices range from *1.45 to $3,
according to site. We have cheaps ones.

mairs Drug Store,

think the people want It I will veto It. ■ such
I™*'.-te depend, upon It. b„. m pursuit: One way. aecS^<lau Ucket* on
who were ambitious enough to strivu, „f jh,, ,jb, the# altogether neglect the sale at all ttathms on -vst and third
for an education at the Insiltuie, came; )edsi»,ive candidates upon whom de-' Tnesdays of each moBlh.
t agent*
) be testrueied and were
be could judge what Is best fur tbe
lO-U ,
pends the sveiirlng of the legislation.:^" parUculan.
to be led t)>- a ft
*" '“'I' Ml'-"- "PO. u... j, 81. LniU.
<^“5 *»«. Single man. bombarding him and] Round trip Uckew at low rales, on
ilone,. ifikht
. _ . and
day. with
sriib ji “le «
at all Ucket
stations. Ask agents
Wb g;in« .and little gun*, brass drum* j
“• Uekeis and fnl! paraad tom-toms. And this they do
the sake of primary reiorm. as lh--y
* that there
lhai of goTcmor. is tbe offln- of
pMfeui,,w<.<il knowing that their g.n ,
llorgenoral. The bulness of ibe auJ. Is no abjection t
eraor. if ibep could d.-fesl Mr, War.,
against Hr. Warner as a candidate
Jior's departmeot has
ner. would have no power lo |«-*s ifclor
rccrni yoars that It requires a force
law they riaim to seek, aa-l ciuild -Ml;,
of asslstabts to carry It <*■> about equal hi* rharaeier clean, they all admit, but approve H when pss.«<-d. which Mi
that of all the other departments of be I* the nnminee of a ’ Uarhine.’' and Warner promises to d.i more freely
The best for ihe price in '
the stale goveRimeni combloed. Tbe will be In the control of the forces nn<i fully than their man does. Hen-. I
work Is moat iatneate. and often dlf- that have nominated him. Mr. For-, abM. the ------------------------------------- '
ris Is talking thi* silly stuff in hIs.
fleuit and reiponnlble; and the voli
alisu.d fc-.lwrllA r respectful ronsld.
For a short tim^fc-on can boy
of the departmeut-s flDaBClal transar- speeches every day. Now Mr. Ferns erallun.
ti<M* la a year exceeds a half mllllun knew two years ago. If be paid rnty^, Ko ‘i i« ir le Uisl tbe n-ax.ii fiu lli.-ir
of dollars, besides tbe audlUng uf all aitenllQo to pollUrel affairs—which
war 5pon Mr. Warear l,; somelhing
state expenditures. Tbe tiile ut a very likely be did not. becauM- be e
Ith-ylui-i a-- JNtKised it they wi-r‘ perceniabe of tbe real properly fepsed In some remarks befinvfu-.-klng party advantage they wuuM
of the state Is-fa Its keeping la the democratic coBventlon In hi* to...
lUU pounds Oil 0'f f/1
“I- >"».Ui.-lr |»n,. Th«r
eourse of a single term, and upon the «... hi. namliute. lb>l
Cake Meal.... ^ i
We buy noihiriK but the best grain and you
regularity and legality of its proceed­ claiming to be a democrat be had not'»«ii«Mal canUldaie* which
ings depends a goodly porUon of the
pure article.
Best Oranulateil barrel
stale’s reveauc, and the correctness of work or any conventlon-lmi he mlgh-Salt
*"• *“'* J’’"' “’**>
lu dlsbiirsemetiis. in an post- bavo known two y.-ar, ago. that Mr.l “ *"
Warner was a candUlaie for governor.
(k>B under the tUte'a authority
thero demanded an ofllcer uf clearer It was publicly known, and dUcussH i
fonnaiion of Koosehead, (d more elflclem and iboroughly in the newspapers more than three
tralaod biulneas quaUiles, of more ar- years ago; and Mr. Warner has all'
cnrmta«Jodgment or (aitbful characier. along since been rec.gnlxed a* an
«hvy luolese sr.- .n^lnc r.
In Ibe Boralnatlun of Dr. James R. pirant for the nomination, aad he .o
'''"‘r for the purpuM-of
Bradley of Baton Rapids fur tbe pos|. conducted bis campaign as to win thUeBERS RUBBERS RUBBERS RUBBERS RUBBERS
repnldicaas -into girtng al.i
tlaa the repobllosa party has present- popular favor which ex|.res*e<l Itself
•“’“ooracy by hri,.
ful to tha people of Michigan a «««" in in Warner delegsiea alt over the aiaie..
•>”' ret«.Mlcan
whom thoae requUltes are emlaentiy aad tecured for hit the Btajoriiy vole
‘•‘ "■’‘•rwi'
oorablned. He la a native cd Michigan, of all the delegates when the convenBEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE
tectlcs 1»
In *««»*
strut rffwl-lican states, an.
bore In 8b
county. He Is Ir tion met. Where is tbe • machinehas seen U b-tore. Mlrt,
the prime and vigor of life, being fC In thatr What I* tbe sense of such
“PP"' Roosevelt and War
yean oM on tbe 19ih of November talk? MUI it be presumed Ihsi a *“
BcxL He U a man of cdncailun and majorliy vole Is evidence of corrupt;
--------- 1 have----------bustaeas training, graduated from the Influence, aud only unsuccessful ,,f.|«»^r-ss*l..nsl and It^islailve tirkeifnru
Bush Medical coUege in Chicago
Supporters of the
eighteen yean ago. and long anjoying
demand ‘ primary reform without
large and valuable pracOee Id BatOD
county. He is a patriotic clUsen and I «>P“«»n." But tbe
of all qt«.*faithful rebuhllcan. and has
ha* been
been!| ««««»»»
It has been erroneously repo.vtrusted aad honored both lo the eoun I
l»P°« to a direct
ed that t hare disposed of icy
cils ol bis party and In ofllcUl reapon*'*'• P^P^--" “1 that is option
busluess. This Is not tr-je. un
>t k. «r
muet» w
slblliUei by hU govereBent and by Dues ibeplatrara mean nothing, then?
the contrary I am plaenlog u
feature of the republican
(fee paople. ahalrau of the repahil- The option
Increase my fseillUM for' a
has here the targei of---- ”
caa tmanty cconmUtee (or the last four proposition
larger stock.
and It louks
years, mmber of the board of county mneb (
pension examiners two teras, msyor ihoMb O.T m«.d. «"j;I will aooD have a big line of
of the city of Baion Kaptds two tern*, had here Igaorant of what their <i
I70i» is designed for fleshy w«,mi-i;
theae are aome of the poaUlonx be has platform proposea.
l*rice one dollar and even- pair war
occupied with credit to hUnself and ad.
Good Political Argomente.
vantage u> the eommoally: and now.
In tbe larger jurisdicUoa o^tbe state, The flrst republican meeting of ihl=
and the wrightler reaponai^ty Of the campaign, held In Sieinbeqrs Grand
auditor geaeial’s office, he will bring a law week, waa moat important ie
riper Judgnteot and mainrer powers, thoae who have desired enlightenment
and will have iK-ttcr aitractlonf
i saaiaanfi SM3flBri^^
BuaBanw BMasBOH
and tbe name seal aad faJihtuInes* upon aute and national Issue*. Th'
for the carefi:; buyer ibac ei-.r
thst bis frilow dUaens have reeo;- address o( Senator Burrows was oo.before.
of thoee heart to bean talk*.
nlxed in him. In a worthy


Klc Can 6iv« You


Feed, meal. Bran, middlings.
Corn and Oats


oftUjrDo c aarwATt.
iJS. B- M05BOB.



g« the


TN Casli Bronr


Traverse City.

Elgin C. Lewis,


At the OldStand

H <1 being argwad by' BamceraMe

Not Sold jlut

aaa aheuld net cling te party IlnM
tirit year baoM tha dasaaemU
give t»M auta what it wanta In
vmy ef primary reform. Thla la a mattar for repobllcana to eenolder aamaat^ betera veUag. Let ua aaa what
tha ftsmoerata can do fot* ua? in caac
ef ^ alactian ef Farria aa govomer
ba BMld do nothing In tha vwy of legMNMen axcapt te algn or vote iagloiattvv biUa. - In this rwgard Mr. Farris
BaMaraa that should the Isgialabirt
pass a bill that ha did net think tha
paepia wantad ha would promptly vats
ft. Tharofors ha would stand as tha
jmipa ef what %«m good for tha paopla.
Mr. Farria could also appoint a to the present model admlnUiratkm of *?^.**‘‘^*’
impress upon
tbe minds of ii
United Btataa aanator should ona ef that department.
review of the natiotuU issues and bis
tha Michigan aanstsrs ba rsmovad by
argumems In favor of republican tyili
Mr. Farris eeuM
Did Mr. Farria Bay Uf
a govamer place i
tics U ataie and natfoo wen- forceful,
Mr. PeiTlB. In hi* addraaa here the
ail tha appalntlvt offlcaa In tha state if other nlghL denounced aa a lie the comprehensive a'nd luslructive. Sent
lor Burrows I* ptH>ular in Traverwe
-.b« daw fit And hit meat active oupIn tbe Evening
City and hto address fast night made
partara In thit campalft. do not axpaet
Record (hat be bad deplored a vialt of
him more so. His extensive know
te fa unrwwardad.
Hr. Warner to Big Rapids and IntiSpaaklng of “tha machine,’ the
mated that he could not control his ledge of national and stale logidlatioti
mate Mr. Farria made hla appoint- students, who were loyal to him. Per­ equip* him with such arguments amaaia there would be organliad
haps Mr. Perris did not make the (are conclnaivc to those who need forci
rnoM poomrful machine that would i.tetement, but true it is he has becu hie demtnstraiions to convince them
State Issues were very ably handl<-<!
kava a hand in state affairs. Ana Dan wlJcly credited with expressing such
by- Hon. Geo, G. Corel!. Mr. Cove::
Campau, who aalectea Mr. Farria. seutlBieiits. Here is what was said of ...
would alM Uka a hand ir. tha dicta- the Warner meeting in Big «»■-•■- i,v '
primary reform querti-m
Uon cf atata aflaira. Trjm H la shown •he DetreU Journal cLrawnSit ^ ! *" *
that rspubikans should agerelae great Big Rapids. Oct. ST;
i convinced mqny who have talked F<e
care in casting their vote thie ywr.
Tb- b,«„ oi„- .I cowu, r,.rt. ■ "'ZZ',
The question is. whether tha demo- ». b.
"I”"'-- c.-.b.
tewta. through Mr. Farria. can eorraet blbhl. .b„ caid... f™, V K.F
" '™“tha aaieting evila batter than tha ts- b-r .aa™,M
pubilcana through Mr. Warner.
Tha rupublican party U the party ef
pregraaa. auecasa and with a record in Wooamei hall, .hare over .00 wore
- arhiete«ae«u ->f the republican panthe adutton ef gmt national and
erowded-and stfll auarly 800 people'
have been proud of the achtev
of their party. New. wm repu
be inlluenccd by a refonn aen
the and of which can be better
ptiahed by their own party than by
’ We de not believe iL This IM
conteina much that ia i
inatpuetive and alt republican^ and
demeertu. too. arc asked ta
rial aUndpoiot and 4a «

Boston Rubbers





J! Bank

In looking for a bank to rc.
eeivc your money, juni sill, ofcourse, seleci a ball bark—a
convenient bank, an arr<imm->
dating iiank. We want yvu
cookIiPt this bank alone ih--.-Uncb. — satisfy yourseir of ili-soundness and rellabllliv uf ttai>
InstiiuUon. Half tbe enj-j.vme.,;
of having money is to know ;;
is .-nllreb sale. It U here «h- .
yon want It. esrnirv liit.-r.
all.! I' aleol'ilelj

Crioerse Citf SMe

UAl.E CHEAP---kbcd
r* h-«- ■>D.
i-sru. MS Mil Ki

If Jlnytbing


i.i",£pi!'r v;,si'£:g»"'

in the following variety of goods is on your
shopping list, you can purchase it at .the City Book
Store with the assurance of obtaining tbe best quality
at a moderate price. The recollection of quaftty re­
mains long after price is forgotten.

Ali.-n J. Histea BSTiBc SM la wld r.Mrt

P--utwn prsyvat

am -u. m

•« ^ciurh 111 t| .

Traveraa City Market*.

A l.>-kAK<iD

were unable to gel tuu elther.meeUns
•The students of the Pelrls Ins'b
Sneakinx of the
i.t-, ,,.TO,b, ™iiTOi. I, ,bi,
Mdev the praseni admiaistmlun. it ^wy**’


■ Prvtaiw baker. bJ!

X JiAn A iForsafer.


Blan Paptr
Tint Ebina
Olindev Shades
Picture Frames
Seuoentr Boeds

Sporting 8»«ds
Barnes and Coys

! myvac

pkr-—1 mmm City Book Store

rU nid that he feared hIs influ.
muM not resirala them.

-■ .......... -..............

» •»« hf P

....-....- s: ItsarJ

i taxrs ba the railnads.



Bcbtrl-Bttchtr Z»„ Pr»p$.
NA. UftA!M

tnvmt Off, USkt.


S KT Cat Rii9vt4 a Time DepwttK.

L’Bclr nui ^liipple c>bi« ta Tan<lsT
ercDlDs from hte bone in LeeinMH
eoamr to ntieBd ibe Wnrncr neetiiijs
and U ^nnid of the fi/-l
tbnt vttb tall one taindrod nod tour
rein be vltl be ttae oldeit nu In
Uictalcan to cMt tail roie for Rooso
Tell Dell Tite*dn>-.
Meeting «t Nerthpert.
Hon. 8ini« Dnlrr ud Food Conlinlooer A. W. Smlib. Hon. O. C.
Moffett nnd G. G. CoreJI of ibli c«t
*111 go to Nontaport Friday eienlng'
for the blggeit
tion that end of the “bor*“ bai bad
lU campaign.
PreparaUoai are bring mnde tbore
T n warm reception, and the whole
eousiy b expected to tolw oat
bear ibe prilUcai luoea of ibe day.
preacnted by able expanenu of repub­
lican doctrinea.

