Grand Traverse Herald, August 11, 1898

Dublin Core


Grand Traverse Herald, August 11, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



Grand Traverse Herald

Dr.J.iSnjder, "W"'-








For anything in the way of Farm or City
Property, see me.



Office in liaeonic Block' Traverse City, Xich







AaliAilv IW.I. •■ SMT U..I I..I.... rHvT
AUarwjnat Law.

>H ial> dor. w tU ntiani.di .d t~Ib

LatMt IdSM and Appllaneas.


^ O. P. Carver

Re^ Estate
^ .»Jnsurance,


Bosmess Cards.




Merchant Tailof

A Sumtaer Cottage
At Old Mission Resort
ForwieTcryahnpilenld tbItwaeoB; Irnowa m» Ihe ALOEICH aiTrAOB.
EaetTlhlBrlB ibe T*ry lw*l eoBdllion; coal war *1:.... a* It aUoda
OWBIBK beve oiber plem aad will aell al a rrrBl aarriUfe. !■«» ra*b will bay

ead we tbe etecant eew Jlne ol
BprtBT State* el Wooleiie eo»
os male, wbieb wilt be aalr *p
la the LMwt Slylw. aed al
Bucb Low i'rleia a* will larpriee
yoa. .



When either a Chamriis Lunj; Protector or Vest
will beairecessity. We can supply you with either, but
you can economtze and yet have djomethinn just as jr<K)d
l»y Iiuyinj; a chamois and making' one Good values at 30.
SO and 75 cent.s

T \S^!^'r!!£xmn^ *

A mtom. a. ». rv
A oaauaa^ki





Tkat a K Millard t>fW aw U aea



aUlaatjauvhaivaaraU (or.
FrMertaiaa napaniaral Uawkad alik


wHp.loaaa,aBI)#d tumfrll.
TMUI K u>nu.<lm>fdl<pu






--- —,



All mail onlpra receive .prutupl
F. M. PAINE, Florist
Mae W.

am W. BleweUi ML

Scythes, Snaths, Rakes,
(•’t)RK8. H0KB,

ScreBD Doors and Windows,

*lfPd__Money to Loan
Ob I^B.Bd tan aad *«U vrapanr

OaQViSttl^ lathi Say.

Carpet Cleaning Works


l.d rBBtbrr «BaataUB«.



te—Bit i» owA, >

SarveyoraadClTll Eaglneer
a»rfyi at aU fcla««. map at>,

amUdla«. T<

I Hack, Bus and Baggage Transferline

Fountain Point House,
eliaolad ea COrp Uln
It I* nwbM

Best Livery in Northern Michigan.
Peed aad Hale Rtablc in CoeaeetlAa.

MMiHa Muac l> HortOm Mkblfma.

S«acb aublM at tom asi VaahUvana.



J. A. BASDIK. HanaBcr.

%%SDiniMr^l: i


Brosch's Meat Market

Choicest Meats, Poultry and Game



r.T "


- I J be,»Uir.fen-be.r a-W
Wnwlbf brl(*l*e>f.u'Ji
,d •#. wklle Mb-dea
ul Ike rye* real
wa.c..*e.u,. loc

; ly M>pr.>*rd aad jn
Itb-argued by Irrslator* an.1 other*
lelaw of propeilr
propeil.r *od

itie-imr*. wl
do touch with railroad e >rp.w*iion* (by all, p>'riuoal
that mone.r lorrated In Uir roaklnic | miod. whrll>-r nierrJ by ron
turn of railroad* ought noi UI lax. daoy I li-'O*. eapil*;i,u. merc'.aet*.'mecban
more man money *peol loAniildiogaod , le*. mmufoeturer*. agrvulturiat* or
improrlog four h<rbw*v*. *treel>. I ntbet* nbali b' a*****ed k* their inter
bridgiartr . Iircauke tbey are improve I e*U m»j appear al ea*h ralui- and
menu maor for the u*e uf tbe public, ; ia*ed rnuklly by a .m.'..-.. raU
and of rignt kbould be exempt from;
Ut It embrace the pr.,fr**i.ioaI men
any and a'i laiiunn
land w.-men. lawver*, d.wtnr., mini*
If lUU logic be true ih. B. for *imilat I tetv bank cflj -i.Iv, laliroad ufti.-laU,
m all tax ----■
at 11. n —(team buai •.
•.-her* in inatitutea
ny bare been and ar*
plant., tbe neaap*per* a'l
.•*led at the expreve
InrentoirnU made lor I
■ r., Al pm-nt oniv
' enl of lhr*e pav anv lax for the
e kup
wbynnt exempt tbe farmer*' noyi
enr; lli* i* *u Indutlry the ifrirr ege* of gu-d g,.v
meol tbvy en
prodnet of which the whole public. ;'y errrv day.
lay. «bii
nbiir ■
wage earner, and poor, mike u*e of. not ane|>Vitb p.a*iMv n he
id d-ay npoi.
.wllh.iol tbe producu of the •'«r *lrreu, P*.v» net only a een*e. bn'
■Ookkiktency, thou art a Jewel." ! bb lax iwp.aed upon tbe a*-e
rased cash
, aa.roinpanie*. lelegrapfa coaipa-1 value of bi> oaibl, Ibaiigh
ingh hr msv
nir* and lelep'i.ine coiupanie* come un i •« Tee *ii
nly five per
drr Mto'lar pruvikino* of lax law. aod i thereof.
lit I, nai.l Ilf rai'niad companies to a
H. D. Caui-iii
l.fci ixl. n- ap i.a lothe Matemof

a. land

anci"'** rail.tVe are of Idte year* experiei
barden impofcd upon a* by Un
tire bodir* ut Miy yreat bCale by tu
of law* (urrroiot; » *y»lei
.lios for tbe pnrpa*e of raltiny
ry for public u*e nhol'ji irmiiv. i,ii.
oiuf wiiyuai. lu my mlLil. ** de_ Bd by Ibe framer* of Ibr oon*llluOonof tbyitale.
1 refer to the *y*trm new la pracUoe
aderirioc* re.rnue for publi( u*e in
part from <,W. n'liii* of pruperiy. and
art from earoiug, .it »ucb Taluiw. and
iroperty Uilalty eneupt fr.'.m an) niJe
f taxalioo. cunlrlMiiibi'b.aatilk *up
porUtif Ibe aCair* of atale. roiinli.
<biml or muoicipility.
Thi* t.vMem ba* been la prariice
bout twealyaereii yrai*, uutil. id'tbi*
Part of tbe kiale av lek'i. it bu become
imply coa&realiuD
H»ny ux leeir*
------ ..
.. . propfnj can br
sadr to proilDi*
"Tbe oi/Ji..eli
It of tbeconatitatiuo
ifchaadeddown by the couru.-n.
Hike •peeifir prani* uf Uiri-i*tifr p.iww.bnltullmlttnatferrrBbireit eould
lUeiwMp Ur proeral aad uoliuiitcil '
o tfar c.>ii*lilulion *h..Dld br lalri
.d in Ita. *enrr in woicb It
,y the
pe.ipirnl Ibr tiiueof i
lood by

opUuo^ luirue meabtijfr t» the *an


Nellbcr ialaad b lahaUiad. aserpt
t ara fowl aad a malMladc of haHa-ved, virioaarnta Tbalattcrtenot
hraiutc to attack a hi
ecrulB timat of tb* *w
Tiaited be vaaaab. arkk-b lend withgroy.-hki *boand. (B-gTcnt onanUtlca.
Baker Ialaad ka* aa frwak
m llow-laad nr* aaveral ‘puail^
The neekoragv b mid to be vary nnaaf*. Tb* formm bland bcnau a aovable wl
-laed Itland UjwomllN loagnL.
half a mile wid*.
____ ____ ndbnn*
mile long aad l^raeqaartan of antll*
wide- Ailde from tbe fact
tof tbe*amng ooai**.
acem that ib* Uland* woald tarn. ule value a* a base for war aep(ilir*
Hut aiill tbare I* aome aaUafaoilooia koowlBg tbatlhay am tbm*.
and that , they belong tdnpr go*** . Thbtim* mayeome whan, iailgnillcaal a* Uey bow appaar, we may'
u* g:*d of ibeir axUlenna.—Ejrtionpr.
A Pnoel*** Doonmant in Oaagar.
Tbe DerlaraUoo of ladepeada-" ■not kept at iBd^pdaac. Hall.
aaV^r aappoacC tot b
w at lb*
ibe HtaW
Htai ItrparlmvBt la IVaahnow
ngUm, t*er*wd io a atrong box.
It it umrryad Uetwaea twa giant
-■-Uvof glaaa.Ueadg«»of whbh ny*
VUilor* to the«l
want to »ae tbe I
fronted wiib a perfect
taaag* in abandaome
- frame aad
- . -----------------


bevouiing a {mdttloaAvbaa tbe ax-

a aboal thw yeu* a^.
the adminlatrailiia of Juba Uuiney
Adam* a copper pliia of the orlgiaal
eaamade To get the copy tor the aagraver the anrfaee of the parchmamt
waa molaiaaed with a wet cloth aad a
priai waa taken. It removed aboat fl(.
ly per cent, of the lak.
Foraume year* tbe orlgieal waaaalibited under gta**attbr 1‘ataal OfHea.
Ubuag where the ann raaehad a abv«
City Of Hanlla.
- - b day until the dlaoovaiw «*■
The eliy of Manila, the capital of tbe
It Up acripl waa fading,
br Ibe same unit.r
I'talllpi.ine*. baa a popuiat or. of
care waa taken when the DeccM.i.kj people Tbo citv form* th* aeg-a. bnag la Ue library of th*
I'niy a lea who .in or d-i not pracUce m-nt uf a vin-lr b-iwern the rijmMod
e Itapartmeal halldlBg,
tbrelrlivv franchise cmiir. h'..|;.l tbe lb* *-a. aad it* euAiarba extaJMlver
wonderfal achlrTeiuent tin- veauli of oumerau* l-lei* formed tiy tb- rirrr
a . gaaure* aadd-aiy warnthe iDlroducli-m nf *i,..,* pt.irrr Into »nd iU l.ranche*
Thertvrr IVaigi*
ilie world l.r riwH-g# Su-Bnri.».>n. Tbr prolonged int.i the l..v l.v if u pivta I'd |.| lie fading. John Uaaceek'a aana.
-loe of the boldaal on U* abael. in tb*
6*1 n 'road operated by *
At the end of one of th in is a aniatl
iiilr.xiucd i
•SUle* fort and a 'iriilboii
*>«•»* toa
.boot aerr
To-dav Ihvrr •■nd <iT th.
all ton
Thro Ue oWciala bavlag charge «w
ive in
In ..pemiim
nearly or •jnile
latjf^lefllo the light the or^a^
ml ra, iicl ding aidplra ka eb'.
ilmhlcberovke* Ibe river.
'•d s sir* and dnobie iliat i
•( Cavite laalArtiBcl raaprrt town of
lile* in the world
UheUlandot l.urin.onI which Saall*
n.e e«t of the vfiriktraclion an.l i 1* situab'.l
Cavite i
ii|ipini* ■ r lhe»r roail*yn .•uroonnliv ' Uanlla. and aluui ten
la tbe di
Tabolo.-* ...luof twelve of the eitv of Hanlla
aUoa.^the eopp-r plate mad* laA daM'
*• a pipnlation of over c.ivm.
u» wimitb.
Their annual! *nd the p ' of Ibe fort is l**a
A* a rrnaml rule
The Ui^ratioB can be daelpbarad
eallmtted at the enormou*; than ciki.
fl *enleacen in I
wiibthealdof aglast.bnt tbealgaaI uiace h<> »(
kumof.oiri.ri.f;«,ii-i.r i.(lfi..i.. of ; An *t»eu»U« ipealed al tMvlle, which
• urea are almaat eotimly faded oal.
b.m, »bd Intbat
bat l.■Ebt they >1
'1* the Hpilal of the provlnep of the
tVhal I* left of the reerred laalrvaM
Matixti.w show that b, operate Uieke ■
To** rvaideore of the gov will. wiU prea-ot*t a
rnad{ In the Cuited Ptale, find* em-1 'ffo' i* altuaird there aod the place U long lime.—Crriwap,.
fan. a* adopted _
pl iymenl forune nuKif er.r, IwetMv I'beeh ef naval depot of the Spaniali
i>i*lure eichi of the wurkihg population, in
utf of aod aay*
The iefi.
»'»* part of the world
ihfil p-oririe >1 imifuriM nil. -J
Waablngioa'a Rxbith
V of quite.,ne miilioo.if men. So I'''T
Manila ha* a dilapidated
tell, rkcrplon prupi C'T P»>
’•I" •‘liciUi.t IlUa vale ratmale bi aay ihatat appmraoce. X„r tb of it i* the Uiuomlo
Dr. Jedadlah Uurte. tha nathor «f
aud Uxr* xbali be levied uu >ueb leaM’Bvemillioo.of peoplearecloU.ed;;"'’'!'’^*'
fr-ridcoce* of
preacribed by and fed from these Industrie*.
hae)a and Ue great rooter
foreign on
U more pupulooa than tbr
inoal exnen»e# reach the ag-1
g upon
He rlarn at tba dawa of day. wieUr
• JTi«,..Ki i«i. while from.'i‘y'«^:fcOBktilulion i* made
p tbe cc
inu both -ipanlab and or•p-ralioB* thev reallxea
J summer. H* brwakfaataon Unn
read: ■'

