Grand Traverse Herald, September 26, 1862

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Grand Traverse Herald, September 26, 1862


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Morgan (1806-1874)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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T R A V E R S E C I T Y , M I C H . F R I D A Y , 8 E P T E J B E R 2ii, 180-2.


£jje (Sniii) (Entbtrst UOTUI,

T h e W r e a t h of the I l r a v e .

treatment»a.« faithfully pursued, and next rooming;, (foe-1

> r o . 48.

T h e Story of the J a c q u n r d L o o m .

b a n aaer h e n . M a t e d K M ) be a a a p a s ,
> « " T »' ' • ?
T ^ ,
f .
til its introduction. M. Bischof writes in hi« history
j danger. anu recovered ruji.tiiy.
-'ibe production of sa|*rior figuredailks dependrd soli" i This is the first case of 1'iphtbcria 1 ha e « c n . and | |y n „
K ,. a v ,. r a m | tbat to a degree to winch few »:
I it is truly a frightful malady : but with this prompt and i t'ained. I V necessity of extreme carefulness and skill
"energetic treatment, at the very beg;oning. I am confi-1 now considerably diminished: in other words. the prod..• do nt no person need die with i i ; whereas, in ler my other, J 10 " " f 1 1 "'"'l °' >st 'v a , ' n c > '*
I •, . | tier ol operaiives.
.1 aconard was a nmnn'ii.
(treatment few would recover. Mind, the .ret decided | t u r ) , r „ r # t r o „ ),aU; ami ,t was not till after the IVaeeo
I conimerx-ement of the disease Is a severe p- :n in one of | Amicus had lieen signed that his attcnlioi. was attraeiei
I tlic fflamls tmder the jaw, shootinc tip into he car and to machinery. Hap|Mtuing one day to take up an h oc
U k W t h a face.
. » » « ' a. I inctoa.i,,i: I "
"•' a n » » d hv . | » ™ p a p l
in which the Nx-ietr of Art Mo their hnuor ho it record
I rapidly.
11 1 were to prescribe for an, ihcr cas*'. I , Q((1 o f l v . n , d a l i r o n ) i n m to any person who would weave a
j should apply the warm cloths I'Oth to th throat and ! ngt |, v machinery. 1'r Howriuc. who had a personal in
I bodv at the beginning : and depond upon i f (or coldest lervitw » iih him many voars afterwards, tells u< that th.
| Makes sacred the wreath which enl ircics the bran .
1 his late II
Though delightful that wreath to the votary of glory.
• water, if ice could not lie had) tuken into t ie mouth, for 1 JTnsi
II his thoughts t i the
J Who soars on the plnioni of Victory to fume;
| cooling the inflaminatinn in the throat 1't .pie attacked
l Though each patriotic bosom beai» hitr'i at the story.
of the required c
I That emlilaions with honor America's name:
with this disease should remember that t ere is not a j p riW ) u ,-,sl «
ichincrv of hi.Yet, "tip only In bloom that the laurel can Nourish:
moment of time to be lost in dallving with i
If the per- j It seems however, that the pli
'Tis Horror's red trophy, 'tis plucked from the crave.
And the tear* of the widow and orphan innst nourish
spiration is suffered to stop l*fore decide* relief is ol- J only reward he coveted; for. w soon as accomplished, h.
The wreath that encircles the brow of the brave,
, , ,
, . ,
became indifferent to the work of his ingentiiit. threw it
U « d . or e « u if ,1 a snOirod lo .lack do»a for fear of I | i f c ^ ^
„ {„ , f H „ i .
et blame not the bard that, with ha man aversion.
J u d g e Of P r o b a t e .
C I ' R T I S F O W L E R , Mapleton
He shuddering turns when the battle-storm lowers
weakness, the patient will die. Bleeding may not be U * a matter in which he no longer took any interest. The
E« V. D A M B j Travel^ Cltv.
And exults that the aim of the patriot's exertion—
necessary in every case, and I should never bleed after net was by somo means at length exhibited to some per
County Treasurer
M O R G A N B A T E - S Jf**- City.
Peace, sanctioned by Honor—ere long shall he ours.
County Clerk
the sweating has been commenced.
I *>ns in authority, and by thani sent to Paris.
Sen the warrior shall sheath, with a smile ot devotion.
Register ol D e e d - . . . T H E B O N B O S T W I C K ,
His sword that he wielded his country to save
T o Cure O b s t i n a t e Costiven* « .
After a period had elapsed, in which M. Jacqnard dePros. Attorney
CV/oVni^N Nort^P°rtAnd the wreaths they have won on the field and the one
i <-'^are8 that he hail entirely forgotten bis production, he
C i r c u i t Court C o m . .

