Grand Traverse Herald, January 21, 1859

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Grand Traverse Herald, January 21, 1859


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Morgan (1806-1874)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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T K A V E R 8 E C J T Y , M I C H . F R I D A Y , ,TA>.\ 2 1 , 1 8 5 9 .

VOX.. I.

Cfte <SrHitb (Tratoersc $trali),


N O . 11.

sandfive,hundred andfifty-nine;two thousand throe hunThe average amount of cash ialhe Treasury for the four years next proceeding
dred and twenty-three male teachers were employed, and
' 309,858 27 four thousand eight hundred and ninety-three female*—
, j
A*I) HoUSS OF lilffRKSKXTATIVSti: , December 1st, 1858, was
and the total amount ofteacbera*wage»was$443,ii871i
The Constitution makes it the duty of the Governor, at The amount of interest rocehed for the
67,465 25 the amount of public mopey disbursed was $107,39512;
the close of his official ternvto give to the naxt Legisla- n n of tbe nunc, wax
^<)IlGA>i B A T K S ,
. ture 'Information bymesBagc of the condition of the 8tatc.' No provision was ever made, previous to 1855, to pre- the whole amount raised by tax upon proparty in thu
I have the honor, therefore, in compliance with its requffe- vent the comtant increase, of the public debt, by reason districts was $319,558 26; the number of volumes iu tho
of the accumulated interest onthe adjusted portion of the township libraries was one hundred and sixty-eight
meots, of making this communication to von.
C**rs jwrumwp. pi
The receipts into the State Treason- daring the fiscal five millionloaii. and althongh there was an avCTage In the thousand nine hundred and seventy-seven. Thoso figurui
Trensory of $285,000, yet the interest upon that loan un- iare the evidence of the great public epirit in the rigfcf
ending J«ov. 30, 1858, were as follows:
1 paid was yearly incroasmgthe principal of our public debt direction, in a good cause.

Balance of cash in Treasury, Dec. 1,1857, $158,642 70
until it,had reached the sum.of $965,650 83.
I refer you to the report of the Commissiooer of tfau.
Tlie foHowing"'i8 a statement of interest annually ac
Land Office, for a detailed account of the business of-his
n delinquent taxes, '
$226,392 19
g on the '• unrecognized'' (part paid) 5,000/000 loan department The number ot acres of swamp lamb sold
From specific taxes,
166,261 44
bonds, by reason of Ae aecunmlation of interest and its the past year has been ninety-seven thousand six hundnd
From other sources,
8,002 72
U Kinds if Jib Prillingfall;andfijtJ'iliteljEIMIBL From new bonds,
incorporation into the Adjusted Bonds:
and twenty; and brought $122.2^7—of which $$7,511 73 ,
166,000 00
have beenreoeivedin cash The preference given to the .
The umount wasued May, 1838, known as
actual settler has worked advantageously, and new 'set"Unrecognized" Bpnps, is $3,813,000 00;
on which the State received only $955tlers are constantly seeking homes opon these lands, /
From sale of lanils and U. S. 5 per cents,
960 24; the annua] interest on this amount
mawr of which are valuable.
. •
TBUbT ri RlW.
The reports of State Prison Inspectors of the last, a*.
sales of University, primary
well as tl» present year contains many valuable suggusBut
and Xormal School latlds
$22,573 91
TTBVAM Cl(y, Q t a n d T m v e r N e Co, Mi<&. From .swamp lands
tions, to which I invite your examination. As the State
paid bonds outstanding are called in, will
62,897 67
grou-s older, with the steady increase of population, t t|u,
amount to $1,921,61107; upon whicham't
From Asylnn Jands and interest, 2,933 11
interest will amount to
115,297 65 administration of justice lias became- mucA more perfect,
From State Buildingla&ds,
1,069 32
and tho pmiishment of crime much more crrtai a than

formerly.. The increase of convicts lias created a demand
InL on part paid Univermty
Piwieeatirur A t t o v n e y nn<l Circfait C o u r t Forland
upon the interest, incorporated into the
, for increased appropriations and expenditures to provide
Adjusted Bonds—viz,, interest on $965,- •
them with cells and shop room for thqir labor.
Int on part paid Primary School
659 83,
$57,939 05
The appropriations for that purpose for the last two
land certificated,
, .
68,467 "64
The Legislature
1855, tqwh my recommendation, years, were $32,000, which lias been faithfully and judiInL on part, paid Normal School
wrciously expended.
. , . ,.
, * j.
land ccrtiticates
3,042 14
It will be pereeivpd that .the whole number of conricta,
InL On part paid Swamp larid cerIt vrill be perceived that most of theni have been returned on the 30th of November last, was 433, and that the intificate,
" " "A
95,345 29 and new bonds at the adjusted rate ha\-e been isued in. crease during the last your has been 62. The whale
1TTI1XIA]II V, WBLIJfc, (Roccmor to Campbell 4
W Woll*,) Attorney, Solicitor and Cooasellor. Office From SaultStc Marie Canal tolls
8,947 42 their stead. At that time the pmbli<r debt hod reached number confined since tho establishment of the prison, .is
its maximum, and from that period the surplus moneys 1,521, of which 567, or more than one-third of the wholo
on hand in tho Treasury, have boun applied loita reduc- were from tho county of "NVanHj.
tion. •
The jail of Detroit is thc*ommou 'receptacle of thoso
The total amount oi State debt oh the 1st
tliat are convicted of petty offences, those that are charOENUAL FU.Sa
lowing Llne»>—A*SKIC*» TBAMBTOKTATIOS ConriSv„Ca|ii- For axponces of sales, refunded to counties,
of December, 1850, was
$2,488,498 66 gyd with crime as well as tho more hardened friminaL
Ul S»00,000. WkWTKKN TuttXiPOKTATlON CoMrA*V, Capital redemptions refunded, &c $112,873 08
Not unfrequcntly. seventy or eighty, of all ages and conOn
$800,000. And thtWcw Yont CBNTXI. It. It. Co.

ditions and degrees of moral turpitude, are hnddkd
It had therefore, increased, in the four
For salaries, cxpences and ap-"
\xTILCOX, LUFF & FULLER, (Successor!! to E. W. propriations
years next preceedins my administration
43,47 04 together,, and It Js thurf made the preparatory tchool for
166,235 51
VV Hodson.) Commission Merchants middealers In Ship
Total State indebtedness I)ee. 1st 1854
2,531,545 70 the State Prison." *
Stores, Coal, Sail, Water Llipe, I'lfurter, Ao.> Docks foot of For taking np aud canceling
Total State indebtedness "So?. 39, 1858 2,337,629 67 Society is much better employed in prtteniing crime,
bonds (University,)
99,000 00
Date* Street, Detroit, Mich.
From which ifl to bo deducted bonds ro- .
than in punishifigit; and I respectfully suggest that tho
.HBXRY Lvrr...
Qro. P. Fri-i.HR. For payment of iuterek on State
deemed 1st Jan. instant
20,000 00 establishmeiil-of a pcnitent»ry, or work-house in Detroit,
indebtedness,9,510 00
RATES A SHELDON, (Knce«Ksur*toI.cwlsA Groves)
Where its inmates wonld find employment, and be p(eser-,
VX Produce and General Commission Merchants, oh the
$2,317,629 67 ved from cotitaminatiob, would Jo inuch to prevent the'
Dock near the foot of Can* street. ;
Diminution in four years
2W.916 03 rapid increase of the inmates of the State Prison, and
JiMKa O. G a i V M s . . . . . . . . — C m s . A. SUELDON. For payment of interest on State
For more minute particulars in roforence to the condi- saw us the necessity of building a new one in afew years.
122,560 6 f
Cr STIMSON.'l'rodaio, Commission an(l Shijiping For payment of bonds, Treasmy
tion of tho Treasury and manage ment of the financial af- The general depression-in business has lessened to a
• Merchant, Warehouse on Dock, foot of Bates street,
fairs of the State, I respectfully refer yon to the Reports considerable extent the earnings of the convicts, quite n
notes, outstanding warrants
of the Auditor General and State Treasurer, inwhicnthe number-having been out of employ; but the price obtain5,649 -33 38T Liberal advances made on Produco; far sale in this or and exchange,
Role operations of those dertirtmcnts are given in dfctaiL ed for the labor of those contracted, has been consideraEastern Market*.
For payment of 1) k P. R. B.
Refer to—John Owen, Pres't. Michi jr*n Insurance Co. Bank bonds,
Abont eighty-five thousand) dollars was levied the last bly enchanood within the kt6t.four years, and the disri97,000 00
<). Q. Williams ACo-,
Forwarding and C'otfunlMion
year for the Sj'ate goverumedt, by a direct tux. This is pline of the prison perceptibly improved. When tho
" ' "*
ot the rate of 48-lOOths of a mi ill upon the dollar of valu- buildings are complete, with projier management and
E . PI'ITMAN, dealer In Coal and Pig "Iron. Office For support of University
ation, and about ten or twelve cents to the person of our economy, I flunk it should cease to lie a burden to the
835,425 01
•and Yard,footof Cass street Detroit.
• COALS.—Lehigh, Blosaburg. Scranton, Ilrl#r Hill, New- For Primary School apportionIt will not fail to nltra^l" your attention, that tlie expen- Accompanying this message, in a separate document
.107,569 98
castle, Erie.
ditures for tho operation^/of the State government excood is a list or tho pardons 1 have gtanted lor the past year,
59,500 00110 IRON.—Hanging Book, Masslllon, Scotch Franklin, For Asylum appropriations
MldiQettx, pjlntoit.- Various other brands t>f Coal and Pig For expences or Normul School 6,998 49
itsfixedand ordiiiury iufomo, and to avoid taxation, re- with the reason therefore annexed . As tho number at
Iron are kept for salo»
sort has been had to meat the appropriations of the Legis- prisoners increases, the applications for Exoeutive clemlature, to the principal of the Umversity, Common School ency become more frequeut, and a considerable portion
/^ttRNELIUS OCKFORD, Produce, Forwarding and For expenses of Swamp land
and Swamp Lands, commonly known as the:Trust Funds of tie time of the Governor is now required in the inves$14,030 49.
\J Commission Merchant Office No. 2 Baakua' Warehouse, salty,
opftWtoM.C. B?.B. D»lW>t, Detroit, Mich. ^
and upon which the State pays the annual interest 1 ro- tigation of these appeals for mercy.
Forerronsouasalcsof landand
s|>ectftlly subiuit for your consideration, whether sound I have endeavored to give them all a patient and caninterests
exicE.HI. BEMENT, Produce CommlMioa Merchants,
economy and correct statesmanship does not require that did hearing, and althoogh I have deemed It my duty to
Backup Building, opposite M. C. B. It Freigl)* Depot, pcnw< of advertising and aptherevenuesof the State.shouldrtieetits ordinary dis- reject a large portion of the applications, yet you will
praising forfeited lands,
1,624 45
15,654 94 bursements, and whether it will notbenecesory, tonccom- preceive that the number of pardons granted is much
8. FARRAND, Wholesale dealer In DrugB and Oro40 00 plish thut object, to increase the rate of taxation. A larger than in any former year.
• eeries Paints, Oils and Window <ll*iw,No.80 Wood- M. (J, R R. deposits refunded,'
ward avenuo. Detroit, Mich.
"3 Balance cosh on hand Xor. 30.1858
176,347 20 State, like an individual, would feci far more independent, In most cases 1he pardon has been recommended by
and able to accomplish,a, much greater amount of public the Judge and the prosecuting officers who convicted
TTTtLLARD HARVEY Si CO., M Maiden Lane.aud
$1,024,363 05 good, if she were-cntirclyrelievedfrom debt A vigor- them. In all cases I have required a cirtificate of good
VV IT Cedar street. New York, Paper Warehouse. Every
description of Wrapping. Printing and WHUng Paper, on [ It will be perceived that the aggregate of receipts atid ous effort in the right direction, would soon'relieve rw of conduct in prison, and whore any habits of intemperance _
hand, or made to order. Fancy, Colored and T^sue Papers, expenditurps is largely increased by including.boDds to the a burden which revives a painfulrecollectionof youthful had been acquired previous to conviction, 1 have made/
Blotting l'iptay Envelope*. Straw and.Bonnet Boards.' n3 amount of $266,000, which'haw been issued in conform- folly in incurring a delit oT more thun two millions, for it a condition of the pardon that therecipientshall totally
abstain from the use of intoxicating drinks. 4 .abstainfrom
T 8. CUTHBJERT it CO., Wholesale Druggist* and ity to the law of ^au. 30th, 1#58, all but $30,000,00^ wtuch we have derived little or rio benefit.
f | » Grocers, No's 102 and 104, Woodward avenue, Detroit, which were' to redeem the outstanding bonds of the State,
I respectfully refer you to the Superintendent of Pub- -From information which has reached mc, I hare reahave In store and offer to, the Trade, a large stock of Sugar, which fell due on the 1st of July last, and on the 1st of lic Jnstructioh, for a deiailcd statement in relation to the, son to believe .that the most or those in whose behalf {
6yrup, Molasses, Fish, .Fruit, 8pices, Nats Liquors, Drugs, Januaiy instant,
.f •
V condition of the: various Educational Institutions of the have interfered, arc engaged in an earnest endeavor to
Cordage, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Naval Stores, VV Mow Glass,
Tho conditions of the law, for the issue of these bonds State. Tho University, the Agricultural College, the prove themselves worthy of the clemency they have' re,
to the:atnnunt of $196,000 00 have been redeemed and Normal School, and that still more useful institution the. ceivedThe Legislature of 1855 made provisions for the estabf1 UY F. HINCHMAN tc CO* Dealers in Groceries cancellcd, and provision ma^e for. tic redemption of 20- Common School, arc all in aflourishingand satisfactory lishment
of a House "bf Correction for Juvenile Offender^,
\JT M>d Provisions, Paints, Olls,'Twfccs, Oanvius Anchors 000 00 which (ell doe on the 1st of January instant. It condition, each indispensable, and endeared still more ami
and Chains, Tar, Pitch, Rosin, Oakum, Ha, A complete stock is gratlfipng, also, to bo abb to sUite that the credit^ of more in the hearts of the people. It Is believed that no and on the 2d of September, 1856, the buildings wcre'Ip
of Ship Chandlery and the above named articled always on the State is ifl ii high condition; atid that whilti the bonds State of the same ago and. population o$ ours, has exhibi- such a state of completion that it was opened and comband andforsale very low. at tu VV'oodbridgo street, Detroit, of tho 8tates of Virgini«,^ennc«sco, Missouri# and sevcTal ted the,same liberality in the constructitm of commodious
other Stated, were befow par, we were able to negotiate school edifices, and voluutary tax of severity for the supORIGOS tc CO-MANDFACTCBERS AND I>EAt- these bonds at a premium. •
, and the numberremainingtl
port of teachers and tlit construction of school buildings,
• era at Wholesale and Retail, in Hsffci, Chairs, Bedsteads, It will also be noticed, that other largo amounts of is no uncommon thing among our people. Wise and libr Report, en the 18th of Novcqibcr last, was 58.
Damns, Book-cases, Wardrobes, Tablets Painted Chamber
as the interest on the University and School lands oral appropriations, on your part, to sustain such institu-' I invite you to visit this Institution with a confident beRets, Marble and Jtokewood Ware, and a large assortment of
that any prejudices you may have imbibed against it
Hair, Huck, Cotton and Spring Mattrassen. Also, Hair Cloths
Spring Twine, Webbing, pnro Curled Hair, Willow Ware aud the Trtasnrt- is, simply' made the agent of their receipt tad sure to receive the approbation of a discriminating and will disappear as you become familiar with its worlriogi
looking Glasses, at No's. 103 A lto JcBl-rsou Aveuoe, Detroit, cEsbursfment
Under its present management, it cannot fail te exert a
enlightened constituency.
Michigan. '

