Grand Traverse Herald, July 08, 1859

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Grand Traverse Herald, July 08, 1859


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Morgan (1806-1874)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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"vox., i .

T R A V E R S E C I T Y , M I C H . F R I D A Y , J U L Y 8, 1859.

€(je (Srani) Crabrrse Utraft,

A Song for a n American Editor.

If roBLUHiD t v n r KBIDAT, AT
Trarer*.' City, Grand Traverse C o u n t » Michigan,

Pm of the Press! I'm of the Press!
My throne a simple chair;
I ssk no other majesty
Than strikes the gaztr there.
The horse of Ore obeys my nod.
My cooriers walk the sea,
The lightnings lift theirflamingnames
At Art's command for me.
Pm of the Press 1 I'm of the Press!
Do monarcbs wear the crown?
I waft my pen across my page.
And crowns have tumbled down.
The cloudsfloaton, the nations strive.
Without the thunders roll;

MFITOK A W r a t i r M K T O * .

T U R K S .
M * •—i

r r i


was wss





All kcdulmti&nUDipBiutb* rH




IiHM EieaW.

I'm of the Press! I'm of the Press!
The dead around me throng;
Their awfnl voices whisper " truth1™
Their eyes forbid the " wrong I"
From them I gather Joy and strength.
Nor need pale Errors purse; .
My faith in GOd large aa the arch
He gave th«" Universe.
I'm of the Press! Pm of the Press!
Mr host embattled types;
With them I qnelt the tyrant's horde,
And rear the stars and stripes.
I give my hand to Alltoyrace;
My alter Freedom's aod;
I say, I say, and bend my knee
Alone, alone to GOD!

C H A R L E S H. H O L D E N ,

^lton«| anJr Counsellor at Sato.

T r a v e r s e Cfcfjr, Grorwl T r a v e r n e C o . M i o h .

Prbaaontlntf A t t o r n e y nnd Circuit Court

to do i t I confess, that although I am sure of the result
still I experinced an emotion, which I cannot reprew.'
•If thut be the case, I answered, let us go back. ' I believe yon.*
' No, no; I mean to show you this singular phenomenon. Come, he added, let us see your hands.'
And be took them in hi&
'The d—1 said he; they are rather dry for our work.'
'You think so?"
• Certainly.'
• Is it dangerous then?"
' It may be.'
'In that case let us go,' said I turning toward'the

door. .

•That would be a pity,' he answered, stopping me.
Here, dipyour hands in this water, wipe them well, and
your skin will preserve as much moisture as may be
* For the success of this experiment all that is neceaiary to be observed is to have the hands slightly moist I
regret that I cannot explain the principles upon which
the bands are protected but that would reouire several
chapters. It is enough to say that metal infusion is held
at a distance from skin by a foroerepulsionwhich oppojes
to it an insurmountable barrier.
' I bad scarcely wiped my hands when the furnace was
opened and a jet buret forth as large as'a man's arm.
Sparks flew on all sides as in a piece of fireworks.
•Wait a few moments,' said M. Boutigny, 'till the
metal clears itself; it would Dot be prudent to make our
experiment now.'
' Five minutes later the metal ceased to bubble and
give off sparks. It became so limpid and briliant that it
burned our eyes at several paces distance.
' Suddenly my companion approaches the furnace,, and
without any ceremony, washes his hands in the liquid
current as if it were tepid water.
' I indulged in no bravado. I confess that at this moment my heart beat as if it would buret through my
bosom, and yet when M. Boutigny had finished his fantastic ablution I advanced with a determination which
required a strong force of will. I imitated his motions;
I dabbled in the burning lava and in the joy which his
marvelous operation inspired, I took a hahdfull of this
molten mass and flung i t into the air, it fell in firey rain.
'The impression which I received from touching this
molten iron can only be compared to that which I would
have received in touching velvet made of liquid silk. It
a ^ery delicate and > ery :u^reeable feeling.'


About Hired Hem.
W e have had frequent occasion to notice tbe different
" luck," as they caned i t which employers have had with
their hired help. We knew Mr. p . who was forever in
hot water with his men. They couldn't be trusted out of
sight They would idle away their time, slight their
work, abuse the horses and cattle, and waste more than
their help was Worth—such was the complaint of them
and to them On tb« other hand, they declared, that there
never was such a driving, miserly, surly, and altogether
contemptible man as their employer. From early summer
until their employment ceased in the Call, there seemed
to be a continual strife between them; each aggravating
the other, each apparently studying to find the limit of
human endurance, and it sometimes happened that actual
violence was resorted to, a hand-to-hand encounter with
one or more of the men, Mowed by prosecution, lawsuit*. and costs to pay.,
But neighbor II. never appeared to have such difficulty.
Ha frequently hired the same men employed l y Mr. P.
the previdus season, yet all -went smoothly. His weak
was done in season, and weU done; although they were
o«tcn away from his observation, there was no disposition-^
exhibited to take advantage of his absence, and ne used
to speak with pleasure of his "excellent hands." Ycthe
never was beard to scold, but often to praise, and if fault
ras found, the offender alone knew of I t This, we aprehended, was one secret of his .success. He rememered that they were men as well as "help"—and as a
man, be knew that appreciation; is one of the highest
stimulants to exertion, and that fault finding in the presence of others sours the feelings and dishartfcos from effort The man who takes as much pains to find points
to commend in those in his employ, as be does to discover their defects, will soon see the benefit in -checrful
readiness to work, and endeavors to please. Scolding
never docs any good A man will listen if yon tell him
his faults, however plainly, if it be done with mi Idnesa aad
[American Agriculturist

