Grand Traverse Herald, May 02, 1901

Dublin Core


Grand Traverse Herald, May 02, 1901


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



6r«Mi Cr«o«rM IkraM

tlMllllf JiiniKi


1901. YonriMpeciionofthe*M



SURPLUS. *60.000





• fortlctan )■ tbt

OM dn-'. Vl-M.
Dot Irt m> tmtll jiirith loardi inrlnxal
my PiUlirt't liou* Hwrran- hi, i,mb bfta.t uxl .-.tih r.Tr».-.f 1..-t


Traverae City. Mich.

tlrlLB to '"■llil''ibr^ln" lhr'rX™'pi^llBB '"


,( «b.'|i t<« ttr cuir "
vuii,- .,.■0, •III, iliclon-rol bit omn
n. Jia- lookril1 •nilnutlk
BDiloutly lo mh




-__ hit
• eoire \.Bt tml,|
'Hon«l, to :'“'r bided .wky me uiur.-i«- <a>nfldet.or. t
«TTe biui. Biid hit rtr*..........
loo blind..I lleiil-llte:
tteiil-llte: but Ihi-re • im redMiiiintf
.ndXi-tl»^la IhF loiMiBc old IU«r and cued )«
II IMldF^.
In MO thi' ble iviiit, FTMI vllb Ibe Bid '«lln B damb rriiteri dir’ll jn*i |'ln<-. ki>.,w tli.m
of Ibitb- ronnd .].-ctBeIei tritb lie»TT • ■toy wl* irrlpviiif, ein.l tnk)l.- yrl ' "t'lldnit
Ur. TbacDF.’’ he vtd rbetatfslly.
It bind; 1 iwotniM falibfBl-


H Few el fbe Preparaliena
Put eut in 3obn$eir$ Drufl Store |

Hot hr ImA ntilv iaadi BO dim of lieloo kiDcie iBit H.ord day, when II lAd *
boeB di-oMeil by iboar In antburlCT '
Ihal hr WB> ICO olil aifd forblr lo Ita.k , r
Bhrr hlmtoir but loiixer. and Uui b>
tubs ,|ui.tly l.,••lll.K b.«rt, »Iille„|,|,r^.j i,,g,
mui |iBtt with hi, llltli- home aiirt hi

Jolibtna't IliatUrha Wdr.-n,
tilia<m'a Knot Kntad.-r fur lltvil fia-t,
Oiliaan't RJn-atiuiiir'Imi-nl. (illamii'. ('nii.liliim Kowilr-r. Jobn»'» Kidnc.r Poneitrr. J'l■bDum'« Liii-r (Inuftilr*, Ullmui't DrtyiriaiU TlhlrU. Jcd.utuu't
• H.«l
H.i UooKb S.rmii. iba-f. Iron uid Win.-.
All nrr iraputailuuiirf nit-rll.



won., know

»:l ^tartSi.b""'


mid aay for
ana fala to itnk Utto a
yon, ••ni be tiran pOBF IB a m.e^nt.'idtenujly all.r
I ****"
^ M .....
lei rrird .
am rbair aod let Vrw
r H.e
wont know eourwlf witb liroad and :mlB,ui;
1 only wrfiird to pay me r' -.........................
bodily fweaeaea I7 *i.
. wiibont ftwr fo
oomforl till- whole winter tlirongii; ao
BO Jieo
fieou. and lo aal if rooManiiuil loki],
brart |>orr« and a MtaAdctaUfai of hla
owh ivrwMuil Mf,'le. Ill, innrh
B,-_iitn- .larewl with cold Uke we ]«re
fare wilfa a eere nmgh and cagn U|.
ore a a
oal—TU a womierfnl Bood
t. ai»l;klnd and sentl,-. and >w railed
tie loiigar. Tbey were lath loorrtarr'lilr florre after rat. and
.. . ...Fr.-" Vflet.
daaeiUe an
- la Boe ta
a,' It i, to be fiwn-d iftnl iM-dH
•dn w mibiei Y .iunit.
ew hlmeett
fell well
Inuurtamlioo for the tale, tait a.
rr w lib all'tb.-«- f..iii,g. iHrted to the *he kymiwthUlng'milookrra.
nrdi mice hr war. |>'rfeclle in <vdiT.
•I be Ibe Iwiutul Ki-ne be had. rewarded to tlieir labor of tore. Bal
Bol for her fee.r t
' ‘
fuii wilne^d. Vi'lei p iKiler made laeeeolly. when the old maii looked
Ted irm-. Liaa, ' be ana*,-reil Mra Foot, a ki
limbing ,rf the .li.HRre lo 111,- UaBor. aroand. he foaad more ihaa erne reaadle.-I Vp-iliu- n]>at!ood Hard : might eaeilr limv
biiT: >loTi:,<if Mu- |«iinte . nirisor ai' rorered tnuaie. TbarelXBalbertekage."
laaqaioMeDor be in. ideadint; faiv, "i.e will, iia.l a terfeei iighi lo do ao ' ete fourpoitrr. with lu oomfortabU
Now PKOota iB.
■'Thal’a Ibe MtiaiMc Way to took atLi|Bltaworklng with ankieie I'tfortu. wiibou laklng leaeeof oBT hr laoaghi; liw'her bed, whleb had been wrMtpd
M. e..)pii.e ru-lil lolo iIh- leepebre
Iifg by grarroai
fenrr-- eol
mirk.ll llie relleeiog oflWr.]uatrly. too, Ibe fiwll.b Iim- r.,t w.
I from 'l4aa le«g
wbo waaaf
>ae kindm..........
kindb,-nrt.-daa lit, official.' making a fe-rfi-c-t ekbibilion irf bi-rw
i.ung pqniTr bii

—■—••«---------------ly allowed him 10 be; "why. If you _______ ___
g twrfciag
ling dre bailue.
atayed here, wc Dishl you dead in : ouUidf—1
f—be dn-w knew l«-li er Ilian to
Toor bed one Qdf mmtug."
. .
in. will, It,at a|>,lb,idi, .
'' 'Kh. and bow about Ibe «tlHratr
; dignatloif. eeole.-d out of .1 met,- oal,
"Jack, rna fiuiunalr, UiT, idle a boiDFly Iwi laid for
and Jiomu' of -re under groan’?"
[ready 10 burl iix-lf in l,i» rtirection.
___ n‘?"
~liif clieerful qi
from 'Lixa. |To max her into a more wenily de
I ago meanor Joe tuuk te r ui>. and elii yougottbervr A cat?"
Ihe eefiaratlnn, aod that
wa* .qdlelcil ai onoe. f,i-lini
Hip trieiid went over bi bim. Url
■wood, hat that llie iI her maitor'i amie.
Inbked her nte n M be better eoeeted than
a bind ,41 111, >lmulder, and ’ InoL.tal wood Are
r bed might
It b.-really
be renlle gal a W-1
"She', »
ki owKslg.
... ......................... .................... ................ ..................................................................
gain. lie
It, owner looked
Imke.l wUifDlJe
wiiifolle at ' fdraded
gdraded limidle.
liaidle, iw bip
bl> ee...
ee,.. aaiub-r,-)!
>ul lor tli- alnuitdile of the thing, the twinkled <n t^bear^^d Ibere^wii
the antiqBBted piece of foruilarv'.
i naeaiilT tb the loop of childi
j.^Birorouid_liaye.woru had
had tear,
Kara in
in )0M^mK^ht« Ju^|“VTw^S3
-'ll mod Ik-." be aomilted.-bul I'm !tboaghh<- Uiongbt tb. It umllirr
irr luigbi
.’illin'-to go when the Lord wanli'acrnM him of waiilinglo tike Ihi■Vee, ncal. Tom. lb.- yrry queen trinteol.
It VpUp
D call me." - .
lueod ool
oat of tlieir moc
nuaiihi. '
wlial' rilaee I Joe did Bot qalte realise all hii
HAMMOND! Tliey wm-Iwth pleiieed to Rnd^Wm | bit meeloop or gtii-di
ju.t eeeu-a |>i.t <iM mtui VTUig fo ' gocal lartue 00*111
oulll the eqalte esplatn*
drow n mt> little fiieiid le^fore going ...
ed 11 tn
lo bin
him very rlearly and kindly.
-------------------------- • ItBg. im4 weLI ctmteut.
thee left
'long ...
......... ................
.... him 1 ihe ma?"
....^ biile
, lli.irp
,, p off to Ibe 'Hodm-'. He tried M lianf. With a Origbhorly hand <m hll kbowlto Iilmwlf to lbink II oier. The ylaee ' two-dree fagg.4,
w many yenrt that his memoi-r conld
Hi, roire trailed off into hn|>le>e Ip Lad ocoogli In tile yoang. only —yuan
[only dimly grop.' alwnt the earlier hfm a, Mra K<»t eti<l him and Vi'M eumebow not know II will mend Toot da, and not cbaHly.
**• ““ “®*
bower.ll ml- a, Ihoagh ',110 i#efemil In | again ; bnt tin, one—w, old and eo hi-en ao cweal and faltbfali


Real Estate.
Mortgages Bought and Sold.




TO LOAN irx;'

Bay city, DotrolL Howatl, Ann
Houses for Sale in
Arbor, Tolodo and points Eaot
All Parts of .City.
and South. C><^ oonnoctlono
atCopamlah with M.&N: E. Ry. KiV Fums lor Sale in
Grand Trayerse and
Con*l Pass. Aart Toledo. adjolaiar connUes.






Millikan Block.

....................................................... .

. .


We have just opened up a complete assortment of!


«|Blre rw from bit mtatn..

uardlaiiB. N-oaiue nildeolr ali-Ilrioae viUi baji|ilueM. Kor •
tnaiti«. wIm. tane ei ai
I Joe regarded her a, Mtaar
i-er tuid|«lLlr(l to l,huln«Io»lug .-ol- hliih im-.eun- with the .ierli.m .rf ihin »ilb no.. »l.irl of In. ,t.„,............
. .. —_________________ Hi
thro llw
ora Imw nrarb brller.oir he would hr ”',r‘'ldlng, Iuoin-. ■ W,e elarvd In .lie-,
,3... Urret Iwg mid aUm.-. mplure of Tecxtafoitloei flowed I


. IK^-*TK 53?S“

F-.k*SPS!Lt,^ »•


helploMnrM, >

C. A. HAMMOND, « «

AS2US.&'.JS!S“ •

■« qurtrn.
dorr erf ibw loda* barmall
nr with mnrh dtrluem. u>l Jew

i> tin
tlnd<".br O.mod^ »aSa!»L«h»h-l.e Ibaakod Oir ««>.
iklul lo MF ilml Vi'lFl .lloBIBB UMB-. bm WBBH'1 II lllDF be

MM^riTuyL^ild !n‘r^


ItaOWP^M ,


Tb. a,»0.otlh. .,b1 n<.«a
-nib.mrbi b» u Law wldark.>b4dub.
Ti>.du’kf.c>xllD|a. .dtb. UM.
Y'l iksrkUwatadWbl, tb. (b,rw«> llabi

Plate Claaa. Steam Boiler and Accident Insurance.



Hat mat aial . t-v

Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.
Johnaon Block. Phone 73


»!.— -------------...IL


Tire Tnsurance!

^ ^_____ ._

tlrtekra In jfn.
imiiT llnlr o>( it
*»o^ tbkt UiiitW

-otb.,u«bl».jl- bWutfdvb.aadM.
T..>4.rk f.« . cltmt— .fib. MM.
' V. V .,:v«llu ud t.r,(bi. lb.' ^b»«. luki

Attn(B(ri U I««.



Util- Ir
onb- ai

Opposite H. & H. Block.


ir.£L‘^,.*s; Wi5;SL,“ai.-r£i’K3

each a

207 E. Front Street,

wUb tbe beet of worki
^p^tot fit. 8eeuf

turmist. LctAlafJlerchutTailor.


■ bam «> ' i-iUiar
: Yi l«
I rorblBi satUk
bit lIRlr


Trafcrsc Oly State Bank


. Real Estate-* Insurance


•■talokt bif fkee and




_________________________ _____



Inat^n^kf^dK weie^n.’^f'''"'’'*' !;^^’uc^T’wr^‘^Mk\n




V ■

. ■

, ■



■ ■

-Money to Loan
wwohm—oaw wb
♦ATCHIH a CaOratR.




J. J. BR
Broech Biook


...F-QR SALpE..!
.lr.iK.eMwai-. Will Ukr other pniPlly IB |Wrl
■ ■ ‘{.V
pU nuUe
■< rttr.
■■rfee,' B.>e<l] Wet Will wb. pmidl larw
wtU^rpehxBiv r».e ,Kl»i i4.xp*ety ^


aktl..oner.4t-nloa ul UHOln ptma; wfU ex
VS! 'ahioTm' ec-pti in
< Hah W.11 ud rapt Iw} ;

Baam lO aad a Beatie BtMk.

terkpwnna; r'de.pgp: l*W- NAD wiUuk. ell;
aaee; «a,]| pvbkwu. kw rateig lnl.-r,>t.

W. **-. HARSMA,


Soal Ealato. Loana and Collactton,.


Phyalolanand Suraeon,
oi>MMaci«ntjno>iiy wtfa. .
Chita araBM M U(k< V«>7aairte.*U.

;clwrlling. Nanding'^jmairt from the I'Lixa I>«g’a that eildr.ti w» ]dagae | it. jum.
Uodllo Uiink of a uua', liave amiuted llial Vra IgwkeU. year
hannl, of men. willriu thatch roof! enoagli. and xbr cofiMn't Ik- world uiTTOWtng down to one faltbfel um nelgbW-oaly a few yard, away
. .tp..K,..e
■lauding net
out fee..,.!.. >•'''ilde like B ■ With DO ckt,. "
iw t—aod h» tmog lo dtowB 11 Bt U,t! ' yoB •»»—wIll dofoTyow.atad WIFTy
. frown or fun
tided and
Hr kaw it wa* boji-li-w, m hr Uid Heiiia.le me lliiiik .if
f my own dad a, t
Trarh there will .be a obbII sam proright be
naltl 1 maid---'
i -—
' name day,
- that either
- '
Joav •>!« »> markatiB*.
1*1. anra.T him—there', ,ucb r
B*n*{^i i"^lianMnn'?^*^” *’**
I bim by lie, of warm ailFClilion. Hi*{ferrec tag tn one hamland Vi'M held [agi'' h
I wife had come there a bride;: hi, ehll. I clore with the Ollier.
In iit & cotug^-'ai «m'”’no'deUy?^
lhai yon
' node
Urrn had all been born there: and the'I
the i A, he mane
hi, for]o
'll have him 001
oal of tb*_____
the I'oloo hare b|----------- "
i place whteh the rlUgera ,ltgmatixed | the riter, Ibe eat'< for wa, dalibled i Iwl
lo e^ oat a few
*ii„ih-r iwenly.fonr hMT*.
OodNowfortlie qopMi of baartfell word* of gialltnde. for had
to btm bU loTPd
; plit efio' Ui the unireree. From iUilbi, lul xliabby trick—lo hare
iTidBallly: and al! homely ■belierhif cli-ldren
mi bad gocF
gone hi,
I, own
own_ liands
liand, lo
to lint
|wt to .•lUno
eiUnn- tlir ; tor a hunrdiii
huordiii imindi,
and 1 wonld ' Ihoegb It Wat
--------J loogrrlb* UuU
forth one ,
iliPir meetlog for [brown bow. bo
. thFir dally
ring, lOTing thlog whirlr had omu-; n,.l lotP
loee tbejuvof
. bread afar and
Imek bit borne and tbe laered irlrney
irted bU looeliopMatiiooaand tiini'*, fwice'a bandted'
tlFd. mmu bad __________
le hla eool riw nn iii aurulUi end
Up tin
iDBod. fcT hit lirmlh OBOgbl, | which U IM grcalnet bUeilnjtt
riekrAy foorpo«ti-r no d.-,]iia
?lllcai. HadhpliT.dMi
Had hp ih
lion.-.llT ;mld lor
few mmpeDtf lb* eqnire
hneing bn ao broken, alMl only
Legg. hi, old wifp had tni-.___ ____ and werke^eo
werkpg ao hard to
comp only to I.K.kpd n -fully oni of tbe window.
with the weigbi of hU ha|i|dn»ao.ther
Of oalmrat lra,l lowdrd tbp dark and thi,'; Wb^nol haro. tllbnlal h-ax a> "Hit dm ru. idd man—yon and yoor bmdp hi, tea for bla. and at dowa tn
ailpDl grarp.
ran of hi, laa*tPr'a l^lnnging*. wbiph ■ i«ppii>G,<1 Cbl, orer. ouahe a friendly pipe, eo tbo
Now that hi* wifp wa* dead and bl> had an certaulr fwiurd po cnnsiBiiilr tub know; am
off —off
iliww rempiataPT that _____ ______
ohildror drtfb-d not Into tlip world— Ibroagb hi* tend*, and to' know l^llpr'1
l^llpr') nm in Ihp ><>
> well. " It wae ralb- they Ufi him. Bal after Ibe m lad
iai beyosd it. with noop of hi, own limptrHp'dkn
Ip'dknoan manr Ipu iwnlpo 'rt lain tfapnni day- - JaekfUlharM refreabed him and TI'Ul bad Upped
kith and kin rpmatning in tbe partUi, Ur •
himwif. and tbpy nlll ha.1; and llw H|Girv had b
tarndonely Dp the enwm. ak htmmti a aqalr*',
Ifapir (IWD lorotrr llipm will, . ba>r—wUm Hip farm r eoleml tlie old peniumer, Joe cmnld (peak at leaat a
bl, world,Ihp only fiUcp whew hi- did oal troobling thp fwriidi For oerr ; mpn'* ward at tfap 1* Km. 'Tbere tber part of bl, gtmtefnl mind with mn* '
not feel lopt aud IoopIt; to him the dark tboogbt* po«M-MPd bl, iwiipni [ ni like poor fonioii
■niril of dprartpd blpm'liiga reaipd ap- aoBl-dark ihocghu of lifp. of doth, ibad k~-a ,wp|« off
again: and Vl'lpt blinkad npon
on it likp Ibp dpw of Ihp moniliig.
' Ood la'III, bfWTpn. ^Bat
Bal'and wptp> wailii
wo Intndera. ae tboagb amai^
to be tetatsed
wa, lobehiano longprithal ”p,F eoold not abidp with lilm
that the boiplullly of ber Uam
All of ibem Iook-1
deerr* ___
bad ____
goDP .forth that br ma,t for reddpoly be aepmod iVip.- biij^'
waa eztanded lo tb
poor Old ud Joe'
lokphU home and
wifp', U*l r
■er fell In aerd-af ji.
rr to IUp beatlladp of pprfeci tra,t. reproaching! -i xh>.i>«led with all tbe emotion of Ihp
•'I kae ...
■aid____ __
him for bu blitcntem and want of i
p had not TluHty bnmbly and gratefolly, "tl
Tbp I
Snch a rampmlwaorp liad1 faw-lPDcegh
fawIn le diacbaeUCiehed al the wna a plaee for me abora «____ ___
■trangi- that be mold Dot git Bwd to
of hi, adTpnt of tbp rtranger lo we hla, bw LoaU be gooe before me. bal 1 nerci
It: and ptpb m L
fpli It WBi ntwiil ae an awn:
tbcmghi to And another bom* apon
■ wa, onlT le fell
iopTimblp with
aartli. '' Thu tw larnad wiatfaUy to
Araa, h, r<
the lendv
...I lie liad folfllled hi, irnmiM.
tb« pvll day
camp opon faltn. That
of tbe riret li
rh bp tiad
-•V..U dll! It kind.
be qeeried,
morning hi, acanir twiooging, liad faatbpd a* a liappy, carplce, Ud. Put­
Put- bol he Imd DO heart to aak fartber.
panpd ap and Matlpre.! among ting derm Vi'fp.,—for be had no tear The mpTp tUrnghi of Vi'iat lying
ipn, and tbp Imlp monrr that >h.* rreald woald ■>»* from bim Matkmilbp ImiiMD of the riTer ra lo but Bl cllpplB' badgaa "
‘l^r fPiched V
lo go toward hi, —hp had to brad M, atlO old hack loo nioch for im hardly maintained
____________ _______ Loion.
palnfally to groan fer itoop*. He pomiioeore.
'Llaa Lcgg bad faiipord ol»o Ifap had really to f. pl for Ibpm for the
"1 did It kind. ' the roang maa ns and lalk^away Uiibaly toMmaeU.
fpalhpr bed. and wa* to be ooalpd br tpor, wpfr ralniog down In, fa
■wen d geally, ' and bow 1 hare ob- orlo-Vi'Ut-wliD alwnya attude—cr
no more gpopron, bidder; bo. ahp only hp eoold hare told hpr______
to tbe aqaiie bimaelf a* be famee ap
? old cwk ba- wa, doing it fer tbp hert and ont effand down tbe drlra
Betweu tbe
for tb'^Tioar
__________ a floe piecp lore.ffw fear w<cw Uiind* might be- «rt to oarp one way or the other, yet two tbara U a Terr real atncteul.
of anliqoe
ij^ae fottiltarT
fotaltare when
he law ...
it, fall
... he
jer, and lo (rereni ber alowtr rp«i«mdutg to lb. kindly manner o< ud Joe nerer lata him pnio wtOoBt
^d be gBTp Tborac an boDext priee pining to death I
Ibe Inricattoa and rather
Hr war poiipring elowly aboal hie it. old Joe looked bteikly
Now tbp pUec wa* hare, aare for
tboagb tbe wall, of tbe
e ward w
tbe InSm. totterlDg old mttpe, which
tSmllb. Is Lonrnns'a Uagaaiaa.
an amazed oolooker from
wa, nppoeed to be i Sxcbit. anoo the abadow
of a tree
no ae I'm allowed-"
tree oreriianging Ibe
which Joe *11 ta try and read bi, Bi­ water, aeeoetpd him.
SeUiarat] OMnird >blm again
AearioaipUnt ii tbe "life tru"
ble : a few red ipark, lingered la tbe
"YpaeeemlD Ironble: tma 1 help
I be waa and Urnt no lime tn Und- of Jamaica. It eoetlnaea to glow for
deiceavd looking SrppUoe witb a
blm oet of the
boildiilg lo pUe*
brick in it, lower Jaw and aabe* npon
bimeeU i
him in a low, eomfewmbU pony car.
iubewd. Tbe eoltage had been UI
an. and hU
rlaga. There bappaned lobaanrm
V a warm
orer hi, hoi'l and ihp new Irnaot* got Ibe tragedy
_ .
tbeiatlent. nplifi- coat floBg careUaaly on tbe Tseant
were coming In that day. Joe Tbtme ed face. Beeing
Beeini be wa, addremed br aeal. and the paiecnger bad to take be daotieyed by On.
wai Trailing for their apriral before a "bettermoel'' ]ono
OB. he took off imaaaeaiQB of It. for tbe erpaing air
mkiag hlmwlf off a, in daiT boaod to bUeap.
bolding ..
it norronalT
_r, -----------with wa, obllly. The plaaraal warmth of
tbe Union ftp tbe nm aet. For be both banda while bit tbin gray tmiia tbe coni and tbe cbeaffaloea* erf bHv feeted iUeU 1
bad aim a piece of protiertT to dU finikin ibpbreeia.
ont of demrv did Joe good, a&d ba be- balUlog la B
poae of irhlrb troubled him mote than
tropbla Hr. '
aU tbeiealibe had offered tbU Uat worked, man and boy, ilxty rear
OToanre to Liia Legg. wbo had float­ tbe eqnire—fold eqoite. and hi, fa
ke meet monCiy folk he bad * bar* thrown aed it. and be wa* terribly afraid Umi er BToie 'ee—and now I be come u
lowing eye for a bona, and it did utna Ulo the carat
the wont wonld hare to oome to tb*' tbU. Tbey wool let I bide oatride t
It take him long to dlacorar that ba flakaal. where they will
«ud by ibe mollu lud ban„t
Henae no longer, oo t're got le go in.
id tbe pony war* old aqaBlDltaDeea
U me Patbrr', boom are Dtaay
wham tbe wctkmuoutaotfldi them*
'• •
un'ttao plane for v'l'lei.
___ Daioo* — many manaiotu" — Hi,
_____________ _ .. her- _
qaareriBg Toiee broke aaddecly wtifa eat critter that erer hred.'
. vb. ud n*>« ujoud
a aob. andaneat Uttlr gne cat atirred
Hr mad* a daepairing gr< I* to inapoo hU knee, and began gently tab-' dicoto tbe rat.
wbo w.
___ rebUng
tu^Dlelm^tb^t^ ^11 sot adbingagaiiitt him lo know wfani lb*:
fUob. ud Joe tagu lo wemdet whom
matter Traa She bad been aneaar ber- ^IntrodiMb,
b* eraa dnTiag erilb. allboogfa be
aeU tor a week or longer, and t^ reknew it eoold not ba tb* yeosg aqaln
moral of tbe tornlure imd dimtbed
ber etiU mote. Fbat ooald aUe and
ber maater do wfami bedtlBw came. moat more than ba o
be^ pointing eat the ob)aet«
''Sba U ooeba laotty a

I HO A !


