Grand Traverse Herald, June 03, 1859

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Grand Traverse Herald, June 03, 1859


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Morgan (1806-1874)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


V O L . I.

Traverse City, <

j£ratot firraOt,

IED EVERT m i D i r , AT

Traverse County, Michigan,


T K H M 8 .
Omu I ) o t u i AHD firrr C n n W u n m . w*bU laruUUj>to»d»

eoftusn; u 4 $&)forone column. U t i l i d m l l i a m U U »hi» nu> pn•trlbwlby I n : Bflr m U p«Uolio of WO «rord«, for tlx 8rat lnwrtloo. .r.d
M*»oty-flr« Mate for H(h n V m m l . K-*»7 «rur» couti > ««d. rigure
/ »»rt without rain. M p«r e u l uMod. Rate »od Bran work, double price.
< All Ufti ea»ertl«hnienl« mmrt be peldformicUy In edrence.

AH KM) i M Pralnj Natl; ud EiprdUioasl; titaW.

^.ttorwj aitil Comtsdlor at ICahr,

The Baby.
Another little wave
Upon the sea of life;
Another soul to save.
Amid the toil and strife.
Two more little feet
To walk the dusty road;
To choose where two paths meet
The narrow and the broad.
Two more little ban da
To work for good or ill;
Two more little eyea;
Another little will.
Another heart to love.
Receiving lore again;
And so the baby came,
A thing of Joy aad pain.
Tnm the Nev Tork Leader.

T h e D o c t o r ' s Peril—Or Don J o h n ' s Passage of the

The noble beast that forms the subject of mr story, had
been a bay of the richest and most glossy color, with a
T m v e r M City, G r a n d T m y o n w Co. Mich.
lone spot of white hair in the forhead. His tail had been
Land Wsrrantu bought and sold, Taxes paid, Investments
allowed to. flow nncnrtailed by the multilating knife,
made, 4c. Correspondence solicited.
n" 1
naturally and gracefully as those of the wild must an gn of
the prairie. The ample chest, small ankles and proud
neck, and the wido-apart, prominent eys and open nostrils
P r o n e o u t i n a A t t o r n e y ftnd C i r c u i t C o u r t
denoted gentle blood, but at the time I BBW him old age
had whitened his beautiful bay coat, long tufts of hair
were growing behind each foot, his eyes were rheumy,
TRAVERSE crrr. •
and the few long teeth fie possessed were loose.
H E N R Y 8. U D E L L ,
I had noticed the care and attention bestowed on him
Circuit Court Commisslone a n d Deputy County by every inmate of that family. N o t a day passed that
Surveyor lor Manistee C o u n t y .
his neck and face were not caressed by soft feminine
hands, and if I had been surprised at that now mnchmore
so was I when Mrs. Morrison, who like myself, *waa stayH E N R Y 8. UDELL,
ing there through the summer, would frequently throw
Notary P u b l i c , L a u d , T a x , a n d General Agent, both arms around his neck, and while his soil nose rested
21-ly against her shoulder would call him net names, and not
nnfrvquently her beautiful eyra wouln fill with tears while
thus employed. " Don John" received all these carresses
A t t o r n e y a t L a w a n d Solicitor i n C h a n c e r y ,
as if he had been accustomed to them, frequently followGrand H i i w n , Miohiusn,
Will attend Court and to Collections in the counties of Grand ing one and another of the inmates like a house-dog. My
at length beenme so great that I resolved to beTraverse, Manistee, Mason and Oceana.
como acquainted with the reason why he was thus honored with tho respect and attachment of the household.
Not-many days elapsed before I became acquainted with'
tho reasons, and I assure you, gentle reader, I considered
ILLIAM P . W E L L S , (Saccemor to Campbell' & them sufficient to excuse any amount of affection which it
Wells,) Attorney, Solicitor and Counsellor. Offlce might please the superior brute to bestow on his fellow
over Fanners' and Mechanics Bank, Cor. Woodward and Jefthe dumb one.
ferson ar'fc, Detroit.
He had belonged to Dr. Mosely of Whitesborough,
IM H U R D AC CO., Detroit, Michigan, Produce and for many years a practising physician in that place, and
Shipping Merchants, Agents and Consignees for the fol- " Don John" had carried his master to and from a bed of
lowing Lines:—AMERICA* TBAKsroBTATiow COWANT, Capi- death; and God help him, fire had flown from his hoofs
tal $900,000. WKSTKHN TURKSPORTATION COMTANT, Capital as molly times as his short fleet steps had dashed across
$800,000. And the NEW YORK CENTAL I t R. Co.
tho Mohawk on the old bridge, not needing the new-born
" l l f l l i C O X , L U F F 4c F U L L E R . (Successor* to E. W. jnfant's wail that greeted his ear in his quiet corner,
YV Hudson.) Commission Merchants and dealers in Ship waiting his master's pleasure—not that it was the wail
Stores, Coal, Salt, Water Lime, Plaster, Ac. Docks foot of for the advent of a human soul, doomed to suffer its
Date* Street, Detroit, Mich,
HENRY HTFK... . . j-GBO. F. FULLER. number of years, then—die! If his master had acquired
fame—as ail knew he had—"Don John" had his laurels
f1 R A V E S & S H E L D O N , (Succesaars to Lowis A Graves) to be proud of.
* .
V X Produce and Oeaeral Commission Merchants, on the
The Doctor had been called to Utica, on businees conI>o«k near the foot of Casa street
nected with his profession, and had been absent three
days. Daring his absence ono of those drenching, warm,
O . STIMSON. Produce, Commission and .Shipping broaking-up rains had set in. Mountains of ice were
• Merchant, Warehouse on Dock, foot of Bates street, ruifbiug down tho Mohawk, sweeping everything before
them, overflowing the banks canning away bridges
Tigr Liberal advances made on Produce, for sale in this or
dwellings, and alarming many of the inhaitauts, as well it
Eastern Market*.
Refer to—John Owen, Prea't Michigan Insurance Co. Bank; might, for ono must see a freshet to understand its terri0 . 0 . Williams A Co., Forwarding and Commission Merchants, ble importance. Ono must bear the crash and roar, beDetroit
. .
hold the mad waters rushing headlong and' wild, eager
* r E . P r r r a L A N , dealer In Coal and Pig Iron. Offlce for destruction, behold the floating wrecks of many a
dwelling often bearing ' a thing of life,' and sometimes a
eJ «aad Yard, foot of Casa street Detroit
COAIA—Lehigh, Rlossburg, Scranton, Briar Hill, New- human life as was witnessed a few years Bincc on Schuylkill.
" p I G IRON.—Hanging Rock, Massillon, Scotch Franklin,
The night was inky black, and Don John picked out
Middlesex, Clinton. Various other brands of Coal and Pig
tho way faithfully find steadily, never stumbling, but with
Iron are ":apt for sale.
the bridle hanging slack across his neck, and nose close
ORNKLIUS OCKFORD> Produce, Forwarding and to the earth, his master had little fear for consequences.
Commission Merchant Offlce No. 2 Backus' Warehouse, They were approaching Oriskany, where a bridge spanopposite M. C. R. R. Depot Detroit Mich.
ned the Mohawk, and " Don John" whinned pitifully once
Ac E . M. BEMENT»Prodnee Commission Merchants, or twice till a sharp word from his master warned him
• Backus' Building, opposite M. C. R. R. Freight Depot, not to show the white feather. On tho other side, he
Detroit Mich. \ •
could just distinguish through tbe dense darkness, moving
8 . F A R R A N D , Wholesale dealer in Drugs and Gro- and glimmering lights, and onco he fancied he beard a
• cerles, Paints, Oils and Window Glass, No. 80 Wood- shout; but he Httle heeded aught save getting housed as
ward avenue, Detroit Mich.
t»3 soon as possible, and sleeping off the fatigues conseoueut
to his profession. " N o w Don, step sure; old Oritacany
V T T I L L A R D H A R V E Y k CO., 84 Maiden Lane, and
W " Cedar street New York, Pap-r Warehouse. Every bridge, to my own and your knowledge, has lost many a
description of Wrapping, Printing and Writing Paper, on plank," said tho Doctor, patting his beast's neck, and
hand, or made to ordpr. Fancy, Colored and Tissue Papers, pushing the wet tangled fVont lock from bis eyes.
Blotting Papers, Envelopes, Straw and Btmnet Boards. n3
They were now ascending the little eminence leading to
B. C U T H B E R T 4c C O . . Wholesale Druggists and the entrance, when the horse stopped. " G o on mr!"
• Grocers, No's 103 and l o t Woodward avenue, Detroit said the Doctor, "yon are nearly nome now!" Still no
hare In store and offer to the Trade, a large stock of Sogiar, attempt at going on, and beneath them tbe angry waters
Syrup, Mo'.isscs, Fish. Fruit Spices, Nuts, Liquor*, Drugs, roarca and bellowed, like maddened devils balked of their
Cordage, Paints, Oils,Dye Stuffs, Naval Stores, Window Gloss,
prey. " Do you bear me sir!" with a smart buffet on tho
jf^CcTHwm>_..J.i............ —
M. W. Canny. neck, and gathering u p of the loosened bridle into the firm
determined hand, and the animal started—slowly, steadily,
O R I G O S 4c C O . , MANUFACTURERS AND DEAL- surely, firmly—though his back wavered slightly-from
• era at Wholesale and Retail, in Sofas, Chairs, Bedsteads,
Dureaus, Book-caa*a, Wardrobes, Table*. Painted Chamber time to time, and the gait was so. measured and methodiSett, Marble and Rosewood Ware, and a large assortment of cal, that at any other time he would have observed i t
HabyHuck, Cotton and 8priagMattrasaea. Also. Hair Cloths, As it was, fie only let him have his own way, though he

• -Twine,
• - ***
' •'
Hair, Willow Ware and may have smoothed his nack, for he had a kindly Wart,
pure Caded
Looking Glaaaea, at No's. 163 A ICS Jeffbrson Avenue, Detroit, gnd his poor beast had labored hard through dreadful
weather, and was sadly in need of food aqd shelter.
•Towards the end of the bridge the steps became slowU D L E Y 4c HOLMES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL
dealers in Hardware, Btovea, Boynton's Hot Air Furna- er, and once sjumbled In the hind foot A qnick grasp
oea, Register, Orataa, Cooking Ranges,Tinner'a and Plumber's at tho bridle, and a cheery " Easy John—easy sir!" *nd
Stock, Machines and Pools. Also, manufacturers of Copper,
Tin and Sheet Iron Wares, House and Steamboat Plumbers. again the cautious hoofs resounded on the hard wood.
TTjev were across, foif the animal neighed, and tossed his
tar Agents for Wilder* Patent Salamander Safe*.
Particular attention paid to House and Steamboat Plumb- hcaa till the Doctor Bhook in tbe saddle. "One more
I n t and putting the Boat approved Heating and VentlllatSng mile to go, poor fellow; but first I and you want some reFurnacas and Coollnr Apparatus In Public and Private Build, freshments. So riding tip to the small tavern door, where
lugs, In the City aad Country. No 77 Woodward Aveaae,
a genial light was Bbimng from the windows, he called
Detroit (Opposite Holmes £ Co.)
. a»
loudly for tbe landlord. A down or more of the inmates
B U H L 4c C O « MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLE- caroc rushing to tbe door with lanterns, and which they
» sale aad retail dealers la Bilk, Fur, Wool Panama, Palm- held aloft, and a " Good God, Doctor, where did you
come f r o m r broke from their lips almost simultaneously.
" Come from? W h y from over tbe Mohawk! What
is the matter! Has the freshet carried away any of your
senses? Here boy," as dismounting, be threw the reins
to a gaping fellow, "Give John something nicf, and dry
him oflf Keep him weB wiapped up wbife be eats, and
P. 8.—Caah paid for Bhipplag Furs and Deer Skina.

Detroit Business Cards.








N O . 30.

