Grand Traverse Herald, October 14, 1859

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Grand Traverse Herald, October 14, 1859


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Morgan (1806-1874)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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V O L ; I.

"48 TWali



T B A T E E S E C I T Y , M I C H . F R I D A Y , O C T O B E R 14,1839





. * '.avl.

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N O . 47.

hold, the roeit witha noise Kto thunder, naked beadong that floated ea tfce itefau horiaoa. tta paoyte ofthe por.
into the abyss, dragging with lightning speed, thesix how- were astir; the sentinela stationed ^ion the top of I be
enclosure, saw, by the body of lndian wamon that was
ling savages after i t
So snddeq and SWfd was. this frightfel denouement collecting on tbe ndg$boring mound, that the prood chief
thatthesrrivinglndhmitsotae thirty in number, w«e was MMmbljng hia witnesses to tha combat which waa to
In tha old church tower
Hadrt the bell;
for many-minutes borrowtmck, aad regardieaaof all else establishfadstitleto tbe bravest of the brave; for be had
* HirOR^AN B A T E S .
And abore It on the nae.
about them. During the excitement and confusion, the no doubt ofsneoesa. What did tbe white wan know of
, KDtTOB AXD nU»Kl*(OIL ' ' .
toyageur, seeiiw the wty dear, made good his escape, the aae of tho scalping knife? And. even did be possess
Cot in (old. Saint Peter *taa4«.
and, when the Indians at length tamed to wreak thdr ven- superior muscular strength, what woald'avafl him against
With the ke/i ia hia two hand*,
. And all ia well 1
geance on their captive be was already out of sight and tbe quick eyer oTthe Indian, and his rand strokes? Flatflying with the speed of a wild deer. The swiftest miners tering himself thus in the advantage which be supposed
wore sent in pursuit but they soon gave up the chase as the chief awaited the arrival of his antagonist
In the old church tower
It was not long he had to wait; for, aa the first warm
Hue* the bell :
useless, and the fortunate Francois returned in safety to
Yo« canhear Its great heart "beat
Us comrades at Lake Traverse. The spot where this in- rays of the mormng son streamed over the prairie, and
Ah, *o Wbd, aad wild, aad sweetcident oceurrd Is weD known to the hunters and Indians lighted up tbe top of the crowded mound, the rates were •
• As the per*oiu<»j* a prayer
of thatregion,and still retains the name of "Franoois' opened, sod Francois, attended by his friends, passed
KH, ui EqJMjfaaU.
Cliff" Upon the smooth sarfkee of the limestone, near the rapidly through the dewy grass, ana ascending the emiWhile a
stood face to bee with his ehaDaqcK^ j
<• - •, - • if* water's edge, the Sox have commemorated tho event by nence,
rude carvings,representingsix warriors in tW set of tumb- They stood for a moment siknt-t-gasing sternly into
In the old church tower
, CHAftLISS H . H O L U E N ,
Hangs the belli . . . ..
ling headlong from the edge of the precipice to the river each other's eyes—each waitingforthe other to make tho
Dart and solemn. Hark again!
first salutation. AtkngthMewheo-wa, giving ~v«n< to
Ah! what paaftien,aad whatpaial
. This sfl&ir the brave Gennaine used, to relate with an insulting "Ugh! hghr and glaadng over tha ranks of
With her hands upon her hceaat.
touch sang froid; but the story which tho good-natured his drdiiig iramora with an expression that was intended
Bom* poor aonl has cone to nst
. Teeverw* CKyyiBWJiCTnv > r » Co. M l o h .
to say—" See, my braves, how the Cbc-mo-ke-mun siFrenchman
>, ,
Where aUia weUl
ddef of the Chippewaa, named Me-pe-kee-wa, the "Big ready quailsP demanded hastily:
J.a^Waira»te b<tBj^'Md.wld, tax#* idi, rnvestnwuta ft 'i.'.tpi wii JH4-. ' nr.".(i >,.«
• •. ••«*? n- , T v *>» i-«V t" K a yon come to fight?"
, torrapoadMee abllcfied.
-Ai .^»®0;old church tower

It seemed that Germain's fame was not-confined tp the "Of course I did," was the
Hangs the bell;
A qoimt Mend that aeenu to know
But last night your heart failed you. and you sent
whites and hal£breeds in the employ of the company, but
All oor Joy and all oar woe;
Pro«*oUttna A t t o r n e y « n d Circuit C o u r t
your people to buy your cowardly lift* with a blanket and
It la glad when we are wad.
' • OW«H^oo«(->
. Iv£i
with the posts, and the 'Indian, having a great respect a drink ef fire-waterf
It ia aad whan wa are dead,
for strong and bravo men,frequentlyspoke of him among "It's a lie!" and tbe incensed Frenchman, leaping upon
... Aadalltowelll
' jfMXM
themselves. Even the red bcantiqs of some of the tribes the Insulting bully, caught his hooked nose between tho
The Indian DMI.
expressed a desire to become acquainted with this modern thun»b and fore-finger « his right hand, nearly tore H
. . .
vLmoog tljo nuuiy .hardy Cawdian Fr^ncbmon la the Hercules, fdr the Indian maidens, Hke thdr sergenerdy, from his
. A«U»r*er a t L u f aud Jiolleftov ! • Chaacarr,
The Indian with a howl of wrath, d'ntehed.the hilt of
-'jf.> i, •' >.... G y m w , H a v e n * Mlohlc'in,
'• —opioy af the old " JiorUiwctt Fur Compamr," was ooe admired manliness wherevor it is to be found.
. Will attend Court tod to Collection* la the eountie* of OrtmtPraDcois Garmaioo, voyage or, who had esUBliabed a no- It waa through these that Me-oe-kte-wa cmne to bear his knife, but before he could dr»w it his anq was caught
*" Trtttne, Vxniite*; MHK>» «»d 6ceaaaK-lj* toriety for courage and physical streogth; nod like many of the brave and muscular Francois, and his jealowy be- by several ofhis warriors who restraining kim tor a
others of his ckai ho was sometimes vain of his extz*- came immediately excited. This chicf whose bana had moment, demanded thst the fight should Instantly' pro'•WBUITTHEES.

.' •
ordinaxy powers, and fond of exhibiting them to hIflU90- thdr home on, the east cade of the Mississippi, in what is ceed. • '
" Agreed," answered Francois, who tuning to hi*
now the State'of Wisconsin, was reputed the strongest
^:J^£®j|^r (JffeiiiYdj Mtt a Varii*^ o)ftfopWW#; 'itee. *
He woald load,his brawny shonldera with packs whleh man among the Indians, and he could not endure .the idea ISrieods with a smile, infonnedtbem "that now he,knew
_4.ppl*>Xr»e«, I*eaoh '.Troon, T e a r IVee*. P l u m
his comrades conld scarcely lift from the ground, and, of a rival even among the Che-mo-ke-oiuns, (pale faces.) his man, ho should howl like a whipped panther pup be•i*r
W W * • n d C h e r r r Tree*.
claim, m the strongest us well as the bravest, had fore bo shotdd M done with Wm," "
Afinelot erf Seedling PKACH Tasas, three j«*r» old,which without evincing the smallest degree of mtigno, would His
wiD bojioM eheap.i ,|
• j march with, them, day after day, through the wilderness never been disputed, ana be chafed like a wiH boar when Still snorting with pain, his dark eye flashiag with

" -*~»«iuu*s, Ac.; ill itt food condition, towards a<tme companyV forts, often leaving his lightly his worn ore and women talked of tbo feats of the noted, anger, and with tbe growl of a. tiger, the Indian advanced
L It 8VITH. • loaded companionsforin the rear.
voyageur; and he determined to visit the posts of tbo coo*- to his anticipated victory and revenue. Brandishing his
gay i'i -:.-i|t tt . nMy
It was so uncommon thing for Francois, who was a pony tiH he encountered one he began to regard as a knife, ho called on the pale-foe to dng his death-song fomost kind-hearted and generous fellow, to linger in the rival. For .months he made hU appcaraooe at tbe tbff?r- lic should soon send him to'tho hunting grounds of tho
I l.'Uircmyira
camp in the morning an how or two after his comrades ect stations, without accomplishing his object for Fran: spirit-land.
had started, take the trail they were following, frnd cois was always upon tbo move from point to point, in The Frenchman wboao plan of action had been decided
after a kw tones pass them wiUiout being discovered the pursuit of his occupation. Indeed, it was but rarely upon, and who know that in the struggle it
1 » Randolph Street, Chicago, MkeeiM<jg° knife.
either quick victorr.or death, drew lus keen
by them; and after traveling till the middle of the after- that he was found at the trading j>08ta
(JDtoT kre trithoiiiea iti i+eelve "Adrer- noon, stop at some convenient spot for encamping. He
At length, however, Me-ne-kee-wa was eo fortunate as and, meeting the Indian upon the apex- of tlthe' Wound.
vMtmgutedinsheft hand to his,-and signed for'
usually selected MM watercourse, which he judgod his to get on the track of tbe famous voyageur; aodhe deter- preseutcdlns''left
friends woud reach about nigbfali, and striking camp, mined to test his courage and physical powers in single
i Thia doOe, tb«ry stood gating an instant into each othar «
would surprise them with a well-prepared supper of veni- combat
One morning, as Francois Issuedfromtbe poet at which onquaiHfig eyes, and then, like Bodcric Dhu and F l u
son or other game, which he had provided against their
ho had arrived only tho evening previous, he was encoun- JamOs,