Immortal shall bloom on the brow of the brave.
e fourteen
lurtcen years ago 1 was consulted fly Mr. Ishell. | was Knl f o r b y , h c p c r f e c t 0 f l, VO ns. who asked him if
Coroners— .
then a member of the Michigan Senate, vbich was to 1fc,.had not direcUd his attention to the making of netA L e t t e r f r o m I>r. Schetterly.
meet in a few weeks. His mother and s me of his sis- [ bv machinery. He did not immediately recollect the
J . G. R A M S J ^ E L L ,
which the Prefect alluded: the net was.
ters had died with scrofula, and the glaiid in his neck
however, produced, and this recalled the fact to his mind.
I send vou an account of the moat splendid exhibition
considerably swollen, l i e had a pa tage from his The Prefect then, rather peremptorily, desired him to
of electricity in the fcky my eyes ever beheld, which you bowels aboul once a week, and the mor medicine he produce the machine by which the result had been effectTHA/VTCTtSK C I T Y ,
may publish if you havfc not already published a better. took the worse lie was off. 1 directed iiin to buy o
'. M. Jacquard asked three weeks for its completion;
the end of which time he brought bis invention to the
Scientific works make no mention of any thing like it. syringe With u crooked tube so that he co Jd use it himREFKI*g£€HiS:
and it is therefore anomalous. The superstitious will self i to inject cold water into bis bow Is every day. Prefect aud directing him to strike sonic part of the mal
chine with his foot, a knot was added to the net. The
— , Aaatin Blair. Oor. Mich.
aM.QM-Maftta.Cl> J.Sopr Ct ll|Roi
probably associate it with the rebellion, either as a good commencing at a particular hour, end ho' I. it if he could, ingenious coutrivance was sent to Paris, and an order "
I. O. j u m . Auditor (irtrnil
Pa WlllC. Lnrb. I.AMlnr,Mlfh.
a bad omen. I t may be called
as thence dispatched for the arrest of ihe inventor
if n o t inject again a short time after it < me away and
JMlATanMb "
»« ran Bstra. Tr«.J/r>
Tbaa K.Cool'f. Sopr rt liriK-rl'i J-^.
Here Dr. Bowring is in error Napoleon's order was
A M a g n i f i c e n t E l e c t r i c a l Arch in the S k y .
repeat again and again till he could h id i t using a
and Prat of Law la MIcK. CnlTarally. ill«.! T. J.turaade'il. Msalsto*. Mich.
i the effect that >1. Jacqnard should be conveyed to
After twilight had disappeared on the 30th nit., there small quantity jsay half a gi^) at a time. After he could 'aris with all possible dispatch; and the spirit ol those
C. H . M A R S H ,
!re appearances in the North indicative of an Aurora hold it. inject more and more once in twc. jr three hours, •ho interpreted th« imperial command leu them to bedid come away ; n n j repeat the same process lieve that nothing less strict than un arres' could be meant
Borealis. At 45 minutes past ten o'clock I stepped to
-••• ^
the door to witness its development, when my attention commencing always at the same hour ev« -y day till his in the case of a man who threatened to injure the weavers of Lyons so seriously. On his arrival in Paris be
attracted by a pillar ol light, brighter than any bowels become regular. He followed ,iy instructions
was installed in the Conservatory of Arts, and was set to
N O T A R Y P C . B L J C & C t > N Y E Y A N C E R oorthern light I had ever observed It became visible faitbfuily. became a healthy man, and is i i»w Collector of w ork to make his machine o n j l o r g e scale. He fashionT r n r e m e City^Grnnd Trnverse County. Mich.
about fiftren degrees above the horison west of north, Customs at Detroit
ed everything with his own hands. The woodwork and
• OfHc© in Dwelling House.
1 ly
Coslivetioss is often the cause, or a -oncomitant of ironwork were shaped by hiB dexterous and unerring armappeared abont a yard broad, spread out like the wing of
It is related of him that one morning be paused from bis
other diseases, which never'can be cured without ret
a feathered bird, and became feinter a s its breadth
T. Ji K A M S D E L L
labors to coustdcr the principle of a must complicated
creased. But it extended entirely across the rijy. be- ing the costiveness. which generally alsa cures the
machine, invented for the purpose of weaving a shawl for
coming invisible as far above the horison and a* far companying disease. I have often recommended this the wife of Napoleon. His body bent, with his hands
resting on his knees, which was indeed his ordinary atsouth of cast as ita other extremity stood north of west, treatment to invalids, and it has never failed to cure
titude, his eyes were busy in every corner of the machine;
s« I L 1 C 3 T O R I N C H A N C E K Y .
without, however, becoming brighter in the east than it tiveness. when persevered in. In some cases a gitlli
and a droll smile half opesed bis lips as be inquired of the
-• IK".':.e_NO. 4 FIRST 8TBEKT,
two has been injected into the bowels before it produced
at the eenith. Twenty minutes past elevc
Dircctcur, under whose orders the workmen were emManiHt««. Miohlgan.
contracted its breadth in therewith, and became as bright a jvassage from them. In such cases the water is absorb- ployed—•' Rather an expensive job that, sirf"
••Twenty thousand francs!"
as it first appeared in the west, where it continued through ed from the bowels, goes the round of the circulation
Diable," exclaimed Jacqnard; why. in yonder corthrough all the blood-vessels, and posse: off as rapidly
two-thirds of its course. It had then declined from
ner machine, by Vaucauson, which, with a little more atas it is injected, through the urinan organs
perpendicular southward, and had two long cur.
tention would answer the same purpose, and would Dot
bending south—being in thtj west—and the one bend- v.a'.er. thus employed, is the best purifiei of the blood in cost more than five thousand! I t is a pity that serious
promptly to all claims against the
U n i t e d S t a t e s for B o u n t y o r P e n s i o n * .
ing northward in the zenith- T h e stars could he dis- the wide world. After a gallon or twc have been in- attention is not paid to Vaucanson'g clumsy invention,
AH o«cert or soldiers disabled in the prewnt war. either tinctly seen through the brightest part.
At twelve jected. on the same day, the last that pr wes away from for it contains the principle of all combinations in weavby disease incurred, or wounds received in the sen-ice of th«
the bladder is almost as pure as it was » hen injected. It ing. I must look to t h a t "
Vulted Sutes, lathe line of their datv, are
*? ' « f o'clock it had faded from view.
And away posted Jacquard, and shutting himself up
slons ; also, the widows, or minor children of those who dl
washed-the scrofula out of Mr. Isbells vstern and made in the workshop allotted to him, set to work with the saw.
^5. j | . H O L D B N , Attorney-al-Uw
It is a duty wo owe our fellow men. as well as a plea- a healthy mnn of him, whitb aB the nost nmsand apothe- thechisel. and theplane- At first he constructed, from memI — . mcM ] c ] 0 f \ aucanson's machine; for bo tbongbt it
Travenie Cltf, May Sth. mi.
sure, to inform them how to avoid danger, and to cure cary shops in the universe never could iave done. The j
would be convenient to carry to Lyons as a curiosity for
thci r own diseases, especially where physicians arc scarce: tamo treatment, with Opium to allay the tenesmus, or his wife. Then, with the model before him. bo made aland I therefore hope j o o will give the following articles Dover's Powder is better—never fails to cure that often terations: brought the principle to better ^application
dangerous disease—dysentery— particularly if accompan- —simplified it. Nothing wearied his hand, nor fatigued
a place in the Herald
Sometime since, late in the afternoon. I was called to ied with a sheet wTUtig out of warm wati-r wrapped round bis brain, while he thus labored in the construction of a
machine, the most remarkable in its combinations, and
see a man sick with the above-named disease at North- the body—always, provided it be done n the begiuning the most wonderful in its results. Now and then, inTRAtBRSE CITY, MICHIGAN.
p o r t A s my business at the lighthouse does not admit of of the disease.
, deed, the perspiration w ould hang upon his forehead—
H I S OLD ESTABLISHED HOTEL,(THE FIRST my absence at night, I could not see him till next day
Professor Liebig—the best authority that can be cited {jj^ B n n B bare, his shirt sleeves tucked up to the elbows,
In TrnvenM Gity,) situated on Front Street, In the vicln—says, if a person drinks a tumbler • • fresh water, in | a n .l singing a Lyonaise air. as his busy dome kept time
itv of the Court House and public officw. is stfllopen for the nine o'clock, and then received the following history of
t « e p t i o n ' e r U e d e l i n g public. The Proprtetor m u r e s
i s e H e bad been unwell for several days, but which a little table salt has been diss. ived. ooce every | on the rough timber, the door of the chamber suddenly
bis nearly
hearty inanaaiwr
thank* forthe
wiv liberal
iiov... patronage — — - - . •
hair boar. Ibo «ixth or oigbtb draught -ill come a m ; i'o i » P « « £ „ Tb» i n t r a * * i a Xapofcoo, l b . First Contil.
and assures the fubllc
. .
. . .
•' W eu. Master Jacquard. my spinning machine?
public t h U no pain* will be spared to make kept at work. In the morning ho went to work as usual; , „
his truest*
comfortable.- His c W g e s will correspond with but soon a severe pain seized him in one of the glands the form of unnc, as pure as it was c ank. provided it
C o n s u , u * completed*
guects comfortable.
the tines.
drank on an empty stomach, in tbt morning. How j .. y , l t j cannot recognize in the machine before me
for Horses »nd Cattle. • maj25--26 under his chin, shooting u p into his ea? and along the
Good acooi
side of his facc. The nock and face swelled rapidly, far this could serve to wash the causes .if diseases out of even the form of the orignal machine."
the system, has never beep tried to mj knowledge ; b u t " W h y , truly, the machine on which I am mow cmand by the middle of the afternoon the pain was exces« trial, for—like t i c „ . t . r
cited j p ' ^ . b b . ' ' o r j p i . a ^ . W for
sive. and he had some difficulty ia swallowing. I order
with which you may weave shawls like lhat intended for
ed his neck t o be wrapped in cloths wrong out of cold above—it must pass through every ve eel that conveys youi* wife."
'• Is that its only use?" inquired Napoleon.
water ; but he received no'relief from it. T h e pain had blood, before it can come away asurin . It might how•' The idea is not entirely my own; Vnucansoc inspired
ever, if pursued too far, produce an unhealthy excitehowever been kept down by & dose of Opium he took in
me with it This machine, sir. this little trifle which
H. I- S c
the evening. When I saw him the swelling in bis throat ment of the kidneys.
you sec here, contains, as I said yesterday, the sole com5XJR L A D I E S A N D M I S S K 8 ;
binations in weaving. It will simplify tbe labor of the
had increased so mnch that bo could not swallow even
An I n d i a n storyweaver of articles of luxury; and wilf allow the workman
water, and he had some difficulty in speaking,' which inThere is an Eastern story, which i
at the loom to be like other men are without making
creased rapidly. He could evidently not suriive twelve many languages, of a beautiful damsel to whom a renin
them bandy legged and hump-backed- Vou little know,
F L O W E R S , S H A K E R S . E T C . hoars if the disease progressed as fast as it had done dur- of surpassing power desired to give a alisman. He en- sir, to what contortions of body, to what fetigucs, the
ing tho preceding twelve hours- There was not as much joined her to take herself across a ficl ; of standing corn; poor creatures are subject! Toe head workman, seated
high stool, is compelled to fling out his legs right
fever as might have been expected, considering the vio•
and left, to give
proper direction to the threadI _which
lence of the disease ; but no medicine couM be adminis- but she was to gather it as she went trward. and Dcver
e in her path, or to step backwa i in quest of het the pattern and fashion of tbe work require.
Traverse Clty;June 3rd. IS6X
tered, for be could not swallow any. I had him bled object In proportion to the size am ripeness of the ear
One or more workmen are employed t o put the cords
soon as possible till he became (atct. while a pot full of she gathered! so would be its poWer i i a tailsmaa She in motion. F o r this task, which is torture itself childwater was getting warm on the stove. His neck was went out upon her quest, says the k ,-end. and entered ren and young girls are emyloved; we call them tiraun
The unfortunate little crertnres cannot go
Wa W0CLP8AT TO TH* I'CBUC, THAT W* BAVX GOT o r * then wrapped up in cloths and his body with a sheet, upen the field. Many a tall stalk o: surpassing excel- de latr.
lence met her glancc. but she still wal ed onward, expect- through their occupations wiftbut forcing themselves inboth wrung out of the water as warm as be could bear, ing always to find one more excellent itill. At last she to position which give rise tbe deformities, check their
and warm applications were applied to his feet The ob- reached a portion of the field where, MI Crops were thin- growth, and sow tbe seeds of disease. W i t h tbe blesin operation, and are on hand td do
« m « - * anff'would say, wo think that we can do as good work ject of all tbii was,' to excite profuse perspirafion which ner and the ear? more stunted. She regretted the tall ing of God, I hope the machine I am now about will
MMLT MU1 in Grand Traverse. If you doubt it. try ns, and was to be- kept u p without intermission, until tho diffi- and graceful stalks she had left bchin , but disdained to remedy all this."
asafor yourselves ; and woold soy, that we keep onr
pick those whjeh fell so far below wl it her ideas were
T h e first COIBUI took the mechanic by tbe band and
culty of swallowing and speaking were effectually relievof a perfcc*»y.r. B u t alas! the sten > grew more ragged said " Jacquard. you are a noble citizen!"
ed, while, at the 6ame time, he kept pieces of ice in his afid more scanty as she trod onward on the margin of
H e was sent back to his native town with a pension of
mouth and swallow the w»ter of it as soon as he oould, the field they were mildewed, and w eu she had accom- 1,000 francs, which subsequently raised to 6,000 francs.
ta operation, and T a a am Skarew—aa usual !, ,
fBlanchard J e r r o l d
to slake his thirst and cool the heat in bis t h r o a t If the plished her walk througb tbc waving grain, she emerged
WhatJaaaary 17. IW2perspiration dried off before he got relief the cloths and
ever. Tbc genius rebuked ber for h r/oily; but we are
" W met m o t art buying a horse or chooeing a wife.'
;j5iV 3 ;
not told t h a t be gave her an opportui ity of retrieving ber says the Tuscan proverb. " Shut thine eyes and comas before, and applied. H e was t o hare plenty of fresh error. W e may apply thi? mystic I me indian fable to mend thyself to God." Is that what is called trusting t o
a i r : and be war to be kept comfortably warm. This the reality of daily life.;
.fitffipo, T w t w a e C i t y . j M l o h .

T r a v e r s e City, G r a n d TniTentc C o u n t y , M i c h i g a n , When" the bright »t«r of pear* from my country was clou
Hop.- fondly presaged it woubl BOOR re-sppoa.But still, dark in gloom Uie hori/.oo is shrouded.
And the beacon of war blazes dreadfully near:
And fled arc the charms which the he.irt * u delighted;
Forgot the enjoyment* tranquility gave—
T K H M B .
Every flow'ret la withered, each blossom is blighted.
Us* Dollar u d rifly CwU P
n°.)*fe r"rt® But the wreath which encircle* the brow •>! Uip i-ruve.
But spurned he the soul, to true fueling a stranger,
Brat InMition. i
Thai refuse* to valor the mead it ha* won:
l * * « l UlTMtlWBMOtl • '
Ti* a prise dearly earned amid peril and danger.
«nl- K«eft S^oraconnt. a
And »hall bloom till eternity'" man h is began.
AM RnVand t!it>ir*wOT
the arm ever hallowed for Freedom contending
• paldforatrlcOj Iniiiuc
( Where the Mar adorned banner* of Liberty wave

ill Kinds if J>1 Printingfalljasd Eiprfitkoslj EwsifJ.


Attorney & Counsellor at Law,

^ttorneji ani) Couttsfllor at ^Caiu.

Xttoruoi. anif CottiisEllor at fato,






O N I T O r t !


