Grand Traverse Herald, October 10, 1862

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Grand Traverse Herald, October 10, 1862


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Morgan (1806-1874)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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T R A V E R S E C I T Y , M I C H . F R I D A Y , O C T O B E R 10, 1862.

C|e ®ranii Crabrrse Hrrali),

Traverse City, Grand Traverse County, Michigan,

B A T E S ,


T E R M S .
O n . DolUr And FlftT O u t . p«r u m t a . p . y AUC l i w U b l» A4T.
• A d r . r t i . e n . « n U lo«>M<l for O M PollAf p«r H " " } u n 1 y I f ° ' rtT.



nrlj ° ™ u iwrfoifa o f ^ M

A l l I « A 1 AjrertUAm.Bl.mMll>* p»l<ir»r«trt«U7l» A d « M * .

The Real and Romantic.
From Dreams and Reveries of a Quiet Man.
" YOB arc a good-for-nothing, lazy rascal,"said an exasperated farmer to his son, Obadiah Davis. "Yon ain't
worth the salt of your meat to me. You have neither
watered the borees nor fed the pig*. There•* Sal scolding
down staira, because there's no wood cut for the oven:
and you have left the bare of the lane down, and the cow
has gone into neighbor Humphreys field. Get out, yon
idle, lazy, good-for-nothing loon—out of my sight."
Mr. Davis was six feet high. Obadiah was not more
than five feet three. The last adjectives, with their terminating noun, were rendered much more emphatic by the
hearty cuffs with which each one was accompanied, and
the last explanatory posh, which came from a hand brawny
with fifty year's labor, formed a hint not to be mistaken,
that the negligent youth's company was no longer wanted.
Obadiah was a lubberly looking fellow, about seventeen. He bore the beating with a good grace, the necessity of which frequent experience bad inculcated; and,
without saying a word to his irritated parent, he went
down the lane—a neglect of the bare of which had formed
one of the counts in the declaration against him—and sat
down on a stone, in a little grove of trees by the side of a
brook, whose waters swept rapidly over their sandy bed,
and filled the air with freshness and music. He ruminated a while with his under lip out in a pouting, which,
with him, as well as others, was u sign of soma internal
"Yes," he exclaimed—for why should not rarmera'
boys address the groves and invoke the rural spirits, as
Tell or Brutus? "Yes."said Obadiah, drawing the sleeve
of his coat across his month, with more of a view of comfort than grace; "yes, 111 be darned if I stand that 'ere
any more. I a'n't to be beat like a dog all my life, and
and I think I may as well give dad the slip now as any
other time. IH tell him on't If he's a mind to give mc
trifle, eo much the better; if he han't, he may let it
It was about two days after the preceding events, that
Mr. Davis was surpraed by the appearancc of his son,
apparently equipped for a journey. He stared at him a
moment, partly silent from displeasnre, and partly from
"Well, father," said Obadiah, with some hesitation, I'm
come to bid you good-bye."'
"To bid me good-bye, you fool! Why. where are you

Al Kiods «f Job Printing Neatly ud Expeditkwslj hm\d.


J i d | « or Probate. CURTIS FOWLER, Mapleton
Trav. City
County Treasurer.. .MORG
County Clerk
Register ot Deeds. HOLDEN, Northport.
Pros. Attorney
Cirealt Court Coi
^ . ' " P E B B Y HANNAH* Trv. City.
Coroners —
GEO. N. SMITH, Northport.

J . G. R A M S D E L I j ,

Attorney & Counsellor at Law,
T K A V E H 8 B CITY, i
Urn,. Omo. N u l l a , Ch. 1 . 8upt. C t M-IDoo, A w t l n B M r . Off[- Mich.


• a d Prof, o f LAW IB M l e L U n l i m l t y . IHOB.T. J . B « m . d e l ) . MABI.U«. MWA

O. H . M A R S H ,


ait& Counsellor at $ato,

Traverse City, Grand T r a v e l * County, Mich.
Offloe in Dwelling House, r

T. J. R A M S D E L L

3Mtoraqi anil CoitiBtllor at i^ato,

Manistee. Michigan.

TUB undersigned would inform the oititens of Grsml Traverse and adjoining counties, that he is prepared to attend
promptly to all claims against the
United States for Bounty or Pensions.
•II offlocrs or soldiers ditabled in the present war, either
by disease Incurred, or wounds rocolved in the service or the
United States, in the line of their duty, are eatttied to Pensions ; also, the widows, or minor children of those who die
or aw killed.
^ H _ HOLDEN, Attorney-at-Law.
Traverse City. May 5th, 1882.



(raoxr STREET, m i COCBT HOCKE,)


in Traverse City,) situated on Front Street, la the^Viclnity of the Coart House and publlo offices, is'still open for the
recepUan of the traveling public. The Proprietor returns
his hearty thanks for the liberal patronage he has received,
and assures the public that no pain* will be spared to make
his guests comfortable. His charges will correspond with
Good accomodations for Horses and Cattle.


M O N I T O R !



I I -A- T S .


A. K. i p R A G U E .
Traverse City, Jnnc 3rd, 18M.


W t W O l ' l D SAY TO T B B P T B U C , TIIAT W « B A Y S GOT OI K

ia operation, and are on hand to do Custom-Work at all
times; and would say. we think that we can do as good work
as any Mill in Grand Traverse. If you doubt it. try us, and
«ee for yourselves ; and would say, that we keep our

in operation, and T a n on Shares—a* usosl!
January 17.1861.

H e r a l d Offlec.Traverse City. Mich.

"f am going to seek my fortune in the world, father.
- jnow I am no use to you. I think I can do almost as
well anywhere else. I can't do much worse, at all events.
So I am going down to town, or some where thereabouts,
to get along by myself."
Mr. Davis remontsratcd with the young adventurer, but
found him firm in the purpose which he had, it seemed,
been considerable time in adopting; and, after much useless persuasion, with a voice softened by the thought of
their approaching separation, he asked him what course
Intended to pursue.
'I am going to study law."
'And how are you going to be supported while you are
following your studies?"
"I guess 111 teach school," answered Obadiah, with
the gravity of a saint.
The old man, in «pite of his sorrow, could not refrain
from laughing at the thought of his young. unsuccssful
agriculturalist retailing wisdom and knowledge to the
rising generation, or pursuing the subtle shadows of justice through the mazy labyrinths of law. He looked at
him with increasing wonder. There he was, with his
browm coat and his linsey-woolsey trousers, his hair
combed straight over his forehead, and standing in the
most awkward of attitudes. But Obadiah, it appears hod
made up his mind, and was not inclined to return to his
old employment on any terms. He, therefore, bade his
father good-bye, and also his sister Sally and the Cook,
A short walk over the farm afforded him an opportunity
of performing the same tender duty toward the horses,
the pigs, and the old cow. All things being at length
settled to his satisfaction, he started on his way. The
poultry were gathered on the roost, trad the old dog Cn>fflr, came after him, wagging his tail affectionately, and
entreating eloquantly, bnt in vain, to accompany his master on his novel expedition. Many sensitive folks would
have yielded a few soft regrets to the quiet and really
beautiful spot he was leaving, perhaps forever. But
Obadiah never dreamed of regretting what he was doing
of his own accord. He cast, therefore, only a slight retrospective glance upon the scenes of his boyish pains and
pleasures; and, surveyed it a moment, with one eve shut,
commenced his journey, whistling "Yankee Doodle."
The disadvantages under which he labored were im.. ense. Without education, and totally destitute of experience in the fashionable or literary world; friendless,
and almost penniless, he was to malic his way among those
who had enjoyed proper instruction and high friet>d3 from
their birth—who had been ushered into public life with
the honors of college, and who could warcely regard
the quiet, plain, and retiring country boy except with
smiles and derision.
His advantages, however, were disregarded by himself.
He knew the strength of a mind which had grown up in
the solitude ahd quiet of nature's abodes, unweakened by
the dissipations of fashion, and untrammelled by the fetters of a bad system of education- He know that be
had great difficulties to struggle against, and that he must
depend upon himself solely to supply all the deficiencies
of nature and art by his own unwearied application.
In a splendid drawing-room of a well-known city, a
young gentleman was entertaining some ladies. They
were all in rich and highly fashionable appareL The
girls were lovely; and they, as well as the graceful youth,
whose handsomely turned periods exited so much pleasure, and whose attic wit produced such frequent bursts
of merriment, seemed whiting away the hours delightfully,
in all the charming and elegant familiarity of high life. A
ringing was heard at the door, and the servant announced
Obadiah Davis, who accordingly walked in with his
hat on, and with considerable embarrassment proceeded
to business. The politeness ever attendent upon real
gentility, prompted the company to restrain their disposition toward mirth, while 'Mr. Davis presented hi? letter
of introduction, and the gentleman was persuing the same.
But when, after having finished and folded up the letter,
Mr. Chatterton introduced Mr. Davis to tee ladies as a
gentleman from the country, whose intention it was to
pursue the profession of the law, the lurking smiles curled

their rosy lips in spite of of themselves; and Mr. Chatterton himself, while be performed the necessary duties
wbich the etiquette of the day required, added to the
good humor of his lair and merry companions by a wink,
which did not pass altogether unobserved.
Mr. Chatterton complied with his request, which, upon
the recoiuendation of a friend. Mr. Davis had made to be
allowed to file his certificate in the office where the young
genteman. under the instruction of his father, was also
studying law.
Time passed on. Charles Chattertcn, in the full possession of an ample fortune; and surrounded by the blandishments of life, found a thousand things to charm him
from his office. He was young, gay, tod witty. His
society was courted by all his acquaintance of his own
sex; and among the fair and fascinating of the other, a
heart like his was sure to find joys too delcious to be
yielded for the drudgery of a lawyer's office, or the remote hope of future fame. He loved music, and its notes
welcomed and detained him wherever he went Dancing
wa£ his delight; and there were snowy hands which he
might have for the asking, and bright eyes to flash upon
him when he did ask; and bow could he turn from witcheries like these for the dusky volumes ol antionated law?
He was an enthusiastic admirer of nature, and she wooed
him in a thousand ways from his tedious task. Her
breath was fragrant upon the air, and her voice came to
him in winning tones in every breeze. It was impossible
for him to turn a deaf ear to enchantments; therefore he
walked, soiled, rode; sometimes he wandered forth in the
morning, to witness the rising sun; and again, in the summer night, the moon would lure him out from the unhealthy lamp, to roam with loved ones beneath her rays.
Now, donng all this time, little Obadiah was as busy as
bee. He had taken a school, which occupied part Of
his time, and the income enabled him to defray his exwnscs. nothing called him from bis duty. The moou shod
aer silvery radiance in vain; and he had seen the sun rise
so often, that it had lost its novelty. His feelings were
not awakened by wandering affections, nor was his clear
and calculating brain disturbed bv the intrusive visiou of
fancy. Nature, art. beauty and fashion, went on with
their various revolutions and adventures without affecting him-—his timo was devoted to study, and he knew no
other pleasure.
Ten years passsed away, and brought with it, as usual,
manv unexpected changes. Charles Chattertoa, the lovely, the elegant, the glass of fashion, and the mould of
form, had been left in poverty by the failure of his father.
Bred up in the luxuries of bfe, and unprepared to meet
its rnder scenes, be was inadequate to support himself.
His fine, but effeminate spirit broke down, and he lives
in poverty, neglected by l i s friends, and awaiting a miseranle death.
Obadiah, oo the contrary, has succeeded beyond expectation. His skill and knowledge have acquired for
him a high reputation, and he is rapidly amassing a fortune, wbich ho will doubtless know how to keep, as well
to obtain. His manners^ too, ha\v become polished
during his commerce with the world, and the rough and
awkward country lad is now one of the richest ana most
clcbrated lawyers of one of the first states of the Union.
His influence is visible upon a large portion of society,
and he has refaseti manv offers to send him to Congress.
What a pity it is that tne fine and delicate enjoyments of
)ur nature are so often inconsistent with worldly sucoess,
and that wealth and fame must be sought by so many
sacrifices of feeling and offection.

