Grand Traverse Herald, June 16, 1904

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Grand Traverse Herald, June 16, 1904


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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i mL-xm


l «r*Mn* ««nM

Dr.w.3.di09iM Tire Insurance!


Money to Loan tm Improrcd Real Estitc Only.

Ytrr bsct <4 tatai tswTlM
oal7. TMk ,mr 0I ^mU«u
To« (•UM* aoIleHaa- «»
N«« HsuA balUiBC. a»4«r K.


Room 310Now9t*to Bank Rulldlng.

Tmastaty Slate Bank



Aij. Kmn 09 out ru)WEB8


Y tjaAvinusi










business CARDS.

gJHtt.™j2-%5SK. E3S;




OF EVERY KIND, FROM Fresh. Salt and Smoked Meats, Sausages. Etc.




pbcair (





anti sleigh*
Bade to ord^proopeJ;. Oalf the-rei)'twst ma­


and fallr gaanmteed m ertrjr respecL


That we Bade to Me as well a* aeD.


not made of ^eap material, and given a flashy
,he eye; bnl are durable, comfort­

able, aad neat

Thpy are

Tbe cheapest on the maiicel, qaalily consitlereiL

Once used and yon will buy no other make.

i2» state Street. » UictoT Petertyl.


The) are Oe best.

J. J.




^ron* Sarmma.


«B tt» <MW

Caurntd Con
aad Salmoa



Cltlaatm «2. Bell IM.

Car. TbhUi »L wid Lake Ave

PfWir W «dNlNP«<MdA.

t bar tdtak «M«lMM» «tte aboK kcathaL
M* dW'Rpof WOlBR Ifce BtKayalmn pU.-th« it to pay, 10
•etiy MlStathto locaHty tlM highest mwtitf^^

Trayerse City Manufacturing Co.
W. U. BROWN, WlanatK***-

Crtam Stparators
to have a Sepwatoc baeanse h wUl mn pay far
imdfmtbeeatraamoMdotaeamhaiUmtttaa from the
miUi aad «MB tarn tbaa pan amd becaam it wiU mre the
•rfeMlMK<MMhtf^tb*«orkartakn« eweorthemUk.
to b«r a -File*" Separatm beeanse they are
made of the nry beat grade
tm and ate way durably
biaMetWyareAe^beeaMUheycanbatahmi care of
•Ml lem moffc tbwi 081W Sepwatgm and be^ we
gwranme Umsb to giee ulwfsrtirm
lie aho hare tbe
Gtaeky Sepanur abdi we wiB aUav you to take <m 10




■lAnIc of KInssloy
Pm cmI ImtaiMt paid if M six moalbt.

3 N<mM(Mtp4«iflefr8MK

We invite i-our attention 1

Seed Corn
‘‘Pride of the north’
This is early dent com that will get li^
in thb coontry. You will not regret it if
you try some of it. We also have Buck­
wheat. Field Peas, Dwarf Essex Rape.
Qover, Timothy and all kinds of Garden
Seeds b>‘ the OBOoe, pound or bushel, at

JTOS l«. iflO*
flncaa—t li bar lap

■atU tbr wc «( fortr-Ort I*
ti. Aflsr ikl* la« ta> of tor
« is paid, ir ■ BAB MID pr«r«n ■boBld bs limled with bsaUu
acle blssssdasM. b» mat do

9 arcepi. do yna. Tiypbeay^
■I asked. riMBC.
-Ob-I7 Hoa aacb was (he tBsaer
I. uartlat froM bar diaaa

SM^Bs BBst spoak drst. U 1i bDU as

’ It; Id (oans ros do!
B ssKiB inKir •«.
ksr bKhs
■d I
B Tsrd. and b
o typtfr. Is tom.
wBCsim <aa«hi i

s at (b
was ib« OB
a bficr
« ai dm a
k Bp a paper, vbicb b* r
. - tb« car ibai bad bsM
bedtoB of Us DaskH. Tbe dale
Ibrrr years lack, bet be looked II
tbo pbtas*olo«y
(broiicb rareleesly vhUr llstealac to
aoi LoBDol'a aad *as nierlarod
ibr words rrally apps arsd la ibw pa- Ibr laJk abost hia. As be read, ble
AraoDd thr roIllB« pasiara apraad.
ry<v tied oa a pharacrapb tetardiat
Wltb voodlasd pairbM carlanded.
Seddealy tb* poaMbO"Youll haTs to tri a I
Pnsn afatch ibc brsexsa idadlT ta^
• of s hate Joke caae to bin.
Wfianoa. or yoall basf 1
SlyjBTliatioM to ihB door.
loae la tbe losra rlrrfc's oSce.
r» 10 pay le Ibr B*»t Irw
Arroas IbB sills Ibe boos' sod bniB
loel laM bit pMB before bis Msad.
Was mIbsM vUb ibo aMioBod sob.
Wb.-B BdIiob trasped tbe otbsr's Idea
latiKblos. lalktB
d from tbMr eorort lo tbo tbIo
hr spraat to his feel aad opeaed bis
plalBtlrr pIcadiBS piprd Ibo doall. whulF toUry s ol
lb prefBratory to a yell that vobM
o delrad blmsMI
' ibe roof. Bel sorb a caTrea ap
KeariBK suddealy Is bU face iras fatal


-PIdat I state* A bapdred aad t(tr
doiura."Ob!" vlib a lliue t
*1 «M
tblaklac «—s- ct tbe a- . .e«My«(
tceeptlas so so- ral iMea—
from so ismay men."
IWioB Bude s pfeace for frteh air.
"Oh, that's all rtsbi. TTyphcBy. We
Stkepi 11 rery anlei. Dul If It's pp
If 10 really iirmblr yon. why, yM «*m
P*y ■*•.1 aeppoae I rOBldaT flee the

spmi of It U I was yoa. Tryphenj■ai Is. eiptalB; you Jasl let me Inn
as <MU from you, asd RH

"Thai uui dn,- Trrpbew aaM. with
Itiile burst at reltef
Tben U only remains
to turw
s W
yM alcse . reperty o«
I-emael aatf.
■ ar« «nr"*»U
elertnally aad bowed bis depnrtate.
noel toBBd BoHoa d
smotberlBf ibe err. -| was afiMd
1 Lemuel Crabe, whet tbe bols<
Tbe bare brows feel Ibai kBrw so law
Ibe cstepoBL
Ir sport subsided,
"tl will t
you'd cite It away. This
or fasbioB's last; tbe bosdled foraia
I. If yna maka a
leiblbf Jusi like that u make
■ bins, aad we're *w ib i
That lancbrd aloud at mM asd storms
ert (hb
ball wlah rfl aw .
sklsBlst marry Trypkrey C
U Ibr
Ibr oSaa! tawa
Ik. How kma Is It, b«y,-»orr ikaa
to you up la
Wbal Ules ttat scarred desks mlcbt
sow. aad eomaa*iwealy years, ain't It—ibsl he's bees
aahsd tba (flsffc.
there to see berT Wby. I
triumphs Cblsed with lank abd
ler when we ibouxtal Sllrasus .baklBS bearti) with noiseless mirth eo'jcblBC.
"To old WhartM's. WeVa
toB mas a pretty foo6 feller
"Wbsi are you etdae lo hate mt
mt lore tbe clapboards loose msaad Trypheoy used to go wli
dor asked Bolioa. when he cmM slop
lI'SaTa^foaw!wdsflbl WT Mf
; people to all Ibe daares e
feats at sooBtlme and recess’
; They foaad Ihe adacr at bam^.
where Flfleen and slrteen years ayo
"Tou'te ■« 10 make out tbe
Asd do toed bow oft tbe pases lo see.
"We have esme lo yoa.-SUTaaaa. as
• Ibe talk Ibai they was sninc
the daed. you know I auppoae well
Back op the road, and o'er the lea.
trrled next moeih, but that d«
both hare in sicn It. Row Is that, do
rwrs of the lowB of Waabtewaw,’
• boy asd tin. Bcw woriils lo Dsd.
ain't seemed to hate 1
■ael besu, ”We baTc a sobM
au kaowt Well, are ma arrante It.
IHIIe srbODlbouse left betalsd.
i1 yet. And It nera will til 811y lo perfoni. l hope yoa will rueBtway We ran use one of tboae res
flads out that be can lire cheap
isr land line blanka. caaT wer
apalie Ibe law that b la<B of m. aafl
maka no rnlsiaaee." Thaa ke wMt
laqmiretl I
fully his erraad.
lerk. macblas afrsnb.
Were not by chalk
Hrl."Why. IbereTI be (bree years, nl
I'm said tor tawr to"What!
oped ytwr door oa Belds and sky.
»urse she la.’ aBrmed Bolton. forty dollars and tortydire and ifiy. ataaded tbe asloabbed maa. ptadap
flo. Ilkewlar Just a* wide aed blgt.
-He oBCbi (OIM up CDtac to see her. with IMeeesi and ehamee tay oae hlB palm apoe hb braast. “Ii alaT
You opesevl to tbe t yes of youth
and clve bee a rbance with
hundred aad .flfly dollar*
! It caaT be flouef rra awear
The prinelpir of lore asd truth.
'-Her.’ ,
Bnoueb to make old Wbanm _
—Tomb's CoBpsslos
"There ain't maeb rbance when yon
• Aad are you colac lo make Tryae to tfaink of li: all the on married pheny pay Ibair
Trypheiw's Ts»-T«le.
fellers hereaboois Bow are aottalnc but
•u hadat bwa te eloaa4sied. BllraaWashlensw Is bnl s rnsslry rlllsife,
ays." put In Lemuel. ’And besU
yoa mlcbt hate kairwB all aboal
linked to tbe outside world hy s stace
think Trypbeny sets a food deal
You hare MoppMI takiac papas.
II and tbe
Sllianut. Of course, she can't 1
rl mad ^toa mar^ wkh It
>d drawB yourself away Irarn ywwr
preltmtlons lows of Shiawassee Tew
And If he won'
□Bscmcnls ■ter cooir there, asd
If we could make li seem rtfbl 10 i
BOW as a JodcaMal
thrown upon their own resources, the
> CO to old Wharton and
tell yon It alB-l t
It Mb'!
iBbabliasis are prom
e areal
marry ber at
lllienles In prorldlsf
II wblch
It lo silesire, 1
"I woald. too, BilraaMl
I wowM
rwlse would m dei
*DOd Idea-bal
•chl It an I did that IliOe Mller with
there's Trypheay!’
Tnphena.- bs«u Lemae
Rnaael. Lel'n sae. bow mwch did that
sotsellffles Qucm
there's Trypheay!'
lethlBC III
. lump
____ -In 'his
throat. CD I you, a (bouaaad dollars? Hayb*
s enforep a moral—Is t^mue!
u aad I ba*c
you're pot moBd^ to bun. Bat I dM’i
red only kaowa 1
"Oh. merry. Mr. Craae. teU me right believe I would. Ulvaaat. Did I WO
Lemuel 1, the only ma la the Til­
oe we mill
ro who It was? TrypbsM Ooldstatk.Uce who take, a dally p er. Brery
•f them Imocbi In Tryphaa;
Blfbl "
Trypheayl* murmured the astowLawtoo's
Then he'd have mafried ber to
" Trypheay. Slltaoua ain't dead.
bed aad dlstraasad miser.
cel rid of payln* ihem." atid Lemael. I'm clad to And 3
"Tee.- Mid Umael. -She wea-| be
Uui msrlN- there'll be some more toward him. 1 wi11 fraU ll was dlfler> hard to aaUafy a* Buaae! was. |i
I ihlak Trypheay would
aced lo bellere that
sems (a me that you michf tad a way
be piaifurm II In
ke a better mSB of him U she
out aad aoi have ll cMt yoa eery
s there are calherad
wife. She would feel more at
duty which ihU (own has
mock—leasiwlae. keep the noat all la
Ihree nr four in 1
I 10 boss him aniuad. What
Ilchter—easier; tbr duly which I hare Ibr femUy, as b was. Bat (hat atat
say to him aowr
to perform." Lemael seemed a lUUe aotblac to as. TaoTe ber property
was Inside on a dir In rebruary.
rnlsed. so be look a fresh sr-BOW. ead all we're rx la da b u dethe anise of one siamplaic saow
Trypbeay. you feel to
Mrer yoa over. Aad yoa ima maka
e plstform wliboiii was beard.
lei a Koldea u
don't yon*’be asked -Van
such a sMHemaat with ber at yoa
l.owti>n. tumlne his head, remarked.
miDuie think I would trifle
pleaee.1 sales. They p
lid tell you a
Tbere was a mnmaatb abaca.
risi- aunlher.
wasn'i ruer-Boltflo wealed a>e 10 fariag tbe
sbimid be <
on—thsi iweaiy
. 00, Mr Crane.
aberiff aioac. but f told Mm 1 pueeaed
>uH. assured, pushed oa you'd po with ma. I was right. waMt
line speech.
"Hen bayr I. Bllvaassr'
9ose twenty did co 01 l•eell pssstnc Uws for years and yean.
WhartOB made ao reply.
rlnelng 10 show. MU feet diacced
a CO In Wasfaienaw Tr>-|>bea>. for Ibe prot eelloo Of WOtile as he came down tbe store
rmboson 1 11 failed to become 1
been cood.aad
leel ksrkoiid. b Mlosred M
bore Ihe sini.p tbti was Common
had; but It's not tor 1
e as a lamb, aad ti«ttbar
h r-nsi >>r Ihe Washlensw men. ills ml-erlj
I have btwB which,
tbe Other I seemed In lodleslr siraUened
I. which SI wblch don't ealer lalo oar bus
where TrypMma awaited ihem wHh
eniild hsie Ihs-d seilled
ed lor lees eiiher. Now, three years ago oar stale UirobUac heart.
s hundred dollars,
passed a Uw plarii
- '
Trypbeaa appeared preatJy embar
ibuusand. Wbsnon itii-d lo make (tad elors—tbai Is, uamArrM mew-yw raued. Oae moaseal ber aelloa iadlase. Hr I,awioa." Bilrtnns said,
up by drnylBR himself to s crealer de- ihlny-flre year* old. till they WM tsr- icated s desire lo Aeu. aaotber she
tbe intii-s wbleh be ihoncbl w
ly-flre. when
- tax tbam awy se -mod ahoat to eharpe opoa tbe afha Ibey
bs«i raleiilated to save bim s pen
I-- He heslialed. as If am
OBd raaree her tardy iorer. Bil
I knowlag bow
CO oa. -Aad
n was (he i)ae to weak, aad bis
added. as If ibr r
1 be iiecaB. bat
■a* was fou at repreaeh.
isken hul fire, and
Trr^ena's fare
-Trypheay. baw aoaU yoar
make Lawioo wialihy. s thins
rorld outside
'8br moved resenitnlly la ^
"1 did It. Sllvaaas. lo mvc you fsarn
hlrfa it was cood o( him to do Then
wmer was advaoelnc acain
tec. Hr.
ird hcarted men.’ she r*HM. wttk
e leaned over tbe munler, an those
Jore luuncers bad left the
atsvil the stove could not hear. "Tou
place Jiisi within Ihe op<-a
Tbea tkare was M awkward puaaa.
roe hare half a pound for that. Mr
IjvBBus hiM eome lo feel (hat if be
VCharion." he whispered, in remind
d on the platfm wltbom Lemouid sere himself be meet act.
•kc-per of hU former partial
frane wi, there, havlnc hrouehi
-You wronc
e men. It it not that.
I sec you aloM. TtypbMy—a
down some eit*s lo exchaace lo
r be
be pleaded. laoUap aboM
Whtriori." cried one of the
loiireers "Idm here says.that Ihe
■ be stare lo brine >be mall roau
Tbe riark bctan to loleker. He had
Miirxln mid him ibst If snmeiblnc hi- dally paper The ipnac elr
.keo a aeai bebtod Trypbeaa fat fear mid. aad led Mm (hronch a door Imp
lldn'l happen so tbsl be rould
which bad lust been held, had 1
Is fare tbonid not always pressrre
rial in his muri pretty snoe he
ed In t landslide, cirrylnit l,emoeI In
leMuH aad his friead had time to
.ou Up for enielij ii> animals.'
Nl the oOlci 'irf [own ir.-asurer. and
tebaage but a word before Ihe doer
"I ain't been cruel 10 no in
iBskinr hi- friend HuIimd ibe town
led Wb
b-oed. Back of Sllraauf- bead Tryrlerk
ThI- ri-voiiiiionarv chance was
-il.-na'i carls appeared doadac with a
counter "Manin.
the subject of all croversatlot
Ob. sban'i I get you some of my—’ - - )oy. BUvaaai' owe face was IHbt-■ JuslJee of Ibe
SS). Whsnuii. called Lemuel, see"No. BO." I,efflue! hastened to add:
Ire that man in ihe act of slinklec by
ri yoar undivided
undirldei attenlloa. Ttythat be had oaiwlned his earn
IS thai'9 mloc no In the vlllace'
■ n... that I’m el.-cted town trea
Mr Bolioa. p>
p Into tbe open
SVi-II. hr Mys you hive.- rv}nlned
rtl do what I ran in have you e
•Tft all ripbi. Mr. Craae.’ be calM.
other, potiurely
"He sal
better!" be commake a prmcllre to sqiieere a r
inarded. and moved his hand Imparn- -T^pbeny aad I are etdap lo ajarn-.old. Mr. Crane
iively toward tbe door.
— Farm aad nowide.
Ihe'poor bird Is emshed beyond
whined Whanon.
K. had «oi 10 iba
"I shall be all rlxbi now." the Oerk
nltlnn. Lawioe there has cut or
d arrept anylbinc said, huskily, and became quiet.
I's CTlhS 111 Ofler In eiidenee"
-No there has ao us been H^ed •pWera Attraetad Py VMM Marb«.
"Volt tellers all think I'm Just
f monry because I've cot s
rlollatat says spider* are aotoHoexin 10 support yon," Lemuel
1.emoel resomed. "But as I Mid. mnly aad hletorleally famd at masle.
I tell you, Bollon." Whsrloo
"»■•rluB wanu (o ihrow Jn
ilri. addrewslBC tbe <me who
At oae of kls nnrfumaai le the Cowctiiihlng. 100—at lean a necktie,
icVed him. "s teller msy bar
•ucprewi* (hat iwenly feet of l^w
yaaiw aow. Well, TrTPhaay. we
' land and 1a> all-flred bard
laraskm df spiders arhick
iw-si Inch rope would do very well. Boi 111 Inc amouc as oae who Is tabje.. ..
don't ret any lympstby fe
re draws by kls vMM oat from tbe
I want lo do belter hy you—"
ii.wnspeople. as I oafbl 10. I know
Ibis tax Oae who I am deeply tolar- cracks aad aaaalM of Ibe aeeteei
A burst of coarse Jsnebter drowsed
ested la. aod who. I iruned. yoa
hnw yon talk iboct me heblnd
buil'Ilac-Jbey erawlad about (be flanr
Lemuel's coorludiM words, and
deeply laieresied In too; aad your
l.sek. and some of you ricbi 10 my Wharton's whine has heard.
r.d oa to tbe stage, sad be could sae
lice. I d be ashamed to treat a doc
w<wds tbh momiBg has tbowa me that
■ ■ soooyad aadieoce eumtHag M (be
• You lellers can make fun .
»ii da me I know you're lelllnc
my trust was hot In vale. Need I loll
DOW, but the time may come wbeo who Ibis oae Isr
lOd tbtl I'm tlchter than the bark
The wriur adds that be bas knows
you'll be In want. Noi bai that I’l
I tree. Bui I'm )iisi as free as
"Not If yoe mean Pllvaaos.* Ttysmall Carden snake to be anraedad
m>' eooucb lo feed and clothe me If
to be with the llule money that
pbens said, blashlac aad hmUac very
y plaao pUylap. aad a yoaap eaH to
ealcnbte close, hut It doo'i leave
t. lookinc out se I mast now f<
bilk bis toll aad pmsce aboal mem
penay over—aoi a peany ’ And I doa't
my old see Tbe real <m tbe farm fre
deefBliy at the flrst sous of a rreaefe
set siiy sympathy from my nelcfebors.
sot drm i pay for Ihe repair* and tbe
His Back woaM curve about
la lir- sb; beMa. tmr
ibem that oupht to feel sorry for a poor
tases. so ibei
« from tbe tolema face moadly. hla hoofs tread Uphtly, aad
1-ebind all tb<
his Mrs wu ioyoaaly wbM the imbM
and say ihUi r ibat ain't (no-, aad y
V Mwond laorh creHed bU referI paid the tacM.’ mU ' Wcaa. aad be sover qeieied dwwa tffl
•e to Ihe tasew
■s ai my bouse
TbereTl be a
awfol import. -Too reYes." iDierieeled Bollon
I beUTd
Beat rxM» out at heaven oa you ‘
1 was dooe with bis load
ll you had g-ii Sam Runnel
I nil Tbe l>ird dim'i forpel F
ihr taxes for you."
. Where. Big Nsm lea Hash aTBsMH
Thit exploded Ibe croup.
la JspaalbeadaelstheoalylMUWo

deWhanon bad been so parsli
wbkh aitrseu aliMtloa. To psM da. ua,p
the last few years thai be bad aeclect
lermlaea the beaaty or apUMdi <g Ihe
Bolion. *
■ face, ancertlac as ll Is Mg ar mB.
. down
Is ptoMMy dee to the iMt IbH
search warrant oae
sent from Us po(^ sad rOerrad to
RunnH. oo tb
b opportnaltr.
tbe oaly d
bard I.
lie to It
- from'lbe
the Utl
- B*the sb
.. .. sad asother.
Inc away all the pnU.
The erea are MvarlsMy MmIl the
rive up tb
■heriiboaee hlfh aM tbe eWa iwaaA
leea sold. I aright my. far that ■uuer
had Wo aj
has all baea aitreded to, aad It oaly
It aow awaited
. Lawtea's*bor, la m
-Here, here.*
IM for yoa to acespt sad apisd* M Otways a py«ri baaa^
Hw*<year quartwllac. boys,
aad Hfetlap beUe. There are lew ’
a bit from (he
the paper.
paper. U s what they n was dowa to oM Wharumh bOMS
large aoans amoac the aarirae. aad
-T« *M. Trypbaay.’
sre doing apt. the leplslaisre at LaaiSl
MHiy b be or she who pbmmM aaa.
seed k
slap K-U iatereet more ihsa oae feleae
paid! iamaled-omr
Tbe sboBl at the bar’s cradatty «M ■____
.boMevous that-n j pb lias CoHetatt. kao*
sea he read:
I bas Mlrudaesd a HB (a Ux haebfK. morn
tbeTr* peHarHp
I. II pnnrUax that evoy aamwsotb
'UMr* Tijphsai saU. wwMte vMXaa. Tbs vehMa H~m ii^_s
I bra dows: bat it

B seelBt L
r IBC Ibroocb Ibe
-ThBi'i last s

-.... ..Kl-




apHar *e Zml:


H. P(RT. CkutMtirt lUrd dec prcd- tern cariM the aovoi.
n>« bocM ra beBsUt>»r dceoralad
»Hb iBixe bonvBcu of vblic IHM
bd4 fcroi. Tfcc brM* oa* gowm6 la
H*-bor oym»r obile «ltt Bad arrW bcMcb
n. « H. A'in.
eoiaoimrs. >'.! =
be aaaau traa avay were MlB*
T>«wm Clir; Mrt
at* Bma»M tt Loodas- MMa
(roll; Dr
lb J. Orty of labpMlBC aad
--------Bovcr. Abb Art>or. Ftecrmn
CBamillM. HIM HaM Mm. Tnr. ..IdcOD of CblCBBD.
anc City; H»». MnUe Kobo CMit- Mrr. ElloaaBee Is well kaooB la tbla
aaii. Graod IUi>ia»; Mr*. Croe* O rtiy. hadna »peot seorty all ber We
Droeb. IMt«5B'»B «" at ber boor aeof the dty. Mr. Bb

tbdr iipnaae: Hater
Mwta CbBWky. VWid A.
r. UUMa Boen. Bath JackPraeodlas iba laeaaUno by Bar.
MartlB. a edy plMdia »«MMao
•s tetdeeed by the Khwtey Bscfe»
a. The orcbeatia waa aaaMmit ^
. H. Mootae. Mia. J. H. Maiaa. Mler MBrtllac. Oaerte Maillana. Tbo
iroGattoe was (oUowed tv a setoeUea

r be U la
eotser aad Rarrey Trip*.
EllvBacer Ml ibe aezt
Mr. BBcl Mr*-------Hiss Utllaa Bowers ibco tead a
BBlac. where-----they—hare elererir wdtiee elaas bbtory Whiwed
BinrtilBR tor lASBlac.-----a alrely farBlthed beate awallliK them
ir oratloe. Tbe I«m1 Maa aad tb*
aad irbere (bey will be slad lo seet
II ailseo.- by Harry Maeblta*.
Iheir Irteads afler Joae ». They
er aa orcbestra sclMtlea. Hiss
h Jaehsoa dellrered a well prepretcBH.
»J orailoo. -Koted Wo»ea la HlaHiss Zina Madlaae read the
CemMCrwMocBt at Kiogalcy.
eUss blstoty aad IMi was followed by
trt seleotoa aad a conpeebeaKiattier. Mleb, Joae lO.-Tbe i---.•eareneat eierdaet of the Kiafbdey ........ -atloo no the -Valoe «d aa EdeUtah •rhool were h<'ld last erealna ealloo." M Wattrr 8ee*Bimer. "Procaad a lara* naaiber nt people wtc- res* • was EdwiB R Cbaufly-s sabject
wbirh be bandied eery ably. Hiss
■ed (he eloilac exercises at a i
__eetdnl arbool ier». Tbe elaa* . .. Blit nraekeobary had tbe boaor of detlsied of eerea l>rl«b( yoaas people
bit hoi 0* la tansina. «b<

%S5ir.;-MMtfal dtr d an
ssris?5ai?^s«a «i» u.
f«< dl tbe l«i____

Mr., n.K. fi. Bre.............



r MU.
thsa (M bt»
------ --rk H rMlU U.
n or HllUdaW OoltCft


Blue Vitriol

T* be iKre. ye« «
eU. B« wbyteiewi^^
•Bdpostpoacs«e. Uroiiwffl

Hair Vigor


jo«Hnr BOri

■MmmM 6oing to Build?