A Lesson in Wonders.
H E N R Y 8. U D E L L ,
Under the title of ' Confidence of Juggler," Robert
Circuit Court C o m m M o n e and Deputy County
Houdin, tbe famous Magician, has just published two
Surveyor for Manistee County.
Volumes, id Paris from which we translate the- subjoined
interesting narrative:
H E N R Y R. U D E L L ,
' In 1609, a Spaniard tamed Leonetto, gave an exhiVotary P u b l i c , Lund, Tax, and General Agent, bition in Paris. He also handled with impunity a bar of
tl-ly. red hot iron; passed it over his hair, put his heels on it,
A Self-Made Man.
drank boiling oil, dipped his finders into melted lead, put
WM. H . P A R K S ,
Captain Hudson, of the Niagra, was once, says the
a little off his tongue, after which he carried a red-hot
Attorney a t Law and Solicitor in Chancery,
Jamacia, L. L Fanner, a baker boy 'in Brooklyn.. One
iron about on his tongue.
G r a n d H a v e n , Miolilitan,
day he chanced to be in the Navy Yard at Brooklyn, and
'This extraodinary man attracted the attention of Dr.
Will attend Court and to Collection! In the countlea of Grand Sementini, who set himself about Boding his secret
the'thought strnck him that bo would like to enter the
Trfyerae, Maniatee, Mason and Goean*. , 36-ly*
Navy. So, going to the proper officer, he applied for
•The savant noticed that the tongue of tbe incombustiadmission. The novelty of seeing a ted alone boldly askble man was covered with a grayish coating; and this led
ing for a place ao. often secured by political preferences,
him to try some experiments upon himself He discovor by the entreaties of influentialfriends,at once kttracted
ered that by, evaporating a solution of alum until it became
the attention of the officer, and he enquired, " What can
tpongy, and rubbing it over the skin, he could render it
Out-of-ooor Exercise.
you do?" The reply was prompt ana decisive: "Anyinsensible to the beat of red-hot iroo, and that by rubThere is probably not another people to be found, that thing that any other boy can do. He was told to CMI
bing on a coating of soap in addition, tbe skin was thortakes
fatso par**. Detroit
again, and a few days pajaed. and the place was given to
oughly protected against burning.
'Satisfied with his researches, the Doctor coated the cities and large towns of the Northern States. This tho enterprising ted Scarcely in pew position, he b e a n
L> HURD A CO., Detroit, Michigan, Produce and
• Shipping Merchant*. Agent* and Consignees for the fai- his tongue with soap and a solution of alum, and found in-door confinement is the direct occasion of two great to show marks of genius and aptitude which outdid his
evils,—impaired health, and a destruction of vivacity. associates, and step by step the baker's boy rose to influring Llneg:—AMBRICAX TRAXKTOKTATIOK CosrAjcr, Cap!- that red-hot iron produced no impression upon i t
$900,000. WsrraaM TaaNaroKTATioN COMPANY, Capital
' Prepared in this way, tbe tongue could receive boil- To be healthful and cheerful, much time should be ence and rank, and to-day he stands among the highest in
AAd the Naw Yotut CSSTAL R. R. CO.
passed in the sunlight where oxygen may be inhaled rank and most influential in power of the great ones who
ing oil, which after coating, could be swallowed.
'Dr. Semcntini found out also that the melted''lead without stint Stay in tbe house, shop, store, office study, compose tbe United States Navy. Such, in brief ia the
which Leonetto uaed was that metallic composition which sanctum, or other confinement where carbonic acid gas career/of.W. N. Hudson, commander of the United
JL CoaLBait, Water Lime, PlaaUr, Ac. Docks foot Of meha at the temperature of boiling water. [If the fingers and other impurities are breathed again and again, and it States Steamer Niagara.
Dates Street. Detroit, Mich.
.Hzxav tatr,......0*0.
P. KTLLEB. be previously dipped in ether, they may be plunged into would be very extraordinary if such persons always mainSWIFT RSTRIBUTKW.—A short time since, a man in Hutained chcerful hearts, and enjoyed good health.
the real melted lead without injury.
R A ¥ » * SHELDON, (SoecesMnto Uwis A Grare.)
Among the Germans in fatherland, (and it may be true ron countv, Ohio who, possessed of a violent temper, wan
' In theso manipulations a satisfactory explanation may
Produce and General Commission Merchants, on the be found pf the pretended inconbustibiuty of the Aissa- of them here.) their constant cheerfulness and gavety in the hairit of treating' his animals in the most cruel
DMk near the foot of Cass street
J AXIS 0. G«ATts,:,..„..... ! ._.
...CHAS. A: Smttoox. ouas; however, I will cite here a fact of my personal would be a marvel to our sad, grumbling people, out of manner, for slight cause or for no cause at all, became
knowledge, from which the inference may be drawn that temper, because out of health and out of spirits. Early greatly enraged at a fine horse owned by him, and declarT> G. STIMSON. Produce, Commlsaion and Shipping it is necessary to be inspired by Allan or AisBa in order in the rooming from four o'clock until ten iu the evening ed he would put out one of the animal's eyes. He accorJ D t Merchant, Warehouse on Dock, foot of Bates strert, to play with the incandescent metals.
the throughfares in and about the cities in Germany are dingly seized a stick and gave the animal a blow by which
'Reading one day, a scientific Review, I saw an ac- thronged with lads and lasses, wending their way to the his threat was acdompKidied. The next day be had occa'jftV Liberal advances made on Produce, for sale in this or
count of a work entitled Etude snries crops a I'etyt sper- public gardens and other places of resort, where social sion to go to his barn to nail on a board, and while enBaaUrn Markets.
Refer to—John Oven; Prest Michigan Insurance Co. Rank; oidal, by M. Beutigtiy d'Everux. The editor of tbe re- pleasures are freely enjoyed, and the heart is made glad, gaged in driving the nail, a price of it flew off and lodged
G. O. Williams A Co., Forwarding and Commission Merchants, view, tho Abbe Moigne, ouotcd some of the moot inter- and the health and vigor of the body improved and pre- in his eye. He removed the piece, but the eye was deDetroit
n3 esting passages of the work, among which was the follow- served.
When the men or women have finished their work, or
E. PITTMAN, dealer la Coal and Pig Iron. Office ing.
A New York lady ordered her newly hired Irish cook
*M. Cowlet having led the way, we (M. Boutiguy Is business, they, too, go forth for amusement And what to give them Bologna sausage, on a certain evening, for
speaking) ouraelves broke the liquid jets with our fingers. is worthy of note, the ladies arc not afraid of. being tea. Seeing only bread on tbe table, tbe lady supposed
browned by the sun's rays and the health-giving breezes.
her order bad been misunderstood, and resigned, poured
PIO IRON.—Hanging Rock. Maaalllon, Scotch Franklin, We p'unged our hands into the moulds and into the
Middlesex, Clinton. Varioua other brands of Coal and Pig troughs, filled with the melted metal, which was flowing They will spend hours in the sunlight daily, and do mar- out her husband's tea. On the first taste the gentleman
out of a Wilkinson furnace, the radiation from which was vel that any should object to such an airing.
Iron are kept for aale.
said there was a strong oddflavorabout the tea—it seemed
Can any" one wonder at the superior robustness and
unendurable even at a considerable distance. We varied
smoky and spicy; the lady naturally lifted the head of the
/^IQBNELIUS OCKFORD, Produce, Forwarding as
irimenls for more than two hours. Mme. Cowlet cheerfulness of the woman of Germany, Italy, and other pot and soon discovered that the cook had, in truth literCommissi«n Merchant Office No. J Backus'Wsrehous
opposite M. C. B. B. Depot, Detroit, Mich.
ally obeyed ber order by giving them Bologna sausage
od into a trough full of the incandecent metal, and she cities of our country, after contemplating tbe difference in for tea! There it was, sure enough, crammed full of saustheir habits?
& E . H . BEMEXT, Produce Commission Merchants, did it.without injury.'
• Backus' Building, opposite M. C. R. R.
Mothers should encourage their daughters especially, age, with the usual quantity of hot water.
' Tl^e character of the Abbe and the physician did not
Detroit, Mich.
permit me to doubt; however, I must say that this seem- to take much exercise in the open air and do not compel
An instance of almost upreoodenteddisinterestedneasis
8i FARRAND, Wholesale dealer in Drugs and Gro- ed to me so impossible that mv mind refused to accept it them to take measured, boarding school steps.
related by the author.of '-Tee Thousand a Year:" A
Allow them to run. skip and hop, and as if they were short time ago a gentleman in England, worth £40,000,
• eerie* Paints, Otis and Window Glass, No. 80 Wood- and that, like b t Thomas, to believe I must see.
ward avenue, Detroit, Mich.
' I went to see M. Boutigny; expressed to hiih my dewas indignant at bis daughter, an only child, for marrying
Any girl from the ago of ten to twenty years, who is in against his wishes. He quarreled with her, disinherited
sire to see an experiment of such interest, omitting, howt h ^ possession ofy ordinary health, sbotdd so accustom her, and left the whole property to his attorney and other
r Warehouse. livery ever, any expression of doubt as to its success.
description oi n rapping, rnnung and Writing Paper, on
'The senant received me kindly, offered to repeat it herself to walking, as not to be dependent on the cars or gentlemen. His attorney went to his co-legatees, got
band, or made to order. Fancy, Colored aad Tissue Papers, before me, and to give an opportunity to wash my own the omnibuars in case she desires to visit Mount Auburn them to sign their claims Over to him, and then paid the
Blotting Papers, Envelopes; Straw and Bonnet Boards. »3
or any other desirable place of resort within six miles of whole of £40,000, to the daughter.
hands in tbe melted metal.
'The offer was attractive scientifically speaking; still I the city. Yet as daughters are now brought up, it would
T k CUTHBERT ft C O - Wholesale Droggists and
A good story ii told of a noted street broker who was
• Grocers, No*a 101 and 10*. Woodward arenas, Detroit, had some hesitation which the reader, I think will appre- be difficult to find a girl in tbe city, of the period of life
re in storosnd offer to the Trade, a large stock of Sugar, ciate. In case of mistake, there was the carbarization of indicated, that could walk to Mount Auburn and back the first after the Ohio life and Trust Company, to fail
nip, Molasses, Fish, Fruit, Spices, Nuts, Liquors, Drags,
without endangering health and perhaps life.
The story runs:
Cordage, Painta, OiU Dye Stuffs, Naval Stores, Window Glass, my two hands in prospect I felt that I ought to have
modOn the'
day of August he failed but not the.
Ac., Ac.
aS considerable consideration for them, as they had been
eratcly, increasing a little every day, until you are able to first time by several. He ordered his confidental clerk
J. 8. C r r u m r , .
M. W. CAHTOC. instruments of great value to me. So I hesitated.
to make a schedule which would pay fifty cents oo the
. ' Have you not confidenco in me?' said M. Boutigny. walk three, six or twelve miles a day.
The pleasures of life will be greatly enhanced by ex er- dollar. The clerk being somewhat startled, said:
'Yes, yea,' I answered; I have great confidence, but-• era at Wholesale and Betail, In Sofas, Chairs, Bedsteads,
" Why, Mr. ——, you can't do that"
'But you are afraid; confess it, said the Doctor .smil- asing as now indicated or in some other no leas efficient
Dureaua, Book-casea, Wardrobes, Tables, Painted Chamber
"WeU," said be,''«that's what I always have faSed at
Seta, Marble and Boainrood Ware, and a targe assortment or ing. ' Well to trt^quiliso you, I will try the temperature way. It is no unusual thing for pris to lose the freshness
awl beauty of girlhood—that delightful period of life— and if my assets are not sufficient I'll pay out of my own
Hair, Hock. Cotton and Spring Mattrassea. Alao, Hair Cloths. Of the liquid before you put your hands in i t
Spring T*lne, Webbing, pure Curled Hair, Willow Ware and
'About what is tho temperature of the molten metalf before they get out of their teens. Take our advice, pocket"
. Looking Glaaaaa, at No's. 183 A 106 Jeffersoa Avenue, Detroit ' About a thousand degrees.1
providing it meets tho approval of your mothers, andyou
W e know a little bluoeyed girl of three years old who
' A thousand degrees! That must be a jolly experi- will preserve and magnify the priceless grace of girlhood was nestled iu her mother's anus, at twilight looking out
d*»lera in Hardware, Stores, Boynton's Hot Air Funa• At the day appointed by Dr. Boutigny, we went to and secure that which everybody desires, along, healthful at "tbe
Mother," said she, " it is getting dark."
ces. Register,Grates, CooWiag Ranges, Tinner's and Plumber's
happy and uaefuliife.
Stock, Machines and Pools. Also, manufacturers of Copper, La ViBefte, to Mr. Davidson's foundry where ho bad ob"And what makes it dark, Caroline?" said tbe mother.
Tin and Sheet Iron Wares, House and Steamboat Plumbers. tained permision to make his experiment
DEATH TO TUB BOOK—The following remedy is said to " Because God shuts his eyes," replied the little p s e t
' Upon entering this vast establishment I expcrienced
« T A Bents for WUdePa Patent Salamander Safes.
Particular attention paid to House and Steamboat Plumb- deep emotiop. The infernal noise produced by the im- be infallible: Take two pounds of alum, bruise it- and
TOMATO Went.—Superior" wine from the tomato la
lag, and patting the moct approved Heating and YentlUatlag mense blowers; the flames escaping from the furnaces, and reduce it nearly to jjowder, dissolve it in three quarts
Purnacea aad Cooling Apparatus In Public and Private Boild- the sparking lava, carried by powerful machines and gnr- of boiling water, letting it remain in a warm pla6e till tbe now manufactured " It is made with no other ingredients
ings, in the City and Country. . No 17 Woodward An
alum is dissolved. The alum water is to be applied hot than the pure juice of the tomato and sugar, aad very
ging in immense troughs; the workmen thin and sinewy, *— means of a brush, to every joint and crevicc. Brush much resembles champagne—a light transparent color,
Detroit (Oppoaite Holmes A Co.)
blackeoed by the smoke and charcoal; men and things all
crevices in the floor of the skirting-board if they are with a nieaaant palatable flavor. It can be made eqaal
BUHL A CO., MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLE- presented a solemn appearance.
suspected places; whitewash the ceiling, putting in plenty to the best champagne.
• sale and retail dealers In Silk. For, Wool Panama, Palm- -'The foreman came to us and showed as the furnace sasj
Leat Leghorn and 8tww Hata, Fur. doth, Plash, Silk am
of tdnn, and there will be an end to their dropping from
Somebody says that 'soorinr is the apoctaaeous escape
Ulaxed Capa; all descriptions of manufactured Pars for ladie and wfeere to make our triaL'
•While we were preparing to let out the jet, wc stood
and geatUmaa: Buckskla Gloves and Wtteaa, Fur, Kid, BUI
of those malignant feelings which tbe sfceper has no time
aad Woolen Gloves, Canea, Umbrellas, Cravat*. Shspenden a few moments' in sifence near the furnace. Then began
The sun shone brilliantly into tbe room where HamAc. Hatters' Stock md TymningsJlalMoand Fancy Sleigl this not very consolatory conversation.
boh died, and it is reported that his last words, addre®ALWAYS be np at sun rise if you wish to haw the mo*
•I could not prevail upon myself to repeat this experi- ed to his neice, were: "How m o d these rays: they
Conant Block. US Jefferson Ave.
golden prospect
ment,' said M. Boutigny, 'except for you, I do not like seem t o beckon Earth to HearenT
. P. 8.—Cash paid for Shipping Fars and Deer Skins.

Detroit Business Cards.