3STO. 45.

Important Proclamation by the President.

—A PROCLAMATION.—1, Abraham Lincolu, President of
the United States of America, and Commandcr-in-chi- f
of the Army and Nary thereof, do hereby proclaim ar.-l
declare that hereafter, as heretofore, the war will b<prosecuted for the purpose of practically restoring the
Constitution, and the relations between the Uuited Stairs
and the people thereof in the States in wbich that re la
tion is or may be suspended or disturbed. That is my
purpose, upon the next meeting of Congress, to again rec
omend the adoption of a practical measure, tendering pecuniary aid to the slave States so-called, the t>copie when of may not be then in rebellion against the United States,
and all which States shall then have voluntarily adopted,
or thereafter may voluntarily adopt, the immediate or
gradual abolishment of slavery within their respective
limits. That the efforts to colonizs persons of African
descent with their consent upon the continent or elsewhere, with the previously obtained conscent of the governments existing there, will bo continued. That on
the first day of January, in the year of our Ixird, ore
thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, all persons held
as siavas, within onv State or any designated part of a
State, the people whereof shall then be in rebellion »gainst the United States shall be then, thenceforward and
forever free. The Executive Government of the United
States, including the military and naval authority thereof will recognize and maintain tho freedom of such persons, and will do no act or acts to repress such persons
or any of them in any efforts they make for tbeir actual
freedom. That the Executive will, on the first day of
January aforesaid by proclamation designate the States
and parts ef the States, if any, in which the people thereof respectively, shall be in rebellion agoinst the United
Stntes, and the fact that any State, or the people thereof shall on that day be in good feith represented in the
Congress of tho United States by a member chosen
thereto, at elections wherein a majority of the qualified
voters of such States shall in the absence of strong countervailing testimony be deemed evidence that such State,
and tho peop'e thereof have not been in rebellion against
the United States. That attention is hereby called to an
Act of Congress entitled " An Act to make an addition
a I article of war." approved March 13th, 1862, which
act is in the words and figures following: " Be it enacted bv the Senate and House of Representatives of the
U. 8'. in Congress assembled, that hereafter the following
shall be promulgated as an additional article of war for
the government of tho army of the United States, and
shall be obeyed and observed as such:
ABTICI.E. All officers or persons in tho miltary or naval service of 'be United States are prohibited from employing any of the forces under their lespective commands for the for the purpose of returning fugitives from
service or labor, who may have escaped from any person to whom such service or labor is claimed due.
Any officer who shall be fonnd guilty by a ftouftmortial,
of violating this article shall be dismiaed

SRcriON 2. And be it further enacted that this net
shall take effect from and after its passage."

Also to the 9tb and 10th sections of " An Act entitled an Act to surpress insurrection, to punish treason and
rebellion, to seize and confiscate property of rebels, and
for other purposes," approved July 13,1862, and which
sections arc in the words and figures following:
" SECKIOS 9—And be it further enacted that all slaves
of persons who shall hereafter bo engaged in rebellion
(!owip about n Millionaire.
against the United States, or who shall in any way give
The Continental Monthly for August has an interest- aid or comfort thereto, and escaping from such persons,
ing batch of personal goswip. under the title of "Astor and taking refuge within the lines of the army, and all
and the Capitalists of S'ew York," in which the writer slaves captured from such persons, or deserted by tbcm
gives a not very flattering portrait of Wm. B. Astor. and and coming under the contrdl of the Government of the
some particulars ns to the' management of the Astor United States, and all slaves of such persons on, or being
within any place occupied by rebel forces and afterwards
The care of Mr. Astiir's estate is % vast burden. His occupied by the forces of the United States shall be
tenements of all grades pumber several hundreds, ranging deemed captives of war, and shall be forever free of their
from the dwelling at three hundred loilar per annum to servitude and not again held as slaves."
" SECTION 10. And be it further enacted, that no
the magnificent warehouse or hotel at thirty thousand
dollars. Torelievehimpelfof the more vexations features slave escaping into any state or territory, or tbo District
of his business, be has committed his real estate collec- of Columbia, from any of tho states, shall be delivered
or in any way impeded or hindered of his liberty, extions to on agent, who does his worg well, and who is no
doubt largely paid, l^p with his clerks, collects rents of cept for crime or some offence against the tows, unless
a rent roll whose very recital is wearisome. As a matter the person claiming said fugitive slave shall first make
of course, such a man must employ »H army of painters, oath that the person to whom the labor or service of
carpenters and other mechanics, in order to keep up suit- such fugitive is nllegcd to be due, is his lawful owner,
able repairs. As Mr. Astor pays no insurance, the work and has not been in arms against the United States in
the present rebellion, nor in any way given aid or comof rebuilding after fires is in itself a large item.
fort thereto, and no person engaged in the or naval serw e part of Mr, Astor's property consist* of vacant lot& which are io continual demand, and which he vice of the United Staes shall, under any pretense whatever,
assume to decide on the validity of any pcrsoo to
generally prefers to hold rather than sell; hence be is
or labor of any person, or surrender up any such
much employed with architects and master builders, and
always has several blocks So courei of erection. This is person to the claimant, on pain of being dismissed from
verr heavy bnrdeiv and were it not for the help de- the service."
And I do hereby enjoin upon, ami order aU persons
rived from his family, would we believe, crush nim.
However, his son. John Jacob i3 quite a business tnah, engaged in the military or naval service of the L nited
and bears his share of the load. This ydung gentleman States to observe, obev and enforce within their respective
spheres of service the act and sections abova recilhas shown his patriotism by serving in the army of the
Union, in which he bears an important commission. In
And the Executive will in-due time recommend that
addition to this, Mr. Astor has ths aid of a gectlemartof
business character and habits, once a member of ooo of nil citizcns of the United StMs »ko sbnll hire remmjthe largest shipping houses in the fity. who has Become ed loyal thereto, throughout the rebellion shall, upoo the
connected with the family by marriage. The labor of restoration of tho constitutional relations between the
all the parties wonld not be more than adequate to the United States, and their respective States and peopk.
task of collecting interest on bonds looking after divi- if the relation shall have been suspended or disturbed, be
dends, fce^nce that littlefire-proofoffice on Prinoo S t compensated for all losses by acts of the United States,
contains several miUiobs of government and State securi- including the loss of slaves.
In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and
In order to give something like an estimate of the im- caased the seal of the Unied States to be affixed.
Done at the City of Washington, on this the Twentymense income rolling in upon the fwnily we must commence with the fact that two dolar i per day is consider- second of Sept. in the year of our I/>rd one thousand
ed fair wages for working men; that the man who makes eight hundred and sixty-two, and of the independence of
five dollars per day all the year round may be considered the United States the eighty-seventh.
very fortunate, that ten dollars per day is attained by
By the President,
that few who are favored and gffted. nod whose proj>orW*. H. SEWARD. Secretary of State.
tion to the mass is about one to the thoasand. Starting
from this estimate, we may be better prepared to rate
SAD APTAIB.—The Shlawasnec American says a child
Mr. Aster's positioo by comparing any of the above
sums with six thousand dollars, which is said to be his .of John Farrer, of that village, aged twoyears, fell into
a rain water barrel, and waa drowned. He was mined
daily ineome.
about half an hour and was foend dead.
SHOT AT MCDOWKLI-—A Federal soldier who was
WOCOTKD.—Col Withington, of the 17th, is slightly
wounded at the battle of CentrenUe, just at the point of
death, declared that he shot twice at Gen. McDowell wounded on the arm. Also, Capts. Keggett, Thayer,
during the engagement An indelible suspicion of the Gohtanith and Edmoas ef the same regiment, the last e<
treacheey oftnat officer is seated in the minds of his men. whom has had an arm amputated.

<E|c©nmi> Crabtrst genlii.
M O R G A N B A T E S , EclitornndPronriei

Republican Nominations.
For Governor.


For Lieutenant Governor,
For State Treasurer,
For Auditor General,
For Secretary of Stato,
For Commissioner of State Land Office,
For Attorney General,
For Saperintenden^of Public Instruction,
For Mcmberjjftho Statfc^Board of Education,

The State Convention.
I The Republican State Convention which was held at
i Detroit on the 24th ulL was the largest and most harmonious political Convention ever held in this State. Every
County was represented. Hon. W m. A. Howard presided. The following State Ticket was nominated, the
most by acclamation, without a ballot:—
For Governor—Acsnjt BLAIR.
For Lieut Governor—CHARLES S. MAY.
For Secretary of State—JAMES B. PORTIJH.
For State Treasurer—JOHN OWEN.
For Auditor General— EMIL ANNEXE.
For Commissioner of the State Land Office—SAMUEL

lost We must follow tho landrai rksof principle, and Tho Confederate Congress has authorized the issuing of
Dot turn aside i n starch of strange gods. (Cheers.) We copper coins of the denominations of 5, 10, and 25 cent*,
must turn back to thirfountainsot liberty of which our
fathers drank If there was ever a time when the tri- to the aniuunt of $5,000,000 aod appropriating $200,
umph of these principles are essential to the salvation of 000 to carry it into effect.
our country, it is now. Is this a time to ask. "do y
An officcr from Suffolk reports this afternoon that all
think more of your party than your countryf' I answsr i j8 qujet in that neighborhood, and
s that no immedino.
It is because 1 love my country that I adhere to ,
v.„i • .- • .
y P " * . which i» t ™ to my MM*.
I M M .
applause.) Gentlemen, it is essential that we should j
have an organization at home and a party to put down
. . . ,
organized traitors in the field. Now. in the midst of'
° httTC Chicago papers of the 3d and 4th. from
this great struggle, when the Administration appeals to ' w h i c h w e K lcan 11)0 following items of news;
the country, who should answer that appeal but the party
It is believed that rebels intend to advance a large
hich brought it into power. (Load cheer*) \\ hile | force from GordoQsviUe to Manassas, and seek to hold

