Grand Traverse Herald, June 30, 1904

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Grand Traverse Herald, June 30, 1904


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


mould he Allowed ta bM L-_ eloae thorn up (or U the SlT «
eaHaded (be dmdiy lorkjBW cm* ftS
-- work
Where tbe wnaal ft
wrap a aman Ut uf latm
I loMbpIck. dampen It allftMr
with dtJHied earMIe aeM and uSft
Tbe arid am a. an nntlaeplic laS'
>y do aatoid c>»d while ib
' '
to la romlni
Poor fHlowl be maM bare
lay drlaka. and rib anew, too to
belplMoly Mapld a. be teemed
.lept all Ibe way to ruebtawre. aad
a.Iewp atmla la Ibe depol befoew abe
Md to Ibe llreey «a •

,ia,r. axe, till Bvs'a aSbllWB*
Tu pirrev the bmoy of Ihr »klM
B« -Mia «h, I<M> bavp




sssissss^-'^ STILL LEADS

For ease of operation,
lij^toess of running,
ease of handlinji. doseness of skimming, simplkity of coosmiction.
the Empire has no equal
Mfs.j^es Haitiswon
the eiovemors Gold
Medal, for butter made
on an Emmre. in Ed­
ucational Butter con­
test last year.



Machine can be seen
and supplies secured at
Frank Trude's hardware
store. 146 Front street.
Traverse City.
catalogues, etc., write


T.W.imrf, IbMeltil,
Alden. Mich.

Fresh. Salt and Smoked Meats. Sausages, Etc.



AUrtpitar wetis Mock. SpeeUJ «ir»i snd Urighi
Bade to order, prompUr. Oiilr tbe-mrbest oufoUyfoirameed in nrery retpecL
Th« «e made to « n wen «i len. They Ire
Mt made of cheap insteriel, and given a flaaby
the eye; bnt are dorable, corafartaUe, and nesL The eheapeat on the mariet. qaakty oonsdered.
Once caed and yon win boy DO other nake.

nrstatt tiTMt^ • Uictor Pciertyl.


Have yon ever tried the
and GoPtaws

l^opaJ tiger

The)- are the beat

CMmat4 C»n
aad Saimaa

Soil only by





Tip k,.pl,i war lial leei* «<• GodOld Gtor>.
—J. H HaHilPT.

Pinmi ■lawn brtopv tbp
aor>; pHntr ilatP to take a r
tPa!" and UIm Samaetha Marik
walkn] brtekljr taio tip railway rpataa.
<jI tip Flleibarf depot la I

wTiDkiPd and peekered about ibe
iboeib. aad wnakM and army i
lurpheaul: for ahe baled anylbibe
falw. and carried her -rkw.' u
deaplilns anUktai teeth and
1 ooe ebalr abe put ber little
aelt and on (be other abe plied h.
IPT mile bundle*, her llBle

api<isrle* took up a bill of fare.
had bad a hard da>". «urk. I'p
In (be earl> somlnc. ndinr iDiu Klteb
from Hlinuwn on a nHehbor.
WBcno la ortl.T to raicb tbe Sr.l
train:: a
all -lay am«np th- *h.>io. i.'ijlnit
mllllBi-ry .lore.
auppUea tor I
She incV.d I.
rand betwen
Ur*. Horan *
baby—and a lot of a hat .he called
-Fuiinh o' Jolt BUB." for Widoa
Warner. whn.e boy wa» ermine up
from hi. riork.hip to Boeioo in pa.,
the bolbiay. AlioRPlbpr. abe bad
earned h-r rup til wa. and would bate
leujnred it. bui that her aallafsctloa
:ma* iDtorrvptpd liy

t joa'rw eot the «

. Fred,
hetv we

bo,, and
' .too *a Uttle came nr two
that W.UIP doable >oor wac*. *
Bean cambllnK. Tom

rparwfe Air/. JKol.

Traverse Qty Manufacturing Co.
W. L.. MIROWN. Manas***.

dame and Bamsting
viU begin 4n a few days and you will want
some took. We have a good stock of Scythes.
Saath. Cradles^ Sqrtbe Stones. Kakw. Fo^.
etc. When yoa want anything in' this .line
come in and see ns. Our prices are low and
our goods are right.

Paris Brttn, LandPiasUr,
Sprapers and Sitters
Our Laoii#FlastCT is Fresh, ground fine, put up in new
bags (300 lbs to bag.)

suoanm TO HOBM



loo t mean lambllec Crer,
of chance doena'I dcaMie
■e teauebu and imekam
irdN <ame tbine* we played

■tmwwrei WmI


The Paris Green is of the best

If you most have these things get the best.

:Well. Tom. >11 hare lo t« in Ihe
eojBtr,. Better ehanee roor mlbd and ahmiE."
No> I and *n to Pbtjreh ai: Sub
dat - IKII tnddeal, u the, r.»e to *o
Y.- aided. "Tel: ,o« what. Fred. yiMi
.tat orer and su to the theater or
have a came ud billiard. «:ih me to
Blaht and ni co op iMiIt ......... * the
S'dndp, train and .pend the Fotirth
Tome now. that'* fair
Aa Ibev walked awar t„ (be door
and Samantha •eramklt.d her bondle.
botether aad homed fiodh lo the train.
and recoeniirt that
who would like lo ■
lewp. wa. Fred Wi

Fred, the FW
- New Tork. bm
mother In Hill
T. Widow War-

Ibe airtna
at. doziat a util*. rendiBc a lltile
her pnrkei Teriameai. bin lonkiae
determined a. ihe crmalie of her
live hill.. And iber* the landlady
't ber after telllna a krambllnt terr

Gel our prices.

Sprayers from &0c to $1100.
on all these things.

L^d Master 70c per bag.

earn a j
1 half aa boor* «
.peed the Fonnb.

l^Kscount on large orders'

Do^'t go past corner Front and

<>». P. K s Grocery.

Si! iT^


llihlec.anybody bet

■ Mty miBOte* Now Warx
-eept ^»
me (tw MMse id bU Ifaloc* i Id .roe .ynel ,
"Nut a Urla' _oou2
up and put ibem In hi. raiM |buy..’- they
I amu-h locnber aume iblncv ‘ e-*. rmpbaMa.
lyaelf. Horry, now iber* len-i * !
-Bechoe mehbe I Ua St
>e to lave- And he rnn op the maxer woald aay re Securely. Tbea
after him. lew. ; be woold eraw. over to where (be b«t
t hope.
tbooebt beraetf t

Suddenly abe be

t>M»e Foonb of Jul,
boucit. Her Brat Impuiu waa lu ran
after him and lell him bow bla motbrv Forty mlaotr* would take ber there
and the foold ae* him and penuade
war -luiiuic'' apoe bla comlnc boaae.
AetJBC oe ibe ImpulMbow hit .t.ter dercrmlned to make the
cut <rf tbe fnml
old bourf brtcbi and *ay. aad bow
vr Tbe llsbt
•e atreet lamp fell
'.be ber.rU bad nia around Booua
I upoB (he e
Tboae drircr wn.
after rblneae Lanterna lo b«- hand ta
line wllb Ua
Ibe trrwa. becauae Widow Warner
Within, alto, ant a man. bit bend
meant to bare a Ihtle party aad catber
I. but in tbe atnpU
all of Fred', old friend, on tbd lawn
the ereotne of (be Fonrih. Sbe re­
f failcne
called. alao. ibsi ibe widow had
rmbened ap, bvcaoae boy< wr
apt to come back from the dty a DU
Lit panirBiar abOBi dreoi. U bee Si
abe animUy mn after the c
. lac man. ctrtdlac down ibe yli
form. wbtrUnc Ha caae in Ua baa
bat bee bw droppod and It. ccmim
porae—Sew bilker and yon. ta
bllne for I bene, abe kmt ber b
In geiUBf tboae. ber ombreila •

A FDartb of
Fan., Tea . U
Tbe boMeM aad foaaleni place o»
» cmundi wa. the daactac parillan
raora. cvirrr waa Ireirhed Jam over
-nil. When Moe tall eowb^. la Ibe
ire., of hi. pairioibm. pot aa eatra
icb «o bU .prtac hi. bat Mwaped tbe
nrr Tb* Buor. which wa. of roech

r. wbo Jumped
cab that
to the d»>r about midnlahi.
ered whh hu latch ke.
He I) i.olema fare and -biwoca
up the .lairwav. then luroed
• he apnne wai of • f
d drew frtim a rhillc .art
,ahi pul anion lato a en
all Samantha leaned forward
e .tar of Ibe pavilion c
4 aaw, Ineiead. tbe
named (Hnacrr
e SralMliiy of voire waa •mail.
tatiriB'. and nbo. >he had au
I. orlctealHy of eipremton Bom
an, dooi-i, wa. the roommate
rhaatfd. •
B Ibr landiady had apokmi. Tbe
claimed, aad nmti
follow Ibe mo.1

Price of Paris Green is 20c per 1 lb packa^ less by

A Freaeb oStrtel wbo baa )aa( .am*
t’lraed bam Rorm. aaya ibe uvp H
WIM an the Talu rlrer. wbicft ftte
been meaiMaad ao Hteo ta (ho war
aewi. eajoya a ralber piiuftai aaucla-

-clty of draakaada.AII tbe lahabHABU. raorHam wt'
ace or art. are laioalealwd trtrr 4m
1 the raar.
They btcH drttkiBC early H (ho
oralBC aad at nlcbt are ae HMHiiod that Tory few of them am amv

a aad IJM of Ibeae are
*d by dhalHerw. Who mml I
(Inaaly emaame tbeir awa pa«
They were fartaaa at Iba I





It Bylac laaarta are rarkm*. •
- aacd. Mmetimen a lamrod ai the ead wKh hM
BMiam a Uchi Miek «r
whMt Ibe drocaa SHa
are nirarfc down... TW Inal irbll b
BM approrod. bowvrer, aa Ibe dMKaM
Teaiim are uMiall, awlatod. aaS ft
IV roaatfarad eUarky (o myare (bML
A mosi alacabr dorire la mad H
the pmlBce uf Kn. it oonilata ef a
.me balr from a weama'u bond, te
each ead of wHca a iHy pebbia ta «■
•acbed. Thai la furmed a Hay -bHMk~
• hirh la alaac bich la tbe air A daW’
■<a By poaaeaa apn (be paaolBC ahymt.
(be momeai be aidaea H ite Imlr
U aitaud bla body Abd (he «H9f
of tbe prtmie hriaca Urn te (b* irmkd-

L* only ITC mHei in tbe etreet car from ibe booae
fully aabtsad. I’d like lo abnke
ber taformani. Aad now bosna the
ad* and lake oC my bat lo hff mybardm part of ber (oak. namHy. lu
h. r
One >ai with bl. bark toward
ded waa a mile MMe la a wsM
face (be barddeatiired boardlni bouae
akmc; Bbe-i
h.-r. and lil» «imnaaiip»' wj- .arlBK
oa oeeoaai of whieb baa baaa
oM aad ncly. end a* aacwHr aa a TIr
No*, y-r.*!. alui noBeen*.': I
ttairment to Ibe nervaal Ibal abe Claia (enee. bn on Ibe Holde abe'a prewerred amoac the Hartataa amme
Fourth o
acrtpi. by Peter Balua. oa tacHrtmaa
*1 tn waft till Mr Warner tbooM cold' Tbere abe li. eorkmrew
rlerfc of (be rbaaeery.
It aoaand all Tome aUmc '
■ lie ir> be a man And 'here'you ba^e
aa Buey learei aa a terse hWe
courae yoo ran wall. If you wlah
I Ihey weet in. aad Fred left Tom
.■ml «ter that de>k wiIhrKii a holiday
•a marh rvadiac aaaUer on aacb
( no one erer knowt when yobas
and be aiald ~i loactbry mb
►iBce fhrt.ima.'
*0 t(
Wllb a powrrfal claaa K aaaM
will come in
Mr Warner and
meb. and had to blrw s farmet
.IN-nd the Fouftb in
tad eaally. Tbe aatbor of OH
■omtuair are odtro out very late,
them to FHebberC- Bat
town I di-clare H
(lalTM book oa raswd lired te tbe
d. no uee remalat up (or them pledce to Ibe HMe bad (WO nan
Ime of Qaeea BBiabolb. aad H UTt
m. they hare their own keya'
' Tint I promlaed ih<
nd ibey nerey meaai lo Dre i..
Roi Samantha wa* not to be driren
Tom. and they will he o diupiiointpd.
here a^le but la tbe ~1aad of tbe r-rtTMated ber ateiMy with Ibe LOfTB
Iba creed, tea comM^moate.
hv any anapirtuua «lanre» nr reI coafe.. I iiluaild like to take a rsa
rae.' At lor SamaaibB. any Uetener
VO man Latte prayer*, bla ova mm
«Mh roil to Nea York and nee ibe
paa.Iac at ber cate would bare beard
>. and Ibe dale, all written oa a hH
*icbtf: for I barea'i twee there .iaee
old fneed of bU molber a erncked and qanrerinc relee etadne
r paiew Ibe abe of a Sacar mO. aad
before mj father died
He took me
ad my err
emnd I. very ImpoctdOl." abe aa abe worked. ‘-Prnlae God from
■ la a nac oTaelld coU oorerod wftft
.■nee. but 1 wu «ueh a little
•Id. "and
aee him If I wall
-Tbe surer
le chap Iba*
A macBlfytec fteaa made
e fnrsDlien eeprytblBS about
;i nlkhi: I will Jn»< a‘> here, ma'am,
wrtuac qafte ia0bU.-Kewt tm
ad Mr Warner will take me 10 my
"Oh nm,.. atonf We ll ukw a alcbi

-Can t do It. Tom; ean'i ipeod the
ooBPt Better come up In the riHintry
lilb me and we will le.. .New Vnrk


aarb rarted nad b*a
of Ihe dfacon By aa ta fafu. 0«1m
buBt tbf cblWrra Mac qtmlM UUie

Marble-, abop
■H set naff
-Tell you wbat. Fred, ibot mo
mlAiy alee kind uf a woman. I
mala aofaar f
• wouldo'i wo many of te cn to tbe
«> if they ftml beM on to aa ae ibe PHiaburc Gaaetie.

rain, and bate all day Busdat for
'one; I.lanil and H'wday ih. Fnunh
or fun.-

AteltedJMcHsdec^eneyijnoollaB&IlfaroM oi the
■tBMWwotwMuriilBiii.theccBBmctwsi isndc to bidd
■e at the above hntian.

rmmt mi SwMw llmoto.

mother and tell ber all abe bad
not aparr ber
Ihe pale and w .jid not aare (be hoy abe ordered a aiAle boy li
<w at bmti
abe miut tn
Sbe bad (one ao tar and drove hmelf all fbronib (be
(ber iban ih.. la ber medluUoa. dreary darkmoa hefure ibe dawa. up
the kiajt. rocky kill.. When daylHb'
broke. Ibe yown« aaaa. now Hat eum
|> bimaelf. waa lyla« on ibe nofa
e litik partur beblad BaHnntba-.
.hup Tbe aroma of *iioB« coSee atob-«berr in. ma'amr
la K- him from her llitl* kNrbrn be
-To nirbbafX-nrv wall i
She (are him Ibr roCer and
harea'i made up my aalndl"
-Farr. one.fony. len erata addliloa r.ryythlw eW In Ibe way of hirlna
1 If boucH oe the train. ' miacwied carr. bui .be did OM le< him oC wllb
le randunor. kindly. erldenU, tbmk.
■( abe bad coam to the end <U ber
Kwey or ber wKa.
lime that the onneb oon-Wbal time do we reoch Oimoordr
_ .-led wKb the Swaday irala arrlred.
"lo twenty minnte. now "
"Very well, clre me a ilckrt to Con y>*d walked leifarwiy wp Ibe mreed to
- me. and had Ml aerep*
me a ermu deni <d et
Coacord .be Inauired what lime
■uae be looked m pale
e neat iraln weni to Boatoa. and
Oo Sun
quietly aat down at ibe aiailoa to wait.
Sbe no loBser bnrrted or Mauered. day ni«h> be went to rbwrcS. nnd after
She had made up ber mlad. Sbe mold Ibe aerriee be (reeted many oM
toel mlMly Impretae
Iriende: bat be left ibem nU and walk
Ibat the waa ao near Ibr
ad borne with tbe Ulfle rnimaer
oa and Hawtbome aad
Samabtba. and la ber parlor abe p«
- bad been brouAt up I.
on ber “aenr^w' wpeetncle* lo aee bM
m all—and after a faablun
alenatoTC npoo a
d part of Ibe heneSrenI K
Pledce that (be bad prepnfwd let
,*e cTwni .oul. waa ii> ren
:aa bla "deelararloB <d lad*
did emil. latroi •• It. owi
- asnlnat ibe alarrrr and c
cuud. When ite ii
_ (hrmened lo dn( hid owi
arrived aad .be wa. whined back mu
• laMber'a hope# in (be duM. IS
e cit.v in Ibe iwlUctat. abe waa erm
M to tell bU awdbet of hi. wen
■h- to cH fori, wlaka-oo Ihe min.
I be bad kepi hi. pHdse a y«v. Tor
> qniel aad aetUed |4 pnepowe bad
by.~ *aid Bnamatba. 'nboaM abe be
le become
Sbe took a atrocf car
t.-ibied. a* abe muei eonctaally be
raisb' to a drat atore aad looked In
.he knew (be dancer yon were Hr
e directory for tbe imponinc bunM- But be lold Tom. wbo crew ao anaioes
wh-Te Fred Warner, waa emphiyrd a. lo hi- wberenboota that ^ mob ea
She knew the place id bualaeri would eariv 'rala at Monday le BUMowo
rknied, bn) abe noted the r«*ldcner They ma.Ie him welcome ta (be borne,
aad be ebarrd
Ibr eronlac amonc
Fred . frieoda at Ibe party, and TiMWber umfan-IU. had no fenrw. Sbe
day BWdnlac. after Ihe Fowrtb. oa Ibe
ihc city after twenty yenri of o
Ibe coacb. atopped wMb Trod a
and Koinc. and bad no irouUe li
and looked u ibe rtbboaw and
Ina Fred', .employer-* boi

ffta OracoM Flioe tl Am
P«w hondreda of ymrr ibe
Japaa bare played at the paatftand*
irfciBc dractm tie*, chaalac tbo aftf
rotor. (roB tb* b*«laaUS H
r aaill late la autumn II H a

o be dmsewd away v


Tbe -maalr care* kaa bnea (Akea ap
J the Bomea aoetefy paept*. sad fta
cufeee are laid te te samberod by
ha adrocataa aaoert Ihaf
luab baa aajWaorAmfT pow^te
errinm orifte. Ope panteaterlr as-arated ease of paarnlcla waa arbafly ,
red la hatf oa boar by maMe te a
t aor key im a pteao. Tbe rIoUa ta
mptered moM IraqaeallT- Mre. Mary

-> rtatee Brown, a rioitelat. te play te
be aumaa-a boapttal, apd fanmiftabli
«**uUa Mlowad
Siaee tbaa tbe etaest baa hoes repaaied with
iHy pood raaahs.

In Maseborte. doc raiatec la peae.
ilced span pretty aorh ibe aaam acHe
k. abeep larmiBC la AoMraUa-proparHuaaf* to poputefloa, of eoarae. A
‘./Tide doua ant lake bar dowry to
.(vcie or ta toad. Date ore the dowry
->lx If abe be the daoeftUr ef pam
pareaii. morr U tber be wnaftky. Tbe
anlauii aerre aa mem for bamaa eonipckm: thetr maiatlfeu mmia ore

There te a aotable tew te lorer h
* .hocked up aloacaiH of tl
out of tbo tore* lUaatea towaa eei
Pretty aooo he wmild reun. reralac--bora*i (bat deoerre* ipacla
witk a "Come ib» way.* he woald
lend ibecDOboy*. one at a time. acroM
the plaUorm -The (armer'a
woold bow prwtilly, aad tbr eowboy whip, amoac drirer* of cate. earrUsm
rlatwraiely. wlik a IwHeb ad Ui Me oaf all urta of reWeiea. There te a
hni Then a new eo«
AlbfUac ibekr aae. Tbore te
whip te aae M Minnn
I uoadiiteB of (bt Wcate
ai rota tbe brsefi ef ibt* komana lav.
m nett*' (be
' 'ba««r wt


•oral wlrile (he fbpMbe momiac cnabarked
A M eomiac Dr. Porter 8. Tntde.
dan ipree la New Tork.
tbla cHy. hoe had n mrlad eapml
Warner:* abe mH ta
re la tnmitac avmS caae*. and lam
kim Boftly. rwneSlnc init
nIcH care tbe Herald name rery rnlm
ad abaklBf Urn by tbe
able Hlmmaitoa. Or. TniDe laU;
■AU rHbl. an rlckL T<
Tom. drtvw en.*pbyMdna aboeM nimaat taraitaald tbe poor fellow Tet'a
•» tarn.*be acm for. b« mcMwhUe (be
I or barn aboeM be civea (real'
QHefc na n tbenebt abe afinnc taH
--------- Kerer AooM carhoUr neU or
» cab. nroaaed (be drirer by a '
aa poke ef ber nmbrrna. and oi_____ embolM aeU wMer be aped wberw (he
Urn la drive lo dm Fhefebwc depff Sam h only powder atntnad, fee k wlD
and. Ibe tan yoM ataa bad d .. aa laal aa he eoHd so
A rewa. • act (he mnHo ae Srmly that p)------mrvd. Before ber were tbo rnah of eraefc ef (be whip. Mi H two-----------•e crowd, burrylnc (• Ibe inH. abe tb(T wme no tar away tbm ma (be
Mile er raUetea. and (be ‘-r*iiBlaa aoond af tbo
waa not haard by
Hoe <d Ac tweel. BeUMI
bar a ArW (be ammat wbec iliiriilln tom. coei far n^ MOS. M ft H hoL As
d;- od. M atood naXHc far Hi deBor wU Vm- moBaac Haw Tomaiftfa anin m ands
aowHs wHeS war U Ho. Ac aier'
HHahMi. nvwMHim
« IMa CHL^ aw SMk PM
■mnSMAM Anak

Ifeclaeiad nal (be ckaaca U any:

Htei Paftmde -Taa dfteT ate my
UOte brotbarom H tte btek yard m



eiteuTH CAUSES tjosa

M Itom. tfc-


m aiini-------- -


Jr'' oK*u>^'

toor oecka evtier
jlbey BeaaUy col tl.
i ta roBae ptam the crop «a* a
Irotart before
brtore they
y art .(be crop e
• -I The
Tbe tort
oi■ ih^a,
rala foitovrt Iff as early drooshi bu
rsoeed U tu dry op Tcry rapidly. Itaay
femerr are »nv baKrnlaa rery

1 tiao pmnnad Ika palp*(
ra. vuck «euU at • palpH■ ubi* u4 Ibfw teitber
•Mild chain.