Masonic Block. Travoi


‘ Don't let your wagon squeak when you can get out
of it so easy. We have such a' good selection, of axle
grease that we can satisfy you with some of it. We
have on hand Plumbago in wooden boxes at 5c a box;
Oolden Mica in tin boxes at 10c. 3 for 35c: 4 Brothers
in tin boxes, same price as Golden Mica; and Frazer's
in tins, same size and price as the above; and Frazer’s
in 3>3 pound tins and 12H pound pails at a' bargain.
Come in and get the price on is>^ pound pails. Lubri­
cating Castor Oil is an excellent axle grease for bug­
gies and light wagons; we have it in any quantity from
a pint to a barrd. Don't forget and buy your Harness
Oil Blacking by the gallon of P. K. It will do the busi­
ness. We have a barrel of it and we* don't want the oil;
wc want the money—you khow what that means, don’.t
you? We also have Standard Gas Eugine Oil on tap
for gas. engines and cylinders, not usually kept in stock,
price per gallon 3sc: 5 gallons, $140: special price by
the barrel. Call on or address.


p*8 f™„. St™.,!;:;.:;

---------------------------------------- —

oara n OTT crau ballruxs.



Crass. Clover. Vegetable and Flower Seeds. Every-irather^tnmbi^^^
t dldnot'hip Bible on'ihemiinleWielf, w,.ing
lie c
to John be would retarn font-d'reekly muithing for the farmer, market'gardener, housewife.j^nVit^i'
...............................home_____ ____eeilfled to iDle." and nllieil forth wflli an old


../.S, T,zti~z'zzrz














tone, wham lb. duugwuM^S





j*-~ •T*-;
ite HieUcea. wtItmI benfren
ta look onr Ibe TrwTmm OUT TUmMr. Hell HUM
that b* tollfTM -tbe imiwornMoK
■ T««alr»d tat^ will b» eotnpMMl
ilr and apraered. bat dawtlM. He etaied lhal
ar Barr^ had been panleteat ia
aklBi: fora
hel U eorti
TBeme City i> a rary laportant
podat for the whole Miehipaa ayatam
aad eraty effort will be ande to hare
tha work dla>e ae early ej poadble.


Nerves Need Fuel

rt€f alebecBta prosna FWder
la Moetadoa haU. A pood
end delatr
To feed the Tiod fires or they lone die power to regukte «ad
■arrad dentip
control the body.
UmiAturtl srimulanti won’t do.
Uke «n «ir
afterMoe. The pfeorade pa fiw *a blast on dying embers they cause s sudden flash of heat—then
anadt of the
all b dead.
Give the nerves plenty of feel, und the wofty and
The twopreia^ae a* followt:
Toaal aoio-UlM Boberte
digesoon, neuralgia, fheumatism and heart trouMea, that bum up
Baeilatitn—Bobart Loadoo.
the brain stibstanee and defitroy the nerTtr-fotee, will disspi»ar
Boop-Arthu B
Don't wait till the fires are burned ouC
Begin now.

Plano aolo-Mlaa Tader.
Reollalioo-Obarlolta legricBedtotioe-Lelia Dean.
Tioin aole-LonU BoUiday.

DifelVimes’ Nervine

AprU 2T-Tbe Oral
priae is Uw eutatbU^eol
woo laat
MilocBleil woew
■ aa apper penianle pirl,
tioD with the beet hiph ecfaMl otatota
Jb tha elau.
Min Alice Booba of
Iimwood. look ffnt place in the
teat with a nielerl] oibUob,
Taepseand by Sword..’' Uoh Oartaoa of Bt. Joaeph took the eaoond
.with bit oratioo oo ••Art'
SbT” while third place waa
olty..with •
Bebart Ooodwin of thli olty

Man AW for Oeod Baade.
It ia aliopether likely that tfala •
aloD of the Icstalaton will aooompl

ereata sceodappeUte.stimBlstMdipeMQO. qa

In and aerns.

Sold tgr dnegUU on ffuaranuo.

Ob. tdnwn MnicabOcs, EUha)

OTipwBtof thehiphwaya In
the ante and tliataUll will be p
IwoTidinp for eebmiUlnp to the peo­
Tba firat q
ple an nsaadamt to the cmatlCaUan
' . lapialauin to appro- Che Tneene City Snnday eeboqi aseo- {
ciaUon. held Friday erealiig in ino i
(Wlala fonda for the I .
Baptist oboreh. was a cnoeets in ereiy
pernmnenl roadt io the etate.
farticnlar. The progimm was an ex- j
. ••

The tood raada moTemeat.haa
(todliisl Pesefc
aatkaoD ■ Cnarlee
oelleat one. and was soeoeasfnlly earPUM^iC BiWUm^mn
•troop-boW on tfae people c
Afiae priiea am reapi
rted out. Then was one disap­
op bafon the eleeton then ia pointment, aad lhal was the abeenoe |

of the FinI!
litt> docbl tat that it will be faronbly decided ai then U a nnl»et»l Methodist choir, which wen to here
led Ibe sinplng.' Thp other nresiMl
; dealn for better atnaU and nadi
nombors, which wen in ebsrpe of]
, .
bill mtaininp tbe prorialeBa ■
H. f.
C. Bl
ha. been tntrodnead MSanalor EarU, Will Winana wen very
. Twenty-aU menibaM of TbpTtrte
oisbed moeh oo^oymenl to the pood | mal^ mod thepieitip of eererel ImelntlS^
i iwomptu loasla ' marked the otmoloOlty Lodpa. Ko. ««, B. P. O. BUifc
0 le^a :Tbe bill I crowd that wae present.
The deTotlonel mrriee was led by' s*""
t*t**'want to Oadillao Pridny to inaUtala a new lodpe of Elka in that city.
Ber. Bodpalh, after e short sonp rajS'^/'Ss.'a* V. £lwl^
ice. TVis was follwed by e fine ae- father end mother of the
•Tha OBemoaiet of Initltotinp the liere Umt tbe meaenn will pass. OI
bis «
Miss Shoody. all of KnUMpa wan parfonnad by Traeane
■clicai by the 8(e|an qnarteU

it is not expected that Icpisls
A. H. KleboU sod
Olty memhen and tbe oeoaaton waa lion will be effected thal wUl enlhorLeri T. Penouiptoo. {weeldenl of
Miss Dorothy N iohols of Grand Bapinray lB>|*aaalTe and enioyabla.
ilw city orpasitation. pare the oponof snfBc
inpaddnss. -Wbari tbe Muter Vith
-> tc WBJ initiated, momben beMany beantifnl presents were
lived from friends who Ifans
t«p taken in Chdlllac nnd llw anrTniTeraCit^. " He n^ed the tmpM-

ids. and eel are to the howee.
aimrtmra wu mlled end with


From Mooday to ISitturday—erttf
turn in tbe ktteben work ■% WlrkW
Blue FW Oil Stove wfll we Ubor,

OeQ.8hippfa.atormMBra M<
errtUo. elolM to her* the moel |
Use e«e la the eoanty. U aot la
Is t ywn old and
laieed 18 Mmbe thns ter. thrM yean
■bo raieed twiae and foor y

time and expense—and keep the cook

No bulky fuel to prcpoc

V carry, no .waiting for tbe fire to come.
die down; a fractioo of Ae expenm
be ordinary stove.

Tbe Heywood brotbess of Kilea.
wholMaed Uaoreeof land at BeanTex., two months ego. end
strncA it ruh ia oil. write to their >
asother that they hare feu tefnaed'
gl.eoo,«00 offered them by a lyndioatel
for the Heywood well.
An event la the biatory 9 tbe coal
indnury in Mlohigna was the shipthis weak of
tbe loml mlaM in a
aingle ihlpment.
Tbe ooel goee to
Senlt Sta. Marie. Tbe ffrU shipment
of eoal by water from Bey City was
la 18W, witen 400 tons was cent onL
During the next two yean bat little
Oilpmeol !*»• ■
shipped. The lomi sblpmi
lemtban the
amonnl of dOa-yeu'l Initial .h.T..


Uii stove
will bod, bdke, brotl or fry bener thkn x


It is


and ckanly—can

not become flreaV> can not emit any

Aade in several siees, from one

burner to five.

If your dealer di>cs


have them, write to nearest agency of

Dogs sUli ooetinne to kill sheep in
reyne eodnty. Mtv Timothy Berelem, living cost of Walta. had 18
illed by dc«t tbe other nlgbU Kota
single dog IMS k>Ued. Dorlng the
put six mcmiha aWt SCO sheep here
Bound fur Europe with a cargo of
beesi killed end mnl^ied in Hi
house i<rn,luets end mieorllancoua
Beoently Governor Bllte wrote the
ofacluri-». Ibealtaniri Nunhw<.,l■cRtery of tbe navy Tequesting that
drew out of tliiciigo rin-r We.1the U. a a. Michigan be detailed
nesday beaded fur the AlUutJ
Mirbigan aad Uh
While several vessels ha\
naval brigade on a Joint cruise daring
from Kurope tn this
eoming summer, the brigades to ih.,,.
Ibegoodsbips Y'anticand nswklpg,,
uie AtUnlic. T1-- com
Tbe seeretary of »he i,^ie ouning the Xnt:lmv»l.-vu cun.
navy lias replied to the effra that if
such arrangement Is agreeable
o Koroiv-.
governor ofi Ohio, the detail will be
Mrs.'Anlometie A. Ki-.-iian. o al l­
made te Ibe week of Jnly M Ifi. Gov­
ernor Blia* is DOW in tamnranioatiOB ow of Msttiew KeiUMi. has given
|<oblic lihrawith Governor Naab of Ohio on
• ry to establisli a u.cmorislto her liussubject
bei for tl>e bride and gi
Grin Winslow, a prominent farmer leind. aad the truslrrs of the liliTurv«r expremions of love and n , .
Sand Cfeek.di^ saddealy Thurs- liave
« perhaps to an nnusaal degree
rtfell and sincere. Traverse City day. Hll death li the last In ills fam.l floor of the bnilrting to contain ihe
___ long been iwond of the fair bride ily of three in six monlha His moth . | books to be tarrliased.
for her brilliant mnaionl talent, wbleh
has made her widely known, and her erdied six months ago and'his wife | yv,,tv lonUhaw ,osi..-iuled
He was,
caeis of dispoUtion which has was buried Haroh 1 last.
her no lees love from all who quite wealthy and leaves two nephews |,ad oentinl tirnvmr.-s of Jaimn.
____ had the plcasnn of knowing her to luhertt the iDoperty.
i itaak of Jainn has them
Int^tely.^while^Dr. Bowl^^i
Bopeoollege of Holland, hu eohl |
,„abh- Is apiuvlietided.
tlto Korthera Michigan' Asylnm has lUbeanUfuI dOO-neie farm on aoHh
made a fine reeord as a physioiao
! M. Louis Gteiard. Ibe A-lebrale<d
whose earnestness In.hls profeesloo '
certain lo insure him success.
:s llial he will
Heson .
Dr. endMra Rowley will before C. Everell of ChicagA
, i the Alaiilic bv lalliKW. He will slorl
short time Ibe guests of Mr. and Mrs. moteri have coveted this spol
.IfroinbV.w Ynrk t'ity. ami lu.iiig bis
Wilhelm, but expect in the n*ar fu­ many year*. With three miles fi
icalraiatinns <in I'-iig eiqs-rK-nci-.
ture to have a home of their own. to age on the bay.
which their many friends will be wcldeep'^ler te
tl..- .verm! vuyag.. will c


nandinp tarrilory. ae
Seed City.
Amooc tha bwne adomad with aetwall knows
laei wrn
DM, Ban Barker, who arpeeta
tha Read acy poal offlea in. addiUon
ko bla newtpaper, and Q. 6. Stanley,
adlHr of the ChdiUao Daooemi, who
rant that city becanaa be U tba
■c. The other namberawen all (
IMI people. JaM BUey Blabop
W alwead exaliad rsler.

A ray pkaaaet anriniM wat pi
ib. and Mn. A. H. Brawn Than
at Odd Pellowa ball, to u

pbt dinotiob nnd in Ume stnt'
Sunday echool went of Ibe city, and
ill aooomplista wooden npo
spoke In highest terms dt Ibe work of
hlpbwsye of Mlehipnn.
ty offlras. espeeially the
Bennior Palmer aleo has a bill beC, H. Estes of Bates.
fon tbe l(«lsUtnn with aimilar i
Ris bill iwoTldes for tbe road tax
be {Bid io cash and expended npoa
need of deej
tbe highways for ImproTemente i
L protldee for a
mimioeer whoar dies qnanet was mooh enfoyad. fol­
lowing which Parker Pennington rvoilrd "Palestine" inn manner thai
held the aodienoe spell-honnd.
beantifnl instrumental deet by
Both bills an worthy of earuMt Misses OUre and Beasle Pulghnm was
Iboroaglily enfoyml. It was followed
sennet aad with two snob mi
in excellent I>e|>rr. "That Bondsy
Earle and Palmer edrooaling snob e
B^ooli Moat Need" by L. Boscoc.
which rosmined many ezcelleat end
praoiiral ihooghtii. Tbe discnealia of
thing enbetantUI b
Ibis paper was ably hsndlod by
Kennedy of die Second Methodist
cbnrch and Rev. CTilom of the Disci,
rbe Ne. new uiw
pi* church.
"The Widow's Light" wasbeantloftbonewMilwenkee aad Michigan fnlly recited by Mlm Minnie Hubbell.
after which she gave the beantifnl
Oo.'i yoatnn
way of estabUahlnp a steamboat Hoe pmlomime. "Kcartr My Ool ko
dlrcot between that city aod northern Tto-e." Mise Myrtle Gardner and Hr.
Mleblpan points Aoeording to this Herbert Welch singing for I
Senator Earle's I

■aaddinp annlTeiwiry.
The ^ipwlae
planned by Mlee Mabel Brawn and
Hn. Foeta, and waa ray nioely ariBSpad. and ooulcted of Ladlaa'i
Trararae Bar Hire. L. O. T. M., and
Odd Feilowa aod Bcbckaha.
arasinp waa rery pleaaaBtly pat
manic, apaaklnp, pamea. etc.
redtalion of Mlta Hnbbellwaai natly
aojoyad by all
A nombar o r fine
fiacinof allra wen jnaienteA
' for tba U a T.
aa ray fltAnply
r Mn. OallU Thacker and for
the Odd IFeilowa and Bebakahi by
leaeot had its Inoep4 wan piaoefnltSoB in tbe minds of promineal Mil
*ly raapondtd to by both Mr.
wankee basinem men. wfaa desired di­
witb poiBM in the
Matinp of ioe cream and aawated eake
Yean ago
-wmaaerred In the dlnlnp room, and Orand Ttaraae region.
at a late hour the crowd dlapmed. af­ exeelleot aerriee was had from here
hot Ohioapp
ter wiehlhp the boat and hoalaia many
, hapi7 rotnni of the day, and alao
tettbeymlpfat be permitted to oele- that Milwankee'was roealrlnp. and io
some way got all the boats to drop
teala tbaU ptddan waddinp.
making it
Maw ray TMr
all ahippm from this point to ship
ladpe Mayna baa handed down hla fnlght by way of Obicago.
dacdalim in the oaae of tha asditor
In 18W a moremonl was began look
Saneal ra. Iba owner of tha Ttnram ing toward the nbsldlslng of a reise:
Bead raaott taoperty. Ob^tlaaa to to tonefa at Milwankee from the nttaatonutof the aeaemment on tbe gioa of Grand Trareree bay.
inparty bad bean teada aad tha tana
for tm wan nnpnid. The
hreaphl op at the laat term of the elreoll conn fcr LMlanaa ooonty
pnlitlcm of tbe andiior peeeral for the
mle of the propeny eo

c. fine lathing benches *
t 'uHou. Fl,k I.lue.'
nnd sheltered lays for lannvhi-s. it,
One of tbe strangest derieei for will make one of the finest summer ,
onlchlng fish ever seen io the city is resorts lo the uortbwest.
S. NuImd
io display with Fill Hobbs' line of of Obicago, Ibe Lineoln Karlior land­
scape artist, in engaged lo plat tliu
elegant hotel will be
anden before tnekle
was introduced into the IslanA
iatelyand thoasamlsuf
Tfae llni. which is as lam as n dollar* will be invested to makv llntrolling liDe.’lsinade of braided ooicounot fibre. The boiA Is of bone, place mo ideal neon.
very rudely maiie.
The farmers of Kslamaxoo county,
10 the shoon ou u trailer la a piece of
ot many years ago one of the best
seashell^d some feathers sre rudely
fastened to the hook, and Hie whole wheal growing ronntu-* in the stole.
becoming discouraged over Ibe
thing had to be swallowed by Iho fish
In order
him, as tiiere is ao ravages ot thu Hessian fly. aod are
ordei to land
torb oa the book. THe hook aod line turning their ntteolion to beans, corn j
of the Teacher"
.. Bowen, who and rye, and quite a number are go. i con
enrios. ing in te sugar beets. MccH of the | dot
cxceptionallj fine aod (clpfcl taper. has a fine eolleellou of similar
laiid is bi'ing oooverted
mverteo .uio,into I- ^
W. T. Woodbonse.
wrilten by
pasture and used for graxi
Oofortunslely Mr. Woodhonae was
:ing pnrpowr. 1
that Dv. Kilmer's SaVr.pLittle wheal was planted1 Isst tol, nnd ; Rer. ihe
Iclli" every
not able to be iwesent. Tbe paper war
kidiiey remedy Icllilb
I the lesideDee '
:-gthe .theiunsiisn.
pu n a the
is also ' aito in c-gifie
the seeding of ajirlag Wbtot
w-------------------»i by Levi T. Pennlngtonleyallver, bladder Sr,d e-.-ery pun ;
.very light.
It fairly overflowed with belpfnl. ro.
fugape. It CCTTtcit l.hstlliiy ;
The village of Buchanan bsa had lo'
coniBging aad practical thoughtr
I intent.
-- ' -iliLrE pi-u 13 ps!_-r me el iitm
along the line of the leaeher's oppor. the agony dansed by Ihe nctioo of the aymreiul bnndred dollars the past
II tr.piesxsm
cor to settle esses arising from ncci- wine Cl Uer. shd o-/cicomes ihai
tunliy. by the neo of proper mean, u finid. the confessed what she bod
ntocisityel '
13 c- ohea
dent* consed by oefertive sidewalks.
overeonie evil infiuenoes in the life of
> nnd medical oasislanoe wgt i limes.
dcrlhfiiie •
conncll. becoming tired of this ;
The r.i.d Jhi ihe
the child and bring tbe cdtild U
ed. The girl stated Utst the
' affaire,
- ' g finally
finally directed
directed the;
the ; ordmsry
ordmsry rllc-j of Sa-amp>Rdot t
ChrisL .
done io a moment of desperation state of
walks ; realirec.
rtslitec, 1; tisaas the hi|
marshal io tcOT up all defi-ctive Walks
After the singing of another hymn, oanaed by domeatio trouble.
........... — dirireosiuf casrr
.Mid Whole bloek* of rickety •irt«'W»lk.;
Jang of men grading for tbe
leltace yoosl.ei;ldhsve the
have been tom opand the boards piled,
Sold 55c.
lev. D. Ooehlin.
Matirai W the Chicago, Kalsmaroi
Yov r-iy have a am-'- *■
At the bnsinem seeaion. it «i
Saginaw rallwny on the lowlands in In heaps. Some of tbe property own-.
en axe dlposed to be wrathy. but the , woedertU
elded to bold the next conventioo at the soatn-eost port ot Kslsm
"the Hole Vuker Qhnrch aerm
made an uncanny diteovery. Uae of majority 1. backing np the .conneiL 1
river." Oharlea Helm. Q. A. HoUlday
lerapera .aneorthed a neat of 4S Tbe wholesale destruction ot *he ,
board walk* will cause a boom for er-: address Dr. Kil'mer 8^ n.uv<csMae.
aad Rev. W. T. Woodhouse
■enl walk baildera
Cc.. U. Y. Wheo
elrotod as a mvnm' oommlttee. of
widi .apodra, aliovelt aad
This year's exhibition of the State
which the vioe iweaidant of the asso­ el'nbx The reptile# were curled aad
Agrieultnral society will be held at
ciation. L. Botooe. is ex-officio chair- knotted together.
Tbe next conveatiaD will oeenr
An ontbreok of omllpox is reported Poutiae, and so far a* the prMrni
ake half the clock in
ran bind Ito neeeseor*.
arty ia Elmwood township,
. . topondmaeapood'alMmer io Jnly.
tOUo, But “
elalm toing that a large porOon of for this line. So the Milwankee and
■rqaatte' rood, being
. tbe property was wild land, while tbe Mtohlpan Tnnsporutloa Co. wae orstricken with the disease. Tbe e
One of tbe moat ebarming of
farais ia that vlsialty was imprered ganlaed, Ibe Bebombe^ Immber Go.
has been generahand teverml
Abont forty-eight miles from Desdaad lUled laad.
■* are expected,
half the stock and iwoo
Iwood. B. D., Isa Bonniain of good
Wilbelm, the ooemston beini
ling tbe marThe decree pedUoned fer by tbAmost beconse he didn't want to lose
xlM which proepeetors say ia aimost
Miss Josefs
ige of their'
dltar pcnetal was greatod by dodge halt
a dock which he had shot Eogene
................... lhelm.and Dr. L 8. Rowley.
Mayne aad the ohleciiou of the ownBy the time the company was fally 'n* pretty borne on Onion street was
control of
ws of tbe property oremled. Jndpe organised tbe Bebombenn had e
elab^iV decorated with palms. vanmred <» Ihe io* 100 feet from the
the mountain. Tbe men interested
fens and fiowering planla. tbe n
Mayne based bit deelaiae on tbe mined aa option <m the M. C. Kcff.
shore, where tbe Mrd ha* fallen. Tbe
(tonnd that tbe ownen failed Map- steamer mted In the Inland Uoyde aa
ice gave way and be was drowned in
them, aad the 'oetemooy look
Tear befewe tba board of neiew In te- A 1. She was Ihoroogbly oreibanled front of a bask of ferns, ta—------ the sight of throe eompaniou wbo bad
and refitted, her |»iiiigir capacity ptnk and white blomoms, which with remained on tbe abose, wbo
tm the andll
Incnaeed to 40 and her fnight Mpneity tbe white Tor rng and mtlo kneeling able to tender him any oasis
cushion formed a perfect setting for
A Urge nnmbor of Cfiticago Kalian*
aired. Her cabins an neat­
o^ved in PlinI Tsaaday evenine to
ly finished and fitted, her il
of roots
a S. S. ia a combinseiem
roomy end oomformUr, ell wish enP tbe Lobengrln wedding msroli. played soenre work on the new Grand Trunk
and herb#
herbs of grest
great enratis-e
C. bell line work. Wbaa they
aide srindowe end electrial UghU. and ^ ^im Alice
and when taken
Uken into the circulation
An importonl,weoili§ of; the board
Toimed that their aervice*
aneioellim table is siwead for.pese- ria^'hw
•caichea ool
oot sod naoovfe
nanc-----------------all manrjcr
u^^^d Uw fa^i
nf pnbllr
pebllr wiins
wms was bold Friday
needed they refused to leave tbe of poisons Irom
eagera. Unptain Oandersoo is
the blood.
.inp in the citf clerU oOor. Seraal
town, while the chief of pollee re­ tbe least
---------------------shot* or haym
,----------lo the
; system.
whom tweengen wiU be gUd to
important matten 9
contrary, the
general health
Btoet. and ereryihlng is to be of the white ribbooa. carried by the Hisses fused to tender
dispoeedof. «. *,
* '
Baruh Prall aod Mabal Batea
begin# to improvr from the first dose,
nntil ibev were oum
beet aboard tbe boaL
First eame the maid of bene
kb* city while theirofS.S.S.isnotonlyabWjmnfire,
Tfae oScers of tbe ram[may an: Oraoe Wilhelm, sister of tlie
Tlwy are .
dot Portes are
are being
faeinn wired
" excellent tonic, and ArengthPnoldeot. Fredartok VT. Steyexof tbe whose blond beeatr was aooax______ Obiosgo sothoritiei
1aadceR^^.^Btodbr- the city In

bv a dainty gown of-bine siD moutse____ ; while purging tbe blood of importIn Korthweetetn Malleable Iran Go.. laine over foie blue sUk.and the greet
the ^.^ifllof eenmnlI walks
*™ ' tiea. S- S. S, cute* all diseases of a
dealer of pink
brideanmid raam
Tbe fires extend over a j Uood person origin. Cancer, Scrofula.
which she earried.
imher Ot teowM
Harbor; aecntaiy. M. J.
Following her
Urge leiritoty.. ThU U the earUsM | Rhenaiatiim, Cbronic Soma and
flower girl, Mias Dorothy Sldiols of in many yean that tbeae fired harei Clccrs. Eexema. Ptoriasis. Salt
I With i
^OBberg Lumber Co.: d bWa who looked like
i Rhemn. Herpes and aimilar trouble*.
ttMsnrrr'^V'l k««aL manager. Otto
ber filmy vl
rbltc dreta :
one exeriXiOB all have etood tbe
At MnAoTOB at tlw funeral of S > ■»<> >4 u infallible cure and tbe only
W. Bchomberg of tbe Bebomberg _______ a tottei of _______
ao far as they bfre teen appllqd.
Lnmber Co. The atoekbolders are all Ulle* of the valley, whioh
The eoatnei for furniahiog tbe
wbo was deooratod with «VlT-«*J«vd i«. |
iwoakijtrnt bnaiiMas men of Mllwea- tervd in tbe path of tbe bride,
er^*to^ ee
followMl.Uanln« on ber. father's
and looking like a pdeture in ber per chains. whlA the little one and , „,^^^tares is a
and Bark streeu
I .let to Arms &
ber pUymates bad Mode at tbe kinder-Lf. & S. S. is more popular today
gown of while pean de sole,
OA lor 881.
point lace
' i and ^fl'»
trimming, and ^urten te that day. whitdi
whidi was ber j than______________________
than ever. It nnmber* its___________
friends by
Hugh Prooly wM.«ptoyedm.ex. :*"P'“•••«' M*'-»«kee andn^-


The Oldest and Best




me Defron Jenratip



The Detroit Journal
BO nteniimsr bo cdcssibc scbem i bo HtiNBUfi i

Til tot. eUcBt, Ctotol Hmftte Piliiilrt tw tli Met
91.00 PER YEAR.

