Grand Traverse Herald, April 29, 1864

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Grand Traverse Herald, April 29, 1864


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Morgan (1806-1874)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




Cjfe <?ntit4 Crabtrse


T i a w w City, G r a n d Traverse C o a n t r , H U h i g a n

AJCD r*0r«i*T0*.

C I T Y , M I C H . F R I D A Y , A P R I L 29,1864.

Aa Moses stood upon theflaminghill,
With all the people gathered at nis feet.
Waiting in 8iaa'a rji«ey. there to meet
The awful bearer « Jehovjh> will.
So, Grant, thou Btand'gt,^toiaM,tho trumpets shrill,
And the wild, flerXjtorihs that dash and beat
In iron tbun.der snuin leaden .sieet.

'•«, !

T K B M 8 .
« ofonr future, till tbe time grows bland,
O n a D o l l a r a n d U U A j r C e n t s , P a y a b l e inva*
ADO into ashes drops warta eying brand 1
r l a b l y I n (tdvanoe. Q

• .; / . .
Then let oa see thee, with benignant grace,
ADVHTi*raHMT8InsertedforOne Dollar peraquare(ten
thy height, God's glory on thy face,
lines) for the.-first insertion, and twenty-fiTe cent* for etch
Aad the law's tables safe within thy hand.
Subsequent Insertion. Yefcly A<)ve^ti;»ement»—$1X> for one
aqnare; $10 fdr three squares; $80 for heir si column; end
$50 for one column. Legal advertisements at the rattS preShe baa Outlived H e r Usefalneas.
scribed by law ; fifty, cents per folio or 100 word*, for the
first insertion, unci tirenty-flve eentsrof each subseqhent.-^ A middle aged map come to tbe village in search of
£r«B4gareeoaaU»W0rd. Figure work without rules, 60 certain necessaries, Ond wbife tfecy were befng put up nn
pSr cent added'. Rul? and figure work, donble price.
All legal Advertisements to be paid roratrictfyln adrante. acquaintance said to bias, " Well, I'm told the old lady
18 dead." " Yes," responded the maD, in a business like
tboe and manlier, " yes, ye% she is gone."
" A very
great loss, the death of so kind and good a mother,'
said tbe "mourners acquaintance. •' Well, yes," replied the man with some hesitatoncy, " a mother is a
18 A
great loss in general; butsbe had outlived(usefulness—
§he' *bs in her second childhood, tfuj) though she retained ber mental faculties remarket)!;, still her condition of mfad and body had become so feeble, sho was of
little comfort to herself, and. wis rather burdensome'."
G R A N D TRA.YER8E COUNTY O M l T ® " 8 0 God I as I gazed in amazement on thq face of tbo
oious. porhnp well-meaniog, yet utterly heartless man,
Joww or PBOtAT* ......-C0BTI8 FOWLER
F- F. DAME, Traverse City.
Jmu then looked away on merry children's faces, which
COUKTT Tmiiscaza
o r ' grew sad in imitaliou ol those around—those
^ K o S w ^ V . i . . . J A M E S P. BRAND. , -. / ,
little onesio '^hose ear no word is half so sweet a s ' ' mo2SS«W««.
CAH^ABSBH ; ttar,"—»
S> " J tent thM Iho d a j ^might nsver

Never, never ! a mother cannot live so long aa that I
|No, when she can :io longer labor for her children, nor
yet care for herself, she can fall like a precious weight
on their hosoms, end call forth, by her helplessness, all
tbe noble, generoip feeling of their nature&
Adieu, then, poor toil worn mother ; there are no
more days of pain for thee. Undying Vigor and everlasting usefulness are part of the inheritance of the redeemed. Feeble aa thou wcrt on earth, thon wilt be no
durden 00 the bosom of Infinite Love, but there thou
shall find thy longed for rest, and receiva glorious sympathy Irom Jesns and his ransomed fold. " The eternal God shall be the everlasting arms."

N O . SO-

somsthing like it—was got up. It was realjy jftetty, and
6ome of the movements were graceful; but the wild spirit
of tbe glens re-entered tbe men rather suddenly, s -The
females were expelled from the ring altogether, and the
youths braced themsdye* for a little really heavy worts :
they flung an<J hurled 'hemselves about like maniocs,
stood on their beads, ana walked on their hands—in
short, became a company'of ocrobaU—vet always kept
up a sympathetic feeling for time with the music.
The Right Sort of Religion.
Some one whose head is unusually '• level " has written out his ideas of religion, as follows. It will do to
read aud thit^k about :
We want a religion that goes , into the family, and
keeps the husband from beiug spiteful when thtf dinrter is
lute ; keeps the wife from fretting when the husband
tracks the uewly washed floor witu his muddy boots, and
makes tbe husband mindful of the scraper «ud the doormat ; amuses tho children as we(l as instructs them ;
wins as well a3 governs them : projects the honey moon
into the harvest moon, ond makes the happy hours like
the eastern fig-tree, bearing iu its bosom at once the
beauty of.the tender blossom and the glory of tho ripened fruit. Wo want a religion that bears not only on tho
siufnluess of sin, but on the rascality of lying'and stealing ; a religion that banishes small measures from the
counters, small baskets from the stall?.• pebbles from the
Cotton bags, clay from pepper, sand from shgar, cbickpry from coffee, beet root from vinegar, alurt from bread,
lard from butter, strychnine from wine, and water from
milk cans.
The religion that is to advance the world will not put
all the big strawberries and peaches at tho top, and iill
the bad ones at the bottom. I t will not offer more baskets of foreign wines than the vinyords ever produced
• *
The religfon that is to sanctify the world pays Its
debts. It does not consider forty cents .returned for oue
hundred given, is accordiug to gospel, though it may be
according to law. I t looks on q man who has failed in
trade, and who continues to live in luxury as a thief.—
It looks on a man who promises to pay fifty dollars on
demand,, with interest, and who neglects to pay it on
demand with or without interest, as a liar.

T h e A r a b i a n Horse.
In early youth immense pains are lavished upon him.
and he is rarely mounted before be is two and a half
years old; but his education has been such that he is
by that time almost qualified to • take care both of
himself and his master.
When tho rider dismounts, and wishes his steed to rcmaic stationary, he
has merely to pass the bridle over his head—ho has never
any reason to ask a man to hold bis horse for him. At
murket, or elaewhere, be leaves him for hours without
disquietude, and returns to find him standing stock still
This has been taught by a very simple process. The
bridle onceover his head, and dragging on tho ground,
a slave is stationed beiide him to tread upou it whenever
the animal is nbout to go ofi! and so to give a disagreeable rii'ock to the bare ol the moutb. This is tho only
thing approaching to harshness in the training of the
Antb—altough, indeed, if the traiuing should fail, there
are spurs imploycd such as DO European would dream of
using. The society for the prevention of cruelty to animals would have little scope for employment in Algeria.
Should any children, too young to reason, tease or ill-use
C. H. M A K S 0 ,
aiioukl outlive the lpve of tietr ohildrep. B«thsr,let oa the horses tethered in front ofA^ie tent, tho Arab wife
die when our hearts are port of their -own, that our will cry:*' Children, ooat not tae horses. Wretches, it is
ves mav be watered by their tears, and our love they who nourish you. Do yoft wish that Allah should
curse our tent?"' She does uot'^pare her own husband,
;ed wii& their hopes of heaven.
>. :•
- .
S O L I C I T O R IN C H A N C E R S .
M the funeral of the aged mother, many people as- if fee misuses his horse, but complains of him to the chief
of the tribe. " Ob, my lord, although he is all we have,
N O T A R Y P U B L I C k C O N V E Y A N C E R , sembled to pay their last tribute of respect ,cveu though yetjny husband takes him on idle journeys, overrides
•• she had optliveo he^ usefulness," and had eon.e to be
* r r a verse City»Graad Traverse Coaaty* Mich.
"burdensome " to some of thoao whom common hPmani- him. tuxes him beyond his strength. Scold him, I beOffice In Dwelling House/
ty and the ties of kindred should havo rendered chariifl- seech you, in tbe name of Alluh. Lead him back into
ble and indulgent. I was glud there was DO great bell the,ways of our forefathers. Above all, however, don't
to toll out the long number of her weary years, so long teli biiij that it was I who suggested this to you."
<" T b e P r i v a t e Soldier.
that before the iron tpngue and mournful sound should <The Arab horse is watered only once in tho twentyIf there is a being in tM world who is deserving of .pritell the weary sum that tb?7 wpnld seem to lie like a four hours. He is often obliged to content himself with
slone upon the hearjr And yet, as the mind looked dateS*lkteed of barley: these are given to him before vate affection and public gratitude, is the soldier Who
back through the long vista of years of her weary life, tbe they ate perfectly ripe, wheu their stones are soft, and marches as a private in the ranks of the army to fight
ahs eaten stones ond all. In the spring ho is tarned out for his country, and offer his blood and life as a sacrifice
very breezes seemed
on ihe pastures! but in the sqmmer, if bis master can for the mantetiance of the Union and the Constitution.—
afford it, he gets a little burlap On this scanty fare, a And yet hqw seldom Is it that they get the honor and re.
In a mqOied monotone."
T h e imagination could but hear the merry, peaceful good horse in the desert is expected, if neccssary, to ac- ward'their services entitle them to. It is private who
complish, for five or six snccessive dnyB, distances of a carries tbe gun, it is the private who marones throngh
r < fnt ITUK I I W i r t . p i T t » t « n » O t t 7 . K » > . M a B . **lpeaceful slumber on her mother's bosom, and of her seut hundred and twenty-five to a hundred and fifty miles ; the mud, frost and snow, it is the private who erccta
X R A V E K S E j C l T X j, ;

at mghtfiBAttire* wWtfyfiKheft ktiee. His—seven- and, Oftet a couple of days rest and good feeding, ho will bridges over swift streams, and rears tho lofty fortificaeight—nine—ten, rang out tbe tale of- her soorts upou be quite well enough to repeat the feat. If he shakes tions. and it is the private who, with bayonet set, charges
himself at any resting place, Of pa*V8the ground with his on the deadly rifle pits and against tbo squared columns
the green iward in the meadows, and by the brook.
KfeWD—twelve—thirteen— fourteen— flfleeo, spoke foot, it is held that there if no occasion to pull up in the of the enemy; aDd yet how seldom is it that bo receives
Tiia uous*\ls now oPEjntn FOR THK B**OTT or THK tnoet gravely of ber school days, and little household journey; and if you would know at the end of a day of the honors and reward of his noble conduct History
X U A v K X» I
!P U B L I C i
joys and cares. '"Sixteen—eeventeen—eighteen sounded excessive fatigue, how far you cun yet depend upon your tells us of the countries tluit Alexander conquered, and
out tbe enraptured vision of maidenhood, and the drenm horse, get off his back, and pull him strongly by the tail: tbe battles Ciesar fought, but after all it was the iroo
of early love. Nineteen brought us before, the happy if he rehiayi8 unmoved, you can still rely upon him. ''It hearted soldiers that these meu commanded, who won
bride. Twenty spoke of the young mother, whose heart iS ofno Very rare occurrence to hear of a horse doing those victories, and conquered those countries.
was full to boretine with the new song or love which one httndred and eighty miles in twenty-four hours !"— honor Tattle for tho terrible charge at Donalson.; aud
U - 6 I T E H I M A CALL. JE*
God had awakened in her bosom." And then stroke af- The requisites which the men of the desert look for in the steadiness with which he stood with his face to the
0. W . D.
ter stroke told of her early womanhood—of the love and him nrCf that •' bb should carry a full grown man, his enemy and receivod their fire ond assaultsiq different batTraverse City, May 13, 18C3.
»-l7cares, and hopes, feare and toils throngh which she arms, and a changes of clothing, food for both his rider tles, but yet more than we booor hiaudo .we honor the
passed during these jggg years, till fifty rung out harsh and himself, e flag, oven on a windy day; and, if it be brave soldiers of the Uuion, who readily did tbe baud to
hand fighting which jgave to him and to tho other ^comnccessxirV, drag a dead body behind him,"
and loud.
A horse of the Sahara is calculated to live from twen- manders their historio renown. No army of ancient or
From that to sixty each stroke told* of the warm
ty to twenty-five years, and a mare from twenty-five to modern times, no army which Alexander. Cesar, or Nahearted grand mother, living over again her own joys
poleon ever led. has excelled the army of tbe Mississippi
D E T R O I T , Michigan,
and sorrows, in thoseofherchildren and children's chil- thirty. The animal's prime is indicated by the following in personal sufiering, patience, endurance, heroism and
Corner or Fifth and Woodbridge Street*, o p p o ^ M i c h j g a n dren. Every family of aU tb^group wanted grand-mo- Arabian proverb:
glorious military exploits. We hope that the time may
Central Bail Road Company's Machine Shops. (My) " ' * '
•• Seven years for my brother.
Vns wno should secure the
ther then. and the only strife was
yet come when no higher compliment can bo paid to a
6ev<!n years for myseir,
prize. But b a r k ! the bells toll on! Seventy—oneSeven years for my enemy.
citizen than to have it said of him, " be WBB one of the
The Arabs prefer mares to horses; but <mly for the storming party of Donelsoo, he was ono of tbe army of
She now begins to grow feeble, required some care, tht'ee following reasons:
tho Mississippi."
t The pecuniary profit; for the stories that represent
Doe* all Wads of work In his line. Shop at residence, is not always patient or satisfied ; sbe goes from one
•lx miles eaat of Bensonls, In the town ofHomesttad. AU child's hopse to another, so that no plaoe seems like thd sons of tho desert turning their backs upon proffered
Peter the Wild Boy.
work left with E. L. 8 prague, Traverse City. or H. A w i l l . home. She murmurs to plaintive toijes, that after all treasure, and remounting the beloved steec that they
Peter tbe wild boy was on? of tho wonders of tbe
Homestead, wiU meet with prompt attention.
(16-1 jV ber toil and weariness, ft is hard she cannot be allowed cannot bring themselves to part with, are a little imagilast century. He was found in tho year 1725, in a wood
a home to die in ; that she must be sent rather thun in- nary, and as much as four thousand podnds has been near Hameln, about twenty-flve miles from Hanover,
viied from house to house. Eighty—one—two—three known to have been received for the progeny of n singlo walking on bis bunds and 'feet, climbing trees like a
— f o p - r * b ! she is pow a second child—how "she has mare.
squirrel, and feeding on grass and moss, end in tbe
outlived her usefulness, sbb has ceased to , be a comfort
2. Because the more does not neigh like the horse in month of November was conveyed to Hanover by tbe
to herself or to any body ; n that is, she has ceased to be time of important matter.
superintendent of the house of correction at ZelL A t
.profitable to her earth-craving and money-graspiug chil3. Because she is less sensitive to hunger, thirst, and this time he was supposed to be about thirteen years
beat, and will feefl on the same bferbago as the sheep and old, and could not speak. This singulnr creature was
{Chambers' Journal.
Now sounds out, reverberating through lovely forests, camels.
presented to George 1, then at Hanover, while at dinner.
and echoing back from our " hill of the dead," eightyThe king caused him to taste of all tbe dishes at tho taTbe Norwegian Dance.
six I there she lies n o ^ i n thc coffin, cold and s t i l l ble ; and in order to bring him by degrees to reish huTtUeSTAe- on moderate terms. ;•
Round the musician the young men and maidens form- man diet, he directed that beykeuld nave such provi*
Has Some choice efcrly selections now ror; tale, consisting
or cleared aad uaoleared lands at the beat quality in the words, no tender little offices. A look of patient en- ed a ring and began to dance. There was little talking, sions as he seemed best to liu, and such instruction as
durance ; I fancied also an expreseion of grief for unre- and that little was in an undertone. They went to work might best fit him for human socioty. Sooo after tbiB
Traverse City, Michigan»
quited love, sat on her. marble features.
Her children with the utmost gravity and decorum. Scarcely a laugh "the boy made his escape into the same weiod, where he
were there clad in weeds of woe, and in irony I remem- was heard—nothing approaching to a shout during tbe concealed himself among tbe branches of a tree, which
January tt» 1864.
.-(*•*>• bered the strong man's words, " A mother is a great whole night; nevertheless they enjoyed themselves was sawed down to recover him. He was brought over
throughly—I baVe ho doubt whatever of that. The na- to England at the beginning of 1726, and exhibited to
loes in general ; but she has outlived her usefulness."
From a little child I had honored tbo aged ; was ture oftheir dances was somewhnt Incomprehensible. It the king and many of tbe nobility.
seemed as if Jbe chief object of tbe young men was to
'* Are often exposed in consequence or the Inefficiency or tanght by pious, good parents, the respect due tbem exhibit their agiKty by every specie* of impromptu
VAXDEKBILT CORXKRED.—A New York corresponfrom all those in tho morning of life.; but never so fully
(so-called)beautifyingprejAraUotta ; batap brbo use CBISrealised the<lo7e and sympathy due this class as when I bound and fling of which the human frame is capable, dent of the Springfield Union relates the following :
NO MOBTAli E T E f . - '
The following story I have directly from a gentleman,
•aw the mortal frame of this mother of more than four including tho rather desperate feat of dashinjk themselves
. Can
the blacks aud browns produced' by thia score years sink into the bosom of kind mother earth.— flat npon the ground. Tho princijml care or the girls to whom Commodore Yanderbilt himself, last night, told"
«• Dust to dust r said the clergyman, as be threw earth seemed to be to keep out of the way of the men and it. Tbe finance committee of tbe fair called upon the
niJon tbe coffin Of this mother who for long years toiled ayoid being killed by a frantic kick or felled by a ran- Commodore and solicited st his bands a donation. He
Kotkinjc thai caa shrivel up or in any way injure the hair i t only mothers can toil pand for what ? Was it for dom bloir. But! the desperate features in each dance did answered that he would give to the fair as much as "any
herself; that she might lay np for herself treasures on not appear at first. Every man began by seizing his other men" in New York. Thereupon. Ihe committee
tnlnglM with ike preserraUre vegetable
earth ! No, no I Bat that ber children, whom she had partner^ hand, and dragging her around the circle—ever visited Mr. A T. Stewert, and reported to him the offer
wonderfal preparation.

