Grand Traverse Herald, June 02, 1904

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Grand Traverse Herald, June 02, 1904


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



flraiitf Cr«Mm IHraM

Tire Insurance!

Dr.W.3. SISSitti



floBcy to LeaioB Improvcf Real Estate Only.

V*>ry bMt or deeui ■errter
oolT. Tontt rear of pt»rtloe
Toot potraur- •oIldlM. In
K«r UoiMen boUdlo*. mder K.
of P. faalL OB floor vttb Docker
•r'l Buaiaea Collece Bad orer
Biecer oSce.

Tnrcrsc Qty State Bask

Rootn 310N*w8tat*BAnk Building.


Ttc luin« rlw keep, « pood tom i.ile
noDih after moath vbeo it might be eamiog
good tnoaej’ is not coniidere<1 arise.




It It riser lo let yoiir spare foods l>e idle,
biilden aav-, arben the; leoplel be safer ia a
flood bank and be Beadil; earninganierea?
We alloa- interea compounded tcmi,annually od deposits and the drposiis may Ik'
drawn any >lay arithool notice.

SURPLUS. sao,ooo
1 Cwnl Bum, tiOua Da,


TravorM City, Mich.

1 per ecu lUnrM M nw fiOMBi.













V_____ ^

Piuimt bird dlsrlus


*fae*>i> itodc. Special wagoaa and ale.ghs
niatleto order. prompOy.


Only the-veiybeft ma.

OMd. and fully gtianmeed in every rettccL
That are made to oae a* wen a» aen.



They are

materia; bad given a



able, and aeaL

The^e^ on the market, tjaaliiy considered.

Once oaed and you warbuyno other make



Here you ever tried tbe

Tmmm wnd OefV»*«

Hopal tiger
They are the be*L



Csaatd Cara
aad Saimaa

Sold ooly by







Citiama 32. Ban i»r

Car. Tenth St and Lake Ave

6a S CflAW af Amaf «a£ Mwrhm itfMh.
After 1 bad Mcchw) tbe i«eK7 far wool laM fall far one ot the
lOfM Baacn wool aMBofadwen, the contract was ma<1e to btiihl
alMgebrit^wai^MMeattbeaWlotatin. ;

theBCwdippti«»«rwooltMtheBcwqrateinpUii-tbaiiste pay to
wad adcr in thn kMulity tbe higb«« nanuiacturer’t cash price.


■ ■':r:.d‘7hts;,r!•,'«.


hfi iiTseL'’


irLT.? **’ - •

K*m«*rn Wmol 4bBmp«
T/wMrw C«f/. Jrfa*.


BROWN, ManaKwr.

We invite your ^tention to our stock of


whal wc have to ofler yoa. Tbe haagn we 1
pciititdy iriD aot gel 06the tnd, h w any r
canlmi Uttkmar* thaadmordmaiy bai«m.




BMnIc oT KingrmiAy

Seed Corn
*Pride of the north*
nils IS early dent corn that will get ripe
in this coumn-. You will not regret it if
you trj- some of it. We also have Buck­
wheat. Field Peas, Dwarf Essex Rape.
Clover. Timothy and all kinds of Garden
beeds by the ounce, pound or bushel, at

awwwwowtwiiiay. wwo.ooooo
Pw OEM IHOCM paid if left fib mobUh.
3 Pwetwt iwtacRtmidineftSfiMM.




Isehind It on th

Traverse City Manufacturing Co.

If ym an goiag to do any boiklutg thii antamer 1
mr y«a ts can awd took oor atoek orer anti gel prioi
ion baying, fat we caa «« jwi •
We have a very oemptete lme,of
r prieei aie vafy low.


r.iroiis 41neiur.-d
........... -aid Miss foroaa
•pi i» wan .in a
amss-m-nl, "there
I)c-Il-..<1 In her!"' funxi.e
I'.e loved y,._
•ish had a eeerei : ‘''"fl-fl
roti. Dear ehlld, you have
forione, ,rf u,- ' rouRhi m,. great happloess.'
tW tael of iheni 1 '
come to
ad. would n-v-r
eeled Julie.
•«. yoo mus,_r
Wh-refor- ih.-n."
"**“•- rou have not really tor
l—m* And now. in*'"" '« Vou would never refui ibe
had fltine all ’’"'I'*''*’ "f • t-ride. Cousla Corooa. We
.« our weddlai day. you
Coruna ihrtll-.l a
r-i— had hl.mmrhlld-bol I'm
I dressed—I
m bride, but Miss
•ni help yo-. di
m-aniDC ia li uai. shIrnek wKhooi yo
- mlnisier must '
->ken-.l ~.itH. ebaBRe
even Roiaae.
Ilf'-, scunf r.-Juvenese.-ne
l-cB'i'v like timi <it Ihe sacle
i-s- aimoy; »-.,.r,-ntl«
lad Ml« r.w.«» went
"Tb-i i-s...- blonmcl
for J
....................... ..
mi time sh- and Juii.-i were hurry
hrbW rose.
In ihe
I this-why, il
low Meredlib rhtrdoa met them
. iisb' fisu-llv a X Rlrl. 10 I
Meredith," , said kflas f
s bask)
aouhl S..,„,
Cordon the I
H- umk !.(,“ her loads In bis. ,
H.V rh..ks a-re piak I
rofRlve me
Hjla'i^' ^v “
lars- aad fra^al'; U"wm
if^*^ I



Builders’ Hardware



i26ttahsirtcL » Uictor Pctertyl.

ILM.irPhybadldla(.^dty.kllrh. Oor
- twmsiMd.







Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats. Sausages. Etc.

iabeL to a book,


let slip her laM flaiterina bopeldes cate aad rM«d ap in IL
the Old bnaeb would eve^T
_ ---------- lewvM.
ell^t fMt
jaaai me. VlM Crooar
of Haatt*.
h. draij Ob dear'- she aobbedj -Take ihW bos dowa lo Mlaa Jaliet
from fbr'«2?ir‘V.-e-M
wbirb .,w»
aprlaca ■
eofil}- lain her pillows
II aeeaad a Oordoo. aad ask that It be rtrea lo
t.trihle thlae to her ibai one of ber her ai oaev," said MU> Cornna -DoB-i ^Brt ofbaaaatm TW do not nw*
aebbe onli tbi lamin' ae' nsloy
aad kiB was to be married and Udier. Cbarlotu
ttoa'i slop lo ptrk
h<M*e IB UiB
pmeal at the cere l»um la ibe crorr. or eal soars la the
tlRhl they wouw uan* titrQj U
An- eJeoB f«r*li
»■ aiawpberr of
e a bo bad
Id a
oeier seen a Oor- dike, or poke a|^d>. Ibrooch Ibe
.worn B»' of u
brtdce. or--"-------Tbil M«I» lo new
eu MUs Corona weot down
Rot Cbarlotts bad c<»e
at last, the fooed Charlmia aobDewa te tbe valley ibe other Oor
bloc la tbe kHrbea porrb. Tbe small d.™ bouse was la a bam of rielie
e oppoalte pusdltoe. with the

• - I was doubled
led up on the aieai fpsiatts Jdli« bad
lad mme
lo b
1 of the stalk up and tbe
mnflled In her I Invalid
a shorn berw
snem ^ dH
■liHtbam aproa aad
r loBX braids nf m ihe
■ baaalBK » .> limp siralcbv ■•'kTs
banana i-r
g' vbea Ibe forl'f gni .
n her hark WTien CharlkUia rlrl wlih th.'dartw"(virt'on"er^
.}« IB) f*N.!iB'» D««1
• as In m>od spirlu. ihey alnays buaf and ibr pure rreamlees. nl ralnrlnr elUkires of
I kanw ihp as Is hand} I
perkly o«
eufh shoulder, lied up IU« le>s as a ill) pnal. Her fare was
called I
B load o- «o»l .
allly and
wllb eaor
r sky blue r
and the simple
-1 ne Ibe
D flula' bnmr aa'in. oui a
-Whal h..e M.U gone .1
■w^y as nothlbR
UB'i any laa
asked kliss Ctiroaa. withoul
Ji the sliRbt- •lalorale e.ujld have
I keep a man IroB slitln
esi laieaiion ol belat
IBR 10 put
lAl'oren eal t
stalk pan
wa> up
used to ihlak
heiRht: Ibe
-I'vt—I ve l.nik your
ir Rreea and yalwould feel married
the emuad; I
II to*
r bowL" sail'
I did ' And idi. mi
ran lu. klls. t'rona. 11 )es, slipped
IT «. fashion -lore I r'd
I'aiher U hack fron
• And If. Itriik iBio fonr mmyrni
ley Were nol thee
•la «dIb' hark to wberv hr paairvBled. Romney or.
•V..1I renaln!) are.- slRhed *jjlst
u. beeaase I aald a
.a- *!bT ‘bl!r,m ‘from ti
rafi.T I.
mnra Al any tuber lime she wot
RTOund The baaaaa U.a
adiancin* noi i.m hi.
ive t>e.iB filled with disoit) nter i
prudueer of |,»elf. and ai
Where all you've pi: <u <
uBIuwanI fate tii her rishm: aa.I
fax of Ibe Mad H I. eerr
bHous from the |vk
. wbleb had lieloBR-Hl to b
down maa
1 |A,|)|a « lUBJi I.nop sB->q eqi .By Ctvai-araBdmoLbk'f aixl had sussl ,
Ime they Uy an »*a.
be liall lahle to bold flowers u bu
iliei. dear, the fiianlesi little red
asbinRion Star
she rould>er. But jusl t
up to a certain Hmll."be'few
ser tbe
r Quarrel
freekU-s has Jiisi l.nHiahl tUa for you.
sueken 01
a fur olh.w re ' baven'l an Idea where abe
om: sbe looked like a mess,
h a slRh. I
OB plarland'
Chickao Will Bring Prwflm.
. a< Arst li
or siayiaR abed <r> late
lie an
Juliet opened the Ini aad n
^e hiRh price of potniry produpla
wisip np the pieces, nud do irv anil ta
Ir »lrk.«tns ru-h: she hi
llitle more rareful, Cbarliitie '
^' 0. mother. look-kwdiT tOml
P ui'U lear.wMi tashi-s i
-Ves'Di," said Chnriiilia novkly
Who rould bare
aranen .rf fartnlaR activity |a
e <ui areolint of It
:i.e dared atd reseoi Ir-Ibr
O. b.-te's a Boie from—from— lo•a. I'ouliry has lonR heee roofMl< sas Jiillel Irorrion's petlcIlnR
'harl.Mie just then "And 111 tell
BMUber, ii's fn.afcfoualn Coranti she. kilts Corona.
"I do. jiaam. i.t, make u,i;
. m,. mediliiia and
mas not even
wet.,1 Ibe harden. Ver'm.
M) dear ehl
X* X ^«Bly™'
Ilf the Qtiarrel, a
ss Cnmna-s
IJire.' killeries bare been ealabllshed
old, and >1 rbronie and blr
Id pu
-I am
t Ibe Oor
ter and terrildr that It always preseal- • e.-ds - Ul
roroaa refleeii-d mourn
loB l,p|,l,. r.«s
............. ............... .
VI.. Conma's a
ftillv Bill
did not matter. NoibtaE .loomed for the first time in twei
'd •iili a na.tilial.
he law ('harhuia sally
my dear, and it inusi surely
.. .
>e caroeo with a deier
or of your wedriina day 1 botw
kepi Roiee
ler up into a lor
life for It
the pndDeu they
mlue.1, diMw^lli- espressloo .iinnounithem, for, allbousta J
I n
J-JIrd Ooronn
ri-ady martiH al etusd
Ibr her fruekl.w. wlihoiii feellar inierkooa-B you. t love y.
Iher. kler.sluh (.nrilon were
st enoiusb In
Bhd make sure that
r friend
et Miss ('oiiiea' Ita
have twists
he did tvol r.skt .ml all the late ai
llsbed a ateady a
. .. and the »ld lamlt.. feu.
■Hsai market
erv In her lani) and milfully pnsiIbe roMui I Bead fpy oM Umm' ■
them liv a evlf whlrb now .o.
- — farmers bare
ruled •■arfare ,hi wi>e<ls
I wish you every bapplaesa. my
Printable u. Bn at ,h, baal•This mood lasi.-d iiuill the afierIina t.irn.-i
h.-r pll
onu. TIo n klis. t'spnma. •h..s.- b
I one ronier .d 1I10 white- and ibnuKfais sere still down In
beglnnln* tb*H*w^ thlt
td and p.s-i>-d oui. no|o« f.-sll.,- b.,use In the valley, ro.ue-d
. how sweet had lot
of rapllal. They are balMlac «•
of early Niinsblhe aas flow- herself enouRb 10 ro out and see whal
-luIlM Really as she
d tbe let- fonable
t ihniiiRhh the eartl.-n and the far- riiarlona mas dolnR
small, imt ao built
Aller fladloR
■nj slop.', w.
he easily eslatfied, aad
OUT. .she wandered Idly alnui
In.tied! I WBDted to aeod ber an •re puiiloR In a small ruber Uaa a
• spl.hdnr
lillaR. old plarv. wl
Invliaibsn hut falher uld li wooM be
"I'JJ '^'■hlchens. Tbe bowtm
full of iHinks and siinwbM• «K.I t<e-abe was ro hard and
urn ..Cl misi,t
stumble .
aRBlnAi Ilf ibai she would prob- easll7ln wlat^.'
*'*" *'
•lump or lanab- .tf <we.-in.-.s, shower abl) reeard H as an lasuli."
real rare baa alao bewa uMd' ta
laa elusive fraRtanee on
•t.- miisi have been mlstakea about
-Quar.-!) aero.* Ihe wln•eleeiloo of Ibe stock tbat ia bfs
attliiide, said Mrs fiordoa
"II fax put la Wllb referral,pi^
.iRRltlS ». If 111. heart would XoihinR In ihe
Raiden waa plaai .
te RBiden
of the farmer, .briber to
■lislj an-l the J..y of bt>
should be; yrt withal It
'"d. but It Is I,m laie now An laUnde mold hare wished
as me most deUKhiful spot lametn- .llathm M.»t two hours b««ori^tbe
r f«ir ti.-r day of days.
d Mi.s Cnroaa ilropiNsI Imrk tut her
kliss t'orima pushed her way laio
Iher aeiiite
Te Be om: Eat Apptaa.
e -iRh.
le rkero-iree eopse. and followed a -xelalme.1 JJuliet ItnpniAlrel)
"in go
APPI.W aroiaure rureTTlbe drtah
ir child his liuy. orer*ro»o wuh lo a suashlay cnyaelf in <!
f'oiislB ronma. and ask ber
toiwj^ Ubitf and for the low
eorher l>e>.H„|, she had nol btu-n
.soue ,0 my weddini mnraU waien
lead to crime, aaya Jttan
'here Wloe- Iasi siitniner; the (title
•r«. youruelf! Child you emal do
- -J«m. direeuir of pomology at
lialh was eeitloe almost Impassable.
i.h a tbint! la that deea»-wc^ld a fair
Pamphleu auttafi
• <So I mas. mom.le ttn,y, i,-. ,„iy
lb the eOcsey of apples
s,mie»hai rumpli-d and pXuI
ihree mlnule.' walk. I'M ro «p tbe
Itad balHU will be
' dWribtiiefi
.Miss fonuia was a brisk and early g!-m In hair amt altir.-, but aiieoded.
II bv Ihe old field patfa. and au noe fysMi.tion apples (II
r ser as a nil.-, nlih a Renolne hor
day. Sun.
by tbe ■runialle
• I lai) m-ople who lay late almil
iT-aih of Ihe m
mln: si had ........................
in order to work a sore rare by
'-Nik m.-r lone to R.-1 their i^-es u
a Hill,, er
' slmstf nullThai ehUd- slibed
■ i>ene<i ...... this mnrains she mi
'Mil RarltRii the ros.-lmsh ibal r
1-1 horry ats.ui risliiE, even thoiiRh
tarRe a
craelnR for a smoke aa aoBto he ^
-ei.rrylni: foolslei... liancinR t
‘•s«!y Ihai li SH.-me.i m<
ailioied. If a drink of llmim
snd over 1..II-I linkllnR of dishes I
hati a bush, auil Ir was
lei. wllb her while silken sklria slriul take aa apple la it. plaS- tf ' le-lc.» l-ioken.-1 ihai rhiPloiii >llb a spl.uidr' of larR.
hi Alsive Rrasses and doM.
• AS alr.w.1. up and alsiui
And fhar
f.-tfedly fhrmiRh the Rreea
de.invwie. .|t d„,„

• |>i.-ar-m.-,- .bl.,-re<l Miss (Vinina
fields aad up Ihe bill Iresdiet apple and refleri mer li,

- faiillt s
to ilo s.uDetfaiBR tremulously, a* she llpi.ied towards »|
he first time tbe fala> old field
"Tbe bride rti»e» haic l.loonied acaln*
ratwfitl. eier-M-eln* ey.To U- Hov-very mraoe-' Why. there has
barely vlalble
rbarloiia's Intentions wer.- al­
no prelead lt>
M Iknui a ttts- •«) that If.-.' fiw iwet
ways ROtsI
■here I,
raa Into Ibe
K«-Mior Cockreir. aor
But Mis. Corona sms ixd ibinklne
The rusi~biisb hkd IH-.-II planted
a tiny xaie whirb '<• high slaadard «d eute
alsiBi rhnrlniia this mnnilnr, and she
lor-- hr (•..Iona's Rp.-ai Rrandmoiher,
riled an an Iheldesi of the rela'lnw
dlsiasi.-forbep lonely.
11- lA-ly of III,- ereen and yellow- (•••!,
fafiiieace cd apples It to a welTtam
:.urpns..|p»s life ihai she wa. la no
was a new varlei,, broiiahl ...... fr..m
rusty hasp and r
fan ihai the senator makes hi. loneh
haste i.i K.. forth to no-i im.iher <la« ee.Mlaad bv Mar. Cordon, and K l-.roft apples every d“...............................
arce wfali.- r.,..-. whirh ihr-e cetiers- i
Miss Corona waa-siitlac ahme
I other (<NKl.
a«.. has
f. aad
kept «p d
Miss r.iroaa lei, ]i|si the l.-a-i 'UHe
.,„'b.-r .hailowy parlor, banxinx over
tor Iblny years.
' ll tire.1 of Ilvine. althouRh sh. f--ari-d
f-w of Ihs bride rmuw Wllb f.llh
ii was t.-rv wicki-d nf her to I.h-I
famll.'lon •
She lay there MsHes.l) for half aa
„,..lf..l and aluie rame >n like a bleimli
h.-iir '•iu*..r besklnk iliroiiBh a tnisi
.d tear, at Ik- p.-nraic of her stem old
-c.uisin Cortma.- ,
lax. OB on rliher aide of a new om '
■r hatiulni: 01. i|„. -vail al Ihe torn
ir,-.' had elv.'ti '"‘'■<hl-ss bride. "|







n fl. lils Seforo |i

I-- .prur. CT->Vi.............I- r..ird,.i,
M-redlib had .eem.-l i<. c
• r own brother Th- m-ih.
wet- dead: nelibvr bad anv
h-r ..r sister
Th- iwo eblldren
Rt-.a-r lip toR.-fher. p-.A.msi-I-.i Irlend,
There hsd

r a perf.-ri -imrade
onl) Ml- 1-si of
friends, whatever plans II. faiheni
mixbi have eb.wh
Wlsheil for lb- union of
iheir esuies and
gil cblMn-D. i-iiriuR
firuperiy eonsbleratloa
tbinlon. wen- als-j
Roderirk aad Ale»|s TKirdon
liad an. such plans, ad w-n' hy jbe
Isiarri when ihey quarr-le,l
shiver.^ yet over the -bli.-raess
mnyihlne half bswriedlv The Mrife h





. eomtntiniexilon wift theta"
Corona wept and Ote^ed him
had always obeyed her falher it bad
never eniered Into her tnlacl 10 do
aaythlne else
Meredith bad resetUed ber aiiliade boilv. and from that
day they had never spoken or met
wbHe Ihe yeaiv came aad w,-ni earh
lie wider and more hopeMdaeu aad aaxer aad
.o uayleli laely la life 'al^pT
r by side lb the oh] Cor<hm r
of the enuntry Rrmreyard. but
aew atlE served to embitter


r„'rr ,r.r

k; "s.

school children of tbe

PO*“d ihsi II. (iffshoois hare Rmwn
up inside Ibe ehiirrh at tmrb md of
the pew. The parish ebureh at «r____


er foun-l one of iheia eailag a ebswioui- and be snalchi-d u away aad*
«b-- It beblad tbe tomb ,hen“r
and has Aourlsbed.

e.t:aorilbta*flew’’fi7 wt^'ra‘"„‘'’d«
and tenebers. and It Is the kaowi.
of this faci wbirb has disarmed

i-n doctors and the nninber eonsianu, lacremw.,
,hi« prYdroslra
Itiisstan women hav.- made a filatlnil-es in Ihe RT-ii toars. aad are
•1." employed h, Ihe mualclpaU-

i 'bori,™lmlle"
**' *"■’

of fhrss- 1
.. fouad h-rta them
«'tl H >• Iw bavlax
Esperted te Afrtem
When Miss CYwona 1_ _
them resd^
ever beard of a
^ aaroavea.
-h- went 10 Ihe door aad them
I'l'mal iblDRr There, scaAper off to
Charlotte! Charhnte!........
|*fw your RueMs
Xow. Charlotta. bavfaK aionri]
----------iselsuiee f,m the desli
• bat .be calls •. dream ot a boudoet.
---------..... ye'low howi'b) faith
" •"'. where they are saeh..,,^^ s^
fully weedinx ib- Rardsv. a task which 1 :i take CoBslB Conma up more lei.
Orel, ■
-o. I knew that aaonhlag IxABtltu] cumtata sight to see a^warthV^'
a byma anoax the e'ww*
her r-d hrajds were orer her sboul «ai RDlac to happea when the eU
ders This oucbl 10 bate waned Miss rose Iiwe hloecmd." murmured Htai
happlly.-chruuaa EManvor
-UT Mis. <h>rona was tblak• bnimel af ita tonw.
-r tblBRs. and kept oa eallM>. while Charlotta weeded
sh, boe


.____ • 'fa»e Rial Coitma remem­
bered aad algbed
Bbe did hate lo
nil tbe child that fooli.b name wftt
«B tbe aonbera eorwaulk
Its foretRP mad
Ja*l ax H ptata
Bananas sold la the Oai _
she aad
lra»ettng three
fricadt Ii*ala. He was married, and
thoo^ ^ to a green euu. are
had erne lltUf daactatri-. la ber a«w
Tinolerabte loaellacM Corana's
n yeATwed after her owa people
abe waa too UBM to xaUte iaTSnamma. mad UeradJtb aeva made aar

Oaoma taOiM (tat ta iSSTlS;


B <MMa Bta ta Bta BM>


■ine aad eleven m the mos,.