The Woman'i Foreign UiiilaanrT' Bclding b eridesUy on the boom
Sorlety of ttae Aibtanry H. B. etanrch • Within the yan fe*
*111 meet with Mrc. Honiinr<« to- \ buildlngi birr been going njt. inclndmorro* nftefwme at J ocloek.
j lag. beilden a nev fia.noO
Holy cowntreion vas ohierred at' <&arefc and aerenl brlci bloeka, a
Ti30 and 10 oeloch Uwlny at Grace! nanber of Ine realdene**.
episcopal church.
A new- Odd Fellow* lodge will be:
Oont Retpeet Old Aga.
irganlied In ibU cHy next Thnnday
*<'* chnmeful when yoatfa falls


-:ing-i New Uf«- PKb. The.e cut off
sbted by Ctaarie* Gdgeomb of ttaU, maladies *o matter bow raren andi
i Irrespeetlve of oM agr. D}'spop«ia. |
janndiee. fever, consilpailon all ;

the. bedside of ber father. SUas WWn- H- Meads' Drag Stores,
lery for aU weeks.
Mrs. Cynthb Tboraburg of Maple
ai>- spent Snnday in town, the gue«
if her brother. T. J Whlnnery.
George K. Benjamin left on n bu-1ie»s trip to Cndllbc to^y.
Mrs. Maggie Grady retnraed
home at^ Wetzell today.
Vett Fair.
James'L. Murray left on a bnsine<>
Ip to Grand Rapids today.
port thrir full ticket I’nleii dbUnc
Andrew Scott of Nwihport b
can be cbargc-l rbitur today.
agninit a candidate, be U entitled
Mr. and Mrs. N. A Updyke of Crat
all the voten of tab party. Erery t»Lake arrived for a rtoli to Charles
publican abould vote and wort for
MckeU of East State street.
Rooneveli and Fhbbanki. Democratr
may negieet theb naUoaal ticket, or, Mr*. Josrab Melor left ihU mornins
Grand &pids to spend the winter
pTriend to for the purpose of cajoling
Mrs. D. C. Fbh of Battle Creek
r^ubllcan rotei for eome other
rived this noon to visit V. J. Sproul
dIdate. boi erery man on the r^ubll
if Cnloo street.
can ticket from ttae top to ttae bottom
Maitle Germond of Boyne City pass
hat an effual right to expect the rap
port of all Ibe voten. jliey aboiCd sd through town today on a visit
.'rionds in Elk Rapids.
vote for Wtamer and the whole itaU
Mr. and Mrs. James Scott and son.
ticket. Every name there li worthy.
They abould vote for the Jodgei noml d. E. Scott and wife and little daugbt
Bated, and for the congreiiman ac'l rr Catherine, left this morking for
the aenaior and ttae repreientatlve to ’ihort visit with friends nt Manistee.
S. E. Torreil. grand master of <
each dbirict. And they ihonld rot<
for all the coonty candMaten. whc Masonic order of the grand lodge
closeri to the people, and upon Michigait. was in the city yesterday
attend ib« funcral of S. C. Desptes
whose faittafulneas In ttae e.inpsip'
as well as in tbeir oAces when elected, While here he was the guest of K. G
Am] m tre money if .on ht».
depend much of the success of the
a pair oi our inperlor rubber.whole ticket, and of the worthlnet*
to ki'en yojir few dry during
and prosperity of the party now and
^ barge Bdwmrd Buckley li foad- beraafter.
ast night bsned the Thanksgiving
teg maple at the J^ba F. Ou company
We have light rublwrs of ihIsy procUmatlon. vetting aside Thnr*Enthuebetie Warner Mrating.
dpdti M Ctaktttai
'ry iKjst quality to fli all shoeTraverse City people gave the Hoa. lay. November 24, "to le olaened as
froin the little lots to th<
Fonr oar loadt of eaund goodi wen Fred M. Warner, republican candi- ■» day of f^tlval and thanksgiving by
Urg.-! Bisc for men.
the United SUies
Mblgped to Green Bay. Wb.. today tU date for governor, and party a warm U1 the people
home and abroad.”
Wc are also ready t snp|d.v
tk^lllfhob by the local canning laft- welcome when they nrriveil In the city
jon with
on e speelel nt 3;4S p. m. yesterda)
Steinberg's Grand was flilod to over
Colombln brought la a load ..f flowing and the addresses brought
Mr*. Fred Avery U ill *-lih
fonb abundant enthuslaw. Xhe Is ilUUs.
■ahlvles from Toreta Lake Uib
tly and fa'b
for ttae Hnnuta A Lay HarcanUb
Dr. Bunco of WlllU
ty and the direct manner in which they ailed Saturday to atte^ Edwi? G*
who hasI been on the eick
were put to the peo^e made an Im
of be»i wearitis brands.
O. O. Adams of Detroit hen pur- pressinn that was very favorable I-. . Mrs, Cook and Hr<. Omklin of WII
In the most us.-ful and comfi.n
t^aaed B. Adsleg's groesry, 61S SoMh deed. Mr. Kelley was still speaking ibmsburg visited Mr», Fred Avery
the Record went to preis.
Dnhm street and will move tab tamOy
Clifford Pray drove to Elk Rapids
party will leave the dty on the Perv
.herwdh-ahMt • mteih.
J 2*th.
Merguette at trlS.
R’lll Samuels and famW
tally o
Mr. Warner was met at Walton by
!s visited Mrs. Samuels'
'Is' me
artba Beelcy. Sundav.
the committee from Traverse City and
Dell Fairbanks and wlf,- of Elkk Raj>WhO^Say atI the residence .. .. _ In the car with Mr. Warner were Hon.
d» rivlied at Orin IJnduley'v undsy.
n; n. The s>ii>il,!,. sf,,,..
MHIv. Rev. Demas Coehlln officiating. A. B. Darragh^eonKTesenan from tUr
WcUa Matterson and Jerry- Cooper ilni.- of the y»ar, nia-lr
dlitrin. P. U. Kelley, superintendasi Irove to Traveiwt- City the 26th.
•■ix-rially tanne.1 calfskin
Ab. Bobmere moracd home FrlA ronelng repuUieaa meting was of public InsiracUon. Cheric
kffi. OU'
,i„- wet. Host-d
held In Wltliamsbarg ^turdey nigh', deputy secreurr of sutc. RepresesU lay from Travorve City where be hu'
■Mvn emplore<l as brakeman on the
tonwes, hr.vy sole. Toy?
the tpraj^en bring the H(w. Georg> live Joseph OerasK. Hon. G. G. Coveli
right to sizieen Inches high.
a. Onrell and Frtiili W. Wllm. There and J. E. Worthington of the Grand
Arthur Boismerc wen
Rapids HriaM.
Ihr 24th. leaving there
11 day
flS-OO. «tS0. $34». up to *5.00.
The special met with a rousing re for Deirpli. where he Intends 0 visit
>r a while.
ceptloa ail along the Hue and Mr. War
John Moran and famUy of Kalkaska
n and family of 8»w take leave Thursday tor Gray- oni ovaUon along the entire roote.
Hag. Mk^. for a .Miffikk visit with hU AddreMce were medc at Kingsley b« telephcme ..
steter, hire. Dayum Coanine. (ormeriy Mr, Warner aad Mr. Kelk-y on the l-.- he second body of the men wbu ... ..
of tbe campaign in a very Intel­ £owned In Round lake the »lb c,f Oci.
of thb city.
ligent manner that brought out Uk The body was found Snndav by J«w
Moran of Kalkaska county HU righ'
L. D.. Hall, who b over eighty yeers appbiue of the people.
name was noi known, but be went l>y
oM. voted for Taylor and Premom.
When the special reached this cit.v (he name of Alex, The body wa.fitting, lungo!
•ad can remember the campaign In It was met at tbe G. R. A 1. depot by found near tbe place wber.> the boat
shoes made.
"which Oea. Jackm was prttmlneni tbe Traverse City band and an enthu was found. The body was laid to reri
He ^old like to bear from any on siastle dclogation of clUtens. Mr. In Willlamsbnrg cemvicry todav. The
•lAO. $1.75,
third body, that of Joe Towm- was
Who can remt
k any farther.
and party made a triumphet!! lound Sunday also, but by Rapid Ciij
march from the sUUon to the opera Ptrilev. The body of Joe Town,- was
Fonr-year-oW Maade Wberier of flit bouse. Ibe atrcri bemg crowded with found near the place where that ot
OarflM avenne b enflerlag with the people wbo bestowed liberal choeni SnlUvan's was found a w-vek ago Sun­
'amallpd* and' has been taken to.thv n the futnre governor of Michigan.
ttty peel house. It U ibought that she
Tbe decorations at tbe opera bouso
ooaiiacted the disease by playing ia were both beautiful and artistic,
■•nUOsr rnailms.
tM. »\
continuous band of tbe national colors
-------- Ing Bdcr hL D Cartvl
draping the entire balcony front, while Traverse Cl!; preaci
Ob board tbe lliteah Tbnraday were from tbe vaulted celling above fes- da> and prasld,led at
two Blae-mcb smot^ bore cannoi.s
I drooped to the halrany. and
me farmers are busilleg to get the
aad earrlages which were being shipp­ above the arched proecenium a mag- large crap of potatoes dug this fine
ed (o Prioski^ and Mackinaw City. nifieem flag was draped in ariUuc weather.
Ellloii Taylor and family will mov.
Tbe guns, whfeh wedgb fl.btt pounds lines.
D South MSDitou this week.
each, were uMir tram the lateat dbThe circuit court adjourned for the
The Illinois and Columbia ralli<
manUed haulesffilrafternoon and attended tbe meeting ;n with freight a
For Womoffi
a body. Mr- Warner epoke first and day- nie IMli
tor a
The ColcmbU left Friday on her wae followed by the Hon. Mr. Kelley. ren'a dock
Sofl. pliabje caifskln ahoos.
Mr. sweet and Miss’ Huntst.urrer
last wild run of the aensoa. taking a Both addreesev made tbe audlrace
Lt-af sltle*
were united in marriage a
cargo of fraigfat to Suttons Say. Glen very cntbusiastic and tbe meeting wav last Frlda,v. We wish U
ths? wil! kaap out the wet
thorn mau}
Avtor and Glen Haven, efter which one of the best ever beM in this city. years of happiness.
Wfll. but ig always'
Fisher's gasoline boat, Cain. CuiCapuin Webb will go dliWcUy to Charl-llabie.
ting, rame over from South Msnlioii
lercdx and put ber Into winter gnarPcraetiaie.
.vesierday In om- hour and a half with
nm and return to hla winter borne
From Monday's Record.
1« pas»ce.gir» C A Ftsher. rupee' Casaopolis.
Miss Kate Calvin left today for ^ visor, who hart Iwen to the island on
two days' visit at Solon with her business connerted with his offircame with tbem The Islsndert arl4qrd Cornell, wbo la only fourteen brother. Timotby.
plebsed that they wKi u- abb' to vo-.'
ycara old. brings the HeraM aamplee
Mn. Frank Winnie, wbo has been this fall The rvgisiry show* 4< voierr
For the Boyi’
of polaloas weighing.over a ponnd her mother. Mrs. T. A. Laid•aril, which he ^s«d thlt anmmer. law of Bingham,
returned home today | „
, Oiwrtrou, wreck*.
. »i.5a
They atv the Beauty of Hebran
by her slvter
. Gareiesanet* 1-. re»pon«;tite ft?'
,rlMy. and while he has but n amall
sr. .riling th, Brest. St
pAteb. be secured 25 bushels from
I sufferers from throat and lunc trot,
4«tag alt tbe work himself. The poearing sh.H-s for U... we bate
Mrs. Ellen Stebblns of Flint who
*•>'■ adteni of Ur
ver reen for the price. Goo-,
. .otvry !
tUfiaa are all nearly as Urge as the has been spending the summer with i,
Mfoo. Coughs and Colds, e
shsi.- ‘ looting, bm lonB
cousin Chester of Nonhpori • case*, can be cured, and hojieless r
......... .V_____ _
.................. r'livu. «nu uui*«-ie8s resitpassed ttiraugh town today, on her' wtlon Is n.> Jonger neeessirv, \f*' • -I Crapg of Dorchester. '
JaeUce of the i*eace Amil NcrUnger
of manrwhoM lilt- w-as
performed hM first wedding cetwmony Pram Tuesday's RecoiidKing's Now l){>cov>r>. 1
<m Raiorday afternoon, tbe one ihni
wb. I. vUlUb, 1. LU.. Sti.■"
tied Ibe knot that united an estimstile Linden, avlies thnt the weather
- Wail A Sons ..... r ,.
couple. Joseph RUlo* and MUs Rosa very bad and that three Inebra of Meadr.- llruigri«».
Prirc .'■ic and $1
Bowerman. The bone of ihe grmm tv snow bate fallen.
Trial bo’ties free
In Waicon and the bride cam.- fitiui
Mr. anri Ur*. W. F. Gusline of Cap­
Scmmii cii.v. The Ji
illar were called here by the draih «i
the ceremony with lAa «w« and grace 8. C. Desprss. Mii QtiaUne returned
sif g veteran and judglag by his suc- last eve^ but Mrs. Otwtine'wfl! re­
<Mfi with hU first vMInre wfU b<^ main a frw days, the gut's! „r her
rwmr vw} pruflrlidu |a this Hoe.
Sener »r Good Shoes.
mother. Mrs. K.Gray.