Sirty Lives
midnight, on
Express train from Chicago to
c w V W i


•Almost universal as tin igooranee of the East 1*. or, R e a i n a t i o n of the D e r b r Ministry—PalmerrtoD
27th nit, the Night
a a d Rmnell iu Power—A««triaa« .till R e t r e a t until quite recently, was, in regard to this State, it* cliwhen between
ins—The P r e a c h Across t h e Adda—Death of
re ur
Mettemich—Another G n a t B a t t l e E x p e c t e d .
over the embank^
^ ^
*» d
^ I * * * and, impenetra^
prejudice which enveloped the
The British Ministry has" resigned in eonsequnnce of
"spanning a ravine, at the base of which is a culvert,
public mind, observation never faiLs to enlighten the one the want or confidence resolution in the House or Comb ok t
and expuQ the other, unless there is a motiveforremaining mons, and Lord Palmerston is now Premier, and Lord
was precipitated into the ravine, which was followed with
ignorant and blind- The beauty and fertility of our valleys, J dhn Russell the Secretary of Foreign Affairs.
R a i l r o a d s vs. Steamboats.
a perfect torrent of water.
the natural resources of the State in everything that renThe latest intelligence from the seat or war is that the
. The,Detroit Tribune s a p thai a spirited contest has
The engine was literally buried in thb opposite side of
ders it desirable as an agricultuoal country, our.numerous Austriaus hare evacuated Piacenzo, Pavia, Lodi Bolog
far federal weeks been carriod on between the Railroads tho ravine in "quicksand and mud, and the tender, baggage
rivers abounding in water power, the salubrity of our na, aad Ancoaa The citadel and fortifications at Piarunning along the soutif shore qfLake Erie, and Ward's and express car, and the two seeond-ciasa cars, were shatclimate, our light taxes, our admirable-school system,
eenza were first Mown u p
Steamboat Line, which promise* in its results to involve tered almost into kindling-wood, and piled on the top of
railroad enterprises, and the general industry, intelligence
The death of Mettemich is announced.
large losses to one or both parties before it it terminated. "the engine. The two first-lass passenger cars followed,
and morality of our population—all are so obvious to
Paris. Pelis
rac.Raflroad interest has so managed for several years and were torn to pieces and carried down the stream,
lightened, discriminating men who visit us, that those sier is to remain as Commander-in-chief
pHt as to prevent any Bteamboat L : ne'running along the while the sleeping car, although making thu leap with
prejudices at once vanish, and they are not slow to avow
sooth shore of the Lake, owning boats themselves, and the rest, was leia injured.
the misapprehensions under which they have been labor- cannon behind in the evacuation of Piacenzo.
tefnsing to run thdn ozeept for1 the purpose of crashing
The stream is naturally but a rivulet but was swollen
ing. Dr. Porter, Professor of Theology in Yale College, . The Austriaus quitted Bologna on tho 11th for Moout'any line that might bo attempted in competition with by the extraordinary rains of the previous afternoon and
is one of this cla« of enlightened and liberal minded men. dena
their interests.
evening. Flood-wood probably choked thd culvfert, conHaving spent several weeks in the Grand River Valley,
Garribaldi occupied Bergamo and repulsed fifteen hunC a p t K B. WAS®, of Detroit, has had the hardihood verting the embankment into a dam, and the great weight
he thus records his observations in.a fetter to the Spring- dred Austrians, Who were marching against him from
to .make the effort to establish a Steamboat Line from of water, with the concussion of the crossing train,
field (Masi.) Republican:
The French passed the Adda river without
Toledo," Sandusky and 'Cleveland to Buffalo. The Rail- caused the sad calamity.
The slopes and table lands of Western Michigan are striking a. Wow.
roads oentering at .Cleveland (except the Pittsburg, and
About 150 persons were on the train; of these sixty high enough from the lake to be well drained, and except
Mahoniog.) ml united in opposipg the Steamboat Line, have been taken from the ruins dead, and, 50 or 60 more inlimited localities are free from UIOHO miasmatic disease* The Austrians have evacuated all tho States of the
refturingto allow any bills to be distributed to passengers are wounded, or escaped unhurt; tho rest not heard from, which have given ports of the State a doubtful reputation Church, including Ferrara. The Austrian correspondence
The west wind, ever sweeping from the lake, bears away says the Austrians at Malegano yielded .only todoeidedly
whfle on W i r respective roads? instructing ull their offimany of the dead were drowned in tlie ravine. It Is
the seeds or disease. I t softens the temperature at least superior force and retired unpursucd in perfect order.
cers and ConOuctofa to tell travelers that there were no feared that others not heard from have lost their lives in
five degrees lower in the annual average than that of
lake, steamers running; tearing down the bills, and, in the same manner. Mr. Bliss, the President of the Road, the Wisconsin ride. Though tirand Rapids is in the The Emperor or Austria it is said, is to take command
in neraon. acting ou the defensive. The Austrian low at
and Mr. Itiraip Sibley, one of the Directors, were in the
wme instances, resorting to the most contemptible and
latitude north of Benningtou, the pcach tree flourishes and Palestn> (official) was fifteen officers and 573 men killed;
sleeping car and escaped uninjured.
produces abundantly, and does this two degrees north one (ieijeral, 23 offi<%T& and 878 men wounded;6 officer*
disgraceful'means to prevent information reaching tra—ard.
An Oat-Spoken Editor.
and 774 men missing.
velers that an. opposition existed. All these measures
The winter climate is continuously cold, with moderate
The Racine (Wis.) Advocate thus very emphatically
Garibaldi's corps threatens southern Tyrol frony Val
failing, they, next put on on Opposition Line of Ste&mere
ut constant snow, but is free from those terrific winds Banonira, Vol Trompia, and Bagolino.
MHBstiog of-those costly 'palaces,' the.'"Western Me? announces its determination not to be a party to any bar- that 8weep over the prairies, while lake Michigan, which
The French (feet in the Adriatic had reeeived powertropolis' and, ' City of Buffalo.' These steamers leavo ter and sale with those who are laboring so earnestly to is never frozen, mitigates and regulates the severity of ful reinforcements. It is reported that t r o o p will, soon
Buffalo and Cleveland about the'same the boats destroy tho Republican party under the pretext that it is the cold. Every variety of fruit seems to be kindly re- be landed between Venice and Treiste. The Austrian
ceived and fostered by toe genius of the region. The soil bead-quarters will probably be at Mantua.
of /TFtnTa Line. Fares have been reduced from §5, the necessary to ensure the defeat of the-Administration:
In London a blue book hds beeu pubished containing
W e will not knovHo'gly vote for or support any man is either a sandy loam, or which the original forest was
fydlrOad rate, to $1.50 on Ward's Line, and $3.50 on
Who does not stand square on the Republican platform. the "oak opening," or a clay loam, which was and is all the English correspondence on Italian affair*. The
the-.Railroad .boats, while the fare on the roads has
heavily timbered. No finer soil than this last for wheat latest bote assigns to Austria the last responsibility for
If the party should be so foolish as to nominate a Botts,
befcn reduced with a view to meet the difficulty. This or a Bell,' or a Bates, or a Banks, for President, the party grass and wool, can be found iu the Union
all the miseries and calamities inevitably comequeiit on
When ono looks at the soil, he does not wonder that a couflict which was on tbo eve of being averted.
molt unequal contest of one man trying to compete with and Mr. Greeley may go to the d—I themselves—we do
Michigan wheat commands the highest price, even in the
The London Times city article of tbe 13th inst says
a double libe of opponents, whose capital is not less than not enlist under any such commander. So long as wo Chicago market Single townships or land can be found
that the statements that Prussia will soon abandon her
$14,000,000, and whose influence ia sufficiently powerful
within six to twenty miles of this city which- cannot be neutrality, appear to rest on no definite authority, and
Wade, Blair, and a dozen others that could be named,
to coerce all connecting lines to aid in suppressing the we do not propose to take up a doughfaced Bates, or a surpassed. The clay is not stiff, hard to be broken^ hold- are, perhaps, merely encouraged at Berlin to meet the
audacious intruder, is a bold *nd rather novel under- • supple Jack' Banks. W e are enlisted for the war, but ing water, and needing under draining before if is kindly excitement in the other German States.
to wheat, like much of the soil in W estern New York,
taking in the W(*V llow i t will end time will determine. we will not fellowship with political freebooters and Swiss Ohio and Indiana, but is easily -broken and tilled. It
Napoleon's P r o c l a n i a t l a n Issued a t M i l a u .
One thing is certain, Ward'a boats have the good wishes Guards for.a consideration In the division or the spoils. does not lie iu monotonous, table lands or dish-like basins,
NKW YORK, June 27.—Tbe following proclamation
IC in I860, a majority of the voters in these Lnited
and sympathies of tho people, and Have thus far lost no States are not willing to vote for a trial of Republican liable to late springs and flooded autumns, but the sur- has been published at Milan:
face moves before the eye in pleasant uuduktions, such
" T h e fortune of war hks conducted'me to the capital
management'of our national affairs, why, let them 'have
as the fanner loves to H>ok upon, aijd on tho sides of
. Railroad managers iu Ohio seem to have been a little another four yeaM* trial of Democracy. W e can stand which orchards flourish, and" cattle and sheep compla- of Lombordy. Let me tell you why I am here. "Y\ hen
Austria unjustly attacked Piedmont, I resolved to sustain
too exacting for their own interests. A t least tho :people it if the. people can." t
cency and drily repose. The markets are easy of access,
The Detroit Daily Advertiser commeuts on the above tirand Rapids Grand Haven, and the smaller towns on the King of Sardinia my ally. Tbe honor and interests
think so; and if the people continue t» do as they have
of France made this my duty. Your enemies, who are
the river and fake can be readily reached. To tho north, mv enmies, hare endeavored to diminish the sympathy
done,, and pfctronize Wurd's Line, even at tho very low after this fashion: t
" O u r old friend MOROAV BATES, Editor of the Grand beginning some twenty miles from this place, there which exists throughout all Europe, for your cause, b r
prices, they, may be assured that a steamboat Kne during
Trivcrse Herald, and as true and intelligent a friend of stretches a magnificent pine forest which will occupy trying to pur^uade the world that I am carrying on this
the season of navigation is hereafter to be a fixed f a c t
Freedom as there is in the State, has declared in equally thousands of hungry lumbermen at no very distant day. war onlv for personal ambition or to aggrandize the terriIf C a p t Word yields, either to a combination of men, strong terms his resolution to support or vote for no man
tory of France. If there are nieh who do not understand
Proposals for P e a c e .
Railroads br moneyed power, it Will be a new thing un- for President, who is too timid to avow, or too slavish
their epoch, I am not of the number. In the enlightenThe Timet Paris correspondent says it is stated that ed state of public opinion which prevails, men are greatder the sun. He usually lays his plans deliberately, and and dishonest to advocate Republican principles. There
by the moral influence which they exercise than by
carries them out with a steadiness and pereeveranae that
If at the dictation or Southern "Americans and Northern
barren conquests, >nd this moral influnce I seek after
deserves, and usually obtains, success. In fact, he has Conservatives, the principles and .organization or the in propositi an arrangement after the first great battle, with pride in contributing to;emancipate one of the most
never been driyen'from a Steamboat route by opposition Republican party should be ignored, the Advertiser,
beautiful parts of Europe. Your reception has already
proved to me that you have understood me.
yet, and if we are not greatly mistaken in present indica- amongst others, will feel absolved from all obligation to the three belligerents on the following principles:
1. That the territory gained by the victorious party . I do not come hero with any preconceived plan to dotions,. hi* plan of operation will soon convince his oppo- support the candidate nominated b y tho Coalition, unless
his antecedents shall be a guarantee Tor his fidelity to the shall be accepted by all tho European Powers as the basis nose sovereigns, nor to Impose my own will upon you.
nents that an early retreat is their only security against cause or Freedom and devotion to Northern rights.
of a Congress.
My army will only occupy itself with two things—to comfahmOMc losses.
2. The entry or the French into Milan, supported by bat your enemies "and to maintain internal order. I t will
New Process for Making I r o n .
a popular manifestation, shall be considered by the Euro- place no obstacle in the way of a free manifestation of
"Ward's | i n e is now carrying about 90 passengers each
The S t Louis Republican states that Iron, manufac- pwui Powers as a convincing proof of the disapprobation your legitimate wishes. Providence sometimes favors
way, or 180 daily. From these passengers the Railroad
in Italy of Austrian policy.
nations, like individuals, in giving them occasion to rise
would get $900 if there wehs no competition, or $21,600 tured directly from the ore by CriswcD's process, has
3 . The neutral Powers will insist on an armistice while suddenly to greatness; but it is on condition that they
per month. The large boats carry about 20 each «fay, been subjected to some new and very severe tests, in the a Congress is assembled.
have the virtue to profit by i t
or 40 pa®engcrs daily—soy 200 per day, or $5,000 per
4. The extension of the kingdom of Sardinia will be
Profit then by the fortune which is offered you. Your
month loss to the Road. The cost of running, the large iron for many years, and that the tests were satisfactory deemed- essential; and the Duchies or Parma and Mode- desire of independence, so long expressed, so often, dena,
will be foalieed if you show yourselves worthy of
boats is at least $200 each, or $400 daily, more than
5. I t will l»o proposed to form the Lotnbardo-Venetian i t Unite then for one sole objcct the enfranchlsmcnt of
their receipts, making a Iocs of $9,600 per month on to make rails for railwaj-s, iu which an entire revolution kingdom into u state distinct from tho Austrian Empire, your country. Seek military organization. Hasten all
their boats, or an aggregate of $36,200 per month of is confidently predicted. Not a doubt remains that by but governed by an Austrian Archduke.
of you. to place yourselves under the flag of Victor
Emanuel, who has already so nobly shown you the path
34 days, or $217,-200 for six months' opposition between this process, as good, if not better rail can be produced
A Windfall to Secretary Cobb.
i is manufactured in the United States, or imported,
or honor. , Remember that without discipline there » no
Clevelandand Buffalo alone!
According too New York correspondent or the Phila- arpiy, and animated with the sacred fire of patriotism, be
If the stockholders of these roads knew, tho-fact that
delphia Press, the U. 8. Treasury has actually received nothing to-day but soldiers. To-morrow you will be free
the overbearing and selfish conduct of tho managers of is the price at which the rails can be delivered in S t
citizens of a great country.
$130,000 of the unlawful proceeds of the Gardiner fraud.
Done at the imperial quarters at Milan, tbe 8th or June
their roads, was the sole cause of the present ruinous Louis, and leaving'a fair margin for profit to the manuSays the writer:
compction, and that a little more fairness towards fadi- facturer. When it is considered that the best roils rarely
" Yesterday Mr. Cisco, the Assistant Treasurer of the
iriduals jwd "the public would have avoided any such re- fall below $55 per ton at the forge, it will be seen at
Three Days Later.
United States, received from Mr. Thou. C. Fields, the
m i t they would perhaps take early steps to enquire into
Public Administrator of the city, the sum of $130,000,
HiurAX, Juno 28.—'The Royal Mail Steamship Arathe character and conduct of those into whose hands they revolution in this important item in the cost of Railroads. recovered from the celebrated Gardiner fraud.- Your bia arrived at noon with Liverpool dates ofSaturaav, the
reader* remember that after tho trial and conviction of 18th inst three days later than received by the Nova
hare placed such important trusts.
T o the P o i n t .
Gardiner, in Washington, and his.subsequent suicide, it Scotian; at Qucbec.
'That this competition will be ended thb l year or next,
The Kalamazoo Telegraph thus concludes an able
was ascertained he had deposited $130,000 or his ill-gotThere are'no battles to report and according to the.
ia not at all probable, as both parties necra to bo abund- article in favor of the nomination of \Vn. H . SXWAKD as ten greed with the New \ ork Life and Trust Company. latest advices from the seat of war, the Austrians were
antly able to carry it on for years. While the one party as a candidate for tho next Presidency: " W o say, then, This sum, alter protracted litigation, was at last decided retreating from.the Oglio towards tue Mincio.
The Allies were advancing rapidly, and concentrating
has lo» than $200,000 of capital at stake, tho other has for the sake or the Republican cause; for the sake of the in favor of the Government and yesterday the solid coin
their forces for a decisive attack A battle was expected
$14,000,000. I t will be readily seen that a small outlay of best interests of tho common country; give us WIUAUC was paid over."
occur within a week.
the one, .results in an immense loss to tho other. The H . SEWARD for our leader in I860. Give us him, and a
CONDITION OF MEXICO.—Private advices from Vera
A naval demonstration in the Adriatic was impending.
experiment of running steamboats on Lako Erie, agaiirt shout or enthusiasm will burst from our ranks and run Cruz at Washington, said to be reliable, represent MexLord Palmerston has succeeded in forming, a strong
--the power and influence of the.whole Railroad combina- along our lines, and fall with omtuous import into the ico to be in the.most awful state of anarchy and financial Cabinet embracing Lord John Russell, Mr. Galdstonc.
tion, is being thoroughly tried, and with the approbation camp of our enemies. Give us him, and the great North- distress. The Central Government' had started on expe- Lord Elgin, Richard Cobden, M'ilner Gibson and Earl
of the*publk, will he asocccss. Boats ore now building west will stand as a unit for the most distinguished and dition under Cobas to Tchauntepec, but it was supposed
Napoleon demands 100,000 additional men in order to
a t Newport, on i h e 6 t Clair river, intended to run be- unflinching advocate of that great principle which has that want or means would frustrate tSo design. I t was besiege the fortieses or tbe Austrians which forms the
tween Cleveland and Buffalo, touching at Grand River, given'it such unparalleled prosperity and power. Give also rumored that Cohas had been killed at Chirtia, in historical square between the Mincio and Adige. The
Ashtabula, Cooneaut and Erie.. When this line shall be us SEWARD, and the Peninsula State will respond with the State of Poebla Mr. McLano, our Minister, had Austrians are said to be preparing at Mantan v to attack
the Allied Army.
.'•* •
p u t i n operation,there will bo a morning and evening thirty thousand Republican majority."
just returned from a visit to San Andes Truxitla and San . The moblization of the Prussian army and the more
opposition liqe, reducing tho local rates of freight and
LEGAL ADVKRTISISO.—Wo will do any Legal Adver- Tecomapa He was busily engaged in arranging a treaty, hostille attitude which the German Confederation has aspassage throughout the entire route.
tising in the Fireman's Journal for ono halt the rates but he had not up to the latest dates, snccecded. No sumed, created an uneasiness as to tbe result a general
Whether tho stocks of the Cleveland and Eric, and allowed by law.
[Detroit Firemen's Journal.
ntclligcnt foreigner, tho letter continues, or large expe- war being feared
JSrie and Buffalo roads will bo enabled to,withstand the
And we hereby strike from our exchange list the rience in this country, any longer expects to sec the
Kossuth to his F e l l o w Countrymen.
NEW-YORK, June 23.
reduction, of priccs and traffic incident to two such lines Firemen's Journal, as a disgrace to the craft and the Government constructed on a permanent basis, or in fact
The Times of this- morning published a note to the
noble body of men it claims to represent. Exchanges
without depreciation, is yet to be seen.
on any sort of bna's, as both parties are almost wholly Editor from Kossuth, dated London, June 9th, together
follow suit
[Flint Daily NcWsT
Passengers are now ticketed from Chicago, Detroit
inactive from sheer exhaustion
with an address to the Hungarian exile* residing m tbe
W e have never exchanged with the Firemen's Journal
and Tobdo east and from Buffalo west at from three to
United States, in which he warns his exiled fellow-counfor tho reason that we have known the publisher for years
THE NAVT.—Washington letter writers say that there
four dollars leaB than by all raiL A great saving in these
trymen that it is not yet time for them to move or atto
tempt to take part in t b o war. Grave considerations
hard times.