"»MrAportior <"8lgd-b-^-

For Attorney General—ALBERT WILLIAM*.
that Administration. Aye, and we will do more, we will <id 113 f u r 0 8 W a r r c n t o n - taklnK pnsoners, 1,200 sick an<l
, For Supt of Public Inst.—JOIJN M. GREGORY.
meet them half way, *Dd more tlian half way to Ggbt tlx; I wounded rebels. On the Upper Potomac, the Federals
For Member of State Board of Education—EDWARD battles of the country. But we canuot disband aud de- aro making reconnoissances in the direction of Winchen
whiclf tb
S . ' . <ri.
. P .md
"°:P lc8 n P°°
. 5T Administration.
' . Z Z>
, | t e-re r «u"Martinsburg.
Jiar.insuurg. Tho
ino retreat
ixe sarmy
wmcn we, aod they snpport stand. I rejoice to say that I ,
The following resolutions were unanimously ^jidopted: I csui now, with mv whole heart, snpport the Adminis- tfrdonsvilk- and Richmond is anticapated by many. The
Resolved, That the existing rebellion is without justi- tration and the President of the Union—Abraham Lin- rebel General Longstreat is reported dead. Tie Presiable cause. It has no parallei in the world's history, in coln! Goc bless him. (Loud chews.) Within the last dent is said to have gone on a visit to McClellan. Tho
its magnitude, extent, power and atrocity. Its wicked- few days he has removed from tho hearts of some of us a number of sick and wounded at Richmond and vicinity is
" sscac be measured only by tho beneficence of the Gov- great load and enabled us to say: -Now Father Abraham we are all with you." This war has become a war given by rebel papers as nearly 100,000.
nment it seeks to overthrow.
Buell's army is advancing from Louisville into tho inResolved, That our national existence, the interests of ideas; now we have come baek to the ©Id platform
of uuborn millions, the hopes of constitutional freedom where our fathars fought for liberty. Is there anybody terior of Kentucky. Sharp work is evidently designed,
party at this time w'uo wishes to depart from us as the troops ire in light marching order. Several skirthroughout the world, all depend upon the utter annihilation of this nefarious rebellion and it must and shall be since *ve arc within reach of the goal of our hopes f mishes oecured on Wednesday and yesterday. There
subdued, whatever be the cost in treasure and in blood. Will anybody waver? Will any man tell me now is the
For Con^res#—Fourth District,
That it is the paramount duty of the Government to ao- time to break up and scatter? ' I believe that for those was a rumor at Indianapolis that Burnsidc is to supercede
complish this object without qualification or compromise. great principles honest Democrats of the country will Buoll in the command of the Army of the Ohio.
For Senator,
Unconditional surrender is the only terms to armed trai- flock to our standard and make them triumphant—not Gen. Morgan from Cumberland Gap, has succeeded
for tho party alone, but for the idea of universal liberty.
C H A B I i E H M K A K H ,
in reaching the Ohio River, opposite Portsmouth. It is
OK v W oocxry.
Retolced, That the proi lamation of the President of (Cheers.) Gentlemen. I begin to look into the dim fu-.
reported that, on Thursday of last meek, he had an entore for the time when
the United States of the 22d of Sept., meets
unquali- ...
— this nation becomes
—...— tho haven
« . . v » of
For Representative,
fied approbation, as a war measure, right and pro-' hnerty—when the stars and stripes shall be the emblem gagement at Richmond, Ky., with a portion of Kirby
.. is every
per in itself, aud necessary and effective for destroying i ^ liberty to all nations
indoed it wil Smitb's army, and routed the rebels completely. No
become worthy of its great founders, and wo will be able statement of losses is given.
this wicked rebellion; and niuce the Administration
only legal aod coostitu tional agent of the people for main- to maintain our place in the history of the nations of the
Countr Ticket.
Late advices from I'ensacola state that tho harbor ia
taining the existence of the Governmeut, wc as good cit- earth. (Cheers.) The skv looks clear before me now;
For Sheriff,
izens will sustain them in the use of all appropriatu means wc go forward without holding baek, and I think, gentle- being rapidly filled with war-vessels. An early moveEUSHBIUS F. DAME.
forpreserving the constitution whether they are measures men, when this policy of grand emancipation lakes place, ment ou Mobile is doubtless the object of the gathering.
For County Treasurer,
of our choice or not—with or without our choice of in tha army there will be victory, the men who fignt for
A terrible tragedy occurred at Louisville, Ky., oo the
ideas will rally to the cause, and there will bo tl\p cry of
measures we arc for the Government
from Mason s and Dixon's line to the Gulf of Mexico. 29th ult Maj. Gen. Nelson, commandcr of the Federal
Retolted, That the constitution of the U.
For County Clerk and Register,
in Kentucky, was shot dead in the office of the
free act and dee<J of the people in convention assembled. We shall have no more defeats, tvVl to take the language
It provides ou its face tlie only mode of change, equally of Gen. Pope "we will studv uo n.ore tlie lines of retreat" Gait House by Gen. Davis, in return lor a blow adminisFor Prosecuting Attorney,
free uud sovereign. It mny bo destroyed, but cannot be Let by-gones be by-gones; let us forget thp past and by tered by Gen. Nelson in a person quarrel.
changed by violence or war—therefore when the rebel- one grand rally fill tbe ranks of the brave regiments in
lion shall cease, we khall have still iutact, tho constitution the field. When they 6ee the pepple ready to support
( T o t Circuit Court Commissioner,
Cumberland Gap.
them, and push them forward ,to the utmost of their
of our fathers.
Prom the Louisville JournaL
Retolvcd, That while this rebellion threatens the life power, then we know tjiev will conquer in this bloody
Our latest advices from Cumberland Gap are to the
F"or County Surveyor.
of tho Government, wc tender no other issues to political contest. (Cheers.) Gentlemen, you all feel stronger than
you did a few days ago, and 1 say again. Abraham Lin- evening of the 27 th, when all was quiet there. The
friends or foes, and acccpt no other from tbem.
For Coroners, ;
Resolved, That wo cordially approve the administra- coln, President, Republican ot "the Republicans, God troops were in good health and spirits, though they had
tion of our State affaire for the last two years. That in bless you! and a Union redeemed by you will bless you exhausted their spuply of breadstuffs. The rebel rumor
time of unprecedented difficulty and embarassment it has to the end of time. {Loud and prolonged cheering.]
of evacuation may havo originated from the fact that CoL
performed the difficult task of raising and equipping our
Do Couraey had mode frequent foraging excursions to
" E B O N Y AND T O P A Z . "
From Washington,
noble regiments, in a manner which has elicited the adClay aud Owsley counties iu search of wheat and corn,
NEW TORE, £ e p t 30.
After Night the Morning! Behold the Light! Twenty miration of the country, and at an expense far below that
of our sister States—that it has presented afinancialrecA Washington letter to the Commercial, dated tbe but the region is pretty much stripped and the inhabit. Millioal of Freemon and Four Million Slaves join in an ord, without a parallel, nud leaves the Stato iu timo of
29th, states that 27,000 troops had left the city, but ants are beginning to suffer. Tennessecans continue to
Anthem of Praise ! ABRAHAM LINCOLN, the Chosen of war, in a condition of credit at home and abroad, unwhither was not stated.
pour into the Gap, but Gen. Morgan has been compelledusual even in times of peace.
the ALMIGHTY, has laid tho ax to the root or tho tree.
The Washington Star of the 29th, reports a reconnois- to stop enlistments on account of his lack of commissary
Resolved, That wo tender to our todliers in the
The Angela in Heaven rejoice over the dying wail of field our hcartv thanks for the noble manner in which sance to Warrenton Junction, without finding any signs stores. Captain Jack Jones, of the Knox County
Slavery mi Rebellion, and the Demons of Perdition they have at the same tiinn upheld the honor of Michi- of the enemy. It doubts the report that I^eo is makiDg Home Guards, sometime siooo issued a proclamation
gan and the glory of our common country, and while
gnash their teeth in rage! "Every chain shall be Michigan is justly proud of the name for valor and hero- serious movements to recross into Maryland. It savs which set forth that whereas General Kirby Smith, of
ism they have for her, she will never forget the wounds 20,000 troops left Washington last night in one direc- the Confederate army, had invaded the sacred soil of Kenbrokeo, and the oppressed go free !"
tuckey, what the Home Guards of Knox County had
they have recciv<d and the blood they have spilled iu her tion, and another in another direction.
Righteousness exalteth a Nation ! " God bless Abra- service.
'Hie Star says it is generally believed hero that Jeff sworn to defend, he gave Smith five days to withdraw his
ham Lincoln 1" AMES !
The reading of the resolutions was aocompanied with
about to send 60,000 troops on forced marches across dirty, ragged conscripts, during which time he should
The most important document ever penned by mortal immense applause, and the report was accepted and the mountains to Wheeling, thcuco to Pittsburg and continue to bushwhack tbem as before, acd at its expiraadopted.
Cincinnati, and then, forming a junction with Bragg and tion he should precipitate his whole force upoii the rebels
and proclaimed to the world, will be found on our first
Gevernor Blair addressed the Conventidh as follows: Kirby Smith, in Kentucky. When McClellan crosses and extirpate their whole army. It ia noteworthy that
page. On and after tho first day of January next, every
Gentlemen of the Convent ion—My first duty under in largs force into Virginia tbe balance of the rebel ar- during the interval of these fi • e days Smith did retire
Slave in a Rebel State will bo forever TREE. Tho dawn the circumstances is to thank you, not so much for the my will fall back on Richmond.
towards Richmond, but whether be was induced to do to
office which you propose to confer upou me, as for the
of the New Year will give birth to a new and glorious
The Star intimates that Hcintzctaan is in position to' by Captain Jack's proclamation or not, our readers can
good feeling in which it has has been done, and the gratejudge as well as wc can.
Era. Slavery and Rebellious War—the Cause and the ful confidence which, for the second time, the people of intercept the latter movement, if made.
The Washington correspondent of the Philadelphia
Effect—will perish together, and man will accord to Michigan—the Republicans of Michigan—havo honored
—-s. (I-ouii cbccrs.) I feci that this position now is not
"STONEWALL." REGIXEXT.—One of the new regiman tho right which God gave, to '-Life, Liberty, and
e to be sought after. When 1 received it two years Enquirer says it is rumored that the'reason for tho exist- ments from Michigan, during one of the battles in Maryago I thought it about half nominal. The country was ing quietude of the armies on the Upper Potomac is
the pursuit of Happiness."
after fighting like veterans fell short of ammunition.
at peace; neither you nor I supposed that this office would that Commissioners are on the way from the Confederate
"Coincabla, Columbia, to Glory arise !
Instead of hunting over the field for a new suply, as has
have different duties from what bad been the duties in Congress with something like the following terms:
The Queen of tho World, and the Child of the Skies!" years past In fact it had come to be regarded in this
always been the ease heretofore in tbe army of the PotoThe loyal States to take all the territories of Missouri,
State, as a high Governor of Ohio once remarked, ' T o
mac, the coolly marched to the army wagons, and replenThe State TIckert.
Teuucssee, Kentucky and Maryland, and make them free
The ticket presented to the people by the Republican pardon criminals and appoint notaries public." (Cheers.)
ished their cartridge boxes, aod upon returning to the
Ever sincc these changes, it has become one very grie- or slave States, as may best please them: tbe cotton
State Convention iaono that every joyal man may bo vous to be bourne. (Cheers.) From a state of peace
strife, they charged over a stone wall, upon Drayton's
States to be permitted to have a. Congress of their own,
South Carolina brigade, which they about annihilated.
proud of. We havo never had a better Administration we are engaged in a severe, a protracted and a powerful
to regulate their own domestic affairs only—in all other
than that which will go out of power on the first of Jan- civil war. iu which every energy of the nation is taxed.
The 17th Michigan is the "Stonewall" regiment, aod the
things to be again as one and an inseparable people for
uary next, and it affords us peculiar gratification to anSouth Carolinans will long remember with grief these
the State. I have found that it was with the utmost defensive and offensive operations against other countries;
nounce that,the same men havo been re-nominated except difflcultv I could satisfy myself, and I hardly hoped I
"raw recruits from country towns."
to be a unity in all matters ef postage and revenue, the
for Auditor General and Attorney General; and thej were should be able to satisfy the people of the State. I
Cumberland Gap Evacuated.
not because they declined.
; rou again in that you have been led to believe that I
to return all governmct property as they found it; they,
' The candidate for Auditor General, Era. AXNKK* is lave endeavored to do right. (Cheers.) Since the war
Gen. Morgan left Cumberland Gap about two weeks
addition to a seperate Congress to regulate their pcci
commenced I have issued about 2,000 commissions out
a highly educated, refined and popular German gentle- af about 10,000 applications for them. It was hardly
liar Institutions, to be permit ted Senators and Repre- ago with all his forces. It supposed he is marchicg iu a
man, who has been in the Auditor General's Office for possible that I couja have distributed them to do justice
sentatives in oar Cougresa in sach numbers as their free northward direction, and yiH strike the Ohio somewhere
nearly eight years, and is thoroughly conversant with all to all, but I have Exercised my judgment, and for all this
about Portsmouth. He brought away all tbe artillery,
white population entitles thorn.
the details of business in every department there, Two I am pleased to say to yon that I look to the Michigan
stores, Ac. and blocked up the Gap with stones, so as to
men on the field for a vindication of my official adminisyears association with him in that office, enables us to
A special to the Post aays: It is believed here that render it impassable.
tration. (Loud cheers.) I think I can leave it to the
speak positively and understanding^ of his character and gallant men and courageous officers who have led them Lee is preparing for a northward movement from WinThe Norfolk Union regards the defeat of Bragg's army
qualifications; and we talo great pleasure in recomend- into the battles of this war. (Loud applause.) Now, chester. It is probable, however, that be will find
ing him to the confidence and support of tho Republicans gentlemen, and I shall detain you with no lengthy remarks, enough defensive work on his hands, with out crossing as certain, and says thWj are 200,000 Federal troops beone word with regard to the'eause in which we are enof this County and District
tween Nashville and Louisville. Surgeon Geol Moore
gaged. the great cause of human liberty, in which we, as the Potomac.
reports sick and wounded received into the Richmond
Republicans, are engaged., In 1854 this party was
For Congress,
From Fortren .Vonroc.
hospitals s'nee their organization, is 99,508, of whom
Hon. Francis W. Kellogg was nominated at the Re- formed—not to give office to this man or that man, but
FOR ) MS MONROE, Sept 29. 9,774 have been furloughed, 2,341 discharged, aod 7,320
publican Convention held at Grand Rapids on the 23d for a great principle upon which we had looked for mal*6ag of trace boat retnrt t / to day from Aiken'
ny years—the protection of Republican institutions and
u l t t o represent this District in Congma. He has the maintenance of the Constitution or the United States. landing; without accomplishi ig her purpose. She brings have died; at Chimborazo Hospital there were received
served four years in that body and proved himself a ftuth- We have a power, I had almost said, an infernal power, dawn Surgeon Johnson but ni«je of our prisoners. Three 24,898, of whom 2,033 died; at Winter Hospital the
number received was 24,874, of whom 1,871 have died.
ftil aod efficient representative. He will receive the un- re&dv to trample out liberty in this beautiful land of ours.
The whole number of sick and wounded in the PetersThe people said there must be some power to counteract hundred are on their way to jUken's Landing and 700
divided support of the Republican party here.
this influence, and serve as a bulwark for the protection more are at Richmond ready to come as soon as the burg hospitals was 11,170. Here, as in Richmhnd, tbe
Remember that any Republican who goes into the so- of the Union. That power of the South made freedom goverameot sends the requisite documents.
smallest number of deaths have occurred in tbe hospitals
The Charleston Mercury of the 25th aays there are superintended by ladies.
called •• Union" movement in this County, throws away
Republican party has grown and spread over the United
his vote on the State, Congressional and Senatorial tick- States, until! it is now tbe power that holds in check the grounds for believing that the enemy are sending heavy
Tbe Illinois Central Railroad is about to build 500
• et, or rather casts one for tho Semi-Secession Democrat- tyrant and lashes him back to his den in tbe South. reinforcements to Hilton Head and along tbe shores of
w freight cars at their shops at Chicago. They will be
ic ticket ; tor the Democratic Stato ticket will be printed (Cheers.) This war has. been partially crashed Out by Broad River.
for use next spring. The buMness of this great
Pinckney Island is oow occupied by a large body of
on the same ballot with the « « i i l c d " Union" County
than wo had anticipated, and it is the same power that
The Richrpood Examiner of tbe 26th says Bragg, road has recovered from the war depression.
ticket Is there a true Republican in this County who was beaten at the polls. When beaten there it has
twin be caught in such a Democratic trap?
Tea is sixteen dollars a pound in Petersburg, Virginia,
taken to the war. We are now in the midst of a great
straggle. We p r a t win a victory or suffer a defeat If Rousseau has gooe to meet him.
calico a dollar and a half a yard, aod United States treaVote the straight Republican Ticket!
a victory, our country is safe, if a defeat oar country is
H e salt bill in &e Virginia Legislature has passed. suiy notes selling at 75 per cent premium.