' Kaeh looked to nun, aad akr. and plain.
On a certain occaeioo, when ascending thd Bios des tered by a powerful Chippewa, who advancing unceremoAs what they might sea nr*ra*ala." .
it*!', WM.TJL' rftpenwaor to Campbell k Sioux river alone, in his caaofc he was attacked by a niously to him, and measuring Urn with his eagks eye from
to tho length of
W ^ e W AttoAey. B^Wtor tod Counsellor. Offlce
Tho next moment tbo Indian
head to foot inquired:
o re r,Fanner*' and *eeh*nle» Beak, Cor. Woodward u d Jef- largo party of Sioux Indians, who, after sinking his canoe ''Are vou Germaine?"
fi' his imprisoned arm, agd, with the swiftness of* H
fetedaav'a, Betrolt.
— by perforating its bottom with their rifles, and making a " Yes,' Was the reply.
raising iloft his glandDg blade, struckfiercelydown opdesperate fight «f it succeeded in taking him prisoner.
on his ontagooist But Francois, whose quick eye *
, Dotfott, ltlchlgan, Produce and Hh reputation for courage and strength had reached
"Francois Germaine?"
Agents and Contigwee* for the fol- them, aLd before patting him to the torture they deterrding
for him
—x'TaAMMHtMnox OoiirAiit. Ca|rf<
dropping his own knife to tW'grouba, caught the
" Germain the big Cho-mo-ke-mun?" persisted the
. tal tbXMWa: ffirtw T»n*wo«TASio><.
COMPANY, Capital mined to teat his powers.
dcfpcenfingright arm of the savage in Ida vioe4iko grasp
Accordingly, they took him to. the edge of the dill) Iudian.
°* y** Ywg C*>IT**4 M»P^
some two hundred feet high, beneath which ran the river, " So I have sometimes been called," returned the white and, with a sudden wrench, crushed the boneatf his wriat
like dry reeds. Tho iudian, with a yell of anguish which
uTMOWP,ft VOLUBB. (8ooce»ort to ,R V.
_ _ _ . i r c S * W f o * Werebaatraad tleeJew la Hhip and aftor hastily preparing a rope of bark, and fastening 41 Well you know mef asked tho stranger.
rang .out wildly over the prairie,relaxed.his hold of his
I, Coal, Halt, Wator Lfcae, Plaater.Ao.pvck* foot of ode end of it to alai^e tfono at the bano of the cliff, they •* No—who are you, and what do you want of mo?" knife, nod the bloodless weaponfeBwith its point buried
uaa*aJ3freet, Detroit, Mich. .'. £„ t
A , J W W 1 Jf* directed him to raise it to Where they were collected in a
" I am Mo-Do4cee-wa—chief of the Big Bear band of in the ground at his feet At the same instant the chief
6*yUWflTX60C0^-'-t> ,.).(izNar ixtt,.......G«o. P. Pu ttan. group to witoets the feat
•Germainc, whose Judgment and soltrelianco never for Chippewas,"'replied the Indian, as he raised himself at felt "bis left wrist within the powerful gripe of the other
*Qfa»W> a moment deserted him, readily consented to humor the least a head taller thrni the Frenchman—" and I want to hand of the Frenchman, and, trembling with pain, cried
the1 big Che-onvkMnonl You bravo man?"
OUt: .;
f . ' r t ' i 11 ' I . ' . , f t r . 7 >
iffcotof CtmMnat.j 01
t! ip .j ' •••; Indians, butdedarcd that the thing was impoadblo with fight
" Hold! hold! You are a braver and a stroller man
JAMS* Q<flfAW.^^.>*-^ri^.f.v---C»Aa, A. short a rone. The Indian* who had brought the free « Yea," replied Francois, " breve enough for you, or than I am—let us shake hands and be friends forevt*!"
end of it to tho top of the boajc, insisted that it was all any other Indian."
Francois desisted, and loomng tho thong which bound
O. (PTCMOIT, Produce, Comralaalon and Shlpplnjt sufficient, besides being strong enough to raise a. weight "Ugh! ugh!" grunted tbe chief contemptoously.
Herrfhank Warehouee on Doek, f8ot oC:B*te* etreei,
them together, frankly presented his hand to the sound
twice that of the stone. Still GernUioe persisted in de- "White man, will you fight?"
Ooe of the.Indiun's, who pledged himself to. acknowledge
»,r- ...
daring that the: rope was not long enough by manyfeet, • " Y a "
H: jMjj^Ubqral adnwcea made on Producc, for
that there was one Che-nwvko-mnn a bigger
and at length rtfused to gratify their curosity unless his ." When?" asked the Indian.
Hlchl|taiiTn*umk)« Co. Dank; demand'wna compliedwith,.and the rope leugtheoed to
"Any time," answered tho Frenchman; " now, if you man than Mc-uc-keo-wa; and, cro the sun was an hour
0, X). William* A Col, Ponrardlnif knd CommUalon MerclMBtB.
high, the crest-fallen bully, with his mortified brates, was
i:.j .1
No, not now,"" returned the Chippewa. No one here already on his way towards the great rivfer.
Sedng -that unless they indulged his caprice, they
T £ . PITTJBLAN} dealer In Coal tod i?jg Iron. OtBce would be deprived of that portion of their anticipated to see big fight Meet tne yonder, at sunriso to-morrow
eJ *andY£d, foot of Can* atreet Detroit .
' •
sport tho Indians yielded,' and collecting more baric, morning, and pointed ,to a mound near by, " with your
^^AJJL-~Lehlgh, BlyUburg, Scraoton, Briar H1U, New- added the reqhiate number offeetto the rope. All being seal ping-knife in your right han4 and our left hands shall "When this loathsome vice has taken fast hdd of a taan
fhrewdl industry, farewell emulation, farewell every thing
lore of virtuous societjr.farem rSk—Hanglnr Bock, Ma«*JIIon, Scotch -PraiAJto,
HtddleMx/t'llnl^m Verlou other brand* if Coal aoflr Pig _ e end lasBO-wise and gathqrit in a coil at the edge of the bravest What you sqj, white man, will you fight me woll decency of manners, and farewell, too, even aa attenIronto*k<ptfot;aale».,.,?
, .. t ^
cliff after in* clearing the ground of brush and broken so?" and the warrior again measured his rival from head tion to person; everything is sunk by this predominant
to foot in an exulting manner.
tfrtib* which might interfere with'its free run.
and brutal appetite. In now many instances do we see
Francois was anything but a " fighting man,'
illdiaft opposite U. C. R U. Freight Bej»t, Tba St0OR, «ii!Ch was of several hundred weight it was though of dauntl&M courage, and possessing all the strength men who have begun life with the brightest prospects
• heavy lift fbr even Germaine, iand he exortod all his
before tbemj and who have closed it'without one ray or
comfort or consolation! Young men, with goodfortbnes.
.Vholo*»to dealer In "Dmga ami Orolabor of raising it was comparatively lighter. After them in this savage manner; but, as nothing short of blood good talents, good tempera, good hearts, and sound con
. li tod'*l»d<iir diaa*. Ha »» Wood- the
would satisfy tbe strange challenger, he replied:
stitutions, onfy by being drawn into the vortex, of the
It. Illclv
.iu-.i '••• .. ?<
:«3 he had drawn it op a few feet ne. was ordered to lower
" I will meet you as you desire. drunkard, have become by degrees, tbe most loathsome
it again, when four of the. most stalwart warriors tried
" Enough, white man," and the stalwart warrior tnrned and despicable of
lUlden W j M d thdr united strength upon it but they could not budge it
HAKVBX * COH 94l .Maiden
In that house of the drunkabruptly
ard there is no happiness for any one. All iaunceriainty
Again Gerinaino was ordered to hoist it to the top of and the train ofreflectionswhich this novel challenge to and anxiety. He M not the same man for ooe day at a
Colored and THroe Wpe^
rt BoaHdi. BS the bank. With the outlay of all bis muscular force, be mortal couibU would naturally arouse in the breast of a time. No ooe knows of his outgoings or hia incoaiag
tuid, an It moved slowly along the lace of the cliff brave bnt humane man.
When he will rise, or when be will tie down to ruat w
As aoon as it became known within the palisades that wholly a matter of chance. ' That which he swallows for
ans, in their excitement gathered in knots upon
the very verg«v and, looking downwards, watched its their fevotH^ tho. i h r a ^ F w r o i a , had been dared to! what ne calls pleasure bfingB pain; as surely aa the night
ascent—Slowly it morod over the rough projections of
brings morning. Poverty and misery are hi the train
the limestone strata, detaching sometimes in its program extremely anxious abput the result The agent, unknown To avoid thne resnhawoarp called upon to make no
huge masse* of stone, which tumbled with heavy plunges to the Frenchman, sent Out to negotiate with MMSIIM; sacrifice. Abstinence requires BO aid to occompBA it
wa; and by uteaents endearored to thssoade him fromthe Our own will is all that is requisite; and if we have not
among the broken portions thai filled the river below.
Hand over hand tho Frenchman toiled at his task, but ~ ' I upon &B ground that should it r » d t in his death, tbe will to avoid contempt, disgrace and misery, we
It wodd, ft Bight ba the caaae of
eye*takfctg in a]l about him. Hehad
her relief nor companion.;;
sight oofrttird Of the distance, when
akSl is
W superior
Mxmu or f'jrr—The B f t . Ur. A — ^ • ! ) « :
wouldt listen to no t
ndtnttoktodflrfcrtfa brillUicj o f M . 1 — O m

Cntbttst $m&,

h t k O U Ck«Kk Tower.

ia poiijaCn SYfxr r«n>Ar, AT
Trmyeree City,
Trarrr* C o - t y , M k * o » h

••SSL-Js.uaas.- -


Jttsnuj aid Crararllor at fate,




Bnstnem Cards.




- bane jourmed," said he to the trader, « away s
nd cioBer upon the verge af the cKff
effect of tho herculean eflbrts of the to find vt*r big ObBHBOJjMnuB, whom afr wensen

. UBOjfloff a » B » C T « A . ffa»Prmri>»M
gro^J, W W»
one wide awing oVer his 3 B M t . m
and with a

a W

P > OaiptHfcr

n no k«ffjT. b«t tnwt
<j»|i l l l l l . fc«»
i j & » mudi* tglttf*.

Ha I

I k t o o d l k W c Alonetjae be

| II


the " Ministry oC
aod in tbe perojuio. ba « d .
dmir obwrrei, " I haw . wfci»err Tlx change oT
U U M l k d n m i H » M U g r . torn »
• o t a d mcuffsmto hi. fcet be voke: " I pm,tt u

n Ooif^A rmtk
m. ooirt ia
• deamjrthftl

Herald o f t
•. ©OTO&BE H



' •I'llir-tMlir rtWri KOUKDS * LANGDO!*. K«UII«>
*»" "•*** MKbortMdtoWh


excited? H * is
enemy, and be isei
he hdp3 to aipover, soar above the common infirmites of all poor human port by the sale of newspapers, and by such errands and

donbt of tfe complete triumph of the AdnnmtraHon"devoid of

„ j j M J D g 2 M i £ & » HSt£-~*i-hmSSMr.B™riHWWJlWf
far as received, foot up as follows:
mJi — i s the
hero or the pleasant aod truthful
m a dent we are
J.Por Latham, 11,286; far qurrey, 12,111; and for StanfirJit*.
H^2 *&oht rec<ml' is eitremc,
J w*1 »n ^ •#&' though
been of the beet, and may haw
ford, 4,984. It will be seen that Latham leads Corny mate, thought itTus dntj to severely criticise hlavofe <Jtt d o t l i o s h a T G ^
r m 'rotm rm W W W R