The Revised Constitution of 1850 contemplated the beneficent influence as a school offewrm. Li addition to
The receipts into the treawrv for delinquent taxes
UDLEY at HOLMES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL upon Don-resident hauls, have been largely increased establishment of nn Agricaltural College and tho legis- its educational training, the boys an; acquiring habits of
dealers:ln Hardware, Stoves, Boyaton's Ilo( Alt Furnathe last year. This ia to bo attributed mainly to lature of 1655 took tde initiative in an enterprise, which, industry, and becoming fitted for usefulness in the
oea, Register,Grates, Cooking ltanges. Tinner's and Plumber's over
Stock, Machine* and Pools. Also, manufacturers of Copi>er. tho able decision of thc Snpreme Conrt, which has "ren- I trust, will accomplish much for the welfare of the State world, by learning a good trade.. Thereclamationof th?
Tia and Sheet Iron Wan-s, House siid Steamboat Plumbers. dered hopeless the cffortKOf that'clhss of property-holders in the improvement and elevation of its most valuable unfortunate juveniles of onr State, who are thrown upon
*sr- A ijent* for Wilder'* Patent Sabimandcr Safes.
to avoid their just proportion of the public expenses. If citizens. The idea of combining mental with physical the world witii no restraint to prevent their acquiring
far attention paid to House and Bteamboat-PIamb-' this just decision had not been promptly made, or if the trniuing. and applying them to that great branch of labor vice and crime, is an indication of tie Christian spirit of
Court had arrjvpd at a dUfcrcat conclusion, the Treasury which produces our food, and which'supports and sustains the age, and is worthy of our continued and zealous.ofTort&
would-have bevn greatly embarrassed, and the rcaldent all other classes; is worthy of the progressive spirit of the Seventy-fflx boys is the extent of the present capacity of
tax-^iyers t-Ttftjopt to an inconvenient. If not insupportable age in which we live; and, if it succeeds we cannot esti- the building—it WiU therefore hold bat eighteen more.
Detroit. (Qpposlt^ Holme>A Co.)
I cannot doubt that you will make provision for an addimate the beneficial results which willflowfromi t
ANlD yTHOLEThe College was organized UDon a new farm, a year tional wing.
, —- and retail dealers in Silk, Fur. Wool Panama; Palm- The State indebtedness, for which bonds hare beeen
I am confident you will not fail to -take deep interest
ago la3t May, and, although at has encountered unpropi. Lofffaortt' so^ Straw IHats, Far,'Cloth, Pinsb, SUk atid isstied, in aa follows;
Glased Caps; all descriptions of manufactured Fursforladies Penitentiary;,Bonds dne January 1,1859, $10,000 00 tlons seaScms ami other embarrassment*, yet its success in the Reports of officers and Trustees of the Asylums.
•and centlenMin: Bdckskin Gloves and Mittens, Fur, KM, 811k Pen^tentiarj' Bonds due in 1860,
40,000 00 hasfollyequaled the expectations of those who had its That at Flint, for deaf and dumb and blind, although the
afMliwooteh Olaves, Csnes, Umbrellas, Cravats, Suspenders, Internal improvement Warrant Bonds,
50 06 management and control.. It has been constantly filled buildings are incomplete, has been in successful ope rati on
Full paid FrTO Million Loan Bonds, due
by a class of young men of industrious habits and correct since 1854, and the whole nlanber nf- pupils connected
Jaaoaiy; 1$63, ,
177,000 00 deportment and who#! rapidadvanoe in' literary attain- with it since ita o^mzatkm, is 128r-«f whom 87 wenCoaant Block, 118 Jefferson ATO,
• I "*
. Ipaid
' M . for V
< — y f . H .Furs
uu w
m jDeer
ytti C
Adjusted Bonds due January, 186.3,
1,726,685 00 ments, it is believed, are not excelled in any other insti- deaf and dumb, ana 41 blind.
. ,.4
tution. .A biH passed the lower House in" Congress,- at The whole" number is attrtdancethe last year is 111;
D2CHMONDS * BACKUS.—.PRKMIUM ACCOU.A The part piud Five Million Loan Bonds
JLL Book Manufactory and Book-Binderv, N'n. 183, .lefferson when funded, will.aijiptint
104,142 60 the last session, making a liberal grant of the pubGc and, under tie superintendence of the able, enthusiastic,
A reaue.—Account Books of every description mail* to order,Outston4ing Ipt- Imp. Warrants,
3.762.07 landWor the endowment of Agricultural Colleges. I and devoted^fc. Fay and to assistants.they hpvf made
,ofaap«Hor paper aad workmsnshla. at lower prices than New bonds issued in July lost, due 1878," 266,000'00 tnlstyou will lend your ittfluehce to 'secure its passage cerditable progress in the pttamment pt that knowledge
heretofore. Warranted to glvo satisfaction in every particuthrough the other branch of Congress at its presrat ses- which Isreceivedunder such peculjar disadvantages
f .Bgt
T«tol •
$2,337,629 67 sion. In a few years, when the Agricultural Farm, is which in ite teachings mpares tl*
Commercial Printing, Baling and Blading, executed to
The average amount of cash in the Tre«>- rU
' 47V !• brought under cultivation and improvement,1 it is believ- patience and skiH. flood progress has beea mfr ja %
i Tho subscriber havtng had an eraorlenca of over fourteen SUIT, for thefoury o n noxtpinnwiliiiH -i—
ed that it will be nearly« quite self-sustaining, but at completion of the btuWcws aod the W o p r n t i a n p h ^
fwU aMuredthaf rtey can
competition In prices Deeetiibee 1st, 1854,'ww
•38&iHMl06 present it wilt need your support.
The amount of interest received for t^e
The number .of children taught in our common schools
Ufltfing oftheAsytanforthel-Me
Compaales, respectfully solicited.
- B of the same, WM
1,65> 86 the last year, was one hundred and seventy-three thouis FCSMSIIBD wntar rtitDAt, At
m- City, Grand Travmc G o a t f , Mlchijpm,

anir Counsellor at Sato,

Detroit Business Cards.







v o x , . I.

T E A V E E B E C I T Y , M I C H . F R I D A Y , J A N . 21,1850.

Che <Sranb Cratesc $trali,IS PVBLUmn> BTEBT nilDAT, XT
Grand T r a m * County, Michigan,



T h e C o n s t i t u t i o n m a k e s i t t h e d u t y of t h e G o v e r n o r ,
t h e c l o s e of l i s official t e r m , - t o g i v e t o t h e n e x t Legislat u r e ' I n f o r m a t i o n b y m e s s a g e o f t h e c o n d i t i o n of t h e S t a t e . '
I h a v e t h e h o n o r , t h e r e f o r e , in c o m p l i a n c e w i t h i t s r e q u i r e m e n t s of m a k i n g t h i s c o m m u n i c a t i o n t o y o u .
T E R M S .
O** M U J I i*D Ptrrr c o m Itwuaaqi, p«y»bV Iwulihl; hi
: T h e r e c e i p t s i n t o t h e S t a t e T r e a s u r y d u r i n g t h e fiscal
Oo«»ty OnJ«ri
u p«r in ptjnxni of uitxcrlpilou a»l •drrrtUJ
e a r , e n d i n g Sov. 3 0 , 1858, w e r e a s follo«-s:
< » m i u u n r i will be Inttrvd forflllf crntt>rr »<jo»rr lun Hnn) I
B a l a n c e of c a s h in T r e a s u r y , D e c . 1,' 1 8 5 7 ,
$158,642 7 0
colasMi'aad |B0 for MM column. l*r*l admtWmiita u On r o u preK i l M t y l n : flftr rrnti 6*r (Mis of WO wonl», for ,th* Br»t liwrtlon, «ni F r o m d e l i n q u e n t taxes, '
$226,392 19
F r o m s p e e i h e taxes,
166,261 44
F r o m other sources,
8,002 72
F r o m n e w bonds,
166,000 00
666,656 6 5
F r o m sale of l a n d s a n d U . S . 5 p e r cents,
F r o m sales of C n i v e r s i t v , p r i m a r y
and X o r m a l ScbooHailds
$22,573 91
TrnVoWo City.Ornnrl T m v c r w ' Co. £fluh.
F r o m .swamp lands
62,897 67
F r o m A s y l n n l a n d s a n d interest, 2 , 9 3 3 1 1
F r o m S t a t e Buildiuglafida,
1,069 3 2

S^OllGAJ! B A T E S ,

;\D Kinds tf Jab Priding Ifajlj and Eqdilioasljf tkwiteA
G H A B L E S II. H O L D E N ,

^ttomn airt Counsellor at Jiato,

•piwwxrutiru; A t t o v n o y a n d C i r c u i t C o u r t

Detroit Business Cards.


I L L I A M P . W B L I J H , (Successor t o Campbell 4
Wall*,) Attorney, Solicitor a n d Counsellor.' Office
o « r Farmer*' u d Mechanics Bank, Cor. Woodward a n d Jefferson av's., Detroit.
> S h i p p i n g Merchants, Agents and Consignees for the following Llne*>-—AJUJUCAX TKA.NSI*ORTATI<IN ConrAKV.,Capital $900,000. WESTERN TuiiNsroiiTATiON COMPANY, Capital
>•<00 000. And the NEW YOKE CENTXI. R. B. CO.
\ X T I L C O X , L U F F k F U L L E R , (Successor, to F. W.
Hudson.) Commission Mercbaata and dealer* in Ship
Store*, Coal, Salt, Water Liipe, l'la*tcr, Ac. D o c k s foo,t of
Datea Street, Detroit, Mich. to"


Geo. F. F r u .

/ M l A V E 8 L S H E L D O N * (Successor* to fcwisAGrav
\ J " Produce a n d General Commission Merchants, on I
Dock nvtr the foot or Cans street. ]
J A W S 0 . GHATES,.; . . . , , v : ; . 4 : . . 0 i i « A. Sirei.w


Q* S T I M S O N / l ' r o i l u c e , Commission and Shipping
• Merchant, Warehouse on Dock, foot of Bates street,
J3T L i b e r a l advances 'made on Produce/ f q r sale in thin or
Eastern Market*.
Refer to—John Owen, Prea't. Michigan I n s u r a n c e Co. Bank:,
<). 0 . Williams 4 Co., F o r w a r d i n g and C o n i z a t i o n Merchants,
' n3


E. P I T T M A V , dealer In Coal a n d P i g Iron. Offlce
• a n d Yard, font Of Cass street Detroit.
COALS.—lA'lrigh, Bloasburg, S c r a n t o n , Brl»r Hill, Newcastle, Erie.
I'lG IRON.—Hanging Rook, Masslllon, Scotch Franklin,
Middlesex, Clinton! Various o t h e r b r a n d s Of Coal and P i g
I r o n are k e p t for sale.


O R N E L I U S O C K F O R D , Produce, F o r w a r d i n g and
Commission M e r c h a n t Offlce No. 3 Baokus' Warehouse,
opposite M. C. Rr.R." Depot, Detroit, Mich.

Detroit, .Mich.

Building, opposite M. C. R. Bj. F r e i g h t Depot,


? 8 , P A R R A N D . Wholesale dealer in D r u g s a n d Oro• e e r i e * P a i n t y Oils

T T 7 I L L A R D H A R V E Y * C O . , M-Waideii Lane, a n d
17 Cedar Street New T o r k , P a p e r Warehouse. E v e r y
description of W r a p p i n g . P r i n t i n g and W r i t i n g Paper, on
hand, or made t o o r d e r . F a n c y , Colored a n d Tissue Pa|>eni,
Blotting Prfp^jn, Envelopes, Straw a n d Bonnet Boards. • n3

4c C O . , Wholesale Druggists an<l

h a v e In s t o r e and offer t o the Trade, a large stock of Sugar,
6yrup, Molaase* Fish. F r u i t Spiccs, N'uts, Liquor*, Drugs,
Cordage, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Naval Stores, W induw Glass,
• Ac., A!•.
i . 8. C u T H i w a r , — . . . . . . .
W. C i X r i K .
U Y P . H I K C H M A l f ii C Q * Denlew in Groceries
\ X and Provision*, l'alnts, Oils, TwAica, Canvas, A n c h o r s
a n d Chain*, Tar, P i t c h , Rosin, Oakum, Ac; A complete stock
of S h i p Chandlery and the above namod articles always on
b a n d a n d for sale vary low, at 40 Woodbridgo s t r e e t Detroit,
IpcMgan. •


G R I G G S k. C O ^ M A N D F A C T U l l E B S AND D E A L • ers at Wholesale a n d Retail, in Sorts, Chair*, B e d s t e a d s
D a m n s , Book-cwoa, Wardrobe* T a b l e * Painted Chamber
Beta, Marble and Rosewood Ware, and a large a s s o r t m e n t or
HaJr, Hnck, Cotton and S p r i n g Mattnisse*. Also, H a i r C l o t h s
Spring Twine, Webbing, jmro Curled Hair, Willow W a r e a n d
Looking Glasses, at No's. 163 A 165 J e f l b r s o u A v c n o * D e t r o i t

T " \ U D L E Y & H O L M E S , W H O L E S A L E AND R E T A I L
dealer* 1n Hardware, Stove*, B o y j t o u ' a H o t Air k'urnscos, Register,Grates, Cooking Ranges, t i n n e r ' s and Plumber's
. Stock, Machines and Pools. Also, m a n u f a c t u r e r s Of Copper,
T i * and Sheet I r o a Wares, House a n d Steamboat Plumbers.
Agent* f o r Wilder'* P a t e n t Salamander Safes.
P a r t i c u l a r a t t e n t i o n paid to House a n d Steamboat-Plumbing. and p u t t i n g the moat approved H e a t i n g and Ventlliatiiig
Furnacos u*d Cooling A p p a r a t u s In IMWloHhd P r i v a t e Ruildl « ( ^ In t b « City a n d Country. N o 87 Woodward Avenne,
Detroit. (Opposite H o l m e , A Co.)

I>eaf, i/«Rhon> and Straw IHats, F a r , Cloth, Plush. Silk *r»l
Glaavd Cap*; all descriptions of m a n u f a c t u r e d F u r s lor ladies
•and g e n f l e m e n : Bdckskln Gloves a n d M i t t e n s Fur,' Kid, Silk
a n d | w o o l e n Glove*, Canes, Umbrellas, Cravats, Snspender*.
Ac. Hatter*' Stock a n d Trimming*. Buffalo a n d Fancy Sleigh
Robes, Ac.

Conant Block, 148 Jefferson A t e .
j&i S.*-C»^h paid f o r Shipping F u r a a n d Deer Skin*.
A r e n n e . — A c c o u n t Book* of e v e r y description m«;l« t o order,
of aoporior paper a * d workmanship, at lower p r i c e s t h a a
heretofore. W a r r a n t e d to give satlslactlon in every particu-


T b o subscriber h a v i n g h a d an experience of over fonrVten
" '
red t h a t ftey o a n
comgeUtion fn p r i c e s
nahip. ;-T

C o m p a a i e a , respectfully aolicited.

T h e a v e r a g e a m o u n t of c a s h in t h e T r e a sury for the four y e a r s n e x t proceeding
D e c e m b e r 1st, 1 8 5 8 , w a s
309,858 27
T h e a m o u n t of i n t e r e s t received f o r t h e
t u e of t h e s a m e , w a s
67,465 25
N o p r o v i s i o n w a s e v e r m a d e , p r e v i o u s t o 18551, t o p r e v e n t t h e comrtant increase of thi- p u b l i c d e b t , b y r e a s o n
of t h e a c c u m u l a t e d i n t e r e s t on t h e a d j u s t e d p o r t i o n of t h e
five million loan, a n d a l t h o u g h t h e r e w a s a n a v e r a g e m t b e
T r e a s u r y of 8 2 8 5 , 0 0 0 , y e t t h e i n t e r e s t u p o n t h a t loan u n p a i d was y e a r l y i n c r e a s i n g t h e p r i n c i p a l of o u r p u b l i c d e b t
until it l i a d r e a c b e d t h e sum of $ 9 6 5 , 6 5 0 8 3 .
T h e follovring is a s t a t e m e n t of i n t e r e s t annually a c c r u i n g o n t h e " u n r e c o g n i z e d " ( p a r t p a i d ) 5 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 loan
bonds, b y reason of t h e a e c u n m l a t i o n o f i n t e r e s t a n d i t s
incorporation into t h e A d j u s t e d Bonds;
T h e a m o u n t siasued S l a v , 1838, k n o w n a s
"Unrecognized" Bpwfs, i s $ 3 , 8 1 3 , 0 0 0 0 0 ;
on w h i c h t h e S t a t e received only $ 9 5 5 9 6 0 2 4 ; t h e a n n u a l interest on t h i s a m o u n t
would Ho
$57,357 60
B u t t h e A d j u s t e d B o n d s , w h e n all t h e p ? r t
p a i d b o n u s o u t s t a n d i n g a r c called, in, will
amount to $1,921.611 0 7 ; upon w h i c h a m ' t
interest will amount t o
115,297 65

A n e x c e s s o v e r t h e f o r m e r a m o u n t of i n t e r e s t
upon the interest incorporated into the
A d j u s t e d B o n d s — v i z . , interest on $ 9 6 5 , - •
659 8 3
$57,939 05
T h e Legislature
1855, Opon m y recommendation,
passc<l a n a c t requiring t h e s e p a r t p a i d b o n d s t o b e s u r r e n d e r e d f o r a d j u s t m e n t , o r t h n t t h e i n t e r e s t should stop.
I t will b e p e r c e i v e d t h a t most of t h e m h a v e b e e n returned
9 5 , 3 4 5 2 $ a n d new b o n d s at t h e a d j u s t e d r a t e h a v e been issued in8 , 9 4 7 4 2 t h e i r s t e a d . A t t h a t t i m e t h e p u b l i c d e b t h a d reached
F r o m S a u l t S t e M a r i e C a n a l tolls
its m a x i m u m , and f r o m t h a t period t h e surplus moneys
$ 1 , 0 2 4 , 3 6 3 0 5 on h a n d in t h e T r e a s u r y , h a v e b e e n a p p l i e d l o i t s r e d u c tion.

