Grand Traverse Herald, March 11, 1859

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Grand Traverse Herald, March 11, 1859


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Morgan (1806-1874)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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V O L : I.

T H A L V K H S I S C I T Y , M I C H . K J I U J A . Y , M A R C H J I, J851).

C|c ®rani) Crnbrrsc i ^cralif,

N O . 18.

moval, and all vaauieics shnll be filled by appointments that the terms of such contract have been fnlly and faithof the Governor. J, The ,Gorcnior, the Secretary of State fully complied with, and shall -be verified by the oath of
the Auditor General, State Treasurer, Attorney General said commissioners, or a majority of them, and upon the
T r a v e l * City, Grand Traverse County, Michigan,
and the Commissioner of the State Land.Office bhall, as presentation of such certificate, and tho release'of his or '
a board, have power, and it gholl bo their duty, whenever their contract, if payable in money, it shall be the duty
in their judgment tI*o pufclic interests thall require it,- to of the State Treasurer to pay the same, or the amount duo
suspend the sarveya or opcratioia on any of raid rotites thereon, from any money in the treasury applicable to tho N
and to direct re-survpys with, a v-tew'to tho sdection' of construction of said road; arid if payable in laud it shall
T E R M S .
more fit and t-onvenient localities for the road; and to di- bo the duty of the Commissioner of the State Land Office.
rect from time'to time, what works Khali be commenced, upon like release, to cause to be issaed from the projier
Mr-fly ewKlbri——
sasncqded or discontinued; and this provision shall be department patents for the laiids which'Bhhll bo selected
AdmUwmtiiU »X0 for. «ae « r W ; S » tor th*4—.
embodied' in every contract under this a c t
and applicable to such contract b y t h c provisions of this
colimri, uil $30 (ur ooa calaatK J>ac*l xJrrrtlMnwnu U I
M ) W % U r : fffly cento pertoUoof 1<)0 word', J»» tho Slat
twvoty-flve rent*far««ch iaoMq««nt Krny
toaou • wont, "Plrm
See, 4. Immediately after being notified of their ap- act: Provided, That before any such payment either in
work wilhftM rxlo. SO per Mat. sddti Hale and l«nro work. donbM frier
pointment it shall l>e the'dutyof the commissioners for land or iu money, shall be made, it snail be competent
each of said roads to meet .at the time and place deagna- for the Governor, and he may at his discretion appoint
ted, as provided in lection three of this act, and take and also a special commissioner to examino and certity on
sulwcriljc tlie oath of office prescribed by tlie constitution oath to completion and fulfilment of any contract; Or the
aud laws of this State,- which oath of office, together with proirresd niiide towards such completion upop" any
an official bond in the sum of five thousand dollars each', of said roads,.and iu case such special commissioner*
T o Provide for the Drainage and Rcclnirantion of frith good and sufficient so.turitics to be approved by the slfcll be appointed, no payment shall IK- made except
Swamp Lands by means of State Ronds and board, and conditioned for the faithful performance of upon his additional certificate of completion, as aforesaid.
Sec. 10. The compensation of saidconunisionersshall
their duties respectively shidl be fijed in tho office of the
T r a v c w w C i t y , G-rar»<l
Co.- M i c h .
Whereas, The act of Congress, of September 28th, Secretary of State, whereupon the said commissioners be three dollars per day for the time actually employed
intho discharge of their duties inkier,this act, und uil
Land Warrant* bought and Hold, Taxt» pfild, Investments 1850, prantiftg to thi&State ccrtain lands Known as a\vamji mav enter upon their duties as prescribed by this act.
made, Ac. -Correspondence solicited.
for such services shall be certified by the-two
IWKU M i d l i n Hid lands or tho proceeds thereof to be
Sec. 5. To secure the construction j>f the 'roads aforeapplied; BO for as Decessary, to tho purpose, of reclaiming said, there shall be and is hereby appropriated of the commissioners not interested therein, aud verified by the
said lands: •
money hereafter to accrue from "the sale of the swamp oath of tlio commissioner claiming pay for sueh service,
. Pronkniting Attorney and Circuit Ooqrt
And tcherpu. In tho opinion of tho Legislature, one of lamls on average amount per mile on caelrof- said roads and when so certified, sworn to and allowed by tho Board
the most efficient means; of effecting that is construction not exceeding the value of six hundred and forty acres of of State Auditors it shall be the duty of thp State
TKAVKKSK f m . - | ..
of roadfl,,with proper ditches itnd drains - through the lands, at the minimilm pricefixedby the laws of this State: Treasurer, to pay .the same upon tho warrant' of the'
more unsettled parts of the State where such lands arc Provided, That not iiiortj than four htuidred thousand Auditor General out of any money applicable to the roa<l
upon which sueh services shall have been rendered.
chiefly situated; therefore.
acres of said swamp lands shall be applied in the construcSection !.- The People of the State of .Michigan tion of (ill said roads to Be distributed to them under the shall be thoduty of the Stato iVoasdrer, to pav
enact, That there Bhall be laid out and established bo direction of said board; and the Auditor General slutil accounts for tlie nccessary surreys of said roa<ls Huch
-fTTTLLIAM P . WELLS, (Suecciior to Campbell
commissioners to bo appointed by tlie tiorernor, by note in his warrants drawn under this act, to which of pccouuts to be certified and allowed ns hereinbefore
• VV W'Ua,) Attorney, Solicitor and Counsellor. Office and with tho advice anil consent of the Senate, upon tho said roads it relates; and shall, as shall ol^o the Stato provided, in case of services nitjdercd by said commissionover Farmers' and Mechanics Bank, Cor; Woodward tad Jefs. •
ferson av'iu, Detroit
n3 most direct and eligible routs between the placcs herein- Trea!si:ref,kccp a separate account with each road,ih such
Sec. 1L - No money shall l>c appliwl in the survey oT
after designated tho following State roads:
a tnanaer ns to show the amount expended upon enfch;
L. H U R D & COi^ Detroit. Michigan, Produce
1. A, road from or near Ionia, in Ionia county, -to And provided further, That auy contractor for the con-, such routes the acquisition of the'right of way, the
• ShippingMerchants Accents1and Oonsipnees forthefol- Houghton Lake, in the coanty of Roscommon, to CUd structiou of any of said roads, or any part thereof, may payment of any. services or exjjenses or in tlic construcihg Lines;—AMERICANt TUAXSI
TiiA.vsrpKTATHi.v COM PAST. CaplFort Mackinac, on tho Straits of Mackinac, known as the efcot to take lands iu lieu of money in liquidation of sudt tion and'o|>eni"ng of guch roads or any of them, out of
Ionia, Houghton Lake and Mackinac State Road.
contract, in which case such, election shall be stated in any other Stale fund except that derived from tho sale of
<g0O,0tftV A-nd the Xitw YOBK CKXTAI, R
2. A road from tho south line of Newaygo county the contract, that no more than an average of six hundred said swamp lands 'or the lands themselves ahd this
ILCOX, L UFP ti- PULLER.I (Successors to E. W.
provision snail also l>c embodied, in all such contracts? it
Hudson.) Cotnmlhdon Merchant* and dealers In Ship through Newaygo in the county of Newaygo, to North- and forty acres of said lands shall be stipulated to be paid' Iteing the-determination of the Legislature never to charge '
Stores, Coal, Salt, Water I&uc, Plaster* Ac. Docks foot of port, td be known as the Newaygo and Nortliport State per mile for any of said rjiads, and that said laisls so stipDates Street, Detroit, Mich.
llond. "
ulated or withaniiwu from market until alter the full com-, any part of'the cost of such roads upon the ordiuurv
Qso. F. FCI.LBK.
3. A road from Port Huron, in tho county of St. Olair, pleb'on of all the work provided-for in any such contract, ruvenues of the State.
Sec.' 12. Of the proceeds of said swamp lands hereafRAVES & 6IIELDOK, (Successors to Lewis A 0 raven) to Bay City, via. Vassar; thence westwardly to .the me- and the lands so "selected to be taken shall bo charged ter to accurc," there'is hereby appropriated an amount
Produce and (joneral Coumilssion Merchants on the ridian township lino between ranges two and three west; against the proper rOad iii the accounts of theState TnuvDoplc'noar the foot of Cass street
thence southerly by way of 8 t Johns, Clinton county, to surcr and Auditor .Gcucral: .bid provided further. That equal to one -hundred thousand acres at the minimum
J AH US 0 . GKAVSS-i-. . JJ.Cn AS. A. SnELDOX/ tho meridian township lino between ranges two and three "any lands so taken shall ba within tho coanty in which prico- as fixcil by law, or land to that amount for the
Benefit of the organized counties of the Ix>wer Peninsula.
AQ. S T I S S O J f , Produce, Commission awl Shipping west; thence southerly to Lansing, in Ingham county, to the work to bo paid for lias been done, find in propprtion to. be expended in draining and reclaiming siud lands by
a Merchant, Warehouse on. Dock, foot of Bates street, bo known as the Port HuronrBay City and Lansing State to flic length of lino and cost of road in said county.
Sec. C. The money applicable to said roods shall be means of levees and ditches; which sum is hereby
t&- Lll>oral'advance* made on Produce, for sale in this Or
4. A road from East Saginaw, in thc county of Saginaw annually apportioned among tho several roads in propor- placed mider tho direction of said board, and may
Kastorn Markets.
to Bay City, in Bay county, and thcnce via. of Oltawa tion to the quantity of swamp lands in the counties through Under their direction IKS drawn from the treasury from
Befor to—John Owen, Pres't Michigan' Insurance Co. Bank;
timo .to time and shall be applied to that purpose in such
<o 0. Williams ACo^ Forwarding andCotamlsslou Merchants, Bay,* to the Sable Rivet, to bo known as tho East Sagi- which the roads paw respectively. And it shall bo tno localities and under such rules and regulations as they
iw and Sable State Road.
duty of tho State Treasurer, on or before the first day of
5. A road front Lexington, in Sanilac county, westward July in each year, to.make onia statement of the amotint may prescribe; and every contraot under this section shall
-E. PITTMAN, dealer in Coal and Ply Iron. Ottee
signed by the contractor with at least two good and
to the Flint river, in.the countv of Lapeer.
which is or applicable to said roads during tho
•and Yard, foot of Cassntreet Detroit.
i 6. A road from St. Mary's Falls to the Straits of Mack- twelve months next thereafter; with the anfouirt appor- sufficient securities to bo approved by the board, and
COALS.—'Lehigh, Blossbnrg, Kcranton, Briar" Hill, Newcastle, Eric./

inac, to be' known as tlie St. Mary's river and Mackinac tioned to each of said roads, and to transmit u copy of shall bo filed in the'office of the Stato Treasurer: ProPIG IltONv—-Hanging Rock,- MassilVm, Scotch Franklin, State road.
such statement to one - or more of the comaiissionere of vided, That contractors may elect to take land in lieu
Middlesex, Clinton. Various Other brands of Coal and Pig
JVA road from tho village of Ontonagon, southerly to each of said roads, which statement and ajipQrtiaumcnf of money in liquidation of any Buch contract at the miniIron are kept for salt.
, .V • n:i
tho'Sfato line,.to l>o known as the Ontonagon and State shall be b'ased. upon the amount of money then in the mum price: And provided farther. That said board
ORNELIUS OCKFORD, Prodnce, FomnrdlngVnd Line road.
Treasury, applicable to raid roads, and the "estimated re- shall apportion said sum to said several counties accordCommission Merchant Office No. 2 Backus' Warehouse, 8. A.road from Marquette, on I^ike Superior, to Little ceipts into tlw Treasury from the rale of swamp lands ing to tno amount as near as may be, of such swamp
oppo*ite M. C. It R Depot, Detroit Mich.
n3 Bay Do N<w,'(ofr NoCffuette,) to be known as tlic Mar- during tho next succeeding a x months; and no contract lands lying within such county respectively:
Sec. 13. This act-shall take effect and be in force
quette and Bay De No« State road. '
or contracts for work on any-of said roads exceeding tho
9. A road from Houghton village by way L'AnseBay amount go estimated as applicable to such road, shall be'Uio Wisconsin State Ihie, to be known as tho L'Anso .made until the next annual apportionment by the State
Tho Newspaper.
Bay and Stato line State road.
Treasurer, unless such contract shall be payable in land
Rev. Henry Ward Beeeher thus speaks ofthe newspaI Window:Class,No,,80 Wood10. A road front Allegan by way of Holland, Ferrys- as in this act provided, but contracts, may be made for
per, the common people's ^Encyclopedia:
. ward avenue, Detroit Mich.
bnrg, Muskegon and Curlpton s Mills, and thence north the construction or the whole or any part of any of said
In no other way can so much, so varied, BO use fid
T X T I L L A R D HARVEY ic CO., Bt Maiden' Lane, and through the counties of Oceana, Mason, Manistee and roads, payable in said swamp lauds, us by this act preinformation'be imparted, and under ' circumstancei so
VV 17 Cedar,street, Nfcw York, Paper Warehouse. Every Grand Traverse Bay, t i lie called the Allegan, Muskegon scribeu.
favorable for educating tho child's mind, as through a .
description or Wrapping. Printing anfl Writing i'aper, on and Traverse Bay State road.
See. 7. Contracts shnll riot be l e t Tor work anon any
hand, or made to order. Fancy, 1'olorod nnd Tlsaue Papers,

