Grand Traverse Herald, February 17, 1898

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Grand Traverse Herald, February 17, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


and .traverse pity

Grand Traverse Herald
A»4 rv«M>T><a(a





-W. S’. TT A-TtSTEi^,

usoTEU. rnnuTou ne.




CltXnCLX^-evir «mmI




“PBitnls and loa'g Salfeiing.'
ly teatify Uial mui-li u( tin
loDK •ufferiiiKof. BrliriMik f'*rin t-.
peroiuiently and anfolv
the ElD>a Be:
r tilth
end riium 8l«.. Tmtvn- fiiy,
Uh'h. Anri tiii>r<'. it you Imt.I’ileo or any llayUl tn.iilil.. Kid
n^y. iiladder. or F.' W.-nkn.'M.
o-ill mek..' no miHlnV.- u. .-on0&.VLU8. T. lr|>'...i..- m
Office in SanaUiriniii. IVdinuitatioo rcMin.i, in M. Nnmnm’ii I.|<»e.



Travkkuk CiTV. Mii ii.


Johnson Block



Potatoes and Apples Wanted.


Carpet Cleaning Works
H. F. N25I”^^P*

lattst Idtas and Ippliances.
AU. woax QDAaAsmi).

Sorveyor and Civil Engineer

DR. HI001K8.

Inpartul toFropert; floUers

Cross Cut Saws
Axes, Ax Hand as,.
SbSdding Tongs ■ ■
Loading Blocks.. .
Air Tight Strives
Box Stoves.............
Oar Stoves.............
Building Paper etc.



146 Front Street.

b MirtBf MT«r») «f bcr Mpwt
W«MT Color Peetralia (o ra|i>a«*
•OMK ot thoM elMop

(ike ao oU

StyptW aaoMM pot op bp

boaor doar brr.
Kr. nirlipn ilip uiin'
• aa anfallT lururd ki bi.
ba condppcvodpd Ui rrpMl lo brr r>r e li
r«B Which had flllo
_________»hr ,
firdelr. Ilrrryrewr
clK-k. icelred of bi» m


,, ,

110 W. Uercotb ttt

XX im.L«x

NO BLurn ggffv


Meats,'Poultry and Game.

bi^r loehlar pormtu ia the

■'Ihoro. that ie worth a haodtod
Uood work-aad aWmlpht haelM
■tthnii will wia wrarj Um».

naaBBlad asd pat la (ead aba|

BicyclB dairies of AH Kims
pea head. AU work
aod well et very r<



.brbad Bk.'UIo
-a •ill. .t. Iii aplr.u tb.etnorn nthrr

ll ppUl lipr raprnaM lo Miilh llick'y.
and IniB Ihrrp Uir bad
walk ' Tbr
‘ ifPBpaPM bad by that Umr bn-omra dr ./r
blip Arrw oul faPT
liau.lbi rriii. t.
■Or of Ian
iann. and tirU
, IT ibp
i.<n« WOIBPB bad rai
lu.-kiov il nndpr brr arm
Pbrii Pbr kiltrd hi r |a-m
up to hr, anraa.
a aodark Ibala
hr aurir,! off a
airrk'bi.1 1
and llirkly

-.Pbrd iapr-k by anI'rwMOtU hip hand V>aeM *

U-r fwplTa o' tbp i^i. aaaibf'
ihp rope dracriafr In Ibt waMr. boIM
,t m and puliid Hr.. CrsBB oa hoard
Ur Cramp
noB« kha
ramp waa
ippferfab piperieur*
.loilr llirrp
amir, aad bia kurna fairl, haockad »W
ynhW wiih frar
Ha waa le a perfael
1 triRhi. aed 10 thta day.
aad b

u;r;uua"-iu I

Soma ErronaoD* Motlnba.
oraaiug rooBiat hi.aie. id hnr pm
ira-ffoua. hparingthr hir^iiral p
'it iva Biatake lotbiak Ibal arrdKiliy brratlfga'r bin ll
linga arr luagar Hard thaa grafted
ia tbr world fn<iu Jack, drar .lark
cberce 10 ncapr. b\ n.iiig ..udde
'J ar IBM half-milr uf thr way eoi.h- trm
li it
i. all dppradpBtaa
dapradrat oa tba traa.
od brr np rallrrly
Trara of tatiffUi' A aroftllag may ba aa abort llvpd aa
aod dlMppciiiiiapDi rollrd dnau brr grafird trpa
eberkp alou >br lurord Inatbrruau
111. a mialakr to let kha frah trra
ancrairal a-atr. aod Sarah, op'nibg tbr agrel arlrrl rariaUra for voa. avr* If
kucb a breui ifuJ .'i.lor ihil br brnmrd { ,.T ,
door ID aiDffDlar baaU at Ibr faiat bp ta hoaratUbperm the klada kbat
' ' '* do ari:...................... 'ivandu•
dollar b) br lakpn \ >
nt nftlip ra .
ll la a uialak* to jodg* Drwfraltby
want lo go to."
>iii-drviumb'|oDV or two yrarh aaporlaac*.
miabl tddrvu * Mum.
bud Ibe a-ait.t .bra
••SO»BBr l.> s»y. lh»ri- arc
braiu. bult*a gaibcrc
ihiaaf lofirr'goud varirUrado not abow tbair
oiBbv ibBl. b.iodw tbclradvi
.... iraatSrnl
patpiiip'OD. »bi> au
bare irona'ulT wiibiml tnv. lO ll .ppaat- l■••"■‘'‘a•
afar bad brCD c
ll ia a mbukr utbink yoaoaa Baka
' .Bfbrd KlUy. .' and ibr fou
-m-y by irting U orifinaUwow V*.
•ml.irlpd by brrt
III be aa.nhcr it i do not bit'
'U'l'f •
"Vpp.- Ml'i Sarab, -Mr ' l.indMV , rirlira.
riira. Tbr mao wbu drat
ffrat latradaeod
iilaaLcr. Huod'bTC
If you
ra. I half bour ibat draggnl caiup abool tim. aed hr Mtiurd drrad- . (br IViiirord gnpp dird very noor. ■ Briordinary laorial.l ubould uap- ' Su |
Ibr llgbta of Uia I'o.iiiug 11„. upaal all, 0 rod won't bomr
boBT "
Ur Irl tba
Ibd otbrr fallow a;
aprnd tlBB aad
' ur
Kluyto>+r dow9, lnUipdini«tioD.
lumrJ «4j Ibp bnstru. W'
at Ihp foijuhkg of bvr moat dbaal
It la a toiaukp to wait aaUl tba laM
ber bnviu. icurl
f.irrlaalingK. and flmylog brraplf down bodipbI brforr prrparing fw lb* worh
takioK wilb oumpli
among Ibr i-uabioap oa Ihr diraa. abr ! of thr yrar
A day apral la lookiBC
hpr»cb». while tbrau
bural into uiuuDtrollabir M.hp.
o*rr Ibc loala now may para Ub* whoa
looWrd on. li-lrnpd
Id and wbippPria,
T.. Ib* PUd of bprlifrahu wiU rr- dayaare precMaa.
admlraUoo.^ill h».
mpiubrr Ibr , r,.wo ng airruw of that
Itiaa BlaUkr U try to gttiw good
fPB'o, ruiriy. rf Mo« ...
.1.' .ong. dp. SUp rrlrd nnlil h. r frail hM-ffrr'WhlPa wllboat kMOWlag
„ ...n
.boarl W04 iigbi.-r aod hrrayr. r.d.aud aaylhiog aUnit Ibeir paeallarltla.—
laburaU ia ait coorlrfir*. aad a. .pr '
of j«.k purpriui-d and .ur bad Jgul .mupagau. l-i farr tbp.Fuimrr. I'.drr
'B* papatngi.ot hr rarghl bar prl.ic '
tat baod. fflmp aod a
pm.dupua,l.narti.i.'ki.a.-^-'-----®'iRa^ Old Blblir
d^MbTr *',1?..*.
brrlpadbrad wa. iliru.. uBcr.pni.rau,uJ, .
In thr papaaaak«-of Jaba Eara. •
,to 7„u kB,.w',i,.w O U h .1,1.
blurml larm niurr iiiaaon.-pLu brtnrrn Uir purlirro
; farinar roridlug aaaib of KlUa. la • Oar>
oo .touuBuw now mu. II luiPi
Hr iii -uirr. Uoi. would Ih'1 • 1 t-'g .1 to trll yoa Mi-r Killy, that a»aa l.ulhrraa BiWa prtoud ia the
riy auab'bad 1 Mr I. u<l>ay Mid br would br bark yrar Iwlk—auw
yrara old. Tba DOT.
ly tbr liuir Jagaiii ii right oVIuck thia pvrnibg "
' *ra of Ibe rare old rolBBa an oudt od



....................... ' ...........

•'imp I'wT Ultra‘and Iw.V' ' tVrplr .till *'l ul' about brr aa Ik- tibul.'-W K II'. fl-arl.'N If.. ,u.i
hnw^rK.ur nU^.Tu, I‘‘'■'“■P*-"'
. „
g...-ldk-«ir.uau r,,ar. aad ai;. waai .
A.a.k. Up to Dk. ^
I—U ... »n"Ti. Kor.i, . hr.
Kalpuruhaar of Uipl'oil’
r.-baMd o* in IW.:.

piiiiliiig « .n tbr IrrrBaa laagnafa
aod taob l.iui 1. fatly aa Ibch a^S*
and lb. apacaag bPlwaB the -Brda to
imga^'^al /U ii diOcoll tor a *'
goito Uermab acbaiar to nad.
book waa braagbt acra^O^aMM

Svlv'r,” K.’T.'rs.'va1 ii '.‘v,'.—'

h.iau ll'saward wadr tbr n

■"ViVii.-s 'K ';::v£ t';:,
waa to glrr up all hup- of .-airbiog
that particular train
Now. ibrrr war a rrrr rp rial rrmoa
wbv abr bad art brr roia.l ..o tbr l.nirflfiera Inlo that afUra.Kio
roBing to lea. Hr bad aakrd the

• .-void t.i.t meat, pli-u.i nrr tui* 1


il (or Ui' rirctrK.'amr m Bickiy
Ityoaanibrr." M.d
"bat you


----------------------Oci.-upallcin. booting. 8ab.og.BiinlBt. r- - • TwoBbowaraof
Ir-adiag orropatiue baa breu Mai
Six rean ^o Ibera (ail oa thd Itoiaraeti l»B ib aa old deld (ear bIIb
* ik."ddb<>orp-i.d ID 1.7V.
(n.m I own. about a baml of BBaU

idr^prd theradariaga wet aadatorBy
Hn.1 Mrncrabir aniBoI. "tbr rrln-| Lriad. aaiHi aa wa bare bad tor low
Idavt paai. Paepir eama BUoa to aoa
Hi.-bar!'.. Btar nn.uih -of; y,; «aoder. bat It hod aboat dropped
.11 .1...,I mpaalf." ' “b‘rr'
in >eiu of a
BO’ kaow
1 tbr to
alreud i*niiil.pi'
e harr poor pici
ibie all tha y

■■! ■ ~ ~r.'qv .iV.v,.i.—n.-:J;
..<>1. I L.

paal in a aUle
wbirh to ihrbt,.
rorp of Ihr .,iir« ! no
iffair. and tbr wa.
a. if ll bad brra . roumi
iloa be meant ui
liread.i Inmpd
.rabouid to mcl at Up .b«r wiib bdBitting that It waa imp^ible to
Lbalnadaboea Me le*«l woeld
rd u> to a "gt.ld milot" Id Aagii.t. '.•'J''. ' A
aiiapir "Nut at bpinp"i;7Kiur't rrry I bidp aocb a Light u bia uudar a baUrl.
id bn I p'wt br wbirb , aot
I op aora thaa oee-third gf the
bpart atopprd bpaling al tbr ibnagbt I Vt'itb aa affable good l>r. bi lift brr.
lid b*ha-1 wi-etbp AUaaucOatea.
Itiaa eoul
of it
'bortying away to wbai h. uallrdhto,
rid until
Boatoa-a hlfboat tide waa AprU (L
IriBg a 1a»t dnoairing glao.-p al I-paiatial naittbova" to irll bia »''• | n„i
V |.r.i
Itroaau la/n tool, aed waa »
' arrr thaaepiagof the aery yard dry
tbr dUlanea.aod an'ithrr at ihe mud : ataacra .toed oa the eortotoar.
'jJ ^
dyptr**U,.hppi.-kadopbrrp.tticooujanxiou.irupppdd,.wnihPbirbwarin .*»• *»»'' ”
■pped briakly towarda tbr au- poarcb of tba

. :nv,t.\c‘;rx

I'aaaoTP'by atonppd to aUre i
uarmUig Ignrr hurryiDg along, ubiir.
ma of arerytbtag racrpl tba clock in
>r atarplP. er*n to the biaik aUmi
.aat began to dtoOgar* iba fruot of bar
gewB. after ahr had aplaabi-d ro^klrae


. * r."."

1 had inei bvrilbp^ tngiaaa or tba I niipd nuua ,
■ of tbParwiyra'abll',Jl^,j“^{;onUI gold waa diacurer-d Tb.1'
lbU'p« wnaU proapt'y appropriated
a a (r« runaa by whlrb .
iPTtdiaa- to.
. dbclarod
. jedlka rrffbit>r aad
> houa
a. of which Up Kinedikp
- -


ai lyfaC

Neat _eo.BB Jb* lt^kcrf_a

that thr ratooe why auy«( tha* at
tbebrgfBBlBgef IhapeaaoBtrtfla vrtlh



rpgtob to poltevd ^ , Bern brr whet Uto Meneter of tW BMt
eogaan^bP bbPdiy ac-—■--------•'—... ..J
oot bpi
to thr

‘ '

la Ue pMt «t have

-Aeltrht of Um eBWaaora who Mf^


th'1 arr BBahle^t oaea Breidly W l.

pal a^ a’ larfo aoBhor erf her

taohkac ptatona. to the eioat



aa. that auch briffbi prrtlia
.Id briong lo a luatr doU. inrapa

at 21s Front Street.

Brosch's Meat Market

wtih aa «pr 'wroer oa the aai of

pteM of eleUp aod ofoo head

pirinff branp. lain
.i|r.aph ri.'— Crrlri

Bplutrd raai
I wondrr p.>oipto>ly docaa'l'iavaaUiralribr phcoo.0. o. o. Itv.- aalda
VVaa.Siaptoo aumaa lo enp a«a -lawf
a»o. 'aiid tpl! ui why it ia lhal aihocE

--w,ru [r..i-.;T;r::drrr::'^

Jou could ukr tba <b»
deal w»m U» wail ■'
.... ,aaMd brpolp brr In
Lbaaiflp. Shr hrld ..ui bar tb-kn-biKik.
but liip ryr hardiv feJi ua it buliirr bp
ahoou bia brad '
llickly, lady

F. M. PAINE, Floriat


ra.t . a -h
ami half ,
in 1
r''rf NMKHly'p
latrr riy bad -"-uir ana.iUM
'* V-ru a f.-rlnipbi
I'l.ii'to lb* :a»t dpi'irrMmi >iae.,,i. >hrp.iilpd
ear-rt-pad rl.a.ol brr p.vm la »hfrr

,b!“ “vv."


IMaeiiliCfoUaeohaop Jeha'e la



.Merchant Tailor

All mail ordm nn'clvo prampt

wither ap tV* ImUtw till

the eablMl leahi




(aodo o( obeap

.br mi ii
'‘t^V b

'"q'*.':; r,".rus;


WlijjtKat'B.l BU>CK


A Saroatbiui Adi


,r.L’cssT'o “

bpve. t
II u. appirp, Praia, pluiaa aaaehfa
Tir« ibr pmaU fruiu.. poob aa napi-rtirp. ptrawbrrpira, ruiraala aad
K.tabli.b aa aapaiaraa
II a-..t p'anl for aa rarl.v
tupply fwaa.
'O0-. iriiui-r. radiph. kale. caWfv.
•rpoipa. paUltyaad
k. latrr potliaf ia


............................aif tha
UtPDfiPd t
i'.w raamplp. Carlland
-rawp Ihrv caU him—
ml Baap.-nobody
-bad (•aanl u
aiibP iBigr Woralaii Ougrt
"t.u'I'- wtmb rlr^'ln,'l<l ip rappbJc. ' .U a- ptapawm
iiMp vpan PCS. llart^a Irl^l*
•wiB* n
IP a I'ritu
■ ■■
• grrey of Ike »'______lad Iwauii railif
.l.-n.,.. ''l‘ro«^i« Ihal y*u w.^t ■*(-mr... befopp brr aa'd dfoaau'dr.i ,u,.rp
h“ \prr7 ' ifr 'wap '^rfocH
fd IheiT. aod Ibm

______________ a . — a............




Traver»e City, Mich


fgi^Mand ibnfl. pboald do the

help l.r u

liBff lolabr
hi.'li inrnirrd >urh an pp
:r u pi. .'harrod vrplprdar. a]
, 1 brlirfr Ihr f ur hflm. U'-'d I.
ontbiftfa."ll did.
JuUh - Tb.-vrry pl.iinrp oa brr bal
opril. py«i,ialhri.caar
-Hh. wb*i
ill I dn?
Whpo IP tbr nrpi Itaia
bark <■< ll'i
Idly old pf...
JUI of kia P.-. I
f.H'fl’ aatumlly prarrrdrd Iv I
o Up

I lip baad b.wlBC bciac airBiary.
■ rmrr wholp oarpfil ta rfira aJa


Tk.r.-m a Inaip la bar ibroat. pi.lp'y apM"! -hao tba arm. of liar . Budern h.adlag. auol bUgea an Ba^
wnnfardo. «i;.tb«
»'Wgi'‘i'«' cvtbing but priria ' voong oii.tnu w*nt Btvuad liar in BO . tbr latter baring WooBa obatad With
^<n* .n“h^ “‘'p' br'^'i‘1* " .1 «al la a g--. ^ctaTi.; hog a. thr rkwk atr.u. k aad , mM aad a hartb. gnllag aoaad H
could bar. born morr
•-*>' ;
p„lu», i, opaood. The

Mnnay tO Loan


ooadu.l >r I

. brad agBie. "IVb • <•'

When cither Lun^ l*rotcclor or \\-st
will l>c a necessity. Wtf^can sujijily you with cither, lau.l
you can economize ami yet have somethin).' just as k<«h1
l»y huyinff a chamois aild making one
GochI values at
.V) a'ml 75 eents^

,ti,r l*rv* owa tor an awUta yaar. U
Ba.vbparcvdtballtaa boat Ota nrhaa
i. u o firal wbaa oaate baay with eora
„iarr pUpl* ciwtia. but th*t« ara
buadirdp of arm ofroro aad whaai
p^ulu,.^ ahioh do aot sir* a pralt
p-. ,0 arrp. wbilr ao-~i-l p»^ardra will p»P

, S'.____



Real Edtate Exchange.

^ rFrl.'

fia* ia front of brr.
your panloa,” uhi* Mid i ixi'b bpnacd Old pn.dlirr lapialBpni 'in.B
'an aaaoVp loc.- ibat Ir luvnf I and Ihr drirtbf of
' alamd. "fnll mu br kiad re>tcU,nr If Iblp u th* Hirb V rra ,.
hr aa» id li .-ki

: errto r nUlru uoalh OB rwt eidr of Silvrr l.ekr. liuod lee
B.uillv uii'irr v<»d CBlllretiuo aoilcBn br bougbl rrrr r>iM.
.1 e.-rr. 4 B.IrK .ujuUi by (iantuo S, h...l Houw. ^ Hood terui. ei
braer lari.) urrll WBtrrrd. poo.1 ilaire feriu. <’eo br b .upbl rirbl
I.lkf BdPlIion. hr "i Lr..^"^,
»»'-rrr,nr«r MsySrid pood lead end rrry obrtp el tr.rai
ppellw. and
aad aprrr
anrrr frr«
r. aiT<«. 1 mUri. r»i >if Kiagblry. 1i ^ndrr gnod culttve.
(lond feacre. gond appetlw.
rlly proprrie
rri. jatlat flrelro
Ibinra of tlip World r<> by
To bia ietrspr

At the cold storage. If Parm'
a distance wish to load at other
points and make up carloads I will
huy'at any station. Write me wliat
you have to offer. Will huy' cider
Crowns and Bridges. apples. Sweet cider and apples fur
Vitalised Air for Pi^eM



. —..............-a

laihrd forih
trra a dark Mly W ber a^ *»« _
yrli. Tbp
ouad aad
' for lb#
iprd UralbiMPop
iw Ihr peat ora.
'■^..•oBipIpir wt*rk tbao



Doctor’s Prayer,



I an abaopbiiy

■iar rar
irunJ rardcB briner « hOBr. lh«w arv' M
stranad farM •.nmmcdnl bn
tor. wura Phr
.uid pul; iran.poMalioo
• pry .idr, aed thr aidrr .hr 1.»kfd, »br| hpf.rd lofpurraooufh
,.rr.rat .lp», wUh homa
Borp pbi
til pit aloarr.i '\eaa].' mi4 Ltal iadiiijual
lir ___ _______
.oboiMavlef iMpiathp ralUPalioa ot a rarfkea ban
Iff fi^uard fthf t.


onte It L. L 1. MMiu. «WOAi !■ •

. Business Cards.



Dr. J. A. Snyder, I'^eal

AUorwy> »t L«W.


If tuaif Pi lufi

O. P. Carver sir.„

laa CASH sr.

it, ib»b.

which roeorolzee la arrtala tnia
] Boor eftcmoeii tree oa wbrvU.
rl When, wrro the (oBlUar ficorea of
;tkr roer 8ftcro««? OM M' OiUtea.
;wlib bie UId bred aed.....................
1 ble baadlea
e Dowbcrc
jroeriue 00 thoelr Me
. : for iwrc talUd to bob up ec
■rouop bnut«D<lp.
,, l»iib Ihp l.Mdy> l•>e Journal aad
kBd bia
dmd liwalurp. tuaay anthin^ of

. ';w__




Iy,>, tte,
o>e«l>r w»— Oil ■

No lt<—toocno a w h of a w H Heel, to t
v w A« improved
dlopK pood eoll) cheap olflUOO K eaeh bolaoceoa tioeat r y^r oeet
No t<«r'«a wrvee S of Be W eecV tnt»> II w. All Uwber <
Heals, lirreb sod Hemloeb. Near UIcb J^ke. Will eoll for teuo.'
of b1Heel, te t 77 i;. Aboot »i iBproTOd. riBrloeatioe
raed. bud easdp looB. Here le pour <

AreoU tor the celebreiMl Aeru
UllU. Vespe. ■■ipre. Kic.

I cauuuiuK wanis MiE.


Vow i« UhB time to buy a oboap farm, on aany paymento.
OOM location. 8 partial lift ttolow.

• a»



t&^VEREn Gtrr. orams tratissb countt, ioohioIn. febbuaby

a&AMD TRAVEB8E B£RAU), *»OL. Xl^Ha 7.

............................ _i...a7r„ ,-----------gloomily that the (rathan '

to., obiiepd '"’■3-

ttmaa out tanmffb Uc

rrer la which they dnlme tbeUghl

aUrga .ttochaaat naiaaa
(n»Btwig, tha head waa aoaa te tomUe
dawn, while tha rat of tha fanaM flew
ihir 1 mroPT nrrr the
Ihr Ukea end nplda.


V'o'svX i-3X qaamon..

Fresh. Salt and Smoked Meats, Sausages Ftc.


I le W Proah let donr weal Gaclv (>•«■

fif a Bivm ereryboaytoknovtiihtthAbMtpUew


M^iag. the toeg li
lUd depot Into the
epee olr
Xluy aaab laU a aaat. fllloi with a
■BacefUiaBphthaleooeenaappr*who baa bM raaght a tnU
__et gTMt odda.
ttbe artUad ber
bat bed hm halrplna. algbad OP*r the

gloM of light
teee.e -. » .
UcaUaagBlim.......... . ..
wine b
baxiad <
ad. tha trotlay wiroa
Ia hot cmatriat itaertloa to----------aad abe .Mw the exv--------- - - - appHeetioe «( apgeteUej^
-Bicbly-lllaBimaud oa ibr (i
rer. fnab and brtrhlia lu bpw pelat. [
n^im theali
To her horror bad dtogaat. Il waall TotheaPon
:H (reebet aeu '
whtoklBg br. U aplu nf her (raatto Bar ttomaaed

H**^Sr8?8?i?221&.-f -iLT. Uf -Jl mu I L I I in the dty lo le*n> year oiden (or

II All I tU

BpeailheetMpBBUofthaeMharlagr.teeaoaeahraBBlBfealathet Wtaf’elhar jr>«w<Ml
MM wlU WM aaharhM^MtMh. aftMweoe.
S*V «lllto».«MM vtolMe.


- -


Htoiayid TraVineatr Tranaaript, OonaoUdated.
.'rs. UillBsl Mr. Bo_

tMr ftMtMM.