• St TW Brt««*Mrrt«v«i:

triitcd iff (hr cb^cr
I. vhteh h tmpif h^tI --------------------------------la vbllc. U dlchM
-_____ tars ' M«»b»r naa aai a anbtr et lataltar mw. The i
ream, fffcleh will b. wi>d tor
d«r Kbool. inrer tac*itac«. BlMc


Blue Vitriol


rt-rt Pmff..-.
a. Mr. ■ecrilta.

^ taat diaehea ««• ptaart DathBoy npoa fha new ebnreb aad erery. rttad wrt to raodtoeaa by bI(U
.•Ctoe fwmal opaalai aad dedhmUrt



00ing to Build?
If so, the South Side Lumber Co. at Traverse
Cit> is the place to buy >-our material. Shop
and mill #orti done o"
notice. Gisx us
a chance to figure on >-our warns.

trt r.^K-Mow <d

Creerre* euy. inicb.

Tiy a HHald Want
The Most Original, Modern




Lofty in Conception. Regral In Equipment, Honor-w|
ably Conducted. Truthfully Advertised. The

World’s Best Circus Talent

we; seu-l- tmi


artny art choir loft, ta 7H.
TV ehareh reate oa a Moor ft
. the oatertor of the balldliw

I. .Stt:,

South Side Cumber 0o.

_«*« .y*

iB*ua». M^ylnf nearly (be epL Tbe mala enlraaet la <m trt
nrttr a
e bdtry betof enmpMa
' dl a IKUe taUr.

tin baDdlat. Stiad sp tor Stmday
BdMol noma, etc, art tbe auf.............
aeeaptoe (be mala loer. wtih o mrmo
Vltary ta tbe raar. Tbe nattac «a-


On Monday, July 18.

bar aarirt to tvm.

ad (rt» Ike toMhweal earner (d
H aad Malt Oiklh atraeta. la
tktag at a at____________
ynm Ibe tad that n le taitu of
wouk! r;
MIth. II ie beaotlNUy Salahed. boU ___to U 0. Brrul eaubi
wbo.1- a
ahent l:» la the erenlas art waa toit mornlnc to gn o
the oaudar art tawrior earrytof aal
tallr deetroyed. Mr. D«ot* dlacot
the harmy of Seatan art colartas ta
artry BMnetl ddall.




reSpa. Tbe teator C. E. eodety
baa <e membera. the tatermedlate W
art tbe Juator SO. « abovtos wUeb
leu (d tbe larval adty dinrebee to (he brefdee a crrai many retaeellanr
•(ate eaa make.
OBce art tV lo*. to both ttar pilir
and fanndlBS will exceed, lUIton
n'aerted with {
macblar ahop
... Sm-tirtorf II
• ‘

icfaard.i. >■» >„u.w k.ama«cd fay i
three calU. Tbie —-----the machinery which La.;
la tbe blelorr of tbe Sr* departbadly r«!
____that ibere ba»e been two Sree
lapr lo 1
to tsbt ai ooe time.
Lumher Rile Burned. .
■amber pile la Ihb yard of



you, for no


“UrtBl mote. (Ho. "PerlttfbV


prdea l* ebhd enstaeer aa tbe
rfcvay ead oa« taie Hib '
« Ibe IMfe'ed Nleara



_______ _

• |0BdbaessBk«Mdaso«
jtagSeaMr for perfect ort*^
Awl yet io (be aatttt <d Mar-


far nral Wood tNeh oacipaa} ta
nar t* «bc boiler nan. the bolldl
“Yo(*a WoKSSJ —I bad treqoent maUoa maay UBproreBWBts to the]
betacboaiedlfftaMta. The ba«u
of a aeecte aatrte. darh oilll -ttry rear art (Ue year U bo ■.
ta Itahtrt by fM.
betae my eyea, art at my mra- . jeepiton The ala of ibe owpere to
Mt by Tr»**r*» CTy People.
itrSl pertoda lartered untold agoey. »□,( ha. bea-n lo k.-es the mill oe^
Tht bolMlM frim atari to flaubi
MUe qartM o»il«tta< ^
een (be vork of TreriTie Cllr peio■ RkolAw. K. S. WhIU. Herhm
- a M
Dr. d. A. Barter. "
m Mr*. -■
“ ' •Jaem. Uc cxierior
door l.i Wllltan
h Prof. ------------ ------------------- '- **“
the cciMBt brick
by HelBi * WIDtana ■^r
Ptftowakta roMifc* iff dWerc
lAC «u piped lor n* Irte of <
. _. lu-ad Wnck* to cot lumtot
tb« eitr.
by (be Tn»er« CIU Oie cospu .
d..»ir.~l thlPknrw. Hr
TUk. Pref. 1. a OUhfrt.
(be Cleeiric olrios *»« «■*» by Pita*
DriSM tolth «VI iliv.
a. Tbe
The plulBl—-----------------------pluBbUii *B<1 heoaog
7-------M Cmitnl .\n.. Hinncapolta.
Addiw. Dr. Chartai IWo »
i by Artne A Cohi The ptaetertos
. done by W. C. Ttoa.
•be c«l «d (be toe and (be ebnreb
n to sire alotort fal« ei
V:4I p. m. IB ekart* of BrsMcUM dltaert vlll be srMtly apprectalrt by
•cDTUIe art SBlth. «bo hare aaea
U^rt. addrt to the chrtA ta (hair
Three Hiirtrrt Hemberi.
_______ _
. ettbefraaleaiol^
Tb* grohtb of tbe cbiucb baa ta
la the tart. Tbe aerrtoe wm aa fab



anxloe< for raia to fall
While Juae l> ueoalJy dry (he far
roe a III lie rale d


UalMawvlMTta aiMM .«Tl« w« M %
IMt (km t> >!» •»"«» MK


Tbe has apon of dry
ea»lM The lamcre ta (be
|tas ronairy
>CB sKh lauer «01 <
a 10 MMH fral’r pad
r Mpy of (he (arae
. .
— -r haj.
jaaa h
up art K h_________ ______

tmMW* rw aoim< era*. *ttb
■* of olrr tMTM. r-* •*“ ——


iry nay ta I]
I tarttot t

And we are prepared to PROVE IT TO YOU by the

M (o the vllery nUb e not
■ns ptattom. A norel lealare
I atalrnay ta the nie of a rtie toidy at Ihd eneuamry donra. Thta
I be towered or raleed ai wllU plr.
(he effect td a plUe when rataed,
I the snenl effect <d llffhlr '


actual test of EASE. SlMPLU'dTY. and ECONOMY
of operation. POWER produced and DURABILITY of

la Satahed la dull red
(d aeb and l« Ucht' ' a of
trttaffoV wirtowe

by two


\k iii certify tu the above facts


daxrt. wHb aloptaut Boor, there beiv
Irtaeb siade. la tbe saar of
' « ibaped
Mry. diporirt
itan.' wbirb baa a
aaattaff capadtf ct »0 and uadcr " *-

A Continuous Display of Marvelous Payformancsi*
by a Mighty Conefave of Original Notable*

____ alMlBS
« CVrch it CMtat (BV»ln> ControfCaab artaiphtfaStnrto.


work, which pax srratlKapprrctatrt.
' ,Water Workx. ,
The fliai'i«%l irrt of iho new pump
ir a (In wma'la rtldmce Jart alsbi
_nd II rk-apoBdol to tbr work very
;Mtlafaciorlly, Wherever a «ircam of
r Hrjek a window It rhaitertMl 11
l»arU- aod rabMati were novel
aVui \>i (be aitraa* very earlly. Chief
Rennie e a» very proud of the .ervire
Mr. Iteund a|>okF v< r> bisbl} of Ihe
work of the fire depanatent tfaU nioraIns ait.l
VMV Ihukfiil that be cr.
dart erw edtor. Tbe aieel rclltoff ta awtmmlBK. The lou
II a. IV raped o -b nr avail l.>.-r a-- V did.
tb paseta
cream eetar witb
paoeta d two .badee
rr waa brmtock.
Tb«. 1-'h*phoRe rrrvle,. during the
e »ren.
-r •« art__palp
sreea. The p
Are !».: nlgbl war ver> bad »nd.f.>iiSmall Haun Oattrt
la Saor art to ibd salleij are
amall tamar localrd at 4IS Baal aidetahl. tine was lost V sntlas
ml and tboae who wei iryins t.
^ mrtP Soar,
«tapj*. "* m'tor
vattal a tore Ibe wort.
atioyrd alwial I o'clock at nIVt. '
k rtnu- A (aatnro-io wUeb m
bonar waa (he property of Dr. H
ZSiaa baa been paid totdy U
Oararr. br VUm porrtaard li c
cbrmloal reapoBdaieps ad. Thr Sre bad Mcurcd a food aUrl
and tv Mtirc pile bimcd. part of ibr
r kdl.
■amber Vlas thrown into the lakr.
Thr pllr wa. loealed n«ar tbr tons
ear d( the inatlr of tbr Pert Marqacltr road.
,9V bapdetry U a( Ibe raai
On accouBi of tbr blpb wlod blowlns
SaTlbm»*ta“ra “toff**wwj
1 tbr llmr (hrrr wa. dangrr of tV
n which eaa be baated la wtolec.
imbrr aeroaa tbr rlrrr, Vtoofflos u>
loterier Flalah.
thr Orta Wood Otafa company, barolns.
Tbe artUorlum ta tnlebed to aab How (far Srr rausbl 1> net known but
•opiKwrd that It orisleaird fru
abapa. MxU. whb

f?r.sns:.i!Si: ““
________ „“SX

The Immensity. Originality. Uniqueneas and Novel­
ty of the Great Wallace Show

Not only in its Exclusive Circus Features. Zotf ogical Exhibitions and Horae Fair Displays.
, but in Ms great


to IV bonar. WVtfarr It waa canard
by ' (mmp. or ptbrra will probably
AI Ibe aul aide of IV rturrt ta an artrr V k»o«a. Tbe boiar waa old
Mtry way coanerttos wfth (be, pulpit art B« raluahlr bat oa nceos
bHes ao rhvto athrr boaars


BMi wKb taralorlea. The oae at
the mat aide will be need by Ree. Hr.
^Sonte hta arrty. and torioded la
tv toraWtos ta a tar«e booh <nae pre•raled V A. W. Prth.

________________r te ffCBcnl Ujrtitoff.
wUb eleetito IMbU ta tV callefT. and
SruaiteUrtfor nsMtaff the poWU
- 25 rtclr"toft.
(toe of (V aaoal wstoeable fertara
of the rtorrt ta IV wtedowa.
an thm tar«e atalaed vtom u
Ml a aombm of cmaiv ot..^ _
canylM bat (V Vrmaay of ntariw
i^Uillat itortBkoat^tV Mldlrt.

apart! arrrral blocln
. .
IIUV la tvi _rie)aUr taw waichlv
thalr baaarr.
waa rnUrriT suited art the roof
tabntthe wallaatlllatanA TV boaar
eaamx V rrnalred. TV tom U fully
Bowed by iaaurancr Tbr alarm waa
tamed to from box tl.
Raimd A Sana- Feondry Soorchad.
Before ibr Breana Itad eomptot'
mir work «o tV boaae ef Or. Oanrr
BMtbrr alarm.wna mmad to fiom bos
IT. Thta waa for tV fonrtn
aapporrd li waa (V aame I
to from aa-dber Va. Thta
Tbr Brr la tV loondry to
a pood Mart before
tnlrrtor; apcUlrx. waa a arrib
las caMroo. 8ooe (our ttom ol bon
were ptaylBs oa It wd IV Stwmra bad
It BBdrr cooirel after a bard Bcbi. TV

tan wbtah » ta----------.
daplhatrt V any olber rtarcb
UataaS Btawa. 9Vy ahow rxeapltoa.
abrrl ine
tV uely way to
•1 arltaue rtlllty aad mmparr (anrd tbr Srr 'waa by celllat laalV
aUy with daotsu of rtUtod aiUctt Sta at
rtS makt tbia a haalaiMa. TVfmat tv tadUips aad Ibr '
wtodaw waa detafaad vta.Btaffbam td DoWy to the mil to pH in wbrrr it
uythint bat fililmnl
ZStammXai lo (V ebtaeh by tV
latarSaSteart JmtoraoeWtaa. At.........................

rtUips art

•9V CVM art tv Cbur^ ,n rsnsbt la (V aootbwcat cmaer of
/>«. K' ta SR oMr* WT|^ V I ,b, balldlv v ibe areoad Boor UDOBC
W MSsa' Ip dS own »»*• «• . m id ralsabto palteraai TV Mta

- .--EJBfts:,

Sleeplessness Is a
Sign of Nerve Trc l:IHe and Should
Be LooKed To.

H-indlt-s the full tine of Osborne
. Goods. "Osborne
'Osborne 'is
" is the largesi
largest indef
independent maker
of grain and corn binders. Mowers
lowers and Keapess in the world. , i'
L)o not place your
iirriiT Ix'fori- seeing Osborne's new

Uertical Bar mower *
one of their specialties..

' dlCrrcnl mttailfmm-

macbiitery and Farm Implements
Remember that we sell the
“miller” Basoline Engine,

lek loirCly
Imp a wink
aoMrt. to lit a
.e a Ions U
(aBlns arto-p; thlra to CrU aalmp_____
•ikinc up after aevrral faeun and -ttas

Itod It hJd t» atom

Tbry mean tVt aoaewbtro to U>«
Btrrt aiirm. aaotowfccro to tie tanto
oBa. BtwDewlwre In thr hlaod mrli
tVl rwTTr blood to tbr Into, •mnrthlv
a.wrt must V Ttchtrd.
■d may V wmr than diwto.
it It. taka
to Or.
- H

The only Gassline Engine that a child
can Stan and handle without trouble in
cold weather. We have sold over forty
engines the last year out of Traverse
City, and they are giving the best of satisfactioo. Before placing your order for
any make of Engines, call at our store
. and see the Miller.

artw. Warry. Frrtfutoraa. imiabOttr.
HtaaiMibnlr. lack er antoiton.
Tbry todkata dVaaia wblrt may Vd
(n Ertlrp^. FIta. 6L ntni' Sanca.
traJrala. Imanlty.

4y btabasd had bm airt for wrrka.



Sabao mrrd

Showing REMARKABLE FEATS, demonstrating
the Surprising Intelligence of Trained Elephant*.
Baboons. Bulls. Horses. Ponies. Monkeys,
Goats, Figs and Donkeys.


We have just received four car loads of the

Page Bro*s aatf tb* OvM CMTiage Co's Buggks
Th^finest ever shown in Traverse City. You can get just whfit you are looking for
at Booghev's

Cor. Ca8sl& State St.

Both Phoiwa 49.

Wallace Circus Day Prograniina
IO a. m.—A Combined Street Parade, a asique fcmfcii
Mk»orGlorioM8tKetCsn>«d.8p(ciaealay^tre«t Fair, • -^iffrliyfil
DkfUj. Hone Fair and Gliuertiy Pageaeu.
i & 7 p. m.—Door* Opened to dw Imnenm WeterpraarTcala.^'
1: 16 & 7:15 p. m —Prof. Bronson’* Concert iBanif',
of Remowned Solaiit mtiajciaH begiaa
4 ‘
legma aa BS^amtstc
aiMMvm Gfsad
UfSM Oe««
inmei m
the 43mter aage.

Trsisad AasB«. HippsteMte

« Toturing Eczema
by Cu^
men Ul Else Had
Utterly Faile|l.

TtaahOltptata J
taBnddaaa. «po«


lawrar baa made
that pQipooe. Ha hi
pboea to hta hena U

* ^£Saaha aaa who haa tta Blrablp Idea totaada ao aara car tore bp
Aping hto tatp to 8L Loato. where ta


00 th
Good far the peoBg people. Wheal

■r dnp bp fboottog himaalf with
drer. while a Harg
Ua tire with a r
ad BtUler in
RolBea. bead
m B Bm of II
BllLa of
Bo tte Bdwanla- bardaiown._______
dap. bp baaglag himaeU In the c
Dkaaa agaloat tta tplag H cewi Ip (he He hwvea a widow aad (wo childi
The nnage of Hollp la lo a aaeloua
pabllc tireeu. Tbla atonaiarr aetieB
was lakea at the reooaat of tta pooag
people of the towa. Who wanu a big glreo o : and li will be aome ilm
w ber iwhan lore Ml T wella can ba aank. I
> Mr htap. OwcB Batata Qobfc. M aped cow gaping at blm or
tJ r Hllage ta la gmre danger la
1 beta tta aga of atz waeta wBb, It'a aparklng bcmos.* PuMio aO
are no placet lor cowa, therefore.
The toHaUsta will start three
Catw. tIaekhtataDn. IngTba
boaea placod In bualaeaa oparatlre atores In Calhoun eountp.
be beorni of ibe ~freah to be located at Battle Creek, toartbaU and Albion. At preseoi oolp gne
rtai nre to b< bandied, but later It
far tbm ■eatta, bwt got Bata watM,
Agured on making regular depincoarantloo of
ata WB a akfcaah« algbt to look at.
Hlebigan hap daaJera. wbicb maeu at taeni atores of them.
I aaw aa adrarttaBaat of tta Cta
the capital earip Is Angoit.
number of Sanllsc couolp fnnuers
HtaedltB. ata got ibe Soap. OlBi
msklag s apeclaltp of sugar beets
Mica bualnaai man are itill flgoring
ata Baaeirtat.
pear. The wealher baa bi-en bad
ac la on focH lu or^nlze a local rote- and dclaped tbe planUng and also com
pelled reseeding In mso) In.tanee.,
np and erect a tC.UOO building.
A Charloile maa vbn baa been bold- >ei (hep enlertalD hopes of a E<>>d
r jro l.u>hel> of beana for hlgber barreel. though a late one.