State, and our friend' JKX.YT, of tho JYnr*, in particular, and sailing force of the country has been ordered to go forbid his entering on premature explanations. " Suffice
STAT* or N « B a A « u > - t h e Omaha Republican is in will bear witness that we never h i d any great aflection into commission The complement at the several sta- it to say, that thpugh the A y is brightening promisingly,
favor or forming a State out of tho Territory of Ne- for that annual in a Printing Office. W e hope that tions is kept u p and a few additions have been mode to there are yet great difficulties to overcome." They mall
braska, if tor nothing else, to sate i t from the'eorruption every paper in the State will follow the example or the the Gulf squadron Several vessels reported as preparing be apprised ia due time. Let them patiently wait Any
inconsiderate rashness might bring personal ruin on them
fif Government hirelings.
Daily JYews in this particular.
are already In Commission.
without the slightest advantage to toe public caose.
FRIDAY. MORNING, J U L Y 8, 1859.. ,. *
... , ..
„„„„„„ .

«» " »'» WMety W m. -i "*>



N o M a D U t i o j t — M i s s H a r r i e t M w t i n e a u , in d i s c a s a -

BOHOCS, M o x f c r . — T h o C o a o t v T r e a s u r e r baa r e c c i r e d

T h e e s r o O m e n t of v o l u n t e e r s i n I t a l y j i

i n g t h e a a g g e s t i o n said to h a v e b e e n m a d e b y M r . C o b d e o .

rau reloas.

of t h e B r i t i s h P a r l i a m e n t , t h a t M r . B u c h a n a n s h o u l d a c t

h n n d r e d a n d fifty e a c h d a y .


F a v o r a ^ — I f t h o l(hoet w h i c h « u let d o w n f r o m H e a v e n
food, i t c o u l d n o t h a r e c o n t a i n e d a g r e a t e r a n d m o r e
t e m p t i n g v a r i e t y t h a n t h e b a s k e t whi<Sh M r s . H a s s a n
n o t q s on T u e s d a y :

green peas, new beeta,


r a d i s h e s , fresh temnhs, a n d o t h e r d e l i c a c i e s ' t o o u a m c r OB8 t o m e n t i o n . '

W « appreciate.

• T h e L e t t u e o s e n t ' t o us b y . M m M C K I L U P w r a e x c e l lent.

W h o wonld n o t b e a n E d i t o r ! ?


h a s t h e i n f a m y of s t a n d i n g first on t h e list of t h o s e whoae
iofiunick h a v e d i s g r a c e d t h e annals of c o m m o r t e . H a v i n g
m a d e a v o y a g e t o t h e C a n a r i e s i n l W T , h e was dissatisfied w i t h t h e c j r g o h o p r o c u r e d , a n d b y w a y of i n d e m n i s e i z e d t w e n t y of t h o n a t i v e s of G o m e r a , w h o h a d

assisted him, a n d b r o u g h t t h e m a s s l a v e s t o P o r t n g a l .
P r i n c e H f t n r y , however, resented t h i s o u t r a g e ; oud a f t e r
g i v i n g t h e c a p t u r e s some 1 v a l u a b l e p r e s e n t s o f cl6thes,
restored them to freedom and their native coon try.

case of m i s u n d e r s t a n d i n g .

I t i s n o t a a r e s e r v i n g in t h e r a n k s , a n d s i m i l a r i n s t a n c e s a r e i n n u -

I t is n o t a case o f m i s i n t e r - m e r a b l e .

p r e t a t i o n of t r e a t i e s , n o r a q u e s t i o n of b o u n d a r i e s , o r of
territorial.or commercial


T h e r e is n o g r o u n d f o r i n g t h e c h i c k e n t r a d e .

r a t e s t h e business of r i n s i n g t h e m w o u l d b e m o r e p r o f i t a -

can r e a c h .

T h e t h i n g to b e p r o v e d is w h e t h e r t h e I t a l -

ians shall l i v e a s t h e y p l e a s e , o r c o n t i n u e t o b e o v e r r u l e d
by a foreign power which they d e t e s t "

M i » M. thinks

T i t e BLOODIEST OP BATT^-IS.—'The b a t t l e of M a g e n t a
was one of t h e
warfare, and

most b l o o d y i o t h e annals of m o d e r n

i n f e r i o r only t o t h o s e of
A t Austerlitz there

W a t e r l o o and

were 70,000 French

o p p o s e d t o a n A u s t r i o - R u s u a n f o r c e of 75,000, of w h i c h
10,000 were left on the


Magenta was fought by

lOO.OOO ^ r c n e h a g a i u s t 1 6 0 , 0 0 0 A u s t r i a n * , of w h o m t h e
f o r m e r a r ^ reported to h a v e lost f r o m 3 , 0 0 0 to 9 , 0 0 0 a n d
A t the

b a t t l e o f r r i e d l a n d ( 1 8 0 7 ) in a n c i e n t P r u s s i a , t h e R u s -

t h e N e w . H a m p s h i r e H o u s e of R e p r e s e n t a t i v e s , o n t h e s i a n s a n d P r u s s i a n s w e r e defeated, w i t h t h o loss of 1 7 , 5 0 0
2 4 t h n i t , a s t r i n g e n t bill in r e l a t i o n t o t h e r e n d i t i o n of m e n a n d 8 0 c a n n o n , b y t h e F r e n c h u n d e r B o n a p a r t e .
alleged f u g i t i v e slaves, w a j r e p o r t e d b y t h e J u d i c i a r y

^ p r o v i d e s , t h a t a n y p e r s o n w h o shall a i d

o r a b e t In a n y r e n d i t i o n df a p e r s o n c l a i m e d a s a-slave,
shall b e p u n i s h e d f o r tiro first o f f e n c e b y five y e a r s i m prisonment, a n d for . t h o second


f o r life.

T h o bill passed i t s first s t a g e b y a v o t e of 1 3 4 t o 101.
low A




WATKK FALU.NO IN* LAKP. EBIK.*—The P o r t C l i n t o n
Democrat loams from


iu t h a t vicinity, w h o

h a v e h a d occasion t o n o t i c e t h e r i s e a n d fall of w a t e r in
t h e L a k e , t h a t it h a s fallen g r a d u a l l y since t h e first of
A p r i l a v e r a g i n g t h r e e i n c h e s a v e c k , * ' h i e h wojild m a k e
t h e w a t e r j u s t t w o feet lower, t h a n d u r i n g t h e l a s t summer.

T h e fishermen m a k e t h i s f r o m t h e i r p o u n d stakes,

S t a t e C o n v e n t i o n , w h i c h m e t at P e s M o i n e s on t h e 2 2 d

which now show two feet more timber above the water,

u l t , nominated the following S t a t e t i c k e t : F o r Governor,

than they did previous t o April


T h e same p a p e r

S a m u e l J . K i r k w o o d ; L i e u t G o v e r n o r , N i c h o l a s S . Bunch, says t h e r e p o r t t h a t P o r t C l i u t o n h a d b e e n s u b m e r g e d
S u p r e m e B e a c h , B . «£. Lowe, L . D . Stockton, and Caleb t h i s spring, is i n c o r r e c t the water having been bo higher
Baldwin. The. Convention parsed resolutions condemn- t h a n l a 3 y e a r .
i n g M r . C a s s ' s n a t u r a l i z a t i o n , letter, t h e A f r i c a n S l a v e
Trade, a n d the Massachusetts amendment
H e r e is t h e b e p t m a t r i m o n i a l a d v e r t i s e m e n t t h a t , we
h a v e seen in a l o n g t i m e ; '
T h e r e i s a y'ottng w o m a n e m p l o y e d in t h e H a r m o n y
Mills, C a h o e s , w h o h a s s a v e d f r o m h e r r e g u l a r w a g e i
a n d b y d o i n g o r n a m e n t a l noodle-work, Over twenty-five
h u n d r e d dollars. Y e t s h e h a s f o u n d t i m e t o s t u d y a n d
m a s t e r F r e n c h , ds well a s t h e h i g h e r b r a n c h e s of English.
S h e j s a b o u t 2 2 y e a r s of n g e , really g o o d • looking, a n d a
vivacious companion.
DFATII OP O B . GIDEON BAILKT.—The intelligence w a s

b y t)ie P e r s i a of t h e d e a t h of D r , G i d e o n B a i -

ley, to f a v o r a b l e k n o w n as t h e E d i t o r of t h e W a s h i n g t o n


H e died at sea, o u t w a r d bound.

W h e n t h e deci&ign of t h e S u p r e m e C o u r t of O h i o , refusing t o discharge

t h o c o n v i c t e d , slave



a n n o u n c e d , all t h e b e l h of t h o t o w n of I'aincKville w e r e
tolled a s if f o r a f u n e r a L
I t f 8outhworth,

of K a l a m a z o o , c u l t i v a t e s o v e r t e n

a d r e s of s t r a w b e r r i e s , a n d s e n d s 4 0 b u s h e l s daily to t h e
Detroit m a r k e t

H e employs 1 0 0 boys at picking, paying

t h e m a penny p e r q u a r t
ELWOOD i s a t h r i v i n g little t o w n in K a n s a s , o p p o s i t e
S t Joseph.

A t the receut election it gave 154 R e p u b -

lican t o 9 D e m o c r a t i c votes.

I t is t h e b a n n e r town

n o r t h !of t h e K a n s a s r i v e r .
A m e r c h a n t in W i n c h e s t e r , V a . , h a s t a k e n i n t o p a r t nership his daughter, M i * Virginia, and announces t h a t
hereafter* t h e b u s i n e s s will b e c o n d u c t e d u n d e r t h e firm
of " J . W j r m a n a n d . D a u g h t e r . "

L e t t e r o r J n d g r D o u g l a s o n t h e P r e s i d e n c y i n 1S0O.
WAKHINOTON, J t ^ n e 2 3 .
T h e f r i e n d s of J u d g e D o o g l a s h e r e a r e in possession
o f t h o following l e t t e r , e x p l a i n i n g b i s p o s i t i o n ou the subj e c t of t h e P r e s i d e n c y , a n d of w h i c h t h e y havfc p e r m i t ted a copy to be taken for publication:
» w W v r r r o y , J u n e 22, 1859.
" M y DpAR SIB: I h a v e r e c e i v e d y o u r l e t t e r i n q u i r i n g
w h e t h e r m y f r i e n d s a r e at l i b e r t y to p r e s e n t m y n a m e to
t h e C h a r l e s t o n Convention for the Presidential nominat i o n . B e f o r e t h i s q u e s t i o n c a n b e finally d e t e r m i n e d , i t
will b e u e c c s s a r y t o u n d e r s t a n d d i s t i n c t l y n n o n w h a t
i s s u e s t h e c a n v a s s i s t o be c o n d u c t e d
If, a s t h a v e full
f a i t h i t will, t h e D e m o c r a t i c p a r t y shall d e t e r m i n e iu t h e
P r e s i d e n t i a l e l e c t i o n o f 1 8 6 0 to a d h e r e t o t h e p r i n c i p l e s
e m b o d i e d in t h o C o m p r o m i s e m e a s u r e s of 1850, a n d r a t i fied b y t h e p e o p l e in t h e P r e s i d e n t i a l e l e c t i o n o f 1852,
a n d reaffirmed in t h o K a n s i s N e b r a s k a a c t of 1854, a n d
i n c o r p o r a t e d i n t o t h e C i n c i n n a t i p l a t f o r m of 1 8 5 6 , as
e x p o u n d e d b y M r . B u c h a n a n i n his l e t t e r u c c e p t i n g t h e
n o m i n a t i o n , a n d a p p r o v e d b v t h e p e o p l e in his election.
I n t h a t e v e n t m y t n e n d s will b e a t l i b e r t y t o p m w u t m v
Bamo to t h e C o n v e n t i o n if t h e y soo p r o p e r , to d o ao. If,
o n t h e c o n t r a r y , i t shall b e c o m e t h e policy of t h e D e m o c r a t i c p a r t y , w h i c h I c a n n o t a n t i c i p a t e , ' t o repudiate
t h e s e , t h e i r t i m e - h o n o r e d p r i n c i p l e s , on Which we h a v e
a c h i e v e d so m a n y p a t r i o t i c t r i u m p h s , a n d i n lieu of t h e m
tfye C o n v e n t i o n shall i n t e r p o l a t e i n t o the' c r e e d of t h e
p a r t y suchviiew issues a s t h e revival of t h e A f r i c a n S l a v e
TVaile, o r a C o n g r e s s i o n a l S l a v e C o d e for t h e T e r r i t o r i e s ,
or t h e d o c t r i n e fiat t h e C o n s t i t u t i o n of t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s
e v e r e s t a b l i s h e s o r p r o h i b i t s S l a v e r y in t h e T e r r i t o r i e s
b e y o n d t h c j>owcr of t h e p e o p l e legally t o c o n t r o l it ns
p r o p e r t y , i t i s d u e t o c n m l o r t o say t h a t in s u c h an event
1 could n o t a c c e p t t h o n o m i n a t i o n ^ t e n d e r e d t o m c .
T r u s t i n g t h a t t h i s l e t t e r will b e d e e m e d sufficiently explicit, I a m , v e r y respectfully, y o u r f r i e n d ,

" •

8 , A - DOCOLAS.