which cntcism ne was very personal. Mr. Seward sat
combined 4,191 votes. Carrey leads Stanford 7,187 composedly in his seat during the' painftd review of his both poverty and frugal care. In short, Johnny ia just
such a bflwaa we nscd to "read aboot In Swday ichool
The a.r*t rolnme of the nrn.u.n wHl elOM on the l«*h of votes.
brother Senator, and rose to reply a* pleasantly and as books." yesterday morning, bright and eariy. bo was
November.: Ai -we 'Shall, rigidly adbere to ths. system «f The figures of tho Congressional candidates are raj quietly as he ever did in his life.
trudging along d^wn. Broad way, botireoFrankJia avenue
and Washington street, when lie chanced to stumble
close. Burob has 18,852; Scott 18,875; McKibben 18,Adraaef Ti^AoBt, Ve jtfre this timely notie*. that SUjwbo
night on the Cuban bill—last spring—Mr. Toomb3 made
875; and Baber 18,875-<he three last named having ex- ancree, and we must say disgraceful attack hpon Mr. against a large pocket boot which be pjeked up and
ape dfapomd to keep us company soother year may be preactly the sanie number of rotes, and each beating Burch Seward, calling him among otner names, " a tuppenny
j to make tSelr remittances by that time. The t u t 23 rotes. For State Printer, Botts connts 17,I't6 'demagogue." During the entire harangue by tbe Georcapaciou:
« m t a r of the »ocond volume via he leased
the 15th of 0*Meara 17,783, being 667 ahead of Botts. But it must gian Sehator, Mr. Seward twiried bis spectacles uncons- pocket or perhaps tackiflg his youthM mind whether to
ciously, and in his replv was slow, froeanghr cold, and seek for the owner or conceal his gdod fartune, a gentleXovemjer, end we hope to h»T« the pUtsnre of recording on be remembered that CMeara's vote in the city was 2, never for a moment addreiwed or looked at Mr. Toombs, man rushed by him in *n anxious. Lurried manner, which
643 ahead of Botts, and that Sacramento County, thus ibeae facts show that Mr. Seward purposely refuses in
convinced tbe boy that he was looking for something, and
our new suteeriptioa kook. *t Ui*t tine,to®n u m of ell our
far, baa givet him an additional majority of 700 rotes. public to allow himself to be angerea by personalities or
*4®tlon; hot b no This majority of 3,343 has been reduced to 667, and the to offcr'thcre personalities. He guards constantly agaiiist he thought he knew what
•• Hare yon lost anythingf.'asked Johnny.
" Yes; my pockct-boojc. :aasthe gentlemans answer;
lattaaoe win apape* bo acatwhhout payment In adriao*.
prospects are that Ur. Botts will come out with a handbeen accused by ardent Republicans of lacklnp courage,
hare yoo seen It?"
?•" '. ,•
majori^. Messrs. McKibbcn and Baker went out physical courage, and that he did not reply to the attacks
Tbefittio fellow " expected" be bad; ba
rr—A .Comtrn*.
of the city ywith about three thousand majority, but a t>f his Southern enemies with sufficient spirit It is a
Tukfc New York arid Virginia for example: In 1790 'glance at t i e figures above given will show that Messrs. mistake to ascribe this conduct of Mr. Seward to cow- though. Wbatkindora-pocSft-bo^ w i i W , .
This fed to'adjournment to a neigWwring store, where
tig ' p ^ l a t l t m ' . o f . ^ e w r r o r t ' waa 340,120,. and that of Burob aAd' Scott have overtaken them already. The ardice. It is the result of deliberate thought in him— the IMhcd and J n o i t W h k « i i r i W r f j o f Ita-lrsl
Virginia ^ * < 0 8 . Botb ware tb$n glare States. New prospects of Meters. McKibben and Baker are, therefore and if it is mistaken policy, then of course it is to be set part" proceeded to say that the pockrt-book Was a large
black ooe, containing $1,200 in bank bills and some ac>
Vork abolished J f w # | i and Virginia e h m g t o it as a not very flattering. Tho total vote for Governor, so far, down as a blunder, not a vice.
When Mr. Seward speaks, he again disappoints the counte, a strip of red morocco binding underneath, tho
he*vwWk)A'litttitotidii. Sixty years pa«—and hi I860
stronger. There is no manner, none of the acta of the Hap, being inscribed " Robert Thomas, Covington, Kv."
it38.38L | ; . • • / ' V . V " .
the Census showed that New Yqrk'bad an active, enterorator
A dud was fought on 12th of September, at Santa
The .description tallied, and Johnny's eves snapped with
prising population of 3,097,334 Freemen,- aod Yirginia Glare, between David C. Broderick, U. 8. Senator for chair an in easy conversational manner talks to the Sen- cheerfulness as be placed the treasurer just as ne found it
and to and fro as into the stranger's hand; and wo opine there" was greater
only 1,421,661, - including her -alavea Thus in 1790 California, 'and Judge Terry of the Sopreme Court. ate, all the time swinging his spectacles
if at the
. • • V.k.
in that one act than $10,000 could have purchasc«l
VTrglhft <SbnUined' more than double the population of Broderick shot Terry in the throat—wound supposed
Mr. Seward is no orator as the word is ordinarily un- at tho expense of a guilty conscience.
New. Yajk, and in sixty years thereafter the Empire
derstood He has little or no animation, no-address, no
Mr. Thomas hardly soemed to know which to feelmost
impressveness. It is Ike thought, the ideas of his —relief on the recover} of hisjponey and papers,,or grat-.
Stafe.cmbriiood A popolaiwn of .more than twice thai of
ASSASSIXATIOSS IJI DTAIL—The Utah correspondent of speeches, which make them so widelv popular. Almost itude to tho lad and admiration, of bis honesty. Taking
the Old Dominion, while ber productions exceedodthoee
any ono of his speeches fead better than it delivers. Mr.
of Virginia nioro than two hundred millions of dollars! • the S t Louis Democrat writing from Camp Floyd on the Sftjvard, long ago, must bare lost aU ambition to become Johnny, by tho hand, whose "bounding bcart (he knew not
why) has by this time " splashed teaff Into h e ev«C"^he
| What'-^wto" p ^ w & t h i s immense disparity—'what 16th ultimo, gives on account of the assassination of Frahk merely an orator—if he ever at anytime indulged in'soeh
gentleman fed him to a clothing store arid dttnwd him put
only ^ould-have .wrought jsuch a resdltf 'The answer is
an ambition. He speaks not to tno few" hundreds whd from top to toe, hi a bran new. suit - Tben' proeeeahJgto
ol.viouft—it jrreei stably fortes Jtsolf upon every mind thai and others, lot folae imprisonment The writer says, that can hear his voice, as he well knows; but to mifflona out- a jewelry store, be purchased a-good «a*er watch, upon
will bestow upon the question a moment's reflection: " to every ono in tbe Territory it is evident that the side the walls of the Capitol^ And to he studies 'bis which he directed to be engraved those word*: f Robert
speeches makes them truly great and "worth reading by
One State Tcpiihled Slavery asfccurse, and abolished it; murder was perpetrated by order of Brigham Young,' anybody and everybody, then coramits thein to memory, Thomas to littie Johnny Moore, S t Louis Sept 3. 1859.
Honesty is the b a t policy." Not even content with this
and ching to it; and the polity, The Bui* writer sayvin a postcript: " Sergeant Pike and recites them in the Senate that they may ro with the the generous stranger .placed , in a neat bead ' p u m five
and institutions of the States were mouldod accordingly. was assassinated oo Monday last by a Mormon named official stamp upon tbcm to the millions of readers in the twenty dollar gold pieces, which he directed the lad to
give to his mother.
•' '
—But the result of the comparison betweenNe w.York Spencer, wjifle attending Judge S t Clair's court in Salt Free States.
Mr. Seward has long been popular in Washington—
We shall not attempt to portray the emotion of the
ntid Virginia ji Wily an illustration of the difference in Lata City, and the greatest excitement exists in camp personallv. we mean—even among his political enemies.
boy. If his quivering lips, and choked utterance, arid the
ppjxi^tiitfQD,. manufactures, commerce, agricultural' pro- about this afWr,"
When he" first came to Washington, it was with difficulty -miles that strove so hard to get through the watery
ho got a pew in one of the fashionable churches of the
ductions, A ^ thateroywhere prevails between Freedom
THK KAKfliS KLKCITON.—Tbe majority in Leavenworth capital. Association with him was thought to We con- globes that trembled in bis eytes failed to tdl what was
and .Slavery. The "one peoples with busy multitudes
going on In his bQart, bow ahaD we tefl it?
. _
County for the adoption of the Wyandott Constitution is tamination; but long since, his liighmindednese, and his
every" foot of soil beneath her banner^—establishes manu- Wircaiaaifc njihyiiif iuwuSiiM^
38; majority against tho Constitution in Doniphan City charitable uature, have won him not only the respect ^nt
factures, fosters industry, encourages arts and commerce,
Tbe State of SOtrfb Carolina is BOW baring a census
is 63. I t Is estimated that Doniphan County will giva the love of many of the citizens of WashingtOri, and
aud creates a wholesome, permanent prosperity—^while
at least of the citizcns of tbe Southern States.
taken, which b j it» rcvclatiobs, throw light upon the
200 majority against the Constitution; Locompton givos
estion in regard to tbe utility of reopening tbe African
theoilmrf .impoverishes, detnornlins and degrades.
T h e Germans in Minnesota.
137 majority against; Rising Snn gives 82 majority
vo trade. Wo see it stated that in seventeen pariAes
—Yet, notwithstanding these stem facts, fortified by
The Democracy have laid claims to tho German vote tbftre is a decrease of the white pppulatimi «f over five
against; Stunner gives 70 majority and Lawrence 890
figure* andstatistics, the Democratic party labor to
in Minnesota with a confidence that would seem to war- thousand; since 1855, wbfle tbe blacks, during the sane
majority for, the Constitution.
rant thnt It was secured to them; but everywhere wa see period have largely iimreaseiirt Bomber.- MM* rate,
spread and extend this curse that has 'brought Virginia
WINTER WHEAT.—The Milwaukee Free Democrat evidence that confidencc is misplaced. .
the entire State will exhibit a diminution of whitd mountdown from ber proud estate, to a disgraceful condition of
Tbe Pioneer, a paper printed at New Ulm, ono of the
poverty and negro-breeding, into and over the territories says that far less winter wheat is being sown in that State most influential of the German papers in tbe West scouts ing to twelve or fifteen thoufood; and Hp Psll^tto State
is m a fair way to become Africanized, without the fcfo r , ^ ^ ^^nu&. > ;*'thls crime they 'seek- to perptrtijde than was sown last year. Tho almost general failure of the idea that the German vote Will be given to the Dem- thur. introduction of negroes from the parent stock.
. t ^ ^ ' tin '.nwcGum'of their Executive and 'tiieii- the crop of 1859, rendering good seed Very scarcc, com- ocracy. In a recent number the editor appeals to his
We feel curious to know how this information will ef{Chicago Journal.
fect the discussion of the proportion to reopen the Afri. •4Bdtdaty.>"..,»/>»fctj»
• /
.... ,..L,
... bined with tho long continued drought will render the countrymen as follows:
" Place your fundamental principles 0[«ily before tbe can slave trade. Wo incfina to the opinion ffcat it cools
crop for 1860 exceedingly smalL The farmers of Wisworld; lay them before the eyes-of cverv - A m e - — the ardor of the agitators of that measure; or, at any rate
Diuxn or Jt^r. Da. Bean.—Rev. Dr. Bush, a celeconsin are turning their attention largely to Spring Republican; try to make propaganda for them; d
it will prove to be an insurmountable obstacle, to their
brated ®*ede«Wglaaaergymaft and the leader of that
them everywhere by word and by writing, and as often succcs io bringing the Southern people to their views.
'MCtf'M Ne*r Torlr City, died at Rochester on the 19th •wheat
as possible in the language of this counter, and also de- When it ia seen that the natural W e a s e of the d e Tho
" " " M character. He graduated
fend thoir principles in the National Convention: defend population is sufficient to drive out the poor whites, Mfl
at Dartaoutb in 1818, was ordained in the Presbyterian years conducted the Providence Journal with marked evefy idea, every letter of them, and let these principles thereby endanger tbe peafce and safety of tbe Obgarch}-.
Charak afid wns for fou^ j c a r e a missionary in India ability,, is about to retire from its supervision and give lead you in the choice of your standard-bearer, -who must i t is not probable that a measure whose tendency must
Having an especial taste far BiUical studies,'be soon place, to ProC James B. Angell, of Brown University, be a man whose past life is a pledge for his not bunding be to aggravate this evil in a tenfold degree willfindfkvor
to the follies and errors of the multitude; whose action
b*&n> celebrated, and in 18S1 wwr elected Professor of who has for several years been an occasional contributor in life in favor Of liberty and the happiness of mankind, with any .class, oxcept tbe nefarious wretches who would
at by engaging in the slave trade. Tbe Chivalry may
Ilebrew aod Oriental Literature in the University of to its columns. Mr. Anthony takes his seat as United give a security for his action when a President of the
" bom insensible to fear," but they nevertheless are
United States. W e have held up snch a man often in in no hurry to precipitate the horrors of a negro insnrN<jw. York.. : In 1845 he connected himself with- the States Senator for Rhode Island in the next Congress.
this paper:* his name is WILLIAM H. SBWARH. He is
Uwedenborgian Church, translated from the Latin the
From Washington.
our first choice; tho embodiment of our platform; the op- ^ i t e e f f e c t s of a diminution of the white population Of
ffiafy of Bwedenborg, and has, sinoe that time, labored
The result of the California election is a fearful blow ponent of rfaveiy; the friend of tbe homeless, the poor, tho State upon its political weight In the Confederacy
VQ> jaerolop'iiDd maintain tfre princjpks rf tiiat philosopher. to Douglas, who discovers that his peculiar doctrines and the exile; the enemy of all secret and " dark-lantern" nrast prove another source of solicitude to tbe people as
have taken no hold in any of the free States. Tho Re- orders; the protector or home manufactures, of harbor well BQ to their rulers. For every throe whites tlje.Stote
ButJqxssr<?f Tmt GRmT EASTMX.—The trial trip of publicans are not disappointed at Baker's defeat, becauso and river improvements; tbe advocate of tbe Pacific loses, she must gain fire black, in order to maintain her
Railroad, and at that the greatest and most honest states- position; but it is probable that every black introduced
the Crest Eastern proved an entire (success, and site is they maife very little calculation upon his election.
UnlofB Ohio should go against tno Bepublicana, which man whom this generation can boast of."
win expel two whites; and if the trade should bo successpronounced by a correspondent of the London Times to
no one b ^ thinks oven possible, the little Giant may
fully opened, there would be a general stampede of tbe
bo, the fastest yeescVin tbc worid. Employing leas than be considered shelved. The Administration is not anxT h e Fa te of China Seated.
poor whites.
t«n-tUWb of bar power, in her worst trim, be&ig a x ious for Democratic sucbess in any of tho Western States
The London correspondent of the New York Tribune
Verily the Oligracliv are in a strait Torn whichway
inches down by the head, and too high out of water to where the friends of Douglas are up for office, and it will says, in regard to tho defeat of the English by the Chi- they wiu for succor, they are sure to meet with disappointment It they open the slave trade, with or withpqrfelt bfcr paddles' of screw blades to work properly, hardly b4 disappointed. Douglas's condition ispitiablo—
abandoned at the South by his party friends, and unable
n»c latest telegraph dispatch from the East looks seriItyl with a strong tide against her, sho ran a fistance of at tho North to obtain any recruits from Republican ous. Tbe Anglo-French flotilla which was to carry tbe out the consent of the Federal Government they expel
the whites, and precipitate insurrection. If they do not
fiflfoastatute miWs iu two minntea under an hour. Tho ranks, he is likely te fall to tbe ground between .the two English Embassador up tbe Foiho to Pekin, hae been open i t the priceof negroes will drain off the dares from
snddenlv and treacherously attacked and defeated. The the northern to the southern tier of States, and . the farcqginaa worked with astenisbing ease, and there was stools. His vaulting ambition has o'erieaped itjelt
The accounts received here from prominent men in ships lost an Admiral disabled, seven officers killed and mer will become f r e t God and his providence^aro against
w^TOely a vibration perceptible. Before anchoring, the
Minnesota, axe extremlr favorable to the sacceas of the seventeen wounded, with a total loss of nearly 500 men, them. They will be wise to read toe handwritiflgon tiproawl was put . about and went completely round in ~
Republicans and tbe election of both members or Con- indicate severe fighting, and such a defeat as might ruin wall before it is too late.
(National E n i
' Uifu three-quarters of a mile.
gress, unless thq Democrats resort to frauds and staff the the English prestige, unless at once revenged by an expedition upon a more extensive scale than those which Another P l o t to B e f t a t tbe Admiaaie* pOL
baflot boxes.
' , A PoPti-fB CAHDIDATK.—Hoa John tt. Harmon Is the
•nie President and Secretary of the Kanaaii <.on«tita
IostructioM will be shortly sont oat to our Minister to heretofore were Bent to tho Yellow River. The last hour
Democrotic candidate for Mayor ofJJetrpit He was China. I t is likdy a prudfent coarse will be advised and or tbe Chinese Empire has now probably struck. An tiopal Convention, who, with tbe Goveroo'r, are eonstitu
understanding with Fiance about tbe division of spoils in ted by tbe constitution on election board to receive re
y o n of the Editors and Proprietors of the Free caution riven to get Into no entangling complication.
[Cor. Cin. Gazette.
turns Of tbe vote of the people upon tL
the constitution,
banthe south wfll not be imposable, while Rusma cannot be tarns
r --,
, has been twj<* elected Mayor of that city, was
prevented from extending ber. possesions in tbe North lamed their .prodamation for sn election in •eaord^s-.
Voluntary Exile of the Pope.
and W e s t both on the Amoor and tho Mongol provinpes. with the constitution and tbo election law*of the Terriwhok>eoule<l, clcver fellow, ncd a liarJ man to beat The
The alitor of the New York Courier des Etats Unis, For this time it is really against the wish of tbe English tory on the first Tuosday of October, for the pmpoee of
nation t h a t a war of conquest is forced upon her, but we enabling tbe voters of tbe territory to express their W,
Prtm.Prtu was a respectable paper when be conducted i t that writes to bis paper from Paris:
donotaee how it-jrill be poftrible to abstain from con- proval or disappro«d of the state consUtation. Go*
P i t * I X baa abandoned tbe project of interfering by
Medary was absent from tbe Territory and his name UOIM
Cmox.—The Republicans an^Lnti-^Lecojnptarffcs )in
quest after such an outrage.
farce of anns-in tbe aflaire of tbe legations, but in rein the proclamation; but his Secretary, Hngii
California bave united 00 their Congressional ticket venge, Jba has manifested afreah and more energetically
P. H . Bibley, RepoWfcan, and 8. A. Booker, Xnti-Le- than ever, tbe intention of abandoning Rome aod acceptLetters received from 5th stite thai tbe ent instrnctions for holding the election. -If
English Embassador bad addressed;inquiries to tbe.Gov- sanctions tWs, it will show deariy t h a i t b e j lmmlrfraUon
compton Democrat, have withdrawn; apd thare is a
ermnent of 8piain concerning tbeconceotratipnofSpanish ia determined to d e t e t the
« M g probability that J/C.McKibbin, AntHLlfeompton
a fact of wWch it l« easy to appreciate tbe gravity; and troops in A l g e d m . Tbe reply of the 8panlsh Goran*-' means possible. The W y a a ^
Democrat and CcL E. D. Baker, Republican; bare been
F n o q e ' i a exartia* her —
j - .influence
- . , j . ,to. prennt
^ , - i t . s e n t is said to hare been drawn up with great coortMy, board of canvassers, compowdoftbc P ^ i d e n t ri! Se>Oin• ewhuRwior to the Holy See, M. de Gfampoot, has bat did not fully explain the reasons or the « ) o c « i t i ^ c o
arrived in Paris,tor tbeaecood tune in .less than « ^ troops at this point Some of the Madrid journals
W G o t u o r a a o» DxraoiT.—Tbo charges agaiart fiol- ,
— articles
' " o n tbo ueccaaty of_.taking Gibraltar t o t b e c c o r t & T The
iecter Sioeibaker have been sustained, and His thought mooto.
from the Engliab, no mater by wlud meaos."
te « w » i t aa a member of tbe board or
that be wilU* removed immediacy. His stealings only