T R A V E R S E C I T Y , M I C H . F R I D A Y , J U N E 3, 1 8 5 9 .
—landlord I want a tumbler of red hot Jamaica, oukk!"
" Doctor," said tbe group, "have yon crossed the Mo-,
baitfc to'ni^ht, and, ifso, now!"
" W h y , on the bridge; are j o u all drunk?" said the
exasperated physician.
" Doctor, said tbe old gray-headed landlord, " t h a t
bridge went down the Monawk this afternoon! Come
with me, and I will show you! If your crossed God only
knows bow you did it?"
A shiver wait to the Doctor's heart—and, lantern in
hand, be followed the foot-steps of the men to the margin
of theswolen and tuipid river. Where was the bridge?
"Almighty G o d r said the horror struck Doctor;
"where is my gratitude? My noble beast came over
here this night backed by me, on this solitary string pieces
and I with this right hand gave,him a blow aii-he faltered!" and the Doctor sank imon his knees in tbe soft wet
snow, and wept like a child—the men moved from his
presence respectfully, and left him to bimselt
Wfcen after some little time he made bis appearance,
his eyes were greeted by tbe right of his horse, surrounded by the entire household—each contributing to render
him some assistance. A quart of warm ale-was given by
one, another rubbed bis neck and chest with spirits—a.
third dried his glossy with flannel and others patted
his neck or carreaaed his nose and facu. The Doctor approached, and took the head of his" beaut against his
breast, and great warm tears raited up from his heart,
as thfc long graceful tongue lapped his master's face.
"OhTJohn, my boy, and 1 gave you a blow!" and tho
words ended in a low wailing groan. Men uncovered
their heads, and turned their faces from him, and at length
led him insi^, where he spent the n i g h t The morning
revealed to mm tho dreadful danger he had escaped, from
the sagacity of his beast and again did he grieve for the
blow he had dealt him when so nobly he whs putting
forth more than human power.
"Don John" never aid a day's work from that day.
Sometimes his master.rode him "forth on a pleasure tour,
or drQvc him before a light vehicle a few miles with some
member of his family; but his professional labors were
over. Nothing could exceed the care and attention that
were ever given him afterward?. Ho fed from a manger
made of mahogany; his room wjas more a parlor than a
stable; and company to the Doctor's alwayB paid " Don
John" a visit bfcfore they left.;' '
Thus lived they many"years, the Doctor and his horse
growing old together. " " Don John" survived his master
some years; and wheir the good man's will opened, there
was found a clause appended, which related to " Don
John" to this affect: tnat he should be given to his'
youngest daughter (Mrs. Morrison) while she lived, to be
cared for as he had always done; that lie should at his
death be burried in his shoes, wrapped in his own rich
blanket, and enclosed in a befitting oox, in the corner of
his own burying ground. His wishes were religiously
respected, and two years after I learned this history.
"Don John's" bones were,buried in a corner of the old
Moecty Burying Ground at Whitesboro.
The Pirate.
A correspondent of the N. Y. Chronicle sends the following truo incident to that paper, as an illustration of
the power of the religion of tne Prince of Peace. The
relation is given by the Captain:
Twenty-seven years ago, the ship I commanded was on
a mission of mercy. Laden with generous contributions
of a New Kngland city, she was bound to Cape de Verde
with bread for the famiuo-stricken and tbe dying.
It was the fourteenth day out—in the first gray of the
morning, that the mate aroused me with the startling intelligence that a suspicious vessel was in sight W i t h
tho first ray of light that vigilant officer had descriW her.
and she was so near as to be made out with a glass. I
was an deck in an instant
The first glance at the stranger almost dispelled the
fear that the mate's alarm had occasioned.
" W h y , Mr. Larkin."! said, laughingly, as I spoke,
" there's nothing suspicions in that lubberly looking c r a f t
She i« a Portuguese origantine—she can't sail."
• " S h e lookB like that build," the mate replied, " b u t
look sow at the men on her deck."
One glance at the telescope was enough to satisfy me
the mate was right
" I t ' s no honest craft, Mr. Larkin," I said; " b u t she
may not be a pirate for all t h a t One nced^ot be surprised to fall in with a slaver hereabonta."
f She's no slaver, Captain."
" W h y do you think so?"
" Because there are guns on her deck, instead of water
A * if to put an end to our speculations, the suspicious
vessel began to spread more canvass and as she gathered
away •with the freshening breeze, they ran up their foremast a flag, which, when it reached the truck, unshook
its folds in the wind. On a white .field we saw tho terrible insignia of the freebooter, the death's head and crossbones, painted in diabolical black.
W e made all the sail we could, hut escape was impossible. A gun from the pirate, and a ball whistling over
us, speedily brought us to. The pirate camo quietly
along, like a panther which is <mre of its prey, and in no
great hurry to trieze i t The moment he came within
speaking distance, he hailed and ordered me to launch a
boat and come on board. W e got out the quarter-boat
and I waa about to jump into her to pay my respects in
person to the villains, whan Mr. Larkin asked leave to go.
" If they want the Captain," said he, " let them send
for him. I'll see if the mate won't answer as well."
He descended to the b o a t and began to pull back.
Almost at tbe.aame instact a launch was swung over the
rail, into Wtffch twenty savage-looking rascals, armed to
the teeth, sprang, and pulled towards ua. Ten minutes
afterwards they were on board of ray vessel, and clearing
airay tbe main hatch. • I •
The leader, a swarthy fellow, whose square, compact
frame, and whose eyes, black and hazy, and half concealed
by the Bds, cxpreoed cruelty and cunning, approached
the cabin hatch where I stood and addressed me in very
fair &ig!iah:
" Are JJOU the Captain of the vcsBelf
" W h a t ' s your cargo?"


'•Where from!"

" W h e r e to?"
" Gape De Verde."

" Why, they're afl starving there," said he, opening his
eyes and looking full at ma.
" Yes, and the flour in my vessel was freely given by
the good Christian) to feed those starving people."
" T h e rascal continued bis deliberate gaze a moment
turned towards his men, who by this time had broken
into the main hatch, and io a rough, commanding tone,
spoke a few words in Spanish, which 1 could not make
out The men looked up in astonishment and then withdrew to tbe side, where they stood gazing cautiously at
their captain, for such was my interrogator. He thrust
bis hand behind him and walked to and fro quickly tor
five minutes, when he said, sharply, to mo—
. " Y o u Americans are all heretics—why should you
send flour to feed Catholics?"
" Because they are our fellow men, and their Savior is
our Savior," I answered, astonished at the conduct of the
• " I f yon lie to me," he cried, with a fiercenras that
startled me—"if youilic to me TO nail you to the deck.
Is this cargo the froe^gift of your countrymen to the
" 111 prove it to you by my papers," I answered.
" I don't want to see your papers, swear it by 'tbe
Sari or whoso name you have just pronounced." As be
spoke he crossed himself devoutly.
" I swear it bv tho Holy Trinity," I replied solemnly.
The pirate lifted his cap and bent his head devoutly,
when I mentioned tho Trinity. He stood still with, his
head bent over, while one might have moderately counted
fifty. Wben be raised himself up, it seemed there was
less ferocity in his countenance. His eyes' were no longer
half closed, but open and clearer in their depths. I
looked steadily at niiit
" Captain, he said, courteously, " c a n y o n supply me
with two or three casks of water?"
I gave the order and tho water was lowered into his
boat A word from him sent his cut-throats-over tho
side, and after o moment's hesitation, he approached me
with his hand extended.
" God bless you." be exclaimed, as he left my grasp,
" and send yon where the starving arc praying for bread."
J o k e a t tbe Expense of Counsel.
A t the Cambridge Spring^Assizes, "1838, a person was
accutod of stealing a watch from a bed room of Mr.
George Payntcr, at WalKngham, Cambridgeshire; and
on the trial tho following little conversation took place
during tho cross-examination of the .prosecutor.
Counsel—" Where do you live?"
Witness—•* A t WalliJigham; but I an not a Wallinghammaa" •
" ' ' ' " *1 •
" W h a t are you."
" An Engineer. I was apprenticed to Henry Mandesly,
partner to Sir Isambcrt Brunei, of Thames l^mnel notoriety."
" Well, what else are you?"
" W h y I am a gunsmith, locksmith, and bell-hanger,
iron arm and lath maker;.edge tool maker; watch and
clock maker and repairer; mathematical instrument maker; weighing-machine, scale and steel-yard maker; knife
maker and grinder; publican and licensed victualler; and
an old man-of-war's-man."
" A r e you not a conjurer as well?"
•" Oh yos, that I am; and if you are willing, I will show
you one or two of my tricks."
" What can you ao?"
"Well, if you will allow roc, and not consider that I
am insulting," I will tcH you."
" Oh,"certainly; go o a "
'• Well, then, if you will just take off your wig, and
get the gentleman next to you to grease your head, Iwffl
swallow you whole, and then you will be no more trouble
to yourself nor to any one else."
Counsel—" You may ait down, sir."
A n E d i t o r ' s Defence of a F r i e n d .
An Editor, defending the character oT-afriend, who
has been nailed for tbe crime of sheep«stealitly, thus defends him:
W e have known Mr. Thompson for twelve yi^r*- Our
acquaintance commenced with the great equino tfstona
which blew down our grandfather's b o r a A t t
he was a young man in the prime of life, and we t
raised tbe best marrowfat pras wo ever ate. ' H e w
mathematician, kind to the poor, and troubledswith
In all the relations of husband, father, uncle, i
trustee of common lands he has followed tho direct sti
ard of duty. Mr. Tbompsou is at this time forty-th
years of age, slightly marked with the small-pox, an estJ-\
mable citizen, a church-member, and a man of known \
integrity for ten years. And as to sheep-stealing, that he
womd have done it if he cculd get an opportunity, is with- >
out foundation in point of fact Mr. Thompson could ; Q
have stolen our lead pencil several times, but he didn't
do i t


Tire MAXUTACTTRK or STRAW —The Providence Journal says that the first braiding of- straw in that cltr by
Mrs. lletsey Baker, now residing in Dedham, was in 1798.
From Mrs. B several acquired a knowledge of tbe process of braiding, and gradually the news spread through
New England. Some idea may be formed of the extent
to which the business has been carried by tbe fact that
in 1855, according to returns made, 3,326,000 straw bonnets were manufactured. in Massachusetts, employing
about 1,000 males and 9,000 females. In tbe year ending
June 30, 1857, raw and manufactured straw materials to
the value of $2,246,928 were imported into the United



•. •• ;I* •

Tbe customers of a certain cooper in a town out Wert
caused him a vast deal of'vexation by their shaving
< ,
_n the»r old
„U tubs
tnKc aaa
andj persistence in getting all
casks repaired, buyjng but little new work. " I stood
it however, said he, until one day old Sam Crab tree
brought in an old 'bung hole,' to which he said be
wanted a new barrel made. Then I quited the business in
A s IMPRESSIVE CaxMOirr.—An absent-minded Jndga
out West, married one John Brown and Nancy Harkens
and cooehidcd tbe Ceremony thus: " I t now r < for this h-h-bere court to pronounce you, John ]
and y-you, Naney Harkens, man and wife; " wd"the Judge paused to wipe the perspiration, froin Ms face
— " r o m a y G-God bare mercy m jt
SberiH remove the Culprits!" a ' W 1



Ffeo^i EPTSOTM:.
Actual Declaration of War!

further advtm«* into Piedmont.
by Ni«ht
.to Rob the
*v- ipcrate and
__ « d B > h#re «pipdled them to
l the Bobber and * a i l A*c»t—Ten
the Robber down ita Embankment .(
The Atettians were repulied io an .effort to cross tlio
Lost evening we learned As. particulars of one of the
nstrlans Repulsed in an Attempt to Cross the Po, at Fhmcetto. with considerable loss.
The dilatorines of the Austriuns excites great surmost daring attempt* to rob the moils ever attempted in Fo—Daily Expectation of a Battle—Frightful
FRIDAY MQRNING, J U N E 3, 1859. ^
prise. Their vanguard was at Froraaro.
Wreck of -the American • Ship
this country, and which tnroc nearbrtng successful The
Hundred and T w c n t r Live* Lost.
- The Emperor of Austria was preparing t if take the
IT-OUun. ROUNDS * LAKUDO*. M*. 115 ItwMpaWestcrn and Southern mails, which left Now York^On
N E T YOMEJ May 23.
chief command in Italy.
Wednesday evening listi Hy New York and Erie
The screw steamship Weser, Captain Gataen, which
The Sardinians it was reported, had seized all the Aus~Itailroad,
were * c h y p o," ri, " ' * — * • Mailtrian merchant veatels at Genoa.

