Grand Traverse Herald, April 15, 1864

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Grand Traverse Herald, April 15, 1864


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Morgan (1806-1874)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


. F R I D A Y , A P B U - 15,1864.!
-•-I •


- -tiawM!*- lil-.tMl V, < .a.


Cjjc (Sraiiii fralicrst Jltralb,

... Copperhead Soug In 1870,
, Xo part nor |ot la th« gktripuu work . -j-. -•»
,. H«dmi)p2<lotluMlj i
like a frOgOritoxoidholfciv log, ' ,
"traverse Count j* Mlchlget : Akid croaked to the passers-by.

! tilnuigeiiiuuL was a'l accidejital-ajeetiug with > the oMeers, fee Austrian government * have recently abWished
.(:&i«ud dr bis,youth, Louise .llasjnusaja Poor: Louise the duties that used to be lericd'db the imj>nrtation of
liiud seeatur^, limes siupotibe Mi Peumark ior Jj-raucc. coflfeai D6flbe, says Ml do Gasparin, renders' tBb,celef''1
j T^u^U p pruMCflt, /or b(ijnti ye#r^ oft the i'urisewrys riwnts of our organism viore stiible.' ' I t l s bbscrVlfa that,
dc luilUt, the. was, eooti shelved ou tbc sppeaiaiioc of undeh tbo ihfltwoee of eoffefr. the product ef 'lhe 'MereW v .-'MOROfAN^B-^T^S,
; gipa^r. QruanieuU, 'and had to
With be- tions is morefluid,the respiration less active, and,- con
-?*•* «<l -aw nj&'-imtimtolrfktinOmto&'W'-J
earning a;iucniber of a wandering tr^pe of actors, <lifejn- Eeqnedtly, tho loss uudergoue by the nLsordod subfeiance.matuig dramatic art through the little towns of Gernia- less rapid.. A ditnuuitioo t>l animal beat has eWu bt^-n
. S ^ M T { • ' • > • •
' •' • ' . , XojiMirt.uor-lot in th«.,gIprjoua work. ••
xi;y..lluiigaryaiidlit'lietu!a. ,'rbv «;x*ulatio:i, with all Observed under similar circumstances. • , IB.' -.>d!

• I B C o * * , , p a y a b l e inva;
J»o jiart.nor.lotl^d
Its hardships aud rpUericB, proyed^ery opsatisfactory
" This last consequence help* Us to !umlcrslBudJ the
Bat'l alfned xny guh ai U95rrp»n sun,' (
•'•i>'-iK^rtS«l<WT«lBgert*d/of One DoW ^erkqtym^tcn
«pee«alaryjscDsp(;to4 ,l^>pit«:Iiasuju£^u .wtw glad to Dtiljty of coffee in hot couuliits wburo the toivper^tunAndfiredatftjS (Sid
' ;.-iiBe»)fortUe lir*tiui?rtioDv*nd tWeatj-fl'rc cents for e»ck •TlHpt-flVtuufte-Lj
drop off the stage $t a Jetlitutu HacoVtfiau village, and is so difficult to bear thai it seeius to wear put tbqspdo^s
' .v .*» .•»: "o I • ••
.subsequent-iaserUvn.•. X.c»rly Ady*rU«*u«uto-*lftfor one
Vf* thought we Were masy and strong,
to! proceed ou $ o i j p ffauib.urg. Xbe wealthy merchant of life. Our military aad naval authorities huve made
•' ,.M«»re;.W0 for tfcree squarpBf &JQforh*tf & column; and And'could
huubpgtbe catiu»i «-itb.VuUuj~
cfty gave ber.agjv. frieaja,, among whotn she sftjourncd coffeeforma,pa^t of the.r^iUo-^ of our soldiers and sail
$50 for "one ' column; Letfsl advfrtiMnjeuta ut the. rate# pre"• tmbcffWunr; n#ty'fcml8,'Ber Tollo' or 100 Hrtrdii, for tlie. 12 To, UynkiugrlgEt was
4«i anotjtcr couplij^yeais, aud then retarned to Copen- ors on active service," and.have reu^ou to be satisfied with
'-'-•-flretlDsirtloaJandtwetaty-fltctenuiforsach- snlrsfqntnt— No PMt-, norlot in *ho gloribie works
hagen.^ .Getting baU^c dangerous boundary of thirty, tlurrosolti' \Tbo-«aj aTtct&t: b u OliiiariaiMfcso beneMiUxsfjr/lianrowmjiUa word. Figure work without rales, SQ .. Jip.part.norlothadli;!,^,
Mini Rasmufbcn now.resolved to become steady, and ni> fit to o«r troop* as well.' iu Africno deserts as! hi the
jjfr,capt added. ISnle andfigurewwkf dost# price.
BhtJ (rod tjie'jong gr-°* •"
patr^it} "Aiul^ pa»4 cqrding)vtitledjdowo as miUiucrondidresraaker. work- .Crimea, in Italy and iu China j thecrewa. of -one^lects
^IneMl^vervae^ea^w,!^ jM^d/^atrii^ly In advance
|tig for the sbopi an^forany procurable private cus-. have:also doritod the SM»J bygienitf ndvaiitages. ..:.It is
S n e e r — s n e e r — n O e e r — . 1 1 ' "" •1
,d^"|»vo8iiqt comiugborae k)te'-from her work, of infinite value to'.^ur soldiers in Mexico, -and pr'meipalMl I0k^;.«f M. rru^ibid} ua,Ci^£tM;lj'Eiuit<d. ; AwTtafprj»>t,B^ny:a runirtahaa tomod :.t%;
she" wsis arrcsted-rat least tbiffi^ tb«i OooetjhaKcn • atory,jy in,the Sierra Calieptc,, ^t. \"era,Cqtz, 1 that hptbpd oi'
by the sight ol afire.-aiujwithlwontetl energy-ranged yellow fever.
iJo part.nor lot lo the. glolioas wort ' • •J'' '
heivjfuniong the human chain of ossibtants whose bands From the woll-established fact ilmt.cofleCjretafd5 the
passed tlio puils of water from the canal to , tbo fitt>eu- mvTcmcnt of tlie. decomposition of the organs,
* J^ctit
She-had not becu there loug wbeo, ^be perceived concludes'fltat by its habitual us^ ilwjjifo .oi^inau flight
' "iSoai^Tnifefialnk clSnked'undeFmy eye,
a gentleinaa opposite. Jikewise busy- i«» handing pails, b6 prolonged beyOnd its common jliyat|bi' ' . ' * ,
stared vf/y hard al ber. psif;trying to, recognise uaac<M Moiaatter • "
He thereforerocQnnueqd{i.the use of^ c^fljce,'/f^i^ially
qnaiutanqe. bhoi^ognized bin]. at on?e ;>it,bwag' his to old persons, asserting tfcat thpae , who,,
royid Highness .priuoe li'reder^kv heir uj the -throne of tho age offiftyjearg iq^y
j « 4 g * Of Probate.... CCRT16 POWLPR, WajJletoo' i^'ouart'nilf Ibt lttthe'glartooS-wVk, ' l i e • • '
.Denmark., The conflagration being subdued, tPritice day of moderately, strong nifuaiqri. aceoiJingJq ttolabit .allt'Jl.'.
W DAOre, 'JlVatferSti vtlfir.,.,
(if the body of each individuaL Dr. Petit, a French
County Treasurer
.'M OKU AM BATES,Trsv.Citv.
WW ••«.huipble' liki^iw and ( a few -aooths sifcian, recommends it as an eBbetiVe agfcpt /ortVw®ring
Coauty CIerk.,/... .--.JAMESP« ,BRAi>fD, { ,-;i • ^l^pnly laol^aoffil
vi'l(p ^ jJ'gVr i" 'U'I-'H 'n
utter tWfvDud.horseif-iuMulM.iu »-pwtty Utilei. villa on the prodijce of the s^retVonti'm^ aqu^n^^ffftt ^niRegister oi Decjls.... JAMES P . BRAND,
.W •!•
,'hp i^atid of Amagijr, from which, atr tlje ejslof ayear, battiog gout, gravel ahd.cafouloj^ affections."' ,;ift$ag{eru
Pro*; Attbrttey........cTH; MATtSn"
t i < £ , ' ' • ' •
Circuit Court C"ont.. C. II, MARNFI,
, "AtJiii|iiiHiohW.acbkv«>nro.wiarkir«-witli r,.ld—