H A T S ,




The Rebel Armies Along the Potomac.
Brare and True Words.
A correspondent of the Herald, writing from Wash
The Louisville Journal talks bravely and truly of the Special to the Daily Wisconsin.
BOONSBORO. Md., Sept 15—The ba lie at South Moun- ington on the 11th, soys of the rebel armies along the
threatening aspect tbat affairs have recently assumed.—
M O R G A N B A T E S , JE<iit«r a n d P r o p r i e t o r .
Potomac :
These are a few of its inspiring words:—
the army of the Potomac- The bott i-field was located
The rebel forces now operating on the Potomac aod
The rebellion will be put down. The result is io the in £ gorge of the mountain, oo the t u ipike rood between
nature of things. It is a fixed fact It is a moral, so- Midaleton ond Boftosboro. In endeo oring to ascertain in Maryland are one hundred and eighty thousand strong,
divided into three corps ifarmre, each of nearly equal
cial, political, and physical necessity. Tbey who fight the rebel strength aiid position, oboe 12 o'clock Gen. strength—about sixty thousand. Jackson command*
against it fight against destiny.. Nothing can be sorer. Reno ordered us to ascend the moun iin oo the leR, ond thot in Morylond—consisting of the divisions of Loug
niake on attack ou(the eoengrj flank. At 3 o'clock ReThe artny of the nation in Virginia may be vanquished. no's troops got into action. Bottle frith musketry for street Hill, Walker, and thot lately commanded by TolWashington may fall, Kentucky may be overrun ond sub- holf an hour was terrible, wbeo the^ enemy gave "way, liaferro. which is Jackson s original division. Tbew>
hold the line of the Potomac and Monocacy rivers,
jugated. the North may be invaded, and the indepen- leaving our meu in that portion of the ridge.—Loss on force*
from Edwards' Ferry to the bead waters of the latter
For Representative,
dence of the Rebel power may be recognized by the jeal- both sides was considerable. We had not a General or stream, in the direction of Hogeretown and Westminster
J O H N S. D I X O N ,
ous Governments of the old world:—all of these events who was killed by a Minie ball passing; through his body.
The corps under Lee's immediate command comprise*
OF rawer COUNTY.
possible, though wo rejoice in the belief tbat most of Hooker canonading. McDowell's corps and Penn. re- the divisions of A. P. Hill, that lately commanded by
County Ticket.
them are barely possible, and that cot one of tbem is serves ascended the mountain on the right for the pur- " 11, and uumerous other independent brigades, mini
thousand men. It occu
For Sheriff
probable, yet, if all of.them should really happen, togeth- pose of making an attack on the rebel.' lefL-He got his |
troops io position and moved upon ths. enemy two hours i Pi® ^ t h sides of the Potomac from the upper end of
er with events even more calamitous and improbable than I,pfore Kin#own
Harrison's Island to Berlin—between Point of Rocks
For County Treasurer,
these, the nation would still live, and the rebellion would
nll Fori, and F . n t e io
still be put down. Such might is there in tho breasts of ,«eee«M in driving t h j enemy b e t o , them with great1 n T O
u r n e t a p r a i m t j tothe
For County Clerk ond Register,
•langhter. The rcWa here wilted more th.o at anj
' and e.n eras ropidlj Co the opposite ade. Tbo,
'ported to be constructing pontoon bridges at varother point on the battle-field.
ty and independeacc.
points. and erecting batteries on the Virginia side
Gen. Hatch, commanding divisi n under Hooker,
" Twenty jnillions of freemen battling for the preserva- wounded in the leg.
commanding tbem.
third corps d'armee is held in reserve, ond also
tion of their national existence are invincible. No measGibbons' brigade, composed of tfct 2nd. 6th and 7th
ure of desperation or of fortune to the leaders of the en- 'iscousin, and 19th Indiana, were ordered to move up to protect the line of communication ond retreat of the
whole. It consists of three divisions of about twenty
emy, no degree of imbecility or of mischance in their own George Mountain. This division dii'not get into action thousand cach—one at Aldie, its camps extending totill after dark, which lasted till nearly nine o'clock. The
leaders, can overwhelm such a people. Reverses, sad re- brigade lost 120 killed and wounded.
wards Leesburg; another along the road to White
For Coroners,
verses, may befall tbem. bat their iuexhaustible and g!i
Among the wounded is Captain Caldwell, of the 2nd Plains and around thot place, and another West of CcoLEMUEL R. SMITH.
trcville, at or near the junction of the roods leading tu
rious devotioa sustained by every priociple that can Wisconsin.
The rbcles were driven back obou! o mile, when Gib- Aldie end Thoroughfare Gap.
,a\yaken heroism io tho heart of man. will sweep away the
sadest reverses, as the sunbeams scatter the mists and
The Capture of Garibaldi.
position dnrieg the ni^ht.
In addition to the gloomy news from home, we hove
shadows of the morcing. They must succeed. Tbey
The rebel troops engaged were /oogstreet's, D. H.
to record this week saddening, gloomy news from
cannot foiL The permanent success of the rebellion
Hill's and A. H. Hill's corps.
illustrious leader of the Italian democracy,
Had our troops two hours longer • f daylight a greater
imposible. The ultimate triumph of the nation is inevitDKPAETVRXT or THE IKTBBIOB,
portion of'the rebel army would ha j been taken prison- General Joseph Garibaldi, has been defeated, wounded,
Washington, Aug. 22d, 1862. $
• :
ers, as tliey were surrounded on oil i ides ; and they ooly and captured. Just when all the despots of Europe beSIB ro reply to jour letter, of the 5th ultimo,
made their escape by i» narrow defil^ in the mountains, gan to tremble at the possibility of his success, when the
The .National Debt.
interest of Europe in the American war began to be
submitting for consideration/and determination the quesThe National debt July I, 1862, including all liabili- which the artillery could soon have node impassable.
Among>lh/rebel officers killed, w -re Garland, of Lees- eciipeed by the stirring news from south Italy, when the
tion, whether or not settlersj»>on graduated lands, who ties known at the Treasury Department which embraces
democracy of Europe began to hope for another great
hare commenced their settlements, and filed their declar- demand Treasury notes, certificates of indebtedness and burg, Cot Strong, of the 19th Virginia. The body of victory of popular sovereignty more thoroogh and more
the latter was obtained to-day by a jiw of truce.
atory statements prior to tac passage of the clause in temporary loans, was five hundred and eleven millions.At daylight this morning onr won I (ears were realized lasting than tbat or 1848—the onward inarch of tb*
the act of Congress of^Jimo 2nd, 1862, repealing the On that day there were seven millions in the treasury The rebels, under eovor of night b id left, on their way Italian liberator has been arrested. At the bidding of
graduation law, are npvrentitled to enter the lands, claim- subject to draft, leaving the balance of debt five hundred to the Potomac. They weot to t lis place, two miles Louis Napoleon, who alone to-day stands in the way of
the Italian unity, the Governor of Victor Emanuel hos
ed, at the price, at which they were in market, at the and four millions, in round numbers. Sixty millions of from Mountain, ond there took the -oad to Sharpsburg. agreed to strike down the man who more than the King
They left all''heir dead on the (,eld and those then
date of-repeal, I have to-state :
this amount is old debt, ond the present Secretary has wounded and not able to walk were1 jund in the churches himself has promoted the cause so cacred to evary ItalThat in my judgement it cannot bo presumed that paid for old Treasury notes and interest on tho funded ot Boonsboro. Gen. McCleflan ws i on the field during ian's heart—who has co none red for the king more than
Congress, in repealing the graduation act, intended to debt twenty-one tnillionsi The expenditure, therefore, tho whole day and night cooducti«g oil movements in one-third of hU present dominions—and who. like no
one else, 6eemcd to hove tho power to unite the whole
deprive settlers of any rights which they bad previously on all accounts, from March 4, 1861, to July 1, 1862, is person.
Between 1200 and 1500 prisonei» were taken during nation in their efforts to complete their national nnionby
acquired by compliance with tho terms of existing laws, four hundred and twenty-three millions. This amount
the conquests of their capital
the day, mostly by Hooker s troop-.
There can be but little doubt that the capture of
or, of the improvements which they bad made in aci
Yesterday Franklin's corps odvr need to a mountain
divided by four hundred und eighty days, gives o total
Garibaldi will for the present end the movement. As
ance with the /terms of the pre-emption laws.
exoeociture per'diem at eight huudred and eighty-one pass six miles nearer Harper's F< ry, ond engaged the far as our present information reaches, this case had not
reThe Acts pf Congress, of Sept 4th, 1841, and Aug. thousand two hundred sod fifty dollars. Tho liabilities
provided for. Garibaldi relied on the universal
4th, 1854,-io^nred, when complied with, to the occu- not knovrn on those claims that had not yet reached the sulting in the complete route of thn enemy.
Our Iota in this action was ibout 250 killed and sympathy which the people of Naples had so ofteu dis1
pant and settler upon graduation lands, the right of pre- Treasury, are oot included in this statement
iloyed toward him, «md felt therefore confident thot a
emption at the graduated price, until within 30 days of
The rebel 'oss during the day iiid night is fully 15,- ew days would suffice to unite them onder his banner.
How It Loots "!U» a Man np a Tree.'
000 killed, wounded and missing. Leo acknowledged to He promised his soldiers that within a few dap they
the next graduation; and the repealing act should re" A Democrat" wri.'Cs to the Detroit Advertiser ond citizens of Boonsboro that they ho J been defeated with would enter with bim into the city of Naples. It was
ceive such a construction as will secure to settlers the
the personal charactcr of Garibaldi which gathered
full benefit of any expenditures made by them npon the Tribune in opposition tb the proposed soiling oot of terrible
Our loss In killed .and wonnded will probably reach around him the young meo from all parts of the Penhis party by the Democratic State Central Committee. three thousand. We ldst but few prisoners.
insula His capture deprives the expedition of its
conditions specified in tho act repealed.
bead, and it is very doubtful whether onr one can be
The repealing; act, is prospective in its operation, He makes some rather forcible suggestions. He soys,
LATER.—BOOKRRORO, Sept 16— This morning ot day- found who would, generally be recognized as his sucand withdraws the privilege of making settlements first, that if the Republican CouJiWttec bad accepted light, 1'leasanton with 8th Illinois savolry ond Fitcholl's cessor. It is certain that there is no other public
thereafter upon the terms and conditions specified in the the proposition of the Democratic G'Oiwnittcc, the Dem- battery started after the enemy At Boonsboro he man whore name would exercise on equally magic inup with 9th Virginia cavolr , with battery, octiog fluence on the population. The afflux of bands of
act repealed, bnt does not deprive settlers of any right ocratic party would have refused to ratil* the bargain. come
as rear guard. Th« Illinois cav Jry charged through
The Democratic Committee have no authority whatever the town, and two'iaileS out on thf Hogeretown turnpike, volunteers from Central and Northern Italy will propreviously acquired by compliance and with terms.
bably cease, and his scattered forces will nardly winI am of the oniuioo that all settlers upon graduated to sell out their party | on any terms. And Oflly fire capturing two guns,?killed, wound id and took prisoners ter suffiicnt courage to continue the struggle.
lands previous to the repeal of tho graduated act, who of that committee signed the offer, the other four fold- 30 cavalry. Richardson's divisi in being in advance,
had .made their declaratory statements, and had in other ing back, doubtless ready to repudiate the whole tbinf
,u S — .
—7 — r
~ —
r r o m w b i c h t 0 W D h«. enmc up wit, tho enemy in large
The Profened Loyalty ol Kentucky.
respects, complied with the terms of the law, were not ond run a separate Ucket the moment the republicans ^
w h o ooccnpi
c c t ,p i t ^ Lo D? fudge Hills. They showed
The much-talked-of loyalty of the Border "Btates ia
affected by tho repeal, but have now the legal right, tofairly in the trap and committed to a Union ticket iittt of battle 1 i-2 miles long.—, afternoon spent in ascertain'position and force of ebels not of sufficient well illustrated in the following:
perfect their entries upon producing proof of full com- The letter of " A Democrat" pertinently says :
From gentlemen direct from Lexington acd Paris I
pliance with the law, as though the graduation act bad , 1, as woll as the great mass of the Democratic par- number, o.'ir troopa'haring come ip to bring on on enderive some interesting information relative to the recepty, was perfectly astounded at tho discovery that an gagement
not been repealed.
tion the rebels met with on their arrival a t thcae cities.
TUESDAY Mon^va, Sept 16- -During lost night
You will be pleased to givo all necessary instruc- a'ttcmpt hnd been made by five obscure individuals to larger part of the array arrived on the ground. It is At Lexington the populace were enthusiastic^ on their
sell out the Democratic party—to barter away their
tions, in order that tho views above expressed may con- privilege of voting foi^ men of their own choice. This, now nine o'clock, afid no engage uent has taken place. arrival- The ladies were at the windows clapping their
hands aod showeringflowerson tte column as it passed
trol the action of official officers, in districts where pre- it seems to me. is a right that can only be exercised Tho rebels are rapidly muring across the river.
emption claims to graduated jands existed at the date of by the Democratic party io convention assembled. If,
VERY LATEST—IJABRISBPRO, Sept 16, p. m.—A de- through tho streets. One immense boquet was; carried
in on acknowledged convention of the party, it is re- spatch just received1 at head-quarters soys Jackson has by an officer at the head of the column, which bad been
the repeal of the graduation law.
solved that for any canSflt is expedient to nominate a re Classed the Potomac, ond McCJellan has engaged him bestowed upon him by some fair rebel, and the men on
Very respectfully, your obedieot servant,
ticket, it would be the duty of the members of that a tremendous force this sido Sharpsburg, ten miles from oil sides were chcering most vehemently. At Paris it
was about the some thing, and meo who bnt a few days
CALKS B. SMITH. Secretary.
party to ncqnicsce. But no authority has been given thot place,
The Commissioner of the General Land Office.
to any five of the Central Committee to make such an
The whole rebel army in Maryftmd will be onmhilated since were professing the most entire kyalty to the Union, seemed to vie with cach other to give the rebels the
arrangement; and I think the Republican Central pr captured, this night
Th? Secessionists of Baltimore now soy that it is not Committee did wisely: in declining the offer,' inasmuch
No rebels con bo found about Hngcrstown ana Wil- most hearty welcome. It is said, ana I believe truly,
tlw intention of their army to strike at either Washing- ns there is no doubt (hnt tho Democratic party would, liamsport otid none two miles on other side Of the Poto- that the rebels hare in Lexington alone recruitcd two
full regiments, and a third is nearly full. This ia only in
ton or Baltimore, bnt to make for Pennsylvania oerow if it had been oceepted, utterly repudiate iL Central mac.
BALTIMORE, Sept. 16—Special to the American from ono place, and their is no doubt of their be ins able to
the western counties of this State, and thence to aim for and barter, and if the present Democratic Committee
Frederick s—'The combined forces of Loring and Jock- do as well in almost every other. This ia o fair sample
Philadelphia and New York, whore thoy propose to win- do not understand their business better than as mani- son stonnod the works at Harper's Ferry yesterday of the loyalty of the mass of Kentuckians, They appear
ter in spite of all resistance, and that |then this city and fbsted in theit late unsuccessful attempt at speculation, morning ond captured the position. Miles is raid to to desire that their lovely State shall be once more made
and os mottcra stood
the capital will necessarily fall into their lap like over- it is their duty to refiign.
have made a desperate resistance. Accounts differ. " the dark and bloody ground
I wonld simply asfe these five men if their proposi- Some say he was wounded after he hod hoisted the white their wishes ore in a fair way to be gratified.
ripe pears shaken from their stems by the blast of war.— tion
includes anything more than the State ticket Did
Other accounts say thft he was killed or fatally
They fear an assault on Baltimore because they believe they mean to include county organizations in the cate- flag.
WAsuiNOTO*. 8ept. 12.
wounded before ho surrendered. Our forces were parit ifiU be destroyed by tho Union forts surrounding it gory ? Did the five Bapient Solomons intend to sell out oled, numbering 6000. When the paroled men left the
The foll(TWing dispatch has been received at the State
Wovne County, where the Democrats have the utmost enemy were preparing to blow up three spara of the
atxj they want to get it whole and untouched.
iron bridge.
Simultaneous with .the march o? Philadelphia and
truly, the Democrats party of Wayne County, with a
Reports are in eirculation in Frederick that McClelNew York, they say that Cincinnati and Pittsburg will majority of at least, seven hundred, would present a
Lisbon, Aug. 19th 18C2.'
lan bad retaken Hprpcr's Ferry, but was not deemed refall into their possession. Their eyes are now turned nice spectacle in selljng out?
To Hon. f f m . H. Seward See'y of State.
with great anxiety to the movements on Cincinnati—•. As to the arguments used bv the Committee in faSIR: I have the honor to enclose herewith a copy of
LofismxR. 8cpt 16—The J urnal. in an editorial toThey boast of being able to keep Washington beloaguer- vor of their object, I have nothing to say except that day appeals to the authorities i > have the city fortified. a decree, in translation, just issued by His Mojesty's Govore played out Assumptions of extra patriotism
^Brigadier-General ,Jackson's division was reviewed erment, admitting foreign breadstufli in the ports in this
ed with a small force of theirs in front of our fortifica- they
are"as obnoxious as ,assumptions of authority. I only thi^.k m, by Major-General Gi liert and staff and made Kingdom free from the usual and established duty. It
tions, while the mass of thfcir anny will be released for wish to enter my prptcst against this vile attempt to
a j t m display.
, is exceptional tc the acts of the Cortei aod decree* in forthe proposed aggressive movements, upon Philadelphia choke mfl down, ond Compel me, with thousands of others,
The train or 11 cars that cmveyod CoL Dunham B mer years of scarcity, inasmuch as Eour is now included
regiment to Bacon Creek, was Ijstroved by a sqnadroo in the free list, which, except in very rare instance*,
and New York, which they say cannot be saved, unless to vote for men whom ray conscience cannot approve.
was confined to grains esdusively.
we withdraw our forces from the defence of the capital,
The answers to officiafflxjuirieB in regard to the crops,
The regiment, after taking ill the ammunition, and
in which csso the seat «f war will be removed into the

