Grand Traverse Herald, April 21, 1898

Dublin Core


Grand Traverse Herald, April 21, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Vnr. n



Grand Traverse Herald







Saoitai^Plmiiliers '
andfloDse Heaters.

TZmXATOU. ft8.
mvEK^cinsTAnBui AreauSS8STEB8,
for tbe

r U the tlmk to bay s cheap Cana, ea <
Good looatlol. See partial Ust below. ‘
-40 aena. a w li •< B w !, ecet. 10 A S> • w. AU topnw£l: Ko ball'
---------0. X eaah
5o. 144—eo aena e
at a e At aecl. »u l is 13 w. All timber 'a*Jtb food
Maple. llM«b aad Besloek. Kmc Ulea Lake. Will ehll (or pwo. .
K. <k eda e k Beet-ja t KIS. Abmt «u lajmrad. Flee loeatlea: oe toad
read. Hotl aaad; loam. Uara Urovchaaca—oalf roo.
Beam and two A.ata. earocr ot Hoaroe aad Wajae; worth ai.OOo. wUI.eall

elroeu, will k«U ter ei.Mo.

Beau brlat lUperci

HilW. PBrnpe. PipM. Etc



ssSiTv o. P. Carver




IIL L i. MMIh, tffUM 1.1L B«t<

Basmess Cards.
lomuis. U}Uit,

^ a -uraTL^sr



nllre eoeth os eaet >lde of SiE
Good laad.
can be boarbi rerr rraeoni
4 milrekaath hj UeatuB Scl
:hool Boose. Good (arm. eoipll orchard.
land well wetered, rood dalr
aesr Uayfieid. irood lead aad
toed oolUeatiaB, Good (oBeee. good
. 3 mllee rut of Klotkiey. M under

. .
h-.uee. will erll1 ebrepor
cheap or trade (or dl; proppEl;.
XII acre* limber near Cedar
- '.rRni
Rod. ffttarr piaeee jeeVu dealrable.

^ FS'W' B A-Rca-A T?T«

iirftiu»*W??-?to!TT«v«Tl. C«t>.
u L»U4 ••■


AsUdutvBmLtBnrAiAl W..I1..V rrlirl
«( fbit dariM Ok «>tnniu> uT larik

lAtMt Ideas sad Appli\nc»e.
A1.L wouc ouAJUumxo.

DK. Hioonrs.


A]1 loail onlere mn-ivti prompt

J *kauM'ri




Bsel Betate Bxohange.


Johoeoa Block


F. M. PAINE. Florislj
SIO W. Klevuill. ew

I 0B6. * MKU»K-TrAM m»*


KATiOa. lirb.


Merchant Tailor
•ad »M the elPKkiit«» Hat •(
SprCar StjlM of n'oolpBt BDiT '
«o lale. which will be made ap


When cither a Chamois Lang Protector or Vest
willlic a necessity. We can supply you with either, but
you can economise and yet have something just as good
l>y buying a' chamois and making one ' Good valnes at 30,
50 and 75 cents.
■ ■



If Farrficrs at a distance wish to
load at other points and make up
carloads I. will liuy at^any station.
Write inc what you have to offer.
Apple* for sale. Pure Old Process Cider Vinegar for
sale to the trade at wholesale prices.


—JIM t* UrbU It ft.
<v. pror>m. ««-



at SI5 Front Street.,

*"*' ** “*“TfSSlB»cIuf?oL5Sv «l ,
at lUWMUai.. PrUM.l. «kk.

Holihs, The Hardware Man

*i.*^r-A_Money to Loan

Keepe Bakee, Bom. Sbovaln, Forkc. ■

Carpetileaning Works 'Ik’j.vKV"'*''"*
m yeeiber BeaevkUef.

Wh^lbaiTowB, etc. etc, at

Obo good n>-!0B Rafgy lo good rrfmlr.


l^© IPb?OU.‘fc Stix^e-fc-



Sow In the time Ao get yoor blcpfle
aaauelod a»d pet In good nbape





"S~ .


b^eo to, piny


klaoa. asBIag wbaa bta



A IkMabcr 1 here a (nil li^of RicTcle
J plenty of wnrkinrit ' o do ynnr
ly. Agni
« all work
t nnd tb
boild wbrw kt
ire. OiU and

liqele Siidriis if All Kims


waa eneloaed by a-bigb barb, ire fence.

• ' ' w
■ Ue el
broogbl t

The Iklaad of Malta
cktcs.gbt sfa bxeehk
deriead from
•raage ped
or aom-U'Og
dosehe'll slopat ntk taa aad i
dieea iewaya (rrtbe rflUa Ik'
slaod ipe^klt^^.
^ made eniano'todfink
drink TAiea
TAirn Uey aai sao.
,t U tbe fence ai hi. upmctlip
ed wb le be played
layad on Ibik
tgaldrl by Ue reins.
..era «c «ra, era
ror a mumeei it wemedas »;pipe era. wiU laegbiog farewell.
farewell, he bet by a long whip, with wbicb I bn
Kgypttao dug and
bsrae and ndkcmortiorviubly became warn <-B leu tbe darkoeek
That him oa tbe kids It take, a kajd blow.;
•PUogled 10 Ue karb-wlre nod be brw pi,n, the kWlU kkl 1 leg dramming by
Rraxlng of all kind*, tirre vnlranlxed.
ribly mnulnied, belju.l ns the animil >| so.
,b, ..o
red .1-ig. ,o
in hSturg.
. .o.,, ,,Uekigheda.
ae kign.
m» too* •• BC w. Tbe noly «p-lo>
rata-d him from a bshy
Hv batek |
AC^lfoenla lady irrai
< AVoBAiribe tamed In«t tbr collage door, w
.ho^fn tbe city.
A'l work goaf
tetoiwlrkl. w.cee her.eme eli »ra- bewind and cleared tbr obfirncuoa
itdirocuon hik wife awailce bim by .he Are.
*• 8lrculb>feciiuooraocbargc
IFIMW ere aiw » wrarU.
wiihonl to mneb nk to.vfairg it. Beskie
<lk ko'd
.’d on raty
»a»y pty'e
. e-ver u get tired
b-m. U* lettan (.
. kueceedrd in ...
Cklm “gin
kept that little ebap. Ur iy atroa. Hr
md Tendrsk to reel
IIS CBloni Oelle,
ed down. j-x.t a. ber pareau and broth
eadgir. I ke Uk wiki "
etreet. near D'root.
er appkarpd on tbk aecpe.', They beg­ aUMUaage gia Ue I.nrd bad kpared
Mre. E itch Ualway. ready fvr
i —
ged bar not t > ride Uc cu}/ again, hot
tbe gtrl'e klosd wnk now np. kod khk
There wak a noU of
woeld drive in tbe bik tooek ilul tbe I
lieot y
braeenwllh UgbUoyt. Jnktakbewak. heart ia the w.
or die in Ue aiumpl
Su-iking bim a
a kittin' berc eeria' E'iv-hkll; kbe bekfidolato ordrvl^lUc nirem.ry bnlldlagi. Ukaroeh tk■£b. bol I'r.
aharpbtow wiibue
■ - e baira in Ue tr» paciag Oktrieh bitched to bra cart And : keif bra Ua apraarnana o< a glgastta
tbe bessy (ace<
-baa take a rapid aple aboet her park ilecberg.
IJgb^. Itbuehte'
h,m hsHdayb-have beoB ratahUahad
.rkpCH an' fir naaw wi' Uc Uakri -feTllferrayybMaoenaaoetsbeoe^;
folk. Ged keep aad gnide bim I wiak •iB'l, (or kbe bM e^gh novel experl-1 by Uw la Ua peblic achBatapfwifw
Abont 1 year age Uc yoeag lady had ye d kpukea cooper. Keep him: Woeld
... . aatiety
a narrow aerape from fre-xlt.g lo oraU
boMy (aec. yon b yU. dbaoecepiekdaryar
I f^WtSl^b^ra!__ ^------ •a tha open prairie
It cme aboet in
little cotuge oa Ue
Urn way.
Hraricg Uai one ef ber
Ttee’S^M^elpmSit^f Mr* Eiiieh'a^id^J^giJS^ftJS'uSlI^te
lather'n boram Ukt hpd been mheiag
b chair
chair to the
kU. aa he drew kb
foe aome Ueie had base eern oe tbe
and kb wife. wHh a glad
a earula pelBL
Cheyeanc rirar. Ueamldlcd tbe Beet ■ehaed Ue words
•poa ite Brigia^
hone In the nerra] and eet out upon ae
' kb eld rim
•ighty-ml’e vide after Uc ktray broceke
y lake asd awlmmlpg peota pa»H „ iT TS~i i~T
■ederiy la iu career that eight.
aalmal bosmra. etc., representa
naaipaf *» bb gwmogi^m
SbeUfttbe borne repcb ra^v in Ue
moralag asd rode gailv
gaily awny wrr bilU
omm$ of msnay
After all ibme •
and "drawa" that wore Covered with
eonueeeud then earns tbe lead i
gpHaatpg.Ue flraeera.tbekhreb T”.* . '
npkttaachnof keraeeaad ralUeUat],ko,,nt,'„.„,..
_ .
nray.tberara Urda aad fowls aad Ue i

goftbeokO whtatarspvoamiul*^^*******^^^
Aaokedap iaearpebpat Ue BBexosM-1___ H - Then be trimmed bb
edaad napcaal eight efabemea be-j
SMoao alopw
Aamall ....
_________________________ _________ _
>wa to kb boota.
________bsy'k (era emDed from owmr ployra ta iiiiiiiry to banevcryUlagiMsdoBto tat the aaivnataiteom IbaaMM '
page; U* free. (carteM veUe wae ta hb
raaehmen hml dand to Ueade/Ueir So: tbe Mae. para ryee aboma la tbe
eracfc'iag Aeaua
The achoolmmler
Aeat astdr hb booh, aad wm back la
rHc eesT or evEKrTMNo

Enameliig ail Decoriling
in tlie lalest Sqles.



H. £. GIBBS. Prop. I

od and Anistic

. __ . —.





Brosch's Meat Market


^ I Choicest Meatf Poultin and Game.
: #

Bto-wl U=L SaaaoA.



Fresh. Salt tnd SmoM Meats, Sauss^ Etc.




r.'u: r.:r. ‘.‘■.'L'.sris-r:
SikStT ou 7rM

' 1»W rraaVletdovwutBegleOau.





L SoTFcyor and Civil Engineer


Moirauia IkM le tbe -^| - i Bau
ItbeiatMeCafiagnnlBteify waale*
e. aad tboeght of aoak aad '
eel of tka boule 'ii tbeawwor, aad iba
ten far away.
reur4c<teUBrubwmDM»mB«aafA»•ad iBdltilngntahnbre la the darkaeu
-If 1 had kept the led.- ba .maaed brii^iag le eery email.- htnaagi. ^
iTbeperpIrxed glH kwereed bar borae •lead. -I eoeld bare made a •%
kk. dfMte
way aad tbra aaoiber. aad at
When tbo Xeafie Wb«n.
•okt. bkU > tear w lut elopprd kbort She wu lui. Alofw 1^ ^ — oa the prairir. nilra aad mllee from
OocDf Ramia'k IsnemeraMe rnyemaay hemna bablutioa, aad aOakom
~ '
Hcnlktheeratlebeharlarof tloomof
Lraghednnmti theaaemlle
. _____ from tbe. mU m careed bU lipe.
aeUeaaeAlcla mavpm^lthefraat
Tbe nempnm U (raaky naobgh
ramUrfekraeklk kF-CeKkwmlrara.
gioomy enough.
d Piper Time
bat It enemk mt^a|v
- id
MUV Ibrnkjl 4 VIVI Uy k.e l, x» lU
Ak Ramie eat there kbe rwrailed how
Weaioa bik way that algbt. tera-'
delight in retaetag to petat
a few jeera -bitore Sidney Rnrara veae lag agala aad ngnia to look at the
*Bb)eeta af tha arar.
Mallfr Uvle U ikv eonk ek' Swk; ke.v foand only bait a mile from tae raach long, brlghi gleam, that (ell on the I L raaeh nod Rnenlna ndeallnta khnea.
with tbe brmleretaef bte I
-------- -I>m the great f.irgn Sra He;**"^! *«*• InraetigaUag UAk aabM
cloicbed la bin (rotea band.
Ik people were cempiag in tbr un tbe ran MBtra! Rlala\etwan imighL^loo, rf Moy olbar
---------------ek.aai totbe meeauiak aad ;
xuleaed by Ibe darbnekk he terned bU face. Thera! The greaieei alteraUoaa wen lewad
btllaaadwUbe wnt eiaging in bik bean—there wui^*^* provtoee of Koikh. the eapllal
kbeddrr kbe elinctaed her ira-tb aed ialwkra kinging there u be weni on io< *>>lcb U kome «uo mllanalMM
nrgrd berboru forward into tl>e know I bik way mernly.
t'p. ap. ibrvngb Moe Wotb of Uukoow. la the borthw*
. ekVklkinreaer.
How long ehk waader-nbr blindiag enow, aeltber pold nor | P*rt ef the province Ihaaemll* degeetk
ed nbuat la tbe oold ei^‘kt . ...
■enry. (or the kinging In thkl hmrl of •-«tlegrera fbnher ooeth. in tha prwrat teU her borw p-icked
U. be wntefaed nlwav for the gleam of »<» of Slaraol G>kol ap to Mdegraea.
np iUenra. kaiSed the air. end taking
>e ftkl ratnp fl-e. Sul be bebeid never "bile .a tbe koetbewt of tbe lereilMA
Ihk biu between hiikteeita, fairly fi>w
aboet IM. mitm eonU of Tim. the ^
along a coed that w -k otterly iBTi>ible
Tbe kter« ebou out MraeWy
Tim ! Hecll m ta erre w degrera. the Mtdle.
te bik wondering rider.
idteg Ieleuel perpendicttlar
-rpeadicttlar aad
lived bli fere U> Uem; they keiilcd la- >iaadleg
VTbya be klopped Ibk dim oetllna
1 aad wnni -Uaa
lotbeir twin »t*T»—htk eye. Vel nlli -------Klag
n li^ ranch booke. with itecorvalki
BOTih and i
wu ibera no ramp flra.
■rdk. Ibomed up b .fore ber.
Tim. growing lootMir*. ml down in
emegpelte *ar«M '
looted at the t-ip of'her voide. bet
Ik effeela. A aaak■iTlng no reply, rte di.moonled, torn rebed hie pipe ti kb Mpe
Br pUyed^^of eew railwaym arc beiaf bailt U
I the relck over a
. fence post
pu.1 and tried
tket began brara v ae<l cedeiT Ab*> reglee, aad Ue eaglneera are iBthe door ll wu not Iwked and kWeng k-'f'iy. aad mote w.flv
ant wbeihar Ua
• • • »fli
Tim «■•■ Urrated
----------- - in flndlag
ASuatb DakouOIrl
open at her ttoerb. Again tbe girl rah kklpep The eaowA ,kr. (ell like <tr (i- durabilily ef their tlpee aril) aantaia .
cd loudly, b >t ao reeperra cemr from
long m

lae of the mont oelebrwUvl of tlx
ireter.; the dewa kmiled over the
priklng end Inlrepi
Inln-pid girlkwbe re
IhgeUrkocu wllhle. After lutening a
'rat, laai brat whlcb arc'^raltal'v
le'the greet catGr cc
wrtluf the momrnt.............
"linke^^d Uettfsr mageelie
« merSliaaa
merfiliaaa 'AnUamraa
Ae tb
______ ____
ly ebtrred nnd began feeling nbvnt far .ee child leuiTceckrd to the Are, daek—*l Rpgwoet over a BlniAderaMo part
li *l:k<
Sbe fumbled around In tbe brown bne-t le.. .iretehcl b. ike|af BnMiiwUi^ be Ue norU aad
puklalkUTkk aa Laan. Suairi
khow atgw of
• IlnrsT
A Aral a_.
eaoth DtlTota.
fterk for aome.Ume wilfaont
imlog pot
Wnro the mustrlnni xontk
li'liv oa winui
wlnur'k nigbu !’'••r. Wtarraak anck Upke 1lohrrdsbek ak rrnrr
>t in'Uv saii'liy
, Iconnirie.
.bkhra wrird mcladira
I''vnnirie. iare the mere emtlly
a( I'acie Sate in laai wild
lid ragiun.
d Biaanuias- the mm
men ' Idikis) in repair —(hwten TVardh
dace erreet dre. of
e riding •
(aUier'k evoek, pallt
ka Uglilaad wuau
h* '
Jer rapid examionli.
the boro
-oro of
.. ber «»ddl™*braj
1 Piper Tim. I "On
ink ef the mrat reaarbaWt birds in
they u.
brtake braacbee. ...............
Id i» jBkKJerrd one
b owned by Jkmm A. Siamp. and U« propria
ufUc best cow baadk-' brtweca the
O-rasionnlly n nlrange pra
'head, kecratary of U^
Ue Bardla oobb
Wlmoori river
mad the Alleck il
n gonu oeti a ebon ume. lobll tha place. Tbe sm.
fair akkocUtioB It Ik a gaador, apd
bet who orwbnv be w'u
wu kbe hi
Hill OkM tbe regulkUos cnwbi.v bslwlio
«i-ho. loikater raise rager/’'arrs word, everybutv la Ue aei|^barboed ta ac•ad wearedivirted ikirU kUE
ibe rrmolekt idre
Bawerer. .. .
irenib'e on their hp.-bat—ak: the quxieled wlU U.
breroaad niiaGrt gUeea.
Sbe ik a
aoln lime to .tend on ceremony, no 'anciea.tbei am ever a.lnmber In
"The ftader-e Bktac b -Solid SUvw-.'
Hrule lighted a lamp, kindled n fire In
■Pert' b-arTk have been ktirred bv
Xpert with e lariat and a crack sbi
. ntolUneme an qaiekly
tbr euier and then lending tae bone;
'ith a rifle or tlx.*bootrr. ■Hec of h<
wind's ueg and the.hadow of the ck any band so Mr Kiakrad'n term.
(avotile dlreraluok la le Uano e wil
ling flkmek —Cjiixiiiijr.
Tbegnedrraeuakn waleb dog wonld
Teau steer, eaodle aad bridle bin
abont (he plaer add ae ■vranger damn
Boeat apoD bie be.-k end lam bii
burning brlghtlv.
Tlie.girl cooked
looee tipoe the pralfie. Seecleimetbi
le pr.wikiuat loopd In the enpUiard
Ueecaminmlt are quite a> eaeily kui
tried to aad bren (sresd to boat aa
. and then wt down bv
igBomlaiank retrral will atlent. .Tbs
ber cioibiag nnd trail^ Indy Ik II. yrnrk i
gnnoer ban neakr. like a horea, pad
lor daylight.
learok aew triekt almont cemydayla
dog.or V
Tbr boom Tolled
the week
bout three e'cloek
•Thb gnader goem to tha\fraadry
Botbiaa a
’bee euddealy n taravy ktep kou.^
and kbaken a plank, when Ue yellsw
uteidc Ibe door.
nerve and elmoki
earn will n-li oet lor Ite dally food. U
-emoted iu tpiuat berulf.
foilowiluuwoerloaiid from tha Seld
ever koowu nbnt fear x
eou formerly rralded i
Hhr owBk Ue lio't uadog
nbdiing^ofe »i
bet aear^)Blant. r
iy priraU ivx'mrieal gardeoHe
Uc bell b rang ralllngtha
gardenia the' "Wbeo
ff-renl. and cominp
WIIOD ut lae
jotry. eni kbr Ukr. groat dc ighl in J baadk lo tbelr meals bU gaadlWlp
AteJereatme wu opened i». eeiTlrBenl.
i.rsoni V io.-kiufafurall tbe deuil. ecu ep a quackieg asd esaUaera Unar.
r tbr nigbl. woul-l_ tend I
tavtu^il toSleulry cjiuity. wbbh
.r th*>;t>.gvmenl
.i til ell bare come In. when be biawa’f
......... ..
wu embraced iolbecrd.-d Isodt, auo
and. b;
. ) mygar.len mvretbannnym vre than any. «e-»
tjera to Uc grarary- STu'
•Bgaged In catGc raisyig. Sieve Uirn .fi ner open, nn.i it'Mir gave
lie reoognix idUh- (ewLy.ago. "I did b'll get it origin- cum for hi. dinner.
beeele'k most inGmatc friend, bnvc matiuQ of delight as .be
M k- E'ceoy.
E'eeoy. tbe
been cowbora and Indimnk. ano kbe ba. fnuiihar feiturrnof M'k*
brmnml wantr.l it My hutbaed.
"If. prr.-bnoee. -S-ilId Silver'te-la Um
learned u> ride, khool nnd throw the
ittle boy in -sia rrane'M x wed faeote and any member ef tho temlly
lariat wlib u mneb dexterity u tbe
Ile.-ie found that her burn-had rar......
door ajar, be doan PM
,?d hertoJacInniA H.i«'eOBCb on
brklol tliecn.
Hwpereek nod wbvn daylight appear­ jeiigoi bis «•
tbe cmled lead, e
bborlty ktler
npeaed fur eelllameol pueluSicrk were ed. tbr .ni-m having nbktod. repay ea
ikiablikbed at Tarloni puinualone Ked c-i^ed ber lo her dealionGcn oo tb.
f<>c and art. nod
med op Cbeyenenver, where abeeecnrad^^. spent m>'*V.'iur painulagaol skeu-nivg
r ioierThe Value of ObaerraUsii
Ue magnlAraal C
by (reigfaim
A'bea I found I bal kxiecn a-'tv.
Itrnrar earth end nil Uokeanim.ii
thou animi'. an facoltiraf
I lira of obeerratloB.-_____________
Pa>»r Tttn.
my band, I wokrupandwik b dd of | prpfeuer. addraMag bb elaae. Baan
-oipr. loo." beeald.
ibcm 1 dcioe better tbao 1 rvally I n« poebed
d up Ited river, from tbe Miuouri
Do you .DOW hew a rbild'a cym limk etpreted bi at Aral
Ibino iw
' 'bemiral of
excecdlagiy oSaiHi^
to the Hlwk Hilit.tu.l umi week wbca nebu, j u.t learned - bow beaau .y every aolmal exeepi k giralf'
"Wbea I waa a atodaai.'’ ha
ly klmiree wera piit In operation U.
li. vui wurld la when be feel, B ppip
pp ipi nm... and I miy have tbe lat oonGnakd. "I uvd mvaanwol taata.'
,d EmpMlCity^Tfar
lag. like a bird. < re the brritagr
iforr loeg Jiaving a bippvpiu- And wiUtbai be dipped bieflagaelplee nrar. tbe• Hill ranch
Mobot lull bu dimmed tbemf
however, ik not like buying a Vitbe Jar aad Uaa pet hb flwer IptS
named (.eon. and iu lir.i prkimasicr
eyre^louked that winter nlgbL
vi. yon know"
bb m-Mlh
"Taetc It. gcaUemah—
an old Errnrbniin. who had an la
lor'of the aaiinj
b takok great delight le Ukiu It," kaid Ue Mofeskor; "aad ax. uf iba rdlcgeui
pelling ber animals, and erciu yonr pereepGva teealUaa." Iba
ebcktra si
d tee U.i
___ _
.rasuu Ibev an- oo Iracublc Jk- waa pnaM toward Ua ralaelaai
patrons of the lug forge.
ud. iulru
>ben .bn is
ufioe ba wee known kimply n*
Oar uf her pkstogrkpba kH.fWsber in jluiely dipped' tbelr flngm iatp tlia
.\kp ••
Tbr old pentlriBkO H..n began
brill lonog voioo
U> feri crowded by Ibe en.rwecliiuaijU
A'Uru. a«iiiag. lim nfaot Out U> pus sov uadjakl'come from Ibe .i.mi^7*.oebed"uie abommaUra*fnira
ofcivit’cntles, Bad kueing tbe entile of drill or anowflkk.s and aienied in voese. whrre With bevown hendskke tbrlr Anger.
'Viratlamen. gPirtiewlUrra grating about bii ranch br ffr- emeag the men
'fne ima.l feet were -Pbk
ilvuk | men." uU Ue
the pruftMr,
praftMr, "1 mant rp>
.. tbrm
...from IhrkB.rlitg.
g. fero ilvuk'a>en."uU
cidrd to abandon bik kJMl gw • and dark u Ibe eaitbeo flooi
oouer Hxl tbe tn-dhef i.f ibe kiltcna; pmt li.i y*« do aot ora roar tecMltaP
where be wonld hkvr more room.
which be ttuod. Tor cluUm bf
f mercy «,Ukokr„ug ;„f olserraGoB; for. bad yea lookM
be loaded bik (nmilT and boutrbildri'
re hang nroned bikalliu form in gro
d e»l one
mpt .-d to j mtwe clukcly at what 1I waa dolag. yoa
(ecu upon wngonr and net out for tbe
{ue Ullefk. Unt above Ua tatter. .bow viuleeretohe................
woeld have keen that the Anger whtak
Standing Bock Indian rraurraHbn.
K uy. ooeof tbecu'.i IkBclercrand t pul In my mentb waa not tha Sagnr I
____ - <iod I...
where koeb k place i juldklill be f.-eoil, dark woild now and thro. Noble wen
ipli.hcd ynang lioecks whx ap­ -ii-ped Id Ur Jar."-£rr*«iipewiiB an abandaace of grjk. tor bik uef Ibe feature.; the anerp uf tha blu*
tly knows quite
•e asmvrS
as mvrS a.doee
a. doea
tie aad no nelgbbui> to annoy bim.
urexblbrye. net clear and grand; the carve u
Tbe ToongoM RaUer.
Thera ik bat Utt.r etrife orrr sp- loc Iipe*wa. prand le^aweet. From
a merited1 partbliiy
perhapa the voeeMet eallo
lintmenu u ponlmuter in three thin, tbr beeuGtei brow a a li^ hair lawn}
ib^rik to any iBiru.ioe an •booed an dmc
jmevtraa bark new lylag at
populated dlktricU. nod no one ap and .no k-aard. VO wnu-b Ibe gli.LrnpurL Tboegb bal a few mahtM
•ling lo corn that boooraliie poki-1 ned mlt
klx yran old be bra beep
>a at I.TOO. tbr ull1er« and rmarfberu b.d Kmrcely lime to l'x>k at Uv chile
Ira Fdllcb.
tw isv eroeed tbe world, eel by tray of
Mr. IliD u.
1^^} preenllrd
whro. bit pipe W bit
CepcofUond Hope aad bom
-uce. ao1 a
mah*c bar Aral UeUaea.aad b. baamadeoUw Ism
tb^petition lolhr?p»t flier d,p»„.
there i, aa leateA leyngee beeldea. He ta tha asptetA
Iki y eppearaoee
epprai »pp>ibie<l pratmaa- ,te Impul-w ol the g
grand M • --------•tioo
Tnjee art eoaflo-vl io
He began going ts tea wbks ba
i<-mirM»n t-areed lbe.„p,.,| ,p tiny Tim.
inah for her wiU oue acoo-J. asd
WM algfaleca
aM ba ta_
duttnof tbvoffiseaod now ukr. al- p»i.1. tbeir ln»utim._..
1 kbr can doaltimraU keep oo barn oe mrat of the voyagna od bta
iB.lriimrnU and
moat entire charge of me mail.
Sbe , borer hand. V. liklen; here
re and U
ibere ber feet
From every cage e >m • ruars
pcrfortiik^bmlntir. in a bn-laras-man- a (ace ebadowi
then a ua- and howb of jvyout greeting, each anl— but never (ceU quit.
ively wiped away. Tim .miiai
kl klrivieg to ailracl pari icuinr atHe ta a geod eellor aM arrar aratark,
he took tbe pipe from bli lip., am
-alioa ubimacif.
He kM a aelt of oltaklaa and rnbbar
k not deem Ibiklkl- . leyen torntd wi.iful.y tu tbr blaxMrs eutehalwk.ra carries a plenlllnl boots andaaoe-waater. no that ba ta
article ent.rely iodi.pwDJ
r In her ipg grc. Tbrv mrOv way fur bim. snpply of randlte anu an
te taa raMi
cquratrian (rktt. aad frcifi
ly ride, abey eolertaiaed bim a. if ne bad brVi' (aetiauideartoUenalma’ pkUic.aed
berfaevriti '
get e>m filag befora ebe
udle or I of royal elate. A .mall Ibree-lcggw.
- . .._
heavy Msera ue wu, _
Wridlr, guiding thriu with ber '“'ce or iatusl wa. bn thrune. aad beantlOere.
M'S Kitek bjreberowaaaiwaithsx.
klhsj-, bnl
be wonld U BdrmlUi
a tx>ncb of the quirt on tbe tide of the i pip, . | ,ape<l vloaeii. aa nappv a. tar a<
eemi uol In
la all eerie of weatbar.—gi
neck. Thl. Iiab i came v. rj near bring-knew
| -«w,r me kilU." be .aid, - far,
regard her trading abili­
Bbe had been ndiog berfkvoriiecoll.lover the bu-.' Tbrv railed bim Puwi
------ --- ,..m to ibe caraeau. nceer aaolbci ties ia til, line w.tb a p-oper rrgard
aad. wvkblag w p.oM Hd bad alwayk piped.
« I watt
want a r.baage from drirlag
Hera Uaa I.tW.aoO aerra of <
corral a Iwiocb
_____ ,
• Hre B let
have rarU'k karfaea are devntad lo Ua ea
Tuen be langbed. and ktretebed hb
apes bik lack wilboat kWpp ng tc
brown baad. wilta joy I
Lioa of tsimoro.
nuA daabed
dpkbed atier
after Uem.
Uem. ||,iiu
lie him. auA
Ueconldicll eoihiecmor
llhnela a Itgblro^ w
•boikea wme wUdaod ohkUaaic and U,ioxg»d lo tbe "linker baad-"aB
Uc bank, sf Ue Kiltaray.
imed to go In every nirretion except aaond of mask- bad drawn bim no
re jn,t got a avw one wi
Aionlly ibry ran fa, imgeTed is I .tea while the coi
rce ristnebea doe t drii
elrar and diaUact.
Urengb ee open gnu iou a fle
that won
' d
wait „p
on ,u
lU wa,
was aver the billa'
taaU very wvl
well 11
.. Ur


IC •.KAXTO.tMMrkllii

'takuiJrnMwhegmbloteU. Then tha
«aku Rename emalleraM Ml tUeku






Family u'BroaAaa- Or.