_ ir
and anon twirling her around violently with one ^arm,
Manufactured by J. OBISfADOwO, 8 Aston House, New in the fullness and love of womanly pride reared to ma- and catching her around the waist with the other—in or- of tbe Commodore, rftewart at once drew bis check for
$100,000, and banded it to tho committee. and they, armT o f t Bold everywhere, and applied by all Hair Dresaer*. turity, might be happy and fully prepared for this life der. as it appeared to me, tp save tier from an untimely
ed with the check, again waited upon Mr Y , and showand that which is to come. Y e a clad in the weeds - of
PriM $t, $1 60 and $3 per box, according to sHe.
widowhood she dwelt among ber children, and while end. To this treatment tbe fair damsels submitted with ed hi in the contribution of 8tewart. Vaoderbilt bad
Cristadoro'a H a i r r i e e u f i i attve.
pleased though baslifol looks. But BOOO the men flung been cornering other people for quite a while in Harlem
desIs iavaluable with hU Dye, sa lt imparts the utmost softcendants. and ber dying words to them were the simple, tbem off and weot it entirely on then- own account; yet stock, but this timo be found himself cornered. Howevaesa, the most beaatirul gloss, and great' vittllty to the Hair.
land, yet comprehensible and forcible injunction, " be they kept op a sort of revolving course around their part- er, be was as good as his word. He covered Stewart's
^Prloe.50 cents, $1. aad $1 per bottle, aoeftrdlag to efae.
faithful" God forbid that conscience should accuac* ners, like satellites around their seperate sons. Present- check with a check of bis own for a like amount
A T H , SIDING, CHERRY, OAK. MAPLE. WHITE any,of intentional ingratitude br murmuring on account ly tbe satellites assumed some of the characteristics of
A woman recently died at Green Bay, Wisconsin,
I j Ash, sndsll Hndrnf seasoned Piae lumber kept on of the care sbe had been of late ; but may. the words tbe comet. They rushed about the circle in wild, srratadTud
Pramlag timber, Joiataand SeeaUiageawed from " s h e had outlived ber usefulness " never reach the ears tic courscs—thev leaped into tbe air, and, while in that aged 125 years. Sbe was about 37 years old at the data
U t i t t ^ d f o r a S tt the Mill, or of children/for tbe fruit ofanch saying may be repeated position, siapted theaolea

oftheir feet with both hands. of the declaration of independence. Her history, if writ-.
* : deem
. i _ : - an
„ easy feat, ilet
„ t him try
« — it—, Jen out, woujtf be replete with an iaterest known in the
GEO. W. BET ANT. by those who otter it, when they themselves shall totter
Then they became a little more sane, and * wait*—oS|f history of but few persons.
06 tbe brink of the grave.

ill SitJi i'M

Mj ulfcftditiwsljInwtol.

Mini) SlifiS USD Jiff ! WrtW-rtW. lit®.

nrmMm '• m

ittontt# unit Counsellor at


Attorney & Ck>unssellor atLaw,





•Et 2E. O H -A. 1ST <3r E 5 .



F o u n d e r s and M a c h i n i s t s ,

"Watch. M a k e r a n d J e w e l e r ,

Oil hgmr, Sumj*. tnkiMnl ai Itttaiol Dnfomn


«ye Jtvm iWw^by




Cjfe <?ntit4 Crabtrse


T i a w w City, G r a n d Traverse C o a n t r , H U h i g a n

AJCD r*0r«i*T0*.

C I T Y , M I C H . F R I D A Y , A P R I L 29,1864.

Aa Moses stood upon theflaminghill,
With all the people gathered at nis feet.
Waiting in 8iaa'a rji«ey. there to meet
The awful bearer « Jehovjh> will.
So, Grant, thou Btand'gt,^toiaM,tho trumpets shrill,
And the wild, flerXjtorihs that dash and beat
In iron tbun.der snuin leaden .sieet.

'•«, !

T K B M 8 .
« ofonr future, till tbe time grows bland,
O n a D o l l a r a n d U U A j r C e n t s , P a y a b l e inva*
ADO into ashes drops warta eying brand 1
r l a b l y I n (tdvanoe. Q

• .; / . .
Then let oa see thee, with benignant grace,
ADVHTi*raHMT8InsertedforOne Dollar peraquare(ten
thy height, God's glory on thy face,
lines) for the.-first insertion, and twenty-fiTe cent* for etch
Aad the law's tables safe within thy hand.
Subsequent Insertion. Yefcly A<)ve^ti;»ement»—$1X> for one
aqnare; $10 fdr three squares; $80 for heir si column; end
$50 for one column. Legal advertisements at the rattS preShe baa Outlived H e r Usefalneas.
scribed by law ; fifty, cents per folio or 100 word*, for the
first insertion, unci tirenty-flve eentsrof each subseqhent.-^ A middle aged map come to tbe village in search of
£r«B4gareeoaaU»W0rd. Figure work without rules, 60 certain necessaries, Ond wbife tfecy were befng put up nn
pSr cent added'. Rul? and figure work, donble price.
All legal Advertisements to be paid roratrictfyln adrante. acquaintance said to bias, " Well, I'm told the old lady
18 dead." " Yes," responded the maD, in a business like
tboe and manlier, " yes, ye% she is gone."
" A very
great loss, the death of so kind and good a mother,'
said tbe "mourners acquaintance. •' Well, yes," replied the man with some hesitatoncy, " a mother is a
18 A
great loss in general; butsbe had outlived(usefulness—
§he' *bs in her second childhood, tfuj) though she retained ber mental faculties remarket)!;, still her condition of mfad and body had become so feeble, sho was of
little comfort to herself, and. wis rather burdensome'."
G R A N D TRA.YER8E COUNTY O M l T ® " 8 0 God I as I gazed in amazement on thq face of tbo
oious. porhnp well-meaniog, yet utterly heartless man,
Joww or PBOtAT* ......-C0BTI8 FOWLER
F- F. DAME, Traverse City.
Jmu then looked away on merry children's faces, which
COUKTT Tmiiscaza
o r ' grew sad in imitaliou ol those around—those
^ K o S w ^ V . i . . . J A M E S P. BRAND. , -. / ,
little onesio '^hose ear no word is half so sweet a s ' ' mo2SS«W««.
CAH^ABSBH ; ttar,"—»
S> " J tent thM Iho d a j ^might nsver

Never, never ! a mother cannot live so long aa that I
|No, when she can :io longer labor for her children, nor
yet care for herself, she can fall like a precious weight
on their hosoms, end call forth, by her helplessness, all
tbe noble, generoip feeling of their nature&
Adieu, then, poor toil worn mother ; there are no
more days of pain for thee. Undying Vigor and everlasting usefulness are part of the inheritance of the redeemed. Feeble aa thou wcrt on earth, thon wilt be no
durden 00 the bosom of Infinite Love, but there thou
shall find thy longed for rest, and receiva glorious sympathy Irom Jesns and his ransomed fold. " The eternal God shall be the everlasting arms."

N O . SO-

somsthing like it—was got up. It was realjy jftetty, and
6ome of the movements were graceful; but the wild spirit
of tbe glens re-entered tbe men rather suddenly, s -The
females were expelled from the ring altogether, and the
youths braced themsdye* for a little really heavy worts :
they flung an<J hurled 'hemselves about like maniocs,
stood on their beads, ana walked on their hands—in
short, became a company'of ocrobaU—vet always kept
up a sympathetic feeling for time with the music.
The Right Sort of Religion.
Some one whose head is unusually '• level " has written out his ideas of religion, as follows. It will do to
read aud thit^k about :
We want a religion that goes , into the family, and
keeps the husband from beiug spiteful when thtf dinrter is
lute ; keeps the wife from fretting when the husband
tracks the uewly washed floor witu his muddy boots, and
makes tbe husband mindful of the scraper «ud the doormat ; amuses tho children as we(l as instructs them ;
wins as well a3 governs them : projects the honey moon
into the harvest moon, ond makes the happy hours like
the eastern fig-tree, bearing iu its bosom at once the
beauty of.the tender blossom and the glory of tho ripened fruit. Wo want a religion that bears not only on tho
siufnluess of sin, but on the rascality of lying'and stealing ; a religion that banishes small measures from the
counters, small baskets from the stall?.• pebbles from the
Cotton bags, clay from pepper, sand from shgar, cbickpry from coffee, beet root from vinegar, alurt from bread,
lard from butter, strychnine from wine, and water from
milk cans.
The religion that is to advance the world will not put
all the big strawberries and peaches at tho top, and iill
the bad ones at the bottom. I t will not offer more baskets of foreign wines than the vinyords ever produced
• *
The religfon that is to sanctify the world pays Its
debts. It does not consider forty cents .returned for oue
hundred given, is accordiug to gospel, though it may be
according to law. I t looks on q man who has failed in
trade, and who continues to live in luxury as a thief.—
It looks on a man who promises to pay fifty dollars on
demand,, with interest, and who neglects to pay it on
demand with or without interest, as a liar.