The Victory at t i v M i n .
most of the provisions, absnw jed i t when the rebels rendered this step necessary at once, and withont waitfree States, where they expect t o receive the sympathies
Gen. Grant, it seems, anticipated the intended attack pushed the train on (he bridge ind then set fire to both. ing for authority from the Cortes which will tegalizt tlw
of the secessionists to help them sul^ugate ,their oppon- of the Rebel Price, and sent out a force to give him bat_
upon assembling.
• • .
Men roRiJKYiujt, fecpt 15— (he rebels under Bragg
dispatches on this subject hove oecessnnly led yon
tie. The Federals attacked the rebel army of 18.000, ottacked^our forces this foret on, ond it is said they to My
expect some snch intelligence. It is desirable for
have W o fighting nearly oil «J £f'
Tbe Victory near Hageretowo will rejoice every loyal
The federal forces in comc ind of CoL W alter, are the interests of agriculture ond Congress that publicity
should be given in thiaaalhetitk form, in order that whatfighting bravely, and arc detci nined to hold the post
heart It punishes the audacity of .the rebels for invad- accounts were retreating, and Federal cavalry were
ever advantage may be enjoyed equally My both.
The enemy's fcrco is reprea J ted os very large.
ing Maryland^ ond it will encourage the North to renew- parsnit. Tho loss oa both sides is from four to five
It may be also stated in this connection, that the beLATER—We Warn that i tx "Soo of Buell'a army have
ed exertions. It will also have a good effect in the South- thousand, and we ha ve captured 250 prisoners and conlief exists in well informed circles thatthe supply of ceheen engaged with Bragg'a u> tesiderable
reals in Europe will be m*e limited than has been, exwest, and giro our army the courage to strike the rebels
l t u evident that ia noble victory has been achieve*,
pected, and the demand for American products cam*
•very where.
The democracy of VaJland [ham's District have re- poodingly greater.
and that our western troops have woo new laurels to bo
nominated that traitor for C© grcsB. Can loyal men act '
' > 1 am, air. very re*p«ctfaBy, • J V ) >•
Tboaa who boost this as their country will hereafter added to then already achieved.
Your obejbont serrant
patonly hare the right to do so by showing that' they are
JAKXS I . B u r n .
The Rebels have been driven out of Msrylacd.
ready to moke sacrifices for it

iO;e (Sraiti) Crabtrsc

Republican Nominations.


Idle Capital.
Th« Iatcat Neva.'
(From the New Yo*|.Independent.
• The Propeller Alleghany arrived On Wednesday evenThere never was a time, pwhaps, *hec iere was
T n o u n T u n 1 H m u li ll» Ofldll FmrferIW.BlHlwl ing, bringing us Chicago papers the evening of more
idle capital in New ^ ork than at ' ),'a present
Comaam of Oraad Two#.
MMUOO. XmiM. CMann tmt
kukiw. Tb. i n fiE 88 H C w HjpaaaBiii h i h w c i w the 22nd.
writing. The total amount oo deposit with I anka, sararcpnblUtod ih«r«lnla psrvakacs ofUwHarper's Ferry has been disgracefully surrendered to ings institutions, and private bankers, must I i over two
PIKSOXAL.—We cannot step aside from oar daily the Rebels. On this subject the Chicago Evening hundred millions of doBare. "• This vast sun is waiting
and watching the movements of our army. - ife do not
evocations to'follow op and rofnte the absurd end ridic- Journal says:.
The surrender of Harper's Ferry with 10,000 men, refer u> invested capital, but to that w t , h is idle.
ulous falsehoods against ns, which the Democratic SuWhen Jeff I>avis shall have go«|e to his ow, place aod
pervisor of Leelanau is busy in circulating. We adthe rebellion is ended, then willfbe witnessed i ach .activmire an boocst, frank and manly political opponent, gTeat indignation among the people. .It was disgrace- ity and general prosperity throughout the ;ountry as
has never been seen before. All the reso ices of the
and can take him cordially by the hand, however widenation will then be employed,.and we thai be richer,
ly we may differ in our political sentiments; oat, the and wounded before the stars and stripes were lowered stronger—more impregnable—than any ot IT Governslimy, adder-like man, who deals in sly insinuations, It appears the rebels got upon the heights unmolested, ment on the face of the globe. Our euormi »t war debt
and never looks yon squarely in the eye. we utterly de- where tbey could take our position at pleasure. The if we now act promptly, will b«i no more t us than a
test This semi-secession Democrat bates os because main portion of the rebel army crossed the Potomac at feather upoct a camel's back. Let ns then < • ish out the
rebellion, and clear the track to making on« i lean sweep
we are a Republican whom he cannot control, as he this point on their retreat Why it was so ingloriously of all obstacles in the way of tjaat real, pe; i anent, sub*
does two or three in his owh town who claim to be surrendered is a mjretcry. General White and Colonels stantial prosperity so much desired. Let t ) have that
such ; and he fight* us with his own peculiar weapons, Miles and and Ford were the commanders, CoL Miles which isfoundedupon justice and eouitas .^bat which
which are those of falsehood and dishonor.
him acting as chief.. The blame seems to bo between Miles will be in favor with God, and that which • ill defy all
and Ford. A full investigation and explanation are rebeldom in Christendom. Their will com the mlllenrail on.
ium of
Some of his stories remind us of one of Our old elec- demanded. The blame should be fastened upon whomLooisvnjj Sept 22.
tioneering campaigns in Detroit: In 1845, we were soever it belongs.'"
The reports from the seat of war on the Upper
Reliable advices from Cave jCify, say thi i a portion of
running as the Whig candidate for the Senate in the
Detroit District, which then embraced the counties of Potomac are somewhat conflicting, and we deem none Gen. Buell's force attacked aad repulsed £ ragg's rear
them very reliable, being unofficial and evidently guard from Horse Cave, Tbuwday evening apon learnWayne, Macomb and S t Clair. Oel Bix was our Democratic opponent As QeOws a very popular man picked np M it happens. Thert appears to have been ing which, Bragg is reported to have mo td his main
with his party, and the District Democratic by 1500 an engagement on Saturday, the rebels disputing the body across tho river southward from J imfordsville.
r j• ,
• '
majority, the prospect of our election was not very crossing of our army into Virgihia. The result of this Mo other particulars.
flattering. Wo. "went in," however/ with a datermin* engagement is not satisfactorily or definitely stated, only
The indications are that the rebels i r continuing
tion to reduce *hat majority. W t were living at that that the advantages so far gained are on our side.
their retreat into Virginia, abondonlng tb line of the
The dispatch from Gov. Cnrtin, of Pa. r that the rebels
time a rather more " free and dgsy" life than wo do
'*• "t
•now, and took a "tpd" occasionally^ One forenoon we are in full retreat np tho Valley of Shenandoah, would
seem to bo trustworthy, but even his information may
supped into ' Whippies'," took sejrva raw oysters
Lostfromthe 18th of August 1862, a eow ihoat 4 year*
the shell, washed them down witj* a glass of brandy bo based upon flying rumors aodiconjecture.
brindlc color and white belly, with large torus and «tar
The rebel low* in the great : battle of Tuesday and old,
, and water, treated a thirsty jDi^nocrat, and went about
between them. Also, a yoke of »uers about >
t ree yean old;
id, and hwone of his horns broken o and the other
our business. The next day o sedate and well-meaning Wednesday is estimated at from 20,000 to 40,000 in
a brlndle color.
friend icalled to "labor" witb us for our excesses, and kilted, wounded and prisoners. Our loss is stated at
knows where they are, i requested
proved to our entire satisfaction that if we persisted about 8,000 to 12,000. The oifccial returns will i
in eating seven dozen oysters every morning, and wash- doubt diminish these figures, as 'is generally the case.
NBW YORK, Sept 22.
ing them down with a pint of brandy, we would not
A special to tho New York Tribune, Washington,
only be. defeated at the election, but would eventually
Lansing, HlclL, Aogust ' h, 1862.
To the Sheriff- of the Conuty of Grand Trav t e :
impair our hoalth. The oyster story spread and in- 21st, says: I . - '
are hereby notified that at the next ( • ier»l Election
We just received a brief dispatch from one of our to You
creased in magnitude/; and when, a week, before the
be held oa tho Tuesday succeeding the Bri tiondsy of Nospecial
of Michigan, the 1 J lowing officers
election, we visited Fort .Huron, we leaned to Our niare to be elected, via. : A Governor, Lietft j ant Governor,
ter amaiement that^we were openly charged with can- Frederick from our advance line*. Heavy firing was go- Secretary
of State. Aaditor General, State j easurer. Com' « « • - -—• Superinmibalitm, and it'was alleged that we had two orphan ing on all day yesterday (Saturday) be says, both cannoni Board
children then in coarse of (atteping for the table' ading and musketry, and wounded men were being
n of of._ r