T h e D o u g t a r J J o m o c r a t s in V e r m o n t a p p l y to t h e i r
• A d m i n i s t r a t i o n b r e t h r e n t h e e u p h o n o u s t i t l e of " C o w

M r . A l v i n F . E d i l v , a m e r c h a n t of M a r q u e t t e , L a k e
B o y s . " a n d t h e l a t t e r return t h e c o m p l i m e n t b y designa- S u p e r i o r , a r r i v e d in t n i s city b y t h e s t e a m e r N o r t h S t a r
f r o m L a k e S u p e r i o r , in s e a r c h of his sister, w h o d i s a p t i n g t h e D o u g l a s men ns " S t u m p T a i l s . "
• I
p e a r e d f r o m M a r q u e t t e on "Wednesday. T h e s i s t e r w a s
O n e o f t h e ' B o s t o n K n i g h t T e m p l a r s , w h o w e n t t o a m a r r i e d w o m a n , w h o h a d left b e h i n d h e r in h e r flight
h e r h u s b a n d , a respectable man n a m e d B a r n s , poseessed
Virginia," b o u g h t a n e g r o m a n for 0 8 0 0 for a f r e e colored
of a m p l e m e a n s t o m a k a t h e i r home, c o m f o r t a b l e , a n d a
w o m a n in B o s t o n , w h o f u r n i s h e d t h e money, a n d i s t o c h i l d b n t s i x m o n t h s old. A t t h e t i m e o f h e r d i s a p p e a r m a r r y him. .
a n c e a y o u i y . man named Cochrane, a ship carpcntcr,
f o r m e r l y residing a t A d r i a n , in t h i s S t a t e , also w e n t away,
CAI-IFORSIA OVKKLANR M A I L . — T o c a r r y t h r o u g h a
antl no t r a c e of e i t h e r of t h e m could b e f o u n d . T h e
single m a i l f r o m 8 t L o u i s t o B a n F r a n c i s c o , requires t h e S t e a m e r L a d y E l g i n l e f t t h a t p o r t f o r C h i c a g o on t h e
use of i 6 6 stations, 9 1 d r i v e r s , a n d 7 1 6 h o r s e s . T h o s a m e d a y , a n d i t w a s s u p p o s e d t h a t t h e tvpo b a d g o n e t o g e t h e r on t h a t b o a t
' n i e b r o t h e r w a s in g r e a t distress,
t o t a l n u m b e r of S&rtce,required QD t h e r ° . u t e j a 1 , 8 0 0 .
a n d s e e m e d p e r f e c t l y a t a loss w h a t t o d o . H e a p j d i e d
H o n . B o b e r t D o l e O w c o i s a b o u t t o return to I n d i a n a , t o Messrs. G r i n n i n g & B l o d g c t t , p r i v a t e d e f e c t i v e s , for
a f t e r a n a b s e n c e of six y e a r s , d u r i n g five of w h i c h h e a s s i s t a n c e , T h e y t e l e g r a p h e d to C n i c a g o , b u t f o u n d t h a t
t h e steamer h a d n o t yet arrived at thati placc.
was Minister to Naples.
t h e n t e l e g r a p h e d to M i l w a u k e e , a n d a s c e r t a i n e d t h a t t h e
S A * HODSTON.—Gen. S a m . H o n s t o n h a s a c c e p t e d t h e b o a t w a s t h e n l y i n g a t t h a t p o r t , b u t w o u l d l e a v e d n r i n g
t h e e v e n i n g f o r C h i c a g o . T h e C a p t a i n of t h e L a d y E l n o m i n a t i o n of G o v o r n o r of T e x a s , t e n d e r e d hiin b y t h e
g i n replied t o a t e l e g r a m w h i c h t h o y ' d i s p a t c h e d to'him.
Independent' Convention a t Austin, t h a t t h e p a i r w e r e p a s s e n g e r s o n h i s b o a t , a n d t h a t he
w o u l d a r r i v e in C h i c a g o t h i s m o r n i n g . T h e b r o t h e r left
L e v i, a o o u u t r y P o s t m a s t e r , a few m i l e s f r o m
i m m e d i a t e l y f o r C h i c a g o , ' w h e r e h o h o p e s to i n t r r c e p t
P i t t s b u r g , h a s b e e n s e n t e n c e d t o fifteen y e a r s i u t h e . t h e r u n a w a y s .
Penitentiary f«r s t e a l i n g s letter'from the m a i l
T h e case has many singular phases. Mr. E d d y states
t h a t t h e h u s b a n d of ^ i s s i s t e r i s a m a n o f g o o d reputaN'OT SATIHPIXII,—The P r e s i d e n t h a s a g a i n b e c o m e dis- t i o n a n d well off B o t h h e a n d h i s wife b a r e a l w a y s
s a t i s f i e d w i t h h w o r g a n t h e Constitution.
A d r a r s e p o - m o v e d in t h e m o s t respectable s o c i e t y . T h e r e h a s n e v e r
b e e n a p y difficulty w h a t e v e r b e t w e e n t h e m , brit ou. t h e
l i t i c a l influences h a v e o b t a i n e d c o n t r o l o v e r i t ;•
' c o n t r a r y t h e y h a v e always l i v e d t o g e t h e r i n t h e m a s t
D * A D . — T h e C l e v e l a n d N a t i o n a l Democrat,
t h e B u - affectionate manner, and seemed mutually and devotedly
c h a n a n o r g a n , i s d e f u n c t I t w a s d r o w n e d in a FLOOD of a t t a c h e d t o e a c h o t h e r . T h e c h i l d t h a t i s c r u e l l y l e f t
without a mother's care is an interesting babe, to wbom
its own pqlfation.,
M r s . B a r n s n e v e r w e a r i e d of g i v i n g a t t e n t i o n . O n t h e
A s h l e y , t h e BotHo4aw of M o r r c l , t h o n o t o r i o u s l a n d o t h e r hand,* C o c h r a n e i s represented aa b c i n g a w o r t h i e r
p i r a t e , kiUod h i s b r o t h e r - i n - l a w in Bell c o u n t y , T e x a s , y o u n g fellow, w i t h n o s t a n d i n g i s s o c i e t y ami n o means.
a s h o r t t i m e sipcc,, a n d t h e n killed himself.

'Hie editor says c h i c k e n s a r e

worth there thirty cents apiocc, and thinks t h a t a t these

T h e cause lies d e e p e r a n d rises h i g h e r t h a n i n t e r v e n t i o n

t h e l a t t e r 1 2 , 0 0 0 , b e s i d e s 7 , 0 0 0 m a d e prisoners.


T h e E n t e r p r i s e (Miffi.) N e w s i s o u t i n f a v o r of r e o p e n -

e x p l a n a t i o n , n o p o i n t f o r decision, n o field f o r a r b i t r a t i o n .

t h a t o u r c o u r s e of n e u t r a l i t y will b e easier t h a n t h a t o f ;

THC F r t w r MODERN MAX-HTEAIJW.—John d e ' C a s t i l e


n a t u r e w h i c h d o e s n o t a d m i t of m e d i a t i o u .


A C o u n t C r i v e l l i . of Milan,

f r o m t h e S t a t e T i & i m r e r the; S c h o o l M o n e y f o r Grmiid a s m e d i a t o r b e t w e e n t h e b e l l i g e r e n t P o w e r s df E u r o p e , a m a n of family, a n d w o r t h t w o million florins^ h a s e n s a y s ; " I t is i m p r a c t i c a b l e , b e c a u s e t h e q u a r r e l i s of a' l i s t e d a s a p r i v a t e . A n o t h e r g e n t l e m a n a n d h i s s i x sons
T r » r e n » c o n n t y . [ T h e a m o u n t jg $ 2 1 1 5 7 . .

\o P e t e r b a d h g e n filled w i t h V e g e t a b l e i n s t e a d of a n i m a l



G a r i b a l d i receives f r o m one h u n d r e d to o n e

Winchester's Gennlne Preparation of the Cheml«
callr Pure C o n p o n d of the


of L I M E a n d S O D A ,
Originally discovered a n d prescribed by Dr. J . F . C n r a c a i u .
of I'arts as a Specific Remedy f o r



the stages of Pulmonary Disease by Dr. Churchill's new
ble t h a n c i t h e r b u y i n g A f r i c a n n e g r o e s a t ? 5 0 0 a h e f l d Treatment—the H Y P O P H O S P H I T E S o V LIMB A N D SODA
—removes ail remaining doubt as t o the inestimable value of
or raising c o t t o n w i t h t h e m a t ten c e n t s a p o u n d .
t h i s Discovery. Consumption is no longer t o ba regarded aa
i incurable malady.
Many hundreds of physicians have already adopted thia
eatm'ent with almott invariable success. Let n o Cunaomp
tive delay a moment to try i t I t is t h e i r last hope I
Dr. Churchill saya:
•• I am anxious t h a u h e H r r o r n o s r i t r r n should be brought,
s speedily as possible, i n t o universal use, a» I m o w that they
rill prove n o t o n l y a* nore a Remedy in Consumption aa Qain i a c is in InU-rmitUnt Fever, but al»o aa effectuti a Preservative as Vaccination In SmplI P o x .
C A P T . O. E V A N S ,
• I n no instance have I fouud the remedy fall t o produce
U X K t T N BETWEEN G R A N D T U A V E R S B AND e v e r y t h i n g that could reasonably
expected f r o m tt.
• IRANI) HAVEN d n r i n g the t r u o n of t s w , t o u r h i p g
" O u t of twenty-two.ease* in t h e t h i r d or last atage, treated
at '1 ravcrne City, Elk Rapids, Nc>r.hport, M*nl«Cie and Musat my Dispensary, d a r i n g the past year, eight have completely
kegon. The itchooncr U a ( t o u t and «at>>uniial boat of 6o
recovered, eight have diod, a n d s i x are still u n d e r treatment.
tonn burthen, and baa been fitted u p exprenaly for carry
Such a result:» a l t o g e t h e r nnparalleled in the annals of medifamille* wttb t h e i r furnitore, provi«ion«, CatUe, Ac.
For frvipht or paaaage apply to the Captain on board.
This Remedy ia the most powerful Generator of Blood
J u n e I t , 1HS».
known, and ia equally efficacious in all forms of Debility,
A>thma, Bronchitis, Nervous Diseases, Chlorosis, Dyspepsia,
whaiever depends un deficient vitality of tho system.
Winchester's Genuine Preparation
U put uj»in large bottle* wit(i the following words M o w s in
tho glass: "Tin. J . P. C u r HCIUI.L'B Y r r o P B o a r m T E a o r LntB
aienSOD*. J . WiscuiatTKa, N s w Y o a a . " "Each bottle has
also, a FAC-aiMiut signature.^
&B~ No other can be relied on as t h e pure Hypophoiphltea.
Cnless perfectly pure, they arc not only useless, 1) tit positively
injurious. No IROK or other d r u g should be c o m b i n e d w i t h
them, or taken at the same time.
AND WARRANTS CONSTANTLY ON HAND FOB piT Price $2 00, or three bottles for ( 5 00, w i t h full direcsate or location; investment* made; T*.te« |>aid on nonu»o. A liberal discount to physiciana a n d the trade.
resident lands; Redemption of lands sold tor taxes, and pur- tions for
V> the profession'. Single bottles
The D R * SALTS f u r n i s h epd
d ti
chase of lands at U x sales.! •
And will always Rive the most careful attention to the interests of my Correspondents, and in lilierality, promptness and
yon, b u t p u r c h a s e a n d
accuracy of business transactions, would court comparison,
onlv " Winchester's P r e p a r a t i o n . "
with any ARcncy in the country.
Dr. Churchill's Worjt on ConanmpUon
Traverse City, May '17,1869. '
ow ready, knd wilt be s e n t grfftla to every C o n j u n c t i v e o r
N«n-otis sofTerer in the United States, on receipt o f twelve
cents in stsmpa to cover e x p e n s e of phatagca. Alao, circulars and all requisite information w i t h o u t cltarga.
Let no
one dclav. f o r time is precious in so fatal a malady as Conimption. Address,
IIa* opened un Office lit Trnverse City, (irand Traverse Co..
Michigan, f o r the transaction of a
43 J o h n street. New York.