'~“t. t^ Sd’fl'ISTtirp

.. ,____

_______ RbaQaad. ta boRt m a


___________ —» whi u wifcw**
«U «MU«c« fra* WU oTw
«• «MaW7
ertrla«ll7 omU-

•ftkaMtli* wMk.


e»IM at Ike nm Katku^
■uk TkmnUj W Mk 1( >b« cMld
«i»v Ik* aa**r n|»rw»»*«* ky • *«^
d**eni wklsh bad b**a da

aaaaftoOuyaadtbvovUfltoto. For
taMMly waurf bar taad* •ora oa da
yeaUaadlkobaakproapUy paid bar
haaa MtalBy daauayad.
laa by
tr*aaat*bboc)(*b*a (bar* an (•
baida ia aba city abo;* aaUdity
iWlliraat^ feoilab
•a. aad Uta Udy d(<vUBal*
la batiar bad bar laad* aalaly dla-

tb* s*n MtatiM o< lb* dlBlrtei or
laaitotioa of ^ ladapaadtai Odar of
Bead Taspiar* trUl babald aazi Ta**dayaadWadanday. April H aad
1b* dlalrtot oBoata an aaparially n
EPBlad to b* priwiL It ia aapntad
that tataiBl of the rnad oBem
ha aa haad to halp aakt thb eat af
tba Boat baaaddal

Urtat_________ __________________


A Oaod OtodoBBT ter Tww Oaau
A dletiaaary eaMatolW U* dadalUaoaed lAOWaf tboBaat aaofal
Impartaat rroeda to U* BafIMb

Mfol)***: For pr*atd«*l.
■md; Tiw pnaMoei. J. T. •eadte;
ira«Ui7. e. A. JohMw: Tr«aa«fw,
L*rl T. FaaalactoB. Tb*y ««« a(
A Toty *|>k7 a
frai yroaiBlad by
Nora a Uareau
Ibc aobjaet. “Boir to hwp a oUaa
utvthar." Tie aah>i«l »r*a tariMaUy
I by C. B. B*M
Balto, Bat. I>. Ooch'
lta.Hra BrWaUkyaad
Tba eloalac addraat of tb* aaaaiaf
aat r>raa by Eat. J. A. Braady. oa

Birbt be aald of Boat of (b* wblu
Bwaet MarrUa. paaaiMy eanpUar lb*
Kltoe aad Tallaw dpaaab: tUe elaB of
an^jypoo '
________ adedtba
ia beet tor all btoda of frail.
_______________________-Mary < bwdi aad
tb* top aoU frrUHerd. Fntt___________
wed oo baary cUy. bet It b wart
« dlAcalt to ear* lot Umw. aa Uw
«a>aaol PTworkad rrry wai or nry
It aeecatory to -cbooM rariatWa
(or llctal aad baary aolU io U*
atxbard. It U bettor to plast . ...
ebrrrle* oa tb* llrblportkw aad eoor
BB ib* beery, Uawb It waold be bet.
tor to bare Uiew^loalirbt toil. Ua*
tbat oorbt to b* takab ap by attry aeabar wr*i*o far ae toeay, ‘ Tba
poorer Uo adl tbo bolter tba c^aa '
daadayaebaol uaober.
Mr Ban* I baaw * cberr.v onbald
Tb* alaylat waa happily eeadartod of 46 aerrr la Wain, tbr traea were VO
by U Kota**.
(oat bleb; tbr frolt wae told oa tbr
Womapb Oleb.
Boa* aodal problana of tb* day <
dUeaiard at tb* WoBaa'a «ab
afurpaoB aadar tba laad^
E C. Haut. aad faraUbad
feed for fortber tboaybtoa aeracal, laipariaat aabiret*.
Tb* pnllatlaary
wae la ebarye af tb* pmUaat Hr*. 1.
A. Moatoraa- Tb* c1*b la porliadnll
.llblira.CBrtieoellaWtday. April ».
I p. B. Tbr elan la boo*
rooaoBkt wUl Beet wllb Mr*. 11. E

towr pnctlnl dtBO
Baatt Baardaaa bat pn
aalartotawaat lor aU aad
that dtopy Brabm of tba aabardlaatt
M^ aa tnll aa tba dalafaM «il
aaaD (haMaltn of ihta
tob* tbit lapertaat dcfraa ia Oaoo

Prae. tmi-It I wm lo ect a aew
chard of plam tree* I woald bare th
all Blae Dewroa. Tbrr brlaf Uew
Bevy. Ocher kie3e.*lollar la app<
oftea eell for Blae '
dealer* are comlBf la kEewUefaBBU
Sbraprblrr OaBeoa from Ue other*.


bltta la Ula tielalty l
aaban that bat a*
■anbn Hlebloa.

.--... .


. * Barly Crawford peaeb la Ult loeallty la a ruy shy baarer. tboayb -

firoat eoaiBitta* aaleae they rrqoaatod
wry wiU iS?hn it we coald ablp
prirllepa of raaialolnc A* bafpr^ o U to car loade. tberoby obtolaioc
A epnlal Baatlac of tbe clab It eallad U I Uraorta rate of frelrbt. The local
tor ant Prlday afteraooa at » e'oloek rate rau ap all Ue pcvBta.
Botloa Ue clab adjoora
ot wbiek UweckalrBaa will he alaetod.
at U* call of Ue prealdeal.
waiatyaa-raeoaia* of work oatWm. D. BaoiaT. Be
llaad. aad tk* dItoaeeloB of tbe city
water aapply problem wUl b* tokoa ap
Report of tbe latorloebea
Tba rcyalar pnynm watopaead by
Ue biodU rodier April I. ii
Kamber of day* Uafbl. 21
Hite Loalee Baeb pfur wbieb tb* aab-

}eet of aeelal prebloBt
by Hr*. Bata*.' Hbatpok* af tb*
It hat* bne pnparad by
Io tbaeolrlBKofaiaBy
PnBliat A. V. Frladrlch aad 8«en- tb* ymt labor qaeetlaM wbicb ><
lary M. E BoUay aad an aaw baiap epoe tka wowen a* well a* tb* ■
aMlaat by tbalaUar.
lb* too oftaa foeyelAaw^ tb* dbtiagatabad Baenbtaa
Ma tan that then M alway* the doty
wbatlil ba^iiiatanOraatCoMae- of tka OBployed to Iba ewployen ai
te HMtab & B^toa ot Part Bana.
aa Ut oftaa ^aoMd raapoMlbllity
■■dOraat Ladr OeaBaadar Piaaeta E ofeaplUltoUbor.
at dl. Leal*. bUaUcaa. aad atb
Forerty ntaat paaparlea wae tb*
aabjecl of a flee papar by Mr*. Cbaar.
laf tbaealabrathia
i Ue Use will «
», bat porerlr
rbea aat aaly p
will be refolded aa a dlccmee aad peo­
*«na taaaaof tUtaad otbar dktrieta. ple will elady to alleriato ratber tbaa
Thad*paU*Bodtb*dlaL>k1*wm aCar U eoadaaa. bb* tboafbt that tniea talaabU prli*. aad tb* taau of Trat- 1b( waa ia a larf* an
anaaty trUl irl** a taooad priaa.
■aid then aboald be
Ibli ataal ttiil b*. wlihaat «aBU*a. {aw toooalrol “OMDey-Baaia" aa well
tb* «M*t*st*a*lt*^*tabanU paV
Ba eraaaraalaBairatarpftaalaBtftbBB HteUcaa. aad Ua aSean aad


BiBbBi of lb* local watt bad hltaa roealad lb* tralalof of ebUdraa
an nn to baad otaiy effort to Bake
rra peruialaf to tba waya
It nBaBbBtd. JUay laeta aad kltaa the booaekold. aad eeoBOtoIe Urls
Aa l^tore.
oaeof tbe •
food IbaofhU balBf that
rbUdrcB. rloh BPd poor alike, a
by Ika WaBaab Oab to tbalr caaUrBaa
be taafhl U wark. ip la U'la way tbeir
Maadb waa eaa ad tb* Bat brimaat
e apaa otber ckildraa woold br
aaahl ataawodtbaaaaaea. Tbanab
I. aaod woold teoi la tla* toda
tor road,
taaaawan adnaa af baaaty. balay
Bitaatly daaBBtad la yalla*
Tb* trpBp probleB waa
vblla. tba alab oolon, aad lonly wltb
by Hr*. M. K Bock la a brfcbl talk.
baaha od palBt aad pattad pUata.
of ber aara eaparlcwca*
wbS* eat Sswara, proalaaat aBoaf
with the rnoa bob*, aad a llnly Shi
•blab wet* pUh oarmtlaa*. tb* tdab
eaenaa foUowrd. la whicb tba feBeral
addad tbalr baaaty aad paraf *plaki*i wae that rrfalar
(BBa. Tba rooBB wan tllad. tbm
brtlffbatwata aaa baadrtd aad fifty
poaalbl* way; bat city fararaaMOU
aad two baadrad priiiat.
aboald alB to aaalat worthy peeplr
AtaUttlaaftorataa a prapTaai
who wen aeahlBC far week, lo war*
ffitaa ad abaal aa boarb laafftb.'aa lalrbicb aboald aot tanl to lawar Ueir
aalt napael. Bob* neoUeat tboafbto
w«n odeaaced by Hr*. A. Elof aed
Hra 1. J. Uray read raUacto fr
Uaal. Mb. X A. MoaByaa
•aid. “MldeaBBB OnaBt*-Hfa neaat artiel* oa tbit qanuaa 1b tb*
Foam, firiw bar owa azpariaaat a*
Aatala WnbrlB.
AdfcaB odwalBoai Mn. 0.«.Cor- waU.
Tb* Idea ot pereoaU re^MBtihUfc1ti^J^lgb^Haaiatt> the ^brab^b
y la tbaa* qaeettoaa waa
llaab Tlawt aa WoBaab Qaba-E ptelaad by tb* leader la cloalaf with
Ma-Miat Aliaa
Oar Oty Patban

Naaber of rleltort dariay Ue anaU.
on tbe last dar. 1 U. Hon

Mary Brown, tbe dadfbter ot Wm.
ad Mariba LaafworUy. wae bora la
r coanty. I'esa . Ut ir. m»
oarrleJ■ Georpe
" irfeBroWD
Browa Aofaet
Aarnet 21. II
a McKaae coaaty. Proa la lets G
la aortbera Uiebi
icblfM^aad ei^l
where abe dlril April I, IBVS. ie Ue ti
ampbiof liriof faiu Shefaaitodwii
Ue H C. ebureb at lu Hrlt

of aU that
r aaaarpatoad. rery prodaclir
aayiUay waa aaadad to pron to tba
nry er>puler la Barkrt, a fair
alab yaaata tba lapanaaet of Uli
ablppar, aad arMar trait fmren at O d
Ulaaioe ^aak H Bral ft STla proiil at
a atatMterlBO
wav u> wall a* la

r.stsfuirAi'iSit ?uTi;:-rkm

It Blow topieb oBd alto aams effset
by bariBR to Ro over tbt tra* I
times on Boeoaat---------------■- '


Cammittaa as Qaims and Aceoanta— { :
Uatebatt. Clarelaad. Wllbsim. Cbasd- ad by Ur. Uawoa:
lar aad Bamiltoa. whoa* daUealieball) Beaolrad. That *U Mils of U* B slid
C<-------------------------------------------------»- “
aad re— all eUl— ISR
IB oBaBactloa wlU tba
bbiidlac at the Caart Boaee ,be it
aad accoBBia airaiast Ue Opaaly.
*4. atatiBR to whom paid. Ue amaaai, I


Guanutnil It Cm.

Tartsrisa ls U* bmt' and

best payiBR of Ue tams. c^r the ccg
Prtaadlad tba r^alar tMaa tbm
*n 1*^*'
report apaa all asatblack eweeteben
waa a praatleal BaHlacad tba aaaaty
' tod ! tor* penaialBR to road* aad bridRea
7b* B:kboea I.
-that maveome befae'Ui* Board.
Piaaldaat bare. Is very mad
tarlaa la Bpor«raa<w. oBiao isroasBcn VamU rs. wrW;----------- "'-irm-Mkiu ( : Commitu* ae Tawna-Claealaad,
Tbaaoonatioawatladal « e'etaok
la a aaraal haar aa tb* aaal tarlaf
<B petlUma b
warfc af iba taaehar. by Bar. J. C Cbr-





Caa you hear the people listen?

But you can hear them Talk:
Amoeg tbe many Utinge they t*lk ebont 1*

lOur $4, $9, % {7.50 anil $7.88 Suits.!
ITmI from buikn^tep. fir* ul« or a

I All American Production..



Prom tlO to $16 yo* get tha Craahi.d* la Craam In J
d Worvtad Bnita. m Frock*. Cat-away. Sack or Ckinara OnL :
Imported Cba
' Wa do net claim that our laat aflbru btet aU oar prerioos onaa-Umt ia Impoasi
( (being axeloBlTt elothian)-w* almply keep to tba front aad down aU eomp*4d<m. ]

Th* Kind thM CurM.”
with this guarantee. NO BEN* !




PoMiar Clothier. Ritter iil Finislier.

BaUdURa-Pacn. Paldpber aad Walk'js*. ahaM datlealtah^ bawlaahat-

J.ff. Slaier’sH.wFttroisiiii£t!tore


WaU mad* by vorEman who atrtetly avoid «WMt abop*.

If your blood is inv

wrong, you can buy aijoalc 'of



O-^J-aa I

Up-td^-dat* St^lM for Spring.

Thfil'a raihts- Rtrong, but w®

f* oa Buate Bad BrMRas—
OaiTeO. Baatl aad Cbapdier. wbaar da-

If fon wondcr where they all come from call
i' r t.

slipped oai of-tbw world, .iid Ab'» IB ABU4ook «»ver mj liBC of baBtlMMiHr Carriages and GoCarts anil boc what low jiricif we are selling them at, tbeo
of bit o«i*i
you will wonder no longer that
jryliody can bare a nice

pampblet be' BSd
and booRfd
boORfd If
if there won't times wban ;.
mlRbiy near leUin* bet eu
eirt Aod
ud I woald '*' toU bet m oolj
i'e* slwire beld. end 1 still bold. Usi
>sl iit
als t safe to pratee aoyibioR Iksl w a»
I fur UaL I woald ’a’ :

pure, your nerves weak, your

MMU partia^Uea by all dweatol
a a moat MjayaU* and proltaUa BWMIebarTybBtwo^letofiaapalally.
to It Beldam btoiafr U.
teURof Uli Turk atehm.

Drake was one of tbe "odd
xabood a Rood aiaay ynn
rife wm a meek, ubedunt.
■imiiic** wumas. over wbuw Ab'iytas. this spring?
aii.d fur 5U years wIms (be qairtly .


nean iL

UrHsvls. Ct-n'l Pan'r Agent.
'>r». I>I

i Have You Noticed all the Pretty
Baby Carriages in Town

r. jaat eqaallmUae.
Kiaaafe. Ways and H
U| Oa Btotiae ot Mr. War
'araar. tb* Chair- ]
Moanie and Boall. wboi
of U* Boaid ot BaparvMs
be toazamtoe Ue a
ala aad aatGa ■
wiU tba Coaaty Tycasardr aad to iw jlaalracied to appolat aaallabl* partoa i
■ tl■ amoBst of stoaet asaaereury ot U* Caart Boo** I
eoateoeadw Ul* Board
W A. Narrtoa.
! Coaaty aerk, f

Coaaty. aad taport apaa tb* aqaeliso

Wefitern Railway* ar.- tlie only .lirt- l linn, to Cliarlevoii. lb* •

•ipr.ttieat ,iU.v in North.-rn Mi.l.ipmn,

ReepacUolly aabmltted.
JoBZ Pibciraza.

• -

................uvB auiJ
Mri<-tly tirslt-Ur>
F<ir (rruiii. Bddn>aB Eg-

tiie CElitogo.*“Wfiet Xichigu ud DfitroiLOnsd Bapidfi

"Well, bai^etoms to ban Riven ‘
yoa taad adtice "
No. doctor, bit jodRmeol
tlRbt- fer <!<'
kaowe du ule Bmcer
Barer eetd de day when be war afwrxd
tostnddlrao.nbiiiKlruiii a i-tn.-oUr mw
ap to cr eli pbasL bat dir (imalU‘vk
de Lwvd wa* ye*' umuiketi
AltauU Jvorosl

Grand TVorertr I'uunrp.
_________ L___ Your
PriaUac recommeod Uat Ue proeaed
, oftl---------Ue Board afSaperriaora.
‘------ - CobbTreaaarar'e report aad CoBSt* Caa
ram bd pabl<ished ia lb* Herald and
EsRlaoB Uei

1W lUid aaaaal fiaad^ fiMal
NUIta af Tratam aty' waa bald la
lha Pbat Uathadlat abar* Prlday
B a-k


, JmassqiaiWj*!

TMiBaa Ony Saaday Seheol Aaao- ter Ue fralt Riowar who daaa Bot bore ebitis. weak Ip^ spiaiw of blqad m any Thompaaa aad Withalm. wboae dalit
to him Ue Piek'iw doae.
^sm of the air(Biiwii wbidf. if ae«- |t sbaU beta provide lor Ue pabite



CcmaBBlrB'.ion from A. W. WbU }j g
read, aad ob motioB of Mr. Wlibelai
Ue BBsr WB* referred t* Ue Commit­

IbBfadar. Apr. 14. I<P». 1:10 a. m.
OamoUaa at Hr. Uaaroa. U. Com; r,“
Board called m order by Cha^maa.
mltto* oe Eqaalixoiiaa wa. Ipetmctad
Boll called, all mamban preaaaL
UlBBtaa of yeatordaya ta«a*AtoR* to vmii Ue aiSeiaal tows* and wards
UUc oaoaty.look aver U* tanitofy
nad aad approved.
Tbe Chairman annoanoed Ue follow-

ces » tel his cbOd



&s»s^n.'5sixr^ »

W. A. Kn




■Raealred, 'Ibat aaeb aoeBber of UU
aaiaaiiaa neofaia* to tbe amirlioa
ol tba
:be family of oar eomnde aa e;ppertuailr .wbareia weaaa laad a hriir
tof taaod to liffatan Ue bardee of aor-


_______ ^____ _



tee aa Gruaad* aad Heildlsca
Tbe foUowiar eammuBlcatioo .:
T- T. Bate was read by the ClerE
F, E Bi*.«*, ( ha-rmaa
Trararae Clly. Micb.. April It.
Tu the Horn. B-.inf of Sutierrioon. Gro»d
TVenrrac <
GzxTuacx—1 take plrsaare ia prraaot'toR Ue CoaBU wiU bopad nlamc*
Dneou Jsckriei-«a> a very pirms lint
Enalred. That Ue f^irmaa appoint of tbe Q^d Tnrrrae Bcrald lor
Ua CUamitteea tor Ueyaar. defiaiax Ue rear* love aad 1«V7. ihas oomplei- Tcey dtCceminrd old oulotrd cilisiii of
U* datUa ot each Conmiua*.
Tbe to( Ue files of Ue Coodi.v from tbe Owl L-nvk taller He Iwd
CoBmlttaaaaeCUiauaad AoooasUaad first Usur of Ua Haaeui in in'* aotil nalewbK-b bis boys wnv ouabh, lo
Bqaaliaaiion to coaaUt of fir^
ride, a^d Ibvlr fallare to bitak th>- aoi
Very Ira'yyoar*.
all eUrr CaBBlltae*
C----------------- ---to coaiUt
mal eu eu.|srated Ibe old man tbal be
T«>i* T. Bstbu.
TbeCommitdnenoiuedt.. rideilbiiaself. U. was.
tae OB CeoDly .ruaodr aad Bsildlafi
■a of Mr. Palctpbrr tberol- bowever. uj ruiaier fu^alni cO its bail;
to Sr tbr Court Uaaae Balldiup Com­
t aeeeptad aod a rote of (ban be was ibtt>t.-D loll' su adjkuiiiup
mittee, oae ta be appuia
wb'-n- be was pickid
d op an
aitth U-ib
City of Tiarer** City, and
Hi two from Ur
drrW ta Ur. Betn
liRB brokeu arid birnerk badly spraio.
eaoat.r toaaa.
" WbaC 4MI evtb did rack aa old b
Oa mawem «f Mr. Swalaatoa lb
Darre* mored that Ua OoBmilmytio uK ob by Ity iuji
toe OB Equallcalisa ooaaUl of three Board adyoarned’toltWodi.ekp m.
yueup ufDlelikelburr' askedibed's-li*
IVadtof a rot* oo Ahich
Itluo'clsck p. m.
“Waul, sub." mid Uonei Jaik-di.
Mr. Moeroe moved that Ue matter br
Board caUrd to ar^ by Cbairmaa.
"I never d*.-* oud.ttake to dniiuibio:
laid aa tb^able uatU » o'elock t* mor­
Boll csl ad. all anmban preeaat.
row morotof.
Hr Shepard Bored to
Oa mstioa of Mr. Staepanl Chat E
biui ef I oner ndedn nois wb«
amend by layiny on tba table that paH IttnwaeappotoudCoaaty DratoCoamy mfiiD uo.rvoobi boy.cguida't ride.
ooly Uat relate* to tbe CamBittr* oo

KeaolTod. T^t Ue Haaaafa Rlfiaa a*
a campaBy. aad ladlrldaatly. beraln
lorv CoBBly Clark aad
raprraa oar protoaad frlrf aed aztead
ta the berrarad parreta' oar leeat atoorn eympatby la U* sfflirUoa which
Uey hpn baaa eallad upoa to boar. U* sals of Ue CoaBtyB boada

Wbratyea^ VabBabtbCTlsrhia


aad apeelficaUoBa far Ue eoaeiracti-to
of Ue Coart Bopae to ba ballt oaootd-

. plaaa. apaclfi -ae propoality of 7W

Clab Bel at Qraafe ball pwaaaat 1a
adioeraBrat. Pm lilll ia tba ebair.
debjeatderdlecaeaiaa ikle enaiaf—
Freit tma; rarloU** to plaal
Tko prtoclp^ palate bruofht
Tb'O.ibriaaad la
nallralcherrie* ^ balbcaaolaf
aad ablpplaf. U* laltar rarirty betof
boat aa eer^ tiae. brlaf <ac of Ua
larfaat aaa alro a food bcorar.
ErU ara Bildly acid aad of neellm
fiaror aad will baof oa the tree wlib-



tr*B Nlabalaa Bta^by-WlU


aad rurndtbeiia
in Mlwr- lien
are wild by all (
fleu aadrr a ^

Elfbt chlldrcB
in tbe
c. all
torrln bar.
She laarea alae aa a«ed
taUer, tbrae eiatere and one bratbar to EquallaarJoa. w^eh did not prenll.
Oa motioB of Mr. Met^alt. Board
woatp ber.loea. a woUrr. biwibrr aad
Tbe qoealloa reenrriaRoa tbeoiollaB adioaracd to »:» o'clock to-momw
aarral .
rlen wen beld to Ur •f Hr. OnrycB. tbe aalse did sot pra- moraiBRfor
,rrh Ta
r. April
SU SmBoa by
- N. D
n Scofield,
field, faoilllarly kaowa
Ob boUob of Hr. ShepBrd Ue racola.
at l ael* Uaa, who waa• wlU ber a UOB offered by Hr. Polclpber wsa esrna^ mrmbar ot Ue «r*t elaaa to
Friday. April IS. I*v«. cSOo'elock a. a
Board nlled to order by Cbairmaa.
Mr. llacker offered Ue foUowiBc:
A nry laif* eoafrefatloe ot aympaRoll called, all member* preeeaa
Ulitaf fritade raUend aad lorlafly
WbcrcBe.BlB .maetlBpof Ue Board
told bar away ia U* aamw baaar.
yrstertay-e Be*Ua«
af SaparrUerr, bald last Jaauary. it
was rated ta rubmil the qutalioD of read and approved.
boadlar lha coaety lar Ue
Th* Cosmittae oa PriattoR. UnaRb
Uuvon forUe
BouM, $3 oou far rradiar crooade. fsr- Mr. Palcipber. offered Ue foUewlaR.

kiadrad aBttor* b* Bon trrqe
llreeBed U Ue boa* a%l to aaeial
Bia. E P. Martb- raUerioft.