____jita. A. auuw.
Mn. Wrlfkih^l o( Tiwttic CItr
km Tltttks tar pwMU. Hr. ata
Hra K. a atarMaa. ata ottar r«Uiha*.
■'Hkkt Caarga' arrtrad tare law
Tbaradar aa4 tai tag a tappr crowd
anoad hlai ararr craalac alaea.
Mar Hade Nardrra. rrtacr aaC

J actool at HUiar-a Hin laai
Pruv. Oe Batardar. Hlaa f>attetoeB.
wlife tar actalarr aad (talr partata
ata Irtataa. waat ta Brooka' Hadiot
<« <Baa lakt for a gnad Hcod Uat.
.Tta Baa prociaa of raadiac. ala^

XJOla aarao^carold HarM Tboraun.
«to vaa tarltad U> awk. draarraa
aapadal Baodea. ata aarar haHnc attataad aehool taeaaaa of tba dlatanca.
ata tad beaa langbt at >wbm bjr bar
^TMla. Tta Baa rtadlaf or tar aalir
laoftkr plaea rreatrad eta adalratioa
Md ataHtaa ef all. Tbn eaae the
taa pteale diaaer. which waa partakao
d wtlh a nHah. TbBaaerctaca eloaad

waa ibmaaB Mita Hd. Ik to i
twopaara ata fear Boetht, ata hit
aambadttaaUg^reinraoftt. I
aa rmr giatofH far tta baatati darirad tooB poor raawdha, ata aban



to purchasers of clothing—
they represent the
prices at which we offer
special values in Men's Suits—
values so good that we were not afraid to
exhibit the cloth and prices to our patrons in
Grand Traverse, Leelanau and Benzie
counties—the $7.50 and $8.50 goods are
all wool cassimeres—the $ 10.00 and $ 12.00
goods are made in both fancy worsteds and
cassimeres—large assortment of patterns—
we give you our word these have never been
excelled in value by anything we have of­
fered pr^ious years, and are seldom equall­
ed elsewhere—


.'\s the season is
> far advanced a ; have de­
tJ tc
to close out ever)' Udics' WOOL SUIT in stock
at Half
price. Beautiful
Tailored Suits of all the:known
•iais, best
of tailorinK.
Don't confuse these with
specif sale garments,
ts. These are all this season’s

.rdSTPed Uci
Wadaaaday. aarlap n waa too hot and
Brr (or a aonhira aaa to lira ttatr.


efttaratoeofCaaeata.(Wtaa (ha aorth a woadarfal plarr.
— t Ihlak.- ta aald. “a wblw mao
■Vaaka le ar laat ........................
iao, ata tbar pap aw }att aa ■aeb for
a W'a wnh aa tf I waa white. Dowo
aawlh I owir PM haU aa aioeta aa (hap
pap * whta «aa."
How tor a (taptar ee the PUbar
datalr. Chailaa A. ta <■ Booth Hanltpa ttkiac oawaoa.. rnua
Praak aao
ata wnr
w«a re•Mad Battadap Croai a waak-a rlalt la
Chtaaa, brlaclai a Baa pUao with
, ttata. Hra. Plabar aa)apta tta trip
porr Pweb aa H waa bar Bra( rlalt la
Ota pmt Hip. HBP«a ata CItatoo
PM fMtalaB ihHr aaw sin oa ihr
Wtaal pot la tbla apriac addt preatlp
. ta tta power H tta talH. Hn. Md
# a. ratarwad laH Tharadap froa a
____ » Halt la TimraiBa Clip, which
«ta ealopod ta (ta MlaH oitaeL
-^Ttaa aakta K tta dtp had ebaagad






Specials in Silk Shirt Waist Suits
each Id (be iwasipbe wai there, she replied:
"The clip
bat <
argad bp Iba rtip that li. I doot
It. bill Ibe cordial
cordial greatlnc fro
ai or old. It had o


.. .....
uid pleunre partp came don thmush
he-Plthar lake* paeienltp.
•lato Nawt.
Il U bard to beltara a elorp eucb aa
ollowa, but It moat be true, coming
Teraetooa town of Holland:
Zobc Kaan and
obn 8 Dphati
sareb In Haea
ra bap patlardap. a
le Three Johna."
winding up

peak cw ao aoltBiD a outti
bare bean boaaiing of the facL
ted ao here goaa: *-MaDla1l4De baa a
I.eoO 'bearae." Sap. but that girea
•for ooe luiurtooa ride,

3 handsome hair line
soft taffeta.
were elegant
1.60. to close..
Ladies' wash silk waists,. genuine Habutai
wash silk, waist lace trimmed, was 4.50.
to close...............................................
Another line that sold for ^5, to close
Another lot chat sold for $6. t

e Wilhelm,




Hamilton Clotliing Company
206 Front street.

Traverse City. Mich.

CBfvrr Troat
aai Oaha

■I?^'r«“,.‘'’we hlv^“;7ouiL'he",rnow mteVve;L°“rlm;1i;^^^ "

-1!!: an“o‘r«

An $80,000 Stock at prices cut almost in two

may never have win in a life time. We must have a big sum of money, must have it without any delays. We are simply forced to
_____ _
part of the cost to make prices 80 tempting that you will buy, Ifs our only means of raising cash
f^Piy Ton»d to sacrifice our profit*

II «M MM • ttor *1 gesd


Slyli^ Shoes

75c Waist Silks

Isfa mtleMMcyyeii win get ll>«m berc
But don’t wait; your si*e may be gone.

hmoui SSiiO Julia Marlowe Shoes
^ b« of Ladia $1.60 and $2.00 shoes


men $
^.The Hanan $5.00 thoes


, Tlte $U0 Vkt Kid Shota
|>.TdhBO $li5 Shoes
Mbsea $14)0 Shoes
MiBBcs 76c Shoes



Theyre merelysampies-hundredsand hundred, justaestrong. Don't

Soft Soles.... ..18c
Sample Soft Soles
ily.............. 10c

50c Imported Jap Silk
for........................... .
$1.00 1-ancy Silks
$L25 guaranteed Taffeta


an nnii Ib1< StaMn
S;i.50 Waists



$'J.5(I Waists -.



$2.00 Waists.........................................
$1.75 Waists....


$1.00 Waists.



Chink of it


$1.48 Sr
$6.00 S

JIt prices neoer known before.



and many more

Bfihe yard
10c India Linen.........................
15c Whke Dimities..................
15c Curtain Muslin.......................... Sc
Shon ends of Cretons....................3c
15c Silkolines.................................. .
6* inch Bleached Table Linen.
worth 50c.................................. ..
«0 inch half bleached Table Linen 23c
Pure linen unbleached toweling.'
worth Sc for . ............................ 5c

The prettiest >tiu ever saw. worth



A Mans good every day Suit


An Mans all wool Suit

Ladies Ski




season, worth up to $2.00.


seasons Suits go at

to dose at

Ball Price

25c and 3$c





Dresses av

cheap as



Cheviot & Scotch Plaid Suite,




t. S2.5.IMI

A few Waists carried over from last




worth $7,511


em*t hmn to maay

Ok Best Shoe
BARGAINS ever offered to you. You will say so
too in >-ou come in.

Shirt lUaists

Men's and Boj-c Straw Hats


Straw Hats worth $1.5«i last
52.. 50 Dress Hats




51.. '>(| Monarch Shins

White Shins

$12.60, $14.60
$9.50 for our $15.fl0 Suits
yUlTE A SAVl.N'G and you get (he very best

Worsted Dress Pants



Boys'Knee Pants, pan wool


F«^y soft and stiff bosom 00^
23 per cent discount on all Men’s Fine«t Dress Pants.
tL^e to‘?*"^'r"
we aresiving during thb Compoi«,ry^ Sale.”I^7a„
opportun^^^ of
Ul a
time to furnish your home-or gel a few odd pieces to brighten up your r-----^ ------ .. ,
opportunity of
a life
Carpets, Rugs. Curiains-in fact everything goes
** prices that meanr a great saving,

the bosxoim store




Ittd atlrmptr^
11 hot hU ton b
alwar. dl«oT«rd bt. toimtlOM


Charici F. OKAOtl to gartJ^Oaoba.
ptrcal. I *^k 2. Oab*ead: tktt.
R. Cook to WllltoB C. Cook.
o«H of oaU. 000. 21. tow* 2S. raacr
12: I2M,
_ . _
Io(^7?btek™7“ H.'a tad add:

to(‘l?*bSrt?0^rtc^o add;
tanlMn lo lodiir^ H««ld *111 be
i< iho uBouecw^ of U*
• aSJ-U M. Uo-1* to FrM ■*!«.
tllM <# (br Oi*Bi] Tnvone UmU 0* 1* of bo U. aoe «. t»*» «• ""*•
^ tko BTOBlot Bnort. T
to O"
«al*«ntkia *UI b« kwnra u lb* R«r- “il'lf
IM aai BMTd Oo. Tbe BtosIbk ReeMIM boos iMMxl rrom (hr oOor of
tt* B«nW in Tboo. T. BMm and J.
V. Bums. Ko radical ebaasr vtll
M aade la tM aaaavia
.•Mm vtll eoBdoae at adltor asd ua(be Kmll. aad till ba pi«»
UlHt of (be DO* eospaaf. Itr. Kaura
% loMla at adlior and at>
^ ...Nlckenoo aad *tfo
lEt Baeartl. and *«1 bar*
L lov* IS. nata
«bWia of tbr )ob daptrtac
m_ aad
. I vtfo la
*9m ba aaeraurr. Hlaa Habal Bator *. A..l“ •
Hedow (rtiot
MB hare ebtrta of (be baalacai of
, Id: tl^.
lova 2S. raaso
A at baaotefere. and win bo traa»
iam. 0«, p, Botaa. *bo a............
- 2*d add;
wt of the na* <*cai
atn of (ba ABOrten Pooldr
0 PabBiblBf Co. a
rw air will hare
«m eoatiaao to atlnd (o bla boaIlkaI ibal
(bat of but
la rear,
pocBlo aead not to twar for
tataraali k (bal eltr. bat *t»
-------------:m oa tba board of dlrectorr vtib iba 'rie'TiiTCTae CKr Drlrlas Iki
. Vttaao aaiMd abora. All (ba atoek h
,IMI br tbooa paitloo. and the foil
U. «MAM. la paid la.



wiiM Fiw a sn
ArtBokta Cellao.

226 E. Front St.

II I t steal talltfactloB to
tbo* tba Una of ahirt walttt
*e are Xteriitt tba pobllo.- Oor
attortB-.-ol ambrecoa beauUlol
patlerai Id both block aad white
tllkt at price, frotn %ZH) to
tt.;s earb.
Black TaCaUoe, Black BateoM. BrilUastlaaa. ^-blte Eabtoldared It
pilret tram tic to S2.IT owb.
Oor M.t: tnney Esbroldered
•ir agaoled by
Wal.lm are
suit SS.OO waitta.
qoeeo or loltable I
outfit. We bare baomUul ttrl
IB ladle.’ black ^ a(eeai. tUra tip
10 U at oelr SIAO aacb. If joa
are looklot for tba beKt tule.
that mooar will bor you tbould
not Ull to call and we our. be­
fore buylns-

addltka to tba aiblotict
• raeot ibara wtll ba an aoloBoe prlaUac ptaali ia __ t*ea between two of Trarerw
«ha otala ooitlda the laraeot dtloa. dly't boot cbaBeon.
AdBlMloo to tba s
lha HaraU «ai aatabtlibod to UH. eoBla.
eUldroD free,
•d hat aaoB Trareraa CEr nov
aad Uoaebera tree. Pollowlas b
• piMoal propprtlooo ftoB a BUlo
It bar Mod to
a part In
•Mtbw* Kkhlsaa. That It baa mtc
par of aaeeoB* at a'
It oTtdoM. The Sroalaf
bat proBpofvd (roa lu EtB '
taun. Darlas (be latt two rcB«
bat baoB aotireir roStted
sow Bttaalal. tad a Mersrathalai
Baeblae laitalled. U. *ajSrA.wS;;i
of tba iBportaal boat
a«n >^.1..
_____ ^ -9* portoeled. The fail
Thrw-VaaeOld CiMS.
l^illdt d baitaoat of tba HortM
.||k«Pd Bade DoetatarT bAier taeOImm. atad the poblUbon fait that Tiav*aiS»ytStwrocd».d.ia»»«w
^^Mld ORf aad (be Oraad Traroraa
iijllM von oatttled to tba boot that
--------- be had. aad (ba beet b

Ks;,"S s.'5^?.S^rs.i2

---- -



.. S:«dAB.


nmn* lauiaodl* we bum. *r» ns*>nd

■r cirr iMUce tc to. pros. Ui.T«.d «oBidaUM <4 to. iiiadi r .r wu pptiuoi.
torw MueB.... ■■111. mIiI (Uy u

by IWta L. riaicli.






Nor do we give you something for nothing. Just read the
following items. These values are only possible at



Bf haviag a do joor wiafc.

11 SeCMd npK suit Bdik BsUdisc.
Open ToewUy, Thortday an.l Situr.Uy Eveningt.

1.98 Phone*.


FoK iii to


Any dress hat in the house
values up to 7.fdl. your pick
for this sale


.. 29c


Fake sales
Or advertise lo sell at less than shoes cost us. We aim
to givtryou value received in every shoe you buy of us.
We do not try to sec how cheap: our motto is. How
Good. We are never undersold, il the quality in the
Mthoes cuts any figure. The kind of shoes and make
arc never found at job lot sales. We are the oldest
exclusive shoe house in this city ami claim a record of
selling the most reliable footwear.



worth 7a sale



AtuI know the value of I doUir, will appiuciaie the exlrarH.linir]’ ypecid vilue* we haVc pUeed oo
sale m

'Vourie IVItari’8 Clo'khfne;
r™i,.S.iltlhil«rr5S ,l«, V..00, .7.W .ir, Pt«J.
nearly all vires and choice pittcms of difTcrcnt matcrtok. to close out It.............................................................
that were I7 .VI. IX.BlI. »10 um] flYfiO. made of
SU ITS me worsUiK ciBirneres. chevmU. rtc. site* moM.y
35 an.l :iC. a very few smaller aad larger »us.




far this sale.

lin. (or la mid Boncnc--. and Bo
■Ut u eramdl^ ■.
kanot bmB wutc

Any man's suit in the
louse, nothing reserved,
alues up to '^>.00,






Kirk pnnt*. Bold ih^orkl
ox’CT force, tale price...


ucei rod*, tale price.

dress shirts all this’’seasOn's pat­
terns. sold the world ^ver for
1 INI ?nd 1/A for this mIc only- -


Women*' kid lea(her l.onac dip-


Birt’ss.nin calf dress *ho*». strong QQ/s
and solid, worth l.fiO. lor. . • • ^OL/

Wash goo.fl that told up

all out arori it fnHy gamely I in writing, at p. «»
that are reasaoabk.
BKST REU RUBBER PLATES.................... IE.OE


•UdBortc**.. and <!■- atotBir is


Ladies patent corona colt dress
sho(». worth 3.011, sale price -. -

t ladoitry,

Ka 2. new
^n.atUrat8alk.lfw>. 7:Mah.

Barney Enderson




lern Ian Sunday.
a^preseol (aetoty
Hr*. Pnnk Hardy aad ehlldraa of
lUerloeb.'D are tUIUbb retotlTM to
Ornst. Mr. lUtdy hat ranted hU hotel
terlocben nnd expacli to moTe to
___ t tb* capaclly aerenl tiB**
rme City and po in the IWery bo*» aBt to toeaie la aoaa etly where
■ taeRlltea are toad B>d otbar : The West Vnloii Aid met nt Hortcon
at Mrt. WUmo'i. A food anaber were
E k Tiareraa Ctty aad tba npre- la Bitendiaee and all bad a tcod time.
-^re (t tba caBpaay expraaaed Sob* alee gallar Bette watdhrelthed
. S aa bitfily pkaiad with Trar- by Ads WllMo.
* Oty. Hi
Tbe Chaada acbool elated Juae 2t
by a wbool enlertalBBMWI mad box tow^Xated that the
dal. Brerybody enjoyed the ereat.
retail ao au^ la ib« li gind to tee Clareoee
Msbatn l one asaln and able
ter had been oEarad
I. It Wat tiatad ' ; Harry MeFnII bna bam n new houta
on bli tnnn near Gnat eharrti and
I tUi dty uy
at_______ peetp to mote there aooa.
IwoaU ba iub)ael to eoodltkaa
*atr> of Ume weta lalo eSen
(be a n A I. aad tbe Pete H
SWHie Sunday Bornlns.
On tbe (1. R. A I. (rnlct will leave
: The aatenwlta keka----------Trn»rt*e City eonaenios aonb aad
it lha
Bee of Trerme . . toeth at Walioaat t;40 a b. ll io a
M M aeUsB wUl ba takeo tor abooi Por Nortbport. 2 ;2«
iwo weeka, Aoa at
^ nd l:M p a. Traki arrtre
frcBi Nvnhpon at lfl;2(l a ia aad
J;2dp.ia The arriralt fraet eoinaei.
Haal EtMa Traeafer*.
las Ball line ualu are; t:n a b
n C Tikr aad wife le Alt'
l:»b n. aad T Fat.
.............. * F. H- L. i
Two aev tialBt art added i,
IWre Marquette aerTlea Tba aaw

Don’t forget us when you want a Carriage or Buggy. We carry >
a complete line. We have received and sold about 6
carloads this spring and summer.

You will certainly appreciale (h«* cxlraot.linar] Uargaini.



Ommrlne VmrClomI (.tec Mlowmr is especially
adapted for rough land. A very complete Machine.

Timni cm, Bkl.






_ _ _ «bleb TnretaO CHr't b
apaedera will appear, Tbare will be
I athletic cofiteau. tBelodlns
thro*, nmaltis tweet. Joaplasihot-pot aad otbar
gataea *HI be oBored. bat not Ut
ntael U>a aaialear ttaodtns of tb

e City
3. O._____
_ ner E
Batordiy, where ba Bat Btamlnar
r. Carr of Baplra aad Probate
bale Ji
Caapbell Tbe realtaatloaa of‘ r. R.
Dark at eiaBlaer wat pieaaie
tbe board aad Mceptad. Tba asai
tkd Roeord wlB be grtoied tr
Mlat Oella M. Btaele of Nortbport .
paoai aooa afler July liu
preaaated to SIl the raetney and roted
will be Bade la tbe Heiwld tor apoo fariaebir. Mr. DarU heslai bi.
work with tba Leekaao cooiity bank
tM wooka. SI II will Uke
Nortbport aad onable to
^|Mt la parteot tba propoaed plaaa for

that It It beUarod wlO
tba haarty approral of (ba teadqualtSed laaeban of tba a
lodka war daaee nod ball sane
are tba diawlat cards for the Potirtb
bare. The town la bains tally
n wat a toad awtdiat of tbe Foortiled aad a Bood Use k eapeeied.
at Trade to tbe couocll rooBt ha ban teem of UtU place la tettt
day to awei aa outtMa aaao- ) ba qilia awlR aad la ready for a
r <f a drat clai anlcla wbkb It t the nolsbborlitE taaat.
.. ..a ready aarkel In anay par
Tba ckaliit axerdaaa for lha e
-^taM at tba United Buti
nt ware held yeaietday afiertMoo
trhBe (be BOBBtact
aad erenlns In WaltM' ball. A top­
bore la outke a pn
per wat also stree laT^a bataaent of
tb* oeBTaat Tba day w*. ftrorable
SB tSTl_____ aad tba ban was filled to tbe innioai.
...J> Of (be baard The eterclaet were of a Brtt elati
lata Slop w U tbit city wUla order anil pupil, deserve Bocb credit
Mt uu> aenb. Tbe arth for tb* readlUoa of tbe protraa
it owe whleb proaiiMt t
R aad alBoet oaliiaUad daOUUSFI Utfb
aad wblla tlBbar It naad la lu utMOi iimidiiii
tnlrea an tliUa la
Tbli lorallty b sadly Is need of rato.
US Baatfaetare aa to ladirata bats eropa are seitlnt eery dry. BirawberWa la tbe ladaMry wbaearer loeatad. ias are totot to be a eety
K was esamlaad by a htrte nuaiber of laleai It rataii aooo.
■■mil I of tb* board of trad*, city of- Mlu Bditb Johnson of Wasford bat
SSt. toelBdiat eereral of tb* leedDie BapMt to attend tbe Perte BiBaCeMtirara of (ba city who t
unUI tbe firstofo
ShBBPetia K an ateellnt (hint- It
Baa apcBly ezpn

lindd »r», Rtakiptar*,
■Vlowors, M«y


ming roeo.
.. ..
Mb, tao TPa tntani• CIttp
Front SU
lU Travorao

akaa lor heraaBea bat lor OTOfTbodr

.«M* ■> tba wofbanlrdl dapartBeat of
ja* o«oe. a Oca Dopla Web Porfoel.
rata. WBble id pXallad.
gldlac at OBa opontkm tPM faor.
aU. olgh(. (oa « iwelra ma
at ipatalled, aad oUar lBpertaa<
•ddiHoai to (be oBoo (aetlHIao

milwaukee $ Deering


Conaer Cbaia and 1SbariS Cbaadler
r Trarene CttJ bold an
BMmloR and decided that death vat
doc to aeddaotal dniwntor_________

all go on sale, to close ooi. at..................................................

.Mew yooih sSmis that were $12 60. $13.60 and $16.00. it seemi ua(ea«»able i» .
(hem so cheap, but it is our wi) to cl.« out all goods the same aeaaon. if poadhle.
these go now au........................................................................................................................

” S6.45

Toufib of 3ulv

S6im Worts SOC to tl.OO. 01 29c

Men’s Hals 'C,-l?S3 •iS” 25c ann SOc


Goods in this store to make cverj’ one

Choi(» styles but broken inortraems, of toft and
stiff froolA with and without cuff* aad colliTA

These are broken line* of soft and rtiff hati,
browns and blacks and other desirable eolors, ao(
shapes that noooc aouH warn, but good Ryles, beller than yon e'er u* at I'lesc prices.

- ■^r.amAy.lIu*. Kilt

day and night display that are pleasing

aorta trmi dou of tbrCwt Bm . .a >kr

SS'TSi.r.'r‘£ '=5
toaraut a. may han'oi.a^ to («. tor an-osat


happy who wants to help celeUra'ic this
National Holiday.

New novelties for

and harmless. Our

are ail just the kind that work. Whole­


Goal SOI is Black or Tan 2


Rngolar value lijc a pair

Boys' Shirt Waists 39c
These arc best K. i E styfe*. very newest ihiags.
tbesaiae as are sold everywhere, in (be ieadiag
stores, at 60c to 76c. b«e ikow at 3$c. AD sitea

Boys-};;; Solis {KS*4i“.f*i.95
VooH be iDOM happily surprised at this remarkable offenng-The Saits are all Hydish, ofbeRma'
teriala, and none a
worth lets than |8.60. aa
mere of (hem sold i $6.00. They go rto* at $1.9,

*61 25 mnaimHomm

sale orders promptly filled. Get yours at

Tliai were $1 $160 aad SS.OO-aboot fifty pair gaihetwd togethvfrotn brokea aasartioenu of one. ivo,
three aad Vwr pairs of a kmd-eplmdid «yle*, in kid aad palest lesther-weO worth double the price we
•A. Yon’S KC than sear nv CDliaiice. Only $1.26 a pair.