she migrated to a iarg-j.mansion, with nnaierous scr-, coiiiiiues, where tbo coasunptian of.ooffitei» ve»yi great,
C dro ners
*. i
>t»nBBt^>^««llfcyi>Mirft»» tdJI-t - r'i 1 • ; u w r . vants about bcr. iicro she bad tbo satisfaction of learn- such coinploipts are almost uokpown.
• JiWini'.
ing the divotoc of4?Hn4e Frederick ffotn bis second
fi<i ?sri; J ^ i S W I P e e of & King'H Lile. V
wife, after a union offiveyears. Princess Oarolino re•vo«;
1-jr,m the .Load wBefPtAtor.
>•-. .'iijad'..! ;•. i ; tpmed^o ileeklonbarg-Slrelitr, aud Louise Rasmussen
, tg'oni! !
King Christian the biers, and the delicate beahi or "the' ^idtd' rnarkei
,. 3!be late moporch of Dunfudrk WA bom-OcWber 6, wag declared favprite en tilre.
160t}<.-|«elte.irMiBHja after tbo bombardrwjit oT
COJKII-t w l l died oiythu JiQth ot January. 1848, ,and tho same' pobds; It is what the gold-sharks h'it\-o be^ aifcinu; to
26i'rupt-hagan'-br lb«'firiti8U>flMtf-4a4lYiino wbbb thd etoftoo. ofW his sbb.aicemled tlie. tr.nooe as Frederick YH,. Ouo
io Si •> ... . SOUCITOR IV CliAlVidERY,;
' Denmark did not seem to^lM worth'1 tnatni' yea*'* .pu,r- '6Thidnct9 was I'o eltfvntz? I^obiEe RasfrfusSet ti> 'tee rank ly canto near prevciifing,iaed Which perhaps' !'so6e' of
with pocketH stuffed \Wt.Bfe£s ' tboagM ''thcy 'Tiad
\ b T A U Y P U B L I C t O O K V V . 1 A M K . H , pha»e,iaiBI*fUbht,~toty ttfrbatlho^obairor Ihe "feignv of Baraness Dannrf', which 'fttlff was advanced td'tiiaf of them
jng kit^,.trfao bad tWo<kbs,-hters. dnd belli^.' oiilv forty. couutess. Tho^pipttoi crtviWd^Ano.-.distautent at- -first shut off. in the form of the biU as finally "passed. '.' But
.-.« Crt verse City, Crime! Traverse County, Mich.
>vj^ j^ge4 Icsamorely wbeu it tho Secretary of tho Treasury-is now Ihe Urea-Mfcjor of
i W i Of age.'bay.topes of rtiil 'jJd^whSgji^-ifepribg. jtnong the nm^^pal
market, and his very first -stioke hds Mnt- the
rUoder tLele circamsiauceu, •' thd prospect's "(if voting Ws found that {he
foyul favonte used.whatev.eriullu^^cepossefsefl foi3!{he' bfueflt.'df th'o natioti. Besides'the price ofeold down fire icentej - Aad this tfi- honC ' -it is
.Pritice..Frederkiklappohred to bo'tiot pirflUularly biilJ . CT: ] ? A M S D E L L , : '
JjflDt} ood-bU'tatber biing a ifbroud though" wngiilnHy kifig lonndly d^slttrcd'WO'ffe'tltatt inee thkt he wonldpre- done. lie will ufcll uo gold. The drafters of • tbo bill
unostentatious man, he was left oknbrt enttnfly;tb 'him- frr Whouaand: limesigj viog; rinp bis throne than sepata- cnnuin/,'iy thought they.:.b«d,bsmdlhat. j Jiot lhaho
Attorney & Counssellor, at Law, .«'H
and ]«Jrtnitted to gro-V «rp" aniflttg-• peaKuiAs,-'Sailors, UtKi'frqtH Ms Ipip&t:)Couutess,.D^unur, will do. lie will sell,gold «e«ifioaie8,iwhich witt. be as
. xRXvmnsR-cWL'li^j • '
noil soldiery '.feotfi v.-both Hu itrrbibed ;«trong4y< d^mac;a% tho^t tits
sole advfger, and her ioflacpcB' ^ available as thqoure coin iti^r • • ^t: Lin* xoreij* ofr cusGB.\SS) THAVERStf <jOl?KtY,^ICllk',
tio.tastes. . Wbeu oiilv fonH^mreofagt?, a g«dt misft»r- Extent !H;at sh'd was afctb te persuade the king to'. make toms." ,.Tq paj- duties on impurts at Jsew.Vork^aleoe, a
tuucibefeHlUicipoor.: ioV. ottfis -p^enU;' after Aevml bur his lawful wfff.' 'fhe met-e anironbeerhentbf the 'in- quarter of a million dollars iu gold is coU^li for , daily.—
years of unbappiuoss,. ^*rc 'a'divoro?,'f hiqh toition creaUld a etorm of iadignation throoghotit Ute The Tre^snryyliap gold enough aDd can go on for months
decreed tbat be should be iimi fr3m'! bii'BffefctiODate n-.o- cquptry, leatliijp lo protests ojl all: parted aud to strong witfiout takiog'in another dollar in coin. This demand
ther and be left under the cave of strfitigpfs.' "• jffmongrcmonslrancesjrom(tlie nyni^rs,; neyefjhelcsa, Frefler- for gold to pay duties has kept the market np. Secretastraogerd «(»4vr>ittp,"fS8'fu^^t'rffiVfco
eu- fett'VIt w'os bpr to be Rhattti in Ms pnri» aud on the ry Chose will now undersellal^tbe ep}d dfj^lers. , Imporunit f rat ..rLaw'la Mich. tTot»*»Hjl Tfar^r.tCdj.
gavi"hir'fi®it?^ jtJ''\nQ 'church ters will buy certificates of hint rather thau.iu the ibitvtirely engi^ssed by political afftiitV, In::itfte' cOni^e of •27thof Augusf/'ISiiW,'btf
which the crown ofNorwoy wtiB'fjfnceti etl' bi"s'tie^dfar of Fredericksburg, , to Juonise Basirtas^ti. ''A'i'bB'brt i"s
tho 'de'a'KA.VKKdtlt-CJlTV
' Jt
four Bhort:iiwotliH^«s almOit to forget-fhfc wls^jce of wjiilcjafter tho> kiog. hith his consort, visited tbb'south- rmmm
.wftwwitiwi %
bis son. A new marriage, which- gavo Fifede/iefc a'riep- ern proviuces-flf Denmark, pj>d twiog talhef coUilys re- ord$r of Inc-bccrotaiyis g*ven, e^whare. ^ "Gold .fell
motber, estranged the potfcfnaV teelings fitill tn'brt/et the celvod al one place, l.i.- .Majwfy nia'.le n very frank ?jieech yesterday t01IG5;'fa'Hitd'il}ght!y bnt - waJ 'tftfllweak,—
:.vrf» Foil TI|K IIB^KKIT or,-fare age of sixteen, be was permitted !to 'leave' ''lifenmnrk on at a'banx^iel giren in hiu'1 konOf-l' "He "told', itie! guests Ii wiii not t r o v e r i« baoylhley.' Secrofary ^CMMr-Mn
travels through Euroi»e,M)oininallyr to ciiofplMe Iris' 'edu- tbatthoogi) p kinjr. he had'by ' rio mtitUTS pvctf' 'up 'his undersell the gold gamblers and intercept their.adrket
•J." K A ' V !•: l . i SJf<- ;> xT-riay i c ,
of u
cation, in reality to begiu it. tie 'aoly 'nwde "(he"' thep. pcivilcuc.i us a mat: to Diartiy the woman be loved best, tpr, V^-eutv qiillionsi ^
. rsiiKKT^i: Bj i^UINTCNtiVh'cBW^jjj,^^. •] ' customary tour de I' fJuro;»e, iwid Utefi w"tOW doM n I'orjfuid that, in tlieplfeee ii),wbii4i |i3.Bt08d. W looked upon steady' influx 'of greenbackj to^'pay tne boys feMajL^Jt
yc'ars at Geneva. Herfi'in'the
ooatitry of ;Jean his present wife ns the only true Ijosses^ed in Is a niastOr' iilrokc'hhd t h e j g b f t f ' o f c t c H A n t . T ' i H f \V . D1 A Y . several
Jacqoes Roiis.-«ui, he imbibed ultra reptiblicati jA-inci- Iho Wot^d.' The s[»Ccb, repqitcdTronijmoBlu to tiiputh, witted very handsomely. ' •
JJTGSVE l i r a .V CALX: •Jz ' ' •
ples,;lbMhe:reeeption Of which"his• p^-evioos''tridnfiig, oreatEd a profound'sensation, iind gfadunlly extinguished!
or absence of training; had already well fitted liim. 'Wrtii- tho ill-fcelios against the coniitcKS. At ' a liter' peribd
Ml*. Abernethy raroly mct tvidi his match eocoopWi^on
' friVep«» Piir,,Jn»r 13. Iffi* i
W ,
.thesc idcus >Bri(ideVrt!deriek went-6t>elt1d T)f*nht:rfk a: KBC. tpMflj-Macensured foe giyi^ibersetf ioo: • much Ibe000 occasion,AwheB l^o was teut for byAu ip«»-keopef,irJio
iad eBaw'g^t! -at aire of a rial .queen ; but ,.ttys reproaob wis depiped had had a.nmfrryl with his>wifo yW N ^ - M j I S W f f d
i.vyi I .MhoiDanis^ court- iii Wpord1 »1dl'i'tlwy,'^bWi^fbiF tty thevenial; in view of What was generally acknowledged—r hisTaCe "frith her nqljs so' lliat the riot man',was|^ped*
JACKSON & WIIxEY, i '.I j,. tbrdDC,» 'l'hefrefgninitfeii^jifcbW^ly^t^W-Wd.-hid that she was,-indeed the i!6v6ted fridnd and consort of ine. fltid mncli ( R s f i g t f r c d ^ : * ' M r i ' d O h m e ' t c d
her royal hu-band. She alone MicCe«le,l ih cbasiug the this an opporbmity'not to be lost far adiponlshing' «ho
%pall fcopes'ofna«lil^ilnWe"Frederick's
JL^ptia^^r;,\ 3jgU| ftCadiinl^J,illisS- ^•*
fabler,:I'TipeetJbristiim.' boWim ^Pt1j(*^idtiat'ch, Wd be- pirit of profound dejection wbicbsetUed upou the king qflpq^r, J^nd said, ;• Modame, 1 aie^you noti«fcos»e<l of
^' " n '.\; : .bBTRftiT|: Michigan,
J come: litiriappareht-tSrf <be: crewir.
was in the latter days of^iis lifc, under tho burden of physical
iCornttrot l-*jfOi.and WooJl'rji%e Streets,. opp4*lt« M it hi panexceedingly anxious to nliirrytoffhis two daughters,' the arid mental safferingts as well as4»litical catX's. FrederCc-ntral^KalUlo^ {JopiiKiny-s Mschinis Shops. (lUj) eldest aWady jiist SO. arid nd^to'f Wrfnr/" from abroad, ick VII was thus. Quabletl to^efio^what even his per- ly retorted tBe Virago, 4 nnS'tHay"'! hlft «rr
/he offered them totbe oUly' dtei«jinBI^"niyie"rflamms
at sonal^:-enemies
- P do'not
-- ~j, dispute—the
~ mpiiareh that head
i -., r ™
to tb« yoopg tiiRu'iort:l*lortil'3!!frcto'irGet!o. ! Deaniark
Kas^tad f^^'Iiundred y e ^
•i^all and AV"injfer of'-ljB^^ife *=fc.home-^onb
to .;!audil»Bi«tlie#,-Wb^UnWer-''Prihl^a''F6rtli^y>d-^
'; '• "
.' •"
:i:he follow^cg peculiar ^
C iffee aud the Prolongation of Liiu.
Jitlle {own itjl^la ware, countj,:
f o r t l i e l i A I ^ I E S . TiiajjoiiUg rept^ilicah piwl-e "wMifd falii ^feivei dt'clit^d
the honor ofboing
nuitetl ti> asking's
da6felite«*f "btlt:: a . ,Xn:t^e days old ^Ichemisbt, a notion --prevailed - " Kewxnb^IiiJf oi^trbtfe iwt{{ the'''Prcni'iiscLof the
J j
" ) "^V4VGiiU3r KBTUnSEI) J'HOJI TilE OUTeiDE refuidl «-as
" " " '"'
b^i!clis ohi]s fa- tWlsopio^ubstoat-q-could bo obtained t-in ttaUxro i that subScriWnnsli^alP tiv€y W*,fi -otW'ligg'W^IWtlck
world, we are preiifioatM only to enlia)iwn the Jad(es
ihtlitary would prolong hnuian :life and rtiidpr man 'almost immor- ainl halyq.hio body. • Allrporsdas shall-wcevo' fire dolls
as regards Fall and Winter Styles of Bonnets,.. Hats,; Clcak^ therwid the king ht wfl?'ttiarri«l,'-u^rfaVrong
on the l|st tal. por many.yeaiiifciig(,'d and dupe«' searched lor the too bring bimbak. He w a s ^ ^ i j ^ t , ? , - .
• -:t!i
•SVwMs.'&c^'Uk also to fornlsfi, onr oaitotaira wrth. yew e«cort|lto his coiisitii Printt^s - Wfihehhiiia,
<«iiHfyBrtlileiii#hloh ira'haw-Urtcly added to onr atdck,'«ufch of.Kmtfnfcor, 1828. • .FrtdCT^'tob!r fr^tr, 'tBcfirit 'a jfjdiw^o^fts.'apdiwWn p'bisky *a« tf.scovered it iwas
a* ta<ivfcs,-ilaaJfcerclilors,Collars, DressTrlramlrfgn of dlfltr.IUob^idiMe.tb:blrvilS''w(iTch<%iis;^atlr i'ricrl'Ssed in ,bailed'as the. granddesidtratam atidjcnlled aqva vitoc ;
vntkind*. Hoods, XublaB, Wfcikted Under*teesep,Oh'Hdreu» tii* bfeiber'badghty di*pw?tlon, irtWrly! foreign' to his but a|as,,it;lias turned out to be the water of.deotti to far bis .adrnjr^tioiiv and jn (» wf^lad w»y^ seid,:,,^, x\ ^
Skating Cans, Ladles and CHi|dreiis Balmoral 11 p»e,jj|al|8,
Shawl and Hair Pin*. Fancy Cloak Trfmtriga,. Buttons, Pius, own hatnt*. -' Befort^dughblOft b?# t%dl Spo<tsB 'iilt6- too many erring mortals. The elixir of life, bowover,
ijether.-jtahihg rCfuge st'riTMillWiob;
frotn'fhe cit>- is still an enamoring topic ; and Louis Fignler, a French '**"J$0, dear;' majjf#laily, '•T.^iU tykait
Kwwiles, Thread, Ac., Ac. I " ;
We have also Ladies Cloths; and a WhielerA Wilson tal,:amcng his frieDd^'iod bttmbhf compWibtgr ^ H e author, has lately published 'au article In L'Anilte
Sowing Machine enables us ti Withufacturc Cloaks to order here made the acquaintance for the first time, or lionise ficicntijique,i?V b'cb ho advances thCiclairos of coffoo as Sir Walter SaaJ<i'^q accoaiili^od as. nupb intel
Dress Cutting and llakluR^ShlrtUakinK and all kinds of BasmaraetvA sprightly Httle ('AYmwl1 'bf
asj- men we read of, said this iu a letter
jjawiug ftud machine satehtog: d«p«- yith i^i viww^olsuit daughter'of apoprtradesuiati.-trat "wj'th"sbrtte'cduc'trtibi! 'a peons of prolonging human life.-i Wytb respect to its lectual
beneacial inllueaeep lie ciM facts in proof of his posi- to Tor;y:— ' Do iastuutly v. liatuvur is to be done, and
add more gixhs? aud/rtotber wlti' Fu<;h society ww V'- tion.
1 -vl 'take the,hours of reflection or recitation after business
lo^tthor morb to bis lasted than tWt 6f the ^tiff conrt)of "Quoting Dr. Petit, of Chateau Thierry-, On thosabjoct, nnd.n»3yer before it. ,1V hen a regimept, is pflder,. march,
Copenhagen, 'at whlph-be'did "\i0l ^ ^ bls' arTpeflranee hp says Sj..v>;/ ^ v .
•65. , e
nT; •-.vmfVfR•••
1% H'/s'r fs oft^'!rtirp^^,ici6tp^jBjiM» Ma^Ju(f,iuiBt
•*•-.-• -» -jjv
" -?r
fora lonyitjin#. By a royuimecfeb or Sbpttfnroer 1ft,
"Let ns trauspori,ourselves to the frontiers of^theDe- do n^t'mqv^ steadjiy witWiii.^forruptlw- ,Xi. is.,tbe
M) oJ | 1881,1
ha waabambhed to tt*' -fo'rtreseOT ;F>cd«Snca, lu partintiU du is'ord, to the coal mioes of Cliarleroi, tbera same'thini jijrlQj" business. . If tjiai isfirstui;hand is not
Jutland. Ohl s»Wlof and Bailor'1 friend?
allowYou may
y recover
health by
«D of
idsiantly, steadily, aiid, regularly despatched, other-things
>YoO mayrt>eavorwlthohtany;'>a* dot at forget1
"you' ed afreit to Ffcderica, and! ive'bUtile' Eottisc ^Bastnus- lipux^iqtW bowels of ihc earth for: the purpose of cx- accumulate behind t'ijl:aEurs'begiu to press aU •at.-.qpqc
oisfy die, and that Brandreth's ljm&^onlilhave sartd yOttV seii coaldiBotflbd Ber. way tb Oie *brfrc?w, but witb irisw traclkg the eiionnou* masses of coal required for feeding aqd no hufnan braip oui, ^an^.-iliqaom^6<ffS}K,,.umo^
J pl
T a
'to jhe furnaces: oi"onr ^etosief. WeMheto see vigorous
¥''^' ' 'IF
j * \• tears,;bb tho ordeir-bf.hor parAits;'^fet but on a'itrtrniPy
•Paria; where »bi became^ 'omameof to' thi 1 mrpt dc workmen, .whoso exterior indicates robust health and ,TjiWe was on the pt}i instapt,.ktilic
toilet. A-few days after Frederic's arrival at the plategreatest muscular development, and Vet theirfoodis honje of Mr. and Mrs. Michael liichmond, iu Mansfield,
wp^Wwrt to jro«r- ofhis banishment, a decree of divorte MtVrceti blm'tttid the
neither substantial cor abundant ; -three or four enpe of Connecticut, at which the minister '(lie v. Philo Jodtpn)
tbo Princess WilheteltW -:Was Issued at Copnlia^a— coffee a day. and potatoes, aud ouo pouod of meat in the was present who .'officiated 50, years ago, altboagh ibe
dreaws andyoar Ofu.liyart telloou,
The death of the kStig aud tho ascension of his father to .*cek,.is ali the nourishment (applied to the workmen ' weight of 8-^ years now tjeSt? upqn his head. , Loss ' than
Sow, at ^ese times there ,U,no f^Uein* a* deeeoieg «f the thrbiw, released -Prince Frederick IMfflrir^cfn at the
twp months ago a sister of 3j&s.^J^gb^qad. celebrated
coal pits of Cbcrluroi. These pventcan live on o
yoiir cfiifldeaoa^a
ujn.>-ii!tuw dlBoH'^ii Wbivftiq ! end:ofdittlemorortao'two-'-Jeare,:and lib1 Wa';'^litrt op- quarter of the food tbat is necessary -to keep up tbe force Tier 6wn golden wedding, and the same derfeymaq WS
L . ^ A W B X A B L B C N I 7 K I H A L PIIX8, ' J.; poioted^oveftior of tbe'island'df -FflpHi.^ B^tWlrfc'In- of other individuals.
there too. having performed the marriage ceremony for
oliwd tolidl again Into hls dld wa^s of^itft^,'.-His fbral ' In the neighborhood of Ri^eb-Borg. in Bohemia, bqth the tjridt's.,
, VIM • JJ
litber soon after insiBti^ that he
wffif-'Bi^e fli'bre,.in the midst of tbq Krapack motttitains, there exists a
li';' | and after some negotiations, Princess Ca?qlipe of 'StcCK- race qf poor people W1M> almost all follow the trade i* \_wo peddlars traveltag in Coptre county Pqon. reoeut' i U*. J#l»» Pudney,fipriksflcad,OUtn* Oa^ W. J- f• has - use.lenburg-StreNttms
chOse!) to be tb'e sfeonU-wifc. 1:. weavers. For years their food has, been altogether ii, ,iy.hi^upqn aningeniousTexpedie^t of raising. tim .Sind.
-thai fall blooth »f yOTKh.'tery^tty'1and'-l M^WV' b'ccorn- sufBcleut, being composed sdlely of potatoes ; they were Oue*of them traveled, in advauep, from bousa to- hou»e
BRASnWlBTlTB PILLRfcrflftcea^«wtt'
pfahM, it was hop& tbat khe would weaft J Prfrfe Fro fiall his haadst in whlph' tjme these Pilljiiave cuiyjl ,Uiery of eri ck from bis low-bornoomparriw*,' and Wing^Wm.liack reduccd to such a state of wretcheanefe as to become to asserting that the Lock Haveti hail ftisjwDdod payocot.
some extent, degenerate. Fortunately/,he medical men and refused to receive its notes in payment,for,the goods
Bnli&w <M(^Vonfs Headache, injeqqa^Bi, j^ycf and ^guc.'to court and to a seise of his crown-princely, duties.— of the xfoohtif cobfelred tlie itfesi of placing them under be.sold- Tha next day his a<*^jJiwcpme aiong;, cooWhoM>i«gv?ooJk..anil heaayatje WA-aeverife^wn
a course of coffee* The trial succeeded beyond all ex- firming the report, but receiviqft tun ,npto ip-p^ywoot
pectation aud tbo Weavers of Rleseit-Berg havo uo longer , for goods, alleging that he was, indebted to the BooktWm MM.
' JU ? I cause to envy the health and strength of the worknjen of;
ih« his other countries. For the purport of jucil^jttiug. liui'fere tWt 'went oul,',war b.-ougbt back," latqW
new home" What, probably," greatly o
toMbb quisitiim of that salutary substance of the poor mountain- after sowc struggling, by a sturdy boy.

'ftSSKaMiil ormi mtiiBicm, vice.



•; " . ,.


" 5ft ?rnt| imb €-o>msfllor iii !?#>.




• w i s i p w ^






t l i n m



A l f t n I<1 h > a n M U I A




. F R I D A Y , A P B U - 15,1864.!
-•-I •


- -tiawM!*- lil-.tMl V, < .a.


Cjjc (Sraiiii fralicrst Jltralb,

... Copperhead Soug In 1870,
, Xo part nor |ot la th« gktripuu work . -j-. -•»
,. H«dmi)p2<lotluMlj i
like a frOgOritoxoidholfciv log, ' ,
"traverse Count j* Mlchlget : Akid croaked to the passers-by.

! tilnuigeiiiuuL was a'l accidejital-ajeetiug with > the oMeers, fee Austrian government * have recently abWished
.(:&i«ud dr bis,youth, Louise .llasjnusaja Poor: Louise the duties that used to be lericd'db the imj>nrtation of
liiud seeatur^, limes siupotibe Mi Peumark ior Jj-raucc. coflfeai D6flbe, says Ml do Gasparin, renders' tBb,celef''1
j T^u^U p pruMCflt, /or b(ijnti ye#r^ oft the i'urisewrys riwnts of our organism viore stiible.' ' I t l s bbscrVlfa that,
dc luilUt, the. was, eooti shelved ou tbc sppeaiaiioc of undeh tbo ihfltwoee of eoffefr. the product ef 'lhe 'MereW v .-'MOROfAN^B-^T^S,
; gipa^r. QruanieuU, 'and had to
With be- tions is morefluid,the respiration less active, and,- con
-?*•* «<l -aw nj&'-imtimtolrfktinOmto&'W'-J
earning a;iucniber of a wandering tr^pe of actors, <lifejn- Eeqnedtly, tho loss uudergoue by the nLsordod subfeiance.matuig dramatic art through the little towns of Gernia- less rapid.. A ditnuuitioo t>l animal beat has eWu bt^-n
. S ^ M T { • ' • > • •
' •' • ' . , XojiMirt.uor-lot in th«.,gIprjoua work. ••
xi;y..lluiigaryaiidlit'lietu!a. ,'rbv «;x*ulatio:i, with all Observed under similar circumstances. • , IB.' -.>d!