T h e A r a b i a n Horse.
In early youth immense pains are lavished upon him.
and he is rarely mounted before be is two and a half
years old; but his education has been such that he is
by that time almost qualified to • take care both of
himself and his master.
When tho rider dismounts, and wishes his steed to rcmaic stationary, he
has merely to pass the bridle over his head—ho has never
any reason to ask a man to hold bis horse for him. At
murket, or elaewhere, be leaves him for hours without
disquietude, and returns to find him standing stock still
This has been taught by a very simple process. The
bridle onceover his head, and dragging on tho ground,
a slave is stationed beiide him to tread upou it whenever
the animal is nbout to go ofi! and so to give a disagreeable rii'ock to the bare ol the moutb. This is tho only
thing approaching to harshness in the training of the
Antb—altough, indeed, if the traiuing should fail, there
are spurs imploycd such as DO European would dream of
using. The society for the prevention of cruelty to animals would have little scope for employment in Algeria.
Should any children, too young to reason, tease or ill-use
C. H. M A K S 0 ,
aiioukl outlive the lpve of tietr ohildrep. B«thsr,let oa the horses tethered in front ofA^ie tent, tho Arab wife
die when our hearts are port of their -own, that our will cry:*' Children, ooat not tae horses. Wretches, it is
ves mav be watered by their tears, and our love they who nourish you. Do yoft wish that Allah should
curse our tent?"' She does uot'^pare her own husband,
;ed wii& their hopes of heaven.
>. :•
- .
S O L I C I T O R IN C H A N C E R S .
M the funeral of the aged mother, many people as- if fee misuses his horse, but complains of him to the chief
of the tribe. " Ob, my lord, although he is all we have,
N O T A R Y P U B L I C k C O N V E Y A N C E R , sembled to pay their last tribute of respect ,cveu though yetjny husband takes him on idle journeys, overrides
•• she had optliveo he^ usefulness," and had eon.e to be
* r r a verse City»Graad Traverse Coaaty* Mich.
"burdensome " to some of thoao whom common hPmani- him. tuxes him beyond his strength. Scold him, I beOffice In Dwelling House/
ty and the ties of kindred should havo rendered chariifl- seech you, in tbe name of Alluh. Lead him back into
ble and indulgent. I was glud there was DO great bell the,ways of our forefathers. Above all, however, don't
to toll out the long number of her weary years, so long teli biiij that it was I who suggested this to you."
<" T b e P r i v a t e Soldier.
that before the iron tpngue and mournful sound should <The Arab horse is watered only once in tho twentyIf there is a being in tM world who is deserving of .pritell the weary sum that tb?7 wpnld seem to lie like a four hours. He is often obliged to content himself with
slone upon the hearjr And yet, as the mind looked dateS*lkteed of barley: these are given to him before vate affection and public gratitude, is the soldier Who
back through the long vista of years of her weary life, tbe they ate perfectly ripe, wheu their stones are soft, and marches as a private in the ranks of the army to fight
ahs eaten stones ond all. In the spring ho is tarned out for his country, and offer his blood and life as a sacrifice
very breezes seemed
on ihe pastures! but in the sqmmer, if bis master can for the mantetiance of the Union and the Constitution.—
afford it, he gets a little burlap On this scanty fare, a And yet hqw seldom Is it that they get the honor and re.
In a mqOied monotone."
T h e imagination could but hear the merry, peaceful good horse in the desert is expected, if neccssary, to ac- ward'their services entitle them to. It is private who
complish, for five or six snccessive dnyB, distances of a carries tbe gun, it is the private who marones throngh
r < fnt ITUK I I W i r t . p i T t » t « n » O t t 7 . K » > . M a B . **lpeaceful slumber on her mother's bosom, and of her seut hundred and twenty-five to a hundred and fifty miles ; the mud, frost and snow, it is the private who erccta
X R A V E K S E j C l T X j, ;

at mghtfiBAttire* wWtfyfiKheft ktiee. His—seven- and, Oftet a couple of days rest and good feeding, ho will bridges over swift streams, and rears tho lofty fortificaeight—nine—ten, rang out tbe tale of- her soorts upou be quite well enough to repeat the feat. If he shakes tions. and it is the private who, with bayonet set, charges
himself at any resting place, Of pa*V8the ground with his on the deadly rifle pits and against tbo squared columns
the green iward in the meadows, and by the brook.
KfeWD—twelve—thirteen— fourteen— flfleeo, spoke foot, it is held that there if no occasion to pull up in the of the enemy; aDd yet how seldom is it that bo receives
Tiia uous*\ls now oPEjntn FOR THK B**OTT or THK tnoet gravely of ber school days, and little household journey; and if you would know at the end of a day of the honors and reward of his noble conduct History
X U A v K X» I
!P U B L I C i
joys and cares. '"Sixteen—eeventeen—eighteen sounded excessive fatigue, how far you cun yet depend upon your tells us of the countries tluit Alexander conquered, and
out tbe enraptured vision of maidenhood, and the drenm horse, get off his back, and pull him strongly by the tail: tbe battles Ciesar fought, but after all it was the iroo
of early love. Nineteen brought us before, the happy if he rehiayi8 unmoved, you can still rely upon him. ''It hearted soldiers that these meu commanded, who won
bride. Twenty spoke of the young mother, whose heart iS ofno Very rare occurrence to hear of a horse doing those victories, and conquered those countries.
was full to boretine with the new song or love which one httndred and eighty miles in twenty-four hours !"— honor Tattle for tho terrible charge at Donalson.; aud
U - 6 I T E H I M A CALL. JE*
God had awakened in her bosom." And then stroke af- The requisites which the men of the desert look for in the steadiness with which he stood with his face to the
0. W . D.
ter stroke told of her early womanhood—of the love and him nrCf that •' bb should carry a full grown man, his enemy and receivod their fire ond assaultsiq different batTraverse City, May 13, 18C3.
»-l7cares, and hopes, feare and toils throngh which she arms, and a changes of clothing, food for both his rider tles, but yet more than we booor hiaudo .we honor the
passed during these jggg years, till fifty rung out harsh and himself, e flag, oven on a windy day; and, if it be brave soldiers of the Uuion, who readily did tbe baud to
hand fighting which jgave to him and to tho other ^comnccessxirV, drag a dead body behind him,"
and loud.
A horse of the Sahara is calculated to live from twen- manders their historio renown. No army of ancient or
From that to sixty each stroke told* of the warm
ty to twenty-five years, and a mare from twenty-five to modern times, no army which Alexander. Cesar, or Nahearted grand mother, living over again her own joys
poleon ever led. has excelled the army of tbe Mississippi
D E T R O I T , Michigan,
and sorrows, in thoseofherchildren and children's chil- thirty. The animal's prime is indicated by the following in personal sufiering, patience, endurance, heroism and
Corner or Fifth and Woodbridge Street*, o p p o ^ M i c h j g a n dren. Every family of aU tb^group wanted grand-mo- Arabian proverb:
glorious military exploits. We hope that the time may
Central Bail Road Company's Machine Shops. (My) " ' * '
•• Seven years for my brother.
Vns wno should secure the
ther then. and the only strife was
yet come when no higher compliment can bo paid to a
6ev<!n years for myseir,
prize. But b a r k ! the bells toll on! Seventy—oneSeven years for my enemy.
citizen than to have it said of him, " be WBB one of the
The Arabs prefer mares to horses; but <mly for the storming party of Donelsoo, he was ono of tbe army of
She now begins to grow feeble, required some care, tht'ee following reasons:
tho Mississippi."
t The pecuniary profit; for the stories that represent
Doe* all Wads of work In his line. Shop at residence, is not always patient or satisfied ; sbe goes from one
•lx miles eaat of Bensonls, In the town ofHomesttad. AU child's hopse to another, so that no plaoe seems like thd sons of tho desert turning their backs upon proffered
Peter the Wild Boy.
work left with E. L. 8 prague, Traverse City. or H. A w i l l . home. She murmurs to plaintive toijes, that after all treasure, and remounting the beloved steec that they
Peter tbe wild boy was on? of tho wonders of tbe
Homestead, wiU meet with prompt attention.
(16-1 jV ber toil and weariness, ft is hard she cannot be allowed cannot bring themselves to part with, are a little imagilast century. He was found in tho year 1725, in a wood
a home to die in ; that she must be sent rather thun in- nary, and as much as four thousand podnds has been near Hameln, about twenty-flve miles from Hanover,
viied from house to house. Eighty—one—two—three known to have been received for the progeny of n singlo walking on bis bunds and 'feet, climbing trees like a
— f o p - r * b ! she is pow a second child—how "she has mare.
squirrel, and feeding on grass and moss, end in tbe
outlived her usefulness, sbb has ceased to , be a comfort
2. Because the more does not neigh like the horse in month of November was conveyed to Hanover by tbe
to herself or to any body ; n that is, she has ceased to be time of important matter.
superintendent of the house of correction at ZelL A t
.profitable to her earth-craving and money-graspiug chil3. Because she is less sensitive to hunger, thirst, and this time he was supposed to be about thirteen years
beat, and will feefl on the same bferbago as the sheep and old, and could not speak. This singulnr creature was
{Chambers' Journal.
Now sounds out, reverberating through lovely forests, camels.
presented to George 1, then at Hanover, while at dinner.
and echoing back from our " hill of the dead," eightyThe king caused him to taste of all tbe dishes at tho taTbe Norwegian Dance.
six I there she lies n o ^ i n thc coffin, cold and s t i l l ble ; and in order to bring him by degrees to reish huTtUeSTAe- on moderate terms. ;•
Round the musician the young men and maidens form- man diet, he directed that beykeuld nave such provi*
Has Some choice efcrly selections now ror; tale, consisting
or cleared aad uaoleared lands at the beat quality in the words, no tender little offices. A look of patient en- ed a ring and began to dance. There was little talking, sions as he seemed best to liu, and such instruction as
durance ; I fancied also an expreseion of grief for unre- and that little was in an undertone. They went to work might best fit him for human socioty. Sooo after tbiB
Traverse City, Michigan»
quited love, sat on her. marble features.
Her children with the utmost gravity and decorum. Scarcely a laugh "the boy made his escape into the same weiod, where he
were there clad in weeds of woe, and in irony I remem- was heard—nothing approaching to a shout during tbe concealed himself among tbe branches of a tree, which
January tt» 1864.
.-(*•*>• bered the strong man's words, " A mother is a great whole night; nevertheless they enjoyed themselves was sawed down to recover him. He was brought over
throughly—I baVe ho doubt whatever of that. The na- to England at the beginning of 1726, and exhibited to
loes in general ; but she has outlived her usefulness."
From a little child I had honored tbo aged ; was ture oftheir dances was somewhnt Incomprehensible. It the king and many of tbe nobility.
seemed as if Jbe chief object of tbe young men was to
'* Are often exposed in consequence or the Inefficiency or tanght by pious, good parents, the respect due tbem exhibit their agiKty by every specie* of impromptu
VAXDEKBILT CORXKRED.—A New York corresponfrom all those in tho morning of life.; but never so fully
(so-called)beautifyingprejAraUotta ; batap brbo use CBISrealised the<lo7e and sympathy due this class as when I bound and fling of which the human frame is capable, dent of the Springfield Union relates the following :
NO MOBTAli E T E f . - '
The following story I have directly from a gentleman,
•aw the mortal frame of this mother of more than four including tho rather desperate feat of dashinjk themselves
. Can
the blacks aud browns produced' by thia score years sink into the bosom of kind mother earth.— flat npon the ground. Tho princijml care or the girls to whom Commodore Yanderbilt himself, last night, told"
«• Dust to dust r said the clergyman, as be threw earth seemed to be to keep out of the way of the men and it. Tbe finance committee of tbe fair called upon the
niJon tbe coffin Of this mother who for long years toiled ayoid being killed by a frantic kick or felled by a ran- Commodore and solicited st his bands a donation. He
Kotkinjc thai caa shrivel up or in any way injure the hair i t only mothers can toil pand for what ? Was it for dom bloir. But! the desperate features in each dance did answered that he would give to the fair as much as "any
herself; that she might lay np for herself treasures on not appear at first. Every man began by seizing his other men" in New York. Thereupon. Ihe committee
tnlnglM with ike preserraUre vegetable
earth ! No, no I Bat that ber children, whom she had partner^ hand, and dragging her around the circle—ever visited Mr. A T. Stewert, and reported to him the offer
wonderfal preparation.

_ ir
and anon twirling her around violently with one ^arm,
Manufactured by J. OBISfADOwO, 8 Aston House, New in the fullness and love of womanly pride reared to ma- and catching her around the waist with the other—in or- of tbe Commodore, rftewart at once drew bis check for
$100,000, and banded it to tho committee. and they, armT o f t Bold everywhere, and applied by all Hair Dresaer*. turity, might be happy and fully prepared for this life der. as it appeared to me, tp save tier from an untimely
ed with the check, again waited upon Mr Y , and showand that which is to come. Y e a clad in the weeds - of
PriM $t, $1 60 and $3 per box, according to sHe.
widowhood she dwelt among ber children, and while end. To this treatment tbe fair damsels submitted with ed hi in the contribution of 8tewart. Vaoderbilt bad
Cristadoro'a H a i r r i e e u f i i attve.
pleased though baslifol looks. But BOOO the men flung been cornering other people for quite a while in Harlem
desIs iavaluable with hU Dye, sa lt imparts the utmost softcendants. and ber dying words to them were the simple, tbem off and weot it entirely on then- own account; yet stock, but this timo be found himself cornered. Howevaesa, the most beaatirul gloss, and great' vittllty to the Hair.
land, yet comprehensible and forcible injunction, " be they kept op a sort of revolving course around their part- er, be was as good as his word. He covered Stewart's
^Prloe.50 cents, $1. aad $1 per bottle, aoeftrdlag to efae.
faithful" God forbid that conscience should accuac* ners, like satellites around their seperate sons. Present- check with a check of bis own for a like amount
A T H , SIDING, CHERRY, OAK. MAPLE. WHITE any,of intentional ingratitude br murmuring on account ly tbe satellites assumed some of the characteristics of
A woman recently died at Green Bay, Wisconsin,
I j Ash, sndsll Hndrnf seasoned Piae lumber kept on of the care sbe had been of late ; but may. the words tbe comet. They rushed about the circle in wild, srratadTud
Pramlag timber, Joiataand SeeaUiageawed from " s h e had outlived ber usefulness " never reach the ears tic courscs—thev leaped into tbe air, and, while in that aged 125 years. Sbe was about 37 years old at the data
U t i t t ^ d f o r a S tt the Mill, or of children/for tbe fruit ofanch saying may be repeated position, siapted theaolea

oftheir feet with both hands. of the declaration of independence. Her history, if writ-.
* : deem
. i _ : - an
„ easy feat, ilet
„ t him try
« — it—, Jen out, woujtf be replete with an iaterest known in the
GEO. W. BET ANT. by those who otter it, when they themselves shall totter
Then they became a little more sane, and * wait*—oS|f history of but few persons.
06 tbe brink of the grave.

ill SitJi i'M

Mj ulfcftditiwsljInwtol.