> MioHlcme«*m I

We Have Nearly Fifty Pieces to Show You
That makes quite a good showing of Linoleums, a fact
wonh remembering when you come to buy. We.have the
prettiest designs that you ever saw. We show (you choke
patterns in the floral designs (the English goods are very
striking and handsome in these pattemsi all the conven­
tional designs usually carried, only a great many more of
tbem. Some extradcsigns for Bathrooms in thetile effects..
These are all of the best qualities. You will find a gi^! e'^?.
many of our pauems arc exclusive, as wc buy direct from
the rnanufaaurers. we therefore get the cream of the
patterns. Wc know of nothing so durable for a hall, din­
ing room, kitchen, bathroom or office. Easily cleaned,
easy to put down and a' good piece of Linoleum, will give
more honest-wear for the pride you pay. than anything
you can put on your floor. Uo not fail to see the line be­
fore you buy your next piece of linoleum. ::::::


Circulation this week 2,900

42c to rOc Square Yard.

Heavy Rubben

Hig'h'Cut Shoes


Wet Weather

Solid Shoes

SSP.3,”''™ '•



Alfred V.friedricli

Special offer ot a good quality Liholeum, regular $1.10 quality,
2 yards wide, for................... . ...................................................




Ladies, You Should Be Dressed Warm
It is time to vhink about your coming needs for Underwear. It i
purchasing hcre-jNOW to accomplish money saving of a kind that^^^l^t ^
promised later on. The finest of silk and wool—cotton and all wool Vests. Pants
and Union Suits in assortments that guarantee satisfied selection.

The ribbcd style. fleece lined. goo<l quality for 25c the garment, a better
quality for ./>c. and the extra large sizes for 55c.

Something especially good, heavy liccee lined, a splendid garment for
warmth and wear, sell for 50c each garment.

Some l.adics prefer• aa part wool garment, and these arc ribbed. They
find a ready ^aIc. ~
These are made in gray at two prices 75c and $1.0).

A garment
ment of white mercerized yarn, ha* a fine appearance, is soft
the touch,
weari qualities are fully guaranteed, and these '
-uch. and the wearing
for $1.25 the garment.

As good a garment as wc have ever sold and the warmest a person
wear. There are three prices $1.00. $1.50 and $2.00.

There: arc
arc K)
so many
mai Udies who will wfar nothing clic. If you have

The most^^nka^' that can be worn. These splendid garments sell for


See our enormous stock of Children’s Underwear, at once.

ell for 5'ic.






Grand Traverse Region.
_Bne Qi
r. knd Mr». Eugene
.■ n'.-i.sli
•sd Claud Petenus of TOe Lake were
calkr* hen- KoDday.
Mn. Vl’in Cbrlnopher Is rWUot at
BcMtaa and Robert Campbell of Fife
Imke-Tlaiu<d frlenda here Soaday.
X.,At«7 of aeaP Traverse City 1«
bm iooklas for a'fam and thinks he
vm tar la this vfdniiy.
A mmber from here took In the
FtfTTis speech at Traverse City last

Mrs. Cbaodler was able u. be at the
, Ladles' Aid which met at Mrs. G<Men's Wednesday. The Beat meetlae
•111 be a
We an
•III bare
,h ns
____ ______
srill te with
os ibe
the oomlnc
The Ladles'
lies' Aid of this pUw U
' idanniBR lor a nioimaee sale
In i
The Btfv- Warren preafhed the fa

The B. R E. I. t K Co. hms b«d) She WM

by Mi«. CU« NSh-%red by the youDK folki. oT U>te nHKt- tended. The nrzi mectina '
wlU bo
dr.-.-’Md In the borbood « the n-sidesce of Ji». Strtc with Mcf CoMb.
Mr. asd Mr,. Gen. Rvaa* ti»k dinner >
iDK bfi
_ ________
sith W. H. D.sun's folks last daadav-!
*-• **• Seeley U oa (be slek lUr.
^utlful rloB service and was per i la«! few daysaad the'folks a.^'tJTy
TheI4>wonh leairae at Giant cbnrah
up for
rennOB «d the Infant babe
e orl F"'
largalT attended Iasi Sunday <
Me. and Mrs. Harry Dean FridS^ It! ■«>«»
Tra. erse City the last •eek.
PtTklBs €* Keo-akqua. Iowa; csMMed so that
of the school chlUren •ns
rvenlns. Mr*. W H Dlum led mIu | “™C«ka and danshter EEt<n
died with wbooptni; couch.
----------- :
SttMe Yo«b« will lead sen
*® Mancwlona to vlsh relaMr. and Mrs. John Hoxle of Acme |
oSA) KiaaoM.
evenlni:' tlvn and friends for a few dara.
•ere over to aoe their parents, "" | ifsllThT urniln i
n bate ihea ail In and t
Elder Ct*.rRc was not able to-Bii'v
Rijntoo and ehlMron
bU appolBimi-ct at Grant church on i ■ ^
*® Ma>oo eonuy. vhrro
bride ivpalivd u> (he htmio of, the
acoiant of Ur.- *erirt oP uneiao ■ti**’'’ «Prct i*' make Ifarir (ntnre
trride's' father. \Vm. Tompkins, Mhere- j
the new basement for the rummaae
0 Chleaso I
Wc«: I'Blon Mrs. Cfome pr.arh. d in 1**
•» * »«•
the tmuedia'.e n-laMtos asA frdeitdii
Bale which thc7 a
hi* *i«*d Sendai and she dl.i !n-.ucc
husband, wbo ba*
innlnc to hsT.'.j gpead two nr ihrt^ week* visniDA were fiervod »iih a iKtuntlfai »-e4dlns •
to her witrk. wbk-fa was er-.atly
['‘■X'd to dslsh hb fall wofV. Wear*
dliimr. The happy roople « ra th< (
RrjwJ by encnlMdi there.
' 1
nripirtis o! many besuiifnl
E»t«. J.
Th-->- w> tji lnime-lialilj to tbeir home i
1 «- Or.wn and daucbira Lena
The tmiilpox i^ rmtinr. quite
on EialMb Mrve-i. Traverse City, which
-w , .M
I" S"V'l«y school nin-eatlaft at Fife
, scare in Ibis localUy.
wc« all prepartid for them. l.ultl
and . other yvunt ladv |
ptnaio disKlBf in this loeailiy The
Mr andi Mrs. laiwe! Sour
The formers are moi •e Uwa
ibaa busUttic
busUtn I chmeb the fn’iowlnc oltaefs wer»'
I WHaht of Traverse (cfty
crop ha? iiuTsi d oat H4lu- beyosd their Mr*. JediD Cams and .Mr. and Mrs.
I cet ibelr poutoes ®°8 “ooUtvrl
-------parent*. Hr. and Mr*. W,
• Pr,.*id.-ei. Mr*. Warrta'
Wci. t'wTi wont to Traversv City Sat Jackson,
fall work dune.
. son. .of tbu pUee last MaeiUy.
I\l«e iirevideat. Mrs. S. Tumpkfiu; serThe iKtH)!.- of ihU nciBkieirboodi Mrs. Al Rnioscy. who ha* been qslte
Thfi, r B cbuiTh has |u« pur■
j r»dary. Ida Reefa-; ttvatoror, Mrs. E-' ert bury. wurkihR <n the roads Fri-;Bick. is some lictHw at this •rlU^.
and Mn. tlco. Cam*.
bhsed MS )• new lamps. We dad than
' J:>|lrinkman. '
; day and Saturdsi and a d«W itn-i Rider Gotiritr ha* started the E»Mrr. Will Hunt has so far rwnvered
tn^H-enieai over the old
0«.t, , *be«eddlncorMr. C. C. Perklasof: proTFiBcni candM- Butk-i-d_ In the
wo.-ib Irajme at Ctstni.............charch and also from Ibe smallpox a* to pu OQt for a
Mr. and Mrs. Downer drove to Trarene City and Mire Myrtle Tomp-, which h^ere tn a rather-bad cundltloo. ^ W.-dc. rday evcalar: prev.-r with eoo.1 Cnie.
SMchu Snndsy to see Mrs. Harttlns,! kte ttf thu plare solemnized In' The fintshins touche* make us a I is-ioilis
ofThe, farmer* Id this ael«bA numt>cr of yonof: folks from Yuba U.rbt»d will affl.h dIxBioc pouioc*
wboU very ill.
1 the First 0»nsr.r.a! local ebureh Oct. smile when we are out buce?- rldlns. \ Willi- Ramrcr ta» completed his aiteadni
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Conklin vlslti-d I iSlh at lo o'rtock a m. The churrb and the folks with heavy loads are ihra*hli.g and moryd home with hU
V repi.rts a Rood
htak'ie tJunday • venlBR
t tlw. Rircers'Slaturdsy and Sobdty.Jwa* very pr,ni!1r teoorated with bu- eoLis?!;. pita-ed.
i aischlre.-.
>1neeCI T.irrv
Ritatnn {.a
Will 8.-lklrk ha* fats new bouse rum■Will Baker and Roy MUier bate toinn follace- Tlie bride was b.-aallMrs and Mr.. W. Krelit: drove to; Th- W. f T I'.'met with Mr.- l<nne pk-i.-d ii|i
bsadsels t< pota- plcted, and movci ii:;,. n j4,,
itne pifialoes north of Trav-[full> cowned In cream voile, trimmed SlKtlaud.'Stinrta> to vi.:i V, vukochi', | Ceorm- is-t v. - i.. b.u on-ac-.irmi
I Id chiffon and came.] bride
>p!. ndJd daiiPins JSiny *i» t-a-■ tin- rain ;t w.i- itoi very Israeli ai«]n«] bit wHu
<jOhf UiSlj- while belpins m oncb


WE ARE STARTING on our sixteenth year in the home furnishing business. We have devoted our whole time
to this and nothing else. We have learned by this experience just where to buy, when to buy, and what to buy to
give our customers the best values obtainable for the money.
We are showing a few cuts this week that wilfprove the money tnat we can save you on anything you need to
furnish your home.


Carge Eine ol Couebes

nrictly high grade rockers, commencing with a
large arm rocker, genu­
ine leather, spring seat,
(worth $8.50), for 6.F0

In lU graded of covtra

They range from
tbai along up through
so'eral different style;,
to $22.
CO (litfcrenl
and prices of



Wc buy our stoves

Over 300 Dintrtm Koclitrs
Jo select from. .\11 stvles,
seat, high back, ami rocker.

Neat site, takes 22 inch
chunks, to........................;..7.76
Next size, extra large, will
take 2 It. wood, large enough to
lieat a school house, for


Baling Sims

Large aMonmenl of colon, commenang ariih a good, well made coach,
like cot, eoTcred in fire-Mbe Vdonr, prattg ptttemt, 19 heavy cofl springs,
hnty fiame, fee only...................................................................... ......................... _ 4^75

The best beater on the market, with few! door, m.,y
,.•£>1 heavy boiler stec', lined; heavy cast top, cast hinge
cover, two
two nii-V*!
nickel fwit
foot r*t'U
rails, bca'jiiia] skirt L.__
hrrr. nickel
•crew draft; large, cast feed door, lined throughout, will
take 20 inch chunks, a powerful heater, (worth $8.00,)
price............................................................................ ,...076

aD in car load lots tlircct from the raanuriclarefT, thereby
saving jobbers’ and salesmen’s commission ami a b’g
item in Ireighl.
23 liiiTerent prices of air tight htalcr*, commencing with

price*, from a iaiyc.
tt!.$2 5y, for.............. 175

on'r-r................................... ....
23 different Myles of OAK
STOVES, commencing with a
stove, just like cut, nickel screw
draft on ash pit door, nickd
•crew draft on feed door, nickel
name plate, heavy nickel fend,
ers: nickel lop rim, »-ill burn
Lp '*
« coa', will take 12
inch chunks, price only... 6.60
Next sire has double feed door, will take U inch
chunks, good stove for coal.................................................... 76
Next size has double feed door, takes > 16 indi cimok*
Next siu has double feed doom, takes 21 inch chunk

J5.7E, $0.76, $7.6(, „d ,*h> doog up ,o . l.,g.,

they range
right along up to tbe
largest size nude. We
can pleata you on any­
thing in stoves.

Tho. thcr mg. dong from IhU lo u nict . condi u a ponon oood uk
to, for..........................................................................................................

Over 20 differeni priced



From that ap to the best leather conch, to............ ...................................gS.Vs

to select from, ringing
right along from a cook Move to......................................... go


«n dr tight, jori like Cl, hcti; poliihcl tel„ a’„l,
1,0^ Urge, CB etc drift, it.g, to,, trith oick.l oto, for
Tliey range right along from this lo lhe best air tight
heater ma.le for the inoaej', made of heavy boiler steel,

up to a good nee!
cook stove, best and
most economical
cook stove made,
commcnc ing
$11.75 and ranging
right op from that
20 different Myles
I and {irices of -


commeocing with
good steel range,
just like cut, well
mirie, guarantee in
way. high
closet and reservoir,

A large aanrtTnent of adjnstaUe naveaportt, just ilke cot, covered in fiven* Veloor. (*otth $2150). to............................................................................ Hi_6o
We can please you on eouchci.

Ontr 75 DiHtrtnl SIflis cf Dining Ctsirs

$2,76 fo, M Of d« op » . kigh b.ok, d»pri, .rid,

driri. )»t lik. Cl. .rilb foor oiod). b«iril ipioUe, embodri top,
“!'$.................................................................................................................... $4.7$ Ibr d<
«cdl, ^ »ic o( cc c. chdri, tao $.7.60 up .0 k bcoriM
uwril, polrih.;] Odt to. «d chdr, jnt, (n«k $22),
....................................................................... ............................................ $17.$0 ted.
I*.Iri -did. «U. »»d,. ckbte ,ct drii, j.« lik, cot bire«t tdo,
oo U« mdk« (« . „cdio» pried cbdt.ooly.......................... $0,75 fo, do

A very Urge, higr Lick, stiii.i, omifotub’.e arm rocker.
BSt like cut, imhaiioD leaiher seat, (worth $1150) for
They range tight along up to this beautiful Xa KUS
Rocker, just like tut, wnlc. ‘hcav>-, iiaaricr tawed back.

lined; cast top. large hinge cover, large cast drait. will
take 20 inch chunks and keep fire 4^ hours. ,tm like cut.

for..................... K.76
They range alonj, $27,75 $20.76 and $31.75, op lo a
range that others would ask yo'j $43 for, a beautiful
range, elaborately nickled, for.......................................$36.00
Then they range along fromI that
to our QTfCK
(the very best
we: can i’J.KASK VbU and save yon money
anyibing )-ou want in sluvn or ranges.

