Grand Traverse Herald, May 12, 1904

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Grand Traverse Herald, May 12, 1904


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



Dr.W.J. dlasl»i



r«7 bW of dcsui Mrrtee
oalr- TsBth r««r of pnrtt^
Tmr palrcaaso noHdted. la
Ke* MoBioD balMiac. nadcr K.
P. te}], ee Boar vlth Daekor■jr-B BtiBtaew Coltoce aad orer
Kacer oOer.

Tiwose aty Slate Banl|

Tire Insurance!
PlAM CI*M, 8ta»m Boiler and Accident Ineuranee.

Moicy to Lw on Improrcd Real Estate Only.
RoemSiONewSUte Bank Bulldinc.





The larmer jho keejc a gool leira i*ile
month after noolh whra h might I* eiraing
gocMl mane; in not comulererl vise.



I* a wifCT to let your spare fiioclo be ijt,
hi-Ulen tnj, when they wonM be nfcr m a
good beak aeJ be aiea-ia) earning tmer.e*i?
We allow inlete* compounded semi-an­
nually 00 depniis and the deposits may be
.Irawn any day without notice.

Traverse City. Mlclt.




|J^”a£r%K3C:; 2S5ir



Fresh. Salt and Smoked Meats. Sausages. Etc.









- pTT.iaa’



^ BEO. •. WILLCOX. M. *,
; M.a«Fw»iJie^.BaTdtr,iakfc <\-t«

R. C. Palmer
Oner First national Bank.

Have you ever tried the
Dy«l Y*lB«r
and CoFFaafl

.«— *

Hoyal tiger

TtMB. B. SMIAora * BBB.


They are the best.


Sold fwd_\ by

J.■ AS


CHtem* C. Bell IM.
Car. Tenth St and L

«■ fte

W fcNcw tfMtf*.


Aftdf I Imd wwtvrt the cgeticr for wool U« UM fa
p» At,
ImmI StMera wool ounACaanreti. the ewucct wet made lo lUiM
•|ii» bifck werelwme ct the above kmkttaL.



IMOOC«WWOnft.-yiOi1l-ITT .


■C*s*s*‘r« Wool
T/tntm CHj, 0M.

Traverse City Manufacturing Co.
W. ^ MNO>AFN. Nlsnss**’

mof ibc year when ymareis
fastaoh. ggeh at Hoct. Sborriz, Spadet, Garden Rake*.,Con
rihMin. Poule PluMctz, Pom Hole 1>«^ and other took.
Now k a good time to fta Ihe <M^ai {virfc. 1 have a Ul matk
PonhtrNenhv and id Ufa fifty etnte per 100 (ecL Wbeo in
seed of anylbny n the Hgfdwarg Lme can and Mc DC.
J hart the be* Bare Door Hanger madt. It eannot get off




Banlc of Klna:*l*y

3 FiDMBtUeeatiiiUifMUMm.
BMw'tO kOAM.

Like a Si« It the teld at alirht.
I raw ibe Red Star .hlie.
. .Bed Star,
the KTWr »lar .
And I eUlmed lit Hckt l<»
The watcher br Ibe kame.
The cuUe o'er moor and |rs.
wave, to n»y tore
Thai l«ekoBtaa
For w
and wanderinc men.




JIre fou going to Build?

Plain Calk
We watram 8ir SHOH£
LIM£ lo be not only rr[ua
to, bnl fieffa than any other lime on the mirkel. lieuer fa Rom
work, bet*er fa brick w^ an<l Better fa plaaierii^.
We warrant Mr«ff04£«ritMMe/#f free from mone or
oOer wane.
WetrvnDX B4rSM0B£SrillgMMlW£xo miAe awe tDoeiar
(pet barrel) than can be made witt any other lime.
WtwunMB£rSIK>R£STiM9M0l'»£to^ out at white
at the whitem. .
ytfwmiMttrSIlOK trSMUItO UM£ oM to ••pop’in the
weU if properiy imed. ^Let it ttawil a few.dayi after ilacfcii^)
Thii win be the dealer’* aalUfiey to eeule any -kkft’ (am
diarge ton) where Air
4m* mx Ufil al


It th» wtaked to do' with tree
wlihoa the noe of day. T»e aad
•an who kntced Ukr
w wllboui
■be Ila cap. however. U to Maae «Krhat. And of atl m a. nm narld Moon',
Ko aorceaa ran tnr b
for .be knew m ell Ibal b. liked a
" '-ijartoa. w Ibe iree.
10 be toon lo MOK ai.
ila to what learb a <
oa dDlAbed bet .trance Icilleue. .pread natU be aun. to ai the kalte. al<f ofn*IlL
. .
r the eoaleat. of ft
VI down to bee aiiUac roam. and rdieatlM he tnd. k mo.
Jted. Fltieen mlnuie. taler her Mwtatt. tbna be BBilHpaled.
A May howl I. ae
■ .‘CelTe the eoaleai. id
RIaMh* MW Urn
Tresi be aa. asreeably rarfriMd to i wlart of .rvernl day.’.
.urprited tank la hi. eye. a
X eared. The ralabaih ii
1 her hand to bim and
ihnl. InRead of k rare beinc I
hnw he bnd enjoyed hi. irtp.
mendy as <
- • «b- he nald.
he nay bowl IBIO Ibe Bwdd A broaC
kr a dUe of the ruddy cold.
bee. and
dad-d wooden paddle I. need aa a
r will be all rtshi bow. aa
I MW Ibe Bed Star ateam.
Thu rompleie. ihe outBI for
looklcc aBatoualy at ibe face that had t
real .arceOB aaM after the ^er- B.>M
::e Red Star, the c?1><r Har.
chanced almo.1 beyond recocahtoo
' Fonaaalelr. K ha. aoi bee* he rubber rollarinr. All ihrac artl
[,a' roeea in ibe world cd dream
.loev be Uu law It
le- are made lorally wlih ihe eiiue
-n~> the emp'y yean
-Nu. BOT Why .htaild t be Uir
km nf ihr halve. The aam and Ihr
H. Bnae hi. apeodihrtfi atoee
"V.xi l»ik M while and—'
pull ihronch .pleodldly wilt rarefal lo rupa are maaufiriorrd la Ibe
. . Bomany play, wlih handful
-Old." .be anlibed
'WelL I
b>wB> aad viitecea of ibe Aamaea reBurwlBC-"
I moBib. older yno aia.i nunem
It waa two Week, taler when Bllm
le of the tow V
ace you weoi away, and I'm aoi'
•ih a*ked ber Bald If the had de
coltoriof ha. to lue hi. katfe h.
lype <d woman who wwa well"
myed Ihe teller .he had clvea le her
. way Ihronch Ihe uadrecrowth.
------------------------ A------------- ,
ike a b<
* -Ii aarhlnc
irhlnc t'
the mailer?
1 the eve of ibe Opel '
I MW^tlIbe Bed Star ctow:
,?• Ihe alooatly. 10 brtdce a rtvuM
_ ...JkrDeatroy ll. Ulia K
IvuW AI iil«M
Star, the Kyp*r Mar.
-n*hal Ibould there be t' trouble
red. -I IbOBChl yoo Mid
re deep la eon-, or ap lo hH
the vacabimd. I
oe? I never do aarihiac bi I have a 1., {KMi II ir ym
-on II
lond time. I love eaciiemo aad an
-Oh. Harmon! Too .ately hare tiM
«a1 r a rubber tree be rhipa
ihai tor of Ihlec.aaay ihr rouch part, id ihe hail,
The a ID looked a. lr .be wa- acM
...MU. DIubeth. I have. I
a more or ie« .aMoih tarfaMi.
jr- be had beard arlcbL
IbioicM you warned me la deatroy It
re a cup and makea a aaall
e Red Star r
"Nv.'- Elltabelh conUawd
"I am
aayihlac happened to you. and lo ca.h Bbinte fov ihe Mp lo tall kilo Ik.
ail Mall Cate
111 really dlBereai. hot y«Q hare been
nd n If you cm Miety throuch the
(ViuplcMDed til Ireab ycdiec raeea laie
x-Tuiton. 1 walird aatll te.t elcht
> makr aaru that you did coi have a
mp. The*
'Th-- doctiw looked lain.the womaa'. withered ia euaiparlwio
Hul pleaM-lapM-. ibee I i>«chl It wa. lime'
- - Ire.- and dot
irav.' e>e» aad atowly pronnaneni bet
I.- ihe lira*' ia dlwii.o.iBc my
Ikdorv Bluftdh maid aa.wer. a He eoailsoe. the
•HI be Im.
.•nleareapp.-araare. THI an- hum »<.ti .•o|»-'eI
iriu- came In nlih a Oorui'a boa la <ai“-d friw T5 to IM (now. which ima
-The operaikjo rnun rake plaer yiRir rlaJl."
t band and a hricbi .mile oa her be done In a day, H they are«ol loo
wJibU a lew day. nr—•
faraimn The folloalag day (he gaah
Iiaek lo I.
Thi. U for you. Mia. Treat." .he e. in Ihe tree* arc made a irtBe lower
■I tele loioimtate
did not iblBk mnrb atK
Mid -'Sball I aafaHea II r
down Than Ihr ■rsi'imm. Borne ol
now why I wtabed In'iw' here by ihe
Bllubeib rrled out la tayou. »ur Iwi.w. tap the ireee In ibe m~wi»f
-And—I will • >1 ibroQCh:li aafriy?'
fi.-ealh. EBx
at the wealth ef b

and reluni lo rollect Ibe aap la the
- I hope to She kxAed
Ihoaeh .he wa. tijIt died. evealag. whereaa Mbera tu In the
-run ard BM I are. Yoo think ibere
int ber eye. weal beyond Ibrmi to a
veoing and roftori in (be Mrgtng.
-narllnc," he w.-nt oa, mmlap M
filer lhai lav panly hlddeo la Iheir
-a ezpew gaibcn panda dally
•There u ateray. a riHi fa even
u bkve nol (orcolK'n I
' iMve.
1 Ihe tower Amazon: In Ibe upper
i.piTaikm” he aa.wered evaalvely.
I Il.trm to n
an David.' she wfalapered
.mazm three Horn. ibU gzoouei b
Tell me the irnih, docior; 1 cat
w »zed ai the dear, tamll mlicned.
Aa .be opened ll
When the acreatulaltoe iff rubber U
,. „1d man to.>ke<l Into Ihr Or.
c. irrmhlinc flaffer*. the
■lbrjeal-*(aally la three or foar
e i-yo* and pui hi- hand iimily
larmnci quietly weal not of dav.-ihe nrilennr llghi. a Ire ta tb.,c w.miaa-. shoulder.
■ eehoed. wHh 1
he ha* put np. place, the fimnH
.11 are a brave woman. I will
My dai ig." I
r a flr«.«oiire a ibta «mi of milk
ou Ihr imih ThI. op<-nil<m will
.e ium r elved yrmr
r the BadHe had hoMa It over Ihe
ven- wHou. on.—In laci, Ihere
-Eliuilwlh!" I
' W'b' half an
before I a
>ke lo (vmgiiteie
The pnweM l>
t«'onl> a chance that you will imrvlve
ilkhtly. and h.
hlle a. be hel
aalll a large cake haa hsew
ii Hut iber.' Iv a chance, and for ihc
•w^t db^you m*
iboughi be mtwt he mlMakea, bui be
aed To releaM- Ibe paddle from
Mke of It yuif roun not kno bcan.~
Mid hi. wife had been to aee you ai
cake ll la niweaMry u
-ToiiUln'i I wall HU neat monih—'
■he bireplial yaatarday. Hy ffrat Imnor aide. The paddle mold
make, a
Jii.l for a few week* loncer? It wirel}
"Th.-u." and he dropped
pulM wa* lo m> aad beg iban to let
and erea abape, and
w.mld nol make any difference il li
i.l iiirm-d away, "I had better go. I me aee you. bol I refbembarad that Is la geoeral use lo (be wale it Para
wa. poriponed lill ibi'n." '
a. a coorelied fool. Purtlve me. My yoo would BM care lo have me. Feel­
• a <pli la p
"My child." the donor tnswere.1. "If
i.' for you ba* carried me loo far." ing deadly mlaeruble. I weal back lo
nI .lick, and
poalponed 11 lor a few week*, for
Even in the half-Ui rvumi. EHta- m> rooma. and there (noad your letter Ury moitoa
By (
.» ih'» face Umkc.l mrancely white a. waiilDC for me. Oh. Elltabeih!
II ber I. eared a-ltfa
- grealrr
eaae. Jteddle^
e chance of r.-covery.
• X .be pui her band to her .Id- and •eema loo aoBderfu! lo be true—thai smoked rubber It daeldadly pufenud.
..--I, J|| ijio cu
)ou .boeid tovr me Ilka Ihai. Why,
• ll I. drier and aeemluly carvfally
uched a,
my dear, you were never more lovable
laiier. Vii
la my eye. iban you were tbai Blfftil
The rity faanel la aUpe la like an*
You looked HI and tired, aad I tonged ordinary tollet-waier lag. wlibout a '
perhap*. after all. ll wa. tny nwa
to have ibo right lu lake dare of you boilom ur Undle It It made of tbi
few dare
Dili you mii.i alway. altow for
and .bUld you from all gaaoraarea elav
la moel paita ot Ihe
Into the hoepltal lomnm:
man rbaaclnc her affecilonr. I
llie fael
fl ■ aadt
- la U
ired for li."
miunanV way. yon know."
i-l I feel tUl It will Uke ail m> life
. . ally of Ibe'm.
he exptelai
- So. I did not know," cHdIy.
endeavor lo wipe ibem out Ellu- of Ibe foiiowiag paimt: Katlre name.
. would inaki
•WhynoiT She may vary her frock.
ih. almosl a. tooa a. you read IbU I'rtR-uH, Tueeau, leaia; bmaUwl
sill he wllh^you
And Ihen-^^my name, AlUtaa, Aziroraryem and Max
fehion. I
irallteoa regia.
n Ihe
him. and wean
u Dlgbi IM- a heanlea. fl
Mack. Id Black aad White
It waa at (me Ume ImadaMl lUl
and darkne..
hy your li
Ihe eicelltere of Pan rubber was
’I hard!
•rdir Ihink I am that, foe
greatly dae to the kief nf fuel nmd
•lone Ia a btn«oin with
oes nol loi.-rert me .uArlEotly.
ia curias u. The pals. (Ul furatab
down h«T while cheeks,
am a woman of Ibe world, and rubber pteni hy r. H. Poller, a Denver the f,;el were accordlogly Iraaip aiOe l
I rctieiune at ihe cruel
and hi
.illy, love .ick
rbeml.i. a few mimib. ago. Ii ha. H Afrlea. wlili a view lo mUte Para
ihai had oo un.partaclv
hand <>
lever Imagined y
a allly. liebfi found Ihai the meaa. and valley. ruhWr Ihere. The experimegl. boa.
blow. Ha<I .he deirerved
bougbi In Ihli aectton of the Male are covered
ll? Wa. ihi. trial wnt lo her liecaiise love .Irk girl, any mor
ha. BM met with nicceat The
at you as a ’wix
with the weed
1( grow. Bbuodgnlly
.he had <er one man np.m a pedestal
Ibrae nuta arc M-lreied la G
, l’.Thai>» ll %ni amuse y
In Ibe San l-iil. valley. Uving biiberin
■ecauM they e
and worshipped him lo the exrli
lai 1 was fiulish enough
moaldered a nulaaacer by
reel- dense- au>ke and ai
mer.--wi-ll, alii«eiher d
ae ever dreamed that It than o her fael oldalnable. like a fool had lhru.1 i
y value, aad lu eztermi
allli lauchlna eye. Ibe happlne..
nf Ibe palm, named ia ac
• Ye.. II 1. raihi-r. ah.ard." .he an
had IwH-n Held oul l<o 'h.-r. aad the laid.
^•■We. bark and twlgw are ared a.
.>«.-red. ilrlvlDg her aall. loto her
had piced that ii
a. abr itrwid up and held ou<
piinl.hmc hMany aiumpli have been made to
one lo him, Tbwidby. There
played with
ed In extend ihl. IMerrl
plani Is
I obeotloiu
to civ.-? BIx muDtb. ago.
I am bu.y innighi
wired, they bare ever bad to
IlavUI Munre bad rlarted lo lell
lo deal whb n« Uen received with popular favor,
racneerlon with
abirep ralaiag. became the eommoB meibod, alibougb
her hau dear .be wa. to him. she had
-n the tender plant aprloga up the primitive, pnaaeasew Ihe advaMage nf
Flopped him wUlya laiiiCi. and had
.b.-vp eat It, and death i. Inrarlably bHog. wimple aad lneg|Mm.lTe. Tb.wameil him that ft would he wixer lO
wall ifll he returned from abmail lx
the retail of dlgetllag ll.
proreai of curing rubber ii egtremel]
liabeib, PJlMhetb." he
The botanical name at the Naet U UiJurlMU In Ibe eyes Hgay oaset M
l.x.-hedecld.-d that .be wa. ibe "only
woman In the world." She did Bol perrvi, -whai doe. It all mean?
Actieoalla Rlrhardiuml,' and It growa loial blladnewi newoli iherefioD.
know wh>' .he had done ll: why, when
HI dcaeri tend. Salltte and Baguaebs
There are three grade, of tteea rub
■re In Ibe midst vK Ihe greatest '
her bean wa. rmvlnc lor hi. love,
er. vU,. ffae. medlam aad rnurve. If
• }o(i will 1..M- your l.-aiii,
.he had enqueued and warded him'off
■f weed. In thli .tanrubber ia DM imHorm aad OteUlM
I don'l gii-quirkiv "
Bui riehi deep down .he km-w ihai l<
f P Fox, of Akron, O . lepreaei
impurttiea. ll ia elaasIBed aa DadloD
drnppail her han-r and w.-n
wa. for hi. own Mke, <n cive I'lm a
in easieni n.lilrey coneern. 1. bet
Tbe eiane qaaMiy. or -Bertiamby"
fair chance of .eclnc oihev youncer
vewtigiiing Ih- plant at Ibe In.i
eonsl.i. it aerap. tbai have bm been
H«r acllns had I.e-u a .occi-ai
moiWbeannfBT women, l.-fure .be l«
of easi^m rnltoer dealere.
fiu aru rmly had he
him letl ber tbai .he wa< the be.1 ot miK-h of a
Some of the plant* grow lo a height
iBnuacienl labor l.lbe moat aerfam
em-e awa.i aiih ilj>- id<t ihai .he was
r -i> feel and ihrivi- b.
inruliy In tbe rubber Indsairy. !•
-ni be hack in six monih., Eliza :ndiffeieai to him l-m. «be had forced gallon can lie nbiaiaed
would arereely aeem adviMble le laodi-vpl.e h.-rf..r her Icvtiy
belb." he Mid. holding her haari.
n mosey la rubber eautes, oatote
s’.l li.wn-. ‘-i-M.-r, Ih-i-- li i
Itlghlly. and touklnc inlii Ihr aweel
r-i’lar la-t1i Is Mid that
1- owDer trwl can aee hi. way elanr
! gray eyes.
iTtMlrs grow In the alale and
MHgln wuOcItai tebor with rtWi
I Yob will Jli
enileei Ibe.rubber. In rewKy. (be
. plain - V
which would Ire the mowi ral
genuine owner of the prnduee of tbe
nia-l.- any d
' ciiliivaiinn for rubber pi
fori-m l> the rMlector, nM (be tend
I joik nf Cl
ow ner.
■ rn In '.I* eyes wli.-n hi- a»k.-d hiT
Thr chemical proci-s. for exirncUi
>■<’ wai- in
\Vh> cniildn't .hr- ha11- iHlina h.-r of hi. arrival In Ens
as f.illow*
Firwi creih
iiM*him? ll would have Ixeti so
I. dad to -XIU'VI
lo-e him lonighl
am to a palp and thee
II have had hi- loving sympaihl!
. he had lived ever? hour r.1 h<;( hour* in bUuInhli
Jn ihe«e monih. for Ilivl.l, everr
i-arinn. after whirl Ibe aol'irtka te
11- .ltd wa- fur hi. sake—wi
-vaporaied. The m
Ulnlag {■> per ceol. for himaelf aad
i-a* til.-re n.R v.mii- way
:>«.<- him. And now. when the ilme
ohialned hy Ibe us- of benzine, which
atlnnes maklag adramre. In .oeb
II- misht. Utore
>tl really come, and h>- woald l»- wlih
• probably Uvical.
inner that the rollennr alway* re-'
- »<ii tbs false loipres.l
cr In a few boiini. sh.- must eaiBn
uloe can. be cleaned t
mala, la hi. deta and ronM-qaemly In
I- tonight?
She cou
P her strength aad si-nd bim
bis service.
ibotighi that he woald iblnk
llhoul ..word of Im.-. wlihooi a
■ Mred and
freqaeally happens, however, Ihai
l.lti.-rlv of her—aherward Surely |i
iHtetw a small v-llow floIt tesu
rollemor take, ihe adranee and
Ihruugh several seaaon.
hardy. fraudulenily dleppaea of (be robber to
1 know the rrmh then Vt-.. hi- must ha
pianis have
-oyer who suy be on hand. A
, loM
She woul.l wrlli- a letter and
minra in go ui a doc
■th a
deal nf leakage oornni in UilP'
s ennfe.. al)
If .be lived. H must U
thing ir. give ber r
1> proieei them from Ihe winter.
The way. and no method of prevemdw h
. di-rlroy.-d. if «h.- -tied .H mu.i lie de
THieiger ptenu are t
robimr ha. Isreo dlworered. Thi* !■ anoUer
-r acotenre pronounced
han tbe old.
dlBcultlew It th. landed prophave seal yini awqy from me.'
Alihough he bad dm aciually .i
One of the Betbodt la pree
rrote. "an-l atn now breaklnc m>
II. Rllzabclb guessed I
in leatp the tree* la IMa oT-n.
: because I sfiraever look Isle
tor rubber In ibla rooDlrr.
•urvlve Ihe open

