Grand Traverse Herald, December 05, 1901

Dublin Core


Grand Traverse Herald, December 05, 1901


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


Sraurrse Ejearallii,

SraMi Crmm* VtraM |

HEIl(lim Mfllilll(i!|


P<»r tbe^Mod of 1901


b*T» noe of the fiowt AiBoniD




207 E. Front Street,

•howu in Ibp iMrt-L All tbe
tirnin Plnidn, Cnerkn.

opppslt H. A JL tiact.

Ouswrrul L-Uua.

■nd Htripm. both Forrun «Dd Do-

Traycisc aty Stale Bank


Real EstatC“‘Insurance

TbioA •• «itl iD«ke to




fourord-r attbA T'-ry lovat prices.


SURPLUS, S60.000

tumoint. LadlBciurcfeaiitTtUor.

A Ceurtl BuUac Buifttts Doe


Tire Insurance!
Plate Clans, Steam Boiler and /



. s.’fjsffi-' F-|_ORIST



Co A. HAMMOND, -li Mt


Real Estate.
Mortgages Bought and Sold. ,


MONEY rsrfio;;.

Iseal tma m .llbwaian ASaan.. Uamlrl

-Ip. BpOysUlLake
p.m., HbtrmsoSa
mmr d.1. Ibe Oompsar will inri
<ar armor an II. day train, ban
- Uetos <.b.bUar

m"a Ml'ir.tkf'

Haaj Ftmu for Stic in
Gnn4 TriTerK an4
sdjoInlBC couitlB.

"Jut tU old (•DdM Story.
Jnst B gliu,|i«T uT looitiiug glory
la on «ATltar luadisr.
VkIi .luiluv; r-'Ilrfliuiii
lo ■ (Sir ul •wr.-i Uru«o rti-i.
—K LI. UUcsuiur*.


**^hS^"mtmis. Dtelef. ' ba aielataad. ■aas’t yoa s~- tbal what:
yoa saggast UlBfarually bsaJ torm;
Baory did aoi w-a u. Be ton«d
dahbrrmlely to weigh tbraaiwy .wuoo that bad rambleo baok oo tbr sale. i
Thao hr calmly laced the ludigaatlia I

a lilUi
aoBlcii-Llly gnilrl
Drrirr gnuord
ad Ills |•0•llnMl lo the ouorway
amail wraien* grate oflloe. Lil
uro sivw ut apaeoli ahrmarlvar. Or
wiM ]aui»|i| lu aiijirecuilr ilir hady
roillrry ul uuil»-t.
■•»hy —why .l.ioiirt ii. ' tatbrr
wkwardir, "Lumet Josylu.. yoo

alter alb w
Ba bad fx<
00 him tba
lelota wilrot bis isuti
s narrow miuded ud a|uni
tore ud oowurtliy bit aaisga clmalry lo bar drlaiisr.
Ills--will —
bo he wont; bat
bot acaloB
tnos mid
mid. wbeb
wbro she
aba Invited
lovltrd Bene
Ul to dioD.T. It was still rsriy,
10 o'clock, when be drew op hit
"Ub"’ 10 sadden com|ir«hansl«.
• before the largo, ugly tr
"TlH- bride rtrcl.
Vua bi-vrr .puka
bouM on Ibe uatakiru ol
ot her ulheiwiar Iliu os MisaJosywas a
•Didn I 1. By ibr way. 1 doo
are 1 ever lold ;ua uiacb aboot her
uyway, Iwyoud Ibr fact that sbs Is
kind <if ai.tul evosib ul_^misa. u

uusly Woe; eserywbere
Innowvog the dors sod;
was buddies greenery;
everTWliere aete badding bouglw.,
Ud fium tha imurte gram aaa>e..tbr
cliswrtul chin, o* B*'
ently ci>
w larks >
I tall, wall-kult. plhlatie•d Bob. wiib a shake <
■■-Voo oar.

C. A. HAMMOND lookug
whole I





PtiyaloUtn and 8urs*on,
sotitlcally Fittm
TratrarM Cltg. MIoh.






It a ■.


I *0 i

»w M^swm, bar eilr.Pw* Barm- *«“
IMWWsaBdMS.SStaw.ll »aw

u am PiSMkw issawL. s«

.jil t.




roa HHfcw _

^ coofUntly receiviiiK addiiions for the
I Holiday trade. If you want anything
in the line of j-rtkelry do not f»U to look
over our «ock before purchastog. We
can ple»»e you. Watches; Rings, plain
and jeweled; pins, buttons, chains, etc., etc.
Something to suit all tastes and purses.
Largest line of Fine Silverware in city.

J. IT.


n ruRCHAseot

e. Fi-mtanaCueSlo.


'who had a rush >s< here, assuig blm
lie a« be desired "
11 she coaid aecoi ■ employ meoi Meob(ell tumeeil 18 U aoplma
f Ibe wurld.
Aseareoly toe girl
was a chuoe ol 1 er ubtoiaing the dis nositioo.
neither oanuemioded m> tpirllJms
aehehndiuppoerdebeo be agreed to
e was too L
mme. sue did a
had fivu
falsa the leqaeei
I be board of _____
bnsi ud aim
plBoe U u earlier applimol. Lianel Iboagh her words <
pis. there was a »s
home agaln.^ebe was obliged lo
B»'bi^ in toe home of Ueivi
maib a. BUtohford's. Koow them.’
a Womu irumieed lo
Bo. Bob didu i kbow tueaa
"Well, they live over by Coanor Henry Dwier- Soodenlyudet
die. Tbev are the rvlalirva of Lta ty be was aoeweted.
■Thai s right, Ltonet" p»l«l op
eel's 1 muliobed. HmoT Too may
toe group — - - —- goungot
Duk oo that They think more of o
1 ye go. 1 h
toeetraagec. "doo
nlcsel Ihu I do of a OoU,
Istlday that if yu i
they're more dollars Ihu
BaleU I* yisti
I toe d taeelo bueb
,Tb*Ttuld Lionel she eoald
boasrwurk for her board.
And tor 'ut’«—« toe lease ebe'd have
■ big baltai
Ltanei looked op Irum
Sbewae j




L brokr<M^'!^cri«l like a ehUA


lake oui ai much os a quarter
of u oanee in toe oooroe of o
I'suaJly her limn wm abool
la toe vast aad almart nakaswa lawbeu she got that she stopped,
trior of Abdka the ellmau U AfOtlA
tbe bead of toe boaee would n
Iw wtater ts ta etghl.m*eHw teaguidly ud eiarl (or toe aeoreM store
.ju; dry aad. esoaialag omtols latwelve milei awey.
Bomettmm be
etriewd IneaUBa*. utliaTy trw from
Ttie tetopacatare daeeeada ae
bat ae a mie be braagh. srlaA
low es 8U dsgises. with e meu et,
coo. mil, meal ot calico,
partaps. 40 degraae. Ice forma tS lta
• fbere’ ore budred, of aatlee fam- Krors tod lakas so a totokbam ta
es who 11
•tgbiffwi ud mora. tammsr artuili
over furmoatoa
Darlag ib aatai111 be lucky ebough to strike a
mt.^to ^ t^lb (warna JTm
pocket that will yield a .lolU
■ey never dream o
aad toe tempetatara tdeamat. iitaly
II ut at oooe ud geuing a
The toww amd
Il simply tnaus Umt they
mio uaaaUy pracipttalad b aboal
re Ibeir esual amc
Intone.—The Era.

tor baivl tamily. oeloogieg to toe
» geena os toe tree whose ark farbee toe epioe cal:
to the bay Ud IO toe momiras of tta Vailed Ksstea Of symmetnoal twopcriiaos. It u caa
aoblmt obyecM In the forests as eastSBb-iropical Asia ta im aaUve


wbra Itay deatrs to look MB
HM toair U[m '
Tbare are osly tbrm tantaa
lta watU HIO fata ta belghL
Korau paparle to emangaad
itas II taa ta Baed to never •

Ito to dttow
.mid that

isrealy feet, ud they may ta aixty %
jTOT a hundred feel high, ud live I

_ ,
puiw as Linnst to dmdgery."
Ur iMsaed ro weigh a lo.
few a mu Ybobaddneao
mme late it
smle uaieldr.
Then be scribbled a
I Itoe oioHi Ibe battered boos toot lay
.|uu toe oOelr-like leOgr below toe dia■|» w^wpsueL,
. into berryuas. eos staoss
oCoacordia preuy
Dftee. os yim rrw mbar. and 1 got laTbetoHemtaweariagma^Ua*.
aid ta
« la at Bmt '
u. toe Imlui of atappti,-------------------seme la Ibe tatr crtgiauml la Bgata.
repelitat bb-1
lord'a And—welL toe loogud toe hbe wuald ta tree
tsrvek. la Ooaaty
U me u-; Tbs besubl of Dsrvek.
(w and |m4
tourt «4 It IO. 1 mode op my miad devuom all | Aatrim. Irelaad. b vmii
d aod
■el ommed. ud lu marry Linnet J.
ta aay klad. fatamtag to adata MBWta BOS la toe aaos of
,.uat^f________ _
boadasrUh naoearlagta tbwto*sUV of Oreim to give I
■■------------ rcotr^ly. Kaeer
d at bass reoeire kladi

Tr'-.—ISS'JiaL"*- —“





bare! in.u a boyleh and eceiolic abool
ut leogbler.
He tell core ba aoold they eaterad ttahall Black haltod.
sflanl to UDgh.
"Her.-." be said, ttal looks Uka ay
He inamed Lionel.
Romor my
ihe Bawyrr ud Ureier baU-aaotioa ■
‘^■N'uaefim." said Ornr. "thUto np,
cwaoiy will eooo be oonaoli
"^‘wbt*'^ mw'^^BlBe.. hMfclW
m^t^collvud plswsulboatblm, "oonfoMd »oa., yo* hw*
sms o modeta
lored sll my maps aplitm rtoMi tba
idging boam."
"Ay. tare I, my hoy V ahoatod tha
niber sUppUig him <m tbs sbonldto.
■ Wtare shootd a mu keep hb IhlEgs
bca I wee lo the Oluobo dleIn bis own hmue. ud what |mrt
in S' idoragoo. UeS alanth,' ’ mid
Ibe bum bettar Ihu In hb own
ilur who le largely UIrrested in
Block wne bewildarad.
mloiug in Uenual Atrtoa." I bad u
. I begu lo tave dubu of hb
o|>|a>rtunlly of eeetng bow Ibe losy fneod'e mdiltr. bbl wheo a frtssM
aal.eot Up uelare'e till when they tornst a deml of this raiy bedae Uito
iisjiud. ud foHowed with aaoibaT ;
net-1 Mime small ebanga.
'*Ksor oar ooiup by the rtrar wnt a
hot ocoopied by 0 lypieal HoBdora.
ulu familv, ouosleuug of bnelaiod
"And BOW we are moving awny Ihb
ud wife, grudlalher ou.1 gi
old iHuse. sir. to uoUmr qaartor,**
■aid Ibe uimtor of'tola laatottabb
if gtntltade ud friudtalp. "bal
uythuig exoept tael ud •moke
rf iwrthe wile. . Al iBWvals of
bape a week.ebe wonid mliy
mill i>nl
onl with
rwhilr need tor
th" family no i*
ouAing. ud fro •d to u old pUoer
« oo the ri r tmhk. Tbare she
bigbaes waterfall ta the vortd.
_______ ,___ _
a lew gourds full
groernphy telle as. b ibe ibrsoU am*
of din Ul the |sui. fill il oi’ with wa­
oade. in toe Alps, tavtagn (Ml ta fi.ter end begin tlir usual circular mo­ too feet; ttat of Arvery Is Bavoy b
tion uf gold washing, fibs was v<-ry
skilllul ud would keep a Hay aboel I.IOOfeet.ud ttaftaleta the Yoaamile valley raage from TOO to t.OOO
wL But bigber yel !• lta waurtall I toe taa CoaTatu euyeb. ta the
water was sahueled a few epormrab
ate of Dataago. Mnlu tl was fibof euil would Iwlefl In"-- "--------rvered by aome iwaapaoSots sea yean
uf ihr pu. ud. eireadlog
with a OK ot Stic*, obi- wc
,. ...uiB by gnu, loukuig...............
Wbib BiwrahtBg for toe faaoas kwk
uerar sbi- mw a epeck of goliLebr
mlae. KaruJaL a gnat reag ta water
■teoi-d Ibe silok im her umgae Ud waabaawd. Hlto greta dlOoalty the
picked ap the imriiele by aohi
Bach bitol ibe iweeioos Bald
' awny In a quill, plaagad
I tbe euds. ud I have knows ^b fall toMUal lemN t.OOO fata


k VsMa. CUssr

w BtialBg dWriek.




Pere Marquette


JolnlDg boueeu which was tanlsbad
US well aa the aercliut'e 'd
Ul-takre are |OOt ral Tbeo tocT ml down, etatied
7'bey don't |uy
Aoybow. Bob ItDim anti: lh» bteaem of
'* euil I
wnraed Ibe mloer ud bli wtl.---------'I KMIy like Liuet, was lime to return to their iodglac
hall i-clion over lu
Logu I'uuuiy Ibel Juuie muia’^ ^
•All right, my boy." laU Omy.

.. . - .


n-w.coRKnfotiAM. *

TIHlliadAlr admiaistscad. Anridelak niwl ter rallsf of pala ot ax
Oar* in the ass ot utisapktoo aad stseUianiae



arowad Ibaf Wfalbtol'ki-aed her. 1 Iml U^r Ibr amd siwll
ladividual fl-roely. "al least oo girl! ilmi was upon ibeai U.tb.
TWi" ,br wid.
‘Uo ce. 1
er seneni. woaid
wool. toleraia sacb die '
:pa«l liei I cooU Oita for )as#.rra But iba'dls
re wicked ihudr as It ' loyally woald laome udgu^jicm d^ld.

I^L^ot etwlagui
nog a certaTo may |
of midsammvr frauii
itably be-pose good U
mg ud geollr
listed laea was brigl
bruk, kboc
Bfflor ud
alert with lutelliwith liofflor
lo every »eose ot the word
i-nry Ureier oollke blm.
Form fnamariv owned by A. C. Eld-r, li milao weal of Iro: sras ul mediato beigUi ud hearily
'.oat wlU the oh
Fottndary «t Mtouelook.
Uioaisla n{ I'Rj oerw, of wliu-li 1^
baiK. His motemriiis were dellber
kcrat is d***rad »ntl iposlly free from etumpa. 20 m-rvo of kothI timber ete to clDmsiuess. Hu face sru large lire® I
.ud toood. ati.l laL Bis
and 80 bcrtw that coold la- cleared rery euy.
aenw of IbiiI is S'
''^•o,^H^Ton^■ replied Banooll.
slobby sirvak ut a sudy mutu '
, , loam
ad down (nearly alt new seaditu; > H-.ii, Kuod
taking olt hit bat to a laebuio that
minded uoe ot Ihal ot Hr. J
tbe irnor rich wumu for a moon
inga: Hay and atock barn 42 X ♦iO with al □ebueOrnt and ll- ft purls. Brick, wind. Uartin Choulei
imiigiord lo.pli.-J espreme aaroas
took for "a rac.'Ut iraoe ol
"1 shall iry to find li.-r
bread '
Hit mild bloe ry.
iosillr.a alu V
_______________________ _______ lioose J4 k 'M. pianen-a 1losiiir,
Kuad her be did. .-the eras la I
toosl kindly. ludee<l. bis geneial anbnnse and wVoo abed. Hooae hu U» Unse rooms hmid-s pantry, peaiuoe sras aera|itacally stopld. la aext tieiaw.ih half a Uiueu royst
cluaeu and lanr* womUbed—good stone basement; irood well aud aind- reality Hr. Ureier was the least stupid tog yoaug Blaiohlurds aboat L
their way to seek i
mill at hoOB* wi^t water pipe.1 to l>arnT 100 bbl eiaiero at lionse aiili at nun. Be was most keenly ud They were oa tbei
wbataaboali of a ------ ,^,0 ben. or
Uu look i
rislem at bam. bolb made tof atuDP. pcutl^airy ebrewd
rather of h. r best. Tl .fear Ihal abe
bland luboceose. elmosi of belplra
int, cberries, plumb and
would "lay oof bad
ipr*. orsa was a mask wito wfaieb Bsini
It o{ liod miwirioosly
„ w?^l
.. ..................................
Will give time on
Vrice. «rkX
iwasuted bln
....___ — rer eeeo
AUboogb Boue'l
................ vi I take it-oH home* nnf lot or farm worth Irom fl.OOO to Thom woo faneied U.ey could by si
mOWM 4;lta».. ..
Linnet ibere wi LU mietokuig her. A
R2.000 inpitTTpnrnienl. Bnildinifs paiti'Ad and in a Kood-o-ate of repair. psrior uieolal .^ilisr uomjass a bat
nets or la-rsonsll victory over Henry girl clty^oom a 1 IS. in the
Also bouse*, lots nod fsrmt f »r sale cm easy payin-ms
l on hsve no Ureter wrie apl lu luid Uieuselras
pay, tills is all our own property.
'roated wiUi a coiuiler
inboGility of which ths
Iher tsilM to reckon
irusfered ptoduelut s a
hopelessly nen.mutic,
ud inlrlmSe cisilisatioo
oo deoyiog that foci. B.
Josylu. I
ts aompoaiiioQ a single grain ol
sutimanl. And to bis life love woald
"bire'iwwed fligfaily.
be. at Ume. de rltael avowed ir wi
gaming elm Willi a gluce
IO the 111.' of all tu^ merely u
soelcl I
lUie was a graoelo.
sode. Uf this Hob Buuel had-
tell tore, bat when boa
gown of amoke-oulurv-d oashinere bod
............. loU'iuOed by
isin-da, ao'
hu’rcMv!'* iiMiif’uI *i'^t«y
and bsva re-faubl
ly plato.
____________ Il wosarttttl.
c> haoir-e all the for
we tbu
rsDoad with a larg
I figure
It fitted her ronoded yo
3t in bis
n iirejiared L
of the country ft
n girL Her jseople with glore lil
"She's s
Tide*, etc.
■u. fdnoslsal with
ere wwl1>
le grew op IhlOk- mu. foreign
.-e grealesl care,
Ureier. "
log life ass to be I
Tbe fees before him-e vc
iwocwsleou of |.lea
Office and Wtrehou»<', 7d2 K. Kr..nt Hl
_ste. eeosltlvr iooe ii woo. w lib dark,
Oliiene rheme 4-1 dey bar lather weni all
the Bmrn of Trade The
soft hair
Bis wile dido t lost for outoy
oiler him. Ud then Linnet to white throat.
"He did Dot rwoeiee my leiiei ue
The foemer seemed, os yen may snp- "oa ore Hr. Boonell Hob amented.


loT.-yoo' Harry a
'iV- sba al.i.i.n
hark tfomUIiDg
Hr i«mrd u
IswaI bet
i beir rj
was ihal in bi. im|irti
rent, that cum|<elle.| ,.

Bor sbarplr. ba laa late BM’s
M. Ha told ha Ua Mbto. sad
a him all hU blstoty datiag tba
yrars tbrr Imd bisa srpaiatad.
I bare tba maay." said BUafc,
-baisit.oooyasl stare my pUm. lam
iirad of B'Biag ud ba^ «B aaitls
dowe bare ud get into soma baslssm.
ba< yoa ou baea tt. my daar fallow,
ud ni taka a Whack at (dak aad
r look tba moeay. and Black *•d to tba mooatalB. la tbe asarM
at yrar tbr mrndiut ansb a
loTo aad seat tba rntan bis
r: wiifa ample toMreak.
md. ud tba

tailed, tbe mlnm be had dltn
fM-lered oot. Ih.' men be lad t
deo-ived him. ud be bod obM..
dollars remaining of a uoe ampto
nuie. HehuniMNipbierHewilOi
who was. of ooarse delighted lo _waicbed out tbe whip b
btm. "Aod i doa'I es» uHUmi f«r
liir arms ol wbloh Were bevomiug al
Hy ahsroor
buraeea Loah.
He draer me to do. old man." mid Use dMmr. oaied Irom Ibe lirraisUml whiitliug
towards Belleville. -TbaA dent miner, "eseeidtoget a lobalnea lUM lu
e owu|BUiU, ' a dusro
Del al the hocel. He tb<^ ellng mnA If yon ewa balp me W
went etiaight to tbe oBice. He foud
Urewr aloue. ud la bigfa splrTu.
^rbevr )ost moeed
ed lalD
Into a ho
hoose oa
Hriiry Drelar; m a Umr
"Well." be cried, "ibat ele<
reli; etreel." •Sid
said Gray.
Oeay, ‘aad I
orul was also iailul vagar
res fixed today. We've ■
li wma wttb somrtblBg aos|-id'
___ _
_______f ud diae I
"lufsci I really wruir Liao
- Td What IS
Ilka u oath that Mr BoaorU p
oa certain dale.
Il Isa
wuuldwo. '
e a gboert"
01, hat duwo 0*rt bia baowi
oese, Dnlsbed aboat a wewk s,_
"Yoo did. rh- ' rrioraed B
«lVe. _"I
swobg oot ol tba other.
Tbe miner was im time, with hb
lag back ud Irriniog oo I
Ht Towad orat Ud orrr lo bimaa I
MtMiydreaaadwtreud IllUe ones.
Irgr of Ills chair lu a .1. strrooi
ba woolda’t go to Copootdia. Il
"Veh--tli4 Yril Biinklag to tha
town. " bTrimMad to his eld aohoolfellow. "Ben- yoa area aaecmaf*)
merebul. llvlag tn'arftna haoaa all
roar own. wiib a tank wnaaat as



ioflbasioolBiafTylDg tarsi
ssamml kbJ a I soa
Take laa bsck-pWr
ta tba glaaoaj A (uara aiigbljar than I
I migtatirr Ihan himsalf. —
talar, palttng I Bojaall.
1 bispucka^ I PerlMia.
Bsi lie roald al lliat BO
bald back tba
• go orw'ior"b^Tiiirsallj.’i^d 'imag I
I Mt to BallaTilla. Wa oao be taairiad | bis
loagar eosld Boacall ooeesal bl>!oC a^moabiaia

lb. RMUi-nMR v^ll -J I

Traverse City. Mich.

Johnson Block. Phone 73



o purru- tbk .iu><a,E« ;,v.


Rooms >• ud 11 Beadle Bl»ek.|

-T sebool Mgatbsr. arivsd Is Baa
taaalsoo early la tba “Bklas "
Bla^wai loibsmlsmamd One
•malnad to tbe oBy.sed with • si^
tm. Sited oat s Uttla ssoto. Bamasssod. amnlad. Imd oblUm. Tba
smaa big nr«m.
BafeaadUaiself la a light pUea.(tam sHileb aolbIOC bai lib.000 wwald agtrleow him.
Hr wael oatoag Us friads to tala-

my bailBiws laianata
Tbare was a liltla a
good ooal •>! o
Hobgatr bim.

Only Reel**
6TOOK Co«c

Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.

C E. HORST, Wrecttr.

t. F_, ISfYua lT-.inllini
o>-nUR-».R»»^- A Uu-J AaduunlAu'UT


Bob sslM ortalyBow gmslc Wbee. ostyiso • MlcbrL lU«JavDratw wui Bov MSMBSlosill Tb*|Ua taM> oat. don ibo pstb. sad lo
girl wbo voald b* eosMi «iib tbs : ib* l>|UC'- ^ !>]■
sM is • bs•SoenoB bt offryod wosbl h»Ts all | itoons r*d Ila*. aad haobaaalayM
sbs ditirviA Boasall lalt oooTiaaad. i «tov blaok vitb r*i»ll» a.
■ *Bd sue" sold Basiy looting at' h* balfrd bar la. Bik«iU ib»y drorn
hUfnwd."bm te ib« ailmla—IjoB Vannrr U>» dai iiad.atova. Tb>
out‘go orrr tbcM so ba Mrrtad aaxi I lr**b. hnlftbitumii scMt o>"traka"
Tharaday. Tba dMisioo aboat list j graond drtru>1 le ibroL And faUBy
Daw •laratar tbs railroad swo talk ol I bsard tbry (be aamarw wbir aed
uottlQg ap may bs madr aay day. It: baa llwt twladas lb» sammar.
voald not do lot m* to nsk briog i li ii aboel a ibnw bears'Anva from
Ooacvrdta lo BrUaAillr.
Tbay bad
"kaBaltrr:" ertad Rob. brtngtiig , traralad tnora than Imlf tba dlstSBaa.
dowa tba loralags ot bis ehsir viib a sod almon lo alM sibaior. wbss all
Bang, abd sprtngioc to lilt frav '' Do' si oecr Liaart broka dovstaaflief
joa ramoBibar ><ni »ould goto ba '
urn'" Xba paaled. -'Oo back.
"Tbat IsUmtdaeUeal rNsoe 1 eaa't il caa't main Raaiy DraW. Hals
go’" aaswatad Beery aiih his usnal I good- V« I kaov ibaL Bat lo U
air ol sataaily.
"'Tliv vary fart ot i «ilb him always' U. an—so. 1 war

'-■~^^TwT^ly~prvBy." be aTe
"And I lUe her qaite ae waU m
girl I orer mw ladaed bataer. - . -

Travwsu City. Mlei

talf a lota u |s
iBoadbytaaMnyvtaaag. Ba y.
hwwithia toehoam tosUBbta

Cr fwlitaaulLitaay.





•trad to ootl attMUoe u
Beototwl tbu il «oi -.
to dwoll loec npoc ^bl««l^ «■« j
M th* mUMt WOTld b* M
r. eoBMUKty rmlfd. oo U» tbuk- {
■■■MTir- b ‘“‘"f «itM oat
a b««t will Hod tS«» 00 roodlly »• 1
>0 BOCDOt tod. p«licb. of iroo U I

aaA U

How About


«««*.«,-no MMT *»0« «». abs«»

Ohto. Octobot »th. 1901.
Hr. Ooenn w. Boff.
Ttmrwim Olty. Itlohl»»o.
D«r Btr—Hr. Mrroo T.

"^^■^'sr.iSuss: 2
tTiTiB -

T«-r ooB-a*
totb. po-omooob.«oo«

Your Heart

AUooUoa wu called flni lo tbe nodcool bte.uo«a Toeebiac nMilce
wu tooto of Ibo ntolODot oonow over
(be dutfa of tbe IM* Pruldent MoKtaley. l*t II wu .bled tbu e««o
IbU ei>]' boooBe'e unoa.1
u 11 wu e blow »mi<* oot U a mu
bolMtb.uWoo.ud uueb il bo.
ultod lb. uUoau BOtblo« bu dim.
for Toon; ood bId«1«1 with tbt. Mirf
erer the utioo'. loa b the Mtukfal- ■
for tb. uWoB'e n«bllii7. oiHl'
___ Mortlul .treodlh ud oobl.
ChrUflu mubood of ih. .orooMor ol
tb* manured dud.
Amoog (hr
i. Uld euoo
Uoul blutlDira •<

„SiV Heart Cure

(be motartel rouperliy. tb.
of tbe outlmrot " Tbe »rulul »ood ,
>f tb. rouBIry,

™oord will boUptrf U-««
«< tt. «-*rtbab-i. .M


ocfaoob ood .piriiul eoltore from lh»
tbe .piritool bleuio«»ol lb.
e Rift ol

h*U of tbb moremut m
«. olmU bo «l*d to hero yoor f»«^
OoBotol Heoty H.
Dodd of Detroit ou of tbe tiu-

Ohrtet. tbr Holy 8i«ni. peayer.