The Store That
S J People Stiek To...


The store that people stick
sticks to sundartls.

lo is

the one that

This is one o( them.

We have

altka>'s preached good clothing, and if anything w ere ,
needed to convince the piibltc of our sincerity, it j
would be found in the fact that we arc the sole rep- !|
resenutives here for L. .^dl^:^. Br^- & Co., of Roches- "
ter. N. Y., whose clothing is so favorably known to so
many particular men who formerly patronized only
the merchant tailors.

The growth of our business

has been steady and sulKtantial.

Right clothing,

right treatment and right prices have done it.
want your patronage, not occasionally,


but all the

When we sell you a suit or an overcoat bear-

ing the label of L. Adler. Bros. &

Co. we feel ptsr,

d of
fectly confident that we are making a fast friend
you: we know you will get your money's worth—more
than that, judged by the merchant tailor's standard. *
For L. Adler. Bros, ft Co. garments are fit to match

on at the eememry'. Tlmbo.rdwdli:*"“*?‘'“I«t»^««f^“^recommend to Ibeocmnell that blssal-.““*'**»nkfprt. Empire.
atvMr fixed at »U net month
Glen Haven. Glen Arbor. North
^mmend to the!
Pier. Kertbport. Omena. Battoas Bay.
il,tbtt the »
Tnvsne City. Elk Rapida. Norwood.
done for
at pnttlag
tn the bcncrele curb *
. Charlevoix. Boyne City. South
and gntraadiaerat to tbe court bi
East Jordan and Petoekev.
gnmnds on WaAiagMa eqmd.
Tbe Neff will make thU port every
that the width of tberoadwurbe
Thnoday moralng. stopptng at tbe

Tbe Detroit Journal, Senri-Weekig.

with the finfst made to measure—not in looks only,
but in wear.
Prtvnie Srelngbora of Armada, bos .
ropal servlae was Imd {7 Bev. c!‘
BtoaL reetm ot Graee Etfimo]
ohu^ Ibe note* of Bchubert's Bei
aoda bUading softly with tbe wm
osd adding to their dweemuas and a

than toe ordinary practitiotier u'
A Portland ■
luring a while toL aaatly lullgrown, makes a specialty of no one disc*
the wmtb MdejS*^*^^
tfae otoer day. aad wlU save him te
fiartst. urns gtvaa tbe contract tenet-1
Seginew while Jimmie Kiefaart
e mt'wuela a newt, which
ting oalsad coring te twobedeofj
rcred by toe removul <d a
teteUM UkeAvt-[*“ drinking us public pomp, e ___ ___________ es at tbe Mte's table
Mcn.ted.oU toe rest of lie
'.emthe------- iges ponred tbe oootenU of e hot- srere pmk aad while roses and at the
Imve any Mood
» of toe ordfamty gisy ool- ,00 to write na
dctodstronfale. Wc make ao chase*
wtoUiirlor thU dark*.
.. J«w viu eaeeedsUpMt noerda.
[tbe ecotaBm of tbenoit



grand traverse

HeWaLP. MAY 2, 1901


Il would give us great pleasure to show you oor

Writteto bUj-t-l. to to. •5«,S«^’;Stiro pron^ aod cmufnl
that be .sen route te bom* from lie-igtlentioo. Our phri5^have maifc
niU 'and has > FU^too wife with alile-longstody^^^^SkinD

new arrivals from the "Adler " factory, even though
you haye no intention of buying.





tbe (haw barlDCflnB plntrofwa*w. Tbe OBtpBt la aaMaMa
laatbaa <».000.«a(l. Haa;
mj It wUl reaeb <30.000,000.
“AeafithBfertbe eoaetraetioa
han^Sm^ ■eanroBaly eiTcaBb-j
MMiacor (becQBSsUt* eUwantOB tbeeast ddeofBt.... pedeii an will rnabias te KniBaa
ataatBl erideaee'ef tbeir eTBpatfay.
|>TU VM b»U HocutaT »r»- Steweed areeae ae te aoetbaeSar- Ozeek, whieb U aowetaked Bcre dia
an^Ekadlke seek. There U alao
m — bulBMof tbe jmi
Bitwe CB atreeti aad walka
etampede (0 Gold rinr. Ongotaf*
m tkma .p ud lb. anr MoaeU
•OIMM^UiUmi d«aln >1! elMiwL
high a* <00,000 to tbe ton late
B. Walt, P. W. Kasa. E. E. Killer toaad ca Twetn-Klle inlet.
AU«r«b. Bemtan wm pttwct exMr. aad Hr. WilUam Oriep.
wen apiMTod ea itieomBeadaBai *
o^it AldoMB HkaiitoB of tboPim
tbe obbbIMm OB Uoeaiw.
ward and AUtoHa HMliari (nxB ilM
ne ooBiBlttoe <ai elalau and
SeeoBd. AUrau 0'K««d VM ia liii ooanU reporteo oUlirii to tbe aaiOBat
teldlBC •Ultet^ tboaewb^Miht^l tr.
Mrer been ciatfl^
ciatfled. and
aad at i1 *>tl>
'nth an aati-reptie dreedne. lo^ap-;
of»i.8(S, wUefa arere allowed and or­ alatiaBe alone tbe railroad liae, dnr. Parle haeI berer
tlaw MOBW tb^^nt roe-1
*°°°^ at cm ax teoeire^
dered ptld.
Tbe etataaest of the
Th* Batter of water werfca ucteatioa
which pterenu______________ ______
heard of pabUo weeki called for Ine the niefat liBe, aad ban tnen
boedi will be elond up thU WMfc. In and of tbe water ooBmlBioD
detta laelaiMMo^of iore.adrea- twell^ an^d^BBs^be^nred
aboiB, wonadiac cereal
aad bBBor br aoofa well kaown
alliaobabiuty. The eoansllare ttred <1.001. If, which wen aleo ordered
Bi doriiwt their depredatioai. Obiaof daUjrfac with H. W. Harrii A Oo.
w hare been the priadpal ceSereta
and when tbe aattcr of the bond DDblle wo^. Ba«b Proaly. nleoted
Two weU known Anetrlaa aeleoaw iwineiplr aad U tbe beet home
oaoMlee War bnoffal ap bj AUenaan
tsmnt ihii can be frirea to eou. |
\U tbe boerd at eextOB at tbe crae data. ProfoBor LoeOer aad a Dr,
itoalarta. lawa were eet aad (be al. bane, aealde aad I
Uhlemth. aanonnee that they hare
danaaa deed tbe ooeMtee wltii tbe
orMaat tateatloa of dlapcwtac of it In
oeptiUe film ore? tbe iniored jbi* ,
beard KndinA wae adered o
ancTfoVBiatiBs. Altem Hon
aeainit the foot aad Booth
which eielodee the air and anae* tli<- ‘
Btb aide of WaablDietoa adjaoent aalBal
Bear exdaiaad (bat tbe TiaTerie
---- ^n.1. - —
-— -■
___.d J
matBration ami,
--------- Boart boote anrande, for the
teqalred by the j
pnulnr la of a eoBcrele onrb and ant­
ler. Tbe Width of tbe roadwar war foer to eight weeke agaiott infediao j deacril
aot aold to K. V. Barrie * 0)x Tbe
made SO feet.
tatttr bare dallied ■> hxw that fiaallj
At tbe asweatlon of tbe critr clerk, from the
M BOtlOB of Aldersan BlcAer. (be
It Tialt to her old bqmr at f Tbe> World'e Wodk now beaming «aai nee. Por ealc by F. c! TbomraByw aad elerfc were antborlxed to the BS^cr and elerk were authorized
,__ areoBd rolruae. hae won*^^t» r^y .
tonefOttateateBpomrr loanofM.tOO Grand Ledge. Hn.
win tbaa a «M«7 ae to their aeoepi' te t
'rapidly. Tbr ^y nnmber eorer* im-.
balance all aeoonnte at tbe end of dog oat of a flower bed a ring that
^e newt|Iiid.
'land. Merloo,
Mertoo, Ooba.
r ‘
-Mdee t______
The tnasnrer'i______________ _______
wUbia M besre. to eell tne
bent for <30.000 wae Ignored, with of tbe find retailed in the retnm of a' ^“en<m mattera
TtarernCKtj taaaka Tb
P>B»k Votrnfeaand A. T. Friedrudi
“e plemben boor'
A peUtlw hoB Icadinc ivopertr
and W. J. Bebbt
ihoogh ad aerated dt theft, wat eo neewd with tbe natter. Seuaiof PUtt
A coBtnet drawn no byLO.B.7.;deprwtedbytheba]lneinaflooth.tbe;of paaoectloaa ThltU not oulr a
>t for the nanxfer________
^Umtra^wfa *.t„q«Bd,th.thelefthOBe.d.d[“2“^,.i“‘ • hUtorioU
hUtorloal paper'pf
paper pf >««U»v co, cb««, «,«„ v«.
•Mat to OarAeld aetsae. ae toon at
knows a* Bmat
Park and EattBar;.—, _» m. _«..i___ ■.____ ___
„— -■arkiind
«reBl ralae
Park to the dtr.
t pirtnrei of
ty a readable
Tte 'atdSBaa Honta^ moeed by tbe mayor
tMtthlabaaaix laoh laaln. aad tbU
.*r.'.r.T l **“*»'\ Speuoer. who hat
lartlole'on "Tbe Kitefara <3^a
BOtioB waa aapported I7 Aldermen
dae DBBber of The Oollook. Tbe
r»»dfy wire «we ByBltbeeebeew
2d1bol!^« biHduSSS^^
wae SI yean old s*'-—'
Saturday, n* -iw.hh-btr ef The Oa.loot
article oatUner a met pictareeqae 5SS,.V*.
£T .
a Hx laeb main oarTbe eo______
eoatiad will be algaed
dgaed at ODoh.
G io fair
It it nadetyto
Jed before_____adjtmmnt. 0. K. ; that he doet nd Intend to terlte a
Beak of tbe brmrd of pnblle
:;ol h
hit worta . He bat I
tbe work 00
eU -weia (aToablp reported .(7 tbe
tiled tlw ettea- ‘-« ru.Bmo BBiooiognpny, wniet
fiiaiililllei OB Ueoaeee, aad waa an
tioa oftheeoaaell
____ .9 tbe fact that jalreedy partly printed, bat will
The ooBunittee exjdaloed
make and mil mrmthllea Adni ''
beimhltobeddartaghifUfettne. I
ml finely
y illattnied.
comparable with ite moat exnro
wbere a naa'e aaae aneiared twloc,
eompetibm rather chan with the rret
<30 mere, and wat antborized twlbe'll" world, bit phlloaojihlcal wc
be bad bean
reqiured to rjaalif;
of the ten cent poblieatlonz. The
go OB with the work. &aid) j bare nd
ta doable tbe anoaol erf the ala- epnstdl
00 ilzpictore.
n, Bond, tbe leeoiiu paper print­
cla bead On Botloa to aperoee the aoddieg. bolld the fenoet duir- ; The
tbe able*! wnterz oontribole iit araw boode. Aldentan Wiiaut'v^
ed in Oerman in Switxcrlaad. hat ■ ticlez and ztoriez.
water, laying ir. inch maim if DM«t. I <oa« article on the dlicOTety,of the
------------. ,
aary. Tbe eeeneil wat in a good bn-'mere
bet did it for_____________________
I of bit own.
amatear.-Adolphe Gartner,
23>e aaoaal rapartt of oOoerc oeeo- Bor. and if Hr. Bock had atked fora.-------robbery. They farced the main doors
pM a large cbarc af Ibc cedioii, and deed to the park, it might here bi
been working on tbe inrenlion (or of the "AUika" saloon, carried cat
the repent were of aeeb intamt, granted him wlthont qaettlon.
i;or ; aereral yean, bat. by a haopw aeei- the SO-ponad safe, plaoed it in an ex­
- Al tbe oloM of the aeitioo Ua<
press wagon and drore oalside tbe
Friedrich took '
-------n;v-r----------------------•—_ the-dent,a few deyz ago be dizeorered city limits. After leinrely bruaklng
' for tbe
opra tbe safe and aecnring lb coo-1
■•artrr ioor
Hh report of (»iaf ef PoliaeBaa.
tenu they l.eadcd the horses Inek to
1 einiple remedv, A1-.
Ble ehowad tlmt daring tbe ywwtdhad been diffznoeea of oslaioa. be' Irr ahowi magniSoenl epeeimest 00
elTerr.-scent. I tVirui-e:
lag April 1,16 amaubre bean made:
Wbooetag I osxh.
Kt'-ex-ei tTomlde sjiriag in '
ler Tiolatlea of tlie bioyele ordinance.
y*: S.*T •
V‘>^in «.d giata. in oolor.
A woman who hat had experience the world, at Alnui .Uirh. 8are. afr
W for onakaniMataad dltordorly canwith this diaeaae, tells how to {ire- Al dmggists.
doet. oat fer riolaUon of tbe Are orablllty. and
aatorod I
Oarrie JKetion wfio iz in jail
rent any '
dtnanoeaad (me for injary to ebade
, To Motbara in thlaTown.
Maa Vifty-two htre been lodged In
: <^>r three cfalldn-n
t.-emj. .aj
the elty ioek-np aad nleoead whan
win ir.e,tT<liB U-elxr <;rsv-.
eobw, n hare been giren nlgfat't
lodgiu In the IdA-ap and ItlaiTe







SSlf bfd?dZriimff ^To^Sd!*”*^









that along tbe right line.


year weald alwaya be a plaaeant
and with tbe additiont
to him, be ajpM thanked tbe
BBde MiiBg the year, (bo ptaeent
.._ioll for their H^nMa and otmrnlai 4d the fire departae-*
He eepeoially thanked City
Clerk Bickatd for hie help, whieh no
so ftauifol, exnerienoFd and
boz alanne
Actnall^ capable an ofBoereonld Uve twoderad.
Clerk Riokerd srat then asked to
wben water or
wai nzed
BBBbarad UiBod banting ofalnmeye A meak. aad be spoks briefly of tl>e
Thera wat Me falie alarm.
Orer II.400 feet of hoee wae hid at
Area and tbe dapartmeot uaTalad in
yar has ameaniad to <1.800.
inBaking .net loee,
iMtOB Chief Beanie (hanked
dlte their eloM attaotiai
■ perBinlngtothe welfare of
and tor the enpport
in tbe work of the
alto expreaeed bit
of the Bemban and
n eflfae depeitBant
mt for tl
In the parfonaanoe

tM year.



MphyeSeiaa wa^eah^"___

ofthelr namixr. It Is sappoeed tbe:
attempt was the reenlt. The mine!
log the DigbL a
this moniag wl

nate of the Lawrenee. Kan.. Indian
' ■'
indastrbl school
While attending
that inelitatioa he leaned Uie tailor­
ing Mde and 101*^ great pride in i ^
iag fab ovra elolhtng.
Since the' tk. m
death of bit father he has tpeni maeb Gtmda<
of hb time in intrododnghlz father's
last book. "Qaern of the Woods."



'Frinay.tna 1-aUi^ay of June. A. O.

mill SAL

ifit PRICE
A $l'»> Value.for.............................. $117
^ SI <-‘i \ aliie for.............................. SI •’
Slli'n \‘alue for............................ SI .'s
Value for ... ...... ....................... $17:
\'alue for..............................
S;5.7>" V.-iiui; for.............................. Si'.Tg
S4.i*i Value for................................... $-.;.7:
$.*1131 Value for......................




^ SI i«i Value for................................ $(ii7'



Sl'.rd* V aluc f_.
........... , .....
S".7-’> Value for...............■................ SuTis
Sl.iM Value for................................. $i..7.',
Sl-’>ii Value for...................... ......... S"'.**'
AL'R KliGUi.AR lines of Union Made
W Goixis are so -large an«l ^-aritd that
you cannot fail to itnd what you want.
I'ivery Iniiton. everjbutton hole, every seam. Hi. \ te tltwirable fabrics desirably mailc- .A new garmentforany tiissutisf.iciioti whaTever.

intMfl STORE

this (Ueeks

:u<-v,'tlios<< Itching, pes-'
s cl till- skiD. Pol an i

Big Display



A Unir anwa.


Funeral Director.

F.ACED. FROM Si.«s UP. : : : :
AT 25c.

'Phone M-S ringi, Citv.
C. L. LcK-kwood.U. P. & T. A .
Grand RupidA

lood Billers destroys them.

Keep Your BoweU Strong.

I yonr bowels are cut of orticr. Cxi-'
[cari-u Candy, Caihanic will make)
d'PVye'a caspenion are nnder > S"nb-»" >“'*■‘1 b,... ' them an natnrallv. Oennine tablets '
BoUiFb.s>.«y,. K.
; itamped C. C. C, Never sold is .
Frye b at tbe oity boeplBl at
ibulk. AlldrnfigUu. IOC.
ihe point of doth, Hbbody Isriddied wHh bnlbu and he
five terioai woondt,



eome mis Week and
' Bring me ebildren.

For the Next 30 days will be 0 selling
asti • IbUTTb l-itT.- U B<4 s anark mMirlae


____... WhS.______

hzre'be«<l!3L«t!'Sd SrZ



: t;-

Last week we received a


M?yw.y«Ma. (hitb..oiv.4ib>.






> j Li

! '7.^'
* ^yi^B.
I. ppoBATe»BMai-«TATgiip»r:wax.
r I'RUiir •< OtaaO TraMw. n fiitiii

-tola. IS IV niDi<-r U mi italv

I- *;■ Ml, M T™—„ ..I,, u



I i fcSjsur.’i-SSsySw
* 1— -> r—,... r-ta
d„ -M. M,—..
k f-e -r-4lt<« ■■■ |M-bi cbMe cUliv


I Bamillon Clotbina Co.



Carload of
Top Buggies,
Gentlemen’s Driving
Wagons, Road Wagons,
Platform and
Spring Wagons,
And this week a Carload
of the Famous Dolson Buggies.

Ferris & Cliampney

.1—.MRl >«>u saM tliu
tb. l•1II>■-od- it
..l4cnr |.rst
inv 1I..T i.1i.i>fii-ir«ibA.a .AH) ..taR' m.. \w
i..T»-.uu, T
-Rh.v 1-n.JB II u cd-*nl. tVl lb. Sl.1
.Ui -A k>r S.-.I al'-4..4i Id tb.1 M.llVuliu. <iOu.-. V Maeb'Oh.r b.»rHia

t '- ■.UllBV la^UI ..Wilr JtSnbilTTs.rTK.

next Saturday ' 11-

. - . .7 •

~ Ble ;ih.'JtU), Jlihaod'^Jth MxT*f«
<i:i.;5. -Leave ln-r« II;l.yn. m and
arrive in BnSalo 0:14 a. m.
__ hen i;:0Do. B. airirv in Buffalo c JO
■nseiB !
CCC NzvwsoU bhA

1 .



offieiab and Tiebiert of the bw in Lcmg Lake lale
Tbnnday nigbL reinlted probably fa­
tally for Edward Frye, an alleged

irtMle north ooantry U 1
having a elty damping gmnd waa al- than a qaarter of an inot
iag fallen during tbe Booth.
nbbUb h w
etlr m tb, nivRw aarfbr.^ IV
Tbe trial of Jallaa Lorenz, charged
Atof aSne
with a anrdznoi acaali apoa Got­
ha anniBl report of tbe dliweto of tlieb SobecB. y la pragieoa at Mnikepoor diowa that 9S peraoBi or fam- gOB in thecircnitbooit. Tbe formeTia
' hare bean aided \Sj the city dorzrlfe, over whom tbe troable oroae.
Mr. James Brown of Patmoath, Ta.
laatified that Sobte exerciaed a spell
iri-Kifoel. <U.78_:«lothl«.J^
over her. by wbi^ sbezraa compelled
BBl. <106.84;
to obey fab wilL Err hnehoad tried
tTt.U; medieiaA <30.10; fnoeral exward off Sebeem-s infloenee by
pinm. <33.30; other iBaa. <41.31.
The aBoeam expeoded for the aid means of charms, and. ZalUng In thla,
it b allegwi. aamnlted him wlUi in­
tent to-kia Both prindpola an Oerman brmeta
Ovorgu train near UaooB,
------------ iidofpabUe w____
Vbile tbe fine min from Pekin to. szearedfiSka Tbeyewaped.
ed a tall mort of the work‘d the
pBBt w. In tbe fand of etreet dlt- Tien Tain waa uarorslag tbe (ridge
Danger, disease and: death follow
(rlet So. I the total reeelph for the betwsM Lo^a aad Tang Teon Snaneglect of the bowels
Use DeWItt's
yazrharebean <IA64S.48. wblehhet
been balanoed by the expenditarea dar morning it waa denlled throagh Little Early Risen to rtgable them
ooll^pae of a celneL Elevea (%1The reeelpu for the 1-----------------------hare been
. <3,388.78
J3,188.78 and
aad theexpeedi- near wenJilUed aad ftrty OUneae
^ »<
........................-1. ...............^a
latrimra haU.,,
(mlonoeol Md twmuy Amerimna lajared. One
gripe. F. G Tbompeon,
St Aaron. Mo.. Ime
Idaviag a bMnoe
flayed, bi and boriad flee mca at a
ciablag In fab yaohi and
Herr Qaro. hb pzivale eeceetaiy. were
reoeallv mardeied by aatlTee of tbe
--------- -------------------■M<a.m -J of Kew Britiaa. off tbe north
aot coast of Fapoa. Berr Oato's body
eaa eaten.
teg U tamndzary or permBaenl as
The steamer AmarBonday bteoght
•ews of Urn Kkmdika ctson ap in |«oinaa. BWedngb In tall ageatlM.