ill', at a given .am per anaam.
fare again, itetid. tonight I ariM ifal. plant for maklag
I weak,
■ilpalale that the Wane sboold
part lo you
I forced myself to retilrer Irecome* practlraJ It wni add
And la her gr^t love .he derided
vid ar.l falsi. I made myself a creaily to the pommeretel reaource* tr- tbe robber and boy all hli eopplles
Mcrlf • even one hour of Joy-.he
•'- ■a the owner. The Jeswre work. hi.
fright TO jiri-TMii yon telling me of of Cnloredo
could -■ver Ixar lo be a drag oa Db■o tbe oimoai and fiaal!) i-are. ■
fyoiir lore. I knew ihal If yoo did an
band«*ie proti after paying the real,
I would nM have the .in-Dglb to
and, although (he owner nt« oh
Callactinff to BoMh «
you. I
e arrived al the home
tain the full valne of tt... lot. realrd.
lived la Ken.lngion. the
he makes up fm |i by chargtog e«n
i« flirt—lo deeptec me—any1 the lamp,
miisloR on gnml. supplied, mc.
and lold Ibe
deacrlpitofi. whb maay new
or have a heart arhe
rc. 81
d the robber lDrtn»trT In lu
Today my Ooctnr
. . uwttoc
1 Para
It telte la detail h
.U.I go under the I
II after ber vlrttor had g
ijie ruhlrer Is gathered In the form— It tight
rxt few dare
3be woald cmlv have I
Bveryoec enkaged la tbe foreat eara. a sllchi ebadre, but la my bean
If th*
at tbe aort that set Bre
mre heraelf for the
. a wood halle. oae of the
know Ihai. 1/ I live. I will Is- a weak,
u, Cher
Che carpet
or the roof <t Ihe bowee.
m thraagh with him
ich 1* 10^1 down foel tor Ibe prep* a drop Ilf wai
ckly womaa.
But I dim'l believe
' aixm aet Uag«i
After the bad some
■iton of rabber. It. blade U ff Inch right.
there is a ebaaee. so 1 want lo tell yoo
ler rnoc. The frock she had chosen how dear you are to me befnre it la too
tong and two teebea brtmd. All
are of the kind
o wrtr wa. Ivtng on Ibe bed It wa.
I love you as oefy a wnmae can the keires are Imporud from the Cali
tbe lipa and aet Are to
a woft blue »ilk. and wa. very simply
the maa who represent, erery ed Stale* Owtac to ibe dai
made. (Sickly she pal ii Imrk tat
- blade, are
ihlag tbai li good and sirong aad tree
only kind word, and a ebeerj aadto
*e wardrobe aad took down one Uu
to her For nearly two year. I have vesting their beromlag reiiy betore will reUeve the aiiuatioa.
walled to hear you aay what yoo aald they arc marketed. The baadle* art
IThe atbe old cow makaa a atalabe
lonlght. Six moeiba ago I preveaied
aad Hep* on a fellow's toe. tparha are
-llolly nld I look tweniy In blue yoB beeauM I wa. DM qnlir anre: 1
quite apt to >y for a bobcbi i»h»s»
aad thlny-flve In black.' she wbls- ifaooght It woald be wlw-r for y*u to
The robber collector's ax
them out qatokly; the old cow did
pered. a. Ae .laid 11 im the bed
wait oaiil yoo reiorned
I could trot It U required to chip a am
mete li. Aad If the firu ^
realize that-iber glorv
. It
TbD she uafastraed her hair.
face on tbe bark preparaiarr (o atiachIf Hansd. Bllkiag .tool* aad Um•red on
oe me I tin
tbooght lag a cap to the tree. The bsbdUng of
>er*d acmie one ooce aaying. •bOQld be .bnwered
n the hair la the centre eT '
St offered
poor life
BM 10 lajare tbe bozk. A soonth *ara woman look moeb olde
. cnee la oomaei whb
1~ aad
much yoniger than .be uaally 1
aadoM^ face la made, (o prereal lapurllle. rusty aalla. No teeth are .harp eaeagti
think. Ellzabeih. Ihai H make* yog
from mUlag with the tap.
.toad tha ant «d thin, ^bTioS
rap* are of etey ot tin. 1
mk BDCh older.' Taking ap the
end a lltile and ate where your mw
wb. she rarwfallr made a poRlag
rfflee I erer maae a ^
are wiacbed (o (be bark by
going M- your a» about to Hrtke,
prayed for atreagth
own the centre of her bead aad twlnot a mue day. Their weigbt
In tacL a Hule car* beforehaad wfll
d ber hair Into a Ucbl kaoh a<
My whole being revolted i_____
I aet myself to play. aKhoagb 1
The reflecikm that the mlcror
tt was bcM tor you—now. and aft­
back to her made ber tbedder.
erward. Can you to«ve me. iterldr
Tbea wbe pat oa the dowdy bte(k
8be thee rang for ner maid. and.
tar* thn hwrta
hwni otft-*-.
e. acre
frock. Dgh! ahe did took plate aad after ezplalalac aboM what wa*
kM hr kacBiaB (haa
kapiD la hv, tern ves W tha M



€M PprtM jCtmtmt « Urn C«.
Pfmvsggv, Uuac, Uakch 1, IMM.





taSi"*rlkr tia wimn

------ FOR SALE BY——*' .



ssx.'iisrr'u'unri st^





Scoti*8 femuM^h & fl«


WteCmpriatdwFMb' dwh. ami Maam EmrtaEto
iv Ufc DtoiBg FbUag SenM.

B. Or; OBM*r » • TWttrt"
r at WMUBitea.


;ior anrtber «re ytari to l»»J.

ntcaw f< «e and
t*»e «"* .....................
iovmeiH oMifeoC thoosands
The four

n^aurt •<

for «br »»rvo^ <*
d to Ilir pr.iporolh* of • rr»to
^S<i» kMcirin] oodelr. Ato to

i: jonr W!o» paUr-. Von oBd Bi:
In ;r-r . aafl
la ar- w>« hr a'oac
0 > o« oaa> «<r rbr <ias<
ran nfccmlrt bold o;;- n.-.
mrralioe and dt<- ll
ym irtb*ihc yean,
rder ihai in ibcj’can to comt
^itoa nar bare (be beaelL Pnr
a it better «tolPP*<9 ««
itolan (baa oor jireaeni craad ofd
iTitUt had the «wra«e la Ibrtr
* «a help earry their comtry aafetoaach a rrlalt ihti Ibreateaed Hi


tnlloa of prlncIplM
a «rta« atate paper
«ni «* oolr
M the yoon*
n.bat carry a Beetata
p an tine at ihovlu he iM*
m are made of *ho
U be Bade e paper that alll i
- f art OBir
rtilr la the
IwUawiC efeel
» bat la (he aaUoa and ia (be
_____ j> pcBiCTlu at a deelaraitoa
11 vUI terre ahraje at a aeldt for
ar frat and lalf^oreraii
V af MkhlgaB are--------- --------gae te efataa thit call b addretaed.
- bcae :

_i ac*!
Ih thb preto^jij^

Tn the* «en Scott* limul- j _______________
*ion giv -fi the flcbh .nnd ,
•trength j. J ncc^iy for the 4
cure of r «i<nnnrtn'n and the
repairing oM^y l<»^scs1ftso •
any wasting disease.
For women Srotfs ^ul- ^
sion docs this aod more. It« .
a most stisUining. food a^»d
Ionic for the special tnal» tint .
women huv to boar.

To children Scotts Emolwon give; fool and -^glh,,
for erowlh o( fledi and bpt^ .
»„d buv.i.
lor Ihin r .id nckly boyi Scott s j
Emulsitin itagreat bclp.

otitT b.
b, eahllfiK. "So !
... ..._________ ...._____________ Bcrt. ' oaity
*e to le esc. No etor Bidi^r to latirail of Imrins ibr
■Dotot>dktortojee^ehltVp.»eitie. that woald varraB to BBaafactem

lSo.">" lpmBt-». ■
J S. White. Km> ic».s » llr*i ;
eoloreil female liwjvr, nil' or May -10 ;



Woaui'i DamtaaaT. tol

^rtrtat to ihr^hoM^^c


t ift^


ITwo sevei*e rases of Ovarian Trouble"
and tAvo terrible operations avoided. Mrs.
Emmons and Mrs. Coleman each tell
how they were sa\-cd by the use of
Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Gmipound.

-- -peeaiiaalveli
.Mfnnae. kine of Spsi'.. i> Ri
manly yiriih. eiRer for o
' all kiniU ami l-< srm

ccrmpoadcace i» held o

“Dcap Mna. Pivkiiaw ; —1 am ao ptocaed vith the reaulto ohuiito4
trom L-ydto lU iMakhani'n VrfrctwUp ('ompoiUMt tJtot 1 (eel it * duty
ita impioi
cud A privUege to «nu- yimalmul it,
I |eHl|ll.' w
“I aufcred for m.m- lUan live yearn with ecRrlaa trowbtra. e*a*.
Oeoarul Htvt.
JameK Hrym-. M. F., tan aiwak more
iiig nil anplea-iaiit UUiloiree, n greoi veiiknom, nntl *t tiiDM * faintrwiaa
r le*. iierTecily In alsleen laointiRer.
' would eidue over me no amount of mmlh'iiae, diet, or euretto
Caleb Power*, condemned to death
•eemed lo eonvet. Your \ cp-Ul.k* fomixittitd found the weak gpot,
D rhe ehar«e rt klllinc Ootemor floeCregoelu Zelich. I>ei-per of a reaiauhowever, wiiliin n li-w weeks —»mt saved me from an operation—
lu-l «! Keniuekv. I* wriHh* a book of ram to OakUod. t'jil- tokloR idly ii|<on
liiid (lisairntired, awl I iiduid inyaelf once more bmllby
the apparraily urcrai iuhhIv of an old
and well. Wool* fail lu'dr-nrribelhe
lu dem-rilw the n‘;il,
n;:a, true,'
true, pwiefu] feeUng that to
W'man Davl* of Hremra, Oa„ la H*" Meilran. Macln Csairu, gave him fmM
in my heart, and I want to U-!l every aiek
- -____
and i iflering aiater. Dwt
enra old and Still sironc and bea^ and a |dae<- to al.-ep lor a rnntideralde
dally with nktlicines you know nothing alanii.
almm. In
but take LydU B. IM>ke
(time. fa*ln> cllitl tbe olher day. and
aliribiUr* hl» loBCevily
iiord for
lor il,yt>U'
il, you will b« •
bam’a Aefctable Coupouad. aiwl tuke my word
leasiie. and will have ofltcf-r lo thl» lit Seerert pn
(liffetvnt wuuiau in a aUort liiue."—Alita. Lavka Euitoxt,
Sinie Buperinteodepi kUunder-| vie-i.revldeni
vUle, Ont.
• looo remove to Detmli "
[H P rn.hl.y,
Carl Behmidi rf Hcldelburg ba* Ico at several hundn.l ibou
’ the article 1« ; ven.i. rlii.-f enrine
lahl.y at
ataiM ihti
i-d.*! after »..-ven ye»r» of hanll**"'! dollar*.
In piecing lugeUer MH)0 nmnll.
Ml,, iner n liand*»mv
aev. Mr. iJtnfmao bar been CMalileileinde and that
sc an offer In take a atate aatlmm |
fragmenu of papyru* n*d tran*lallng i tlan Francl*ci> girl of 2t^ft>-r t.-im-bi
likely l~- lu-suti
the (Miilrniv fnwn Ibe Copllc. He sa>» ,sl n‘lmfl». aa. Kl'«n l»Tnil,«lon ir
lupertniendency of the anil-*»lw>n .
lhal be haf Hie (IrM aecumle and enm- I dencend In eight lathiun* of maier ofl
work, bill aa yei, tml made up hl*i.
“IitAB hlaa. rimAM;—For ceTCial yean 1
pleieaceminl of Ihe aei, of Paul. The ;the (bdden Gale (or the of
Id r>ivd to tbe milter. He baa
mu iftdiUed with tJvarian trouble luid a painm
Death of Mra. BUar
pipyrii* wa* ln*rrllH-d to l«n A D.
jamlnlng ihe hull of a •iinkeii ve.
and iiitbiiiied rendition, which kept tne in bed part
J. Crochy, the Idind : Pour men dlM-r* had I—" 'bj
of the time. I did ao dread a aiirclaBl operattan.
aa be wlU D»l cunalder any unil
' ' oViM-k laat niftlii !
- [ tried different remedtoi hodiif tocH battar.
ihe ti-rmloalhui of hla paaturate.
chr^h'rt M^lchen.’v'Ilian all of Ihepi p... lo^-lh.r.
but nulhing aevmed to bring relief nntfl * bind
Bfllitole for Kovernor
iSieania. canflldaie
hoen ruted of ovarhui tronbto, thrtMfb
who had' been
of Edueatioh.
jMlehtoac. illo.) after an lllneaa of le«
the u«e of yiMir ot.inj____
Induced ne to tiT _
it. _1
The tmard of ediieailon h<-bl a *f- i ibtn ihr.
loatllule lor Ihe blloil.
She recog I The Snal balatcc »hert of Ihe Man
it failhfully fur three mantha,
sad at tbe e«d
die<l Ih.- InMrumetii al 'he flr*l liwel I Muller memorial fnnil »lio*« lhal Ihe
(era mtoiKe aeaslim VYIday evraloe-I wnt of that Ume w as glad to find tbat
that 1 vu B VeU
Heal-er. Monlacne amt namcr belnp inwbl
ind wa* *o merjnve.1 Ihai *he Imrsl'total receipit amoiinie.! to |I1.«IU>
Flrtdlh to itoUire'a
ire'a beat gift to voasih
abteai. The only hnalm-ar tnnaaeied
rniraso w
nio tear*
Tbe fund l> apptl<-d "to i
and’ if' you
wi loae it and can bare it reetorea
wa* (he adopltoe of Mayor PidRbnm'a alla.r.
Moibi-r Katherine Dreiel of Phila .of l.-aminR ami r.-x-arch
1 l,ydto
l^rdia E
E. Ffnkham't
Finkharn't Vefe--------------Vegetable OBn.
Mr. sirani ha*
Riv.-n .....------------lelphla. (iHiader and head of Ihe Or ! ndatlnR lo hiKinry niid
appWntmema of (be variona Mindinc
mem in Ihe BiBiWer. I.m many of hl<
leel that all nuSering women abonld
k'r of Ihe llleveil Sacrameui. Com
rommllle-«. They were:
Iriraila here Iblnk ll likely
. tbiH.” —klaa Larma Bcua Col*>
h.o* trf.ancient Im
loalapie. Dr. H. It. Oamer, O. C. M<rf- that, he will Withdraw from Ihe culuTe ll|lllfllHC .( the Tnillan and ne VII. Ihe Cerman
uas, Commercial Hotel, KaabriUe, Iboa.
naiorlal r&ei- iH-cauae of Mm *ie
ha* offere linn.mvfl of her own Swivden and Nnrwa<
Wtyt and Meanr-Finnk Mead*. O dralb.
prlvaie foruim- with whleh (n build a prince of Siam wen
It ll well to rememe
aa aboT* vbta aoaa*
C. Muffail. I>r. Prank Holdawonh.
a ehnich and K-h«.l lor iheaodlan* of
ag wbleb b* aaya 1*
" jaat as good
- •
e of Btiidy and
the Wlnnebaco. Noli., rerervalIon. The
aa BO ether medicim
IP has atarh a record of eorca aa
Sam 8 Sanford, the oM-tlme ml.i. Chase. W. \V.
onlv randlilon I* tbat Ibe Imllaes coc
The pnrapec
’• Veritable V
.; accept no oilier a^ yon
irel, and credited miih l.kvlns m-aie.1
~mt. ami Ihl. Palh.-r Srhell <rf Homer
l•as■- liall tram
c nor gralKt-iOR
he imn of I'nele T.mi ti. Ih- drama
.Nell, har'Vliiailied
DoD*t Irraiute to writo to Mm. PinkttMa If tber* Is bbjIMbC.
idep.-oaeni city n
, ihere will Iw hi
l7.-d ver.(on of Mr*. Si.«v, '. famon*
.................Foole, T. 0. Nk-holaon.
, ,hk yi-nr a* li
mra -wviild
l■r.tllln.•} Hlg.-low ha* Jii»l been ap
•boot jonr aiekncM you do not undemtaBd. Bbe wtU traal 7MI
atiff.-red a urok-v irf iMiral} Ucttirer al Hi- Hmton iinlver
Teacben' RxamlnailnD and OertlK i noi Rive ihepn
- Idndneat and beradvlee U free. No woniaa ever
,s «|>eoainB: b
bUfl.-cUnlnk daj*
a ailberi. chairman gj.effl
there ‘ *11) law rehtml
wnc of hi* da
l*'iRlii.-r ill llriNik
writtag her
mad abe bu bel|
.1 nil.inton a
ei-ofllelo; Dr.
- “
. . HnMtworth.
. . . . . . . H.. ' u.|U |„.
ver bt*
Monlnmie.' II. U. Nye. ■
;n|, ,1,, hen
Ills) Ih.’ II-.' id
There «.-a* no (nperlDlrnileni'* re l.n-dK 1..
to the
ihe eJiy.
e lN-U.’V.., hi.
port amt W. W. FalrchlH moved
tbe rve Ilf rTaninn on a Ion
a*>liim boy* a
l.illl ven acK.e an.I he dehithl* ... .
Ihe mc-eltoR adjourn.
••'”|toie thi’ remlnlKcvnc.-* of the year*.
Africa, aod alao II e eaM CM ''
ihly unite lo i
; iinmedtolely (ollumlog the civil war.
eUN-ct* It. f ‘ther
Smith Am.-rira
They are ,
,«.,i„nsi feeling wa. silH streeg
malerUI lor (unber• ehaplers I
pleUiii, Mich., Hay 7.—Ml** 1.11- ami will In- n-ady t<
■“* In the iNusler eiiie* al.Hig Mawm ami
IIImAAMC AllregnUra&egin riock. Special vagoat an.l iletjh*
Hoffman gave a reoeplbm In near fiiliire.
Dixon'* line, where he played I'neihonor of MlM Oertnide Lnmbri* of
Klnc 0*car ■>( Sweden
WOBVIIM made lo order, prtanptly. Only^-vaybcat aa-^

eapoll*. Minn. Wedneiolny evenThe room* were prrttlly decorirymen In America U ahomo by Ihe Wark. the ceni.-nnrlan *.
In green and flnw.-r* A number
fan lbm a few day* after ibe death of
That are made to nag a. veil aapU, They are
Smenson of iand*borg. Kan., f«vd and regular hal.ll*
from Traver*e Cliy, Old MHRion and gang. Ibe weather permuting. M.m.Iay
n«raadeof(*eapinai«ial, anti given a Itoahy
vdslxrg that hedemired
Afcble niiended. Tbe evening wa* morolng. The thihl gang ma> atoo be cabl.*l I)
^ botare domWe, eoaU^Xuf Hr Swenaon laken
tpeoi to dancing, the murk- U-leg fur- t>e Maned lai.-r ilnrluc the w.vk but
milk f.K- l.reakfa*. I
1 to W eabll.lled at the 9l.
nlabed by Frank Smith, jr. Jack Bu- Ihl* will d-|N'iid Inrceli
on Ihe
the |iriDcl|>al part o
able, and neat ‘Hie cheapeH oa the tnarfcei, qaahly eonaidere.1.
ebam and Will Carrol. At U o'clock a weaiber.
r and then *ent to the royal miming me I. rolkim.-.l
OW.-.1 I.)
a »
boy no Mherutoke.
bounllfiil rupper was prepared and
The walk* on ihi- malt, ‘ireet* will palace In Swclen. to ad
cup of black
.1 a ►llee .rf h
) oR.-re,l 1
nerved by Mr*. Fred Jnne* and Ml»4 he ■iteii.led lo flrtl and Ihim- In ihe
A i>li!ce of f
h a cup ..
Olln Dn*»loo. both of Traviwac
miilylng illalrteli. whi-re they an- haitly a**onjc all ihe expenae
il. tn ilnee-i.d. lull mud.- ..f the ver)' iK»ire«l
Monnire D. Oonway. mho rean had a
c-nil) ce
birthday. 1* a d.-*reodani .id the Wash
DaU CbangmI.
We-que-teng Open.
The date for the annual meeting of
ginla. He married Mis*_Margarel Danthe Nurtbera Mirbigan Hodero MaccaSInee Hi.- We-qUe-timg elnb house
bee aaaocUtlon. ha* been changed wa* opened Monday the honive anu
from duly » to Augnal IS- ThUcangv gnjiin.i* b»ve l««en well iialronited.
ha* been made to aceommodatc Ibe danlior lUrtUall I* again in t'
oRIrer*. all of wboB will lu look after ibi
. . e here on Ihe toiler dale, (on and ronvenlenee of member*. Tbe
only a few could have Inn-o
ding all-ys ami billiard table* are
n Ibe Bnti date named.
here on
wc-li iiairoi
ironired and ate bringing In
vue priwrace ot »itcn an array ui rireifidernbl
w-ll! rthnnlalp the mtobiKh olBcial*
The ilirvelor* i
■*iun l» Imnnd loV pruie iliv gr..tind* an.
ben a_..
T. U M. domonitra- dock along tbe riv.-r
Ibe lareeti I
seelloB of the •iarfe.1 In a few day*.
r held to t
* good deal. a-«
Jullwa Paige. Ralph HaMJnga. Bert Miller. Ray WaH.

prtipoaKtoi met trilb a raihrr eblUy
J^illtpUog froin tbe repreaealatJrea
and predirlloBi were freely made ibaP
H would (>e defeated when H {ame to
be rated upon. A pmpoeed amendto pay tbe per dlein^aod tollew

II vat inraed down,
o doaale 15 per eeat
meat la <
(be matotc
lovt* hOB(
borne to be totaled al ^»na.
vKboni arttOB. The rep-.

ananal iBiavord to lake (be place of
tbe dlBereot paatvordt that are noaaaaaally adopted.-to eaeb nepara.e


H tbd drain toil erento*. they foV
I hUe heoie aad rerlevtd the
-1-----------thins “
here** no i-----.. told. “I veni after tboae
I I CM them- I aerer voriied
to By Itte bin It vat a te«1y

___fiornl offertnci vere very beauUU and there vere a
' --------Mb (riendi to the dly
botoe at Cbarlerola at •
friendi In Ohio.