B o( Cb» KlBfdrr aporu■ Uddt»t tt pro«««
« o( th*
Ian U • >
to 4Umakm H K <»>r nniM
_ » la. ttiwua*. U i»* t«»* “«
MkskifM «K to to kato xp
« Hak touM. tto lairt moat to
Illi«f aOfM or

iTbr d-topatea. aaid« (rea tto aut d; Aeenr wfU pap Udr owa totd MUa.
Tbr coamlltto deddto
wwBld to a lac tblei for Trarawc
t-^ M»r* th1» BMwtlBf. laaiaacb
,a< H voold bdap tto awt preaUacat
•Oraad Arap am froa all pam d tbr
! i«t*. aad aaap dtaUaxalabed da-la!t la additka lo aiuacOaa a large
gitbaiag d people «»» aeaton d
the O. A. B. Tto enandl eoamiuec
deride I to aak tbe rmincll lo eppTOrprlaie ttatl toward the oeceaiarp ox-

""Scoirs Enabiin



.. ____

a Army Mtoting.
ix> iarlto tto
I Amy et fbr IVparuarat et


r l*M la tbia dtr win
atamm] BM oa>r aanp tb«

wpefnagtbtwgta- ,.fc^doaed the b.Sf^os aBbwent oa to Maple

aefd'Coldca Medical

bp Voo Ogdea Vogt of BoauiB, geo-


t will to laadad for Urta dtp

tatamOtn laM alghi tto neon of
" to oe craoada aa< bdlld^ .
_ Madlai tto aoMplaace of
• MorLB. CUaAOo. (oil both'.
lUh. dapad

froB • Palher" Clark, tbe tnoai proBl■eot Baa la tbe Cbnatlas Radearor
world today; Doe O. SbeliOB d NeaTort, TouBg People-i aeeretarp of the
inericaa JJIaalooarp aaaoeUtlOB; the
ter. Broeal Bouroer AlleB d Toledo.
Proaldent T- W. CbaBberlala d DeirolL tbe Rer C. Jacquea of Albloo.
Qie Rer. Carl 8 Joaea d Cbelam aad
doteni of other workera who are
Blaeai lo tbe MIebIgaa aocletp.
loatore of the eoareatloo will be
large auBber d eoalereacaa alofig
Ilaea d ptaciieal work. Ueaan. Vor.
Alleo aad Sbelloa will rondoct a aumtor d theae. Froa * lo » a. B. eaeb
dtp there will be a rnaferenee of
lualor workera: froa » to) 10, practl
i; froB 10 .
Bible MotIp BBd

Thlttp BlaatM wto iwtnlrto
Mlilil Ua raat d tto baalnaai
Oae eeUrr ereotag. that d Tbnradap,
. . Tba eoBBlttM oa ie
will be deroled to a alaalOBarp -cooa rapoctad teadirra blrad to .
BDder the Imderablp d Mr.
A oa at tto lait re- gbalh
Prldap afterwooB will to deToled to n
remwUOB. apotu aad aibletvoted
k R. Heant. aeiepee wa
_ and It
wll cloae Prl> lea.
"Perla Place d Ur. Kfe»
nUht wilt aa addrea
» PBd aaaal Worti." bp Mr. Allea.

«>d If he d^
lialag. or
..r I.
la ii coerei:
h.nre an H
dtp aitortiep took a hand,
The Brai trouble occurred two allea — ip-page
wriilea opiBlon.aad
weat d the rilp at Kilbride-, bill»
adjourned alter tahllag tbe
The r»rt wa. a aireak of aud md
blue r Jier aad the Biaebloe looked at :-mhole biialaeaa.
The Greea-Bllla Fence Co. d Read­
tbe b'.i a little while, loorted dladalB
folp f-.iee or twice and ihea refuaed ing annouDce. that It will atari Ita
lo Ba'-e the a.eeot. After ■llilag IB plaai wlihiD a few dapa. rlllirma are agllallog the
tbe ra a for about half aa hour, Jamea
Kllbri..«-a ! ant aa. aeeurvil and the. queaiioo of Ihe building of a bpme
Dew r.imbkT wa. towed up the bill, there
pioneer plenlc of Berrien e
la oner to <lo aaap with timber
ip wl l to held at llerrlen Spring!'
ehaarei. a team waa aeeurefi from K
J. Morpuitii ft.llow up the car aad Ha June 13. The pmcrain Inriiidea a Uat ]
oeeupaala. The weaiber gut worae of able apeakera.
" >iin mtkiog l> the new Indualrpl
and worat and dliio tbe Toada. a-i at
■ auned In the Buelih Hoar at
Soloo. the doeior left the marblae and
, e Cltp. MacMner} !• now belag'
uae<l ihe imn «*>e real of tbe wap.
Inaialled fur that purpo.e
MeKInle) of the nuego
Hm Cone te Alma.
CouBtp Heral.1 1. matle td the right'
Dr C. J.-KBeetaEd. abo baa bo
of aliiff In the reeent dlaa.lro
lor ~-iAal weeka. left Frldap f
Oajlord Are hi. newapaper plant w
Ba. where be will apend lOBe tic
iletelp dealropeil but be laanag
tbe .aaliarluB. Mra Kaevlaed ai
to gel out hfai. paper regularlj In i
Harolu Kneelaad accotupaaled hli
dueed altp fruB a Chebofgao print
aad Ur J B. Mania went lo care 1
abiqi mud Inienda rebuilding I'
n on the trip, while be wlU be b
Graad Rapid! by Dr. Butler of tl
aaaltarfum. Dr. Kaewlaod baa
rallrua I i.irgeon lor the Pere JiUrI bla
qoelle P
faiihfu: aerrlees 1____ .. _ ....
rvidenred bp tbeir plaeJng
one of their priralc car* at tala aenice.
with tbe aaauraace that
Il Ihe

Hantoek rltliaa to to a model dtp.
from a police eoan alandpolBI. Br­
ing lew and far U twron there
Invitatloii to a A. R.
Chicago Uhnrera have Ifeeo
' toiae pean paat tbr Teteraaa broiighi to Vlcktbiirg to work at tbe
of the 0. A. R. Ib Michigan bivo ei- Lee Paper cumpasp-a mlUa there, and
prmaed a deaire lo aoBetiBe bold the
eanipe-l on the grounda.
aBBoal Beetlng of the Depantnepi of
Hkhlgaa la Trarerae Otp aad 11 It
1 Jalla naiBga. kl
believed ibat tbia eaa to brought
If purpoae a
itral baOdiag. tiS.
about Belt ymr. The jUle BeetlBg
Mm PtMa. la place of Xlai wiu be told In Battle Creek thU pear beats froB tbeir t
Irlda for flxlnrea of tbe
e iBgba.
rto AM aotaaoM the on the 14lh aad ISlh <rf June and at
ibablp t
) eonn faoaae will probi
prito to Hiaa Pia«. tW- that il»e II la pnrpoatd to extead
d pn-iip rtoselp. aa Ibep
. . ._abrtb Pamaiae. niM froB Tnrerae Clip ga oBclal iBVrllaOaatral boJldlag. MS pm iMntb. lloa foe the velpraat tn gather la UiD charge of Cotntnh.lAoer A. T. Bar■ *"—Wright, r^ rooB,
reiiona of atatc flafaemrn It
becoa<< evident that allbongb the
flUa iiii''£?'«implameat of
IMU. aeaara haa been opra a
---------There la oalp oae qmatloB
e coDBcS rooBX
the flab do no! aeeB to appretbM of Mlaa PVklaA priadirtl of

I .Him Olma WU&ep. la place of Miit
OiT*l«r. who did hot aeeepl tto
aato tor. Mba WlOaep at (M

rSoM ^ HclBtyre. fbr flm grtoe.

OM Ptok
r» awawi.
aebaol. and tto board
at she vrill
to aaeartatov
r baUdiag tto
> tbeoMit It baal to hire
>r that boUdtog but to make
-a to eany oa sebool for
Hto fl( (to eoBlag pear
—- ---------Ji u H baa then Md it
■ Ike oBBluee m wapi Md -- ------— I UM U woDld be aecmaarr
• tto tetlowlag BBooBta tor

-------------1 of tto board B the dtp


aew bulldlBg aad black-

oae Bill lax........... M.ow
n- «*wl BKwey. S.009
^#ltowtdeM talttoa... i.ow. be ralaed..................................t»A0fi
D. Mama, truaat oBeer. reported
, S W- trarded. rMted tbe achoola
V n U«Ba. boma t4. (oBhd IS (masU.
Red three, took three before
» Roberta, pot oae te Jail, eua.
« »r«teaee on oae Md tarried «
• SfSK.'



lie la irplBC to aecnre a a
ito. aad bualneaa rnea ha
i MAOO aa a ttarter. It
rl a bnlldlag coail
win Bllend.
about tin.iMOorlll.,.,
It waa lUI
It the eoat i'
Baitlp Creek aad.Jackaon are
dtp of tbe L
lighting mer nrfalrh baa the heal ho­
1400 to MW.
___ _______ __________
tel, tbf former belag ptouip'of the
ilertala tbe meBtort of tto 0. A.
Poat tavern and Ibe latter pliring ita
aff and the W. R. C. Blaff. to furmoney na the Otaego.
Although tl la laid that ninleilc.
•ker aad faro gamea go on ua^le..:;
uamoleatI. Ihe Saginaw poUre arc tealoualy
ma- ,
gathering In the nleher

rhlnc« and dealroylag
The Bettle Creek
ago ptva.
Imi il se
latered to the police departmcni.
Five Ka-aaaxoo alreet car condun
ora have Iwn hauled up charged with
leg the company oat of large
of money. It |e evident that Ibr
coo game of the cona vraa dlacovered.
Tbe Idiot who delight! in throwing
rocka through plate glam windows aad
eoatly mlm>r« l« at work In Calumet,
arveral gwss front! bavlag lu-vn domoll!hi-d iliirlag the paM week, the
deed! almiy! tielng done al atglii
ktov bc
Farmer* of weatm loaco and ea»tern Ogemaw eounlp. aha raised sugar
beets laM vear for the Tawaa farinrp
refuse Ui renew tbeir coatracls for
tbl» year heeanae they |o«i money lait
pear cm] •lon'i rare to take another


. .

ae Slate Komi aebed^sT^I^
tto locad kigb rttoel oa its
toMMUy. that U aa long a* the gradMtM tfaow tbtr arc capable rtudeati
te ewer tto Dormal. The auperlaU^t mlao reportod that ttS papllt
Magtd at Ue ead W Ue »oaib of
^ Hto report waa acMpled. Tto
heard thn adjorned oalh. Heat
WMkB. Hr. PdiehUdi balag ah^

la pain. Uke aa Ami*
Thi! wla aoolha your
‘Dr. Ullca' AaU-Palh PiOa n
tar wetoring tha aatarai am
vHUrfa they differ tnrn opiua
flar aarcotlc druga. which rcUeva pala
bp chaeklag tto actloa d tba claada. ;
They are sura and harwilni. and ara.'
Iba lalart awdlcwl traatment ftr tba '
ioru «( Bmdacba Kemmlgla. Bachaoba. :.
— Toothache."
(Moethlyy ‘

Craavrat CHy, mich.

It If aiirprialng how our trade la taking innnr


Crtam of Itlmmsola
Spring WJfeat TIour


Well, ibep night, aa ibep are abanlulelp ruealhg no rial and tarlag

fWi earb hanwi.

It a a t« 00 flour wbleta we aell at $3 00


are alwi ageaia for Buckleea Calf kital, the only autolKuie for aweei
nllk. pm Dp la

lb aarka

We have Juai received a Uk of

niee yellow deal aeed corn for whirh we bare tbe aeed bnuae'a word
that by aeiiial teat M> per cent, will g^
we would like to rail pour atieatloo
Ibe Urgeatwtoek ia Die city.

And Iheo another tbing

and that la paloi.

We earry painla. alille lead and oil and al

u«i enamela. wblcb e<>al only S3e more per galbwi and for laable ilier.
I. nolbinc that will exrell It.

Call on ua and we will n\r yoiitoioney

Olilbelm. Barlak eompany

..National Dentists..


IiMJetinhigfa grade]GRAMTF. and


I.atc« anil newes <l«tigna.



J im-cUgg •orkmaMhip ftiaraalc

Coping and Cot Stone lo order.
321 Say St.

Travaraa City. Mlcti.

ClUgara'Phona seo


Painless Extraction........................................
Best Red Rubl>er Plate..................................

0 OO

au woM soanaifT££0 r£» r£»ns


Selling Farms, and my opportunities for
making quick and satisfactory sales are
unequalled. Property listed and full in­
formation furnished by my representa­
Wilhelm Block. Traverse City. Mich., or
by addressing.


, National Dental Parlors



Vhr U it th« Ayer’s Htir
Vlfw does flo mtiiy retBark*
Able thinn? Because k it a
hair food. E (eedi the hair,
putt new HfeiatoiL Tbe hair

Hair Vigor
caRB« keep from
I .
Asd enduaUy all die dark,
rich color of eariy Ufe
back to r<y htlr.

Gray Hair

McGregor Bov
FmM 189^ md

IMS baiidi h%h.

Wiu smd to tto tewor. «f 1M4 at




Monday, June 13th, 1904 '^clA

An lu:<rurhati road from HeDuin.
lee to Cii-rn Ray 1< much talked of.
ad p-iH oni are to be clreulaied
Boag Ihe (armera hrlaeeo the
Cteeia nay for a right of.
wap. If I
an be secured a new
eleeirl- r<u I will be coh!tnietedVllli-


B. J. Mvp’s
g^ IhM nwr will be held at La
OrtOR. XMl. (n>B Jnaa U to July
tto MOMloa betag the bleaalal ct_
matka of tto MleUgaa Chriiilaa
tefleira BBta. tto prograB for
te law dsyi- ■eetlag. ha. Mm
Blvw Magaal atuatl
tor of Rotad gpdab
. _
prawat i. la liaoK •rideace of the

s than soMha ll-ara w
wtlh which to «as! p
baart-parwlprtog dnif

a D. lUcboit, Pwyririw.

South Side Cumber 0o-

. .ha? H hL a^er ^n ' ^l^t' iT'iJo?’™ .?:S'.o“tSb.‘ff

*“ accepted

A Naao br the tow aehool buildlag
m pnrtbaaed (or MS Md aaother for
Ito toardnaa areBue boUdlhg (or SSO.
A r^oUea waa adopted aatbortalig tbe praaUeat aad clerk to itaae

matter asd It waa uaMlBotalp <
elded to Bead an IbtIuHou to I
departawat bp L. K. ClerelMd. t

Will Not Help Your^
DUe^se* but WIU
WeaKen Your

South Side Shoe store


If 40. the South Side Lumber Co. at Traverse
City is the place to buy your material. Shop
and mill work done on short notice. Give us
a chance to figure on your wants.


•Bfonable at poaab


00ing to Build?

the IrtOalng coaBcll ba* door
to wlilrh pooterlip Bap
alch pride" Tbia augort bodp
.pool lour bourn the oiher aigbt Irpteg to decide whether a barber ma.v


ra to dflapatM. Th« ottharlap
#M»a topdtor nn of dlfUadlaB.
Mtp iB Oraad Arap affairi. ton
BlBwc* IB tba itala.
Ffteaaraa Cltp win 4ato pride 1b este old releraa* and wUb
Orti of the coudl. tbe
« aad UePberaea poat.
rapreaMtailou of tto
P^li^igturi aad attradisaa af Trara Clip. It ia not naUkatp that tto

p' ta* diaeaaatoe c«Baed wUcb laaiait
B; ««ar aaadp thm boara aad idt tbr
Miter d tto btottoi aad p'aaiUng of
; «ha arw Ptoaib ward adiool Iraildiap


th•• f> o clork eapreai Thoradap'
Rbe oalp weighed eight
lad' and a quaner. bat mill l>e able
-cBlI'CopP *»b 'to real d then.


U«aUraa aoWtora bat pjMag tto dUB d tto dip g«B>«rall7- Tb» anil awrtlag d tba 0. A. R. li al'
x «va aa laiportut craat for rntr
t la lb» atato aad tto poaU aead
Ir Boat dMlacalabad aad aeUT(

J ttiaB te Joka Proton waa accept-

detegaii- fiwa here will therefere I
ariaed vilb a powerfa! argiH
uf ihiB Clip, aad It b
OK &t ;o lae
e Bembefa d tbe port
bellerod bp
that ttere a

Btcaaa* wabaot flw gaadsIbM
you arc IsaMog lar. U« batw
lost wbal yau waot i > i i

Blue Vitriol

rerp «■» r. Tbe cooadi wni be aeted i ia
hehlnd tbe eelerprire.
10 0 ir
IP Bdtu
I Battle Creek a
' meetlBg
lax Ten
•f tbe riliBi
biard d trade will to,1 If
ran.mate: Tbe Cereal
UKe (iBlIar ac'loii. wblle aa oOeU
bp MePbereon »ai obliged to bold ill fda* ato

8 toto tto ooitrT Mi H aboaU to
'Tto to wall to tto taneer Moa
If la tto Boflhm pralanla aad



j te ralaed ^b> jobacrlp’im. i

MMilcaa-* SoUac li

Ua art Iba CtadBa Sbaa Slart_^^


tm, IrniRi cov, MidL

IfcGtCgor, fcllj; Tom McTTCgor, 2;li; H»rt. IIW; Nnnxa, S:12J;
sad U Mtori ia tto litt.i Damg oT H7, 1 c:ui1iDg Grauan boy id'h;
eaorwe, k:0U; Vork Bori (wl 9KW|: Bfantd. 8«SJ; R8 «hcv».
PsiMga^ttlA Tce^^a|3j. Sir* ol Unrada. SJt

<Mm id HkkteD-* jMdlag
ktcGREGOR BOY isja v
bri(bi bay Suiiion ol
CMBmaadths Hipeamiee.| He cm fo as high at anr horse on the
r«Rd.aadwitbplcBtrofV*d. He cm tew a Sju clip aad haa
Higbreedii^ii cRTtsialy oTitobedt,

Handlcb the full line of Osbornt- C.oods. ‘-Osbome " is the lartfeM indepenilcnt maker
of (H-ain and com binders. MowiTh and Reapers in the world. Do not place your
order before seeing Osborne's new

Uertlcal Bar moiver
one of their specialiies,

machinery and Farm Implements
Remember that we sell the

••miller" Basollne Engine,

r-- ?