•ida-Mrt. A. H. BollUay'. -Wbaa
lb*Ob»Wr*aanAala*pTba ^oyraB wa* aa
aM la all Itoparta.
adMM* aad radtatka* wan aajoyad
BMMdlacly by tb* aadItM*. a* ao
liaaad aad baarty applaaa* milfiad.
At tlB alaaa rafraabaa* M wer* tarn
Aad la* oraaa, aad Ibna who ban
aaar partakaa of tb* boapltalUka
tb* Tianm Clly WaMb Clab aard

Wc i! ii:

n. d»y *|wlU aadaUepUw- B a Par>M Wtldr» Po«i
aararaandl'ylthe sia at tobam aad aUstoUsu. Itooki' Mlk*- SrrriM oUb amraUrriyGrcdirrlruat
aad ecat-Uaf-dw
esat-Uar-dw U nraeBnanmna.r
eaV-riet'tbe aerm. and
aUrpaadrat. prortoc to c y cam a n
bnracul rrawdy * Br. BU-' ErMOtMln
BerripaUeancUUy adapted

£~£“-5I ^-4;


Third Grade—Mary Job

PAMByK £22^'
mar »a>'
. ■* U M Me

TnuHtr Miti-uim.
I K OairiaMJ»i* Wll 11*4 w
t>. U. GMaivi.ia.
................................................................. ke
Jar E |U
.... ... H. Swalaatoa. PaeadUr: P.
I'om na CtoiiB>
CoBmittee oo Cooetr Poor—Moeroe.
Browa. PraiDanla: W. E Tbaekcr.
let Ward. TrarsneCity: S.'C Darrow' ,n,
.Itoryaa and Bbepaid. to wbota aball ba
■JndWard, TiarmaOiir; Jao. A. Per-]—,ifrrrad ail mattere nlaliaf to tbe
ry. 3rd Ward. TrareraeCitr; Jobe Wiltof UeCaaaly paor.
belea. ttb Weed. Tnrem Oty; L K
Mr. fiwalaetoa offered tbr followiaf:
Clenlaad. ttb Ward, Tr«nne City; E
E Bbepaid, I’aloa: J. L Waraer.
Reaulrad. That tbr Beildiac Commit
liite* be laairoeted aad autbiwiied.
baaarer acati«fictory plaa with ayee- I) .<i r-«*o.U
Of .call .
Ificatioeia shall be ayreed apoa aad J K. Hra»lu
qork mada to
adoptad. to adrertiar (or bide, aaler Ib- J H Buell
lai rrqoeot to
F,«. WVker
to coatraet wiU tbr Ivweat .
Board waa eallad toatdar by Clark, bidder for the cnoal^ueUna c> tkeOoari CbB> Tliompe
Hoar*, and that thr Cnairmia and
all BtoBbtr* praacav
Clerk of tb* Board
of Baprma
OBBailae of Mr faletfUer. P. K
saUariiad to draw order* for ll
Beat of Ur atiae. <* paru of asm* a
oa the cerlifieale of tbr BaildiarCUi
Bluee. sod Uai Ue Buildioc Cemail
Ga aaUoa of Mr. Walkor p

Oa Cbotloa of Mr Mooroe tw« tellera
were apputoied' bv Ike Cbairoma. rii.
■r carolled. 40
NelUer atoeat aor tardy dartnf Ue )im<a. Mooroe and Bbepard.
TbebaUou 'betoReaaraamd Ue fol
awotb-Clareoee Wrlfbt, Roy Morrell.
Ulea Bwitb. Jlmale Bpirey. Etta ('
lowtoRToault wBBsbowa: Wbala aumklo*. Ella Bapklae. Eracat Bower.
bar at kollou'caat waa aarratoea. of
Wia O-Nell, Bitelia AdaoM. Edaa
K. E. Browa rteoirad atotaos:
Brooks. Percy Wrifbt.
Those etoadlof tbe blfbeet to ei
Mr. Bnwa i
elarod alaetod.
>a duicklaad.
Mr. Pulclpber proaeatad Ue follewBeecriad Orade—lari Owi

M. bln*, at E a T. B. b

____ be feoad tocoatato Ue Bec__.
of reiT many mton rrarda tbu it pro'wsBtorzalaio
Ta tboae who alroadr ban a dkUaaary, UU book will ceamcad Itaalf baaaat* It U ecMvact. llfbt aad caaranirot: ta tboaa wbo ban m> dhxkranrv
irhomer. it will ba laraloabU.
beaocarad by wrlUaf toth* abon
>ra. awaliiBlac (bU paper aad aactoatof a two cent staBp.

ifaeanatoftblv an UiJ aauir caiir to Uerby.B
(be bouwwife tom tee fee nxn pleaauit tear*.


than raUtof It ator. profitahi* tbaa da^'wf Apr? ** **^*'*^J'-*^
riety. It ham .oa Ue tree
aay OUar
Job* Pale'
p loaf time wlUoot lejary
BUlr; D
. r,. ____
... _______
larere empa arery year.
B Bamilioa. File Lake: J. B
Garfield: V. R Walker. Oraal
apple treea loraM oa aaady
lar aim* aaadr ■
wMI: Uer aeed a berary aabeoll. Wafdaa* well with


era toflnaaaiaeb oaofal talormtUoa aa poaMbla to a UmIUd
tpaco. WiU UU
•U to rirw. wbara beoa.
adJrcGr* and rerb a

BpaetalHaottof. Board of B
W,*daaaday. April It, lave,
a apectol mnUaf wt tl
Board of SapereUon.
far aay oUnr biad.
TP lAe CvMUp rurl »f Gapwd Trarm*
Proa. Olll—I bare brea to Parker
I'.ryrUu. HkMpui
broa-eton laChleaco obeatheyaold
We. Ue
Blae Daweae plowa for »4 par eaa*
W. E Pratt—TbOre ia a eberry to ■aid coaaty. reaprcifolly reqaaat Uata
amral orckarde h*re rearrabUaf the eaecUI aaaeUaf ot Ua ^rd of SaperEarly Rtekmoad that U eooelderao b<r eiaon be called to eoarcae at (wo

irly Uaroard la aa aaeallai
a tarred lor two yeaio ch aay aoo aad a rood bnnr.
We ban a poor
• *
/Bba data for tba tfth aaaaal eaUbraa( tba K. 0. T. U. aad L 0. T. H
dMt8»tlM ad oaatral aad aartbara
VkMtaa. ha* baaa taad for Tbanday.
the Uth etdaBatB Ult city.

1 wT' I
to ooaplltof UU booh ct
ekea to omit aoee of U<
wardawkaa* epalll^or azaet mm oa-


AN Omnift*


AS4 Front Straat,

Travaraa Otty, 1





el tk« L'ntud Sutaa doM
kmkr draaad. that «ba
•IbpaJoatwaaralla^Uh lu kathorIt; aod roraraiarat la tka hWad of
CaVa aad -Itbdn- lu Uad aad i«Tal
foraaa fro* Caka aad Cahae wat*ra
•ThW-Tkal the proaidaal of tka
f-altad Btaua ba. aad ha hairhy t> dlraetad aad a«po-«»d to aaa tha aa
tiro toad aad karal foraca oMha t'alt^
aad to calUata aelaal
«at7< •* Iboy "weal
tka Ualtad Blataa tha amtla
ptoM IlM alaac tk* eoaat. asd at tk« aereral atalM to aoeh an aaton' at laa;
agpr^ek ol a boatlla ><#1 -oaM ka be aeeaaaar; to earrj tktaa r«a.>'atlaaa
nmtj to taka *ha »iat akola c* aa at- leto eflaet.
are to-.
oopfldanttol Presldasl MeteUaCpartr.
■■Koartk-That tka Celtad Stataa fucaed k; a oopfldanttol
barato dltelal* aa; dUp^igoa or fa- Klale;. who held a perittoe of blpb
BWaiwo arara TaKU.
teaUoa loaxereiu aToafoKat;. }trtt- ealkerlt; In the l oited Sielaa. that to
WaaktaTM- *1-0
the prrewlent'* brlltf tbe wai;
d'cUoBoroeauolaear tha lalasd.
the BK-t warllka atava taken k; tha
eapl for i*a paeiBeatfaa Uar«>f; aad j brtaf aad akarpa prapiHa* for
to perfally eeaSdeat
a»an lu datemlnatioa. wbea that U
gqi^ ^th Spala a
to laaee tbe roeeraoiaDt that pUuaareaewbeapIawd. of which
to larpely
par■ely Ipawaat
aad-coatr^ of tha blalHl to l^a peopla."
'da; lor oaaoratraUoa at foar
relattop to tha *oeatl-olariy '
tbaaeatb el aU ravtueaU of aaralr;.
Ha to aaa
» i^iBrata «t lafaatr; aad lirbt batWatkiartoa. J .
sot laat lOBCrr thaa a uosth."
Mti«aad6>a tt«<BaeU of arUllar;. aftoraooe Speaker aaed atooed the Ca­
At f^Uauaora tbara —ill be al> redl- bas raaolsUos aud tbe booaa sons', Hpaaltb trarablpia «aalia( i
Mt^Reaealr; tad Il|!^t faattvtot aad afwr adj^nraad. Vloa PreeVert Hn-: ^tia, abaee coal la tojifel; »i
taar^totaatoof artiUrryjat Se«0.- hartai«B«d It at l.iaaadat 1;!5 it telt I'niud State* rapitol
toaok. alrbt larlueniBOf lafaBtry; at
.a While Hooie.
------------------------------tkupa. aeeea redi*fou of iafaatrj. bad Istaedad toalfs llaloare bnt the. 'Fa]*i»il>. Eoflaad. A{ptl I -Tba.

A*ril II. - HwnUr;
:iHW»wH»W taA*r b* MW Hrorti
«ktM»«(»lMlAClb*Mleiilra> Stn.\
..................... • ermiMr. tal IK.- thiok.
bwttotefvtkraiiipM Um
tmm crahM. tatwad «f Um oo«id<^
4«tt«T«n Ilk* Uu St. Laali or

S^a‘ito«rtf«Lk " ' ■■ •” ilT)l-rlb;Caitad8tol*.wltbost -^t-

Blaes tba dell eesHta aaeh frnporttoM Of arm; bare beaa nobilited asd
Seerrtar; SUermas aa<d the eei.,e .lap for tbe torped^koat Somara. ubb*
tba moernaat Itoall to beet aeidaoea
■ah* eras darotadlo tbe SpiotoU Bill-! U bairp repaired hare.
ad tba r~»lW «•* tka alteatloe aa
laia* which trould be farther leVlted I
toohad apoa b; tba praaldast asd bia
I tha Bomlsp .-hea PreaUent Me-l
K.sle; woold.ipa the
TM deUrmlaatluo to taad.te
Kces the admloiatratlos ai
tteiya to tba aoaih t*b^ iVJ
lit that lheact!-uiofeoop-e*r yrrter- | '
daupblef o
•aettBalod totkeaoadlUoiueta ■
elrtoally s P-aVer et-to-y. tniiikat eUsaia baa bm ssder o
Seator Spnnitor olaiie* tiM tha wo-d*. I««b or Uh..mlnet..a
sidrvalloa b; tba praaldast asd a
•%afrea"asoslyapply V. th- !"«»«>-•-j "I;.,,,“ ;
Uarketl. cbaltmae of tbe
Cabac gorarsmest. which praclU-i y
Tba pertesmasl baa akarterad, tba
tinvnU to recopsitlne.
atrw.klpa 8t Paal, St. Loaia. Kaw
Mr. McKinlay wlirsotify the Sjmel.b > rear* old.
Yerfc aad Paris of tba ABotleas Use
oeerjimaot that the pmetoion* of Ibr ! toiaa f>ances'
-daushirr ..t the aecreiarjr of -ar. a
, niart-* liurr«ll like, of chhaco. alll
Saalasd Wasta PaaoaaUly withdraw her land aoJ «a»»i . n>ar«r-i ntju-a—«tk
1. April 10-The only q
funwa from Cuba asd m rorrrodet her I Juhu tVentin. a pbotuprapber ti year*
ba public to war or paai
•eeiTlMd; to dlacoaalap It ;et alway.
IlkcwU* atale I
trtobJIp'dtopomd toward tka t'altod
arif Is ’the brad. He had been^11 an
United suiaa eiprct a proii
•tatoa. yaeae Victoria. *t to nadtopUaaee'wHh lutarma.
Uurrril Chenlcsl
aUMd. baa watcbad tba eoarw of tbe
ninny m
mtoto. a apadal aarrioa of talapea**
-itilie-* uf the ^•M^a|C'. Lumberlnp
New.y..rk. April lli.-TheCoiini.y nearly led In a ri d ai M.
bsrtop apprlwid bar of aeary lam to ;u dietawr. are wototted witl.Uea- ""'to
. tUpbomatlc catspalcB
lloonfooapr.wv They aa; th-CahaoM
Bar mai tl; hae rostsltad
will tghi by tbe foiled .Stoi.t to the ’
Mo.. h*.\e terelved a ivnl
qato of ttoltobury os tha poaalblliiy of
tor So.noftI*..* ealotrt pusriocjia t
STVttod eraa. asd It to aoaoasead hare
--------------foinirh-d' ihr ("v-mnienl artr.-ey
Sew Tork, April in.-A >lyl-.<l epee hi rinsiield. Uaaa
. that -wben tka aacrat paces of the tor
nearly i-empleir for an
sfca nSM are aada pa^c tbara will
tu toe I.l^ond Ma.ri. -.wk
bs l(■oDd•lbal bar »ij«aiya pareena'. line, adepl-d bycooprsaa cac.wl tbV


leSpastobasd diaatrias a

wlldetl e«.dumaot*era
Av a r.-.ali
,hrae .Inrir. h.tb.
oneu hero this «.-rk. ba* keen preal'y
The ri -Jd.cir- at »n-I>nr..f >1. K.
: to BOW jp-»cllcaur Kilt, .-aebler i-f lbNatl

.k. sp....b“U'bT™

tbar raprmaniallosa. l

1-becabloet baa bees au*«..ned.

Th' Bi. James (tosalla tkto afiersoos
as>*: "If Africa araau to Spbl. an
far aa wssAsaae. A*erica eronld ba
«atap wrqac. snl throadh bar atatas'
■as. hotUrouCb sathmal hyauvla. U
to aaaaparatlop to tkoaa who wtoh
paao- asd aa end to Cabs of Spaatob
tolar-iia to aae ABcricaa paa
tv *wa; wbat Aoaericae
ship kaawea. Tbara to ehrinu*); sa
cppo-aaliy for ike forcible foWTreatto* .d tka prwara. Itoa sMlna that
. BacItadmanaaw^AaarieasralBtt
hr.>pe. wbatheVrickl or wrosp.
BStalrl; ladlCRm »at if a or*
adtoioe attamptadlr coerce Aaertoa
tmv ctiv o Obltar to which oar ays
aatk.<-a are-Ilk Aaerhm. aba will a
Saab-, tad (>real Hritala a atrosc ally.
MKhlgoh Kan t.. the Front,
flaaltsu. Marie. April « -The batkslloa ai tbe Nloataento Isfaairy.
Mattooed at Pori Brady, has baas or^ted to re aoatli on Monday.
Ckleaco»> -""i*
run tberidaa and other rsrrisoaa of
tb* drparttoastof the Ukta will sol
•tan soalh befora Toaaday slphv
hsptla toaeh <rUh tha q«arlaraa*ter.
aad had th* orJer Iro.a Wa-biorioa
kssB as vrpeat ose, rerolation* would
hare beea aal aside sad Col V-e wsirid
tees baeo fa a pmltloo toeestplate the
mwt of tha direct Ilnsi within sa

frashtoftoa April to -Tba pmidi
will ask oaapraae for aoihorfvy wratoa
*a proetolaaal aray of tou.otn. Tbe bill
SrbM baa bees tkraftad to ihto aSe<ri


,„h „nb-• fr. aitirie. ..f M..lhin»,
> ebn murdered Pearl H“i
. ber i«it. Itoto
fi.r the criminal tiuane
He has ban a rarist manhu



I They arc m good leo*.io|i aad I
I kog wceriag m they arc exec
bctrtila Sumaadtbapcaln
lail mty member uf tbe

Bo;al Viricw. pana. >:«8*a. will bS
to Iba Hskla <d lliraa Foa tbto year,
it to aid that Kawartta. kllft.
to tba fall.
UotAiv Btnl. pneec. IMlf. ky
lamtoino Etop. «U1 ba to the |lad
ell Alcyooac.
aid to ba point rwyfaal toUua


.. aboat tha mlddla
e. to daya' cruitto| asd psoiap
sieehwltb*' '
• —will betlTehwltb»2oOat»d$8O0i


Bollinpa. ai-aberlB of
SIT. hna a cnlt be Boo­
ed tba daiwaf Uor Boy.

It to aid that Ur. Honroa Saltohar;
to bsytort sp Moetasa benacd tba padi
train rariet; asd wOl take than Ic

Atari* asd (O tolo tba trcicbitoc bori-

n. Verradia of Esat BsBalo baa poi_»tod Pilotaa.
by Pilot Medlom. for ftoa Ue will ba peldad. uU
dnekad and aast tc Loaduo fa a bigb
Tbe uila-tnuttop record .for Great
BriUis atanda at >;f4V Wbera it was
pUced by Btmlay &ca yaara apu. In
lb«7 Beany C aaiabllMtod tba tbrea
Biilr irotitot mark at ':4S Tba pacing
Uriiisb re«-rd to ccly l:»l ----------Tsxt
Field aod Farm.

Bbannllda ana id tltik ai
dtocbrdhbcn tbe bean lalow.U Ibon an a taaster. aoiM
blind; if a aerTanl. aosMtibwa

ebmaetar.abd baoaty kaoetilba
at •feadomi of Iba mlskkry tf acrtcallane aad a^ *be Frsocw aad fialpies
wa ailowad ,«o dosbla tba Gama
bnsBty. la t^ib. tba taetlcm. mUriL
aapatrioltc policy
Oamaa attr^laie to aa agty tweagh
reteoa to u4.medal ei ClmtUmataa at
tbe plow. Tbe lamtsp
liuH Id dltiar npfal ai*k«uw
to isa oatopiwrii ^leu.ijmaof ItiaaThey are Ibe anbloa ibey are tba oBeara. they Mao.1 i..r iw latto. Iba sap.port U 0.!>*.»■- aad ti- naraeryot
I armle*. ou luc Ktroytb vl all ibu tbay
I demand >prri:,| cmiiiJ.ratuai kt
I erer coat tv- Mine eieo..uia fruai tba
abtry to -bow »weliara I
auKelve* cewniul.
' piael be •aid that tba
adraun la tutmas jie«-p.-ntT daring
Ibe tael gvoi'iaiiua bo* uul Iwew la tbcu
movime. u.n are they to be looked to
«e aud deerlopiDcst td
it. Ueetiuny 'e ira.afal inompbs barei
berti lu mabofactuii- and In-'
many 1. irasifctaug
brrwjf frum aa
inraliaral >uio au iuda>irtal country ]
almmta* 1
• did liTiuiB la tba



aiandttmnOMl CEMTaC
abiithad t TWO.
DOveHtsm. «AM


Ladlw' aad KUaag' New ttylaa. OaU and m# :
E them. Can pleaa^ you in mil that Style. Pxlee end E
Sertrioe goee to ueke a good ehoe.

when ii mured weaQiard tin Ibe runi. meoatro^. UMWl pwTr.
Dd Kr.K>d oecr Osbllc
little iater it l-tsnj,- klnnday n,«* in .
— leap frnn the
. dose*
aud then a> the w«.ieni limit , '-«ed
of .b’ae-ma>aand
eaeda Iruiu IpautaBce than toipadeoea.
uuuti wrrld wj. Tritobfd the |
tSB drui p.ri unt .d .ight^mil lhanert
Mcjdaaty aeldu* Jrtiidea
that to not eiincbcd with nobler rif moraiuK. -ben it came np orer tha | iJa-wu.ou
loea —Uoldaulth.
i.'are tu our coOln wld* a sail, ao mvrntug. lu tbia IBIerri
r lb. plat* e
doubt. Bpil rtrry gria. so luerty. dtaera Ibe ecu war lueriug
vbrr,' TseMlay legan.
A* die.' puehctl ihelr war fatOnr hrac.-at and beat Imantu
dber euefuard aud
lraru.Hl tfardugb ncreaK hat Ihruogb
became naru-wir
i*d>M>tore -A B. Alcoib
It to m. dlwrace n..t to be able to do
,u de.mlhd
lo .a e|a,e®)a|
. eryihiOK. bat to oadertake or prci
to do what -yuu arc not made for to not
only ■bamcfnl. bat i-xtremely i
some nad lelatiotw.—Plntarch.
follu-'ing. The eKuuIiao nf Ihie litiei





lightfnl to Ibe tnach asd taull ranmimau.lMi fur wear.
> latan fad is

tccUy Is
trty foil
a« the bpaniard* nua- ovntrvl
any. May
last tbem mnrrthana month. Teen
lermaju- oriv*ta.
Dv riilUr* aremadofdcream fir blacA
atepa will be tokea wilh a rlaw
net with •.pray* of old lace ipplied on.
ersaaiog tbe equipment of fien. Oome*'* fell at «an rranriaeu Tbutvday nighi.
*r* saiurally
Loopefortbehkir are also'lormad of
Fred v-.linm rrialna tbe
auu esuvu iilmli hsrr»>* tfael
. .

At Pioneer Livery Stable,
B. J. UOBOAK. Prop.


Fresh arrivals every week. Good stock to
select from. AU kinds on sale.

(bem In i-UrT
, matorialiy n-laflnBringiV tbe*.lO| .-h.upce,-p„her, tbr piicber.-Ill b.
I tBatiacer e< the Omaha tVasiern Lugua
B lndlrldu*l Idea to tbat It team of Iwll piayer. .
• My «wn
and griwti ruiiier (has tbe ^
r awn aUtea. i
A pair of tine, lilcv-ky lioilt black mares, vei^it 2700. 6 years ohl.
. moBlh* .to bring about! The iti:cai^nd Kertha-e*trrn ata- fawn and us . abadr* which bBT*>^
tw aa pomibU.
Tba dealgnarioti of
1*“^ marea.
ksA regimat will baeuebaa to preC yeara old.
Vale Ude to me of tbe popolar colon
Serea tha tUla Ideutlty asd will ka, Mrdt to aracaate and enable tke Jriauili j„i.b Aii,t.-ho Urea nn a term mutlb
One pair of blocky bay oiares. « yaara old. weight 2200.
, tobeocmplrd by the 1 Ditad . bistr* ,( n-,rren*. WU.. la *aM to ba IM years In wool gowDi fur chHdn*. They ata
kowathiDg. furis.UBC?. like tbs'
ibe rand aud a
£a- m teai
made wllb a Nome watol aad guimp* Kood
without moiealativo.
; of use. He to la g.K>4 boalth
nauk or-witb a Uoaae frew
^ U.ltod l^ve. will sat Itoue' . John K. .F.rckefe.n, r, Jr. «.r
One bay mare. ’»ieaig,>u]d, weight 125a
>ckel dfowaud wltb braid.
clter* uf **War *ad rrpri,a)
One fine black mare. " years old, blocky built.
foal, weight
A Bueehy
Buerhy in
is hairpin* to
1.500 poundA.
The KepubUran deadlock I 1 Ibr Flt»l
WHhiigtob. April lb—After w-rkihg *««>teoao.
- ' gold- t
I* Lrokrn. bmdof
•atil mktelgkt tb. mwK. and aasate
One brown gelding. -5 t-eira old. weight 1300
stndded wltb tmluticm or real jiwelt.
1, Ilauul

aawfar*a*srrsadtoBeoaipn>m’aal8lha upoo tfal*
with a gold hairpin attncM. Wbn
One buckskin mare, b yeara old; a good single woiker.
MtaarotdiSaraaeeon tbe ihmu* re.- todasl wUb the nmi'.vo* of Earope.
Ute pin to In pl»e. the band atantsdawB
<.>m bay mare. 4 years old. well brake single or double.
- la
,n whb wb.wcriiBDirtneaheaeek* to laasd cwoCtM* tb* iRray lucka
, wTntissa. Tba wards "see asd"
o, eataUlah a pruduc* a
Brettlle* are <u» li (be teatira** «d
I tWdaalaratkm la tbe drat paragraph
-Miilrid Ap-1. lb - .11 B'to b-i*r "ke **"*♦>* sew gbvn>. and Ibei are plala. am)
that the Cahsa* "aia asd at right
a toborer Of Neredah.
Pbghttoba traa-'ara Irfllc-bertasla- lobbie*o'parii.uwst areeruoded »nb

. ,m ™.„.

“I Have

Saved Money
by buying my
paints and brushes
atP.K’s. ThatW.%.
John's paint is the
best 1 ever used. It will spread farther
and laet lon^erthan any other paint."
We have j ust received a new lot of

Are you goiug to use any Paints. Oil, Var­
nish. Wood Fi ler. Hard Oil. White Lead,
Buggy Paint. Shingle Stain or anything
int epaintline? Weeansapplyyouwith
anything ic the Paint or Brush Line.

Come in and look at our
stock if you are going to do
Bay palotiag. We vill saie
yop some money.