T h e t o t a l a m o u n t oi S t a t e d e b t on t h e 1st
of D e c e m b e r , 1850,- w a s
$ 2 , 4 8 8 , 4 9 8 66
F o r c x p o n c e s of sales, r e f u n d e d t o counties,
O n t h e first of D e c . 1854, i t w a s
2,531,545 70
r e d e m p t i o n s r e f u n d e d , &c
$112,873 08
I t h a d t h e r e f o r e i n c r e a s e d , in t h e f o u r
F o r salaries, c x p e n c e s a n d a p y e a r s n e x t p r e c e e d i n s my a d m i n i s t r a t i o n
43,47 04
166,235 51
T o t a l S t a t e i n d e b t e d n e s s D e e . 1st 1854
2,531,545 70
F o r taking n p and canceling
T o t a l S t a t e i n d e b t e d n e s s N o v . 39, 1 8 5 8
2,337,629 67
bonds (University,)
99,000 00
F r o m w h i c h i s t o b o d e d u c t e d b o n d s rei- .
F o r p a y m e n t o f i n t e r e s t on S t a t e
d e e m e d 1st J a n . i n s t a n t
20,000 00
indebtedness,9,510 00

397.618 59
$ 2 , 3 1 7 , 6 2 9 67
D i m i n u t i o n iii f o u r y e a r s
213.916 03
F o r p a j m e n t of i n t e r e s t On S t a t e
F o r m o r e m i n u t e p a r t i c u l a r s in reference t o t h e condiindebtedness,
122,550 69
t i o n of t h o T r e a s u r y a n d m a n a g e m e n t of t h e financial afF o r p a y m e n t of bonds, T r e a s u r y
notes, o u t s t a n d i n g w a r r a n t s
*1 f a i r s of t h e S t a t e , I r e s p e c t f u l l y r e f e r y o u t o t h e R e p o r t s
of t h e A u d i t o r G e n e r a l a n d S t a t e T r e a s u r e r , in w h i c h t h e
and exchange,
5,6-19 -33 w h o l e o p e r a t i o n s of t h o s e d e m r t m e n f s a r e given in d e t a i l .
F o r p a y m e n t of 1> k P ; R . B .
A b o u t e i g h t y - f i v e thousand) dollars w « s l e v i e d t h e last
97,000 00
y e a r f o r t h e S t a t e g o v e r n m e n t , b y a d i r e c t tax. T h i s is
a t t h e r a t e of 4 8 - 1 0 0 t h s of a nil ill n p o n t h e dollar of valuTEttST F c s n .
ation, a n d a b o u t t e n or t w e l v e c e n t s t o t h e p e r s o n of o u r
F o r s u p p o r t of U n i v e r s i t y
$35,425 01
F o r l'rimary School apportionI t will n o t fail t o n t t r a / / y o u r a t t e n t i o n , t h a t tlie e x p e n ment,
107,569 98
d i t u r e s f o r t h o o p e r a t i o n s ' of t h e S t a t e g o v e r n m e n t e x c e e d
F o r Asylum appropriations
59,500 0 0
mo, and t o avoid taxation, reF o r c x p e n c e s of N o r m u l S c h o o l 6 , 9 9 8 4 9
s o r t h a s l>ecn h a d t o m e e t t h e a p p r o p r i a t i o n s of t h e L e g i s la tu r e , t o t h e p r i n c i p a l of t h e U n i v e r s i t y , C o m m o n S c h o o l
F o r e x p e n s e s of S w a m p l a n d
and S w a m p L a n d s , c o m m o n l y k n o w n as t h e T r u s t F u n d s
$ 1 4 , 0 3 0 49.
a n d u p o n w h i c h t h o S t a t e p a y s t h o a n n u a l i n t e r e s t . 1 roF o r e r r o n e o u s s a l e s of l a n d a n d
sjiectftjlly s u b m i t for y o u r c o n s i d e r a t i o n , w h e t h e r s o u n d
i n t e r e s t s Yefundwl, a n d e x e c o n o m y a n d c o r r e c t s t a t e s m a n s h i p d o c s n o t require t h a t
pens*5s of a d w r t i s i n g a n d oj)t h e revenues of t h e S t a t e , s h o u l d meet 4 t s o r d i n a r y disp r a i s i n g f o r f e i t e d lands,
1,624 4 5
1 5 , 6 5 4 9 4 bursements, a n d w h e t h e r i t will n o t b e neeesaiy. t o a c c o m 4 0 0 0 p l i s i r t h a t o b j e c t , t o i n c r e a s e tlie r a t e of
M . C, R R . deposits refunded,
176,347 2 0 S t a t e , like a u individual, would feel fur m o r e i n d e p e n d e n t ,
B a l a n c e c a s h on h a n d N o v . 3 0 . 1 8 5 8
a n d a b l e t o a c c o n i p l i s h , a m u c h g r e a t e r a m o u n t of p u b l i c
A vigorTotal,
$ 1 , 0 2 4 , 3 6 3 0 5 g o o d , jf s h e w e r c d i t i r e l y relieved f r o m d e b t
I t will b e p e r c e i v e d , t h a t t h e a g g r e g a t e of r e c e i p t s a h d o u s e f f o r t in t h e r i g h t d i r e c t i o n , would soon relieve u s of
E x p e n d i t u r e s is largely i n c r e a s e d b y inciudiDg.bonds t o t h e a b u r d e n w h i c h r e v i v e s a p a i n f u l recollection of y o u t h f u l
a m o u n t of $ 2 6 6 , 0 0 0 , w h i c h ' h a v i e b e e n i s r a e d in c o n f o r m 1 folly in i n c u r r i n g a d e b t of m o r e t h a n t w o millions, f o r
i t y t o t h e l a w or J a n . 3 0 t h , 1 S 5 8 , all b u t $ 5 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 of w h i c h w e h a v e d e r i v e d little o r no b e n e f i t
I respectfully refer y o u t o t h e S u p e r i n t e n d e n t of P u b w h i c h w e r e t o r e d e e m tbe. outstahdii^g b o n d s of t h e S t a t e ,
w h i c h fell d u e o n . t h e 1 s t of J u l y last, , a n d ou t h e 1st of lic Jnstrnctiob," f o r a deiailed s t a t e m e n t in relation t o tlie
c o n d i t i o n of t h e v a r i o u s E d u c a t i o n a l I n s t i t u t i o n s of t h e
J a n u a r y instant.
T h e U n i v e r s i t y , t h o A g r i c u l t a r a l College, t h e
T h e c o n d i t i o n s of t h e law, f o r t h e issue o f t h e s e b o n d s S t a t e .
t o t h e a h i o u n t o f $ 1 9 6 , 0 0 0 0 0 h a v e b e e n r e d e e m e d a n d N o r m a l S c h o o l , a n d t h a t still m o r e useful i n s t i t u t i o n t h e
cancelled, a n d p r o v i s i o n mac^c f o r t h e r e d e m p t i o n of 20- C o m m o n S c h o o l , a r c all in a flourishing a n d s a t i s f a c t o r y
0 0 0 0 0 w h i c h tell d u e o n tlie 1 s t of J a n u a r y i n s t a n t
I t c o n d i t i o n , e a c h i n d i s p e n s a b l e , a n d e n d e a r e d still m o r e a m i
I t I s b e l i e v e d t h a t no
is g r a t i f i j n u g , also, t o b e a b l e t o s U t e t h a t t h e credit, of m o r e in t h e h e a r t s of t h e p e o p l e .
t h e S t a t e i s u i a h i g h C o n d i t i o n ; a n d t h a t w h i l e t h e b o n d s S t a t e of t h e s a m e a j w a n d . p o p u l a t i o n u$ o u r s , h a s e x h i b i o f t h o S t a t e s of V i r g i n i a ^ P e i m o i w c o , M i s s o u r i , a n d sevcrul t e d t h e s a m e l i b e r a l i t y in t h e c o n s t r u c t i o n of c o m m o d i o u s
o t h e r S t u t w , w e r e b e l o w p a r , w e w e r e a b l e t o n e g o t i a t e school edifices, a n d v o l u n t a r y t a x of s e v e r i t y f o r t h e supp o r t Of t e a c h e r s a n d t h e c o n s t r u c t i o n of school building*,
these bonds a t a premium. •
I t will a l s o b e n o t i c e d , t h a t o t h e r l a r g o a m o u n t s of i s n o u n c o m m o n t h i n g a m o n g o u r people. W i s e a n d libr
m o n e y , a s t h e i n t e r e s t on t h e U n i v e r s i t y a m i S c h o o l l a n d s e r a l a p p r o p r i a t i o n s , o u y o u r p a r t , t o s u s t a i n s u c h instituC 0 n s t i t u t e . n o p a r t o f t h e r e v e n u e o f t h e S t a t e , b u t t h a t t i o n s a s rely ujton y o u r f o s t e r i n g c a r e , will b e , t h e r e f o r e ,
t h e T r e a s u r y i s simply m a d e t h e a g e n t of t h e i r receipt a n d s u r e t o r e c e i v e t h e a p p r o b a t i o n of a d i s c r i m i n a t i n g a n d
•nfightened c o n s t i t u e n c y .
T h e R e v i s e d C o n s t i t u t i o n of 1 8 5 0 c o n t e m p l a t e d t h e
T h e r e c e i p t s jrrto I h o t r e a s o n - f o r d e l i n q u e n t t a x e s
u p o n n o n - r e s i d e n t lands, h a v e becu l a r g e l y i n c r e a s e d e s t a b l i s h m e n t o f a n A g r i c u l t u r a l College* a n d t h e L e g i s o v e r t h e l a s t rear. T h i s ia t o b o a t t r i b u t e d m a i n l y t o l a t u r e of 1 8 5 5 t o o k t d e i n i t i a t i v e in an e n t e r p r i s e , w h i c h ,
t h o a b l e decision of t h e S u p r e m e C o u r t , w l i i c h h a s ren- I t r u s t , will a c c o m p l i s h m u c h f o r t h e welfare of t h e S t a t e
d e r e d h o p e l e s s t h e e f f o r t s of t h a t clnss Of p r o p e r t y - h o l d e r s in t h e i m p r o v e m e n t a n d clovntion of i t s m o s t v a l u a b l e
t o a v o i d t h e i r j u s t p r o p o r t i o n of t h e p u b l i c e x p e n s e s . I f citizens. T h e i d e a of c o m b i n i n g m e n t a l w i t h p h y s i c a l
t h i s j u s t decision h a d n o t b e e n p r o m p t l y m o d e , o r if t h e t r a i n i n g , a n j a p p l y i n g t h e m t o t h a t g r e a t b r a n c h of l a b o r
C o u r t h a d a r r j v p d a t a d i f f e r e n t conclusion, t h e T r e a s u r y w h i c h p r S o u c c s o u r food, a n d w h i c h s u p p o r t s a n d s u s t a i n s
all o t h e r clivses, is w o r t h y of t h e p r o g r e s s i v e s p i r i t of t h e
would-liave boon g r e a t l y e m b a r r a s s e d , a n d t h e resident
t a x - p a y e r s s u b j e c t t o a n i n c o n v e n i e n t , if n o t i n s u p p o r t a b l e a g e in w h i c h w e l i v e : ami, i f it s u c c e e d s w e c a n n o t estibtirden.

m a t e t h e beneficial results w h i c h will flow f r o m i t
T h e College was o r g a n i z e d n p o n a new f a r m , a y e a r
T h e State indebtedness, for which bonds b a r e beeen
issued, i s a s f o l l o w s :
j o last M a y , and, a l t h o u g h i t h a s e n c o u n t e r e d u n p r o p i P e n i t e n t i a r y B o n d s d,ue J a n u a r y 1 , 1 8 5 9 ,
$ 1 0 , 0 0 0 0 0 tiotis s e a s o n s a n d o t h e r embarrassment®, y e t ifa s u c c e s s
P c n i t e n t i a i y Bonds due i n 1860,
4 0 , 0 0 0 0 0 h a s fully e q u a l e d t h o e x p e c t a t i o n s of t h o s e w h o h a d i t s
Internal imnro\-ement W a r r a n t Bonds,
5 0 0 0 m a n a g e m e n t a n d c o n t r o l - I t h a s b e e n c o n s t a n t l y filled
F u l l p a i d r i v e Million L o a n B o n d s , d u e
b y a class of y o u n g men of i n d u s t r i o u s h a b i t s a n d c o r r e c t
J a n u a r y ; 1863,
1 7 7 , 0 0 0 0 0 d e p o r t m e n t , a n d whosfi r a p i d *dvanc*> i n l i t e r a r y a t t a i n A d j u s t e d B o n d s d u e J a n u a i y , 1863,
1 , 7 2 6 , 6 8 5 0 0 ments, i t i s believed, a r e n o t e x c e l l e d in a n y o t h e r insti1
T h e p a r t paid F i v e M i l l i o n L o a n B o n d s
t u t i o n . A bill p a s s e d t h e l o w e r H o u s e i n ' C o n g r e s s , a t
w h e n funded.Will a m o u n t
1 0 4 , 1 4 2 6 0 t h e last session, m a k i n g a l i b e r a l g r a n t of t h e p u b l i c
O u t s t a n d i n g I p t . Imp- W a r r a n t s ,
3 , 7 6 2 0 7 landjvfor t h e e n d o w m e n t o f A g r i c u l t u r a l Colleges. I
N e w b o u d s issued in J u l y last, d u e 1878,'
2 6 6 , 0 0 0 ' 0 0 t r u s t y o u will k m l y o u r i n f l u e n c e t o s e c u r e i t s p a s s a g e
t h r o u g h t h e o t h e r b r a n c h of C o n g r e s s a t ita p r e s e n t sesTotal
$ 2 , 3 3 7 , 6 2 9 6 7 sion. I n a f e w y e a r s , w h e n t h e A g r i c u l t a r a l F a r m is
T h e a v e r a g e a m o u n t of c a s h in t h e T r a a r
b r o u g h t u n d e r c u l t i v a t i o n a n d i m p r o v e m e n t , i t i3 b e h o v s m y , for the four years next proceeding
e d t h a t i t will b e n e a r l y o r q u i t e self-sustaining, b u t a t
8 2 8 5 , 5 3 6 0 6 p r e s e n t i t will need y o u r s u p p o r t .
T h e a m o u n t of i n t e r e s t received t o r t i e
T h e n u m b e r of c h i l d r e n taught in o u r e o m m o n s c h o o l s
u s e of t h e s a m e , waa
1 , 5 5 3 8 6 t h e last y e a r , w a s o n e h u n d r e d a n d s e v e n t y - t h r e e t h o u F o r I n t . OJI p a r t p a i d U n i v e r s i t y
land c e r t i f i c a t e s ,
L i t on p a r t paid P r i m a r y School
l a n d certificates,
, t
68,467 64
I n L on p a r t p a i d N o r m a l S c h o o l
land ccrtincates
3 , 0 4 2 14
L i t . on p o r t p a i d S w a m p l a n d c e r tificate,
4,614 06

N"0. U .