T h e New York T r i b w e Crack* Ita W h i p .
« # port
T»« about
* • « half-post
hnir-rsvt . o'clock OK Sunday aderooon. The French in a-fcw days would muster a hundred
The Tribune closes an article on "The Presidency in at night when running over the Delaware Division, near
The screw steamship Corussia, Captain Trautmaun, thousand troops in Piedmont
Elmyra, Mr. Keck lay dowu on his back upon the iniiil
I860," iii which a virtual surrender of the Rejwblicau bags to sleep, tile door being partially open. After do- which left Southampton on the same day, also arrived at
The Emperor Napoleon remained ia Paris, but was
expected to start for the army on the 12th. - , ,
party is tendered to the •Conservatives' or 'Old line sing a short time lie felt a drop of something like water this port about the same hour on Sunday evening.
Tho advices by both vessels are three days' later than
There arc whispers of martial law in Paris after his
Whigi' of the South, with the following Crack qf the fall upon his neck, and opening his eyes drowsily he was th«e brought by the Adelaide and Persia.
. it>4/
startled by tho spectacle of a burly-looking man standing
Whip. No Slave-driver could do it better:
The news Is of the. highest importance.
Marshal Yalliarit and Count Walewski are appointover him with a sponge, which was afterwards found to
••As to our Valiant Republican brethren, who keep
The Emperor of Austria in an Imperial manifesto had
contain chroloforra, in one hand, and a revolver in the declared war against Sardinia and France. The greatest ed members of the Privy Council.
reiterating that they will never sapport any but a disGeneral Randon succeeds to the Ministry of War, and
other. Seizing the arm which held the revolver, with a and most active preparations were making by the three
tinctive, original-Republican, and that the Platform of
snjlden grasp, Mr.. Keck closed in with the robber, and Powers for a dashing,, crushing campaign. Austrian and M. Rover becomes President of the Senate.
1856 ftmst bereaffirmedverbatim fa i860, we simply ray.
M. Delanglc retires from the Ministry of the Interior
then follo wed n most desperate combat • Thb Agent is a
It is not wise to deal in rash, promises, rash threats, nor large, rol/jjst and powerful'man, and be represents his Frpnch troops wcrcpouringiatoPiedmont The French to the Ministry of Justice, and'tlie Duke of "Padonc"
rash prophecieB. Yon will doubtless do what is .best in antagonist as being a man of uncommon physical strength Generals ("anrobcrt and Neil had arrived in Turin.
becomes Minister of the Interior.
The Grand Duchess of Parma bad followed the exam1860, whatever yon may think .or say now; and is not and endurance. Imagine for one moment the scene. A
Messrs Richardson, Spence & Co^ report breadstuff*
wise to titter hot words which mfiv return to plague you man in the mail car of an Express train, in the dead of ple of the Grand Duke of Tuscany, and fled: Parma had dull and slightly declined since the 3d inst Wheat
hereafter. If an original Republican shall be our candi- night, tho noise of the wheels effectually preventing any declared for Sardinia, and Victor Emanuel had accepted opened with a large speculation inquiry, an cxcitcd mardate in 1860, vou will want our Conservatives to forget outcry he might make, being heard, and thus unable to the Dictatorship of Tuscany.
ket. and an advanced of W. on all descriptions, but it sob- .
It was announced that SL dc Hubner and. the entire scquently subsided. - Flour was ijull, ami cffcrcd at 6d. a
that you ever"threatened to oppose ono of their sort if obtain jud or assistance from any quarter, struggling
nominated; while,.if our nominee should not be a Repub-' alone for his life with a desperado with whom the combat personal of the* Austrian legation would quit Paris on the 9d. decline since 3d. inst
2d' inst. He was to leave the interests of Austriun subKcan of .'56, you will want to forget those threats yourscorned alike ono of life and death.
Arrival of the Vandcrbilt—Four Days Later.
jects in France to the care of the Dutch envoy. M. de

Mr. Keck succeeded in wrestiug the pistol from his Hubner hail paid a fare weH visit to M. Thiers ami took
" W e say, then, to the excluaves on either hand, Keep
The Vandcrbilt arrived at New York 011 the 21st with
antagonist, when the latter attempted to strike him with