Oetorodo. yu kwow.
rl(l>M of uBn«* wltb tb.
boil ceobot om IbU poUtiu
ay puucw thol lb.
mui Uuy Uu poworfml.tbu i«
Kloblfu. Tbe womu uem. to be
u dnotedly .tuobod to imtly u lb.
H« ue. Oo. tliiac 1 boro ooUeod.
rbicb. pelbop.. l» dor io i»rt. U BOl
wholly, to WoiDU'. onBuf. '
tb* oTeroR* Colorado woniu
bMter rood ood mor. .bl. to mlk IntrlllReotl.r OFOD eorrMil lOpK
tbe OTMOR. ouleto wurnob. Uoidu
bu iwc toe poMIe ecbuol boUdtue
md tb. Sutr School of UiBee i« elm
louud her. Tbi. ecbool, tb.y claim.
oSord. lb. brri luiraciioo In tuibrmallee of uy .cboel to tb. Colled
Statu. It bu brtween 100 ud
etedul* eoroUwl. only <«.• yoo»c
Tb. pablie
uobool eyeleiB of Colorado u Iw U *


o» Uirl^Ci^. Oor thtOR
wbieb to mr uemr Rerlirwt 1. tbU
laBRht Id cTBty Rtad.
of tbe comiBou .cliool from tb.
to (be bvtb ecbool. They do cot
Idoy «n extra luch.r for muwc. .
iracbM I. rwjBtrM lo looob tbr mou.
in hU owo jrrad..
le ihl. way tb.
nidiis.BU of icoair or. broofrt>t witb-


.. ...

iB uiAiffua o»d U yoe will drop
btm* Uu la nfoioae* l« tb* matter,
foa aey to abU to leader etill forth.
•r.oaloable oeiUlaue 1« you o^o- iMl Of It
by othMo. il
ally. We dortt. to eoUst Ibo leierut
beabrealifBl thtoRtott
1 oltlmaeaDd to elerrvl —---------------efoU
cgolu Ood u tbe glrrr of e»rry irood
•rooyeeo ibe prlrllere
ud perfect sift, ud lo oue. from
MbMiM «a tbii loodtb. tbeafbl tbet hamuiiy bu doo.
ibiog.ud fDial.brd itoerbiru
M B^sble.
lo«a Tb. tuducy of Ito i*.e«il
• wu drelernl to to 10 d.lly mu.
T-----------T. Buu of tbit olty li •
. of the Rrral.>l dURW* ol tbr
■Mbor of tbe omto ouUiMT oom- coDDtry.
mUttoOfipelslBd byOorroww Blloe.
Ur. WoodboDM theo ume lo llir
•rwUchOeMmlOaOeldletb* Hood. imtiMted pan of TbeokMlrioR. The
Mw ow of IboBMleaal crailMa parpou of Ood to mulfulUiR hi*
>~r mtv bloo to mod* power or love U lo brinB moo to Htai.

hi.tcB-y of tbe .let*, ud Wtowed the


ttoeochMi. BUea

no nooptbm m tb* teuber. i» tb*
•IW ulieoU lo olway. oeo of the plU'
■ml OTOM* of the y«w m lb. Wornu’tOUb, OBd B lerte Bomber were
pnmmt leei Friday to steel
gueto Tbe profiomwu lo eborfe
Ufa 3. Il Olbbe. ud wu opeoed
WHO » ,M*y plou ulo. “Oteide
^ kltto Bdu MoSett.
Mxa Olbto followed with a doe
M “Beae Stadlu is Eoiibto.- Stoepefceef the eorty derelI---------of the haioMn. eod save •
MBlai *eWh deWBUIto tlmeoi
WytflBe eed OboaoB. Tbe Uafaace
alu toe bed mooy latersel cbamtei
aBdUlbeptemsl time then are a<
UeubU ehoMtu In tbe method. <
tueblBI the lucoBce, BOtobly to
grammiHwl eeaee.
Hot pepet bed

Hr ttwCBIod muy of Ihr blreel
isieUpBd the li»u of o»'B that
u oflro forvoltob
oloerd «
u rxbortaUoa to ibukfolnre.
hrlpfolBue to Ihoe* wooed. An «
eel iwsyrr followed Ibe di*ooor.e.«**ofp*aiubTth.<tO0blr

qaanel. Be* A :
g>e benedietion
Tb. b-rcUr e.T*io* of the Uioor
Cpiuopel (diotch wu held to Oroo.
tbrooRb ropenteBoe.
The pealmlel' ohureh, with sperisl mo.w by
eaka "«>M ebeU t ruder onto the .rrlad cboir.
The off.riDjt will be ui eeidr u u
Lord for all Hie bu.di. lo m.J 1
for tbr obnrob. aod
will take lb. oap of ulTMicm ud
jror Ihr rhuksci*toK offcnoR
nil npoo tbe Bome of ib- Lord. "
Tbe speaker cloeed with a refervoc* •'III b.' adled u> II. 10 tnsk. e permsent.lud. only tb- lolrreet of which
to tbe oUioD-ODM pride to h.r lOTel-

Tbra Ornrlu of Cadillu ^o„a^ __
wu ap ia tb. opper pulnuU but- ^ rtumIt
lajawook orooefo. beromr eerom
h... »
,n rrfo,ir« t^’rr
brailoek bU buo follro ud prelrd ,„«„rr .tod«.l.
oBd Uy toady to be Wiidded tbi. wib- ,^.1 ibry will Dot W hoiMIlcr. At toot hi'did BOl pay macbal
ibetebT oiaktBl lb* eilutloa
tb* monu hot by OBd liT it a^eldrtlT ici*tuilD*.
. .. dowB »poB bim tliol tb*
rrerbrd .\bb Arbor
looked familiar ud In- dully
Ui.- wifr of I>r lUrrr
4 Ibat
bod breo TnrUty
ww. tbr
w.. collinR
«---------------wubi-d nrrrbnerd from
hiiown trarl of eriRol ibooIt Nuiork.l liRl.i rerir
ms.l oerea
tt did n<u tok. luoc
|SBod»y morcio. ud drowaM. Thrrr
' . will
>. oat Ih. <
» pay twlo* the rmlor of.'
>r UrSswI. who
tbe timber cal for his pains.
rhinp thr norm.
IVtukey Ourr. T. Ralus. e
>m en.1 oallrd In* ■
•r ud r^rleble peddler. .VI

d-H-k ud *i.w a
ysors of ape. met a punllor dealB »•»Tb. could. Iiad

WAY TO BECGAnY.” BE WISE IN time and use


2Z2LT.“;= ""2.r~.r;rB.c:'

tVb-lIrr or ti"t p>'0|>i. lit.
rocatr* li-rr. ihry ran’l h.Ip-c>oy'
H. di.-l .•rly 1 lend—osnyiicr (II- solortonat. worn
Im; Ihr rlimsri' Il is almnl prrfwl- brrakinp
u orerbunt H-r bod* iru u>
sal suu.hinr
H tb.1. arr any cloods Tu«wl*y moruiBp.
-Mthoopb Geeriale
only u boBT
Dd Arthur F. Uarrii
w. Tii-'tr bas bwB no storm bibo
.cn-<vm. Ann Arbor .k,*il 5* for a tout
p. four wrrkt apn, Tb-y uy tb.y by Govrnlisr Pinpfr. early
unual install.
...... ... '
year I
do to*, eooi. snow in Ibis sllilodr
of lb. ,di.<kt> Ito- imiowd
after*.- But c study sl.lph.
Cani-'s h.'ic I a' Boon, tt-tf-r.l r«-uii
!B-n by tbr poT>-mor. lu lire
*w Ih-rs* IS 11
tbr hipber almod-'e Th- atmoaub.r.
dellKhifull* cirv
Thr miboti' 1
,p|wd oil Ihr train at DruTrr 1 fell
at I was btuthiuE a Jiff.rul atwpbrrr. li srrmrd u thropb a load |
from my lup* I (
■rr ...................
noi nor on)>lnsacl
aeneatvia dn- lo Ih- allitodr.
Uriop hen- is veiy rx|»naivr. Diy
oods ar- about tbr samr u lO UirbiIP, but furcltorr Ud but!} all ralblr. arr very hich Sopar Is rhuper,
0*rinp lo Ih.' Cnlotatlo supsr b—I ICdnytry. bwm plnisir. s sir chtwprt.
too. but Irish poiatuM sod oibrr *r«.tablr*. Sfipl- and small fruits atr
auar u|i Th« Culorsiln spl'lu anIdfrrior to our Umhipao upplrs, in
SUV and 111 test- Owinp to a fallor.
io thr I-olaUi cmp h.T* tins sus«),
poiatn s ar- hiplirr Ilian Bsual. Tbr*
an- about $2 in p-t IM lb. Thry do
not S.-I1 aayihina- h-rv by Ih. bush.-I.
r*..r>lfaiup IS sold . by W.iphl. Boanl
inil T.t.1 arr bish. Oosxl board scd
room <BC sol I-.- tosiid for h'.i iliac IT
•per week.
Wei.--, sr.'huh thonpl .


ber etreOBib. ber happy humee,
The repulei OstboUe n*n^*toR
tot toflaeooe abroad, ud ended with
tme. *ru held toSt.FmDCU ohsrcb.
tbe words.
■list tore dooe Ibis. 0 Lord. Vr bare wlih blKb mew at V o’clock.
mastc wu fw>*ld«i for the
beu iboBcbtlesi ud uoinalrful cram,
lime*, bet we ore praileat ud ihukBOW. W. ukoowledB. Tb.v cocrtI Wr will take Ibe oep of sal
loB. ud will ooll B|«m Ib. paoir
ditorof Herald—AlthooBb not perof tb. Lord. "
ally acquaieled with yon. :yet I
n« Friuds oborob wu well dlled
feel to know yonThronph tb*
i tbe timr for tbe urvlc at
of Ibe Herald, of which I bare been a
After elDBiOB by the eooooDstut reader for the put six years
Bfesstloa. led by a doobl. qoari»t
1 lisTc been nrped by .evetal of to.
from tbe Frludi Uareb. He*. J). O.
borne frtcodi to write to them tfirony h
Both of tbe Kraopehesi «hi^ read
the Hetold, thert*"**. if too w* dt to
eerlptare ulerllao ud Re*. B.
Does Y("ii’
‘iotl I'l
pobUsb my letter. I *ronl4 my to el>
toe potob ead wu eoerdii
Howard Bowa led to prayer, lo whiefa
friemle who nmd ik that i woald b*
mUM M well u pcootleal.
it.-”? Whai .ulilTt ti-rui- b<
umy of tbe utloBsl ud todl*idul
plrwaed lo biT. *ou oeaslder tb* letHim Botorti foUowed with e bmalaoM for thukfalB.M were mulloler u peroooel. to yoatulf I b— Iwccii t!u‘ gr.iin-fi-cl .im! ih
IUbI ptou eolo.
yon all in mind while I write,
Wow," hyB
jrras^'k'.l l:orM.'! Till.'
fir-After e buatlfal relectloo by
Him Otay tallowod with a paper ee todies' qurtet. Be*, Ho«h Kunedy shoold to psuHy..^ea*ed mtoo lo I
stron.,'full ffginpir. th
"BINS." writWB by Kta a.S. of tbe Seoood Hebtodiil ohoreb from uy J* yon yho may eon
errite to the. u latter, fiom bi
Book. Bto epoke of tbe diSensu besell-:!
ptuobed tb* Tl
mm bfUib OBd AmertuB iloDt.
loklBcubU text 1 Semnel 12. “Bitb.
e whoUe wnongit utlre elrup. put bi.'foii' h^- K-gins.
bMt betog tbe toopotei^ tbeetreeta.
arto bath tb* Lord toiped t
___ IwlU ..
Mdbotb toklBc te the abuadterli'
ftt.-<Hn" niaUi-s .the difk-teim
Ur. Eeuely stated that ii to a Tory found Ih* pebplr of-'Golden *ery huWu ef ttolr OWB looellty.
thtop lor 08. to feel utsenble. plinble ud I«o oot took friend* here.
pemelui wUeh ewrt u etoBC peoome
IB time oemmsB pbioeee. OBd eto care simply tbtoktod of lb* dlsoacnfoit* Th- pastor u'S-puple of the U. E. One is rosy, brighl-cy'^• ■amker cf eloBd phmeu which tore ud trials of lUe. He atoed bU Lear- abnmfawilb whom I eUimed fellow- gf life and l.iughtcr, prc-'h'.'r.i
ihlp u sooo u 1 come, bare beeo u•atgrowB tbU eWga cd tbelr exdetuee eu to take a leeson from tbe
Thi' k'fo
tmm enoeuitme ere adopted ud which trill always dad the won-------- pecially kind ud already I tore jjak'. weak aibd iJull
sauhtolest plner obialnable. instead f(^d u Dach ud more cbnreb work
•toplcd ham Uie lutraue of otbar
ihg again is rcsjKm-n.Ii'.
ihu I am able
wmii OBd to Wme baeome Amerl- at moptoii to tbe
Sickly childrai r.voi A;-e.u
Ur. Eunedy spoke qf tbe thankfnl
Nowaboatthe cowtry.
1 do not
euahBg. tboocb origtoaUy appearras of tbe Hebrews u a nwloo. aod know mncb aboat it u yet. myutf. at feeding.
They d.T.'t’ii-d the;
iw to a meat eutter of tael ud aober
He stated I hare eeU Tory llltl* of tbe
gplu. TbepapmwuwTitteatoMra of all tbe uau* for IL
.oats" Scott’s Hmuiaiin add'
ronedinpa Farminp i* urrird a
Bato'e toigbt, witty Myto aad u fir- that lbi> nation ba* more oust lo I
unktnl Ibu Ito uciut Rebreir*.
m by Him Ocoy wu maeb aojoyed.
mneirely bowerer. ud Hie noontaui just the riglrt riil5iL-r-. to i: u:
Tb* speaker called atiutlon to II
rucbu w* farmed witbonl impa- diet
Jtis like- gr.ii:i ti tin
Otoiaet wu the IBM ub)eet to to
■lock roietop and abup h.tdinp,
otoWtotad. ud eermol du uleotloa. history of tb. tlBlled Slates , from i
horbc. The th'.lJ t-nt iav
r Infucy np to the rreini tlm
to a paytoK bnelneea Today a dock
wen flno te ibow tbe dlffereal
eborred IhW to storm ud sm
of 2*0 eheep i»mrd oor door- They appetite and strong
• Ifpaa all of which were pndeded
wlto towedielmy aod expbaaioty shin* of tb. aatioa'* Ufa. God's hud were motlnp them fram on* lucb to
Scott's I-iriulrio:! is nil rt'
Hra MBto. Dielut. ibe hu bun 01 Ih. brim ud tb. DMioii uotber. Il wu a dne upbl to me.
utd. to the aryptelllMtiu of tbe
luteristlo* apoa which ita.
bat now, u Ibe tree* are medicine.
aomau tvewb of Ibe peqiU tooerIt rou'cs vp dull
of tb. nwloo Is tos(«. tb. tore. It doM net look to inriciiic.
toto eeetiou or leeelltlee, ud emchildren.puts new • -i rfiir
One cocosioully aees a pretty preen
; hodtoi the Tlgoreu pbioeu ud
tbe Oruk. tb. will of the Romu ud
iwn. which, If k.-pi weU erwnrea ones and red Moid i.T. i pale
thee i-lt mi' will slay preen all win- ones.
It makes dill Jreh gn w
Golden is a amall town of aboat
Inbablluu aitnalrd In tbe foot Scott's I! nu’sion makes oi.ii
■umtod. She
nary f.-d d.i it;
hills IR mllr* west from Denser. The
s of Lowoa OBd bto Bidelow
sJlitnde to 6«» leoL
We nr* enrFapn BBd u OBl^abi. uleDllaB
(natiitod oo all aides by moumlna
bam ttou. "Tto Oeartto' " wu pt*L
ubylmuTUu Tto K«t« di
Thry ere not no rapped nor ptolar________ „ ia eoBUct wilb tbe
by Utoa
|D,' u Ibos* farttor tolaod. tot
«to HttJ i
pendtreiup pieat redoeM aad inrre arr somi- peoke of oo meu
I Ll I L'iMvrf-visaewIt.
tbia. slickT fluid, which beipfat. Ctolle Rock loeaia apop tbr
ood dieefaarpe a tb
between noo ud TflO fut blpb.
usually plraa by
; ;iTT.\ r -'M'..
Hctema ia uy
nope boulder. tl.« tidu
•taUrum disease.
klar for
which ere perr*
3 feet II look* very muh like tbe
ratoaofeomr uet.oi oastlr.

■iiTir-* by Kra Back to a ml
u Are tolrrs, washes oof other eiterHu fMOoe at bli booka 1
osl ap(dicaUous do say teal pood, for u
VaeMPB dtoleet. u wrinu by Owu loap as the isnsoe reaisias ia tbe hload
Bolpb Oesuror and olb- It will keep tirr skia itituud.
(ieoMt Htolef tt Nat lixtKJ
•■wu stoewh to e eetoctloa tram BMO FORM O
ud dr trees at. tbv moel u. eu
Vb«B Usvdid- ns t-U tbst hr sol* "a
au. Tbe tahlrludi are oorered plraOlUifeSky Pitot.plru by Hn. Ida
• r« tS»— .VSTS 1
>1 Laium.-r.- he ssid. - 'Kv. I d.w7
BnUey. wtou totont u u eloealtoa- haaits. sSkK cssstl
lifally wilb awe braeb ud urlaa B*ks a '|i*-tlr p>al b*aiD-r.' 1 sake tbs
totto piukly appraetowd ud tber- tbm lo s-rlj (..laser
la eprtog tin. and ummer tb* lowtr btXbsmsntbat nwsnij toads.'tSMr BslsTsI sur.Jwrt
Enve safTwwtsr o b- sou s Msrdol- baa.
praka ud uUelude ar. b-ailfnl
mw wtolsd oo*. It was <d th^ bmt ms.
with ptoaan ud dowm.
A pood ^
term!, pnfsrtjr l-iscroJ, aad the bsod
s. wWsn OBd cake t
siito strum of nirr coltod Ckor MSTVd^od. ilsiuTot-n *s*-diT*isd lato
lb Ooldu down lbs
mhto* detoosaied with tto <
0^ dowt ibtouph
I. yeltow ud whU
•uoBtuis. Tb.
to to a Bslstomra. *s Ib* wofct is u(
tbiep bat eW.
apta. krltH^ trulh- ce uy
_ _
Tto apiuuaace'OSB-s dt-w--.r silB-'i.t ihat mst bstrsoi-'l



commendvd by Siatnmrn. 1^
lid sVl'MlK'.'
os bo
mbIMS piominrai in tbe wo.Id
siAmc the ictusl twws ll■.IV '.P^ *
(hen jusi piiyaiiii

......... .

.1 sn .ntellrst..l o.
.vrd liom boo.lirds Its edilo






adJitlon to n,* llbisit ■’

rs h
I . S.

r, U

bow it vaabc had ailb u isvelaabl* act


Cte fictaietD ef ArtoictoiS Cempanp



tT9H a Tonrme.



Heavy brown fleece lined, sizes up to 44—four
pieces [two suits in a bundle]—good bargain
Cheaper goods at 35c a garment—All wool
fleece, best on the market at $1.00—by the
piece or by the dozen we can fill all underwear
'^vants at lowest prices.

Heaviest all wool“Dickey” Kersey-best make
—A large assortment colors and sizes, just re­
ceived, from $ 1.35 up.





The lint M. E. ebonb wu
■IMnmndoymcutoiM lie'
« m Ito cwelim of tto eolu TtomkiC
ureto* ultod m by Ih* Gu-

“£T2S;,-.rBu.B. T. Wemd.
U ■



eEscrirTa as* sirs ol aer->* mblr.-—tsaa
Uajuaeoa. isu ISvCtoSi-. SaosssCUr. No.
& E S. twaunlues tbit acid
lores It to a hsaliby.
ularsl suu. and Ibc tyipli.^u^lhy
I aadc
______ Tetter. Errsnetoa. iVnasm. Sab
Uwam aad- all skis
due to s noso
blued. Bead for oar bucA sad write <a
about roar cue. Oar ptoyeinau to**
mad* due distun a life etudy. aad cu
help yu by their adnn; we make u


■d ia stneUN cuaddeae*

lEi'u!? to":Taa::

Mackinaws--AII the Best Makes, JI.35 to $4.00
Duck Coats-- $1.00 to $4.00.
Every style on the market to select from—Not
a poor make or undesirable coat in the lot—
Ask to see them.


_____ power for two dBe lu«* door j A* th* asm, -d *Uy»to* *«wd fee hams.
ulto.. marltor ud a hcraery- •« £
--------- tBUttospsoToeoaintol,^
by the brewery ooald aoi bare bwa ■ Biesna’s. Cbviscsu. Surapitosing aad
d: MUdoau
.on oai (d too
soar, ladastry whtob WoaU
- -.
a a Uamiap taslud of a;
of tto
Ttore areapolBusi^,-. ptousei'u'arutos
twolarpebriekyardaapattoey.'ehj'-Bstooa'._ .
ruoace bass dhs.ft** totor
qaairtMaad mewiol oeal mlauu aod
BUT Ooidea. wblcb aSesd employ'
meal fas a p(»d BBi
Fitow j 6 III j*lnbaim.Tl%Cliiibli.B.t.






_T I—. tZu».j 1.


"'OKI. «1»t Smith-. pr.x

*»*o*oiookttU»««»to««li»>«T«» i
wmmc^ Mi

MM. Tb. fwpMdMl
..............- '
• eloet
MT* wmn Mt for Md M •
WM MMfbt ta.

MouBtaln Renovator
DM for Him.


SrS---— —

» bM rabUd vilb dmo»
■on vhtcb
tao ■ plv^i la met* ways tbo»


,ni—U Mksd for • poll. a>d Uv

- br
—. .! .S.SMSS
}«nr WM eolM wd
tnulM vhi^K*"**** •ssd
Tbr (bsakstopOM
■nM»s4 ■uvorod-'OoiltT.
f■■!■■■ of tbo iv7 WM a
•Uwl of BalfbMTTbs Toidtel bad no sSaet tai Bali
|4S Ko. Psari 8c.
K Wart
Esow day tbs oo»
c Jod«si»«—«


writ*Bmi»s UeVbll. K*sl»> Uibpood to TMUB
Top, Uua Tl>oo.p«»i. DtlU T
sod MB.


aolU. otta»»«di-|t«i

I. m,.-.w


J««om7 f. IMS.









Adrlaa. Dso. 4—Tbs eonnsr's jayr
m lbs Wabash wrtrk at Bsasca this
■arntat tatarasd a Tsrtiet ebanrtap
tte Wabash eompasy vith
far faUen to prorlda Inla
a bsad tsakofflaa ta aooon.-------—I.I.


ot tboar vbo boro oe< brso
HM-bMt BolIlTU,
Hsitt a bMtIs <5^. TbOBM' Eelsolne Oil J'tilths boasB. lasasirslisf la cassa 7''
rns. oaia. sfaalas. aocldsou ol ■

•«,-srr.,r !s,.rroS.TK2,ir.£t.;siH;S'».,

iaot oolr baasBu.
roUoirlep this sssdiot lbs eeart 1 paraaBsatly.
wok ap tbs Klcboli ooat*«pt Bausr ■ sboaUts nsrils: tbsr posiai
Uuy ssIL If yoa 1
d lor soanslt srba
tc a
isBl or
i du u atMlBM paanBM I


8ts«t si Ita dtslcF sAs Obs IS sdl
Ms. fs-d.'

BoKgT Wbipa
fr^lOc to 4S^.



PictuTM and ModaUioM froK 10c
lo ‘.••V-

Old People »


Vfftao from .V to TuilHC^fRW
Work Boxr*
from aic op

of BTaaiasB frisads Is boeorot 111.
nis tIO aod (allBTs to prerids atpeals birtbdsy. UsoM vsrs played tn.l a
TMT Jolly tlssWBS tad by^L^Keat lbs BSetlaf plaos of timlai Ko. IS

bM ofatm
raeolTsd by
Ma for talUap to slyaal tbs saxtacn > bln.
I rotansd Wod-'
M Mop and apply tbs atr brabs as
Mrs Staals J<
osrdlnf to rals *-. ns*ll«»uoe of «ir _____ ________________ Jlh-s tWi srllta^
Irisodi In Uaalstsa.
^0 Baatleii fta fallluc to nnlod BuWalisr Btaaaa cd tiattoos Bay sprsi ^
d friends
“: Ssii^y wTtb bU pmats ao<i
asclUrtaos is faiUa. to sifssl ihs ,
sairtasorlo stop and fsUlni to apph j b,,„ RasassTsr

Oackcr .isra
Berry 8t*U froB
£Sc- to «1.42.
Table t»eU (ran

BUSS asaa.
IB of tbs Brawasrillr-tlis

Hundreds of other useful Christmas presents to be found Were.

"‘SrrtosMU- r.llM. of Labs •»— ISTtT^X"**

**' I

• ***f
**® **'" ' Oen. W BenisiaiB imniVjnilnr Ibe ' •
fare abs died she oalled a Bsl«>.bar to | «, «. Kiatail Oa.’of Tiarsias City. ’
bar hadsids and told Urn tbst. if care-1 Is ia Konbpwl on bosisi-sc
(alstarth was nsdsaman* tbspM-l O. U. Dans saaDt Banday wtthhisi
in this plaoe.
Sary et tbspaatry aad in a esrtaia ba-. j fanily lathis^
raas drawer, sons noasy woald
A aaarcb rornlrd •l.tOO
aa old jdlebtr. OentiaainR lbs nareh
Mr. and Ufa. L. U. Oampbell a
M old skirt la tbs banaa drawer . their Tbaakta.
, dian^ with Vj
paokayei tlrt wlUi barF
' Blesli-aad family.

weelta yan aad wwed IB the pooksu , ------------- Blosle of the i
Mis. OslU
_ay rtheol.
aal Stans of tbs dreaa Tbess ooo- Bay
aebwi. earns hoos for T
■irriDa aod rrmsiaad eoill Baaday.
talaadlLMIO. Pollowlny this. f»on to
: The aew Swedish Mission obnreta
will be deilltaled On 8aaday oexl.
ttasas of aa old BlMs. _Kl.a
whlefa .1mm
also i _
Opo. ,.
tiUi Tfc, ,*rt»s wUlb
Rstr.. C.
- A. BJork.
Malalaad sseariUet ezeeBh*d bj rala- daeied
■b Ulasioo Oorea
Ursa of tba womaD aad a
abSBl ILOOO. Six handtad daUara was I
fMd bahlad an old pdetars oaths
wall. ssTOfBl hnadred aiote in old tin
aSM baar the wood pUs, aad Tarioaa
ia other OQ|.of-the-way
plaeas «aUl the wbota amoaaled to

ban aa old aota.
^«od kv stranc winds, hat doas
aaah «anat^ aloac lbs aasieni oomI
•( Baflaad Bram Korfelk to Ksat
StaTlad M wilU hsTs brea laradsd
aad mils, ot ooaatty hare bean sab-

RST. A R UIWB of the Geecrsya-1
tional ebareb at Om.-na, Will bTts aa '
sddren in tbs Bacll.h'laayaa<a.
Tbr members of tbe OooKretatioaal'
ohach will h^ tbslr ansaal meellop
Ibis sTenina la Ibe ebareb jarlors,:
aad it is sxpeoisd it will be a mere
tfaaa Bsaatlr pleasaai affair.
early ;aut of the sreoias will be dr- :
soled to bailMss followed by aa oss- tsr sapper.
Baraey Clark baa retansd to his
boas at Hart. Mleh
Mrs. W. R OampbsU aad daagbtrr
: eaore are at Bastport oa a slsit.
Mr. aad Mrs. H. E.'QIII Ufl Taesdayfor a Tisll ia OUeaco.
Oeo. MoOiay enaots to so«a Itare
rotOtalral Uke wbers be will ».


fcSaSfSSytk- .ar-.S^i/S?^ jiaesa eoUf«e this Trial



e« thsMetbodi.t


__ l\J lW»CVaW.T»lrt...O.I--------- •'—«-•-—




O. A. Wart of Orenj Baplda. has
parchsssd tbs Kslsoa oonet aad exl<eou 10 erect a taick I'aildloK oa tbe
mms this spriat.
ari pradt______
of exer^ ^
fifth room of i)>s blab sebool i.
- *' ia chsTES of Haarlca P. Byaa of
Qtaad Hapids
•bMx kind la their arilsllo ftaUb aad
A oooean will be ylTea la the town
ao dalatlta rU* e««><l
tell Sstarday striIba. Dee. 7. for tbe
tas beUday amsoo. Aamaf tbs tarpr ; oorpoae of laUlap m<msy far aa organ


Fire and Ulater Sale


Shoes, €tc„ £tc„ at 5Sc on the Dollar «

Bought at Jluction

OW(i Oil a (ini lot rTWrtiisS s <isf M SM*'» i* fssd ha.

W«-are now sailing the old ship alone and if we
don'^ sail h^r.into the harbor of success, ii won t be be­
cause we dofe't tr)* to serve your-necds so tvell that yoii
will l^ve no.4>ccasion to look elsewhere for anything in
our line, ^ur aim will be to handle REl.IABLE
GOOt^ ONLY, and at prices as low as conservative
business^ncipals will permit, \Ve buy from the most
reputable manufacturers in the counlry—their best goods
and principally in car load lots, for cash—and we know
we can and will give you better value for your money
than our competitors can do. Of this )*ou can be c6nvinced by looking over our

Fiitt Nn Une ot Hinnss, Hots,'
Fir Coats and nosti Robes
which are arriving this week.
BLANKETS-samples, no two alike-at about half
price and will give you the benefit. Don't miss this

P.-Sandelman. Propr.