It hat long Horn of . ..alj Indian boa-eakca. and aa many
br on properly at tb.
l.-tie., dark-liiob' di.beaoftaa. Al Urn* be dtnaa, enmThrae great
It invralmrnu. Ur aource I‘“•’‘‘J
unking u
of princ. ly Ine
tould conlrlbub________ ‘orchurche.
moaly on a aUgla dbb. Thi*. wlU
Wbether'geoeral taxation or apeciSi the r just ahire of pnbUc eapenae by
■olid lua*
twudlUea of tan. and bbcalt. tnbam
axatio* kbonld be Impoecd npon a>
Tbrw are mingled w b light I
before aaBtetllng. eonatiteU*
mmcDU of vnab valne. not aa no*
eaof tro
............................. eonfroBU n* by no- houaea. or cm*ge*.4a _
I food daring U* dny."
M-aAi^—part from taxatioo. part ui
1 Ue fl
to ebane* enlltn nt Ht. VarMn
laah valne* and '(Mrt upxn eamlng* o
preatMl lo remain to dinner. The
•hi br right to bear it. Jc.l “»
►"■*■•1* arc •iraigLl. manly
Uough plraiifcl. waa alwiya
tee. in tbr early history et
■flaialloe. So Ue cariul-‘h'T am almost ltn|
Vary few day* paamd wlUoct
rcnrral and apvciBc Uxc*
ngbl t.i pay UXm on munbringing men of rank or of dbUaeUon
■ere ralxd from property ameaard al rvheloan. The borrower onghl to
U X»e riiv tbe bou.ea are two atoriea la Ue polltlcnl or lltamry world e<
mab value*, and in tea" apeclbc taxa- beprolec-wd from paving laiea apoo •*'«*■
each , hat lu central com
Ecropr, who mad* a pilgrimage in tiM
4U0 waa placed al three fourth, of unr
ID*. To ilio.traie, a eapitallal wbolT»f<*I”
reaiddlhe brada of lb
borne of the greataat of Amaricnna.
wr eeot upoo tbr apltal aloik aod
It •bonld ba retnemberad that Watb
money naed Is the coDstmeUon uf rail he derivea
an annual income of >*.tan, I
.rgtoB wot nol only tbe loramoct ram
resaotatlve of bb ooentfy, tot i*n* n
nnya e tax upr>B eoch inTcaimeol. but;
tbr' Kmalu.
Ho that at that timr aaiemmenu np- Ur Uirrowrr
wbieb It Ue main maa of great waalU. hb atUte* being
)*rr b*« la
pay Uvee
Ueee per cent,
niineae. Indiana valeed at half a millien of dollM
m cash value* and not uoon rerniog* the general average of wbieb amonnu street. It a olonyof
and halt-catu.
f such value* waa con-iderad lu be uj tab.t.iMi.
t. wbo do butlnemaagold.
whicb aiUallimv waa rngardcdnaM
amitbtaad jew. lers, peinlera and e
eeord wiU tbe copatiUlloO.
ippeae a merehaat. Mr. A. with
•norm ovforunr. Yet le writing In
Kindly bear in mind that all properanap omretanu. c
Ivord Fairfax, la referenee M a
I canital '-f K.o-j. 4* dralrom
y paying a apecl&c tax d'*n> out pay notUnglu *$li<a*i*i,*rk of good*
-:ar>t. be **yt:
toy atale. county, town or mooiclpal burrow* of Mr. R, a capitalUl. *'
"My manner of Ilvlag b plain. I dn
It Uke> BO part.................
Tbe other aeburba baverarha ap^ cntmeiBioto paioctoflL A ginm
a mortgage
clal character. For loaunc#. Pan Fer­ of wine ar.d a bit of mcllon ar* nlwnyc
any improvemeiata ioeid
The tupervli-ir

loe Hme
nando it the acat of great cigar
BBDicipal afTair*
r taira are
r. A'**toek la trade
ndy. nod snch aa ara oonunt tc mrle iat e___
lo made beer a part of
fteturleaaod HanU Mem It tba
BpDB which br pava U
>kcof -Uirm will nlwnyx b* wclaam*.
isllOB* of Iraroirg. and Intbnv way era! average
rnoae n'to nxpnet met* wUl bndiw#- "'
rrage of ih-ee
tfa-ee per’cmi
per r<’Dl or
m .»4in.;
reach Ue gencml public.
when aaa natter nt fact Mr. A'a InUr-!, Tbe anbarb of MalaU U fame
During tbe aoMion <'f the erst
eat It bnt our-tll-d of tald tiirmril ' *** embroider-e*.
Icgixlatare lo l-.'-t Uetpeci
valneandHr. lit two ulr.l*'.
The priocanal building of Manila are
railroad ropiiat waa raUrd
Therefore the borrower, Mr A, pay* :Ue palaee of Ibe fO»'





d InconaUKiioo.
At Uia time Ue atatc tax wi
v*tof tbe
eap'Ulut, wbo, la ,ht. In-l f'*?^'***'U th. dllferexrt rebe capili
Uan one-utrd of a mill per cent on Ue
aotbiog uwerd.
monaxl^. a
dollar, alnce which Urn* large approugemeit of Ue nf. i !>»■>■'»* nf convenu. tbe nhaenal.
yoong men. two collega*
have beea
------------- -----------------good rovomment '"'"’***®'
tor yonog women, the auprame court
wbieb be it aoppnaed to enjoy
I wiab loemphtt:f* opes the differ- building. Ua priaoB. tbe civil bnaplul.
tebtlweea ''auaifori
■ rm rule of taxa- tb* BSlveraitv, U* marine artaocl. tba
tbcatar, a large bonding, the rnxtom
taalat xbe'eiaw'of theymr leA^dre
lOb" aod equal taxation
ke boo*e pad the barmeki
I) tbe auu
aUb Ux
-bad- raaebed near
L'./uul nirarl'.R U In utwenti
H'vm^llavge .quara* are fanlam*
y four mUl*I we.
1*0 bigb lai
In vocal and plli cnl
U manv of : Manila, tba laireat of which la U* I'XnFor the year It
gala ux levy aj
' le a
wbile tbe'
k'ualad a broeu auiae
meota for aUte. eoenty. to
dale* from
acbool and oUcr Uxe*


. U aUta
fna Tr»<

Uuaaainyyat aarra a parpow bma•t
Tbe ezaet leeaUon af Ilaker lalnad.
ad. lo War
ad* Uinera
m'laotea. thlru a^
' Icagllad* ITadagtwc tweataie* UIrty aacoada wmi.



hMOia CfeMS ibM ui ut la


Boa boMly < ^DaBd• tbal all a
lb«ae wbo are aeifmed u pa.* lazra ap- Tmlam be aaaw «d by >1 aaVi.n. r
oe .<uk niliir* aad oorporaUoa* tbal aad bear lu e< lal prjporttoa of <
pa* kpeclBejazra upoo earBleca:
VVe will .appoae a eepufatt w wjtb e
eaeb ^
........... —o(Avio.ooc.
Hjr ttaew pet^iay r
tbalbaiaaiBO 1' by wayvfaaraiofa
in ibe koa e> up--B Uil* aaa I'l«bl4 ON.f I01.X. .
Ibey pay la# aed uae-balf f
in tbe fait that tabor aanol oo with
Upeeilic ta*. akdo iberailnmd mBpa1 capital, aeliber can
liri.n-o|0''^*l tbia time.
Tbey woold thee
ibonl labor, neither m
4 pay into lh*(»talelrea»bry II t.-K,. while proper without tbe other.
!U>, farmer, mechaale. manafactuiwr
■bborhoid. 0
aea Ik- aw^rebant and elbora. wbo pay tax..* < *rcl. *oci<
yonlb aod mldule ar*
Wkereare (br f.Hi aaj It
jwyitbf yeaeral Crrrair beiac three ’ iboac bom leader* aod
___ other*,
followIw'Orott the moioftlSIk.i
.uxa *Dd women in eerry 1
.aa,lad> baj. b.i
Tbcreforc IbaUrmer. meubaale and wbo piu trum *indy and ooarrml
otben paviof apon ea>b raloe aw- other* wbo execute their ordri* a*
meau pay* twclrc dollar* lax ever* lower*
limr tbeae corporaUoa* pay oac dollar
Tta<* reform cant
be broncbtaboni
• pecitlr tax
Uh political linea Tnom*i
IVoal *T.l of .wii,i..
rlik a.l,so'laaCa,aiaz.
itiOna '
U bronybt tu bear
Wh|b d>vp" >«r>kaa <k, rana. ikon...
th, bxly of
Noatwrarreol la.M.. o|. a. ae« aoa I
ro:ref i^ual taxaliuo on- x ilen kliootd by *e'ected. end eleeied
.tiliiUon that prodaee* Ibi, to repce*eot a* ie tbe lrri»latl»e ball,
rlBlotb",', e> doalh tb*,irk.ra,
leler toobe>y>trm
that are »bo»e rev-eWiof bribe* of any
I tbink eunr.w ill dikpole me wbre I
'■ " not fell tbeir rote. *h.
aert kurh a lyitem i> not an adjo.dlO tOBCb
lb tie common people.
rnt of tax** br "* uniform ml- of
I lhem*el*e» IB **miw
• t>.nii,k» nkronko«npi..aB,i,i
UiatiOB." b**ed upon property *a*ea> tty 1
auK.nfi, auk tkf flac al Ikr .bw:~
iU laab t*la*. a* pruridrd lo «y*le,
l.a.a.U lb*, Ikfolirb Ibo ab..|.i
... . - Jtuli:m. aod tberrf.we rublwry e,..ry i„.u.t,
u.lry and ii.rr*lmeat
It by a
to «o fai a* »oe parly i> re.'iceed fr
tea,* d lAr *M*r ,wv




lOwe. tclrpboM reapaabw aaU
aaUena rale of laaatloe w
■nlOTl wu eoapatedal trM o
maad no^bair p*r e>at epoa ,
ley*. wbUr tba farmer, aaeebaaic.
4c.. abali baara aalform n
■fcctanr. metebantaad Ubarer paid .tieatbekame a* tb« farm
t apea the caab ralaa
a ,of ba^ tbe^marebaataed i e laborer.


R W. HA8TIN08.
Beal Zatate Exchaage.
TraTerae City, Mich.

at 2ts Front Street.


!F- 7^ A T?-P=t"FT A ^

J. ~W. Gha-ojix.'tle-bl;.

E*owl ±XA BoaaoxL.

Fresh. Sitt and Smoked Meats, Sausages Etc.
* rm wsT OH EvnrTMHO


differ, amoog meo. Th* word*

■vbaa the v}*lvmof laaemlog apeci&c
laXBlloe wat ebaeged. go that r
atleoa have alaee be. n
ilnga a* reported by e
pocatiae aad oat upw the ca^
that tbe railroad tax levy ba*
drop '
nd Ifoxa about nevenly-tao percent:
p 1*C4 to aboal Iwealy-two per ent of
lhaiute ux Irvy lo imT. abuwigg tb
rd of tbe properly vnlae io U
tuic pay about oae t< rnly-alxUof,
tbe tax Irvy for
e. coaaly, bi*
and manicipal par
prnaertioo cf ttav aeeetaary <
------------oar aeboolt and th^ many
well a* local menlepaid by the agricai'
anie the merchant.

_____ .3


Aa an illaatratioa. had Uw of m:., paaaed by th* fii*t rw
pablieaa W^latar*. ^*ea i
boaa aompated apoe th* baaiaof oc
--------at apeo tb* coat of oooatraeUc
r caA valet ar Isveatmtat) U
troald hav* reetited apward* i
' rnimoiM of dollata ia place of
_____ taatan handrad and flfty t*^ —
aaddeUar* Mrompaitd aadarli

atitallnnal phrai
'o provide un iiMlf..,


i ».y Legatpl It
•Bde cenior. and
.od Bolivia
Tbe miDcmt pradaeu i

UlrU marry nt U.
No koira* and fork*..
More woman Una man.
Bice ar. Um chief prednet.
CntU* b email aa gonw.
Manila rni-At aUcirlelty.
Katlvea toUe Uriee diUly.
D wry baa* rabbit'* feoL

Manila waa foandad la II
Baffaloa era aaad for plowlag.
ftreUd* aommaad II apiaen
Manila ku *00^ IntoWtnaM.


