Grand Traverse Herald, October 06, 1904

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Grand Traverse Herald, October 06, 1904


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


Emm TB>« Btafl Pmm hmp
: Oa« tB Pmte r«tgBM • Ubs
BEkO oppo bU sl9M-rlng
On*«B B attzlB tnw wd »lM.
BWeb. If brtd b*fore bU ey«^
Oar« kim ooobmI «t a ctu>c«
Pit for «TOTr ebBBfeAad ebkBce;
Sotoou vonU. ud iheae are tber:
“Bran tUa ahall paat awar.’*

Pages 1 to 6


ting waa atwapa cbeeifollp p« aside ber clear volee. aad grandma stoM>ed I hot forehead and smiled down Into bU
eeaaor. But tbe change was alow and
Packing Apptaa.
that be might be attended t4
singing and knltUag Instaotiy.
Looking back over his fleid of------ conservatism was a long time tn ac­
lUgbt before ut U tbe task of pick­
Nerertbeleaa, wbea dinner
"Anything new. Jane?” she Inquired.
"rorgire me. John.” abe said, gently, for a qamner of a century, tbe cabinet- cepting oak furelutro In (bis conntry. ing and packing another big crop of
of tbe wap aad babp waa laid down la gently. "Has anytblng been done I "Par whu. motherr' be naked, tn | maker of middle age reeUla
Now (be quarter-sawed eSeets
applta. In recent years I have leaned
bla cradle, fast asleep again. Grandma •bom tbe mortgage Uielyr
i surprise.
j the lessons in the shortilgbtedneet trf white oak are acknowledged even- Just bow to do It to the best advanLane put on ber boanri and abavl
"Nothing, only ii is to be foreclosed | "For lei ting you worry lunger (ban I
He and tbe e
tl 'wood- wbere. but evro tbe while oak Is dis- iage. I used to spend iwke aa much
with jopfnl alacritp. and started
worker, hmking upon the ruined for­ appeartng. Indiana U said to have effort and labor on ihls Job (baa wss
make her afiernuon vUii at Mrs.
"I do not «
ests of the United Sutes ma)- draw some of tbe best tracts of Ibis timber required. The great majartty of appleMiles'.
| he sUd. akrwty. wondertogly.
■ome Uiarp conclusions leading
along iu river bottpms. Wbe
growers could save a great deal -if
It was onlp a sbort distance, aad lea
Grandma toohed soberly enough
-jmtn. what do you meanr' she fnmi tbe old story book Idea of men fashion exacted white oak for
UtMble and expeue la apple packing
Ttataa of easa^ tfeRMsk (ba aaad
minuea, eren at grandma’s, alow gUt.
cried, "dewi you know that tbi* plao- bom with an eagle eye to tbe future. menui floors, for wainscot logs and If they a-Duld but learn bow to do It
Branghi hta gest fnwa Bamirrand; brought her to tbe end of ber walk.
”Hoa' mnehrU It. Janer she asked
line, and that it will In course of
Forty years ago men were buying house trimmings, the demands of the right. Mori at tbem imaglbe that tba
Ploau of galtrr* ibroagb the acaa
“Here I am. pou eee.'' she said, quietly, wincing at tbe sharp reply In Ume be yours? I bought It today and lands in certain seciiunt of tbe middle hardwood trade made further Inroads
M hare to be pnt in fdlae In the
Broaiht blta pearl* to nateb vllb dropping weartip Into the big chair Jane's bifttest key.
paid for it. You are all welcome, ani west where. In tbelr visionary jadg- upon the white oak preserves.
orchard to "swem." No greater aOstbOM.
which waa eordlallp set out tor her. “I
“Five hundred dollars! You know more (ban welcome, here. If I mav merns. great cities would have «i
From white oak the cabinetmaker
was ever made la tbia line. This
Bat be eoniad aot bU gain
don't walk enough to know bow. har>*- we've only been able to keep up the only slay with you."
spring up into tbe actlviUes u( trade has bad to turn to tbe once despised plan Involves a large addUiOD of la­
Treaanraa of tbe atiM or mala:
Ip. and a liule wapa Urea me.”
Interest, with nil our eatra expenses."
John and Jane looked at (he old lady and commerrial and manufacturinc red oak. 'The lime was when tbe red bor. makes the work more tedloss na-l
-Wbat ta weallhr tbe Wag wooM
"Breathe a minnte and get rested;
'Jane meant tbe new babies and snch
mixed wltb alarm. centers. Today many of these city oak. ev.-n for Bn-wiNMl. waa nc
disagreeable, and at ihe same time re­
then hand me your tblags. Grandma." matters by the "extra expenses." but Had (be general trouble driven he-1alUa are graxlng land, while over mil-: slden-d by the man wbo wished
sults tn a puriilve Injnry to tbe ap­
- *^08 tbb aball pam awar-"
aald Mrs. Miles. "Got a lot more mit­ eomebow grandma otfaerwisc craiy?"
Hon* of acres of former forests the Ibe best rntuliK from bis stoves and pearance of the fruit in tbe bnrrel.
tens. I eee. Mr. MUea aUd that tbe and algbed ah she beard the words.
"How did you get the money, moth­
ranges. Under the plncb of necessity Prom an exptrienen. gathered from
bu been destroying
la tbe melB of bb ooort.
After I bat abe sang no more, bat er?" Jobo uid at length. Just
kissal foKOBu in canverting wslnut, the hardwood trimmer has made red picking a Urge ^^«f barr^ of
At tbe aeatib of tbp eport,
last lime be was in town, so they will pm away ber knitting and helped raor her conceit and soothe her. u be white mV. popisr. bard ma|>le. pine* oak an acceptable substitute for the ippte* during the past
Wbea tbe pate* of all bl* gtMata
go like bol cakes."
about tbe dinner and ibe children, and had always beard that it was best
more brilliant white oak. Filling com­ know poslilvely that (he apptaa w^Ic'j
and cedar tree* into fence rail*
Baned wftb Clapp^ al bla JotU.
•There's ten pUr In there, and 1 looked u sober as eren Jane could do with crazy people.
pounds hare been made by which the
of COM storage In tbe beet
He amid bU E»\ad vlaa
wisb pon'd ten Mr. MDee to get
"Knitting mlttans," sbe replied
Fifteen yean ago or morn, a cotkcero more porous grains of tbe red variety shape and wdl ataad up b*M and laagOM. -Gk. loTtac maada of mlaa,
pounds of yarn and tbe rest in me
But after dinner sbe put on ber quietly, ‘and now John and Jane fed In the cast interestod In the manufscimootbed. and the stain of the fill eat afterward, are (boae tlmi were put
pteaeore oomw. bat sot to atar:
nad then you keep It down here and thlngx and took ber knitting worit bac certain that her mind wu
lure of gun stock*, sent men through
gives to tbe polish of the red oak directly into tbe barreU aa pl^ed
Bm tbta i^t paM awap-"
111 get it a tittle al a time, so tbey aad aianed for Jenny Miles' house.
But Just here Mr. Mile* stepped In Ohio purchasing tbe stumps of giant ao effect scarcely tu be dl*tlagoisbe<l from the trees. All our apples are
wodT notice It. John and Jane
'Jenny. It's come." she said, as sbe and made matter* as clear as day walnut trees (hat had been felled for from tbe wfaiier wood. But red oak Is barreled up. beaded up aad naOad
PlgbOtg oe « tartoaa BeM.
wonldn*t think I ought to do so much sank Into ber accusiotned seat, "what
lUilD a short space of time.
the making of fence rails. Some of nneh softer than the while.
wiibia half an boor after ibey are
One* a Jav^ ptetrwd bii ebield.
hnllUng If they knew." sbe added, fve been expecting for six yeara.'Yoo
Grandma teiu Mrs. Milu la coofl- these stump* were Rve feet In diam­
la tbe day* when black wslnut was gathered from tbe trae. and nananr
BeMlara. with a kmd lament.
with a qneer little smile.
John's place was mortgaged for deace that life is not the same as !t eter where the axe had felled tbe giant the unlverral native materia! for fur­ in cold storage witbla a day or two
Bora blai btoedlag to bin loot:
That was one of Grandma Lane'* gve hundred dollar*, its full value;
was before ber inveatmeni In real es- tree, and the roots from the stump niture some of tbe old pieces Id parlor after ibey are barreled. Tbe apples
a ble tortwpd aide,
gala days. They came sfaoui once In
tell it another way. old Solomon Ute.
bedrooms were veneered wUh
spread tor yards to the diameter id
allowed to ic«^ (be grtwad.
“Pain is hard to bear,' be cried,
gro weeks In the pleasant weather, Shaw let John have Are hundred dol­
Not that she was not happy before, ordinary trees. For some of these
d and mahogany, brought from With a proper stortlng-Uble siaadiu
■ “Bat vttb patlanoe. dap bp dap.
whan tbe snow was on ibe ground the lars to buy bis bouse and lot wUb. and bat now she is happier because hide- stumps, dug and caned to the rail­ other lands. To have told tbe cabinet­
within easy reach from the aearaet
Brea thU aball paas avap.”
time between ber rlslts was ^en
took a mortgage on the property for pendent. not of boaut John, but of— road.' the pnrehasm paid more than maker of that day that oak one day two or there trees, oae man caa til
ith and sometimes longer. Then •eeurlty.
10 acre* of the cultivated ft___ _ „.. would be used as a veneer would have tbe barrels and another bead aad Mil
TbreHag in tbe public agnare,
tbe closely packed bag. wbleb was sup­
"Weil, tbe tenna of tbe mortgage
One thing more Jane bad learned have brought in the market. I^a' caused him to doubt the speaker’s tbem about as fast as three or fov. or
Twoatp ouMia Is tbe air.
posed by Jane to bold only (be knit expired a year ago. but John begge.1 that ber mother-in-law is not so very the whole tree might have brought sanity. But It has pMe to tbai. Vet:perhaps half a doeea. men caa etrip
Soaa bU statue earred la atone:
ting work npon which sbe wss en- oR and so Soicxnon Sbaw let thing* deaf, after all.—Woman's Magazine
it been spared the axe of tbe
furalti^' M to be found In tbem off (be trees aad empty tbem oe
Tbaa tbe Wag. dlagnlsad. aakaowB.
lie, to give him one more chance: bot
is startling in lU poasi- all the bouses aad It Is by no means tbe soniag table. All this meaa* qnlek
Stood betea bis
of Tartona alcot. Tbeae, a*
be wants fats money, ao Jane toH)
inexpensive. Many of the
busloees. and nothing U as tlroeoate
Haaing moMp, “What is tamal
we bare seen. Mr. Miles carried to the me today."
The black walnut furniture of a gen­ looklag frtmt doors to residences are and Umenaklng for any one as (be Job
Self confidence la self deceit.
Pbae is b«t a alow decap—
town, several miles away, and dls
• Yes." returned Mrs, Miles. "Mr.
Only (be weak have time to worry. eration ago. In combination wltb the ■eneered oak from a base of white of picking and eorting the fniK from a
Bren this aball pass awap
poaml of them, for her. receiving a
It: but.
big heap on tbe ground, in itae-Ufter
Meditation Is the mold of charac- Italian marbles of the time, would not pine.
good price per pair and always aa or Grandma. I don't tbink I would worry
appeal to the present, perhaps. Bot in
Stniek with imlap. sera aad old.
case every apple has to be baadted
der for more. myulf sidt. If 1 were you." Sometblnq
(be Judgment of the
T«*»4laaded Feline.
Waning at tbe gate* of gidd,
With a eorilag table, tbe man
Theology la a map and not a
Lam's bright, flrmly knif will tura up."
One of nature's freaks has been tending it simply handles the poor opblack walnut forests of the past, could
Said be. with bla dplag braatb.
“Ute la doot. but wbat U dealbr
ple* and the few with (be email
AH groat deeds have been bora they be reincarnated, would appeal rotmd In Ionia. Mkh.—a young kiltcertain claaa of petmie who bad by Grandma, "only t don't know which
safficjenily to modern tastes and metb-: with (WO heads, or at least the tacisi branches left on. and Ma nil tbe good
Tbaa. U f&Bwer to tbe Wag.
of dreams.
agreeable esperteaoe oome to value do. ocaetly."
Pbll a Boabaam oa bU rtag.
fruit roll by him Into tbe batreL Tkto
A man's sIm dou not depend on bli odt of finishing aa to make walnut features of two heads, baring
tbem at tbair trve worth. Thrae c
“Which of wbat. grandmar
one of the most valuable woods to the noaea. two mostbs and (our eyes. Tbe style of haadUng apples nleo iBHres
Sbowlog bp a baaraotp rap.
tomers of ber'a had been known
“Whether 1 taad better uke up the
been accldetiially booeai soniag aad packing. Tbe ap­
“Btm tbit abag pas* awap.“
There never was greatneu without
•ay tbu oae pUr of Grandma Lan
mortgage to my own name and own
ples go Into tbe barrm ftist aa they
It is one of the anachronisms of In­ killed before tbe dlscovfty of
mittens would ontwear three of those tbe place myself, or—do It the other gratitude.
A light bean make* a light house dustrial history dial. ai ibe lime when double identity was made, but the come. Tfaeer la no cbaace for tlllag
ordinarily for sale at tbe stores In way.”
lot of trash la the center of tbe barOrandau Laoa% Parebaaa.
the foresu of walnut, and white oak. resf of tbe Iltier are living. The moth
In a dark world.
town, and though the price was pretty
"Ab—ba-^ see. Well. now. Grand­
d. The trash all gM to the grtMad.
“Bo poa aaa.“ aald Mn. Laae. in the
Benevolence for business oni>' and beech, and bird's c ; maple were
bi^ it was not^ree Umes as bigb.
ma Laae. Jut let me put a Ilea in your
gist. There is much regret that the to be gathered up Utes (or cider tt tbe
eonrae of a ebat wltb a neighbor who
feeding slosly i
breed* malevolence.
Bo It will be aeon that expense at oar. PU It ao that you can own
bad dropped tn, “bow K la with
Life Is Ibe fruit of the put and tbe ■toree of tbe country white pine was kitten did not lire, aa n U looked upon
well as quaUty was on grandma's side place youraelf. You've got money
John U a good, steady maa and aare*
the material of the bulidera. and tbe aa ah effort of nature to Introduce a
"I declare." said she. as sbe pinned enough; my husband and 1 were look seed of tbe future.
ererr coat, but tbara^ bees aMAaeat
of the “gralner" was at^ height new breed of cats (bat would be capa­
t out the lamp of works and you
ber shawl and made ready for ber Ing at your bank book ;.\Jt night. To
Will tbe Orayiirtg Seen Came Bank U
in tbe tamllf, and benUes our owa wr
Doors in the most costly >^na«a. In­ ble of catching two mice at om time.
walk borne. "I've eataa ao much gin l^k that you've earned five hundred lose Ibe light of faith.
bare John's BMtber to care tor. makside
dnliblngs. tables, the kitchen enbIt
gerbrsad and drank so much tea that doliata In six years. kBitiing mittens!"
For a decade a
Om of Ceraa'a fi
iBc^ite a large HmUp—ala in a»—
I dOB'l know's 1 shall ever get home.
Grandma amiled serenely and
aad I tel) »W when the end of tbr
id dining room chairs were palm­
People who are always trying to be
"Oh. yea you will,” laughed Mrs. tinned In deep thought.
pear comet tbara ian*t mneh left
ed and grained In imitation of tbe of Corea. U a bill called Ponk Han. Ing. but thU aeaaon and iwtaiw ones a
MIlea. Now oome again. Grandma, do.
Those words of Jane's—"extra ex­ some oae else succped In being nobody
pap on tbe anncige. Three of tbe
beautiful natural woods by which the which was formerly covered with new eondlUcm is expectad, says Wdbefore tbe aaow geu so deep you pense*"—and a good many other*
tee pears are goat airoadp and nil w>
in tbe houses were wafmed. troea. The legend runs that so long Ham C. Harris in Beptembm- OaUng.
cant get here."
which her supposed entire deafness
bnre done ao fttr la to krap up the InWalnseoUngs always were grained In as a tree remains on the bill ao long They are cMDiag baric, and tkla de­
“Yes. ni try to. and nay. Jennie. teU had placed ii la her power to
teraat. Of eoarae. Jtdm'a nwtker bai
imitation of oainrnl wood*. Gnarled Will Corea maintain lu independence. lightful prospect Is based np«a the
Mr. Miles to pnt all but enough to get hear, turned tbe balance at l.■ogttl.
therefore no one Is allow(>d to cut great decline In (be lumber anpply of
IB bare n home whs tuber dled.nad
tbe yarn In—well, lust where be did TbU. added to the advice of Hr*. Supreme Court, who bu a fine sum­ Kffect* in grains, quarter-sawed beau­
Michigan, thus lessening tba limber­
. nbe bad notkiag left wbae all ibelr
mer residence on SUten Island. ii> ties and Imitations of knots were of or touch a tree. But tbe natural
Ibe other, you know."
the grayling streams; the logs
. uapeaaaa wan paid, dad tbu make*
very fond of aailing. A few wo«^i ago. the gralner's art, and tbe more cloae- sequence of tbia want of forestry has ing
“All right. I win."
"Ill do as yon say." she raid by-andcae uore. abd ao It goaa.“
that the tree* have gradually in tbe spring of tbe year, when these
And then Ibe old lady began her bye. “It nay make bard feelings, but says the Epworth Herald, ho Invltod a ly he lmltate<l Mture tbe lieiter bis
fish are cm tbelr spawning bade, oome
Bbc eeasad. with a doletil algh. aad
died off. until now only one U
ficalions for bis wcjrk.
abort Journey, and when It waa ended 111 risk It. 1 really (blnk t would like friend, who is a lawyer, le accompany
down with tbe early aad heavy ftaah.
tbe nalibbar Aat tneasp gtanoea to­
Two things made for Jbese condi- On this one tree It Is believed that
pnt ber knlttliig work bag away with It better ao. and I've earned U. any­ him down the bay. and the fon U*gsn.
eu. scraping aad scouring tbe beds to
ward a goUd tgnra in a further oorAt the start the wind was quite iluns. Mill macblnery and tbe tool the faie of the country ream, aaf
ber bonnet and shawl, and spent the way."
Ibe destruetkm of the egg* aad tbe
aer of the room kaUtlng. her epet
brisk, but freshened into a gale, an-l chests of tbe cabinet maker were li: when It goes Cores as an ladependesi
evening In tovlng submlaslon to the
spawning gronnds. For many yaais
txed on eome oh}eet oetalde tbe win­
Bute will go with It.
grani“Now. Jennie, do yon think ! can ge'
tbe decrease of grayling la Mldblgna
dow; abe was 'Hikab nvotber "
Mr. Miles to trod to this buslneu for
was believed by many to be eaaaed by
Ifra. Lam taad tbe thought of Uk
entered so widely as now In the manuThis rontlne bad been closely fol me? Maybe he will not wut to get caused the lawyer's features i
BUghkor arlgbu
One of tbe recently discovered ns the Bocalled Injudicious planting of
Into expressive contortion.
facibre of machinen and Imple­
lowed for all tbe throe years of her mixed u^ In iL~
in grayilug streams by the Mich­
“Oh. ake'a deaf aa a poet We talk
Olegericli, notking
ments displacing liardwixMlE in a bun- ^1 cur1<wltlp* of China I* an “alui
life la ber son's borne—knit. knit. knii.
"He don't care. He's in it up to hi*
igan suit- fisb commliBtoe. the latter
bein* berpHt aa U ake bad ao earr.
friend's plight, laid a soothing hand on | drt-i! ways. Again, wood was tbe nl mounuln." UK'*' fee) In height, and
fish being. It was said, tit most pngBbeb a good woman eaoagb, mother tend baby aad make an occasional eyes already, yon know; be might at (he latttv's shoulder, and asked. ~M\ ' nutst unirerral fuel, and the gauge
about tro miles tn clrcumferenc
visit at their
well see you Jhrough. Bat ray. Grand­
;Mnis aad predatory, aougbi tbe t
le; boat maaa to make aap trouWe;
base. Tbe Chinese quarry
fellow, can I do anything for all wood fuel was ftxe<l from seasoned
der-lipped grayling as food mad were
4 1 Juat meatloaed her aa maUag one looking back Aver the time, she eonid ma Lane. I don't believe he guessed
i white oak Rail fenc-s were neces- alum, or tnaj.s<-» conulning alum, iu
say that b bad been unhappily what jmu
RHl were at
■> any
anr more
iT,na» than
.k.. Illl’t*'''
awn la tbe SunUp. thU-a a)l.“
Urge blocliK, whicb are heated In gradually exterminating tbem. Belter
informed nnglers knew that tbe BagAa tbe eanertaae to gn. tbe old Jadj
I yer In plaintive tones, "you wHI great­ ea-ny spliulng qualities of black wal- oven* made for tbe purpose and after
“For." she waa wont to say to JeaOrandBM smiled her deep little
liah grayling lived In nnlty with (be
law her kaUtlgg down aad came tor
ly oblige me by overruling this mu- nut and white oak. logeiher with ilfelr ward dlKEolved In Ik>IIIde water. Tbe
brown trout and maintalnad their sovward. “I'm ooHlig orcr to pour bouas tUe Miles, “tbe ebUdraa are tbe best smile. "Maybe not." she saiddurability and life In a fence, made alum then cryKtslIlzes In lajers alaoul
erelgntty, albeit, a t
tbW afieraon ta atap to tea wtu pon.
■ them the fitat choice of the rail spilt half a foot in thickness tnd Is cut
good deal wme women than Jane.'
beep ber secret during the next six
tbelr mutual habitat; also that tbe
Hard ter. - To the farmer with a timber Into ten ponnd pieces. Its principal
Time passed Ull three more year* days, when John went artwnd with fals PraaMtflt'a Beets are Having
kad kaowa Mn. Mllee Wagar
MoDUna grayling, a closely alllad K
i patch the first idea was to get a fence
had known bnr owa eea Joba'a wife. bad been added to tbe three Grandma honest face ckmded with sorrow, aad
not an IdenilcaJ sfMclee wltb tbelr
Every nail and screw In tbe solos of
pf it, and the next to clear
“That u good. I’D ban some af that Lane had spent In her son's borne Jane was m-natured to even lhe baby, 1
Hichion congeneti. lived in hMSony
Black Terih.
the booU which President Rooseve!: i tract tor crops
any cost, turning
aaft glnserbraad pns like no well. when we were Rrat Introduoed to ber. and everrthlng seemed wrong. But
Emigrants from Southern Italy arc. with the red-tbroated Iront. whltt is
when be was a cowboy tn North (be Umber into cordwood as the easlcit
eoM early,'' was the heaitp reapoase
Baby John was no longer called abe fnsltted that nothing should be
equally as predatoo' as tbe red-apbttcd
Dakota, and wbkb arc on exhibition means of converting it into cash.
tbaa tbe caller took ber ieere.
baby, because a yetlow-halred little done till the very day which bad been
trout of tbe east. From these tacts
•1 tbe World's F^r. has been removed
LoiriitDg at the modern harvesUng known as "black teeth.' Tbe teeth of
for tbe (orockMure.
“fm tbinUag that Mrs. John Lane y ftri held that position and be was
they raasoned that lumbering wh the
• by souvenir hunters. There is hardly machine* in tbelr compactness of steel these persons are tSecied during the
a mue edatakea about Grandma wearing pants.
cause of (be decline of tbe grayUng,
-«T.O -IM ,od
bo,«b, n. Jol.V i ,
,1. j„„,
material. It Is hard for a young peraon period of growth by some gaseous con­
Laae'B deatnean,’' abe aald aa tbe gait
In tbe (aces of Johirsttii
lll,.lrad J....
pte«l hi. ... to realize bow bulky were the old aeif- stituent of drinking water, probably and recent reports of this fish being on
cikdred behind her. “Sbe'a deaf. 1
nny care lines conM be traced
■ I .MO .MhmUM.- „p|,M J-a.
Impregnation with volcanic va­ their spawning beds In Increased namraktng machines built of wood,
kanw. bat not w deaf at sbe thinks: whieb. wbea we ftrat knew tbem. were MOOdllr. -1 .Mh'. U.l.k M .«!«■: I.p,.„ ,h.M
Ip X- yet with scarcely a tithe of the work por*. Tbe defect ofiro give* a slnls- her* confirmed tbe belief.
and I gnaai that abe kaowa n good not so plainly defined. Indeed, the Mil., did Uie buMp«a lor h.r Him.| pro.ld.d fw ib.t pnipP... ndl
r look a M otherwise handsome
done by Ibe modern steel binder. Bren
mnap tbtagi tbep tblak aba doni change In grandma berseU was fa.'
I think. I wna thlhklnc nbout [ „n th. Pmld.nt'a boot*, bui the b-rt, the wheel* of tbe flntt of these bar- face. but. fortunately, does not. it
ksaw. aad ni watraal abe geu ber leu noticeable. Sbe stilt ut at ber «... Id Id «« .. !«., ,hU; Ul.1 -b...
seems, affect the strength or durabil­
n,u«aop .or hot p... vesteci bad to be of hardwoods, with
A 36<andie power Uglt wbleh will
teettaga haft a grau manp ttmea.“
endleu knitting and
M Mtnn nnpormnn t. ni, ,l»n i. : „„.,j pj
minimum of iron and steel in the ma- ity of the teeth.
never go out has bees discovarad by
“Mother. ) iboaU think you'd get med tbe tune of an old song u an ae know who la to live here. "
____________ __
rbloe't cooEiructlOD. Plow beams of
an Ittveator in iAOdoa:ONhlle expai!ttrad kabtiag m> mock, doot you want cranpanlmeal. Sbe seemed so ligtatEating One's Beets.
"Hero comas mother from Hr. e
An Arab Saying.
•II kinds were turned out of white oak.
ling Wltb pboiograptalc ebemito 'boMtbalmhpaapein He a waked bearted and care free at times tbs'
"Rawhide, or even leather, if boiled
Miles', looking as happy •» U we
"Man Is four;
quarter rawed to show the best effecu
caU some years ago Msgrady** aUeaeg ernaa, and
moat dinner Uae." Jane felt aggravated, feeling at the
(hr hours, wilt make nutritlcms soup."
owned tbe roof wc are under sad alt; "The man wbo know* not aad know* (hroogh
tlon waa aurseted by a glow In a
Mrv Lane, Justor, shrieked this rtUme ber own burden press so
right. I do think your mother is; not he knows not be Is a fool—shun in the middle west tbe timber land* aays a writer on the subject of wbat
small globe. Tbe glow wss canaad by
•law and heavily.
msh lost m the wood* may findI to Mt.
the moat heartleia woman. John—"
i him.
along tbe creeks and riven were rav­
riiemlcal which the discoverer kaaps
Pbwped tbe tu bnbp into the old
-Many a Ynaa has bridged (bec awful
"Pbr mercy's uke.” tbe. snapped
"Oh. don't. Jane; let tbe poor old . "The man wbo knows not and knows aged of timber for these purpose*,
■ecret. Msgrady enlsrged the glow
Wdyb lap. anUetpaUng her, reedy ac^
>e day u grandma ut slogtag
Dsnan be happy if she can; tt cant' be knows not. be is simple—teach the wonderment of tbe cabinetmaker
Shd perfected the tight by ptaeMg it
gWeaceace; an tba knltUag work, "BUok-Byvd Susan" and clicking ber
extremechange matters, can It?" <
> him
I of today.
le sn slr-Ugbt glsss. He says there
wbleb was a laluea. bait donWe, la a knitting neediu avriruy at the same
*111 eat my boots first.' Mark Twain
Grandma Lane came briskly up the
reason why the light srill mat re­
I »np bp earrplnf Ume. "I wish I could sing and be so
once put to this flnai rewm, and
path and catnrvd the kitchen, where not bekknowa. be U asleep—walum the people at tbe present ume as
main brflUsnt forever if tbe glMs M
two threads (eg eontiwtlng cUorti. gar u you. mother; bere'a^joba and
recorded afterward thm the boles
nnd bU
black walnut for funiltore or bouse
not broken. A company has beta
tnstaad «f one. was ebeetfnUp uid me all bioke up over thU nortw",
tbe tro. each with a child h.
"The mas who knows and Itnowr fuRtisbings. that wood U now o« of
the light m
aaWe and
John took Ks ftaee.
and you ata«lng and knlttiug ana* and ibe tvro oldest trying to nn- that he knows, he la wise—follow
the question. Fior the porpoaa at tbe
Words eoUd get ielt how graadma Jaai as bsppy a* can be."
It take* over Ib.bOO tons of paper various sixes. A hood tU orw tbs
deratand tbe MtnaUon.
; mm. ad by Saaan Bayes
it may be called extinct. nnaily to make the tieketa used «e light sad hides It whas (he light b
loead tbU babp. Her belored bait
Jane sbomed ibU out at tbe top of
She InH ber cool band on ber son'sl«'krd.
White oak became iu togtcal t
needed.—New York HaraM.'
the New York eievated railroad.


**At'ite koo« or Mr. ud Mrt. Ocs»
A. «Mrer
U»c Loke 8«pt. »
WM MteMlMd tko Bkrrtoce o< 0«rvu Albert Cerar aad MIm Any
At U o-dodc tb* brfctel ptitj dowerntti tb« auir*. Mluei EAltb BJeh•rdm and Kath AiUiu pnoedlag
rnttartBC flower* la the pathwaj. The
brWe «U lOle&ded by Min MbbcT
Marita «d gutanliirUle. Ind.. boita betiic
fowaed to while mall and the bride
flarrylnc vblin atter*. Edgar DerivAIM of Manton wa* groomsmao. Tbe
party ^oceeded to a bower ot autuma
ICBTea and Uiere the ceremosy
e«rft>nyd b^e Ktr. Jane* D. Car• 6r; A nomber c< gueau from Travarse CKy. Manton and Interlocbeo
ware pmaat Mr. and Mn. Corey weal
to m«(w, where a reonpikm
gtrea them. «r. Oarey baring been
paitar nC the ^ttreb tber*. Before
•otng to tbelr' borne at Onaway ibey
wfll attend the Ibdlana yearly meeUng
at Riebmond and rUlt Mr. Carey'i
paranu near Marion. Ind.
Alfnd OrcOMi and Mla> Marie
Eofeoa ware gnSetly married Wedi
flay. Sept. fl», at> the panwnage
Mar. D. Odetalln tt tbe Congrega­
tional ehnreb. JAn Rokoe and Mlu
Emma Rakon. brotber and Mater of the
bride, acted aa-beot man and brldeemaM. Tbe happy eoople immediately
left on a wadding trip.
Mr. OreUIck la a wefl-known yotmg
baalif man wttb a Urge clrele of
flrtonda. He U a member oC the Arm of
vraak ntadrteh A Oo. and U dwerr.
•dlypopnlar. The bride U a ebarmlng
y«mg Udy of Bolon. She alao baa
large namber ot frtenda and the yoang
paople atari life with eery bright prtmpeeu.. They wfll tire U NorrUrttle.
A very pfwtty botee wedding look
plaoa Uat RMneAay at the borne
«r Mr. and-Mn. B. Briatoi. S06 But
atreM. ttae eoatracUng partle*
betag Miaa Mabel Marie Briatoi aad
Bdwia r. Clark. Ber. C. T. Stoat ti
OraM Bplaeepa! Aarcb oMeUted.
oalag tbe rtag aerrlee which wu rery
Bctama and t^proaaire. 't) ITamlae
Ma.** by Befliaald dMCoren. waa auag
by MUa MaulU Barry aad .M«de>aaoba'a wnddlag amreb wu played hv
MUa Blbel SmartbwaUe. Tbe oerereifbakked with paUnt.
PUk aad wbk^ ulera.were tbe decor■tteu ta the real of tbe rooma.
Tbe bride, who U a popular yo«ag
laky, wu draaaed la cream crepe de
eh«e aad eream Uoe. She carried a
bandaome nbower boognet ot awaaaanU. IV .brideanwid. Mlu Maud
Moody', woM white and onrried n
bobflnat of pink utera. Tbe groom
. Md ben ama, J. H. Totala of Chicago,
wart fltUMd M ttae cMreaUooal bUek.
Tbn gaenu were aented at anmll tablea
and pUk aad white toe cream wu
Barred u tbe abape of beaita with anHttod ankan and Aerry ponA. Ttae
bandaome and coaMatad ot Mirer, cot gtUB aad Aina.
CbartM Abbott and MUa -Anaa
Wobb were married laM Wedneaday
tt. At mfltage of tbe gnm'a ala'tar, 'MUa
Abbott at WgeWppd. Rrr- B- CoAfla oBclated and
altar ttae eeremoaiy a wadding dinaer
' varbaMifl-aa^ra. Q.'H. ImArop'a
The groom la a prominent trait
growm of LoadoB. Oat., aad the
brideb borne b U Jneknoa. The cere­
mony wu witaeaaod by Mlaa Ornee
Wabb of Chicago, a abter of Ae bride.
Mr*. Q. R. Latbrop. Mba Torace. MUi
Lnwb aad Mba Bacon, nil ot Bdgewood, Mba Orv* Abbott, daughter of
Ae groom, mad Mb* Ag»e* Abbott of'
Sa^aad. a abter at Ae groom.
Mba Mlnt< Minor of ibb city anl
Richard D. Blggi of Klcbob. Mo., were
flaleUy married Satorda. Sept. 24. at
T:M at Oenera, IIU aad arrirnd taeiw
MMday noon, learing Wedneaday for
BuSalo. Tb9 will trmrel oatil after
the holiday*, u Mr. Bigg* li Ae trarMiag member ot Ae Arm of Bryant.
flAanoa aad Bigg*. commlMoa merA*nU Of H BonA Water atreei. Chinagoi. and tbelr home wtll be to that
Mr*. Bigg* wu Ae primary uaebar
of the Old Mbtlao aebool aad rloaed
ber work Friday u uaM. not notify­
ing ber moM Ulimate friend* of her
tateatioo*. tbe turrtage being a great
snrprUe to ber muy Mead* u vMI
u pupils.
Cuban Bm induatry.
JamM Hilbert of HaiAes CroaMng
left hat Tburaday for Palarll*. WeaV
cm Cuba, where be bu a new bee laflaauy Afet regulm hi* perunal *nperrIMoa Ae coming wlater.
Two year* ago A. J. Root Alpped
tW swarm* from Medina. Ohio, aad
Mr. Hilbert reading of AU venture
Alppod 4M ■warm* directly from
HatAea OraaMug last tMI.
Ag them WlA bU Amfly. losing only
forty swarms A Ae long trauportaUon. these feavAg now Acrcued lo
sat awarm*.
Tbe lalaad of ao«A«ra tropical foli­
age aad flowers U a rdeta bretalag bed
for (be buy bee ud today Ac Adostry stands Alrd. tobacco ud sogar
AadAg A Imporuace. Tbe magno­
lia takwaoM. no heavy with fiagruce

Reoarfl BraMtlng Crap.
and Ae pnha bloapom furaUta tbe
W. B. Mfller.. whose farm U at Lone I
mMn arenoe for tbe bee wiA its Mpplng propenaltle* sad aoae for sweect. Tree, tbree miles west of (A city. As j
and added to Aeae are a mau ot wiM
PIRM GAS*, Stamm Bojlflr and Accident Insuranoe.
Prom m aerra be secured 24.220'
aonAera flowm that oontain tot
tA AM load hauled from Ae
Onrlag Joae. Inly and Aagaat. tbe fleld contaAAg 2.74« pouds. TA^
wet acasoa. Ae boe* remain very crop, which wu of Stowel's Erergeea
maA wlAln. bM wftb September, variety, wu sold to the March fac­
warm aad bcautJAl wesAer they “dig tory. Mr. Miller commenecd oa u-;
otn and dig U.“ u Mm HUbart atated other Aid of Ae same variety AA
Room 810 New 8 Ate Bank BuildinsTraverse City.
to tbe Herald representative, and from moraAg wbicb was pluted eome time
later At is now ready for the ruttingOctober to January Aeir atoreA
yield a barveat Aat reacbei fondga In addition be bu twelve acre* of |
aboroj la tbe •Wracted" aht.pc. Ger- Evergreen weatera corn wbicb Is not'
yet ripe ud will require at leut a
muy belag Ae greaiect tAer.
week or tea dayi of good weaiber A '
FMI Bent Sctaedula.
fore It will Stake eorn.
The fMI nebeduU of Ae NorAern
MIebIgu Ttaaeporutlou compuy I*
It is not neeedaary to send uaiside
u follow*: Tbe MIsMMiri I'eavee Chi­
cago Friday Bight at 7 o'cloA, atrives for fancy Ice cream for your partlu,
when you cu get uyiblng A tAt lAe
here Bnaday moraine, going aotA
Cbetoygu ud returning leaves here yon wut at Jadcson’s. 106 Front
For ^I.SO. E^ual to uy $8.00 Vest on Ae markcL ' l^ jies'
BtreeL Fresh borne made eudle* *1
oe Tneaday. gelag to Cbleago.
or GentieiDcn's Felt Cbest Protectors, I 7e each.
TA nitaoi* leaves Cbleago Tues­ ways on hud: Both pAne* l*^
day evealag at 7 o-eloA and arrive* Creem delivered to any part
here Tburaday moraiag going aonb. city eiwry d*y to the year.
and retnmiag leave* here Saturday tor
Tbat'a Ae ume of Ae excluiire
0*«A Roll.
lAe of hygicolc toilet reqnlalte* kept
Mr*. Laura B. Snow, wife of Lyi
Traver»e City, Mich.
AiyiEKT H. G<£>IIK^^Lv, Manager
by Mr*. B. L. Bouier. ud wlA tAve
B. Snow, died at 8:46 Sept. 28 U ber
are a full line of Avorlng extract* ud
borne two mile* norA of Ae city o«i
perfume*. Tbe extracts run In everyAe Ay Aore. Mrs. Snow Ad been
AAg new—Antna, peach, nectarine,
111 for wme time wlA Adlgerilon and
even celery, onion ud garile.
dyspepsia but Wednesday moraine she
appeared lo feel u well u utna'. 8A
bad sArted A do a waabAg when Ae
One Alug tbe public should know.
wu Ukra suddenly ilL In Ae put Aat all Avon are from tbe pure fruit
H.a HITX. PKmimiNT. 'pTWklcat OrM W«d
Ae hA suffered couldernbly enli Julcu. no extract* ever AAg used A
a. v^D>i
Alntlng apelU At bad not Ad w Ae eoofectlou or cream* muufactor several year* prerkra* to yester­ tured by the sAve Arm. -The specAl
Aturday tale is tram 2 to 8 p. m.
LStTNEI Psmi-r.
wu immediately sum- only—Come during tbe hour* fur your
. LJJtUlE. VriolM'r I ■nslw*>.
mA ud after a
bargain A candy.
WV UirnnK. aCCsItwcliaLoodoBSBd Pre. tVwdmsnilivKr gkw. t..* r f\>
appeared to A resting euler^
laler- In tbe
ItUMOXn, rr»ad«ot
1 AMer aad
afternoon she wu
Ir. £raow re­
wbA evMlng can
If ymi wlih draylDg Ud carl Ag done
ported ber condition Ic Ac pbyM- to your entire Mtlstaction, phone for
iBtcrestPaMoQ Deposlii. All Deposits PajrgMe on l>eroai>4.
clu by lelephooe and wu Just pre­ Fruk Rauh and your uanis will re­
paring for bed. when be beard Ar ceive |M«Dpt atlenticm. Look over his
heavy brosAIng. He atlemptA to stock of second hand stoves ud you
arouse her but It wu no use. sA was will urprlse your pocketbook by get- i
dead in a few minutes.
ling ni-w ud Inning aervict- from;
MUi Laur* Bates wu bora In Aeap second-hand wares.
RoAeeter. N. Y. Her fSAer died
while she wu still young ud In com­
pany wlA a step-faAer. she came to
Cuyinc .V t.cnuiT-» Detro'i
Southern Michigan. From there tbey A general stock, u Rastalt may prove I
maou and trade marked
weni to NoiABeld, Minn., where be to you. when he offer* a 40 per cent i
had takoD a cUlm. Ang. 6. 1867. she discount on all wedding gifia In silverwu married A Lymu B. Snow. They ware. Tbto does not cheapra Ae artl-i
MvA togeAer A Rortbfleld tor twelve da. tat only make* It poulble for one'
yaar*< coming to AU region in 180. to doubA on tbelr pnrcAse. either A!
where they Are slnA conUnaouty re­ number or value.
sided. Mr. Snow Is n veteran of two
wars. Avlng served in Ae war with
efMexico ud also In Ae cIvM war. To
tbU union, three children, all sons, fecu. best have some outdoor view*.
were bora. TAy are Cbarlec, a uav- token, to gladden your eye* Arough ‘
ellag salcaman who Uvea here: Bert, tbe tong winter that It eomlng on with ;
whose borne la on Ae Ay shore near giut eirldes. BmlA a Frioe Uke all i D Jewels are famous lor rl-\at. a-'U
kAd* of ontdoor work, from resideove: H for xhc-lr lastinu oractlca:ly a Mo
Ae borne »f blabber; Myron B.. wbo
Is a cook at Ae Uyinm. Mr*. Snow Awn* to faciMT and factory grau|:*.i' I
Made of Blue rianuned Stevi
bu bun a mwber of Ae AaAry U. Sizes, Sx6 ud 8x10.
I whi:h will not rust. chic, oaol,
H turn white.
B. AurA tor elAleen year*.
. I
Call and *M them.
Mrs. LtKlnA Smhb. moAer of Mr*. TLA saving opportunity you Ave only'
Ps> aas b>
H. Mwiagoe. died Sept. 28 at bar to go on tbe second floor ot Barney,
borne In Watartowa, Wis. Mr. Mon­ Anderson's large estobAbtnent ud!
tague left tor Acre at fl o'ckwk Thurs­ see tBh large variety of top baggie',
day morning. Mrs. Montague having caniagee. pbaetou and road wagon*,
all of which, owing to Ae Ateoesi ot
preceded bim Aree day* before.
Mr*. SmlA wu over elAty yaars Ae aeaaott be will make a good reducoM ud lived naletly at ber borne, her tiu on to close out for tbe coming
husband loMng hU life eomlA here a wAter stock of slelgb* ud cutters.
numAr ot years ago In tA slaking of
Ae aty
If 80. the South Side Lumber Co. at Traverse
Wright Bros, will take your home
Tbe fttuerM wu held from Ae bcue
made carpets fliied with Ac dust and
City is the place to buy your material. Shop
Friday afternoon at 2 p. m.
din ot uramer. your flnesl Acc cur­
mill work done on short notice. Give us
J. M. Akers. wA auflered a stroke tains. too. ud return them sweet
a chance to iii^re on your wants.
of apoplexy Sept. 11 ud wbo. Aongb ■welling ud clean, ready for another
slightly Improved for a Aon time, season's wear. They also take oM
passed away at 5 a. m. on Friday, colArs with frayed edga ud return
learing a wife, two duAters and pn'? Aem. just like new.
brother. He wu 68 years old ud u
old pioneer ud soldier. Avlng located
Between All ud winter, while it !*
here A 1886.
The funeral wu held Sunday *i too cold to go without * fire and io<>
2 p. m. from the borne ud Ac pall wann for steady beat, li i» nice lo
bearer* were selected from aanong bflPe a lime hot air dlspencer A th-the 0. A. R-'s. Rev. D. CoAlA con- abikpe of u air tight stove that can
duetA Ae burial service. wblA wat be made to shut off. to suit the atmosIn charge ot Undertaker Anderaoc. pberic conditions. S. F. Saxton Hard­
and Ae remMn* were IMd away at Ae ware Co,
family tot In OAwood.
MartA Davie* of pltuburg. moAer
Are you going to uke A uj ot (be
of Mr*. Bru^ Umck* and Hr*. J«>hn All excnrvlons. or trlpsT Bugbec has
Blraley of
Bay township, dIA Just wb*t you need In a trarelinc set.
very suddenly at tbe borne of Mrs. brash, comb, soap case, wlA plenty of
UwAs Thursday afiemoon of neural- flne soap to go A It. ud band bags
gU of tbe heart. She wu In perteH Calor* to carry your odds and end* In
bcalA sad Alns tUen suddenly III.
phyMclu wu sent for. but death
Just ibe AAg for cool evenings and
Yarn to tie corn stalks with, only Wc per pound.
overtook her before Ae arrival of
damp days, the rbaracti-rlsiic of the
Fruit jars, pints, quarts and half gallons, at -l-5c. b‘jc and
northern All Millar a Morse have
Two daughters, living A PiiAborg.
them from 11.26 up ud for a belter
bad cxpeetA to be here Friday for
G5c per doren respectively. Fruit Jar Caps at 0-jc per
winter heater they also carry a full

Tire Insurance!