Sec. 2. For the purpose of laying out and establishing of said roads, until thirtv days public notice of tnc time judicious .well-conducted, oewspa|»er.
Blotting Papers Envelopes, Straw 'and Bonnet Boards. n3
To live in a village,' was once to be shut up and conState roads,, and procuring thp right of .way for tho same and place of letting shall have W n given in some newsS> CUTIUBERT As CO.. Wholesale Druggists and the commissioners appointed in pursuance" of this act,. paper published iu the county in which 6uch letting is to tracted. But now a man may bo a hermit and yet a
• Grocers, XOTJ 102 and 104, Woodward avenue, Detroit, shall have power to survey or caose to bo surveyed the take place, if a newspaper bo published iu guqh cOuuty, cosmopolite.. He may live in the forest, walking miles to
have In store and 'offer- to tie. Trade, alarge stock of Sugar,
a post-office, having a mail but once a week, and yet be
Syrup, Molasses, Fish, Fruit,' Spices, NtUs Liquors, Drugs, respective route of said roads (which shall bo not less ai)d afso a paper in Lansing, ahd two. papersSnthc cityof shall be found as familiar with the living world as .the busiCordage,"Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Navalfitdres, Window Glass, than four or ptore than!six rods wide,) across any of the Detroit, and to be.posted up in at least twenty of the est actor in j t ' For the newspaper is a spyglass by which
Ac, Ac.
n3 public lands the lauds of this State or of any private most public places in the coanty in which such letting i?
J. 8. CitTHBErr,.
W. CAMTIS. person; and for the location^ laying out and opening of to take place. . Such cont racts shivll lie let, and said roads lie brings near the most distant things—a microscope by
which he leisurely examines the most minute objects—ion
UY P . HINCHMAN it CO., l>ealer*\ln GruceHos such roads,.to enter upon and tnko for the use thereof any completed in consecutive sections, and, in. the, Lo'wer cur triuropbet by which" he collects and brings within bis
anil Provision's, l'alnts. Oils, Twines, Can\«s, Anchors such lands laying witluii the boundaries of the road, and Pcmmula, shall commence at the sou3iern or eastern terand Chains, Tar, Pitch, Rosin, Oakum, Ac, A complete stock not in any incorporated city or villi age: Provided, That - minus of raid roads and in tlie -Upper Peninsula, lit , the hearing all tbht is said and done all over the earth—a
of Ship Chatfdiery and tho above named articles always on when it shall bo necessary, iu constructing such roads to northern and western terminus. Every coutraet shall be muiieuui full of real pictures of real life, drawn not on
hand and for sale very tow, at *6 Woodbridge street, Detroit,
canvas but with printer's ink on paper.
take the land of any private persau or owner, the com- in writing, and shall, not be valid, if payable in money,
Thb effect, in liberalizing and enlarging the mind ofthe
missioners shall proceed as .follows: They shall proceed until a copy of the same, accompanied by a survey Of the
young of the weekly commerce with the world, will be appa- CI ORIGGS & CO^MANCFACTUREItS AND DKAI. -to view the lands so toj be' taken, and give the owner or
rtion of the road to be constructed under the ranio,
O a "era at Wholesale and Betai!, in Sofas, Chains Bedsteads,
rent to any one who ponders i t . Once, a Iil>eral education
s been filed in the office of the, State Treasurer, and, if
Dureaus, Hook-ca«e>, Wardrobes, Tables, Painted Chamber occupant such .notice as they may deem reasonable, to be
could only be completed by foreign traveL The sons of
S e ^ Marblo attd Rosewood Ware, ami n large, assortment of presort at the view, and make such showing Y-s ho may payable in land, in the offic&or the Coinnritvioncr of the
Hair, Huck, Cotton and Spring Mattrasses. Also, linlr Clotlis, desire, touching title, and the amount of damages to be State Lend Office, nnd if payable in land and money, in the wealthy could indulge in this costly benefit. But
Spring Twine, Webbing, pnrft Curled Ilalr, Willow Ware aud sustained hv such taking; and having taken such view, both of said qfficcs. . Upou t h t receipt of any contract.- now the poor man's sou can learn as much at home, as a
Looking Glasses, at No's. 163 A 105 Jefltrson Avenue, Detroit,
hundred years ago a gentleman cftuld learu by traveling
the commissioners shall thero upon estimate the amount for. work upon any of raw roads it shall be tlio duty of
; ' • • . 'lie • T
tno world over. For while there are some advantages in
ofsuch damages^'if any, aud make and sign a certificate, the State Trea^ucer, or the Commissioner Of the S a t e
UDLEY & HOLMES, WHOLESALE ANDHETAIL of tlieir finding, describing the lands in question, and Land Office, as the case may be, to lay the 'seme before going into the world it is the poor man's privilege to
dealer* in Hardware, Stoves, Boyaton's Hot Air Furpahave the world come to eeo him. The newspaper Is a
ce^ Register, Grates, Cooklag Banges, Tinner's and Plumber's eause\the same to be 1ilod in the office of the State the Governor for his approval; and if approved, such ap- great traveler, a great lecturer.- I t is the peoples EncyStack, Machines and Pools. Also, manufacturers of Coppert Treasurer; and in case tho same shall bo approved by proval shall be cudorscaupon,the contract, and the rame clopjedia—tlie lyceuni, the college.
Tin aud Sheetjron Wares, Rouse and Steamboat Plumbers. tho board mentioned in the third section of this act, shall thereupon become vand, and l>c placed on fileT as
3W" Agents for Wilder'a. Patent Sahunander Safes.
such damages shall be paid out of any moneys in tho State hereinbefore provided. If the Governor do not tfcprove
A Gale at Se«u
Particular,attention paid to House And Steamboat PlumbThe following from Lord Dufibriu a Yacht Yoyage, is
ing, and putting the most approved Heating add Vcntlllating Treasury that shall any time after the passage of this act, such contract, he shall endorse his.disappronil triereon,
Furnaces and Cooling Apparatus In Public and Private Build- accrue from the sales of the swamp lands; and upon such whereupon the same shall be void, awl be immediately a fine picture of the sea in a gale:
ings, in the City and Country. No
Woodward Avenue, payment or thn tender thereof, or of tlic auditor's warrant returned to the Commissi oner from whom it was received.
" Anything grander ami more exciting than thfe sight
Detroit (Opposite Holme* A Co.)
n3 on tho State Treasurer, for the amount of such damages Such contracts shall, in all cases be let to-the lowest . the sen itodcr the*- circumstances you cannot imagine.
to the owner, his agent or to the occupant the land-may resjKmsible biflder for siich work; and good security, iu Tho vessel herself remains very steady; when you ore
B n i L k CO., MANUFACTUREBS AND WHOLE• aale add retail dealers in Silk, Pur, Wool, Panama. Palm- be entered upon ahd nscd for the purposes of such roads. the discretion of the Commissioners awl Governor, shall below you scarcely know you are not in port. But on
raising your head above the companionway, the first
Leat Leghorn and Straw Hata, Fur, Cloth, P-iash, Silk and But in case saidboifd shall disapprove such estimate or be given for the faithful performance of.such work.
Glazed Caps; all descriptions of mauubcturcd Fun for ladles finding, tho commissioners shall re-ostiraato the damages
See. 8. Every such ccintract shall contain a description Sght that meets your eye is an upright wall of black
and genfflsmen: Buckskin ploves and Mittens, Fur, Kid, Silk in the manner ahd to the effect aforesaid.
of the land covered by tho same, the distance raid road is wntcr, towering, you hardly know how many feet, into
and Woolen Gloves, Canes, Umbrella^ Cravats,. Stupcnderx,
Sec. .3.' There shall be appointed in the manner here- to be constructed over 'dry, wet or swamp lands the the air above the stem. lake a lion walking on its hind
Ac. Hatters' Stock.and Trimmings, DuflMo and Fancy 81eigh
inbefore'/^ovided,-throe commissioners for each of the number, dimensions and "construction of sluices and legs it comes straight at you, roaring and shaking its white
llobe*, Ac.
Couant Block.148 Jeffferson Ave. aforesaid roads and the commissioners at their first meet- bridges and widjh of road-bed, of clearing and of grub- mane with fury—it overtakes the vessel—the upright
P. S.—Cash paid for Shipping Far* and Deer Skins.
ing, to b e hold at some placoon the line of the respective bing, and provisions requiring ditches oa each side of shiny face curves inward—the white mane seems to hang
, - p i C H M O N D A 4c BACKUS.—PBEMIUM ACCOUNT roads to be designated by the Governor, shall be by lot saiu road sufficient to carry off tho surface water, and over your very head; but ere it topples over, the nimble
I I I Book Manufactory and Book-BlnderT, No. 183, Jefferson to be drawn by themselves, divided into three -classes; ampfeside drains wherever the same areneceaary, and little ship has already dipped from underneath. You
•Avenue.—Account Hooks of every ddqeription made to order, thoae of the first class shall hold office for one year, those that over all low or wet lands tho grading shall be of hear the disappointed jaws,of the sea monster snap angrily
of auperlor paper and workmanship, at lower prices, than of the secohd class two years, and those of tho third class sufficient height to form, a diy road-bed; and the Com- together; the schooner disdainfully kicks up he? beels;
heretofore. Warranted to give satisfaction In every particuthree years; and that therafter one commissioner for each missioners shall cause a true survey of the route of any raging and bubbling on either side the quarter, the UBlar.
Commercial Printing, Bulinr and Binding, executed to of said roads shall bo appointed in each year, whose term such road through any county to be filed and recorded pausing wave sweeps on, and you see its round back far
ahead,, gradually swelling upwards as it gathers strength
of office shall be threo years, unfcss such toad shall sooner in .the- office of the Register of Deeds thereof
Tho subscriber having bad an experience of over fourteen bo completed, and until his successor shall be appointed , Soc. 9! Upon the completion of all the work by ant and v51um% for a new effort"
years, feels assured that they can'defy competition in prices and qualified, udkss sooner removed by the (rovompr, in contract required to be done on any of raid roads, it shall
and ausli'y of workmanship.
A "WBK saw" i s doabtkss one that haa cut its wiswhich case another slall be appointed in his stead; and be the daty of the eGmmis&ODero for said rood officially
the Governor shall have the unconditional power of re- to certify to such completion, which certificate shall state dom teeth.

AH Kinds of Job Prialkg Neatly and Eipsi'woslj Eiwrffll..

^CnKBE is dew fqr the tlowret.
And honey for the bee;
And bowers for the wild bird,
And Iiive for ybo and me!
There *>rc tears for the many.
Ana pleasure*ibr the few;
But, let the world pass on, dear.
There's love for me and you!
There I* care will not leave OF,
And pain that will not flee;
But ob onr hearts nnaltcrM. .
Sits Love, 'tween you and me!
Oi'* love, ft ne'er was reckon'd,
. Yet gpoil it LH and true;
It's half the world to me, dear,
It's aU tlic world to yon!

Aaornci] miir (konratto at S'uto,

Detroit Business Cards.









g$t (Sranit Cratost ffitralfr.