Mini) SlifiS USD Jiff ! WrtW-rtW. lit®.

nrmMm '• m

ittontt# unit Counsellor at


Attorney & Ck>unssellor atLaw,





•Et 2E. O H -A. 1ST <3r E 5 .



F o u n d e r s and M a c h i n i s t s ,

"Watch. M a k e r a n d J e w e l e r ,

Oil hgmr, Sumj*. tnkiMnl ai Itttaiol Dnfomn


«ye Jtvm iWw^by



t (Sriiii) Cnibetse Jtmili).


" ''

' ! ' ''


h«» no generosity to spare in-ony mcb way aa that. Tke Port Pillow Mamacre—Depart are of Ike RrM
/?THE L ^ T E 8 T i H
bei»—Hope of Horronaidinc them. »
Ji boksns if ilm*: men were ftirtK"! loose to be upon the
gromid wlienewr a snfficict-t rHh Iforceshall appear in i
4 W AtnLN-drox, Aprt lTfc ^ichmona'papcrs repoRtlifl a i»t occarred between ' ^ O R q - A M " BA"JB?3,3HMltbran<l P r o p r i e t o r tba* Slate—«<o ns to 1M- ready t«» comb together lor any
Yesterday afternoon, tiUnt 5 o'ihclt dispatches w#e n"jeoigia rttrimcot and ^provost guard, on occonut of
mischief |Mi«ibk* fur them io e f f t t
Tlicy will need received herefrom Gen. Slier u.nn. confirming i be surren- the former becoming dissatisfied with their rations.
ckwe watching—if indeed Ibere is anyboJj there to watch der of Fort Pillow, aud the brutal conduct of tbe rebel*
-From the same soureo we also ffea&'ftifl AUitnraTFarthem.
aflerwards,which bids Tair to be amply retaliated iu that
There will be a^nod deal more doing in Kentucky qnarter in due time. Thl- Star «ay» according to Gea ragat i* preparing to attack Mobile.- Six n >c ii or?, it is
before long, or a good il< al lew; nlorc, Unless a nrore vigfeiid ore going to him. '
It V .»
The undersigned, who, by original appointment, or subse- oiu treatment^ a'sorted to than Forrest l>aw encounter- Sherman our loss was fifty-three white troops killed and
black troops murdered in cold bjocd after the surren- It-is rumor*! in Washington lba*«*t». Halleck has
quent designation to fill vacancies, constitute the Executive ed. to prevorft it. We hope the powers that be have 300
der. Fort Pillow is au isolated post of no value what- placed (lis lysiauntion in th^bands ofthe President.
Committee created by the National Convention heM at Chi- their eyes opened in thatit direction.
ever to tbe defences of Columbus, aud utterly, untenable
A severe battle took plui-ebu Vlje 8th iiist! hear Grand
cago on the 16th day of May, I860, do lierebj- call upon mil
Chicago Tribune.
by the rebels, who have uo doubt left the "vicinity ere
qualified vcyers who desire the unconditional maintenance
this, having been disapoiuted, with considerable loss in Encore. Ixwisiana. between the rebels aombering 10.000
Touching: Story of Contrabands.
ofthe Union, the supremacy Of the Constitnrton, and the
tbe object of their raid, which was the cupture of Colum- ind Hhtmt 2.'500of oCr troopj under tJen. Stow Iff' B ill's
On the 1st inst. one of our seiifinels thought he heard bus, whence they were promptly but severely repulsed
complete suppression of the existing rebellion, with the
Bluff fame. Oi»r forcci form.-J in a belt off .woods, with
caoM thereof by vigorous war, and all apt and efficient a ory for helpfloutingdown from far up the river: "Come with no loss to us.
means, to send delegates to df conjveution to assemble at and iret ns !" wus the rude,feinti'voicethat came from
We are satisfied that the investigation will ahow that on open field in front. The enemy advanced upon us iu
than two miles across Ihe water fnim au island of the loss of Port Pillow was simply the result of a mistake overwhelming tininbcrs,,j*p«lsipg;und utterly routing us.
BALTIMORE, on T r a s s * v , THE S*VHKTB DAY OF JTNE. iac4,
at 12 o'clock, noon, for the porposfe pf'psesenting candidates mild and rank grurs. From the ramparts of tbe for we of the local commander who occupied it against direct Gen. Ittiruom .finally arrived with tbe lOtbcorjts uamberfor the offices of president and Vice President of the United dicorvrcd IUI olijirt which proved to lx;a pole holding orders, a contingency incident to all wars. The rebels ing 7,000, and checked ihe enemy Vajvaticc.
a towel noised hy tlio suU^-rin" wanderers. A boat according io official dispatches received here last evening
States. Eacfi State having a representation In Congress will Up
Nearly nil of the powers of Knrnpe agreed to recogwas dispatched aud lironght in three besmeared, starving
be entitled to as many deligates as shall be equal to twice the colored men. These reported more men and three wo- effected nothing at Paducah, losing a soldier killed or nize Muximilliun upou his aaission totbecrow^iorMcj.number of electors to which such Style Is entitled in the men, in a similar citnation a link- fnriher up tbe riyfet^- wotinded for every horse they succeeded iu stealiug, and ioo;
• '
| - • iiV •