TraTctsc Qty Stau Bank



. T. HANNAH. FraMflanC
' •- GARLAND. CaabAr.

Ibmqr to Loan on Impiorcd Real Estate Only.

Cbe Store Chat Fills the mast Prescriptions

Jl Chamois Host
2/9 £js/ T

A CswafI UseHi^

Dr.W.3- Biggins


S per Cest a&ffvcfl bb naeD^osUg.

Very best of denial, serrtew
only. Teeth year of prartice.
Tour pstranage solicited. A
Kew'MuiMm bulidAa uader K.
of P halt, os floor with Dockar*>'s Businera College ud over
Singer oBce.


%55K. KM
P o. o

r. •Mft

/ 5/rrr/

American Drug eompany

Beorge fl. Jarvis

Wi-orsa flBRrraraa




Saving and

CHlnnt phwt* 106. 04He* dflfl.
New Wilhelm Block.
Tnverae 6Ry.


New Wilhelm DM ok, T^araa City.




IMOMV7 nro ^ojLPfl
On Real EataU.

. p
Not the old shoddy, but fresh from - aoma
factory. Standard make 5-A -and
Chase. They are strong and cheap-


P*RAIMK TRUID£, 14b From Street.


Going to Build ?

$outb Side Cumber Co.
Craverst City, mich.

What We daoe

for all kiadi of

store Fronts-Fixturcs, Sash, Doors, aad Rcsidcnce Interior Work.

All Kinds Of Building Materials
Traverse City

nets ef things

instead tbe two daughters here left
also a good line of beating stoves
for PUUbnrg A Ae morning with (he
remaliu. lAdertaker Anderson
pnrx-d Aem for shipmenl.
Meet ud speak of Mrs. SmlA's bat.
one AlnklDg U beautiful ud the other
callAg It hideous. They quarrel ud
quarrel cm tbU and other aoblecA
nstll they apeak of tbe lime of day.
when presto change! Their etoeks
boA keep perteri time tbe whoA yagr
ttmnd Ud a* they both purcbasv'd
from Barnnm a Earl's Ae quarieiqnarrelaa«|e women are sgaA united.
d. I Net
imlT Aeae clocks hot an tmmeni
raAassortment tram II to I
■tin an;
haad to tick. todL u
tor all wbo porchaae

Porto Rosa.
ArtzoA Loadre*.
l&c. 2 for 2ic.
lOr. for 26c.
Arizeda PutriA
Arizola Concha*.
10c, 3 for 26clec. 2 for 26c.
B. E. W.. Weaver's Factory Smoke-.
10C.-S for 2Sc.
5 cenu straight.
UtlA Weaver*. Nonfarra Queen.
6 cenu nraighL
6c. 6 for LV.
Red Seal.
Red Scout.
5c. 8 f« 25c.
Sc. 8 tor 25c.
CraoA Bros.' Choice.
6e. 8 for 26c.
All cigars ubAb made. Mannfactored by B. B. Weaver. Traverse City.


I’aratine Wax at 1-jc per pound.

Cold Blast and ordinary Lanterns.

Selection of

.-Ks the nights are


Corner Lake ave. ud lOlh at

Citz. PkflMSS.

W. L. BBOWN. Hgr.

made to order, promptly. Only theraqjybeat

teri*Ia*ed.ud fnnj»puruteedmerBjrfe^>e«tt.
That 8re made to use as wen « sen. They m

Mt made of cheap materuO, aad firca a tufay
fiai* to caldi the eye; tat are dorable, eomfartable, and neat Tbe cheapest on the market, gvality cooiidwed.
Once osed and you win tay no other make.

124 state sirtcL w Uictor PetcilyL

■getting longer you should have one of these lanterns.
We also have a supply of Globes and Burners.

.-Ml of

these and a lot of other goods on our shelves and
tables will be sold^

right - prices.

Come and make

Have you erer tried tbe

Royokt Tfe^r ^mmm


your own selection at Cor. Front and Cass streets.


cm. MICE.

Bopal tiger
The) are the beR.

J. J.

tsBMed Cmv

Sold only by



mon oua a mtia proad, to Boce
aald agalaat the tblaga 1___________
tha paat t preaaaie the rceotda of oar
Mate bare beea acaased aad my poUtL
oal ^ry baa beea guae ow from
V to^voce^ the lact. aad yet yoa

tordnigauaa warca t aare aougkf to
glre. if they would Inform tbemaeires
aa to tbe «B
dy tbe praakM as
wen as tbe Meal poraRdUUsa of tbe
ebaage they tarofce. even tboagh they
miglu pot toUy agree w» aaa.
wvold become
ity of ^^ poMtkm. Ink i^Miy
with tbe demand tor change aad
U^RMNT AND HOHMT INFLU- etal a« «?mSae^ta"bring %MTOd**W
tmproremeat and
--------- why any Urpohllcati <
aay Lx-mwral............Mwcld apiieae me la change go so far as to leav-e no
vestige of praeent methods. I would
-- eawpcten.
I am a XepabUcaa. but I woald aot aUll deem It ay duty to ateet tbe
■k Bc-pobUraa* lo rote f4>r a man
wboee boacaty or wboae eoorage they la tbe acthm of tJ
bad good raanon to doubt. Blaee my
early boyhood i hare abared In Ml the
of the Bo
pubUeaa party which bare_______
ctoeely conaeeted with the etrugglee
Eerwant of the Feeple, Net a Eeaa.
‘ .......................I
_____ of— our
-try aa
aa a
I desire, and ezpecL to be Ue aer
whole. 1 bare bMa gladdted by Betat of tbe people, aot a poUtlcM bos*
pubUean Ttctorlef nad aorrowed by
- MM a FMHical Eow or Party Dictator "—-- but that wbl<h to -• a party dictator.
t bare my perla my mlad today aa a reaaoo aonat coartetioa* on public aSMra and
—A lUpaLllcan and Not AfraM
to toteiligenr
why L aa a Repoblicaa. ibonld aerie
to mMntalB lu prtaclpka. to the tael rnaoe them. Tbe sererM yean of lo
political experience bare given me b
that the mao who bare be<
formatloB as to oar stale toatiiotlons
pany'a leaden bare been men


Ml cnmnt us unms


mm ItM OrtrMt Pro* Pro**. BrptFnd M. Waracr, tbo HrpoMIcaa cabEMate lor tormot. wat Mvea a aptrom roeaptloo at the atau telr Tbonuay aftanooD and bo deUrorod a rlac
tac Mwooh wbUA BMt saaoral apprvraL Mr. Wanter aaid:
*1t It aot aoceosary for me to aay
Nor*, la tbo proooooe of maay who
Illy boowm me doitac tbo
craater pan of
life, that
ap orator or a apeech maker. I moeh
apfracdata the pooaooaioo of tbo dR
«WcE pormiu a man to oxproaa. eaally
aad woU. bit tboogbU oa carraot
teiica boldro aoeb
FiUitfMH aad the poUdoo be Ikvm to
It bappeea. '
aw, that the Use of work wbtcb It baa
aaaaMd my eaty to teltow. gave little
vttE the vaya U tba platfcra « id

Frad M. Waraar.
M pablie delmta


*l>iirfBK tbeae yean I bare tHed to
«o my abare oMbe gcocral aerrjoe re
«dtad from amr ciUaen. to eecore
tbo geoarml adraaeameni of bl* oom>l of lU Ibawitaa. 1 bare tried to (aror tbt
tMaaa o«M t tboncbt would be help
M to the MUv« In
I Utc a
to the eoasty «<
borne. 1 bi
• - ------- 1 the Ibti


I hare cseceeded ia
my eSWta. wbetber or Bol my Ufe bB»
haes «me worthy of approral. I would
tatbcr eobadt to'
to the people of O
caanty^d to the people of my c
iava tbaa to aay other opBBty or a
Irwd^ my frteoda. that yoar I»diow belai teated. tbtoaEb
atiacki ott .my ■ebaneter.

la whk* we are aow engaged the ReFTbllCM^
aa Ita leader
. a maa who to
known aad rmnemb
tblaga. bnt who abere Ml elae wat
aetoried aa our party leader aad a*
our countiT'a preaMeot becasae of
brawT to bto aitaeka npoo corrup
tkm aad wrong dotog. and for bto
eplendld ooorage to mMatalalai aad

paat I hare sought to be economical
the expenditure of public funds anc
ahMl be even more so If given higher
power and greater auiborlty to urge
aoeb rlews.
HeneaL Elnecre gsrvlea as Gevtmer.
Aa t mid a little while ago. I am
aorr;. It to uol lu itiy power to make an
oration, to charm you with gra^ul

Scott’s Emulsion is the
means of life and of the enjojnnent of life of thousands o(
men. women and children.
To the men Scott’s Emul«on cpvcs the flesh 'and
streng£ so necessary for the
cure of consumption and the
body losses from
ny wasting disease.
For women Scott’s Emul­
sion docs this and more. It is
a most sustaining food and
tonic for tiic speciS trials that
women ha\T to bear.
To children Scott’s Emul­
sion git’es food and "trength
for growth of flesh and bone
and blood. For pale girls,
for thin and sickly boys Scott's
Emulsion is a great help.

-. _ .
.. JhamlaU.
In these ptoln words to let yon^^ 40e-4IS Pearl Straet. Newveric.
aa lo tbe kind of fstor I most seek
SOe. and Si.OOt all drugslata.
as to the
Ibe influenm
influe BCfS 1I............
— -...............................
will be
obedient to. Tbe Fr^ Warner you
paiga to Mletaigu bare Uioagbt It beet bare known and
id hare befrlcai
-jjothCT tram eSoru to
1 be tbe Pred I
If your prescription cornea here you
elMloo of Preeldent
will receive courteous, prompt irea’
Slid I proiulse to you an,; t .
meat aad your preaeription wilt be
gorervor. by bto Btlaace. to permltUag favor I seek and expect i
ailed accurately and akllCuliy from thc
the Imprenloa lo become eor"
nrrai' that
best and purcat drugs. We try
be regarda with dtotaror the
be olBetolly
aelocted bbUodM repreaeouU’
«rea of bto of atieaiUon and respect, will he .... make our preacriptloa aervice so per­
good will aad esteem of not only my fect la every way that it must surriy
pollilcM friends but of our political opThe Fewer Eehiad Him.
please you. The place. Johnson Drug
It mar not be pleaeant to me, my ponaita a* srell. to be gained aad held
Mend* (aad I aeaure you it to aot), to tbftNtob boneil. siaccre serrlee ren­
be alagled on aa aimoat the only dered to behMf of all the people of
target for abuae aad unjnat attack to
eat BUte campaign. I am gi»a
Mr. Perrto aaw gt to make the prcacnl. and If etocicd goveraor of Sboulil tell you that fried fou<U
meet to bto Howell apeerit that Miebigaa. as I fully expect to be. wit! ~)tut as gootT aa broiled, slop Into the
be bellered Mr. Warner to be a good endeavor to see to It that
exUtile Tarera and order anything
maa. bn I am aorry that K ae
to tbe mtoda of all our state's true tbe Uae of steaks. Bsb or oysten.
bm to falni lo add ill thui romiM-iion
I and dangblcra.
ibe tinkf
— —' suggcatloa. “bui tbiak of
broiled on that pew charcoal brMIcr
the power bebtod bim.*' The power
Juu InstMled and you win tor
behind me, Mr. Fbrria aad fellow clUaeaa, that t cara mote for tbaa aay- the secretary of state's bace on
more Uboo fried meats and Bsb. That
tbtog etoe to the world, to tbe lore and count of tbe stale census amounted lo; peentisrly appcUxtog Barer from broilS89.JM. With the ubulation of the [ tog over coals to Mways BUggostlve of
honor* to a offlclal way and present census half done, tbe coat tojmora
date has been tSt.CS9.7T aad It to estb
tbaa I deMrred, bn I would rather mated that tbe < itire c t of Ubitla I
lire up Ml 1 bare aecured or hope lo
mat . this new line of IS.M
re. t^ to glre any reaaon for lion win be 148.746. Secretory War.j.j^
blush of shame coming
nefs system of compilation baa
t^c dull___
ga of---------- “■ "" * ■■ ■
^ popular in better grade
for the reducUoB.jy^
The above Bgare for
this year's
,r tM>
rnar • wnpLjjjg bC«t thing }Ot OBcrOd.
ire to do that wblcb
ilcb doiy
doiy w
win demand.
The power tebtod mo which 1 will tocludes tbe state's canvassers for Also Utol we bare another new assortd. win be t e conddence aad manufacturtag sUUstics.
meni of 82.00 shoes for women and an
tood-wlU which baa canaed my neicbnpdodMc ttJiO shoe which Is the l«st
twr* aod trteada to OakUad eounir.
Umoat Kgardlcat of party, to oncourthing ever shown for tbit vice. Row­
age aad to aaMst my paat political
land W. Douglaaa.
tmbUlooi and to glte me tbelr aaauruicc* of loyM auppon aad cordtol
many personal
frJends In
to tbe
il friends
That's the new name for Uitwe
Mso many who
isunt.v, warn silk caps. fi>r ladies
not Republicans, but I bare no
friend to this sute. poIlticM or other.
children. Hiss Heck also has a I
». for whom 1 would do anything
line of new, beantiful angora tarns,
— eonstoteat with my best Ideas ot
with forepiecc and rubber Wd l
oBetol duly to Ml the people of our
sute. I hare made no promisee to
low them to -be drawn over the
tadlrldnato or to factiona I am undv
In winter weather. New line of street
bats also to.


tog and at etoceriiy and boaeaty.



to this eUle. to do other then that
which Ittball decide to be right and
tbet^eat Ilotereets of our ctata
Waato PulleM Oiecwealon.
Some of tbe guestloBS now being die
cuased to a pollticM way bare created
dlfftrenecs of ciplul
npluliui eteii alnonc I
members of my own party- Howcrcr,
* do not regard this tact aa a mUfor
ua 1 hare
bare Mways_______________
Mways euteened the RepabUean party moat bMauae It contatoe men sttoag la tbelr conriotlons
of right aad aggrcHlre to tbelr eBorta

This Is tbe Umc lor fMI ruiuvailob.
If the carpets in living rooms
bright and fresh everything else looks
bright, to^ J. W. Slater, tbe b^use
funrtsher. has a complete tine of car­
pet*. anyibtog to suit from a
priced tograln to a high-grade axminFor sMe by Jaa. G. JMiasoB aad Bor Her and a fine line of rags to go with,
bee * Boxbw^

-Tour Kldaey aod Bseksebe rnrs
rand two vrrr bsdcoBca soi'-osrmr cosu>lOCT* tbs put year vbon the durion bad
yltnonp. J.L.FnLLaoO.W,««k tnr050* Btnk-ma

Tbe People's Sariagi bank being
niKler the superrtslea of tbe baaklag
of the state of Mkhlgaa
the tatercat* of Its depoMtnes are very
rnrafony safegnarded. Many thing*
wblito a prirats bank could do the
People's bask could not do becaasg the
Uw llmlu iu or-eratloBs to very safe
Hoes, no speealMIrc terewtmeat* «aa;
be made.
- |

of tbto baaltby localKy caa exist
wittaoiK a fresh Itoc M maats on their
dally bin of tar*. Broaeft Bras keep
eveeythtog oae eoald posMbly want to
meats sad bare fresh kettle readerrd
lard for fryiag purposes at 19 ceats
per pound.

Par cold wcetber that's what tbe
Acme casbtoa tZM lily doagoto kU
1*. aotd by Bd Lantaer. Tbe toaole k
WM] instead of cork and laagly rorWhile regetortaatom is practiced to cred with a perfect flttiac Itolag
many of tbe larger elUa few teeldesu makra a aanlUTy. warm aboe thM baa

every ear amrk of eoraforL Ue also
earriaa a full line of 'eeoMert ahoea."
low. brand beeu. for 82 to laee or eoagresi Mples.
Buraer Aaderaoa baa parrhaiiil a
new stock cf hardware, stores aad
eoofctag etauUs which be bad oa dis­
play M his larm haplemeBt store. flS
State Mieet. Tbe atoree are tbe Ckj*InmWa meke aad of a
sigat. the Itoe eonatatlag of bard coM
heater. bcK blaat and air
tbe new depanmeai over.


Here you will be greeted by a comprehensive display of now
fall merchandise that for stylo and excellence cannot be sur­
passed and at prices that you will find lower for the same qual­
ity than you can find anywhere else.
- :



A new supply of the
te very
verj latest novel­
ties in Neckwear• from 10c ^ gQ

*i0 inch Black Feau de Sole Silk, an
extra heavy satin finish, iruarantecd
strif^ly all silk, worth $1.25.
:(6 inch Black Peau de Sole piece silk,
excellent for shirt waist suits
and a good wearer, at •
36 inch Black Taffeta Silk, wear guar­
anteed. Compare it with anything

It o“rp?te.86c

Ladies' and Misses’ Golf Gloves, the
best gloves we have ever
shown at...............................
New stock of PurBes aod Hand Bags,
mcluding the Peggy from
, Paris, up from
A complete line of New Trimmiogs and
all over Laces at popular prices.

Olool Dress Seeds
36 inch Porto Rico Suiting, in ORo
cream and pale blue...........
36 in. AU Wool Cheviots, navy. QQ«
brown, wine and black.........
56 in. Morison Suiting in greys
and navy, extra value'........ VV/l,#
46 in. Waterproof Suitiog,
worth $1 .
56 inch Zibiline (black only) •JKn
worth $1.............................. • 01,/
52 inch heav\'
heavy- all 'wool V'enctians, regular $1 value, for..
Novelty Suitings up 10 $2 a yard.


new Belts
From 25c up to $2.50.

Courist £oat$
New styles arriving by express ewry
day. See our stock before buying.

A large stock of small Neck Pieces.
Now is the time to use' them—these
cool evenings.

Cff. Tr»«r

Onipn Sts^

trsptnt Off, Mfe$.

If You Suffer


radical ■»«« la of more rMoe
the community aad state than oae who
aa a MdUate far^me. tba matt ctaM to lukewarm aad
not been possible
atata, moat of them MMrolled^y oae
■aa. bare aatmad apoo a eiwpBigB.
. aa peoilUr aad aa aoworUiy. that I
hMy MlMt tt wUl meet the approraJ
of 4rm my -poUttad oppooenu lo
bare eeat tbelr
a«iau aad


others, and I would scorn to make nse
of aentlmenu a* a bid for popularity
which 1 did not fully accepL
Etantfa gaitarely for True Primary Reform.

tian with which I have more Mneere
sympathy than the demand for boncat
MecUooa and praperly condoned pri
aamee era eonaeotad «1U the aEeln mariea I regard tbe rote-buyer and
whose role to braugbt as
a my party.' wlih laMracthai
eron worse than otb<
iber types
cMber tram commaatty goailp
trwI the
tha aakladiy optakai of local
lor op
bare poaght only tbMwhl
aad Mwoctby and. like i
gjamard. they hare eaartdied tbroogh
tha paat tor the MSydiicst bint which
_________________k to btaad as <__
mtaa to the public good, mco who arc
BOW or hare b*ea ia any way eon
oaewd wttb the poUtleal atatra of mi
party. 1 am aot aawilUBg. my frteodt.
that the keencat ti
Ma Erea aad mitp

expenditures . .
and when onr elocUona are sought to
be coniralled by Tillflcatlou and mlt-:
irt|r«eentaihiD. I can sincerely My.
I tiodspeod to erery man

If jroo're ready for your fall
suit we’re reatly to show you
the new ideas in coloring*,
and tbe Ute kinks in the cut
and make up.

r eadeavoiing t
rect tbe abuses which hare existed In
with primaries and elecItoni to Miebigaa
-------• elsewhere.
Though some may
PTC radical
than myfelt to their desli for the
^ptloB of net methods. I am sura

Don’t allow the choicest
things to slip away from you

to extaed to bB pattlaa.
___ ___ wtUlnj JOS t^ favor reforms which
a aalrtt mt hcamty and elneora dealre
to acrea the people aod
coortoeed will be la the right dlrccto tbia

VouTl be prclty hard to
fii. ifwc can’t fit you ripht
off, but well make any ne­
cessary alieraticms.

eVeetton law at the coming
papen bare paraded the alleced aaof the Jegtolature and 1 wlU
werOdBeai of aenala penona before
do my beat lo see to U that that
their nadere. they add to tbelr atate- pledge to fuiaUed.
I bare
-MU tbs chi^ that
Warner I «.JSue« many Umra and “sh to
^ iSrrepeat U here, tbai wbaicrer eBecUro
t»A ^ Impn^ l^uenees.
primary election tow it aeems boat to

latarmia of the Mato.
_______ _
who are hare today 1 bare aougbt ofBctol brer to the past. You hare reupon my totacrity aa u what I
WOTM do. aad to the same way you
bare raitod upon my totogrtty aa to
tba tklags I woou a« da I bare
aerer fewgattOB: aa tbe matter cf moat
hia my political traaaaettaaa. that dug to the people
peoide ^
who b^


..-7 SL«>.

L am


peo^ of Mteblgan
next acMlao will receive my i
ture. 1 bare
hare given
the aubiect of
iwimary eleettoa tows as much conaldereilan perhaps a aay other ___
aad thnngb
such coa
that n would
old be unwise,
at this Umc.
to sweep tram our sutnte books aU
tows now to eilMcace proridtog ftw
political coorentlons. I am told, my
friends, that the posaesMun of such a
-conricUoa wTII caose me the loss of
rotes at the coming eieritoa. but I
would uot deeme
le 1the rot.didaot
- frankly ei..............
pres* my Maeere belief
tbto and
other aohleet. I am sure If
lb» who are moM radlcM oa this
•M-pa HlwM.glvr to lt,tlm Xtioft ai)d

Price* no higher than the
quality justifies.
Men’s Sorts in fancy mix­
ed Cberiots. Cassunetes and


Studebaker, Ferris
and Smith

Worsteds, cot in correct style.


Hart Schaffner



$12 to $20.00
No man is yom snpctioc

Hamilton Clothing' Co.


t«kKe tbe



BerttB. 8«p(.
Tb* cntditka of
tb» seed klBf or Suuar. wbo bu boeii
U1 for oerml dkj« port, te Mlerod
tto be hopotoo*. After tbe Ol«k> ta Us
eoo4Jtlfl» pwtaitfBT tbo ImI uermnoBt
IBookDv Narr Tard. N.
BapL M.
ir twttlartir Oi
to be tbt boat tcbtlBi nachlaa afloat
OB tba srorU’a sea. sraa aecnaai
laaa^ed at U:l< tkla aHTAlafl.

Bawfar far Boota.
8aa rraMlae^ Bape SA->-Two torpoteaa vara loat taat nidar froa the
Uoltad ftataa atdiurlM boat Pika.
which haa beat) asperlaMBtlBs la 8aa
Pablo bar OBder the dlracUoa of UaolOBaat tUcArthur. Oaa baa baea reeorerad br Itallaa flaharoMa. Tba
other U itUl at tausa aad nar be ex­
ploded br a pasalas reeaeL It la
charged with MO pooada of gaa coUoa.
A reward of IStO is offered tor lu reooverr- Tba ooe alraadr fooad had
loot Its comiweaaad aid aad vaa pracUcaUr

Wb* Is Janaat
Mew Toab. BopC
Bpeeial Oftear Oowaa. wbo seised U*
letters of R C Pnaks wbon W. S.
Rarer of the postefflee detective dJnaioB Issacd postal fraud orders
Bgalaat and anwated a weak ago kare.
Jacob B. Joaea, a
ettr. sraa oae of Prank's
rleUme. coming here from Cblcego.
Prank's actaeine. which was detected
Aral hr the Oi
id out letters, stating that he was a'
widow with m.OOO. Tbe widow
wanted to msrrr an bonest; reliable,
middle aged man to share the fortune,
erea If the man lacked beautr, edneatloB or weattb, bnt the candidate if
favoraWr impressed, mast send half
the «1dow*s traveling espenrea to tbe
point where her aultor resided.
“ Daj,a Mas. PtrasKI have been
ader Boatou 6ociiott' treabnenl for a
Prank operated from Baroane. N. J..
long Utae without anj reUef. TVy
where tbe eormpcndencc
““ with
**“ ““
ten me I have a fibroid tumor. I ea^
victim took place,
claims to be not sit down vilbout gnmt |wt«, Md
nuialngf a
»'imatrlmimlal bureau. The I ^ soeeoeaa extesds vp m^j^aa I
letters Indicated that Jones aeot
sod front.
U ewotles. i
of tbe Boner for expeasea and i


TkB Kina Toa Hbvb AlwiQfB BomtbrU nd wUefe haa b«aa
In nao (br orer 80 yemn, has horme tbe affMitm off

MareeDas, Mleb.. Sept. **—A al^
tlae aso a eoadaetor on tb< ;it( Fbor
raUroad attenpted to pat a colored
ana off the uala. aad when he reeUt
Waihlofton. Oct. 1.—The Antericaa
ed. straek bln over the bead with a
a that «H8e with amd emda^er tbe baalth 4«
t has been formellr reqnestclnb, eerloaeir Injarlng hlB. Jndgliifttnta amd ChOdram-bpariemee a«aiB>« figpertBenb
»Mt for 11,416 was glvca the colored ed to enewd Its rcgoaltloo lo a
of this henispbare. tba
aaa ta the dreiili com at OseawlU.
being *Tbe Free 8tnu of tbe Cool^e CUT. MJetL. 8epL »—Barglart aeal.’' This u tbe easU bit of terrlI aatatttme tor Castor OO, Pare*
Maw tba cafe la the O. R. A L dapot torr wedged between tbe border of
gorie. Drops aad f
ililBg Syrapa. It U Pleuuit. It
at Lake atr.
U to frag- Preoch Oatana and BrasU; claimed br
' oOu»r MaroeCte
amu. aad eecsrad »M to caeb. Ther both neUou bat decided br arbitraIts age la tta gnafsatee. It destroys Wm
alao looted aevaral ralaeble ax^wM tloB to belong to Brasil. Upon twcab
It cares DiarriMsa and Wind
packages and It Is aUegad saenred eev- Ing the appeal fran the srogld-ba Inda- road ticket to the widow.
---------------walk or--------------be on my
_ for any
any i
eral bondred dMIars worth of sUrer- paodeot ctata AeUng flaeretarr Looblength of Ume.
> lumbertnsn by tbe name
“ Tbe symptoms of Fibroid Tumor
and eeewrwa
h and Dewali, giring healthy and natvraJ Plaap.
given inI your little
liui book
• • seeuratcly i
Jacob B. Jones U known here,
The CUldrea>a JPaiianM-The Moilier'a FneuL
J-ft* OINm.
Cbleago, Sept tt.—K
tocb name appears in tbe last eltr di­
(Signed) Mna B F. bAvea.
fiat bMMlng In p

Urn that there sraa do warrant for In- rectory nor any of several years pss'_ tS»DoOey^-“
Ashland araaoe and PlfirdUth street latferanoa wHh tba Brasilian Malm br
Mm. Bayaa' Secood Letter
eollapeed tbla morning, cnrrring dove
Engineer Bevw $20J)00J)00.
goreramant••DKsa Mna Poxbam:—SomeUme
ten workmen In tba rains. Prod Mann
Chicago. SepC 30.—“George Bhic. an
lympwas kUlad and four eerlouir Injured.
American engineer, with a party of
plied, aad I fMiowed aU your direct
IWMwenaa Corn Crop.
g college graduates. In foor Uoas carefnlly, aad terdsy 1 am aweU
Webster Qir. Iowa Oet. l,—Tbe
Berlin. BapL I
ba has made discoveries abom
<n crop in HemlUoo ooontr praelled Mm to taka ■
the Panama canal which the Preoch _“The use of Lydia E. Plakham*a
I eralsa this winter for allr Is all pest dinger of froet at thU
engineers failed to make In fifteen
the bCMlt of his health. ThU tact time, with a few more dars of favor­
I. HU Infonuslion makes It pos­ wb<^ svstem. I can walk miles now.
able weather this conuir win berveat
has resawed the
sible to solve tbe baffling promlem of table Coi
has bean flocmest arer stnee tbe empe­ tbe biggest cn^ in Its bUlorr- ThU
the Cbsgres river freshets by divert­ lars s drm
In^ I advise all .
ror had Ms attadt Of threat troohle a is tbe eenaensns of oplaloB as gath­
ing the atroam to the Pacific coast,
afflicted with tomora ..
rear ago. It is feared the old troobta ered from the eleven towns in the
also releases $20,000,000 for excavsitng trouble of any kind to give;* a
oountr. Thlrtr-three bnabeU per acre
trial." —(Slg^) Mm E. F.
sad by Ttrsaeat M tjOir grao
I level wsterwsy."
255 Dudley SLfBoxbn
«bny). Ho
U nmalderod a verr fair average corn
It annooncement tff the engineer•UdtSrtoUsBS
crop. HatnUton counlr wlU harvest
trom forty lo fifty bushels to the acre
weat of thla ettr and opUooa on bon- this year. According to varying localswindle by which people all over the
drwda of aerea of land have bean ae- Ulaa from 76 to 100 per cent of It Is
luntry were vlctimlsod. has been
iruoaiy. a
The new line of white mercerise-1 Antl-Swesr league with system of flues
dub by Chief Engineer John F. Wal­
aowd br mea of capita] In the past now out of danger.
Friday, tno 3Bth day of C
convicted in the Chicago courts and
walstlngs shown by J. W. Mlillken for profscl'y and street corner loiterfew dara Tbe locaUtr flret ettreetad
A. O. 1004.
It U esUmated that the corn crop of lace. wbo recently returned from tbe has paid s fine of I2AOO. About two
are beautiful In tbhlr soft texture
atteotlce when last winter a black- the state will reach 3M.OOO.OOO Isthmus.
years ago Mardcn bought a few acres
■la their exploratlods." said the
amKh in a lomber camp, while srander- bnsbMa Hamllten county will pro«pu.. b.™. to to. rtctoittito„
Ing thnmgb tbe woods, dlsoovared oot- dace lu fall «oou of thU vast amouni.
eropplnci of ooal. Ha foand moogb which mma SJWO.OOO bnshela. Oood George Ehle nnd his college lads ensigns, and the price. 2S ceuU per -yard.
that it took American
to keep his shop aapplM seversl Judges think that tbe price will be ell
and duly recorded. The Deer Park
I is Ui'e most fetching of alL
of 40 eenb per boabeL If these eetl- pluk to overeome. They spent four Improvement aasocisiton was then
U SU Its stacw tsm
matea bold good, and it will be ad­ mont^ In the tropical Juugle. tracing ganlzod, with Marden as president,
' Ube ' •
London. SepL 2h-The Caatral News
mitted on aU aides they ere conaerve the cioarae and aooree of the Chagres secretary, treasurer and board of <li-i
MdBspSwbarflh.A D.Wl
has a dUpateh tram St Petersburg
The New York tea store has a bcan- Ely's Cream Balm
live, tbe value of Hamllttm eouatyS river. wboM spring freshets, some­
stating that a telegram received in the
-to. • i
porcelain, under glased. de«»iat:d tbt dMSWS tBVaWtDS.
times forty feet high, so tv have
■n crop will aggregate U400J100.
•nesiah capital from tba front Indlproved
sinyscoUla tM
ates that the Japenete are making an
.* > III
k ' cents, or twenty cents for the set. The gs-cty.
sea level canal project.
duplicated for the
Deeth of Senator Hear.
advahee along tbe entire Bnaelsa
By the use of data collected by the thriving little city «d delaUlng the.
Cream Bala to plsod tale the
great advance In the price of real e*iIhmL The Oblneee Is the neighbor., Wtarceeter, Mess.. Bept. 3d.—Tbe Shic party. Mr. Wallace said that it
'siri to sbierM. 1wl5tola!
money any other Ume.
dsesitfoBcwi. ItUsot
fOneial eetrlcea of Senator George would be possible to divert the Chs- utc that was sure lo take place.
bond are AeMng froa Makdon.
I showed a harbor flillcd with
Ptisbe Hoar, who passed sway peace­ gres from tbe Caribbean slope
jiM- l*h>«maii. newspaper luklcilor.!
DatJOU. Mkh, Sept
fully at 1:86 this monring, will be held PadSc side of the isthmus. This could ships: biuy streets and fine bnsincu Jnmpod bis boanf bill In at least one'
flaafta. aged «. was eangkt under tbe In the Church of Daily. thU city, on be done at an appraxtmaie cost of 8IC.- and residence structures. Tbe book boarding house of every town and vflwheels of a Uke Shore A Mleblgnn Monday at Z:80 o'clodc. It U prob­ 000.000. releasing 820.000.000 of the leu were sent broadcast over the lage la Shiawassee eoanty. vyas arrest-!
Soaheni onglse m
able that tbe Rev. Dr. Edward Everett 136,000.000 defined tor tbe coastruc- couDtTT and the victims fstriy fell over ed. admitted all thd charges and was
themselves in their eagerness to get :p.
between Windsor street and CanarM Hale, the first pastor of the church of Uon of locks.
discharged by the court on a tocbnlon tbe ground floor and get a two by
avenue- HU body was oomMetaiy cut which the deeeased was a life long
four lot loeated on a barren sand plain
In two.
■ember, win officiate. The body wlil
Suttorw Aey Industry.
which probably would be the lost place
be buried betide bU wife, who died
SutioM Bay. Mich.. Sept. $9.-Oer- In the world where a town of any sort
CbiTiliad. a, BepC S«.-An cxplo- last December, Is tbe family lot at
i tk* BEST m ew olmB hr bt mmn.
sioa of Mtval gas wradwd the dis­
hard Mordham of Olaadorf, Putnam would be established.
tributing suuen of the Best Ohio Oas
George Trisble Hoar, whose borne
at dartlght today. Two was at Worceatcr, was born at Con­ past week with bis fstber-ln law. An­ Mardcn was getting rich, when one of
Sswlcurscslptof St.
Tour DAae ca box
1. K. Sullivan and K. T. Hawk, cord. Maas, Aug. ». 1826; etodled in drew Bdelbrock. left for his borne to­ the victims, becoming suspiclo-js. wn<
ware perhaps fatally injured.
a surveyor to Deer Park, which war
early youth at Concord academy; day.
O.U tote tor too 0.0
at Harvard jcollege In 1M6;
Washington. BepL U.—PewtmaatMTo be sure, you are growing
etudM law and graduated at tbe Dane mill for a pall heading fscior.v which Newberry, and exposed the swiatilOeneral Payne U boverlng between
Thcn the Chicago authorities took s
iploy tec men at tbe vniset.
old. But why let everybody
Adfsaa, MMi.
law sebooi. Harvard ualverslty; eellife and death.
The county Js full of
hand. The strangest part of all Is that
see it, io your gray hair?
where be practiced;
otUoal and-the i
tear that the wont may come at any was city solicitor In 1860; was presi­ the five years' experience that Mr. log taxes on their worthless property.
tod postpone age. If you will
dent of tbe trustees of the city library;
Ume owing to the
Nordhsm has had. Buttons Bay msv
of kU eoaetl^lOB. doe to worry an-l was s member of the state boose of feel JosUy proud of the new Indnstrr.
Figures of Kalamazoo asylum show
repreaeatatJvei In 1862 and of tbe
Wayaa Oaoaty iMk Bldg., DETBOIE
- ‘'overwork In (he poatoOee
increase of insanity tn southern Michi­
I today that Mr. aUte aenate In 1857; was elected rep- his family at once and begin opere- gan in past four years rt-aebes 100 per
reeentaUve to the forty-flrsL fonyPayai'a present effoetJen U a

only use Ayer’s Hair Vigor,
aecood. forty-third aad fori]
rrty-foartb Uoas tbe isuer part of October.
ease of bean mmble.
your gray hair wHI soon have
Woricad Big Graft.
all the deei
»p, rich color of
That Arms A Cote is tbe place to gel
Baull Bte. Merle. Mleb, 8oi>i. 80.- for representative la the torty-fiflh
ISH. fmtrn.mUu rroo lUt daOwwranowsS
XT «<
congrees: was an oversoer of Harvard
roremlit.« to pr—bi thcar rlslma-----'
youth. Sold for 60 years.
first-class work dote, or If you have
The Chippewa aaglne worka 'burned
V UB.K.Ui'Ofm
the fellow who worked the de<Y park
_____ _____ __
.. mMesBB'
-I I
fnriber need of such work, think
dBteBtoxl. aad ibit all rTxUton of mU
this morning wMa the wind was blow- ootloge. m«-18<0: deettned re«lecUon.
to y^ni tb«r ‘
lag forty aUlia an boor. The piaat
toiald Prubalc <kr PruliaM 0«r«. la
lUmir'XTraora'C tr tor toxwolaatlcsi aad
and install the perfect gas light for
was totally destroyed. The loea is tor six years la IMiO; was president of
allmraBte-. on or U-forto tfar Ixth day nf faaaof tbe Alumni of Hsrarr.A. U tax and Ikai ,-. rb --lalini will br
winter reading by fireside.
17.000 with partial laearasoe.
vnrd; presided over tbe Msaaacbnsetu
dar of
th' l>:b dto> -d Janiuri. A L> tUX. ai Mb
of -1671.
Detroit. Mleb, Oct. ].—Tbe Jepo'elBFk IP Uir f-irm-to-n of wh
iboa* dara
Daud, Ifc-i-Irmtv-r irib. A II
aaeae goternmeni. bM tamed to DeJUUK A 1/3
dlcman has any cominUslon to add to
Jad^ <g PrcihaM.
troU for h lerffe supply of winter foot­ to the republican naUooal
the low price of tbe followlLg: Four
wear for Ita troops In the field. It li W 1876 at Clnctnnstl. and of 1880.1881
houses on East Tenth, near Lake avo
anM oa good antharlty that the De- aad 1881 at Chicago, prasided over the
Due: two on Railroad avenue, between
of 1880; was ebslrman of
tfuli Alaskan KnlUtag-mllU has an
Washtogton and S;ate; one on Bar
order for lOO.OM pain of “Alaska the Msasschusetls delegatloB In 1880.
Ninth. Just off Vnlon: and one on East
TtbIss for Csdsi CUT sad PSw
Boeks-for tbe Japs. Alsska eocks are 1U4 and litt; was one of the manG'ashingion street. Money can be had
agere on the part of (he house of repMd Ptnitolll
IMl. wool Used boota. such
I by pamiyalM ths narvsa aad
also, on easy terms. £. McNamara.
lUUvM of the Belknap (mpeseba Bka aplua. i
worn by woodsmen U ibelr work is
}. r Jtnn
tte toreets.
the electoral commlssloo In 1876; was
Tbla artloa Is ebtalned as a result sf
Mew York. Oct. I.—Jowpb Jefferson regent of the Smithsonian Insdtntion medsra dtscovertra to tosdlslBa making from People's Ssrings bank means no
has tmelly annoineed hto reUrement tn 1880: had been president aad was H iwaamit to rrilsva pato wttbmit bad toss to owner as the deposit could not
be drawn except upon order signet
from the stage. The veteran come­ Tic* peeridmit of the Amcrtcaa Anti-