Synopsis o r the Registry Low.
A Villainous Scheme Defeated. ,
Sea 16. Provides that the name of no jierson shall be
H e new Apportionment bill introduced by the Slave- •Sec. L Provides that there shall be in the year 1859, registered in any town or ward whore be docs not actual! v
a registration of qualified electors of tlie State. The rcside.
reuniuiA.v BATE*. •DiTOPAlderman of cities, and the Supervisors, Treasurers and
Sec. 17. Provides for a review and correction Of regiscently passed that body, was made expressly to perpetu- Town Clerks, tut; to be a boara of registers. They are ters,
as to alterations by death or removal.
ate the ascendancy of that party in the State. It gives to provide suitable books alphabetically arranged for each
Sec, 18. Town Ck-rks to furnish certified eopv of
thirty-eight members to the House of Rcpresentatires township Olid ward, to contain the names m full, the register lo any qualified clector, on payment omftv cents
for each one hundred names.
Cuic.M Autji r.-JImri. KOU.NDrt tDAXOWW, No. 136 Randqlpa from a territory which polled 113,000 yotes at the late places of residence, street and number of dwelling.
amour io(e As*ut.ln flilc«p>, •«> «ra dulj •uthcrtKd toiwdrcad.
Sec. 19. Provides punishment for willful, destruction,
election, and thirty-seven members only to the remainder
*crtUtiaCQU u d MbstripOom. Mid i«e*!ptforthe •»»«.
Sec 2. Provides that the Board of Registers shall give mutilation, or falsification of
of. the State, which" cast 140,000.
Sec- 20. Makes it tin* duty of township Clerks, within
Spring Election—First Monday in April.
As the veto power exercised by the Governor of that of October, 18r>9, to make a list of qualified electors in twenty days idter a general election, to transmit to the .
State, umounts'to hardly a shadow—a bare majority bo-, each ward.. The board anay so divide itself as to assign County Clerks and to the Town Treasurer, a true copy
For Chief Juitlce of tic Snpr*me Court.
ing sufficient to pass a bill over his heud, the only way to each ward two or more of its members in case of of thf contents of .the register, for which he is to receive
a fee of fifty cents for each oue hundred names.
left for defeating tho iniquity was for the Republican mem- inability oil the-part of-nn Alderman to attend, the Asses- . Sec. 21. Makes iVthe^dutv of tho President mid TrusOf KrfnL
bers to go home and leave the Legislature without a quo- sor of the ward or u Justiee ofthe Peace may be appointed tees of villages,, to procure from the clerk orthe.tojyi.-hips
Lnmber Prospects Here and Elsewhere.rum. .This, they did, and on the last day of thp Session 'Ihe session shall -continue not''teas than three iior more iu which such villages are situated, a true ecfpy >f the
We have Lad nosleigUingfor the last three weeks, and the Governor sent in his veto of the bill, as we learn by Ihau five days
village election Register to be nail by the insjxictors of
•the season for getting iu log<» may be; considered fairly the following Jrom the Chicago Press and Tribune of
Sec. 3. At the tiipe and place provided, the Board village elections, whp ore endowed with the same ajithoriover As .we-,predicted two weeks ago, no$ tho 24th: "By a special dispatch to the Evening Jour- shall-procecd t o the'registration of oiaines, provided that tv as the inspectors of township elections, to inquire into
tiie qualifications of electors whose names are not regismore than tw'o-thinlstlio uaaol quantity have been got nal, we learn that the Governor returned the Apportion: for the first two di(ys ol'tlie session they shall not.register tered. .
•into the tributaries to Grandj Traverse Bay, As a con- ment Bill to the Home yesterday morning, with his ol>-. any riamc unkss requested ly the party owning it. but
-hall-allow the party to register .his own name.. Afy>r Sec. 221 Provides penalty for falsely personating any
sequence, tho lumber product will fall that much short of. jcctiuus, when the Donglesites forcibly ejected the Gov- the'first two days, the Board are to proceed to make, out debtor whoso name is re jisterod.5
See. 23. Giv<LS the Recorder'. Court of DetroitJurislast year's manufacture.
ernor's Secretary who brought it iiL The bill was taken the registration from their own knowledge or who are diction over all offences under this net committed - within
We-sec by our exchanges thsit a similar state of things from tho hands of the messenger by Green, (I)ouglnsits.) qualified electors of the ward. The Boanj lstrfo power the,city limits, in other cases the Circuit Court- of tinexists in the lumber districts of other States, as well as who threw it upon the. floor. Church (Republican) to.questioii-every person rtqu'c.^ing registration touching proper connh-has" cognizance of offences, and in some
his residence mid'quulificotionB;'and when nccessarj-inay
Michigan. The Green Bay (Wis.) Mzocatc says that picked it up and placed it on the Speaker's desk, and the employ a sworn interpreter. If an 'applicant' shall muke caks jurisdiction )s given to Justi<SJs Cohrts. . •> •
tW. 24. Makes a violation of (ho provisions of the a< t
there aro some filly lumbering pstablishmcnts on the wa- 'Sjieaker knocked it olE . Green then put it in l\ja pocket any material sttitemciil which is fa!.-<-, lie shulj be liable
by aiiv person charged with itsexecntion, a misdemeanor.
ters of Green Bay. A few are doing a full business,.but
Daring these proceedings the greatest excitement ex- to fuio and imprisiiimeut.'
Sec. 25. Mal<es it the duty of every city and town
Sec. 4. E very per on procuring his name to be entered
many aro lying idle. The stock of lumber this year yill isted in tlje House.
ennnaUy iu the month of November, to" forward to
or euterJug it hi'uwtlf, knowing tliat lie ia not a (piuhfii'd
Call far short of former winters. Ainoiig other tilings ' Late lait eveuing wc received the following dispatch: voter,fcliixllbe lialile to fine a»d imprisonment.
the SecretarysjOf Stot.o the aggregate number of iiiimes
appearing in the register for the city or iciwnship. The
tending to this result is the whbt ofrsnow.
SPRINGFIELD, Feb. 22. 1859.
Secretary bf State is to •keep a record in su< h a way as
The Olean (N. Y.) jldvertivcr says: 1"iie usual amount ElKTOOS
See, 5.' On the Thursday, Friday ' end Safutdoy iK-xt to show the rumli^r of votes iu caoh tonnsliip.
of lumber annually rnn downj the Allegany fiver and ity No quorum in tho House. Apportionment vetoed. proceeding the gaticfnl'cloetTtip, hnifW theTliunilay aiid
Sea 2.6. Gives cudi UK inhi-r of a city board of liegisSenate
tributaries, id estimated nt friin 150^)00,000 to 175,000,•Friday ncxtpreeet-ding the day of the- repilar charter try, tw6 dollars j>er day, whilo emplojcd iUid members of
iipprojiriiition ljill passed. DeiiuK-rals enraged. Rejmb- election of the city, ami during .tljo- two itays (Sunday towiHhip hoards the snnie coiiijKiisation :!.< iK>p<Setora of
000 feci. jThis aniouht is to |>c greatly reduced the com- ! icons jutiibnt.;
excepted) Wrach next precede! any special election after election receive. '
ing Spring. • W e doubt if iti will exceed 100,000,000,
the year one thoudaiid eiv-ht hundred and fifty-nine, the
S^c. 27-. l'lvcry member of the Board ia to'takn the
OfQciul Corruption.
including the amount manufactured find to be manufacboard of l-egistrutjou of the «ity, to lie constituted ua constitutional oath of officcv •
tured from the logs now on hand. The amount of log*
aforesaid.'shall b;-|in K>sion lit such plaees-.iu the several
Sec.. 28.'Pre.-vi zirs the fbnii of registry.
now on band cannot .be greatly increased unless wc get says that the exposures thus fur mode, by the House Com- wards as they shall! designate in thpir iKitici-s. to lie posted
Nortkport to, lie Annexed.
snow, and there ia but little prospect of that Eastern mittees of Investigation are damning, and that, too, upon up as hereinafter! provided, from nine o'cloclwin the foreGrand. Kapidsand Northport are to bo'united.. Among
dealers have been, among our manufacturers very.fecently, tliC limitjed opportunities of tracing corruption ba -k, completing the lijst of qualified' voters, during which the roads prbyidedAr by act of tlV lyCgihkitnrv! "Mo proowing
intermaking purchases, :uid, wfc liehr, have agents now among
s;- sion it shall be the right of each nud every jierson then vide for ;li2 ilraltmge <uid.rceJaiuiutioo 'of Swamp Lnmk
them to purchase to alpiosi any amount for export via ested witnesses. It is clearly proved ia the case of Sea- actually residing in tlifc ward.; and who lit the then next by nieaiw of State, Roads aud DitchoA" is one from tho
Genesee Valley-Canal the coining season. Good lota of man, tho late Democratic Superintend ant of Printing, approaching: election may lie a qualified elector,, and south line of Newaygo coufity through "Newaygo, in tho
whoso ttai'ue is not already registered, to hare nis- mime
lumber on the dock at Olean, are now worth from'$12 to that large percentages were levied on even^coiitractor, enten-d in the regis ter, which shall be dbneiritlie inanner
cpuuty of Newaygo, to Nflrthport,. to be known as the
$13 per thousand feet, while in Pltl-bnrg it is worth from with an uudcrstauding-that they were to be distrilhited ubovu described ; laid such board, andcaeh mender tlrorer
Newnygo and NorthpoH Stato Road. .
bctwoen him and'his confederates. Xliey hail every mo- of, end cpeh applicn>i>: for rerfhtratibn is htnvby vested and
$11 W l 2 50.
The building of thus- road will open aline or settlements
tire, therefore, to enlarge tho allowances and to plunder charccd wish 'the sumo rightj, powers, duties tuid jpeual .through its whole length, so that oncuuiy thivel fi;oin this
Oregon Admitted.
the Government. In the case of u PMadelpbiawitness,
city, to t; rood Travel S«J Bay and lx; all .tho jitpa in the
. The bill to admit Oregon yito the Union has parsed the small discrepancy of $10,0(10 was discovered in a hereinafter provided.
of ciyiiieation iu-tead of-travcrsiiig traeklcm forests
See. 0. At h-.ast two weeks proSious tq,the conuiHiiccthe Homo of Bepre?cntatjyaj=by a vote of 114 to 103.
bill of' $70,000 paid for. $C0,000 work executed. The riient of any such se?.ioti. notice is to be published'in the. as ho must now do. Tho country ptnetrated ;by this road
Fftoeu Republicans voted for it, and seventy-three pgaiiist
newvpnpers. ^ i d iu htuidbiilj that'faid scs.-ion bo held— •wiH.'.doitbtje?« settle very rapidly, for olmo. t Vimultohedifference was not explained.
onsjy witli its progress will be heard the snorting of "the
i t Tlio entire delegation from this State voted Nay. It
One singular fact is noticed, throughout the books 9f sakl huiiubilL-i to contain t i c names of electors already the iron horse as lie gues prancing into and through ouev.
will be recollected that tho bill passed the Senate at the
registered. Alter the closing of the polls the names
these contractors, which is that, -while in .nil other re- which, may have been put on Uio register, and not on the norlher'n jf!m'yegions.
; •'
previous Session, anil OrCgdu is iJow the thirty-third
The work of buildingth so State Roads is to IXJ cutcretl
spects they aro regularly and cleanly kept, whenever tl»cre handbill, are to l>e traiwjriljbd upbn the printed handbill
State in the Union.
is a Government account, interlineations, erasiyes and. —and such handbill duly cdrrected ami sigiu'd is to b e upou inmiodiately. <)ur WIow citizen. S. O. Kingsbun-,
is one of. the Commissioners iippointed" for the Newaygo
Though nominally! n free State, she will in all things
private pencil memoranda appear, and, generally, figures tiled in th;: County ClerVs ofiice. which shall be prima aud Northport road and has already received his instrucobey the behests of Slavery; and.for that reason she is
to force balances! This coinqidenco is a little too' re- facitj'evidcnce of tlic orizinal.
Sec. 7. Provides for the safe keeping of the original tions, mid will fill .his bond and immediately cuter upon1
admitted with n population of 50,000, 'nhd iui unconsti'
markable to escape obser\atiou,ar.d couimcnt. In truth, rcgirtration,
, the' ncrformanco.ofhis dtuiob;
tutional .Constitution, while Kansas, bccaitso she is Rethe whole thing reeks with corruption from first to last,
See. 8. At an election, the Inspectors are to use the . The < 'onnuissioiter.-i are to meet at Newaygo.on the 1st >.
day of March and cost lots to docide upon the length of
publican, is kept outuiitilaholuis a population of 93,000.
and implicates men enjoying high ofliqn and trusts with registry, and nrw to reject the vote of env jicrsqn whose time each is t o serve, after which th«y arc to proceed to
• Tho Constitution of tho Uiiitcd States gnarantee* to
trnuasictions which,.if committed iuide? ordinary'cireuin- name is not in tfce registrt-. But if any jK-rson Whoso survey and locate tlio rwuL The rood ia to l>e eix rods
name: is notircgisteitfd; thatl ofii-r OQII clium to vote—Jiis
citizens ^f each Stato all tho privileges and immunities of
stances, and where imlividuals Were j-^rties on both sides; iinnie'inny b?n-eg^topcd upon the terms- and couditions wide. whefe.pmcticaWe, and to 1K> located on the. dryost
citizens in the several. States. ,1 In Massachusetts all coloriitettad of tho Government on one, would coiisign them hereinafter prescribed fori like c'aoes, at township clec- and tno& feasibls route find ns near a direct coni%c as circantstguces will adruij^ and kt-epiug uw>L| truvekd roads,
ed men we citizens, and the Constitution of New Yorktions.
. | •'
to the:Penitentiary.
without deviating too.fur from a direct routo.
declares all to l»e citizens, aiii entitled to vote, who posSees D.-Prori(les for the registration in township— practicable
The Comnii. joaers.will receive as comp<':isa,tion tlireo.constitutes tlic Boiirdtlic same as before llicntioned.
sess certain property-qualifications; but the Constitution
Wyocdotte JtolIinK .Hill Cotupniir*
See.- 10. At tub ilinunl jiieeting of each township on dollars ]>er day fyr time actual!)-.spent; and' inch other
of Oregon Will not 'permit tlioso citizens of Massachu- x Tho Detroit Daily Advertiser says that this Company
the first M.ondtiv.of'-April iii the year one thOiLiand expci& s for surveyor and n^istaiita'jBS may bo r e t i r e d ,
• setts and New York; to coinij within her borders for apy are dmng an iixtensire busiiieik They.^ave a front of 000 eight hundred and fiRy-niiuv the towa-hip:Treosur<sshall togeliu-r with ncce.- ;siy canipCquijiafir and provisions.
A. B. Watson, of Newaygo, and Ilearv Palmer, of
purposes whatever, and cvenj goes so for as to make it n feet, on the Detroit River, their grounds rauitng back n ut a.pla-.! as near, a? practicable lo that of-the nttctins
penal ollbnce for her awn citizens to furnish them with a longdistance.' On theirgroundsaro situated two mills, and of conrenientiaccess t<> the electors, havo said book Monrou, arctlic other Conum.uner.« with. Mr. Kings;bury,; upon this roatL The seltlejncni an'd inprovement
meal of Actuals or a'night's lodging! Such is thd 'De- ono for tho manufacture of Trails, the other for merchants' or register in r.-adiness for the entry cf their names, and of our nontLeru country are destined tda rapid aud cteady
mocracy', of Slaveryleverywlaere.
iron. ThO number of hands employed by the Company euch »|unlilirxl elector rssiding in tho towii^iip niny then wlvaucement. from this time forward.