Season A r r a n g e m e n t .

H. C. V A N R A A L T E ,



TrirtRt City, Graid Tnitisr Comty, licit


L a n d , Tax, a n d G e n e r a l Agency.
Qonoral Agonoy Business.

The Hulled States Land Office Is located at t h i s p l a c e ; and A F F I D A V I T S F X ) R S E T T L E J i E I f T U P O N T H E
particular attention will bo paid t o locating Land Warrants,
Under Section 8 o f Act 31
investing money In Goeertorocnl Lands, I m p a r t i n g information relative to the jfeflernl features, resources a n d advanT V T O T I C E I S H E R E B Y GIVEN; T H A T BY VIRTUE O P
t a g e of the Grand Traverse country, the payment o f ' t a x e s ,
i . \ a Commission from t h e C o m m i s s i o n e r o f the State L a n d
and the transaction of any Agency business with which h e
Office, dated March 10tl).l8SU, tho undersigned is constituted
may be entrusted.
a n d appointed A g e n t , (or a n d in behalf of the State of Michigan, to taVe affidavits and o t h e r testimony In Grand Trsveraa
UrDOTl n rett
Connty, as provided in A r t No. 166, approved F e b . " l l , l h M .
Persons desirous of e n t e r i n g State Swamp Landa for settlaileralU Office, Traverse City, Nov. S, 1858.
ment, can now make affidavits before me, instead of d o i n g s o
before the Commissioner at Lanaing, as waa r e q u i r e d by t h o
law or 18S8.
Traverse City, March 25, iBSk., Notary P u b l i c .


i" -



Heral<l Office, T m w r s e City, Mioh.


A W o r d to Emigrants,
Desirous of Stilling on tfct Govmnntil Lands.

155 R a n d o l p h S t r e e t , C h i c a g o , III.

ROUNDS * LANGDON are a u t h o r i i e d t o receive Advertisements for this and all the leading Newspapers of the U.S.,
settlors o n G r a n d Traverse Bay. well acquainted with the and an" the ONLY and EXCLUSIVE A gents f o r the m a j o r i t y
best Conning lands in the county of Grand Traverse, is willing of those in the N o r t h - W e s t
to serve any .one by personal inspection of any G o v e r n m e n t
land or Improved Urms, within 3(1 miles of Traverse City.
C a s h P a i d tor H i d e s a n d C a l i ' S k i n s . Grood
Solo L e a t h e r Constantly on H a n d .
Is p r e p a r e d t o make Plans and Specifications forfcll classea
of Buildings ; also execute a l l kinds of w o r k connected With
Traverse City, April 29, JS58.
the Trade, on liberal terms. .
Hash, Glnsn, D o o r s , P a i n t s a n d N a i l s ,
constantly on hand, and for salr.
All orders for C a b i n e t W o r k and U n d e r t a k i n g will be
executed on short notice.
J . K. G-, t h a n k f u l for post patronage, t a k e s t h i s opportuWE H A V E NOW OPiCXEI) T H E L A R G E S T STOCK O F
nity of soliciting a c o n t i n u a n c e of the same.
Traverse City, N o v e m b e r s , 1858.


J A M E S K. G U N T O N ,
Practical llmlder and Draughtsman,<


Goodg, Groceries,
' -


P R O V I S I O N S ,
We ever b r o u g h t t o t h i s m a r k e t ; w h i c h we will be happy t o
offtr at such p r i c e s a s will accord reasonably with the TIMES.
H A N N A H , LAY k CO.
Traverse City, Nov- 16,1858.


D r •y
y Groods, O r o o e r i e s , Y a n
k e e IVTotions. H a r t ! w a r e ,
XiJi W are,


Book Manufactory a n d Book-Bindery, No. 183. Jefferaon
Avenue.—Account Books of every description made t o order,
of superior paper a n d workmanship, at lower p r i c e s t h a n
heretofore. W a r r a n t e d t o give satisfaction in every particular.
• .
Commercial P r i n t i n g , Ruling a n d B i n d i n g , . e x e c u t e d to
The snbscriber h a v i n g had an e x p e r i e n c e of over fourteen
veans feels assured t h a t t h e y can d e f y competition In prices
a n d quality of workmanship. !
O r d e r s from Banks, Merchants, Manufacturers a n d Railroad
Companies, respectfully solicited.
n3 •
( ' I I M I L E S B l ' S C H , . S u c c o r to M. Howard Wshatar.)
V Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Hardware. Housekeeping Articles, Mechanics' Tools. Stoves. Grates, Tin. a n d J a p psned Ware, Drain T i l e . d c . Agent f o r the A m e r i c a n a n d
Enropesn I j t w Agency of Lit* A Kspp, No, " Nassau street.
New York—for the recovery of Debts, Legacies a n d Inheritances in Europe and the United .States.
Remittsnces made to all p s r t a Of Germany, w i t h safety ami
diopatcb.. No, 2ol Jefferson a r c a n e , K e a r s l e y s B l o c k , D e t r o i t ,

. ... II m -

H a t s a n d Caps, B o o t s a n d Nhors, Doors, Hoah,
Door Trimmings,
Nails, by the k e g or I K ;
P o r k and Flour, by, the barrel or lb.;
Butter, Cheese, I<ard;
I.lnSeed and best winter-strained O i l , B u r n i n g F l u i d ;
Lamps of nil kinds, Candles. Dried A p p l e s ;
A large a s s o r t m e n t of T o b a c c o ;
f j • Engravers and Lithographers, 309 Main street, Baffalo,
Powder, Lead, S h o t Gun Gaps;
N. Y , over S a f e ' s Piano Booms.—Wc are prepared t o e x e c u t e
C a r p e t Warp, I/>gwood. Madder. Copperas.
all work entrusted to ns with p r o m p t n e s s snd despatch, BRd
Cadbar, Indigo, Alum, Borax, Ac.
on as favorable t e r m s as a n y establishment In the c o n n t i y .
School Books, Stationery, Wall Paper, Window C u r t a i n s ;
o m b i n j n g all t h e different branches of Steel, C o p p e r *~A
Cradle Scythes, Grass Bcythes a n d Snathes, P i t c h f o r k s ; .
r « on
tone E n g r a v i n g , as well as G
' Work of
-*• the finest' deStope Pipe, Bedsteads, R o c k i n g Chairs;
scription. we guarantee satisfaction
satisfactio in-all casea.
Small a ^ i i e r * and Table C h a i r s for C h i l d r e n ;
Maps, Portrait's, Show Csrds, A<-, L i t h o g r a p h e d a n d p r i n t e d
Together with all articles usually fonpd in a C o u n t r y S t o r e . i n t h <•; it delicate c o l o r * by a

A F i n e i L o t of P l o w s ,

on Commission, from the Kalamazoo A g r i c u l t u r a l Works.
All p u r c h a s i n g Goods at Nortbport, will do well to call and
examine my «tock a n d prices before purchasing elsewhere.
N. B. CUTTING d o n e t o order, on s h o r t noticc.
Northport. Dec. 23. 1868.
S. A . M r C L E L L A N D ,

Notary Public.

Work For Men.
s i l l find w o r k w i t h ni
H A N N A H , L A Y A Cd.
Traverse City, P e c . 1,185S^


H o w jcccfi Dons OPT i x SMOKE.—A N e w Y o r k p a p e r
The subscriber ofltaa f o r sale a variety of c a g r a f t f d .
tells of a m i d d l e a g e d g e u t l c m a h , w h o , t w e n t y y e a r s a g o .
NKW PLASTER S O U . — D u r i n g t h e c o n s t r u c t i o n o f t h o
b e i n g c o n v i n c e d of t h e evil a n d e x t r a v a g a n c e of s m o k i n g , • A - p p l © T r e o e , I ' o « o h l V e e s , P « i r T r e e s , F l a m
r a c e l o r t h e now mill a t G r a n d v i 11c, (seven m i l e s w e s t of resolved to a b a n d o n t h e p r a c t i c e , a n d l a v a s i d e t h e t r i n e
T r e o « iknd C h o r r y Treee>.
ftnt lot of Seedling P a * c n T a x e s , t h r e e y e a r s o l d , w h i c h
G r a n d R a p i d s ) a vein of b e a u t i f u l p l a st e r was c u t into.
w h i c h h e s p e n t in s i g a r s , a m o u n t i n g to only t w o o r t h r e e
daily. T h i s h e d e p o s i t e d , w e e k l y , in a S a v i n g B a n k , a n d will be sold cheap.
r a , G o o s s a n x i n , Ac.; all in *oo4 condition,
F o u r t e e n mills a r e a t w o r k m a n o l h c t a r i n g l u m b e r a t i t h a i r e a c h e d t h e s u m of { ^ . t h o u s a n d five h u n d r e d a n d
of good size, and healthy.
Elk Rapids, N o r . S, 1858.


mi P . H I N C H M A N A C O M Dealers i a G r o c e r U .
a n d P r o v i s i o n * Paints. Oils, Twiijt*, Canvas, A n c h o r s
and Chains, Tar. F i t c h . Rosin. Oakum. Ac. A complete atock
of S h i p C h a n d l e r y and the above n a f n e d articles always On
h s n d and for ssle "very low, at 46 W o o d b r i d g e street, Detroit.

T W I N E H O U S E . « W i l l a r d Harvey A C o , »4 Maiden
X Lane, and 1* C a d a r street, New Y o r k . H e m p , Cotton
F l a x and Linen Twine*, i m p o r t e d a n d M a n n f k t t n r e d C h r d s j * .
C o t t o n , Jute. Manilla a n d A m e r i c a n H e m p R o p e , T a r r e d S t a f l .
F i s h i n g Lines, Gilling Threads, S h o e Thread, Wick, and all
kinds of Cords a n d Lines.

' "B>
H . L O V B L L ; (Saccessor to D. Crosby & Co.) WhW»
J t \ • sale and and retail dealer In Wstches, Clocks, J e w e l p .
Fancy Goods, P l a t e d Ware, Combs. B u t t o n s , T h r e a d , * « . » « .
70 Woodwsrd avenue, opposite H o l m e s A Co; Detroit, VichWaXches. Clocks a n d J e w e l r y repaired s a d w a j r a n t e d . '

ubw complete, full sets, t o be h a d of
Detroit, N o r . 1,1858.




Heap high




No richer girt baa Autumn poored
H- X •
Prom ©at berlaviah bore!
We.dropP«dtbe —** •'®T h l " «<1 pl*ln,
Beneoth the Sun ofM*y,
And frigthencd from o a r sprouting grain
The robber c r w n *w*y.
All through the long, bright days of Jane,
It* Io*ve* grew green and fair, •
And woved In hoi mid-cummer's noon.
Its aoft and silken hair.

Detroit Advertisements.

Detroit Advertisements.