• I B C o * * , , p a y a b l e inva;
J»o jiart.nor.lotl^d
Its hardships aud rpUericB, proyed^ery opsatisfactory
" This last consequence help* Us to !umlcrslBudJ the
Bat'l alfned xny guh ai U95rrp»n sun,' (
•'•i>'-iK^rtS«l<WT«lBgert*d/of One DoW ^erkqtym^tcn
«pee«alaryjscDsp(;to4 ,l^>pit«:Iiasuju£^u .wtw glad to Dtiljty of coffee in hot couuliits wburo the toivper^tunAndfiredatftjS (Sid
' ;.-iiBe»)fortUe lir*tiui?rtioDv*nd tWeatj-fl'rc cents for e»ck •TlHpt-flVtuufte-Lj
drop off the stage $t a Jetlitutu HacoVtfiau village, and is so difficult to bear thai it seeius to wear put tbqspdo^s
' .v .*» .•»: "o I • ••
.subsequent-iaserUvn.•. X.c»rly Ady*rU«*u«uto-*lftfor one
Vf* thought we Were masy and strong,
to! proceed ou $ o i j p ffauib.urg. Xbe wealthy merchant of life. Our military aad naval authorities huve made
•' ,.M«»re;.W0 for tfcree squarpBf &JQforh*tf & column; and And'could
huubpgtbe catiu»i «-itb.VuUuj~
cfty gave ber.agjv. frieaja,, among whotn she sftjourncd coffeeforma,pa^t of the.r^iUo-^ of our soldiers and sail
$50 for "one ' column; Letfsl advfrtiMnjeuta ut the. rate# pre"• tmbcffWunr; n#ty'fcml8,'Ber Tollo' or 100 Hrtrdii, for tlie. 12 To, UynkiugrlgEt was
4«i anotjtcr couplij^yeais, aud then retarned to Copen- ors on active service," and.have reu^ou to be satisfied with
'-'-•-flretlDsirtloaJandtwetaty-lltctenuiforsach- snlrsfqntnt— No PMt-, norlot in *ho gloribie works
hagen.^ .Getting baU^c dangerous boundary of thirty, tlurrosolti' \Tbo-«aj aTtct&t: b u OliiiariaiMfcso beneMiUxsfjr/lianrowmjiUa word. Figure work without rales, SQ .. Jip.part.norlothadli;!,^,
Mini Rasmufbcn now.resolved to become steady, and ni> fit to o«r troop* as well.' iu Africno deserts as! hi the
jjfr,capt added. ISnle andfigurewwkf dost# price.
BhtJ (rod tjie'jong gr-°* •"
patr^it} "Aiul^ pa»4 cqrding)vtitledjdowo as miUiucrondidresraaker. work- .Crimea, in Italy and iu China j thecrewa. of -one^lects
^IneMl^vervae^ea^w,!^ jM^d/^atrii^ly In advance
|tig for the sbopi an^forany procurable private cus-. have:also doritod the SM»J bygienitf ndvaiitages. ..:.It is
S n e e r — s n e e r — n O e e r — . 1 1 ' "" •1
,d^"|»vo8iiqt comiugborae k)te'-from her work, of infinite value to'.^ur soldiers in Mexico, -and pr'meipalMl I0k^;.«f M. rru^ibid} ua,Ci^£tM;lj'Eiuit<d. ; AwTtafprj»>t,B^ny:a runirtahaa tomod :.t%;
she" wsis arrcsted-rat least tbiffi^ tb«i OooetjhaKcn • atory,jy in,the Sierra Calieptc,, ^t. \"era,Cqtz, 1 that hptbpd oi'
by the sight ol afire.-aiujwithlwontetl energy-ranged yellow fever.
iJo part.nor lot lo the. glolioas wort ' • •J'' '
heivjfuniong the human chain of ossibtants whose bands From the woll-established fact ilmt.cofleCjretafd5 the
passed tlio puils of water from the canal to , tbo fitt>eu- mvTcmcnt of tlie. decomposition of the organs,
* J^ctit
She-had not becu there loug wbeo, ^be perceived concludes'fltat by its habitual us^ ilwjjifo .oi^inau flight
' "iSoai^Tnifefialnk clSnked'undeFmy eye,
a gentleinaa opposite. Jikewise busy- i«» handing pails, b6 prolonged beyOnd its common jliyat|bi' ' . ' * ,
stared vf/y hard al ber. psif;trying to, recognise uaac<M Moiaatter • "
He thereforerocQnnueqd{i.the use of^ c^fljce,'/f^i^ially
qnaiutanqe. bhoi^ognized bin]. at on?e ;>it,bwag' his to old persons, asserting tfcat thpae , who,,
royid Highness .priuoe li'reder^kv heir uj the -throne of tho age offiftyjearg iq^y
j « 4 g * Of Probate.... CCRT16 POWLPR, WajJletoo' i^'ouart'nilf Ibt lttthe'glartooS-wVk, ' l i e • • '
.Denmark., The conflagration being subdued, tPritice day of moderately, strong nifuaiqri. aceoiJingJq ttolabit .allt'Jl.'.
W DAOre, 'JlVatferSti vtlfir.,.,
(if the body of each individuaL Dr. Petit, a French
County Treasurer
.'M OKU AM BATES,Trsv.Citv.
WW ••«.huipble' liki^iw and ( a few -aooths sifcian, recommends it as an eBbetiVe agfcpt /ortVw®ring
Coauty CIerk.,/... .--.JAMESP« ,BRAi>fD, { ,-;i • ^l^pnly laol^aoffil
vi'l(p ^ jJ'gVr i" 'U'I-'H 'n
utter tWfvDud.horseif-iuMulM.iu »-pwtty Utilei. villa on the prodijce of the s^retVonti'm^ aqu^n^^ffftt ^niRegister oi Decjls.... JAMES P . BRAND,
.W •!•
,'hp i^atid of Amagijr, from which, atr tlje ejslof ayear, battiog gout, gravel ahd.cafouloj^ affections."' ,;ift$ag{eru
Pro*; Attbrttey........cTH; MATtSn"
t i < £ , ' ' • ' •
Circuit Court C"ont.. C. II, MARNFI,
, "AtJiii|iiiHiohW.acbkv«>nro.wiarkir«-witli r,.ld—

she migrated to a iarg-j.mansion, with nnaierous scr-, coiiiiiues, where tbo coasunptian of.ooffitei» ve»yi great,
C dro ners
*. i
>t»nBBt^>^««llfcyi>Mirft»» tdJI-t - r'i 1 • ; u w r . vants about bcr. iicro she bad tbo satisfaction of learn- such coinploipts are almost uokpown.
• JiWini'.
ing the divotoc of4?Hn4e Frederick ffotn bis second
fi<i ?sri; J ^ i S W I P e e of & King'H Lile. V
wife, after a union offiveyears. Princess Oarolino re•vo«;
1-jr,m the .Load wBefPtAtor.
>•-. .'iijad'..! ;•. i ; tpmed^o ileeklonbarg-Slrelitr, aud Louise Rasmussen
, tg'oni! !
King Christian the biers, and the delicate beahi or "the' ^idtd' rnarkei
,. 3!be late moporch of Dunfudrk WA bom-OcWber 6, wag declared favprite en tilre.
160t}<.-|«elte.irMiBHja after tbo bombardrwjit oT
COJKII-t w l l died oiythu JiQth ot January. 1848, ,and tho same' pobds; It is what the gold-sharks h'it\-o be^ aifcinu; to
26i'rupt-hagan'-br lb«'firiti8U>flMtf-4a4lYiino wbbb thd etoftoo. ofW his sbb.aicemled tlie. tr.nooe as Frederick YH,. Ouo
io Si •> ... . SOUCITOR IV CliAlVidERY,;
' Denmark did not seem to^lM worth'1 tnatni' yea*'* .pu,r- '6Thidnct9 was I'o eltfvntz? I^obiEe RasfrfusSet ti> 'tee rank ly canto near prevciifing,iaed Which perhaps' !'so6e' of
with pocketH stuffed \Wt.Bfe£s ' tboagM ''thcy 'Tiad
\ b T A U Y P U B L I C t O O K V V . 1 A M K . H , pha»e,iaiBI*fUbht,~toty ttfrbatlho^obairor Ihe "feignv of Baraness Dannrf', which 'fttlff was advanced td'tiiaf of them
jng kit^,.trfao bad tWo<kbs,-hters. dnd belli^.' oiilv forty. couutess. Tho^pipttoi crtviWd^Ano.-.distautent at- -first shut off. in the form of the biU as finally "passed. '.' But
.-.« Crt verse City, Crime! Traverse County, Mich.
>vj^ j^ge4 Icsamorely wbeu it tho Secretary of tho Treasury-is now Ihe Urea-Mfcjor of
i W i Of age.'bay.topes of rtiil 'jJd^whSgji^-ifepribg. jtnong the nm^^pal
market, and his very first -stioke hds Mnt- the
rUoder tLele circamsiauceu, •' thd prospect's "(if voting Ws found that {he
foyul favonte used.whatev.eriullu^^cepossefsefl foi3!{he' bfueflt.'df th'o natioti. Besides'the price ofeold down fire icentej - Aad this tfi- honC ' -it is
.Pritice..Frederkiklappohred to bo'tiot pirflUularly biilJ . CT: ] ? A M S D E L L , : '
JjflDt} ood-bU'tatber biing a ifbroud though" wngiilnHy kifig lonndly d^slttrcd'WO'ffe'tltatt inee thkt he wonldpre- done. lie will ufcll uo gold. The drafters of • tbo bill
unostentatious man, he was left oknbrt enttnfly;tb 'him- frr Whouaand: limesigj viog; rinp bis throne than sepata- cnnuin/,'iy thought they.:.b«d,bsmdlhat. j Jiot lhaho
Attorney & Counssellor, at Law, .«'H
and ]«Jrtnitted to gro-V «rp" aniflttg-• peaKuiAs,-'Sailors, UtKi'frqtH Ms Ipip&t:)Couutess,.D^unur, will do. lie will sell,gold «e«ifioaie8,iwhich witt. be as
. xRXvmnsR-cWL'li^j • '
noil soldiery '.feotfi v.-both Hu itrrbibed ;«trong4y< d^mac;a% tho^t tits
sole advfger, and her ioflacpcB' ^ available as thqoure coin iti^r • • ^t: Lin* xoreij* ofr cusGB.\SS) THAVERStf <jOl?KtY,^ICll k ',
tio.tastes. . Wbeu oiilv fonH^mreofagt?, a g«dt misft»r- Extent !H;at sh'd was afctb te persuade the king to'. make toms." ,.Tq paj- duties on impurts at Jsew.Vork^aleoe, a
tuucibefeHlUicipoor.: ioV. ottfis -p^enU;' after Aevml bur his lawful wfff.' 'fhe met-e anironbeerhentbf the 'in- quarter of a million dollars iu gold is coU^li for , daily.—
years of unbappiuoss,. ^*rc 'a'divoro?,'f hiqh toition creaUld a etorm of iadignation throoghotit Ute The Tre^snryyliap gold enough aDd can go on for months
decreed tbat be should be iimi fr3m'! bii'BffefctiODate n-.o- cquptry, leatliijp lo protests ojl all: parted aud to strong witfiout takiog'in another dollar in coin. This demand
ther and be left under the cave of strfitigpfs.' "• jffmongrcmonslrancesjrom(tlie nyni^rs,; neyefjhelcsa, Frefler- for gold to pay duties has kept the market np. Secretastraogerd «(»4vr>ittp,"fS8'fu^^t'rffiVfco
eu- fett'VIt w'os bpr to be Rhattti in Ms pnri» aud on the ry Chose will now undersellal^tbe ep}d dfj^lers. , Imporunit f rat ..rLaw'la Mich. tTot»*»Hjl Tfar^r.tCdj.
gavi"hir'fi®it?^ jtJ''\nQ 'church ters will buy certificates of hint rather thau.iu the ibitvtirely engi^ssed by political afftiitV, In::itfte' cOni^e of •27thof Augusf/'ISiiW,'btf
which the crown ofNorwoy wtiB'fjfnceti etl' bi"s'tie^dfar of Fredericksburg, , to Juonise Basirtas^ti. ''A'i'bB'brt i"s
tho 'de'a'KA.VKKdtlt-CJlTV
' Jt
four Bhort:iiwotliH^«s almOit to forget-fhfc wls^jce of wjiilcjafter tho> kiog. hith his consort, visited tbb'south- rmmm
.wftwwitiwi %
bis son. A new marriage, which- gavo Fifede/iefc a'riep- ern proviuces-flf Denmark, pj>d twiog talhef coUilys re- ord$r of Inc-bccrotaiyis g*ven, e^whare. ^ "Gold .fell
motber, estranged the potfcfnaV teelings fitill tn'brt/et the celvod al one place, l.i.- .Majwfy nia'.le n very frank ?jieech yesterday t01IG5;'fa'Hitd'il}ght!y bnt - waJ 'tftfllweak,—
:.vrf» Foil TI|K IIB^KKIT or,-fare age of sixteen, be was permitted !to 'leave' ''lifenmnrk on at a'banx^iel giren in hiu'1 konOf-l' "He "told', itie! guests Ii wiii not t r o v e r i« baoylhley.' Secrofary ^CMMr-Mn
travels through Euroi»e,M)oininallyr to ciiofplMe Iris' 'edu- tbatthoogi) p kinjr. he had'by ' rio mtitUTS pvctf' 'up 'his undersell the gold gamblers and intercept their.adrket
•J." K A ' V !•: l . i SJf<- ;> xT-riay i c ,
of u
cation, in reality to begiu it. tie 'aoly 'nwde "(he"' thep. pcivilcuc.i us a mat: to Diartiy the woman be loved best, tpr, V^-eutv qiillionsi ^
. rsiiKKT^i: Bj i^UINTCNtiVh'cBW^jjj,^^. •] ' customary tour de I' fJuro;»e, iwid Utefi w"tOW doM n I'orjfuid that, in tlieplfeee ii),wbii4i |i3.Bt08d. W looked upon steady' influx 'of greenbackj to^'pay tne boys feMajL^Jt
yc'ars at Geneva. Herfi'in'the
ooatitry of ;Jean his present wife ns the only true Ijosses^ed in Is a niastOr' iilrokc'hhd t h e j g b f t f ' o f c t c H A n t . T ' i H f \V . D1 A Y . several
Jacqoes Roiis.-«ui, he imbibed ultra reptiblicati jA-inci- Iho Wot^d.' The s[»Ccb, repqitcdTronijmoBlu to tiiputh, witted very handsomely. ' •
JJTGSVE l i r a .V CALX: •Jz ' ' •
ples,;lbMhe:reeeption Of which"his• p^-evioos''tridnfiig, oreatEd a profound'sensation, iind gfadunlly extinguished!
or absence of training; had already well fitted liim. 'Wrtii- tho ill-fcelios against the coniitcKS. At ' a liter' peribd
Ml*. Abernethy raroly mct tvidi his match eocoopWi^on
' Traver^ Piir,,Jn»r 13. Iffi* i
W ,
. thesc idcus >Bri(ideVrt!deriek went-6t>elt1d T)f*nht:rfk a: KBC. tpMflj-Macensured foe giyi^ibersetf ioo: • much Ibe000 occasion,AwheB l^o was teut for byAu ip«»-keopef,irJio
iad eBaw'g^t! -at aire of a rial .queen ; but ,.ttys reproaob wis depiped had had a.nmfrryl with his>wifo yW N ^ - M j I S W f f d
i.vyi I .MhoiDanis^ court- iii Wpord1 »1dl'i'tlwy,'^bWi^fbiF tty thevenial; in view of What was generally acknowledged—r hisTaCe "frith her nqljs so' lliat the riot man',was|^ped*
JACKSON & WIIxEY, i '.I j,. tbrdDC,» 'l'hefrefgninitfeii^jifcbW^ly^t^W-Wd.-hid that she was,-indeed the i!6v6ted fridnd and consort of ine. fltid mncli ( R s f i g t f r c d ^ : * ' M r i ' d O h m e ' t c d
her royal hu-band. She alone MicCe«le,l ih cbasiug the this an opporbmity'not to be lost far adiponlshing' «ho
%pall fcopes'ofna«lil^ilnWe"Frederick's
JL^ptia^^r;,\ 3jgU| ftCadiinl^J,illisS- ^•*
fabler,:I'TipeetJbristiim.' boWim ^Pt1j(*^idtiat'ch, Wd be- pirit of profound dejection wbicbsetUed upou the king qflpq^r, J^nd said, ;• Modame, 1 aie^you noti«fcos»e<l of
^' " n '.\; : .bBTRftiT|: Michigan,
J come: litiriappareht-tSrf <be: crewir.
was in the latter days of^iis lifc, under tho burden of physical
iCornttrot l-*jfOi.and WooJl'rji%e Streets,. opp4*lt« M it hi panexceedingly anxious to nliirrytoffhis two daughters,' the arid mental safferingts as well as4»litical catX's. FrederCc-ntral^KalUlo^ {JopiiKiny-s Mschinis Shops. (lUj) eldest aWady jiist SO. arid nd^to'f Wrfnr/" from abroad, ick VII was thus. Quabletl to^efio^what even his per- ly retorted tBe Virago, 4 nnS'tHay"'! hlft «rr
/he offered them totbe oUly' dtei«jinBI^"niyie"rflamms
at sonal^:-enemies
- P do'not
-- ~j, dispute—the
~ mpiiareh that head
i -., r ™
to tb« yoopg tiiRu'iort:l*lortil'3!!frcto'irGet!o. ! Deaniark
Kas^tad f^^'Iiundred y e ^
•i^all and AV"injfer of'-ljB^^ife *=fc.home-^onb
to .;!audil»Bi«tlie#,-Wb^UnWer-''Prihl^a''F6rtli^y>d-^
'; '• "
.' •"
... :iie;followliog p e c u l i a r ^ a
C iffee aud the Prolongation of Liiu.
Jitlle {own itjl^la ware, countj,:
f o r t l i e l i A I ^ I E S . TiiajjoiiUg rept^ilicah piwl-e "wMifd falii ^feivei dt'clit^d
the honor ofboing
nuitetl ti> asking's
da6felite«*f "btlt:: a . ,Xn:t^e days old ^Ichemisbt, a notion --prevailed - " Kewxnb^IiiJf oi^trbtfe iwt{{ the'''Prcni'iiscLof the
" ) "^V4VGiiU3r KBTUnSEI) J'HOJI TilE OUTeiDE refuidl «-as
. b^i!clis
... ohi]s fa" J jtu)t
" "permitted
subScriWn a slttep^all;tiv€yW*,fi - otW'ligg'W^IWtlck
world, we are preiifioatM only to enlia)iwn the Jad(es therwid the king ht wfl?'ttiarri«l,'-u^rfaVrongihtlitary tWlsopio^ubstoat-q-could bo obtained t-in ttaUxro i that and halyq.hio body. • Allrporsdas shsll-wcevo' fire dolls
would prolong hnuian :life and rtiidpr man 'almost immoras regards Fall and Winter Styles of Bonnets,.. Hats,; Clcak^
on the l|st tal. por many.yeaiiifciig(,'d and dupe«' searched lor the too bring htmbak. He w a s ^ ^ i j ^ t , ? , - . f*;jj • -:t!i
•SVwMs.'&c^'Uk also to fornlsfi, onr oaitotaira wrth. yew e«cort|lto his coiisitii Printt^s - Wfihehhiiia,
<«iiHfyBrtlileiii#hloh ira'haw-Urtcly added to onr atdck,'«ufch of.Kmtfnfcor, 1828. • .FrtdCT^'tob!r fr^tr, 'tBcfirit 'a jfjdiw^o^fts.'apdiwWn p'bisky *a« tf.scovered it iwas
a* ta<ivfcs,-ilaaJfcerclilors,Collars, DressTrlramlrfgn of dlfltr.IUob^idiMe.tb:blrvilS''w(iTch<%iis;^atlr i'ricrl'Ssed in ,bailed'as the. granddesidtratam atidjcnlled aqva vitoc ;
vntkind*. Hoods, XublaB, Wfcikted Under*teesep,Oh'Hdreu» tii* bfeiber'badghty di*pw?tlon, irtWrly! foreign' to his but a|as,,it;lias turned out to be the water of.deotti to far bis .adrnjr^tioiiv and jn (» wf^lad w»y^ seid,:,,^, x\ ^
Skating Cans, Ladles and CHi|dreiis Balmoral 11 p»e,jj|al|8,
Shawl and Hair Pin*. Fancy Cloak Trfmtriga,. Buttons, Pius, own hatnt*. -' Befort^dughblOft b?# t%dl Spo<tsB 'iilt6- too many erring mortals. The elixir of life, bowover,
ijether.-jtahihg rCfuge st'riTMillWiob;
frotn'fhe cit>- is still an enamoring topic ; and Louis Fignler, a French ' ^ 0 , dear;' majjf#laily, '•T.^iU U^kait
Kwwiles, Thread, Ac., Ac. I " ;
We have also Ladies Cloths; and a WhielerA Wilson tal,:amcng his frieDd^'iod bttmbhf compWibtgr ^ H e author, has lately published 'au article In L'Anilte
Sowing Machine enables us ti Withufacturc Cloaks to order here made the acquaintance for the first time, or lionise ficicntijique,i?V b'cb ho advances thCiclairos of coffoo as Sir Walter SaaJ<i'^q accoaiili^od as. nupb intel
Dress Cutting and llakluR^ShlrtUakinK and all kinds of BasmaraetvA sprightly Httle ('AYmwl1 'bf
asj- men we read of, said this iu a letter
jjawiug ftud machine satehtog: d«p«- yith i^i viww^olsuit daughter'of apoprtradesuiati.-trat "wj'th"sbrtte'cduc'trtibi! 'a peons of prolonging human life.-i Wytb respect to its lectual laboi.os
beneacial inllueaeep lie ciM facts in proof of his posi- to Tor;y:— ' Do iastuutly v. liatuvur is to be done, and
add more gixhs? aud/rtotber wlti' Fu<;h society ww V'- tion.
1 -vl 'take the,hours of reflection or recitation after business
lo^tthor morb to bis lasted than tWt 6f the ^tiff conrt)of "Quoting Dr. Petit, of Chateau Thierry-, On thosabjoct, nnd.n»3yer before it. ,1V hen a regimept, is pflder,. march,
Copenhagen, 'at whlph-be'did "\i0l ^ ^ bls' arTpeflranee hp says Sj..v>;/ ^ v .
•65. , e
nT; •-.vmfVfR•••
1% H'/s'r fs oft^'!rtirp^^,ici6tp^jBjiM» Ma^Ju(f,iuiBt
•*•-.-• -» -jjv
" -?r
fora lonyitjin#. By a royuimecfeb or Sbpttfnroer 1ft,
"Let ns trauspori,ourselves to the frontiers of^theDe- do n^t'mqv^ steadjiy witWiii.^forruptlw- ,Xi. is.,tbe
M) oJ | 1881,1
ha waabambhed to tt*' -fo'rtreseOT ;F>cd«Snca, lu partintiU du is'ord, to the coal mioes of Cliarleroi, tbera same'thini jijrlQj" business. . If tjiai isfirstui;hand is not
Jutland. Ohl s»Wlof and Bailor'1 friend?
allowYou may
y recover
health by
«D of
idsiantly, steadily, aiid, regularly despatched, other-things
>YoO mayrt>eavorwlthohtany;'>a* dot at forget1
"you' ed afreit to Ffcderica, and! ive'bUtile' Eottisc ^Bastnus- lipux^iqtW bowels of ihc earth for: the purpose of cx- accumulate behind t'ijl:aEurs'begiu to press aU •at.-.qpqc
oisfy die, and that Brandreth's ljm&^onlilhave sartd yOttV seii coaldiBotflbd Ber. way tb Oie *brfrc?w, but witb irisw traclkg the eiionnou* masses of coal required for feeding aqd no hufnan braiii dw
J pl
T a
'to jhe furnaces: oi"onr ^etosief. WeMheto see vigorous
¥''^' ' 'IF
j * \• tears,;bb tho ordeir-bf.hor parAits;'^fet but on a'itrtrniPy
•Paria; where »bi became^ 'omameof to' thi 1 mrpt dc workmen, .whoso exterior indicates robust health and ,TjiWe was on the pt}i instapt,.ktilic
toilet. A-few days after Frederic's arrival at the plate- the greatest muscular development, and Vet theirfoodis honje of Mr. and Mrs. Michael liichmond, iu Mansfield,
wp^Wwrt to jro«r- ofhis banishment, a decree of divorte MtVrceti blm'tttid neither substantial cor abundant ; -three or four enpe of Connecticut, at which the minister '(lie v. Philo Jodtpn)
tbo Princess WilheteltW -:Was Issued at Copnlia^a— coffee a day. and potatoes, aud ouo pouod of meat in the was present who .'officiated 50, years ago, altboagh ibe
dreaws andyoar Ofu.liyart telloou,
The death of the kStig aud tho ascension of his father to .*cek,.is ali the nourishment (applied to the workmen ' weight of 8-^ years now tjeSt? upqn his head. , Loss ' than
Sow, at ^ese times there ,U,no f^Uein* a* deeeoieg «f the thrbiw, released -Prince Frederick IMfflrir^cfn at the
twp months ago a sister of 2 ^ ^ g h $ q a d . celebrated
coal pits of Cbcrluroi. These pventcan live on o
yoiir cfiifldeaoa^a
ujn.>-ii!tuw dlBoH'^ii Wbivftiq end:ofdittlemorortao'two-'-Jeare,:and lib1 Wa';'^litrt op- quarter of the food tbat is necessary -to keep up tbe force Tier 6wn golden wedding, and the same derfeymaq WS
L . ^ A W B X A B L B C N I 7 K I H A L PIIX8, ' J.; poioted^oveftior of tbe'island'df -FflpHi.^ B^tWlrfc'In- of other individuals.
there too. having performed the marriage ceremony for
oliwd tolidl again Into hls dld wa^s of^itft^,'.-His fbral ' In the neighborhood of Ri^eb-Borg. in Bohemia, bqth the bridss.,
, VIM '• ,s JJ a-.-:
litber soon after insiBti^ that he
wffif-'Bi^e fli'bre,.in the midst of tbq Krapack motttitains, there exists a
li';' | and after some negotiations, Princess Ca?qlipe of 'StcCK- race qf poor people W1M> almost all follow the trade i* \_wo peddlars treveltag in Coptre county Pqon. reoeut' i U*. J#l»» Pudney,fipriksflcad,OUtn* Oa^ W. J- f• has - use.lenburg-StreNttms
chOse!) to be tb'e sfeonU-wifc. 1:. weavers. For years their food has, been altogether ii, ,iy.hi^upqn aningeniousTexpedie^t of raising. tim .Sind.
-thai fall blooth »f yOTKh.'tery^tty'1and'-l M^WV' b'ccorn- sufBcleut, being composed sdlely of potatoes ; they were Oue*of them traveled, in advaucp, from bousa to- hou»e
BRASnWlBTlTB PILLRfcrflftcea^«wtt'
pfahM, it was hop& tbat khe would weaft J Prfrfe Fro fiall his haadst in whlph' tjme these Pilljiiave cuiyjl ,Uiery of eri ck from bis low-bornoomparriw*,' and Wing^Wm.liack reduccd to such a state of wretcheanefe as to become to asserting that the Lock Haveti hail ftisjwDdod payocot.
some extent, degenerate. Fortunately/,he medical men and refused to receive its notes in payment,for,the goods
Bnli&w <M(^Vonfs Headache, injeqqa^Bi, j^ycf and ^guc.'to court and to a seise of his crown-princely, duties.— of the xfoohtif cobfelred tlie itfesi of placing them under be.sold- Tha next day his a<*^jJiwcpme aiong;, cooWhoM>i«gv?ooJk..anil heaayatje WA-aeverife^wn
a course of coffee* The trial succeeded beyond all ex- firming the report, but receiviqft tun ,npto ip-p^ywoot
pectation aud tbo Weavers of Rleseit-Berg havo uo longer , for goods, alleging that he was, indebted,U> the BanktWm MM.
' JU ? I cause to envy the health and strength of the worknjen of;
ih« his other countries. For the purport of jucil^jttiug. 1 ' Tlie'iire tWt 'went oul,', war b.-ougbt back," latqW
new home" What, probably," greatly o
toMbb quisitiim of that salutary substance of the poor mountain- after sowc struggling, by a sturdy boy.