Is the season of the year
to dispose ot your stumps by blowing
them out with

I always keep a stock on hand.


weight 2100,

Jw^t^ *i*yan"liki!*’TheT*Wl<JW In
•Uaaa aa agresd upon, asd tha Tarple maMbera. new drruitoaasd poliil -ssa ma. lilae. -a* ainicfc on the bead
riRslar ertier Iba rioptv afaoblttoE.
aatawdmenl Is declaring that ■'the sad all are dlK.-iuri'>g the altaatl-m. rka'n and fatallj lidured.
wfalA mn.i be rnhiTaud aow. Mae*
Ositod Rtolaa
raoegnto' .^Tba aae peedomioaii-g wnnl i* ••aar."' Fred O.iA M Nortb Praine.
« Injured totally
I repab1.c af Cul>a a* the irnej
---------- ' '

............................. I
ay me pi
awd Iswfal gaerruaest of the
Dsafbaat CaasM ba Cw-C
MawUiasaet. ThrassaledMUaerist
Rumor* at (be
ruaaad that negu'istioB. »rr pnxwtda marked
narked decrease ta
WitWrtssd ant far th* rewolntiow*
. T*eto to
bunHiena of the Pariftr k
Ikalto byeoewn
]«*t a* t»w«d. bsl Isa repehll -aa aaa-. lag wlUi
, Orirotal
tor**>d I* *ai
ir*ylMnto*iai) a* Ibe
atoe* whs araiar wir cwme tu the c -a-. tola UAii
jeu*. UW*» af_«
lid ertaln the farther ruai-aasiou*
It to -Iriard
•iaelaa Ibsi U tbay
_______asd” la tb* firrt .en.t. I^Ia peeler* to faee war iwthct thas
lattustbey woold be-iiUogtolat to rwld to A4rl(»o drmaada Thr atalka HnMierF nothing r.'
. -ai tkto lake n Mir
to. be-elJt, wtaaea
Igraeral belief ^ to ll ai tbe >dsl
** *“* *“* "
•e, toil *< M are re
te rmatillsswa agreed upon is tha raavlotlob of (uigm.b*kt* war laee-. w nn. Mea. Agnm RiUsgham
takina sapPrt at Chicago with
- -riral—Thai th* people of th* falssd I Ike eomapoadaot of the Adaewlated tnesd. Mr» Maty Jobnsoa. gh* apasad
W Oaha ar* aad rt right aagbl to .b. Fram wm the *r*t to take th. a.-.
•»«!«• bhal bar jaw hrtAa



a to Klbtatar.


Spring Shoes Now In.

April li' —"fbe ultimi-•

)«ka >rtin> M •


WALTER BAKER & 00.’k t

Plow 8bOM. Work Shoet and Umi
: tl 00$2 00: SC-D‘a aud Boys' alCM.

■" '■

re win probaoly follow the lallna A blockade vWcub.
far a. at preamit onder*tood. be begun ;
fTThe ”r!d7irStoT4
at r*c«. Thera to an adequate number j
hi, life.
of war rta*.:* lb tor riclalty to make
ti u anuounerd that tf. P. Nurtog. •<
gaclire 1 think *uch Kupplto* ^ ^prtnrrille.


"A FUPMcr rooo~.

' Lighting Ibe pyramldiof Egypt with
1 eieclrlciiy ao<i ibe inriallaiiuu uf a I!
' 000 bur«eputter plant. t« cx-t aoi
’here du Ibe day* bcgiul They t
bagiu aar—bere. and bysrlrtrr
atns be the Briiitb gu»raBiesL aod
: aw) l->unutiiy of Ikiini; Ilitf
of argomesim-Htrr la ■“ —u AiatTii'SU Bnn ■> tepned a* likely:
rkly Epurn >-ct that Ibe place wbiea loreoie.- turcnui
I Aavalliaed. Ibe
<toT* brpiD I
me»bfre ontin plm, mclocle. tbe
eraliMJ uf elei'irio .
i‘aribf mwAo. _ .......
fall*.*) tba Nila I
Sul dcBur the puee. tmi It tuna, aewed
a dinance of.
* HKimili
lilw ihMokh the
II , tolaad. wetu-nri ««r ibal dltturt*. *
iTto "li l>.
bt-wri eipati-c of-.,I>-T.
Tbto II dei. rrtiucd by the
r,-.-H,iag. .S.V.1IK that a.
----------------»,.l«ard Ibe Wiua get. earlier and rvrria.**-of the ptran.1,1. and alatoplarli.r. - Ihal -ben It 1. M<» lay .rale romping maclno, rr f.« imgatlug
lnLuu.;,uiiu.Huiia time <• hiuu.Uy u,ga,n».„j .u.«„ aKmg the .Sile.■ing .0 An,mca. ii folbuir. .bat If
.Va,. ,
piiDctple «i-n< uiaitiiioed wilhool
------------------------ -------i
all (be war wabd tbe world at
“•'P* '»>•
.me mumrut tba. 1. w„ Mrmday
Iem.h- li«,.»W le
hoora lain—i
Umdnn. Ihto to.d
Ik tWsF>la j
nuf tha
globe ibere wa> uu difbmliy «f tbto ,
kind. tVbi-B the *o^ood over lemd.*
on Mouday. it mad<- U.mday i

^joy Ibe bliaunga of tbto day. If ppiicto OB the rhanoi uf -hethcr •ay
any iJ-diilK. Ii.ou the tod.. Uglil I'l
hlore Boats Pvrobasad
God >auda Ibton. and tbu etila bear pa- giteh place wu» Hr«t diu-orered by .a
WasblopKn- Aprl' lu—The porersatuilyaud cweetly, for osly tbto d
travel.-r from tbe avtwatd or the week
mesl today porebaaed *e»ae yaabta to
A* i'biua ua» tir>t .liKurerril b. Ea- t.-ik.-.ii.!i.nuncuafani.ed. 1*.SS..5«
The .a>l> lulnxlir* paid In aid at rall- to Uit*. We arc dead to yctoerday a
-BV .•.in.iru.'ii-n Iqr iknada ui-1.' Nw. Aot bora
cisecrt Ion sight haratr mis- d»
—Jereuy Toylop.
ropeani by tiaveler* fribi the rrvK and
1. Irtt, um.iunted to nearly
>iuvies by turai-m. Irum Ibe aato It to
n I■•.|ne rrf
or til* *un. the t'anarilan
clear ll.e l;ui -hl.h mark* -lure the
E<blees more.waaa lioere
o-l«.d IW.OS'.X'O.
,e T.uril«e_y
dara I'egli. lie. l«-t»e,u there two lu
made Isio cmlwr*.
ike Farine {• .an. and of br ing
Shore Iraer hat bees denied
iday e\rniis the III1d..|> hlanuf
a Kicaigbt line rigag. abunt. divit
c av—*-latl.>n will pive'lta flrat ... .
nra fm® sow on.
tolswl.-hl-1>bapM-a<ri to be dlK-ori
II dlro-T t tbe Clrmnd Parlftr bot^
Ureal d.ffijaUy to eoalinp ea
from Ibe ia*l from thi.«e whi.-h bap.. . ,K to ei
tryioft to Im* yoeng. '
Kaj Weal Ik r.-pnrtad owlef
yrunl lu U> diwxiXTuI li.ini ibc WerL
I more n-»
Fnirndrauil BmUellaaBre Mldo*
» traCKpIra* '
y Ptevl.
band wl^ beaded.
(bat iireau -b.-r.- it li wdy.-t decided to
to to -mlwaya a prnat re-laaf to ttc wbicb atila uf (be line they uiioig and
___ ... Imported or eotteea when apnnp comha
when- if one -'.re pul d^wu one -cold
by the refutai of-the DinUli rorern- pased cr taa.cM.tac or c-id.
i>ld prenilum at Ltoboa. PortuA man of liw expctlrbca to too wUa not kn..w -heih.r it -err toitor. l»mast to let the T slled 8t*t»* use. dstoivrbrw vr Je«l<i.!:iy. There isukI bIpu
.loemp ftaluiday war U.
to monkey wiefi praeti trait.
IOfh»*bl.b..t-«sWW.tanoua author.
1* many iriaude there —hicb, v. ver
Fnitb witboui week* to ibont aa oaetoptos aad Kt. XhcmiK. where Co*-‘ ^ djlnp of ronMini
bari.jg b.-i. J.ini..ii'.ni1r ..xaii-dty
leei at a waiub wllb<*l wbewla
■....■,1— Scbi.y we> l>aall imai'diat'-ly.; Mt'* l^n l a rtudi-iv lilted l-'fle. .h.nKfth.irdav In-m
efter^tba preaklesf** sipnatsre wsaj.-wtem unlvet*ny,
time In tiaw, eo that a .hip.alling
taae tromon than a pound of pity.
... iK. ■-...bKi. moluiiae*. tbara la ,
llobicrtM. UcLane. formr
Naiate caoata water to aspasd In
a tba iBtreele- ' 'raii.e. died St Part* !4iur>Uy. aped tt
cEnaca Iba
time Iriau Amerim woald
with the Spanlih floUlU at Cape t>rde. ^
t«>I stpaaA—UbUBgo
..iMtirl »i.biR*on Kswa
* atrira rti JJ.udar There niort also be
a o
by K"iug a 1. w mil., they can Imre tuMillh.a* 1
dar and g. I into tian.aro-or by gning
mcaiber of tha cahtoeU
bsek can bsd yeatenlay.
ofur the -aellcp lodav. "baa
ar, one of (be faturee of tbe Daw milapreid sponto.ubalaocaand w,l! ke
^rhlbond. v. There
seat to Sprint.morrow asd will raaeh imm-noe <-r.—d pteieni.
HinUtnres of .biftorlral perwwtgnq
HadrU in ibc reeclep
t think )na'
dismuurto. are rery
HOD to nub as swfnl
art aruuDd i
TI Sjt lla. baa bt-co aiae.inied rhapUIn
taabiuaable f<
for wadding glfu.
... ...
aaylnp thal.Spato
Infantry, llllsola Natlcnif
plrrs lortyeipbl brara. that to. aoti: Guard, tu rank a* cai-iiin.
(oqaea are larger tbon tbosa
Ella—Ob. is K v. ral He'aoi:
Frldi-y cernlap. to »ui to t her rrply.
May It baa been Aard aai tbe date dor uf laal aeauiu. but tbediflereiKW to me*
Is accurdance wia Ibc lcim» ol ibr
the r oiled Plate* bat. unlleuabla to tba width from aWto.lo,
Haiilf—Hot 1 thuughiyno
-eridsst will denaod tlKKhlp Alabaum, In vo
reaotoUon the pr,
tlcd'al Cramp'a ahipy.
aeacaala vor
that (jpato shall aeacaaia
Rr -rr~rHt
-Ol ' 'muicmK
S H ALLTM, Agent,
Tbe demasd for lb a will be fiat foolod
vernoo. Hut. Oerria Baker allot
and abaotote asd do irniaUrr or batf|,|, u,, i,; ttovid Hanaho^ l,Uy
■ works—Chicago Aewa .

Mb Aaaa<
aray raply will kaiisl) the pnaldaul,. The lao anaa dtapoied or.r an acrouat.
Black sad white checked
wko U diapi-ed not to tov-k any fur-! A hcevy rain asd hall at.wm vlalled
trimmed with black ralret nbbe* are
I eainem Nebraska j-rnerday
ther delay.
> amtug U>a atyliab oodwinai d tb*
IC morh damase. In
"If bpsin rafiuieato eracoatc Cnba
uf -aier frii In aa
prompt,Btoature. will U alupled to ho„,
ear da anie to a soft, glowoVlk,
put Utoforcatba oon^rrapiioBal rHo I ftomori oakper* denies the ratnw rery durshle aud light in weight, da-

ItoM of pmrtsaa aUtates to tba a
rttael. U will flee tha-praatd '
> esliat nwa bad •
alwad oflear* of a eolostaer forot f.w
^ parpoaa of aepBUsUsp tbe rer°lb'
•nay to -tba aa*bar •• not e*reedlq»


Tka Fort Wajna pnrmi will sfpto
0*m r.OOO bona wars aold rt oaatktt to Eato BsSeto dkttoc IhSf.

aadatHoblla areas radlneaU of la-

Hadtotloa raacbpd both tbe qu«eo

g HERaao.t^agmrx; W9.-

Woadlard. asd to tba epsbtoh atototota
ter tba eetoalaa sbd fecaic^aSalta.
Piemler Safaale bed a low *af---------witb tbs qeaew ra*-Bt tkto men
Tba Urma of tha qoMB rec-alk
■a a clrrua o mpaay U
S( war twesty-he* .
apaeeb el tba epa*!v«>» tbeoePtoa-to■a pot at in diapoaa] t
BiorTow-arc laelool; ro^rdad. bat U
to said tba apercb will prpea Irm. eoe- ebartcw to
A rick placer pcM dll
eioclop aad
• •
d la a pslck IvesQr-l'
aaetlmesla. It>aelai*ed that pariact
uaanlBiiT'preealtola Bpaia totoeewar
raUar than te yield to tba-damaaito of
tka Called Ststoa



uTBiiiG, rusmoK


Oue Uy gelding. 5 j-aaia old. aU sonnd add a good worker, sii^
r double, poor in flesh. Price. flt>5CU. '
fine bay mare. 9 years eld. wwi^t about IlOa


Oueraan mare. 10 years old. bloeky built, *U aonadand »ai
e. Price. 15 i.OU

One good black a ire. is Urte behind. taSOO.
One 3-yaar-oid oolt,t. cl
. Rare, a nice one. Prioe/tSaOO
One bay mare, «o,t one year okL IC.OO.



8 HteAta); aPBicdt. mu-

B.M.Cbsbia a( i
tk* »ts) W«ed DU
kM M
Uttar Atioa €t the <
tUffUtettartelv ••
• 4lMM «B MjraUr Md «• ikaU rwt
- «tlk lt«MUbilBtMtlVt*l
iMT Mf c< tkaM «to wuM •
M vBWaaMkMdiath* «nt «0
tr %«IM «• bMU vTftat tba
Tkmtotkbcl--------- ■. haw. U Um fMlIlM el the
We have tUae mfim
mmttm the eata«a d«W «« l>«>l^
— ■IpiiiiillMWbtrei. the tr»>7

Jwitaa W the M« of Aaertae. wUl
eeeMi ee eppeeftb* te «pel> b~Ue
whU aS ether eeaOkte of that eoaaWt'wUI appear ee •UM’e plap.
•eutar MUUkn-e Tiawa
kheaUftade of J. W. Hilllhaa ea the;
tB*«oMloa aad other seaeara
aaaaead hf Ooreraor Piafrea. i
n^ltea sea partleslarlp.
lUatkaa dU aot ret to Laaeiaf la else
Ueote ea the railroad laaaUoahlll.
hat wae there la Use to vete ea the
hU te.tasttii the taue apoa
it reqelrad oae
7 the seaaaie aad It

■mua salten. rrhbk irare abo fatb4Md bp Oaerraor Placree- Wbaterrr
Mpaepbsap thlak ntwdlaf Ur.

■ormlar bj
lUir* <d <1
A. HelateahaftheBoataaStara lib
•tatai thetee rabraar7-*M baatee
reedtad a tetter (iao> «he iittntii
Mcd to JahaC baadete. wkbb
Jaed a draft for $4» n tna
la OMtralb. Waehlaroe. lea
aai idatified by C. M. Beare >:
haea Us. thoaffh bo dU aal kaaw the
eaaat laitbb. aad the terser parfooda at the Beetoa Btoee.
taktarr eaeh for the diSaraaca. after
the draft. Whaa the
whoa the draft wee letaaded
faUed to (at It

itesa ta whaea h
ktaa that a< hs taMha r. Be*. «. B.
Bsith. eha died.
sral aarrias wfU be held 1
Qtaad BapdM MMp at I p. i
baital wlU Mho ^ai at Adftaa.

TM^tat wide writte hp Ufa. Ada
B.Bart,at«teea.B.b ^i takea
wtUahbd arid wkte aatttad aasp

not the least bit


difference does ii make—as far a* yonr getting pattenu at « low price ia concerned—
whether yon l^re in Traverse City, or ten mitea or a tbonnaod mile* away from here.

a trUL t^ U aU


tollawed vith the laealt aoted.
lakea before J
Baberte aad apoa wUrief enslai

Any pattern (New Idea) delivered to you, poaU^ paid by ua,for
TBN CENTS. Over a thousand etylee to select from, in the NEW


No OtllOr
patter* not what price* may be charged for them, can eicel the New Idea in the way
<»«T«t fitting qualities, and no other patterns-are as Up-tO-Date in style as the NEW
X-IStUM-UC}, IDEA. We can refer you. with pleasure, to hundred* of ladie* in Traverse City and *urrounding town*, as to the full satisfaction these pallern* are giving, in fit. ntylc. rimplicity frf construction
and economy oT omterial.

hUap Baaoui OhSdrae an Btakip.,

Psep T. Oeah M Ooa. Baibh aad
UrtOardas.aHalaeb. frae. ie M.

«icEaBBOK~in:>rT-Br as. a. a. dsum
Ira Uateei
U as «. t W.
OintattOoenSBlao. keU S on* Tfwrs
1 W. Hills to
ladreaU ooarttUeiraak the priadaflat*, blklt.
tl oaee wae that of Bile; 8-seti
Slba ■neaafM1r.ri.1r H*<wa<J. K al
Charred rrltb forrarr fa eaehiar a
draft to the erdar of the firs of the
BUep Bwaera Co. the bealaeae of wbbh
Baaiasla Walb to Lao Solosoe. le
arm bad beea boKki br H. D. AltepII laek oal; ooe ballet of Ue lorj to
W. a Cook to Harp J. Oeak awb.
ae^alt Ur. Sweera, SBch to the aaUe- ai tl. I «. ar »w_pl
(aotloe of the peblle cceerenp.
TravatwOnp HaihaA
>e eristeal caes e
Below be Ibl of Ue'baplBg aad arilThe Bit Oe'e llUadd-PMI ri

SS-KTi-Assi? jtrsKa



irus L- B- L. A Oo'snh add-rOA

Isportaatbthr eai of Joba T. <bl
baoe of Klofelap. •ha. b aoeoead el
laklat Isproper llbartli with a tin
oadar the ate-of It. Calboaa b aa eld
a pslUae
saoaad hi beaBaJuiioeof the
1 r«aidlBr the latcieab rrhiek la Klafilep aboal It paan. which fact. s-tlOOO
N to the
____^BIernlaUoo.8lotTB. paraeb la
toead hb trial w
ecc tA-t n. ar low—pMOO
iL Whea arcaitaad ha pleaded
Joba OUIb to Oao. P. Emk lot 4
War Bpaeiab
tetitp. UaAerweadAUsloraadUoa. le. t*A ar low—bu.m
t'oewr are ......................
bb attararpe
W. H. -•
A. J. Bararttaa-----------------------------BwarOaaUii U. P.
I&iactah. April M.-WIU a pea
ewW of aeU e« 10, i ft ar »w-4l
thaaaibBawea trial.
IbfPbbil brOaasUAlrv the pnai
The eai of U. -B. Bllb, llqaor riatedstt teatcBad-thataterTaallis raaa
lloa. war pat erar the ters oa
tottaa aad bb mhlsatas rirtar Bpaia
frf theUlaaeaal Ur. BlUi.
LaadUrd Baldae of Park Pin wUI
4a«asa«t rrae aaat bp a ssaearer
I triad far allwad riaUtloB of the
■m Ma aad at aaaa shM to Uadrid.
esa Uwa Babaaoaaad of atrrlat
•Mir Moat asae rataraad a Uttar bp
nbaa al Park Plaoa after the alaea <
the aiaoa. Thb wUl prohahlp ha
fasporb, rrbbh sse baaad.
Whit. old. per
■a left ataaeaae'eleek thbetaalar.
P^lp aad Barbara nw. who ai
laaetar the Bpaabh Baf aad doee
aeeoatd of atnniaf a bap who llw
BMS with the Praaebslabttt. Seaar
with thas. ware acralraad aad pUaA.
Ma refill ta giro hbisita. bat laUsatad a treat daalra to aaa HUfaia aet rsUtf.
thUe hafai barlar thb aoaatrp.
lOatMar Woodford hae aakad for bb
BpaoUl AloBBi UMtlap.
bU Spala hi daellaad la
Then will he a seaUac of UeAUsreathastcUs.
at Ue Oeatral ibeel
biUAlar ail Toeedap rrealac at T;»0
WaWtevtaa. Apia tO.-Ofa«a doabb
At Ub Use Ue Ism
Uattb Wade, who b aeatped ef Ur e'eloek eharp.
an^eesad asoat sasban at the
a al both tip tros a etora, pUadH aot raUtf of eaUrtaUBeal af eaaaal sMUag
haaasitaoar abUltp U Uad Bare PatebU A Creuar were reulaad lor will be decided aad aUs Isportaai
traaietad. Erspsasbsb
thaa U.M0 r^laie la Oaba. The hardafoai.


ft'i ^


» bSTB* a Jto'aAUsi


r. who WM amtad
•paUharapbtbearbtto be
ttsa ap) ehawad with harlag aWUa
naadtebbtioar Bnt
elaUlat fras a alara at Orawa. wu
aad he oilarad a pUa
t a< Ub d
BaaUsea wUl bi isptaed

Handsome Street and House Costumes.
'. or U pl*lB*r Ubrtra (or U« ttiMV a« Hmrr
Thb gfoop aho^ Urrr dralgat.
« or U drap d ate for *e <
r grrro liearrd %ilk foi
* Tba BodalelUalcftbNo.
c*t U
gowa which ooa be deilopod la
• ailh
.ilk ar
• ahaar saUrUI U dalatr
la alaea
alia K U 40 hit saiBr*. The oaairal flr«ra ahowa « wrappar or b
oriage It bia-Wauaaa hack " aad a alight irala. No ISM beat la ai(r> aruM.' iaebe* boat sciarw Thadeaiga at Ua right b ahowa it
U llghi
Ughlwaigbt elolb wiU * golspe of eriokled atlk aad doc-waUoM of peaaesraUric aod plHodchiS«i. Dbphaeou fabrioaoror allk
drrriop woU.............
woU eUe. U*
---------------------------------------------- ... I. .w------------*- T... ^ttem, So. IS5S tiadba' Wabt. b eat ia slai............. .
•— --------------

1.40; Hap.tMl

a B. Au.r>. ■ee'p.

pmd Kaphta. A|W1I

-WhiA Me.

C. J. ______ hi Ue agra-p af Ua

sx.°.n:f.roJ^‘i..s.'S..'Sr: Bicycles

Wa*b«taa. April W.->Xha I
ibaaea PUrw wi aeroM
harglarp. aatariat tba beoi of bei aa Ur. Ebas at III O
Ions hubaad aad uklaf eosafaral
4mt la aaU aatealaalai foiei aad
"PbaaV" Ua soet taatrael^ pUj la
era. Bba wiaeqaited bp a )srp.
pmtdiacfereBfaaliiUs Beth tba
Thera are eeearal drll oaei of mbi AiDslaa. will be preeeitad/al BleiapriHIllt aadqawaral Altarigraad
itant. amoaf thas balet the dasafc
U Ihahaeaadtpedpaealartba WU
elt araiatt Bheriff Blspaea. broat'>
Thb prodnellOB. i preeeaud bp PorUr
AM aU ChUrsaa Hall of the sUitabp Wmus Blaeksaa, who okarrer WhlM aad bb oospaap. b iW to ba
tp msllltt had It heoatht ap seder
Tha'bltJHail unanimoQt
Cabo IsprtewiBoak The etorp at tb eepsb. The reeUeaU al Trareree
wWpaadutr' repair meo ir tbal
treobU wi tl*» onX at the lit
torU lae<
Iha hUl b pwseaeat la ehan
of eoerl. whaa Blaeksaa oblalaad
T ri*i»r
U U the WU
pair ahopleiUian aop
Jidpsest afUit oSoara of Pa
ahboQgb ('reaeroU ia i
lowaeblA. oa a alsiUr aetlaa.
lrioa”«acU**?V*'“^"*" WhIU. boT any other Viicpcle two to one.
Death of Aaat Laara Baellaad
Making the beet poaaible %icp*
••TbeQreaUel Uepktato
Un. Laara S. BariUad dbd piUrelea at lair.nii
fair, filed prievA hi ceniM
dap saralar at bs base U Braad
• ■ ' popularity
• ofCreatha wonderfnl
Bwku at the adraaead afa ef *• peata.
83.000 of tbi-m aold .
Ua wbh agala to iU tba attesUn cents
With the dwth of Ura Barilasd of ear reedaia to the retara rbll of Ue
We want to aell yon ooe in
swUlMl reaart
nodawapsaacf the aetad aad ra Dr*, a B. A Ca.
PbpeieUi who hare
• •
-- arell aa* '---------‘■’'- ' Creacent qoaUly and Creacent
sarkableol UUbltaa wosea. She
beauty at Oeacenl pricM aboald
hero U Oatario la no*, serad
heb 111
make you and your friends Crea.
Maw Ywk U ISM, aad to Ulohitaa
cent rider*.
eaea afts. lUllat U s aear Adraaoe IlldM^DIia^ ud UeUetUat
IMOalV 1 appotat Oesil Ussrsl
Pros bs ehUdhood ahe wi UeaUfled
yitabagh 1st ta be tarriurial ^rer>
with the abolliloa eaaae. hs Utber-i
t tba WabUehoolp thia to rbll Ihes who bare fail­
owa. belBi ed to gel relief fros Uair fasllp ahp
nadBOshaatapabUe. BaaalaUei
Art Catalogu* Free.
aotad atalhsa o
' ll thas uUa
-----la that aHartrrai adapted ill aittt
BBsben Bl­
Istt algbi ihaCahai artaaliad
ip Utaac Ihrir priri
AriUtaip aoipaap aU the aSaate apat
k rielt. aad ararp Ural
BeoUtoCba^wieaUad. Whi(hc
—a te)«iBs la Pnldit KeKlaUp. i
ws broke eat ehe


The Above Styles are some of the leading creations in New Idea fashions for May.
Any pattern
there shown (any size) bent post-paid to any .nddress in the United States. FOR TEN CENTS
Send ns your name, and we wiUhe pleased to mail you the New Mea Fashion Sheet (monthly) free of chargeIf jron want D17 Good*. Olosks. CsrpeU, Clothing or PdmUhlng Good* of any kind, w*
esn supply yon with th* yight qnsUtlet snd correct styles st the lowest poaaibl* prtoss.