A L L , D I K C K L E E it C O - 74 WODDWAHD AVEnor, Wholesote and Betail Dealer* In Foreign and Domestic Dry Good*, C a r p e t s Floor Oil Cloth*.Paper Hanging*,
Pealhers and House Furnishing Good*.—We would particu' - invite the attention or the public to the following Good*,
:h we have in greaVvarlety of style* and price* : 1! roc be
Shawl* long and aquare ; Bay State do. do. d o . ; Waterloo do.
do. do. ; Gentlemen's do. do. d o . ; Mantillas, beautiful styles:
Black, Fancy. Poulard, Bayadere and Moire Antique Silk*;
French and English Merinoes, plain and figured ; Paramett**,
Delaine*, in great variety; VafenMa Plaid* and Stripes ; Allwool Plaid*; Alpaca*; Flannel*; Sattinetta; Broadcloth*; Damasks; Blankets; Linens; Embroideries; Hosiery; Olove*;
Ribbons; Prints; Ginghams, A c , Ac.
Carpet Department*
Velvet, Brussels, Crenelle, S Pty, 3 Ply, Superfine, Cotton
and Wool, Carpets; Drugget*. Sttir Bod* Oilcloth, Window
Shade*. Lace and Muslin Curtain*, Curtain Fixture*, Feathers,
Paper Hanging*, Ac.. Ac.
We have many other styles of Goods, which will be offered
to init the times.

p RR O C E R I E S A T W H O L E S A L E . —N\ P. JACOBS,
Jeffcrsoa Avenae and Wayne Bueet, oScn far
I _T ' Corner


We pluck away the frosted leave*.
And hear the treasure home.
Lot earth whithhold her goodly root.
Let mildew blight the rye,
6 1 t o the worm the orchard'* fruit.
The wheatOeld to the fly;
But j e t the good old crop adorn
The hill* our father* trod,
. Stall let a*, for Hi* Qolden Corn,
pend <** o u r thank* to Ooo!
id'a R r a i o n Car not F i g h t i n g
) H . Hammond, in a letter t o a S t L o u i s
i, dated M a r c h 3d, 1859; tella the M o w i n g ineio f h i a editorial e x p e r i e n c e :
W h i l e - 1 edited the Albany Register, I offended a h o t
olooded member of the F . F a of N e w Y o r k . H e sent a
polite invitation, t h r o u g h a friend, for me to visit Baltimore. H a v i n g no buaneas'in t h a t direction, I declined.
H e again t h r o u g h bis friend invited me t o visit Canada.
H a v i n g j u s t returned from a fishing excursion t o the interior or her Majesty's colony, and having no occasion t o
g o t h a t way, I again declined.
H e then, in .direct terms, invited me t o name friend
and time, weapons and place, to. indulge in t h e pleasant
pastime of t a t t i n g each other's throat*. I t h o u g h t the
m a t t e r over, and declined a third time assigning the following reasons:
L T h e t h i n g was contrary t o law, and I h a d no desire
t o b e h u n g for killing him; o r t h a t b e should be hung for
killing me.
2 . 1 h a d a wife w h o loved, and w h o would monrn for
for me if I fell. H e h a d only a mistress, who would re-,
j o i c e a t his death, a s reviving her from the necessity of
flying from his protection t o t h a t of some o t h e r man.
3. I had three children, for whose education I was in
honor a n d b y nature bound to provide. H e had none.
4. Society h a d no stake in his life. H i s continuance
would be no blessing, and his extinguishment no loaa
S o c i e t y had claims on me—upon h i m it had none. 1 had
some claims on society—he had none.
5. I'd nee'dim d — o , first
A n d there t h e m a t t e r has rested ever since.


A THRILLLVO iKcnnutr.—'The following incident of the
l s t e d i g g e r war in H u m b o l t county, is given b y the
N o r t h e r n California:
A t a n a t t a c k upon one of the Indian ranches, a numb e r of t h e braves were captured who bad, w i t h squaws
and children deserted t h e ranch—an inglorious p r e y . A n
oldehiefl t h e Moweema of h& band, then took nis stand
in t h e centre of tho r a n c h — h i s household gods scattered
around him—deserted and alone, b u t a r m e d and resolute
and wouhl n o t b e taken, A parley w a s held—the old
chief demanded t o surrender, b u t he was firm. T h e volunteers were brave men, b u t t h e r e were none t h a t could
b e found t o face the imminent muzzle of t h e old man's
levelled rifle. A word given, and he might have been
dropped, rfikfled like a cullender; but, one man held at
b a r , a score.
Nevertheless h e was t a k e n ; h e w h o would n o t yield t o
n u m b e r s — w h o feared not d e a t h — w a s taken b y one of
T h e only surviving wife of the old m a n — a young
*juaw, was b r o u g h t forward, and, t a k i n g h e r before Uinv
L i e u t W i n s i e t t advanced,, covering U s b o d y with this
frail, b u t t o him invulnerable shield.
A f r a i d to fire upo n t h e pair, the old man, after a moment's hesitation,
lowered nis weapon, and was immediately Burroundtd and



House*. Public Buildings, Village*, Town* Ac.—Patented
August, 1858.—The principle of the invention consists in the
peculiar construction of the Retort, whereby Gas is most
quickly, easily and economically generated from Rosin, Oil,
Tallow and refuse Grease of any kind, and producing, for
about eighty cent*, a* much light as a thousand feet »f ordinary coal Gas.
A long course of experiment* at the hand* of the inventor,
who baa had many year* experience in Cat manufacturing,**
well as by ourselves and others, ha* placed the invention beyond all doubt of its pfocticabllity. Tb«f public may be confidently aasuretl that it is at once the most simple and useful
of-any thing i»f tho kind ever before constructed.
The present object of the proprietor* I* to dispose of city,
county and state Bights, on the most favorable terms, snd '
immediately introduce the works into general use.
Works from 100 feet capacity and upwards, are now In
readiness by DUDLEY A HOLMES, manufacturers, Detroit,
as well as every thing connected with the "Sun-Light Gas
Works," which will be supplied by them at all the principal
point* in the Union, to parties purchasing territory.
Persons of *mall capital, and particularly G*a Fitters, by
making an in vestment in the right to uaetiie "Sun-Light Gaa
Work*," will be certain of an Immediate remuneration.
J:ST All communication* in the premise* directed to th«

i \ FURNISHING GOODS, at "the Clothing Emporium o f H .
HALLOCK, NO 168, Jefferson Avenue, D e t r o i t Where may
be found a very large, fresh and desirable stock of the above
good* just manufactured under hi* immediate inspection, and
embracing one of the most extensive aasortmenUever before
offered in thia market.
From the low priced and cheaper grades, to the most
and fashionable garment*—all of which have been manufactured with the utmost care and w ARKANTED to give satisfaction.
Ail person* desirous of pnrchaaingelther at WHOLESALE
OR RETAIL, are respectfully invited to call and examine hi*
extensive stock, which shall be offered at pricea uniformly


M E R I C A N W A T C H E S ^ - A P P L E T O N , TRAOY A
Co., WAI/THAM, M a n , Manufacturer* of PATENT LEVER WATCHES.—These superior Watchc* arc made by the
aid of new and original machinery, expressly designed to secure, with a low paice, a fine, substantial, durable and uniformly reliable time keeper. The movement* are new in
construction, and are pronounced by the highest authorities
to be faultless in principle and quality, and have beers, proved
by the moat exacting tests to be reliable and unfailing In action. These watches are manufactured entirely from the
crude material*. In a single establishment, by connected and
uniform processes—the manufactory being organized upon
the same system that ha* been adopted in the production of
the anequaled American fire-arms, which enables oa to produce a movement at one-half the price of any foreign movement of the same quality; and We guarantee the perfect
performance, for ten year*, of every watch manufactured by us.
All foreign watches are mode by band, the American watches being the only one* made by machinery upon a uniform
system throughout Nearly all hand-made watches are defective, and are continually getting out of order. In many
parts of the country it la impossible to find good watch repair® rs,and watch repairing is always uncertain and expensive. The introduction of American watches disposes of thia
difficulty, and country merchants, a* well a* watch dealers,
can keep watches aa a part of their miscellaneous stock, and
thus supply their customers with a new staple, which may be
used as any other article, without mystery or humbug. Sold
by the trade generally, and by ROilBINB A APPLETON',
General Agent*, 15 Maiden Lane, N. Y.

T u m r a THS OATH.—The K n i c k e r b o c k e r is responsible
for t h e following:
A correspondent in Ottawa county, Michigan, from
whom we a r e ' a l w a y s glad t o hear, give us the following
•cene in t h e M a y o r s C o u r t a t G r a n d Rapids, Mayor
C h u r s h presiding. W i t n e s s called u p t o b e sworn
• road Watches, cwed in beautiful styles, warranted excellent time-keepers; do do Swisa, full Jewelled, Levers in
every style. GOLD PENS.—I continue manufacturing Pens
' C l e r k — " D o you solemnly
of every desirable pattern. These pens have received a Silver
w toes3
Medal and Diploma at the Michigan Bute Fair, and are not to
be surpassed bv any Pen* in m a r k e t Also dealer In FINE
C l e r k — " T h e witness has no r i g h t hand, your honor." JEWELRY, 8ILVER-WARE, and FANCY GOODS.
I have an experienced Jeweller, capable of making new
Mayor, (with some a s p e r i t y ) — " L e t h i m hold u p his
work to order.
left hand; t h e n . "
FITTING 8T0NES and Diamond Work, and Fire Gilding
C l e r k — " H e has h a d the misfortune to kwe t h a t hand and Galvanizing, done at short notice.
also. as yoiir honor will perceive.'
WATCH REPAIRING.—Being a practical workman, all
Mayor, (savage! v > — " T e l l him t o hold u p his r i g h t leg work entrusted to my care, will be carefully attended to.
COLD PENS re-pointed, at fifty cent*. Pcnasent by mail,
t h e n ; a man canH be sworn in t h i s c o u r t w i t h o u t holding
by the Cash, will
••• be
. . promptly
"jr ai
attended to.
a p something. Silence, gentlemen 1 O u r dignity must
effereon Avenue.
be preserved/' '
W i ttness
a e sworn on one leg.
ESTABLISHMENT, No. 16 Congress-*t, East—A. C. AI.EXANDER
would moat respectfully Intimate that, more fully to accom" D i d t h e * receive t h y remittance, N a t h a n m y son?"
modate the wantaof the patronizing public, and hi* large in' i T e s f at h er . "
crease of business, he has adopted the improved facility which
. " T h e n why did tbee n o t b u y a new c o a t — t h y present Steam gives to the Art of Dyeing, having recently fitted up
a t t i r e Is reply very fragile."
for that purpose. He not* Dyes by Steam, every description
" W h y the foct is, I l e f t all my money in the bank at of Silks, Satins, Velvet, Crape* and Merino*, producing the
most brilliant color* and best style of finish that every article
N e w Orleans."
" A h ! t h y economy is truly praiseworthy—in w h a t will admit of. Shawls of every variety Dyed and Cleaned.







" I d o n o t exactly remember in w h a t bank f a t h e r : I
k n e w it w a s very good one as it had a scriptural name.
I t waa, um, l e t me s e e — P h a r a o h bank, I " think."
" 8 o n , b a n k s a r e very unsafe now, and thee h a d b e t t e r
* o d for it immediately."


Cap prevents Chimneys from smoking: it precludes storms
from entering them; it le**ena the liabilities to fire* from
their burning out: it protects their top* from the waste* of
the weather, and serves as *n ornamental finish.
Persons desirous of securing the right of manufacture, or
of sale, or both, in Cities, Counties, States or Territories, in
" Charlie, m y d e a r , " said a loving mother, t h e other any part of the United State* not already disposed of, will *
4*JV to h e r hopeful son, j u s t budded into breeches, furnished with a descriptive circular, by addressing the ...
" Charlie mv dear, come h e r e and g e t some candy." 141 derrigned, and by designating the territory they desire, they
will also be furoiahed with the terms of sale.
gne ss I won't mind i t now, m o t h e r , " repb'ed Charlie, " I've
IRA MAYHEW, Patentee, Albion, Mich.
g o t in Borne tobacco."
Manufactured and for sale, fn Detroit, by
DUDLEY A HOLMES, 77 Woodward Ave.
A newspaper correspondent writes t h a t while travell i n g S o u t h he a t t e n d e d a w-gro meeting, w h e n tho sable T U S T P U B L I S H E D , A TEXT BOOK OF VEGETABLE
r j and Animal Physiology, designed fbr the use of Schools,
p r e a c h e r offered a n earnest prayer for » de w h i t e element
Seminaries and Colleges, by Henry. Goadby, M. D., Profess
u» o u r population."
of Vegetable and Animal Physiology and entomology la tl
State Agricultural Gollege of Michigan, embellished with u r
' T o m . w h a t are you leaning over t h a t empty cask wards or 450 Illustaatlon*. Although designed mainly for
' r m mourning over departed spirits,' waa tho re- Colleges and Schools, this book will be found Invaluable to
the general reader, and should find a place In every public
and private Library. The beauty of the wood engraving* that
A SHORT DULOOD*.—Sentimental y o u t h : " M v d e a r so plentifully adorn this work. Is remarkable, and their style
g i r l will y o u share my lot for life!" P r a c t i c a l irirl- eminently peculiar; white, red, yellow and blue figure*, on a
dead Uaek ground. By their di*tlnctn*** they have elicited
" H o w large i s y o o r l o t s i r r
unanimous admiration. For sole by
Detroit Nov. L 1»M.
, P o u n o a i c a p i t a l is nothing m o r e o r less than personH E C Y C L O P A E D I A O F W I T AND HUM O B —
al i n t e r e s t
Containing choice and characteristic selections from the
C i o c n e are the, vefl behind which t h e foce of day co- writings or the most eminent Humorist* of America, Scotland, Ireland and England, by Win. E. Burton. For sale '
<juettishly hides itself, t o enhance its beauty.
Detroit, Nov. 1, 1858.


Detroit Advertisements.