Bean the Slgaatart; df




The Kind You Bare ilvap Bouijiil
In Use For Over 30 Years





Hair Vigor


te'tSSIS, ass




E_& I L 1ME Gin


For Pain

White Hair

Take a Dr. MUes*
Anti-Psdn Fill, and
the Pain will di»appear Like


The Detroit Free Press

dian aayi ba has decided abaoli
»wa Ue attack
of gnetHUi that Mr. J
a BaxsanU Bay. He wBl go eoath to
spend tbe sinter.
Tacoma. Wash.. Oct. l.—Tbe Pal^
baaki aphelsl l«(t hen a 7; W this
taeniag for a day's tour in tbe aUte.
Tbt train la doe to reach Porthusd lata
TuMo. on. !.—The toveraainil nf
Japan todSD advaered tbe duty upon
•our Imported late the coettry The
tamacc amounts to 32 rents a barrel
agd rtprdaaauuvas M the West and
Merthweat hare fear that tha miUam
of that sactkie «f the trnited States
wjll be injured by the adrabce.

gnarlaa aodety. prairideat of the Amc^
lean HUlorteai asmdstloe.
board et trastOM of Clark unlvwalty.
IMO. iraatae ct the Peabody Mnaeum
of ArcbaeolOKy. (rastee of Leiceatar
academy: was a member of the Masaa-<
ebuaettr Hl.torle.1 ««!«,. tt tbel
Amen,an Historical aodety. the HU-:
tortcOoDeak^leal society, tbe Virginia |
Hlsiorieal aodety. fdlow at the Amer-;
leaa Av.adC0y of Arts and Sciences. <
mambor of (be
Brooklya tntitute of Arts
Belenees; was a Iraatae of Ibe
body ftmd: has received tbe degr
floctor of tows from tniHhm aad
Amherst. Yale. Harvard and
atouth cdlitges; was al«ct»d to the
Dattad SUtaa aonau. to asocMd
George & Boulwell. took hU
March 6. 187T. aad was
1883. X8S8. 1886 and IMl. His term of
offlee wt*uW bavv fi|ilrv<] March

Aau-Pato Pnis to reUsre aad care such I to 'to "-■—'to to* to to-toi <to.
palaa as Neuiaigit. naadaefaa fitomacb. even though bis book had been lost
MsMin»l Patoa RhenmaUsm. .» stMen. Depoalu with the "Peopie's" are safe and can -be drawn any
Savings deposits draw
lleva “™
aaeb .............
torilaa* as
.. re«»iaa»
uu- ' Interest.
Not tasraly do thty reUrre. bat they
•>“ abaduislT cure, bseaasa kg perre**’*’*^ ma you do away with
or. mom* Aau-Fato pom are greraatsad that first paclags wm

Farm and Live Stock Journal
Michigan's Greatest Farm Weekly,


Tni» !-wTM Iret-vos
Troia arnsM frem c.



s LAjro. AiT jnrg a tn-gBstyjt^tTsnSTAtmjLwOi-nci
to bmby

Etot Xfinte rf it, ftmi, wiu Re, stiacitiiic lo Imtrot ntn
ta Tki5 Great Hooie faper.


Trsie l-wTx
wiib I
Trsm ItooTn


St 1) .A>B. m.
sad wmh.

at Wsitoo tor to

L Lotanrooo.©

PERE Marquette
Trismisavsftswssas CMy ■ B

Address: THE DETROIT FREE PRESS. Dstrolt. Midi.

? KBNtm. Ato>aa *»«MM otv.

r. BoTrLakpimTSMSS^




reader. I hare ala vlatera and three
■It that poor boair aaked oae of*aa opfwr gartont irranhlag Uha a
Uttle Gray Ohaato.
retaore tt at cttce. aubrotben. We bare a Bile to po to the toen. polating to the dagosi.
t wweour with a hood to ft. tkla tiww-' A Ug famhone near BelleriJie. N. wink anwh harder.
achool every day. I wIM iola toe 8aa-Tea.*' waa Aody'aaaswer.
jen aad deerakla tototo en»»eg u» the’J- had Bag atood teBaatleaa and borOac# Bore atic pot the dalaty to her
totoe dob. ao pleaee aend Be a botBonih. hot aa^ Bore to* It oat.
toa aad card. 1 vni tbaak yoo for ti. etaa«.down«eelaaeiotoerapldawlTh| They wrar dcmkto aitteaa. aad toM a yoaag
Then, with watery eyes, aiw told the
caeaa I win rlooe. I maaln.
IL nrtt thing you know youll get t when to^ aing their -«-»g to the A<tred to at Berely a aoBlaal renul. [ eaady carafaly oo the leS«r of har
Toar Ssoahlae plri.
earrtwl orer and drowned.-} lora Borgia and i^ace with It. they An naeartoly riattertog on the daW! cage, aad taracd her l»<*.
M r-v Mt. taMi*. 'lime water at poatible. beat toe esa
Clara Bory.
Andy tanghed aad aah! he waant' treoaeatly attach the tall of a tone or frightened the eoaple half out o» the'r
Maasahlle toe toby, who had been
tea «1S troth tad poar tbra late the
afraid, and to prove U be and Kate white fni to their belt behtod.t
; wiia toe tm abtol. and ib< wife tried 1 engaard with vtr^UM to a eqraer. had
boUlDg oocar. Boat aotil ooM. With
Maple City. MIc-h. Se^. Si. Itol.
I wtir try fMMT to wrty «r
Mb dancer etrachej the tat. and j'" peranade her coonort to get ap and ' monied to the frwat. Setoag the penhalf or tola bU om cop of cniod or
Daar Mra. Batea. a frletid of to* tpnmg aboard. The Uttle craft ahoi
ftot *Mrt MT«ito»
Into the water, and Aady. atandlag bendlag the elbowa atHkes them!
be picked It up aad taMad It.
UUIe Boaahlaera;—Voa atay thlaii I
pnitorad eoeeaaat aad aprtti bee
I tofll try to h« to tusRT
iprtght to toe atern. Bade H apin' agaliiat the aidea tg tor body, fcaortna' deaperateiy with her nn the advluiu'. ‘ Bw hu tnotberV three OK»rriiBrais
Nyaea. FMat the top with th« otfae> hare feegotteo you. bni I havea'i. To
•M wto IMIM iwySld)’ MSM
tbroagb toe waves like a llvHy watw UBe to a KBf aad naaplag vtgonm |
«tUl. She declared, e.- had left only a aibble fv blB. That
day it Sunday, an | thought at 1 bavhatf
eoeoaW toTM I MM.
WKhitig to do I would Tltk with r<wi Skipper by Beans cd a little paddto. ly with the right foot while aprtoglttgl mirtagly. that If be wooldal invest! , dirpoaed of. he too tnrned away,
I «<■ tiy to St tovto*. hHpM
''*>' Bort die or get up benelf.; a, acme as the totter had moled
aad the Banahlam. I as well ui<i which he penned hardly to move. And | op aad down with toe left knea. The'
I Wiu doae. By letter U
•M fcNto to ttiyS*^ MS to
when he came back Bfely toe atiTTcy-; aong haa a laqte aoBber of »taaaaa| ^*»"> «‘'ey effected a cmipromtoe l.y ' iiown rhe cnaie back again aad lookH
hcgw yOB are the mae. I am puli
Oood^ye. Ftob
•ttoy IHHtt totof.
| and begina-Kloya ke. kloya ke/whleh ■
<»>h of bed logetb.T. Then ! fa-the peppermint Sot aeelag It.abe
achool aow. Onr nchmi aiarted
N I «Mr toll to toytog to St
weeks ago tonurraw. Wo have lota of ; -Sot half l<ad. b>».~ and Andy fe;-. meana 'hall to toe Northern Ugbu.' jlooked cainhusly o -.i swept with oar paw oU ■i«»»r toe ledge
tMtot totogi. I totn Try, toy
SablB. mch.. BepL >4. mi.
chamber door. The firs' gtoo v: where she bad left it. bni la vala Sedfan at acbool. BUihr of ua glrla have \ ten- proud. Indeod. He waa em-1 When the aororn la bright and la nn j
Dear Mra. Batra-^ tbooght I woaM _ of ball with eight in the game i
•oBethlng be bad! eupedaily dancing mood, toe chlMten, »■'•*<* '»>•■ ».»»*">
Big gra) «ivir denly toe ran to the baby, and iwl.twHit to yea to let yoD kaow that I aa
am alao going to atari to give muslcl

aw,rme<! upon alt ••i th lag ht, krad t.. fa-e hem-a; pit one
well, and hope yen are the aaaa. I
I have two acholcri.. One | "Ver captain better l.«k oou- be |
koura at a itBe.
and every one
them had a hai,.! ..a each .rf hi. jawa. pull^ hi.
hare boat ftHag to achool oow erery haa taken one loason but does not i• whirlpool out. In wteter the Point Barrow ehUdren:"f
»oaih »He «Hwn. stuck her h< ad la.
day atoea the Em of
Ibtok she can take any more for a'there in the middle of toe river, aad B;
* •»»»ball game which they pit} i
'“»‘,hod gave » Mg «i*. Tbea abe timed
teacharY Baae la MIb ThoBoa. i ttee bwanae her father to sick an l (»«**» l“to « *»«■■'< «"*w gM oat
their feet. They wet some b»w
cmm i. wher.-^blir. ..v.-r md .jianked him mundly.
and Bake a ball aboot as big as two I
nee her <mr Boeh. She ia fctod to tolaks abe will have lu go borne. Thm , Udin."
fovgotten teoant had p'se-d to. m
I have By cart) aad pin yht- I If abe goes I will only have one. I rr-1 The captain* waa working In an an- fiats. The eold la ao latevae that toe : >®“«
■ T*' njuIrreU arraag. l
A fievto Genereaity.
wear aiy pto rory olton. The eelved a Jptier from one of your Sun-; ebore.1 b*t dlrecUng
ban iBBedtotely btcomea aolld kw
;‘hemaeln-a m gangs on each landin;c
SU jeai-..W U)«e had So often dc
tauBtytoM of October to By birth­
ibe inp of i e b«a«e r
.’rtorvd his mu<T} In that be had never
shine glrla In California. She U well both .hurva of the river. Hardly had ^
day. I as twelve yean oW. One of and baa to ride hum-back tu their, Andy . warning been given when ,>,e i ®«»»<1 w«h a kk* '
■me. <1111
cnam he wanted hla
garret, and aeoi thei
rtoootoMtaa and 1 went beech-not- nearewt town. 7 miles from where they i captain's lioai waa seen to lurrfa heav- i
throws It lu ihe other lot. *
RtotWwt. Wf«. M. E. C. StoML
«.i™ .. IlK. ..... MSh* ,S..™ .h. .
nag toM Bight after we <
. ,
,,11.... She .Iw hm. lo BO I mll«. lo'lly .r..und In Molher loMhh. It h.. i
«J»oll«l«couhl»HSha„,,oo4!.„j„„^ L.„ .0.1..., ........... „a , I
..rtor „u. , i
SittM Vtot RttoHiHt. Ctoto Gtoto.
(h.eoi. and paxhed dnwn anoiber Bich' !.
altotmgh we fowad n few prmty
Uoh . me lo DethoU. CUU. .od : ,o., ..d
.UrUh. ..l/.iy do.d i"-"**"
“"“h h™--.
i--t “ hi. ll.ll, .
In (hla way tlii-y reached an Md crMa'. ’,
Baple loavea. My anphew baa a Uttle
The™ .ere e.i™ o, w.™..,, -"1“

>!> «f MMtowt btltuthu Ort. pap aad be caDt it Gypsy. It ta light Klu... Phil.. We e.h,,^ .he h-.». j
; which wax eridently the souirn S ,
ewT .oeh .hd .e ™. .,od„ .hew ,o I bo, .ooe
.heo. ch,e
‘ ,
. The
abb. ,he e«,.d ud emi
'• « eoougb. |
browa aad white. It la m (oBical
11 The captain threw up hto
hb anas
™ and
“d j1
Me k play with the old dog aad to i
Th. j -ere lrM.Terrih. ,h.-j
not get me to I o under them again. It caophi ibe wire as be imsaed under 1'.;' Suih Uhd alu hhilihe ihemelvM 1. I t‘"i
I ,iMgi'r to eat aadI Ihe de.- IMto ' 1 rllned the fl». '•
ih«B r«a UgMher la toe yard. Weil.;
Sritot) Ml
For a Bomem he held both hi,o«tf
«X>« «»>“ ««:P
this la all I have Uaa to write aow.
I "Wliy, ta-we. sharstl^^hnatterr*
aad the l«ist. Then th.- wire Itretncd 1
•»«1M mM btM «yt to tot toTi wbM b« will write agalB aoaw tlm. an
t was to a place In Canada ihv and creak.-d. the boat nHled loose and j
] ktacd bto BBct.-. -You won't renrii *00
Oelictawa Papeerri.
ft rtati!
my grandpa named, ttlien he was, j shot Into the ^ld» and ihe capta'P !
Hoys aad glrla try- this, which yon : saucers at thto rate." Lowe iHuhog hla
Bm your Biiaahine girl,
ror ItfUteo^ tot Itmrd. who «ra«>
j plate from htat and had a attodca atthere there were only three bouses : eJung to the Ae with ibe water beat-|r®**^'"®'*‘*’‘*“***^ '"’**‘**l«’'- wli find better than any pup
Mary Bogen.
thea,now theveare over ♦(HUS tobabl'-j log atomi hla toga. It was a perilous but slide doom the steep declirlilea c
Select fine. Urg.-t tack of chIvaP) . -I gaoaa I woaY aa'
SuBBlt City. Mich.. Bept. 17. IfiM.
grained ears
1.-::" »•' "I* fn«i the girlths' be aald
; hrftiiv.
Well. I think ay letter to loag enough, wer<- luu frightened to move. Bai An­
Dmir Mra. Batee-^ will write a fe
them ripen on the stalks jaai B-heiw, "
Uaee to tot yon know we are all well no i will nay good-bye.
dys dugoui waa already In the water with their hands graaping their ankles, they grow. When dry pall og the ears, j-------- • — t----------------:------- --------j.
miy SU 1 MtotT
PYoB a Bonahloer.
aad hope yoa are toe aaaw. I win
and Aiiilv himself was managiag the they go shooting niong down greai do not husk. t>ul tie in baarhes auH '

I steep bills of snow, langklng
•nty tDi fttot—
to you for ihe mubang op la a .Iry place m a fe. C. R. 1 I l||||l PfMKiBBt
flMtkt art t b«*l
ahooling, and now and ihen lasing weeks Ihe core wUl lie dry enough tr
ekaiary who wanted them.
their batonce and getting a luBhl"
^ how I with
iBcneed the fim of
parch. Shell
J ear or two into
, -TOwhich aenda thw rulUng In a fa'wi> to
I «niM rat 0* uto SthI
Mrs. Maalgohl to toe teacher.
frying pan and place over a
the foot of thcTnow bill.
. Bttt thtra'a the hraok.
Baaday acbool aeariy every Baaday.
fire; stir often to preveot hurntaic.
KICKM990. IKO., 95.99
Both boys and glrla at Point Barrow
Htotit ate tad hook.
Onr taacber'a aaase to Mra. Frank
When the grains are puffed up almoel
are load of playing football, bat Ihev
WhM-t toat yw tty?
Boa. OareM eat got eaaghi in airap
TUEfiOAV, OCT. nth.
round and arc of a delicate brown eoiHwtt tp—to?
Mttm to have no order or system. They
last aprtac and oae of ker feet
they are done. Turb tato a bowU
simply gel ae old mlilen or old bmil.
off. Yeetegday she brought la a ooupie
dad a piece <rf butler, sprinkle with]
*1MM I B«M go
aad nnff It with bits of waste deer­
salt, mix wej,-;a'n.l
welL-m'i ib.y arc- ready i
TIckHago.^ tor indayo. BMG.a.
•lady ini foar.
skin or mga. and then kick it abou>
Oebon. was here end
■Jg I. agent f.* full taforBatom or ad^
Mika are a bora!
with Berry shutiu aad ta great ometayad all alghi Thoroday algbL Well,
- T^ea the boy who tovM to he faith- thto la all t ea athtak of. ao goodhyu.
Monkey Dlacipltae.
M aad traa
The children are very fond of daitaFYob
laet Banatt.
A funay cas.- at monkey dtoripllae i«
' %hn 4oM what hla pareata thtak baM
ing. and If they can get bold of an oM told by the Y'uoili's rompaakw.
Oenl. Pai
Letond. Mich™ Bepl. t3rd. 1*04.
he should do.
tin can which some whaler has Irii
Clcaad RapMa, MiCh
(hie of the cages In the New Y'ark
Dear Mra. Batee Hew are you gelQama tmveir auag with rattoel aad
they are happy. Beating the tin can •Tioo- cooiaJos a monkey and
Uag aloog? '1 haveat wriitce for a
for a dnta, they Improvtoe dances for her hab.v
.h:Tiahrean ta hit vhteUa. the pm la taag UOM. I have two atotera, oM five
thcBselves aad Invent
to to BCBorne
yaarn aad oae t< Booths oM. lamia
m tonka;
coBpany them.
Aad.tboM am the thea^ta that wen school BOW. , My couala to vtolOcg
The little D
of PolDi Bar- taated it. amaeked her llpa. winket.,
here. Oar eehooi stoned the tto of
row have a moai itocbtarous lliiie In-j mad put It all tato her mouth—only -oi
An he hean the CM bMI with tta ruth- Bepteatoer. I have ten geraaluBs.
atrnmeni which they call
bare three ptak ooeo. two red ones
gaun." It to to the Baoulmaux boy j
potple aad white,
what the bear trapper to to the while
white, two ptak and white,
I am M md 1 caaM alag!
take them oat of toe ground before
HMvaa ae Mne,
It to made of a pjece of stiff whole-1
winter. We have a lluie girl today
Maty to do;
bone about fire Inches long and half,
visit ear achool. Her name to Alma
BMe la the air.
on Inch wide. It la narrowed off an-1’
Baty. There waa a thrashing awcIHnc
bent up for about on loch at one end.
her* the other day. My teacher's
On the upper aide of thto bent-op end
aame to Mr. ftyma. of Traverae city.
Flada atady a toy!
to a little boUow targe ^4wgh to bold
The caantag taetory rnaa. but ft Uni
Wb« By workh dooe
a small pebble, and the otoer end to
fto nady tor tan.
cm tato oharp teeth. Thto Is purely
! thtak we wm have a bad
BMarmy play
iBstroBent of tnisehief. aad
winter Ogata. There are wUd strawror the tonka of the day.
Eaouliiiau boy to compelled to
berries la btooB now and they have Roy, agod 11: Edward, aged *; Vefc a ood S; Linda, agad *: Lucy. • months. 1 *
; retire with bto mother Into one rf
I-B no gtod I coaid atag!
1 their aaos- huts for a painful InterThaae are toe eoaga which toe two a fraet toat hilled all toe potatoes thto
of the reckleoa manner
side of PraremoaL Gore to aloe down
boya beard.
Age 14.
Buth TremalD I paddle. He was steering straight for'
which he uses hla pebble snapper.
ToBatoea are ripe now. My
Vhe athe ectoool MD wm rtagtog.
the whirlpool.
i Tbe children o-bo trollr by the
toaaee tar today was ahoat the man
Andy fiavoi tha Captain.
'Haag to the wire ud come over as thorei of the froten a<* ud duee
Um Pacific ocean. We
WHeh do pea thdak i
One June day a s-blte tent a
far as you can." shouted Andy.
; a-lth the Northern LIgfata even have
have Mgbt classea a day. I am ta the
aBMttg Che daric pines at the bead i-f. Tbe rapiain tried to move along the meehnlcal toys among their play.'WUto do roa hear ito poa-N tradgUig ih reader. Well. gaod-)q«.
rapids ud the air was fall of wlr.-,’but It required all hla - things: One is a wooden dolt repreFc«b year lovlag friend.
Ibe pungeet odor at pitchy smoke < to hold on. The men on tbe shore sentlng a mu dressed In skins
Age II.
ttoatbaataggarl] darhatur. I aay.
fioB the camieflre. The sharp sound | held their breaih
He holds a drum in one hud ud t
Vo vara trhoa joa wora. aad play
Traverae Qty. Hleh™ Sept. S3. 1*01. of ax hiowa sounded tbroagb the for-1 The dugout shot forward, paused ai stick In the other Tbe arma are
vbM poa play!
Dear Mre. Batee—I thought I would ML and rotigh-ctod ourvoyora In re.1; momeai. doae to the reptaln ud An-:
whalebone, ud by presalng
—doaraia af Cdacattoa.write to tou. We have got five eowi
“lx ,T
'them together « the nhoalder. the
and four bones and we can ride theui ^
movtag aboot from place to piece.
; to-at wl'b his feet Then sltb on-:
^e made to Bore as If beat
- '
TYMay. Bapt M.
an and I caa calUvate with them sod
These algna of u
ruaiumc.l acilv ^
deftlv help-d .he captain ing the drain,
Toar preaMent la not yet able to drag srlth them ud 1 can drive them «y had aroused the carloilty of th -; aboar.l. It was all done In a second
have Uttle toy katoka. or
vrtle to yoa. hat abe U gtod to have bitched to a boggy or wagon. 1 like lu few pioneer settlers who llv.-i ta los. Th.- little l»at r .lid and rocked
ao BMy etoe little toUara thta week. gnt «a their hacka and go for a ride, cabins furthri-up the river. It was an | nearly w.-nt ov.-r And when the cap- ' canoes, in which are seated doUs with
Wfth'tbe aoe traa taea Barratt tame t have got fonr brothers ud three ato- event In their nniei lives, and hardly;
|,j'.-d in the bottom paddles In their Luds. By palling a
‘ string tbe doll to mode to Bove lu
a paekage af pretty Baattay echool tora. I donY work ail the lime, but were the catnin-r. well «-ttleJ before ! Ar.-ly, having reiea«.-d the wire,
head from side to tide uit make a mo­
eaide ^ wfl] be pat to good aae
play ud go to school, too. I was sick vlsliora begu to arrive. Amoog th.-;
,h.. current oi
tion as U paddling.
tail alghL Good-bye.
first were And) Maia-ell and b.s si-.- rdg.- .d the rapMs.
Aaat Patty raa ta for a aim
The girls are fond cf playing cat's
From your little friend. *
^ Kate. They bad come .b.wu th-; |,
, momrni of peril. The load
Bnt of the week aad waa to>d to read
Age 11.
Hhridd CufleM.
II >11 in one
*rer In an ..Id dugout. a boat made by ^
h.-avv and th.- mater was swif.,
the cake radpe tram HaiM. She aari
bareing aad chopping out a un'il ^
*ouW send th.-m ^
““J'''*™"'*'’ ^
phe to golag to otake oae for anpper
It looked like a huge trough. And.
Into th. rai-i-to .m oite side .r'**
Dear Mrs. Bates—I have a Uttle waa targe for hto ap—IS years-an<!|f,..„
aome ttae noea. Her cook book Bade
„„ jj,,. ^ . by the llchl of a
apare time aow ao I win write yoa a
of rvcipei seal by the
as tithe ud active as ««e .rf th-lfr Bui Andv, with a cs.l bead ud a s«al oil. win play i
«ra more partioitar sboot tbelr clothisr tlWB Goy otter
eat oat tnm the ReraM aad paated la few tinea. Oar acbool begu the «ib w..lves lhai hpaled at night In lh -; Mrong atm, drove the l>oa> forwarl ho-jrs. making ail sorts .rf complicated
• preuy blaak book, to toe pride of her
woods. Kate was a year yo-unger, bm , „b,ii it was gtmsp.-J Uv the men on '
day. I like acbool very Boch. My
They ara at iaat the mft when cara ia ptnoaM
tancher'a noare to Hiaa Etainin DeUmg
paeraocc Is Gerelopcd ta Its fullest extent, and their
goxed at the comp with open e.-es. jk^,
juy arose from the surveyor..’«*«•»»*»>«• "preaeatoiloa ol a reindeer
We are all pleamd with her. I am
Ovlatt. Mkto™ BepL ». IMM.
ailriitly watching the surveyors as
shook Andy's hand. ^ which, by toovlng the fingers, to made
Sffs aad asaociatiotu are such that they ara
Dear Mia. Baiee~d will write you a
they stretched a iongti»irc acros.- th-' ^nd that afterniam Andv went i-.
•>«wn hill from one hud to the
CaostaaUy under tbe necessity of apfsearlnc «t tbelr beat.
; letter tola aftteaoMi. 1 am ta toe or. My atndlee are reading. arithBetlc. river. wh,ee tbe w«er was p:oc;d ,ork
ms u . mployeof the compuy a:
Nine out of every ten C^lefe men wear datheraft
itoaru grade at acbooL 1 atady read apMUog. ceogrephy-ud tongaage. 1 above the rapids. -N. iiher Andy no-' *„nd wage*, for he knew more about
^aak yoota pleoM be w> kind a. t..,
Clotbea because they fill thdr rcouireaieats exactly.
tie, a
for. and , it,.,
,[.,n ,„j
of Ihe Government station at point
It Is eta stud- aend me a botioa ud card. My friend. f<» a long iline they were too l^.xbful |
A fftance at tbe -Newport"
______ [_________
Barrow, aays that the children are so!
Tea. My leaeher-a bobc to Mim Oarthc. Clara Bary. to gtang to write with me. to taqnlrc. But at last, when all the
Btaawa ia tbe Illastratioa w ill tell you bow aad why.
pu„ ^
Eaqulmau Chlidrcfl.
: !«'«•' that they wvjuU take potas to i
- I Mte bw eew mach. I wlU be 11 She aad l have a Jolly Hae to acbool.
cSotfaaa ara laoltlcssty fastafeoad aad 0t Ifi
she to my aeai
. .yeafs oU the iih of March, bat am I«
BY Utok of uy more to write. I r wort. Andy ventured to approach a - children arc the E:qolmauv. who live: »»»«• *V •• he did ao as
MOW- I vni aend Audi Patty a cake
grtorly hooded old mu who aa. c.»k- *rx,and Pnint liam.w. which J its out ’ his feeiliigs l.y appearing u. ewre.-.
that Ot Is TAUjOREO. aeC PSEStED
log lunch lor the surveyors ud a-i bito 'h. th'lar S-a l.-voad th.- Arctic: *»“> blantiy—.S. Y. Son
Toar Stmahtae girl.
lata ttae ptnacau they retain It ttare«cb(wt IMs.
Cnnoaiuit Cake.
about the mysterious wire.
, circ!.- Th,ere it I. nigh, all winter ---- --------- -----------------------Milly CoriaoB.
Oae CMP of Mgar.
doa't sac. the coat teoto tea*!
'•\4*hy.Jon . yon kno* r-was tbe on- Leg aa.l dot-all summer tang.
OnefcarU cap «f batter.
droop, tbe trousers don’t cot baccy.
Letosd. Mkh™ Sept. 21. 1*04. ' awer. "Thai'e what
So t.f lr««
: H.™ ..M. A.™ . r.1.
3 WhMva of three eggs.
Dear Mra. Bate*—I wUl write you n j urc the flo« of water tn the
Every Mt ef style a Cietbcfaft son pcBoamo wteM It
Oae-haU cap of atlk.


rr . I





Herald Want Ad.

College Fellows.

Oae ud naohalfeapa of flour.
Two teaMooafala of beklog powBake la throe layera.
BlUtag—Make a hot fraeUag of the
wkitae of 1*0 cos and one eup of
ir; hoD the eagw ta as

taw ttaea. tar my ctoas wlH anon tall., "What
.w. u..,.
, o,
Our achool hogu tbe Mb of Septem-! forr asked .Andy, who was «1M Boch ! cklKrcVar^ rarttaaTarly bright and, Somethtag of iu grace cu bold.
b- usi I u. r>iu
ae. Hr
..a f.ii «
..a wr
tauhara name to Mtoa Bbbb DeLoag I ' Becuse If the coapuy builds a One of ibvir pasttmev t winter 1* to i How BOCh cheer
ora all uttofied with her. My big dam dosre below tt wuts to knoe | flaacc
Parents, hnxbers.
atadlea In scbool are rcaritag. spelltag. horn much power it will have."
warmly clothed In gar-’O
arithBvUc. geography and toagoage. I Only portly satisfied. Aady ud Kate !
made of the skin of the NonnIbb 12 mra oU aad I MO ta the tth ve« back to the ahere.
•cra deer or the Amle fox. There to|

k» Bade It b«iS with H wbea you wear it the last ttme.
Ask to see the new FaU styles at SH> to sai.



Bating Powdet
Saves Health
The lue of Royal Baking Powder is
essmtial1 to
>u the healthfuiness of die
family food.

b the fool
powdcn «re nqurieiB.

Royal Baking Powder saves heaith.
KOvw. Butmo wrocM oo.. hcw vmk.

M na. M. K. C. BATES, EMTO*.

Unto th* End.
I know not «ti«n temomnr’t pailit
mj «fwd.
Nor wkat the fnttire hold*, hot thU r
Which ever »ojr 017 feet are fmed to

hare alwayt longed to be. there when
the harberrlet are ripe. Wbat a glorloo* tcarlet mut border thoee roadwan for mllet tad mllet! They tell
me that the people make great uae ol
the berriet. and yet there are enough
left to make the winter Itndtcape look

1 •hall be firm courage to the cad. /
nottgb Ootf that a«fdl gift may oeod
We can loag W«, where headi
Ride aU of happlieoA yet be It
1 than be gtrea courage to the end.
k the deepenlag ahadowe be that
'Vnih Hfe-i vale auaJtghl when the ana
dlpe low.
Thongh >oy opeeda by. aad aorroa-’a
• atepe are alow,
I Bhall bo glrea ooorage to the ead.
I do not aoeatlao what the year* porOr good or UI whaterer wind may
It It enoogh. eooogh for m to koow
1 ahan fc gtrea etmtage to the end.
—KUa Wheeler WUeox.
If We Mod But a Day.
We UoiiM flil the hoara with the
aweetoat thinp.
U wa had bat a day;
^ dhoaM driak alooe at the pnreat
la our upward wayr
We ahotUd lore with a llfetlae’t lore
la aa hoar, •
If the bowa were few;
thoald reat. not for dreama, but
for (raabar power
To be and to do.
r wayward •
We Aoald galdc
wwrtod .wUU
By tbe cloareet light;
We ahoaM heap oar eyee oa tbe hearaaiy hlUt.
If fbey lay la tight:
We abooU trample the pride and the
. dieeealoat
Beseath oar teat;
We abmid take whaterer a good Ood
With a tnut homplete.
W» tbonld watte no Bomeou li
If the dty were bat ooe;
U what we reamaber aad what wc
Weat oat-with the aaa;
We theold he from oar claaoroui
■drat aet free,
To work or to pray.
Aad to be wbat ihe rttber woidd hare
w to be.
It we h^ but a day.


Bnlld a liuia feue of tnwt
Areopd tod^:
Pill the apace with lorlng work
Aad ther^ otay.
Look hot ihrongh the abelttolag
Upon totaocTow,
Ood will help you bear what comet
Of Joy or oorrow.


eHHf* CsMt.