Mp. ovkt to W •• tk* «»• Tarb
4Mtotl«t forw. kBiHrtUr tkM tom
m» *M*ltoll*ffU»aers.C»wtai«a,
Mt«MipUtotolb*palM.B«llk*r 6U




IT, ins.

fn EArMp hngBMit.

nrul a^s'laur ibap ^ abin

'‘^fiues I bad lisr Tblwaa Bwaat
U tofow Ml hlBM Itol toU. Hut ar.
nipple ^ wblU 1 epraped
to*«ltorMi«lckltoUU ha waaM.
-I—-• V) f
tMb Ua raa Msall plM« et wtfa UM tba
aato el W aan. emi aa«i santaf apeUeaUwB. I UUk 1 sspadUr
- -------------------- 1--------------«oaa4
MM«(h*MiriMM>Mt«pM* • «1tU
IWdeat Oill-doas reanrrnbar.
MhaUltopailtoaUMT *a* aeM|
appls tbat araraca aaail fur Ue wbel<
Mr* WatolaftaaWMlaf }t-Tl,c
thh to«to. havaw, <toM Ml app'7
ares Tbe paan a< wbtoh Ma Bate.
aad Mr. Brlakaad apna may barto«M *M »w* adalMai to Iha •rrrlM
a Baaolaea'a aoSa by
■r ee Iba nsal wbksh taeaoead tbe
toa alrU aatoto* aaji^Mtom. ar
a at. Haleaa te P^aaaa.
A B IVrter-Lsl psr I did ao
«ator aatolM M» to to# Battoa4
■prep BP Talaea flwaauat allaod U<.
sir ws a Irlaad to Ms Wst'a ■Mlee •"'« *Ball aad bad p ak apow
Mto Tto asakar to laapatoew who
wbleb prom tbat tt ws t
mme wlUks tUaarteJ* (Ulr-alrblIp ibecp-nptofl that saw
U hla laUar tolhaalrll MrtoM
dds Charts O. ^aria. to Uramd li'SiMr K*eaeepsk>ot
Mr VaatorUpaapa:
Ta»aabiei-t '
Bapida. bad a iracte eapstaas with Ibaa
____ takra
V '
tba bllaaard. Ae Ult HaplBaw. wbare
a. K. HrlakBaa-I (Sachl qppls
abe bad braa oa a rlalt Haedap atara- fsa Cblsru lira Inl toll, oobc o<
tiaalatha Ui
'I packed ead sac I Ure(b<
iBp, lor bow*, earrplaf with brr brr
4ha tia*allaf pakHa. .Tba daliaa ef
alraadp packed. I pul prlr t-neatbeold twla bopa. Tbe Uetroii.
Mnaaa>eMlar>aab paaUtoaaan aar;

....... -

Ifirtaal. aa tba ab^aal to Ikair labafa
to to ftanal if poaaiMa aaeMaau
•hiak tolckl laaolaa .iba laaa to baawi
MCi ami a< aalaabU fropanp. Tba pabUabaia rlfbl to kao« Ual pacaoaa
vha aaaailaa bollara aad laapaat tba
balto to aaaaaU an ■aaUUr aa4 pkp*
iMilraiMpawallBaaarjr wap to par-

a, ami lUU aal baraUnmial

pabUa baa
Bar iba rich! to tba aaaan
' - bapaftnaal that tbaaa awa
r qaallbad to parfom i
datiaa. tba baad to Iha dr
bltotolf Boat ba*a that
fraa aetaa] Uebaleal UaU el fltriaf paaltiralf tbat ihr,
to to an eeapata
pMddaablto parlors tbalr dal

Tba Bellp ladapaadaat aapa that oar
to ito aaahaaraa apaaka ol a faaUai
prM waa -tortoaalp ill with frara
Mpafwlbar; -«a Irwt tbM a«w
«aa wfU pal prore eealBfkna:
haab ao tosbt bat U la aarloaa aad ibr

tlrmad Bapide A Wstars Into

ttolled la tbaalersaad wuout to II
all that Blrkl. Abeal t odsk Moodap seralBf oae to tba twin died
oe bsid the trato. aoiwlib.elaadlBf tba efforte to tbe tielaasa,
•bo weal to tbe atothar'e areUUas
akd wadad tbroapb tba aeew drilte u
larmeiV boaas* lor the liule oas Tbr eblld had
eesr bsa la robwt keallh, aad died
Ins the rsellul brrala- Tba into
datoped ra mile all atpht
Taetoap. It wu not natll t oelook
Tundap alUraaOB that Mn Evarti
raaebsd base with tbe daad eblU.Aa apper^ula pip-r telle
eu»7 to tail bnnnl laea la tbat aeotlno. w lolluwe: Mfieen prara apo
Hlobael Krapehtk. now ul Beawmer,
parabaaed a rail wap llchellrom tteorpe
Ueetl*. Ur drpul apral at Esbercmaa.
la spiof tor It be pan
Mr. ileelle a »t poto pl».w lor a saapbut tboapbl at tbr Hue that be bad
1st It l-e»l Helurde.T Mr Krepehak
res 1 red e letter Iruu Mr Ksllr a>
lellowe. -A toartlur apo poe pa*<
bp ul.
mUuke. wbra bupiap a rallwap
•t pold pieoe lor a pooop. I
tbat I barr dear w-roap la aol re
luratof it iBuediaielp.
Tbe blble
spa tboa ehall repep lour lor oae
ard I therefore ea­
gres order lor AfU "

Valtor Otob to CWtolM Otp. jifad
M. datodad to joia Ur. Matoairi Kl<stolha partr to Uatrolt. Ua'pasbaato
aa eaUv
uraiaaiB* a «aru>
hw- Btotoaaartoaalpebjaetod tobU
Peaiaeala Fa’mar'a Clab
lalhtoi ri>poaad aattoa. asd Uw—ippUad that ba weald Up a laoo
aaM waauir wklla wrmppad ap ia bit
toats at prerloui wei-Uar
kM- u
U tbeasparisaattoread
raa aapanwaar
r ArUar offered tbe
ftfbtbaaropU fo aaj waj. be eaa per. paTHp (u
to|bt iaat waak Ulek alapl la
Btsul toalB
eiplaoattoaol bUeap.rl
hub all Bicbt aad tba arat a»ra..a
fat ap laaliac aa ablppar aad aprpaat toesUrldsaad loaptoidee:
—Tbe llordMui uliture
iprtaflasb. BawUlrt
leralber ktroap lor tbe foUape and I
sn'l as wbp we •hoeld u>e It, wbai
•attto Ortah baa a aa^Ba aeelaVi wskar ulalure erould hare the dsli
tun wbaa weare tpraplnp for
and laeeru to June wbra
leuie U Bortop aad ou be uore i
Tbe apple tree earme to be tbe hose
lor Ibie loser, but U fouad b> e
on the peer. pseh. cherrp.

Bria^clrlu Uea a ds.-rlplloe of tbr
laade se to 000
elude that It to aoi wail lo
o bup packer
apple* ei e rule. I do ant. a
Beea to Isd
_ Ue
Ual aU frelt
are ril-b-soM.
BM. but rntber l_____
■Up epekklnr.
Inr Urp
Ibrp either do aot kao
-k frull properip or els a
Ae aa illDtUaitoc of wbal 1 msn I
will Beatic.nasee to point. A orr
tain nen who bad bera tonhalralt
§r.>wrr and'a fruit buprr weal to Cblca«ro lo eerk emplopoienl with a larflr
Bra of oslrre Lu liull. Me war told
U> par k two tarreto of applre Iu eesr
>Uln hi. qoelA-a'Iuai
qoelA -a'l >ai
Inp hie prrrl.iue caprri.
tnstUlp Ur Brs nllb bto pn-kl
Tbto ebnne ihal ll U Aol M elinpl
metier ee luiop euppos
II to nro.-resrp lo be Bore srrfal to
packing o.TiT^.r barrel of fruit to a

Bedstifle UTlgalls bu MW twea
broagbl ao aemr parttoMom that a wall
toBBawl eblp bto fow real Angcn aMda
fm Ore aod foBgp wsUer. Tbe Are li
ftlU daagrroaa bat Ue prell <d a fog
bae bees finellp leBaeto bp Ue toren.
Us of Mr Drill Tren id BalUBore
ware to d
eraft to fc
bto uu

ItwlUp«7 7oatoM«B7fftook.
tr OBaiBad of Oeerg* MlUs% |inafiiiai
MalUastoi mp MW a^ ap^
Bpabore Ora
dap Bontog. Sept. IT. aud took wbmt
la kBo*rn as Ue -(aUe trail'
sU (erk of Mslovresk. Tbe anil
I aa atrfml se fur (wek boris rrto.
fl o'clock to tbe afu-rBos wn baited at
HOW ottt oik wallow* dinntp s tb*
*rmUnbrd. Hrre we nupackad, bmill a
Are and started to nadi uppre.

Iroo Mto Bad aa7 kiad of aior* and XltUa la atoek at
Beadlff^. Bight in prtM, quality aad fft7la


g|«OAT ao ear 1

to redrew

Trunkfl Aa low a* $8.oa
Mo I. *- brsolrp.aMli-r-.

Udrrloul sboik aod
bsrd dlsluirtlp tbm repretA Ue At*t
ebort imia, and dangrr cmq^be snip soeodtog Bore like tbr mab ef aoBM
(alltog BMXMtn cl iff weigfait« Uoaaaadi
o( too* from *aw« se of Uc aeorroui
ea tbaa ospUiog
etoe. aod tbr oib^ two U- rtogiiig
' .«
lb la pteae. tbe oUwi os soul lark trom ibe Mr<-p.iuoBi
• Idr. Bring lu Ur ar..liirtlr ebadow. re- Bids Tbeb.irwwereniiofl.'ed Uc tnttbUng uf Ue srtb end aluud wilta polal.
tui-nne. ..f Ibr (uln .sir ntr sIp brer*
Ih* euuiiA It f.ill'iw., lbrrrf..rr. ibat Banlrd Borti Mp ImiibiT nuuarkrd
itnodp ;
wh-u 111.- .)|vrat-ir
..i.-rat-r brer* tbr
tbi auund*
yretr marrow bs to
equilp with.ladh srs. tbu jdabr mast
be |■11UII8K <ti Ib.-.-iurl dirrc*i.ui fram psff.-lliiws: Ibe tuonuiaiuaantmniug
Whirb the s.mii.1 i-ro.-r.-d. Tb.'p>l«sn OT«C.
"We wood awaiifiig Ur o.-«C act. dielaro Ih. iii-iruu..i>i atmll. aiwl tbe
Bndla u. Iriiul uf blm ebuw* (be dlreo- rnsemg Ue pt.-iublr urigiB ef Un
alnuge BOtoa. IU|
IU) p- uiagiu
uiBgiu gi
gUauctop*rard, eUmigbt urelb .d onr camp we
beheld ■ peanhiu-ly sliai-^ ’clond wbit1<L grap to r.-1-ir aaiJ rsembllog

Travorao Oity, Vlcblffaa.

.d hr-llb “

luMwes unlit liki-ly

.eue pep-r
«lllp. pe.'ki:ed to


tog uocurtrui- t-i tb- |-r>*e. The Bm-k.cloaJ WM dtwreiiible u loug w dtplight la.icd.
"TLi-ui-at dey. jurt aft.* w e Breck
Saloi.iu Ttnui .-rr,-k, a nt-otarpuf lbs
Breth f.itk
hr Big Bla.-k(...l, W.-1U1.
e<dlatrr.--l 1
ii.-b uf kTaUsd ludieas.
They w
.AUb-y. a hell brvreii

pHre ul tbr emall-T. while the emallei
II cerefullp eeln-led 'pnd packed-by

Mlwai aad «»sbUa« plaaM bllsi
murh ae the islird
taBasMlbaatboaMbp lOo'alaak
No I w..sld of ou
pap a liwtall to •! ler aach o«rt
>i(ber b^ute.
Jar. Mweni'p—We waat lo sell eu'
Iba alah to aespaaad to sarrtad a
Aad s lar the apple
frvli atbuuie. rberrire aadInberfruli
aaif, aad aashan twaalp-tbna
pillar. It U doubtial
uwellee applre.
The onip we) w.
puiaC Baarp wevaa to doiap bar would tel ol the luar
r to rbip ui.wl 111 our cherrlee now
beat tocat bar baalsad to pola tbii prera W le
to Ue ulxiere, with- U to raftothoCT to Trarerue Olp, anil
pnl lbr->n .m a rrfriferau.rrer.
wUwtop-tsVlato Blab.
K Hrtokmen-CerliD( rberrire
-. re to bad l.w Urs
to aee pleatp
K. J. llrtokman—lietter pul Uem
IBM to al
oilaturs. eo ee
Ihr itoekiui'. aud sod tbrni 10 Heel
lejsrrlo tbe
ilnid In msi tbe refrljeralor car Uat
s lastip weal late lu ol bpMrrla poitos uae^la all i
will b.- tbrre if wr do oar partm tba oalasltp. aaja tba UaaHla. to.
Ur Reeae—\VcoQ(ht to ship eeen
> W luu warBt toa wetk
iktowa. Bat tba Jair riellw'a tadey »'requantly, reiu toterlers wHb
Tbe asle or bark loai
I aa old to- our picking, and we eeed lu sad tekat
irkaUt aaU-p IS Salop aad kaewlleader harei it ie not i
baa done
bera ready laatead ot bnrptof Ibrm
asle. wbleb totter la a s
Tketeeretarp mdaletlerfroB Frol
aft of tbe Aprlealtaral oullepe to nepoan toa letter at toqairp npardlap
tiuhjvtfs dIsseloB aeal BMlinp.
the pareban ol I’ene prsa. sptop
tVbel l> the bsl aeUed 10 eecure a
pels fur the salap ■

• . .
• asd wha.
pond eau-b
.d not pe
pet brea fided. aad ed• lire of draw aeed
rkor, toafiadatta to
eelab to-ctu-rrepoud wHb wbolCMl.
1 lUoU.n Ue club
• adj.>uro.d for
w OM to tka oldaat
MhaatotaPapu. Bawaaplraaaa
Wti. b lUuuIT. brr'p.
itolaal poalllas to tba Mptaartobl haaa.
AIH.U. and Was.
tba tomat to iapMt. aad wrato saap eia ponadeol blM rltrlol.
A BotloB waa oarrtod that
Al) Imrd labor, all nnpb and ..
aitMaa aa taaaaa, ate. wbltb lad to BrtBkmaB be etuetitated aeoBultls
•kllkd lalw. U. and owiufl to tbe bsl
Ui ktoar eSarad a poaltioa ae tba ^aka ___ _______ lowMiprisol parr I'arle
M Ok- t'hiosle BiOet be. done bp blacka
Mpa. % dalip papar prtotad av Table. prsB and where It ot ubiaiaed.
and Ul a orw coiBtrp like Uatabtaelaad
U K Br.ubBea-llow lonp aball we
Bwapa toat aaat to Bawalt dailap tb*
tbe blarka linm^ tbrp sq tuuiei
eprap each paar.

raoMt dtotarbaaas aaa eo
Tbo rarapsof oodlla m >tb are preet- U UidiKred to HU Ue l.u.d, are
Wbaa bto work tkan had baaa eaa sla -lulpaad AupstUan nrlirr to ■r<nr to wurkiog tuMtorgrooBd. Tbep
platad ba taraad hit apaa toward tba Ua ecaeoB. but ibta to alter usi frail are sip Uvtwiiug to os aiouep, aod
prewen barr 40U eprapinp
The ee
tbep du uol maul Ibo tbto<< wbleb
Daltoi nats aadwaaaeoa aa ro
tsd brood ul tbr uudlie n-.tb to mo<
lar Ua Arkarwbataba waa aeta
deaperoov Ual to. dos aore ban
aaalawatadaaltblalau. Parapa
Uaa Ue flint broml.
Is ur Kaffir rm are caoBued to a bmroB
—The reeew Is tbat takto il.wki re auiue plMwi of
tatoda to baaesaadIpMsat aad pollttodaa wbeabarttarMM Japaa. aad fact to Ual ant all of Ue flnl btrad It Tbei
It U rrip
rr.p dlBcult
dlBcult to kill
naaliis tba tow aearaa bara a rarp 'll tbatoacMUat uae tprepiap
A. B. Ponar-AU Uj bslleUs 1 hare map cmru mi^n wtMTvwilb be sa bmp
MB rcoasuead epnolap eterp leo tbtoge ttmi be baa Bu ns fur dus not
dape e» loap w aeoeasrp
Is larce
BPirel p. blm.
Trad Laadp to Mat
sU tba ewa- orokaitU tbit woald mtalre tob>r wlUe mbiio IBS. aaxIoBt to get
to a bemad. -Patop.’ aad a si.
dariaptbe eprepiapas- wk un Uic gold tuJii. are anuoped uf
•'TkaM.*' "Toaaa'laartoat.aad tlpa
al Ibrp wU Ibe Mlopidltp aud Uti
Prea. UiU-!a eprapiap pear tres It
^aMlaaatitpeaada. The d<« aad
a'Of Ibo u'.M aud uunallp oUarut
Ue appllsuu to made Ja.l
i>t alter bisaat haaa alwapa baaa toat Irlaada. a^liip,
..............'ii'Uipol tbe BallTs •. before
Sf.ire lae
Ue pear Urge Oona. It
>ddu«. of c
man latoad toratbaraad diaa oM o! will kilt astuf UeiaeeoU barbortnp luiue aud work, adding,
ngalar latoir would to tbe leel (hiug
Plata. Praqaaellp tba twa Uera.
lor Ue baiim.—"Isiing
H. K. BrlBkaeaa—The laeldeol
awap to tba adjolstof
m" bp Jams aryre
toftbw- bat aolblBf waa tboapkt to
tba «aUB bbUI tba elhar dap. wb«
Maap trw berd^ aueb braeta
bu require a prsi qsanlllp of
Mra. baadp sw tba nt patched apoe aad Uu
atoaspaadtbedorebaetot a rabbit, tba atotare-otioe s aacb s bait a
barrel par tree.
rianatip tba aauea-lail pat to aa apB.J UrlBkicaa-~l packedapols Uet
pMfaaaa. aad dap aad st bath poaacad toll to Mrenl orebarde al Old Umloa, Ue geurtsl ti«« ate iMua|Btib]B. lu
—e sip to tell which urebaiAi wbleb CBS popnUt uptols gniermllp
arm bis. Both oAtoaled at the i
epreped aad wbleb bad not. Sts (Bl Iba tuffTwr gift a* re|rariii>Bg
Bar aad bath dtoad cS to hit aanaa
alJtp ol the
■ewriier'e r,wl reparlip He ws
Tbos tbat bad bsa epraped bed at "fuaap uua' u will ualpm- poet
oaa fourU BonNo. 1 appIsthM teal qualiip aud cmn>ral auue aud w
tbat had aui been epraped.
s adtuliaUa asd tmginal lu tbe lonan
ad wtbaaabhPttotoaaatrp la Ulabia. (HU—Tbse who epraped laet
Bbmsdaui cbenmler tbat li
faa. Itaapa; - Abeat tba soal aaa
pear will____
bare 1st tnsble Uto pear
prelwblp SB-M luaup to ttgard Ue
and belter
tiler fralt
kka auraaUaawahaea'Ialalp aaaa
Js kwaarp—flball
kwaarpws aprap all tbe ■erlos rers aa serclp aa atnbittos
that tba alaUbaU all lb* plat Wraa
......... - .. ws bo< to Ue
trse to aa
-- orebi
- \erds oalptbse that bid (re
laada aa a alala teraaUy park, aad at bare....................
writoT-a pow-ot to acblere. Mood doasaaaa taplaat it with plat traaa..r Tb#
& K BrtakBaa-ff prar all Ue tres. iBB bclptl to etrsrben tbu ttaprs
toad it wortblaatutlBOw to II n- Tbte rsBlade ae ol a Urser al Old
to prodas
b«B I andoed aprmptof bto ■erloqi portrp tor etaue ik ,___________
etalsad .far tors perpoas it wUl aait
> kill Ue baps. .Heeprsred abort Ufa Bel Ual Uii ws ds to a
m issaas ealtoj to seaap baton
rias ea which be eeald es
smpaeaabaimtoed, wbarsa It baapoo- ban CtoBM-qastip. la a dap or
_ aesBitp for fludu« a rsdp narket f«
Baato baarp crewtba to ^btla plaa. be bad topoall errr bto peieb apala,
aad epsp tbse be bad toll, ee tbe eeps
aad wUI prodaea tbas afala.. It plaaibad betebrd oa U« totter aad the baie
ad te white ptoe aad properip earad tor
a map other of tba
^ Isslin to dllp or'aUtp paan toes
au IM ttsbar to Ibsa MW worth,
aad otbw lamu totop'lu
tos baniM waaU be w.irto saap sU
Ue irali tar iu tame aalstag souiip
Uwe dap I bmI 1
Uaaa to dailan te Iba atala. aad U ibaa
ebUdna miU Ue dlrtiaM iacm I a
baadtod aa tbaaaidaat leraas to'Ba•apa, aattiac eat oalp a aartala prepare ekalTaSi'tofl ti?S^?i"ih?,Sa
-i‘ore Ibtoge!Bfnpad. Tbe trait Wtbr luTBer ws
"Ibai a vbai 1 Ure«bL I Sid to
free (raa worav while ise lauer parUrea. 'VYu
mbp o.ioT pom w
lie* srs bedip AaBsrrd pr Uea.
M i BrUbsaa-Os >aer I had a pvar tstre." and un M tbes a
*Ke dmm'L .We pa ksm p
•U torts least toad whlabwaald repap't bom cialB. aitoke^^^b^




jtd n..- .-t|.riHi. tds mail.- ludiroir
I lilt obwn.-r, w iib but Iml. |vsr
I III tb.' ow- Ilf -tb.i e.i|ihi«ii-. rad 1«
■ trrp unarly lb.- dit.vtuuj of #-oud.

Krek. WillAnolb >'rek
f'Ulii-a-l am) U.aiMi
ii-<- .iC-h was Til.- i-as.'
II IS ra»y ii. tor ll.. .i.u
III sirnvk Iiivir iUy Sia.-k liuii-

A S..V reu 1. me-1- .J
with ciiW quill t. ii-r. •-laudiug sp^
Vucuii. Iv.twIII I. U. clfremmtB-ry liltuBiiugr Ai,.l..t!.. r p..r|.*.-s. aud

iu uucrlip b.wl-p-. [Teiila arr^eao-


Of <b>- gUiuuJ
of llM flBUl.H-l
u- k writbiu a few
aulrw nf "Ul . ..uip
‘•6.-iTral dll). Ul.r we BJrtii
inrb uauti-il M himgLi aud U.
wrllkm-wu el wh.-w
Ctog Imp lu a big im-ad-w
•htr.-v UiiuRb Ibey had u-(
probUuu a> lu Jiow ibry w-rr» I- get Ur
Bock IU Ibro.. and l-Kli eei.l Uip bed
wiucwul Ibr elraugv s>* m- .if U« Fri­
day aud Ihal it apje-rr.-d eunlbwest of tbnr i-al-iu. "
Mr. Millet aud R. C KuA both csAnurd Ibr atour. Tbe ludiai


WFIEA'I CO . .Mhicicfi.c ii.i. IV. Miliiii niulis. Miiiu.



in all K..r»4gB aad Itomintie


*' The Kind thot Cures,'

ytnir l,i.-r“.,i,l kia.iryv’aaiiv i




oiilv nsM-niiiri. lull wi- hack il
This b an

offer hi'iu->i like ilie metlicim-.



U.-l \ cjur iiium-y back.
into Ue Nrw Yctk
t iaj wtib a boodle

lior uf Ik-vigns Is' Ibe laleet aad we can *iw> presrt tpectol f
• enlrd hr uur cusu.isrre. IVc sake as ep-riallyuf
ep-rially uf dotor work *
ir pa”->n* .-an rccoocn-n-Bi us Ul
o other.
r c|eotr Ue
tbe Ixiwrat
IVr rnv
□ • Vi.-ri W:ib tbr ...........
durst ,..lillrs
rn-crl work aapwbrre.

Traverse City Granite & Marble Works, j


giiar;i!iti.-iil to K-nciit or vou

tore Carelepre CSei .( a Waera TbM B.



lire Mouti; miiki;

Tbe reber chip
ph-de. ujg suinr rapid sbrii bre n
tor cbildh u. Uc dt. w u sk.
.-f a b,-i
■ uiallp that wb.ui ilw
Urops to ll
I«ts-r toukeiii lui-.
Utfc —tuHbij Kau


to cuiubui-d wiib maay ubedre aod evd-b are enyibing bnl /
i-u U.ll'W H.-licer.-iv 1. al ii. U-m with'
.. |iW.-a black, wbitr. e i-rvuliar ebudr uf gnern
reiT like Ual c.f ibe.iul.*.!