City Book Store


Craam* EMy, nkb.


tem» timt Men tbe nj
opM lor biBL It «M dsrUc
Ue reoi l*n
A. i. BMred. prMd'
lag older cf Oimod TraverM dlMriet.
•esl Ua u eeKrir a e«a dwrge to
BaaM eoBBtr «• the estreat fraotter
of tbe diartrt. <altod to the mltmiM of
that year Bltoa. aoe Croat Viltoit« Mlanta of Ua aoaial eoater-uk«OB to U». -_____________ tke Itol ol Uoae
eelnd on trial to Ue uereltog tsai



lareatyUree yean wbtoh follow
II epeot to the laborlotto,
lee of a loyal tUpcinai '
rt be aerred Ue iollowiBf

Bleed by Johaaoe'a Drug Store ai
M. Mradt Dreggtott Trial hortl.
fond --------. .
Ue peneral liaaklac •f. regutar ttoee 80c tad II.OO
rery pretty waddlM o
tow <d Iflebl^.
OM Mtoataa Saw Mil
■f Cornen WMaeaday
Jane M at Ur hoar of ibr bride’a
Geo. W. Moore,
rr of Ibe Baoktag Depan b« wiu a» W.41UI bna* tbr • <wt 1* M «»»
““ “
ailk aod carried wftle ear
brideemald. MUi I
Wbral. war beeailfully gowned ■
waa b
Mr. George
of• Blacham
tent and roaei and nfiyr
«y a boanilfnl wedding inp^
^h7. and Mrw. I-ut*
I'ltiml preteet*. AI
pretcDt. rcreral being froB Trmrerae City.
lb youeg people hare bece koown ,
from childhood and their Bany |

o yeara: Maatoe. two yean;
dniae eiieoU. three yeara; Belre. one year; Fife Lake, two
Lelloy, three yeara; InUnd.
••an- WllllaBaborc. two yeara;
Uai rhoiild go with a wedded pair.
Aldea, three rean; ...
rMTt That hit ehole alaUterlal life
(f aoarir a auarter of a ceatuw eai THE HERALD AND RECORD CO.
The Gvealog Reconl. hereloforc
tpeet la Ue ptooeer wort rf SorUrre
pubitohed by Thot. T Baler and J. W.
rtetr Hkhlgaa. VIU a beraic deroUMi
Hannra, and the weekly Grand Trnr(hat do M aaoa to hare beta aSected
eiwc Herald. Un 30 yeara publl»h.-d by
to Ue altobtaa doerr tr Ue
bare bKotIi' dftbeoneBed aacr mea. Tb». T. Batee. wtll hereafter be pubbe aceepled the hard -flelds wltboui a JItbed by Ibe Heradd end Record Cob

aad oooae ebo la acqatlBiro pany, a corporailon uoder tbei
eflh the eor% be did «U1 taj tbai be having been complelcd yeaterday. Up
oa aar ol Urn to Ull tiiW Ue Herald baa bean
owned and publlihed by Tboa. T. Baler
'll'oe'ordulV. Ooi of 'be and Ibe Record by Baler A Haones.
raapnny baa ae
who knee him too.1 Inllbaa U aobe aaad hrldi be Ue pnr __
a onlr oaie tealliiKio). "A capital of $40,000. and the whole
aaa eoaUelM br Ue Jaekaoo eoa- ipnd
taoa baa gone to hit reward." amiiunt
roBpaay n
Ooly iaat fall, toBertns latentelr
ling bntloera of I
, While Ula etty faeatrad a anal wHb the rteatoatlam. with which he
r Herald and ibe
bad battled almoat froci yoaib. and
I Ur cnenrive coa
h bad ao crippled hlB that cdias
alogiie prlsilnc boat > carried oo
SSTBDOd bard ahovera ruiiad ibeoi
oBcc. by the -•
mt vUI ameaffoat bnMl ueropt
Tboa. T.
9mTT ahovart oouerrad at Mb Loai
prwrldeot; Geo. G.
toe to Ue boeie of hit wife't aited par__ Mabel Bain, treuurer.
Iff cilf. Here the •ecrecary;
I «at reealTad Toetdar of Ue
ni to relief Iron toll and pain, ....... offleera eonaUtale the •board of
of Hra. GbariM >. ranto. wife and the
"weleoBe hoaie" found him. directora and Ibe entire list of elndir of diewtac ti
U BBleeretty. Hra. Hla laai recorded wordt loW of hit on bolden.
If liiirlncrr re
dawhtor of Marrle U<d tetoee aad Ua
to Btoptre lor bnrial la Ibe

Clmiltoon thli week 2,840


bate aqU to a Pelaakay pariy Hr
gfwaatftl war laiarrlewed tad he
aayt be it at a loat lo kaow how anrh
A atnry woaM te( alarted at Ibei
■baelBlaUbotraih toll. He la alBpIr
to ready iBih
Thoae erao w


■ way place,
C from clviliiaUoB. a faBlIy It
.......t.' ITorra. e'ic. Ibj Ib a lepply
f Biirklen'a Arnica SaIrP. li't Ibe
ear »n earth. !Hc. ■( Jobnaon't Dreg
lore and P it Head*. DniggUU.


TrsvATM City Markbts.

Elk RapWe-Rate 40a.
Paleekey—Rate flAO.
. Sunday. July
Trnio wUI Intfe Turerae Cliy ai
00 a. b. See poaiera. or ark agenir
rr^^lcutora^ F Moeller. C P.
4U ef July.
One fare for ihc round irlp.
uly ind. 3rd and 4lh. Reli

$2.50 to $5.00

Betttoiw' Farwt te Ua SeoU and Seutbtfekeu os
Oee way.
tale at all atatlooe on to
Taeadaya of each BOnth. Aak aganta
for partlcolara.
Wortd^ Fair, SL Lntiln
Round trip ticketa at low ratei. on
• at all Udiel ataUoDt. Ark
ralea. Kali of tfeketa and fi



Either tight lining or boa style, excellent in make­
up. satin lined, hardly an evening bm what one would
feel comfortable.

Nobby SUk Coats $5.00
(ust ri'c< iv( il a new shipment uf box style taffeta silk
coats, this i- a i*'ii>ular price, and the coats are unusually
good.for the price.

regular prices.

fU^a^ axfhM tmt ipeed Ue day la Ue baaail-'
iai M am prora oa Ue bay thore.
VlHnwnibaabaakatpfcale.aAdreaa<B by Bn. U B. Carpeater of Wll-


Woron’a giyliih Oxtord*, paieni ups. goo.1 wearei*.
ptber Green t
Hanb >. Ittt. BriMb...........
anlted to Barrlage to Htoi Mary Blrmley. Her. A. J. Eldred oariailito. Two
ebUdroB CABt to Uclr hose. The flnL
daotbtur. Carrie Bother, poated
ay June 8. 18*7. at Ue age of Ulrleea. Sweetly the tod to aingfog.
-Jeana. lorn ef mj aoal.’' <and bee Uti
____ eera. "I aball be flnt to go to
Ibal beanllhl city." The aecoed. a

Ua mam tor M daaa balorc thto
■laitortothttoltowtopptoeee: Ward
Pa. L Mra. A. HeOap. Hra. K. HlUa:
•wd Me. t. Itoa. doha Bauito; ward taanbood, aUll corTlrea to
lb. t. Iba. CkarHa WUMb: ward No. auatata the wMowed awiber.
4 Hn. W. r. Caalktaa: ward No s. The foncral war held to Ue benoll- Itoa. C. d. Baaa. Raealpca wUl br il lluto ebnreb boIR OB Ue Bimley
jH-toatoBtoroa-beaUadMar. eatato. and waa targety attchded. In
Ibe ahaeace of the writer. Rer. A. J.
Sdnd eoBdocted tbe emlcea. aaatoiB kadt cf aeuben of HePbar- ed by Bna. Miller. LAnfaaa and Keoat weal to Maple City ton week aedy of Tiarefoe City. Wlltonl Henlb
Uar had a IM ttoee aad were of Old Mtoaloa. a conferOBce ctaaaBale
of Bra. Oran. Carpenter ..........
1 and Rer. I
bus. Mcraboe of lalaad.
O. A. I. Ai oM
aad a ptoato to Ua pnrre ai waB at torn, pastor of Ue chi reb of Ue n
Iba oat of the hall wod enjoyed by ctple*. Trarerve City.
Honop D Carrel.
Ue eMota aad Ue Maple City '
Cb tba
' morn aad a'eaiBde e
«C the lealBiea.
P. C OObart baa ratal
re be erect
BBtMte AB totoMtkBoUuid^ la
jblBldf BIMliHt cf a torte baBlMr

________ iraatc ....................._
b Min that tba retodenu of .. .
parttoa of Ue etty aaar Ue werht ran
Mt cMare It. It It claled that It It
IrtlSap ahade treat aad eorertos teal
•aaaea wiu a eoattoc of deal wblek
sa ef Ue booaaa a*
>. It to aato that

Cbtaf ef Ponce data Beaato atata
U tba Herald Ula work that tba
d to Ur
ir aae of tia
oharerr '
There la
dtotota wmBItoS Uclr aaetotbecarBMMaUtotoMU they cnaaoi be eabd

matoa practically at before. Tboa. T.
Bate* bartog direct charge of Uc Her­
ald at editor and manager, aod J. W.
Hasnen at cdlior aod inanacer of Ue
Rreslag Record. Hr. Haonco alao
haring charge of the Job prinUng depenmesL Geo C. Date*, prcaldeot of
the American Poultry Jonroal Pnbllahlng rampany of Chicago.
JO. will
— notpan in tbe Herald and
Record Compony. bat will eonttone to
Chicago burineas.
•I Bale* wll comloue Is charge of
>a*lne*a ofilcc.
of Ue organlia
of Ue Herald and Record Com­
pany la tbe IciproremenC ef Ibe enllie
Bechantcal eqalpoiesL Ue Boat Importaal additloa being a Dnplox Web
Perfecting newapaper preaa. a preaa
will print apd fold complete
5A00 four, *li. elgbi, ten or iwelre
page papers an boor, at a single prois the latest


newspaper* of from 8,0000 to 15,f
It is nisatalled by an expert aest by
aanutoriorera, and will be In
lo about a week. Other ImTbe Free MetbcHUt Mp meetly operaUon
to inercaac Ue capacity
•d Tnenday nlgbt with a aennoo by provemenu
; commercial printing c
P. T. HoQghL who to the general
In prugreu. Inclodlng coeuldcrable
-Mtaca bar* been very t«na>- iw
equipment Is complete
fnl and bare ben alleoded regnlarly by
Herald and Record pUnt and ofbetwen Urae aod foor bnndred people the
rery emtog. There were forty Bcc will Itr ihe moM complete and
•ata oa tbe grotmda.
Good order baa preraltod daring tbe
.eettogx and a large nnmber of TOrrakma bare been jaade. There wlH publlrhors bare great faith In the
be oo pobllc bapiialsg aa tbe coererta cltj's
future, aod propoee to be pre
will be bapilaed by tbeir home mlnlapared lor all emergeocle*. belierlag
loUtog is too good for Trarersc
iDd that It la the eoniae of wlso be ahead of Ue proceasioD.
raibcr than is Uc front rank.
Herald was csiabllibed to I8U.
John Bam died Tneadar
o'clock of cancer at bis b<
unlly *
yean after an lllaei---------- -------- - It* borlneas baa grown xteadl
hatasiial maeacr. the I:
bobU*. Hr. Bam was a well-icwlo
U-lDg known aa Ibe mi
I farmer
irmer of Wei
and rornpleic to North*
known ts this regloa. being
Ue nrlleat setiaera. Dccenaed
««Tbe Evening Record sms etubltobnl
Inres -a __
aad four cblldm. 1-kr.A
Robert Bam. ---------t'■ Uoaroe I I80; and by steady strides, atlmnIgtcd
by a progre«sire policy and a
rr Aboot a year agoir.u
firm porpose of reUablUly It baa beBartx. died.
> recognlaod aa KorUera Hlchle fnsecal ' aerrice will be . .
1 mart progrresive and Influential
from tbe CaUoUe chnrcb at Mayfield
cr the direetkio of l dally.
at It o-cioek
Tbe bastoct* of boU papers ba<
U Aifn.
grown cowlanily during Ue past tew
year* anll1 Incmaed tacUUto* hare
Tattott Alrard died at ball wt one becoae aa abulute necetaliy. Better
dock at Ue borne of bis an Frank
tacUltta hare been Uh drat care

UtBbto. Had be tired naUI Oct
< be wooM bare been eighty year* old
For Ue PM three moath* be baa been
111 sad for antral days
ikat death waa nly a qaextloa
Mr. AlTord was rtoHlaf bto oca here, Herald and -Record C . .
bartog spoil Ue wtotar wlU another
r no pains nor expense to ma
•on to Ue oaoUtra gait of Ue state.
tbe Erenlng Record aad Cra
He toft fire anas sad two daagbtna.
~ r MSI are Btward of MUdtoporL N.
a la the cHy. Sercrnl «
WBliam aad Bert of Htotoad. Jnahare bM
of Laportn and Prank of Uta city.
traUm aadttechtofb
Hla two daagblen an beU to DnlitdL
Caabtor J. T. Hannah of Ue State
aak baa recelred ocuiactui fttm
—* aal Ula prruatlw la batoc
Gnrge W. Mnnroe. cxnmiaibmer of
Atoetd dtod «Kh a
of tbe Detnft traaody that
iTTOrem City baa
bto daagbter EMe. Tbe i
cKy for Ue stoto baakh of
tbe day that she waa shot be bad ben
Thto means Uat aute baak
tatotag M bar aad wtoUag Uai obe hndi caa te iaportted ben and i
««add «eua bama. Sbs bad wrtttn a drawB on laeecgetatsd____________
baakx U*
Mttor JUUas that abt CDoM aot COM ■a Oraad Raplda. BotroH
oft nadCW____
aad CbtoagD.
Joo Ibn bat woadd non. Attar Ibat Thto to Ue ttoly «Uy notU of OfaiA
BtoBdMtoto Mtofe bat d« been
Ufa pear Md ae there to lo be w ....
Aatotoa to tbto city tt to hardly likely
l|M piTBliSw wlB be Wren.
. A atep tortbar baa bau taken aad
~a Math cartfUaea or caara ire’___

$10 and $12 Covert Coats

'S,r ss:

bp Oaada awtft. Dabi 1
•ibal H.Ctooa.

Tba MMoal atoottao of Ua W. & L
A.wOlbabdUtoUaL.Lt parton

Of all the styles for summer, the shirt waist. suit
tical.^ it is
firsl'rank. and of all styles it is the most practic
the only practical idea for traveling or. outing.
outing, Can lx__ _
Wash goods are
madee of almost any
anv k
kind of goods.
panicularl)' adaptable. Ibecause when soiled, they are so
___ >- come at such low prices that it
easily laundered. They
is almost false economy to make them. We are showing
some very charming suits, handsomely made and
anil m
in gixwj
materials, and arc modest in price

While our special lu»- prices prev.iil.
I wn iloll.irs will
do the work of three ai our More. .-Ml new. «>iy!i!vh. re­
liable footwear, which wc back up with our uuaraniee
to wear just as well as you would e\t>cci if we asked

____CBMir Bebool CoBBl^
Crtop; Lyto Tbonaa. Bra
----TbOtopaoB. Hlaale
Wiay. kdaa dpdlka aad onto BM
HP ter a Ulr*«^ ceiHaeate. Sec-

- - —k Laka. WUttoMbarp aad



Wonen'g Homo Slippen, lots of wear an<f comlort.


ShneloMdgRiJfiiJtl. SlnelBiilmniFiMiiinnmttrMifJlL

Mai;i S6 Imported Pateiit Leaxher Shoes, *1 just half
Men’s $4 Walk-Ovet Shoes, a few stylet e
Ucd’s $1.76 and S$ aU soIi<l, Satin Cali Shoes. ci
Meo’s SLM Sum Calf Shoes, to clean up broken lots,
CbiUrcn's Shoes, all solid leather, t;reat wearen,


Jtlfnd V. Trkdrkb

How to Keep Cool
When iiTO Are Hot.



me Can Give Vou
The best for the price in

Feed, meal. Bran, middlinas,
Corn and Oats

I* Heat Beer or Singer Ale. We cell Singer Ate In pint or quart betUet- But If you want a let far a amatl
amauni buy a battle ef Hire’a Real Baer far a quarter. Set ana yaaal c:ke and UK o.ll make five gallant
af a* gaad a caaling drw<h at you w'" And. But----- if yaur peaple pul up any dandylian «ine ar aldaebarry
W<ne then take yeur Hire’e Bber and Ue yeaet cake, twa and a haH gailena ef either urine and two and a
haH gailena af water and you will have ue ma*t delroeut drink you ever laated. Wc have Ue beet ef lemont
far lemanada and the n.eoet arangee far orangeade.

ef *c te kind for dinner. Ahevid you
;hing i trcrenl every day. The aame with
a all theaa yaurMf. Vau ean da it In Ue caaieat i

We buy nothing but the best grain and you .jei the



For Wood Wort tad Ftiraitme which has becotoe marreil'
« worn, when cated with Jap-a.Lar i* reticwml awl besalified. For Knens—BiilliaBr .Black jap-a-Lne prokmgs the
bto of wire cW^ and oUet cators itsed cm the frames makes
them look aa geiod as new, also eiraUem to bngfaten op
Wkim-FflUrtme, Refrigerators. Linotoan.. Oil Cloths and

Bepdflls Prtpaftd Paints
For an o«t»k or ioide paiRtmg.

€. Olail « Sens

The beat fracier that ia made. We have oaW hundrade and nft a atogte complaint. After yeur material le
pi^ared and rAtiM fraaaer it can be ready to aarve in FIVE minutaa. It la a wdnder. truly. Wa hpvt
uem from one quart far 81A0 te IS quarto far |taoa Vau wilt hmra ulaltere Uie aunwner, you wHI have
frienda happen in. a rorapHen er an aftemean gathering. Nothing aa aa Km la be aervod. Than you

nanL Bema naw dainty panirm Iram ft
Uc U filAO the doxen. Vau wUI naad drink­
ing glaaata and euch a heat of beautiful daalgna to efioodt from. The axtromaly thin in cithar plain ar adgraved are Uc Mwa«L ««e to »1A0 the daoan. eiaia pitohara in oil manner of ahapaa far ice-water artomei*ada from ZSc te $1AS. A iwee Una af dainty finger to
aquiiier. Ua boat you can boy far tan aenta.


iverse Regbn.
m «wt •( MUlca *»1
LM»t mtTwoiM rviBrwd U
an. C»n« Kain
HtM la Ut

Sl"5?.-«rssi-^ “jr^rss.t.ifis.s:

are here la tb
laca aad May-----------------day aad Suday vlib Mead* la

torr eaaredaca Heuday e>
Moa abe dedrered aa ormlhU. Hbe C«ra Tbcua*. atleaded
oaucarcBcat cxerelaee.
h. Betaloai of Sottoa. Bay

U D. BUtBoac'lefi (or bb hM
Aibca* tbb BocalasMr. Hcrrlll <d Tfar«»»* CIIT
Ftor^ brae arc raslB( arvoa.
gaa wtrt oe A. P. Orar'
bat auilauace ai yet exetyK la bora
>. <Oulaad ruiccd <pccr Ike claebiaci aad deatnvlas
Hr. nd Mra. R. P.
at Eir hut vac*
Bday trlepboee poba, Uxrefay------—
n will be a da
P« ly Mrafaa.------ -----li b rUUIacbei
____ viJ taraUb uiule. loa ereaa ■aaay trleadc la Beados.
*in be »cr»cdTbc Beadoa W- C. T. I'. beld
lual Bceltac May I* at the badu
Uk*. Memt txuaiea Umm »«■-R. Carpeaier. Tb« folk)-lay oS
nwiiii •»< »K«
ecB verc «4eei«d:
Ur —
Della BoirauB: vice preetdrai. Mbi
5*JSie «alM al O. D


far tke aa«i week.


••e* TO the tladraaea.
na UilM Aid mrt al Hra. iefca

'tss'v.r.TJss'i-. o~
toUchC taaec, ««». dry TOtbCT-

Hn. A. Ball oa
re, to
Id. 1»M. a eoa.
.- Haaec:
Have Bamna •P*“

_______ expert*
day* tbb week TteUla« at tbe
Poonb la sraod «yle.

Lacy Baldvis
eelebrvie tb<
Coair and aee

Hn. 0. W. Welddl

atUMdlac taadMrtlBf a
Came .puarof ■*/>*»
the oeei ot Ittai Bbby HDb

||»B^n^&^tlrd rebtirae bare
H^PrvaV Wlboe at TraeiM

paal ecbool year
boor tor tbe eamarr.
doba Clrt of DMolt rielted hb etater. Hn. Cbaaaera. tbie week.
Hn. J. A. PeaDlBCtoB b bone (rcMb
II b BM aalalBC TWT r

a mrs*aadMmci aad oae ae» roamt.
Pr^Ms the ] ■I «f Ibe -or*.
esBaaretaracd I


Mb* Scrip-

Oood Harter to aptendldly repreemed at tbe Sunday adiool conTco-i
Uoo yr-tarday. Some M Ibe other

demand Herberi SuSltSTVefi IM
for Ue 81. Loub fair.

baa takes bb Imbr
Day and family hare
_______________ ae of their k« OMtace.
-U-Hei Lodse.~ for (be aunoser. They
'by a friend fram De-

B. Hooulf sad ehl
Otada at tbb ptaee the


baMlfor Ibe

Hr*. P. TIbbeu baa bro <m
Mtk ttn tor tbe paal veek.