cooL Victory is clearly within reach of tho Opposition a pair of brass knuckles with which he was provided.- leave of his friends at the Uuion Club.
dates to the 11th of May.
. .
The Emperor Napoleon is found of anniversaries. It
—a victory over which both Republicans and Conserva- The straggle lasted full twenty minutes, the_ train meanThe screw steam-frigate Curacoa, from the United
tives will have ample reason to rejoice. Let. it not be while being under full headway, when Mr. Keck succeed- wis stated that he would review the National Guard otj States, arrived at Plymouth, on Saturday, May
fooled • nway by a childish strife about names. When ed in catdiing bttld of the bell-cord and giving it a strong the anniversary of Napoleon's death. May 5. He would 'Lord Napier and family.
Speech tends to irritate and distract, unspeakable is the pull. Tho robber then made desperate efforts to break set out to join the army of Italy on the following day. May
MARSEILLES, May 8.—Letters from Rome! to the 5th
state that the French garrison lias been maintained enwisdom of Silence."
away from the Agent and before tho speed of the train
How unspeakably wise, then, would it have been if the had slackened very much lie succeeded iu doing so, and Paris previous to the battle of Marengo, which w*~ tire, and that lb.QOO Austrians ere at Aiicona. The
inhabitants of the Romagna urc greatly agitated
Tribune had maintained silence on this subject Nothing sprang out of the door. The train was stopped as soou fought on Juno 14.
PARIS May ".—The subscription of tho new loan of
has tended so much to " irritate" (though we trust it w}U as possible, and backed to the spot where the robber
.Military Manifesto of the King of Sardinia.
500,000,000 francs was opened this day, and 300,000;maSc the lean, which wa3 down an embankment one hunnot "distract,') the Republican party, as tho course of
000 francs hare .already been subscribed.
dred fectlign! Although the sand "bore traccs of his deTCRIX, May 6—evening.—A company of troops has
the Tribune on the qnestion of the next Presidency. scent stiH nothing could be found of tho d<#perado. I t frontiers and threatens to invade our territory, because
Who has given it the exclusive right to speak, and to was a fearful leap, and the Agent said his escape from liberty here reigns with order, because not force, but been despatched to capture the War materia! which the
concord and affection between people and sovereign here enemy had transported to the western side Of the Scsia
command all others to keep silence while i t thunders forth death was nothing short of a miracle.
the purpose of being conveyed to Caiidin' and TerraMr. Keck passed through Cleveland lost evening, and
its Edicts? Have wo not the same right to express our
Itfaly here find n hearing—Austria dares to intimate to
having had no opportunity of changing his clothes, he
TCBLN, May —Ge&- Delia Marmora )ia.-; made tho
v>etop on this or any other subject that tlw New York showed all the evidences of the ajverc conflict he had us, armed only in defence, that we are to lay down our
river Dora his strategical Iiue. Hie cucmy has made no
iVi&une has? Because two hundred thousand Republi- passed through. He was bloody from head to foot, and tns and put "ourselves in its power.
. The outrageous intimation called for a worthy reply. movement of any importance. According;, to advices
cans haye subscribed for that paper under t$e belief that (lore numerous sanguinary cuts and bruises on his person. I fcave disdainfully rejected i t
from Ancond, the municipality of that town has addressed
it was a true and faithful exponent of Republican princi He has the sponge, revolver and over' oat of tho jobber,
Soldiers! I,announce this to you, certain that you will a petition to the Pope against '-he .ncrvnsc of,-the Awswhich ho will retain as mementoes of the most exciting
pies, does it give it a right to dictate and control the event of his life; Ho can oulv account for tho presence take to yourselves the outrage offered to your King—to trian garrisous, jlnd against the construction, of fortifica•course of (fvery Republican paper in tiie country? Is it of the robber iu the ear in tho following manner: He the nation. The announcement I givo to you is the an- tions bv the Austrians.
nouncement of war. To arms, then. Soldiers.
TURIN, May 8.—The Austrians have hastily evacuated
vain enough to believe. that Republican Editors or tfc* says they received at New York two separate loads of
You Will find yogrselves opposed to no now enemy; but Vnghera, and after recrossing the P o at Gergla, remainRepublican party will follow its lead when it proposes to mail bags, and thinks tho fellow got in and secreted him- if he be brave and disciplined, you do not fuarthe meet- ed in the wood on thc'lefc bank of the .ri ver. The Ausself in tho car after the arrival of tho first load. It was
abandon those principles and sell the party into Slavery? «>vernl hours before Mr. Keck recovered from the cffects
trians are endeavoring to fortify tlHr position on tho
of Santa Lucia, of Soma Camjiagna,. of Custosa itself,
W e believe in Free Speech and a Free Pren; and wliile of the cHroloforuu
where only four brigades contended for three days with
The nttempt to crow the P o at Fm.yiDotto took placo
wo have a press under, our control we shall utter boldly,
on the 311. The Austrians opened , fire at 5 p. *., and
Tho Bridge of Bnfl'alora—The Slow Process of the five corp* d'armee.
and fearlessly our sentiments on all subjects we may deem
I will be your lender. On former occasions wo have kept It up during the' day until 8 at night. They coinAu<-tr!an* Explained.
^legitimate. No paper in the country has been a greater
again on the 4th. , Some of our men;werc woundMuch surprise is expressed by many persons that the
stickler for this right than the New York Tribune, and Austrian", after crossing the Ticino, fhould have made fighting by the sido of "my magnanimous father, admired ed. The Austrians are 4,000 strong at Castolmuovo.
BKRSK, May 8.—A revolutionary movement is e x i t it is this, more than anything else, which has given it its such slow progress in their march of invasion, when every your valor with pride.
hour to them is so important. It is stated in a letter ! On the field ofhonOr and of glory you. l am certain, ed at Como;'tho tri-eolor has already been hoisted before
great circulation and corresponding influence.
from TURIN tliat the SnrdSniashnve blown up the bridge at- will know how to preserve, and also to, your the Castle.
j •'
Mr. ORKKI.KY never had a more ardent admirer or a Bnfl'alora, felled trees across the roads, and cut the dykes f^mo as valiant Soldiers. TI.BIX, May 8.—Tho Austrian* continue to commit
You will have for votir companions those intrepid ravages and depredations along their lino ot March.! They
truer friend than wo have been for twenty-five years, and and thus have overflowed the fields this side tho Ticino.
we deeply regret the necessity, which compels usto-differ This, perhaps, will account for the •delay of tho Austrians. soldiers of Franco, conquerors in so many great battles, have imposed on the town of VqrceBl a contribution of
Whose comrades you were on the Teliernays, and whom 300,000 francs.
with him on a question of such vital importance to the Many of the roads across the plains of Sardinia, now the Napoleon III., ever hastening thither whore there is a
A Paris correspondent to the Times says,:
seat of war. are, or were, lined with rows of full grown
country and to tho Republican party. That party is trees, ami a very little labor would materially obstruct jhst case to defend and cilization to uphold, generosuly - " There have been so many orders given to the manusends
based upon a principle whichis progressive and eternal. the roads for two or three days at least A corresponIt 'admits oLrio retrogression. If wo adhere strictly to dent of ours having recently traveled by carriage, from • Advance, then, confnlcnt of victory, and adorn von are forced to remain at work part ofthe night*!
banner with fresh laurels; that banner winch, with its
" TURIN, May 9.—The Austrians hare advanced from
that principle we shall as surely triumph, eventually, as
us an extract from his Journal written on the spot, which tihree colors, and with the chOsen youth which here as- Vercelli towards Buronzo and Saluzzola. They continue
as that effect is produced by cause, and the triumph may- be interesting to the reader now that this part of sembled all parts of Italy, arc gathered t o c h e r beneath to fortify themselves on both banks of the River Scsia,
Will be "permanent; but if we deviate one iota from Sardinia Meet suddcnlv made famous:
it, points ont to you th'at you have for your task the in- and also at San Germano. 'Hie Anstriurt* threw out
"NOVORA, Sept 24.—We left for Milan this morning dependence of Italy—that just and holy enterprise which reconnoitering parties, which advanced as fx* as the
that principle, and turn aside to wanton with Southern
heud of the bridge of Casale, but, being sjttackcd with
Dalilahs, we shall be shorn Of our strength and subjected in a carriage for Novara, arriving here at -1 o'clock this will be your war cry.
TDRIX, April 27.1859. •
energy by onr soldiers, thev withdrew."
afternoon, 'lite road is good all the way, being nearly
to a disgraceful, , a deserved, and a lasting defeat
The Nord and Independence Beige contain the folstraight and a dead level, with the exception of one or
The idea of carrying a single Southern State with any two slight and gradual ascents and descents. We crossed Address of tho Emperor of Austria to tho Sccond lowing account:
Army of Austria.
" Gen. Garibaldi, combining his movements with those
man, Northern or Southern, whp shall be nominated
on foot the magnificent granite bridge over the Ticino at
On tho 27th April, his Majesty the emperor despatch- of Gen. Cinldini, lias attacked the Austrians at "Vercelli,
the Republican Convention, is simply ridiculous. It can- BufTuIarL.
ed the subjoined addressed to the forces forming the boating them completely, and brining off 300 prisoners.
not be done. We arc-equally weH convinced that no
The Paris correspondent of the London TimQSjBayr
finest bridge I ever saw away from city or town. It Second Army, which as yOu are aware, is under the
Slaveholder can carry ono half of tho Northern States. has eleven arches of uniform size, and is built ofimmeuse Command of "the Fcldzeugmeistcr Count Gyulal:—
" According to the last accounts from Genoa, the enAfter fruitless attempts to secure jicace for niy empire tire of the Imperial (iiiard had arrived there, with the
Ho c^uld not oven cany Michigan, the birth-place of the blocks of hewn granite, at a cost of nearly 8700,000.
without compromising its diguity, I am necessitated to exception of tne artillery. Marshal Vaillant. now MajorRepublican party, and as true to itB principles as. any Such a bridge could not bo built for a million of dollars
have recourse to arms.
General of the army'of Italy, leaves mi May110 fbr Genoa.
State in the Union.' There are forty thousand as true in the United States. The parapets are hewn granite in
With confidence I confide the rights of Austria to tho Marshal Randon is expected in Paris May. 31.
immense blocks, four-feet high, two feet wide, and sojid
men in this State as ever cast a vote, who have not bowed blocks of granite, and double train ways of tho same ma- liest of hands—to the hands of a tried and gallant army.
Baron tie Rothschild has resfgncd hii functions Bs
tho knee to that Baa] of New York City, a Cotton-Bag, terial for carriages. Indeed, the bridge is perfect and Your fidelity and bravery, your exemplary discipline,, Consul-General of Austria at Peris •
the justice of the canae which yon defend, and a glorious
"The Duke de Chartres has left Turin for England.
and who will never vote for a Slaveholder. If tho Tri- withal so sternly simple that not a dollar appears to hare
past, guarantee to me your success.
Thd Daily News says that preparations are being made
bune policy, should prevail, and a Slaveholder be -nomi- been,expended for mere ornament Unless blown up by
Soldiers of the'Second Army'i it is for you to secure at Geona to give a triumphal reception to ;tlie Emperor
n powder, or thorwo up by'an earthquake, it would
nated, they would vote tho Republican State ticket and
t until tho end of time.
The Nord aavrts that the retreat of the Austrian* is
!«t the Presidential Election go by default And they
"The Ticino is a rapid• clear stream, roiling though into battle the blissing of God and the confidence of your
in consequence of ordcre sent from Vienna,, where a new
would do right Wo would bo oho of that number, for, the plain, with here and there sand bars at tho sides and [Emperor. - I t
plan campaign liad been adopted
so help us God! this right hand shall never cast a vote in tho centre of tho river. In travelling to-day wo saw H o w England may be Inveigled into the War.
The French regiments were received with enthusiasm
for a Slaveholder for President of these United Stifles. many ditches, through which clear water was running,
The laws that regulate the conduct of neutrals towards at Turin.
and in Bomo places too plain was overflown.
In its great anxiety to carry one or two small Sonthern
relaPARIS, Tuesday, Slav 10.—The Emperor took his de" An extensive system of irrigation prevails in this
parture this evening. * The crowd was immense and
States, would it not be wisdom in the Tribune to sec part of Italy, nnd the fields, on our route to-day, are docs not endanger the strong fortresses of the tivated like a garden—vines, mulberry trees, corn, grass likely that, souie day, in the Mediterranean, one. of our cheering very lively on hfflarrival at Lyons.
ships will be boarded by a ship of one of the belligerents
The Empress accompanied the Emperor as far as Monetc., are luxuriant" . .
[New York Express.
on charge of having arms, ammunition, or war stores for tereau.
• '
the us? of tho anerny. The suspicion' may prove to be
TURIX, May 9.—The enemy, to the number or 2,000.
The Nlavn Trade and Tract Society.
MICHIGAN FEMALE COLLEGE.—A Lansing corrCSpondunTounded,
after occupying Beda for a short time withdrew.
Tho American Tract Society has made another downont of the Marshall Statesman writes the following under
Austrian reconnoitering parties had advanced to
ward step, and given another evidence that tho men into the ministry of the hour will be charged by the opposidate of May 4th: "The examination of the pupils in the whose hands it has fallen, are much more anxious to con- tion with neglecting the honor of the country if they do Joiea, but seeing the proportions fbr deTense, withdrew.
"TURIN, May 10.—The enemy evactwd lavomo.Michigan Female College, under tho charge of- Miss ciliate the Slave Power than to disseminate tho pure notirsent the insult Opposition never care for consequSfees;
Santhin, .Cavaglia, Salraizola atvH ercelli. and
Rogers, closed last evening, when Professor Abbott, Gospel of the Saviour—that they believe their mission
thereby thev could eject the party holding office and put recroesed the Sesia in great h«te,
P f t ® r .th°
whilom of your city, delivered an excellent address.. The to be rather to sell tracts than to save souls—to win tho tbemselve in their places. A year will not elapse without forage, 4c., which they had demanded, behind them.
approbation of the Cotton Lords rather than the Lord of
examination of the pupils was severe and thorough, the
Hosts—end that it is their duty to shut their eyes to all some such misadventure giving occasion for a quaircl and Yesterday a strong Austrian column, with four (»enerals
was at Stropiana. This morning they withdrew hastety
[Iymdon Times.
remit exhibiting; in tho most gratifying manner, groat great moral evils when perpetrated by those wb<5 have plunging us into .the struggle.
from Carasano and Stropiana."
proficiency on tho part of the pupils, and great fidelity money to girt, and only to hurl their thunder against the
Wreck of the Pomona.
oo tho part of the teachers. Another wing is soon to be petty sins of the poofc In refusing to express an opinion
Among the Pike's P e a l
The American ship Pomona. Captain Morribew, which Destitution and Sutfenn*
hdded to the present building, and the coBege will then against the re rival cJHhe Slave Trade—the most infernal sailed from the Mersey on 27th ull, was wreckcd 00
Br. Locis, May 18.
of all ootrages agairtrt God and man—or even to permit
be ono Of the handsomest and commodious in the Wert." a proposition upon that subject to be discussed except bv Black-water Bank, Dear Wexford Island, on Thursday
The S t Joseph correspondent or the Democrat noUces
April 28.
the arrival at that place or one hundred Pike's Peakers.
TUB Fnwr OOKYICTIOX.—A jury in S t Louis has just those opposed to i t the Tract Society has proved itself
She had 375 passengers and a crew of 52 men.
unworthy the cotrfidencc and respect of every Christian,
who give deplorable accounts or the mining^ prospects
convicted the Engineer of the Occan Spray, on an in- and even every friend of morality and humanity. The . Seventeen of U»e former are reported saved, and three and suffering on the plains. It is estimated, that 2C),000
dictment for manslaughter, growing out of the destruc- act itself was most disgraceful; but the indecent manner of the later.
. .
. men are now on their way, all or most oT whom being destion of that vessel by fire, whereby some ten lives were it was done, added, if possible, to the infamy it involved!^ The rest we re drowned, the ship sinking in nine fath- titute oT money flbd the ncccasanes or lire, are perfectly
oms water.
reckles. Desperate threats are madetir burning Omaha,
lost This istho first conviction, it is said* ever had un- But thoy have dug their own graves, and m good time
Still Later. .
they will be buried so deep that nothing but an orampo.
St- Joseph, Leavenworth and other towna, in consequence
der the law of Congress providing for the protection of tent power can ever raise them. [Detroit Advertiser.
The Canada brings Liverpool dates or tho VUL
The politic^ news is interesting but piwesacs DO fea- of the deception used to induce emigration. Two thousand
lives and property on board of steamboats.
men are reported fifty miles west oT Omaha in a starring
. ; '
A French journal announces that M. Nicholas Clary, tures of startling interest
The celebrated Baron Humbolt died at Berlin on tho. condition. Some of the re»d«rts ?t Plattinouth hare
John Appleton, Assistant Secretary of State under a gentleman in possession of an income of $60,000 a year,
closed uri their busineti and 6ed, fearing violence at thGen. OMS, has resigned. His socceeor had not been has engaged as a private soldier in a cavalry regiment
No bl%e had yet been fought The Austriane' etc®- hands octh
which is about to take the field.
appointed at last date*
> -



so that every man appointed on a jury, or expecting t o
l>e tnado a Depnty Martha], shall be fully impressed with
the idea .that he is to do all witliin his power to sustain
the Administration in its war upon Democratic" principles."
A BBOKKR SwiKDLgo.—A Broker in N e w Y o r k has
lieen victimized singularly by a swindler, who obtained
from him $3,000 for a b a g of brass filings, palmed off by
sleight of hand for gold; the person who sold it t o him
did i t in a saloon, under pretence of privacy being requisite, because the gold had been won a t a gaming table;
a rogue, who was ;n the secret, p u t on a policcmon's
star, and blackmailed the broker as ho was carrying the
bag to his office out of $800, by alleging that the gold
was stolen. T h e police afterwards detected the entire
gang concerned in the affair, and arrested them; they
implicated rujother"broker as the principal
FREE NEOROES IN VJKGIXIA.—A writer in the Richmond Dispatch takes a more sensible view than usually
prevaijs iii that region, on the. question of labor. T h e
writer says that there is a scarcity of labor in Richmond,
that the productive interests are suffering from: this deficiency, nnd t h a t white labor, although the beat, cheapest
and uibst profitable', is'not to be obtained. H e advises,
therefore, t h a t the laws be so modified os to invite t o the
. aity the free negroes, who are now repelled, and to cmplpy them.
A San Francisco 'journal, received b y the last overland mail, contains a statement to tho effect that Thomas
Janes of Buffido, the manager of Wells, F a r g o & Co.'s
hou*j. uiado a bet,of $3,000 with. Commodore Yonder?
bilt, against the latter's magnificent $10,000 span of
horsey that tho overland mail with dates of the 21st of
March would arrive in San Francisco before the passengers by tho Nicaragua lino of steamers landed in that
city. B y the arrival of tho ovoriand mail on the 27th,
Mr. J a n e s won the span of horses.
I'GHT. WAIKER ATLOAT.-—Tohauntepcc advices of the
1.4th, received at New Orleans on tho 21st, state that the
passengers by the steamship Oregon, which makes tho
connection between Vontota and Acapulco, report that
• Gou. W a l k e r and 300 men were on board the Vanderbilt steamship Orizaba, which had arrived at Acapulco
frotn San Francisco. T h e i r intentions, were unknown,
but it was supposed they were bound t a S o u t h e r n Mexico.
DISASTER o x r u r .OEXTBAL R A i u t o a n . — A s the five
o'clock morning express train from Buffalo t o N e w York
on-tho 18th; 'mm passing tho crossing one mile west of
Jordan, a cow sprang on tho track between the'engine
and the baggage car, throwing off tho baggage and three
passenger care. Thomas S. Gifford, Conductor, w a s instantly killed, and fifteento twenty injured, three of them,
i t is feared, fatally.
RAILROAD LIABILITIES.—The Wilmington and Manchester Railroad Company has a role t h a t disclaims liability for the loss of baggage to an" amount over $ 1 0 0 ;
a ptesengcr recently sued them, for $500, w h ic h b e proved
to be the value ot his trunks and contents, and recovered
tho sum; the J u d g e instructed the jnry that n Railroad
conipuny could not limit its own liabilities.
ROBBING A SENATOR.—GCU.- Shields, U. S. Senator from
Minnesota, on arriving a t Hastings on the 8th ult, found
himself minus his pocket-book, containing a draft on N e w
York "for $2,000, and $500 in cash. I t appears that,
having taken hia pocket-book out, he left it on the deck
of the steamer, and sojnebody rewarded his carelessness
by making way with it.
two Democratic candidates for Congress in the Southern
District of Kentucky, Rico, Independent, and Garrard,
Regular, had a difficulty a t Boonville, on tho' 16th May.
Rice was badly shot twice,, and a man named Smith was
T h e Wilmington ( N . C.) Herald o t the 18th u j t , says
that a rumor had been brought to t h a t place b y passengers on the Northern traiu, that Messrs. 0 - Jennings
Wise and B. B. B o t t s had fought a dnel somewhere on
tfca N o r t h Carolina line, and l h a t W i s e had been killed.
T h e President of the United States has poor success
m a newspaper publisher. . Sioco the new aiTangcincnl,
<he Daily Constitution h a * decreased in circulation from
t w o thousand t o s x h t o d r e d ,
has written a letter declining the Democratic nomination for Governor, of Iowa.
T h e Prmirit
Ckick en is the name a
recently started in a town o u t W e s t