The only Gasaline Engine that a child
can Stan and handle without trouble in
cold weather. We have sold over forty
engines the last year out of Traverse
City, and they are giving il|e best of satis­
faction. Before placing your order for
any make of Engines, call at our store
and sec the Miller.

We have just received four car loads of the

Paat Bra’a and tba (Md eaniaat ea’a Boasiaa

One of our superb

Waiter A. Wood Mowers
II you are a fanner call at our sion- any day between
now and June IHth. and look our incompar­
able tine of

Binders, Rnpin. Meiers, Sell Itop Mis,
Side OHmt Rflns, Hi, Tnddcis ad U, Mn
over and get our PRICES on them, which are LOW­
M.-\CH1NES BEI-'ORE ud you will be given free
one ticket entitling you loone chance on tjur

W'e are taking this snethod to acquaint you with the
FEATURES ponseMcd by these machines and the
EXTREMELY LOW PRICES at which we are tell­
ing them. Get your FREE TICKET eariy and avoid
the roflh.

The finest ever shown in Traverse City. You can get just what you are looking for
at Boughev's «






Cor. Cas8:& State St.

Both Phones 49.

Fnris liiiiiliMt Co. LM. ,,

___________ I


CUBED- Bt cuncuRi
!!irtrjsr-“3s.'^- auBiUnnii^
-SiS:SiS5ir~»--*K-" m«i«i«to

Only 2 Oledcs Itfore

Omr mwdnf .ftb. tl*Hf b» <*• »»'»?•

PMi Kiiwr »■ ««'*«,
a* Ike poond for ■ ee« I
ee« d*el|.
Mead - ----------*.«.
Rropp •tkr’dO ««'
dWrtkol* tmi werreei*

•■a Ike e««


Cfodusy.olwoUrr •«*«««'*" proof****.




................ S5C

“hi bekerfl to fted

lOe Claa Dbdtee to
dOK at .................SC


_ ....... .............. lownblp will k*»e w
Weal u Ihe>r irere »f* frote lo ibe
ai^. eoM of tki Oood Herfaorltet
ere boeMiea tbet tbey oin bjr* *•

^r^oo*,-«ihuplo60c. te.pc
2_A bA of W«h Gottl*. wibW'i
foe quick Belling. ISc. lOe

- Bo)'< W*»h

Wash Roods
l^a.«w yd* SoBair« Chilli**.-Orth 7c.





Shirt Waists




AU oor White 001
Iliuner Ware naiM
go *l *n>- price


o.'wwiewew w.—. Of pee* trew


10c gU*i deeoreled
ToBbleti to eloee
ont»t........................ 5C

A lot of Imported
6ne l>re*Ka Dolli.
$S value,*! ...♦•C


B..- iPtBiifib>7 tt- -«.t«te 1»


SooetDoeof iboee
10c Butter
with eoret at ... 3C


■ of
MMBjUee Aedeiea^


.. ..................... 34c

nloel np to $1 w.

^:n ...
we. erill be hrr» M «»

,bh e pbseif eod
lat !>•«•
lekku <> -



60c Urge Lantern*,

to" «i; •"



S: «^ €>«•«-r teke

»„**:« «deotk»l»«t »»*-»«*»

le BdlerUI


From each department to show you what
values we are offering. They are not to tie
duplicated elsewhere at 25 per cent more.

vMfet «y • ewlBif ere—~ — —

b nee. - Mr.


Just a Tew Items

i 70 reert oJd.





i>.i e ehwt Hat ead be vUbee Vellocki'
Mr, Ben.

-IkMMwriteetttittlttiMitM-M—•—.** '


It BodK hu t>e«> c
< M SdOiM'


1 1ST
Front St

' r

Ci5>e Racket Store

«B tie Me ^


^Tb^rerj 01 ta Atleete. k« kw S
oU b€»e le Ckertee
;0««. O- I- •■» Wfereek.*-^,

r’K^rfwi^ ^ preettert



" °^S



Some more of tbfl**
Roastor. to clone.

........................ 2>c

f.UT ..........................................................................

lOc Lantern Glot^




Oenerw Nten.

raloe. to doee *t SC

Mtee. tome Cole* b»» loo^ »
leeherlen ei
Cebrlere., Freoee.
vbere elwr
«lr a*d
7 pi
aeieed errr/
^mv., ml
— expenee* be.
IBS oomr
bone br
U7 tbe etnser.
A ne* betldlu U lo be eroMed *l *
Ur, J. Famwe Brtee. «blp;» eargew
a«( of tUM to boaie tbe *e« eoantr
ewoMT lodeied el OB the u«Be.AilenUi: liner Crmrtc, U
BOB OB hie elibi hundredth end nlneletnli edw. So tw la hie life M
bnee imrereed eooethlns

ew> I
_M ennud the (tobr

A lot of Chin* Diehee, edne* up to


A lot of Mimee' *n <
buld’d black twltoee


loreii’ coet.


at greatly col price*.
Ienr> N Bpeorer. John R. Spew
mad Hre Fnaar > Fueler, broil
esd elelere. all llrlos
of OatoD. Gobi abase >see«r
le Ml jenre


JI, J. Burqe^^

Gigantic Housecleaning Saie
Whether yon dcire to larni.h a home, or »i.h bn, a l« artide. to add refre.hing ae.nm» to your hon,e.
n».ll|.roh,grea,lybyatrip,oTllK IIOSTON SHIRK
iron Bed. like cut. in white,
I hiN soUa Oak Stand 24
green or blue enamel
itich top. 1‘rench kgs.
any *ire
golden hiiish, only
• I.9B


>e roraer alone of the new t



Rife value* le P*fkjr SotU ire »-*iltPg vou ourmg ‘"“T^


;n,:Tp£'S 'z:°^±$I2J0 “ $60.00
5 piece Mahogany Sail, Y'door fpht

Or*s wear the large line of all wooPCasstoiere Suits for
men at $750. $8£0 and $10 are unequalled at priccb. We know,
''and hundreds of our patrons know, that the assortment of values
w-e show in $750 to $10 mens suits is not equalled elsewhere in this
part of the state. We want a chance to convince those who don’t


Traverse City. Michigan

<;o-Cart like cu'. rupber tires, fool brake,
adjiisuble foot and back, complete
with upholstering and parasol




$10.75- $48.00
SoIi<! Oak l)ret*ert -uh beiel plile mmoi. 3 *a-* Uiil
Igrk, a ilresser of jihtl proportion aotl-ell finitherl... *P m

Occupies u room by ilroll. and conuin. the larBost .lock ol medium
and fine clothing lor boya from three lo tn-enty yoars of age that
may be found in ihi. region. Uoa t fail lo call and bring the boyn

r> ■

L. Al:

or dress wear the fine mixtures in the light shades as welt as the
h1s«-k and blue faoc>’ worsteds at $10. $1^. $1S. $14 and $16 are the
most sattsfactor>-. You know we are not afraid to compare these
with any other goods on the market, knowing ours are all<hat we
daim for them—the best goods made for the money. Largest as­
sortment inthedty.



Steel Range

Rcervou MKl high cv»«
___________ ____ _____



Fox thUhea.7 ff*«ed Couch, aphotaere-l

2 burner O»ol»e £?-> t^ff

^4.m Vekwt.................................... .. ......................
. sP-»/*7
Other* $6 00. $7.50, $».00, $10 DO inri np.

siove. like e«...W>.^*/d



(to eomoj (or toM
MtMsa tton% pBlBs to to
V WMBrtoo (tor toe oltor felTto llae^ip »• to roltowt

.~, j. B. totm: <x|«bM..
Neboa; Merle Ootaar. Joto:
tor. *d*1a ChBOfir. Aeroa ‘
_______ rnak Ho(*lBi. Mike KeMoo.,
Wa> WofrtBtt. There U erne Mite i
ra( le be aHppUad.

tnUmaKla^ “.T.r^ss'^S:


o> Mr. Othto meOe* (to I
e^ ftzlac (he MMrtw b* i«oo*- _

DMaltire o» »»F»

■Md (hM (to foOovlW I
d to tBtoUoB for tto «

UX «»«—•
{JJT'rt-T ISrtonwta* pw;






Boll lan a( BWBUh wto tMmw to
OUo KftolkkFt»» »•»"


tr«lisrf to A<U. i. W. BllUkar.
Sou to th» dx)™»
BMdIw or aerfptara poubb
Ito Mto to Btoler Vk* Combi
U R. CkTBbBflttto«to -





Here aod eteeptod ttolr
ledUable maiiBOr.
-» (arrlacce foaebod
(be eeetoterr the Iloe of B»an* wae
formed aod at! prMwded to the old
aoMlere’ BtoBiBietil n«e the eiercteee pen bM. Aa (to eoldlere (ame
thTMcb (be sole (be MayBopcr rlob
otHod ee o poord......................................
dlery etyto

.. to.Tto

^ ^S.»>U Citr Mar 2 ;
tad BO wee eae "be foood rf hla.,
^ are Mtertatoed ttol be hae ;
fane droned la (to MaeWee near.
Whe. lart aeaa.tbe bto*a.toto*:
iX. u aad It I. Ihoophl (bat be
laar hare aliemptod to croaa <» eome

"p««v3fcu>»kk to Moakiae pa*»e«


let bm'*d^ ^e Uaie and
; Bottaer djlBk iMt
^ u.2r,',plare hae dm bees eelecied.
to^ ..iktor
ed. Howerer. there n. a eeaUiBe«l
a* “''•a **"
,1... vinni*T
Kltwnley dvlecntee
■I Ibr loeal dek«attoa orerleealotoa
•eslineel aod (be delevatee
and at
_ __
owde I faoBje aMJoe. leere
uv h
. onomrin (o do ai (bej
UlaBd U aleo plto-1 iveen bln ato
leanlBC toerard
1 blk rear. Carp lahe ba. ! „ae before
JoTke Vari'erto Sew Yort.
laaBCDee. n
» elean aod
and saaollBe
saaallBe laascbee.
a ; BesiKneo
Besikmed >o eunr of ble frieodea*(tot
be ^
Henry Beestolller wae ebalraiao to
'the eoBvenlloo. C. A. Bupbee. enr*
.. rd ibi
d ^
place that
At Carp Lahd-


SSol^b" TBdi:;i^V-.i» plto ,______

is-vsi“ ;,%r- “

ee CWr alec
Band baa n


receollf told the bor
aar tavB I not roBtetited to •laj (
fall hrotber (hat be c
placi' »here be eould
, Carp lake. hlnvelf Tto boy coBCloded
- e boat nod tbe matter
L The
Sear! Tyler llrei Jni
e tbe road
place wl
t tto depot

pleaior* paitlei.
V. K. Hootapiic •


9t and ae (be ooly
Store tbal wae there wae taken np
wbm (to amameet wae aet op ood
pMeto wtlb the other* It

niar tripe oe Carp lake and
5u Wllb toe cveoias train
to^oBoal to toot BOW paea^
m pal Foot* sod Bake Prore-

o taiop
ttaU eoaO'
old eoMlen kae btoB eonlpped with a 10 moke
BoweD eapine.
eapioe. He
ba* Bowen
,d Bot have
tom epand Ip W. M. Bmitb. who had
tto Bader fa (diarse baA bl* nrti ba*
Blade a plae* thal le dear to Ua heart*
lot Bt Carp tube aad knt
of all uU iBldler*. Nlaety dolMr* wa*
M toe erettkm of <me to the
MedalotoUtilBS ap toe proaBd aad _
cottapea im tbe lake. It
tto Bowarne well apaot.
will be two sloriet
two below. He also baa a aew
paaM by a aamber of dtleeaa. weat Unaeb wbleb bo hae equipped .... to the Oaloa nrwe( dock wb*re toware were etmo oe the water lo boBor
of toe dead eallor*. At t o'rlodc the ba* belli a oew eottase at the dob
proceaBw wai toimed aod nontoed



At I ahlaak tto W. R i


I rack meet there Sat-

ever.' Ibe Tram It 'tlmoti
pleaded as Ibouph It hroopbi back the
honor of barini downed Its bocta.
le Ibe fliat place every member of
toe Mnnislee leam Is a penllemnn and
DO heller itraiment could here been
given a vlsIUnp tram thpe was accord­
ed toe Traverse Cliy boy* Saturday.
There was noi n tingle kick or com
plalni regarding any cveni and everytolng moved along swIfUy and smootfa; a bitch. After the work
Mnanper Rnmtdell of ibe
opera lioiiee levlied Ibe team lo a
mock cot.^ cotapoaed to boalieB
toenier parly and wme took adsnoof tola, occupying a box reserved
"j^iJSSTof tola city ba* boilt
bim'a UttBch wbkb he will «*e for
The local It D wa* not under a
rry want being n
toe^Mto^w* iiam. The boya'retorned
boenr yesterday morslng. barlap
tbe bay.
tbe nipbl wllb member* of Ibe
CMpL M. J. Jobaaim baa a new
foot laancb wbkb will be uaed oa
hay at Traver»e beaefa. It la equip
with a Fhy A Bowes enplne.
ommodatlona fiw dablBP panle*




IlM to wnM wtn; The Oly toad,
• —
-ill wor retaroM.
MaySoWB dab. fter.. W. T. Wood-


tebeto tolUrea aad cUlaaai.
At toe prooBda the propram waa:
«B*k. prayer, rtadlap to nrden by
tbe ‘^i'**'^'*^^*'^'*** ^

SS'^^Se*^. 1
"Sra. Mr. VoodboBBe"*

**t” Xod^ Weelcott loaded with
slabs and edpelops Saturday.
I Sessra of MaBlsiee dl
0 ion SPIunlBy.
-n Chriinroe went to

'"mV l^^d'»
Mr. nnd Mrs. Bnilfom Ashton nml |
son Herhert spent Sunday afiern.e.n 1
at their collage.
Pred ninls bus ralse.1 a flag pole j
in front of his cottage. Hr nays the '
'flag that floats from It* top Is the one :
be bad wiifa him In dlslant Alaska.
Tbose who railed at BIrchwnod dur

pop corn that belunped 10 him. also
tome eppe and bnrinp been given
IS 51. Iron toe proceeds of tome wbent
ed. as a loyal democrat aod
sold hy his brother.

form on which Ibey tired best Judgment, bnrdly fororinp lleiret
le and no opinion la panlcueoninlos a at elphly nerw* rrf cleared
• • pairs will
itocfc and n pood orchard
ted toe boy in leave Is not

irade*toli emoBier



town Tbor*doyPraob Beaoetl baa pooe lo Booib ,
MaoHou wber* be will eoler Ibe life

Rporps Barnard and family spent i
ery enjoyable day among friends n

Owine lo wei weniber contetnpUiImprntemenit have been deltyed.

• eaw ootfalnc of : lAiiieer, J M.
jSeeirmllUT end I. M. isprep.

when all Ibe place* where he C II
to seoaiorlal co
d possibly bare been were heard
T. 0i Blor. Carl Moody
from and he was no. at aay of them,
.0 HcMnlleo.
fear, for bit aafeiy were enlertolned. Sh^roo
onmloaied be
Mr. EDslpu 1
Then Iasi eeeo be wae wearlnp bis
wHI oee on toe bay. It will be eonlwed
_ _
fae^i eiili wbkb wae of dark material
Hb a Fay * Bowen enpioe. and lhai he wanted a
:or.- a mfl black hat ami walked
rai K' lead them as presldenl.
a allpbt stoop. Hie welphi was
lai be did noi care for laslrucabo.:i 11« pounds nnd helpht *l«u. ;
parilrularly hui lhai he would
for Judge Parker of New
wbkb to win brlOB to Fooeh
he wanted lo know
betveeo four nnd flre dollny* In money "•«k'
s siandinp before be
wbhli he hnd sored, bnrinp sold tome


Ihroopb ion eo Thanday.
Dr Pralkl. Bade o trip fioB Maple
lly wlto bit new aotoBoMIe FH^.
Mies Bemle Parraal It rlsliinp her

.1 poelCmlor was cbo*eo
ibruiiKb here Friday, eorm
.J dll tbe raraocy.
enikn: Soulh Maollon.
IMepaie* to toe stole coorenikn;
rri.-drtrh. fbalnoao, M. W^l’a

ISloto"*'^ «bt^ whuai will be
aX^wItb a FBy * Bowea eoplM

formed ood ...
•• ride of (be eet8e(ST.
awoBseiit le erected
aad amor of ( >m eav It tor tbe tret
(to proend
Um. OpIbp

Tto Bew BOBBiBrai
atoae to the dead heroea

dar Sunday.
Hr*. 0*ear Pratue to Ttarerto Clu
bae beeo rMHap bar >leter. Mr*. H.

pnod el
« held tl

To(a! .........

«• dMd br CbBptalB

n« Mv&nr«r e
mhlp H Rto. Co----------------«Mi«(tor cBrir I> tto BoniBc Bse
wet* dbUed Islo foor *4U<*. *tot
•■ old Boldlar't coBBltlM cos
f of r. D HtoTis.
MtoTia. U D- CortU
Aadre* Tooap. M
H. J. Csrtls BDd Aadre
<b«T dtotoBted the r»Te*.. The bor
, dM

; lo all who are intcre«tcd
I wish lo a
in raising shec{> or hanilling wool that I ha)^e
esiablished a market here, and will j>ay ihc
highest cash markei price, according to grade
and qiialii)’. I’ntil a |irrmanem location for
a large warehouse is secured. I will be at my
old stand at Steinberg Bros, establishment,
where 1 will be glad yo mc-et my old acquainiances and shake hands with them..