doing us no further dumajpt than by( a few thefts. It is
Electorial College ofthe United Ststps
A second boat was sent out, which, after hours of search,
General Gilmore hos been-recalled from Charleston
EUW1N D. MORGAN,: New York. Chairman. venturing close to the enemy's lilies, resenred the per- believed Forrest's raiders'Will'next appear in the vicinity
of Memphis, where they can effevt no more thon at Coilled and destitute company. Thi WJ refugees were a lumbns and Padncali. and stand a very fair chance, in- and ordered elsewhere. General Hutch isrttmotvdto bo
bis successor.
s|K-clicle—almost naked, ihe women having only little
A Bepablican Slate Convention, to appoint sixteen Dele miserable skirts thnt reach tbeir knees, besin -ared with deed, of finding themselves surrounded by overwhelming
The ten-forty loon is being taken up as rapidly as wity
galea to represent this Btate in the National Convention at, mud. as OIHJ said, boggy as de bog etself." famished and forces.
•befive-twenty,showing tbnt ihe,feith oftbu people id
Baltimore, June 7th, to nominate candidates for President almost exhausted. Fin- nine weary days ami fearful
A Conrageont Woman. ,
Ihe Government Credit is still nnimptred.
u d Vice President will be held in the city of Detroit, on. nights they had boon feeling their perilous wav from the
A San Francisco paper relates the circumstances of a
We have advices from,rebelsources to the effect that
Wednesday, the Eighteenth day of May next, at 11 o'clock slave-pees. 12 miles bejond Savannah, through the reb- most
heroic and intrepid act, on the'part of a lady, which
'•A. U.
; i
el biviouac8 nnd lines, wading through forests, and swim- was performed last mouth in tlie Indian couhiry." About the Union troops were K-ptilsw) niHlireveporl wlth ^retrt
The several counties will aend twn Delegates for each Bc- ing three riverR. ihe women clinging to ibo necks of tbe March I5tb a telegraphic dispatch was publi>hed in the loss. 'ITvo'stbry Is believed to bcji^'rue.
presentatlve in the. lower branch of the State Legislature, men,flounderingacrosa the mud inlands, as they said. papers, telling tho story to the effect that the Overland
Cotro dispatches gire'sh account of the coplore bfii
aad every organised County having' no representation, will •'liko do alicalors," till they discovered Ihe dear stars Mail coach had. been attacked by ^twlians near Cumin
.Richami stripes floating over Fort Pulaski. The original Station, and the driver killed. On the 25th a lady named rebelfiaU-carrier with
be entitled to one Delegate/County Conventions to eject these Delegates may, at their party consisted of 12; fonr gave out on tbe way. The Mrs. John H. Gerrish. with her child arrived in Son mond nnd other points to the tratfe-MlMimppi co'iiulry.
option, also elect a similar number of Delegates to attend a famished but persevering eight were consuming "the last Francisco from the Fast, via. the Overiaml Route, and He had also 60,000 percnaiiott cups for Price's army.
monad of food when they discried oar garrison flag.— pat up nt the Occidental Hotel. Shu was the only passState Nominating Convention, to be hereafter called.
The following was adopted by the. Republican State Con- One of them said, " when I seed dut flag, it fill me right enger besides her little one, in the very same conch on
NEW YORK, April 18.—I he Heralds ormy dispatth
np." What a compliment from tho human soul to our the box of which ihe driver was shot by tli6 Indinans. states
' rention, Aug. 19,1858 :
that Gen. Kilpntrick has left for NVa^iingtm)';
1 How ui^peakably sweet is the thought of The dispatch was therefore true, but the whole troth
" RESOLVED, That In the opinion of this State Convention,
thence he proceeds to Nashville, to report tc^Gyn. Sliurthe appointment of any individual to represent «ny county 'liberty 1 Tell ns net that the slave is indifferent to free- was not told. The details of tho affair as narrated by tnan for commuud of the cavalry of the army of the Cumin which he doos not reside, should not be recognized in any dom. Bnt miles oftlistunce and Ibo swift flowing Sa this lady, are most thrilling, and herself the principal m'tberland.
j J T • : jji • •
future convention, and that the State Committee ho In- vannah still divided them from help nnd safely. The
Gen. Custer with Ihe 2.1 Brigade; is transferred from
atructed to make tUeir calls for future conventions accord- wind baffled tliuir uplifted voices. Another nigk of hun- or in them. Instantaneously with tlie shooting of the
WM. A. HOWARD, Chairman.
driver, Mrs. Gerrisli leaped out of tbe stHge, leaving her
to the first Division. CoL' Chapman from the
ger. nakednessnnd peril wus before them on their island child within, nt the same moment, four orfiveshots more the,third
1st to the 2d Division.
of mud. where they mired to their waists. Before the were fired by the Indians, otic of which struck u horse in
Gen. Davii*.is,onWr»J.^orepprt,tp,G>jn,.Gregg, com- ,
A Convention of Republican Delegates from the several son went down thev was a steamer visit the fort, and hop- the head, and tie fell. She instantly cut him loom mounts m;indinir 2.1 Division
towns in Grand T(javer»e't:onnty, wijlbe held at .the fichoolin? they had been beard, looked longingly for ber to come ed the box, and seizing tbe reins applied the whip vigorPrevious to Kilpa'trKk'sdepnrtore be received byjttg
House in Traverse City, on Tuesday, (he third dsy of May
ously. The driver on being shot fell bafck into the boot ofJruce, a letter from Getij Lie. inquiring whether onlers
next, atone o'clock P. M., to appoint one delegate to the Re- the fort ami disappear from view bn her way to* Port behind the seat. The three horses were put to the top fouttd upon Col. Dulgreti am! published in tlie Richmond
their hearts began to fail them ; one" remarked. of their speed, and continued running for about two miles
publican 8tate Convention to be held at Detroit On the 18th Royal,
were authentic, and authorized bv liiui. The re•' when I seed de boat go way, nw heart go down to de
day of May next, to appoint Rixteen cUlegatee to the Repub- bottom of my foot." Bnt the calm of the following morn- when luckily tbiy encountered another stage from the ply wa«a iiitjer,ond,iudigu^itdenial. Thereislittle renw
lican National Convention to,be held at Baltimore, on the ing allowed their cry for freedom'tn reach our ears, and opposite direction. In this were a number of soldiers, son to doubt that J)ulgre'n s Kodt was not gfven up, Iteu»f tlm sbanKfttl -teutilOlM jand nucWstmn
7th day of June next, to nominate candidates for President flipir rude stick and little towel attracted .our eyes. Pit- who instantly came to the aid ol tlie heroine, when site
and her child were released from their perlloos position.
The storm which; has raged tho last jjf'hoijrs! swelling
and Vice President of the United Sftitfs.
inble yet unutterably happy creatures tbey were when
The County Convention will also appoint one delegate to they reached our garrison. One moment's view of them Mrs Gerrish is a very young woman and of n delicate tbe.*tjeaujs and »kepepii|g th.v ran]l,lm cleared: up aud*
is again bright oml bAititiTdl.'
the State Republican Convention (hereafter to bo called) to and interview with them would hive melted the
ture exibitcd courage and presence of miud rarely eqna'.<d
WASHIXHTOX, April IT—Tribuhe's special: TlieGovnominate candidates for State officers.
obdurate of v copperheads." They bad been working
never surpassed by the Ktvrner sex. She is a native ernor o{ Illinois will be aulliorineil to-morrow to com*
The Township of Traverse iwlll be entitled to 8 delegates, for the Confederate government nrd a little corn bread and
ofOhio and had been on n visit to her Atlantic friends
Psninaula S ; Whitewater 5 ; Benzonia 3 ; Crystal Lake 3 daily was their whole compensation. As we banded to She went north to join ber husband, who is at preseut in mission."officers, of nogm icgimcntsjraisedIn that S'.ste.
NKW y»BK, April 18—The fteonier Foltoo from
Almira 3 ; Hilton 1. ('
ono a loaf of bread, he ejeculatcd, •• Gorrv Mansa, dat Oregon.
Port Royal, arrived at Portress Monroe on Saturday.
ho worf two or free dollars in Sawarna." In almost eve'Ihe Alliance was captured by the Sontb Carolina
C. li. MARSH,
ller crew. 30 in number; were nil fonnd asleep. Her
, JLette!] from Fort Pulaski.
From the Louisville Journal.
County Committee.
passengcrs^fijn nuih^er, s ^ p e d l h rttaitr'. H!ie1(fctf an
Traverse City, April 7,1864.
The death of ihe widow of neury Clay was not an assorts! cargo vn'ued at SlT.OOO, Vessel a!)out"7(fcFt6<w
Reduce the Currency.
worth $125-OUO
We have more than double the aioonnt of currency year of her age, nnd physical infirmities bad long shown
The War in Kentucky.
NKWBKR.V; N- C, April 14.—According to tMe1 ItolJ
than we need. This is the chierreason of the premooitions of her disease. It Hi sixty-five years
' It is impossible tbnt there should not be uneasiness in thecirculation
•igh Progress Ihe people of \Vesteni North Cirolina
regard io tbe state of the War in Kentucky. The rebel tmshels of wheat are raised ns are needed to supply the ago this spring since Lucretin I Inn '.jecamc'the wife of hare recently hongseveral confedorate officers twd solGeneral Forrest, an octivo alid courageous partisun Un- home and foreign market, then thq price of wheat is very Henry Clay, when he was about three years her senior. dicrs for attempting to enforee thcjiou>vri|»tivn. , ,
der, sets out with a Small force from Ihe Sonthern line low. Just so when there is-double ihe value of batik Her serene and linppv .temperament when contrasted The Raleigh North Carolina'Confederate savs ^ Elecof Tennessee, traverses the breadth of that State, and notes ami green-backs in circulation, tbnt is required to with the exciting anxigficK of hii political life, shows what tion in that State ifepenils on the incctsjr of the- rebel
wiih a force accumulating ns a ball of damp snow by miof rest Ashlaiwi must alway luire been when IK- armies, if defeated, Holden will be elected lij a lerge maexchanges of properly, the current)- is worth a haven
ling. turns up in Western Kentucky, where he siis him- facilinte
able to throw off ihe weight of public responsibilities jority.
j :
.. .
mnch less than usual in comparison with all other prop- was
self down in the. miiMt of on army variously esflpited at erty,
seek repose in the bosom of Ins family. 'Those who
There are frequent arrivnls of steamers at Wilmington,
and the prices of all other kinds of property are alid
from 8,000 to 15.O00- lie has now spent about three high when
Clay can bear pleasing testimony to ber cheer- with valuable cargoes for the Confederates, it w inm»am:in eurreucy. , So far then as * high ful acsumption
weeks In that region, doing all his pleasure, with the ex- prices resultestimated
from redundancy of the currency, the rem- wife, and her loving putience as a mother. Henry and '•d. Railroads in North Carolitiu ifire bnaily transport^
ception of capturing Paducah. His repulse from that
ing rebel-trocps ni d snj.plieA
is to diminish its amount. A very large portion ol Lucreti*
place may have changed his plans, though it is pretty ev- ily
bad eleven children born to them, si
NKW YORK. April 18.—We jeorn by the ' steamer
redundancy is caused by the excessive issues of the daughtersClay
ident that he did not;*uffer anything like the loss which the
and five sons, of whom but thrfe survive. Th' Saxonin tlmt Gainhnldi laiidid nf Southampton on tho
the banks, nun we hope that Congress will tax these inwas at fnt reported. He Is now said to be retreating stitutions,
aud was reeeivi-il with cntliu«»sm.
a view not merely Jo the collection ofrev- under the charge ol Dr. Chiply ; Thomas 11., who is
with his booty, and considering hie long stay, and (lie enui\ but with
to the rednction of the,quantity of bank notes now abroad on diplomatic service, nnd John M.. n stm-k
Tbe Red, River Country.
feet that ho was aided by an ahundshcc of friends indig- in cirenlation.
enous to the region, and' that Ihe colintry. not Inn ing suf- accomplishing the some result will; be to diminish the farmer, in Fayette county. As tlie moon derivcejtg
The Red Rivrt coontry l i proverbial' for its wealth
fered of late by the ravages of war, tiad having had i> pret- naionut of greenbacks in circulation. It will be found diance front the sun, so the life of this gimd nnd pure and resources, ami is one of the richest, cotton .growing
ty free trade with the North, must, haw been well filled
Christian Indy received the halo which surrounded the regions inihe South.'
with materials such as tbe rebellion Is in especial need of we apprehend, that tbe issues of the banks have simply fame of ber husband, and as we record her dentil, the . Shreveport. the capital of Caddo Jiarisb, Iyiaisiana,
pare wii.b the wsges ofthe Government The banks memory of tbe great, tbe noble, and the gifted Cloy rises wtuqied near theTiKit of Caddo lake, in the nortbw^terft
—-onsidering all this, he most I*?retrenting full of the kent
wealth of war, such as horses, mules, call It- and iroods.
before os, and he seems to stand before tw in bodily pre- pott of the Siatt- is the great cotton port of the region.
readily redeem; and as they must redeem in greenbacks, sence, " in his habit as lie lived, "when all around "drew It isfinelyha'ated for business on the Red river, lieing
Now is he to gel offsafely,'wiih nil this t It would the
extent of their issues must depend greatly, upon the light and life nnd glory.from bis aspect." Upon the surrounded by an fxcoedingly fertiVi-|ilaiitiiig region —
seem so. From the tenor or the dispatches, we do not ease
with which greenbacks can be obtained. Let the tomb where will repose the remains of Lttcrctm Clay, Some 50.000 bales of cotton were aiuidally shipped from
get the slightest encouragement to believe lie is to be Government
then call in its greenbacks to the extent of there need be no epitaph to endear the spot to the Amer- tbia place lieforc tho war. and • very large nmabfr of
seriously interfered with. Grie'rsonis said to be '• hanging on his flunks. but with toosmalj a force to do any- the ten-forty loan, nnd the circulation of tbe bauk will ican heart, than "the widow or Henry Clay," though cattle from Texas. . 'I be town coqtninsn very large numthing." Are there not ten orfifteenthousand troops ca- disappear in nearly Ibo same pn-portiou. But a grenl her virtuos and her loving impulses have, like winged ber of stores, several steam mills. ehnn-he*'a printing
pable of being conccntraied upon Forrest in :i peri(Kl of deal may be done by flie people themselves. Let the anglra. borlie her to the mercy scot above, ond record- office, and a resident ponalatinu of about three tliohsaiij.
three weeks I Of course we are not inside tbe strategic people of each State rei'ose to take the bills issued by the ed ber name amid tbe glorious list of " the just made Since the rebellion, Sltffcveport has been an exlentove
counsels, but we have a tolerably clear idea of things other States, and a hire? proportion tbem must speed- perfect."
depot for commissary aial other stores for ibe traiw-Mitily be presented for reaempt/on at the counters of the
sissippi (%>ufc<k'rate*troops. ami ap'to the time of tho
wheo we ace the rebel raid gettingfllearwilb all its plun- bunks
which issued them. The Chicago Board of Trade
An Americas in tbe French Senate.
siege of Vicl^lmrg. formed an important link in the
der. There-may have been! a trap of prodigious size and have
already made a move in this direction, and we hope
An American is now; a member of the French Senate. " chain of supplies" for the whole rebel army. There Is
power set for him seme where, which, had he once got :lie example
b«-geiiernlly followed. We earnestly n»s father waft the rich banker. Wells.' of the firm of military prison there, which has at timet cootaiiail a
into, would have held him tight: but somehow he docs recopineud towill
the people of Michigan, toreceivenothing Livingston, Wells & Co.. so long established io Paris — largi- number of Union captives of war. It is 230 miles
notgointoit On tbe othor hand he beeps clear of it
His mother wns a iieantiful girl of seventeen when sbe from the month of tin' river/ .
in a remarkable way. Grierson anil all Ihe rest of our as uiouey except greenback* and note* of other banks..
[Detroit Adtertiaer <fc Tribune. became the wife of Wells, who was then fifty, and imAlexandria,' 130 miles frrimthenionlh. is tbe highest
forces would seem to bo as powerless as a regiment of
mensly rich. But she was a girl of rare talent OH well as point on Red river visited 1iy tho troops nnless tl« re-,
mice against a host of tortoise shell cats. He seems to
Something About the Traitor Long.
rare beauty, and became celebrated for her acquirements ported Shreveport;,bc, conOnwd. Highly
have a chance to make for himself a glorious reputation;
Mr. Long who rcpresotiis tho second district of Ham- in,every department of knowledge. 8he learned to transmileis above is N'atchitocbt'S. on old Frencli town, settk
and since his. wretched repulse- w'rtfe Smith, in his at- ilton county, and who has proposed the di.smembermcnt
tempt to join Sherman, he sadly needs i t ; for notwith- ofthe nation on tbe floor of the House, professed to be act tbe business of her husband, and conld negotiate loans ed in 17I3. It is noted in history as tbe scene of a.bard
standing the way in which that mattflr was covered np, an enthusiastic par man in 1862—He was a member of in London of Amsterdam as skillfully as any of tbe firm (onglu buttle between thu inhabitants and the Natchez
it was a bad afFir. We desire to think well of Grierson. the Hamiiton County War Committe, and labored to without ever departing from the grace and modeaty Indians iji 1732,resnlting>»Uieoxti^»ion of the Natchez
He is an Illinoisan—made a grand ride through the scenre recruit®. Bnfing the canvass for Congress he which is the: oniament of woman. Wben her b&sbnnd | as a distinct nation.
State of Mississippi wheo such afettfwas as good as a pledged bin«elf,° if electecf to vote nioney and men for died, full of years, she wns still yoonjr, and soon married
Shreveport there runs a railroad westward ' to
Yictory; and if he will show be can tight as well as he the vigorous prosecntion of the war Io tbe bitter end; and tbe Marquis de la Valette, who has been within tbe last Marshall. Texas, ami 16 miles bevorot' making n line In
<pt> ride, the country will not fail to d« him hboor. But on election day bad tickets circulated different from tbe five years, successively Ambassador to Rome and Con- all som»ifrty milea Iff length. '• Moby year* ago' a roato
a good mnny are watching him just now.
• • j regular Democratic ticket, beaded with a military, cut stantinople. Her onfysnn married tbe daughter of M. was projected to Vicksburg. which Was eompteted from
• -This whole Kentucky business isansatisTactory. There and tbe motto •• For a vigorous prosecution of tbe war Bonher, first Minister ofState. and although it iscontra- tbe latter place west ns far aa tbo Washita River.
•eems to be more going on there than the public know of; and no compromise with .traitor*.1'Without these false ty io all precedent that any bat a native born citizen be
apd what is seen is not at all of a good kind. Taking pretences he, could not bate been elifcted. With tbem admitted to a seat in tbe councils of the nation, an ex- The non. Rolverdy Johirfoo, in wiritiug'a letter coiiUgether the course of Gov. Bramlvltc—the utterarttes Long s majority was less than 200. aod Gov. Brough, a ception has been made, and Count Samuel Wells de ja gratulatory on tbe success of tbe eauucipolion cause in
Valette is dulv enrolled- He is the friend of his moth- Morylsnd. soys;
of Woolford,and thes^raids'ofFor(«t performed, and year nletr carried his district by 3,869 majority.
of others rumored, nod" which seems to ha ve a sort of con- What a pity that the disuniouirt conld not be sent be-, er's country, and his inftnacce wiii be always in favor of
A new era is now dawning on our 8tote. Slavery Is
nection, there is a omlic oerronsnesa in relation to that fore Lis constituents now. They woald give him '• Hail1 non-interference in onr afiEiirs.
ended, and it will be as Washington said it would be in
whole matter.
Columbia " in good earnest
The main ifS°e in tbe late campaign in Conocticat that event, tbe garden spot of the United Sta'ea." His
The telegriph tells os too lust now, that Forrest disThis Long was at Columbos during tbe late Democrabanded some four or five regiments, and discharged them tic State Convention, working for Vallandingham and was, shall the soldiers vote f In the Legislature a year said so in a letter to S t John Sinclair, in 1«95.
from the tear while at Mayfleld or Uhwn City. What his submission heretics.—{Cleveland Herald.
ago tbe Democrats had strength enough to defeat a CooIf it is done also in the whole coaOtry—as I think J t
does this mean T Nobody is verdant enough to suppose
. J . : - 4 - 3 — s t i t u t i o n a l amendment and the Union men consequently will be—great as our prosperity has been in tbe {mat, .
the Confederate Government to bo now discharging its
Tbe Baltimore Americau says that the vote in the .
TK- r e a 0 , t I. . , .
. .
troops, whether they belonjr to Kentucky or elsewhere; Maryland Strife Convention will Be 6$ for emanoipatiou
^ P^P16- ^
^ * tnumpbant and bigh as has been our name with tbe nations of
unless some ulterior scheme i* concealed tn the act. Tfie of slaves without compensation to tbeir owoer^ and 31J vindication of tbe rights of tbe. soldier to tbe Elective worid, both wiObe immeasurably, almost enhanced.—
rebellion conscripts, but does oat muster out If against that sptioa
' Franchise, ond the complete discomfiture of its eoemiei And God grant that (f may beil ' : *

THanriah, Lay & Co's ColwnL Hannah:, Lay & Co.'s Golomn-

Gnaurir.y :

pre»entaiIre District -Republican Committee.
_X, B
S B A Il EESS,, (CltairmltO.^-T r a v e r s e City.
<Chairmf^4.. -—
1HOMAS J . K A M o D K L L , . i r ! l . . — i

- • ~


Thc Vropeiter A)k^V^ IrflV'rtfefi^S&tyr^/.'Jor


b h » ^ ^ U t j r s s g y t b r o n g h .he Straits.

"'TlflS 6 T R A i « Ore.H«-iA' g e n t l e m a n froffl t i i e i u A r b y

i W r o u n d t r i p In f h r r d i r g . -

S b o i i a t l » Grst P r o p e l l e r of

i h c f e a s o n to m a k e tkv p a s s a g e t h r o u g h '.be

Snails to

tbii L a w c r Lnkee, nod r e t u r n .
^ ; e b o : h w l «wt b w n



t b y g e t | l o <Mf


vfu6t 't o j j r m ; a n d w e b a r e r e c c i t e d ; p o q e f o t b y &$T/
i ' j f o i p C b ' i ' S r G o C n t r i ^ T l i e ' U h n s i i * O o o r t i fpr ' t f r f a

. . , /I


- - - I.,.1,1 111• ii it-niflr h v

Jviltftt 'IJIVTS"

T r a v e r s e C o u n t y was iielil litis w c e V ' b f
.JOHS. 'ITiere u'as f i o ' W r t i i W Q f b b f i f l S i ami Very l i l t f c
flfia civil n a t u r e .

any t i m e ; und it is I h c p o o r e s t p a s t u r e - g r o u i s d f o r L a w y e r s t l m t t h e r e i s o n ' t t i q C l i ' c i r i t ". ' i M # 2 j i R *
T Lb Jit'Isre cl'mnw t o h e in g o o d h e a l t h ; b q t w o . f a n n e d t h n t ho looked a litllo coppery

Il may b e

about tho head


no t i l i n g m o r e t b p n , t h o j a i n r t i c e — b u t
W e no tiro,

H e was





b y t h e way, t h a i tie i s not g e t t i n g o p B t - g i m e n t s n o w —
make* t f r o , d i f l o r t n « S 0 , . . c . r

inp C o m m i t t e e .
.Tr»*#r*« City.

roN m....Vv..