Cwntry Roodt.
The chief charm c< New Engltad
roodtUet It it the wOd roeet. They
are eapeemily tae ta klalac. I eee
thootoadi oTboac^ that I mare
dig aad take home. It I oooid ao ihlv
aty acre* would hare to expaad. at the
Ualted Btaiot hat expaaded-tseaeroItatty orer my aelghbora. 1 am oot
gatto' tore what they would aay aboot
gtrtag ap tbeir potato patchea. There
to. bowerer, aot mach daager. a* the
toBOlBg root* of ibete roeet are very
Bard to dig: and Ihdk are worac
pock aad traawlaei. One may go w
dertog for boon and day* along thete
Maine road*, aad torercr be Hading
ti at well aa WMfal.


la Mlcblcan I knew conniry 'Toadi
where the drlvet weal along between
molM. rich aoll, aad there were <m
both atdea to be picked yellow-triaged
orchidt and cypripedlamt. both plak
aad yellow; and then one would sud­
denly come on grand patches of crlncardinal flowen. Tun a little to:
the right or the lett. aad the rood
bring UI down to the Raltla
rirer; and there 11 would wind be­
tween huge mauet of fens, with here
aad there a knoll, run ail over wlih
wild ttrawberriM and pigeon berries.
Always with me weat Charlie C.. one
of thoee dulet, ■weel-taeed, clear-eyod
yoang tramps who knew every tree
wlUin a radias of tea miles. He had
an Instinct for such Ihtags. knew Just
where to lead me to find a rare plant
to And a clear trout brook; but he
would nerer allow tbe flsb to be
Once tae led me away from
the roadside to a swamp prairie,
through woods where oaks and hick­
ories stood orer oae htmiM feet tall
—the aohlett forest I ever ntw! Thea
caddealy he broagtat me around a inra
where the wet prairie held at least a
(nil quarter of an acre of acarlet lo­
belia—at magatfleem a dUplay of wild
gloTT at 1 erer mwl We were toon
back again on a woodama't road, that
rerCled In clematlt on the bathes, tad
was bordered with fringed gentlaa.
Dr. Edward Everett uaed to tty.
whan be took bU hat, "I am going In
tor a walk.” When he Mapped bock
inalde the doors, he called It ”golag
oot of the honte.” He meant
that hU real honae wa* bit orchard,
hit garden, aad the whole warm world
Of iue. and hU houae was only a thelter from the norm. Really tbe oar
moet torel^ place to a natural soul ir
latide doors. Profeetor Search says «
•chool children that, with all a child's
lore for the outer world of beauty tad
tali instincts for sunshine and Ugbt. It
It no wooder that he Is glad when It is
tlase to get out of doors. It Is taken
for granted that the growing plant
mutt be placed In a window tor tnll
apptopriatloo of light, but
thlhkt of tbe aimllar need and toni
erarlagt of the hamaa plant. Watch
bow noon yon
•etUag ft In partial shade of the sun­
light the brighter part of each
mer day. I remember very well that
the mo*i delightful part of my early
achool-day't expoicace was the time
when we rambled slowly homeward
among the roadside planU. watching
the butterfllet. lUtenlng to the birds,
or baaglag over the edges of pool. The
Itallaa proverb tells us that where tbo
SOB does oot enter the doctor goes. 1
took forward to the day when that
which oar boys and girls gel by the
roadside wRI be as much held
education as that which tomebody else
has seen for tbem aad pot Into a book.
Half a day of strolling and seetng and
hearing and smelling will be worth
quite at much as aaotber half day of
reading and memorlxing
that ihe UiUe red set
by the roadside are going, but there
was one good thing about them: they
were aarrottaded by loU of weeds,
ntost of them worth ntndy. aad they
were studied. Atong the roadside I
pteked up same of the beet lesson of
my boybood.-B. P. Powell. In ladepeadmt.
The Ripe Cnemwhir.
Ripe cnettmbert make deliclotis
■wcet pickle, eattnp. chow-chow and
ether good diahea To me them for
swot pkktaB. pare, need aad cat up
aereapaoBda at them. BaUinrlncgar

aad water half and half (after adding
a UiUe taltl aaUI Uey are clear lookDrain tbem la
Ing. bat DM osWdoae.
plat fresh
Tlaegar add three aad a half pounds
of tagfr and let U cane to the boding
pMat. Add tbe coc embers aad oaild
than. Dram them a^in. tad vhw
cool put them la a Jar wftta a tprlakUag of stick daaamoB. cloree. all­
spice. nmee aad a few keraeU of black
pepper. Sprinkle also a few ralaias
betweca the layers of pkkle. Tbec
pear the Juice or the tyrop of vtaega'
aad tagar orer them tad eeal the Jars.
ThU plekle will be ready for terrlag
in a few days.
A good cbtfw-cbow is made a* fol­
lows: Peel wougb ripe cucumbers to
make three quarts when ^pped.
Oiop Bnc and add one and a half
qoaru of white onions, also peeled and
chopped. Salt the pickle to nit the
taste. Pot It la a coarse bag and drain
it for tweaty-Ove hours, after pUclng
a henry weight over It Whet well
drained add two ounees of while mus­
tard teed, two dadr Chopped green
bitch pepper. MU all thor­
oughly logeiber and add enough vin­
egar to cover tbem. Put them Into a
atoaeware Jar and add a little grated

The Sracc e( Casatsi'.
This recipe has been used for years
MV flad a great many mea aad wo___________________
by aa eastern womaa la maUag. ■a aide tracked all atoog tbs peib.pickles. This pickle especlaRy enmmaaded the hlgbeot amrfcet price, aad
a floe, gradoas courtesy ta tbeir
was alwsLys la deasaad.
yootb- Tbe reaalt Is that they bare t
two qaaru silver akmaed oaloas. and.', grows
»<v« up bard aad coarse aad tepulmaaasf. aad have aot been
two beads of pteked cauliflower ujUve
soak In water to eorer sad a cupful of I able to win taver
attract trade or
« drain;
la other words, their bad
salt over night lathe
I of tumeric
powder wUta*'three-«uarters oi a pound
of best mustard: wet with' snacien'
Ttnegar to mix wltbaoi lumps. Put ‘ It Is astoeishing bow fine maaner*
three quart* of Tiaegar over the flie.'aad poUteecsi la children develop Inadd S cent* worth of mixed plekUng! to ease-aad utiracUveaess la ama■plces. one-half ounce celery seed, hood aad sromanhood Other chlngi
one-half ounce whUe mutttrd seed,! being equal, the employe wbo to seleciMte leaspooutel each of clnnamoa aad jed r<w admaceueat to the osw with
clove*, ooe pound of brown sugar, j good mannen. a fine, giuctoa* decarefaliy stir in tbe musUrd and tu-imeanor. a good prescace; these qualmoric paite aad let boil up well: then ! itlcv are the best kind of capital, even
add the Btlxed piritle*. two red p^ I better than money,
per* Chopped with tbe teed* of name.
.Agreeable deportment, coupled wl;h
and stir all together. After it begtns | good edoeathni and ability, wilt often
to bubble let it boll well for five min-j din where capital In the band* of tbe
ule*. This amount will flU a tw»gaV \ boorish, tbe naaitracttve aad lll«aIon rrock.
tured. will toll In taci. ‘______
agreeaMe deTbto to tbe best recipe I have ever 1 portminc to tbe one Indtopeosable
used for mustard tdcklea Nine out of ^ soogbi everywhere. There to nothing ’
every t«« recipe* for taiae call tor to-! else which will so quickly open tho'Y
matoe*. either green or ripe. To any- floor to opportunltle*. to society, to the* ^
wishing to make mustard pickles hearts of all. Oouneey is to business
I would say: “Don't use them.” To­ and KWiety what oil It to machinery dwM for mr.
matoes do no( improve eliber the ap­ It make* thing* run unooihly. fur i: dtoaiqvarvd. and l-'Hlav *U esrIsUn,
pearance or the quality of tbe pMdes eUminaie* tbe Jar and tbe frietlob an:! Mlow wellI .voo
v.«i tuukr
lookr |1 tdl
• • tbnn
> day
ll*U to Vr. Ml
sufllcleaily to compensate fur ihelr
There to 1
_ ward .Pmrae
rrwas f can stoaa aad
gued advirr tu me. Ttfrisr flBd>
general tlc^piaeas, and the seeds arc great moral qualliy In fine manner*.
1 a> free fi n pain as 1 r
■ wft*I aqy fltod af nitflaws
tasteless or bitter. Be sure you use
a bas aet In
:---------; rainy
wiU be ike msdlfto* I abafl
the tumeric; .once used you will have
•waet Gtapt CtodlnL
;,- hasn't aOn-ted te to it need a;;,
was cared af cafi^ of
no future pieJadIre.CbIcago RecordAflfl
Take twenty pound* of f^ewd |
thankful thto I l.sve>^ iMfyax *y
you can and ■> III
grape*, add three quaru of water,


Never Without Peruna^n the House
for Catarrhal Diseases.

The following recipe U for as acid
preserre or pickle that Is well llktsl
serred with roast muttba or almost
any roast: Peel firm, ripe roctimben.
rcBOOve-tbe seeds, and cm tbem Into
slender strips about an tneb wide and
three or four Inebrs long- Pat tbem
Into enough cold vinegar to cover
OietD. and let them stand tweaty-tonr
hoars. Then drain them and Just cov­
An inoeeticidc.
er ■pte with fresh vinegar, and to
The tkeapesi. deadliest |>reparaiion
every quan of rlnegar add two pounds to crerr kind of Insect life, and the
we to be found In every honse at all.
times, to ordinary kerosene, or eoalThe Heme Acre.
The home acre, and the manner In
which the houtesrlfe of tbe farm man­
ages It. to described by a boarder wbo.
according to the New Tork Tribuno.
answered an tttrtctive adrertlsemeni
for a tingle boarder, and found Just
what the wanted—complete rest, com­
fortable Quariera and delicious coun­
try fare. Including cream, fruit, fresh
vegetablet. etc. •IncldenUlly." sh«
tayt. ”it has greatly interested me t<>
watch the way Mrs. A., my hostes*.
tbe home acre, which U en­
tirely under her
fenced off from the rest of tbe farm.
the bams, etc., over which
her husband presides. I never Imag­
ined so much could be got out of sueb
a small space. There Is a large, wellkept garden. In which grows cverythisg under the tun. a big border gay
with flowers, aad what snriwises me.
hundred to two hundred
chickens. I have always auppoaed veg­
etables and chickens could not thrive
together, bnl Mrs. A. manages In s
wny thnt excites my admiration. The
alx-foot netllng around the gsrden
really nerres only as a p
against tbe encroachmeats
younger, uneducated chicken*. The
older ones know very well ihtt to fly
over the barrier means Imprieonment
tnd thon common*. As soon as a
chicken is found trespassing it to
seised, thnwt into a coop, and kepi
for a few bonn without anything to
eat. Mr*. A.'* many other duties
which are ndmlmbly perfortned. never
seem to make her mlax her watch on
the chickens. She seems lo know by
instinct when dlseipllee Is needed. It
is not only that this truly admirable
woman gets to much out of her one
acre, but tbe standard of excellence to
so good, and all I* to very well or­
dered. When ooe see* wbat an la­

cnmblng the grapes In the trater. and
U iystmato CMnrrhL
pot them in a porcelain ketUe. 8tlri,ur-d me, and 1 irll ili.-m. They prt
When old age eomr* ob. ralarrhal dla>'.
them well until it reoebe* boiling beat. | the ii>c-<lll--ine tben. tV'e keep ~
euM rorne also. Kystemle eatairh to
r 4»ughur Aaa two
l« them cook fifteen or twenty mln- Im the
tn old people.
i__ ___ .
___ ____ .utp*. ibeu strain through a clulh. Add ; Mtos.
schooi, aad they Sake tbe aMdfcfac
three ptinndi of white sugar. When evevT-dqy.
•Id people. TVruna
tbe sugar to difkulred, Hmltt agalui MMy
••Mr wife wa* teoujded wuh a pain
brir safeguart
remna 1* the only
Por bcdbngs. get at tbem with an at- through a doth, beat it to the boiling 1 In her
h<-r sldiI
for year*. Now she i* tsklnp
ledy yet dcvltoed that rnewto thsw
omlxcr or a feather. Repeat the dose point again, pour it Into plot or quart | your medlclto pnd tt red wnsru 1 trill
all I can toe you and lor tbosc who
every week for three or four weeks, bottles, and seal tasiantly." It will
d your ad
and the cure will be radicaL (Toal-oil not keep after being opcoed. no it It
Ir. Jno. o Atklnaoo, Indcpendenec,
poured on pools or any concavity con- best 10 put it up It) smol enough b« Ma,’
taining stagnant water will etTeMually j
,0 be used at once. Have the boi-; -Your rem«Bta do all thrt vou clai:
If you do not reeelve prompl and aab
stop all mosquito breeding. It is al»o 41^ Uwroughly beoted. and use new I for them, and even more. Catarrh ran- umetovy reMtlufremtbeurofPenwa
nut exist wbeir IVnina to te^vn accord- write at ones to Dr. Hartman, giving n
superior to whitewash to ke»P|cock*. IMp the necks with cork*
tVruBa cumj.leirly foil *Utomeat of yoor CM* and be wtn
1 free from Hoc. Onej,„,o
scaling wax—Farm aad Flrecored my wife and lot eatsrrhaltruuUo*
lUos ' be pteaMd to glreyoa bto —t-v-etnarknble thing about coal oil Is that 1 gide.
of twcoiy-flre year* •unding. In nr ‘ vin, gratia.
while It hardly aKeet* the bnmao skin. |
rounda a< a travellns o*n 1 am s walta-1 Addrew* Dr. Rartatan, Treritet of
It will badly blister any animal's skin j
'.Bg adrerdiK-m’-r.t of IVrutia.”
;Tlic tiartman Saattorium,Cetambto,Oi
if applied pure. It win alto de«ro.v-l
.i. Ml,,.. T. uo I, o. PIU.U 0,
; TI'm.1. MaMi ,1.1, 11c. dl.clc tall , |
»«,! drlnl, -I tal.ntai.i«!
A New Dtoh.
_ of
_ of _
_ wa_ grape Juice. I wa* tol* that one of the
Boap In __
one pint
An exeeller.i trorfc apron bas a foil
Oa one of onr
Unen n delectter. 'tito Im «e 'galto
I* '"T prouounced
served. wbhA was pretold chum It with a force pump or ar
egg beater' until It form* a creamy |
‘yphold-fever patients, He; and prMeri tbe drtss *kirt, and It hnv pared as follows: Boll white
pul the
eaulslon. Of thto lake one part for!
------- --------------- through suoceufully.
but a reel one aet In the seam. Ttie; turnip* through a vegetable mnsber.
eight or ten part* of sratcr, and It will desperate
breadth* are gored Jost enough to ge' and. chop the comu ralher finely,
not Injurv either anImaU or fallag<>. the peileot having tnfc« a* much a*
^ after wblrta aOx tbe two vegeuMee toIt to also an excellent remedy rubbqd quart a day right along Thto seems good pieces for making the i>nckH.
------------------------; gether. and season liberally with balon the sting of a wasp or bee. for it to support my eontenUen In favor of
D late. To
Bnall Towel*.
relievos the pain Instantly and pre­ grape Juice for typhoid fever poiieniv.
pnbltobed in these column* before, na-1
The housekeeper who has nut dls |
vents swelling.
I wish to say that If I were token with ^ered the talue of the small towel In ‘

this trtocherou* disease Tsrould sure­ bn household economies h>* *om*.-;“**'^ '***“
ly depend on this grapejulce cure en­ thing yet tn learn. It to only recently I
Run a large darning needle twice tirely.—Farm and Fireside.
To Keep Nickel Bright
thnt they have been used to any ex- i
ihrongb perfect tomatoes, without
Tbe task of keeping the many nidcvl
tent in private families, but ihilr
peeling or cutting them. Place raw lo
tulDes* Is making tbem iccreasi (ly I fixtures In the modern home bright is'
a large crock, pfitilng over them brine
In furstohing a house it to oo extrav­ poj>ulsr.
I no easy one. lu-re is a cleaner which
made of one cup salt to a gallon of wa­
agance Ui cover the kHchen floor with
i may be prepared, bottled, and used u
ter. Place a p’-ate on lomaioe* to keet.
the best quality of linoleum, costing
A Broom Holder.
‘ neresslty requirea It to simply amthem under tbe brine, and when tb^'y
abont a dollar aad a quarter the
IL-n 1. ,h. tar 1 .tat,-, bran, | ■“»'*
Mnbt, tab
are to be used, soak Ihe fmlt In cold
square .fard. There l» practically o.*i
‘ ,
, a»».dittiu
with a cloih-boih article* ib<
water for a few hours, then use ai
wear out to this floor covering. It to- heavy, l.ut -man .->«! Mrew-eye ,rd
»*» “»
onee. They keep beautifully, but on»
------------------------must have very fresh, firm lumi
. slice of ripe cucumUtr rubbed
dust or inaocis. Linoleum U made
^ rtrnll h«.le miii.t !-• bored -t
lo begin with. Another good
r the face to citansing. and to exter process follows: Keep the tonri- cork, ground in olL and subjected l.•!..uo the scr.-*-ey,- will spilt the han- ! eellent for the skin.
grcei pressure. Very good Qualilie*
toe* In a very cold place twenty-four
^ If your tdaais are iroobW with lice.
are now made in this country, and the'
bonrs.’ having filled the Jars with cold
I dip n feathiT In kerosene aad brush
American Oe»lgnh are «>fi«-n very
waUT for the same length of time.
A new*ps|H-r Qit<-d into the qart>a<;e- them' with It a few mlnntca, wash
liMIc. The iiaiterns are not men-iy
Empty the Jan. pack In the fruit, covon the outside, as in the ca» ;. patl ran Ik- !irii-.l out with the con > them tb<m>aghly In good worm r--er with very cold water by standing;I of oilcloth*, liui go clear ihmugh^ ihi'^ lenlji. ami nisl.e
cMily"-v-ud* and rinse In warm water aad the
‘ ih-- luuJ mure ‘'M'lr
the Jars under running water for three
^ rP-aned by pr>a< niing it--- uisK-rtol I lice will dtosppear. Fl>r delicale planis
fabric. Thti* thi-y endure
minutes to press ont the air bubble*
fnim adhering I
I ibc kerr
) thronghOleum 1
Now pour lo melted paraOne. an-1
screw on the lid*. Cover each Jar


the good earth that the Lord has given with a palter bag.
To Prevent Jelly From Beillfig Over.
u*. it does seem as If the problem of
-----------------------I I wa* making crab apple Jelly f
maintenance ought really to be solve-]
Vegetable Salad.
afternoon when It suddenly ihremieneil
(or every one.”
Contributed to the Home Deparimriu
boll over, a* JeSly often will.
Annie wa* bupily prepar- I'uip the stamp of approval upon Mich-!
Detroit, Jnne 5t, IMM.
Equal proportion* of diced potatoes.
Chill Sauce.
(cold), celery and hard boiled eggs- im-more apples at the cool end of the igan ^ own Piano—the GKINNELL > Grinnell BroSta Detroit,
Oentlemear—1 wl»h to congralnls'.e
Tblriy-flx large, ripe, sound loma- add diced onions and radish ring* to!kitchen, and she told me to blow hard [ ItROTHBRS. In a congratulatory letion the foaming llqnld. which I did. ' i.-r ». Messrs. CrinncII Bro*. he de-;yoo on theORINN*ELL BROS. PUNO:
toe* chopped. (Thto to a beeping
Ptwr over the above tbe following ,nd. to my pleased snrpriH-. I foun I rlar. s it to W «m.- of tbe finest Ptano« It is one of the flnr-.t InstromMU f
immedtotely went down.
he ha* c
' have ever used and equally well ndaplSix red peppers; It very large, four. dreaaing. thinned with cream If dv-i,b„
- My coDKln If *ti Engitsb woman, and ,
I od for acrompsnlneots or insiramentSix large, sound onions,
.she said (hat b< r English friends al- I
I *I work. Th- action Is perfect, the
riour level ublespoontuis salt.
J ways did this i<> any boiling liquid, aad
i tinging quality uperb. and the purity
Bight tnblespoonfnls of sugar.
Iso waved ibcmsclrcs many burns and I
! and rl-arnc»s of (one I regard ns no
Two teaspoonfuU each of grounJ
;mQrh unneci-rssry
work — I.adU-. I
I *urpa»«c<!
ginger, clove*, allspice and cinnamon.
I WqrW.
I It must be a matter of great satitOne-fourth of a level teaspoonful n(
Oae tablespocmful cream.
' faclon i» you to have produced smth
cayenne pepper Beat the eggs well: add the sugar..
[ a sup<-ri'>r instrameai.
One grated nutmeg.
sglt tnd mustard, then the vinegar;
, Yourt «*-r> truly.
Eight teacups of good vinegar.
> aa old-fashioned barrel-andHOMER WARBEN.
Put tbe vinegar Into tbe vessel In
ketOe and tUr nnUI' dasher ehrun. and were greaUy trou
which you Intend to cook It—prefer-1
cool; bled with lu splashing, until we solved
Thi.- F;>i>-Ddld tribute from a man of
lUgar and salt, an-l {
i the dISculty by melting the top an t
Mr Warren's mnrienl ouniameaU
to the Juice dr the tomatoes Inron- and use asneeded.
More sngarmay be used If one so; bottom om of an old fruit can. and
to convincing evldeace of the superior.
vonleaee* tbe chopping process, pour
' the* setting It down on the churn
Ity of the CRINNEU- BR06. PUNO.
It off Into this rinegar. or pour the to­ prefer*.
Other well known people- wbo have
matoes Into a flat sifter; then, when
For a Bum.
' I through It. ThU will effectually preexpressed tbemsohres In timlinr terms
the Jnice has been drained off. cw'
~ rm and Fireare; Prof. W. N. Ferris (Dem. aomUane cntll«g In the titter with a largA little girl burned her thumb very ;
tnee for CRjv.l. Prof. A. W. Platte, Mr.
dish under it to make it firm. Cool: severely. HM- mother applied to it: *‘*'*‘'
Harold Jarvis. Mr. G. Aribor Depeer,
all togethm until It to thoroughly done everyohlng she could find In the houM i
Alberto Jonas. Manrioc de VriM. ProC.
which will bo about, the time the mo.-i ■which she thought might ease Iht '
A. C. Meurer. the renowaod 1
ot the Juice and vinegar have cooked pain. Nothing gave relief and the j After stewing some fine looking
’Utllaa Nordic*, and otitora. It to a
child conid neither sleep nor rest, until [ plums one day. 1 foond them so sour ;
fact that the
InieHigcnt aad ben
This makes about three quarts. Pn: a cold raw potato was scraped with * t a* to be nneaubie. say* a writer in ;
in nlr-ttghi Jan and keep in a cool cel knife, aad applied as a poultice. - ti j Cod Houekeeping. Next day 1 took; Popular ex-csndldnte for governor of informed people la Mlchlgna are btty
lat. If nmde for summer use I often gave immediaterelief. As tostat tbe | more of the same variety. aUnulng Michigan on the republlena OcUi:
ri- them In bollihg water before cooking.. noted mulciao and successfulbust , preference u> tll other*. Thto to (b*
keep a Jar In the refrigerator. If fot pouto becamehot anddry It sro*
winter, pot up ns late os yon can get
nniU the child
Just to one does a tomato, tfl-hea 1 ness man.
best poMibl* proof of the Ugh eharaeeuoked. they - were as ddkkm* ao j
—~ —
ter sad leaderaUp of this rentorhabto
good tomatoes.—Chlengo Reeord-Her afterward uaill all pain
j Mr. Warren says:

HOMER Warren




P^ 7tO 14

PART 1¥0


I Croering passed throogb Ibe dty on
of bto; From Saturday's Reeord.
Bpend the d£y at their pleaaaat farm waa positive they were i
Circuit court adjourned tbto mor -! their sray to Toledo
bone a abort dlelaace west at tbU. ginseng farm.
by the ’lng after ibe Jury disagreement m i | -Mist Lanra Hendersbot of Hatches
elir. bet they were even nore fortu­ 'When Amea wee coafroi
nate than they bad hoped In the pret­ two meo from Em^re he did at bare] brought In on the Henry Carlisle «
ence of r^ree tron far distant a word to ssy and bto demennor
poMU. Mr. Miller's four brothets. A. soeta ss to not ally their eusplelont. In ber 21.
The East Bay dog Aooiing affray.
D. Miller of Toacarora. Ser, Janea of fact be was euipected. Is to said when
Mrs. J. Hoffman has gone to Grand
BanendU Mich.. Manball M. of Glen ibe roou were first missed and they Henry Carlisle vs. JtAn S'. Counade. Rapids f>.r a visit «itii friends and rdwbicb
Arbor and Albert of this dty were all
ihm of Ae Circuit coart for a day and
there for the eelebrelloo. Merahall
Cari N'elmt aad Vick Ladka Ml for
Cirevit Court.
a halt aad which has used almost „ ,

being eeeompanied by bto wife. H
From Wednesday's Record.
1, .b. ».«■:
was a matter of nuch regret that
Tbe afternoon session of (Aren't
flttera were unable to Join the family
party. Among the eblldrcn and grand
children present were Mrs. T. C. Brit­
ton and family of Bingham. Ward Isaac M. Whinlc. Corcll * Cros and
» Cblo«o
Ker. Bdfar L. Ro«tia ot Anboy. Miller and family of Kalamaaoo. Geo. Pratt and Dads, attornrya. The case rash, wc. for . .aJW of I!i
for a visit witb relatives.
1bS„ prtaohea bia Sral aennoo a.
Miller and family, lirlng south of the being appealed from JatUce Brown' four were for no cause of action.
EreoKl Greilieh has gone to Chicago
This ends tbe (rouble ax It wi!1 be
FrleaSa ebsrch Sanday aaraiec and city, and John Miller and family, who 'court, whore a decUloo for no cans
«aa sreeM by a falr«ic«] eedl
lire on the borne farm. Other relatlrea of action was glrea this spring. M: doubtful if the case will be reopened,
Urv. J. J. Rnrdcn went to Cham­
He read the aerlpture leaaoo from
the analrersary srere the family of Penis Is asking damages In the sut it alremly Ix-ing an appiml from Jux
paign. IIU for a rtoit.
Matthew 7. bednalnc at the alxtf
C. A. CfMSoy of Tr^cree Oty. Mrs. of two to three Lundrod dollars, claim­ Ore Curlto’ court where- Corltolc obThe Misses Rose and Imura Van
vwae. Precodlnc ibe eemoo he api^e Charlea Smith of Bay aiy. Dr. Shank
VaJkenburg have gone to Grand lUie
appealing from the verdict.
of the sew tblasi Is chmcb work lhai of Empire. M. C Cate of Solon and Wlnnie to remove his mill
Ids for a visit.
aaukee county to cut lumber for tbe
wodW be nntestHUr vlth bin conliiB Mrs. Shank of FUnt.
Allie Farrow sod wife left for Chi­
Ryan Given Seatenee.
to thU BOW Sold and onUlncd bia p!aa
A very happy day was sent In rislt- defendant and tUt after the mill
The trial of Peter Byan. charged by cago and from there they will go tJ
of ««k darlag the week. He alao Ing and telling stories of the early ail packed, tin- latter notified him that
Jvftetaoo K. U>ngwiU wlili taking a Lincoln. Neb., where they will meet
cMtpllineatad the yonns people on days and a delicious wedding dinner be bad made another <IU:
and ihc-n go to San FYuii(be (Imbor, taenev the xuil.
saddle, bridle, hulditark xiraiuc. hallcT
their attendance and spoke of the was seized. A somewhat un
The ddenso dalmw that tbe matter and grain sack from bis place In Gar- I Cisco. Mr. Farrow will al«i vtrit in
Meodiy and Sbelal relatloa in which incidence lies In the fact that Mr. and
unraAlp July 12. was held la Jux- Cuhuado.
be taaated all to fe^ and stated that Mrs. Marshall Miller of Glen Harem was merely of a prciimlDary nature
K. O. Nrisun has gone to Benton
the latch atrlng at the paraonace wUi also celebrate ibelr golden wed­ and not finding a auluble locaUon fur iJce Verley's court oB.Satur<!ay and
tbe mill did not feel bound l» any oon- ] resulted in s fine of 33 and euxts, Harbor fiw a tra days’ visit with
vonid alwaya be hanglns out
ding next March.
amounting to 3S‘.r>«. trr thirty days in friends and relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Miller are not
Mr. and Mrs. AtIlUam Giles arc <
In tbe assumpxit case Involvlog V'^'‘ jut, le-ing ibik-d out by the court.
only early residents of this part of
Ryan testified Aat he got tbe ant- joying tbe <-xcurslon't» Toledo.
One of the larseai anblena of the the suto. but inatly lay claim to being damages. August Gersh vs. Herman
Andrew Korion and wife w«
tall piwBldeBUal oempalSB was relied among Michigan pioneers. They were Hyman, whlcb bas occnplol the atten­ rics lu question in n-Mim for a note
the ckcunittai&U to -Detroit.
EYMiy afeeraoon at 4 o'clock
married at Flushing In Genesace coun­ tion of the Circuit court yeslenlsy given lilm by a man in Tbrirapsonvillc
Mtos Mar Wh-kenBwg was a passen­
about two years ago, but bis recollccthe JanctlcB of the peidninla
ty In ]»&4 and llred there aeren years. afternon and a portion of’the
ftoat etraet by T. G. NlcholBOO at the Gomini (o Miller's hill in Deelanau was settled this mornlag. Hermati Uon of names and circumstances were ger un (lie excurxlnn train to Detroit.
FY.'-d N'fUtb is taking In (be ezcqrso rag>«' (hat the te.<timnn.v was nut
laailcBtion of the Fifth ward oon
county In 18€1. where they were Hymen surrondering throe
siou to Cblcagii.
(he first settlers In what to now
Mrs. E. Sumner left on the exeuKkm
It to on a allrer while Has pole and one of the best eultlrated and richest
for a (toil 111 IK-troli and vicinity.
the alte, 4Hall feet, eaablei
Annual Fall Exeurtieni.
fanning ecoUone of Northern Michi­
Mrs. F. K. Griffin took Ibe excursion
saaaeihy to reooenUe both portralto gan. Sereral yeani ago they remorod From Thursday's Record..
The two cscursloas on tbe Pere
to ixtroli for a short visit
Another assumpsit, ujtpcnied (
' at a great dlaianoe wbidi adorn H In to their present fine farm west of the
Marquette and G. K.
I. roads were
Mrs- James Uoiiseau has gono A De­
addlllaa to the worda “lUMaeTelt and mtr. They are both prominent mem­ Biephro Feuslermaeber' Pratt
Tncaday. There
Davis, va. William Boskee. Underwood
troit and Canads for tenwlsysFhifbaaka.X- aliout 330 peoide who bav« gone
bers of the Coogregalloiial church of
U. G. Shorter and wife are spendlni;
Takea altogether It to a eredU to this city and have a wide circle of fiUmlor, is occopying the attention of
Soiitbt'rn Ulrbigaa. Northern Ohio
len days visiting in l..ansihg.
everyone eoaaeeted with it and the friends here and In Loelanan countr Circuit court today, being the out­ and lIMnuto tiolnts for n ten days' vtoii,
Mrs. E.' II. Hartwell leR for a visit
growth ofa collisioo between two ngv,
nrih ward eeidaBUy latendi to
who will extend elnccre eongralulaTbe C. R. & I. train left at » o’clock
wltb her moAer. Who to A Ionia oounInto the rampelgTi with all the early Uons on the completion of fifty yesri a wood rack sleigh and a cutter, the and cottalsied ototwo coarbra and a
plaintiff receiving damages to the
dathiula^ of the ontt character
of happy wedded lUeI.agga;e ear. both coatees being filled.
James W. Jackson went to Jackson
value of the cutter In Jnstiee B. M.
One eoacb wu filled with local people
for s short
James' court. Mayfield, last March.
apd tbeoAcr with people who came In
Ginseng Wm Stolen.
The plaintiff and A. 1.. Thurston
Mr. and Mrs. J. Steinberg left on A.'
■If HBehiebeny I
from the Norihpon dlytolon, ' there
were driving near Kingsley and turtii-d
cacursion for a vUlt in Detroit.
t faetoiy bm
being about us many «s Acre were
in the darkness for an approschMrs. -Sarab Huldeo went to Ply(uned u4 MTW has ready for ahlp- Wmiam Tweedle of Bm^ were vis­
lig. but the rear end of the entter
tnouih.Mqd.. for a visit with relatives.
ment. MV.jBim ^.^Mbeertca for ited by a marander Wednesday sight
The IVrc. Marquette train eonatoted
stnick and demoHshtri, the de­
Joe OUviln. sccompaatcd by bh
J; Jt. OeMw-ur -MceMah. Maine. . Nr. and robbed of ft.iKM worth of green
■ fcven coaches and a baggage
Imothtr. Mrs. F. OKeriin of Bingbsm.
Cotta owaa a eamriag factory at
Then- were about two coaches which
feet that the cutter only gave a pwhave gmie lo Detroti and Canada for
Mhohtaa and bto apaelalty to huekie- away.
Tbe farm being oat two miles from ilos of the right of way. the other side had only a few pascengers. bon-over. ten dajs' Vis.!i.
bcrrlee or aa they arc known in the
•Aik roa l had a h.-avy excursion (rain
Mrs. Thomas Pr-arson and daughter
teat. •Itlaaberrtea." For Uireo yean, town, they did not have oconslon to go being deeper snow, where they were from this city.
have gone to Detroit lia a visit.
bownrwr, the Halhc crop hat be«a o
It wimid of conrxe be Imposslbie to
FlatnUff fi-enstermacber. A. L.
Mr. and Mrs. Ainll F. SFriinffur have
ttHare and ha hat had to eeck .other Thursday George Tweddle waa boirigive
gone to Dnircl! for a ten days’ Tlsll.
TCtfima. ter that reaeon be came to fied to find Friday when he vent out Thnrston. John Scho^ and Henry but below are quite a number.
Mrs. W, r. Vogelsfiag left for a ti
thla tetynoy gad baa been very tnc- that tbe entire ginseng bed. containing Sylvester were on the wltncts stand
O. B. * 1. ESCUBKOK.
days’ visit In Detroit.
ciaMnl. The harrlec will be abipped from two to three hundred pounds had ^ for (be pUlnUB and Geotge 'Martin.
George Payne left for Detroit and
James Uannek left for a vtolt in
to New York tad other large Basteni been dug up and carried away. He | who was’ driving with tbe defendsnt;
tricked the man (or three-quarters of taking the stand for the defense.
will join bto Witt who to vltllAg in ■ Chicago and Peoria. III., and may visit
Mikata. Hie case went to tbe jury st 3 Canada before their i. turu.
: ,t St. IXMiis before his return.
Mr. Cotta hM been endenrertag to a mile tbrongh the woods back of the
MIfs I.UIU Calkins went to Chicago] p;. * jjanln left on Ae excurtioa
perehnae abonl 4»«W acme of aute patch bnt lost all trace (or any fur o'clock this afternoon.
I visit friends
for Jackson.
toad for the porpoea ot mtolng the
Mr. Twcedle thinks thst it wss dsmsge case, which was appeale-J
AVllllam A. McCool left for Chicago
M. Chapman was a p
•r on the
hcoMVUAtng UthL The berries wem taken by some one familiar with the tram Justice Brown's court lo tbto and St. Loiito.
1 Jackson.
Mtos Flora Caldwell Chicago
•eenred by elaiUBg the dUtereni' kteadon as it was In a tittle patcb with term of the Circuit court, remained
C«-orge Blodgett and Marvin Blod
plains and btsylaf them from the pick- hto tardea track and so seclud^ that out unUI 6:S0 last evening when they, I.vtolt wltb friends.
gett left for a few days’ visit in De­
C. V. Cray went to Jaclmon to vtoii. troit.
era. In eoapany with George Payn. It would have been hard to find by one brought In a verdict erf «&«'. While
L. H. Gage left for,n visit A Detroit
sU agreed ihat there should be some
he drera orae the ngkm and pickel strange to tbe kteaUon.
17 H .(uetio has gone to Saglbaw
George Tweedle'i Mrm where the eomprasatlon, (he amount to be ad­ and Ann Arbor.
up the beMee wherever poeaibM
for a vikii with frlt-mto and relatives.
Mrs. W. H. Moore will vUIl to Tito
The pt«er was a big thing for the ginsoag was taken from adjoins the judged caused not a lUUe balloting
Rol-eri Chase led for a week's vtoii
Kalkaaka eanalng (aelory at it rep-'
In Di-’roli and vicinity.
Two divorces were also granied has noi-sivn in eight years.
naenu ebont tl.ooc. Bach of the this city aad bo Is also an extensive
J. O. Hsrv-y and mother and Mrs
during the late afternon session. UriC.
Ebner left for. D«^ P’sinsHarvey of ntinlirkTllle imsred Arough
,t*U eneet eontalna tw«»tyfo«tr two grower of ginseng.
R. Amee was arrested on Saturday vlna A- Doa-ner vs. Qeoige O. Dow­ to spend
1 iho riiy today on their way lo Chicago
peond eaas of bncdcMbefrlea.
r SberiS D. G. Chandler and ner, and Pearl Tuke vs. Rlehard P.
Chart.-* Felt, wife and daughter •
Chief of Police Jack Ronnie on sus- Take. L. H. Gage being (be eiMinset :□ Ettilyn left for a visit in
.Mr, and Mr*. R. E. Weaver have
Bdn W. R.UcI was a |ia
The Natkmal Grocer cbmiwny. ptcKm of having stolen the Twecdle both cases.
tier fqr a
me to Grsnd Rapid* for a vtolt.
g at Empire. A telephone mes­
Which has tnelnded a doten Urge
A dog rdiobtlBgafray to on trial this visit In Chk-ag..,
Mr- William Grand and Hiildrcn
A1lc.‘ llano wiiii to Ciiicas'i
Wholetale heeaca In aa many dllferem- sage from Empire Instructed the afternoon In the Circuit court. Henry
'•' have gone to 'l.,Bn*UiK and Perry foe c.
tttlea, has baea diaaolved and a new sheriff to hold the man and conse- Caritole. Pratt t Davis, vs. John .V.
Carrie Hurd ..f Bingham i.a.x-.; yi*i, wpii fri. nds nnd r.-iaiivts.
quently be to loriied np.
Coonade. Parra C. Gilbert.
th-oneii Ih.- city on InT v.a> to’A-n.
a. M.sJr.- ha* gon.- to CliicagL
The man had between twenty and
Mtohlgnn with a capitallmtioB of
The ease was settled with a Juda- ArbuT for, a vtolt vU Ae wuf-ioB , ,„r „ »i.-ii with r« lattr..*.
-The old company was or- twenty-five pounds of (be rooU In hto moai of |5fi In Jnstiee Curtis' court,
Mi-k Ora Everou l»ft today for o
and first tried to sell It
BUlsed tader the Uwt of New Jersey
Itatile Creek. Knlamaioo amt
had theiefore paM Uxm In that ctate, Johnson's drag store. He was offered (he value was not eominen«Hrate with tbe excursios for n visit at Ann -Arbor. Kapids]
pound which be refused and weni the loss of bli dog.
bet the new Netloaal Grocer company
Mrs. r. Vender left for Chicago^n-l - jjrj, g j, prown i- .m.JoyiDg the ten
• ]net brgahlaed wlU pay iU lasee to the on down to E. Schomberger's on test
from Aero will go lo her home at days-cxcnrse.r, ... Cbicauo
eUte of Mlchlgaa. When the farmer Front street, where he wms offered tbe FYom Friday's Reeord.
IJaicn Ihvdk’e. tm. She has b.-cn vtoi*a. at.d w.l.- left today fw
company wee organized the ortgimi
Before the sale was
Tbe dog casi-. Henry Cariiele
-tes b.-r .laitsiiter. Mr?. Jam.-s Moody. a„ <-iter-l.-d ti-.i in Cbic£gi>.
tors ooold net incorporate under the coocloded, however, the officers ap­ John K. Courtsde. which, aliboupb of (’.!i-<
Hto*Daisy Blai.l.r <'( Grand Rap
MIAI^ laws, bet alnee that time the peared hiTlDg been notified from given a juilgnjent of 330 in Justice CarMr.-. J.,e>d an,1 .iaiighler
id* r(i.-ri..-l horn.- als.r visiting Mr.
taws have been changed so as to admit Johnson's drag slon-. the mu haring tis' coon, to Spain on ifisl on appeal lo Chlra?-> fur a ylrit.
and Mr>. H. C. Gere.
of sntA hMvpocatloB.
ned suspiciously.
the Circuit court to being fongbt with
•Mr... W M. Gordon w.-nt to South
The Tweedle ginseng bad been colil- msTiy witaemer afid the ptaintllTii side tica for a vMt in Toledo.
Ames B. Mosseimaa of Grand RapHaver for a vi*it wltbfrh'ndiMs. the h«d of the local braneb of vsded ud tbe roou were of a finer has raked and scraped up the pcJlgrs'
B. Norton Iqfi fora tea tlayw' visit ir.
Hi(» GlrdiC FYillcr ha* gone to Chi­
the MnsaahMa Grocer company, has quality and much larger thaa the ordi­ el the dece.vsed Sbepberd until know Chicajn
cago and eipt-M.-: lo remain some time.
)>atk olectad ptneideht of the new nary. As this the man had was of the ledge It befon- the court of tto aaev:-Mr.
Mrs. W. P. Triplett uR: - Mrs. Jl C. Bul>r has gnne in Stanoompany. wWeh tscludee the Masselkind. Mr. Tweedle was of tbeltraf
bis pumiyhood and iacrvasi^l mai.e a Ao.'i vWt in Jack.'vm.
a fw a visit with Iriccdi. and reto
mu Grooer company of Grand RapUto. oplaloa that n was his.
valuation from $K>. bto cost price. nn:ll
Mi*- Jennie Klaasba wen: to Gran.1 ’ tjves.]
the Travnrie aty branch of that com
James Carlisle, a brother of tbe plain­ Rapids for a ten days’vifh.
j • Mr.. A. T. Petcnyi has gone «> Cbi. pany and targe bouses la Sanli Sts. FriNu MoBday't Record.
tiff, wacbed the 3100 mark with this
W. K. Van8:-ckie left f.w a vlail In ; cs;n, ter a rijli with relative*.
Marie, Bay City. Saginaw. Detroit.
R. Ames, who was arrested Satur­ thl< tesUmocy this moralng. "Wouldn'i Pontiac aad fVirolt.
' e. ji. jobtson has g<mc to WaterUnatag. Jaekaon. Port Huron. Dunnd. day afternoon by Sheriff D. G. Chand­ took no mac’s 3100 for ’em."
Mr. and Mr*. BljA Mllis went to
usd Dowagiac for a visiL While
Mkh. Sooth Bend, lad, and Decatur. ler and Chief of Police John Rennie
Tbe Jury In the Fenstennaeher vs. Ctiragofora vtolt with ibvlr son.
,s‘wu>>.tc wA atierd the iwenty-flrsi
mspichm of taking the gjaseng Boskee damage suit, which oeeupied
Mr.-. Sam Be* took in the siauai ri-unkm «rf tbe First HlAlgan
Dndar the aool^hm thus formed from George Tweddle of Empire, wxi the nttratios of the court yesterday eacursiup to Cticag-.t.
lakcn to Empire Sunday moralng aficraoon went out at 3 o'clock and
l.oui.« Sicder’s deriinaiioa WM Chi-l M«. J. X. Heiidcrsoo haF gone A'
advnMegeene ahlpping tatee and by
lot )D:SO o'clock to answer to the made a night of It. not rvturalug until
X5UiD«ro;i for aim days’visit.
paxhaslBg Ih large onantitten can charge ,tff stealing the roots. Mike G o'clock Ait morning, wbec a verdict
Mr. and him. O. E. Beaus left for
X. Core and wif? have pme to Cbl■ave many Uumaande of dollars an- Horan and George Tweddle came over of 316 was given. The conn oBclaii the St- ’L.onis fair via Oticago".,
] cago to spend a few days vtoliing.
after tbe man aad took him back.
remained until K>::o p. m- and one dlW. M. Coddingloa went for a abort
Mrs. 3- T. Shields It-fi today for a
Mr. Tweddle IdenUfied the roots at roroe case. WliUsm Brlghty vs. Naomi viiit in Detroit.
; ^ .
visit A Detroit and vkinity.
Oetdsn WedditiB.
Mae be had iramptaued (or seed. Brlgbty. P. C Gilbert, attorney.
Oiobensky look As An-day ] H. C.- C«»re s^nd wife have gone tr.
The golden weddihg asnirertary of They bad been cut In the (ransplsnt- Siren a bearing and granted.
trip to Detroit.
I Chicago for a visit wlA. frUnds arc
Mr. and Mra. W. a Miller occurred lag and he described tbe roou and
Tbe calooii case of tbe People vs.
K. Davis and wife win sprad tec | rriaUVes.
Tneeday and was mede B red lener day bow he bad cut them and when some John Kraloehril. whid was taken np days vtoiting in Chicago.
• Mrs. W. J. Kent reiuraed A Erc-rott.
: In the hleuwr of the tsmID by a nou- of those which Amee tried
dispoae|ia omn Monday, was settled Ais
W. J. Tiiion and two eblldres went i Wssblngtm: lo-Ay via CfaicagD tm Ac
We iuafly reantan. Mr. and Mrs. Miller
Ae|'anernooB by a fine nt 373 being !m- I FIlDL Mr.. Tilton will put hto two' excursion,
; have he«i pteatatg for eome Ume u> deacripUae given
Mr. Tweddle \ ptwed by Jndge Mayne. Kratoffirvll bav- rhlldreu into tbe school there.
j Mn. F. J. Kellal has gt«e to ChiInvite (heir immediete releilres to When Ur. Tweddle saw Ae roou he;log pleaded gnlUy.
Ben StiUweil and wife ot Hatches cage for a stort virii.
in Winter Oawrters.
B«pL S7 VM
Ute atewer Ccaalnge oe Oraad Tntr«rw faor 4Sli WMM u ebe l«n for
. Cknimix U> be IMd «p for tbe ee»*00. CeptAle Altes Bonteosz retm
to Kortssort vbere be erl]| rcmaie
T%e ColMWe vfll boU the bey eer>
Tloe btfesfur. leeflBE at t o'clock ter
Seven fUrbor, Sauooe Bey. Oneae
u4 NortSpert. retanlas orei
auK roete ead readitiif here at 5
o'elodc at Mcbi.