'ftSSKaMiil ormi mtiiBicm, vice.



•; " . ,.


" 5ft ?rnt| imb €-o>msfllor iii !?#>.




• w i s i p w ^






t l i n m



A l f t n I<1 h > a n M U I A





Crabtrst Jlmrlii.

been made, is prevented By reason 'of distance, bodily infirmity, or Other good catee, trom personal attendance
at the district land office, it shall apo may be lawful for
MOltSCS-AiT B A T E S , B d l t o r » n d P r o p r i e t o r Mm to make the affidavit required by the ' original statue before the clerk of the coifit for the county in which
the applicant is an actual resident, and to transmit the
same, with the fee and commissions, to the register and
SEC. 4. And it itfuYther enacted. That in lieu of
The naderaigoed, who, by original appointment, or subsequent designation to flll vacancies, constitute the Executive the fee allowed by tfce twelfth section of the preemption act of fourth September, eighteeu hnndred and fortyCommittee created by the XatJoaal Convention held at Chi- ooe, the register nod receiver shall each be entitled to
<eagfe on the 16th day of May, I860, do Ijereby call upon all one doHar for their services in acting upon preemption
.. 'qualified Vetera who'desire the unconditional maintenance claims, and shall be alkiwed jointly, at the rate or fifteen
oftka Union, the aapremacy of the Constitution, and the cents per hundred words for the testimony which may be
" itc anpprenion of the existing rebellion, with the reduced by them to writing for claimants,* in establishhereof by vigorous war, and jril apt and efficient ing pre-emption or homestead rights, tho regulations for
to send delegate* to a convention to aaaemble at giving proper effect to the provisions of this act *to be
loao, on TDUOAT, r u SSVSNTU j>*r or Jvnz, 1864, prescribed bytfce Commissioner Of the General Land
'clock, noon, for the purpose of presenting candidates
tor u i offices of President and Vice President of the (Tailed SKC. 5. Afnd be it further enatted, That where a
'States. Each State having a representation In Congrcts will pre-emptor ha^taken tho initiatory steps rtqdired by exfee entitled to aa many deli gates as shall be equal to twice the isting laws in regard to actual settlement, and is called
number of electors to which inch State is entitled in the away from such settlement by being actually engaged in
the military or naval service of the United States, and
Elector! al College of the United Btates-j
by reasoo of such absence is unable to appear at the disEDWIN D. MORGAN, N«rw York. Chairman.
trict land office, to make, before tho register or receiver,
the affidavits required by the thirteenth section of the
A Republican State Convention, to appoint sixteen Dele pre-emption act of fourth September, eighteen hundred
gates to represent this State in the National Convention at and forty one, the time for filing such affidavit and makBaltimore, June 7tb, to nominate candidates for President ing final proof and entry of location shall be extended six
and Vice President will be held In the ilty of Detroit, on months after the ekpiration of his term of service, upon
Wednesday, the Eighteenth day of May next, at 11 o'clock satisfactory proof bv affidavit, or the testimony of witnesses, that the said pre-emptor is so in the service, beA. M
The sevenl counties will send two Delegates f6r each Re- ing filed with the register of the land office for the district in which his settlement is made.
preventative la the lower branch of the State Legislature,
SKC. 6. And be it further enacted. That the regisand Yftry organized County having no representation, will
ters and receivers in the State of California, in the
be'entitled to one Delegate.
of Oregon, and in the Territories of Washington,
- County Conventions to elect these Delegates may, i t their
option, also elect a similar number of Delegates to attend a Nevada, Colorado, Idaho, New Mexico and Arizona,
shall be entitled to collect and receive, in addition to
-Statputyminatlng Convention, to be hereafter called.
the fees and allowances provided by this act, fifty per
TOTTollowing was adopted by the Republican State Con-Centum of said fees and allowances as compensation for
vention, Aug. 19,1858 : their services ; Provided, That the salary and fees alRnoLvao, That in the opinion oi this State Convention, lowed any Register or receiver shall not exceed in the
the appointment of any individual to represent any county
la which be does not reside, should not be recognised in any aggregate the sum of three thousand dollars per aunura.
Approved, March 21,1864.
future convention, and that the State Committee be instructed to make their calla for future conventions accordAn Interesting I n d i a n Letter.
WM. A. HOWARD, Chairman.
Correspondence of the Grand Traverse Herald.
A Convention of Republican Delegates from the several
March 30, 1863. $
towns in Grand Traverse County will be held at tho School
EDITOR TRAVKBSK HBKALD,—Sir,—At the last State
House In Traverse City, on Tuesday, the third dsy of Msy
next, atone o'olook P. M., to appoint ose delegate to the Re- election mine was one of the Republican Indian votes,
publican State Convention to be held at Detroit on the 18th and sucb was the abuse subsequently lavised on me by
day of Msy next, to appoint sixteen delegates to the Repub- neighboring Copperheads, that I for a time nlmost relican National Convention to be held i t Baltimore, oi
gretted having so cast my vote. Bat I have been patient
7th day of June next, to nominate candidates for President
and observant and though ignorant of politics have notand Vice President of the United States.
The County Conventioh will also appoint one delegate to ed facts not subtle nor intricate nor involving more
politics than unaided common sense can understand.—
the State Republloan Convention (heresfter to be cslled)
nominate candidates for Bute officers.
Greenbacks are worthless, said Copperhead ; yet I find
: The Township of Traverse will be entitled to 8 delegates. they are the billstndst acceptable to all with wjiom I
Peninsula S ; Whitewater 6 ; Benionia 3 ; Crystal Lake J deal. The soldiers starve, said Copperhead ; yet my
Almlra S ; Milton 1.
Indian soldier friends in Chicago write that they fatten
on the abundance supplied. We dare Old Abe to draft,
said Copperhead | yet Old Abe did draft, and Copperi .
County Committee.
Traverse Cljy, April 7,186*.
head, despite his fiercehess, grows cool. The soldiers
will rebel, said Copperhead ; yet Duncan volunteers have
Amendments to the Homestead Law.
>Ve publish, below, the Act amendatory of the Home- re-enlisted, have come to visit their homes and talk
stead Law of May 20,1862, which was approved by the witheringly of disloyalty and So coolly of lead and steel,
President on the 21st of March last, *nd took immediate that Dlattant Copperhead timidly holds in his bn
We shall repudiate the debt, said Copperhead ; yet
Persons in the military and naval service of the United Copperhead has here voted a County tax to encourage
and avoid the draft
W6U impeach Old
Slates may make tho affidavit (which heretofore could
be taken only before the Register or Receiver of the Abe, said Copperhead ; yet I hear much of the nrobsbility
fine, havibg found
Land Office) before the officer commanding in the branch
of the service in. which the party may be engaged ; and that:Copperhead has lied to the Indian from the beginning
vfng my people,
the wife or other representative of the party msy make
the entry provided a bona .fide improvement and settle- and hs I cannot meet them all, I ask for a place Occasionally
in all the
ment has been made, and such wife or representative is
neighboring villages have easy acoess.
actually residing upon tho land at the time.
8ection 2 increases the fees of Registers and Receiv-


ore; and hereafter the full, instead of half fees, will lie
required at the time of making the entry, which wiR
add two dollars to the former cost of making an entry.
• Section 3 make provisiou for those who by reason of
distance or bodily infirmity cannot go to the Land Office. They can, if actually residing upon the land, make
the affidavit before the County Clerk of their County.
Section 6 gives an extension of time to soldiers who
have filed pre-emption claims.
A n Act Amendatory to the Homestead L a w and
Be it enacted by the Senate and Home of Repretentatives of the United Statu of America in Congress
auemteed. That in case of any person desirous of availing himself of the benefits of the homestead act of twentieth of May, eighteen hundred and *xty-two, bnt who
r reason of actual service in the Military or naval serce of the United States, is ubable, to do the personal
preliminary acts at the district land office which the said
act of twentieth May, eighteen hundred and sixty-two,
require^ and whose family, or some I member thereof, is
residing on tho land which ho desire^ to enter, and upon
which a bona fide improvement aqd settlement l a v e
been made, it shalf and may He lawful for sdeh person to
make the affidavit required by said act before the officer
commanding in the branch of tho seivioo in which the
party may be engaged, which affidavit shall be as binding in law, and with like penalties, ok if taken before the
register or receiver ; and Upon such'affidavit being filed
with the register, by the wife or othfef representative of
tbfi party, the same shall become efiBctive frbm tho date
of sucb filing, provided the said application and affidavit
are accompanied by the fee and comttifssfoUs, as required
by law.
SKC. 2. And be it further enacted, That, besides the
ten dollar fee exacted by the said act, the homestead" applicant shall hereafter pay to the register and receiver
each,, as commissions, at the tirno of entry, one per
centum opon the cash price as fixed by law of tho" land
applied for, and like commissions when th« claim is ffoklly established and tho certificate therefor issued as the