•re .an a nuBber of Inrce tn>oi
Leland. kOeh-. Uny T.-^imaB Uc la tbe rlrer Je« b^tov Sooth
■ ton the - •
■ alreel bridee and they are alU Mill at
coonty toll toet nlckt
hto a creii deal of nUentton.
It Ml after
T. Perheii-took hit fov pouto


itoed In ll»; and conrlei. «f J,.ll-j» Palce. Ibci ililler. Halpli
Ul Wall Their hijateri ilnsr i.t ike y.-er I. (h.- flr»t of May
eeldoB town aecukeri of maklnc their (IrM Invasiun .d the
deauant wtraibrr. Hul Ih- r.uirter ihe weaiher the more
imiii nrearuk la plea
• lo tbe Plan.- river la»i Saliirfon ilie> are euUiJ of. -........................
had a conI time ’
da> to or.ler to Iw on me |
• lh.-5 1returned. Th.-y
dth »enl horn.- I
lesicd li> -scrcral hailielJ
da.vs to
eamp-d <>n ihe lianV or the rivei and
the Fbeds cliih know how

Another Case of Ovarian Trouble
Cured Without an Operation.

,;Tj j5000®:!E!llik-;srv


126 state gtraat. v UiCtOf Pettrtyl.

Lattoleec ti warned for ditpoticc of
a bone on which there wai a cbatiel
nrortcBSe. He was takao latt fall but
care tbe Sotunt Bay oflkon tbe tllp
aad for a lens time wna hldlnt at a
beate to the ewamp near Tiarene
have lever v
aiy. A lew weefca acD Oonttable ering* —
WllltoB AaMon of Tnrene Clly ar- | ihoelaMlr.
rened hla at 4 o'clock one Bondty
anrnlac He wa» token to Sutiona
Bay for a bearinc aad then roaSned
Alpeot May 7—Ai the annual m
' tbe toll here.
toe of the Alpena. GaylniNl A Wem
locked to n cell bat wa* (be follow!
Unwed the freedom of ibe torrldor*.
le made bti.way down *tolra toat
Ighi to Ibe furnace room aad made
' \^'*F
la eall ihroogta tbe wladow'ln which
M. Sl^
le wood waa pot.
B F Pashby
Lafoetaee ha* not Ibe beat of repuIf Deiroli. and I.
ttiraa. Hi* biding place to the avatop
Bllcld of Alpena The offlcer* are:
ai Ailed Bp admirably for nrena of
Kwpe He had a imp door arranged
> (hat when anybody vbo leaked ana-; ^ /•«
« * ac.....

-SerwOHdB Clancy. WllltoB Hop----------a M. SternarParkelt «t
: “Cnl«^
Platte rirm
« troa the Cltlaeai
Fly of #lrU
.....____ _________ le veat got to Btlrer
■a toll ceeatoc aner
beadt aad
toet vich Barked .aeeeeei. ceutoi
• new lid iliiBib they toll to tay vhat
IM eoaitotad of. They vt»ld
I had atlll BOre Mtet If they bad
vethieoBtao Bved by the deaae aollobllced to n
tade that they
. bicceat
..cent eafch r*.
Ihe ctly. The
>aa the one aaeorad by Hlaa h


beamy to Parlr an i
i cabled a d^pltoB;^
ipeari tip Price, fc.^frnn^j^ ^

to an dnHhto^rtw'po^Sl” any vhlch
^tcB. ce
egto^a ^ rone

i =*««.? “SoT'M


--- «

d»okl be Bttd OBioiQtlyvbhtbr aae rt

OeMh of Mra. Oerden.
ea aatene the patrWb
Hn Ira P. Oordon died oc Hay lib
■ the aeeeamry itepa to riU a
t t:W o-rtock froo a eoiapllcajp eeayeeUoa lor tbe parp< : rt
H a debaalloa (o thti eoeeMi- uoa of dtoeatM at her borne. *1* We»t
Btoreoih tlreei. Bbe hat PeM III to
(be patl three yean aad a frrat inftoec dnrin* that ll«e and er. rytbto*
It VDtara.
pi^ble vat done In reliere her Imt
Hrtrllb He(3ee. laekaon.
vltbool arall. She via SO y~r» of
W. L. Baatoa. Jacktoa.
nee laai Korember and bat been a
Wood. Jadboa.
« to the cliy to the pait
' Hearr Cartit. Jtekaan,
W. W. Miller. taefeioB
Oardoa ban been a eonetani
. Bebert Terina. ar. NoitbTflle.
_____ V bealde bit edfe but vat array
Oym CL Lbm. CiHvater.
at the time of ber death, beinc obllced
. M. 8. Boyatoi.
(0 attoad to aoiD^neeeaBary bunloeat
Jaawf B. Stelnb. DrtruK.
and eonld art be reached In time to
S.O. AaUadale. Bteun Harbor.
be at the aide of hla wife before ibe
C. H. Hiller. Adm«,
breathed ber toil and vbito her death
C. 9. Oraab LahMac.
vat mot nampeeted It wAa aerere
•. H. laAetl. Hearee.
bhra to biB not to be able'io retura
A. J. Bawyet. Ana Arbor.
Inliae. He reoebed here oo Ihe li20
M. a Peter*. Newberry,
a. B. A I. train.
a. 0. OrdtreBor, JontarlDe,
Mrn. (tordon't patenla Mr. and Hn.
K O-Kelley, Laaalo*.
Archie Irvin of CharleroU. are llrlns
DarM Meleair. AdrUa.
and are eipecied here to the rnDoml.
■■J. H. ree. AdrtaB.
Hn. Ootdta tired to Charlerolx natll
: % V. Man, Berrlea Spriact.
case lo (bit city U yean aco■Mb PnaoMt. PreaeotL
itdei ber parenlt the learei a tit­
HhM Mkb.. May 1.1M4.
ter In thto
' ' dly.
liy. Hr
Hrr. Will KoMivorth.
aad ahotber titter, Hra Lou H. Coa- CbarleToU.
- •
She alto learet
two tatoH dilldrt
■Bolber’t toat. Clarn. ace I
ace ». Dteeaaed vat alto i Bember
H the r
Tbe tiwenl lerrlee wni held Friday
hU baihel vat fairly t
afterBoon ai t o'cloefc froB the Con■ abd ta It
vere iny ireoi that
In no alher vny thaa by crecattoeal chtifcb aad Set. O, CochIla oBclated. Tbe fnneni terrlee
toe^vM i^to»> ^”5?"“" direction of Ibe Rath. .
Bitten, tbe deceaied bdpe a
Sa^aad vat the pietnett that iRu t>»«.
BiBber of ibai order, aad the fnneni
dlNM iraaght tato the tfi
condnetad by Mm, 1


e FtnU etob. an a
t- «pee‘alty dortoc t


oe be conid The Csuse of Many

light but Onc«r A
rangbi him upping. |Ile w
Lralauu jnn
- vaittogfnr
Tor lb*
the next W
•loB (d conn when hi* care would

-«htRr Mfli. K. J.. Vbfl* flahtoc tn ll.e
laektoaadt rirer yetterday, pulled In
iHr sat aad foind a iinrceoa r.lue
■t Mv and velsblnc too poornlr.
na beat Sab tlmr of the a^
I toal plcht. The ton of Frank
________d beet encased In the torore toetla* mad on hit rrtnrn hose.
K bit rod ned line la ibe voodtbed.
■are vni Mill nonre ramaaau rt the
_ll OB the hook aad tbtee vei* not
MDvtd. Soddenly then came a tee
: rise nolae from the forcat prod on rc-

Siidden E>eaths.
a dimasa ptevalung in ilo:
ireus beesuseio decer'rt pvt. Ma»- auSden
■> deiUni'Cca-usedby-

Herald, ibellnlled Blaie* treaaury de­
partment tend* ibe following deacripikm of the pcopoaed federal bnUdlng 1
to be ereered tn Ihi* city, a pkinre of /
wUch wu piil.llahed a few day* a^: ' ~
Stale* poatoAce bniildat Trav.
grand arm of SdxSO
'CEreS^ th^a larve fm had liten (o aad baafmenl ax
atory la height. ; klineyx th
» hah and awailoved U After n»- The main from
............ .. BanroTerlBC Ibe rodent vat
with graalie
- lie up
lerel of the 1
ken br a fraett trt-t'-e
drat alary, and above tbat polat with
s H ycuarm lealicf t.r'-. veu
brick, with marble trimming*, cornice
, k e. O. F. O
ae nlauke by tekinf O.. K Imer 1
ud balnatrade
___, -Knot, the frail kidney. i.vT' *t^
- With the exceivtloa of oar room, reiicrrvinady.
Meaad it* BtlrtoMb ubuI amatoo nerve.] for tbe eollertor et rattoma.
.•arTecBlnahditytoholim-iwardiciijb«* ywalerUy afteraot*. adjaamtoc the drat atory of tbe birildtog It ocearn ia paasliv b. aial evneon-ca |*ai
,t»»a*af—-- -------------------------.........................bcinf eoir.Bcilcd ia
Bud 16 gal L-p i-.iny
V awing Th* mlW ai.d thr
V tor Ibe heat^ appamlu, aior- „u<.rdi.«ye!le«m
laiyellacle: Swamp
Root Is sonn
rwd patriaiTh.
of fuel. etc. The heating appar. naluad. ll
Ii ataiM
aunda ih< h.ghe-l
h.gue-i 1st
I* tis wo-, ap- ! geriul cures oi ihe neai afiretsi;
•al work an_________
and aaaliary
__________ ; gmad aerib*.
Ukmnd se4
The botMtog It Bre proof coBstntc- by ail draggUls lo liliy-eani and w
_ _________PraBgId. VWtobwg; srud
tloe. and the vabUe porttoo «( (he Aral
have ateunpie MUari^
'MM»a fnlor warden, John Oertart. alary U Aalahed ia uk ud oarMr


Tb* O. C. C.
The memlN*r* of the O. It r club
•.IN>nt a niimlwr of hour* very pleasant­
ly FrTdav -venlng at Ihe borne of Mr*.
lYtinl. Kafka on Seventh rtre. .. Tbe
-vent was a purely tofonnal nffalr and
wa* a c-I.-lirailun of the annlveniary
ivt Mr* Kan.*'* wedding which oc
riirre.1 a year ago yenerdav
.•venlng mas «ii-nl In varlmi*» enjoyable may, ami rake*
*1 a* refreebmeoK
Ocath el Mra. Paffhauten.
f* Mary PaffUiisra. aged 53, a
i.-vr .il Mavfi.-l.l. dli-il on Mmv 4th
> o'cl.K-k <d e'-l age a< bra home,
buahand. John A.
aged k5 year*, died March 25. The
funeral *.-rvlce will N' held from Ihe
Catholic church m Hannah Friday
morning at lO o'cl.K’k under the dlreeIkm ..( rndmaker .*mler»on

Slop it, or
bald. Give your htir some
Ayer’s HiirVicor. TheftllInc will scop, the hilr will

Hair Vigor
ETOS', and the scalp will be
clcdo end healthy. \Thy be
satisfied with poor htir B hcn
you can make it rich?


Thick Hair

Uertical Bar mower
Rempmbnr that we sell ih.-

“miller” Gasoline Endine,




Copins aad Cat Sttae to order.

’’nUaatog. HkA. Hay 4c-Bev. ihnReM. Or. KOiDv'*

Haniilfs the full line of Osborm- (jooiis. "Ohlyoriu-' is thf larjcitst inil«'if'iiil''ni reaki r
of jjraiit anil enrn biniler**, Mow.-fs ami K'-a|**'rs in ili«' yvorlil. |iu imi I'lac your
oriirr Id'forr' s.-cinn Osborne s new

one of their specialties.

Denier in kifls BtaAe..GRAKITE an) MAEBLE MONUMENTS
The futtowtag eoncerelag Kev. W. 1 jaUt aU abom
aboM li.
II. both 1
U UatBBS. putor (d the FIm Hette-1 tent lot by imU.
•M etareh. appenred to yaMctday'a I BtortaaMa.N.Y.
Wng*-—^ '


.machinery and Farm Implements



!-:lto.*4 liarvw.



Cttjr.Wcti. CMeBwa ‘PhoMOao


I'hr-r.tiK (.aspliiK- l-.oKine that a child
can '(an ami handle without troiibk in
cold weather.

We h.avc sold ovf:r forty

engines ih<- last year oat of


City, and they are giving the best of satis­
faction^ Before placiftE your order for
any make

Eaginen. call at our store-

aftd see the Miller.

Che Gale Plow no. 110 and GI

are what your neighbor is using. Why not fall in line. Y6u can not make a misuke
by buying >-our Buggies. Wagohs and Farm Tools here. All our goods Maranteed.
Prices and.terras to please you all.

Cor. Caaa&SUta Se

Both Phones 49.


Eate Jlrrisals

toBriM tr Mtan

■Id d I mbl err rwjvrH n. ssumwi tbnr
ctoastomM PruheWl'.krf. st Ihr PrWwr


’Vin Jflkuei kw
MrtK Mm rroM Wklur M
>4 Mn. Ain C«nt)l npin lo
mn ■ iMr M« ko** «t ArcW* hi
akeot IkfM VMkL

Him um HMkm al OU MMIM
mu a fnr ten laaT imk rWllac
Ntettm •< tkki* plM«.



QTATY Uf >l>-muah..(emir <e Ufw


WamMiiiaiirniwlihOnhafa Bdip
aad BfU dfwMm of caoma. the
paot okla eara. at aaea oup (alUag
bair, roaora crorta. aeaha aad daadiML aoetka trrUatod. iuklac faribeat,
dtotoa; botr panallaa. atUnlou tba
hair (dklM. toaon tba aealp akU.
aapptr tba looia vlih aaanr aU aen.
Mhaaat, tad mka iba baIr fToir Bpoa
a Bwaot. bMiihr Molp «Ma «U aln

Tnwrw mod.
W. a>k dur <d aiurt A
1>. im. tear inWb. fwwi thsl dsir wwre:
K«<d he n>Ouun lo prrui ikisr rleiM
Sgslorl Ihr wDIr K Mn AiUln Hidnac
u. KW Of wd I'ooaly. dwuwl. sad tkai
allrridiue. ,4 wid dnuki w, r_,iured In
sr~ui .k.,r rlsmi k. mid >h-Jntr .oun
IW Piehal' 'khrr. la th. u< Trsr.

^ an- not aaseoadaK iM
«U«ac U MiM Mlaole IMIfarlrb <X
to kiaec In Tooy Itokoa of TnTor**
to to tafcf place al Ike bone of Min
itaurcrieh WadDnda^.’Har li.
FM Urdle af Ttarme atp ipral
a (nr Aar* last week vlaliJai relallvn
at ckh plan aad 014 Mlaaloe.
an OaUeas Baap, MaMad bp Cat!A aarprin panp vaa dm ati,M
aM Hn. P. P. Lardie aad datublr
Mataaat, tba fratt akla eara, (or
rt Pridar am
paamalBC. pailf)lB| aad
•ad baatUiyiac
t mpim had
I tba aealp ot
................. ha La:_^ -------- tba akla, (or
7 did. aad
- . to Mr. aad
u P. F. U
L«rdla-a kaa>«. Bat Mn. fltB o( (dUa( balr. (or acAaolac.
wWMit aad aoeUdag rad. meb aad
4M had I
”to a
Mkaaar. Wbn tb* eoapm arrlvM
Ikn. Ito. vara aorprMI lo ftad Mn. aad lafcMHinM, oa too im ar aOnI^ie bad prapoKd (or Uifib. The Mat paraplfaUDa. (or akMIaa taaak>
oaaelat «aa apaat la doaelas. ibe
atoate bMBC (aralabed br KranI De
OiBv. rraak Soiltk. Jr., aad l.raa
BabatoMkora, Al 12 o’eloefc a datalp
aappar *aa prepared and anead bj
Ite Ondnide laabrla. Mlaa Lima
Mafoae aad Mho Hanl Lardie. A
Mlu Ptarl ZoBlali aad Hba >
Urdia ara ra tbe alPk Hal. olaa MUa
■aa BeoMaae.
Wilt EMorr I* drlalBi a en I
pvtbaaad at Trarana CItr.



One of our superb

Walter A. Wood Mowers
If you afe a farmer call at our store any ilay bmw< < n
now ami June 13ih, and look nur iiu'oiii|>arable line of

BAiBn, RMpifS. Homs, SM Dup RHns,
sue Mllnir Mu, TiMden aM Hiy Liailis
ovCr and pet our PRICES on them, which are LOW­
M.ACHINES BEFORE and yon will be yiven free
one ticket entitlinu you to one chance on our


Tha kuoky Day fer

at 3.90, 4.50, 5, 6.50, 7.50 $10.00 and up


llaailHm or Traverae riiy eprat
- Jar alth B. N. Pickard,
Merben Brown of WIMUmebart hat




Separate Skirts
Monday, June 13th, 1904 '^Givi'^mr


and made of such mat trials as Cheviots
>-Covert8--Scotch Novelties, etc.
Early In the season prices would easily
be$l2.60to $16.00. Special for this

Other suits that will cost you more but you are sure of picking
from the best sort at prices that cannot faiP-tQ.Pl®ase you.

I. Hasaab Br;aRt aad donabln
Oaltr le« Tuewlir monilDa fiw^ Horne
almd tbe fooeral r



For litetaaet
About 26 Suits--co'-rectly fashioned



Selling Farms, and my opportunities for
making quick and eatisfaciory sales are
unequalled. Property listed and full in­
formation furnished by my representaUves. MESSRS. MONROE & MeWETHY,
Wllhalm Block. Traverse City, Mich., or
by addressing.

day or Asgwt lut. nd fhel W.O rkua..
^ hr lukrd mid
so Wkl»>

W® are able to offer you at undervalue.

act any arlKK advarId and wt will deliver
ipan payment ef

We arc taking this method to acquaint you with the
FEATURES possessed by these machines and the
EXTREMELY LOW PRICES at which we are s.-!l.
ing them. Get your FREE TICKEl early and avoid
(he rush.





You cannot imagine what grand opportunities are presented here. Nothing like our
dollar sale was ever known to people of Traverse City. On paymeiit of ONE DOLLAR
any advertised article will be delivered to you. Come and see what a dollar will do.


Ferris Implemeiit Co. Ltd.
WMk HU W.ll.n or.