ETs-S:”!.’!^'“I"* ■■


, To FtMefick. il.i,. May «th. n-lura
limit May I..
Oi* fare for rooud

trftbe late t*lef. Simon Pokagon of ^Tbompaon.
Hartford, b new. b., Indian enetom,
JaM-O. the New Deeeart.
chief of the PokagoD tend of PoRa-





Feteri fine an raging al a no
F nnw peninanU poiati, and nnless with izx'AL APPUra-noye. s> Umt esBB«
’wmA <br Ml c< tb.(atbrvb m s
TheregiortraaoBBeodedtbat Bop- then U a dmohlng tala aeon, 1


^ ^HIS timp wc have lo- offer <Pu a
W sample line of Goodspurchased from
the represcniative of the famous Sweet.
Ofr itCo. ata Bit; iJiscount, This firm
is noted throughout the United Stales as
being one of the foremost in the manufac­
ture of high class union made goods.
^HIS stock 'consists of Tams. Overalls
W Shirts, etc., in a large variety of pat­
terns, sizes and slylcs-a choice scUciion
- a money saver to the laboring roan.’
2? 771 quote you a fiew prices to illustrate
what you will lirKi when you call:


■o'^n Arbor,
, Mae 18th. re------n -------limit —..
Ha.r ...
oai- fan- tor
Aceoan. May Morical

-----------------------------:E|>wotfh League meeting Big Rapids
"The Dootors fold me my Miu.-h ,‘*'«riet.
0 Boffalo. N. T. SpvebI
SpwUI rate S.15
3U da.v limit., M-A- am-nl.
Silver. Kc ; Stntford. N. H-_.
C. L. Lockwood. G P. & J. A.
IB yen'' !■ hot foaod relief from n
ibbora oongh. donf despair. One
Minnie Congh Con has enrrd tbonsWl.y ran -ar m.1 obZaio While Lead

.aiJS.%okmton,only living cbl.d:“’'.W‘St^5o^on*^

at the very
sront point for osaistj
to reoeh the
aaffenrs from the beaten
linu of
trareL Tbe train. wae the Michigan
flyer, which la doe in Dayloo at C;30,
and it WM ranniag at a epoed cf per
hape 70 milee an boar. At the poini
wbere (he aoddent oeeaitvd the rivet


An attempt to blow op the Midland , SsringrUle. Ala. For ale by F G,
Platter Company's mine near Grand
Kapida was■ frastnited
by timely dia- [ Elmer Bnrritt Bryan.' profeaaor of
: corery of a fnae> atlaclw
’ and ped^ogy £ ibc Indialily;, kat been offer^ and i
poandt of dynamite.
e. Tbe ri

tbe explofioa would baeo wrecked the. ,
>e paat fire and
>endad the (althfalncBOf
(he e
plant oompletely.
dermanand eitr nfBofiSnbd thanked
Mr. and Un. flrtlliam W. Robert, I,,^^hzB^^^for their eoorteiy and
of SL Joaeph. zneh aged ». went'^r w
Alderman UoalagnA who rt-tires af­ soBtb for tbeir bcoUh. bnt caddrnly electric

}o tbe n
ter aerring aa alderman from tbe first • - - ward for a term of foor^eara. also
made a miring ip^ He wpoke of
some of the decided differeueee 01 go, when both wen stricken with
opinion that bad eome ap doling the poramooia, and an laid to be lying Food iz not noariihiag until it is diyear, and of tbe lafretraent '‘eoniie'' at tbe point of death. They alsnya grated. A dista-_________________cannot that have oooorted in tne eooaeSl. bol expressed the dexin to die together.: digest food, it moat have aulsUnoe.
expreaed the belief that all were
Igesu all
working for (he beet IntereeU of the aad it may come trnr. They have
ithool al from the
been married 50 yeara
oity ai they aw them.
e alomach. allowing
.. to
g it
j I gain iu nataial (or

t. poaeibly 34 feet
ether tbe eheU of
Bi|H>t in the depth of the
earre one
oz» of tbe ■____________
emaU track heela of
—. ez«liM
.jgim broke, throwing t
th. tcaaee. 3 deatht; eearlet ferer, O machine into the bai
aaaca, 1 death; eaiall pox. I oaae, no ewitdi^
*1^ oatward Sver thdeath; rhiokM^j^ 1 cate, no drath. edgw Patrick
Pawiok DooUnc_________
po<^ of Lima Mg^hls
fireman. Raymond HoElroy ■
Lima, were iulutly killed.
Aaeng the Injared were Phil Brewa
of DotrolL Mieh.. and K. W. Sha­
apUaBie. AU ware of a mild eb____ man of PoBtlae. Mlofa. TbeelxothOhio and Eentncky patrieo.
beew aa foUowe: Diphtheria 6 caaea. I
--------------------------------- -eafideaP

ss^si^,^e:^^s:s^■__ _

feared that her mind tna glreo way I ont in marh better besith
th«» otlirth ^_____
andot the strain and excitement ]oh‘ldrr^ whose jianyitz


Ska*aaardeBabh pride in tbe exeelhMeflwaUy'eflredapartBMt. At
tbe eloB «dtbe .raport, AldatBan
HniUigae Byrad ^(hat the rapm be

liipariBWit dnrtM


He stated

hBBttira. and
BCBtef wbiefa c
9^ ~w^be.'pro4L“ne°tc^
^liBTB in\l5%r:
tfaa year bare bees <t.OlfCoi.
*^e\nasBud bis beM w
tbe aaat year tbe flneat of
bBibanadded te tbe deiawk
tbe BBoant of <616.63. aad to tb.
abra aydea to (be amoBnt of <1S3.


|Uiiioti made
t Goods! t


<:Mr ..*kvada7 tVOM 4ar w XmL IS IV

S We have added to our stock, this spring, a line of....... &







and Skirts « «



They are pronounced by our customers to be the
best values ever offered for the price. See them before
buying and it may save you' some r^rets. Oar spring
line of Hosiery. Underwear and Notions U tbe most
complete to be found anywhere, and can't’fail to interest you.



Cbe Savings Bank Bazaar.




Tipi - - -





a B. nmletrof

U WM Totad wiUi.

u. ui.-'* “ **»• ““y *

will be BBocmDe^ taler.
( baaim U Itra* B»taMa
Pnmb Head*, for Kreial fetn lo
tbeersplorof JametO. Jobiuoo lo
tbe dru(! alore oa f>OBt atreet. ha* deelded to fro loto baalnea* for hlmielf,
asd ha* purchaaed tbe drofr baalBea*
and *toA of P. W. Sane oa Sooth
Doiou (trret. ontntc of Serratb. Tbe
deal ha. »*eo cJomd hot lb* tnnefer
of the jropeTlj will not lake plai
tUI next week. P>* lareiilotT wiU be
takea at emoe.
Ur. Kkne ha* BOt aanOBBeed hi* inte«nena t<m the (otore, bat triU take
areft for etiin*. Mr. Ueodahaea
. boat of friend* who trill wtab him

Jofaa (irand leu reiaored to Bo^
Oltr. where he trill make hi* bom* la
tbe fnlnie. Tbe bariaew of tbe Arm
of Grand & aitlelle 1* faeoomlnK io
extended that it U aeooatarr to bare
a man la obarjr* of »b«
line. Hr. Grand will aarerriaeirallr
for tbe lumber bueJneae there. Mr.
OUlette will remain in thG cit? and
look after tbe teiik ;arda. and be will
be aielaled la tbe 1amber boaiam here
br Will Grand, a brother of the
lenlor partner of the Arm.
Ur. Grand baa manp frieadi hen
who will ngnt that be sa«t leara
tbe citj. bat will with him mui^raooca* at Bojae Clt;.

Rod aed (ieorteb . .
nie aannal meetinir of the TiBrene
OltyBod * Gan Club wat held Taeodar
eraning in tbe oAtae of O. P. Carter.
' Tbe aannal eleotioa nralMd Be fob
Piwtdait—O. P. Oerrer.
Vice prealdeal-A. B- Perry.
Beentaiy—Fred D. Oartta.
Tteamer-^Tilltam UaireL
Oeptala-B. D. Alley.
Uemben of tbe ExeeatWe t
J. tt UeOoBgb. D. OodSlia.
Two aeT memb«n were reoolrad
lalo tbe elab. O. P. Oerrer aod H.
p. Alley wen api
to aoUcit fanda fe
be expended by A. B. Itany.
Hemaw Raee MeMiaa.
Then wa*a good altendaora Of
boreemrB at tbe BeeUag of the Trar.
aree City Drirink Part Aaeoeialion
Jlaaday night in tbe parlon of Botal
WbiUnir and it wa* daeided to hold a
anmnier meeting with a rarira of Ant
«tam erent* oa the Ard, dih and filh of
Jalr. The atTangement. bowerer. will
largely depend npon wbetber there
.rdi to be a oelefaratlon of tbe Poanb
Uili yrar and It wae deeided that tbe

eetabtatioB Ua eetabratlon i* lo be.
It wa* decided to bold BDOttaa
ametlnt next Uoaday night to perfeci

Ymb( Mra-* HMiaa.
An latraratlng and pRAtabta i
arof tbeyoangmra wa* bald 8aa<
day aflarnooB at 4:11 in Uoa<
ball, nadertbe Iraderdiip of PioL E.
B. Swift One of the plraolng fratan* of tbe meeting wa* tbe riolia
maale fniniibed by Frank Btafau.

bora ha* been niminted.
Tbe only oral a*ide from the ban
malmtal need, ha* been for the man
laid the oemeot AoorS- Be
■ofaarged $12 for.hU nerrioei. Tbe eotin eon to tbe elty ha* been leei tbao
Had tho work heeb hind inMeed
of being doB« by the An taddlee. U
wonld hare ooet at Irait fits.
the tare one of .yrbiWi the oily
may well be ixoad. and wbieh for
oWtneea and eooeeoieaoe. ta oxoelled

What look* Tery moch like robbery
and WiU probably land at taati one
Stan In tail ooenmd Tnoeday eeening, a* a 'nraU of which Martin
Badloir U nearly $100 pootar than be
Ko arrest ^ been
made a* y«t, bat the jaauWha* been

It appeui Umt Hartio KadloS,
German who ha* boon employed t
ill of B. J. Morgan «
river tour miles sostb
of tbe city, ha* been eavlng bii mon.
ey, and carried it vritb him. done np
in a bolt that he won next lo hie
Radios wae paid oS Batantay
ing, and since that time ha* not been
employed by Mr. Morgan.
Ho ha*
beea baring a good Ume. la
however, and it It acid waeptetty
id craraely able lo navigate.
He mya that m eamiulon went to
te BarUiaantel booae vritb him.'
when he lodgee. and helped him
get ta bed. Whan he orote be wm*
mino* hi* taoaev. which, be ray*, wm
betwMo $W and $Rn.
Chief of Police Bennie bad on in­
terview today witii tbe man wbo aoHe admit­
ted being with him and helping him
ta andnm. bnt denied any hsowtedge
of the money.._______________
BooMr Ovm*.

TioBi meeting to oonaider ttaa Bottar

I membera of tbe todira’ Libra­
ry Bsaocdatlea enloyod another of
day la tbe liWaty raomi. Hn. C.
R McMoaae trad from Jerome K. Jee “TbneMeninaBrat,”

««ednpoo_-----------------------------------------day eftanotm, at which time it ta raP
pectally Btsedthal alt intenated la
Tbe Oak Park padra elab met Satartbe work for yoaag maa be preerat
day aigbt with Mr. and Hn. Bay
Oelman aT-East Eighth etreet. Card*
Tide* tor font oASeen, ptraidenh
daneing and game* wen enjoyed and

(aeetlngt. Ane^. nifaering and ooetal
fratant i two clame* of taembem,
iTeaadaeaoctate; and dBattmly daai
All mb tuged to be mrant at tbe
meeting next'Snnday wbentbtaoon■titati^ will be acted npon.

very pretty card party wa* giren
Friday afternoon by Mr*. J. T.
Then vrete Are able* and
focaooapk af boaranthraru, aftar
which a dainty Inncbeon wat aerrid
< red and white,
being .deeonied with red
rainaliona the name rard*
Ued with ribbon* of tbooe eelon, and
tavon of raamtitm* being girei
tadlra. The oolor acheme wa* rarried
oat in the
Whieb wat a* ft

the eitr nUtire to a'Foojtb of Jaly
Tbe eaooeaeM of tbe
'flat few yran lead to the beUef that
dependaaoe day
•rary yrar i* a good thing.' It not
only bring! in a gnat maeypaaple
who oome at no other time of year,
bat ta the mran* of Winging to tbe
eltya targe amoaol of money wbii^ li
pat Into local ciieabtloo. Bcridra
tbl* a celebration ^raoaee a targe
» qm lalae' in. the gi
amaanl of moaey to remain at hone
a A handKHne bon boc
which olberwiee woold be epeut at
roo Wlln. OlmriM Pro
Wtabntiont cltcwben. Tbe day ha*
name to be a grand rallying day for
- eearyooe within maay milra of tbi*
redni. and erery year they look to
Tbe party given Friday nigfat in tbe
Traeene City for aomethiag o«t of Civ Opera Hoara by gbe Olympta

ImvetmAit Tbe Tiavmae Oi^ DrtY
tag Perk Aceoetaliao ta 'jaepmlng for < joyed it ta tbe fall It Wa* tbe tbiid
a big anmmer ineetiag and if then ii I ta the eerii-r of four planned by the
tabeageneral ralefantion bet* the ; elnb. The Aoor vta. ta a perfect
meeting wUl be Axed for Jaly M. tioo fm deactag, and
by Stewart A SteSe___________________
maot exorlleal. Delieioa* peach wa*
eetvad (ram tbe boxe* daring the evening.
. The next party given by tbe' elab,
I wbieh WlU take plae* mi tbe evening

8^4 slrabo u bcatad m
ion. ana tbe work in dcoc

our hasdaorae ohow gin- I
Ip pUin view of alL

______ ''i^vir*-' ■

ttuia were takea to t«ii|tre«* wttb


% are eiUna Hway
Elegant Benuine Oil Paintings



feMGraita alleged U have
iped was batdiy ever free (rera dall aAra
Copt J. O. Kroraeref Onad R^
Ida, CraveUng fraigU ograt of ttmO. HtmdsytaU
.lirii family.
9 Oanaekl. d^ i
ebon iwopthm. ptebToelCUfaalin. letaraed_________
nedfrera ebarcb rive ap. wbes I btgaa to
a*e :
ably in tbe email ball adlolalac Gm
1* Imke of Lake Ana ta in ^ and kMlI in psayer. O
b the wall was'Bitten, bat sis
bottles eomptotaly
City Open Booee.
TU* wlU eoncored me aad_____ « so* feel Itae a »ew
Unoe bom 8 to » o'olook. aftar wfalota John Bond left today ana borin
ThtrIt*led u regoialr
tbe ereniag will be deretad to done, trip to tbe Soo.
visit with her medwr. Mra K. J.
Mile Laey OaoBet kaa rotvoad
------------the glam RoweU. Perfect m
Boleomb and tamily.
Bobert E. Walter of tbe Otaa* of Ana Arbor to imamitaermnaiaalstalame BtmneU rraoznad ta Fife Imke fseoi tbe potat* wbeee tbe tmads aad teed by 8 R Wait aad Jaa Q. Johodie# in tbe obirarally.
w«* plnoned. la girat alarm hr
tU* meratag rfter apradlag
tSOO wa* efaoeen a* alunsJ orator.
time ta tbe eily.
Wayne L. Watan left 4U*
for prlrata Two oame aad wiped ‘ Over tbirtr-i^e uiontaad
The tlcAeU to tbe reoegitMia will be
Cora Waller wmit ta ber hoom la Ibe Uood off. bat it ■
CB eent* each. The ball Uoketa will Cor the stale Ugh sdioel e
Fife Imke today.
Ber health '
oonlest at Port Bono.
per ooaple for membi
aeta tmraraitata arra. .
Jay R StitweU weat ta Fife Istae
Handled*'wtd. of tbe n
the alemai adwmtatioa. and «1 per
today oo baiiaera
George Panim* and wife of Untao
It Saved H<* LeaeoBple for other*.
C. B. Estei of Bale*. Is la tbe elty are ta the city tatey.
The oheir warn empowered to ap.
P. A Danfortb. of
Willtam Otegny retaraed ta Fife been closed end t
saffered for r* laootbi Willi________
pelBI each commiueee a* he ae«> At ta attend tbe Snnday aebool eoarenfat ranntag sore on bl* legibei vrttte*
Lake today after spending a few day* wUl be admitted,
toamnye fortbeannaal satberiny. (ioa in tbe ^Rlst
that Backlea'a Araira Salve whollv
ta tbe city on tnulnims
aeeoant for ilm |
Pnaldent Aliys wai in tbe Aalr. and lag
cosed tt la Are dan. For I’lcrr*.
Minor W. Fomnl of Ohm Haven ta btahop hu beea aent for.
Charlee P. Back
Woonda. rue*.
Pile*. ..
Il .l tbe
beat raise la
ta Ibe city today on bosineea
Uiy pro lain, in tbe aboenoe of Sce­
he tboraifat hbamdf • bar-1 ^
V. D. Stanley of Sattrai Bay ta at
ntary PenninctOB.
da to his mother, Artbar Witooa,
Witooa. ithe,
It ta eepactally ttatad that it wlU
18 yrar old eon of Mra R H. B. Wtl
not be Beoeeeary for tfaoee who de not
BOB, a pcominrot moilcal iastraetpr of
Below Is • I
B, R Bracken wUl *0 ta K
ran to dance to leare when' tbe ball
St Joseph, eoomitted eitieide Mon
.lUng prices i
1. w. Bogot and dangbler are day.
begin*, a* tbe noepUoe will be beld
Reehol bimteU ta tbe baart ariu. tWDTulou u
ty today from Elk Bapida
in the Arademyand tboaewbo
for Traverse Ctiv;
Mra. C.
c: V.
V. Hiaahawof
Hlaaba* of BeUairetaj
Beitoir. j, j
». hu been «
only for tbe nraption may remain a*
at tbe Wbittag.
■»» »vn<tored panially
from this dlslrlot, is In
Cleats Pork per hbl. a
long a* they deain.
Mra Frank Smith hu retained from I
^ » "«“«
Clear Pork per lb ..
bailora* today.
Ml Clemeoa
Short Cot Pork...............................
William lira and wUe of Cedar waa
Short Cat Pork per lb.................
The boy* of the An detortmeol la the elty today.
Myroo Chandler wu bora ta Ver-, Floor. H. L. A Co. Beet
barelaal Antabed eome work at the
Robert and Daniel HoAlay «f Daioa
mont Martdi 12. I8|d
Hr. aad Mra C. £. Silver of Ac
engine beam ham whieb arain tbe elty. *
rere'railed to moora tbe lou
of uieir,
their *.
s OI
When 2C y*<^ om oe pjamea
led Feed.
•'■vi. H
«•- L »
A Co. S
Imeei it one that will oompan farorO. J. Gordra ta in the city boa taela Egg* m dos _______
ably with that of any An depart
la tbe etate. Tbe expenae to tbe elty
Jobn Walter of Sattao* Ray waa in ver, wbo died April 88. of

ba* been llttlamon than the ban ooat tbe city tbta
of material nced.for with tbe exrapUmi
Artbar Billiker, formerly of thu Booth* and Are daya She bad alway*'trick named for hlmaelf. the late Creomt-ry limar |m
of a man lo pot in a cement Aoor. all oity. ha* aeeared a good posiUon
Ibe wort bo* been done by tbe An de>e eircatation drpartment W tbe Salmaxoo Gaxetle-Kewa
of the Wn baa been
BeF*aeeaniiT» Hasting* relarned ways teqalird tbe constant core of her lul Afteen year* when be 1 - n*ble;Brani.T
The main A.
mother. M,. and Ur Silver have lb« •*'! «P
rbeaMtiioa aod naable; Bra^. r ino
The rialta bare been from Laming last night $o stay
newly Aoorad with plank.
Iran gral- Sandar.
Ing. nlgely enamelod, «epanlee the
Hike Stimel. eleik at tbe Lmtanaa mnnlty 1a their deep lou Faoeral be Arit rama but an Indian vlllagr of j Wheat pi» bn ioldt
etaUe. and all of tbe woodwork of the hotel, has rBOorared eaScimitly to gel eervioea wer^Aeld at the hoBse Taet- 'ahoot .Vn and tlie beat of their drainel Wlu-ai |••I bn mewl

te Ofltwl TmvarM B«fUa tn III* oO» of PtMidcoV T. T.
Bftta* Frid*r afttmexiti. to Man i«»JlaiinanM for tbr aimal nosiaa to be
IteldlB eil7 ea tbe StbofJue.
Tbon jmmi yrm PreeldeBt SatM
•od Hob. rnak UBaillOB ot Tnrene
OilT: fieeretu-r C. H. Rate* of Beta*.
Smator A. E. Palmar of Ealkadm
eoootr aod WllUaia Oore of Leptenaa




AI.1..I n.*iram Mwttaa.
{Mm of the Wrandjoaraed mratiag of thej"^ It wUI be attanded vritb a ban-

waa held-Moodoy eveatag. at wUefa,_____________________
>d of St Paol held I
ttme:il was deoidad to have tbe aannal'eocial eeaiKm Friday evening
the form ofa -taitL ThU .parlraiof tbe Firci U. E. obanh. i
- vriiieh. for tbe past two: which they estertataed their frieat
a* bera ecasldaml
the meertng a yrar ago It wn* a* Ant If

iroold twhrapl aboaitwo
George Miller wUl leave for Ri
mzoo tUe afternoon to visit
Itangbtars. before etarting oa an
tended bneinoe* trip to Roebeeter, K.
arith a
Y..andthroagh tlie
long tto
tbe vrell
Inmber Inepeetar of Manistee,
ii la tbe city today on
gTiea Ketarasr'* Rrord.
Frank Wclloo, oashier of tbe First
Hational Bank, retained last evoatag
from a baeiaew trip to Benton Har­
bor, Grand Rapitl* and Obirago.
Mis* Genie TibbiU. wbo fan*
rtaitlag Mra John Bath eeveral
weeka bat retained ta her home
Lyon toft thie raonlng for a Vi*it to hi* old homoi lo Knox ooanty,
Ohio. .Be will i^e aetop at Mt
Plenum on hie Vy *b*ie.
Mra E. C. Oomplon will leave Hay
7 for tbe stale gatbertag of the Rath,
bme Stctais ta be beld la Battle
Creek beginning tbe follovrlng day.
A. W. Bltierd will reptraont tbe
Knight* of Pythta. of tbi* elty at the
•tale gathering to beheld ta Bauto
Cieek beginning May S.

• in the elty oo
legal bnetaera today.
■ B. F. DentmoT* of Mapto City
in the city today.
Frank Mead* will go .ta Obortovoix
thi* evdaiag oa bnstaea*.
W. D. C. Germaine wUI goto Chiego toaigbt oa boetaena
G. M. Dame of Nortlipoit ta ta tho
L J. Spangle aTKorthport ta at the
A. J. DeVrira of WUllamibnrg ta ta
the el^ today.
F. W.
eras ta the city oa btudnbe* today.
George E. Hoyt hu retdrned from a
bostaeM trip ta Kortbpori in Che tateiratsof WIUtelmBroa
Dr. J. A. Snyder and family spent
Saadty. ta Kingsley.
M. Winnie. Jr. vrent to Chebeygaa
tbit moaning <m baeinem for Stnnb
Broa AAmiotae.
P. A. Olaasen wrat ta Fife Imka
tbta moreing on bi
Rev. Red{»ib went to BImln M-

OpcDr^l opU*t Mi>ri.Uy mitli a nieli
All ti.r..ugh the aiote.
W-offer you New. Desirable Spring Goods at cooaid• rahly lean than uauelprieve



I^Ulywlgivvf ni>'cialall<niiun lo Z Iv.4.Ar, i .
large fore* of people of the vicioity j


Learn More!