If to. the South Sidc’Lumber Co. at Travene
City is the place to buy your matarial. Shop
and tnill «ork done on short nMke. Give us
a chance to tiKurc on your wants.

White Hair

sr5*rJ£^":ss'i:£iS i?sssiriss?s:
« aar city oflu abe U ibe alata cn tlead.


South Cravsrst
Side CltT,

. ^^

M RIsh sdKtol.aiBslebribeUiperta]
Qablello. wKb Mrs. C. 8. Wo>«*tgaader; whlslUae aolo by Don Clark
•bd eOBBl solo by Miss Oorothy



w. *«■«. ........ iblllty as a wrller ncepIMal el
V enai wereI readika*
oa at Hillsdale aad
a Mrs. Myrtle Soot
aary laleat aad a cbarmlDS per
.. Oraad RapMA Mra.
. Brok by members of Ibe i
.w—llrliif several aeleeOoos
Hob aad goeBtssMmpronpUi C
_ poetry aod aaeedete made tbe ereiikg P8BS all too awHtly. aal flaaily
' Both Wedaasday laoraUs aad afler broBght
to an ead oee of the pleasant,
aM were oecopled wHk papers ^d eal seetlags
la Ibe blstory <d tbe asmeattkm by laeiabers of Ibe a*»
OMUoa. After Ma call, al whU± la adto a toecUai toemariii
dttlaa to retpoam from tbdae pras- lo _________
Martha B. Root by Mrs. BtUe
oai. maoy words at Breetlaf were re- M. Mra.
Perry at tbe aftenaoa neetlag.
wMrod ftem abaeat membeta. Mia. 1 most
appropriate memorial waa re­
■ada Murray Demta ^re a latw«.
by all the membeta.of the bsIf mpor 00 **800188 Thlast,* aad a ceived
from ber basbaad. Mrs.
;S.£[raok>waiaBa(by MlasOla^ soelalloa
was foremori In adnsdag Ibe
Otar, la tbe aflemooB a paper tan <<
forcatry In tbe i
.rllaable iboofhu for a
ember received a (
warkan a^ ceaeral writer*
'hp.Mrt. Bcae Wood-Ailea 1
«w read IV Sr. baaia B. i
«M Arbor, sad Hr*. Belle
'Had a paper oa Tbe Oeatl. — ■BMrtaiUu.* wrttide by Ura. Alice read tbi* spriiig.
of MaskcaoB. wbete (alber AtBug IbemaL.. -------------- aaMB ef Ibe aUlc who wore preseat
'~b^ Us wh aad taeOR

wMh t:


Vila I Bar. aad wat

I lalsb. A

?S5.>........... ........
INB the aewapaper wamaa. tad w
the aawspapw wamin caa Mia ft
>1he iMBral writer,* was bcM. *
•'■imiMliai by Mrs. Margam H. Al
W l«taaw, Mra. Anaasta D. Bat
or Btawril, aad Mr*, lamy H. Le«



oalv use Ayer’s Heir VJfor,
ywip fny biir viU •ooo heve
in tbe deep, rich color of
yaacb. Sold for «0 yewi.

Meted sT^Ki bumU^ or wi-----treoaeatly called apon lo talk as Hiss
Haggle i. WaU of CalDfflet. who ta
aao ad the most pramtaeal Ftaalsb
I today. Miss Walt

a capUallft baateHa womaa. col.
aitaa agrat. aottliag larve nloaMa
Mr CDBBtryBMw ta Htablgaa. Vk-

tad elogat riatki mo
t * Oaene OeM of Iowa. Oae of tbe MOIP iwiv
demand 1a HUIadale
«BtayaWe tatBree ef tbe aftereaea k. Ogaaat
m conid aot eowdade a w
«w a «raetta( from Mr*. H. H. Perd
Ibe meeUng wttbeat meat____ _
k bMf <( the weam of HnMata. M
wboleaoaled bOfItaUty of tbe
wUek was both etofaaat aad lMpl^ the
people, who opeaed (belt
M. aad win prare et iasaag beaeU BUIsdale
bcBes to (he memben of tbe
•ea 1
ttaa. aad wbete ealr
At tbe caaelBSloa of tbe
plalat aeetaed to
bethat tharr*wtre
----ttw BOBber* Bf tbe
to eetertala. aad eaHal aa exhibit
>H o< I
thank* lo tbe bMel and rea■wde kadsr tbe-------taaraat
abowa. and
A. Otar <d the Hillsdale



Handles the full line of Osborne (ioods. "Osbomr" is the tari;.*si independent makir
of urain and corn liintlers. Mowers and Reai»crs in the world
l>o not place your
onlrr before srcini; Osborne's new

Uertical Bar lUotiMr


one of thetr specialties.

maebinerv and Farm Impiemenis


Remember that wc sell the

:i_i_ XMi

“miller” Basolinc 6naine.


I'he only Gasaline Engine that a child
can Stan and handle without trouble in
cold weather. We have sold over fony
engines the last )-car out of Tiarcrw
Gity. and thc>* arc giving the belt of hatisfaction.' Beffsre.placing your order ft»r
any make of Engines, call at our store
and ICC the Miller.


And we arc prepared to PROVE IT TO YOU by the
actual test of EASE. SIMPLICITY, and ECONOMY
of operation. POWER produced and DURABILITY of
^ . construction. Ail users of COLUMBUS ENGINES
will certify to the above facts :::::::::


ir car loads of the

We have }un r

Paa* Brs*s and lbs OvM Cairiaas e**a Baaalta
The finest ever shown in Traverse City. Von can get just what you are looking for
at Boughey's

Cor. Cass;& State St.




Bg the w------- --------------___,__ jd with a *mB%etcpeo«lUro
a( mmv- The laatrarior diridea hit
tkte hotweoa Alhloe aad HtiMata.
Itraa BBtttag (be aalary la isro for each
kaee. while tbe oatlt taoad aac
Miy hr katTwetloa la baltc wn
•ewtag, basketry, weariag. etc.. Is „
tasapeailve tktl aay conatry aiAori
eeoH aford to pal ii
M <1 a riiy school. -------------—
MBitanod by Hillsdale and Albtaa ta.
.iijgiwHIn that caaaiM be loo highly
HiMmim aad they bare aat aa t»
am^ UM BboaM be (allowed by
weary eliy k the aiateOa Wedaeaday evaatag tbe kaaUM hOBe of PteaMeM aad Mra. 4. W.
IbMfc Id tbe coHege waa (browa

.. eras tbroagh tbe Uadaeat o
Kale B. Ward of tbe UUlsdale
ard. ibal tbe aaanrtathm met at___
dale, aad It ta die lo her aallrlitg oBoris
aad gradoBs heapluUly ibat ihU
■aollag will be iBaeikwred ai oae «
tt»^mt« Moyable ever held ky (be
Al 'thi buslBces maeling Harbor
BmA was decided apoe as the aext
^ of meetlDg. and the date act (or
Wy. 1»«. OBceia, were eleelml as
MIows; Pr«rtdont.;;Mfs. Kate E


ORy: aeeoadvtoeprwaldeat.Hn.Ben*

sweeping reductions all over the house in order to reduce it as much as possible before the 4th. We only mention
a few items as a criterian of whgt we are going to do for the balance of the month

19 inch Naiural llabkii Wash Silk. «onh 35c. g5(j
IS inch black Taffeta Silk worth iiOc.


?tbe**MaBSal5m*B^ Urn
a( tbe City Padataitaa e( W

« My Breath.

__________ 'S

ShortnsM of Breath

la Oae of the Coma^ tea bBBB apUy tarand
____ a BeaaUtBL'- ttakgaad by Mra.
moneat Blana of
Haaek. with at *tb la haiamey la
Heart IHaeaae. ^
«v*ry allghival Ariall. (Mb la (h*
Mmwuhataadiag wbat maBT MtbI*.
kiriUtBg aad ib* (arelahlag. aad
bsut maiaa* cat b* eaied.
ibraagh lb* Uadataa el Pn«M«at aad
tw. WSW Mvw Bart Cm ka psr.
Hn. Hasek. foataally epea to papUs
to babh w
of the eolMt* aad Maadt la (ha cRy. yeatty
II Is a llbaral tdacMtoB la (b* poat- Oa wadletasa (absaathk «r bSLe*
hOUtot tf hoBc aakke. aad Ita lads* PMblo of natdav pnaikaaa phymclaa.
«M eoaaoi tan to b* kr raa«
Baton to tbe ble.
The ratapttoa W«daBda|
waa aulhad hr Hi boaplWny aad kRaBklHr. aad a ebarmtag pragrilm
of lb* e
af toBBW le Bbiiftoim ef brsath. Wbetb.


Gloak and Suit DepL

27 inch black Taffeta, worth $1.00

Ladiw Suit* at $13.75. $121.0, $S.50


Worth just exactly double

eiolbina Department i
Retluctions on Top Coats
The $75(1 qualilj- (or


The $(0.00 qualily (or


The$(2B0quaUl) (or




Thc '$(0.(JO quality (or

P to $7.00,

$1.60 $6.00

sizes from 3 to 12
OdiHot of Ladies Waists, wonh up to

Olasb Goods

Mr*. Brito U. Tent. Mn.
> Hamy Bmata. Mta* Wall d
OkMM aad Dr. Bmmk a Baww.
Ular lb«
A hara. at U hit

MENS SuiTSaVidik’tjkl.'V-m

About 2 dozen in stock.

ttlool Dress Goods



The $12.50 taker wtveral. valued up

A lot of Ginghams in snipes, ch(K:ks and pl.tin Qq
SilkMul^^iii raiora liu black aild"wfaite.





BOYS BLOUSE SUITS t.l« and 450 value. {2.96

For UdiK in Silk or Leather from -ffie up g2.60


iq. $20-0D

Wc wish to call your ritecial aitCiilton lo tbc*$(lbO
aod $12.50 Soil,.
The $950 price include, mils valued "P {12.60


Buster Brown Belt for BojV and tirlr. 25c 5Q(J

Bril k aarrytag at


UNION SUITS...^......-.^.'^$1.00, $I.W and W.60
NECKWEAR........................ ..............*.:.Sfe
AU the new noUv thing!
JERSEY SWEATERS............................. $1.00 aod $ltt)


. kiC i-;; ■


jjniiiMii I: iiTiwrr


I, bt ftvM at Hut »•


ybBM^ear•en M SsA^BMib to

Sltrer Uto to Jafcmna eorwr f%
. mt to Cuwbell een«r tr*eifhtto nlW. ioath to Bren cener
-’ -illef. ent to ton toll 1 bUc.
to Rtoen TrarU eoraer 2 Bile*,
to Bratel comer tone4omto
Bile. Borik to towwhip Use I Bile.
to OoBtOB
Mstb IS

nii MparMaal «MI to •»« nr mr !!■■■>■»■■ vr mqvrms ar


TIM OtoHeh far Un r*nMe.
Tto nimfta H tooitcr a htotr
•n* or tor If «e to M tare * Jm
M uaoiatuBtoitoto itotnttor n aaimLt pm iS ^-w*m
to«r Bistor kfBto. soBstolw pione
n. mi nr* worn to If tto swbb
ne Ml to IBM. I« 1* 1*0 n^ toe


ptootlBS tors. WKk to BBdi mis (be
enmaS «n«to e<
toog coBlas to.----------------------«to<r BOB
(to (srsen ere 4m<Uto tto eee*. mbc wHb (to *m '
sstoo vttb tto Alto* bsiTOv. ss4
BOB we to* draolss bit oora «t
•Mwtk BqssK «i*B. He*. *ltb
ttol wort OB ito eon. tai poor ■
roB win bear of poor otssdi of e
ato H Is toe 1st* IS pitot oeor.
Hr KktonU he* s AoU plasief
•bto Hsr <• OB sod. (tot t* Isme
SBOBtb IS CBlOrsle. oto sac tto revs

*1 RlBislsr TbandsT enotsc.
Tto iBdios' AM BOcMr twin B*«t
TkendBr sftorBOOB si tto ton* of
Mm. Uetord UsntaU. win *111 forbM week.
«Btk Oias IBS tooe toriac s septOBs sttscA
Oar setoel. vbid bto bsoo verr
I* post
*w to Miss Aar..................
ITMW with s pleBk toU is tto froT*.
AflB SBM* tostles «M doa* to tte

posh. Ov SOBSOBI sn so Bbwt (bare
sbOBld to Bore fell pIo*>B| dose. Beesss* tto lir dasMted tto wbest oee
rear (top on ■Mtap Is tto bsMt of
sovlsc ssr oM tlBe.
Ur. Haapbrer Csapbell bss s Add
sowed tto lest *o*k is ABtosL asd

suBdtr I
and CeslerdUtrtei No. S. of So
rille. Bill to held In tbe
II CaBprvRBttonsl rbnrdi st Cedtr. Jose M. l»ol.

a. B-—<lpeeiai serrices. led
br the rlee presidest. R. Lsouer.
ID:*: a. a.—Review of tbe lessons
of Quancrlr, Rev. J. P. While..
11:11 a. a.—Report* from ito
. *M I
rai srhooU........................
. . BBd poss look *UI. oBir so
Bose of (be fonsers arc plsoi1:00 p. t-.
lB( iMtstooe (or (be Istr crop <n raise
V Ret J P. White
IS ecBt pouts**. Tbe dollar poUloci
l:li—A toper hr Ur»-J I) Kllwar
Uee^tbea pouim oo
l:«—A rertlatlOB from the Cedar
. B.
«•( kso* arhSI to do wllb It.
l;5..-A roeal duct IrnB
rnm the tW' <
We win ool pel rich oat of pesrbet i man Ztoo S. 8.
this rear: tbe trees are stesUr dead.
S:tn—Tbe Bll
tbe Sahhaih Ii
CbetTles sad plum* are badlr bun
Bcbool.'- A. A. -Alllaroq.
pltoled i acres Slowell's
1 :Bh-A paper froa the Oood Hap i
hor 8. 6.
frOO-A rtoUaUoB fna the Cedar 8
2:10—A paper froa tto Cedar 8. 8
t;20-Toeal solo. Tearlnp the Bsaner of Jerat. ’ Un. Jobs D. Wblie
J;S<i-A report of Ue last Bute
8. eoDveatlaa. by Jobs B'biie.
. 2:00—Vocal quartette.
2:10—RlecUos of oSren and oit
Un. Prask Lee and Un Uand Hod•es took diao*r Sasdar win. ur. asd liiisloefs.
Closinc soap. "God to wllfa ynu *i
Urt. Albert Sfceole of Monroe Canier.

A. A. AIllaptoB. PrasMeai.
--------------------------- «el]4csopB (annet
K. Ualaer. Vice PreUdent.
U Boven Harbor Barrowly eaesped
Tboaas Good, eerrelarr.
Math Tburadar br betas uampled
UIks Raaa Hurtls. Tnasuror.
apoB by SB enroiwd tmU *bl^ be was
MBdIns. Ur. Kroapa was rtvy badlr
' ed sad It Is tbmpbi no I
tuleid* at Kerthpert.
.Nor^hpon. Ulch.. Juae 12.—'
a reetr ir> he bad Ibr asBr Vatidcrllck. Croaaed Jnac 12, .........
-oe whb ibU hall and was S a. a. Ko frleade. eo relatireo. per­
srllr hi
hnilsed at ttol tlBe
fectly aobeW
Such was the sole fooad oo a body
that was discovered at S o'clock tbit
>. Alice PraakllB. wife of CIsr- BorBlnp by aome boy* arbo were '
PraakUa of Old Ulmdai. dito In* from the ear ferry dock. A
snddmir Prldar BorUnc of bean oer-s Jury was at oace emptnelis
dlsense Bfier a rerr sban itlDFSs laU- the flBdlap of tbe note told tht
IBS ODir about aa boor. Dmldet tor story. The man was * Uborer.
]^n apo he came here fitno Tra
basbaad she leares two
rily aod worked al varloos odd Jotoand are rmn old. Rbe r
ter of Ur. sad Un. Rosull of Rft The last place be bad was aixlap aor■or the new bank bolldlac. He
Rapids sad a rerr ntlBsble Isdr.
not a bad son of a fellow b
Tbe taaeiBl serriee will to held tolorrow SI II o-coek froa tto Old HU■BAsr OB l_ ________
oo CoamBatloBal ehoreh and tto
. Hn. t. L. Gibbs. Mrs bodr will be laid to rest Is Ike Oedens
Catarrh Cannot M Cwrod
tod MiB Bonhs Hobbs bore eeaateer. Ralph Asd
(Us pise*.
tto foaeral.
■ Tto toaeoceapM to Ooorge Pep^
to- Tlaylj ■Blsrnire prereBiod aoeb
HI to ssubllsbed

UMkr PbyaictefM Fhw
Montte. W«attaoi

at to.^ta^Dwl^niw tS*Ta^oaddea and cto>k boa* wee*oiUlrMr (aneat. Lsb*Uaad!
lehaaio la tto oMtplleBtlee* laob
was talk abc______ _____
Hts oalerlBxi Were latcBtel
Jto HUa Mar Vaa Allea. bat bar (atber
!tod ((required ttobetpof ee*«alB«B;» Is naerM that BoBrfc* OocknB sued at (to tqgpwtlrB cd a Batch,
to bold him labMl. After to roeoearad'wfll aet reaaM a wMo««r bwA lOBf-1
frea th# Shock hr told tboar pr«MI i cr. HI* asB* It betac eoBpMd with 1

how be faappeecd lo become lajored- 'tto' ef Ur*. Adolf badesbati. tto
^ aberouewer^latojbaadMBe wldow^rt tto ba^ ^ |
• mode le Ito stOBp. then , itoa tbe poaaJpe find a qrw so:
fill tbe bole. TbelUn Ladenborp erery few i
ee did sot te< tto powder of as j Hos-evrr. Ur. Cockru's tlklsf tc
quickly as be cspected and to weni {i< not merealed. and at the Oravee-'' 1 three weeks.
I:ark >0 >ce wbai was (be Batter, fast lead race track he Is ber shadow Ur. ' Barb county drcalt conn, beptnatap
to bnil ever tbe eppUaioa look , rockraa. with bis pray hair. heaHlir ' ’ mday. Tto prooecoilon has sixtyIt tto'plap

• irolnr and fine physique. II* one of the'•

Om is Ew.
-1 *w WaabM wltb MMB OB tto
toot for 8*0 Boaita dartto whkb tlBO
1 «M U ito (wc of pbrUdaaa. Mj
Bee Wto lo sato a eoadhtoo thB I
eoaU Bot fo eat. It was folaa fna
bad to want aod X gar* ap *11 bopt,
artoas Mtod of aloa Ughlr recoaMaliil CattcBia Beaedtos. Tbe dnt
Upht afur I waabed ap laee with Calleara St»p and Bsed CatkmOtatBssa
aod Ootlean RsmiiTeBt It dascad waod^^^aad CtoUsoliig tto tnatamat

Air >•'<1 wan'ipg a shin w*

TB0UA8 J. sora *1? :
t letter wm neUred ia ISM
sad to Bfalo wntoa oa Feb. IS, ISOS.
-I haro not bwe irooblsd with eeaeaa
Tto irwlslad luklap and boniiag of
Ito skin ns IB ecsemai Iba frlpbtfal
seaUto’MB psoriasis(tto loasoftotr
BL a* la
_________ riapworai tto awlrfal aafferlsf
aad anxiety
^rlaf of lafbau.
oat poreela. ae la allk erast. v
•alt itoom —oU deatad a re
ilBoot HperbBaao rlrtare to eoceotaflinr eopa with tbeet. That Cnloaia
Boap. OBBMBt and Renolreat arc saeb
•Bade proves bsyood all donbt. No
sMtaasBl U Bade neardlDg (torn tut
Is aet JastUed by Ito stnBpeU evltosee. Tto parltr aad ewastiHae, tto
Rowar to afbrd laaedlau retkC ita


• u br:

|h*»to to Wtoerd BwrUst of Bsst

celred br b
porunetii. . .
ronuwUI I

iosln itoa* retolBee do-

•seesBl hsin «UklB,r

.rf JEVery Number a Bargain'


Long, Pant Suits

Child’s’-Nortoik land three
piece Suits

lira Iram-Cricsi DO» put on Mvcral Ion
SSJO—cu what jpu can find here that

Child’s Sailor Blouse Suits
» from age three to oioe.



scoBoay toe* aaiU ibea tbe siasdard
■kin cBsu of tto drUtsto world.



If to, (to rot ihink of lMi)in£
UBIil )ou have !*et. our new
one ihtl dvouid be here b> Sat.
urda; or MimiUy.


these waists will be exclusive



On Jiint!







llurM'F. from Indiana, which will br shown

waist mimifsctureii al KC0N*
OM\' pncca



Also rcmiinber

at Hrodhaifen's Uarn

out locatioa. 341 Front Street

Leo Solomon

I sad th
enl aod finally ee
I II all by Jiiaiplap
from tbe dock,
money was found
his pockets,
- Ust I
r him was the watchman
Iwtr poiDpinp stsllon
nil 4:20 o'clrw-k this momlnc
be was pninp In Ihc- dlnvllnn of
Aiihougb the man bail mstie a si
meot to aome raapsuloas thsi he
t&on dLiioslied In t bank. o<> cerilfi
bank book can be found Tbe I

«>«»• Bargain Jittractions

Killed By Evploeion.
Sutlons Ray. Mich.. June 11.—The
Fnnk Wall, who was icr
ed a few days tpo hr tbe
of plant powder, was beld
Ibis amrainp from the Csiholle church.