for theCounty of Graad Traverse, i s Chaaeery.
At a session of said Court held at tlie Court Bouse in the
Tillage of "Braver* CJtr, in the County of Grand Tiavcisc.
•O the 25th Uav of April, A. D.1M9. Prewnt, H«m. FlarHs JVE HAVE NOW OPENED THE LARGEST STOCK OF
littlejoha, ClreaiQudge.
John Baptist Kesiswaba, Complainant, TS. Ablal C. Steven*,
It satlslarlorily appearirg to !this Conrt by the affidavit of
Affltf'.-'V •*
!. H. HoldOn, the Solicitor for the Complainant in said e t a * ,
on flit, that 1 the Defendant, A MM C. Steven*, is absent from
the Mid Stat*, and the prteeaa for hi* appearance has been
Ally issued, and that the Mime could not be served by reasou We ever brought to this market: which we will be happy t o
of nW stikehec: On motion of C. H. llolden, said Complain- offer at such, prices as will accord reasonably with the TIMES.
ant's Solicitor, ii is ordered thht the said Ablal C. Stevens
eau-»» his appearance hi this cause to be entered within three
Traverse City, No*. 18,18*8.
month* fr.«n the date of this order: and In caw: of his «pearance he cause hia answer to the complaint's bill to be
led, and a copy thereof to bo served on the Complainant's
Solicitor, within twenty"days alter a service of a copy of said
bill and notice of this order, and in default thereof that said
bill be taken as confessed by said Defendant.
And it is further ordered, that within twenty day* from the
date of tbi» order, the Complainant caus« a copy thereof to
be published in the Grand T rave rue Herald, a newspaper
printed and published in the county of Grand Traverse and
I l a t * a n d C a p s B o o t s a n d Shoes, Doors, Hash,
State of Michigan, once in each week for six successive w e e ^
Door T r i m m i n g s ,
or cause a copy of this order U> he personally served on said
Nail*, by the keg or lb.;
absent Defendant, Abial C. Stevens, at least" twenty days before the time above prescribed for.his appearance.
I'ork and Flour, by the barrel or lb.;
.. F. J. UTTLEJOHN, Circuit Judge.
Butter, Cheese, I^ira;
Lihseed and best winter-strained Oil,Burning Fluid;
C. H. HOI.DEX, Solicitor for Complainant.
Tnsim.s ;Ho.<rwicK, Register in Chancery.
l.amps of nil kinds,.Candlea, Dried Apples;
A large assortment of Tobacco;
N o BETTER THAN THE NORTH.-—The Darlington (S.
IX C H A N C E R Y .
l'owder, 1-cad, Shot, Gun Caps; ,. v
C.) Flag, commenting on the acquittal in the case of a
Carpet Warp, Logwood, Madder, Copperas,
for the County of Grand Traverse, in Chancery.
Cadbar, Indigo, AIum,,Borax, Ac.
portion of the crew of the slaver Echo, tried at CharlesSuit pending in the Circuit Court for the County of Grand
School Books, Stationery, Wall Paper, Window Cnrtafnt;
ton,.for piracy, says: " W ^ a r e now estopped from com- ravcrse, jn Chancery, this 2M day of April, A- I). 1869.
Cradle Scythes, GraaA Soythesand Snathes, Pitchforks;
atharine A. I .owe. Complainant, vs. Orlin Lowe, Defendant
Slope Pipe, Bedsteads, Rocking Chairs;
plaining of the ' h i g h e r law' of our N o r t h e r n frieuds,
It satisfactorily appearing to this Court that the Defendant,
Small Rockers and Table Chairs for Childrea;
since wo have adopted a similar code a t home. If wo Orlin Louie, is a non-resident of this State, and that he it a Together with all articles usually found in a Country; 8tore.
resident of the State of Dlinois: On motion of Messrs. Witliey,
do not administer justice t o others, let us not complain Eggleatorv 4 Gray, Solicitors a i d of Counsel for the above
when unjustly dealt with. If we-have the right to refuse named Complainant, IT IS ORUKkeuthat the said Defendant,
Orlin LoWc, cause Iiis. appearance in this cause to be entered, on Commission, from the Kalaniaaoo Agricultural Works.
to enforce ali\w because it is not agreeable t o us, so have within three months from the date of this order; and that in
All purchasing Goods at Northport, will do well Vo call and
of hih anpearancelic cause W . answer to the Complain- examine my stock and prices before purchasing elsewhere.
they of tho N o r t h . T h e a c t of 1820 is repugnant to us,
N. B. CUTTING done to order, on short notice.
. t Bill to l>e filed and a copy .thereof to l » served on the
the Fugitive Slave Law is repugnant to them; we refuse Complainant's Solicitors within twenty days afterservico of
Northport Dec. 23.1K58.
to enforce the former, and they refuse to enforce tho lat- a copy of«said Bill and Noticu <if this order; and in default s . A . M C C L E L L A N D , . . .
..Notary Public.
thereof that the said Bill be .taken cs coufesscd by the said
ter. W o arc about-even. Conflicting elements are be- Defendant, Orlin I-owe; And It Is farther ordered, that within
twenty days, the said Complainant cause-a notice of this orginning to harmonize themselves."
der to be published iu the Graqd Traverse Herald, a newspaper
rinted, published an'd circulating in said County of Craud
Viscount de Treillard, acting French Charge, is now
raversc,. and State of Michigan, and that the said publication
Baltimore, making contracts with clipper ships for his be continued once in each weblqforalx weeks in succession;
or that sfee cause a copy of tli'isprder to be personally served
Traverse City. Dec. 1 . 1 ^ 8 .
oa the said Defendant, Orlin Lowe, at least twenty days before
the time above prescribed for hisappearance.
T h e official majority in Massachusetts f o r the ConstiC. IL HOLDEN",
Circuit Court Coinmissoner,'
tutional amendment requiring two years residence, is
• in and for Grand Trayerac County.
will lihd work with n
5,624, out of the total vote of 35,822.
THKV. Eooi.EsrroS A GKAV, Sols, for Co'mpt.
Traverse City, Peel 1,1658.
Hon. Thomas A . Hendricks, Commissioner of the
O P R E E M P T I O N S E T T L E R S ON FRACTIONal To»ui.«hius 28, UD and 30, in the Traverse City Laud'
General Land Office, is spoken of as t h e Democratic i
District, Michigan.

didate for Governor of Indiana at the next election.
The above described To«"ushi|is formerly within the District
oflandsSubject to Traverse City,which were
!* prepared to make Plans and Specifications for all classes
A destructive fire occurred a t Horicon, W i s . on the withheld and reserved from sale, settlement or entry, by letter ot Buildings; alsoexecnlc all kinds of wotk connected with
morning of the 18th u l t Loss $25,000. T h e work of from this office to the Register and Receiver at Imiu,Michigan, the Trade, on literal trrmsl .
under dite of August loth ISM), and whlchhave been held to
Nash, Glow, Doom, P a i n t s a n d N a i l s ,
be resert-ed ever sincv, for Indian purposes, are now declared constantly On hand, and for be open to preemption. By# recent decision of the SecreAll orders for C a b i n e t W o r k and U n d e r t a k i n g will b«
PRISON CHAPIJUN.—Rev. J o b e z F o x (Swedenborgian,) tary of tlie-lnterior, said Townships became a part of the pub- executed on short notice.
i ••
J . K: G., thankful for past patronage, takes this opportuhas been appointed by Gov. Winner Chaplain of the lic domlin and open to legal preemption settlement, from and
after loth of April 1«5& All qualified and bona tide settlers nity of soliciting a continuanco of the same.
State Prison.
therefore; upon any of these lands not otherwise legally apTraverse City. November 5, l»5f.
propriated, who have settled thereon" prior to, or sincc-that
A Washington dispatch savs ,that the Government date, and continue to occupy and inhabit their claims op to
will not surrender Marshal Tyler t o the Canadian au- the present time, are hereby required tb file their declaratory
The subscriber oflfcrs for sale a variety of engrafted ;
statement will) the Begister of the proper I.nnd District, withthorities.
in threu months from the date Of the first'publication of this' A p p l e T r o e s , 1 ' e n o h T r m > s , P e a i - T r o « « , P l u m
T r e e s n n d Clieprjr T r e e a . .
Tho Hannibal (Mo.) Gazette says that Mr. Richard notice, and to make proof and payment as required by law,
A flue lot of Seedling PEACH TUBES, three years old,which
before tjie day to I*- hereafter fixed for the commencement
.Cobden has joined Mr. Greeley in his journey to U t a h of the public sale of the body <tf lands embracing the tracts will I si sold cheap,
Also, CraBA>iTs;t:ooK»:BBKKi«s; Ac.; all In good condition,,
and California.
of good size, and healthy.
— J A C O B BARN'S, Register.
Elk Rapids, Nov. 3,18SR.
0. A. STEVENS, Receiver.
J a c o b Little, the celebrated N o w Y o r k Stock Broker,
Dated April 19th, 1850.
has failed.
Book Manufactory nmi'Book-Bindery, No. 183, Jefferson
A vtjmje.—Account Book* of every description made to order,'
A movement is contemplated for the "purchase of AshCotivTr OK MANISTEE, i
of superior paper and workmanship, at lower prices than
land from J a m e s B . Clay,
T A S E S S I O N OF THE PROBATE COURT FOR heretofore.. \\ arranted to give natisfaction in every particusa|d County, holden at.the Probate Office in the village lar.
' . <>. . t 'f .
of Manistee, on'Monduy, the second day of Mar, in the vcar
Commercial Printing, Ruling and Binding, exequted to
of our Lord one thousand eight hundred, and ftfty-nin<^ Prert: j n w K V t
n E C O P A R T N E R S H I P HERETOFORE EXIST- sent HfcxKY S. Unrxt, Circuit i?ourt Commissioner for hSid order.
The subsi:rils:r having had i(n experience of over fourtMn
ing nude'r the name and style of I'ickard, Barton it Smith,
years, feels assured that they can defy competition fit prifees,
is th'is (lav dissolved by mutual conaout. All business conand qnallty of workmanship.
nected with tho above Firm will bo arranged by W. W. BarOn reading and filing the petition, duly verified, of Miry
Order* from Banks Merchants, Manufacturers and Railroad
O'Conacll, praying tbnt she maj' l»eappointed Administratrix, Companies respectfully solicited.
of the Estate of said deceased,;