Ole Ds 3ust at Ole JIiiDtrHs*
IfytMiean find an article that is «« beUer than,we
describe I will make )-ou a |iresent of it.

J. W. SL.AX^Rl,
Stores at Traverse City, Elk Rapids andlThompsonvilla. Mich.


l-iom* WMwnlmH*






........................................ Traverae City
Tburaday erealnp.
Tlie racaacy of coualy sorroor
Herald Mclntotk mursed fnas Kwt«*y, wtPTe be bu been «lck. He k caused by the recent death of John
Porter of Lelaad. will be BUed by
TV daaoe Is the K. O. T. H. ball O. Greene <rf Omen*.
tau Batardar erealBK vu veil attend
■S aad all reixn a Rood U«e. Oftten
lerred U Baird’* lec cream par-


Ian aisU mu HalIcve’ea. the people of Oran hareal
had aaeb a enrprtse la a aaaOier it
a or arooad the rtUace
tbeir potatoes
about all oat and are ImproriOR erer/
Biaaie oi tbis alee weather bnsklnK
com and settiac mdr for add wi

Mrs. P. B. V’nlte baa retnmod from
Ana Arbor. Her mother, Mra T. U.
Oepey. came with her to spend tfab

Mr*. Steffea aad cblldrca returned
Thnnday from a rtali witb relaiirei
■ Rapida
Box U barins bli bulldlos v
■k. moeb
<«rad with brick,

Miss Mabel Gibbs of Trarerse City
has resumed her class In music.
B J. Case has purchased of B. P.
. tbe
—------------lot justof
W. of
W. Dnnn's
ddence aad U bulidins a ho-jse.
J. C. Pease aad Geo. Hammett i

| a

MUr Prarl
Traverse City visitor
Mr». Dye daiorttay
The funeral of ibr little
of Hr.
acd Urs. jeba OrlAa
te!d yesi
day at Prank Lesaett's.
Rev. W. T.:
Hin oBeUtlBK.
tbe i
Ui tbeir

ithy of all in
. Osborne is on tbe slek list.
Star Daman and Hits Mauil Osbom.
of Wexford called on n-iatires bere{
A l<*d of young people from Trar-'
erse City drove out to Mr. Legcett'*.

Alice LcECCti It home a^n.


Do for Baby?

Improving In
Miss Mac Andrews rUHed at Bobcr<
Carpeninr'e over Sunday.

1JM Traverse City t
Per sal* by all Brat claa* druggists.
They oira to stay cured all chranM
Pries*. Hot Springs Tablets. |1.

ibelr homes.
The box social given at the church I
•a* a grfoi sacccse. Another one U
xpected In the near fuivre.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed .Nephew of New
York state are visiting relatives here.

2S centA
Hot Springs eaUrrh cur*, fig «mim.
Het Spring* Soap, 10 cent*.
Hot Spring* Healing Sahre. 2S aanta.

Mi>. Rosa Bellinger <»f Maple (
Ultid with her mother. Mis.'a. No-rib. the liUer
part of last week.
Mrs. Wynkoop was a Tr*\er*4- City
cwler one day last week.
lUifi V WlloU-r left Mondsv for
Tr<'c;oot Clij. 0_ where he w II
incsB Brattsellris

Far sale at S. E. Wait A Sans. American
Drug Co.

Everett Crain nod
Birdie Harvey
• ere married by Bder WUUam* Sunlay. We wish them much Joy and hap^

Now tbat wibter is a

place Sunday night.

are keeping nightly vigils w ith toadod j
Kboiguna over


hencoops and

barns in the hnpi- of caiehlng the vUEVERVTHING dlAt fa r4essbw.

itnrs who have been making nightly

Hands of



and QUUtcn


assisted by

OJTICURA Ointment, the great
&io Cure, will surely do.


person need


go forth


world torhircd and
disfiguted by
iohertted Jtumon of ^
Scalp, And Blood if CUTICUR/


W, ten


r. BamUton pf: Traverse City Is the
I. N. Pickard this week,
Insfaaw made a trip to Sul------------------------------------- ------------------u.-------------------“c25
and Nonhpwt tbe Brst of day and Monday.
Mias Duan went to Oaekama Friday,
L. Dayton drove ti Northpott Prl----------------------------------------returning Sunday.
*U. returning the next day.
SDd Mrs. John BIggar of WetH- imvis and B. Morgan of Travorac
Saturday and Sunday with
aty redstered at the tUveraide Inn
I attended ch-eeh here yeatcr-,
.;K. Sheridan of Glen Arbor was !n
Mr*. John Donovan and Mrs. Dou
In three yeai-B the |in»seny of apair
ton tbe last of the week.
aldson of Empire came home Fridawho
favorable conditions
Un. C. Warner aad daurtter. Mr*.
O. Larson.
ay. spent
mull yesterday.
Ham Hlasba* spent Sun^
C. H. Berry Is able to be out of door* '

MUb Loutebet left Saturday for her
TYavetae City.
Dmc near Muskegon.
Mias Blanche Scbvartx, who has
The Ionic foe next Sunday morn
School Is closet
led ihli week un i
h*en auending school at Suuons Bay.
log's Ferznun at the Congregations:
count of scarlet fever.
retimed home this week.
chur:h 1* "A Plea for the Bible.”
The Modern
IJtemedy Co. closed
P. A. Mitchell of Manistee spent a
P. A. Fisher of Peioskey has been
series of
few days in ow village.
visiting bU brother Russell and fam
evening. and by a voting conten. Iliile
Hn. 3. ^wsm and daughter
Ray Winioms
Is tbe most popular lly of this plare for a few days.
Kathryn didl
Ihhopplng In Traverse Cliy
Hr. HcLaughlln has gone lo <
baby and Miss Anna Sbonek tin- most
Rapids to tbe Soldier* home.
PopuUr young lady. ' Beth received
mS Neuic Peuin. left Sunday for
Cha«. King vl?Hod at bis Ininu
Oood Harter, where she hss been en
Empire over Sunday.
The Boston Store's popular aalet-


Store. Johnson

A swarm «>f bee* was si>en cluster

usual Iceboat talk Is being revived ct

mg arunnd the rtmr «f the AdvcntUi

various puluu algpil the lakes,

it U

ehnreb at

lintiwsed to bold a regalu al


tAwlie last wc-k Wi-ilnus-

day , tiid « wnt uutlcf>j ibeiv pras a

ecnirally kwaled place when the lee

big srom Id ibv woodwork.

is tbe tbickesL

it opro It was found the bolluw was a
b«-»V nest full of bonry.

On pry ing
Three 10-

Miss Carrie Sebwaru of Wyandoiie qiian paRt of tbe sweet product w«ie
carried away, and

and George W. Hcloctnan of New Bos­
ton were marrlt>tl In QlcAwood on Hii'n-

bride. aec«)nllag to


man wbo

ne along carrloa^^k ro Ms

T. C. Anderiwn of I'nlon City, ow'ns


danced wi'b creryobe asking fur
Forty inlllhH)
tnlllh^r VuilT-iTl
•old la
in Jl
the I'nltcd
alone **“"• Pruvidod.hc paid a fee of »l
Flower Hold
slnr.- Itst Ai.d the de- Bbe Is said to
have dannd until the
ma»i fur It U riill growing. Isn't ihai koIcs of her shoes wen- worn out aad
a fine showing of sueev-ks. Ihin'i -I i,..r
.. .r
7rove that August Rower has bad an !
~t«l*lned Jl-fi.
unfailing Chcccai- In the cur.- «>f Inrtl-'

eusi.oii ntid dy*|K'|wla—<h<’ two groai-l
Net a Sick Day Since.
)f hesKh
hesif and
- • happinros?
• - •
1 eat-i
ent-mirs of
"I was taken Keveroly
with kid
Uoei It
ncy trouble. 1 tried all
meiilthat August Flower It a sure Bpeel
cine*, none oi which rellev.-d me. One
all siomnch and
, Uay I saw an -ad. of ymir We.-trlc HI-der. r—that
, „ „ii '
Moveti ii..eir ihe*t,T» and d.-u-rmtned to fry that. Afu-r



ilay l>y Rev. Fr. ZoilJt-w*ki. . Afu-r th.’
banquoi dauriug was lodulgi-d In. The

The Soeret of Buboo**.


Honnah A Lay Mercantile Co., dlatributing sgento.

Fanners In tlic rlcInUy of Litebfieldj

liiilc corn ha* beeu
Dr. Purdy, who has been quite tlrk.
Is tnach better and will soon be out
Ort f!
Mr. Sbe-rk of Oockania is repairing again.
The republican
BK-«-ctng at
the i
Mr. Uermt isier's warehouse here. He
Gram town ball Friday evening was expvcts lo begin bringing potei<
groat success and was aiiraded by
large crowd.
Daniel Dake has Us mill ready
from Elk Rapids, where she has
start for the winter'* r.ui.
G. A. nrigham is building a large p
F. W. Sullivan. F. J. Hall. Jo*. Hortaio
cellsr and warehouse at the no
etvclshy and Jo*. Tetemeni made a
die. It is nearing complwUon
business trip to Trarerse City Mondav
and Mr Brigbam will «ooa be roady
the farmi
Miss Haines of Tszmer called on
CK IS an cone to uie new |
friends berc Tbursday.
Mr. and Mrs, Sullivan spimt Sunday
at >fr. Wilson's.
Mr, and Mr*. BenJ. Russell of Tr*v- last l-'riday. Tbe company expeeu to;
■se City vltliod reUUve# here Sun­ run B regular train from MaaisivL- In j

Mrs- R. Pease
a vlsli at Sblrley. Ind.
.....tings of Traverse City
(•IM here on Wedi
" . W.
Adtit. who spent
. . the
with her parents. Z. Hlnsbaw and famretur^ to her home at TrsTersc
Hr. returaed
Sfr' Ian WMneaday.
Capt BL Peter of North Manilou
_______ day in i'
^^Jo^^sslng I* vUltlng at Chicago

Cure* all Chronic Disea***.
visited tbschool on Tbursds.-.
Thi-.lsM sewlny society was held at
Hrt. Baunucardner's. She eniertatm-ii

Het Spring* Corn Cur*. 10 eotrtm
fervd all bvr
gcrously sick.
Salmon Brown bat been in ton

Hugo Will ^ Williamsburg vtsiu-d
friends here uAi -




. . . Ladies' Aid of
tbe Baptist
church will serre dinner aad sapper
dJOB o< Bearer Island are rtsitlas her on election day.
mother. Mrs. H. Haste, and other rtiaMany resldenu of ion arc preparH. H. Olds is building a barn.
tnx to burn coal tbit winter.
-Mrs. Geo. Kenney is very tick.
Quite a number from berc attended
Charles Kenney Is plastering liU
the apeecb by W. N. Ferris at Trar­
Work will be (umlabed by Mrs. Han- erse City Tborsday evesluR
Lewis HoEman's bare company
Urs. Hina Wllllamt of Fife Lake
amt at Trarme City.
from Ohio.
Mr. aad Uta. Bd Uansley and Mn. rlslted ber motber, Mrs. Putman, last
Walter Thompson hu a slater end
Will retomed borne from Utnslos last
busband vlaltine bin from southern
week, where they aitendetl the slate
amembly of the I - ” “
Will I). Carpenter and wife arrlvi-il
morning for hdr -home at Williams
bom<- from Della-ood, Minn., last Wed­
Raso Will went to Klnssley last ton.
•ain^ to spend Sunday with bis
Cbet Tbayer and wUe will occupy
paresta '
tbe bouse recently sweated by Len
Mrs. HeniT Csrpanter aad two ehll- Bylveeter and family.
Srae are rUttias ber brother-in-law.
L. * -

Bi tbU pls?«- yesterday. Mr. and .Mr*.
UbtU of the eouci* farm aitrad<il
the tcinice aad quite a number canu
from OvUll.
UU< Mary Baxter it worhloc at t
ounty farm.
Hr and
i Mr»
VanOrtraad vlrttcJ at

a bnrwe of derided arrubailr lenil.-nrles.

Ills iBIrst feat Is to climb 'Ip

the steep sialrw from the sUbU- lead­
ing to the hay mow

In the


riory. where he was ke|>t for sevi-ral
j .lays befun-,; could be foond l»
J l-iwcr him nearer, terra flrmA


I was Anally done by the aid of a huge
jsllnx. ropes and pulleys, op<-rated b.
j a iijif

or all liver n-gulainn-?
Auguvl ,aklng a few doses 1 felt reltev,-,!. and
Rowrr ha*am*ieh!e« r.-c.>rdof.,v.T|H(x,n HK-rcaftrr wa» entirely eurvo
T.-rmuiatv-d »
thirty-five yrors in curing the ailing and have
recn a stel; day rims-.: leg of J. It. Oroer. Franklin Grove. III.
tnllllon* of thc*e dIttrMsIng com , .Neighbor* ... ....uv
..... 1h-.-u eared of, It develojx-d a HiuhUirn ulcer, unrieldtine have
.Ulcts-o succets that Is bwomlng; rheumattsm. niuralglA
laralglA liver'and kid I log to doeiurs and remnlles fur fosr
vldrr a Us s.-.,pe .-very day. at home I „,.y trouble, and
yrora. _
Then ..
uid ahroad. as the fame of
Flower rprvadr. Trial
boitlcs, J
N. C„ wrlu-s.
Only i-c. at Johnson scalds, fkln .■eniptions and pile.*
vgular slse. TSc. I1:r sale by S.
! IJriiR fo.'s. 8. K. Wall £ Boas' and F.
Johnmm Drug f..'*. 8. K. Wait A
V*it & Sons.
: 11. M.-ads. Iinigglr'*,
Sons' and F. H. .Meads'. Drug Siun-x.