Writoits name kt length; ill the proper place in sakl reg[Grand Rapids"liogl".
The followiijg is the provision »f the Oregon Constitu- at praent is about three hundred,-and the miils are kept ister, if able* and willing to do So, or the Treasure!;] shall,
tion to which we. hfiytf-alluded:
in opiiratiou night and day. The men ore jwid from upon request nsoik; in his ^rcaenco l«y the elector porsoih
Terrible Adventure* on a PralrFc.No free negro or. mulatto, not residing in this State seventy-five cents to five dollars per day, receiving their allv, write the ttauie. of r.uch elector in its proper nlacc.
IT. S. Packard, Ksq., nil low A editor and lawyer, was
The Supervisor or A -cs-or, whaiore'r he makes an recchtly lo-t in a snow storm Iwtween Simtx Rapids and
n\ the time or the adoption of this Constitution, almll wji-rea once per moijtli. 'lTic ambmit of money paid by
as.wsment in his towmship, shall have 'with him tlio reg- Fort Dodge. About threo hours after he started a heavy
ever c«me, "rtt?ide, of be wifliin this State, or hold any
ister. and shall allow each qualified ek-ctor whose name is snow storm burst- upon him, accompanied by high .wind
real estate, or njake any contract, or maintain any snit
not entered to enter (he ^unie.
therein; and the. -Legislative Assembly shall provide bv nine Uiotwmd dollars.
from the Northwest Knowing the danger of u'.leinpting
Sec. 11. < In the Thursday. Friday, and Saturday, next to cross those -Inrgo pridricH in' mch a storm, ho turned/'
From May dst to February 1st, tlwrc wqi manufactured
]>enal laws for the removal, by public officer?, of all such
free negroes anil mnlaltois, and for their effectual exclu- sixty-one hundred tons of T rail, nnd'fiftecn hundred tons preceding the" general ejection, ahd on the sanu w-eek bock and attempted to retrace hi3 steps, but'soon found
sion from the State, and for 'the punishment of pet-sons niL-rchnnt.s' iron. There was purchased,dnrfng the year days next preccditig the clcy of tlio annual meeting of the it was impoi&ible for man or l^east to-face t};e storm; la*
townships, and during tho three clays (.Sundaysexcepted) therefore jiVgceedcd 011 his jonrneyj confident that-he
who shall bring them into the State, or.employ or harbor
18f>8, and which will lie uspd by tho lstof April, thirteen which next precede any Sfsieial electicto, after the ycur coijld ride to the next.hor.:e (4b miles)by mglitfii'l.-.But
them therein."
thousand tons of bituminous coal, from Cleveland. In tho ono thousand Iright hjmdred ojici fifty-nine, the board ol* his horse, having broken through, the ico several times,
Tho Jndicial Convention.
same time there was used about one hundred (thousand registration of each t'owiulup shnll be in session a' the heennib afpiid to go upon the iee,' and he was 'lielav^jl
Tho Detroit Advertiser in: commenting upon the Jndi- fire brick from New Jersey, costing about &xty dollars office of the towtisaiji cleifc."from niiic o'clock in the fore- many times nt ,sIonghsi about half way across tbepruirje.
noon until five O'clock in the afternoon for the purpose of
cial Convention recently held in that city says: Hon. Geo.
he found i t - . b l p to induce the horse to go "
per thousand, and four hundred tons fire clay, for the con- completing tho list 6f qualified cleddry; durnig whie,h Here
upon tiie ire, and ttliile searching for a lietter crossing,
Martin, the present upright, uccomplished. and very nijlo struction of the heating furnaces.
session it shall lie the right of euch mid every pcuon who the ice broke/with him and jet him into tlic water abo*o
Chief Justice of the Supremo Court of this State, has
Tho Company also consume about fire hundred tons at the next anjiro^jchrng election or township meeting, his knees. lie endeavored to get to the shore, but' the
been re-nominated by acclamation. There 'was no other
white Kind, from Monroe, it being the same kind usc»J in mav be a rjiialiCed elector and entitled to vote thereat,- icc broke at every step, and he straggmd bn through the
and whose name is Uot already registered, to liave his icc, snow und watcj, ^distance of twenty or thirty .feet
same presented to the Convention, and no other thought tho manufacture bf glass.
name duly entered on said reo-iter, which shailbudone in before he canic to firm ic-e.
of for tho office. This was ia high man compliment to
For-lining the ]>udding furnaces, about three hundred tlic manner above set forth, vl'lic lward shall" have the , lie at once attcihpted to remove Iijs shoes and stockings
Judge Martin. But it.was ai deserved one. He has dispower, and it shall lie tlieir duty. - and the supervisors but they were so encased in jce that it was impossible.
tons of Champlain ore is used per year.
charged his high raid very responsible dnties with on
There ore about eighteen furnore* in the two mills, the individually, When acting undei'this statute, to question Convinecd that lie must remuin w here he was until mornability, impartiality and integrity'that have won' him the
person presenting himself for registration, "touching ing. end that his only safety was in .keeping in, motiort.
T rail furnacc turning out from thirty five to forty tons, every
his residence and his otluT qualification* as an elector of lie walked upop the' ice, and continued to da so until
confidence an J respect of the whokt people. His integrity,
and tho MCri-hantty from fire to eight tons per day. The the township; and it.shall be the duty of tlic applicant to daylight the next moriiina when, having succeeded in
uprightnos, firmness, and legal acquirements, eminently
Company have made arrangements for keeping both mills' $ftake truthful atiswer to nil such questions. And the getting his horse across tiie slopgli, he stahed (pn foot, as
fit hjmj for tho position which he now honors, and that
going the coining year, and have just made a sale of seven board, supervisor, or'treasurer, as tho case may be, for he suTipqee<l. towards Fort Dodge. After walking about
the people require a continuance of his valuable-services.
hundred tons of .T rail to the Burlington Ind Missouri the more perfs-ct examination of the applicant, may b-wenr two miles and a half he found that he had turr/d around
and emjiloy an interpreter truly and impartially to inter- and was going bock; he immediately retraced his steps,
A republican Convention have done their part towards
Railroad, oue hundred tons of which have been delivered. pret such questions and answer. And if any such appli- and walked iuT day, ilraging his frozen foct through t)»*
complying with this sem'imenlt It now remains for them
cant shnll iu hid answer make any material statement sjiow ankle deep, and at times knee deep, bis hone folto do theirs. If they wifl vpte as they tliink, ho will lie
The Homestead Bill Defeated.
which is false, h<? shall, upon conviction thereof, pay a lowing him, and-was again, overtaken by night, about
The bill giving 1C0 acres of Public Loud to actual fine of not more than one hundred dollars, nor than Its' three miles from a house.. Here he left his horse, and
elected by an overwhelming majority, Should he bo defeated, it will only be because they are too confident of settlers, which had passed the House of Representatives, than five dollars jind be iroprisond in the county jail not startc<l on hoping to reach the house in an hour or two.
but he was so faint and weary that he fell frequently,
his election, and rely too exclusively1 upon his personal has been defeated in the United States Senate by the more than thirty nor lea tpan five day#.
12. The name of none but a resident of township and was nine, hours in walking the last three tnik-s.
popularity. Neither lie nor any other man can be elected casting vote of Vice President Breckenridge. The vote to Sec.
be entered under a penalty.
llrs secsntions during this time, ai described by hini.
without votes,, and to get votes organization. stood 28 to 28. Every Republican Senator-voted for the
Sec. 13. The inspectors of election to use the register were peculiar and strange: tho road appeared to be emNo party- is BO strong that it can with safety go into a bllL Mr. Breckenridge may be the candidate of the at the polk No vote to be received unless the name of broidered in most beautiful colors, ami he stopped and
the person offering it. Is on the register. In case any reached to pick up a specimen several times. Satisfied
campaign without a perfect organization. Will tiie Re- Sbve-D&nocracy for President in 1860. "
person whose name is hot registered offers and claims to that his mind was wandering, he endeavored-to divert it
publicans of Michigan look to this matter in season? J H
Tho New York Evening Post is responsible for the vote, his name may then lie registered, it after having from.tlic consideration of this subject, but in vain; if he
they do they will certainly re-dcct Judge Martin. If they
following: '* A shrewd business man, who takes little been sworn, he satisfactorily answer the questions put, looked at the side of the road it appeared to be walled
do not he may bo defeated.
up, and to be covered with hogs lying on their, backs!
interest in politics, is reported to have remarked that the touching his qualifications' as an elector.
Sea 14. Provides as to challenges at the polk.
Raising hinwlf he proceeded, and at length reached the
OTTAWA OLAKION.—Wo hare not received a copy of proposition to buy Cuba seemed to him like an offer to
Sec. 15. Provides penalty for persons voting, knowing house of a Mr. Wtdch, about 4 O'clock in the morning.
ttris paper in five weeks. What's the matter? Has give money wc bad not got, for a thing we didn't-wont that his name is not registered, and also a penalty when He was taken in and cared for tmtil the arrival of friends
CUJBB got his 'back up' about anything?
the inspectors corruptly receive such vote.
to a nation that wouldn't sell!''
from Fort Dodge.





LANSI.XG, F e b . 1 8 U » . 1 8 0 9 .
THAMES.—Hoc. D . ' C . LEACH, our itepreseotattve in
ED. HERALD:—My last letter contained an error rela-.
Congress, will please accept onr thanks for E n a b l e pubtivo to an appropriation'for a "House of Industry" at
lic documents.
•OctroiL An examination of the Jjcrislative Journal reEARLY OPKNWO OP NAVIGATION.—Thfcre is now every
veal* the fact that the bill providing for such an institution
indication of an early opening of navigation. Grand
and appropriating $30,000 toward its establishment, was
Traverse Bay has not been entirely frozen oTer during
tabled in the lower House just before adjournment. It
the winter, and the ice, which only extends sofoefour or
was urged by the friends of t(W bill tha^ Wayne Co. sent
five miles from it* head,- is now in n state of rapid dccay.
three-fifths of the'entije convict force to the State Prison.,
The late rain has rotted it, niid the bright ray* of the
(Wfcync Comity is Democratic I believe, by about 800
mm are melting it rapidly. If the present warm weather
majority.) "It was supposed that but'little objection
continues, navigation will be open in ten days.
Wdui.d be offered, and that the manifest exigencies of the
OK THE TRAJI.—Deacon JACOB BARNS, Register of case, when fully made known,'would result in the jnftage
the Land Office here, took the 'Trail* for the 'out-ride' of the bilL But it seems that the Legislature thought it
world on v Wednesday morning. ;VWb wish him a safe best to confute the refuse population of Wayne County'
journey through the wilderness, and ja speedy" return to at Jackson for the present, and so the bill was tabled
the bosom of his family. We understand that he deputed
Mr. Bancroft of St- Clair, a LOCQFOCO member of the.
O. A. STEVKXS, Esq.' the Receiver, to superintend the House from S t Clair Co., indulged in one of those pcrimoral and religious interests of the town in general and odicitl jokes known as a "report on the financial condition
the Democratic party in particular. They are in gOod of the State.1* I t will be remembered that Ed. Kanter
hands. The country is safe.
Stctccded in making himself quite ridiculous a year ago.
by a similar move. Kautcr received the Locofoco nomiThe correspondent of the Philadelphia North Amerination for State Treasurer as a reward for his services—
can states that the President is much troubled in regard
what Bancroft's rejnuuerotion will be, remains to be seen.
to the bill donating lands for Agricultural Colleges, and
The document i refcred to is quite ingenious, bnt the
wavers between a veto and an approval, according to tlic
People are firmly corivinccd that modern LocofocGism
pressure of the moment.' Unfortunately for him ho must
has, by some pcculiar dispeusution of Providence, bedo one "or tho other, and cannot dodge by the pocketing
utterly incapacitated for truth-telling, and " Banprocess,, to which h e might turn for Relief, had the. bill
crofts report" will go down to posterity ajnost magnificent
been delaved a little.

It has been sworn to before the Printing Investigating
You have doubtless heard, e r a this, of the nomination
Committee at Washington that iu a contract mode with of Geo. Martin of Kent co.,as Chief Justice of the Supreme
Seaman, late Superintendent of Public Printing, to supply Corirt- Tliis is a well deserved tribute to an. honest anil
the Government with paper, the amount was BOfixedthat faithful judicial officer. Judge Martin's career has been
seven thousand dollars, which Seaman agreed should be that which has fulfilled the expectations of his most sanpaid tho contractor, was to come back to him! The con- guine friends. His ability, legal acumen, and personal
tractor represented a Connecticut phper manufacturing popularity, will of cohrse result in his triumphant re-elecestablishment.
1 think that my last letter failed to acquaint you with
THK AfR/CAN" SLAVH TRAI»K.—1*1)0 Natchez Free
Trader says: "Thcrq^isno uso in attempting to stop it. the important fnet that Lansing had become a City. Yes
The people of the Southern States, wi 11 have them. The iirj where twelve years ago not-n tree had been felled,now
African Slave Trade is opened, ond v e question whether stands the seat of government—a city of 5000 inhabitants.
a mouth has passed, or will pjksawav within the next five Our charter electron will soon be upon us, and we hope
years, without a cargo of Africans being landed da our to send a Republican shout of victory e'cii to-tlie "north
. - •.

A.C. W.
Southern const, and given food, raiment, protection and woods."' .
• ... <7?
j. J • •
• ,
A R i c h Scene.

" Tho city of Now. Orleans litis eicouotered another
drawback to her commerce. The. otolith of the MifLtsippi. is constantly filling up, and at thp last accounts there
was only fifteen feet of .water on thti bar. Twenty-six
n-saeli wefo inadethc bar trying, to'gjet out, aiid nineteen
outside endeavoring to enter.
Tho shock of tho explosion of lhippnt's-powder mill, at
Wilmington, Delaware, was very setfioufly felt at Philadelphia, thirty miles distant. I t wtva first supposed to be
au earthquake/ The Pjess says that a large parlor mirr o r in Philadelphia was sholtcrod bjj tha concuwion.
GeflVard, the now President ofjthe lJepnbjic of Ilayti, is
a man somewhat advanced in yflors;] his hairs are grey,
and has the nppearance of having s-*n a good deal of life.
Ho is a t least 50 years old. He is nearly black, but still
has some white blood in his veins.

The Detroit Tribune tells of a ludy in that city who—
having long suspected her liego1 lord of getting rid of
the money which should hnvo beeu expcmlcd in tho support.of his f.timly, in a certain noted gambling house, and
having satisfied herself, through lite aid of a spy, that
the best possible ground for her suspicion existed—put
on her shawl and boniiet the other night and started for
the house in/question-' Going qnieth* around to the back
door, 'whichRhe fortunately founduuJaStenod, sliecutereil
Seated at .a rough table she descried her V hubby" in company with three companions in iniquity, who. were ^truel
dumb with astonishment at the apparition. Taking advantage oi" their trepidation, she seized two or three piles
of bank notes lying -upon, tho table, )Vhich sho hastily oxamincd^as if.detextainingthe possible amount of tho • pile'
and deliberately picking out a ragged shin plaster, ami
throwifig it back on the table, slw mado her exit without
uttering a word.

Tho Washington State*, says, tluii it has reliable information that it was determined a t a recent CaWjiet meeting
SLAXWJJ CASE&—Pitisljurg juries have just admini:
not to jrecall Messrs. Dallas and -Mason
4 from tlieir refjKie- tcrod pretty severe lossoio to neighborhood gossips. The
Chastity of a Mrs. Allison having been -unwarrantably
A freb coljrcd man, named Ca$af, or as he was more talked aboufj sh'o bfongUt dander suits against a Mrs.
Bratt and Miss Mills for dumages, claiming injunrto tlic
familliarly called. P a Caesar, died Hear Covington;
on tho Pth of February, at the advanced ago of oue hun- amount of ijf2p,000. The reports put in circulation by
them were so outrageous and untrue, that in thp case of
dred and thirty-eight years.
Mrs. Bratt, the jury returned a'verdict for plaintiff of
Tt is etatpd that Boiuicr is about to cointinnoo the re$1,500, and In the case of Miss Mills for $L12f>. Both dopubUcation of his Ledger iu Loudoii, and tliat ;ui agent
fcndiints have considerable property, and Mis3 Mills is on
is there now making the nccesary arrangements;
tho wrong side of forty. Pittsburg scamlnlroongors.will
Tho King of Swedon is in a tod state. His muscles be apt to bridle their .tongues rather closc'r in fnturehavo entirely lo?t their power, and he is no{ only .unable
Tlio ! Washington folates, the D.onglas organ, is wry
to stand, but oven to move n limb.
severe tijioti Mr. Bticharaa A short time since it pit!
a l.-ttor of lils dated Feb. 18.">2,.urging economy
I t is himored at VVasliington that Mr. Buchanau is*
thinking of making D. S. Dickinson Judge of the U. S. in the public expenditures, in wluch he sai*],:
expeudit nres. liayo now readied the cuprmous
Supremo Court, in place of Taney, who talks of resigning.
sum of Jifly jnilliotis of dollars-per annum, and unlesw
LOXOEVITT or TOR IIOUSK.—A Binghamton paper re- arrested in'thcir ndmnce by the strong arm of Democracy,
cords tho death of fthorso aged 37 jyenrs. He had been may.' in a few years, reach one hundred million*"
Mr. Bnehannn has fulfilled his own prediction.
owned by Mr. Frauklih Whitney for 21 years.

" " • H i m*

L a n d , T a x , a n d General Agency.




General Agency Business.