Women s black mcrceriacd PetticoatB irimmeti w’ith
ruffleb for..................................................................
{.adieu street h.-ii'. laiesi shapes, values up to S2.00.


i’crralu SunboniK is. 25c value


l-adiiV waih Skins, good variety to select fr.un


2r>c and Xk l.nllcs' Gloyes and Mitts


W indi black ipflotasilk. worth $1.25 for

K a

Mrn s

l-ancy Silks for Shirt Waist Suits, worth
worth 00 ccn>.



Twelve dollars

mixtures of cassimeres and
worsts cloths that will give us larger sales
than ever-remember you are the man to
be pleeised and

Atk to Sie Whal IB Can do For You

Everything fiWd aa Advtrtltto.
Owinp in Ibr fad thai lieSIU *
ro. will raatliiiK' busluraa la Tvaveraf
and oa ihr masr hoourahle llaoB
jihai hat Barked (brir hualnras rsraot.
puhllr cao real stturrd of tbf
>amr roorteoua Ireaiaeal and In to
'tiippllrd with Ihr Klpbpst Qrado of
'Hcrrhaadiar that Iho worM's BOM
aSIIRuJ wbolenle tallurs ran prodoo*.
,Tl.r Beads Clotblog Co ha* marked
■ hr Slock down
Tbl* aalc will coellBDr (or oaly »
ds.vt. sad rvriTlblat will go rapUly.
This I. th* Aral tale tbotnp a otrleUr
■.'alltmair aaJr wbrr* a well kunva
and rrllable firm Is to eoalisuc Id bUiliu-atl (If Us kled Ihai bat ever o«0to«In (hr sutr aad II may aevor •» ‘
W* merely quoir yon a ft*
lof tb
ir iiarpai
■las to IM- oE*ra|.
land lu>ar
In mlad (tore are
torpalu. wr eaano
enaatioAsI Bargolto ifi Men's, ■oy*
srM ChlWran-o CMtMng.


This i.ili Is poslilvrly worth lin.OO eF
your moary rrlunde.! al aay Ob*
dnrinc this sal*

Till, suli it potlUrely worth lltM «r moeey rafiiadrd at aay ti«*
duriap (bte tale

tor....................................... .................................................

Hoys’ wash Stills


Irn's Flar Sulla la Cbev- ftfi QM
t-t* and flroicb ftald*..
Wonfa tlO.M or yoer moaer rafufified at aar Ume durlag ibis aalo If
VOU are not taUafied.

Men's sample Straw Hats worth up to $2.00



......................................... .......... ................

Bilanee of The

kt-o’s Rpleadld Buila in Tehmr Maishrd
' — —


This Is positively wonb llt.M or
vour moaey back.
«< « « raeb. you are (raw to chOoao
• Sail or Oveecoat, worth 122.60 ta
r:i.n>. froB 20 Ms of at fiaely atoa
aad at rlpaatl - • • »v»rrnats at I

Fair stock ixyruiniag of utclul

-irrlpa tnlc
■tylr aad t

kitchen ntetisil* g:ven away to our cuftomei*.

Spring Santhint it ratling ih raft into eeunlintt windowt now, n
hung, anil it goe* without saying ihai STKIN-RKRO BROTHf
lourie to the showing »: almost endlesv vanelies M most Icmptmy


ITU by (he bundrodf are being
lished the gr
N.)« comet

A Sale Of Grade
eSc Lace Curtains
That Will Command Your Attention!




For $6.50
To $10.00

‘‘‘“■"'S >0 the immense trade we have had on fine cunamv,
sold .lown tu a few juiri of a kind.



M- n ft . xtre Dae drea* aulli la all tbe
styles and shades, beevy atlk
sad .aim Used, uqul to (be fiaeB



Tlvesc we wish to close out u OBCe,
irliN's, *1. ...

'l*® '>*’«»« things- and are gen-

ume SCW.FTM, $8.5.1 a«d $10,00 value* Not a pair tetorvedall go at (he same price.


Al $12Jfi knd ttdfiS that* I
•- .-I the prodart of th* worM'a tola
I.i w iooma aad the world’i uwM
<1 I1I..I
They rqoal .pd
ar- c'ltraoleerl to rxerl aay 240.00 tail•IT ins'lr-(o«rder panneat In ibr world
•I «•■ will cbeerfuly refund your mon-

an I in order to mike a dean pweep, we make the piice S.’i.OO a |Btr.


the lines are


li..ftly wiwlb tS.UO. o•r rmr Boaey
Spring OVERCOAT* Winter

$a.W .0.1



5 « Men - billchev iot also gray tricot suits worth 7JiO 4.97
M-n' liiack imporied worth Suits, wry dre>sy.
s. r^I. lined. >vonh$l500. for............................... 8.98
|s Hoys' three pi'ce Suits, worth $3.00
= 8
Men's black cotton Socks
Men's double from and back black and white stripe
Shin, for .................................... ......... ................
Men'^aieni Ivathcr Oxford*, the kind you pay
1 Men's boys' and youths' canvas Shoes with leather
* soles for * * ■
....... ..........................................


.* TbI*
Ivriy tot
M • a. w -______« Co!t. 184
Front atrowt, Travcrae City. MWb.
*f.d eieaat In tM fiapa.

n -Suits, latrly well made and worth

.5.1X1 fc.r .

Six Dollars
Ten Dollars

Th* fiafiaatlM *1 tto Day. Tto Wan­
der or tto Hour.
lirrv will to (be UhmI nlphl) orala irbc of Bojraltc tonulos (or Ueu.
n .'S' and Cblldrcn's lilph Hlyir ITKlu
Fs-hlonabir 8prltu and BuDDirr MRt
-I Overroots etor lircmpfai locottor
anv firm In Trairrar Ctiy. We
ili'Tl.y puaran(r.' jn aril prorlaBy a*
V • advi-rtlsr. and rviry prtr* wc
r and ever)

It la Ibr Ooaprl Tnilh

] be foaod hero only. Oifr values ai
the public hones merchandise at prices lower than tl


fiiv* Ibla *M urolt imlM WwfilMSday. tun* 12. st « a. m. Em>r« atNk
•» C*nUs fi C«. filVOOOfiD ttack (* to

Travme City’s pra*l>
(III pitm itoir mthw
w ... <h* t-v-pl* IB 2*
<Ur« 0»lnx to Ihr fart ihai they tad
tbe-ui.olvr. «iih an rnnruuiiit stork
of HlOH r.KAIK
C'.iiTHlNti l.«^ Men. n..y. ami Chlldi -I
H»Ts» on hand Ilwi aro <viiH|vrlM to
U'Tlfir.- |.
r rmlre- .l..rl In Ihe bSafiO
actual maivrial. lolllnp tto
lal-»r .•uilrvlt "UI u( ibe qurolloe.

in) kio‘l in l*T!e oi ntiall » tc-?

«™ ssbls* dor' to the prtBsrr




MspM Udias-. OosfUtu


Scrtcp INkw*. 8.V sm1 iii-wanli

Hlff Tit red UMKIT£VJlt£

SHItJ tilS‘5

tbai day I was able topo —
Boath ar (not was as ekaa





. n .1 *1,,W rurtlml



Whm me left ol the Uce cer-

....65c T


R cn m fitylo—HIgtoet Oualtty.
-00 If) pick and dinosr fro» la tto
is.rwt etyle* from 82.M to ftJfi.
V I !: rroB lio tu f;n
pair* Sof'F Knee f*ii(». worth
■UBCI etfenr


20c Towels Reduced to 12 Cents

Boy’s UI-

i...n.I.-r*<I gblnt ...........................flu

xceptioual ofier that the bousekeeperi of Travette City will not be slow to capture. Turkish towek.
also all
ill linen Hurt
Huck toweh.'made
toweli. made in Ire1a^\„m.,-----------------Ireland, good wei^t and,«u
siie, told
by otber good ptorei st
30c, are here, ipecial, it 13c each. A luap in DuBiik towels! Eegulsr 3Se and 80c qoalitiei,

Jtfst a LltUe L«t of 1.25 Rapkins al
90c % bozeo

Sample Table Cloths
From one of (he be« tnanufaeturen m tb.K..* |re.
S*B|to dotto, S yards vide and 3 yards kag, £m

A good (ize Ucaclicd fU|ikin, csn'i be duplicated at
lea than $1,3$, are here at „..
Anotber lot. *dl worth $2.00, at..

sattu dfiBsrt and aDlinen, troxth 3.00, «T| .2
S.M qualit,
-rfUt. li ;«d. long,
8»<iupltty»ul«idt)>,8 yai*'ioog.' ',ue,hiw.

Th«8tBr*Tlwt OlvM You'Meet i



Hto’s Pine Bilk I
Good beary Bocks, worth 2$c, at... Be
OVB Ml doaen KeekU«, ft •$
abades. worth fOe to J6e, at....1*i
Heat HsudkertoWs. worth Oe.
at .................................................................. g.
Odd Cotta, odd Toot a
at your owe prte*. iiOOO otber atOelm too Baasaroo* to Beaitae.
SBoap tbea BSay for tadloa.
Par to dopu wt 8aiito

rnu'i nm-fL r. Nara e>k


The dlM AdH *>«• »<■ ™
lid plil;^ bridhi di dhUiac de*;
te «M( BvakB ni »

gut**— mBidlkddritoto
Wtbr«dH<**r ‘

•^aM that I **»U

« y


dtr nalM tkM

I hare hMcm —pwI hM

TTp- I

> ^^a'^a’STipr'e

reaWB- Uar daatk IW bat baa yl-

MPW *»• w M um diiroMi a
^rlllni Ut wnmcOim f«

•"•*-“ **
f iSdw
"tfc* ■»“ «< •“■•i, 4MM« tadi M
pnwoMd te IP m cbm

rlap a Jmr la tbc e
nw. la eeilaMe aad lean. foOaalBd People ri. rbomac pbtnipa. fortcry.
- and will
e lie iMt reaClBd ^aee. alt ibal ra^
Mtu tf Dr. C. J. Kaaalaad. aoochar

BBday SI OI___________
Him Kra Booraaw aad Hi
Laura A. Pried aptwt Buaday with Mr. aad Mra.
-. P. Lardle.
P. F. lArdle ip bavins a »ea
■ Addle A. dlbba to NewtcBiaBWem. dilrea.
M l«. block S. Haytod; RB.
Prank Zoalek hwl a tbIobW#
>aa Hymaa. _
Beal. D. AahUB 10 Jaae A. I
pabUe apiritod ddtoa broasbt
pot orer. The eaae of Diert C. Per- imrtel la Trarerwe Oty; IL
Tbe deamer ColeaUa laa aa
rery doue to oar baarta. ao ae<
rtt vt. laaac M. Wlaate.
---fia Woke to irrlas B. Wdla. ahia la tbe barber Sunday afle
thla Boanfat dar. «bee be It
lice of Ibe Irtal
d awli. at*. Tt. town !
placed beyood oor »ae. focarer.
There waa a same d ba
bo iBperatira or oBeial dutlec W
Daniel R Craadan U Hartetta played at ibe Harbor Suadar.
•r oa froB crea tala hodOy preaeace.
WKbtBaa. iota U and ». block A.
‘Tor a full (eaertUoa. aa ve mi'
Tbe caaeof Charlei Whltaey ra. I. L. Oak Park: t3M.
ora blatory. be haa beea olib oa la
Bleeper waa added to Ibe eaUi '
tdala aad triela. la the bopee i
The ebaaetn pro coafeaao
Race Meet In Aupoet.
laan aad dread vUch erar aeeoB- Boee E. Prentice ri. Gay 0. Preatlca.
Oaath IWL
Tbe Trarerae City Drirlas Park aa,paay aiekaeaa aad death, aad boo at dlToree. baa been cowtiaoed. Tbe
William Bortoa. a plotor d OadlV
aorUlloa baa coapleied arraBcemeau!
bla earthly eod. aaarir erery boBe' ease* of WUUaB Pooler ra. Claia
Cor tbe date of tbe mMnnmmrr race ;
aeema to have loai aa lamaia. aad Pooler, divorce: Kra V. Blihy ra.
meet. It will be held Aog. >0. II aad j
erery ladlrldoal. a peraooal and dear Fiaek J. Bliby. dlroroe: Uelrlaa A. bees aaeat for tbe G. R A
Downer va. Georce O. Doweer. dlCadillac for Ibe pant Iwealy yaaia 12. and It U aafk-ipated that the meet
will not oely be (be larted but will
-Hla death makei a sreat racaacy rorce: Rlla Weeae ra. Prank Weeea, _<f waa well kaowa by a
be oac of the beat ever held In tbl>
not aaallr
diTorre: May Bcodeld ra. Broee Sco- Trmterae Cliy people aad w_. _ .
dcld, dlroroe. aad IB tbe Batter d Ibe aeai Maaoa aad llaeembee. A P. He- eUy.
°vMh?the llltla' peiliKm of U H. Ot«e. Mil to dia- Tyre, a boalneaa mas d CadUInc aad a
At preaeni there are lea or (fteea
•embled hen.
boraea at Ibe track setllas In readk
ebarye aor (Bin. were pul orer to aa ....................................................from Cadillac
to. I, ton

'•^1, dWUhaiad thiyayat the mml Bbmalai bare ptateaiod coaaal T
of oar Mabafa
‘---‘coBBlBcUac with at____
. .
Hit BObla. oprlcbt aad ateMttaal rha^ (
aeter, Ui kiac. taUbful. aaOrlat. tai
dar aad ahUthil aatrieea la our Bldi
??f^'3^U«a tt •aiaimnj

____ I lo tk« *«/ fn* P“*«*
r itfKa tnrnod dad tkdl wsk
, pMUeolar bare Ullaa. aad ■
_« U be aedd al a banala la ordw ‘

eoow I canaot. la the abort
Jkinad to (Ua paper. (O law
ten aad ooamiat <d tbaae la d»
ueh aa I woold «ke to. But la
*«ix? Tbar Urad ibelr llr«
at m bad tbeir other aelsb. wMkt er arary aoatb aad It la bara-'Tber Urad ibea aa aa twee
aad that the ranhi vm be tar book at rerr laisa prlat; tbetr acbleta;
■eata aad ebaraeterisllea are aa « baaadfUl tbaa a law man
lue«« lo yoa aa to vaair; they
anaa. II it a aood plaa aad «lib

WwakaKaaoblaetbryiwyi^ I
aoaaiTr a
^ k aMoa ibe 0

ataradenaUe aaeisr at the bari-

-Haar ocher
nr baeaB* ra-------------------------------------aad old aad TalaaUe aaltien o( iba
Qraad Trarataa ractaa.
‘-While *a are bace ■
■Urltlat or thia aalB


I Bora teeder raeetd ibaa aoT be
taloed ca aay wriuaa or prtatad
*. aad tbeir laalU. If tbey bad aay.
re baried aitb tbaa.
The Uat by eouaUa ae far
berted excwpl with oor own bodlet
oeatb tbe aod where be bow Ilea.
Co —

OW'«atUan' Maaetatlea.
-For aeorlr a third of a century
JatMa 1
liiaaliana doha <
ytarrii. liidu J^t-lja <W
baa Iwea lo Trarerae City a raluabla
«. BdBoi
Waabbure. OaaW Hjlarej
oad ealhuilastlc dlltee. cbarluble
I aartao dar aad an od Iba
aad klod. aronhy aad true. He arai
W. Bolter. Aoa------------------------ --^ei .«>BBC la eeerpy aod aplrlt. and in
B. Srtak. Bldbath & »««*. AiyS* rean. onlfcdlirolfhl.
r mra. laetadlac a ranloe.
Wood. Allee SiBpooa. WBt DaophB the dtp aad a mea
-But tbe klB( d t
eny oad Wb. HeCartwyr aaay d tbea after a
rhom for otbera be fooebt
.ailoai. Thif Bftenooo a I
raUaoi debt, dcalih blm a awift and
nas ana Ibe dm ihlac cm i
audelpo blow, and be went dowo aad
penter. H. J. BBllh. Joho HarrOBaa.
DO TBore on earth. Farewell,
Mrs. Z. Ootea. Looif Dareraar. Jacob
frieoa. tor tbe preaeat. and aooc
Deaaha the (ad that the Qraad Sortnaa.'^ Znak A Hadta^ Mrt. Knr brlcbter clime we wilt bM
Bgipje- deiaia- Pboaba
e aad tba Rk •ood Bonint:
Alfiod PuddBot. OoibBta PbDar!
*■6111 I Boit ead lay fortber Bpedal
'; aa teabOftr to aaeare a apadal trala. Haery W. Mcfbrlaaa. OadlAa RaBaay.
Hod. or I ataall be bat repealla(
'■ Aa wabdaniw waa alaoat aa lane aa W. H. Stoddard. Bliabalb Haatlas*.
llau SoSce II to aay. tbt dead
■M.. At ttaa baalaes BMattac cbli Apaea Mlatw. Jdia ClaA Catelle wen all brare and inie bca and troe
, Atafoea Petaakay na aelaetad for Cruaaa. Raaaah Optatrore. Chat. and noble woBea, wfaote Utm ware at
> Iba aazt BeaUai plaea aad It waa da- Clark. JobD O. GlbaoD.
exaBple* of wonby Urine ■
failed to cet bd r
^ ddad to bold the aatdimi later la the
happy ilylDA and 1 aa eoaddeai U
. aiBilB. Jair bdag receded aa Iba froB Kalkaaka eoaaty.
It they could look d
down opoo ua t
r aad tararaMa wootb m aaamat d cetwere; A. R Cbrt. H-B. Taylor. day from the sood
^Aa bauar trola aerriee later. Captaoa dwell, aad apeak lo oa. tbeir
..« O. toe d Peioabar waa C ' * BeaJtBlB WoodOB. all bBiif rete
worda would Ud oa be of (o^ cheer,
d tbe drll war.
aad C H. Idea d
aud not bowed down by tbeir deaifa.
-Seatle Oooaly-AIbaft *e»t, John
bir they are eojoylns tbe rewnrda d
aeaaliB tbli aneraooB. tba .Mdahaor. Joke Rickey. Wb. R Ben and women d sOod woika here
ddten laapaated the Ufa mrlaf ere«. ChaBbera. Chrlatopkar Mebeaa. Pbttt on canta. bealowed opoo tbeot- bv i
- -la Ra Joal anti beneadent Ood."

^Sadw**' ‘*u«S!Sd7

fbt plaat aad olbar ptaoaa'
bdm ddo tdltad. Tbee


ddaat. Bob. O. R tteae d Pea pMddaata. Oiwd Tra
jr. S. U tpiwoa: Iwdiaaa
tt. Oeofid Crakar: Kalkaaka eoaaty.
^ L m. PalB«r: Beula. Uebard RcyeaMa: Aauia eoadr. J.
HelAoibHa: Cbwiwrdx eamr. WUbar telib.
■lalarr. Chariaa Bdaa d BatM.
Tieararir. LowaU tona d Bk ftapMa
Blatartaa. V. 8. Aadamm of TcavwnaOtr.
Tba a«t Baailu *IK be bald la
- - - T la itM. Ibe liwt Wedi


Tbo sttbertas wot royally a

Tbe fonowtas wat tbe addrtai deBrared by W. R Aadertoa dTiaeerae
OBL who.........................................
o It tbe hlttorlu d.....
tbe to1 d»* TOO all 1
' AlHr tbe Mpae d
. SMMha. tboee ito are left d tbe -Old
Rauiera' Amodatloa of tbe Oraad
. - TTanrae Rettae.' are awt lotetl
■. Blio each other baafty ball___ __
: Mb Mbtr la oordlal baadohaka aad
Tatdl tba ttortet aad remtalaecoeat d
y •<bd past aad aodadu eadi other d
imr U hat fared with u aad oor
Mtot deitns the Mat yoar.
la thaaa aaaoal catberlati e
a aad fHeadt are. i
■V mtad. ameac tbo Boat
Ik Hna. there b aa iMTllable Uage
a( recrat aad aadaeae oaeaected r
«MU. wkkb aaftaai aad mHknn

mabM la
I Mthaad (nod tplrlia
'Mat that an all «.
«• haa dren oa aaotber opporUy d looklos lalo each olher'i
K apoa. heartais aacta othef^ rder*. and
K'. MlK each etbert loach to beany
‘ d dSK Bol alaa! When we reesU.

_________________ i and aweeteat. bata
deearted lor that (reader resleo.
frare which no Irareler retoraa.
W to
are orercaat by

adjouroed lerm that will be held. Tbe
eaae of Alice Moody rv Hu(h H.
Moody, dlrorte. aad Joaephlae Diseit ablppcd bU reawlaa to Cadillac eo Ue
b R. R. A I. trata Boaday where
ra- k-raak X. DlBcrt. dlroroe.
liiaeral waa held oa Ho '
ad^ed to tbe caleodar.
Lymaa McNeil reported to tbe eeort Several of ibe local Maccabee* e
aod wax ordered to report aicalB
adjourned term.
Mr>. Elltabeita Salfka. wife d Anion
Boifka. died rather anddeoly Mon­
day afiernoou at f:W at tbeir borne,
flve and ooe-balf Bilea eatt d Ibe eityfor vloUtloB of Ibe Iliuor
l,a>i Friday Mra. Salfka bad a tiroke
wbldi ebarse be plead (olKy
of patalyaia while (etUas dinner. She
yeelerday afternoon. He waa *•
aetrer roeoiered from lu dylas Sun­
leoced to a doe ofVtSS and eoi
day afiernooe. BeeMea ber buibaad
kBOODiins to
more which were
abe left one brother. Fred Sebrader
be paid in 2< boora or be wa* U> ter
ctry. three toai aad ibr
a aenteace of »0 dan lo tbe eooa
daoKbtera. Tbe aooa are Cbarlea.
MU. He paid op.
leleicrnpb operator d Cbicasa. Cot
-ie eaae of Daniel B Nichole, w
wel and WllUam d tble city. Ti
cbxraed wlib aaaauli with Inteoi
daucbirra are: Mn. Minnie Sbrett d
ereai' •dlly bars.
tbU rltr. Mra. Mary Leper d Chlcaso
tmiiery wa« Soed
of Ml lull aod tmiierywae
Mra Ida laotner of Kaanab.
5 whieh he
ll to aeeure
ecure IB 21 bourt
aenteace of cn daya lo the renialBa were brou(b( lo froi
n Itai Sunday and taken t
ne. mi Second aireet. wber
of the People
eral waa held Wedoeaday nfteri
in at 2 o'clock under Ibe directloo
L'ndertaker ABderaoo. Rer. Adolph
HartlD ••ai'laied. Mra. Snlfka i
U yeara old aod bad lived here
a Sbe wti liked br everybody
di a lynx iklo vnlned
knew ber.
It le» than tS playa tbe leadlas roll