Port Huron was then a strong Democratic town, and brought in.
of this
whiskey wis a legal tender there. Wo saw that some- . " Our troops had crpesed the Potomac in large force, State, to which your county Is attached.
Also, a Senator for" the Thirty-first Sena I ial District .
thing must be done, or we were "gone up" Those and were fighting on tho other side. The rest of the arwhich
••innocent orphans" would sorely bo the political death my bad advanced to the river.
Act No. 162, or the 8ession Laws of 1861. » so. a Represen" In the fighting so for we had decidedly the advan- tative for the Representative District of Wh t» your county
of us. ' W e called in a few of the Democracy who
could appreciate a joke, made a brief explanation, tage or the rebels. Yesterday we captured a whole brig- Session Laws of 1861.
-miled" a fcw timea, left a; deposit for ••coniingeneiet," ade 2,000 in number. This your correspondent asserts You are, also, hereby notified, that at said : <neral Election
amendment of the Constitution relative ( removals from
sod awaited the revolt We na one hundred and upon tho testimony of his own eyes. When he left the an
office, provided for by Joint Resolution f 1 18, approved
Msrch 16th, 1861 Also, an amendment to « :tions one, two
*ighty-ttco votes ahead of the Whig ticket "to that Add at midnight Saturday the firing had cot ceased."
four, Article fifteen, of the Constiti 1: »o, concerning
A special to the N. Y, limes, dated "on the Poto- and
town, and reduced the Democratic majority in the Dis1 Ranking Corporation*; an amendment tos i Jon six Article
trict more than eleven bnndred—rOr, in other words, mac, opposite Sheppardstowa- Ya^ Saturdry, 3 p. m, " thirteen, of the Constitution*relativeto tl t election ot Regents of the University ; an amendment te1 t -ction six, Artiwe rau eleven hundred ahead of our ticket
cle nineteen, of the Constitution,relative > elections in the
In thereconnoisancethis morning, the 18th Pena hat Upper Peninsula, and an amendment to se> t >n two, Article
MORAL.—Extmvagant and ridiculous lies don't always
of the Constitution, relative to tli "-vision of the
14 killed and 120 wounded, iDeluding CoL Provost awl twenty,
accomplish tho designed object
Constitution, piovided for by Joint Resol I ion No. 17; apAdjutant McKoan, wounded. There waa some loss io proved Rarcts 15th, I8C1 :
JqfiK LrnuuonxV SOTCIL—His Honor, Judge LitWill be submitted to the electors of tt • State for their
other regiments and a number reported taken prisoners. adoption
or rejection pursuant to the re< i rements of the
tlejohl, made a very pretty speech on Thursday evening
On Saturday tho enemy crossed at Williamsport, but C onstitution, and of aaid Resolutions resp n lively.
of Iwt week. No sentiment was uttered which wo could
hand and a(!tx<
were driven back by the advance of our army, assisted
.not emlon*; but he .<Bd not go far enough. Ho studi- by the Perm. Militia, the attack at Blackford's fords dis- cd the Great Seal of the State of Hichigai ,t Lansing, this
12th day of August A. D. 186i
ously avoided any alloidcn to tho real OACSI of this Re- turbing their movements. WiUiamsport is now occupied
GEO. H.,HOUSE, j .
Deputy 8c. t itsry of State.
bellion, and thereby destroyed tho whole moral effect or
You are also hereby notified that at aaid general Flection
by us in strong force.
his address. It waa not ao with him in 1848, when he
following County officer^ sip to be elet t i : One Sherift
Tho rebel? hoped in crossing here to .turn McClel- the
Cler ; and Register of
was an anti-ilavcry man, and predicted in . a glowing
lan's right flank, but failed.
Deeds one Prosecnting Attorney, one C t wit Court Comspeech before the Free Soil State Convention at Ann Arone County Surveyor, and two I V rone ruThe Herald's special report* among the losses of tho mis-iioner,
in witness whereof, I hsvfc ncreunto set l iy hand
bor, over which he presided, that tho Slave Power would,
4th Michigan in their reconnoisance, Lieut Jordan, Co. verse City, this 30th day of August A. D. (' 62.
» *
some day, attempt to overthrow this Qovennent Now
I, lolled, anil eight privatee wounded. ^Acting Brigadier
when his prediction has become history, he makes an eloBarnes' brigade, which subsequently made a reconnoiquent speech without the sligbost allusion to ^ho real and
sance, had a tight with the enemy. Hearing canouadonly cause. White denouncing party, he is completeing, and not knowing but a general engagement might
dersigned will make application to tl» Board of Superly under the influence of ltf spirit that be date not speak
of Grand Traverse county, at their t ixt annual meetensue, hosts of regiments were hurrying towards tho visors
ing, for leave to construct a j)ain across E J River, (near -the
out like an honest map,
river. Close by the river, and directly opposite Shop- site of the present Dam) five (5) feet hi k with an apron
feet wide, and built <jf Piles, Timl t and Earth, and
Charles II. Marsh,- Esq., has been appointed Prosecut- pardstown, was Griffin's brigade, every moment expect- twenty
to be iiscd for running a saw mill, grist n il L and other
ing Attorney for t b $ comity, tofillthio Vacancy occasion- ing that McmH would orddr them across tho river. chinery for manufacturing purposes.
DE : rs * NOBLE.
ed by the resignation of Charles H: HoMefc, who has Sykes also went across the riytfr, with the regiments at42-4 w»
Elk Rapids, September 12ih, 1861
gone to tho war.
tached to his command, and daring tho battle was promCOUNTY TREASURER'S f OTICE.
inent in the thickest of the fight
Items from the Recent Battles.
It is believed the enemy must be out of artillery amAmong the immence losses of Pope's retreats and deTraverse City, AUj f rt 14, iMBi S
feats, tho most mournful are the deaths • of three brave munition, from their not respondirg to our guns. For TVTOTICE IS HEREBY .GIVEN TH^t. THE SALE OF
oommanders, (ions. Philip Kearney, Isaac J . Stevens, some time there has not been a rebel .seen on the oppo- advertised by the Audi toft General in t> Grand Trivenw
and Geo. W. Taylor. Gen. Kearney was a native or site bank. It is thought they have all fallen back.
Herald will beheld at the office of the C< !_Dty Treasurer, in
New Jersey, a graduate of West Point, hod seen sorvice
City, the County Seat of Gran I Traverse county,
It would not be proper to state the disposition or Traverse
on the first Monday in October next, t >mmencing at »
In Mexieo, Africa, and Italy, was an enthusiastic, brave,
o'clock A. M.
brilliant, and abk> leader, and died from,! ball received
. Uoaoaa B ITES.
during his unsparing exposure of himself supervisjeg his important news may bo expocted from McCleJlan's array 57-8tr
I '("anty Treasurer.
advanced poets and tbo ground,:before, his position—a within the next day or two. .
practice habitual with him, but which B oot likely to be
The officers of Gen. Couch's division, who left HarCOUNTY TREASURER'S B OTICE,
fktal to many of our leaders. His death took place durCOUSTY TREASURfi i 8 OFFICE, >.
ing a sharp engagement at ChantiDy, Dear Fairfax Court- per's Ferry at 10 a'dock this a. m., report everything
MAXISTEK, AU trt.13, 18«J. V
quiet there, aod no signs of rebel forces in this vicinity- •\TOTlCE IS HEREBY OrVEN TH ;! THE SALE OF
House'on Monday, Sept 1.
Gen Stevens was also a graduate of West Point of Large number of rebel soldiers, scattered about the 1 > Lands delinquent for taxes in Mini t ee County, 'advertised
General in the Gn * I Traverse Herald,
brilliant talents, and a oommander of rising reputation; mountains, are surrendering themselves to our officers. will be held at the Ferry
In Manistee, th< t iounty seat or said
« real and valuable soldier. H e was killed
in tbo same
County, on the 6th day of October nexicommencing at "
engagement where Kearney was kilted,;«hot through tho The rebel army appears to be completely demoralized o'clock A. M., closing at ooon, re-open t « at 2 P. 1L, an
continuing until half-past 5 o'clock r.
when they will be
bead white charging at tho ! ^ ; o r his brigade, with the and in procen of disporeionj
for tha*»#Tand thus they will c »itinne from day to
Numbers of wounded continue to pass through here
colon in his band. He waa a native of Massachusetts.
day [Sundays excepted) until the sales a « concluded accordGen Taylor was born in New Jersey; had served with hourly, en route for the North.
Gen. Zachary fayjor through his. Mexican campaigns,
It is believed by citizens, that t tbe rebels lost at least
and bad done breve and- good service : as colonel of a
New Jersey regiment and brigadior , during the present 5,000 men by desertion during the raid into Maryland,
scarcely sufficient recruits werfc Obtained to form a
war. Gen Taylor waa wounded at Bull Ran, Aug. 27,
TaiVKKAi CITY iept. 4.1M2. '
and died at Alexandria five days afterwards.
Fuuiiucx. 21st
Col Fletcher Webster, the onU snrviring son of Dao- . A despatch dated Opposite Sheppardstown, this coon, r 4U> day of September, 1!W1, and ths-ieth day of April,
iel-Webster. Is another victim, of P o p e r y
1862, for Battlement and Cultivation, ua", »r the Graduation
says: At 6 o'clock this morning a number of the ene- Act of August 4,1854. ha^s been receive at thla Office, and
waa naortaly wounded in Friday's battle, i
my, supposed to be a brigade; showed themselves on the the purchasers are berebv notified to coo r forward IrnmM]atcly and make the required proof of
lUement and CultiButter at New Ortesnsbas
opposite bluff and fired a toBey of musketry into our ar- vation." and secure theirrespectivePat its, because if add
/Mid useful thing. The rcbek raised
tillery camp. Our battcricjh^Watennan's, Martin's and proof ia notfiledwithin a limited time , »e Patents Will be
returned to the General l*nd Office, at I will thus he liable
HaileUV- soon opened a concentrated fire oo the rebels.
- - *
; the conditions of
causing them to disappear. A flag of troe was sent over
the r i m , asking penniHioa tobary oar dead, which waa









Buffalo, &c.,

Full and Complete

Suita ble for t h e

F a l l and ' W i n t e r




Grand T r a v e r s e



W i l l b o t a k e n in

T- J R O H A S I N O


IN T H E ;

Best Markets,

E I N A B X i E i





Respects Quantity,

P R I C E !!
A u g u s t 20^ 1 8 6 2 .