Chat must Be Disposed of al Once' Lr H'ludTs?ockr.hif
are arriving daily. Some of these goods are slightly soiled by water and smoke, but
not a dollar’s worth is damaged so as to impair its true value. Not a dollar's worth
that we bought was touched by the fire. We bid only on clean and undamaged goods.

Selling Prices are based on Purchase Prices. J1 Grand Op­
portunity to Saoc Big money on your Xmas Presents.

men’s Bigb Grade Shoes al Jluction Prices
oih'i.-rs are as purfect

: are mpre or less water soaked:
some the linings are slightly soiled, and
the day they left the workman s hands. They are the famous I'lorsheim Sj-^o to $5 shoes.
if. Vici, \ e1oor. Paient l^eather.
more or less soiled. May

Jn Shoe Depl., Second Floor ^
n *4 and S5 shoes.

Shots Md SHmrs
bouflbt at auction. VMt
VMiSapc flail or

250 pairs Men's snag proof high lace'top
Rubbers. 52.50 value, isi quality-...................
5 Men's j; and 4 buckle line high top Jersey
Arctics, ist quality, regular price Se-oo
{ Women s high or low rubt
ibers. 4
ues, Goodyeai
If lirove Bi;rand..

V 50c vai-

Men s low Rubbers, 70 cent

1 OKi
i •»».»>

Qpa \


Buy your Wami Boeta aov-niff
Sav« ebrlstniM msacy.

Boys Felt Boors, worth much


‘ .75

price Se.:5-................................../.......... ±><tU

Mr Wdta siaad oot
aboT* tbe
the otbem.
St abm
JJJ MMs tbs man elabarate are tbe


rermste- lawuma.

-Msiotaiaiag SoUFtatiliJ. D. Tower.. Agriealtaral

ond la tr^ dsai^ which wtmld
•taka a baadsoB* iweosot. Tbsprlees-


Men s self acting Rubbers, latest Toes, oth­
ers ask 75c ...................................
^ ouths heaty Rubbers. 35c
values................................................ .
Childrens Storm .Alaskas (overshoes! worth


•‘fa’ths UM of JiTealls books, all of.j piJT’a'SSwS*’"

iS=?r?Sl. Orobsrd-)

oTrask's Aaotal will as amta«
amtag tbs Udd.
trsi ta aiwaol lbs ebildrsa. It is tbs
foartti year of its paUisaiieo. aad ll
IK».<jassrioBBexaad geestml die.
it hriAtsr sad Wttor tbsa erer. aatatOL
arlth Its IK MBS of stories sad
O. A- Bobertsoa. PnsldsoL
peant, six tall lags oolosed piste,
R O. Imdd. dacaataiy
aad IW pmsss plctaras It it well
wattaiM pries. tl.K.
Olbrr book.
Ereiybody U laritod to eons sad
: bring ifasir IsniUta
All boys aad

.JS.'STr.n-Sf.V S-J7.K:,''
s=r«""Si,'s?Aif'usrs:E„rsE ssr,sss:^s

Im.. turn m. M 1^ 11.^^™ « I — m, .. 0. mUiT"Tb—
art.aay eas of whiofa U fseOy taoogb , etasrwe. bat to bseoaes a menbsr of
ta bans.
% ! tbs Ooaaty lassltale a fee of U eeots
; I. ebarged. wblsb gtTss yoa aTolea

I to oleodoBS aada copy of. tbe Slats
I aoBBd Op Ballstia el ottw ko [ages,
jwhiob eoatsios naeb Twlasbls Mtter
watb away llmsa tbs eoai.
r^> expend^ la lotal eipeasee.


^ ui^BL^i-srof Tbon^tam-' “Vten JSSS
Tills. U to Sewtapert rislttag irttb ,Ms&a.roa noT wish loaskTrillta'
aaowatad ataMlybanasoisatlSo.bat


of this week, we will show you the hnest carload of


n «^_i>isoassicm.



132 Front Street.

cverj- night with Omega Oil, it will do them a world
of good. The Oil loosens stiff joints, softens the skin,
^ rdaxcs thc iDusclcs; and starts the blood flowing more
I fpgjjy
dfives but most of the aches and pains of Old
Age, and tcUcvcs Rheumatism when nothing else will.

I___ __________
lid 1-;. Tta ^oe airsa Tharadta^
MO in 11“».

A glance in the n.

store will convince ytiu that we are in close connection\with Santa Claus, and the I
jinrcs arc wiihin reach of your purse.

S tstansd I
knot thspapllsof tbsit' M.xSehiiladot
ssbaolby tbs Isaubra. Kapees Oil- oa TaMday
y last
Tbey say that for a nlaor, Joba Ksonsdy. Jr., is bsri-- froB
_____ _________
oBnsa. bs;oompeUed two boys aDdiOhlnjo
for a—___________ wllb hist
aad friwdc
is Bute trlrlto alt oa lbs Bov wllb
Artbar U'Brtso spt«t Thasbiplrtsc
tbslr baefcs so elose toa hot stoTs thsi at bU boms la TraTsns Oily.
by taasbiac
faaokward tbsy ooold
Ohas. Bassom woo a r& diannod
toaahic and they that WOTS eompsll- risR n a »IBe
- Hf-1
>ld Wodaasday st«dad to imaia tbsrs for tbrss boars, ipr.
Tbs taaober daalM that lbs Oors -a. T.^'~!
rodbol.batUnsr prasnt-.Tta
ia wood ibrse tines and that tb. Bnch holsl.
Stan was red bot la pUdbs Ibe piaal-, ji,. ppo Mra Hsary Soon ate iheir :
sr part (d tbs ttna The eoedltioB o> TbaeksplTiar diaasr with Ur. and;
tbs taitidiaa was saeh that a phy.1- Mrs. O- a KehJ.
Bert Tbomas bad tbs-nlsfortaar 10

ever shown in Traverse City. .And pur prim will be
about the same as others are obliged to ask for cut­
ters that won't bear comfhrison. You will only have
to see them to appreciate this fact.

BoKlk tM w art llotHBiliti Iff
Thanking you for past favors.- and soliciting a continu­
ance of same for our mutual beneht. I am ver>' respectfolly yours.


Tba taglaffffd llai.

iJ7 Suie Street, Travel City. Mkh.

Women's Buckle Arctics. 70c kind.
Boys' I Buckle .Arctics. ti4X>

- .98



25 Doz. Men's Overalb and Overall Jack­
ets. 50c kind......... ...................................
Ddz, Boys bbek Cheviot long, dress

Bfv abMt« Mr fff Fuu fer a (Miaas ProatP

1500 Pairs

MEN" FINE DRESS PANTS, nearly all winter weights, bought at a big dneoMot on
account of tbe lateoess of the season. All first-class fabrics—regular up-to-date styles.
On these we save you TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT.

» Cbe Boston Store



Oaoi Evny €««alaa nn Xuu*.

N riftr-wnstt BOMTWi
■i tov Mk«n wiU so 6o«W b*
«M c( Hm awM MBonbU la ea
Mtr. ihaafh >M. p«t>apa. aa mtOmt
OMpmioajMwtcM. TbafavlU
MbafentiN aanfian teaaa o( tbe


far waabBoa bafara the lln la
Mom et «nM ewaat Tbt taTbay tBB that tbay Baaa baalaaB
atwad bar.
■ af tta aaT7 viU ba aaacU
(o barbcaa aad tba Battrr la ripfal ap ta tba la*,
aad lUa mU aiiaia«t laaadla
iaaaa paopla. If Iba protolaaa oada
MUaaaad aoM llbanl a«iat>prlaTboapta bar lajortaaan »err aarl- an kapi tbay aaate that tnlaa WIU ba
M it la aot tboapbt that tbay will raootap lata Hertbpnt by tba opaalop of Iba naert ttaaoa nait year.
Ball talallT.
Ttov a* oarTaaUy ffowlafb
Iba Oriaet Aaac an bal a fa« of WmiaBB.ahaBdlarliBaaanradbla| Koramber >: tba erpaaUatlae of
. ika (laM qaMUiBf M ba faaadlad thU
yaar. Tb* gimt aMdaa nada by ihU
■T aad tba npld
hia frlaod. Bid f«r»ar Boploya. pan
(a aeostriaa by w
baaqaat- al tba Labe Claw, vert and tba lodpa waa at-----■
_ _ _.
r Uwa aad ill' Boan At tba ooaclaaloo
tba aop- flta forty-ara_ohyMr_^l--yawMd nlaaloea daattadad byohaat- parMr. OhaodWww
tiW aaadlliaoa. It ta fiatifylax ta aa elepBol poU ohale at a lokea of ■ vioa Pnaideat—Ohaa. W. Faett
Iba blpfa oaBaa lo which ba ta bald AaaUt Prealdaet—Oharlaa HallbarR
Pwrtdwt Booaanlt ia aalMd
by bU frlaada Afterattisa
■a ta siry oat iba pallelaa ao BB.1.1 pJ—ara. tba^w a-, Tiii,>;^HhillpBbafB
w^adnaotdby tba Uaa.Iaa
paraed witb beat wlabaa for Mr. , Harabal...........
Pwatfcat HaKlalay. A atreac
Ofaattdiv aad ptalaa for Iba Boa Oaard-Joha Blaobaa.
ia at tba baloi ot tba Datlaaal abtp apnad pnparad br Uadlord Sharp W.nlan-J. A. Farrow.
aiad tl b nfa to paadiet that vbaa wbo bad oely foar boare tlBa to Seatry-Piaak Bayduo.
Ilaa. laaa Doan.
HacM^aalabadiuwerf ' wblob to trapara itae fiaaL
aoBtrr will ba la a poaltloe M
Hr. Obaodlar baa baan ecnaaatad After tba oompUllea
ooBpUlioa of tba or
»a eeadltlaaa wbiah bara ba<
with Iba Irao Oo»raay
__________tbaaeeaafifgaMiii dartaf Iba paat faw ytan
ap a praat fcaat.
aad wUafa haat plaaad tbU aatln ^laea ia (ba tapard of hli
_ .
_ ^froB eat of
r~rt tba tm aad Boat inporti
Ba will probably taka a trip to Boatoo vara Oaorpa
tba world powati-Baeard.
for a loaf ml bafon aopaRlop la aot i of Hiu^d^iy.***
of the Bear
baalaaB apala.

rlfbi at way ibiao«b Hay a
aatlat fra tba ally. Iwa bat
I tbatilabt el Ibla iiaa staaa a (Ml
Tnrana Oily, aa wall aa a
B Aaralop Laalaaaa eoaoty.
dnaiop—t wlU ttataw labaalaaaa lalo tba oily. U Iba

• tlBa ptartal
poBlUa aay daaara
•waaca alcw Iba reaw aakad.
dbaetora at Iba eampaay daain aa
aatlat trata tba eity. aad bare aafctd
ligbt cl way tbraagb Bay atmt. iba
• aaly ^Ipaiaat reata aralUbb at Ihia
tiaa. Blgbiaf wvaiaof tbaabot
taaaU ba pratanbU. aot aaly to iba
pallia bat to tba oeapaBy. Bat iban
cppmt to ba ebaMoUaaa wblob say
pataM UylBt tba Ilea aloap tba
*a»a Bawanr. tba Baltar U ae<
^btBda of isa eeaDeU'eaBBl
aUnebaotlaa ai will aabaIbaitaal
paMlbta baidihlp.tbba Bearlof aa iBfwr—t that WiU brtot Toiy prcai
bMidia to tbo elty al lana la tba
BlMitlBa an oBon will ba aada to
Mam taMiba KaalaBa* VartbI Iba rifbt to aa OTor tbali
It id way. tfaaa mtIbi aa axpaaai
I eoBpaBy aad obatatlac

ONTt Dapaly-J. a Toaap.
(few taapar-y. W. Katlay.
ViM OhW Baap«r-W. 3. Peat.
BiiMdiap SaoMiaiy-O. W. Beeo.
“*• O;

art ID kladrad Ilaa of t
<nlT man la that Ilaa of
Tba maiBOrtal atrrlea for tba B. P.
n. alfhooph otban anbdI. Elba oooamd at Oraea ebarob
The lodaa atarta ooiwltb
Saaday ai lo «> e'elwk. aad aboal bO brlphlp
BbBban of Iba local lodpa allcwded
Hutiou Apnl Baeliaat al lalarloeb
Tba ladpt Bbtdwd fraoi ibeU ball, ao wa. la tba elty Taetday aaaklaf labeadrd by Iba Boyi' Boad. lo lha paladfloe oatbeaBallpexdtBealty al
ebanb wban tba apaolal maBurial lhaltowa. Than li a Barry war oe.
aanlea waa eoadaelad.
A flat aad iromtaeof Muaa atlU lirlln
Bl pac«iaB waa tae<larad. aad a bafore Iba Ba>let li atetlaA
Italy iDpfaaalra addraaa waa plran by Blan tba daaalopoaat of MW
Baa. a T SioBi. laetnr of tba of •oallpox ta tba oanp wbara tba
banb, aloap tba Ilea of fntanlty Ural oaM appaatad, 66 bob baVa '
Dd haaar to tba dapartad.
ooBdoad In tba oanp witb tba
IB tba paiade waa oarriad a mapnl- afflieiad witb tba diaaaaa, aad tbay
boaqaat of
baoaiM alneet farloai and tbrea
wblob warn diapUyad a tba ehareb
Id apoc the ptara
oooer Hopkiat pad aatUa the
got ptotba ealy ibanber |
waalo poM- to be qaartatad wban than
City, wbo baa baan oallad
doB tbia Ufa. Tba paaTa of Frad B.
Hotoblaaoo of OadllUo. who waa a
saaber of tba local lodpt al tba Un»,
or. Hwaaloo of’ tbU ally, wbo ia
of faia daadb. waa alBlIarly daooaalaA ■
,,uodib|t tba caaat of tBallpai
bel waa oallad a poo (or advlaa, that
I waa eol tba p
»« »®
Wadoatday.Noa. tba raatdaooa of all
tba maa la tba oanp, and that ba
Iba btlda-i panau oe Blpbtb atiaei. oopbl to pal tbeaa amioied
with tba
HlB OaiTit Adall aad Otia i- Ubyo diaaaaa away fna Iba real ud laoUta
wan aaltad la marriapa by Baa. W. tbam. Than waa aaeb aJaallnp la tba
L. Laatmaa. la iha pnaoooa of a Iowa apalaal liaalap men of Iba diaBbar of frlaada aaA.ralatltaa of tba naa btoagbt thara, that tba baaltb
tmoUap panlaa Tba boaaa waa
IT waa baiwaaa two drat.
b oBl flpwan ___ lo tba camp tram baeem .
aad pouad plaata. A at
tarloH. bewiTar. that toaelblnp bad
dlap npper waa aarrad afiar tba oaraba due.
Blat Jolla Adall waa bridaa-
ad Br. William Adaii. lha OSoar Hopkiaa loaded aerw of the
tarlda't brotbar. aolad aa beat maa.
la awapu aad
iBoldeal waa tba fact
Iba tlBa aaata ferW oen-bam ia a boaaa Dear tba railroad
waa feud that u impor- dapot, eoi orer 100 feat .away,
mat pm of tba prapanaloB had beoa
lad. ll la Bid that there
orarlookadud tbamlaUMr waa not
atreaama ebjeetlu to tb la. aad
pbom. beWFTar, ud etna la time to ibM Iban- eama aaai balapa riot be­
fore tba laao wen rnfaly In tba
tla tba knot, tbeaph u hoar later
Cbw waa al dm laleodad.

r of Detroit. U al Park

oprapber, paaaad Ibroaph Iba elty to­
day u hU way frea CbdUka to attead curt at Ballalra, aod diaad at
Park Plaop.
B. X Vitek hBa‘aiTlnd
troll ta nsalo ban darinp Iba wtafar tba Blobtpu Talapbeu(}u
Bobarl D. Babeoek of Bull
lautad at Park PUoa today.
Fruk Oirdatr w«ol to Blp Bapida
................ _ . D hU eoc
B. A WtlUw
itarmd today
otat et Kalkaaka. Tbay had
laek. Ml anearinp a doer. Br. Wll.
Ilamtibol a beat falrlr ihroapb the
body, bat tba uIboI neaped. Both
paatlemw an can that then wen
lO.OOO buten la that part of tba
Bn. Jaub Waldreu of Bapbue
waa la (be elty today u bar way ta
LeepBeaeh. Oalif.. whan aba will
apwd tba wletai.
Prof, aad Bn. O. B. Hem ntanad
today non BIk Rapid*, wban (bay

yu an inwoTiap aadat ymr faaiily [1
pbnietu do aoi po ud taka op tbpir ' •
ralnabla tise.
OOoa boon. S a. n to t> p m.
Auaal MMlac.
Tba auul maptlnp of tba LaaUoao
Ouoty Apriulteraf Boetaiy will bp
bald al Bapla City u Ttioraday. Ibp
Ittb day of Deopmbi'r, iwil. at 2

“SuSa’oin^. Not. aO.'lWM

Mil Omialtirs
Fn Ins

^,„pSp.d.U, 11.
• d.. |»l,« l..ll..r, tl. « <,K.0, Oi-n» *1; «ou...'. I'.it
Djrii’a Car|pl 2 '<-.

~T111 I—ailltaa O «. Olyda.
A. a. Tiyaa
Oam IVBafe>»-A. B. UoUMa».
K. B. (War. a 3. Caalaad. 3. B
bMlB, IWirana Bvanta. F. P.
lAwta. O. B. Chan, d tUa ally,ad
' r. O-DallaChBptaa.
m. B. a-OfenDaaa.
B. B—AuBwata.
B. A-A>a Oaitla.
X. *.-Tlola out.
X. B. a-Xaiy B. Karla.

X r-Livta Bank.

Slijippf riu'ra. ihitw Kfb^<«>
woiii.-t.V ,C0 .
and 3 -ci
Bi-b'a CaiivM L>Kifiiin,-0<->
75.-and 11 00.

Birnnd 6bts.

Tba New Hwod. mtkp a® oiituLr,

Tba om KelUble Shoe Hoaaa of Xortharti Bleb

Frool bu


rivareaaWBBBWOBr. Ud Bn. A. V- Friadrioh nlaiMd Ian araalap from a trip ta
Au Arbor, Orud Beplda ud Oe.
Tbay aput TliukaplTlep to
Arbu with Br. Prtadrieh’a

timl Lake, an to lha elty tU
Bra. W. A. Blllar of Orud Uapida
ta TlaltiBC bar daa^tar. Bn A. T.
Br. ud Bn A. T. Paok hare ntanadfiam aTiitltaOcud Baplda
njilar t^^^mop
aad autban Bleblpaa.
kSUa TEb^^bort of“f?t^‘ tuloobeaoff their aAndala afnrto- X X BatiMuy ud L. X Qa^au
wbo will uila to hearty oooptatnla- day. ud ao toalna miU ba allowed to airirad UM arulap from Orud HapUoaa ud pood wUbm.
i atop then ablcaa t^ ondlUoai an

Xma$ money
: National Bank of};

... For Boys and Birls


. u^Vuk^TT. .lacaioN.'tt.CH

RECORD, therefore we will make the following
great offer; open to every boy or girl i.S years of age or
under: For every new tubscri^r at 10 cents a week, for
one month or more, we will
give..... ... .......... ..............

lOc in €a$b

In JKMitan te eiabl UaluaMc PrUusi
lap traa a bwiana trip autb.
O. X Oase of Korihpon puaed
tbeapb tbe elly today u bla way ta


XlBy^waen left tbla BOrelaf u a i
trip to Beyaa City.
W. U Brown left tbla a

opwed tbe door ud ekpped iota
down ta aan for tbam. bat
the tWt, when abe nppoeta Iba ela- waa ao bad tbal ba deellDad M May
ralcr wu atudlap. The fleralor bad
ratoraad today, ll U tboapfat tbal
baaa Bkati ap. bowtrer. ud with a I *f ~
eauol raoerer.
aenam abr fair baadloep. Kr. Blue
wtauiaf tbaX
nppoaad that .ba b*B~uipW her
Uad.ud aptaap M Iba elatator abaft,
aely ta dad that tba had fallw ta tba
banmeat. ud atraek u tba eaawt
door at tba botlOB af tba abaft, wblob
k IS ladM-T balow tba batemwl door.
MIb Ouper lay la tba betlOB of the a asall aoBpaay of bar.' frtawda
(rtaB Tory
Maft. proulnp ud apptrally uy M bar
u Fifth atraat. Buie aad |
' Hr. Bibp baitaaed dowaaUlra. aad wan Iba ordtr of tba arwiap.
Ufyad tbt lajarad yoaap lady
llolua teppat waa ttrraA It U mid
table. Dr. Oaiw waa teouDOMt
tiBl Barbart Bomon woe la Iba tarwaa tow u Iba tewa. Him 0<

L. X Olbba wul ta BbbbU City

la bate ta bapla aettar werk la babaU
ct tbaneaatly arpnauad eompany.
tar tba rtpbti of way. Ha
naalB bwa utU Ibla
pllAwA Br. Betbauy and
KaataMB naiad to tba Baiald Friday
wu that they m ban to do baaaM U tbe peepie of Imelnu

X X Olbba wut to BaoealoB
Bln Ulan Baua la apudU
euple of daya al tbe taeaa of Jadpa
J. X Oaapball of Blmwoed.
paaal of Bin BUm OampbalL
Qaeapa Jameau ntataad today

Z. K Blaahaw.eeaty ekrt
taua aeuty. la la tba ally tIMIi^
bia daapbBc. Bra J. K. BtiUwafL

b ta-




To the boy bringing u the highest number of sulracriUers for one month c r more, we will give

31 Tine Suit of Clothes

Bought at Hamilton Clothing Co's.

NEW STORE. NEW GOODS -"'for tbo tn^nint ho'jd«y trade we heve ever had.

Come early

You can't tiieke a mie-

lAie by boylDK • rioff. ii'a qlwaya ancepuble. $4 To liuya a Hen.
Dina DiainnDd Ribp.

100 JUotri to c-hooae from

Wati-Fi our

biifahow wiitdowR all tbia mtnlb, they'd apc«k for aa

RASTAll, NBtlir aid Lew Prieid Jiwilir.

To the girl bringing us the highest number of subscrib­
ers for one month or more

Jin Elegant Sold (Uateb
Bought of the Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.
To the boy bringing in the second highest number,

31 Fine Overcoat

L a 0. Baaa. who died yaatarday

OUB.1 «f X Ihal
roly > .rlM
.»k« ■ calk-« Bf neb. uatrlllna*
TvH. I.LebI)
retMml by r.mat


aod ioe wbat we're ifol for .\tuie irifle.


WXat-Mtak Taafcn.
BiaW XaiyBany.
fe» oanBaadw. Oallk Tbaab
la mnw6 tailhfally tar tba paat
^ yaa aW aw akn Iba alaraMh

niix'd VafP^' iiiHi, II.
II.UG end tU<; Uaith-rnipu'a Kix avd l^n’ifioira, all
Zii-, Hie W-d 11;-

Br. ud Bra. «. X Bradley of Wnt
Blareoth atnaban taaparinp to Bora
to Battle
Bottle Creek, wha
whan Br. Bradley
ta mral for a

Bn AUm Blaine Wain left today
fer OrlA wban iba will apud tba
O. a T.>Tla Oarla
Ftuk FriMrlA will lean tulpht
fee iBulap. BewaU ud otbar ^la
la tM/amlbam part of tba atate.
Sway ba wiU parehaaa a
u bear waa' nBorad to ber Tbaprteaof poBtoaa u tbt local Uaa aoplM fer Fnak Breaeb f or bla
market Friday waa n awia for baM taadratear.
boBM u Booth Uatu atreat.
. Tba aautity aarketad waa
Bba aaffarad lataamly darlat the
allbt. bBl waa eeefidaiably baltar qalla larpa.
>tap. Vo buea ware brofeaa.
top bla eon. P. Budalman of tba
bat m wffand a larrlbla alnkup op ;
■lilllll-yaa. KntaabTlL
Him Ooopar tblaka alia atraek w Hao. L D. Watklat a
O—t-Jaba Klbafe. Jr.
Bn Bu Howard left yinaitay ee
tboapta Br. Blat tblaka bar
oia bar bubud at Taaotu, WbA.
ttafeii (than yaanV-A. J. Paiarfan atraek the door drat, etbarwlaa
Frank Wallca. cawhMr ef tba Ftm
PalUia. Bra. Watklaa baa beta
aba wnld Imaa bacn mere aeriowly W.
fattawal tfeak, baa pua to Ch
hart, ud pOBlbly atan ^Ird.
Onaki Wood and «a a bulBaat wiiv
Br. ud
X. Q. Bnbart Bbkr.
eblld of B
bBar lar «a*laBa
^Sd^: Sheriff BarttaBnwaef Lokad la
apt ad TbU
la tbe eity today u bla wv to tbe
B. R. Matbaaay. udiler of tba Q.
ud 1^
X B.-0. B. JetaaoB
B. A L ud D V.
of Kaw
9. B.-S. L Oavta.
Tokk. aaptBliau lemtanod la tba tbaetcy tod^
iwapeaed Trarm City. t-«-i«~— A mvynear'abiuiaa.
banFri- ABoa Bartlett cf Oadar waa la fee
elty today.
Bn Frad Soeer of Otud BaiMa I
1 by0.tV.
BbarmaA Beya af MaydaU
kpaoBdlUaanelBpar tcMonuo e
ra« XkdyO
ukiplTtaf day ta tba ally.
rlatl ber mtlbir. Bn M. 3. Mtkar.
r. a Tiea of Ottar waa la Ik
II srrrwot^ wii.k.
r ibellM fnm ihu,
"iU< Ibe pmhl.u ®f raKtar <-*:
city la
narro*.rolty wliboal milk bwn ..*11.
tMr I
< If paaMbla aoaa da-: ** amnloyad tbla wlatar.
■rrra atbnuaUiei>. Hiatrklnrd Cali
of tba ripht-et wv; Br- bod Bra- Bytu X Keith mi.
a Baapn Apaaa BafeaBj 1
BdTmhMl (er Wle t>) klni wi>
ul of thU elty ud to atraapa fw Iba ' fp**' TbukaplTlBp with Iba tamUy nolW pace of ttah |w|>e. I. Or
Um) IB be a |B-rfee| BolMltotr. A

lipn. tlS-’>«l-‘iU. SU-‘. and
ri; UpD'a Spal. Goa-U 7-'> aod
MuVtluLKrarott, SL
Mpo'a Hji GO; Upo t
t’arppUi<*l-‘. \W ahow thirty
Bt}|pa in Mao'* S'ipprra. rail
and inap-1 tbi. liop


■ TOBACcosprr

■ DON’T 23“
tn III. .to TV-' to ukiai,
Chat vtkn vnk bmo .iionr, MaB. i:.:b
uapwiWi IB 1.B Ob.b 400,000

d.k ; Wo.

■akr •aedwMd-Fiaab Boob.
, feBW BMdla—Oa^ Banewa.

10 l.oli ID Urvrtaitpia,
V«0i ;W inn'u'a 10.bii(lou I Ivrrpailpia. 2i-, UX- and .•*X-;
VVcniKti’a T-batVM Ovpfpail.
alA :!X- ai.d :IV; .VVcmiPti'.

-*lw«aai^»^H..w.-d. not Ibp
7.V Mi.i hoc; Wuippit* JI.BVpf. fril aolp. II;

Bar. Raph Kmaadr wnt to BalBurlpd at till ETauprlioal lanoi).
laln ibU afaiMU to aktnd tba
akxplTlDp Day, ^Irmiu KptBaatiap of tba Orud Tnrana Hlaii- wlteh ud Him Clara Derpn.
Laap Lnkp towublp. Rpr. II. u. Koth
offlolatloR. Tba poed wi«li"i of lliPir
. muy frieoda po with tbatu.
K F. Oallapbar. of tba Trarpraa.


uiak<-a uwful prnpot M- u’a
Wlwi Blippcn, tiSc aod 50r:
Mpb'a Piuh Slippan,
;.V and ti; iS^o't Kid Kli|>.
prn. ~.V.tlaod$l.S:.: Mrb'a


Bought at the. Boston Store.
To the giri bringing-in the second highest number.