A atorp guce tbe luiuids ibat aTrW
dap* ago M. I o.iiuir-lVri.-r uid hi* as
wblle cpriliig to-iw.-.m Sun* aud Muutonwu atopix-d at u village ton aud a.kad for luucb. "Noil.lug
lo gi.
■aid tba landl.
boi unll
agga- ••Cau>.
a bcvlsu-akf"
-ImpoMW If W.i bad a ry.-U
wtnrlKxlp In riilr 11. I iMuld ward for
Ue luiwt. but y.'ii kuotr that 11 w.-uld
tokr aa boor lu g.- ii- ibe bm. b.-r'a aud
tBck." “M Ualsp-mr only roaanu,"
sld tbn S-pr. .id- ui. -wr .-wn uM-r
OOnj* Uniliffi.-ul'v " luaiunmcat be
aod klasle
H-S. and Ibe rx-prru1 tliur In. bed ba.-k a stirealuut
■toluUi BenL—Pwri> U-ilur toUiuds'

A Breakfast Dainty^

iM.siuqiaieTluT-kcl —.Nrw V-tb.-^ua.

,r, aud aire.nlii..i I........ .
{•iiul uu Wilhiw i-r,.-k will -'-.-r III- d-ii.auc| f-u liigii gie.b- gi»1s ws
bredwai.-rs <d a rt.o. u d.lf-1> ui --r. ,.ui.
«iT gnal.T. .
fl.iwiiii: iu uaau.ur .lifl.-n-i.i .lir-- 1 i.uiv
0.-1-W i;i iiiillioerpare
ll Is [.III . igbl tiiil.-s fr.iui MTlliiw .T<. k
iivi-r -n M 111-- lhw«l»..lres of Kuii nv - r dark blm.- ' Iv. t L..I lu. 1 lum.-s of sil"K.Tli.- I.riiied.-u Ilf 111.iii.irp
T-r grey. »iili lilsu. . f w ! \ .-t lu blue,
lb. idlug JUKI
aud au Blgt.l to grey emi wUiW.
Itoilc.idrry of all vcMuicnwss to
raugu I bale R-ton.d
tod-..I li- imgi- fur thil
(iinii .ll i-ml-l".|iui. ui c<iuitl K-erci-lp
go futibct
\.r> l„-,cp U.-.V
Mlk ■••cl c UI "U1 dccWC-IW Utv u-vvl m apr Iba- Hh plo.-r ll
lii-\i' Ih-

Iclpb^a l‘r.-sa

oi-.OTH:nsi-a- oo.

-iiiii-.l i-iiv.iui»-s which luigbl to- n.*u..-lb) Ii,l.dtl«es.b.ap

boas 1

ledlffereal (rads sH
belter wbrn'sparated toelead ol he

llr.ip-Ctcd Ih-

g.-t bail f ..Ule Tbr Inuuir' IMIU
.pi-Ul II I .-.vLlr .....|lp lu to* III bis
I'bilr rum 1* uul busiug
InslU.-re. to Ibc -it-ul
, pi w-l
Ull.iiigb g. ut-lel. I.......

> I.'.
»'d"i..<J eu.>i
TT . i.-|..rI.T lliaukul tb" .-l.-rk. Allrr
i-ali-oJamig tbu iv»t ul a irij. lo Nvbra.ka. (..-.iigiu, S. walk aud lU.^.bliD and

fnrgulU'U wbiil Tb.-p ba.
mud cbllclt.ii w 111. ib-ui. .Utwiv.
ctord. au.l .V*l.l.y r.-iuark,-a
'1 -liiiliai. nim b wiend Think
couiing ■ I .-11)1 IJ.-I awe. leuu liu-'fl„y w.n- U.U1U......0. ..................
Is ilmi lb.- III. l--.r. fre w.- I.d.l lb.

Ur ruil«l Siai... .vareliip todiei.a. whIf-ei'd tbu
n-jsirl.-il as f-dlnw-s:
“Varinas wbf.lire aii.l tolls t^.-re
s«ilp and a.-rurai.-ly ln.-au-d ibis
mi.-i.t wl.ilr sireujtug at a S|-.-.d
varpms fr..^:i,Hmb..d ItP
Ibr lo.lrun'.'iK
l-ard, .-niir.d
rvicio. rep.-ri.-uoc



t ratber-lrlt. tbe
rsnlt* atteudmg a meiror'i fall Mr wriuug III liiiueii.) Ill Li.-p biui to miud
Ullirr loiArd al bis wai.-b aud ausomjord tbe time a> 0 23. Kruui nut did u-t luiiu.l III iBtuisb fr.r naui|w
(re Ll. Lustu.reu<wueiiiliiULi> oub-re 1..■ppsnd 10 as that Ibc
-r, i„ bua--ll.
bail fallru 011 tbu rauge trr wtr.- Ib.-u
s. \V,-.1.du’t kui'w Blip uiM etoe bed
IT ili.l uui wud liiiti an la
wllurewd Its tall uuiil wu ul beck IU

cold firr Ue prior .if tbe ptot berr.
It to Ue wsfoii l.iade sad srloade
tbei-M-u Ihr pr.r. lo Isrpe lu
■ ad not Ue todlrlduel barrria
Burb pelsi eb.mid ba takra to |S‘'k
lih ll.c ly> of tbe barrel ae wiiL
O.r fere rod The lop rad eboald herlb- fruit Irerlr.! to Ibel fruit In tba
Bld.Hr elll not b-erseked while tooer
at Ue edk-e The bred when prrasd
to.bouMprrs eqoallpoa rack apple
or .libel f sK. and ihr troll should be
unlh.rB II. qselltpUrriupbost Ue
rrl. u.. loellrr ehat Ue rradr to
The epill.-e at tbe lop .if the ha
ebouid br p'ecrd elrB ead op
to riperl srhtop aad the wsp dealers
and pe.-krre »t lonp eiperienw
thrir cii»o
b J Hrinkman
.recr hu.ldtofl al Ue d
III, sperlallp applre.
balk and pe.-kto). Hueh a rpaleoi would
ereure snil. rcuilp la pa.-kiBR and Ih.
SDrOU lliue artolnfl nuuid nap for U.
e-alollhe hulldlafl to a few peex.
Sucb a ejal. m would attract bu).-rev
Ibr piker, aod uuke % readp eele a■rood pric4-e
Ksperl peekla;

for lonre now Utu lorinrrip

Bobw io Almoat •▼•ry Tarlaty and pri«a aad atook
larg« to flfllaof from. -

H. I)

AI.I.EY. I*r«prictur.

1 Writ FroDt Sl^t


Trareree CU7. Vleb- e

All Oruggiets Keep It.

uf lulwlim te>1 *1

wluduw lu a roun a

l**(M AB
Ikal skn*


,laud<-*l lo Uncle Baui S trpres.-uieinr
InAid iivi-r tb- l-t of eurelopre. baudrd
bn-k Gir. wtib UircaU brtbt-oU.i*.
aul Bid.
iikc-a trip
I'-o will bacr to (uk-a
a Ice.. S.-I5,

I The Great Sale
of Suits, Overcoats, IHsters, Ker­
seys, Pants, Underwear, Etc.

A posiolllr.
Wbleb 11 b.
^^^selje o« ef^^trtlto^^Uer^i^ j cehqwslmws .* Ibe


Men srl^da
Wameal mow glorsc

10 klr. Blank.

3^0 w (Djsr !

Falto Ci^

dully tbe K.ills cup PB
Ks S4’jj‘rw^P*-iL‘^x"n A-.15
abe loan h aad Mill lores s. ae oar la • Ual. ■aud yoa WlU bane lo
t go Uerv to


at T. J. HOST’S, 124 Front Street.


it rrelrrjard if poo are food cd l.wg
ftoB wnaknees aad drreaermeni of her . letauce counuiup uf tl
apccial woBaalp renntoa eccoe leaa tba surlopea here nub
we buiTUuBcaarot ksowtog
**** II
" aud take tbrB 00 fallb. Bwe to
markrd. 'Knun) to K U. bes *.Mfl.
will toba ttab (or ■
weerediWiIptoBtoldlt Tbe|»tocipl.'
IpCreweBea-sa&Beam ll , to am|Uv. aceci ll lU arrektog* tocA/
bkaowaas Dr tocire-s l>«»l»e Ptdaenp. oreapliraled "
Itow. It le a pototire
Ibe repretw reretodwl t» clurk ib^
behad ninsrdiBect
au9 awd bet non-et awd nrreilfe ae a
wusaa. Or g-tower, af bnSeto. K T..
wlUitbraBiMaarr ofbtsiugqfahlr phn-


NO TIME or space to quote Prices. Come and
•5 see for yoursell We guarantee you satisfaction;




rr— I SI siaw au 'Ururti to." at
^he iSS
-mm ami
I pn„cd ou u.
••Well pua tats Uat e.
dlffcTctu rale." b* .-eitunad. "TUa *
Hem to to rntoBB euvekiiM wUU U*« '

MCt TS^Ttira^r~~“"

to^ U aaptwip tomAsm^ blB. ■ "


.Popular Clothier, Hatter and Furnisher.
rS«9«VS«VS«««9»S9»S««89S«S«9S9«««M 1


t€Tii€}ifaUdJ'ttnait IT. Ut8

fcBd TiaTcrte


Y(Mi Can Buy

MocmUmi ncwdlw th* b«M

M Oudk.*. Aite(u«mt7.
_________ ...

-y «MtM tUi*f r


Ikima <an>lio tbeo^oBioa


Mu'dljrhoSTthe •mSc



re-BertaretBOao mode bb

Bdoeeried iBCBberiBCtUIB^
imored latart to UibI ploee.

The i«»-b»t WhlU laleader mode
the roe trooi HaeklBBe Ulnod u> M.
I IpaBoc iB fon.r •IsnteB.
It fredueot
ly iBhee the W CBT datriet lee hour.,
lA*f OBBBh ftowere ta Vbb Bare*
eOBBly oar that tha taseat eold «bbUorhapaotdhB^ Ue crop, which, ii
to expoetad. wiD be a rwy iarfe one
WllliBB W. tVaaloB. tom of ez-Major
PraaioB of hu Joaeph, U VI .yean old
and otlloaoe atartWor tha Wdlkr
Ua will Bake tha trip aiem Uto paraauanrlek.
A. U. Falter at Rtehdald ta daat
Ba waa walklap ateap tha tBUraad
traefc wbaa a traia eaaw ateop. Ira
Ctote paea him a rtoteat padb Bad i
At Ladiaptoa two


fro« the BBBlaekio.



There wee e e
- faaerBl
- lerBlotAII
of Albert LMher at Booter,
iathatitoeeunwd loalaweak. to the
hobr. dftar that of hto wlte. Both died
•f pMaarowte.
«. Two mra aamad Arto aad Roiry.
who left dtetoar a weak apo for TaeeMloa aad farted to ahow op. were
f~«d ow Belpber lalaad. ttodly trulea
aad aiseal Mrrad.
Robert WUktos of WUtBore weat
Into the bouaicy after a hrida Friend,
prepared a teaat bat tha hem ewple
waaeoowedia tor a week. TbepueoU
ale tha repeat aiona.
JaeobSaUBaaof SoathOpdeo weat
tahto bantelrad hto bntae. remark
top, -what a tae aalmaL'’ The -dae
aalaal''pava bla a kick that eiuahed
hli}a>-^k* »•)’
Tba ■ipar*to«a of Berrira oounty
baee dautdad to bond a boaplial where
allBOorbnuateBateaaad otharebari
V dapaadeate eafferiap from ooeta
pteM dlBcaaee wUI bt ukea.
my In lamoead to Itey Olty^ the city
.LbrUlilowata Ibaaereaef tend aad 6re
It baatMO.OUo eapiial aad
would eaaploy l.MKi worktep area.
Idwater batcher
harm hroapht ihatamoaBl
. we
MW MWVW...1.J. m
aaw drpartare la Ue ellk tadoalry of
Baldliip. to Bwly all la place at Heldezpai^ced
t hae heea hired to
I. oa a receat Saurday,
da of whaat waa parchaaed
e bUI. whteb breaka Ue
tweewd. braan la tblaridaliy are I
Ufb fcBlbar. becaaae of pood prUw.
Maay («u Boetpapea hare heea pai

aoBBiiaa tba eoBlap aasBer.
beau wQl ba abippad to Bay City toU
Mp aapar fadWry ihaie to ha Bade lai
Uttte Jake BelipBaa fM wriileb fato
tewtbar Joaeph at aapUaw to hare the
dock U the Tower bteeh. oUerwIae
kaowB ea -hUUa Jakeh Tiae." Ukei
dawa aad thiwwd to ttoa I»bel, r.l
aa hebae doaaWd Uto tbe Freubyl;
rtea ebareh of that plaee.
At UolteBd Ue Went HlebifaB fumitare faetory. Oeorpe P. HaBiner. bbbaaer. wUI eatrad Ito boalBaat UU
urlap. n>e new arraapeBeat wbaa
|Bl in oaeratlOB will oroetaiuu tbe
BB^r of fro* ion IB too sen ate
tbe mbar ef haada oow asployrd

IsihoMpuinptomde. Wcaara

hae been^in*^ateM|^ ^ <


eretwy year.


Is Estimated at




**Wear Resistert"
MOuirewAruenotna '

t. icmeR.A.Bus.B


We all want some of it Ton who
are imable to go there can at least reach
OXm STORE, -as all roads lead to itr
and save a portion of your wealth by
buying your Footwear of

i ^ rTt’-TJA'/.'.*:*


> lex

Im-.-diae )->>-rr-




r A l't-:.M!*.NT

Michigan Mutual Life Insurance Co.
Tor the Vc;-



endinrfteccniVr jist. I»07.

w pelUaJt mi


. ____ Bradlry of Oraod Raprill Bake qalte extaaeire iapreyeu 00 kto oolupe Uto ej ’
eoe bow bepioi to beeur herealf
> prl rrudr for Ur booB
boom 'which
uunii u
Tbrre are iini paniea I;
leaoe with On ro* bdlldere
•rrcliuo i-t two lore cottapee. Let Ue
fu,.l . •
hki. hcou kae Ue mi
the (rruua.l oa hto farm near Om.
• <r a arw bera to by s<- « with e'
aeemeal full eixe of balldiap.
C. M. Andereun hae Ue euntraetUil-I nc e lerpr unarx u> tha lla
in elh-f.T tbr boildlnpol a eotUpc
If I'rvif. furrier of Oberlia, Ohio.



le wbal you wUl eya very often

RSK.-vK;;:,' ,™

wxy ikto epriap.


HUv.- .
rfv-'- '-'-V


l:«o DeeoHohal and Soep aereice.
ty Her. J. C Carman.
I;4i. Muaic ioUahanday aebool. J
. CleroBB•:.« Tbe Primary Claee. Mta J. W
QneBlione aad diecueloa.
3HU Tbe Roote Clam. Mra. A S


sammihpnpbyJ H. Lvon.
'7 BewadlcUou.
Briap FrajaeovUI llyme.


II ■sHIfKS';:'. ' ■

. J. V. Sitter’s HoDse Farnisliiiig Store, ,
TnwfftM City, Mibb.

.... .. x,.
a..Mx a.





. i.. .1 I.-..
• : of .tL-.-t

Before another advance in leather.


i I'iiio Baby Kobes,
I,ap Kolios, Blankets,
('.loves and Mittens.

i Wilhelm, Bartak &. Co.

I Opinions
i of The Press.






For Ibe Resi tl tbe Wiitei.


You can gwt tbcB d tM,for


75c a Pair!
M. 'iw cloaiiigbat all th«
Winter 8bo«0’«y <^P





Styles are Up-to-Oate.
A. S. FryKran.

n-, FrooitHiwt.

TraTtna 0Ur.>>ah

In eelerUnr^yMBp ^


'---- -

ay people paUer'
edUr waralep i
eaeed kidney.—euawd'.__ ... ....
ekiu—terertokBeee—dull druppinp pale
—peprral feellop of wearlaem—to eure
erUeeee of kidnqvaad blkdder troab’u
fub Kidney Wraaaetoace—they
rare you—lb*T hare cured tboaeand. of oUer. Ter Ti Kxxae nr Fim.At».iJ'i>ie tneke i'lab Kidarv Beane
• 11. wmur lui.-liter WL tto»-e-.»4»w*tet
1^1*. ktiw)


"Tlie foot iiiaoo Add organ factorida of tUr W W. Kimhail Company. Chioaeo, have for yoara beyn <x>nr-slwd (o !>.■
inaoli larger iLaii any other eetshluhineDl of the kiad
The rapavity of the plant baa bren further iot
Un of 8 6fth fai tory, and to now pfivater thai
riicv.’’—Tbe Til
“The latgeat piano and urgaD faclorieii

a the world.”

Chicaj.’o Record.
■The onlput of the Kimball faetoriee ia greater than Ihai
of any two fat-ioriea in tbe world-’ -Tbe Indicalor, Chicago.
in ae any other fartoriea in tbe worH."-The
a larp^ agaii
o Chronicle

Hosical Merchandise,
Fmall Instruments,
Excellent Variety.

J«a U. Jutixeua. DrifpBt
Turaef*e UtUe Ideee' Taewen-Arrrr
eaten *m. Tare rear lliet A Irer toieritr


wB* rrporuo te may lueiteaa year.
A thrill ef temrtofaperlraced wbaa
a breimy eoupb ef croop eoooda Uroupb'
Ue boBW at alpbl. But the Umwauca
ebeapee to r^ after One Mtaatc
Ooaph Cure baa beea hdmlatotercd.
^ ead barmteee for cblldrea. ^J^ G.


Tin public pulse shows Ihe Kimball tbe Peer cl them all

SiS-M -.o________



128-lSS Front 8fraot.

lipair rarietieu.
J^appeed for amtotaaoe baa beea .r
__________ .._ito oue of Ur mr.i from etoelt
___.......................... owaptec IroB
armlBg,yoasp lediee. wa* brauliiul
affUama Pokapoaoftbe Pota powB of lipht blue mod Unehaopr-.
B lAei
lie ellk. trimmed wiU wbile ebiffoa llpaofriu'
tba tt alt hto dwalllnp houee. weiber and lace,
hue wore oraapr b
teef Ue
wlU faraltaie aad proeteteaa. I••cal«l
carried a bosquet of cumalloD
•e la ti .e eonatry. tba.
r Ur errumnoy Ue pueeU. wt
Tbeir 9
eery wide
BteTT on't Ue nrar relailere of it
r peculiarly •
pgtllal eoadllten aad bapa aid troB U Vide and'piU^. retired to the diolup
paepte of Dowaptee.
At Otaepo at Ue ehrBical dqiarf ^taeate^repe^^ Both haee a'boldVr
IHesda who will anlu in wtohiop Uem
Beet of the Hipb eebeol. while ri
Beallap wiU earboalt add
i ' pae^m
belv eoadacied aa capiaatea took
pteea which oaueed ooBtUeeuble efa
paste. ThehuUdiap waatedlr ehakea
a^ vracal puplto were eat about Ur
tloo Reward Pluo.
faeaaadarBB- Theceuw
ea of tha exateatea waa tba bureUap
piHB retort.
Part of tbe >
Reporta u Ue aeeretary of etaie
eho* that ».»U waa ooltected for raalad •i.neots.dor aonrcaideal
■Hop tbe teal etwB eta
loaat. UeetaU will rePt.iMCU. the <maty clerkt to■pUebaUacw Theayalem* —
qalriap ooaetr
■ r olerha to aocour
v'eekerat UrB.he>ro-

l-nl 1 wUi wll yoa
Wa boiMhl
eiiehawme larpr factory bad ea
bend. TM npret wee erlUap 10
>iifT*re8td*alef*nah* wretAiaap\IV made him an offer on lb* lot
anil got them.

,..‘'t '.''iirjlj ’-l.-Jt*'

loar-gest E-iasa-o Maaa.tifekOtOi'y

‘ dTf<

li • bar* them la aeariy alt Slytee
II.I i latob—Acl'qnp. SIxUuate
'ci.tury. Nabopaay and White
ri. I/onp. SqaareewSVpad

T-'t’aL ASBtrrS

L. > A. Kr,

ebarped xo tfpaia.
fader tbe propoaed plan Cuba to '
di her owe Uaee aad collect Ue.
aad dirutc Ur diapcuittea of Ue re
pevtiip <peiBA>.to«i.>*>o in tri
BteaoDually. Thto wcni'.d relieee C
baa taipayehe of a preat ebace of II
hanlBB they are auw earryiap. f.
------- Uaa that amoun to eu.len la tl
iB houee aaaueUy by oBlcie’e U
are eral oeer from Madrid.
armi.tic* of Btleeo dev. to pn
I ia order Uet ike iaearpeaU mi

and Commodts

■;s .■'

The debate oe the addreee la re^
to theapeecb from tke
aomnd la the houee of eom
Uoadoa. Toewley
ButLopaa emeadmeat iwUlor oiienllea to Ue dtotreee la Irelard and the
failure of the potato crop. Tbr m <l'ua
wae topport by Juba [Hllioo clioiiio.n
of Ike iHab parilameataty p*r v wbo
eeid the tatoerv ia Ireland wo. a ocaodal to tha poeerameDl. aad addi.d ihot
tha dtotreaa wai appraeatrd i-> tb>
celelioaecif Ue atareiap.
Me called
opoB the poeernmral lor iiuiat-dlti
Tbr bote., nlreedy, bepln to reeelre
Bad oompreheaalTe relief proi^jMl.
eou’iculiuw. lor e
Iryeu of Ibrnueerebaeinp
te been much excileia
Ue Failed dtaue Ibi.
oeere tetter wrIUeo by Vlie Speniel.
mlatoler el Wa»blnpV'n. Selpa^Or^lto N.rrythlnp pnlata le a buey eeaeoa
Ue reeorl llne^ .ow into the haodeef Ibe I'nUo.
daye more labor will coBplaU
____.raa-prieted. In it lieUrtue
CoaprepallonaJ cbnhb which
Boetderopat^T U/m> la V-ekInpol B ill be one of Ue moat arttoUo buildFreeldeat MclCteU-} aad Ibe poeeroiapt of It. kind iu Ibe elale
I'poa he publication be'im prwnv»irn of tbto beildlDP may w»H,
medteWly cabled bl. po.errtmeat re
feel proud lA lt:-ae ii to much admired
alpalnp bl. poah aod tbi. wa. at once ,by all whoimr it
aeceated Ue left oa Moaday lor Spaio
ThereabluofUto imprurteboe oa l*e
bnild anew raeldeace 3i by n ft
IwaM-aparl ar. atill brrap fell, i
.paeioue eeraadae.
Be -Will aleo
Ue ead to act yet
I a barn lU by OO ft with eUse
.mrntefuU size of eacb bulldtop
Adriberl rraker has Ue contract
for furntobiap tbe atnnr.
brinp coaei^tep eelbeace that Ibe
Bnnrtay Soboed Coneention.
new aotoaemtot obian u laklap
Utapa lato He uwa
'be quarterly .■oneeatloo of Acme
opratap arpullatioBa wiU tke ia1 Whitewater H. S. Axeoetotli
aurprata wlUout rtpard to Ibe policy
Ich waa poutpooed from Feb t
or Ibe prefercui-e. of tbr Bnaialry at
eooouatot Ue etorme, will bate
Madrid- It ia reported that Ue mera- at Saturday. Feb.
bera of Ur autoaomtot parly herd a
The loHowinp to tbe propram:
and adooiaa
Siaadard Til
IBUOB to----------------------------Eee 0 U. WaUl
laaoiTeBta la Ue belirt that tbe mw
by L. I
recUoo cannot be anppn-Mwd by fun
Susp and Fraiee
rbe condltioae le W Wmlered a
K T.
7 raditBl ia Ueircbaracler. mod
authorRcenenae. Carrie Moebei
•luy l. -u
ity ef hpa'ia Tbe Speni
the rhildren
<•'. Cu'jaDt.
>« wllhdrawe. and a mJ
See K. Lamlap.
be loTBed to keep tae peace, la into tbe S, S ?TRre
lo-to How aVIl we latera
h tbr oScere of the ineurpeal
i arc to be recopaiaed
If Uto to children' W. H Fife.
adqptcd It placen Ibe Blllury coblrdl , llioo PU-uulon of the praeedlop
o qucuiloat
queulloBi let
led by Mr. Aadipwa
of the Waad la the baada of Ue in- two
ioclal petaioo.