^ oLllli&r Mofpn *
8<ai to k etolr oT cfrti (rm tk'
fr«r«r to Ch«pl*to R. B. Ototor.
vJIoftto*--------- ---l«T OMTflP BMrnc
wan cstlad. Udtolflc ow

Biditiuvn Vco*

** an, tor (to editor-

Ashton. Mr. and Mrs. Wllllatn Ashion.
(heir sons. Charlee. John. Herlien nnd
diiigbier laura. Mr. Trimhle, Mr. and
Mrs Bert Gunnel. Archie Gtlleti. bis ,
her and sister Dorothy. Chiel Ren-!
-I,. J„.l.
and wife. William -■
Smith. Jennie and Hnpgte Anderson.
Ble. CMKirgl* Rillien.
Mrs Cbarle* Renal
....................... Seth Aibion. Cash
Ben. FranI
Aeal EsUt* Tcanefer* .
S'tv. Mahle Gwaikini tad Maud Oneel.
Recorded by Regisler to Deeds F. Nay. Mnhie
The Aadersoe eotlnge will soon l>e
V. Wilson to Jnne 1. 1*(H.
B. Rrelllek Co to Ceo. Tuttle,
early Friday morn
ey lol 10. all of tot 21.
21. block t. Perry
' tug spooking
Haaoab-e 2nd add: «S50.
‘ l,*wyer
woods which proved
to VIetor
u. W. Albion tod wife
Pntrhen gathering n
-e nolle plenllful *l BIrchwood. .........
« eogtged MonArchie Ollle
fann and wife {o O. C. Case.
d*v clearing up the GUIett kX, where
of sli. neu. see, 2». ti
they will soon pilch their tents for
12: SlU.
their summer's ouling.
Prank £ Whipple to John E. WinchMr- W C. Gannett nnd Mrs. Jack
imh. parcel, sec. 8. town 25. range Reunic spent Tuesday nflernorvn with
•s IJtney.
Earl Cook to WllUnm G. Bracehue been
bridge. patce
boex a new eoai to pal
12: IHKI.
William Ashion and «
Rolien B. Garner to Howard R One. day (hi*
hired I
nr. KM It. block IS. original plat,
........................................... ....
*>»' clear
ravetse Cliy: STM.
up their ground*. He nay* (bey
Howard R Garner to Robert B. Rar­
going lo roovs down Just ns *«>n
er. parcel, sec, SO. town 28, range as school Is but.
Mr. DevM brought down i floe new
**HmMn'w. Smith to Elgin Hough- bail Friday morning In tx- used In
ion. lot 1*. w^i lot 20, block I. Perry the BsbiDR business
nnenb'e Ird add; *1.100.
rash Nay Is having 4 Hae lime ibis
Albert H. Hiller lo Ada R. Puller,
eek sporting around the bay In the
parcel, Harlland-i add: 1150.
gasnilne yacht *nd he li n« aUme.
By. eeki either.
Archie Heinlyre to. Joeiab
rn 2*. range IJ:
of neli. s
Estella I. Koeelaed. et i . to Chas J
Koeeland. percels: tl.
John W. Popp lo eil<
K* lo and n. block 2, I

(Mil Fun tl Ml
Tbi* it tbe tawTcr
With bis baodf in ^ p
Onto this joke you may not fall,
But read it aKtio and yon'U see it all

asne. iDMS

And hi* cdDDiog extend* to hi* feet, bi
He wear* Sxt* Shoe*.

Thi UH»^ll



18 tbs H. A K. Grnnulaled
-Rugnr for ...............................*1.00


Arboekk Ceflet.




Eugene Flsber and Frank Bbeb
rove ID Empire Inst Friday nnd
reiiirned Snlurday.
Quite a number to persons from
lere siiended the party last Saturday
•venlng at John Dago* In Po
baseball game at Burdlckville
V time ago between the Glen A
and Burdlrkvllle team* resulted

Trmni dU. Nidi.

It makes

^no Difference
A Few Specials
Beat grade Wa*h,Ib>wl* and
Pitcher*, larae site...............»e
C-plece Deciirnied Toilet Beta
only ........................................... *1-»
Set* only ................................*1.77
5i<c Coveretl Cbimlter*..........«Sc
4-V Covered Cbamlu-rs..........S*e
rncov-ere.1 Chamlmrs .......... 81e
Ballcl Onnhinels ...................... **e
Beautiful thTorjlcl


Cups nnd

•n k Bate that we aboald weave
oar ebBpkta to Sower* aad Uy toes
with leader heads end leiwwit brart*
apea toe prare* to tooae who tooxpbi
Me ant too pretlcms an oterfop to be
UM oo tbe altar to Ibeir country.-

raramittac ca way* and man
arta la ba paid aad moaey mliad by
(te cHy aa* aMo for ibe punnar to

RrcllatlOD. Mis* AHa V
Si eg 234 and adjourned f
fell enjoyed by nil.
Miss vifilt Spriegsiein went borne
Clnat addreea. Rev. A. L. Thurttim.
Oiled to order by preafdet by sing i to Frankfoci Friday evealag lo spend
Drill, elgbl boys.
fog 82 and 38.
lUecvirt'lun clay. She returned
Boag. qaarietie.
Idulb-s scain Monday evealag.
A. siBBierman. wivs pswyer ai
i Hiss l.misB Gray came borne from
Tbit yrarb baccaMantoe
lag pan to Joba. I2tb chapter.
i HanlMev lo see her parenu.
wHI be dellvaeto Sanday evmag.
Singing 27.
iHrs. Silas Gray.
Jute 5. al ibe M. E. ebarri 1. by Rev,
Prayer* and tesllmoalr* trere glveii
HeasU-s are tbe order to toe day In
R. W. Wood.
laterspersed wllb singing llu, *44 and
3l* vicluhy.
TU* has been one to tbe amst aucOM Ud> Myera
I* blatar; to KfogaSewefory's
randsoa's last we<
Hyb public acbools. aad ibe verb i
l%e Tbomptoovl
flOBpIlabed has
a proven ta every way . I new ergaalied: oOcer* all present ball club was up to Lake Ann Honda:
autsforiory. Tbe tame corps
eotp* to
_ oieej
> goi b.
.. playiog bpU. 4
UMbers has been eagagto for aaotber
arer's report: Cash oe hand.
1 favor of Lake Ann.
The pinii
raciiatkie we
The beaeball team has leased a apM
topic; “How toinll we obialnlat Lake
Belem woritertr'
Brtgil to Cedar
minute ttoks byJlr*. HcWelky. i
iKfog with her UDOle and_____ ____
. B. Barney, Rocs Wilinbee.
d Mr* Sam Hyen. Saturday aad
Sfoglag *«5. -Btallght."
and Mrs Willie Lake aad Laara

Tople well dltcnsaed.
Bates and Reksh Wlltoe drove
fort «■ tbe part to
Boag 306. -No. Not Oae."
Traverae City Bqpdar and reiuri
'Whai oaertBr* most we amt
dots It pay?" well tellvered b;

°t.«b»-ra,fora ^^orehettrm'
to dlpkiau.
OU^eJee* (to employ Ua own^ ^

WMgb—*( . ....................................
B«Rbq«otr(ao miran).............

AfoMfoit cfcito to In «*tanI

an la ymnw

of Empire and Glen Arbor will meet




Koto eearaalloa at BUrw Lake la
•an. Faafkaer. McHagb aad Cadmaa. iravedtag aaltemta. were la '
Mat wttoc.
- J. Millar ralM ea Maad* ha (3*-

Are you in need to fanri
help? airt* wiBhIng employmen! a( dining room or penecal hoimevrartv. see “The IMcMigonce OMcc." Citx. phone BM.
15215 Front Bt. Traverse City.

Ck> id W M. Bmlib at Crawn lx
Smith's old shop and get 8 new aboee |
for *2 75 sad old shoes lel for I5e pefl
•hoe. Wood work nnd general black-'


Special Shades made qoickly


You can't lo*« money by trading
at The Economy Store.

Co's jotb

‘■■'It Shade............................'..lllc

Plate* COc set.

0ity Bookstore

Mr*. Croorge Ober and
l,nkr from Indian* arriv->-d Inn Honday afternoon. n». late to aitend toe
funeral of tbeir sister. Mrs. Samuel

■for'i'^eotnpletlon to the Iwldge The
pxHile of luith town* are anxious to
ihav-li flnished. The bridge. »o for a*
liiiili. nands Arm. not Injured In the
Sondty School Cenvrentlen.
■ uiiy
least by tbe ice last wtnier.
Repor- to Ibe 351b qunrieriy conCharles Lin. »bo ba* been In poor
vraihm to Long Lake aM Garfield
bcalih for sttint lime, passed away
Snmiay Srbool asaorlathi^ held at
k IT. H . 1. *
early Saturday mornlag. Hi* funeral
Ho^rd scboolbouse. Hay 14.
wa* held In tbe rburrh yesierdav at
PrMkIcet Barney called (be meeting
3 o'cltick. The
Revs. Mr. Holme*.
I ordi-r by song service, led by E. J.
Meihtrdlsi. of Empire, and Mr. ProsSBRLAXD
Oaunder* by slnglug It*. I. <2. 5. 31
burg. Luiberan. of Traverse City. oSiL Mr Frosberg. * Swede, spoke
Pnyer by Ibe Rev. J. Zli
IS own language
He also sang
r Supt Mr* tbeIr borne In Algrmquln. Ill
Wonls to wel
Frank Vlsknrtili has a mild niiark to
Boat by qaartette coaapoaed to Dr. iFnrd Fanatag.
nnd.Mra. C. U Fraion. Mra. J O. CrotMr. Alkinson went to Traverse City
•er nnd lirrvey Tripp.
last Thursday
School clowsi Inal Friday and the
eblldren bad a plcek In tbe I
na." Harry HnaUIng
o promising muu of i( au<l I
grove. They did ample jtiMIre
Haak. ot(Be*ln.
naday Befaool worker?" I
age and two bright girl* t,
bountiful repast to good iblags and
Tfoud WoM fo'HlnnT.'" Rato
* h>«. Mr. 1.
ime* and went r..wlng on lh<
Claes pronbBcy. Una Hadlacn.
d Hr*. AiklasoD and Dr ant
Song. qnarteU*.
eealat. social aod iinlvrrsnllf
la went to Lelnnd on Fridav
■The Valwe to Blaeatton.- Walter
HI* many friends sympnihlte
' t paid farewell
hiv family lo iheir t•erravcmeeI.
man. nooi. tmrney nan ^ j. uaui
Binging "Tbe Master Wants Work- her borne It
Ion IT IK. bl.wk 15. H..
add: *1.

What size window needs a Window
Shade, the rich. sUe can be found
hum. the right color and the right
price. That surely is a good cooibtoation. Aren't some of those old Cur­
tains old enough to put aside and
have newones in riace? ft costs but
little for new ones

Saucers 60c acL


yoad (be Alp* Uca Italy." The cMaa
lower Is toe rae*. aad tooae complet­
ing the lento grade are as follow*:
Harry S. ________ _ Edwin
Waller A.. Beqgmlllrv. UlUnn Boer*,
Sato Jackaon.
Kaon. Binn A. Madlaoa. Bin
Tbe following program <
* TfoS^t^to"
Had om In detail;
Haale by arabealra cos
aplnadld apotteen. Trac patrtoUaa
need* a toeaa baari aa well at a fe- H.l*oarar. Hra. J. H. Haai
k« <B* and dean haada at well


226 [.Front St.

'*'[w“AJhr.IS'haI'‘S^S*^fog bis fleet

tabjeri was
*Ttar Rart^." fok
to DarM whra be k
Heakr Bra* aad K. C Brace.
aad taU.11hare
ba a.poodly btoltI. Harray aad a party of railroad
apc.’ Ha said la parti
aeladlnp Mr. Graftoo to the
One mile ran. Dean. Traverse City:
Thla eoBBlry abosU be proud to lU
r in Frank King,
Ivnnk line*, are esfoylnp SabOnoslln. Miller. Traverse City: lime parcel, see. 11. n rn 27. range 11.
t and reeteatloD oe Carp lake. T»ere
all laiariea are produeed within iu
Sbol put, FleUner. Ackerman. Travborder*.
It* tommerclnl crtalses*
James Voiruba
I Frank Voiniha'.
-ihonU tmm» piU* beeaaae eras toe
kK Id. Uloek' 19.
d and are makbp aeae preal killR'inniDg broad Jump. Sutton. P
SU wertd H ciTlap oat for » COB^ lop*. They wUl apend about ten day*
add: »4x<i.,
man. Urdle. Traverse City. l»-2.
Arblev B. Cunis lo
Herman B'.
lltlf-mlle relay. Dean. Traverse City. Smlib. W-4II feet loi 49. Oak Height*
R. Scott; 2:1*24.
add: tiou.,
IM-yard high butdle*. Ward. Hodge,
day k to* plant to today. Tbe tna- to baai U*l dlptal after tapper froen
Merrill L Lyon to Kerman W.
reverse City; Wtoe to Traverse City SmKb. lot 22.7. Oak Helitofo add: tUO.
■MB acboo^of the eoBat^aU In ^
Howard Whiting nnd wife to Work­
Prank Frledrkb baa his ft-fooi paa. Ma aherea. Tbe eoHepM aad Balrenl. ollae laancb Ptorel at Carp lake tor
ingmen's Aid Society of Hannah, par.
(Bt kad tooae who wlab bipfaer. Tbe charier to Atolnp aod pkak paitk*.
eel. sec. lu. town 25. range 11: *S«.
•ataatka to a repshUc wmi leaked ako aa experkncM man to aecom- Flelsner. Pound. Traveree
Anloa W. Bnnak. ei a1, to Ancon F.
•piB wlto dlateTor by (be Bnaartole* pany toe bemt. Mr. RrBdrkh hu alao feel.
Siraub. e% lot 3. all to Inia 4 and 5.
High Jump, tnee. Traver»e City. [tdoek.:.. P. H.'B 3rd add: tI.50A.
hal toe wkdoB to It* cotaMkli
Onurllo. Cooper; 5 feet 255 tnebee
Rcihany Kendall to Trustee* of 1st
Hnunner throw. Meries. Traverse M E. chiilTh to Grant, parcel, sec.
Bat tola was not forsed wttbOBt a
liy: Remsdell. Peiereee: 59 eeconds. town 35. mage It: II.
HraBk. In Ibe Bortk were tbe torert
Pole vauU, WbHe. ChrlsUanaoo. Nelto Bberty. bi toe aoeUi tbe ariatoeracy.
i. Hay 37.—There are
Cliri. Spldie, by sheriff, to Geo(gfo
Tb«i nkrary was Introducod and danl». Traverse City. 7-t.
from the loatb
A. McIntosh, lot* 7 and 8. block 3.
ly toe InerHabk claah B«t tbe eosaPunt. Pound. Traverse City. Ward, village of Kingsley: (32:.88.
lotto High eebool tbk
grade to
try entod BM be divided. Tbe atnpple
lemeol. Traverae Cliy, 14 feet.
Lewis H. Nelson nnd wlh
o John
220 yard daub. Suttoo, Ward. Hodge. N. Kennedy, lot 38. B]tckwoodr*225.
wBbe iwwMied ooMtotomte
23 4-5.
They bare tor tbeir toaaa motta. ~Bfr
J. E. Orelllck Co. to Amy E. Cunis.

Maka BBiraa BBOB*

We have nrepare<l an array to mooey-uving oi^wnmitic* in OUR CWTHlNfi IJRI’ARTMENT, which
In effoy------------------instance the value* kre
word lor il
Come In. see the goo^ aail you will be convtnc^ that
n Traver*e City where jvm always get mote than your inmiey"* worth

you wdl find. ui«n carefully r
that lOi do not hare to lake
Steinberg Bros, i* the only
without if* or amis.

The Greatest
Offering of


in Northern

The emhusiaim of our patroni over our ofTeriiigs of hue soiti thia Siwing has t>een an veiy sWUjrMg
a It imxnpts us to'funber efforts
The auiu arc all new and bnght, new niaierials, and in every iMUnee
rth much more than the prices asked.
Kvery Myle, shape, and color that (aahioo flenarub
(fo >
for iC. and $« suit*.
This is a
bffkeo aasonment. *o<»e fizei nu»ing, but there are some *|ilcndi'' value* in the lot.
and if you can be fitted we will save you nearly half
whal j-ou'd pay elsewhere.

$12.00 \

0/r /!/) for $8. SlOand $12 suits. Themnw
^OeUU dioice style* that j-ou wiD had in
other Mores al these prices, you wiU find here a| $(!.
(fo/) f/) for $12.60 and $16.00.toitx. in single
and double breaMed, lotne to the
nobbiest suiu of the season. These arc perfeclly
lailored and (nadc to fit. Here now at $9.50.

_ .
wcethsthirdtoahalf irMreinevery
GanncbU that you'd have to go to the very
best tailors to duplicate b> Myle. d-eraeter «nd 6t,
as well as finish. The prices, tho", are le« thip
half what the tailors would durge.

$3, $4, and $5 Boys’ Suits at •I.9B
Thousands of lather* and mtoben who
werth >3.00 to ».00
spreadnfo the news. \<a, it's teiDy true, the suiu
broken lines quidly we have made the price $1.96, and added many

Boy*'- heavy ribbed ttoekit^
worth from *0 to 26c, / ffhere in all sues U.... MilfC

Boy*' waistr, very neweH apring


BrowDieovenlltorfoed qMlhy

toyles, sold everywhere JQ/-.
at60c to 76c.bereAL.«J^Cr

Bettlers' Fare* tajUm^SeMi «to

Ths'btorv That Olva« You Most and BMt for Vour Monoy
Taesdayt to each Mtb. Ask agraU

K,a-TlMta±yd^forl*MwedltWo^e*^y,^y2>ih. Kyo^ve ovrtiptto Att-

i AiiinMinmim TgPBgpiT, juim t not.

to dantrop hla agnlip. ae _

• sutc kuk !• bi
taw Oemtr aau bwk.
- 1. Pmr « Co. vai il
ftt Nortbpart. Jnae U. rndw tkc
o( tb» Nortkport bMk. wttb
mak a. Darta. pcwst pilaeipal
tlw galuiM Bay atkooli. m caahtar.


cant enpraealoa fra* T..
aaaxamp'a. Ha artta.
ditli tor ibrre ream
Iba netaod bonaa
being Uenetited.
tba Tliaa atib.Hit
inking nr Ktag't New
Vl..-a I b.
n few bottle* abollj
A> tbap. Dliwovan. Equally rdartlra lo rnnng
... Iba llula Bnt
Jill Tbtoni trouble*. <‘on.
the #mt gmra.
oiptiuci PnauBKiolt nnd Ortp tiur
aerood grade the ..acond gta.a
teed bp iobDKJO'e nrug Bine.- nnd
all wra •all eo.aaad
H. Meadi. nraggtat* Trln1l--ile«
Oorteg I
Snr nna |i ».


Tba following in tba Il«

Paatt af Nav. O. A. Oratn.
Jnae i: at 1 SOo'doek:
M. I'inloa. Fifth ward; Balih i^U. pu...
BMlar or San OarAata. Wadaaadaj Aena; WIllU- J.
aaaalac. Tka Canaral rill b« keU toaeph E. Ooartade. Baat Bap; Bd.
BalaMv fnw ika M. S. efeurch fuar inidSliji'lar. ?or**Wl
aad oaa^^alr slln aooO. at Tnrm*
CK» a( 2 p. ta. ataiidard Uma. Mr.
Ofaaa wa* rail koarc
ihta aallta r««loa, harla* bean a «Beniber or tba Mleblpaa M. K. eonferaBi*
for tt ramtt. tancfc td thl> (Ime being
apeat on ehargaa la Ua Qraail TraaMillar. I> Culla.
TraverM City Markda1 wanl; Herbert
aneragloa. Hla Oaalk rlH be graa'-'
Mnrlr, orrbaetra of eighth gmda«.
In tn
t -ntlnrwportlsmaeaupenWadnMB^rt>aJ'“F?Brth ...*
mcraua4 br -aag Irtaada
In Ibtt
Iblt put
. n wife nad Nicbol-i. Fifth wnrd; Butnoo.
m." Georgln — . ..
;«Bpofaach woah. Tito Harold in not
* Mtakinn
■ : Sauuel KIrkanoB. Blair: :
, Piny. "Wbo Wm Ii*" by rtH* from ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Daniel
"'* j Bonrdman and Canml.
I.aka- Fxlwnrd Hock. GarBald
, Biclinilon.
-mil. Hie Rnglnwr." •,
■ Aau Biaward wan tba akiUe ,

; F-jnnn Pybur
ptMMBi' larprtna Frldap afiarMarritd.
I^rajanuilnn <if
pdbrttatad 00 bar bp tba Car-1
H DaWlit aad
oBd Minn Bra
Bra. <-ln»


}ol^ la tba caaei nod...........................
plenaaatlr panned aim; tba tine.

noatlillng of Ira n
onade and baaaani «ere narren.
of tba guana and the hoMa..


of Iba bride U 2 o'cloek Wednendai
lo the paenanea of n few

iwtm Wanu-'.

| gatg^^-aa bridenmnld and Mr

e loler^ied lo MeinnrlBl

rsi-Mffi'iZKS,- ssi.>nf
nab, Aloaa Chaaa, Heda
aorgatla Kbnar. Banhn




' im, nainbar of friaoda rbo »ara a) Njiarr ■
aution. A^ar Ibair laturn thai Kr»alka-i
|,in ranldr wlik Mm. Sbephard (or a|2«, and ..bllgr


aioaa be pleat Itiil
Marriii (Vl.l Mlrrof-Nawa
---------------------------or BOif H the oua-loii tbal
■oy friend" lo
Mr. IlaWIti'a man)I
eatlag quUc a ounbar «r hopara and
rb happlDa"*.
Tht laa. C. T. Bloat baa geaa lo plaatem ai praeanl. Tba bigh prirm
dkW »"‘a« (0 attaad iba aoaaealloa of iba paal fe« vaaki hare bronchi
Camp Maating.
“£SS. Ha wUl mar. tb. la­
oat maap polaiaaa lhai vara balng
The Fr.-a Ualbodlat church wll^d
nd tba
laaad tor need and, aa a eonaaooaaaa.
I fa naM that need ibla pear vtll be It* annul camp meeting for tba CuinoaadbkaHfaaroMdaaib.
■IW Mo
and » MH f«or oM daagl
t.^ K. and Mra. O-na
- <■log. June 22. aad Inallng
a loooablp
lovaabl died Moadi
T to taka
that It •
It g Qidoek
a than lo
of Iba hi
bare bald tba polatoea fir taad onip *Tb'era will ba a large taberoaelc
reeled at tba lermlnua of Cana atreat.
HarMa Hgtab* baa
bare as OTamowdad markal aezt
•tala tank wttb erapnp portialu cd
laon vlib tba eoaaaniiani ton- prtrai Juat Kwlh of Iba eltp. where arrrleaa
will ba bald an followa:

CIrcutotion thi» week 2,^

Shoe Bargains


Tbata U la old astoa corrant
-jBooc the grovam aad bvam that
iWbad (rota BataBll Otp. Oiaad
'blgb aaed Bak« ebnap eropa.' aad
•na eoMtp. It «HI bn kaoo. ~ If tbU It tr«e polaloaa aaxt tall will
(OM 1 and 4t\ paopM wnl ba aarradlaldarablp bnrar tbas wbal thep
Tbara win ba IM banana no thla ronta.
W. h; Daww waa IP tba dtp T
^ aaroala to Otaaaa. wbara b<

Es- srs.xs»r,s%
Mr. Dawnp apaat Iba wtalar la Hot


MM « M wWoek at Plgkt aad dap
ntaaad pB Mp Bpadap- Tba order
wopi laid nMnd Mai wonk.