Fine Jacket
Bought of J;\Y. Milliken.


EVERY novelties of every
description are being
"A I ^ added to our stock of .
useful articles — Pretty China
and Bric-a-brac, full sets of
Dishes and single pieces at
lower prices than the ordinary
bazaars can sell them, as we
have three big stores to buy
for. and the '‘quantity makes
the price.” *
Call and see us.


To the boy bringintj^us the third highest numt^O^su^
Co.’s store.
To the girl
To tbe boy and

imber of subSteinberg's
bringii^ in the fourth^ighett nnm-

This contest will dose Monday, Dec. 23. at 6a» p. m,'
All who desire to enter tbe contest should call at once
at the Record office for the necessary bluk orders.
These prites are of high rlass and cxceUent value,.
and are now on exhibition at the above places.
This offer applies lo Any Boy or Girl iu Traverse City
or surrounding towns or country. ,

Bates i Bannen, pmMwr*.

of dDnerea ban^ abnatdO I
----------- irad. good bnoBs abd benn. I
ahnel IS aoea (nit toew. grapw *'
- aaaU frala of snr&Tkt


riuk rrudrich feM KiU bU sloop
Tosfct. H. 8. Plafroo. It., to r
Lladlor of <%lo«o. SsioeolTos.

Hr. Onrtto
taob Tba projaotnee pot In
hU atoantoao to Us iBsaraaeo bnsl-t Xpplp
dnd tbeomad dellan. torn farmart on asm. and tbs graear olan wlU bs |
aiksd totoks flftp tboomad dellan under lbs dinet efantge of Kra Onrwmh of stock a*
Paaa tbaases to
paelad frmn tbs but
............... -mill
; Pttcafpiag food la lbs t
of tbs oltp.
for thslr stock emt of tbsir Tbs tag roll for tba townsUp of gjf
an to pap f.
OharlsTOlx moms rbUswaur is In tbs babdsnf tb.IUa polsone froa sloggal to-sla gSAm crop of
aasam. 3. O. Bloodgeod. and all tip. aaallT tat aarsip. earing Oetuiitaka hold with
_ _gHpandit
taUsTsd that ttaspeolecl wiU go paipl.
. datorln, la „ ttalr m« oan ^
Prst( .& Doris. otsacDors* (or tbs Ibroogfa. TtBTsraOttT toalsoagoodidoao.
tooUsa Oalp tSc at A E Wail 4
TioTMooOitrOsoOo.. bore tooslrod Sint tor a best sngat faotom ud ttj
Bone aod Jaa O. Johason'a
now Dealk Xsar.
eopf of tbe tsstiotcor 1» 4. twwet
aa food eato
idlap'e neat ■
(voalp'toel fueltsi
Piaftoo Jr . bos bsooo popolotbaM
«ol Hr. Prisdrleb. bl* tsailr o>4
MoDds lato bod noop food tiaoi

equal to thoas of «ip oelar pm of
'^loiu.r^’^rmfi o^h^iSSl
naa and tetter Ibea tbs areraga. tl it sesaed bar wmk and son Inogs
lid ooUapas. Oood doctors mid.
Kvlll betokeoMihablfber
eras >0 far gone with Oaosnap-,
eoon as tosa os possible, wbsse tbs
lion that no asdlelns or sartblplislp.
Boabon of tbs |W eonpoap boro or- lbs neosstarp propsrilsa Otand Tnr- oonld
^ frlsad
asTs bsr. tala
wj heps of boTlsf tbs dsoUlee of tbs sres eoulT and trltatarp tarritor>' «■>
U msndod
asndod Dr. King's
King’s Kew
Ksw D
jond fwrsistsnt
noted for floe potsloes, Ibemfocs li
psrristsnt ois
osr of this 1sxosUsni
loWM eeert rsTowsd.
tas Poekord VOS rsltosod froa


Iwatwlt Tf-k<SsMstor.



Oh^kln-R. a Bspnofils. lalaaA
Blserard-Pnacils Bonra, Elk Jmka.
tkatnrsci Oltp.
Treaancoe—boweU Boors.
Bsontsrr-B & Omp. Arehie.
of te wetbsof H. D. Allep, bosoe- Osts Esoper-A. U KlmtalU UmpA r similar pedtieo vUb Blok tad.
Pemoes-Hra Uootge B Boblasen.
srd * Btoadhafan._______
TraTorse City.
of Oaideld township Flota-Mra B Dana. Old Mlaslim.
at P. Eptelka-I stno <
Osrso-Mn. Blsrrow. InlaaA
Otttll Matidi 1st to roeelre t«dp Amtsmnt—Mrs. Lnwsll Bonio.
nu wlU br a oaoTaBlao
wtUbsffiTtolM tbatbeU stJU
tnpoelnt. Aoodtaio

• tes fonad aottaiiif better

Ktn. a. <I Mess, fommrlp of this
oltp. died Hondap aftomoon a
bSM la Hn*ifOB. sflar a llnfsrlof
Ulaam. Tba fsMral will oeonr Tbare
dap oAssnooB at t o'eloA at tbs OoafT^Hsiiil ehMeh In this oltp.
A mosdat of tbs eOtesrs sad 10
onoftbsPrlatdsSandsp sebool
bold Inst eroak. and It wna dsel
to Imro a Ofailstmas tree on Cktlsl
• 0*0. with o OBltabls profiam.
' wpalntoBdont will appoint osltnUe




■ea wbo an laae fortanau In a
BtM Loaefca trl^ lomber this orio' aapoiml asnm. tbae tba firm.
In tbe eoboolt thU idea wai oarrisd
ttf. pnttiBf Aim fanes of aso s. It aa mtsal. tbe ehlldm brioglof all
arotfc. Psiot Oeorads wUl also lam eons of thlnge In to* way of prrTU.
lens and dallBaelea. wbirb werr die.
tritpond (bU aornlng.
Tbe Aid aocletp of tbs BapUsi
ohnreh and tbe Ooofl^llonal ohu^
fB*e libeimllp. as did meinlwn of
Oos Doalos ana John OarlWe bars all tba other obnrobea
Tbe nnloo Tbankwlrlng otsrlaf
tnkaa a oonlnot to fot oot Uabo
tnm naar Slstfba.wbisb will oeeopp at tbe Pint M. K. eharcb today.
n*eu to tbe Womans' Kslief
tbaa tkrsspsars.
Oapt fortbsb>«sdt of oeadp a»lHark tew and William Biffins re
and ibelr famlllM. whits tbe
Ssmsd Handsp froa n aip to the appu
laf at tbe Prlendi obareli was
psniaBto whore ihep ssenred dr* essd tor the bsaadt of needy familtos
dear sod s dne otter.
on tbe sooth ond west sldst of tbs
Hia Edllb bastl^ has takra
tVwnns UcsBB*.
Tbo qaartorly osutoo of Pomona
gtanfs oloosd at Otaags ball WsdnssTbs
moetong bas boon laitel*
e now m mis f« tbs Hlgb
OBM. -fins^ Bstbsr.- atlondod and tneoesefol in sTsrp wap.
Tbs following otBeoii wen aleetod
Kl atSaloben'I
w tba anseiof year.
Wtwtbp Uastsr-J. Oitl of Old M

Mfris^bt P.J----------------- -

is your sure guide to economy. Oie teii you
tbe news conseroatioely, but forcibly. Every state­
ments accords with honesty and fair methods, ap­
peal to your intelligence, wins your confidence.
Clear cut, direct tacts, entirely free from the absurd
statements that you so often read.
? Solid Blocks ot Bargains a « a « % « %

Drinki «t Our Feuiitain.

rstod tros smoUpoT
BOB to pssrsBt fartber ooatBfloB has SMS on* win bs glTsaan opiortnn- 6 E. WUt 4 Stas^^d JaaQ. John->«cnaooa»»
besaTec7tboroofb,all tbs elolbinf.
Isrollars, boOdlac and banfknn of
In wbleta bs was U1 bSTlDf
bsMi barasd. Tbs total dsstropsd
amoanl to erar d«L Tbs bosss
sabjseled tlou and afoln to
of lbs Ootonarp Clnb.
of whieb Ihsp arr also memfasra Tbs
slabointslp prspar*^ sod
Tbs Uneoln Soolal Sooislp msl la Bnsip serrod. lbs prsparalion of tbs
tbs Lioeelails rooB Frldap sTseing. riands bi ine In tb* Hands of Hra Oarand OQjopsdaTsrpbslpfBl fnfna. ™,.«... rf T-.™ ci„'.»». ...~i f"* »r <XP»»L
1* rssnll can hs bsilsr SnrplBS.
Tbs soelaty was etfsaUed to firs lbs
fOBOf ladles a efaabos to baoome H- maglnsd bp aa spionn than dMcnlwd
an ordinarp mertoL Tbs followoiUlarwUb patUoaMBtarp miss and
r moan will indionis tbs manner 10
us dolaf so. Thep are also «sltlnc that soelal dsTsIopmsat wbleh is
parparloR thSB for aotlTS Ilfs la soolsrp. All poonf ladtss of food motal
gist nap loin and tfaoas wbo
wish to can saoan an appUcoUes
blank froa anp BSBber.

la tba pulma of IboArk Plaos Toasdap a lot Of gsBtal lasunnee men won
in tomhm. ogonts of tbs PldsUlp Hataal Lite laaonaes On Of PbUadelphla. Pa. It was a state ooesrotloo.
w speot *
as of Ih'
Ilfs lai
0 goBsral. Tbs mssd^ Was
anlmalsd ona. and oes that all
>P sTSBiag.tbroort tbs ge
<«itpof Q. W. PeWntsrpneial •
Park Plaos
remn. sad a lo*«4sast and flow of aloqaenoe feUowad.
Thoas assent ■
Taeadep wnn Baw Uanagar Borran aod Sopstinteadant of Agenu T.
I. Baadanon of Detroit, Disenot
tgeaa F. D. Baitb of OrseoTtUe.
Van Ankeo of Loosing. Bnokliam
Ptini. aod Bsnnsu of Kalamaa
(OMcsl sgeet Q. W. Powees and i
•istaat general agent Pnd B Heper
of Ibto oltp and Ag, nU Hpan of Chs=
hqpgan and Hnrnott of Elk Bapida
Otbai airlsed later, swelUng the
namber M n soon.

- Hoodap Ba*. Bofh
fonaod tba ostemsap wblob nnitsd
Him tAnals Eoralatsr
and Mr. Obas. H. Blakaalsp. both of
teWB. Tbr fteom bns a farm at
QnWB. where tbe oeople will make
- tbolr Atnro home.
0BBob Bros A AmioHo baeo a foroe
of M smplepee at wtwfc te. ibalr andp
iMtorpat praeeotand Ibo taetorp to
r^taf with faoltdap ordoti.
A mmontBnnos was olnnlalod
aambor emplopod now ts sera
IbM at tolls tlsM last pear, wbbA in- Tneodap by J. C. Hoegan. on bebaU
•It the meidsaaef tbe west part of the
dkotae bsarp Inereaae In boslne
oltp, aapeciallp along Bap sireel, proXhs aaxt KfBlar and onaoal
aatongaganl the granting of the rigbi
' tavtf BlfcInks Orange wlU bebald
_ of wap for tbe TrsTaree Oltp. Lsslaon Batardap etreBiag. Det ''
! nn 4 Jtelto^ral^ aW ^
oem te tbe enalaf peer
atootod at this meoMne. oen
then woold be a gra
(■opertp if tbe road were allowed to
Ubrsip U at tbe hall and books ate oso Bap arrest, as it woold shot eg
snip flrea oat andieealted on finaes BBSs trea tbs west andaortb akag
itet tbenagfafare. Tbs danger to Ufa.
> eblldnn. wasalBo cn
. elgnsd, bp I
t month banting deer. I tmeinsa men of tllbs slip.
Tbep bad n ibe tome and snob killed ' Tbs tasllng among tbs people of tbe
towss das ds<«, one of them wsigbtag wea side U Tsrp stoosig sgalnsl tUi
Moosssloe, aod than an nmnp
wbsr para of tbs oltp wbo bold tb)
he road ean get oat of tbs oltp with
Tbs nine msatbs' oU eblld of Be*. mt tbs neeasailp of glTlng op tan of
Md Mra E Howard Brown was qmite
Mftoaalp ialarad
; bd fooad a lead pwetl wbitdi her
^___ __
olAhad '"wllb lb* officlaUcf the H 4
• unto
dtoppad ta lb* Boor, and wbil* be
rafaslre 10 tta
wwa playtoc
ptoytoc with
witb bar. »b* fell fmwacd, and tta pencil wn< drfean lata ita H. 4 K. E cat of tba city tiw toe
rand. Tb* ealaom* cT tot* rlait,
tar tonal, lafliatoaf qalto a mrloa* new
«>d to* attotad* at BwAley 4 De*c■ imA TtaifcUdtomMb
iM iowBid to* ivopatotoeB wlU ta a

Him Rebsoen Jaoqnss satortainod a ;»
UBbrr of bar trieuds Fridap sri-nlng j f
I bar boms on Webstar stmet. C
and mnslo war* enlo.''oA. anC
rening olosad with a plMauil tsAp j {
A dstlgbllaljliltlapanv sms gissn ! 1
last week bp Hus Edith Oibbt at | !
sms on West Eighth a->
■Bale ware enjovsd and dsuitr 1
hmou wan tsrrad. Those'
•t were tb.< Himes Harriot Bonl-1
Edith Krisoo. Edith Bawmtt. [
Jannis Hard and Edith Uard. taaob-:
the CUV sohooK Hiss Hlnala |
Wall and Un. Bradlar. '

B. U. elob and ni many of ibelr ^
utlaman Mend* Wednwdv at tbe
nne of ber atoter. Mn. IAol Beo- i;
Obtef amoaR tbe enjoRmenu of tbe ' s
peolncwne a’'danker oonte*t."u>'
hleh Him Joele llormBib won tbe ^
Oral pHa*. a nlsely bonnd TOlame. , ;
and Ur 4oU Lrmcm won tbe "booa email donkey. Befmbmenu'
eonelnad of cireetmenu and freit.
Tb* tevon store pink and' wliile enrnaUeg.


TtardaDOesivrB Tharxlny erenlnf br
Uaior. Local Uk, -wai a very plaaaani
aEalr, and nncil a late boor daacliic
I ladaleed to to matoe (dmiehed
tbe orabeetza it Stewart 4 Stefk eoitaitinA/ of wren pieoea
Aboot isi ooBpi** war*' peeaeni. all
that oonld .oomfortably be
dated oa the floor.
Him KelUe Sand aBtartnUed a eompnny of bar trieadi laei Vedneaday U a
Ttry plouinc manner nta heart party,
ber oootlii. Hi. Omlor of Grand RapIda. and Hr. D tlrlro ot KorthpoR.
taint (be btmared tnerta.
Tbe idm of pink bearu wa> delitbl
folly mried oat tbroBCb tbe whole
ereoInR. tbe (able* ware arraniced
ehape and tbe winoloR
> tallied 00 pink b««rtataped mida Hr. Bormotb woo Uie
flm inlH and Artbnr Sand enooeeded
in mptaxlnt tf>* oaaeolulon. Onlnty
and cake
• Ot ice <

lae baoqael wae aerred Friday
alRbt after the epeelal Mealoo utTrav.
arm Oily ooeneil. B 4 S. H.. nnder
(be dlraetota of a O. Deepre* aod Albst Petenyl. Tbe enodidate* flvan
tbe decree ware: T. D. Bobta and Dr
E O. Babcock of Ealkaakn; C. F
Oterelaad of Bellaire, Jerry Salliran
toar and 8. C. Deqwm of thU
A taoepnoa to Hra Van Dyke wa*
rlvaa Friday araolac by Willard W. C.
T. U. la tb* parlora of tbe Second M.
E ebareb. Tta foUowlac {xocnm

One of tb* srettimi and meal tboroncbly cajcymble palttae erar firea
bytb* Kaicbtoot l>ytbtae ooearrwl
in Italr ball lam ercnlaR. Tlw nambar iwiliBt wae tmal laic* enoach tor
get, an,, erarycta aoiaiwd Into
tow todrit of the eemilnc. and aU bad
taUcbltal lima Prof. Wymne'e orhmtTl of tr* ptacee famabed the
aemd by Hra Bmt HUlar. Hra
a E OarttoandUra F. D. Cartia
> HleUcaa HanaZaRariac'Oe..
h war toai dawn a few .flay*
owlac M d^ to reealpl of flatoUac

BleadKd eottsa

Dark OutHifl FUnntI

If >-ou want to buy 7
cent cotton, don't buy it.
but come here and we
will sell you that quality
for...................................... l-'Jc
We own a box of it and
until it's sold out it’s 5 'ic
a >-d by the piece of .'o to
30 i ds.

50 pieces put on sale to­
day and will stay there
until the last piece is sold
at 3t,c yd. Just the thing
to cover your quilts with
or make new ones.

30 in. wide, beautiful
new patterns, the iJfjc
kind the world over.
Special. i>cr yd----l"c
.Another lot.
in. wide,
new paticrn^s.
.\ good
opportunitjpiio gel >-our
quill material very cheap
at. |>er >'l......................... ^c

Cadies* Suits

Cadlrs' Cena Coats

The time has now come
to finish up the Suit busi­
ness for the fall. EveryI suits must go. so
vE-THlRl) OMthe regular price. You
all know what that means.'

New styles arriving ev­
ery,day. Raglans more
popular than ever.
tight titling long cloak is
also a general favorite.
Raglans at SS-Ao to $rc.
Long Coats at Sio to S40.
Coals S.s to $25.

Two Bargains Wrapjier
made of Simpson print,
full width, only... ■ -luc


flannelette Wrapper

In announcing the opening of the holiday season
we arc pleased testate that in ni previous year h.ts there
ifTured such a display of beautiful Christmas goods
as are shown this season, and we have displayed our
stock early that you mgiht have an opppriunity to inspcct the greatest assortment that hascvci iK'cn brought
together in this city, of
Toys. Dolls, Fine Chirxa, Elegant Lamps,
Beautiful Celluloid Goods in endless variety,
Children'sChairs, Rocking Horses, Skates, PictuTe Books, Story Books and Gift Books, Everything in Games, Medalions, Fancy Mirrors.
China and Porcelain Dinner S^ts, Fancy Goods
and Novelties—in short everything thatour long
experience in handling this class of goods could
gifts that will pk-asc you, no matter how
hard you are to suit qr ttbe size of your purse. We .are
ready to show you the g
^[O^s arc you ready to inspect

S j
J !

\. deep flounce, full sweep
skirt, good quality cloth,a wonder at • • - -__ '^ic


Two more cases of
those pretty .toe blankets,
gray or tan. Wool Blan­
kets—.Ask for the Buffalo
Blankets at Si. Ameri­
can Eagle at $3.75 the
pair. If you want some­
thing elegant, see the $8


A few odd patterns to
close out. All wool, .to
inches wide, checks and
stripes. Suitable for chil­
dren’s dresses for schooF
wear, men's shirts, ladies’
underskirts, boys waists,
Was Jtc, closing
out price........................I'.'c


25-dez. Co«kU
E.vlra large, warranted all
pure cotton, but a bargain
just the same at 5c each.
Elsgant towels fur Xmas
gifts at 35c. .i^c. 50c and
'Si.oa. Bath 'Towels, ex­
tra >’iilue at i2’jC.

27 in. Bex eeats
Nice line Kersey Jack'
ets. full lined, all colors'
at.............................. .MW
.-\nother lot of those


Capes. I'uri. Skirts.
Mackintoshes, Shawls.
\lijHt our Cloak' Section.

54-in. wide, fast
pattern. 15c and u>c the
yd. We have them up to
50c the ya'rk.

72-ln.Ceein Damask
all pure Linen, heavy
weight, only........... 60c yd.
>4 Napkins, all Linen, fine
quality, extra value, $1.75
per dozen.

; Veur money Back if Beods are not as Represented

3.01. mmikeii


Of LJrhoorrkmon IVIori^
I aN

Shoes that are comfortable—that are the highest quality, yet
most reasonable in price. ALl- CONVINCING ARGU-


LadiesI Try a pair of onr Foot-Warmers! They are
the warmest kind of Footwear-90c. $L2S, $1.75.

Here’S Lots of Foot Comfort
For Little Money
W»mtn's Warm Sh^ta

.Are needed these days -they protect you from the cold winds. They have hi^
tops—thick soles-are made from tine Box Calf that gives the best of wear—arc
sold at
m pair.

Winter Ltggingg
Children** kail Lemfiogt

$K00. $1.50* $1*75
WomPD. Btaver bboa* wiib
boe kid (,>xiag. kid tip.
etyliab abepe, warm Hem


C jilireo'x Jerorj L-ggioiiit

6SC. 7SCr
Mime* Jeiac}- Leggings

75c, sse.
Women ■* Jer*«-y I.etn.'ings

Wamtm’s Warm


PIneh Slippen. warm lined.
Itatber aoln.

Women'* Ten BatUm Orergniten

25c, 50c.

VloUa aolo-Uarita Baydea.
BeeltaUoa—Oarrie Walton.
Violin rolo-Fraak Waltoe.
Doet-Heeaia Q-Xml and Delta
8oo*-Yoanc ladiea of tbe "Y. Ooeoa. wnlma cakr and (mil wme
■erred. Hra Van Dyke and klra
Bowmtd wma eaefa |aaaeated witb a

Bed Srreads
\Ve bought a case of
them at less than they
could be sold for under
ordinary circumstances.
Every one of ibcm worth
While the case
lasts they are................yve

SbirHna TIanntI

i|C. E. McMANUS & CO.s

■peraed ni 1
boar liaTlnR (pant a reiy ph
***ala« and toiIbr Him Sand *

Our Jldvertising

Black, b’no, brown and greao
Falt-aed Bearer for trimmed
Jolieltea Sl.£i Talnaa for

Cbildrtm a Sbet*




60C, 7$c, _

Men's bUck ysm Legcin^

Hen's and Boys' Cnnmi
Laggings, very beet kinds

60C* 7S€e $1.00.

Mm'e Lamberm-n's Bocks,
black, red end'gray only

Boys’ SKioss
Shoes with the newest shaped toe—extension soles—rope sdteh—new pcffotation on front and tip double sole throughout—made in Box Calf and Genuine
Calfskin—sizes 13 to 5 Fr sell ^or ••• pair.

Hig-h \A/ta-terprooF Shoom
for Boys aod Youths—best of stock—best of workmanship—bqstofwear.
Boys’sizes. 2,4 to 5«. sell for.............................................................


Youths- sizes. 13 to 2. sell for.............................. ............................... . mWUC


Seller «r Good Sbees.

in the New Kail Styles, These have thick soles—wear well—are waterproof atod
sell for •!, •I.SS sned •I.SO, according to the sizes.

50c, 75c.
Children's beery Stcekiegs
to weer witb rabbets, good

Felt and Benver 8bo«,

■inci Children’s Box Osif BHods


The Hannah & Laj Marc. Cn


at A uniform discount of

iBtv fra* Ttema Olty. teteeaa

rSTLEEP cannot he Imitated except in
Bfla^earance, neither can Ivory Soap.
ISiThete are other white soaps that
look like Ivory Soap, this is a penalty which
it pays for its great success. But you are
not deceived, there is only one Ivory, the
others are ImiUtions of its perfections.

Grand Traverse Region.

Ur ChuMi iDd tMilr «M Tteakt.
[inviudiSMr viaOMcv* ”—■—•
' aod
Mr Edwmnto U teak Is tb* nmx
msrkrlsAiB bUpiac Uea osl dar­
ing tte TbaskaflTliic rate.
Kraak OaaaMi ia la van ai ihU
CUiaaea Manla'i Xmm
; Pridar. tel did ao daaa(a.

^ bonaa

urea lodpop.
ap aad Ibe
ana was
waa Injared
lajarad tet
PonasaialT ao ooa
_____ vbo raealead a teokea
____ Jaat above tbe aakla aad Sevan
tealeaa IM- Pimllte was eallad. wbo
Rdeoed tbe ffsotata.
Oae e( the
waa tedly oat abovt tbe le«s
_____ rauisf islo a barbed wire
feooa. Mrs Cloff Was oand (oa at Pc* 'mle %T B E°'waii**
>e borne of A. J. Vfaite nil Ibe aexl Jas G . JcbBws.
at prtatel. aa be la (be oaaaa oi •
ly. wbea aba m^teoaitht boss,
irood masr aora anaa.
; Ura Loddte. «be baa ban eery
oooc Habn'K
, atek foe aonse Use la aalnlae aknriy. ,
Utaa Sablaav la worklsf for bar.

Praak Plaber ia la Cblot*o.
: Oar sapareiaer aUrtad for Lelaad
: tbia nwmlac: iban la ao ha a aaaal«
nf tea btenl.
Tb, dnaoe at Ihe hall Thaaka(iTiB«
• - night ta Teponed as tea.
The aeeeeaseat roU dc bOW is
baode ot tee traneuat. »*- Panaol
B J. Moriiao was bare oa bate
' last wMk.
Be hae BM bean bare
|faretn ten jrere. aod aeea (rent
Ire. Gilbert 1

QaiS a nasbo of ear fanoert took
deasUin of n oeota for poMoee at
Bay laal weak.------------ —
brte(tB( back orar *40 for tee load.
Uta. P. w. OeradI le r>tn( to Ar­
cadia. Mite, oo a faw daye' Tieli
wtte frtaode.
Mire Hlaaie Hetaforte of Bliwbas
arae tee (aaal of Hlea tiaaa Horua
tetorday aad daaday laaL
Tbe Good Barba* Saaoay tobeel ii


familv aaiOTad 'oaeioa between Grand Barea aad
BereU L'orrseuooau.
Cedar leal tetardey.
Late UalebleT
Te an Infarmed thel tee 8eb<
telSt‘’'7ialO« °U^site?‘te;‘'*“ ‘” ***•
and family, berg Bardweod Lamber not
abad te­ wbo baa been
at TaMwetea. nianed to tee R^Tb" teUdieL* teJItreM lap to lamber verv faesvy tele wim
It Ubb0 1. Smite, tne cream aantralor
(randchiidrea or tbs
mao of Traveree City, was a plmmnt
Mr. aod Ura Clealaod'e liittBt child
aod Pteber, wbo
, .V caller here last week one day.
VaidBaoBtlt wael te.Cmptre Sat- dM
The report
1 Hr. and Mra. B P. Tells are viilt- tha Ckloadm...___
'ahie ha-1
ler, will
r. U Go's b.
Xba MB hBte marly aU pma Iran lap at Grand Baplda.
tween Olea_________
Bavea____ 1 here, were
to Mtlwao
.. bye
by a pamlog
tbey wtU
hjm £^,e King oae borne Uet utoted
b lelaad mail
earner. I am told.
Vednaedev and relaniod Monday ^iblalaad
M.VB they are not on tee lelaaA
Hlea Delta Dewi

uses! msmiwsieij,
smc s«..
Oity, apeokThaakagivl
Obriei- gt ^a^eemlagi^c week.imaobBart Boagbay baa moimd boma
I Ae groaad ia still bare, tat it
•fMT am yaar'a abaams.
A many ObriateM aad _ a teppy
lonfca-aeit now waaoomiac: little
VUl Akklaaon aad Ivaa TWieebll.
flakai an faUiag oecaaiooaUy.
10 her old home IB New Y
both cd Ttneotna Oily, eaata borne
Wadaaadiy algbi la apsed TfaaakairlTiap with teelt paranU
Man«( Obaa. TlakeohiTa toboelMkn balpad bln eatohraM bis ftfEddie Imke ie able to te oat tpaio.
Ura Viola Uka waa a oaller at
Mra. U E Batac' Bararday.
Ura Henrr Foleome wae tee gaeat
K. ^oteU aad wife drorc to In- ot Mra .WiU Elmore Baaday.
Earl Gray U home for a few daye
rocdUiKte tbe ban.
Mre L. E Batet | latee SBCrtof
In. Charley Beeso.
Till Batee and Pred Wlleoo have
Ite 6. Onaawald
•tantd from bnatlag. bat no dtar
Mte. A. w. (Mart,
Mra Harrell bae relarned borne to
mm Imaia Uadlay. prtamiy tmeblalaod afiar epeadlac eight woeka at
bar aiamr'a, Un. Pred Soxie.
Mra Emma Laka aad Mra Mnirill
I to Dock
take wan tea saema ot Eddie Imka'e
imtly Baaday.
Mine LllliaB Gray ia borne fora tew
Mr. md Hia. _
BUiWood tewaablp.
MarnTtenkiflrtagi .
9mm H^odera tpoat Baaday with
kte Umar. Mim laelada Haekardoim.
Pred Btea r*«*«aed a berm bwt
k. Oalrar baa teilt a oomfewt
' A aarprtea party waa fietB last Batara on bit place,
daaot cItob Tbaakaglvlag ant
eaiy anJoyaUe aSair.
aa Ita eoat at
Id dariag tee
JaUaa Pbaaat ia ia town
ra waa a larta beat a
ban and Olaa A '

Going out
of the


Fur Coat Business

Mr. and Mra Albert '
Mr. aad Mn. iaa Oeoi


There ie tat lilUa cleknaae In Oater
Mlm Haris Breate aad Min BUa
EngaaM lotead tea laden barn Satar- teeagb earerat are eanlnc tore anaa
Tfat workmaa are babe, wbo are esSadlv OrtAa mma home itom Ot- nloyed te tee ananaioo te of tee lallread: iwaaiy-dve laea are ben
the team aad aapper last WadaaadlV«MBiM atlbabaU barawuaB- bo with at only oae or t' 0 men Sttadayw ae be trtll marc i i^lt Steu
Marie aome time teU m

- Mra WIU Boftrs la qalleiU alibis

Ur. and Men A. H. Smite Uet 6atuday.
Tbe Epwarth Leraai -^Id
meetlBp Sanday alpfat aa anal.____
Aaro «U1 ba
a light aneadanee. owing to tee
Ogdaaabczg tela yaar.
Blonny weatber. bat tee few who
OaiaaU U atefe with typbold »«•
to OBior tea meoi-


• bant or Thaakagleiap wae a
: aaooeae. aa every ooa naya and
a Bae aapper at John McDoaald'e:
temjs ^alerayi a good ttme at Mr


I have a few left
I Will Close Out Below Cost!
Don’t miss this
to get a coat very
' ' cheap.
A Splendid Line of Fur Robes
and Woolen Blankets

lust think < f it

All Wool

Baby Cab Rojbes
Gentlemen’s Ftir Lined Gloves
and Mittens.