•a>a6TO< t o a»«a1 #*3,000,' 8*orey. of tbfc Free Press, is that blood has not flowed in tbe
Pope i t still at the Vrtican; bat w*
k £ ton*, on b * * of tii


Rrrc asxn—Horaeo Gtneley arri
sit Hereturnedby sea.

«ep i*



i n S * T t r V f f . .

' '• •'
Oauwwa, Aafc & ,
The civil employees have raised o b j e c t k a to tbe
tiraleosd J i m i o S o o r f U m i i i h r i r a . t k . O u . « i " t i

•aft&attogetridof this l«t and most dedave campB-

history ofEorope.


• •••} *


SeCaiooexcept againstMph#power ofthe adsain-



10 R34


DK. C H V l c m i ' L ' l DWCOVERY.


far t h « C b e « j ' h e c w a c t h e tiajlea are so hard that tho candidates h a r e


i in whose Bps m

received the i


naTODey t o bay whisky/ Duriflg Gaiesrel S c o t t ' s absence,


General W o o l , ' a s Originally i S r o f i r e * aad pesecrlbed by Dr. J. T. O a r a c s i L

c x»rstrMi>Tloiri

senior officer, wffl b e ' a o t i u g ooomabder-in-cititf' to' t h e
a t b d f - p o s t - 2 o ' c l o c k to the- morning, h e w e r
A t l a n t i c States*.
b y n k n o c k i n g a t t h e front d o o r of h i s residence
and, apon wiswBriug, t h e .call, l y u m l a man o n t h e sfeps,'
B M f c h i , R Smith, K s q ^ o f M e o g m e c ,
v h o i n a Tory incoherent and e x c i t c d manner, requested
the stages of Pulmonary D<—MI b y Dr. CtaurebilPt nr*

»!:;>••»;. jf
*v-r lim t o w a lk a c r o s s t h e street a n d l o o k at" t h e t o p o f hj«.
Ue&bttOQtD tie
J n a i o ^ t « p : , i » « I * o i r o - house. T h e p r o p o r t i o n v a n so s t r a n g e t h a t , h e declined,
4 % w * * organired: O i y r t a l t d » n « W f c H w w t e r . ftod s t o o d irresolute far ft few momenta, and w a s a b o u t
retiring again, snspiclous of foul play,'when h i s e y e caugfct