For the Grand Traverse Herald.
NOBTHTORT, S e p t 26, 1862.


|C H I C A G O

N o p a p e r , e x c e p t a n a d v e r t i s i n g s h e e t , will b e issued
u n t i l wo r e t u r n f r o m D e t r o i t .

W c shall t h e n h a v e h«lp

e n o n g h t o e n a b l e a s t o g i v e m o r e r e a d i n g m a t t e r , and
m a k e n p f o r all deficiencies.

H a v e patience, render.

T h e P r o p e l l e r A l l e g h a n y waa run i n t o by a b r i g , on
L a k e H u r o n , the last t r i p t o S a r n i e , a n d was seriously

S h e h a s g o n e t o C h i c a g o f o r repairs, a n d will

lose ono t r i p .

S h e is e x p e c t e d h e r e a b o u t the 17 t h .

" L a y on, MaeDnff!
And damned be he who Unit cries H o l d ! Enough ;"
A C o m p a n y of t i m b e r thieves, w h o h a v e grown r i c h
b y s t e al i ng f r o m t h e G o v e r n m e n t lands for a long series
of y e a r s , a r e t h r e a t e n i n g t o c r u s h o n r p a p e r a n d rui
p e c u n i a r i l y , m o r a l l y a n d politically, bccatuc, as R e g i s t e r
of t h e U . S . L a n d OIBcc a n d ex officio T i m b e r A g e n t ,

8 A E X I A

Lansing, Mich.. August 12th. 1362. }
T o the Sheriff of the f h n a t t y of Grand Traversa :
O u r V i l l a g e was t h r o w n i n t o g r e a t d i s t r e s s t h i s morn-1 You arc turn-by n o l i t k d thkt >i the next General Electior
| ing, b y t h e a r r i v a l of t h e P r o p . Buffalo, b r i n g i n g t h e roT H E PlU)rEl.LF.H
vcmber next, la the State of Michigan. the following' o!
' m a i n s o f S e r g ! . W m . IT. V o i c e , oldo »t son of W m. V o i c e . I
arv of fitcie. Auditor General,
I of this place, a c c o m p a i n c d b y f o u r V o l u n t e e r s , w h o I r f t i
nVr of State Land Office. (Attorney lienors). SuMirin
Captain C. II. Iioyuton.
t h i s piuce w i t h h i m b u t a s h o r t time since.
H e d i e d at J.
it of Public Uisiructiou, a Member of the Male Board
Education, iu place of lie ore* Willard. whose term of of.
c a m p J a c k t o u , on t h e m o r n i n g of t h e 22d, a f t e r an illness!
e will expire December 31 SI, 1*02, and a Representative
Port Sarnia during the Season, t o n c h i u g at Tra»ei>.of five days. I t may be said o f b i m t h a t he never d t d a u - u u - '
('ongreM lor the Fourth Conirre»ional District of t h i s City both wavs. She mske« the round t r i p In !•> d a v N , m . lie, to which ) o u r county is.attached.
• ing at a n v e r a e City, either f r o m C h i c a g o or S a m i a . e v e i y
w o r t h y deed, a n d t h a t he was in s p ir e d b y a noble p a t Also, a Se|
ii t j -nral J"-uato -iai District, to
riotism t h a t led him p r o m p t l y to offer his life for t h e de- which your i
j 4 T i i p e wi<.liin; io make c o n w c t i n n . with the ALLEUUASV
fence of o u r g l o r i ous U n i o n . H i s c o m p a n i o n s in a r m s gen
"which j o u r county I
erously raised fifty dollars to p u r c h a s e a m e t a l i o coffin i» a part^ agi
Act No. 110, of the .
I i u u n a h , L a y ii C o . ,
for bim, w h i c h , w i t h t h e i r expunses in b r i n g i n g him
iy notified; t h a t at • u d Geueral Election.
h o m e f o r interment, will a m o u n t t o o v e r one h u n d r e d
( ou-tiiution reiu! ive to removals lrom I
Ii> J o i n t JU-solnti m No. 15, approve.!]
d o l l a r s — t h i s s h o w s how h i g h l y he was e s t e e m e d . H i s office, provi
March l.'.Ui.
f u n e r a l e x e r c i s e s w e r e a t t e n d e d a t half past ten, A . M..
; fifteen
to-day. by the l a r g e s t collection of p e o p l e e v e r assembled Banking Cornoiationa ; an aine)niiu
thirteen, of th« CoiL.titutipu, r e l a u v e n> uie me
in t h i s place. R i s family a r e deeply a n d almost inconsi- gents of the University : a a a i S c n d m c n t t o aeeti
l a b l y afflicted, and all w h o knew h i m greatly m o n n i his cte nineteen, of the ConNtltntlqn. relative to flee
i MORGAN BATES, E s q . :


A L L E G H A N Y ,



w e h a v e d i s c h a r g e d o u r duty, called t h e m t o a c c o u u t for loss, b u t s u b m i t b e c a u s e it is t h e will of G o d .
t h e i r p a s t t r a n s a c t i o n s , a n d c h e c k e d t j i e i r f u r t h e r depreY o u r s truly,
T h e y h a v e e m p l o y e d a one-horae lawyer a n d all t h e
A t a m e e t i n g held a t C a m p J a c k s o n , S e p t . 22d, 1PG2.
p e t t i f o g g e r s , p i m p s a n d t o a d i e s w h o w e r e in t h e m a r k e t H e a d Q u a r t e r s C a p t K n a p p ' s Co. L a k e S h o r e T i g e r s ,

J A M E S Iv. G U X T O X .