Goods, Groceries

Tl«e United-Wntes Ijknd Office is located at thii jilare; and
particular attention wlll be paid to Incatinpr Land Warrant*,
inverting money, in Government Land* imparting information relative to the general feat a re.-, resources and advantage* pf the Grand Traverse country, tlie payment uf taxer.
and the transaction of any Agency"busine«s\vitli which he We ever brought to tlji? market; which we irill be happy t o , ,
may be eutrasted.
offer at such prices as will accord reasonably with the TIMfcsT
lion, WMtwr it,<*<. Audiiwr
r u f k . V. Bolfcr. E»q.
' Ixnilnr.
Hon. J. H.Mawaiii. Aaen>CT()TOrT*l,v Drtroit,
Traverse Pity, Xov-18, IS5«.
n!9tf N
K. B. Ward. K»i.
. <,
Ilendd Office, Traverse City, Xov. 2, l i v i . - ,

P R O V I S I O N S ,

s . A. M C C L E L L A N D ,

v i <,n u, r w , v«|> «HU I "iiw i UM, v*a|S
Bill and Xote-P«i>er in every varirtv.
Hook and Print Papera of all c'oioraand sixes. Manilla.
Rag, and Straw Wrapping Paper of all s'xes and weights.
Receiving our pa]>cr direct from the IJanufooturtrs, we ar.enabled to nfler them at as low priees as any in this
K AGS—Wanted in ex r hah go for Good* of Cash.
L ' l l l V e i C RAYMOND,
D < Vlll
"JO Woodward Avenue.


D r y Goods, Groceries, - Y a n k e e iNotions, TH a r d w a r e , '
T i n A\ are-,

H a t s a n d C a p s . B o o t s a n d S h o e s , D o o r s Saslu
Dottr T r i i n i u i i i p s
Kails, In- the.
I'ork snil Hlonr, by tliB harrel or H>.; Itrnah street. nnJerthe Pulton Iron Works, Defroit, M.
Untlery, Surgeon's Instruments, Cooper*' and CarponteiV
llultcr. Cheese, lrfirit; .
Tools, Axes of every description. Planing and Toliacco MaLtnaeed anil ln-st \rinter-Mmineil Oil.l!nm!ng Flnid:
• Lamps of all kihdn, Can flic?. Dried Apple*;
chine Knives, Trusses, Ac., made to order of a superior qua*
. A larf!^ Assortment "f Tobacco;
• Razors, Knives, Seizors, Surgeon's Instruments, steel Iron
Porrlder, l/'iwl. Shot, Gcd Caps: _ •
luid Brass Ware, polished ond repaired in a manher to give
Carpet Warp, Lojtwoofl,
Coppcrti. '
satisfaction to his customers.
CaJlar, 'Inilfrb,' jflina, llorai, xe>
Orders left at the office, corner Of IlrusU street and JefferPehool Book*, Statltmem tVnll Paper, Wiiulow Curtains;
snn Aveniic, will be promptly attended to, where sawplesiuuv
Cradlo Scythes," C r l i s 8cytlics aiid Snathes PltchfuYbs;
lie seen.
Slope Pipe, Bedsteads RoiikliiiJ Chairs; ' •Befo'rennes kindly permitU'd to Messrs. Edmund*. North A.
Small ltochera and Table Chair? fitrCliiidirn:
Together with all articles twnally found in a Coantn- Store. Co., J . B. Wayne 4 Co., Geo. Doty, Doctor* Allen 4 Batwifll.
Detroit,' Jan.'1859.

A Fine Lpt of Plows,'


H E A P F U R N I T U R E W A R E H O U S i : , — T H E CNilersiKncd offerv their ext«hsh-e stook of Goods, consiitihgof ail kinds FURXlTCjKE AND UPHOLSTKIiY, to their
uu-stomers aud the public generally, »t the lowest ]HMulWe
rates, li.ijv.; prC-parid to meet oil order* in our lino of business. we wonld ndvfcte bnyert to call npon u# Is:-fore buyingelsewhore, as we intend " undersold by any flra In
tho west.. All work warranted.
" P E R S O N S HAVTXO W H E A T T O F L O l ' R 4 T
No. 231 Jofltrson Avenue, Detroit.
1 our Mill, nms't bring it in good orcer. AKTEK THIS DATE •IS
»by Abbey H. I f niingwav. The design of this work is to
Traviine City, De«j. 1,1A»8. "
. 6tf
represent the general poetic literature of Vermont from its
early settlement to the" prcncat period. The selteUons are
catkc ri'd from tho most reliable sources, aud will especially
Interest nil Yermonters by birthrlghtnow resident In thisand
Other States.
>n Coramis-iion, frOni the Kal.fraazou Atrricultnnd Works.
All (iur<'hsninp Goods at >|or;Hport,will do »clt to call autl
!.\ninin<J luv stock and price* UJore purchasing elscwhi!yt\
X. I t CUTTTXG done to iirdcr, on short notfcc.
North"port,Dce. 23,18."»S.'

Notice to Farmers.


W o r k F o r Men.

Traverse City, De<. 1,1S.'R.



THE llL'BLIC,—A new Family Sewing Machine, com
binlng the latest Improvements, at the extreme low price of.

Thti prices or. all onr standard machines have Iwen grentlv
PracUcal. Builtforami Jhm/.f/h^/nun,reduced.
Ii prepared toj make Plnni nnd Kjieriiientions for all c l a w s
of Bcildiugs; r.l.ioexeente till kinds of woik coujioeted wRlv
tliu Trade, on liberal tertuid
Nash, t.IajN, Doorv. P a i n t s a n d Nail-s
i p t a o t l y on hah<L
J . K. I f . tlitu'-ful for pai>t patronage, take» tliis ©pportanitv; of soy f itiiij; a t optinmince of the game.
Traverse City, X(i^ciuJi£r 5,TB3!£. fi3-ly


thouph.dearer in price, have always been cheaper in facl,
considering wliit they will do, tliau any other. The prices
are now reduced so that all must be satisfied. Call and exuminr the nevrmachine* at the low prices.
, J3
1SS Jefferson Avenae, Detroit.

LJU Optical and l'hiloxophie«l Ap5mratns, N°- 2"'0 Jefferson
Avenue, invite all those scllering from defective sight, tn In*
Aspect their assortment of greatly improved Peresropic (Jrysu l and Pebble Spcctaclcs, which are highly endowed with
the'property of Improving vision. Also, all kluds of Tele-

The snliscribeH offer* fur salc.n variety <>C engrafted
/ V p j > l o 'X'I'COM,
TI-COH »»««! Ch<-J i y T w e e * - .
A line lot of .Seedling P s ion T a t i a , t'uruJ years 0ld,whi«h
L A N K U O O I k M A N U F A C T O R Y * — T H E L'XDEits'ill bn sold ciieaji. \
slgiu il haying a Boo!; Bindery in connection with hi*
Also, CI:KU*KT^, CoosBBEimiE^, 4 c . ; all in good condition,
Bool;«torc, Is prepartsil to manufacture, to order, Blank Books
of goyiUizc,and lvealtby.. '.
• L. U. SiijTR.
description. Merchants and others, wanting snvKlk ihipidf, XOV..3,16oti.
ihing iu tliat-Hne, tire invited to give him a call. Having tlie
best of workmen, ho can- safely guarantee satisfaction in all
E F A U L T iiAVLN.; H,:;::. M A b f ; - i x THB COXDL
iior.s i'f u cuiuitt. injltiiiurc, of mortgage executed |»y. 'Hetrol', Nov. I . I P . ' V
John We.hcr, Hjib-rtKB:->fad Heriuim J . Lui'des, of the city
^ I I A R L E S IJUKCH» 'Hnccejyor to M. Howard Webster,)
of. Milwaukee and State of Wf.igoasiq, and Otto Thles, of the
' Doaler iii Foreign and Domestic Hardware,.Housekeeptownship of Cent.-«vii!e, county of Grand Traverse anil State, ing Articles, Mechanics' Tools, Stoves, Grates, Tin and Japof Michigan, to Antoiire Mr.nscau.. of the county of Granii poned Wire, Drain Tile, ,4c. Agent for the American Mid
TraycrW'ah^ifiatcAif ijlienigau, (dcccaaniX) bearing date, tho K-iTop'. an I:a<r Agency of I.itz .V Kupp, No. 7 NVscu street,
thirteenth day of jXoioiijbe,-, i » the year of onnLifrd one -New YoiTi—for the recovery of Debts, Legacies and InheritlMmsand eight hundred and lifty-tis, and rocordyd j i i the iaaces in Europe,and the United States.
office of the Heglsjer.or deeds Toy, the county or Grand TrURemfttaneca made to all parts of Germany, with saftty and
verite, on tho l l s i day of Jnnhary, A. LVl»oJ; at e o'rlc l. A. dispatch. No. 2til Jelfcrsoaavenqe, Kearsley'sBlock, Detroit.
A. In l.ibcr oue (l)|of M o r i g a ^ ^ follo* 7-t» 7o, 7i> afid T7-;
the uuiuiuit to 'lc diw on >:.i(l nortgage al .the
dale dfahU liotici, beingi two "thousand tiiree hundred aud
fifteen dvllars, (iJ.Slj,) for jUiiwipal . a u d - i n ' ^ r . ^ t , and
dnd lithographers. 209 Main street, Bnffitlo,
no *uit or proceeding having; b-ven- iiistitBted',ht law to X. Y.; over Sage'ji Hiano Hooms.—We are prepared to execute
reeowr the debt nov.- rr:a»ini;i&• socur-.dby aaid m o r t g a g o r all work entrnswd to us with promptness and despatch, and
any part tlmreofi/Xntfcofct I'm refore -bweby given, that on ou as favorable mrms as any establishment in the conntrj".
S a t u r d a y * t h e 2 8 t h d a y c l j l a y next. 1669, a; lOociockln Goinbiniug all the dlfferont branches of Steel, CoppeV and
the forenoon of thai day, at the fr>n< dour of tSie.CuurV"
Stone Engraving,,as woll as Grayoa Work of the tiu«4 de
scrimlon, we guarantee satisfaction in all caiKS.
Majw, I'ortralts, Show Cards, Ac., l.ithographedond printed
uift luortfagx contsined,
in the most delicate colors, by a new process.
aecording to the. a>tstnu> i.'atU^a*a miule and
provided, I
jfor.i^ik at p n h l k nnetidh,, to t i c
R E I i S W H I T I N G , General I^and Ag*'"t, Graasnigh-st :blddi;r, a:ui seU
p r e m i e iu .said malftgage dJ• hooper Fells, Jeflbrsorj Co., K. T. HEIEKENCES:—
scribed, or M much thnreof as sdmll b« •iT/T.idfrit jo pay and Hon, Z. Ctiimcller, Detroit, Mh hlgan; Wfiitirig * Adams, do;
satisfy the amount df.s th .reon .at thv date o f . t h k notice, with Col. S. McKnight, do: H. W. WiUUms, Ex. of Titles, S t
interest and the co.^'andpspeBKi - allowed by law, all the fol- Louis; Mfj. B. Walker. U. S. A.; C. A. Perry, Efij., Westoa.
lowing pieces or liiretlh ^f hui'dvlyin^Hodbc-ing in the tua;n- Mo.;"Amos 'X. Hall, Esq., Treasurer C. A 11. IL ii., Chicago:
ship of Ceiur*ttiU«, «<>uuty of.<3raadXrayersu \l<celaaau) and Geo. T. Pearson, Attorney at Law, Chicago.
Slate of iiiehigan, de.«eriiied *< follows: Lots nutabercdOlic
(1> a i f d l k m r . ^ j , fcnd.thei$Mtthwieftt-»|nartvr of thi» XortUoast' r p W I N B HOUSE.—WillarJl Harvey dt Co.. W Maiden
quarter of Soi tioafnumbeired Xiiw (it) in Town>hip imml^reit
Thirty |3o) Xorth of Uaagu r.'amber 'l welve (12) VV**u i)ated Fl:ii and Linen Twines, Imported and Manufactured Cordage,
Cotton, Jute, Manilla'and American Hemp Rope,Tarred Stult
February 11, 1JV,9.

Fishing Lines, Oiillng Threads, Shoe Thread, Wick,and all
. J0I1X I. JIII.I.En, Admini«rhtor
kinds of Cords and Lines.
of the frstatc-of Ar.toinc ilamecu, di roased.





S i A E m a FOK'BRF_AD.—A journal published in Beloit,
Vice-Preridput Breckenridge, is paid to protest that he
I I . L O V E L L (Successor to D. Crosbj- A Co.) Whole1J
iTL'LT ILVTlXII BE EX MApK IX TirE CQXpI• sale aiid and retail dealer in Watches. Clocks; Jewelry,
does not aspire to tho Charleston nomination, but will be "a Wisconsin, in describing the destitution of that place, . - ,
s of a certain indenture of mortgage, e v e n t e d ov Fan ry Goods. Plated Ware, C o m H Buttous, Thread, Ac.' No.
of the-t-nfnvhip of Li • haian. in- (he
candidate for Crittenden's seat in the Senate.


Mrs. Wordsworth, widow of the poet, died on tho 17th
of January, at London.
A Unite d/sta tes ?larshal in a .Tight P l a c e .
The chargw against Mr. Chas. A. Pyne, Mr, Buchanan's U. 8. Marshall for the Northern District of Illinois,
are mado by a fornicr clcrk named Martin. The charges
, as filed in tho Department of tho interior, ore as follows:
Malfeasance in office, misapplication of public moneys,
and violation of the Sub-Treasury, law by making his deporits in banks instead of the Sub-Treasury, and with
paying tho expenses of the United States Courts in uncurrent and depreciated paper of tho banks of Missouri and
^ other Western States, instead of in gold and silver. He
alao produced a transcript from the book, showing that
ia Ion than four months, Pyne has drawn from the public
funds and applied to his/private purposes, more than
$7,200, while the limit of his salaiy for a whole year by
law is bat $6,000. Tho charges are mado directlv and
unequivocally, with specifications under each head", and
we understand they are sworn to by Martin as being true
of his own personal knowledge, aad accompanied with au
offer on his port to prove every one of them by the testimony of other persons.