r.jb';'.;: z



HO. 40.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben OmA have gime
lo Grand Rapids for a rislt.
Mrs. W. J. PariKv left today for
vtolt in Detroit.
The Htosvs Lottie Harilaad at
Helmi Moore went to Detroit today.
Mrs. A. J. Brown went u HarUord
today tor a vii^t wlA frisads,
Mr. aad Mrs. C. 8. Caris bare gone
10 8i. Louis via Cbicago.
J. C. Peteraea and family left Ato
morning for Chiengu on a bnslneaa and
pleasure trip. Mr. Peteraen has plans
for two handsome residenera In Chi
Mtos Ora Spencer has gone to Chi­
cago for a then visit.
Mr. aad Mrs. C. E. Hale bare coni'
to Chicago for a visit.
Mr*. L. B. Bltsell hat gone to Lan­
sing for a risii.
Mr. and Mr*. MtMle R|rb Ml today
r a vtolt In IK-iroit snd Cleveland.
Mr. and Mr*. John lYobert are es
Joying Ap pipurslon lo Lansing.
Mr. and Mr*. J. Kuiwland have goo.
' rbiPSRo fur a tra dsyV vi*lL
Mr*. Markus ■••ft today un' the excor
kion tor a vtolt in ('tiirago.
Mr*. J. r.'Morgan has guae lu Grand
Rapids for a vtolt.
r. and Mrs. K. C Davis have gone
tu.CbIrsgo for a.viKii.
John Vt-rly ha* gone lo Olirago
ibt- ••xeiirxlon fur a tm days’ vtolt.
Andres- llormuih left today for
vtoii to Cfairago. Rarine and Mtcfaigan
Charles Cliff to enjoying the sxrurSion koiiib.
Hazier and family hgvv fone
Deirolt lo rmmd ten days.'
Waller I’alge went to Bay City ihto
nrnlng on a b^oewi trip.
MIsh Lorena Maxwell maracd
h.'T home In Alberquerque. 1?rw Mex­
ico, vis Chicago today after visiting
her iltier. Mrs. Fred North.
Henry Mo** snd sister have gons
In Chicago tor a vIkIi with relatives.
Mr*. Arthur IV*pres»went to Chi­
cago for s visit s ith friends and reltllve*.
H Ennis wcuii to Grand Rapids and
will also visit (anber cast before hto
retnra lo Ae cli^
George'Seafe was a imssenger on
Ae excursion to Grand Rapids. .
W. M. Smith, wife and son wei
Lansing for a ten days 'visit.
Waiter Grelllck and wUe left for
Deiml: for a visit.
Mr*. N. B. Chapin and three children
left for a .vUli In SonA Lyon. A)
Arbor and Hudson.
- Dohm ws* a passmiger on (I
excursion train U> Grand Rapids.
Miss Margaret Anderson left for
ihii with friend* In Detroit.
P. Thomas and wife srili spend ten
.lay* visiting In Grand Rapids.
Mrs. A. E. Holmes cif 7» WelMler
itraet has gone to St Joseph for
Mrs. M. Smith to enjoying tbe ezmntoh A Saginaw today.
Valentine Schsake has gone
Grand Rapid* on business. From there
ill go to St Louis to attend Ae

Duth Roll.
James EilkwurA of 531 Bay stro<-t
dl.xl Sundsy mornlhg of dropsy
ag-.' of (i$.j'cars. Deceased luuves
i!.' and one ron who Is Aonght
be m I'sllfnniis. slthongb bU father
I* no. heard from him in some time.
Thi- ta rvl'v wss bHd Tue*day morning s' 1« o'clock from the
home on lla> siren. Captain Mnn*el!e olliclBU-d and the fiin.-ral was It:
charge of U D. Cunto.

moDihs dieri Wednesday
.7;15 c.'etoek ..f old ace at the bome
Jolm Furlsefa. 4f« Soutn
D.-oiaw-j was among the oldest ploBetT* of Ihto rt'giun, coming to what to
non- Traverse CHy thirty-eight j
ago. She was bora In Strakonlc. Bo­
hemia. March 12. isu, and arrived in
Sew York chy wlA her husband Sept
ic. 1X32. where they lived several
years mid finally in i$ec came to TravCl!}-, where- tbe> have both ended
Aeir live?. Mr. Furtroh died iweniyTwo y«mr* ago a^ to buried in Oakwxwd cemetery and the body of hi*
wife wlU be laid U-*ldc Aat of her
Mr* Furtsefa wa* well known In Al*
city and doriag bn- early Ufe here wat
excelimt bosinvvv woman and fe'.r
women In the state eun show Ae bus
iness alllity and record that Hrv.
She aieo built ae-i
owned at the time of ber dcaA Ae
oldest building oe the souA side, that
located at 410 I'nlon fttire!.
She leave* three sons and two daugh­
ters to mourn a mother's loss. They
Frank Furtach. John Funseb.
Augssi Furtach. Mr*. Mary Miller an-i
Mr*. Lucy BarUk. all of this city.
The funeral r rri-e will be hei-1
from (be home at Jmt boo. John
F'unsch. 40C cnloa wirvm, Friday
under the direction, of H. L. CartM-.

Mary E.. Ae two months old fiauffhter of Mr. aad Mrs. BnUboopt at Rtowood township, who Hvw fir* mitt*
West of the efty. died ToMday night oi'
ebotora infaainm.
The runeral nerrlee was held AU
moratog at lo oYloek from St. FraacU
. church under Ae dlreetloa of Dndwtaher Andenon.
Mr*. Elmira Fuller, aged C7 ynara.
died Tuesday mornlag about 4 o'clock
at ber bone on Ae wewt Imy shore
road eight mllea from tbe city. The
cause of death was organic heart
trouble. Her husband was burled uevenl years ago in Oakwood cemetery
and Mr*. F'nlier'h body will be laid to
re«( beside her husband
leaves four efalldren. Mrs. Bll Pnrvto
aad Hr. Hlebam of ihto city: aaother
son lives to Mackinaw aad a dangbteat Frankfurt., Tbe -luter will be un­
able to atiend^Ahto A|[^ 1^ Ibe
other children will be alRe^bttv.p^
Tbe funeral
• win be bePl
this moralng at 10 o'cdoric from Ue
realdenre and the body brought A this
city for burial by L. D. CutAk
The funeral t^rvlee of J. H. Acfier*
was held Sunilay afternoon M 2, -(
o'clock from tb.- bone lo Elmwood '
towoKhlp, six miles from the city. Rev
Demu* Cocblln of (be Gongregattoaal
Chureh ufflelaied.
The casket and oae comer of (Le
om were merally packed wlA.fiow- -a. The deceased wa* an old ooldler
and (be casket was draped A Aa aun
and stripes. Tbe grave was also lined
with the nailooal osdor*.
Tbe pall bearers were all (M sol­
diers and were Harvey tmngworAy, U
Cleveland. Benjamin Newboase,
Cbarles Irish. William M. SmUh and
Daniel Paddra. Undertaker Anderson
bsd charge.
D H. MeMullen Osmoeratle Nsmlime.
Daniel H. McMullen of Ae peninsula
was nominated for the sUA lc«UUlure by Ae democrats of the twsnt)
seventh senatorial district Tuesday
atiemoon In a oonvenaon held In
Underwood fi Umler’s office.
nomination was made hy M. W. Under­
wood and in hto speech of aeeeptance
the candidate pled^ bimaetf to sup­
port primary reftwm but said Ant if
elected ho would not let pnrty princi­
ples Interfere altb voting (or wbnt he
tbonghi wns Juniflable In sute InterHr. McMnlleniis n populnr Bun with
large number |of Mends (kroafiboin
Ae county. After (be at»lAntktt Ac
senatorial committee wa* aeloetod. An’
wo yeara ago being

Tbe annual grange coonly oonrentlOB was held lb granga hall A this
.Tuesday tflernoou. The dele
were Mr. and Mn.
eik Lake. H. K. Brinkand Robert Seeney of OM Mis­
sion. W. R. Ful
of Fife Lake. Mrs.
Ada Scegmiller of Summit CUy. Mr.
and Mrs. Pepp r and Mr. and Mrs.
Sauga of Long Lake. Mr. and Mrs.
Dnti H. McMullen and Hr. aad Mrs.
RolMTt Irish of (krand Traverse grange.
Tlit-rc was also nultc a number of vl«Itora present. I
Dan H. McHdIlen wns made chnlrnn and W. R. IPuller aecretnry. The
irrlncipal busings* of the eonventloa .
the selectlM of delegates to tbe
■ grange Jhlrit will be held at
Lansing In Di-craber. Mr. aad Mrs.
Rllff td Ixttg lAhe were elected dele­
gates and wcre'histructed to vote for
primar}' reformJ
IcglklatlTe rommliiee uf wbicb
Frank Brown wo* tbe ebalraaa. wu
An Early ResMeirt.
J. A Homan has returned to his
bome in ContlacBial, Ohio, after a nine
wefk*' vtolt wllh friends thruigbo*..
i^on. Mr. Homan wa* one of the
rarly settlors In what U now Kaasun
lownbip. Leelanau county, coming
here In IM4. He has lived m Ohio (or
tbe pari 3« years, but la recent yuar*
bas visited bmejerery season. He baa
greatly enjoyed mcattag old MFadi
tbto summer, aad appredatca the
b be bat met oa
every ride.

X. F.h
/.mil F. Ncrliager wa* appotatad jus­
tice of (be peace to fill the vacancy
caused by As death of 8. M. Brows,
by Ae city conadl on Monday. At
the mecUng prerlotm. (he mayor had
omended (ho sppgfntmeai but a
question bad arises as to A« MgalUy
of such a move. |i appean, however,
that cottBcU has s right to mate aaeti
trpolntmeat uaUI Ae next ettethm.
On motion of Mr. Lardle. Mr. NcrUager eras annlated until Ac April Sec­
Hopkins Sutloo
ttetory has
pot np 3.4W cans of piugm.


Grand Trarcrsc Herald
AMad «««r7 thsntar a* Tn.rtnt


Mt{ OetobM. IM4. “TBMMiopk-—B>yMemlac."!
tiBln pw bUo of roM opontod. UpG. IL A I. to RichBioA AM.
r Qie M«ei lasoM."
dor Ito prorUioiu the Mlehlgon OnAanul ti. R A I. canuwkm to Rich-!
Mnrch. IMS. '*8nu lCu«er"-«Uat. S^..*
« Tceaday.
ml RollroAd COBPU7 on hs Boia line
Moraat on Tnesda.’'. Oct.’T.t
4th. It In . TWsets*»«»'
rood«* for
ftui II i
Jme. IWB. -Lesoid of 8Mb7
ttd ToMo dlrMoo. Ibe Loko 8tMK
rolvea a shipwreck in the Sooth Sea>, •

a wonderful Island, a man and a
Thetootrolt Trlbmie. with tu usual j lo»’ 'MrTln«.
A Michison Sootbrn Haliwor oHnpoor on iu Boia Une and TOiodo do- iiraliwm In tbe otateineci nf taeu! Aupiurt. IMS. "Beo lb * CoimtiT (Aanalw; maid.
Tlstea. tb« Groad Trunk A Wooten aad'flgBrea. U ealHaa auenilon to tb*iCb»«bjanl '-Of»7.
October. I»0.'‘Otatinii at the La>-’
lUllnod eonpur mre n>qnlred to rapid laerease In state <
fUllwnr ' coBponr and tbe Wabash coBpaHaa (be total disbunenteiu fn>m ^ ine
the Corner Stone of Banker
cany pasaonaen for two eenti per'the sUlc trtetsntr In ISM with ihe'Hm Bnnnmw"—Weboier.
Bile. Tbe Port Hnnn dIrUhm of the I traaJ dl«treraonu>nt for the fiaeal year'
IMS. "llarefaot Bojr^'—Whil BsttIm'PafM to the South and SotiMOntnd Trtnik railroad and tbe Grand ' endlnc June SO. met. and became the
Rapidt A Indiana RaJlwar company j'total dUburwemenl from
are only pennitied to charge two and treason- la 1»5 wa* $3AS6.«0S.6S andj
UTU SiOn<*-8T*3» or XlLBloaeAaU cents per mile, and a auU It in 1M4. «8.1SLe:i&-l'>. conclndm that.
:-raeaiUTs tn esc
a. tkiuig *4 Ooed TVesmw*. a.
thW BMk*. A K Bdlftism.
pending requlriiuc the DetroU. therabaaboenthagrcale.t«m..fe*-!S'-<»J‘*f‘‘"•Teach,Ts Radios
slsbwAe ■tvra.duaWeaerdi
Grand Haren A MUwankee RaUway traragance la tfae'eipendluires.
MBpaoy to reduce its rates to two and
•tewmru.ttwt la.jBU\-at
fitets Nmra.
Round trip Udieis at Iqw rates,
one-half ecats Mr nlla
etepetMi money for rtate expenses that I lUncock will have chop suey hou.v. :*ali
Je at........................
This law has'^proTca eery satisfac­ has not l«-en raised for the mori |«r
Portland cement factory
tory. reonliing. as It does, the eon- by direct Ua. The tax levy of IK!.; (-(ly
paaiea doing the most prospeniui was |3.015J»19.SJ. or 12 CC on c-acn
vtckabarg busim-xs houtw closed
to redace their rates and to thousand dollars of valuation. whlU-, t«o boars for f.utlUl garni-,
csiry passengi-rs in this trtato at a raU tbe tai levy of 1904 is »J.aS4.C»2.98. or
a sp^ i-l.wiloo will Ik- hdd ai
lower than that Marged by a continna- 1187 on eaoh thoaaand dollars of vs!-: iN-rry on Ociobi-r ; to voti or. a propotiaa of the same lines into other aUtes. uatloD. It would appear thm that in
bond the vlltaev for »l5,«wd
Us ralldUy has now been dete^ the expendliuro
money for sUte /(,, ,
mined beyond qneMion. hartnc been purpos*« Instead of oairat-agance tber.The iwenleih ruunlou iff 'the «rpaasM upon by the faigbest coon in haa been economy.
' vjvon. of Comiamy M. iff the Tlrri
tbe laud.
n-'js' l;ai-. tl- to 'l.-.r .-r.-li
In ms the University of Michigan . Michigan cavalry.'will U-h.-Id al DowM-n's ha'.-. 4**.- 10 11 5r.
drew from tbe treusury
.,«iap on Tbuixisy of ihls wc-k.
Better Off at Hooie.
Intuits' ti«3ui-s. fanrv
while in 1M4 the amount of tbe mill: i^.y. Che.-ii. r Siod-lard. of fh.-saa,
The attractive ‘'homo seekers'
r.-a. h.
tax was $5*4.625. The Agricultural
^l.-d recently at the ag.- of 92. He
rates” offered by tbe railways should
M-nv' and lr>v-' t.ujii- . t5
College received an apptt.prlatioo In:,K,m In ronncpiieut in IKI- and
not prove as Indneemeat for young
1895 of 11-1.025. while In 1904 it ba-jhaJ,Kl in the slate slntv li'.f.. ’
men and those that hare already eeMen's and t-n-' cai--.
an approprIaUon of We paM
An nd.liiiuu ,rf 4re bl.wks ha- 1h .-n
qnlred homes In this suit-. Too often fortheaupportof in»au.f in 1895 $465. p„„^
reKt .-lu-b.
,b^, growing villas- -f
the land of promise fails to heep iU
W.61. While in 19U4 we paid $887.-, Tower. In Cheboygan «.umy.
preatlae and bitter diaappolntmeat li
NotwIthstandlnK these tc i i.«,ty of the lou bav- alrrady Ikk-c
To supidy ;dl of Grand Travthe only end. Belter a few acres here,
Wv now have a larg-' avsor:
t-Tsc kt^on. Men and Women,
a IKUe orchard or potato field, than
m.-nt to selerl from.
llora— Ilauta. of Mtiuixing. fell a
quuter section of arid waste or sen
Boj's and liirls.
•%. v
Fur boa- from $1.50 1.. $l8.uo
The Tribune aseumes that “on*^ ; 41*1*00-of i««*niy-ihr.»-fe«-i the uih.T
Slid plain in some far coontry. Ukh- llaburaed frem the slate intisury U all
raiaes lust as good or better for the maintenance of the sute govWith dependable as well as stylisU
lddl)-K' muffs tsorili to $|i>i>i'
peaches than Georgia and the apple erament. whereas the fact is that tbe :
crop la second to none of the great a >
for whatever
$1.25 niiJ up
A QumlH^r of farmers southwrsi
crops of the west. Tbe same
is in the figures given by thej
and organlr-d
It takes k'^L leather and I'. Kkl workmantiiip to make good tbo^. rribnne, and they Include several mll-|
No matter wUai jou ar.r 9»ik
e eompany for the purpose
We see to it that both these irgrctliems
‘grctiieois go inio ou
our slioes. We prtv
> the varioiis counilin.>! of establishing
ing for In this line, y.«i can t af
vide,. hrst
hrsl of ali.
all. rclitblc
rclixblc makes of foMwear.
fowwcar. >Ve carry this foo
1 11,. .lUt- The r-Teipl.,
ford 1-1 buy u-iihoul r.vlng «rurUrge variety of Myles, ilwayi selecting those we think wiU t
>n aceount of spedOc taxes. In 1895
iK-fore purcharieg.
betl. Then WK C.AFTHKCLIMA.X ;
a-ere $1,089,157.75 anil Ibe taxes pai l
Many ^h,-r new goods atriv
Credit U Owe Mr. Warner.
bv msking the prices asj low
daily a: <b.- Ilmnoniy.
One of tbe topics opon which demo­ counties and refundings i<> eouniles
were $181,256.27. while in 19»4 there i
as, and m many cases l^cr
cratic apeak ra
e and
g f
«l>no, is asked elsrwhete (or
Ibe Laaalag Repnblleaii. have had a




Hats and Caps

ymAKK p. OLAzm cd a
OKkA.FBaOOTT.a(«maatrr* ComMibv <« «M Mm*
WIL a. BOA «e OBatas OsatrPA3WCB a.KILUr.ii(OMntt.
*w IfaBtor oMh* MM* Baud If UmM
Unm U VBIOHT. a( MBvaoiL
far JaHtw tb* tapma Ogut.



PBAirK w.wnBcw.



Ta// and Winter Tootmar

lot to any la the stale censua Thus
far they hat-e not had one gooil thing
to any about it. It remains to be seen
boweeer, whether Hon. Fred U. Wai
ner wUl be given credit for redueiag
the espease of thU year's census to
nearly one-half of the cost iff that
takes ten years ago. In 1B94 tbe state
lUB cost Mfi.m. ThU year it will
am>rozlBateiy »4k.74fl. an
Secretary Warner U dne tbe credit for
the reduetloa- This ceruinly does not
look mneb as tbouM Mr. Warner bad
rathleasly need the census tnaehlni-ry
for bU peraooal pollUeal benefit, as
fruquMlly Md recklessly charged by
certain quartera.

The Power Behind Fred M. Warner.
BstiacU from speech delivered
• Grand Rapids fair:
Permit me to ray here now,
tnenda. that Pred Warner has hiot
Hal^Ms Mr. Fptfia.
been and wlU not be controlled by any
or any Infinencus that are sot
Tbe HeraM. which is as eataest In
behalf of practical primaiy latorm as honest and not nprlgbl. and which do
Mr. Perris, rocently asked what Mr. not seek the best Intereata of tbe state.
Tbe power behloO me ■ • that 1
PWite. as gorenor, eonld do
ire more for than anything else in
a gaaaral primary nIocUon law. That
B is aot yet aaswered. So tar the world U the love and respect
as TlsIMe to the naked eye the Demo- which exUtt for me in at iesat one
end machine in the state Is bending Oakland county home. • • 1 wonld
rather give up all I have accured or
every energy to elect Mr. Perris,
that end it Is doing UUie for Parker hope to aeciire than to give as> reason
tor the blush of shame coming to the
aafi tbe national Ueket. for
tar etber state oBcee ontalde the gor- che^ of my wife or cfftildren throuch
any act of mine or through any failure
etBonhip. or tor d«i
I do that which doty will demand.
ttVM la the legislature. Bnt it Is the
1 have many personal friends In the
laglsluvre that Bust enact prlaary
republican pany, and also many who
MeetioB lawa, and the gormaor
..r——• have no
r veto theB.
Mr. Warner wlU algn such a law as friend la thU tute. polltkal or otherthe tegtelatan enacts and Mr. Perris uiae. tor whom I would do anytblog
my best Ideas of
CBB do BO anre. If Mr. Penis becasM
Btwefaui and algaed a primarr law oIBclai duty i > all the people of our
paaaad by a rainbUcan legtalaturo stale.
what oedlt could be Malm for It* But
Subetantlal Oaina.
•wsauiag (o ws own neciarntmi i
la his review <ff industrial conditions
would aot alga any bill passed'by tl
■ of the extiBBe type laaned Saturday, Henry Clews gives a
which he adrooates and this Bighi summaiT of the improremeia all along
the line and says In pari:
Bcu BO iRtslathB at ail.
”No adverse Influences hare devel­
I for the
e Ml declare tor ptUaary re- oped In tbe outside sRuatloa. The
fWB will vote that way with tbe re- crop killers have lost their vocatloA.
pnbtleaa reformen the law can be en­ and while the yield of core, eoitoa and
r estimates, which
acted as wMl with Mr. Warner goreranr as tf Mr. Perris was there. The la tbe alBost unbroken rule, still a
perfect primary law has aot yet been Ilbetul sniqil}’ of eon and cotton It
. fonad and It wiU be tbe task of the i«- practically asanred. and so far as
a of party to find it. wheat la c
both parties being pledged to the prin- likely to Mcure compeanUoa in Ugh
dpln Tbe real aeasoa the deaocm prices for the IM.OOO.OAO busheli
BBChiae wanu Ferria as governor U which It seems able to spare for cxiglng festnro is
ta- dtsuibouan of oSeial patitmag*.
anUaned gnrwtb of bank clearTbe elecllon of Mr. Fbnto wonld not
Is itself ’ensure primary retmB.— iaga. which is aot entirety altributable
to Slock Exchange operations. An­
Onad Rapids Herald.
other good feature U the ImproveMtehlfiVi LegMstloft Upheld.
In railroad earnings. In the sec­
Tbe laicst eouii deelsioo aSectlag ond week of September forty-three
the rates of peaseuger Btre for the raUraads reported a gain of over six
elate of Miehlgaa is tbe opinion rerent, nnd in the Brat we^ fifis
cesUy handed down by the United roads ansemneed a gain of over fou;
Btatm Supreme conn fat the ease ct
cent. These returns, which have
r of railniads against
I BtaadUr cnlniag. suhsunilnte
the Otaad Bapida A Indiana raDwuy
DOBBuy. requiring that company lo
reduce IU ratee of fare to two and airailng the tnrrcnsed ncUvliy of gen­
cat half cents per mile, and nt tbe eral biMlness. Of the latter there U
MBe tlae upboMlag the valldUy at no question, although H U strictly coo-.
the Mldtigaa law. This law ftaea the fined to moderate proporiiims. Iron
rate to be charged by the various rnll- and steel aiatertaJs have been hi much
« in tbit better demand Sinee'tbe revision ff
state npoa a scale graded by the price*, mad while (woBts must be oa a
inch amallff- scale still thr adraauge


me Br«


and refundings •«
«mntie. $875,20'..
0 oonnUes.
In im' the am unt used for fuiylng
interest 1
counties throughout the state for pri­
mary school purposes was $l.'i89.157.75. while the amount for this murpoie In 1964 was $2.U2.9K5.82. These
amounts arc disbursiHl from th<- state
iressnry nad the Tribune calls them
extrarngancex in expenditure of suumuney. Such extravagance -paiil in
1904 to the - cotiQtles for primaiy
schools something like $1.5dd,<Kin more
thu in 1895; to the counties on ac­
count of ioral taxes colltcled and re­
fundings. someihlng like $7uo,4l<)')
more than In 1895: paid for the sup­
port «rf insane $40(-.000 more than Iu
1895; paid for the ITniveralty of Michi­
gan $2M.«>i)0 mun.’ than in 1895; and
for the Agricultural College $S5,uiKi
ore than in 1895. The above arc fair samples of ihi"extravagasce'' of the present admiuIstration claimed by tbi: Tribune t<i t-e
otmresaing the people. Once mifcc note
the dlSsmicr. The rate of sUte tax
In 1895 was $2.66 per thousand, while
the rale tor 1904 U $1.87 per thousand.
The ruceipia to the slate in-asury and
the dlaburaemenu therefrom of sp>
ciOc taxes, railroad taxes. Inheritance
taxes and fraachUe fees cannot be
counted aa receipts and disbnrsemenis
tbe malnienance of ibestai- gov­
ernment. Every dollar goes to the
benefit of the varhins c-auniies
throughout the state dlrecilly.
.Of Interest te Teachers,
ertntendeni of Public Inttruetion DeloaPnll has reni out i*c followof lllerr.iur-- tests for
<-rx and leaebrrs to Uk<- the
place of another list , that Is now side­
To rommis*loners ami Teach- r.- : - It
has been found Im>sI to chniiR-- (he
tubjecli for reading that
auunn>d la Jnl.v.
For the jw beginning Sv|.t, 1.
the following relertion* will b- i

Corn Cutting

Time is at hand Are you :
need of


Kemember the Na 2

Cold Blast

I Dash Lantern*....70C
Remember the place.

Elgin G. Lewis,
22A E. FrOBI St


Ham Fan Short too Wo»ta
$1.25 $!.SO $2 $2JO $3
Mom FallOrott $ktot for Mto
ISO 2.00 2.50 3JOO $.50

theming of the Bell
' I Proclaims the opening of
' I., the fall term of school.
IY-ou doubtless know
* that this store carries .nil
the kinds of I'e.xt Books.
Sates. Tablets. Pencils.
Pencil Boxes. Pens, ami
the like that a/e required.
AVc always want your
trade. School districts
are requested to make
this their trading place
for Supplies, as we in.ike
it a special object and to thejr advantage to buy here.
We give cash or libera! exchange for any Second Hand
Text Books, used in this vicinity.

Fall W»»k Shoot for Mao
Genuine hand-made d-oet
soft as silk, easy as a 4ock,
wear like iron.


High Cut Shott for Mao,
2jB0 2 jo 3.00

SoUd Shoes for B«r$
1.00 1.25 1.50

CW'drck’sABd Wists’Shoes

so: 75c 85c 1.00 1.35


Mail Orders Carefully Filled.

€ity Book Store
dch»rt*Betehtr £0,, Preps.

Cnotrst Chf, Wich.

The best for the price in

Feed. IHeal, Bran, middlinos,
Corn and Oats


W<- buy nothing but the best grain and you get the



me Can Give You

pure article.


A $3.50 SHOE




Frank Friedrich ® Co.


242 Front StroeL



For Wood Wiirk and Furniture sriiich has tiecome mailed
o: wore, when coaled with is renewed and beautibed. For screeni—Bnyiam Black Jap-a-Lae prolongs the
life of wire doth, and other colors used on tbe framet makei
them k>i}k as good as new, abo excelicni to brighten up
Wicher-Fureiture. Refrigeratora. LinoJemu, oa' CioUn and

Bofddls Prepared Paints
Far all outside or inside painting

e* Olait 9 Sons




Mr. *Bd Mr*. D. O. Sborter bar* whkh wm and only with my life.
nsans. and always wiu sssm. Uks as'
<dd Msad.
,Whea I bopgbi tbs Hsrald ot yonr
awls. Morgaa Bats*. It was, U I rseoliset n^Uy, a toor erdnma. tonr page
- - - $*M*»
paper, with e lltUe lest than fOor boadred sobacrlber*. I think it was twice
ilsrged while under tay managemat.
And It has had a steady growth from
^ »w I«. ■■ c EM.
y. L. Brown win be the new a««*t Its Utth to the present time. ! think
say It has always
•t the loenl Pert Marquette tfcfcM ot8ee te
of Oianee 0<M«r. who stood weD
' S per Ccat tatvei « TttM De»«llk.
It has been croe to the prtadplee
to agent at CharieeolT. Mr. *ad Mn. Gonaer expect to tsr tbe soppon of srhicb it was
Ushed. and I bellcre Us work has not
leare fortbetr new fletd thU nooo.
Brown will not aasenw bl* dntiee loi' been In vain. It has been aa import­
ant tsetor In Ue derelopaent of the
nedletely bnt a mas wUI 811 tbe
Grand TraTerae
cancy teBporarlly.
It U rery graiuytng to know that
Unhed Stales Dtetrict Attorney from the Srst tbe Herald hat receired
the cordial enpport of Ue people la
Oeorge O. Oo
whose Inierceu it has
' VwwMkM«i«0«.i.Mi
ber at frieede with a »o»e dinner
1 oongratnlsle you. trieed Bate*, on
ly appointed cabla on
the preeeat sUndlag and prosperity Prands. Wash., where be was secured
Long lake 8«kday. Docks
of your paper. You have earned year a position by Prof. C. R. Dockeray.
squirrel* unptlngly coobod
Henry BlKkmea vrent to enitotir
sBoeedd. And Mn. Bates and Mabel.
thorooghly ealoyed by those prwaeni I am eorc. very loetly claim a share Bey fbU morntiig to buy poutoes.
Tbe party ooaelsted of O. C. MoSatt. or tbe hc4er which has come to tbr
W. J. Spronl returned UU
W. W. Smith. Clareace Orelliau J. W. Herald.
e be went t
Haaaea and F. P..Bougbey.
lees' convention and
A* said above. I have read Ue Her­ lend Ue <
ald from Its tint number. There may also rlslt hto dsu^ter.
TaaelMr*' InstHwt*.
left today for s I
be B few other names os your list wb-)
The Leelanau county teschan’ lastl- have done so. hot they mast be tew In visit In Cargill. Onurlo.
tate Is In ssssioa at SvtUwt Bay with deed. More than Ue allotted yei
Hiss Msude Morris returned to ber
year* at
Bboot sixty teachers In sUend*no*. a generation
ire come and
borne in Grusd Rspld* ufter rlsltlc;t >
Taesday erenlng a rsoeptlon was held elnce Ue first number eras prlatel. In Ue cUy.
la tbe school boose which was very Very soon all tbe fint subeertbers to
Mrs. Robbins of Keystone arrived |
pieaaaat The Insutuu. >whleb U In Ue paper wiU be gone, and Uelr In the dty Ui* afternoon for a vlsi:
charge of Proressor Ugbtfoot of Big names etrlekea from your books. But wlU her daughter, Mr*. Eugene Pack- j
Bapids. assleted by Miss Irene Getty, Ue paper will go on. and on. perhaps
itnrtes. Hay It always be found
eoonty sAool commUsianer ot Kal­
P. R Jennings was a morning busl- [
kaska eoonty, will cootlnoe today, to- on the right side ot all qnestloas that ess passsenger for Honor.
afiect Ue wettere at the people and
Miss Mae Lindsay went to Cedar
Ue honor and prosperity ot Ue natloii. ihU morning to vUlU
Very truly yoore.
Laeat Plrvn Gets CentrneL
F. B. Thacker left thU morning for
D. C. Leach.
A. w. Rlchmil h^ bees awarded Ue
Bvereil. Wash. Mr. Thacker has spent
oontraa for funkUiag Ue cut stone
several years to tbe west end likes it
work for tbe new Antrim county oouri:
very ffloch. He has been here einsc
house. The eenfraot U qnlu a good From Monday’s Record,
one as ft amotmts to M.SM.
Joseph Russky returned to Central
B. Calrin has returned from a two
AH the work of catting will be done Lake UU afternoon after spendtox weeks’ trip to Grand Rapids and Hoi
at Bdlalre. Mr. Rlefcerd wlU start at Sunday to Ue city.
with a farce at men as smne of
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rnuer of Ban
O. R. A I. to Richmond. $$M.
the stone will have to be ready by Ko- Jordan, formerly of UU dly. murned
DtaM B. pKdui <i( <11 ]
home UU nfieraoon after a ebon visit
■tTMt kU bMB ftUoM H
to Ue dtyTlekeU
good for 10 days. Get full in-1
DeaU Of John Porter.
F. J. unie returned to tbe dty UU
John Porter, one of.Ue eariiest set- tfternooe from a busloeee trip to Ben- formaltoii of any G. R. A I. agent ur j
•epL 1«. to Mr. uU Mix
address C. L. Lockwood. General Pa.s-'
K7. » b(9. Mr. u< Mr*. Uer* or Lerianau county, died ut hU don to thh totereeu of Ue Kimball eager Agent. Grand Rapids, Mlcb.
to Letond Tuesday at 11 o’clock company.
Ka&ukr Ur* tooth oTtb* city.
Sswra Two From Death.
at Ue advanced age of 7g. While he
Guy mse of Holland, formerly with
"Our little dauxhier had *n almost:
TMor«* a^uiBcr or lobc uk* *&< had not been to his usual good health Ue Pare Marquette road to tbe loenl
fatal attaok of «lux>plnx cough ami
MlM Ana* M. iokaaoa at MaalMoe for eeveral months, he wns to Ue oOoee. returned to the dty this after­ bHmchltU,” write* Mr*. W. K. Hsvl ,
aw« mu*M TaMdny by JnUoe Ver- rity Setardny, ontttog on bustoess noon aad expects
land of AnnonV. N. Y. -but. wh.-n all,
r remedies failed, we saved ber
frteds. end wns only eertonaly 01
Mrs. R Moon returned to her home
very short time before hU death.
to Cbicego thU morning after n rUli
iptlon in an
Mr. Porter was among Ue very dm to Ue dty wlU friends aad retoUve*.
stage, also used this won
eettleis to locate permanently to LecMrs. Coraelius Cole. moUer of W. derfni medicine and today she Is pertoaan county, oomtog to Omena !n F. Cole of UU dly. and C. W. King
and wife, an of New Tork dty, re­
turned home UU morning after a rUK
bOc and Sl-hO bottles guaranteed by!
to the dty wiu W. F. Cole.
OunminrliM test Prltey Ue Oo
Jobnson Drug Co.. 8. E. VYatt A Soci; •
Hiss Templeton left thU morntos and F. H. Heads. Trial bottle* 10c,
tuaWa vm nuke regular trips
for n Uori visit at Petrolia. Ontario.
' Bowm Raitor. Buttons Bay, Omena
H. 8. Hull left UU afternoon for
had NarUport. leering at I a. m
Just issued, for Ue benefit of its .
Mackinaw on a business trip.
reUttligit < p. m.
a very comprehensive map ot tbe
W. H. Dmlor went to Kalkaska UU run*,
Panama canal route. It U timely am!
morning to attend CIrenIt court.
W. H. crowen. who latdy acrid hit
will prove of value as a reference
F. W. WlUoe. regUter of deeds, map.
home here, left last week to Jotn his
ent to Petoekey UU mwnlng on a
laiMly to CBevMhad, O. Mra. Crowdl
groks Into HU House.
uteess trip.
is no better and la bdC expected u Ihre
8. Le Quinn of CavendUb. Yi„ was
Mrs. Minnie gmlU went to Grand
more Uaa a tew weeks longer.
ibbed of hts customan bealtb by an
Rapids UU morslng for a visit.
ivaalcn of’cbnmlc coDillpatlon. Utco
r. King's New Life Pills broke Int-.'
Bhiany AhAinan is pntUng to a new
Harold 8. Ward of Petoskey arrived bis
house, hi( trouble was arrested
M^bhnm pwwsr Intenatloaal ffao
to Ue city UU morning for a vlstt
le’s eotlrelt
ely cun
KB* engtoe to M. B- Chapin's renoratwtu hU mother, Mrs. J. D. Munson.
Z5c I
tog eatahUshmant to take Ue ptoee
Charie* PranUto. who has been stMeads’ Drug Stores.
' at Un auam mgtoe that bertooforq
tending eehool to Massachusetts for
■ «U aervtoa.
some Ume ha* returned home via ConC. R. A I. to Rtohmond, SSXa
neeUcat and Ohio and will remain
BIU* are not ahponnfing a repuhAnnual G. R. A t. excnrslon to Richhere for the winter.
I wilting at lUleh
mond. tnd.. Is on Tuesday. October It.
Mr. John of Northport was to Ue TIckeu good for 10 day*. Get full mms vfli he Hianwilat Ue Sparttog
John Porter.
dty today on bustoess.
formatlon of any G. R. A 1. agent or'
achool houB* Oct 14. The epeaken
address C. L. Lorkwixvl, General Pas-i^!
wUl be Hon. J. A. Lorangor, Boa. J. W. 1U«. and dUtog Ue position of teaUer
enger Agent. Grand Rapids. Micb.
MUUkan nA F. W. WOson.
to Ue Indiaa* under tbe Preebyterian Pram Tneaday’s Record.
board for a number of years, to IMl:
! / gevsn hundred etatas ot mu
tsrming, locattog to Letond UU mornlnc oo the Oolnmbia to at­
was bitswht to Friday night by the Cotownship, where hi* borne has been tend Ue Leelsanu county teachers’ In' Inwbla from Bowers Harbor for Ue
gw tbe past forty-tour year*. During Btltau which began yeeterday end
eaulig taotory and (M empUei were
bis long life to Leelanau county be' coBtlQue* for fire day*.
relamd Uls morning tor n freak fin­
held a number of poelUon of pub-! Mrs. A. F. Anderson returned to
ing. this product being all contracted.
Omens thU morning on the Columbia
He'trust, havtog been county
You can Bank your Savings
JssUce of Ue peace and supervisor. after vlsIUng ber son to Ue city who
Duck leaeon opensd Saturday and
U attending school.
here, tafcly and cooveniently.
toigu nawhor «8 locaJ peivle dtaap- He was county aurveyor several timoi.
Miss Margaret Hilton went to guttootigh you mar Uve manymiln
paarad early to Ue momteg wtu shot boMlag the oOc* at Ue Ume of
tons Bny UU morulng to attend the
gun* and plaaty of sbetto. No irig deaU.
away. We pay three per ceoL
tenchets’ tosUtnte.
Mr. Porter was born to Butler et
. killings were reported bnt a aumber of
interest compounded twice a
C. K. Buck went to Suttont Bay tMs
Dec. ». ISK. living
the bnatare had a dndc dlnaer yoiermorning
to look after Ue exhibit of
year without preseming your
Uere until he came to
Book, and we will lend you
He wa* married to Bntler county
' Bagtoatog OeL » the M. A N. K to HU* Annie Hcllrnae. who died at J. W. Brown went to Bowen Har­ without charge a snail Bank to
, trato laavtog hiar* at S:<0 p. w. wUI Uelr home to Leelanau county to bor this morning on tbe steamer Co
take home to coUeri yom mon­
eonhset at Bote wtth train for Cedar ltt>. Thdr family consUted ri seven
ey in. Call or write ot about it
Miss Bdna Toung went » Jackson CRy. Isadore. Behowborg and Prore- children. He wns agnto married In
taiy upon arrival at Obertln. Ohio, to MUs Harriet McLel- today to vlalt friends and relative*.
On ber return she will etop tor a viali'
ProTCWoat will leave for Tkarane lan, who surrlves him.
For half a century Mr. Porter has to DetrelL
Dc. and Mrs. L. C. Sktoner le^i for:
been doscly identified wiu ell good
litU* Master Herald HIR whOe wnric for Ue admneement of hU (topamtah this morning to visit Mrs.
swaatog Ue bridge oa Saturday had neighborhood and county, and be has gklBneris brother.
TraverM City Markets.
■\1ctor Olllett was ukea to MaoUec ThieraportismadauponWoUnae* to be run down by as always been grenUy Interested In pub­
okaown tody who drove into bis IttU* lic sffsir*. Ko man to LcoUnau coun­
(reatmenu Mr. Olllett has been very
snause rsica
wBari. ihrowtog him off and tajnrtog ty has
Uw to Ue back beside breaktog hie his deaU will come as a personal loss tn with rbeomstlam but Is now much j
to a vride drele of frlendB aad a» improved but very weak.
-quata lances.
The waay rid time friends ot Jas. S.
Ing ralatlre* to the city, left tLis mom-'
Lewto to this rity win be totecsetod
tog for her home to Washington. D. C.,
Utter Fram Hon. a C. Uaeh.
to the aanouseetueat or his marriage
^rtogfieM. Ho. Sept. S7. 1»M.
Jo& Weliler of Flhl, who ta* beento Mra. Ma Puak nt Detroit which oc- Then. T. Bates. Traverse City. Mich. vixltliig hi* brother, Paul Weiiler left'
Dear Blr:—4 bare received a copy of thU moraine *w a visit to Manistee. '
certwd tost week. Mr. Lewi* has bees
tor some time the manager ot the the Grand Traverse Herald to Its new.
Mrs. Peter ^gstrom went to Grand ~
From the fiml Rapid* today, called by tbe Illness <4
Wright SenlUrtum hotel at Alma.
Issue of the Herald, some forty-seven her uncle. She will vtril other friemlB
istle rapebllcaa rally years «ga I here been one <d its read- to that aectlon.
was held at Long Lake town ball Fri­ ets. During ell Uese years It has been
e W. Ashton wfll go to Defiance.
day eight- The Issaes ot the ~»i-igweekly vtalUw (o my home. For
visit friends.
ware ably .Uscossed by Perm C. OH- nine years 1 was lU pabBaher aad ed­
Mrs. Bert Kilmer left today fW Port
bert aad Ue Hem. j. w. mimhi Tbe itor.
Hnraa. where she was called by the
ban was wsu «ltod and Um« was
Bueh betog Ue tacts you can weii' serious lUnen of her mother.
Mteve I feel an Interest to the paper} WUI Nash left thU