day at SepMmbert
Many hundreds of.pJiyaldsns hare; already adopted t
T h e flat* election i n Crystal l e k ^ a b e b e l a e t ' t t e
a m o v i n g shadow o n the front of t h e o p p o s i t e boose,''cast l a U M M T of oor Lord OM t h o u a a d t i j b i handNd aad 6fty- treatment with almost iavariaM« aueeee*. Let n a C o nsuinp
olor, ft—eat, U m r 8. U o * u , C i r o a l t C o a n CommUslonet W*-e delav a nMMhent to try t l 1 It is thoir b a t hope!
b * tho moon, y t t c h w a s s h i n i n g dimJy,
• for *aM County and Aetiag Jmliw ofProbaa-. . In the mattar
Dr. c h V e h U l saya: • •
«• <*>"« •« « « w « t
c l o u d s of a cratherimr e o u i o o e t i a l stoi
- 1 i n anxious that tht H r r o r w o s r w r n a riiaald fa* brought,
t £ & some tnoving,'living t h i n g < V M Walking noiaeieasfy' • Oa reading and fill a * t h e petition, jdal/ ve rifled, of John
as speedily as poMible, lata universal use. a s 1 n « * t h a t U » •
a l o n g ' t W Jiattow ridae q f h l s j o q t and a s h e looked at Cbafield, praying that he m i y be appolatad AdialnlsUator will prove not ooty Ss rare a Kk-medyia CoaSamikUoa sa Qui
i t s slow creeping moUon, a n indefinable chill c r e p t o v c t of the evtate of said deceased; - .1
Bins is In Intermittent Feter, bfatalao as eObctoal a Preserva
McftdaJt lllclVohiOTMJ O*?' B a » , IMj»cton
' s as Vaccination it) Sssail Pox.
him: T h e shadow s t a l e a c r o n t h e - f r o n t of t h e opposite ' Thertopoa 1t ia O f f e r e d that l o a d s ; , t
i f r a f N o r c a k r next, at aine o'clock i a the forenoon.
l a no instance have I f o » d the r w a e d y fall t o produce
buitdtog, t o d w a s lost for a moment i n t h e
n thing that could fBasonablr h * exported froW i i
PoniifTUIIiiii)ijHW*IMtorfllriiMrt|'TlMlliMll I at
thoo c r e p t Into v i e * - a g a i n , returning to a n opposite
Ont of twenty4wo eases In t h e third or lai* stage, treated
y f f W A y ,;f
rama^d-and ft Mr. roctiod, w i t h t h e a a m e d o w , . i I o w , g l i d i n g toofaop.. L....
at-my DUpensarr during thepdstyear, r i t h t haveeompJetel>
recovered, eigM have died, «ttd s i x are still under treatment
MeKlis»t*y.eppoiiited.'' T h e o « e e wffl e o n e c a p e n t l r b o cofHrponion had reg^aed Ihp o p p o s i t e s i d e w i l k . and stood,
. i f any there be, why tho prayer of the pe- Bach a remit is altogether unparalleled in the annals Of msdl
wzmg l i p i n silence, s e e m i n g l y struck speechicsa w i t h titioner *hoold not be granted.
>ojtcr,. and w i t h ' t r e m b l f e g s t e p s Mr. M o r e t o n gained . And ft la farther ordered, that Raid petitioner give notice eine»"
jar This Remedy 1s 0»e most powerful OensnUer of BIooJ
G s t i s o d e h e r g e s W e refcovei « p o n b i s M e n d D r . Q o o d has o d e and turned h i s e y e s in tho s a m e direction. H i s to all priraona intereatad in said estate, of t h e peadaacy .of kaown. and i s eqttslly sftfeacloa* l a all feyssa of D e b i l i t y
a l c , : t h e C o u n t ; T r e e s a r e r and P o e t a n s t e r horej w h o consternation may, bo. i m a g i n e d , w t c a i u » gn«c f e l l i
aafd petition aad the hearta* thereof, by c a u s i n g • ' o o p r of Asthma, Bronchitis, Nervoos Diseases,'Oftferesls.'tyBfeptis.
this order to b o publlshod
the "Grand TraTerse Herald," —or whstever-d^pentti on d e f l c i w t vftsJltyof ths ^ u m .
procured h i s epfxrfntineot, aboht e i g h t m o n t h s e g o . A s t h o f o r m o f ft human being, shrouded f r o m h o a d t o
Traverse Count), and circa
Gesslae P r « M i « t t * ,
O b i t tfricfy a iamOy afflfir^ w e b t v e n o SiBpodUon. to'. in a l o n g w h i t e nlghtidrew, a b o u t w h i c h a mass of l o n g
Manlsteev three auceesairo weeks
put up in large bottles with tha foUowfag words blown in
hair, w h i c h gleamed 'darkly in t h e moonbeams, fell i n prior to a d d day of hearing. •
the gtsas: " P a . J, P. CHCSCHIU-'S Y r r o m o s n o r x s o i U n r
interfere t a t h e hwttor, b u t if w h a t M r . Garland t a l k n »
(A trao copy.)
w i l d confusiotL T h i » spectral ftnp p a c e d slowly t o and
SODA. J. VfrxcMr»r*», N r w T o a x . " Each bottle ba«
W t n ^ ' l w . b i b e e n trented jnlEftr shabbily, e o d m n s t f r o o n t h e narrow ridge-board w h i c h c o v e r e d , t h e a p e x
Circuit Court Commtssloasr aad
s r i c ^ i i o t a signature. "
Acting Judge of Prebate.
, *m~ No other, t a n be relied on t s the pert Hypophosph jte»
jmy t h e D o c t o r off D o t faH, b y refusing t o k i n any m o r e ! of t h e roof; a p p r o a c h i n g i n frightful p r o x i m i t y t o t h e
Unless perfectly.pare, they are not only
Wpositlrel v
m e d i o v o t e for h i m , . e e l * e f l r p s l t f $ d a t t h e l a t f j f e c - qbrapt termination a t the ends, and calmly turning a b o u t
injurious. No raov or other d r e g should he c o m b i w d with
Mr. Garland Is m well fitted for t h e office uow as t o rotraoe' thp fistan^o, always w i t h fte s a m e anlfiweriar
them, or take a at the MU|« "tin*.
-J~: " l •
L&MSISO, i t i c a , September 1,1*59-3 •
s t e p and oas}\, gliding m o t i o n . T h e houso w#B'ft 'hlgfi
tST- Price « 00, or three bottles tor 18 00, wfth WB Sllree
he w w e i g h t .months ago, for # » Jo Hot belie vu ttiAt h o
T J U B L I C N O T I C E 18 HEREBY GIVEN . THAT t H R tions for use. 'K liberal discount to physlehba tad the >rsde.
one, and a m i v s t e p , W a s t e p too far, w o u l d h av o p l o n g o d
- I T foilowlag described P r i m a r j School Laads, situated in
has, b y any* p d M b f l H y , degenerated.
the night-walkor d o w n t o c e r t a i n destruction—as also the coantics o t Grand Traverse, Lcclshaa, ErameU and Maa- The Dav B a t r s furnished t o the p f e t a a M n . Single bottles
In coocentrated solution s e a t by B»ll,srtien W « a l l y ordered.
would a casual sound, t h e s h o u t p f a . m i d p i g h t reve1— ~
Uter, forfeited for aoa-paynseatot latere at. will be oBeiW for Sold wholesale and retail a t the Sole General Depot In the T.
f r o m
Sale, at this 0 S e e . ' a t pdUlo auction, o n W e d n e s d a y * t h « a 4S John street Let B»e»e-deee*vwysw, but purchsse so'l
ti»e (!row of a morning c o c k . T h e V a l k e f w i s , * ' *
SOth d a y of O c t o b e r n e x t , at Ten o'clock, A. IL, unless
ft s » w t a G M p u f c e , h » t h k o o n n t y T o o t h o l f t i i j s t , and aad a s ahe m o v e d back and forth s b o occasionally
preriously redesjned according t o law.
her b a n d t o h e r h e a d H t h o n g h e n g a g e d i a t h o u g h t or
win drOwnA" H t i b o f r
trodbtpd w l t V pain. T h e h e a d never m o v e d t o t h e r i g h t
• , ,u,.
• t: ,.
Grand Traverse C o o n t j .
L o t m a n P t i c t t O a o i u * D . — T h o Cassidy p e a c h orch- or UA,. u p or down, b u t a l w a y a jhiintta'nedHfao game p o Description.
sition, fcroct, n o d s t r a g h t a s a statue. A chimnov stood
ard in geaeqfras.Neck, M i , -BOW t h e property of A n t h o n y
directly in t h e middle of t h e r o o t a r o u n d w h i c h s h e pasdelay, for time Is precious Ih so fatal a
LeeUnsa Coaaty.
, R e y M i d . o f M a w a r t , toe*tises'tGQ auras, f r o m *hic\» s e d w i t h ease, placing one hand u p o n i t s t o p , and w a l k i n g
Aumptlon. Address, . j,," ; . , — . J,
11 W.
Lots 3, 4 , 4 and S
American and Foreign Agency,
12 W.
'- (ft I i i w f
season; dbwn t h e sloping r o o f t o g e t arotmd. Onbe in t h i s s p e c 8WJ Of KW1
43 J e h u s t r e e t » r » Yark.
and e x p e c t s h i s s a i e s t o e x c e e d , before t h e KUOD is over,
For sale by
turning looked ^straight o u t ahead Into t h e black night,
Si N.
as if p e e r i n g b e y o o d mortal vision into s o m e m y s t e r i o u s
| ? E V K R A M D A 6 1 K , FROM WHICH R A M K D f O BUFWJ jjio dwoaeo^— 1 Thirteen p i l e s of t h e r o a i b o d realm. A w a v i n g m o v e m e n t of t h e right hand accompanied t h i a a c t w h i c h lasted"but a m o m e n t , wty>i».Jhc, w a f t
IS w .
J C / fer, over a large part a f . t h e glohs, »Mhe eojisegMjsce of
22 S.
15. W.
A diseased aetlon ot tfu>
wns a g a i n renewed and t h e l i g h t s h a d o w pomea a c r o ^
of vegetable < ^ s y .
t h e faces of the s p e l l b o u n d g a z e r s a« s h e h i d t h e moon
actloa of solar heat o f r w e f g t f l i a h d r i a *
the watery v s - .
foV an instant from their s i g h t T h e same s p o t waa reachr from i t While the s e n ifhsftow Ahe korison t h i s vaaor
ed again"* few momehta after, w h e n t h e figure-again pau_ j g e r s near the earth* sarfaifc aad the ? * * ietaken wfth It
sed, ancTagain g a a c d o u t into t h e darknes, and then, with
through t h s t e a n l a t o the Wood. T b y e i t a r t s as aa irritating poison o n w mternal viscera; and excreting organs of
a slow, motion, s t r e t d i e d o u t a hand, e n d w i t h o u t s p r ^ d
fingers c l u t c h e d at s o m e t h i n g w h i c h had n o e x i s t e n c e exc e p t In tho f e v e r e d frind of flie sleeper.- I b o o t h e r hand
virus and tht bile accumulate In t M circulation, s a d p
w a s t h e n extended ih like manner, and t h o b o d y b c u t f o r violent constitutions! disorder. The spleaa, t h s H d a s y s and
the stomach sympathise withthe Hser,a»dbeooB>adiawdered
w w d . i n s u c h a w a y <ha* t h e uapor. portion h u n g over tho
abyss, while t h e fingers reached out, out, until t h e r e
T A N D W A R R A N T S CONSTANTLY O N H A N D FOB also. .Finally, th« instinct of oar organism, as }f in ah attempt to expel tha noxious fusion, concentrates the a h o l e
• • M - - - . • r f iiri'ii. • < < u H l
nonn o f a r t h e r reaching, and then clutched a g a i n w i t h a quick
blood of the body In the Internal excretories to feroe ^hess
c o n v u l s i v e snatch, abd were w i t h d r a w n . . .The form, wns
c h n e of lands at tax salts.'
* 1 to ess*. I t e a t Tha Wood learea t h e aurtsoe, a a d raahfca to
Orfaana reeeotly pasaed i n i o t h e possession o f a charcoal mputroulcss a moment, and than c o m m e n c e d i t s w j l k again
And wBl always give th« most earefttl attention to tht fnter- the central organs with e o a g i s t l v e violence. This i f | h e
c o n t i n u i n g a s far as t h e m i d d l e of t h e r o o t whtn it turn- est* of my C o r r e s p o n d e n t and in liberality, promptness and C a i u . But ifc this e®ort it falls., Then the, F a r o M o w s .
dbnblooos tinder
e d t o w a r d s t h o rear o f t h e bouse, and, m o v i n g d o w n the s e c u r e d / . o t bur>lneM transactions, would court comparison In which the Wood l e a n s the central organs and'rushes to
the •urftree, as If ih another -elbrt to e x p e l 4ha hvftattag
t h e floor o f o n o of tho'roonifc T h e a i u a f o a n d i s reported
with any Agency in the country.
plope o f t h e roof, w a s lost t o s i g h t
poison throngh thst other greet excretory—the skin, l a t h i a
Traverse City. May 17.1859.
t o be a b o u t tlO.OOO: '
Mr. Moroton, w h i l e w i t n o s d n g t h i s scene, had recogalso it falls, and the systehi abandons the attempt t » h a » » id.
nised t h e features and form -of h i s servant girl, a y o u n g
and waits for tha reeovery of strength to repeat tha hopelees
effort.another day. , These are the i l u Or paremrams.of Fever
female of a b o u t eighteen, named J a n e . M o o n e y , W i t h a
and Agne. Sueh c o a p t a t i o n s ! dlsordtrwillof eowrse unders e r e r e that in aoaw of t h e t o w n s tho f a r m e r s (in default feeling o f indeaeribabki relief b e saw bcr disappear, and
mine the heslth If ft iS not removed.
"'- 1 '*
d f gzam) h » r e fed o t i t a l l their h a y r 'and f o r . somo tjroo k n e i M b i t a h o h a d d e f e n d e d t h r o u g h a s k j light to t h e
We have labored to l a d , aad have found, a n a n t i d o t e
Has opened sn Office at Traverse City, Grand Traverse Co.,
dowtf i w i n t h e fbreat f o r thoir c o w s and garret a n a h e r o w n r o o m . , H a s t e n i n g in, he aroused h
Michigan, fof the transaction of a
which neutralisea th(a mslsrfous poison la. the Wood, and
•wife, and w e n t w i t h her to t h e girl's r o o m in t h e third
cniile t o b r o w s e upon.
stlmulstes the liver to expel it from tha body. AS it should,
story, a n d found her s i t t i n g on t h e ride of tho bed, wtde
The "United States Land Office is located at this place ; and so it does, cure this afflicting disorder with W t f c e t certain!) .
awake, and to a state of mind bordering o n distraction.
• * . & d o j - : i k Q p r o p e r t y of Mr. O w a n B a g t e y , f h > » p e c t
particular attention will be paid t o locating I .and Warrants, And -ft does' mote, or rather d o e s what Is of more aervfee to
S h o had po kmtwledgo of t h e , occurrence, b u t had b e e n
thcwe sufajeot to this tafsctloa.
U k t i in aeswn^taxpels
£JB, .9*1^17, rither j u m p e d of w»», t h r o w n o r e r b o W d a t a w a k e n e d by t h o n o i s e of h e r e m p l o y e r e n t e r i n g t h e house investing money In Government Lands; Imparting information relative to the general features, resource* snd sdvsn- It from the system s s it i s absorbed, aad t f a m k e e M t f c . . . .
er, 4 t i r a t f y / i n i M * from l a o i ' ^ u t h e a a d found herself standing in t h e middle of h e r o w n r o o m tages of the Grand Traverse country, the psyment ot taxes, use it free from its attacks; keeps t h s system in health though
T h a t t h e results w e r e n o snd the traosactloo of any Agency bosiness with which he exposed to the disesae. Conseqoently it net only cures, hut
& V K ) o f ( ^ i a OKKt'Sij t b e p o o r Mrfmri reached h o m e In fy t h e condition described.
protects from, the greet variety e * a n e t i e a s which are I a i n may be entrusted.
T'.* >. ;