Id e dop ton Baa Ibrlapla
Tbe-dap wai putlaabox F U ilamll
diop wae eolrma_______
1 U Moerloa aad eeat t. Laa•d Tu^ay ereump,
r. Feb let by........
by lire.
aiap by eaprua.
Poar weeki later.
A. Darliap of Wexford at the booM
btIc oae Borslap. a aotoe wae baard
Ur. aad Mia. F, M. Baa _______COBattWdenw. aadUerawaaUedoe He
Utia, parllee'belap
parti.. ■betepU.^i
Ueir etour. Mine
bad fousd hto eray back to hto old tiabtiap
“ ' . WiphlBao. aad F U Slcpbeneoa


^ l Yukon Basin


A. F^Aa^der

It aad
Soap aarrire,
0 1 DtroUoaal
,v Imwel! Soara.
•opoeiUm-. and if they eccMit (hem
: ^itatiOB.
KeclUtiOB. Alberu
tterpeawill be upon Ur ee-uraorr that Bone
Hta ItoaaB WIUteBt atubbed brr toe
Ue prreose now eopeped le the reoaaatuae walkia froal of U
^ Report from State CoBreediteu ehall be fBntobrd by deeU or
htaek la WbI Bay City aad fell............
a. C. H. Gatea.
teJnriB ler whteb eke broupfal auli . -ea by haatobmpBt. and that tbe act
4 Kaciiailoe. Lema Mokma
M drcalt eeaii. Thcjary- baa re- aal iaaurfrau io Ur find are to be al
i yuartet.
lowed Uree out of Ue aiae BOBbeti
"be youap people are larlte cabinet.
rd to dtoc rea Ua followlep K^K'—
will carry the eace i Ue eapteBe
■'Eteaeautt yannp peoply. from Bibla
•itudv aodt_____ ,______ _____________

Here Uaa Ulrtr year, apo John A.
Tka aad HatUoa Uama war* '
ThrycaBeUUto------try befmw the erar.
Jobs took part 1a
ttel htotovfe Btrappte aad Matilda
Tbay baee baea i
' of mack other', whenaboate e
yeaiueisoe. bat the weaaa womd ee*ar eoweeat to Barrtepe aaUi wlUle e
short tiBo. Tbareday they appeared

■loU antertep teem:
_..ll of EalUetaeiiie.
wae rated by
I aatep a,ataple box of
Damu-a Witch. Bhxel dhlru. Nkla dieh. pimptea



nery. robed Ib Am I:
r. KUle trilHBBWOB.
A namhiref onr TOSBf people wcoi
op to Mt. raiBBB'B Prldny ereelB* to
tarprW UHt TeSB PotBon. Tbeeeenlop wnt »peet .lB(Bi<io
OBB ee)oTrd by bU who

At Rone. Kief Homherl bi< o
eeeied ibBi the DMO’Abraui BkeHoodeneke the peopaetd •xpeditluo to the;
At WBrBBW. DarlBd b toBml eeeeioo
I'lhe BjsBCurae el Idrieocio., the
P'ruyer meetiap at Ue k^me of Jacob
tket eBBai>d twelre wntovB. Bee W ialere TLoredej olpht
piulc ti
children were >-ru
a>ea Bad• three cblldrea
. Ladtee' Aid Beeta wiU Hra tV. ;
to death Bad aeoy olhen WiirMri
Ink Wedaeuday afteriKna.
le iejarod.
. Rdllh SkearM of Craaewall wa.
EtorthpBBke ehivii. roatlaar ta he
iBt of MIB Zella Frisk eoaday
fell at llBllkeer. A..B Mln<e, Bort la l«
eietoll)' Ahoot i OUi pepple ba.e U-ea
rendered hoaieleae. ouia* S.OOu buoeee.
thirty iBco^aee and afloea kbao* baee
W U Frink droee to Kalkaeka Muabeen wore or leee deolroyed mod i;o
. looklap lor aiarkel for kto droea
perauoa haec beon killed pr lajii'>4.
I f.l bop*.
Cbleehaa eooMrted to the Hrittoh
Uurdei of raia Uet week took Ue
de«aod for a railway from Burcaa lo
reeter pert of oureaow. LaBbermea i
YaaaaBlaod. Ska aUo aprreo Ui mce )ookiop aaxlouely lor Boee.
deaalfy the kidamped FreDcboiaii, M
Oorsaetor beploe a eerlea of epecial
Beetlap. at cinoU NUtoa on Toeaday
to Ichaa. aa tha pHce uf the murdered Bipbl. to coattaue Oolll Friday nipbt.
Krery ose will be
ry and to aow caatlap aWl for
itbiapeUc todr—*

Bertb<|Oakea hare beea reported
dtotrieU la tke aunbem
pwlacea. of the ArpeollBe ReBuWlc.
panlcalarly^ la J^olom^lc*. ^ Maoy
Mildlan la the towa of
Boriea Wee baee deoeped end \
PamoB. ia tba aama proeio.-e. ou
baea almoat eatlrely devr-y -d Tw..
were penoae were klUed and three wound­
ed. Tlrobtaadaot tababitaalo of tbipraetoew are without ebelter

wobOsad. Nearly all beloap
- laeal fatoiltoa.


M.<_ T-.—' Naiaid uxl
__ Ull^
[tll*d .1
Bl Ika
UU K.».
pm Ifwwood alM mt*s »tcM bj
BB -BiplaBtai of
BIbbsb B»d NbIbo oBBttoUit pow­
der cb«n Bt ibBOod of B drill OB Ibt
alalK IbtbI to FOforo Iwo chBivaB («r
B blBBt n«y b*d )Btt rtBAMl ibe
ebMti wbss Ub BxpkiBioo owamd
It b IbOOfkt OOB of UO BMS BdjBBied B
MB iB the Bilek of powder eed Uet ti


uater er, better tray to do It Uaa by

Pays for the Herald for

Mbaremiaaalaap UeaC^UMtoltew
aatteeted eeMw J. a Inb— «-«t


I Have you
found bargains
; at the Bankrupt Sale at THE FATE ? This said win last only a few
• days more, and those who hare not taken advantage of the- Low Priccff wid ^
be wise to do so now. All goods have tx-eo selling rapidly and we cannot Z
] promise you a complete slock to choose from, bat as the entire snrfflns stock ^
; must be closed out at once, we invite you all to come and obtain ba^aias *
- from what remains. We carry a large line of Shoes that will be chMedoat”^
; at any price.
f ■


III ea Be whOe (hen to a ahaaes for a al

j 235 Front Strart.

N. E STRONG, Manager.

mmv\ STREET.

Mr COOl^. CIOT////VC,
- 1

CAPPs-rs. y -


araa^Traeeree Herald and Trararte CStp Tranaorlpt. OonaoUdated, Pebna^ IT. tses.
uben of Us Wu
■aumapalfUbfalarfapetopsaF sd
W triaada. Ue eelsttos bsltor bw (1st


Cadad d* CMlt, whiah wQl aaeort to
n iB Us Bstan af a IdBM sad
UeeqaedtoBef t«(p*4o haai
IB pcoAtod bp Ue epfurtultp
wmbeamedwtuiea fssa to omitf Ue caliaarp ekfll
11 o
of eeeu of
eltosd to Ue boltot
wu panlp eecldutel: aaotbar eooeld.
feel that a torpedo ube Ttstel; asoUrr Uso^
ie that eonr laleroel naehiae wu
tnsrrOd abeam ibr eblp eed eat off.
iluUoB hp a direr of Ue
ball of tbarHeloe will drawa.treto la■Uvwttoaputrr.
euallp wbetbar a torpedo wu an
TU^ I. • Uak to tb« <*welM at la eau It wu. Ue pleUe will estelp
« Md • CM&1 oomUot*- drirpa la. Ua Ue oUar bead, protka«ftiMwM(MtMr. TtaBttkU* tradierpiatoe wlU be orldeooe of as
4Mae( taUm tht UptMlak ro«*f>- uploetoa perelp lateniel.
■MiiMloUdth* Mt. UtoMbot
The tUlae bed thru taeo>lb«*- Tb«
m f»my Spatii OM ferwem wu sted ter U« eterape
AaBldb««>4 win M MlUl Bpeai of anealtlot
mUWUm ■ fw w awA
Tbh ciuatitp of exptoelTe wuoo lerf*
ImM MtwlKifihr i{r>(h neb r«et Ion Uaturelofficefebennoen
•dUecMbeaederx^^oM b '
Ueta U wu pculbU tor cap hi
[Of aboem to aeeape altre
napiilM exploded.
There wuaoen
WBeUvtee. Feb. ».—The fellowlBK
boem Ue ship aad Ue UB-leeb anaia.
M reeeltBd bj Ibe ctete
alUoB WM wnpoaed <rf browa prteCoaeal OimmX Ln
nalic powder. TbU powder wu carefellp peeked la bamcUeatlp teeled
r easu. lU but rteittiof quli> (rret It uaaot be Ifailed bp Ur
• of lor^ netione. eiveelied
ofeaiateb. 000 depm Kabreo.
bedki of ell eoru ead eiUuBi feeer- belt beiac Ur emoont of brat Uei
aOr. FUfi en ell belt Deet et
(BUt'be applied to art off tbe powder.
bdiU- l(BR*d. UoBfb. bp Ue
rmraamt peleee. e> eblppler le the
exploeloo of a food
tafW Bad le Ue dtr- Bulat
A eeoU7 wu oooiteDlIp os dutt
Ite ricloltp. Tbe door* ere clueed her
«n MerrtW ui Jeeklu ere etlll winmellullp except wbeo Ue Ulp U
Img. Bepe etir people wUl repreu e»elurm for ectioc. Aito'elock Bicbi^jfieemt ead eelmlj ewell deeWee.*Ip Ue temprratore It Uk«e eod Ur
fThee* le leuoee eeelleoieot el the
kept of Ue bx-ked door pieced la tbe
■BTj f-|— ------ * »>d eleewbeie,' prow. uptels-t besdt. There wu do tueia
topeaiof Ibedeetrulloe of the bel. plpre or feroecu ortr rooueb to Ur
Mbor. The BSfexler lo unu Ue belief Uel Ury
Dlfbt hate exploded tbe powder.
Then were eoal bookere le the oeifbtea oad Beuae. nap be ubbc4 up Is borbood eed it it jut potiible
the werde of fieereterp Loop. Vbea Uen nifht be fuu'nd Ue orlfio of Ue
- Mhad,ubewu ebeat W depart tor eccldest.
The Ueorp of Ur Kptoltb tulboritlc*
whoUnr he bad reeeos
Utt the dltuter mifbt btre bu
put ttet the dlMtarwu the work of
unted bp Ue eiplotioo of the boUti
' aa eaiay. be raplled; -1 do eoi—Is it toeeplrd tt Ue nttp depertateat u
thatlaalaflaaaeedbp the feet thet witbla Ue booed! of credlbllilp.
fhplaia «fsbn bu Bot pet leporud
Helae'e boiler wuuptreled fro® Ue
Ue powder ■DSfetiort et Ur srereel polsi
korUaittpwattiaciowriMafall re- bp t tpaecof foer fut. wbicu wu ut
pset. ■eiooewbe den sot upreu eallp ailed wlUcotl.
At leuloee boiler wu oedoebledlj
Vr- - I eortelhlp uaaot. I ebeeld
Kept aoder'elDoet lull tteeai ib order
Ursa UedpobBot eedtaarc Ue eblp
(harawwaaaeetdeBl; thet tbs neola eau of oeecL The axplnioe of tuob
BlM oapMed. .Bow that eema eboi
e boiler nifbt euilp drtre Uroofb tbe
Ida aM kaew. For the preust. i
bulkhead eed fire
lauV as othtr warship will U seat t
Bejurltpof Ue aersi oB-ert bellore
Ue ehersetcr of Ue explotioa
Baorataip Leaf sBdoobtedlp r<«e
bemir eoeb u eoold be ettribuud
Itrpedo.. Tbe Utter would beer
aaBHiyeltbefsasiBl eplaiaaof U
a terfr hole la Ue botuoi. but
aiafociV at aaealasperte la flsdiar
nreelp IIlkclp to firs e mefezioe,
tapeaelbUJutDewloeteU ibe eeai
act Beer Ue bottoiao< tbs deatrsetlea of the Haioe
TWs ars a (net aeetberof tbeerlee.

•otertaiaed Aatontop aftormoes ii
Ou of the Am fntaru of U* ecuakn
U* uadp Ublc la efcarft of Mrs.
Jeba Quito ead Mrs. Ollleepl*. The ladtos
B*tUebaB.>a.. Feb. IA—After
elaared WI.M fron Ue upper, sad faaea. mule i
Idlusn of thru nosUB Us Boll
Uopdasln to exprau Ueir appesela- capoped bp all p
ben IroecameaBp'tstoel nlll, (leiaf
liOB to Uelr paUSBt for Ueir feaerou
•nplopnrat to 1.000 beads, bseetartod
E Doekarap of ttal QfbU
aid Uafooduua
ap. Tbe eonpsapb ordaaaee plant It
atraet aatortalaed Ua SoaU. 6Ue
ablppiaf fee nttarlal aad amor plate
dallp. fut Alliaf U* renalelnf foereaeal wan preaeated wiU eal.
eooetoUsfof tmifis wlU qaoia.
roB Shakupeare. boaad Wlia
Kowark. K. J.. Feb. lA-Tb* BesK ssd Ue fcdlowlBf profiM wu m
celorad ribbOM. two la each set, tor
ala AUa A IlllafworU eonpasp's dered:
doar-Bp toreral an® ber*.
•uei pleat la Harrteoa. K J.. U <
Tbt brealBf wu pleaunGp spent
The Beir—Min Dttop
iDf u fut u pottible OB Uru fo
ia (Smea cowlttief of tweaty^fe'
neat lob*. Tbep sn coaplellat
Etesdlsf. "The Ufeef LaSalle'-Utot 'tfueer Vocriet” wiU a cam lor ta-1
twerUf U.
Uea. aad tweatp iboufhu to I
fled for le OcUbar Utt. add Ue ■huu
be fouad a a pesup. DelicaU refretb- '
The quuUoB for debau wu: "Befirst lotuilmeat of Ut four laeb rapid
terred bp Mr* Dockerap. |
fire rifiea will be drlirered U Ut armp tolnd. Tbst e tlaberwd metry af■01 will be pleataelJp re-1
frutoi sdrantafu
t tsraer
you Tbt I
ukea up it Ue cateief of I.JTO ezpl^ for tasklBf t hoatr Usn a prslrte
tieetbell cutiBfi tor Ue bttp
Tbc affiraatlre wu ksadled bp Lu
Tbe cootncl for three It bald bj
Drlfrt Kuburp ties oompaap. bat Ue CnBBlBfbsm. t- Clement and Mr.
tUtl eUUBft will bt made bp Ue local Urimeud. The arfstlre by Casd I’ol-m. Tbe ibcllt are of three tires, rar. Hr. (tomplitU add Mitt Dtgard.
' The debau wet iBUrealinf aad maap
eifkt. too aad tweUe lad
look pan IS the xeoeral dltcunios
Kep West. Kit , Feb, 1« -Tbe White The Jgdfe*- derition wu ia faror of
eqaadron. oontltllaf of tbe bttllmblpe Ue tftinuatlT*.
Uauaebtoetu. Iowa. ledUaa aed "
Bradlsf. "The burial Kiace of Darid
York, it lo harbor tt Tortuft U
LiclofttaiB"—Uruno UlanakL
Kirt Urfebc-booner* btre arrleed tbere
Tbe cubjecu fur rxUmporai
WiU coal. Geek war tbip will taka iu
lalica were bead, d to eod diecuiaefall capacity __________
Mraei* Smedirp and Dper.
Beadiep. I*a, Peb. M —The Oarpen.
Critic’s report bp Mr. Dockera.r
Tbe quetiioB for oeii week ail
Ur Steel Works cif Uii dtp bu jott recrlred a --EoF^ up" order froB Ut -RetOIrtd^ That aire bearfit ii
otrp drptrtmrBt for CT.OuO Heel pro. rirad from obterrttioB aad exper
JrcUlr. rsofiaf in welrbl froB «iu ta ihau from bookt"
l.ueo p juadt each. Tbit will keep tbe

Itrft pltst rsSBlBf Blfbt ssd dsy ao
BU in Jatp. At fut u coapletod
projrrtllee will be tblpped to dif­
ferent nsty psrdt, after haeinf been
lined by foreromeot lupectaira

Serriee* todap u fotiowi
Moraiafterr'lee. 10 10 a. a

Qupel tarricc. T p a.
Tbe Coonip BolldlBf Uatur
Vonaf people * terrice. l:*4 p a
It it rery reoerBlIycoBemad UroofbBibto tetaoeit e»erp Satdtp at cborch
It tbe rooBlp Ual there It prutlaf
et I Ut4 a B , Oak Park Chapel 4 p n.
need of a oouBlp balldinf, net oalp for
WilnenlBf aad prayer terrtor oa
Tbundty eteaiaft at T in e'cluk.
tp office*, the bntiBeu of which it fut
Cborae. qaarUVaBd Milo tlafiaf Suaiaereuing la tolotoe aafi iBportance,
batuwrllutairaeka tniuhlep
A warn welcome for poii
for Ue butleeu of the conru.
IhsoUeae. eren.Wfire edeqatto a»luritp u tbe eountp reoordt. In all Ue
olHcea. tbe low> of which would be be
pond all eompauiion in doltare aad
Tbit It a constant and t |4owisf danftr. and toBr proriaion thoald
Uete inraluable reurda
Any umporarp bnildlof woold cost wreral Uout
aad dollar!, aod tbsa could be bnt Umporarp.
It b tar better to do b«|c
should be done to atke toltable
protbluD for all eooaly bulseu fora
half ceaturp to comt.
Tbe aaoaot

See our Special Suits-fine Passimeres at $5 00; fine
All Wool Clays at $8.60; elegant NoreUies at $8,60.
$1000, $12.00 and up to $18.00. Also Suits made lo your
measure, you want $12,60 and up.

OvercoatB—Great Values in These
and in Ulsters, at All Prices.

Tneerae Oilp Xarkea
Below it * hat of Ue bqrluf and tell- 1
iof price* of petlerdtp lor froceriei., i
proritioot aad farm produolt la Trar- i

Clear Fork
Sknrt Cut Fork
Short Cut Fork:Pvft
Flour, H______
C betl
Epe Hour,
-, H. L.
L. A Co. Ik
Heal. H I, A CO liut
Feed, H L A Co Brat



Reliable Dry ESIiVS; Carpet
and Ciottiing House.


Lard per Ib...........................
Bullet per Ib lleirr...........
Creemerp .
Cbecne per Ib
Get* per bu (oldi.
Con per bu., old.................
Sell per bb!............................
Kraa per 100...........................
Bnrkwbesl Fleur
FoUtor*. per bu.

j. You Can
Always Find

Wall Paper
Window Curtains
-- ------------AND-------

Wbral. old, per bu
Wnral- erw, per bu
i>al*. So I. per bu. laew


Rpe. per bu
.. . .
Bnlter. per It. ... .
Efft. prr dotra

Mifkhaiii eik.

Fiani Street.

Ninth tireet
ler.S U1.I-') Pulor
Suadtp tctrlce*
ITetohiBf, 111:40 t m
Suodty tcbool. i:
Vouar I'eople't mcellnf. rI'reacblof. : p m.




Haskell s Bookstore.

Tbetubj-i-i to be di»




$2.98 SALE

w. W a. a-n,f. ut-mr
MoralBf terrlec *l t<l:10.
Ulble tcbool at soen.
VooDf people * praper a


bat neat of than en e< a eheraeter

wka It a^ ta proto or aput them bU paper u followm:
To up Utt Ut cepliel it ciuilrd
hr a el^ lateatIfaUea bj the afirer Ibe report of the dettrucMoB of
am. ■unlatp Loaf bu takea in
le Ueia ie lo fire but e meefei
taadteM -Btsps W nake thli latnUlaedcqiptte Idee of Ue reel ooadltioo
of affair*, rubllc eploioo refuse* to br
Inu tbbaftaraou be t
Tbeis ere eztru eo
M Adnlial Seeardrat Kep Weat
street ererp flltreo.aiiLOUt.
appeiat a beard of aatal oOeeis
Treecbrrp u the wom eo til llpt.
primd atoautaBetaaaaademplop
□e eba bt peniueded tbtt ibr affair
■U Boi of bpeoitborifia. It ii
41«M aad gsaatmUp nake laA aa labellered Ual itwue torpedo i
nMdebaUba.aoadsiacapeoftba leu Ue ball, bat it it Uoofbi Utt
BpeaUb efsat tecured eocnt u
rreul aad ezaloded t freoede our tbe
A dUpeteb froa Htrant tUUt
Adwlnl UeolaruU brlleret the
firal exploelcB wuoft rrtnedc vbrll
thet wu burled o»er the oet.c pem.
Beport* of U't eon Bod a reedy belief.
OffieteU ia Ue Deep drpertaeal ere
«BlaarMalBalet»tkaowB. dtwpedo.
cerula that Ue explotioa wu wiUio
aa tafaraal auehtaa or a Are to tbc
abip't bold. (Spuia Dirhem
boakan an the ntSa thcorinu le
bereeu of aetifelioo uyt Uit
eaaae. The boat ralaad oat of tbc
shows bp Ue fsul tbtt iht tblp boraed
watn wbea tbe eaploBka eaiar
wlUool tlsklaf. 11 It bsd bees struck
thaa west partip to olsoet.
nre d»torpedo froa besuU beupt
stisped wbat woodwork wuleft ■'
would here fos* dows iotteed
water, . tbe wrack baralap for
eatchlsf Are It U eeldrat slao. be
upe that Ue cxplaelos was (orwsm.
It for Ut Iota of lift
r ssd tba eectpe of isosl
thW he la BOt pu prepared to report
of tbe officers.
ttaaaaaaotttaaaptealea. AUlaqnlet
Tbere It so prreodeat Ifc- an sccidest
ta Batasa aad prut
f UU tort. So ship of war hw
pnnsa <bptbreatborltlaa. d BpeaUb
us mptUrioatlp blows up.
ezpsrtt are snsaiBost Is the opisioo
emu btu tbe Meloe, aad tbep ere
Ust as seeideat to Ue powder rntfsBOW bsUr eared tor le tbe Beteee
tiae ceild aeter mult la t uuttroabi
piW aad la a Ward Use atuater.
Ute aort sad tbrp up Ue preeao.
Cbnnaader Sl(ebu tbie eftaraaoa
tiou takea on board of e isea ol-wer
aaot tbs toUewlaf official utdefn

t t~b%

emu b

•*! adtlu tte aeadlDf of e wraeklaf
wad aloaee. Tbe Malaa le eel
fed, aaeapt tbe dektia. eod It nuUp
work lor dteere BOW. Officer* Jaaklu
aadMuriUareet(UnleeiBc. Tbere
lltUo hope of their ufatp. Tbote
kaewBtebeutedan: Offinrs. tereS'
tp-foan aalojarsd enw. elphteea:
woaadad ekeacd Ward Use eteener
aad is the eitp bupllel ead at tbe
boMl. dnp4lae AefarukaewB ell
the olbate weat dawB aboard i
tta Matae. Tbe total aonbar
arnMaf Utu.
‘‘With a few aBsspUaw ao ofl
■aa bu wre tbea e pan af a eali of
dotblac aad that U wM wlU harbor
watu. na Ward
MaatoD at t o’doek tUe aftoraon.
tba oWiui used an aalBlared. Tbe
danepe wu ia tbs
■ -lanpraparixattfempb list of
thaweBBdadaadutad. The OllteUc
tens for Ksp West tbb
wmasadbpbutoKrpWsettoe offie«aa aaead casspt npselt aad Welawrlcbt.^'Bolnaa. Buaeber(ei
ato t^^Btaia of the
loutfaj^lrufehnplA all ^ weaaded to
tBff. I will
(bBheaplIslBt ■Abbs.Bif Wuk F^ to.-Tha lifhl


Tbe Mtlu wu a w»i>blp of Ue tecsod eleu Bbe could burl a breedtide
of l.m poaadtaf tbot ted otmld fire
l.nt ponodt ahead fron ber
r«l* ead forwam fuai. Her turrelt
wen Ailed with two Ica iaeb breecb
loadiof rifiea Her smsBeal eoulit: ed of tU tu-iacb fun* aad foai
ilaeb fuut. aad these formed her
batter^ Bealdn tfene tbe bad tlx tlxpoaadert. four B^blae fonv tiftal
oee-peaadet*. two litUiofi tad two
rerolTlBf eaoaoa far her tacoad batJ
torp. Abe wu well equipped wiU lor.
All UU Bseblaerp of duU aad deetractUa wu operated br a force of
buidee Ue offieen. Tbe
Mala* wu not a enlur.
Afhtiaf eblp pare aad timpla.
»u a Aoetl^ fort—built for bu
Id tin Ue 1
WlU other war
fut loBf. &;
draafbl. wlU *

rntey wiibed. bat Ufovl buUdcaa be aecurad wl(b the tna
Tbw It a Batter ia whlrh Ue whole
Suodtp tervioet:
toclytUould be inleretted tad take
■■reaebipf avj^ii..n> a. m.
rtdr It la BOI tioBtfor Ibc beuefit of male qctrteU
'rarerK* City. WiUonl doabl it would
Sundtp t:hool at riote of tbe i
ta Biea addition to Ue balldinf*of iof terrice.
UecUp. huiilwouldbeOBlponeofquiU
Jiiplari' E 4 p m
auiaberofbuildlon. public aad prlY !■ S C E 4 44 p a
eau, cdtlinf u macb. It It not. UereA conllal larltatlon it extayidi
t mtlUr of rital Importaoce u tbcae terrice*.
Uc frowib and well belof af Ue towa.
And pqt. Traretae Citp will, at erea
preaeat Ttlattfoo of lb* propertp I*
A ktttlnctt meetlof of the .loaior
Ue eountp. on Ue bub of tbe preecet [.eafue of the Kirat M E rtiurch
equeliutiuo. oey td per cent, af Ue held at Ue borne et Mitt Sellie Umie
entire cost of Ue builJinf and equlp- Tueadty elfhl aad Ue tollowiaf oS
a hurelp Traeerac Cilr will do era were elected
111 share in Ue aalur Aod ib
Pretideol—'Mara Miller.
addition U Ub. Trateras Cltr.Uraofb
Kirtt rice preaidept—CteUa Lwrdie
libaralltp ol Hannah. La.r A Co.,
Sreoad rice pretideat—Bty Piertoa
bu tireadp firen. wtihrot aey uoat to
Third rice president—Lnle Calhlnt
eountp whauier. tbt rtlatble
Koorth eieepretidrBi —Xellle Ltrdie
block of Uod, in U* heart of tbe citp.
Secretary—Ollle Kulfbaa.
apoB which Ub buudiof will stand.
•Ifeunrer—Herth* Murlep.
At we bare eald. it it oamcaded that
Orfsabl-EU*: (iibbe.
Ue buineuof Ue eountp aad Ue ufetpof Ueaonutp recordt are food ru•ont wbp each a buildiof Uould be
prorided at ooce: Ue oalp quetlloa
aoBc will be Utt of lacreaeed
taxaticn for tl^ porpoaa Let u for a
Bomeet costidn Ula
Jadfe U. D. ttompbeU Bu prepared
ffrefsle uteaed ealae of tbe real
abd peraonil aroperty la Ue eooalp u
eqnalUed la ls»T wu H.Wt.oofl- Tbe
.U«l ralatUoB wUl eooa befit.OM,ino. and for eoBTeoIrnm la Afariar
•UB WlU be takea ua baaia If
Ue wbold anoanief (44.000 ww ralted
In eae year it weald be eakp eeTen .allle
rot. on Ue bseb ealaetioD. Bet it It not propoaad to ralt*
Ue wbele aaoaat in oat paar.
Ip U
wed lo pap C.ouo each paar. Tbb.
the l•lerppl’ at fonrraad-oae-half
percent, oa the foil aaonevof (44,000
woqld reqnlre-t lax lerp of fit.4T4 Tbb
lOt eroald be leeaenad each pear bp
fiuu.00 aa each paid oa priacipal.