^JlW^.^rti^ an^n^ter Magleft Monday* for itelr h^* In


flty last

of men's

Prank Burdlek moved to his farm
VO miles from Cedar last week.
Frank Meaebcm and famllv lived
at C. Berelbymer's while be was bar­
g bis
hl-'bouse plastered.

To Curo a Cold in On* Day

C W. Urorr's dgnataiw Is ot —rn bus



other day



the London



•Johnny—Come home
-......... accompanied
Tbe wedding of Mia* Peari Weston by her daughter-in-law and grandson
Father *UII unemployed and imbecile.
and Mr. Juba Kennedy was solemn
wbo arc neither In very good health.
o get him Into the w
laad At the H. S. paraonage on Mon
Alex. Wiclnfkl left ...__________ ___
•day Morning. Oct. Jlst. Rev. Deeu of- afternoon to attend the wedding of hU
Both tbe coatractlag parti*B are parpular young people of this
A. ChanncT entmalned friends froi
Mr. and Mn>. Kennedy will Maolsiec Sunday.
Ipwdtnr-'* Protrodlne Pikw
r.«ryif I'A7s» OINTMKNT
•ecupy room* In the Peterson Bros, ^^^Wblle of Solon -was in the city
cwresu.r eSM'.Bo tnsu.v d how Itwi;
rwsldeooe. The many triend* extend
——JX. tw ft to I. days. Ptm aimbesciun
Beii Edgell. who had his arm broken
Whiter OordM Is home for the srln‘“proving.
Charlie Channer Is laid up with a
Hof. Greeue of Perry oceunled the sprained limb.
RaipR In tbe CongrMMleiiaf cbnreh
lTEOF HtC'RlOAlt^OBatr
ot Otwad
SnMiy raornlog and Evening.
ihsv^ Ctvm. thsl by snerdvrof
A. p. Burning was lb town on Thnrsthat Conuin Mercury


Table Oamatk
21c yA

To Reduce Stock

Turkey Red

40c Mxtmiih Suiting*...................................................


White Twill
2»4C yd.

75c fancy mixed Surting*............................................


|lhnd«.26 VoiloandEUmmo..................

.. I. Charter ai
Berth* Barth a* bridean
many fricitd* wl*h them
happy wedded Ufa
Tbe Mi**e* Edna Bramen and Valtie
Mlddletun and Hr. B. Middleton left
aaturday night on the lllibols for Cbl«aao tm their wav to 8i. Lout*.
Mlsa Mary Oanhe ha* returned x



Brown Crai

25c and 86c

Cashmeres and


Senes to

cloKSt ................................................................................
Ready Made


$1 y'.ibcUnes in gray and blue, 6C in. wide,
to dose......................................................................... :. 621c


50c all wool Fancy Waisling*................



and Mr*. Cux of Harter Springa
guest* of B. Wooltw and faa-

aarie* Warner of Sottoat Bay was
■------- <m Tuesday.
W. H. Poni*e. who was iBjnrod last
Rwak. U able to be out again.
LoM* Biiack
Siiaek wa* rolled
roi- - to
- Traverse
• lA^Mt
Ofa Katimday by the Ulnett of hi* sisUdlro- Aid soeleiy ^ tbe Con_ jaMoiial .diureh gave a harvest suptar la tbe eharcb dining room TbunMV arairing. The tabtea were taatvfcBy Recorated for the ocnaaton with
leaves. Jack-o’-lanterns, Mime
•kaUs and i
nd a .
wa* serrod. A pie**-ii
tet ceeeing was spent by all. Pro-1;
mds of the evening.
Mrs. A. John Is rebuilding ber-resl-


50c. 75c, $ I, $1.50 yard


Let of abort length*
of smeroewn.
worth from 3Sc to
7Sc, to cleac at


lOe and

IM of 25c Bells to closdat.,

Lot of 10c
Oreat Qingham*

er Belt* to cluie at....................................................

of Ribbons

«u:lli from

^or................ 39c
75c and $1 Bag*


Iam of 76c to $L50 Belts to dote at ....

It uiU be a long time before you liave another
belt offer like tbis.


5Uc ami 75c iUg*
a 2&C article, special

I.ot ory and SOc Silk and I.cather Bella

lAitbi50cto$l Ueluio dcMc al...................



to Kc for.............



worth band 10c



of Ribbon*

worth 10c and

$1 and $1.26 Ifag*
We have too many.




Ribbon So. 40 ] Oc

lain, black and colored TafleU Silk....

The Michigan Siai
arcb Co . Tran
Centlemt-b:>vTbl» is to c-rtiry that I am using your Gluten Fet-J
for feeding my milch cow*, atjii can conselentloutly itaie that thU feed
hss given
Ot protein wblcb thi* feci contains ha*
milk wonderfully, and tbe aciua!
X as i hat e been awarj...c iwwt test la butter. 2

. ------- ------------- ---

and we will tend jo«^ McCall Fashion Plate.

Ladies 10e
Turnover Cellar*




lam. Fancy Silk lor Suiting....,......'. 59c
27 in. Fancy Silk for Suiting*................................ 1 .QO
I !<. black Brocade Silk 10 clOK at................

J 5c

Good Machine
Cetten Thread
Short end*
of Cambric
2e yard.



beauty ro»e*. valued at $H.OO.
c.Hancc on it.

".'S’ ■“‘~--



The Michigan Starch Ca.


t*e and 26e
Fancy Cellar*

gant three-piece mahogany Parlor Smf. uphobtered m nlk ttpettry, worth $30. and the third a beauufnJ Urge Parlor Lamp, decaeated with

very truly.


LadiesFlceetd Hose

24m JapSUk.............................................................. 29c
3G in. black Taffeta Silk..........................................


Heavy Wool

heavy ribbed wsol

r QluUn Feed
c from all adulteratienfc
■ weILkevown butter maker •*
itted to the dairymen
alrymen of this region:

For prieaa. aampIcA and fi

Mlsa Hynlv Jidin returned borne ^
tht* week from a trip to New York.
W. H. a. W.«id of Howell and Alterary Dnderwood and D. HeHoller. of,
rravevr C«» aiK*e In tbe lowTi bs;i:
oa Moaday evening on primary rrf.rrn.
aad other state issne*.

White Fringed



lbe Flsnnclctiet
to ele*c at

Traverse City at
SOc. 75c, $1, $1.26, $1.50

Protein it that part of the teed which make* milk and gives the
w^hl and power to carry butter fat. Protein carries moro butter.
Protein It the base of all muaclc and blood. Protein fed to hogs, steers.
sheep, poultry, make* heavier--------' and they can be
--jle. richer '•
Induced to ......................pul
Protein is tbe fuel ot life, and horses and
working animal* will wrerk better and longer if fed high per cent.

wood and

Jar of 25c and 60c Gflt Braid and lAtalh-

of new up-to-dalc mannish Sultinge in

ta Ihr rl.y of Trsrersr

Igan Starch Ce. hac placed upon the market a pure cow
tirely from eorru and having a guaranteed aitalyais of 32
toMlcblpan Agricultural College analytia.
March iy. 1904).


» for children'i idwol umbrelUx.

\ few pieces of all wool Cltcviot*. to clo*e



somnetJt of new hudle* in

ailveri every one a good dollar value.

Beautiful effects in Mohair Suitings
Mra. Wbllrhead and daughter spor.t
Saturday la Traversie City.
Tbe manage of Miss Nettle Uanhl
bad Charie* Cbamr was eolemntzed
at tbe M. B: parsonage Thursday. Re-.
Deeu QBcdailag. A wedding supper
wa* aervtxl at the home of the failde'-i
pweat*. Hr. aad Mrs. G, Barth, after
which the erealng was apeai lo
In game.

Good Quality
Shaker Flannel

SI fancy mixed Suiting*............................................./%9c

12-ic yd.

rawmaiT win seralf diwUig Uw ■
Dame Bpent Santfay with
(Mnlty. leaving'MoaAiir mmlag fm
Mra. J. Wbtt of North Cmkota Is the
EOeat of her sifter. Mr*. F. J. Frallek.
Mrs. DeLoog of Leland 1* the guest

7Se for a fine mereerued UmbrdU; nice xi-

The holder of three or n

With every dollar'* parcha« or doUar paid on account, we will give yon a coupon entitling you to a
coupons has a chance of drawioj all Uhm ]>rizet.

Extra Special Bargains in Cloaks and Clothing for 10 Days—
Money Savers for jfeu.


Ison, scrcrwl pnreeK. sees. 33 2t, (own j kKa IT and U. Mock &. P. H.V 3ad ^ Kaena- all ctai-? Headacht r 8ti
I The (eacbers In the dlatrirt sebuotaj Ko bwM« bow kng ym
27. range II: I2.f0ti.
add: $2M.
!ach oqi of orderT (Umplr a caa.- , : la C'SHuani njnat.v arr- better paH this I the eoagh: r tt harnt already devdThe Isles' AW BOcMy bfhl Ihelr day dawi
Dr. WooTS
Cha.. L. py«cb .0 W«. H. Bbatr.l Pfd Metta to-Marr IrUh.
:‘^flT "miLra
There arv
lu>c BiwHlBK *t lh<- boi»* of Hr*. J. L.
Korwa) PlBe Syrup wll care If.
. *
. Co-V. rod; — *------ --------------- .... ^
; JJ .ebool* la the
__ __________
_ to wH lot 15. block ». 11.. L.
r paying
eibt«. A co«foft<T w»» MAde »*d the
PrcHdent. n> as we U>ok h^ npoo the ^a of,add; 1700.
TOtlly a
lee with oae who t
Joho Carton and wife
Pocbi Brotben. who aaereeded Er-I'
Mr*. Pl«tt
I- to the
Hr*. Rlch*rt MMbAlI; - MOTlAIT. ••Pather hi laraeP
or Aesfe. parcel; «M.
Best Blcier tn the Jewelry bnaloeaa a*. {
The paiitlent. lalth
Mn. 1. N. Jaatooe; tf«Murer. Mlu
W. M. Kellogg to Robert Davar.
MntkecBB. an aaovtog
movtog from iha
the dty. I Hundred* of live* *a«.Ti wvery year; Hive* arc a terrible
sae aaiamaioo paper muts aae , jmrttegpa.
wife U
tonaeat to tbe
BeMlT 8«»oBi. The nen »e*tJn* him aad
aboat 8.«M urns of white day aanaal-; **eklag a larger tocatk*. They es- i by baviag Dr. Thomas- Edectnc Oil 1b • little folks, and
any in the ragtons of Long Lake. •\k lot ». blodt 4. Oak Park: $t.
oldur oor*.
«rl]| be held St ibe hone of MtsBdar Rub and Ploaaam Grove,
„ |
'J;',’?'" “ ‘‘
------- ' _iiUy
E-.W cured. U
U mb s OiatmcM sever
Jallaa Campbell and wife to Agaee b. I. U.. MU.Ouun or U.«r pn.JJsisUna. TbandiT sftersooc. Nor. 3.
Beiober of Long
......... 1. Hrtfrich. lot i. wVi lot 9. block 1. P. hcu. Thta la one of the few mtaral eli.liy of anlerllle. Ohki.
luuaUs < tails, lastaat nltef. .p<
Btnorx tarlinc ivomiUt killed n: lie waa an auive
any dnat iitiwr. jv> e
hhll er»«B wild csl OD tbs B. R- risbc Lake Monthly mevting of Flieodt and H.-a 2ad ad<l: |7».
I prodocia-ibat tt Is atlli necessary to
of vsr opsr here. He iawped at the
t funeral norvleea were <
Womaa-s Foreign MUsloaarv So-! ittport ff^m Bngtaad. Moat of the
moTlBx bADdesr asd kicked the snlBBl In the bead too svlftlj for it (o
clety M. B. Cbureb t Floyd L. SmUh.!*“® «*«• f™«n the mining tlistricu
I, by Janet aad Margaret panels. Oak Park; t
make an oatcry to sQiniBae bcl|> tram
«f Devon aad Oorawall.
the old oae. which was bnt a thon
Flint will be. 50 years old nestj
AdallBc Ormsby to Floyd L.
Tbe chlldrt, ............................
c reaJdeola of..........
Mh-bldtetanec ahead In (be bnuh. or to efspring, ijnd on (he date of the com
foctUeU' realm the attack. The U»r» gan as fuilowm Tbomaa Wfainner}. Smith, panels. Oak Park; 9TU.
pletlon of the new Jail and niiir
^vciae Clty^; Cynthia TboraUurg.
r. Been to Willis Bi
are am all bBnUas slid catt.
. Mr*. n'llMA baa rdbc (n>m here
houM-. also tbe Carntmlc Hbrary b-jll-'ttir,. ud JnilK J™».. S..U Sic. ” ““ MJ-i™; W.
llmUre (o rlalt her boo (here.
Rranck to EUaabclh Kuhns. lag. and the gnraad breaking f«r the
Mn. I>r. Scott- a»dc relaUvc>.i here aurle.
a week win
"And God aball wipe away all tears nwVj of noli. see. 23. town 27. raagr
a Aflng vMt ssturdar.
be spent la a general JullIBcaitna and
Hr. asd Ml*. Boeley and their two
Do noi usually jfive much ihoujfhl to ihe slock of an Atfricultunt! Impletncnl Store
Jeaxc asd Ben. who came hot«
c^obratJoB of tbe city'a aemi-n-nteu
tc any a
fnanreDOTlIleaiMl have been TUUlni lag: aeiihi
but BARNEY ANDERSON has just added a large line of
ot neu. see. 23. lowa 26. rauge 9: t20<>. olal. Mayor Haedonald will ai>i>»iiH
Ibe former things
at John Secler'B. hare Bored to Ibelr
sarab R. Femts to Wm. H. UtUc, lot 12 mOdoats of the city and county lu
« la the Hodac
coBiturt the arraDgemeau for iLl cei
Mr*. Ira Blagham of Cobbs' Jone13. FtwU' Ul add., nlackwood ;<2S.
(fc». Just ooeUi crfberc. is Tery «lek.
W. O. Pbotc 10 Tbos. G. NIcbolsoo.
Bort. to Mr. and Hra. Harry Gray. •
. Real EataU Tranafur*.
lots '75-76. block 3. Bayslde add: <60«.
Haooab R Lay Co. to City of TravEdward Keeits and wife to Jaa.
Mias Oiada Rose has rcUimed to her
borne at OopenUh.
erae City, panel, blodt 3. Traverse Foley, parcels, sec. 12. tuara 26, range Plenty of Tbem in Traverse City, and
Mn. Burr Jamos made a trip
dty: •2.000.
Rcavon Per It.
9; 12.00(1.
ODOBty aeat Friday.
W Kiidn t any vromaa be hs|i|>>
Hermaa IlymaD to Laui* Jane WilHerman W. Smith to Julia
Mr*. J. U GIbba aitraded a Suaday
After years of ' ‘ ’
acbool eoevMiiloB at Fite Lake Prl. klna, elk lot 2C. btaek 1. Oakwood Brownell, lot i. block N. H.. L. R Co.'*
Days of misery, nlghir. of unn**!.
day aad a seaaloa of the uacbers’
iliat will interest the Housewife. .-\lso a full line of
7Ui add: two.
The distress of urinary troubli-'.
amlnatkin board Satarday.
EBraej J. Morgan and wUe to John
Wm. U Brown, rl aL to Hennaa W.
She Snds relief an.l ciuvr
A merry aortal gaibering of youag
E. OwBas. BcK of acU. acc. I.
No rcasoa why any Travrnu- City (
lot S. block N. H.. L. R
people was held at Mrs. Gibbs’
27. laage 10; »{>M.
day smtiag.
Oo-'u Tih add: ttou.
SbmM kuSiT In the face of evUenct
Mr*. Geo. ftarlHt. Mn. C D. Haaka
Floyd L. Smith awl wife to H. t).
Fiaaccs E. Grifla lo Geu. H. SIpe*. like IhU:
aad Mn. Platt Barsum atteaded '
Garaer, wH lot 28. Edna Park, and lot lou 34R4. block 1. 2ud add.. FcreMr*. W. A. Merrill, of C3l Websler
apodal L. O. T. H. eserdaes Si
suffered from aitsek>
day aneraooa.
H. B. Gamer to A. L.,Laad, w>/i lot
Isabelia DIaon lu John W. IRxou. of barkaeim for sixteen yvar* and
inst previiiu* ID taking Duan's Kblney
28. Bdna Park.
wl* of w4i of sc*4. see. 26, town 2S. Pills tbe trouble bemne
Be very sever--,
in addition to Agricultural Implements. Carriages and Wagons.
TtKana* OberlDg aad wife to Frank range 12; <l
er anffered ao inn m> life from netC. Blevcns aad wife. swl4 of a*l4 -ti
*. and olhe; disIsabella Dixon lo John W. Olxun.
Ladies arc invited to call.
s ollcii lal.l
swli. tec. 10. town 2*. range 10: <130. cH of w4s of »e«4 tleasel. sec. 26. tresKlng sytuptunip
U{> and my i>aek was cunsiaDily «>«:.
Thomas Dobson and wife to AmanJa town 25. range 12.
and aching. Drmn-s KMuey l>ilU
I MI aa orphaa at fa*r years of
M. Graham, a* H loU II 12. block i.
John W. UUoD to Isabella Dixon. strengthened me aad removed tbOn Ibe ITlb day of July. U63. Sarab Wiliimabarg: «S0.
wH of wfi of aoH (Icaae), ace. 26. iresalog allmtmis. 1 conilnued
IreatmuBt until I thought it unr.t
Allison 7'aylor to Benraml and John
wa 25. range 12.
aary to nae mere of them. ( co-ill n<n
Leach. awl4 of nwl*. sec. 35. town
Margaret Gray to Julia Croft nw‘A wish for a better or nore eStciivimorod to OfsBd Trarene conniy.
r. range 10; »340.
of swli and wVi of nr'* of sw44. acc. remedy.Mtehlgan. Slnca then our dear Irtends
bad beep resldeBle for more than a
Bert Leach and wife to John Latch.. >. town 25. range 11: 31.5IH).
For sale bv all ilealen- Priiv :-i>
Boore of yean Dear.lhe lltUr village of ^ of swl4 of BwV. see. 33. town 37.
Perry Hannah to Floy,| L. 6ni»!i. eenta. Foster-MlIbiirB Cii.. Huffa'o. N
Cedar Run. Two years ago God called
T.. auk- agent* lor Hie rtni>-.i S'»n
lou 1 7and IS. P. H.’s 2nd add:
4Uler Sarab to ibe -place prepared" range 10; 1225.
Remember tbe uamv^—Uoan's—a:id
Chaa. H. Hnater to Ftaak 8. MadFloyd -L. Smitb to John Gallagher take no other
fOr her. At ihai time our bclovej