s a n d five h u n d r e d a n d fifty-niue; t w o t h o u s a n d t h r e e h u n d r e d a n d t w e n t y - t h r e e male l e a t h e r s w e r e e m p l o y e d , a n d
f o u r t h o u s a n d e i g h t h u m l r e d and n i n e t y - t h r e e f e m a l e * —
a n d t h e t o U l a m o u n t of t e a e l i e r s ' W a g c a w a s $ 4 4 3 , 1 1 8 7 1 ;
t h e a m o u n t of p u b l i c m o n e y disbursed w a s $ 1 0 7 , 3 9 5 1 2 ;
t h e w h o l e a m o u n t raised by tax upon p r o p e r t y in t h a
d i s t r i c t s w a s § 3 1 9 , 5 5 8 2 6 ; t h e u u m b e r o f volumes in t h o
township libraries w a s one h u n d r e d and sixty-eight
t h o n s a n d nine h u n d r e d a n d seventy-eevra. T h e s e figure*
a r e t h e e v i d e n c e of t h e g r e a t p u b l i c s p i r i t in t h e right
d i r e c t i o n , in a g o o d c a u s e .
I refer y o u t o t h e r e p o r t of tlie Cornm'usiooer of t h e .
L u n d Office, f o r a d e t a i l e d a c c o u n t of t h e business of h i d
d e p a r t m e n t T h e n u m b e r of a c r e s of s w a m p landa sold
t h e p a s t y e a r h a s b e e n ninety-seven t h o u s a n d six h u n d r e d
a n d twenty, a n d b r o u g h t $ 1 2 2 . 2 8 7 — o f w h i c h $ 6 7 , 5 1 1 7 3
h a v e l»een received i n c a s h . T h e p r e f e r e n c e g i v e n t o t h e
actual settler has worked advantageously, a n d new 'sett l e r s a r e constantly s e e k i n g h o m e s u p o n t h e s e lands,
m a n y of w h i c h a r e valuable.
T h e reports of S t a t e P r i s o n I n s p e c t o r s of t h o last,
well a s t h e p r e s e n t y e a r c o n t a i n s m a n y v a l u a b l e suggestions, t o w h i c h I i n v i t e y o u r e x a m i n a t i o n . A s t h e S t a t u
g r o w s older, w i t h t h e s t e a d y i n c r e a s e of p o p u l a t i o n , > the
a d m i n i s t r a t i o n of j u s t i c e h a s become- mucu, m o r e p e r f e c t ,
a n d t h o p u n i s h m e n t of c r i m e m u c h m o r e certain
f o r m e r l y . T h e i n c r e a s e of c o n v i c t s lias c r e a t e d a d e m a n d
for increased appropriations and expenditures to provide
t h e m w i t h cells a n d s h o p r o o m f o r t h u i r l a b o r .
T h e appropriations for t h a t purpose for t h e last two
y e a r s , w e r e $ 3 2 , 0 0 0 , w h i c h lias b e e n faithfully a n d j u d i ciously e x p e n d e d .
I t will b e p e r c e i v e d t h a t .the w h o l e n u m b e r of c o n v i c t *
on t h e 3 0 t h of N o v e m b e r last, was 4 3 3 , a n d t h a t t h e increase d u r i n g t h e last v e a r has been 62. T h e whole
n u m b e r confined s i n c e t h e e s t a b l i s h m e n t of the prison, is
1,521, of w h i c h 567, o r m o r e t h a n ono-third of t h e w h o l e
w e r e f r o m t h e c o u u t y of W a y j f c
T h e j a i l of D e t r o i t i s t h e i o m m o n ' r e c e p t a c l e of t h o s e
t h a t a r e c o n v i c t e d of p e t t y offences, t h o s e t h a t a r e c h a r g e d w i t h c r i m e a s well a s t h o m o r e h a r d e n e d .criminal.
N o t u n f r e q u e n t l y , s e v e n t y or e i g h t y , of all a g e s a n d cond i t i o n ^ a n d d e g r e e s of m o r a l t u r p i t u d e , a r e hnddled
t o g e t h e r , , a m i i t i s thus 1 m a d e t h e yrqtaralary
schoU f o r
the State Prison. S o c i e t y i s m u c h b e t t e r e m p l o y e d i n prtieuting
t h a n in p u n i s h i n g i t ; a n d 1 respectfully s u g g e s t t h a t t h e
establishment-of a pcnitentary,.or work-house in Detroit,
w h e r e i t s i n m a t e s w o u l d find e m p l o y m e n t , a n d b e p r e s e r ved f r o m c o n t a m i n a t i o n , w o u l d d o m u c h t o p r e v e n t t h e
r a p i d increase of t h e i n m a t e s o f t h e S t a t e P r i s o n , a n d
save us t h e necosnity of b u i l d i n g a new o n e i n a few y e a r s .
T h e g e n e r a l d e p r e s s i o n - i n business h a s lessened t o a
c o n s i d e r a b l e e x t e n t t h e e a r n i n g s of t h e convicts, q u i t e a
number- h a v i n g been o u t of e m p l o y ; b u t t h e p r i c e o b t a i n ed f o r t h e l a b o r of t h o s e c o n t r a c t e d , h a s b e e n c o n s i d e r a bly e n c h a n c e d w i t h i n t h e l a s t . f o u r years, a n d t h e discipline of t h e p r i s o n p e r c e p t i b l y i m p r o v e d . W h e n t h o
b u i l d i n g s a r e complete, w i t h p r o p e r m a n a g e m e n t a n d
e c o u o n i y , I t h i n k i t s h o u l d cease t o b e a b u r d e n t o t h e
A c c o m p a n y i n g t h i s message, in a s e p a r a t e d o c u m e n t
i s a list Of t h e p a r d o n s I h a v e g t a u t e d f o r t h e p a s t y e a r ,
w i t h t h o reason t h e r e f o r e a n n e x e d . A s t h o n u m b e r o f
p r i s o n e r s increases, t h e a p p l i c a t i o n s f o r E x e c u t i v e clemency b e c o m e m o r e f r e q u e n t , a n d a c o n s i d e r a b l e p o r t i o n
of t h e t i m e of t h e G o v e r n o r i s n o w required in t h e invest i g a t i o n of t h e s e a p p e a l s f o r m e r c y .
I h a v e e n d e a v o r e d t o g i v e t h e m all a p a t i e n t a n d candid hearing, and although I have d e e m e d it m y duty t o
reject a l a r g e p o r t i o n of t h o a p p l i c a t i o n s , y e t y o u w i l l '
p r e c e i v e t h a t t h e n u m b e r of p a r d o n s g r a n t e d i s m u c h
l a r g e r t h a n in a n y f o n n e r y e a r .
I n m o s t cases t h e pardon has been
t h e J u d g e mid t h o p r o s e c u t i n g officers w h o c o n v i c t e d
tbcui. I n all e a s e s I h a v o r e q u i r e d a c i r t i f i c a t e of g o o d
c o n d u c t iii prison, a n d w h e r e uny h a b i t s of i n t e m p e r a n c e
had been acquired previous t o conviction, T have m a d e ;
L c o n d i t i o n of tlie p a r d o n t h n t t h e recipient shall totally
a b s t a i n f r o m t h e u e of i n t o, x.....
i c a t i„n g drinks.
F r o m i n f o r m a t i o n w h i c h h a s r e a c h e d mc, I h a v e r e a son t o iM'lieve -that t h e m o s t of t h o s e in w h o s e b e h a l f I
h a v e i n t e r f e r e d , a r c e n g a g e d in a n e a r n e s t e n d e a v o r t o
p r o v e t h e m s e l v e s w o r t h y of t h e c l e m e n c y t h e y h a v e ' r e ceived- •
• ' .
T h e L e g i s l a t u r e of 1 8 5 5 m a d e p r o v i s i o n s for t h e estab-;
l i s h m e n t of a H o u s e "Of C o r r e c t i o n f o r J u v e n i l e Offenders,
u n d on t h e 2 d of S e p t e m b e r , 1856, t h e b u i l d i n g s w e r e " i i i
s u c h a s t a t e of c o m p l e t i o n t h a t i t w a s o p e n e d a n d c o n i ;
i n e n c e d i t s l e g i t i m a t e a n d a p p r o p r i a t e business. T h e
n u m b e r r e c e i v e d i n t o t h e I n s t i t u t i o n s i n c e t h a t p e r i o d if
7 8 ; a n d t h e n u m b e r remaining t h e r e a t t h e d a t e of t h e
R e p o r t , o n t h e 1 8 t h of N o v e m b e r l a d , w a s 5 8 .
I i n v i t e y o u t o v i s i t t h i s I n s t i t u t i o n w i t h a c o n f i d e n t lxv
lief t h a t a n y p r e j u d i c e s y o u m a y h a r e i m b i b e d a g a i n s t i t
will d i s a p p e a r a s y o u b e c o m e familiar w i t h i t s w o r k i n g s .
U n d e r its p r e s e n t m a n a g e m e n t i t c a n n o t fail t e e x e r t a
b e n e f i c e n t influeucc a s a school o f T e f o r m . I n a d d i t i o n t o
its e d u c a t i o n a l t r a i n i n g , t h e b o y s are a c q u i r i n g h a b i t s of
i n d u s t r y , a n d b e c o m i n g fitted f o r usefulness in Uie
world, b y l e a r n i n g a g o o d t r a d e . T h e r e c l a m a t i o n of t h e
u n f o r t u n a t e j u v e n i l e s of o u r S t a t e , w h o a r e t h r o w n u p o n
t h e world w i t h n o restraint t o p r e v e n t t h e i r a c q u i r i n g
vice a n d c r i m e , i s an i n d i c a t i o n of the C h r i s t i a n s p i r i t W
t h e a g e , a n d i s w o r t h y of o u r continued a n d zealon.s e f f o r t s .
S e v e n t y - s i x b o y s i s t h e e x t e n t of the. p r e s e n t c a p a c i t y of
t h e b u i l d i n g — i t Will t h e r e f o r e h o l d b a t e i g h t e e n m o r e .
I c a n n o t d o u b t t h n t y o u will m a k e p r o v i s i o n f o r a h a d d i tional w i n g .
I a m c o n f i d e n t vou will n o t fail t o t a k e d e e p I n t e r e s t
... t h e R e p o r t s of ojliccrs a n d T r u s t e e s of t h e A s y l u m s .
T h a t a t M i n t , f o r deaf a n d d u m b a n d b l i n d , a l t h o u g h t h e
b u i l d i n g s a r e incomplete, h a s b e e n iii successful o p e r a t i o n
s i n c e 1854, and t k e w h o l e n s m b e r nf y u p i l s c o n n e c t e d
w i t h i t s i n c e i t s o v u l a t i o n , is 1 2 8 r - o f w h o m 8 7 wendeaf ami d u m b , a n a 4 1 blind.
T h e w h o l e n u m b e r is a t t e n d a n c e t h e last y e a r i s 1 1 1 ;
a n d , u n d e r t h e s u p e r i n t e n d e n c e of t h e a b l e , e n t h u a a s t i c ,
a n d d e v o t e d 3 4 r . F a y a n d his a s s i s t a n t s , . t h e y h a v e m a d e
e e r d i t a b l e p r o g r e s s in t h e a t t a i n m e n t o t t h a t k n o w l e d g e
w h i c h i s r e c e i v e d tmder s u c h p e c u l i a r d i s a d v a n t a g e * a u d
w h i c h in i t s t e a c h i n g s , r e q u i r e s thp. w e r p i s e of g n a t
p a t i e n c e a n d skilL G o o d p r o g r w h a s b e e s m a d e m %
c o m p l e t i o n of t h e b u i l d i n g * s o d t h e a p p r o p n a t i o n e h j ^
b e e n l u d i c i o w i y a n d p r o p e r l y frrpeadfd. - «

The 8ta»etassnSwad^4*me Isariin ths tofcaetkm.
byfire,of *• main baikfeig of the Aaytattfor the Inaaae

I-of wfcch wB
d in t i e Report /The'pecunialty loss,-which i&;
„ id at about 822,000, is-considerable, but the delay
and embarrassment in providing for that anfortnnate
class, whose Appeals are addressed to the better feelings
of h—amity, are far, more to ba mgretted. Under the
circumstances, the Board ofTrustoes have acted wisely
in coopleteing the wing; and as soon as appropriations
are made to furnish the bnikling, it will be ready for the


Tar tbr Qnnd T r i m * H e n * !