twenty, of the Constitution, relative I > the rev
for by j o i n t lu-»olulU>n
i THIS is the largest Hotel, with the l«i*t accomiuodalios*
eal M i.Will U
II State for their in the city : the leading Daily aud Weekly Paper* an- taken
to the el«ctur*
here, ;uid no pains * ill be to make guej-> L-omloi table; •
;ut(*uient* of the
ai-'I e l r i e u gears' rtnidvnce here wll! enable me to (fixe relia-

iu wituess w'uereol. • have hereunto set l u y j i a u d and afil.v
M i c h . 2 6 t h R e g . V o l . , on t h e d e a t h of W E H . V o i c e , ed the lire at Seal of the Stale pf Michigan, at Lansing, this
12th day of August, A. I). I*62,
h o u n d s ; t h e y h a v e b r i b e d o u r j o u r n e y m a n t o violate his t h e following p r e a m b l e and R e s o l u t i o n s were unanimousGEO. H- l l O f S F ,
c o n t r a c t a n d leave us witfSout-t^motnent'a w a r n i n g , a t u ly p a s s e d :
" llepot v Secretary of State.
You are also hereby notilu-d at raid General Election
c r i t i c a l time, w h e n w e could p r o c u r e no o t h e r help in t h e
I t h a s pleased A l m i g h t y G o d t o rvroove the following County o Ulcere are to be elected : Une She rill,
office, h o p i n g t h e r e b y t o s t o p the»taeue of t h e H s t i u i . n ; f r o m us, by d e a t h , o u r c o m r a d e a u d associate, W i l l i a m one County Trea.-urer, one County Clerk and Register of
Deeds, one P r o , e d i t i n g Atto 1
' "
t h e y h a v e sent t h e i r u n s c r u p u l o u s omenta t h r o u g h o u t t h e I I . V o i c e ,
Brick, or S . o n e house, valued at not U»s t h a n $1C0, p a y i n g
o Ctrr
i at Tr.v $4 f o r j m r v e t > , etc. Said lots are iu the most desirable part
c o u n t y t o m i s r e p r e s e n t (acta, a n d incite the p u b l i c mind
T h a t in t h e d e a t h of S e r g c n t
of Traverse City. T h i . part of the town lies at tjie head, a n d
" -Oib day of August,
a g a i n s t us, b y t h e u t t e r a n c e of j r o s s falsehoods w h i c h W i l l i a m H . V o i c e , o u r fellow soldier .and c o m r a d e in
between the two arm- of the Rav. a n d has s f r o n t o a cach
Bay. and of the IM «t soil for Gardening, etc. F o r particulars
t h e y d a r e n o t r e p e a t io o u r p r e s e n t s ; t h e y h a v e t h r e a t - arms, w e deeply m o u r n his loss, k n o w i n g , as we d o . his
please call ki the Office of the subscriber, at
e u e d t o e x p e n d a l a r g e a m o u n t of t h e i r ill-gotten money u p r i g h t n e s s of c h a r a c t e r and many manly virtues, t rustNOTICE.
t o effect o u r r u i n ; a n d we aro_.^rodibly i n f o r m e d t h a t ic t h e w is d o m of G o d a u d his callings, we feel t h a t we " V J O T I C E IS HEREBY <11 VEX T U A " W E T H E UNG e o . >V. B r y a n t , P r o p r i e t o r .
deriiguei] o il! tuuke application to the Board of SuperJ u n e 24th. 1862.
t h e y h a v e offered a r e w a r d
t h o u s a n d dollars f o r in- must a b i d e b y his j u d g e m e n t a n d decrees.
visors- of Giand Vraietse county, at their uyxt annual meetN. B. This offer will b« extended only 6 months from t h i s
ing. for leave to construct a Dam across Elk River, (near the
f o r m a t i o n w h i c h t h e y c a n o b t a i n io no o t h e r way than
T h a t a s a t o k e n of o u r a d m i r a t i o n a u d redaw.
G. W . B .
site of the present Daini five.(5) feet liigl, with an apron
July 4-31-Cm
b y t h e c o m m i s s i o n of b u r g l a r y J
s p e c t t o o u r d e c e a s e d friend, wo h e r e b y p l e d g e ourselves twenty feet wide, and built of i ' i l e s . Tituboi and Earth, and
to be uaed for r u n n i n g a saw mill, grist mill, a n d other maN o w we say t o t h e s e men, a n d t o t h o s e w h o a r e in t o w e a r t h e usual e m b l e m of m o u r n i n g for ten d a y s .
chinery for m a u u f u c t u r i a g purposes.
t h e i r e m p l o y — w o d e f y y o u ! A s R e g i s t e r of t h o L a n d
T h a t we t e n d e r o u r h e a r t f e l t s y m p a t h i e s t o
Elk Rapids, Septemlter l?tb,' IRC2.
Office, wo c h a l l e n g e t h o closest s c r u t i n y a n d i n v e s t i g a t i o n bis family a n d friends, a n d w i t h t h e m we deeply m o u r n
f o r a d i r t y j o b , a n d let t h e m loose u p o n us like a p a c k of

5 0 0 T o w n L o t s Offered F r e e
to A.utnal Settlers.

r t E A L

of o u r nets. I f y o u f e e l a g g r i e v e d i t a n y t h i n g we h a v e
d o n e o r left undone, e n t e r a c o m p l a i n t a g a i n s t us at t h o

his loss.

Traverse City, Angu*t 14, 1802. J

A . S. U N D E R I H L L , Chiarman.
X l lauds for delinquent taxes in (iraud ",'raverse county,
C . H . Hoi.PEN, S e c ' y
advertised l<y the t u d i t u a Geueial in the Grand Traverse
Herald will l>e held at the office of the County Treasurer, in
Traverse City, the County Seat of (iraud Traverse county,
Appointment Under the Excise Tax L a w .
Notico is hereby gjven that the undersigned lia* been ap- on the first JUm lav in October next, c o m m e n c i n g at U
o'clock A. M.
pointed Assistant Assessor for the f i f t e e n t h Subdivision of
the F o u r t h Assessment District of Michigan, u n d e r tho U. S., 374tw
County Treasurer.
Excise Tax Laws.
Said Division consists of Orand Traverse, Leelanau, Kal
eases a n d Antrim Counties,
M a o i s m * , A n g u j t 13, l«r,j. (
Office in the S t o r e of Messrs. Hannah, Lay & Co., Traverse
latud* delinquent for t a x e s In Maniafie County, advertised by the Auditor General in the Grand Traverse Herald,
Assistant Assessor f o r the F if te e n th Division,
will be held at the Ferry in Manistee, the Comity seat of said 1
Foorth Assessment District, Mich.
County, on the tith day of October next, ,'<-tii men r i n g at 9
Traverse City, S e p t 30th • l h 0 3 *
o'clock A. M... d o s i n g at noon, r e - o p e u i n j at 2 P. M., a n d
continuing nutil half-past 3 o'clock P. M.. when they will be
closed for the day ; and thus»th*y will c o n t i n u e from day to
dav (Sundays excepted) until the sales are concluded accordWhereas William Holdaworth requests me to contradict a
ing to law.
CHARLES S l X ' X t ,
statement he says lie can prove I made, that he poisoned J o h n
Count* Treasurer.
Logan's steer and that my wife also accused bis wife of cut
t i n g my o x . Notice Is hereby given that I positively and
candidly deny making any such assertion, and that he or his
wife was guilty of either of the acts.
TRAVKKSK CITV, S e p t 4. ls>>2. (
Peninsula, OoU 6,1862.
4th day of September. I8fil. and the t u b day of April.
18G2, for Settlement and Cultivation, under the Graduation
T.N T H E TOWNSHIP OF 1'ENl.NSOLA, CONTAINING A c t of August 4, lb54, have been received us thin Office, and
A ~~ acres of first rate Land, 20 «.cres improved, 10 of the purchasers are hereby notified to come forward immediwhich is seeded down in Clover. House, Barn aud good ately anil make the required proof of "Settlement and Cultibearing Orchard, good Spring, and Bay frontage on Bast Bay. vation," and secure their respective Patent*, because If said
Apply t o
proof U not filed within a limited tiptc. the P a t e n t s will be
I .and Agent and. Surveyor, Traverse City, Mich.
returned t o the General Land Office, and Will thus lie liable
to be cancelled for nou-performsnce of the conditions of
E s t a t e of Mary C h a r b o n c n u , Deceased.
sottloinent and cultivation contemplated by the Graduation
Act of August 4, 1*54.
i \ County of Grand Traverse, holden at the Probata Office
in Traverse City, on Thursday, tho 2d day of October, in tinyear one thousand eight hundred a n d sixty two.
C u r t i s F o w l s r J u d g e of Probata, in the matter of estate of
Mary Charboneau. deceased. On reading and filing the petition, duly verified, «f Lanson N. Beers, praying that an instrument purporting t o bo the last will a n d testament of said
deceased, may be admitted to Probate.
Thereupon It is ordered, that Monday, the 3d day of November next, at one o'clock in the afternoon, be assigned for the
h e a r i n g of said petition, and that the heirs at law of said deceased, a n d all other persons intrusted in said estate, are required to appear at a s e s s i o n of sold Court, then to b e h o l d e n
at the Probate Offico In Traverse City, and show causa if any
Corner of Fifth A Woodbrld^D-Btrecta,

T h a t a c o p y of these R c s o l u t i c u s be


p r o p e r D e p a r t m e n t a t W a s h i n g t o n , w h e r e w e are alone lisbed in t h e G r a n d T r a v e r s e H e r a l d .

f o r o u r / a c t a a s a G o v e r n m e n t officer.

challenge you t o d o j t


W e c o u r t investigation b y thoso

w h o h a v e a right t o m a k e i t
W o shall p u r s u e t h o e v e n t e n o r of o u r way, a n d c a r r y
o u t o u r i n s t r u c t i o n s to t h e l e t t e r , r e g a r d l e s s of t h e t h r o a t s
a n d a c t s of ali t h o two-sided lawyers, t i m b e r t h i e v e s a n d
whisky-eoaked v a g a b o n d s t h i s s i d e of H a d e s .
Clue to a Small Robbery.
W e a r c i n f o r m e d t h a t * ' 0 u > FAOAH" b o a s t s t h a t s o m e
of t h e employees a n d a c c o m p l i c e s of c e r t a i n t i m b e r t h e i v e s
a n d trespassers u p o n t h e P u b l i c L a n d s h a r e o b t a i n e d acc e s s t o t h o books, plata o e d p a p e r s in t h e

offico of t h o

U . S . L a n d Offico, here, a n d m a d e t h e d i s c o v e r y t h a t "all
was not


S u c h access could only b e o b t a i n e d

entering at night with


false keys, a n d thfc b u r g l a r s a r e

e n t i r e l y w el com e t o all t h e i n f o r m a t i o n ! they m a y h a v e
o b t a i n e d from t h e b o o k s a n d p a p e r s .


i s not a t all

s t r a n g e t h a t t h o s e w h o steal f r o m t h e G o v e r n m e n t should
c o m m i t b b r g l a i y , b a t i t i s rather u n u s u a l t o b o a s t qf i t

T h e r e is only o n e m a n in t h i s c o m m i j j r i t y

connected with the gang who is familiar w i t h the bboks
i n t h e R e g i s t e r ' s Office, a n d if " F a g a n ' s " b o a s t b e t r u e ,
w e c a n p o i n t w i t h u n e r r i n g finger t o t h e b u r g l a r .
T h e c a s h d r a w e r of t h e R e g i s t e r w a s r o b b e d of t h i r t y
d o l l a r s o o e n i g h t d a r i n g t h e time w h e n c e r t a i n men in t h e
e m p l o y of t i m b e r t h e i v e s wore in " p u r s u i t o f i n f o r m a t i o n
u n d e r difficulties," a t ) t h e L a n d Office; a n d t h e


i s f a i r t h a t t h o s o w h o c o m m i t t e d t h e b u r g l a r y stole t h e

W o a r e on t h e i r t r a c t

CHARACTERISTIC.—A D e m o c r a t i c L a w y e r in t h i s J u d i c i a l D i s t r i c t refuses t o p a y a bill of f o r t y or fifty doll a r s f o r legal a d v e r t i s i n g b e c a u s e we notified h i m t h a t w e
s h o u l d s e n d n o moNJ a f f i d a v i t s of p u b l i c a t i o n , o r publish
any m o r e legal notices without pay


advance; and

t h r e a t e n s t o send h i s n o t i c e s t o P r i n t e r s w h o

are more

H e m a y send t h e m t o his f a t h e r , t h e

Devil, f o r a u g h t w e c a r e , b u t h o will c o m e n o m o r e swindls o n us.