' l i I W b r i e w a s a m f t t t o r o f d c v o a t thankfulness t o all within
red by this malignant lulloeaoe, each as RemHSsat F«var,Chill
«. WklUMT Joan, Auditor
isrlrf W. HstWT. Ksq.
Fever, Damh. or Masked Ague, Periodlcai Hiadache, or Bilin. J. ILUewsre. AUanef
k i g n o r k a r t i p e * . w h o w i U b e nwolkiefoa as a ^ d e b r a t e d
T h e girl h a d boon suffering from a brain fever, from
ious Headache, B U M . F « ^ V a « n l r f a , j g M u a « i i a m , 0 < m t .
liiiudness, Toothsohe, Earache, Catarrh. AathajSjFslallSlinas
guitarirt, and w a s k i l l e d j o m ^ y e a r e stoce on t h e M i c h i g a n w h i c h m e waa •gradually recovering, w h i c h undoubtedly
l'alnful Affoctloas of the Spleen, Hysterics, Col!c, PsralvsK
Central Eoad, k-ft » w i d o w b y h i s death, w h o M i w e d
snd'l'alofol Affections of the StonUch aad Bowels, all of
t h a t kind h a v i n g occurred previously, and
whieh. when arising from this cause, trill he fouitd to sa
t h e Ootapaoy for' damage*. "
w n l he watched in future, as she i a h i g h l y esteemed. It
w a l l a thrilling adventure w i t h a h a p p y result
i n t h e cqoree of a poUtical s p e e c h a t I n d i t o a p o i i a o n
H e r a l d Oflioe, T r a v e r s e City, MioU.
pel the virus from the system; snd these organs by degrees
t h e a J 9 t h i n e t , t h e H o n . A b n u n L i n c o l n of Illinois said
As. l a d i a a V Dream.
become habited to do this their offlre of their own accord.—
hfrcd^wii f o r t a ^ t f ^ ^ b t
H e n c e arises what w e term acclimation. Time' amy acoeeo
In 1 8 8 6 d n r i n f t i e adinihidtratioa of P r e n d c n t J a c k s o n j
piiah the same end. but often Ufe la n o t long enough, or ia
y e a n , and n e r e r t h o a g b t h » w a s w o r s e off t h a n a slare.
G R A N D T R A V E R S E ATTD G R A K D H A V E l * .
our IHebd Mr. G e o r g e Moran, w h o rcsidea at (Jroese
sarriUced in the attempt, while this' "Ague Cure" d o s e i t a t
once, and With safety. We have great reason to believe this
A s U t f e e n t of gotd shipments from P i k e ' s P e a k agla a surer a* well as safer remedy for the Whole clsss of die
gregataa aii WJpws: B e c i e v e d j $ 7 3 , Q W ; forward#^ Eaat- F a t h e r , " t o m a k e a treaty, t h e band stopped t o r e s t a t |
r~H_ C _
V A IN R A A L l C ,
esses which are caused by the miasmatic Infection, than aay
other which has been discovered; aad It bos still another
ward, ^ 1 5 , 0 6 0 . _*n»e rate a t D e n v e r i s only f l 7 p e r •Cleveland, and w h i l e t h e r e t h e c)iftf « « w In front of a ;
Important.advantage to tho public, which Is. l i a t U l a cheap
ounce, w h i c h i s oopaidorably undor. t h e f e a l . v a l u e .
* n o r D " I T J S T t l X RPN BBTWEKN G R A N D T H A VF. R F E AKD
i n g b e f o r e B l r . * ( ) r e D g o t op, t h e r e came a rapping a t y y G B A X J ) HAVEN duriui the season of IBM, torching * * F r e p « 5 f h y Dr. J. C. Ayer k C o , Lowell. Mass. . P r i c e Oae
' J •' I t W * i d t h a t J u d g e P e t t i t and G o v . M a d a i y w i i l b o t h h i a door." H e opened it, a s M o c o o r a e entered. On being I at Traverse City, Elk Rapids, Konhport, Wsolsttw and Mus- Dollar per hottle.
carhr, h
schooner Is a stout and substantial boat of ao
a a t o d b j Mr. M o r e n w h y b e h a d risen as o early,
w reply
reply Vegon. The sch(
Arcr*s Cherry P e c t o r a l . V '•
i- - —
i- J tons burthen, and has been fitted up e x p r e * I y for carrying has won for itself s o c h e r e w > w n lor ths cure o f every variety
w a s t h a t h o had had a •' dre^tti.". H e w a s then asked
families wHh their furniture, provisions, Cattle, Mr.
roiHmtiy p o r e k a w d t h e o i d m a t e r t e i of the J a n o l i o o Sentiw h a t i t w i s . T h e c h i e f -would, n o t fpawer until Moran
For freight or passage apply to the-CapUIn o n board.
nel for M s ' . i o i s ' . w h ^ . l f f l jjopB; '
th^'febaQBra. • ' promiaedLhin t h * t b e w q d d ^'inakfi t h e d r e a m gooa;',
Jpns 21, iUif.
M o c o o r a e tben said, " I w a s d o c j u n g , and t h o u g h t y o u
out this'section, we need a . .
T . _
Its quality ie kept wp to the beet it ever has beea, end t!
coin •BdaAm%*do«m wimttniwr
I said remand
may be tailed o a to d o for their relief alt I t has evorheon
niid'nn eacaped M o r m o c , i s lecturing on Morraocuum i n j o d g i v o m e I t h r t l d *
no Niekihg
f c , flO<-•
out, ao t U .trsQK/waa p o r c h s a e d f o r e l d i t dollars and g i v Ayer*s CTatkerttri F l l k . c>
e n t o t h e S a c h e m , w h o w a s v w y p r o u d of it. A r r i v e d
KjfE H A V E HOW OPHNED THE LARGEST STOCK CI" For all the purposes of a Pu rjstlve U s d i c l u e ; for CoetfrenOSs,
•at W a s h i n g t o n , M o r a n w e s t t h o c h i e f s d o o r o n e morning
for the eufe o f l ) j * p e p e l a ; forJaundice; f o t the eareoTIadl
g e a d e a ; tor H n e d s A s ; for l*a care e< P y s s n t a i i j f o r a J s a l
d M & M b j H n e f t k , land knocked. H e w a e admitted b y MeStomach; roe t h e c a n of S n a i p s t e s ) f e r t h e PUes; fer the
COODBO, Who inquired w h a t t h e matter was. Moran told
care of tfcrolWa; lot all Scrofulous CopplalflU; for the care
AKD" ,
i /
b e d had a d n a n t o ^ b n t W l
of Rheumatism; for Diseeaea 4 M h e . R U a ; (ht the t w ef
b e e a a a e " I m U a a wo'irt i n t o i t g o o d , Wm paia / a c t "
Liver Complaint; for Dropsy; ibr the euro of Tetter. Tumor,

Mf t *
I T * cU* promised t h o ( b e a s t should b o m a d e g o o d , and
sad Bait Rheum; for Worms', foe the erne o f Coot; tor a D l a
We ever brought to this market; w h i c h w e w i n he h e p y y to a s r p i n ; for tho dare of K e a r e l g t a J U r partfrlag tho Moed.
oBer at s u c h prices aswil> accord reasonably with the T1 M t e .
thern pl<

frmtViitimtit,-R^'fWf- 1MM* K#mm





on the Amboy Road, botweea dwofco and Lansing; are
now ready foe ties, and thetieso«Hhespot -Tho tratf,
in "a&fitiooJfitneariyfiniehed through the " Big Marsh.

; . *' • •


/-' ' Tmtm (Sty, Giui Twme (kity, lick.

• Atavern keepBrofHarrisburg, Pa., has been arrested
wd *jd t» MO. H ife nil of» *M» wfc«« .binbud
Inutdied fromthoeflbctofdrirtDDgtottftessntthetaTeni
of the defe&fcnt 3Letwii aait Rr 'iuMgoi'^wih, ohiv'bc


Land, Tax, aad General Agency.

Oeiternl Agency Business.


Season Arrangement

rjjfa!Hrjli» K'feew<r,apretfrgirl of wet siitoen,


•liaMfiwidkae' iithe motiter of twentyfour children, ntaeteen of whoa are amr^hring: She to

' i,-'. •



,C. I


Goods, Groceries,

P R O V I S I O N S ,

.!. . >• » •

«?HI TSym.•••'

• i w " > A •' V"'HAWfetH, tAr ^ C»]
,/Travaree C l ^ r , y o / t » . . ; n t w f .


PfociiNU fhutder <md Drvugbmnon,

. ":::r .•
r.' .