A N E W P A P E R IN D E T R O I T .


The Advertiser having been merged In the Tribune, the un
derslgned has resolved to commence the publication of another paper in Detroit, embodying i u leading feature*, and
voted t o the same principles and policy, t o be called

" s V XIS8 M. JL C*AM.
H a r k ! the s t e a d j tramp of foemcn
Cometh every m o m e n t near,
And the battle's n u b a n d clangor;
Falls upon the l i s l ' n i n g t a r .


Forward ! pant t h i s Idle dreaming.
To the battle'* foremost line !
Fall in, freemen, b r i g h t above yoa
Let o a r (tarry b a n n e r shins.
By the pant ! with all it* {[lory :
Bf the present's pressing need* :
By .the fotore, dim befort'us :
House each sou^to noble deed*.
Doth the s p i r f i o f o u r f s l h e r u ,
Fill Bo more o a r craven son!* 7


-e the tide of conflict roll*.

Though the present look* bot gloomy.
Yet must pais the darkest night,
For before n s l n the distance,
Gleams a gforious m o r n i n g l i g h t
Forward, then—have faith in, Heaven,
Though God's ways are d a r k and dim.
Through then) all l f i s hand shall lead us ;
Forward still, a n d trust in Him !
Goodrich, Mich.. A u g c s i 9, It}H2,
A l o o k Hope ward.
A N'icw FASHIOX.—Among all t h e c h a n g e s , political
o r social,' w h i c h will m a r k ' the p r o g r e s s of t h e w a r during t l » ; i i e x t t i T C l v c . i J i O Q t h i j i t fa now "evident t h a t i t h c
m o s t p r o m i n e n t will h o t h e i n t r o d u c t i o n o f b a b i t s of
e c o n o m y a m o n g all classes o f t h e people. F e w superficial o b i r v e r s a r e a w a r e of t h e e x t e n t ^ f ^ t h o d e m a n d s
w h i c h w a n t s p u r e l y conventional m a k e u p o n t h e . p a r s e
in t h e e x p e n s e s of living. A large a m o u n t of t h e annual o u t l a y of eiwT^Jijmily " i n g o o d c i r c u m s t a n c e s , " i s
e x p e n d e d f o r o q j e c t s w h i c h a r o iu themselves n e i t h e r n e cessities. comforts, nor luxuries, b a t a r e classed u n d e r
o n e f i f t h e s e heafls o u t of W f e r e n o o t o 4 h o s n p p o f c d req u i r e m e n t s of t h e •social M>3ition.[tfodrnal o f Oonimeree.



only of t o o physical R e v o l u t i o n j o

W o f o r g e t J l i a f a m o r a l l i e v o l u t i o n — h a r d l y less

i m p o r t a n t in its effects t m o n t h e fnttJrc d e s t i n y of the
c o u n t r y — i s also in p r o g w t s .

W e forget t h a t t b c r o are

silent influences at w o r k / i n t h e inner life a n d consciousness of o u r p e o p l i i ^ T t h a t t h e r e a r e a g e n c i e s i n o p e r a t i o n

a n d rc-SbapiBg t h e .whole f a b r i c o f ,onr N a -

tional c h a r a c t e r .

W e f o r g e t t h a i we are g r a d u a l l y be-'

c o m i n g a d i f f e r e n t p e o p l e f r o m ,what we w o r e b o f o r e t h e
w a r b r o k e out, a n d t h a t t h o p r o t i s s of translation will
g o on until w c are c h a n g o d essentially, a n d , w e Relieve,
changedTor the better.
-. *• J u j-.
< V

the, c h a n g o c a n n o t COEDO t o o soon.

been too prosperous.


s p l e n d i d a ' p a t r i m o n y f o r c^ir gl^od.
m a d e a s d r u n k w i t h vanity.



h a d J u u l tho .benefit of t o o
O u r tmcccss h a d

W o b a d been puffed u p t o

a p i t c h of a l m o s t insufferable a r r o g a n c e .


had b e -

g u n t o fall i n t o e v i l courses.

W e h a d begun t o indulge

o v e r m u # h in riotous living.

W e w e r e sliding into tho

w o r s t vice t h a t c a n befall a f r e e p e o p l e — t h o v i w of luxury-


were acquiring expensive h a b i t s — i m b i b i n g

falsfc n o t i o n s of l i f e — a n d m a k i n g ,mere e x t e r n a l s h o w t h e
g o d of o u r idolitry.
But the


b u r s t u p o n us.

a w a k e n e d us t o new views of life.

Its thunder? have

h a v e learned

t h a t t h e r e i s s o m e t h i n g n o b l e r t h a n t h o p u o s u i t of p r i .
v a l o aims—»that t h e r e is s o m e t h i n g s w e e t e r t h a n d a l l y i n g
w i t h s e n s u a l p l e a s u r e s — U ^ t t h e r e is s o m e t h i n g , m o r e
s a t i s f a c t o r y t o t h e h u n g e r of t h e soul t h a n t h o h a n d l i n g
of money-bags.

W e l e a r n f o r - t h e first t i m o w h a t it i s

t o lie p a t r i o t * — w h a t ' i t i s t o love o a r c o u n t r y — w h a t i t
is t o revere t h e e m b l e m s of o u r nationality.

T h e mean-

e s t o f u s must feel s o m e t h i n g d i v i n e a n d n o b l e t h r o b b i n g
w i t h i n h i m a n d m a k i n g his pnlses dance.
L e t us h a v e no fear t h a t t h e w a r ' will b r u t a l i z e
L e t us dismiss f r o m o u r m i n d s t h e haDiicination t h a t tfie
s t r u g g l e t h r o u g h , w h i c h wo a r e p a s i i c g will u l t i m a t e l y
h u r t us. " L e t us b e l i e v e r a t h e r ! t h a t i t will c h a s t e n a n d
e n o b l e u s ; t h a t it will a r r e s t t h o false, fungus-life t h a t
was g r o w i n g n p w i t h i n us ; t h a t i t will temper u s f o r t h e
h i g h mission w h i c h , in t h e P r o v i d e n c e of G o d , w c a r e
destined to fulfill

L o t us f e l l e r © ; t h a t t h e t u r d o n s of

t a x a t i o n — t h a t t h e d r a i n u p o n o u r m a t e r i a l resources
will instil h a b i t s of p r u d e n c e a n d e c o n o m y , a n d b y m a k i n g u s m o r e p r o v i d e n t , will m a k e us m o r e essentially
s t r o n g and healthy.

" D i e d of | l u x o r y " h a * been t h e vcr-

dic^ of t h e c o r o n e r o v e r the b o d y of a l m o s t e v e r y dead

I t will b e f o r t u n a t e f o r us if t h e R e b e l l i o n b r o k e

o u t in t i m e t o save us f r o m a s i m i l a r f a t e .
[ AlbinyKyening Journal.
T h e A m a xo n .
T h e A m a i o n , t h o l a r g e s t r i v e r in t h e w o r l d , h a s w .
a r e a of d r a i n a g e n e a r l y t h r e e t i m e s a s large a s t h a t of all
t h e r i v e r s of K u r o p e t h a t e m p t y t h e m s e l v e s i n t o t h e A t lantic. T h i s p l a i n i s e n t i r e l y c o v e r e d w i t h a deoee,
p r i m e v a l forest, t h r o u g h w h i c h t h e only p a t h s a r e t h o s e
m a d o b y t h e river, a n d its. i n n u m e r a b l e t r i b u t a r i e s .
T h e s e f o r e s t s a r e l i t e r a l ^ i m p e n e t r a b l e . . H u m b o l d t rem a r k s t h a t t w o mission s t a t i o n s m i g h t b e only a few
miles a p a r t , a n d y e t t h o residents would require a d a r
a n d a half t o visit e a c h o t h e r a l o c g t h o w i n d i n g s of s m o l
streams." E v e n t h e wild a n i m a l s g e t s o involved i n in>p e n a t r a b l e mosses of w o o d , , t h a t t h e y — e v e n t h e j a g u a r
— l i v e f o r a l o n g t i m e in t h o trees, a terror t o t h e monkeys. w h o s e d o m a i n t h e y h a v e Invaded. T h o t r e e s o f t e n
m e a s u r e - f r o m e i g h t t o ten feet in d i a m e t e r ; a n d t h e int e r v a l s tee o c c u p i e d ' b y shrub-like p l a n t s w h i c h here,
i n t h e s e t r o p i c a l regiona b e c o m e ' o r b o r t e c e c t T h e o r i gin of t h e A m a z o n is u n k n o w n ; I t is n a v i g a b l e f o r t w o
t h o u s a n d t n H e s - f r o w t h e o c e a n ; i t ia n e a ^ o u e h u n d r e d
m i l e s w i d e a t t h e m o u t h , and in s o m e places « i z h u n d r e d
f e e t d e e p j a n d I t s t o r r e n t projects, a s it^Were. i n t o t h e
o c e a n , m o r e t h a n t h r e e h u n d r e d miles, p e r e e p t i b l y altering i t s w a t e r s a t t h i s d i s t a n c e from t h o A m e r i c a n s h o r e .
I j r n a u r a r o o DISCOVERY AT POKPECL—An i m p o r t a n t
a n a l o g i c a l discovery h a s j u s t b e e n m a d e a t Pompeii,
of a mill w i t h a g r e a t quantity-of c o m in e x c e l l e n t p r e s e r v a t i o n , a n d a n oven w i t h 8 1 loaves, a r r a n g e d in r o w s ,
a n d b u t slightly aflected w i t h t h e b e a t of t h e lava, h a v i n g b e e n p r o t e c t e d b y a q u a n t i t y of a s h e s w h i c h h a d
c o v e r e d t h e i r o n d o o r fitted t o t h o m o u t h of t h e o v e n
T h e s e l o a w * h a r e all b e e n g o t o o t e n t i r e ; a l a r g e i r o n
shovel f o r i n t r o d u c i n g loaves i n t o t h e oven h a s a f a o ' b e e n
round on the s p o t , w i t h a r e n a n n l of i t s w o o d e n handle.
T h i s i s t h e first .*fw;overy df t h e k i n d o n record