. a«ar th^ atretata aadar the

eai la the freat. deroUaf Us* aad
didw the welfare
at the aoldlse U eaaw. bsplul aad
Bald, aad "Aeal Uora"
of thf
sehrtBraed\s a
peraaaal Irtaad ef UdooIb. Btaaloa.
Beward, aad san af like aUadtaf. wh.
kigkip her
q^tUa la oar awa eUte hs hi

walaaa(th..sti.iplaf thw had
laseeaad. awlap to tba attliUo ea
paned the paopb el the ratlad BlaUo
Is femUt the rtbelltoa. Bbe added
that BpaU had aabaaluad te thei
thus aad UfartiiBol belat the
a of the Aserteaa
hatba. hat haoeilat aatbaal lhap
waaU ahUta hs ta break bs ralatioi
wllh tba Dalted BI
- itildthat ia tha aafMa ariab tha pope epohe warAe al
pmm whlah ware barkeaad te bp Ue
s ef Aalat ritbV U Ue .etrkt
OoUadlw. bs safstp lid; - PoeWbtp, hawaes. thc^eai aSerta sap
aUteOtaaaatral tha aril paaaks
halw wafMt BpaU.
Lit Ub seaoraa la daCead ear rl«hu. whateas
wstto thap sap aetall. Tbil
tllp spiU wlU thaaaUi. aet oalp
to fatBl thaoaU t ewere wbra I aeawwd the eataaep. bat I tollew Ua
dbUU of a sous'* baarv traatl^
1 the Bpaabb paapU to caUs bahlad
IP seat Uma aad U dalaad It
ha b eUneath U dated It UsiU,
Bpafsb iDara aheaid tha Beat at
r bedera tba isara at tha
sMiatofs ta BpaU


work, aseat tha sseb aha did
of Ua Celdwals aad Ad
riaa BlaU sheob. The Aral
ad hp bs Ubla* dititauehlldrea lok
aad earUg far Ues
bat Ub ca^dlp graw brpoed on her
abtlitp te earrp he. aad Ue SUUechael
Lbo Urgolp

Moths Orsp'a Bwaat Powder* ter
awraaafmUr «aH tar Ksir Oni^as^
tea Ceibn a Basa la «»• Vart. Cara rraai
lakaaaa. ha* aMafk. Taattli

Cliililess, $79.






14 Disarat Btrbo, Black aed Taaa. Leaa aed Battoa.

$3.00 JULIETS going at $1.98.
$2.00 OXFORDS going at $1.48
l>OST MtaeTBl^eAUo^mah.OtoAa Peotwaar

IIS F^.ut Street

.r qaaUt aad hieUfal font ef
tth aA Am U A. her aerp latt
Boauabowiiblighi aad aeUra
U sUd 1 le her Mat dapa. aad to be
her hrilUaat aed
wtUpeoaTenattaa. capeeUllp whoa ebe
reriowod. 1 wu her pleeura. Uo rosaaUe hbletp af bar Ufa.
celled -A Ufe Work." wi Ue work of
her pee. aed Ub Uat pir ehe hi
bup gettlBg OBI a aaw odlUoe
aa boar sosbar of Ue Ulehigma Wasaab rm AaeocUUoa. aad U aU wap*
a wosaa tor Uichlgaa
aad Isluie.
Hareoa. Uo Ut^ Boa. J. B. BarilaeA. wu aa aid aad waUbi
am of TrarofU Oltp aed bb Usllp
■till raatda hare. la^ rielb


The Old Bellsble ffboemsn.


Car Load of Wall Paper at 50c on tlia Dollar.:
an Nmr. rrMh stock, ItMt r»aer r.m.

§ WE
25c, 35c, 40c Patterns for 16c
' awT.T. 45c, 50c, 75c Patterns for 26c roLLB i
CHUreST UIGIIIS EVEII OFFERED. Grill afll' inin iMfar, Ipll A




State Bank.


Wm Oa B> War.
Prmak Beoee leftyoaUrdmy al
Itaf. 4M afMr b ««c7
of BboBt B «sak. !>•- lor Chteaga, where ha wfll e
to BB •
tOM dtyr ago tad bar eoaditlea
aaahbattbedidBel aarrlra it.
Itarat.twaahlldraa. OabtoUyDr.
Hiag loft far CBaada wib'ba fratlai
St. Paal. raaalag cm be lak
AheaateaaaadB blf BUct aorb aadcr day PhllUpa. aagiaaw. alaeM
■ataaowaadbyHr. Oraaa aad
at ‘haemeae Qty. It waa bimagh I
eapW by Oecirga Elrkby, wat b*rtod Phiiiipib
bat ha made be arrmagimi
begraaad HoBday eight wlb atar- aadPaUUi
tUpa rrlll al
ty all otBtaab The itable wai '
ABratad by Bmptwaa Cearv
baraad. tegabar wlb a qatatllg of
Tbc Bapreeae eeart baa adlriM^ the
bayaad Itobatbaltol eeca. Tb
waa caatad by a deltctlre alora pipe. daeitiea of be Cireail eeart te the waa
of J. U.'«aaltaaatel ra. H. Vlatea.
Tbtaa irat ae taaaraaao.
Thltwaaaeaae e%kb iaralrad IMB.
ly aajoyod thtaaoBBiof a aeooad mortgage
rol pw fBuiaata la bt City by Baallmaaul apoa be hardi
tt Friday Bight for btb
atoeh of A. Pabormi ferateriy la <
lUan aad bt bate ball
awe aa FrOBt atra^
IBaltetiaa aad be
w baaedt thtoagb baaatrggtkaCertt at be yeaag aaa BOldatebteKTewlaiBbaBBlf of BabI
who gart the ahow. Tba rrealpta were
al Detroit.
The mate ba
beaa la ba eamrtealoBgtima. 'Haa
•M4. whib la raaarhable for ao
at^ey tor Haall
d|poTell far Matoa.
maatel aad Dodge *
By .rq-ott.tpaclal 0


to Jaaala Btobh baa fabtosad Aram
■ Otobl^Cb. aad J. W. HUiBaplii
Spemgaa Pratt lataraad Batarday

r HlQikaakpapalarbrndiag plaea
te IoralIsaac all day aad ladba toaad U
raaort tor a few toomaBb
The dbpbym te rich aad
aad htaallfBl atwma made Fottim by flmal dacteattoaa wbbbaddad frafraaea to ba
artbtlc afreet, while ragtote raaaiba
the air rtag wlb aeag added to

Bee. A. B. Walla arrirad from Onmd
BapA Haaday tor a tow daya- eWV
F & Priee.wba^aattbawlaMr a
Afhlaad. Keh.. At rataraad to tbc j
CyrO T>br at. Haairm. wA baa b
Earl Tyla, lUaraii

Mr. asd Hia. 3. W. SisHr aad MA <
Doebarar bi
Aye- rialt te
j HAaa Hamb asd Loa Daagborv te (
Ooblag Oi o*arad,Bk-**pid*.«*MaearHoaday#rralsg J
i to auaad the opera.

apoa the rath. Tba llsaa te atylA j ten far Saw York yaatorday oa ab
apriagelobmaniwdedbaabalraa asdlaamasd y’-------— trip
MA Blab l-aunoa te Fife A
The die- . ^ Iterated
a poalUOB la thCbilllBefy ^
HatA Bo
MA Sadie Crape aad Mim -Daa U
Poabee took be aftoraeoa trmla for •
pltocmra triptoGraad Apide Friday.
far*. Uertrodr Mlaroe rotarnad Tmcate the aablk achoola. dar from
a brae boatA' trie
W. W YlbaloMra. ba prmarat laeob- broagh be etata. orgaaiziBg W. C T
hrak haa Meade on tA board te ed-

ba pratldrat fed
atoctiaa aad teeh ether t
dag the I
Boaltoa wbo art urging bb appaiai-:
^ c. Wood te Gaylord, b rialt-’
My aama ap. The BteUeg
will be Batgoal Vaederly of ermad BapUa
Atolbermebb^tow a
1Earl T>ler. Be will Itara bb
baU aa Wodavday aftaraooa, April Dr Biebard BootSBlb. b bka
Blag tor CArlertez <
tnh. at ba rwIdeBOt of Him Jba April STb. la Bt. Mark't ehareb la
baiag atrloaaly oaBaldcrad, aad
Bg bam Profewer c. T. Orawa of
ilfBDd Bapidt b tw fnllowMIbya
tioe at be reaidbeeB of Him. Joaapb B. bbcity. la bit eoBBtetloB bt Uraad
WoBdtrly. Him. Woadarly baaa beat HapIda Ummld wya:
HoBbecB of bo Bpwarb Latgaa art
"Hr. Orawa waa raeaatly rawlecud
tllol aaaaar hoBt at Old HlatloB aad
atldpatlBg a treat la tbt Irctera
Mitt Woaderly It well kaowm la Timr. by be board la Trarotme Citr. aad It it
etre, to be giree bi
aty. Bbe It t yooBg lady of. bid that be U ^riag azwlleal aatia. algbt.
ye af Tbi
Hay (rd. by Bar. W. A. Frye
faciioB both aa aa adacator aad a Btae.
ebtrnlDg panaaality who
J. W. Beward aad wile arrirad Sat­
Biraim. torBarlr paalor of be Flrtl H.
aod thailLlaoalyaqacaUoBof aabart'
E. ebereb. Mr. Frye
ba paopla of bat city meat j
-rat be wlater. They will riall ■>. A
lo bt«»reaadbUel<
>r him to a larger city.
of the dnriag be paat taw yea


e woadtr*

will be eztaodad oa be oecaalaa of bar

epoelol (oapcl neaUafi ar* I
held (kla WMk foeb «T«Blac «i
btarda; la U« BapUat ebarab
. /ar iBBatlngi la Ua afu-ranoa at 9
a'eloek Toaada7. Wadataday aad Hara.
day aad 4 o'clock oa KriOay. Tbt
to Hoy.
tor. 1. C. Cknaas. will apaak aad aiac
laaaehotUMaaaaralaaa. Aeordlal lartlaUoB U aziaadad to alUiaaa (eaarally. ‘•Came tboa with at aad wa will
Bh Fes. B flaklBf do tbM food for Cha Lord hat apokcB
taot of «««k^ WBB te tt* FOR Fri-

> p*r»r tor B OOBUM fc Uk. riBO. •.

wnUBM D. MeMo^ of nta Lak*

H. K-BitokW «ad01dll
■ •ItoinaMith.
a Cmpa
Mb HaboB at Ar^ araca aarriad
fctpday hr JMttea Vrrty.
W. C T. 0. Wfl] aaaalattF.».
ta^raw aria UrB. B. L. KaUocr.
ItaUWMa atraa*.
Daba AdAraw."
Mr. aad Mra A Tabaabln. far
ty Of ah aUy. BOW of Datralt, hara
hata b aoa« vWUac iriaBda. oa thalr
»B7 to Blk EapUt
la rataiBod Hob-



Aogut HcColl bat rabraed from Bay
.tv after Bttaadii
mlioe ar&tMlc
Mlcblgao State Horeetboeim.
• City acboole wbleb
BddiUoatl honorm aad waarlBg a rate
able aad baadtomt gift which la a wblea he hae bara amployad tor aaob
wlb aatlratatlafaetloo la blmreted to be meat popalar bereatbacr atlf aad ba board of adaeaUoa.
la Hicbigma.
Tbare were 1« casdl.
Ledge EleetloB
datra la the oaalmt aad Hr. HeCoIl rtOrmad Trmrrima Lodge. Ko. Idk. 1. a
oelred ltS9 rotea for be^ewel. It lea
peadaat la be form of a bonesbat. r.W., leacqmiriagaew life aad It beiog
eolid gold aod eet wlb tt eirgaet relaforeed by large aombera af good
At be maatlag Taeada.v algbt
prarle. aad to^taded fro^ a ae]ld
gold bar, aagraerd wib bit aaiae. Hr bare
McColl wat titu boeorad wib a iV aewed lategeat w
order Tbc tollowlat oftltcUtaatai
en eleeted:
Hatter Werbmaa — Biol
Last Bomber la Leetora Cenrw
Col. L F. Cepriaad eiaetrided, iaterMatter Worbrnaa-Aagat HeOoll.
ited. amatad, iaatraeted aad eater-

afmooB Mrda eyaaflc
ad a Bartow aacapr tron drowalnc.
a waa pUylnc upoe Ua rirat haak
aar Oa Baadla block wboB ha fall bl« Oa walor. whieh at that polat baa a
avtftearTBBL Bad It set hara for the
ooBfBfB of nub D»B BlexbBB who
waa pUylBC wia Ueda ha woold hara
haaa drvwBod
Doo rratpod hlB bj
tbt eallar whae be fall b pad bald hlB
BBtil Vta. 8|BB(la. attracted by tba talaad raaarally a large aodleace la
bor^ erica. OBBC to tba raacea aad he be City Opera Boaw lait aIgbL Thii
waaaafaly peUed oot.
wat be laat Bomber lo be Blgb aebool
lecbire eooraa aod Col. Copeland will
long ba rememberad aa oaa of be bral
leetorera wbo bara appeared la Tree.
eraeCiiy. Hiaaobject wai "Saalag be
Elaphast.'' wbleb waa as
tba Uatkad aaua today thaa crar beaad oOBl-atirriag talk apoa be good
fera b lu biatory, the lotol belac >i.aad erU of lUa. the bema bate the
»e;0M.64S ThlaalBwaaB lacraata of
ralalire rmloe ef waaltk aad ba-b^
•H«,000.00(ib tba Jt BM«attbec be
ploaw aad ooateeimaat of hombla Ufa.
rod that Ue
briefly Ooloael Copalaad baa
oBld Bat outarBtaayefbt
a magaelk: prcaeeea. and bb lacInre
tally linntii wlboat the frat towage
met oamblaed
rar. A attady Iserratt of tba
wib wit, bomar. pathb aad tarror. laaaka
an utertalalabaady iatermatlag aad iaatracHiaaddrcMwea flUad wlb eleBilrerBigBi
ratlag boagbte and hraatifol dweripleld la pietumaqoe and forcibla
Womaa' Olab
laga. aad ereiy aodlter wee deep
floe of bt Wee

Jt willI A iBlereeUag
lo maay Trmr- j
y poople to know bat L l> ‘
Oalkioa kgrmdaatcof be High icbanl. {
ow Aide tApoeitioBof bead bookeeper If be largt wboleaall depart
uet booaa of Lyon Broa la Ctalcego

Mika ObarUa ad Klaybaa baa baaa
at SdttaBa lay aararal daya baylag
paMaiB Bb will hara a aarga ■
dw^ablyt Oa bat of the wag. Tba
prtaaa paid at that pabtraare bow

M. «.
•MaaMa •
a OB Saab Oatoa atnat Uoaday
■lag. b the Btare taoa tataotly ra­
id by B. B- Vaa Float. Hr. Tatsaa

At the rartaw at Trarane Qly Teat.

Oar SavinBB Department

liuHiM ttt TByiw ent

It is Easy
to Catch a Cold

At the te^llBg of be Alamal AeaoA Heidaa. tbraa b»m aaat of Elar etetloa Tawday erralaf. la the High
bv. laat bit bare ^ tra Haaday Bight
m elected tor be
batwaaa it aad II o'eiaek. Tbara wat
a beta bt rroadtatar by aad be
Wgb wtad PfBbably Maw tparbm to
the bara. Tbaa waa iMaraaea of
gabarliM. At bb maatlag bara waa
mm taba FarMrtf Hataal.
bib of baaglag the aaaaal bas­
racBpUea. hm
bat m dadalte
Tbt harga Bat. rrUb Milch Brat.' qaet te a rarapUea,
pba waa daeUad apes.
■Bwaabaa. hat boad tahaa to Qraad
wtoUBwiWwataba oMom 4*eatan aad it aow hatag arahtalad.
gbawillharaaBtw bote aad b»—L^T. FraalagteB.
aMawy aad It to ba ae^litat data
era .mmia w>. raiimra. ■■■BBiy
y asd TMaaarar-B. B. AL

Pw.mtraeweKertae. urn.
Tbraaaix abort ehapteem will raqmira bot a abort Uma to irad bam
throagh wlthaat atoppiact la pmyarfmlaeaa aaah to oadarataad bhal waa the "other goapal"
BCalaat wbbe Paal writm la bb lettor, aaa 1*0. e». lo. *i. ir» e. fcjj. It.
I. Wbo warm ihtae "tolaa brabrfB"
«?:«) wbo were tirabUBg the eharebaa
afUataibr 1:T. t:iT. *:1*.«:U. snt.'
4. Whatatbarboakof Faalh writtBrbbboBatoaatllhar
5. Briaet ebapter aahfaeb aad mark
belpfal prombaa aad atrtblac ama
«. Mark asd aah Aaat AHkaft



\s m\\ bSMT^ei U1& cm
%VbcvA\ X>bVAeb.
^mofi) (Mim we sn AMiiit% a {S

ADbists bii& iftSAt wbke front
utt VC sVim 4TtbV

Oratmtar—Caaalu Hoaioa.
Oalda-Oaarga Tarbaek.
Baoortar-J. M Ugimg.
Horalag aarriee aad aermoa 10;10
naaacler-O. E Bemra
Aaday Ahoal at i:.
Beoalrar Jacob Parbeh.
Eraaiag aereA aad tarboa at T.
taalde Watekmaa-Oapd DalMll.
All are eardially iarlted to-brae ear.
Oalalde Watchmas-BarTy Booed.
nuKsme' carmw.
Trmateaa. brae yaara.
Yblrlby; two yraiv Anker Daaprmar' Bwato >e*«r ate Matr ■<«.*. PaM
Cotser Oak aad Fifb atraeta.
year. Dr. B. B. Uaraer.
Hible eebooi at « 4S a. b.
JobA oteatlag l Mp. m
C E. marllBgat6:ls.
rteHaldagiaa waa a
A hrarty wilecM to aU te boA

uirat.. ’ S!!S

Wai-fB r>xna« S«ox«.


umtX J

■Prieet ^rm 1A mp.

Serrlmeat lO.M
Aadty aebool at ll:w.
Yeaag paople'e mAtlag at« >. ■
Fnachlag at 7 o'clech.
All are cordially iarlted.



b WfWtt
\fae Cbl.


ra waa a aparial aaatlag bat
Praaehlag at iO:W a. b. aad 7.
algbt afTtm^mA City Ledge. Na. I»,
Clam baetlag at «;»q a. b.
B. P. 0. BIA Amoeg Aretml oat te
Soeday tcbool at it m
towB gmmb free BoArt Lake of drak.IobIa Lcagme at J to.
aob Diatiiet Depaty ef Mlblgaa. repEpworb LaagM at 2:49 p m.
raaeaUag be Oread Exalted Eolm of
A eordbl iaritatioa b axtaoded to all
MlUi art How la Abet
ba order. Hr. Labe aaabled la ezabA-dlaaetroaa Bre oeecrrad at Blighte
(dlflylag be mlUalory wqyk. There
aaddeeldtepaa a prw
Siding Satorday algbt wbleb daalroyad
. large aitradaaA aad after «A
for bt comlag yetf.
Urge ww aad pUalag mlUi of ba
--,.-10 were eoteerrad a taaaqwt wa
Him. J. a Bomtdtll wUl aptah apoa
Jake C. Lewie eatate, fnrmtarly owaed
aerrdB. tollawad by aa Aprompia eaalartiM apriagt. Him. J. J. Ormy by KaUey A Oorell
apaa bt rtaarroir ayttem. aad Mtt M.
af be tnituaa
A. Btte apoa direct pmatura.
be Lewie eatate, wat aotifled by
TA rmak at Baqatre wIU A ooetelephoBc at«:4S o'eleek aad wat kept ferrad apea tear caadldaA at be R.
Datb Boll
bepragreteof te F. ooarratioa tonight.
Thanday pfuraooa Seperrito
Ike Ira matil daagor to other peoperb
ard raealrad a maaaagt from hia h
waa paterd. Here la a prlrate telaU raloa towaaUpattoBro-elork.aapboae eooaeclioa hetwraa ba Plral
tha aaddaa deab of bla
National Baak and the general atora al
Addle, rrita of Jaoepb U.
r be dbh
Sllghta wbleb eoabled Hr. Bameaeod
Hcymrt of that pUoe. Mra. Hayerm had
>gala partienlara of be diaaater. At
HI at all lately. aaUl Thaia•imt ft waa Uteaght adriaable lo hare
The Portb Oob wIU moet bb afAday tearalmg. wbea aha waa lakra rary
tram tba Trareraa City Are
ak^ Hr Hbepald rrcalrad ward la
oaa at be kc«M te Hm. Daa Loadoa.
dapartmeal. bat it prorod later tkat It
ba taraaeea of bar lllaea aad wai
Hia. Deaa. Adv.
Mdraa erpraw al bb aae bpaarOa tk.
wma mot Beaded. Tbara wat a large
of bar death later la
*B 4.A—mpara•joaatUy of lomber la the yardt a
Oaptaia SIgabA of ba AtUaahia
_______________ abort diataoee from ba mllH aad It HalA rodeaOolfbWa bicycle wUcb
Harrow Saoapa.
feared bat bit woold he dedowB wib be racAl ia be eziday
atroTfd. bat prompt and eCretira ama- pkslea whlek daetroyed Ik The bi­
o-aloeb a Maw wat diacorerrd 1
ipolalioa A ba water weefct of Iba cycle WA BabA mp by a direr and it
pleat aad ba aU of flfry wwkaMa ba WA preAnted by be Aplaia A a aoe*load to ba milla la law eatr to ba baaefactarerm. TA Pope
tKae two boon bob ttroctoraa worm
toebrlBg Oo . wA wfll plaea U
the Hortbera Hiebigma Tibi
te aihea Tbara' waa ae wiod
azhlbiiloB J. G. JebaaoB. tba
Oo. aad prompt aetioa arerted what at the time, hot If tbare hfd- baaa a
■l^t hara baaa aeeatly .Mate bob far
ba lambar oompaay aad ba city aa
the wlad waa blowlag etroag from be
aorb. II ti tbomgbl that the Ira wee
loaa tattalaed it aheo^tlO.OOO
Igalted by aparba from a barge
aad ba property la perUaUy cortrad
pallad oat a abort Uma batore.
by laaaraace. JabaOUila. ba maaagar of ba baalaam. waa la ba city
Stoiea Wbael RaooTarad
la ba flrr ocrarred
LalcD the
HiB. B B. Baraat baa raoortred bar
paania la the yatde aad ba hoilari
1, wbleb wma atelaa a llttlt orrr a
AtaotAaMytogatorer ikpalamyao
« bora tteparad wib aad aa tbare
waak ago from ba Firat Habodtet
JmiL : brearSyrap te Tbr aad Wild (Heery.
baeo ^ Are la ba mtlla alaoe
abarmb wblla ake waa atuadlag prayrr
Wadaeaday it la bellerad bat be Arc
Tba blaf rode it oror to Elk wee ef laeaadtary origia.
« it b laralAbls
It b piaaaaat
be Ban mmalag traded it
la. aad eostalA aoblag At hanak
Tbr cot of lomber riabomt aomplet■Btafbi
batplacafora gtdd ad aad a peruea of the lomber U be
Tedleab. It wfll gin mlAbt oa.
1 a eara wlU A ba rAolt if tokaa ia
yardi told. Aa the limber la bat lo­

Sa. ri. K O. T. M . Friday araolar It
waa aotad M hara a daaaa bb bt araatW el be atb. aad
rMn-aada (cr warh la. prapatatloa of
■ Orrai'ef BIk Bapide haew- cality if preetieatly eahaactad ba mllU
0 taka plaea U
lag Mrm. Baraat aad haarleg of tbr mrlll OM ba rahailt. The biagla miU.
theft rUted Hr. Eanaaad tdeatlBed
raklaoftbarirer waa not
Tba trit bMa haU yajaa of tba w
tad tba daawga b eeataed
aoBla bbaltyirUI beplayod SaUrday. A roeae baa baa arraagad 'lor
batwaaa be laaal Blgb Sebori taaw
aad ba High BbaH VaoB of Kaab
Bible Stey Claaa
Ma. The tlBc of be gaat ami ba
Alamal MeetSag.

> t



B the taealty of the
OBirwatty at An Arbar wlU arrlra
bata today to btaaHgatatto ■arita
aar Bigb aahaol wib a riaw at «
to be aalraaalty by diploM trea bit

Hannah & Lay Co.

dlhen PbArof.Red Blof. Montaoa. <
arrirad la ba city to rWt be lemlly
of W. 8. Aadermoe . Hrm^ FbAr waa a '
abler tebeUUMte. Amael Aadrrwbom ahe hid Bet acra tor blrty-

IVe Obobb aty QBBftat oeaeart vtU
bagfraaBB frUay aaaelaf. April m.
AdaproslMa «B bo oBtof Oa taiBt bob imi be bald la Hewtagae ball Fri­
day afteraeoa ta dlteoa ba watm
ply qaoatlaa aad b alaet a prai

aaor Mapoct aaBaBC. waa totally daMnvadbyfra. Loaaaboat«M0. Tba
hOMB woe bayoBd tba raaeh of water.

for a mill that can supply you anything from]
Wheat, Com or Oats, drop us a line and we will ]
try and interest you with samples and prices.



Clreuliaoii thlt week ?,300

If you
are looking






V hdD.

Made to Ou^ Order

Open Buggies

- S28.00
Top Buggies
- , 40.00
Spring Wagons
- 43.00
Road Carts
- 15.00
One-Horse Wagons, complete, 37.00
Farm Wagons, complete, - 50.00
(With wide Tire.)

Tho Hannah & Lay More. Go.

OBAOT) rBurmsK mnuu. abbil-m. iww.
Mr. Raodk abiapto aUI taarba
AOaterataB taaa qalto Ql'kat la
tamelap fkptdly.
Mr. Lyon made a baalaMt trip
Tmrbfw Cily Moaday.
lawto Cany eat kla kata qalto badly
by famBpoaaAoakla.Wtaaa.


awrea HoQairy it qaita atok iri«
Barieml raaatlapa ara abOl kei^ sad
BBto ^


few daya at Tmramo d .
Mr. Blley kaa naiad Mm Qaricaoak
Beet Howm droee to Eiapaley a
torn; wUltata ............. .
ataar to etoil wiU bto ctoter
W« tn k

..^aaa Laey DalaeU ata EllaPallar
Omedae Botferd' lat a eery bed
Brary Wtlklu
of Trarenc City wan rtaltlBP Wead.
Joae^ WUtala batUloa tka fata.
Mm Trnlaaa btaTotoieod *ioaTier- la ton laat week.
Wa BnaU laxlrataDf kla petatoa
Tta eaplat broke don la tta
aetar. Twoaty atawtan earoiled.
taa Ctly.
3 Uraoa.
» U Ti»««n* Ctlf «■
Mc^^nnlap a_ahatdon that
A party froa Keytuwo eialita at Mr.
. Jeha Holdae errirod from Ckkafo,
MtaOallaL’itawia tkaproad
Maaey'a Wodaeaday omlap.
All rw
laet week.
iU kM tan Itat tan aor of a aa* tdeyeU.
W. U Tnnaa aef baUy tare
Mr. Proakolt of Baal Oarfleld aallta
Wte Jam m tara rritaj rapr*- B kte daafkut, Bsaa. Moaday.
Dwifkl Btr kaa keca qaltr alek «ltk
Mm Oeo. Blapma to qotto alek.
lered iato eot of daioaa Daea'a taaeca
asaaaaUtaiUfaiUac taturalow.
•ta irlfa •( ‘ftl
Dwtpbt Ely bat meorerad tn>a,tta
kp at r. taaun.
Um Tauaa it atftl x
Pmak P
'wa Baaaia'a eblldm kaa kaa
tartar tta oklekcs pad tat art tatlai
loae flea Tmro
I Fiahar eed
iB tta I- o o r. tall Prt- ^ta Ulaal* Yoaker of'Traacar City
aaeo aUll foi hk bead qala tadly
«M rmilr n>7W kj
taaatUrUdtnrk kara. ttafawlof
rtoeou of tta aawaataw daya
ly •'>•»“» tatal*Mtata Jtalf aad Witaer Trarla.
ktar --

Hta Kama FtaaboU riaiud
lor. Mra. Cknat Htroka. vat o
City, a f«o daya laat work.



r«MT kw I
ta ta. P«

Balpk Eatdt kart kla haad qolu tadly laat Moaday.
L P. Fux had a “Daady" wladaUl
pot op laet wMk.
Mr Cm of Elk Bapid* riaitta
taada tare laet Saiorday.