^ •


-f4 -jei
- U l i f . t .VO*


ii M ituiwi


YX)b 'i*ll

... B s k t L a t o

» r > .Hd

^-AIA, OCNCaadEXRetail
Jt k^nltoVtfcjXD
2jfeX \ nac,
DM!Un la ForelgnaadDo-

aad Scrap Iran, of all daea, at greativ redaeed ta*M> •estic Dry Good* Q m k Ptaor onCMh*PaWRaagiaici.
_ a k e Boperior Bar Irtm sold by Ike O^apanj. »• all
ma«a-ftoai ChareMt H ( . aad k tor better ttan tka l i a a a a d e
from Bard Coal, and their l * k e Superior Merchant Iron ia'
the only Iron »old in thla market, that U made In tW« manner. ra»U,WU
n r o w t o o . H9.W.i
Their Merchant Scrap Iroa la all Bade f r o * aeiectod Scrap do. d o . : G a a t k o w a t d<C l o . Ao.; MaatUlaa, beaatltol rtyjea:
and will bear caBipariaon with the beat Iroa made in the Black, Fancy, Ponlacd, Bayadere and Metre Antique 8 f l b i ;
French aad Engllah Mart noes, plain and Agarod ; Paramettas,
" v r j p u d o t i e B o l l i a f Mill Company and Eareka Iron Compa- Delaine*, l a great variety; Vafcncla PlaWa aad Stripaa; Allny drafta takfn at par fn erehaage for Iroa or any indebted-* wool i'iajda; Alpacaa;/jann*U: Sattlaetta; Broaddqths;Damaaka; Blank eta: Linens; Eajbrolderies; Hoalery; Glovea;
BOH to the Company.
Manufactured Iron aleo g l r e a in exchange for s good Scrap Ribbons; Prints; Ginghams, A c , Ac!
Carpet P s p s i t a w t L
Call and aee or addited
' ' '"J.. _
Velvet, Brussels. Crenelle, S Ply, 2 Ply, Superfine, Cotton
WM. B. ZABRISfcTF, Secretary.
and Wool, Carpets; Druggeta. Stair Reds Olleioth, Window
Store corner Woodward Avenue and Congresa-et.
Shadea, Lace andMuallaCurlada*Curtain FixMroa,Feathera
Paper Hanging*, Ac^ Ac.
We have many other a^ylea of Gooda, which will be o Hered
J . pared to feroteh, at abort aotlea. Stationary Enjfinea. M
Gaarlnr, WarehOoae H o b t i n g Apparataa, and all varietiea of to suit tha Ursa* .
Iron Work, Bepair work on Propeller*. Steamer* ami Saw
Mflla, executed promptly and thoroughly. Caatlnga—every
C o , W u - T a a * Maaa. Maaufacturera -of PATENT LEdaacriptlon.

VER WATCHE&—These auporior Watchea are made by the
aid of new and original machinery, expreaalv designed to se" ly else for
cure, with a low paice, a flne, substantial, durable and nnlformly reliable time keeper. The movements are new in
o t f o t a b e * Oil Oapa, Valvri. Journal Boxes. Ouage Cooka,.
construction, and are pronounced by the highest aathoriiiea
Cylinder Coeka; Steam WlilaUe* for Steamboata, L o o o m o t l v "
t o ha faultless. In principle and quality, and have been proved
and MBIa Bella f o r Pactoriea, Steamera and LocomoUvea, a
r the moat exacting teats to be reliable aad unfailing In aeder eight hundred poonda.
on. These sratchea are manufactured entirely f r o m . t h e
crude material*, In a afngle establishment, by connected and
uniform process** t h e manufactory being organised upon
We are prepared t o execute all order* for Iron Rail lag for
system that haa beaa adopted i a the production of
Private BulHlngi, Chnrehea, Public Squares, and for Cemete-

•'. >
a^ s fs» s, i rsi r.r ws«.. . *
-~w aal rn sa»H*wha mm him User*

-i--r.WXym>iLn—Ol|l ssfrsagslsAe;
My childhood's idol k waiting for me.
Por none return from those qaiei abort*.

,/ 4MVoXttwfcf?*PM- *



, * • oal/knaw thattheir barks so mere
esltwUhya o'erjlfoV atonnyaea;

Mr f

SSWCornar of Fifth and Woodbridgwrt*, oppoaite Machine:


~s:rs<K * WILEY.

>y foreign jnovem e n t of the aame quality; and we guarantee the o e i f e c t
»rformance, for ten years; of every watch manufactured by ua
All foreign watches are made by hand, the American watch-

I hand-made watchea are d
1 J. Sage A Son'*, Map Publlahen, Stationeta, Engraver
and Lithographers, 109, Main Street, BuflWo,N. Y , overbage' fective, and are contlnuaBy getting out of order. In m a t ,
porta of the country i» ia Impossible to llnd good watch repairers,
always uncertain and expenwork entruated to oa with
proniptneea and despatch, and o n aa favorable tarma aa any sive. The Introduction of American watchea diapoeee of thla
eataibuidraient'in the oodntry. Combining all the dlBbrent difficulty, and country merchants, aa- well aa watch dealer*,
miscellaneous stock, and
T o tha better rfhore of thssplrit-lnad,
branches of Steel, Copper and Stone Engraving, as well aa
I shall kucw the loved who b*re gone before,
Crayon Work of the flneat description, we guarantee satlsfac- thua supply their customers with a new staple, which may be
used M any other article, without myatenr or humbug. Sold
^ A n d ^ o y f o U y aweet jrlU the meeti ug be,
tfon all caaea.
~ f
" U ; .. v
w h e n over Ihe river the p e a c e f u l r i m ,
Particular attention paid to Bank and Commercial worlt.
. General Agents, 15 Maiden Lama, N . ^
tch aa Cbecka, Drafta, Notaa, Certifloatea of Deposit and
Ock, Coupon iBonda, Letter,Note and BUI Haada,Envelope*.
M A G N I F I C E N T W O R K . — M I L E S 8TAND1SH ILA<5. • Maps, Portraits,• 8how Carda
LUSTRATED—a volume of Photographs from original
in the moat delicate colors by a new process.
'"Can jon direct
drawiags, by John W. Ehnlnger, illustrative of the Courtahlp
, a
. - .Hoteir inquired printed
For .the convenience of the boaineas community in t h k vig at a bttrfyHIbehriaa staod- a l t v v w e bare* established an agency with Mr. John W. of Mllea Standiah, by H l n r y W. Longfellow. There will he
eight or ten large Photographs of the moat exquisite characiug o o u e atepa of the
kd station.
olt Daily Advert!aer, 119 JtU
ter, executed by Brady, with i n t e r a c t e d erf em-colored leaves,
T 7 j . SAGE A SON'S.
"-Faith," waa the rei ; "it'sjist.-I thai can do tie
(containing the descriptive text,) the whole to be bound in
"I je con
quarto morocco covers, with bevelled and gilt edges.
Early order* are aollcitcd, aa the alow procesa of preparing
I-haddy O-MnftWs ( .
the PhotogTapha (nothing being done in cloudy weather) wiU
" But I d<» i know.where Tbaddy OUnIUgatfi shop,
prevent the Immediate iasue of a second edition, and oonaeM M M M l l l K f t >n*uL»
qaently only thoae ordered In advamce can be nrovlaed.
" Oh. faith, why didn't X think of thai. Well, then,
Price Six Dollar*. Specimens t o be seen and aubacriptlon
continue t o manufacture and to receive almost
jrer bOoor moat keep ifa till ra git to tho apple-woman's dally additions—so
aa to keep oar stock at all times large and received, at my store.
stand on the corner of the brick church it is, and kape oomplete- Confining ourselves to tha Jobbing trade excluIS
U0 Woodward Avenue.
that on tha ririrt, had go OB'till ft git to the - a f o o t the sively, w e can offer facilities oaeqnaled in Detroit, at U
blg/Witeh, and wtod jo don't laU d ^ r a there away; theft Woodward Avenue.
Detroit, Nov. 1, IBM.
of Bruah atreet, under the Fulton Iron Works, Detroit, M.
Otttlery, Burgeon's Instruments, Coopers' and Carpenters'
T W P O R T A N T T O P B 1 N T E R S A N D P U B L I 0 H - Tools, Axe* of every deacrlptlon. Planing and Tobacco Ma*
X El®.—We have now on hand, and eonitajrtly rtceivli
chine -Knives, Truaaes, A c , made to order of a superior ™
ir to along, lank Jonathan very large stock of Book a a d . N e v a Paper of all alzea.
—' Vgenta for nine of the h«et Mills in the country, which
8 by, BUd imade tho «
Ntaxors, Knives, Scissors, Surgeon's Instruments, sfeel. Iron
i u a s c h a b c e t C oompete And nndefeellan^aatawiahueat
and Bras* Ware, polished and repaired in a manner to give
e West, and wonld say .that we sell print paper cheapti
itiybe yoa'r going'.io put up t h e r e r queried Jona- and a better U t i o l e . t h a a caa be found in this market: Alio satisfaction to his customers.
Orders l e f t at the office, corner of Bpiah street.and Jefferwe have iuat received a Urge Invoice of fine Mannllla*.—
son Avenue, will be promptly attended to. where Samples may
Pleaae call and aee for yonracl^ca at
be seen. .
PEASE A FULLER'S, No. 210 Jefferson Ave.
References kindly permitted to Measr*. Edmund*. North A
Detroit, N o y . 1,1866.
7 ^
• .
Co., J. B. Wayne A Co., Geo. Doty, Doctor* Allen A BatwelL
Detroit, Jan.-1860.
t SBjr • v o n "bagjgsgsf- arid the' imperturbable J l i Book Mahufactorj- and Book-BIndenr, No. 183, Jefferson
, Avenue^r-Acconnt Books of every deacrlptlon made to order,
either at Wholesale or retail the following description* of
Superior paper and workmanship, at lower pricea than paper, vis: Imperial, Super Royal, Royal. Medium. Demy,
fl^'fttrvinbed that-tha - feretofore.
warranted to glVe satisfaction In every particnCrown, Flat Cap and Folio Poat, Oap, Letter, Legal. Sermon,
ooiy *ay to get the djrecUc
to, submit to the qnes-

["shall one day stand by, the water eollk .
And list for the sonnd of the boatman's Qar;
I ahnll watch.tora gleam of tieflappingnil;




.the impatient rqjoto-


. f mfojlli-


"T&ES^the replyy iotatk
in father a crusty tnan-

Commercial Printing, Ruling and Binding, executed to




Rag, a n d B t r a w W r e p p L T - - r - — .
, 1 an experience o f over fourteen
Receiving our paper direct from the Mannfaeturer*. wo «n
y can defy competition In prices
enabled to offer them a t a* low prices as any in this market.
KAGB—Wamted in exchange for (ioodsprCash.
90 Woodward Avenue.

r m i n a h o r r j and would H t o t o b e dircc-

" "Wait: a minnte. I reckon
you're * married man,
airftyonr .
, *'»*> ""iJ ' '
. J j f P * 1 am hpt; ujd now I won't aiwwe'r any more till
you hare answered."
> "Wall, aqahV' n i d the TanbocooUy, "Iwouldlike
to oblige you, but the truth is, I hare never boen in the


i v n i l A U I I IIIJKIU. '' • I

. - I , .