I'k'i ^f'i.r:c’;.T-S;| "■


"■ ®“

Cooking and Heating Stoves




par rail

OWiar* mwah batter at 7e and
•ovr HEAVY
worth SOc. at



With vrhHc batting.


Tor men, boys and girls. Tbs
groatatt Itns In Ui« city jwat
«p«n«d at 29c, son. 75e, %%JOO.
FASCINATORS. ETCIn all th« dlRsrunt eoloru and
kinds, ogiundid valuoa tram

25c up

dorwaar far men, wotnei
•hlldran ara her* at a poak
tN* aaving.
A aplendtd line at


and ail priMe ttp

mrnnen. beyi and glrta. Equal
to the beet anywhero alaa at
Sic. yeuti find her* In all
aUet and kinds at, per qalr

mmeriM tins M patterns,
light and ovediwm. and
*ra coloring, at 9e. •«. Sc.
Sc. tOc and 1

CHECtECLOTHyard wide, at



Then bring her here. We are fioing to display in our east window, the greatest, grandest showing of Dolls
you've ever seen—dolls worth up to $3.50, $5. $6. $8. $10. $12 and $15—and ClKV Will Hll b« 8iP«n Jlway!
In addition to this liberal plan, we will place before you the be ^t assorted stock of Rew Fall merebandise at a
positive saving all through the line. Thousands of dollars’worth of new goods were opened up within the past few
days. It’s a duty you owe to yourself and your family to see what we are showing and doing in the way of styles
and Drices.

Beat In tnc City al 2U. 50c.
Per yam. 4c.
All the other
gradax up lo Be, 10c. 1 tc much
better fa>P you'll ftfvd fleewhere at the eamc prMc*.
For all hand*.

Many atyiet

of Cnif Clove*—for men at
2Sc amt SOc—Tor ladie* and
m«iet at 19c, 2SC. SSe ami

A MIX fT VlTAI-11 correct styles, worth $12 50. $15.00 QQ Tfp
and $16.(i0,ai................................................. ..................... ^^*§ U
Others wonh $IS and $20. at $18.60. Here are good coals, up-to-date,
at $5, $6, and $7.50. also the higher priced novelties at $iy. $20. $25.
Wanh Rc fto t ta «n
wm! n.oo St Sts

Mon'S Haavy Ftoacod
Regular SOc quality, at

Better snts at CSc. 79c. SlJD.
etc., up to S3Q0.

ft 81.90. S3.0C and t2.90.

others 75c to SL0&
Yard wW*. at

per pmr

il'c best values ever shown by
house at such popular prices. We have other
*‘y>« ^L25, $1.95. $2.50, etc., up to.
$G, $7.50, $8.50 and $10.00.

MISSES SKIRTS They’re the right length, the right style, of just
To? Cleice at $3.S»
the materials that's wanted. Other g^ Misses’
^ WPrth $4.t0 !• $S skirts at $1.25. $J .95 and $2 50.
good, heavy material, in thoiL-c colors.
*cuA . **r*
Navy, Cardinal, in new and most
wtrlk SS.M at $AS0 pleasing styles, all sJres up to 14. at only $:h.50.
You'll find hundreds of others here at $1.95. $2-50. $:i. $4. $5, $«, etc.

cheap number and a very good one at
*he price, but we have better ones—much bsucr— .
and so many of ihem it would keep you busy for
hours to sec fhem all. 9Sc. $l.'23, $1.65. $1.9S. $2.25. $2 ‘.iS, $:{.'50. $4.00.
$5.00. $6.60. eic„ up to $20.
L2dics' F2II Soils

ttcwesi ideas, all strictly tailor made, and

aU « ,h,

hundreds and hundreds of swell

city, with many advantages that you'll
not iind in other stores. Suits and overcoats that you can bank on. will
wear and retain their good appearance, original patterns, evecy expert
fuaturc. every artistic design that goes to make up the ideal young man’s
garment. Overcoats in three lengths, jn a grt at variety of proper fab­
rics. both in plain and belted styles, at $5. $6 5'i. $7.50.^. $10 and $12.
Single and double breasted ^oits in just as great v ariety, with the same
air and style as abov iT'^t will keep their shape and look well after long
U4C. at $5. $6.-50, $7.50. 5s. $10 and $1 J.

For men and women, the beet
we've ever shewn at 90c. TSc.
•1.00 and *1.29.

(WUhoert fixture*), cr brae*
catanaido rod*, (or ta«h cut
tain*, at

Tha r-cnwinc

75c .
a pair.

Double Breasted Knee Pant Suits

» “o
prices wc quote.

'■"= »'t-c
Suits for wear


Lillie Fellows* Overcoats- and Soils

waists we ve ever had. Many styles an all the difTercnt materials and
colors, in a complete range of sizes, worth $1.25 and $l 50. choice at 9n:.

The right kind—they're very
pretty—at SOc, 79c. BOe, S1.29

—Beat 2&C qaalily with fix-

and style that you can’t duplicate at anywhere near these prices:
S1.25.$1.S7.$2.'.»5, $2.95, $5.50. $4.W and $5.00 •


Extra haavy. choice »tyie»
—a great variety and all
• >z«a. at ase. 9Sc. ti-S aitd

ttorouk-hi) reliable line in iSc

Boys’ Suits and Overcoats

Cheaper Suits at $S.4o and $9.50.

Laiics- J1.50 waists at 98c

For Men nod Y0UDS[ Men

new Suits and Overcoats that compleicly
prove their superiority and are a cardinal testimonial of our value giving
power. Great Coats, Kersey Overcoats. Belt Overcoats, Fancy Over­
coats. cic.. in alt lengths, shapes and fashions. Single Breasted Suits.
Double Breasted Suits and Varsity Suits of incomparable lieauiy
and in distinctly high art novelty weaves, at $9.75, $l2.0d, $|.5.f.Kt, $lsO(i.
$20 00 and $'22.5(».
The suits and overcoats at $9.75 are equal if not belter than most
suits and ovxTcoats sold by other stores at $12 to $15.
For those who want lower priced suits and overcoats, wc show splen­
did values at $5. $6, $6.50. $7.50. etc.

WCftn 13.90, at

For mlases
went: 30(k at



fellows, but not at fancy
prices. Don’t fail to see the showing in this line at $2.25. $2.95. $J..5",
$4.00 and SS.^KJ.

Meo'» Heavy
Worth S3S0. at




SteinbJrg'* Grand Opera House Block. Traverse City. Mich.

Dry Goods. Cloaks. Clothing. Etc



1904 .













V t

^ rss

: ’1?


I^tiBf Sketenes Of The Men Named By The Republicans To Hold Respon­
sible Positions In This District And County. Men Whose
Public Careers Commend Them To Ail Classes.

' «i’l be
and *erre the <
1 f*r ■JK«b*-r «»» r«f* 5a the aam
5 leay-a-; m»-’;a<.-r whieh has rf:ji
>.-<■«! his p-.ib'-sc ctTCiT io this «

twS ihkt at
afJ s;

(adfft i.f
3Bee Be

wrttr. *B.i » hie'i


Popjtor C*Brfii*«U for

win br c
rjsat:-. Th<- ofBt-.’