Ut'RirtMW b e r f t at

i t b n s a s u s p i c i o u s look o f s o m e t h i n g w o n * .


F e b r u a r y 18th, l b W .

• - K f

f r a v e r w C r y , o n W e f l f r w a y nrlcrtioon. A j w i r *
$ IT/ cfeffin'w
»'"•« «*»>•"»» A T . T . W ^ H A J J Y ,
C n p t n i n JCanH* B o y n t o n ,


P o r t S a r n i a d U r i n j ( t t l | season of 1864, t o u c h i n g at
W p n r S f i T i a v e r w Clt.v both ways. *gfc#niakes the round t r i p in ten
i l # y , a r r i \ i n j t at T r a v e r s e C i t / e i t l i e r from Chicago or BarJ . 11. C r u m b . R . H . I t a e w , 7 T C m , , U , C j » j | oiid O H .
MnrsU. T h e D e l e g a t e s p r e s e n l o t t h o ClAinfJ'C'miVeti.
Traverse Cfty, April 20,18C4.
t i o u w e r e e m p o w e r e d t o < M i s t i t h p . p p U ^ . T O t e , > b y u ^ any
C o n v c i t t j o n . t o W t a M oii (mi 3 d
Biiltn, M. feooiili'H.' T e r r ? ' llunniili,


» *"v"g»w5Vtti.a





R t , K " l U r t n s . ~ A Republican



STATK O» M i c n i u * N . - 4 ! # i w M ' , , V F l t , ! t , i r c n l , ' , n Chancery.
I'XLEO C. HOFKIXS, complainant.


.iic>T^iy»»wiT. M . | Aii/.;-ri

of iJ. U'got,es f r o m t h e n e r e f a ( T o * a » W | f e i i i - A i R r i R t C f l V t i one dclogalc to ^ u 4 # ^ a V ^ ' , i v c W
in D e t r o i t on t h e > 1 8 t h o f M t y i j > . } ! ( » I ' - : ; ) " E ! k R a p i d s is t o W e ^ r w i d j i i t j p b ^ . i c i B i ! : m t h o ^ptjrs o n o f f e r K - C u s h m n n , M . D . , w h o e x p e c t s l o c h a n g e hii.
r e s i d e n c e f r o m M i l t o n T o f c r i A t y t t t ' t h b t village l o r , t h o ,
grea'er conwmeiice o r l t k y p w y i g medjful practice.
mec'tlitg I t w a s v o t e d t o

a p p r o p r i a t e t w o h u n d r e d dollars t o . p u f c j j ' W a n d i m p r ^
a CV-ntelerj lot. f l l h a s b e e n h i n t e d t h a i



com\ng. had some i n H u e . r * fn


most .M-rnl J.n.rcssion of w l u e l i ' D r Cofihmap is t » | i p ^ t f X r



A e n « h a s recently come to lipl't where a paymaster
in t h e U n i t e d S t n t c s ^ r m y ' j n

'^Orle^W « > b W d

g o i i j m m i - n l of $ 3 0 . ^ 0 0 , Ini.T H M
hwl him
llo}rge<!, aotT sent l o




fhe Dry

T o r t i i j p i s f o r llfo. T h e p..ymti--tes j e - D o w J n t h e O H U o p i t o l ntid o r d e r s li'nvp

been sc.'it

f o r t h e r e l e a s e of

$ 2 0 < 0 0 0 h a v e tHVii recv


II is r e p o r t e d That t h e Hn<Mr




t h r o u J i o u t C e n t r a l Xi-w y ^ J f Q I l t f W U h f ; wi « J n » { &
f a n n e r s Tor all thcClmtter they t a n p r i n c e d r f r l n g t h e
c o r h i n g s e a s o n , a t 4 8 c . T l i i y UuH
m a r k e t , and pemtttnently maintain the p i w e n t high p H c e i M a x i m i l l i i » , . l t is'tpiid, still h e s i t a t e s t o

accept "We

t h r o n e of M e x i c o , a m i s u r r e n d e r ' i l l s ircversJ-.xiajy r i g h t s

H e d o t i b t h ^ t h i n k s ai b i r d in i h e



w p i j t b t w o in t h o b a s h , . espOciiliy If l h a t b i f c h ' b i a 'M'ex.
i«ui cactus.


,:i 7 t T j A f f l 3 1 '


B u l t e r i s 6 0 rent's a p o w j ^ i ^ p w ^ Y o r k . ^ h e


a l d advise* e v e r y o n e t o s t o p / e a t i n g it for a week, w f i r n
t h e r e will b e s u c h a s u r p l u i t M L j f i e e s will w o n |*?cop)Sj



T h e r e a r o n o w s e w n d a i l y n o w s j i a p e r s p u b l i s h e d in
W a s h i n g t o n , a n d it Is p r o p o s e d t o - s t a r t a n o t h e r , t o i b e
c a l l e d t h e C o n s e r v a t i v e a o d l o be e d i t e d b ^ / . Q e q r g j j ^ I|.j


T h e n u m b e r l o f ^ a i i p n a l B^ul>^autlujcip.''1 u p t o
2 8 t h olt^ w a s

three huudred


kod f o r t j

Capital or845.S0tf.Q00.

<5*i •{om ooTf

H o n . D a n i e l L C s s e , of b i n s i n g . , h a V r e c e t f e d a fcfeSn*
mission a s P a y m a s t e r in the' a r n ^ r , ^
assume I h e d n t i e x o r his posiiion.


p B c i b u a l i to


T h e election ;n E b u a i f l u a o n t h e 2 8 t l r f o t d e f e g a l e r l ?

t - tl»e C o n s t i l ulionul C o u w h t i o n r e s u l t ^ !h ' A ^ ' ^ < f c i ^ l e t i
t r i u m p h of tlw F r e T S t a t o p a r l y .




nWti.'"William K e r t o j r , ! ; f o r m f e r l y ^ m b e t f t * F '
f r d M I l l i n o i s . Has b e e n a p p o i n t e d b y t h e i P j w d w t
i s t e r t o Unulamala.
.. A T f E l C T - l O N , C L T I S E W I
E S H A L L NOT HOLD O U R - E L t B S ' UWWlR OBl l g a t l o m f t o reeMreaay e f t h a f o U o w i s g C u r r e n c y


•»2t««'&6iiawW' *

•Pen^lmmia,''" ton.
'etc Sergey,
w«wn, •


'• ™"'


.... ^,j


UBJSWAX— A (tall Stock.
BIBLES—1 he A m e r i c a n Bible Depository is In our institu-

INDIA C l i o T H - A niire rtwpte. •
..1-miA .<1
I!tOV—Iw*Jftnd; Square, Bat,- Joniata. x r a p v S w a g e s , L u i
-Soperiot horse BhbCj nail rod. &ro. , ;
JACONE'T-^A (all line, b o u j b t of importars.
, , J A V N E S MEDIC IN ES—We are special agents fc* all-O*.;
J s y n e s g l n u i n e l l r ^ p a n t i o n ^ an<*job the same ttlSBW
" r A t « as e*n be \«HiRht elsewhere.
J E W E L « \ t - A s n o g svocte w«ll asaorteA • • f w , , ,
JHLLIES—Raspberry, currant, quinces. s t r a w b c n T , P i n e


MP.DICINC&^An a s s o r t m e n t o f - thesei justly
'ftiihed medicines on sale.
. a j y CM:
KETTLES—3. & #, lu r pail, .30, <»», t o , 50 g a l l t ^ at •• r ^ s o a a blerate«, aftill l i n k
. . , .
KEROSENE—'Bonght lowland r o r s a l e a t o o r r e s p o a d l n g ' r a t e a •
i y thc^qaautity.
•••- '
KNIVES—Pocket, table, carving, butchers, sboey bowte a n d , 1
pen-knive* onr stock of table knives Is l a r e s "fhd W«
frivlje the attention of the Wholesale trade, w e t a n of-1
fcr bargains.
L A C E - ^ C o t t o a . Linen, real thread, Smyrna, i i u i t a u o i y s j i k , , [,
black a n d white, 4 c .
LEATHER—Sole, upper, kip, cair, morrofceo, luiings, UHfl .•
LEAD—Bar, wWie and red lead
LIMK—Qtiick. a n d w a t e r HiUe.
L I L L Y W H I T E — F o r l h e ladies, .best quality, a s also puffs
forks a p p l i c a t i o n . . .
LOCKS—Door, t r u n k , chest, b o x , pad, till.
MADDER—Dntch madder.
' "
MA(iJC R U F F L I N G — A s s o r t e d qualities a a d w l d l h s .
M A I t S K I L i X — A small asaortment. some nice-.; .
. •,
M E R l N O K S — T b e « goods wc have, a s n a g a s s o r t m e n t , well
selected, b o u g h t low. a n d for, sale in p a t t e r n s below t n o
MOLASSES—A f u l l l f n


of good quality, ala s

KAVAL'KT0RE8—Manilla and t a r r e d rope, m a r l l o . / r o s i f t
pitch, t u r p e n t i n e , n a p | h a , 4 c .
NAILS—Cut. f r o m 2d to fiOd, best make, also w r o u g h t a * d
pressed. We a r t selling by the k e g a s low as we can
now purchase at wholesale. 1
••• .
NOTIONS—Of these we have a complete line, folly eqoal t o
the demand, and purchased or manufacturers,and Imp o r t e r s direct.

NUTMEIUS—Pepper, msce. ginger, cloves, cianapion.
KUM—Best navy by pound or bale.
i — K e r o s e n e , whafe, linseed, boiled a n d raw. o c a t a foot,
tislu 4 c . !• '
'• , ' i
O I L 8 U I T S - C » m p l e t e , sou : westeiw, psnta, Ac.
O V E R KH1R1>:—Denim, k n i t Jackets.
"STBRS—Best quality, Baltimore nice, f r e s h a n d guar*if
P A P C T — I / f t t e r , note, bill, e a j , legal, in full a s s o r t m t a t a n d
P A P E R ! It
PAIN1S—I>ead in oil, ven< red. s p a n l s h browBj 4C^ c h r o m e ,
yellow 'Mil grceft. p a t e n t dryer.
PAPII-.R MACHE—A small line, soltahle for p r e s e n t s , to ,
PRESERVES—Citron, quinccs, plums, pears, cherries, 4 c .
P E t i S — A s s o r t e d f i o m S-8 to * - 8 • . '
P l L l ^ j — A y e n t J a y n e s , Hoiloway's B s d w s y i> W r i g h t ^ ;
Gregory's; MoOSt's, B r s n d r e t h ' s . H o o p e r ^

PLAH1ER—Grand River In b s r r e l s or by tfcc ton.,
PLtiWft—A nice lot of b e s t m a k e r s a n d q u a l i t y of wood

P p t K W B O ^ K S ^ A n d ' p o r t e monies, a f u l l l l n ^ . s o m e v a i y j
v j g o o d , some good f i r oat little, c h e a p .
PRUNES—Fresh T u r k i s h prunes:
PRINTC— A very largo s ^ k .
PROVISIONS—l'ork. floor, corn, e o m m e a l , h a m s , flsb, lard, ,
butter, cheese, b e e t
" 1U V _
F U J I ' S — p i s t e r n . (Down's patent), c h a i n -pumps c o m p u t e
CH AINS—Trace, h a l t e r , j u c k a n d cable in H i 6-1 6 , 3-8
'* with t'oWng f o r same.

week' foy. s i * week? in s n c t e w i o n , or that h ^ c a a s e a « o p r of « 7-10 inch.
CIGARS— A moderate q n a n t i t y a n d f a i r grade.
RAGS—Bought and sold.

this order to bo personally served on the skid dtfondairt. Ah
CLOTH—Black a n d bluo broad clotb, ladies cloak cloth, RHUBARB—Real 'Tarkey, * o o t t a d p o w d e r e d , y
uis Jiopkias, at l « w t twenty d a y s before tlje time p r e s c t i l e .
RiCJif—East l i f d l a . b e ^ t . , .
for h e r unnearanco'
' '•
CLOCK ^ - U p r i g h t , got hie, ovil, marine, s t r i k i n g , alarm, and RIDDLES—To use In the place of f a n n i n g m t m , "
- Urnf-J.HfrrLEJOIfN,
i - - e i g h t day, good line.
. ,\A
, u i "••• "--0
Circuit J u d g e .
CLOTIllNt*—We have a good a s s o r t m e n t , well selected. P.O.VD SCRAPF.RS—Cast Iron, wood a n d i r o n l o o r f e t . j C. H . M A R P H ! 6oUsltpr|for,9ftropli.
| "
b o u g l i j e F , ° f fashionable designs, a n d f a r S ^ e reason- S A L T — F i n e dairy a n d c t ^ r s e .
. . . ..
lile. ^
1,3-4 4-4, 4-5, in heavy and fine, bleached ^ ? S ^ ^ ^ M - r - ^ a d , g o , h i c ; and plain, 30;&W.
Register in Cuaucery.
sly assorted, a n d are selling many of t h e m
SCAlJ^S^i'len'ts Wflk. tirilon a n d woal. ladlea "wool.
N e # Y » r k wholesale rates.