Sao. 3. And be it further enacted. That in any caSe
htereafter in which the applicant for the benefit of the
homestead, and whoae family or some member thereof is
residing on the land which be desires to enter, and upon
which a bona fide improvement apd settlement have


From New York.
N*w YORK, April 1.—The World says the hasty departure of the double-turreted monitor "Oucmdaga is in
consequence of a report to the naval authorities that the
rebel iron-clad"Merrimac, No. 2 is ready to mako a raid
on the iroD-clads at Newport News and Hampton Roads.
I t is also reported that the rebel iror.-clads in North
Carolina will make a simultaneous appearance.
The WGrid's Beaufort correspondent mentions that
reinforcements have been sent to Florida, and that the
next movement'will'be led by Gen. Gilmore himself.
I t is reported that onr troops will soon advance from
A Florida letter of the 26th to the Tribune states
that the rebel steamer Hattie has been captured by an
expedition from Pilatka. She is a' Very vafubte boat A
night attack was made by a small fe*ce of rebels on the
22d upon Pilatka bnt onr forces drove them off promptly. Beauregard is reported to have erected large earthworks 10 miles from Pilatka.
The Baltimore correspondent of the World predicts
that the rebels will abandon defensive and assume an invasive policy this spring. The invasion will be made in
two columns, one under Lee into Pensvlvania, and the
other strike for Cincinnati.
The Washington correspondent of the same paper states that Forrest's present
raid was planned in the North, and the supplies, clothing,
etc., from New York and Cincinnati were shipped to
Paducah for the express purpose of being captured by
Forrest, in order to clothe his men.
THK HARBISBCRO correspondent of the Philadelphia;
Press writes drat in conversation with a sound orthodox
Democrat the evening before, he said:
The only hope of Democracy lias in the defeat of the
Union armies during the coming season; that every
Unioo victory-is anbtber nail driven into the coffiin of
Us party, and that none rtgifetted the humiliating fact
thbre keenly than himself.''
The industry of the country, notvrithstanding the
is omaxing. No less than twenty steamers have
built in New York for the China'trade during the
y®r. Several of them are first clsis vessel:, afld
aggregate tonnage is 20,000. •



T H E W A R Dt I L L I N O I S .
No ode who has been accustomed
to attend the sessions
Serious Copperhead Blot ^ a C o l o Coanty* 1111- of Cqrigrcas during the past 15 years, has failed to notice
n o l e ^ A C n a s H n a H e Number KUtod a a d
•t thfc right of the Speaker, a tall slim, pale faced, bright
looking lad, who gradually grew up into manhood, and
From the Detroit Advertiser and Tribune.
still retained his position and title which was that of
Our readers will remember, the disclosures iyc$ntto
^ Speaker's page.' No matter what party was in powmade through the Advertiser am! Tribune w a rebel
er in Congress, Thad. Morrice was retained Every .new
plot then Brewing in Windsor, just fcross the t^yer/roip
this city, t i e object of which was. the carrying of-the Speaker found him an almost indispensihle assiitant
Standing just at the Speaker's elbow, with his arm leatT~\
war in the Free States by inducing « sodden outbreakjn
one of the Copperhead counties of Bouthern Illinois.^— ing upon the desk and bis chin resting upon his band,
As we then Mated, large quantities of arms and. ammu- which was between the Speaker and the audience in the
nition were being secretly conveyed to the vicinity of attitude or whispering to the Speaker, the faithful Tbaddetls bad stood during many sessions of Congress, the
Charleston, Coles county, a place lying east of Springfield and Deal1 the Indiana State line, at whic& .point, also promoter of Boyd. Banks, Orf, Pennington, Grow and
Colfi^. It Ts said be Kriew more of Parlimeotary law
numbers of Southern emissaries and refugees, were conthan any man J u America. . knew every memgregating. The telegraph now brings us the culminaber of the House in all these Congresses; it was his spection of the plot
ial business to know tbem. No Speaker could get
On Mondav these desperadoes, 80 to 100 in number,
along without such ad assistant at first When Penningbegan to gather fnto town from the surrounding counton wiis Speaker, a gtxld portion of all the words he utr
try ostensibly to attend court but with guns concealed
tered were literally put into his ears by Thsd. He did
in wagon beds anflfermedwith pistols.
. ^
not know one quarter bf the members even bv sight and
A little after 3 o'clock p. ic, while Court was Quietly
M M l U deficient !H
was sadly
ib pariimenlaiy 1law.
in session, a man nAmed Nelson Wells suddenly fired on member arose, he wodld say, "The gentleman from, ,
a soldfer in the coUtt yard. As though this wil 'a pregenerally without the least iaca what State he was to
concerted signal, the Copperheads in the Court House
name but so prompt was 1*bad to give it, and so unoband yard opened a geberal fire oti Union men And solserved in doing so, that bot one in a hundred who was
diers with revolvers, making a rush at the same time; to
not cognisant with tbe process would imagine but what
a wagon where tbey had guns concealed, and firing with
Pennibgtou knew all the members. And many and many
these as fast as they could get them.
a time the old man would commence the statement of a
The few soldiers present being taken entirely by surtjdfeslion not knowing hbw he was to finish his' sentence,,
ise, fought manfhlly with their pistols, and soon the
which was furnished and finished by tbe youtbfil parlia^
ad and wonnded Were scattered around the public
mentarian at his elbow. No Speaker that ever presided
s quare. The soldiers and Union citiaens ran for guns os
over the House was so well able to dispense with the
soon as possible, bnt as they re turned the rebels were in
services thot Thad. Morrice performed as Schuyler Colfull retreat the whdle affair thus far having occnpied but fax, who is the most successful Speaker ever elected by
a short time.
an American House of Representatives; yet Mr. Colfaj;
CoL Mitchell, of the 54th Illinois, was without his recannot fail to miss greatly" the "Speaker's page," and.
volver when it cdttitnenced. While attempting to take
many old members, amid the bustle and hurry of legislaa pistol from a man, he was shot by another man,/"the
tive affairs will Gnd time to iudulgc in a retrospective
ball striking bis heavy gold watch and inflicting a iCgbt
glance at the services, and pay a tribute to the memory
wound. Another man put a pistol to his back.and
would have killed him bad it snapped.
Still another of tbe ever-faithful Thaddens Morrice whoso profnpt and
timely needful words will never be whispered into (no
man was just about firing a fatal shot at him when a solear of another Speaker.
[Cor. Missouri Republican':
dier knocked him down with a brickbat The Colonel
was shot at a down times or more. Maj. Shubal York,
From Arkansas.'
Surgeon oLthe 54th; was sho>t dead while gallantly d c
FORT SMITH, Ark., March 30.—About 10,000 effective
fending himself.
t r o o p have gone South from this district Tbc whole
Within an hoar from the beginning of tbc affair, number in the department under Geo. Steele, uow movLieut Col Chapman, with a portion of the 54th—about ing southward is from 30,000 lo 35,000, sufficient t o
250 men—arrived it Muttooo, twenty-three miles dis- overpower any rebel force o p p o ^ J o bijn.
tant, and squads were, sent out after the retreating CopCabell's scout, from prices army, reports that a ocmperheads. Abotit thirty-five of the raiders were arrest- mand of seven or eight regiments are 15 miles this side of
ed during the evening and night
Washington. Missouri troops arc being moved to CamTbey had ctit th£ telegraph east of Charleston as they den.
retreated, an^toeetiog a soldier of thv 54th they had
Gen. Gano has 7,000 br 8,000 Teaana at Farmerstaken him prisoner ill the command of John 8. O'Hair, port
Marmaduko and Shelby are at Camden.
Sheriff of Coles county, who Beemed to be leader of tho
The rebels are well supplied with clothing uml an imporgang. This soldier 4r*s retaken, however, at daylight tation of shoes frow England is said to have just reached
the following Morning, and six rebels who were guarding them.
him were ak» captured.
A largo number 6f negroes bitffc been concentrated
Eight persons,are known to have been killed, only two at Camdeu and Washington.
of whom are rebels, | i z : Nelson Wells, who, being
Quantril is south of tho Itcd River.
taken prisoner by some of the soldiers, was shot while
Gov. Edwards oftho Choctaw nation hwucd proclaattempting to ticape. . The Union men killed were
mations urging itfe Indians of that tribe to return to'
Major 8. York, Surgeon, 54th.
their allegiance td the govornnSent. mid to repossess themJames Goodrich,..C," 54th.
selves of what tbey have lost the post wars l»y onsocimA. Swain. Gj 54th.
ing with the most nccureed foes that ever pointed this
Wm. Hart, oftbe62dTU.
John Jeodings Union citizen.
A correspondent ol N. V. Kveiling Post makes the'
Oliver 8ales,a.54th.

following estimate oft. tbe Presidentinl election. The
The following Union men were wonnded :
elect oral votes are according to ihe new apportionment,
CpL Mitchell, 54th.
and include tbe new Smtes of CtAorudo, Nebraska aut!
A private Unknown, G, 54th.
Nevada :
Decker. G, 54th.
Geo. Ross, C, 04th.
5 NffW Jersey
K. Noyes, I, 54tb.
5 Kentucky
W illiam Gilpin, citizen.
• I*
Thomas Jeffries, cftizen. .
The rioters succeeded in bringing off their wounded Connecticut
. 3
in wagons, so there are no means of knowing their Delaware
At latest accounts all was quiet at Charleston. A de8 1 Alabama
. . . . H*
tachment of tho 54th Illinois, numbering 400 muskctB Iowa
. . 3:
had gone to attack the rebels who wMe reported under Kansas.. - . . v ^ i . . . 3 Florida
.. y
command of Sheriff O'Hair, Intrenched at Golliday's L o u i s i a n a . . . . ' . . . . . . . . 7 i Georgia
7 . Mississippi
. . 7'
Mills, ten miles northeast of Charlcsto^i and 300 strong. M a i n e . . . .
7 North t-nrflliiia....
Another detachment was protecting Matton, which place Maryland
12 South Uifolina
. . 6"
was threatened from Shelby and Moultrie counties.
8 Texas../
.. 6
4 VirgJnH (part)
MATTOOX. Coles Co., IB.; March 31, 1864.
Throughout last night and all ojf this morning the ex- Nebraska
citement continued among our citizens, and the most
vigorous measures were in progfeps to resist the appre- New Hampshire,
Necessary to a choice,
hended attack, but it seems that the capture of the spy New York ..•
21 (if a majority of the entire
last night was of more importance in a military point of O h i o . . . . . . .
view than was at first believed. He was taken in a sus- O r e g o n . . ' . . . . . ' . . . . ' . . 3 electerial vote is required.)'
26 161. !
picions locality, and at once owned his mission. On be- Rennsylfinia
'.'. 4
Necessary to a choice,
ing pressed he gave full information relative to the posi- Rhode Island
10 (if oalv a majority of those
tion of bis friends, stating that there was a large force Tenness^s
5 voting are required,) 134.
of them at Windsor, in Shelby, county, about eight Vermom,'.
miles west of this place, on the T$rre Haute and Alton
Railroad, and also at Copairn's Mills, a few miles south. West Yirginia
His statements were confirmed by sconts, who gave the Wisc6hsib...'.....
aggregate numbers in some instances as high as fifteen

Yesterday, it is now positively known, the insurgents
Tiftt RICHMOND* Dispatch sets forth tbe Southern terms
near Windsor tqok a vote in theft camp and unanimously
received wi$r moth enthusiasm to-move at once on Mat- of peace as follows,and we indite to think tbat tbe^Coptoon .and release the prisoners. , The failure of their perbeads WSb argufe' that the Amnesty Proclamation
scouts, above named, to return dampened their zeal, and could have been po framed as id restore the rebel States
when it became known that be. was arrested, the leaders
of the gang became frightened, and after much hesita- to tbe Union, will not be able to substantiate their theory by this extract The Dispatch says:
tion tho whole movemeot was given up.
The Copperhead party from, Neoga, twelve miles be" No o»e; boweVer, knows better tban Abraham Linlow this place, have returned home, -telling their neigh- coln, tbat any terms he might offer tbe Southern people
bors that there are 5000 Federal soldiers in Mattoon. which contemp late their restoration to his bloody and
and that it is no use to try UTrelease the prisoners.— brutal Government would be rejected with scorn and exA wise cooclMion, but accepted a little too late for ecration. If instead of devoting to death our President
some of these fellows.
and lliiilitaiy cftd civil officers, be had proposed to make SBCORD DISPATCH.
Jeff Davis his successor. Lee Commander-in-Chief of the
MATTOOX, 1 1 p . Jfc
Yankee armies, and our domestic institutions not only
The excitement#is subsided, everythicg is 'quiet and recognised'at home but re-adopted in tbe Free States
but for the presence of an uBosually large military force provided the South would once more enter tbe Yankee
the town baa resumed its us&al aspect
The prisoners Unioo, there is not a man woman or child in the Confedare closely guarded, and vigilant patrols are kept out.— eracy who would not spit upon lb* proposition. W e
There is no doubt that the rebels nave dispersed to their desire m&'cdmpanionship with robbers and murderers.
The miscreants, whose atrocities in this war have caused
Colonel Oakes, Assistant Provost Marshal General of the whole dviHzed world to shudder must keep henceforth
this State, has gone to Charleston with a force to look their distance. Tbey shall not be oar masters, and we
up the malcontents in that region. The scare has begun would not have tbem for o i r slaves."
to fall upon the Copperheads, who see they have gone
Another feeding Southern Journal, the Savannah Retoo
publican, has the following:
PEACE.-*—We hope the Georgia Legislature will let
The first commissi (ft! to a colored officer has just been
this question alone and turn their attention to war. Tbc
issued to Second Lieut. Snell. of Western New York, peace talk is designed to help Northern Democrats, but
who took the place of Fred. Douglass's son, disabled, in this is a great mistake. It help6 Lincoln as we shall see'
a Massachusetts regSnent
to our sorrow.*'


.. »'

I ,, . . •


T h e B u f f a l o E x p r e s s s t a t e s , on w h a t i t e o n s i d e r s g o o d
a u t h o r i t y , t h a t t h e ^ C o p p e r h e a d s of O h i o a n d e l s e w h e r e ,

. v
T h e Republicans of the T o w j o h l p of T r a v e r s e a r e r e q u e u ed t o m e e t at t h e Bohool House, In T r a v e r s e jCity, on Wed.
nesdsy, t h e 27th day of April n e x t a t 1 o'clock P . M„ for t h e
.purpose of c h o o s i n g e i g h t d e l e g a t e s t o a t t e n d t h e C o u n t y
.Convention t o be held on t h e 3rd dsjr of May n e x t a t T r a v e r s e
City. All B e p u b i l c s n s are In r i l e d t o be p r e s e n t .
C. H . M A R S H .
• A. W. BACON.
A p r i l 14.1664.

h a v e a l r e a d y d e p o s i t e d ^ 1 8 , 0 0 0 in B a n k

at Windsor to

the credit of t h e g r e a t martyr, Vsllandigham.

MICHIGAN STATE L a s n O r r t c s ,
Lansing, March 23d, 18«4.
mar)' S c h o o l a n d 8 * i m p L a n d s in t h e Upper P e n i n s u l a ,
heretofore withheld f r o m m a r k e t a s C o p p e r a n d I r o n loc4catlona, a l t u a t i In the towns and ranges mentioned below,
e x c e p t such sections a n d p a r t s of s c c t i o n f a s have been reserved by t h e Governor f o r examination, by virtue of a c t 145,
" A good i a o y
h a v e c o m d in a l r e a d y , session laws of 1863, will be offered a t public auction, at t h i s
office on t h e 13th day. of May u e x t a t ten o'clock A. M.,,at
o v e r l a n d , a n d h a r t s e l e c t e d a n d e n t e r e d t h e i r H o m e - the m i n i m u m price, a n d on tbe t e r m s established by law. • The lists contains a b o a t 14,320 acres,- reserved u n d e r t h e
steads a t t h e T r a r e r s e C i t y L a n d Office.
T h e r e will b e
m i n e r a l law of 1846. I t c o n t a i n s lands, a p o r t i o n of w h i c h
a g r e a t rash a s s o o n a s n a v i g a t i o n i s f l i r t y o p e n e d a n d are m e n t i o n e d in J a c k s o n ' s Geological R e p o r t t o t h e 1st BesP r o p e l l e r s a r e e n i b l e d t o g e t t ' h r o u g h t h o S t r f l i t s 6t
GBAKD TRAVELS* BAT is still fall of i c ^ b i t
t h i n a n d b r o k e n t h a t a S o u t h wind
o u t in a f e w h o n r s .
c u l t y in


i t & 'so

w o n l j l d r i v e it kll

A Propeller would h a r e no


through i t now.

W e expect the Propeller Alleghany here from Chicag o next week.
Connecticut has once more spoken, a n d t£at staunch
loyal h e a r t e d p a t r i o t GOT. B u c k i n g h a m , is r e e l e c t e d b y
8,000 majority.