Mra. W. i. Oaapdt waa caDad to
Mo. MMh- Frldv PMnlac bp a td^
vaa -aPPOwlM that bar aged
aalbar M MMp aid lajntnd bandf

nf ibt Oooto*. V. a skB.
SSSb^adp^ U t^b
M>a*S. abedip dur wbtafe ba.

"*TUm will be in atiaadasee front
.brood Her. W. T. Hogue, m-praaldent
of Ibe Orranrllle college. III., bnt now
the Free Malbodlii church, baalda* nit
tba olclalam of Ibe dlnutet.
D. G. Briggf la the dialritt elder aad |
O. n. Hiller the pnaicir.

gl»an to tba Si.
ioedny night, tba
FnacI" gradi
Franclt High achool
junion of fit.
ring tbair annual banquet in honor;
Iba gmdutan of IBM.
Tba banquet ball wu t«tp praMllp |
iBunmi wttb tba cUaa colon. Tba
plllan of fhe hall ware bidden bp n ;
wmlb of amllax. while cut flowem,
banked the piano, potted ptaau com. l
ling Ibe dacotatloni.
,fler the program, the gueau parpaling. marched to Ibe dlalag ball
rre thep partook of a todal dlaner
Icfa waa apread uadar a eanopp of
A new featnre tkla pMr I
d aad green. The foIlowlBg menu
■loi of tba dlflerenl
I aarred:
I Into dlritloon
ooa fbr
I................ ...
ced ham.
Pouto ulad.
bnre bcM diTidad
■ PIcklaa.

a pailniati at Paalktoa. Bontb
Birawbanian i
Plaaaant Raaapttan.
Hin. Uantta 0. CMaa at MapfteU
Mad kwddp aRaraoon at I o-doek
A raeeptloa waa gtaan at the I ...
d naaaHMdM at tba aga at dP pnan.
^O. W. Lardle bp MIm Nellie Lnrdie
Tba taonrmi anratea wai bnU lodap.
M Mb# Harp Minor Frldny eranlng la
n. U Oarur taadn tbn hanral atTPPta- .joor of the fonr Bambem of Ibe
Hr. Chaaa dtad abod two dap irtiool c&ki of Her. W. U____
1 laaraa a '
man who will gmdnnt& The graduatea are Hlaaea Rnlb ant Robp Car.
peater, Rnlb CamU aad Baatrtca
Oaaataad. The rrenlng wat paaaad
> tmr
ta a aarp haiipp maaaar bp men
gamaa aad maiic. There wai
iS?*Md*"li^'Md" Oaori^~'dt praaeBi and nil wan dreaaed In i
Sfoalh ttraat. bp tba Mlotaa Sla
thnt the pnitp bnd realip a "Ocm.


a avrad aod tba araolac ereelag
acted aa

t waa aarrad <
.d Re*. W. 1.


Md amacwBanU with Ca ' '
0 timely topica. The mann
Wnbb lor tba auww OdanibL
for tba baaqual. which wn» nar*ad at
tapro BpnaM Bap at • o’doek oa the amnll Ublet wu: FImt oouru. fruit
aalnd on Mtuca laared. wMen. oIItm.
part PI adbi. dappiPl
grape Joke. Tba aecoud eoune wu
gtace nnd nanorted cahea. aou. Tba
oeculoB wu aery pleaaaal la aaery
■taa WprtlM, Dr. HIniPa apd Dr. B.

!U‘-------------------irmta l«r


Tba BMpap a KaM. OapL Oaond
BabaRPM M iiiPPMiai, Ptriaad tna
CbkPBP BMdap did ppd loaded at
tba OiPl Wnod tMah neMpaapb dod:
ladpp wMb hardwood loabar tor Cbl^a. mafc Otdtak d HorrtarUla It
MM ~r------- «ua atoaop aPd hta
butbar Baddpb In aaeaod aagbaar.
It to oMOdad iMi the boat will dear

An aoM M tba BUM bank hM BaUbad taoatag trota Ki proaaot toeatlM lato Ita caMMOdtaM bmt------urn. the Haaaah « Lap Mara
m pot la a paw. dnm. ppB ct drag* M the loOM Mat

dthagaaotT a

Aaaortad cakea.


with IbaIr work nbonl 4
Valuable Lkararp Olacevery.
o'rloek. Tba maebiaUI kept warning
Bcrlbnar's Magui
Ibe bopt to keep back and not gM toe
nnkla of tremarkable hlstortctaaa aad about i o'clock StrkUaad talus an nrtkia
rtrtit ral Imponaaca Wlibla a taw mootbi
re —
hu ------been dlscorerad
In New
. WBieblng opera----------mncblae wu itarted and 1 York city a maaa of
light c
had rna abont t« mtaaiM when n i Inl tbrowlng much
fcSlCe baeame kweoed la aornc way moat romanik chapter la tbe n
aad Bew owt. ntrihlng tbe boy In tbe of Ami
Beck, aerertag the ^lanl eilamn, nr■ertaa aad wind pipe, learing tne bud ud Clark In ISOSA. Tbeee papem are
xagiBg to tbe trank by aome akin
Mat tbe width of three ftogera on
>e hack.
nq macblBlM taw tbe bor foil *bd
BM to him bat be- aerer motad aad tbe first to be pertotM bp them t
robaup aeenr koto wbal MnA him. make a eelerltoB from tbe maierta
. be aecMeM wu WtasMsd bp a aum- The four i
bu nf gnman. Tbe bop bad worked
e fouad. aad atao a a
la tbe tactiwp tarn* time aSd wu le- of lellen. s _
_________j's wages.
I’toefUker Aadersua wu trte-1 leilera of n<
pbemed a few mlaaten aner the accl-

_______ _____ ________ J Balardap
attar bandana boan tod bp dial of
bMi wad tba tank WM almt an
BiMlIMH lodap.
Tba Brat rifirrin dapealt waa ea tbe attSRuxm unla. Tba boip bad i
■Pda *9 Cbartaa ProMaika aad tba not been merad pal whaa l)S
IfM tarlagi dtaami bp Joba Haraa- •
BaM. Hrt. Manta Catlarlaak tba BrNorsr. Mr. t
mMB U d dagatM Md tto «M
tbe ackaowtad

______ Ic bp tba BxI Gold Thwaltes,
atbarttp oa tbe

hMortea) fiadi.
I* ohtoak taa Iba ton at IfitarlMbu

tod to, laTwffl to basMB a Ito

Made in Mveral of tbe new
popular xhapex.
Nice fitting.
Aaty xhoet, worth ST.-'iO. Spc>
eixl price,


$5 00 Slfoes
at only $2.50
Special half piu-e sale of
about ihier .Wizen
pairs nf

Batiste and Coutel straight front, some with hose sup- RQc
porters attached, about eight or ten lines.................American l^dy. with your choke of fifteen -fitylefi ||0 RQ
and the other standard makes. $1 to....................

In titling, the corset fihould l>e laced loosely, using two
laces, one from top of corset to waist line, and another from
bottom to waist line, so that drawing and regulating Ificei be
from the waist line and not at the top or bottom.
The laces should be untied and never left fastenwl when the
corset is taken off. This tiecessiiates the retying of a obrset
each lime, but it insures the best results.
Aftei hooking the corset in front it should be pulled srell
down over ligurt'. using siiihcieni strength to fit snugly al»ut
the hips. Thf hands should then be inserted between <$>rfi«
and body and the abdomen lilted into proper i»osition. By then
drawing the laces to a proi>er tightnws the abdomen is pressed —
in and the form allowed to assume its normal position, giving a
natural curve to the ^line, and making an upright and graceful

Hanxn &: Son's

"Don't let your corsei give you discomfort.”
"Don't think you need to have your corset made."
‘‘Oon'i wear your from hose supporters too tight, or you
s]>oil the effect of your corset. '
"Don't kee{> your corset in a tight box; it needs air and
sunshine to be fresh and swm.”
"Don't trj- to do with one conset; its life will be doubled if >-ou have a second
one to wear alternately with it.*'
"Don't, wear pads outside your corset; always place them inside the hips or bsM.
This also applies to bustles. A sachet sewed under the arm is a dainty idea.”

$5.00 Imported
Potent eall Shots ^

Sninmar 0—erda
Bny )Our nommer Oxfcw.U
now and get x whole lumroer'a
comfort and ityle out of them.
Oxfords bwircise in populxi.
itr each season.

Oloiii«n*f Otiortfs

mtn*t Oxfords
$100 to|4.IMI

FJk skin is, and out KUi skin
shoes for men and bops are the
ligbteti, easiest, nofteit. tough­
est wearily shoes cvei mxile.
Ask about ihem.

These are nrw an.1 lashlonable shapes ol one <if the
mo*t famous makes of men's
shoes, but they ate the remain­
ing sizes of four dinercnl
enl styles
and to clone them ouiI i|uickly
we hare inazke.1 them

$2.50 a Pair

$4.00 Olalk-Ooers

at $5.00
A few remaining sizes of
some St) les of Walk-over Patent
■..eathen that we are going to
They are )..utv
if )-ou don't wan. at only


Jllfred U. Trkdrkb
> nnperrlalon coniidernad nader
able work
Tbe hotel
being miaed at t
•at time u II wu aeiUlng li
and looaeolng Iba plutar. Tl
Inc nllay t
Bxad up in
ider tbe hearp
B repaired. A
aoow a
mmuanu hnya
g^ u

W. BtridGaad. agad U
mmtha aad H dapa. an Of
It wu thought mp manp that tbe
k Mary Sub
irtcktand of laiertortini.
lantlp killed Tuegdap after- Bi. LonU fair would datmae the alIha mill at the WpUe Coopv laednsca at the raaoru In Hkhigna
age companp by haTlng hta band naar. but tbe popularltp of tbe reeorta In
Ip aareaed with a knUe tbal flew tram Iba Grand Tmrwaa region la aoch
chat Iba
IndkaUnai are tbal tba
beading mncblae. •
exceed lul raar'a. bowhinlat wu putting la a new crowdc
crowdt will
A macblnlft
In .tba eompnnp^ plnat nud;*’"-^'• tmnalacil reaortae* will
allgbtly Ians
tber* were
re a
n number of bqpn nnndtag
BO danger o
ratcblBg him and anxlou to ]*>*'*.
ew marblae work, baring got

Mae alMntaw

TatbionaMc $bM»

$1.00 to $.1.00

la aprlng
greailp Impcored
. and t
pro^mei for a good acaaoa tbia re
te aar) bright. Krarp cottage laa
bean apohen for and ooe new ooe
built to ncoommodaia tba crowd. The
aenaoe will open about June 21 but iba
hotel will be opened a little euller
■ban that data but will hardly he tn
line of much bualaeaa before tha.21tt.
With arary ratinga apokan foP the
pnapaci for iba coming aeaann la

You may as ircll have ease, comfort and a «>'ltsh I'njurf and pve your dre»maker a chance to do herself justice by buying a perfect tilting corset—one atfapt««f
to your figure.
well fitting corset has a deal lo do with the fit of a summer gownmuch more than with the thick winter materials. No coreet department can show as
complete a showing as we do. l-ifteen models of American l-ady i which by the way
is growing in favor every day
"There i» a shape for every figure” a price for
e\er>' purse. Never in all the y-cam of corset selling have we sold a corset that givei.
siichsaiisfaction. 1/ you have any special favorite, let us know what it Is; {irrhaps
we may have the same style. We have besides American Laily. I' lexibone h|ouIded.
W. U- Ciesco. Ferris Waists, and others.
Batiste and Summer Net Corsets. Batiste in pink, blue QR/«
anil white.........................................................................


l«?lO*'a"*Dt*r*»:K^d 7:M p. In.,
jMcUag. Cblldran'a maallng. lotarnpaned with aoog aerrlre and ring

Alamnl Beecptlaa and BanoMt.
Naarlp all-Ibe amngetaeau are
• - I foTthe Traaerao «ip High
loclalleo nceptlofi
bold In Farettan*
aad baaqo
Hop Ttaonpaon la
hall andI Frenldenl
la bit aeortf to make Uie af
leeaat. The program la nearip
eomplalad. George Criap will gire the
alBtaal WBlIoai Mra. Balet of Cbkago
will wrlit an artleie on pioneer aebool
dapa which will ba road at the meepUoa: P. C. Gilbert will gtre tba loan
to the alumni and HIM Btbel Van.
Bpekla will glae tba toaH for tba ctaaa
of IBM. SopL I. B. Qilbart wfll alto
glaa a loaai Stewart * SiaBau’ ord>a-ta witl furalah the ■
the reeepi
HcCeol a



me Can BmeVou

Something most im|K>nant for the women. We arc constantly try­
ing to do something n benefit our patrons, and iliis is the'r
We have

Two Hundred Pairs $2 Shoes for 65c
These are Womt-n's Common Sense Shoe—biiitons Of lace—in
either plain tot; or lipped. They are broken sizes and the last few
pairs of -.everal line-.. If you want a good wearing shoe, and don’t
want to pa> much for it. this is just your chance. These were for­
merly sold at Si’ll'*. P.Ofl and
a pair, but now we have marked
them to clo'C a; *>.V and 7-‘k the pair. The sizes are from '1% to dK-

We "cleaned house

The beat for thr pricii

si/its. and sold for
of them.

Fetd, meal, Bran, middlings,
Com and Oats

and found iiO pairs of Women's shoes, all small
and $4.<*i a


We have made two lots

One marked SI.2!>. the other $l..Vi.

Tke most comfortable shoe a woman ever {>ut

We buy nothtnu bill the best jjrain and joti yt-i the
{Mire article.

Cbe Season oT

eouabs and Colds
Is at hand—Wc have a preparation that
wfill fix them—Our own make—We know
it is good—Our personal gurantee goes
with it—Wait's White Pine and Spruce
Expectorant—Money back if it don't
help yon
; ' :

Wtolfo’s DruK S'torto



years of hard study the secret of a comfortable


covered—and we sell them


an<{ $1.7o the pair.


Thr prices can't be

equaled anywhere.







been dis­

lace—for SliiO

Grand Traverse RBtfon. ^

I~. V;;. » m brt.


a fa* «B7a vMk Bn. I

- - OtMBt vl raalb' Mrt**!

'S” “ “• s* sf. S.TS:

T*ej *» PW^ ■**■


irrtdw. ptoJe- «*re>^ *^' ■ “
h„ b«.
OwW W« *“
rw aw^ Ht i» o«

toe iiritcd meed* la ton a few dar*
week. leaTia* Salnrdar fer Bol­
ter. «ben iM vl


:n. WlllteB Cbaae died at
le lo (hit miafe laai Sainrdar aftwe. She bad bcB aa laralM for
a. faar tkkaett tesn;


tba UaySaM

- - n<9 ADflt.
ua_lln. 8. Ddwbw

■ IS,


Cbe Kimball

m the *«ate of ae aaai. Ho Bach nt tba ecpTMaea tiWn. E H.
■plernl aa eapm aad per- fSnaoa, Dtealar. ^
rt.- tbP wrttea. *1 *

is? £1:

Tbp Ml* ell
TMaHar »>*bt d
aolblac aerteci. :
Mr. CJark-a bara aad d» Adreoii
iABr<*. uwtat of aoaw ptaater.
ltd of tb« U
aim .irwlc tlw tec pole oa Mr. tert’a naa troa t
third dtatfld. Mr^ : ^
Kldaar. Btoawoh and Bo*H
CloT«r dl«d teat Wada«dar. ^ : troaW*. Becirlc BMtert It ibe oalr
osadarlaat arauded «h* boaor of hana* aeJedfd
ooly SOe. It a cnaraairod
tbp oaaw -popullrf wblcb vat takpo
joaBaoo't Dre« Btorp aod I
* Hri aed Mra. J. Coeolac <f Waxtord by thp people t pany. Bet ■ora tofltH.* ai Mr. Gbamft Beadar
MIta Ada Wllaoo I* hotac ln*i
butbaad vat ra
Tr*»a*»p Oij *bar» aba bat bon for
fpof U
■aktac fritar
cced U to tueoeoafolly tbai tba vat: <______ _________ ______
able to pay of a Bortcace of tlt.MW. u^p rity acboolt spti fall. ThP
The Wptt Valoe Epvurtb Ipacui- bealdet a IM of ateoBulatPd latereat. vlll bp be*ia <■ a tmall tealp
vat vp!I allpsdpd Ian prpclnc to
aplir of tbp dark aad ihrpatcainc
MothiarD'. Mother*;
Motbera; Mother*!
vpviber. Hra. Zoo It Iradi-r for
battle of the Tala, dertm
enailay preMas. Brerybody InvIiPd I
Kveea Cblaa a ' --------Adalral Uo. vbo. k vlll
bered. covered blaaelf vUL - .
Ibat oceatloa. bad ertoted a youag of- <
Seer a fev davt' leave of abaeace
Taatba Wemat* of Ti
Wbeo the lime caae for «be abtPBiee
tu—m.! «

baa rciamed
Walts Cnaala
raa Npv York.
Hlat Holt, -vbo bat
_________ ____________It rUlUa*
bom <tf Mra. Bode Jacfcaoe.
Mlaa nabl UaalcoU of Klastley alteodfd the loetol at ihp cborcb toti
PtMay ereotoEIUb Bcitba Hobbt. vbo li laeehC aeboDl at Spadtoc. apeet Soeday
her paraeto.

tlT» M« 8BWW. retnn'W

ADd abe vnaldn'l
“““ “
II the k1dDey>
PTP ven,
DotD'a Kldeey Pint mak<
at iokouiia; -Train lon—emMoi b
: Ice loitle City voieati «ho J
U you
li ai- Admiral
Dpr ibto < .
i. e. uuDDiac of n: .webai«
- Palat acraaa ay back
• v.ere eipecUlIy e

“CVETSi^ l!SS?-_-<

l>nu: Biurv

the late styles—they’re beauties.