B For Usa aimed Trmrro* lltnK

B e w e f t e t t a a of Venom Suffocated In Wells.
! W$.nften read of persons bein^ suffocated in Wells;
The Olft Htfrionv
in such cases, others aro often 60 foolhardy as to go
Conspicuous among the graves in the Indian buryingTRAVERSE CITY:
ground at tjie Old Mission, are thoy of the Christian down after them, so that not infrequently two, and someFRIDAY MORNING, J A N U A R Y 21, 1858
three persons perish in the sapne pit: and when it
Indians, suwonnded With a paling, and furnished with
is deep, .it is very difficult to raise even the dead bodies
1.. ROUNDS A LANG DON, So. 1» IU»«o)»h head-board? bearing the English names which were given
— 4nty anttorixd lo r w l n «d,erout
them- by any means generally known or practito these sons of the forest by the missionary at their bapcablc.
tism. There are still other graves, and smaller 'burying
Governor Bineham's M e m p ' .
The caua> of suffocation Is invariably Carbonic Acid,
thete Institutions, are deserving favorable mention for • We publish to-day the Message of Gov. RKOHAM, on places, scattered around with but little respect to order,
the strict economy <bey hare practiced in the expenditure
which are scarcely recognizable as such. No care is a gas composed of Otygen—-nrhich is one of the ingrediof flie public money,' and fidelity and devotion to the his retiring from power. It is clear, concise, mid statesicnts of Atmospheric air—and Carbon (Charcoal) dispublic interests. My Opinion of the urgent necessity of manlike, and just such a document as we expeoted from taken of these resting places of the dead. The horses
tho comptetitjn of these buildings, has been freely ex- him. ' It cannot fail to meet the approval of every candid cows and hogs are permitted to graze at will amongthem, solved in the oxygen. This gt3 is expired from the
pressed 'heretofore. The people of Michigan are not un- and honest man.
and the mass of the preterit generation have renounced respiratory organs of all living beings, and is also protmndfol of their duty to-these suffering ami unfortunate
duced by the combustion and decomposition of organized
The amount of receipts into the State Treasury during the Pagan faith, sold thel site of the old village, and are
classes,. and wifl freely snbmit to additional taxation, if
vegetable and animal matter. It diffuses itself in tho
Decessarv, to mike proper provision for their improve- the last fiscal year, including the balance on hand at its gone: some to other points on the Bay, and some to the
atmosphere in proportion of about four parts of gas to
ment and restoration to usefulness.
commencement was 81.024,363 05. Tho expenditures shores of Lake Superior. Poor Indians! the graves of
The military spirit/which had been on the dcclino for during the same period wore 8848,015 85. The balance their fathers are no tenger sacred, and when a few more ten thousand parts of air, at an average; and vegetables
several yearn, seems to have revived lately; and from the
>-cars shall have passed by, the dust that was once ani- absorb it from tlie atmosphere, separate the oxygen from
report of the Adjutant General, it will bo' seen that there Of cash on hand on the first of December last, was §176,tlic carbon in the cells of their leaves, fix the latter in
are thirty-thtee well organised independent companies of 347 20, The amount on hand at the commencement of mate will lie disturbed by the plowshare of tho pale face. their substance which is principally composed of carbon,
"Well uniformed, well disciplined, well drilled, citizens tho year was 8158,642 70. During the year bonds Already have some( of the graves been invaded by the
soldiers," and that they ask a slight appropriations at against the State to the amount of 8196,900 havo been plow, and bones and utensils exposed to the sacriligious and exhale the former into the atmosphere. But caryonr hands to defray incidental expenses. Standing ar- redeemed and cancelled, and provision1 made for the re- gaze of the settler. T i s not enough that the Indian is bonic acid is about one-half heavier than the same volume
nHes in time of peace are not in consonance with repubdriven from his hunting-grounds; not enough that the of atmospheric air, and when there is not sufficient growlican institutions; but for their protection, Bafetv and per- demption of $20,00t) more, which fell due on the 1st inst
ing vegetation to remove this gas from the air as fast
manence, reliance must always be placed upon the gallan- The credit of the State was never ih so good condition. hills and streams be called his own haw been taken away
as it is tnpplied, it floats about on the earth's surtry and patriotism of the militia. I regard their ambiThe total' amount of State indebtedness, for which from him; not enough that the avaricious Yankee takes
tion to excel, therefore, -as ctanmendsble, and their honds have been issued, at the close of the fiscal year his last cent as pay for tho liquid poison that is fast com- face, collects in the lowest places and sinks into wells,
leal to yoB to sustain and sanction their efforts as just
the air out by occupying its place. If a person
was $2,337,629 67, Of this 820,000 fcll due and was pleting tho sad tragedy of the Indian's destruction. The
•M I
theu descends into this gas he is suffocated for the game
By the terms the act of the.14th of February, 1857, met on the 1st inst, 840,000 matures in 1860, and about graves of his ancestors must be desecrated. The Indian reason that he is drowned in water.
must not only be robbed of his home, but his last rest
disposing of tho pants of land made to tlie State of two millions of the remainder will be payable in 1863.
Common lime stone is a carbonate of lime, composed
Michigan for railroad purposes, the several companies to
During the four years next preceding Gov. Bingham's must be disquieted, and of all tlie lands that he. once
wbore-thc lands were granted were required to pay a Administration, tlj£ amount of State indebtedness had possessed not even his grave is to be left him; and future of pure lime aud carbonic acid, nud when tho stone is
specific lax of one per cent upon tho cost of their roads,
exposed to intense heat during sewral days, tho latter is
equipmonU mid appurtenances; and the Legislature, after
driven off into tho atmosphere, leaving the fomjer behind;
as they feast on the grain that will have grown upon his
ten r e m , were authorized to lovy an additional tax of been diminished $213,916 03.
and, when moist, the former again absorbs the latter with
two per cent upon their earnings. This,! by several of
That portion of Gov. Bingham's message which covers grave. Our Saxon Shyloeks mast have their pound of
companies, wns deemed to be unequal and oppressive, and the .financial operations of his Administration, .will be Indian flesh even though it be drawn from the decayed great avidity. Chemists have long sinco availed themthev declinod (o accept the grant upon that condition.
selves of this property to determine whether carbonic
In the case of tho uWtLr granted to aid In tho codstrucacid is present in any mixture of gfcses on which they aro
tlon of tho Detroit aud Milwaukee Railroad, and the while it vindicates triumphantly the policy and patriotism around the council fires that lit up these western forests. experimenting, by passing the compound through Water.
port Huron and Milwaukee Railroad, the Board of Con- fit the Republican party, it furnishes mi eloquent and. en- .1 have called this, place the oldest village ,in Grand
trol were called upon to act, andmado such disposition during testimonial to the wisdom, prudence and fidelity Traverse, not only because that for near a century it had If present, the least quantity of this gas combines with a
proportionate quantity of die lime contained in tho water,
of the lands as in their judgment would secure their combeen the head quarters of tho Indian bands, but also from
pletion. Bofore any action was had in relation to tho of the retiring State officers.
rendering it of a milk)* color, and thas becomes known.
Gov. Bingham suggests measures for tlic reduction of tlie fact that here was made the first settlement in all this
grant to the Detroit and Milwakeo Railroad, the DirecA candle is extinguished by carbonic acid; and no pertors, of that Company passed a rtssolution, which I have the State debt; a fostering protection towards our vari- section of the State, and tlie first post office established.
filed {with the Secretary of Stata, given their consont to ous educational, reformatory and benevolent interests; Here, about twenty years ago, tho Rev. P. Daugherty son should descend into a well without- first letting denrn
a burning candle. If it continues to burn at tho bottom
the'alteration- of their charter, and the imposition of a'
the creation of a better military system; a'modification commenced his labors as a missionary and toaehcr among
tax of threo-fourths of one per cent, on the entire cost of
of the well, there is no danger; and if it is extinguished,
their road, in Ifeu of all other taxes, proved all other of the laws relating to Railroads benefitted by the land the Indians. Sitnatcd in latitude 44deg. 52min. 27sce. the njnn that will descend cannot be called a wise man, '
roads benefited bv land grants wore placed upon a simi- grants and na appbalto Congress for protection >to tho North, and longitude 85dcg: 55min. 23scc. West from
for certain death owuits bira-mnd all that follow. But
lar footing. I submit to you the proprioty of passing S t Mary's Canal, l i e also' urges, strongly and forcibly, Greenwich—possessing an excellent harbor, which irf
tho well may be effectually cleared of this deadly gas (tuid
such a law. .
tho establishment of a Penitentiary or Work-House in j sheltered from all the most prevalent winds, and , deep
there is no other that descends into wells) by pouring
The S t Mary's Ship Canal has now been in successful
enough for the largest vessels of our northern waters—
operation for four seasons, and no serious accident has
down a sufficient quantity of lime Water. This is mi inand being one of the most beautiful sites for a village to
befallen i t Our nrfticipatious of the great advantages to
The Legislature.
fallible antidote, for the gas combines with the lime, formbe derived by opening an uninterrupted communication
The Legislature of this State convened at Lansing on be fouud in the country, it offers advantages equallod by ing carbonate of lime, Which is inoffensive, being a white
with the northern portion of our Peninsula and furnishbutfcjgjive.stenitowns. Hie first settlers at this point reing facilities for convenient and' ready transportation of Wednesday, January 5th., Henry. A. Shaw, of Eaton, ceived the benefit of the Indian labor which had previ- powder.
was elected Speaker of the.House; Charles V. DeLand,
its vast mineral wealth, are fully realized.
Many years ago I read of a lady who poured water on
Tho business of the cunal has steadily increased each of Jackson, Cleric; William A. Hull, of Livingston, En- ously been bestowed upon the land in the vicinity of the her husband who had bcconte senseless in a well, and soon
year, and during the season of navigation of 1858, <5,944 rolling and Engrossing Clerk; and Charles Xaraelere, of harbor, in fitting it for cultivation. Hundreds of acres
revived and came Ont. Tlie water was no doubt common
tons of copper, $1,035 tons of iron ore, 2,597 tons of iron
Lenawee, Sergcant-at-Anns.
hard water ond but little gas in' the well. But I havo
in blooms nnd bars, an 9,230 pajBonjrers passed through
In the Senate, A. B. Turner, of Kent, was elected of their clearings, misnamed gardens, have been tilled so nevpr heard noftsccn this remedy suggested, except when
i t The tolls collected were 810,848 80. I renew my
recommendation that on appeal bo made to Congress for Secretary, W . Ri Bartlett of Tuscola Enrolling and long that the stumps are entirely gone, and the soil—«t I published it as an Editor. A1J yonr exchanges ought
an appropriation to preserve this great work from the. Engrossing CleJ-k; Dr. E. Webb, of Lenawee, Sergeant- least the surface—partially cxhaastcd.
to copy i t
Respectfully Yours,
hatera ofdestruction. The action of the frost in that at-Arms; find John Martin, of Oakland, Assistant SerThere is in the possession of one of the citizens of thjs
high latitude upon its embankments nnd tho pressure of
town, ah autograph letter of WASHINGTON, which, so far
that great lake, subject to n rite of many fact,. makes it geant-ot-Arms.
ror «.« «r*n4 Tn.rra IlerxM.
John-N. IngereoH, Editor of tho Owosso American,
necessary that every precaution should be used to prevent
Village o f L c l a n d .
aud as every thing relating to that honored man has a
the calamity of its breaking away. A few thousand dol- wag appointed Reporter to the Senate.
The Village of Leland is situated at the mouth of Carp
lars timely and judiciously expended, wonld be likely to
In the House, Jan. 6, petitions were presented for a fkeuliar value, aud ought not to be lost, I propose to River, on tho shore of Lake Miehignn; in the township
preserve an uninterrupted navigation for many years, and
Registry law, Universal suffrage, relative to Charter for copy it for these letters. It is directed to "* Major Gen- of Centreville, Leelanan county, and very near the geomay save the expenditure of many thousands on repairs.
eral Sullivan; Between Morristown mid Hackctstown:"»
The administration which hiH just expired, has endea- the village of Albion, aud,for the restoration of Capital
graphical centre of said comity. It contains a population
vored to inculcate the principle, and give efficacy to it punishment
of about 100; and possesses one of tho best water,powers
28th Octbr., 1779. $
by their practice, that economy in the administration of
Mr. Thompson, of Flint, gave notice of joint resoluin the State of Michigan. Messrs. Cordis & Thcis havo
public- affairs is an inajsporisibfc' virtue; and, in tearing tions relative to a National Foundry on Lake Superior;
built one of the best piers on the shores of Lake Michitestimony to the faithfulness with which the State officers
associated with mo have discharged their duty, I only for the encouragement of emigration; in relation to the an account "(though it docs not eome well authenticated) gan, with n depth of water sufficient for the largest sized
render them on act'-of simple justice. For a compensa- Reciprocity Treaty between the United States and Cana- that the enemy had destroyed the forage at Middlcbrook propellers and steamboats to lie at with safety.
tion altogether inadequate, they have brought to the da, and relative to the improvement of the S t Clair Flats; and were still in that quarter. 1 wish you to proceed
Carp River is about three-fourths of a miie long, nnd
public service talents of a high order, and havo devoted also, of bi|ls to complete the Blind Asylum, at Flint, ancl towards them as light, and with as mnch rapidity as posthe outlet to Carp and Traverse Lakes, which, together,
sible. Tlie Virginia troops under Lord Sterling, and the
all their energies to subserve the interests and promote
amend tho Tax Law.
Light infantry under Gen. Wayne, with ySur own force, are about seventeen miles long, with en average width of
the welfare of the State.
Notice was given of a bill to define the limits and ju- and the militia will give you a considerable body. I half a mile, abounding in fish and surrounded principally
Among the prominent measves which have passed the
leave it eutircly to yourself to act either on the defensive
Legislature and received my sanction, within the last four risdiction of Circuit Courts.
by good farming land. The coantry Is somewhat rolling,
or offensively according to circumstances
.rears, and Which will exert an important and,. I trust
A t ten p'clocktho two houses met in joint convention,
tlje soil a rich sandy loam intermixed with lime gravel,
. . " I am Dr Sir
• beneficial influence upon the welfare and honor of the
"Your mast obt serv
and, in some placcs, marl and clay, and is well adapted
9tatc, may bo mentioned the General Railroad Law; the
to the culture of wheat, barley, oats, com, buckwheat, and
Act to establish the liouso df Correction; acceptance inaugural address.
On the back of the letter is the following:
and successful operation of the S t Mary's Canal; the enerfor potatoes the the world. The timber is prin;
Editors Looking Up.
getic prosecution of tho Asylum; iho establishment of the
" Should the bearers horse fail the quartermasters on cipally sugar maple, interbreed with beech, lytm, white
preAgricaltorul College; an act to protect tho personal libhis route ore requested to furnish him with fresh ones
ash and iron wood, and in some places a few pines mid
erty of tho inhabitants of this State; tho earnest remon- sent legislature of this State, viz; A. B. Turner, of the
i "Byhisexccllcncvs command
oak. The swamps are cedar and block ash.
strance of tho Legislature against the further extensiou of Grand Rapids Eagle, Secretary of the Senate; Charles
2 oclock P M
slavery, and[ increase of slaw* States; tho passage of the V. Deland, of the Jackson Citizen, Clerk of tho House;
Settlers, are beginning to come in pretty fast The land
• .
General Banking Law; the Act disposing of the grants of
W . R. Bartlett, of the Tuscola Pioneer, Enrolling and Illinois Legislature—Douglas ElectedU. S. Senator. is mostly owned by Government as ywt, and can be bought
land for •RaHroad purposes; the providing for tho Falo of
SI 25 per acre. The head of Traverse Lake is withEngrossing
The Illinois Legislature convened on Monday, tho 3d
the Stramp Lands and the erganization of a separate
American, Reporter to the Senate. •
Sunerme Court
Inst, and elected the following officers of the House: in ten miles of Traverse City, tho county seat of Grand
in surrendering this high trust to which I havo twico
Where is Dpn C. Henderson, of the Allogan Journal? Win. R. Morrison, of Monroe, Speaker; David K Head, Traverse county. The average distance from Carp and
been called by the suffragce-of.the people, and which has He ought to be reckoned in somewhere. Legislation
of Hancock^ Clerk; E. Z. Ryan,.of Lawrence, Green B. Traverse Lake to Grand Travarse Bay is about three aod
already passed, by the harmonious and beautiful operahalf miles. There is a sufficient depth of water the enRoam of Saline, H; L. Clay of Menard, Assistants; John
tion of our government into the hands of another, him- rn't go on without him. Wasn't he around? self the choico of the people, 1 shall retire with a consciConnelly, Jr., of Sangamon, Engrossing Clerk; John A. tire length of said lakes for boats of quite a large size to
Senatorial Caucus.
ousness of having' endeavored to contribute something to
The Republican Members of the Legislature met in
promote tho prosperity of our beloved State, and I trust
Reason* Why l i e Didn't.
t shall ever cherish a grateful recollection of tho honors Caucus at Lansing on Thursday evening, J a a 6, to nomi- Wcatherbeo, of Randolph, Assistants; J. W . Connett of
that have been conferred upon me—and it only remains nate a candidate for U. S. Senator, but adjourned over
for me "to invoke upon your labors, and those of my suo- until tho next evening, without having made a nomination B. CQX of Logan, Assistants; Charles E. Foote, of Ma- hedid^notpublish President Buchanan's Message: " A
coasor, the favor of that overruling Providence whose •The Lansing Correspondent of the Detroit Adcertiter, coupin, Postmaster.
very dry, longrwioded and nonsensical tale, called tho
htad directs alike tlx) destiny of individuals and of nations.
On Wednesday, the 5th, STEPHEN A . DOUGLAS was 'President's Message'was presented to Congress on Monsays that Gov. Bingham's friends were clearly in the maKINSLET, S . BWOILUL
jority. W e nmst await tho arrival of another mail be- elected U. S. Senator for six years from the fourth of day, and from thcncc politely sent to all the newspapers
Executive Office, January 1, 1859.
March next An immense crowd was present, nnd the in the land, with the expectation that they would print i t
fore wo can knew tho result
Beatiful Phenominon.
announcement of the election was received by tremen- Many of them were and will be gulled by the doubtful
Gov. Wlaaei*8. Message.
A Maine paper says that a child died in Sharon, a few
dous cheering, followed by wild huzzas. The democrats compliment As many of the assertions made in tho
dsysaince, ana, beautifully robed for the grave, was laid
We Bhall publish Gov. WIBITKS'S Message next week
fired 100 guns. The vote stood, Douglas 54; Lincoln, story are decidedly , false, and others founded on fiction,
in the coffin on the morning of its buriaL The weeping
'o could not lay both his and Gov. BIXOIUX'S before
friends placed in its haad a small boquet offlowers,among
f and the moral of the whole decidedly wrong and of evil
which was an uopened rose-bud, of tho Roee of Sharon.'
tendency, and as we prefer noneenac in small doses, we
FRQM UTAIL—Late arrivals from Utah bring the intelThe lid was then placed upon the coffin and the funeral too much.. Gqv. WIS-VEK'S is so good that it will not
have concluded to let the document go to the winds withservices performed When, after the lapse of two or three spoil by laying over one week.
ligence of additional troubles in that Territory. The
out our aid, and therefore shall not lumber our colnmnt
hours, the coffin was opened Main, and the friends gatherMormons have a mortal hatred of the gentiles aod do not
Wisconsin has set apart the avails of swamp lands as a
ed about to look upon it form last time, that bud had
with I t "
become a fhfl blown rose, while in the cold hand of death. fond for normal instruction. The income of this fund is
ACCIDENT.—The Newaygo Republican says that a
over 825,000, and is tobe expended under the direction
RITE OLD AGE.—The Pittsburg Gazette has'reached young man by the name of Stephen J . Snyder, aged 19
I f • f u i i i * W « a ?ton correspoi
* * » • that Je&noa Davis is urgbg t t e appointment «f of Hon. Henry Barnard, recently ofConuecticrrt, and now its 72d volume. Its first type were brought over the years, was kilted by the fall of a tree, in the town of Big
0 a k b Cashing as Commisponer tofyexico.
Chancellor of ths Wisconsin State University.
Prairie, on the 22d ult
mountains on pack horses.


• v<


Inauguration of the Stale Officers,
t o * * C H I > I « I » H of K» ZMistt i l m t a
LAXSTSO, J a n . 3 , 1 8 5 9 .