Monday, May 2
0°“'' “'“-a'lto ?»'* see « you have any dated May 2nd-lf they came
from Steinberg Bros, you can bring them in and get half

Vour IVIon<


Every week this month wo will divide the entire cash receipts of one day's sales
wito om- curtomets All you need to do to get the benefit, is to Sve your sUos an“
wa^ for the lucky day. which will be announced on the following Monday.
^THa l-adlaateay IVa
Many ttowa a day Vm eplnlei
It of WAIST* li


thg tIncaHty of that* eoiaplh
•aoto IK. m tt* tarp. pgtfoaao* UK art anjoylnp. If grant
of utrlety, beauty of daalgna,
okIimK, gtyl. and law prtcaa
haut any charm for you. you will
look ovor our ‘
Wo ofitr the ncureat. ehoieeat,
baadaomoto waKta af the aaaaen
« prteaa from tic to tlSAO.

IMmw Wmsh Goods
Not only U the eo.iactlon of White Ooo* arealar than euw-,.
the newly prtatjwaines that center* bert-bvt pr.coa oa hoati ot
tha atapla. wanted thlnpa. a. well aa noveWea. arc a fifth to a third
under the u«ual. Thi. aimply tame, of l.ra* buylnp-fer not a whole
MKr In thK bro«l land but likes the M* axpenM«»rm,
INDIA UNON-F.«e quality. » InchS ..d. « «

tory kind made at 1i

atcad ef H eanta.
at » cara
at 2f eanta
at SS »nta
at 50 cent.

LAOtn- WAfiTB, «a«a of «im whn. ladla Uaoa. whHo and colorod
Vnllnaa, Ulmmad wl» kaoo. ombroldary. lnaaitlo.k ln,««, ef


al S$ eanta.
af SC eanta.
al «0 eanta.
al 7S cento

■Mow L.OOO


•Nilay of Aliwuer. O
1. etc, olae many ether thm*a
It that will attract y

rs Brothiors
ru OI*x. n||^KlK.r.




t« b allWt^l (bat Ian arMUlat hn
1w SB •> tih'ar lak< <fv tb«
■ »m Uk«a HkcaUjr

k vr sakiBC Artr Mt pnf u> aiandas airf m«t Ca­
fe U taU of acp. nr kDMfes
I (lacla fnal* <aai M pr«M
M the dcMrartef «r fran 1M
» feMt that is Ifee fauira voaia
. > BtanM apori br Uw aader.
'Mtapa (be ambar •ouM V bicker
a (fee bau are biary apaetBera. Ue
vould laake
e (otal
* kOM fey (fee epaartsc o( tbe 75
,jMar XcM oTcr tjm «ah.
«warbic faaaa «ttb a HcbUla tal4
|b be BO tpatL Tbe ftab He aiUI, ai
och (bar T«e hmoUied, aad all
t to iH
■IT lo ert (ban
________ RTBlCbl. It to .
t eoBparad to apeartu Uaebtea*
(feat aeb !■ atOTlBC

Oeurae SeWbard
________ ee. Ike pawA bade are
eyvnlaa Cor Purtlasd. Orasaa. wboa
Ml edl hPM Iberc. Hn. Btee bM a be experu to UBgasp to Up tlaber
Btotar fTM^BatoMawB. Ta. with '
Mr*. Rdward KlHh aad' am sat
vttfe MO erct U I..
!l*» Roby KMb are ri.i.t«,.
~irrldaa owaa iweaiy aerea of
Trod Konh Mt iblt .aBratoc f«r a
•I (WO tolMa froto wbare be uatom (rip to MaaMep.aad Marte___ .___ ibere waa a aattll bcpiii
M witb a eiMfetat afatye-aad
Mrs. P.'J. PTaOek of Maple Uty'
to tor nee while worUaC there,
paaaed UrBOsh tbe rity oa ber way to
atoced bto toDto Id Ii wbea
-------Head Ue CaaerBl of
ia «e. laat waak be ae< aotoe I
qalte a dtotaaee fron ihc bo ..
apaitto were btowa lato tbe craat flub.
Me tbe Are raa to tbe bo-.ite aad
d iLewfeolelbloc.aabebad
aad aelchbon did aot aee
time to ac -ore It. qalte a loai (or blai.
Prad Pl'ber bai aold «o eudar po»u
to Oat. Alrar L. Boenilqee M Cbtaaco.
Id a m
m. who will me ibem to batid
eoltace ob Noitb Usaboa. Will C
Uu uxto 130 orer to a Ball boat b



^eto* (« to It
-sneer Uke to , e of tbe Caeorite
||Me for tbe aporteaea. It baa ..
%CSMlaJly (arored by aature. ha at-

^arT^ A treat may of tu ealoy (be
rMM reeraatioe of- (he aeaioo oat
4lere. Tor tbia raaaaB. aa erelieaa
iBBy otbera. tbe ina«al flablat abooM

V riJTt

:^XcT:^;i *1

T D.'lHcbel*. Pnrritttr.

dorses for Sak

jsfc^. uSt'S
Mftw W the pRitoi* OB>.. ka tb* CUV e(


k'i *i

,An yau la aaed e( farm
M hawsawerit. aaa -Tka tSSU

Mr. aad Hta. Carl Oleaoa.









S/fOtS pfmt


>i xv-k * »|M>rl*l Mik nnJsrdInIm bib* a ir*ui sarcM* We
»<Tj BiH-b reallalloc
iliy (nr Ihe lantalB*
W.-- .Iiall
(.•-I) tm to nff.-r v«w liartala* every week Weteb


Ot fliet y«u Caw Deliar*’ Oerlb el Sbe*.

Cteenraled large nip. god aaorer*.

If lb* H ft R. araeutoird
Suitar for ........................|l M
LtocolD and Raaavr RulM
Oat* .................... etc |NW pkg

c»f OU HelMIt Sbtt 6ttm.

Trank Friedrich $ Co.
242 Ti»»r SI.


n«ular TSr fnr *el of g. ape

lev. *1
.. ..
Iriier. KSc v0ue. ajwrlal

Arbuckle Coffee.


RxiranrdlDary bsrg0B« ii
•i*e add Utrb'-D Cirmlrbing*


226 E. Front St.


I3S to’f'ertft aft.


Olfty. MlloH.

Ole <lo not elafm to pot yon

Sometbing for nolbiitg

But a Poor One

Um we do claim to give you BE'I TER VAI.UES -MORE FOR YOUR, MONEY
than an}' other house in Grand Traverse County. We can safely say that we have
no competition and arc recognized as being the leaders oMow prices in this region.
’ items below w'ill prove our statement.

To come In and see them
the next time you ar« in
Traverse City. We would
be pleased to show you our
stock whether you -wish to
buy or not.

Itluslln Ottdtrwtar
Ladies' muslin
starch. for • •


Muslin corset covers,
while they last, each


Muslin drawers,
ella sha|>e. trim­
med with tucks, lace OR
and imw-rtinn ....

Bachant & J{osm
•2n8 1-roni Street


Tnnrsi Gtlj, Nicli.

Jfnp Kind of a

•V} dozen Men's

too mta ’$ SmH*
made of good, hon­
est. all wool matcri.ils. worth 7.r»0. fur



iFrcss and Walking

Sampte B»t»
.^JI the latest shapes,
worth '.’..'iO and $3. for

Lace net skirts trimmed with
taffeta silk and drop skin,


llljKk and gray melton walk-

Black dress skins trimmed
wiih satin bands, g Qg

Next door to Hamilton Clo. Co.


We'rt dtadguarttrs for

Men's and Wom­
welts and hand
wonh 3.0II. for


Sample Waists
iyii dozen I.adies Sample Waists bought
of a Manufacturer ai about .Vic on the $.
No two alike, all sizes in the lot.
While Lawn Waists, trimmed OQa
with tucks and Lace for............ Oj7C
Better quality Lawn Waists, trimmed



Good designs and good colorings are rtie combin­
ation that makes our Fine Papers pre eminent, and as
for variet)', that's here too.

WnwliiL Bartafc e»mpaiiy


One extta pbtoo mounted oa
laifc card pven away ariih'bveTy
dozen, 0

%mtMm Tine ttlall Paper

Wen. they aiigbl at tbay are al
tag She oa eaU barrel |tk a M.M tour whMi we aetl at M.Se. Wv
are atoo ageais Cur BuUtoM Calf Meal, (fee oaly aabailtMe lor sweet
Bilk, put up la M lb saU* We have Com received a hu uf
alec yritow deal seed eera Cor wtaieb we have ibe teed bouse'* word
Uai by actoal (am fed Mreeal win pau. Aad Uea aaorber Ui.x
we wauM Ub* to call ymw utoattoo to aad that to palai We carry
Ihe torgeat aUU la Ue c4ty. Mixed p^U. white lead aad oil aad 0•* ——mat oaly ISC Bore per galtou aad Cor hnide there
I* aoUtog Ual wHl netU U. Call oa a* aad we will aave you Bcuey.

Blue Vitriol

PhatflB $1, $2tRd.$3per4flZ(*


Cream of IBlnnesota
Spring Wheat Hour



in.ou. for

aty; »3AflL
laaaab toMaiy I
u U ft Oo.'* M
^3^^ Gibb* to
- 31. btoU 3. P. H.'* ferd



Coats, strictly
rain proof, worth

County **BMfeJ{jJJg*


SSt'Jg.'o .fffitr "*•

mbtt fta bur

C*» Otw Stnd.

Give u»

South Craetrtc
Side eily,


Tbr ivn'wr Bfliri OtBB -utaaUoa* tar

d wire to Oecnte C

and mill wort: done on then notice.
a chance to liRure on your wants.

Sou takt

a Beam aad wtCe to Aaaa DOs« of ewM. lac. H. lowa tt.
O. Olbaoa tad wtte to Oscar
______ _ wSk tot «. an of lot t», K,
be a mass Beetiag of tbe
Onud Tran-■rae Cooaiy Problblttoo
l^ft^kSadadd: tlJOtt
U oSee of P. Thurtail
lia>7 B. Albright to Praaeto party to tbe
^MtoO. tot U. Mock «. H, U ft Oe.'a Roca C. H. ft M. block. TiBTerte CUy.
Tkuradar, May IPU. u 3 p. b.
___________________ wtte to OaiB- Sfeed W. Oorbeti aUte riialmas. will
fte preaeai
R V. Daria. Oouaty Cbalrmaa.
- - A.^k>Mto^,OMaaly.
k «. H, U ft 00.** SBd a
to W. M. SBith at OtBwa la Joe
^Ua W. Witoey aad wife to Aaaada
ilftewell tots K. 11. U. It. It. tt. It.
W. H. DeWIU.

If >o. the South Side Lumber Co. «t Travente
City in the place to buy >wir material. Shop

" ’SeSSiTTi



»d WtCe to Robert B.

d horae*. One li

5*:£ li'SS te“


Wo. A which left here oa tlae at S;30
p. a. The pamaagera were t—
ferred aad the trala backed to
etty. arrlrlag here aooie time after A
o'clock. Tbe wreck bloUed Ue Hae
>Bto Utile Ume and ibe it;S0 a.
iBsagar today was detayed 25
e* oa amoant of li



. _* rato bae prorod a blea*lB* to
tbe Camera.
PoUtorn bare (mb aoU Cor Me.
Ike tmt are baiac caoebt la aasll
or tbe
eaaebt aodCe la« Soeday. felay IM.
that mat thca aaob t«.tO.
S. fettaaelb baa Bored (o BiacbaB.
where be ha* steady work to ibr am
Mia* BteMe made a trip to Trav.
araa CHy by boat
bo Baturday.
W. Ratio of B


3w«iiaa Backto to OeactaatlBc KH-

Being to BuiW

fcome of all klad*. drah bcfae*. drirlac

mare*, wplgfai froB I.MMoJ.tod.

"iirrH ■


Soull) Side Sbec Store


year* old. wrighi IJM. a llule raai^. well ferakea: oae bay Bare, t
year*, wetgbl uao. a good oae Cor wort rr drtvlBjt. aad a Cew Cam


_Jwd VhKlac Md wSe to Ptoyd

Btcaa** *M b**< Cm e**d* (bat
yea art ItaBlaa .ter. 0* beet
laat wbat yea *nm i i i i t

wetgbi Ijmi, a nice oee: eoe very Dice rfaenain laare? S yean oU.

If la lorwB Batinday.


l^l 10
B Robert
3. aee d. iowb t(. raaca


dt art ibt CtBSaa dfeo* Star*.

‘ wetcfei l.tM. very bloeky. wlU bleb arch aerit; eoe bmwa celdiac 4

It U la aald that flCteaB
<t»v.«ed Baw raaw. It uir llMr>
Bakle aad AlUtBey Baaalotii
ware eouBied oa tbe lake. How
^wliyjbr ^rr oT tbr pMIOnM* aMM
buflaeaa la Lalaad Priday.
. Bah were eaatbt to bm kaowa. didThe
CaBUy oC Ur. Cock to liriap to
tbe boiaber waa wy laite. A tbe Mwae
raeaied by J. Klrt
who aaw II. aaW (bat tbe flab
r <ud peUUm.
bati aad aiatoat
- I. IBB oae boor eoe «ast
J. Walter* weal to CblCBBO Baiarday
II of flab.
y ait^t tbera arere alae quite
JOHK A j^Ab|QgI|^ ^_
Hlas Aoale Oaiibaa weat to Cedar
r 08 tbe toke bat bow nw to
t kaowB. Tbe flibpiBHu do met to mead Buaday aad rialt wiU '
■ a aay aneapi
Mr. CndtoT'a people have reioi
to tbelr Cars Cor Ua
Uadr bouae here i* oi
t tTka baaa at praawt are apawalac OMderseo.
iM H to saU that tbay do aoi Bake
||t baai eallas bow that they weald
(a (be aeaaoB. tbek Besb betoc
Cl It to Tcrr Hkely that Ute dapossurer lake by Uto mactiCaca*.
. apaartac win be pieialy aatkeMaay oC the CarBera are glad of tbe
UU suBBor wbaa Uoee who ob
ckaaoe to porehaae a bale of bay 0
re tka law r> oat
Ika flab sra Ue tarpe
B aa Ue -etiBw baaa.*
piwred aad able to be about Ue t
Ml** Ida Pickard to putUag la ban
■are tlan la Ue “bat CouBdry* of
nasi tatata TraMdara
■ r RasisU •“ •
L 1W4.
-Platt* aad wICe to Beary B. of Niagara. Wto. Hr. Stiueg arrl'
tot W. Mode K. R- U S Saturday ereolac oa Ue late UBia
aad tote Taesday. He reports a largp
kfUadd; t«».
baalaast la am Urge xtore ever wbirh
r to O. O. Ml
be prealdnTsBd ealoys (he country
wH lot t. fe
0 day <«
very bocm
Tbe beueoC N. BolBe to belag rap
Lay Oa, to Jallu M.
taL loto II aad 17. block 10. Uly flBtobcd. It wOI be a coxy S-rmm
jU AOo.'alttadd:
Oo.'t lat add: $»M.
AH Ue cborefe belto of tows raag
h * Itoy Oo.
- to^Jallaa &
tor aerriect Soaday exeeptlac tbe
——* lots 13 aad IL bk
They bad
. ft Oo.k 1st add; ti%.
feat a* they bare ao bell It wbj
to. B. Caaato aad wire to
eeaaded. A road i« betag ratoed wiu
■Mdar. bH
wkleb to porehaae ooe. aad It to hoped
ibbbs II; ILBM.
- be able to be plamd la Ue
. Fr"l>.W«toj bavlm aw B
^mn U. j
MHdMll and wlCe to Loato
orar. aM of aw
at !•: tiAM.
O. F«»ie aad wtCe to Harry A.
PC*. a-lW Cast loU n SBd............
tralcht trala was badly wrecked at
RkTadaM: lUM.
Friday ereatoc. BIx ears <d
----------------• up aad ••
• or lea* dSBaged. Oee of Ue
„a. Lardle to Jasa* Lardle. pa^
la sac. M. towB feO. raace lO; tUL
____ 4o know deflalt^ how K wat
odiued. It U Uoo^t UU ellber a rod K»"”'
I If. Staaie aad Bpatocar-a add: (B car of the can tneke and fell dowe
dr 4t*e one ear juBped the ti
Hudluad to Heary’rail. uH the oUen followed pull
7lb add;
IL Meek “
D. “
H, ■L. ft Oo.*a
* of souU bond tjBla

itoctoa. parcel aaa. X towB «,
EuaU: tt.?W.
^lUaflnin- BbIU aad wiCe to Jtfta
M. towa S.

.. Btatoway OMcrri Oraad. rein
1 price bow uu.
'■ Cklekertoa Vprl*b<. Cafl alae. 1
cMdliliB. tegalar Mas. aow flZ75
Style • KbabaH. good aa aew. tsa

'rMMu K;i:-

A Bice bil smred tbi* i
Hbrae* aad Cam bones,

'*Tbe BapUit Ladlet' Aid Beet*
MiB. DUBB Th« •

(boee flab (a order to belp out ob
Beat cappty. K aoaaose wai aetOM or too Cor a atek vice or ebIM
Mead. ii «oBldii-(



!raa' Uaod PIbmo aad I

J» Pteattr Dyoy CtaM*
Uule bri kUaiflold hae tbe I

Tbe KlBMler Hish ccbool. wilb ihe
aU of tocBl taleat will glre b ptoy
MKt Friday ereslac. rblitled "Tbe
yaal'e DBacbter.' Tbe proceed*
10 to the dBduatloc elaea of IPOt.
__(e WllklBBOo built a eblBuey on
(o be eoMMliIac of aa tbe bouae owaed by WJ yr. Hall to
wJtfe (fee apear tai orter (o ce( It.
| BUd a well-kaowo aportaBun yea

M *0 BOI aad ce( a couple bacaoe
IHced (lie flaeer o( boM BMat. feat


Big bimd) of Hair Pin*.......................

there's another point to remember.
We cany in stock a line of exclusive patterns that can't
be duplicated elsewhere.



Sdu. nd 4^$J,97
McB'a ribbed 86eUBder««ar............ 15C

Ifgooddewgns backed.up by style and %-arietv
count for anj-thing we'll get the full share of ybur
piapgy trade.



Per ced^.
Men s and Wom­
en's all floiid
Shoes, made on
new la.sts. wonb
•im. for


' Boys bUc^ Cordvoy FanU Ter......... 29C
There's hardly a coloring or style of drawing that
c can't supply from regular stock.

Appliques, 0r<^.
ions, Dress Trim­
ming of all kinds,
at a saving of

lAdie* black Hote.........

...... Sc

Boy»Woe Ovma.......


toadies SOc Blk Gknaiaad


aad Mimea 3*c (Jlorea.......

CbOdreD'* iriiBtaed L^Mraa for....... 24C

Hem«itcbed linen Handkendikto.......

AB *ool Skirtiag B(Mh SOe lor.........24C


Front SL






brlcfct tor for kla rMra wMl *u lorM
Toa-re cbDdrea to lore pee aad
„ br all wkB k>r* Ub. toiv «t<b1o(
frtedt Car mad
___ , .
. Ua BMtor aM a fan ef botUac aawr
- . ..
OB (be •oar. la bom MBBaer tba Yoa*te cberiabed eaeb other tbroagh
better, threocb veeae.
Toa>e Coocbt Hfe'a tottOei
petber eaeb dap.
bk (Blarlaci Hoadar aicbl. at
afleeUaa poor loee
_■ arwrtUai vitbla tbe eaiiaMlh la tbe itreaB of afleel
(J«B of Be«^l Bfcin vaa tee to reHere bit pte aad aare bit life Tbe
panata are beanbrakea oror tbe
Tba fsBBfal aarTleaa
la tba cbarcb.
vat lla ebarga.