Tliefcjipen it is ordered that Monday, the twentieth flay of
H A R L E S B U S C H , (Successor to M. Howard Webster,)
North port MIcK, May II, 1859.
June n A t , ut nine o'clock In tlie forem/on, be assigned for the
Dealer in Foreign nnd Domestic Hardwire, Housekeephearing of said petition, a i d that the heirs at law or said de- ing Articles, Mechanics' Tools, Stoves Grates, Tin aBdJapcease4 and all other person* interested In said estate, are re- pancd Ware, Drain Tile, &c. Agent for the American and
quire d_to appear at a session of said Court then to be holflen
pcan Uiw Agency of Litz A Kitpp, No. 7 Nassau Street.
at the (Probate office in the village of Manistee, and show
York—for the retovifty of Debts, legacies and Inherieausc.iif any there be, why tho prayer of tlie petitioner should tances In EUTOJM.-and the United States'
not b<j granted.
Remittances mode to all parts of Germany, with safety and
And it is further ordered, that said petitioner give notice dlspstcb." No. 201 Jefftraonavenue, Keandcy's Blotk,Detroit,
to alUpersons Interested in said estate, of the pendency of Mich.
said petition and the heSring thereof, by canslng a copy of
this ohler to be published In the "Grand Traverse Herald," a
newsuaper printed in Grand-Traverse county and circulating . . . .Jngravcr* and Lithographers, 209 Main street, Buffalo,
in saljl county of Manistee, three successive weeks previous N. Y.. over Sage's Piano Rooms.—Woore.ptepared to execute
aU work, entrusted to ns with promt'tness and despatch, aqd
to said dav of hearing.
on .as favorable termif as any establishment in the Conntty.
(A true copy.)
chase or lands at tax sales.
Cem,blnSng all the different branches of Steel, (.'opper t n d
. Circuit Court Commissioner, actiaj^as
And will always give the most careful attention to the interStone Kngnivlng, as well as Gravon Work of the finest de38-^t
Judge.of i'n'bato.
ests of my Correspondents, and in liberality, promptness and
scription, we gusrantee satisfaction in all eases. .
accuracy of business transactions, would court comparison
Maps Portraits Show Cards &c-. Lithographed and printed
with any.Agency in the country,
in the most delicate colors, by a new process
Traverse City, May 37,1859.
" /
p l Y F . 1 U N C H M A N «c C O . , Dealer? In Grociriea
~1 and Provisions Paints, O i l s Twines, Canvax, Anchors
A T O T I C E IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A WRIT OP ATX I tachment was issued out of the Circuit Conrt for the __il Chains, Tar, Pitch, Boslti, Oakum, Ac. A complete stock
countv of Grand Tnnverse, Michigan, on und tested the thir- of Ship Chandlery and the above namedarticles always 6n
ticth'Soy of November. A« D. ISSe, directed and delivered to hand and for sale very low, at 46 Wood bridge street, Detroit,
• . '
j i
Has opened an Office at Traverse City, Grand Traverse Co., tho Sheriff of the county of Grand Travchie, in fayor of Micliigan.
Snmsel A. McClelland, Plsintiff, and against Abial C. Stevens
Michigan, for the transaction of s
Iiefehdant, for tlie sum of one'hundred nnd fifty dollars: ' P W I N E HOUSE.—Wiliard Harvey ft Co.. fU Maiden
that 1haid writ was returnable on the twenty-fifth dav of April, ft Lane, and 17 Cidar street. New York, lletn'p, C o t t e a
Cords ge.
The United States Land Office is locntcd at this place.; and 1H59, nnd was on that flay duly returned by said Sheriff; that" Cotton, J u t e Manilla and American Hemp Ro]>e,TorredStuff
particolar attention win be paid to locating Land Warrants, from the return endorsed on s»id writ it amienrs that propertv Fishing Lines Gllling Threads, Shoe Thread, Wick, and all'
investing money in Government Lands, Imparting informa- was attached thereon, and that the defendant therein named, kinds of Cords and Lines.
tion relative to the general features, resources and advan- Abial C. Stevens, could not be found whereon to make pervic*.
tages of the Grand Traverse country, the payment of taxes,
I I . L O V E L L , (Successor to D. Crosby A Co.) \>"holeC.' H. HoMEy, Attorney.
• rale and and retail dealer In Watches, Clocks. Jewelry,
and the transaction of any Agency Imslness with which he
may he entrusted.
Goods Plated Ware, Combs BnUons Thread. Ac. No.
A F F I D A V I T S F O R S E T T L E M E N T U P O N T H E Fancy
79 Woodward 'avenue, opposite "Holmes ft Co. Detroit; Mich.
Watches. Clocks and Jewelry repaired and warranted.
Hon. J , M. I l m i n l , A u o r r K j Qeocnl
U n d e r Section 8 of A c t 31 of 1858.
K. B. Wudv KM).
Herald Office, Traverse City, Nov. 3, 1858.
VJ Machine* for Family Sewing, or for msnufaeturing pur*
poses- z a r Call and examine them at 133 Jefferson A veuue
(Masonic HaU.), :
and appointed Agent, for and
Detroit, Nov. 1,1P4H."
.• ••
gan, to take affidavits and other testimony in Grand Traverse
Countv. as provided in Act No. 106, approved Feb. 1L 1SSHL
H e r a l < T O f l i o o , T r a v o r s o C i t y ,
now complete, foil s e t s to be'hsd or
- .
v. z*
Persons desirous of entering State Swamp Lands for settleDetroit. Nor. L18M.
ment, can now make affidavits
' '
No. 94 Woodward Aye.
before the Commissioner1 at Lansing, as was required by tl
lawiot 1S58.
' ' i •
Universe Cjty, March 14,1848.
Rotary PubUc.
Stationery, constantly on hand at
Detroit, No*. 1, 1858.

Na. 18»JeBsnW>Aaa.r\J settlers on Grand Traverse Bay, well acquainted with the
best firming lundojn the county of Grand Traverse, Is willing
toacrve any one by personal inspection of l a y Government
1 5 5 R a n d o l p h S t r e e t , C h i c a g o , 111.
• ter of Began, No. J i Woodward ATenoe, Detroit,:
land or improved farms, within 30 tnilev of Traverse City.

A dreadful tebdSuto occored at 'Moote Crirfo, Cali- A ^ Q w i J a x u c e s i f . — W e are under obligations to Capt. fornia, carrying away three dwellings, killing Mrs. Howe
i W ^ B i o w x , of the Schooner Eclipse, for papers o f a! and two children, and a little son of Mrs. P . W r i g h t
later date than those received by nmiL

Others were hurt or made providential escapes. A fisS m s D . — T h e Schooner Eclipse, C a p t Brown, sailed sure in the earth a quarter of a mile long extends into the
for Chicago on Tuesday, with a cargo of lumber to H a o - mountains; water, from melting snow, was pouring in.
T h e fissure overhangs a good portion of thef town,
nah, Lay & Co.
which the inhabitants had deserted, in momentary expecLAKK TOSXAOK.—There are upwards of one thousand
tation of its falL T w o unknown men were killed by a
nx hundred vessels navigating the Northwestern Lakes,
land slide at Sand Hill, and Charles Smith at Cherry
the aggregate burden of which is Dear half a million tons. Creek.
fta/t * .• •
I t requires over thirteen thousand teamen to navigate
More guano islands had been discovered in the Pacific
this fleet, which traverses upwards of five thousand miles
and reported to J . W . Borden, U . 8 . Commissioner to the
of lake and. river coast, transporting property valued at
Sandwich Islands.
i!x hundred millions of dollars.
I l o a J . C. McKibben and the editor of the National,
" OCCASIONAL,* in a recent letter from "Washington to had passed a challenge for a duel, but friends effected a
the Philadelphia P r e w , says: "Confidential orders have reconciliation
"William Sharb, of Madison county, III, was poisoned
been issued to all the United. States Mayfchals in the F r e e
States t o be careful in the selection of their jurors, and and died a t Shasta, from eating wild parsnips.
Mining inteligence is favorable from all Sections of the
to mako all doe use of the patronage of their respective
offices in reference t o the taking of the Census of 1860; State.

Goods, Groceries,

P R O V I S I O N S ,



D r y Goods, (groceries, Y a n kee Notipns, Hardware,
Tin Ware,


A F i n e L o t of P l o w s ,

Notice to Farmers.


Work For Men.


J A M E S K. G U N T O N ,
Practical Bu ilder and Draughtsman,

K i t i : r r TR"I-:K9.






Trartrse (Sty, €rand Tratfrse Coanty, Mifh,

Land, Tax, and General Agency.
G-oneral Agency B u s i n e s s .




A Word to Emigrants,
#r lte HBTOB t(Sdito; n tie Ctronul kA.



C a s h P a i d Tor E D d o a n n d C a l f S k i n * . O o o d
Sole Xxmther Constantly o n H a n d .
c . NORMS.
Traverse City, April M, 1858.


ROUNDS A LAXGDO^ a n authorised to receive A'deertlstmenta for this and all the leading Newspapers of the U.S., T T 1 S T O R Y OF CIVILIZATION IN I
ana are the ONLY and EXCLUSIVE Agents for the majority
of those in the North-W*3t- tyl*

Detroit Advertisements.

• T ALICE C i t l T .


Among the beautiful pictures

•uSSr.sss:"- TkatseemethhentofsJI:
Rot for its gnarled oaks olden.
Dirk with the mistletoe;
Hot for the rioleta golden.
That hang in the vale belowNot for the milk-white lilies


/ w *??*"
red-berries rest,
f. tioTjht plnia. nor the pale, sweet cowslip;
. Itscemeth to me the beat.

^ * 11W ® brother,
\ With
ejes that were dark and deep,
n 6 ,, 1 *? of that old dim forest.
He lieth in peace asleep;.
Light aa the down of the thistle
Free as the wlnda that»low; .
We roved there the beautiful summers,
n The-summers of long ago;
But his feet, on the hill* grew weary,
And oqe of the autumn tret,
I made for my little brother,
i bed of the yellow leaves.

Detroit Advertisements.

-VTAIA, D U N C K L E E * C O „ 74 WODDWARD AVEi - 1 nue, Wholesale and Be tail Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, GsrpeU, Floor OB Cloths, Paper Hangings,
Feathers and House Furnishing Goods.—We would particularly Invite the attention of the public to the following Goods,
which we have in great variety of styles aad prices: Broc he
Shawls, long and square; Bay State do. do. do.; Waterloo do.
do. do.; Gentlemen's do. do. do.; Mantillas, beautiful styles:
Black, Fancy, Poniard, Bayadere and Moire Antique Silks;
French and English Merinoea, plain and figured ; Paramettas,
Delaines, In great variety ; Valencia Plaids and Stripea; Allwool Plaids; Alpacas; Flannels; SattinetU; Broadcloths; Damasks; Blankets; Linens; Embroideries; Hosiery; Gloves;
Ribbons; Prints; Gingham*. Ac., Ac.
Carpet Department.
Velvet Brussels, Crenelle, S Ply, 1 Ply. Superfine, Cottin
and Wool, Carpets; Dhiggeta, Stair Bods Oilcloth, Window
Shades. L*ce and Muslin Curtain*, Curtain Fixtures, Feathers,


Detroit Advertisements.