Toloe. Mn. J^TnotTAifred'J^
tadra Beobrook. Mra. Freak Ncabbib.
CireuH Cewd CaloDdar.
ibere can
jad for whkb ibei
AadenoB. Harriet RlAard.
iSllnrl Pblll
Fire crlBlnal catW wlU be heard ie ebarcea preferred agil
_________ inrter. BiMa Alpeia. Oaaae
be June lerB d CUeoH ooort
Oobm, Alex. HcEerAer. Jobaaaa '
00411 eot-a heee tbit week. The
leracm. Oale OacDon. Wb. R Bar
niiF of fact eaaaa. one mea
Chaa. Kteaaay. Tboa. B. R. MeClaae.
Recordi-d by Resbter of D
Chaa. PerklaA Rtb. Amaada GioeB.
MVlIeoD io;jane l2.1»W.
Item) chancery pro raafpMo. Tbe
Jobe A. Bartb. Peter Bqoapericb. Mn.
Albert D. Davey and wife to B. J.
raleadar It:
•BBnel Daaiela. Heary C. Vaa Slyck.
on»n. parrel. ee«. X. lowp 2*. roase
Wb. NewBEB.
»: Wn.
•Grtad Trareroe Ceaaly
Aatoa Toplpka, rioo Antra Bree. ka
Nellie W. M«
3. Karlin: tio.
Nellie W. Henrll In John Srec. lote
Jekaaon. Dr. H. S. BroamI
m Mr^BitabHb
Pbnele- A. IJndley In Alola B. To(t.
too. Chat.
OertieiL Mra. to. BMlm
Chaa D.
Thomai Phmipt. for parcel. H.. U A Co ’e Jth add; IttSJO.
Bader. Chrli
WlllUm Wrlsbl 10 Mn. Mary Vou.
•waaey. Mra-^W Hloo
*^'e People vt. I eary SchoBiwaer. parcel, ue. 8. Iowa 2S. raasr 10; *300.
Whilctord, Mra. Lavtaa Va
wuh iaieat to do (rest bodily
Lena Barrett to W'm. Wrisbi. i
Ooardlaa Pith. Mra. Bkf^ >
cel. per. S, town 24. r*n(e 10: 1100.
Chaa. Cbaadler. Mra. Tto. Coder.
e People n. Charlee Bart Rlqr
P. Counade and wife
I Gay. Mn. Amoret Sweet.
Geonce B Kllbooree and wife Me 32
____ Lova Mn. Ptoak AUldere.
S3, block 5. H.. U A Oo.'e Clh add:
John HeDoBaM. Mra. Maisarm T
c McCouel
va 0
Cyrnt Crain. Hr*. Chat. Held
R node I. -HartwrII P. Glld>
Haanab A Lay Co. to Cart tnoaaka.
r. Noah lompcll.
' Ollv
-irer. BaellBe Pltcjer.
Me 13. U. IS. block 13. H. I. A Co.'e
R. Oebonu Rlchaid Mm*. BeaMmla
Gowse Siorrs rt. A. Edward Borer.
lAih add: *37S.
P. HUM. Robert Pierce. Odeoa DUI. Wm. Colcmaa. anompalt appeaL
- Artbiir McMaane aad wife ta John
Rev. D. A Orema Jam 0. Johaeon.
Rohm Sebomberser n. Pert MarArthar Brown. Hr. and Mra. Juba OBcil Railroad Co., aaanmpail approl. Warren, *•% d teU.
28. rease 10; l»0fUBntoB. ABM RiBBoed. Hr. aad
Auriat Olnh wa. Herman Hyman.
Addla R Rllpiirlck
Mn. Juba PalbBaaen. BoeetU Craea.
John Citumermao. M 13. block S. H..
D A. Pnffbanaen v
Jobs PairI. . A ro.-i 3rd add: tl.imo.
torse. W. R. Peeler. U M. Tbompklw, Dr. C. J. Kaeolaad. Mn. Wm. 1.
Robert Caldwell, et al. to Charlee
Klbert C. Ferrb vi, Uaac H. Wlaale.
Blackman, lot K and wt* 27.
O.V Perk- |12*.31.
tod it really diRenU to meotioa
The Hannah A Lay HereaatUe Co.
A. B Sllmeou
r d tbeaa aamee wltboot oddlns ra JeSereon R Pike, aaenmpelL
aenu It
lo Alrta L. Rbl. Me
Kbias M raSHd to each, eepedalCS aad AS. block :3. Paradlee: tlto.
Sevin R OMe n. Marti Crew, appeal
ty te tUi trwe d MIebaal Gay.
nieboli aad ^e to Clad
Emeuuel P. Wllbelm; ae admlnbirebad Urad oa tbe tarn where be
w. ve Aal Sleder. Frank Sleder. ne- W. Bouen. parcel, ^reree Cltj
M Mar^ latt for aloeet tfty r
Hit daosbler. Mn.
**wimam L- Brown to Herman W.
F. H. VanBoren re. Alpx R
rtioB. BOW d BIk nai
Smiib. parcel: tlJOO.
white child bora
SlUet Brae, lo Daniel R Cn
l^wTdae K. OIbbe. Harry L OIbbe lit of ecl; aad neU of awti. a<
i Freak Layfam. Nerben O. Joyal. own 2«. rnnpe 11: tlW.
Joba Gallatber to Paul and Prenk
motlOD tor new trial.
Raacft. parcel, eec. sn. town 27,
11; MJtSO.
The 1. S Orefliek Oo. ve. to. Mllle
rery few dayi: all three, were sood
Sopbb Seleoa )o Mary Steinbers.
osrrv el al. mechaolea lien.
eltueoa and aa baaor aal broeU
lot in. block D. il.. L. A Co.'e 7lfa add;
Oo. T*. Mary
thetr raontry.

nk'e Ilf*.
“Chaa. Chandler, oee
the early
Prank Nay and wife lo Benjamla
kmoim. died thb tprtns in TreneeArtloB^imreel. aef. * Iowa 27, rease
--------Seiranaeber ...
eee at tbe Hpe ase d olgMy yean.
Hr cleared op to farm where the
j W MlUlkeo ta Floyd U SmliA
Nonhrre Hkhtsaa aaylom Ie bow iltMe U aod 13. block 2. WUbelm'e add
oaled. He operated tbe flret'srtet mill
flick Co. va David *473.
la thb reploA bnOI la the early daya
Tpylor. meeb^-f
Herman W. Smith to Floyd U
by Hawab. Lay A Oo. al Trarerae
Smith, w-in feet ini 41. Oak Helsbte:
-rx. Armtaa Ebare. *200.
‘-I'caasoi taiBex Jamta'O. Job
Herman W. Smith to Floyd L.
who died la Tnveret Oty tbe
Floreare BUe re. HartlD EUU.
Smllb. M 223. Oak HHstale: (300.
day d bet HiroA eUlI under Sfty
Georpe W. Hiller to Mary Sinibb.
Ko man la tUe redoa wat better
Meud A. Sooihard re. Ceorse Soothpawl. aec. IS, town 27. raise 11:
kaowa or Uktd than wu
ard. dirorce.


*11 b aad. tea. to haaw tot aa •
laiWIidIBS ytar roDa by. a Mrser proaarthB d am aomber haa departed.
At to lime d hi _______ _
Tbomae ftlch -rt. John Fhrteeb aad
Ini R b to aaiaal aanae d all aa ' . —
Francb A. Vetlna to DraaM J. ClefOniBcat boaae* at Trareree Mery Miller, demi
~ato«nliBi Iblt In the moreaNat M City W0e elated aad Ibe srtd al bb
ind. nil d nwlt <d owl,, eec. 33.
ttme. Udr aoBban ittolly and
•an 27. rense 10: >4
d proCaoad amoas
Henry D. FltxpetrM: re. Roby R
reeaiUsly dlatnbh.
Otvld R Wynkoop. et aL te Been
•a ofTianmwuniipoiriek. dhrone.
. Curdy. Ma S aad C, bk>ck I: ParalAe the Oread Army d tbe Repab“Very proolaeot In my m
Mlehael lardle ra bhel Lardle. dl- dlec: 31.
RAty lanki areooaataatly depM^
am L. PHawk. who dlad la MIHoa
Brajamlo Baraea and wife to
d Uke. it Ibere are a
tMlel A. Nebon ta. Laare C Kel- H. Cloae. kMi I and 2. Work «. P. H.-e
eon. diToree.
let add: (I.SOO.
mow down the lael die. and thb aam>- AM era* oar d the im la the Oread
fMima Anttla rt. Jame* Aoalla. dictatol will become twi a fadlas mcm- Trarerae retfaa. Re waa
John H. Clooe and wtfe to BeoMtolh
Bareee. aeV of aeH. ace. t". towa n.
otr- Ae tore wne but ooe Orto bant, tad be - I. Prea- rease 11; tAfion.
Anar, eo there b bat oae cet d plo- resira. Re
aaert. There may atmeeed ue, aad we d Ibe aobleet caUlase maa coold ea
Arthur A. Sermrar to Cbarlea P.
X. Haitbew A Conili
hope ton will, aa otsaaltallon d to sase la. loved IL to loak aa m
Krumm. Me 33 and 34. Blackwood:
aoM-to daasbten d the pkrneen. part la rverythlns tredlim to eb
OmrwAe HcLeon
. Rector HeW tore are “Boae aad DaochNIT M er Intarni tbe tarmera. He had :
Oeocse 1. AllleoB to Glee A GrisLeoa, dirorce.
to BtnrdaUea.*' to ‘Rone of Vebwam. M 4 aad 24 feet off wed elde
vice prcaUeal ofttble aaaoeU
William Pooler ve. CMre Poolec. dlaat.* hat to race d bcare aad hardy
II 3. Blackwood: (l.OM.
ealdeal d tbe >him«n- Aatrtm
•MB to womea who eoo««et«d to tooBiy iaeutile. vice pevaideet d to
Samuel C. Darrow to Wm. A Wheelvaat forrete where we cow tee com. Oread Tnveree Dabyrnan-a aaaadaItwero ®" Ptoertek C. Pedi, eck. M to. bM-k 2. Ooodrlch'e add:
tanaMe hocaea. froRfd farma. to UOB. He wae promlaoil in church af
Rmma D. Tnta ra. Fred ToSa dlboor aad beaattftU towae and dtleA
Darld G. Chandler, abertt. to Scou
hat* BOW dowo before to Ineriuble
. Curdy. ee«4 d aeV. aec. 12.
Bmma a Mora va. WlaSeld &
to oteady moreh d to (renl
twice fleeted treaaorer d
I. nose n; **7,07.
looiu divorce.
Aoerer d to homxc raee.
ihip aad wae lapcrvbor to
Fraok D. Nay aad wife to Paaole
ram-Ailed every poaKloa he hrtd
Sbnicr. et aL parreL aec. A town 37.
“Aa we eome bore tadar. we i _
inse 10; »SS».
aa R were, to tore oor hacke apoa ibt
Melvloa A Dpwacr
Perr) Haaaah to Chaa. WRbdm. et
fkirteoe praaaaL to to sroat proeowner, dirorce.
al. M. 20-27-2*. block 2. P. H.W 3rd
paeu d to tweaUath oaaiary. aad
RIU Weew T
■Joba _- HarrimtA TerFreak Weeoe. dl- add: *373.
bead oor tbooAia aad aftaath
Wood Dbh Oo. 10 Lewie Ker•aida to aflddie d to alaotL____ moat, died but Pebrnary at to ase d
Uy ScoSeid ra. Brrae BeDAeM. dk
He tptot
paroel- eec. 17. towa tt. :
aptot two yean aa s
la to taurim d whkfe we luded on 33 yean
iha J4th I
C. Darn re. Robart Kehh.
Jlermaa W.
r. Smllb aad wife to Ch
‘ ilnad ae rank d Mtsaont
“Wb isme to Heall to bard aad
trtih. Ma IS
an IT. bloefc APS
( mad
dranooB Uvaa wa nrod. to iardihlpa ^ —Mar d ae time d bb dbi^he
to petUIra d L. 2nd add: I2.AM.
to Mala we aadotad. «r dapta aad tow ra nceonat d dlrabtUly.
to yean be wae eaoaty derk
Clarteaa A Ramadell to Joba R
■------------------------ ------•
ramMtoey-a SMeo.
d deeda d Ao^
ubaeoe. M I. block ». Coodrteb'a 3rd
The Jane term d ClroUt coon be- add; *240.
Etn today te thb cDoaiy with Jodse
Filch R Willlame lo Uon
ra to beoeh. ta WhHdord. paroela. ae& i. town
Jom to ofee ha had ao loos held. F. W.
^ Marne
U wae oa hraed and roapeeted cUI- cHmlaal
10: I2S.
0*0 w»B nomikm d the Uonar
;k B. Parmeat
d Wife to Aapload snuiy to wui be ecucnced era R HaanaferA
w-32 feet 48. Odi He
The eaae d to Potmb
>: *1]
DaaM R NTcbob. ebarto with
>. to CHy d
•aalt wta
h^ at Ngrthpun July lam at to «tot
wWi tateal
lateal to do (trat
c <aty. (Wl4
« ael4. aae. lA
14 d
to d S3. She had llrd ta Ob CKbrn tom.
harm, wae
waa ehaato
chaasod ae Oat
mchde t4>wa 27. rease ll; ISM.
*» «to* than «tp paomL sad wra ftod
pbad saitty to to ehanm d aaraali
Haaaah A Lay Co. to GKy d Trertotowmt to dran* to ThamaMi to hatleiT.
hslteir. The
eoart tomtmto him
«<***••«•». to"



(oirr, eww. anna ouni.
eireei. at 3:14 Soaday
« Slip aad old asa betas
jf ber .death. She wat
taken ill with tbe dieeaee laai ft
aetrr recovered, au added lo I
weicbi of ber elxty-ntoe yean. 4ul
ened the enmmoae of tae dr»
Mrf. (ireeti bad been a widow
Afteec yean. Sbe came to Ibli ea
try from Scotland, where abe u
born, many veen asn aad moved
tbir rii> (rum Bay City abool aet
year< axu. Duriog ber atay ta t
city lh>- xi-nile. kindly old lady au
mant rrlenda who alncerrly moare
for her. She left alx cblldreA arte
eooa and ihree daughlerA They


uS: I::.

Bofflc fait hora« wIIMie here
(ood time la eipected
■ Beet will he the week followlns
tbe one at Cadillac. Several other
vlclnlir will alao (Ive
u tIoBS about aie time and il
brios many
that otberwlee would
the alBgle recea
The eeereui
Martin. 1>
ibtas In r
the his event aad Ibinge i
being rapidly gonen Inio tbape. H<
the prsrnm and the puree* have
J yet been determined nnon but
will be given
I lie llle-ra) enough

ArtokI* Cefic*.

......................................ISc Ib

22CE. Front St.
Timm cm, Hkli.

procreiB will Ih- eo
b day there will lu- a
imber c.t in
lerealtax n
director* of the aaeoetailoo j
J. T. Hanaab. ». J. HorsaA W.
Ch^Ioc. E. R-MeCoy. R C.
roapton, Edward Lantner and A. B
" •
They are Buihortly for the
aUlrmeni that the meet tble yrer will
tboee ol
r City I
paei few
aad they have attracted a large
er of .people to tble elty daring
ThU year * meea will un­
doubtedly be encceeeful In every reend altract fully ae large a
ll If not larger ibaa any prevMu
Tbe gcBileman In ebarse of Ibe
affair are a eiiaclebi snaraniee that
■Id be de-

For ease of operstion,
lightDcss of running,
case of hantllifig, closent-ss of skiintniiig. sim*
plichy of coopiruction.
the Kinpire has no equal
Mn>. James Harris won
the (kivemor's Gold
Medal, for bimer made .
on an limiiin;, in Ed-:
ucationai Butter con-!
test last )Tas.
Machine can be seen
and supplies secured at
i-rank Tnide's hardwan:
More. 146 l-ront street.
Iraversc City.
catalogues, etc., write

T.W.Hifirt, UsbictAlL,
Alden. Mich.




I wish to announce to all who are interestrd
in raising sheep or handling wool that I have
established a market here, and will pay the
highest cash maricet price, according to grade
and quality. Until a irermaneni location for
a large warehouse is secured, I will be at my
old stand at Stcinberg^Bros. establishment,
where I will be glad to meet my old acquaint­
ances and shake hands with them.

Auetlan Bale.
Tba tboroushtired Perebero. ttalllon. Othello DeVere, 144<S. owned by
the Sottrae Boy Horae Broedlag AeeoclailQG. will be eold at public anc
tloa to Ibe bisheM bidder ra Satur­
day. June It, ISM. at Morgaa e Ilverr
bora, Trarerae Cliy. beglDnlng at 1:30

PHONE NO. 112.'

.. .Tank
Bay City,
Mn. Aona Burk. Oeorge aad William
of tble city.
Joba Aaeer. a pM
county and who bad
unnlns the
hotel e>
n Blasbam of
afiernonn at faie boo
InlaBma'Ira of tbe boweli at ibe ase
of CJ yeara Deceased learee a wife.
ter live* li
cnoaln aod ll
Amer. the olde«i a
Hr. At
rexhiB nearly SO yean a(o aad cieand
up e flne farm ta Blnsbam lownabip.
Tbe funeral wae beld ta Ua Blngbam cbnrrb Suaday aflereo
' *
o'clock onder ibe rtJrectlon o
laker Aatleratn.
The -hard ilmei- ball whlcb waa
dveo lo Ibe Haplelon hall FVIday
evenlax. June 3. waa a grand
The mi»le wae forelahed
Biichani and Freak Smith,
panled lu Fruem eD Crew and Will
Carrol. A very eojoyable time
fpent by a large number
The CblldreD’a day exerclaet li
Meihodlai ciurcb were very sood and
■bowed good Iralalag.
MIee Hassle Lardle will epeod to
eiimmer with Mn. Henry Mrdlr
Old Mieaion
There wlU be a “bloomer eocial"
the Hethodlei
HethodKi ehurcb Tbunday evnIDS. June
(Iveo by ae Ladlet' Aid
Bloomera will be anpplM to
Ibe ehurrb and _______
. rd Ie
Mr aad Mn Joe Huectaman jBd
eoc Ralph of Peltiekey. Hr and
Harry Spicer. Miee Eater Dora
Ralph McCluekey of Treverae City
apeol Sunday laai
Jama McOiukey.
The Ladlea' AA .............
Mte. Tom Gberlnx FHday. I
Hr. and Mre. Homer Gore eo
tallied a Urxr number from Tnre
City Sunday.
Jtwepb Krrapa ebrUteoed bit t
born wlib a daace Friday evralus.
There were a few from Trareree City.
Arcbk'. Old Mliakm. rend wMb ae
MapletoB folkt There were nbout 74

Snnday wttb Hr. and Mn. Joba Hoxle

Sndar with
ir and Mn Freak Smllb.
Sir.- Heary HelUcricb apt
rlih her dausbiera. Miaaea Carrie and
M>Tt!e. at Old Miiataa.

Freak Smia of lUi place helped ceV
ebraie W Stone elcbty-elghU Wrtbira Saiiwday



Baiux Uav.B







micbwm, *

•«-£-tirr £

Ji Beautiful CiiM Ai

are in this store. All new ones—
every one—and marked at price*
that cannot fail to please. Some
“striking things" in new colors
and weaves that are ahead of any
previous year's display. You are
wise in buying early : : : ; :

-raham aad Smia.
Freak Smith irat a valrabte PUto
Cbhm bo( Batarday. The aatol wae

- Olt wrtitas.
Mr. to Mta John Pmvor aprat a
w Anya vMtiK Otor ao. Otoea

to latoy MM HMk Itatoto^

Mr. to MtA OtaKo Ba teaar ^

eilv Beek Ste^ j

lag at I.
* abMl t*o antt MM a
Jr.r.D.Oar laaaA J-lLHakaaw kaOf »M> twwtn Imrn
ta rWI bitb PatnHfkt. Uf «iA fertas 4M M ■
. aai Ctaataada aa«
m. U* na tan la TU^M. a
waltaaolal wotai tattatadfer tta
ai^n^ rmj^a^ AmT

ttaacack wai fcaat at i

« ban
-. »hi««

Btagb Ke« Dtamarr fa- Caat—p
------ --- aai CoMt

MeParUai. Btaitartillc. Va. arrrci
ensd*. H* vrli«a: *1 bad breaebilU for tkrr* r*an aad <loela»ad
ikn arat aaiidpaiod aai vat t
I* vkbem
Mac taarbi
(Im ppwtr t» act la tta aattar at Fxrrikrat caaiHlM. Tta taadt ver
H« ta> iitta ta thi* TidaitT
taiBB laktac Dr. Klax^ Nrv
drava *p aai dlarbHI
oa* l««j
llarbHI aai Ota
tna 7aan u4 laavta a tan*
ud a trv bMUrt vbcdly
•i aai ta b tta 4ata.
vat alao i'
r «r trtaada Tta faaaral wU
Eotalljr Httailr* la <-aria(
ladkatlm d*emp'
ta PMar afunoea.
ad Tbraai iiaablra. Ooe> pfBtpaeti aai tt ti
that aai oBm aoa>* ezplaaatlea at bav
and Grip Qmt
a aerttax vlD ta ata at tta batt
at la ta tai caw to
■ blalW
tta taaplc.
bdp VM ao a*ar.
CHr Tfanarar H. B. Had
Atta ilapatlas at attar tavortaat
Tta hoir vat lakra le tta
cdTta a aaeata Uta* oa 1______ _
tnrr Wtaot. vbm ita bar I
»sa ABdr»F Canath ferita aa* H- taalarad ita Mlavtac a*M i«a
Tbr fuaml ama_
. Ita 4nA It ea tta Raaerv
Taatvabl* abdk. K. & KcOorbar* Bot at r't tan Bad*. Tta work
•al taak of Batakaa. Ita* tarOta Mtaaiaa S*» I
Barm! rltlar. P. C Oltbart.
«t Ita Marrbrrt va* t*i7 Barb taBla tiaaad br K- A. Fnakt.
a. W. B
prc«i bf tta Budd; vatm of (b*
lak*. At pablltbri la (b* Rmird. lb*
Btarata/7. J- M.
lake orrrflovci mb* tlw aao. notMl
TRaamr. /. T.________
bi Ita breaklaa of a mil <Ua. Tta
Satiap Fbaak 8. Saniraa.
•abib./. W. Haaaaa.
a vblle baDilacat tta tat ataiTunac a
I- vmy pita*,
Tnultaa. U. Wlaala. it, A. W. Bleb-'
, Ctarlrt Jakaaoa. drpal)^ tbrdff <d
froa ritCItaiioa. a famllr It
•tat ta tta taaaat.
B. M*. I'bit rltr. vat la ebux* of tta trarrb- onn dhm to dMprtaiPia Ie rat* ct
Tberr i
Maair cnr. HM. Jaat lA-Tto •arrttaat. irtulliaa In
Rnrai. ran.
roar rtora: C. A. Palarr «i Haa!»«•*•i in Ita vork.
thrrr are Wuoadt. L'lrrrt. *tr. La) la a tapBir
raaraU loa at taka Kalaada «n
IB oar and fuar ta aBXtar. Tta at BarfclTQ't Araira Salrr.
Ii't tb*
brtncht u a taeal plvilclaa-i oHer
,l«dy ni toaad la tn**a fori or vaicr
at JtaiBtoe't Dra<
la« araalac taVcflaa tnm a aanllar
Army OaPtator AfrtHA
Starr aad F I Htadt.
haia oa bU Habt taaaaL Tta loMp
adn. :Dragsltu.
I wat opaaad aat laibtitad ie ih« Saab
crappIlBc booki.
r body vat Do<
Cotaiabl* Antaioa antaied >rrd Armi”'"
8aUrd«> ai >br hoB* ot bit panalt.:
Travaraa Ctty Markatt-

No arrtoai eoatnaaaMi are np«e<e<L ,
ChU Wta




To the woman who has been a little delin>
quent in getting her summer wardrobe, will
find interesting suggestions in today’s news,
as weltas generous value giving prices.
SHJK I WAIST SL ITS, tightly an i convenient, cool aad
comfortable: add tu this pretty materials and atirartive
prices and you have a pretty stroii • combination Q
for a summer gown. I'rices are from iJjiO to....... Or W

.. s-T.'-ss;:;';';-”


ebu4 » died latt al^L


PiMIe 8aai Caaeart.
HiB. C 0. UtbroB it aatatu
Bar aaa ArtbB Laitoe* at Jar
tad Hr. ata MiB. Ubt Praatea aad
Mb *Bilr PMdaa at Mroll at her
Hra. Praatoa*
. yiBtb vtn raaaBbrr bar at Hlat

Wt baM toiar Hlaraeoa Ja tta
mmntrt- Tbar* v«i •alt* a largr
loBbir at air krigbla aad tadlaa prea
•ai, btalac dftraa eat la •baaaaa. Tta
•atBoa vat praarbid br B«t. W, T.
IFiaitaait ci Iba Baplid Aareb.