T h e people

to the core and b i t e no
treason sympathiser*.

of C o n n e c t i c u t a r e loyal

affiliation w i t h j t r a i t o r s a n d

Returns from Cincinnati give



m a j o r i t y of

* , 7 0 0 in a t h r e e - f i f t h s v o t e .
T h e c i t y of C l e v e l a n d g i r e s a R e p u b l i c a n
j o r i t y of 1500.





cause they p r e s e n t t h e same t o p o g r a p h i c a l and geological
a p p e a r a n c e as t h e mineral l a n d s mentionea la J a c k s o n ' a a n d
P o s t e r A W h l t n e y ' a Geological and Mineralogical Reports.
SAMUEL B. LACEY, Commissioner.
" M i l " "**



" " . " i d . " 41."
49 68.
40,41,47, 48 68
39,41, 48,' 5S.
39, 40,42, 47,68.
— . . 4 0 , 42, 46, 40, 47, 4».
43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, £7. 58.
. . . . 4 3 , 56,57.
44, 46,55, 56.

35.""I III"IIIIIIII IIIIr.V.\".""".7.".*."4i*5'2,"63," 6«

52, 64,65.
51,64, Go


T h e R a d i c a l candidate for M a y o r at St. J o s e p h , Mo.,
h a s b e e n c l c c t e d b y a small m a j o r i t y .




— V-TT


.•». v -


A W a s h i n g t o n special s t s t e s t h a t while' Gen. G r a n t


w a s a t Fortre8« Monroe, preliminaries t o t h e satisfactor y e x e b s n g e o f p r i s o n e r s Were c o n c l u d e d
by him.



T h e e l e c t i o n in S t L o u i s h a s resulted id f a v o r of t h e
•radicals b y a l a r g e





e l e c t e d t o t h e new c o u n c i l , a n d b u t s e v e n d o n s e r v a t i v e s .
A W a s h i n g t o n special says Gen. W .
c o m m a n d t h o t r o o p s in G e n .




B u t l e r ' s departiifcnt, and

personally conduct the military operation.
B y o r d e r of G o v . M o r t o n , t h o e n t i r e
a r e g e t t i n g t h e m s e l v e s in readiness »o
a n y m o m e n t t o repel i n v a s i o n .



take tho

A l b e r t P i k e , poet, orator, lawyer,





a n d I n d i a n a g e n t , is s n i d t o b e l i v i n g w i t h i n t h e F e d e r a l
l i n e s at H u u t s v i l l c , s o u t h of L i t t l e


wretched and poverty stricken condition.




' T h e retribd-

t i u u of B v u u d . u t A r n o l d a n d A a r o u B u r r h a s o v e r t a k e n

F o r Rata. Mice, Roaches; A n t s , Red Bnga, Moths
w o oo ll e n s , A c . , I m f c c t a o n P—j a n~t s , " F o w l s ,
i Fare, W
Animals} t c .
rmuplaXe.iOc.udSl-OOBoxw. Boll
lllu. »nd Fhuki.
sad $3 ><"•
Ibr Horcts. Pvsuo I*«mono»>, Sc.
• - Only lnfiDIM* irardial kn
M H u n m Tsmflr-"

xlr bolt* to dl?.
Sold Wholesale In all large c i t i e s ^ .
Sold b y all D r u g g i s t s a n d Retailers e v e r y w h e r e . '
! y. BRWARE ! p S of all w o r t h l e s s imitatlonn.
Sec that - CosTAa'a " n a m e ia on each Box, Bottle, a n d
Plaslc, b e f o r e y o u buyi
* ' •
>.• '
" Address
H E N R Y R . CO U T A H .
"• Sold by all Wholesale slid Retail Druggists in T r a r e r s e
City, Jilch. '

T l i e l a t e s t i n f o r m a t i o n frotti P a d n c a h . r e p r e s e n t s m u c h
cvciteiiicnf a m o n g iln» c i l i » i n s .
from F o r r e s t * forces.




M e r c h a n t s ami o t h e r s w e r e m o v -

itiir g o o d s a n d vulmibles l o s a f i T place*.

Many exciting

r u m o r s a r e nfiont r e s p e c t i n g F o r r e s t ' s m o v o m e n t s .
T h e S e c r e t a r y o f S t a t e of N e i - V o r k t r a n s m i t t e d t h e
* official CSIIVU** o r t h e e l e c t i o n o f t h o 8 t h t o



y j o M l i t u t i o n relative to t h e soldiers' elective franchise,
t h o w h o l e n u m b e r of v o t e s c a s t was; 3 0 7 , 4 3 5 .
amendment 258,795; agoiust






Majority 210,305,
The Now York




s t a t e s t h a t t h e s p e e c h Of M r . B e a m a n , o f
the House, a day or two


since, u p o n t h e



t i o n bill n o w u n d e r discussion, w a s o n e o f



a r g u m e n t s y e t s u b m i t t e d in C o n g r e s s tlpon t h i s q u e s t i o n .
I t s u p p o r t s t h e bill b o l d l y a n d a b l y .
T h e N e w Yorfe Custom H o u s e investigation

h a s de-

v e l o p e d a n e x t e n s i v e t r a d e b e t w e e n p d r t i e s in t h e N o r t h
a n d t h o rebel a g e n t a t M i t a m o r a s .


have been

' O u r G o v e r n m e n t , i t i s s t a t e d , will n o t
imilian's Mexican



only treating with



T h o N e w B r u n s w i c k p a p e r s a r e loudly lamenting t h e

i n c r e a s i n g e m i g r a t i o n of y o u n g m e n f r o m t h a t


t o the U n i t e d States.
L s e ' a a r m y i s f o r t i f y i n g a n d d i g g i n g r i f l e p i t s on '£hi
R a p i d a n , near R a c o o n F o r d , a n d also




n ^ r o a d between Fredericksburg and H a n o v e r Junction!








fevoix. .

County Corresponding

^ y .

CHARLES T. SCOFIELD,..".'."I.".".'"."Whitewater.
Township Republican Committee.
0 H A 5 ^ H . M A B a H . ; ; ; . . . . ; . . „ i . . . i . - * m v e r s e C i t yv .
J O H N A. P K R B Y . . . _
...i.... - i... i «
; „ i : ; ^ ; ; : |
COirt'lS F O W L E R . . .

. mumR HAIGHT,
A. P . L A N C A S T E R , .



1!•""T "*



• ( W e u r g e n t l y r e q u e s t t h e n a m e s cf t h e C o m m i t t e e in e a c h
T o w n s h i p l a t h e C o u n t y , t o be a d d e d t o t h e a&ove l i s t „ W e
will p u b l i s h also, t h e n a m e s of t h e b o u n t y • a o d T o w n s h i p
C o m m i t t e e s of A n t r i m , E m m e t Leelsnaw and" K i n i s t e e
Counties, if w s can obtain t h e m . ] '


H a n n a h , L a y & Go's C o l u m n . H a n n a h , L a y 6c Co.'s C o l u m n STATE OF T H E MARKETS.
F o r t h e c o n v e n i e n c e of t h e h a s t y a s a l s o f o r t h e g e n e ral r e a d e r , w e h a v e a r r a n g e d a n a l p h a b e t i c a l l i s i o f mdny
k i n d s of a r t i c l e s w h i c h a r e k e p t o n sale b y u s ; w h i ( £
we t h i n k will b e f o u o d o f i n t e r e s t t o t h e c o m m u n i t y a t

INDIGO—Real Spanish float.
INDIA RUBBER—Cost^shoea. claatie, bands, e r a s e r * a n d
INDIA CLOTH—A nice sample.
IRON—Round, square, flat j u n i a t a , scraps, awecdes, I.ake
S u p e r i o r h o r s e shoe, nail rod, lire.
. '

. ....
a t a s low
i rates as can be b o u g h t elsewhere.
T h e t e n d e n c y of t h e m a r k e t i s s t r o n g l y u p w a r d , espeJ E W E L R Y — A s n u g stock, well assorted.
cially s i n c e t h e a d d i t i o n a l r e v e n u e h a s been d e c i d e d u p o n J E L L I E S — R a s p b e r r y , c u r r a n t quinces, strawberry. F i n e
b y Congress.
P r i c e s o r e v e r y firm o n t h e s e a - b o a r d .
B r o w n a n d K E N N E D Y ' S MEDICINES—An a s s o r t m e s t of these Justly
famed m e d i c i n e s o n sale.
B l e a c h e d C o t t o n s a r e s c a r c e a n d h i g h e r . O o r p r e s e n t KE'ITIJS—»3. 5; 8,10, pail, 30, 45, 60,90 gallon, at reaaonaquotations ore below N e w Y o r k .jobbing rates.
ble rates; a fall line.
a d v a n c e i n T o b a c c o in first h a n d s i s a t l e a s t 2 0 p e r c e n t K E R O S E N E — B o u g h t low, and for sale at c o r r e s p o n d i n g rates
b r t h e quantity,
o v e r D e c . r a t e s . P r o v i s i o n s a r e m u c h firmer in C h i c a K N I \ E S — P o c k e t table, e a r r i n g , butchers, shoe, bowie a n d
g o . D r i e i l fruits m u c h h i g h e r . G r o c e r i e s a r e v e r y
p e n k n i r e a ; o u r stock of table k n l r e s is large a n d we
firm w i t h a c o n s t a n t i n c r e a s e in p r i c o of m o s t g o o d s ;
invite the a t t e n t i o n of t h e wboleaale t r a d e . W e can off e r bargains.
in T e a a n d S u g W - p a r t i c u l a r l y . S e e d s a r e v e r y h i g h .
2E—Cotton, Lii
F u r s a x e f a i l i n g off m a t e r i a l l y , p a r t i c u l a r l y in M u s k r — ,
black and w h i t . ,
C o o n a n d M i n k , o w i n g t o i m m e n s e s t o c k s in E u r o p e ,
LEATHER—Sole, upper, kip, calf, morrocco, linings, bindt h e w a r in P o l a n d , t h e m i l d w i n t e r o n t h e c o n t i n e n t t h e
h i g h r a t e of i n t e r e s t a n d t h e c h a n g e it s t y l e f r o m C a p e s LEADr—Bar, w h i t e a n d red lead(nick, a n d water lime, reasonable.
t o C o l l a r s m a n u f' a c t u r e d" f r o m M i n k .
VHITB—For the ladies, best quality, a a also puffs
Leather, improving in demand ; Chicago quotationits application.
a b o v e o u r s e l l i n g r a t e s . T h e u n a v o i d a b l e e f f e c t of t h e
IKS—Door, t r u n k , chest, b o * , pad.'ttll. !
lADDER—Dutch m a d d e r .
p r e s e n t call, on all m a n u f a c t u r e d a r t i c l e s in w h i c h l a b o r
is a p r o m i n e n t e l e m e n t will b e t o m a t e r i a l l y a d v a n c e t h e MAGIC R U F F L I N G — A s s o r t e d qualities and widths.
MARSEILLES—A s m a l l a s s o r t m e n t sothe nice,
c o s t of p r o d u c t i o n a n d c o n s e q u e n t l y t h b p r i c e of sale.
MERINOES—These goods we h a r e a snuff a s s o r t m e n t well
F e b r u a r y 18th, 1864.
selected, b o u g h t low, and f o r sale In pKtttrns below the
m a r k e t some r e r y c h e a p
MOLASSES—A full line, and of good quality, a s s w e e t aa
A P l ' L E S - ^ B y the bushel or b a r r e l — P r y a n d G r e e n .
A LPACCAS—Black, Tan Drabs, T a n .
N A V A L STORES—Manilla a n d tarred rope, merlin, rosin,
A X E S — H n n t ' s , H o r d 4 Blodgett's,. c h o p p i n g , b r o a d ,
pitch, turpentine, naptha, 4 c .
hand, boys a n d h u n t e r s .
S A I L S — C u t from 2d t o i!0d, best make, a l s o ' w r o u g h t and
A X E H E L V E S — A n a a s o r t m e n t ' o f g o o d quality a n d make.
pressed. We are selling by the k e g a l l o w aa we can
A Y E R S MEDICINES—For which we are A g e n t s a n d k e e p a
now p u r c h a s e at wholesale.
complete assortment—low to the t r a d e . •
NOTIONS^-Of these we h a r e a complete line, f n l t y . e q u a l t o
BASKET1S—Willow and ash itaarket half bushel, bushel, a n d
' the demand) and purchased of m a n u f e cturerai
c t m e i w a n d imOne a n d a half bushuel c o m baskets.
porters direct
/ "
BALMORALS—Lewis and o t h e r s t a n d a r d makes.
IGS—PepRcr, mace, ginger, c l o r e s , c l n i r t m o n .
BAGS—Grain a n d flour.
OA KUM—Best n a r y by pound or liale.
BELLS—Cow, sheep, h a n d , t e a and sleighOILS—Kerosene, whale, linseed, boiled a n d raw, n c a t s fool,
BERAGE—Brown', black, blue a n d green.
fish, 4 c .
j O
BEANS—We shall be in the m a r k e t f o r p u r c h a s e of priihe OIL SUITS—Complete, sou-westers, pants, 4 c .
OVER 8H1RTS—Denim, k n i t Jackets.
OYSTERS—Best quality, Baltimore nice, f r e s h a n d guaranteed.
P A P E R — f e t t e r , Bole, bill, cap; legal, in f u l l a s s o r t m e n t a n d
BIBLES—The A m e r i c a n Bible D e p o s i t o r y is in o u r institulow by t h e ream.
' E R HANGINGS—Wall, window, b b r d c r i n g , In asaortBOOTS—Mens, Idmbcrmena l o n g leg, cow h i d e , kip. calf
merit •
lined, calf t a p Sole, - calf p u m p sole, boys; y o u t h s a n d PAINTS—Dea3 in oil, v e A e i l , s p a n l s h bh>wn, 4 c , chrome,
yellow a n d rfreen. p a t e n t dryer.
BRIDLES—Black, r u s s c t t and reins with bitts.
P A P I E R M A C H E — A small line, suitable for p r e s e n t s t o
BRAID—Crotchet, Emhroidcry, colored a n d black, s k i r t in
colors, silk and worsted
PRESERVES—Citron, quinces, p l u m s Ijears, cherries, Ac.
BUTTER—By t h e l l r k l n o r pound of good quality.
P E G S — A s s o r t e d f r o m 3-6 t o 7-8.
• •
BUCKETS—Iron bonnd oak well buckets.
CAMBRICS—Paper, colored and black, comtjion, d o .
CAPS—Mens cloth, plush; m o h a i r , 4 c . , boys and childs a full PLASTER—(Jrand River in barrels or by the U . . .
PLOWS—A n i c e lot of best m a k e r s a n d q u a l i t y bf w o o d
C A S S l M E R E S r - B l a c k , a good line, colored, a n d F a n c y , a
work, with e x t r a castings.
s n p e r i o r a s s o r t m e n t Of A m e r i c a n , E n g l i s h a n d F r e n c h P O C K E T BOOKB-^And p o r t e monies, a full line, some very,
good, some good f o r b b t l l t t l e , cheap.
C E R E U 8 — P h a l o n ' s N i g h t Blooming,-" the " p e r f u m e f o r the
1UNE8—Fresh T u r k i s h p r u n e s . ,
1INT8—A very large stock. / • '
C H E E S E — " H a m b u r g , " of New YOrk m a n u f a c t u r e .
P R O V I S I O N S — P o r k t f l o u r , conC corn meal, bams, flsb, lard,
CHAMBREYS—A s m a l l a s s o r t m e n t
butter, cheese, beef.
. . .
CHAINS—Trace, halter, j a c k a n d cable In 1-4, 5-16, 3-8 a n d IJUMPS—Cistern. ( D o w n ' s patent), c h a i n p u m p s c o m p l e t e
7-16 i n c h .
. with t u b i n g f o r same.
CIGARS^—A m o d e r a t e q u a n t i t y a n d f a i r g r a d e :
RAGS—Bought and aold.
CLOTH—Black a n d Mue broad c l o t h , ' l a d t e s elbak ctbth, RHUBARB—Ri-al T u r k e y , rOot and powdered.
R I C E — E a s t I n d i a best.
C L O C K S — U p r i g h t gothic, ovil, marine, s t r i k i n g , a l a r m , a n d RIDDLES—To use in t h e place of f a n n i n g mllla, f u r n i t u r e
e i g h t day, good line;
CLOTHING—-We h a r e a good a s s o r t m e h t well selected, ROAD SCRAPERS^—Cast iron, wood arid Iron t o o r d e r .
b o u g h t low, of fashionable designs, a h d for sale rehson- 8Al<T—Tine dairy a n d coarse.
8 A D D I . E S — P o n y , Mexican a n d side:'
S A T C H E L S — W i l t o n , brussells, rail road, gothic, and plainenamelled.
a t New York wholesale rates.
S C A R F S — G e n t s silk, union and wool, ladles wool:
) L L A R S — G e n t s assorted, Ladies Various stylesjfflso
SCYTHES—Grass; bush; a n d grain sythes, aa well as sickles'
and p o n y collars.
brush, bush a n d corn c u t t e n .
C O F F E E — J a r a , Rio, g r o u n d a n d m i x e d .
IDS—Clover, t i m o t h y , red
CORSETS—White a n d colored.
f u l l a s s o r t m e n t of f r e s h g
COTTONADES—A f a i r a s s o r t m e n t :
S h o t — B y the b a g or p o u n d .
CONFECTIONARY—A good line at* retail -and wholesale; S h o e s — A complete a s s o r t m e n t of genta, ladies, y o u t b s a n d
a small lot of fancy conversation candys.
' children!".
C R O C K E R Y — B o u g h t of Importers d i r e c t and ii; sold as low
i l r t l n g C h e e k s — G o o d stock.
a* c a n be b o u g h t . ,
i o e F i n d l n g H - ^ A respectable a s s o r t m e n t
CRINOLINE—A v e r y l a r g e stock to j o b f r o m
S h o v e l s — C a s t steel, loug handle, D handle, scpop, 4 c .
C R A D L E S — C h i l d r e u s a n d grain, a s s o r t e d .
• .
S h a w l s — W o b l , b r o c h a , Stella, a n d b l a n k e t some rerjr nice
C R A C K E R S — P i c Nic, soda, s w e e t Boston, p i l o t by p o u n d
or barrel.
S h o e P a c k s — B a n g o r moose skin, both, l o n g and s h o r t
DAY.BOOKS—Blank Ledgers, p a s s b o o k s , w r i t i n g books, in
legs, " A No. 1."