Ibey ea>oy*d * vvt y1*****t mnalos
or th* ambers of Uw MIMIMod fkOh
Oy. There were alaeteen yressL Mre.
8. Ptekerd. fOraterly oT Lelnad *ad
OKitber or Mra Sborter. bee nu
vlih Um *sd win a»ke
here for the pr*eeat



I MiohslKU**'* >

\]^E most cordially invite
you to attend the
Formal Opening of our En­
larged Store, on Thursday,
Friday and Saturday, Octo.
ber Sixth, Seventh and
Eighth, 1904. Thursday and
Friday from eight o’clock in
the morning until six in the
afternoon. Saturday until
nine in the evening.
Women’s, Misses’ and diil ren’s Ready-to-Wcar Garmems, «
^ ^ Furs a Press Goods, Bolt Forelen and Domestic a Silks a
Velvets a Hosiery and Underwear a Linens and Dnmcsflcs *
Knit Goods « Under Muslins a Corsets a Caipcts, tnnains
and Draperies « Blankets and Comfortables.

“““‘jsssrar — ■ -

arcolatlon this waek 2,900

e Exposition Msreh..

October 7


Oaf o1 town

Cnutm cilr Sutt

uj. ..„i„ u. ui. u» „i. i-..b|SKSit£';-,t:‘thYiS.*R'5Jiss;


........... *jpp0

“Sunbeams and Shadows.” (A Ton* Poem) ............
”U Scrensts.” lullsn Waits.........................................
March. “Oreeting to the National Home" ................
“Ls Patome.” Spanish Serenade...................................

.. DAreh Jasen«

"The Dawn of Love”.....................................
Overt.rt. “Light Cev.try”..........................
“The Romany Rye,” {Gypsy tnUrmexxe) .

Fall is Here.
The time when you change the furniture from on* pert of the roam to another or Into othor rooms and you
find lou of room for eomc new piece of furnHure. Didn't know you had so much room or ao many empty
We have anticipated Just such e
and you rmiet see the new stock of fan^. odd piece* of famL
tare that arc Just what you have been waiting for.

Hall Trees
Thee* are the finest ever shewn here. Some crKircly new styles the beet work of the meet export workmen in the largest furniture factories.

Roman Chairs
In the oddest patterns. No two styles alike. Made in mahogany ani goRten oak. Just what you want for
reception hall, parlor, library or den.

Bric-a-Brac Cabinets
domethlng so needed in every psrtor or cKting room. Vou ahvay* have *e. r*

Fancy Rockers
You really must buy when you see thie line. There are so many add patterns and 'he ■
beautiful. No stock north of Grarvd Rapid* like IL

Morris Chairs
Always so useful, siwBys ao ei
t. our new stock hoe Juct been placed on sale. All k nd* of w
kind! of color* of the cushion* and the cushions we guarsnt** to be filled whh gcDuinc hak.

Sectional Book Cases
Every home should have o«^ .Always know where your book* *»«. Vou can buy extra eeetion* at any time.
We carry the eak and mahogany and can sell you any number of eeetions to aecemmodste any height of
bosk. We want to qwete you prices. You can't help but buy.


Ol-r-V, MIOM.



Grand Traverse Region.

Mrs. Buna and two grsadsons aro! deneduty toil they vent to tbe wood,
rfaltlng her alster. Mrs. John Puher.'where Mr. Bears lo^ Use plrture of BmsMOerrisr rslisii
Miss Mary Perxyk of Trarerse Ctty
from Sandaaky. O.
them all in a group, baring aainre's
I auitnnn leaves for a pbotosrapb ga!- visited her parents over Sunday.
Oscar Keating sra« marrlsd this
It-ry, after wbieb eveb arpaeated (or
Oet. 1 ; tbelr eescral homes perhaps nerer -o morning but we did not leant the
George Hunter u s a Tiarerae CIt} j meet agalnn. Mrs. DIxw's s . J, F.. lady's name.
Ed Ibylor and Wilt Cidrer icare togoes to Us taraway boiae in Galifor.
HeCkMkir bM aBT*4 to Tr»v
Cbbs. Vlikocbll drove to Traretoe rtfltor the flm of tbe ereek.
morrow morning tor Pcrtlstad. Ore.
Mm. K. E. Maxim of Grand Bapids. nia Ibis week.
Cit7 Moodv nsd leicrned the anme
-- bteaeb-- Mr. and Mrs. Kelfcr are rislUag tt
Kellie Thom;------------------------who apeni the summer here, rnturaea
V Itr. kM Mn. FUscBnU u4 Mrr. «Ur.
^ in achool distrln Ko.
s^t^Sun-, J- 8°IU<y'«;
^'nilarr of Sramii CUr Tiitted M Ira
Tbe fnmieri ni* nil -basr dlcdns poMiss Betiaeu aad tbc Hiasea Far.
tsiood'i Uti «e«k.
tniOM ud catunc earn.
_ e.1— tl------ it
lb all Its eoaKiM Luim Boscn to acwlnc tor • Tbe daorbter of Hr. and Hn. LovU
round last PV.
,' Mr*. Ooo. Miller.
Lsdvlc U «n tbc lick Kit.
Miss Mildred Docketay o( Trareise
family were away from the
; Hill Tboma vent to Tnrerae Cltr
Ulu Bauie KrlU 1> vorUns fur
City lx TtotUng Mends in losra tor a
•use at (he time of the Are. How the this morning for Suttons Bay.-aa'aierenlsc. retmtnc to . bcr Hra. L. VUbocbll.
house ought Are to not known, hut li tend a week o' leacber*' lasUluir- .
Mr*. Kaccra of Maple Cllr U rtol'.- lew daya.
toiled bto patents supposed from a defective stove pipe | Eart Wlllami
tnir her daochtere. Hn. L. and Mrs.
They liad no InsBrwnce, so tbe flr«- tel »i wended
X^ton* Sandv.
V. Vlikochll.
DHgmg aad Jewie an enUre loss to tbem.
f j HooperElder George preached his first y*.
Qt>‘te a number from berw intund ..
Rouman did shopping in Tratrersc
Wedtu-sCliy latt Saturday.
Prod BamiKlscm ol Xortb Manlton
Her. Mr. Wrisley preacted a strong
r Tbe farevetl panr at Mr.-asd Mra
Mr. .
. gfwrr
veil attended.
attended. 6S genaoa last Sunday aftcfiioun in (b^
anrr PoUame
a vaa vet)
a visit Irtatl'
Elk Lake M. E. efanreb. bis text being here a sbivt lime ^(urday on bis wai
j^la« present. Tbey eapect
tou are inrlied t|> oomt
Sun, ^ Tnrrerae CItr Tneadar.
1} evenings and hear the lale quar.
to Um* Pier, where he will leach
t ilngArchie Smhb and daui^ter Pearl of da}- and forerer.”
--------- t City are TialUn*
George Bernard and wife of NorthHOjnKto CRfTBR.
Miss Mae W^h <rf Petoakey to tU- land Beaeb srere Letood caliers on Priand frtoadt of tbto rlclnltr.
Itlng ber many friends in Elk l.akc.
We bare a twv strsanier floating
Mr. and Mrs. C. 8. Dye and Pan) vi<LItUe Robert, tbe infani son of Mr.
tbe breeie-rPntolbUloe.
fted at Mr. Wightman'a at Shei
George Haaner and MUt LiUlan and Mrs. NoblcTyrell, wbo bas been boen employod at tbe canning factory one day last week..
Mrs. Emma Gray of West Almira
quite ill with cholera Infantum, to k-ft Frida}' fur bCr home at Provi^
spent Saturday and Sunday whh Mrr.
•ome better.
- •
Mrs. C. F Monroe at church yemerdsy. Rsrhi-i Cray.
Mrs. John Ouw and ber sister. Hiss
Prof. M. Ryan is st Traverse Oily the flrai time she has bees able to b
Ilev. E J Caunder has returned
Alma Bn>'<u Blanche Dean, expect to atart Tucs- for s short stay with bis family, i
from Mai^oa county, MJeh, where b..
there alnee the first of June.
pi. a. 1904. day for Lafayette, led., wberet they whk-h he will attend Hie leacben
Hr and Mrs. M. Baird and son Whii
wilt visft their stoicr-ie-law. Mrs
re. Dd ■tltute at Suttons Bay.
^he UtiCT naj- Salntfwlll b^ln
yestcrDean, and brotfaers, Rob and Bd.
series of
ptness ibroogb iltoArchie Lederte left Saturday
the chapel toMi*. Cbartos Bate* was tbe gneat of
Milwaukee where he win attend setaoo:
MJiscs Etfaet ^Ullams and Matid night.
Rev. J. W. Hai
Mrs. Menr)' FOtsome nn Friday.
this winter.
and vrlfo spent a
Hasar of -Bcltner visited friends her<Qnite a number will attend the
Frank Rossraan returned Saiurday over Sntdav.
log at Cedar
- IT E
Bonn today and Sunday.
from a ab<ut visit u-itb friends
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Valley are i
Mrs. J. Bisvard is at her son's i
tng into tbelr new bouse, svbich
W.-st Cnion taking care of the aick.
- - caller at Lake
Just been completed.
Mrs. Homrei visited her sister. Mrr.
Mrs. Ftank Fowlc bas Just returned
Thayer, and other relatives here lavi Ann one day last week.
Rev. Harris gave a very interesting
borne after a week’s visit with her
talk at the chap.' Saturday evening
vtoitlng ber sister. Mrs. Carson War­
mother, Mrs. Geo.- Smith, of Solon.
Allen Wlghiman of Sherman vtolit-i and
Sunday evening.
Hr. and Mrs. O-orge Chandler and ner. of this-village.
friends here yesterday.
tor a raeatlon of ten dayi to rlalt wUL dangbter Hazel of Beezonia callet
Miss Mnllle Portner of East Lelan-J
The yearly, also quarterly, congress
Olini Copeland's family visited at
friends In Calhoun county.
spent Friitoy In loan.
of the CbriMiin Nation Evangeitoilr
Ir. and Mrs. Frank Smith Friday.
C. H. Monroe’s yesterday.
W. O. Tbomaa baa aold bis farm to
A great many young folks ot Maple,
Mrs. J. 8. Birch to on Ibe sick llsl. association was held Saturday and
' Mr. ZednMt ^ has mored Into toan. ton attended the masquerade ball at
Ri-v. \V. T. Hill iieelDs a st rics of Snnday. It was falriy wvdl attended
An ^nrarU!’. League baa been organ. Old Mission Friday evening.
Id a viT}' good lime watt bad.
mocilags here next Btiaday. asstoto-l
‘ •
• - •
- era inMrs. S'eiia Cbasr called
Mrs. Frank Giles called on Mrs. A.
by the evangelist. Rev. Davis, of Satiii
.. contract .
Noorman Sunday.
SunF. Brainard Sainrday afternoon.
cd the day In this neighborhood. Ttaey Lake.
Prank Smith. Jr., hat accepted s
a poorer crop than has been in tbit
Alma I.«gB<‘(t to huae for a visit.
position sritb Cbss. A. Lasrreuce in locality for roim- tin
Jim Hargraver,
and Ga.vl Ham
Traverse City at l.awrenae'a baken.
'beroon, }uungcst
of Mr. andf^rn- married at Traverve City last
Seven hundred bushels of aweei Mrs. Jirtin Bigger, has bla very sick hlunday. Tlify liare many friends
Min- Glarta Hose of Copomish ar.Mn. Franoea Pr^on (colored) of com went to the canning factory from
the tost Week, but is some better here who wuh them many years'
rivcJ Wednesday last to s|>end some
Detroit, an ab9e recUor and alnger. vin
at this writting.
lime wilh her Ant. Mli*. Sayers.
be vltb US for an eroning on Oct. 15,
There has been no frost here to
A reunion of tbe fami1) of Mrs.
George Smith to abk< to he ppi agqin.
Pranli ClbUt and family vtoiled the
andt-r III. aus.yr,.. ,if the W. C. T. U. hurt anyUilng as yet and the farmer> «bt. Dixon. Sr., was held at her old.
Maggie Srht-ll roirmrnced wort homi- U L<eOil>b^ of Htvdjte. Salurda}.
C. I. KtSioeytoplaMcrinK III; bouse. an- all busy cutting their com.
this morning as ck-rt for C. B. Dye.Mto*- Nellie Th'fmpson spent Satur­
. Mr. Harris to taking luc'iirs!'
Mrs. k-Vank Smith called on Mr*.
Mrx. IriMio Shields and Mrs. (rocc day and .Sunday with her mother here,
Prank Brown Snnday.
one daughter,
Ira Crawford.
Batey have giino to Itaj City to attoiiil
.Mr*. Addle Giblt* vtolutd the county
^ Tbe sick we Ruled tost week are all
Walace Ollea. Olle*. Elmer lives in Idaho A very pleasant time "r. Shields, who to sick there.
acat the la--t of the Week.
Brown and Ralph Smith vent bunting was had Visit ig. At noon ihiy xai
Mri^. C. B. IVe. Mr^. OliincT and
We hear that Arrh (Jibhs to to atari
“^Babouck ^t Sunday at In^ Snnday but did not secure much game, do«-n to a bo
Minnie Old rhupplng hi Tmvrr.^ee Cil>
1 a aix weeks’ trip to California on
only a mud ben or two.
jireparod1 for them. After ilic-y all had



PtoH Barnum and wife were ca.
la KlaxBler Friday aficneon.
Wm. Urfcerd. vrho baa been W«dlag the summer st Hency. arrived
here Saumtay to look after bU .fans
and crops. He thinks ol retaralag
here to live.

milea awny. OMw Arb». Gtoi fl
Pewt On^da. alao iRlnnd tbe bantlM
Glen lake, and as U uawlUlBg to Ipv*
9 fine a bed the wi

Jakes before stanlng on (to dfeolUM
root* of seven miles from Ha ba»< I
empty tu waters Into Uke MteWflan.
I have yet to speak of tbe fine renfiKs
uc Glen lake, the Life 8. 8. at BiMpBen Cook to spending soa>e Isg Bear Point, and an Intervtpw wkb
^^.h bar dmtgbier. Mrs. LuownH Capt. Plorenee Hnna <m ber gMOllM
mail boat that runs between aonib
Mrs. Btonrtie Scbnelder and il(i!e
Kaiherlae 6<4inel4ar nnd Miw. Maud
. heavy wind and blgb asas wkHA
Hodges have airtved beer for a (cw she takas ber boat tbraagk aafri*.
weeks' sojourn wttb friends.
oftaa quite beavfly loaded arttb fivigbt
Dr. Seott of Trararic Cliy vtoiled and parsrngen.

t tbc ehurcb Sunday «

•bMW CanviAM tha Oraalaat •kaptto
la Teavaraa City.
ehnreb and Sunday srhool are iatltel
Becanse It's tbe avldeaca of a Travgntber at the churcb Tbanday
City . at 2 o-riock. sharp, amed a
turnon easily i
uipped to elenn the church.
Mrs. Almira A. Jaekson. <d E. Praat


pwy years I never bad a dayto good
morning, with Hr. and Mra. Hnrr;
Uth Every physlrian ewasulled
Dumbrille ns teachers.
Win. Walker and wife at Traverse well have used as Bjurb cold water a
mediclaas Jast before 1 eviinweek.
meneed to use Doan's Kidney PilU I
Mrs. Trumbull of Traverse CUy is
pamlysed. Had n knife
here, tbe guest irf ber daugbtex. Mr>. been thrust: into
my kldners tbe pain
not ba>e bona more intense.
Leonard Dank-ls. bto daughter. Mrs. couM
Slvvp to me was more like a tranee In
Geneva Tuttle and her son Hay. sunblch It
last Wednesday for a visit with rel­
atives and friends at tbelr oW home In might be expeaed. aanayiag dlOculiles with tboAldaey aecrMlaas extaied
Frank Sheridan made a liuslneu thirst. Now I wanV^UF^MlRed TYav.
trip to Trnv.Tse City last we<-k.
c Clt) t, read the0 (idlowBig: I uar-1
Tbe Illinois took on frfdgbt from
en itoxes
itoxt of Doan's KMaey Pills,
Pisher s dock ytaierday mornlag. She seven
tbe bloating which pers|si«^ clang
hart CT pawsttagen on board, nnd tb« to me for twenty years gradnally dis­
wind was bhiwlng quite hard.
until I weigh too Roaads
Mr. and Mrs. Ik J. Morgan of Trav appeared.
lest, unill I rosid sleep like a cHlid.
erse City came here Thursday, r
until 1 could read (or three hours
turned to their home yrsierda}'. Se every
evening, an niier 1
oral years hare
V passe
Lssvd since Mrs. Hor- I before I
iced the I
s'-*)provemenl. fine farms, good roads the
most of tbe wa^'. and aurh
views from


rand, the rise of land frum ihc shore
Lmke Michigan near t.*ie mouth ot
Cr>sul river Is about ten fe«t to a
plateau, about M rods wide where
three familiew Jh-e bating a garden,
pvaches aad grad«:s, etr. The hIM then
rises quite step to alMtut fni
from which a magnldceni
had of Laki:o? Ifichlgin,
t< Man!'
Uinnils, dinci xi lUni-t Ih*- Pox Islanrts. ami nestling on the shore a few

what eourae to pursue to bring
Pot- sate by all dealers. Price U
coals. POHerMllburn Oa. BuCola. N.
Y.. role agents for tbe Halted Stales.
Remember thee name.
Uoanb. aad Ukd
no other.
Bids fur the conitrneUoe of the a
puftofflee at Flint will be opened
Washington on November 9.

Of our many special valuu.

These Roods we contract for in large quantities -having three stores enables us to dispose of them.

By hiving them shipped in solid car load lots
special business of that.

See this bcantifal 8-piece Bedroogn Sait, wen made, weU fitmbed. (cheap at $16.76) onr price $12.76. Thiny
different Saits ranging fight Along; $18.76, $16 and op. $2C Suit for $1N.76.
$88 nil for $8176, aad to on right throi^hi , Voo caa find jutt what yon want
at jut what yon waat topay.

save a fair profit on the

Whh our long experience in buying, direct from the

heater, jast like cat, made
of heavy steel, cast legs,
large cast screw draft.
large top i^ nickie urn.
tor only;/................ 1.25
T»>ey Mge right along
flora this np to $12.00.


TWENTY-J-OUR different priced Oak Stoves,
ranging right akmg in price
from a nice Round Stove,
just like cut, nicely nickled, nickie screw draft on
feed door, nickie screw
draft on ash pit door,
bums either wood or coal,
for................................ 0.50

mA I

They range right along
any sire o • |irice you wish.

' R Ciwat. esmpktt Bssortnisnt


NINE different priced Soft Coal Hest­
ers, commencing at., $iu 50
and ranging right along up lo the ver)- best
Soft Coal Heater made. Will rave the
price of itself in one season in fuel, and
heat fo
four large rooms.
FI\'K .lifferent priced Hard Coal Heat<n,
rs, every one guaranteed, commenang

Next taHreft.............................................................................. ....
And »o on up.

and ranging right alotig up.

n Care*, eempkte Cint of eouebto

SU«I Ranges
We have over twenty different styles and
with a good steel rani

Nextoaiy............................... ........................................................................$5.76
And w on right throagh our large aasottmenl. You can find jtui
what you want at jast what yoa want to pay.


THRTiK HUNDRED .li'iv-rvTit styles to select from, so yoa can
find jast tbe priced rocker that voo waaL
A large, high Imek, brace amt, solid oak. cane seat, sewing rocker.
jtisi h'ke eut (worth $8.26),for only.................................................. 1,16
We can please you every way oa anything that you want in rockers-

Rut if you want a Steel Range that will last yoa a lifetime and
nevergivcyoawiybother. see our VUICK MEAD,_ I have hand­
led them for nine years and have never had a cooiplaim of them.
We will sell youat.»l-lCK ME.AI. STEEL R.AXUE (all ruckle
IS put on steel} for cmly......................................................................... $46:00

$s,, IO-O.T:.

OVER SEVENTY-TWO different style* of Dining Chaim, com­
mencing at 47c. and right along up to a good, high back, solid
oak. btace arm, cane seat chair, only......................................
Qlt Cam $bOV Vou JInytbiBfl
dial yon want m the shape of a healing not e. Our stove trade is
enonamit, and with the years’ cxperieBCe that
..-« k.a
had in .u.
nove bnsiaess, sre make it a point to handle the very best stoves
mannfactored. In handlii^ tbe Urge quantities that we do and


............................. $1176

A LARGE ASSORTMENT of Diaiag TaW«. commencmg with
a good heavy, 6 ft Extentton Trijle, 42 inch square top, heavy rims,
for only......................................... .................................................................-gjg

'Hiey range nght alonp. $27.76, $29.75 and right up to this beauliiul
steel range, with high closet and reservoir, elaborately nickled, bums
either wood or coal, all the-latest improvements, for only.... $86 00


Si'kboaid, just like cut, cnly..........................

n Carge Cine el Sidebeards
buying altogether in carload lots we get
1'^’*=** that enable ns to turnish fim-cUis
for lets prices
stoves tor
than others ask for
inferior article*. We have 15 styles of kir
tight heaters, rommencing with an air-tight

J. W.

And China Gosets to select from, We have a few syedal values in
sidfboards, just like i
top drawers s«c!i front, one lor.,; drawer.
two doors. 24x1-1 bevel plate minor, nicciy carved, one drawer

Six different paUems of
: Hemp from Oc
different patterns of <lranite
from 26c up. Forty-sii
ferent pilternsI of Ingrain,
from 25c up. A good hea%y. lograip carpet for 87c per yd. Sixteen
different (latterns of Tapesuj from 6-5c up. Si»ttf<) different pat­
terns of Velvet from U5c up. Ten different

patterns of Anwnstci
fM$lI5up. A la^e assortment of R^ All Kyles and deaguk
A beantiful rug, 3 ft by It, fo; only LS5,
A very Urge asrortment
Linoleums in aG grades. A Urge
Oil CkMh Stove
Rogt. In fact, you can find anytiung yoa
is floor coveriofsat
juK the price you want to pay.
,jr ^



gentle la maimer aad c
A. E Haaaafort aad wt(* te E W. apod a few days vtaHteg.
J. C Shaak for a vtsft at TprikaiL the ^moaite of Voe Plehve la taste,
Smith, lot 79. Oak HeigbU; gMO.
A. Greea of Bsie* to manner and tcmpeniaenL HI* admirWm. E Taykr to Otto Storke. aeM
Mr. Ud Mni. L. W.
left tor ta this vflisge at the preeest tune ani of BW|4. ecc. 25. town 2S, range 11: Oeretead cm a vtelL
atloa for his wife amouats almost ta
a nonber of new balMlag* are going
8L UmU Pridtr atomlat.
:wenhlp. lor rhe te bU superior mes
Mrv Bva C Butkr of Bmira
WtetOB i>k)ni«r wd Hlu Br» Ana- ap. H. E. Gill is poUlag ap a new •1.000.
^ly as evil as physically. Her gra*i>
Phoebe J. Carpenter to Carolioe M. Clevelaad for a vistt with her slstar.
kau wm mnirM at tke kone of tke eeaseai boildiBg oa wbkh work is pro­
Mrs. c rick ta Ana Arbor for s vtea'jbf (hr Intrariele* of Banmcae poUtlc.krU«'a parenu. Mr. and Mn. Chaa.
Haaey. pareeL »«c- >1. town 2>. range
Aaakata, at 7:90 o-doek Satnrdaf gressing npidly. The edder mill and 10; Ifoe.
te apkmscy te extraordinary. It l>
wU6 friesda.
cvealit^ They aei^atiewMJby Ite Meetrle pMot win oeeopy te of tb«-'
Mrs. E Taykr, son te dnaghter to said. Boi wiibout reuoa. that Mlrtk>
Philip Young aad wife to A. E CprCora* aN Cbrank Dlsassm.
bnOdlng. the new Ute- for the plant Us. aH kt 1. block N. H., L. ft Oo-'s Ana Arbor for a vtaft.
never would have
IftflO Trwvern* CHy teuMwaalate,
being on the grwnnd mad will soon be 7Ui add.
Mr. aad Mra C E say te daagb- she place bad he been a bachelor. aa<J
For ante by all ftent alam fl ugg'iU
acrrad and lb« bridal party iMtnlled in the bolldlng.
John A. Lindsay and wile to Dora ter. MU* Mande. for a vteU la Dtece. that hU Bckciion was doe solely to th<
Tbey cue* te stay eurad all ctewnk
Men «f«l to U>e nadMd kail wbict
The new ploahlag shop-ot 1. A. Crumm. Jot 7S. Oak Helghu: >450.
Delta te wtU their son la Ttdeda
forcriulnest of bli wift- and her kaowt;
vaa In pngnm at Rad Bam. Tbi Banes Is neartng conpletlon and Ua
yDang jwepte are boCkpraHknw
Prkaa. Hot Springa Tsfttota. >1.
ciar.—New York Press.
her* and hare the food vUhM ct their great laproreineat te the (owe. AaUe Himaaford, w-l6 feet loi 4C. e-24 toet Ite ite Medtea.
Hot Springs Qakk Rclkf (llntewri)
fn«n theee a nnnher of aew rail lot 47. Oak Heights; >135.
many trtenda
Stamps on imported boxes of tigarA. E Haaaaford to Clevelaad fW a
nr* broke oat la tha ■bfaiKte atiil donees hare beee boOt which add
25 caMa.
gin be smaUer bercAfur. and place-1
yard* Monday norMni at abom 1:» Boeb to the appearance of the village.
Hot Springs caurrii cun. SO eenta.
o’cioek. dewroylna bet»am tOfite
The new resldeaera of Mn. Kekoc
Hot Springs Soap. 10 ceate.
M.OOO feet of hJBber. The ftre U
AtMltar General to Geo. H. Brawn, L. a. Baell te Mra Besak FUdt tor cat big stamp was used as a tradaad M. Slagaon are Bearing couple kt IX bioek X Kingsley; >4.3>.
poaed to be of taotadtary ortsln.
a visit with frkad* la Shiawassee. mark by Importer* and was vatnaLI.
Hot Springa Healing Sah>*. gS eonta
A larpe erovd attended the na*kcd UpB nod nre plearaatly situated.
Auditor Oeaeral ta-Hteale Chandler. Genesee. Lhriagstae and Oaktead lb tbrm. a* ruauastlng tbvir good* b>
Hot Spring* Cora Curt. 10 cent*.
bail Baiarday al«bt and aU lapoit -WIlUam Willteaon ha* bego
tbe dvtrimt-tu of U. S maanfaeiurers
eft-ICof s-l-Sofawli ofawK.sec. IX counUes.
foondatloo (or a new teeUence on the town 25. range 9: >2.44.
Mra A. V. Frledrlcb to Ana Arbor, Secretary Sbaw ruiet that the only oh .
lot adjoining the M. E panonage.
J a vtelt with Meads.
Jcci of the govcraaieni -li ta secuiv
Andltor Oeaeral to MUmk Chandler.
laprovemenu have bees aade on e-9-K of s-1-3 of asrii of sec. IX
Mra E N. Waher for a vtell la Co- tbe revenue aad that In no other caw
For Bale af E E Wait ft Son*, i
Otwg Otan, iobaaoa
ieswB* Orttoar and telly have m- other resldencee in the village which
boctah. Mkb.
but cigars baa tbe. Importer's stam;tosrn 25. range 9; >X>4.
Orwg Co. Hannah A Lay Moruntilc Co^ dkiribiitlnf agsate
M**d tna Detroit and eoaten;'
add te the appearanoe. maklag modern
Benbeen a booct to his business
■aklag But Bay their fBtare hoc
Mra. ioha Dlte^ kaeplnc
eH of e-l-3 of nwlt of awH. sec. 12.
Work will begin, oe the sUewaikr town 25, mage 9: >3.4S.
Detroit and Cterkston.
ears from a Burlington train ot a: J---------------- -------- - ao*paay at Baal------tUs week. A ntunber of cUlten* hart/‘VBQIB or PVBUcanoX-CTATK OF
Mn. W. J. Parker for a visit In Ann branch line running sonib of Omaha, j Augusta cittew eomplaii
Chas. A. Tracy to W. W. Brawer.
X.J Kwteraa- Tkra—tt J^a^evrsta).
Robert WalUra of Sattcau Bay 1* pet Mwa oenent walks which
.Neb, Joggled with them for a while, joun,
a,eet Sondar ntarulng on
e.9-l« of s-I-3 of BwH of awli. sec. 12. Arbor aad DetralL
dlnlnc pouUMi for rrod Domlee.
h nteed tBproremest aad tm- town 25. range 9; >1.
Mra. C. D. Mllkr for a visli In ToleJo aad aafi-ly deposited itaem In a ditch
Waa. Koaboi la harlaf IS acre* of
street of the Tlitegc to flip pvo
hta BVaaip «learod. AdAB Slater has
Then twisting l>ack to the uark n g|
Alice E Haywood to Geo. W. Uay- and other point*.
the job.
of the roads In the village.
Miss B. H. Bethel of Elk Rapids :e pickH up a loaded passenger coach.:
ood e pan of bw|> ot sik of «eU.
Oar oMshbor. 8b«r1B Chandler, ha*
The meellngi of the village eoandl
Mltea for a visit.
turned It over a couple of times and
*. 29. lows p. luge 12: >1.
y teaprarewenta oe hi* tami
■ MinteUr.
re pnhile and dtlseai are Inrlied tu
Mrs. Dr. Gaunilctt ot Elk Rapid* set It rij^i »iilc up with can- aloog_____
After kU tern of ahertff
Rev. Jto. 8, Ci>x. of WahiNaUonal Oraeer Co. of N. J, to Ns
-f Ckaadler latara* to ibe tRe of a attend. All ahonM be Interested is tioaal Grocer Oo. of MlchiimB. parcel. passed tbrongb the city today on her slde the track. The passenger* were write*. "For 12 year* 1 suffervd fnan
(amer. Dare aaya ke prefen
a ana.
way to Milan for a vteli.
scared but unban sad none of the car*
H.. L. ft Co-'a nth add; >1.
try to eltr life.
ber of pbyslclaa* aad tried all tons of
Mra Ray Eeeper. MUs Nellie Slee^ were damaged.
MeCinre’* nW kaa dhnt dovn for
Campbell to Herman W.
medicines, but got no relief. Then I
be done although durtag
craad Mis* Bernke Sleeper fora vUH
Rev. Dr. Newell Dwight HiiUs. who|
the u*e of Electric Bitters ami
Smith, parael; >2,650.
the past month many much needed ImDU yoB ever la yoor U(c bear of
occupies Krary Ward Beecher's old i feel thsc 1 am nos cured of a dlM-a^Herman W. SmlUi aad wife to Mer­ In Adrian.
oanug V.
aoieter . political (ampalsn- Mom proTemeaU have boon made.
had me In It* krasp^ twHvMtes Helen Moore (or a visit (a De­ pulpit in Plymonih church, divided
ritt W. Undergood, lot 73. except e-19i>
eenu to be the word.
covgix A cauim.
The ear ferry U expected here Sun­
troit and Ana Arbor.
funeral «-wlco In Brooklyn the other |
Cora oottlog ha* be« the order ot
feet. Oak Heights: >756.
C. A. Bowerfta Toledo for a vtell nl^t with a mormon cider. The scr-,
the day. C. L.. OoeilDe baa a rery day. OcL 9.
diMrdcr or general debllUy. get /-vBDBor PUBUCATla]
Fred H. Ferguson to Wm. Headricks,
early variety of FIliK corn which he
with friends and relaUres.
vices were held over the body of th-- Electric Bitter*. If* guarantee l-y
'Bet three weeks ago. He Is now bosk- ber of friende Mradv evening In hon­ lot 152. Oak Helghu: IIBO.
cbwe D. J.C1..U ..a 111. -“'■I
Minnie J. Chandler to wmu W.
tag It. U yields at the rate of M bosh- or of hks birthday. The evening was
Gsneral News.
who died wUbln twemy-taar honn «»f “
spent Id games aad musk, after which Brosrer. e-9-16 of *-l-3 of nwH ofnw%
el* of No. I well matorad ei
Pre-empting a punch bowl presented cad. other after fifty year, of wcdd..11 -raveling tranpe played "Ten Ntgbu
eni* were served.
Not had for thU year.
c. 12. town 2S. range 9; >75.
ielen. who hat
ha* spent the past
Mn. Helea.
Last Theraday nany from Bast Bay
I the faatUesblp Keanarge by Kaiser life. Mrs. Juchau bad bet-n aa attend :
Byron with out «
Ls as the meet of Mn. Q. Bigweal to TTarerae City to attead the few weeks
Rllbclm of Germany. Is charged
of Hlymonth church for nearly ,
iBwnIt of Henry & CarlUle va. John elow, leftI Monday on the IDlnais tor Bwli of seli. sec. 35. town 26. raage agalast CapL Jos. A. Hemphill, former
tony yean and Rev. Dr. HlUls oOclher home te Oikago.
N. Oonrtade.
9; >1.
commander of tbe ship. Tbe asry dc- aied at the funeral service In ber be­
Lawreaee Gagnon h In the employ
Ona Domlne aad Bmer Beach
WUlls W. Brawer to Che*. W. Raxei
A Lave Letter
aach baildlng a new boose and their of the electric light CMipaay at Boyne
parimeal will ask that be return it. half. When he bad gtne J<ihn 0- M-yawl4 of s»U. nee- 35. toga 26, range
twoesUy porehased laada.
and If he claims it was given to him. Qoarrie. (be preiideni of the eastern inuhiog for a guarantrad salve
The regular meeting of the couBCU 9: >1.
will raise tbe point that congress states mission oftbe Latter-Day Saints sores, burns or piles. Otta Dodd, of
WUl be held on Tuesdny evening.
Addle A. Gibbs to C. D. Hanks, aelk
writes: ‘Jsaffered wl»n
C. B. Kebl Is on the skit list.
s^ Betee
an ugly sore tor a vear. but a box u( «**«■ tm bin «r s «*eiy td
Mias Anna Nelson spent several of aw|4. sec. 33. town 26. range lo; ■glfk Tbe cnitam*
oOctel* will also
Juchau bad U-Umged. look charg-t Burklen's Arnica Salve cured me. li'- <dlfa»tird*r; sad tbel la AusaH tSrresS.