FLORIDA.—4Y josHCA*. awBUtoa—lUustmed with C
sale to.the City snd Country Trade:—
fine i n graving*.—One Volume, l j m o . 320 pp.. Price t l —
Thi* V. ork portrays,-with eminent ability, the crime* commit
our Government against the MaroofiTwho Bed from
100 hhds fair, prime aad choice New Orleans, Porto Rico and
South Carolina and other Slave Butea, seeking protection un
Muscavado Ho gar.
der Spanish low*. It *how* bad faith exercised toward* th*
SO bbls Crashed, Powdered and Coffee.
Indians of Florida, and i* found to present a true"view of th*
100 bbls Prime New Orlems Molasses and Syrup.
long-fonght Florida War, which was, in truth, A WAR FOR
Tnm CoTtmor Chass. of Ohio.
300 half chests esses and boxes Yonng Hyson, Gunpowder
and Black Teas, of recent importation.
Gentlemen—Accept my thoak* for a copy of " T h e Exiles
of Florid*." I hove read the book with great interest and
Coffee a n d Spice*.
much instruction. It *et* In * striking light *n important
250 bags white and green Rio.
portion of our history, and clearly reveals the secret springs
140 bag* and pockets old Gov't and common Java.
by which successive administration* were moved in affair* of
lUU cases ground Mustard.
gre*t moral and political consequence. The distinguished
O bag* green and white Maracaibo.
author has especially entitled himself to the thanks of ever)
0 boxes Ground Bio.
lover of freedom. Justice, and honorable administration, by
60 keg* Ground Giugev.
tracing and exhibiting the evil influence* of slavery in the
15 bag* Popper, Hp ice and Cloves.
transaction* wjiicb he narrate*. No one, it fee nis n> me, can
50 boxes Ground Pepper, Spice and Clovea.
arise from perusing this work without deepened conviction*
Tobacco a n d Cigars.
of the wrong of *r»veholdlng. *nd the necessity of earnest
and persistent effort for the deliverance of our Natidnol Gov •
J 00 boxes 3c Pine Cut Papers.
-Tnment from the control of the slave power.
100 bbi* Smoking.
Columba*. J u l y . l t , 1858.
& "P. CHASE.50 boxes Plug Dark, 8'* and 10'*.
REPUBLICANS READ I T ! Copieseent bymail on receipt
20 boxes Gold Leaf, Half Pound*.
of One Dollar.
30 boxes Tin Poll.
n a v e l s aaVMOKiv,
PulUher*, Columbus, Ohio.
20 bbi* Cavendish in cans.
Detroit Agent for Michigan.
CIGAR*.—A large assortment of Imported and Domestic n3
W i n e s a n d Liquor*.
between Larncd and C«ngre** streets, Detroit, Mich.—
Port, Mnderia and Sherry Wine*, in quarters and octave*.
Champagne, (Heidseek d^Delbrecht) and Claret in baskets The undersigned having re-porcha*ed " T h e Institution fpr
and cases.
the dissemination of u*eful drink*," baa enlarged and
Fine old Cognac and Seignette Brandies, in half pipes, quar- natcd it in the most thorough manner, makihg it now the
ters and octaves.
most extensive BREWEHY IN THE WEST, with ficillde* for
GIN—Swun and London Cordial, in whole and half pipes.
producing the fine*t and most delicate grades of Malt Liqao{*;
WuuutKY—Old Scotch, Mouongi&ela and Peach Orcnard, In and la now prepared to furnish the variou* qualities of Ale*.
hhds and bbls..
Porter snd Brown Stout for draught and bottling, at price*
Wine, Stomach and Cordial B i t t e n in case*.
ranging from $6 to $10 per barteL
Extra fine and Stock Alca brewed to order.
All Package* extra, which, when returned to the Brewery
200 boxes Raisins.
in good Order, will be paid fot-af **me prices a* charged.
500 boxes Window Glass, assorted.
The attention or privote families, and customer* in general,
150 boxes Pepper Sauce.
is particularly called to the EXCELSIOR CREAM ALE. Old
200 kegs White Lead.
friend* *nd new ra*y be ***ured of the superior aiiality and
200 dozen Pail* and Tub*.
flavor of these beverages, *nd all Are invited to call and *an
100 boxes assorted Ink.
pic for them»elve<i. All 'order*, with the money enclosed,
200 bag* assorted S h o t
will receive prompt attention.
200 kegs Powder, assorted.
Malt and Hops for **le at the lowest market rates.
loo boxes Oskley A Ames' German Chemical Soap.
' n3
150 boxes white and dark German Chemical Soap.
200 boxc* Fancy Bar and Cake Soap.
200 boxes Family and No. 1 Bar Soap.
Future Life, or Scene* lq Another World; lyGca. Wood.
100 boxes Htearlne and Tallow Candle*.
The Ministry of Life; by the author of Ministering Children.
50 boxea Star Candle*.
The K. N. Pepper, and other Condiment*, put up for general
150 reams Wrapping Paper.
100 reams Foolscap, Letter and Note Paper.
The Tenant House, or Ember* from Poverty's Hearthstone.
200,000 Percussion Caps, 2000 lbs Bar Lead.
The Witches of New York, by Doestlcks.
100 bids Vinegar.
Isabella Orsinifby the author of Beatrice Cenci.
Together with Codfish, Mackerel, White Fish, Herring, Bag
Vernon Grover, or Heart* aa They Are.
Salt, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Cordage, Brooms, Bakets, GlassFrederick the Great; by Carlyle.
ware and article appertaining to the Grocery Trade. Corner
Dora Dean; by Miss Mary J . Holmes.
Jefferson Avenue sud Wayne-st, Detroit Mich.
With a variety of other*, too numerous too enumerate. Far
N. P. J A C O B a
sole by
Detroit, Jan. 7,1859.
in hlore.'snd offer for ssle, a full assortment of Lake
LUSTRATED—« volume of Photographs from original
Superior ami Scrap Iron, of all size*, at greatly reduced rates.
The Lake Superior Bar Iron sold by the Company, is all drawings, by John W. Ehnlnger, illustrative of the Courtohlp
made from Charcoal Pig, and i* far better than the Iron made of Miles Standish, by Henry W. Longfellow. There will be
from Hard Coal, and their Lake Superior Merchant Iron 1* eight or ten large Photographs of the moat exquisite characthe only Iron sold in this market, that is made in this manner. ter, executed by Brady, withinteracctedcream-coloied leave*,
Their Merchant Scrap Irou is all made from selected Scrap (containing the descriptive t e x t ) the whole to be bound in
and will bear comparison with the best Iron made in the quarto .morocco coven, with bevhlled and gilt edges.
Early order* are aolicited, a* the *low process of preparing
. Wyandotte Rolling Mill Company and Eureka Iron Compa- the Photograph* (nothing being done In cloudy weather) will
ny draft* taken at pnr in exchange for Iron or any indebted- prevent the immediate Issue of a second edition, snd conseness to the Company.
quently only thoae ordered la advance con be' provlsed.
Manufactured Iron also given in exchange for good Scrap
Price Six Dollar*. Specimen* to be seen and subscriptions
received, at my store.
Call and see or address
WM. H. ZABRISK1E, Secretary.
90 Woodward Aveiina.
Store corner Woodward Avenue and Congress-st
following description*af
Royal; M e d l u n t D e m y .
pared to furnish^ at short notice. Stationary Enginea, Mill
own. Plot Cop and Folio P o s t Csp, Letter, Legal, 8 t r a o u ,
Gearing, Warehouse Hoisting Apparatus, and all varieties of
Iron VI ork. Repair work on Propellers, Steamers and Saw Bill and Note Pa'per in every variety.
'onei of all color* and
, size*. Manilla,
Book and Print Papera.
Mill*, executed promptly and thoroughly. Costing*—every
Rag, and Straw Wrapping Paper of all *<zc* and weights.

Receiving our paper direct from the Manufacturer* we are
We are prepared to execute order* of any size for Brass and enabled to offer them at a* low pricea as any In thl* market
KAGS—Wanted in exchange for GoodiorCash.
Composition Coatings, promptly.
Oil Oil Oops,
Cups, Valves, Jot
Journal Boxes. Guage Cock*,
Woodward Avenae.
Cylinder Cock*, Steam Whistles for Steamboats, Locomotive*
and Mill*,-Bella for Factories, Steamers and Locomotive*, unH A W ' S CUTLERY AND EDGE TOOL WORKS, Foot
der eight hundred pound*.

of Brtub street, under the Fulton Iron Works, Detroit, M.
Cutlery, Burgeon's Instruments, Coopers' and Csrpenter*'
We are prepared to execute all order* for Iron Railing for Tools/Axes of every description. Planing and Tobacco MaPrivate Buildings, Churches, Public Squares, and for Cemete- chine Knives, Trusses, Ac., made to order of n superior qua

ry Lot*.
Razor*, Knives, Scissor*, Surgeon's Instrument*, steel. Iron
Corner of Fifth and Woodbridge-st*., opposite Machine
and Brass Ware, polished and repaired In a manner to giv*
Shop of Michigan Central Railroad, Detroit
Order* left at the office, corner of Brush street and Jelfcrr P O R A N K E R S , LAND AGENTS AND BUSINESS MEN. son Avenue, will be promptly sttended to, where samples msy
JL J . Sage A Son's, Map Publishers, Stationers, Engravers
References kindly permitted to Messrs. Edmund*, North A
and Lithographers, 209, Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y„ over Sage'
Co., J . B. W*yne A Co^ Geo. Doty, Doctor* Allen A Batwell.
Piano Room.
Detroit Jan. 1859.
We are prepared to execute all work entrusted to us with
promptness and despatch, and on as favorable term* ** any
establishment in the country. Combining all the different
THE PUBLIC—A new Family Sewing Machine, combranches of Steel, Copper and Stone Engraving, a* well a*
Crayon Work of the finest description, we guarantee satisfac- bining the latest improvements, at the extreme low price oi
tion all cases.
The pi ice* of all our standard machine* have been greatly
Particular attention paid to Bank and Commercial work,
such a* Checks Drafts, Notes, Certificates of Deposit and reduced. SINGER'S SEWING MACHINES, It iawtll known,
Stock. Coupon Bonds,-Letter, Note and Bill Heads, Envelopes, though dearer in price, have alwoyo been chcaper In fact,
Ac. Maps," Portraits, Show CAds Ac., Lithographed and considering what they will do, than any other. The price*
are now reduced *o that all must be aatitfied. Coll and exprinted in the most delicate color* by a new process.
For the convenience of the business community In thl* vi- amine the new machine* at the low price*.
cinity, we have established on agency with Mr. John W.
133 Jefferson Avenae, D e t r o i t
Green, at the office of the Detroit Daily Advertiser, 212 Jefferson Avenue.
A R E H Q U S E ^ - T H E UN
d e s i g n e d offer their extenoive stock of Good*, con*i*t
—These Safe* are a combination of Wrought and Chilled ing or all kind* FURNITURE AND UPHOLSTERY, to their
Iron, two inches thick. The Wrought Iron give* strength customer* and the public generally, at the lowest possible
and the Chilled Iron hardness; the safe* being warranted Drill
Proof. Ail other Fire Proof Safe* are made of Sheet Iron.
8. R. WOOLLEY. Agent, at C. A A. ITC*' Banking Office. elsewhere, a* we intend not to be undersold by any firm i
Detroit, Nov. 1.1858.
the w e s t AU work warranted.
T J O O T S , S H O E S A N D R U B B E R S , AT WHOLE13
No. 221 Jafffcrsan Avenae, Detroit
_L> SALE ONLY—We hove received from the Manufacturer* *bout 1.000 cose* BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS, of oil
the desirable kind*, and have also on hand a few thouaond
by Abbey H. Hemingway. The design of thia work I* to
pair* of our own manufacture.
represent the general poetic literature of Vermont from it*
We shall. continue to manufacture and to receive almost early the present period- The aelection* are
daily additions—*o aa to keep our stock at all times large and gathered from the moot reliable sources, and will especially
complete- Confining ourselves to the Jobbing trade exclu- Interest all Vermonter* by birth-right now resident In thl* and
sively, we can offer facility* unequaled In Detroit, a t 25 other State*.
Woodward Avenue.
Detroit, Nov. 1,1858.
Optical and Philosophical Apparatus, No. 250 Jefferson
T M P O R T A N T T O P R I N T E R S A N D P U B L I S U - Avenue, invite oil those suffering from defective right, to in
X ERS.—We have now an hand, and constantly receiving, a •pect their Assortment of greatly improved Perescopic Crysvery large stock Of Book and News Paper of all sines. We tal and Pebble Spectacles, which are highly endowed with
are AgenU for nine of the best Mill* in thb country, which the property of Improving virion. Also, all kind* or Telegive* u* a chance to compete and undersell any establishment scopes, Microccope*, Electric Machine*, Drawing Instrument*.
in the West, and would aay that we sell print paper cheaper Ac., constantly on hand.

and a better article than can be found in this market; Also,
we have Ju*t received a large invoice of fine ManniHas.—
L A N K R O O K M A N U F A C T O R Y ' . — T H E UNDER
signed having a Book Bindery In connection with his
Pie** call and *ee for voafselres at
Bookstore, i* prepared to manufacture,.to order. Blank Book*
of every description.' Merchant* and other*, wanting any
thing In that line, are Invited to give him a calL Having the
A P E R . — W E ARE PREPARED TO SUPPLY AT MILL best of workmen, he can safely guarantee satisfaction in all
prices, all site* and weight* of Print and Book
also Ledger Paper, Flat on£ Folded Paper. Letter, Cap and
Detroit, Nov. 1, 1858.
Commercial Note, Wrapping and Ti**uc Paper, F*ncy and
Staple Stationery In great variety.
E E C H E R ^ L I F E T H O U G I I T S . — A NEW BUP
100 tons of Rags wanted lu exchange.
ply Just deceived. For sale by
• Detroit, Nov. 1,1858.
Detroit, Mich.
No. 9* Woodward Ave.
















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