'* ort irom our former low prices. Overcoats. l l>trrs. Keefers. Suits

It's no trick to make an offer like this when the


season is over (they a<1 do it them BU f RH.Hr NOW
I in the very heart of the season—that's when it counts.
Come and make your choice from the larjje-t ami n
est stock at ONE Of.VRTER OFF.


_____________ pains froi_________
hatoly walk.^riireH Rob-:
........... -poaph. Ilia, "tel Bock-;
Salve oomplrUly cnred i
lea e Aral
them •’ kncs like amaic oa ep.____
______ _______ bams, telle, olPerfecl boaler of akia discesei
oera Pt-rfe
Uororeo'a aaltao has laaaad adicia
Ae eilk factory al Beldlap Is jeac
^ non^ir.l
sataaiead bv S E.
Ibe maohinrry ewiro sea mTu*
Foo^ iicolly
Jaa G. Johnson. proridinp for in eon reform
Wall A So
aadcloteingli lobedletnteted aid „ <lnp ineulled.'ll isteoapbl opeile are to he cl-waerd aa.l ^ .___
VI of
alloos will begin about tee Brvi
I Wichita. Kan. a h-------------------le by «b»-'(• of Prealdent Booaethe Free
yterlan fair tor $30.75.
Tb-r. SBC lellinp wlial a eon-throat
-Neple<i-d oolde make fat





—--------------------- —

eis-ciilc for lore throat, rronje
,-1 all kindred ironbM
TOO for aa emerpeoi
Avoid tabstltalee.
e..„T o....

ampry bmdad.bat wUl klU thtoa next
’*T\. Bataea U ae batmr at |i
tMl MMkard TMl la Wammoai

BlramOaek. wbo bae baoa to work
jjra Ojaratab. rarem-d b-a te.

M. T. Pag want ta Tiavt

M foii(n»
Pom orOce BniUlPC y revwe.,t.M»l aa* IsM «.••


Traverse City


Extra strong values are olTercd.
Northern Mkhiuan.

Come and make your selection from the larf^l


'• urnisliinj;/

Laruest selection, lowest prkes for the best Boods,

Where they will meet any
any catalogue prices with the same article and will save
We are alwa>-s
:nd your spare time at this store,
freijjht- Come in and
glad to see you.
If you should he interested in anything in oui store, we know
, we can save you money.


1y like cut. solid oatc. five adjusublc shelves

Splendid values for you in three piece
Bedroom Suites.
cd in golden,

A solid oak,


substantiak three

Three piece Oak Suites, larger glass.................................


Three piece Oak Suites, larger glass, swell draws. iSoo
A beautilol three piece Suite, solid oak. golden


• ish, quartered oak panels, shaped front and swell draw­
French plate mirror, fine


carvings and'tast brass trimmings, reduced


from S3, to $20.


Bedroom Suites from the

cheapest Elm to the best quarter sawed Oak.
Odd Dressers. 75

dilTcrcm styles



What about a Sideboard,

slide on








thie carvings,

$13 75.

Sideboards from So 50 to S30DO.

Parlor Suites in five pieces.





This one is solid 6ak, exactly

like cut. leather cobbler seal, well
made, for......................................................Si-95
Special low prices on Iron Beds.
Ask to see No. 712; it's a dandy;
head stands 5 ft. 2 in. high, 1 'x


continuous post, latest design, very
pretty scroll work filling, comes in
blue, white, apple green or ivory

bed stock



from Si oK up



This is one from 350 good value* in

Our iron
when )ou can

French plate bevel mirror


.................................... $0 7.S

30 different patterns to select from.

enamel finish, for only................. $3 75

get one in solid oak. latest designs, ony drawsilverware, oak

nice writing table.

_plate mirror, a beauty for


Bevel mirror, for................................................................. ........... • • • -l>'3-*5

ers. 74x30 bevel

for books,



Solid oak.

frames, neatly carved, full spnng. with spring edge cov­

BUta Dowam haa morod la tea 8



Mr. aad Iba. Baolm art two da

Mra. Martha Seelay aad bare
lamra, waal M Madtim, Ohio. 1


Traverse City, Mich.

twent^-Tive Per Cent


TKos. a. apwAout a bob.

Do Vou Want a 6ood Farm?

E J. Dean is vUlUag ble |a

Mr. aad Mn. Plank Zoalek artU
taara for Ouada Dan. If. for a few
maaka- rfUt.
Mrs. Prank Smite aad tea Fkaak.
TUI Mart for OioeeteU. Indiana.


Own Afford To lUllos Thio Solo T

from suites, from fh-so up.



and Pants, for men and boy s at a V)U.-\R'I ER OI F.


Suite, full carvings, with

at lowest prices.


One-Fourth Offu

IWe la odIj ooe ebaaee la i
yoor lire asd tbai
throsalt aa o,.
atioa" were (tie etariltna wcrda beerd
trv Ura 1. B. Heat ot Ltiae Ridn.
«ia. fras bar doetor after he had
talely irted to eare bcr o( a rn«hitul
eaee of eloraacb traable and yellow
taaadioa. Oall etoore had It
__ ^--aally
-............ V-—le
Electrl. Bitlera which
It ea «_____
wboUj cored bet. Ii'ea
Stoaacb. Urer and Eidsej reraedr.
Loaa trf Ap^llr.

Selecting a new couch is some­
thing of a lottery.

All you can see
flit the cover.

We don't know

what is on tbe inside, unless it
is a Karpen Steel Constructed
Couch, and they are guaran­
teed for three years.

You can

see the complete construction,

ered with assorted five toned Cleveland Velour; consist­

and the filling must be right,

ing of one settee, one divan, one platform


rocker, ooe arm chair and one parlor chair,
complete for.....................


guarantee - them.

Couches from S3 7S “P-


This Air Tight. Heater, ex­

If you don't need a whole live piece suite,

actly like cut. keeps us busy

we have a good selection of odd


.getting them

ed pieces.


^Parlor Stands in solid oak. 24x24 inch top. with



ready for cus­

wove for

small room or bed room.

shelf and heavy beaded

legs, for S1.25-

Tor the nest two weeks we make
you this extraordinary offer on aff
Bedroom Suites, Odd Dressers,
Commodes and Chiffoniers, as we
must have floor space for our daily
arrivals of Boliday 6oods * st


in. top. for 75c; 14x14

Only $ 1.65.

in^b top for 55c. These
stands are strong—nice
for so many


from $3-75 up.

A solid

Steel Ranges tram
ilO.50 up.

Haw Tack. Hoa. »-Oonaa« Wood
arrlnd today fna Haaaaa.
Itaaaad that than van dO pa
Tart. Hot. rt-Oorana
tba dar oar of tiaia Bo. * aaat-beaad. WoM la aa latarlaw today aU:
aadof tbaaoSOandead.
ten ooaa to tbo Oaltod Slaaa oa
to thia workaday world few weare
»—ii w» UlM cr ia)m* M
Para. Ko*.
of tba la- Tlatlea of tba oaaoMiy of war
■1^ la tb* BOR diMtnu nllni><
tba parpoaa of dlaeaaalac tba dab
landtnadbaWabaab VTtofc arrind
tbrlr dally Ulr.
vnek ta tU bltMur ct MUhlaaa ail
of tba paepoaidaea aaonary fa i
ban tbU Boniaf. UUaidtbatat
Wa raaka a laeidal apiMa] to laDiben
•naata of tba Oabaa cennaaal
rad*. Two h»nir umm pumbefUrye taalllawbeaework i< oenr
taut aU of ttMaa will dia.
. aad nay of wboa a^rr. aad
■m tnlM «e «t» Wabub laitnad
aoa. Ko<. n-Sapeafawatei
aelUM kaad-a at tnU «ptad «w Bant todaythat Bmlnaa .
riek a
otanc»tlfyia(tou aa
all. aaai of 8«a*ca. lb* aetad ala StroBK of TiBla Ho. 4. vaa nipaial. d^yaaf ba^ar aad aotaat taSala« poa.weextc^aBlBTlUtito ooceepi
fceaadrlee. Ok. woon! do aot let
Uw vaa of Adriaa. A« waat-boaixl
"Bit ordan." aald ba, •'etaarly ■caclbapeaanpaat.aBdlba- VwHMaTMto

tt-^boM lOO

aaa of two oua IcaUUd vitbaal- dlnctod Uato paattaia Ho. ISat
snata, aad da otbei ooaebea. «ai Saeaoa. Hr FrUoatly forfot tbaa. fa
■tadiiil aad banad. wttB tba naall la did not atop tban aad thaeoUlaloa
, of awtal loa of Ufa aad faifal i»- raaalMd.-'
iarta to a aa)ort 9 of la paaaecan.
Datreit. Hot. tP-Saaaaty li tba
tbaaaatboaad toala. tba Oaattaaatol

ioat niiabla aatiaato of tba daad la
Ceedaetor MarUaltod. aaSarad la aoaiealr laa d<- tba Wabaab VToek.
Ttauaek la Uarlalallrot tbr tlo of tba lll-faud irraekod tala Ho
iBtarrtovtKl tbla BOtoiac fa
waakia aanva wiibdaad aad «y
a tlaa aiaea tba vnok.

] qalet aad paaeetal UtIbs.
"It la nyoplBlea that «« wUl ba
able to ton ora tba rataa of (oranlaaot to tbe Cabaaa by aazt May. 1
aa to bra <d eataie torlB seoecadeei to tbe Oabaaa, aapoelally la acaad Mbaoeo"

OtetaaKo. dOa. BoclaaaScne(,Om
’ dapla Q. 3. Mania, aad

Ho. 1(

doahio badar, aaKiaa Ho. S, Baft,
aaa Wariia. aad aadoa Bo. IBI. Ea





Ho.«.ltii balloTod. dlaobay.

a« atdea la Bol waidat at Baooea fa
He. 11. tbanby oaaaloy Ibe wnek.
Tba Back at the petal wbae d*
flat tba oSeiala oootd aot u
. bow tba aooidael aeaid tera bappaaad.

Ho. Ik vhlrt adlaarily U do­

le lean Datzoti at I JO o'etaefc. vat*o boon Uto. iMTioc at 4 ja



two tnuw Boat at Mntpaliar. Ohio.
■naaillBd «o aebadalo. bat Ho. 4 bai
otdan to aeat Ho. il at Steam.
blaaa la tbanfora plaead oo tba eoe
daetor aad topioaar of Ho. 4.


iklaM baealMldatSaoeeatbeae.
oldae't weald oot ban ooeemd.
Tala Ho. 4 waa dm at Smaea at

aeoadlDc w

artadaK bat

tba ahaate b

appanoUy oada. O.

wall tbaa waa dlaobeyad. aad Um
> that Untrue I

at feu told, aa Ibe ttmla o
n taataal dmlb.

Tula Ho. 4. eaat bouad, rraa Bad• op of BB uaytoa. bacyaya cor. combtaBtlaa ueoefa




Mae COBO toyaUnr eoa mile ««at ei
Biaiia, OBdor a fall bead of atcaa.
All bat tba two rear coaebto cm Ho.
U. the weal boaod truiu. wen teBol
. Mad.aadUneeaebooHo.4TrMlal.

Pire of iba can of trail-

Mo II caoybl An and am ailll barn.

OMted today la Oolombia ncer Bnani
OoloB. Hot tb—Roporta from nro I
laUeoUti aoeroec are that Ibe llberaU
Barbaooa bridpe aad
the yoTumiaeoi tioope nnder
Oeaerul ARmai book <m Saa Pablo.
Tbe flyhtlay laated all day Wedneeday
d war fart and furtoo..
T1i» loai«r
both alder are boary.
Hot. »-Tbe
I bar Teoalred •

Boytaa He. to of

«b oo No. 4 tonod o»or iaio a ditob.

oodeoybaarooBo. 4'aeoyloa )amp.

ABaoy tbS inland an L. Loyd of
Komptoo. H. D . bead badly lalurml:
VTatorOeteo. 81. Paal. Mlaa.. fall oo
tead tewMB bottia: Frank & Bled
Ua. BahlBBS. left arBbrokao;B.
Waiter Onla, Joplin. Ma. aariout; B
B. SBltb. Oatrolt: allybl:


■NcHb. Oatroit, oolaartoo*; W. B.
Oillao. jDspad fraiB amokar window
wUfafaor otban aad eol tarleoaly;
■r.Bo. Ik aU^li Mra. M.


Ohraloo. Buffalo; Mn. Btohard. real,
dikto uakaown;



Oacrya & Eliott.

Sio* Sabal. Ha.. «M aarioBi; Tlocco
OtaadkaoB. Haa Tetk. allybl: H. a
WhlBBey. Qraod Baplda. In oar Ho. 4
OaBotAVoT. tkta


Zeam*. hot tb?to^om tcacb m
cuaa.* wrim Hr. C. PoppkWu. of

ra-Tba U|.

aB lortBata of daad nod lalond la
*a Wotert wnek atair Beoaca. MlrtIpm. Uat nlyfat la that tbm an H


» will die.

boBc foffmd

' Btefflid Iryt. 04btoa badly lamrttd


not al.lo to do me bootrwork. I auflorv<ltrrril.lrattlioeofiBfnatmation.
Senrul dialuntold tae tber could do
Dulblap for (OF. Thank* to the link.
bam adrirr and mcdirlnr I am sow
................................ work for eiyfat la

Thom I* a dtaaaac praralkoy lo tld*

Uttlea Sdure,
New York


«ijl r—i.-..


III .11

..Ae., innacfull l-Uo- iC Tea <.i

. .Ssis.s;yscr-5?J2.S;
laaka out aad tte auDorrv haa BncbT*

SrEtemr foCo- BBBkiiB.a H. Y. ^

For Breakfast?


[Biooch Block

ff You Coulil Look


puedlet a ae-•
wlnlor with yreul ouli
lowatonn* hare ocenm-d la Au*lrU
I Spall
U Bpdu U lower tlian ll
baa beon for many jear* pact.
Oaaof tbe
owdern timei li teld to Imre been
Bade by a raeldeol of Ricfamaod.lad
Il lx a BUtbod of Btorioy toe heal rare
oftbaaoiL 'TW-lheoty U almilar to
Iba Bakins of ice, only (he prooee* U
Tbe ln*<-nlox. who i» a
touatlaal aad - setentiaa Baa. hoc dl*.
eoTurad aaabetaaoe wbieb i* abnndaal aad obeaply produood, wbieb
will abaerb Ida beat nya »>d hold
toe UBlil driven out ayaia. Tbe |woeoea by wirieb tbe heal will be driven
out and toe eompoeitioo ot ll.e blooke
are kept leereL
Then- hae been a
meeUay of'eaptialiiu at wbieb a
all i<eeaael were lolly eaUafled tlmi
toe twoeem la practioal and that ll
wlU TCTolntiaalsi- toe pnaeni melb«d* of bnilny.
Coeyreeaman 8. W. Smilh mye llial
be will incrodnee a bill U tbe next
oooynB proridlay fora federal buildlay la every elly baTlny apoimlailcm
from 10,000 to SOuOOO . to tott belu
BtO.OOO aad «M).0no. He believe* :

nfiaatTea par«e* toe BM

, ,
intT Ij
ist.. Lb mid e*-unTT, f-T eiTHruit-n BIS- nnn-eW lu aare !ma!ti'.nuidB]i-BaiBs...«..«u<>aBeaFm
tlicir ill add unmercbautablc po-

■rt t

2AR Front StrFa.

National Bank of

S Imbiu-i iU- Hal- .4 eumertUyBB. ku tt

I For Job Work of all Kinds Qll al the Herald Office.

Eiuziaiuty to tbe Bsaoub.
ate. ml
piuhlc >horr a nioi’i
child were
»bin-mc\-lr-!, it uwal
befoFT iThri eipuli
«vK * beiny
pUnnnl end oiganiird. Tboosta
rboQsta tbe
[eo»t ahoul-1
aboul-1 Iw millw—,
Iboqtb the
jvovaye aliould be Itny
I tbuuyli Ibw woman caM-eway
pon.^ of ber *rx. unrtinted
; wonl-i he pooled out and life <
riaked to briny her hack to borne and
I'/m aao wone for motber aad bate
to peritfi of dimaK and buaoer on a
deaolau iiland than under a Steltcnny
root in a di-ilimd land? tlow tn*oy
motber*' livue are wrtek^ by Ul-beallb
each year? How masy inlaata die of

bare. I took maav a bottle of diffemt
■Futeet medicine* • nilbout effev. 1
brf*n Ukiny Dr. Piem'* Favorile Pir•enptioo. *Bd ten monibi alircward 1
juTe birth lo * Irn-pouad hor. All phvScian*tu-I .uied a> a fact that I novr
could bear a child, hath toe tobi' aa-l
mraelf wer» nmay. .»d 1 s«i kloey
n^eodidly—(hankttnvournKdinne. 1
do DT own work and feel very much
irayeil. ] with all tuBenny women.
I iborcuyhly try your - I'aTcene
rinlion - •
tpou toe at. _ to tbil queetioe dopend* tbe value of •
tpentUili." without bene&L .She hm
'twin brrm >a kaipitat.’' Her'ruvtiwa
■dfj as
ji a iefau
oar." She
r uae of "fairrt tnrditian n i/*c»f
And alter all Ihia anff^ny and
failure* of the medtciDca amT •'
. Ibe ,wu* cured bv tbe nae of
FavortU Pmmptioa.


n-a msA-. lUr nnjirurnsd wlU ii*au“ ^ .•tekaO. .



wrnneti rlad aad yraleful lor braliny Iw toe
aae of Doctor I'lWte'a
Fe'pnte Prrarriplioa
But If Un. DrHord'i
aa irue, ubat an

PsrtAf Stsuds ia Oak, Imitstha mabagaar, tOabagaaf, BMstft
Itlaple aad Baagartaa Jlsb, at Frkts ta Salt €vtry Oat.

Qrand Rapids Furniture



even to thnae tfIio haw
aeeminyly ezbanaud all
DKdicaT akilt aad
ciaal meani of m


Bed Boom SaitM, ll-pieco, iu Elm, Gulden
in fancy L'plislalerrtl puiuitore we are anr
finiab. ueut carviom. 20xi4 Mirror, for ibe pasoed by Dune in axaortiurol ur price.
amallaumoIS 18.00
Large- Toraiab Kuvke.a. tieul leutber. hair
3-pfoee uolid.Otk. ipt'drn fioiab, bone 22x42'
top druworu iwril. 24x3U French bevel plate filfod. I2H. m »43 oed $60.
mirror. Ibis uirk. $25.00
Duinly odd pieces luAfonier Hhaira. Ksoiao
iMd Dteteeri, full ait« l*ao. SDxlM to oiirror Cttoirs, Diruu* nail I>ivenp*iu ioAiver) coutcoldeo fioioh. wbifo Ibrj Uat. $di50
toiiesbU deoigo. uphoI*k‘rdd iu impjftw.l Silk
Toptettiea, Uumaak, Vefooru. Veremoa wod
Cvtnodes op faom $4.00
• Tnilei S-to. 11 V» 12 pietwo. |>UiB oo-i deema*OoDcheo in Velour. <>u.b.4 Ploab uoi
• d^^^ W^HOO, ^^00, *7dW. 110 00, Il2i»,
Leather, op from $5.50

218 Trtat Stmt

In Use For Over 30 Years.

^ ou edit take your choice of Vitos. Malta Vita. I’ettijohn's willU-pu<f..rti.eml)yllie
For Infuatt ui Children.
| Breakfast I'oo.l, Shredderf Wheal Biscuit, and a doeen othMICHIGAN STARCH COMPANY, puuuT. K-mcHTATw op
Tfcs Ky Y«B Han Allan
i«os breakfast foods, at
Traverm.Cily.Mub ]
..> iTTi
gigaaiura of
I,.«.d r-w eemn-e. t-, i-pi-tn (Mr eWma

ha trw apacdle foe kidney, bladdm

fo man. alao e book 1^ abcM S*ao».
gaal aad Ba woadatfii) cuiw. AdteB

Tlie Kind You HaYeAlwajj Bought

DdIod Square.
New York.


Aa vtel aryiBA ar iha ktfaayt (tenaalvui



rpr famiUi-s.' —Mmu.

Jtn tbt Bargains that tpt are afftriag ia_
well made, bandsamt aad bigb*grade furalturt
la Bedroom Suites, Dialog Hoorn, Parlor aad
Sitting Hoorn Tumitare. «««•««

artototeyaiaafiB ibe ramili ot tudney

r Bem the Sigaatore of

^ tIKKAT j-w of Ikv rF.«io.ttlr Ani.e

Tood for thought




Presidents McKinley
and Roosevelt

tba While Bouae.


I. •


of Ihe expoaltiOB aad at f;»>c\-loek
toe preaideat will pna. tbe ballon
wbieb will aot toe iDariilBery qf
nil C

Ho. II were UUed. and the treown

SDcial'ijfe^'rrew York

•■Nttve StMT*
.rwACtattmnreWS! KleUCu TW

>a V;

armla He It uploded, aed eaytse Ho.
- Two BrooHO aad aoa eaylerar a.

eu. I.F tb. um Imn •niWT t»r ywe
*. b>-Ua cubrnm tm tbi. aumom.

aw>ly for a dl’
creelty aad Improper beharlor oa tbe
Boalcn foot Uarrar<l .ludeou; Al Philadelphia the 1
»D 1o
a In tbt-ir |ceimrt of tbe prtaoe ceaeon.. The i.u,,____ _______
1 Mitumar aod who let 00 Yale la Ual Salurdar aioomimaie! hare ianed a
Bled W> liaT* football yame maiciied into a rrnaor- cular eulluiy aib-nitoe i
,rln« noeotly atrnck her. it la «nld, ; Arlea PrMee.
a riiee-liir .;i.46 luii<-> an
oo Newa|ni»r Bow aud waited on Cbrlalin,
aad iDlorfoeaee by oar of bet altend>aad liyhi- A
clin* I.I a report n-orivrd
aato led to a duel te wnicb the at. at the cuie drparltnrni fmu Coocal
. ioy. myloy that ooe of the eonditicma
teadkot war daDyetooaly wounded Of-eeral Skinner al Matueillei. nadrt
lae euonyh to bet the older iraT. of Ihe loanraace policy i
priaw date of Xorenibet«. Mr. Skuioer re­
lie lotorajiad their coat. Umed In-- entire policy, uoleaa ollierwiae pro-,
married ayalDii bi. mil. add that tbe
ideoul aad all wore haye plaoardt vldad by ayreemest, eodmaad there- ---------o tbeir hack. They aerred the order* . on or added Ihereio. aball be rotd If
kai»er iniUted oa tbe marrlaye for
i,ruit.....r an .-'.l^ialiy yo<ii
r tbe wUcen like Back Bay bnilera tbe haxard la- inereaaed by aay
polllloal naaoria
and when the mivil waa ocer. each ae-.witliU the control or koowledye ot
Nawafram P
cepted a lip of on.- c-nt.
; ibe Uiured."

leiuute and Weal Indian expoeilioo
by tbi- I»ealdant next Monday. At
wmolacloo of too addnM of SenaDepaw In Ohailocun meaanyea of

Tbe loae of Ufe oo He


The West

It la laeroed from aa Inrt■........ .............. .. .................oot la.-j ham-, v
laa will mother. •

Obaffae toblM Utewar deiariaunt:
■-Manila. Hot. fa—Ln-ntoBauU Potter
and Wetbercll of the lUlh Uai.tod
Slalea Infantry, were badly woondad
by bamboo epikea la a pitfall near
Hot. ta—Tbe feellny here
Omoa, Bobol lalaoda. Foaier U tbe
ayatnat forelyserr. paniimlarly the
fool ami Watbenll la tbe tbiyb. Ofi
AmarliBaa. run. biyh. A apecUl Iruio
rtallonr were aeoaaaary to extract the
at Puami to ceeavy Oao alAlhaaa.. .
alooa aod uaanaod. awaited tbe arrtT. |
1 of tba moraiic mu from j Ulyhily bun
on tba arriTul of tba latter!
■ bate Wo made for
the opeoUy of IbeSooil. Oaroliua In-

Tba lOB of life ir oallmaled ai h

'4 II toU to be tA

-B. KvVdmiurTmi

Otetorik ta k hknnlMk yntefirate for Ckidor OO. PweBOrir. Dropa kod Soothlny Syrtipa. It i* PWMtaU U
eoBtklma neltber Oplmn. Morphine nor other HareoOo
oabatkaee. lea aye la its ruoraolee. it deulroys WorwM
and allaya FeTeriahoecia. It eorra DUrrlicf* awl lYlnd
CoUe. It rcUerok Teelbloy Troublea. curm CoaaiipiiUae
and FtetaleBcy. It asalinibUrw the Pond, rrynlatn tbo
Slocnarb and Bowela, ylrioc brklthy ainl iiatoral -loep.
*-Tbe Motfaer-a Friend.

Illustrated by Ketniiittion.
aacrifkod when a wo
_________ ...e flrW appiuach of v .
Bcaa. «B»r fill roar futon nan wi
beallhTyir. Aildmaa Irtterto Mi_
KoL-haoiV<rT. Lvoo Heat.,

UA..tonBum> O

ABd hoa bera Bkde andew Ms y«r>
AU CoaktoHMU. ItoUkUaiii a»d •• Joat-oa-yuod” or« bwt
wtbe becUtboT

laind a eablrpraa:

lay that Ite llbeni
dan at Mootpalla ' aad
ed aad tbe yoforai
aleod'oafen ilia epatator. ibae haad iloo of Ooloo.
ad tbe aaitiawr tba daplieela. wblofa
Vaablaytoo Kor^
read aload l.> aa. while I followid
iblad tbi- aary depart
tba lloea of ny ewe ordar. Tba orda
fa Ho. 4 I
of tba laaomcilooaoa. and wai clear aDea«b fa aay
Itaa toUowa: "Coloa. |
■ fa tbe aor- i
AdrUa. Hoy. »-Tba oora»«-a la.
Jf Ooloo aad the Ubotal
qeaat to probe late tbe Valeab wnek _________ __
celled tor I0;I0 Ibla aorniop. A
Hew Tork. KoT. te-AdrioM today]
e aaaba of wltaeato wen abpoaaaad. bol ap to tbe boar fa be,Uoo oeoe had
. Tbe protwed.
lapa. U U expaeted. wHI ooeopy at‘
eial daya
Pt^laa la ColTekta.
aurin of a royal toaad.l areayaio;
on. Hot. lb—Oaptalo Per­
ry of iba towa thla Dornlap taporia







iBButritkm anstially? Why aboubl not
ibe atory of xueb a* tbeie
there tneke
make appeal
to bumau aviapa-.hv aad aui men to
oifaaued eftmt for tbeir relief.
.. .v.r.*
wi'di FVC17 aaaoto of

I wiWe to Dr. R.*\\
Fierce for advice." mra
Mn. R. SI. Cbm. o<
laos William! Sltvcl.
-Omaha, .Vehr, " Ha.1
beea doacwtqy uiib
• twrv of niy booie i-hy.
aiciaui for blond pouon,
Tbey did OM do me
much yood- oclv for a
abort ume. Dr. I-irlerommrnded ha me
cine* end 1 took tb
botUeiof hi* ' F»Tome Vrvfcnptkm - a
maw 1 feel
fe betmr toa* for more tlua uu
'cara I am *0 wry tteokful -toai I
bearded Dr. P»eTCv amediciDea.r cannot
to Be."