Hr. Pauhin of Trararae City
days of last week at Central Lake.
Ull b. lakfw ss srutM.U by ska mti wm tm
ton last Thnraday.
on earth." 25r at Juhuhave one train n day each
Wm. H. Smith ta Colin A. Mi
l>fsrtWardM*d.Uat wtlhis Iwea
a* yet; . .
Mra. Geo. Cteent wnt to Letan-1 way. The amrnlng train iea<
parcel, sec. 5. towa 2>. range 9; >1
Two Kansas pu^*. the Wlchlu
ikr Mtd roapiausst cbm s B-SleasS
exposUka will be held at James- Eagle and tbe Lavmncc Gasetle. arv F. H. Mead*' I>rug Stores.
a. m.. arriring at 6 p. m.. ei
Louise B. Shsw to F. W. Wilson.
BkOBt M of the frtei
except Soaday.
wwa. Va, In 1907 ta celebrate the ter­
a very
trying ta establish tor William Mat"It was almost a i liraele. Bnrdoc*
Mn. Chas: Ousta*. Messn. H. Thom­ X sec. 14. town 25. raage 9; >5.
centenary of tbe founding of that eiiy
prtee at Wm. Boou'e .
as and L. Williams left this week on
Bphriam Haasberger to Sarah
ah Ji
thewaoB of Wichita the itebl to the BIo>>d Bitters cun-d me of a lerribl .twsbsM'sr •kisodar toWt'iiBisril!?
in 1G07, the Snt English settlement la
■ evfBlac. Mr. Uqw Istaad* to start the Missouri for Knights rbrry. Call- Ram^. lot 24. Oak Helghta; gsoo.
ULc of "fl-aOak Bill,'' now worn s*- breaking out all over ibe body. 1 am
.. J200.
<amtdB<ia nis&ral t-M
■ for hU hoBM la iadiana In », tow days, forcla.
twrnyI d>
day* Mm tb* Oma stem- isaa iiSBl
eonsplcuuusly by Coknel Cody. "Mat
Wm. P. Hanba to Jas. M.1. Loodptf:
r Mn. MoLaughUa Is still no better
l Cornwell. Conn
G. M. L. Seellg speat Moodsy In
Eugene Field's lifelong friend. Mdsp,
oioftOg W. (VH77A
. at thU wrlUag.
lota 6 aad 7. block 17. H. U
thewstm was known as BuBalo Bill'
* ftr^.'s
Travetae City.
vln L. Gray, a prominent St. Louts
b Mr. and Mra pavld Oerette reFour cows at Sevastopol feasted on AMR. r->gm5<*KR^ *
w. H. Porter will build an nddltlon 6tb add: tl«0.
long before Cody was heard of." de­
. tmed fitn their vlpn ta Lodlngtoii to hi* llltle cottage on the bench.
lawyer, is dead at the age of 90. It l>
Mary N. Hammond ta M. E Met­
clare* ibc Oaxetic. “but Cody took ihv several sticks of dyasmUe. with red task weA. They were aecoauaBled by
Mrs. Hyder of Brooklyn. N. T, li
aald that Field la many of bt poems
and made muney and fame out suits to be expected.
Mr. caereUe’B
gaeat of bar parenu. Mr. and Mn. A. calf. lot 2X Graver Packr'MSO.
uaod hi* friend Gray as a character.
I intends to start for Voice.
Una E Bryant
E Metcalf.
of It. while Maithewaon auugbi neither.
The deadly auto has claimed as a There Is no( an old settler on the barMouarcb over pula. Bums,
Mra E Green aad daaghter
1* feet off went /ide M 36. Grover
Letand spent a few Boyne City are visiting relatives
sprains. Mings- Insiaai reikf.
vktim Prof. Arthur D. Wyman ot Har­
know* that Bill Matih<-wbo-i Thomas' Eclcctrk Oil. At any drug
. boara In onr town Thondvvard. . who was struck at raldnlgfai.
friends in Iowa.
Estate of Per^ ’'-yftk to Celvin
caraed and tor year* carried the UOe
Mn. a Cievette U on the sidi ItsL
The teacben’ InsUtnte will be held
'• Mary Baxter of Bardlckvllle U work- at Sutton*
that afterward made Cody famoas."
- •sx-tSoossad BiaehnadivdsDdioar.
O. GtbsOB. lota 34«A-74. htock 4. P.
been arrested on a charge of man/ tag tor Mn. Steve Barke.
Several Marcellas c
H. E 0111
E'e 4th edd: 69^
in a KanvA' City prison celt, wbm I
Dr. Bnrks has moved hU family
era will get >M .an I
Ibl* truvUsBdVstsoaS. pBtrW.«ilM>
lag plant la hU store.
Mary A..Cook ta J. E Orelllck-Co. slaughter.
’ Maple Clip again. We are all glad to
be had been placed on a ebarge of cm
Rev. Sehermerbora will occupy the parcel. Traverse City; >700.
:?sr*lcoae ilran.
^pU In Che CongragnUonal church
powder was cundemned as unwbote- beizllng >2.7iti state fond*. C<ti. M
. Mn. I. H. Newman of Cedar Ran Eoadar moralug and evening. Oct.
Herman W. Smith to J. E Grellkk
Collier, formc-rly chief examlni-r of .Only ooe rem^r
• Visited at her son’s. C. Newman, Fri­
Co., kta 25 and 96. block 5. P. H. s soiae and detrimental to the digotlgn Bisam eneineers of Obk, married HU* will at
ai once
op sK^ it*
by Prof. Vktor C. Vaughan, of the
Scott enurtnlned Mas- 3rd add: >2.200.
in •«>r
any part
pat of tbe body.
Hattie Hendricks of Cdumbns. O. Col- ’: *«
A pleasant party was given at Mr.
Taylw. Wrisiey.'
Ualvenlly of Michigan, and Dr. J. W.
Dell's Batnrday alght U honor of How­ damea
Hit blames liquor for bl» downfall. It j “***'
Dnate and Ransom
• on WedMoliett
ard D>!ll.
' Ami Afbor Czewfaloa.
!• lAr UwtM
ieibo Nash. Sr.. aM son WUl vlaitwl
tbe pure food congress in St. Uml*. wa* Ihrougb lettrni writioa by bUl Lakeland has appealed ta *
TUe regular fall Southern Michigan
Mends aad reUUvea at this plaoe SatNaval fighting in tbe far east bar Bwcvihcart to her family that he wa»j den ta arrest wholesale vkUiora ofjg
future. and Northern Ohio exenrake orer the
arday aad Soaday. WIN was here to
i stale gsmt- laws there.
Albert John has returaed from his T. ft A. A. road via the M. ft N. E eonrinsed tbe U. S. naval Iward of
bM tbam good by. a* he expeou to
trip to BL Louis.
go to Whahlsgtoa la the near more.
this dty kft this morning with a eoastrnctkn that long range fightlcu;|
Miss Jalte Ban
. A UxiD ta travclt-ra. Dr. Fowler’s
E J. Miller of Oea Havwa epeat Bnafoil coach load of peopk who have will be tbe feature in the fuiure'aad
Extract uf Wild Strawberry. Cure*
day la onr vtilage.
left for a ten days' visit with frkn.ts plans are being made for a batilesbip
dysentery, diarrhoea, seasickaess, nau­
wbiefa will carry 12 ItMncb to IMacb
sea. Picasani to lake. Acts promtl).
and relellves south.
turret guns. If this scheme Is
ber birthday a
John Downing, a Benton Harbor
ta Uie ragalar 9:20 H. ft N. E train tkal faturc balUesblps will be thus
Hlllikea. A be
peach grower, ck-ara >5.«iu on thi*i
tram kU 'ridEat Ta*tla.aBd has at served and an e
nd conneetka will be made at Cope- equipped.
year's crop.
cepted a puSb with A. E Stlasoa.
ilsb with the Ann Arbor road's exIn tbe recent aVack by tndii
The T. P. E C. E will bold their
Mra. Irma Qte retnraed tram FU
regular monihly business meetlag u snloa train, from wbkh point ex- the camp* of ctaewlng gum gatherers
the borne of Mn. James Kebl on Hoa- oralontsta will be taken oa the T. ft In Southern Mexico. 17 persons were
WlUle Dyer of MUnnkee Is riaUlag day eveateg.
kiled. IS wounded and 57 more elibcr
A. A. Among (hose who went were:
U* mother. Mrs.Tte. MeOlll.
The Junkn spent a social evening
Miss MatUe Lyon to Toledo for a murdered or carried Into captivity.
Bd Boyer mas «gni tram Travene la the dining room of the Congreg: tea days' visit.
Tbe force of Indians consisted
aty Taraday.
Uonal church oa Friday evening. .
about :»0 and was led by a n-negadc
Miss Carrie Tortm letacMd Mondey
was spent, after
.test from Twasiee CRy.
s were served. They visit la.ML neasaaL
from the national guards of Yucatan.
Kitty Jollk waa wp (ram WalUm
aasfsted by the Junior commllMis* Myrtle L^on ta Owoeso (or s The Indtense first attacked a camp a<
Monday vUttbrn Meads.
Ue. the Misses Peart Dame and Tlaa
QulDtana Roo. whore they Mlled tbrri.'
Bepabikana viU bold n rally here John, who hare charge of the meei- vlsii.
October 1».
and two men and wounded
lag*. The meetings oe Sunday after­
Wm. NortM aad telly have moved noons ere well attended and the so­ tea days' rlslL
three more men. At another cami
'Into the hoaee raceatly Tsoated by ciety Is doing a good work cnaaidering
Mrs. W. N. Tottee ta Milan for a they killed two men and two a'omen
Harry Arnett Mr. Arnett has amred tkat at }-et they have no superintend'
vUfi with frietHU.
and wouBded three men. In CbencbunUi family latp the npper raoeu of C.
'DarilBg’e hoM Walker Mead to Dundee for a visit che. the hospital,
Mn. George Dame aad daughter
' Mr. aad Mn. Henry SeegmlMer re- Bdythe leave Thursday for a lew -with rateUves.
bouses and offices were buraed. Three
‘tmed Tneaday from Baden. Gaaada. week^’ visit with frirads la Big Rap
Percy and Hiss Rose Stanly ta To-: patients perltbed. Attacks were also
vhere the.r were called by the 'dmtfc
kdo fW a vUil with frleaBa.
made on camps at OozuracI and Tulum.
of Mn. Seegssillcr’s mother.
. Bdwia Chaafiy came up from Big
Mr*. Laura Dtnnnorc for a feg days'' resulting la several death*.
.-Rite« Tbnnday eranlng to vWt hit
visit ta Dundee.
Prof; Von Weber, of the chair of
Ws’rmldSoe** *”'“*"* “ addition t
paraats. He retftraed today.
Mr. aad Mrs. HarUa Kniiner ta To-!
Heidelburg unlrersity
Mis* Joaie Lance rislted reUUvee
Our‘New Winter Overcoats are ready for your cnnhif.
Mm. W. w’llsoD aad daughter. Miss
here Friday, retnralag home Saturday.
. Germany, left Guthrie. Okla, in a burmma. leave Tuesday for a tea days'
Soch a hhc looking kd yon never saw.
Hiss pvanoee Vaaser weal to Tntv- risll with friends In Grand
Mary Shield .for a visit In ry. He saw some gun-play between
,:«rae CHy Suarday to care for her alaaevetend,
kA-en OUT own people differ as to the most attractive ttyte.
ter. Mrs. Green, who Is 111.
Real Estate Tranefera.
Mra Alke Oalacs to- Detroit and I State Capitol and John Gotebie of the
“Tha will be the banner idler," says one **Imb.b
Mn. J. A. -Tr^ reternad Friday
evaamg (ton a vlaU to Maatoa.
Ann Arbor for a visit.
| Oklahoma Star Register, and It "got
this ooe win," uyi aaother.
Mr. aad Mn. Stgaaeii drave to Ttnv- son. parael. H, U Ai Oo.^s 1st add;
Mr. and Mra .Evereil Travis ;o {on" bis nerve*. Voa Weber Is Invrstifl.OOO.
■ *'Byih wrong -here's the bom coat," says another.
----- City Saturday.
Mltea for a few day*’ visit.
' j gating ecoaomic coadliloo* In AmcrLay
it goes—ail tbe stjdes are to good that tw one can
the besL
MraC.E Reeve for a visit to Rome. lea. but lic wild west is a llltle
. bum D
I. Hambarr Smilh. lota I. S. block a. H.. L. ft Co. •
But it is the private opiim of the writer that for Yoimg Uea, at
Ofak. with retetlrea.
| strong tor bim.
Hih add:
Mra J. W. Cliff ta Obk for a vUii
ABterkaa* who bare vtelicy] Odes**
least, tbe foil cosiforubie loog coat, whidi haagi so beaatitaHy fnan
Wm. A. Alkook to Geo. W. Aleook, with retires.
' ud Moseow have a lively recollection
the shooUen, >xl fed so light when on, wiD ontotnp them aD.
ewik. see. g. town «. range 9; >500.
Mra C. E McMnaus te Mtes Lon : of the Mrong persoaaUty of the wife cjf
I . J.' C J>eaae risHed Mead* te MaaJ. A. Homeric aad wife to John McManna ta TWedo for a short vten.: Prtoee Peter Mirtky. auccewsor of ffc,- Te thssi who have snSsred long aad
te last week.
-of the Bkod,
> Frank Daatord aad telly left today ‘Homerkh. elfc of elfc of swlt. see. 7.
Mra J. H. Lpm to Coidwater for a mordcred Von Plebvc as Roastea min- Skte, aad Scalp, aad who have kst faith
lor Maatoa where they will reetde. Mr. town 96. mage II:
vtelt with rteJves..
1 Iner of tbe interior.
te dsetsrs, msdiones, aad aU thing*
DsaTord has a poslUoa as Braman in
r. E Helffertcb aad srife to Geo.
«he laUi min Unre.
Mra. W. Uotherani to Detndl to ; Countess BobrinskI aod is a woman of bamaa, COTiajEA Soap. Orntmest. aad
Mrs. Wi
Wm. Tripleu rtsltad trindsL HeUferkh. pareri, sec. 15. town 29..
Not only U Pflls appeal vnb a force hardly ta bt
— test *
week. She went to Travwne mage 10: ggfS.
wOl sbe te pos- Wlte Every hope, every expeetatka
jCUy Sat
iwaksasd by them has been more thaa
to vtalt her! John Flack and wife > A. D. McRa.'
filter. Mrs.
*v*ftcS[i*«**^ “T a peculiar power of control
Itete mat enn* are daily
Mertoa Wood, who to teaming aad wife, lot 41. E. L. ft Co.'s 11th
tea by that
t£aa by all other Skia
Delighted patrou an doing a greal deal of advotim^ for re, but
techdol near Wexford, spent Satarte add: >1.209.
a«S ^ spected. In suutre she U wUhia tbreeaed, a single Mt, castteg
we want YOU to ree these handsoree Coats before YOU select
hte pareate.
O. W. Blood ta L M. BkMd. swik of
qoartera of aa tech of six feet. Her bet sue dollar, beiag efua
; The new house'of V. Linden te aeai^ awit. see. >4. tawa 27, nage ii: «i.
YOUB Whiter OvercoE
cnetho most dtetresstogcaaes of testerl^comptetko, aad the patatteg done
Haanah ft Lay Co. to Wm. H. Hook
^ John Huff of this village te an exte±tegs,aad tolaaunttiiMa of thete
™ 'f'
Empte of tast* and skill not u bv er and wife, kta 2S49. bkde 6. H, L.
BemryPa^ tosuod of gllueriag when sbe be- “J
with toss ef hair, when an
Bsaad everywhera
ft Co.'s 2nd add: >299.
eoBtes laeeasad. seems ta grow dull.
C«aned te Travsne city
Clara Osbora to Fred E Kni. sw^
When that rapreyka te abrerved it u
of aeii. sec. 26. town 26. range 11;
tlate U keep clear of ber wrath. Priace
; Peter i» 6 feet 7 laebe*. rieederly bull:



lusra. jzjrsjs ts-sn

srssijssri'K •hStra:



■ l.ssrsT-s-r.'riib.'s.’Tffi.'i:



to Eczema
From Infancy
to Age

$10.00 up to $25.00
k the price range-But see the Coats



mrt. Sent.
offlctet <Uap>teli rntdrad tbdar ■»>«
Unt • gcaml mwiQ^ «aa made oo
tte dctaMM at Pen ArUnr tran 8«pt.
» U> 8*pt. tc tBdwlT* bm wta vthtwbm rtpitlMd.
TUdiToMk. Bapt SB^Tkc Duiab
tt a Uckt ahlp s«ar Bovxtare Maads repotu tkat tk* Bwitta
' tonwdo bwt. BMbilalDl. «bWi tko
T-i-------T took (raa CbM Pee vtU tbe
ok}Mt «r eoovdjlBC It to Booxiere.
•uk Mtf the tdenda Before einklBt
be reporta (hu Ue povdcr ■adaelee
OB bewd exploded mod Uirtp Japanaae
Boom. Oct l^A wiecrea ftona
Aries Tale report# lhai a }mk wUeb
^baa arrtred there tna Port Artber re­
porta tbe garriaoo at tbe port to I
aoet terrible atrelta. The)' ere •oSe’^
tap traa lack of tbe eo—oeieat
OMaltlaa of Ute. Tbore it teteoae antMM esoM eU ctaM# ead partleaIcrtp at tbe boepltala when tbe vonaded ai» la a vretabed eoadllioa. The
aoat aorhMi Mor la tbe KNtM oLtbe
nppir Of water.
Bt PHrebTB. OcL t^llfwe from
Port Artber etataa that teage there la
aearee Imt aataealtloB la pleatItBl.
Tba atoraa of doth are bdag Bade
lata CMcata hr tbe woatea. Ae
eaalUiT eoadtUoa U good. There arc
wow tbirtr tralaed aetaoe for everp
MdO eldt Bad voeadod. There are
l»t IM womea aad ebUdrea aot belOMlni to tbe BtUtarr fweee la tbe

u nked bp tbe Ir^
tpoaeoe amp. Both
tbe Boaaiaaa are pf«partM for a gnat' battle wbieb tt b
opoetad win Uke plaoe aear Tie pan
Tbe caar retaned ftoei Odoaaa todap. ABbaaaador MeOemidt baa Ml

a dgbtad oC Sbaa-

Mlo. Oct. 4.—Tba faOowlM oAdal
KMOrt baa beaa laaaed: 'While repuaadtalag la tbe rtetaltp of PalbWagtaa. tbbtp4bree adli^ worth of
tdao Taag. a force of BeoalaB csralrp
SNwtnng attaebed tbe Japaaear
Bceeta. Aftar Mttag for oobc tiaa
^ tbe Japaaeae adraacad. The eseanp'tbaa waa aboot tblrtp- The Japaaeae
80 caaoaltlea.’'

Mbacbeako oa OeC S atta^ed aad
ttrow tato a state of paale a Japaaeae
ftrea at Toawadae. A qoaatltp of
Jbpaacae amanallioa mad rtdoe were

Albaap. Oet. L—After tUrtaea pear*
of aettre eorrloe oa the beaeb JnUoe
tL Cadp Hwrtek ladap laid adde hb
Jadidal twbea ta bacoae tbe oaadMate
of tte daaoeratlc part/ lor governor
of Mow Tork date. Doaeaa Caaipbell
Lea of Ithaca taforaed tbe Jodge of
the honor wbkb bad bees baatowad
ape* bla with lb accoapaaplM re■piamilWp.
Aaa Arbor. Mkh.. Oet. 4.—TboBav
Becker, the tara haad who ert ire to
aad deetropM the bane of the Oe.bone propertp vataed at Ujm benaeo a taaaat kMbed hbk waa
teaead to taa pears ta Jackaoa prbos

How Te De it.
rtz weaka. Tbe poor beaWb of Mrs.
■tea. Modkdea: Lteo
WIMs U tbrtr ream bw aurtiag
Taa. Lo*«b o-Tbm: -tatekk.*' check
oa tbe trtp U tbb anaaer.
TMiag. Tealeeng: Taiagtaa. Bfa^
Woreaeler. Maaa.. Oet A—Tbe As a rob U tbe ear But munca. a
taaonl aervlcae of Beaator Hoar be- tbe ItaUaa eooad. o.tbe eomd at 09
MB tbb aftarnqpB wUb mperc at bb to me. a* to Uke long o, I Uke oe.
Uteboaa. Tbe aarvloea ware brtd a nte a bag. Tbe t to tae. teeb*. etc.,
the Cbsreh of tbe Vnitp dartM wtabA b afloat, firhea la doobt put <a a boU
•ologp was prasooBced bp Rev. (roat aad atterti tbe word wftb regnDr. Bdward Brmu HaU of Boxbarp, tor -Jap" vabr.
tbe life bag Mead of Senator Boar.
State loam at Moftbport.
Nortbport. Mieb, Oet A.—Tbe town
OUa Havea. MIdu Oet. A—Tbe
eteaser Oaagreas of Batalo. N. T.. ill was wcU filled tost evwnlng to
waa baned la Sooth Maaliao harbor Uatea to tbe toemo of (bo enapoign as
aaaod bp Ooagreaaatea It B.
laat sig^ She waa loaded wltb ptoe
hiaber and aitboo^ everp poaalble Btobop aad tbe Hoa. Penp P- Powers.
aa ware eaMoped to have bar. abe Tbe team were aUp haadled aad
cloee atuntloa waa paid to boUt Mcakb a total kna.
Tbe Coagren b owaM bp J<Aa J.
Mr. Btobop gare ao aeconat of bb
Bolaad of BaSals. She b a woodco
boat of IXSO groas toaa aad waa bout ■tewardahip aad told wbat bad been
Bplbbed bp him while In ooala 1M7 at deTelaad. Ohio. Toaterdap
a He also spoke of the adalni.4 o'doek tbe i
Into tbe barter and aaebored there for traUon aad wbat bad been accoaabejutt Aboot Id o'clock tbe tm pUahed oader President BoosevML
Mr. Powers spoke on state bane*
broke on ia her uppitr wocka, having
preunablp caogbt Dob her aaoto aad arntraated tbe two caadldatec.
•teCk. fa a varp teort ttoa it de- tbe Hoa. yyed M. Warner aad W. K
b. Mr. Power* explalaed that
•eaadod Into her cargo dOMlte the of
while Mr. Warner waa wHUag to sign
forte Of her crew.
Ite lUe oavlag crew waa aoBBOoed aap blit that tbe legtobture woold
aad asabted la tbe work. Part of ber enact along prfaaip reform line* oad
cargo waa throws oearteard and ai- wee wilUag to canp ont tbe will of
tboogh tbe flghttog wu kept up M- tbe peopb at tbep expressed It pet It
l ail sight abe had to be aban­ eeesed wise aad beet for tbe people «rf
Mlcbigaa to Bore eOBserraUvelp In
doned tbb ->«™»«g
Tbe boat was'os ber way froo Buf­ tbe dtreeUon of ebanget wbltk wonld
fwvoladoalte seUioda la tbe aSali* of
falo to Chicago.
state aad naUon that bad existel
alnee oor government waa founded.
Morder Mpatary.
Oet. S.—The dadlag Mr. Pbrrls wna talking prtaarp reform
of the niBialni of eight petwona. sti and advocating tbe abrupt mad arbl■delta aad two cbUdrea. oader tbe tiurp adopUon of tbe deaocraUc
cellar of a bonn three aUee from theory on that fioesUoa. but at the
e Ume adaitted that be hlmaclf
Sparta oe a aaad plala dlaeloaea a
Border mpsterp wUdi will prabablp took ao little interest in poUtics and
sever be eotred. All were anrdered. tbe affair* of tbe atete that be baJ
a eonvcntloa or a caucut
bollet bdea Is tbe eknlH bdsg foand.
Tbe doetara wp tbe ertae waa com- In twenty pent*.
Mr. Powers gave tacts aad figures
alued la reeaat peaia.
wwtag cooelnsfrelp that tbU adalnnr akelotou were dleoorered pea
terdap bp healara asd toor axwe to- latiatlan bad expended the moneys of
dap bp, aatfebere. Tbe bouae U deanted. Tbe rpklaa** a few peara ago ■ad that Urt tax rate has been reduce>l
waa a toogb dlatrtct aboondlng is rob- materially rather than rnbed at
argued by the
g Mr. Penis. The
year 1»6 bad been compared by demoernu wttb 1P04 and figures fiuoted
Proa Moodap-c Rooord.
tbowlag *>■■« there bad been enonnoBs
T better for the loereaae la state expeadltures over
stp fair than tbep are
the farmer year. But. while tbe total
tbb pear. Tbe bsOdUga oo the fair
ml inised was more than 1»S
Bap are all raa-lp:
esarlly. owing to tbe
aadU dae shape lor exhibite. aad tbe
d. tbe rate at texaUon wns a great
omiook b good for aa caeopUoaanp
deal less per one tboossad than In
Urge dirtilap, both la tbe geaeni de- im and tbto. In the (ace of enormoos
panaeau aad to tbe aefcaatile oeeinereasea In (be just demands of tbe
tkn. Tbe M. A N. B. will ran two
trmiBB dally during tbe Ulr. at oae and
He also fiooted from tbe state rec­
ooetblrd latea, coaaectiBg at Proveords sbowteg ibat not only was It true
Boat with tbe atage, which girea half
that Ueebnaa conaly wonld receive
tare rntea Tbe fair wUl begin TW
Dorn tbe atete treasnry tbto year a
total at Cn.TiASO. while tbe total state
SoUoas Bap. Mieb.. Oct S.—Tbe
tax of that county was only CS.OSCyi.
aaa wbbtJe of the merry go roand.
bnt that there was further due to Lee
the aereaa of tbe robber balktoa. the
tonau conaty C17.414A0 on unpaid rail
odor of oooktag "ioe creas caadp." the
toad tax acoonnt. tbe coUcctlob
aboote of tbe 'leso' peddlere. tbe
which was awaiting tbe scrtoc of tbo
'barkera' is front of tbe anweums
federal eaurt. And all tbe tows pro
aad abows all proeUla that the Ijecvtdtng tor this increased asd bereaslaaan ooUBip fair b on to toll blast
lag Income to Leetouui county and the
Today b tbe Ug dap. Tbe crowd
other'COBBtles of the stele was due to
began to cmm earlp tbb aorwlng and
sad republican
bp I otteek there were between 600
and aoe paid adaOmkaa. Every deTbe meeting at Suttans Bay Monday
partBcnt b filled with exblblU and all
nlgbt at wbieb Mr. Btobop and Mr.
(bat reaaUs'to Bake the fair an over
Bowen spoke, was large and entbusiwb^Blng anceess b eaoogh admbartle. Tba hall was crowded aad Uere
alias to keep awap map chance n a
were a nuaber of people atendlng up
After tbe aeetlag several people deTbe Dolt dbplap tbb pear b om ef
claiwd that while it had been tbelr In­
tbe flaeol ever em here. Great
tention to aupport Ferris they would
goWea penebea aeatliag beside applet
now support Warner and the sUi-.wboee aldee falrip gUaa in tbelr
roblcoadltp. loKkna porple plBaa.
grapes of eeveral varieties and coiors.
Qenerai Hews.
la fact tbe wealth ef tbe Grand Trav-

Parts. Oct. 4.—Predertek Aagnte
Bartholdi, eealplar of tbe aUtae «
llbertp la Kew Tertt bap. died tbta kU and the other vcgetablee are but
Bomlag at bb laaMesM on Bae ■etUag (or tbe boartp bat profit pay­
Aana. Parta. Tba eaaae of death wn ing potato. AH klads of vegetable*
rabed u tbe eoaflaco of tbe conaty
ate tbowB bad tbe dbplap b verp
Bertln. OcL
Ms davalMad creOlUbb indeed.
There b Boeb probe expreesed over
that wbU* \ba caar waa iravaHag la
U (be eecUoo devoted to the live
a bid ton
a Urn A stock. Tbe catUe. bogs aad bore^ as
as tbe sbeep. show tbe care ex­
wooM-be aaaacta plaead a boab ou the
rallwap line naar Bareawiee. Pdand. pended la tbatr breeding. Tbep aotaalTbe boab waa dlscoverad sod the aaa Ip eWB to uke pride In being viewed
and each ar«BS to vie wltb tbe other
waa amated.
U elkitlag eoBBebdatlon.
Aaa Arbor. MMi.. Oct 4.—Tbe
The -ewaen folks,'
•gatrrel baa beooaw tbe oasM of
long ead lovlngir over one partlcnUr
pawiMar grteraace to tbe Mlcbigaa exhibit. Tbb It where the arte aad
TdepbOM eotapbap la ibb dtp. Tbe handiwork of tbe bonaeboM are dbbig eableaof tbe eoapaap m thnmcb pbped. Datntp. Slap creaUoas of
Urge a«Bbw«J9f ebade trcoa, aad tbe ektUful Barer*, catpeia. geliu. bed
aartoeltp of tbe egolrreb baa ptoap:- epieads aad coatorts. all prodocte of
M Uea to eea wbat b lodde of tl
Ute bands of -'aoteer" or ~slster'
•ad have |(sawed throng tbe md oompeoog wttb each oUier lor the
cable. pattUg oel ef boaUeaa amber-] coveted tag that will anoouoce that
ct tebpbocee Tbe eqelrreb an
tbelr owner has excelled U ber parpete of tbe etadaata. aad to avoid kill- UeabMaab. Tbe dbpbp ta aalte coaUg tboia the udepboae eoapaap iv plete aad deservot all tbe adaUisUoa
Boaridartag tbe advbaUlltp of coating
tbe oabUa beavUp wttb ter.
Tbe sttrnetknu oa the grouad are
finite Buaerona. In addItloB to
Ml. PleauBt Mich.. Oct. 4.—Mr. aa>l aerrp go round, there arc side fhows
Mrs. I. H. Wlids bare steried for Vlr- and steeds aad other otual ataoagtaU. lauadlag to drive ibiwagb «i*b pwlaenu of a coonlp (air. Tbb aflcra epaa of poalae. Tbep have a light aoon a baseball tern from Traverrr
trwrailM wagon Bade of wood wltt CHtp It plaptM here.
wtadowe aad door* and eoatMateg bn
Tbe fair eloaae tomorrow eve
aad etore. wttb tbe aUaalb a
aad tbe awaagemeai'b devooUp bte. earp ter coBfoet on aaeb a Joaraep.
Tbep axpeet to cover tbe dbtaaee la


Uto Crir bto beneleniec In feeding the
boaeleas poor throng the aedlna
tbe peopb-s kllebcas la Vienna, to now
visiting In tbto country. Mr. Cohn, one
of tbe most pTwaslnm of Aoslrlsn
finanetoat. retired to devote blmscll
ebarttebto aad ooclolagical enterprises
and becaae Interested la tbe firs:
peopIc'B kltcben Is Vlenas. It to owini;
to bb nasi no leo* than hb liberal
trtbottoaa tint tbe enterprise bss been
■ueb s remnriteble sooeess. Hr. Cobn
e of tbe E
of Aoatrton self-made aen. At the
Uae of bto retirement from business
dosen ytnrs ago be was one of tbe
gkoat tnisud and Infisentbl members
ef tbe Vienne Stock Esebange.
It to seldom that a man holds a dip
tomatlc post for almost forty yesrs.
Soeb Is the record of Dr. Jnsn N. NsWTo. tbe Mexlcno consul general
Kew Tork. who died at tato borne there
a few days ago. When war was de­
clared between Mexico and tbe United
State* Dr. Nawro enlisted In tbe
Mezieaa army. Alter the wsr b<
enmed tbe practice of bto prafe*
and was made a professor In the meUIral college In tbe City ef Mextro.
Latee be was elected aenator. and
when Mexico wu Invaded by tbtrrench be was appointed surgeon goii
ml of tbe Mexicaa army. Hr wax
eapiund by the Frencb but escaped.
At tbe'end of the troubto Dr. Naram.
was nppblnwd consul general at New
Frank Xrupa was brought before
JttsUea McCormldt la Sknmokln. Fscharged wltb baring been dlsord

The srUtwr was dear and the prisoa
m mnfsnrsil to tbbty days ip toU.
r calmly kept telly on bto bMtar tbe BMber ef enUs Krwpa ulsixty. The state Isw provides a fine
of C7 oeate tor sate, makiag a total of
•44J*. Wbea toW that be wodd have
to pay tbto amoaat te bb oweartog
prlBom-begaa eandag a»to. Tbe
joaUce. wbea Krapa
be bad no
money, added sixty day* to tbe erlg
teal seateaee, maklag It eoe day per
oath. THbB hto boaor picked up hto
pencil expeeteatly. bol Mr .Kmpa bad
had enough and bept gnlet as be wns
led sway to jaU.
wmiam MnUkca of Waablngton. O..
credited with being tbe oldest Amert
can edUor, eebbrated bis Bincty.elctatb
birthday last week. Mr. MilUken has
been n newspaper man sliiee bb early
youth sad b now editor of tbe PsyOouaiy Herald. pabUsbed Id
Wasblagien. Ever since the repobllcan party has been In existence tae has
been a ateaA adheraat of that orgaaItailoa.
ofcuor Roentgen, wbo discover^
the Barvehms rays wbieb now bear
bis naate. has refused imaeaM sums
of money offered him by Aaericac |
bbera for a book os wbat be blm-f
•elf BodeeUr styled " a sew kind of'
ray." Tbougta PO. be carries hU years '
gsllsatly and looks more Uke a bse
wbo has led * healthy oatdoor Ufe
»*»«" one wbo bat spent tbe whole of
bit msabood In tovesUgsUng strange
physlenl problems.
When the body of Mrs. Bllubeth
Jackson, aged CO. of East Fifth aveCotnabus. O.. was burted tt was
necessary to cMvey Ibe body to tbe
cemeiery In a wagon. Tbe woman
welded 3A0 pounds, and ber casket
ao Urge that there was not a
hearse In town to sccoaaodsie ItTbe casket *couM not be taken Into
tbe door'of tbe bouse, and the body
was carried Into tbe yard, where 1>.
was placed la tbe easkei.
When W. J. Carman, last Jalp. retlnguUhed hU dnUea as postmaster or
Havrtborat N. J., to go to Psasms sail
help build tbe Istbmba eansl. be left
bis wife In charge of Uncle Sam's bus­
iness In tbe village. Mrs. Carman bs»
Ured of tbe job. beennse tt Interferes
with ber bousebold duUea. and shc
wnnta to be relieved, bnt tbe poeloffloc
aotborltlea sre tardy about taking ac­
tion. asd she has notified them that
■he to going to fiuit. whether or nol
ber resignation b accepted.


Fall Opening Sale
Our values are the greatest of all. Throngs of satisfied
customers in every department. Every depa^rtment has justified
our promise andour plan to make this Fall Opening Sale a suc­
cess. Read the following items:
Men's black beever overcouu. veivat eollat
everywhere for gS. our opening aale price


[ Ko. 4—ThU lot embracee eoete up t


:( wttb Skinner uUn. eatc price

Men's extra bravy fancy knit all wool awentcr
doubb colbr and cuts, wvtb t2.00: aale price

tiAoo and ISOM men's suits, made by the mort skiliful tailors, all tbto (air.^ulea. opeatag mie prict


ETTRA 8PBCUL—60 down ladit-ii' cample under-wear. In woolen, merino. r>.-ece llnwl and plnab
back: worth np to >1.00. oale iirice


33 and 25c


25 dosen todies’ flanneletle and fancy Tening shirt
waists, trimmed with brass buttons, worth tl.OO,
tale price

Ladles' pettiee
trtmsMd. all c






T raverse



just opened up thirty me
. lise.
of New_________
Fall Merchaodi
Among these goods are the
greatest values in

ebtldrcn's Cloaks
At $2. $S. $4, $4.50, $5. $6. $6.60.

Cadies' eioaka
At $5. $6. $6.60. $7.50. $8.95. $10.
$12.50, $15, $18. $20. etc.

men's Suits
At 57-50. $10. $12.60, $15. $18.
$20. etc.

youths' Suits
At $5. $6.60. $7.50, $10. $12.60.
and $15.

That will make your eyes sparkle
—for MEN at $7.50. SIO $12.50,
S15.$18.$20, etc—for BOYS and
YOUl HSat $Sm $4. $6. $6.
$8.$10.eic—forUTTLE FELLOWS at $2.50. $3.50. $4. $5
and $6.

mtn's Pants
The very newest and 'nobbiest
patterns — the most reliable
makes—all the different sites—
the best ever shown at these
prices: $1.50. S2. $2.50. $:i. $3.50.
$4. $4.50 and J.i.

Ml OlMl Koct Pants
Heavy weight, nice daric pat­
terns. all sizes, worth $1 to $1.25.
at 75c.

Dew Uadtrwt»r»^Htm
Everyone should 'see the new
goods, and the extraordinary
v^ues that we are offeringio ail
lines of Fall Merchandise.

Steinberg Broibers.


Groups Of Grand Bargains in Faii Merchandise


a bargain ls^““sati8factory transaction." For eleven years wa have bean dealing out bargains that have been “satisfactory
transactions." and therein iies the secret of our rapid growth. No matter how low the price of an article is--if there is not
satisfaction in it it is a bad investment. We sell good reliable merchandise at low prices, We are not undersold on same qualities.

It’S Clotbes Economy
to bajbere. Our aMomocot
is a larg:e odc, the prices are
at low as cao be coosistcatly
placed on reliable qoalU
I'CL VouwiUfiodoori
up-to-date. HytiA. ■
ten and excellent qnalitict
and new pattens

sme luo to 030.00
Orercotts $5 to $20.M


Men’s Oxford Cheviot Suit,
good weight, well lined ao^
neatly trimmed, a value
cantwt get anywbetc else
short of
$7.60 or $8.

$7.s« spMiai

$10.00 Bargain

Fine line oltq>'t
padded Aonlden, lUy-there
fronts, good serge Hning and
weighty. Match it- with any
$10.00 smt fpa can get any­
where else. We »ve you jut
$3 .60 on

Shim at sa. sio. six

Tursovers............tOe. ISi/k- 1Bc.-2Sc.
i.acv Bfianglp Collars $U». $1.2$ t«8S.