^ cht-apt-'s-i in iht- t-ml.

^ anti cnlor!.

Be up-lo-tlatt; and buy the rery best. .’liich is always the
the verv
v have
havt- theverj latest iin ~
Fine Stationer)’, Iwtb in shapes ^

We AlSO Engrave Visiting Cards, ami at the prices, we are

tnakinjr on lh< Ol nti l.Yciy can
without them.
Let os .-.hntv you some of the ^
# cards that wc have just i>r<K-rctl for some of our cuRlomcrs.
It takes hut a few ^
* days to i^i-t them, and then you tvi'l always lie in slyie.


B P. Buwam u John McUili. par^-elt
la See 11. 147 a, r 17 w-(4oo
A^lwri Hpde le A P. Pnlrrr.
tw*..t»e 14.174 n.rld w-(4.
Ad'liur General 1-1 J M Tbr
la'b:k 1. Criffio A Winsic i
Bomaoro BolBetU W O Ko i-. lol
II. blk 4. tl. L A 03.'t»U add—(idO


G. R A I R E- Co U Sanford I’lurker, nS of‘Wt. tec IT. t 24 a. r u w
Jobe Boklaader U Juliu* SUrke.
panel lot l. b.* 4. tillaf* of Feradite


We can give you Big Bargains io many lines
^ of SiKics ami Riilibcri. Cnxwls we wish to close out—Don’t wish to carry
iii them over. \Ve would rather lake a low price and have the money to use.

Mtiria Artlip to D J Voakrr,

Aadllor General ta G. A. Hrifbam.
eouBtp officee asd coprt tiTnlnae It to wH of awl,. atc»4. 174 a.r II wmatter la which Ue eatin eosatp to
Aoditaw General to Bette Gafe. tel,
Intomtod, aad so eae towo a- asp flr- of *rit .aoe74. t *7 a. r » w—(14.77 A1
to parcel* la tec » tad 70: t 76 a. r B w
*a loealllp aloe*.^ Al^p^U la MC to aad 17.
E F Ferrl* U Riherl B Garwer. lot
M. Mk 14. TTseerte Citp. lot 148 Oak
fekfbwadd. iotm Wk I Booo A Aa
’•add. lota 47. 4S. 44 . 44 andi 48 of
. Uttnl

Celia rniltr to Net Jaefiaa. er<* of
tot t8.Elaa Farhad-«I.
WiUiaa Btouer to Fraak Hertato
I Mk 6t MK. ase 1.1 (( a. r U »-

- •»

H. B. UOL1.EV, Manager. «'

toroltlweiu X O Ltur. Sexi.u-ro» U—U.

leep S4.400.
Ta nect Ut* Ue
E M Silemell u> Geo. B. Kilborac.
each (1.000 of ralaaiion wopJa es of lot 14. Edaa Park-(.%00.
Tu cenu.
Tbit to U* practical
Henrp Stowe el el U nille S Schukand cent* riew Utokeof Ue aecht. lots lateen, tic nr lo w-*w
C M Fuller to I H. Tbomat. tw v
I more inportaai Uaa Uto 70 of te-t.eec 17, IS* a. r S w—(14
Oeorre Papae u Xia* B. Papne. loi
. on each (I.OOO ealuatloa. to Ue
1. blk •. Tillairaof Trarerae Citp—(1000
Batter of tecurltp et the couotp recState Lumber C-i toWm A Cntael.
ordi. which are pow lo eosetaat dap.
B‘,'ofaeit and tw^of ••* tec 18, t
fee- of deetnctloB. to eap aoUlOf et 74 a, r It w—(400.

^sht^Umlsp.Mafioas s< hto h

Wurfbarg Block.

aiiipi! m by the paper on which he writes.

Real Estau Trantler*.

Jeba T. Beadle (Tmtoel .Eelle A
Itarcb. 1W». wbea foor
Mr. aad Hra B. Looekt rtoibed Hr. Ceeell. a frS of tee 18. i TA a. r 10 w.
for^-aU Bee of Ue t>aeiac
as of aek aad tei, of aek. tae It. t
aad Hra. Jacob BIrmlep lest Seadap.
W a. T ll w. alee a fr>, of aw IrS- *•«
eqaadroD lost tboir lieu ia U* barriSharfcep died at bit borne last
neallBd to Hawblcb swept the barber of Apto.
- montaf. Be left maap Meato
htoi^de but Brleees left
ipaUiae wiU bit nlaUeca whom
mUr ^ Asm. Ko 6adrM. Feb. 18.-Work bu liM beBack* hoe raa la CMli Awamlaf uiaetexaW*
«BU WiU tt* Wesneu aadsdA* ObAU. Bela^



* A person is judged

Saedap tebooitt 12
Brenlaf terrice and w
Tburadty ereaiDf terrice at T

be bot

carried sutirb eul U Blit et tn kaou Ber ia|dkatod bone power wu
Tbc Seeds
I armor wu exoreeleelr bearr aad effi- hr held at lUt
piaee'tturdap^b. lA
clnl. Tbe Halae oast K toe!ouO.
Grace SUfkt
eplcnalaed a aumbef
Tbe oalj paisUet u tbe Heiae bor­
■ iniaf people lul Fridap erea• > eeeoiy wu e^t U plapne la Ue Usurp of tbe ttoiled I


Bead Uu TvIm ul Think It Oxer.

Fopmer-Prtee*. $3 60. $4.00. $4 60. $6.00, $6 60
AHd $6.00. A. E. NeiUeton, Tiogrt* 6c, Bmltli
apd W L. Douglu make(


' tata dax of Htx. A- » ISM.

Felt Boots 37c. Warm Shoes Very Cheap.

The Popular Shoe House of Traverse City.


Grand TraTeise gerald atd TraTerce City liertciiit CctEcheatcd, Fetireiy 17.38CS
■me prarrkOi kt Ua Weaa'k Oab
, Pride; eftwaowi will be ta elucve e<
• Mre. A, KlB»kode«h peper wiU be
B applleeblk
Ak kkprt^ly fell «Uea-

TbemaayWkafacdaMafiWe "AbbI
Imam- HaetlaBd la tba aity. wUl Im
irtu deep caciwt o( bar aarioaa Ulaaa
at barbomklaOiaadBaplda '
Fakeatieo-eloeh TbkBaarawUiccaae
Ik la b« klcbtyalaU yaar H I
aa a aback to aaaay rood (ric«Sa o( H r.
iriU BOt iwirtrm'.
aa ta TUrma Uly. aadlik AeaU

jit you

Tba TOBBC WoBABk CbilaUaB TamCailBd
‘ Corell.


» «naed ia
«. bkk




8eaklor_ Bmr- A aery Pfakaant aad prodtabU aaclal
tlma will be ee>oyad aad aa aaoUlkat
pracram will be readerad. faerybody
k BOkloordiany iaalud.

[ape looking

aa eooaty.
It Ua boar me8<
lUoWMl Hr. Sar-

.offiimad lU^
denfaod to berk kceepted the place
h the BkderataadlBjr that he wUl be
llberiy ,io oOBliaBk hie prirau
TJK SalU Bt«L Ck>. nomllr work*
D th* Vmi 6i4«. »ra nrj buy cm
onim far Ibreb kad April drlinr;
••d will km h**e •
tbc ra»d (tfkdilr- Tke eonpkBj it now
•Bpln^liiff k force ol ten kkd If bekieoBtikeek tbc; Dky be oblicrd
Tkkn the lorcr.


4.H. aiku-^M Ik

Circulation this week 2.400
« Bk Uie IhU «»a be kfresred
ulJi will bk drllrered trirj
,j Bturaeca, br Ckrrirr bo;*direet fro« tbk o«ok. to ell •«

The cltj

IktikBBir kolkcrooBd Ik
la^'ly. thkl It U rerj diSeelt far lk«



lo Skhe the dellrrrp


^ be ^uer plkBked wltb the dklirki?
dbMt fr«D Ue oOok.

TbU dkUrrry

will BOt eel7 iBclBde the prekekl free
wall dkUrery

llnltk. bat Ue esUre

It will BOt be Bieimry tor tub*
BWtban who aow naida irlUla Ue
(cae dellrery Uatu U pey nay alua' ,tfaa to Ue uaiUr. aa wa klraady here


etnel ksd aaobev addrraeae

.1—i«-j „ tbe bookk. bat all aabawtben. wba lire enwtle Ue Irqe dei

llewyl Bluare reqaaeted to at once

aiBdtoUlaofioe. by paaul or oUerartea, Uelrkireu and kamlar.


BbteBd W Uila BkUar at o«w, aUerwlae your paper will «o tbroocS Ue
pa^ effick ak at praaoDt
Hany Keat baa Ukee tbe paeuira pe
baekhrapw la Ue BaUrpriee Orooery.
BJebey T. ThraUe of w'alue. baa
beaa ciwatad a paakloa of fa per

*ni be held kt the Park
law Ue cilv Iroarhie pl^* «S' "ilo*
). W/Mmiken k in CtaltmcooB bualI welcfalac. >
Uk koeploek of Ue ladle, of
I pouedk aad mcaiarUr «<>«>«
Ofaee Bpikcopei obarrh. Mooda; eraaAtley Tbomaa left^eraday for Pel«C- ^h «1. EreryoDC le eordlellr la bcli.l. The load ««. porebkkkd By
UibbarO. for.bipsrel loCkleace.
.ited by Mr. aad Mta lioldea .n.i »-t
C K. HcUaaoa weatto JarkaoB yeaUa ladiuandaamaD} a. poekihir .n
Cborct at Sattoa. Bey
reqaeoted to dreat ia ooloaial roatowr.
Mra JobD Cadbam and Mr. l.irlncA. T. Jobowm weal to Boyne CUy
4>D of BuUoa. Bay were ia Ue city Hoaday. '
Tbnreday oblalalac e*lriWatlka. for
Ole Bwintm west la Saltona Bay



me BWBber of Ue Ulepboae la
Wetebarb OrtaiBblaa reauoraat bae
benobAfad froa iw to IH.
U. Hewtaa ia Ue happy poaaeeaor
•t a flea B«rBak fiaybouad. jael rearleadtroaiafrirBd la Kaaau.

Oa Hoaday aicbi Jack Jack Bebv
w foaad Joal at Ua aaUaaee.
wrbwa waa Ue eietlm of a little uelaaaaatBkka wiU a boew. Ha waa
earlac tor a team ta Haaden' lamber cided Uat apoplczy waa UV cante. aa
kt Moaror renter, wbea oaa of he bad BOt bara ill.
■mu Beau Tbam AU
Otaea took a Bolioo to* Cet nclj
A Croat deal baa book taM la Ue pa­
New York. Jiaaa
per. aboQt Urce load, of polAloee aad aad bit a larfc piece off oae of Jaek'e
. He came to towa aad'Ue wound pareaU aooa after Uat remoerd V.
eoaieef Una broockt lato city Uuly
N. y Hera Walter i«
hare arfrprlud Ue oldeal lo Ue boklo^lead a common acbool education lo
acM It ba* rcBeiBad. bowerer, for
1>-.: Mr Hzrtoa went to St. I^iiiia and
Pred Duae lo haul Ue hearteet aad
waaracaerdia raiir.«d bu'ltlmr for
larreet <«ad.
Tberafay be hroackt
alz year, la Ue apnec of l^'.« be
came to Ue ■irmad Trarerae re*ioo. laestiac at NorUp'^rL where hr coadoeud.a weodiac aad mrrcbaadlMwhra be rrmoerd
to I-elaad aad ancaerd 10 Ua dree and
merebaa«ae baalaeaa. ’ Iwland
beea bin borne (or 3-. yaara. aed
Mr. Bartoa bad freqacnl
icntly l>ree
■mlled apoa lo til important
jlnffcial po

[ for a mill that can supply you anything from j
! Wheat, Com or Oats, drop us a line and we will j
I try and interest you with samples and prices. 1

Hannah & Lay Co. i

oocrecatioa*' cbnrcb at KotA Bourikbiac eoclety aziau
a la Maaeeloaa
faetwed at Ueir
Uerr. and for two or Urea yean wrrTiaar of faklowarbip. waa juaticr of
WaatSida Tble will be aa opporiunb I
ooeduetod ercry
Cbaa W Eaual reto ■aed from flraad Ue peace cl^bt yeara. aad prwiina>i*r
fur Traratkk aty people to la'-prel
fcy Ker. W II Horlbi.tolNorU- Rapida Unnday
■naay yaara. la Irru ba wanc'.eeiin
ae-oftbepradaetfao.uf Ue nrwr»t]^r,_ Uoetlart hare bare brid ia Ue
I Maaklee Taw
l^lalalnra lor Ue diair.ri
factory ia Ue dty.
.oH Ue «*rd of a choreb
Ur coaatiea of Lrrianau
r. aed aerred dorioc the
I. U.I.
o< .1. ■€«..,I.. i I”-;""
k.. Inra wade and tbe iaraibere Of Ue
Eadearor World Uere i.
i. priated
priated a Bar.
ebureh hope to K>oe bare eaasrb food,
AetOD binder lafl Monday tor 1
majorili to tbr aiate
larye balf-tooe portraltof M i< llollry.
. ararcb of batter baa-lh.
to warranl tbr bec!»r ^“lt
*"'‘eeaata aad aerred one term
Of Ule city, wbe I. aecretary of the
UoriD Meloluab ol Xes/.oala. U riaildr. Barton waa alwaya qn aararat
EieraaU C K. Dlalrt<-t of Mi>-bicaa.
A-CrCMK) TrererM Pioneer.
inc (ba family of A J [>oyle.
1 actire republican, leyal and Irur
r.rr I'leie. aa old kod hlchly
1 Albert Uabcock of tiraad Bap
bk parly . a* be waa lo hit friend*
taodcdUetch of Ur. Holley and pine .peetr.l pionrar of >Viil
■da. la TlaiUac Uib. C E .Spiacna.
refereace to fail eoarcetic work
Monday m.irninc e‘ Ue hone of bii
I)r Hortoaol Graad Rapida. baabeea way., a I
behalf of Ue Uiehlcaa C E aoHrty.
broUer-in law. WililaiD Ilarca, aced
altiac bk wife. I>r. Maria Hortoa
for life, aail to many pioneer
year* and
■Tbaraday enomlac about tec o'clork
Dr. J II Mnnaon-auperiateadenl of thk death will come aa a para-mai !.-*•
Trypheaa Miller. wifeofC B. Miller, Bote.l to tbe. lirand TraVene racioo in
Iteoeaned Imrea bk w.fe on.
died at the faiully ruldeoee vo lUtee Isor, and KUlcd in Acme tuwoal.ip. and
Campbell and Tony Noeotay danebtor. Hra I. J Grobbru of Le
afUr balac an inralld wreral ba« rrelde.1 Uera erer aince. Be learea returaad IroB'irand Bapiita Monday.
8a baa a brotber in Cbi.-ac‘'
Ueoaaaed waa M year, of aye on. brother, liriBa Placer, of Ko-toa..
Binaldo Fuller went to laierioebeo
_ azpaetod farra le attend *>.
aad laarea two daucbtera. be-i.le. her|Mau. and
aialrr. Mta. Wllliaai Monrlay, leanbifk ia
dmc >>u*i-;,„„^
He wa. aa nacl. of Itdri Hall
baad. Her moUer Urea le aoulb-1 Durca. of tYilUamalmrc > Hla wife
'aad Mr*. William Nlu-bcoek
MteblcaaaBd twobrolhir* lo Mua-^dled tea year, aco laal tnunlb.
Ur. and Mr* Will Beawood of Nile*.
a. Ur Hiller baa anpluy ,,t inej Toe luoeral willbe held troia .Ue
•e riaitUc Ua family of W C Ganoral wood dUb faelory.
bouar at lU.M a lu i-da.i aad
•ad takea n decree, ioibe nrdar
t WlllUmalmrc
r. aod Mr* Tbomea Jonea o
Tbe funeral took place «t L.
(JarHeid tormahip bk. loal koothrr
ara cue*U of Mr. and Mra .1 V. ialarday at eae o'clock
I aderlaker
pioekkr la Ue pereoa ol
Hiitb School
1. L. Carter bad charge of Ue funeral
.rkry, who died Friday of
Mlaa Myrtle t'ox. aa employe of Uai
Itreeakcd m
r SmorUwaile of aaylum. baa goae to her hema at tTia-;
Y. W. C T LI It-cepi:un
Uifta Mbool base ball team ol ManUte loeallty fur araj-ly St yi
' At Ue mepiioe ahi.n tor Veunr
lau-r, aurcaatisc Uat a Blfb kcbool
wai well keown lo Trarrne
• remperaaoe I'nioo
bkkk ball leafur be orcaaickd.
Ilk in ibrciti rlaltiar bar daughter. Mra
learu to jeosra hla low a wife and Bee
pier Friday eraoing in the parioie
of Umniatee. Lud- Puff M.Uonald.
obildraa. Tbc faneral will Uke
City kbd Ckdillkc
aadWra.l K. Ih.ugbert, of Elk
a, ,Bj„,-u, a chance to -grt
.at tea o'clock tbiawnraisc
good poikU lo orckBlae ir*!, Bapida. bare been gueau of Ue family
F-raacU eburcb.
Ik. Teddy baa dia<'uakM Uk of Mayor W
rill be rrodered:
Hra Robert 1< York, mother an.
laatrumeoui mutic-VUie aod llet
ckHdrea went to Kalkaaka murada;
' aie Fulghnm aod deck Ferry.
for.a rialt wtU frieodt.
Swinging of Ipdiao Clobe to muaic—
aited ap hall, tinly taambera »nd tbeir i
liw or May tat aod
He*. Herbert U Connor, wbo ba* hrei
' Miar MIooie Hllbbell
faiaUlea will be iorllrd, and tbe ladlee >^1 .n cawa* in each place.
Tbia riaUing f'leodt at Uellalre. baa re
Bee'iaiioo-Iei^ri 1 I'eaninglna.
aiT makioc preperairona for a cliarm-lpi,, would fire* hall in all turned to Trarerae City
Vocal aolo-\lr E E IVbiu
laf arealPf af boaplullly. Tba ban , „f
•.laera fur two dodU* beloT
Newton Jaekaoo ufOicutodlcBd. In.l..
ReeiutioB -Mr A'ill Roberta
baa brea carpeted aid femlabed aod ; n,, pamra uf tbe rrplar city uama. M in the city purebaaieg clock tor the
Voeal duel-her Mr and Mr*. Mootf
aaakea oee of Ur basdaaaaat plaera
a,e aeakuafbool Ue Brat of
iufafaakwr Wagoa Co.
HeriUlioa-'T'arrie ■•'Neal.
for boldlDC eoclal faOiedoCa to bejjuiv
l-nrtber correapondeoce will br
Pr J.C. liauntleii of Bapida. waa
laalriimraUl duce-Tbe Mimet Mi
fopad la Ur cliy.
Ulo »iU ibr Blgb kcbaoia of
I the .liy ye*tordaj to atUad a otaeli
ciliek mrkliooed and
ing nf Ue peuairm boar.l
Tbe Good Teteplarkwlll bold as upea
lone the druila of t,hr arranckmrnt
Ahee C^wford l.h mura^y «... Winifred Pratt', prrtideal
saeUaflB Ue Forraiera'Ball naiorrill be eaU-red'into at okre.
J „ CoebUu.
erealaf. lo wbkb all are iorilrd
will beaway ahtiot a moiU.
ezerlleal profraoi baa l>een praAnother Plonker Gone.
Vil-tor I'etartyl went to tiraad RapPomona
jwiad wbicb-will bepubliabed leV'r.
,lr* B Crsla. onrof Ibeearli aetId. Friday morning to altond the rrgot.r mreling of li
,'tJen. ol eliqi I. Bon I'.arBrld lowaabip.
Trarerae Hietri. i '-range No 1r w.
elate orfaBlutloB. of Bif Kapioi, will died. kl Ue frip-on Saturday, kfed mrelmg of Ue Myalic Shria*
Mra. S. F. bowlraof Ubakegoa. >1 IB held at liranga ball,
ba preaeal and fire a abort addreaa.
! :« yaara aod elae moatta* Mr. Craia
le city eleltiag Ue famll. df her Mlaaioa. M tVedneaday and Thun
Adiniaaloo will be tree. Ererroae ia
jeame to Grand Trarerae May 1,
daughtor.Mrt tv. H. Fletcher,
' 2^e"'lng k
irlted to rlait Ua Good Templan la
[loealinc on Ur farm, a lilUe kouihW. K Walker of Elk Bapida. waa imud Fab 1.
1 E li
Ueir new home.
Itrmluf Tmarrac Ciu.and which
r*giatored*t Para Place yaatorday Ha
........................ ..............