O C E M B B - A T W H O L E S A L E . — 5 P. JACOBS,
Jeflfereon Avenue and Wayne ikreet, offers for BOOK
FLORIDA.—sv JoencA a. omnwos.—IHrutrrted with 6
saie to the City and Country Trade > -

fine engravingo^—One Volume, Jlmo. 320 pp. l M e e $ l ^ Thls Work portrays, with eminent ability, the crimes oommittad by oar Government against the Maroons who fled from
South Carolina and other Slave States, seeking protection under Spanish laws. It shows bad faith exercised towsrds the
Indians of Florida, and is found to present a trnc view «f the
long-fought Florida War, which was, in truth, A WAR FOR

. ®««ara a n d Molasnea.
J00 hhds fair, prion and choice New Orleans, Porto BIco aad
Maaeavado Sugar.
f° b.bM c ™» h «4 Powdered and Coffee,
100 bbls Prime New Orleans Molasses and Syrup.
S00 half chests cases and boxes Young-Hyson, Gunpowder
and Black Teas, of recent importation.
Coffee a n d fcpiccs.
250 bags white and green Rio.
* 140 bags and pockets old Gov't and common Java.
100 cases ground Mustard.
20 hags green and white Maracsibo.
60 boxes.Ground Rio.
60 kegs Ground Ginger.
15 bags Pepper,Spice and Cloves.
50 boxes Ground Pepper, Spice and Cloves.
Tobacco and C l e a n .
100 boxes Sc Fine Cnt Papers.
100 bbls Smoking.
60 boxes PlugDark, 8's and 10's.
20 boxes Gold Leaf, Half Pounds.
30 boxes Tin Foil.
20 bbls Cavendish in cans.
. CIGARS. A large sawortment of Imported -and Domestic
Wines a n d Liquors.
Port, Maderia and Sherry Wines, in quarters aad octaves.
Champagne, (Heldseck A Delbrecht.) and Claret in baskets
and cases.

FIWB OoT.reor Ch*»p. of Ohio.

Gentlemen-—Accept my thanks for a Copy of "The Exiles
of Florida." 1 have read the book with great interest and
much inifruction. It seta in a striking light an important
rtion of our history, and clear)v reveals the secret springs
which sucoeasive sdministrations were moved in affairs of
great moral and political coneequence. The distinguished
author has especially entitled himself to the thanks of evenr
lover of freedom. Justice, and honorable administration, by
tracing and exhiMting the evil influences 6t slsvery In tb«
transactions which he narrates. No one. It seems to me, can
arise Trom pertaingthis work without deepened convictions
of the wrong of slaveholding. and the necessity of csrnest
and persistent effort for the deliverance of our National Gov
ernment from the control of the slave power.
J '
.Columbus, July 12, 1858.
&' P. CHAME.
REPUBLICANS BEAD IT I Copies sent by msil on receipt
or One Dollar.
Pulishers, Colnmbus, ofie.
Detroit, Agent for Michigan.
between Larned and Congress streets, Detroit, Mich.—
The undersigned having re-purchased "The Institution for
tbo dissemination of useful drinks," has enlarged and rejuvenated it in the most thorough manner, makibg it now the
most extensive BREWERY IN THE WEST, with facilities for
producing the finest and most delicate grades of Malt Liquors;
and is now prepared to furnish the various qualities of Ales.
Porter and Brown 8tont, for draught and hotting, at prices
ranging from $6 to $10 per barrel.
Extra fine and Stock Ales brewed to order. .
All Packages extra, which, when returned tp the brewety
inJjtood order, will be paid for at ssmc prices as charged.
The attention of private families, and customers in general,
is particularly called to the EXCELSIOR CREAM ALE. Old
friends and new may be assured of the superior quality and
flavor or these beverages, and all are invited to call and sample for themselves. All orders, with the mpticy enclosed,
will receive prompt attention.
Malt and Hops ror sale st the lowestmsrket rates.
OOKS.—SELF-MADS MEN—By C. B. SeraFuture Life, or Scenea in Another Worid: kv(l.^i. Wood.
The Ministry of Life; by the author of Mlnisterln? Children.
The K. N. Pepper, and other Condiments, put up for general

The Tenant House, or Embers from Poverty's Hearthstone.
The Witches of New York, by Doestfcks.
Isabella Orsini; by the «uthor of Beatrice Ccncl.
Vernon Grover, or Hearts as They Are.
Frederick the Great:-by Carlyle.
Dora Dean; by Miss Mary J. Holmes.
With a variety of others, too numerous too enumerate. For
M'e by
Detroit, Jan. 7,18.W.
: jstf


Houses, Public1 Buildingx, Villages, Towns, Ac.-—Patented
August, 1858.— The principle of the intention consists in.'die
peculiar c(instruction of the Retort, whereby (iag i* mo «t
quickly, easily and economically generated from Rosin. Oil,
Sweetly his pale ai is folded
Tallow and refuse Grease of any kind, and producing, for
abont eighty cents, as much light as a thousand feet of
. My neck in a aw
sweet embrace.
nary-coal Gas.
AM the light of immortal beauty
Silently corered his ftce;
A long course of experiments at the hands of the inventor,
And when the arrows of sunset
who has had many years experience in Gas manufacturing/as
Lodged in the treetops bright.
well ss by ourselves and others, has placed the invention beHe fell In his saint-like beauty,
ond all.doubt of Its practicability. The public msy be
J , Asleep by the gates of light.
dentlv assured that it is st once the most simple snd a
Therefore, of all the pictures
of any thing of the kind ever before constructed.
_That hang on Memory's wsll,
The present object of the proprietors is to dispose of city, Gi*—Swan and I<ondon Cordial, in whole and half pipes.
That on^of the dim old forest
county and state Rights, on the mont favorable terms, and to WIHKXKY—Old Scotch, Monougahela and Peach Orchard, in
hhds and bids.
Beemeth the best of a l l
immediately Introduce the works into general use.
Works from 100 feet capacity nnd upwards, sre now in Wine, Stomach and Cordial Bitters in cases.
readiness by DUDLEY A HOLMES, manufacturers, Detroit,
Marrying a n E d i t o r .
• * ,'fSundries.
as well aa every thing connected with the "Bun-Light Gas
200 boxes Raisins.
'•Yet I t n Mrs. Peter Snow, an editor's wife. I well Works," which will be supplied by them at all the principal
500 boxes Window Glass, assorted.
remember the dav when Mr. Snow asked me to become -lints in the Union, to parties purchasing territory.
150 boxes Pepper Sauce.
Persons of small capital, and particularly Gss Fitters,!by
his wife. I confess I liked Mr. Snow, and, thinking it
200 keg* White Lead.
200 dozen Pails .and Tubs.
would-be a very fine thing to be the wife of an editor, I making an investment fa the use the "Sun-Light Gi
will be certain of an immediate remuneration. )
100 boxes assorted ink.
said ye* as pretty as I knew how, 'and became Mrs. Works,"All
communications in tho premises directed to the
200 bsgs assorted Shot.
Snow. I have now seen ten years of married life, and undersigned will meet prompt attention.
200 legs Powder, assorted.find my husband to be en amiable, good-natured man.
100 boxes Oakley 4 Ames' German Chemical Soap.
Treasurer for Proprietors,
He always spends his. evenings at home, and fa in that re150 boxes white and dark German Chemical Soap.
boxes Fancy Bar and Cake Soap.
spect a model man, but he always brings a pile of exchanges
boxes Family and No. 1 liar Soap.
which is only limited by the length ofhis arms, and reads, T> E A D Y - M A D E C L O T H I N G AND GENTLEMEN'S
100 boxes SteSrine nnd Tallow Candles.
while I patch the knees and elbows of boy's pantaloons X l ; FURNISHING GOOD8, at tho Clothing Emporium ofH.
50 boxes Star Candles.
and coat After we had a Quaker meeting of a hour' HALLOCK, No 1C8, Jefferson A venue,.Detroit. Where raav
150 renins \Vrsj>ping Paper.
be found a very large, fresh and desirable xtcrck of tho ab*re
lengtii, I break the silence by a<&ing:
100 reams Foolscap, Letter and Note Paper.
goods just manufactured under his immediate inspection,
200,000 Percussion Caps, 2000 lbs Bar l*ad.
" M r . Snow, did you order that coal I spoko to you
100 bbls Vinegar.
Together with Codfish, Mackerel, White Fish, Herring, Bag
did you say my dear?" ho asked after a few
Salt, Paints, Oils, Dye Studs, Cordage, Brooms, Bakets, Glassmoment s silenea
ware and article appertaining to the Grocery Trade. Corner
From tho low priced and cheaper grades, to the
" Did you order that coal I spoke to you about?
and fsjhlonable garments—all of which have been manufac- Jefferson Avenue and Wayne-st, Detroit, Mich.
" Indeed, my dear, 1 am sorry, I forgot all about it. tured With the utmost care and WARRANTED to give satisfaction.
•• |
dB ro
It shall come to-morrow."
*' «8°f purchasing cithpr at WHOLESALE
RETAH* arc respectfully Invited to call and examine his T X T V A N D O T T E ROLLING MILL CO., HAS NOW
, "Another hour's silenoo, which, is relieved by the
T v in Store, and offer for sale, a rull assortment of Lake
M A G N I F I C E N T WORK—MILES STAND1SH ILbiby s crying, and, rather liking to hear a noise of "some l o w
H. HAPI.OCK. ; Superior and Scrap I rod, of all sizes, at greatly reduded rates.
LUSTRATED—a volume of Photographs from original
sort I make no effort to quiet him."
The Lake Superior Bar Iron sold by the Company, is all drawings, by John W. Ehninger, Illustrative of the Courtship
" M y dear," sera Mr Snow, after ho has cried a minute A MERICAV WATCHES.—APPLETON, TRACY A made from Charcoal Pig, and is far better than the Iron made of Miles Standtsb, by Henry W. Longfellow. .There will bo
X X Co., WALTHAM, Mass., Manufacturer* -of PATENT LK- from Hard Coal, and their Lake Superior Merchant Iron is eight ortea large Photographs of the most exquisite characoe to, "you had bettor give the baby some catnip tea to YER WATCHES.—These superior Watches are made by the 'he
only Iron sold in this market, that Is made in this manner. ter, exechted by Brady, with Interacted cream-coloi e»l leaves,
quiet him, he troubles me."
aid of new and original machinery, expressly designed to seTheir Merchant Scrap Iron is all made from selected Scrap (eontainjng the descriptive text,) the whole to be bound In
id will bear comparison with the best Iron made in the quarto morocco covers, with bevelledand. gild edges.
# T b e baby is still; another hour passes without a breath eure, with a low paice, a line, substantial, durable and uniofnoiak Becoming tired of silence* I take a lamp, and formly reliable time keeper. The movements arc new in country.
Early orders are solicited, as the slow process of preparing
Wyandotte Rolling Mill Company snd Eureka Iron Compa- the Photographs (nothing being done in cloudy weather) will
retire for the night, leaving Mr Snow so engaged with
to be faultless in principle and quality, and have been proved ny drafts taken at par in'exchange for Iron.or.atty ludebted- prevent the immediate issue of asecond edition, and conse?aPe.r
"® does not see me leave the' room. To- by the most exacting testa to bo reliable and^ufnillng in acquently only those ordered in advance can be provided.
wards midnight ho comes to bed, and just as he has fallen tion. These watches arc manufactured entirely from the
n also given in exchange for good Scrap
Prlce.Six Dollars. Specimens to be seen and sul-scriptions
to deep, the baby takes a notion to cry again. I rise as crude materials, in a single establishment, by connected snd
recei ved, at my store.
s or address
quieUy as possible, tod try to still him. While I am uniform processes—the manufactory being organized upon
the same system that has been adopted in the production of
WJL H. ZABIUSKtE, Secretary,
'walking the room with a small Snow in my arms, our the
w> Woodward Avenue.
Store ci •r Woodward Avenue and Congress-st
unequaled American Are-arms, which cnablcn us to pron3
nert—a boy of three years—begins to scream at the top duce a movement at one-half the price of any foreign moveT ) A P E R WAREHOUSE.—ON HAND AND FOR SALE
o r u r t a H f c W h a t can I do? There is no other course ment of the same quality; and wc guarantee the perfect
R O N FOUNDRY.—THE UNDERSIGNED ARE PRE- JT either at Wholesale or retail, thefollowingdescriptionaof
performance, fortcn years, of every watch manufactured by us.
pared to furnish, at'short notice. Stationary Engines, Mill paper, vis: Imperial, Super Royal. Royal. Medium. Demy.
but to call Mr. 8now, so I call out:
All foreign watches are made by hand, thn American wafch- Gearing, Warehouse Hoisting Apparatus, and all varieties of Crown, Flat Cap and Folio Post, Cap, Letter, Legal, Sermon.
" M r . Snow! Mr. Snow!"
i being the only ones made by machinery upon a uniform Iron W ork. Repair work on Propellers. Steamers and Saw Bill and Note Paper in every .variety.
The third time he starts np and replies:
system throughout Nearly all hand-made watches are de- Hills, executed promptly and thoroughly. Castings—•ovcrv
Book and -Print Papers of all colors and sires. Manilla
" W h a t ! Thn! more copyr'
fective, and are continually getting out of order. In mimRag,.and Straw Wrapping Paper of all s'zes and weights.
A t though I was Tim, that Httie imp running about tho parts* of the country it is impossible to And good watchTreReceiving our psper direct from the Manufacturers, we are
pairers, and watoh repairing is always uncertain and exnen- Wo are prepared to execute orders of any Bize for Brass and enabled to offer them st ss low prices as any jn this rasrket
o&m,• I ieply rather tartly:
ve. The introduction of American watches disposes of this Composition Castings, promptly.
KAGS—Wanted In exchange for Goods or Cash.
" No, I dont want any more copy—I have had enough sl
difficulty, and country merchants, as well as watch dealers, Oil Globes, Oil Cups, Valves, Journal Boxes. Guage Cocks,
of thafrtO last my life time—I want you to seo what can keep w(itches as a part of their miscellaneous stock, and Cylinder Cocks,.Steam Whistles for Steamboat*, Locomotive*
W> Woodward Avenue.
Tommy is crying about."
thus supply their customers with a new staple, which may be and Mills; Bells for Factories, Steamers and Locomotives,
.Mr. Snow-makes
a .desperate
effort to.rouse himself; as used as any other article, without mystery or humbug. .fSoir der eight hundred pound*.
of Brush street, under the Fultoa Iron Works, Detroit, M.
Tommy stops to take a breath, he falls asleep again leav- by the trade generally, and by ROBBINS A APPLETON,
Cutlery, Surgeon's Instruments, Coopers' and Carpenters'
General Agents, 15 Maiden Lane, N. 1
ing a e t o pace the room in as much vexation as I can
We are prepared to execute all ordera for Iron Railing for Tools, Axes of every description, Planing and Tobacco Macomfortably contain. The next morning at breakfast,
n . ALLISON, IMPORTER OF IMPROVED RAIL- I rivate Buildings, Churches, Public Squares, and for Ce
chine Knives, Trusses, Ac., made to order of u superior qua» road Watches, cased in beautiful styles, warranted ex- ry Lota.
when I give Mr. Snow an account of last night's adven.-2ST- Conner of Fifth and Wood.bridge-sts., opposite Machine ftators, Knives, Scissors, Surgeon's Instruments, steel. Iron
ture, he replies:
~ cellent time-keepers: do do Swiss,'full Jewelled, Levers In
style. GOLD PENS—I continue manufacturing Pens Shop of Michigan Central Railrdad, Detroit.
and Brass Ware, polished and repaired in a manner to give
k ^ I n d e e a , my dear, I am very sorry the children troo- every
of every desirable pattern. These pens have received aSilver
satisfaction to his customers.
Orders left at the office, corner of Brush street and Jefferr
IfcL is always the way. If I complain, it is "indeed
r O BANKERS, LAND AGENTS AND BUSINESS MEN. son Avenue, will be promptly attended to, where samples may
my dear, I am very sorry."
_L J. Sage & Son's, Map Publishers, Stationers, Engraven be seen.
and Lithographers, 209, Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y-overSage'i
References kindly permitted to Meaara. Edmunds, North A
" B a t should the very same thing occur the subsequent
Piano Roopi.
Co., J. B- Wayne A Co., Geo. Doty, Doctors Allen A BatwelL
night, directly before his eyes, very likely ho would not
FITTING STONES and Diamond Work, and Fire Gilding
We are prepared to execnte nil work entrusted to us with
Detroit, Jan. 18SB.
ato or know anything about it, unless it happened to in- aad Galvanizing, done at short notice.
promptness nnd despatch, and on as favorable terms as any
tenjrnt his train of ideas. Then be would propose catnip
WATCH REPAIRING.—Being" n practical workman, all establishment in the country. Combining all the different
branches df Steel, Copper and Stone Engraving, as well as
THE PUBL1JC.—A new Family bfcwing Machine, com^ w e £ t , ^ t f i t < ) m-v f s r e ' Will be carefully attended to.
* 5 / W-bofote' I can get it igto tbo infant's stomach, he
GOLD PENS re-pointed, at fifty cents. Pens sent by mail, Crayon Work of the tin eat description, we guarantee satisfac- bining the latest improvement*, at the extreme low price of
will be\far gway into the realms .of thought, leaving
tion all ca^es.
accomjianlcd by the Cash,'will be promptly attended to.
aot a little vexed at his Btupfdity.
The prices of all our standard machines have been greatly
Particular attention paid to Bank and Commercial work,
J. .H. ALLISON, JcfftrSon Aveuui.
Mr. Snow knows the nature of every paper published
such as Checks, Drafts, Notes, Certificates of Deposit and reduced. SINGER'S SEWING MACHINES, it Is well known,
gh dearer in price, have always been chesper in fact,
in England tad-tho United States, but he cannot, for tho
MENT, ?«o.
No. 16 Congresa-st, East.—A. C. ALEXANDER Ac. Maps, Portraits, Show Cards Ac, Lithographed and