ClrcabltM tab wMk 2,700
Ualtad tetaa iraatarr
> hw ptaead vltb PaalBa
rapr af «be Plata aad a

toalt Baaba baa laalfBad Ut poal
Ite at ■aaaral all aroaad aaaa Cor ito

' Maadap.

latlaa at tbe Ball^
C. JJ. Raib bai tab
OB the C


Warfc aa tbd oev Canep>< library
•a BUIb etioat baa baaa dalapad
avfcp to the wNearrlral of CaHap
awa. Tbe toaadaUiBa are all la
alaot aad bare beta coBpieted for tba
C» taa dapa. Tbe Hove, boa

rsi.T5at a ataadaUll.
a ae

Work vUl
the a

A Port Tbiap.
Id tbat Dotbiaf la aore exO. S. a I. betveea tbla dtjr aad
I aad taaea, bot ibal U oot
too aad bat alvar* bma nn br
\n*. Dr. KlBC'a Kev Dlt0. K a I. balac a pan of ibai
oorerr for CoesaaipUae U a
tea. Tbe folhnrlac dlraeton '
for all luoa aad ibniat Iroub
deeted (or (be eaaaU* rear:
aaadii eaa teotlfr to that. Mra. C. S.
Parrr Haaaab. Tboa. T. IBaiea. W. VaaMetre of Sbepberdto-a, W, Va,
. Sbelbr. 4. H- P. Hut
" ' aya "1 bad a aevere case of Bn»tTBrtaa. R. R. MMbraar
hItJa and for a r««r tried ererytklap
beard of, but pot aot reUet Oae bot­
Tba Oraad RapWa partr immt here tle of Dr Klap'i Kev Dlacorerr tbaa
la a prtrate ear aad eoatlel^ of P R. cBod a>e abaoiDielr." It'a tetalllble
Matbaaar. aadltor of tbe
R. a 1.. to Croup. Wb^lag Coupb. Grip.
bit daagbtar Hitt Mctbeaaj. If
mbodU aad Ccaraaptloa. Try IL
K. Ktebdt aad L. B. Aadr a
I cunoBleed b) Johoaoe'i Drop
Warae. lad.
sre aad r. U. Headt. Trial bottlea
Rep alteo Ear. tl.OO.
or laaefaal to Trv
If POB tie a troot R
Card at Thanka.
be tatereaied la title:
____ of caieadlni
la .paaacia or ptraoaa afcalJ take ear beanfell
beaiTfell tbanka to
u i:tbe frieada
a map laka. rlrer or atream la tbe aad BHibbort vboae help
tuie by mayr aneaBf whateei
•orrov lor ifar lou of ot
our belored
tpeeUed treat f
vlfe aad mnifaer. Mai> Artlip. eailer
la bear.
day of Hap. follevlBf tberetfter.
C. ArtHp aad Children
than be OBlaarfol for any peraoe or
loaa to kill or eaptora la aay naavhaterer, la may part a( tbe aiata,
o bare la bit poateaakiB aay brook
treat of a alte leaa tbaa aerea Iteaa
la leoptiE It abatl be oalavful to aay
neo to kin or capture la aay of tbe
tea. rlrer* or atnama la tbb elate
or aay of ibeir trlbutarlea awn tbaa
Made Yeimp Aapaln.
any Ptb la aay oae day, or lo Uka
vlth hla tberefroo or to bare la hia
-Oae cif Dr Ktac'a Nev IJfe PIHa
taloa at aay oae pofal avay Mib al(bl lao »»eka baa put aie
Ena Bare than IM Peb at any In my •teen*' npnin- ertlw D H. Tnr.
ner of Itempeoytoim. Pa. They're the
in the v.vld for Uver. Bcomarb
DovvlK ^rrty Viable Nerer
Prof, flllbert Henerad.
prlpe Only I3c
Prof. I, R
B. Ollben.
aupertateadeet of Rinre and F. H He
*a City
the Trarena
C icboolt. vat elected |
of tbe Blale AaaocUilao of
The Wofk ef Five Mare
Trarer*e City, Hlch.. Hay S. IMI.
To Ibe Trarerae City Sprayer Co..
Tiaverae City, Mleh.
lialBP of tbe ape UiaU Cor tbe
rvfaaaed on>
' ' ape. maDual i '
apraytng n
baak apatea
your ageni. Hr. II. A Lanfieoatodai
ay'a aeaaloa.
vonby. aad And that It Is all ibai Ibt;
la a talk <
eoBpaay cIbIdi for II. I bare tried a
free lo say that In
a or paplla, SaperlBiaodeat
_______ of CharMle took a firm na orchard It vlll do tbe work of lire
b aa ordlaary hand pump, nn,!
ataad la oppoatiloc lo nld veefc parMaiu sprayer, eliber for bugs
tiaa. teap ah|Ba aad too aucb albL II will tore tbe pHe* ot llaelf
leito. aad depOred tbe pranto of eol*naoa on SO acres of potatoes. i
lece frateraltlet la pledtlBi atodeau
vblle they are *im la ibe bleb;
Tha^ other oBm* elected vere:
---------------- “ 'I. HcBhvy. Tbre
id ireaturer, R. F



For the Woman who Thinks

It s where you kci the best for your
money, not where you get the most.
Thai’s what tells in the end; It’s yt'AL1T^ 'that coimis
time. We
have not only the BEST, but the largest
selection to choose from, which is worth
a good deal to the woman who is i>articiilar about what she bu)'S.
Tailor made suits are first in the minds
of women jusi now; and the woman wlm
thinks most will not take long tu decide
WHKKEttibny her suit. The wom;iii
who buys a suit here buys it with entire
confidence, knowing that in a month, or
any time in the life of the garment, if it
has not proven satisfactorj- in wear, or
hot as we represent it to l»e., sjio ran re­
turn it and we will make it right. Then,
loo. our prices are never higher than you
have to pay elsewhere. We know if yon
care for quality and style, you will come
here for your suit: you won't have ui pay
any more either.

SpleruJid selection, exclusive styles,
direef from the best makers In Amer>
ica. Full line of sizes. Prices at

Maady te BaaHBtA
A* Qaaap OHp Brick Mathlae___

te terpe cd Papi. W. 4.


mi tbSTtow"aoT*.e^ZamUSTto
•Mbar oaackbw raa be

him who calls them forth by lips or pen.

$30, $35, $40.

world of that which it should know, or

They musr serve

whether the purixwe be to inform the

Splendid selection of both Walking
and Dress Skirtefrom

deceive the unwary b>' expressions of
others whom they Wtmld fain the worid
should think them to resemMe.


naiely for the public wcnl, words are
good when backed by deeds, and only so.
Deeds are not sucli servile mibjeas. and

$2.98 to $30.

when the public learns to know whose
words are constantly allied with deeds.'

Nobby Raglans and Rain Coals
Box and Tight Fitting Covert Jlckcls
Natty Siik Jackfcis

they know where and when to place con*
fidence in words."

Full Length Sill! Jackets
Charming ^hiti Waisi Sails

In Sunshine or Storm
General Favorites Everywhere
There seems to be some kind of a CH.AKM about
Queen Quality Shoes, because they sell and bring the
customer back again.

me Can Give Vou
The best for the piice in

Fctd, meal. Bran, middUnas.
e«m and Oats
We buy nothinff but the ben grain and you get the
pore article.


l't»r wet days or dry ones-wheiher you are going vis­
iting or just .want to be
‘ dressed up’‘-you will want
^ one at least of these splen­
did coats. One is the spring
Covert Coat, with a ptwu*a*’ity that every one knows
--the other the Cravanette
t—the Rain Coat—They are
so stylish—and *o conven­
ient—you can wear them in
'-^_^-rainy days or pleasant.
Thej arc the swell coat at
all limes.



This, combined with style, comfort and neawess of
fit. have made the sale of Queen Quality the LAKciELT IN THE WORLD.

Boots, $3.00 Oxfords, $3.50
( A few specials fjOc extra. >


he aopeeailea tbe o

-up to-

If you wait you get the left overs.

TravprM City hUrkpls.

Ihlllllit. A I
Aaatber gWyear yon hw*Mt co■toililY. P. L_____
TMaiw. BMaay Fiaak.
1 oae raen Bile atoae ot lore you
TiMb. a laaarM aad H- Harka*,
n vaa deddad to doaa op tht
Braaaii aad Bake the aecaatiry re. Tbe gnmada vllt also be platttd

1 C. KMbrtde of Clare aa

and the foolish, thy weak and the strong,


This report la maeo upon Wadnoe. ________ d to tbe occ___ «ap of each vaok. Tha Haralo la net
by tbair dnogbler, Hra, Anna Boat,
idto v^ tey^ved Urote
onalblo for obangen in prlooaMM. ftay vare draaaad aad tbe Ut- and rrad by bar Is glrea belov. Hi*.
UetMor vtU petebiy grov la place Chant* Teaple read the foIlowlBg la.
ill right aad tbe oibar vlll heal up ^rhalf of tbe aelgbbora:
TIb* logs <» aad baaollfnl frteda
bMtbe total Bay be atlt.
ate Into oar Urea. Tbe che« aad
greetUc ve eMead lo yon tooigbt la
Trvearae C«y Mile Mtdlap.
WMbllgtca. Hoy C-Tbe adrertieeof'tSSSS to^Vrhte'Md
raeps lor pt'cparali to the ooBatrae- SHle*
We also coogralalateTOO
tM «C • Piblle balldlag at Tibreeto
tbe Andrea vbo bare grova to
QNf vaa arat oat by tbe raperrlalac
M%Uael foMteky. Tbe hMa will be
bMh arc a bicatlag to the world ^d
to you, dear Crteads, vboae anaireraary ve celebrate.- s
Ice creaa aad tee Vere aerrad. AU
C ot the TraTane City Waed
la alagtag -Wbeo the Boll Is
___ vry baaaditloa Boaday Called up Yoader.- aad la hearty good
t the Mlovtap oHcora ^arr

____ Travacae saeatber of tbe___
pnpMtel orgaBllfaa to the dtstrlcL
tba piHHna ttu vaa aa Aly tiled
~ '

$8.50, $13.50, $15.00

the true and the false.

AT 6RMEU ims.

Orani RapMto-Rat* 12.0^
has* Ball al Crand RapUa.
I** Harr Anllp, vtCe of tealna
Grand Rapid* vs. Kvanevlll*.
Anilp. diad at tbeir home, SOS Bay
•aodsy, May «"«■
ttrnei. Bawrday at I;M p. m. of bemTraia will leave Tiarerae City at
errhape of the bovela ni tbe age of
St, The deceased leares aereo chll-i <:S0 A D. Bee postert, or aak ageels
drea. ihrec of vbom are pt tbe atate V paniealam H. F. Hoeller, 0. P. A
aebool to tbe deaf aad doBb at Flint.
The tnaeral vaa bMd Tnetday from
Fetoakay’- Rata *140.
tbe ^arA al Qrava. Andernoe tieClk Rapida-Rau bOc.
Mmdty. May 1&.
Train will leave Traverte City ai
Hra. Anilp vaa the oelj danghto
See poaieri or ask aaealt
- late Oenrge LaiBaa. aa oM p..
• of Oraad Trarer>« regina, vbo for panlculart.
H. P Moeller. C pV

A Fietty Purpriae.
Hr. aad Hr*. H. C. Otiait of WaahlogtOB Btrael enjerad a eerr Ploaaaat
aurpnae Friday erealag trom ' '
ebiMrao. graadcblldrce «ad aelgi
the occMloa being their tblnyalatb

Word* are slaves alike of the wise

Ten Uaed Planoa and Fifteen Used
Daatb Roll.
Orparia. Pamplcn.
4amea L. Hanay, ar.
vaokM, Orecoe. Sainrday erealaf.
He learca. beoldet bia vlfe. ala I
Cblekeritli ITpnchi, full else. One
and oae daopblar. Tbe cUldreB
l«nn. nov |S75.
4oha Id LociBtport. lad. 4nnaes. |r
Style » RImhtll. pood aa new. tStt.
tbla eKy. William of.....................
Iter aad' Cants

of Cblcaao. Clar- tirlnnell Bros.. Cor. From and Ci
r df IhU dty aad 'Hra. William
rtar of BIk Rapida.
. .
jry veil_____
beta as
. bbe bnd Ilred In tbla etelaliy
Ulnydvo yaata, comtof bora fmm
for Ulny-i
lenpo aad Uklnp a farm vent of the

the Citeda oC Mlaa Baaa Oraitaa.
tePBClp of tbia dtp. vIH be pleaaed
to teo tbat tbe cbaaeee to tor reeopery are r*ry lararatda. Hiat Orallap baa baaa aa larpUd tor the patt
Baa pear*, bm Tbaradap abe aadervtai SoiMlaaat CbaHereU vbleb
He vna a member of HePbenon
MR varp wniiiHal- Kb* vaa e«y post. No. It. a. A.
Mb iBpeviai pad aatoa eaa«Uaa< time on tbe local

OiTM WUtahaU. aa amplofe ot tbe
-hMkot iMRorp. BBC vttb a palBfot beedtpM •»
t**«W •KBrtM., lo
MPB BblBor bo pet tvo togara of hU
ONSM ap vttb a aas
thd rate MOB Ibat Dr. Kna.---lute that bia little tiger via alBply

Styles are carrect
ir 7w ise Batierlck
Faskiaas « « «

Correct Wearin? Apparel

tewal ftanraaP Hatep. .
Tba aoBBal Beetlac ef tba ttodtlOUen of tba Tiarerae Ov Saltroad
oapaar vaa beM la tbe oMee of Roa■errr HaaDab oa Tbaradar

rai^tarieteaMte ^
Moo aad nainaivtb atracu tbe dr*l
id Mp. The attthB vUI be located
k Se awe af R a Hartoa. vbo vlU
hi {be tek. No. t It hmted la tbe
atoa Id a 4. Haaa oa Wtablapioa
MB atf Na. t to Mia. Palter-a----MMtoM

teUMatv Ar Jwe
MW here IS ccpts'
Cwrect FashiMb «

J?. C/. Trkdrkb
Che $ca»on ef

Coufibs and Colds
U at hand—We have a preparation that
will fix-them—Our own make—We know
it Is good—Our personal gurantee goe*
with it-Wak-p White Pine and Spruce
Expectorant—Money back if it don’t
help you

WaiiVB DiteB Skor*

■ convince you that our boys' clothes are right in every re*j>cct.
for ih.' price. If you pay lens,
see onr splendid line first.

Every garment giiaranite.l as the best you can get
you .nay get less.
.s It IS lo your interest, mothers, to

Thinks that any boy whi
earing a
Buster Brown Suit" has been unfortunate in his scleaion of mother*. All the smart lads are wearing them, and they
cost you 52JiO. SrfJjfi. ‘ ,yi. S5.«l. Sfi.OO and $6..V). and
have them in two shadM



CBBBAis. unaspitt^mT
The MV Bin tod «nlu a i
ItM Prtdar- Tto oi
CKr toft'taaiad tk»

" *Hdnr‘VM la Traawa. CW

■J!.S*S^a.5n.rsaL ■■
r vltb HIb Ida Jobaao
-. MIB JohDBB ta aa <
taaebar. We wlab her ■

■ la*i Baadaf aad aani tto dar

aanbar at Ibe
1— U. n«“R«- belBK plaai-d (Ut mr »
a aaaber i ■' r<an back. It toawi that
CoalM ol Wexford.
tlir arm‘la'rab'*b riTgra^rtiSd'^ CThe
tnen of tbb

“ ^SSShiSS Su£ £


______ __riea I Vh aarc a Bte. Dr. T. a Mcrrltl. to
Rebl.-'rice picaUeet. Perot Hoven;! Ko. Mehoopaay. Pa_ made a BartUto
•acreiary. Once RabI: tnaaarar. > taat raaaHlas ta a wmdetfhl torn
OaMb RadfoH.
He wHus. a paOtat waa attach^
Mra. C. & Rehl apeat l^tarday U vUh riobat beoortbasea. canaed by
Trarerse Oty,
alearvitaa to tto moaadu I tH
ACrow to etoared Uebta tore beea toua famad -Baettle Btiten excaM
<-,ao I prtaerlbrd them. Tto paOtto
ir-: sataat freB tto ArsL aad hat aa( M
:aa attack In J4 Bontht.* Etaetrie Bll■ Ml Satarday fto I terw are poatUrely saaraatead far Dyartalt with friceda ta Trarerse CHy.* peps la. ladlseatlom. OovaUpaliaa aad
The NBtraa for tto new hob j Etaaey BeaUo. Try tbaB. Only sto
IMtas tot baea clroto B. Wllbetm i al ytoBseeh Drag State aad F. H.
to Traretra 1^. aad b u to ready, Meads,
(er oceepaneyWy July 1st
The Nortbport Beach hotel has toec '
leased for ire years u Mrs. Hall aad
Motharal Mothara! MotharoT

You Surely


Your children to IcBm to play on tbe piano. A knowledge of musk is a greai help to young people in more
«rays than one. When you bu> a piano you warn lo
. know that it ii riffht ip every way That ii will «iv«you entire satisfaction. If you* buy


W. W. Kimball Co.


129 Front St.

<bi»«b li

-. ..

■^Si^iC^r stiaittoarbaa
- k^a to lira with bar i
O. Btoodfood b qulla alek with

Iftoa Aina WdM e( Tiararaa Cltr
■Nat Baadar with bar abler. Mra.
fika OrpaBCT.
Jin. Beae Bltcar et Tfaranr CBr
d«tfM ai tkb plam aatardarad CU
j l< h«rc
Bar. B. Webb e( Bead
—loi^a fevjeaka. atarlBC
« with bu BOB.
MeCnoD ol Tiaraiaa air b

4Ks,v<;sk."” •" • "■

iNsaard Bare
arilad oa friaada ban iaat weak.
•OB Matilda PrtBaaa ef Nortbport
Jeaad a racr aaeeaaMal lara oT aebool
M nwadar. Bto Mil te bar booe
aad Mra. Cbaitoa Balaeka apaat
gBITij at NoTthport vttb Mr.


If everybody knew how much larger assortment they could lind here and how much li/a-er prii i*» we
make qn account of buying goods in such large quamiiies to supply our three Mores, they would go
nowhere else to buy iheif furniture and home furnishing goods. That is why we are giving this 111 days
advertising sale, for if we can get you to spend ten minuies in any one of oui ihree stores you are
■ customers ever after.

Our Crti Days’ Prices



ggioN Marrb drora u Trararaa
“------------------ aled hr hto Mater GMrB
0. U Oratoio aad
Isieilr tore
Barth BBaas u reura Boead U Peari lake, where
: at BIc BapUt Vedi
apBM tto BUDBor.
J. Korrb will Mart hb saw i
veto (or the sprias raa.
Len Zletler, who rrat to LouUteaa
ist fan. mnraed Ian Satui'
M b(B« Satodar.
los ai (bb place vMb bb s
Mra. Btova to Bbder.
Bled hlBL
Peek rlehed her tiaicr.
_____________H. Barth. fi«B Friday aa-

Hr. and Mrs. M. Oleadf
'^Ma'MdtoM b dljzlas Hr. MarTrarerse aiy rIsUed rals^
btah haaeoMt for bb bara.
Mba Veras Oardaer vest

sleep durlox (he nixhi. Ilcblnx pile*,
Keewtek. wotre
wbere sov
abe eee taorrllile plaxue.
Dnan's Olntmenl
of Ibe lllnest of ber
cares Never falls. At any rtnix s'ore,
sn cents.
ally will
Siaaley Wilton
Ihe hill.
occupy the Wlltoa coti^

BtmI Hoselaad.b vorirtas for L.

Hr. aiul Mn. Oeorte Booker drore
■to a tree. Her ehab hacBBe aataacled
> Kalkaska Taeeday.
(he braaebes aad la order to not
Mr. aod Mrs. Baal Seolt to Trarerse
Bart her the tree bad U be let dova
hr the Dte to tar lopea. A. E. Oreea Oty drore dova u allead the faneial
to Mrs. Hartto Warner bet T
BiMad the ropes.
ChaBjaali b to tore a ulepboae
^‘aaad Watsoa tod vltc o< B
Tto Bbetlaad poalot to the Sllrer Ids were la the Delsbborboi
boa are aach better at (bb vrlUisthe wreck la vhito serea cars were
(krowa o« tb« track eee Bile aootb to
MOimii iielieii.
Mb b prrlly aear atralcbteaed ap.
■e Riral Bakes dafly BMs to (bb
> for loss aad lanber.
>e AOee J. Day called at ihe ioek
Moore aad Miallr to Oileaco ar« vorklBs.
I here Satarday a^eraooa to
m 8. NeleoB haa p
Bake lUs tMr fntare bona Bardltornie sires ttoai a Warm vtoceae.
Mbs Mary Holdea arrired hoa>e-8aturday for so ladeBalte rbU.
Mrs. K C. Plfber to Gleo Arbor tot
W. H. Hatodoe paittoaad a
be« the saest to Mrs. E. Deraey to
IM veto.
the Narrovt for the past three weeks.
■■dvard Oarron's diHilac leai
' Mr. Brooks and faBily to Osborn are
.war Batardar stlwnDB vht.. .. vorUas Jas DaDeh ^tra thb tantaralBi froai Trtrarae CBr. tbrowlac
Ub oot aad layoHac hiB qelte aerli. Doraa b the soeet to Ut abler.
oaMy. Mr. Baoeaov vat rldbi
IW. OsfToll.
Be vae pretty
Oatlaed b torbw bb
Mr. Htotea. oar peepUr ause
.ilatad vUta
drirra, drore tbiornfa uSTsindayT i
The Ladlet* Aid via Beet tbb veto -f^k Kelloss veal to Maple CHy
Wagacediy with Mra. K 8. Kelm.
Mrs. 8. D Bathe and Mrs. 8aoB.
Stotoer were Maple City ritirort fial
Mr. Pletrber. who vat qalte tedoac
y iBjared while vorklas la Ibe voodt
qalte _
Mra A. a Oarti hire Borad ■— ^eA. b repotted to be oa the
tore troa Betlaer. banap boaxht
raaldeaee or -- -----------------Mn.^\
Sm'ji^aT Reeaxtyrto Oraal uara;
*^'Sr. a Oar. who sold Ui hcoe here
artth the lateatltoi to boIbb vaat. has
hoBBht Boee bad to O. A. Brishaai.
BR to hera aad b hatMtac a realtoOi (br a aev beaw. Wlaa
PHtsborv. ha* beeD «nbaate their Blais.
Aa^b. for tbe put few
OeadlBB toe besaa <B tto M. «. K.
' M. R. earray (hat bBa Baie last
I, Bra, BOB aooth to here.
'aSTK. Barr
^^rallera a. TTavmu aty
tBItod (reB Oraad BanU.‘u
day eraalas. vbere they aunt (to

-tatJ^SSlIra. toeirer. S

Bartr VIMieoBb b bate btm
ami aiBUa tor a ta* 0^ Mtas.


borne Id

Some bcamilul Vdv« (worth *3.60). Itv only................. 2.26
Some bexntilnl rop, 3i« ft., (worth M.60). for................................................




ataide pat_____________ ,______
Henry Barnes and Horrb toslle are
palallns the Nortbport “





green or Mue-s icguUr beauiy, only 2.76



Our Ctn Days' Sixrial Salt »a;e«ncli«s

along Ti)>, *8.75. *4.0U, $4.*5 aed

Sec the XBortiDent to icicct from:- any price yoo vast to pay. from $8.7ii



auymae. ehltar «Wle,
A pretty An &]u*re, 9x9 ft., only............................................................................... 3.69

We give sredxl


A good, veO made
IroB Bed, just like cat,


TrtTcrse City, Mich.



up to *22.84).