Tbe leadlBf epiriu In Ue Ktal4'**«>> *>« *>ooie ercr air
came aear to attoad the Uealra
Houaahold Oeda.
hamoel Bead*, a mercfaaal of St.
Tbr aecieut ilrreka heliared that Ue
makadiaaorAaaadaBlre. Ko US Temple. Dimmalie Order of KnlfbU #f,l'»«« '» ferble health fi.
I'aeatea were Ue god. who aitoodrit
of Uraad Rapid., which 1 bat not dknferoaaly eick
Igaaca. wa. ia Ua cllr jr'Urd.r for a ^ .be wrlfare aad prrapentv
le O. T. M.. wiu aerre a tos-caat aopprewpenty of
of the
bald a celcbraUoa in UU city laat fall. | or ao aco
|lahorlatoy. on hi* way toCbleage.
They ware wurtfaipped
worahtpprd ta
i par Friday alfbt AUaialnrUed.
klraady preparioc for another rlait j
Ur* Crain diwl lo ISUt. There are]
larbold god. in rerrr liomr The
me win of tbr Barker Crdar-Co at
larbold gisl of todav 1. Dr K.iii,' .
thia cKy arzl eummer. i.ast year <-ia cbildrea llrlof: Erueat. of Norrlaa liivoTrry
F>ir con.mnfitKio.
Blvbaa te andercolef czlcBalre rekalfbu wrrr eaunaiaad eo Po.r-iriHe; Elmer, of Cedar Boo: Btiey. who
__..gka. cold, aed for all affr.'lioii. of
and will atartaboat Ue drat of ally here that it U decided atrbady to | i<m on Ur old homeatead; Barartl.of
E. Wllbelm of Wilbelm Urea.: loft Thnmt. Cheat ana Lung. >t ■> inta:nv
bold annUrr aemloo In tita city beat; Uoniae Centra; Ikaao. aod Ur* John for New York Monday to purrhanc a bir
It bar been tried for a <f jartrr of
J. K.-Ooartodaof BaalBky. had Ue year. I'poa'tha neztrUlt here it b* Zicaarmito. of «iarfield
hioek of rpring clothing aad dry goodt. ' • ""‘'■rj and 1. giiarantrrd to cure, or
Inleaded to laltiate a claaa of looui me funeral Barrieek.wUI br held at
aWeruee Wedseaday toleaa a I
' ]U o'clock Uia Bomiac
omiag .at Ur Eean- weal to Grand Rapid, raalerday to; ant to lake aad a cafe and aun remedy
nlaad at CM. Tbe aaUnal wae ewe of
abducted by Bar. S. atund Ur meeUag of tba Xlyatic for old aod yoong
eae to make Ula the moat elupec- gelical eburcb. eobdueted
ira trial bottle*
I at tbe drug atora* of s E Wait and .I
I fraternal creel e»er ksewn in Bakbrry.'aad Ur burial will ba la OakTba Daacbtoia of Eehekab rri
HicUcaB The tnemW. ol tbe Kaataa wood eamrtory.
Mito Aaaa Hoyt of Barker Cl
tbair frioBde of Ueir tos east »oi
Mr. Crain waa a kiaJ beartod. geaial apeadiag a week ai
Tbgiple know how to appreciate Trarat tbe Odd Fellow. Ball ibU qtaa
aty boepiulUy and when Uei re- maa, wbo bad only friaada amoAg bk FbMy BlakeaW il
from » to I o'clock. All are oordlally
Urn arzt year they will bare add!- acqnalaAancaa. aod Uc older arttlrn
Ua region will hold bim id .kindly i
Teotorday WUiiam Needham bad two
lacm tabaa tram bla rifbt hand
aderUadlractlonof F> Joa Hauer
Saturday oa account of Ua iUaeaa <
whUa OBatativaoircalarsaw it '
Baanttfnl Fairy ITay.
I Fr. u. C. Maut. a braslllul aonea-


■tUl af tba Wtlay Oooperace do. a

alr of Ur Slleer Jubilee of St



eburab. ba* baaa kauad from Ue
Bzaai-D lib offiie.
Tbr book la
page, baadaomely
priated OB highly calrodarod book
paper, aad Hluatnted tbongbout wlU
Saa balf-too* ptcierea of Ue ebireb.
tebpol building.-eonraat. "Tba DeUa.Ue origlaal eburcb. the rea|d«>>i« ot
Ue paator.aome of U* mnal promiaant
• '
Kaelpar sraiMtat Umlaa Laauer. Tbr fouDdara of Ue ebareh in Ibia region.
faaanl will taka plaea Ula aftae
togeUrr with anmi
At two o'clock.
tratfan*. to more nm
TAlaa of tba work.
^lled wlU ealuable
theniiig Ue fifatory of Ur cooreb a
laeb ralae to Ua
aad oiber* a* wall.
Tbr leaeua
aaeloaad la aa attnctlrr c
I Iba iMcripGan door ia geld
Had WlU baavy colored tilk.cord.
□aiULim elalma Uk ia oar af tba 8a**t
piaam of wart of thk kin<i erer turaad
•at la Ula part of tbe auu
Ob Friday aaaalac Trarerae
TaBt.Ko. STl.'tO.T. H., wUlfirea
aoclal party la Ueir hall.
•(tba order oaly. Tbe ladteaof Amaad» aira will aarae a tae-«emi inpper.

« eji^ae

A. A. HeCoy A Bob leadad two
o( potatotoTaeaday far Ue New Tort
A Few Jeraay PpodaoeCo.. which ere a
part of a lot of aoM boAob bovbi
OBBlel Dake. Tbe prto paid wai
(inla per beabel. The ramelader of
Ua lob«UI be abippad ak Uk we

ly eakslar Ur aad Hr* V. N
Btcrtalnkd a aambar of frleadk
k on Slala etiwM.
woe by Hra.
a. D. ErtBey aad
by Hra. CD. KaaBoy

Mnr CinbFomra
Taeaday aigbt Ulrty eouplaa
young prupla aa>oyrd a dellgblfui iafarmal aoelal danring parly
taagb-s dandag asdrmy
Now Uat
Uc aariaa of dab partln ha*
tba yoaag paoplc bare drridrd Uat
• aariytodlaeDBtieoatbatazrtot
it aw
deeidad to orgaalaa a daadag club,
aad tbeargaaitailoe waaeffartod. with
C. F. FaBlcraaprasIdaal: C. ti. Vadrr.
Jr., aa aaeraiafT aad treaaurer. aad
Jobs Hclatoaff to act wiU Ue
efBaeca at aa reacallTa eammi
Tae dab eoaalau of ydaag marriod
aad aamar^ paoplaaadUa lemaladar of the aodal aeaana will ae« amny

plaatoBtfaatBTb of tba I
I •• Tatadar

Hoatlan trill ba
MArrt ant.

The moal elaborate aed baautlfal
Grv play reer atagaA'^a aorlbara
MJebigan willbe "Tbe HynUc Hldgata." a lilipatka Caralral Cf Natioo..
will be gleaa by the bora aad
girla of Ua Central arbool
In Ur City Opera ball
It k la Ihr form df a eaetala io twe
be beautifully alaged.
apecia! aceerry lor Ur pgrppae being
brought ttfm New Vork
In addition

».* c..,*.,,

• ■"•'iSS',;

tnnouBciag UaiUncaaef bar broUrr.
Mr*. Saloa OuUer of Haaton 'Har­
bor., wbo baa been riaiting Hi*.
Uoyiaad Hr*. C. 8 Vader baa rei
ad to bar borne
laam IHrUad aad U ak Campball ralamed Salarday from tiraad Rapida.
attended the maatiag 0

Urr. pi.l be a coeUmrd,
H.urbr-wk will go to L
aieg Hoaday to taka Ua poaiUae
rerpaUy appelatad.
aliidiad uadK Ua .-Barge af
ha omce af U* auditor
MU* BlngFam.
The alaborau eoaRer. J •: Nrnbcr. wbo ba* baaa
will b* procured la New York,
lady from that city ia azpacted iktiug Rar. d. dakbery to faadari
1 a few day. to begia drilliag ta aleal aerricM .la tbc ETaagalhml
eburcb. baa rauraed to Suttoaa Bay
ny charmlag
irtou of Chicago. arrlTad la
caaUta baaa bright and *i«a-,j W. B Rai
elciu* plot.
Th* aces* !a laid la U*' the eity Friday oa bk way
TiUBla aad ber I attced Uc fuBeral of bk BroUar. Hoc
bery of falriaa and bultotfliat lndro-l» W. Bartoa. wbo died Wodneaday
I sight.




marcbeafgUo. Ue Wfhlfu)
TraTk left Mooday moralag
. wiu bk baad of mlaebirl mak-' on a trip aoath. Be will rkllAaberUl*.
plola to captaio Ua kin and i >■' C . Brtatol. Teaa., and aaeocal ciUe.
tb* fairie.
Juti In
ihe > Keaiucby. Georgia, aad VirgUU,
of Ume Tilaata teoelw. a | B*
he gone about a moaU


trccMirr rxtxcttLKP

plaaalag. and Ue marebea'ara Ua moat
lalricmta aad beauGfsl o««r attemptod
Tba aalertalnsaai wUl ba.


'\JD\vv\^ &oods SaVe
CutVaIWA. t\C. t\c.

Washington’s Birthday
dboald romisd you ikai be died
wiu a cold. ,baaaoM be rrtaaad to tokr
aeyUlag to raliaea It.
If be ^ taksa
aayUlag aa affieaeloai aa ouf Hyrop of
Tar aad Wild Q
toUawaaaU tbruab Imv aad Braarblal
TfasUam it woalda-t ha*a Aavatopa
tba aaio Ihnat ttet mad bk ArtU



&00A ICtqVtt SouitC ibr'....
\0 'vw\t.TtA\'t(LoWtia Sawcta.







that loves money will al­
ways buy at a place where he
knows he can get the best for the
least amount of cash; so he not
only buys his


$tlC) OfaMi la u nu u 1 T*| Iff (Ml
SaU. P
*r. rira



1104)00 £


eiali from Prlaec ObdIIlouaaed myatlc m'ldgata. who rdpreaiat all aaUoa*
Ua ugra. wink Ue band
of TiUela. and pime* aad bapplaem
ralga aupramc.
Tbe pretty acooaa are made abarming
by tbe iairodacUoa of falriea. midgeu.
arebara, littla aailara from Ua good
abip Pbaatom. aad woadarfal borodta.
waapa: baeUaa. gesaaboppar*. froga. ete.


'VDo’rk.CTt ^or
6ur SV.Vrt''BaTqaVtit.
S« atti A9t, m '
«mV^ A ^a\T tantpVc
vc arc
wW \Kt V\mc.
'is t(,«».V'vn OtAct.
'\0yt\U &oodb.*5akVe SAWtws.'Ka^'vtu.VAitiVercVu^b. m
&mbTo'k&CT\ck. Sacaa.
ww& ?'vV\sv CbMA. &u«




here but advises his wife and friends
to always do the same. We al­
ways give the best-^bargains- in
Shoes, and that the quality of ouT’
goods is better than is offered else­
where is now no longer a question.
A glance at Our stock and the pric­
es will at once dispel any lurki]^
doubt you may have. We call es­
pecial attention to our line Of

Winter Goods.
The prices and goods
preached in the city.


The Hannah &llay Merc. Co.

aiM PlM* 4M Util Bonlv U


Mr. and Hn. BlHott aitrodad aar*kaa atXadar Bon otaaptl Soadar.
Prar? mtrUaf at Elijah Oaa*i at
SoaOtj elchv Erarrbjd/ laTitrd.

■....................;-e ‘

IteOM. Browa It twj lU
SbcbwbwafaQtaf for
•Mt tia* fMt. tat Bo« taf eetaliloe
It loAa TBT7,__________> »a Blrht th* I
to WtaUata viUoL 8ta It as old prapartforhaot:
-jtbrrliliBard. W«bopa{ Ed.
ntodtaV telac *1^ iw hutand. it »U1 ta a littU
lUletoUdarthaaUa other ____
leadlaat Taetda^with a
---------f tta Ant to MUlt la tbU part of
■t Wedaeadtp Hiat HttUeCox and
Week baton laat aaow drifta were
Charlta Walboarn were rh(T qalellr orer a aan'e ean..aUaf weak tkep
aarriad ia Trarrree CItp.
Tbep bath ■leltod awap aad tbto waeK faraan
hare a boat of frieodt who wU'
map perbap. po to ploaphlap.
of htpplWIU Ldtarhat ttaaraad from Bel' >a whhiDp them a loaf life
fclboara weat
Mr. and Mra W<
tolaa. where he hu baea worklacTree
rifht to their home.
WalUet Oltaoa it baaliac wodd Bcboolboote. _______
iCBia to Ut lUlar fr«B tht aortb.
lap frle
KtST CU)tk >
Hr. aad Hia. L. P. Pea hare retaraOur thaw took eold tafon the alelpbta^farot their rialt ia the aoeth part of
Inp WM apoUed. Flentp of ban proned
■Hrt. J. H. Orap it quite
Hr. Laalac wat able to preach
ta Utt Saaiap eraatof. (or the fl
Mato BlBet bit aiphatto.

EtuUa nrpoa It at Ur. i d Hra. El.
liotl'a of Loaf Lake.
A. IharaburfaBd wife of Maple Cup
rltlted rcUtlrtt here Kuidap.

The nra hare tarnad out and ahorri
. the whet mat alreadp ormioekMl be ed mow till the readt are at laat pate
aoald BOt iDtoreat the hoard of trade.
able acaln.
Utotod Willobeeend wifeof Old
loB hare beaa ritlliar bit fetfat
bit pitee.
John Kaeka Jr . la raportod at beler
C. F. Powell aad toe bare rcated tbe
Hdl with tpphoid ferer.
Lake Uotol of take Ana and will ino<
there aoon.
Hcdi Utt for tha-patt week.
Mr. and Hn. E. Cox Ur. and Urt
TbaPUttoP. O. baabna
' Billoti. of Lobe taka, altoaded chnreh
here Soadap.
« pairont
prapbr mertiapw
nrxt Thondap erenlop at C. F
allb. All are larlted.
HtjaadMia. Darld Twaddle ttarted
roiop oo rapldlp alBi
-IM Haw York ttoto oa tbe 7ih hut
rTnen fear tber her
. Hr. Twaddle bae been talfertnc from
aa*BB for aeraral wteka and he to late tbe tnow. Teamt are tren brineatathfa of etiraato n>I«bt prore iBf lal«rt to the Cbdar Boo tidlnf
from errrp dlracUoa.



Hn. Hama to riaiUnp ber daapi
Un. Barke. and frienda ben. fer a.

Barnia Stoeklnp came b
OB the
tbe laaber woodt wl
beeo wor__lap with :Fnok boon't
la to Van

Un. irtob of ThoapaosrUla it

I at


«nie anlertaln bit

Tbeeraolnp wa.

' ailed batketa. aad at a late boar all ce' '
feellnp that tbep had t


•alardap erealnp paaeed
Ip. and aU report a pood l
Denial ttota ef ‘rrararte Citp. wm
•awn hat wae^ lookiap toter
tatobtr iaiaiaata.

{towpeapaied to pita orpaa and ptono
dohn taaalaptoB. who weal to Chlcacatar a awdleal eparatton. to aaeh
batter and to axpaetad boma aooa. Dr.


_Wa. and John Cook, two Oraat
. Pfaatira. bare barn 11! for aoaa time:
WtdJ^raflad tolaara (bat tbep an

____a Job of loadiap

^ Otrridj^ w«l ^ to


A larpt crowd attended t
cepperpireabptbeE O T
dap ereelhp. The Sir Knjpl

to rarp tick. Ber heap frtoade ban
bepa to bear of bar tpaadp raoorarp.
OataUad * OarfaaBaer an me
their aUl to iu full capaeitp
are b^inp aU klndi of bard
weodlafa. Ttar an drawinp tbelr
laabar to TwinllaaataU to ablp orar
IhaH-hS. EBB.

1 MhaOtlla'Bttala.”

•-wtb ...Uie

i. iUrctri.
...rely ,epe
Inp'pirinp bn
:IS: '.luma-b.
b. pent'r sllioulato. the l..«.
Leader. Hiaa Julia Affcl- and
•Inera. au.I aid. ih~- orpaji.
• p ofl rupuriU-. in the 1.1...
• IMi-r- impr..r,» tbi- .ppe'ii
Nniwlibataudinr the aiepe rrbreb tbe
■a. and
tod is pr-ir.
pr-.r. mr .-••d I
measles bare bad to .our rlilape. Urre
ite tried
ried It a. the r,
eery i.are allll a few ci.ra at the present
bt -al purls.
d n.-ri-e toolc for Kk ■r St cm per lotGe
U.q. Leslie and Hrnrp Ha'l ntorned
from taland last Saturday, where Ibrr

Ur. Dumbulton of Old Minion to rto^
Itinp fait tsD at tbe power bouta.
Martin .Vorri. and faailp bare i
IroB surer take la with fato tOh
Dr. Fenton of . Kispalep
Mr. Barrep ia rUitinf hU eonaln. Ed.
HarreyMtoa Ai
Inpla Gill apeat Mreral dapa at
Saamit City rrceotip.
Utoa Bertta Rcuie________^ -Trartrae Clip Satardap.
Ur. aad Mn
Trarerae Cup. Satardap.
Arch Gibba took a botiaaia trip
lirand Eapidi iMt week.
Frank llruwn and
ml'} froe
View tare mured to Uapi
apheldSewt Ulier and brother of D
Oblo. an r.-!atirr. ber
Hop Gibb, of Trarene Clip
)Ml week lu work fur J. I. Gil
lertje Co ri nioieiepre
ThrnwiU be a maple lahtoro abow
John Seper wat Ih town Tndeadap.
In Ue achix.1 huaae to-aorrow aipbu
Dr Wa Sbiledap wat in Copeml
* Serenl vf the MerAeld people a
latt Uoadtp
tended the Mabcabee enurtoinment i
Kinpalep Satardap ereninp.
Urt- lluraetl bat been palte Ul.--t>
it recore^np.
Sherman Dapa. Un. Tbsper at
Marjorie Gillette bara baea aick bi
<t Minnie Biaclair to rtoitinp
. t-____ •
an well apaio.
The frleadt of Mtot Meuda Uariek
pare ber a turprlae at the buaeof Ura.
Gardner Imi Saturday ereniap.
UtoaAesa Gance rto/tod In Frank­
Ur. <4aae of Kinpalep pare ko intor
furt. tbto week.
eeGnppramuphonr eotortoii
8. S. Darnel
broken bp a I

bad baen


Monday aciiop

At the Enterprise Grocery:
l'.< ja.iiliile lir
■i’a.-kap‘r..|T.e ....

Buck:en'a Arnica Sal re.
Mitaea ^.ory and Rosa tafontareof
City' anent a dap nr au ol
week wiU
lb nlalUea and friends It
Rheum. Freer Snrrs. Tetter. Cliap'p..
ail skte
Tbe L
. M. will notinau:
Grupllona. and p.a.lGrelT core* 1‘ijra.
..Ocen next Friday eraninp m they
orno patrenalred
It 'l, piieran-.s,bad planned, owlnp to prerenlinp
lopire r»rfei-t aati.'-artlcn or ni im-}
fnThe C
topic for next SaacTap [
nr - .............
reninp ia, - rery Christian a Uiamnn-;
jy." Act. I


tad bp amaionary i

Allan Dordri u left laat Wedneadap
for Buffalu, a
week, with bi. parroU and frienda in
Uto pic
Tbe Earnest tVorkrn rrtlj nut bcrid
The Junior C I
Say af^-rnimn to.
errty rbri.jian
G M ll.m.
o a flsbloB .
|SI Turadap


l> haru .krill.- S.IHJ1....
1" luify O<ioj, |»T tark. ,
Syniji. (ST

IdHitum (iliitss, i

K'-riRuni.-1 iik i.-i U..I1..II.................
kViisliiiii; Powif.-I. ivr jmckaite..>r.l S..I, (...,1



liran, |nt KA) ...

ab;el\ to ai.-. the Ij
1 fur eroupai -I all bit

Rer. S Sir* .
ed Ue funeral
ton at l.elind
cu. Iipbtbuoae keeper
a bo hM been the pu
if Itou.. Huoriuau.'f t
place for ae>
-ra; week., left today
meet at the M. K parvmape Friday
alt.-rnioB of Uto-week. All tbe ladies'
are requesled to be prment.

Oatx. prr liualirl

plsi--, the por.t'of I
relumed home Friday,
bn Itudd of Ibl. place, who
ei.lilBp friend, in Uan.wi>
leri-ix. etc , for the laat *ia weeka
Ted hi.uie iMl Thuredap eeenir
cjuile a number of the frienri.
Misara Mary and Tica John surpria
rm iMt Monday errolnx at lb.
'm.- ^^Tbe y,.unp people bad a re
Mlm Celia Steele closed a In
month.' term of achoo; at K~wi,-k I.
Wedniwday. retneniop home Frida
Sbe will lea.-b the spriop term ali
wbleb bepln. tbe Act uf April
Amonp thrwe from out of town wl
ilended the Hand li>pa nstartainae:
,.l Tuesday ereninp were Frank P-i
■ r and ladr. IVallertirobben and lad
. w llen>amlo and Ura. Ida I'lcka
! LeUnd.

288 Front Stnwt.

.ie.u .1. ..I bi.-..'.„.:l


-. I.:.e U...|1,I.


iitlle pills,




Ootiig En-ii or s utn
If you are pi.i...' tu Ik-tr .ll.
or lierund, ask Tour t.s-s. ti.--.
si VI* M. U li
--aln serrice is a 1.1


if’^y'.' V


, ,,


r J

-h il. tills i|.-jnirtiii..ii
AN'., have

(V li. i-n V. ry tatiKfai-tory for
hW-k luwrr IfaBn than uatal.'
if miriiii... arc- jir.-lly a..!) I.Mk.-i, nn.l u, cJa«;Th,-m'«Bir
im.-ludral lu cut pmsw lejjanll.db. ..f lir-i coat.


Read These Prills Garefully;

Cmilittlc el Konej iKperilOD No 4.

Meii'u Mila-aiikrs- uil t^xin. c,ui^.>aI. douMe flnji-x and tap,
a-orlh ri'W.for..
Mi'll a (;ram I'r.KiIe ermirr.,*; (jooLlu raile.


IMO Jiairs uf» Ure and {•(AiKPew. in all Ujtm, rtida of •».?era! liiiee. wn ih from fl.-fi u. 2j>S, ifufor....................



. E ttsanTns' ; . K - . itci.



.a andU. Boyd boy. •»-1« J^^Tm i'SliVfiT^Ii'lo'Sra
irirtwo moatha j^bta ___________ ' Ut beev bold bp drapUaa all wtoter If wa dowt
ptato. prto Afip e -Ms aad oaa dollar.
■ e the Graad Traee
retarwod froa

siaaoTaj baftiuya. iraahy malL ^

Hay. Fabd. Bran ud Oats at Loweat
Foaaible Pr^s.

v=... the enterprise crocer!

Ile..«r I. BI*.
n.-sn 10 -.1 .................

Wm ciapoun made a trip to Traeene
(ily iMt Wednesday
Hr relumed ' heada.-be. eun-ttpalii .
ricorwiay aec-.moauied br Ins brother. Thuasanils rap.nenee
rlesGapmm of CnaFceroi.




We Also Biie Milk Crocks, CJoms ud Disliers.




IUkili(r I'oVtit'i. {-. r |r

topic for
In wbat«


i-'.-iSJ'" i“~

. 10.16,e0.


„Aers bv p.,u

C. and risk y .or life by p.-ffi
(hie Minute-*rli I'li
.11 •!)., colds, ,-r. up. pripp..t-tland tonp tr.mb'em J.

If You Will

bruka bta lepjeet abort bia aakle
II^ I”** k Aar larpe hop oae dap la.1 week.
J. h
iTM ao aiapip dV>e that Uoae atoadinp : TTi*
«raU to nakaows. m
bp wonld batdlt^iirrc It eoaU ba -1‘•PP'a'od to be la food order and laaiba
tone >r e»eal4enb1« ' P°od health.
apt to
pala.Sotto Ulnp welt rand feral tbe
Ura Brown barlap been qnliealek.
home of Mr. Start. Koee of the ataall Utoa Bora Brown kM bne obUped to
Baadapaehonl. remain at home bhd aaatother moUee,

. ..

iL’ Imrs Fair
Floor. |NT «ai-k


will meet wiU Ura
' r Ladle
Kickemon the
Some Ann A.b are briap eaosht
Ihrooph Ue ice in [leak lake
r. Hamlin, troamrer of lllair rej»rt.
pood aqeceM Collerlmp toxe.
Joba Ueopra deiirered bi. crop el
wheat lo Gnwo. peltinp ‘euc per bo.
MtoaAda SmilB of Tnrerae Clip it
be new teaebrr at llill Street tobool
C. a Dye naa purchased Ue iutrreei
1 Ue Store at Ue Ceolrr of M'llli.
attended cborcb ben Sandap.
Tbeeatertoiomenlal UraWB (or the
Urt. Joaepb Bondirao cat
beneBl of Ue church wm a
•turdap on a, rctoraiop Moodip Ch-er »15 WM realiied.
F. Saundera, who la at war
Jbhn Kelly of Trai
pine WLKida uf MiUDesoto, repur
.jp a few dap la Archie rtolLlap friend, accident, durlop Ue winter.
and niallrea
|{. Mcnrneii drlirertop fait pota­
to Gnwn, and bMaerenl hundred
buabelt more to dnw; price, soe.
Wm. Clement ba» 3oo ttirkaof wiaarr
timber to delirer to Tnerrae Cilj fma
Ue A. E. Biapham place. 73 ailaa haul
applied oa a
McttUI Van Taasel It now lo I'endle
ih* libra;?
Untie by
ton. Orepuo. and likea it mneb there.
Hia wife will j>ia bim in Ue Bear fn
riled to attend.