“Tbe Oarii." bolll by Mr. Baker of
CbMco. It open for tbe aeaaoo
Dr. Burke'* and Ibe Clark eotlacec


at ^ I

«n at Norwood.
X Oere of Waylaad rltlled a frv
«V* InM weak at U. 8. Oulnaefa
Hn. BIreb U atayln* al Jack BtllT*.
bsHda* are for Ibeir Imby.

I. W. J. Van
er aad Mira A
_____ HIM Boaa bat taken a eoua<e
or bemeU and IriebdA
F. Jure pot anmad ibdir bulldlw I* a '“Vta
1d a box nodal ic

aad many eomrvli _
hb loaa. Hb datubler.

hlu at
Hr. Glib kepi
boiH la Lelaed tor
IM bold oScee of tnut
«e,y. He
aberiff of Ibe eooaly
ro term* mod abo depoty ibe i
leepb of tliae Foaeral aerrle»
held 10 tbe U. E ebnteb al LeUad oe
Wednenrtay at S p. m, Rer. Deeii ff
tM. place oBdallBA Mr*. D. L Boas
and Hn I. U Daau ot Ihb Place

eierr one day la«i -eek.
Hr. and Hr*. Gebretl vIMUil al
Roddy* ycaierday.
Mr). Arthur Bennelt- * re a party
rr_ ber'daucbler
k.«-.l<ue>ilar Mollie
Unllla li ■I Saturday
afternoon. Il beln*
birthday. Ire erean
Quite a number eprnl Saiiirdty
evening ai A. Burro-*' and enjoyed
lee cream. A company of IB tlw
Canuie'e tbc aame evening
ed Ire cream and n)u*Ir HU a
Mr. Xldder began vnrk t> hi* bam
Hr/. Barrow* and daucbier Roee
klllril a larce fox a abort line ago.
They beard a nolae near Ibe ben coop,
vent out. *a« ibe fox and ran after

bnxe* -ere elab1* plain
oraldr decorated
Eble. Sheridan and Van

a few day* la

Hr. and Hra. Janet
drove to MlnUaippI laat
la fan are -eh
by tbdr frieadA The
ned-aillM bouse o-aedbyttaE
_____e ptwad
ptyvad osbeani.
osbeanby^ m
-“■y-- advaaced aad they todud
a Bakar vtitud a

Hr. aad Hra. Chat. VltkoehU -etii
(0 Tkarerte Cliy Mat Friday.

OM Hlacto -hero tbe ^ baea riallhv bar *IM*r.

la io*n
1 Tiicaday erenlDK.
Walter Gordon and Mlaa El«le WIIIlanuon. popular young people of our
village, were nolled In marriage at
Traverae Cliy oo Saturday. They have
the beat -lahe* of ibeir many friendi
‘li.’*E’c'^Vaa ne Walker of Sutton*
lo*k on Tueaday erenln*.
A party coetUtlng of C.
_ Braaihen.
J. Uioey. Mareu* Hoyt. E C. Morey.
E C. Van o Walker
e down from
d tltended



lertyl a
; week.
Alex CMpbell baa returned borne
from bla sludle* at Ana Arbor.
Ftaak Jocrirn of BHa* rialted
Hr. Povellt laat -eta.
CbtUran'* day exerdan here Sun­
John CInE -a* tame a few dara of
day -me -ell aUeadod. A aa
latl week, called here hr Ibe aertoo*
IMm North Milton aad Toba
niDMt of hto tlstre. Hr*. 8IU Uaane
c Frieodt Soaday ataool and ll

Morriaoti aad Haltle Tarrel
■ogetber and bare a pknlc oo July ttb
■Bi Rapid* BUeoded toMgue at Bk on Ibe west tide ot Lime lake. EveryImke »
I* milled lo JolB wltb them aod
t to North Hlllon

aa to* from nodal at the Bk Lake
Orange ball Baiordty blgbL Everyoae
tavlted. Ban game la ibe afienmoo

A. Qlbbt.
Hr*. Maud Hodgat U tpaadlag a.
dayi with Mr*. Boae Tark- -eat
HIra Baby Barick went
■ta Saturday on a three -aekt' vlait
to her atoter. Hr*. Uaad Barage
Mia Seeley made a trip to
ere* CKr Batarday.
HIn Amy WeMrnta TO eaUlng oo
friead* Tueaday. She to <m '
to tar hotae tor bar aummer
« Aagnal Oran aad taally •
«ar la Travera* City Hoadai.
Htoa Harian OIbb* baa retaraed
tram OUvet. -here ah* to the gu**t
> at bm oantlB. Hto* Ktbel OIbbA dar-


Hra Uonaldaon drove .to Empire
Tbnnda) . remralag Friday.
Hra. IVLorm HeQneer la vtolllag
dead, and retatlvea In Empire.
Roben ricUngtalln -a* boaM- from
Empire oier Sunday.
Hr. n'hlaaery prraebed In (be
Priendi*h:ireb Sunday evealns
Mr aad Hra. Punip* beld serrlce*
at Pan Oneida Sunday.
Jennie llright vlalied her parenu la
Baal Kas/un Soaday. Sbe ->* sra«<m.
panled hv Ml** Beriba Dull


Some from here have beeo exposed The Moat Patient Travetat City CItilo the amallpox. We hope, fan—ever,
that they -III not have li.
Hiickleberrie* are-«eiilaK ripe. They
Nothin* apoll* a good dlaptwlllon.
plentiful Ibl* year.
Nothin* t*ie» a man'* paUrare.
bui ttacydry
Bira—bwriee are ripe, but
Like licbloea* of the aklo.
ealber ha* hurl them.
Ilchln* pile* almoai trlre yon rrat:
Evan Prieel tpeol Sunday Id TravAll day II makes you mlaeralile.
All night li ke,tp* you *-*We.
teb' Itch' Itrb! with no relief.
I Metirk i
p with e
ehln* lu
p from tcratehli
Can hardly keep
Fled Howard to taarlas a -all laid
knnw 11
You would do so bui
pd..r hit houte.
makes i< worse.
The -Ladlat' HMp Band" -III moet
Sucb mitcrie* are dally d«
wltb Mr*. Blggar on Wedneaday.
People are learaln* they
*1 I’nIoD Aid met -lib Mrs. Wil­
ton la*i Tbnratlay. A goo<1 time i> re­
LearniB* Ihe merii of Doan's Oiniported.
Grant church Aid meet* -lih Mr*.
ptenty of proof that Doto* OlnlCatrio Dixon Wo^tcaday.
Mit -ill cure Pile*. Eeiem*
Tliorr -at a full bouse at the league Ichineta of Ihe akin.
meeting last evening. Mrs. Laura
A Ihe teetimnny r
1*71011 I* leader next Bunda)- evening.

Charlie Atkintoo
trip to Olen Arbor on
thnr aad Edward Scbl
Honitoo. TexBx. vlilled Ibeir reUllvet.
. .
.. borne wedding
I Mr. and Hn Pbeatx
Pbeati. [for
tolemnlred by Rev. Rich of the ConThey ipenl tome time Ita St. 1
gregailnoat ebureb at ihr honre of Mr.
leadlo* Ibe expoaliloo.
and Mr* II
Ru** on Tuesday e
Hra. Decker
Hitt Eva Sura
pedro party
PeUT Wurzburg being the eootracUng
- 'itfully la< Satorday algbl. Hr. a
parlU-, The .eeretoony took place at
p each vran oBe of i
7 A m. In the
tbe parlor, -bleb -a*
lasieBov. U a Carpeator -eat lo Battle
rrr enjoyable Bm« «
fally decoraled for tbe occasion -Itl.
Cbaak lad Thornday to attaad tbe tpeol by tfao
■tale Bparortb League eonreailoe.
Albert Feierlyl and Mr. Hantiovafcy flo-er*. In the presence of relative*
The MItte*
Hr. aad Mr*. bae*t retanud home —' ion* 'of Traverae Oty apeot last and Immediate friend*
Hmie John and Winifred Gagnon
Hat week after vMItlng her parenu.
uDoay B1 me aoiramflrc.
Hr. aad Hn. HarriBglim.«<ir Maple
Hr. Prcucll left for Ctakago Friday -ere bridetmald* a
Vkata Back. Ruth and Dlaacbe Car
-eddiDR breakMr. and Mr*. Pellkan. Hr.
a White went to Charserved and the bride anc
Ibe lop of
groom left on the train for Su Loul.
to altMd tbe dittriel
high. '
league coaveatioa.
and Uneola. .Nehtmaka. On arriving
leicu h
Bora, to Hr. and Mr*. Fraad* Obeli, the raMrd.'naklng tta dltVanee
■tanee of a at the deimt here they -ere abowered
girt, but It lived oaly a sbarl Uau.
mile and a haU In SflMB and a ball -lih rice and their trunk -aa deco­
Hr*, r. E White veal lo Elk Rapid* mlnote*. from Tiaverae Lake rcalrt. rated »1ih ribb..A old thoc, and
Ml FrWty.
Frank Prearil eanghl a large airing algo. "I'aughi tl la*L" They were
OkUdna'a day -a* observed at our of Sne creeo bata and oerch before a rt>cc|>ili'D awalied (hem at Trarerio
ling, ntlag tbc
Cliy. and Inttcad of gulag to i
itasi laat Tueaday.
• arc barini
e Ten- hoc dry pot Ih.-V gut uB near the city
driven lo Ke<
......................... .reailv needed.
Abool i«enly aueeu are expected
p pe
next week at tbe Traverae lake re-

b numerou* *
aa "L>u-r Dov<
over." ^ I
you," At borne
ne July hi."
eonirac la* panlut are -ell kuo-n
her,- aud it Traverae Cliy.
at one time being eitj Uvas
bride I. oae of Nortbpuri , mutt pop­
ular young ladle* -lib a wide cirele of
friends, and for the paai yi-ar has I
k genial
for Mis* BuahbeU
ngvetypopbualoeae and auclal dr
Tbe many friends ot the happy
p Jom ui Jo -tobing them a long
lirosperous -cddivl lire. The
* Myrtle John and Winitr ' G
non aroompanlcd the bridal i>arty
m Cliy and Keysi
K Rraauo and Ur.
drove >vcr (ram Leland Frida)' after
Hra Jobs Kebl left Tueaday for a
Ttolt at her oU home i It Battle Creek!
of Trav /rse Cliy (pent
Tuesday In ii. _
MIti Ella Buabnell arrived
from Alma thto week for a visit
relatives and friend*.
Mr*. 1. L. Dame and ton Roland
spent Monday In Traverae City.
Hto* Kale Novotny left tbto week
for Traverse City on her way to OM
Hlumn. -here she -ill spend tbe

H. J Soobr of Sutton* Bay apeni
ill pr<mt± at the CongreBBUoatl chureh next Snuday.
Tueaday In town.
Mr* DU Uannatord I* a little better
Mra. George Voice left Tburaday for
Traverae City, -here the -at called
Hr. ami H^ Kitchen ot OIra Arbor to the deaUi ot her tlcter.
vlaltM MrA Klteheo^parwnu, Mr.
J Utney of Suttima Bay vaa In town
aad Hra. Webb, laat Saaday.
Tueaday evening.
Mr. aad Hra. Will Scatt aad________
Georg? Letlle hai returned tram
vtolted at W. H. Ck-k'a last Saaday.
Charlevoix, -here be webt as delegate
A par.y of young people fram tbi*
Orth leagae
place riflied Sugar
ir LAf
IBM Snnday.
Fkird Hmner of Central Lake to tbe
gtieat of Rev. J, D. DettA
J. Armstrong and -Ue aad MIti
of the t??t?Sah^'^
tavaetM II Mt.

and HrA Burdge of FUe Lake
have beta vtolllag ibeir daagbur. Mra,
J. F. Huthe«A of CUa village.
Hto* Bnata Tboraat retaraed borne
fwta njlTCt Ikls -aek. Sbe -a* antd-

the ciimax of high-grade instru­
ments. Sold and guaranteed by
the makers themselves. Indorsed
by the leading musicians every­
where. Factory prices and most
generous terms :::::: : :

need to tMr aoddea allaek* ot
ebo1ermlBfaBtiUB.drseetery. dlarrhoM.
or lumner conplplnl. of you bare Dr.
Fb-ler** Bnraet of Wild Sirawberr?
la tbe Bedldae ^eet.

We BOW bare l-o train*-------G. M name ipeni Soaday -Kb bb

TkaretaTaw i
r. WUbatm aad bM l«o s

. _
la -eat lo P-toakey Salt

Scald bead b aa ecteaa ot tbe acalp
—very leirere eotaetliBee, bat It

That ThrabblAO
B’ould qnldily '
UfeSui. Thou
Kisr> »
1 ut lufferen bare proved tfaelr

y make pore blood
iBinoo. -here be -III mume hb p
Tbe lolasd ebarse read iriih .
tbe death iwilee at Rer. D. A. Greee xtiion a* Bni mate on the ear ferry.
No erenln* »errlcc -a* held al tbe
Brother Oreea -aa on tbb ebarpr
E. rbiireh Sunday erenln* beeaote
Ihr lan-oll to Mr. Rich. Serrlce.
!• pore life aad lovinp iplrn- held In the Coojneaaiiooal
irch Rev. Rich delivered hb fareShake lr<te Vour sr>«e*
II eermon Sunday morelng and the
-.lee*, boib rnornln* and erenln*.
re -ell attended. Tbe ebureb ba»
e tann.'n l•ella^ haylnn
fe- nf
potehaned • ne- orsan and eoyoynble
taebtor f—alMc red
It tea
Hlu Dims ended
Mr*. L Reunauver 1*
dliinct No. S hj bln* an c
tlv.f and friend* In Pn
enlBK. In '
rm la*i Tburrday
le rhlldren dU inurn ereoit to loeoi- Lelaod.
Scrvlee* -ere held ai
•elrei and learber. .After the eahiblon Monday.
riayed tor <be box cnclal.
Rindse and family ot Grand
>f flk TO
a ral»ed. Ibe »
Rapid* hare arrived at
Trareme Point.
Haltle Hiimp*eh I* home tram
rblUnc ai her Gnndpa
Mr, Reynold*' people are ni* Rapid*.
y lor Le.v
I’urkla* It
> 10 apend Ibe Fourtb and
Cbeneaiix It_____
- .
ill coInK lo Green
pleaaure yacht.
- of a plea^un
Mr* Halne* had
Harbor Sprin**
H. Head of Hi
■I their mile boy e crave In

a harlBc hit

Do the wise thing—buy the piano
that wiil give you service and satisfacUon—the ceiebrated : : ; : :

ty ««•“ •« »»• PtoJ U«i-. ISdaw^UoIi^ aad BawM
trooblea BMcOrte Bitten - ...
Oely dde. H'a TOimate^
B-a Dnc Store aad F. "
Mead*. DracsbtA .

boBe la Lslaad at ibe at

Vri A. Bkn’liter b csBtacd to Ibe
Tbc frteetb trbo bare beeo rltHtu
bo^ with lob
- - ^
-at Charlea Hayaard’a tbc pact itr<
veekt froat ike couib. reiuraed


I aad aU nmak I TO tadaead
d tbe ree-R
red at OTO

vlib OB toacee.

■d MeOoaaU b vorUat ea tl



Ser. RM aad fauDy left Moadar
■oralBC oa tbe stcaarr llUa^ They
vUI b* CToatll’ ub*d by IbMr a^

W. W. Kimball Co,
129 Front St.

N. E. STRONG, Mngr.

I' vco'ihinjt in Small Instnimcms. fthtt-i Music. TatkinK Machines, litc.

Our July Clearance Sale

This year wiil eclipse any sale ever made in Traverse City in
money saving for you on reliable goods and new customers for
us, for we have such exceptionally large assortment to select
from that you can get just what you want at just what you
want to pay, in everything to furnish your home.
3U0 differenl ttylet of

Su ID* Pricu

RocMna ebairs

We are making on a large aaaortraenl of Sidebomdi and DaffeU.

Ranging right along in |*iec frora
ilSc Di> to a beautiful, l^e, roomy

The)' CM you about wh« a common dealer pay* fat them.
A full tire, -ell finished .ideboat.1, -oflh $16. only ....' -. 10.7 6
Next price, worth $18. for only.... ......................................................... I I -76

A good. weU matle, high btak,
oak r^er, spring seal nitoolslerdd

Next, a beautiful genoUe } aawevi oak. worth $S6.60, tor..27.60

in leather, for only.............. .6.60

n ntc« cfn«
of ButUts
At **ine prtoxJrtiooal price*.

A Oreenn of S13 Weal .Ninlh
I. *ay»: "I bad itebing hetnorr.
bolds for many yoara. In -arm wealher they -ere particularly painful and
annoying and -ben 1

Jl Pint cine of
ebina eioMti

us.-d a number of sn-ealled
Doan'* Olnimcni Is ihe only
thing -bl rii g*v<- me entire relief. Ii
did iH'tleT than thi-.

A nice, Urge. * axweil oik
china clo*et. |»i!i*bed. glait
doort,8Us*en.It( worth $18),


The lame
eterjUionally lo*
prK-c* right Ihreogh ov full line of
leather nphoUteied and leather
scat rachera.
A fine li^e a<aamnent of

msrris ebair*
At prices that will enable every perton to have one of these motl comlortablerhaiiA A Mriid oak Morrit
Chair, wi.le arm*, two reversible euahions l>»rk adjiisis to any position,
'« o«'y...................................................4.76

far only......................... if .76

r., -ole tgenls fi.r the United States.
Rememu-r the name. Doan's, and take
nn other.

.‘^6.S'exi is a liraoiiful i tawe-l g
A beiutiiul five-piece Parlor Set,

Energy all gone! HoadaebeT Stom_rh out of order? Simply a case of
torpid liver. Bu'rdork Rlood nittera
-UI make a tew man or woman of

Mlsfouri lawyera -ho practice be­
fore Judge Phillip* of Ihe federal dl*I branrh have the liighesl rerpeel
hi* honor In «plie of hi* marked
,. .iillariil.'*. Not Ion* ago a joung;
fellow, -hothrmgh lgt>or*Rbe.htdTlo-|
-d the I'nited State* slattilc* to
iRhl l.efiire him and —as senlenretl
l«r a fine of tHh". The father of
prtooner. an old German, -ho made
living by selling vegelali
eoun with a liavket of
old man exptalovd that Ihe coin*
>e. Judge
the saving* of a lung time.
er * laa
!llp« c
y»-r and i
e boy *
Hist Rne
d. —1th
iptmn. tbe lawyer, dxlared
lUld donate his service*

Hundred* of live* saved every year
by having Dr. Thomas' Ecloetric Oil
In the bouse Just -hen ll to needed.
Citr.-y eruup. heat* burns, ruts, wound*
of every sort-

Aod to oo right up
>acki, (worth
tbelvet, mirror hack:

sis jgS, 2*4“.

nil c

A fine.-cll

First National

the prices we are making
iht-m entblet ever)' one to
have one.

.“^..“5 7S

Our stork of Porch and lAwn
<; is com|4ele, atui SKK

And ao on tight through our
large line of cilenaion labici.
Of coiirae we have kwt of
but j-ou eaonol stTonl lo buy
a cheap table when you can
get a beautiful table that --ill
laat you a Iifeiiine xt the
prices art are making on
them BOW.
We eaiT) a full line of the eelebraie-i VICTOR Kxieniion TableA
They carry their leave* right m them; all you have -xioT^topun
Ihe table oul and raue ap the UaC
A fine, aoli.1 oak table, guaranteed in every -ay for 10 yean . .9.76

A gooil luitnmnck chair is
ccmfonalde chair lo ail im
You can recline it to any poai.
liod, goorl soUd ftamc loldt up

Camp Slooli that you can carry ii
well made camp-stool, only. ..

your hanj any (dace.

We have an excejaioDaliy Urge line at price* that cannot be duplicatetl Our aasortment ia lO Urge that you can get a center Ubie
at any price you -am to pay, boo CSc up to......................... | 2.50

I of beautiluJ Couchc^

Our regular price* are be­

low others' tpecisi, so when we make a cm il enable* yoa to gel first
d*M good* for what you would have to pay other* for cheap stnC
See owqiecial $4.76 oooch.

See our qieelti $S.60 eoneh.

See ottr special $S.S5 coach.

See oor qmdal 18.76 cxweb.

See our beauliful adjustable bead Davenport for......................... | 9.60
>big cot oo price

^ g^.

Folding lAwn and Porch Settees, Urge enough he three peotde, weU
made of good maple timber, nicely painled re<l or green, loid t


Several different flyle* to »eleci from.

.ecBtcr CaMcs «ml Parlor CaMos

We iSboe drafts payable
is fereifB crantries.
WbeneTer yon have oc*
casiMi to send nuney
abroad. It will pay yon
to send it throncta tUs

Do Vou RMd
4 Rcfriflcrator?

€«ee9tionaily Bi0 HMortment
OfDining TabUa at jmeet ihal will make you happy.

And to on right up.


Several just sudi liarpain* in B|*oUiercl good*

- 33.00

$4C). lor..


A Urge araontnent of Hammocks from 76c n|> to $8, Croquet Sets
frotn 40c np. Screen Itoors, ail ityles and tize*. from a chea{>.
emnman door to a -ioor gool enough for any houae. AU t
Wimlow Screens In (an anything you oe^ in yoor home.