09 property at Ita aaab
- u abedt
So** cqaal aa
Imreiiic ,i tinuxi.fxio aaea^y and the impwU.
-m. of jacl p-oportl-m.
•i.d tint of oniform
*■»!. Iron, rsrtlxnwam, hardilform nt Aur,
/arm, n.ltfiroilNp k
ia Wirrlcat telegraphy hni
^.Prefanw BU^, who h
e relga of Phillip I
«1M ^u hydr«^ tbr
raU U* end ooodaeiaro i.ow bat In
anmlor*:oroUerwike. aa ■*•<! b? ui I In IMS MnnlU wh* newfy daatniyad Ua air.
iegtaUUv. bodim J bellev. ihlTpow- »» “ -'Skd-nk* ^ ae«ml otham

V*l**dhy,u.< ruU - iwelr. *o byih*!»“ »«nMw*d toBpnlnby trantj.-J
iuMca mnat be apue caak valne - <*onot.
____________________ ,
o^**amloga^nM ^pvt*apM }
UneM Bam Otvna Tivn
valae aaarcami-nt, of property.
1 Ji |* hlffbly probaU* that vary f
Id a^lndin anald 1
If problem of aacqaal uxntloa.; gmipta u db* Oalud Slatm. eomparnwbrrobyoiwhalfof iu poop!* nr* aa-; ijr*iy apeaklag. know that thalr etmajmUy harden^ hg rxoemira taxation, try haa giMimlnn* la the BoaU Paciwkilr U* other half ar* prmelleally «. which might be need a* mmllag *(nW*D Baharad Mcrwaginan.
mot from UMrjnalp.,. ______
oaa In a cnspnlga agalnat Um PbUipTbaKerw^
not alway* cxiat Utotovy will la U
Om ta Bakar-aialaad and th* beat btoarafpa
repeatitMlf. A JuAa Brvini anil er
r teUoar
taallr laelt* the -rr~nii' whUi



Bother aai LB Bfallaad lac aa tba

tore, bat tba Bala thlar waotad waa Uiad of Porto Eire toatoiih Bade by

CtUr borrlad to Raatlaro aad they

Tha Parllaa. lha Aspbllrlu aad tha

^etoatlartbat they are M ImBBoaa.

TtoobJ^Uoa wUidoM coed

erere taaead today. -Tba Third lai


raclBeot at Maeoa awl Fifth ls>
atColasbaa.Min..areoi4ar«d «

laapof Baa 1

eaaaah aad Ftoartb iBBuaa of Kaw
Orlaaat ordered

tMopv wni B« Sent Korth M TmmX u Trmn*poi
Procured —Imnnnae Seat To Teke
Their PJeoe.

>{> to ua prweai.

baataatBrireatotbapUs ta hae

Paritaa. Llael. Field of tha Aai^itriU

Prlanof Walaaeialt Anerka la

aad Ueat-Atwataroftl

S® to at

be trmaa^orto eaed la Ukiec ti

laaa tbae lea Spaalal
road, aaak ordaatroyed. Tbi
let. aa rlreo. la aa followa:
Uaa reaaela, Uarta Poo too. Oaifadi
Parsdo. Joaa OareU aad Ceba Bapaa

•la, bureed; traoaporUOlorlaaad
chaat atraarr Porlaaiata Goaeepeloe
abo^ta tba%b"<n aalika- anik;
tr that Ibal pfl^ilftaceire our aolTba Asarieaa ablpa
rnU lam toe Joae aa; that saat operalioe ware the WIlBlartoo. HaU
SeorpioD. Hi*V Uoraat. Wi
rnym -eieoc* A-arl«
tack aad Uacaola. with Commasdar C
a^b|^)o that tba r
C. Todd of the WllaiortOB la com
portef tbaBBsWot
aaSar rrf Spantab aoldlari
d. Tba reporta abo* that ao daa
than h «raaOy anffbcatad. They
waa dona tba ABaricaa ablpa
I that than an aot'eaar tbin wen ao eaaoaltlaa.
al itoclil

troopa ibare. an! aaey of tbeac are aa
badly l^buaad aa lha .aoldirea at
Ttoy wfU aarreodar U
aay that tbe Aserloao oary baa oeco


la tto toastine tba affbt of tba pled aa a harbor aod a baae of aoppUn
to tbe dan Joan oparatioua a larf


toy witblB tbe Una of lalaeda Bad raati

atoatly enhlar oalalda of tea Je
a rood eCaeU
il lha pert Ja e«aoU*a.

Ibe bleekada Bt Sbb Jnao polot. twanty-Bre aiUri
from Mem eaaUe. There laa Bplaadid
icberare there.

wUla awanUpoomreUdoaa to Uw

The ootside la

aad tbta. with tba eoeatast poaod of iBall Waadi aad the eat

en of

Unlaaat boabardBaat. lortoeoa

Foorteae of our ablpa an

pa tba Spaalaito ia eoo tiBaal (ri(h t. already bae.
tt thara an aay loyal Spaalanla

Oibar eablet froa Arroyo aay tha


ftoto She tba ABoriem hare aot Oaearal Bt«>ka-a eooiBand land
haB. Tba amy baa baeo bare there thioa«h the aort under eorar
Ire of aahrapBel.

•liM a mak aad with tba asaaptiaa

hare atrelAod their dellffat
a are Amya. PatOlaa. Tabueoa.
aaUaaa. Saatalaabal, Adjaataa, ftaaaTbare


BtoUardatyat Saatlayo aa tot
M^erUthB eaa to prorlded aad
Wsalerof Bpaaiab prlapaan will
adBliwf andaetlep of tto yarriaow.
Alfa to Ua SpmalU priaoaere wiU
wrltoBt toaUayo ea Ua followlay
Sataa. Aayaet ». It. It. 1«. It and IB.
TWhlaaptoly u,4M.

The Aaerlcaa

erk DowatBaatUyoareaa fol.
lowBi Oathhia MO sea. dato City aoo.
OtHdltoehaaB l.MO. MiaBl sm. SatewaafM. VlyOaaea eoo, Ollretta wo.
lire tto. Total, t.TTO Baa. Thaee




porta are BOW equable to briar I
nod Boa. whkfa on tfaeSr-arrirel will

Palarabary Bed 1/uidun la yrearally
l« w ei» or BKJOey frBored. Booaerelt'e brlrade
:iad Inday. tbauyb olSrIaU drpre- (aoded. BuutoadbBret.
.reUebeert aad
eiau ata a at repona.
It la hoped
KBoiueJiTeur uiurau
that Ua arewr alaad ad^ilad by Ua •errw free. Addirre.
OR MlLEd HEOICALUU. EUb*ri. lod-.<
HarqoU of tiali'ba'.v dortay tba loal
Tarepa. Aaruil s.—Kiec
troopa areoo their way to Sjraaaeb few daya. wliK-b aecm. to bare alrrady
erratad aome aiiyirior Is bl. Petara- time I maw Ua c*
today to'embark oo treaipi^ for sUo- bory. will bare Ur effect of orreaUay
Uaro U reliere the troopa there. Tbe Ruaalao ayffmairearaa.
toaltb. The tasbarnad and bearded
It I. felt hare
troop ablpa Bio Orende.
facM ylrra Uem all Ua app
MiaaewaakL wklcb left New York yee- thatihr
craaonad and triad reternai
Icy tbe sew Chwaoy railroad aitao^oa taciUa whole ThlrtyfoorU rayimaot
ia Ua critical poiolofUa
an exeapUoa to them all in
The troopa. which are all Ibbbc
ftllnre of lircat Uriulo'a
a pbUey of of-haalU. tor wbtl raaaon 1 i
are the Third Oeorria reftBeat froB -'opas door.'
aUampt to aay. bat cetUin it b Uat

FimaaBall boat waa aeot aabore

eas to oaBtoUhly etobarhod."
hlartoa.ABynit4.-Aa a raaalt
ayanUrrlaylattar Brrittaa fay ColeMl
HwreU to Gcaeial Sbaftre ibowlay
• awful eoadltloa lato wkkh
araTatBaatlays lidBw falUay. Ua


asd IWtb

troB OolBBbaa. Mi«.


The Hie

rerlBcatA wUl arrlre tomonow.

altuatloD. Ua admiralty U preparisir

for all eaarBooeiaa asd will toos be
p‘> !.*«• ready to;B>ohil>u the sary.
Tbe war acare la aprradisy beyosd
political cirdea aad Ue atock markri
the BOBeet Ucoeial Atfer’a cable '
la aerlooaly depmerd, eouao'a beioy
rcoeired ordaiier tbe laataet reBoral ioeluded iu the daciloe. Alarmiat reof lbearayto the North, arerythler porla of Botalaa prepaiationa are -cooibaa bree artlelty at bradquartare. aad lay from aarermlqoartara, wllblatimadcre h yreat rejolcioy ■%Booy tbe tioDJ that Bnaaia ta dellberatqlj furcTunn-r rofarii xicHwau


fiaetlero do Cuba, Aaroat t.—Fi


uaaaporu here, ai* la

bare heea ordered V> dU-

larlly aaUra
Between tondoo end Rt.

eharye ihair ceryo^end prepare to , Peterabory bare l>>en mioopullred to

DetrelU Anyaat



are b.wa relected to awke to Ua par­
wIU a Say of usee. Tba penpla welly wklah b to yo to Ceba to Ibok after
eoaad iu ocapaBU. aad Ue m^or
Ue ilek nea is Ue Ulebiyaa reyiUr prieat delirerad Ue city
iste. Tba party a* compleUd oaatoUem. Tto Stan ead Rtrlpae
abu of Dr. J. O Cobb of the.Marine
boietedasdUe Sty waa nafolded to
hrepiul, Detroit: Dr. ♦». B. Lee. De­
Ue breeze. Tbe people cBeared e
troit; Dr. W. 0. Yoany. Ilraad Eepidi:
aboBtad InaUly. The. SpaoUh roll

wartl ed raatorlny tbe ermy aorU will lean retaeed to Sybt aad Uld doi
to hareied forward aa ^eedlly
lly w poeUelrarsB.
«a^t tba
■■can; l•eBrAB*TK■xa

Or. D. V. Stepbreaao. Port Baroe: Dr.
E M. SiftpacB. Detroit.

AU tto enr-


orAXAiio CAiymn.
WaUlaytoB.Ai>yaat A-It la apparWeahlayto. Anynal 6.—Late today
eat Uat UeyorersBeotU^loy abesd
. D. C. Anyeat 4.—Ika
Ue.SretnawadbpetebcaBe tolbe war
propceiirikdiet wUlyira faU reeoyaiUr
Oenanl Hilre.
tioa will to'aeccptod by Spela.
AIaaealattaen asd aoBBae dBrlay
r preparaUoBtara belay made u waaaa fcdlowk: rFcoce. Forte Kieo,

arvHhi^ata. Sereetary Looy
Ursw tba army of oecapatloB lato Cn••h la order that Uere otay be so
iBBsaa reyimeau are belay hor­
atware to complaint Uat Up
ridly prepared and treiiBporta are be­
panwaal bat
lay teat U> Sarennab tad oUer aooUrn poru to tarry Uem erer.
OUer facUpauat JO all obeerren
■are Ueoon^praaeeof Oaseral Bailer,
pepalerly mppoaed to be elated
AeU^ Bear AdBlral Hampeoa ia Ua
alllury yorerare of Csba. wlU
order aamad. and alao all Ue ao
n ai rceerU who participated
eeareUry of war. Oeoaral »:ral
atrsaaioo of Cer«era*i Seek Tba
■ eabeeqaeat eoafai'
----------------------------- rury of
----------------tIdfBtod la Ue batOa off ^ilayo. u ]*"•*•
at Ua n-Uta Beaft aad later
-labay. aadiaUeBOBeitHUBisre pireidaat
------ ---------------a aaceod riait to tbe White
Secretary Alyrr, abortly toUowad by
Hew York. Aarsst «.-A Uia dta. IC<»«-P J-H«ker. beariay lUU ebow^Mh trea WeakteAtoo eaya Ua war, lay where
ArpartBeathBao iu band* atQl aa-.

now are a»d where Uey

whieb arrlred at SyBoet Key. FU..|


■‘•‘•^.a-d auo u..

wlUatokaad'waeadad oa board

b j tirlty ia Uat Ua Spaabdr wlU aak re

tally aalBd re Uat of tto Eaaaca and fc,

aUUalr treepe froa Goto
a of Ua r
id to Ub re

ri wre laat aaad to traarpartlsy ' waa called ialo Ua White H<
Ue totaeeof Oesrral Baadolph'e anilUerytoiymdetoaaaUaye,aad watcoe-,
•erttoUwaheyeeubtefreUat pnr-j
AtIreUe abip bad dteebargnd W iBBaMreylmaeu eaiwt to belay eral


laball aot tall all Ue prlraUoat zif
the -petiente. Ueir expoaare
gleet. I will only aay Uat it la bat. lit
tie wonder Uat halt of Uaa are
^‘Tu.yinalioa here may help yon
lud^.taed a yreat
Uat ewe to the boepitel.
Bglaa. ■ ..runialf to hr iu ibr aao
Ike tempemure iaai biyk at lov aad
liodegreeeall day wiUoel food aod
batIUlle to drink: imayiae Uaa'Uat
yon are otaraome bv best and bare a
- teke

of yoareelf aa beet you may.
eally: io Ue cool of araslay. atruyyia
to Ua road aadrUaja Ua hrepltal
and than, owiorte Ua yreat nerebar
By ia.altbe aBse time, sot rrceira iDadiB'. trcatmaol for parhapt
alybt or tea houm, asd be cumpellcd
to lie on Ua yroDod or perbapa a rah.
berMaoketondar JOB asd aomatlBre
a woolaa OBBoraryoo. tor an ladeSaate length of liBa, aaaaliiaet aa long
aide of a-hill.
I two ce Urt« dayt.
Bterm. Itcama down in barreb. NcrAndjalwlUallUit.bat few hare
died contldariay Ue aumbar taken
aad tba ueataeet they reeeireJ
plooa. and water, all mixed with thander and liybtoiny. came dswa tba blU ai 6r»t dorloy Uoae bntj, day* jo»t fol
ercrewlae of the bill. wiU DSlVill lowing Ua capture of tto hlllio fruet
juat back of me. Whan It wouid ye« A Kantlayo.
I waa la thr ferer breplul frem July
to Ue point of Sorjia* '""r me 1 would,
w Jaly ST aad therefore do pot aaeo
rina np and yire him half of it Fonad
to exayyeratc ia tbe leaat to Bake the
my gno and bat hnriad alBol a fM
tale horrible aaonyh to eatlafy Ua
■a Bornioy.
fattldioua rtoo may hare a taalr
“If an American farmer could hare

i .

twt a WM tkrewyetft am *awrej|a.