Circuit CeUrt ,

Tlie Detnit Joumal Refiies IntelliBeiitly To An Inqnitr Frani
An IntncstN R^Uicao

Proa tfct I»v;
lu.-m f.vsicm. gnat nuxnbcra atUI
I would ask you to have cdiy a vag-ue Idea <tf what tba
jiubliab J-U-. what primary reform u. dlfcc' nomlnajlon plan propose*.
U- SherllT Wfi: Has DoiPSk bar*- a'.ki-d mtt. asd 1 will-, vot
From Jobs I. Datdorff of Baltic
It cf Snt.:« Cbsnw.iuid
I .«v.;r rv^iwy Jpst bow th" Cre*-k a letter «rf inquiry come* almab
1 trnp*
The repabileu panj is Grafid Trat laat ownty conTwiUon Mr. Monroe' fiaei tc h.' totrtublp. He was for
aoBtearioab wmU br madr under tbc taseonslr with and cxpnwactf la tms
erliSACr 1« a
Uezd of lb.«w ooiiatr and the nanohal. aeoaUii van renominated by aorlamatinc lor a m»nj j\ar» a tn«nbcr of itt l*oaril o»
thr.n*e. ac 1
acre p’an. There arc tbu^aanda who almoM identica; wiih Hr Uak'a leltre.
Chlhtei. Jei
. _ . LsIt. eutnic
--C' the BtnilBt- fio not undrrmand what primary rc Tbe Journal Itself has earnestly advw
lal ABd IrflslattTe dUtiieia bM bera aeeoBd lens. Hli work in ibo'lesitla- Mprrvtsotw and bin efforu la bi'liaic in c^ianecil
vas eonadcatlout. eacrKrtle, attil of th.- eouniy vere rea>*Bired as Im tineas has witWn a Vvr> ihort time . . fur fher;;? a: ■
unt'- roavMfltoa Is fp.-m U. so plrefrf- pobliab tbc vorkittgi fated a wMe appileatioii of the ptxa to
•xAntoeir foncBaic lo ihrir^aeloetfona ture
zaalcmaly exerted for the becefli of falii partial and tor the eeattrai Isieresta labihhed a cunaidcralut law-prart'v. Auc.:,-.. •»r.i
extend lo at least anme etf tbe slate
or veil kaovn. capAble and rcUablt
tbat-imp-j' of IL frcBi start tin eliscilon.' eoaniy aa veil aa for the. 1«-DT- trf the vhole eoaatj. Tbe ropablleaiiB A ttraduate of the Trav.Tfv C.xy>i
offices, but It realUe* that there m
BWS for the varioaa oSeae. TAlthDUi ni et the entire .'taie. He baa had a of the count/ twe plcai«l lo leadei aehuol. and later a yrad'iste -of ibv
MA-riln Wak.
public eipcrieoee which makee! him the honor of a noatnatl-.n for iht anlveraiiy law depar-nie.-'.i. >1r NVra heavy weight of fact and argnmeat
czMptloa ther are all veil kao^
valiuble opn au maiierw; rauM reipunslhle
reipunslble ponltloD
poaltlou ;n
:n tb’e rdfi liDKvr baa tbe foimaatloa la'.' for r.
Is favor or proceeding slowly .anl
thran^oiit Oraad TrtTene ooaaf of publicltd
iDiereat. He baa been a r«al-' uf
p.'-.plp « the county. Mr. Lriovn brlll;ani career. He wa. one a: ii:
P. S
wptili! state that i bcUrre I cnationsly.
but vhlle ther have beea brousht to dent of Mlchisan since lAtiC. and a is
Aral to respond to ihd v-liir. ■
■ of f*»nln»nia lovorti.o'
am tbc only German itmakTican 1q tJte
A* to Mr. Uni'* nuestioa a> i.i Utf
beo C«>ra|iany M. -4:li Mlchl-;d-a •
poblk attentfoa nur Ubm and la a raaidew of CtaM Traverse cottolj I pro:iprro-i8 lanaej
of the now Systran, we mn un»
BtaBW to eoBDtad then to eeerr
held many poaltious of
• pe-upie .l.•!leh■ ■
i public
t sad lK>a'!r. Spanl-fc-Atiirican war. lii .•.errol
ITimary rtfiu-m U of <^rse a term say that such expesu-e wiu
faAr Blndcd dUtea. a brief mention vbTch“bD'hM“d«
nrau'd i I only] Mr. Drown win m tke n ins
bravely la the C-ulwn campj
aysiyw. aaj;
ttai-iaa be-applied plan tor tm tbe number uf offi(?e* u> wbkb tbs
iBdltidwalb- vfli noi be out of ptace In BU aUIity. but bis raort ean-tleni qnal->insasorer.
UIK13 hU r«:nrn enifV'-J il < 'actrerkuy |
■rj-!i-jd> k;
izaariag gTvstir aentrac} and fairsexa plan la made M app'.y. I'nder the
where he mjnptct-n tb-j law
tfala Ucor jnst prewtous to the election Itlea ai a dilr.ep and dcpeiidalilc pub i ibe A:msr>
In an expnmslon al the vnuK' Cboicc presrat plan candidates are put to
aiarted ptwctl.-H! Ik nth KapUs.,
which abaJI place thorn In the respon lie onelal. He served lor many yearn ' aafe hand!
as a member of the board of aiiis,.s-:
when? he reintlatvl but a :Jbui
for nmlcnw- for offici. {q tbii
large eijietise fur tbc printing of UeiBible oaoea for vUeb they bare been vUorx............................-T
was the conni: V......................
altbonsh be had fpiiiKd
It li «
•ts. Under tbe new plan they are re­
fonr years, and held the reapouaiblc
Antrim county a> n an teaafnl atti -that ebsago pnmotod by the. Ultncx lieved <tf tbi; expraao. as tbe pabUc
jOee of probate Jud«e for elcht years
dr. Honroe'a public aervlre has been
r'duik !u tbc irepuliUcan state plailum SMumrs thep rioting of tbe ileket*.
* short tliat' apo be wa* bonoerd
aluabie to hU cunniy and tbc atatc.
the maior of Tlsverst! City -witb i
:..v whirl: a taw is promTxivI requiring: It Is r-niumpUucd. bowevse. that can..................return to Lauslni; this winJapid.lniatent as lunic.' of the pt^that primary clortlr>B*-^ir rlvctior. Cldxtcs .ball pay Into tbe public
-----isuc.c.-.! (be late 8.I. }‘
JI. DrawsSli
for tbc cbnict' <rf
d by iho Rapublteana of the
__________important quet-1 Gee. W, Curtif r. b’j wks nominated I Ni-ri
trewstiry rertain liva la exrba&ge for
d Traverac CIt> a
dlsUnciion lu ri'guiar v!<xrtions for ibc ■ lie nts'iBiirfkni by the pnbUr nd this
which tbe leplslaiitre will be ar the rcpubll«b civimy rxinvcn-.t-jn;>lru
oaaR men. -aaJ the bcopK*--i
upon 10 bandTe.
, In Ausnat to "sorct^ hlaiaeif as dr-1 Trat___<■ t'liy have htiuonsi him wit i
choice of pabUc uSeerT^ehaii U. hdii r.'.,|»)Dsil.i;.iy_ Tt.->e |«-s |«aaes