THAH*£*—Hon. WM. H. 8|(WA*D wifl pleasa accept
On- Saturday last we jfud the pleasure of witnessing the
for 'the Agricultural vofuroe of Patent OfBce
ceremony of inauguration of our new State officers.
Rc porta
Neither the Constitution, the law, or even precedent,
W e a t h e r T a b l e far-December.
have established any form for the induction of our State
W e a r e Indebted t o Miss L a o x o a a PHILLIPS, of W b i t e w a dignitaries into office. The only necessity is for them to
water, f o r t h e following W e a t h e r T a b l e f o r D e c e m b e r :
take and subscribe the customary oath of office, and in
I t u
S r . a.
December 1
30* above 0 33" above 0. W e s t .
that act the power passes from the old officers to the new.
30 • "
The occasion of Saturday, therefore, was wholly im3
" •
promptu, taking those present wholly by suprise. Tbe
• Sooth.
officers elect, and the retiring opccre—exceptMr. Tread31
well, who was detained hy SjcknesF—together with tbe
Booth went
clerks in the several offices, and a number of others, met

at the office of the Secretary of State at 10 o'clock A. M.
when tbe oath was administered by,that officer. A t the
conclusion. His Excellency, now ex-Governor Bingham,
« '
North we*t
arose and addressed Governor Wisner as follows:
North went
GOVERSOR:—The sinple coremony which has just been
erformed, that of subscribing and taking tho oath of of30
ce, i s one of the finest illustrations of the beauty arid
simplicity of our Republican form of Government
In other countries the accession to power is attended
with pomp 'and parade—with the bristling of bayonets
and the rattling of artillery. . Frequently it is tho occa23
sion of bloodshed and commotion, and it is always attend40
ed with apprehension and fear. But here, under our free
institutions, tho chosen servant of the People at a given
day, without any parade, without any excitement, and
with very Httloceremotiy, take the oath of office, nnd at
' 31
once you become invested with the honor and attributes
of the Governor of this State, and I become a private
Death of H o n . Henry L . Ellsworth.
. Hon. Henry L. Ellsworth, twin brother of Hon. Wm.
I congratulate you, sir, upon the flattering manner in
W . Ellsworth, Ex-Governor and Judge of tbe Supremo which this high honor has been bestowed upon you by
Court of Connecticut, and son of Chief Justico Oliver the suffrages of an intelligent people: and as the measures
my Administration for the last four years have met
Kllswcrth,- died at'Fairhaven on the 27th December, at
with your approbation, so I have the fullest confidence
the age of 68. He owned real estate in Xlrand Rapids that I shall approve and support yours; and that it will
valued at $150,000. Ilia entire property, ^.estimated at be upheld and sustained by an enlightened constituency.
$800,000—8«,00,000 of which is bequeathed to Yale , This high position will devolve upon you great responsibilities.
The laws enacted must receive your sanction and apLater from California, South America, &c.
proval, nndyouare requiredto see that they are faithfully
An immense fire had occurred'at Valparaiso; damage executed
The Constitution has also conferred upon you the p. we'R
$3,000,000; insurance $1,726,000.
The American ships Lizzie Thompson and Gcorgipna of bestowing pardon upon the criminal. I trust that you
will give the appeals that will be frequently made to you
are being fitted by Peru as transports of six and two guns a patient and faithful investigation, and that,.wliilc you
to carry troops to Ecuador.
will not allow Justicc to be robbed of her due, you will
Ecuador is still blockaded, tbe only vessels allowed to not hesitate to bestow mercy upon the penitent and deserving.
enter being tb^ ipail steamers. No fighting has yet
Again, I congratulate you and thoso associated with
curred, but Ecuador was rapidly raising an army. *
you, upon the high honor which has been couferred upon
CAUFOR-VIA.—Interior papers state that CoL Frcemont you, I wish you all gentlemen, a happy "New Year.
had ejected the Merced Mining Company from his propTo which His Excellency, Governor Wisner, briefly
erty in Mariposa.
thus responded:
Joel McDonald, an ex-polieeman, and John Lory, a
GOVERNOR BINGHAM: Accept my thanks for the flatterconstable, have been killdd by thieves whom they were ing manner in which you are pleased to .congratulate me
attempting to arrest, at Columbia. In the latter case, to the high office to which I have been elected' by the
suffrages of a free people.
one of the tnurderctfe was captured and Ming summarily
Should I succeed in making my administration redound
. by the citizens generally.
to the happiness and prosperity of our people as much its
A number ordwclUngs and stores h t Texas Springs, -yours lias, 7 shall be content.
I also greet you wjth a happy New Year, and trust
Shasta County, were burned on the 17th Nov..
Advices from Carthagcna state that the Legislature that you will carry with von to vour retirement the prayers
and good wishes of the people whom you have so'nbhr
has passed a law authorizing the levyingof a contribution governed
On all persons for-the support of the Roman Catholic
These impromptu speeches were heartily applauded by
church. It has caused much excitement.
those present, and the scene was fclt to be as simply impressive as the remarks were appropriate. '
The Tariff.
The several Departments of Slate have gone into the
The Washington correspondence of tbb'Evening Post
says: " The statemeut that nothing will be done with the hands of men in whom the people have entire confidence,
tariff thiswason is eroneous. A bill is already maturing, and who will glvo all their influence for the stability and
and Mr Phelps, chairman of'the Committee on Ways usefulness of our educational, humane, reformatory, and
and Means, fhinks that a meostfrc can be presented which social institutions, nnd tlie security of tho rights of man.
will bo satisfactory to the manufacturing interests of tho
From .Washington.
North and the iron masters of Pennsylvania, and yet
WASHINGTON. J a n . 7.
meet the approbation of southern free-traders.'' The
This morning the Hou$c Committee on Territories
tfuno con^Dondehce says: ".There,® prospect that tho decided to report a bill for the ogonization of the TerritoHouse Military (lommfttee will report in favor of a pro- ries of Arizona and Daeotah, and against Coloma.
The Herald's Washington correspondent says Senator
tectorate over a portion of. Mexico—-the precise limits not Bigilcr is authorized by the Committee on Commerce, to
fixed A large number of southern members, however, report against a ship canal around the Foils of Ningara
The House Committee on Foreign Relations had referincluding almost the whole South Carolina delegation,
will oppose a protectorate, stand' upon the red to Mr. Branch, of Nprth Carolina, the bill placiug a
million dollars at the disposal of tho President for the
provisions of the existing .treaty which establishes a cor- purchase of Cuba.
don of military posts along the dividing h'nc of the two
N e w York Legislature.


NKW YORK, J a n . 6.

A Judicial Estoppel.
• Tho Albany Journal points out a clause of the Dred
8cott decision which is quite a damper upon Mr. Buchanan's project of a Protectorate over Sonora and Chihuahua. The passage is as follows;
"There is certainly no power given by tho Constitution, to the Federal Government to establish or maintain
colonies bordering on the United States or at a tU&ancc,
to be ruled and governed by its own pleasure; nor to enlarge its territorial limits in any way, except by the admission of now Stale?. A power, therefore, in tho General Government, to obtain and hokl colonies and dependw f Territories, over which they might legislate without
restriction, would be inconsistent mtk its'own existence
in its present form."

The House organized this afternoon by electing Hon.
J . W . Gordon, Spenkea. Tho Clerks, Doorkeepers remain as at the last session. - Both Houses adjourned immediately after organization.




New Hampshire Democratic State Convention. .


COKCORD N . H . , J a n . 6 .

PORTLAND M E . , J a n . 6.

Tho legislature organized at Augusta to-day, by the
Goodwin was nominated for Governor of New Hampshire
choice of Mr. C. W . Godard, of Danville, President of
by an unusally large and enthusiastic republican conven- the Senate, and Mr. Win. T. Johnson, of Agusta, Spooktion
ier of the House. The Clerk and Secretary arc tho same
as last year." Many membere were detianed b$thc storm.
Tho Times' Washington letter says that the statement
No cars have reached Augustas since yesterday morning.
of the claims of American citizens against Mexico ia
The New .York Democracy.
completed They amount to nearly eleven pillion of dotIan. Statements of other claims aro in course of preparation.

Good8, Groceries,

P R O V I S I O N S ,


Land, Tax, and General Agency.

Notice to Farmers.
Work For Men.



\ VaWabl*
iblc T a b l e .
Few renders can he atv^e, until they have
test the fact, hovj; much l^ior or research is often saved by
such a table as (Che following:

1G07—Virginia scltkld by the English.

1614—Xew York settled bv the Dutch;
1620—Massachusetts settled by the puritans.
1624—New Jersey settled bv the Dutch.
. 1628—Delaware settled by titoSwcdcs and Finns.
1635—Marylind settled by t«c Irish Catholic.*.
1636—Kbodtj Island settled by R. Williams.
1639—North; Carolina settled"by the English.
1670r—South (Carolina settled by the Huguenots.
16S2—Pennsylvania settled by "William Fcnn.
1732—Georgia settled hy General Oglethrope.
1791—Vermont admitted into the Union.
1792—Kentucky admitted.
1796—TcuiieftfCG admitted
1802—Ohio admitted.
1811—Louisiana admitted.
1816—Indiana admitted.
181f—Missii&ppi admitted.
1818—IUinoip admitted
1619—Alabdraa admitted.
1820—Maine admitted.
1821—Missouri admitted.
183G—Michigan admitted.
1836—Arkafces admitted.
1845—Florida admitted
1845—-Texas admitted.
1846—low J jadmittcd.
1847—Wisconsin odmstted
1850—California admitted
1858—Minnesota admitted

Mawnchiwctts Legislature.
BOSTON, J a n . 6.
A letter from Havana states that the schooner Kate
Gov. Banks' message will be delivered to the Legisla- Ellen, formerly of Portland, and'brig RufusSewell, formture to-morrow.
Rev. Thomas Dodge, of Chatham, wos today chosen erly of N. O., have both been captured on the African
coast by the British cruisers..
Chaplain to tho House.
Tho Senate asrigncd Tuesday next for the choice of
United States Senator.

The Democratic State Convention met here to-day.
Nearly 400 delegates were nrcscnt
From a recent report of the Secretary of the Interior,
Hon. Asa F, Cato, of Northfield, was unanimously
mado to the Sonate, it appears that tho entire cost of nominated for Governor, and Mr. Frederick Rose for
Government buildings in Washington, including statuary Railroad Commissioner.
and paintings has been $14,709,339 09.
Maine Legislature.


T h e Meteorology of the Laloea.
Lieutenant Maurer, in/ a lecture recently delivered before the Detroit Young: Men's Literary Anodatistion,
has adduced some very interesting facte upon this subject
W e copy from the Free Press:
" The lecture commenced by refcring to the magnitude
or the chain of lakes, comtaining one third of-the fresh
water on the globe—the entire surface of the earth being
divided as follows:
Square miles.
Land and water,
We e v e r b r o u g h t t o t h i s m a r k e t ; w h i c h w e will be h a p p y t o
Land and fresh water,
offer a t s u c h price* a s will a c c o r d r e a s o n a b l y w i t h t h e T l M B s .
"The great chain of lakes have been estimated to conH A N N A H . L A Y k CO.
T r a v e r s e City, NOT- 18,1858.
tain eleven thousand cubic miles i f fresh water. To give
an idea of the amount of this vast body of water, after explaining the mode of the careful measurement of the MisMORGAN BATES,
sissippi river at Memphis, the lecturer said that the lakes
contained more water than the MifsisBippi discharges in
M U I D O F F I C E , T a j k V E R S K CITY, M l C B l Q A S .
the Gulf of Mexico in one hundred years. In other words
were all waatc from the lakes by evaporation and other
causes to be cut off, and a sluice to be opened tho size of
the Mississippi channel, i t would flow for a century, in
draining these vast inland seas.
The lakes contain a surface of 2,080 Square miles,, and
drain a water-shed of 50,000 square miles. From the,
above figures it may well be imagined that the vast extent
G e n e r a l Agency B u s i n e s s .
of fresh water maintains and subserves most important inT h e United States L a n d Offlce i s located at t h i s place ; and
fluences pertaining to the climate, temperature and hy- p a r t i c u l a r a t t e n t i o n will be p a i d t o l o c a t i n g I,aixi W a r r a n t s ,
giene, of their vast surrounding or tributary region. There i n v e s t i n g m o n e y in G o v e r n m e n t L a n d s , i m p a r t i n g inform*,
is a difference not. universally well understood between tion relative t o t h e g e n e r a l features, resources a n d a d v a n t a g e s of t h e G r a n d T r a v e r s e c o u n t r y , t h e p a y m e n t of taxes,
the effects on climate incident to their being salt or fresh. a n d t h e t r a n s a c t i o n of a n y A g e n c y business w i t h w h i c h h»
Were the lakes salt like the Caspian, they would give to m a y be e n t r u s t e d .
their region a warm temperature. The winters, the latHon. * » . ! t W T J one*. A u d i t o r C e n t r a l . > ,
CharlM W. Hatter. K«i.
{ L*n,,n*
itude remaining the same, would be milder, the summers
" °mnS-1
more sultry. This arises simply from the effect of evapoH e r a l d Office, T r a v e m c City, N o v . 3, IMS.
ration. Fresh water according to the observations bf
Prof. Chapman of Montreal, evaporates faster than salt,
carrjring off more heat"
Tne lecturer illustrated the amount of the evaporation P E R S O N S H A V I N G W H E A T T O F L O U R A T
of tho lakes as follows:
o a r Mill, m u s t bring: It In good o r d e r . A r r s a THIS OATS
" The cataract of Niagara, represents the excess of the w e s u a u . UKIND KO 8 * I T T V OK IN P I - a s WHEAT.
H A W A I I , . L A Y 4 CO.
accretions "by rain3 to the lakes and their water-shed over
T r a v e r s o City, D e c . 1,1858.
the effect of evaporations. But the observations on the'
Mississippi indicated that but one-sixth or one-seventh of
the water that fell upon tho water-shed of that river.was
7 I F T E E N OR T W E N T Y . G O O D H A N D Y MEN
diSchaiged by it, having the remaining largo share to be T
JC will find work with us. H •
accounted for by evaporation. Thus in the lakes the
evaporation may be represented as five or six times the
Traverse City. Doc. 1,1858.
amount of the water'in Niagara, and to produce this"
evaporation requires the same amount of heat that would
suffice to raise the Niagara to a boiling point, if such-a
Practical JJuilder and Draughtsman,
thingmapr bo imagined; imagining this, wo may conceive
of what is uetually going OIL
I s p r e p a r e d t o m a k e P l a n s a n d S p e c i f i c a t i o n s f o r all clasasa
The loss of tlfis- amount of heat parted with by the of B u i l d i n g s ; also e x e c u t e all k i n d s of w o r k c o n n e c t e d w i t h
lakes, leaves them nnd -their region colder in the summer t h e Trade, o n l i b e r a l . t e r m s .
S a s h , Gla-M, D o o r s , P a i n t s a n d N a i l s ,
and winter. In salt lakes, the water enters the winter
wannnr than docs fresh water fromTne loss of hedtth the c o n s t a n t l y on h a n d .
J . K. <>., t h a n k f u l f o r past p a t r o n a g e , t a k e s t h i s o p p o r t u latter," and, iu winter tliere is dfurther difference. When
n i t y of s o l i c i t i n g a c o n t i n u a n c e of t h e same.
fresh water is exposed to a change of temperature, it
T r a v e r s e City, N o v e m b e r 5,1858.
grows denser until! it reaches 39 degrees or near freezing,
when it expands! thus rising to the snrfaec. These .lakes
in winter have t|ieir coldest water at the surface. .With
T h e s u b s c r i b o r offers f o r sale a v a r i e t y of e n g r a f t e d
salt water the reverse is true/and tho water continuing to
grow denser with a low temperature sinks and leaves the A p p l e T r p p H , P e a c h T r p p H , P e n r T r e e s , P l u m
T r e e s u n c i C l i o l - r y TI'OOH.
surfaco water tho warmest. Were the lakes .salt water,
navigation would continue
ntinue tho
y round'

| :• N E W YORK, J a n . 7 .

Both wings of tbe Democracy met last evening and
arranged separate organizations for the current year.
A gentleman in Conneaot, O , has a canary which has Postmaster Fowler was Chairman of the Tammany
thia season, or since Febuaiy last, laid 32 eggs, hatched braoefc.
30 chicks, and reared to birdhood 28.