_ul a vMt amount of work lo i


Boning a* the wind
Biaa Loin Pistrv, after g few day*.'
ftomea wot* controlled.
Among other valaabto jroperty de- abssne*. hu rvtanied to b«r old pniii-■ farm impismat lion w-ilb Ur*. Tlmraton nod Miar.
ority of tetejdioo. Ethel Bower* vUit* friraA* a( Uav-1
j-Asld for a few day*
^’’At Foaoh two set
< Mim Blanch* Wcodol
U AK.R and a t.____
ta that vicinity spent al


“mp*uSd ta ta^r^oth | JjP?oa»*h.S%?~rd'hS»^^




I Frank D**har___________ _____ __________________________________



wuvro m* ua* ueen aiumuiug ,y •
Bennett Uedtcal collrgc,





ad Stataa «Bi1« taa Aa«x yau* tagta-


Ten dhjh.nrlicr llian any kaown
. Last wiatcf sold at $1 2.'i
kbvl formed in the South,
i>ll>i-ra liruught Imt

Will sell in any.juantity at 11.00,
p.-r hii-<)ii'I,
or furnish sc«.d to be
planl.'d-on aliar.-*
CorPelKlDtl with


al^T. Dr,.Snyder of Travens City Snn-.‘
of timbM t£e Ames^hld ra-1 da^ ^^Ktagriey,

asveral forest Aira, bat no snioas
damage bu yet occurred
Al KeyStan* it wu nerusury for tb* mee ta
get oni to stay tbe flame* aod at
Cobb* Jaactina there wat dancer to
Henty Totmelier made a trip ta Wasblngtan Poand'aiaw mill, bat u
the wind went down tbete vru Iso*
Eiagstoy mi battaera today.
danger. Everrthtac is iliy aod only
R R. Biaefcen retained thta .
a good rein will prevat farther damig from Kortbpori where he dtaptoyed> line of good* for the BamiiTwelve Yrara- Oerrfee.
taa Olothtag Oa Be . had a good
1 retiremal of Hon. W. W.
I from the office of alderman of
Geoige M. Dame rame down
Ihird ward maika the irod of a
period of imbllc service. Ur.
boat from Kortbpori Ibis moral— .
Ii hu been to ths •ervior of thi*
J. H. Mooroe went to Elk Bapad*
than twice a* long
ibie afternoon <m a basines trip.
u Traverse City hu been a elrv. He
Single, formerly of tbi* i
wu viltoge eoaocUmao for sis and a
>! Kortbpent.' is here oa biuinem baU vean. tba aldermoo tor one and
a halfyeais ofter the elty wu establish
ed. Then he wa* eleoted ta the office
of mayor, whieb he b*td with dlsttacHim EaUitoon B. Vlaek toft tbta tloa. till two years ago, whse fas re­
tired from that offioc ta again rs|xemonitag for 8k Lonta, Ma.'. to aooept ssnt bis ward on the ooaii^ He aow
a poriUon.
myt that he iiu worked for the cltv
P. E. Stair wat la the elty yester- Icmg aoogh. aad eome ems else ran
a chance at tbe honor.
ey tm hi* ecooad trip ta tbe taterert
f ‘•Who ta Who." .
New Host Lloe Marira.
DoS HoDonald went U Klngriey oo
basinest Ibii morntag.
^ff of^w^ee!ctaitai^uidni.msds ths StarchC^sdock ThanHerbert Montaga* 1ms tvtaraed
y afternoon at 4 o'clock. Sbe bad
from a two wreki' Tliit in Ann Aibeir
card a good cargo of freight for loand other poiata
He spent a waek
I merdmata
with his teotbei. Bert, vrbo has been
This 1* the Arst trip of Ibe veatel to
I* port. Hereafter thli veusl wUJ
eajortag hi* vaonUoa from fata stadies
make regnlai- trip* coos a week be­
I the O. of M.
tween Uilwaakee aod Kortbern UicbHim Ro«e Caiman and Him Moosey
of Charlevoix ate rtaitlag Mia* Ber­
tha Caiman, on State street
RayR Saifrat. npcrinteodmil of
Conmsr A Oiggtas. of Ondiltoy. I
tbe Manistee Daily Kewa, ta in Ibe bars a large gang of mra at work
city today,
taectug tbeU Bsw cbomieal plaal ta;
Tbe leAaacy eooBseted'
K. R Strang of Grand Rapids is in thu city.
tbersvritb will bs completed ta sixty,
tbe elty.
a. F. Boagbeytg Cedar was to tbe daya
Tbe istaelpal objrct of tbs ’
(fata plant U ta'
eitr this mocning. :
WiU Tbirlby weat ta Anadia today
in M soras praAl tbs aosmoasl
rale of Umbra traolttag from tbelr |
omrara lambrr bastae**.
<J. R Boagbey mode a bosinam taip
5 Oopemish today.
Mtm Uiaato Oon^ of UtebAeld. I
E. H. Eltaa has geoeta Wexford on hu been eleetad matrra of tbe Uiebi-1
gaa boildtag for (be Paa-Ameriraej
Elbert Bobtard and Ua non. San­ ezpoaittaD BDfl B. U BobUraof AUil
ford, of East Aarora. K. T.. arrived
R R Poeta of
at Park Place thi* aftanoco.
Mr.' tb*
HabhaidwlU liwtaie on "The Work Grand Rapids will look after tbe farof tbe Boyeroftets "Ifata erenlngal rUshiogof tbe balidtag. which will
be dime by Gaad R^A* Arm* exclat
JTb* ceottral fra tanlriitag ta*
staeet toner ban* ta tbe
t the Onll-


aiJih. nice

‘ partvrne, worth SL'i - .........................


TOIlKl-V BKIiTAJiLE D.kMASJK-^ood .itlUi.


Kood colon, t^oud alyh*. worth 20c. at................................


DHESS (iOJl).S—roasialiii.; of I’laiJ*. Wgntrvt atylra,
1-ic , all 0'-ir, woTjii li’l - uiiil l.‘i.-. al......................................
DHESS (jOOiW-Thiiv I..;


,.f l>l,{u and Fancy

builiog*. ale-> I’laid*;

I».- and JA-, now at

| 24C

Setclal Baraain* In m«n-» eioiMng. ^
On manday morning, JlprtI IS,
a., will alnit H i,T>


rHusliti Underwear
worth 2A- to H,7r. ami t2'k',
th-'.-j; KiJ«. H* th



V-m -h ml i m,l, it

jnd Chthing f)9ust.

WII.V. Hl V.N.-(>Tllgll

ttp'v^l Ocftei—o-V
Oar farmer*
lOi c
The forest Are* Uonday apd Uondat
ly ly


.............................. 07JC

PKKCAL-ES—,;ood i|naViir, wurth 10.-

TiRVELIN'G—tfojd. sii.u luw.lihg. u.iRh'lc


Fraoois ehuroh Saturday at 9 o'clock,
noder the direecioo of W. 8. Ander-



CAJLR'liS—m-w eiylm. mi*lium folormgx.,

„ ,1, bcjtt

hosoin Aoodlug III* gronndsBBtroand. ., .._............
ing lbs baildiuga they weromavsd. A,
Vic* at the M.
laige qnantity of lomber wu burned, ! •"TOon

at i^t halt

Our Special
Spring Sale

Coro i»T ba (old)
Rye per be . . .
Batter p>T lb
Egg* |ier do*, tmctly freab .
Tbe Uichiima Starch LV will
odli r wa> 10 cmi. a hu.lvl tor etarcli stock
mreb, el- •latn...,

who WiU be AS In May.




,u.,u h. ™


Olim Eoery silSte iSS” Free!


I City Book store
....OW T-MK


N'ewctil in D -u.r.tiicm. I.alcst Patu*rn« to select (rom .md I.nagcst SiikL in this T>art .of Michigan.
and having tbrei; lariir stores to biiy (or. we can and
will make the lowest prices in the market. Do not get
caught by the deceiiltveatlvcriisctnems in the big city
papers'; thcr^ always a "catch" th t)iem somewhere;
and do riot Ik- dnttided by people with sample books.
who quote single rolls and pretend to give big discounts.
Does it not stand to reason that in buying large guantitles and getting low freight rates wc can sell much
cheaper than they can ? Von are cordially invited to
compare quality and prices.




Up-To-Date Store
322 So. Union St.. South Side.

w va^jirvarvi, viwsscw oa

Another lot of Seed Spring Wheat
we will sell at i 1.10.

Will Open Soon
Wait, watch, and see the announcement of
Imported Glassware. Willow Ware, Glassware,
Graniteware. Crockery, etc., direct from the
On our opening day there will be three
specials which we will run for one day only.
Otir bargain days will be Tuesdays and
We will also handle an entire line Bazaar
Goods. Notions. Hammocks. Sporting Goods
and Games.
Watch daily papers for poiritpr era" No. 1 —
our opening day.
. Yours'to please,.

ASMER & C<i>.

I have two very fine stallions which I will keep ft
for service this season.
GENERALCUSTER,'a finedapplegray, weight
1500, who is favorably known here now,
Also a fine French Coach StallStn. ceal brown,
weight 1300, imported from France by Dunham, the
great importer of Illinois.
These horses can be seen at my stables at any
time. They are both fine horses and will improve
■gtmir stock.



Still have a lot of nice Imported
Seed Oats at 38 cente.
Canac^ Peas at $ 1.0^ per bushel.

Wilhelm, Bartak & Co.
For Job Work of all Kinds Call al the Herald Office.

This is Qur NEW LADIES SHOE. Made in
eral very stylish and dressy lasts,made in several kinds
of leather. In stock, every size and width from 2‘A to
8. and B toEE.
We want you to inspect this shoe and compare it
with others and be convinced that others are not sdl>‘
ing a $3.50 Shoe at S3.oa We give you S2C0 worth of
Shoe in this one.
Tears ler RdtaMe Footwear.





--'i'^~i'itairtit«r r tr’i if .






Xlfculation this week 2,250.

aadtbaran amlol|»ttac gnat leek
WiUlaaA. Browaaad Oa«*a W.
kb rcw.___________________
OapMT cdLalaad
fora Jadite Boberta Pri<hy aftcTaooo
dianadwilfa aelllait lake tzoat aad
wfaitoAtfa las tboB tbelacal
Tbarwara anaatad eo a oomi:
br Dapetr Oaiaa Wi
Bark GiBW. Wbaa atcal(zied Uwr
■tood mate, aad tl^b examlaatlcai
L A. Aaber, arbo hai b I trarelfixed at *300 00
lag tbroofifa tbto tarrltoiT
7««»AW1H open, aew itora la the old
A retr happr aiairiafia woa folamB'
Hcmdar mominrat tbe CUbolic
eb at Pr
being performed brFktber B
Week WBf batroa raatordar
Uw aieaTBtiBC for tfaa krtak block to
be ataoM br Kmaaael WilbaliBat Ibe
eomar at Proot and Uaioa ttreeto
ThatoodUbriBKboaladBwaT i^ildlr
aad tbe weak of araettBir the bolMiag

m. h.-AMnm >B CUbcncM ud O


between tbe highest and lowaal f. o.
b. oars bore. Tbe Hannah A Uy
Meroanlile Co. offered the best prioe,
*1.85 per barrel delirared at the work,
and they ware awarded the oomrael

Earatoae bee a ftaa paric atartad nod
hw bojBe of baatlag Tiarene Olty.
Hu board of adooatiea aill proba­
Tbaraday afternoon Victor Snm,
Party B. ^^bolttm-of thb city ha* bly bold a ametlag Pilda> ereali
the fast reuing bcose owned by
baea giantod a pataoi cm a llaaia
eonplele tba aobadals of taaebat. .
Chartes Oc-rWalne am; E. K. McOor.
the' dtr aehoob the anealag year. The
was aold to {ihanoeey Bom of Detnilt.
Ittae cm aehoeli and tcaefaera
The butto will go la the neet of tbe
grand elreaiu of Michigan and Canada
>fa>C aoci arill bare tbelr
Joba WiUMlB.
thia rammer. The aaltnal was eeeared
report ready for Friday arealag.
> It b raponad that amaUpox faaaapby the Traserae City boys last ipriag
Bait Bay la a boiy epot tbaaa 1
paarad at Wai^ aad that there
bargain aad last season sron good
Almost all of tbe lotocm tbe toy I
money ia 0T017 race to whlcli be was
hare faesi aareol eipoiBiaa.
entered He made money for bis ownfay Freak Ooodrieh. aad tbe owaah en and they raoeired a good prioe to
areBowbeayfixiagap their oamidiig the aale.
it tba tote Jobe Hanalorrty.
groaad ter tbe aasunar.
Booie eotT. J. Headerson. gencinl agent.of
A natiiace Uoeoaa waa graatod-Mon- tagee will be baUt, bat a smlorlty of
iO FldeUty Mntnel Life lotorance
diVtolioalaOberllaof BlnghaaBiid tboee who own loU there will aae
hr hi. m.n.
fittoa Minnie Lapoka at thia city.
IT*".1, O. W. Pown,
. ________
Tbe three elfAt iBeb intoke pipee aad a J. Hiashaw, left for Detroit
H» new aoda foaBtoin~hat arrtraj
bare been taken from the. bay. They Tbesdar to. attend a nale cooren'
« atora of 3. Q. 3tbiia
ware tboee need while tba water werki
» ft la plaoa at oaoe.
n of agents On Wednesday erenatlU In roatoalon of U. D.
ta Imnqnel and dinner was girA. U Jpyoa Tbuadar V____________
Cbmpball A Soot. . Part of Ibe pipe
in honor of Mr . A. MeSnlgfat, rioe
lira J, K. OtalUok the Bae taaldanoe
will be naad to oonaael tbe water iweeideot. and Or. O H. Philpott.
wofke wilb tbe main on Front ataael. agonoy director frem the borne ottce.
Imrdio waatuBIgBap- Tbe pipea parted soma] times while
tbe bangael Mr. Hi
Ida Monday to take
being reaored from tlio key.
Tbe (rim little ecbooack Pilot baa
bean bare from OladatOB^tar n toad
nrn Otaad Bapida BeiaU of Bna^ of potatoaa for a bSt«t-C( that plaoa.
ooBtalaad a reiy ooapUaantory
The aaft took on a cargo of 100 bnah«P of Bafgaatolatire Baatiaga tc
eUaad eleared for UUdatoaa Mmday
towlthagoed portrait
On board of the echooBer
wen Frank DakettObaa. Barnett and
WlUlaa Perry.
The boat ia a apeady
craft twenty-alx leel In length.
ohnrA hai atrirad. with bU arife,
oad togatUnfi aattlad In Ua eaw
■ retiring

Dra Martin A Erane Friday morelng
reiadred tbe ieft leg of Daris Pugg of
Long lake township oome time ago
Mr. Pegg nffered u injury to one of :
bU toes, which was not tboughl to
le foot be- <
irer. ad gangrene.
set in. making It neonamry to nmore'
the limb at tbe knee. Mr. Pegg ral­
lied from the egeretlon es well as'
i by bii brother oould be expected oonsldering his adle and honeabocra with 1 ▼uoed age. Be U one of the early
etiabalagnpitmeers of Lang Isike township
oonple of ptMonu tbac tettlSIad
■odatol aada bUUardlmU wlU be
tbeircataea. A b
>e chair’
Di. I. A'Thompson reinned Utej
pat la ne the east aide bylknffMcsect to him. which was giran by hi« Saturday nlgbt from Grand Rapids I
aiioclatea la beminata aad It anlTad where be stayed ecreial days after bli |
at hla bgaaToeadayarattlBg.
with tbe Shriners from Hono- >



of tba

The surer Brotbart' comedy eompnay aad Bwlaa beU rlagera retomad
Batozday from tbair acamoo't trip
ktoaagb MleUgan. They had a i-ofit-

Blw MeOoy.formerly of tbia city,
la BOW nmaagar of tba new Woodollff
atocA turn at Otand Rapidt.
bta was aawly aegaaiaad by A B.
Bcmnall. tba aoud atoekman.

TKAverse riERALD. MAY J, l»01

tatrilmy and Chair boaineea wUl be
written threogb tba tiaTaraa
See. The Mnaandinselta Mecnal ia
good company and Hr. Memroe will

Broa, of Datroiv 1
wall known to thia
Mr. Monroe la a
poUcy fora

They are left almoat deatitnte.

Tbe first laaetlce tboot of tfaa Tiar.
m Oily Bod A Gan olnb took place
cm the
Ida aoBtb of the city. The membert enloyed a goodcontait aad are
eeady to prepare for meeUogt with
eloba.darlng the sammer.
soon made Friday waa ty Ed
Braaeb. who made 31 cat of a ptooible ae.

Dr. Tbompeim deeUni that
Bawaii is a splendid place io which
•pad ammers but it is eo far laoUled from the Uniled Sutee tliai be
other nto for the iaUada Be
toUe some rery pnlertalnlng stories of
Bonolnln ud iu paple ad Ms rzperieooes ad impretiioat were similar'
to those of Dick Campbell and H. & I
BaU, who returned some time ago. ’

Miae Mlnnia Beltoer it bow in
Testeday as of the Urgeel rainbarge of tfaedBceof WilUan Bait­
erer taka out of Micher as bookkeeper In tbe place of A E. igu waten, ud peohohly the Utgesi
with one czeeptia, was
Tom Bubtol. soexetary of the Edison
Etoepde Light A Power Oo. in Grad
Raplda U it mid that the fish
FUtt IL B. chnrcfc Saaday erenlag.
taka from the Boordmu by Coodaetne W yoong laea who oompoaad tbe
or Bepkins of the Pere
elab fgrolabad axeelleot naaic.
He will not rereal tbe place becanee
he knows of aother Jotl like it.
Sie Benld ia ladebtod- to F. M.
The old btlek ehlmney at tbe wat
hot been waicbtog this prize a long
Jewen of tbe Maple Oim FAit
tots Wto felled Monday and

r well jwe foree at mea are engaged to remoring time ud did net deUy in maklog tbe
tbe tadcAs aad debris Tbe ttoimsey toptnie. Another similar catch may
was Bot faffieleutly high to fonlsh to expected to a few days
Ibe draft needed for tbe work of tbe
Foe'sWariac Btoek tiwa
tog ttaUon. anditooe tbe
Foot ma hare got into troable-fcir
Tbe freight Mia cm tba G. R. A. I emoke alato had been pat up tbe brick
- ttoatodafireSataidayaetberigblof chtmseT waa nselms and in the way. spearing bUck tots in Carp Lake aod
probably hNlUte a few
way at Eeyatcea aad tbe aeatb wlad
ymn before - caring to tepat the «xAnna It orar tba blU eaet of tbe
man BeU. who has been a mem- perlace tbat they hare hod.
fiatnxday eecning Mark Craw, dejmbor of the firm of John Oti A Oa. has
r gome wordm. to^ a trip to
retired from tbe firm aad bae gooe to
Cfiilago. Be will sUy there a few Loka He had u interesttog time,
days and tfaen go to St. LoaU. where ud wha be retureed to this city be
WM oaUod by a doable Blafortona. In will take a rMpoosible poaitios for bxoogbt with him John Kowok and
Mtadaatfa other awtbaraed aoole the PennylranU railroad oompaoy. Fruk Bbeetab. two LceUitaa eouty
Theypamed,away,witolnaiae boon He has aold his tMideBoe. eoner of
who were lodged wilb the sbw- i
Oak and Fifth sMeu to Prof..E H. iff orer Sudsy.
Ryder, iwlcolpal of tbe Bigb scAodI.
There were two men who did not
Tha Boys- Bead arlU b^ ee»
eoatewllhMerfc.bat be was "nerf
Taaafitr night a amlMof saamar
tfaem. ud Sudar aoti&ed Sher­
algfateooceru The fiiff wUl be giriff Martin Brown of LrluA who got
oa ea tba toath aide *aad«a the folTberw
the other two ma that erraing. They
g. aod were
flying rery tow
towlagBatordayalghta oenoeri wiU to tbe fog.
ore Fruk Kowak ud Mike B&oag.
be glraa cm Froot atraat
end Toy slow. They passed direetir
Madsy the quartet appeared before
oror tbeboase of Alidumeo McManas
A bmat beloagliig to C. Gore be.
JosUee Gage of Elmwood tosmship.
and wat a over tbe toy. Be ml^t
OBBU aUred in a ditch loatfa of tbe
Each of them plead guilty to spearing
haTemme oat after them, hat from
agyluB Hoodar. and a Man bad to
bam. ud each was gina a fine that
tbelr Wtee be could leU Uist they flew
will help him to romember the Uw
be akea from ^ olty to poU toe anS loBg^Utanee. not Ugbttog ia this
laatoat Toaaday the mate of ihii
Freak ttheelnb was
part of tbe toy at alL
baaat got la a aimllar aerapa.
flaed *3a80; John Kowok was ometeed
Daa Boand. formerly an employe of fIA»;Mike 8Dang-s bill was *1175
A new lodge of Elke waa lasti- Ibe Bcsnld oStoa, has started for
ud it took 111.75 to settle Frank Kolotod la Oadlllae Friday nlgbt Great FalU, Haiana. a hU bicycle.
wok s ooemal with tbe Justice.
ftararaa City lodge eoetalni' aereal He baea good poeiHoo la a Urge
>ere bust
■eaben from OadiUae and tbe ana- priaUng toflee at that pUce and has
bar tor the aaw otgm>l.atioo wUl be taka a raeattoB to rlsll hU |«reoU
time, hut u;
aatarlally awellad, aaOeleaUy to as- bare u4 to altad tbe Pa Ameriens
rioluorii <
foraastrtM todga. Tba ledge wae --------- **5--.He Uaena.
This will intotasatatod by Ttatatie 019 lodge
------------------ ly Urea totboe
Oaad Becwawiy Oeo. A. BgyaoUa
■dltwy wlU make them
inellsed to take tore UiegalAy. ”*


H FetrSpecials

i Ufa in- trnable.
Moble. whteb
whieb an ezcelleat'
doctor [
eoeld not hejp, boi a few tncmtl'
____ __ ______ le maale tar |

-in Sllltsi.
™s, S1..00

The following relatlre to itolroad^wetgbr'-'’tofalltble^aT* Co^h'” f

0 Friday'e Frees
lleetocandfil.onats. E. Watt e and
Bd A Bearton bae baea eeeared
"Tbe spring ioapection tripof Ibaj, •
•). Johnaon-* dreg .1
& Beada A Oa to take ebaxaof tb
Bay. aad Mlia MotOe Keller, e ehaim- Otand Rapids A Indlna oOcialaerrrj
ltMtt'«depBrtiaant.a poaitiDa beheld
tbe read eonunraoed last night. GeeFarm tor Sale.
tlBie afo. bat retijriiad
Both are well knows throogb-J- **- ** Hoghan. GreA
of » arn-a baring aboai n
of hb beallh. Be alrtodj baa
It Leeloaas ocmoty aad their falen *'*1 Oouiael T. J. O'Brien. Seperincleared. gi«i boose and iimj.
a good knowledge of tbe boalaeae aad
Idem W. B. ScimsoD. Resident Ea. !abonV
------___ riors ■ I
aake a ralaabb toleaman.
giaeer E H. Baren aad Genetal Pas­ and amall fruits of rerious klads.
in eeclios SC, Garfield townsenger Agent C. L Lockwood lefc ia -■ located
;i,r' «------Tba Michigan RIareh PaetoiT
Tbe roi irel meeting at tbe Friend*
i ship fin- miles from Trererse Cur,
ad on aaother m Hoaday.
-xciiaiige for city fsoperty
ebarcb eloaed Bonday aftor
"Od Uie Trercne Oitr Branch of A- '
aooipBBy bae now eo band a large waeke eeriee. in which great good has
the Grand Rapids A Indiana, the anJno. Leeson.
qaanllty of potatoaa and toe
aecomidlihed tbreogh tbe misieCsdillar. Uieh.
oiml meeting of which u sebednled '
eoming in erary day at tbe
try of Barry Haya, tbe V<mker.era<u
for early in May. there is one im- '
about thtae oar toadi a day.
Seratal aoocmlooe to tbe
possible which is rerr Im-'
»o‘<tier-e Eai
along tba bay hare begoo to me
ohareh hare resalied from tbe
■the entire road. It isa‘ M.M. Austio.a ci
ingt, aad a Urge a amber of <
possible eneniion of the line from
aieme and renewaU Mr. Bayi left
Trarerso City to Sorihport, a dis- ,
Monday for Onaway. where Le wiU
lanoe of thirty miles.
The object wholly eon-d Vr
'br Dr.
'krng'’-V Nei Ufe
owned by B. F. Beoghay at Cedar. coodaet a series of meeltoge to tbe
rorked Iwcmders for her
wonls ba the eaublbliment of a ter Pills, wlitch wor.
They will anlatge thabealBeti, aad Friends ohareh._________ ^
-They alwars do.
mtoal fc» meeting a car ferry to cut beallh."
make it tba afaipplDg poiot few both
them. Oulr Kp at S. E Wait’s and
Tbe ocotmet fcra carlcad of easeat directly acrem l^e Miebigan
iJaa. O. JobatoB's drugstores
J. A PenningUo aad Oao.
be need by tbe board of pnbltc ManlstlqDe. It U mid that lacl
CleiDaBt will be la ebarga of the Oeorkt in the boiiding o'
100 milea
u A Oele hare bate awarded
Mtiact for the ptombiag
Bg of tba 'aaatx irf tbe Botal
Whltiag. Tbif will reABin'tlie
lag of M rooma, aad tbe aemplal
Blthlag of aerea bath roomt. ETery.
tUagwlll be of tba oiott opprarad

BacA to


ttmtmrt U»b- wwIV^ •!(»«<> tb
w Of DrMtt. special n
oU LMdiBC tmlMUtf on SoBlb CbIob
«tn»t Th« fto«' vill mnj a fsQ
a beoisafi
Ub» of emk«C7. irUannn aad laar
to loap to
r*J«aiwo« ftwatha fantartaa.
fiwaad. be aoeek on tba tide of bU
>eat wsekaod the:
OoOffe and Bd BaUTerieh of Kapla- toot ia fodi a war to to bttok tba <s KsnaanL aiou^a Of ttOO. J. B. >
s. want to Bapld Birao Maj dbola. tbamU btaM«<: tbe tower Mewaagwuaal acaat. Hr. Miai-|^^”
Ute to aere tba &ildSg.
1ft aftor Mat, oad will lanla a:
farnitare. clothing
Bortfaarn Mkbignn and wUrdoland tomilr ro
tbiaadara- tnat r«af tber IIAadpart ^oalaad. He wai broai^t to thb eitr
for tba eempnny. Be will letroTad.
there waa Bo ins
ti two daja aad eaacfat orar TOO Mat and Dr. MarUa attaadad htou

to tbe dUtanoe to tbe nartbwesl.
which territory is now reached
MVklnaw City
mid 8t. Igm
Korthport has one of tbe best harbem
Is sheltered
Point, and Is conoeolei
suwmboat with bsU a doxen little reamong them Omena. In ereni
of the O. E A 1 building to it the ' Ffild np Capitfil.
place would be boomed as a eummer'
It Already is a plso- of rendet- SOftilas;
roos for raclits and tliis saaunrt are
Oranc Issued a
gatu will he held in the Jiarbor. Ii
desting io coonecilou with tbU
talked-of extension that a new teswt
_ »g to be optoed uii in the distfiel. lu postolSoe will be UiU's
Piet. Imno on either side oMbe peninsuU formed by Trerene toy and
Lake Michigan h|is been pufehamd
and Damed Kortbland Bmch. Z. D.
Whitney of tbe Michigan' Central has aitfucul Irrelraml
ioresled in it oonsidreably.''