Will U E-f*r kta tte -I^I
ta ln> aaatkar koMc mt tay 1

A U. Critpaod Bdd Pox bare the
Kta *»ta 8»«*6rt
Kriday kta
lilarhj ml k« tfd kM« anr Ker- ftaadatioae laid for ibelr ato tarn
Mr aad Mra. C. H Bala alteaded
tiaaday Seboel coamtloa at Trar"Un ktay Mtam'ata tatakun of
-TMUty laeiKriday
-iT'l-' bindt k«o
Mr. Perkeu froD Tiartrae City aat
taMr^aftta wnkat ea tke trala Moaday aoralaf He
Ban Dau. Jta Knktay, n
aallo WllUaaetaifad Mataloohia
'heel. He le buriaf poUloa
A boea aed tan belaailar to Mr.
Oreea were banad to the prouad laet
ttoorye Klrahj- lired la the
Itatoaa kvny w> tawoalv.
A buadred boebcle of ram.
-If “• yne^hay, aod aaerlf ererylhlaf Id tta

sSs'-'ETut^S.?" ”

' Apnltt
We are tariaf a kantlfol rala.
SwruTlktantta^kltaald of U«
Albert Fbbtr U autadiof aoheel
■•lyBpbtt. _______
ben tbk tom.
Aitoraey Wirt A. Cook eWtadTra*M«a
tarii H
eta City taturday.
m la qaita IlL
The Siaaley Slelar
a la kMk boa OafC- •hloe taaiaea Is tb
JabBOair aad Piora ItolllBfer a
ftao In. Aft. IHakloo* Maalalnli the latai elelliae of tae bleyela nui
Mr. ata Mra Cbaa Irtab otTrareme
Qly were Is aod. aioasd ear ton acreral daya laet week.
The rarsUr teortlDf oMbe W. C.
C. wUt ta aeld Beat week Friday w
HnClaa. Toaptdaa robnta boa Mra. Albert Tbombotc.
Bley A YoDtr are hariaf'ao
rant to ta ottropM bv Uelr a
kbfCloe. whktb they bare tor ala.


PttaCJ. rrrrj apa
rmkbrt ata Tratona.
Tta K. O. T. H.


Jobs MeTapett of K.
>8 fheada here HaadaT.
__________a Chlce^
e wlaUr aeder the cere of
City to
r treataesl of bk eyea. palaUap <iee. Siapaw
4 to atuadlaf
Maaee Uallie A! .ea aod Hynl* ata
Uail Laapwortby rallad taca Saaday.

at While_____
Urebar asd baity weaa aotow l
fret arttler* kerr. i The diat ^h:
child bore ben wae COD of Mr. i
Mm Decker, tad wae firea tta ai
of Format. The drU wrddlap ni
ttalr boBM. Mm Derkrr-a aiator, h
b'aoala (kyaoar aad Mr. Cbaa. 1
aeu were made hethpad card wife

e City a

Wa. Chrl.Mpkeraad < ..., of Maplc00 apaat a few daye bera wllb
rala‘ rt laat weel
Hta Gella l alor apent a<aw days
Tmrene pity la»t.weck, retarot
boBC Satardey.
a. dlapeoo to elTrareme Oly i
lap ceort, where kewaaealltd
>f tbe larort fur i
aad Hm Wa Daeideoa. aocc
iDled by Mr. ata Mra Baaoo. aU
were ibr puBU ut M
Joe Nioblea a
.rldtoe'a par.
Carl HaeUafa boof bl aborae Batorife. laat week.
U, Wataoo boafbt a aew toea of Sed
Lacaer. . .
Jake Cmaer koofbl s toea the eib
U. Deaetar of MUwaakee-to ia tows
a haaioeaa
Mr. Stealey aide a bo.iaaaa trip to
TmreraeCliy latt week.
Oar aprlaz Mra of ackoo! eoBBaacad
Jeha Cadbam to aow ready to do all
toat Moaday.
kiod. af bicycle mpaii^ap.
Mm AaroB Broeabaad to quite tick
Mr. Stooloy aad Mr. Jordaa par­
at thto writiaf.
ch wed e»w_bamee thto week.
Mm Beottto^altoilck. We hope for
Roy Cedbaa rode boaie oa bto wheel
ker epeede rtcorery.
Friday oiyht retaraiop Sooday.
K. Croce aod J.
Mr. Haltar Sr., of Huttoo. Bi
Baplda tta leih.
balldlap aa additloa u> bia boaaa.
DallFatrbeakato loadisc tbrea
e arc pled to tee Mre J. O.
witk poUtota kare tkto week.
eaa aod Mm Bleimcl able to ta out
A. B Kickerd'a leaa raa away, bitapala.
Uez Mr. Biekard aad toalsf kia qalto
Mr. Wyaaaa left for Maelatoe Therttadly.
day to accuBpaai Mm Wyaaa koau.
Adolph Katoar aad family hi
aoead ia with Freak .9aaueU ak
Mr. Heat froa Refftloata Mr Obeitkm Bile. BOith. peer BIk Lake
lla fraa Biapham ware'ea Icri ia t
B. N. Crm' booM b«raed tq '
rrooad a few days afo. They leat
uacar Steiaal ia the pcaaewor ef a
the boaae coaUload except three bed
arw bicycle, protaatod to him by
Tbe aelfhbora promptly roepoaded aod rallered tbrir iaaediale Mr. Uloey.
Hiaa Kata Mooh and Mtot Unm
waau with prori.loaa aad clolbr. aad
eoae aocey aod expect to erect a ae» Voii-c apeat Satarday asd Sooday la
tauee for bia. Tbe raac old atory- rmrerae City.
caiifbt froa tta alcre pipe.
Chat. SleiwrI. Hm Oo'damith.
Bowbrl beatier aad Jubaala Ot
owoerm of fine oew wbrala.
Mm Sianerbacb ot Saitoaa Bay aad
Kee. J.W. Hayward to ia PiUabarf. Mr. Berry of Proremuot were ai

atuodad asd wa hoU pleaalDfaad laBtooetlre.
•’*Ual week Mta Clara Marrla
arrla art
Bar. U. D. BarferUta ladbnatbto
Biel witbaa aecideat while bortobtak thto week.
Her rrbieh TeaaUcd ia a brokea
Mra. Baallaamat ata an LnU,
< BarljQaae baa rceaaad acbcol la Bif
raider boat.
Baplde ladoetrial.
Lobto Gelrir baa aored to Weatc
BDBkerot ladin froa here
Al«r for the eaaaer.
Wadareday asd betwrea -18
V WUtea aad wife am vIMUaf ai
pooade of rare were arwed.
U. N'lekamoD-tof Haaaab.
dataa otarfo of tta aUllMry
rr Maalreld of Blf Baplda w
UlUa 'Tbeachmi ia praparisf tboelebrate
ao alia oanknat of
Arbor day.
ta Iowa Satarday aad sluaday.
Mr asd_______________
Mia Tina o'Briea to Uacblaf the
TrareieeCIty daturday.
primary Kkooi for tta epiiaf term.
The tokoel baoerlol hi
ekraralolear eiUaeaa arW ia attoadwhich k
BBoe at tke Calbuoa trial tbU weak.
A naber fraa ihle place ettosded
tta ellrer weddiaf of Mr. asd Mim. b.
P. Ikks at Yata.
to be eajoyed too.
Errirsl aerUapaare btiDfhelder
cryareelaf at ibecharck. tkuae tart
deeidtd t^eta a better Ufa.
belof added to tbe faad.
Mm W. D Bloedpoed It apetaisr
It to aid we are to bare aaotker ulOBia »
Mae time at hrrold boar. tVe are al­ Icou. Kut that we nat It. bat toaekyl (lad to tare Louie wlita oe.
ilaiM we fet what we des't waav
Tta dilrcr bally eeaetoBIk lake
Aeertoaol lectora. eableet—Spiritlaet erraiac. tal ee few taraed out oaltoa. wrib ftma la tta ton hall
that they weal back koae rriikoBt pil­ toll week bya lady froa Batbziaaw.
lar aar eatortaiaaeab
Tta eaall attaa btroibera aad baily acred to
Umeafald. t>. laat Tueeday.

tanf^ taMykta k



Mke Fmaea
•tto TVrnrem City laet Wrd, . omleraad
... > .*re rery quietly
aarrted by
Be*. J.
A. Brredy el ike M
In. Me. Wall otCtatnl taka taa B. penosefe a*d left laaediawly tor
a trip to tbe upper pesiaeala
wae quite a aarprke to tbeir frieeda.
tta Ooifi^ailaaal paraoMfa ___ tat aU BSito la wtihlsr thea aarb >oy
tan imaral «a< polBtad aad a atlar atah^plsna.__________
^^ntalkaad Itlooka any i
Atbr a bar waata- raaUoe Hta
lalaBplaa kaa rowmd Mkaaakool


Tie fmae dwelUaf of Will Pu
■arafd Iwt **r^
waa oac ef t
(ew builolDfa 1'
lircly ef piae aa
Uat little waa a

kel lor the aamaer. wa are rery aorry
to iay. Mr. Wri«bt beet a food market
aad we abonid hare llaad it bad be
ooatisaod tta taalsn dorlaf tta
Ohatay BUla' kara aartta U na
Mm Laaley retorsed froa her ek•ta
itaanoarnd tkno kia
Ota tad koRklaqaiu kodly.eaa day 11 Uatarday.
Mm J. Artotrodf waa la P'rkshfert.
Wa. Piatt, Hra. Barlay. Mrv Wm
mere am busy praporUf the
Man aad Mia UadakMM oat to
fToaad ter apHsf oropa.
BQi l.tao tatatay aatiaad tta talk
K. Wiaeheoab will paU ttlcla oa tbi
nifhg aaalTaaary of Mr. aad Mia.
Utia of w>, of ewl,.m.:tleB It.
■ny eapaet teat
All who eao't fo n foot aow ride blcyelec aod tbe Boaba of Wcycla li
a few daya •
food mis wnld kelp wheat aod
• taf oWt aad a toaaUfBl dlaaa tta
a>: the fmau hare made tta fieldj

hraadtair arfaa.
WUIM Hanlaa tolki expect aaco I
■Ota n tkab plna Bear MayArld.

. Mb laiata M saldar taporaa
m Ui bra ky talaa o«or tta k
aW tan aad addlaf a wttaaalU.

-. celled
Peter Aeha laat week,
Parry Wmiai
a of Oama kaa eoae
reaais iadraaltcly.
Mra Power* of Tmrerae Oily na la
•wa laat wmk. with ike rlew of l»
oetiaf a bakery tare.
rrot.ead Mre Oattoa. Mm d. W.
McDeaeld asd Mka Powers of Beeinla. warn Hoaor rlallot* last weak.
Mm U Deark leftBatarday waake
acezteadrd with her daapkiar.
Mm Ha. P.Urmst. of Tmrern City.
B B. UaBckrU of Soatb Oread RepldeeadMr. HerdrcIHe
dolDf bo4»«a la toWB Wedeeaday

J C. Werebamof Bear Leke rklled
Bbobt laat week, with a rlew t»l pm.
Joak Biraloy M praaperiw fiaoly
r ia a meet aerket hart la tta wear
n taoaU lodca boa tta Ta<nn
mmU aad addltlgn a kis nal nata.
Ir es»Mm UP. ^eereacals la
Mr. PalBatlar. wta wa allod to oar Bidto bat ealy tcAk abort tiae a>
-oo aoaaat of tta artoa 111retarood koae
Tta I. O 0. r. cBlebtato tkeir rati '
Mr. Prooty M taproTlsc kk laaidnee
rat «aaday


Hadm will preach Ur
.Ha atawpin taf ka waa k
■a. laodk’a Tkaraworaili
4 aad qaitaafood aaay


to tka lot adiolalap

kMO^w^ to Umwa. 'The' priee to
below the TmTorra City market.
Mr. Wilera ef Kiaralcy to ahl^ap
U.ii. Sickeraoa’eeropdfpototoee. "
haewt where to pet the top of tta
Tbe trailiaz orbatae
lew mod a road ouay buqp o
elaf Beat any to irieada wl
dee. act prow.
Aa Ueorpe dalib kaa toreml baodi
cord* of alore wood t-iaaw he lea

^ FrM Ferma t of Cedar
a Id toaa
Vt week,
John Holdoa arrired froa Ckteapo
OB Satorddy
Mm Doeriaptoa toalltfla
at thto writlop.
Willaird Sieuoa baa aoeed oa'bit
farm Bear thto place.
Mite lloUf ZeipWr Tielted friotae la
Uardickeilltoo Saaday laat.
NelMS aad Hr. SkarMao droee
ikfort OB Friday aad retaraad
FMitor Campbih ata bto wile of
Ewpire called here oa tbeir way beae
The Utter Iter 'SMota are boldiap
atoelion for tbe past two wtefie la the
Frita tchool boata.

' '

ft Fudu a Strll
II World


Oaly 8.


ewroUta. tit: plilt. toi; boy*. I.w At- ~
crape aiutaaace. irx
Koaber eorviird u> pnaimar nn-v ' ~'30 Deemtoaala
«»; pir^t. subutt. ir: etri^Biicod- ^^Ajdrn ri Weiceme.


C. T. C. Btaaa.Peeer Sorra. TetWr. Chaarafi
Co. Ratat.Cbliblala*,Oon>a.ata aU feba
8th. Braptbaa-ata pmiUnle cant POoa.
orao parroquind. It to paaraatoed
refaadod. Priee tleoato par boa. Pi
Bee. StrlU «*l* by J O. Jobaoea ata K K WalV


Julia Lret^. Man,; 1V-.l..y.

Mr. aad Hr*. I'orier of tbU piece *1»
Traeyrue City Uat week, rctumlap


‘Mm Wkitaas pare a rep-.rt of tta
Bpwortb Loapue coarrailOBat Jach•uo, which waa ooe of tta moot latfemtlsr reperla e*rT pleca ia Uit pmee.
Mr* Wtailaaa iaa eery pleaaiop eprato
brata wtau**r ake aty* ii
toalway* u
tke Uepalauatast tta »a_
naUTe ao4 eatortainiap.
Th* Epwortb
panuDcu aoelal
abtaay »»*olnp. April 87.
iaara bow tke Leapaam iauraaata tbeir
dnaea ata pu tbaa ata ta llkowtoe.
w« kaow Ual
Which Uey
miu raaalriy rraaaataoAdataioa. 18 eraia: lady

TtafifU aooaal rae**atl«e ef tta
-,pral W. C. T. I' wtll ta ta d
mkaitta Waakaara
IS a'elrak,
' ' prapma___
ata baalaaati
J' »
It m tai^ ttal
ta praaeat. alae .
Bbl*. tal by inaliap tl
haabata! aod ora frirta to
’ll! U
BTc'uc bme
Said by drop. i ^ eraraalral. alao lat

—'•SC.................... .

I -i.-.- -~-i
pamphlet both ant free-by aalL apaa < Tae Rioadita aocial piera by tta Y.
reealplotthreetwwcaatctaapatoear.:i- I1.C B. ia tta tows baU laat Wal

-------------------------------- ‘os'—a t> lapraaaata

Maple Ci-,* Ap/il’T^ i.^: ’

.-\ii«l shut yuur*<.-lf u;». sii yo5 can't sec what is goinjr on io v.i^r midst. We
have row the lafjiist aji«l imsl apiwinted ^hoc (le|iartmc-nl in Xorthern Mtchi^aiu
3 chan^cHl. ami new j^otlioils- adopted that it is one of the most important in ouT
** jhave ck-aneil out most of our old stfick. the remainder is.
buAclKil on our4>aiv;iin tables, and will be sold at great reductions fmm real val­
ue. -Our shedves are .lilloil with new up-to-date footwear, made espresslp to our
prdei- by several of the leading manufacturers io Ibe cast, and oimpriscs cverr. thing in khal line usually found in large city stores;
' '


Mm B A.naapbell rrlaruadtoaipfal
froa a aeecml daya ytoli la Tmeu»r

^ E Ceapbeli rcturaed Satarday
fruis Watl’u Piur wbrfa he bad barn
buyiap poutoae.
(■ral. \V N. Fon-to will laetnra Is tbr
tows bail Iroluy eeralap, Apiil mik



Nonsport Uupanmeai
KeponeJ (or^tkr lieaaio
Apt.i n

^^pief to Sg •y ejenipp i>
Stoieer (iarthe and wife aid-a
bouitaat trip to Traerme City • laat I>>day.


Delia MiB.ji i.t. i

■le, 1.!, .J H',to4':|Nvj:%-o^.r“i

KsMleoa kaew wall ibeTalnrof a *i
A Fler AnalerliU
the world
•• nermed bto Fame Inriled^fotluao faidred.
irytkiapeiiaulaud bto aapirinp am Witt prowiap power be palh
ered tbe truito uf riouiry
Aad uu Elw
rrruoea. Succew «iMeed». A no
le illneiraliao of thm tnitli mfm
led by the preal yiclorin won at
tVurld'a Fair Is 'I'J aad the Ca'Kor
.. UidwiDter Fair In '«♦ by Dr l-rWe'»
Omaa Bukiup Powder
Brar im-rra'
' uaod pipulaill* hare bera Ike
Tbe people tae#
lied tbu ut). iai eerdleU that deemred
Or. Piw's for leaeeaiop power. ke*p
top qaalitiae. pariti aad pasrral race'
lesee the -lereoi-wl bakiop puwdar in
all tta world.'" Quite aa quicbli a. ihr
preat tooererduth. i kauto tbe eulu,ot a preat yiclory that aena! world
wide aapremai-t.

City o^Satorday leal aad relumed
eaae day with a bicycle.
Tba UWB beard fraa tbto place weal
There *r|.| be a meotiap ant Suodey to Omesa today tolayrai ibupransd
ia tbe Berdlekeillr aebo. I houae. Ser- lor a aew cemetot-T them.
Tleat by He* Keadall at 3 a. a.
Tta K II T H and L O. T H. tare
..... -lakfO deny banita H. B. 0111k BOW ball, wbicb
trl^ to tble> place aad back ceary day. wUI be la eetaisaa! in a few waeka
t) li U«v to towlsp
Be*. Hr Uurlbut madu a elalt to
Ulaa Laaa to kle Bill.
Traterae Cily luai week, reiurninp Fri­
Tfaejsbof plaateriap_______ ■lldlopa day Blpbt accuapasled by btouiator-uiehlfflaey OB the H.
H B cbcTCb
cbcrck will be law. MtoaOmeu Hrapdos.
IctwxmR-* Kendall of Baplm :
Mm N. C. M-irpaa aad daophler.
tharMPOBiibnityof lettiop Ue w.
Florence, of the -Sao" airiTrd U*i Satbyibejtb.
ordaynipkt far a eieit with ineod.
Mr. Baotea Ceek wat Berried
aad relatieea in tbto plara.
Mia Leoia Nepbea leti Friday aeeolsr
A DMaorlal pereira fur the late
at tta Friuaehool huote by tbe Bee.
Fkascie K. IVillard will be held la ibi
daitb. They are well kaowa !e HerM. E- ebureh. Saaday eecalnp May Ui
di 'keille aod taee aaay trleedtwbo
endar Ue aiiapicea of Ue W. C. T- I'.
with ibea Bueb happiom.
The Hetbodtoi Kateo^i<a ot PtaUadelpatadeaotod fitly dvl are toward! tbe
Leadbr. Lillie Hnapacb. cbairooaplctioa of the chumk at thto place.
tbe mtaiuaary eoBaiUew.
wbU-b to the fi:>t that bat beca recall
ad from that team; It ia eery aecap
able aa we bare bad quite a eirupple te bee **Tl ^tta'L***'
wbicb aakeaa preal laprereaeal ia
acceapitob at aaib at we bare.
Ue liphtlap of it. aad also ta iu ap9la of Haalitae. who
Tleinity for a lew daya
Hucter of Tmeenc CUy. who
iookiap op l le oreapect of taildiap a
iatowaoB boeiaeaa teeerui day*
<ew Bill -at
pitoo. left fur bto.
; weea. left Tboroday aoralap lor
beae on Satarday latt. ata ibera w Ul
toat Hay. where he ezpecta to re
taa Bill at tbto
tbia place ia the Beer
is a day or ao kelera reUirnlBpto
futom wl
aeaat a bona far Bur.eararCily
diekei le.
Hm B A. Campbell kaa bees elected
dslepale by the L. O T. H. of tbto
Biaoe. to Ue K O T- H. aad L 9 f
M ereeeiatloo of Xortbera aad Cea
^ Mwbii^to ba bald at Trarerw


t '

^•^ata J. O

Keapoato.. Bapim.
*-**—*•»«■ UP a«».
K^iiatlra, —---------------, Baoin.
• b -e-^.i I M.-Te 0<»:ir .tafweTw Xnr
kj I'tanct Pnsideot. Mia
Xuaber enrol tod
inlrtpc- Ik A xempheil. Nurthpora
, vui;; .* , eisrci»t*.pi-<»«.
diate room. 80. pirU.-»i: boyt.
Mdreet by Ceaoly 1*1
I•-^l ic.icrt tU Weinle tie.
ape atteudaore. tttlaHbiti------J,•• Nurtkport.
su-.iin*- Urawtr (»,
•. ibtreea.ue Hew
Kuaber rnr-'lled ia prioiary r.a.m.
if. pirla. 87. buyt. 31: aeempr attend.'
to ItotrcdL Tetodn
l"'i.' BrouK*
rakeyota. aah romr Ir
,__;ioratirkrtTiaF A P
ii'.iH Paiwr--Ckrtot<aeCii
l epqr. -E ratcbtoe" Mrt. <
7 aTd Hm Dorwto of Port Oalda'IMltb'H^'fau'a.'itot^i^^KtU Vo^
'AhepaeaUot Mr.ataHm Waal-1 Teeth Sradr—B:tel lEaaper. Lou e
Srleoa. Tma Jubn Kauder
F-D MrCarty. who baa fra Ua laat- Ephik UraJe-ltotltB Smith. A;'to
fiee week! tboapht to tapaatraeuerry..t‘>;t Jal;a ' br-.ntoBn. n. bra.-it Al.imf
I V. tb-T.iiioeato.
.— ----------, fur
topetliap bettor.
i Verotli <1 ade—Tboaa. TSIKepuru froa Loral
beooehilU. pri^. ,
, rn i'«p.-r. -Wurk 0
>l aod leap troo^ea. J. ' *lota‘
Mr> Jo'.. Purto'. Lrlai
tVmk " H
toBU.l. b
Hr aad:
T.;.TU I'.iku
Kw urta.
Ulro Haeei
larwoud itart tbe;
l.fita.-lda IVtortna.
C'l >
1H' .
I.n-, U-I..
IB Daye Bill.
aUl. Tbu
otilioa of kata towyer ia
llue<o.-b. Charlie
Muo! iuB (km
hick ttariod up laet week.
" "
■■•ill. Mr* R. b. ,
Til BK^yta
It to rumored that a Life Saria
SlatioB will be bailt oa Sloepiop Bel
Uoikrrl 3.40. CLr.'ur'\aa~. ”
iHi-m7i.Ti ati
Poiol ibetooaiDf eaaaer.
It woo:
aaduabtedly be tbe mmaa ot rayiap; s.<imd 4e
BBoy lieeo, aod aacb {niperty. aa the Ortae-li.rf
reaaiaa of aeecml ettorlu are Irinp i Thoa^ - Koya!
arar there, wbicb would prebabU- kaee'Thomto
beea weed, could yhi-i haie bad hulp I Sn.-uod lirade-lloorr.- Nr'wa.
T-kea a cable to Suutb Maaitou leland I We.l>r <iiH. MtrKtra JiAcaun l'bi:<would b - aaotker pmnd huipar to tbe
ahtpwrwekrd eailor. w help coald be
Pir.1 l.rui-.-Xer* PqUMer. Mare
Jackeoo. B auebe C'.laKivL. H illi- Ac'

■ i. M Uaae nude a baaiacoa trip to
Tmye.-«c Cuy today,
nry IHackmi

Joat tbe Tcaady yoa
aot apt to pel am
tout tbeir
badllb aooe eadapb
If yoa are -mot
qeila weU' or "balf tick,
lick.- taee you
k ba bat orde^.
eeer tboapht that ye
ktdaeya any be
VaoTbael^lUaow uy ( . . .
tbe eauec of roar tici
breed of cattle
A-pood ebaore
It laewy totoll byte
aaltaJerecy baa aot hba* e factoiy with bile.
meat oraeltllap it
A larpa acnape ef patota
«D of tta klidoeye.
Wtaa ariae
plaaied aad if there to a abe
let Uoea It it erideaee of kiiney
other placet, ell ripbl. if aot
Too freqacal deaiie to aria» 4 earn paiatoca. The Bi
ato. tculy aopply. pita or dell acta la
erker lake, tta lead.
tbebtekie alto coorioclap pr>iof ttal
Willaa Bne bae pon to ladiaaa tbe bidtayeata bladdorneed doetorwith a ear lead of aead patatoea; foar ■ac.
Ttare to raUafactlae in kaowiapthat
kiada-Karal New Verker. Eaain
.Stole, maty of Hebroa aad a few heprbat remedy. Dr Kilarea Swamp
l-«t. falfillt eerry wmk la raltOTlsp
botbele el Pueb Biewc.
reek orditoated hilaeyaata all form*
Tta bard fraeu tta flrat ef tbe a
of bladder a0<1 onatry treoblra. Not i
Mricaa’y iojered wialar wtaav
oaly drat SwaapRoot piee aew life
fair yield iaozr
A flta aartap of ^ekerel waa

W H...L fisn-BT.

W. 1'orier ao*ed into hla eettape


^ »; IS?.™—Sri!3TS^“

------ ita worl
WiuLua Bm
F-aiza Daeu.
Utaam IMLoaa.
NzLua Bautoua.

I Jatt Iwfon tbeir aniyal
at tta pnld eeciout tbr pttwozrrt wen
aareed toeufle^ata bard tack.