M O N I T O n ;

and he h a s so perfected his arrangement* for this enterprise
as to leave no doubt of its success. He therefore feels authorized to announce that the first number will be issued ~
i beiore the first day of September.
J Like the Advertiser during the editorial connection . .
j undersigned with i t , T n s H o ! t r r o i t w i l l pursue a bold, independ e n t and positive course upon all question* of public interI est, and w*ill fearlessly discuss the act* ol all public men, as
! well as the character of all public measures. Upon the que*j Hons growing out of the present wicked rebellion, i t will ad' vocute the most summary policy towards its authors ; and in
the prosecution of the war for Its suppression, it will earn;
estly urge upon the Government the use of every means God'
and n a t u r e had placed In. our hands. The war having been
began to extend, strengthen, and perj>etuate the institution
ol slavery, by.overthrowing the Government and establishi n g b slaveholding oligarchy upon its ruins, the undersigned
believes the Union cannot be prewrrved and permanent peace
secured until the power of that institution is utterly di-strny
ed. TUB MOXITOK will, .therefore, e x e r t w h a t e v e r influence il
may acquire to enforce qpon the Government the adoption
of a policy that shall accomplish that object a n d forever rid
the nation of t h a t " f i r s t great caa.-te" of our present National
calamity and dishonor.
Aside f r o m a vigorous and earnest support of the principles of the Republican party, and of the policy of the National and State Administrations of its choice, so far
may seem consistent with the public good, THE Mot
will zealously sustain whatever measures are designed t
vancc the material interests of the State and promote the
general welfare of the people. T-i develop its great Agricultural, Mineral and other natural r e s o u r c e s ; to encourago
Manufacturing enterprise ; to secure a Just reward for labor,
a n d to direct the attention of emigrants to the numerous advantages our State presents to the Industrious and enterprising, will constitute one ef its most prominent features. A
leading object of the editor will l>e thoroughly to identify It
with every question t h a t may promote the progress and general prosperity of Michigan.
In the d e p a r t m e n t of News, the effort of the editor will be
t o i c c u r o for TIIZ MONITUK a character not Inferior to that of
it* older a n d more pretentious coteioporaries, a n d to atone
for any deficiency in tho quantity of Its contents by its quality. G r e a t care will be taken in preparing a complete digest
of our army movement*, and of all I m p o r t a n t intelligence
connected with the progress of the war.
To Local and
General Intelligence, too, snch consideration will be given as
is neceseary to secure f o r TUB MONITOR a claim upon the
public Tor a reasonable share of its support.
This brief general outline of the character of the proposed
Journal, with tho course he pursued while Editor of the Tribune ; especially in support of the policy which resulted in
the organization of tho Republican party ; and during his
four years' editorial connection with the Advertiser, the n
dersigned has some confidence, will be the only guarant
the cacnesl, devotod Republicans of tho State will requi
that TftB MOMTOH will prove U i t h f u l t o the great cause
freo government a n d the interests and honor of the State.
The undersigned has no doubt that there la ample room
Michigan f o r snch a paiier an he proposes to make, auii that
it is demanded by that large, intelligent, earnest crass of radical Republicans who look npon slavery as the great eursc
and sin of the age—at war with religion, humanity and law—
a disgrace t o the nation ; inconsistent with the existence ol
our government, and the d i r e c t a n d sole cause of this stupendous evil, a liberal s u p p o r t he e n t e r t a i n s no apprehensions. J u s t to the e x t e n t t h a t it shall prove faithful :i» Truth
and Justice, will be j h e f r encouragement of iu Thoui '
many p o r t i o n s nf our country have been laid desolate by ti
ravages of war, and biclness in some parts of it diverted from
Its ordinary channels, or utterly prostrated, the people of Michigan wore never more prosperous, and money was never
more a b u n d a n t amongst them. And of t h i s abundance they
were never more ready to give freely, as well Tor the support
a n d dissemination of their principles, a* In defense of their
r i g h t s and the protection of their country. Knowing froi
tho history of the past t h a t the only security for the I'niou
U in the continued ascendency of the lie publican paitv. they
they will sustain most cheerfully and liberally those j ' - " '
,' . faithfully and boldly advocate i u doctrii
labor .for i t s . . . . . .
Tits MONITOR will be published each afteanoon (except
Sundays.) on clear,' white paper, and with new and handsome
tyiie, immediately upon the receipt of the latest Telegraph
News. A s there will be but a single edition a day its c ontents
will always be fresh and new.
Dallv, for a single copy a year
^ 03
Weekly, f o r a singlo copy a year
To clubs, $ r fifteen copies
14 00
27 00
and at the same rate for a larger number, payable in advance.
Detroit, J e l y 30.1862,.

M O F F A T ' S
Life Pills and Phoenix Bitters.

&i, S A R N I A


No HumJjug! No Swindle!


? 5 * 0 0 0 C h o i c e E n g r a v i n g s to e disposed of for $1 IS
each, and each tg be accompanied w, b avaliiable gift, worth
f r o m 60 cents, to $100, f r o m the folic d u g
Splendid a n d Attrai l i r e List.
100 Gold H u n t i n g Cased Watches, > orth
$100 00
100 Gold W a t c h e s . j . . .
10O0 L a d i e s ' a n d Gents'Silver W s t c b t s .
$1S 00 to 90 (I
6000 Vest, Neck a n d Pob Chains,
3000 Snaps and engraved Locket*. * . . .
5000 Ladies' and Gents' Scarf Pins,
VMM) S i g n e t 1 "lain. Chased and Stone Rings, 3 00 t o 7 00
5000 Sets Gold. Coral, Lava, Ac.. 8tu<J>, . . .
3 00 t o 7 CO
2000 Gold and Knameled Bracelets.
5 00 t o 10 00
2000 Branch, Leaf and F r u i t Brace I te
J 00'to S 00
2000 Mosaic. Lava and Gold Bracelet* '
: 40 to & oo
2000 Enameled a n d Florentine Bracelets. .
2 50 to 6 00
2O00 Caibunclc and Garnet Bracelet*, . . . »
5000 Branch, l-ava, add Coral Drops,
S 00 t o S 00
SOOO G a r n e t Cameo u>d J e t Drops,
3 Ot t o 6 on
3000 Gold and Enameled Crosses,
2 o n t o 5 00
3000 Gold, Cameo an# Lava Sets.
5 00 to 10 00
3000 Garnet and Carbuncle Sets,
6 00 to 10 00
5000 Fob and Ribbon'Slides.
3 50 K 5 00
5000 Watch Keys.
50 to 5 00
Each E n g r a v i n g li baautifully col. ,-ed.A is offered f o r $ l 25
(except where noted otherwise.) & is yiarranted as represented.
This noble Lady, celebrated for her Wrtues ond misfortunes,
never aspired to the Throne of EagUnd, ambitious relatives
placed her there, and L a d y J a n e w n j f r o m the throne to the
scafloU. (Sheet 24 by 3o. Usual i t tail price $3 00.

Captnin C. H . llovnton.


leigh under acommi»sion from gc<n;yueeu Bess, discovertd.
and took possession of what is no* called North Carolina,
but to which he gave the name "V f g i n i a " In h o n o r of the
- V i r g i n Qneen." H^r Wnltcr was a great Hero, Poet ond
Statesman. (Sheet U by 30. Usui r e u i l price $3 *0.)
3—TUB JOLLY FLAJT-BOATKAN.— ever love of fun and humor were expressed In 4 picture, tl>.; beam from the countenance of the - J o l l y Flat-Iioatman" « ^ r e m i n i s o e n c e of Scenes
of rude enjoyment, l o n g passed a w ^ i (Sheet 21 by 30, Usual
retail price$8.)

<—THE TKArrEn'1 LAST SnoT.-.-Tlils picture will recall
many thrilling incidents of early border life. The Trapper
with but one charge,left, and that ip his rifle, is surprised by
a party of I n d i a n ^ - n i desperate m o m e n t (Sheet 24 by 30.
Usual price $.'( 00.) '•
5—SrAKEi.vo.—Befalls the happiest honrs of every man's
and w o m a n ' s life.
Old Bachelors and iVonng ladies sboald a t least have I t
(Sheet 21 by 30. Usual price $3 00.
€—PARTING.—A Scotch soldier « e p a r t i n g tor the Crimea,
lingers for yet another p a r t i n g s e a , while the bogle sounds

H—BAT CATOHIWO.—Represent! g' "Brutus," "Boxer" a
"Vixen," ou "active duty."' (Sheet j( by 30. Usual price $ ' 1 » .
AND NELSON.- ,Or Ireland a n d England
represented bv
<v thcs>
these celebrated Ci pimander* at the only interview ever bad between them*. ; t S h e e t 2 5 by 35. Usua
price SI 00. Now sold for $1 50.)
10—Bosik BOMH ER'S HORSE FA.IL—A faithful copy of tbi
great original, which has caused i. sensation a m o u n t i n g to
enthusiasm all over the Country. (8hcet 21 by 31. Usual
price $4 00. Now sold uncolored (or $1 25, and beautifully
colored f o r $1 50.)
1 1-T-PEALE'S CotntT op DEATH —Colored In oil. (Sheet
23 bv 31. Usual price $3 00. No r sold for $1 25.)
12—Tns VRNTS oj' TfriAN.—Eli jantly colored in oil. The
original of t h i s beaStifHl Gem enc a n t s the world, a n d
$10 000. Usual price $3 00. N o v sold f o r $ l 50.)
The Gift System, a s pursued by lis, i s n o h u m b a g . but n fair,
honorable method «f d o i n g busiQr-ss. We use no nnmlicr
schemes of chance^or lottery in m y form, so there can lie D
possibility of loss. ' T h e engraving selected i s furnished i
less than one-half tbo {eftular retail price, a n d a present
given in addition at tho time of purchase. The gift is t h e r
fore, clear gain. I t is a cause of wonder to many—others ui
hesitatingly pronooucp it a swiidlo—how we can make
business profltable^conductcd on |K> liberal a system as our
T h i s lit the n-ason-i-w*: a r e a g c n U for a Jewelry and an Ei
graving Hons.-, each having an immense Stock, accumulated
in the hope "I the o p e n i n g of the Southern Trade, which
must be disposed of at once,to mee, the obligations of the firms
All l e t t e r , containing current bill* or postage stamps
-omptly attended t o . Canada letters must be prepaid. All
letters must contain.ten c e n t s in «:anrps. for return p o s u g e .
Please give vour address, post-office, county and State, in
full,and plain!v written.