Bunciick Patttms art Mm Best.


Our SaiHoEs Oepamuent

te£K3. ____

3. Rl. mniiken.

Sll«) OcpHltBnM U rn! U t TAT lit MIL

Hsthan U. Wells
>lls and Miss Hattie
n IS null. rr~>J.-Bi; inn. t. R.hl-. H S
b'-rnri, -Vi.-.. t*r.«.| Frv-k WHi-n
® illed to marriage by
s Canute, jostioi’ of tbe
al i’e-J"-'. l-«i r Tito., a-'i Crt.-r
the timi-e.

iKTiS. iX"'"'-

$eiiour*$ Inferior ,
Enamels « «
Arc better than paint. The>- work easy,
make smooth surface, and any one can apply
them to walls, ceilings, inside woodwork, pantries,
kitchens and furniture. Many beautiful tints. The
surface can be kept bright and dean by wiping with a
damp cloth. Color card free. Put up in quarts-,^:
about the price oC common mixed paints, at



To be well dressed is to
clmhcJ—that la,
“.‘tylc.” tbe
must be up-ti>-dila(c.V^
Chameter is what counts nowa­
days. Thai’s why we havc'thc best,
the (.'rouse &: Brand^ce, Manufac­
turing Tailors,-kinds; and the label


LaiiN’$2sS0 Skis


Udiis' Patnt Lutter

laAu' Sku

Block and tan. cool,
comfortable, dorable,

Eid ooii . alf up
ptta, tl2o ofid fl.:io
tbore. DOW

$ 1 .OO.


•nd $4B0.

Collar .
Got Rough
Bartoyour aeeK.y3N

A Tie
From tbo finot


•ortBMt ifi (be city, lidMt
stylre always shown.


and 50c the tie.

That's Our Way
and we sell these suits from $7.50 to $22,




stylish hat coat* yon $3.00

from', I5e. 8 for 25c.

is your protection,
“Scou-hes,” “Tweeds," “Cheviots,” “L'ntinished Worsteds” and
“Thibets” are the chief materials,
and in these suits we h$ve made
preparation for all—the.Etout, the
slim, and ever)' age. Try us for the
sack suit this Spring. You will find^
satisfaction or your money back. ^

Airtkr Special


Thia is .the beat time

wbat yon want. tb«

at newnrt (xdlars to fd^

bulloQ solid wearing
ohoee, r»ew lore. » olna up to 12.

Lsdiu’ Ln Skis


to buy-fnow—yoo*etifi*t

Ihink hard words. SSUwla

ome. dr<‘«y
plain black

‘ $ 1.98.

new epring riyUs.
Tfilnu aptoS2oU; to
clean tbetn up

Got YoUr
Spriijg Hat?


Mn’s Skes

A display Uist is ansorpuaed in be««ty, atyK ^tteraa

■obby ohtpea, apedot

sad pricea


The Fancy Madras is the popnbr thirt-« ore

■howiBg TR diSerefit kinds.

The new psttenw tfa^oeMoe •»

the ‘ Archer"—‘•Beverly"— •■Biltmore’—“Oilantot’’ —TJaa.

Bip' Skt$

bridge" -r "fW*"—“DongUs" —“'ptoftidale”—"Ol^ov” —


• Olenmore" - “H«xeltoo”—"Kenwood" —“Lokerfde" — “Out-

Well mode and itood
wearing utio ^ enU
ohoM, oizM IS to



pot into ohirtg.




llieM «n aold at fLO), tlAOond $£00.


yon-wear a 14 well show yon a doieo diBbreet kinds In pkl
from, or a 17. yoa'll find on equally Urge

PipHirSy HM»e



a 17|. 18 or IV. oak for the •CoUana" «t IL85 and take you
dwUe of a dcsen kinds.


We St tbe Ui«b



oad tbe non who U eery portiesUr, la bet «• ptaM



O. E. Bowler, lonb: Oeo. Mob.
Tiareem Cilr: O. W X raaten. MUwaafcaei P. U BmIb. Mllwmkcai
Bdwaid Brooke. BardlArlUo: J. J.
Pinefcbr. Otand Bted: P. Walt.



Mbs V

...YOU save:...




Mbe Edldi Beomtt of TrnreeBe Oitr
wal Sarardar with Mim Edith Olbbf
Mba Laelb Star of Walbm b
working for Mra. EeUerA. Webb lafi town a few *
farPnokfort at which pboc
and tbea will go


At The Grand Sample Suit


to Tinraae
Citr OB Mcmdar loot.

Earl Broekwar of Angola. Indbna.

Tliere were a nnmber from here Ural



-------1. A faeaatifsl rocker waa ber
girea br tbe Lodiee Aid SoCielr.
!t [oeMob were alao girea and ^MeKow a^^ Ohte'a^^ mill
' e a few more rw ret bafore'ue
laaon eloeea.
Mb* Robr Rariok of Bodge brldtIg rebtiree aod frlead hero.
There are otiU new oaaeo of etariet
ferer reported.
and Mra Heatr Tharer of
Mba Roae Urdie of Old Mialtm
oa are rldting at i .W. liobb'a
jmmnit tbroagb here btar^r on ber
■rard^^^^^of Blngabr waa In
war to a botelal. wbere *be will be

■ GOOD fudge must have both experience
; and learning' A housekeeper should
2 be a good fudge for she too must have
experience and learning or she may think that
the soaps made to look like Ivory Soap are fust
as good. With experience she will know
that they lack the remarkable qualities of the
genuine. Ivory Soap—99’5iS# per cent. pure.

P. T. lardie ha* a dek hone.


Geo^Mapleloft of PoesUAB BITb'.


Mr. Boadaa' people haaled
here the-other darViU CkrMBfdHo rWHd bI CBlhBaka ha «*ek and *a< wmed to Xn.


Oni^, 48c iqi.
Hats, SOt up.

A. O. Wrakoop ha* mored into bb
May dh’:
faoaae tn Oedu Ran, rreeoUr
J. Ki
Geo. Bigelow left Friday for Deha* mored Into Mr. Wrnkoop a bonoe
Ubeea Lorlaa and EUa Braekea- ™t^wbm ^haaaeoared emploron Ibe farm.
barr of Eingelcr
s in town lad

Grand Traverse Region.

.*Wa bSSi"* **

Sale Now Going On at 124
Front Street, Traverse City.

tdib place.
Mu* Ethel Ormndall retarned to &to^^«renUg.
^^homein SleigfaU Ud Sataidar


lo onto tbe P
Mr. Manh ha* boubi Caab 1^rile* honae and lot and Mr. CqAkriie
ha* mored Into the Coffin bo^
■ Mr. Powell ba* mored ootebU term
Joe Bo«cen> ba* traded bit
and lot at tbb place to C. P.
r {iropertr b
in ube Ann.
Hr. aod M
Zem Cox
ud fuailr
, _re
bar aoT«d in
MIm Kali* Bridge la rerj dek wilfa are ipeodiog
vith Ur.
r. Penc’i
Pemc-f for thii •bwdb
alire* here.
Oar Humt bai bind aal
Hra i. O. Bridge it oa Uw obId.
Qaile a oai
atlended tbe mle i
Duran for Ihr aaauo«.
rm Ian Thnndar.
8. VBnderhaaf baa b new n^leh oow.
borne, A. C.
Mrs. ChiB Onw ml to Oadat Ban
Oodtge Roadea worked for
Wynwoopa baggrBridjroa few daja laat we^.
aatUait raadr to aotr onto.
Hr. Lmk baa |wtba»d bm bene

Tbebooker Hantom came Into tbi*'
prt Friday with a load of Umber for
Korthport PoUt.
Mm. a X Flood and «m of Trareme City b ridrlag ber patratA Mr.
and Mra X John, la tbb place.
Tbe W. C. T. U. will meet Wedne*ay afternoon with Mra X F. Oaar.
Jnaepb Betford left Pridar for 8l
Jamea Bearer bland, wbere hr will
work tbia mmmer.
B. B. Bmokea of tbe Bamllion
Clothing Company^of Tiareree Citr,
(pent Saturdar U tbi* {date.
• Library
ber of- tbe
LeeII be a lampennoe dm-

Mint Ella Lewde baa re

- Hier aRtred boa oa Batar* ________»*■.

Mr. Hatohlnaof PUe Ufca la atak- ^J^Sebolt. b workia, for Ut.
lac «ood aaeoftti*• lo
Ibe {aal. arnk.
■dac tbefarmert
of Ihta Tiolaitr.
Mr Lewii lali for WidHairUm laat
MJit__................ ........... ............ .....
aata Uit Saiunlar aod Bandar.
Bandar aoiinol iraa oraaaixad at
Bodnlaat Bandar and tba fcdiovlwr
^hia Woodtaw baa l»a«fal

Boat Villobae went la Moaroe O
tar laat SatanUr to attend Ibe toi
dilp B. S. Aaaoclatloa.
.Llo.rd Eaat and iHCe of Lotg lake
ap*nt the eraaioc with A. P. .*
and faaiilr.

rued oat a week
iw nicely located


in she booao known
with mo*t all - '
Friday evening their
friend# garean ioe cream *ocial at the
home of Hra Seibcr aad
abont ...
i aboL.
— __J
tom“lteir^ aid. M*..
and Mra
Mra Oriap

g a b|. j

umev lUKi motv

>-d.r that bi
': been introdoerd In all civili:
illinl com
1 tbe German Lntbeimb cborc^U Le- trie-*
with cacerM in ewer* i
Jay Spangle made a trip to TrareneiSfrap-" Ic tioi onl^ralelnd '
City and rrurned Monday.
nlaie* the ii*»sni to diwtrar ilir
The ((earner Illinob called at tbi* ’'***'^intennlion. c
port Sandar,
;*«.v expeclorattpu.
r'" - Tbe laat regalar
•oman'* C! '
cveniag wit
member* will lake
tbe flnt Tneedar la October.
X M. Lealie of Chicago. ii
with rebtlve* and friend*
A. John
* in Lebod Tae*day t
jC. ThomiaoiL
Tbe at


Pere Marquette



Oeo. W, BealamiD of Ttar

John Waltee* of Snttooe &

Cbaa Rnfli retaned to Cedar The*.!
day^awtng. after a tbort rblt with ,



vu THB

li.iv VIEW

;erl*|.jtl^^“' “**
r dark;

Taku the C. R. & Crani}

and Mra O. M. L
--------3 (he wedding of tht_______

Mra Mrrtle Stafford of Bearer

^MUj^ Pidw haa
Miaa Boae Latdle la
gnera of Ur. and Hr*. .Charle* Balei
beipltBl alBlf Ranida.
-frianda bope ah* will raam
lolhe r .Ulaa Black haa ranted a room at
obTrl Wi
ae Swaaer la
- rct«c
Mr. and Mra
Biniaii of T^rerae I
biU a big hark Job for
Waller Lake wai at
Pofioeo* Sarardar.
dar erantog.
i The Obarlerolx called ben
Mr*. Refo* K Bate* wa* rldting
Mlaa Lain
Kolinea flnldied
ber aftaroooa. her firit
tel trip
1 her

with Mr*. Charle. Bate* Tae*dar.
B«u Johiuoo of Inke Ann b in
Waaliingtou enjojing tbe nice wtalbElncderlota
Orandma Boitard It Janding
lad week la TTaTi
ber trioida and bar
Ballon te retaned ... bu OB P<
- —^

:_’US3ivs'^' &'Sif

Tbelr maey friend* all join in wi*hA

It in-tbe fire. Olherfrlend* alao
Mted till tbe ram now i* aUiat «».
HteR^.Oiand Raobb te
lb amoaot will be tendered tbe
baao here____
oonole M in a amall way abowlng tbe
ere ml a_rbil b> >>>•
Mra. Kick Keltcai.
VilUe lake baa boagbt Amoa Pal-

SnadarLevi Bronaott wa*
Bondar and Uondar.

•• You Oalng Allen's Footsea*e7


Toong UdioA and' Mr. Am Hill of
Eingtlcy. The bride w*. ;beaetifal-

„ Shills, 25c op
■Pants, 50c up

Muleskin Cloves. 19 Cents.

Fred Le«Ibof Cbreland, arrived
Mamie Olart. whoJ*., ...
Tneeiby erening for a.s
Bring at Ag* Oibfa-* ntnnied 1
btbe« who b lerlootlT
. .. Jnndar la«L
Mra Oeo^ Warner of Algonac i*
A rer.r prejtr wedding oecaned in
Uil* vicinity lad Saturday, The eon-



will lear* Tmrerae t'ilr
ieinraliiB. J
Kate «l.00

caadly reni__
Ti, w™. .a..
. a,
boxe* added;
to “''I”'”
the' frtmT cd ■"
peagnus at tl^ir meeting
bailding haa I
n aided and palsied. Hg^l
dir %7eii5t. -wbiS'™'X?id I
Bir>TAUJ. N. T.
Cbaa Eaton, w
IDa L. H. Can^ib'II atthe Wao-1 A*k agema for full tsfomaHnn a*
-■eek looking for
>r a
wolk,retaned Lme
arioo* rate,
». Dellcioo* ice cream mod cake, to the varioo*
rale*, limila .•Ic.whifh
Tburaday. He ha*__
ted a poaitioa
•erred• before
• •
'e clah ad-:«
............................... ........
'■> tbe mill at Alden
id will go a*
Moeller. O. P. X
MD a* that mill atari




at Lowest prices-T

See our single and double Driv­
ing Harnesses—the best ever of­
fered for the money.


159 Front St.



Mra Simmond* having bought the
bon»e where he na hbeen llrUg.
6. K. Gam of Barker Creek did ho*ine** in oy town Uli Tneaday.



Iw for the P.’.M. E. R., will loave
tbb morning to oocejit a new poiitioa


fSth weddUgannii
fnl nreranu w^

’ Cbaa Will laat
a number of Ibeir
o celebrate t*

and yon will fill needaome exlra piece* of fnrniriiingsfor every room.,' We bare'anylLio),'yon wanl fur any r.oni in tlie bonmsat
tbe very loweet poenble prsfc*. cash or imymeiitg.

Mra WlUle Inke waa otlUng
>me of ber neighbor* UondarlTt.
Bagey Pubar waaqaita tltA laat
we^ with erydylaa to hla bead; h*
>>l» wife and

A. R. Smith ba* porebaoed a fine
Mr. and MtaSye WaBter of Oibota.
•ere tbe garoH of Mr. and Mr*. Robn Wilnm Bandar.
Hr. aod Mn. Fred Boute of Oiawn
re oocaprlag the Braoka ‘

Mlaa OtUe' Vatm _______________
TidUng bar motbar. Hrt.J. CbdhB.

»k.r... t»u
Tbw were U.00|pIaDled U tbe

1 KorthHarrwere-lBie
Li week la MarMlaa Annie Ondbaa haa (beo
la working In te
Qi^pn Hoxtle b baeoe 'from
larw to ipend tbe taumer hetr.
£. F. Merrill of Gtawa eommeoced
Brldanllr tba laaaanoa ....... work todar in tbe VooleatelUa..
think tne people baeeaia in tew
X^ .Xaad Stltea^b home from
of tbelr iSS^ lootading oar bS
MttU there we at late dx beta laat.
artade rrbierd bb aaat and
, Baili « Slaiaiel are paWa
BUB at the alaagfatar hoaaa.

m. in tbe Watson onek and S.dOO la
Mr. Crane and wife an go<
wing to
ridl tbetr dangfajer ar tbe 800.
w dar triU be ohaerred at the
the trout hatofaery here,
boberdi next Pridar. Ererr
bn a- Biaseli. who Own* the fiib
> Inrtlod. A dMTt program
will he.........
e^a few day#'
. Fritt
•out fiahUg.
____ _________ e Oitr
Archie Brown
own was eoofined to tbe
rbitot* lad Taeadar•dar- Serefal
Berefal of ear
daocabee*I rbited the_____
the L. O wea^butM
re lad
Ite ThamUy
ThamUr and out again.
>17 pleaaanl time.
Mm. X D. White
Work ha* e._
ireedon tbe
ilfy today.
echool bolldlng.
Sneere'* aaloon bond* wen U-Ui
rpiedhrtbe town board lad
r afternoon.


dinner Bandar at Bea BMteT


*■ X



Inaan diare W tatlona Bar K>Charlie Stibbette b abont to take
hb Beu endboBt boiae. where he wiU
reraini and oUiarwier renew tbe boat
Fteger* are pettiag la tbelr


Mb« teplbL We hope dm


CUnt Bichanb -------------Wedi
aad Tbnmday U Tnrene 0
be trbd orer

Tbetr wei e d'reabtab.
.1.(1, rldbk tnaatbUlant
tlte todor.

Soorn UMnda la________
tele that hU fatate bom.
Onaale Kebon baa tba laabe* part1, *.-•> onto bb talidlag db.
tea, be «pac«a to boild a new tton
gl the oaraea of foar raada wfaieb

ito Mm. CurtU
Hilr5,rf tb
D gore her a
___ onay. irte 11
ririM^wUb each cm____



cake* waa a eery ate bb
Itf of Mm MUtem '
hraoUfal willow nokkr---------fram tbe Imdbe..................
other amUI
ofal gUtowaabltl^Mi^



« lb.- rack U anmr^tarfixa.


porehoood a work to

MarsifaTay and It will
r ret (bat
■ Mloaie Valklaa, who haa
ti. b now able to be aboat

-•....ruyrma* rramrauttoku.'
I..M. rat Milk iwr.vtrae B Bg.


W* etand grratlr la need of tain;

- -y bar crop will be
T. F.
te trimming.


■ ‘Erie

Mra Plank
' bo ha* beee
tea unit
oca 1* still
low aad we
•port her anr
Edwoid McCone ba* |rented Tbog.
Kellr'* Xknn te tbi* aoaww.
e City hat
oar towsipeoBe •

The nrabior Oaakexaa wo* at tbb
DOR Satarday.
Dr. B. B. Oamegof Tmrerae City.

work’ll** Kota Oorx”*'


le Ikrrlaw »4 <lo

of Uteratan-Mra.
---------Ip-Mra X Webb.

Mr iBBXui baa beea down here tram
. Good Harbor for ocarlr a wee^: plow. iogaadTrepariagtoimlinfaUcioiB.
Mb> Mair Horae and Henre Bodak
were aurrlMl el tbe trddeace of il«>
' brid*'* iBUenb at Dill Pier oa tbe
Mtb of AyU lo (be nepenoe of a few
larlted gaetb.
Tbty will go to
boaaekee^ng la tbelr own box
tba «1U Pier echool boaw


Kr-S.T„"S..SS.. 's;

election of offieert, Hm following
officer* were elected:
Preddent-Mn. Libhio Denomore.

hare bean drowned.

BnrBhatdttelad attblt^

b*. rat, .v*fa( dnv.-

rime to make
> baring doe m

Hie OreaoeM made tfaia pod Sandar aoholan bare tbe nania
w^a load of miohlaaar for Mr.


Tbi* b tbe oeeoDd te withPbll Zabmao of the HicbigaaFbh


Mra 1. L. Dome retaned Friday
from a rblt with ber immita Mr. aad
Mra D. L Boat at Good Harbor.
Fred Aadtraea of' Omeaa wa* ia
rontapert Monday on buaiaeta



Mia* Mjrtle Jolm bn* retaned to
nonbpon. after a^ osteadtd rbit in ,
TmTeree City.
Mlaa Jeaaie OIU lecaiaed Wedaeoddy from a rblt U Tmrent City.
Albiae Riiumiim wa* ia Iowa.
roar. Will ran the
Wedaetey from Sotton* Bay fora

' into tbelr
Fred Winate aad alater
BIO the Orawell hoaae.

Oaptata I________ L X X Chaae recaraed to Tmreme



Wedi»w>d. •■wUOn

a >sja*


Wbea yoa wfiBf fiB^tOBto fnmiah yonr boofiedoDotaead onttide bat come to SLATER'a We will meet any price
qooted yon by mail Older bottficg or any other eoDcem. aa we can bny good* jut fii cbe^ aod oar ezpeaaea ore not one-ten^ m
great aa tiioae boaoex









km MU byeamas|ft(iBapp«tl»»Wp^MMtte4lQtba|
tetiu|aeiammi(e.|deekanflwaa tenantly kUlad. Tbe
oataU tbe
•18.000. EeUy. FaUm amd
- llyBld (iBl •
Me nUla. E
a wUltam
te Ita Bi
be •
rdaf tob.
aooolOoo or «B.(»0.000,
bat aaamattor of ten wdald be •IJS. • | fc^rhoBpi«^_____________
A diaimieb from Home sayt Ital
Bresel. (be atBseiu of Etas HaaLbcei. '
bar buome mad iannMciiBWe of tta
Uon dollara Totta tfaen backed np
lU.liratmaBi of bit }ailsra
HaaUnsi ia hU nraal feantieal and
eat DBiuBr. raid Diasley did not
iBBot eegoy pcileet braltb.
Tbe hoaae barber MU which dace
ta and tptAuns eyca if yoor me word abou oattias MU the away with tbe traaeater and maker
clasrith and yoor bowel#
eaaoo aaylnm bad seeued all It
Bretary appoiaMr. by me s«r-; dogged, DeWin’t Utile Earle Kiitbt sTlmofla latarTinr ai the WtiJr naked te aad bia BateiatBU
toeteadeftbe boBd wae fooled letT- tbe whole ayetem. They I
with lU steoe, abowed ap
F. C. IliompmnL.
h«». aarbw to the drlecaiei that br
S.nild eoBfei with th» wfcntoij, wbo aeedt of IbU a^lem and tbe t
aeld (be objeot of U
Earth iboekt wore fell Vedneaday'
anuld ael a* hii npraeBlatiTa Id sood 11 wae dolas- He aald wr
liUto oet of offte tbe 0
rieraooo to toe itlaad of Gnenaey, |
ben and lack tbe baokins of tbe
mfOTSDM OTM (be OnhaD elteatloB.
iber of tbe board.
Spice, nad a alisht eorlbqnake waa:
Tbe delecathn aid Seeretarr
feUnlRome nad.u aontoera Italy, j
ven DloaHed (or aaeae boon la tbe
"Itadptlm an tad founld not reM |
afMKMBlDa dlMOiioe of tbe
nerflnda non oaUII tried DeWiit't
tleu or tbe laUad to tbe United
dlclal drenlt and make (be rUi d
Witch Haul talrc. Afmr nting it
Bit tee.
Setaecr wae obeeired a
emoe, 1 (ergot tsTer had anytblac Ukei
Pilee." 8. C. Bolee. Somen Point.!
K: Y.
Look oat for imitatioaa Be ^
Beaor Cbpoe la
RelaUre to tbe 1
yon aak for DeWitfa. F. C.
jmaidaat epoke of the deelrc of tbe
Baatlasi a«ala made a aUtries ap­
Oataae to tare the cl<»e.t poealble re
witk tbe United Statea. He
arid that IjBited Statae loldien aad
bataat had foocht aide t>r delde
drlrea Bitaa (looi tbe iilaad. aad tbe
tiea between tbe two eoaatriee i
boDDd la blood. The reUUoDi
tberefere, betweea tbe eoanlriei
w^eboold beBoet amieable
tbe statu
Uailad Statea fcrifae aa
teed in ber UheratltB.
la ratpCBB tbe iroldeat eaptMed
bit pleMnre at Beetlas tbe deletntlon
aad dealred tbroofb tbein to emend
hit kladaat wlthM to (be people o)
' tbe Itlaad. Be Bid (bat bit iDlerea'
la Oaba alwart had beta tot sraal
BeoOBsratBlated tbe neBben of (be.
delafaUoe apoo belns a

IBM Blsfat Prealdnt HcKlalar gor*
a diaoB for (be oosubIbIob. at which

' ri aad Uorsaa of Alabasa were laeoTwrtbto Boiler Eototloa.
Bortla, Agwll 3d—A ditpateh fkoa
- naahfort

iseri tbeloBof
■Strated. -ItpUcMtta loat of life at
IB kUlad laatantlr. S» injored eariooiIrandUOellsbtlTBieiad.
Frankfort. Oemaa;. April Bd-B.r
bad bees renoTared (tob (be debrU
at the electro obeBiieal wcrki aew
CHedwim, aad (bare are still naa;
. Biaiat. Aboat IM peraooe were In• ^Btedia theexploalaa of (bree bollert
jestardap. aaar of them serlonal;.
Tta ire wae csoaed 07 (he flnt axplaaloeall o'eloeb ia tbe afternoon,
nie Bit exploMoa ooearred at 7:30 p
te.. aad U 8:80 tbe Ore waa Mill bnretat in tba eenter aad the work of exMeatlas tba bodies from tbe debrir
wae betas eazried eo by torcb llshi.
«Mlisbt Bot belns obtainable.
All rallwar tralBe with Frankfort
wae stopped darlnfl the flra. exoepi
te traina iMTlas the lajaied. bni
It fam Mane bera reraned.
FMr ebada te dteeaias tbe woanda
.of tts lajarod tare bean arentad. The'
eaMropbe orislaated la a email fire

peal for the isoreaae. 4le Bid
no iDleotlcB to reflect os naj
bat he waated ioniee. eeseli ' _
la lateateaad nasnetie deaaad
for egoltf aad eqaallcr for all iaetiLa A Tire Tooe rote trae
and the amendnnnU }Vei

Tbe amtmdmeei to tbe tarben'
boldiasthal (be{
ToproTlde te separate baUott te temars fasTe to pay most of (be <-xLte aad set tbe lenat of tie beaeSu.