There will be as raUMi ed aetael

1& ■■a
HtaMyrUeJ'bo. aad hTr li«l.
b ar yaare old wta waa Mr. Frask
Tta^ra^ttopoo.t m pUee SS


Afc stu’dicirn things, and it is a fact that we show the largest variety bf
metlium lyid fine footwear m the city, from a man’s or woman’s good solid serv­
iceable shoe at
to the finest that can be produced at M.Oil and «'5.‘>0. Our
fl.'JS. ?l,4^ and §1.’*.4 lines arc hummers and trade winners. See our great value
lines of women’s turned sole, button and lace, all sires and widths. These bare
never lieen appro.Tchcil for the price in Traverse Cilv.

Need something that will stand hard knocks—wc have them—and while
they'have all the wearing ipialilies they still carry the style oVtlie finer shoe.
Others have .proven the nseri^ of oar new shtxrs. Why not you? Tbe
large .increase in our trade shows that our efforts to putVcIiable. stylish, wear­
able *b<K-s at reasonable prices with the pnblic is Inring appreciated. Yonr mon
ey cheerfully refundctl if not satisfactory.
".Vl'F •''/■J/)." • Come in and see for yohrsclf. See our window display,
by our artistic de-signer. It has never been eijaaled in the city.

Is on the same floor, and it is a winner. Ever since the opening it has
been prowded with of ■’crs. and the namt>er of hats turned out surpasses odr most
sangnine expecuiions.



The BESl' •••
Tbat'a wbat they call Ibam, that knciv

The Fish Bros. Wagon.
I haref^raenredaesrTtad: I bare all abaa.
Waguo, (pT« wa a call. Is rrgsnl to


The Milwaukee Binder and Mower
con^etr Harveptera they hare aem.

...BUGGIES... ,
I barrreemraid OOP cv kad tbia •eaaoo asdaral is tba ■
ordar tor Bora. Ton will always And a good aaaartaMl
Low Pfkea. It prewM itraU by tbe aabw we haw. ^

Fim lafleants uf lutlunrr-Fill tiin.

BAHNEY andei^son.

gmoffp mAvgaatf herax4>, aphil i< lega



wtMit* tk«aauu> Ml
«MMb Mm. IviUMlTMMM*
*Mif«t«nA<>iMBMMIk* S«or.
«Mh 41MMud MVMIb* BmUM.
Hym Mt ntsatairt form


■fta. WbM Hahtly aaiiai l.aal alawd
.. bakw M.ah« la ibaonlrr bm^l.m.
wcaotralknion. mdiMtonwaid, alU
L That wbt<a ilna
b. t. A tamoM varrtor. A Ta
m*L 4. AaEaMlndton Fortorv
i-Tatyanld. e. Ta n.UM vKb
lafai*. T. AtoBcr'aanatlt A A

I •tiwM iv Hr>»i**lek

la M. u4 ih* hM hMa
for alrkt
aa4 wtaa b* rMImM I tola bl tabeai
■7 0Urt. «rf'b*iakd tor bm W wrlla
latba BMAU>>a4 toll 70* *kat I eaa
IWpml baraaAef.aMU ao4
thrw MIK tfcair mm an Jluf. ri7
oad iaok. ,lbo|ftoaa* tbbtoprtaa
Ona Jafiaaaua.
At* IIKow. hm laa b07 aftorToar adlter^
awaboora. WaUdMa.OUi! La»t Frl4ar at iba Tmmw Clt7 Woua't Oab
tUa Mf7 tolar
llaniiail aaa U
to4ad4a4 thatboni4«aU bataarbt
iotoalr Batoora Jaatlbe
UMfirla. An4 H la tba rlcbt ira7.

m4 ah

to Bat with fcU.
Id rBd.r« lananii I'b

tm alaaja la Uarh. asd I'b alnya la irhM.
r* #taw. aad 1 B aar. 1 aiB bMr.t aad llabt.
t^haB. lui. ldatrr:l'Bihi<'li. and I m Ibln:
l‘w Bu* iBlaB (baa tb. n<4
Ibaa Uir tan-.
I alat alibaas tBc»: vliba
aflaiaaii I'brrrBh,aadlia
l^tanAB^. aBartochl an.

Oncia Nnn^na. Kink.. A»nl M. IM.
Ibua Klhtx>b—1 ha*a araar irrittoa
to toa Bsbaui baton bat ai7 alatora
ta*a irrittos tartea.
I Itka to nad tba
laUanaaltboarbllBoBldBriW Oar
aahaal boat.
It etoaed toe Brat
Waall apoka ideeea aad 4ia
toraaa la too awatorOar tracba^'a
A ChrtoUaa liartoti liked
«ae^ dhr n*a oa all a ptaWr ' ~


a anoo. Uwafk I ■ laiirtaa Uir ai
KBk. to ab» a-^.. Ma, imrr-

r PlkUamre,
■ aadUWTaka aaajr to. Brat Iw.rr and tl

ad aa ararr «ard- M/ fatbar oaaa a ! ha
a emvarotUiatoUad. j

ba rf *r.n. Iu>t>naaor.

Tban an lota al Bloa bUU to Hdadowa
ta tba Btalar. Bprlar U ban bad 1 as

word u( flm h-evn nprmla«
oat ■■•rful lauOuci. of oaiunL
aixt yoB mil n. unr Bf '
nty r>b4 t*r ! Uka to aaa to* bau IMAnd
aaOlar ap aad dowa toa laka.
Two prnpmW arnnniiry «» lirii^tli.'flin n-onl
ilrlMBKl aBkio.amlruu
naialaan lyiartalte terbortarday. U|irriiUlue
Ba a autil a falcbM.ti».uhj. Dimldma
leroU wa* ban Uat airbt. I
lltUapat. Iitaaklttoa. lu
U napy.
It eoBto BboB I «all
llbyaaBB. Jdaaottolek
bataear kltojiaaJI
toUar la «attUc qmto toaf ao I arill
oiaaa b7 Itolot ia7 aatoa aad arc. '
■roar llula

UnlaQwlBaa ahaaTt a boob.
Oal7eMa. vbM then ana a nav InUa
bar «ba did set 111114411101 Kia Pa­
nto bad to aptak abaal IL
■■Hamid." toa told, ■■arfll 70a Uadr ebeoae Carito ba a BOMal CM doM
laba aocfa a oloa ■aaeaa.'^
Il araa tomiT tba wtj raaB7 feqot
aaatf toeeta U»e ruitol^ taiaa,
Jattia araa hliadloldBl aad CM itm
amt <H^t cd tfaa raea wkUa toa ohiUtto

F*»e^ ■VHf5^’3=:a^^^ra•=


. •sr-siuj'str
‘ ■«”S2.r.:s:r

b. frawarara o. ta. iB.-. tu ara TT.w>urar.i
ra.4<.u».4. aah Bar
ran .. rail c«ra

WbM tbe baadbattolaf *rm t»km
oa Janie-a <7ta. ba lookad aU araaad.
H anjoBB to 0107 ba mid aot tbi^
wbo tba witoiBg ooa waa.


. tenBnbrMhanaadoBeltator. iBill
Mtatatar LInta mad I rot
Wa tat aaeb a lon>y doll.
Km eeat a dollar
b'aaiaa ta bM aa
1 ooa'
coat a daltoraadah^t.
I taU yea tba |
TMaaaJadrokTB alea ttoy
aaah t«ta eradU aad a Hnte ubia.

too era tto bao
ea U'CT tto tra.
ingt-ba taniwr a
: . brat w In bln. bn


UnleM Natwe u ae-

^ BTetem u too eeYere, and •
the.reeolL- 8on»

pet^e neglect to espply ihie



l£t .......................

I keep a Urge aasortment.
It will pay you to eee my atock. ^

1 Too can &tid any kind of OIoto and Mlttao in atock at

Bobos in almost every variety and price and stock
______________ aaSeren froa yrippe
ban toee reetored to bcelto to One
_______ Coagb
agb' Cere.
euugba. celda.
grippe, eatbma and all ibroat ei
dianaca. J. U. Jobaeoa.
hint beBorrboida wen the
plafneof av. life
WaaalBuat wild.
baea'aOlBlaeiitcarcd me quickly aad
MTBanenlli’. after doctor! bed felled."
C F Cunwell, Val'
H L Yoeule. Ctonereb. Fe . <
e eaiferto for tea yeera. ^iag
meat all kiada of pile reBrdica. bet
wiibeoiraeera. DetVlu-a Wllcb Heael
tain wee reeoBBeBded to me. 1 aaed
ne box.
It bea effected a prnneneet
core." Aa e permaernt care for pilee
UeWIlt'. Wltebli.aelbaaaerquaf J


« bad eU btomeefa end 11
Bodily prie loan lu
bbnetolUeof Dr. Tbe
Oil to tbcbqw loauet nliel 1
of frame. caU. Bprbiaa.eccideeta

Urge to select (Pom.

JOH\ T. 13RADL!-:.
>tat.rdfr.U..Mbd.yafJa]I.AO taec,


Trsverwe City, Klehigan.

UB Ftest Btreev

One Can ofREDSEIl
Carriage Dressing


Ui».l<KX UHucAA O-wrA
■lis . .u-ni-fu.

Mbkes Carriage Tops
....... .. k;'*"’','*

Bright an New!

We have mads a nice line of Harness In many
special, hsndeome and durable Single
aarnesB we offer for

We also carry the best line of Horse ColUrs.Sweat
Pads, Horee Clothing and Bridge Collar Pads.

Wilhelm. Bartak & Co.

L-ta. taWM.ii ^


roB Baby D tto KlgbOtolr

<ra‘a.^UMlto tar cH^a^
Oulr €tl>rtr
a. .•riral


8ku> n.r ta Apni. A n leee.
ra IMi.‘cl<n Ml (kr trari ira taraU ttf. mm B.B

ZmSit 'ira‘'jn“SS;^'srr?i5J2L‘2


qolekly apd pemaaeatiy to t
ito^porifyleg power of Hurd

ilr-^ Dr. b.


ONLY $10.00.


Thirty ffn yeera Bake a rraeraiie
Tbat ta bow long Adolpb Ftabrr <
ZauMTiUr. U . aufferea fruia pile.. £


Trunke as low as $8.00.

Ion tic Woedta Xotway fine 8yrop.'
Mraaaat to take:
perfectly barmlaaa: prait n care for^

A torpid lirer robe ; no of OBbi
bad rwlaa year bralto DeWItt'a Li

i.“uWr; w...

Sight in price, quality and etyle.

I tto flice, apiden.:


breakdown u

r'u.ii.'srk:"J|ORTOMR PA^^. wai


If you want a Binder or Mower, Buy the Best.




j.jrajnirata ra rrM m iM-uv^M&wn.

i.arjcT « ciT>

rnCAV. to. 87to Car at tUj, A. D. ISeS.
.a- (rararaata rata 4k>.rakraa w



■igtanee, and ai a itedt thej are

by tb« amt eeaprUet jodree tb. world orra. Baeeircd AI A.'iarat • B J ikL raVta^>k.nuu B-rta
ttoUrrteetavard.atlb* Wurldf ^ Expra'llra.
If yoo wasia Seed Drill, wr a/nra. H«i.. •• era. rara-e I. uw .S) ra ou. -raie c-rrau. eraj raira tra r>ra.
feeling. their energiee re­
eel! toe "EMPIRE.^ Um toot iJrill Bkilr.
A*k year avirbbiw: to cos tell yoe
lax, appetite fail*, 'and t^ ere
We kmpaleo VIxgna* ead B jgfif. tool we will warrant to to firat-cla..
totaUj dita^led for a aeaaon. -IT TOD WA'NT.rrac tomaMirnu
a fell llac of i'.oB.. Barrowa and AffrienUaral lBpieB«eta of all hleda will
X irocr tr a .arail
Um. call aratra
Ew^wdy joat now neede a tonic,
tofoeed at
auSmt** ^
and Swift'd Specific
I! X
PraCrWk Brat.
le by en enervating, de­

j^srltZ K’. '■

SS&^Blood M°ssy

Ko. •* —Cooundren

- i ' ,
Bttl briar oar dolU ae yaa can aae nudb «. O (owA lu. P. tpeak
My doU-a aaraa ta KlUy aad (wk II. T(tra^ IB U (ewa). :





bonding op, hence a tonic ia needed
that ia entirely harmleae. 8. 8. 8.

to contain no pouch, merenry, or

----------------------------- tn.ra»«Br

Our $4.00 Shoe in Tan !t“n Diec\°


tsto dor of Mar. a.

d. isos.


aaUfUtoCoBpM) tartM
It ic Natoie’i remedy, being mede talkrTr.rara.CM,
«iraUo. ta rara. Cirraun rarajrato^trajwfrom TooU end heihe gathered

r adlM^ta tied to enter
obildrea aay tteo.
Yoe otaal be

^ ,ra

market. The general health neede

Other harmful mineral ingredienU

'Mot year llt.U frirad.

MMmmm l.v'TjSrS'.Sr.'rrSi^

k 127 SUU Surat •4J«ra^ira^

ia lopcaUy the beet tonic on tbe




W-Tra .i—w th.rar.raur
orer- lorralh-CIfraikB. bad.
1- > lw.1 I. liraH Um Ik.

end the PTetem

i..« rai u

I keep the beet gradee.

d prepared for tbe eiege


•a write to yea aboat. bat Ba aayi <
■aatUan noB fer etban.


daguadi of Katore. ETei7Pprii>g

Iftting for ft Tear mnit he got­

<evara u ra


Tbe farmer, tbe tu...
•kyrie ririer an lUble
CBU ead1 bnlaea. OeWItt'a
OeWItt Wile
Sake 1a Ibe beet tblorto keepo
ilhnta qekkiy iad taewell
nra for I Hoe J. " ' '

rieted in Ihie tteh. the ettw oo
dl—Tbe Paxata id Ibrto %iriBri:


>4 yulka of rgge dn qairidy on r.
in te toe air. bet will keep ter ae
oral daye If dropped a
of cold Baler aad kepi

henled ' dbere is » geoeral booae»deanit»g going on within. The

ten tid



gyitem aad pra>

tbe iTetem ia thMooghly


Sktorday. 1^ T. loee,
- -- —,1^;, ra ——r Ik.

A IHlte bov Bake ; fora bottle of "re'
BP ie tbe aorainr A laat aa yoo con.*
lihat mzj om rbe'drogr..i
nemefor • li.-Witfi LltU* Early'f
•Ij 'Riru
|•bOBld tAko ft A.." aad gate faia a doer of tboac
Irpriag toue to neae litUr pilta fra eoafllpeiloB, a
beodaube. Urrr asd flooiacb troublea
tb* J U. JobntoB
pare for tbe extift

Hn to tb. PaBtor.

UntafeaabraaBaedadmtpaa. Wa
bte a Ohrtataaa tne. It lacked lenly

teU^ brekaa la llula piaeea. It leekailiteaaoB. My Uttar ta rratlat laag
M I win aleaa fer tola Usa, boplof to
My IitUa atalar UaMa waau raa ta
wrlta fer bar.
Daaradiur. iBtU aeMaadaaeytn
vteB Adabeoaaaaaad IwUI briar yea
U yea
little I
ly Mt off

N’liw Build





You are not to our ort." olactod (to
oM I'banrtet bni. pu>blD« the gm
oat of tag- drat wlib Ixr bUl.
"Tfaaru ta men ptaamra In alrlnf ttoo
etaldor-" mw tbe prurerti tbat a IL
r04 uylOB tu lotalU loleayoutMuli
'1-bat 'i tnn about orator oU. am
BM Ub aiuwar ito rot.
•••'bat an yoo erylo« fnrf raid tbe
n«^ teal to tto mam "Tbutvok laid
1 war to iMBblpped," waa tto leartol n-

0 a (aaaa

bln- ba.) Derer MBybl vorta to a Tarar t.'nD
anldotob child. Inl ebr fcbnB othm
bad doDo it. and hbe tboorbl «br
dn Lm Uvt aorboB. .^<l rtny afl'
<h.-.toot 1>.T 1^1 to conn lu b«. ibd
ibr trud to laacb bim to talk. Mcean. eti Iiraal a.-tv..
Pint toe aaid ''caip"nrbt <B bii Brrahlra.kV

>to tbat if toe way toinst
tooik. wbo keep Uylng.
When tto cbtldrai an ready to pUy
torir munra. ILertarm a circle, and toe
child gen ia tbe nbter and toooMw 1
eaa>e And one day wbeit ttoy bad
made a
rln lc and were all Mend
■a. n.-OBHan A
U4[0t.-riy Mira Prtrie aaid:
08AB Ktittxto—I Bill Brito to 70a aa
"Cuibltn.. I told yoB thrt Ctail canid
Itbaa baaaaloartiato alaee i Bwrto.
•aycap.' Well, oi.w be b»» lianed
Oar atoacd baglaa todi7 aad I aa flad:
•hop.'and if b-to 11 ray It fra n« tbU
Doming iben wr Til] all bop. and tbat
toabaTabadalaaroBoorhaaeaiioa. I
ten faead oat Bhat Qaaaa VietBlab
Bull tbey ara out
1 ibe beckoned bim to tbe omtra of
■aaa la. It b WatUa b7 Barriara aad afraid of •
• tIBr «,•••••! toe circle and. UmdiuK over bin. arid
•a axpiriia caaaalat7 MY* tkat b7
a bif arm and tban wiib
bbto aba la aa Sato.
t leaad UM I Bill eopj for tba beaaBt
two or tbrie timea little Carl
ce tor Haaiij> Toeag foika. If yua Bill
••hop 'rciy plaiuly. Tton Mipi f^rie
• of Ite**
V ta tbat U
OkOgl.1 bold cf biiD and bagnn to bop.
teaokladaawpriat lb
ofacaka. aad afior a • • ■
anil the obildmi followed. taop-boppinR
••-nw -OaebaB of Eaat Baa Marla raaio nil ibrrarv ninth
aroond ia a circle, and lanrbcd to bard
L«ate'-VleM4to. tba daachtoror tba
all Ibe time (fra Iwin* pie
to Brtir
rrlir 0|.m
or>m bU...............«
Daka of Sasa-CoburrCarl. toai they eoold eeareah
wbtcb bii win •• ••< rruni *
•rattba Prieoaof U-loereaaad afur
• btodratb tetoBatba Biftof Bdoard
bine eyei.—bow they danced! And'be
Aara tte D«ka cf Keot. aad faartb you*«***te o
bnppul aa erell aa tbr mi and M^med
to an loy bta gamr cctt tnoeb.
aeaof Uaorta til- Tbc Uttor
And Fabuy raid Ibra. aa abe owd oftMh placaM Hay M. Ull.madoo Haj
IM to ray abcei bim, "1 toiok Cul'i
M. im. ttelr oal7 ebUd waa bora. Th«
Vbkb coUDIy of Enrlend ta ralkd tte tto Dlc9«i little l.>y io Ibe wral.l
date clad a few Boatba iaUr, bal
‘OaidcD of knrlainroo aeniant '
And Hulpfa npiini..peakluc
fra tbe
aridoB aarrlrad aoMl IHl. brla* >
MOV aad'fcrlUiiy'
mt. aa be waa apt lofdo. "yra tbal'a
ter daarbtor Tietoria bad ban
30at wbal we Ibiok—tbe ulorat little
boy ia tto wrald."—Maty Klizabolb
alarvrCarllab ranaa.
la lau VleStoor io lodepriKlrnt.
terto aaaahdad Ite tbreaa aad tBo
OMOBlbrto. ler. n-pcranilp a laad.
jaaia lator araa aanlod to bar eaoala.
I ua BABkind aad .«I
Dr. Dabiel of toe Traaa Mcdiea)
Mm Albart. wbo. Uke ber oMHbar.
, Bhaadtomaod tr
jearaal, referrinc to a rrceui tdiiotiri
arm asatirt ofSaxa Cabarr. 80 bar
lu Tbe ritai-'imiBU on ly|-ompbioal erhaabaad Bfat ten aaaa Hr. Aibatt
mt. rim aa nmnamg eaperiexwe In
Wattia. or wotld ten baaa Ifbt waaa’t
toaf liar. He ray> to wren. "Or. Jao.
^ Vte 4teuld ttuite to plliodr
Brilybncto act U yrara. boro Joly 24.
larfU elaatar tUa Uaaaa tbk ta
1822. and diad"— Imaiiioe bi. dlaroit
p«>te|B M Baeh rooto m yaa will ten
wben It appeared In Ibe Journal. "Or.
VbM npMbta loodoera aia
Bdlyacbe ate 74 yean of ouca Jolv 22.
dmaatotattea. Teontraly.
tiBpoMaaltb htatotyl
Aga tl.
ebeo BUSm to Urtd <B toe 1822. aad died."—AnAiB,
• Wby ebeoU
Thaak yon nry aoeb. Head, for letof A|ai»
A Wbiefa ta tto baoTtar. tto li
U arill
teMraftaUtteBaaiLD tMdan,oldm
I Hovuthatinw

OKaa EacToa—I tonedm tboa(ht
Itoeald Ilka to Brito to toa SuALOao
I arill try today.
My dear editor. Bay
iMllaadaeayoa tktaaaBBar wbaa 1
fa to toa oliy alto ma. 1 will try aad
brta« yaa aoBO Haydow.n.
Ua ta
admUlBlU traabUyaaMoBicb it I
aalL It I arlU aot traabia yea
plian let aa kaoar arhara to
lira ca a dara Bn allw troB towa. I i

••rare praralMuta la
Wntra p MX

■tow. 10balpblB togaato.'*
' tl-aaliiila be?." told Lela.
'Wlifa a wbiu waito oa, '■ mid Dooto7.
"Hahaa bloa aato ood 081)7 hair." (d tto Unra atnnra In tbi> pliTtnrr TVa
bold It lip liulBeta a bright light aad
■And bacab'l taU at all." told Fn- wnue dark wall or paprr. Tto Ugbl
■and bi> MotaJa U^L*
abiaiag. ibruagb ibu faul'ra will Ibrow
itaUkefisFaBay to mkal tbe abadoB (d a gri-sl Atuericaa. Wte
Too (boald Ioivb board ton ctildno
bri—Cnirago Kcourd.
laafb.. And Finay Uorbed. nc
Mo, m
BW wbet abo bad duee.
Well, atm thloaaaatbiar wohdivftil
.. -wito____ re.
Wrap UrhtW with
V.« m. HlBi Petrioe felt rny antiy a baadare from toee to ebon tto ta­
nk a mil. neb day.
mid aol talk Ilka kic. and ttoi

■■Benofer! iC'ibi aaid,
be caubtit brar il. and Iran
tbat BBT- Tbea atae oyoka tbe
plaiuly. with bur fare dcaa
be Boold m bow
OB bw lipa ncired,
pniuiidjuAAsp nod pet fa«r
r fliiven oo
know Bbat abn
waa ted.
8be tried it ov.r and om arain. and
be tried. Too. mt bald aa be eonld. aad
after Bony daya ob. a rtrai many daye
—Ibi* il m.lly tree—lisle Carl aid

S s?

rL*? s-ir&s:-a^c^r=


frem Katnre’e gnat etore
. . H.a.D. l.ia.rU, ta TrarararClu. blck . tm
ad 'Tw..taa, aai Hk. 1-4. ra
thoroughly eleaueee the blood o<
, i>A
a ■ xxTBgaav. aracMkiy
wito eleto lop
8 np tJ
’bnfaewat 4 ynn old. to br^
lew eyeWta
Fit fra a blar- wry ityltah.
oral health, nnewa the appebU sBITT F&BB
to ru to Ibr little klnderyartcs 00 ibt
•aay-duloc aad demMe. aad Jait eefeel
Bhmb aa' ordinary qaart tow ua ; nraer. and be Banbed wltb ito toil- and impeiU new life andrigMto
twtrj way oa toeaa eboUac from St DC
UteB^botUaabd by mtiy tag - drni. playrd wilb tto m ia tbrir
1 liarttadorwiDg. waat tsr aad ^fphoid fever and other prevalent
Wa tern aloe ageod Itoa ia Frmto Ctalf
ner dieeaeee eridom attack a
aad PUmI BasBal aad aerm)
mine wbra ba tmt U I
ffrada* e( team wbleb-no wDl aril at teapatpOB.
If a Utale
can ba takn Ttoa:«.Ucdai
- .
■ OBilcd and wared fata bind to tor toj
pencB whoeeeyatemiatbaraaiUl
nky paper all amaad dim-bi. liiilr.
Om'l toy a pair ef rtototo
toe beau, maaliil^..... by iwala v tbat wra tb.
tto Wto to Bid "UOOd UK
Oto kite BBtil y B aaa ear atem ood
maoUara. Tba laBlm aov ready fo ing ■- Aad
tooed up w
balled and wared ba
id lirdr Carl, ud all wan
& 8. 8. in
Mmta oTbnri^Lmate^ « ■ j Tbry lend

.rawra. rannw! i«

aad eomt L'xria aad Adah aad toe dear

Apru eolh, A. n. n»«



raraiBB* '



Liebig Company's ■
Extract of

. ra Tidwat aay «B-1 ^d
. bin at ______
•tor <( wito Md ettar^ laap iacot-, Mia l■elrle amneed tool ttoy tooeld
tatotaaeBA She UBa wklta U«M aaa-1 take taroL
i> -i.:___
------- and

wS?^to4 pl^ -Tte Fin

- ’ btrfaH" ttuy.dten M tor toa->0-


Get 8.

8.8. andbepeepar«d.8(ddl7aU



AdtaBk. Ltabta Ok, p. a bb wmbm I.

^ atot^MTLtara'l.brito BbB. to. Mi


lEPUIMG lEITirilOti.


■M*jjS: BMjy


mmia raATKBBE bkbau. Aeaajmu i«w.




-Tblto ate

_ >MnkAoansbBln

■av iM tkaa IttUa
Bt Mriprei V> adL aad Mark aai
Be baac kk alfa oat aarwbata.