•t Ita akart* d te^arr I. 0>«.n
-------Btfara Jattle* 8. M. Brava. A*....
dbMraa at tcrapatT vat pratsTad

Dopla Ml



■Va« bM tta otban vl
tta aaaa


. Mia. Balaad
bat orrlrad
Bmb Ft Waraa lor aa aiUBiad rwt
»Hb tar Botbar. Hra. J. A. Moora, aad

ai tfiar itai via ta at
V a Buatb. ta ^arta ol

tWaoa J. Hpekai ni Mb Jaaala
Bar* vara aaMly aarriai 8aadap
' 8WIHIV at ■ a'aiaek at tta boBr at
d ara. .
at tta
. Tta bdit

Tta 8r« Soadar orieraoea ecBcm
rmtad l>r tta eilUtai bead cobbIitot ptortd a sraal toe*** Saaday
atlaraaaa. Tb« aoaaart vat xlraa oa
tbr rlrrr taaak OBoat dba uvra vaot
ot Ita Dalae uraac brldpr aad iBur
. . I. BM. voaee aad
ehlldraa aad vbott faBlim oenpidi
■ta baakt aad plaora at adraauxa
vbar* tbadr vat afordrd. The bead
aa exerllael practam ud
rrafaaat applauae UatlSad to lb* |lO^
ulaHiy of tta ptu BatldM ita crovd
tarromdlaa tha bud oeorai of
rlAcai Mood oe 81x1b atrarl.
Tta eoaeart aad tb« larxr atleade*. *<anb.rl».^<h. tend Ot a loltpark vb'
ta dm for tbr baaeli <d tba
rteaoaaeaBaai trill ta i
tbr data ud plare at tta

>r Bturdar aliht
teapad balac polmad.
He laalad of ..
ir Max bni laefclly dU
Boi takr eaoosb
uy arrieiB ranltx.
> baby bteoBt pon.
> la a rary paeoJlar var. It bad
earatally klddaa avar ta Ita
coraarattbe biintat la ordarlahUI
r Aboit tiW tb* Uttk Matattar wm plarUc bMa
aad arrk
tba baby ^td la tta eeraer
... peiwa
AfiB ta bad teaad It ba taatrd ibe
Id Ibaa ukrd hU taihrr vbel
Mr. Deamoad did tut valt to
kribar tta rhlld bad takae
_ to hart Ua or Do( bat laBadlaialy aaaaaaad Dr. Bvaatoa.
I oard bat ao iroeet
a IMad. Tta llttlr
r«rru today.



One of Ike pretileri veddlnpt of tta!
• saton v»i that cd Mr. AbII F Nar-'

perform .
o-doek at tba I .
.. ja hride'i
r. ud Mra. wnHaa P. V»
7 Wubiaftoa (iraat. Tbr

Tbr MredrlitobB vrddlac aareb
vat played by Min* Halea Moore
tbe pruceaaloo vu dovB the ruL
the parior ud vat led by
Baa OoebllB. follovad by. WUIUb
Votlaaoe. brother of tbr
a betl uu. by Hlat btir Booslirr
of Alieo. vbo
Narllacar. IKUt Mitt Oorotby CoebUa. tta itoc
bride. Min VadMaag.
1*# errameay vu rary prrity. Tbr
rldr carried bridr'i roaa* aad tta
brldaoBald carried pisk caraaMfH
Tbe foraer vora a dran of cnoB oOk
erepr vltb all aref IBM tai Oa MtMr
a dreri cd vuu tadla Uaeo. Tta ria«
vat dieaaad la vbtta aai nr•intle rate vltb tbr rlngJa lu
Follovlns the eercBOuy a bounOfnl
vrddlac rappar vu aerrad ta tta
HItar* Cora Plerwo. Uartoa Hutor.
Uu PtmoB and Ocorlfatu Bbarr.
Ur. aad Hn. Kerllacer raerlrei Bony
heuUfnl ud cortly praunu of lU'■ervarr, ylauvaTW, cuilery, foTaHorr
aad otbrr bouiekold (ood*. About
forty oaecit vrre prauat.
They left lu> rreohitc oa ibe 7:1(1
Prre Utrqoette train (or a vrddlos
Patoakry. ChortoroK. Mackl-

New styles just in at S2.SW

Dll pari

t Blame,
blrh br dM eo) can* to do aad pny
adrd to takr the (U evay troB her
»e called blB a fev uart aad did
a drr ibr pna op vflilatly
la ibr BtuilBc RoatiabI* Atblos
had acroBpuIrd Arrry ap ttaln
aiakr kit chaac* IB clotblai.
chaacr* wrre taken la letUap Ub
cape, oar oBrer coalac froB tbe r__
ud the Mher froai the froBL Cbltf
Rennie cHlIas lo tbe bu ftriL Arery
vat Imkeo to tta eouaty iail lo .
tbe arrirtl of tbe federti ottren


SEFAkATE SKlkTS. Ever see a woman wbo had
skirts.=' If therccis
one she need not
readany farther,
the one who has not this should
shot; be interesting, as the
fered are extraordinar)*.

For Rot Oleatber
Wooen't PUin



Chfldrcn'* Canvu Otlardr.



Wonen'* Snap Sliii|«eri

Missel' Conru UsCord*.

SOC $1.00

Grey novelty walking skin made ofF all wool material is an
attr.tctive Rtyle, a ^in you wool
woolild- not consider Q gQ
high iiriced at $5.00. but
buy for


Wemen'i Safe Slippm


\fnrocn'. Conra* Oif..r,k,



WotnoM Safe Coofreas Shoei,

Hoys' Canvas,

Wtanoi'a Oxford*. rylMii and

$5C $1.00


.Men's Caavu O.lor.fv



Wemaa's doiai)-, perfea 6uii^


Childten's t anva.

60c 7»c


Mcii'» Canvas

Women'* Shoes, good veatcri,


$1.00 $1.25

InMnU’ Fonc)' Strxt< S1i|>]>en.

Bo^'lian.lsoii>e Paient UitSer

$R 60c
$1.7* $2.0C

ChildreD'* Fancy Strap Slippen,

6R $R
Hixae*' futcy Stap S]ip(«is,


Men's Sveli Oxford*, ihii


ma'i |KH«dai shapes,

$2.M $2.50

Both youac pctarte i
•• clir
• ■

. . aaafbt 8n 8n8«
a la BMItaa. TM baat vat WardlT^
................................................ It Ban
bat Iba caMi vat boilT Mla-

HBUOB 8l*TtM. tta oUacod aloytr
«t a DaM« baHBlIir. vto vat
BhaoCbi M ta lorfeHf la Ita rtetolty
taf Banc, baa bon loBdad br Ita 8k.
Inia poHea. Aeeardl«i to bit Katannl ba vom ilraaly froa DKrali ta

vn tboofH ba ta hl^ anr Itev.


. HMd <
> natobt Tta ebareb vat bnatliiiarKtd aad a tamer ar
IB W of tafldraa tta yeaoc
.mala tl vnU ta bard to Bad. Tta
jHtaim VM ••*. tta canoctloa pn6
fmt mnib. bHbmi on ckium rr.^•taNMd to ttair tanti tbatafal to
^.«ed Hr tta «lft If thH traat lead Md
m^rouar^ of Hb an Ota. Bb

7 raHHni at a vary plaanat aorpri**
• n (Htardor oa tta pmikB of bM
mtaytatbibbktbioy. TtaaHMitbbon 8»ttarad troa lar aad aoar. aad
aaaont'taart vtn mat la taDctai
. vnr au tkaat aad n
tta lariy dayi at OM
la Ita tiiafvoaa a M
tllBl rapm vat aan
advUbai_______ _________
■Boai ibaa bdw a Baa
r Mas a aaBbtr of tta



' aetttapart
that vara I

taata ap aad ieva tta trade la tta
ndaity af tta iPpoL Plaptly tta ni-bH loak tatta valta aad tvaa oM
■ktH a ba> BBp aai Itaa tanad aad
avm anr aiMM ta tta Wavaaian
»«*Rtaii. A b«al vu naarad aad a
• battaobara.

Baal aMtIc ..............................


imrr of RaK Boy.
Ur. ud Mrt. KrrilDxrr oadmook
I tire ibrir frlredc tbe lure ukoovB to itarm Mat rranlos bm t
of tbas were 'vl**-' ud
1 the trala. The briitl party
tbeo OBdmoU to vork a coope by
coaikc oa ibe oppotlle aide of the
tralD tod caltiBC oa lull ox tbe tralo
ibonr vbo vet* to ter
taeoBpBiW Hay Came Han.
ool natsroeraled ud
Bat< Ir Creek. MkA. Jnae U—Brary- tta rrralt vu a tbover of ricr and
ibiac pelait ta tta alacUoo ot HaJ. Bovm u (bey Bade for ibr roarb.
H. HavUat of Detroit at cobcd Iba O. A. R. aad Mrt. FMrOrphan Bmmad Near KlnpaMy.
eora 8. BabMtt ot TpKlut] u prrtlirat at tta V. R. C. vblla Ttarenr
Kiacilay. Ulch. Jsnr IS—Orortr
aaam earr of mUai (ba Hate Henry noaeark. acrd 15. vu drovard
' I BTTwrlrr lake al 4:45 yaHerdty
nrrnooo ud ihe body bu not yet
rra found
Tbr boy I* coBBonly kaova here
at ■Icbt't oaap ■!«___
1 Oeorte Walker, harlnf cobt here
taecaa^li|^tbla rrealat; vlltta'
Mat 10 year* opo froia tbr Coldvater
More orpbanue faoBe ud htrlac been
Blar buDdrad delet^bi
ta tuiad that Ibrnr were *w Walker. Walker veal veci ud left
daatbt U tta MIeUcu roakt doriaa Ibe boy behind ud foe oboot i year
tta teH yw. Thti (act bu eaotad he bu beeu Itkea care of by Le*ier
Back dIteattioB aBoay tbr drimirt Wheat.
ta tta hotel lobbira. ud it It pradMad
Seretal boy* vece hotblnc lo Brevthat tta Ub» vill taoe catar vbre all
IMr mterday oflmooa ud la !
aberobip vUI br caatrrad ta oMer
r lo
lo pet
pet o
out to a deep hole vert I
to uch eoaaly.
orlop a boat,
All vm naked ud
ready ‘

oftamooa't fu. It U
told I K tta HoBcoric boy vu ontboaM ta Bade to priaarir tbr bi*
tvlB aad fell (roB the boat.
' all Hiebliu aoUlen.
Mory It to tha r€e« (bat he
iaimiaa tnn Nortbara ud
rtleh me dlee' ud MBped
---------IV HMhIcu at* all vetrlac oeeiboard.
TreratM City la IW baim, ud
It vu earn that br ceeUa'i
II M prakabir that that cHy vlll lei
WcbMrr. oped
tta cauaqnut ant year.
loBped lato tta vatar aad
^Jba Otata tarn od^y^lua aov Ita drovBlap Ud. DtaplU febmn
pla* ta held oa to IlMBecfa hair
util tbr boy Maebad blB OM polled
IB obder oMo. Then hr vu forced
M 0. a K. K. Maatlna.
blr bold aad aBov blB lo
At Ita auoal aoatlas of ij»i«
Roekb unpM. He. li. OroBaUe
Orrla DoXry vu
u (u
Order loSkM of
------- —'
Friday. It VM iacMad

ui- r.-n-'.S'tj'ss;

*ta Maaia td PmaaaH J. H U«-



■n.* HuBOb 8 Lay HfceulIM Co. hs- bm Tesunc OKy'. tradtap eve
If.- frem (b* itB* It vu “lb* oBly Kora." lixja Is ait*, fh tta praam. sKh

vrll kaovn
iuy friead*
of tbe local
vllta (be riot*
k(l» VoclewBC bu.baeo
■neber of (br Bnt yroda ta (br>Oak
Park ubool (or tOBr llBO, clotiai her


OW kad kt^ after tbaau Wbaa
baat m tan away ba cHM ta tha
ypbricf boy ood —h|a ir a*
i^tald Haacock.^
■J^yro. b« mi onm^
dtaiM hha aad hr VM lomd to In



RianBnik iHiIhllBC of arraa smt.mai.'n*

*Kvm vlib

s KiMI Boor

IB.N. of inn.BU unr* f**i, or alaast ivo aerr* ao4 a kvH.

i .'I

• kior*—(or (urcly Afiy year> af cooileooa* bnoln.-.

Jilfnd a. Triedricb


1-Ila* 10 .trtrt ba«la*» priaolptaa la.l
m -VTT



dul.i *


me Can Give Vou


rura tb* fllil.Hli

I *-«lB aaotfcvT year'* baitOMic. v* |

I* Ih* foil



a. veil u Ita» cd*lta ijore


I’ |Mir|K>..- ,*I alnnliiK la.l li-i.lmi; Ih* ropfl<1*n> • cd *»*rr iDdiTldoa) «i...

TTie best for the price in
,i**<l af any *BpMy** >l**Hro*a lo Biah-a. i

Feed. Itfeal, Bran, middlings.
Com and Oats

-.rtn*f I* Ih* w«*rtl«*B*nl.-

Th* -pent of ArrOMMOnATION will nil*, aad ,■> ib* lr*alca*el of p ron. led u.l'nr* till* *pirii air *w- 4*r*lop*'1 lo ita fuU~i arimt.

\ ,

ami in k**iS:h* eocri «m C.f *1; cur old ranmnen ud fncaiU, pad rts ,

We buy Bothins bm the best grain and you get the
pure article.

«nd**Tcir lo mak.- Ib* firm eam*- Urorably knovo lo *.*.7
aad *blld Ie Kortbrra Hlcblfoa




A iboroapb knovladp* of tta 4lf»r*)i iin*« of pand*-tHi)iep for 1
.a.h-**ma, tba rarr boK qoaniy o( M...U .. .h* lover puKI.I* prleu• acb d*paru»*at ouapta* to tta Mtar dciafl-fural.hlap



roBpta* -frOB calMr ,0 tarrr--cteth.> c y.~ fr.« b*od'to (oot-*l,toat
haring 10 i«aA tta bolUlap. art tar* inai *r* fully .pprc«|afad ft
tradlis peblic

Cbe Season el

W* VUI yoa 10 c am ibM tior* yoor ovn—' > ta (fu and (ari Mrtaniy

eougbs and €oid$
Is at hand—We have a preparation that
will fix them—Our own make—We know
it b good—Our personal gurantee goes
with it-Wait's White Kne and Spmee
Expectorant—Money bade if it don’t
; ■ :

■1 boB*r-4o d«p*ed I KB n-tn criUeUa It to It
ilaually iBpmn* li aad


CbMllB of TiarwM Oky

Ita torritttT pBRb of thM city aad
Oa ^ibka IH8M Ran labn ta


SHIKI WAISTS. No matter how complete your wardrobe
may be there is alwa)-s room for another shirt waist,
and when such decidedly pretty and serviceable waists can
be bought at such small prices. therR is a tempution here
to be avoided if you wouldn’t pay A lX)LLAk for a pretty
waist in white lawn, linbn color, or a white and black lawn.
Other values just as attractive up to l-'OUk IX)LLAkS.

If raaaiai Inb Nartbport ta »



Maalt at7. Jaoa 10.-U«anL tta
Bat*. 8ZJ».
S-raardd aoB of tail* Hdrcnaa. m

al tta aeltb- ^
•tad at tta ratoll at barat raMirta bora hart tiatad (bat ta bat bean ,
•unity. Jant IMA.
vorklaxla tta pard.
e vlll Irarr Trarmr Oir ;
sttarday OM Bania aad Oonublr I •:
B. Sar pottm. or a*fc acra
Axbtoa vast ta tta bevM aad fnoad >o<
bla Ihrr* tad took hlB la ebarxr. Tbr
H F.
yeua< au vutad to pa ap ttaln aad
ebma bit abin brten to vat tafcea •atricf*' Faru
tta SavDi aiW •avlhatlrr kaklaf at tta AIM li
by tta oHcara ud vhra they
bare rkprtaaod tta oplaloa
Ibio the booM that br Bicfat do
eai-clAM tiekrta oa
•ayvat ao( tarlootlr ban aad r
to. a tUirr
lUirr ot tbr rooas Baa. vb^ li | lale
- . - aU ai______
ataUou__ea .trot aad IblrJ
10 ber vort. itadac tta baby
It told. It a
'oeadMt^fjub Boatb. A«k aCUU
boota at Ptaar Jobaaoa at Port
ivbon It had ban boaidlac. :
bar vltb a rbot (aa la brr haade ud
Warti’a Fair. 8L
aakrd brr vku ata vu
Rond trip t^u at

antUbn dib weak 2.M0


tlajoml. Tbr ronac atta ba> rr^ata \

niwa KiiiiiiG iFPina

WMiVta DrusS'torMl


•taaapar*. by vhleb criiik* li. fan u yos. tta pub-

Uc. voald Ilk* it.





Id Travel Ftegtbn.
LM Thoraday t


OiT «H* Mr. ■rito'. *«**
V, am baftaf temt »«T •«
*tar7 T^to VorttaBt Ike
5Sb» Ipoiiei »Mi I
Ikr *U all Ri eoatau. M<ril

. ____

Ought to pai^

.'tbe writes, n Mdarte h

Ibe; rvtuMe wbc
td at Alaaer aad
d Mrs: C Keboa
oa Baaday. Idbefaned.
b ibe:to try Etartr
r HBI cd Willlaatbarp


Oeerte Hartek aad hual^lrosf
the towa ball bst «
lap (or tbo kMBI c

Porter speat Mnaday la Trar- j ^ ^
we City.
At tbe I
Oaly fke.
Igor oa Joae Btb. the
by JnbBsoB-i Drag <
toUowlap oAcen v
Hradc. DrapgisU.

Professor Loeh. la Berila. b cpperipradaalec from
leailag wKb ratllesBake reooB at a
Blatb grade, Ussb Boyd. Blaaebe
ire te leptney. aad be iktaks be has
Aver/. Bupeee Hall sad Charley WllL
K DsoB Ibe speciAe for ooe
‘raB^Sauii's eoU B« vltb a severe Blaaebe Avery glvtag Ibe saloutory.
— ------------------- -------------th,,
kSSm bf xttlai b the Mfhed «k« Easese HIU tbe edaes hlRury. Charley .I.i. rtari enien; esoiur eupvws.raB-,
• tke iiac IKL
. Sboold be eoeoeed b
Wflnc CM ar Its MBS «alte Win a norr. -Boyhood Time..- aod leal. Mrs. J. De«s. Oeorpe Leslie was
'» ke^f
_____am bae aeeepiee a
e dbtjict <
liter Boyd tbe class propbery. There
•HHiaa at tke woetae Bill*.
• plwe. rai
Km WeldM dosed a
were also exerdse* by the primary de- reailoo at CbarleTob.
Joale Llrtairtna Bade a te*
p be&De eoa
ifol ler» ot sdiool bst Pi
Muslr wa« fonibbed by aaaarial report of (be leagoe for (he 1 •“
*Vf‘ 'Ut at Botnae Bar <be past
BBTket ralne of (be
8bc eoUrtalDed her pnpib with a pk~
■aibted by Wllbor Biiica Boolb shows a reeripl of takea '
er drariiBL
White, wllb tbelr violioi.
Mn. Jantes Bllrer Ml fjr faw b
lasdolb dab, coeslulaK of
for eburch purposes. $K. Tola!'
« TMsweb rrtdap *tarjyMH
is for past year. IIPl.SS.
®“ f">“ • “a> '» Cedorado. who keeps
Hr. aad Mrs. Bd Haatk-y. Mary SeoaoMM Bt »e^ at B. a aann\
Porter has Inst put ap a oew ; “■‘'Cs as peis^______________
Oeld aad Eupeae HUI
Tbe addresa
J(r. Sertpem Is aloirtr Impivt
> plvro by Qeo. U Oiiip, cousty
, 4, r. Memn, H. r. Bneer and U..
BBbskiBer. Uf(er (be eatertalBThe Old Setttlers' meetlap at Char­
WsOi aad Mbs Dab/ BUies atteaded g«.ptov last Tharsdar erealai:Would quickly have you. i. .
Mlas Bsrtba KoUm haa ntw
levoix wms wril atteaded. about IH>
the am* at TnTataa CUr Betardar
■ed Dr Klag'i New Life Pills. TbeohavlW doaed a sooeesatol t
eeloyed ther excuraloe oa the sleaaur
wol at tearltag.
Columbia, tbe boat learlag here abool saads Ilf ■oPereci have proved thrir
Mm. Btker lefi for ber b
SaBBOB spsM Saedar<at his
Miless merit for Bkk aad Kervoos
l;So«..m. sad retntaiag b the eveo-:B»»el
llnrdsr St CaledoaU.
turabbed by ibe Head. bes. They make pm blood
Hln Bvaas rel uraed to ber b
NoRbpuri and Saiioos Bay bands Tbf
' Id up year besUb. Only Uc.
Traverse City.
back If not cared. Sold by
old settlers met Id Ibe opera bouse, !**“'•
Miu Morcaa of Trsvertc City b
inerarx piugiam -------- j-s Drug Sieve ate P. H
Besh. to Hr. aM MiawW*. Mren.
. Heads. Draggbts.
was xlvea. Tbe next
ssB. iaae dth.
t tUs p—».
Pruk Fisber cat
bose OB a fly
a D. mibbee has a horse |ald ap
Into Vour
lap visit Saturday.
«Hb a tawe lev.
(rbads of Mrs. AUee Prmal>r a vIsiJ with friends In Cierelaad. < ailm's TsmHrv BophU B’lll
of Prankfort
Mrs. Uawr. aho has
grM«r1ckes abeo they beard o( her
Bom. to Mr and Mrs. Adelberi Uc-1 “j.*
be|r for a rbli wllb ber falber. Hr.
aadar the asMhsr.'
^dea sasalnf away after eely a few
t. t'eier. and other rebilves.
•■t oat to ebateh Baadap.
irniDess. Sbe was to.eH
HI'S K. Helm has a nosfc ebas of
Mr. aad Mrt. Wm. Uadar o< TraeAlways so tuU of life
aloe srholars. Sbe teaches boib pbao our illlage
«sa CHp called ca Mrs. talons tb- _______ 1 she was a *rsat ferorile •
aad wbo is welt known
Ur. Mrs. A. C. Wrsfcocv. o( tUs place (be yeahi people. Sbe was aa aeUre ■ad nrpao.
Woj. Walker aad faBlIy have roiae led Ptiiclde Woodsy
MBber of ibe C K.. aad always ready
Mr. aad Mrs. Aaee Kenapdr of to do ber part. The hiaeral serrlees from tbelr Traverse City borne to bod) was found off itae car ferry
S o'clock. A leiier louad showed
ftararse Clir oaM oa their elster
Boadsy Borslni at ibe speml the summer oa their farm here.
le.-l<indi-Bcy ws« the cause. The
M wrwk. Mrs. Rose Ui*bb.
lal ebnt^ Ret. Warrea
scow load of cedar posts across Qleo tvmslns were iskeo m the cemeiery
Monday olieranon where' Rev. Rich
14th cbap. tad verse. He said a greal lake Saturday for D. King. A party
cnadHcti-d a sbun service.
renir weal alaag lor a ride,
■aay eeiarortlBB tbiacs. BeaoUfol
Mr. sod Mrs. Hsnhews lesvi- 8aiic bill game played yesierday
Boweri covered Ibe casket, the frteads
urdsy for Fife loke. where Mrs. Htla ilic BnrdkkvUb aad Qlcn
team was t to « la favor td Bur ibew. mill spend itae summer. Hr.
Haltliews will spend six weeks at Mt.
^Harris bai-besB tafatet eat
I bb Bill the last ■
L Bioae'a.
R. F. Heanskr of Traverw City is
twice has beeq made Id
Haddee fit CblI Mrs. Fred H
D rebItoB to Mrs. Bugeii
e 10
(o alteod the
taasial <d
HIM I'hlHe Busbnell speat Friday to
Mrs. PraaUb.
Traverse CUv.
Mrs. Lewb naaklb has cone
Mbs MKb JohasoB cd
Fred Bordeaux was over tiom tbe
qty to sptad a few days aad sboi'ld
Sheridan th.
with Mrs. Bopeae laland Frldav.
R. E. Ctampliell. delegaie In tbe R.
OecniieJtfTeU bai boa^ Mr. PorBiearns. her mother aad sister- O. T. U coovenllOB at Battle Creek,
Vents tadostfbl school.
borne Saturday.