Laai winter I wae emflacd to my j
I with a Texy bad cold. Kothiot
Waiblnstoo. April 36-Tbe Empreet: save me relief,
Finally my wjJr
then Bcrewl to.oainla*a total of
owBSer of Ohina baa. delessted ber bonsbl a botile of One Mitmte Coasb :
Core that effected a epeedy enre L
powers to aaalianal board which will loaaiuil apeak too hlshly of that excel.
Wneb tbe eoBBiltee arote
ipy abont tbe aame poMti«D to 'lent aemedr.'' Mr. T. E. Honarmau,
ward (be Cbioear soTnnmeol aa tb< ManaTatrney. Pa. F. C. Tbompeoo.
approprUtlB of *11,AM for (be KoetlL raUoet does In tbe United Sutee sotI bare been troobled with todlseeera aaflani waa pot on tu ImoedUte
llou (or ten yenxe. tare tried many
.a aad It went tbroash b; 73
to the Mate department
moralns in a diapateh from LejBtion
0 aad wat ordered to be siren imn
thire. 1 tare taken two boltlea and
diaM elTeot
Sectptaiy Sqnier at Peklns.
sotirn more relief from them ibaa all
Tbe tatsal raratloo reaolatlooe 1
board embraoee tbe three members other medicioea taken. I feel more
With ber atdiasaa Fn.-Prinoe like a bur (ban I tan- (i-ll In (wuly
Baterdar and Haadar wat oslered.
Andenon KiSR* of Bsnuy
Oa BotloB of MoKar. bta clgantte Cblas. LI Ha^ Chans and 'aneUier; yeart.''
I Lane. Tex. Tbonaanda tare teauBed111 wat flaallj fsttad under aotpenI aa did Ur. Klssa F. C Tbomiaoii.
aioB of tbe rnloe, bjr a rote of 77 to (,
Kewt hat Inet reacbed KewYortJ^
ran iBBedlata effect. Tboa adAmaterdam. Aiwil
hat many perxoni tare bren ms.ea- .
ioaraed till tosocrow at e a. b.
HandeUblad profNeeaI to lenra on . end by Indiana In Maneiione. Braxjl. :
sood aatborlty ttat Lor«
Lor^ Volaiey,
ttat tbe Roman CatboUe miatlon |
bit ritfl to tbe Porte, dlaeloaed
(here a few yeara s|to l>;
itleet oa the Otaadica railroad
.. tbe 81..
Inlian-ttat Basland wonld be toe Ctopocfain (atoeri baa been de
tax bill tried to set a meetlns yeiter> tbe I
id. Tbo mitaioB waa orgaaixrd
Some of them sot tosetber aad ion£ Africa as eoooaa araefKable
■G. ]| wat in n deaolale ditiriet,
asreed fora Deellaspeal Toer- iiropoBle were offered by either Bo­
tha or Kitebetwr aad that EnsUnd bn( toe mlationnriet bad Wn moil
ronid eran ^ prepared to ooaoede
tncci-atfal in (talr effort, to cvangi-lIjLBtlas. April 36-nie boose prlLoadoo, Aparll'^Mn. Boibe bat lee (lie netiYe. aikI bad ahesdr fonn.lbeen in ooereapaBdenee with SitMaeaer leid iwoorpilian atylnmain which (boy
oat fa
At areanlt. it it belierea. tbe Britltb
'or Iht- atandoDi-d cbilrirru uf
mniaaader-la-eblef liat asreed to redpiltb
iwAuderiog Iribet of saTaget. It-it
of tbe eOBtaaU of aor Miesrapb taet- wlre the (bree Boer seorraU. Botha iiald that (oarof tbe-Ceinefaln fathers.
Qelaiey sad VUlocn. within the next
tafe, b7 anf pataon oennebled with ew ta^^^lt le^^pt not
Inll luliant. from tta prorince of Uieata eoiBina; entrusted for
rrvo Onpccliin tertiary titleia.
BOO- than ItM of their litih
! charget were killed.
o.tand to tnitrnder.
A pariy ol Ronlhweelrni Indlanr.
, exeeedflUO, orthree a
t blaew la TruaMe.
impnting twenty meoibera of (he
Ptaln. Atwll 33—Tbe allied fotcet Pima. Karato. and'tagnnx (ribi-»,
wtiieh weal te avease (be death of from reterTatlooi to Arixona xiid Kew .
Uaj. Brownias of U>e Paniab iafan- Mexico, arrived lo I'hicage Toradny '
try and one of the men of bit oom- evroiog over the Ateliioaon. Toiwka
zatnd. cneonniered a eoBtldcrable acd Sadia PV- The I«irty Jirooeedecl lo
body of armed Chlneie. After a Miaip>
lo over tlie Ti'ataxh in company
with abont SN other IndUnt gnilien -I
Cblaete werekllled.
Iromrarioot poinit in (he WoL All
Tbe Briiith loot wa* Mx killed. Ja- ;of tlieae will form Ihe (ndiiLn eoiicr> rIBH two. Fretrab one.
I will be exliilital at the Pan
Ameriain Eximtitinn. Tta Imnata in
lobargeof Ur .Renbam were aelerti-<l.
rt to
Foot alttert aceordiaf to tbe Salioa.
oklll in todixn tandwori.'
in.. Union, resittered from one
ward at cbe city clerk's onoe.prMeDt- the Pimat bring noted te Iheir tat
etaaelTas separaleJy. tadi sere I kata, toe Karxjoa te their blankrta. :
t woM MF wttOomI try
for tlielr i<ott.-ry.

300,000 Womai

tearM-*' I

In WiUiamaport. Pa., a wailroM in
hotel npael a fflatt of milk on tbe
clotbea of a sneat. She apoltvixd ao
(hat tbe sneal aotislit ber aeqaaiataoceand ataortly ^Icnrard they

the northern ooaat of MawfooBi
for the next six weeks
The Arctic
ice flcldt are now packlns In opoD tbe
floes which haee enelomd her for (ta


board, it iifflUarly dtnato.r la (be
Golf of SL Lawranae. 'Ibe oa
an appretaaMre ttat bt^ ahipa
be drlren atbore.
Tba aoBMeone traataant aad tbe
Teddy Booaerelnook the third depMfaaofsood faith wbieh tare been
gree In mnioory Id Oyeler Bay, U L
baetowad by tb
tbe other oisht. in the .pveeenoe o'
eesTlaeed tbe enroyi ttat (he United It a potltlre ran fee all thcee t^iel
naaoni fram Kew Y'ork.OonnecU.
BBtB has DO eelfiah <deMsa- apoii
New Jeney and
itlaad net say latentlea of ndoly
't will elitlrrlr rorr (li. w.emt lunoi e(
Tta srand mauer of tbe atate aad Ut
< Ita Indepsadenne.
naif did tbe desree wort.

t Albion

es TEAM*

The Kind To* B«t« Atarayt Bouftit. Mad wbMt has b«a
la nae (tor orer SO yean, has borat
m amd baa been made nodrr bit per.
aoaal npwninSoit nince lie IntoocT.
Allow no one to decH re you 1 n t hla.
AH CounlerfelU, liBitaUaos and ••Jtia(-aaHritod"nre bot
imo^lAtlk SALa-lMull k.TU«

What is CA^TORIA
ttortorlB ia » b
e (tor Castor OU. I
fforie. Dro(M Bud Soolbtoff Symim. It ia I'leutaut. It
COinaiiu neither Opium. MorpLine nor other Nureotlc
aabsUture. Iiamge U lU puaroatee. It deslroys Wnmm
ond «Ua}-s Fererlahnesa. tt enrrs Dtoirbara and Wiud
OMlc. It reUerea Teething Troubles, etttas ConaU|ntiun
«u>d F}alRloocy. It Baaimilates the Food, retrntolee tbo
Stomach aud Bowels, ^ring heulihy and uatunil vlvep.
Tbe ChUdreu'a Panacem-Tho Hother'a Friend.

etween tome fn-lpht
in (he
yard and ran oM oa (hr main traM
lott at Ita paaarnsrr came along.

Dyspepsia Cure
Digsstii whst you eat.


Ailments of Women.

At Blasbampton. N. V.. Matcat
HiUer. edaoator. lareotar, and aatbnr
of eeveral widely mad poUtioal book>.
who died Uoaday, made an annaoal
reqaeat dorins tbit laat boars It r
of Oolooel Robert
InseraoU te boned at hit grare in
Floral I^rt Oemetety immedlatey
foUowlns Umwmmittal aerriee. Tbit
.Blot between at end tbe Uolted Smtaa
iwatdeaisaed by Kr. Miller Co be
opmeiit. and cbeeka any taadmey
explicit repodiatioa of logeraMT*
"Wbatwesris anwnhlefly Intereeted
. la it (be oeesoalo aqieet of nIaUona.
Ootello. who
Ow -podnel of asar and (obaeoo
Inasb-Wben ta waa clown
aaat Bad their cblcl aaitele la tbU
eonatty. U we leoelra tpeeUl tariff
In Kew
monins 1
adranlasee it will aeaa aoee to data
York, wblle he w
by Musing " Oiwry
•at prInMpal ^bjeol in eomins here
middh' to aaoBtalB what (bit soreroBe
of toe neeoBd rmee. (ib
viU 4a ia tbe way «r tariff indotwly eollnpeed In hit ctair.
Be tad
aeata. I aadentand (bat tbe.pnwi
to tedaee the tariff no lapons-fras
heart fbllnn being toe otoae.
data Un with coofna, bot we
Ranine. Wix.Joeeid) Keller, t
to tad not wtai tbe admlaUtatloB
Ranine aoldlar. reported toot aad
* will do to aid oe ia oMalaias tbeae
toe Phlllpplnea. and wboie body
d In toe Un
iBneins, Ayrtrsa-Blaad-a arcdilteel
• telatiTrs and
Uaeato blU was tobled tbla Boralac,
da by welkins to on tbem and
atbla raqaest.
. IWas. April
latoed hi. obilaaxy notic*. Kot onHl
was tokBi op in tbe afltnooB te aa
benatoed toe lUtea did ta Icwia
apraefnaUob for tbe aortbara aiylaa.
warn telie lelt.tkiee'’ (rallas. exeltaWW
fait drnto bad been reported. At
tty, iRltabllliy.
Tbe wayi and
Uag. C\ Harry U. Stone retaloleocT. or the -UeM." and
eat this to Bto.WK. Haatlas* laored
tamed to Reddiag cn tbe same dir
- to lalae (bl> and pel it back where
bom toe.PbiliptdnM. where ta eerred
tta Bsedt of the Inatltotion demanded,
with toe Foorto anralry. Ht
yworidlat (cr the neotlon of a new
ported killed in the tattle of Malolm.
eotta«e to aeeommodate to male patlwla, •31.387. and te tbe eterUon nf
^hed ber^^ eUborate foneial | .Tkl llU YH Bill Atflfl BN|U
one BOW ooltase for to female pa-

Kidney Complainte


F«r lateiti aad ChUdraa.

Tta foar-matlad totp Lind
IredalNew York! agnbonwof
(ms Hiogo. Jnina. after a royage of
m day*.expwleoc«d toe anaeoat mitfomae of having two mpulai die to
toe pmmge and n
killed. Hertoctonflt: ■
, Ctoptnin Bmtr of Belfast, ngta S3
ytnra.dled of IxaiK'dlaeaae nad r
boried nl aea. Dec. 17. Ctoptnln Wnl'
ort nbnrge. of Ita ablp to toe
Stmlle of Sanda. Apwil 8 Onptola
Wnltnn died enfldeuly of npoplaxy.



- ---

............... " ' ?-Va.M i*a,. 11 ■... a t.


lur -‘—rv»r~atl

ii 7k

* Beuv the Signatore of


Ch*l «,K| .Ut.wStM ft.


The Kind You Haye Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.

31.1 ahY of Mar.A.D.





l7tSy! t



ef July.


'Wr OtJ{ch„RUchen.
cannot cfimpare ■



NotLOe to Stocklii

.......„ ..........
• imi.


H American kitchen
cleaned with

(gOtW^AOK e.llA JOn-AI I.T HAkTIMl
M-wV- .Ad .l.,.,!..! l9lta,a.ABl.-r-^ AUl.uS AaSn-w
-Mtiik -.aii» .1-, >y Tp»t.w- ,11,.
li. ilr...n. eui. |Y...l4...t





Aart.L.A I> iwe. It l4l.Y<klr1) <«unraM«.



WADE BROS. :||i^|pg

211 From Street, Up Stain,


ORotUTK • >Kl>tUI-aui-



Tweaty acres all nulid timber.
flO acrea im^v«i
Ltr.f.frame biro, amall timise. All
good aoil and all level, ii >-,j

hoDse; walervd byaiirini.'B9'J Por.Sile-iUJ—4-1 Bcr-- -farm
hydraulic ram: all feoce.laaJ
“e aad oae-htilf raiCeae.*; ,.r
in Kood oondition. Tbit i*
one of the beat farms in thetaU- and unlv .reasvn f...
aeUintrownLrba-oth-r bufl.

Will take Mock m-ri
ebandUeat cB-h valoe to ei For Sale—Farm oT ibir-y >ev-i.
change, cr peit
atawa 4 mile norlh of MaplPrb-e J?,00O.
ton. Peniosu B
i(W bmrin:'
For Sale—>tij—Sixiy actei on
froil Ireei. ironl fr»tu- b iu«w
Peniuanla. 50J t> aring frui' . and frame barn. 1 a--r -«
Lirge frame bar* an 1
goad wool timb-r. 12 m r.-«
modem boos-, cost $1,5»
.U1 iforl
All good aoil, 50 atTrt immoiUy level
Price fl.bOO.







jrt ..riL,
“ow And bam. ddO
f™*? tree.. 32 acre, und-r
cdttration. all gxxl

iS '

SaturUAy. the Firwt Day of JuM. .

U4l>ai.t Ir-iaf ,nlb. ,H, .tritr-o III,. I.
ta. .-.■mi} 13 llruS rrt.>n. tMl Mair <S ni-SKnt tatadS.»m..dt.t.Skmi. I.. wD -La(


hundred aud eigbly-fire acre,
one and one-<|ciarter milt-«i
we« of Kinseley. 125 acr.-e
improved. 4U acrea Duch; H. <l4n-.-iin4ita^.WM,e r>.4,r.v. ta.1ir r^tLiiSu'i.^ .,11,

m.ti';-- *.3r-'-.T/-2i:"(3a2a

?'orSalc-Wi-l';j t
ru),' For Sale—7(0—Farud.-f Uiit'i
wm-v.-n inil.-iijnl r.ii
I.oiia Lake TrjL
onder cultivation.
k'lO In-arioi: frui’
Boeded, amall lake
a. ? acriw Umber, (rod
modern _
___ _ _________
.... atoti<
-....... hnnae,
frMiiwwlU-and baaoiDeat, L'eete];
Wo. One b't.' ut ruph'-r.
by furnace.
Lxr.e frame'
riee aud blaikberriiw.
barn with
baaeou-nl. - All.
good soil; all farm impW
“ '" mm. i;oo!
meate.boe.-uw and one,hot«.
orchard; moiUy all !•
level amt
Price tl.400.
ail Lfood soil. V) a<-re•
For 8ale-'.>2l-'0 a.rr a timletimbor, partly cut over.
laad. eetiruxted 1. e«* on. Uke bouse' and lol ip '
half million baolw.>L4i an-t
erse City, value uf 41.000. and
Cloae 1» It. H
ifive time tor. balance. Prii-e
Price 11.200,

; ...—.L.-it.

1^}. 1. hwl It ll»
>9 lb- .e.L.L-ie



w-ti u.

^ tmiiM


pita iBAril Okticn-WTCTI >W XK-KMAff
IW*kr tai4.'
-.wij.ta.UaIlk.lri.lal'-ta.. mltaitlTtS

|.tK>.bw) IT. Uw


Dizziness, Falntne^

ttoata, aampletetB erery paltteoUr
w (be pnrotaM
I ooBseetieot
bone power water tabs boiler. It.MDi
tnpaln of roof and sntten of llie new
■am tatldlas, SS-MO: for tbe pnrafaan of to aceea of land adyoinlns ^Baekaebe M eg^ eet tbe Tefeu
tba asylam farm. «a.tao. aad to maki
than fnada tnterehesfeabU. thli
briasiBff U>e total apfwopriatioa by
tbla MU ap to Haatlnse then
appealed to tbe boam te Ita jaatiee
tbto tmlae. BneMderefl (tat (be «

TrxYvnr aad Wair u Mito.

,.4a.v.4it. B.c».».ri>-0.»or (HaaOTrat

Elitataib Rotan>.

• Oaban eablnel. sare Sriul Wattwee. ud It parallailr adapted
loUewlBC atUemeat
‘•TbBe ia an doabi that we wUl i»eBst a tarerable report to the eoarB.
tica. We tare aeda lltUa prosrea ao
.te la aiacnBinstbe polHtel aad
tlbaicarwl BMm ea«e otBaetaebeead
UooofTliaia tbte any Mher remedy tba
vtridhatereluK<in>. tt h alautt lalaUiblt


..finlj .4


soil, Tiiie properly U well For Sale—!'d4—Farm of f*0
worth S^l.UOO. bnt owner U,
acres 14 mile# evniJi of .Acme,
going out of city and 18 goini{
acret itnpr-ov.^. 12 «rre»
to sell regardie^; Invexti
timber. 'Good fra*n~ li‘k-*
gxt- and make, lu an offer.
and log :barn. ^
Some one U going to Ret thU
fruit lre*w: all
' Price SW:
The above farraa are all located in Ortul Traverse ClMDty
and adjacent to Traverse City, the mriropilii of northern
MiebiREu, and tbe best market in the Slate for ail kind# tA
fruit and vef^elsblea
Snm* of tbe farmi can (W aoM on ea^
terms, for wme we can accept city pn^rly at iUcatb value in
exchange, burweeannot alter tbe price of any of tb-m. stall
are liM^ at lowest ca«b price and about one-half Ibeir actual
All are btrgaios.
raius. al! are money tnakera. and there are
all kinds of reasons
oDs why they are
for 8tl«.
wale, wbieb if you will
1 at our office we will explaii
raya on tbe bosUe,
!, always
glodjo see yon. always ready
list than all the rot


'..... - -


•ttta cw Mw-amu,





MRS. M. 8. C. BATES, EOrrM.

it aSacta if not apoito wimtorar to
oo«med tbateln. TopreraMtoMcmiztarae ed taitee hr the am a< ttmmme
Blanail for raxMoa parpeaea it map
be ._______
*' ________________
» ■
.. »•_
br Jmlltoc
it for a few mtoatm a v—---------8lmndjXeaiilto^.eofttoa
r. to which lua beta _____ .-n a
DoBot becto the eiwiiu olaantoc
ee," bBl BOW
oall bit
BBtll the aeuled warm WBather ecema
Aad bm
vtrt U Mt:
» hare eet to. It endancen
ptaned apoe tba doU.
8>4BTl»ni«te>teb tbeflahtoMWl,
“ a^5S of m
to ircl lid of tbe wtoler elotbec las
I tied open Ibe eat.
At Blslit 1 m«.t BMd tbo B*f
__________ _______,
loearlT. and it
Fide foandeoe on tba
to a pint of water and faoilM fata
‘■ItaBreBBlMdimt." diclMdKBr- to nerer mfe to ]a* awav all the ez- mtoatea!
tn rl^lnc telhe^^. t^ta^ mtoatea "Wood, betoc pcrona. easllj
IP Pollp |Bi^ bm tbom
abeerbe 0
... -am« boaad it op I tbtak;
Ad the torn amaU ^dkenUaf
trapa, wood merar
Pollp tool to wipe tbe tofc.
eto.. aboald alwapa‘‘to
Aafcr the thtoc* thalnre
n■‘Tbmte net. "Bom* Jobs the t»iok (hem npand taka them dow
menber that, hni of all. «i«r meat _________ rtoted
be free from noth eftn when tbip are drirf to an ^a^^
VluD I folloired oloM- Mde the Lord pal awap. and mut U pot when (be
notha oan'tReiat Ibetn. afterward.
And leeoed spon Hie tfCMt "
Holha do not like •tronc odora. hence
rtoaed and aired and
■•Thw U."
Mttoa to pe^^taf If^^^cloihee
_________,___ all feeah and etoar,
an moth free when pat awap. and are
KicelT folM la the box:
pot when tbe motha can't rcadi them
Tip afaln, mp PoUp. dear!
then ia no need of luinc anp of the
Poor tolluK brother and iUH
eo-called moth iwerentirea ll>e peeta eor. Simple waditoc will not n
Fridap, April K. IK».
welched down
^alike prlnter'e lnk^,^and will
Wl* (he eem of b hoi; Ufe,
Kow tbe epriac time bae nallp
Yob nred not wnll till roar life
line poitf'bezee. tronki, wbal
naeaad tbe bai^ SanebtoemiUdreB
made are to be
c Io(Aed
lotAed to. with new
an oat in the real canAine watobtac
pMttwend of thb onel etilfe!
ot a toper of paper b
tbe sraac cmw sreen, tbe laettp Sowinueat. Where the a



I f-

■ ;r.£-.. ;T.r.