I Bth Oav of Fobruarv. I a02.
wLVK.Hv-h. mnWr ito smomdar •aiiaiU mertme. ate«ui!-i.witoaar-rmte-.urKamwnh
tou -m.l -erw. l»^a.|«YTUttefar^»-M!. ^ ^



yooxCEO o» raCr*.

erarv veur w.
caUiorbelp 1:

... ii.'siSi.jT?:’&S;
unen who from toe
lion of a Ufe which diacaae ba* rahted
of all il* brlyblaeta. Every •uch letter
u leyardcd as a err (or help, and tbe
. lavulida’ Haul and'Sarpcal Imcitst* of
Buffalo. N. Y.. of which Dr. Pieree U
chief couanltiny phesciax end aui'yieii.
ia orgaaued few toe rescae of jam saeb
weak and aick woawu. W'ito bia etaff

appeal of dimramei
. me^^^ advvu


• 1 wfab to add tnv mttesm lo baodnd* of otoer* a* to toe vutaa uf Dr.
. are-* taedioaea." wrim Mra .
De Pool, of Ulona. Habtefd Cm. Misa.
* Have doctcevd with a yiM Baey pfay•amaas—aorac apecialiao; bare twka
'— - - hoa|^ lor------------- cam ha* beea fdiBnkd a* a bepekia

"Farodte Freweiptioo" eeubbtbe*

toe beat preparaUw Im motherteod;

. . .1,'SSS S

aim. It make* Ibe tebv-* advent practkallv paialem and yiveu tbe Botber mm •( cto ivtitoie umn fur aaio i>m«i. (krit-!. u aa* aar* Brnte wtes* to Brntew
•ueaytb to five bev child.
S^ wooen. emcUIly tbo*e snfleriay fiuB cbieok niaraieu are invited 10
teoauh Dr. Fierce, by letter, /m. Addrm Ce. R. V. PicTce. Bol^ -X.
Wioo." Tbe only inMiv*
m ■ to coaMe the dealer to make tbe
r omra tn<>
by tbe aale jtf kB

Advmer drak wito tbe Imporuat quea-

tmrtlaf ootberaicef torbenlto. nmrllafU aad BBeruby. Tbe wurt eaotm»
oeax alk iB ui I Isaye paye* aad ia *e*«

m aolyxi



^“:sisr£ttir£fs. I Sunshine. | THimiEN DOCTORS FiUUED.
Mn. M. A. aoseeOf NebraslUe Was Cored of

j 'i





"•-sistri.,’™** ” “

AM mm* u iteebhtac


Hit* ■•-


Whoreto sr etepa wore brat.
Ite lato wbrre blrdi eins lo toe
Shaded and well eeeual,


judym*!TSp bMUywoSS*. rm I had nei foate berote tte leacoM of
Toll-wera, ■____________________
- “• ■
'rooi whlob bIob ajee loot orer to
toe late
tfes «Md-OMtar’f tsppls* U to.
Vbereln .ball ba mr reel,
Bsto'SSSlw'to^ B«u tolUagte
ad let


lUa vUllac

. 5ssss'^«.^

red in
toe et
..-.era la<
The allrar ooaato
bad not beard Hit fooBtepa drawinc
A^ tte looalr Plaoe:
DaknoTB, oalored. iter woeld hare
Be br,
Ker 1 hare eeoa HI. taea.
-Mabel Earle.

AMTten^kaqi bilriJr vatfciBCroB
A4i^aamr latUariMr baad>

The I,.me efa Uer.

Tte winter bad beao scmllj ba^
« to toe laet that a
bad BOO. rtTT aMSpMtadl; UiCo
boaw, elaimio* ocr aban and a«
Bato BVW *0 ■»,- BffltMTlw
- aaM lu Botoar bad
r Ufa. laa.Uf bar
to. aara at trUnda
el. bad to beclTaa
QfBDc* asd ouier «
oai MIS
oat of to. q

fct2??'^‘taatly arocklas jm

au^a^ vlto'eTbi^UMStet
tearr talk, ao bmwj that It tairlr

ber pen toat drore pitr «o oor
bearta If we eoaM not toke ter two
bop • oot eaM (te taim darisc (te n
oailoB. Joa( take tte^te lei ttaaa
do odd iobe aad ban a nod '
KM eicr
oitr tten
aoai* wae outolac
sumac >er toes
to do be'
bat —
10 -i—
plar •in tte —
•araata. Her
hoeband. wbo wae a natrate Ban.bad
Inet bi. lob and tlBae wen a Imle
hud with Item.
Aa 1 looked at BT oblldrea t tboe
of all that had been ptonsad fat IboB
toroocti toe bolldara toe (ar, clad
nnin with pUpaatM and* eaob otoer.
with all ooluf doom an iteire u lenre :
bow loenlor. and plaan of wart
toe ealrauvo of eren ehtld. and tte
eoele. befan to tom for a. tte Olbet
Une eold, aloRnr da; la NoraBlwr

JIMumI tte


a )aM her wrinkled

•■Daar!" tea raid. "VaMd aeala
batett alL «oi tteteir. bat tte Ir beBOaalac ar fat. aeah
hwli III ad it. vfclM H la bataf Urad. wifa Aeleaae lato tte elr
__________ ________ _-ieb earpeir and
Maaltetvara Ileehoaatbov wtet
nee. with eartaiae of daintr textare.
teaald te tebaa oat M ap Ufa IB br^toe aide of which mj boaee ^arJapa
pa or ila
iB aoarowa,
aotrova, t w
weald mr. tote
wae 'eleahlac'
Iteienate M tte i
« ablda. daailr
------ Oarpaw wen botac aint M toe
Art aaear hadafilafao dwpera
la. or baaM br toe eOiBC arse
teatli w Htte tlBt to tte aad it did ______ e Biaa bind for ttet pnrpooa.
whil. all tor mietnii eeemed to do
la aU air Ufa. wblte tea bad aanr.
Baap aotrowfal dara. that 1 aow
1 eaUed at a frlesd'e <s ao erraad,
waaUbaia bad etbarwiaa. Bat. *mt. and. tooQcb aha wae boaw»teBiac,
Maa toUjea. Ttetotalncof tte ate at«ed me to take dinner, dte laid
toaabli taboa btoaaiat la tortalr te ihe alwa.T« sad. her aaali a
teatroBdetac. ate Hdapaad. bi
pMBalt wtetter toa walk .ball te
awltl to Mew. Too toB aaC« lent«
tedewtttialtoaaatroarwlU. KewP
IwtUtoUpea. Tear weabla roa can
MtearbatparreacaDBai. Ureaean
teipll laaarwar. M ao prtte <
to tte war af roar dedaf to. Uroo
MBtt telp IL ttea do not frot
^altet U. bat BtT. It aU tato the
Mimtota hwbarpewar ate
iat U la. Taa to tte next datr that
ataatewaltWlto ran to do. ate

at to mtm. prtte. aalf.
Laa CO faar. w
1^— tteadbt. Take tael bold of
tertaf acTtae W anar Urlnr tolnr.
take teU of tiatac faith Itet aU
la, aUwUI bewaU.
mmm wall
It la tee Bafie Math
Itet ateaoae aartb to tear^a. O! mj
tear, It I oeaU Mac tte bard te
Wfadaa at bT rear* to raa. what Ufa
waaU te to raar raanc toracte!
. ••Jt'aa'hatdrartBC.-AaatPM
Cted tea raonr aaa. "Uoaaaalr

brtchl totoce. bat wtet la erea oiar*
cntlfrtoc M old WA Iteteolac wlto
alaann bad iTuiMtetlo etirm
Let me. too, naiod mr deer r<
fnende. or tboe. of u wbo an aiid
dto t«ad Toaoc people, tliel we into
BOn ttea w. cire oj emoelsttoc
with old pBOpte Tbfy mar not b. ap
to toe “etaatenl” tsoOBoelailca. bat
toer am riofa to ih. Ltocaac. of tte
olir wbllber w* are ioorurr >ac. Tter




____ from naadin( or*elinac a
work, woold prora aon benedctal «
ber ttea aar of bn make ehllu at
raeUsc. Barr womaa ban a lablt of
keeplac cm iteir feet jaat ae tone at
tter oaa. In epiM of teekaahee and
waiotBc paiaa la tte eoana of Ubb
tter leani Mat ihle ie sol wlie, bat a
creel deal of harm hae baaa d«aa

A new Idea la rac ha«a—wblab ie
01 a ba« at aU-le M aae larce aanlope boxee (toooe botdiac a qoartar-




. -s-ssn



The trndiii y of rmtanb <d te tatot
- to pam dsweward tonaeb te bnto<
laltsbeatotoetoaca Aaronewba
a bad ratarrb m toe bead for a r-ar m
w* date tte dirnae cteaallr prm
team ll nptd. ud to oton rure It la
>wi Bb aocmer er Uirr U caUrTk to


"^temae^** *** laa^
. llUdoebtfalUoa
Ir ertr oeaaed by uptkdK axarpt mUrrb.
Tte eetartb araallT bretoa er a'aMte
Ite brad or tonet, end I. arctormd SBl«
11 teeotara chronlei tom 11
dawn oo tte Ttrilm that te bar ratarrh.

IlnaUllltr te lair.
diln. unrtotk
jeasrllrlVraua. Kybaai
jaar otoM. (V. ten a
, —_
worked a prvat rhaapa to mr **•.
I teallh U.I pprlag wbrn w. Iteocbt b*
warp.^ torn mraairtiub. \Y. pan
hlB oaV us. Umlr and b. waa all neba
II tell oTiryl.ilr ateml bow B» h pood
it baa dan. lu. My tulnad nyr te
I man da witooui ll. Ar for myiwlf n
BTRl m. wm y.a» no from paHff
blind. Irauia saiMotorndua. w<«d
lutilxwvrka. I ib.etplil I afaoaldrataly
■— ipj. .ijiii, I .,«l ULtop te

H. paided brr Mabllur tel iltBp,
Pioeo that bU owa were flra ud
Than hack acaio M bla friesda te
Hi! roaac bean happr asd wall OM.
“Sbe^^bodr’a BOtoar. bora. rm>

aced aad



poor and
A'earsry. Ar«A. JofyS,
Or. S. & Marfisee. Columbn. Ohio:
Oear Ooete~>**f drsirriDCxocm wyee my aiserrwhkBske torfbr fafaram yoe ten ahewe la mr tter. ate for cte rimefy
whJto I r.«v,» lu •••.ri,*
--------» aW
— end
—. a..
te* eMecnd e csrw af te ted a csac of
MaeoooMtewW/fmcffted. wbermurrhlm.;
ndDnrwAattofrtrMeftorjeii.'-k.d to.tentoftadrode. termenNung. end ih.-?
ler ataaaamaoa. aad apeal\ttr>fUtn.utr.M-t,fj^V

motbat" bowed

la heTb^^i Blpht. aad toe tnjWaa "li-ul B kind to tor aoMe
Wbu tl .oaiebodr'a aon

rmr •

V '


KoT.Btm. to. IWi.
W. wilt let oar little Senebiner.^
talk toll senliip ud ih. arm oo* w.
will Imr fiOB to Robbie Payn*. who ^
ihall tell hie vifpriuer In boepiul.

ihMera wart, la a Palmaaary •toaterfam af MItwaatae. I
UVa; tef flaffpc rnym/f gmlag warm, a* a tost rraorf. /,
■vlrn. to. IVni-• >00... W Vuce At. ;
ame H’rsr when I was badloa for ataay e erka aaf rte T‘
.1 A 1« X-xpblt. D» 7,'.,
will .are.
phyMam which my haihaad called gara ao bopr hat raid. |
•Ste caaaof poaatbO Ibr more ttea a lew day*.’ Bal.^ pnoln.
rad buw SutoU). (wa. to liim ihvte. i thantalo Pttwaa. I foolad Ibem all. la aa Incredibly
Mar I teflspjaumpue^s »
Bobbie u oo. of oar Ce.Ur Rob Squ-: la lake Prrvsi Ite teanrrtepre otepped. ftepaaloi
tet lmrui^rwtto|tornnaerin
t alawly at
tim, bat
tralUmlly aay ttet bed Inn plm op u. dw, e> to tte rr
toloe boya Tb«o we will h.T. a lit-1 tte Im^rameat bacame atora marbad. and aom- I
Ue Tieil from oar otoiw Soatoia. h i.
tbaraU aol the aUghieot trace a!aty
ler wntere
nalu fowl tha u OitT. Nor m i»i.
aaa H Iba allact wat latxlag! aad la amelaaloa ! waatd.
oen lo l>r. lloruaeB. ptitofa
Dnr Aonii B«t..-I will writ, to
teepyoa whh ea that yarn ataygooawltb year wort al
yoar <wie Obd be WUI
DU ud oil toe Sau.blD.oleb fimdit i *» romr."-—MffS. Al. A. CLOSC-.
te |ilra«d lu pit. ).Ki h
' to nliuld* adter. bvea aiibr Tntnrw City Hu.
P. S.~"f am cotoc to We* fWrsd* to BJeoanato <
Thv prelto.
PIBI for tom wnka I bed aiy ripht: aar mea//nac«to.aoptoaarAwwwitfMagto»rat*y> WBfgpafraaf.iIppfWan.
Addrear Dr, Ilartnun. PMldrat id
lr« brukvu jatt abo>. ur. ankle. It
nrb k bad break 1 ted to te lek.
o to. twepital. wter. Dr. Uanrr
' Elite J.H*TT. Storpia Mirh Thu;

Cedar Ran. Bensi.eoan.
ty. 1 like mj aatae. Miir Wulfe. rery
to ud nmd
I Ion her: J
enryb^y. 1 touk you. dnr Anniy



to-inc on tl.. eUto nrr Bosh.
n .. to toe rdtelrr pari, out now.

orlonrt ud Klor. will
Wher.»,r chil.
tte SoaUiln. Clob tlwy

Green Bner eehtel. OM OoderRao.
“ '0 f«" oW.
Kobbl. Payne.

„ 8„„bMtoa
Do yoi .app». the
j,, ,
^ ooRi.r ?

Btoplmm. Uieta.. Not. »i. ivoi.
Dear Mtk Ueiee—I tboaphl ttet I.

LoTlaply yoora .
Roto Dorllap Jeckeon.

-....... ^



Mamtu was away thru weeks and leUtop bis it wss not rrrry fomil

peopla Wbu momms toft Dnroli toed amoedmui: ud ■
there wen « pouasu wbira ate waa wul oal to nil apaii
ermyday. I like By ST lS» “S^ed
uaoLer very Baeh. Bar asaa is Miee
w*t loitly ——i. with etek.
Millie Steffaea I resd to Ite feattb n to bud., liitto SamBte eseppml ap
sdsr ud tan arltbamiie. epailtoc “ Hra Aormu aad asked, to * ub.
d um. otoer msdtoa «*ten
fu potocMeabeol: woellde dowa Ml It IMteU lis-i uy tesw'u 1l
*1 g m 1 will <

Bobuirtoy Tuimc.

s: isr.£l

1 to fool Be by mytap tl
teU etoaera tat te did


Oetr Mra fioSn ud t


Fresh. Salt and Smoked Meats. Sausages, Etc.
Trirptumr *




Victor Petertyl,'

Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs, Etc.



Rc-Painting and Cphoistering.
SUlw 8L HMr Union.

Tp»v*r»eClty. ISich.




Onr Old SuVr-l tboepfat I woold
wriu Ud In yoB know I wtet.-

Maple OHy. XoT. *0. IWl.
*« Cbrletmaa A braoeln ud e
Dear Mn. Bate*—t toonebt 1 wonld
*«bool eTery day. 1 ob
write ton a few Usia li boa been a
lone dam also. I bare writtea to yoa.
MemBS. pops ud I went to Tiarana
City aboat foar waieke apo aad 1
Linto Sammie SBith waeqalteloe
wuied M po ud rtoil yoo a llUle rooup to oti.od eebeoL tat Jam Ite
while, tel I did not ten Urn* Ham. ripbi ape M po aboat with
B. WUI to Detroit tael eprtop with I
7'tolled brr aetpbl

0ad Bath bos am fetpemu
aa asd clad. mo. M kaow toot .
RefUapMbeaaehaBMeUttte h


Snod.T k-I.ooI
„„„ ^bildren woito bn.

hte toku B. to Bppin,
They naaor all tenon
dur Herahl. aid .pood mu,
bo. been orn M ... »oaod ^.,^„,, ted.e.’Horn. JoarnA
teoopbi m. eome papen I po M tte
,, do--, ,-ii _ __ _.-h .hno,




Betee. for to. ^tty^j. book yon , .^n .
G^Ktop.ud ^ Better for to.
.^.nc iUto ud ^ of .ut.oe.ry
toey cot for ta*.
then eojorU

woold write yoo a letter.
I polo,' Roto It a Derllop,
ee oioaL
rebool ud 1 am eipht y«sn eld. T Thank, for tte Soaehio. nan...,
ten tone little itoura Ooe of item Yea. It woold h' olo. to ter,,
Te ewak aa »W Ilea.
la roar Sook of beat (tere mar
Bilob oowaudiwnobonmeuaeoBe ly. Th.t I. e prud paper, ud bow
MBO Itet hare enwa too old to ke
OTor BBotbar winter

wbo con M . yoe eblldm In all tbie north ecranlrr
me bsae. U to «ood oondmoa. tnar acbooL Sbe-u tlx year. old.
Tter. do eo|ay it ead tte other isper. pet^
sooted ao (her will te m leader,
atoeteeo at eobool today. Ttere , u.te.1 by Mr Cook. If too knew tte
lor aad Sne OaromdaeroBac eblek.
areanclrliaieobooliodaywltoBe, ediMr, Mra Town.. ;
roae (be bea ae for raarttop. and
I ten two ittll more plreend with ttem. 1 really
I tialewlT to water for an • etodles la toe nornlap ud two to tJ
toiek that in all ihii preai eoucry
a been: tSoi eat it off tte fin.i
oore ae ooe womu is dolnp ao poblr
let ll atand to toe btoUi eotil tte oext
dar. Take tl eat of to. broth, nb a Him EaeBlai ud I like hn niy i , work, xad la rnry-wny .be I. om
Hula botiar ;oTor ll. doat wlto doer,
I mannt tbiok of aaylblac | of toe prudni ud Irwt of waiovo.
aad roaat it u toe
«re 10 BOW 1 wllj eloa..
‘ with a preeL lorinp Ste to
boor, baattoc it fraqa.
Toor little friead.
, tree Seaebla. womu in epim aad
efibahtoto to whiob
Allor Heiafonh.
«. oBphi to lake her laM oor band
How alee M ban ao muylildeiud
tosiae all Mpelter?
What pood foBi
If roa a it lo hare toe mnte rpioe
_tka tha(l_ drat lodT to toe load oe
ameyou mnnten.kbto to aebool ter a lortop ud Snaebiny toonpfaier
• for ter brood, ben udooL
.eryooe of
it la Mra 1
aenlt'i abililr to to.
Elk Saptda Mleb.. Kor. »i. tSOl.
' Jast wby oor lltUe friend Vi*tu
____ pine Uaeuwellfcac-n for bar a trial ot berToeipi
Dear Editor—1 Ihoncbl 1 woold ludi a letter laSuto Cloot lo ou
r Amerioao boaeewife. Her
writ* lo yea, ae 1 woold like M join Sushlae departoeat we doe'l kaow
e reoipe-.
tte Soaebtoe dob I am twein year. Prrteie ohe iboacblJtonB U a 8u
battat. two
„__ ____
oo. cap m
fear afca. foar eapr floor, two tea- old. 1 hare foor done ud two cblokqnoaf^ bakioc powder, oa. toble- BBS for peu I aa ilriac trlto Mr.
•Vwefal cnmrrf otoBamon. half laa- H. a Qua My motaer to deed. I ieerialnly oo one saaitereii modi 8u
>:two trotter* aad two atotetn | ehlae the world onr ar te dore. Aa
VelL 1 paew I orill oot wriu uy tlmn Yiriu war ripbi la ihtoktof
>dU sen time.
letter addreeeed to him torooebent
Voon torpoetfally.
.topartmeot will reoeb him }am ae
'qatokoe it poaaibly ooold If eeni to
It to md for Bey sot to ten a foto. uy otoer way. Ve hope te will pire
________Ife andasee to Tianree
Ttoa all the Ihlope desired.
ar, tel Wo an ears a boy wbo wuu ' 'ViTi

____ AlmlM A. Jeteaon. of B.
beeliaod baebateaad
Jt ptasir at Iteir mot aweoa berood Barlow etn.t.
-------..u-_. «
oaatana boto
ibaod wae to tte Ciril
looekioda Use Mbolddik plaeaa, whil. BT baiba
anoiter for aetspe of eaMoldaT ate war and tor reon aaftarwarda teoki
B. down, aad for tw
______ - dOT'e ■ood'hteitt^
phrUelan omM eaid I ten 1^
mteled. all raatc
maMa.bat I Btchi ae wel
MBBte cold wBlar aa c_
eisea Jaet befon ! oomi-___
nataae ol kalaT aaetlr fesad
eaa of too._____
wanted. Joel try It and I am can tl
Tte meal from toe crooerr wae ee wtu not te lose baton roa an atepi- pan^aad. drat botietoc It to cl
aaellr epread, while f litMl eerea
one Boadar Boraiap wbos It nq
1 looton dept
aUaefioB eraia lesns.
aa effort to cdl os mr feet. aa?wl___
tbolA aad M r
teBoaaiac toe hlch not. aad fo
on mr foot I ooold hapdlj atand for a
eptt ate batter whieb 1 broocbi
I kalfeteea Ibraal toM mj ktfl.
1 wae Terr ktadlraBtd Mplnw
aaul 1 eaaa to. next ubm.
sere tte into oeald sot ban been
------------------- ---------- Kaw Terk tlat
Oo BT war bdow ar bene lefaied Mr». Eooa.T.11 hat iaal bads woadar- Btee toteaee. Sleep M Be wae
tollr edeciin town Bede pr e med. like a traaoe ia wteeh 1 mw eqal
asd dtelortad flPBtm. Ae micfal
uw la Itet <^. Hum eilnr
tramp eoaad aeleep la tte tvr- - - ‘
be axpaeien. osaortsc diBoslir Wlto
tte feooe. Ha had heaped Mwe
emolr ta oersUa deptte.
The totn the UdB.7 eaenuene axuud. aad 1
bed of leerae end la toe Uchl c
te made with tte esaaotated Bala wae teiaaUr M tartar, from toitto
flonoae nnehtae. wiUb tora
ton wUl pronil thu eeaeea. ate Sew 1 want Ite peofda af Ttanrm
cnBBed with Wnra' fcseu ta gnj Oitr Mmd toe follewite: 1 need
BTee m-xae of Oeas'a Etdarr Pilla
nbbuB. jteitoe uolorti'
----------nw btoatuik wbKh pemtaimitlT dast
oerled Itet tramp
Kutoiac to da.
lor twaelT
ptadoallr OU■o ctam. BO araaite 10 fnd. Oudle. u biieo OBI wlto e pedate
tad, maul 1 weipbed 100 poaa'
^nl t«
laaa aaHI 1 eeaid eirwp lik. a etui
BBBl 1 eoald nad tew torn boare c
So^ 'welL
mite, aa attrr
a teerj roU
niTet wUh a eteia
' - od. itewch boto te ate ble leopedorertl
ite untmnL T
......J bad eridewBUr MB Brtaer fnetasdera
lairr ^IqoBr.
dBja Her* 1 tooochi U one wbo
___________ jad o^awna at
ae»M« Mile nor eptaarai te ta eletb.
Ktda<^U M HI
ed inaebnw. ate ie probablr tad hr
aesM MUlac larBar'e wtfa 1 nearait and
ad M tte oaflaiibad work sboai aa
Wtatea la know whai oeeier M
aa wtes 1 ten tte air to tte etoiai drr asd ewaaa
•a brlte laimL "
Vten tha tabter roUrea d a wriwFeraala br aU drain Prtoa «
----------------------------.ueatMa it the
ernm. roaler MUban Oa., ~ ~ '
K. T.. isla aflteta te tte
‘ ■ m dir. asd kboT will
rtdsdtoa «atteateea9^ Am


renns ’a tael wan apn

bold, bat l^^BOTce oaU to laqaln CMma Ite bon Uka a dork_______ ...
foe M Tb^ben ibalr |aitimted " Uiac Ite mow piiad wide asd
wnld*M)07 hadac"1^1^ T<
paeole con nty little for old pa
Kor offered e telte tend te ter.
Bo Brat, ao tiBld. afntd to eilr.
I wae^Maobed tte otoer der ty Uet^tbe oarrtac. wteele twitehoreaaaorl^ a loralr old ladr mj. "1 tera
MB to oar ebe^ tor^r^^ bat Sbeald onwd berdovato tteelip
te^aek"Tor mTStertter ^
OB mr daaftatan aad tte ctria I At lam eas. one of tte merrr troop.
cBa’theJp toinktoc aomeilmae toat 1 Tte carom laddie of all toa pomp:
braid, her ud wbtoparrd
lid BIT. Meto.t or craadsm ie ap11. Won't roo ca ap er ban bar
"1 11 telprae aemeelfrea wlto to
.e dews? 'oeap clrb ate do uMbifr ttet I.
mon baeBtlfnl tbaa to boat op ao»
aeofa aeirlecMd latoia end clr. toea B»r acod hasd os etrenc reaac
toe ebear of Iteir pneaoee—aet oelr
BUlac M elterir l»ople of frnta. Sbe^^aoed. asd ao. wltooet bsKor

toKB bare ImroKl ie
tbaa oar rooBR oollec* ctaaoM.
dname of. Some ose took off ble tel
M a tolld broeae. ii wee foil of pi
poaelbllitlH. boi aa apte pereoa
eoTTM more honor tmeae* b. ie likr
e bMo relBiaiDp froia the teitl.. Thr
thiac whiob taokn me inael eaior an
eced UbnttUn 1. ttet be ii pMtH
belOTed br toe Klap u> midu. Old
ece Ie bearnl (be tbroae. and elioolO
feujp of tte apnnentna. Ula elotbee tere a nnreaae oalr
were a budla of nefa. ble feet Were we lire tte Ktnc.-K{
on tte croiuiA ate half iwrltted with
cold he clipped in bealoe toe kltoiiet.
lie- t. Kto ituart.
•tor. where aa odor of rood ihinc*
oouktof nlled tte ronoi. Ue ramarkIt BBT tea new idea M Mse boaeaBd. - Xi'e pretir tooch trarellac tola keepara ttet denep Imcinp weatber
weatoer, and tlaei >t« awfallr hard tenpta raued^^lth r<*el laar^ be kept
tar dare
“^hte^'S^SS' to
Mite oelUr toat, froB
' lop. furoub fmb
I learnMl a leaeoa.
Une bleslu or rollt for a
tool leaeoa wm tteakfnl
Tbie u dune br •|iuocu>c. kDeeaiop
■It appreoiatloe. ate toa aad clTltic (be duujih uu. raiiiac.
neat ounteauneet.
Tte oellnr wna The portiou aetead lor uamediei* omc
eiored with tte frnlta of tte aaBBcr'a ta tatM off: toe balk of tte demefa it
MIL rield. tardea ate oraterd had irtarsed lu (be Buxiac bool, toe **
brdlliMi oaltiraiitB Ttoldad aaa wall creaeed wi;fa eofl butler n
hoaaitlal DarreeL Tte faaelooi trait prareela tte fonnalioo of e oru
Had oaacfal and held tan
(be |wa oOTored with oue or n
.......... ......
ana tnla had .
olotte aad placed where a naUi
r toil had twee
of froB Ml decree
Darrel* ui BMBK ioe raeut oi eoB..
lu ihie
bodr 'i labor, all iteea raid lo Be. noteUi00 Ihe reoei wilTnaiii
lio dor-yoe are nob: rUh la tte abasdaaoe
lor eome litae. roruosi whlob
of roar ooaawrBoB.1
oooatrrhose! Be tfai
ar to dor eboold
tor II allV^Ar^boae fw al
: la a warm ro m aad allowed to
IB. belon brlnp
____ and elowlr
molded or worked c
utoacat. eare ate toil to prorlde
WlltelaiBB'f I'au eat Case.
1 begaa M eeoal
bleaelacA aad
tter wen more ttea I eeald naBbar.
The qaaaa of Mollaod !• Iborooplilr
And ae to* ttoap left 1 raid.“Oo on It Do lob to ererr war, and tfaeiefore
roo like II! Sleep aed ba Jan ae lair u not aaipnalac tliat aha ■■ kno
a. rtn kaow bow to te; becorkual. Ite dlaq^ce of don.
1 UD toankfel that I ten to wok.
nap qi
ihatiklulttei 1 eaa work: toankfal
I topaecliou of tor rorbat toan M plaair to do ate plaatr al klteteb Ml « tr toe ■.■apbtetda. toe
i> do 11 with; toaakfal (tel 1 lit. ib ptotaaaaa (I
- fora, with all tte oomlori* toai a ordor-tooee
IV Uie delipbt ot
Mr eietete oi toe fame. U roa ate
........ Je, end a mraiab
laolinad to aeaean roaraeiTae on whlob ate a old repoid almoet aa
roar poaltlou with aar atbeta, aatolD oa ter ( onpeuiioa Kood.
..^embar toat ooaain life It the omr aad tonfl
» marked
retr bael toe late aSerdi, all r<w
te'e domnUr
eeed tor joox doafan. ate aaar at
toelaxariee of Ufa Wlto Oraafae.
CerBete' OlBbe. yara HooM Ketelac aambfbetdaacbierV
Uuelaa. aad toe eoelal life of ererj MteTeedteaa raounu