W. W. Kimball Co,

Aak Vour Ooalor for Allan'* Poot-

■!• YlnUiM an. C»»

a reported. The
a prepared a abort proikinc tpelU, 1 tor. n
oeeaalos. They reallied
lei 11 CO any loncrr. ao^ beliic proa-1
tratrd to bed In ibe vleier nf 1»T I'
« over III.


:s- « m wu. »

Kl E. STRONG, Mngr.

129 Front St.




siri.r r:„‘?r.


I 8ic dwells among its strings ready to breathe the com­
poser’s thought at the touch of a master hand upon the keys.
These splendid instruments are Indorsed by the leading
musicians everywhere. Our idea of selling direct from the
factory to the home at factory prices meets with universal
favor, but then money saving is popular everywhere, See

.................... a. to



o rcnn-dt la ibe vorlrt
re Mn|i lirblor-u uf lb<- .klo :
rl ril the body; Itoan'e ti
aO) tlnix atore. •'» eeBi

Wealber rather cool for 0

lo try Doaa'p
helped BP I
flr»i. I o»cd toi ir buzpfi to all and at
(ults tba
cood aad DO damase ao v.’U pipaapd vl
tran the tola
.. fraela eaa be teen.
- •
bpaiulc to m
Dr. Coantae eatertaloed a larce
^y II
to anyooc vbo ai
of people erltb bit lalklac mafor Mip by all dealcra. FoPtcr-MIIebtoe toai Priday preatoc.
rv Co., Buffalo. N. T. aolp axeai*
HcrbeH Kpllocc bat boecbl the Ed
Rarrla place, vbleb added to vbat be
' Hip Valiod Btatp*. Rctocmber ib«
Tto TialtlBC trtonda Alietidy bad. Bakea bln a flae fara.
m.-Uoaa'a-and takp no «ber.
Work it procreattos oe ibe H. A K.
B. R. R- Socae eban^ to the aarrey
tou'i bP ppricci bealib vlihout
rp l.liiod. Burdock Blood Bitter.
,k<-. pure blood. Toa« and larlg
tii'i ibp vbolP ayncm.

Omes when


tt W. E^to ij^ttlw iS:
rte*! »w


Wb. KUdee, llrtoc (*o a
of Wexford It alek vltb anrnl
Pnrdy to (tteediac Un.
MIItoD Dake to here Baklai
fs Cbe belldtoc of a torse
ta* am. Hr. Dake baa dene baalaeaa
lb tbia place btfbre aereral
He hat a
: of Uober la U
rietoliy and-the ; opie vlll be clad
ate btoa dolas b




*ni. inaorance

]ia|ien are aafe irom
ani! pryina «?«*•

Less tban 4 cenU

ItlB \ alue. i. .ny.hi„„ you ..n, i. your horne^^

vaulla, larfier


Private vrilingtoom in

o Hr. and Hn. ArRa^lHi^n tad Mtoa Peari Vena
*eee naltod to taarrUfe by Rs. ItoTto
of KtofHM. Hay n. at the hooe <d
the brides sareola. After tbe
vMdtoff «M tea of tba tarfeat bald
k tkk vlcklty. Tba brUa aM fiooa
•re temMy taova bera. They r*
eM«ed Raar baaBtltel preaanu aad

Dp potf Mt a
‘ Wprk Shut tht* f»

Btoe eollectloe vaa
body tw>RM a good Uae. .
Bobart Dtoon bad tba auforttai
CM a vary alee boraa toat vaak.
^ bate oCtrad IIW far ibp a*i
itt a fav dayi
bafere It dtad.
-Hra. W. H. ntss
ud chUdrea
with bar brotbar, Chaa. (toaota.
Wo mgeb rato la Maktos tbe fannen rarr tola vlib enpa tbto aprtoc.
A BitabM of tinaen lo tbto vida117 are plovlac np tbelr vbaal delda
■bd pumas thea toio other crept.
Tbe eon acreasa vlU be varr taall
I Khto tocatlty tbto rev. It belac Ibimaaibla for ibp farmen to int..Eaod
aoad ooas.
Alfred Darla bv told bla fara aad
opeeu to locDla aenr Wexford.
Will Rfldee of WextiBl baa the

eraiTbody veat to the A
ttee vu bad by all.

Joha Leea hM raUrMd from
10 (Jliy whef# abe baa heea rtobUv of
If tba
Mr. PoirMI aad faaUy
raad Ttoltad at Mike Morrto' Sti
ly weal
Mra. Ctorrle TIal aad aoe Toay

Mr*. Obi Nevaaa apml Suaday
vUb her p«i«BU, Mr. ate Hra. Weoael
tAotbar, of Soloii.
Aototo Havata ha* sol bto Hoop
vail for hto b*rn tearly eoaplPtad.
Tbare vu B sboat aodal at the «m....................................................-*-y alshL They
■ate Mterua ntoa and tea dollar*.
Hatel Pk* tutoraod tou# laM Pri­
day fiDB Tmrarw City vhera »bp bai
bau atlatetos aebool
Bou Ckat to homa (raa a <
from Tiayaiio City.
■ hu Boate no Ida torn
Mia Ckn Boltoo vu a plei
caner ba* PHdar.
Ckra-BUi came op froa Oadw y*olaiday U «m bto parvau
bb^^vw • rlMuir hara 8atUr. BffMno of lAutoc to axpevtad
hear aoe* to becla to Improva b'
Tbm vara over M n to at Mr. Hoedak-a bar* tMatos ud-wbw Ov set
tba Vara ratoad ttefalaad (ba tes
Bcbool vfU eloaa WadDP*day.
tn. vltb a tdeale.
K. A. MPtoea ba* daUhad aa laptovaaaDU on bit atet*. vhkb la
srova tba totes of Ua place.ate
■aka k mate hatetor.

Nearly erery ewe will apprwlair Wben it to npev B aakM
a fall al.e, etjabmaMe to*, a* l< ba* Ibe eefy lien tertate.

lax a •prevd nr«r li |i niake* a. nertly aad mabifil
aide much a* »<iu ever raw li U rbevp ennush t<i pal ta ( dlntoc rtwi cw. <v ynu ran Iria U op vlfbi
oire plllov, aad ^>r«a<|.and
aakr* an .vnaaeat 1« tav^
partur. You ran «p.-n It up to iwo alunir* and li toakM ••

■Teet Burt?

Mr. aad Hra. Charley Pteree drove
oTpr to Tl»rot»a City toet week
Mr. aad Hr*. CHiaa. Cook ratt
(o IbPir home ta Cedar today.

roaforvalrle bed a* y«u ever ulepi on
nelof all Mte* «f
«|ppl fi vlll la*t a life UtDp
II *pu uo ranpra. an vbai
rirwi-d yiW can rtia li ibrrrash any eafnaao door. Tb^ atO
for KS«. toll b) a bivvy *airba*p t pan aell ibpto aov Ik'S

1 19 heavv coil sprii
upholstering, covered
(worth S7.001. pur price

01* Ran*
An Immiw Murk nf bed nmm »olte«. Of arrpral Mm* *• i
have only oop or ivn of a aytp ate thpy takp op aoe*
valuable room, .o'to ordpr to botp ouI ibeae odd aulu and
bate madp a rut on ib«a> that vlll or>u 10 xpt o
II ihp M


We Buve It
If any one needs a comfortable -Shoe
it's the man who is obliged to be on
his feet all day. yes. and 16 hours a
day loo. He deserves a little com­
fort with his feet




It to veil ate*, vpii Ba.
tobPd. 3 torse dravpn.
IXxSo bevel plalp alixor.
iuH like nil. Tbe bed Ibat
cw* vllb H to S n. 2 In
blxb. veil made, veil Bn.


draver. 2 drum.

only 11*71. (Otbera voold
a.k you SltiAW.i
We do Doi *inp Ifaera.
A .good, wdid oak. Sviere
ooly *13,76. DPKi
»I«.7S. aed
rikhi aliWK
Milld cak. qnariervaveri,
i-ven-tflp draver* on toHb
dre»»era ate ooamode.
TbI. null ii vnrih
Our cloaewni

Cnu It Mti MkltH nmttrl with HI.


Bacbant ^ Bcscoe

ralloB awTleea vara held'^tbi
ti Wexford today.
taraan are eetUat akms daety

■SiSS ;

20S Front Street

Next door to Hamilton Oo- Co.
This bexutiful Couch, just like cut, heavy carved base and
legs, legs bolted on. best guaranteed steel constj-urtion,
red in beautiful pattern V^our or plush, tuft*
yrice <
ed or plain top.fcheap at $10.00), o

Mr*. HMaet -vwt to laa-


Special Oiterina in

___ Cadies’ Suits

o TiaTaraa
vt Ttoit to
vUlas*Mcar Deu M DaMH dM
fau baao to C!blrtturaad
«lto ate Hr*,



lieauilful soldeo nak
»“‘t- t'x ..................... «.7»
And H, no up u. noae of
■ he bls*e>l barcain* to.
hlxb-srade ruju you ever

We have several Styles between, at Sti.-'j't and $7.50. They
range right ^iong up from these to this large, beautiful Couch. »
just like cut, heavy carved legs and base, legs bolted on. bi-si

extra Cargt IltMrIinrat *1

Odd Dressers
a ante. I*rx<'.
•er., i:«y- i«-

About 66 still on hand and to close these out quickly we
have dMded them into three lots at the following extremely
low prices.
I aA
include Suits value at 7J)0,
IteVl I Ql ^9«W 10. and $12. your choice for only
gj% In this assortment suits from
- IteW A HI
$15 to $17.50 will go at.......

Cot 3 at $14.75


are ceriaiah' ffreai ba^aiat, aa the)' are all
watt. op-IOHiate ffanncDta.


Do Dot Fail
rr--. and rrr
» a..i.nBi-ni an-:

itee! spring contraction, eilhicr plain top with^t^led edge or
......... 9 LO»U\J


SJint Big eut
right through, also on leather couches. lM;d couches, bed
lounges and all upholstered fnrn>ture.

WP'harP ab PXmtktoc prtop* no rar-

n-iXD. rSp,ra". A
Haar beauTlful r
Samp bpauiltii’ r
Bamp bPauiirui ri
»12<)0| for..
Ib> ue rixlii 'lioi’i

-ti *3 Hi foT'otriy^lieJS

'I vaa< ai )iiM wbai

We will lay any

Dere is Somelbing

n avay Kx yon on payaaem of xaaall ilepoaiL

^ exceptionally fine for a little money.
ney. It will furnish your
9 parlor as much as S-V».<XJ
S-50.<X; worth of any other goods.
goods As
shows in the
' e Cut it makes a nice, com
omfonable l5av<
'cnpori (w
nice as you could get for SiO.OOl, and just by ___
one or
both ends down it makes an extra large, beautiful couch.
We have a large assortment of them, well made, wrfi
finished, best guaranteed steel spring construction, the rat­
chets that adjust the end* afe guaranteed to ^ perfect.
They are covered' iin beautiful patterns of Velour and Veronat
and range in price from

Shirt Waist Suits
S.90, 3.50, 5.05, 5.00, 0.00 aaJ $7.50

Jay BtfltvMI Muraad

Rere is an
You ran drop une aide anil ii inakra a S i>nl^ <v you oa drop
tprth ,l<lp« aed II Bike, a .-.HDfon«Me i^wtoe iwd By throv-


NtoUrei to Trarerae City aad
Mi? Oalar OnaiW to wotklM to


assortment of Couches, .^t our special price ) ou
beautiful couch for a very little money. See that t>eauuiui
couch, like cut, heavy base and legs, nicely carved, legs bolted

nnn iiTiowi buk

tea Uttl* GolL

had tbe BlafortBie to

Un Extra Carge


{ieo]i]e neeiL

ud Hr. Bktoaak
Mda' a baatoea trip to TrareiM Citr
Miaday ttsL
H. W. Owey of teat Lake *aa

Jlr.aM --

n finii anything you want


a vteb renu a box in o

* connection.

UotbPra low ihelr dread for "ihat
larrlble aernad auamcr- vbce they
have I>r Povlef* Exiraet of Wild
Strawberry to the houae. Nature',
apeclflc for bowel eomplalni. of evert

Some Exceptionally

polUriea ami other valuable

... noaafe to be a day v
Tbtataa- Ectoctrlc (Ml to I
Kprr r raa IpI! vbat aranpc
dPDi i> eolDK lo liappPD.

tala torce trade to the t

•Dd taro OBI 10 aHn


$18.00 <° $26.00

Silk Suits

BEWARF of the cheap constructions as the will ncK
give satisfaction.

$17.50, $20.00, $22.50, $25.00.

’kaorrtmr VranV and Union aVf-do*o.

Cob* to beteqaartort vbai lo aoH of SByibles to fantob year hfteo.

J- w.

Wholesale and Retail- rate •*terteto

'Reliable Home Fumb

Trtewteotoote Oltojr, K«hx MteteMa tetete


'5BK «»»*1«1>gBiWI^CTromft TSw^bAY, JUVE i, 1»0*.

• toa brUi* eir
«a cfodn toa p

Ht^^toar n.-nt t.*x>
^Fv^rnmi to tbt oaaml Kan >a rr-.


Dta Bono

■“ “• srs

re.Irte permtnerll*.

i RRh~“~er..s;ir;'R; iR-'

Urn asd , le. i
wl aoBtha

ihes Sunday

.Moet-j^ltoM,^. «r y™


[Ian week aad foaad when elpbl
I that be had rerelr.-d l.ITS reqnsta for


PoH Ar«wr Kortot-dod.
TMto. Ibv r,-Port Artoor U
tMr —aatopod. Ad-lra)
S--d^ ot-toon^Tv Liao Tom

lAdy Violet Blllotl. dauybler uT (be
earl id Mtoio. porersor jestral of
Cauda. I. a dublny eoaUirienee and

..‘“Rr'sSnS; S.'»sr.
Boaav4t<»t.andibftddfotABlMl>M>Ma. Ihorik- thow m at




'drei priw for Alle
by ridinf hi. tray
Harlan I> Hall


repeated II


ut ba keapa rlfti n
Arcbibald Detoaer, for onrlir ttreo | oe«aa. obich l> soo I

pr*«. He
ooroatooztotor o- pear. Reward of Brows nalreTsliy. bora acilre In oew.p»par w^ for
hat raolCDed. kli Toalgoanoo lo uke |
fon> r»or* and U probably at
AM 1. Mr. Detoaer baa aerred | well quallBM It ihe lato a. any nan

Kmma Calve bar li.und.-d 1
turn fur yirl* al Calbrii-rrr. nra
■Ideace at Aveyyua. where rlxi;

Prafewnr Melville Ttaantom
the depanmeni of blolocy 1
pauw unlrtraliy. nrceacastle.
ba« accepted a poalUoa with 'h *fhi"
plant patholBiirklp. pa^'or *>1 a
Ci.liyreyallocal rburrb ai rairalicih.
it th«
tame hu rsebM bU *i>iy-faunh oyiM.
UadM Kay » bavloy iroiib:.- with
I etsrimenlal work c
yaar. He I* bale aad beany and fun
■a which are laJarloDt I
reeeaily app'i-el fur a
a. yooM la apirti u be was Ibe Brat
fniai bim. The uSday be tamed oat a Ueycle. When ayrlcullure.
' ML VeraoD have

• became a .ueceee
Mdor M tba JapMoae bray, whtto
be refure.1 imleu he
Mptoitd Kto ChOQ sad Nasabea. ba.
It Ibe collenlon now os exblblMo* Cbvaac. Mar fl.-Tb. Km atom Ittt aad to well known
■toaa daeOra tool a topasea. battto
Mto koa baoo nak M a

0 Brawa
Hr will

OoloMi Albert A. Pope of blcycK

roatAlna tteJlIier Opium. Morphtoe bop oUiep KAimtle
Mibouore. lu «<e U Ito fitArABtee. It deatroyw WorM
and sUsys FepertshBeM. It rttreo DUrrbtea aimI Wlod
CoUr. It reUcTM Teetblnr Tpoablea. cBPeo Coantlpotioa



1 laid 11.0
I u Ibe clieaperi 1
Oeoeral Wublnyion'a old
le. One of them, a preoenl by
aim It. tviealwlck of Ptaltodclpbla.
ir*'Tiie»da.v. Mai
I medallion ul the Rrlllab uIIt Cbarler Kiwll rumpM
Admiral Vernon. In wboae honor

ton 4M doad 00 tba AoM. ■eld asd later aell Teyruble* He atoo
Hw H wo oaptsrM H doa. be- read (be Mnermpbiea of l.iy men asd
...................-lowrtir <d suwea to* tried to emulate them
I foolMday
Mom isvard Pert Artoar.
(be railway toalltio •• Kaaibl
, B-tb«aai or Dalaoy.’

1* fuat died at Tanuna :
o eemtlste aad.wu p ‘
'lb* Medicine

- -----(Btopaay al

vya lb— tb. Japaatae tony aerie* of bloody aad disulrou*
M* Pan Artoar wltola banlet between toe while* and to» of Ibe reytoo Bor lacluded in
tbe ataiet of Waablnytoa sad Oretm.
.. Mary K Hart of Nome to ,toe
. MioH bo bouor tbaa to 1^ 1
.................... e SL liwto
«. M tor-toeoUto. Tb. J
•M or wttoo to HoBdiorto o>» ».
MMo 00 AdtOMt bM<Ml Hokdea
gayab KomA rhlrh aeaai “Aorora
ibanblp of IWI.
club,- aad hai
•r of
rnmm. May IL—A uiMrato Iroto It wA* orpaalaed for tl
Tofeto oUloa to« to. JopOMOc tarem Atoaka folklore and toe
ofr the
11 nailve. Mra. I
M to. UoB Tom pootoiM btoo^olt^M Ua Mito To. 00 Tattoo Was
. bw sod boro ooiaod too lorti at to.
Jneitoo or to. DatoM bn-to aod l^
». Cburrb of Eoyland


meli«li-nn and It
or the late Profraaor Max- He bi-san wilb a
jcver 1.BIH11-.I a !
lervllle of Phlladelpbto ^- . ___
mar*, veiprr* or Ipetnrjlctlon al which I
Amooy other bequeBta be ael apan a be had pnimlaed m pay. Hr l> now C» [
id monel ibo lotercai on which to yv-ar* of a*e.
Riwkwviod Hoar, a «.n ..I rmtcl ;
• devuleil Lo tbe ylvlay of a banaanualll lu Ibe member* of tor Stale* Senator Rvoryc H. Hoar, of 1
ymad Maaunlr lodye of PennaylvaBla
and tor altliay and pa
' by ihe. republlcan* of iblodye. r dlntrlci. Rockwood Hoar li
dtotrlc-1 ailomev ul tVorci-ler <
ediyv runrenlent method of
leadlny Jewelry firm. By sdoplln*



S^d roUoAl wbkto too Raaataa*
Smo f>c- Kto CbM asd to# otl^botboed wtodd bare to Uko to laac*
PM Altos.

They tbM forced oa CO
to tb. Jewlak abop* and plimMrwd tb* warn*. Ftaally they alarmed
(M* ho— of tb. larsalKBA a—biM
Mm* asd wlsdowa. Tba lomate*

IB. li

AaSTvarg k—tM*—

:: '«Mfi maay am MoUt«> asdCpoito-


miwd. ^ J*M M

.ff W'*,

f natto


-a thoamsd Uadi M
tba ^Mt—M O^^IL

iBMid wood*.