.. . . • •

TOUATOK—Thia ddlciOaa, wholesome vegetable is
apWfed by the manner it ia served upon the table. It is
notujae tiajahi a faandred more th?n half.ccwlttd, . I t i$
simply aoalaed, and served as a soar porridge. It should
b» cookod thrto h u n t it cannot bt cooked in ooe. The
<Mtho seeds, and adding it to tho fruh, wluch shoot?
boll rapidly for an hionr, and nnuner three , boon more
until tho water is disjolyod, and tie content of the saucepan
' " l p of mucilaginoua matter, Which is much improved
Da hi tha pan, oither before potting in the fruit
j 'lt Is cooking, an oilncc ofbutter and hilf a pound
i baAm cut ine, to half * peck of tomatoes; aqd a
*mll pepper pod, with salt to aoit the taste. Tha fiu
t M r a pteasnt flaror, and asalcea the. dkh actual food,
«»tead of a mere relish. Xhe panirmstkecareftillywBtch• a and bat littlefireOsrid, aba tho meas stirred ofteOtopre;
rent bitfnii», toward the last, .when tho water is nearly
alt Evaporated «-The dish may be randtred still more
"-active tod rtch a« food by breaking in two or three
enough. f6 allow
be p o t in t i g h t cans,

and tout anv fenrtfc of time; or tho palp may be spread
or a now oven, and

thOtB who. use this excellent

Domestic Hardware, Hooaekrepi n g Articles, MechanJcs' Tools, Stovea, Orates, Tin and Jajt~ ~ i e d Ware, Drain Tile, Ac. A g e n t for the American .and
Fbpean Laar A g e n c y of L l t t A Kapp, No. 7 Naiwau street,
_. .w Yofk—fpr the recovery of Dcbtt, Legacies and Inheritances In Europe and the United States.
Remittances made to all parts of Germany, with safety and
dispatch. No. 201 Jcfferaon avenue, Kearsler'i Block, Detroit,
v ^ T

The prices of all our standard machines have been greatly
reduced. SINGER'S SEWING MACHINES, it is well known,
thongh dearer In price, have alwaya been cheaper in fact,
conaidering what thev will do, than any other. The pricea
are now reduced so tnst all must be satisfied. Call and txstnine the new machine* at the low prires.
-|' 8 A O E At S O N S * MAP PUBL1
133 Jefferson Avenue. Detroit.
fj, v « Engraver* and Lithographers, 1209 Main street, Boffaln,
N7Y V over Sage's Piano Rooma^-We iare prepared
/ ~ \ H E A J P F U R N I T U B E W A R E H O U S E — T H K UN
all work entrusted to oa ,whh promp
derslgned offer their extensive stock of Goods, consiston aa tovorible tarma a« any eatablia
i n g of all kinds FURNITURE AND UPHOLSTERY, t o their
Combining aO the dlfll'tefct tiranchea of Stee),Cepp«r
customers and the public generally, at the lowest possible
Stone Engraving, aa Well t s (JrAyon Work of the finest
rates. Being prepared to meet all orders In our line of busiaoriBtlOB, w e guarantee satisfaction In all caaea.
ness. we would advise buyers to csll upon us liefore buying
Maps, Portraits, Show Cards, Ac., Lithographed and printed
elsewhere, aa we Intend not to be undersold by any firm in
i the most dell calo o o l o n , I t j a new proceed
the west- All wortt warranted.
221 Jolernon Avenue, D e t r o i t
1 BoOk P a p e r s
-rrr— Letter, Cap and
Commercial Note. Wrapping and Tissue Paper, Fanoy and
S t a c k S t a t t c p e r y l a great-variety,
The Ministry of Life; by the author of Ministering Children.
100 tons of Raga wanted in exchange.
The K. N. Pepper, and other Condiments, put up tor general
W 0 H M 0 N D 8 A BACKUS.
nS ' ?"T
» i• i >
Detroit, Mioh,
The Tenant House, or Embers'from Poverty's Hearthstone.
The Witches of New York, by Doestlrks.
S . C V T H B E K T 4K C O ~ Wholesale D.rugglaU and
Isabella Orsint; by the author o f Beatrice Cencl.
f j • Grocar*, No's 102 and l o i . Woodward avenue, Detroit,
Vernon Graver, or Hearts as They Ave.
have i n store and offer to the Trade, a large atock of Sugar,
Frederick tha Great: by Carlvle.
Symp, Molaaaea, Fiah, Fruit, Splcea, Nuta, Llqnora, Drug*.
Dora Dean; by Mlns Mary J. HolmesCordage, P a i n t y 011a,Dye HtoffH Naval Stores, Window Glass,
With a variety of others, too numerous to enumerate. For
Bale by
M W. Claris.
90 Woodward Av. D e t r o i t
>: » ! u C 4

. .
— r _ 'Cotton
Flax and Linen Twines, Imported and Manufactured Cordage,
Cotton. Jute, Manilla and American J i e m p Rope, TarredStnK
Fiafclng Lines,
a, GiUIng
Gflllng Thrtada,
Threada, 8Shoe
h o e Thread,
Wick, a n d \ 3
kin da .of
I n urecories
\ J T and provialona. P a i n t y Oila, Twines, Canva*, Anchor*
^ B h l ? » C k a n S e ^ rttt1arildS^^S
haad a a d tor aale vary low, a l U Woodbridga street, Dettoit,

[Nt-T: xvfMN.

V w O s m e s s O s s a a i OS*«. . r
Gentlemen—Accept my thanks for a copy of "The Ex 11(1
Of Florida." I have read the book wKK gr4at iatsresS and
much iastructiqa. It asta l a s atriking light a n important
irtion of oar history; and clearly reveals the secret springs
. W h i c h eaewaalse administrations wars movrd ia aShifaof
groat moral and political consequence. The distinguished
author haa especially entitled hlmaelf .to the thanka of every
lover of freedom, tcstiee, and hoaeruble administration, by
tracing aad exhibiting the evil influences of slavery l a the
transactions w h i c h he narrates. No one. It seema to me, can
arise from perusing this work without deepened sonYtetlonsf
of the wrong of stoveholdiug, and the necessity of aaraeet
aad peralstent effort for the deliverance of our National Government from the control of t h a slave power.
Columbaa, J a l y IS, U U . >
S. p. CHASE.
REPUBLICANS READ I T ! Copies sent by mall on receipt
of One Dollar.
n u n c m aansoam,
P n l l s h e n , Columba^ Ohis^
Detroit. A g e n t for Michigan.


U N - L I G H T O A • W O n i . FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF ILLUMINATING OAS, for the uso of Private
Houses, Public Buildings. Villages, Towns, Ac.—Patented
August, 1858.—The principle of the Invention consists Utikm
peoallar construction of the Retort, whereby Gai la t
quickly, easily and economically generated from Roain, O i l
Tallow said retoseOresae of any kind, and producing^ for
about eighty centa, aa much light aa a thousand feet o f ordinary cOal Gas.
A long course of experiments a t the haada of the Inventor,
- ho haa had many years experience In Gas manufacturing, a*
well sa by oUrselves and otherf, has placed the Invention beyond all doubt of its practicability. The public may he confidently assured that it Is at once the moat simple and usetol
of any thing of the kind ever before constructed,
The present object of the proprietors i s t o dispose «f eU?,
- junty and state Right* o n the most fayoralfle terms, aad to
Immediately Introduce the works Into g m e r a l u*e.
Works from 100 feet capacity aad apwardk, ads n o w l a
readiness by DUDLEY A.HOLME8> maaatocturtrs, Detroit,
well ss every thing connecte<Mridi t h e "SumLlght Gsa
orka," which will be supplied hy thdm. a t all the principal
points In the Union, to parties purchasing territory.
Persons of small capital, and particularly Gaa Fitters, b j
making an Investment In the right to use the "Sun-Light Gaa
Works," will be certain of an immediate remuneration.
?&- All communications .ln the prumlesa directed to tha
undersigned win meet prompt tttofltlon.JOHN "Q. DUDLEY,
Treasurer for Proprietors,
N o . 7T Woodward A v o n u y D y t r o t y Mlohigait
p i A R E W > 8 D E T B O I T B I E W E B Y , FIRST STREET
between Lamed and Congre«a streets, Detroit, Mich.—
The" undersigned having re-purcbaaed "The Tnstltation tor
the disaemination of asetol drink* 1 ' has enlarged and rejuvenated it In the most thorough manner, makibg It — * *
most extensive BREWERY JN T H E WEST,with facflltlea tor
producing (he finest and most Qellcafe grades of Mslt Liquors;
aad Is h o w prepared to foraiah the rarioua qtslitiea of Alee.
Porter aad Brown Stool, tor draught and bottling, at prices
anging from $8 to <10 per
Extra flne and Stock Alei
Ales brewed to-order.
All Packsgea extra, arhicb, when returned to the Brewery
111 b r p a l d r-fZF?—-I**-*
»f private!
u s . -Old
is particularly called t o theEXCBLSHHI GRBAM ALE.
frlenda aad n«w may be assured of the superior quality s n d
flavor of these beverages, &qd all are Invltod to call ana sample for themselves. All- orders; with the money enclosed.





FURNISHING GOODS, at the Clothing & n M r t u a of IL
HALLOCK. N o J88, Jefferson Avenue. D e t r o i t Where m s y
be found a ver'y large, toeeh and dsslrahle stoek of tha above
offered in thla market
Among his stock wilt be found erery kind and description
of (ierrarnt suitable for Fsll an^ Winter wear.
From the low-prleed and cheaper grades, to the most.lino
snd fsshlonsble garments—all of * h l e h have been manufactured with the utmost care and wAaaArrnoSogive satisfaction.
All persons desirous of purchasing either at WHOLESALE
OR RETAIL are respectfully Invited to call and eTamine his


l i . A L L I S O N , IMPORTER OP IMPROVED RA1Le rood Watches, cased fn beantltol styUa, warranted excellent time-keepers: do do Swiss, toll Jewelled. Lever* i n
every style, GOLD PENS.—I continue mandtocturing Pens
of every desiraNe pattern. T h e s e p e n a h a v e r e e e l r e d a S l l v e r
Medal and Diploma at the Michigan State Fair, s o d are not to
be surpassed ny any Pen* in market Aleo dealer In FINK
I have an experienced Jeweller, capable of making new
work to order.
FITTING STONES and Diamond Work, and Fire Gliding
and Galvanising, done at nhnrt notice.
WATCH REPAIRING.—Being a practical workman, all
rork entrusted to my care, will bo carefully attended to.
J. H. ALLISON. JeSbraon Avenne.

No. 16 Congress-at, E a s t — A . C. ALEXANDER
would most reepectfuily Intimate that, more fully to accommodate the wants of tho patronising.public, and his large Increase of business, he haa adopted the Improved facility which
Steam givea to the Art of Dyeing, having receutly fitted up
for that purpose. He n o w Dye* by Steam, every description
of Silks, Satins, V e l v e t Crapes aad Merino*, producing the
most brilliant color* and best style of finish that every article
will admit of. Sbawla of every variety Dyed s a d Cleaned.

i V L VEKTILLATING CHlMNEy|CAP^—Msyhew's Chimney
Cap prevents Chimneys from Smoking: It precludes storms
frccn entering t h e m ; It lesseas t h e liabilities to - Arc* from
their burning out: It protects their tops from the wastes of
the westher, and serves aa an ornamental finish.
Persons desirous of securing the right of manufacture, or
or aale, or both. In Citie*. Counties, States Or Territarie* lo
» n * A M D P O E T B Y O F V E R M O N T - E D I T E D s a y part of the United States n o t already disposed
will he
by Abbey H. Hemingway. The design of this work i s to furnished with s descriptive circular, by addressing the nnrepresent the general poetic literature of V e r m o n t from Its " rslgned. aad by designating the territory they desire, they
early settlement t o the present period. Tha selection* are
II also be furnished with the term* of sale.
IRA MA YBBW, Patentee, Albion, Mich.
Manufactured aad tor sele,
sale. la Detroit, by
D U D L E Y A HOLMES, 77 Woodward A i t .



Ihe^ase of Schools,

• Optical and Philosophical Apparataa, N o . * S 0 Jeftsraon
\ r e n a e , iaviee all Ooaa suffering from dafaatiie eight, to fn

JH» b O Y S U U (Saccosaor to D. Croaby A Co.) Whole^ l i n i a a d W t i f f d ^ i a Watchea, Clocks, Jewelry,

• ~

M or ViTxtLf x n u ,
BOTomtr' imuwioo,

-- •

Nov. 1,1858. A


tod by o a r - O e e a s a a a a i a a & H t e Maroons w h s I M A O I B
booth Carolina and other Slave State*, seeking protection under Spanish laws. It shows had faith exercise* towards tha
Indiana of . Florids, aad t a t o a a d t t f presant a true viaw of the
lcng^ought Florida War, w h i c h wa^ fp truth, A WAR POR

eminently pecsdiar; white, rec. yellow and olue


' ^ . w y s s i a u M Ave


D U E * P A T E N T F I R E and BURGLAR PROOF SAFES, - 7 W Safes .are a combination of W r i g h t aad f r i l l e d

. ' '.T -rarissass
Detroit, Nov. L 1868.

Detroit, Mar. I , t * l

,.. .


n-WH n


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