Odd Fnnclcs of Children.
MR. BATES: I frequently reo.accoiwta of the singular
and odd fanciers of children in tho papers. I must tell
>oO of the pdd fancies of one of mine:
In the year 1835,1 came to Grand Trnvem 1 Bay and
bought land for a farm. When I got homo I was frequently talking to people about the beauty of Grand
Traverse Bay and the pleasant country around it. I had
two littjc girls who went to the Sabbath School, and the
oldest was often singing a hymn that she had learned
"There I s • happy land, fir, f*r away."
Her mother asked her if she knew where that happy land
was? The youngest answered: " I know, mother—it is at


CentreviUe, Feb. 28, 1859.

A t Grand Rapids, on the 9th of February last, by
Rev. C. Smith, CHARLES H . HOLTKX, Esq. Prosecuting
Attorney and Circuit Court Commissioner of Grand Traterso county, to Miss FAROE E. BEOOSS, of Grand

conntj 'of Grand fTtivenift:and State of Michigan, tp Henry
Beers, of f i e tom'lii|>. c o u n t j and Stn'.e .'aforesaid, bearing
date the. "1th day of February.3S5S, and recorded on the IStli
day of May.
at lo'qUnk, A. M. in Liber 2, on pa^oa Sij
ahd_,30, i* the oCice of the Register of Deeds for tho' said
coafity of Grand Traverse; aad the amoifht claimed to be dne
on wid mortgagi1, at tae dr.te (if this notice, bcing S10502 for
plncipal end interest, a f d no liait or proceeding having Wen
instituted at law to rtcwwr the diibt now remaining secured
by said mortSige.oranyiiart thereof: Notice is hereby given,
that on F r i d a y , t h e 2 2 d d a y o f A p r t l ne.vt IH.VJ, a t to
o'clock in tho forenonn'of that day, at the" front door of Uie
Court Housd at Tmverso City.'in said county, (that being the
place of holding the Cirfeuit Court for.said county of Grsqd
Traverse,) by virtue Of a power of sale, in said mortgage' oon«*ined. and according to the statute of Michigan in such case
made and provided I shall expose for sale at public auction,
to the highest bidder, and sell the premise* in said mortgage
described, or so much thereof as i i a l l In sufficient to pay and
satisfy the amount doe thereon at the date of this notice, with
interest and the oosts aad expenses allowed by law, and also
ten dollars attorney's fee, sfceured to be paid by stipalatioa in
said mortgage contained, all the following piece or parcel of
land described as follows: Lyingand being andsitnate in the
township of. Leelanau, in tbo county of Grand Traverse and
State of Michlgaa, being known^as Lot No. Thr^e (3) of Section Twenty.oae (51) ia Township Thirty-two (SI) North of
Bang® Eleven (111 West containing forty-ave (15) arid
thirty one hundredth* (30-100) acres, according to Government snrvev. Dated J j c n a r y fe, 1M9.
HENRY BEERS, Mertgagee.


t O Machines for Family Sewl'ug, or for manufacturing purposes- -tiTCall and examinejhenf a t ! 3 3 Jeffvrson Avenue
(Masonic llall.)
Detroit, Nov. 171WR.


E E C I I E i r S L I F E T H O U G H T S . — A NEW S P P
ply inst received. For sale by
Detroit, Nov. 1,1858.
No. 9t Woodward Ave.

now complete, full aeta, to fce had of
Detroit, Nov. 1,1858.
N a 94 Woodward Ave.


Mationo.ry. constantly on.hand at
Detroit, Nov. 1,1858.
No. 183 JMJtrson Ate. 1


G O L D S M I T H , MANUFACTURER AND IMPORter of Segar*, No. 35 Woodward Ateniie, Detroit, Michi-




Frederick the Second, called the Great by C»r!vV». Fojude by


T H I golden s e a i t a m i r r o i s p r e a d s
Beneath the golden s k i e s
A n d b d t 4 n a r r o w s t r i p between
Of land a n d shadow lie*.
" The cfoua-llke r o < * * t h e rock-like clonds,
Dissolved In slfiij float.
And, midway of the r a d i a n t flood,
3, -j .
The sea is b a t a n o t h e r iky,
The sky a aea a s well, .
And wnieh I* earth, a n d which the h e a v e n s
, The eye can scarcely tell.

ic e a r t h a n d heavens b l e r j j :
Flooded w i t h peace t h e s p i r i t float,

X J A E L . D T J N C K L B E it COn U WOODWARD AVEJ _ \ one, ATholesale a n d Retail Dealers in F o r e i g n a n d Domestic Dry Good*, G a r p c t s Floor Oil Cloths, P a p e r Hangings,
Kcathera and. House F u r n i s h i n g l i o o d s ^ - W e would particularly invite t h e a t t e n t i o n of t h e public t o the following Goods,
which w e have in g r e a t variety of style* a n d p r i c e * : B roc lie
S h a w l s l o n g .and square ; Bnv State do. do. d o . ; Waterloo d a
d a d a . ; Gentlemen's do. d o . d o . ; M a n t i l l a s beautiful stvies;
Black. F a n c y , Poulard, Bayadere a n d Moire A n t i q u e S i l k s ;
F r e n c h a n d English Merinoes'tilain and flgured : Paramettas,
Delaines, in g r e a t variety ; Valencia Plaids a n d S t r i j i t s ; Allwool P l a i d s ; .Vlpacas; F l a n n e l s ; S a t t i n e t t s ; Broadcloths: Damasks;, Blankets; L i n e n s ; E m b r o i d e r i e s ; Hosier) 1 ; G l o y
Ribbons; "Prints; Ginghams, Ac., Ac.
Carpet Department. .
Velvet, Brussels, Crenelle^ 3 Ply, 2 Ply. Superfine, Cotton
a n d Wool, C a r p e t s ; Druggets, S t a i r Rods Oilcloth, Window
.Shades, Lace a n d M u s l i n C u r t a i n s , C u r t a i n F i x t u r e * Feathers,
P a p e r H a n g i n g s Ac., Ac.
We haVe innny o t h e r styles of Goods, which will be ogVrcd
t o suit the times.

O T U B E O F ILLUMINATING GAS, for the Use of Private
Houses, I*nblic Buildings, V i l l a g e s Towns. Ac.—Patented
August, 1858.—The principle of tho invention consists in the
p e c u l i a r construction of t h e Retort, whereby Gas is most
Old Harry Brewer, or " Hot-COrn Harry," as he was quickly, easily a n d economically generated f r o m Rosin. Oil,
more tajailiarly known about the oast side of town, was TaHow and r e f u s e Grease of a n y kind, a n d p r o d u c in g , for
for many years a shilling light in one of onr African clinches, about e i g h t y cents, as m u c h lig h t as a thousand feet of ordicoal GBK
and^wa, by long odtk, thu most powerful extorter of the nary
A l o n g course.of e x p e r i m e n t s a t the hands of the Inventor,
congregation. Old Horry was most undoubtedly a good w h o has had many y e a r s e x p e r i e n c e in Gas manufacturing, us
Christian; and proved'itliy living 'up to the precepts he well as by onifselvcs a n d other*, h a s placed t h e invention betdbght Hia extreme good nature was proverbial, and y o n d all "donbt of Us jiracticability. The public w a y lie connmuy a bet was lost and won by the young men.of Grand iidently assured t h a t i t is a t once t h e most simple a n d useful
a n y t h i n g of the k i n d e v e r before constructed.
street amlthe Bowery, in vain attempt to make Harry lose Of The
present object of t h e . proprietors is t o dispose of city,
his temper. .
county and state R i g h t s on t h e m o s t favorable terms, a n d to
" Go way boys, gb way!" wis Sis answer, when they immediately i n t r o d u c e the works i n t o g e n e r a l use.
played their wild prtjnks upon him. " De good book say: Works frolu 100 feet capacity a n d upwards, are now. in
d i n e s s by D U D L E Y A HOLMES, manufacturers, Detroit,
• When any one-smites you on one cheek, you mnjt turn rase awell
a« every t h i n g c o n n e c t e d with tho " S u n - L i g h t Gas
de oder."
Works," wliich will lie sajiplied b y t h e m a t all, the. principal
Tho nearest approach Harry waa ever known to make points iu the U n i o n , t o parties p u r c h a s i n g territory.' i
Persons of small capital, and particularly Gas Fitters, by
towards losing his temper, was nbout ten years ago. lie
had » plan whereby ho preserved his cor* perfectly frofh m a k i n g an i n v e s t m e n t in the right t o use t h e ' " Sun-Light Gas
will be. certain of .an immediate r e m u n e r a t i o n .
and green til) December or Januart-; and at that season of Works,"
• j a r All c o m m u n i c a t i o n s in the premises directed t o the
the year, he would go out and make the 'streets resound undersigned will meet p r o m p t attention.
with his cry of: "Hot corn! hot corn! pipin hot—just
J O H X Q. D 1 T E E V ,
Tr e a s u r e r f o s P r o p r i e t o r s ,
c ome out do bilin' pot!" and realize .» handsome profit
h3 .
No. 77 Woodward Avenne, Detroit, Michigan.
from its sale, i
The" soul shall scarcely know.

Wouldn't Get Xitd.
From tt* K«* York Wroktf JUrcurjr.


Daring tho year in qnestiou, Harry WM unfortunate,
FURNISHING GOODS, a j t h e Ciofliing E m p o r i u m of H.
hid corn docoyod; and out of a largo quantity' he had put
away, be only sared cnongh to gp out with one or two HALLOCK. K o JC8, JeHerson Avenue, Detroit. Wliere may
l^e f o u n d a vfcry large, fresh and desirable stock of t h e above
- ;
goods j n s t m a n u f a c t u r e d u n d e r his Immediate inspection, mid
In tho early part of December, Harry's toice was heard e m b r a c i n g o n e of the most extensive a s s o r t m e n t s e v e r before
in thfi/Bowery, singing his well khowii song; and in ono offered in t h i s m a r k e t
of the bar-rooms, a bet wns maq» that Harry could be A m o n g h i t stock will bo found e v e r y k i n d a n d description
suitable "for Fall and W i n t e r wearthrown .off his guard. • In a few momenta, parry entered oi F(Varment
r o m t h e l o w priced a n d c h e a p e r grades, t o the m o s t flno
the bar-room, and set his bucket On the floor; bltt before a n d fashionable g a r m e n t s — a l l o t which h a v e been manufachecoujd getTeady for buaiDess, he Was being jjuilcd around tured with the u t m o s t care a n d WARRANTED to give satisfaction.
all 80rteV>f ways. One pulled him by tho, whiskers and All persons d e s i r o u s o f p n r c h n s i n g e i t h e r at W H O L E S A L E
another W yio coat-tail; and altogetlier i e was being OR RETAIL, are respectfully invited to call a n d e x a m i n e his.
tmde anything bat comfortable.; But all that could be'
got from Harry was; "Go "way,, boy^ go way!"
M E B I C v x W A T C H E S . — A P P L E T O X , T R A C Y A.
' All attempts to provoke him farther failed; and, as a
Co., WIALTHAM, Mass^ Manufacturers of P A T E N T LElast resort, one of the young men took up hia pail of c
VER WATCIiES.—These superior Watches are m a d e by the
alXof new a n d o r i g i n a l machinery, expressly designed to t<c
" Harry, I'vo got a good notion fo throw all your corn cute, with a ' l o w puice; a liue, substantial, dnrublu a n d unif o m l y reliable time keeper. Th<j m o v e m e n t s are new In'
oat In the stre^ti"
a n d are iiroiionnccd by the h i g h e s t a a t h o r i t i e s
" lluihl hush!"said Harry, "don't talk dat wayforyon consvrnction,
o be faultleiW in principle a n d quality, a n d have been proved
nutko me fool bad; for if you frow my corti in de street tby
Uie most e x a c t i n g . t e s t s to be reliable a n d u n f a i l i n g in a c now, yon-most ruin do ole darkey. Ain't had no wood tion. T h e s e . w a t c h e s itre m a n u f a c t u r e d e n t i r e l y f r o m the
fo saw hardly difl fall, and no white-washing. My wife's crudo materials. In a single establishment, l>y c o n n e c t e d a n d
beon sick dis two months, and mv corn's all rotted; and I n n i f o n u processes—ffio njanufactory b e i n g o r g a n i z e d upon
t h e s a m e n y s t e m t h a t has l»ecn adopted in t h e p r o d u c t i o n of
ain't gotnuffin to 'pend on, but
Lord!" i
the nncqnaled A m e r ic a n fire-arms, which enables us t o pro"Well, HamM"' said ho whoiheld tho bucket, "you dude a m o v e m e n t a t one-half tho price of a n y f o r e i g n movehave got a god backer,;so hero goes tho com!'' and suit- m e n t of the s a m e q u a l i t y ; a n d we g u a r a n t e e t h e perfect
ing tho action to tho word, ho threw the corn into the performanca, f o r ten years, of every w a t c h m a n u f a c t u r e d by us.
All f o r e i g n w a t c h e s arc m a d o b y h a n d , the A m e r i c a n watchsewer.
b e i n g tlie o n j y o n e s ' m a d e by m a c h i n e r y u p o n a u n i f o r m
Hany lookod very sadly after his property; and, as he es
system t h r o u g h o u t Nearly hli h a n d - m a d e w a t c h e s are .depicked-tip his empty bucket, ho paid:
fective, otid are Xjontinnaliy g e t t i n g q u t of o r d e r . I n mflny" Do Lord's will bo donof and then started on ft brisk parts of the country^it is impossible to And good watch retrot from the scono of his temptation, as if resolved not pairers, and w a t c h repairing i s always u n c e r t a i n a n d expensive. The i n t r o d u c t i o n of A r a e r i c a n w a t r h c s disposes of this
to give WOT to the-wrath he felt rising within him. •
difficulty, s n d c o u n t r y m e r c h a n t s , as well ns w n t c h dealers,
6 ' Elizabeth street, a new building was in process of can k e o [ ( w a t c h e s as a p a r t of their miscellaneous stock, a n d
erection, and into tho cellar of this building llatty descen- t h u s supply t h e i r e n s t o m e r s with a new staple, w h i c h may lie
ded, while tho young men who had followed him, crept Used as a n y o t h e r a r t i c l e w i t h o u t m v s t e r y or h u m b u g . Sold
by t h e t r a d e generally, a n d by R0I5BINS A A P P L E T 0 N ,
stealthily after him, to see what he would do. „
General -Agents, 15 Maiden Lane, N. 1'.
Away back into a far comer Harry went, dut of hearing from tho street, and there, Upon his knots, hq gave
I I . A I . L I 8 0 X , IMPORTER O F IMPROVED RAIL• roail Watches, cased in beautiful s t y l e s w a r r a n t e d oxvent to his feelings in this wise:
" Oh, Lord! I'ae moBe tempted to git mad, but I won't fccllent titne-keepcrs; do do Swiss, f>tll jewelled, Lovers in
GOLD "PENS."—I c o n t i n u e m a n u f a c t u r i n g P e n s
do it for do sake of a pail ob com. l)em war do wicked- every/style.
of overy desirable p a t t e r n . These p c u s h a v o r e c e i v e d a S i l v c r
est boys I eber gotanJongst: but j o u make 'cm an-' I Won't Medal a n d Diploma at t h o Michigan State Fair, a n d are not t o
complain. It's a hard case, and you knows it as well as
I do; for you know I ain't hab no work most dis foil, and
Hannah's sick; and11 only sabod a little com, and dem
wicked boys hab trowed at mosp all away. But I wont
FITTING S T O N E S and Diamond Work, a n d F i r e Gilding
git mail at 'em, for you hab say that justicc am vornti. a n d Oalvanir.inr, done at s h o r t notice.
But gib 'em justice, and make'em repent of deirevilwayB. W A T C H R E P A I R I N G — B e i n g a practical w o r k m a n ; all
r k e n t r u s t e d t o ' m y care, will be carefully a t t e n d e d to.
Take 'em Oh Lord, and hold 'em obcr tho bottomless pit,
P E N S rc-j>ointed, a t fifty cents. P e n s s e n t by mail,
and shake 'em, and, if your a mind to, singe 'em n lectle; a c GOLD
c o m p a n i e d by the C i s h , will lie p r o m p t l y a t t e n d e d to. ,
but,'. Oh, good Lord, be very careful, and not lot 'em fall
J . H. ALLISON, Jeflfcrson Avenue.
in; and when itfeelso warm dey 'gin to repent, den let V
ESTABLISHgo agin, and doyll be better man!"
His prayer ended, Hany canie forth looking as good- would m o s t respectfully Intimate EaBt—A.
t h a t , m o r e fully t o accomnaturea. as ever;.and tho young men who were in wnting m o d a t e t h e w a n t s of the p a t r o n i z i n g public, a n d his large infor him, took bim bock to'the bar-room; mid the proceed- crease of business, h o h a s adopted the Improved faeiBiy which
of the bet; five dollars,-was handoffovcr to him, which S t e a m g l r e s t o the A r t of Dyeing, h a v i n g recently fitted up
amply remunerated him. for the 1os6 of his stock in trade. f o r t h a t purJ»ose. H e now Dyes by Steam, e v e r y description
of Silks, Satins, V e l v e t Crapes a n d Merinos, p r o d n c i n g the
Poor oldlHany was a moral hero, superior by.far tothe m o s t brilliant colors a n d best style of finish t h a t every article
professional murderer ortho battle-field, and worthy of an wijl a d m i t of. Shawls of every variety Dyed a n d Cleaned.
immortality. If bo who conquers others is entitled to i v r A Y I I E W S SELF-ADJUSTfNG, SMOKE, STORM AND
the praise of the people, he who conquers himself; morits i V l VENTlLI^VTIN'G CHISINEYICAP.—MayheWsChimney
Cap p r e v e n ts C h i m n e y s f r o m s m o k i n g : f t precludes storms
a robe of honor from tho Maker of the people. All hon- f r o m e n t e r i n g t h e m ; .ft l e s s e n s the. liabilltlea to fires f r o m
or, then, to " Hot-Cora Harry*—-the poor in purse, and their b u r n j n g o u t : i t p r o t e c t s their tops f r o m the wastes
the w e a t h e r , and.'scrves as a n o r n a m e n t a l finish.
rich in sooL
.Porsons-deslrous of s e c u r i n g the r i g h t of m a n u f a c t u r e ,