BMahad 17*0.




ftfhtloy on fnrr'yti a
a* the f.'lioh
lay letter »hi.«» Wii' B.ibluvo. the
hero of Ur a.lerolere it a br. t'lrr ul
Mm 3uLu Um’Liupl of N.>r>ia«.l r.
•d'ba* mtny friradt aed a4<iuain
Loee* lb Traerrre I’iir:
Kaff.lo, July !T, 1V">
Eoltoli ll•rbX■3l: —The piuple in y.>er
eiclnily will be loterrated ie aa at
wbieb bappenrd on Niagara
real*t>lay.-ie wbieb rev friead aod uh!
.diale. WJl UobiiBon. of Milwau
ad Ibit life ip Ue r.-mBiuy

New and Correct Styles of


miM.1f w
waiting al Ue ferry doekt. in
In thr li
Uere U leaa alcko^ and fewer dUUa
dty of llim k itudi Sre nulea fruui Uuf>oy tbe Thirty-fourth ua aoroual of
' falo. for a paaaeuyer ferry « j the ellj
ueaa Uaa nay othv reyiseot
wheo a rmall r,iw .boat elartad from
tbe Ulaod at Caba.
Ue other tKte of
The primvy raare of Ue ferer thua
penore. a lady ■
iv aeema to bare been braaebt apoa
well nutil Ur tioy craft yalord
boyalroD expoaare to Uc tan durthe Bid cjjaooel where at that e
Jay Ue baiUe wheafhry were eompetlUc water U like white foam from
ad V> lay upon Ur yrjread Urooyh Ue
»prrd of the eurreal Uat twerp* down
day ia tbe bureiny
to Ur tall*
UobiBtoB had jotl turniit
ylrinya groat inaoy eooalruke aad fetu ate aad axplalord Uat Ur b.iat
lid »urely eap»it». being »o catt^
AllUatniairakr caaea bare eraatK-tely
when we rew that ll
ually toraed l-iuia klad of oialmrial faTherea--e.A atuiiry eaae. or hud beromr uniuauagrable. romr -e«
Tha lady dropped her
wfererin •ibia-nihg U>- aoldi- fietf'-'Diaa
■ BOet wool, b ira oUeia bellere. owreaad caught np Ue child ii
trow, aad io doing w> Ue. boat Bllrd
Aod tboaa who B j liar ■ it
poor BoUrr erird
>e yellow
any hariuoe danger e the
ao far haa Uken a « ry mild form at». f.^r h 4|> and rekrd thr crowd tor Uod'i
. aare her Iwuy: -but tbe cur
dreU i>a greater e'crptioo than a r>
la* terribly twift and It aatmei
corrry. Any who u... hare bad ma
•rtain death to arampi It. .!
larial or yellow ferer: are. belay aant
to the aUtet: where, 1 do not know, friead Will wat t :e only riluuleer
riak hi* life tu • .*e tbeia
With a fi
probably to eome boapltel.
a* wbllea* rearbel hr app.alcel to tbe
1 bad a allybt teach of malaria
crowd I > help boo. thro tore iff bi>
ir. canard by too macb work aa
bb i with a ynoit bye to
Ue patienu. All Ue ooreea were
palled to du too reach work to aboat
week, baritryto Uke care of forty



' ’

of tba IlfbP

aboard Ua firet ahipBrsU to Ua paet'twenty. four boun. by yoerrnby tbia fire Culoaal Baiu. wiU
hoae. OUer traaaporB are eBpaelad Best bBtlBCta.
tha Poarth PanaBylraala, the Ponrtl
Baplylsy to a quretloo Io Ue hoata
akorlly. Ith axpaetad aiyblaas will
CMlo aad tba Third UliaoU laadad
: remmoiit at to Ue deaire of
aooD be casreyioy Ua s>ldlcra norUle yreat powera to aeqalre, by.leeaa
Uajor Cortoe of tba Third llUDOla wa<
: olberwlaa. a poailioo oo the i’araian
Ocsaral bbafler'a ordare prorlda to
Bit. Mr. (^rziD. oader
Oaaarat Brooke waat aabore aoriy tba embarkatioB Aral of Uc Third and
«ary, aald that rsmon bad raaehad Ua
froBtbadt. tioaia. Tba rUlare Ar­ bixU reynlar reralry; Uea Ue Fual yureroarol to that effaet. Contldcrroyo waa toraadorer to hloi ky Uaa- reyular caratry and the Rooyb Itldera. ioy Ue mayalude of ite^reepootiblllOeaaaader WalnrirU of the ForUe prereatUe KlaU and TesU Uea. beaaid. UeyoreniMDltookayreUI Interaat ia Uoee watera.
wboio tba riUlare bad aaralry will remaie la camp.
All Ue
a UiBday.
teaU will ha left ataedlay and all exletareausy Letter From Saatlayo.
d Spaalarda
cloUiByandbaddlay wblehj The fallowing exiracu are tekea
aay bare potaibly bees Infected will! from a latter of receat dale
da Cohn, wrltteo by Walter Thirl
rillaya Bade an attack la Ua aiyht be dcatroyad.
■ bb frirad, C. & Carb;
Afirea'aharp sklfmiak Ue bpaaiarda'
Tbe Fim Br^ada of iienaral Laweaiarda}' the ca^iUla and
repnlaod wlUout lore to Ua to'* dlrbics. seder Geoeisl CbaSaa.
BCD Went to tba city.
Tbe bpaalar^ made a wdl ys oext.
A'.l who are aefferiey bronybt back aome' wioe.' which all
id alBBpt but were ayaia rapula- from infaettoa dbeaare will to left ayrrad waa Ua Sneat rrer taurd. ~
■oldiarabad ell kioda of .weapc
cd aod attaeo of -Uair aoldton were
istoer reylBesUwUl seat be trade or aril, but wa will hare coooyh
to carry and can yet Uem later
ahippad In Uofollowlsy order
hM ttanrad. Atk Ure* ecou to
lUiaob. Firet Dblrict of Celai
i^totte. bnt will take Sre bard
tend Ua harbor early ia Ue Boralny bereaty-Srat New York. NieU 1
tafka.-I{ rou bare Uem. It makca ao
BlybU llliaob. Tbiriy- iUereace wbeUer Uey are aUrer
ead a crowd of towscpeople. faatoed
^ood la what they
Ultd UlUlyaaandTblrty faorU Mieb- wee handlea.
by. Ue alcalde aed Ue priaat. came
want. Their knirr*. riny* aad jewairy
froa Ue town to Ua abora to yreat
all yo. Expect to eiart Uem lock
tocdieaa eiTBoRiXA

«maaO to Kaw Trek aa feet aa they,

ant to Furueae Mooroe aad 4^
oena bare: oaa baa arat tba pat
TbaoUara will peatobiy be
■d W weltostu we lewra bare
Tbh p'aee bai bat
pared to djacba-rnl aad .Uk .rddlar*.
aot to a qe»ni-.l>oe alaUja. bo
iUlor la rrry o»Bf-rtabla. ale
bal'ia welUqaippMl klb-haa aa
kuutoalaep io al airb<
Tba a-oqeiioce bare hare
bealUy appaar.Dor. are ao
Bcroea asd rcry .faslJto. bat wa
prolaetaa iroa (brio at alcht by
larya ••aoM|Bito bar
alabea ua.
biaoa about J:no'ctoee leal rraaluy
tbare baa baea oaa of tba aqulB.

beary eried aad bre?y tall uf rale
, ^rufedby UrAl tba and of tt»4cD daya Ibr Bri
tU'.B' Rwu-rallee RrrrlBu bo cwtala le
MIlBOf UiPlartUAt all druxpIMa are of ua hare-wU) yn w Taspaned ».
iirtcBilpmiialO for the am probably yo btoe od a alx muolb
‘-NooppaaltloaieUa laadlay of tha
_____ trlHt. prmiilM H doe.
Mra. Uenry bruua
of the wrll knoo*
ABarlno party waa oSrred
Thia latter baa tMchad
hlarkwalU al Crud Juucifcw. Ivn- aaya:
e 1 I
Oretaal of tba PariUe. with Dr. Baa- •1 n.irooblw) •IB alwiiinwwrr.. o, rruoa-.
eoBtlnaa l<
COB boadacb. aod trmdiUtlBn-iruaiW
aad Boaiya Bicrur.
acSeeUB «»«*1 alary l-f yean. I o-d
hlad Oblaoo lilaad wlU a lauacb aad
tor tbia tuna.
took aa prlzea tba achoooar
VxBJir Tauu*«
rtyaW«>awttbouthalp I ootuod lu lit.
haalV^Uurrra Flora.
wiw ^Mkeemt tH UUBei.lal of 4
nuilinlUrUBiut. aad rkloo llcapilal Cor|»
lady cured re aJ
All of tbaaorell towaa la the e
totbaok-ttmilady lire
part of thaialaod are aitreaialy ai
Satior'a Biav« Lord
ed n>a 10 Bw tiT Wire'
Nrrrloe aad brrrc aod Unr PlUa wblca
mr with Rsaia haa •Irmontlrel
reauaedow lOlewUa. l.-aaoot aayrs.i«rt ed Ue fa.4 that we here bad mao.r bu
lb the I'nitKiSUtea wb.>
Enylasd May Hare War.
au oppirinoily tu ahua
LoBdoo. Auyoaib. -Thalaaextn
1. tut ail brerr njro n-e .uni
diplomatic iasaiouaxlau batwacB
They took


atthaeanliWottbaABariaaaa. Tbaaa

•d Bewresl ShafUr^ Woopt

to FoDoe are ordered bank to Sabvia
to help-la tba work.

While tba Spaalal

troopa ware belor kept away from tb

a(2 aot a ahot baa toaa Bred.

to,<l^abal. aad UaayaBa.


a^ oUera are 1*18/ rapidly loaded


«MB E Btarer re alrepto


hooie aad lalaad tba Ameftcaa flaf.

-lad already left HaetUyo to tbe Ifortb

FreaaM pAparea

feaaa iKd.


oee tcaoaport wUb Sbafaerb ^dlera

Blto *re« bare, wbare » or S.OW raBarall;



dapartBedk rwelred word l«Bl(ht that


owea tta Kpaatodt are aapacMd u>





Mka tkair Am at^ akArboBlto, H aaeta m

tbare <rlB to

Tha laadiac party waa la eharfa <k

tha aUp.
whiBftoa. Aoraal S —Ika



Loedow, Ao«wtt >■—Baeouiaremaat Ueut. OoBL JaBB E Balfridye of Ua

ma4« U> mny aactloa
•bout suo kick efllotn bbA bbb.
Brin41wO«i«nI DaO«M ww

^ m(MT tmurofU. »bl«b


Bra aaad to tba beat of tba aaotbare

Oor Army Oontioues to Advance at
Porto Bioo*

Me*brth«AaMrfcMlR)a»s«BtU Ui«


QRAND TRAVERSE HERAlJ). /^^TTSt 11. 1«Mbatar iBwaaea froB

*ir.-ucw ..11

lit l:il SiHi, .Sir.'i l



I. MX I lini;;ivi‘ii nn- Iiy I nr lli<- Ti)'w-t o >lll]ll>'l^ i.inl

Arrival of a car
iiiuairliUfUt of

ctiT uJi-tuTi ii:ic|. r iviii- r.«if in Tni' “:vc- I 'ily

1 liuv.- nluoa tlin- aamtrl-

im-iit iif Market and Delivery'WagoiiB, im.l .•.niiinui' to UauJIe

tliHi are no t/.-ll ami favi.nil.l) known.
I'nrticiilar nlii ntiuii in <


In tlm Empire King ami Empire

Queein Spraying Pumps. darScId Kaapeacks, etc.

<iii till- farm ir I<> U- liml nl iiiy rlrirv.

i-xattiiiii' niy C‘*.<ls In-fnri’ i.iiri-liNrim.:

M.«i nv.-r) -

(^iiaiily c»uiiitli-riil.

] am |■r•■|>Hrv•l t-> olT.-r BargaQBfnll nl ■lu'iiLi lim-

I>c. not fail to


iqjIState Street.



TOi Eikibitat Traverse Citj, Thursday, Aug. 18.

Money Back
If No Cure.

What more, can we aay?
Clve this Sarsaparilla a
fair trial and your drugglat
will refund the purchaae
money if It falls to accom­
plish wliat ia claimed.
This means a positive
guaranteo of the efficacy

J. H. LaPearl's

Great Allied Shows!