I R O N cfc B R A S S
M A O H n V I S i T S ,

I f h o c h o o s e s t o p u b l i s h legal n o t i c e s illegal-

ly, tee h a v e ' n o o b j e c t i o n s t o u r g e , b u t

h^re. . • j

his c l i e n t s m a y

in the Grand Traverse Herald. a newspaper printed and circon- culating ia said County of Grand Traverse, for three (3) sue.
cesslve weeks previous t o said day of hearing.
A true copy.
J u d g e of Probate.
e d o u t of m o r e m o n e y b y village l a w y e r s t h a n b y all o t h Oct. 10. 4541. ( P r i n t e r ' s fees, $i->
e r classes a n d professions c o m b i n e d
W i t h a few honorSHERIFF'S SALE.
a b l e e x c e p t i o n s , w o h a r e found t h e m t o b e a s e t of s h a r p D a r i n g t h e twenty-fire years t h a t wc have


nected w i t h t h e P r e s s in t h i s S t a t e , w e h a r e b e e n c h e a t -

e r s a n d swindlers, w h o r u n i n d e b t whqn t h e y c a n




out of and u n d e r the s e a l of the Circuit C o u r t f o r the
County of Grand Traverse and State of Michigah, to me directed a n d delivered against the gooda a n d chattels, lamia
and t e n e m e n t s of H . R. Halte, I have seized and levied upon
al} the right, title a n d ihtcrest of the sahi d e f e n d a n t in a n d
to the following real Estate, to w i t :
I t is r u m o r e d at W a s h i n g t o n t h a t Lee is p r e p a r i n g
The north east q u a r t e r of south east q u a r t e r a n d north
t o m a k e a n o t h e r n o r t h e r s r a i d . I t is t h o u g h t h o w e v e r , Wpst q u a r t e r of south east a n a r t c r and aouth west q u a r t e r of
south eaat quarter a n d south cast q u a r t e r of south cast quart h a t h o will h a r e all h o c i n a t t e n d t o w i t h o u t a g a i n cross- ter of section twenty-one (21), town twenty-nine (2'JJ n o r t h of
range ten (10) west, which 1 shall offer for sale at public aucing the Potomac.
tion or vendue as the law directs, a t t h e f r o n t door of the
H o n . B . F . H a r d i n g h a s b e e n e l e c t e d U . S . S e n a t o r Court Room, in t h e village of Traverse City, t h a t the
place for h o l d i n g the C i r c u i t Court-for.the County of Grand
f r o m v O r e g o n , in p l a c e of t h e g a l l a n t a n d l a m e n t e d C o l Traverse, on Saturday, t h e 22d day of November, A. D, 1802,
B a k e r , w h o w a s killed a t t h e b a t t l e of B a l l Bluff.
t r u s t e d , a n d p a y w h e n t h e y . i r e compelled to, w h i c h i s n o t

o f t e n t h o ease, f o r t h o y c o m b i n e t o g e t h e r t o p r o t e c t e a c h
o t h e r in t h e i r swindles.

P r i n t e r s a r e generally t h e i r first

H o n . J o a a W . LOKGYKAR, of Lansing, h a s ' b e e n o o n i natod f o r C o n g r e s s , b y t h e R e p u b l i c a n C o n v e n t i o n o f « b e
3d District
On t h e 15th, 2 3 emigrants were murdered b y the I n
diana, n e a r G r a r e l J y F o r d , I l u m b o l t river, U t a h .
G e n . W o o l h a s b e e n assigned t h e c o m m a n d of all t h e

troops north of the Susquehannah.

.... .i .


Oct. 10.15-Cw. ( P r i n t e r ' s fees. $4.25.)
Lost from the 18th of August. 1862, a cow about 4 y e a r s
old, brindle color a n d white belly, with large h o r n s and star
between them. Also, a yoke-flf .steers about three years o l d :
o n e i a red, a n d has one of hla h o r n s bsoken off a n d t h e other
i s s w i n d l e colqr.
A n y person who k n o w s where they are. is requested to
inform Joseph BerVmsh, North Unity, Mich.




sell on Commission, and iipVTias for sale as agent, tl
valuable improved F a r m s , ou a n a near the s h o r e s of G r a n d
Traverse Bay. Also,l.ot'O a c r e s of well-seieclcjl wild lands
in different p a r t s of the county of Grand Traverse, all uf
which Is offered at reasonable prices. Also, h a v i n g been in
the business of Locating public lands in t h i s C o u n t y for the
last 10 years, aqd being well acquainted wit'i all h e choiur
lands iu the couuty he is prepared to assist new comers in selecting from Government Lands In t h i s or ihe adjoining Co.
O F F I C E at his residence, East Traverse City,
July 4-.11-4)m








on Commission—and now offers for sale,

1424 Acre* of Choice IMJUI

1850 Acre#, aUo Choice and wtll Selected.
Also—13 Lots In the Village o f E l k R a p i d s ,
The above mentioned Lands are in all parts of the County,
Elk I-ake, Whitewater, Omenia and Traverse; are among the
earliest aud l>eat selections with reference to soil. % ater. surface. and market -, embrace F a r m i n g Lands, Village Sites a n d
Water Powers, with or without improvements, in q u a n t i t i e s
t o suit purchasers, aud at prices making It an object, in preference to buving back from settlements.
Traverse City. May 1. l s f i l .

O O L L B G E S .
Branch Located at Detroit,
M i c h . , Merrill


r o f W o o d w u i d <St J e l l ' e m o n A v e n u e s .

Detroit, Sifliina, eppitf Mackicr Shop <Sithijan Ofotral HIS-INST1TCT10N FORMS ONE OF EIGHT COLLEGES
T located in the following citlea:—Detroit, New York,
Rail Road Cornpac).
Philadelphia, Albany. Buffalo, Cleveland, Chicago A S t LOOIK.
V V to furnish, at s h o r t notice, High Pressure and Condensing Engines, for Stationary. Marine and l l i u i u g purpurea, of
the most approved construction.
Wo invite especial attention to onr C o n d e n s i n g Engines,
particularly sdupted for F l o u r i n g Mills, s o d o t h e r purposes
where economy of Fuel and regularity or' motion are so indispensable. The c o n d e n s i n g a p p a r a t u s for these engines'
is of the most simple and durable kind. Theae condensing
engines insure to Mines for Pumping, or for w o r k i n g Stomp
Mills, the greatest economy io Aiel.
Our facilities for tilling orders for Mining Machinery, are
unsurpassed. Onr patterns embrace th» largest variety of
pumps, sheaves, stamping: a n d gearing machinery,
Ac., of the most approved construction.
We would call particular a t t e n t i o n t o o n r assortment of
P a t t e r n s for Pump* with P l u n g e r Lifts, r i n g i n g from 4 to 16
inches diameter. Our c o m h i n e d U u c k e t i n d p l u n g e r pump*,
for supplying Stamping Machinery with r a t e r , and for other
uses, eive th*ed>«t nerfect satisfaction.
Gearing, u p t o 12 ftet diameter, enables
orders for heavy or light Oeai Ing, at the shortest
notice. W h i m s h e a v e s , from 1 t o 1 fei t diameter. ManuFroats, Columns, Caps. Ac.. A c . . : IUnm sated Title for Sidewalks and Areas : I r o n Fences, Verandi Is, Stairs, Ac.
We are sole licensees for l a t e n t Fenc og—prices v s r y i n g
from 76 c e n t s t o $5 per foot. The largest a s s o r t m e a t of
Fenco Patterns iu the State.
Sole Agents f o r . G i H a r d ' s B o i l e r I n j e c t o r , which supplies Boilers with water, w i t h o u t the use of P u m p s or o t h e r
mscbinery, whether the o n g i n e is at rest •or in motion.
B r a m c o m p o s i t i o n c a s t i n g s furnished a t abort notice.
BLACSMUTIII.IU of all kinds. I'ATTXB.XS made t o order. Estlmstes. Plans a n d Specifications furnished when desired.
,&9*Orders f r o m abrood will meet with p r o m p t attention.


A person holding a scholarship can attend either at hla
S t u d e n t s to e n t e r at any time. Average time t o complete
the conn>e, three months.
A knowledge of the ordinary English b r a n c h e s i s Bufiiclcnt
preparatory to e n t e r i n g inion the course of study.
J . H. GOLDSMITH, Besidcnt Principal at D e t r o i t .
J . F. SPALDING, Assistant.
The most t h o r o u g h , p r a c t i c a l a n d t r u l y p o p u l a r Colleges
in America. Over six thousand s t u d e n t s have entered s i n c e
their establishment, which Is \bf best evidence of t h e i r
favor with the public.
For f u r t h e r I n f o r m a t i o n please call at College Booms, or
send for a acw Catalogue of bO pages. F o r s p e c i m e n s of
Penmanship, i n c l o s e l e t t e r s t a m p . Address,
RRVA v f

A- R T I J l T T Y l V

. i -III,... „f


l o O O .A.cre.s o f L a n d !
The suhseriber offers f o r sale 1600 a c r e s of choice a n d
well-selected lands, h a v i n g been mostly located at the flrst
settlement of the country, and many of said lands are bordering on t h e Grand Traverse Bay, and In tracts of f r o m 50 t o
300 acres ; some have small improvements on. ( s a d well
located for wooding purposes, w i t h a good growth of beach
and map'.e timber.* Also, 300 Town lots, and 30 P a r k Lots
In East Traverse City, ofltred f o r sale at reasonable prices,
G « o . W . B r y a n t , Proprietor.
July 4-31-Cm


Traverse City. W c k .

C H I C A G O &, 8 A E N I A



P A J P E R _ I N

D E T R O I T .

If i T F T C


r < T T 7 " T C

H a n n a h , L a y & Co's Column

The Advertiser hairing been merged In the Tribune, the un-1
VTXj; A O*
dersigned h a s resolved to commence the publication of anothENCOURAGE TIIE BEAUTIFUL.
e r paper in Detroit, embodying its 'leading features, a n d dcv o f d t o t h e same principles and policy, t o be called



A L L E G H A N Y ,

M O N I T O R ,

No Humbug! No Swindle!