ne City, sbopne Dbetpb eksteb obsorvM CUV
Baraes will erect a bulid^
plag. I
dW's dstf bM Baaday oveelu. The
hta pluabiBg abop.
Dr. BJwards aad temlly from CadlV
non for iM vanlt of tbe haok
lie are os ibeir farm oa MlUer's Hill
' "^S^BtpatoTAld aoriety
for p few weeks. Tbe Dr. tblaks of have been pUced In posliloc.
■der Bbtm'last Tbarsdsy. Tbs Aid
B. N. Pickard arrived from Tnvmoving here le tbe aear future,
reported a coed tlae. at tb«*«rt
Oood prowtap woatJur ate all (mpi
n-pliinc Holveruoa's-little
do whea they awet ibtsa.
ing lor bis borne la Ulaod.
an dtdap wte.
.'lid son. Edward, was so liadly
LOBS WlbOB b wotkbB Mr. Maos ttanleil, drlegale lu (be 1. O.
Hr. ate Hta. B. P. OoBOlae retnraed
!id ISM TueiMUy by falUnp Inlo a
T. H. contcDlkm a( Batilc Creek, re«B Battle Creek .Ian ; Batarday.
< r liot sater al the botae of Peter
liirnol bmue tart Week.
Iwre they had bees ter a week atI ue. where be was living. Ihst be
MBB a oovses.
H nelllck hu relaraeri 10 fata borne
Bdlsp the K. O. T. M. Besllog "
OB wedaesday. Hoeb of bU fletb
WIlUs Soatbwldi bu aoM Mb Una
In this vlltagc.
Ooulaa wtte u a ddeuie to
I- ulih Ibe clothing when U was
The MlMlcm Study xlsss will meel
bowt tbe Wcatord lodpr.
n ofl. The fmani was held on
n Tuesday cvenlat al the bone of
ly Id tbe Port Oneida scboolhouse
Lott of rab b aakbe tke aindows
Mis* CIsrs Thomas. Btndy. -MormouScv. Hr. Ms
leek veer pnaabtac.
■ifflriaicd. Tbe p
Wdap pabed la health apBeleot
bet bis our symi
ate tbe JooTaey,
Ralpk iHgbaai. who b4s beee to
ropoB the past year lodklap - after
> Gladly Egtended By a
' risarlilnr eerrlees t
Clly Cltlxen.
the ereahiB £°Jm liBber lead, returned borne last Satwday.
Cireui! court was largely a
Therv arc many cnihiisUsile elU.
rwsa nmu Ml tbb bc^dc for
3. A. Mcrvell. forBerly a pboeer of this lerm.
?n» In Traverse Cliy pri-panu
MIm Ida Plckart of Botto
tm hoBW b OweoM. Mich.
•Paiford eouty aad oaoe a boil
fur ihc publl
lent t few days with Hn Jew
Hr. aad Mrs. H. A. Oalver toat
tea ot Travose City, bat of
Tcsilmony from such a souro
tkb I------------fMTS a resIdaBl of Atbala. Oa.
best of cvldenc... aod will .
Wm. Beaaet
Iplng hand " to scores of readers.
1 town a few
Id the following xlaiement;
IB ncfcai
pisasad wttb bb aew booe.
dn. B. I>. Henderson, of 303 Wert
■ Chsrievoix vlsliors last Wednes& 0. VaUean. who bat beee a reaV
h sireei. says:
don of Uelaaaa oeaty tic past year.
X uur graodcblic
letaal ehtM of Mr aad Mrs.
hasMtaned to Vasford nd is worfclet. After recoverKus. one grandehtld.
b« *r Daaiel Dtea. who b balMlap
Ihrec years old, broke out In ernpilons
• beat saw Blit Mar Ibe te- * Jl- &
which llieraliy cotered his face, neck
». R, bisaeb, abeot two nllet
aad under bis hair. Dosplie
id salves and ointments and
Mtoaes Nettle and Georgia Paulas,
iwho have been vblilng at lAke Ann. meiUclnc -from more tbao one doctor
during tbe greater part ot
retamed borne Friday erealng.
•er. We hope this is aot tra
. be was really worse
Mra. R. Han was a Traverse Ciiy
(he aalBsb cneld be Ml aln
] env other part of the
•tailor tbe last of ihe
lew yean they woold be «oHi
w spill and he was In
n such
Mrs. CarsoB Warnei_______________
he sen-amed all day
M jeuiraed from MOBtatlpoe Friday
sleep at nlgbt. We wet* loduced
--i*N Paolo:
to try Doan's Ointment. Tbe fli
meat; Tuesday vrilh veJaitvM aad pUenlloB was so soothing tbs
fneadi at Provem
child slept the entire nlgbt. .
' tbe irvatBi
Sisat their eon fleldt tbe sccoad tlma
Mdeb pasted eS vewy aleely.
Bosa. to Hr. aad Mrs. F. Mallory, AH tare Iwncd that It payi (o taki Mrs. Laraea. of Bnltoas Bay. sMnt gradually disappeared, t
tke best cd (BK of Med In keepiap m Sunday In tbli village.
•ne lA a
neighbor's child, afflicted
Mrs. Fraak Weyin of :
Oeater over Bsaday wen as selecting tbe need.
' way after measles, no
Wb. Palpbt iBteUy purabaoed 1
. VC relief When I toond
tee eew iwt»eeaud carriage.
so snccessfiil fBr our
Mbs Nin Helm of Surdtakrilh
graodchlld, I crossed the street, apttavaras OKy.
I It and f<
Mr. aadUn. B. B. Osbora sad fasle preseal writlag.
slept soundly 1
: ar aad BUT VaiBcB aad Maud Osbora
St Doolao of Cl
o'ekwk next morning
rclng ber mntber was
, $t Watted, aod Mr. aad Mrs. Lester
of P. Pcstlap aad «
tbe drug si |. for
a Ihjx. It cured
Aaderstm aad Allee Wlpbiaua
• Hsmiy Oeorpo." wbo
r liab> In a fea days. Doan's
s OinlOini«NtBBB aad Hr. sod Mrs. W. Cl:
akiag our a
pr. psrsilot which acis
i are vltltbs at R dilbert's.
Mbs tether Areber b nliltlat
for Itrovemebt.
.Tice M
‘ Meads bets troB Trarerse aty.
. Mllburn Co. Buffalo. .V.
, ^ Mbs Maad Robsftseo ot Lear Tree
>me very fine Basic was ret........... ,
e agents for ibc I'niied Stales.
: M hM« tor a fWw days' vtatt.
by the Cenlral Lake quanei al ihr ,
Bber Ihe name. Doan's, and take
Metbodirt ebnre* Sunday after
Mr. aad Mrs. Babd of Orakra aad
Mbs Baird of WlUbaabarp tdok dlaaar at Mr. Oyr-s yoslerday.
Bms Palphra UtUe eblUrea tare
would ever be bothered with
. Mrs. Hoetoe cd TraTsrse CHr
coaph: , elao
- whoopiap cough:
Luther Ooaaat returate from a trip CDBstliiallnii tf everyone knew ii
hare vbltlag frieeds.
telgbl'c eblldrea. but they ai gelllBp
• Ctlcogo Friday evenlag
nammiv and qiitekly Durdork III1
Miss Joscohlae Davis of Trareree Biiterv regnlates Ihe stnmaeh 1
a few days at the Rtvenide bowels
UlB> axerelses at Trarene air
te Mr. aad Mra JaM. I

A Piaso or Orgao io yoor home and get your children started id music daring
ihe vacAtion time, when they are free from school studies. 'ITicy will get nicely
started by September, after which time they can ensUy leant music along with their
ik this over, come in and let us show you the late styles in
school studies.


C1)e Kimball
Pianos and Organs. These goods arc the best 6u the market, and by buying
them direct at Faaofy Price*, they cost you vct)- link if any more (ban the or­
dinary kind. Easy payments if j-ou wish.

W. W. Kimball Co.
129 Front St.

N. E. STRONG, Mner-


A good solid oak S piece suit, for. ........................................................................................ ............ ...................$R.76
Oiirnext suit. ................................................-...................... ............... -.................................................................. U.76
Our next suit, (cheap at $'25.00), our price
So on right along up to a good, golid oak.
sawed swell top drawers, (cheap at J2.5.00I
Next is a large, beautiful golden oak suit...
Our next suit is a large, heavy suit (worth
for............................................. 25.75
and so on right through our enormous line of stiiis.-


$am* Bla eiit •« OM Drctgtrs
A large assortment
to select from.
Dresser worth $»J0




and so on right up.

n Carge and eemplclc

Some Bi« Saomss on eosebes

A pretty couch, just like cut. heavy embossed base,
ih iiiron bolts, 19 hea>-)embossed i^ fastened on with
Tn Velour. g4,95
coil springs, beautiful pattern
(wonh $7.W). only

_ ,

S7.?5 couch (or............................................... ....$S.50
$11I.I«P couch (or..........................................................$.-i.2D
SICIKI L-ouch for....... ............................................. $13-50
and so on right through.

Our BcavUtt Cut

is in Sideboards. A ,
sideboard. < worth Sli
same cut right through.


Same Mg sjvlagc in CMaa OoMte.


Mrs. Albert PeterOt aad tSBlly aad
Mrs. Bisva Cbek s( Traverse ^y ate

td weal borne wllb her Saturday.
Napoleoo PauliB was a Pror
Mias Margaret HUloa eloeed ber
yuar^cd icMhlai la oar tt^l last taller tafi Baiorday.

Tbe Buday aebool Mead ibeir C
day exaretaas with tbe pal
^tal Bte gave a pleale Be
Mrs. Atklaaea called oa Mrt. Fraak tba grove. Tbe day was v
Pbber of Oba Arbor last Haaday.
fayed by all wbo aitended.
Harvey PbeaU b tbe tBoad pcb
«r cd a baby eoH.
Mrs. t-UkeeUI sad mb Chaihe were
M Timrerss CHy CB H(oMi
•Hte ArmiutBi left VtUay a»ru.
Mary Obaa b workbt It tW Ttav.
■g fur Traverae Clly. where sh
dtae lake reavtJMlioa
E. C Lewie’ Hot*
Iraa Tbkocbll rbMsd hb__________
•Bday. Bewe Travaras City friseds « be trvMly mtaete by bis Baay
aoBasapaatod klB aad ua» tbe day •teds here, but all Mb la wi • '
iBab PbIMbb aad wife of (%lcaco
|teMa Tborwday nlgbu wb«« be has
art aapeeted at tbe Trasaree
itatilag reteUvet ate frietei for
:aaR. Tbateday. «aaa 1«h. aa » wedtte psH three weeks.
C. K. Bebcoek aad wire cd Bear
Deitar, tbe Aikiatae's borte. ru ,

» Saturday erenlBg ireln has
c rollon
c Foonb
Foortl of July Been
-eilng. brid ai
the (own ball. Hoeday ere.
Presideal, ll. B. 0111: teeretary.
Rrnnauver; Ireasurer. Antoe BanlelL
Mitt deanie Wolfe of Traverae Clly
Is viitdng lelaUvet aod frieeds la our

nnal banqnet of Ibe Alnmni
n held at Hotel Scott Thuiw-

••day avesbs wllb Mr.
»afas R. Baiai aad
r. aad M
is. MIeb Nebea ad Trav- bHi tbfir Cbadren s day exerclaea
____ ORy van Batardw aad Baadi
Tie LteMi- club held (beta aaaaal
*—*" BiwnlBc. whleb wme praaily
at Ibair daaebtesb. Mrs. WO Lika.
ed by
S. all
.11 wbo ailn
aileedad. 0. W. baaqsei al tbe hoae ot Mrs. C. B.
KebI m Friday afieraDoa. where
Mra taca RaIMt BM
B of Beettmta was


oaavbii witb ber tetber. brotbI Meads.
H. Palate <d Aral was <

Will UidUe
toM Bnadty.
AhMi W od tbe Msadf of Wabv
fWHRBg gave biB a eery pleataai
seartar al bte borne Thuradar evaasnpresa IbelT ivgret « bta de- from oar vjUtM. ftaT




—e# ad thair saA very cejoyable ilm* Is re.

|ltaK.D.T.|tb«r rMUrteb day iniliis


plies can't be cured: a mistake «
suffer a day longer (ban you can help.
Doan's Olntmeai briegs lnsua( relief
and permaneai cure
At aay drug

A blessing alike le young
Dr. Fowler's Exirari of Wil
1c for d

F P. Roamaa Irovc over, from L
land Wednesday eve
•venlng. He was a
tpanled been by
N. Pickard.

A Jew eement walk ta being boili la
» was eerred by Iron: of H. B. OIU's store.
ry pleasant lime
Ik^lpb OagDOB SMI several days ed
delng' Basoe work al

■idaey Balsa drove t

A beautiful gakleo oak China Closet, oval front, bom
glass ends, iworth $11

....... $13.76

Same Mg Mvinga au Exteaxian Cable*

the I
s aerved. An •ajoyable p , _
Bg of orrbestra mo.
Pitrra tioB abaeoi
lea. dons, taasu. eu.

ly bn Tbarsday aad was c
aeit Boralbf arrer*aa <

Cures croup, aore ihroai. pulmonary
troubles—Monireb over pain of every
sort. Dr. Thomas' Eeleclric OH.

----- served t_
aboDi (hirty guests: SlaglBe America
by all; rocKaiioa. Mra. H. B. Qlll:
ptaM seta Jote Miner: tm HeadaoMi Sebraeder and Dame: Bualc.
UaadoUn dab: recilaUoB. Mrs. R.
tenod: rtelteiaa, Mra. Ralteaon;
•ta l^te (teb: pwte. Mra I
Him Tlvtaa Daae ta eoaBnte to tbe
Mwse wHb an attack ed Ombob BCMTbe M. B. eboir toefe a trip to Mm-



Ben ta a Rackcr
good enough for the parlor
and cheap enough for the
porch or lawn. Large full
roll arm and back willow
rocker, just like (nil, our price
is only

R Tan Ciac at OacaHac Slave*
Comraendng with a 2 burner, lik-- cm.


•A^wlid oak,^ high back, cane seat sewing 0^^

Comes when


A good, iirong. 4 h. folding settee, nicely painted,
commencing at $1.00.
Hammock reclihing chair*
commencing at 75c. You can get 75c worth of comfort
out of one of these in an hour. Bverything you ne^
for your lawn at same small prices.

and ranging right along up to a fine gawiline range.

Same big cat aa Rackcr*.

A srnsE

A fine, large. 4-.' inch square top cxlension WO ryC
.able, «-ai SS.50. for ........... .................00.^0
Same big cm on chairs, 72 styles to select from, com­
mencing at 4$c each and ranging right along up to
<> high back, cobbler seal dining chairs,
twonh $lOm for only........................... • #-UV
Sou can find jbst what you wanv at just what )OU
want to pay.

01 nammocks,
assonmenti of
hammocks, commencing at G()c. and
ranging right along up to $8.00.


Cobbler seat, high back Rocker.




wiD. tOMraace

policiei mod otber valuable

You can holiest what you -want. . Same cut on over
SOO different styles of Rockers.

papert are tee Udib

aad Cawa 6aa«*

aad pryii^ eyei.

vanhi, 'tegs itaa 1

Our assortineQt is larger than ever. See our steel
frame rediniag swing chair. The most comfontdile
and durable chair, will last a life time. You can use it
as 4 rocker, swing or hammock. At our poce it costs
no more than a common faammodc.

H camvlclc Cine al RcIrIgcnMK
Commencing at................................. ............. ••.-•$6.75
A complete line of Ice Cream Freerers at bmtom prim

w visit our Caipet and Rug DepartmenL There is
where wc are d<>.ng our advertising. A foil tine to
select from at pnees that defy competitkw.

Prieue wtitiBf rode



Wholesale and Retail


Reliable Home Furnisher.


CMiataad bn ta
aad MM at (ted
barau ■aaa bar alaaa tte
ub. WI la a fa« dara Ite
r wUI te cloacd.
qaMlr trite la tba aebbol rtvd <
te plaead apoa tte boOdiap.
Dr. Harr Pia
r tor (ba araetlea a
tbar vfll do Bosa pood.
, s>Tla. !< la Wt
or Leap of HBtrollBi. TO to
oalr aoaat
a svaet. reaap mlu of Pa* H« medWaa I
(fott avIM lb eiWcMtfidu«.
____ Loop prorad to ba toap oa la Ibo<. SoIibb
______________tbc rir«» an fall
Am Hou <f llamcea «]■> 4»
ibar vhleh caaoot b« mored oa taalhnt but ohori oo coarapa. aad I |r.a,d to pxa aula pbraldaai aad Or.
I Mur B. Tabbi flt CTictiolM
BaallT. after tertap iba aaraBOor ‘ rd > K tbarafnra. the oeir pbrataUa
amaat dr.che aarlcatliie Uaap.
ipoead oMa. te Cdi;ad ap tba bride is all Torkrr ibai «nrb venae <
aprtaci Chaalas Co.
HBlpbt-terateao bj tala|*i*a oa «*«nlt.
baa gtna tba I ■Hun ap ta dcrotr
tad tel baca dadared laManL Tba
aauaat u>
tbd^'Mt <d bM dfiat la mu b
1 Ibte tba Pm aacapaa Ml
eteaad lar tte CaM ute