COLLARS—Uent^ assorted, l a d i e s various styles,also-l»orsc SCYTHES—Grass. b n - V a n d grain sytbes, aa w e l l a a a i o k l e a
brush, bush and corn-titrtvers.
hCtiiuAs 9T4TK LAUD O r n c t , »
SEEDS—Clover, timothy, red tqR h p n g a r l a n , turnip, rari
C O F p " B t - 5 ^ » s ! R i o , " n d and mixed.
• full a s s o r t m e n t of f n sh garden seeds, a few nOwersoeoa.
CORSETrt—.White and colored.
S h o t — B v tlie b a g or pOund.
. : .•
msry .tohodl M! S w a m p Laiids io t h e U p p e r P e n l n s u h
retail s n d wholesale, S h o e * — A complete a s s o r t m e n t of gents, I a d i e s , y o « t b s a a l
,forewi»hh^ld (1^91 maifcct. f s Goppcr^and I r o n locaa small l<U or f s n r f j conversation c a n d y *
cathms, situate lh the' t o w n s Wid r i n g e S mentioned below C R O C K E f i f t + B o u g h t . o f i m p o r t e r s direct and is s o l a as low
S h i r t i n g Checks—Good stock.
except such sections a n d p a r t s of sections as have been reH h o e F i n d i n g s — A respectable a s s o r t m e n t .
served by.tlie Uovernor f o r c » m l H » ( i o n . l i y v i r t u e of uct 145. C R I N O I - W H - A v e r y j s r g o sto|fe"tO j o b f r o m
S h o v e l s — C a s t steel, long liandie. D h a n d l e , w o t o p . f t e ^ . ' _
session law*of 18U, wilTbe offcrctl at public Miction, a t this C R A D l j m a i f l h l l d r e n U p d gi a b l ^ n r t e d .
S h u w I s — J i ' o o l , b f o c h s . K e l l s , a n d blanket, some very n i c e
office on the'111 h n a y of May. next, at t e H o c l t t o k A . M., ai C R A C K ^ t o ^ - l ' i c Nicfs^da, sweet, Boston, pilot, b y - p o u n d
the w l n l m n m pricc. and-pp tha t e t m * established by Isw. S h o e P a c k a ^ - B a n g o r moose skin, b o t h l o n g a n d »ho*t
T h o H i t * c o n t a i n s about 14,^20 acres, reserved u n d e r the DAY BOtflW—Blank fatdgcrs, passbooks, w r i t i n g books, in
raldend Jaw « d » 4 « . ; . I t ^ n . t a l n s J a n d s , a portion of which
Sillt—Black."colored, and l i u l n g Silk.
m e n t i o n e d in J a c k s o n ' s Geological B c p o i t t o the iStSes- D E L A IN
Al anrheite'r, Pacillr., Hamilton,, m o u r n i n g , all
", I wool, in nice assortment oBftfllors, p r i n t e d and p W i i .
1 preserved,
D i A R I E t v ^ - r t r 18114, f O » e very nice.
and linen, ditto.

D b M E S T i C W - A vjr.vfoll line.;
» » O L I i 5 - i K i 4 cloth atrtl r u b b e r heads.
DRIED # E E F — P r i m e . a n s l t t y . .
S o c k ^ — G e n t s h a n d k n i t wool, c a s h m e r e , c o t t o a a n d o n i o n '
DRA WEllS-jGeiltS a d f [ladies a s s o r t e d ,
Towns s o a v a .
ORUGS—AJUuall'assvtiiH'nt, i - -i • •
boys snd childs, ditto.

I • •!
DRAG TEE'Cll—Oh hand, S-4. 4-4, 5-4 a n d m a d e t o order,
reasonable. '
t i
• f-~a•DVES—Camwood, logwood, m a W ^ r , a l u m > « * t r r c t « , copassorted, some very good ones, slso cases for same.
S p i n n i n g W h c e l a - A n d hubs,an assortment
. •
pera«f m r i o l , . S c . j r i
*9 w .
EAR THIlNM^ARi:—Jli^. crocks, c h u r n s , fiowet potSj.covers, 8 t o V ^ _ W e Invite comparison j K - t o k i n d s , quality, finish
1 ti.H .VSJ. ..L.M, 41. 47.4* JS
s n d r a t e s ; come a n d see. &
c n g i n c p t i use. a )
S t e e l - y n r d s — F r o m 2 to 400 lbs., Koo®}
39.40. 4 1 47,68.
ENVELOPES—A IsrgeMssortroent in r o r i o u s ^ R s l i t i e s , deal- * t e e l — C a s t blister, toe corV, s p n n * a n d tferttsn. . 40. 42.45.4G, 47.48.
S t a y s - ^ C o l o r e d a n d white 1 also s k i r t s u p p o r t e r s , tap a d H i r
e r s will fluil p ^ c e s ^ o w b y the quantity. VS.:
. . ..
. . . . 4 3 , 44, 45,46.47, 48. «7. 58.
. . 4 3 . bt4H.
tRSSFNCE—€inn4tno»,jpen' l >eimjnt. -cloves, lemon, A t .
. . . 4 4 , 46,55.56.
•BXTRACTH—Vanillvleni'>n, p ^ T i . 4 c .
FARMERS TDOUr—FWvki^ hodf,- rakes, g r u b h,oes, shovels,
. { | t a i j e v e r n d l e s , c u t t i n g boxes.
T « l l o t r — B o O g h t and sold b y p o n n d o r b a r r e l ,
FANNISTCTM1 LLfc—0f the best makers a n d at moderate T a b l e s — B l w k walnnt, c h e r r y a n d u n i o n .
W/f... •
T a b l e t s — For gent* a a d ladies one i n corr»*spt»deDee,e#B;s
* JjJ
A 4.
FEATHE8&—0r<16re4jwhtn w a t t l e .

* ^ In
K i s i l — C o d . dnnn,' b s l l b u t , herriBg. j o n g n e s s n d sounds,
. . L
ehestsTcattys s n d by the pound ; all bought early
jnarkerull,Aiv j*»"i \
1 v
IAX SEED—Blrtl Seed, c a n s r y * e d ^ n
KLOUR—seven hundVed liarrels. gfoo^brandi
snd all k i n d s o f work d o n e t b o r d e r .
T U T I R O I f e i - l n siitea t o sujtv~
fiaJUNCIXfis-MusH*, linen.«udbrie,&c. .
TlwiQO r - veils, a n d in l i s s e a s o n f o r d r e s s e s .
*FLANNEl>i—Wool.f 4 doract. -cotton,; linsey. s h i v e r , reu,
T o t m c o o — P l u g , tins cut, svnoklng, 4 c , a foil line a t old
w h i l e . b l u e , g r a v ^ l s i d , fuuey? F r e n c h , 4 c
JfORKS—Ifmuirr•, baAiStrnw, g a r d e n , 3 a n d S ^ i B e d . l o n g a n d T o n — A ' h l c e s s s o r t m e nt to wtioleaale.
T n t n l i * — P a c k i n g , fo'ilo a n d traveling, some g o o d o o e a . , ;
* U " P litt""**- >i)
J to
S - R U I T A - P f n n e s w c n r i a n t s , p e i S i ^ s . plums, A o r r l e f t . goosfc T r l n s m t n g a — O f V'arioui q u a l i t i e s a n d d e s i g n s such s s are
b c r f l w f c u i n f t e s j p e a r s , tomatoes.
l>c<lsteadf, chairs, Ubles,., stands. T r a p s — M u s k rtX, fox, b e a v e r , a n d bear, of b e a t makers, by
13* elfcirs.
piece o r d o i e n . ; U n c a s t e r , afld cbeok d r e s s T r a v e l i n g B a g a - A f u l l l » e i a o m e a l e e ones.
T t r e e d ' — K e n t u c k y jeisas, d o u b l e and twist, i r o n clad.csa
' siioere, 4 o ^ a g o o d w s o r t m e n t , low.
r ttnoifl
O W V ^ u c t l l ^ n g w o ^ i i d , wool, fii, cotton, ber- l I n t * r « l l a * - O r various s u e « a n d grades.
V n d c r S h i r t s — F o r g e n t l e m e n a n d ladies, r f o w a . J»»'n.
lin line.l gents, fiflies. misses and boys.
colored a n d w h j t e .
G R A I N — B u c k w h c n U r o n i . wbM*,- Ac.
i t s . B e d B o p s M o t h * G ROC DRIES—A c o t a ^ l e t e l i a e j J ^ u g h t early, a n d f o r s a l e V n l l s e s — A f'"W n o t v e r y g o o f
OB P l a n t s , F o w l s ,
in F a n s
A n i m a l s , "fce.
MS r u a » j s « d $J
V i c ^ ^ a r t r e a n T s m a l i some toy v i c e *
<, , .
H A l l T ^ i y — P h a llonfiKBear,
H A N D K E R C H I EKFF^. i ^ C e n t s ami ladies, h e m m e d J e a d y for
n s e . « l k . linen.lqotton. <tc.
•ale b y
large cities.
H A Y - T o r ' s a l e . o r ^ H I l purehsse.
Sold Wh
a n d B e t t l l e r f e v e r .y w h e r e .
. H ATS—A-fnll a s s o r t m e n t , anion, xouave. B a r n s i d r , Butler,
Sold by sll.
of a l l w o r t h l e s s i m i U t i o M .
d r a b , u n . pearl, 4 c

" ,
! I Bsw
V' n a m e i s o n each Box, Bottle, a o o i HOSE—Cashmere, merino, cotton, colored black a n d Wuite,
•ooi VSM. fon l i n e , a l s o c o t t o n k a W ,

c h i H s * n < l misses, a complete line.
H O P S - ^ W c e f r e s h pressed hop*.
S ' v\
__ BBOABWAT, K. Y. /
HIDES—A"e b u y all k i n d s of marketable braes.
„ a n d RetaH D r n g f i ^ i n T r a v e r s e !
H A K * A H ^ V A CO




. i3,;r

• -jmntoixm* !
S-«s, " 1 Tftaoonaa,
'. .j •
SffiSfc Indiana
" County B
,\UJ3*V._ : A t f W M O B S B U j M tli'i


. chltds.
BRIDLES—Black. rd*sett, and reiiis with hltt*. . / J J . g
BRAID—Crotchet, E m b r o i d e r y , colored a n d black, a k t r t in
colois, silk and worsted
s t a l e of I'fcaosyIvan iit ,0oiHV0Lla|iKi^a.|II. Mai*h. of Coun
*«l f o r complainant it is nrcioretl t f e t j w s i ^ l d d.ifendSMt, An- BUTTER—Bv the llrVin or pound of good quality.

ills H o p k i n s ; oSase livr a|>|>f iirimcc io flji* cause to be epter- BUCKET!>—'irorrbOimd oak well buckets.
ed wtthtiubreitf, m o n t h * (iom the date ojt t ^ i s o r d e r , and tlia. CAMBRICS— I'apcri colored anu block, c o m m a s , d o - ,
in ease of•her.op[rear*D«<ytthe.cause w a n s w e r ^ o t i e pom- CAPS— Mens cloth, plush, mohair, 4 c . , boys and c h i l d s a f u l l
' S8«ortmenl.'
p l a l a n n U bill, to be tiled <i*d a.p<ip>-;M»ereqf 1)0 s e r v e d op tin
c o i o p l a i a a n t a l m l l t i t o r within if eiily days a f i c r,of ,i CASSIM1CRES—Black, a good line, colored a n d t ancy. a
^ s i i p e r l o r assortment or A m e r i c a n , E n g l i s h a n d t r e n c h
topy, or»ald*4tt.8qd3>oiice/»f 'lhln o r d e r , .and. lp,. flefaul,.
thoreor t l m t t h e salil UH be taken as confessed by the said d>;iVnJant.AnnW.H/iplriaH: s a d l t l s f u r t h e r ,ord. r ; d t h a t tho willl- C E R ^ U S — P h o t o n ' s N i g h t B l o o m i n g , " the " p e r f u m e f o r the
In t w e m y clifts, t h « a s ' 4 v-»mpiu)iMt>t ow«»:»liis!Bri*r, *0 be
published in the ( J r a n d T r a r o r a e ' H e n l i a . n e w s p a p e r p r j n t -

oiiai? u'burial-ground.
s t a n o t r o f t h o p o p o l a i ' . p r ' , j u d i c ( i wliiefi e x l M s a g u r n s t t h a i
ccllent member.]

; i

APPLES—By the b o s h e \ o r barrel—Dry * a d Green.
AIJACCAb—BIsck.Tap Dr#t.s,Tan"
A X E S — H a n t s , l l a r d .A Blodgetl's, c h o p p i n g ,
„ haml, buys i n d himters.