“If poaan told to do a thing.
Aad a*eaa to do It tialp.
Never tot it be bp imivem
Baldolttreelp. fulip."
One of mp Meade etaped to
beam toe otbm night She ha* bem
etok Mth toe grip mid wa* Jam ec eh*
eoaU be oat
One of mp maim tou
got toe mampe. At toe Uleraip meettog todap two of toe little girl* to toe
primaip room and one of toe bopi of
Ug ream, had a dialog and oat
oftoe unto glrtobada.doll and ii
wae Blok and tbep Boat for the doctor
toe bop waa toe doctor, and be mid it
.pB Bad be
vrrotoaaignona j
ro and pot
lion toe hlatoboa
Well I
havetoeleaw Good-bpe.
Nettie Loirrie.

totoaad kldaept
re and to^le all
>wieogea( mcdldae I war an­
te ebeck tW treable. tot atone
IL Oa kaming aboot Doan'*
Kldnep Ptlto. I noacned tol* wav. If

t expect
Onlp be
T^re y
to ^the bleeied hopemeo't clothe
be bappp. and hare Joel aa
aneh a retreat oooid be made. Bat
We plan and etnwsle and toll for torce for tn.,,..
to doobtfol whether tbe familp. wboae . Rood timea at poo can and make ertwrUi.
tanac to atoel. nnblmcbed th
aelflth demandt hare drlr- rtp bpdp etoe hare Rood Umee at tor
bact that bare bot one opeatoR *• 5^ en tbe old mother or the
With eeUUb bcrdenaTreaeed:,
- elder titter;
And whan we hare cwMed trou
own werka
’bile (ben to no lack of letAh. then, we hare foend our rea
extend eoala. and ll It well_____ ...
pet to tbe taaket on oar deek.
an of paper all orer (be carmenlt b
• ••
we -will Itoleo now to what
fore the blR btc it clipped orer it.
bop*, and gir* had to mp
It ton Cto>d Idea, to Up e» tar at It
nnnp a eommoaitr-the to catTptoR awap tmek to Mareh and earlp A|wll.
Theer be barr dayi with the booee.
foil now work eaoai^ for throe or
So drat fir all here to a new SnnBol^ and hOBiTlfe.
In all the mantlln'R it. and to pot ll to order, to
r women—work to her home; work altioe bop to bear from;
f tr at poittlble. before another to tak­
clrlo refora; artoloha; leniperbeantj of (be errlnc tiae eonea (he en to band. BeRlh al (lie (op of the
Wiwfotd, Mich., Haicb 10. 1*01.
e: lalrlotle. or arohaeoWml aobooee claanlnc, which doer what na- boote and work down.
Do all tbe
iW^Mra Batee-1 would like to
roomt on the door ;before the ball to
lore doei for the world ewi
. join the Sanihtoe clnb. 1 am a little
cleaned. Do the eloteu in each room
tbe wioler'e doit and litter.
a moat eadenror to to balid . bop 10 peon old. I wonld like a card
Id bar life and her beart
' freih dnperiee and hrichUae op life
Of Doorce ll papa to liare a ttronf
one to her rieme wlU rIto lirr and bottoD. I go to aebool at Wex­
with the (lorr of the eommer llrtos. woman bind for a few dapi.wben the
ford. Up tmeher’a name to Mr. Baixtlal
of the work it
lAfi labe If to (be eaoe epirit of (be hearieet and bardeet;of
eon. 1 have twoatotanand two trothfe
doltort. bot
■rut iiDod mother of earth maolfuta. ou band. It com a few
Irrraiaa iBitwtIoa WotiX a Porlaae.
era For jieta I here a calf and
Itofao mreiB dootor'ablM
for the
dootor'_____ ..
dur reader, and make it a plounre mother or necleoted bebp.
Mn. Jeaale B. Hlglep Ittht. wife ohiokena For Obriztmat 1 gola nit
babp. Tlw mother
and a }<7 toatead of a diac and a (bloc oocht
Seward O. Higler. ttatlun agent of of elothea. a lack knife, a handkar
-ht not to bare
bat (be
-• walU
Ibe----------------------- at Oakland. Oal. efalef. a bag of mndp and nota.
dlMaet^ni to eeol and bodr And be- nor tboald anp woman hare '
canae It to a Uuf time. Bone CS>eer
Good bpe, from poor little (Head.
harel, nor the c_________________ —. hat one in meh of .
drape in joat (Mi bit of rfarmed phi bleoaed elenntoc aceni! Mon power
EOrl Dari*.
loe^r, which jon ean atof aa TOt
beoaeee thep
Old Mlmton. Mareh S4. IVDl.
(Bond that
Slioee of bome-made breed a dap tack oroamenlntlan. 8be (c
work, or It ym ean'l «la«. mj it:
Dmr Un. Baice-I liare nerer writ-Ibod
old, a etranc armed woman and a mfe
“Il'e^l in (he dar'a loof work, mj rt^ ladder will aoeompltoh tbe eleanto the trade of adding diaperr | ..•a to the Snnthtoe dab and often
Inc of pa^
papa^ w^^U
wallf waich^an mete- whloh could be removed. She dreamt, thoBRhl I woold like <0. I would like
Don't W0R7 and fnt
It aU Adda an to the anm oflhe .
bto^DRin _______
• *”11*1x111
Tbare la eoafon ret.
Tbe foe 70a bare foashl 70a BB7 not
roogb name to Mia* Roae tmrdlc. There are
ct right np and made a rough
, ________ „_____..oodwora______ bnl got
ig and deacrlption of what ihe at aeholar* to oor acbooL I am to the
to pollfhed, whm
where 1aoap
Tet ftrao^i^ atrife Bake ftnrdieal
en- The next dap the worl
AOt be Otod. Braae mllebat clean
ond tmder. Mr ■tcdle* are rmding.
more eaallp If drat
canfullp. bad a mmple in
witli a
her pat- eprlltog, writing and arithmetic.
1. not wel, hot
bot motol
with ken
few dapa ago r
II 1* a hare alittle brother; bil name ti Oll,. and thto oil' U
- tb»>-tl of aatit
“The thtoce that tempt and tbe ihtoAt
• eleauli


- •
rer Minor Tompkina
Mp tmpa
that IT7.
. jlc. It_____________
1. rnnhe re. “■* HenUd and I like to read the let
pletore framet^ chande- for carTTtog dimderp. It can ^
and (dear.
more^ altacbed^ina aeoood andl**"*”*'- WlU poo pleaae aend
lam eiefat peon
The raatrp eomea alonR late in (he when oa the post 1* nnmorable till | card and batton.
hooieeieanloR undertakloc, and tboe releaaed bp the ^d.
Mro Blglep | old. Good bpe. From
hat chance, till lit own tom ootnei to hmalreadp heenoffenrf(|d.orote
Groce Tompkina
bat baa' deeltoed to eeir at
to do Ut foil datp to the
Ton'U findlt'eaU toll
O^. Mich.. Marob 8, IllOl.
It leaeent the weea of tlic period to
Dear Ura. Batea-Mamma taker the
hare tbe ucato get themtelrei.
Hemid. and I like i» read tbe little
ther ean'l exacUr do thitthep can be
Oronge lol
‘*vi Jf
■****. '’*** letter* verp mneh. ;I hare not written
made hot and ealaublc bp pe|artoR
The beat war
at for a tieRe lo adranoe. A bam. If

Jtr^ni tbe Cdlhr’s UbU.

We p»y h«h,at prico lor Good Butter and Ftosh Egg,
ol auy aort m thr etty and always to market lot it.



ter trying leediriam frem ocher moo-,
afactorar* ^raaslred to be nre care*
to^kldaev^wptotot. after

18 pounds granulated sugar.
8 pounds good coffee...
10 pounds rolled oats--.
3 packagesj^aislns........
2 packages Currants....
9 bars Laundry Soap.. ■
4 poundsCrackers.......
Smoking Tobacco ..........
Pine Cut Chewing.....
Sweet Cuba Chewing
Spear Head Chewing
Standard Navy Chewi;
Flour. per bbl.^...t‘.....:
3 pounds Tea...............
4 pounds Tea Dust....

bad ^^t come to”^l^^daaice |
there vroa no help (or me. when I
eoold not core mvaeU. ll cezmtolp
■p^* well for Doan'a Sidnep Pill*
when tbep teongfat Bboat to* iMeh draired rmalu. "
mie bp all dmtore.
Fmier-MUbore .Oa
•ole agrau (or

ElkB^da, Mich.. Mareh n. IMI.
Dmr Mro Batee-I will write poa 1
Unto letter and mad poa eome namei
and Edna and Anna DIU aad
Oora Paaoe and LaeUe. Ladle to mp
Utile ttotcr. Ladle and Benba be­
long to the ktodergartan. I will eend
a block (or Babe Chebanga'* qailt.
Uke ic bBlong to a clnb. I am rml
glad I joined toe Sontotoe dab. It
jj tbiwe
make* a* good aad kind to otben.
inoent.tbepzpmwlll ilhaabmn ;j„^^ebel.^aada biceiTebairbp l**!*"!”* “ »>i«> •«*» »Bd hariac
Who bell
ren. mPoe bto raraewto
raracra to the*'u^'iindow.
^ndow. ihroo*li'wbldi
ihroo*h which it
it eeen a merTp timea to all wapa Don't for- to nice to be good. So good-bpe.
■ Who out t............
Toot friend,
Marie Brigga
Thue I* reel In leaniac and re« in Inc pot awap. aired and ennned and ; oieloim an (n (he room to dittiaet or' **® *’®’* “■<* 1“ «“ J**™ ^
Nonhport. Mich.. Ii»l.
bmlan Intide and ont before tbep an
ihoocbt Sooh a reaort. abto- dmr thiatn of winci and tenetiniAed. Fold tmooiblp and jaerraljJ^^ atart from ordiokir Smt.''it ;all tbit briact it to pan that poo will
Dear Mr. Batoe-1 woold like to beThen ii net in laokinc np;
Tboneb the fwt crow w«U7. tb
Icag to toe Sanafator Ctol^ 1 am *er.



(eandir m reinamtad. Be ei
atm toe eplBtoae of eeacae to Ti


Loll Imne of Ibe Long Uke Son•hine Club, wrote mrip in March :
Up ttoter and 1 read abont Bate
Cbrboaga in the Sanibtoe Corner.
Some friend* of eat* pat their name*
on their blork* aad eo we (bought
that wc. would pot oor name* on onr
block* I * cliiidraa bod aome pta>.
we will wad them too. aoa*
to help get cotton and lining for.tbr
qnlll. I will clow (or thi* time. I
am poor friend. Lot* Une.


opr. Huub k uys.

Ethel Bmitii of \Viltum*harg mvt
1 have two nice tdoeki which I will
and to von. 1 am ten pmr* old and
1 to the.third grade. .Mv .tndie* are
uprlltog. arithmeiir. langaage and grograiihv. Ui*a Evan* i*
mv iraehet. There e^■ (ortp *rt>oIan
trehs. 1*01.
•i-bool.- We like oor tcaeber
Dmr Mr*. Bato*-I have
verp well. I have no brothel* or •li­
tea to poo before. I wonld like to be­
ter*. *o i will wnd nro tdorka
long to toe Sonabine
JCettie Nelwm wroie'from Northnmrip nine pear* old.
1 go to achoo!
everp dap. Mr trocher'* name i* Miu
Delong. I am in toe aeoond greda
have three alitcr*; their name* 1
klatilda. Pearl and llllle Eva. ahe to
J. two pear*
IT (hi* time.
Prom a Uttle friend.
Banice L. Priurac.

Re*r eDtraniv* liehimi T-tm Miatti-'* Iwirii.


Omega Oil

U*t Satur.Uv 1 mailed three bloek*^
for Babe Cht-liiinga'* qoill. Thep
from DT iwo stoiera. Mildred and

Did yoil ever think wbat on impeftAflt thing oil is in this world? his the oil in paint that iiroveou
decay of werodwurk.
It is the »;I tliv bootblack puu OB yong

letter I* ii o-nl* from mp brnller Kop
fpr anptoiog Balie map -need. 1 ho|<p .
Babe will WKm get her qnill.

oil that keeps iron and atecl from rust

Onr tittle (rinid. Caa*ir Dike, mv*; 1

. Micb.. Harel 1. It
Dear Mro Batea-Mv pape take* tbe ;
B.,dw .w,
toeSnnahtoeclob. 1 tbooght I wi
1 got a doll, a ilofT .book, a
to be one of the Suuhlncn.
lollel lel, a eclUr and
am twelve pron old and liave
! have a nire big mt; hi* name |
brother, who will be fourteen i.u.,, _
the third grade al'
month, hi* name I* Earl. Gor achool;
nice teacher. Her
begin* in-Aiiril, then we will boil i **'‘®“*;
l> Mi*. Lncile Theobald.
hare to go. I hare got an orgm and
OBB plav quite nice. I eeml
wml with til*
letter a block 1 lueced for (l»- little
h. IVrap tliem in a cloth .
Indian girl. Babe Chebtmga. 1 am |
■h-aiii or boll for iwimlp .
»nn- ft mo»l be verp hanl [to be crip­ miasle*. At Iho end of thi* tlflie re­
pled ao that poo cannot walk. I hcqv move It to a liot planer, garni.lied :
pon will gel bloek* enonghforaquilt. with hard boiled egg*, rat it la four;
I gneoi 'that'WiU be all for thi* time. |deoi-», imor a lillle cn-am »e**oued
with l-pi«.r over the mackeri-1.
Your friend,
Pearl Carter.
AhOllier wop : YVlieu the mackerel
P. 8—1 wUl aend aome book., ha* Niiiked over night.pot toaianand
l«ur oil boiling water ruougb 10 oov-1
which 1 think afae will \ike.
er. I*-t tl KiBUd a oonide of miantre,
Cedar Ran, March
luoi. ■ llii-ii drain (liem oR and )mt them in
Dmr Ur*. Bale*-Ten Jeone gav.- the lan with a f. w tomp. of butter,
me toe tattarn and I liavt- pieced two
block* for Babe-* quilt. I wa* *0 glad
and let it Imke a lillle 'antH
to help (he Snitohino club. 1 am go-: brown
tog to achool now. .^nwd in (he
(oartli reader. I am eleven pmr* old.
Mix together lialf acnjiful of logar.
Mr oldmt brotoer goo* wjih me. He _ leaspoonfnl of core.laM and a mlthe third .poonfol of oiUi Stir in tme cojifnl:
or qaorter of an oronge old and mamma wrote for me and now to nine pmr* rmd* to the
rmder. Up little *i*ler i
and rob itI oa the *boe or boot
;I-wiU write for mpaelf. lam
Then, whe
She can not go to aehooL
. .»e»» oM «■»** Mi I go to echool and
bniah until
en prar* old. She read* in the lecatid
much, bet we hareIroktog glam TbU 1* an Bngliih re-1 • •*** •“ F®
n'taopichoolnow. Oor oehool will
le &t*l letter. So good-bre.
* Another fruit drearing to for tan Segia Ihe &nt of ApriL Sow 1 will
ahoe*. the totlde of a banaia akla. tell poB what I bare for pelo. 1 have
Tone Mend

Bab the akin over the »bo* thoronghlop Moorman.
, bake until entmta are
Ir, wipe off rarvfallp with a aofl three cats and (heir name* ate Mod
Joe and Kibaie, and one old dog;
o'loth britkip.
Patent Imther ahoe« and





It is oil that makes machinery

run easily aad smuuthly.But the grc.vtest oil of all is Omega
Oil, the popular grccn colored lintmt%t that everybody is talking nUiut.
It kccpsthebumanbodyftoi
and getting rusty.
It softens, relaxes, soothes and
preserve* the flesh of old

It Inbricates stiff

joiou, and makes then
work easily and smoothly.
And the little Swiss green
herb in Omega Oil is the
most sntazing



Etoppiiig pains and aclics
that ever grew out of Old
Mother Earth. If you have
A place on yonr body that
hurts, you are mighty fool,
isbif yondon'tniblhatpl
with Omega
Oil,. and „
cured rifibl Jiwaj-.
It is


-tw., . .wment ought to bo
good for.


UodOTi daTi, Bodarn wa7a
tbe wtolm'e anp^ of TcfretablM wat
Btored to tbe ealW and pilea of wool
• and aptontoc apparatna littered the
booee; whea there wen hner bot>
—■— --•*-------na. no water ntanr
1 onl7 0ooktoj pete

. 1&,Z:-SSSJSSfXiS,

t 4«Aedwomen andaclalatf aniMt

______ I to oiM, from ibe atm »<d
to tbe toa boi drato pipa. ud than.
not redpMd to maUv the
erandUie rbvdaa twteea

all tbe mat of the Uma.
tha lot of the- I


fanoUoaa to be


boneei. to aaeh a eoadlUea aa &u it
VbMt to make life to It endwabto
•• -*raachlbeac*7bmtortbedocda7A
■; .^tbe .maiTow plereto«eold^^

: jarr^uf--

‘i."a S

-------------^boiled for one meal map
be doobled to qoanUlp and need (or
nomtoe mUd the npzt dap. One bot
dlih. If onlp a cop of bot bolUta.
makm a meal appellatoc that other,
wiee aeemt oeU and aotorlttoR to a
. >. .? - - - - - .....
three peat* old. 1 woold like to
be one of poor little SDoahine chil­
B-nember. (see for all, that hooae little rteeltoe or eweet olL
dren U I Bight I fml eorrp (or that
moit nerer be damned to cold wc
Wllhonl hmttog or thep will on kMilittle Indian girt I thongbl 1 woald
aooa m expo^M the cold air.
eeot a few eardi to bet. Mp letter t
getting qalte Jong, and eo good-bpe.
Oertrode 0*ra.
le AlBBep.
Kapte Oitp, Ulcb.. Uartdi W, IVOI
toelr woodMied.
Hie toother had
Dear Ediur-t tboogbl I would
Bored them tram room to room to gel
one uanment afur another cleaned
■end Babe a block, 1 am a little late
and BOda are ezoellant for bee to tending mp block, bnt hope Babe
and aba wcrtblppad the perfect oJean.
Uneatoo mooh after ehe eatabl'ihed
Balt and rtoegar will remere elaln*
. ..
It, that ehe thnt the rooont ap to keep
had tot wbooptog eoagfa Ian
clean, deoidiiic. that^ai the fami epleodid gargle (or ■
I am piecing a wcimadqnill thto win­
ter. We are gelttog readr to moke
maple apriip (bto aprlng. I will be
len on the carmt
Salt to whin
glad when toe flower* bloom.
Hoomeleaatoc ton't
bad a nice time Cfariatmaa.
ink when treeblp ipllled
bowB^tmTke^oa tbeeren tenor of
' Good-bpe,
ill help to removiv toe
ila wop.
____thrown ce ancal Are will rePetoakep, Mareh t. 1*01,
vire it when low. Salt need to eweepDear
Batee-1 belong to toe
Do not be anrirtoed to bear ll|ai It tog carpet* keep*----------- •*to entlrelp nnaeoeoearp.
A oertaln
SUl and aihe* l
Simahtoe Clob. Whan 1
I Ured
rang bootekeeper wat adrtoed bp mbbage plaatowil
at -Uld ktoiioa.
1 read the nezp
her doctor who woe an old (amllp
abOBt Babe Cbabanga: we aU felt to
- •
-“ll thi, abomtoa.rorFtm.
coRpfor her. 1 go 10 achool ereij
laatlao. Tbit to alm|iler than 11
Mp teacher-* name 1* Mlm
irotetorea*. area toe moat o

Si"£'%.r~"b2SS3S5; "n







Irh r aSS“k.«^*lS

althe* for flih.

1mi iotoa third grade.
---------earboBabp of lime and bBin ae cat to thto alTcm.
•Iloea. and toe (tie(tice* to fanep ehapea 1
- Firm, “take It eaax,''the booee- eatllr at wood.
lock* atlrartlre
; eleanlin Be mlatrem of the aitaaAll frolt eklotand paring* are qalle Tbe lemon 1^>
- toSondap
ae^lp dtimoaedof along whh the
idred ' j aekool and cboroh.
Mp teacher
,------------------------ ^ Often gamlihed
eoffee groudt and *m Imroa
with maehed potato (arced throogh a ' name to-Eranc AtklBaMd onr paetm
pmerp beg aad tobe, and red radl*hm name to Rev. J. B. Badine.
(.boteren theeewill mell
Yoar loving Mead.
or toredded frM polatoe* are oftoi

,B5£r„".££r££,’T.'HSE ___r.p£.isi’2,'tt,

. ........... -....... -ftto-'oT

Ullton Beldtog.

red aroanll baked or fried flak On.
; j'imtfaBthat badoobenr mauen tfpoc

ss Sis*





; «BZaa eodd^ eool. beta to at leotl
t^ Bwenr of haeUg^^t
.aSSs^eoM oat of tae dBoaUon.
; UUtr ehoald nerer be done. If

! ■' Si?*Se*'dlLr'5.f“
_______ le damp ohll

Mogenrat, cat of the



SS‘T£^SS£Sg.'2£ElSi'w. and a email qaantltp of vinegar.!


plantt to poor

(BBOP wtoaow.

taT*.’,s." il.tii'.srhissi
Ueten to ito eolollOB:




WEEK we Are makiog a very special price on Low*
ell S-ply Oarpeta. These rIxkU are wortli llOOtbeyll,
And yon may lisve them at *1)0 net wliile ibey lut.



Victor Petertyl, •

Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs, Etc.

hoaaem pUnul
Mai4e amar Cream.

1195^? fitie Boglish Bobbinat ('urlaio, foil nitfie,'lace edge.

Some very
beantifnl de•ign* in lAice
Onitaina, Toe
I2A0 the pr.

Specials —Ti
grsde, 4-V sq.

len- 1 am going to eohool now. bot I
i Imd to eup 001 totm or (oor dap* toe


of toe relUra.
Plentp of >i«fl th* mump, vat, bnt Lovtoa bae
Id be toraed «i eo that no : had them.
Mr. KUmee. oar eebool-


»?* • —.......

•hoald be fllled with chkiride of lime, i teacher * amociattoB at Satun* Bap
Tbe iBrnace and roal btne .hcmM be laal Satordap to TMamanl the Blag
thoroaghlp ctonned oat
ham eebool and tiMn Lovtoa. and
emitag* of whitewoeh will add to toe
aad Levim tmd a reeitaelmnttoem of toe tOoee and tbe mfetp
of toe laallp health. If
collar to tioe. Paro'e biitfatep to toe elgfa.
of modon eon aad ba* a teto nlm teento of thto Bento; he wiU be (ortp
to the oeseat floor, flaih It to alt <u
corner* with a hoar, bet aee that it to pmr olA We have aeganiird a Hue.
aip eoeietp. We hnre meeting*
dried tootoigfalp.-K. Y. Trlbane.
tiro week* We had to poatpene
Never mi a aliAle'^aflag dUb
laat roeetiag en aeoeaat of m mar
watoz. Wipe ll off Aad give A Bi
haviag toe mamim
pollto with a piece of rhamola




yd; Dgrsde.


55esq.yd; C
grade, TScaq.
colon. At 2or
and 40c each
Special broken lot at 15c

Special in
Kemnanto —

Rc-Painting and UpMstcring.

E. 37ic*Hyd.
D, 45c wi-ytL
state St. n«ar Union,

Oor new Msttingssre beantiM at lie to S5c yd.

Haodaome Patterna in Por­
tiere* at Si 75 to iS.OO.

A large line Down Cn*hioni and Bed Pillows.

Som* very special patterns
in Ruga.lU‘.I Ig tv OOeacb.

» » » J. Vh^. MIUl-IKEIM.

“ Bal«e-1 will now lal
lake a deligfatfal enace. ae irell at an ; the plaaeare'of wzUtog poa a few
tttacllve gamtob
eerved aroand | Unca. I wae eenp to bear that we
rolled flih.
^ ^

Braidea'tm IWvee and map and *
Manh lA
atoeeeof tmitar toe elieotanecg.
at laaat one elove beridm ttml When toe eprap bain remove fM ter (or din *poto eoaunon oolt
I wlU BOW flatoh mp letter timt
kled on befme iweeti^ will mi
alaited tbe otom M«hA. lam going
eld carpet Jook tarlg*^
to aabool new.
Mp MMMei' 1
mA when eel, ort toto
Make belled atareh with a weak
t mM Mr. Eilmar.
■oapoad* made of whila amp taaMa)


■"“i.S ^



. ..ahssrreyfjsS


If the ranee baa alnadp been pat to
good order, and there it a dre, ti an
ezoellent opportnnitp for bakinc aome
Brown fanad will atmm to the laat
three bonre and lakec bot ten mlnakc. and doet not need to be

We Sell Kolb & Sons’
Honest Made Clothing
Which our MR. GEO. W. MILLER
has handled for twenty years, and we in*
vitc every one to call upon us and inspect OUR
line of g:oods traich is entirely new, and any oot
one of our
friends wishing to have a suit made to specialll nmeasurement will do well to call upon us and we will guarani
-oM them at less t1than one-half the rcffubr price
to furnish
lilor made _.
goods. The material; make
of merchant Uiior
and fit of Kolb & Sons’ goods
. icoown in this
section and satisfaction is guaranteed.



TravorM City, Mich.


Pretty Silver Novelties. Watches.
Clocks. Diamonds. Jeweir/. Large
Stock. Reasonable Prices.



Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats, Sausages. Eto.



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