idering what they will do, than'any other. The prices
j P £ U m tell the names of his children. H e knows would most respectfully intimate that, more fully to acc6mprinted in the most delicate colors by a hew process.
are now reduced so that all must be satisfied. Call and exparetsely the years of every American journal, but ho modate the wants of the patronizing public, and his large inamine
the new machines at the low prices.For the Convenience of the business community in this viooes not know tho age of his own baby. He knows how crease of business, he ha* adopted the improved facility which cinity, we have established an agency with' Mr. John W.
gives to the Art of Dyeing, having recently fitted up Green, at the office of the Detroit Daily Advertiser, 212 Jef• w r y contributor looks, but I do not believe he can tell Stcsm.
133 Jefferson Avenue, Detroit.
/ j h a t purpose. He now Dyes by 8team, every description ferson Avenue.
• • o t h e r my eyes are black or blue.
of 8ilks, Satins, Velvet, Crape-4 and Merinos, producing the
T h e worid says Mr.-Snow is getting rich. All Iknow most brilliant colors and best style of finish that every article
dersigned offer their extensive atock of Goods, conaist% a s gives me money to clothe our boys, and that, too, will admit of. Shawli of every variety Dyed and Cleaned.
—These Safei are a combination of Wrought and Chilled ingof all kinds FURNITURE AND UPHOLSTERY, to their
Iron, two inches thick. The Wrought Iron gives strength customers and the public generally, at the lowest possible
tffOttot a complaint of poverty. I hope the world is
aad the Ohilled Iron hardness; the safes being warranted Drill rates. Being prepared to meet all orders in our line of buairight in opinion, and, when I am satisfied it is, I shah
Proof. All other Fire Proof Safes are made of. Sheet Iron.
ness, we would advise buyers to call upon us before buying
advise him to resign his editorial honors, and spend a
S. R. WOOLLEY, Agent, at C. A A. Ives' Banking Office. elsewhere, as we intend not to be undersold by any firm in
- - . - --r—.-—f
amoklng: it precludes storms
few months in becoming acquainted with his wife and .from
Detroit, Nov. 1,
entering them; it lessens the liabilitiea to fires from
the west. All work warranted.
OWWwo. The little ones will foci much flattered in their burning oat: it. protects their tope from tho waste* of
the weather, and serves as an ornamental finish.
making the acquainteoce of so literary a man.
No. 121 Jefferson Avenue, Detroit'
. LJ SALE ONLY.—We have received from the ManufactuPersons desirous of securing the right of manufacture, or rers
abont 1,000 oases BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS, of all
of sale, or both, t® Cities, Counties, States or Territories. In the desirable kinds, and have also on hand a few thousand
Vromrrcoig or F'onrmn.—Some four years ago a- any
by Abbey H. Hemingway. The dsaign of this work is to
part of -the United States hot already disposed ot will be pairs of our own manufacture.
yomg i n n came North from New-Orleans, bringing with nirMsbed with a descriptive circular, by addressing the 'unWe shall continue to manufacture and to receive almost represent the general poetic literature of Vermont from Its
inheritance of $70,000. Two jeara of tbo time dersigned, and bv designating the territory they desire, they daily additions—so as to keep our stock at all times large and early settlement to the present period. The selections sre
will uso be furnished with the terms of sUe.
from the moat reliable sources, and will especially
complete- Confining ourselves to the Jobbing trade exclu- gathered
interest all Vermonters by birth-right aow resident In this aad
we can offer facilities nnequaled in Detroit, at 25 other Statea.
whicfl flhajl .be nameless, dn13
Manufactured and for sale, in Detroit, by
WoodWard Avenue.
U» balk of h u fortune. F o r
DUDLEY A HOLMES, 77 Woodward A n .
lit, Nov. 1, J858.












7®*™ J ^ b«en in thia city, and (taring
tte «M j w jfktojMitotoin the Gndeti Citr he yTUWP
" d Animal Physiology, designed for the use of Schools,

managed to dissipate Um balance. H e is a imtadiii acooimtaDt, and would he hot keep sober, oonlo command
• r r salary a»« book-taper; b u t m n kse beeir his foe,
H d jteteraaj-wo v w him posting handbills upon t i e
jClacago Democrat

Seminaries and Colleges, by Henry Goad by, M. D.. Profeaior
of Vegetable and Animal Physiology and Entomology in the
8tato Agricultural College of Michigan, embellished with anwards or 450 Illustaations. Although designed mainly for
Colleges and Schools, thia book willbe found invalaabls to
the general reader, and should find a place in every public
The beaaty of the wood engravings tfcat
TMA.—A moat excellent food for the eeovnlea«*
mada of half a pound of lean beef, cut la amall^k
- so Pientifafty adorn this work, is remarkable, aad their style
eminently pecuMv; white, red, yellow and bine figures,« a
aoaked half aa hoar, ormdre, in a quart of cold w
their distinctness tbey hare elicited
afterward boiled a few minutes, stirring It a little sa it ta'sIT-I
unanimous admiration.. For sale brDetrolt, Nov. 1,1868.
Containing cheice and characteristic selections from I
writings of the most eminent Humorists of America, 8*


-*• "BS.—Wc have now on hand, and constantly receiving, a
very large stock or Book aad New. Paper of all sltesi We
we Agents for nine of the best Mills In the aountry. which
ffivai us a chance to compete and undersell any establishment
In the West, and wsold say that we seB print paper cheaper
and a better article than can be found In this market: Also,
we have just received a large invoice of fine MannlBaa.Please call and ate for yourselves at
„ TEASE A FULLER'S, No. 110 Jefferson Ave.
Detroit, Nov. 1,18S8.

Optical and Philosophical Apparatus, No. 150 Jeffera _
Avenue, invite all thofce suffering from defective sight, to Inspect their assortment of greatly improved Perescopic Crystal and Pebble Spectacles, which are highly endowed with
the property of improving vision. Also, all kinds or Telescopes, Microscopes, Electric Machines, Drawing Instrument*.
"instantly on land.

signed having a Book Bindery in connection with his
a tore, is prepared to manufaetnre, to order. Blank Boobs
of every description. Merchant* and others, wanting any- p A P E K . — W E ARE PREPARED TO SUPPLY AT MILL thing in that line, are invited to gf*e him a calL Having the
X prices, all aisoi aad welghta of Print and Book Paper;— beat of workmen, he'can safely guarantee satisfaction in all
also Ledger Paper, Flat and Folded Paper. Letter., Cap and « - a
Detroit, Nov. 1,1866.
Comraereial Note, Wrapping and Tlarae Paper, Fancy and
8taple Stationery in great variety.
100 tons of Bagi wanted in exchange.


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