A Noble Girl.
TJie following good story is told in a Portland paper,
by a traveller goiufcEast from Detroit, a few weeks since:
••OP reaching -tho depot, at Suspension Bridge, the
conductor told a young man—whose health was vpiy
feeble, and who was on his way to Springfield Masswhore he had friends—bo iiiurt leave tho cars, as ho had
no money to pay his fhre. Notwithstanding the debilitated appCartoco of the young man, he was suffered to be
led oat of (he car without any movement being made for
hia relief • As the yobng man was abont leaving the cars
a young lady rose and asked the conductor how much
the young inaa's fare to Albany would be. He replied
eight dollars. She immediately stepped to the door and
told the invalid to return and resume his seat He did
ao, and then some of the male passengers began to exhibit a little charity, offering to bay a portion of tins fare..
The young lady doclined the proffered aid, and Baying sbo
preferred to pay the amount herself. She did $o, ^ besides, gave him a 'acript,' to keep him in Albaqy over
Sunday, promising to see him forward to his friends —


of s a l e , o r both, In Cities, Counties, States or Territories, in
a n y p a r t of tlie United States not alrca<ly disposed of, will lie
f n r m s h e d with a descriptive circular, by uildressing the und e r s i g n e d , a n d by d e s i g n a t i n g t h e tqrrlMry t h e y desire, they
will also be ! f u r n i s h e d with tho term's Of sale.
IRA MAYHEW, Patentee, Albion, Mich.
M a n u f a c t u r e d a n d f o r sale, in Detroit, by
. D U D L E Y A HOLMES, 77 W o o d w a n l Ave.

Detroit Advertisements.

Detroit Advertisements.

Detroit Advertisements.

' •j

> wlwrn-ioir.'

R O C E R I E 8 A T W H O L E S A L E . — N . P . JACOBS, T T ' E V E R A N D A G U E , FROM W H J C H M A N K I N D S C F - .
V j T Corner Jefferson A v e n u e a n d W a y n e Street, offers ' ' 'JL fer, over a large part of the globe, is t h e consequence ot
a diseased a c t i o n of the system, i n d u c e d by t h e poison oursale t o the City a n d Country Trade:—>
" '
m i a s m of vegetable decay. T h i s e x h a l a t i o n » evolved by the
Sugars a n d Xolawes.
a c t i o n of aolar b e a t ou w e t soil, a n d rises with the. watery va200 h h d s fair, p r i m e and c h o i c e New Orleans, P o r t o Rico a n d p o r from i t W h i l e t h o sun is below the h o r i z o n t h i s v a p o r
Muscavado S u g a r .
lingers near the e a r t h ' s surfate, a n d {lie taken with-it
50 bbls C r a s h e d , Powdered a n d Codec.
t h r o u g h the l n n p t i n t o the: blood. T h e r e it a c t s as a n irrtta- u
100 bbls P r i m e New Orleans Molasses a n d Syrnji.
t i n g poison on the internal vwcera a n d e x c r e t i n g o r g a n s of
t h e body. The livqr becomes t o r p i d a n d fails t o secretc n o t
500 half c h e s t s cases a n d boxes Y o u n g Hyson, G u n p o w d e r o n l y t h t s v i r u s b u t aLwr t h e hile f r o m the blood. Both t h e
v i r u s a n d the bile accumulate iu t h e c l r e u l a t i a n , a n d p r o d u c e
a n d Black T e a * or r e c e n t i m p o r t a t i o n .
violent constitutional disorder. The spleen, t h e k i d n e y s a n d
Coffee a n d Spices.
t h e stomach sympathize with the liver, a n d b e c o m e disordered
250 b a g s w h i t e and g r e e n Rio.
also, Final)}', t h e i n s t i n c t of our organism, a s if in a n at1{0 b a g s a n d p o c k e t s old Gov't a n d c o m m o n J a v a .
t e m p t t o e x p e l t h o n o x i o u s Vision, c o n c e n t r a t e s tho Whole
100 cases g r o u n d Mustard.
blood of t h e h o d v in t h e j j u e t n a l e x c r e t o r i e s t o force' t h e m
. 20 bags g r e e n a n d white Maracalbo.
to cast i t - o u t , \ T h e blood leaves t h e surface, a n d r u s h e s !•>
60 b o x e s G r o u n d R16.
t h e central o r g a n s w i t h c o n g e s t i v e ' v i o l e n c e .This la t h o
. 60 k e g s G r o u n d Ginger.
C u i i x . B u t in t h i s effort it fail*. T h e n the FEVER follows,
15 b a g s Pepper, Spioe and Cloves.
.iu which tho blood leaves t h e c e n t r a l o r g a n s a n d r u s h e s t o '
v 50 b a k e s Ground Pejiper, Spice a n d Cloves.
t h e surface', as if in a n o t h e r effort t o expel t h e i r r i t a t i n g
pois'on t h r o u g h t h a t otlier g r e a t e x c r e t o r y — t h e skin. I n t h i s
Tobacco a n d Cigars.
also if f a i l s a n d the 1 system a b a n d o n s t h e a t t e m p t e x h a u s t e d ,
100 boxes 3e F i n e C u t P a j i e n w
and waits f o r the recovery or s t r e n g t h t o repeat the hopeless
100 bbls Smoking.
effort a n o t h e r day. T h i ^ e are the tits o r p a r o x i s m s of V*ver
56 boxes P l u g Dark, ft's a n d lo's.
a n d A g u e . ' . S u c h constitutional d i s o r d e r will of course under20 ljoxea Cold I ^ a f ; Half Pounds.
mine t h e h e a l t h ir It is not removed.
' 30 bo.tcti Tin Foil.
- We have labored to liqd, and h a v e f o u n d , a a a n t i d o t e .
20 bbls Cavendish in cans.
Aycr*s A g u e C u r e ,
OuAlts.—-A large assortment of I m p o r t e d a n d Domestic.
w h i c h neutralizes t h i s malarious poison in the blood, a n d
Wines a n d Liquors.
stimulates the e x p e l it from the body. A s i t shouM.
Port, Majlcria a n d Slierry Wines, i n ' q u n r t e r s .and octaves.
s o . i t d o e s . e u r e . t h i s a f T l l c t i n g d l s o r d e r with p e r f e c t c e r t a i n t y
ChampagiU% (Hcidscck Sc Delbrecht,) a n d C l a r e t in" baskets
A n d it does mote, or r a t h e r does w h a t Is of molt- s e r v i c e to
ami cases.
those subject t o t h i s i n f e c t i o n . iK t a k e n in season it e x p e l s
Fine old C o g n a c a n d Seignette Brandies, in half pfpes, quarit from t h e system as it is ahsorl>et!.Vind thus keeps t h o s e w h o
t e r s a n d octaves.
use it f r e e f r o m its a t t a c k s ; keeps the system in h e a l t h t h O a g h
(lis—Swan a u d iAindou Cordial, f n whole a n d half,pii>es.
WiUstjcKY-rOId Scotch, Monongaliela a n d Peach Orchard, in exposed t o the disease. Consetiucnt.1V i t n o t only c u r e s but
p r o t e c t s from, the g r e a t variety\>f affeetions wliich are induh h d s a n d bbls.
ced by this : malignant influence, suoh as R e m i t t e n t Fever. Chill
Wine, S t p m a c h und Cordial Bitters in cases.
Fever, Duiiib, oi-Masked Agne, i ' c r i u d i c s l ll'Sidache, or BilSundries.
lons Headache, Billons FeveiV, N^UralgiiOftheumatism, G o t i t
200 b o x e s R a i s i n s . '
B l i n d n e s s Tootliaclie, E a W m v G a t a r r h , Asthma, Pai)iit«lions.
V>00 ijoxes Window Class, assorted.
Painful Affeclioiis'of tlio Spleen,- H y s t e r i c s Colic, P a r a l y s i s "
150 boxes P e p p e r Sauce,
a n d P a i n f u l Affections uf the S t o m a c h and. UuvroU, all of
200 k e g s W h i t e I-ead;
w h i c h , when a r i s i n g from t h i s eau^e, will be found to assume
200 doxen Pails a u d Tubs.'
mo#e or less tho i n t e r m i t t e n t type; This " A g t i e C u r e " re
100 boxes' assorted I n k . .
moVes the cause of these d e r a n g e m e n t s , a n d e n r e s the disease.
200 bags assorted t^Kit.
T h i s it accomplishes by s t i m u l a t i n g t|ie e x c r e t o r i e s t o ex2iH>.keg» Powder,
1 t h e v i r u s from the s y s t e m ; - a n d ilicse o r g a n s l y degrees
loo boxes Oakley A Ames' Gerjiian Chemical Soap.
come habited to do this their oflice of t h e i r own a c c o r d . —
150 b o x e s white a n d d a r k G e r m a n Chemical Soap.
H e n c e arises w h a t we term acclimation.' Time m a y accom200 boxes F a n c y Bar a n d Cake Soap.
plish t h e s a m e end. but o f t e n life is h o t l o n g enough," o r i s
200 boxes" F a m i l y and No; 1 l i a r S # a n .
sacriljced iu the attempt, While t h i s ' • A g u e ' C u r e ' ' d o c s it at
100 boxes Stearineland T a j l o w Candles.
once, a n d w i t h safety. Wc have g r e a t reason to believe t h i s '
50 birxe^rStar Candles:
is a s u r e r as-well as s a f e r - r e m e d y f o r tho whole class of dis. loo r e a m s W r a p p i n g P a p e r !
cuses w h i c h ore caused by the miasmatic infection, t h a n a n y
HH> reams Foolscap, I-ettcr and Note Paper.
o t h e r w h i c h been discovered; a n d it h a s still a n o t h e r .
, 200,000 Percussion Caps, 2000 lbs Bar Lead.
I m p o r t a n t a d v a n t a g e to the public, Which is, t h a t it is c h e a p
• 1.00 bbls Vinegar.
as well as-good.
P r e p a r e d by Dr. 3. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.- P r i c e One
• Together Witfi CodtisJi, Mackerel, W h i t e Fish; Herring. Bag
Salt, Paints, Oils, Dye Staffs, Cordage, Brooms, Bakets, Glass- Dollar p e r bottle.
A f t r ' s Cherry Pectoral
waru' a u d article ap]>ertaining to t h c G r o c e r V T r a d e . C o r n f "
Jeifbrson Avenue a u d W a y u e - s t , D e t r o i t Mich.
h a s won for itself such a renown for t h e c u r e of e v e r y variety
of T h r o a t itnd L u n g C o m i d a l n t t h a t It I* entirelv h n n r c e s s a f v
for us t o r e c o u n t the evidence of its v i r t u e s wherever i t h a s
Y A N D O T T E K O L L I X G M I L L C O . , H A S NOW been employed. As it h a s d o n g b e e u in c o n s t a n t use t h r o u g h / i a Store, and offer f o r sale, a'tull a s s o r t m e n t of I-ake o u t t h i s section, we need n o t do more than assure the people
S n p c n o r a n d S c r a p Iron, of all sizes, a t greatly reduced rates. Its quality is kept u t f t o t h e best i t over boa been, a n d t h a t it
Tho Lake S u p e r i o r 'Itar I r o n sold by the Company, is nil may be relied .on t o do for t h e i r relief a l l It h a s e v e r b e e n .
made f r o m Charcoal P i g , a n d is f«r,better t h a n tho I r o n m a d e f o u n d t o d o . f r o m Hard Coal, a n d their Lake S u p e r i o r Merchant I r o n li
A f c f s Cathartic Pills,
J '
the only j r o n sold iu tills m a r k e t t h a t is l n a d e j n t h l * m a n n e d
For OH t h e purposes of a P u r g a t i v e Medicine; f o r Costivejiess;
Their Mei c h a n t S c r a p I r o n is all made f r o m selected S c r a p
"for the c u r e of Dyspepsia; f o r J a u n d i c e : f o r the. cure of India n d will bear c o m p a r i s o n with t h o bost I r o n m a d e in the
g e s t i o n ; for Heauacfie; for the cure of D y s e n t e r y ; for a Foul
S t o m a r h ; f o r the cure of E n s l p e U s ; for the P i l e s ; " f o r the.
Wyandotte R o l l i n g Mill C o m p a n y Snd E u r e k a I ton Compacure of S c r o f u l a ; for nil Scrjifuloas C o m p l a i n t s ; for the cure
ny d r a f t s taken at j i a r I n e x c h a n g e f o r I r o n o r any imlebted.of R h e u m a t i s m ; f o r Diseases of the S k i n t f o r the c u r e <jf
ness to the C o m p a n y . Liver C o m p l a i n t ; f o r D r o p s y ; f o r the c u r e of T e t t e r , T u m o r s
Manufactured i r o n also g i v e n in e x c h a n g e for good S c r a p
and Salt l t h c u m ; for W o r m s ; fqr the cure of G o u t ; for a Dinn e r P i l l ; for t h e enrc of Neuralgia; f o r p u r i f y i n g the.blood.
Call a n d see or a d d r e s s '