■ bXV ^T* 0« tfc. bIhWtM ,

z\ «•


tkp KM T«B Bdm Alwapp BamliB. I
t* teu ibr dTte M rtePi. hte ton tto McbBtarv <r

llmninre onrlr tvica Itel
. Inrd vtmaa of tba
tlS.nofl a rnr. Tba
aaa wni Mhiv aalt ibl* anoraooa.
pn-raat oBca 1> a «lna«ira. Tba
xlpad tba fanllr maka war vRb
qua port* era Dorar, RaodvXb. .
Ballla Craek. KM. JtM 11—Al
laadr prrpored for iba vaddtap *
llap*. Bribe. Roaaar. WlarbaUaa aad
ih« ekaiac oeoiM ot (br snl eaup
lar sod veal ebaarfollr oa bli v
R.»a. Tbar vara orlplBillT dra. baeaa
K (iM KaifbU at tba Kotara Maeoa- bu Inixd a TOdtap apaiad tba
la doanal aaed aar Barra Badlal
■ba Dana *‘ciBqaa.''
' TO TOM U> aukr Port Kara an or riot Baebteat aad "
1 an preaahlBc.'' vrHa**Rar. A. I
daaartan of tlx
Caneral Maw*.
tuara vID ba
tooBd IB aaloeea la iba f
Warm, of flIdBaT. X T, ■ aad I r
Wbao a boT la bl* fatbar’a oOea
tera# Javalrr *iora. lo*Uad ot
of V^.
Noraltr Co.
tap for a vbola .ear tor
Tba afiarroa aanloe (d Che prau
rt. aad ha ba* kept ii np erer Moee
claariap orar »H« ear m<
blTP raolardar to uxM ta tba dlabar Opbto, MorpRtM mar aUser KairoUe
1 prirala vira roooaai* Gaorptaa
aided lo taka u? ra-.! *
aaaalaa of tba propoallloa to teuwa
A afv If ita gtemuitea. 18 deatrari Worau
oun. hla bone lo tekrtrood. I'
( telap ovaad aO'
Ite eokn ot tba order fian black, red
nib hi* offlea In
--iTlr*-T- It enrea DtarrtKM amd WIto
I an
aad Mila lo red. wblU aad blae.
'ork. and a* Un. Rould alio n
OoU«. It rdievM TaathtaM TraoMca. r«r«a ConMtpmtlea
.iloc. hot they hare no trade.
Major BorWoo aiada the Mtea a rUr•UBdi lalauaphj tber are abl
•ad PMtalMey. It todialMtri Ito rood, rrvutatea tto
IV ckinx n -i B ml»erab-v c:
rlag apaeeh. U arfaich ba p ■BlMit tbe Maccabac rUltor* lodop ibair pood
vbaaarar oaeulun daautBds
- chnrch punper*.-aaaaelal aaalaUBca ot lha
X creal easp BuncT and no paabUnp prirllapa*
StWBteM ato BawalM Ctvb« baaltfcr aod natval slecto.
rw aBoop a Uie baub ot r
II at Ibr anl- bare baao luuad to prtdeuioaal*.
Cnngmsman C r. Scott iBkc* lasuc
It aar lliMait'
Ito CMOdremM Fmiapw Tto Mottor'i Piiead.
ct»ie-« Ii
lar. Hlilafla
vlib looiher Kann* congressman
Wbr tba aacetillr of tba followiBp
Ma to mala tba old eolon.
who nid that he could live a* cbcaplfu
adrartiw-Baal In b BalUa Creek pa
Tba ataeollra eoUBlIlaa of tba parT ‘-Will Iba Udr who took bf mlf Adair If * atrlet rrpelnriaa BB<
In WjBblnptoD a« layubere else. -'1<
ros|| Iba man with B family easily
ika '.VO vhlla allk ra«. tron Blood D01 laMfd ■ ptflkla of animal
twice as mucb lo Uta In Washlngtoo
Co.-» Mora klodir retarn lham. a* for r.var ivo rear*. He doe* ool
‘^bTbBa BoviB TO raalactad
ar IdrnittT I* konvn."
■linv blmaelf *oup. B*fa or butter. 1* b KaBtai.- declare* Mr. 8c«i. Aad
edilor of tte oMdal papu. It to
ihuiiKb Biui; of bis out) refnae to pn then ba adds as bb Bflarthaapbl r ~Ai
Tte once Ubou nibaoe boo
'Tba Bautei aaaaala la tte hafbar. Totad Cbu patioai neottlK old* aca
Ulaad. ha* bean cloaad.
w far. YUUBC Adair bt* a floe pbr* least (bi* deponent coold affiv-I l-i
wttb tteir frau paaA aU«l tba lead or diaabintr teardiu oboold ba eoao-; oaa of Ibe oUaU hotel*
tnvseni a Chromn to aomeoae who
taau ta npaiBac tba attaek.polM to par
Wioaion Cbartblire raceat breakan pan ot«ba lUte.
■-B Id a >peeeb la parUanani recall*
opaa caeliBMaalr for fortr rean br
Ibe BDplIsb prra* a almllar dapee
CouDies* Hirgoerlie ra**lnl. daughmemory on Ibe pan of a mat *
-r of the Russian nmlxsudor. ba*
named Shell Is tba bou*a ot aoaai
■Bl to the Rufslan Red Croai bead,
~T*o lafaraal BateM* vara fonad
xoeiDp a cnrefullr
quarter* la Bt. Petersburg 818,100.
aa tte Blpbl <d Imt 1. eoaeul
■ llh Ibl- vor.l "li.
precllrnlly ill cd to
toteooa baaaa. la tte Taarakora
ly- when hi* memor} i
beard of *lana. The pollee del
RiissIlB R
Red Cross
fair held lo Wub.
^toe. vbua tte Baaalaa aapai
hat baeo lent ool 1b tearcb a
I- repealed 'nece»*lt>-'
aav Tuldipp. Oat of tte Bachlne* Bover. AoT^bor***"”'
lapa fatbani.
id than Sir Robert Reel inlacblarou*realized at any
TO la tte 4Wap rean. ite other hi
Oraai laaBee kraper.
*<ldad: “I* nut alva.r* the molbar similar event hcM In Washington for
BarmI Hunn eonalr aoea
tte btehaee ebaabu. Tte Biabaaram. Port Hnroa.
venrs. The moocv will lx u
plaead tbatr oaax* oa llqao
id InsaallOD."
Orui ateleal enaalaar. babelu (veariap ibai tter vara vort
m M aac* TO varfclte vten dlnHatihev Stanley Qua;
.ily for the Russian wounded
ooaatad. Tte atriciaal B*ereor 1* abolden. Detroll,
VO* enoiiph lo pr^ ihe held -vf htelle. bul for ihc Japan
Wbra Iba n
p'snr.ed In make a trip to N'--w York
umd. aad tbia Btatanaat. aRboogb
Omi ab«p»*iw, Baan M. Hall. BairolU al
a llqiMV In I
As *-»n *• ihl* vs* an
tie Creak.
tfM la aaarr deull I* Bare t
kicked and nk
-■aver, hi* home JUniel Ap
nu:ipce.l n niimlxr of *.-oai->r> hisi
SerpeaaL Man- Cook. Dnvaplaa.
ool) VC h tSflO. All of the nSaadcTT
m-f )u»ilre of Peanrylvaaia. wa»
r.i>-<l i» Ihc while bouse an-l proicsi
UKlrau at arm*. Carrladlben.
bar.- Ixn
tndinrd far ilalotorr ixr ctileAy lixinimeDial la taarlnc tbe
el against sixh nctlue.
The puns
mliiv sbe married 1‘crl Ic* and was
ISilnt radel.s I* Ibis noer -Ckdcl*
lace midi- a -diy- tnvo aad before
«cr- changed and alihongh Iwth weot
'III * bfllllani Agufc t leniy year*
Beatlaet. Oar^ B. Toaar. Cm
peace Inrlnp Banllir Ceatia
It death be made iha vcnitnr prvnII. Sen Volk Ihey weal or -r dlffereai
r« r
Anne cif Austria
rla wa*
38 when
extended, and under no
I cn- qnarrellBP ot.t lha *lae In keep oal **1000*. Mr. Qiitr clmmi^iance* will they he sllow-ul (n relU-Md* Ibai Ibe danger
-n.iunre-d Ibe ma*i buDtlful uumaB
............Ja Prtea
tbal oae of ttea pocieiio*
lulRhl be mlalmlzcd.
k-d pood liquor, bul be kepi ‘
l^inme. raibcrlne of Ru*ala a*
ben.I Ihe right
tboapM aa bdraan af tte iapaaaaa
llBplon daCrai
vbM lereaadr* alphilr vhuni. Nov that be I* dead tbrae
Ihc receni doaih of Ju*e Vlnrcni
idcd Ihc ihroBc at S3 aad reipned
aader Oaaant Kankl bu Bade li laail hlnaalal Baallap of lha preat
- nvai a doc vhlcb hovit
re tired of drup More vM«kV
gurcrnor/ii Ihe stale of K.-k i-,l«> A»c yur*. Ume Reutmer was
panMe br Oaaafal Karapukla to _____
Tte pnal bire vlll bold lit
oa. the one famllr OBae
lake an effort lo hare the local
reimbllc lost one nf Its ablest -*- her genftb at 40.
preued eoNbvud aad bteea tte par am BnaUap la Drlroli.
ihat their ronnx faopeCtl 1* kept avaka
a distingulsbrsi im law repealed.
a rurtos
M metba
fina M Bart Artbu Bto dphi vhbt- dap. vfaila the other Moollr a>Secretary Sbav lold Ibla Mary
failure •
un.l on a lemlracaIbai lha eaolor ii prevlap tbln
her dar a*-to the propricr ol
dd lx moved monIn
. ibe lot* of sleep br tba roaal af- teading elemency lo vlolaio
llberty. eron to the czienl of drawing
_______ had It
Bauie Creak. MIeh. Jane ll.—Tba fom of Iba babr.
turaUhD cvldaBce
partner at llx dance a little
>|xech of lapnrtanee br wrote a aon
veof)'4Uib aBBoal aacaatpaeat of
A Can rouBir ebureb araod ba*
Itf e*sa> on Ihc subjeet and lure ii up
elcxer. If ihc ba* nn obj.-eiloa*. and
tba MIcbtaaB Graad Armr of the Re- Breed a livrar out of tbi
WrelcT bl
r. Shtw'f t
o Noire ; He th.-n wroic le other and Irutad II
beading ip the »rm In ihc shotil-b-r
piBllr Vin he bald IB fbi* dtr naat -ause ba daBced a ooadr
Calarada BMb Btlll On.
and Queries
flly a
vaek, baplBBlai
lap ToMdar
Taradar aad Uitlap
The Rattle Creek dctealloa baaplial had coBBHiad >
CtlemiB.i. It was originally the prop
Cripple OaMk Oai. Jaaa «.-<
aay be coasMered that be bad
, three dar*. Thif eBCaBpmenl will
llBe In
pllaa. TT
a reUilve. Ihe daughter of a ................. ■y
.. ubatuted
oral BaB-a mtaU axpedithB. Bad.
eabatuled bis
bl* own limits
Ml te a* Urpr a* tbit of Ibe Haeeanbis
would thruxh lha uholc cla*s
of iBtoliT aad depatlaa. Barehed to beu tbit veak. but vill beljun u latil karleg
C did nut tall him who bid of 1 group s
OnioU Mle rutariar afUraooa to ar- InrmtiBi la Hi vav
Jhdpa Tai
rapla vlll dallaer tbe ai
the offc-UBc. All were sllaal war IB <bc ei
before thee aimaal laaatiBP
ot tba Plo- and ba epan vUb the Aci boy and
the p.-ople of Jaixn. Hr cited Ihe ,|..ns a* lo tbe foraardlng of Iciiere,
Taeadar atieraoDa vlll te
rw aanc airtken. When tbrea bHu
-IHy ot SI. Joaepb eoaair at brnsbad erreyoDa la iba cla*« ualll Interesting lact that Ihere Is on such n-mnu-uts <« a certain M-rmnn and
coauaKiea maettaun, ibe kr< .
boa tte acaaa aoBaaaa opaaed Are
Stnrpla. Satardar. Jana 18.
Anally he reached Iba last ooc. Tbee thing a* a eoari-marllal In tbe Jnpa ...oeludre (bus: -Vou have done writ
aa Ite dBaebBaat,
Tte aoUhn
aOkBpBre’ utie*Andludum'” A* . Tba *cbooI burn cd Carlatoo ha* rc^ he said: -.Now, If you alll lell me nesearmy. If an oBect or a wildler b- i,, „,,„rtng Ihe meetings at S In tte
I Chaffer.
MalBad tte abata vara troa WlacteaIpal-ly KtUlty <rf coaardlcc. of crime mo-niog
la BnWIap. Oorarnor BIIh will de- esptpad Priaclpal H D. McDoupB'- vbo did Ihli I von-t lbru*h you." ''All
a l.rearli of discipline hi........... —’
ho for Iba past two rann ha* bean right. »lr, I did il,- vat the reply.
'ar the drat addrenr, ibariop the
lera Map aBabilaa povdu.
am sour affcetinnati ent'r adopted O
a polk-r which permlu
: tba brad of the blpb irbool there
Tte dipaUB tad aKdIan deplored . son vHb Oaa. R M OoBeld. Col.
d brother. J Wulcy.ont of luleney In Ibe
The German eron-n priare'* ridlag off
re. That 1* etkoagh, bovcvi-r. a*
noyd WIHlBB* ot alotoB reeutly
:h be Is noi to open his aea. I ca-.- of army officer* who are acgnirel
la apaa (ormtiea auvaad tte In HiBTT 8. Dua mad Cooprenmaa
e with RliUDaiater Vob llolidag
c'llprii IniirlaHy mmmiis *ul
raupbt bix kp la a vaxbar al tbe voolWaahlaplu Oardaar.
Vladimir De rarbmao. •of w,
aad tte detail ebupad m tte amac.
That «o'ildr-| do for Amcri-i.^,, f,mou* Rninil
1 bad II palled berdm tten
Tte unBd euap Are. on Wodautala Bdt. TUa pal aa and to tba atIS. - remarked one ..f the company rj,.,, |, New Toek
raaalap for a pollllcal of
lh*t wbcB Ibe
dar craalap. will bare aa aU-nu pre• thal of di
marked Iba Am occailoo on which a
■* are too rivllized for Ihat.
taM Oaa aaa TO aoM to plaipa pran la vUeb Beeauv Alpar. farmer tre.
over a^ mlsul and M reananhepdati
tatloB Iff e
Hofaanxollare no aanr tb<
inldn'i Captain Otxrlin Cart.-r ltle;,h|, „
Bar. Klarod T Jeaklai of Masyn
cxuiKe cletnepcy Is
oat (roB bablad a aonb oak aad later -McraUrr of w; Banator Bamiv*. of
allova<l to aalcr lot
if his punishment ha-i l-s--n merelv I
. otor Andlng* nf Ihe ronn there
s; Conanedar U CfaM Joba aad Judge O. W. CooHdpe of Nila* peillioB vlib asy o( fab
He «lll not b<-plB bl* concerl no niieoiluc paid to other
Id ChMpo. vlU be tutored. vUJ uddret* Iba Can touaty
laM*. Al Bonn nalibcr the praieat
uulil OeioU-r. but raihcr iban ilvos
He Is taellnod to accept (be
~ ' ParlrMpa, Chief of at tbeir a
U--I1 .r-l.ilgcd In '
AdlL G
prince nor the fnlher Ixfore
At auMi. ateat ivo tfu avar. S.aff C.
itnill then lo make the voyage tcfJici .d Ibe BlMlary court as Au'
atbatBfroa Juae IS.
1* allowed to (tasd u|i inlnst lx(*a-ise Reerctar. Ha. -o cloe--Tt a* i ’
•he aulkara vara rooadad ap aad
Tuaeola County Adretllur.
*. Pachman will upend the sub in-l a. Ixlap uilticd. wbeoever pos
rf the Oraad
aayfellov *tudent al itl - menturen,"
hiMBbl to the Cripple Cradt ballpaa. Araj uill alio up.
vbkh UuidtoteaaeedtobaU
in the c-aisklll mouBtalBs. Alter sibv. to the approval id tbe rerom
up papan Is (be atate, bai beu
PUtr-aacrea aultera are ta thli balloii-n.latlrin of the relieving autborliR
Tba priaclpal baxlixBt aeul . Vlll
by rred SlocnB, vbo baa nn It attend a* spaeiiior*. The ctniwnu
PM h li tba Boer of the atook exjl here lintil June to retur
rode «ueb • rar.- ** hi* ...n h»‘
held WadBiaday iaaralBp.a' VbM ^ Ivaaty yean. A. D. OallerT of
tw done, and fur the -imi-i.- r-UMm
Eaton Rapldi balnp tba nav ovuar.
M tte tetaar vtth riot pro la tbeir
"re in
a. K. Van Raalla. daTbe ecbool burd at Three Blren
haadn At TWar abaat aw bob i
lader, vlll mprad.
a* called a apccU meetlap of lha
M (ba balton aad a«aad* of miMR
-a.itlful a* she prows
rasloo* via be held Uxpayan to art on tbe preinaltlao to
aad tipiUB wa baMplap la bi
the danger* of t
She sbo'ilil
il laI-- more IIxauilfat
1> IIM^faSrmuUfes tram ■&> a*le*a
Iba dintrict for tSJNH) for tba dri. Grover ClcvcUnd ar<- prepared
atoer ban. Tvlu la Ivo dart ear- ‘
n itar pracilre tor a [*' 4' than she Is at l€ If she
HI of a aev blpb aebaol balldlaf > bury tbemBrtvr* in ihc- *eclo«l<* of
MMa U tteM BU vara aMl lo Daa- ,
- McKlalcy and ilo-l.irti n to th<- ravages of disease. I
farsvay bome*«md. aod they have
c *lta pardBud aboot a yur
jol ll - wor'-i lam-uit N-aurie* real
c .-r.lnc logcthof
uaad a comrortaMc Urmhouee neer
'Manball arldmir vaati to sake Soadvlch. S. H.. for ihc «nmmcr. Thi*
blitoric place. Ixinp oae of
iDod iboviag u poulbla srltb bu
rival, AIbkn, u (be lecal papeu the oldut Iarmhou*ci la the coosln
aau la rrolap the distrlei. lu aeae
urplag people vbo latead to In­ and balnp one of the be«i prew-rved.
ten laatada tte beat teaple of tbe
la yacaUcat lo plre tbeir naau tl formerly beioapad lu Slim* Prye. n
Muter. A.D. srsc?.
kMfc kaateiB. BBCkhaU. Mvy
—MX* rera«f Iteaedays.
lo tba ceaso* tahau before kariap veallbr fanaer. vbo pul In It furelOsMd Js— ird. A D ilH
tare ef sabocanr and pbia of pewter.
A-«l( A. lARAbOto.
dM*m pruvalHop In
A Bailie Creek preator bu baaed It b aald to Clevelandi may buy the
na bacBMM A
ly Bad uix It for a summer
varalap to ptople vbo attaad SaO'
a Ora. I(*% *u
The PVye farm Is eleven mile*
ly buehaJ mbu. Baytnp that they
Va« Osrfppe--, the nenresi rellrenerTiap Buti la beU. but bb
lo have had little ef- vay itaiioa. which show* ibni the for­
pMumeni*. hrert
vbo bare rerarrad mer prenldaet and bl* wife wish to
V .... u./ ...
— MS jmg
I M^iha
cut themselves off from the world In
Id itaad.
T.‘*Tjlz‘‘iTr?Syji?^--'^- ■
The deBlh of lliile Ruth
s dtben vbo b ea- paserel
af kidney dbOK.
tsBte Tte trouaa aad the Citlaaat
ABBau coaUaae the reUi aad
iHiuiii are kroapktMae total Iba
. kidney-peuoned
blend vIllMlnek the
Utefu are dapoftad. Oeai
1 mmt sari -d Ite rralm.
srilol ocr*B*erlhe
abaat MM bu vffl te
..................I te • Mre tba BanMt Mv dou
AMMp aader tbe ordirt of AdJL
Om. Bbinaai Bell cP the SUU NaUaaal Oiatd. a nadal tnM TO todc ateS^'^tekea fey * proM touiirant al
m M vonM. Th* MOV Ml oa
Ite >umiH a MM buM
MMn mat If* MaVko vata

no’ ban aeMM DatniM tar the

c'a paptac Mb hu u laM
aad II to hoped ttet



Aadli H tuntea TOtU. tkM mUjUS-

. .kiu>

• am4 Mdibffvr 8to toaltfc v





t B«sn ths Signstut

Tbe Kind Yon Ha?a Always BouAbt
In Um For Over 30 Years

sluura H becAo givra. ikaJ by mm sedae «f

: J-csKraro*'

xXcuuty.MasI Ite (YkteSs UMra Mite

^,f.5r;sr:r'ikS.25£fAva '


•to O. A. ft. MeeUnp.



to u


Btcaus* iM batn Hm g««ds that
y«u art iMHna ter. Ole haw
lust whal you want t . t t t

■p MmUt aftw MU yautaidar
Shut tto pardi at VMier tar I
■uttUu of umiMix aalu a
kedduTOad^l Ike trail kidney, hrar and
Tte traM to nupoul of a an
lieememlueUllty ta held urine and ictld.
(tokiwuiauaadtvodayu ..
cp p*ln la pudnp b. and crarcocnei thti
Tte BU vire Bareted te tte traU
■plMjaal aacudty at belap compelled lo
tetauM burr Bau of BllUare aad teedn duflnp the d*y. *nd Ufat up many
lipMlia A cravd of h
Omu dar1i« the idphl. Tte mid and Ibe
axtmardlraiyallecl el Svamp Reel b eoen
iMait aa heard. Aiaoap to apaaia- rtaHud. hMand* the Mpkasi fort
Ml vm viTu aad atuteau. ta'' ' ciauw Ibe me« dlimslin
•ad Boiten af to dMomd BU .
touMSM vav ywj aSwtia*. Hetb«TC.
an. MMt
MMan aad avaatoarti ertad

k ite^uauranSuM su kt

HnU. s s.swfif reiBSte «sd isriMlaHii

QTATk or ■KyWAb-^ Peatel i tlitel

sf S'-HSF.jtsHs
Bus Jto a. iasiMfsr. JBdm- U


Ole art tbe Ccading Shot Stor*^^

Tbe Cause of Many
Sudden Deaths.

. o

riTdsy'iZjBiwiMTrM uMJCu'L &

MY Bums

Selling Farms, and my opportunities for
making quick and satisfactory sales are
unequalled.' Property listed and full in­
formation furnished by my representa­
Wilhelm Block, Traverse City. Mich..
by addr^ing.

latetetmatem^ flfcZ

rirS~’^Sir-L jto!

ta,VKLSs^: •
— —-. ...uAd TzasMs*!* b^^m

South Side Shoe Store

T D. niebelSs Frtptittor.

As You like It



Hard cr»oitc«>kl,ct>iteor«ood.
TIk ffrcAt Rouad Oak Furnace


bum* tltein all with ecoooatr
and tMeeea.

It it air tipfal and

bold* tE>t lire, producine a xtudr
uuifom heat irexo a real deal

«■«>«■ t i«e «m



(ext iuel thao B

SAMUEL S,Cadillac
, mi

to a Mrte toru at atoatu a>d
■ M Ite tpacMi tnM at t:l*
M^toU to to^pi^a. No ai-

TOtTteM^MSrirato'tM i

Smub Ml* to* anr to Bbm
«kHtoM, kiBMii af paataata
•■MM lakiBp (bam la PtebM or
uar m* MaeMp tom ton.
fte tuM atopMI Mh auoagb at
OaMMia SteMpi ta pir* to aalton
ttoa M au. tte daparud bm bad
tMMto M buM aad baate « bated.



Euraato. -naer

Round Oak
Furnace «

r-. —------------

test Wll) kun

^*i*TriTaV£u>uU *^*

is the faeM bad fflcM caeeUlr nude tuRtoe in tike
Wtetd. U Tos waat a poMctir heated Iroie—
vriu to—or aee the Rowkd Oak a(cst—we wiD
make the bcMaw pins bee.
Our furnace £ook “Warmth aad Comtoat’'


cwmwum ■* mkn.

■■to atek. Kieku, jvaa a.—Tte
■■(iri took ap to aatin
Mtoi tf to ctot UM af to Mnau-


Trararra OSy fiM a. a* lar ~y a. A aw to.'

r fee WOMEN.


•■■■to: I_____ ________



Keep H in yottrhotm.
Keep It In year office.
K^ tt at yoir car baniik

Mexican Mustang Lkininnent


Md wkh miew Beat to i
w«h the kata bad aat y
a c( tbe wbB aa*«. The .

« will aOaMly ha

IE GHffiR.


a Bcaitr eoaerad with a



VM— t— B—«n,T., “My

pern ot mmt mit «r U* renfl

mm at mtapf tfc— *••*-*•
,r« ttmm B* *IU b«t feMP ,__
t O- o« •P' Bl. «-H ** «I •*»

Bayti -yroai what aty W.
^ it^ry Mle aa^

le part H tke day. Tea

Hr to tk»
mil ■■■• « '
geM ta Ike Kl «( tke ipirl
tallevlBS •• MT *■'> t a
fort la traeOM tkat omr o

aaed lo k (bat rei win aet aotte Ha,
motiT tmtH bai an ^ whBe yoa are
toMHos root tntm of Ike aecT a
ot Ufa—awtahlae. Here lato

- tP( toov H« *am tct mm
«e tMk iW
Btn aM TfcM-

baaltby. wttb ao ti

d walcblac tkeagh tbe Blaly pace
a. O dmry Baia'

■ torn* artlTe far a dlaaa^ party

T- M-M U* «P«« «■«“*«


,' nai thv <«>•*»
.pratoM aai Wt.
- n, Bft too tUn lor war.
nt «ata 6a«alr.
H« »(H aot (aka
;; Tfct a|p»rtii wkh* Ha fara. aM te
^tka iSorUW ao aaa
‘ 1*aj tfcff ara
M aa4 m-

,au aad aahaalt (hrire la tbe
ilaa; witkoat U Ibay tSMaa aad
wCtiTtt. With a kaadfal et
die. Tbe MtU wke Brat la toM
-.11. «ad tadn. are (ka leastr
- (ool Meat. Bat
Beat or edlar it pale and paay:
fcoaae»tfe aaeda (oala; la aaa a traJf tbe oae who playa la ibc taathlae aad

I da ballwa
TharaHl raaalaa
' - Ba-»oa aad M-aa* ka ao ^




Aad ao 1 grub yoo'd Ml lae why.
tokoo krtan eeterlaa tbe taaa<
Jatt lo picaae me. yoa cooMat try
Tbe eopt la which Ike tea
.erred are rerr «1I aad of the daeat To let tbe brlcbi Ba ablae all Ibe day
poreetota. ■n.ey hare «. haadlta. bal Aad to the algbl wbee be't away,

gated 00 awt^ uayv *klM take
Aad all tbe warU It dark aad alfll.
(ke tona of a leaf. The taa It brewed
toMalaa ptoaaa. abe aaedi la -lx- a faaab air It ttnWK aad mddy,
Aad l-ax atlaep fbea. K yoa wni.
jMt aaaoblae. Fret to ertrybody. dlreelly to (be IltOe eapt. aad aerred
B»ar ot bar kdaafiBfa la iba
dowo aad sake aiy dower
and yet II It tSo aiaat^petek b«ler. wltbowt eocar or ercaat.
Detten. to dear to
the aoti radleal «ere deaimyer. (he
Diw Raia. aad I win lore yoa «
diaease.—Hed■a (D barraif. « tbe bat (ka
fonaal dloater. riee farM tbe laal
Prlday. daaa 10. t*M.

trow B<
i jMbaalaiaihlakbkaat lbal

: ttmt (bar haaa kan-n » BaI. Baaaaa'i paUmra akev.
r liy laai. aw o»a. bad 1

Aad ifln today we are prtetiag Ue

ettoaetie to terre tbe tittle t
,wbM> coBe before diner with Ue


a aaa nc toolt if (hey

MBi. aad the dar
■ -Wbaa tt«T ahaH ta« at an ak«a tba

Wrlfat from Ji

Wrltot from OBoha, Sab.: “Pvraai
caUfriy leUered M of a very irrimUnx
eongb."—I. M.---------- -

to the Jaac taathtor. Bat they are
Three TbtoM
ettm. erery oae. aad we would
Three (htotit to lore: (kwraBe. m
iln one of the* for aayUtoE
CrcaB PuSe—Pat to a naeci
tleoeia.' aBecltoa. Three thlapt
attaU tkaa dwtalty with tbe aeedM. half copfel of bolter, aad add one cop- admire: Intrtlecc dignity and gn
were delayed to their eomiag
Kirrt (rOB Ktot Paalai' tcbool.
tbe praeOee bam at *• •Manr fal of boinoc water. Wbea the
fnlnnt Thrra Ihingt lo hate: Craelwritten April fa. dM aot reach Tror.
oarly ue aad earriad oa aa aatMaowa- to BfUed. aad tbe water ctlll bo(. add

head. Payette, Aik

OM eapfol ot taw. abd etlr watD the Ufar< to dHlghi to: Baaoty. (raak prae City (01 Mar UU. But Oat U
t da keuara M )aat (be nmi> dmr
Tbe baagaer It probabb (be al»- Btotcrr halU. fUaore fraei the dre.
aad freedoa. Throe (blag* to BBCb a nice achool over Letoad way.
pM aad -oat Uaportaat tool of tba. abd add four ecpi wbea atMewhal
CordtoUty. good hamor aad and Mil* Pauloi to ueb a good Mead
dorttaL it araUlag la (ka |pla»
-le emalBly ODoC beattoc Iben In octo at a tlBe. ebeerfotoeu. Three thtogi toaroid:
our SaatUaen that leden from
____ a « than Mtt. If -U- ;i
Ban wtlboBl Drop tbe Btotore oe battered
- achool are wehome If they eome
Idleoera. toqnaeltr aad dippaat farim aeatad verlhr la (bat br aad br. Binag Jaat oeeatlao for a«y of tbe ncBc di«taaee apoH. broth with tbe tog. 7bree (hlag* to cntilraM: Good early or late.
14b bdlata ikai Ood ariu alta a awM Umekoaorad fakta uttdtted wkh white « en. and hake ^ thirty look*, good frieadi and good bem. '
Aoat Patty it woaderfally plnurd
(kai opertiloa TI
To laaratalaad aaddtMd dpea.
tbe aaw. It U a
Akd that Hit bearaa win bp
be able to «w «■ a >>Mrd the laa(lb
Baat Had. Boai (idad tkroafh with
« aad pot K aeorHy to Ua
)B9 lor pea aad at.
dwtlaed plaee. Tba plaae. too. It ate, At wa bare aiCaral aaA. Ok
fat to aaktol aU
to abelrat aad eapboardi. b
BpMt far tBbk. aanrwiat thade far

to M

win (all, bot If relorwed baatodlately
the eree they
kea eidd. «U

wbimd ereoB or wlib a eeeaa dU-

Maaee la her abUty derelpiaoa repalret eoatMerable

Aad piaeed ibM Me by a

will ba all rIchL
wlih eweeteacd

we than waka.
I BB «Hte tare, we wUI be rary flbd
Thai for a mtle while wa ware aa Md.
-OtoiM niaHe.