C«M Fun esrisatfs of eiNrirs

ihii their banking home.

m iminii


The most convenicni and Ubor aaviug anick far tlw hmc.
Here yon vi11flTi-l a Urge aaunmcDl raagiiq; f.oai *3.76,
84 75. *.'75. *C.60 Dp. One that ia a pantry in itarti; two
Urge drawers, jmititioned, bread l<oanl. meal boarti too
Urge bir.s. partitioned. U^e (op (or work table, all made of
sekeci while ma|fle- Onr price for this orte is only.. .8.60
We have any and es'erylbmg for the kitebeft



KHcbm eaMnrit



lion to the busineM of

to Otto B'JlIow.
The Whbt dnb met at (be borne ol
Hra.<-. B. Kefal Satarday arieraooa.
R. A. Campbell owsbi a four pnanil
UDBl ai Gitli Pier tbb week.
H. E. Gill luned bb soda foanisin
ihb week.
The ColumbU betrna her resUar
con on Friday.
O. A. Ward of Grand Rapids tpcnl a
few dayt of Ibis week in urm
Mrs. W. P. Robertson spent Iasi
Satanby In Trarerse aiy.
r JpDior C. E. Ibeld their bntlibc h
day eveclns. '


sires and eofors.


Kehl Hrot. are maklBS
■ Ir resort.
>eou fur popubtiDS tbclr
Hitt blella Barnet of Otncni
Wednesday ii
Frank Kosi
Biotber. .Mrs.
from toland
Hr. Roy and sot bare arrired wlib
to col
cuatinici I coltase on North
jDily will 0
Waller I
to Tiaraniey Wllto

erse aty Saturday.
A: a. Pblrbaaka aad
erse CUy risited la (to
last veto.
baMOnT N nil I
Mr. aad Mrm. CMI Palrtoalu to Elk
Mb Mtae aad Worthy Urlacttoa Bapids rbited ai C. W. Hasttasi' 8neIMM Tranne Oty Batardar aad
Btova b sick viU Uft
- ..
Cbrenee Fblrbaalct vbdeied bone
U Trarame aty Soaday Boralas.
A. & aad ClIBord Pray irarked :
u the lane hlacfc bear beMra.
0 the Sllrer Btoa. ereaied
xeltemevi aBoas oar paopla

€Mrfpth0sHf Ctrge Ct»e #f



V Prod Boblfc.

N. E. STRONG. Mhgr.

Everything in small Instruments. Musical .Merchandise. Sheet Music, eu .

’■iimm taaai. acH alac Boatki and
'SSSm dara. dMd a( eoiwiBpUoa,

Mr. aad Mrs. OMr«e P<


ttelr apriax
- ate rrrr bnar with tinir
1 to sbtasico aad,
Altboa^ (be tpriaa vaa M lue il baa Sunday
OBBe (Hf ao Bleeir aad ererTtblec b lamber.
tto rery
The lire aarlea < •V vaa tailed oai laoUnc ao veil (her tore almoet '
J. Redford arrired
yIeM U
OB Pridar to raa< » A. r. Boaitaa aottn vhai a lerrible vloier ve
Tharsday fraca Ml. PbaoBSL
to Dr.
!bt to-—
went to aiieod the funeral of her' ttojuotUas. h
bearr aealbveat
Ofut ebareb todies' Aid Bet iriih
U Codnan aad two otba-HimBara
William Wilson It orer from Fox
Mra. Hartto BeeaMt last Wedaeaday.
You are sum of a perfect ins^umt-ni. as ihc uiiaranictwere Id tovo Tbaradar.
Sevtas carpet ract vat (he order to
«ulck Arrest.
Canb Anarvlae aad fiBlIr epeal

is a bond of pruteciion to you.
I' jciory |iric<->. and
the day. Bloctloa to oOcen mailed
Batardar aed Sasdar vlib
J. A. GalMse of Verbena. Alai,
at follovi: Mrs. Chat. Sebemerbora. day and fMday to Ibb week ta
very chsy terms. See the laic styles, jiisi .i lew m-cuiuItwice Ib (to bospUal from a oerere
mu la Orbit.
praaldeal; Mrs. Ebbs Raiatey. rice
case to piles csbsIbs « mmors. After
Mba Aana Kiopp b Ibe ^
hand and Hitle used pianos le(|Square pianos $uri
prcsidcBt: Mn. Martha Beoaett. Irpa* by he
doclota and all remedies (ailed. Bock
reB hi Ibe bolel.
oror; Mrs. Carrie DItoo, secreiarj; ■ bit s
$45 and $T>5.
pianos $|i'.*'. SWr and up
Mba Bell Miller, a tralaed aarae
-lea’s Araks Balre quickly
Hn Aaale LeBeaM. aatlstaoi srere will tpead the
tBmailoB and cored.
frOB Trarerse Otr.
alMNdlax Mn.
Mr. and Hi
lary: Elder Baroee, diapbla: Mrs.
lliifh top organs
$'.’5 and
-s aches Bad k It pain.
Miser ratraat aad lafaai dao«h<er.
■ he mi?oce*to William | It
Mary Ooddard. atebiaai ctopblo
at Jobasoo’* Unix Sinre and I
B. R. Dallr called at (be
The G. A. R. toll to Wexford bat
bb aaK>Uae baMb oa Boadar
Tbe Ladles' Aid aoctety
been creatly iBpcored la looks by puiTto faaillr of

tlas a aev porA la troni to It and a Thnrtdty afiervooB at tbe
rt R A. DeOellar.
b UVD. ■ev aniBX on
Bal^ Pkoau
Tbe Shakespeare cl l> pare a party
Wbrol 1> lookine rcry poorly in
r a________
poalUoB_U Ibe
at Glll't hall oa Friday evenlns. Tbe.—— —.... ...
____ Weleb Tblied al her bome Bat- loeallly. A auait>er nf pieces arc
erenln* wat tpeal la comes and mo-11»- Tbemtas Eciecirtr Oll-Monarrb
]y Vinter MIW.
tdtr aad Smdar.
•k. alter which refresbmentt were [over pain,
The llllBoti dleebartcd a Ibr«a
sened. A’>efy pleatant rrenlac
tUr of frelaht at Ihb port Baoda:
Two rnimoB AmerHmnt loBer
The moBlbly batlneat
Mrs. RIefcardtoo ritlled bee daosba'* (to I
dyaiwptla. No seed
Ito V. P 8. C. E.
ler. Mrs. C. B. Dye. orer Sunday.
Ullle and L>TiP Honon vem u
twlax oflkert eleciot: PretlTrarerse CHy on ibdr vheelt Priday
Itent. I.ll.hie <5o«iaff: rice presldeni. '
aisbi in vbll rebllves.
Mary llramen; eecretan’. Edns Ilia-[
Hn. Van Tassel of Tei
Ooa taceiaol aad Mbs
Hr. aad
OiarloF John.
_ _ of
_ ' _ -rae aiy were rUKnre passed tbroapfa here Thursday
tn Wfvt tlaioD (o care
Albert Robbiai' Suodar.:
bier. Hynie Keaaedy.
fitBi Cbleaao aad Trararab Cltr «»
Wedaeedar lari.
Hn. Cadervood has foar
ford for a few day»‘ atarHiBBie Oubser eaiertalaed Bibel
JiBBr Stow apMt bet Sabbath
Thi-r<- cait to no Juti rcaton why
vlih bb sloler. Mra. Larr. fa Trarerse rilUaBt.Will tons aad Allen «1xb>ly rvadvr to tbit m-111 coniiauc lo luftaa at dinner yeslerday.
D ac-binx back, ibe
Archie Smart aad Vida Monroe tIf
dbordert, ibe
led ai Clint Copeland't yetlcrdiy.
danpvra of dbbeim . any kidney lib
A. Brown of Trarerse City b here
at band and the
he rooDC people to Rertooee aed for a tiiii with bit dausbter.
I pMillve prtxif xlrec that they
Next Snnday ereeias the ^vortli
iBitr epeal Prldar Waalos vltb
U- ciir.-d. Rend nhti a Ttaverte
II observe ibeir
___ aad Mrs. Heary Bella. The report
CHy cilUeii taye:
vat a pleaeaat tlaee.
l.iuBbray. ol
0 alieed
Tbp new Woodaeo aad Maeeabee lantailoD l> esiended
to tbe n>ll way* at tbe
ball vtll aooD be eaeloeed. eo they will
Oval Wood INth Oo. ravk: Tor Are
be abb to hold their aext rerleva la
imiiUlrd with my
were eleded:
Prwldeal. Mrs UHle Hortoo: rtee kidnexk. and backnehn or whal I call
• pain In tbe hack, wblcb when
Hrr. Anna Roae: seefetary.
n-,iclercd me miserable I was
Mrs. C. B Dye: treatarer. Mrs OtlMTbe aext meetlas will to vlib also iraulded wlih rhi-umiilsm In my
Pore Mrera to Weal Alnha b voriclimbs so painful ai times ihai I could
Ullle Horloo. May Jii.
On Carpets, Rugs. I.inoleom* and all kin.U of floor eot-erings.
A goo.1, veil made 4-i'iet-e Bedroom'Suil, bevel pUle mblas tor N. Bbbler.
hardly continue ai my work. Procuf-i
ror, worth *10. lor only..........................................................| 2.76
Wai. WblaocfT aad tauBr ito
■nx Doans Kidne - ”
week for (heir aew hose in Belblre.
Nrsi, *13.7.'! *14.78 *15.78 ami the pretlicM *20 auR
lacrorj n
ever shown for only.......................................................................16,76
St lake Abb
■lUx-ly '
They range tight along up 10 a good, hearj, aBiiqiie <^k
H. Caraea. the eraaBellet. let
—j tolly................................................. SI -Oo
... to Nasnoaba aad Mill strceli last
X lor BeoUrBle. I
Samrilar by Gartbe A Keaaedy.
anil, with qoarter aaved. avell top drawers m btob drcMer
not been troafaled since I used Doan's
where be will eoio
Rer. A. 8. Camaa of Grandrille. O . Kidney Plll»aadcommode.chea|-atiS2.76.forenty ......................... 17.76
rrlveil In lova Tharsday.
For Kale by all dealers.
Price M
Onr next big salue is a Urge aak auh. aosUy all qiuttcr
8. Pdik calbd al
Ceorse Gill relurned Tbiindar from cenb. Ftoler-Mllbiirn Co.. Buffalo. N
her way u Trara
uved, with S4s30 bevel Fre^ pUie mimr, quarter Bve>l
it. Plea«aal, where he went ao attead V. lu.te axents for the Called (Male*.
swell top iWawen, worth *35, for only............................ 25.00
Rememtor the Iiiine. Dnan's. find take
(be fnarral of bb titter.
0. Osypole aad (taUly to Seloe
n niher.
Ct-oiel^' ataoclatioD jnei SaiSoote big value* in all atriraly high grade Buiu.
taadad eb:>rch at thb place oae er
1. H.
■rday a< > • borne ot Mrs.
las bat week.
loo Harbor tpesl
Hr. Gcll 1 toB
VaL HefTtiiftoD to. Trarerae aiy
Scratch, acrairh. anatrh: unable lo
G. M. Dame.
■ Buesi
- Nlauvi.........................................
itend l» biulDe*! diirlOK the day or


tkt M


trfiil. vide.
o-ed frame, (cheap at Sfi.i'S), now only..........................................


Next (worth *7.7.'!), for only............................................................................................


Next (worth *8.76). for only............................................................................................ 6.75

Ydd can find aeylhing you want here
from a kitchen chair for 4Kc right along
. up.
Tilts cut 4wvi one of our leaden,
big special: high back, cane seat, a voy
beautiful design, srorth *10 for tii, our
price for iia if only ...........................7.60

Some bar^mt in a Urge beautiful couch, cm-

eretl in beantifol Verona^ (worth *1G). for................................................

I 2.95

Our next big xpKiai it a solid. veO
made, high back diner, brace arms, cob­
bler seal. nx for only..........................6.76

Our Sarelal

A large, veD oiAile, beautiful coodt, tnih the l*esi genuine steel conKruetKm.
(others would have to get *lo.60i. our porc.................................................. 7.95
They range right along up

| _

We injnhin, foa niM „ jowt what jam

Then right afoi% up to the mow
covereil u best Verona. | anil
ANYTHING you want


Hsriurs M Buy Priet

nphobteie.1 good* al ju« whal you warn in pay.

Oter 300 atylei. All aiaei,
styksaad pneem Some to
our big ^>edaU ara a high
back, extra well made, veO
tmAed Urge arm rodter,
genome leather upboblered
sprin? seal, only ....0.76

n Carge Cine
Of l.ace, Cbeniie am! Tapeatry Curtains, Rope Portierev etc.
:y pair
of lAce Curtains, 7-V
A pretty
value, for
Some *2 > alue* for....................
Soii)c.fine *3 values fivonly.


A b
sawed oas ■ocuer, j
evt, (see the vide qoarter
save<l oak Imck; nice enough
for an) parlor) worth *10 for

And to on rigiit through. Anything
you want al insi whal you want to pi).



and eommsdes


have everything yon

k'ou can And an)thmg you want here
at any price )-on want to pay.

Now. jerusha -Ann. don’t you get uneasy, cause this
here wagon’ll hold together till kingdom come.

It s a Ferris Wagon
And you can't break it. no matter what happens
made for. and sold and srarranUHl by




And that Settles it!

-V--------- -------- -------

A good dmer, yost like cut, wml
Bade, vrfi linisbed, 3 large draven,
beset plate mirtar, for only.. 6.76

iiful <)oxrter
(rout dicsaer, with Urge mirror (vorth
*2S). <®........................................


A good, vdl made. veO ftniafaed
commode. Urge drawer, two doors,
apUaber back, iiv only............... 3.75

Aoylhmg yoa want in
Stoics or Steel Rar^es «
the very fovert jirices.

Wholesale and Retail.


Reliable Home Furnish
'urnisn e

0(*y. Bit* Mm^ltoB Biasto TK



TiE tUE Tlir$ HIE

FarTmMtA mad ChUdiea.

of Threat And 1
tatllc kM Mi t0M(
. H.I TV-h ?««*»•»“
IM tm u< t»* »!■■«■»'
M TM in -M *•
■b-f HiMW CMS tewM


Mh of

OMfsl K»MU»- « «• •
amtd pwto—1 eoM«««1

HUea. TM* la doable Ibe aaiooai raroteod laa pear
Ovlag lo tb* eioolBg of ike oolr
More U tba piae*. Ik* aoa'oBloe al
Hopkiaa. AUagaa «ao:;j. %m bare lo
be dlaeonllaaed Tb* emapeBaattaa



a»ra*t« 'o BbDsi fT( per fiat, boi ao
M aio«Dd Ike rener* cato* lo a<aase Ibe reapraMbmiy tor

ifoept •> IM "n' o'

iw Mlk* M Port Arttwr.

SJlSSo, Md . M



MtiOB (tel

MIta. «g Ik* report ikDI tb* JtpDM
mm «. Ik. IM T« P-lnMck ad port Arlknf «u fMM
_ rmU 4*p«rte**in fro* To«o
kM Mnlot.

Tkr dhMUi W M

amt of lM*-g M
ikM (arty-«re ■»«•

oonkM <rf

Fort AIM. r%t appDroit «*)<« »»
k. JMMa f UMM o. tke LUO
rm PMUUU U to dMpIksle Ik*
mta iM OMtl BkDft*i »> MiUDgo
•d alllM Poet Artkor wlik a h.Dej'

bat mpelled logo mere. The valrr
la tb* aeboA* ie all froia tke etly
Ilea, attd a l«B baa been pal upon
for drUUag parpntoa. beare ibU
neat order.
.fB «rop nf
of la..
Ui< r'or ...
-m s STM) blMilss auarlall.
oarlailr 10
le vko
Ike fvam. oapoclsllr Uwee
vko keft
tbdr crop over vtoter. Perrr Mayo,
of Msnball lorublp. ratoM
Id noe-anarter
IA<K> bnibrli oa flic M>i
atm. and Ibli wf«k k>Uid Ihen f<ir tl
a baibel. palling • clror
pockM. That kind nf (aralog psy«.
Mon- pnlpiniod !• fiassiu «> <>u {
mlfa frooi spper pmlwala pcrioii j
Ibta rrer bHnrt SBd Ike bmiDoee
proalero lo tomue u beariir Id Ibe
future u Id Ike pMt. Upvarde

hrb* liiaim MsXka U


luael Breeisg Ki-wa ba>
naM hr the HooitbipB.Mto
lick will hereafler pab-


Pat Arthur e«t OR.
•L miiukin Vk7
Th* dapaae^u2^^^3k M*d at Pita.. .
rnutm k*»* tat tkj UBd ecaaual
atap* allb Pert Artkar.
KMi ta Taag Chaag ChariMar A-aiw Oauua) New*
aa NMMa «Meii CRHb TokJo
t-MaTtM Oeaeral Kareki kas ooeo-

ITSaw <»M

aaa« Ab Tuag and Foog Putag

rttc the rMK that FWg Waag
tea bUaa Uto iba kaada of me
m alter aartn AghUac Beoal
A**a Ik* iwort to Aa Tnag. a MaaI polBt aaar Ik* Japaaea
____ pertf. Tke W»ae._ on bom
Ate W« roteatad aa kaaey. i
M fM St Pauraborg oUlaa
■tM AduMaUA U made that tbe
■e baee captared Peeg Waag

Ma iliAl Met AitUv U

llak both papert.
MUi Loett Bt. Danab baa been ..
MaaMrr abrdin bwOtaoS rtd I YaO.
poUKd poitaaitrr ai Qulaaroac.
OMtluca camty. Tke Rnberi Bar­
clay. rrtlgaedH. A- Dooglaa. aasager
isra'a Telepbatic company
has roaigaed on aceouoi tit 111 [healih
aad will go 10 CallforaU.
> iraap giring bb name aa )i
__noway waa ran orer by a ttaio at
atayllof Tbaraday and both bia Irga
It off. He b eot likely to reeorcr.
Battle Creek la firm la the Held wlib
caae of beat praatraikm An < "
.. an waa orCRnne^y Ibe heel Tu
day while walking AW me iiiwei.
May 1< Parry will rote oo a prop« lo bold for $*,000. for TaWlc
improraiDama.'' whicb meant a bonns
of that amoual lo eeeare a farlory for
me rlHage.
HkbacI Bmitb. aged (S years.
Meoomiaeciamped Uto
•rr at ....................
wim anlddal intent, bnt tbe
cold. BO be climbed
hlmirlf iastea
at Cornell of nooghtoa la
-....................... IM.M
IWBl In Ibe work.
Quite a Dsmbm of FlDOs U me eo|v
bare porrkaaed farms la
prr «
hire aad will noro. mere
Tbe farms they arc boyUg
_________ Jtaada wbUb bare been aban
doaed by their farmer owaar*.
Tbe cKy famera at tbe Boo tblak
lat ceupeilthm b a good thing. Tbey
re larltlag prepeaab from peraona or
eompaalea who would Uke lo secure
tke rmaeblae for eataMUbliig a gat
.........................................................le city.

IMML Tb* iapAtaer tAuadroa la
MM «• Uaa Taac paalABoU la tb.
teWPwt Arthor-

- tsdar tbat CA* fl

d of tbe

. m* Liao Taag imd.
charged tM aad aher


lUnydre SaaeUat

Cmn be Cured with
Dr. MUea* AatiPala PlUs.
B pamaarAaaw ■

were <AP

•Mt* Nawt.
^««aal L »i luoaldae^U wUM
"tto aowlag wm am be

MUM aa odtlng dab foe tbe pa

For Over
Thirty Years


LARGE BOTTLES 60e and $i.

•d Loss OP Sleep.


Ail Drueeis'ts.