" The Kind that Cures.*’
I the water of Ur
mod looked back for
aa iBBUol bl* face wa* eorerml •
blood where be bad ruo agaimi at
obstaelr- The bret had patted b
bat heruiBudoD if. the crowd f..)!.
iivr faim dOWB thr aborr. - Oatebiog.
cad of the boat aod naiug hi* fr. I for a
rodder be turo'd It. a* It wai
aide te Uc current and llab e
over toy biibcoi. but bi>»lriogU wa*
*Ol*uffi-irot k-yatfar b'«t tu artu.r,.
and to tBreiBghrr btek to hi* !*.-■- and BIQQER. BETTER, GREATER. CRANDEH VI***
tceorlng* *ur«,b >ld of th* ooil»r of
herwawl will, hi* teeth. Irefin* hi*
baoiUfrre. be at tried to »wlre with i
■KARD. dtoavne. noVAi.
.. .Ttie aycaT'.r.
the BoUiraifl child-/. »h. re. koow-j ..aaoBKijm or» /waicvei-«.. ' inww omtgw" merewoema
’TjtAWMrriB ..
•....................... -..
ing Utl her ho d on- the baby would I



foraacb tala*.
reporte half aaecUoaberr be would baa mill­
ionaire in one year. Would like to lire
Uat Baiare’ Briyade. FoorU Ohio aad
be hi* ooly hope, a* uUrrwIw; abe,
bare Byaelf. AD wa lark la food and
Third lUiiob. reptered OuayaBO yeatroold ym.p After
r. After a rale we bare to b
adreperau- alruygle be aai-Ar-Klad Inj
terday, after a allybt aklmteh with and atrnin the wntar, it yeU ao dirty
gB.Biogaballow water wbrr*'wilflVy*
“n'ebaraall Ueabarpabooteraacared
tto oeemy ia and abost Ue towa. Tba
banda were rr* ly V> b-lp hire to aboee.
or captarad. ao can yo alia-wt a
Mr. Eiblnaoe ha* before tat* d-»oowhere
d it aay of UcB a
alraied bla br*r -tj mwe Uas oo-e. al
“Will tell yon about <rer trip to
rwrelan. Tbe
one time aating a iltlle tin from a
hrepltal. Went iu asid yrnaas f
terrible dreU. Hr U a aaiKfui pilot
*tnmy. Pidrate John Cordoec. woaad- oteo. tod tawooe felloer abot Uronyfa
ad below tto koae; C W. BiSaa. boU banda. cooking bta own alBaer
UrIrBB.of M
woanded la boU leg* below tba thiyba: and aaffrriog terriby. Aaolbar lay
Cal-r..U. T. Blam:.
airk. aakioy for M. Of eonree Uat U
W. WoleotU riyht foot iojared.
bBtlliny men who
rce article which we ncrar get.
Laat Sod R.tet.
______________________________________ _
have BO place Bad bo
None aarfamaly Amndad. AM are of bat Uere waa a anpp'y for Ua akk.
TbDredar Brire^u.uB Ur friroda -f fcV A ZOOUMICAL PARPEN BBOUaflT TO VOUR CtTV ON WtgELA


He waa rafuaad. while they had^il on
tha Fosnh Ohia Oaa
tired fcelire* and fUe BOfunanBte ilrory
their own teblea. Poor tarer-aUickcB
aaied. two wooaded. a* tar at ksoi
for Ue
Best “off-day*" ITiew«d bia familiBr fre-.Brr*
U te wcU gu out
■re lay Oh Ua gruusd uonotteed
laat tiree nl Uc aaciuiu
A biuebloy
Nawpon Newa, Anyott A—Tba by tbe doclore.
I funeral aerrux wa* brid. wbicb
••The Bed Crnnt S jclrly cf New York
traupon Maalteto WiU Ue Pantoyl
! 44**Bdod byagrenlUreng of fr.rnd*
Mr.W'a.F. n*tr*B*. Mr. a^rt Jahurre. rtr. Harry Rlcgtei. n*«w Hwry UPtoL »
aeat out 3.000 botUee of lime jaicc to
andwrelebrdacw-of tbe-dccenard. Tbcaeicteewa*
raaU aaralry and. anlUeiy and I'olted
tbe aoldlpre. bnt it wa* told a
^lldBcteo by U-. a.icy K Wright
Stitre Bail to Porto Eeo bat tailed.
. to nSijere, Michigan, we
any ftithcT. BejU* elmm>nimre aarroeBdieg
iladcr of Oeaeral Ureafa ex- tonnfout. erat re tzbaceo. bnlwebaer
*?ir^TTi I'****** of U-- Haddow Bade the ae.
rer reeeiTqd it.
padltioaitaim walUay to treatporu.

uabtu. ipartacn any retbetie.
-----“Yon weald lanyh to tec bow poo
recuTtrd to Ibe depM by a la
aTAto APS atnim «t eax rrxx.
noB* of Ua VT* are geUiar. «ury*i
... of r.uTr: TcBreT’C. I
New Yorh. Anyeat &-The Bemira
to Sreby at CaBp Eaten, aod ooi
led by Ue lioya' BanAand fol o
aay* Uat Ut hU cluUaa arc twice ten larye to bice
long Uoeuf earriayreSilcd >
atjnrtoerdan that Ua Looks like a Soar tack
A* Awreai *1 ywcrertw creeirteg
of pioC^! owirr. eSrr crrfday to* wkalto
--------- 1r~*j
••W*i.T*a TKiBiJir
miabter of war <Wld not focea-rreiaIHt* eppeUewfflbcihaTinwd.bre Urre ,
iarlrerettd.biadwMlaB wreayUened;aa iOrata.
laaee is Porto Bteo to Ue ntmoat.
Letterftom V«tUb Thomen
Htec Ml re hi* whole nutritire or----------iiBiybt.A EHter allaated*-.* I
Thk a n Ua iretlyntleo of Praotlar
- .............. ire which dUCi
8 Uereatine Statioe. GdyemoBi —
' '
idBeretaereo! tb* AtfiBB
K ya.Fi*.. Aayn*t,S. lift.
Seyaata. who deplorre the
r diacaaca. wUl be drirre
MoBxiBB Eai»>Bt>—It wi
and b.*^ yiiapteitty
Itoof Ufa..kaowiay Uat l>one Baao
CMipBny M eocanirt reach
wUIenetItebly fall late the hand* of
often Ubb u-ord from Trnrerae City
Cbp'. Oea. Maeklat hna rrebed orrethrr bat M ■»reli«''
TkcR ere beeCrere
ArbiWre ■.■■■*'1



■ la yrret to Baatiayo. Protaau are hoarty
>,W Ue
luabacB iaatraeted to oStala ts
the rerepany U a letter B*y br «t
Tbaphtoere la trareportUy W
a«a>e leiereit to you. The caspnoy
Ttoy elalB
obtained by 0*r TtonL
hhd oeppIlM to Freto Kleo.
it b reB arerly ereiy
that 01
•etorereSpanlU townr
^•BofSeiaUyto Uc war depentto reliated aea Uat it did Bneh n* potohla.
UlheSesUacowMaUrtod ee fare
MtotywlUoBttonaytoeaelcM- aot wato a yreat deal of difareare
Tto Bataldb Facto IhD ndrlec* tnj
OytoJaly MIb. which.ia ihn IM

Quea, m LioiiEss. md im fmult of roww owsi
.tk 5s—




iSb., TEeBt. Tic U fttBL FUiLY
IlitIhar'i Jiga*** Trt«in I . ...agasafia-jagw.






: w tMMUli ot swmma iliowe>






I Traverse Gity, Thursday, Aug. 18.


First Engagement In Philippines
Was a Fierce Conflict.


Praak Parha aad I ma aaB i
ehama. aad get aloag Baaly.
Lora aad beat wiabea U all. aad f
glra my regarda to all my. t


vs bmdam itetotoad wUh aay
part of Uito deb*, ahe will gat a a

Two hoadred Spaatoh Hm Ita hare
amtatwd a ilnmablp ct the Pram I>yUtoB.maekaal
Mi—ar Ihm, thraaga the P.
aamplagAraaktog trip I erar
We bare to work toe hard ao gat heaae.
VNaUagtaa, Angeal S-Sew
eag hadafBO—eed thaUtopt. Ctoarlee
m-t write aad toll yea ill t would
obotwbee I get huaia. 1 wUI
apeadmaayerawiaCB lelUeg yaa all


ah>rp imaal, aad It may



ul. hM bM


oomaaai «t th# |U1m^


dair. ffobeblr tbe eoaanad of seaet
uat B6T} rmrd
CapL Oeeper
OoodrieboitbeilALaale bse bM erID Ube tbe' Neavk ID Bn
CbftelB Bvher. who will T-nini

HwDto OifeoM of Amorloaa Soldiora In Fm* of T^Mo
nro From Art01«7
Mmnwr Bifteg-Dld Nbt Tield
An Inch Bot Sroro Bponlsh Book With Awfol 8Ua«]
—Torriflc Typhoon Wu Bn«lns DtuUis tho Battlo-Oon•nJ Oi««B FndMd Hla Men In HishMt Tarnw.


... .........


tWTuu.laplM<ot 06ft. Jeha W.
PhlUpe. W6J will .be aaiicaad to aborr

SfMUiisb Loss. 300 Killed. 000 Wounded—American Loss, 13 Killed, 38 Wounded.


8 —Tbe prrn

deDlflBisl/stBiedlodar-Uwl aeilber
Wn. J. &766 aer Otoear dmUea
will be fins a bUea as tbe peace

Waablagtoa. Aagoal t —The a
ad Spain to tba Amrrioaa tara

too. . Aaraat ' A-Tba CallDd peeled at almoat asy moa
caller OraabBa arrierd
■ tadayaad tha brief prea* dtofaalcrdaj from tbe fall of St. patehaafrom Madrid atatlog that tha
tmwrcoca:^- Bbc came from the labA.
iBbcbaabeoa-aoiar da>7.
m rrbat baa bacB loohed
bad a fair Irtfoll tbe mar tram the
weaaaealmtaatioaof aegoUatioaa
t«n.doD. Aac> a-fbe Sfoalah fo»rameol hab uM Firtb A Uoa ol
tibettrU te aaf^j H with MO tblrtaea-





glaah oak
b tha midat o( a ractait IrfbooB mod
a Kamaadoaa dowafov M mla. tba
aaamy'a foraa. mUmaied at maa.
aibnm aad a aarpriaa.

.Piekeu wera

iriM laU lha traoahaa aad MtatUd.
TbaPeaMpltaalamaB seeae Slaebad.
balabtod ihmr rwaad aadara wltberl^«ra

Tba Pint OaUroraldaad two

aempaakaDt tba Third attlllefT wrre
•aat ta ralafjraatba Faaaajlraalaaa.
Tbaanamp wwa«a topof tba treoebM
wbaa tba rabtoaamaata arHaad. KaaI



eifhlb IIIUioia.«elerrdsTalr7. Irfito
Yale for UanUafo

rafimeol all eolored?wltb oLrod o#,-

Tba maa raa right

•f b tha atlariilBg Spaaiarda aad
■awad them dowa wiU ragalar aollaps. Tbe Utah blteiT. aadar OaftalB


■aa fallad thair gnaa tbroagb mod
aba daap. Two gua wt«e aaat aroaod
blbaflti^abdpaarad laa daatraetfif aalladlag Ira.

Tba aoemp waa r«-

fabad BDd Sad ia dkardar.

Oar la-

• -walUar yrdeca.

Sha wlU iw

mala at Nearpori Newa till It k koewa
wbetbar Ike ahip win go to Spain.


U for a call



of tbe oacer. of the ambamy
M dianimloB laal WoBamday


•BBraryaiag waa la a coadlUoa of orpaetaaey.

SaeraUty Day went to At-

loatle City tbit aeoalng ta iola lira

The bapa raaliie that the;

imanicatlOB tbtomorBiagi tba in-

bar* .kickrd np-a dtaurbanea. aad (araoea Selag that it wat Spau>-| ra1 tbe goreramrat Iruabla. Cbp
Tbtol* not eorract. lor ap to loar
oflelal laeeft’gaUoe of OB-wr Sargrat. o'clock SpalB had girea no an-lal in^
makea no preteaae at coaceaHag bit Umttliwof beraokwer to aay •lOAnar
high oplaioe of Sargaat. and taya InWaibihgtoB.______________
oogbiaeterto bare been
too Boa barred Sigabeato friradi feel eery aore that

Waablogton. Aarcl s.—Newt baa
a.—Tbe balera joat reached Wrablagtoa from Ha<
aqaadroe. eoaiamaded by Admiral Of a rrceet tatoaodiog proclamalioa of
amoeaty ia wbieb UeMral Ulaocc bac
made kooira to tbe Spaatob people of
oaed 11 tbe bat. aad tbe order to atari Caba that apaio bad. IBroagh lha ioter^
gtroB aa aooa aa it appeara that eeatioa of foralgc powrta. been forced
ibe diwracefal Imae of aaing for
SpalB will not accept tbe eobdllioBa of
peaa. and that tfa.-rr' would br no
aad DO fdrtbcr asr { ir aolAdmiral S
« will bo la
Sad tba Sret eomaaaeded by Cbmars
explaioiar Spain-* Jefral
aad dmtroy it. When thie baa beet prvlamati-io li-or-mi H *fic ■ ioforaia
doaatlwSimeWi eaaat ciUra nuy be hi- errdulow* mrdrr* that --palo li rrlag
aaff«r,-d w> moeh io the. pmo-ai war.
A part of tbe Sret aill
eonld Dot rrakt the lalrrfrrroor ><f tbe
proeotd ttroagb tba 1
BKl go to war with ail
aad will Jcia Dewey at Maaila
eooBWir* at oara. eu ahe wa* enmpalled