» ,1.
ui ? «cs m e round trip in 10 days, arrlv
ing at Traverse City, either f r o m Chicago or Sarnio. everv
5 days. '
Those wishing t o make connections with the ALLXCUANV
0t , h
*ng u*. Cr ^
* r ° U W ' ^ d ° *°
° r u,|e«r»Pb
H a n n a h , Lay
Office—corner of Lumber and Uaxwel streets, Chicaco
Chicago, February 1 s t 19C2^.vaicago. ^

J A M E S IC. G T J J s T T Q y r .
TBIS i s t h o largest Hotel, with the best accomtnodatioas
in the city ; the leading Daily and W»«-klv Papers are taken
here, and no pains will be spared to inuke jniests comfortable:
and eleven years' residence here will • !,«ble me to give rella
ble information relative t o tin- resources of the country.


J. K. G

5 0 0 T o w n L o t s O l f e r e d FVeo
to A c t u a l S e t t l e r s .
The subscriber will give o n e Town Lot free to each person
who will make actual s e t t l e m e n t or hulld theraou a Frame.
Brick, o r Stone house, valued at not less than $100, paying
$ 1 for surveys, etc. Said lots arc la the most desirable part
of Traverse City. T h i s part of the town lies at the head, and
between the two arms of the Ray. and has a f r o n t o a each
Bay. and of the best soil for Gardening, etc. For p a r t i c u l a r s
please call at tho OfficeTif tho subscriber, at

G « o . W . E r r a n t , Proprietor.
J u n e 21tb. 1862.
N. B. T h i s offer will be extended only 0 months from t h i s
G. W . B.
July l-3l-6m






G E O . TV". B H Y A N T ^


Hell on Commission, and now has for sale as agent. 6
valuable improved Farms, on and near t h e shores of Grand
Traverse Bay. Also, 1,900 a c r e s of well selected wild lands
In different parts of the county of Grand Traverse, all of
which is offered a t reasonable prices. Also, h a v i n g been in
the business of Locating public lands i * t h i s County for the
last 10 years, and beiufe well acquainted with all h e choice
lands in the county ho is prepared tc. assist new comers in selecting from Government Lands In t h i s or the adjoining Co.
O F F I C E at his residence. E a s t T r a v e r s e City.
Jnly 1-31-6m






n Commission—and BOW offcrs f o r sale,

1424 Acres of Choice Landn;

1850 Acres, also Vhoice and ivtll Se lected.
Also—13 Lots In the Village o f E l k R a p i d s ,


The above m e n t i o n e d L a n d s are In alt p a r t s of the C o u n t y .
To whom a Liberal commission will be allowed—send for Elk Lake, Whitewater. Omenta and Traverse; are a m o n g the
p a r b i u l a r s , enclosing s t a m p .
earliest and best selections with reference to soil, water, aur19-ly faec, and m a r k e t ; embrace F a r m i n g Lands, Village Sites a n d
HESE MIDICINES HAVE NOW BEEN BEFORE THE V . L O V i ' E & j C O . , Drawer 271, Buflalo, N. Y.
Water Powers, with or without Improvements, in q u a n t i t i e s
public f o r a period of thirty years, and during that time
to suit purchasers, and at prices m a k i n g it a n object, in p r e have maintained a high character in almost every part of the
ference t o buying back f r o m settlements.
globe, f o r their extraordinary and immediate power of reTraverse City. May 1, 1861.
s t o r i n g perfect health t o pereoos suffering u n d e r nearly every
k i n d of disease t o Whieh the human frame is liablf.
The following are ainong the distressin? variety of human
diseases in which the ; V e g e t a b l e L i f e M e d i c i n e s are well
known t o be Infalllblo:
. D v s r g r s i A , by thoroughly cleansing the first and second
stomachs, a n d creatidg a flow of pure, healthy bile, instead
C o r n e r »f Fifth A W< odbridge Streets,
of the stale a n d ftcr|d k i n d ; Flatulency, Loss of Appetite.
Heartburn, Headache, Restlessness,Ill-Temper, Anxiety,Lan-^tor, a n d Melancholy, which aro t h e general symptoms of
>yspcpsia, will vanish as a natural conscquance of its cure.
CohTivE.Nr.Ht, by cleansing the whole length of the intus
tines with a solvent process, a n d without violence; all vio- W / E ARE M^VNUFACTURING AND ABE P R A P A R E D
lent purges leave the bowels costivc within two days.
V v to f u r n i a h . a t s h o r t n o t i c e . H i g h Pressure and CondensFEVERS of all kinds, by restoring the blood to a regular ing Engines, for Stationary, Marine and U i n l n g purposes, of
M i c h . , Merrill B l o c k ,
circulation, t h r o u g h the process of respiration in some cases the most approved construction.
C o r n e r o f " W o o d w a r d It. J e f l b t w n A v e n u e * .
A the t h o r o u g h solution of all Intestinal obstruction In others.
We Invite espeofal attention t o our C o n d e n s i n g Engines,
The Life Medicines have been k n o w n to c u r e Rheumatism particularly adapted for Flouring .Mills and other purposes,
p e r m a n e n t l y in three week*, and the Gout in half t h a t time, where economv of Fuel and regularity of motion are so inlocated in the following cities :—Detroit, New York.
by removing local inllaiumation from the muscles and liga- dispensable. The c o n d e n s i n g a p p a r n t u s for tbese engines Philadelphia, Albauy, Buffalo, Cleveland, Chicago A SL Louis.
—ienU of the j o i n t s .
is of the m o s t simple a n d durable Kind. These condensing
can attend either at his
DitorstEs of all kinds, by f r e e i n g and s t r e n g t h e n i n g the engines Insure to Mines for Poinping, or for working Stamp
kidneys a n d b la d d e r ! they operate most delightfully on these Mills, tho greatest economy ' D foe!
important organs, a n d hence have ever been found a certain
Our facilities for filling orders f o r Mining Machinery.
remedy for tho worst cases of GraveL
unsurpassed. Our patterns embrace the largest variety of
Also WORMS, by dislodging f r o m t h e t u r n i n g s of the bowS t u d e n t s t o e n t e r at a n y time. Average time to complete
nmpa, nhcaves, s t a m p i n g a n d graving m a c h i n e r y ,
els the slimy m a t t e r t o which these creatures adhere.
c., of the most approved construction.
the course, three m o n t h s .
We would call p a r t i c u l a r attention to our assortment of
A knowledge of t h e o r d i n a r y English branches i s sufficient
P a t t e r n s for P u m p s with P l u n g e r Lilts, r a n g i n g from 1 to 16 p r e p a r a t o r y t o e n t e r i n g n o o n the course of study.
S o o M t r r i c ERUPTIONS, and bad Complexions, by their al- ipchew diameter. O u r coaibiaevl Bucket and p l u n g e r pumps.
J . H. GOLDSMITH, Besident Principal a t D e t r o i t .
terative eBfecton the fluids t h a t feed the akin, and l i e morbid
supplying Stamping Machinery with *
r, a n d f o r other
J . F. SPALDING, A s s i s t a n t
s t a t e of Khich occasions all eruptive complaints, sallow,
s, give the most perfect satiWaction.
The m o s t t h o r o u g h , p r a c t i c a l and t r u l y popular Colleges
cloudy, a n d o t h e r disagreeable complexions.
Our assortment ol Gearing, u p to 12 feet diameter, enables
The use of these Pills for a very s h o r t time, will effect an
e n t i r e cure ol Salt Rheum, and a striking improvement in
the clearness of the akin. Common Colds a&dlnfluensa will f a c t a r e r a o f H o 4 | f e ' s p a t e m t s t i a e p s . Oil Still Machinery,
F o r f u r t h e r i n f o r m a g e n please call a t College Booms, o r
always he cured by one dose, or by two in t l x w o n t caaes.
of the moat approved construction ; Building work. I r o n send for a new C«talo)Jte of 80 pages. F o r s p e c i m e n s of
PILES—The original proprietor of these Medicines was Fronts, C o l u m n s Caps, Ac., Ac,, ; Illuminated Title f o r Side- P e n m a n s h i p , sncloac l e t t e r s t a m p . Address,
cored of Piles of 35 year* standing, by the use of the Life walks and Areas : Iron Fences. Verkndahs, Stairs, Ac.
B R Y A N T A 8TBATTON; a t e i t h e r of t h e a b o v e Cities.
Medicines alone.
Ws are aole licensees f o r P a t e n t F e n c i n g — p r i n - s v a r y i n g
(Cnt t h i s ont f o r f a t a r o reference.)
F a v i a AND AQCK— F o r t h i s scourge of the Western Coan- f r o m 75 cents to $8 p e r f o o t The largest a s s o r t m e n t of
try, these Medicines will be found a safe, speedy, and certain Fenco P a t t e r n * La tho 6tote. .
remedy. Other medicines leave the system subject to a reSole-Agents for G U B u d ' s J ^>iler l a j e c t o * , . which supt u r n of the disease—a cure by these medicines is p e m s n e n t pliataSioilers with water) withe it the use of Punips or. o t h e r
T h e subscriber offers f o r Sale 1600 a c r e s of choice a n d
—try them, be satisfied, and be cured.
mschiaery. whether the engim is at rest or In motion.
well-selected lands, having? been mostly located at the first
BUJOCB F r v i i t s and L i v c a COMPLAINTS—General DebiliB r a s s c o i a p o s i t i o n c a s t i i f s furnished at s h o r t notice. settlement of the country, s a d many of said l a n d s are borderty. Loss of A p p e t i t e a n d Diseases of Females—the Medicines BLACXRHTTUINU of all kinds. P TTAX.SS made to order. Esti- i n g on the Grand Traverse B a r , a n d in t r a c t s of f r o m 60 t o
h a r e been used with the most beneficial r e s u l u in case* of mates. Plans and SpccUcations-furnlshed when desired.
300 acres ; . s o m e have small improvements on, (and Well
thla d e a c r i p t l o n : King's Evil and Scrofula in ita w o r n forms
_ a a N ) r d c r s from abroad will meet with p r o m p t attention. located for w o o d i n g purposes, with a good growth of beach,
teld to t h e mild yet powerful action of these remarkable
a n d maple timber.) Also, 300 Town lota, and 30 P a r k Lota
ifedicines. N i g h t Sweats, N e r v o u s Debility, Nervous ComETROIT CITY FOEITDRY ABTP MACHINE in East Traverae City, offered tor sale at reasonable p r i e s t ,
llaints of alf k i n d s . Palpitation of the Heart, P a i n t e r ' s ChoSHOP. Steam E n g i n e s Kill Gearing, Mining Machin- by
G e o . w . B r y a n t , Proprietor.
ic, are speedily cured.
ery, I r o n a n d ' Brass C a s t i n g * of all kinds," t o order. We
July l-31-6«n
P e r s o n s whose constitutions are impaired by the iuludi- have a l a r g e variety of Patterns, tor building .purposes,
cirnu use of Mercurv, will find these medicines a p e r f e c t which we-would i n v i t e the a t t e n t i o n of builders.
e y e , a s they n e v e r -fall to eradicate from t h e system all the
effects of Mercury, m u c h sooner t h a n the most powerful prep a r a t i o n s of 6arsa|s»rilla.
V f . B. MOFFAT,
S34 Broadway, New York.
D e t r o i t Aug. 22, l&CI.


cfc B R A S S


CHA1S tl JilHSil
Mroit, Hifhinn, (pfnsite MacLior Shop if Miction C<atraM
l E R C A N T I L E
? Ra3 Koad Cwnpaiy.
C O L L E G E S .

B r a n c h Located at Detroit,



1 6 0 0 .A.cree o f L a n d !





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