811k—Black, colored, a n d l i n i n g s i l k .
D E f j A l l j E S — M a n c h e s t e r , Paoific, Hamilton, m o u r n i n g , all ""--Ites—Ladies, gent — * *
wool, i a n i c c a s s o r t m e n t of colors, p r i n t e d a n d plain.
r t s — F l a n n e l , plai
D I A l t l E S — F o r 1864, some » r y nice.
a n d linen, ditto.
DOMESTICS—A very full line.
S k a t i n g C a p s — L a d i e s , m i s s e s , a n d cbllda, •
" " "
cloth a n d rubbe
S o a p — C a s t i l e , t o i l e t aaaorted, yellow, eraslve, silver I n d e c —Prime quality.
Ical, 4 c .
J e n t s a n d ladles
S o c k s — G e n t s h a n d k n i t wool, c a s h m e r e , c o t t o n a n d u n i o n ,
DRUGS—A small a s s o r t m e n t
boys a n d chtlds, ditto.
Dl'.A/r T E E T H — O n hand, 3-4. 4-4,5-4 a n d made t o o r d e r , S p i c e s — K i n d s , q u a n t i t i e s andrqualltlka t o s u i t
• - •
S p e c t a c l e s — P l a i n , g e r m a n silver, a n d steel bows, c o l o r e d ,
DYES—Camwood, logwood, madder, a l u m extrrcta, copassorted, some very good oijcs, also, eases f o r same.
tieraa, vitriol, Ac.
.•, S p i n n i n g W h e e l s — A n d hubs, an a s s o r t m e n t
E A R T H E N W A R E — J u g s , crooks, ohurfls, flower pots, c p r e r s , S t o v e s — w e Invite comparison a s t o kinds, quality, flnlah
thimbles. a n d rates ; c o m e snd see.
E M E R Y — F o r e n g i n e e r s use. ; . . .
S t e e l - y a r d s — F r o m 2 to 400 lbs., good.
ENVELOPES- 1 'A large a s s o r t t o e n t III various qdalitlea, deale l — C a s t blister, toe coilt, s | '
ers will find p r i c e s low b> the q u a n t i t y .
ys—Colored a n d white ; als
able a r t l c l e ' f o t t h e ladies.
ESSENCE—Cinnahion, p e p p e r m i n t - clovef, lemon, 4 c .
8 n g a r » — C r u s h e d , powdered, granulated, coffee, In g r a d e s to
EXTRACTS—Vanilla, lemon, peach, Ac.
s u i t brown N. O, m u s c a v a d o a n d maple.
F A R M E R S TOOLS—Forks, hoes, rakes, g r u b hoes, shorels,
™*~p©—Colored, black a n d white, cotton and linen.
I >
spades, cradles, c u t t i n g . b o x e s .
l l o w — B o u g h t a n d aold by p o u n d o r barrel.
F A N N I N G MILLS—Of t h e b e s t m a k e r s a n d a t m o d e r a t e T a b l e s — B l a c k walnnt; c h e r r y a n d union.
T a b l e t s — F o r genta a n d ladles use in i o r r e a p o n d e n c e , soma
F E A T H E R S — O r d e r e d w h e n Arantadi
n i c e ones.
F I S H — C o d . dnnn, h a l i b u t h e r r i n g , t o n g u e s a n d sounds, T e a — I m p e r i a l , y o u n g h y a o n ^ O o l o a g a n d s o u c h o n g . In
mackerel], Ac.
cheats, cattya a a d by the p o u u i l T T r t f b o u g h t early a n d a t
F L A X SEED—Bird seed, c a n a r y seed.
a d v a n t a g e o u s rates.
F L O U R — S e r e n h u n d r e d barrels, good brands.
T i n W a r e — A Rood stock on h a n d of h o m e m a n u f a c t u r e ,
F L A T TOONS—In sizes t o s u i t
a n d ^ l l k l n a s of work d o n e to o r d e r .
FLOUNCINGS—Muslin, linen, cambric, 4 c .
veils, a n d In Its season f o r d r e s s e s .
FLANNELS—Wool, d o m c t c o t t o n , J i n s e r , s h a k e r , r e d . T o b a C e * — P l u g , fide ciit; s m o k i n g , 4 c . , a f u l l l i n e a t old
whije; blue, gray, plaid, fancy, F r e n c h , 4 c
FORKS-^Manure, hay, straw, g a r d e n , 2 a n d 3 tined, l o n g and T o p — A n i c e a s s o r t m e n t to wholesale.
T r n n k s — 3 ' » c k i a g , folio a n d traveling, s o m e good o n e s .
F R U I T S — P r u n e s , c u r r a n t s , peaches, plums, c h e r r i e s , goose- T r l m m i n g s - ^ O f various q u a l i t i e s s n d d e s i g n s s u c h as nrt
berries, q u i n c e s , pears, t o m a t r a . .
F U R N I T U R E — B u r e a u s , bedsteads, chairs, tables, s t a n d s T r a p s — M u s k r a v f o x , beaver, a n d bear, of b e s t m a k e r s , by
, r o c k e r s , c h i l d s chairs, matrasses, 4 c
piece or d o s e h .
i v e l i n g B a g s — A f u l l line, aome n i c e ones,
G I N O ^ A M S — S c o t c h , Glasgow, Lancaster, a n d c h e c k Arcss
« goods.
e e d s — K e n t u c k y Jeans, d o u b l e a n d t w i s t Iron clad caa
s i m e r e , Ac., a good a s s o r t m e n t low.
GLASS—A full a s s o r t m e n t of sizes, 8 x 10 t o 20 x 30GLOVES—Buck, dog, ringwood, k i d , wool, silk, cotton, bef- U m b r e l l a s — O f various aixes a n d grades.
U n d e r S h i r t s — F o r g e n t l e m e n a n d ladies, ribbed, plain,
lin lined gents, ladies, miases a n d boys.
colored a n d white.
GRAIN—Buckwheat, c o r n , w h e a t Ac.
GROCERIES—A c o m p l e t e line, b o u g h t early, a n d f o r sale
V e s t s — O f n u m e r o u s designs, fashionable make, a n d d i f f e r e n t
qualities, t o s u i t
• l e e s L a r g e a n d small, some toy vices.
V i n e g a r — Manufactured, and real c i d e r v i n e g a r .
— P h a l o n ' s Bear, Maceasor
H A N D K E R C H I E F S — G e n t s a n d ladies, h e m m e d r e 8 d j f o r W a g o n s — D o u b l e a n d s i n g l e lumber, w a g o n s , a f u l l s t o c k in
early apring, a n d a» low a s c a n be b^og-ht o u t s i d e
use, silk. liMXi cotton, Ac. .
W e l l B a c k e t s — T h e - Old O s k e n B u c k e t " U f o r sale b y
H A Y — F o r sale,'Or will p u r c h i s e .
HATS—A full u k o r t m e n t union, z o u a r e , B u r n l i d c , Butler,
black, drab, f a n , pearl, 4 c
HOSE—Cashmere, m e r i n o , cotton, colored black a n d white,
Y a r a — W o o l yarn, .full l i n e , also c o t t o n k:
childs a n d misses, a c o m p l e t e l i n e .
Y e l l o w Ochre—In t ~ "
H O P S — N i c e f r e s h pressed hope.
Z i a c — B y the s h e e t o
H I D E S J - . V e buy all k i n d s of marfcettMe hides.
H A N N A H , L A Y 4 CO.
GUN C A P S — « . D . L C. water-proof.
GUNPOWDER—Rifle, in caos, arid F . F . P.' 0. s p o r t i n g in

- l ist*


rviEta.x* B¥P*IFATE

One Hundred Dollars Seward.

ttlon u t o the m o s t d i r e c t a n d t h e c h e a p e s t route, a n d t h e
F o r a Medicine t h a t will c u r e
" b e s t " o u t f i t t i n g route, by Addressing ( w i t h o u t e n c l o s i n g C O U G H S ,
s t am p, )
W. i j J j S T . J O H J f .
i l -•
(10-1 w.)
B o x M M , Chicago.
. T I C K L I N G in the T I I U O A T ,
TO COHDWOOD C H O P P E R 8 A N b o l i r E K 8 .
\ \
c h o p a n d haul WK> corda of wood.. T h e t i m b e r is sit;
*j»- gW . B e a c h , o n the west s h o r e of the Eastern
• P i n l n s n l a , t h r e e miles f r o m Mr. Bryant's. f o r l u r t h e r particular* apply t o B. HOPKINS, on t h e . p r e m i s s .
Peninsula, March 3 1 , 1 8 6 L
A n n u a l Taxes for 1804.
called t o tlio p r o v i s i o n s or t h e United States E x c i s e
L a i r relative t o the assessment of annual taxes.
. a . By the s i x t h s e c t i o n of t h e a c t of J u l y l , .1862, It is made
... ths. duty-of all persons, p a r t n e r e h i p i , Arms,! a s s o c i a t i o n s
corporations, made liublo to a n y annual duty, license, or t
on or before tho first Monday of May In each year, to make a
list o r g * t u r n t o t h e A s s i s t a n t Assessor of t h e D i s t r i c t Where
located of the a m o n n t of annual income, t h e u n i t i e s o r obj e c t s c l w g o d with a special tax, a n d t h e business o r occupation liable to pay any license.
' ' 4: !
. E v e r y p e r s o n w h o s h a l l fail to.: make midi r e t u r n by t h e
day specified will be liable to be assessed by the Assessor acc o r d i n g t o i n f o r m a t i o n w h i c h be c a n o b t a i n ; a n d
in such ease t h e Assessor is roqniredlto add fifty p e r c e n t u m
to the a m o u n t of t h e items of s o c h l i s t
Every person who shall deliver k> an Assessor a n y false . .
f r a d u l e n t list or s t a t e m e n t , with lufeilt to c r u d e t h e valuation
o r e n u m e r a t i o n r e q u i r e d by l a w , j t s u b j e c t to a fine of Uve
. h u n d r e d d o l l a l t ; . s n d in s u c h case t h e M will be m i "


Hon a n d e n u m e r a t i o n so made t h e r e can be no appeal.
. P a y m e n t of t h o a n n u a l u s e s , e x c e p t those f o r licenses,
will • n p t be d e m a n d e d until the t h i r t i e t h day of J a n e .
The a p p r o p r i a t e bl a n k s on which to raolte r e t u r n , and- all
necessary i n f o r m a t i o n , will bc f u r o l s b e d by Elvln I * 8 p r a g u e ,
, Assistaq^Assesiior f o r the 15th Division, t o whom t h e re, . t u r n s should be delivered a n or before the firat Monday of
a u y . at bis office in T r a v e r s e City.
U.S. Assessor 4th D i s t r i c t .

• •


-4 • ; — _



Hail- and


ILL L O C A T E L A N D S , P A Y T A f c E P . B U Y O B S E I . L
on C o m m i s s i o n — a n d now oOkrKforaale,






have been sold i f i t s native town, and n o t a s i n g l e i n s t a a c e
o l I t a f c l l s r c Is K^own.
We have, in o u r p o t s c i f c i o n , a n y q u a n t i t y or certificates,
s o m e of t h e m f r o m
who have nsed i t in tlieir practice, a n d gived i t t h e preemi
nencc o v e r a n y o t h e r c o m p o u n d .
'It d o e s n o t d r y u p a C O U G H ,
but loosens it, BO a s to enable t h e p s t i e n t 10 e x p e c t o r a t e freely .
. -:vj •
A H A L F Bottle h a s o f t e u c o m p l e t e l y cored the most

CIT3 Enginefr, Sanreyor, Arctitectaral ami VcdufiiraJ. Rrafisinan>
Bespectfully informea h i s n u m e r o u s f r l e p d s a m l the iiublio
t h a t ho Will furninh Drawings, Specifications a n d Estimates
tortevery d e s c r i p t i o n . C i v i l , ,M«chqnicak 'Architectural
Engineering, and Building Works, .Surveys a n d p l a t s of
Towns, E s t a t e s . Ac. 'He will aUn e x e c u t e any Commission*
f o r the sale or.nurchase of Be*] Estate,! L o c a t i n g I 4 M , . . S u r veys of Lands, P a y m e n t of Taxes, a n d p r o c u r i n g Abstracts of
Titles, Ac., on moderate term*.
Has s j m e choice t a r l y seleqtions u_oW)f«jr, Hale,. *on«l»tiug
of cleared and uncleared lands of tbu,. best quality i n . the
Traverse C i t ^ Michigap,
J a n u a r y 22,1^64.
/ .. ^

I^rench. JPeriodical D r o p s ,
THE GBfcAT?^ '

Are the only k n o w n remedy tlurt irtil. aoceaaafally a n d Invariably restore and r c g u U t e t h e f e « a t o system, r e m o v i n g
all irregulariMes, a n d p r o d u d n j health, •vigor a n d s t r e n g t h .
STATli i K MICIUUAN—The C i r c u i t C o u r t f o r t h e County of




i"1 Bert&cs tho Color.,
I Eradicates Dandruff.
• '
P r o m o t e s its G r o w t h .
P r e v e n t ? i t s f a l l i o g off.
la an unequalled Dressing.
Ts g o o d for Children.
Is good for I/nlies.
I s g o o d for O l d P e o p l e .
C L A R K ' S R E S TOR A T I V E,
. j
- I s p e r f e c t l y bnrmlcs?.
C j o n t a i u i DO Oil.

Are a fluid preparation, t h e o i l y o n e of the k i n d ever discovered in t h i s country, and a c t s d i r e c t l y on the p a r t s af.
fccted, whilst plils and j
WII.UAM L K i r ,
S Defendants.
work tbrough syrnpi
Areyou safftring
lllcnAEL EsiiSUiAB.V,
r e t u r n of n a t u r e ' s p r e s c r i b e d laws ?
Give vonrself no uneaslneas, f o r IdTPH's Periodical Dro']»s
the C i r c n l t C o u r t f o r t h e County of Manistee, in Chance- if taken" a day or two before t h e e x p e c t e d i>erlod, will posiry, made in the above e n t i t l e d cause a n d beariug dato i h e tively and invariably regulate i t s coming, a s
-T h i r d day of September, ia the y e a r o n e thousand e i g h t hun- follows cause, as c e r t a i n as d a y l i g h t f a l l o w s " t _ ,
dred a n d sixty-three, I, t h e u n d e r s i g u e d , a special C o m m i s
Are you sick, enfeebled by disease, or unable to b e a r the
s io n e r r e s i d i n g in t h e County aforesaid, and duly appo
.labor a n d d a n g e r of increase ?
a n d qualified to a c t a s such i n the above e n t i t l e d c*usc.
sell at public a u c t i o p to the h i g h e s t bidder, at .the. f r o n t door
of the Buswi'll House, in tho village of Manistee, In said
Come to y o u as a blessing, f o r i s n o t prevention better
County, on Saturday, the S ix te e n th day of April, in tbo y e a r
t h s u c u r e 7- .
one thousand e i g h t h u a d r e d a n d sixty-four, a t ten o'clock in
If r c g u l s r l y t a t e n , i t is a o e r t a l n preventive, a n d will save
the fbrenoon of said day, all those c e r t a i n pieces o r parcels you m u c h peril a n d m a n y h o u r s of suffering.
of land situated in t h e County of Manistee. State of Michigan,
Have y o u been afflicted for many y e a r s with c o m p l a i n t s Ii
a n d k n o w n a n d d e s c r i b e d as follows, t o . w i t :
c i d e n t to the sex, t h a t h a v e baffled the skill of physician!
' L o t n u m b e r six 1n section eleven a n d i p c i of t h e s e t of sec- and arc h u r r y i n g you o n to a n early g r a v e V v " )
tion elevep and-the swt or the n w j of section twelve, all in
t o w n s h i p twenty-one n o r t h of range s e v e n t e e n west.
. * *
A#e t h e most reliable regulator ever k n o w k f a n d cure, like.
:C - ,, .,
Special CoiuiiiiH-woticr.
maKlf, all those irregularities t h a t have defied the d o c t o r ^
Solicitor ami of Counsel for' C o m p U i n a u t .
Will y o u waste away .with suffering f r o m LeOcorrhwo, Prolapsus, D y s m e n o r r h e a , ' a n d a t h o u s a n d o t h e r difficulties, all
. feb. 2t> I W f f .
summed u p u n d e r the name of suppressed a n d o b s t r u c t e d
u a t u r f . when an I n v e s t m e n t of o n e dollar in '•




„ „ „

oriWesV Can be h a d I n ' q u a n t i t i e s t o s u i t p u r e b a s e r s ^ ami
at p r i c e s m a k i o g It an object in .preference to buylug;,back
from settlement.
Will sell c h o i c e l a n d s , ' f o r f a r m i n g , fenclug, c e d a r post*
a n d t i m b e r p n r p o s e s , i n all p a r t s of t h e C o u n t y ; or will se
core t o p a r t i e s State L a n d s of t h e i r s e l e c t i o n on,, a s l i b e m
t e r m s as cab be purchased o'f t h o S t a t e .
T r a v e r s e City. J u l y 11,1B6S.