IVoahiugtoo. AaruM
Alger bar.acnl loalrortlona lo Uraeeal
Aradboaad a battle to axpeeted.
Sbaflrr -dlrrrtiag ^im lo aurk tba
o’cloek, bowcecr. ootblag bad bcea grarraof all dead aoldWraat SaatUgo
raedead of any eegagemeat la POrto with atone alaba iaalcad ol wood, ac
that tba graem eaa Be ideatlScd wiui^
Poace. Porlo Bieo. Aagm ^8. tia St
toonaa tha coedlUoa of thd-aiand the faellltea for
homaa. AagaatS.—^be meecmral of
tba Americaa arav M Saa daaa aad Uno win permit Ue bodleaof Uia aoldton bariad at SaBlIago will be dtoArccibo begaa ycalerday. aad the beiaterred'aod brought lo tba l-oited'
gtaaiag of the aed of tbe Porto aieaa
by way ol Artlcataa. -r»

f,«ndwaa laat.battkaaaaaaa la the

WaaUiagion. Ae/a*t 4 —Tha pra*l
fblmtoB. Aivaal 8.—Tbe Fraoeb deal to-day ba'd a aoBfarapee w..h

|ihaor. acoompaaiad by ■; TbiekOM aad two mew wMbdad. Oa the
might of Aagaal C. tha artillery waa
bto saorrlary, eallad at tbe White
agala raaawed. Two maa wwa badly
eatto'clorii Ula afteraooa aad
waaHid aad aacaral tafortrrl daad.
haadad tba Spaatoh reply to patea
' beteglag tba total dead ap lo ll. wlU
rrmalo the pratUaBt
tdmea laboBfllal. mwlaUy hart. .
After tba delleary of Uia reply of
Tba SriUak wmaal report, »wi SpaaM kiUad aad aad woaaded.
Spain lo Uw proaldaat^y the Preaeb

Tae ambamidor bad made

Tha rapnrt-irat eurreoV daring
WaahlBCtea. Aafeat a-The YoaBile laeidcat ia ereaUnc bo litUr tba day that tbe rmbamy bad nreelead

Kot «a lock of

' tlUary: Tba Diafa battery eoolled. aad
aha ar.lUary dari laated aa hoar.
Fe^apSagatar. ruatOederadv. wat

The aama wai tree aa to the Preaeb

lleiBBUIIafartof Ihecaaters aqaad-

lUBpalratoathaad. Ia taa^daya at
After being laadtd ^tbey will be
tbe loageat. aalem all algae fail, tha •bippad directly to tbe late bomra ol
eeaied la eatca wbeca tbe frlead*
•eUre tolaad of Potto Rico will ba ecao dcolra. Otberwiaa tbe bodlei oi
eoplad aad Baa Jaaa Itaalf rcdaced'
tramaaa ma aarar be fjtgoUaa.
be aaat to tbe National eemoiery i
Tbe belief la Poaec bow to that tbare \rllagtoo. Ve..oppoaitaWaabl>vtM.
Oari^.lba Saabaa of tigfaialag tbe
■aybaoaaortwoSrbia. bat ac
Amd aad^wooadad werahaaa lyiag la
likatba baule tefote- ttoaltapa.
Maad-iod watar. bat aallhw Iba aleSret iroopa to moea today ware tbe Heeirrry will trmaie la pimmaad of Ibe
oed aad Third I
.<atie*qcadroo. btimaae of bto meMB «aoU Wriag a pcolrat from the
lUBtBDce with tbe Pfailippiae pro­
maaabd. Tbap ammongad tbelreom Braafa brigade.
blem. and hto geaaeal ability.
fodaatoa«bvaad hmalad over Ihew
tblagtea. Aagaet • -AcUag Aa modore ilowall may relora
te tbe
. aartridga balta.
.aaa atatioo aa eommaodcrla‘
DBfhw tha Bight tba Spaalah BtotaatJfargaoBBomlgoI Big RapUa
aaaaia wara saaa -nplag away tbe Mick., baa ^ amigoed W tbe See- chiatof aatroog force. Rear Admiral
Sampaon wRl aadmUcdly ba kept
daad aad woaadad.
Tba Aamriaae oad Ualted SUtat Oaeelry at Vm
aSoat. ellberda cximmaad ol tba NorU
dlea Ha)ar Bopkiaa aararad tba^
lie or Raropraa atatkm, ad U»
and of Iba PaelBe atatioa go
Oa lha Bight of Aagaal 1.
altber to UnmiB.clore Wataon or Oom'
ww raoewad. bat tba eaomy made
« S-jbley.
hbaauaak with leaf raaga baacy arMbdid aot iBilow.


badeoaf-irTodwiUioa-iaU bare alaee
Waablortoo. Aucaala—Tbe Y<arB-

a bp tba work o



Tbta ia the oolj-

Third artfliaey. aadar CUptaia 0-|Iara.
MathlmaaaM ba aaea bat Baakaa of

tipa aa to Spala'a maawer

da; for Kew York, to taka ike ateamer

for tbe rigoraef oary Hie.
U#BiUaaUaJalylt>ad Aaraat s. la

Dari^ tba day tbe atatr departmaat
bad Dot reeciead aay direct laforma-

there aay lallmatloB when It

iadi abella.

Srarataiy A'grr. Saeratary Lchg a >d
Amtotaut Secretary ..I tbe Navy Aliea.
wblidiprmtptaetiao waa Ukea for




Rhaflar'a army l-om Caba lo Mnataak

Sllgabecwaaaotmtde capialb of tbe
a to wbieb Copula Bariue waa
today appolnud.
Hera Laitar* from Saorlago.
TbU brigirt.
twodayeag-1 by Hr. and Hn
W. HaaUDgtfrem theiraoe Ralph:
Cuha.daly 10. t-iM

h *IUag Sn frith tha amat latrapMMp.

Tha mrn^ m ataal

Prmidaat HeKIalay'a noU atada ao

a af Utodobbto
madkattag a Sallar at u'|UgawtUaa.Utoai

We leaded here oa the B-ut of Jaly
ad manked fi Wa milea to tbe froal
leaame algbl- Talk ab ai ghaai
algbt>.» 1 dldB-ta«e*ome boiTibleoB.
that alght; The read we aiarebed <_
cry narrow and wbeo'tbe male
> eame aloag. we woard
-I ap oa Ibe bank, when
looked done iato tbe faeea of
woaaded. It waa dark bat eaa i
eraUairghaatiy wbil* facet
U toraed toeard tbe pky and
orer ererylbiag Toward a
lag we neared tbe flrlof liur: tra
poor fellow Kilb bl> Up*, note
pperJ*wabotoff UtMrd to* (oeak
ol eoald not otter a ward.
I harea-t aald aaychlag ab->ot tbe
drmd iMdiea that wrrelyiagaM Ibr.'ngh
enoda. Tbe d---------- Mpaaiar-I* gei
ithetraMaol •buol tbe Am-ylfrom tbrra. They ra -w-l pariieo ;
Caia with tbe nfli-rr*.
eall Uoar fellowa that *h.»l lr..m In-r*
-akarpUfloteea". and when Uelr gaiU algblad oe a peeaoB hU jig to ua
III* eery bll'y arooed S*pilagn aad
« dig treaAra oa tbe top aod grt behlod them f<w abellrr and do oar flrlnr
from Vhrre.
Tbe flnt olgbl we wrte op Ibe flriag
liar Ue Spaoiarda uiidr a midaigbt
attack, aad you oogbi to hare aeea tbr
befleta (allleg all aroaod u* Ja«t likr
Itwoald'barr »orp-i«ed yo
tee Ue look oa^beboya- face* of
ipaay- They wee.- ** abite a*
ebalk bat Idoot Ulak I errr aaw
•r looklog lot of bt^tin all my
Not a word wa* *p-keB. eacepl
tbe o-den from Ue uBIter*.
The trouble 1* all orer oow la Ibl*
plaee aod I don't know wbeae thrr
eod 0*
It* ha* b~-o reported
Ural we are goi« back to Vmeric* If
weauyberrtwp m mlb* loa^ we
all be dead. Wnu- to Wa-bingtaa
AprMi'a Xkciiii*u.
Saatitgo de Caba. July IT.
Well, we landed aafriy aad

but thi* b tbr b.Atrat pla.-e 1 C>
Tbe weather na, pretty rarm. bat the
MTPaaarouu af Boua-l aappo*
bullcU wrre a good deal >armrr.
a wrmderabd keep lookieg tw a lei
landed at SiBuory ia tlir aftrn
tar from me. bet we are cooUaaally u
and marcard all algbu f -r they i
oo iba mo*r and I Bad an time fj
flrbliag ai d oeoded at tbr wertl <
writiag. I am well aod happy aad eo
Wo maiebi-d llll foar o'cloek la
] >y erery miBule of tbto life, bat of
isaroiag aod atopped to g-t oaf breakloakieg forward Pi tbe tlnr
feat. We werr two milm Imm the firwbra I eanaun far the old Uoltod
aad at half fw--l fuar they
SUUa aad b<w.
nprsed fire again ao wr buaUtd ao.
We bare been aapporliag batleriru
aad dead *by Ue baaaad K for tbe pan flee daya- but
dreda tram both aUe* It waa aa aw>ea we beard of tbe aarraadrr of SaofolaigBv
we euaid not atop for
tligo dr Cab». ere e»port-d U. more
the kullrUacdLa. 4a were fall
aod Bare eaoagh. wa mored abuat B>e
tag like raiD. Some of <r*r rrgimeal
eight aod a-r mow ramped
woooded but -pme nf
« a mOBBUle fnor mtim from water
Tbe wuoda were fall .of
bad rdgbt milea from SasUago eaal of
abarp-abuoierm who kepi firing away at
'tbe city.
- Lin nl^t abaat T e'elock
.Oar boya hart drirrs Ue Spantoh back
all tbruwii into a great auu of excite
aboat flee milea. right
meat. lor we .
tlago. Tliry Lad ukra a big kill aad
all off. aad we wrre to be la rradloee* tba Spaaiaid* were down •« a •oiaUar.
. Wberr they ahot hlgb. p'.aylag Ua
aay mioau dar)ac the
ebirf with our l> ly-a
lerUe brow
the hill Uat
i J* a great plaee. the ellmaU
weal orer aa. an wo gut OOt allr,-. Than
Ay h-il. aad wr all aa
more tbaa aoylhiag riae. the we m*rebrd to the le': and gdng
aweat poariag dff a< eoBtlnaa'Iy. Bu­ tbrongh tbe Taller tUey roaU
lba aarroaodfag* are great palm tree*, tbrvBgh Ueir glamra aad 4h
feroa. raotl. aad all aaeh troaical ragi flaakopaoed Brace a*.' Tory
woaderfal. aad tbaa aocl. Ueir treoche* aad a»-1 »t
Mrdf aad aaimaK
The groead i* pawdrr. aod wr could out ee t
fab*y alire with laage groaod erabi laid down oa Ur aide bi 1 aod after
lUarda. ebamalrma* aad aplden of ol awhile Uey tamed Ueir
BV aod thca Ur abella brrae
daacriptioo*. alxm and *bppaa
at aod <t got too warm 1i
kill qalu a few taraalalaa aad tear
rare morad bark aeaer
That algal wr weal back
The ralB to a terror, poariag amrl; Ue bill.
t fno'.ed
eeary da^.tbao. tbe ua beaau fertb bov two mile* altfT oar blaekria
aloog babied. Ulkleg lo *eme of Ua
ter tbaa eear aad tha groaod aiaama.
leded and oar bor<g»iqaite a war*
We alaep la wet clotba aod ksrp m
abead of me Whea 1 got to tbe rirct
■oea. lerr>BB> bb'^ BaU oa. aad oi
I ak^ped to fl.l my eantare aad one ol
asaaadbalUbyoBraklaa. We am
Ue Spaaiard* b-yan to Bre at ma- Aft
: Bred uaee I g -t bebio.l a tree aad
Whea i went btek to my roll attar
a t* look for hloL Pretty acea
laarlag It at the flriag Use. It bad keea
him mere ia a palm tree abcct
lad aad all Uat waa Irft waa my
ie away,
T^ wear whn
laa blaakat aad Ua raober ^
Hy aeeka. underwrar, ooal.*a*p aad all e>ot|iea aad yoa caa aee them q-i|i
Wr aSot iwior ap eee at ra h
my litUa triakeu. laeladiag my lobaeoUer
tlir r rugS ridr a
au peaeb had beea at >Iaa. I male tbr
! ap aad U-a I got -l .wn m’ Ur
otbalf a papieat aadaoam well
aod fired at blmaralr. aad woaBdBard for pr.iteclioa from atormv
I •ap^me y.ia worry, worry all tbe od bim -Ttieo we all trad w him aad
Use. bat If y-We-al'Ioee bow b*ppy dowa became Theyweeito gat bto
waall a-r y.'U wo«I la'i w i-ry at all. beloagtog* aad 1 went oa to catch tbe