I cull court commla«iunc:,. ha:, made u; *b‘# dls-tinciiim ,if a conni.v neminatJ: ..
tbro-gbout tjtc sialc (o tbc f>amc dale. •■i|wn»f (il tb«:«)^tar7.^<']:-c1io8 fo
I vory coofi iwtt.! la ihal office. -Pr- Ix'cnu.-e <d Ills fui;. -• f,ir
T»-spna»lA. B. Darragb has perWhile little bax
bc«ixl Ilf ia'-“
fonnod i
cellent aenicc la iht
from Ibi rttimn a» J« this plan, ll
Fcr zuneyor,
tf represeatatlree.
-----------jpearc and In his conducl of both erf i
_ „ nivti
really c»uicmt>lai«;j a miwt importabr
-..... -____roaerexi
1.11. AIXlN
refoCTR Ilf the prlmarlex. maUne'lm-dlnrlct. but more particularly . . Henered by Grand Traverse County I <ci'* has ehown rharacierot;,-? demon-'
Republicana by « Nomination for j ^tAtlBB reliability, tare , and abliiiv.i
----------Oiwad Travorae county. Congrersma'i
pemsibk' "rfnap" prlBaricii ami other
rAncthcr Rers .■ninsUon by the Ccoirty d„ni
Third Term fer County Cleric
Darrasb la a aenUeman of enllare.
and sene the p'.-4.iiK- »oll for anoih.
(Icvlccu frir taVing unfair aitian-'cy
tended lewialailve experience,
Conventien Who Will be Elected
cerreat poililral }ihra»c.iiiiR).
with abUitlea which bit varied experJet. ST.—The Bituattns TV
Grand Trc
Earv^mr far a Second Term.
bowcv«Y. ••primary reform " has nimc
leacot have dereloped Id andi a man which places In numlnaiion the tickc:
(sl p^nMr.
killing w tnnorem fiabevner as to make him a moat desirable t-f excelleat men whose portraiu are
lean a cfrtain speciir plan lot
li-h -he. sbeiiftNortb sea by tbc J^^tao
Trjvc>ur..> (1 xfhiK Ihe i-rip I f piaiing pany landlilalea in Dumlnatii I t
miiBtnted In tbb paper, xave to Rob­
fiect U regarded as aertoBalaie
and reaponafblliiy to
•rgc;jert E. Waller by iinanlmtHis content
•iffs'dt«, hartrfv .-. by direct ««c U tbf people inricnj irfj Dalllc
,5:, rtternonn. . Afir.lral Rodjreireg.
of bis dlttrfct aee fit
It to call fatm. Con iho honor of a nomlnailon for a thlr<l
•>■ 111(3 ween hik?i.‘ v-sim-dani.jani
For the Second Time s Candidate for takes ep'
by drlogstA in rtinvenliuiu.
pi'tl.irtn It fsirliRreaamaa namsb
1IC fc-'.-.-l.t): • ,..,!iidti
Everyone who baa had »h-alTl.y* . nilxastUrfi ..f the affair. wWrdt
the Office of Prosecuting Attorney; ! fuMy and
mvll war. where be irave lunx and
■r III:- aJilijtv.-Mf.
!b the office of the coiiniy clorli
Id Ur. Irfnk's rounly nf Calhnur.. readiM lu>«..lblt moinlBg. Is r»^
AiiynV cA.!;i and uhihn- as a
tiiolie aerrler. boslnBlex from
of Grand Traverse County.
_ree that this Is one of the moat
baa been aci.iiire..l by parJ i
gar.'e.; i>y the liriines as Inadequain
ranks imlll ahmilder straps adorned tmporunt ofDoes io the escenlirc mscDminrailzl.i'. .•.‘tons ued' r
(be DomtAofur other cuuniy ofilres and Very nf.^atlsfanory.
g.ihari'P. pt,ri!
chlnery of the'count?, and all who
It la conceded the membere
tion and pairioUam................................ have had dealings with that office dur­
arc named li-. a repnbDcan cuaniy nmifib •j.'SIce be
Tbe Umikin papers Indnlge la ana- • oountry-a welfare. He is a citlaen of ing the past four years will llkewiae' of the local bar that Cea ll. Crasr. tnty with
sfe CMBmpbi upon the subjert. Tie
~ . Lotrla, where the reterans of the agree that no official In Ibat office ever
Ijoj* a at pr.matT «'ic«looa In tbe dlf- 81. i^'s Oarrttc saying: -TTirre 1.
II war honor him hiatly.
lly. and vbwhere gave better service or exerclscJ great­
-.-.•m.- U!.-, fv,
hla hica btuineu etpeitrlenco as
a bai:d's Lrdadlh lieiwivn BaglanJ
i-.-.m: rt)u!ur.<
er ability than Roberi E. Walter.
banker baa enabled ibc p •pic of that
prlijjbv n-frirm plan would dlu- and war.- : lutll. have *
fr. W'aJier is a young man of onerplace and aurroundi
«ln« oimtry
■- Aoht;.;.(0B Jj'i-'uo ul th'igy. most excellent quaimi a and propease wlib ri,u ftticiy enavcetlim is
Coont Bwwkendorff. tbe Rosalaa
place tbe most Implleli confidence In Bounced abimy. His s-ur R in that of-Ortr.d Tm-.rr.<‘
VI far hi any (•■bllgation In connrrtlun ambat>a-!or. Intorsm fYrfvdgn Bemei hla tstesHty. ability and honor.
Aee baa eommesded him
pm>pT seat him lo tbe ctaie K
a people
vLth namln,': tbc c urn; licLet Is eou lary Lantdowno 4oda> that a d
eonaldoratloa of iiic peotili of I
xTO.d and would permit cith repub- fruw a lorcijw power that Rnaata
ooimiy. Mr. Walter la a tyiUcal imi
duct of Craad Traveree
ienn vtiicT (rf tlic county to expre*' •lixfl iMinl.-b her (drers ranruii be
llwiiled D>nr ycdrs a«o as •
was retrod in this county, and afii-r
lln\-:ly lu the iirimsfir hit fboire fm friaiued. ft was Impunsilrfc. he aaH.
r eonfreia It was aald that Ur. Dar- aiiendinx the dlstyic! achools In File
ri«h would be a powerful casdWaU-. Lake ttownshlp bo came to Treverae
aadidaiiw tor dberiff and oibrr ofHe was nomlaated la the convention
llrcs.^ the men o^nieg tbc larxcii 'Ill pucitbmfttt without havlDX befme
entered l*4< hleh arhoo!.
f grtduattsl wlUi the hitheit
;Bb-r cfK.ics fre each (ilBc# lo be ' a wat.mrBf <rf faet-i pre*cated by
? been devo
honors In all bis atuDca. Before hi;
.“'in.-J fur iiriniiEg on ih.- AoMra- 11 oSirif*.
> district. I
gradiuiiao. bowevtr. the SpscUhui ballot at Ibc reg-ilar clificin Jitr.i
A bleb uffii-ial slated tbit
American war broke out. and Mr. Wa!as the nomlaies <rf nicv(rf:iloiu are that England would rirfose u> anapt
waa cine of ihe finit to throw down
Toe peccle cf Michigan, like thc.p?:p!e ef MinnetxU. w.
bis hooks and volimU'er to serve bit
Admiral KodJemesaVy's
distin£jish between a general primary ciccticn isw and
country In that ctmflct. He sirie:l
m.cstlOB law. Thcte two vauly diffcreRt
The gcaeral plan goniemplale*. of Ihutwohaegitorpedo loaiswere bis
Rt prineiplce wer
nobly through the . C:iban can;palpr
irteo in the primary I;
cored, that is aufleiost reason why and endured wlthont complaint the
’ Mirnetna and i
ranrae. that Desaocrau a* well as Re- target. In ease of no agn vmentrimtng
years cf experience. the
. - pecal
Grand TraTcrae county abenld roll uj miay bardrhipsMf that Inrnittrahle ex
tneseta hive leirned t''
irens Bhall nominate thcir'liCMri rcvfbed BBgtand will cik dreiare war
teal prirrsfy clcctic...__ __ . . .,
for him the largest mainrity
A ge.veral
w-ich l:
pericnce and faced ibc dangers uf war
but will Inform Ras.Ma Crvt that tbe
glvea a confreutonal caadldaUfclinneaots there is nething but pra-ee. te deattned to
thccouraxecbtrac'ertsitcof the
CoQsreazmaa Darrach wEl of cottrac witb
I'a'iii- fint will tot U' pi-rmltletf 10
primary cleetlana of all part,tithe lame safenuarili u-d nv-e't'-i
ber oleeied.
and durinx hla l .
-"'nst fraud and crcruptx.v. i.nti.-niditien a.-vj' gruf; • st cx-el it..- t- c
Volnniecra. of which ho was one of the
Jaii.1 fo7 city, icrlslaiivc. fongrearton-i h'’**'®*"**yaan' ■6rvlee will exerclte tbe
cn ef general eiecUcns under u-.e Aottrairsr haiict eyitcmost popular nnii patriotic. UjKin 1:1'
*! mad other uffirex as in the ease of. *5urry oidiTj hare l-scu seat to trari*seal that baa rtaararurized bla c
priirer/ law :.i riedtd and wrerever .t has been out in'.a e->eireturn from the war and the cotaph|xila<s 10 pr^reBriilebw
dartne hla entlrv UletliBc.
inttani favor. Michigan waa<d he to put
ik>n of his high school work he wt;
such a law oeo her statute books . ivermg every primary elecUoi
r {mmediate m servlri'nominated by acclainailon for omiaiv
'h4(t tbc pr.-sect »yxHm of making
held within hr Iiorders of the «atc.
rrince Kcrctclll. nr. oCSrer «f ib«
clerk, and has served c-intlnoousiy
iher hand, the diceit nominaticn law wh,
ever vlneo with creilii to hitr- 'lf and
in tiUnneeotu
covers the XRtinstion of township, w; •d. sity. ciunty.
ri tbe wishes of lho=e ibey nrej tatrli-.blii Emperor Atrznad«-r til,
to the eouaty. He dei..Tve3 a n -^ .. grcsaional . id iudicist dittricts
o cl to represent snd often to: i! has L(-ia Intvniewed and x<vn tbc
a failure of lelloesal prepirlion, which la simply a maiiei .rf th liens. Ithae cignally failed
ailed to aeasr
sasmplish .
ojrpoce iir w-rcr .1
Fer Cironer,
Honorad by Nomination far Boeend rite of the nsjariiy.
isrfc, treble enndidati n Ibrangb the folloninx tmsInnalloB of Ibe attack
iigned. namelyylhe sUmping oji ef grA
Tans In BUU Banato—To Repre
m'jm. ni of ntoney or ibe. proarise ofj by tbe Dnkle sqiudnm on the Uriiisn
corporate ecntrol and on the contrary it
:>ff-Dogger Aiacl;;
' aeni 27th Senatorial Olatrict
t;i;«ji.'n.'i,aiji. or thniugb «h(?r Im-j
many fold. Atter four yean of a f al M ineseu
r?t hes.t
Tbc transport Onatid. which was
say to Michigan through the mediuih cf
iirt-p. r inflticnre. ll lx quite s-cirrePy ,
paper* and her leiding eit.iens that the direct nc-nii
atoUf -i that tUe dlroci system of vw i siiamlftg abend of tbc iq-uadren. wax
lunvundcd by eight tor.
knother Cemmendabie Nominstioiv—
There is no candidate
ing uuui T ihi- preposed n-'orm piaa,!
amilleat eiecuen d<vitlcr.a where the vaneas'canaldafs i
p?do bonu and n-qimsied 1
Ucaa Uekei that Is more blab)
Mr. Wilton Will Be Register of
wbirb would do away with tbe
ally known, sn ir.teligent choice is nosaible. 1 nthe la'ree.
•d that Orlando C. UoffatL who will so
Deeds for Two Years Merc.
wr,ere this is impossible it results m eonfuaien. corraptiln and graft
gntr.i. i* a li«s rambenomr and more ' wbrevopon tbe Imutesbip dlviston bu
vnneerf and slgaaied to the unknown
Cf unheard of prepertxtns and in efiecS it has for inKanec distinctly
npiirfanorr.iuVihodvr msklag
lowered the average of Minnevota e repreaenuticn in cengreiIts and h:s
la always a plinsure to Grand
dlMrict. Mr. UoSati is a rtsnemmta
.M 1- u
injected partisanship cf the rankest acre into the etatfi judiciary,
Ure titisen of TTaverwe city whost Traverse county republicana'whert* an
11,„ «1,1« . I~
MinnepoDSlarity M ikk confined
the dir officer of the eoauty bar served Uiv
seta 15 that an amendment to the present '
pn,,l„n,- Ml
nSoi'Bteaiy he inbtM which •praadt all over NunI
•lonbera county well to lender him a aecood
troduced at tne next session ef the
islmean. He was unanimously
beard fn>B tbe unknown veau-l.
lues and faithful service. This wc
inated for a secoad term t>y
acriiriaz.w with tl.ik plan.
held wttit:
he admiral formed a Laiilc line and
he case when the Grand Trnveri.'
rantlOB held In TraviTsc Cltv
neminatien system for all b
'■oi-v. r. there
OBBly coavcntlon renominated AYanV
nat. and be will be iriumpbi
epOf'd lu tbe fire, afterward* rnuthis law the delegates to «
V. Wilron for regikit-r of de«d» to
tad by a majortiy that will t ._
iho-.gbi oa
ag bu T<w •
will be him'nated by txe d reet nom-nnien cyttVm and toe Oelecatre
d Itaclf to any otfaer district In the . LTve a second term. The nowlnailor
hi' Mil';" (.' pr.niar;. rijorm la lb*
thus cF^sen dirertly by the people w H select
esndrflafes fer v.e
Prince Kervie’ii a ldrd Ibai liie Rit»
was made
' s
lade by
its:.' of at.-'4irfan. On.' schixd boldl slant feintl the sirensc lo.-pedo Ixmu
eute otfiies. the bench a.-.d toe cencreieioaai district'. New Jers..
T of its c
Senator Moffatt baa been prominent
hat .f dir-.- u-nuinaiton.- are a good wen- Jaiwaeje, as tbe admlfmJ was
In pollUcal affairs In Grand Tiaveiwe
1 i.ialsr 1
county for manyj'rara. and bis abilliy Ilf tbc people -t. ln It.i- rn>c of a few office*.
bat the Japaaew baw; par.
at a public oOelal baa been
z-iii bv'S giKfd ibtng la tbeesuK! of Si:^ rbaxM eurb benu An Englaaij.
The repuWieaiV part yof Mic. • gai Is pled,
•re pcsiuge ef
Mr. Wilson i a yoUBB man of pr-v
Dounced. Hli ouallfleailMis have
each a law and oespite the hue ; ind cry whi
iSJci'i—thai ,4l «KioU be applied ini .
re abltily. and u
been entirely scqniml. becanse
known s
ly 111 iK.mlnailon* for'xovemnr} St. Pweraban;. Oe'. :i -A diapaieb
Inberitrd those lofty qaalllies
iLc oonteni i»art of
this pledge the republican party
ing :«elf re:£t wi-.
iiato as one cl the most rcilal.i.
■ hU
■ ■ rcrpectcd■ father.
Coacreasml •■.Lt ‘ra'i-'Offlei-, ni well ni to] ri-orfre* frora.tdecterjniGcnprei Saklessens lear.ttd by other states t'
-hid time ti exptr.
who could, l-e cbosen for an o;
BUB Seth
----Im the,primary
ftai yrsinrda) * enriy
Bee of pTtbIle_U".tft. Mr- Wil.iin Ijs
Ichixan and
Th- (til. f primary reform school |
«ndf-d in a mnabartlncpi of the
her of the national boiite
repre- erred tkla county faltbfutly and well
for two .vrars and he will reflbat that,
. nuBtntlTaB.
f M. itij-iit boHs thbi the adopHoa;
rtei' br
'*»IN J»*t
Mr; Moffatt while in LatuOiis during degree of service durintf the next two
f III.' h -w mrabod .hould pruce-d | It'S. Th.- (UEimtch reana: “ttV reyears. Mr. Wllstm la a xratlaate (,t ]
llhe mat uukw et tbc senate dM i
a'l'n.asly Qo'il the people have be i Polsed tl.e Jipaaew aturk on oar en. or the CKrfii ail
;bc Traverse Cltjyhlph rAoo'ji yoiia'cl
^ ralnablc work for ' bla dlitricL
ii.-r. ‘Inirougbir familiar with iu de*;botiIj of Unsbloint. The
-------- - Indomlublc nergy and pren?
red ffn hU advice and counael were aonahi by
thorc wb(i l:a-.( iirawleed many jvar* at U... 1
t::.' iliai a iinv of lu workings Ir ' dapam-w
ac(J U widely rcih'KBla..! a> a t
the older and mewe prus^cni leRlaU•ea,.'Ofafm' ..ffico* *A»01d In-irci'fday nrcmlng."
tkm*. y.-c;i lEfonc'ri aa'l mus
torsortfaeaute. He baa bdd several reflqni cooniy official, and In ibi
before riteadisg il to many, cr' ■ ^ten u >«r:y hour tbit mornies
apd hincir
. .
oMcas of finblle tiwM In his borm- ture when bis wwk ts finishivl In:............
uffler (if reslslpr nf rimJ* ll is not nn
of it
town, and ts atm a
r**'-*^ '»>« o'- .
v(*!y>ru- Tr.v H14 by tbc Jinanese and '
tf edoeadon. Hla name has al­ ImpossIMlity that he will be calK-l i ^
board of
tbe bar does nt t mark tL-,
ways been a aynonym of honesty and Agxln to perform oitcr unices of a
rioij .>.!-» at first to lomT office “
tauir U cxpwted this week.
“'Bill/•» a g»,>S,
taKhfnlneas la bU poblle dntlev He pobUc wrfrre. beeanie of hU n llablP 1^.“; ,'*?'= ^’5“
3Bd some who adbtre tef this vi. 'A' Tb. dapar.-^c havcqrowed iheShapkc
•mwed two tcrnjs as retfUtcr of deeds Uy. integrljy and real fur that which **! 12^1 i
mmibeam. Oenml
for Ihla county, and tbc bustacss of

tba ooanty was ctmdncted la sudi a
’-■rainy ahVBld not be forrxM Jo make ' S''" - ‘ 1 rt*iore* tfaai the Rouians re^
acrioas where .Icxal elemcs'l* Jig-.e 'o'
ivominateo ter .
■saner as to demoastiate that Hr
•uch a tew cnltixi they wmi to; rfbat. I
■HMk b? th-JapsacMI t BBOMflt
: be considered
ef Przb^t*.
MoCatt was reliable and tnnby of any
III >h'nx: tbc )aw iitc iid be frewvd :
th. north front « r.rfi Af b-ir fJet..
«• Es DnURIl
Mr. Cross *err('l the city a* citv »!.
|HM& trnat to which bla people mlcht
■ xonr-T for two >i
id hie Icgi
►o tLxf. if the
«rf . CaJhuan}”''■^.1?i.:.
puiukan coici. coQreatius ;u Ar
coaaty. f..r iarta'acf'. wnutc.-d to «xJapan.
31—A mlntf
. each, lice hU cona»el: •»: far the < ffire of pfdge, (d nrahtit
Cponty 1
pablic oOcc oB<
trusted and one
pena-xt with tit- n.-w rv^fem ito v
In Mojl barixw yerierday
ao.1 -Ji.t.- and
, .
— -fcU''
cf the ftrungeiu mca on ih'
whose wtadotu may b>
{opimnat bocame
eosVi do so. While if the pvvplc; nf;**'^**'<*»Tlevi a>hr« on the
where paMIc inierewi: are coorerned.
Jackium. county Ui l not waai u>. they ■K'omLf Jmiseby odo Mani. Thn
couW\ . c-.mtoate ttUr i>‘«onm«T was badly damaged and tea
rrercrx*township. Mr. Browi
___ ___________
hx.- uia «-..cra."fi'j
cal the pre-cai
«d her crew wrrs hUi«! *ad lajii^.
rf ihiue whoireome. Totajntlai farm-; that oSre com
tbe pra-. trailed wi|h affair* of h:s -udieilp ps

friend. Helple of,tbe county iorruc
gx^ aiid eony^xtioB syv’em.
Itsd For a Second Tarm to
Mr. J,Jnfc ensfoMd in hi* Aettnrj,
'»•' pretnie.- Hi h xi
This County
•pUr 'rf
lioaiM ttf »a
la* tc
not *1*
> or ordered a rlsrie tmp-do Umr from
worth as
perrivjr* iiud l*«'inad~ .8 raJiat.'ciliscn ard bl( rer-ignT^l | prep’c of bl» to tbe '-xSTpriev- to
8UU LAgisAMsrt at Lanalag.
-re- nad be *»yt ihere Are thou latcRr.iy
my of pnrpoBc.
mem*.er-o' ,h»: l^uly.' At
c. Xo;mon arc more b.ghlyre«re.-d.
iterri.v .................... ^
► (rf .rfbtT*. wL.1. like hbn. do
man w bo has
held that ulBee '
^w mea In Noribern Mkhigan have be more blxbl' regarded, and he will, G.
b:m x-ar. pU6i--;l .-.-is-v ' 03
Rr'Ii.T/taod It. Tbe Journal nmg:
A M'-F.errine farmer niatkcted a
knd a longer or more bonoreUe pub­ iw iittsM
ril impilrltly
'jcty- Mr mo -e bis fajolty t« Trev-rjc O'
in bl. ramdnci ,rf >««*, Mlrbian anT tEi; rahn^^^^^ Waikre
wagodkiaJ of honey la Jarbaun lb”
lic rxprrimev thaa Hod. Jas. H. Monar-.. let's lodEnfc At a jr^ri i.i.yy.eJr.aian
jOitir.-. dining rcccsi mostb* that,- af- other day. A* that artAric te Mnimt
i.M rtpervoor* be ag-l Ik. H((.Mfro:th »i;i mii
mt yean «f ngitatAcm. and tbonsanda -this prriohbdy
y raewtrstf
reewtratf A
a gmugmU-' jH
Ir earn <or 4la Itmd^


Amil P. Nirilnee*. ef Traverve'
Ctly'a bri*hte-t youn*; ai'omiv,. J.-Pepotar Nor-:e
one of tile moil popular candtda!>-. .ir
Bc*rf Asi r.










The Distinction Between a
General Primary Law and a
Direct Nomination Law.





■:y- =.



1 ^5^

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