a n d yet, t h o u g h i t is so s u r e and speedy in i t s operation, i t i*
perfectly h a r m l e s s . Tjelng p u r r l y vegetable. I t is very s g r e e
able to the taste, anil m a r be administered t o c h i l d r e n o
a n y age.
In cases o f C B O U l ' we will g u a r a n t e e a cure, If taken ii
No F a m i l y should be w i t h o u t it.
I t Is within t h e resch o r all. the price b e i n g
O N L Y 25 C E N T S .
• A u d i f a n i n v e s t m e n t a n d t h o r o u g h trial does n o t " b s c k
u p " t h e above s t a t e m e n t , the money will be refunded,
say this, k n o w i n g its m e r i U , a n d feeling confident t h s t
t r i a l will secure f o r i t a homo in e v e r y household.
D o n o t w a s t o away with C o u g h i n g , whon so small a n —
v e s t m e n t will cure y o u . I t may be bad of , a n y respectable
D r u g g i s t in town, w h o will f u r n i s h you n'Uli a circular of genuine certificates of c u r e s It h a s m a d e .
j C. (•• CLAliK,




• *
WILLI A* D Wlu.tAMS, D e f e n d a n t .
."Ikantifics the flair.
• 1
C o u n t y of Manistee, In Chancery, a t ' t h c village of AUe*
Is splendid for Whiskers.
gan, in tiie C o u n t y d r A l l o g s n , in t h e State of Michigan, on
t h e S ix te e n th d a y ^ f F e b r u a o ' . A. D. ' 1864, before Hon.
F l a v i n s J . Littlcjobu. C i r c u i t J u d g e a t Chambers.
• i,
Keeps tho flair in its Place.
- Cures Nervous Lleaduohc. State o f W i s c o n s h ) , on m o t i o n of T. J . Bamsdcll of Counsel
for^ Complainant, i t i s o r d e r e d tliat t h e salt] Defendant,
William 1). Williams, cause his a p p e a r a n c o in t h i s c a u s e
Prevents Eruptions.
to bo entered w i t h i u t h r e e ' m o n t h s f r o m t h e date of t h i s
o r d e r ; a n d t h a t in c a s e of his a p p e a r a n c e he c^itsc h i s anr.>i»»
Stops Itching and Burning.
swer to t h o c o m p l a f n a n t ' a bill to be filed and a copy th e r e o f
. ... ,
to be served on the" c o m p l a i n a n t ' s Solicitor, within twenty
days a f t e r s e r v i c e of a copy of said bill a n d n o t i c e of t h i s
Keeps toe Head Cool.
a n d in d e f a u l t thereof t h a t t h e said bill be taken a s
• < »• j : confessed
by tho said d e f e n d a n t Williaai D. Williams.


I« delightfully perfottiW.



j coBtaKotei.

Js gplfl by Druggists and Dealers everywhere,
Price $1 por bottle. -G bottles' f b r $5.

L O R D * SMITH, Chicago, HL ; O e n e t a l Agents.


And i t i s f u r t h e r ordored t h a t w i t h i n t w e n t y days the Bald
c o m p l a i n a n t cause a n o t i c e of t h i s o r d e t t o be published i s

^Contains uo Sediment. . the ( i m n d Travetso Herald, a p a p e r p r i n t e d oud published in
said N i n t h J u d i c i a l Circuit, a n d t h a t tho said publication be
Contains DO Gum. •' c o n t i n u e d in said p a p e r at least o n c e In' each week for s i x
Polishes ytinr I{air. Hams, at least twenty dpy# before tho time above p r e s c r i b e d
for his appcarante.
P. J . LITTLEJOHN, Circuit JudAu
Prepares you for Parties.
(A t r u e copy.)
RE8TORATIV»; < i •'J
j, Attest, D A V I D I). SECOR,
Prepflrca you for Balls. •
( P r i n t e r ' s fees $8 30.) '
fob 28, 11-Cw.
All Ladies need it.
TKAVEBSE CITY, M a r c h 24.1861
No Lady ifill do without it.
ncy in the T r e a s u r y f o r the redemption of all outstand-


„ C o u n t y O r d e r s ; a n d h o l d e r s a r e r e q u e s t e d to p r e s e n t
t h e m f o r p a y m e n t o n o r before the first flay of May n e x t , as
j f u r t h e r i n t e r e s t will b« allowed on t h e m a f t e r t h a t date.
T r e a s u r e r of G r a n d T r a v e r s e C o .

for although a positive cure, a^di(Ii»rmless at all o t h e r times,
they a r e a o powerful and finelyicafculated to a d j u s t a n d g o r tbe f u n c t i o n s of the sexual organism, that, if t a k e p i t im-



C a n n o t h a r m the most d e l i c a t e ' c o n s t i t u t i o n at a n y t i m e }
ct the p r o p r i e t o r s wish t o g u a r d k g a l n s t its j ^ s u s t f i h o
j a t a t h o u s a n d b o t t l e s will be (used f o r a gooapuVpose w
he is used, f o r a u illegitimate ^ e .
LYON'8 ^ R I O p l O A L



May, 1862. f o r S e t t l e m e n t a n d Cultivation, u n d e r the
, A r e o f t e n exposed in c o n s e q q o n c e of tlie f n e f f l t l c n c y of G r a d u a t i o n A c t of A u g u s t 4. 1854, h a v e been received a t t h i s
(so-called) b e a u t i f y i n g p r e p a r a t i o n s ; b u t #11 w h o use jJIUS- Office, a n d the p u r c h a s e r s a r e h e r e b y notified to come forward i m m e d i a t e l y a n d make the required proof of
m e n t a n d C n l t l v a t l o n , " a n d secure t h e i r respective P a t e n t s ,
C a n d U t l n g n i s h t h e b U c V s a n d "browns p r o d u c e d by thik because if said proof i s not filed w i t h i n , a limited time, the
dye from t h o s e i m p a r t e d by t b « C r e a t o r .
; [ P a t e n t s will be r e t u r n e d t o the General L a n d Office, And will (
t h u s he liable t o be cancelled f o r non-performance of the |
conditions of settlement, a n d cultivation contemplated by t h e i
N o t h i n g t h a t c a n s h r i r e l u p of i n a n y Way i n j u r e t h e h a i r G r a d u a t i o n A c t of Augosb 4, >854.
MORGAN BATES. Begister. *
m i n g l e s ' w i t h the p r e s e r v a t i v e ; v e g t t a U ^ elcmeuW o f t h i s
B E C B E N GOODRICH, B e c c h t r .
wonderful pr»v«ration.
; !'V f
' J
M an ufact ured b y ' J . C R I ^ T A p O B O i , « Astoti House, New
Vqrk. Sold o v c o ' w h e r e , aniT applied 'i>y a ^ L H a i r Dreasers. /•
P r i c e $1, $1 -'>0 and $3 per box, a c c o n l i i i g to size.
Cristadoro's U n l r
D o e s all kisda. of w o r k i n . h i s l i n e
S h o p a t resilience,
i s invsllabk" v.-ith h i s i>j-e, air i t imparts? t b t MraOsf s o r i ,
s i x miles east of BenzoniK in the town «f Homestead.
n t s s , t h e nXist b e a u t i f u l g l f s ? , h u d gruai v i w l i ^ ^ M i t l i c Hair, w o r k left with E. I . S prague, ,Traver*c C«tv. o r J i ; A A verlH.
» i , and f 3 per hottl», a c f o r d i a g to MMV • f Il'imest.'id, will m e e t with p r o m p t attention.





W A T C H E S !


F i r s t Class H u n t i n g Tim«-l'iceeivfor aiientm r »f imAV-mw.',
bea«ty of material, and above a l l f i l i e a p H e s ^ i i t y s i A . '
tbcire watches imii-t :ii-*!ic bnivcf-sul , ; i i«.|.a,l,.ii'
A n imitation so liiiillkss t h a i it caulliari'.ly 1« detected by
tho m o s t exiwrieueediudKe*. ' t h e njttrrint-ls.-iug
metals, t h o vd|t-i o n e ilrst quality !Ae»|fn-^-iHilver.' » his- - liei n n e r one is Cferuinu Silver, i t c a t m p t k- i , . x o g i n » : i l . % c / i t i n g or iieaV-y.engrsvfii'.'. muUlnj; it. lull ,.ul> \n a p p e M a m - . .
but in durability; tbu bes'. rewiubluncvi oi' solid SMitiug sliver in existence.
T h e sale of.theso V a t e h e * ' fti t h " Arjiiy is a "onri-r «f en<lr>
mo:i.i profit,.retailing, a s UmyA'ery reaiiit,. do. at •ii.'. ami opward*. Manyliuiidred dollnis c a n IK' ;m"««|e lu a .-ingle p s y
dav b y . a n y one or o r d i n a r y ljiisiiK'Si<i.vcr.
' f9T AT W H O l . E S A l . E O N L Y ! i n ' h . - s v v h u n t l a g c;,-,--.
beautifully engraved, whit.- enSmel d b i t u n d taui-y e m IISIKI-.'
iu good r u n n i n g order, by the J j i d f . d o U - u . i - n . bold ouly J'y
th«! casi'rif six 1 ?
' .
- Upon receipt of t w d dollar*, a s g t w r » l i t r e o l V o o * f a l t h / * o
will send w a t c h e s by «xprcs* to itsiy rkiKof-tlio luval S t a U - .
c o l l e c t i n g balance Of Idlt n:i delHer.'. T i i u ro^iUvs t u y r i H
a g a i n s t fraud, g i v l u g them t h e i r wutche*)"!fbrn :>nymvir. i s .
•Soldiers in the disloyal Slatcsiiuustjreiiiiv cash i " udvnun'.
as the e x p r e s s compatilfs p e r e i n p l o r l l t i e f u w ' m a t j i u g ' cidlectlons.ln »ach. dangerou« I i H ^ i t i e s C U e n u u i U - r . ' Ca*'h in
a d v a n c e , f r o m w j t h i n the a r m y Unea ill rebel S t a t e r ' ! We
g u a r a n t e e the #af« flellvory b r a i l W a t i h e ? , vv lie the r they are
s e n t b y mail O r e x p r e s f c ,
I I U D U A R D H i t O S . , Sole Importers.
17T Broadway, corner, Corttanc^t S l r e y V N e w Y'ork-


A m e r i c a n T e i i ' ' Cotapfiiiy-


» « ! . . ,VS. I...,


...I. .1...

i n g 'business, i m m e n s e
a p r o f r s s i o n a l tea t a s t e r , M l . t h « k n o w l e d g e o f a n p e H o r w e a This enables all ! tca b u y e n — n o m a t t e r ' i f t h e y arc thous
anda of m i l e s f r o m t h i s m a r k e t — t o p u r c h a s e o a aa gofld
t e r m s h c r e . M t h e N c * .York m e r c h a n t s . P a r t i e s e#fi: o r d e r t e a s jand wrHUabo a c r W i J a* well as
t h o u g h they c W h e t h e m s e l v e ^ b e i n g sure to get o r i g i n a l
teas a r e w a r r a n t e d
We i s s u e a nrice list of t h e c o m p a n y ' s tons, which will ' b e
s e n t t o a l l t r h o o r d e r i t ; cdaprlsing 1
Hyson, Yonns;
Hysop, ImporinI, Gnnpowdcr,

® ct

J a p n n T e a of e v e r y description.' ^ i o r s d , s a d o n c o l u r e d .
This list haa eacli k i n d of tea d l v i d t d Into f o u r Masses,
namelyi Cargo, H i g h Cargo^Eine, Finest, t h a t e v e r y one may
Company art
We g u a r a n t e e to sell all oor t e a s at not over two cent* (.f)2
c e n t s ) per pound above cost, believin^-thhdto be"- a t t r a c t i v e
to the many w h o have been p a y i n g e n o r m i t a a p f oljt*.

No.-61 YeW7r'Str^^t,Nfew Yorts^:

D. C. C A R T E R ,
W a t c h M a k e r and Jeweler,

Volunteers and Conscripts
T o Soldiers oFany otliers wlslijng to increase their lacoiuc.
there Is no b e t t c / way of d o i n g So a t t h i s time, tliun f r o m thi>
sale of o o r Watahes- They are W a r r a n t e d as represented.
" P a r t i c u l a r l y valuable for Officers i# .the A r m y . a n d travelers"
- f '
* J F r a n k 7j;»lie*s, Peb. 11.
" P r e t t i e s t , twst-and c h e a i H f t timepieces ever offered."
f N . Y. lllustratod News, J a n . 10.
"^tty a n d Uur%\»W W a t t e s f d r the Ari'uy.";. i
[ A r m y & Navy J o u r n . {Government Organ,J Aug. 20,
' " O u e Of the bldeit'Shil rnoH rellsblrtliou.-es in'ImfiidMr.'*
il^ou|sville, h y . J o u r n a l , J u l y 31.
Being a H u n t i n g or Open K a t e or LAftyH Or GvtJtiemau'A
W«tch Combined, with P a t e n t S e l f - W i n d i n g Improve!i
• ^tntnt, a mbpi PleasingXoVelty.
N E O F T H E P R P I T I E S T , MOST ^ O . W E N I E . V T . AS.D
decidedly the best and cheanest BTHv-pIeeo f o r g v i i e w l '
a n d reliable use ever offtw-d.' R has wjtli'm It and coM« c:cd
with i t s m a c h l u e r y , , i u own winding atUijlian-ut, r>iad*riu* a
key e n t i r e l y unnecessary,'' T h e euse^ ijf thi< WrttcU are composed or two metals, flie' outei'ltirt' l ^ i a g ' f t n i ' f c
jsAlifc -It has the Improved ruby netlon lever t u o v r m r n t imd is

.ranted a n s c c n r a t e tiiue-jilece
I ' r i v t . -upeilily eajftnvv.l.
per case o'f h a i r dozen, 42U4. Ssui|.le IVatcbes, i u . n e a t hiyroeeo boxes, $35,

The never-failing Female R e c u l a t o r , I? for ,«ale by e v e r y
1 ;
M Y « o r 1 Street,' N e w YoHC?
D r u g g i s L in both city and c o u d t t j M a n d . d o n d w J f yw» Value . . . / •
Voui h e a l t h a n d wish f o r a r e l l | f i l 6 t a e u l c l n e , buy any fftlieI N C E I T S ORGANIZATION,' H A S C R E A T E D A: NEW
e r a iu the hlgtorj - or wholesaling teas In t h i s c o u i t u y ^ T a k e no o t h e r , b u t If t h e D r u g g U t t o w h o m ' y o u agply hi
T b e y have i n t r o d u c e d their selectlonsiof teas, a n d are selling
n o t got it, make h i m s e n d a n d M f t t f o ' r j o u . ( j ?
__ ~

t h e p j at not over two c e n t s R02 eenti)!per pound above cost.
N e v e r d e v i a t i n g from'the ottfcprice *«ked. ' ' ' " • • ' -4 '
WHOLMALE Dapeofsi 1 *, rv
Jfew H a v e n , Conu A
A n o t h e r p e c u l i a r i t y or,llm C o m p a n y is.that t l t e i r t e a t a s t e r
h o t only d e v p t s i l i l s tlnur t o the selection of tlicjlr trap a s f>
A t W h o l e s a l e by
quality, value, a n d p a r t i c u l a r styles fo^ part 1cmar localities
I), tj- B A S H E S * C O - J f e w T o V k /
GEO. c : QDODW1N AJpO.. Botrton.
of country, but ho helps tlie t e a b u y e r t o choose out of t h e i r
e n o r m o u s s t o c k . s u c h toa»m»are a d a p t e d l o lite . p a r t l t u l a i
F A B B A N D , S H « L E Y S CO., D e t r p j



11600 Acre* of Cfuyi^e IxituJk;

A n d Lota w l t k or withont Dwellings in Elk Ka
pids, the County Scat of A n t r i m County.
T h e a b o v e m e n t i o n e d lands are l o c a t f d in A n t r t o , Tra
srsc, Leelanau, a n d Manitou C o u n t i e k
A r e a m o n g the
e a r l l e a t a n d b e a t s d c c t i o u s with reference t o a o i L w a t e r , surface a n d m a r k e t s . TTiey e m b r a c e f a r a i i u g laLds,*.village
sites; water powers. With o r w i t h b u t iwrpiovenittits, a n d tlie
ohWcest localities for P r o p e l l e r a n d SteaMer Wooding sta-

C O E ' S







F o r sale by D r u g g i s t s in city, c o u u t r y , a n d everywhere.
F o r s a l o n * Wholesalo, by
D. R. B A K N E S A CO., New York,
G. C. GOODWIN & CO., Boston,
FABKAND, S H E E L E Y & CO., D e t r o i t .

C L A R K ' S
Distilled Reaio^ative
T H E H A I R ,
R e s t o r e s CJiny a n d F a d e d H a i r m i d B e a r d
Natnaral Color,



A T H , SIDING C H E R R Y , OAIC. H A p r . t W H I T E
Ash, a n d a l l k i n d s of s e a a o n t d . t P i a e lumber "kept on
hand ; a n d F r a m i n g U m l i e r . J o i s t s a n d S r s n t l i n g s a v e d from
twenty t o t h i r t y f>ct in l e a g t h . and tor / a j c at th«: M i l h of
T r a v e r s e City. Mich.. A o g . i.*,, l • * * .
' js-fiaf

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