**** he h a s t o perfected his a r r a n g e m e n ts f o r t h i s enterprise
a* t o leave no doubt of i u s u c c e s s He therefore feels authorised to announce that the first number will be issued on or
7 5 , 0 0 0 C h o i c e E n g r a v i n g s to be disposed of for $1 25
RUN REGULARLY BETWEEN CHICAGO AND before the first day of September.
» T I o r t S a r n i a d u r i q g the Season, t o u c h i n g at Tr£'
Like the Advertiser d u r i n g the editorial connection of the each, and each to b e a o c o m p a n l e d with a valuable gift, worth
C i t y both ways. She m a k e s the round t r i p in 10 days, a
undersigned with it, THS MOXITOB will pursue a bold, indepen- f r o m 50 centa. to $100, from the following
i n g at T r a v e r s e City, cither from Chicago or Sarnia, (i
d e n t a n d positive course upon all questions of public interSplendid a n d Attractive List.
5 days.
est, and will fearlessly discpss the acts of all public men, as 100 Gold "Hunting Cased Watches, worth
£100 00
T h o s e wishing to make connections with t h e A^LCOBAMT well a s the character of all public measures. Upon the qt
100 Gold Watches
60 00
tions g r o w i n g out of the present wicked rebellion, it will
? n g u s f r CD<^ ° ' " , e ^ 0 0 , 0 , C J l n
^ " r i l i n g "f telegraph1000 Ladles' and G e n u ' S i l v e r Watches,"
>15 -00 to W> 00
5000 Vest, Neck and Fob Chains,
5 00 to 10 00
Hannah, Lay & Co.,
3000 Snaps a n d engraved Lockets, . . 7
4 00 to 10 00
estly urge upon the Government the use of every means God 5000 Ladies' and G e n u ' S c a r f Pins,
Office—corner of Lumber and Maxwel streets, Chicago.
4 00 to 8 00
a n d nature had placed in our bands. The war h a v i n g been 9000 Signet, Plain, Chased and Stone Rings,
Chicago, February l i t , 1862.
begun to extend, strengthen, and perpetuate the institution 5000 beU Gold, Coral, Lava, Ac.. Studs. . . . . 3 00 to 7 00
3 00 to 7 00
ot slavery, by overthrowing the G o v e r n m e n t and establish- 2000 Gold and Enameled Bracelets,
5 00 to 10 00
ing a slavcholding oligarchy upon i u ruins, the undersigned 2000 Branch, Leaf and F r u i t Bracelets,
3 00 to 5 00
believes the Union cannot bo preserved and permanent peace 2000 Mosaic, Lava and Gold Bracelets,
secured u n t i l the power of t h a t institution is utterly destro'" 2000 Enameled a n d Florentine B r u e l e U , . . 2 50 to 5 00
2 50 to 5 00
ed. TIIK MONITOR will, therefore, e x e r t whatever influence'., 2000 Carbuncle and Garnet Bracel v ,
4 00 to 8 00
may acquire to enforce upon the Government the adoption 5000 Branch, Lava, and Coral Droi <.
3 00 to 5 00
of a policy that shall accomplish that object and forever rid 6000 Garnet, Cameo a n d J e t Dropi
3 00 to 5 00
the nation of t h a t " first great cause" of our present National 3000 Gold and Enameled Crosses,
2 00 to 5 00
calamity and dishonor.
3000 Gold, Cameo and Lava Sets,
00 to 10 00
Aside f r o m a vigorous a n d earnest support of the princi' 3000 Garnet and Carbuncle Sets
5 00 to 10 00
i n T ? r !ttbe.l*TV,
" ' - * l t h "> c b y t accommodations pies Of the Republican party, and of the policy of the Na- 5000 Fob and Ribbon Slides,
in the city ; the leading Daily and Weekly I'apcr* are taken
tional and State Administrations of its choice, so far as it
50 t a 5 00
here, and no pains will be spared to make guest* c o m f o r ta b le : may seem consistent with the public good, TIIK MONITOR 5000 Watch Keys,
Each E n g r a v i n g is beautifully colored, A Is offered f o r SI 25
and eleven y e a r s ' residence here will enable me to give relia- will jealously sustain whatever measures are designed to ad(except where noted otherwise.) 4 i s warranted as represented.
ble information relative to t h e resources of the country.
vanoe the material interests of the State and promote the
J . K. G
general welfare of t h e people. To develop i u great Agri- This noble Lady, celebrated for her v i r t u e , and misfortunes,!
cultural, Mineral a n d other natural resources ; to encourage never aspired to t h e T h r o n e of England, ambitious relatives"
Manufacturing enterprise ; to secure a Just reward for labor, placed her ttere, a n d Lady J a n e went from the throne to the
and t o direct t h e attention of c m l g r a n U t o the numerous ad- scaffold. (Sheet 24 by 30. Usual r e u i l price S3 00.
JM*te presents t o t h e l n d u s t r i o u s and enterpris2
— S , B " ALTBR R A U O O H P A R T I N G WITH H I S W l F S . _ R a ing.
constitute oi
ef i u most prominent features.
leigh nnder a commission from good Queen Bess, discovered,
leading object of the editor will be thoroughly to identify It and took possession of what Is now called North Carolina,
with every question that . y promote the progress a n d genbut to which he gave the name "Virginia" in honor of the
Brick, or Stone house, valued Lt n o t leas than SlooT
erai prosperity of Michigt
Virgin Q u e e n . ' Sir Walter was a great Hero. Poet and
*U' for surveys,
etc. M
i l fl lWB vr -f 1l "n ' t1h e m o s t desTrabfe p ' m
In tho d e p a r t m e n t of News, the effort of the editor will be
. a l a p a r t lt f the town lies at the head, and t o secure for T u g MONITOR a c h a r a c t e r not inferior to that of Statesman. (Sheet 24 by 30. Csnal r e u l l price $3 00.)
of Traverse City. Thla
3—THE JOLLT FLAT BOATMAN.—If ever love of fun and hubetween the two a r m s of the
iLv, a n d has
f r o n t on each i u older and mora pretentious cotemporaries, and to atone
ior were expressed in a picture, the beam from the countenjflening, e t c . F o r particulars for a n y deficiency in t h e q u a n t i t y of i u c o n t e n u by i u qualance of the "Jolly Flat-Boatman" a n a reminiscence of Sccnea
n h s c r i b c r , a1
ity. Great care will be taken in p r e p a r i n g a complete digest
P** 80 * 1 *"**• -(Sheet 24 by 30, Usual
of our army movements, a n d of all I m p o r t a n t intelligence retail
E A S T T R A V E K S E C I T Y ,
connected with the p r o g r e s s of the war.
To Loca
TaAl-rRR'ii LAST 8 n o W T h l s picture will recall
( > r p e o . W . B r y a n t , Proprietor.
General Intelligence, too, such consideration will be gi>
J u n e 34th. 1862.
m a n y thrilling incidenU of early border life. The Trapper
is neccseary to secure for T o * MONITOR a claim upon the with but one c h a r g e left, and that I* his rifle, (> surprised by
N. R. Thi s offer will be e x t e n d e d only f. months from t h i s public f o r a reasonable s h a r e of Ha support.
a party of Indians—% desperate m o m e n t (Sheet 24 by 30.
(l w I t This brief general outline o f t h e c h a r a c t e r of the proposed U s u a l j i r i c e S3 00.) j
July 4-31-fim
- —
journal, with the course ho pursued while Editor of the Tri5—SPARKING.— Recalls the happ fst h o u r s of every r
b u n e ; especially in support of the-polioy which resulted In
id w o m a n ' s life.
the organization of the Republican p a r t y ; a n d during his Old Bachelor* and Y o u n g ladies >hould st least hav
— yt
editorial connection with tho Advertiser, the u
(Sheet 24 by 30. Usoal price $3 0fc
ifgneo bnas
a s some_
some confidence,
conndence, will be the only igui
6—PARTINO.—A Scotch soldier O p a r t l n g for the Crimea,
W i e j a r n e s t , devotod Republicans of the S u t e will require lingers for vet another p a r t i n g seal while the bugle sounds
that TUB MONITOR will prove f a i t h f u l to the great
"to m a r c h . ' ' (Sheet 24 by 30. Us^al price 83 00.)
free g o v e r n m e n t and t h e Interests a n d h o n o r of the S u t e .
5—Tna HIGHLAND WUIHIBT S r a j ^ - W i l l be at once recogun
d « r s i g n e d h a s n o doubt that there is ample room in niied bv every lover of "Auld Scotia" and "Green E r i n , " and
M icbigan f o r such a p a p e r as he proposes to make, and that should bo owned by Ml- (Sheet 24 by 30. Usual price S3 00.
? LANDS, P A Y TAXES, BUY AND it i s demanded by t h a t large, intelligent, earnest class of rad8—RAT CATCHiNa—Representing "Brutus," "Boxer" and
•i • . . . °-5 Porawlsxlon, and now h a s f o r aale as agent, 6 ical Republicans w h o look upon slavery as the great curse
rixen,-' on "active d u t v . " {Sheet 31 hv sn r ; . n . i
valuable i i r f p m e d Farms, on a n d n e a r the shores of Grand a n d sin of the ago—at war with religion, humanitv and law—
Traverse Bay. Also, 1,000 a c r e s of well-selected wild l a n f e a disgrace to the nation ; inconsistent with the existence of
represented bv these celebrated Commanders a t the only in"
ia different p a r t s of the county of Grand Traverse, all of
ivernment, and the direct and sole cause of this stu- terview ever had botween them. (Sheet 25 by 35. Usual
which is offered at r e a s o n a b l e prices. Also, h a v i n g been In
us evil, a liberal support, ho e n t e r t a i n s no apprehen- price S4 00. Now sold for SI 50.)
the business of L o c a t i n g public lands in t h i s County f o r t b c sions. J u s t to the e x t e n t t h a f i t shall prove faithful to Truth
10—ROSA BONHCMI S HORSE F A ^ . — A faithful copy of the
last 10 years, and being well acquainted with all he c h o l e c a n d Justice, will be their e n c o u r a g e m e n t of it. Though
lands i n t h e county he I s prepared to assist now comers in ao- many p o r t i o n s of our c o u n t r y have been laid desolate by the g r e a t original, which has caused % sensation a m o u n t i n g to
i e c t i n g r r o m Government Land* in t h i s o r tbo a d j o i n i n g Co. ravages or war, and business in some parts of itdiverted from enthusiasm all over the Country. (Sheet 21 by 31. Usual
price 84 00. Now sold uncolored tot S I 25, a n d beautifullv
O F F I C E at his rosidence. East T r a v e r s e City.
its ordinary channels, or n ttc r ly prostrated, tho people of Mi- colored for SI 50.)