Grant Thorborn, tbe florist, has been selected to take Cleveland Plajndealer goes for Douglas "against the
-charge of tha grounds of the Mount Vernon estate.
world, , the fleah, and the deviL"


s . A. M C C L E L L A N D ,




Dry*tjrocxls, G r o c e r i e s , Y a n k e e !N"otions, H a r d w a r e ,
Tin Ware,
lints a n d Caps, Boots a n d Shoes, Doors, Sash,
Door Trimmings,
Nails, By t h e k e g o r l k ;
P o r k a n d F l o u r , hy t h e b a r r e l o r l b . ;
B a t t e r , Cheese, L a r d ;

L i n s e e d a n d b<;st w i n t e r - s t r a i n e d O i l , B u r n i n g F l d i d ; ,
L a m p s of a l l l u u d a , Candltss, Dried A p p l e s ;
A l a r g o a s s o r t m e n t of T o b a c c o ;
P o w d e r , Lead. Shot, G u n C a p s ;

Russia Sheet I r o n , for S a p Boilers;
School Books, S t a t i o n e r y , W a l l P a p e r , W i n d o w C u r t a i n s ;
C r a d l e S c y t h e s , Grass S c y t h e s a n d S n a t h e s , P i t c h f o r k s ;
S t o p e P i p e , Bedsteads, R o c k i n g C h a i m ;
Small R o c k e r s a n d T a M e C h a i r s f o r C h i l d r e n ;
T o g e t h e r w i t h all a r t i c l e s usually f o u n d i a a C o u n t r y Store—ALSO—

A F i n e L o t of P l o w s ,

o n "Coaunisaion, f r o m t h e K a i a m a a o o A g r i c u l t u r a l WorksA l l p u r c h a s i n g G o o d s a t N o r t h p o r t , will d o well t o call a » d
e x a m i n e m y s t o c k a n d p r i c e s b e f o r e p u r c h a s i n g elsewhere.
N. B. C U T T I N G d o n e t o o r d e r , o n s h o r t n o t i c e .
N o r t h p o r t , Doc. 2 3 , 1 8 5 6 ,

Elk llapidg, N o v . 3,1868,


B L A C K Ac C O . , O P T I C I A N S . A N D M A K E R S O F
• O p t i c a l a n d P h i l o s o p h i c a l A p p a r a t u s , No. J50 J e f f e r s o n ' .
A v e n u e , i n v i t o all t h o s e s u f f e r i n g f r o m d e f e c t i v e s i g h t , t o ins p e c t t h e i r a s s o r t m e n t of g r e a t l y i m p r o v e d P e r c s c o p i c Cry».
tal a n d P e b b l e Spectacles, w h i c n are h i g h l y e n d o w e d w i t h


s i g n e d h a v i n g a Book B i n d e r y i n c b n n e c t l o h w i t h h i s
Bookstore, is p r e p a r e d t o m a n u f a c t u r e , t o o n j e r , B l a n k B o o k s
of e v e r y d e s c r i p t i o n . M e r c h a n t s a n d o t h e r s , w n n t i n g a n v t h i n g In t h a t line, are i n v i t e d t o give h i m a call. H a v i n g t £ e
bost of w o r k m e n , h e can safely g u a r a n t e e s a t i s f a c t i o n in all
Detroit, N o v - 1 , 1 8 5 8 .

- j p e a n Law A g e n c y of L l t z A K a p p , No. 7 Ka«*au street,
New Y o r k — f o r t h o r e c o v e r y of Debts, L e g a c i e s a n d I n h e r i t a n c e s in E u r o p e a n d the U n i t e d S t a t e s .
R e m i t t a n c e s m a d e t o all p a r t s of G e r m a n y , w i t h s a f e t y a n d
d i s p a t c h . No. 201 J e f f e r s o n avenue, Kear»leV"B B l o c k . D t t r o l t ,
. . E n g r a v e r s a n d L i t h o g r a p h e r s 20'J Main street, Buffalo,
N. V.. over. S a g e ' s P i a n o Rooms.—We a r e p r e p a r e d t o e x e c u t e
all w o r k e n t r u s t e d t o u s w i t h p r o m p t n e s s nnd d e s p a t c h , a n d
ou as favorable t e r m s as a n y e s t a b l i s h m e n t in t h e c o u n t r y .
C o m b i n i n g nil t h e d i f f e r e n t b r a n c h e s of Steel, C o p p e r a n d

K n i r r u v i n r . a n w e l l it« IIrarnn





R E E S W H I T I N G , G e n e r a l I>and A g e n t , G r a t s • h o p p e r Falls, Jefferson Co,, K. T. REFEKEXCES^H o n . Z. C h a n d l e r , D e t r o i t , M i c h i g a n : W h i t i n g A A d a m s , d o ?
Col. a M c K n i g h t , d o ; II. W. Williams. E x . of T i t l e s , S t
L o u i s ; Mnj. B. W a l k e r , U. B. A . ; C. A. P e r r y , Esq., W e s t o n ,
M o . ; A m o s T. l l a l l ,
T r e a s u r e r C. A B. R. R., C h i c a g o ;
G e o . T . P e a r s o n , A t t o r n e y a t Law, C h i c a g o .
r \ V I X E H O U 8 E . ~ W i l l a r d H a r v c v A C o , 84 Maiden
L L a n e , a n d . 17 C e d a r s t r e e t , N e w Y o r k . H e m p , C o t t o n
F l a x a n d L i n e n Twines, I m p o r t e d a n d M a n u f a c t u r e d C o r d a g e ,
C o t t o n , J u t e , Manilla a n d A m e r i c a n H e m p Rope, T a r r e d Stuff F i s h i n g Lines, G l l l i n g T h r e a d s , S h o e T h r e a d , Wick, a n d a l l
k i n d s of C o r d s a n d Lines.


H . L O Y E L L , (Successor t o U. C r o s b y k Co.) W h o l e • sale a n d a n d r e t a i l d e a l e r in Watcllcs, C l o c k s . J e w e l r y .
F a n c y floods. P l a t e d Ware, C o m b s B u t t o n s , T h r e a d , Ac. N o .
79 W o o d w a r d a v e n u e , opposite H o l m e s A Co. D e t r o i t , jMich.
Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired and w a j r a n t e d .


M a c h i n e * f o r F a m i l y Sewing, o r f b r m a n u f a c t u r i n g p u r poses- ; ^ - C a ! l a n d e x a m i n e t h e m a t 183 J e f f e r s o n A v e n u e
(Masonic Hall.)
D e t r o i t Nov. 1, 1868.
E E C H E I P S L I F E T H O U G H T S . — A NEW s u p ply j a s t r e c e i v e d . F o r sale by
Detroit, N o v . 1,1858.
• .
N o . H W . o o d w a r d Ave.

n o w c o m p l e t e , f u l l gets, t o be h a d of
Detroit, N o v . 1,1858.
D&UUHTY, S T R A W k C O ,
N o . 94 W o o d w a r d A v e .


Stationery, constantly on hand at
... .
D e t r o i t , Nov. 1,1K58.
No. 183 J e f f e r s o n A vs.


t e r o f 8 e g a r s . N o . 35 W o o d w a r d . A v a a u e , D e t r o i t . M k h i -


Detroit Ad1

Detroit Advertisements.
Not to the man of deed*.
Not to the min of canning,
v.K®t to the man of weed*:
Not to (he one of passion,
• I*/or i world's IB

Detroit Advertisements.

v T Corner Jefferson Avenue"
Btreet, offers for J ? fer, over, a large part of the globe, is the consequence of
sale to the City and Country
a diseased' action of the system, induced by the poisonous
miasm of vegetable decay. * This exhalation is evolved by the
Sngant nod Molasnes.
of solar heat on wet soil, and rises withithe watery va200 hhds fair, prime and choice New Orleans, Porto Rico and action
por from i t While th» sun is below the horizon this vapor
Moscavado Sugar.
lingers near the earth's surface, and the virus is taken with it
50 bbls Crushed, Powdered and Coffee.
Not un^o land's expansion,
through the lungs into tbo blood. There it acta as an irrita100 bbls Prime New Orleans Molasses and Syrup.
ting poison on the internal viscera and excreting organs of
the body, xbe lijrer becomes torpid and fails to secrete not
Not to. the blazoned crest,
500 half chests cases and boxes Young Hyson, Gunpowder only this virus, but also tlie bile from the blood. Both the
J. i • Not to the sordid worldling.
virus and the bile accumulate in the.circulation, and produce
and Black Teas, of recent importation.
Not to' the knavinh clown,
violent constitutional disorder. The spleen, the kidneys and