Taka Tuor Tara.AlBoat awzT womaa baa. at mmt
ISO la bar Ufr. wlabad for twa^aUa
I baada, hataa«a Uirra warv aa Baa;,
tiaraaba waaled todo atooca. Few
tkatbalkoarblto roalUa that tboaa
biBraoooU be eWidad aa tba B
-iBBaad Ue wiU-to-bawloo*.
oabaaodaaatflad.. Tk« Btal ••
aad I (biak
Uay' Bta^lB*U>r^
Itekiar tba wkk u-ba. la a poaafbU way of
Maatarj. or IbtoIbbU17. fmiteir abuot tkia matlar. aad
Meale WbaidTar Toa Go.
laat la wWt I aball U7 U> WTiU aboBI
Kirafof all. work aa a^aumalisall:
.rooBbadanddaely baeoBa I
d u ^OBl^; i“rward
fal. Brae tba fretfal baby waa ec
JOB eaa. That foaa almoa
aad Betty, tba lUUe aanfrBald.


aa a rawanl for lone, palies
d dinrtloD I
[aim a la



I aoecr Uaa aad Ue deter wUl be
md. Wbaa tka ootooi are baa•mtm UaB; wbaa tba earroU an
. peal Utb aad altee Ula. Pat la
a UktBf dlab a Hyar ed eairota. aprlkklb wlUaaltaad pappar. aad date af
batter. Proaaed la uEi way oatU yoa
haea toad all tha carrtiU.
wlU aeaptatof aaw ai1k lato whIU
BfOtod over
top a layir of bread caoBba aad
bakaaatU a alee farowB. Carat la tka
d»h la wbleb It ia baked.
rrata eaa be feertra to perfect
trleaaad Tarrfewof aa bare any
of Ueir aalae of toed fer Uk bafaBlIy-TitWrTlill^
A Dalieiaaa Lmteheoa Disk

Taka a doaaa raw poutoea, <
Ute. oae tarra oaioa. ck^ped dsa.
any kiad of cold roaat Boat, p^erably
iBBb or beef, aed tka browa yrary.
Take a dkk aach at a chiekea pie
woeld be baked ia. aad pot a layer of
Ua Ula aliead poutoea oa Ua bottoa.
aad OD Ue aldaa
Tbaa pet a layer of
tbe tbla aliea af Beat aa Ua bottoa.
apriakle geM aoaa of Ue ckof^ oa
loa. aoouof Ue frrary. <• pkcea of
: batter. auB< aalt aad pepper; Uae aaother layer of poiatoea. Uao Beat
Haaya tlBe be- las. batter or rrary. aalt aad
Uaakraatol UU
f «ater to
'<^lMdkb'’wtuVorwater.Vet te a
ton^dwo^teto barBOay.
fairly blow oeaa aad bake Uree hoata.
Ue aaraery rhyi

sa/i^r^ U**aSuiy*l»"<i

L. --------------Toar beat Jairaeal >e diaeriaiaBle beIBM )aat tka
twaaa tka tklao ibat eao wait-aad
tbOBB that caaaol. Attead to tbc flnl
li^M wfu l^blM am o
at Ue eroper tiBe. aad aay to tka otkAa4 ll-a Ika aaa
_ wbo
iom tka
ktabatbaaaU Uc not.
>ao>« I bare t
'oaua ITMtcoBib Kllaif.
a devoted to iiffiraat eada.
BT wprk-bB
Tha Old Fans Booia. ..-lalBiar apace oa <
aad Baklnr•Ida
-ba-doaaa. Oa
- Ue oUer I pal
_____ .-;wlttdo»arooa»a»jalda—
ttar to be laad or stailad
laaeB—to be pUned
away._______ _______
BT earulna. odda aad eada to be pat
WreUer la aa expreaa paekire tAadlklaka tkkaaUfrlead or aebool. a acrap book ..
patted foil of Ue biU aow lyiar la Ue
••4k. aaatd 1 «• far. tar away
box I pat oa top of It. Ue baedle of
B(M tkla dafi ^ IM world te aae,
oo'toa to ro b> fbe hotpiul. U»
aaraiiaa to b# carried ta ay friaed.
aad all Ue oUar •■extraa"*bat are ic
ay UoorbU aad lauattena. TbeiVt
aneb a Ular aa aa ardarly dlaorder.
and ay wiadow aill k aa exaatple of
It k aeeer wholly eleaoad; baliae
•a Ita coateDU reuelea af attea.
~ iBaidfatk tolkataraboaaadoori
____ wiUaat worry, wlthoat Uourbt.
wlUoat aarlaet. wlUoal atuToidable
delay. wlUoal preeraatlaatioa. aad yel
wlUoBl "waU aattl auoUar day."
If I fret, toy window alU foaaa iU
KaMtaUttlaebara aad pleatan. If 1 do Bok I
___ a ai(kta-«Md a ittOa
to ft kraia aad yet arain. alip off
....-------....jj t
aed UooaaUoa
oaa UtUa
oUar. wlU Ua Uoorbt. - Tbla k yoor
Ura, aad bow moeb rood yoa will do
4k' taka tka attar trea wbal ..
wbaa yoa rat to wbare I am aeadlar
toaaaad to raaUa wkM-’twaa
Perbapt Ula pUa aroatd be laamrBr Ea^ BtOi aa’ ttaatta'it aiUlt toforaasa It doea take a ro^ deal

llraDitele aad
aill lari '


Km. K. B C Baim SatM.

Om «M *iK hMT th* rvWM Kar.
BMtawttcWMKrd'a Mt«»i irrii
A»< M iha mllM oa Ik* »1a('
Ohm aat aa4 lUM. &taa lew.
Aai baerlke fraan *• tkay new.
Aa« IM tke Uuia wtate ikatWw.
bM is Siwiwr MI.
tt aai <ni«
" aoMkewctw'
TMk «al^Ma aew ia aap aadreou
ae» la t*ad«r 4etar<i«


' ?

Sii?eU UeVidy^


baamaale wbanaaraberoaa. 8<

2SJ?tlU bar prStotypea la real life.
Tbayaaybeyoanrorold. They may
rich Clotblar. or Uabby fVBaau
pealed with patebao.
They may
,fd-wor«ed, or wlthao abaodaaec
kora OB Ualr baada.
Bot wbav
alM they coay be. they an alwaya
Wbererer they rp
dkaopaaraad ii

’ -1 -I.—
taUea aad etaearfdl wordt


terntfttUy Uat yua

Batter Ua artlela. BOO laitot. .
Fortaaatoly tka paUk haaaaalaPraM^'-t be laltated.
Aad tna pralto taka root aad

Matertol aiU


Cesetei? loit of Erery DcMriptiH.


a aay aratb dctoreA.
W. & KllBcr. Paait»ar Bariaaaroa
WUl.rtoAly antaayicrUI
U. C By.. raaUtac atKe. f<« Oraace
81.. JaekaoB. Hkh.. laya:—Ta last I
had eaaaldeiablt troabte wlU ay kid
oeya froa Ua reaaltota aarara cold
which aettled Uere.aad tkoafb I triad
eeery acaai at baad aad treated wiU
daeuira tba
tbe palea Uroorb Ue a;
aatll of
ay tack baeaBe aorc penlateat
11. U. ALLEY. Proprietor.
aarere. To add to my truablea Ue kia- ^
Trunna Oily Vick.
acy aecretloae were aaaateial aad a 401 WcBt Froet Ctnet
irrefaUr. At la>t 1 waa otaifed to lay r
o4 work
Wbaa at boat. ralUat ~
batter aader Ua tnatmeat I waa tl
Iriaed Be
takiar. aoM oaa adriae
daey mU
Doaal Eldaey
niu and I preear
oat of curinlty tbaa frtia
aay expecUtlOB that they al«rht help
aa Kow. 1 waai tbla Uoroacbly aaderatood. wbea I fiBUked tbe box i
aaaeba. Bat to make aattera dooky
;la 1 took a eoooed tux. dioce
Uaia. aad Ua

Oellelou Batoad RoU
oe aad oae
Oaa piat of ae
half eepfato of n
>-lbirdi Of a
eaptel of bolter, t
belter aad aarar beat Ue em well
aDdbddtaUeaUt milk. Addalfted
floto aatll it to Ukk aa for bread
apoare. Then dlaoltr a cake of f
t la a Ilitla wwa water aad
Pat lo a wara.olare aad let
BirbT Ue
>eaa for bread
___ ________ -___
arm floareaaa. . .
aakeaCra-deorb. I/etit rUe arato
Uea Bold and drop Id rreased Uaa or
aaSlB liofa rlaa for Ue third
aad whee lirbt Ilka boeeveoab
I a delicate browB. Ouaoln a tea-


am"" ;n-'

Traverse City Granite & Marble Works,


(-..fereal ttor w.
teealtnato ima wrlm a Mto a. •
Oeafreei Itaa a.


Drs.B.S.&C0. Chicago
West Michigao.
The Ctlebrflted 'SpfieUllttt.

to It aay waodertbal at tbit data.
1 newBaaadCXaa'a KIddey PilUI
Dcaa-a Kldaey PU
for aala by
diwlec*. Price ft> c iia Mailed by
.. K. r. cole
areau forUeCaited 1
taka no aubaliUte.


Hotel Whiting

FRIDH, IPRIL 29, 1898.


Haar people itoUtr thorn by toiliat
Qba;ad^ grarainr aaat eat by du­
el kldaaya—ooated toarae—parched
I—farerlUaea-dBlI drarrUr pel*
iaeae—la xnre
aeaaial feellnrof w«______
erMesea of kldaavaBd bladder trouble.
e topa wbaa dOBa-- Take I'tah Kidoey BnBiatoaoo—Ury
will cure yoa—Uey '
aad* of oUari. Tux 1 rBKxaa of Piiii..
Shln Waiatx
tt>Kt.i-au make I tab Kldaey “
olUe room WlU aa air of aeeki^^to
Theae aaafbI artlelea are arain '
arold your attcaUoa?
If laeee do 001 fore aad proatoe lo ba at popular aa
they bi
ban baea tor Ue paat taw teabrirbtea at year eoBiar. If tbe lonlid tbej
doea aot aeea lo temporarily forrei
riaT' a'itei
pnutoat eaaa laeottoa are aide n.lMirrw
rr paie. If tba <»re.
Aedarooa riarbaat la fay
JodKBuX. UrarruL
lalda. cbacked
aodraa aad eolored
ba eon of Uto 0 -Ular:
i<loa.-ariU poiotod yoke la tha bark
wharerer yoa r®.7®»f
aaki erary alirbUr bloated froota. aide pit
Ufa la lacklar Uat wbleb aakea
aoeuna- * fit
« —- tbe
----------day part of bearea'i trioapbaet har- teennan>od
a«Mll abin alecen
meay.—rmap Peopto r Wi
alralrbt cuff of Ue oCae material.
Toarae doable bran troobla
Pot OB a Vaa.
Tbe colton.are detachable aad an
ra kla 41
411 aplaea with It ia aot aaey to keep tUara from lyiar
Oar folk* oaeaa old curry comb for
OB a nil rnrefal a'K made of the aaae material.
MO leer, aad yet loaf aaoorb
white liaea eollan aad cuff> of Uat acallac flab.
rfen wlU
Ue anai-be- be aaaidoooaly praelSoad by erery wo-' aeaaoa are aat Ua Aral eboiee lor Ue
Bot to latorfen
Paint that tnrablaooae oora af yoar*
waab waUla.—Sfimrd.
llodU from

"--------------Ij Jea' Jaorhta’.
which cooaekalloaaaaM moat at'------IfyoD tare'Ue Ute of iwlnawbicb
tbe rell Chocolate Caramel FUUnK tc
If we woBld r«>« aad be rood
>ae about the packagea from tbeatorr
hcra te a deal of aaUatacUoa li
wind Uea os a apooi you will fad
llo eareto]
cream boiled toffalker
for fire micalea. Kamore from Ue firr.
bare eamad
rlrht to
natetw aach wbatt mM that harta
aad yet
fiaror with neUla -atir to a ereaa aad
To Uke old putty froaAbe window
__________ Bjoylt"
Ue bna of tbc bi
apreod oo Ue cake, whiub matt be glaw.. rub a warm iron alobg Ue glate
'toltiar coaaa aoaawba
Itatetto toaUUa Aate’w tba tray
f U--------------------- baked ia a loaf aqaan' eoraend tie oppnalte Ue pull.r; it will aalt Ue oil
kaad; aodoas faaey work;
...................... adid.
eoft aiib
allk act.
act. aad aot remond naai cold. Halt oae- ard Ue>ntly will ooae off eatUy.
a atlff nil: it adbt be af a aott
dal totter writtar. aad Ua differcai aad the r»Ueriar orer Ue brim aad Ulrd of a nke of chocolate aad apnad
Ulan Uat an pieaaareB to differeat aader Ue ehla. wbleb wen fotpeerly onrtbucake after it baa cooled —T<iBlraialag the eyce prodaeca
Tbe maat-be-daeat of aoae ci^loyed to ebelau dificolty. an aew
gly ptrpeBdicnIar wrinkleu belweah
'd* Tolk.

>- lira are Ue wtoB-krbe-doeta
Keadiag byadiia
^'ma2 tM dMt^ ^
A New Idea lor Haadjtarcblata.
fa. aad fin rcnni. So dedaite
falling light, or rrlU Ue eyaa faeii
Yoa anal ban Ue rail toor bad
Itotoof Ulan aadar. cltber bead
'faroad eaourb la Ue flratiaalaaee; for . Baadkorebieta, oeya aa exebaon. tba wisduw; coaiog anddealy fron
alarr* batltiboald l>e tromelrateea .an BO looffor “bloM" but -ptoked.' dark Into a bnghtJr lighted pooa. a
Tbe riat of
to iweaty-oae laeba wide, and a yard XbUia dose by coloriaf Ue riaaluc waariag dotted and craaa-barred ral
lBdlTldBa..ralaa Ilea
theae aid ia tbe wrtakle maklog
water Jual Ue faiaUat poaaiblc tiage
aad a half loar______________
carmine paiar
a cake of earmli
Place the crater of tbe eeil to tbe, wlU
prompt Plteadaaee to each lUB wbea froBl
•old in
ia Ue
Ua cheap
eheae t>
box u Ktaka ia Onr Soeial Lift.
DBt olUe
brim about foar or“Bre to lold
. .
Ua opportealty
jlty doea eetaa.
.. .
aad Ur laebea down. iBey ffaibar It ap at «
lor ehlldree^^
ba girl wbo drtaaed la
of lapaUetl^fnlfalaea ■Ue WiU Ue baada. aad
„ Ue
.. atUe
_. Ue top
cleUn ■ '
Baaiaalyaay aMalpeaaaat ia
—aot eaey,
(. After B littir but jaatoff Ua'white*
Before the Aral of May;
iadwIUUair iaaQaaa asaapt UasU- Ular Uat I
oarralaa tooUan, praetlee
tooldatrsw hat
be BID wba goloutbto
.rally toll into
a oar ability to dp. that ahape at oaea. Tbea •tort” it on Ue
Wfalraa. akd act alnya eaaa Uay.
On Ue Ci»l tunrblay dar;
. . ii rery much exh
Uoarbt iB BaaarcBeat.
AU wkh a Uula
alyla of Urlar. axpaada og
wbo epena Uo wiadow
brim wlU tbe
Takeaoaa hot milk, graal or beetle
that balpa
Aad tot all day la Ue draaghtUeru wiU little____
uaUlaolawbai retted.
........ oUer lire*.
All theoa ran riplais ta a Bieate
-Why Ue little grip mirroba laughed.
I. Ueu will sot be requirud. Then
whiak Uttar an aaCalac Ua ataal tor
certalo oc.adoa* wbea a rail teem*
ribta poaaety,
Wbaa it eoattCIO to
•btoletelr eaeealial.
Maaybate and
tocqaea iwqulre
lire a rel
rell ta bring out Ueto
•m a platefera aoelal laaxt at U<
WarU Trylnr.
toiHclwkatla KJttOtoK.000 aalaiy!
r ael.
beery ehea
net. wiU
wiU aa rmtba
Uhtolatoly Itokadoat trMtba ear
roe aot priat tb!
leelleB' illedolU Ue meat faabloaabla reiliag
te and aymp
Tbeae data are
aMtaafaaeb faalUaa Uat Uay hare aedae for reoal «ad hr aad. aa I aa jaaterialat preaeaL
iaxioBt to do ay part to­ rarda lirhtea
ta UaaokUw
lar Ua bardca of our to
wleea Kobe would be wllliar to
_________ ..eleeiog. letme Impreut
back to tbe old way af arttiar apoa
hard to hi liaitol to CM a ymr for at Birht after atipr Uto OMUod.
laaatUat to tba
«< ibcaa
o«ad aaa^lea «f aedleise for itawara
leaat tore or
her elaUaa.
Tkaa athara. beU
wbaa 1 hare r>raa the recipe, if c_.
aad wnaiB, mU tkay did aot apaito wabU troab bread or rolla oa abort 00- at all Uoa
atMUat. 1 dad. M Ulaklar Ue Bat- tke. bow alee te ban Ua aiaterials at
'tor oaer. Uat eartalaly Ue rtaater baad a BoBeoib Boliee. aad Ue beaa
Beware of Chimney Firea
tgoU fkUatotbe world, tk
Ufal bread makra Ue boaaewUeioalfy
baIkartbaweaUi«aad faralsr
Now to the Clmt to berran of chia
iTemtory: tbe ricben bim.
probd of her work. For ycaat, aoak
log Undt in tbe WDrldarc inlheCaa
da aot aratara Ukaawaat at all.
iwaaadahalfeaknof "Yeaet-Pcaa'
the greateei danger from Ueae to ia
erect. Afarmofitoacreafraeul
Uaa la aaah a waadarfol ar« af eha^
Bid-winter, wbea fnruaon aad raagea «B7 Third Aua. SSTHOIT. KXOH.
of lamUiea and «■. any arm o*
aieUiaff. ebaap taad aad eyaa aaacytor.
keapler tab eapooafala aad atom an belag foread to tkelr at- take
- ■

iMar. Uat Ua mate of paopto hardly aacb of floor, oalt bbd aorar. Poor
t capacity. Bet aew Uat Ue dree
allowed to
nt kjw eetoaioaally.
0 nl
ato layap orarolowly, allrTior well, oaa plat of
U to oaed. Ua tool etilIceBenr clitnatt. School., churcbca,
boillar water. Let alaad aatll cool
rap dly la iha ehlMaey; aad
teeto a
tud la abundance a.i-J cveryUlag '
add Ue aoakad yout eakoa.
a aatlu
autloat an taken w aauu
make life happy and camtoi
f ia b worn ^laaa froa OM te two
haaa Uaa fteai Ua lewtot toUa UrbOBuliri
tloa. a deree
hesra. wbea it olll be llrht. Tbaa
fire will Igalie Ue took
aU AaeloUlar. feed aad akaltor are pan aad bdJ twain torna potetc
te Ue dre^'
• -chla.
r.add o
tha prttoa atoaatiak af Ufa. da we raal- lad mail
laih Uroarl
laa what dv adraatarea areT
Wbaa ^1 aaoorb aid iagUh
teOk. plaalacBlUa, ate., rire aaak
Ueyaaat mlxtare
tore Bbd let atabd to b cd of bi
■Mraaqakhaadaaay to what it waa
twalre to twcDly-fcBr
--J forUtopurpoee A ptoee
______ Then will
. ...________
ba a beary
fnaa oa
yaanare.aBd Uaa tka far* saebJ
ic placed oa Ue lln ooai* le e
top wkcB llftt eaourb. tilir wall
ary toahaa ear teed
bot aiorc wilk effeclaaliy eleaa out the
• riaaa jenifoar
that wbaa wheat raU to be a<
pipe aad cblmaeyi. Ue raporr
carrylDgoff Ue
“ coot
• by -Ue cellar. It U bow ready lor bae
daeoapeaiUoD. TbU ahould be
laacd 4aar.
Why. I bar# Uead aad will beep aetll oaed «p Wbea Ul dacoapesiUoD.
l le Bind bv Ueae wbo bate beaa
ra bread akd malaaaei laUawU- reedy to make bread. Bie Bolbiar. bel Dernlag
of eoal_lor fuel.
Blag wood iaatoad
-------*— ------- While r«UlB«
wbo DaeqnaBlitiaao'
■ aad aar* fell baalUlar aar
ytaaKlaklar '
paper, ebariaga.
far ia aiy Ufa Uaa Uaa. Wa an tap off I 1b a kettle of' warm water
lir aiobflln
til Ue cblU to takee off Poor lato tha kiadliagof firea—51
tertotlc. baireaaabw. Ue henUy may
by ealtlratod. The eeit Uae yoa eatw Baton BolieewbaUer Ua faea e'
Ua clerk wbo baa waited oo yoa eo


OalB la arbM Ua Bk

Osa Xtey Only Sack VoaU

CoDA^tatton tood KxmniDAtloa Fro* And Btrictl;


Ska BaU pM to SXT

—!H£s:rjr“ ■'


JUmItK nutt'f Cable.


If You wm


We Will



To Young, Middle Aged, and Old Med*
wrrllel. Xtoulatoea
0*K|-KKI> nrrU
wU* k4^.|i^uur>mr.
TtWOBu Ago OaSI-gB*



DRS. U.S.& CO.


Lock Box 160.





SiE'se, , 4' :


ooiao aocTB.

&, A- PETEflT-y.^^

Carriages, Callers, Slelglis, Etc.



Horseshoeing and General Repairing Done.
’Etj-ls"-laf tat Uwa •! ate.v


Thorpe, Gonely & Co.



....... _ _


_._.?!V£?S?a!i-?'¥Sr.aS7S2 .’K
‘•-«:f5SS?-J5^ria™arwu«rv —

laaiaaadi. wlUa fmmn‘
WBfM akvpiacat erary heaaa anry
day. Wall, aaate gkadlkari will laara
to taka Bother aatora'a way ad lirlar.
wadUwiU baaaroodaa rdBeatlak aa
aatot ko ctrlllaad paopto aqaal
ABMitokW ia Uriar ap to tUr tkte
Batty Ofaaa tocrka aa eU oauoa amktoDa aad draaea plate. Me k aow

aC baeaaaa we raaeabar tka bard
Hmm. Bat let aa rat aa atilu arala
•aarbafaia. Tkkk Ua alapto
> ia Chkaco toy
iato to ptopartka aa Ua .
hifk aehoal adaaattoa fotoit
I dlSaalt to rrt etorla aad
•kaak baapan who an aapahla. A lawpara* tka fanaart-toaUtote aaM Uat
alar atoaU ealy
at the pabUe axpaaaa I aroa
Bkaaaa ad Uoaa dUadat Ua pabUe
hart AaeUar pa«I.B0rMd aud
«d the klfb aaboal weat Ure«rb a
ttoUa k '
Wail.tkBa.Uacaaallaa to. coaU Uay
KalhoaatT aa it waa a fact aaaof tka
giadaaua waalad to kaew what tode

Weaiwtil an Ua By«ytoa ti tha

■ r bowL riaaa out Ue

water Biur'ltebi wkk



Oma •f
ef Inter
Cntar ?nr(«.

■ary reaaaau Saeb a reeeptaela take*
ap ieaa room ia a eloael Uaa althto a
balglng bag Of a large baakeL Tbe
bami rboald beliaed witbaoaa glaxed
eaabric to pnnal tbe catohlag of aa
terlala OB Ue latber rtagb wood.
«l twoerUnc banee deep poeketo
areaad Ue ria of tbe bamt. to bold


awd Ue like, to a rtber good acffgto-






BBW, Bay 0it7, Datrett, Bov.
aU, Ado Art>or. Toledo and

Bicycles EmeMalFroDi St. CyclefHiis
FOR ONLY 62.60.

ELLIS, 311 Front St., East.


. Plakaant, OwoMO, Safl>

E^Uoi tl Teubeis.



.lA-n ■rcAwiMt^ai

State St., near Union.

WnUlaaa It tboroughly. tr e tbe wbecla. give a«y eolor omaaratal work
>• wtoh,
or vartiiU yna rlaa for above price. Call aad are aaaple.
___ ________
and give batter
. aatorial-a
_ ..........
Ha ala-> EflUd Wbad* U Oriir. do it ebeaoer aad
k Uaa aay abop In Ue city. Have had aevemi
ae' year*’' experleaca
•atee Mttofaetloa
Fk. .wto. .( •■huu ax.wlaaiaaa at tea
uf ^yair.^toe Jto


How. to Bat a Hen
Thto. BO doubt, aeeat tobcaaimple
Ulng, bat I rentun to aay that net
will be la aboat aa brar. tbea add
qae ia a handred wbo ralaee poultry
little call, aarar aad
floor to sUff kaowajaat bow to handle akes dorta: kaead wall aad act to■ rile. lo
Ia aa lag Ue balcbiag ilaa. To faeria with
boar or aa it will: be readyr to make
aaki la it to folly to act a baa where Ue layera
to loaefa: Uea let rite arala
tralB - Bake eaa get to her aeat. A room apart from
alowly aa boor. For Ibrowa bread Ue flock Bi^'be prorided, to wbleb
relto riBka.etc.. make ■
■rlU • .
altter ahould-'be gently tegaond after
Ua aanal way. 1b Uroe or fear boan
frna Ue atarUar time yoBt broad 1
doee. Try it. aad are If yea do ao
•w,Uebea lo a
•are Ubar. patltaca aad foal, aad ak;
ilaeieg Ue eggi
ay^^Beaaa ba rnta.—ilviiaekrcper'
Peralaa iaeaet powder aad pet ia froat
of ber a eopply of grit, oora and a pan
of fmh araur aad let bar help baraeU
at will It to bettor to aet twobaaeat
the aama time aad wbea tbe broada arc
baubed pal Ua ebleka wlU oae hae
Bldhcal BonoTB—Wortd'aFalr.
and react tba oUer. 1 bare trv-qebbUy
Gold Hednl. KUariater Fair.
ie ciool weaUar. let beaa hatch Una
broodaaad bun Barer yet had 1
lean ber acal or appear aay Ua
B.T rw
for bar niae waek* work.
Of e_____
Ua Banal complaint that beu will not
alt rrUl ba beard, bat if Ua polleto
-_ra boon
baea kept —_____
laying aaee Oetobor
Uen Uoald be ao acarclty. and If Uey
ban not beaa laylag tbe faalt to aorw
ly wlU yoa —Cor th«hrv A'<

Re Painting and Upholstering.

poiDtaBaataodiS^nth. Cloao
ooonootlooi atOppamlslrwltb
M. AB B. By.
eeal ItoM agt. CotoAo.

Cheap Homes

too** to . •

:: JS

aosmvxLT «uaM

aaa ar a eeevtaa eetef.
r T l•rTuw• la Ike wegauiB lUKrln at

Ordertfor-job Printing,left at tha

'"rHHaTiiSi tee a.
af etoweWT te ito ataCM

will racahra prompt sitartio'r

Farming Lands
fink ItfUi < Mkit L L Caiur

'pM^xnarUdr'aT^'iterua a


►■aXWALm MaeVta-.^ < C9 .ev.cto


yi; K.S2. KtssStS; i


Hack, Bus and Baggage Transfer Line

Pielcop KyMha,


Best Lirer> ia Northern Michigan.
read aad sole BtoUe la GeciaaettoB

Ggiunao pile cdis
anuL iixiBTfla.a'iaeUMil x.

iaptn.TWw B atABeifae

auMH K teMM 0^ iMkteVMte.

ui«o hatter «ftk iM
LotoU rkk. dry aad nally ndliog.
Timbered Baloly wflk 8agar Kapto,'
Seek Bb. nomaiiud. 4ok.. Dm^
Bemlo^ etc., aad toe woD waMad hy
Itkat. Hum aad fcraoka.
tireag BoO*. floe cnm. kaaltky aU>
—te.eefcootoaBd a^Brebea. tateOteMt

Tor Seeka. Hapa. ate., oddrea



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