J u l y 4-31-Cra
chigan were n e v e r more prosperous, and money was n e v e r
PSALB'S C o r a r op DEATH.—Colored in o i l (Sheet
a b u n d a n t amongst thein. And of this abundance they 23 bv 31. Usual price S3 00. Now sold for SI 25.)
n e v e r more ready to give freely, as well for the support
12—THB VBNTS o r TrriAN.—Elegantly colored in oiL The
a n d dissemination of their principles, as in defense of their original of t h i s beautiful Gem e n c h a n t s the world, a n d cost
n g i i U and the p r o t e c t i o n of their country. Knowing from 840 000. Usual p r i i e 83 00. Now sold f o r 81 50.)
the history of the past that the only security for the Union
The Gift System, as pursued by us, ia no humbug, but a fair,
is in the continued ascendenoy of tne Republican palty, tliey honorable method of doing business. We nae no numbers,
they will s u s u i n most cheerfully and liberally those Journals Bchemeg of chance, pr lottery in any form, so there can be no
which most faithfully a n d boldly advocate i u doctrii
possibility of loss. T h e e n g r a v i n g selected is furnished at
labor for i u success.
less than one-balf the regular reUII price, a n d a present is
TUB MONITOR will be published
1 afteanoon (except given in addition a t the time of purchase. The gift is thereLI, LOCATE LANDS, P A Y TAXES, BUY OR S E L L Sunday*,) on clear, white paper, and with new and handsome fore, clear gain. I t i s a canse of w i n d e r to many—others nntype, immediately n p o n the receipt rece'
- . -Telegraph
of the latest
on Commission—and now offers f o r sale,
hesitatingly pronounce i t a swindle—how wo can make a
... . A s there will
— be but a s il n gj l e edition a day l u c o n t e n '
business profitable, conducted on
liberal a system as ours.
will always bo f r e s h a n d new.
T h i s is the reason—we are a g c n U for a Jewelry a n d an EnTERMS.
graving House, cach having an immense Stock, accumulated
Daily, f o r a single copy a y e a r
85 00
in the hope ol the Opening of thji Southern Trade, w h k b
Weekly, for a single copy a year
l oo
must be disposed o r a t once, to meet the obligations o f t h e firms
T o clubs, f u r fifteen copies
14 00
All letters containing c u r r e n t bills or posUge s u s p a
27 00
promptly attended t<
a letters m _ j
a n d at the same rate for a larger number, payable In advance. letters must contain te
3 In stamps, for re
Also—13 Lola i n the Village of E l k Rapid*,
Detroit, J u l y 30, 1862.
full, a n d plainly written.
T h e above mentioned Landa are In all parts of tho Comity,
A G E N T S W A N T E D !
Elk Lake, Whitewater, Ome n t a a n d T r a v e r s e ; are a m o n g th®
T o whom a Liberal'commission will be allowed—send for
earliest a n d best selections with reference to soil, water/anrpartolulars, enclosing sUmp.
face, a n d m a r k e t : embrace F a r m i n g Lands, Village S i t e s a n d
HESE MIDICINE3 HAVE NOW BEEN BEFORE THE V . L O W E 6 C O . , Drawer 274, Buffalo, N. Y.
w a t e r Powers^with or without ImprovcmenU, in q u a n t i t i e s
public f o r a period of t h i r t y yeara, a n d d u r i n g that time
ft t a l t P*Tj a > »*W»»_and a t prices m a k i n g It an object. In pre- have maintained a high character in almost every part o f t h e
globe, for their e x tr a o r d in a r y a n d immediate power of re22-ly storing perfect health t o personssnfffcring u n d e r nearly every
k ' n d of disease t o whioh tho h u m a n frame i s liable.
The following are a m o n g the distresaing v a r i e t y of human
diseases In which the V e g e t a b l e L i f e M e d i c i n e s are well
known t o be Infallible: •
DYSPEPSIA, by th o r o u g h ly c l e a n s i n g t h e first and second
stomachs, and c r e a t i n g a flow of pure, healthy bile. Instead
Corner of Fifth & Wood bridge Streets,
or the stale a n d acrid k i n d ; Flatulency, Loss of Appetite,
Heartbnrn, Headache. Restlessness, Ill-Temper, Anxiety,Languor, and Helancholy, which are the general symptoms of
'yspepsia, will vanish as a natural c o n s o n a n c e of Us cure
COSTIVBNBSS, by cleansing the whole length of the intestines with a solvent process, and w i t h o u t violence: all vioE ARE MANUFACTURING AND ARE P R A P A R E D
lent p u r g e s leave t h e bowels costive within two days.
t o furnish, at s h o r t notice, R igh Pressure a n d CondensFEVERS of all kinds, by r e s t o r i n g tho blood t o a regular
ing Engines, for Stationary, Marin* and Mining purposes, of
C o r n e r o f • W o o d w a r d 6c J o f l b r w o n A v e n n e s .
irculation, t h r o u g h t h e process of respiration In aome cases the most approved construction.
the t h o r o u g h solution of all Intestinal obstruction in others.
We invite especial attention to »ur C o n d e n s i n g Engines,
HIS INSTITUTION FORMS ONE OF EIGHT COLLEGES The Life Medicines have been known to c u r e Rheumatism particularly
adapted for F l o u r i n g ttills, and other purposes
clt M
in half that-time
' ••—Detroit, New York, p e r m a n e n t l y in three weeka, and the Gout
where economy of Fuel and regularity of motion are so Inr u n a d e l p- h l^a , Albany, Buffhlo,
a n -d —
, C h" lnc oa guom
St H
local inflammation

- - v C l e v er l—
i D . | by
- removing
n f——
f r o m •the- muscles
a n d* ••
liga-' dispensable. The c o n d e n s i n g a p p a r a t u s for these e n g i n e s
A person h o l d i n g a scholarship can a t t e n d either a t hla m n ' J ! ° , i ? e A 0 ^ 1 U L , , . ,
is of the most simple and durable kind. These condensing
Terms. '
D M r s i i a of all kinds, by f r e e i n g and s t r e n g t h e n i n g the
to Mines tor Pumping, or for w o r k i n g Stamp
kidneys and b l a d d e r : they operate most delight&lly on these
'• greatest economy in fuel.
Tuition payable in a d v a n c e by purchase of scholarship, i m p o r t a n t organs, a n d hence have e v e r been found a certain
rilltlf- for Blling orders for
O u r faeilitics
Mining M a d ^ n e r y , „
S t o for full term. Same course for^Ladies, 825.
remedy for t h e worst cases or GraveL
p a t t e r n s embrace the largest -variety
S t u d e n t s t o e n t e r a t a n y t i m e . Average time to comntetc
Also WORKS, by dislodging f r o m the t u r n i n g s o f t h e bowpumps, sheaves, s t a m p i n g a n d graring machinery,
t h o course, three m o n t h s .
els t b c slimy m a t t e r t o w h i c h t h e s e c r e a t u r e s adhere.
A knowledge of the ordinary English b r a n c h e s i s sufficient
SCCBVT, Ulcers a n d I n v e t e r a t e Sores: by thee p e r f e c t p i
We would call particular a t t e n t i o n t o o u r assortment of
p r e p a r a t o17i tyot 1o c n t o r i r - - - " * 1 " ^
which these Life Medicines give to t h e blood A all the hun
H. G
J. F. 8PA LDING, Assistant.
The m o a t t h o r o u g h , p r a c t i c a l a n d t r u l y p o p u l a r Colleges
in America. Over six thousand s t u d e n u have e n t e r e d s i n c e
t h e i r establishment, w h i c h ia t h o b e a t evidence of t h e i r
f a v o r w i t h t h e public.
orders for heavy or light Gearing,"at the 'shortest
l U r1 s m
r e 0n1l Raa i tt P h . - —
?c um
^ ' Rhoum, a n d1 a striking improvement
F o r f u r t h e r i n f o r m a t i o n please call a t College Rooms, o r the clearness of the s k i n . Common Colds a n d Inflnensa will »»"<*• i f h i m s h e a v e s , f r o m 1 t o 5 feet diameter. Manufacturers of H o d g e ' s p a t e n t s t a m p s . Oil Still Machinery,
y r f f o f * , 0 ' * Ca t a l o g u e of 80 pages. F o r s p e c i m e n s of always bo cured by one dose, or by two In the w o r n cases.
of the most approved c o n s t r u c t i o n ; Building work. Iron
P e n m a n s h i p , i n c l o s e letter s u m p . Address,
Proprietor of these Medicines was Fronts, Columns, Caps, Ac., A c . , ; Illuminsted Title to
A STBA1TON. a t c i t h e r o f t h e above Cities.
walks a n d A ~ a s : Iron Pences, Verandahs, Stairs, Ac.
f C n t t h i a o n t for f u t s r e reference.)
We w e
licensees f o r P a t e n t Fencing—prices v a r y i n g
of the W e s t e r n Coun- from 76 c e n U t o 8 5 p e r foot
The largest assortment of
try, t h e s e Modicines will be found a safe, speedy, a n d certain F e n c e P a t t e r n s in the State.
J ^ ! L
l" !
'^ > »°bject t o a reS o ' e A g e n t e f o r G J S a r d ' s B o i l e r I n j e c t o r , which snpThe subscriber offers f o r sale 1600 a c r e s of choice a n d t£n r^n r of' , the
d t o e a « » - a . c u r e I 7 these medicines is p e r m a n e n t
plies Boilers with water, w i t h o u t the use of Pumps or o t h e r
well-aelected land?, h a v i n g boen mostly located a t the first' —try them, be satisfied, a n d be cured.
machinery, w h e t h e r t h e e n g i n e i s at rest o r in motion,
s e t t l e m r n t of the country, a n d many of said lands are borderBILIOUS FCVBRS and L i v a a COMTLAI.TTS—General DebniB r a s s c o m p o s i t i o n e a s t i n g s tarnished s t short notice.
i n g on t h e Grand Traverse Bay, ana in t r a c U of from 50 t o
of AppeUte a n d Diseases of Females—the Medicines
, & C , M 7!
f 1 *" 0 amall i m p r o v e m e n u on, (and well h a v e been n w d w i t h t h e most beneficial resnlu in cases of BLACISVITBINO of ail kinds. PATTSMS made t o order. Estilocated for wooding purposes, with a good growth of beach W s d e s c r i p u o n : K i n g ' s Evil a n d Scrofula in i t s w o n t forms mates, P l a n s a n d S p e c i f l c a t i o n s furnished when desired.
2 # ~ 0 r d e r s from abroad Will meet with p r o m p t attention.
and mapje Umber.) Also, S00 Town lots, and SO P a r k Lota rield t o the mild y e t powerful action of these remarkable
in East Traverse City, offered f o r sale a t reasonable prices,
N e r r o n s Debility, Nervous ComETROIT CITY FODHDBY AND MACHINE
SHOP. Steam E n g i n e s Mill Gearing, Mining Machinery. I r o n and Brass. Castings, of all kinds, t o order. W e
" b o s e constitutions are impaired by the iniudi- have a large variety of P a t t e r n s , f o r building purpoaes. t o
Mercury, will find these medicines a perfect which we would Invite the a t t e n t i o n of builders.
c u j ^ u they n e v e r fail t o eradicate f r o m t h e system all t h e
1 J.B.
a u o h s o o n e r t h a n the m o s t p o w e r f u l pre. F o o t of Randolph Street, n e a r Detroit
I * r a t i o n s of Saniaparilla.
Traverse City, Mich.
— * Milwaukee R R. Depot.
3S5 Broadway, New York.
Detrpit, Ang. 22, .1862.


Captain C. H. Boynton,







5 0 0 T o w h t o t s Offered F r e e
to -A-ctual S e t t l e r s .




R K r t l . E S T A T E

G B >. W . i R Y A N T




And more tof heretofore Jcept by them ; alC


A T • E S T A T E




Bought for Cash,




the great advance in most

hinds of Goods, to make room for
which, they are compelled to buHd

1424 Acres of Choice Land*;

1850 Acres, also Choice and well Se-

M O F F A T ' S
Life Pills and Phoenix Bitters.


I R O N dJ B R A S S

(ffllJ H SAflMIAl
C O L L E G E S .

M A C H I N I S T S ,



Pll—l—EED F U L . L . O F

Detroit, Midii^n, smite Saline Sliop of Rlina Geatd
•Bail Boad CoapauT.

Branch Located at Detroit,


Mich., Merrill Block,


As ivett as the t£no buildings already occupied by ns ; and will be


lb/»» or


will croc .» „


as present prices in Eastern markets will

I 6 O O .A.cres o f L a n d !




C J S °


" " """•


admit, for


P A Y .


I O c t o b e r 1, 1 8 6 2 .

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