- family l is ralle.l liri«emoUnl
be 1* •i.-vi
a mile anr
II •tl.•ld
by the 'n
raliimci father
Brresled fnr lap- of K-U.1MIS. J Ids-- i-arkr T-s homel nthan *lisi'
tarts ..r .be Koose were
..r h.N nd,.-r.-eatb«..
n. U-i
n-i . M.-uiu
•aaulltaE him.
Colored man, Port Huron, wfaotc
' I aiiehoDit Ir
kin inrned wblic In patchra. la dead.
Klngsion a-ns burned l.l. i-la>c-nlKbl
Orer ino carloada live stock shipped
-. I’ar
. a B.S-.I e-inwrlr-nne: tL.ocIi
y.-sr. ..-.I. Phrij
• rill Uim
fnan I.ltcbadcl alnce January,
- lb.- fall
AdreoitM aaniiarlum. Battle Creek,
adverilaed for sale fnr lazes.
. C
L. Waldo, aged SI. old resident
Ic ibe dlaunre In
rinee Gnstaf.'
•hlng JoM-pli C.ifa
anil Norway
In- 1.0 .acl. down
'!• undertaklnc nfllnDeerfield t
Bll-le pHnied
•r—r P. Vorh-r-weli. nr-IhMulllkee iioy accldenially killed aUhlsMTian- "if III, |ir—.-i:' atw|gh tboignn.
Ifsty-firc garment workers struck tfae Swedish d
at Kalamarno
June SO. and as Mlcmapollf has oior oven- itait
Of Ibe UegesI Sw-.dlsli populallno* In
Icycle arm.
prince Is oz|>er,:--d to
Humane audety. Lonalng. repon
- rame lime. The >isi<
agatlasi ownera who orerwnri
llrery and back
New addliloo acbool l
slug, will open May 25.
OnloTed man atole auto lo flrond




uia <
8-eka relief
•r from di
diruree courts.
I>ir<irre court gires. arasd Bapidt
——“ medding- prerentt.
UnrahaM•• mao died b»t week:
father d
n Deecmlier.
end motbcf
In Uarcl
Rny (niaat. Be y City, sbol himaeir
itber than be ct ipturrd by oacera.
Pbotogrmphera' ronrenll
at Ion. Saginaw.
lay 11 and 12.
CornerMooe oc
ConiDa laid fay Mbiob:
Crraad RapMa leacbera will go by
special trala to world'a fair.
Ionia dentut-a ttanghtcr Teeda mli-

ilsK:-* 1

mndern blmory

iNkhit far ■ Hawtl

>r llaaeo.ig^^ TMa^AMkpeplB
>.. bar- li—-11 a|rl*rttl<v<l M ll
sux-nm-'oi to a poelilos
h amt reroivr-rl hU. an-dlcaf


.•ill of Ru>^laD bluml In biK lelni

. ..tne. K. au.lltlni: acroiints the Ser
-s of* man mux l>- railed In. Some
ml-r. Ml the mar,I re«.ni.-d this

th* a?ti^» at May. A. O.



ItMilaai Lairti
KsOwar uel l-*ad < oaiptaMt

hai. xn-l ib.-mr.-lx-It" a <la> for
ii-\j«-to-.-r. ir.i.wi of th-’ (K

Wraim ( >aad>'> rr*uil*ai9s





L <mt to* prWB miw SI* ta (2S.


Out >ir>« Bara H auu wauag itr yao.


Bay cousty farmer died In boggy te.?Jree‘^r‘'
lurtilag from TltlL
Grand lUplda pOIlccmao lowered by
-el to atre drowning boy.
’-Sabbath ObaervaBcc oommittee,’’
t Grand RapMa, after Sunday balla
Ibniera and Hquor traBc.
RMnay and S.cksrbet'ura cared u« I'oih.
r. U. WliK£l.F.S. Kaodulpb. la Siz a
A.ktiefWA Ar.|.-ft«*- •
tg. ni
don of tbe pnblUbera
Boy. Detroit. •For sale hy Jaa. C. Johnaon and Bogtbe world'a exp
bee A Roibnrgh.
at 81. Louis bare set apart Jr .
American Boy Day. Pice programs
boys wilt be given in Peailvtl on tbal day'-me programi being
der the anperrliton of the r-litni
American Boy.


iStlt.a, Adlan



**--- -I I ’I 'lTli

ll* lAthdayof July.lPOA
aa M o rioi-t m tkr—oa, W wOrty Ibe

The ararttf qua!;!; o' a .1
dei>cn.l. i/nmanK uj»m ibi-

The Bnperor Menelek rrf Ahya.lnU
la Ibe arih hustood of Ma wife. Talin,

t Thomas H*rdy. the

stage which she bad
life on Ibe b.-arb at
Bpton. near DniThcsier. In
Tbowtit Hard,
was l<orn
be used to inidge dally to the
I acboni at
Dorchester anil
hl< work In «n prehtieei s of

e younger memher* of the
In New Vrwk when Admiral
m Bridge. K- C. B.. refuacd
hlmtelf to be Unniud la a
r. TTte admiral belongs to
of naval nmnlnet whieh beIlerea ezclttslrriy In a guapowdCT diet
ai a aeceealty iaad combing bullet,
out of tbe^balr a
after a battle as a dlChesterAeld in poMteoeBs. hni hna a ralber cTOtcal auts-

No. 2. m Hone Power, to BaBt
to Ao Oood Work. TU* E>glae
dwa pomp AO barrel* of arater
par boor ts lb* belgM oflOO tpet.
It w9 supnly water lor the
hate*, bam, torm aad fleU, aad
giva the beat of Ore proteetkm,


M otber rogUea we aaice. ll
to yoon for the asktog.


Shoes for Men

e.. Mien.



A-S.'S.b'b-r.i sr


WBITE. OUNHAU SBOE CO. Brasektam. Uteo.

your Health and STRENGTH with

U ggM^l > .


• sbeoao. pount. mi Mrairat bvi.or.Ior for WOMEN.
oMioiw. ~i MEW.

tt Islaurawtto


. Has earned the title of


'Pionoer of Uniments”

te'uetoy aa?’< ***

^ **f


•'■' “


J2&- ■™-

i'lfsslias* —

It wfll stop iMUn and hMl all
harts quicker than aiqr other
Itebnent you can we.
OMd far JIAN and BBA5T.


; ‘ISr’aTV’li


Mustang Liniment







Ml Innmfd

When you need a LINIflENT get a GOOD one.


, wiuirt.



Tbe mother
norrtlst. died






great beauty. Her
waamo^ eis. u of King Tbnv
ig can bt oukktr
r ABti'ihm PUL
dure't generalt. her ammd she dl
r AnthPau IVb art pbaa- Torced, her third was killed hr King
am HtUa ptah ttetata. a hkhdoBMaet John, her fourth was -n>raoved~ and
ei tba bowabc oae do may ter. any
I I1S5 abe mariifkl Menelek.
Ex-Queen Isabella used
e pbon
M> iiDil:
ttte feMwItM eo
of PaU.
ahiiveled iild
aad brtte rrAaf aafaU
awd aufcUy
■fcUy to dwindled inra a
r nf bee former self
aa* grmtaat aoBaear.
cousin. Don
Too Bbauld atwaya kaap a baa e( Or.
MBar Aatl-Fata pm. la tba kaoat. atom
«. The I<
kamr wtea pala auty sitam

; Laat yaatJUBtfemi* wai wHbom a
'bm: mu roar It baa two- No owe
d Uat yw lor tke waM of a drtak.

D eiow of amrlng grooM Al
I baWfag a fair ibrce. Boor Iba crater e( the eooatr
pbkk U aomtaally raa on
A U U reality roe oa any
apgia.. aad at a reaali
__ _ liwilHlrai edit. Legally
a U me dty U ataadard.'Uol
be acbooU bagU aad cloae oe
d time, tbe chuitkaa aae toirt of tba bBUaaa pUau am
« of Umr aad paut tba omer.
r caaaa where two eoaearat are
d aadir «At road oab aiee loOAB amadard tlaac. to the eoa
oftka Mitnyira. Tba weral
U tf tb* TpaLAaa. whkA rui

1 take pleasure in a
onliped me lo my bed fc
Ditcovdry lor Consumpiioo and it cured r
sincei heartily rerommend it lor all Lnni


IMUr lUr MetbodUU will er
church IhU BBoiiaer. lo reBinirtarc deal rayed hr gre



. . __________ 1 Ike Pas rtrrr valWll'.atu rawui. >rt K-iaanUill..'
r tad erDtral Wlaeonala. where
Hr* kn. Jusi becBuM- the pro-’oer wuii v-mcn
Hi> ii.t<-*tatinn
mere baa beet a great greoib la tbe
■» nf the QulOCJ-r.nlilaaler t'.cc- the .kmerlran wh- aj*- Knsllati w,
papermaUiig taduatiT U m* laal fe* trie road bare promlacd In bare the [u’-rlruu- i> ru maik.-l ibat he brenn
rood rusolag by Auguat IS. me dBi*|aImo.i rude tu MimI..Tbe AllBg wllk tb* regleln of deeda
‘ilrll'ipb eldl.'nn!'
rr CoWwaler* annaal carolral haalurual mnveniloMl >al
I L-enavee cooBiy of a nortose ol
pen art fnr Ibai week lo celebrate the ‘ ■•tnbapp.- » baa he at
IIJWM gleoa bp tbe Toledo A Hicb
nilag of the cara.
I'on. bin In ht« hhei
’ in*TSec''wl;‘b‘;.T l!
Igaa eleetne raDroad lo iba Srcartiy
V. Of H. btt a.»S7 BlBdeau.
\ York he could not I. .
Trail aUBPOar. of Toledo, marti* tke
Ionia fanner plowlDC by atcain.
make more than on.- or iw« es!>.
idag ol tkal road ud
Ilrlfd: company orgoalted at (‘alnId*urea lU
Mlri M.r> .Oallagber. abo hai ms.i.ud Ooldwawr
arttblD .....
Cblppewa cmioty has twin anpenisa irllM
Erlffor Alien IW. al in, I.*.
n an early I
III be aeenred weal fnni
Cold water, aa Ibe eompaDr ereBlaallr
WrcKy of farm lal-oim U Waabla to estefid the road id Elk- imaw county.
Aged hcnol'. Delta couiUf. died nfi-

■roe froa tb* nar.

Beais tbe



niml N*««
M Irf 0«-

___________ rr Umo MtolSB ‘

The KiDd You Have
Always Boueht

C L t/rCEWOOt).t» P.pff,^


HBRan imnaroiT. my i». aw.'
EkwMar. mob,
f«nd Iqr I

Nature Lends
E«y one fa»« *a« RowJ Ba%
Powder is Asoiutdy pure.. . Hcsk* the
hmeewife uses it witfi mwls^ coohdro
and without question, and she b justilied
m so doing.

hoJlhUiErS Ihi: b^. and tho^jJ*
■ope B med in die “1^

are die mo*

Hence it b that R<^
produces food superlative both in flavor
and wholesomeness.
MRM. aaitiaa K""»» CO, w


B^a, What Would You Tafta Bar kUT
Bbe was ready lo aloap. and obe Idfc

Tte bedanttf of a ttwst aWI bean■ feutttan
•n canfBllT
tofettw to *»- Im mare. IndIBteuM to laBktlau'
ehifc «n olr, tier do qiUt« • »oll. U pale. May be laid wbea tte dynarMd
allowed to boat bM reefettf borao.
rtaUo codon fanes ni* nod. tkojr
r course K doesn't ban the rotklac
(benM be and* lnr(c eaoiwk to bold
pne. bat tte child la taktaca Msaew
t«o enraaeta witbont «rtnklt« Uk
, cnseHy an the use white May
pnMI bnw«. aad tic soy tlthtly
Mr trail later oa to tte treatMcnt d
1 tbc top. no ■Hisii Id eonta nad

nntd wftaUM.
Ctono old cotton pinoir comb (BOid.
ed. If h ■olcal are eareOMU for keeplae vookra midereenr In. Tbene fnr
■r*l rtouM be enrefnily imbed
usd dried, and tbee rolled lato oeot
bnndloa. poiUac a baadfal of edem
re Boib tells Into daeb roU. and aeatterlai a few looaely oa eaeb plllo*
f Tb« tie eery tlgfally lo eielode

Busy Osya.
win nol ■« ooe Wt of BBod from ft.
searen of the yrer when
•3to yon do BSd beUeve an tbeaa
bary Ooaa,
tbiacf yoorself. Madam el tba Maty one has to make haau ahnrly.
There 1s poultry to took afler.
Thre* Ilea Wbo Put Out To Chalrr I bdar aom donbllac aoal el
dreltf to do. hooaecleaalng ever pres.. Boa:
and spriof ferera fatore, a
Wkteiuitr u»«»pnr «M. •• rt* e
Now. roa abooldnl ask
r ^ blac nyat:
«al qimtleot. II IcaY Buho fair, the fanner’s wife wbo wishes
Bad I boiwiV tb> idd toe at

'-Pape wtel *<"M Ttm lal:e tar wbea one enn preach ao woeh easier balpful. win Bad herself doinf I
Wen i an like the Men's work nad frowlcf old preBS
tnrely. unless she so pUns her aBalrs
Banahiac ehlldren. 1 try to be trettBBd I aamrad; nt BoDar. 4aar tittle lac. and If 1 fain *U7. try afain.” and lhat she may Bud Unie each day lor a
of rest.
really, do eoeeMd pretty well.
Housecleaning tries Ihe housekeep­
eriBc. AS to tte auller of help ft
■ play.
Cbe wn«d ttM touebes us oa evdry er's sOTl St Moeb or more ibso nny
BM l-teld bar «am la v torontreaf side, bet white we eannot aee, cna- other thing she hns lo .to la these
tbal tber« U bo doubt. ' vernal days. « doesn’t stay done when
loo ciralght and me aad too It Is done. If she mites poultry there
fon.1 eaUng and
some proflt
efite. for a qaestioB. Aad the bledaedaad comfort of It Is beyond the ahead: If the plants’'her garden It
means an appettslng table for the
snmmer: but If she cleans her bouse
Ike kmecl dqrtb of Uie lowcat place
she must ke^ on sweeping nod dust­
■ -The blfbeel of Ml tbat'a Ugb.
Tbis Utile poem from a eorrent
axlne it rery sweet lo Us quaiol negro ing evte)' week (he year round. It
^ AH the MUte Witt Streets and pal- dialect, and It's apirit of telldlike Irnsi serais like a fruitless business', bul II
whieb earriM oat oar tbought today; Is not. II mast be done, for the same
reasoB that the engineer cleans
Wnh ttp people and Marat M art
I would not take tar one low. aoH
engtae. the farmer bit Implcmrau
DUMlmte de aky’i flol tola o' enr
soaantress her aewlng machine,
Aa- micbly moe Mae.
makes them run bcUcr and last
or «y IKUc oaa'i torttc beait:
BM Mat yo- keep aqieaU>‘ ’ww.
Nar-an the fold thM waa rrer fetmd
Ineger. CarpeU
tte dual of yeara
De Uwd1l see yo' froo.
hat seined lulo will not last as long
b the bMy. wealtt4adlw peat
Jee do yn' duly day by day:
Would I taku for ouo awUe M My da^
HuB'a taee
. DM i kM II Meet ke tte b«.
•o I rocked

Oa-i an dal yo' kla do.
Jse yn’ keep aixctlB' 'way.
Be ate yo' doa' hihglt to pray:
De tewdll see yo’ froo.

my teity. MS MM

Ah wea' lo Him de ntbab day
An- aal Him wbat tp da
Aad t Ml Bate a at fl eoBteat.
He aaU; -To’ keep apsBida’ 'way
fte tte words of the
Aa' Ah will aee yo' troo."
Moan to me
Tbaa they ever before tad MsaaL Jee do yo- duty day by day
jMd tte BlBht erepi on. aad I slept
Aa’ }es be good u’ me.

Mlu J. Sreley.
P. 8.—I floi a rnlenuse fnas my
>ustB la Ohio. The verse on II was:
•To My ValeBllae,-

-ItoTf ateln. song acalB. nest a«aL

RIchBeld. Center. Genesee Co. MIcb.

youBK atett.
Nerar a propfael ao craxy!
And hardly a daisy as ye'.
Bee. there la hardly a daisy


or sansai^e fat or bOUer).

dinner box. a fla> inMi, ibrer handker
rhlefs and a-psir ..r tinrkings and
some candy and pesmuui. There has
been tots of slckn.— uul here this
winter. The wa'. r hs- l.e-n op owftil
high Ibis spring
I «s Ihe Brsi rob­
in the lilh of Msreh oo.l the flrsi
Moyllosers today
1 have tots of fiin
■I sehfwil.

But honseelraalng doesn't have
be done te the mInMe. It li not wo.

Keswick, HIcb.. April II, l»»l
Dear Auntie BsiM—l^m s Hill.girl, iusi seven years old yesierdny
I read the toners In tbe Herald and l
ibougfal I would like In be nor of ynur
little SuBsbInr girls. If you will please

sifting the ginger nnd soda In with tte send me a card and buiion.
flour. Roll the dongb very Ih1i
go In srhnol end 1 iv«d -to the serood
with a small sired rnller. and hake In reader
My learbrr 1s vrry kind
a modem e oven
me. Hrr name Is Miss lYlmteii.
Wafers—Take cue plni of whole iharr * prf rat. His name Is Tnby.
wheal flour, one pint of Orsbaa meal.
teura -Rogi>n.
cne-tUrd of a enpfal at bnlier. oneTraverse dry. Mich., April S, IM
third of a cupful of lighi brown autet.
enspoooful of salt, and eeougb

tbai wc are all we
She has lyen side

weeks. Fur Christmas I
. a shell pineushkio.

ploeis they have brought that Ihr
aradrrs would all feel pMd fue Ibeir
trouble, did they know. Vour presl-

smlul of finger, one heaping
spoonlut of soda and enough wl
wheat floor lo make a very atlB mix­
ture. Doll ihe Bolasses one Binnie.
then add the rest of the Ingredients,

Dear Mrs lUtre-l thought I woe

rater lo make a slifl dough. Roll

Our -rhisil hid Ibeir pic

> ago

rsk.- recipe
will scud Ann
Is as follows: ..ttar.1

neuT oowmiso. the

to my ear.

tpo. Wtel mU TOT Uki

In sprsking .d IVruna, II

my Irder Is grlilng kiog
Tor ihls tlmr. Omsl-hyr

"To aum a np, reruna has 4eaa aia
all soddrn sumiurr 111- that sw»q>
genl Ibah any toato 1 tore orer
.l.-r. It'
'one In rfasne'nE rllinsi.'- and wsl.-r,
It ' takea.'
i.u—Boheri Downing.
iravrllni: .-ni|«nl--n and
Dr. Hartman
tafrgnanl agsinet malarial ii
RlcliflrM. frnl.-r. C.-Ik-m-.- t'.i,. Midi
■ the I'nllcd PUIes to i
April Ifl. IMM.
•rite syatomle ealarrh.
brnllh slwivs Hod lb- t
th-sr Mrs. Hairs—I Ibougfal as B
Ih-runa, Ibr
erable; this 1 av.ild l>> u
friend. Gnldia Halo, wanird tor I
rdy yM ri-Urd.lsito
weeU. .
writ.- lhat I ncMilrt do suj We an ‘‘ i wealhrr Is hoi, jrri I
rr frit Ibr hrst tta rlvUltte
l.ui mamma. Shr is ilrk a <* I less Ihlssuminrr lhan r..-r.
In < -The rm.llng ari>.« ul IVranaon thihas born sick rigid weeks.
u nKmldanr makrs II Inrsluablr
and my aistrr g
ors and slng<-rs. as li ilnrs away
SCh.KlI. I won
with lhal Irndniry l■.>uda<-a bnarw-Dres
would hr In
ao apl toovrrtakr re.-onriiH-rrlnc froln
Ibr rlgliTb cracir. Thr aniciw Is nearly
all oil out hrre tow nnd ibr fannrrs Trev.-rsr Cliy. Roule 5. April 11. 1MH. loavttnt. Wrilr again. Marearat!
grlilng ready lo enmt
fhwr Mrs. Hates—As I havr not Ws-ll. Ihb Is all I ran think n( for thb
Thr flrsi robins
niKu lo yvui for a long tlmr. I llmi- lluplng to lu- B SuDiblner when •
thoughl I would wrilr I ser some trr I wrlir agaia. oo good-bye.
Fnini ytuir lot lag fHoad.
writing alout ihr birds I havr tn-n
r Sunshine girl.
Florence pnlmer


Attre itoiangre.

i gno.1 many robins and n pair of blue- and pa|ia hrard a lark. I will
Utogham. Mich, April tk. IBM
l>r II years old next summer and t nir
Itear Mrs. Bairs—I race!rad My
In Ihr founb grade. 1 have goi a rar.l and bnlKtn and was pbaate ta
cousin that would Ilk.- lo Join Ihr Sun- gi-i ihen I will try lo hi-ep My relee.
shine pluh, Bhr will to- nlnr n.-M
uud erery day. Hy oehool H
summi-r. I'lrasi- send her a rar'd and going to lei oiil the Lwraty-oevaalh of
Her name Is Iteinis Case.
Wr had a saow alorM
Trmverae I’liy. Route : 1 gur-ss I will
b flve Inehrs deep. Hy pagfl is
rhisr for Ihls lime.
going to run lbatl>«rdlng booe this
Your Sunshlnr girl.
will ekise m: tetter for thb
' Rath lUtiman.
tlmr, so giuutdiye. ftoM
Age IS
Oscar Tnrfc
Keawirk. Mirh, April*ll. IMH.