.. 1.00


1*11 l«.uiitJs I


Mn tamtop railed oo Mn Ed Fox
bM bran tanlinp
Senral case of mraalea to C Shaw's
la. barlap rtoliad ararlp
la tbto place, ban abcot neipbborbood
Graadma Wbiuon spent anndap wiu
er son. J. Whilaon.
d foe a time, aatll
Mra Darpa bad aeraral callera laat
Bat If Toa bare kidney, lirrr or blad­
TbcorAerforaaaUnpibeebnrch wlU
<1. an better.
week to see bee aiek brotber, S Place
der ironW yon will An-t SwaapBcoi
pawn, tat been placed with the Suf-Vmntoand Dai Mpan are enb
Grandma Lee bM reurned borne oat the raaedp yen need.
People are
tord Co. Motkepon: econe t<lbe delireradar and hardwood for Ur .pain; ebe railed os Me*. Meb Pa Sap lot apt to P'1 aaxicoa about tbelr
d bp April itt.
near Nerthport
bealth sooeeeociph
Ifyoaare ' ooi
Ura Larb't Honda} aebool
ate Bcyd to eookiop for ,1 MeUann quite weir or "balfaiak." hare ton
. then I
___ ber brothen wbtle Un. UcUano -a erar tboupbl Uat your kidoeya aay be
Uo ranse of yonr sieknea.?
roada work to pi
awap wiU her aoUcr.
act Llnooln.
it to CMP to tell bp aettiap Mide
T-be kw pile* lo
npalnnp Ueahan
E Pbilllpl and wifa bare pone to
aeboel wllJ obaerre Waahinpoar arina foe tweetp-four bonta. a
feet ab ire tbe wa­ boatekerpinp alter a loop stay
ton't BlrUdap on Moedap afiemmm.
aetGtop ladlra
ter, bat Uen to no Ice lo tbe water.
Wa Nicbolli and wife
-"ale exerctoea. Greip oae ta
......... eondiline of Ua kidaepa
bo manp treei wen tbrawn —ri
■ rit^. A a
oolleetioa will be ttaea tor
jlth spent Soadap I When eriair atalna lloea II to eeidenee
the road, darlitp the raeaatpalea that
he benedt of• Ut orpan find.
Mra. Aras’d. and | of pidocy tremble. Too frequent desira-l
trarel la creaUp lapcded about here.
they all. went to WillUatbuip to to urinate, araoty supply, pain or dail i
It then an
ab to keep

,,ehe In the back It orlbo coeelpeinp'
Jobn Jubaaon bM token a eonlract ebnreh bundaymira.ap.
Ur pood eaata aloap. thep^jrlll flaS
TheAae weather we ara taeinp haa. proof that Ue kidqeyi
plentr .of penont around town who to pel oat andbinkalarpeqaantllT of
beiBlaek lopi and cord wood for Ur
_______ here
•ra aeuOBd
t ! aaed doctoflnp.
would willlaplp accept ttaen
-a oSeHnn
Imp lopa and cord woud. Twee < There i, aa'.isfactioa in knowlap Oiat I
ad to see a little more anew.'
the prrat
pra-at remedr. t>r Ki mar aHwaiqp |
Utoa IWl Wlnaie eaae down from will he plad
K.iou fcIA
te blrfBat Beipbb-whood to br at
•Waarewim to abbOBBee a death to, ''
need of feadt to carrp oa
■nne darinp racauoa. aa aebool ta uat aelrbbcrhcod.
Sterea pi,«. „oicloaed lo that dtolriet onaoeeant ot Ue otueold pioora-fa. died aa Moodip. ,<*',k''*;|9'r aad anaary imubita , N .1
la the ebareta
the U’b.
I ielly to the kldBrpa—Ur rauae \
tad U..ta,o«ntato W a. Da



le E. L. b^lc Inr 6odkp ei

Jamee Enoeit and tan^Up left hen
■uedap Bumlnp for ibeir bo
-Ota waa an iron WlUiaa.buiY.
llirir weddiop pi
- b.-lonped to Mr.
caodleatick that o
Tbe W. C. T. r. will meet wiU Mia.
Ftoberb preat prei
Ada DcMBon Fildapaficmoon.
jocL -Cbantp Jue Trrmaln bM eomaenced work at
Rerald Cemipnni'-----Sohoabrrp'a mill. Good Barbor. The
ll>. Kannp lUiprn
poaiUon ol foremea at Uto end of
r fora few week..
rente Will be diled bf Moae Kilwaj
eTTT Norrit hat bad a aiek
Tbe CbritUan Eodearor eocletp will
it It better now
pire a mItoloDarp propram Sandap
ereulnp at tbe Krieud. cBurch- A
Herbert Brran and F J- Eoper.
pnapel temperaaceaecuup will foUoi
been 00 tbe tick lieL

Thorpe, Conely & Co.,

UL WM tad ,

MhaCtolh Bteala etoaad a rarp ana•aratal tern e( tebool In dtotrlet Ko. t
Wataaadap latt.
Hba wni ratnra bp
taeAfM of .AprU to taaeb tbt aprlap


Amonribe erent. f<
Ul. weeir are
■e t. G 0 F enurtali lenv and .op
----------12 Hiekl^xtV F S C K
per for tbtoeeenlap. I
ralenttn*.social T
and■ the W. C.
T r dinner
lamsoD't TueUay
The mush sod milk social piren las’
riday ereninp by the I^adira'Aid a<
wen res hs u m
je residence of CbM. Ilramao wa*
lucbmoreaueeaaafiil than was auurl
AttbelMI qaarterlr In.UIUUoe of
atad. owipp to disapreeable weather
Ur. Reed baa quit bvyiep maple lopa
offioen In Ue 1. O. G'T. ben the folI Dock take But few lopa caroe i
lowinp ofBeen wen inaUiled for Ue
D_d tbe ecaler and lup rollen bad k
Tbe band boys wish to Uank tbe
rople of NorUpurl aan riclnlty fur
8 J.T.-Un D B. MeUaH^
la eneonrapemeot oAered them 1m:
re take
TreM.—ban'l UeUellec.
Bcaday ereninp bp Ueir paUonape.
wg poor tieip-iioi
F, a —Wm J. Hecban
ad also to tender tbtir Uaaks to Uoae
oee barlap lop. to baul tad bella
P. C T.—Uep Uawkina.
boao klnd.y aaatotad Uaa to Ueir
I lb puod time
U -Saa Eellp.
lie rtaib meet
I few qoaii. llred 1
the preat
V. T.—Little A. OMa.
A eery pisaaaat earprise wm pireo
-..ira bp i-omlop to U
era- baroG.
—a.aa Kelly,
r and Un RoySlaela iMt baurdsv
yardt to feed. Tbe ft
•ere p ad
a.—Hnrtle Grabb.
of a ebaoco to feed il
1 l-yjak- ereaiep at Ueir boas to tbeceunlr
Chap—Un Wa. Bawkina
d aamiiaa uf medicine f.
lop abeller bt nlpi;
Sec'y—Rtir Grnbb.
Il wm a penoia
awaap tbep weaUere
A S.-Don Wilaon.
and Mra Steels not
Orp.-W. E Bawkina.
paaaed wiin pamr
aad Ue budr i
M Oorte.PMdracr.
V u>o quickly
uaeful pifu wera n
Hn Anna Johoeon to rarp >lek.
n IliubcoekraaedoB Mn
e97Tn.rd*Ta DEfR'JIT Hf5B
Dan Uren railed hen iMt Tbnrtdap. Satordap.
Beat piren iMt Turi
•o Arnold baa rUllm from TrnrFexea are maklap aad baroc aaoop
^ SorUp^t^tan
tbe cbicken. alioat ben.

- enjopable Ube wm tad at the
aocial on Wedneadap onhinp bald at
Chaa. Barold to rWUap trSaadt taae'e Rail.
M Cktp.
Ber. Madlll bM been condaelinp
aacdal earrleaa at Boamtead dartap
LawhObarlla baa boapbl a bat

Klhaa BoroU laat Tbnradap ar«a-

Heettatruo-Kran -r. \t
Addrna- M u lli.-i, .


' Tin eenla ad-ul-.-.m v.‘.a”
'Cenis fur dinner

^lim.v 1--



tp of em-t


We Will

oar toraen tare Wb drawinp. hone
aall to Hr. Qark nt Boriooa and aqae
ta Twin Honntaln.
Piftp <anu to the
tatoapahL Bhlpblaptorattarpoof.

teJotaa Btroha apeat a few dapa
ta Trarerae atp latt week.
Hha Blaaeba Olrard weat to Prora.•■Btptatardaptoatodp aaaie.
' rraak DDaaar,
Doaaar. Fred Beba and tawhOboKln
In were eoarUnp at taland laat

loracaliun—Rer a-ldrea,-Ge.i loiie
. • Rrapinae-Sei. S. Steele.
;■ Meniortil—Mn E A Cami.te


,t eereral n-lecUoat
e requeat
- ~ et another


-Ibnt nlnrneil
m bii

^Jobn BoS WM ia Trarerae Citp UonI. J. SiDelairqfSoolb Frankfort,
mot Staedap with ber two etalldnn at
Ura. Cbaa Kellp apeot lioedap with the HoUl Sincl^r.
rtlaUret la Walten.
Tbe KiWer bi
lirir p>nu1ar coooerU In
Kltt Joale Btepbenton apeat Salariadpeieltp erenidpdap and bnadap in Trarerae Citp.
G. Cortio. Grand
irand SeereUipof
The aapic laatarn tbew that wat
•J. T. will pire ateneptlean
billed for UoDdap arenlap did not aaentertainaenla bera on Ur 17 and le
Frank Uopklnt of Grand RapbU. Whe
bat tneat aareral Bonibtben, baa rea another
tamed biae.
aberof Uea.............
• war of a Iretare.
KlcbdlaaBarkettetopped hen-Tuet.
a crowded
ate .-toturtlyp erealnp.
dap for a abort ritU while ea hit wap

F. P. Carpenter of Howard atp. who
baa beenaleadlap pouto bopar here
dnrisp tbe fall and winter, bat nturao' atop with ad home.
Ura Jeroae Pnlaam. who hat baea a
Hr. and Hrt. Fkank SbarlS of Gbn- paaatot bartuter, Ura U. UeOarthp.
■aa era rtolUap fnaada bara.
maroad to her borne In Uanball latt
, J. Barrowe axpacto bit danpbUr
Utai Chhapo to Ttolt Ua tone.
The Good Teaplan pare a ralcntlne
A. Ctawford baa ratoretd froa nartp Intbeir ball Uondap erealnp afioa.
Coffee and
Harthar Hlan.
Be to anw
e nutiap
1 a pood time to
- la Ftmakftn.


f-Itowlnp propeaii
eooilucted bp lice I

week, rrturalnp Satorda;

Bapene Ftobar.took Mlta Lillian ta
Onff to Trarerae Clip latt Wedneadap
When thep nturoed on Thondap Be
wa* acouapanled bp Ura. Ulllaa llab..... ■--ipjiiorta and pnmperitp it

John Morrap of Trarene Citp bat
Ur. Piaroe It qelu tick.
Praak hoore weat to Van Bam Itbi
ritak Vhona rM ia Trarerae atp
Ur. and Mn. Cbarllt Baton atte«ded
•Mnrdap at Ittt
ebarch ben latt bandtp.
•eheal la toeOrap
Oraadpt Uorrlton it tUItlep bit at tbe UoBU________ _____
chlldrea in tbit riciollp.
ercnlnp and nported a pood Ume.
la Know la dh^ptariaf and
Uitt Bdith bnrarerof Creawell tpenl
Mn Ueorpe lirptn It In Trarene
ntoaedUtitadtlB a tad a
Ibtl weak at Elk lake ritlUap frleadt Clip, tlapinp with her dmapbter. Mn
Beihel Doan and Cbj
- AratPoUpTiplor ta rarp axk at
an able to be out apals
gyved an lajarp raeelrad to easai
tbe meatJea.
and one of tbe dpeaaat. recoirtd a
Ttaataeol botaa wai elaanad latt
ere ibock of elecUiclip wbleb blit
wen nine ekk
walk aad wa expect acbeol to berin
ed hi. band and Bade him t«
------------------ -one tlata.
All pot tlonp
a few minalea.



come and aalal in maki .
aa enjoyable one. eapeeially

..^aaeatUep are
Itaanow for tbe bara apou.
Sperry Storma rataraed laat Thai
dap aipbt from Central Laka. when
aapball dn
bM be« worktop for eoae Hiae pMt
attend tbe
Ha, to appeara. traded oae of htobonaa
lor one that enlted kia betur. and t''
aaa.erideeOp notUktop tbe ebaai
Fbe Jaalor Lrame topic for Sandap
aaddeolp nfaead to lira, iberef
ereninp to -Lwunlnp to Joaot In Ue
leartop Sparry wIU oelp one bor
Temple - Matt S«:l-t4.
Ur and Hr*. Thna EenaeU of G
Pier came orer tadapio attend it
O O. F. enlarutomeaL
No mwacblnp at
Coop'l ebnrrb li
aloaal riaii ben iM^week.
'□wiap to the. illni
W. P. TnamlB bM been laid ep for
CoppA uSxale. dralere In dry poodi
.and proeenea. are clo.inp out tbeir
a few dapa with a acn bead.
itoek of poodt el pricea below coat.
Will N-aab paaaed Uroaph towi
L H Campbell and A C Sari <
bit' way to taland Tueadap Boralo.



"0|*irs of M.-ir» HaiKlWvlte. in Calf, furdman and Kangaroo,

1 fjft

isHv lip Pingr, u A Smiili, W. V. W. ila A ('o,, C. H. Uaa.

tlewon A Co., worth fnnu W lo ft nil g.» at
M.'it-h I.ta burkle lVrf.u:tioim for F.-lte, fo


M..iri two bui'klc Perfectioan. dixtijualliy
SJ..irK two hackle BDSK proof l>a>«llra............
Men's h«-<-l and strap Hurniia ......................
I Moira one burkle ch.ih toji, Lunib..rniba».
M.'n'k tine, li;;lil one borlHe Sn.-fli.a..............
.Meu-awo.}] lin.>d Alaakaa.......................




It' h«-l and strap Huroni...............................


fL.ys' one boi'kli' .Arrtir*..........................................
IJ-.y.-Riihls-r B-mU ..................................................
" .iDetj'e .kr.'iics, dnl ijualily.................f...
Alaskas. first <)Oblitv............................
Women•* Buhli'r San.lala.......................................
Midb.'s' one ha kle .Vn iitus first <]aality



Miau^'Alaskan, wool lined....................
fliildren'a ArrJio, finil quality...........................
W.. have Broken Jjolm in Lotdiea'a

The Boston Store,
TrftVftr»e City, Mink.

Changed Location
From 127 f tate Street

To 123 Cass Street,
6ppo«it« the Fire Enelne Hotuft.

Oaa Bair•tockeoaUarnratVauoaslBaah.Wtara WMBa
Faaad a PaU Uws Of

Farm implement Machinery,":
Wagons and Buggies.
I kltt m niM I cv kiO 8 kt tufim at tml titw ai IftiteM
IMtiiM. M MurtM ui IM Mm.


Cra-dB* lieea Is Ldasd.
DBiA Ha* Ratw-I r> to Mbaol lie* la Good Barber toe. 1 w writlac
oC U« bUckMard. 1 el«or tbk tatter U ecbod. Iraen that U the
IhttaUoaodMtIbo tabW.
iRotpoUke I bad tbk Mkner.
Mow I
tataaafarjaaua. M^tMcbartaaM will tdl yoa ny atadka: craoinar.
foorraphy. third trader.
k Mta Smb BlaSaaa Good if.
Yoon tnlr.
wrillBcaadapelUac. W,
iroacb the tbIH iwadcr.
Ac* ••
Baa* ^'o* Gt-*as.
DB*aM*«.iB*ti»-»h o«arCbrlrt- iio coed by. Proa yoe

amd ntmn^ u-itk
Uaay a hne* utUicr hat the iam<, hinoey-

de^WimbcB. TkAlwatk^
lboi«bl Aboa ud took Ibr pJh Bond

«aa tlM aad I aa «pad*rlnc «t«7 Ac* 10________
«v«b*taoBUCUa* will brine B*. I
m» hH tcaok* tbr*a Use* aroaad the
Dua Mac Batm:
weoda I aa 1 n tbc Bm imda. t bare
AMW b**a M aebooL
IbaIpBaaw. woald write you a fer
colac to tcbeol. I like ny teacher
Good by*.
eery nacb; abc k eery kiad to ea.
k Mr*. H. B Uthn. I atady
.(Ma'Bn. OH.atM.
teadlac. arllhneUe. writiog aad .pell.
Dbab Mm. Bata*:—I aa *la jean
ay. I baea a i
I bar* cmi to tehoed tfanr
.ad white, aad I bar
S «eat tbrooeb *>r
lead ny cattle «*ery
«*•««; 1 bar* )a*t cot throneb it
1 k
BCala. leaa oobbi to IVb. aad add.
MUJe to lead aad
t aaa waeb boraat. W# hare foor bone.; G.ej are'
dMbM I win Glee*.
reryceBlkaod tbry Uke to err nej
VcBA I. Jnaix.
to feed lUen. I atayed at bona |
to belp pa ehell com to Uke to Ibr lOtU
^auun aij.Dw.i.ta*
1 read oat of the H»;kam.
Mb*. BAT«a:-l Iboecbt I
veaM wilu to joa todej. I hare dr* and i nad Ibe lUtle lellcn too.
Ukeo the Bsui.ti atnsl four
hratoenaad oae akter.
Mj btoOxr
lawritlBf IBTM.

'^ dan
1 bad tM bap^
bxin I bad known bn yran. That a«k
IwrM toAcrpraaly
Arpi Bwodb w
-“Afwr I b.d ukra ten born of Iht
piiu. 1 lAiad dial I wa> rinrd atG had Abo
InrrtABd 27 pound, u wcarbk

yu my work agi.i uid h*N-r cwiibMed
rvcT uner in rtrrUr-i bralih.
“ Anolbrr valuiblr yain to mt wu. lhai
while I wu uki-x ibcB piO. I had hrr-i
cured at l‘>( unsku«. hiht. wbicb had
Innnrd «(*-. I wb . boy .-A had cl-anj
«. me A! iW
The ci.v,,* I,
trVacco kli rm and I hare nr-cr cik.
n. xcd h w.wr.
. “I can-** uv
Ice Hior p-Jh
Live rrco.yimrndrd
i. mani.**

I ro~ It I* Unr for nr to
Icdtoaebofd aad yean.
:loee. to yood by. j Pro® your frirnd,
Baui. KrouAix .i

ruaTy'CO. ISWa.

J Ko.MB.Aa.Bw.
woMm^ A.»ue iboaa . .lai..
-Uyi ThnuuiO-.r. .uUrnne r.-r...-,..;nc irSir-'T.ri
,.,„,Bkeryfrun. .hat tbr nigbl.

ib. >>»dr.n .a

'm............ ■




difccyear*.__________ItiA Hwn.
lewrtwrkee.Klrb., Dre. It. IM.
Dub BnmMC—S will wrlU toyre. I
Mat. Hat»—I thoaybt Iwould
karetbrea aktan aad two bruthetm.
write yoa a letter. I cannot write rery
Tbar* aaous are Hay. Haodi
yoodio BnaBawlIl write for me.
My broUm-aaBae are Heary teat yop n letter voce brforr.
bad Johb. Bor peta I baea two doca.
oalafonr paper ud kept lu
Sow I
aBdtwoeata. Ikt dofa afa dark, aad
pKrtall yon about ay peu.
1 hare
The eaa are ealled Hpot aad
tWm brn* and a calf: ber aane k
•taf. Ilk a atomy day today.
I c«
lie: and a biy doy. hk Dtar kJach:
tf abkool aeory day.
My WMber'a
lUle on», lU Dane U I'ac: and n'Val,
WBc W Hacde Uall.
1 like ber rrry
> name k Mibr.
I bare three b^lh.
' Mweb.
At tcbeol I atady readiac.
kUtryarryond to idi: they tl^y*
VTltlar' bekban aed ajBlilac- 1 »rc brluy me aoBeibioc
’ tr^Iaka. Ico boat rUlac le the boa*.
V*.trrdayriwbuudiyand paaakBcrUBB.
Hike It bore la the
^ read all thallUl*
•Bkker time.
Vo«n trn'y
to hear Urm.
t Went to echnol
Act A
_______ ^eeuGanoa)!.
tbk fall nntll -I waa token tick and
how Ibarr toktoy at hone. My Mach
Dre. IT.'iW:
- OubHaaBATM-tUoarbllwoold era aane l. HlnOIllr cirernooch.
^uiU like to bare
tall By aanila |o wriu ne a f*w lloee.
nae all It w*.
My BaBBB aad yap*»*« *t <'ibwi
Iwaa wellbnt InUilyal Lomea-d brlp
,B* do louof work.
Well. I will
1 want to tell you tome nor*
bkahiuthai'. 1 fo teaehool ereiy day.
SBBBa taya 1 btyr doae pmtly
My toaebarb oake k Mr. Brarkri; 1
. Ko food by*. Aye.U.rrarw
Mka bik eary aiBOb. -I bare two ew
[alum tl
lu llelaf la Traearae Oty aad foor
MWlat Ilea eloae to ftaadBUk My aaat
'Don waa to Datroit la*t tel. aed
Wkwbl kta Blot ribaooABd a bIm
a wMI* alar* I h*rr
ClBtkac. Wall. 1 caa-t tblBk of aayUaaAM.. i thuaybl-l w u'd tend IB a
tblar alnaoi will doo*.
Good byr.
taller, a. I tee the i
of tbr Uttlr
lotka are wriUoy.
VuuBC Folk*
TcrarlHU* frlrad.

yw-uad^ai ul April. A
’f^wrV if*A»<.^.”i^I^Irrl^ruroma

P.MV .».|ue« •«— u.lMkWMWMaew.
PebraAry IMh. IBM.


lantnar. bat I toppewr there r r<
e.VMi..*aa.n. B.
ef Other tblnc* to lutcreat tbcm
ti I bar* arc
■o I not golny to M-hool tbk wlblrr

...... .MMMM

rlrl* wrl
1 eroald wriu

itibd tha wi
keloyol ttody at borne ^
n CO at] the boaaework.
I bare a pet bird. ki
k Sed: b* to rtry frti-ndJy
The other day m.irma

help* to, a.


I like to bear tbr
Daaa Mm. BAna;~t tboocLi I
I bare'
•DBld write to tb* nuAUO.
I fo U< rtad tMb week.
aahooi .*«y day.
My toaober'a aane er hU aane la Tracy loj;
«B BOBlhi old.
Wr oo
h Mr. Blackwood. - I as la lb* Blib
leap. Pape krepa theia on
fiad*. aad ay etadlaa arc laaCBar*.
PorpeU we haee a bird: mt and
faampbj. Bri^aetle, nadioc aad
tg. We hare DO mow hot plenty ot
(Ye had a nice CbrUuaa*
Iroa. aad w* aU fot lota of akw preud.
(T* arr color to bare a Chrktaaita.
Voan tewly.
***nlert*.Dnrotat the U- II rb.ircb
rbrktkaa Btr.
Aff* 10 year*.
Macm UboBbeb.
Id a (Inloyoe and
one. .Mamiaa uw
' Dub KutOB.—I hare bera ooulae
TmrcrM City: tbr plan
MBBaato wrIU to yoa for a week.
It waa all wo
batahedU aot cei UaeI eaaaol
bare Ukep the Uaul.o rrrr .loee .br
arrite Bach; I bare ea’y been to acbool
to ladlaoa elytat yean ag
bwaacHitba. laaeUycart old. Oar
uredto be HaUie Neenan
Oeaebar'a Dane k Mr. Breekit.
It think o(
like him rery aaeb. leaoeetcoto
Good by*.
aoberi for I bare a had cold.
fiat wHta ay eaa* Ihk tlae.
to wrlle ay owe lettM*. Good by

DubUM ilATi;.
BerrMrlUe. Kirk.
Dbab Binroa-l tboueb 1 would lltUe letter* in the
erritaafaw llacatetba Binui.n. a»
I tboarbt I wonid «
Bara brrer wriUn balora. 1 aa a III
aeboul BOM *H
.Maboyalxyaaraold. IharaobelluV
. aktari ber baaa It iladk: the k four ■o.
yaart • Id tbk apriaf. 1 bare aot aoy lezt l-Vldey afirmoo* Nr pa wn
f«». I CO to oebuol VTcry day. I waat Frankfurt tbk aftrrnoon. Our k-I
. 'oataariiaUfeaa. Boylac tbk wilt aot yare an cntertainnrni ibr 11 :h u. r
' naA iba i^itie bMbet I will eloM for
lonry toward, a library fur.lhi* . 1
Ume. Year little frleed,
XHD. F.U- priK I birr a Kltlr ral<
FHAKaiK Utsu
Ibecaunanriiarerrlrkct aad Shadow, j
Dun Mm. BAtaa-1 thoBCbt I wriDld 1 bare a brotfarr: he i. It 'year* old. |
There are foerlern .cbolan In iiur
ballibi aklcr to trrile nealcMir.
My brblher and I bare a pair
fotO .ebool eeery dty. Hy UaL-fai
of bob alelgbe and w* can ride down
■aaeik Hr. Brackeh-1 like bin r.
rolny to arbool yet. fur my brulb•aaab
I taaee a altter aed a bn tber
|n.l look them Monday nurolnr
aad a tilece coia( to acbool wHh Bt.
Altocr'aer I hare foar abler*, two Friday tttrroMM we tprllril do.o •■mI
Wetbrn abd a aleoe aad a arpbew. apellad the acbool down
Wall. I Mbt tbiBk of aaytbiac nor* By letter!. yrlUnc lone riiunyb. *0 I
will deae for tbk Gmr.
aelwiilelaaa. Goodbye.
Yocr friend.
frya year loelaf frlead,"


1..BBU, cmwut.

mBvrboi And manv wmvVr+J
. made. Drunmti comidrr
remedy, and a!lBBtboB

My teachark aane k Hiia Mbbm
Mr*tBdk*ai*.«r*t reader.
. BBBbrn aad writlac.
I men I will
atoaed^rUkUak Ooodbjr.
Jo«> Voa Gi.Ain.



this one rejm\, s in a ^etC'/imad ure^g/A aad UlU hit

e Unea Borar n

bMk. IWdOltoBoadCity with papa
aboat a BMtb aye aad had a rwl yoed '
HyaMarwroutak totter lor
Mt batune I eaaoot writ* eary pood
Mfaolt 1 wUI ahw clew for thk Uom.
AwTui'B Itraaeoa.

bruaaf*. Oo# of my broiheta c« a
Uul* nadar irr* and trlmned It np. but

Atoban-B aod Uouivk

dkcaated with
lo<iwHie wa.nn-iitir rcarolulog
waa not half a* alee a* 8aauCUa*' a rtow of girl* In narural blH.ny.
Chrktau* tree*.
He U alx year* old.
ihr iiam.* of uy
:au. Jail ibo
IB* 1 had ihkaoB.'
wbi-B 1 wat e.Uac udat'



Obap Mm.
Boald writ* to tha BMALb,
wfor*. ico to w:b<Bl.trtar«b;aBdUmm-i*a.aaoldltAbloo*dj
" h.” mid lbriT,i.pwt.rr. ••Ih.. wt-ail bSSiri^Sd u fm^imJe^ w*.'
auer wrWm before.
rth prada.
] am to the tearth
r>da.' My ttadtot •" pleeaud aefataney. altb SabU ct giil lu the ctom kaow.t, my
teraecTr rnmmrnced
roBBenced to heal
heal and
c b.d token uerril hottla* ll
■ClauaeealBC oniol
ara iWdlac.
tred eBtIrely. *»d atlbonyk •**.
> tb* IriaapUnt <
rapby. I


•*>wnttr.tb*»lb^MApfU.lMB.. ibanr rotr* li» b-en. o» and keep
br-M role* for iboM they mrvi elarwher*.

will ll
day. b> eoBe ibu the b>et putf hid b
tb* ww. A kind Tide* 1. a lark A waic t
htwri asd bom>.—Chnwtoa (fork

- - -.....