UutbtUe. eomtr


Tha total M—r of 4MtossMaraad

too CM— reftouead bir tb. precod


ptbjbAn bimoK
cTATk or
Of Miiiii

The Kln^ You Have Always Bought
In pae For Over 30. Years.


tan. CMair id Oraad l-rav-wa. a

.« the .-l-i a*j p* hay,
ayamm tbe t-uie .*

*«p*i*e, law

(are IS* XBd day ul taiWnter.A P. IBM.
and lhal aurh rlala* »vU b* Sard toOa**




;• .^— “,^rr

Foot Fashions

a^id Hicblou.


pnawi.diAn A l*wan«Tr.dada*.d Prulaile
la lb. aaiwv id lb. ertaw id (Slbwia- K
Ki to Mayfield 1..alielijB, l•<•udr•lSB


Mltwa.'asd that lb* b..*. at law to aid

loot find. Il* flat sole -ironylv e^lreiicl.e.1 In toe f.iocol correct

, j2]tASt^_^

Top-Round Shoes
tLM. OAO Mtd suo.

shown in the illustration are
a fine example ofwhata good
sujt should be: the shoulders
lend aweli built solid appear­
ance to the figure, the back
hangs gracefully, the sleeves
are right, the whole Suit
sef ms a part of the man. Our
suits aren’t built for looks
alone, they are built to wear,
to hold their shape: the same
careful work that custom
tailors bestow upon their high
priced product. Have you
bougKt your spring suit yet?
Call and see our suits. Our
prices are from 1-2.00 to
$5.00 lower than elsewhere.
See our display in our south
window. Pine line of Hats.
Caps, Pantsand Furnishings.

v.v i.'Tw"

- w




We Sell ’Em




,.rt-I*w. *.-~«v|.«* I- Ihr pceiM. isatupday-to* lethttayof July.lBOA






i sE;
•i bPA'fian.


1ii' ii"

K 3. (Uilbelm EVERYTHING

MMSar^aKra. asd a lar«a esaa to
oxbM tt -asirtnfil
■ |-r-‘ hMfi of brflUsBt ptamas*
Sow —th*r faatwta of toa trapbal

>* Basis the SlniAturt 4f

clcryrmrn In New Vork 1
niMaphorlcallv kirklny iliemeelver for '
leiiiny laynieii have the honor of fore
toy the IVe.iem I’nlon T.-lcyraph ;
company 10 <iop dUirlluiilns 1
: It t 1* Oaplaln Nortoo

Cbe $piind Suits

MsMUa asd cm



1 have iniporU'tl two
Jacks for farmers
who want to raise
Mules. One of ihem
will be founil at my
stables and 1 will
keep Ofltf in Blair,
near t.coruf W idrip




folloaeii I,) i-abun.
n behloft 11

conint aad 'h’’ 1”'''^ .Utiun mh.-e.. ««pt«l. Tirh lo fire ten tamed for -f'
a revolver at Bfieen paee». <^<'nirn war,unite tam- w
belay a piece of white eard.
I board about tbe .lie of a .mall rlyarle-te cau With a revolver Ibe yeaeral
■put all hit ten .hot. Into toe laryet.:
'll. the rompleie dl»comflture
■nther i»ms«'t“r. uC
' .Imllar

itiayvei member
lufl. the >iirl
Al R. Maud,
er board »r
of the


nkonanoAUBt-itTaratv viiwiaaji

m.dniabt (be «b,e




BO OM t« d(ow4re TOO fD tUto
All CtMlBlMfeltS, iMlUttOBa Bud

P^wreful elllreti-

e B^j<« dutr.__

•tooto* OS Ptot *r»-r.
labaak that 1
TTatolbi— tov n--TW lui. doiafbaailt.bMb<
. Iinai-r bM nealTod oKetol adtoeea
SfX^LMn or Kto Cbso W to. JiPk
ilS. tot- tototour Ortooo- - C^Bb^imiin.H.Y.


Ite Klad TOK Hm Ahnja BewfW. mmi sUdi ksa bwlo «ae for orer SO r*»t% baa borso U»e afpsAlnre tt
ADShAsbeesMAdeamlcr feta p«r-

we* l»e*uiif>

tn i»fc« -p tfca «nTy rf | a >-ery Well aiteBdod terrlre.

■btoktos li ooold be asqolrod | aal t no< on doty brtM thei
« ■«
w« o.rr bW'**
>v.e»a. ^
— jy a. other Eoiopaas las- aft
w It

a be ww mlnltier S'
e lime asd otody tc
he bad ever dees lo aay other, * r duriat a tour of It
a»-*> The I
nace Mr. Hay foaad he had Stode I lii
ilerard. I). t-..niyn. •
( the boulet
eltow wi
I abooiloy «a1

Kstod Stoat tottowint'



to a stoUs M (h. poet KIpIlOA Tbe i
he be lers
cs'torUoo of patoito* that Sir PbHIp ;s,, pmp -nv la Omaha. !
——- *h.w«d to ABortaa to Ibe csors of; usionl; tfted. Getwee A J.wlyn. t
Mbit loMBb- bUrtall larloded a ponrali of Klplto*. ■ u,,ulTnir.- pr.-ldeoi of ibe Kenrrs;
It ha* bMS hit Usd u be auod by toe porusli one : >;,.npa,.^r I'oIti. ba« Uiorded up the.
rter blcbi bop-!dar toe youM -an aald: 'Klplto*
.4 ,he man.lon he reoenlly |
» It u
there it a i-o-i i-f .everal b-ic«t kid- pesed to enrtake bis
: tolled al• - (be eea while I wa. painteotbiulaslk- ors a Jr.-J ihouimd .l..Uar». iurne-1 hit r<-w»
Saerotorr Kay ba. r troopMtorilar. him He waa
be had 00c* made oa a icm ibe
whirt 'and«wpe ar:
wko bw toekted4 asd mast
t deacribed Ihe
aad UU to

<hoto to mBm Btotb to Port
Kto Ckato
Mb« to <M
a praetktolr eat
• tba arUltorr so to** awaroewaoew.
m tiod toillr sod
Mao tor #*0
Mho iipiiiiit that Dr. KIba
JtoM. IM fiMi UMy ntsady
nr^lto to Kto
fcUciayiklliv. Maddar aalsny pan
Ctoo. MV totsportoto to to. aitoek
urtaarypa^ ItcarraEtolatodMy

top. OMqM Kto Cto»
«• Bsv irytoc Is P '
toe Ktntos. tot* tba

_.J -I 0« r-^l


a( Alaika to ttm r«w>. <te
be supbto • >Ubt to Vas­
al >«(Msd IS atoap to a bstal

It Qty till —



edy tor diieatet of tike Throat ajid
Lengi. ^mowo and nsed tiie world over for ahnoit a century,

Ferris Implement Co/ Ltd.

err IT raoM youk saucasT.
ywrn. m: a yoan «sd «m. iMt.
Doato. by
k m:

When you need a LINIiTENT get a GOOD one.

Mustang Liniment

befoto yon weio bom.

Has earned the title of

'Pioneer of Liniments”

a win stop pnin and heal all
hurts quicker than any other
liniment you can BseT^
Ooed fsr riAN ai^ BBA5T.

• W^y *« p. m. (ar



c I. Locanrooc.o.p.Ay..A.


OF TBE UNltliD m
Snccegafnl Home Treatment.


. Hartina'n’s Cure for Female Diseases—A Cenerons Offer
InTHlId -Women are Applying by Thonsands for Dr. Hwtmaa’*
Preo Homo Treatment by Letter.

TM «W ««*•
^ tka wn fW>. •I' ««**«•

or* btaXidil »•* ttM
Ite *•!*

• SUV.

«««y U ik»

das hr:



lar «HMB haw aBod
IM* aawnllr. hat M Umm «bo turr lof. Bdoee haklec decorate the top
ibf the ehlldtea bow to epen
-CIner wp! Oner apl <*aer apt
BM okft h««t." nan » •«»•» •ho
«ach <ah» with half a awt anal aad
kaon wbnaer «be
for at- dnrt with vaBBlaled aafar. BUe b while bdrbf a alee plar. Oa eaaehtaj He tie. o er the Mde of wvrbf worm,
dare whea other Wile oaee ctBc ta : Aad owe tbe rtpealaf wheat:
____ aar ikiB caa b« uda to h«wa*
. Boderair orea.
to »!»« war ehlldrea, the latter wooM He anewers tbe lark b the aartr
flna aad alaMle. Ira aad hard/.
Hnrr Poddbut—Place ope del d
•tto doubi the Tkar of WakaMd^ aoael htaekbeedta aad oaekalf cop MT. *lf k »“><1 oBir rata while roo ;
*“ cadeaeee eheory aad eweet:
irtf« aad 4aa*bior» kaMt what waa wet*r In a paddiwt paa. Bet oa the reee here. r« «»ld b»M »>'»
ve do”—Ucle ne And <»lr 'how iwo little wiwdf he
RODd for m-r akiaa. aad did aol fall •tore 10 U»ll. Hare the twee hot. aad,torelr
to radii ibj laaeaiM thal th* food while terrte* beat prepare the follow- Amot
-Chwr op! Cheer ap! Cheer apf
—»« aoalyir kaockcd orer.' OoM «•* br dt.och. Oae
b wfah| be gladir
benplJC ieaipo<B haktag powder, oae
•ceMbi or bBatitidlBL WMehT
ulupooB nil. oae beairtaf labte.pooa
-Clmer up! Cheer ap! Cheer np!”
The Bother who hai learaed aach!
bolter, oae rop dfled Boor, oee-bnlf
of the art d (oMItwIloa aeed aol be j
|eop nllk. Wbea the fnilt ie bolllnt
*T"’ "ihart drop tbt. doafh bio K la tea- panlnbr to aepdee moeb of tbe;
--------------^M“^^l.poonrtil. aad wtloto tbe oTwt. Bake •eleeee of Moldbg.
tag wadied tbetwwhh. aa« afterward;
if ,kr MroIU nin
ChlMm WT often bMcnr eroae

MBS. ».T.OOABT,T*eaearerd
XQ. iTpIoafOab. I,math Ato

r 'ZA:
MAea If
ar 11 hiari-ir I
tik ■loruBhidiaf ff n—I'r*-*”-'


J. P. omij.
Mto* Hatito Grere. K( We.1 4db BL,
KewTork, Wrilrer
-Ferwre Are cheagetf me ftwm a
trntml. IftaaMi. a«uwM wwmaa Ma
a hoalbp aad a AaMy ere. AMhtar

■an a

WUk fniU tiwa whUa lahod la
farsaau of Mari
Tka wa* UtUa bra ooU. ao «M
Iher aeea
Uka Hoah-> ark. ralaud la rad. «

with a doth.
] together teparaie after a few alnutea
woBaa who deelre. a r"
fruh boll op between.
H lean to toeatlB. t^ aeit
Lei her naad lor
,44,g, uie
before oa open window, heel.
HCther. hfBl op. <a»t aot ebb ta. gether; chop »ery Poe Kuee coBBoa

and Irriiable only becBae they ncBlJ
deep, and ibe wtee mother will real-'
be thi*. and sab*iit<ile a good nap
place d the blended woldlng.

Tbetw op! Cheer up! Cieo
ad mtle cam be tor tbe •

eomre doen.

fttm wfb hearfag taro-a gala* aad
■innaearti /wa* btaaitawwrrdad.
| taC Fmwaa ryored ^

Aald deld. are all fro.iy and bait.,

He fliet 10 br h'-ari of (be bony Iowa.
Upt Wck nad hmd. iBoglag tooadr Uiaglark wabou. Bvltoh wabou.
ABU .lop
.inE* Jud
JU*l e*
*" chrerily
*un-fll> there.
the ddM. While
or. brlier etlll. bolteraoU. which mahe the mober geaUy taow biB
f^oai bto perch on my wioTaka tha kUI road, ar hrolher. tboofh _je and dmw a loag, deep breath the rake rery rich and teotfaiooe. be .rouble lire, and ta. will have a
atatfa the cilab,
thioagb tbe now aad exhale .lowly gUr ibce, throogfa the creaa. add oae »unny-l«ri--r*d rlilld In a rery few
acre dhara baalde II; Ita ml through Ibe Bouifa.
leaspooe af^anllla. or a little more If
^ _
iThto meaugr
brlop with a rtghi
-Half an hour before jbreohfnd II the d Una er-em. to aeed H. and then
Tbe mil, aaa ba. fallea. aad bomp-i
to well to drink about a pinl of bat wa­
TkoMh area. «aw aaoM
ir UBtll the tllbg Uileaied
• Chere up! Cheer op! C?heer iip!”
kilter the aold.
ter eoetableg a piad of «i»L Charreel: BOW II to remly to apreod be- maitiT of coorre and beeaure be ha.
tke aaBBli li eroaraad vHfc a fialan eoaJ taMeu after each arol are aleo
rwp the Urer. of the enhe. heaping BOblog elae 10 occupy hi. .mbd Ju*t
oindleet. bat II b abeolilely aeeem
bea. Bat let a elcru. proeerelon pare
roughly on lop.
wo.b the body erery day In
VIrgUla Buvr Cake*—Four eggi. by. and bl. faculilre are Irnmnltoiely; -cb,,, up^ Cheer op! Cheer up!"
Take the Ml road, ar brolha, aad lepM water, with plenty of pore loap.
iree cup. of brown mmar, oee cop of awake, and hi. I.umpod bead l» b,up, ,b, biMiretop. by OMkre bl.
keep lollhit oe.
flatoblng with a briak rubbihg with a
Mir mam. one cup of boUcr. oar lea- ■lantly (orgotlen.
wav —
Tberek a pala ter the (tlthbl. a robe
lowd- After Ibl. the face mmoa
Idea can be utlUied to a ' ..4-^,.,, „p. cheer up! Cheer up!”
uda. ^r eaougb to roll out
aad a ere«a:'
ahmiU recelre apeelal IruataeaL Few Wort u mile a* pottlble. Boll engar wundreful adrintage In be borne.
tbto IlMle bird
, ThoafhroekreUIa tire ra aad h«Tr
pMpte wash Ihdr taoe properly. Tbe on the dough before eutUng 001. tier Children can be made 10 fewget rerere • ^
priadpal work dmld ha doae'at
j,„ „„p,^
oae bright
breid knife In lining Into be pan pain if their mind* are taken from |p^ ,f
The dear lord aaa halp rod lo keep Bight, aad uileat the akb It rery thb
tbem.elvre by onwlde force*. They;
the bill read.—Bee. D. H. Keaaer.
ralher eoarne waaheliXh. well
.l.«bemwlebtak,^.Pto..-| Tbi- ,urld *oold be In-{
Turaoreri—One cup of brown .ngleaped, aboold be need, wllb plenlr of ar. ote cep of lard, one egg. two dipe
If be
be work
W4II 1

helping mamm. If
- •
Wblle tbe' I
...................... ....................... ible play. ,
oaimeal. ose cup of lour milk, one
If oDly swrih’t ehildreo would blithely
^ • flaae of et aerer laea m laaia
the ekb «ib a Ultb
And a* our darlbp grow older ^
To takr oar troabia ae they
badla. apdrtag with the ^dager Upt.
IS aaboUinle be beat book., be bnl
•-fbeer np! <
Beg. .all and while floor eaougb to
aad kaeml the cheek, with the roll out lUo. Cot wHh a UilB cooky Hue* -of (bought and action, be moat Hoto Jolly a w
kauchlea and palBi of tb« hand..
. Put b« or Jelly on, torn prer uplifting amoeemenw, (he moat (*•
We IMk ahead i
“Any one dedreoa nf-aroldlng onDobling oeeopalloBa. for (bore of a
-chw up! Chel-r utf Cheer upand faU:e.
dae Ibat aad wriaklet on throat aad
Apple Boiled Podding—Into. Iwo poorer kind. That 1*. we wlU be able j
e Ahd ret loaorro* ae oah.^
be^ aboold nw ihto tiuMmeal patleat----------------------------lg.. Ueaieo IlgtaL dir a ptat of milk. _________ ______ haw bren doiag bto |

A davB eo dark a I opaograr
ly for one meeth.
Friday, May tt, IW.
Mr 10 make a Boderately thick taai- from Infancy. We aual beglu when I
d Ae drawa hr eee «ho
the complexioo win by that Use
mind* are tedder, and day after! The pretldear. drek I. aUll loaded
t. a helping teaipoonful of baking
■peak for Itrott.
gnplly lead, not .cold, along.
*l'b Sanahine letier. aad ao we will
powder, and larlly a pint of chopped
OKful adject to tbe

;ie' onr Simheam. do ibe ttainlog lotan apple*. Boll In a pudding mold or
dallr balh may be Bade with odd blu
Be ptileni.tilU and your turd
ooren-d tin pail, aod aerre with llouU
a taaia Place a eupfal cd
flavored with Jelly, or with bard
« la a large kallted or
hag, with a aaart <d bran.

Moug^a-acW. Perwaa. "~/ferito OrM
b y.-rgu. ,
SI, Orouklyn. K. Y, I“ireldent Wret
Urnoklya AnJubon Ko<-i,iy. wri
-/ am gtoated fa (rff whaf a
FtorwiteAothreereme. Sever
mUTimd I cared fMJe whether / i/red
•rtftod. r bad tahcoM reach madJeJae rher rhe afght of a hofrte
ale*, f hod reed aheofPrrwrecwrlar

y «r foM. ^

U waa/lotohedfhrir herrer.


/ waa a wtH ware*,
he war* ahd wadergo fhe
Id Tlrw of be grrel moltltoda of wol•B.aff«ri■lc from rome form of female
_ireare aod yei nnable to find any rure.
Dr. llarlman, Ibe ivnowned gyneroloki< wllllogonia
know* br
brUw baa t)r. narto
drop.r of the abdomen, ahould apply .11 X-. on.- kimw.
mta. applu
■D to him durli
ooee and berom* regtotrrecl a. rvgular m.n l.-ov niu--k br wmnra .offer wlb '
moolh* without charge.
|«« ull.r to llu-.r w-a. Ku UM
illrnto. All roterapoodrocr oill 1«- '
Tbe trealmeol will lie roudneled hr
ko-re. I>rll.-r than he dure Imw omay
of tlK-m mlffrf wllb *urh dIMuea.
A. to well koowo. Dr. liarim.n
I'aiipatlir, b'T>’full>. wranly. aod oftea '
prreldrntof TheHarbi.a Sanli.rlura. *
(ooompleteaeure. Tbemedlclnea pre- .o ln«lUu1luB whirh ha. a depaflojrni,ke out
•eriord ran be obUlaed at all drag
alurevL ThU offer will hold good only
duriag be asmuier moniha. Any *0I can Irrome a regnlar pailrnt hj
ling a wriltrn alatemenl of her age,
imon of IKr, bUtory and armpionu
of brr derangemenu.
All rare* of female dtoeaw*. laelodlng
menalraai irreguUrltlre.dl.pIreemrou,

drrut.-d rarlualTriy (o lli" IrralmrOl ••(
female di-r*~a, llrl.U.u. bruuyl.t b.j N- marlyf iQ p»lry or
welluiu-wnd-of Mi.-h «i«w rvrrj }edr., aiahe. a ni.irr tmirl
ihrin.»li.f wli-mrriurn 1-lhvlr homre 'o. human ejnipaihy (ban 1
iin|i-or<l ollh the ,earn e

aluHild bar.- wluv ha. any affml-.B .fidle.ihbi kind. TIhat etrhiiis u. I-r<-->m. ’ Dr. llarlaiati'a ,yi-npaiby (or aiwh It
.UOI-UIK..-I. aa., ii.r Milltagn^wBaip
paliriiUrbuuldaddnM Ur. 8. U. Hark,unl-uud.-l.
I beui l.nilied oUy ta bl. puwae.

deleobd Ma el Cdaer fer bar
Jaa elt doara. ar dear boBtealfe.
of almond meal. Thli
aad aaka a aatal IM of the tbtase make, the beei ikb beaniifler erep
Oat kaee
roa fv the psat larcated, and after oelng It freely b
aem daia! Too win be aaaead, If the hath pereeiftble Improrei
aM appalled, « the Hat. Aad whea tbe coBpInioa wlU be notlead
paa oaatda that ararr eaa of thoae OiBBaat om will make the Imptoreaandae aad faare hae alolMi froa

eapptr of ettaHO aad coed
pea ...................... .. that roe hare
■wd ttoMCh k. aad pahaca. Meae

niak of the food paalMlWa c
carteweaede roe are aowlas. the
aaat roo are aakhf. the bread ro«
are kaeadlaf. 8ew Into each ehirt
WBlef'ar other praeat a whole lot of
food cbea. aad wbea roo wear It >
hrlghl tboochte wUl eoae back
poa. Thlak aboat the tnlHilowa paaakea ^ad thjm. aad dalodUe ae roe
pteM the eeedA' aad roo will ha aorprMad hew eeaiB (kai badneha tron
■taoplaf win be helped.