««MHnc Stoves and Oil Stoves
wo-burnet Caaoline Stove for................................................................ 2 76
They rai^e right along up to a beautiful (iaaoUne Range. *
Oil Stove* for campiBg from 76c rigfat along up to.


o get Carpets, Rugi, MattingA lAce and Tapestry Cortahu. We
have a very Urge aanrtmeni and a good many of them in parta of
o clean all up; ami in ot.ler lo <!o ao at'
roUi that we would like lo
e raaktog pnees that aiU save yoo a 1lot of »
a from.

J- w.
Wholesale and RetaiL

•« ▼rtasptartota OI*y,

Reliable Home furnisher


Ttoara—SBtotoriaplHta, MiraK.



IMM raeetrad.
r bratter rnak> if a


nt WABUintlASTj

ToUo, Jae *S.-»lafaola Oya»- f«■rrly Barabtll aad ebW of Ihe geaaiar baa beaa MRolited tojbe

the Nomacta aud

■ed u tbcmeb
I tb« tBport Of (be
Htf Blater rail cboeffnlaad rlT_.
aa )aad bad bMS aaplorad
yosac wnain
by tb* Sacn
Bdvlp enerBoa. ir. lia eomapoedeBt
la tbe far Baat. who waa revoeted to
bare bees abol *r« by tbe RaBaiaaa
retreaUBS froaa Sootbeea Maacharla
aad later by tbe Japaaoae. Tbia prorea
beyuad dtaibt that tbo comapoadeal
J»lT- K atm allee. Tbe caMegraa h dated
they exp«*ed to ewae to T«t Shaa Hal Kwaat today.
me Cliy aad vlali ber aged father aad
brotber. Abe baa aaotber brMber at
81. Peteeabart J«ae 24 -A dlapatrb

a i«(^ inm hn iM»0tot (be fulBie. Sba «raa

Omte Aeeay it a mb
yean be was la BrltUb
a broiher^B'Iaw, vbo vaa ■ gorcrv
seal aarreror. la tba elfbl raan be
aiaaa.«d a lortaae « m/m. It la
Iboogbi tbai be la la Detroit al prea(^emlet Soayae ber people here
kao* abaoltiielr atahlag
Hbe neirer
Bwvtioeed bla naae la aay of ber let(era aor >bee abe Tlalied here Sbe
ay. Uipa Altord baa
Ulf here arltb trhoB abe becane
aalBied while tIbIiIbc la tbe rtty.
y before 11 oeloek yeater<U>
• la of-


mu THE coMVEvnoR


MIWM Wm JwwmR t* Um DMt«
mt Mwv

Wfft T«rM<




Aw»r. '


Peroakey. MMi.. Jnne 22.-RImer R.
|Oold«mlih. editor of the PHoiikey
;ncw. tart on* of the be«t kaowa

- ha. been auScriag
Palrteak*' rlrenglb alibough weak- i aad for (be paat few dar* hi* coadl*n*d Mimewhat by tbe appedranea of' ttoe ban beee regarded a* «rave. Teale la bln owa diatrirl. I terday be gtww worse aad rapidly tank
•oaOBMMl lor atmUmI bsi]
Obartt* w. r>irteB)u nl lodltu fur
;iy ht
hen- lortar.
by ib» mwbllrwi a»
tiMAl MtATTCilkW hmr ibU arimoon.
Di-mdt. Mich.. June ric-Wadilened
bude Bl
coBTonlloA by hoprican tore. Charlea Swaytr, a
. •'elaek eygrrbmly I
to tbalr fwi aad cb<^ loudly.
rirtely kauwh laauraace | ageat and
« .Saga Inr aee^l'riRUulea.
Maium. aged S3 and mirried, (hit
neH recetyed e»eri rote lb tbe
hougbl%n Interview with RfMkm. Bnaglor DoIUierJibced
fle I. Alroril, a pretty 20-yMr.ild clerk
the IbtUBB aenaior wan
Singer Sewing MacdiInc comahcfily after 2 o'elnek.
pany'n uBee t>n Ihe elrmih fluor of
««ae fmr aother rIM dea
Ibe New Y.vk IJfe lBaora|ire bulMing
ami when the rcfuied Ui elope wlib
aail Inalmed <m
e, Swayie abot ber and an
•honlr •ftgr Rer. Thaddeun BLlee)y
the (ell be leaped from a bear-by wla
MMtd lb* oanymllim with a prayer.
aad wan daihed to dcaib oe (be
k of Kew York propavement
11 view of tiiiDdrerti c
SSSmtalt for praaWmit- The Ooll
isu hM waa AIM lo lu niaost caMUn Alrord wai abot twice, acre
pgeMy. Muy fcaadrte per«m» Mnd In (be seek ami once In the wrtai.
tag. Aa BUa wMt BP the blele he
Oeorme Beeny. her neeepted lover,
ww ■!*«• ebaor after cheer hr the ronreyed her to the boaplui. She It
SSJrt^rtTteLlMtttlf ept**- ^
Bbeered )t*e ai4 hgala.


Aftar BnrnrMg* Bniabed I
ka ww toUowed by C.__.
ot CWHoniia. Harry SUtwell
•twaeSt of Otorgia. exdlorarBon
■ndtay af KtetweSy. Joteph R CoHon
atmair—- and Harry & Cumm'—
a BtoBWl enior of autyland. a
qitoto asMMed the nomluUoa
2tlX a-etock Soawreh wu declared
•. iweHTtog erery vole 1*
. JU l;2S BenaM-YI^.

laatioa ftw vke graaldmit.
Wavte Ftoss.
torary mawber of tbe New Tort dat­
ura FlaU aad Depaw wu a

to tbt ban ww erwMad wttb kite ap■toaaa. WbM tbe bate ptoyte
faa* toft before lbs dMYaatksopea .
eierytedy prcMt areee ate tbe New
Ttolnee euadtos ea tbeir
tosred tbelr law to titoe U tb*

WanhlngloD. Jane 24.—A dltpaicb
from Coeanl General Gammere re
tarn a
t from ^ too
capllrra. PrrdlCMii and
Id Varlef, ttate*
nrnlng fram Lathat they left tbIa
fOBly and cipect le
loaifbt. The depattmenl I* aaaured
ibai tbe renaom bu been paid aad the
capilre* relncaed-

Hanbiee. Hteh.. June 22-Wbat bu
been Ihe lartett uU ablpplag month
kaowa 10 Haalnlee bu Juni chMed.
aometbtng over JOO.OM barreli tarlni
been taken out by boat. So great bu
been tbe amooni taken that every uli
eipeeted to recorer.
shed I* cleaned out and tbe block* nre
Swayae wu dead when picked up. hardly able to keep np with (he debaring abot Mnnell before uklni bin
-errlble Jump.
V^pn Wrltin« ■ Latter.
Swayae worked fur the Kew York Brown . .
Life lunrcnee company and wai wrli- Ury of war that _ ... of cavalry
and a ptoiuon of artillery A-ltl be detailed from Port Sheridan
• due in tbe Bt
lloa. where he
HI** Alrord. '
While ho WB«
lilng Ihe letter Min* ;^artdltk>B
Alviml came
o bt* oAce. What ■faniry
only anaoiibred.
transpired tbee
o tbe time of tbe

At 11;M Black eoododed kin speech.
Hit laat word! aomtaallag Rooaeyelt
hKHSht the (onreatlot 4o ttn feei.
The ffreai aatemblage cheered lanllly.
Oelwtea einod on tbe teeti rteeriag
••I wayloi flasf aad wbea Speaker;
(UbM adraaced In (be tract of tbe
pkitorm with tbe old tetlered war
tas the ectboalaan wu revived aad
Ibe crowd went wild. Then a large
pMtere of BoooereX wan dliplayed
tram tba pUiform and held aWt by
low Mac. Ttec red. white and blae
wared arouad
twewiydhtoe mtaniea. n wai
npeeiaele. At 11:» a. at.
BerMMge began hit apoeek
made i
IW tbe momlnailoo of Roooer
rn at ber tragic esperlLoynl te eerkeiyeu.
Ufau Alrord ns ptaanlBg to
o this cHG In a few days for ■
ftewse B. Cortejyoc.
vinit with ber brotber. '
Mlu Alrord and her flenre. ftoorge
Sto^eraooB wu elected rbelin^ of
Brt-aey. were expected here In duly
tbe natldcai repabHeaia
^elr urging wu to bare uken place
«u ea tbe plallerm to tbe
bsH. Aa tone u be ande bit nppur- dnrlag thal molllb.
4 Record reporter brake ll
aae* many of tbe pratotoeni laadera of
. ber brothrr Friday. As g<
tbe party pteaMd forward lo ebake Un
u pnulbte be told the eontentn oi
•.........................-I of Ueir kdwlty
grrot work be la

teu. ..........

reache*-Jid. (if which TM have been
Idenilfled. There In no accurate IM
of tbe mUnlng. BeglDBlng today poItcemen will eaSTaa* from' kotue to
to Bad ont how

1 and •• Joat.3a>«w>d” an bat
laadeadAPferthe bealtb df


a for Caetor OO. Paaa.
pa. It la ileaaaal. It
r other Kamtle
a BM U iU raanDtec. It deatroya Wonaa
T^bri— It cum IkUrrtaata as4 WlaO

|> •b< Ie>» ter tb. bsemgS mM yeuie^ eid ikei IW eeei <d kie ea^ja.htavtaa levidtatad i» aaet ^dta. hra NiaMrad
•.at'pwalamd.ta<d aald <«art,INsmiW
belutaat Ihe faehata •■Obe. la ibe ('My at
rra>ta»<Vlr.dhd m..e fhhv. U hay <bs*







Cheag. OeBeral Oku. too. U preaaioc
iTtm tbe aootb aad adda to Kurokl ,
atrateglc atreagtb. Tbe dlreetlm of
Cfawaoi where a anall fonreaa
UBlaoa are bually iBirearblog
(hemaeltea la atlll open aad It la prob

luraare rompaBy. Miaa Atrord esCher Poo, 4une 2i.-Heatr
Td and aHer a IH le while they re- war beard la (be direeiks of Pu
Ured to tbe prirale o Ire of K. n. mn.
ey director
Swayae locked
____ and a ebon Usie later the
eiBployea bcgrd acrcgma eonlof tron
(be «mee. Joat wbai bad IrBoapW
Toklo. June 2S.—Adslral Tog<i re_______
It la aaggestcd that
pone (hat on Thoradgy. June tJ. tbr
Bwayac. laBaaed by aa iBaaae paaaloB. had urged the yooag wa«an to Ritveian fleet eoBalallGg of eli baitlrbr««h all tlea aad flee with bis. !■ la .hl|». (1,-e enilaenr aad, fourteen dr
certain ibai wbbierer peopoaltlOB waa •iruyer. appeared oo|alde the entraiwc
waa recelred with espbalic dlePon Anhnr batter evidetitlr toThce came the atngfle for life
Hwayae bad UieraHy tbe alreagth of a lendlBC to tnake a daeh enuihward by
tan. It aeeina that be triad to
ber frxjs the wladow. Twice'
penalora fa tbe bnlldlag acroaa
ireei aaw Ihes away orer toiiwpedulng and elnklna a liatrletbe wladow lo eloaely that the eblp of the Pereavlet t>p<' and die
gUaa waa ahatiered and the wooitB-a
tbv baitimblp Sevaelopnol. A
arreama were bnrar out on tbe air. CTuieer of Ihe IHana type wae teri.mea I^U l> * llr^> raBilldalr. 4,1.1 before tbe atragglr he had abot al 1y dasaged.
auilrr Hcnioirty. rhalrBU
R. two bulleia laklBg effect. Aa abe
The Japaae*- .blp» anetglne.rutfle
Kpmprlalkuu roBallto* of tb«
ruggled hark the aeasd Use he damage. Tbe iiirpedn boat' deeir<>)>-r
rat her oa her apiiirtied face with the Slrakuni'i wae hit by a ebell whirh fell
,hnlt oC.the^atoI
In the rabln and Ifaree men wen- killed
; Thea the door waa broken In. Tbe
i.e woundid. The Riim.lane reI ton-mmi la tbr roos aaw a fare dta~
hw> of life on their ride
I (ortrd with paaaloo on Ihe niulde of
____ .- In- hea,r
, (be wladow and Juai a trifle al«re the
The Japanew are wiibls twelve
ledge. Kor a f.-w aeooada It glared at
illee of Port Arthur. It le lieliered
' Ibrs aad then dleappeared. Tbr body
grisi tetlle
; Whirled oeer twtre In In de«^t BOd
,l KuropglklB being repo
itheB atrack. a ahapebiM m»»» on the
Ting to meet General Kuro
lahlewalk eleren alorlea below. In no
I InataBI a crowd of people tarronnded
; If. tbe ainiggle having been wllne«ed
ManUtee. MIrh.. June 25—There
I by ae»m1.
wae a panic here laat night during tbe
Hlaa Alvonl
wae In the emplor
graduation of ibe Uanlelee achooU.
be SiDger Sewing Uachlne cuiapi
■Hie opera houee wae Jammed with
at Detrnll while C. A. (Veeav of I
people and while the eaerclece were
city wae manager there and ebc «
Urge aeciluo of pla-terlng
well-kboWB by him and be Ibuugbt of I son
ber very blcblr at a ealei agent for
ihr rompary and waa gnstiv eur-' Thinking

' a nUt-...................
piieed to learn of the attack made
rtaleb several people were la, upon ber by Swayer.



ladkaiea (bat Ranpatkla with Tarkel
burg-a two dirtalOBa aad a Sibertaa di
rWoa bare bad (heir dlreei Uae of re: o« by Oeaeral Korokt at Hal

PlriAff at Pori Arthur.


nm KM Td« Hws Mwmjt Bm«M. amd wfcWfc kst bw
ta age tat enr SO rean, baa bane tbe aicaatitM

^reu nd hr .aid I bed nurte ad uaarh. •
gaar ar ■adtner liS u d,d es da ear ghat
f taw la euaiiii le Um sealhe I thee
anwed ueieg Ui Pwiar'a tardtautaa eed asita
taim 1 hear lekrmeu hdOtrace
lladacal thardarTy.' two «f ‘ Fanmir
erawnpIMh ' ahd au rtdi. dC be Pum ■ eat.
>2^ J haacadaho**" i«"»da caantraerr..

Dr. rierec-aPltMMpcfttacBrgegaOmiaral News.
man of Gi-org* Saad l< to
be ra-lebratcd by tba publication of
ima Id her wnticga that have faitber1 nor liren priaiad-iwo play* and
naa uannUbad aiorl.-«
Cuadjiilor Biibop of SVw Turk, ifii'r
wi-arln* a l»■ard for laa&y rcare, rereally bad It ahai'd cl,«s. Tbe eSeci
" vailafactiut r» the dlgi^-

' Bean the Signatart. «t

The Kind Yon Ha?P Always Bought

It la wTOwad a«M rnday. IBe

a,n»i4ntl> auil •
i.-V at a lirue 1
Some of (be Imalaea* mea of r.aicy
111. itni.iiiani
:iical .traetiun ■
ilad want the name of tbe idai-,rhtaged
irf^'liy-bydbeBei - •hari'i.
.unlrtr- CSS" •"*'
nl lUber roaoirb'-a
Ki Pre.tdriit Kruger « i- ricHiil) IT- hi, fur il
V urge ibal tbe >
by a man nani. 1 I'lialePia ]j. r.'llf nil i-l.,..._
down and that It ciMld do tai raurc Hi ll.lUMi
cut utr all
\ I'adlllgc man rrax-llng in BurtHu*
ea.Ily wiib a new name. Oibec are
riaiii j at.Ill- bun,,' In 111. buai pap- r and 'old
■lange, aaylag that reform
Mr, KruR.irl rf bl« .-xpthe fact. bccuBliur km
*d wHhodi adnpriaa
II. VI <if Uu M-- Al.ud
a.idgned 111,' l,«a,'l <0
name angaetred »r
hha d-,,ite.I to the fact that
r.f ib<- 1,1-iaUu.
I f«> anjihlng to drink iw Tm>~j
American Udy wbo recently wa-.. M> ib<-,*lll«if R„l"ii;i Hal
vm J-ine
preaHited al the CblBtue court write* I Viirk.
lurtb |3»i.5,»i. b,’ .•«
lb* PblladcIptaU Friend ii> *ay bun ;proper
deeply abe wan Impreued by Hbe ttU children from an)
magBHUm and twofold character ofita'e ahuuld they fr.tii
fascinating old human ' iih,- pm ; pU<’-> uhere^kpuir t- «

.( |.<ind<in
>n puUli-lilnii
ptibhle] from
Ti'lan 111
•nipt •
irk. who
kins irt Ik-iimark.
. 1«
d *» 1
thnu alll
1.-. im- kluc i,r .H«,-l,-n. T'> fnlhra -I
r publl.liju;; poetry
the enif-r'T H Au>uiia. T3; .Ihir>.i. *<ib cm
K Id Itelg1an«. rtH: the kins t>f Ruoil* fir. King K,l»ar.l VII. «. ihiaii i,r Turk.-), Ill: ihe king fd
,Te. :a. Ill,-iit-rman i-ni)uTi>r. 15.
. ,,ii...klng uf l•orlnMl. 4". tbe crar. :2<. i •laried iiiquirle. b'aillog lo il.,- iIim'i,i
Bnall] prevailed and ihi- sitmi
"'™ 1 the king uf Jlal>. 35; Ihe nueim uf ih<- H) ilmi Ibe auib'T *a> .(lli.-.i Au.iii,.
u tiopped. Tbe rtsmaa*
N'elherlanrts, C. and Ihe king of Spain. ,«*rt laureate
jerp^ouse li trivia!.
I'lofi-uor r.rm-4( lUHkel ba. mf|rten a KHi r l„ ihc German publir ek
Kew Rnglaiid. ha> plaining....................
" “
Frankfort. Mich, Jnne 24 —Geo F.
the Ibtalon tilobe
Goold of New York ami party of »,
!• |1I«I lurneil hirailroad men have intpecied tbe Abb elshiHh tear an.l began his n,'*s|«
Arbor road aad rialted Frankfiel wlib
In 1kt» a> a te|u,n«T on rh.- M-t.-nt) ).-ar> uf tii> iifei.
aa Idea of eainbUabtng a new car feny
n Hernia.
r> and k*,-n. I.ibeiween PraakfoR aad MllwauVi-e
-al agHIl) Wy. >nrt fiuc-tlcin ni,d
I hi. l, bt.
os.T* id eiulm
Ilm no thought .it lannue. "nam
Brlealt) In I . I.^>ke and .hobiJ t,
laterluchea. Jane 24.—Janw. Lamp
iloe. nut care to Iw ralb-,1 "ol,l Irti etileili.K ni« M-ven'v tir.I }««r. le00 and Mn. Laura W. Burm id llel man ' even in aflerihmale (anblnii.
llanlei 41. Hurr. aged M. a suriltor
liuilliK III* euiauipaetii ,d <b- 4)U|o
of rompaay H. F-mrth regiment, re
milled at ParU, IlL. June 4. IS4C. for o a R x-iinn. at TlBln th.' uso.t 11,
(he a-ar with Mexlcu. ha* held a r.*- l•■Te.llllg , iniii were ih>’ Sfauuiun
hratber,. > , rialaart utl>i-> o4 the
Upper pealG.ula lumliermet report
tmi-keie el. ,' that fougbi in ibeTlvIl
At more puipwood Is belag sblpped- Pari.. A. be bad d,me anmally f,c to
Tli.-j niareheil .Id. li) eld*- lu
10 Boutbern paper mill* Ibis y> ar (nun year., he called the roll of hl» Cm
Hie lug puraJe Tluv are William <d
Michigan toreau than ever before pant (rum the original roll he Jmd
Thoma. of Tlton. INvbl
■ rllien olih a .qalll pen anj ol wblcb R, neea.
b,' had ruMody ar orderly sergeant! *if 1,1 ltora<u,n. It ; Twill,-I of n<al,-ru».
spent the ,uy iBllml.. K!i». »d Obi Fort. O ; .Julu of
medliailuii. ratlag bln pienlr rtlnner |F''rt Her..i.-ti. Imi.^ Four oMhe-Shu

Womco w Well a* Mc«
An Made Miserable by
KldiiQ' Trouble.

■":sSS 'rjSff'rSjsS

In Use For Over 30 YearSa

h. .md dag I*

beanijfiil ever beard In, Inc lb,- 'clear |

Mr. Takahlra. tbe Japaoene mlnbier
at Wa.hlng'oa, I* on (rlendl)
with Ibe Kiirrian ambuudur,
t'u.lnl. and In careful never






aueaiui II M .uUersd. tan I’rwU). Ue o. ledui ta ib« poomk. «r ca#
c>k de) id Jail, a li "•*. *l ta ..ike* i* .a.*,
mase sad rwoM/d
1. -ueesHita le aWigieil T.« ta, aotnug H
Ttaw.tat>ta n M utdtaU. Ikat Pri
u,Me>iedi* .•>] .•■*■.. ar.' resurud ael uMnua. aad laai ike a*ii td
•< • aWiU. .C ,ata b. kK,. US taa H aaM 4.««a.ol Hart



nKMHaTVitoidDiHiTaTxn) ■

r ' U»at» of ilr»adTr*>.eo-.«>
* Al
> aaava H Ihe
<•« ike
At s
ihe pruSata
pruSaM i.Mirl
-rnr IT id iiraad Yraierta h.ddi at Ike Fr..

th. «u.y - tk.