-am^i *uT*Trv^eflJ!irhS^"

It netlly away ayiia.
■ fell
kae**.eBlu*bM eawara* rap* aneiw on. ,wu uim

e^ Wt Inneratp itonarkrd after a l-n.*. on
-------------- . MO’lBC ..------------haad
held ap, -IriKBld .
■ to
W taken tb* BfeSAUi lor tb* to*t,karrtod doi^^ttoli*
ti tb* Morptocl
^Uiy* I'hrkilBM t.*e,bea«faanwduf .
thro*or tearyaara. Wt baeatwo°eato. aad tbera wataUiya
..__________ atbapmtty atar Wb* ter' trl>B*d with Muy beaoUftI or»*.l. Tbu lumtog to the HtU*
. pale otoat, no food bya

latoBMaad praaMto.
Froa year lltito

ether bloaidi

I fharlii
alt* after be had bmn poi to bad. abr
foond hk eyre were clowd. aad be '


^ — _^kt^
idto. aed V
a Hula

Wba 1 «MM kow »t atikt.

Tkortkia^lcWtokw------- Tb* tmowj oloth te
ia«Doo(b tarm bead:
S«obi tnifi irltb ta^ur
“For be« BB* »««U 70a a*n act
't«w «aU aa. •If.’-«rtB»ba.
tb«l I 4MWB apiMbiMr.


Wllb bm; a



- aadruUc
. baar a r_____________
Bbenehibb)' arai/«Delm m»
_ _ oka1«» —aaairarf!

laMBranMb Usblad
VcrfaUMlj - - - _^l of OB^^toBa

~Re(fB«Utte («U (a KM
IterUteKUBdite. dBirr

cMofiee latte ratriferater (or as
ir or two U wlU wblp wall.
(tea warmltwlU
wlU qalekly ten to
botlar, or lake u alBoat ewdlaai Ubb
Wbaa lea boot at baod. aad
awe b afraid of it teralaf te better.
tbatroaUe-aubearoidrd by tte on
of a liUia dbaolrad (aUUDO la tea




rykoa*» rolday fraral


S4“;in;;r“rs;,ji-r: rc -

of'u old*^!ece of iaea and puu

it, bat tease flarored with

maid Mdeocuratihrr mbireas
________ M li aba OMd aTa Bufof for dera. lo te wid teal tea b______
layer cake, bot a rery cheap cake moat should be doited. Tbb she does rery
be Died, as ibe cream soaks late tea
layers la aaeb a way teat U a rleb cake
b eacd, tee'byara will fall apart wheo kitchrn towel, in order to hare ber befio lo lean tbr Dse of tbeaoedle Abe
was readlsr when the rrqoBt was
Not more teab eoe «vr
made, and did BOl care to do it. Not
e aiae of ao off. aboald b
earinf P> (urea her. know Inf tbe would
a uule more t
soldo it wsU and notelnir
aad oftaa wite
swell to almoal-------- ------- ------------------- fslurd, afar was told, “bers aupprae
after tec eraam aUlBfb pot la. -Two- you are a dreaamaker ud prepared to

telrda of acuplal of cream will beaufOdenl lo whip for a (car-layer cake, idra p'.rased-iilr'ud she answered:
aad will ba eaoofb lor ooreriDf tee -‘Walt till I dress up -- She drrswed op
ask lady, tied a psir ,i{ soiasora about
.tacbed a plucnsbii
*‘’^brt abelb of paff paele cai be laade
ber bell, bmuf bt ont ber^Uule aewior
ud kept la a eool olace octll a :
basket and was ready lo brfin. Of
mloctsa before tea lime, wheo they
oonrarshrwas aaka<
ikad queaUea
dllod wite whipped--------tee price aad talkad
woald b . It took time
without e
but tee object was
.push,-. ..
Mia. A. W. M aaadi BoM C
.rery happy
hSpp] while uklor tee
ebotelaie. wheo stirred ioto ibe teneo- she was
VnqMt-Wraetpa forOrwBCBUaraereiof. llUleeeiwlof Itawe.-C-ssI Bemstifrp.
law pot Ibe last tblof beforee aereii
Malada tbat It b s«i dalldow u llaboold beelimd rlforocaly
y oaU
Mb. Ftek Batea It. tte HciaU Bame fnlhaalerly.
iwa b; aetoal czperi
with a caccc of whi;^ cream, aod
, U
Ite boulBBt cam
teaa,ratbdrad by
Frequent balbiof briefs freatremaiiy of
tease to te aereed oold are im,_____ 1 by a la.verof
it spread oeer tbe (reabment. ud acU both as core, ud
1 (errrish
lop )oal before aerrlaf.
Idle for
1........... - cooditlona.
. -.
* dalbata deaaen b <
_..-r should be tepid (or tbe
made of fifs
and warmer (or thereat of tee
teb way: Taka a soil•atlbaaanBilalacBB.
bodv. Tor pellent should be onoorer.
dent aomber of dry Ays. wash
____ teem,
ailowlcf tera~toMralow. ed bul.a ll'ile at a lima and allowed to
Btil tci
tcoder. aod lellbrm Uke up make
Om daaas vaafaa aad tima leBoaa.
-tete may ba firm nader the
tea sealer teey will, tee real beloe
PmI aad etep tte paal of eea-baU the
... When-._.................................
When almUt eold aerre ia eloteos to uor
aciapm aad aU tte laBc«a<iaiu tea.
liahea with a spbonfol of wfaipaoothiBfT.
I I ladneea 1
MtapttepBlraadtaha oat ihaaaadt:
.teatb eery popular.— tee kners are beat aod 4
fte palp ate paal tcfctbar.
merapd op lo toe ankles.
paud add two qoaru af wata
To dry teem a towel is
• WaurlBf Boose Plants,
Mate Urcaty-toor teara. tb« boU <B0
• e foot infc. aod tbe feet an
Ilk folds as tbs tub Is wite
am aatlafiad test not one pmo
hMT. ite day loUowlK wdfk and
llinrw ao d
•Bty b aware that too mueb w
a afcay pa«ad allow erne paud of
■---......... Wtbe pi —
. -1 cu add in iL...........
awu. BoUti
too little,
borne ftrdeoera seem lo fort of the snffrrer.
bare tec Idea teat lo tek> » waleriof bed are amoef tbe mtbor mlMries teat
lobe endnred. and Botelnfls
pot la ter haad and supply the aeeds
belter than a whisk hr
In funlnf a aick peiaoa i
fire a dash bore aod to soak ter soil u teem.
t dawa 10 tte bay ahora thb all tears U lo the matier. Onr teiof b sbonld ba done quicily aod will
All planu uoderall mrchanlcal refularily.
The nnrw
r. Tte watar taekad daik- ______ .
d not ail le a rocklofwhair. The
. oor. !
Ul. aa tbaafh bnodlaf
plaeta nader differeot ■
0 makra a prraon /Bizzy when
rrqclra tbe came amoaot ol
.□d weak-—Lx'lios- Himf Jo.
y. teerrforr, to itudy the
“1 will ba aTaacad,’
re aad babita of kiada. ao teat ei
Oeltoinas Com CuOee.
lo aay; “arayfad la Ite
>y te treated aoeordiof U
hbril well mainred ears of yel
riaad alfbtaof alanaa
A rlfcnma, bloomlof plaeU aay a
ore waan. Ill a larfe kettle foil aod
1 will aBila aad eraaUy late (aeteia ora Keraolom, mifkt be said
or boll fur two honre In as lUUr
repreeeot tbe masii
•adkfBkaU paay hoBu ihtBfa ttet
water. as pcaslble.
lie. drain la o<
teu pat It la larfe drippiaf p
Bay irM la aay olatabaa"
Id cool, damp wnthrr. tbr
dry in n slow oreo. atlrriaf it o
A dark, diafy, lofxy air
as to thie.
any; when dry put it a' _ ..
tee same quaotliy ol
•U. ttetek troB oaar bytelrcr aad
drsirrd (or nse,
-. thro put Oi
r lo both oDodlLlooa oamed w
rwlta tte (aw tetbary browa laa~
o poonda in a pan .ud
' caoac ham by not firiof enonyb
r orro. IllrriOf
TiOf Urrary
Urrary two tnuiuU
idIU dlaftar to tbalr ten Ibaba aa la
star toaomr aod too much toelbrra
tec color of broword ooffe.
BOrlai dnadddtteteracwiatarwiad
le safe role b to wait till tbe ball of
errry caretal not to*
) any. a* oor
.nb beflni to fcl rather dry. aod
Itey kaow will aocm te bowllof
' two frmios whirh. are
burned will
,eo lo rire enoock water to wet
upon tbr rntirr lol.
After It Is cool
la tb^ braaebaa. adyiaf. -I teta. I
roofb and throofta.
Then do net
porawpy in tin or fiaas rcaarle. lirlad
•B baaad la daatny thaa.”.
ster Bfaio oottl tee former elate of
Take a beaplof Uble>
yocB b reached, te teat time six as you use if.
noaatte poortna.det* laluiui
ap loofnl of Ihejrronnd com (or each
L. tblte tbb
cop ofruld water naed.
Let it come
to a bill (or a miunu, act where it will
lhtetbt-"Kar1b wlad, yoar bale «bdLoDon 8ynp.
krrp bot and aleep (or flftceo minnlra
Mt daMroy Ba.
Yo« may bead
Tbb syrnp eao be oaed for flaroriof S -rre with fdud neb cream.—Anurferm
dbBnn ay poor Iteka. ypo may oakea. peddiafs. ice cnama and water Hvinr A'lirhre.
Matte ay wora laana aad fllaf tbra iora. as wall at for a drink.
lemons, wipe with
wU a damp
ta tte carte, bat beblad tbcaa poor larfe
Clrantnf eilvar.
elote. roU uUl soft, cat
laca bra tte badator laaracaaw aad
aubjoet of clcaninf
Jt tee joJea.
teaaUfal wUte tee .sweat, warm ^'ouo
■ teraa.
line <ll*ei
fortwelre bAre. 5t«M_aodteU la
at it auni
knateof Mayirill aaraly braatte ap- ud let
foaaare yuor annr To make it comparaU
. aa. aad tev wiu uloU aad <teaea
(that ia
srtteloylBtea aarlBfaadlatea.
____ ia,( teat are lo daily__
cry pla^fjJter.
with powdered boru.
. mb; teae. wbaa tea birds an slaftay mure anyar teu al
ao pnrefy - - ■' found aeeeaasry teen to poUab them
aDdaylaay teuebsa. I wiU telakof
wite powders sad whltrainp. prepared
r u^- mix
Mat yoB an aow Bylaf to bm aad
chalk aad all sneh thlofa.
k»k >
It mneb
ploaiuierioi^ballklDdaof diabm.
n Bsiu SOS leuBus^oioe auQ les but It briphteu op allver remarkably,
aiautec. Yon ccE botUe thia udit Un-t half the trouble to take
i. It It true euBomy to make a
iah. and keep for nine or ten
if all aueh tblnfa teat help oa on
it ia batter to'keep In a dark
dally atrofflea, eqpecially a
>d it abonid bs well corked ud
Taadar aoBas a bu. Cnet aad
who dues her own work—abr
•Moaad ra^ with WaHh ba asriafs
aaedaarrry bll-of spare Use e
akat at teeach, to fa. wan bb Btete
Ban b aaotear, a white bairad eld
Maa. anwUac baaltattafly dowo Ite
Uere la a pla teal wUI 1
tSaof tec (rellfnlcL____
of milk to tee b^.
tenak BaBayaUpaadboK bli
. letirl______
,____of frated hsfuldaotu umbrella b
a cnpfal
paa kaaw ba b always telakt^ telawbrn it te weV Torol
ud 000k ten minatm.

■ Take
Utnai do to te rate:—tea brokaa from tee fire, add foot taKeapooafala imbredia te to inrite Ibed;
dyra to rot It.
bMBotteaaredan slow to baal:
of iiucmr. teo yolka ol Isro «fa well md one of tea tsara of t_.
•a. wa Bast Boi ba rmsb. bat take bcaleo ud a table apoonful of cracker uaoufacturer is loaded dve oclailk.
When orer-dyrd allka
......... are- weLapd
Fcl tela ioioa pie plau. lined
laed «an of oaiaalna tea IttUa whila
he ocnbrellu railedludaetawav.
' and drop small pircra
' onarrs e^plaloicf teat Uair
^e lop. Baki
las are pkacklaf in tee folda
r a llWe while afo H Jeat before it Is ready to leaee teeorrn
lea appear, aad they are apt
wbitca of te
tee cffa to a slid Fioe boira
oldBuwa. walk- Wt tbe
n tee umbrella to tea menrhut
(rote with a ItUle a
:a)aaf*kcatreatjnit aa rifoenaaly ow tec top of ter pie.
ud claim '
tea other mu who Bayba Ua own
aula dote* aew.
Ba euBarerfo
8a*a-tba Glora
*b«l alwvaon, teal or alow, till
Before a bole In a
fau lo be
too larfe• just try
it. iSoaraood ter adfc with a clear:
bncaBcaaterBsrvea uriteccBc
aUteb. usiofflore thread, aa tea tilk
. tbe leasee of e ___ j In aa o
bacaef friat ow It. aad eiuAand.
thread, so odea naml oaly lura the:
Ite tea door opea.aad koaplaaf:
rited eocktef and eaay chair. A pro*
.... Thra____
into ibte_______
r tar fiarcrlaf aonps aad aaocea.
rooad like a ckocbctsd mat nnUl the
liacdubtaadcBctbat urUI
- - la
- filled
-lied up TUt proem w
well astudte will ward ofl tee old t«
U itet te bar baafaud wba
floraa leaf Ume.-.Sel<rf<d.

I llM«ateoa<

claim IB atak«d wtU e
What b all tte fold la Eloadlka.

JUml t|( ftUsc’i CctiU.

Ipjld^ '






MS back laUlaa aaethar. tea dHeaurUkbia old. wiry. boay. litUa Bara,
wWabif.wafoa, aadabadtiek flllad
•rtthteu atrew; , ^ probably Ua
ewa, aiaha down te all tete tuary.
tefadaafUaf Aowa bchlad.
^qwyiWbydoaatea amt BAatL.
laao^tetteaf htehoaBoablfhT ta


Bit. V.


Blfhau Bonon-Wortd’a ralr.
Gold Jtadal. Mfdwliiur PUr.



Bad afX to laamte Ulaaa Bteataa le

bMiSlW Moh Blleo a CSm b


-b 70a?



A ?w« Onpa Otwi «r tarttf PMUt.


sS-JpST'itr™'.; su,

I bat—ut a Ut.


“If y^ was rich, what aronfd yon



-'Well, a steam esfter.
mayW; now.

bad s psuerAi
snd Koinr'frivrr stimic sV
-W itb a bull test would rlnf. papal
rHIrr.-cl llir. I tapidly tinpr..
Ill .11 sis I..S.-S, lurlffnll-. ..
■And' ^Jtiiird' i/c'*“wherUfo wound. A,-II. Uinr Ls> Uen s.wundrrful
I fc-l Ibsl 1 lannnl my urtebif s
ym. lyawniof). bhniyour cyea
iv..:fc-li f.x Dosn's KkWy HU.
peal wite it test lUry mar lilo.iis“And wt^ld Itfocboo, choo. obot
kp-sn. Thry m-iU prurc s Its.!) I.kinj.
^*^'ea. yea; new fo le altap:'
For sslr by sll d>->k-rs. brirr fai 1
blaiktl bv F.«rr\llbuni I'.i.
N. y , s-l.- scrai. loi llwV. S
-PaparbcTlhr luimr.
sal takr u--Wen, abal ai>wr'
- s yiMi 'faid »(the darky
-Ki." (druwailj 1.
" lanlcUher. Papa:--

10 Cl NT

Siieoce for naif a second, teea—
•Papa^papa:••Well, woai IMIS"1 waatajick •

froB coop, aad fraetea. aad tria^
from Brat eu be atod. Melt oeci
rate fire aad eWa. teea pat os
tec fire apain wiiM Uule beUiu sea-..............— featly UU m water baa
caaerJaraadBia tcMIylarM,

' Trsist Wtssrs rimtnsr Ctlr SI
1 l.< TrsisTssClu aits.%.



J a Ktfoa. kssBi. Tts.rrw ail .
I...O o. asvu.

TkAVEksE ClTt, Miiii.

;—- —


= ~

/MDAV, MARCH 4tli, 1898.

Ts tskoesri Su<uUj. JUM m. IBT,

Ooa Day Only Boefa BobVi.

ow, 1 don't
waot to hear uotbrr
. (tAbyon
.. looicti." von
moninful of
Two minutea



,. U^die, pap. r
11 Hat iwoo'cloek In tin
teat rif
loOudy e
•>Nu, It IS not; ao<
•‘Thro It s d-o-f”
a. yes. BOW
sd-fo to sleep is
“Then I'll be a

; aao tee.._.
u .4^ a.* r. a
tlpiii. hort^_

Thi CeUbratsd Specialist*,

Baperwour has Unfhl yon that
there will be BO peace oatil yon hare
pronybl tbe :jiok.- and you hurry
out to the bathroom In tbe oark (or it.
knoekiny voorsbius afalaslereryteiny


rar yuu
orninr ••

To Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men
•s. •* nui ,-t.. |.rreim« fslisf.


••U 1 your lllUe bry?"
'•Some man s baro'l fol ary
1 hare, ha»eni yuur'

Tu.sre s, Dr,.•' **

>00 wikh V >0 bad two,
ben. twroiy-kix. nlnci'
(rrr bnndred IllUr bovs?"
urr* pjtaUiUli.v of such a rrmoir
illnprot caUmi'y so ptra .> z.
St y.iu lie sprecblie lor !•
Ik Uurioff which y>-u hrar
yewn or two in the little brd I
aide, a llltli' tlKui
orrr i
els Ilr inu. Ibr
sir oner or twice, a wb;ie. miikt IIuI.
reaebrs out and uiucbdr r.
o make sure teal .vm are ihr
and ter boy it ssirrp. with Ins br
bit brad oufkl to W —i'l

alice of r
willkos* _____
teraiaf brown.
Wbm ter friddir bas brrn o*c
sprinkle it while still bot with coar
aall. udrebil well wite a piece
paper lo fel rid of uy traces
If wuheJ.
tot bake ao well next Ume.


Lock Box 160.








:■- '.ri!
*■.'! •,



Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs, Etc.

Horseshoeing and General Repairing Done.


EumlmUot of hicbm.
»otsls«r«sr. Willaea.14 i> itr tirsszr Ssl.
41 Trsrrts* Cli|, is esmmeses si t o'slnek


Be-Pamtiug and Upholatering.
, Sute St., near Union.





Kt. PlMsuL OwoMD, Bmtinaw.Bsy 01*7, D«tawlLHew.
•U. Ann Arbor, Tolodo sni
polnu East aad Booth. Clooo
oonnaction* at Copomlah with
w. H. BSnrSTT.
au<iraamAfft.(alodo. .

Cheap Homes



_»^rssir s> u
^sr^^tejssekm II tec pc
teCisf sf a arc csai. will br
« rreSc rrrutrsws. ssC B
lUrrelc.sslM fsU tetew S>

Po«iTivtt< euaasNTkto

nl Oseksws Jasnlss. tskr
rkssrr s< Jsoctl.s teWs. I. BIS*.'



- -- cosCBxuq.'




iaisad ksseUIytet Irnsricte

ia«. Twi lias. 4is I

DRS. Ii. S. & CO.

acs^ skis, Usius
eunse teir, sxy 6

..... .-istr-




Ely's Cnu Btln

be ketUr boilt dry. lake it off tea
atoee ud poor io b-x. aot oold water,
I sMM-ETlAU.'v rrrts.rte tc salt ihr sries*, ler <
u tea latter may butt it cr crack the ^
AamWss tmi' Ii iicrps s bresUfsk Tuirkiiu- Ism
ssC te. xrrst trseruass
It b sW Bsht er MUST
To chop aoetquldcly. apriaklaitwitb
Bonf, teeo proB flat srite a roUlaf
pic. aod roll uuUl 11 erOBblaa It srUl
reyaiB.ill,lti w^k-m,l trsrtsscr.
aood lltUr chopfdaf aad will be finer
lutead of tee uaal laeteod of tuel
lac bread taru toeaUd. try bakiafi
teiekslleeof It In tee oeu betwBi
e pUtes. aad ym srill flad It boil
balesomr and appetizlaf. If propai
cooked It will V* a ^h broWm


"It 1 was ru-b. I d buy wo somrila

West Atichigan..

Corner Front and Gass Streets. Trayerse City.


. . , .‘d tu\ you some ice-creai
and some eOui.-uiuui Jr«p>. aod a tool
brush, and iotsi e. wir bwaio on llkr
■•Ttol wla cl. cuumusi fv to sleep

----- -,
»■ I- i.ockwoop u p


Oe BW to b oxlUoM


This is a Ycry finc ^rade of«decorated <rare. garias
such good -fiiKTceM in difiposing of on« crate, we will try
another. This'is an English ware. It is very fine, and
ted. aa VlpkB « a chOif. 1 iw’-w. the pattern is the latest, neat and attractive.
We wil
e crazy.' -nwArbrini-Ti,. sell these dishes by the single piece or set: a hundred
mreiihioe 3 fire me teiirf. iHil funispieces in a set. and the price we sell them al will enable
Uisn tlAl e Bid be wae piwrrksm sir
y foud but a t;:i yon to buy them.
If you do not wish to pnrehase the whole
IlieTally cooked In the aiimpta i- n'iu r. set. you can f.-et one or two pieces al a time, and it will
n«l lie long before you hare a complete set of dishes
such telnet.
We have the plain while Granite Ware atso~thiB is
up br
by tfir
tCr dueler, and alnset irii mI ii
mind's Ite tuffe^. 1 c»nuiKi>iv.luikii.. cheaper—and n few Glass Water Sets left.
We will IkIkon's KidaeyPUIs. sad tesllr I f. lit-ssk
to to minnlra ^f................................
! glad to show yon any of these g«xids. Come in.

i-slu. lie still aadfo to sleep teea."

Ths Help of CtarMraa.
- pWa. ud n ozeellratcaM
tlBf children W sasbl wllUe& , .
i^c Ucm Uke to do ic< Tbrre> only
one to do ttaia. aed that b b> maktef
it seem not like work, but like play.
It U rery much tee same aelbod teay
ult tea taste.
Tbs dbbca aaad abooM all ba dipped barrio tee klndorfariec. where co
atol aad beauUfnl tbinfs are
to oold water tee last telof before pwv
int of play. Oor iiuir
Uaf eraam lato teeB. to preeest it
ailcklac aad belof wasted.
ut abe plays whlie
- .a cream, wbaa wbippod. eu be nicely, but
00 bar mute
In a rariety of ways; tbe eaalBt'

SbB ask* ter BotbB's qoBUDB' IktelteasnrerelBar:


***r”ta Aim
paH tauneea yema BeBy^~tns)'
lobwIwBiQikkiilytBheaBr I ~<•d a pbyiidaa. who mid ter r.4e ' >
from -graTeJ’ Mcam ; fiadiuJIy frre
worm itb pain waaia my bark and Bile

arterTiaa^toodartielacunaBaUy be

Advertise in the Herald—it pays to do so.

Fanning Land;

wkuia c. OUT.




Hack, Bus and Baggage Transfer Line

Tucudo bMUr BBb iM
IteBta riah. fixy ud f,.||,

■IB.S.V Oaatela.

Paypfor the Herald for

OM<anpt.h«ii Mcm. 1


Best UTer> in Northern Michigan.

Hf aoila. tea crepz.
-ateeebaad sknrebw

Fawd bbff ante 6teMa ia CoBuctlea.

James N. Gkibtx.



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