‘^J^^^^ted daelded to tefta tte
•» mu oU heUo, claaBlac It «a. tooorbt beat to make
MW. DMted repair, oo tte ibtlde at
too boota Two roooii wva laid ten
w to to. lato ate rc
root lue
Meaalac sot oelr
. for to. eoBplatlc- _______
If,'bat Mail ouwe
. Half
" " aiokateBon
ra thaoteU
B.W «f lie bassttfal
L. Kive la Midilcaa F
Cbaaa is ae paaaa ae nraattf aX'
. ^aMOdaattelvbtab aUaaa hoaatbi oil In fact «a hardl; a
toco of <B* vbc taaafaaaad ihioaffa wabadabeaaaer - 1 roB 'onr Botiae," aald ite
MM ter s( aaeaaa and tea
ks( M tot -araBtor tlaa «b
tte moreiSK erarrtolac wae teen
taUtU.-' TeaMbaBtM.adtoreU with sew lue aad ticcs.
Tte c
vatetevbeaa faalr waa bowt vUta. laad waa MO WM lo Work, eo toe
btewteasaraa Mo* vlto tte eter. b^ }ob tost had wmiUKl for a raiar
^ eoald beeoBpleud. Monpaila
Ma^, aanoa
«d ana «te had isiai ate pattr *wa aeoded. ate.
-----------------.—U IhaL alBplr
pMMdaU tte tartateu taaMta aad Mte^COlM u well ae SOI late toe
ate teboiaibnteat, ate b
aaaa at laat w tte qalat barbae, Iteaa
--------- Koi ao.tte sab. He tlB
toT^ierBiac'r werk b
down and poB hie feel OB ■
aa*aa ymmrn aead. haraaate. eadose, and aa exlm aaa far di
faatfat, fall ad Mabl. whlah aaaa.a eeeaed ben torn 1 .boald eatr at elBU. Tte raaalt U that hla
bodr cata* fall baaafll of toe laU
MW ate tetter ta tear baeaaaa II bane, .bat toe cionoaa aanabla^ too boor te aUowi blBMalf tron work.
1 aU ao
> italL
Boat 1 fo
nlel bnato la toe
ll'te (bM takt^a^M^

iiBfmt rrtto toatr cirlhcmd trieBdA"
t I.........kid "Ilaaef thaa an eatHad aroate roa. Soma roa elMted la
■ ---em. ate mm* to*

<M> dn«. whk* rcndcn the loot! inj^r«us toWtti.

"Yeo'U hara to laata U aoob er
tala." atol Aant Pattr toadartr, -' aed
ll vlU te aaaiar boob thac late. Wfau
help Br toeaaht can (In U roan, ao
BaboHlasto peana be with roo. *'
And II eaB* to paB br to)d br that


Or^BH telact Wba motad bm hf-- teedidU^toseaSteraa^
-Ke." ate eaid. pUtaiinIr. ’ eel
OBe of toam enr eomae M mr boaee OowB tte atmet. with laaffbwr and
BBlam erne of tte drte eeame bona
Aar knew
Mtenly^aie*. OBd Glad la te frndam et •

Impfoves tlie tiavof and adds
to tibe liealtliftflness of tlie food>

MM. M. L C. aATE8. Eoito*.

Incipient Coneomptlon After AU Medical
Aid Had FiUled—Read Her Letter.

with ttecBiUaC tewto>

for rao. Setae ed tteea ban apeei
dare ate warte la row oor — -

in strength
and purity






With it yon esB bay obuper ami
lor it we CM sell cheaper.
We bo, asd aaU tr ceab t«ly_



s f.'.rkr






Tte Blz«d boart «f (rsi7 >sd BIT7
■Arm dnalM 10 wMbcm aitd ntion
m ttar pcffarmaDcM W cbe Uatbiaan:
CBS at Band; Uook dM aoi mak* r
fBittar tHal of tb* mi tba Mbrr da;.
Tbe boa;d Intradad to ti; a t>TojMUa
•a ba walsbifd wtUi MW mada o:
■Bd at a aafaadtulr far (bo hm cun
Ste Obion m
Moll waa oapab r or dulwc «llbua< tb<
oaptoaln-. Tlle Ibo ottm of a rnruUr a.r«
of aatlBno. aaja (Do No<
■DC. TL» tallof a-aa dlaciiatod Ituo.
Ibo iwulaf («i'l»o (ucb Hdo aitb i
ladacad rbann- uf auHi4ott«a jiuaiUr a.
a dndaaca onirvoonttna four luiba. 1
•TVka ttcU. wltb a inusdr iH.a lij o;

■a rrfnna ar
la RBDta al Band; Hook I doalir to
nakt a foar atatomoiiia that aJU. I
eoM. mako tfao aUnaUau rleairr lo lb*
antaci raadrf (ban It Duat oow apfaai. k!; ajatmi waa l-niport; dtacstbcd b; ibo l«Um l«afd la a r»
aoorourj of mar luado
abaat a mr ago a* fallow*:
“•Wbat K U prapaaod to arooapllab
b; tbo uatboiaan *}n<-uj I*, lu rSrri.
aa pnaoBtad b; Ibt lavi-eior. 10 oruab
ar bnak ta tbo aid* of an anuond >**■
art b; tbo lapari abo*o tl<* wau-r lln*
at a OflboaBo pru>nHr; ui»n wrtk
lac Ibo mndiou cbaico will ilHonate.
and tbo forctn (vnoraird will an la tbo
dliocUoo of Ibo IlDo of nrr. d*Bln>;los
tbo ainirtoro of th* «nuwl orof a too
rtOofaUa atoa lo tbr vkluli; of ib* Im
parti to aiUlUoo Uir ;ii
~ '
b tbo
o wator
10 Iba
I; of Ibo «tw*.f and oprn
if Ibo iroaaol faolow lU
SiMr U*"-’"
baro bean flml m>Dibo
. Tbo dm waa not of

tnaa, ncUBed tai (bo otbora. Tbo ai'O.
aad and lUm 4>d bavo dotnoatlou. II;
tba accond tbo put* waa ddocn bark
(bavdbre* lorboa at oar ond and
Bboot a foot at (bo oibrf. Tbo pUtoa
praion foor f.n brtow tbo watrt Uo*.
an (bat (bU blow—rqnJrab-ol to a nm■tw aetUo—would opra op aootr Ion;
aqaar* toot aa an (nln for waior aad
rtak as; abip afioaL Tbu la ladopoad-


3|^ putc* brtaw tbo armac wfalrb
I cooU net proto borauao ihe iar*« la
SB laad. 1 onl; dalni w'bat u abowa
b; tba (arm Itaelf. Tba tblrd ab«
Mu (bo pUlc lo two plocoa froia top
«a battsBi and dmoa 11 Urk atm Car>
lb« tbaa tba aacaod. ItbowaUadtla
tba loft of Ita orlstoal poaltlon oror
seosD foot and ai (bo loft aowo o»h(
tfft tarlba' barb tbas lU orldlaal poaltta. wttb tba ttrbole colfoodani alrtiotua enubad and tlaber braroa ainaabad. BHbar of tboa Uowa would haoa
SDDk an; bankshlp. alne* bo btuaas
arntr coBld nop (be locoatlna water.
Biptrtaar tartoc oba tanfOc and death
Milllt wart of tba ssa» froa tbo dateaaUeQ ef 400 poondi of robrouoa.
vUcb woBld bare InataatJ; klUod eotry (Mb as tbo ablp wbe waa iwi ondor enrar. TfaU roaall U a ralUlmoiit
Id mj loUdtlaa aaataiad b; tbo board.
Tba latiata wore piapand b; tbo chlof
Sf adtal tooatmnleb Obd wore lo ropiwai tba aUo of tbo Uieat 1370 of battablp.
*nie naalU of tbo drtiis todi; (Not.
U) wllb tbo avTko rtflo wore alaa
Torr laaartalilo. and froia thU data
It la tnerttabU that bleb
* the abdl e
■f Ibo future.
■Dd tba aoUd abeu wlU paaa to tbo
MBtt at Band; Qoek would btra pul
tar ablp oat of aettea. It rattalna lo
ennpara tba prababUItloe of arbtoroouat b; tbo two moebod*. lliHr aafn;
and arallaMIK;. Botb do onoueb wboa

ta tbo mala ebarta of
laasid BbcU. TbU U not true uf an;
attar a;slam. lurtodinc tbo oar naod
h; tbr CtrrtTa lacb Hdo. U; rffrcilrr
iBiWa to aa far aa tbr ohjott na bo
Htaadstan;BPprocUUoaiiElr. ^
-bad, aad that to not potalblo at proal

Do Not Miss This Opportunjly to Sate Money on Yoor Chrislmas Stopping


Will Begin Next Monday Morning, Dec. 9, and Continue Until the Night Before Christmas, Tuesday, Dec. 24.

This is a great chance to buy holiday presents, as our store is filled with articles of both practical and fancy
kinds that will make appropriate gifts. You will save money on almost anything you may buy here as special prices
prevail in all departments, and you can be sure of pleasing your friends with what you select, as our stocks are all
aeip, cit/ce mmhandist, and ini baot everptbing wt adotrtise. We want to impress upon the people of Northern Michigan, that
we positively will NOT handle Bankrupt, Fire Sale or Auction Goods under any circumstances.
We urge you to bring this bill with you when you come here—see that we do exactly as we claim to do—as
we are bound to keep every promise we make. Other stores copy our style of advertising but they do not always
furnish the goods when called for, because they advertise what they haven’t got. Here an sofln Itns Sul sliHllI latensl |HC
200 yard <)iool* SAN
SILK in all cokir*, jer


tooWiwiilUrii t»au totobt
‘iahar aba mid. leoklac at 1
aaraaet;. "flld pea know that Tiwtotda;
waa tba aanlrenatT at ear weddlncr
~0«rulal;. ai; dtrtlaf. erotalal;.-


Thi' 1- M.ii havvr'. /ivxtv'.t •'uc, v'n IIvluif
viitiic »i>« i. or ouim,:' oi X Ixt^c l.a»tctn 6nii. an*! wc
no* vBcf »ov lire ;;iiilcNt
c^vT *Mvm|4c<i in

ieoglhi. go XI,y.l.............. ..............................

K». Ia<£e*‘ toft
folcit Flannelette W'ra|w
|ier>. wulc floUBCe,
30 in. Serge and Figured Brocades, in all colors, iSc value at. •


Silks and Saflns

ettci, tl

and tnouilunblcikitbfcf tollin' tea
apd dmunr uri(un, warrastcil fart
worth IKt, al.......................... •............................
it in. black English Uaraband Silk, warranted not to crack nor
tospot.$i.7S kind, at ......................................................................... lJ»i

Bargains in eione Dept.

iri m. 1. .Team cx>U« Shako Hannel. htavy nap. &.•
• kind, at..................................................... ...........


All our 75c and Si French Flannels go at per yd......... ................

100 extra sire Revers­
ible Beaver Shawls, val­
ue $2.60. at


27 in. all wool Tricot Waistitigs, in plain colors only, worth 35c.

10 Oof. plain^^K4^>» wool <'*olf Gloves. Sr>c kinl

Imparted Fmuh An­
gora Yam

WUti, lOtBlii

We are showing by far the largest
line of up-to-date cloaks in the city.
We will not carry over any gar­
ments. hence have made very spec­
ial prices allthrough ourgreat cloak
slock, and you get the benefit now,
before the winter has hardly set in.
:: in. Long'Capes.madeofthe
celebrated Salt's Flush, in
brocaded a
with extra long s
primming, extra wide sweep,
' $0 value at..................................
30 in. length of above garment,
including astrackhan long
cape, thibet and bear'trim­
med worth S12.50 at........... Ladies' and Misses' Raglan
style Jackets, made of th
ighout with Skin

22x44 in. extra h<a\-j- GapcK ToweU in plan white
16xSC UL fare I joes towrtx. red borden at..........
160 Dox. 22x44 in. all Gennan I.ini:
plain white, also red. pmk, Uuc a
boniers, bemstitdied, double
Worth aSc at...............................

02 m. all Linai, half t.Icacbed TaUe Uamatk, CUc

Idu lHlc. 7c
CelUloidfSctBie Fram­
es, very pretty, al




0 itor. ladle* Uren*
Skiit* made ol unhnirt,ed wonted ckich. An
ed trimmed flare, al


Rugs, Portieres, Etc.

« Dot Ladle*' I>re«i
Skm*. made of faitodc

36 In 72 la Velvet Moqiiette Rugi, in the
d deign*, well
32b> W in. Veh. MotpieJIe Rug*. $3.00

forth 52J)0at

30 parr* Chenille ami Tapertry Purtim. 8 rd* long,
IB diffemi color*, tea pattenu to *eltf 6ocd.
iCoitam Pole* and Fixture* free with aboie.)

rss, ■=:

10-4 Turke; Red TaSie Covers. $1.25 ralaei, at

Lot 1—25 dozen Children's Handkerchiefs, colored borders. '
figured, each ■

leary White
O kind. at..



F.itra l^e •>» impened MandDei Bed${>ead*.
ptom linen center, raMjiM fcpwett. wonli S4.


U by 12 in. I'ltemrcd Soto Pillow*.....................

12-4 extra site in handsooe des^ni. $L50 vt^ at

12x12 in. frinsed all Linen Napkiik. Sl.db vah>e u
p«a“.................................... .............................

ICS,} 1C in. Uncovered Seta PSlowt.........................

72x80 in. extra tone
conioners, lined.
color fOkolme, 60ed
with tiare white battbc
$1.35 kind, al

on, at


3 lb. PiUows covered with extra heavy Attcakeag
go at................................. ........................
Lot 5—5^<iozen Ladies' Linen
en and l.ace
Lace cfTects, worth op to
this lot consists of all imported handkerchiefs, goat


d with latin 6ni*i>ed Inported TaRiag. at...

Fancy full oie Photo-

• $2.50
100 Ladie*- Black >3eetrie Seal Scaito, trimmed
with 6 Martin taB^
nickel Cham fawcnftj
other More* aik ttM.
we will Bill teUihoant


11-4 White Red Spread*. 65c value, at..

: on sale 30a dozen Handkerchiefs, divided in five lots


6.4 Ka« Color Turkej Red table Cot eft. 8Se Rind

60 Jadiev’ Black Vm
Fm Scarfr extra hag
with H targe tail*, worth
$4.30 at

diffeTEBl cokxt, $

n.i)andkerchief festioal

amoned sued checks, 06c. v.



too Children's Jackets, in royal and cardinal, veiy nicely trim­
med. 4 to 14 yearj. S;.2S value, at.......................................... ..

12-4 all LibCB. fiaa white, aod blue, red, pink and
gold botdetv extra besoyfrii^ed Table %weads.
worth ftOO at.......................................................

131>df, ladie*' PettiI iiiade <M Iwavy
cerued *|ku gin*
Sdkotwe, 3 nyle* worth
51.75 and SlOU at

Urt :i. Maile of fine aU woo!


62 iiL Bfeacbed I'nion Table Cloths, 36c value at

Good (BUesit Hooks
and Kye^ black and

3C in. SebcU Waiti lbmg. in btodt and gtev,
I2*c value

in all *ire* al

eieak Department


____ \___ ^____•

Ouldien’s and Maces’
Side Garten, patent
rtibber tortenen, ralue
12c, at .


lx>t 1, Made irf fan ...V«
French Ftannelelie*. all
2. All Wool French Tn-


Corset Steels, m black
and gray, 10c kind, al
tier pah

SlKdal ebristmas Olalst SaU



50 dor. Children * RibIwd Ko^ Hoar, in
all »im — 20c kind al

ladie*’ and Miaet'
Ribbed Vert* and Pant*
-fleece Unedy2Sc kind

Cadies* (Uaists

French Flannel Ofaistinfls

Fancy Pillow Top*, iwt

ladic*' extra bea\y
Wool FOeced lined
I'esi* and Pants, in all
*ires. COc kind ai



ru beaxT drin. at! am. wiU sell them al....

I Ic

10 iko. Sheltomi
n l4aik.. white, and
lukxv, caih al

Lilra llea>y .
Straw 1 ukiQg, )w<





in. English Cashmere, including black and evening shades.

Ladies’ Shell Hack
Cunibs. 25c kirwl at

Bargains in Outing Flannel

Suiiings, in three shadtts of gray and

40 in. all wool fJranite Cloth, in all colors, including black, hoc



The b«l F1ei*het*
Shetland Flou

Td baro poao aaesewbror olw U
■aU t^ coaUs’t bate U ne<
ttma. WrtL ru laaka rarb a kick
I cat to ta tawa ladt;' that tbo; wao'l
Caapot next Umo. rU ^ Vo*. I iw

30 in.

ladle*' and Mine.'
in idain and Scotch
latlcm*. 76c kind al

la<li«' long »h*iic>l
10c kind at

Dress Deeds Department


ID all rolon fur fancy

CO pieces *ofr 6nbhed
all Silk Taffeta Ri^.
m all shadeSrhietudiiw
black, worth 25c. at
fara tba aaam; eoatd raacb oeortlta
dtotaboo naa wbleb armor eoald ba
paBamtod. I tbetofora baea tbo Inadrantaco of prrfort aafot;.
' caapted wttb mora tbae douMa tba
laawa of aa; kaowe riraL U; tboor;
afire axprawHd bat loap born that fntm wan wUi be feaebi witb wmpona
d cannot be rotdiod lo b; an mom; ■
■rat obiaet of war to deatto; tbo opoUttSa damace at pomibU
Tba loBc torto* of leai
aatabl^ b; oTorwbolmlnp
taoa wtabUabod
paart ta; caataBUon. of aallmltod oO.

£orsef Department

r ,

____ .

w____ ; Metal Codbiaaucin
Head. ^ natvxl
| cartr hair -extra toige

too DoB Hc^ at

Speoal lot of Silverware
Novdties, ceo*iahM of
Pin CnihM. Fata?
Calendar*, Card Tn.n,

: baaDsiaeaf SOrare aed Oxidiaed
Uctal Novaltie*. atoo
Qndraple Sflver Plat.

Ladiei' Fane* Leatbe
Behx, heavy caned —
fretott Shaped, in 3
olon, 60c vBlne. at

Extra heavy Bnah
Bba^ ban colon k-

OAben'* Wool Too


errolto dc«roa Tbo man

m mixtsst OF irasis
_ t tbr MXt «W»
no otbof
9«nB thm tb» 1M» Bobort Otfron
Wb^ at that flaw proaldrat of the
Biinaiiin aixi Ohio. Not mo wom-of
«■«»■<» of that talk wsa loM to fbr
aai^iiippcr and vb«a Ganatt and
Ha taavaalae toft the eafe tbt TViinHitBBda aAdal ksnr each and rntj
Mai of Oafntra roop In ThlUdHfHa. WUataroD a°<l Balttinorr. It
hMa4 « fba atoek bM hr the ladlaMaaL Oanatt had Bade him a Killa earti offer for
Ha baldlBca. «l
Ite deUTBT <
the rmietriiK dar.
rloe* at Hitt «befl the
aeial detoehed himaelf
___________ tp-a table. Aa laU aa
aah oeaM take him be raced to fbe
................ atraet feetr At Jeraer
Otj be took a apeeUl eocton. and after
a vUd aloetr Dito ride be rolled Into,
nitodalphla abortlr after mldnlabt.
Tbea a haaty eoaference eoaoed of the
Vavara that were at toat day lo PeaotrliaaU railroad affalra. wlih the reaau ttat la a eery abort time certain
ad tha Me axd *eea nuklnc for a
Marbr tftf «• f*« “
tt thOB. The aatonlabed IndKidoal
MdB of f. W. and B. atock na ro«.odontofbed

fcfcewFiWfity^ftdjSffttfcacij Thtf Cm Nnr k

prol-al of •


h bar. to laraat
at and ar* manacnl
lb* aWat Otoh ar* aelumlly iboa
tt taka toleadln to. ttnfr for roadal euproaacy kaonc to* nttjmu of
world. ABwrtta bat ooly Juot t>

^lllro] It-------------- -...................

IcUn of eorlol or polllkml lDp>em ore BO oraon <0 rmodr la
eauw of hlo crlmlnaUtr tt
. bio on rvH taetoooe and
duct Of tbooc ofho veto hto
toUurr br otbara or hr >ho
_nicr 10 bun or btt. Ho 1a a



tadata of lofty louaHiy In iniMlr Ilf.
■mud the teadw affrcilopo and bom.
itora ahleh are all Imiiortart in to.
ikrae of naUoaal ehamrirr A aalun
Iduo lo too aroat war for too rolon. h
_jo ebOBO aa ao ebampir 10 all our p»p1'
heeanno at hie conduct In the dosi racra
and Isilmala of homo rouil-nr Tbrro
oeoU to no pwawial baiml of Iilm. for b*


w eimla
u cLnm oranawhUt. or pto-

In open nwwtlno to »l
KincIKltiibrrtoMlalaad tbr Uw should 1


n-l hrir ihry ohouM b* promptly do-

Inlercdla of All Bade _
onorar. ii cannot too toien b* polnlod
ttmuSy endanfurn lbs BUrroou to tot

to tot


tooueht of tbr conatro*.
Tbr frdreal couru ahould b* «lr*n Jiuto-

iT'imrJir'SIlildn*’.? to’i.rkiV

MBk hot tt fcaepa the operatloB sp S'bS^dTofw'^M^rrtd'Jar'Tb^
Bad tt a few tboaaand avlui the
• Hath or the tweattotb part of tb<
aaUat Cba doefca “kaep atrp- a

rrr rloen to
I to* ontlro
1. net eron

*jt" to tot frfrral eo.wnmrni ibt powrt


w toward I

o lit* to tot
prooWmt. ■
bad nol
him limb from Umb 11 It hi
toe law hr drittd va* at
.a hi* dv._ .. ,
hi* bohatr. Do far troa
coamUlodooWhalfof tl,



"(uy to tb^
adlh of year lore; bm. b
IttaO or^tot. whal toallhy an li peaHHe to yee Beat to the expreaaloe of
paar tiae tolicbt In a real cUb< toti
' ttaa year an.-Baafcla.

aeot U anlde, «hot tooMlJ artxbi

tomm totwlioMtr to Mrd
oeabtottMMt b*had (0
ttey'wt toat
to von and aa henornUy
aad aeptralttaa Ibai ihry
mclEiur toranoiber four
*An^hli wna Ibo man at whoa Ihr aetax InrUna lo conplHr to. Judaa-ll^ In-

y aad aafced. -Bare
paa'OBevTwteirtha ciarfc. wtth a . .
aieBd the eoraan ad her aeath, I


Tttit tbr tkea waiji more and-aoro coat
to br ail*d»»at«to a BMI whlto would

srwir.5:^s.:r.?r*- ■*;.r£idr'rt____
;*^HJ«iy° br“


............. .... ®Tb* AarMraa profd* aro olov

w «C the Otrdeo UUy CaMi*alhali aa aafttoer tt ebaife of
a oatatt ad baadred ttberen an lean
Uttad. 7U atbtt day be eee
•yiV. PaddT. «>a ihttk that Fafftf-

-Artab. aa. Mika* waa the reply.
•«a waa tte wiebad a man far tbaL
Tn ttf -way o’ ttlakta’ be wlot to the
■iBtt wbBt yaa Ufftt roar pipe with

■ncInoM raedlilnaa.


* with had or handi
any dorm, at* alvayn
m Bot only to them

a aad Urtnfor* tod
fit* of ritawit Whieb
at rat upon indlHd
I. rMololla and 1
an lab. th* pUa
but wlor In -


Many ot
roralloD to

. ._.--


I. moat iraportan^ ttot wn aboold j

a wbU-b unfll mrn

Moady ludtfor lb* Mcrrlo* to coed and Mr*
iooinal condlllaae
mail, to farlic new loduoinal
to whold btotory to th* irorld ah
IwUlatloc wtU flontmU]
canrmUr br boll
.... .......... ........
indenakrt. afior
ealn toulry aad
dlroctrd M to
Much to to Ira
emtu woold h*»* orm **v*i«>-u*-> “
eblrrout bad It not also br«n entirely
eSrctl.s to

vadertak* by crude and
totouon u do what m
bad would to to incut
fanrachln* national
would be twtorrsblr 10


art nu^





^bM M u

a the man u the anIttoo CTMt •• u rs>
muaa and W drto oor wttMt aad Bust rmeluieactloa.

Iiy for Ito rmind Bum. r*«-*
•n and chlldruu ntouM to pr.
.irnutlrt hour, ot Ixbor. fron
and from work -mJ-r vnvi

In* u^ii 11.^1 ^ f^^ftoia to^ttM, ‘

addfi^n “toitlr
npbold II by pr.
! . b^. aml^wl

ur-lu-lKii. sM.h n- nffallns aad other Inirrrota ol to rrfftono
of II,.. . |.i-..ri -acr » Bhlcb tbn rrotovM Hr bar Ito It a
I them u,«n a uual , vtdMprosd demand by>plc ot th*
- ' |vuut lor protroiiou and ——
I etlJI fToalcr use to the rctur*
h of rui I'loofulI ,,


iMktoattcn.lon of to to
At iitMiiii lb* prUtoitan to tbr fpreto



The condiih.t, ot Ibf Al

tor Vltb to t'al-rd aioir* rmaneicai ourrry and to preparation to piaoi lor thtoi

dotu'M ibat. Ind^ndrni o:
toy wish to lure out a prrf>

n ulih II.'.I of oihrr ■S7ad.aacem.nt
to prscil
praciual fceMur'tt


ssy^jJ/to r-tXrr

■blc^unll a


bgtff. had a nore f

mid finiiar nod ■


land. Wa
'eiarttna'mdni of
-r iw.. hupdtwl m11il..„ _
^r^r rapll.l bar
l bleb deere. to rnirrprttr and
.............. .....breu obvuu la the wurk luttt
bui a* much cans-M br Mid ■« rofMaae
to to Uwr rcuitn* tbermo Tb* Mcuflty and raluc of the ho«M r**al.d depend,
luf^y on tbr riabuity to iHttu/o wuiw.

few rrodllabk
bar* failed to
yuuttorttloo ot

prraiinim. .

-»nu(. of the American pcopU that Uw


oounlry. sod To
clTlllird world.
Um Which ha. t-ir or

■ 'b'T- • rueouim
m of a in,

SsHSifripS sj


! s.,, ,™i„
" -..."