They are sugar-coated, so that the m o s t sensitive can t a k e
W>L H. Z A BRI8KIE,' S e c r e t a r y .
t h e m pleasantly, a n d t h e y are'.the best a p e r i e n t In t h e world
S t o r e c o r n e r W o o d w a r d A v e n u e a n d Congress-si,
f o r all the purposes pf a family physic.
P r i c e 2a c e n t s p e r B o x ; Six B o x e s f o r Ono Dollar.
B O X F O I T X D B Y . - ^ H E UNDERSIGNED ARK PREp a r e d to furnish', at s h o r t notice. Stationary Engines, M)1I
Gearing, W a r e h o u s e H o i s t i n g ' A p p a r a t n s , a n d all varieties of
Iron W o r k . R e p a i r w p r k on P r o p e l l e r s , S t e a m e r s a u d Saw
Mills, executed jirouijitly a n d t h o r o u g h l y . Casting.-—every paralleled usefulness of tlieso remedies*, b u t oiir space here
w i l l - n o t p e n u l t the insertion of t h e m ; Tho A g e n t s below
niimed furnish g r a t i s . o n r A m e r i c a n Alinsnac in which tliey
We are p r e p a r e d t o execute o r d e r s of any size f o r Brass, a n d are glvcft; also with full descriptions of the above c o m p l a i n t s
a n d the t r e a t m e n t t h a t should L>e followed f o r their c u r e .
Composition C a s t i n g ^ p r o m p t l y .
Do not be p u t off fly unprincipled d e a l e r s ' w i t h o t h e r preOil G l o b e s Oil Cups, Valves, J o u r n a l Boxes. Gnage Cock?,
Cylinder Cocks, Stoam Whistles f o r Steamboats, f.oci»motivcs p a r a t i o n s they make more profit on. The sick w a n t the bent
aid t h e r e is f o r them, a n d .they should f t
All o u r remedies are for safe by
. n3

-. '•
' ' D e t r o i t . Mich.IRON RAILING AND A-ERANDA1IS. •
W e are p r e p a r e d t o - e x c c u l e all o r d e r s f o r ' I r o n Railing for
FLORIDA.—DVJOsiit'A »:. OIODIXUS.—Illnstrrted with B
Private Buildings, Churches, P u b l i c Squares,-antl f o r Cemete- line engravings.—One Volume, }2mo. -20 pj». P r i c e $1.—
ry Lots.
T h i s W o r k p o r t r a y s with e m i n e n t aljilfty,the c r i m e s commit* j&Jn C o m e r of Fifth a n d Woodbridge-sts., opposite Macliine ted by onr G o v e r n m e n t against t h e Maroons w h o Hed f r o m
Slmp'of Michigan Central, Detroit,
.South Carolina ajnl o t h e r Slave S t a t e s s e e k i n g protection unnil •
der Spanish laws. It shows Und f a i t h exercised toward* the
intfianx of Florida, a n d is found t o 'presnit a t r u e view of the
r P O B A X K E I I S . LAND AGENTS AND BUSINESS MEN. long-ronght Florida War, which was. In truth,.A W A R F O R
J . J . S a g e A Son's, Map Publishers, Stationers, E n g r a v e r S L A V E R Y
and Lithographers, 209, Main S t r e e t Buffalo,-N. Y., ovcrSage.'
Krt>m Coventor Chair, of- OWs
I'lano Room.
G e n t l e m e n — A c c e p t m y t h a n k s f o r n r/>py of " T h e E x f l e s
We a r e jtrepared t o exeoute all w o r k e n t r u s t e d t o us w i t h of Florldfc" I h a v e rcail the book with (Trent Interest a n d
p r o m p t n e s s a u d despatch, a n d on as f a v o r a b l e t e n d s as a n y m u c h instruction. I t s e t s in a , - t t r i k i n g light an im)>ortant
e s t a b l i s h m e n t in the country. C o m b i n i n g all the different portion of o u r history, a n d clearly reveal* t h e secret s p r i n g s
h a ^ a r h c t of Steel, Coppef and S t o n e E n g r a v i n g , as well as by which successive a d m i n i s t r a t i o n s were moved in affairs of
Crayon W o r k of the finest description, we g u a r a n t e e satisfac- great moral and political consequence. The distinguished
tion all cases.
a u t h o r has especially eutltfed himself t o the t h a n k s of e v e r y
P a r t i c u l a r attention paid to Batik a n d CommcrciaLwork, lover of freedom, justice, a n d h o n o r a b l e a d m i n i s t r a t i o n , by
such as Checks, D r a f t s , Notes,.-Certificates of Deposit a n d t r a f i n g a u d e x h i b i t i n g the evil influences of slavery In t h e
Stock, Coupon B o n d s Letter, N o t e a n d Bill Heads, Envelopes, t r a n s a c t i o n s which he narrates. N o one, i t s e e m * to" me, can
Ac.' Maps, P o r t r a i t s . Show Cards Ac., L i t h o g r a p h e d a n d arise f r o m p e r u s i n g t h i s w o r k w i t h o u t deepeued c o n v i c t i o n s
printed in the most delicate colors by a new process.
o f - t h e w r o n g of slavcholdiug. and t h o necessity o f e a r a c n
F o r tho c o n v e n i e n c e of the business c o m m u n i t y in t h i s vi- a n d persistent effort for t h e deliverance of o u r National G o v
cinity,. wc h a v e established an a g e n c y w i t h Mr. J o h n W. e m i n e n t from the control of t h e s l a t e p o w e r . :

Green, a t t h o office of t h o Detroit. Daily Advertiser, 212 JefC o i n t n b u s J u l y 12.1858.
S. -1'. C H A f i R
fersim Avenue. ,
R E P U B L I C A N S R E A D I T ! Copies s e n t by mail on recvipt •
P u l i s h e r s Colnmbus, Ohio.
— T h e s e Safes are a c o m b i n a t i o n of W r o u g h t a n d Chilled
Detroit, A g e n t f o r Michigan.
IroBj two i n c h e s t h i c k . The W r o u g h t I r o n gives s t r e n g t h
and the Chilled Iron h a r d n e s s ; t h e safes b e i n g w a r r a n t e d Drill
Proof. All o t h e r Fire Proof Safes arq made of Sheet I r o n ,
between L a m e d and Congress s t r e e t s Detroit, Mich.—
a . R. WOOLLEV, A g e n t a t C. A A'. Ives' B a n k i n g Office. The n n d e r s l g n e d h a v i n g rc-'purehascd . " T h e Institution for
D e t r o i t Nov. L 18$S.
the dissemination of nseful d r i n k s " has enlarged s n d rejuveT > O O T 8 , S H O E S A N D B I B B E B S , A T M'llOLE- nated it in t h e most t h o r o u g h m a n n e r , makthg i t now t h e
I J S A L E ONLY.—-Wo have received f r o m t h e Manufactu- most extensive B R E W E R Y I N T H E WKST.with f a c l l l t i w f o r .
r e r s a b o u t 1.000 cases BOOTS, S H O E S A N D RUBBERS, of a l l p r o d u c i n g the llnestand mostdcllcate gradesof-Mall L i q u o r s ;
the desirable k i n d s a n d h a v e also e n h a n d a few t h o u s a n d a n d is now-prepared,U>furnish the various qualities of Ales.
P o r t e r ami Brown S t o u t for d r a u g h t a n d bottling, a t p r i c e s
pairs of our own m a n u f a c t u r e .
We shall c o n t i n u e t o m a n u f a c t u r e and t o receive a l m o s t r a n g i n g f r o m SO t o $10.per laurel.
E x t r a fine a n d Stock A ' e s hrvwed t o o / d e r . .
daily additions—«o as t o keep o u r stock at all t i m e s large and
All P a c k a g e s extra, whiSh, when returned-to t h e Brewery
complete- C o n f i n i n g ourselves to tho J o b b i n g t r a d e exclusively, we. can offer facilities, nneqnalcd in D e t r o i t a t - 2 5 in good order, will be paid f o r a t s a m e p r i c e s a s c h a r g e d .
The a t t e n t i o n of private f a m i l i e s a n d c u s t o m e r s i n general.
Woodward Avenue.
H.- P . B A L D W I N A CO.
Is particularly called to t h e E X C E l ^ l O R CREAM A L E . Old
D e t r o i t Nov. L 1^5".
f r i e n d s a n d n e w may lie assured of t h e s u p e r i o r qualltv- a n d
T M P O B T A X T T O P R I N T E R S A N D P U B L I S H - flavor of these b e v e r a g e s a n d all a r e invited to call a n d samX BRS.—We h a v e Hon- on h a n d , a n d c o n s t t n t l y r e c e i v i n g a ple for themselves. AU o r d e r s w i t h the money enclosed.'
very large stock of Book and N e w s P a p e r of all sites. We wiH receive p r o m p t attentionl
Malt a n d Hops for sale at t h e lowest m a r k e t rates.
are A g e n t s for n i n e of the best Mills i n the c o u n t r y w h i c h
n3 •
J. L. C A R E W .
gives us a c h a n c e t o c o m p e t e and undersell a n y establishment
i n l h e W e s t a n d wopld say t h a t w e s e l l . p r i n t p a p e r c h e a p e r
a n d a better article t h a n can be f o u n d in t h i s m a r k e t ; Also, T J Q O K S . — S E L P - M A D B MEN—By C. B. S e j u i o n r .
F o t u r e Life, or S c e n e s in A n o t h e r W o r l d ; b y O e o . W o o d .
we have j u s t received a large i n v o i c e of fine M a n n i l l a i — '
stering Children.
Please call a n d pee f o r yourselves a t
T h e K. N. P e p p e r , a n d o t h e r Condiments, p n t n p for g e n e r a l
. P E A S E A FULLER'S, N o . 210 Jefferson A r e .
D e t r o i t Nov. 1.185ft.
. nJ







f j a n d Animal Phvsiology, designed f o r t h e u s e of Schools,
S e m i n a r i e s a n d Colleges, by H e n r y Goad by. M. D „ Professor
pfcrgjology ami
a m i EEntoi
• the
of* Vegetable
a n d Animal• Physiology
n t o m o l•o g- y in
" shed with
wi npState A g r i c u l t u r a l College .of Michigan, embellished
w a r d s of 450 Ilinstaations. A l t h o u g h designed m a i n l y f o r
Colleges aud Schools, t h i s hook will be found invaluable
t h e g e n e r a l reader, a n d should find a p l a c e in e v e r y public
a n d p r i v a t e Library. T h e beauty of t h e wood en gravin gs t h a t
s o plentifully a d o r n t h i s woric, la remarkable, a n d t h e i r 4 t ; l e
e m i a e n t l y p e c u l i a r ; w h i t e , red. yellow a n d bine figures, o n a
dead black g r o u n d . By t h e i r d i s t i n c t n e s s t h e y have elicited
T > A P E R . ~ W E A R E P R E l ' A R E D TO S U P P L Y A T M I L L
l a n i m o u s a d m i r a t i o n . F o r sale by
price*, all Sizes a n d w e i g h t s of P r i n t a n d Book P a p e r : —
Detroit, Nov. 1,1858.
also L e d g e r P a p e r , Flat a n d Folded Paper, L e t t e r , C a p a n d
F r e d e r i c k t h e G r e a t ; by C a r l y l s
r p H E C Y C L O P A E D I A O F W I T A N D H l T B O R . — Commercial Note, W r a p p i n g a n d T i i a n e P a p e r , F a n c y a n d
JL C o n t a i n i n g , c h o i c e a n d c h a r a c t e r i s t i c selections f r o m the Staple S t a t i o n e r y in g r e a t variety.
D e r * D e a n ; by Miss Mary J . Holmes.
w r i t i n g s o r t h e m o s t e m i n e n t H n m o r i s t s . o f A m e r i c a , ScotTOO t o n s of Raga wanted l a e x c h a n g e .
W i t h a variety of o t h e r s t o o n u m e r o u s t o o e n u m e r a t e . F o r
land, I r e l a n d a n d E n g l a n d , b y W m . E. B u r t o n . F o r sale by
sale h v
Detroit, N o v . 1,1858.
D e t r o i t Mich.
D e t r o i t J a n . 7,1859.





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