II indr-rt Iiid Kisbtbuh r»gltn,-nt. O. V

Vretor Kminanni; ,d |i*l., i. »uli„ui
.■loiibt the mos' biernr) motiarrb Ri all
KuronHi- kno*k FriTii-li. Kogltel.
aniie. oomcooe inioraieu uiiu •o«i ,—•••,quit.' *• *.'11
hU „«i.
President Roosevelt had decided tuianrt GHiDan
i rua'lmu siquslut
TtJkZ idlscatlBue tbe iraining In JIu JHmi ' tongue

nay* art am of ante i*”'’
fc'” “ »>**»
I'ran'i imagine the rt-awm.' replied
Kidney trnubk hu llhr
: "prrhap. Tas.lnl ul.Jene.l
baeemc s« NevaN« -to 'be le.snni a. a brearh of n-nral
IbatHunMuneammoe ill)
(otacin't •• a*
1 n. Rockefeller atiendeil the
Siinilti school of the Kiielbl Aieniii
Siindai. that bcUg
L lithe chili urUi- lUirtl.i < hiircb
loe often, ll (be [hi, flr.i appearaare
e there in leveral
mlto Ow lleMi or U. when the ehlU , nwnib*. All who uc him were amared
i D the gr*.1 rhangv fn him Nm «nl,

S.itiiJav nchiul pupil, 'be' h,- fe)'
troaUaladucle a dtuaud cooduun of the
er ihac In ten tears. A. u.ual h,Udneyt aad Uadderu
Indianapolis. June :t.-Ceneral
faiiltleuly attirte. wore a shlion Mill's hu uked tbe prahtbition
W«e la-ttie lapel of hb coat ami hart s
itUtmal coDveniloD to defer making "^o5«b*u*wS**
smile lor everyluuly. He went Irflm
be nomlMtion for prealdeni as be ernMe wkb kidney _
riatn to clu< to abake band, nut tblore not with to nut If Ibe drmamis and both naod tba aai ■* creu
Yba mad and tbe Iminodiate ellea of lu>). and girls, (nr be Is superintend
It tssald eat of (be acboi
a addition m l- Ing
a member of tbe c
1 that Ex Maior Van Wirk
of Nek York, who has Just sailed for
,y. atico. none ss.—r.iBoBngUtul. made a great deal H niom ,
wlkins bare been made
stock, during Ibe put year
mg aU about tt. mcbiABC many of the y,.
eleanert up tnnev (tan tT50.noil It the
Mtoiisaadi of lastiraeertal lenen tteeHmd i
wclve mnnibn
by cot.taBti>
(^ance tell game narade and ncea i------------------------------- bear side uf tbe markci
, There’ wW b/^Sliirte rates onfall rail-1 * 5^1
State, Sim-l
He iHwan
Iroad* and a soeclal tralo will reiorn at
nperaiins as a War imm,-illaie|> after
mmbu Ibe defeat of HIM S. Col-r. rtemoeraltr
y all do}'. Other tralu a
JJ**®**'eandWai- fur gertermu- In 1U»:. His
1“*““*^ llbeory wu that the Il.le hart tgrnert




Mexican i

For Man


Traore- 'I xtr
aid *uw ea*se.' If‘ua/'iCtai

E & I. t TIE tW
lissrxs' .•f-H”
___________ ___

im. .Qleflu l«p»l^i*"1 lath* lirntad

Whtf an yo
you£ friend* nyinj
about you? That your frty
hair make* you look old ?

Hair Vigor
Uie Ayer's Hair Vigor and
restore to your fray hair all
the deep, dark, rich color of
early life. Then be saiisfied.


^ : :|r
, UsyuiHtomm.
Jteae - -ffirj-po
U. Ik. laatta* .* Ik.



te *yi»7»ii Oidsr City b


•nm Hsu Vigiu rMi..-1-i oe a.i.u.V
lia. LJ.SsSl-tasa Kea.1...,; .. v t

tor —ly"-;'

Dark Hair

II. .tad rtdiM, r

j4ma A,2jgto*»DRb.

Cures anythin};; that a sood. pen*
etratinj: liniment can cure.
Soaks in! Stops f^int
Allays Inflammation 1

I. ggta* P.4 14. toU

Traute^yra^^ne^m. waeima-

tto, m lug

Hcaio 0'JSorc5!

The UNIMENT that hra been
the OLD ST-AND.BY for two
ptncralionR. Oood for
Lanieness; 5ore Muscle*,
Rheumatism, £ciatka,
. Neural^a, Cuts, Bum*,
Sprains. Bnibe*.—
any trouble of body or fna*de
where then’sjMUn and inflam­


One Sinai! Ix/Ltleof'nEXICAN MUS­
TANG LINIMENT v.ill effect a cure
when c
of ihc watery com­
pounds sold as liniment would have no
result:* It is money thrown away to
buy them.

or Beast.


ct.Locewoco,of wy.g.





■onww WI1

Im k*M«. I V Mt^kM. vv. R
M .Va t V« Ik* *it talV. bat

home cheer. }p?i^

u, K.Bk* • rbotaft fM. vkM
1 foorf OU I M >M km Ikaterb
br o.e*^ Tk»»T m «o .my

.1 Va laot at llaitk.
luu n.wvtvnaiatAprathal
I .M tv >r« Mayfttvar*.
.eVel vary day I *aa.

0 Ik* »i> a

I ir 6mi. Th*r. lk*y
.«rei«tk ^ keifhl. Tk* »«>r* tan
. tb* kesTj d«i»amrm«ta* ib*^
<a brick* Ull It i. tk* rtdkl baUbi.
-I koaH If iha «*l awak* raaltari .pd tv laM* raa V raloed » block.
TV Ilok

o- MM la- Ik* rtJrrla- ol


Ik* f.11 .ifDlkaam at Ik. aei. a-

*a-1 MTMk a ratk PM* ■'aakert* W

rty th* r:f*B*»k **■♦;
“Pfcy*: a»
,W aaniM* rT*r «a* a*r«^ “ * WM peal.M lor a*fTo:j tra
A brook tkPk a»a» M o' akiai*- »*h.

imiaad m* »*»m K im«.
-I. I, BoMh. COM Vara 4* T«r* *W*
tot«*iraat. lU* aMply tk* eoatrol

tboro. mbPly aa' aama-Uk. k

. Mcraiu»lall
Miy .01 yoa tad per
Tk* iraaraoloat kay tkal


taeily aatatr

TV Mrd* ik«y wa May a* iptkeria'


do aol Bcan that lb*r*
aKpeodiiare <t


U plalBly aocB at a (law*. TV
a«e «*■ BMtla- pka- oa la tk* iim*. _____ B altllM tbor* bar aoatfolled
«• rd loi* tkal day-tketMlaat kaUh «*«ry iblB* hot tk* Uv of bar ta«erm
, mr wv *abar»aa-* I*«k »
pwt. I eaagkt

ridfct o' a

■ R eoaMaT to toat;

Bo. IV CM bird* vrtod I* aack

Tbw I tbovkl o-tv FBttorb lo** for
n brtuad mtB I coaMat

jtotTTcaafbt amrttfa rtiBta-ta:

m«d pw PBO U tVra, dl-lano..-«r*
-As' tbere aSiT v waaoa that jeo
TaVy ikartdn V fa w* fM**
lU Jwt let yoB arts, v* tVf*

« Ml a* .bat b -FMrtb ^elyTd«v.~ I aai.rred. tarmlBd
To •** tV .V aaM. all vrrved _

IB vlriotlf
-Oar happy land, la IV*^ afar.
Wlio iDor* Ibae tV booaetrUi
War ruled by a aerer* BUBSa.
, tbar* to«tvd ot lo tbe riok. im bavB** of V aaaoerMV
Who. rtithl vd jMtle* toonOa*.
of dniyT HaBT I* tV boeiekeeper
Do aaytbhid to *n>U baadUd tb* Vek
aasia. A blfb *tool *110010 V la mho riiDply wtmn keimalf vt irlib b*r •OtterBloed ato -vld Bake o» d
caa*r4*** arilriile.. bar vilely to to
kltchea. lor U U poMibl* to do
lorever dolu MOiriblB*. bar f»ar that
BBcfa B»re work .bll* aittlad V.o
at -* rehellrd. vd *o It ebatoed.
tbaa ov wild Vllrra .V had not aV tnay a bmoivi. or b.
Ob* Fourih of July Borolv.
bivvori .1th i«v plew -if ’
tried It.
Uns year. VO lb* deed •«» dooe.
TVy w.- they Vr* v time to
y .bleb .e iBdeptndcBcc -no.
they bay* to much to do, Bot italfiklu
tV kHebra U a
Tbe U.* of blaoiBB Eosbad awrt
r iBop pall B>y to placed .bm ooe j ihey
BopiV IV dvr or nablap paint, for probabl) .Vt mwild Vrr
da beoeb aarn ooe fiwB rtooplnn I their be.i aod yrcateri arork IB
• Yv uBderilvdr .he vu**d a
lotfar door each llBetVBOpor doth year. Such -obco aboald reoiCBber
Mlartalevoua ditnple* pbylu

i( hUbar 1* aot (boo^i m.
pol IV dIVpaa oa tv table and

rn V!*

Unl iBdlcataa r*Berr* tow at BCtvl cMka*. WTlBd V* tbe uoohle of
p!n« Sot each piece of dean llav.
waidtoad VIrts.
> •Straarh b po.*r ta repov. Po.ronyeoleor* -beB OB* b cookiv
Owins to ibe abeeron. of tbe a
n b atraaitk IB BctJoB. Bepov b ae.ooden cleat Balled lo the nil
(lee-a BBcealor,'
abore the cookies table. A atrip B*r fabric*, the drew »k1rt.
IlShi In -elgbi. regardle** cf ibe
-Tbere coaid V v bettor suilto tor of *U.ilr b nailed to the .all a few
ml of fulln*** uvd. The allsbteit
mM* trotaas tbv 8i- PbbI * tadiw abore tV deal, vd tbe rook
V; 'ftVy to V dilat.'
book, epee at th* rJfhl plac*. rwU M brvie t-lll cave a akin of tbb deth* cleat, ud b ellpped back of the vrlptlv to to Blaplaeed To WUi*
■ dIffiriillT. Ibe aevett vriekir b
elattle .bk-b bold. U lo Pbcr. Thw
Boa* able* Bay Vdlcoaiy.
.elghi the lower eds* or tom.
V* mar sUne* repeoiedly at tb* cook'
Boom bbbvU to aad.
book .liboul toortUos It .fib Ik* *n- Tbete trelsbi* are ren lisbt. aod freBst vary.hrre. alw«.
,cm or Vrtat H <n tV table .here b queotly of a f*. pccnlaa cov­
B« «»l. BOB to tbd:
*^rately .lib Ibe maiertal vd
>o l.ceoBr wiled.
'FW tfw b tbe aaylaB.
lewed at interval* Ib the ben. Tbb
' ProdaVed by tV aeer.
keep. Ito skin ib pwlilv tolbool Id-Back day b iba beat day
terferlas In the lean -Ufa Ibe Touch
Of Boawboay* year’*
dnired airy effect.

Aa-1 atn^y wafkt. v I Mfi bV ttota.

■•V day ffada a bare,

Aaolkar tnri gllan-r o' ay Mkw'*

Bach day kelp* a talat.
Back day brtap to war oa
A Jay tothmt talat:
Tboaffb It say aot to By lu

Ttavrv cky. Hick, May n. Id**.
Mar Hr*. Bat##-l ikoaBkt I noH
ntia ye. a Mm. w I Vr, mar
vriue. to yoB before. I avU UV lo
_____ ito •oaablB* 'dob. Will yv
I ptem scad B* a card aad bia.iv Par

TV eoaitvi tapplac <d bar dacan oa
tb* book *V bold, b aot oaly ttotw Bori tomiDsout.aad it b tbit >iwp- .iVi •
bar on atreeclb to v purpov. bat It isc tbai stake, the »orit of oopplni !a llltl
I. aetnas tVt lltOt .oabB beidde bar
TbU aame beseb-------- ddsat gcaneiy vy ov Is IV can La ut^ for aleraliaf tbe clMbn I
____ , haj as fvy. folaaed peritloa

crop tow dUed.
^ .iUi-.t*t7hBBierta-*beoptov.Unedl


rbobarb pla.
lor tv boo**.tf*. mad IV «cp*«»»

Brer ynr *

Moaiw Oviar. Hay Id. ttot.

.trawberrl*. «!** tV pie a dell
bror aV lepplu color aV tV «oar
thlcfca«d IV Jole*. W* oftaa mm thU
tadv BO. la pr*l*re»<» to tV plalo



-Wkat-t Footk at Jmlyr- tk* «

pat tbaa oo top <d IV rkabaik ntn
bo*««- •«««. u* »
■V plat* wM fall loct^. krat rilriai
eoaU V plaeod la Ik* matt
eatlac each berry taio MV tbv
.to»*aka. Tk*y .*** a*^
,TH«a Itary TayM^Scaa. la «V
poiMt (o rU* ni» ihai poal<» .Hk
Tkaa. • - added a Eood rail vp of «nar. aprlonntt §att. a piaafc at aaK
**• «c« oeo.aWe naMe*T err ttrtr phyleat
pm bMd orar a
I iMat I*, a .Hkt o* tk* -oo*' •»
iK*y .oaM -t
lo. lor
tableapcioa of wata. Tb*

BatUas *Hl* bac. to I

bout her Up*: th*B. anddea. I
TriiiBphvt beard her aaylv:
-No*. I think, aoinrilae*. all t

-Uke your*, they -ani i>
Why I'tiuldo'i ve ««tol, and Vt*
A eke Founb July aormln'r
-But iVi »a» not a sood inaBBia
Who rnh-d u. lo tbe tlBie. atvl"

TriuBphani .ludce Uil* .uvlos i
aak tVi moiVr

id aeve cklckM. a»d a bona.
fUioM Horiv
If 1 w Ibb la prist I toll W ecala.
Mvrw enter. Hay id. 1*M
AV Id.
eiyde W HdBlyr*.
Drar ABBt Pally—I -IH »di* yoo^a
Ballard. Waabiv'v. May «. IMH. |
fa. Uaa* lo Ml yoa w are *H trail
u. Hay«*
Maydnar* la
Dear Mrm Virr-1 ibovbi I areuld
TV tlatof AvU lw«
Ito noda. TV tr« robia I *a. -a* *rriie yv a Viet I fo« ay card aad
V lb* I4th of Hart*. It b wlB« Vilv all Tistai.
I aa tty awk
today. I as IB tb* tMrd ciad*. Hy liBVd .Ub It. I SO an Mbool aren
riVM* ar* teadla*. apelllv. artlbUasuac*. Oood-by*.
Calb Hortv.

am V the blgbrui Aoor.

I We

for tbb IIB*.

robin* »Idc« ikeB ibv I
could *1V to tell about today. I aa.
•r>t MayV-cr* the «Hb of April

Burdickville. Mtrb- April 1*. IMI.

Tbe MayVwer. are pretty near sou*
tlrar Mr. Vies-I iboaght t wild
1 am aloe year, old aad By tell you abvt my rubln. I aaa it ta
ur hvsc Tbb b all I ev
VB* j* Olv Harrlastv. I v
orbuol erery Vy that I cv.

I wi (blak of abvl my robta. 1 will Id!
li sra. a May­
in the third reader (bb .prias U **» you ahvi my Oo-er
as. It at school lo IV *vds
cold vd avwy ihb tnovlaf. My V
uid be .vldu'i to surprbed H be
TV M»o« b all oA her*. We
.ouUI have to coal* after my brother We bV 1.0 weeks’ aebool. I goe.*
Id B* .Ub Ibe alelsbt. Ooodbye. Ibb U all>. this time, so good bye
Alleo HarrlnpM
r.lra Olllien

los. Detroit. HMi,*rtWt
-WwkMM hasAUed svyrnoalAi
aiy lit* artlb eofleriag. Thtuagb rs
Irmaew 1 eanghl as*.wacoM
aseveracoM l.nywrs
Sg... hirb erlUed in catarrh aad vrioaeI. Interfered
interfered wUh .........
the refuMr fuocitua.

to tto body. aV evde maarivwvd
Itritobl* 1 begv Ufcinff Fmva aV
Traverv City. R. F !>. So. 4. Hay
Ke>«lrk. May H>. 1*04.
fvV ta it a tailbfal belpra. a* U raDear Auotlr—I Itteaded lo »r
Dear Urr Bales—I
my Aral ricbed my Wood aV iBTigormbd IV
.>me unie affo VI did Dot Aod lime.
rd soBie time la«i montli
.Kol* .>.scin. I haw vpaia.acav
Tbe At»t bird 1 «a« -ai a mblo. 1
If to tbr vaioSec one •-tt-ntag and aBalmuysacll."
wi. It tiuriv rarativ.
I dvi ra- saws rubla. 1 aa. mi ir»t
IMwale .cakaew b fevrally 4*
Du-Bber jual .bra I ua> the Ar.t Ao.- Itih td April. Two «d B> frirad. Mdeal upon catarrh of tk. pelvle orgaae. P-rva earn uotarrt .hw**«
er. but II aw a MayAv-r. Our vbool fouV one vd they rate it
let VI on April I vd .* Vve bad two pickeil my Aral Bt.avr. «ue evening
IrsM Dr. Hsr
.eeki' TBcailoB. ’ There are three
llarsmv Hvtiariam. Itriamlam
mvib rumlv httme fr.v •.rb-uil

If ato thought yv n» rigbt: 1
like any other,
BHire .eeka of uchml
Durlas vaca
ee. bo. to make ffood
(lOB to* of 'be wbiwivya sot hb l*s
broVa mben be .a. Jub«>Ids from off
And you .w VDghiy rblldrca. 'rau«e
frelshi train. He V* to He
You dWni Bind your motherr
three more week* after tbb oB
—Wide Anke
une b Bverru Smith. Mi lUtie
Imuher and airier received their card,
Friday. Jute ?4. I
II mill BplB a thread. Vd one qiiarl of j
bevtlfol .omen attribute ihv
and huiivs vd are very maeb
atrm.berrt Jolce and boil for ‘br*^ .,„,„hfni loog of their akla to ibl*
qBarten of V hour. Bottle and wal ;
week mai- a rail made oo the i Plea»eJ *“b «bein. Thvk yoi



wad yv *ome paviea. I so to
Hvru* enter, Hay lt>. Idci
day acbuol every Sunday aad Junior
r Auat Patty-1 a» solas m tell leasw. Bob* Vy .e are sofas
rbra I aa. iV Ant robin* aV to tbe SvV to dis clama. Tbb U aU

Our tebool aras out but .i.-k. I wi
«lih Maud OleoB ta srtKKi! . I am glad

Obku.tofree II

M-bool is vt. Ibvgb 1 like In go quite grade aad I like to go to mbool vary
aV I love my uoeber tmtr dearWe Vd Fumlaailtri uw ib'
hk*. tea boys end girls ta my
last ead of school vd I pss-u-^ I am
I sm elv years olA 1 look my
elevra year* old vd I wa. in tto uev

Irip V tb* cars dmra to nitogo
rath grade last term. 1 like very muck
to read AuBi Patty, letn-;. and I abb Just before Christmas My mother did- ,
ave in VT vythiM to me sotbS j
sbe wild .rite oficaer. I like u. read
. but I grew so mvh «btta I .v4
Or yootm Ikat b »**r—
vn day thtoHIk.