S4 Ctngti) Eoala
in blacks, browns, novelties,
castors abd tarts, itobbiest
styles for tba season’s wear,
Eke cut................. $10 to $18



m Bmadeknh, Grsniles and
Cbeviou, prettily triuimed
with silk and braid, and are
nre values, $6.50, $7.50 $10

Union Suits it $1.00 and up.

eniMrcn's eeau
tbe cnlesi little coau ever
made, at.......... $2.50 to $lO


Hundreds and hundreds of
tbe tfiost st)lish furs for this season
are here. Every kind of fur im­
aginable and at prices that trill
make our doak depattmeot the
Fyr CMfae of Mortkofm Miekigut.

Fieocfa Flannel Waistingt..29C




Sim 10 to 1C..................... $1.75

boose so cbeai^y aad advaatageously as
By all meant investigate the tnany



A Small Payment
Down and tbe Balance
in Weekly Payments.

In tbit d
:t we are
ccepticmallyttroag. Small
' '
Kugs, Alt ^uaref, Room
site Rugs in Brussels, Smyrna. Ve.vets, Axmmsters and

TAPF-STRV RI GS 9x13 up from $15.00
OilCloihs, Liooleuma, ami. Mauingi, complete new
line (or taU.
Oil ClOlh*, per yard......... 25C
Straw Matting *■ .......... 12c

Linoleums pmyJ.. ..45c
Japanese Maninfs " 21C

OT Cloth Stove Patterns in 1 yd. 11 ^ and 3 yds, up
Exquisite line of Lace Curtainr and Forticres.

Ladles’ fleseed hose at lOe, 11c.
lec. esc. SOe.
Children’s fleered boss tOe. Itc.
. 2flc.
Cblldrrn-a besvy woo] boss 2Se
Boy's Iron Clad, best oo earth,

72 inch extra fine linen, bleached. .tSc
t popuU
pular corseia.on
tbe market today. Onc« v
always worn. The n
50e. $1M. $240.

Ladles’ flue
SOe and esc.
Special—Ladies* good cashmere
I tic sr 3 far SOe.

Shoes and Rubbers
will uy ihai this departmeui U doln more busli
it'y Irecause every pair <>f shoes that xoe* oat must give good
-rvlce- - xuaraniec II. Our prin*s are ihe lowest that <wa b<
{ilsced on honest guudb. Our rew fall line* sri- the best we ever bad
— \Vp ran please j
nave )oa money.


30 m. Black TaffeU. 89c and 69c
Samson's Lining Silk......... 58c

There never wasa'time

when you could fumidi or refamish yonr

We have a lot of odds and rads
of underwear for ladios aad
childrss carried over from
Iasi season—all kinds and all
prtren—will close them out at

Best try


There is not aboiher place
in tow* where your money
will go as £sr in the pur­
chase of reliable carpets I From the plain white ware to the imponed China ware.
New thapet and
as right here.
decorating io open stock and 100-p:rce
Hemps op from..........lOc
sets. Some very attractive bargtiits in
Gianuesup from... .75c
Toilet Seta.
Irgrains up from___ 30C
Bruaels up from..........45c

ciate tbe extra values we now offer you

With the new



Would require a volume; and to appre­


to $6

Handsome OiIuk*—


Ladles' extra heavy fleeced
veaU aad panu.. .2Bc and t$c
Udlea' exin faMvy fleeos
vests snd pants .............. SOe
Perfect tilting fleeesd union
wulu frum .......... SOe to $2.00

We pride our­
selves on *isv
log Ibe mos.
eomplete cciraet stuck in
the ctiy.

tSOO $7.B0. tf0.00

grounds!^. $1. rsc69c

36 dosen wool kersey pants,
-good patterns.......................$1.50
Fine drew pants $Z0O lO UM

remember all that is neceamiy U

Silk Petticoats

$im and Wool Olalata


Fine wool hall bow 15 aad 2SC


newest ideaa—
Brnlda. Persian Braids. Span­
gled Nets. Laces and CbIBons
aad Appliqi
white and tl

In blacks and ihe new fall ahadev.
They have the swish and cry so
much demanded, and ihe qualUy Is
the kind lhai w ear, and are baigalns


6o$4 Oarm


The pretiieit and moei durable mer
a peiileoatR ever made t
: Si-00.

Towel*.!* ................................12<ic
Good Bail. Towel*, $.>x2o,..

Heavy aU wool working Socks

efaoiee bargains we have to offer you,

4ar wrtiile yw

new Bags and Crimntings
7>e|By Prom Mrla. tbe 8L LouU
Bag. ifae new Envelope Bage.
. etc.. In all ibe new ubapes and


80 in. klannish Suitings.. .25c
38 in. Ail Woo! Novelty
Suitings................................. 50c
88 in. All Wool Zibilines.. 50c
Mannish Suitings in invisi­
ble plaidf, swell things,
from..................... $1 to $1.75

here and dow.

This large handnxne Aim Rocker,
with cobbler teat, golden ewk or

Silks and
Dress 8»ods
We should require a whole page
to tell of all tbe new things we
have, but space forbida A vis­
it wUl convince you that our
•cortment is complete and
prices within the reach of all

Men's and Boys' Sweaters, every
thing you may need. frt» Uk
60c kind to the heavy athletic
Sweater at........................... $44M

must see them.



Tl'a Our Dtligbl

To describe oar FaB Slock of



Inest wool blank*
lies, in oxford, castor and
novdties, belted bade, with
■at without capes, excellent
fitters aad are exceptional
values U............$10 and $12

Tour Friends can And
no Fault with your Shirt

Canras e»at«
rsc to $5.00





Good qnslity Beeee Underwear




Doctor bills. Which? We
ted Hen's all wool^camelt hair


Street Bats
c4 these |>apular
alike, but so many
khades that we caa
with just whai yuii

Bfikollm- rover*, in dalniy patiema.
$1.00. $1.25, $1J0 up to
Good heavy eomforfera ai 76e and Me.

Just step in and let ns show you the nobby tlunp for (sU wear.
Out $6c line ofTies are world beaters. Onr 60c line is the tame as
most stores ask 75c for.


Rxarl reprodiirlluns of tbe newest
Parisian and New York stayh-s.
Willi ifanion Siorv prkm.

For ladles—All ihr new ihlDgi an>
htTf. Pawy storks in eml>mlder<~l
ami i>oadt.d. Taff<ta. iar.>. x|ianKl«il.
2Se, 3Sc and^Oe.

that are ordinarily worth $10
to $13 for $&00 and $7.50

They fit p
, they have
the wearing qualitief in them
The pat-tons are snappy and stylish....
..$1.00, $1.50

of every detcription, from the
Canvas at Br, to the fine, dress
gkro at...........................$2.00

Dress Dats
€ltaant DccIctMar

27 Incb SaelMla

OHreest spteial


This depanou-Qi Is recelvlDR a «T*-ai ileal irf aiienilon Jusi iiuv
are xhuwjng hiirntmls of role, up-lo-dali liala that an- Wtnnrm

lOe te $gJ)0 a yard.

that are worth almort double.

Men's an wool fancy worsted
nuts, single or double breasted,
cut and made by modem taikrr.
It's by far the best tnit ever
ofTned at $10.00.

'We carried over from last season aboot fifty coats tanging in
price from $7.60 to $18 00. We are crowded for roopi mutt clow
them ou at once.. We Uve divided them into three toes and priced
them....................../....................................................$5.00, $7-50, $10.00.

Fashionable millinery

Cace Special 5c

Our buyer was recentlv in the market aad secureil about 60 suits
It neady half price, aad 160 coats at great reducliont. Tbetewe offer
rou at prices that mean a great deal to yon. Delays are dai^eroas—
be best are the ones to walk out first

$$•00 soedal


FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, OCT. 7 and 8. We cordially invite you to visit us and see our grand
array of new Merchandise for Fall and Winter wear. We are in position to save you money on each
and every purchase. Your money is not ours till you are satisfied. We mention below an item or
two In our various departments to illustrate how you will find hundreds of others priced.


100-piece Dinner Set in dainty dural
decorationf in colon and g.jld-triced.
.K set worth $14


buy buy right away.
eaxy 'for 1^
to pxy.

We make it

$1.25 aid up.

$3.95 aid Up.

$18.75 aid up.

$18.00 aid up.

Buy a Uoiveraal-x stove with a
guaiantee britind it.



C-ptece white Toilet Sets................ $1.38
13-r^ white and gold Toilet 5eU$5.0D
Covered Slop Jan, with bail.............. 95c



N ' ,.'^-

Y. '


*tau mm.

i !:■


' Mcatdaa alskt. Albert Slerifa lencnt the taaililHg of« dog waned tbew that atracUag Ibr new one. Bceoived. its nuihi-r. wm- knocked iMensIble, tog mateUie wMcb waa rt^ by
when Ue borHS belled at tbe 0tsb of
B»UrU hM no tilu^nfUi now.
atore at Adnaoe.
Thay aaw the Third. That we contteoe to ocenpy the
wte aoM (be ritets Ue eateto. Hr. Baigter. hit eoaebmaa
O. r»df» IIT«» nt Eootb Wktm.
U tke praaeace of 1AM pernpna. the
the stairway to tb« oM city haJl natil the new om la
r (Mo.) Reporter torSH.OM.
and .* tommaa w«a* thrown to Ue
FMrttfvUl* hu wm print* tMsk.
Boa. -WIUIam W. Mltekell UId and second story. The bnrgter. with gnat pleted."
tella of can of those nurtnenlnl afA larg* wolf waa kflted by Palte* gragad. Mr. Ertgter feu under Ue
ThmoI* cmaor la to hnn aoUd tr*e •ealed the eonemone for tke new preaence of nlad. feigned droakeaAn oM-Une dewoermt of MartbaU (ntn which wna nipped te the bod.
Sergeant Ryan, of No. • poHee rta- tana aad wn* barty trnmptod.
•SIAM Prcefartertaa cbwck la Cadll- neaa and aarceeded in escaplag. Mr wna dteenartng pollUea with n rarnl nan at CbcrryTale adrertlsM for a ttea. In Kaaeas Ctty. M<k. Uc other
dallTfn'Rabbi J. Lranard Imry of the Com
lae Tneadar- Boalaaea waa aaapendo.1 baa not yet been captnred.
MarincU* «nau to hanr Bo
deneerat. at the sane tteaa dlridtag a wito. A dawacl te North Carolina re- awralng. wlUln CO feer of Ue statten.
tor aa kov. froa l o'clock atll i
Lace eoaaty. te the upper penlasala. tack of pcaatrta between t>eni and ■pended.
The sroU bad attacked a «aif ami by. baa baaa raragaged tor a petted of five
D*»r roportod **t7 EMntlfv! In uptpreadlag the abneka
the ooait-:o<)lcklr arranged by
and Ue aelsbbori turned
a Ul*- yaaf* at aa annaal salary of liLsat.
With doth** tattered and
prodocteg soil in the United Btates. U'
One day teat week tbe danael arrive-l pkone alarm. Tbe aergaaai aad
Hli prwoent cootrart has rtghtocai
UiehStM MBMtarj vtll kan tSM •o weak tan haager aad bardabip be aot In the world. Near Newberry t^re
lo-'a Vpeet
Iron ber soatoera botne. tbe ana ba^, eraJ patrotoma went to Ue resene of mootbs yet to run before Ue flve-yeari
t^rini ToolL
could hardly walk. Frank Murphy. IS are celery gardens growing 2AW doz­
-WriC anld lag aopplled'tbe passage ta«*nr..'Tbey Ue enif. ttyna had a abotenn and tb-Tb* salary to
m in UM. k*M yean old. who aaya bla booac te te en planu to the acre, and the ylril Che rural driegaie, as be look anoUer | mM
pairolmea bad Ueir revolvers. They Ue largest ever paid a Hebtww labM
malon st H*
Brottolyn, walked lain police bead«nar- tbii fall pronlsea to be nearly Su.oo* handful of peanuia. "tilfke peamna a,aaiufied wiu Ue app<
parsned (be wolf almost a block be­ bn a limbed eouract te Ue biiiury <.f
SMlor riaaa of Hilladal* bigb ackoot ten at Detroit and asked to be eared pteata. Tbeee are grows te twoeelerr wbolc lot better.
j oUer. and Ue amn went oat to get the: fore Ryan aneceeded In ptaetng a tend Ue WB*M. RabW Levy went to Plusand ItadlOK eiUtans are ttrHw to fla t
He aaU hr bad walked all itac
r. whleb are de­
Marshall don’t get any polltieal ral-, Uccate. after lodging the young wo- of abot la a rilnl spot. The calf wav barg Urae rmn ago tarn PtalteAeloat what It man*.
way tan the ladlaa Twriioryan^ bad voted almost eschtalrely to the culU- llea beeauae opera bouse waa con-1 maa In a hotel. He was goae aom< severely InJnraA OUer wolvea. ara bt> pbta at a salary cf tiJXB).
CkriatUB ehorch at Pine Ron reor gone nany dtya al a dwe wRbou*. vattea of tbe plaat
deanned aad closed after IroquoU; time and when be reappeared he
lleved to be In the vletaity of Ue ata- later Uls was temaaMt to MtoW. aad
MV was
inniiad. deelared ererr oSoe ncaat food or sleep. Phyaieten Neary, after
Mra. Bmma Oavla. aa aged Noribl a (liile under the Influesee of lluoor. Uob. aa Uere' bare bnn numertns
and elected aen- oOcera.
exanlalng the young nan. said be bad rile lady, baa a ualgae aad valuabP:
Burglar brake Into dry goods atore'Atoncc Ue girl called (be wedding ofi,
Two years ago a targe In ebarttabir and rri<n wark td an
a. R. Klone)' la poetneaur, noUr}> reoeatly eontieeied eoaaonpUon. pro» relk la Ue shape of a large, very at Battle Greek and took ladr’a com- declaring that Ue woald marry 00 vedf waa billed »i Searritt'a Point, an I kinds.
ably fron espoaare aad bard^lp, and baadaotac, oval teriiei. orer one buo- plele ofltSt. .tam atoeklnga to ersvan-^ man wbo Uoogbt so little cd her aa t« ■tree! car men captured a red lex
Harry J. Scott's skoR waa frannrad
ateo had laaterlal ferer. Mitrpby wa« dred years old. conuinteg a BilDlatnr>' etie. but Dotblng elae.
; eenne to his weddteg In sack a coadi. tbe bean of Ue
several weeks ago at'OotesA N. T,
Tweair ibonaaBd people from Bat taken to St. Mary'a boviul. It wilt la cdorvon Ivoo'. of her graadfatbp'.
Jackson eoiiaiy poor superintend-{(tea. Moreover, abe compelled Ue
Says Mr. Hayasbi. 4 dlatiagstahod wben Ue tank of a ctaamteal engtee
Ue Creek went to Gull lake orer trol be several weeks before be will M Col. Mills, of Uc Bngllab army. T)»recrivlng young maa tn put up for a iicket back clUzea of Japan: T-oday we Japaauec exploded and a Ham af the meul
ler Une durtac aeaaoa Jiiat eloeed.
able to leave. Murphr nald be letc back Of Ue teeket is of gold baada and
CaraUaa and left on the Erst train. have baiileahlpa. torpedoes, caanaa. penetrated bla l.rnlA A anecmafal
Iter. Darla kaa aoed town of New bone ala n»tba ago to take a post- blue and white caamel. wlU gold mo
side. Have to be coatem sriib dally Tbe Item Is Interestlag as abowiag The China Sea reddens wlU Ue bteoJ operailon wa* pertormml. but he was
Harea tor nnnlac aatallpos paUeai ttoa la ladtea Tarrttory. bol after get- ogram la the center, aurrouaded by
that oeessionally a girl la
killed and of Uose we MIL Onr
lially parnJyied aad tmabte i*
vko waa alek at kU btwM 4t dara.
Ung tbare failed to eecare It.. For aev- tiny braid of hair, wtateb bad betenged
MUa JeUa MIebael of Dowagiac has Into tbte sort of aa engage!
torpedoes roar, abrspnel shriek, onr apeak for da)* after e
Manoailaee ntaa found kU wife at a etal moatba be earaed i
U Col. Milli' wife.
In Ue rale of a detective, j bears a aomewbai dlEereat ctaaracicr cannon brvatbc stangbu-r and we dl- turned. Finally, a alow temfwremcnt
at two o'rioek la tke maraliu; llring. but became too 111 to work, aa-l
Joba Frye. living near Hart,
After 20 ycura a aoppoacd murder | from that ix-stuwod upon Ue clast by and are the caure of death. And you began, and wbaa h* made aa eCort to
and carried oe ao abe kad klm tolled. Btarted for
Brooklyn. wa«n
eeetly arrested for ezireme emelty lo myatery baa been solved, h'ram ulet! pqpuUr opinion.—Kansas City Jour- 'oeridenUtls say to us, 'You have won
■peak waa able 10 eaaactair only the
Remu RepabUenn inaoeenU}’
reached DetroH be bad been wltboot animats. After being driven a ioag told by his children It has been | nal.
your rnnV: you hare elrlllsed your- WT>rd • mamma.". Hte man ta auw able
■arka: "Deaton Tarriagtoat. tke e
food three days.
dlatance wlib a heavy load Ue animal thought Uat Matt Blrmingstool. <d
A unique movement baa had Us in- aelves.' Centuries npue ceninries we
ralk. bt^(Re3!«y W(m4a het..
< ediaa. plared ban teat night He draw
Mr. aad Mn. W. N. Peek of Albjon became exhauited and fell in Ue road. Casa county, murdered hte wife on one|eeptten In Indiana to orgaalse Ue serrprak euniiM-nm wltSSh«t|rtter "M."
a foil
lost a daughter Monday by marriue Frye got out and kicked ibe prosiraU- of Ue long sragoa trips Uat they were vani girls luio unions wiU Ue apeclAc
Pbyslrtant say he will eveataaily twHaeiig no tanker nne for Ere ball and the anno aftentoon ibe stork hniie for fally Eve minutes, aad Ihw, in the habit of taking each year. Ur. object In view of lessening Ue bonrs tun- we bad pnbitebed iu Japanese tbt:
hte sprech perfectly, but are aa­
No. s. and beteg aaable to aetl it Bat­ brought them another daughter. Miss Eadlag this did not good, pulled a Jaekafterward mairKd again. U ' tabor and to lactvoae (be srag-' tables of Aesop. Were we then bar­ able to aerauni lor (be iMcaltarfty of
tle Creak eoancO prapOMa to gire it to
na D. Peck was gives te marriage knUe tarn bla pocket aad began sub- aad Enally died. On his death Mra., rrab-. The orglDliatlon will U- taken barian* r"
tbe ease
O. A. R. tor Mteorial halL
Brace Wees of* Battle Creek, ship. blag Ue'borse. Pasaeraby then Inter
No. 2 endeavored to se-- under the prn«-cilon of Ue Ameriesu
Miss May Handy of Bldimoad. Va..
John W I
I. « year* old.
UgktBtag auwck Saenle at W^b pteg clerk for tbe Advance Tbreaber fered. Frye la now acirlng a term In cure ponalon money, but as no er!-1 Federation of tebnr. There are non was married at that rily to Jaates
of tbr faaaoaa New Bagiaad Hatebtealatten. Holloway, followed wire tealdr
ipany. At preetscly the
toll bealde having a alee Ene lo par deno- of Ue death of Ue ErM wlfr
unions of domertics la tbe
Brown Patter trf New York. Mr. Potson family uf sliigrrs. silU bale aad
aUUon. daatfcyed watch banging on ■Beat that tbe father waa gtrlag bla upon hU release.
could be found, her right to the pen-{ aad If (be plans do not fall nt nmsumnepbew nf Plsbop Pntter and
wan, and went oM agate.
eldsrt dan^ter away, a tiny cry tan
Tbe two -farmers near Siougbioe'H sion could no: be ectabtubed. She maitiui ludlana sires will be confront- former fausbaad of Mrs. Jamiw Brown beany. Is te 8(. Luuta attending,tie
toiernailunat praee ©oaferetire. lie
ClUaea'a pboaM oonpaay al Hriland
the advent of Comera wim Invented Ue novel tele- engaged Miss MIebael to work on tbe ed with a ne* pr^^iem for aolutlou; P«tiT. Ue BctrcM.
baa sting ihi-n- noam of the aailstatcry
I ralae ruea. but
wire fenoer
aaolber daughter and the taiber baa- pboae Une. using a
, wbleh has resulted In proof fur­ for under the proposed worklnga <if
John Sriitt. a widower, of Steux ■onga wLk-h during Ue dvll war did
Ueli aad aak eounatl to Ex prioea to>r lened to greet tbe new arrival. Strange have been obliged^lo abaa^on tbe nished by a brutber of the Erst Mrs. (be orgmulullun ihera win be resort
kenpa. Dell eoapnar fllrtlag wUb dlt- to say. It was also the aaalversary of Idea. Tbe talk became eo sharp that Blrmingstool. (bat abe died a natural | to strikes to tefile (be demands of the City. lA, had ootlcr uf a aslt fur much lo arune aeatlmeat agalmd
breach of prumlM.- to marry aerved sp- ■larery. Daring the rivtl war a spa
Ue eider daughter's birthday.
aeliber could stand It.
death. TbU proof tea been found domrsilcs of Ue state.
Mrs. A. C. Baajwti. of New Tork. etal pemH was Innrd by Ue seeratoate kaa aafend wlae bnrgteriM
MIta Belle Convte. a pretty young
A beauty doctor baa pnbliabed an after 23 yeara o( search, and Mrs. Blr-1 "H-m m-well—I anppose It's all right.
tke part weak and it la tbonght it la woman of Bnitle Creek, wna perhaps article oa "How to Reduce Ue Bite of mlogstoDl S-1M come b^o a small for-1 but 1 sou:d rather you srould be Iden- wbo worn to that city oa her wedding tary a( war whleb allL/wed him to give
lour with biT buaband. Scott aska fur a serlea of concerts, which teaUd for
the work of two yoptba who hare toUlly Injured by her couain. Charles Ue Noae." Tbe beat treaitneai for tbe
I ufled." said the youn.; woman caabltr KtoW damages.
a muoib. to the Su.ouu srtdlera
beaa amaied charged wHb the crtaMa Holly, of Bonkter. Orto. Tbe abootUnakogoD has tert a somewhat nov-: at Ue Auditorium bou^ In Chicago
>. aaya Ue Oreenville Call. U to
The pope ywlvod la private audi­ tioned along Ue Puunnar river,
aad lodged te toU. A pair of ironaera lag waa accideatal. MUa Convte, wbo keep It out of other people's aSalnu el and compllcaied damage suit. Last I Wednesday night, pushing
ence Cayetteo Arcltailo. chief juadee attateteg hte majority Mr. Hotobtettotea taw one of the plaoee wax te vltltlag al tbe borne of ber coniln. Tbit applies to boU texet.
summer the Baraum A Bailey circu-< {ihnrugh (be «intlow a cheek that ha 1
of Ibe PhlHppIne Utands. Tbe poatlE soa baa
toaad apoa one of the boya.
Mrs. Bari Joaea, In Boulder, waa help
It an of Ue propoaed Intenirban rall- exhibited Uera. and a dispute aros:-. been oBered her. A small man on (be
keep a watch oa all peiwona roada ta Ue vieteliy of Beatoo Har­ when circua day came, regarding U» other side of the window drew blnuelf was most Interested te Justice Arel­ rp to the proaeot dale be. hte brothThe ordtaaaM paaaed by the Oreenlano's arevunt of the aHoailoe te the era. dauihi<-r and ntaee bate gives
Ttlle coancil abortly after the IroQuolt eoBlng near the bouse, as two at- bor pan out. a balloB view of Ue tend- ■Ueeis to be used for (be parade. The up and aald; "Ooa't yoa know him.
Philippines, (be coodltteo of tbe Agtt- II.0M eoBceri*. He cundaeted polltWal
tbepter Ere reepeetlng Ere eacapea. tenpta bad been made by flrebuga
scape la a year or to would give oac show company ooniracied to pay a | have you not heard of Mr. Shawr
pay muvemeci and tbe InEuence exer­ canmatgaa sritb Abraham Ltoreia. •
Hearing a noise la tbe cel­
etcs baa naver been enforced. At the
-ting. license for exhibiting aad parading ••O." said Ue cashier, "the dandag
Robert Ingersoll. Siephea A. Doagtes
teat weetlng of that body, bowerer. lar. Mlaa Coorla rna tor asateUaec.
If wbeat goes up to |2 the &-cent and claimed that, in dtepuiing Uc teacher; eure. I've heard of him. bni I cised by (be Amertenn Uabops. JutIt waa ordered oatoroed and the offl- and Mra. Jones' bmtber. Charles Hol­ tear of bread will look Uke a French line of march, tbe city ha/I broken Its don't know him." "Not a dancing lice Arellano also Bad a teag teier- aad other a
Dgbiera monUs ago MU* WUlett
eera will ace that It te done.
ly. ouar to Ue raaeue. Mlaa CoarU. pea, aaya a Grand Rapids paper.
pan of Ue cootrart. The circus a*^ teacher; Ue secretary of (he t'nlieJ Tk-w witb (be papal aeereiary of state.
Oaddlc. the i: yraroid daagbtar rt Dr.
Cardinal Merry del VaL
Mwier Altea. Berrien eooaty. la te abowlng ber couate lo as outside
Recently a muakaltenge. weighing cordtngly paid Us fee for tbe use of Stales treasury." aafd Uc other. Tbea.
Wm. Zelgier. (be well known cap- a. W. Oaddle, rt Hodgeavnia. Ky,
niglBg eonty ewnerahlp and opera-. ioor. reoelred Ue shoU te ber cheek. forty-two pounds, wa picked up in tbe the grounds only, pitched Us
turntag to deck Ketvy. he aald:
luitet and Arctic expteraitoo entha*:- stepped on B aaedl* aad It was burtad
Uoa ef trolley Iteoa to Improre high-' Pbyalclana cut ^away ell that remains Gtmad river near Grand Havra. It and cut out tbe parade feature. Th - "Can't I get a iHUr of tbe
way aad adraaoa property. Berrtea of her lower tow, and if abe lives she lacked four Inctaoa of being Eve feel eliy eommenced suit recenily m rt- make at Washington?" Oleiic Keivy ast. was qnlie serteusly injured te a to ber left beet, Urt algbt Ue start
baa about tbo poorert roada of the wm be terribly dtafigared. Holly la long.
cover 1125. Ue amount of Up iin|>a:-l hastened to remedy (be mUunder- runaway awident at bis summer point pruinided tam her abauhSer.
ttearly erased over the accident.
Tbe Alcove hotel, Indiae river, was ponluD of the license, but lost ilu suadlog. and S<-<-r«garr Shaw reeelve.1 homi-. Colk-ndi rs Polm. Coua. He was the neetlle baling traveled eniirelr
Tbe CharievoU oouaty fair
eatered by burglars tbe other algbt «a»<^this money, In JlK-ilme.—Chlpagv Rec- dritlag home bebind a spirited (ram Uruugb her Usly.
Orteaan Braa’. nnate rtore of Trar
Tbe Plains acbotd. oa the very! ord-Herald.
•rae City will aooa atari a branch week wna n great ewcess. altbongh a aad fllS ukn Cram Ue cash drawer.
cortfaern border of Fi
rtore te tbia town tor n abort Uma henry mte on the eeeond day caused Old coins, valuable papers and
lori farmer, whose bog
Tke atore bnlMlag briongiag to P. 1. Uo raeea to be postponed until tbe •ral boxes of elgara were also among ta perbapa Ue
I train, wrote
>. Mmmi
11 h.. w,
ft. .
10 mtasteg anlrlei.
Bohr baa baen Abfaged for that pur- aezt day. Tbe attendance averaged
larger Uaa uanal. the displays la al.i.h ;
,ft ft.,,.., ,1.
Four cows belonging to an u^er P». >.. 1. I. .
poaa.^BnpIn ionraaL
Ilaes were bmmw ettenalve, and amnae- penlaanla fniioer died recently from .chool bmrJ. „b«.l hoMi-,M
Sir; /«r ru-rtM.
Oeorge M. Maabek bai reann to be
Tbe dUptey of eating dynamite. Several aileka bad or. n.rU..morr, U
on, .1.1.;
prond cf the molt of hte threahteg
(ralta was n great snrprlae to erery- been left when the anlmali could get . ,nr trnn. tb, ".nnij rantmlMlM,, ^
ih. tin,
nnntly. bla yteld of oata traai tbne
body, beteg very complete and or Eac at them and. aner sufferteg great Tb,™ I. bnt fti, iMb.U- ft Cb, aUM,.. 1
ft, ,ft„ „„
.ft,., I
aeraa of torUle eoU on hte (arw
gnnllly. altboagb tbe senaoa bad not agony, deaU relieved them.
M3, tb, Lttaftfton B»nnJ Abtft.l 1 t.ft„,
Jo,. ,0. ft,. ,„p
Oamail. Oetta eonaty. beteg SM boabbMa favorable, and Ue vegeUblea aurft. ftft,,
Tbe oUer day a tramway at tbe Ce­ Tbt. t. tb.tlntntl, ot Pbtit, Bttt.l !
ela. or lES baabete per acre. Tke grain
the display of fortaer years. dar River Lumber Co.'s mill at Spal­ Mr. Btlt,t t,, ft ,b, .cbot.l .ft,v
U nid to be In tdU kernel, atpeclany
The fair aaaoetettea baa decided
ding gava way. Several men were
boMJ. btr. DttW t. ntmttft. Mt.. Rt.
,b, ft„„rtt, r,p.,t -OM
keary, ntnalng iineb la aseaaa of tke
bay Ue gitmada at Bast Jordan and It at the time, and were thrown a uls- t,l t.
n»J Idr, Bit.,.. Jr , t. ,,
legilied welgkt of a dry boakel of
izpecta to make a good payaeai from uaee td thirty feet or more
tb, on., pnp... ltnR»t«n..,l, . t,.,b
on Mil
Ula year's receipts
„„„ „„
grouod. All were mote or leas aorlout- ,r >boM Mtn, t. pot Btt.,1. bM ft b.
CtecteaaU Meurea tbe geaeral beadThere 1s a club of young
ly Injured, but luckily
mptopM. Tbt. U ftftpMM.nd Ift.lTb,"tor,. ft, »,««.
gnanera of (be “Oraat OeatraL" tbs
Oreeartlle which ought to be called kilted.
bo-„„, bp tb, I.n tb.t tb, Bt..,U,,ft,
ft, ftpftn ftft ftft ft,,
Pere MarquetteOnetatbe Aaiomoblle dob. aot that say of
Mra. Tbaoe Hewitt of Sparta met bn.r.t tb, tMTbrp. nn. b, tb, t..rib,f,ftft,, ,,, j.ft,, „„„ „ p,.
aatl aad Oeneral Manager Cottar will
them nta an automdine. but beeanae with a peculiar accident In Sunday IM. tbn. M,b ft,bib,rft tb, ftb.„i|.,ft„
, ,„,„p „ft,
Raaaen Harding will raawln te Claola-.
evety time they meet It te to ma
night's electrical storm. She
bo«nl dr... a Ml.rp. Tbe B'". 1-1 ,hanpe.
naU nad Oeenral Maaager Cotter will
body dowa.
walking aad carrying an umbrella, bttld tb, anniiat uthiftt ntn-ttna. tot-! ..
have bU beadgnaners te Detroit.
A Stock company has been fonaed which was struck by lightning and tb, a»a,p tor aebo.,. pm-M", vft. i,
' °

Petnakry ntay aooa have a wire at Mltford aad a machine purchased
abanered. Mra. Hcwlu mlraeuteusly .h,.M.".„ftrt„.Ofttd,tb, b-aatbi'"'
Baanfacturlag pteaL
tor Ue manufacture of cement build­ escaped. Tbe same boR of lightning ... tb, .rboot pMt. bt". tb,■Seven of the }arara drawn tor the ing bteriu. One cltlsea baa already be ■truck and set fire to s nearby buliii- b„.« .bfta, ftta do -ba.e.ft
— b-d.ftftped
‘every pan of the apparsius. as h*
preeant torwi of eirenit eoart at Pe- gaa preparallooa for eanatmcllas
be done. The pro|>erty u
f/-and that befor*- long U would ibC
tofkey bear Chartea aa tbeir gnt
1 tbe material In gueaera pay tbe taxes and fet-i thankful i ''
A’tarmer of one of Ue upper
slulT-n from him and be would Mae 4!l
ties aurrty bolds Ue record tor cruelty
pruBts. The aiiachments by which :■
Tb* rDWterville ObMrror baa am||
John Beneaento. aa lullaa aectloB In tbe aeigbb
According to hood. It incretsea (be value of their i waa
poasllbli' for a person to set- (bt
pended pablleaUon and baa eold iu band, baring been annoyed by three nearby rbsUeais when hte borse doe* pmperty. What will happen when the, "
fac- and flg-in- irf ■ person at ih< oth
aubacrlptioB IlK to tbe Reriew, of that men at Aroca the other night, drew not go lo enlt him he punodi tbe beast
pupil gets "too wlae" i
ar end of the ii-li-pboor had Wn oi,
vlltega. Tbe ftper baa been rauteg bla dagger. ca( teoae aad aUrted 10!
a wagon stake, and
nboot twelve yegra.
enough to give him a college educa-|'exhibition In FOwlrr'i bouse for m>riean up. One of bla
If ihia does no good be precede
Dog potooaera are at work 1a Kites oelred a gash, but Ue otbere ceeaped. grab tbe animal by Ue nose and abut
: years ago be Invented a gt*M engrn>
achuul trainand are eelertiag valuable d««a every “•Benento waa anweM.
o« Its wind for n mlnntc ai a time. To
It te reported! at Mimtoteg itpon bU child, be uamerdtnlly
time. It la now anapccted that li te
tbe work ol berglata, aa one dog that,
autbority that Ue Cleveland- boroowblp upon tbe allghteai prorocsOanarai Nawm
prafed naefnl In driving away tbe mla- CUBa Iron Cb. srm. to Ue near fatnre. tlon.
Margaret, the 12-year«ld daughirr
orcaata a waek ago te the latest rlcIts big mUB daily charcoal
A nalgoe votlms>woateat waa held of William Btumpf. a wealthy stre—
Iran turaaee aad cbemkal works from in Big Rnpida. (be home of Candidate
railroad man at Uncoln. Neb., ha
Hoaghten lake. Oteego eonaty. tea- aiadatoae to that pteee. Tbe
Ferris under tbr nnspleea of the Pres­ ran found by Ue police confloed Ir
I tor Ue emttempi ucd reatov*! byterian church. Tbe vote waa taken
eat te htetory, and neighbors pr^nriag
stall In her father's barn. She taa 1
to plat Ike lake koUoto te lows tela.
foe Ue tevortte candidate for gov­ been kept in Uc place for Eve year/,
ernor. JLfisr several days of voiihg. ber mind having given away when ah '
Bargten broke Into the Pere Hergaette depot at Portland, eoeniwd enn railrasds ta which it baa bo totemt. Ue polls were cii
T years rtd. So cloccly has ah»
Mderabte otoney taw tbe slot wa- By teeatteg the plant at MunUlng Uc
Warner bad rccrired M< vote* been coatned that ber father * aelgk
and Frrrta only ~6.
cblnee. aad left on a band cnr. Ibe ora aad wood sroald be freighted
bora dU not know that ho had a
Olbka aebeolbonae adtomt to Ur
Tbe G. R. A 1. baa new to do wlU daughter. ' It was only by accldec',
About three years ago Oewge Em­
track, waa etorted. ns waa tbe Uktek
aew kind of a wreck. Mabel R. Odle. Uat Ue .police discovered her pre>
warebeue te'Pontend. In Ue tetter ory. while working for George Maatte.. of Reed City, baa brangbt sail agatait •ace in tbe aull. They foand Ue gir!
Urtng Bear Rochester, teat a Rae gold Ue railroad ctaatlng Uai she baa been
place bntter and eggs were takea.
■traw, moeh as ta need fo;
Archie Ung. M yanra old. U te toll ring wtU a diamond setting. Bearcb a aeevous wreck ever alnee she
bedding boraea. Bbc waa without a
Neat and atlrnciive ttytes in Creja. Cartlmak
tor Uc mlaaiag article availed aoUlBg. pm off a train a teog waya tarn (bv aUich of dotblng. ber father explain
at Boyne City
N'av7, Blnck nnd I- aactet.
the charge cf bagtorr. Re was ar hot white Byraa Gregory waa work­
ertd winter nlgbt. She Ing that it bad been
tertad at Boyne Palte by SberiS Pear­ ing In a Eeld Ue other day be taraed asksILDM.
beep cIdUcs on her. During her cot-son. who received a Up that Ung wna up tbe Ting.
A Meaie^m county paper says;
«ai Uefgiri baa grown almost u>
As a aupplemcat to test wete'a te- -One Of oar eHizeaa beard be waa be­ Uc sUe rt a woman, altbougb her
todag to braak telo U A. Moon's store
This waa to be Ue Erst of a aertee of ■ue Ue MMdleriile Bn seat out a' teg Ulknd aboot for paying auentten bands and feet are abaoraally naal'
burglarlea te Ula part of Ue stale. HU aonmlr edRloB of tweatytonr lagca. lo other woman, so be beaded oS the Sbe te wlibuni any Idea of bow to fi< i
Etc. .AIlsi2CE.S2to46. ai $1.00, Sl-25 and SI-50. PERCAuE WRAPPERS-To
tttry wui be Unwaghly tereaUgated wlu'coTcr. cootatelag a Ene write up gasalp and became derated to bit srUc. beraeif.
close out the balance oI thii line—we offer choi« $IX«. $1.2$ and $1.50 Wraf^kcn
kyUe otoewn, Ung boaau that be te of U* village aad Ha teduMrie* and Stew bU devotten began two weeks
One rt Ue most remarkable fr*ak«
M sipen bntter and that be baa ba*ii
ago. tee baa grown Ere yuan yonagrr. rt llgbtnlng ever known occurred at
at 88c. A few 50c and 75c Wrapper* at 35 cents.
cuts. The beat of H la. It might be aa experiment tor others 81. Btelae. Texas, daring a Uimder
r tbe teatrwettea of a gang of ei- with hair-b
t tbe UM tew Ue whole Ulag was doae at homo, to try.
atorm. R'hUe Jetan Trua-t waa milk
white ta anairiblng tor Bdttor Sauayaara. Re ted te bla p
At a HteriUg of (be Roebeater coaa- Ing a yoang cow. which wni ttad to a
of otorea la dlBanat towaa aad U« dera 10 be proud of.
eU. It Is aald Uat Ue toltewteg set rt wire fence, lightning strack tbe feace.
Buadar atieraoB a bargter eatered
dates apoa white they were to be loot­
a was prwated: -ResolTed. ran doara the rope wlU wbkk tbe co*
Monfaiag restdeaeai, getting awa.v First. That we balld a aew cliy ban. wn* tied, nad tore Ue backet held b.'
ed. Ttey were Batardav sight at
Boyae Falla. Baaday atgbt at Boyae WlU 1150 wonh of Jewriry. Tbe fam Reaolrad. Beeoad. That Ue materia! Truutt Into n hundred pireev. TVCKy. Louis Mark-* ciaUteg atore; iiy were borne at Ue time and Inatly te Ue old boUdlng be need te coacow. and ibe entf. standing by


I have a nice bunch of horses
on hand. Some heavy draft,
nice farm horses, middle weight
horses, driving horses. All
good bargains and all good

t»a tb tb,



.lusnr OI9KNK




Wide? Flounce, Pretty Yokes,




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