AXE HELVES—An s s s o r t m c n t of good q u a l i t y and make.
A X E l t S MEOICINES—Eor which we a r e Agents a n d k e e p a
complete assortment—rlow t o the trade.
BASiiKiS—tViilow a n d ash market. |ialf bushel, bushel, and
one a b d ' a hair biishiiel eorn baskets. 1 1
BALMORA LS— Lewis a n d o t h e r s U n d a r d taakes.
BAGS—tirain aiiil lloiir.
BELLS—Cow. sheep, haai', tea a n d sleigh.
BER-VG I —111 own, UlSck'l blue and green.
BEANS—V.'t shall be In the m a r k e t for p u r c h a s e of prime
qnalliy a n d Shall sell at a small a d r a n e r t 1
BEEF—No. 1 C h i c a g o Mess by t h e barrel,. One h u n d r e d , or

Idft^ 'lejt, cow hide, k i p . calf
Qxifr Rfcpnt^lN!?HB
E]inei|. calf tlnml>ennen«
a p Sole, ci lf p u m p ' sole, boys, y o u t h s and

t v w i l l n i i t VV |>ik I f t h ' p l d , - 9 0 . t ^ t l l , o ' i Mn>. 10 choos.>

A t . t i w late a n n u a l T#*wb>\i


^M^tCi^rioivio i itv. vl




F o r t h e c o n v e n i e n c e of t h e hasty a« also f p r
ro| reader, we have arranged aaalpbsbRtiatlilistiOfjtianv
kitMls o f a r t i c l e s w h i c h a r e k e p V «*l «°l"* b y u s '• w h i c h
we t h i n k wiliibo f o u n d o f i n t e r e r t t o . t o e c o n i m u u i t y a t
T h e t e n d e n c y of t h e m a r k e t - i f v . Mrojiglj; u p w a r d , espea Committee.
cially s i n c e t h e " a d d i t i o n a l revenu&tras b e c u d e c i d e d u p o n
Township Rej
by Congress. • f . r l .
I I •. • 1
T r a v e r s e City.
P r i c e s n r e w r y ' A r m ton" »be :»ea-boaitl. : i D r o w n ; p n d
J O H N A. P E R R Y
D l e a c W d C o t t o n s a r e s c a r c e a n d h i u t w r . O o r p»"«aent
quotations are bflow New Y o r k j o b b i n g rates. i , ; ' l h e
a d v a n c e In Tobacci» in first h a i s l s is a t l e a s t 2 0 ^ p e r c ^ n t
Doc. r a l e s . P r o v i s i o n s a r e much, firjner fn C h i c a HILKN & HAItiH I
g o . eDriv'l. f r u i l s m u c h k i g l i e r . G r o c e r i e s a r e ^ very
A. P.. L A N C A S T E R , . . . . . |
firm «nth a c o n s t a n t increase in p r i c e oT most g o o d s ;
T e a a n d S u g a r p a r t i c u l a r l y . B c i t l s a r e vei.y liijrn.—
C H A R L E 8 T . S C O F I E L D ,. S t i *
F n r s n r v f n l l i n ^ off inaUTiallv, p a r t i c u l a r l y in M u s k r a t ,
CHARLKS H. L 5 T I > j . .
C o o n a o d Mink, o w i n g t o i m m e n s e s t o c k s in E u r o p e ,
JOHN P U L S I P H E R , - . . . Y ~ - Y .
t h r w n r ' i i i P o l a n d , t h e mild w j n t e r o n t h o c o n t i n e n t ; t h e
[ W e a r j e n t l y r e q u e s t t l r W ^ n c s o t i t i c C o m m i t t e e In e s e h h i g h r a t e of i n t e r e s t , a n d t h e c l i n n g e i t r style Trotn C a p e s
Township in the County, t / f l S W d e j U a H t e abovs l i s t
We t o C o l l a r s m a n u f a c t u r e d f r o m M i n k .
Will publish also, the n a m t l i e _ _ C f e a l i t y a n d Township
Leather,' improving i n ' d e m a i w V C l i i c B g o qnolutionCommittees of A n t r i m , ttg&et. E e e l a n \ w a n d Manistee a b o v e o u r s e l l i n g rules.! T h e u n a v o i d a b l e e f f e c t of t h e
Couaties, if we can obtain T n M i . ] CVi
present call, 011 all m a n u f a c t u r e d a r t t c l i ^ in w h i c h l a b o r
is a . p r o m i n e n t e l e m e n t , will lie l o m a t e r i a l l y a d v a n c e I h e
c o s t of " p r o d u c t i o n mid c o n s e q u e n t l y t h e p r i c e of sale.

County C o n
i n f o r m s a s t h n L a V e i e L h w o r r t v c d t b o r e ^ r o m , b o l o f . i MORGAN B A I E S , ( C M r i
CllAlU.ES H. M A R S I C S .
OD^lbA t
Btraity 1 M M a c k i n a c t r e r f c y g | | | M j & f [
C d A R L E S T. SC Jt'IiCLD,.V


|> " "


gurrrsa s »s ss:SIMSI <™>««



j S & . '



One Hundred Dollars Be

fhanai WHc
— — ——Tha Norfolk New Regime, of Karefa


SEE?SK co®™,

for a Medicine that will eara





^ ^ t o C A T E

Or i d i e n COMUMTIVf COUGH,
as quick as



on Oowmisaion—and now offer*for aaie,

A» aid for tienenl Butler corioctfd tie
fi.600 Acre8 af Choke Lain*;
tioot bal the General himself afterwards
personal investigation, croeaqoesUonmg very sharply. The following ire eitracta
O O E ' S ,
port of the interview.
Gea. Batter—I perceive that m y o f r
Do you
tiooyou declined to answer this q n »
have baas^oM in iwnative town, and not a tingle instaaoa
to-day T
call yourself a loyal man in letter and .
have^n**oarpcwaession, any quantity <jf cartilcatea,
Mr. Armstrong—I da not decline to w-ww.
If I should pat mv own interpretation on i^ I would say
lam ; bat I don't know,-sir.
who have uaed It in their practice, and gived it the preemiGeneral—Well, sir, jerhapslean teacfi yon. Now, nence over any other compound.
from eettleiae at- „ X A T B L i I ( D 8 . .
Mr, what is the name of that gentleman who had takenI t d o e s n o t <Orjr " P a C O U G H ,
the bath, while coming out of the Custom Howe with bat looeena it, so as to eaable the patient to expectorate freer
TOO, made the remark that be " would like to spit upon
& Northern Yankees."';
, „ L
Mr. A.—Mr. Charks Beid. I decline! to answer on TWO UK
• T)
my former examination because I I*di*>i * *
Vi° A HALF Bottle has often completely cured,the most
tell, tfr ; but fiw»4hen I have seen bin* and be has
U d yet, though itIs so taip andspeedyTn lU oMrsUon, itU
riven me his consent to mention hisnamek
General—Where is Mr. Beid t
Mr. A.—He is in Norfolk.
General—{To an aid.) Telegraph to
"fn'caaea of CROCP we wiU guarantee a ouw, ff taken , in
Provost Marshal of Norfolk, to arrest»
• e ** on ' Ko Family should be without it.
and send him here. He lives ou Main
Distilled Restorative
It ia within the reach of all, the price being
General—He stated that as he came
the oath T
F O B . 'X'HJB H A T H ,
And if an investment and thoroughtrlal does not '
Mr. A—Yes
> • ' " •• .
A - Y e a sir.
General—With the oath fresh on htal Bps and the up" the above statement, the money will
this, knowing ita merits, and feeling confident thai
• " - - ° ' " •"•if.S.'S Folor,"'' Be*rf " "•
words hardly dry in his mouth, he said fa« -wanted to say
t r |ii will secure for it a home In
in every household.
•pit in the fcce of the northern Yanfees^?
r notwaate away _withOoughlng^henso
i , t , Hnnirhlnff. whrn HO smi
raall tn ln
Mr. A.—Well, General, he tookt it prgth the same „ a l m . n t will cure vou. It may be had of any respectaoie
Druggist in town, who will furnish yon with acircular of genF o r - t h « H a i r and H e a d .
view as I did.
• \
General—I agree to that, sir.
Mr. A—I meant to say—
. , _
WaoaUMj Dacooiar,
Beetore. the Color,
General—Stop, sir, I dou'J; like to bo: insulted. You
aaid, sir, that that infenml secessionist wanted to spit in
. Eradicates Dandruff
the faces of loyal med ofthii TJfltoo, and that you took
the oath with the same view as he did, br rather he took
D. 8. BARNES A CO, New York,
Promotes rts Growth.
it with the same view that you did—it makes no differ/1
Q. C. GOODWIN 4 CO., Boston,
ence which—I agree, sir,; that you did. ( I havelreated

PA BRAND, 8HEELEY 4 CO., Detroit
Prevents its falling off
vou, sir, during this interview! with propriety and courNOTICE.
^ fay up to this moment; and yet yo* sfr, here tell me,
to order to clear this
mis vile
viie wretch,
wreicn, who
w w shall
mm be punished•
TRAVBRSB CITT, March 21,1864. >
S,he deserves, that you took the oathi to my governC L i R K ' S BESTOKATIVK.
Is good for Children.
ment with the same view that he did.
of May, 1862, for Settlement and Cultivation, under time
' Mr. A.—Well, sir, it was a mortifying fact to confess n - S ' i r t «f Aucruflt i. 1854. have been received attiiia
* ®uld p r ep^Uo | i, the only ®P®
Is good for Ladies.
thatfwe were a conquered people ; nod It was the irrita- Office, and the pnrchaaera are hereby notified to come forward immediately and make the requited proof of 8jttiftCLARK'S RESTORATIVE,
"ng out .of that (act.
. j
md Cultivation," and aecure their respective Patenta,
Is good for Old1 People.
Aienerai—You h«ve no* helped it, «|r. You had not ^cauw if aaid prooMs not filed within a. limited time, the
bfetter go on to that direction any farther, sir, for your Pattnta will be returned to the general Land Office, and will return
nature's prescribed UwaJ
, Pprfodical Drops,
Ia perfectly harmless
^ n sake. Now, dr, while yajidid ijjjach a ^very tto. thua be liable to be cancelled for nan-performance of the Giveof
yonraelf no uneasineaa, f^r Lyon a Pertoaicw. uropa.
it sermon npoo "The Victory orMfina^s, at the conditiona of aettlement and cultivation contemplated by the If Uken aflayor two before the expected period will MSI CLARK'S RESTORATIVE,
Contains BO Oil
ommendation ofthe Goofederate Cobgresa, have you
BATES. Bcgiatcr.
»ver since preached toyonr pulpit a iermon favorable (16-6w)
Ianot a Dye.
to the Union cause, or ooe that would «likely to please
labor and danger of increase ?
/ the loyal, and displease the disloyal T
Beautifies the' Hair.


chop and haul 600 corda of wood. Thetimberla alt- Com. to loo u > I W | tot i« »ot pmenUou letter O L ^ B K S T O E A n V E . i p M i d r o r W t a k m
After some farther questioning, the ! examination was
uated cloae to the Beach, on the west shore of the Eartern
"a *iu"™
Peninsula, three milea from Mr. Bryaai'fc, For iurther partiC
°General—You^»ld you looked upoti the hanging of eulara apply to B. HOPKINS, on the premiaeu.
John Brown as tost and j right, because he interfered Peninsula, March 31,1864.
with'the peace of the country.
Cures Nervous Headache.
early grave
hurrying you
Mr. A^—Ye* n r .

Prevents Eruptions.
Davis, for Instance, as just and righti You know the
the d
Stops Itching and Burning.
rebels have interfered with the peace j of the country,
and have caused rivere of bloojfto fjow, whereJohn
Wfll ion waste away wfth suffering
Keeps the Head Cool.
Brown only caused pints. What do you say to that ?
Mr.-A.—I would not, sir.
Is delightfully perfumed.
nature, a
General—Are your empathies with the Union or the
Confederate cause T
Contains rio Sediment
Mr. A.—With the Coofederates. !
The examination concluded with t}ie following order
• F n^tnM T the°drops when forbidden In the directions, CLARK'S RESTORATIVE,






i l _ . 1

I A A I .

I l u i

A a l * "


* "






^"Make^aaOT^er that this man be j committed to the
(juard house, in close confinement, there to remain until
G can be consigned to Port Hattoraf, thereto be kept
in solitary confinement until further qrdera 5 andseoda
copy of this examination to the o|ficer in comn*ud
tb«e. n

nee resuiia cuumij
">" d -rtprodoce, CLARK'S BESTORATIVB.
Prepares you for Parties.
iould carefully guard.
CLABK* E ^ O R A T I V E ^ ^ ^ ^

The London Tiaaea Printing Ollce.
A correspondent of the Evangelist has paid a vtot to

Bditor4n-Ohief. He says :


floe—the advertising of tha Tax*
thing about the Times ©Boa isdooe jnth the ttimost syo-


fnr with the axflfcotion of a single page,

same size above it, ia uaed by toe oompOHors, tnew are
always at work, day and night, baviag two sets of bands.
In another room were two- tolwephlo eropsratuscc
one communicating witti Raeter, W t a « ^ o f t e l e g n t o ^
and the other with,both Houses of Par^ament What
comes from Louis Napoleon or Patawatotfa brafo is
here ahmct as soon as it is there. The department d
proof-readers' is prominent u d compkte. Every word

— w

totmrt. To Bt »p . «»gk
lie Time.
• a elsbt hoort, tnd Ikem <!• IS
, I n » tin
moment the fom U Sniped mtU i t i C n p r o t o r f io sttt-


obUIoed i l & M e J to »

» pooled

t & S S L u jpea^ of the tauty of thereportm'
room, oftheUbrury, OB waWthde of thing*' cunous


S a U thoaaand bottles will^ uaed for a good purpoee where CLARK'S RESTORATIVE,
one la wed for an iUegltlmate one.
No Lady will do without iL
The ne,cr-fiiilog Fem.ts Bepil^or, U for ule by ere^
I i Sold by DroggiM*«nd Detlera ercrywbero.
health and wl«h for a reuaoie nwa.^»
iSloootber, bnttfth.BniJltot tt rtom j o n . p p l j t "
P r t „ „ per bottle,
c „ , proprt«o»
not got it,
WnoLXsau: Dauoeisva,
New Haven, Conn.
At WholeaaH by
D. 8.BARNES*CO- New York,
GEO. a (100DWTN k COw Botton.
Ton may recover yoijr health by the Use of other remadltt.
PABEAND.SHELEYACO., Detroit You may recovor without any; but do not forget that yau
may die, and that Brandreth'a Pilla could have saved you.—
For rememder that the
when yon have itioexcess in yonr system, Is evMenttoyanr
fT1i-..i instinct*. Your countenance Ulls you* friends; your
dreams and your own heart tell you.
Now, at these times there Is no tnedleine so deserving of
your confidence as
is the only Aedloltfe known that can certainly save, when all
the usual indications tell that you must die.
Mr. John Pudney, Springfield, Onion Co., N. J-, baa used
BRAND^EfK'8 ^HABfor Bf&nVws In hU family, wd to r
U» k ^ d . : in .tick ttm. u » ~ P11U 1»™ " " 4
» •'
BUllouieffeetloni, HeeiKhe, Bheuni.ti»ni, Fwer Mid
Ueaelea, Whooping Coogbt eod he Mjebe bee oerer koo»»
them to fell. Prl.eipd CWee.JM C ~ l S W e t . S e . T o r t
Bold b, ell reepeetebte deelenU medieloet


ASK roE W s m t

C O B l l t T ORDERS.
Couxrv Taa*sca*a*s Omca, )
TaivaaaxCwT, MarchH.lfSU ?
- S ^ L f f l A J THERE » MOfo^ymeatoiorbatoretiw

aSeranly, •• S lainvisible,' He ia to be e o n M i
wKh only by writlag "



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