Illtile vPPle* vd lour Utile kittena al
Sua.berry Jam-Poor half A. cup of,^
^ campVr: i.o Ibe (Irange. l-a«i Ramrday
Ibai the nnadortor chanted m«CT
Acer bed. of my ca
-Bach day b tv beat
BaJeylB' tV iiwa V tV tStf o' htoa.
enmlat tiaA.
rad current Juice over one voad of
.plrll* of aminvla. and five dren'* day al the Orug- and lu-tmeen
aV after a.hlle 1 think I will have
TV foWa-a char call V tV pUM. &
Of eoaeVody-a yetr!"
I .111 eloae. aradtag
dinner and «he ptotram iIh- cbil- ‘tag raitor tong,
tardra tv I .111 ekme fiu
Stvulaied vsar v«» ail"» “ •»
for twenty mlaotea *rhll* yon boll over, all theac mUed. add eoo
Tbe laleedar ipatkle*
dren prepu-iu made ihe rail. It goes ,’o»e lo all the 8
Sa- Bot a tkiBS aafferta- hurt V Haa.
Uto Ana. May tU »AM. ..1
a’slo. Are one pond of ripe, matbed
With Vya tVt W* brvfhl
Trilhoui Miylng tVI the president Vd l>»rge sknr* for yvraelf.
Fnw your frirad vd A
aier to make a qaari In
Ta*. I BlSbi >* Va4 V I Vl" ^
bear Hr*. Batas-i thvghul tomll’ '^
prla* IVt *rw loosed to.
alrawtoerie*. atlrrins tooitanlly .Ub
Irma UVIey.
Boillc. rark tightly vd shake befoR
and .he b-du. the cbll--------------- tolj* yv a few llae* to tat yv kao. *’
_ M seed tVt n« amsbt:
a wooden apooo. Add Ue euffar vd laklog.
dren did Tbb b Ihe M-cnnd year they
bo. the wealber Is bore. It U Aad
Cedar. May ». 1W4.
curwt Jnlw, then almmer to Vlf v
HIsh deed* bappra dally. Harbor. Hay 1C. 1*04.
If well robbed Into tbe face dally It have made tbi* rail, and we hope they :
Dear Mrs. BHes—I thoagtai I wvld aow-a-day* and ft Is very warm. Well,
WMe tnrtb sror more eleartouir. remoTliiB every partVle of ecom .111 siraagibra the
oome j
ijvr Mn. Bat**—I ikvsbt I wvld
Aa- I caasbt H a«, k
have been sick abed lot orer a week'
rite a few llae* vd tell yv i
-■aeh day b the beet
tVt rbe*. Wbra raid, seal In tamblcr. keep any irriakle*.
I .rile a letter to tbe Herald. 1 Wvld
itb Ito mraata*. v 1 am Jut ap aad'
Of aoBeli«r'» pearf
twrived my card and Vliv all right.
We have JniU beard lhai ve of nur j |||^, (g
It In print
I have
r.iund today. l>ut bat e got a beadaeba ■
Ibvk you very murb for Ibem, I
Stra.berry Dellelou*— Cover fvr
To Kaes Out Filet.
Sunsblnr- boy.. ^lUle Hin.ha. vmed my
a nbbli.
No IV arar rine*
cl. My binbday was ibe M day cd
I* of One. ripe e'ua.berrie* .Ub
are all noileed bo. Ales
Bingham. - r badly biiroed by «a1kBiivy. My rahhit l. while and
Bui tarins* Joy behind.
lay aad I ns ihlrteesi yrar* old. f
of sehml I am in the fourih grade My
-Ba kind, ■nwa ffSBl PWbar of v
fvr pvod* of
I a scrpcfi dvr. near tbe top.
l Is black- Pleaee -III you arad
No sotTov In fetters
-* are readlag. srithmellr. Isa- M a ae. vir of shoe*, a gtkU haari
to tivd over algl
a.aJilns v opporiuniir to get ta
me a eard aV huiivT I would like
TV .hob earth ev bit
goage aod S|>el]tag.
I .III tell yv stick plB and a pencil I Hke Ibe peaB rto tofsd tto roMa'i
lace Strata off the Juice.
No*. Ill prevent Ibeir e
Sunsblne girl. I am i:
Ho. telVb oqr fitoUas.
I vety .1 11. to It Is very alee 1^
whsi I got.fur rhrlMms*. I g.a a story
sraBlie vocepv vd let It toll to
great esteni. we take
sm ta tbt; Afiti grade. I Vve
Ho. vnn. oof tear—
rite taitera irilb. Oh. .*0. I maal
WV Inokad V IV Aah and kaimad
a drswiag slate and two bvd
ffflera Blantes, removing all Ito
paper Aonr aark. fold it leagthirise and 1
one' mile to go to M-bral. Hr teach-Bsdiday b IV beat;
nse M my Mier Is griltag taag.
kerchiefs. Ooe of them Is silk aod Ibe
Add tbe Iterrie*. boll to two or three
ttBOtin fringes a half an inch wide i
name U Rtuena Sievrt
Of aomebody’* paarlFrom your Wn tai Sunsblv «trl.
other Is pure white And a hvdker
' AV bBft V thias la tbb boly apto.'
minutes, then pour Into hot ca
vd to within two Inebet of the fold:
kind to mr.
Goldta Bataa.
bottle* and awl Immediately.
II square acroa* the tup of ibe
Hir loving girl.
t .m rand my essay ! t
allowing li to rise a quarter of
MmuI V a cJock.
> Ufe H too short lor aay bitlar •
veds of small but rtpe-stra.torrlea.
icb above the door. The wind
Herald aod I like to mad tto letter*
dd a few UblespooBi of cold .1
WVI koar* we
keep* Che fringe lo miiiloa an<l thus
Traverse Clly. R. F. I). No 3, Hay 1
I rame to tbe rtfy of Cvstaatlae. «.
• Tto* M IV Vai aTuasw. B w* • hOBsea, ssreepiBS. dosUaS vd decora- vd act Ibem to aook to a mush a*
Aunt Patty I hate sera tat* of
frighten* Ibe ,flle* away. Of raurie
Dear Mrs. Bates-i t
0 enumy. HIchlgv. vd tbra Mr.
IS vd leave In yon .111 iiBilerslvd U b lo
Bower* and birds. Hamiaa bad vme
Has lo Make them ati
Jelly, ponr In a Jelly bag
aes to you. as I taavra'i wrltira I

wtaBle Adama. ^

• TV year* speed by. aad <
toas* brims Vallac.
iwavvaviwoa. to'vythhis •
. TW. ^toto t"th IV to. avBto*
aato ttowHai.
• That thick aad fast aboal nr fwt <
I Ule b loo short.

-Bin Wheriw.Wllaoa..'

place ver olghl to drip. Add to the Otitglde of the door.
-ur btomaa tad oaraalre*. ft
b .HI, If we Vv* atreacib for It. for lo tbb Juice Ave pound* of broken loaf
pvnd of atraloed Eg«a
taeb a Vme b a parpatui Joy to a
•Vtwrad Church HertaBlly: pet whra aomoeh lime map to Vaey;
V' three and a
heallbrnlly bpeet vt of door* vder
BecauM- the oOei-r. of 8l. Paul'* Re*
Ito sVde. .by don’t tanaers and Vlf pvnd* of fresh stra.berrim. the forniil rhurrh. Fort Washlngtv. Pa,
t' famlUe* epeod more Urn
Veal that cv be fvnd.
voted against devlle*! egg* and at
brauUfylns Ibe smBdi sbvc
It full acre, aa the lid tlshtly. Set ta cake the anman's aukiliary socleiy
Cpn the bnty b*b. or ■
cold nier ta a large krtUe and let
Its at

loag lime.

maple sap and shr lnile.1 it dvn

tl is ratalng t

are seven icbolars a

.1 roday.

flv^n agalB
There we iwo roblw
bnildtag a aest ta our liani. Tbey
nest in vr barn Issf^Vear and after
le birds baiebrd Ihe cat* caught
Ilk- birds and Iheu after a wblle

Your l.iving Runshini-r,
Viol* W. Miser
Karlin. Htab, May 14. mi.

sbori Ume ago. but
It write again
Alto Msrtb*-A«rt,',yral*
boll, then open tbe ev* at
To have devlU-d egg*. Ihe oarers
old birds came back rad bulk voiber The Anil spring Mrd
Csushw. nf Mr. siri Mrs J. ar-m*«I to a forlora or mlecied yard.
■ the fruit tv Ihlek syrap. argued, wvld be to bring prrrfve obThis summer we are going
I got my card vd huttoa sll rlgfai
Be li vt wholly to blame, for many a Seal perfeelty air tight vd keep ta
. .
.Ubin tbe sacred edlBce. vd to
Ito a bed of live coab near a
vd tblnk they an- very pmtiy. It I*
farm nama carat more to tvey cool, dark pUw.
have vgel cake wvld be eacrilegiotir
Wc are all sorry lor Willie. see Ibe birds baihe. On Arbor dsy
ratalng tVay. 1 aai sitytag
Iktafft taiMc. or for SV ctotUni for
The church b nc divided laio
planted i.o maple trees at tbe seta
Wouldn't It be nlec for Mtme e
slater and going to sebvi.
beraeW mud Rirb. vd IvV vUh
camp*, one favoring tbe .omen
Beanadw For Exti
bouse. We named one Oraeral Wasb- slsler in Traverwe City vliitlag 1 have
Sunshine hoy* and girls m wri
ooaem opoa the tall crasa mad sreeda,
PkVd ap 1a V oul of Ito a
niber Ibe committee.
lagtv vd the olber "Teddy " Roose­ V aunt sad a cousin .bo died. They
tbt apreadlBg bubet vd spmU asd
vr. IV wHer’s nam* V kaon. b
both died vly a mvtb span. H]
Vundtring Canon Draaaa*.
r»in...v aermoaetl*. sood to aU IV antralBcd rlaes abvl b«r, a
Hope you win have a taappv Fourth 1*1 ibe scboolbouse. Some of the seeds cviln keti a Iliile baby three weeki
vrrvr. tired nmra to twd.
skilled Uundres* who Is very aucof July' Give a gaol ihiMighl lo ihelafe up oo.
old. Well, I guess 1 .III have In rIoaS
^be bard doelriv to pat ta pr*Sle* standi guard. Nv. a
ceuful ta dolog up cotton dresses uses
dear old nag. aod to our lined rouniry. dower seeds
aaie of a yard by doint a imie at a
Mr Ibis time.
bone, tad If kept alnys oa baud.
wltb wl.«b>u> to peace vd |
time. Shr rv patat or .
Fnv }vr Suurhincr.
nr-T-'- .10 V a blwMas- Tbt
mixing a cupful of flour wlib a cup of
We sr.- sll proud that we
teaee a»I ull oa tooaa*
Klu Wilson.
mr* an maay tfelasa «bleh rale t>i
pare a kvd gieude. lake It
rams wht« the nation'*
todolBS srhleh B n itT hard plaak; .Mb a brUrwylbe abe cv
of b.illqg wnier. Pill Ihe starch
> sail vd I
Athens. Wlscvlio. May Ik, H
—^ «c rv manor, and tbb b
hnldlDg four gallons of warm
talinte of
Dear Mrs Bam—I have not u
iWasbtagiv. fMlIfnnila and .S'onb IM
abe cv learn to me tbe Ull crass
to had from any
> Ihe Sunshine rluh (or so loai
ikoia vd other states way off fnim
vd lack up vd train Ihe irln
druggV. Dissolve tbew la tevra vl- uswl way. Riase in iwo elesr watery
III write BOW
We bate tDoved from
Monroe Center, May 10, 1*04.
j here. We have three 111(1- ealve*.
toas of water. Pm this ta ihta glass vd dr}'. Tbe dress .III be stiff raougb
Id Hlsshm to Wisronsln
I like
Dear Auat Patiy-I will no. tell i Tbeir aaioe* are Maude *n> Nell
part d maaklad with a spell,
wUbont addmoDSl nareh, wbirb '
I go to *ch<s>l ererv day and
hvi the Arst robins and Bowers 11 W-U. I caeoni think of ant more to
Belter speed leta time v
amid all tkb Insane activity. It eVuM
each, cork lighily vd seal witb
taw. II was sboui the :>nb ot March 1
„ | «iit Hose i»r this time.
>y teacher s name I. Miss Berdeu
an. vd make tbeir ’Vtltag- or back
V thb abort avMiec: "Be Viet, to
p’ell. I guess my b-tler Is eouni
raw the Arst robins
It .*• lotswl-byt..
groamd. to tVy <u she .VI tbw
So vH*. JVa Foiter.
'bra a fire breaks
real evspoTsutoo.
I I Will say good-bye
about the fist of April that I mw ihej
Gertrude Mae Owen
-I dtv thlak a* I wtXA dome aerrIn Case Of AeeWent.
-te Vttles
From your Suashlner.
The robin* were In a
r «—Dear Aunt Paitt: Please
Tbe other day I called at a ot
«» mmaa. TTVi a suite of riul
rases of sccldent srhrrr it Is
II will break ta nr Bear the As
Ediib Hill.
-Ton mul eee vr
lotee!- vd i kmg to aak
possible. bn«k off tto sirahle to Improvise s stretcher
pmtotly stlU aV rwt. I tWak
irrylng v tajnred person, twro :
Beck of.ito bottle vd ecaiter the cv
Monroe Canter. Hay If., in
sistprs at tebvi. WML 1 must close '
are VgtaalBg to realta* jVlla V
tbaointely v eztta- sitaksor vies sad two or three men's
Dear Mn Baieu-Will ><ui pi
Aady Clark.
Ollls Pier. May 24. 1PM. «
Its triva corered the tear
■cer la IVIr mile wid, iVy mtmt
I m*> be mve to serve srell by
I g
Dear Ur*. Bates-1 ibouaht I srvtd send me ■ card vd buiion
a( the vndlag.
ng. II*
Us side. tV akoag on gtdsber, rad bss been tested,
Mvroe Center. May lo. IP04
eoHlraU wpo** of mlad vd------ —
inraing tto riiais wrvg side vt.
Mr leacbar's name Is
ritr a few liras lu vnu. as I have arbonl
part c< the mala boue. OlVr rtaos of need, more than ve bMi:
Dear Aunt Pai'y—I will write and i
plag the poles through the sleeves,
I like her T*r> well. 1 l
•ver written before. I wotild like to Duan
from Ib* cam* root, aapported by ooe bndira and quite a laige t
let you kev when I saw the Arpi rob !'
Next to abseaee ot body,
-In the SuBsbtae rluh. Please seed two aislerw. Uy oldesl slsier’s n
er taro poet*. .**« eonted over a apace gulshed
ta. It was Ibe 21s< of March. I saw ^
of several feet to tV |alik boas*, vd presence of mind is Ihe tost avsllabta
e a card vd boliv
I am seven
the Aist MayAnwer the 2Tib id April. I
, -ara old vd k the seevd reader, yvagest
U m oeariy covered. Tb* Mole Ibtag ta case ot SB eawrgvcy of vy
-Wbv are « ■ntaff «>»«•"
bang ta perfect elastera of trait. Cbie- kind, and pcesetice of misd Is an
Bcbvl will be out Best Wednesday, \ >• < rears
„ «*d act evTT an oar v«
Age H>
Albert Kllbkoer
9 ta scbvl now
My j
hod I like to have mamma read the
fa1 ;mmtag vd tratalag aot only ■■** eelleni thing ta case of a Are. especiala ptare ot
V oto VetoT B*«v** yoor <m>ihtt
ty ta eoBjtmctlv witb tbe bvd gtraef rrolt, VI
iseaimaie I Joe KoUrlk
Me Is my ' l«'*n I will close, hoping to see tbit
Monroe Center. May 1i
•V Igawt ol oerMa tblaga. doe*
Inen wrung out of lukewarm .a.itavd.
tike him very mocb. I trill
Dear Aunt Patty—I thought 1 would
> which a mile ammvla bt* been
rri'e and tell you atom ihe Arst rob- close for this lime, as I rvoot Ibtak
re we V aaarly all vr mark."
Lata McCombs.
toot Becaass your^ber ni awkaddeil. Wring tbe rioUi well, that Is.
ns and Bowers I have seen. I saw ef vy mere. Good-bye. with love to
aaid th* owner. WVi a real to tV
JavaHt Water.
UBitl Ji is almost dry. aad rub lightly.
sivd. mari yv Sd «!««»»>
Bowen Harbor. Hay It, tpnt.
r eye to gUaee from tto kttofaee
With the an>rerab of tnliry rather Wipe wlib a dry clatb immediately, be MayAower* Ihe 2lsi day of April - tbe Sanslitoer*.
vtralaed maeelatt Wall.
Dear Mrs. Bates—At my papa lake*
vt opv a aeat yard, with V aad tbe raaaeqnral Itaea yeltarred
saw vme robins ibe Jtifa ctf March
Frvkle Kolarik.
«v*e yvr tatbar asd meibee. yvr
before the water ev dampen ito picIbe Herald, te I ibeogbl I wonld write
traaa and Ao.era, aad srbai a real to
have a iTOttor and sister at scbvl.
inre vd you wrill be surprised si the
beatbera vd eletera ar* boadla* of
East GarAeM. R. F D. No. 4. May 23. you a few llees. I like to read (he
tto .eaiy IVy to alt v a to. seat or ally leplralsb their Jtvelle vier anp
will close to this 'ime. Good-bye.
aarra*. vd avble to vatrol Uemresult.
Dear Ur* Bate*—Aa I have not Sunsblra letters. I would Ilk* lo be
He ta a bammedi a few Vantet aad
Age ».
Rosie Qtark.
aot V. IV Uie. A sivdar-1
arirea. meet yv say:
Villen for aome time I Ihoagbt I
■f year Boashloe girls Will yoa
watch Ibe grass vd tores grow la fonanlt of JareUe sraier rails to a
-1 tvrt help till am awTOBi.'
Equal pansol ami
e seed me a card vd botlra? I
-Tvov help It. and yv mvt brip Urn dew. Om alnye Uke* ta maV
quarter of a pvnd of efataride of lime.
ra win take patat
at pul of ri«blv-j oe]
most every day. I like to go u school
a bee vd a rat to my-peu. Tto
pvad af eal eoda aad tbr«<
R. K yv wM V aay ptaaswe to
rra If It be bard im dry. Saittrmejfg, ,i
I hare three pet rabUu. Their name* cat’s nam* to Pasiy. My bea Ian v
plBU ef mer. Pat tto sal sods ta a the spot as oftra as necessarr aad Arst robins and MayAowem.
peatolt « otbera. SaitvaUol M tV
Snos hall. Pete vd Uly. I am Com­ egg every day. I have a UtG* nrdea
plat of cold water over Ibe Arc. Wbra
. om la soap soda,
robin 1 ta. ns oa tbe 2<lh day of ing to town oo Deveattae day. It to I plaatad aome Bowen. I was glad
Ito eat soda will be
ease tight too**. Uy
-'ta vMave •»« mm»*to<a poaMarch and tto Brat MayAo.ers I ta. quite tote aa I .111 etara
that they did not freest. They arc all
UpanwhUe. dlasolre
Ma Uy val.’ Aa vay thing to aay. pueets-by. “What a ptMty ptara!
your torlag SvasfataC hoy.
was os tto nx 4g April. I .eat to
Inady. I have oa* brother aad
So tat u devM* a UlUe time aad chloride o( time 1a the remalatarvart where tto oboe pinebea. Tbe moisi
bai hard lo do. yv Udak. Maybe.
atoten. Mr yorageat atotar to
waghl daily to vr Ant ctep vtslde of vid m*r. arix ito two salaUvs. heal will raura tto leather lo give lo Trarcrae ClD ito ether day aad I
MUentodoae. 'Aiaam* a rtita*
wild arbatas Bast OarAeid. R. F. D. Na 4. May 23.
•oaths oU. Her name to HfaBla.
strata aad bottle. For Usrahtag vr- the shape ef tto fool.
« yv W* It aot.’ II you asv*
vd togot to bring Ibem borne. Well
Dear AvUe Bataa—At K has toes Hy Mdest MMra to 12 yean pW. Her
poae*. a vptul ot ito Javelle vter 1*
of siaegar pat ialo I will Clara, to my Mier is getUag
- to Anfe. I .HI pat this to v
tbe iraier ta which tough meat er fowl
"AM^ >**« ffUl af VIWM. ft 1* AM
tang. Good bye.
s. take patas to vile raa a tow
gaimnu late tto atlxtare. soak to is to be bolied. will make It ceBder.
ibiae mlautes vd .rtag dry. Tbra aad win aot UJare the Barer.
wash ttom la eoap ead*. scald ta arapy
A ptacb of salt .01 make tto whRe
staler, rtas* la sratrr to srhkh a ntHe atom egg beat qdidnr. aadpM af


tto fAff* k

Sates Iwngbi me from Mr. McMaddMk '

I can't think of anything a

If t see Ibis ta prim I will wrile agata

am seveaioea years and alevea aevlha
M. I went from there to ModIri
ivaeUp. St. Jo CDuaiy

Hired tbere

ve year, tbra 1 went to KeWSO
losrnsbip. then went lo Klkhtri. fad..
> the old B. A Pratt ptace. tad tbw
went to the old MaasAeld ptara. aad
then R. R Hate* bought the ^ara and
ba* had II ever slam- I bar* Barer
bad vyve Af me or vytblacdtma to
me. vly a little nil pal V me. I atop

■a tbey hare aay p

it Bight a

araetag they kev lotolag at ma. Bat
tang ago I mada a good Cbriaimss
preseat to Mr* R R Batea.
The Rad.
This 1* wrtUv V (tough Ihe ctarfe
mat Ulkiv Itself.

Goldl* Bata*.

Traverve Cby, Mleh. May M. 1*M.
-I ttoogbi a*
Ih-ar Mrs. IMtes—I
as I had
u. yobra^dj^ lieri
t have wriitra tavaral
Ume* Vd Imw-a'i seen li la prim. Iml
will wTli- again. We bad 1(7 days of
■K-h<s>l this term.

I had a mile Vd

Ibrs-e^vriert lo go. y« only mfaato
21 V}S all Ito term. For pels I have
a killer and tour cbickeas. We hare
I* Hub -hlekens Tbe Arri Mrd's aeri
[ ktu SIS the 2lit ol April, aad tbe uas v ibe alnlb of Mar. Ito
third Ibe tkib of May. whlrb was made
of mod. Ailed wltb water and v egg
The irm-s are ta btaaaom.
rat tto 2Ptb of April,
learber gave a card aad v oraaga to
all iMrt rae. That to. I tbiak there wot
uly oee toft out.
t guess I *m seed a riddle or two to
Ito rinb.
'M’hy la a vlt like v eggf
Tto mv rode aad yet to ralfced.
Why are boys'like a mocking bfN?
Koptag to tee this ta print. | graai
I had better* eloae bafore aw-tettar
gets too loofMlaerra Palmer.
omt Pier. Hlcb, Hay 2S. Itat
Dear Hr*. Baiee-I thoaght I arald
vita ta yoa and tell you that t avald
Uto ia Jota the SaMfaia* dab. Ptagae
arad sae a card aad a buttv. I om
eigbl years oM. I hare fear brmtoas
aad two atotart. Tbeir ggmaa At*
Maty. Etaaon. Wraril. Tictar. Baton
aai Heory.

For pets I har* a eat. 0^

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