_____________ opoB a took to IMol .
nppreeuuon to to nrcaMlty to mrrtlnc
oMitffIne and ehanetd ooodliloni to tm^ Wtobto l.rowe >0.1 .wo„.l,.I >l,k~mu.I I! '»T<
W*U at roma
I ruMi-iint II

£TiJhm^'tlMdrtoiratt deJ
that fftuat Uttan b* dons

It la

apaa ancor* eenrletlao that rotoblnatloa
aim oyacrnirstlon aboold to not prohibitod. but eupWTttod and aiihio rtaeooabi*
Umlu caBlrallod. and Is my Judcmtnt thU

. and tb* mra who
f tb* rMrrrra will
le to both mum r
irmuu cmmiiy ub>_____

anal (ond baa bmi
plUhtd by atoovUtJoo
——-------bco msiiay

•I Ippine t. oadcr

for to rlehtj to oih.-rs
tom uualntM ip •upir'l
to to natio* no Ic*. ib.i
uaa. tbcBmcIrrs Kiruilly

M* ulrmdy has each
Uadp nndto by IM
aad ihoapn-


IIIUO wlib Ui
leu Many


■ of th* Unitto itaieu would
ptoailoo ffTMito ton tbai of

“ **“ *'
.K*.l •I'd “all Sd ftoMrStto^SJ foto«rnd*anixk •!—d. b-- 1.. timet the prabIM. ar* pMhacu to m-vt »ti*l la1‘1- .wiaip.1 c wi ..f l.ulldine uenat ouMtioo. to lb. Ifniicd ffuua
.Mfu 1* ercaier man u tb.
cm.ip to
----------------------.1. out to WUC-. i-uid Amm- DUobrraadr
to to rrorrrr* tttould bo
httbi-”rh7p *ih-~ poll II.' .«.'*. a^Dd
I treeiflrM Hanr oftbrM
• Pd
Urine 00 the atop* of our rommrrrial n- 1 SerSlrntb
• f«

tor* tt much more w-op.
by to tut. ami the mum
tswM M stt>*
ment can an
When all u Ml
toy ai* found M-------------------------- --------M to tb* poMK iBjory. It tbould to aa

MLr'toMuc to^vnae of rlelaa^ ai*ai
eorvoratloaa aawi only bwauM they an
croatod and Mftouarded by our IcirUio.
tiona. and It tt toe.fori our ricbl anf
oar duty to sea that toy vara In baima
ay vitb tbeer IneUiatloBs
PaMiettr OoedrO. '

« arid
Cloaa aboold dru Buy to u meru mIhtrato und Urfor rtoOfftofM to fharhu of to public lo tbo coKOto and
•PMol to tbr pubUe wuiv mrppiua
IWU fousdto upon rondiuon* nbuiainc
humid r*rv.r( wbree walv tt to
■UBdaoi to lueiify bourdla* IL hurt nn
vprr opplicwtioo In b dry country.
Th* Only aichl aa Bator,
la to arw rutm to only rlebi I* ttSr Which aiiould to fUcncaiM » ibat at
■a la irrutiMtt ihtt rtcbl obouki allnctt

.IPO tv the dimniiuiluo
al,..uld be tnodr advsp.
, Attcri..u (ood* lo_______

pabUc ibry ohall do a

la to*• kMwiodM ^*^^t^7brnuiira
ar rlffbt I
examlaa to waciaaffu
of the «t*at.

2^— a.

- ----------- - -- - -


to admiaUtnlKti. Tb* Drat rrwulttlr I
full and ooaiplri*—knowirdi
to madt ptodic u to vorto.
Sauoao dv

ima lb* arid tuteefor tbr uortalB aM
o la tmtan to ecarf
iliwt hara mod* K
rlxbu • MUr tt

many otemma hart attttdy parnwl lala
prlrat* ownrrttdp ar a Amlrto tuulralBa

1 foTMtry. 10 which they propvly



' o5:.iv;isS s 2'ss.s: S“i£|Hi|S2 _


r* dlft^t aod uapvuol w
-----------,..b.4 duwu ao ——.
tm bomca aa
a Ibool
ibool wkirb camuul to wa.
tor ouptoy wUI only b* offacUM VMB
they Mr* the aanciton to (he Irriffnlani
rtoorm* ran only be Anal and Mitttaetarr

lararr arTWjaarai whhtt lailunal aid tt>

eureu abould. newtrer awakM tt artof
and tuu the dccormlnaUim to nmha Ha
tmcatloo aynum touaJ In yuoum and towmry In the tor-



S"Hi iS-K =fiis

Our preMBI iBtmlcralloe law. at* us- I eoatoUon It tt cvUmHIydeutraUe to main- door am comto back, and Mndrod* to
•atlefactory. tvr ncto cicr* booci aad
ptruona. MPtoUlly frim — ----------'“•*

STtbr pnarat buc fntln eiaSSaE*
Our aim ubouM ha M tomply 1* ruettim
to larvrto urea to land aad (oortt*
hasm tar lb. UrcMt aimbrr at 1 n*lb
^^o rcMUj^tti^nM Wiwy to


at tbe rommunlly ttol ibrrc ahould b* a

and mniiunri
VMru wbo bar* ttatod to find 1
a dull** oa Imparw hMiib aad romMiloo M to MlMdld

Joed to workttu
orir our prrori

A cartool eendy ubooM be mod* boCh by
to natioa and the raaMr to to ttrttflUan
ttw* aad iiiBfiM.-brr. aad attood
Cwittaiiiy " •« inbiWy b* atoMBwr
r MttmtUn aad to

. vmMbtiwoi
: alM all pen

do butlmaa ta many euto toUa ^Sto ranmlnallOB at our Utml«taUoo

SoSona wlilrb^i-plr 1o*it»lB.
purpriual fmnrhlar* to tbc puldiu uClWHa
to ctiiM A few to to BMUm toalan

w«b n Tt^Aoi mccMni^^eiiitoto li


im u^d
m tb. limit of oor accoal n—ta lahttra- vatord. They pforto to etol «*~ v^

la Hnwan oar atm mMt b* U dmtto
to urniary oa tbr trbdUloaa] Amolcaa
toon W* do noc Wtth a rrcton to targa
amatto tiuaa br towep labor. W. wttB •


vbto* 1

bBdte aaarynan
UI tourtii a fioaataff ||Um|MB at iha
bnas of Kcrthyen. war badly
- ttatBtaffltbaatqffflgdbBf tbe Cxhtt Ibe hanaat A
b. of Onlrg- {bUl at
•d. tbogffh the.boy baaga
(bainMMy um
idahMttba (Boa
• aM Hfhtaide aebeol mad wa ttanad by Hut
I ptt.t.yfc.1,
ig. The attiM of
«wm bbXU •hflMglglaMI
_ tt hold «
by fUUac latt . a of boa Bank Batter, a Mndaema tea«bldr cf
II. Bdntili;
VMM tt flimntt of an older MM
ttaaiihy Oaytgg ptoMla.
na bgitta vma qaitt uariotta gad
■aa UaCflfBd oa the TM|e 1 dopM. Tbo botaeo get bryoad Ua [ yaar MceUaa I
Uttia falknr aatfrad a gimt dfttL
Tbeloaff Icblvatat ttMlooBMlaad daMmd la fraal of (be Tbak«Mac ai
tgealttd. 'la «rmy ttauaca pttegd the fetmar I............................
vhara ho had pmlogaly Mornd the I Ua bi
r byttUiof la lore vltb ibejettlffb and bonadoattlBK (faw entiiB- «
Tttl a Kbmm-a Moattadt aaol
’ MlfeM aaf’S^oBy anaagad orw •10 HU. A Unle later be ineideattl- ,
vbolBdae Uaa rtOtt-'lyMme aad Ibeoviaa flm iaia the I
MtMt saa of OvMB. win be a
IffdaltUthtpoekrt. and. agooggler- )
aJy. The bowaa v«e ba» aU*hHy ta- ■
Had tt Dayttm, O.. nwaatM
T >a>ad aad Iha ■ -ly f*flr»ttd Mtly a
................. *a<bHtarttfld.attttt«th*n
M'. ftatt

. aC OMMirr. The weadeock. wr an
. Md.laaUoto*aaatkBrwaaDd<witi
gBiMMaMi afeffl. A rtaoch
itM 190 that aa aeratal oc
: M toe kOad waidc.eti that

tt lomllly wtwro a»
M to make the Vtok

ittrr.i;v,:*„- wi.s ;;-h.* r-Tio.,-b^b; tb. to*«*rrntto m **> r,,pBu ».* .m-

va can no^ tooka Wbsi turtM
U to var
vai to ^
dM aro Bordad u
uxatloi caa only b
mmmt raaulailoa ar taxation
Marmlnod after pubtleliy bar bwa ot

br CfOVth to dura hi



itow^^or. fully rualttod^UuB



u‘rwldM>rMd eoB*lrtl*i Is (ho

hie own ptommal tbrntaeur*torn w* fml
to* blow BM as eitork at him. but aa
etrark at to* nation. We Boom a pnol
to? I^to number Jf*5w?lar**
and anal pemkiatt.........................
who tt dmd.
— but
---, todlrtonal acto reprrUUy to rrry lara*


IK-Ilr. thn cITon. ol -re-rent


elly to partly cip-nmCnt
Al lb. r*rt bretnolnx .1

*tet contract Ubor In the op. n L.1.0
kri. 80 far a. pruclkoi-ln un lw II

fto women and c
J IhrJ^mptol-

M^by^.Ulr<jot^.i|h tor^a

-ur int.Tnoi* , .H.**^rlttoLavaJ* to foeroi rroourcM.
Itot of wood, wuti* iw araas from
rtboilar ibair full bbai* u tbr vw-

1 l-r..- , uwa loirfnui.
. ■ „rtcuHur» ihnatrn* our aril brine
' The fialuml lie. of dcyr.ypmcnl Be a | Tb. praeUcul oonfutnnM to tto ntlhmal


blt'or Ibt u^MIrshln
to to f
at war. lor


"''•ni'^rod ucl. 6f lh.*fa™ ha'
M«po~-of out ouiT’un product. }'^
H trad* durhc’
chow ihow .urplu. product, p, nvine ■•
pomrihin* in return
Th-lr ui. lu» lopor‘rbnw our producu rboi.M an far a. pea- . _
toblc to n~-ur..l by a> arruBuin* our tar •' Pnhllc oplnkm 1
Iff a. 1* cm.Wn u.
in take
lake from tthem ' fitalro h.. mornd
u» CP
tbo*n pro-tiici. which
cii unu*- mil
ulihoul . *ppt*cl*t»n ot the rilur of ton
rhlch »-■ cn
n in
r oc.a
.0 o.
o*, InluniMc
m,u..y.c* .,,1 I.,,..,
, ,
lie. of which will to nr tn..rl.nd


euiind rtiPit) to ui-buiMinc totol cealto*
of mmini

»D^r-rs-u t:;" STodVu:,.''^4:e'Sr1^w"^

boromrutoaM'^ih At la^tto llebt
vat aimed la to. kindly eym. and tot
hrmth wont troa tor Ilpe that cron to
tooctal afoey eumd ifo word, tar* at
toratvwiMn u bu noid-err. to lovt tto
vlU to too* Mcat”lllah'''«wA^'
oiwwnlao to* xlory of mirb a Ufa
«B wtib tnaoiir oamw, Inn wiu

a«i.n mr-krtr t*.l ihn trad* '
.1 AM .....................
arm* fowi'nup- '

K'sr.’.-rai'srs: »“;2 ■

I ab^ld
tion c

(ratun caHTr^toi tou.

7b. aback, to* ertto of tbr rounu-r. an
Mtlw la to. Bind, to all who oaw to*

lu nnw n-dd. vntll It
all arellOR* of our <

ttrot down- ine cnpitaiiai maj — ...oito hit luaurton. but th* waxnworhw may


Jurtt^-wU ~ia“^toV’ hiid'to tbi
mrd u bmry iwan any conntry. If hood
r droudbt raaa. hoaan wttdom tt
Hm to arvt tot calaalty. 1
.W 0.0 arnnd at acalnet Um




bnrUul u to **■*«»> wolfkfs

Uremt <9portunlu to work
Tbr trrarodout tod hwhl

total blow. TbtoaU
too aanalt to ertB*.


far* of th

and prncticnl effort must b*

cb doato. no m
Irr how drral u«l(b. .-—.--------------- -OBly In ^ dUiitttn at etrmfihmlnc and

1 to iw coneratuUiwl bwam
ot eboundlu prtepofliy, I
ly con novrr b* rrwuto by I


of Ibt fanatic


.. w, Wlib rrmrd


nionn. 10 MP-b mab
r la to lomt '
tncmwita and •a'
I. lurio- ID in. otetr

a fun ^

Iflca^'totmdrcit Me' :io1ry

aad Mce of all beatthttl
—year an to to be the inb
aHHtbttC yaa tort. It oar be

; tor Ihto to rmrl bn dntrtmm-1

aa 10 am* w llyaeto

man la tou i*

r has brnn II
■toallne known as to* kUro Imda. tor U b
of r«r bUckrr Inloior toon totow. 11



» ■-"-..-r rrr~~!3r;gS7!aisa?i^.
Kr,'5'.vw“.;=si'i r.Ti: - ■

tM tb
apoloar cannot be urard
Vbe Objorl of (hr Blow,
tdtol McKinley waa a man of mo
Dicana a man whoao etiwtt optn:
Oom tbr sturdy imcro of tbo aoU. nr
had hinarir bolonacd amonx lb. wni
■orkrra who bad etitrrcJ iha arniy aa
pclratpaoldlw. Wmllk waa not olrvck
when lb. pcatodont waa aamaUaaiM. b
the bocwet.iall which U cantrtt wnh no
emu aaloe after n ItfMlar to unmnllU
labor laiaoly In too awvlco of tto pubi


makinc nrm -ur

toTt r'thTm'rjr'himitotr.h’.wwiB^

la ihn prnorai utlff , lb. nnmntrlal Iltnhla
I flows Soihtiut rould I-bnlmltd


of construrl
pUfpooe of

WUh to. eul. rirrpllor
tninuet. no on* matter


r nailoBa. '. nbouli
jod r*.ull ■ tfriwfl
nni on-1 pr-*vrvat1on ' (la. '

B courne pr
tbouM b* I


.......... tb-r {T:: •;


nr* po^iarij. aUbou»h with

atllt^r o(^



10 [wudii.-* con-' Usb and aalsialnBoodla-nmiiBatlae rate* '
m lanl. IP in. I Th. net ahould b. aa.M-d. Tbr rail- j
Tm II to nnt only powl- way a a publlr amranl
—----- ' '

- “ ■' “■«”^-tSJs; «.b*’to's”r:i7 ro?r“*.;o’o:e.T^ ■

wntl^and moru^ am

to* oormiintot. to* 1'

iMr crlialnallir by aao
U exrrcunl for political

Near the
Maa a na«ael to fixed. If It la
« tM Ibe pendalnB to calnlec
■■ tan (aat trioo alop--------------toeMdty It twitched
• BBfael befflat to pcdl al the aetal
I and fro. It oolr relien hr an


aaa aorl.1

It obonld bn btt pr-vtac*



U not loo BU«h to uy that at tbo
> or PtreldoM WcUiiiM 0 dooih bo'
I tbo noet wlddr >0i'o-l man In all tor vbUr
led BiaUn. vblio ap l.^ve nrror had
puuic man of btt pooiiicn aho baa
> ao abollr froo rrooi tor bmof amtUae larldoDt to Ii>\d>r life HU pom-



own natural rraourea and tbo okUI. bottawa atocry aad morbanlenl nptltud* to
powl. aabt foialan IT--’--’-

Ml,l ' MVr a. a htohwpraBO
"proiliiced—----ii..n bopp
........... . -.
thr amai
of u>»ny and frwdoni to p«
be Invoked in ourh a rnuw.
lour to mm prtachlna anal




V* boll*** wUI mor* and aor. b. hrm.
hr th» aloomi nlaht of dwpotUB.
W tor onorchtol bl—r. whtotor ho
prroebte or pmeUMe hlo Ooctrtr

tall urwpocihto) who kix-olhlm In pubUo or pHtoU life. Tbr dcfnidmi of tboaa

Ktoth part a

th« bualana lnim*l* of j an^ pmfrmwro arr aad* aamme t-oih j


itMato mMacnmaia <m«i. lo ibo

■ MtM that the & aad a woold ran
•a Hew tee* wbetbec be (Mr. Vandei
«ao and tbe Kew Tort Central liked I
m aac.~~Xfw lark Trtbaae.


> prcT-r

to Tncta DatlM OB rahm
ate 4au Caanlrr Ctoee-

abt rzpoiiMI of a fr— r- «e*le'o nobor
aa to too OTannkal aid irrooponalhla

__ to taUdne with Bobert Gairelt. «
waa wmmar reported and brileerd
tbtt tbt two am were dtocatBiia IL
aad o.-a then tropoer^ eoueoce Into


„r»no» am

» coald could catch bli
M of tola torn i“££llon-cf
Haath. Ko etaaaecn were taken, and
Ml MlfiTT to the Penneyltanla oe- atotour
o.rtl-ld w
- the foUowlae oalo and rrtaldrnl
asrad aa aailr opoa
-..-tit aa tt coold be ioi ai
_______ lo htaior
llvidnii I
B Oarrett
OafT« arrlred
amred iaVer.
lal be bH- CalUof MHIm lo
Mr Bffteelatrd
Mlatrd the
trtith there to to
OartrU <
(be old aav
» that there la many a allp pTBtdent
Ur of a dIupoolPttd c.lbco-okw I
cap, and
Up. What
Whal foltowwl ' 0«t UrKInIrr aao klllrd I>y an o>
OoprarM rrtmlnal brt-m»lcw lo Ihtt
*«Hlkaa«ra. Oamtt lo bla
cjtmlnato who ol,)c.-l 1.. all to
ad a^ bant the tmtBcallr ezre>- at
■aeeta toed and ba-l alike. «hi
Htt 8. and O. exteoalod from Beltl. aaalnot
any fern of ^-i-ilir Ilbmy I
■an toPUIndelpfaln. nn opernthm Ibnl

the Oarretta aa rootroOlaa tartan
& and a affalra ahonlj followed,
na like the Iroor of foie thai Ibto
tedir Aoald be roattottod I
leal, the PenneylreDto.

- - -mUonal matarcrlal ogamtunm of to

tat la the Hotaltr of a aiwHMM
aOee oppaMtt tSe TnrtdeaM af iha
mar of tbe gtaaa.
At HeBdoa (ha iradlectae «f taiUHT
Btt VM taMOrJ Hadaeatar ttiffM.
Oay aaolety bad thraafad tba opttm
■httt ttttt (be bati Ttol ta ptoottaaM
ttfalatadlaMa* atti*aMaM
MMhad (bRttfb (ha (bird .taryaMt

r COBdiltOB.

■mad Is liic
r Tork ftas. Kar ran tr*rf4rn
atommd br a llltl* rUI«^ aU>ol iw»
Btia vat of Onat* Conn Uvom- pu|k■kud ratmir br orgntm and riwlltuir kBOVO U lUttitOVB. It
t*m» fi«B tba tan tint Ivo or «li
ba^ml ablaa cxvapM br tfer lobab
taau an roofad rl<-tBa)TWr
no^ aUba. Tba* abUn an yuitr
lost atack taaitlai vll
dar- Tb»r •*» aamnd a»n-ail
at bait a mll« a«aan aad an «uii
vtUi raocb aad lamUr b>|ialii> (
op ta aaffima vltb vada It I.
eallar aicbt. lUi Otilr arcrv
wfaarc a vbtla tan arlduui a|.|van.
■abtava la told at vlifa ao lixnii
Tbm !• BM a atan la It. alilwusl
tbman non ihaa SUO ilvHllwsa.
Bat Ilia aav (ovu wblob to uov br
^ brsva OB ll and vlll ta- puabrO forwaidaatapldlraBpoitoibb-. It villuccapr a Wrt Bf. toad ot alawl a UwuMOd acra arooad k'on Ln. o>
wbo wan vBiplorrd 1o tor vK IIm- lua B
barr Biartrd oat a park. wLk-U >• ■■> Iw
baasUM arttolaUr lu ibr aiui.r and
la tba aprtad a aetl uihn lu
pfvaa^rBU Wiu ta- aihlnl. Tbr '
bwar «UI aooa ba Iwcuu. aud tti ■
onatln a doaitoblna rlUap- will
a atanrd atoial a
kaowB aad akUltol aar.. pbrabiau at
a wHtan and li
It war tliRiosb blip
tlMta latpa iBdoatriaJ aad tralalns liiplltaUoa wia ranabllabad at Kk-buaiid
la wfak-b uaaao woaiaB Bn tinkbl to
«oak. act aa Oalocd aoraaB. kaa|< booh
aad toUow Btbar aaptiil panulia. Or.
lania, aitonad br arraral of bar orErw
atttoaaa. pcrpeaaa patiliic iba rtlUce
ataitad aad tbao tnnlns ite propanr
•nr la tba Wamaa'a L«am Tralolni
aAeol ibova rafrawd to.
tr wlU ceat nuor tboBaaoda at dollarfL aad tba toadara at tba Baramant
atotadr baaa a torpa aawaat ao haad



^ hedi aaatgaad U aacb bouaa•Mf walk dlttaat Barb riltoear will
ba altowad ta fccap cuwa aad oibar
Madt. aad tea am wiU La art apart
te fiadac parpoaaa. Ooa buodrad
acna «SI ba darotad to a park. Tba
tmm Malf «U> occapr aboul Bfir
soaa. tba trazlac plpl about lae aeraa.

•’ ““
Ttma *1U ba DO dlfflniltr la *(111111
paapdi ta Uto la tbo (Ulaca. a toraa
>f appOeatloea haaa alnadr

store open every evening until
9 o’clock, to accommodate those
who cannot come duringthe day.

Mail Orders Promptly Filled.

Ukl &'ic 1

it Umlerweat in oew blue with fincy *tri|w»
Men's toe Worded Shim and Unwers. n'bbed. glove -bl>
ling. Dice and soft on the body: this grade cb^atfl »




styles, 5Uc and GOi- qualij

ivy yue.

Men’s estia ftne Icrsey Ovetshirts. in navy
gle «id double breasted, value IKlc

Urn's Gurcy Flannel Ovmhins made arith
cottar, has tie to match, a bargain " ‘


d!l‘*blc*^^"'''l ih’'”*'”f’ '*^**^'* breasted
Boys'heavy blue Jerset Shins in Imlh Inilton and lace


Men’s Pants, Working Goats, Etc.
^r:.,i .45

„ I

AocoadlDt ta Uarer Jobimai. torkar
n*n wm an ba allowad at Ibe ap. naatdlap TbaakaplTloc. aara tba
fffctatoail Laadar. Dorlaa Iba two
ftaia of the Fbrier admlatoRatM
«btoa wwa TaOaa ot.all fcibda.
lUrd ItaUaa'l^ad a

MEN'S SUITS, in all Pure Worsted goods, fine .All Wool Cassimeres. \ovelty Cloihs.etc, made
in Sack.^ Double Breasted .Sq i»re Cut, or Cuuway style', all thoroughly tailored g 45
CHOICE of any Man's Suit in the store, including our very finest goods, in Sack.
Double Breasted. Square Cut or Cutaway st) k-s. regular values, Sn> 10 Sjj, at

rnUne.1 Mirieskin


■ J^baatr
to aaa tba BHaka
r «toa da traa-aaM the Italtoa to Iba
ddldne. *aima —,


MMd orar la Iba waadarbit oaraatot.


1 O Ate

si a»i.r?

Special Lines of Suits at $3.98, $4.75, $7.75
MEN’S OVERCOATS in Blue and 4)xford. Woo! l5-.Tv<-r good', well made and
trimmed, good linings, good ffiting. wonh So 5^0 S7.50 at • • -.............................


MEN'S OVERCOATS in fine Brown Wool Melton. I rmch faced shouMcrs.super ,
ior body lining, nicely put up all through, would be low ai $7 : at__ ,.'__


MEN'S OVERCOATS made of extra quality All Wool Kerse;


blur- and brown.

MEN’S ULSTERS of heavy-Oxford gray Melton. Cassimere lined, wonh $5.50

jiiiD DOiy apj


. .39

Bott' heavy Swealert u navy aiwf maroon, vaiur 00.
Men . Wool Soi .n Uito and tan. worth 16c..



and Uue. a*, and Hi


t Ml Um a Jiab. Viiw, Ik.«Itoia Wm.


Mea'i Si-mch Tsker Rs!
Hajulkerciue^at 3 <«

Men's Heavv
Gloves. a&■lualiltes, at.


“fctebt^ the little m bataa




*Ytow bifki.’' baailad.
Tba BMekar rapidir iwmorad and
Mplaead a toeaqr cap wlU a faaibcr
ttg^^bHakad bto bead, are.






at this time of the year, a-^ we do now. Nou
have only to come and look at the Koods, to -latisfy
yourself that this claim is true

MEN'S ULSTERS made of good quality BUck Wool Melton, strong durable lin­
ing. a good garment at $7.00 at.......................................... —................................




Ulibadaard. will rr
haatac tba dtlea aod aattllnp la ibaaa
ten Ttitoan. Ibrrabr pa alar tba war
mrard aUlat tbalr placaa Id fartoriaa
mad atbea ttaaa ot weak br wblta tobcr.

have been placed all through the
stocks. As we offer you only
run no chances—in buyttjg here­
of getting Bankrupt, Fire Sale, or
Auction goods, as undesirable
merchandise we WILL NO'f han­
COKE DURING THE DIY N mu can, tf eon It
It hqiKslile lo cm
eiilin. M be sere ll cm! roc iH be Mr r^.

■At no time in iht- thirty one years ol our busi
ness career in Traverse City, have wc ever before
offered such reiitarkable bartfains in

•iVeo-fioe,«rictir All
A Wool I ndenrear, in natural gray, drange.
c.. is both plain and

a la (arloeB pam of the
a laedaad fioa a> far loulfe at
- Oaetfla aad crao Fkmda. Tba pnf-'^
«aaeo arfll be flarti to iba iHTrora of
Vfegida. Tba rfUacan will Ur al•teand ta oara tbalr owd booaea. l-at If
at Bar *!**■ tbar Wlab to aril] Ibaia tba
Moan at tba adwBt will bara an op>
ttoa ae tbesk tba pate* la ba dacMad
IV atMtoattoa. Tba Hoa of tba rUhdk^ootratbraodacMadaB. PoaM
Mp baa abaadr baao rtartrad fioai
•aaltbr maa^ tba uenb. and oibar
dwitltm baat bate promtoad Tba datdep«BOBt of tba •aaamaot to lookad
Ipae wttb bate lotanat at BlcUnond
aad ta oibar parta of tba aootb.
■act tbto atorataant atartad raporta
hart baae raadrad that la at laaat two
atbar otatca la tba ooetb a almllar pnjact win be BOdartakao It Ibto ooa aocaaada. It to atoa aaM that Ibto to tba
bWiaalBC of Ibe tBoratnant to aolootoa


Tuesday Evening, Dec. 24

ir totoTj mould toyie. kiandard Stic grade i
ar aad la tint portloo of Iba tract
whkb wffl ba deratad ta BcrtcBltara
PrtkUltoTIr and to aooia alaor ladoatrtU paraoNa. Tba bauara will ba bollt
' deaa toaatha
II will Iw pnltr
Meb altka.

on whateveryou may want to buy
in the various lines we handle, for


gr*v *0
BBltr of at laatoGOU pao-


SPbXiAL I.ISF. ....



inched bord^valae Me

Good qoalit)' SQk Ties, haril to tell
frantbeautalSOcgcade oc
of neckwear, at..........

Mca’i an pure
ban-Mitched I
■ worth 16c. at ..

'Xb^ lot inchaks Baiid Bows. SUM
Bowv Tecki. Graduated F«ji-iaHandv Revenible Foardn-Handa.
Club Twv Bat Wag Siriogi. etc
every thafw ihit n proper, that
at 75c. man. m tingle boaes at





AMLiuif Hn'i laribrcNMi


« c .11 .up,.;. .X.U wuh DFISIR.MII.L gl AMTIKSal IJ^WFR
rKK'i S ti:in are u>ual;v charuei

em^tba edar b* bad
iadwL^ aMMlPDppad t^ loto Ui
Iba'mka praaT aolatol; be edacet.. ”a tmad a dto. aardaat tor. wbate




toaakiT wbca tbe lultoa acala addraaad tbM. Be pouted aa aarkaa
Bipar ap at tbe aatmal aad Mid: -Tva


Steinberg’s Grand Opera House Block, 227-229-231 Front St.


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