Vou havr iindo.ihirdly mrt dlaacnwrir girls, who, wiihiuii doing any
thing spiteful or mean, have Iropr.-u
ed you as girls <u avoid. Hnl have you
met Ihc gin ihai you, as wdl as |
everyone else, llkrsT You are iinfor ,
mate II you havr ooi m.-i her
She Is Ibr girl who appreclalee Ihr
ici lhal shr cannot alwaya have the I

choice of


to 'hej


Dear Mrs tlairv—I am a boy alar
Klngilry. MIrb.. April IS. I*M.
{yiwTs cHd. I like to go lo arbuol. I
Di«r Mrs. Batea-I am a Unto girt
in-ad In thr third render. I read tte
years old. and on 1 caannl wrtta.
ttoilm In the Herald. HIrasr send me autre will write (<w me My lUfto alia rard ^ a huiiua. I would like lo
K.lna and I have 1^ of 4a »layjb.- onrtf yrlur .Uunahlnr luys. Mi Ing with my tahy hnnhet and ptayiag
ii-arbrr’s name la Mias lYInieau
I oui Iliutni, too. The lltito birds Mag
rnnnnt think of any more, so mud bye. rerji ssreelly nirw. Alt srlnler iwo 111

She la the girl who Is nol wgresslve i
nd does nol end Jn> I" Inrlting ag <
nerer rausrai
when you Incompllmenls

Yours iruly.

•o pleasant hrrf.-lf —Brlreie.1
Removing Varnlah.
To undpip.'r varnisbed furniture Is

irdlous Jol>. xnd I "»d «, ““"f
while to clean, rala or abloe. hot
quicker and more uilufaciory 'wny of’
eeld. Bite or well, help or no help.
ring varnish and palm is loacrub
There are dashlag. hustling women
thr siirfare wlih a ttrong loluilon ot'
wbo make the suds fly ibrougb
tMaoda. To -parh pim of water add '
their delermlullon
gb common wnsbing aoda to |__
doue aad gel ahead of ss^e neighbor
Fottlng Away the WMer Clatiilnp.
I the bulk of a ben's egg. beal It J
who perhaps hns muck
la puuiag away winter etotblag too
to do It. or more bodily and apply while warm, iriherarelghed I’Xf

Up ebteaders stayad In oar woodxbed.

Albert Rogers.
M) te' rei raugbt imi-.M Ibea. Jl away^
•-n. my brmhrr. tried to lake
Klngstoy. »nch, April H. l*»l.
n hi-r. Iiul she ran lo the
le bare
Ih-ar Mrs Bati-s—I saw In lb« Herroiild aiu And bnr. Then anotlwr
aid ttai vou warned all the Sanshlneva
came OTd' pai* hang mrai ta ttn
Itii lell >i>u whru tbry saw the dm
J birds and Sowers. I hare neeti many woodshed (or ttem In eat. My sMer
iroblo Ihls spring 1i se«-m. aad I used lu lltrow rrtimlis of brood

Jes yn' keep a-peflBla’ 'way.
e anh yo' doat fubclt to pray:
or Ulags ter toe 0orloaa to
De LBwdn aee yn’ froo.
Aad I wakw'd wlik lips aaylng tdoae


.aura Favor.-II
W.-ll. 1

Whan Oirla ar* Charming.

gressive people.
She is tte girl who
those lhat are kept clean: ctotblng
pain with a tboughilr«a
It Is not brushed and pul earefolly
8he Is Ihe girl. who.
awv (or the summer will be getting
le her lo any place,
MMb-eaira nod seedy-looktog; furnl,u hy looking hrr lu-si
bedding, pictures, lamps, dishes,
drawers, elooets aad all nooks nnd
etanniea need a careful alrtng. cin
lag and geaerol renoraUM onre

Odmlbor'rhounii. ATnfrilm’iTlistostoFUMs.

thlak of any asore. so goodtee.
FroB your friend.

loring remembrance, be
Now for toilen. It seems
celleul for keeploc furs In. oxloc all
Mads el Whole Wheat Ftoui
f bright, usrm May days
necetsarr precaolioos.
oineer Snaps—One cupful of New ! to rend of cold saow storms an.l deep
or relvet hats abould be care­ Orleans Bolnsset. oee-teX cupful d drifts, but It wu all less than a month
fully elreaed
with a soft brush, suenr. onMblr.1 of a cupful of sbertra- ago-Just think of lir
wrapped la llssonwper. and put nwiy iiM iwhirh aay lie beef dHppInfS-

. UkaadrOaodnoMtaatelaa;

tte Mue^lMs wary

taf tba new rear la uader the Mue.
Last year you aant It an cladty.
New. new. nrwf- U It Iben to ue
TbM you aboull eared to Madly?

of efoves or Molb halU. aad pot awv
0 the layers and lee the
(heir owu boies. The boxes
Canned plneaple can bo used I
be made airtlMit by pasilag a strip of
, aliluMifb the Baror is n
arouDd the edge of the eorer.
as whoo fresh fruit Is ose<!
Cleao white rotton bsgs.ue alw ex

inf II away tfaln.

I like

tte Buaaktte dab. Woald yon Muase
her a card aad battoa. t caaMt

of tartar, one taaspooafol of
Beat the tatter aad snear to a ct
Here acalu. here, here, here, happy
. Balled blankets and nullt* sbosld add the yolka of the esp- •>
renftlly washed and dried, n«Blly iborouchty; then tte attlk in ■
Mdod. and cloaely wreped lo Urpe, the aoda has been disaolred. Ibec the
a aiBlBji. >* cuMlng. my
sbeeta, not for«etUn* a *eoer. fiour In white the
oos aUowaoee of eloves or Boifa tells been tlfted, and flaally the whites of
the ecfs beaten to n silB hWh. Bnke
Winter rarulas
In Uyers. For the aillof. urate
be washed, mbocld be plneaple. or chop very fine, and
FHday. May r.. |90l.
Ibr son for a few h
r<-w Blnnies with.
wa at the Herald uBrr they
freed froB dost anoolhly
sraltlog for -Sunshipe ropy.” so <1
wTBKieil lo sheets as
While feoi add ouefourtb of
,1> room for a word of greeilng
reeled for blaakeu.
of getttine. which has been soak­
e Sueshlners. Ves, and a word
iM be beatea out of ed In cold wnter, and eook'aboul three
fort, which cboQld ttCD be wrapped mlnuu-s longer; when cool It ahould
papers, with pleeiy be nbout as thick as JeUT Spread beisrters this week. Such s

a U-e tte
b tbrir n-speellve boxes.
Insprci all winter Machine s»ce t
» roa. to
twite durinc soainicr. sad glrr It
food uinninf and nlriag before pad
Use. Only poa bare »« to beiwee
___ ___
10 be a iure iblnf or yon


bare paaxles In
a btauan. My
bon hare i
lltU. MsW Btaa wodld like to IMa

la doc <w pony.
Wbsw a telM M eU anangk to ranM Witt. appaM to his Mnatr aatan:
Make biB see that h U Msoa and cowto III Irani aay of Oed'a craat-

Two cape of -A- eater, ote c
butter, four ccfs. one cop M i
Bilk, three lane caps of pastry
well sifiod. two teaepoonfala of t

Dear Mrs. Batea-I winjpifl •••

I SuiisMiies I


Itlrr in sc- tb.-m sgato. and I ihink
llhey are w.-kom.-d by all. I love all
I birds luu-aiisr ib.-y an- uni harmful
'aniTlhry ring so ew.-rtly.


vi-ry fragrafl'. Some of them are v.
school almost every day an<l am

them snd (tea' stand In Ibe door ta
drh iRrm at. Tlib spriag I b'av*
Bfi sparrows, -Moebirds aad bass
I lore all Mrds rery Moeb.
They all sing an swm-ily. | raneol aee
hiis anyone can hnrt item

All for

i Ihr Brst w'lld flowers

’ <>“’ teaittifiil. lull have Mirh- fragTsn
Iiiri f w.-nt ^ My Hill*- brother Henry b ven
Wr ' , ,1 piu^oB
H.. cn rrret- now. <
!,,ni.- -r 'h.-J„.h„,| UJII te
||„. 2(ith

c fourth grade
My studies are
strength to beer the strain. The wise
can te ' rt-adlag. arilbmeilr. sprlltog. (anguagr. I
: not be ruled by her tot stand a few momeou.
le solu-! penmanship and geography. My trech |
neighbors. She atone knows Ihe de. arrubberi aft easily (using
All for- -«'• name I. Miss Sullivan, and I like ;
boudehold. she
jher very t
atone knows her own strength and elrf mMrrUl will be removrV

From ynar Sbanhliie «r1.

Sulicna Bay. Mlcft, April 11. ItM. ~
iii-ps-. but
p vab-nilnr on Vab-nilri.- day
Ibwr Mrs llatre—I fbooghf t-waoM
ir .............. I -„ii.|n s..pi 11 lo DU- fp.m Ohio. 1
rrifr a few lines la tte Herald. I
I r.-a-l
lU) ti was -lyp Wins- <4 Uive 1
i.uild like in Join the Bouhtae'cluh.
capaHly. aad If she works on dlllgeot- the wood and li will te jusi as
Ilk........... FIv p„Th.s'
This I. Ill t.u ihilurard out from the mill: rinse oS
ttorfeei elaaallaeas. both of gxr Ir V she COB bev with comfon
>1.-asr M-nd ate a card aad bunm. My
Fnsm yiMir frirnd.
•ants and reeaptaetoa Is absolutely extra teaxton. she will come out Ml 'Thb clear water, and when dry It mv
tepa iik-s tte*Hcrald aad I llkr to
•: haMM in ttttto ways to those wbo
' I’slt.i ihs- I Ilk.
Ullian SrrU-y
t OBentlsI. A lime earetoataets In right aad maybe live longer and com- ^Trrarnlsbed or anylbtog else de­
read Ibr tollers. I am nine years old.
• are tputead by It. to bsup one's
this respect 'May retoll In the deauue- pinlo toss o( bard work ttao those sired. One advantage nf ibis method
weat to school Bual every day I am
• eplril always sweat, and awoM aU ♦
Gaylord. HIrh.. April IT.
Uoa of maay eitletos of great waloe nnw-or-aever son oT sramra who make Is It leaves Ihr edges cli-ar col In­
> Ibr Oecnad grade Hy oriirstl was
Itoar Mr* Hairs | ihmigbi I wm
• agger and petty Irritabmiy-ttal ‘
Dear Mrs Dalus—I iboughl
Is Miss teiira Kav.-r
ir a ctoael Is to be Had for atoriag
u' tbe eigbih of April. We didn’t
when tte weather Is stead o( uneven and blunt as the sand- wrile you a leiirr. for I bav
; wrilr to
s- 1 hav.’ p.-ver wrltleB
• M aa UeM aa aobto at 4l Is dIM-'
mil- Is a Fri-nch lady
pater will do—Good Housekeeping.
wlator etotblag, oretr eoreer tbouM cold srllb their perpetual duhln:
aay preseni from the toacher on
• eeU. •
wriiirn to .vou lu-forr. 1 w.i
I h.-r.- has all !--n
be tealded. aad oMurated with spiriu splutter dnrlog the eleanlng esHpalxn
hr Iasi day of acbuol For prta J have
: woiibl liL.' lu V.lD Ihr Konshlne club,
to Join Ihr Sunshine rliih
. B* True To the 8oy.
of tatpeatiae.
wo calves. Mark as niggro. t have
-Firm Joereal.
s-i Iii-a.- send n. a rani and billion.
pirnse send me a card anil hiin-.n \V.asts BOd wardrobM abould
About the loncileal boy In the wur
ihiv-r broihrrv and iwo sIsIrrL Tboir
ihr|r sH.-r.
hive a mile and a half to go lo school
cMve alMllar trealMent. Cracks or
oam<-s are Wenrel. HarUa, Joe. HarIs the one that baa found out that b
Thrlr names are I»renla, Uikr.
School l.rglDs tpF Ikih of April
holat la tte wall aboald te nsoUy
father promises him ibtogs that I
'|nailiis. Mare.-lla and Eugi-nia
I saw tara and ChiiFt.-na. I trill rhise. for
grandpa takes ihr H.-rsW and I like
A small tine eovered table ot
fllM with ^xtrr ef parM, wei with
never does
11 be has been given
I hope u>
'Imanr Ma>-flosi-r* nearly In blossom my Irtl.-r Is K>-<ilng long
pine, fourteen by Iweoly-seven Inches,
■ Three be busy days. My alsiers. fuU eoW water, aad eraeki la the
lamb or n calf, be believes that it b
I lov.. to r*-xd the Siinsblnc letters, ser Ihls In teii-i
iui flu In Ihe space between
ut afl- tte MuUIUdlatoaa ea:
hb. tVhy should far DM? And when
and >h.-if Margarel Fuhrmaii, way
and Hoy. I like to dris m> hroibrr
range aad the wall, and manifold
r Sunshlnr cirl.
terlac. pnUttg to ligbia of iblags that
that calf or lamb Is sold and ihe mao
In tte wagon around ih- yard. 1 like
tte uses to which It Is put. It Is
anppod Mt of order a little duriag the
ry withheld, a mean iblv has been to help papa do ihe rborre
| have a
wdourelv place of the poU and pans
date wlator daya- tt> no*, wbea the
done, and -the boy's eonfldnee I
cow and a calf f*»r p.ns Wr have gtu
G.uM latter Mich . April K
brtgbt spring sonablae eomea i
•Ive sabllmaie should be freely when taken from Ibe stove, a good devmlned. and that Is the worst iblng
a calf that Is three weeks old. I gu.-ss
place 10 cool flat Inms; to sri the
Hear Mr- Bairs—I ihi.iighi I
owae. the whole doMsatie depart
ed wUh a brub or cloth to every
that could possibly happen to his
I have written enough for ihls i.inr
true a I-s line- and l.-i you
------ i In ibe Moaet. ineloaing tte en­ yeast and' loaves to rise: lo dry the inie to the boy, always.
Hoping lo see Ibb In the paper
hai I am w..!i an-l hoping 'ha(
dbt BOd dust ebow b
tire floor. Ottet care mrat be ob- serabbing brushes tad elolhi before
From your Snnshlor boy.
>d la utag this dreg, v It Is
Cleaning Bottles.
broom and lifter; lo dry Unto sboea
saw SOB*- Mayflower- this w<-vk. a
tea It tired toMeway and good
da^ly pobte.
•shen a glass bottle beromes so dbtbe first spring bird I saw was a ml
luufatog geperaJly. Tte warwer air
After tte Meaaslag pnoeH to An- stockiagi aad mluesu; and
Caytord, Mich . April m, 1»<H
colored iDllde that sbM or floe
I am not lo sctos.i u.iay 1.reaasr it
btete laagBor and tte power lo do lated. eleoB newspepen aboald be kladUag wood ptared here 1
snos-iDg an-l ib-r. are sotni- an
ttna to ersw up with the work to te tmaolhly laM upon tte sbMr« and lo be dry in the moraiv. Then It Is wo win DM cleanse tt. Bil the bMde with
like to Join the Sunablnr club Wll.
flaely rhoped potato peelings.
P feel
0„r M-boOl
deae. U tate CMid oaty make a
drawers. Motts do not like tbe prtat- handy with a little, white,
;--Mr'.:>. hartotf made a atadr of
tabtoetoth. made from an oM one. (Ighlly and let the bottle remain for you pKare seed me a card and buitonf j
«tal Mcoranee of all the old Iblags and «fs‘ ink te newvapeta
' Ihe f:nd ..f Ihls month
three days, when tte peellagi will fep My brother b wrIiLng to yon. so ■'
y<-ara. Durtag macb of thb
atari frete and aew! But tbete la no
g-rlog to have a Sne ralrrSeleet a dry. sunay dv. to glee tte sptted over It for tte ilule dlnnen
Al tte end of that lime rinac tbooghi I would writ* t*>. 1 have a
'vP-rair iirired ptanos tta' wet*
tedl good lack. Tte oM corprU
he last lUy. I got In ttr
dotting a ttorougb airing bMore which Ibe efaildroo Ukr to give when
the glass bMtto out with warm water little brother two years old and be is
worthy? tl
rcUable In enaMrwrtlon: handte turned and Mended aad made to packing It awv. Put aulu. orereoMt. they have eoMpav- Ftited to ibk
full of mlschtot. I have a dog and a
and tbe staln^ill be found lo
We found sU IIm-sc qultook freak. (Bmage bow good they Mefcsss nnd gowns on tte cloibHllDa
cat for te's. The rai Is aboui sixteen
Ifleauaaa In the KUNTINOTON PIANO al ITSO to ISTr,. .ml tb* MKMde took wbea uweo they are renoratad and. after tsmtag the pockets ttalde —ehlldm'B alie. lYbco these ace
years old Hy grandpa takes the Her
aad put down, lanl ht Toa'd i
KLtflOHN PIANO a- tfir. lo t:>.
out. shake, whip, aad brnh. atll dMv duty at tte llitto dlaaere. they
Oatetaal PisMiag.
tare ttoagbt It of tbOMt 1 1
ttasOTghly free from dust, and toere mv be found cae each la Ibe kliebcn.
After harliiK -.Ir! t.iindreiH id iheae Ptaooa lo rusUMBres. wte
One Clip oatasenl. one cup eurranu, tpfs. I will etoae for Uib lime, hop­
aatlngwooM aad bedroom, aad an
MUM te a gaacral wsfatsf tte beat of them hanglBg lor two or ttrse 1
depended m.m tie to g,..- them full ralur tor ibHr mowry. we (Wl
high enough aad slrong raough to eight rabies mixed, one egg bcMM ing to are (bb to the paper
thaCs where
la tbs tte. Beami aboald br
more eoihuriastir [fcte rrer, and have no treoftatkin lo drclaring UiaM
Your Bunsblne boy.
step upon 10 dost tbe top of a picture, light, half cup sugar, one traspo
Karlin. Mich.. April 10. IMM.
folly bnabed. at tte amaUest

BCflT PIANO* ON EARTH FOR THE MONCVr There b poolwipe a irtBdow or urraagaa cnrtala.— vaalllt: water lo mix. Cook In double
Dear Mrs. Ralrs—I wrote lo tte
ef dost mv prove an Indueemra
tlvely Doibiog to compare- with Ibem at tte price.
Fosnau't Home
totts to take poaisMluii.
Samm* Bay. Mleb. April 11. im.
doll a ahem time ago. bat
sq^r. drasre bolter, or any
HUNTINCTON and MENOELtflOHN PIANO* are oold on may
Spoage out all apoli aad press
Dear Mrs. Baire—Thb b my first
I wrote n recipe lo
aanee. TUs b almost as alee as Stoitenat. Wv are exelualre Mfchlgan t«te*aratailvtsi aad are giod «o
JbM ai wM1 Maybe to Make the beet <
Tte Baltar Wvrally. Every tatMeni should bo
totter to tte Horald aad I would like Aant Puiy and ihe oral me a pkIbh plttm podding.
show thrsr lasiruBtraia OO ail iaierewtad. or wm moll IKnhtare on
Ite Md tbttga aad do K yoanetf.
ly mradsd^ pm la tboroagh r
■o be a Saaohtae boy. Ptooae seed lure
I thaak her ever aad ever no
Vtea a ronagaur (alb aad harta
• ' e patelag 11 awv. ttM It BU
UmsMI npM a ehMr or otter Mere d
me a card aad button. I win be etebt BDCh for It I will tell ahoet tbe first
’ at a MdMeafs nolle*.
yean old tt* IBtt of AprC. My oebool bird. I raw
Well. I a,,., bfww,
(vBlttre. H is the ewsUm of some
•Ma ateatet work la year Mlad
U Ml gowns OT tte right aide, awf^ te pevMli. If aol aeiaally to
was «i the eighth of April. For peu threth la an apple tree. It wax mwas ttit srlll teva mav wrfaklaa Oov- i^arage. H tonal lu rage apoa (he
. Ote day's work
I ban a dog. Hb name b Png. He tyondltaangaonka. Iicdmm there
CorMS of creMnaoB. tot us

Mmply fluod Ufa Jaal to be good.
•U keep me pare from degrading •

Mmmirn emhffJUkk.


ihr MlBi aa waO M body.
Id V bOT wltk IteataoL Vtea tte mhi b ten I
I tte worfls: *teaght7 chair, la h«t ttle H three eggs, aad cank watu tte
1, bahr.- or -aao^ eiora tot's httlpjaas tegla to aUteo. etirriv U
It a^laUBtfr: aoMM wKk pigasr and

b fall of hm. I wOl cloac. (or aty letI getUag too kMg. t hope to ae«

7 day

I aaw I

win hare la cto«.

Grinnell Bros.

169 E. Front St. Travers® City, Mldhl^


J omoM UMI PMctory.


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