I'olat. Th^oatareoer oeeuplad t-o Wedna-taiadlbewbixxiagof balleto
h-Wbirof Uritoal el. aad we
aad tbrra waa aa fnformal grncWathlagloa. AagnU S.- Seerelary amhamador. a maatlag of tba cabiaai tal preaeotalioo of tbe aaeda of prompt Ulak BOtbiag of tbe btior- boom of
large eaaaoa. Weeapeet it. aad kaew
ealird. Tba mtaata ot tbe doe«- aeltoBaadof meaaaat hand
iblgarragardatbeHaaila Sgbl aa tba
to wlUhear It. Ull thw Ulag to orer.
>t boweerr. were of aoeb a aaiaiv lu It waa Baally auoeladrd that tbara
hattobagorafaaaeal aUaek o. tbe
Tima paaaea an qaiekly that II to dlfl.
UmtlbeeaUBalabaJlaUIy rafated lo
Fhll^ftaa aafllaL
uidlL-teat eraaali ug <ti ecmat ealt for a* lo trl wbat daU it to.
We all ban a lot of gaard datyudo.
glea'aat any laformauoa whateerr.
BOW tor tbe parprme. IVbro tbe
I hare boas awake aereral Bigbta.
■aw York, AagHta.—A Haalla aaU: ramb.-a gaanto hi* arcral eaerad- maatlag eaded. It waa oMeuny a<ated
op oatp-Dt datr with frtm 4 t
bia te tha Woridaaya ioal bftar the ly. aad tba »prealatina aa to tba <«a- Ibat tha aamtow of eeaaelf oow tbare
eUrra. kaaplag gaet loaded oad
kattla Q«Me»I Omaa mad thb ad- laaa at tba ooto i
-adrqaau for tba mmoeal of Iba! aad eyec etralaed fur the aoaad of
army. Tba dtopalehi-ot troeea boms' aSpaaUrd.
I g.-t m> Bit par mmU bat haes ibo
lag from Karoptaa eoaroea. wbirii may
stripm.oamirpaousatbey ■
biata from Spaatob oStomto aa b
uasTTo M-nakanaa.
off by tba brtara aad boabe* bare, bat
fa aag^d laat alght far ibair gal- foBBdaUOB.
atlago./>irmt « -Tba Spaatob I am "Corporal P«f iaat tbe
. iaairy aad tha akUl dhptayad fay tbaaa
Tba Spaatob Sabi bBOad aa iba O
maodor'lD HaBi*Bino.~am>ediag eorparal brre bA* te work
la npaUlagaaeharigetmauaah by
d aa a probaWa to a report broagbt to tbto alty by
kaid aa a prieaU aad to raepoaribie lor
aUtae.iUle mtodeeda of hto aqaad.
lattoly aapwiar foccaa of Spaaiardt
-lag fnetaf ia tba aaawar. The
■at aa laah of greaad leaa yieUeil by debt to amid to amMat to SSU.QU8.aan. Ueoeral UarrU •>Ser|ng te aarn-oder|TM
that plaea te Ue Oahaa* if (iarela wultfi-im
I waa d^lad I i charge of
Tialb riaaijlTBili ii' Umh
AboSlsis&.aou.uMto a Kmriag
■ to g«> after watar.
allow tba Spaatoh
to m<
tlllary alilloaad la tha traaebaa. A meiader el tba lacanwd la of tha ehy wlU umr armt
pw-teet ball of balleia. eeeeral
hMlallaa a( Iba ThM artUlary aad lha
UaBcra] Uarmah army to ma-rhlag
oa aolgula. aad lha Cahaa leader to raAIM ragmat a« OaUlanM Ulaatry aadlag la lan.
•aaad teamrd te thair tappart thi

»*«>T8d. *

UeSald boepltol toga tato tbe
-boapitaL He orraworked whil.
toUalaturplato.aadia aauiriaami
beaamr akk. aad toracarlT four day>
aalraud from a bard attick of maUrtol
ferae. Bewrrer. be raecraead to aad.
teal.eato ba able to geoa tb*
part Saattogo and atan tor lb.
(Jaiud Bmua
Be taya that ampl.
peortokm of food far (be atoh wa

Waablagtea. Aagaat 4
Tba Mlowiag latter wat Treaatly reoa b mrd tbe tomv bat oo oaa wa>
Bogaerelt baa wriUea Seutalaiy Alfar. aHred by Brat Needham from bto brotnbar. a member of tba Hasaab
adrialag what trtwpa abeald be aaat to
ftleo. and drawiv mrmpariaoaa
Appealed Bia Oaae.
Oa tbe batlleBeld. SaaUago de Caba.
betwaaa bla Iroopa aad tba ragalara. Jaly 18. ItM
Thandty afleroooo JayO.wi
aad tbe rolaalaar army, aafaeorabla to
tmaa RBonka:—I bare wtobrd a eoarirlea laJaatlee Urowa-* e
tba latter. Oeaaral Alger ratarBad a
loomad Uma* aisee my arrteal Uat ateaUnjrl-i^ Them
I. who claimed owoerahlp to
atmgiag rabakr. adrklag him motto yoa ware here wlU ae to eaj'y
ceetaia k>r^ along Boardmi
moU tha aSccl af gallaat aetiee by hto graad araoery. Yoa d-m*i ae*
barat wood*, erarytbior being a*
aadbyabam of plala aoldl
to Browa Bacd Cooaot I
gTuaaaeabotboaa. ia Ui-hlgaa.

wb|eb pmee may be raalorad wi

, August 8.—(Special.) —The reply of the
Spanish government to the peace conditions laid down b>’ the
. United States was received by the French ambassador this
lorenoon. The pieadeot later received an indirect tntima'
tiM that the reply was at hand, but no arrangement was
made for a conferehce.
Washington, August 8.—(Special.)—At six o'clock this
evening, though it was generally believed that Spain’s reply
> had been received and translated at the French embassy, no
delivery had been made or arranged for to the United States.
■ A^the White House no one profess^ to have seen the doeumMt. yet iu contents is given as a tip and the word has been
pasMd that the note will lead to further difbcultles. Best
' posted officials belietx tbe Spanish- are up to treachery and
Watson's squadron is being prepared tor the Spanish invas­
ion, while in Porto Rico no move has been made to check
General Miles' advance on San Juan, where General Machias
and bb bloodthirsty daughter are preparing for a bloody con­
flict for the honor of Spain.
Madrid. August 8,-{SpectaU-Thc Liberal sa>-s: "The
government accepts the United States conditions and refer­
endum, believing that it h not authorized to cede territory
without the vote of the cortes. If President McKinley objecu
the cortes will be convoked this morning. A fresh nae from
President McKinley replying to Spain s reply is expected
.cluring the week."
The liberal expresses the opioinion that “certain passa­
ges in Spain's reply may lead to an exchange of cable messa­
ges o( a critical nature, possibly creating fresh difficulties.


WpUitnaalmBea mml.
aadamieM. torn. Sly. had thay

iacted Uc-caae tor Ur people aad P.
Inert for Uedpleodaev Thaeaar
ippoaled to Ue Urckit eoartKaigbU Templar to tbe a*mbe
nearly 4U0 are Id camp at l^rng
i-raiMk Moat of them helot
tbe riiot oemmaadary

oUm-lourmta lutarnd to tbom which it
t*ao«n«d *rill be offaetd by the ^mIkm af tat Hirer la Ue Celled
bUam aytmnnm W rrri«*r etmdi.
aad relaOnra ia Hriio) fa-tbe

Throw Away
the Boot-Jack

ibepireffatoiiif Uabm
u: ; -r- *-4 <rd»gr
Hltar bats
l-b-iearmay Irtauty Irmed Mto
w.-uld bMbi- Bra bod BMM impcfani. fl-. c.< tbi- ml- pliem H a idiailar pcdi-y in Uw Cuih*l Statoa.

aod thoe heca rad get a mdt of
Lewi*’"Wear-RfaiitoB." £m to


miUentr with, gra.aal waKlittato here
ia Hru-u a, affm.d and iaflacmird by j
iu waiugp >ya.oi
aod fally
reTeallbcfcmadaniai. UiBmJ the ad- ,
T-*ain> id fn*- niiaacp la Ur Cniicd
Buh-* o> awtsmpd-an. whl^h flod oo rx-

raody-to-wmr aboca made are Ua

Al. LEVIS ers

Late*t mamrn

*T*ry *bea.
ulvar pR-railed. Tba
rUuu* trtorrvd l-> aniTiiii llm na-fa a
■yOr-r v.mld faniidi aa almsdaot anpe
*r. ,h»( U w.aild (Ml* a
-aitrulaf curb <apply wiU
wbiU (Im-o«bb>-b la-niplt w-mld hara
11V and ctuecU-ei Itini with
•yatem. aud that w ilL tb* will ma at (oUew*:
Ir\* nnugr .4 uItt wimid iune to Lrara t^ Hlmioe.
onr cnatitrj aimr prrali
ludepmdimm ‘
Klk Rapida -.
whah it d-v, la-i at i*ew*.
tile P<
Uarao:d Ulraloe ..
ly rapply.
Arrire R*kl Head...


lAa*e E**l Head ...

How It Works Hardship to tbe
Poor Wage Earner.

mm AT m

mabibt taltjil

Ira er aratoleira <be I nee W Ue «(-hae

.. »:top m.
.. S«ip.m.
6;*6 p. m.
. *dap m.
an dinrtlr n-Uleil to tbr <*■
• top m.
(TOein in •-[•ntitai beer a* to makiBatwill
abodat-'lv n-rtcia that Ibey would arlotel Wkillag a
<'«n|ionvlb.-fav •■.pinagecd
ali-c* wbisril touyl.: ad.n^rd.
-W*a^.t ii ii.V«:
[irw iit tuiM-audba* U**] drriiig bratKa*! Dead cm Ti
- - }-rar» la ,-»lrvn«- ni'-d id ro-*"
" day* and 1Satoroay*.' f--r
f.i Ibr d-nrl ipimtit <d brr'gnal1 fmit
will be tokeo oe
. Uanog Ibt* lime •<
uural a
•g Pralaacla *boer
la*d Ur mil
• if M.-»tr.i hare bi»-n,
ni>imu-u,lr u
Heine Ib-'ir ,iatiajl i-f
ail%rr Bu-l' tl
liavr b>*-u u|«li t.. Ir.-r <*11
rirraUli-iD id ui'aM-y lu> i
ud tlir gnc.-rumrot and lb-.-

DB. SPiPiiiEi


= New Departure!


Tbm- I* morb ia Heiim to pUam
and iuKvtrd Hu-t-ian-i auil tran-liT and
Bicm- tbal will n-wanl auil Kralify tbe
nadivt uud 1-m-r . J hn4< ry. Alttomcb
w^aiated al-aig it* a-cfbmi
frieu llw l-|iiti-d Stall*, by imly a oar■duUur rir.T aa-l imagiaury itTritonal lim'*. y<f >in aalike tb* gnwier
ri-pBl-Ur ba* t>*p
a il> iiieboy. a,diAiiK-i
bae l«.Ti iIh'

if tber-mulry, Ite v..lanie and u* >alo>-.
Tbe fa*- i^iinap-. f «!>;* in Hen
■>-> .-fli-.-l ind.-t.™iining .-r.uaBiimig
ab.1 Me .air-ni-ww


Dr- .A. n. .Rpiaory. of DrlroiL alaa
Need City KanUariaa. la
ETl"-town, wb«c le will
rabd wbor.
ffnly to girt 1.
<-T--r Mtob a **>t,-iu uaduplecl All blew: ••
:y lo cna*ult bl

binilrml aad euilam<w*l' *The doctor
ho B
byUi- flaetn*tmB Talar id tb.'c-oma- erperieoce he ba* h*d so trcaliog
ry. bat ll.i- llu-duajem aod uie*-n.-miir ebrooic diaea*e> that be will gin m
Imre bA.I -1 larpdr t .ih- priOl. id H**-- i “<«>“> • trratmeot aad medmlra free.
nlatnoi oud •-'
tank* (4 Me
it thu
th,-tr iin-r-»irypalint willstateto tbmr frieada
ftw-lujti-r> iu lli'-we.**tain taior
reran*Obtained by hi* trcataieaL
<4 fn-•'■luafc--mm-in-y.
;aU fi>rm*of cbr<micdi*e*>c* and d^
Tbc-n- ■•.wd 'm--'thir<I U^uu-maitd fors ira trea'-ed. Ko man ia (Ua
bat had »acb rxtrndrd e«pm
rtti-uUli-m li-n- flir igc-b
T tilii.rili-* id lU l>-ifde.
ID the treatment of CATARttH,
M pr--ii|^jn-

bms. (be alter .mr*w^ .4
MjT year, ago from CteetUBd.
Inwing, a. ll rood, lb.- day l.i ibr
_qe,*l praoI••|UK viu-eiMi>]y
pirbwr, (4 Ur *ilt,T maiLit. bual-a tier; aftrr (hat lectarrd a* Prefeatnr
V Uau bulf it- (wsD- r talqBrtfae of Anatomy and Phyaology in Detroit
jottiida <d tie-Ul'-ren aui Miuill JTclu- Homruptlliie Medical College for S
1-audiiL.t. <d diU )<iriy
b«e. |b.*vby ■alu- iiw 111- ir wapw Jeart; was 3 rear* Superictrudeat «f
diTilUl •-li«-t)iu virii.d^ M;
pffdlt.b.lhmdim.1rm»eit.tit No Al“*» *■><* VpaJUali &nilwamt.
tgrai bin rt'tnra aim-iuiu**! lliat be wa*
in.m- ilien ni r naivta.**! Uat tW tab-rr,.. of nur c*iBniry d,4uaudi-i
ad-ilHi'ui in tbr l.'uJli*l StaU-> id mb
it Ur
.d aa , ^epared him Co cure when tbe gcaerat
linciw’iiil tiu3i<-y ae U'-aini o-iw i*aw
ly Ulm4nib*t b-1. in M.-aust Ji ia In I practiiiober lalU. lUre yoa been tick
<-e..Ur fne uu,l nalimlual niuiagr nf *-p, id U-tb Ibe g-nnaae-iii luid . for yrar»? Are yea diacoaragfdt
rilv.T at ih.- rjtlu id I« to I. Thi. M«i (Ih- I—Ido. lie- >iIv-t iniiM* >4 ktesiiNi, Cailand teea*.we will tell you orhelbcr
ad-.piiiic (rf u-bii-b ii

parpw tiiai alial naidilxaui B<**«aimay
■wira e»'xiia<*ii »i:b tbe frw.- and
liiuib-d oainagi -d alter at lartimlly
Ibe nanHiralliiUTiCKlaodikmmudrd by
Ibe party <t trbtub b--1- tbe *i*Ai*auao
and liudw givin |*i**«jt aod pmciiml
Toloa toa rapdid ri-vii-w <d tbe fr-lify
andomdiummbrrr. tie- rdeexvaticai .d
uhb-h »«n. to ban- a.kl-d b. Hr. Brr
au'« Amro for tlKir ad.^gnai in bi* own

i nrTyoo. wr^will tell yoa whal rcUd
ah..nalr. l au.1 di-l—n <4 *h«r .ml- |


ib will he

- .*dMraic*>findmiirL.-t.f.r-*o*,,Ciil , o all who arc
crthcwl* of tree
all Ibe ........................
achool*. with the a
im-*. lucki Ue «i|tit pndinwr* __________
^ .............
oibrr r.mninr.. fan furtlur tbaa that jil electricity, that mo*t wooderfol
" agent* la i’aral]
Loaa of Power,
Mrxn*>i>~—•*>auo|,;,att)Uily w ad-lf'i
diaeaaet of U«
TBUtage O'# fully nLar.<l by all r-ldiw**
-- early, aa aj