Wheae Uuki are eet artfbL

A ilae to week, a Uae to ptar.
>ad thee a qebi Blfbl.
-dMd thOT pleaae God. a dwtet olcbt,
Whoae paUae are greea aad iPbae are
a balB toe a
Aad all thlaae torelr oa the a

I would like ■» ^In the Sun
At the Caaking tcheol.
A Birr 1« of byim from Ula. Halbrother, and I had all be
rlub. lUease send n>e ■ rard
There are two thbp that make mean. of rempire cheered and helped reraon'. wbool. dated ai Traverre chore, to do laai winter. Il wa. .now
frirtiil wiinderfully. Tbe Mekiciiv. 111 rvliletilly from.(be eouniry, log here today and It wa. anowlng ami button. If I ..-e this In prIW t
eerealt bad for nianr people.” aald
hand, dated April IS-and bot here laii night, and one day It.wa* will write agalu.
be enoUng achool teacher. “One to frteod to. itod lo aay. a rery frirolou. j„, ,
KvVh your,friend.
-Ing all day and uiglii. and In -the
bat ibey are caiy food to bell. They lltUe peroon when In hrelih. and It to !rereivM April 2S.
morning be ground was covered wlih
■Up down whole. The ober U that aafe 10 wager that tbe mtoule .he be- i tw glad lo lure Icier, from Ibe
be snow was about a foot
qnutity id aogar luad wib then) gaa (o gel belter her Iboughl. weal
Travers.- nty? April IS, IBM.^
perBaneoC mad there
de,-p. Thai day bere w.-re .lelgh.
I np a IfTBenUtioo b bp^nlet- Daiiirelly to spring etobre. 80 ihto
par Mrs, Itale*—Ev.-ry Friday
laleo a Inxnrioa fedbg of dcaallnee.
rmnlng I am pnimnied 10 the foiinb
friend koowlBgy*ry. falling, ret her
<- . leti.-r for <»ir lancuage a
a* well ai a flowertlke odor abont Ibe
wlih and her friend, to work and be
teacher aaked us to write t<i y
peraea. tto eteet of be «m<
mber woralng when Ihe aky wai a
today. 1 gti to tah«'l a« mtirii ai
By WDOwa ae«d oaly a U
ag*. If you eat cereal, you will deep, deep blue and the .un wa* makand am In the fotinh vade.
dally M tatprare tfeelr appwuv
cigar wlb bea. Bol yon can tag great effort, to take In the whole
one risl.T and four brother,
U bay are obliged
train yonr children to eat Ibom wlb- at a winter weary city In bl. genial
nut In the coontry aad we hare
• to yim. Tlito I. my Ann time <d
barry b tbe boeabg.
tr rhlldm cannot eat eareato unlle. Mary, who wa. feeling Tcry
some awful stonily weather^lils
WrWInK to you
I Would like lo be
lb Bay be ukea ml ulghL A bat
morelBg. wa.
It .ngar ibey wooW belter not weak an.l .Ick bat
Bmuhlne gtol
Will you p1«a»- send winter. We have ttnd- h|>rs>-. and
tab deny wtNid be bJnrkMu. boi tab
giren a .arprire. The friend came
Ml bem at an.”
A* I rat
me a card an.l b'llVyn
My learb.-r'a («.:tvi- head of rattle
■padaltoU. at wen ai tayatebaa. now
Mto< Jidumoe-. aubject wa. -Break- Inlo be room and .pread the whole
think «r any more to write 1 will etime
nam.- to Miss N.-llie TbumpMn.
rawadbb coU oaei. ai bey do
tad.” aod-abooi bl. tliae a mod ea- of Ibe vbhe bed full o{ pink. blue.
I. ven kind U> mi- aod 1 like her very for Ihto lime.
B be pera. A tepU oae Mb
odor of coSee begaa lo ill be whHe. yellow. Urendar. roae-aprlggeil.
much She lives al Uivflrid. I haad a bet oae oaee a wata. after
doKed. striped, riiaogeable. murib.
Fannlr WlauwterkI
a alaii-r. She to (wu yi-ar. ol.l.
whiefa oee aboold take n
dimliy. Uneo. oreb. madra. dob.
gtieu <n>
teller to
Eelllog lui
Traveiwe CHy. April 1*. Itoto
e one'. aeU, to (be
lawn aad .Ilk pticbre. They were tbe
eaoiigh. Ml good bye.
l>ear Mrr Itatem-I
am going
■-N. T. Tribone.
my ooBee ereiy moreli|g of my life In lalen thing, ihere
From your Sunshine girl.
Tile yv.u a letter today for my to
ihem end It had taken
Imlii Hurga.
Iiage work I am In be thlH grade,
Haw Ta Wear a ValL
■ollert them. To,
whole of a
TUa ntioundtog
like lo go l» *chi«,l •eery
Madame Qoi Tire, be beaoty editor
■ay that Mary wa. gUd i* lasnlting
lg u oddiy wib
-acher'a name U Ml.a Marie Halverof the Chicago Beeerd-Hirald. talk, b btlcma ca Freoeh eoCee pota
Mary's capacity (or Joy; .he .Imply
I tare lw» .I.D-ni. Marba and
went mad over them. Il took her day.
bonaewlvea nre tren'ed. toad
nna. I wifl tell you abont oor pet*.
Tan. aad Ug haU Bbe laya:
and day. in flntoh looking at them,
' would rend you aome. My .toter Oer-j I have a Mjulrrel and Anna ha. a dove.
■There are two reereu of «ood cof­ and be deiielou. dreanu .be planned
imagfee.'' nld be innroetor. dabtlly iridciletier* In ihe Herald from Andrew - and Kit and ««<-head «d cattle.
laed by another »lek girl who love*
Ing all eodSta Inio a pirn.
I wa. down to the Lerej*"
* *»» "‘«»k id m> cond-bj
It If a
worn a ntgbtdreu lor
The flrM to to put ta coffee enough, j elobe. and
[Bay achool yesterday, their laid dar, Yonr friend.
tadog- The Belt to to pot it oe In eold water, jelx aweba.
td rehool, Oor reboot will be ’out in ]
Min' .Siantolai
aad DO Joke I. bUadad bera-for be Not In a mue eold water, afterward and uUl ti
Trarerre City. April IL. l»hf.
to pot
flllbg op Wlb bot Thai glrre lianlMary.


a boge eanwbeel hat.
jracooked UMe. becauie It doetat!
alboagb bere are thaw who dtopob blend. Pill II OB b M Ibe water you
the atatemeni.
going to ore, and let It come slowTbe way to manage be
tobto; Flm (dace be lorn edge of waai to get all tbe flavor b bat cof­

Why! Nobody I
ftainy Day /
em the women ttavaHvaa. If Bre
iwwwd. Bread hr the little oat
wore reiuiabe dM It loo. Aeyway. It
lome and rainy daya were m> try­
vow to he mm aad wawii.
la naething that aad' ta done, be- ing. bat we had b bveet all soru
will artee aad call r«i Weaeed.
casne all wom do H.
onrementa. We made a eolleefnrtt of roar food teach!of aad aiThick Boahed. hearily doued Tail, item ef apooto, from be tiny ooea that
aaptw win be aeee b thtb.
are eat be proper ton be anaaer held silk to be great big ooea bolding
AlHraa wlU aerer fortal thair krrlaf. wear. The beet pneral. aDdtosad
carpet thread. There were aU Strang
patlett anther, aad the scsor
tMI la Ibe bb black Tefl, hariog an
wrong placre of twbe. s baidred
their boeac lUe wUk rm wUI he the occatkaal black or whUe doc There
M> oo a string, and hni« on a nail
awaeteet aad deared of aD thetr dillA
be BittiBg room claaec When It
ralDod the ehUdrea wemid nre a Urge
table in the ceater of be room, or alt
1 ebaotbrea. Tbe heaty reito wlb
le floor. They made toria. wllb
Aad a
Bm whete roa are.
Jlatfeet Che


aaaetlfr i

. tad.
Man wlihM drew or Jar.

while apoola hahbd them ftw •oMIen.
B. aad hate a
large black one. tew caanoa. itillag
mental edect opoa the complex. nhber ball. 10 try to dOKtOta one
ioB. grladbg dad aad eoot bto i
ler'. wrongholda. Ttare ware
was oaUI bUckheadi frem b an a
barayanto wHh paper femeaa. red
il array aad be beaaty eeadldate
•pools tor cowa, btach for 'borre..
e cute of complete decpalr.
I whiu oBfu for abeep ata those
AU THto are more or leea perlahabte. balgliig oQt at the Bldea for lAga. Ten
OBI bto to BOI amh ai oahappy tact large tpoob. wlb a atriag ran through
feme Bight iBaglae
rem ihu had a botba tied 00 be
taaa eeil eneaMaaally Jad at Bach
ore ac^
uaca erarr day.
^ Bore eo,.rar be rell coa
dM coabet wttb be bee, where

ad lo ke^ them from: allpplag oC
-hew laid oa their aide, aad faateaed
. a big apert ataadlng aprigkt. mule
tae trata of cara. POad ap Ugh ta
tlbir U|tofb aad wooden carts, the
Ms ^ empty Writas Mhaa to

I am taa y«an oU.

1 have two brother, ahd lbm> taUsw*.
There air eleren of n. In our lasguage elas. and It it be Urgret dare
We have Ju.i «f* nrore
week* of reh.Kil yet. 1 cannot IhloV of
ny mure In write, an t will Jirlng m)
tier to a chme
y.Mir frien*
Imwreace Drellhanpt
TfBVerae rtiy. April 15, l»0t.
D-ar Urn fUlre—I am to wrilr a
-Her lo you. I am gn^g to achiiol
Rd am in the fourth grade, b oar
ireh.sil are iweaty-fltr .rholar.,


Kalv.-rwin I. my t.-ariM-r. Wc live oai
Id Ihe nmnlry It la anowlag aad very
I have one ■taler and
four brnbers. We hav.- Ihii-e btirre..
twelve head of ch'tle. bff* chlrhon.
duok*. gsrse, turkey*, denre and
Ilia name b IMcft. We htae
sc. kKlens ami lour refahli*
I will
.Mc fur IM. time.
froB your friend.
Kbma WlDowpIritl.
. OiBgham, April Jl. UW. •
Ihtor^Ura. Italea—t wonid like to
>>ln the Sunshine rloh. PWwre aend

--.!»> a,. ,... i»~.. .,,...1 rv»I

I found aoBM
have a yetlow

Hto name Is 1,00. I have
j'hr.-e slreer*. Th.-lr namn are Oita.
Itii-nrude and f»U- I go to achani

I every day. We have ffke week, more
of acb.s.1 My leacMre*. nuie 1* Mto*
Age 1.
WMlic Hbstaw
j a letter today for my tangaage lerene.'
TraveTsse riiy. A|«l Jt. IW4
I am b the bird grade. Th.-r<- .re |
Dswr Mn>. UaiM—I am u write yoo
^lwent>«lght rebulara on tti>- nil toj
letier today. I am gobg to arhossl
<nir rehool. We have Are head rif r
fitarrfe grade.
.Their name, are fu>re. Holly. 1 „^cher-.
m 10 tbe Herald Imfore. Oor teacher ;'
me ta Miss Hatassan*.
. Dear Ure. flaire—I am to write yim i

Mamaglng b* Sreap.

The mauaglng of be reaip I.
try give ih.- township as bere to ai
r be hal
ways dlffiruHv In aniwerbg them If |
(be ml right at tbe point of the chin. fee taio the water, and bto ta the heat; ailmntallng the Bow of blood to be
rUg be Tell OP to be hat
ucalp new vigor 1. given lo the hair.
II aeeorely. right ta the
Without bl. raamge hair rrelora- , school again
doae (or theea.- Tired. bUhbl a
r that briag be two
for dUBhUty, pot In i tableud bhten directly oa lop
ifnl uf coffee and a capful of wamareage may hr lu>tte
>d a graat deal el
SlcvTRii-r, April 9. mot
. pee hare to
ro of be taL If yoo itaMen
.1 each penoD. aad one exivm.
laareur ban by be maj
coed work.
Mr* Ban—I am happy. 1 am
at be bark there wUI be blDowy fold, Never um- an-egg to Mtlie coffee. It CO- woman who U growlag bald, bni I
Tb«e li a mrd of rowr dar^
that spring to here. Tbe flret
ahooi be ilde. wMh which roo
coffee logeber ao that Itt to jKw.n.le for bat Individual b mu
work kept la the wper eosta of the
aw wa. a robin. 1 do lore to
II Bot kaow wbal to do. The Idea strength eannol be extracted. I ote
aage hto own acalp -well enongb to d
Klee of all the earth. O rea ceaM
r leilera. School Is out bere.
b plaee the knot directly b
esgaheUs If I have them handy.
great deal of good.
aee It. roe woaM tad rwwrdad tUUe
.. ___ .tan again next Monday. I
enter of Ibe ceowa. RTbea bto to
"Java I. a tcvt wonderful little tolThe huuto tacn'ld be half folded utd the birds. Here to
aeu of tore aad paUcae* which roa
dtme It to aeceeaary tp om two or
Bd.~ oondBoed Mto* Jtansoa 1
be end. m tbe flagere made b lonch
aerer thoocht worth wkUt to
Bore p^a. oae at altbar .idr of be
aUvely. -Soefa a UtUe talaad. ai
be realp llgblly. Then rah thenuelow- ^
gunshlne club. Pleare
•ad eearcalr resaaeber.
tat brim. Jad over the ran. By thii
•oppllre the whole drIlUed
Terr Bear to tbe OawttKer art tbp DMaa. be tell caa be pinaed oa at
ly orer the uralp.
her a batton and avd- Her nam*
tired BOtbert. Ho aeee all tlMlr edfIl to eouveaient lo begb at the back ,,
Grille Getchetl. Here are two
aeatly and .angty af it be
be cor- of be neck aad iuh tbe acalp .lowly
taetIhfOO, all their iMcet enCarlaf. kbd -of a "btiaair were worn. After
WhM they fed their weakaeae. He
up the ^ire of Ihe bead lo be forentokmao and HarrlH
tbe earioot piaabgf and
dretb tbea atreafU.
Tljen be .bonld be
otekmaa I. 11 yearn
bet act to U draw down be reil at be
done *11 over be head trim. on. Wdel„,„ „„
i, ,4 rrara
Doat be 4
bb aod Boke a lluie aa
•mt. CDoi a
of the Mtalp to tbe ober. It .bouM „,g
m„ Nwile Oetcbell to II year,
at ypsraolC la be (Meor. .
do tbto.

... b,-, ,» ».

b<- fourth grade.

be repeated rereral Umes..
The reme glow thu H^pmirive ^
■nger. of be maweor produce tok

rend eweb a card uta bntTheir addrea. I. Storaser P O,
eonnty. Oood-hy*.

•^.Msowlng^ becirmSalloob
r«« yoar San.hber.
tbe realp ha. been aUmutobd .The
Efta May VgaderbooC
Aagere .liould be preued i» Use acalp with Miacieet force to cwore the Mood .Traveere City, Route 1. April !». 1»M.
to Ilngle.-x. T. 8m




iwnlydlTe aehotere la
I ani Id be founh grade. I go 10'
■ ■’■ta rebuol
reborjl today. Wo hare Are bead of
rehool every dav. T have a mlU-and
8l"«- W- also have cattle. Rnae. Datoy. tlllly and Dlarer.
a half to walk. My leaebet-. rubre ta j
P'« and a IHHe wjulrvel. We amt Wi- have iwn borne., nora aadMiss Marie Halvereon.
I like berlk.v- Bcai („n alb II. I have three Khty- M'e hare.chlekens, turkey, and
very msseb. I have three brother, and
1 canttm ' <rf any nsmelo guinea bens. I Jsate a pet agotrvel.
IWO rlstero. ThHr names are Muhtar. | ' rile
dove aod a hliiy , W« bare graal
/orei* and Bnrnade<te.
name, to Monica

The baby,

Bbe will be one year

tlmss. al rehool. 1 have iwo Mstsra.
Jorettabe Piatat
Mary and Annie. Ancle baa a dove
Travers.- City. April IS. ItOl.
and Mary ba* a sgidm-I A* I cnaaoi
Hear Mrs. Ila'es—My langaage le» bbk cd any more I wUI etaae.
•OB Ksday to to write you a letter. I
Ever T,r.if friend.
go 1(1 rehodl m<«T cvfwy day and am In
Hartfia fttaalftowtal.


Z^‘kni Hare Inaugurated a Mammotli Piano Factory
Enlargement Sale.

- aboQi ttare for achool b be evt. I will

: write before (1 ta (W.-for 1 blak ofti erward* I win not have time, as I wm
The rlcaabf power id pore
I here busy u work. I r> b be Stewy |
flour to nM so wldriy appreelat
Beach asdsoot. There are Jort' two
4c»r*4 tor oor:
c. are bore tor intakes as dISemu-w sUssit your ha<
>ou want a floe J log be ea*h, foe we will make tors
_ more daya of aHsool and I will be »o
"* Ptaao-tbe ORINNRIX 'be prompi buyer.
Delleue whHe wooleB!i
Plano u aboil
>.n price come to .nitl. U- .cure lo cafl NOW aad U
mahy klatoycaa be easily I glad when li to oat. We 4re going b BROS -wbicb demand we hare been bow!
5 SALE! wMle 1
and quickly cleued » a floar hath.'have fua Use”UM day. The teacher'^
“Pdr- «• have tmmd,
Hlly i
flKE MONEY-SAVING OPPORnmiafter tWo ya«i* of hard work we “ »cc»»aarf »» bereare the aotput «t
of pro
woolen abawto. alee
TIPJI, far greaier than yoa will ffrc
. car fBCUwT. Tbto aee«as1tataa c
agUa b ysiani Too will rew here JbM
day of
dratwriee. and even white fan aad !
It to eBay enough to Bdrer'Im
Whal ymi want, ind If yew are retay
I will stay at I
leaibret ran be treed of dnsi or grewre ' ■w*oal '
gala price* oa loferiur Ptonoa. bsi
to f .Ik Icwbea you will flod b. more
b bto way. Take a few basdfiilt of •"(* «*
row. Aa my
tsalldlBg u
Ctom^l. DetrolL offer THE MOST CELBDRATB} ban simsg to SBcrlAce prrdll In iwdev
aonr. pm It b a baUa aad aabaerge
WlU cloae.
for aa ufoub-.................................
Hoc from the grcatrei Hock
^oci. for tbe^Beu^thtati^^’^w^M
be article that to to be ctanaed. Rah ' T""- bvlag SuBahloe gH.
roDOtry. roaneqaeolly Ibis ai
real Pianos BBywhere aBd allow (me
pu be wool for some mbntre.
y Adam*.
present oceagaat, bebg detayed b ‘be otmon Impanaoee aod
year’, rent cm purehare; atao rell oa
beta, cwWoi no. to bjure It by wolrraverre CKy. Roue
lie I AprU I». IMH. the esmapletiSB of hto sew tacury. ha* 1
<» ““ l■«‘rament taool
-A. ft ^ h^ . I^taapfsobtod a. b vaeaUntltapram- l«(tag (he opportualiy pass
vlgorou. haadtbg.. No- ofsra the wbnear Presddeu-A.
PUtoMofan Orgaoa Vi reton from; sent os Bto
sJ!!! ,
(hi. aata. good Pb
dow and ahake be floor oat aeatly.: loar tima atae.
I wrote befewe. l-of maUrbl aad brge tatp-iM... gf amkea. folly repaired al onr
factory. proval to auy pan of Hltalfim WHi*
Ctaanbg With Ftswr.

tr bUldiiu MaTltar bu


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