Not to the haughty tyrant,
the stomach sympathize with the liver, and become disordejyd
250 bags white and green Rio.
Cometh a bleftsing down.
also. Finally, the instinct of our orgahiam, as if in an at140 bags and pockets old Gov't and common Java.
tempt to expel the noxioua fusion, concentrates the whole
No* to the fally-Ulndcd,
100 cases ground Mustard.
blood of the body in the internal excrelories to force them
Not to the bteeped In shame,
20 bags green and white Maracaibo.
to east it out The blood leaves the surface, and rushes to
60 boxes Ground Bio.
the central organs with congestive violence. This is the
50 kegs Ground Ginger.
But in this effort It fails. Then the FKVSB follows,
Not In neirlcct of duty,
15 hags Pepper, Spice and Gores.
in which the blood leaves the central orgaus and rushes to
Not In the monarch's crown,
50 boxes Ground Pepper, Spice and Cloves.
the surface, as if in another effort to cx]>c! the irritating
Not at the smile of Beauty,
that other great-excretory—the skin. In thii
. ?
Cometh ablessing down'.
also it-fail*, and the system abandons the attempt exhausted,
100 boxes 3c Fine Cut Papers.
to the oni whose spirit
and waits for the recovery of strength to repeat the hoDelcs*
. 100 bbls Smoking.
These are the tits or paroxysms of Fever
Years for great nod good- ( , -j
50 boxes Plug Dark, P's and 10's.
' '
Unto the one whose storehouse
and Ague. Stfcli constitutional disorder will of*course under20 boxes Gold Leaf, Half Pounds. .
Yieldeth the hungry food;
mino the health if not removed.
30 boxes Tini Foil
find, and have found, an antidote.
Unto the one who labor*
20 bbls Cavendish in cans.
Fearless of foe or frown;.
CIOAKS.—A large assortment of Imported and Domestic.
Ayer*s.Ague Cure,
Unto the kindly hearted, .
malarious poison In the blood, and
Cometh a Messing down.
Port, Maderia and Sherry Wines, in quarters and octaves. : stimulates the liver to expel it from the body. As it should,
Champagne, (Heidscck A- Delbrecht,) and Claret in baskets so it does, cure this sfflletiug disorder with perfect certainty.
Onr Changing- Cliihate.
does what is of more serv ice'to
an«l cases.
Tfcefollowing beaatifal passage by Wnshinffton Irving yond all doubt of Its practicability." The public may be
Cognac and Seigr.ettc Brandies, in half pipes, quar- those subject to this Infection. If taken iu season it cx|>ci»
lldently assured that it is at once the most simplq and useful Fine old
it from tlie system as it is absorbed, and thus keeps those who
ters and octaves.
might afirto'st make n March day ecem' checrftil:
of any thing of tho kind ever before constructed.
the health though
The present object of the proprietors is to dispose of cjty, Gtn-^Swan and London Cordial, in whole and half pipes.
" Here let us say_ a word in favor of tboas-vicissitudes
WiustKV—Old Scotch, Monongahela and Peach Orchard, in exposed to the disease.- Consequently' it not only cures, bnt
protects from, tho great variety of affections which are induof onr climate, which arc too often made the subject of county and state Rights, on the "most favorable terms, and to
hhds an<Tbbls.
immediately introduce the works into general
ced by this malignant iufluence, such as Remittent Fever, Chill
Wine, Stomach and Cordial Bitters in cases.
••xdnsvo repining. If they annoy us occasionally by
Works .from-100 feet capacity and npwar .
Fever, Dumb, or Masked Ague, Periodical H<adache, or Bilchanges from hot to cold, from wet to dry, they give us readiness by DUDLEY A HOLMES, manufacturers, Detroit,
ious Headache, Bilious Fevers,Neuralgia, Rheumatism. Gout.
200 boxes Raisins.
one of the most beautiful climates in the world. Tbev as well as every thing connected with the "Sun-Light Gus
Bliudnt'As, Toothache, Earache, Catarrh. Asthma, Palultiiti,on>.
give us the briffiMtHunahinft of4be Scrftth of Borope, with
Puinful Affections of the SpiceJI. Hysterics, Colic, Paralysis
150 boxes Pepper Sauce.
. . Painful Affections
.. and Bowels,
n ; all
of the HtomaCh
a .*
the fre«h verdnro of the North. Tboy float our Summer
Persons of small capital, and particularly Gas Fitters, by
which, when arising from tliia cause, will be found to assume
A y with gorgeous tints of flloecy whiteness, and send down making an Investment in the right to use the "Sun-Light Gas
200 dozen Pails and Tabs.
more or le»s the Intermittent type. Tlife -Ague Cure" re100
cooling tfiowers so refresh the panting earth awl keep it Works," will be certain of an immediate remuneration.
moves the cause or these derangements, and curea the disease.
SET All communications iu the premises directed to the
gretn. Our seasons arc full of subjjraity and beauty.
This it accomplishes bv stimulating tho e.xrretorles to ex- .
200 kegs Powder, assorted.
I the virus from tlie system; and these organs by degrees
Winter with us hath none of its proverbial gloom. I t undersigned will meet prompt attention.
loo boxes Oakley A Ames' German Chemical Soap. ,
come habited to do this their efflce of their own accord.—
may have its howling tffnd# aod chilling frosts, and whirl150 boxes white and dark German Chemical Soap.
Treasurer for Proprietors,
arises what we term acclimation. Time stay accoming mow, storms; but is has also its Iopg intervals of cloud200 boxes Fancy Bar and Cake Soap.
No. 77 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, Michiganplish tlie same end, btit.riRen life is not long enough, or is
200 bosjes Family and No. 1 Bar Soap. .
leaB sunshine, when the snow dad earth gives redoubled the attentat while this "Ague Cure " does It at
100 boxes Steariiie and Tallow Candles.
brightness t o the day, when at night the stars beam with
with safety. We hove great reason to believe this
FURNISHING GOODS, at the Clothing Emporium of H.
£o boxes Star Candles.
Is a surer as well as safer remedy ror the whblo class of dislutenacst luster, or the moon floods the whole landscapes HALLOCK, No ltifc, Jefferson Avenue, Detroit Where may
150 reams Wrapping Paper.
' - eases which are caused by tlie miasmatic Infection, than any
with her most limpid radiance. And the joyous outbreak be found a very large, fresh and desirable stock of ttk above
-100 reams Foolscap, Letter and Note Paj>er.
has been discovered; and it.has still another
200.000 Percussion Cops, 2000 lbs Bar Lead.
of our Spring, bursting at opce into leaf and blossom, re- goods just manufactured under his immediate inspection, and"
important advantage to the public, which la, that it is cheap
100 bbls Vinegar.
dundant with vegetation and vociferous and the embracing one of the mokt extensive assortments ever before
as well as good. offered In tills market.
Dr. J. C. Ayer A Co., Ixiwell, Mnss. Price One
splendor or Summer—its morning voluptuousness and eveAmong his stock will be (bond every kind and description Salt, Paints. Oils, Dye Stuffs, Cordage, Brooms, Bakets, GlassDollar per bottle.
ning glory—its airy palaces of sunlit clouds piled up in a 61 Garment suitable for Fall and Winter wear.
ware and article qppfrtaining to the Grocery Trade. Corner
A y e f s Cherry Pectoral
From the low priced and cheaper grades, to the most fine Jefferson Avenue and Wayne-St., Detroit, Mich.
deep azure dcy; and its gusts of tempests of almost tropifor itself such a renown for the cure of every variety
eal grandeur, when the forked lightning and bellowing and fashionable garments—all of which have been manufacN. P. JACOBS.
of Throat and LuugCompbiinttiiat it is entirely unnecessary
with the utmost care and WARRANTED to give satisfaction.
thunder-volley from the battlements of heaven shake the tured
All perftdns desirous of purchasing either at WHOLESALE Y T T Y A N D O T T E ROLLING .WILL CO.', HAS NOW f<>r us to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever It lias
sultry atmosphere; and the sublimo melancholy o f . o n r OR RETAIL are respectfully invited to call and examine his
I T in Store, ami offer for sale, a full assortment of Lake been employed. • As it has long been in constant ore through, AntOmn, magnificent in its decay, withering (tawn the extensive stock, which shall be offered at prices uniformly Superior akd Scrap Iron, of all sixes, at greatly reduced rates. out this section, wc need not do more than assure the people
quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it
pomps of a woodlapd eonntry, yet refiecting back from low.
• The Lake Superior Bar Iron sold by the Com puny, is all its
may be relied on to do for their relief all it has ever been
ata yellow forests Th» golden serenity of tho sky. -Truly
MERICAN WATCHES.—APPLETON, TRACY A made from Charcoal Pig, and is fur better than the Iron made found to do.
Co., WALTIIAM, Mass.. Manufacturers of PATENT LE- * oin Hard Coal, nnd their Lake Superior Merchant Iron is
we -may say. that in pur climate, f the, heavens declare the
Aycr*s Cathartic Pills,
only Iron sold in this market that is mode in this manner.
glory of, God, and fne firmament shdweth his handiwork, VER WATCHES.—These superior Watches are wide liv the ieTheir
Merchant Scraw Iron is all mode from selected Scrap For all the purposes of a Purgative Medicine; for Costivenew;
of new and original machinery, -expressly designed to se-Day unto day uttereth specch, and night unto night aid
the cure ot Dvspipsiji; lor Jaundice; for the cure of Indicure, with IT low tmice, a Hue, substantial, durable and uni- and will bear comparison with the best Iron made in the for
•howeth knowledge.' '
J • . gestion; for Headache; for the cure of Dysentery; for a Foul
formly reliable time keeper. The movements are new in country.
Wyandotte Rolling MAI Company and Eureka Irpn Compa- Stomach; for the edre -of Erysipelas; for the Piles; for the
construction, and are proiiuuneed by the highest authorities
of Scrofuja; for all Scrofulous Complaints; for the cure
Immensity of Space.
to be faultless in principle and quality, and have been proved ny drafts token at par in exchange for Iron or any indebted- cure
of Rheumatism; for Diseases or the Skin; for the.^nre'of
ness to the Company. ]
acIn a conversation with ProC Olmstead, whopo mind ii
Manufactured Iron also given in exchange for good Scrap LiverCbmplaint; for Dropsy ;.(|or the cure of TettealNtmors
tion. These watches arc manufactured entirely frpm the
nnd Salt ltheum; fer Worms; for the cure of Gout; foriyiafamiliar with astronomical statistics, ho said that a rail- crude materials, 1«> a single establishment, by connected and Iron.
tier Pill; for the core of Neuralgia; for purifying fjl# ltfyod.
Call and see or address
road cat that run at the rate of twenty milts an hotar, Or uniform processes—the manufactory being organized upon
They are sugar-coated, so that the most Sensitive c«a jak«
WM. H." ZA BRI SKI E, Secretary.
480mil£8 in 24 hours, would be fifty days in going round the same system that has been adopted in the production of
them pleasantly, and they are t(>e U*t aperient in thrwprid
Store corner Woodward Avenue and Congrcss-st
the- earth, and five hundred years going to the sua.' To the uneqnaled American firearms, which enables us to profor all the purposes of a family physic.
* ; '»
a movement at oue-half the price of any foreign movego to tho plapet Neptune, which is the last discovered of duce
Price 25 cents per Box; Six Boxes for One Dollar. '
PREment of the same quality; and we guarantee the perfect
pared to furnish, at short notice. Stationary Engines, Mill
our planets, the carwtould bo traveling niglit and day for performance, for t^n years, of every .watch ttianufactnred by us.
sixteen thousand years. Thero is distance for yon. But
All foreign watches arc made by hand, tlie American watcheminent personages, have lent their names to certify th$ap<
Saw than that—to roach the fixed fltar 01 Cygni, whose
Mills, executed promptly and thoroughly. Castings—every paralleled usefulness of these remedies*, but our s|«ce http.
distance has been accurately determined, would take the
will not permit the insertion of tllom. The Agents below"
fectite, and are continually getting out of order. In many description.
named furnish gratis our American Almanac iu which they
car three hundred and twenty fonr millions of years. Still parts of the country it is' impossible'to find good watch reBRASS FOUNDRY.
more. Light travels at the rate, of twelve milions of miles pairers, and watch repairing is always uncertain and expen- We arc prepared to execute orders.of any size for Brass and are given; also with (lill descriptions of the,above complaints,
the treatment that should be followed for thiir cure.
a minute, and would take, at that rate, nine years and « sive. Tho introduction of. American watches disposes of this Composition (tastings, promptly.
Do not bo put off by unprincipled dealers with other preOil Globes, Oil Cup*. Valves," Journal Boxes. Guage Cocks,
half for light to come from tho star 61 Cygni to the earth; difficulty, and country merchants, as well as watch dealers, Cylinder Cocks, Steam Whistles for Steamboats, Locomotives parations they make more iirotit on. The sick want the best
is for them, and they should i t
a n d i t would t^kc forty years for licpht to como from the
thus supply their customers with a new staple, which may be and Mills, Bells for Fnetoricis Steamers and Locomotives, u;
All our remedies are for sale by
J. S. FAttll AND,
north star to the earth, traveling at the same rate—viz. used as any other article, without mvstery or humbug. SoliT dcr eight hundred pounds.
Detroit, Rich.
twelve tniliotm of miles in a minute; making tho distance by the trade gonerallv, and by BOBBINS A APPLETON,
from the earth to the North star four hundred and nine
' - General Agents, 15 Maiden Lane, N. V.
We arc prepared to execute all orders for Iron Railing f t .
.with 8
quadrilion, three hundred and sixty-ifigfct trillion, two hunPrivate Buildings, Churches, Public Squares, and for Cemete- line engravings.—One Volume, 12mo. 320 pp. Price $1.—
aredTiillions of mites.
ry Lots.
_ . road Watches, cased in lieautiful styles, warranted
This Work portrays, with eminent ability, the crimes commitCorner of Fifth and WQodbridge-sts., opposite Machine ted by our Government against tlie Maroons who fled from
cellent time-keepers; do do Swiss, full jewelled, Levers in
.Why Brother Dickson Loft the Church.
every style. GOLD PENliv—I continue mannfacturing Pens Shop of Michigan Central Railroad, Detroit
South Carolina and other Slave States, seeking protection unn3
Mr. Dickson, a colored barber, was shaving one of his of every desirable pattern. These penshave received a Silver
der Spanish laws. It shows bad faith exercised towards tlio
Indians »f Florida and Is found to present a trio View of the
oastomers, a respectable^ctizen, one morning, when a con- Medal ami Diploma at the Michigan State Fair,and are notto
be surpassed bv anv Pens in market Also dealer -in FINE
long-fought Florida Wur, which was, iu truth, A WAR FOR
versation occurred between them respecting Mr. Dick- JEWELRY, SIIA'ER-WARE, and FANCY GOODS.
son's fonner connection with a colored church in that
from n«mr« Ctaw, of OMo.
I have an experienced Jeweller,, capable of making new
Piano Room. ;
work to order.
iks for a copyWe are prepared to execute all work entrusted to us with
FITTING STONES and Diamond Work, and Fire Gilding
* " I believe you Ate conpcctcd with tho churefc i n with great iiiU'resi a _ .
promptness and despatch, and on as favorable terms as any much Instruction. .It sets (n ubook
and Galvanizing, done at short notice,
striking light an intp^irtant
struct Mr. Dickson,;1 said the customer.
WATCH REPAIRING,—Being" a practical workman, all establishment in the country. (Combining all;,the different portion of our history, and clearly^ reveals the secret springs
" N o , Sah, not at alL"
branches of Steel, Copper aud Stpnc Engraving, n* well as by which successive administrations were moved in aflaira of
work entrusted to my rare, win be carefully attended to.
W h a t ! flro you not a member of the African Church.'
GOLD PENS re-pointed, at fifty cents. Pens sent by mall, Crayon Work of the finest description, wc guarantee satisfuc- great moral and political consequence. The distinguished
tion all cases.
accompanied by the Cash, will be promptly attended to.
" N o t dis year, Bah."
especially entitled himself to the thanks of every
Particular attention paid to Bank nnd Commercial work authorofhas
J. If. ALLISON, Jefferson Avenue.
freedom. Justice, and honorable administration, by
" W h y did you leaver their communion, Mr. Dickson? • n3
such as Checks, Drafts, Noter, Certificate* of Deposit and '""er
•Inguud exhibiting tho evii influence* of shivery in the
if I nwiy bo permitted 'to ask."
ETROIT STEAM DYEING E S T A B L I S H - Stock, Coupon Bonds, Letter, Note aud Bill Heads, Envelop
which he narrates. No otie, it seems lo ine, can
" W a y , I tell you Sah,"«aid Mr. Dickson^trappinga
MENT, No. 10 Congress-sU, Kant.—A. C. ALEXANDER Ac. Maps, Portraits. Show Cards Ac., Lithographed and arise from perusing this work without deepened convictions
would mist respectfully intimate that, more fully to accom- printed in tho most delicate colors by a new process.
ooncavc razor on the palm of his hand.
the wrong of slaveholdiiu.', and tho necessity of earnest
For the convenience of the business community in this vi- of
" I t was just like d k I jincd dat church in good fait modate the wants of the patronizing public, and liis large in- cinity,
effort Tor the deliverance of our National Govwe have "established an agency with Mr. John W. -nment from the
crease of business, ho has adopted the improved facility which
control of the slave power.
I gib ten dollar toward stated preaching ob de gospel do Steam
gives to the Art of Dyeing, having recently fitted up Grten, at the, office of the Detroit Daily Advertiser, 212 JefColumbus, July 12, ]g5«.
S. 1». CHASE.
fter year, and de people call me Bruddcr Dickson. De for that purpose. ; Re now Dyes by Steam, every description ferson Avenue.
. n3
REPUBIJpsNS REAP IT f* Copies sent l.y mail on receipt
second year my businiwB not so good, and I only eib five of Silks, Satins, Velvet, Crapes anil Merinos, producing the
moSt brilliant colors and best style.of finish that every article
dollars. Dat year de people call mo Mkv Dickson?
Pulishers, Columbus, Ohio.
—These fiafc* are a combination of Wrongbt and Chilled
will admit of. Shawls of every variety Dyed and Cleaned.
Detroit Agent for Michigan.
" Dis jazor hurt you, sab?"
Iron, two inches thick. The Wrought Iron give* strength
tho Chilled Iron hardness; the safes being warranted Drill
" N o ; tho razor goes very welL"
Proof. All other Fire proof Safes are made of Sheet Iron.
" Weill, Bah, do third year I felt very poor, sickness in
between Earned and Congress streets, Detrdit Mich.—''
S. R. WOOLLEY, Agent at C. A A. Ives' Banking Office. The undersigned
havinjr re-pnrchas»d "Tbe Institution for
mr family, and' didn't, gib nufiin-for preaching. WclV
Nov 1.1868.
the dissemination of nseful drinks," lias enlarged and rejuveaab, a f t e r dat 'ddy call me Old Nigger Dickson, and I lcfT
their burning out; it protects their tops from the wastes of [ J U
O T S , tHIIOES AND R U B B E R S , AT'WHOLE- nated it in the most thorough manner, makibg it now the
the weather, and serves aa an ornamental finish.
SALE ONLY.—We have received from the Manufactu- most extensive BREWERY IN THE WEST, with facility for
8o Baying Mr. Dictaon brushed his customer's-hair,
Persons desirous of securing the right of manufacture, . rers about 1,000 cases BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS, of all producing the finest and most delicate grades of Malt Liquors;
and thb gentleman departed, well satisfied with the rea- of sale, or both, in Cities, Counties, States or Territories, in the desirable kinds, and have also on hand a few thousand and is now prepared to furnish the. various qualities, of Ales,
Porter and Brown Stout, for draught anjl bottling at prices
any part of the United States not already disposed of, will be pairs of our ©wn manufacture.
son why Mr. DickSon left tlie church.
furnished with a descriptive circular, by addressing the unWe ahall continue to manufacture and to receive almost ranging from $<"> to $10 per barrel.
dersigned, and by designating the territory they desire, t^ey daily additions—so as to keep our stock at all time* laige and
Extra line and Stock Ales brewed to order.
Good Advice.
All Packages extra, which, when returned to the Brewery
will also be furnished with the terms of sale.
excluLay by something eyei7 day, if but a penny, it is. better
IRA MAYHEW, Patentee, Albioa, Mich. sively, wo can offer facilities unequaled in Detroit, at 25 in good order will be paid for at same prices as charged.
than nfftning; infinitely better thin running in debt a
' The attention of private fanpllies, and customers In general,
Manufactured and for sale, in Detroit, by
Woodward Avenue.
particularly called Jo the EXCELSIOR CREAM ALE OM
pouny a day or a penny a week. If ho can earn one dojp3
DUDLEY AJI0LMES, 77 Woodward Ave.
Detroit Nov. 1,1858.
friends and new may be assured of the superior qoality and
tar a day, let him try fairly ami faithfully tho experiment T C S T P U B L I S H E D , A TEXT-BOOK OF VEGETABLE
-IMPORTANT TO PRINTERS AND PUBLISH- flavor of these beverage*, and ill are invited to call and nam,
of living, on ninety cents. Ho will like i t
for themselves. All orders, with the money enclosed,
i 44 People will laugh." Let them laugh- . T h e y Vrfll Seminaries and Colleges, by Henry Goadby, M; D., Professor very large stock of Book and News Paper of all sizes. We will receive prompt attention.
call mo Btingy," Better call yon. stingy than say yon do of Vegetable and Animal Physiology and Entomology in the are Agents for nine of the best Mills in the country, which
Malt and Hops for sale at the. lowest market rates.
• ' •
• J, L. CAREy.
not pay your debts. "Thoy will wonder why 1 do not
wards of 450 Illustaationji. Although designed mainly foji.iu the West, and would say that wo sell print paper cheaper
hate better furniture, live i n a finer house, attend concerts Colleges and Schools, thii book will be found Invaluable to and a better articlo than can t* found In this market; Also,
U S T P U B L I S H E D , A TEXT BOOK OF VEGETAble and Animal Philosophy, designed for the use of
•Bd lho play-house." Lei them; wonder Cor a while, it tlie
_ general reader.and should find a place in n\
ivery' public wc have just received a large invoice of fine Manuitlas.—
Schools, Seminaries and Colleges, by Henry Goadby, M. D-.
won't hurt you. By-and-by you can have a fine house and and privaU library. The beanty of the wood engravings that Please call and see foryoursoives at
Professor of Vegetable and Aunimal Physiology and EnntoPEASE A FULLER'S, No. 210 Jefferson Ave.
fine ftamlture of your own, and they will wonder again, so ulentifully adorn this work, is ramarkable, and their style
mology. In the State Agricultural CoHege of Michigan—«neminently peculiar; white, red, yellow and blue figures, on a
Detroit. Nov. 1.1858.
•nd.iomo billing and cooing around you like so many dead black ground. By their distinctness they.bave elicited
Uishcd with upwards of 450 Illustrations. Although auiufleaAed'fook Try AM experiment Live within yoor unanimous admiration. For sale by
APER.—WE ARE PREPARED TO SUPPLY AT MILL ly designed for Colleges and Schools, this book will M fonnd
Paperxinvaluable to the general reader, and sbrfnid And a place in
Detroit, Nay. 1,1856.
also Ledger Paper, Flat and Folded Paper. Letter, Oar and every, public and private library. The beanty of the wood
Doaoa Num.—One pint bowl of raised dough wet with r f H E C Y C L O P A E D I A O F W I T A N D HUMOR.— Commercial Note, Wrapping and Tissue Paper, Fancy and engravings that so plentifully adorn this work. It remarkable,
and their style eminently peculiar—whW, red, yellow and
• i l k ; knead in a teacup of sifted sugar, two eggs, and a X Containing ehoice and characteristic selections from the Staple Stationery in gnat variety.
writings of the most eminent Humorists of America Scot100 tona of Rags wanted in exchange.
blue figure*, on adead black-ground, By their distinctneas,
teMMoofel of butter; let it r k c again, roll and land, Ireland and England, by Wm. E. Burton. For sale by
they have allotted ananimona admiration. For sale by
•Off f r a h chopped orange peel is the best seasoning.
Detroit Nov. 1,1858.
- . - i v * fjiiVuf
Detroit Mich.


X T A l d U D U N C R L E E A CO., 74 WODDWARD AYEi_v nue, Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Garpet*, Floor Oil Cloths,Paper Hangings.
Feathers and House I uroishiag Goods.—We would particularly Invite tne attention *f the public to the following Goods,
which we Save la great variety of style* and prices: Broehe
SbaWls, long and Square; Bay State do. do. do.; Waterloo uo.
do. do.; Gentlemen's do. do. do.; Mantillas, beautiful styles:
Black, Fancy; Poulard, Bayadere and Moire Antique Silks';
French and English Merinoes, plain and figured ; Paramettas,
Delaines, in great variety ; Valencia Plaids and Stripes; Allwool Plaids;"Alpacas; Flannels; SattinetU; Broadcloths; Damask*; Blankets; Linens; Embroideries; Hosiery; Gloves;
Ribbons;-Prints; Ginghams, Ac., Ac.
, '
Carpet D e p a r t m e n t .
Velvet, Brussels, .Crenelle, 31'ly, 2 Ply, Superfine, .Cotton
and Wool, Carpets; Drugge*y Stair Bods Oilcloth, Window
Shades, Laco and Muslin Curtains, Curtain Fixtures, Feathers,
Paper Hangings, Ad, Ac. >
We have many ojher styles of Goods, which will be offered
to suit the tunes.
r y - L i f i i r r GAS W O R K S , FOR THB MANUFACTURE OR ILLUMINATING GAS, for the use of Private
Houses, PuUlo Buildings, Villages Towns, Ac.—Patented
August, 1858.—The principle <jf the invention consists in the
peculiar construction of the Retort, whereby Gas 1? mu»t
quickly, easily and economically generated from Rosin, Oil,
Tallow and'refuse Grease of any kind, and producing, for
about eighty cents, as much light as n thousand feet of ordinary coal G«*.
A long course of experiments at the hands,of the inventor,














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