Uedowa aad Bleep.
Uare K with Ood to ki
Tbto aocTww which to P
Haw of thy baart

Qaeee Prit
giren abore. Dipt .

tmllc and whtoper at the Beall
aamn of Hlu RooeereU and Nicb,

BUn. deep, hot tot. and with naoUer tpooa olaa Lemgwortb at ClBctoaaU. Hit dorollon to the prettdrart danghler
why Bot bay
Ue mixture oe Ue
uadlMnlted. aad It I. bellered a amt
It win rarely take ao Bore praetke gnared ipooo. and lower ihto lato the
wDold br approred by her family. 1
tot. Vhea weU paSed and browoed.
Umpaortfa to one of tbe haadtomett
drain, dll wKh ataraalade or niewed
meo ^tblagtaa hat teen aad bto far,
ftwll. and rarrooad wlU
Ue mUtiOD mark. Tbe
BBanhlp ot Bodan -baipniaa-’ to tbe
-Lower Ue nme kind of
ante ot na ntorslag aBooat of col- baiter br tpoaafato tow hot toop ten
what Ue UriBctUBt aad Vaa Reel,
topttog ot
(ran Ue bahyb toy aloniet before lemag. nad cook
New Tortt; .NieboUt'
Ue partor roeker. Tbe llUle i
artoE elotely. A beef aoop It (nrUer
(albrv. Judge Nlebolat Loagworth.
tog andklM aerew-drirar iboold
iaprored by hartog « few green peat
a (BBOui beau to tbe ilxtlei.e H luirlcaatle pdM to IL—Pbrn aad FlrreUe
Torb Pnaa.

R atUI -tit then to taka.
Dttar aa wild eeaplalat;
Week paHa tblae haadt.
U thee thoald-tt fatot.

bold Hght plecaa of bcayd w Ue work
take, wni an etaae to play at Tortoot
laaa. Qat-pnera are tott
refneucy aato and bHti aaB
(or all alactlar parpcM. AaAikaant
gOwtaae aboM be prorlded to keep
tba catting edfM abarp. Aad owe hat

IWIIIto Brewer. Iliyamllk. Ala.

Moaioe Ceater. April IT. 1P04.
Dear Bdltor—I wUI write aad tell
Anal Patiy that Ue fint Oowen we
aaw ihl* yrar wai oa Uj flnt day of

tuale.*w^ahB II. Hear.

We dux tome roou op and

tet them out to tbe flower box 1a tbe
boote. My tltley nod I Joined Ue Bue-


\ asfe rstarrh naMdy.”—i

ihtoe club a kax time axo. Oar last
rr-t name wat Mist Ollie Bird-

City. April U. IflOI.


I thtok very Bach ri U.

1 time to maklot her Uilfat caa

to rarlaos

aagea. Jnlea of aU. pe« of (wo.
aathlatn of life eotata to a aa
r oeee lo mr astoaUhJarrlag atop, Opa who bat watoi
peeadt lagar. oae Itaaea. two po
a MfiMfad aad aamtoa Paal aad CM (be rkMarb
egg taste slrosBly id on(Bto haU-fach pieeet. Prepai
We had 1 breakfast tabto dtoly «MMaa and It BOt lata the
at by agaeadag-oat Jake aad
enuloa at to wbeUer It had beaa laid
Key ot life eosee (be myaiefy of i
aad we tad all at oaee Ual what we dtr. Drain aad loape eat wUb
ukB-eattog bea. or—well. aU

syed so lartcly

SuDsbIoe gIrL
Gladys A. H

three stolent and ooe brntber.

a Mate to Ufa. aa mat. bot ai
fag. The ffartoUan'i lalU oaha
pare to biB. bat to Ueaa who
laibar by right (baa faUh. Ii


a ponad

of angar

(or eaU

poaad ot bait U( Ml aad aagar a sbetf where keroaeae had l|yee MIL
tin tyrnp If fatfaed. May staad If yoo tbouM study Ue tbell of aa egg
alxfct If
Urooch a aUenacope aad discover
aad) two poeads of Irnli allei
bow poraus II to. you would
faatad peel of oae traage aaf
traage that egg* are not
>. Oaok aalll U wiU (bkfcee
cooM to a taaear. Pat ap to Jelly kecplag.

Dice sheep apfacr.

have raohlngt of ribbont or plaked
uSetai. hau are irlBBed wlU plaked

go. 1 BB (rn yean old. Well, I
my fatter to long enough. I wfD close

Well To Kan*.


Yonr (rirad.

Dear Mn. Bates—I (bought I would
write to yon. 1 bare a Oat. Her nan
Maady Poisr
hare learned:

• to drawtoe to Om tgsiw Cl

A PraHy Covar.

Oar boose plants look very


fa apfli


gd ay Meter Plorenre taw roMaa ad i. '

II was sHIlag on d^

large stUBp lo nor Arid aad atagfag.*;
CU of April. Today ose iff ay (rltddt


I will sead two or Uree to yod.


WUlfaiatbarg. Hleh, Mag *. Ufl|.
Drar Mrs. ftotet—Papa aad ataoiBP
lake the Herald*aad 1 have bMd adafl-


rr the letters. I Uougbl I mooM
JMe the Saasblae etob. ad atdd
me a ran] aad baltoe. I hare a heatbI to Bide yaart old that,
Joto alaa. so arad blm a.
eard aad batlaa. Tbaa I falfB a heotfa.
Well, my fatur


IV aehaol wtu V



b BwMd wVa fas is mokafl t


Elk RapMt. Hleb. April fa. Ifldt.
Dear Hn. Bates-At I hare aavm
thmM like to be a Soathlow. I Vrw
w and oae braUer.
of AagatL

My fatUr

There are tea hoyi (hat

go to my aeboM.

I Uke to ptor haB

Huedreds of dew dre


dar. Ihm a sow. lit Me to I
Wbra (ba aeboai 1s am t bare i


say waaU

Voor .don.bloer,

alee Uto sprtag. Tbe roads were so
bad wv coold dm go to Buaday school


Saw I alBilr ri


wrlUcB to yoa 1 Uoagbt that I vasll^

tbamrock. geraalnm leavet and May,

We have two ames to go. At
Letoad. Hick.. April fa, IPM.
llDDdrnds of
my letter to getting kmg. I will
Dear Mrs. Bttct—I am gatac I
bcfweea meals, aad eat green vege- fur (hit Ume.
write yua t lew Itoet today. I Ilk
taUet. tacb as
leltoee. lomatoet.
Your Saasblae giri.
your llereid. It to a alee day today.
asparagos. cresses,
Oar tcbool to ool umorrew. I would
fruUt. rarh as oraaget. grapea. reaslUke In Join >our Snasbiae riotr, Please
Lelaod. April ». It04.
ed apples: eat very little starchy flood:
lead me a card asd buiioo.
Orar Mrs. Baiet—t tbooght I wt»ld
use toast or xwitiack to plaee of bread.
Toar friend.
Pollow Ihto diet (or a week or two aad write aad tee bow yoo are grttiag
Rale Lee.
Uver wUI be all right.
akwg. I am la tcbool now. There

I bava fast nea oae of Iba pratriM
baran aoven aad Ue bari Ulax
Uai It
«ad prariVal,
it nneUy faud Ue

This to a pfaee

Hundreds of Stan lo tbe pretty sky.
Ireds of shetto oa tbe tkore

aad develops
Tbe btal d
It aad Inagi. pnrUm lha blood
fonad It dIfaeaR to keep my mtle
'Lafand. Aprs fa, IPM.
farilvc xevB kmor. It fari limply par*. Hri * wide aaah ribboa trot
Otar Mn. Batm-At I have oaly
uBadaUented auBihfaa. teelerlacaa rreaeet aad foldt aatO t pro
IB* Md wtu Ibe Ughw pen
written 10 yoa taee. t Uoagbt t w
wboae realm be It ca tbe way
aot niaad Ue direet layi <d tbe raa.
of Ue iBtteboard rolto ftw ribof
tom. tbai higbtat uaal al Ufa btn. ttMIIilbeBlaafnrfa.n.
hong generally Ui
- to Mitt Cora Paaloa: { have
Jar wkb
WlU ptenly of aaU ra eaek layer.
Baat out your abecU aad Uaafcett (totwa. All Ua rtbbou are
fa tbe fay of Ufa utre. To ba la Ua
sM ^ away far wtotor aaa. it three broUen. One's Me it Ltoyd
famulhady to aet aeeetaarny to ha dad riMMg when U* oua cm ablae
iparata tmtt aad keep their tnak.
aad Ue mbtr two are Bart aad HerI bare a pat rat a* iCt to
dtofadaet tbera U
a tobb ban beaa lUwalad

•Wdoga. fafa.
fal tta flgifatea riiWB

March <4. UM.

to geiifag prmtg fadg far Uw •?« dds.i

Lelaod. HIcb.. April fa. IPM.
Dear Mrs Bales—I tbooght I
write a few tlaes from you. I aa to
Ibe (onrU reader bow. I hare oUy
one brother.

His naae to Oyde.


braUer to to Ue seeoad reader. Oar
scbeol ortll t»oui soon. Onr teaeber's
DSBc to Hits Cora Panina 8be It
very good to os. I with to Joto Ua:
sblee club.

I bare only oae eaL tear

Dates, please trad tat A card

aod buiira.

I Ulak t wUl ctoaa tor


la the


KcmarkaMc Moncy-SarliK OyportimlO'I

Wbea It It considered ihsl our
xa v^ parileator attentioa of mssSeiaat sad
teacher* to this loL
Thea we have fa excrifant sqaana *
letoway. CUekertug. Kssbe. Toss.
Halses Bros, etc—all fqlly r.,______
fsetorr ffar whicb mxbtog atss ocenrred beeetcifure. oor miy such
sakadi. BOW offered at prirai
chance come agals to year*.
raagtog (ram »48 to AIM.
' I SBslI aqaaret. repaired aad la
We hare already dtopostd of eoaaldorder.; mnd far begiasert. adpr
erabfa ot tbe tarplaa stock. ' '
to make this the
Ue grentecl
to addltioa. every new . Pfaan la
r—we waat to dtoposa ot tom to oCerad darlag Ibdt Oafa al-a
huadred more Ptoaos fa
days. To do II we art
offer evra greatm horgatos thaa ever asd terms to easy U
martely aaycae need be wKhom
Ptora. A small aaoaat win aaad


atm tba Phyakal worU pm
«b«e ha to ta aaay «MBMh
wkh Ueee be tat Mt fa Ue

rbeaa who are to
II Bfald ate (hereby la the

test Jordan, R. P. D. No. t.
Dear Prestdrat—As I saw a pisowfa

le paper lo write aad tell yoa whad
e saw (be flrat bM add flowan. I< ^

era that ora married.

Letoad. April fa. IPOi.

Far tba Uwer.
Wbea Ue Urer geu tloggtob. drink
two or three qaarts of water eneh day

II has been

for Uto time, wiU love aod bast
es to yoa sad all the Bnathlaen

A bdl to Ue daik reralUd la
bleed, and Ue eatlre front of a dalaty
only ooe more day of tcbool. T
o and naehaW bm Ivaty aoap.
bfaek sad while allk
efalldree are all glad. Tbe thlagle
posed boras, eaatoarU plat amrataed. TheAraggiit lo who* I «pU by aay ehaaee Uere to a IKifa as- mm It raaalag «r«i» There see four
t. three ouaeea eoap hark. I
pcaled (ov brip told Be
boy. sad two girls to my
wo do nt
•OOP Bae. boa naUI fltoaolred fa
fairly atroog solatha.
delleioas omelet. Cal tbe stalks I
la the llille room bow. Next year I
_ jeoftbaieoo Ttowhkh
tad a halt guarta <f water. Add
me oaL faavlag Ue draaa freah and
will br la tbe big ream. I aa glad
(bey tara goee. Thar
borax, bad ten mfaaias. Steeg soap
orer them Ue csgt. welt benteo. Ira.
My Iwo biggest breUen are
lb* kBmfadte of OB bot wa
hark to gaart soft water far bait
salt aad pepper. bIx working la Ue ablegfa Bill Tbe MayBM aagaliod tbe knwfadg* of tbtdr boar aad strato; aM ammonia U
Anboufai I can Breelf a earefal lightly, tad pear lato (be omelet poa i flowers are coming bow
cold water; mix all togetber abd bousekeeptr. I have fouad It torila----------------------------jkag wlaler. waspt «T
baler u^ake ati galtoai
able to know wbat to do la ease
prised to see Ue people
Uteg Is baned or acorrhal I
Tbe flrat Ulag wbea yoa get ap to eoBmeaced to plow. Weald yen trad
kettle of prtiBUt. Jam. whale
se moretog take tc4 or Muta long. ae oae of Ue Sarahfae dob idaa.
tobe. b
ptoaso. Good-bye.
nbuaal worU lato
I dIU of cold water, tbe darar wia be deepbresUtofalr al aa <mm vrladaw.
Tbit to a good tcBfc to b(«to Ue day 'FMb your frlrad.

fag aatfaMiot. we bare M toot oar
WWW. They ate atm Urfag aad tortfa
ptiliBail.aadtbeealyioaB«weeaaael tori Ua «H ptraeaal t«aeb to (bat

For a pel I hare a IllUe bfadi
His nsme to PMo. ifapa

a liBg. cold wlBter Ihtl ni
ena hardly wall for the an


Treey MlBar.


t are Uttlc aad Lena. Boy aad

ihto teatoo



to gmtfag fa*

Dear Mrs. Bateau Uoagbt I woold Well. Insets I WDI Clowe for Ula timt. '
write (o ike Herald. Uxxle aad I eajoy seddlog my best wtobra to y«w and ell,
iuasbieers. Oood4p«.
Ue Utile fatten very ooch
I hare

plaked edge to meal effective, tad t
be boacht to ecallopa at
varioni alies. Potol d'etpril (rockt

fa elgbUt. Ura allee Ufa. laytog tma- keinven. There wat a

Please send me i raid aad batum.

over to oar place sad my afalw,
IBS aad I weal aad we faaad qaka d «

loarae Ceater. Hleh.. April IT. IflM.

bad UoQght to »i
bat a ttadow and a dieaaL [The wbofa
talbrto of life todet Uke a Btol wrtaU.
and an (hat wat to tIU) nd Importt at aoUlag. A terrlMe
tewabtoaeat dllf Ue ton)
a R
(tar. Tbare jto aoUtof
«iU haipleat

ame to erery llrlas raH at h
aaae to all Ue aoali wbe hare
KrfaU (hero bbM ba a txed bat baaefaMM law. br all law to baaeiecat.
Aad at oaa Badfat U aU or* U t
tare that what we adl faidh to oaly

Well. I Ulok

I will close By I eanaoi thiak
of anylhtog more Pram


rueblaxy aad all tbe mmarteat pelt],
sorlc of Ueorios wer
tetraet Ua lake ot Ue Icaoa
I have plaked mehtogt tet oe the
(Bioo flavor
Ue itntaarb lato a graalw preamtog
for It wat paaaed anmad tba
kettle, heal H alewly lo bolliBg. eeok
dfwea Blntaa. Uea aU (ba
Tbe torgett dweltlag boote Ue
oraage Jaloa aad pael. >aa»a Jalee aad
le. Later I fouad to Ue egg hatworld to Ibe FrelbaBi. to a nborb ot
half aa oakB wiU Ue raw *M<
ralilBi. aad cook alowly natll tUek.
Ttoaaa. ooeialam la all betweee
Thto to driiaoat troth aad a |
udlag Us stnBg Jalee. More (baa
IJOO nod lAOO rooms, dirlded toto
may be aealed (or (atare oae.
amtala aay Bore. Rat Itb goti
Ulotcd by IL
aad Bait be adlatoed to U* aew
AaoUer radpe: Waita rtnbaib aad
spoke upward ot 4M
The Immense boose, whereto a
dRfaaa. aad tftnr Ue aambbcai of Ua wipe dry. Take egagl paiu by weigbt about this, told me that she a
elly Uvrs. works, eels aod tleept-kat
Haw paaaei away, amid (ha d.U aeh- ot tkabarb aad peeM oraagrt. ~
Uirieen coarts—ire open aad eight
fag of pate aM ktoA tre take
iknharb toio laeb league. Cot or


April aad here are aome we fonad
the 141b.

Ufa gala to be n*T rctoBiwi
e to fasten them la plaee.
B have say fafl—If yoo haven't add
Mrf a Utog of loottoa. Boat
uilor or ordlaary ilxe a flre-tocb
IHtle toep Slock—and wbea It comet
The day* ooaae aad fo-we rtea to go ot Ue faaUly. who aeldoa retarat
roebiag to wide eneofai. and plaltlag
:W a boll Utokaa and add a capful of
aboM oar wayi of bottoara «ad 1
tool le lU appolated alMa. Ue woau
eSeetlre than shlrriax.
ttratoed tomstxMa. If dbe bat a few
eartoc. ^ eadax aad dftailag aa
> hanahold to uaxaally well
loft over (ram tbe dar before
«lg V Md down (be earth, baiy wlU
may be added also.
Tbe booeebold which hat eherU
oar T-‘— aBalti. aad It taeam. or
ra'ndmoUer's old plnklag Irae i
waaH aeam. R we ttopped to Ulak «d
a baU fast before gotog i
bring forth Ue treainre aad put
«. (hat H to alwayt gotog ip he aa H
good ate. For all Ue nMlagi
bn bata. Thea aU at oaea.tha whole
Poor poaadi of rkaharfa. (oai

bfaira aad ID (B BMla-

of Norm Caraffaa,

very best of (Male,
Jeffenoo. Trass.
WriMs -I have fakea Utee toxtln of
Wrifa.fl take pleasun la J-Ualag *1U
retnaaaad feri raMeflni Ual I an
slmost, U BO( pormabenUy, eoinl •( ca- Oeneral Wbraler. Congre^msa Rrewer
of tbe storaaeb.’'—W. P. Bxvwa- andcribersla
tow, Jonaboro. Tuan.

UUad. Hlctu April fa. 1W4.
Dear Hn. Bates—Aa I have fa
Dear Hra. Dales—I thoogbl I wonld
We liked her very mock aad are
written lo tbe Herald for a long lime.
sorry that she Isn't eomlnx back. Papa write to yoo. I have aever wriltea
We have eight Boalbt of I Uougbl I wonld thto time, (or I like
Ue HenM aad we Iril him that before.
acbool. I would like lo Join toot Sbb- (o read (he fatlers to (be HeraU. aod
I hope I win see Blue to too. I as
> club. Please seed me a
us girls. I will be very glad wbe
going to seboof every day. I hare
Pinkad RueMng Fer Hala.
goes off to tuy. We bad a lovely aad bolioa. I go to tcbool every day
la imlag Mti of Mtwrer beat t chop
The Kiri who to andrcldad ahoul ibe bouauet (or oar dlaaer table today of My leaeher't aame It Mtis CoM^ol- Jaat Biased Iwo days Uto year,
dae. add teatoolac. i bealce
ay teacher very mach. Hev asBe to
trlmmlag for her aew tailor bal
r<wm toto ballt and bah
Mtss Barion. I am to the gfU grade.
nfely tefact tbe bcovy. plaked raUcoll pan ntll browa. Befoie pnttiag
I hope I will pasa Uto year. I
These are eatily made al
to Ue nree I poor a little melted bat­
(welve ytara old (be 2nd of April and
tafleu allk or relvet ribboa. aad
ter over tbeeL Aliaoet aar cold meat
I gal Ms of pre»,
rne aroaad (be ernwa or aen
be iiaed thto way. An origtoal
rnis. I bare tbe rard yoo sent me sod
Tbe gtri who to wmiag to take a little

all that wflt be aeceaaarr
lamb toto Bilcei. put toto a aplder
Now. If (bate Ulagt
a slice of salt pork, eook natll
browa, then take soB>e lamb gravy if


m trtod."-W. T. BoUlvna.
Wrilet truB Fort Aj

achool. Ton will all bear from her
don. Two Ulagi to thiak of; Death pr^ly toon. Bhe hat been bsry efaaalag botue. abe toy* to tell yoa. aad beaad eteroHy —Heory raa Dyke.
Alice naaetyeira New ttm
Bot abe bai every
II if only Daural that frik tboeld

rodM pood rtaalia.

The oBirartos throadt bedweea. Vbn

calanrb."—B. J. Taraer.

«-rlle.rroinTamp*.yiandt; "IraBlador«r IVrnua te a Pret nl* bmic aad •
Verycarrtivo cur* for raUrrh."-K. M.

Uh a roH of' fatten to her own nelf.
from Monroe Kfanter. Mitt Horion't

dre ntonua. Thto recipe Bakea twelre Three tbtogi to cooteod tor; Bm
pair. If they are reaored froo the cooDirT aad friend*. Throe Ulagt
reaper, loegae aad «
OTta before they are fally baked they

WriM fraaa daBla Kaaa. OtLi M ■
your tWraaa uad caa i hitefally net
IU."—!. A. Barbam.


Vrllet: “I bava tokaa aac bottle of
PenBaaBdandllhaabraedUd me imaad which read Uke a ttrangr tiory meraely.'-H. Q. Worthlaglea.

«« duHu thU deal eoorte.
taC ureral dlSereai dlabet. r
radpo to (be IBC Hree bdow:

BBritoa,Xra.: “rucMbto

«-rMH from llolua. K>*.: 'I bare lakee
iwo tmtUn of Pnaa aad dad it to be
aa eanUeat remdy tM eoU aad Uroat WrMmtromTBrbe(n,I(.V.t 'Idadpeomgdyfawiba
have mod Ittemp
im: -Ivmlyawd Prvnn»l«i
• aad am tboraaxhiy taitogr.
mrHU."-R. R. Todrr. Uma. O.
fauer from Oanata. M. T- aayal
al^aa itidilbli «Mfa fer pbytieti
____> fully eoavtared that Pi tMttoaU
WriM rtom <
yoa Claim tor M.~-DaTtd P. WUhar.

ille fatten (bat ewBe wem ago.
ben the anow waa rilll oe (he gnmad

Ipe Bay ofiaa be Bade wte of 1a erolrI of all Uada. Brea tbe devala


i. ra tbad a( pity
itog to tbe anaad
t apaa Ibc poaad.


LHBto. April fa, IPPL
Hn. Batot-1 mg golag 1

write yoa (or U* —e««-s tte*.
to read Ue IMlen wary Back.

I m

leaeber bad a UeraM op to the aehomhonie. I have a SaafalM pfa
the last lias I wreto.

I Uke reey

> to wylto fatten.

I Vve two

■m. Tb* aames are AMrad aad
Hanr- My mamBs takta (be HetaU.
a tdayfal dog. I UV hte vary mara.

paid to


We Stm hare t low ot those AlH

CPU If yoa posalhlp mm. ar Ma '.
tiT* we mbr chodea of a dosea far hdigala lief aad * r^'lillf. •
ihli grrat tmfa. Wt «n a

* ’iTssn

aame Ii Mfai Om Pafa. aafVfafaBfa grad mabda

m$ malm mm aM » » Bn fa.


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