................... tTIu‘?b5rC

...... *3 .

ami etobanc-il l.-tai-mi «>rh oamtrba; t>1.r*w*c*ir4t» etraeraem.
at It* mirki-i Talm-. no atleotimi what- i ',;3V,;t^4'i;LJJ‘irTii‘&S?tma£na5
ever b iug Iwid V. Ue rumag.- amatup- Bwl-i’i

Uetn, wbieb (b* frra cuinagn ayaeta
dum aiMjamticioablT affrrl. to tbr a-rw.
ml iadiMTto!«»-«>. to wbl.h Hr.
Ikyan bimo lf aUadi-s and to Ui-*Ib.h
p-tl<-(-laiiuemadi->iT(bradT<*3aea<d tbe
Inw nod Bullmiud eoinagi-(4 adh'iT ID
Ue I'nited SUlie a> lumparHl «lOi (be
peai-tlcal opiTatl-a fd »a< b a rpdi i
Hexii-o. Tbb«gb->nl tbe ,-ntm- An
*iw id tfal* qai-rtliio no the paut nf
adrnuauo cd (n*- wirer there havr beis

aacly a]ipmled.
wbum Uey hare o
aud ngtaia inb-rrate wbk-b (bri^ bare
ccmfldiatly tnveied woolil be fartAUr
ami Mbw tnn-nwia wbl<b w<mld be an- ]
Cartgably aflectod by tbr adiifilloo <4
Uelrpnllry, TbeerrlairaaBad amertl-ma
art- is gira; part f<moded ap-m tberay
and amanipci'm- The aapmasoit Uey
trek !•• liarr luadi- ba* Orrer Irafi aap
iidart‘>nly w aoreuaefally made In U*
bia<itT of the rivilixi*!
UiTvfiire iminetaat
a* tar aa ptamible we Bnb)art
cUlma to aocb lew. t4 ei)<gi«s
In Merdmc

<V-i.Ttaio.d in Meri.*MrltH.--blua.i>ur
wnald a I*, lo Ue Usiit^ S...„ if (be "
„ ,jfer a writte, fnor.
latuir esmotry UooW ad.>p( Uc fn* ;
eeery c* ef Pliei and
wdaage <4 mItit Tnj.-laiid and Ura-' RUPTURR. Al*fi>. wr t ire a lyiag-lS
.._.eai •> oar SaaUari
many aad Fnuue aud Ibi. uIIut n.-nu : hospital drpartmir Juaraa
Inea <4 Kan-i-e hare niiin- lodowsUlium. Bead for
eta-vnidac-Mim td ml 11* tbaa bar* tbe i
-------- ----

uU any aitreaid
aiCMBid to __________________ *** ””
•iilyjrnSt tbr-iisU
gtrcSnitiotUTBlni' tuailvir bulli<m(g|
Hirer ads
ado aud | r Hi.
dit. twi.
ton. -at
at Ue ea-;
—m. ■ i-_
A ftirUer airampriim that a bmlUfnl aud belpKl <ia.n>e i4 letdtAi'Si li
affwikd Unmgb tb- fn* aauagi- <4 ailfloda> Du •eal-tiniv Ul (act '
Uexta- ll it
Umu duable p >c*w w Ue imnhaw-<4



Cheapest, richest and

uu iortva-d prim- i. Ur much
; best' for csttle, h(^*
nl pndccHmi aud to U-affmdrd by tira
HiTT It apidira to Ibt t.« .4 tnr HI shoep EXid horses.

Todeanupom-wareadd. Ue mawdoabl. pnnetolbafaal hOU86 aOd mOhe rOOIB

Uitabaii be mid that Hexieoaiid
Ue I'albrl Ktat<w are too tar apart la
aaueqaeBCTi oad cbanetouiir* to per­
mit <4 each cnmranamia being fairly
fa!^ WlU U>e* wb-. bare alaan ftt WfiCDCr HuhIiaI, mnfl
made <w to allow «4 Ueir pnraraiiig oplemd U* bmu. far-eitm pTAniiTa
a mro
a rrrtisactiral and prm-ut Tsiae iu tbr Unit­ ayxriii >4 Ur U
Uniud htatra. lu ed StaiiD i-rra wbtai ao nidBr. 1 *riU ba. b.*m to pi»* all (be priflub:
<m!y auk that aarb a peewstatioe at I dBacnraof Hextm lu (be tuud*'4
ahaU make Hsail br raodidiy aad rai*eatn-t/>- pererty of the
bnya- We got btok all right aad hadifallyo
---------------aud Use iaab.lity
„ty tobrysu
jaai gel aalUed dowa to al-rp. a.
ly ialinualMn whkfa j ntbra tbaa aUiuaUiir, >4 L-am baying.
fralhrr bed, bcloa a robber b:
wiU Ue *ky for a r «•' when
b-t#«iuinBtl-m >4 Ue‘faat-r U«m tlu-rraail
tboagbl iheywoald eatoh at aalo-p.'Important ll -real atakr.
Almom ersy
| <g b** HUw iu Xrxlou

of fifty buehelsor more
C17LL BEAKB et 80o
per bueheL

rigs c^taiSH. aud figi*.® ouej«.J

,b;;|^m;i..riu wTr!^^

t'l'-mI and }a
Wa Nrtlcual (be p»»*« limt aiH aoialr faUnra^
lr*d-uf tbeio aad only obawratk* .4 day by day 1
killed Bra k<
id taro woaaded periraoe. wfaab-rrr Bay be
me pretty warm Uv* at to appUcalwm cl
placet bat Ilia all orer oo«, fiw Uey wwtb ancthan fnsnlww based <a

bouse, west of a. R. ft
L Depot

and drtaO.
Faucr F. Puwm
Uty (4 Hextam
aadhilrer minea aod tere lad tbe prtTll(«e<4 obamrlagUe Heglaa mtoan
alwok is tbe depU* <4 '
iwr* bwaerCiiiw* la law ..aiat at (be ' PYma tbe mlam 1 bat* feme to tb* raatl*wradl«»Ua-rairatDU.-lal. I
------------- ■rtyaerrmmaajwwd.rrm* hare oiBgfct toaartata M to tbe pnB-

ThM6 piiceS Will COD-

tinue until Sept 1, *98.
Cull peas ground«nd
mixed with’bran make


fall bettor la my Ula.

teootly raerired aud ktodly •
*.^M4ra>.ie bar* TiHtod wtxAs aud tTiom

BrmslBE s pscUl^.

;Blii,3IIFnnSt, EM
j Cycle Works.

Cbsapest and Bast reltable plare 1lo got TOOT bioprie repBired sad
pal ia gooi rsuDing onlM-. - Have had kwml pean mpsrisMa sod
know bow it Bboold be doM. Sati^ac
bicTeie Mtadriss at obo«t east Kew aad secood ba^ wbsab lor ask

sadtoMt Ptess«ctve«atribL


w BBWrttUB l»«.

The ladlB of tha We-qao-loac oiab

liiffcrtte party fieea at tha ela<'
hcaaa Friday aeealDr.
Abeat atel.i
r spIneBicypI'hr reent which wa>
tha Beal ebarB*r<it (be naBsat aaa
Thaaprer«har of the dab boat,\m»pimWrU
eorrartlr clalBcd aaaaaateblbbad
prettily d.-roialad fee thececiilor.
ton te aaay lloraef the pnbUe
retaaaddraprrle* er wtlef aa air of
I fllalB that la ateattef aasban ef rafort aad potted plnaia laadlaf a’
r-nad atlraciirenaw.
TaUn war
aar atata leftalatara aad aiata
; la thb dlMiiru auch te aol vba
Itericf ear eatl'o alataboori -ar hate
elnted StM Boathera of tha lower waa farabbad by Bobort Priea, Wllter-‘
brapebafoaralalal^blalara. WbUat CnBpball aad Mice Otpl'ola Tadrr.
I.ITI baec baaaeaa lerai Bra. aad obI.t Kafrwblaf paoeb waa aertad darter
If? hart baea claclad for Bore thaa the aeeelaf. Tab b tha drat ef a aarin
rttei to hr rlrea la the dab boaw
haace Bora thaa Bee-elath«
ataom aad formed a pteaalar be
that terra aeaiber of boaee

Tba “Marry Social Mtea.’ a yoatt i«ar raamt lor f
tedbB'daaeiBrdah.willrieea daso<ar party te Hartaarb'a academy tbb baea haaa Bota
Ir . aa far roomoveatef. A plaaaact time b aatidaa- at tba larva ham b-»*l tC Hr. ate
Bay tbaa ->.aM >w aaeoBo
Prof B E Wartoarb will teat
dated. ABeaftbB-wh-. aaa)»yter
aw tba rauwa daadar taaaoa la bb tha Aaraatdayntea “ ae* dm HBtl
lay aad teraateaa. Ur. J.. .. nue aad
naadray ea tec leth ef tbb bi
family aad Hra Pratt - ■' .< OhUmfo,
with a boa. Thar* will hb a aarb
dt anjcyaVla partiao. ef whiak that pad a aPBhar of ot
hath* tint.
ABoaldeltrhlfalaM. t aWrtalaid Aeoiaatu at Inlaaa.
rleaaalthareai • *cMrday
reaalar 1a the fora of i
t latead Katarday alfbi. ra"ThaMayoref BayeUte.-- w. :
rraok 8aall«T of Chiearo- liahnaad
ad te local bite, aad waa fall of hrifhi
with thalr toor eblldree aad Mrc. h
aoBtaBBd eateby aadc.
aaa't deter aad haihaad. aad brotear
frem OennaBy. who are eUitiaf thaa,
Oood Baae BalL
bad ^iteadad a raUfloo* BaeUar. bdd
Good baae ball waa pteyad at Uoaror
by two ddam of te* Latter Itey aatate.
CoBtn bptweee that Uaa aad (Matba B'lxbary aabool taoute te DieBub ."aedny. Mec^ Ceetra wleelec
trie! No. I. aad atarled t^ ratara boM
hy oe* raa. Oca eapectelly alee doable
te tbdr wafoe Whllr craaalar tea
puy wa* Bcd* by eaicblaf a Itarr
a, a tittle alraaa
teaahler a baaa raaarr. TLrea t
Moaro* Centre let the baa*** ret fall

hare beta oaa term map.
Ia teb ahaBtortei dbtrtel 1 hare traeed haohUilp
ly ala yteia. whoa te l»« wa Aeethd PraaePpilp' enj'.red b t o-docn teoehOharlac Maaiaot MaaoBooBBty
aoa te a anrea Bear her hoae y>e Weat |
•rontor- Darinr thbapaoeef thlit)* Baadolpb nlraet Thamday eeaBiar-1
aU yrari doha II. Hteadikt. of Nawayre Tba ramu aejoyad nmatior sarabIty. Wb. H. C, Mltebe l of <1 read ■Bollnwa arncad a biaflr*.
Trarrraa ooaaiy. and Archibald Bat­
Bird to daoorata the
ten ef Charlrvoii eoaety baec reeeleed lawo aad tea areav waa a ebarmtet
terse earb. wbibt Cbarira Mi
•rraa«.- aaA b baanl apoe o
.ae B. W.lkar. Hath C. Moffett,
lb B WUItemt. Ueorfa W. Ball.
«( tha Jadfsaat uf -‘trlanpbaet Ar-<
I. U. FmcK Waller B
manay.- baa almap oalraa tha
of bar raaat. Mba beda Stlaaoa. rU.d tbe aea nut twa *troar «oafh 1 MfeMwCanlre.... I o * 1 0 0 I I
wall I/catltt. It. B. Wllkli
>a erir<eallf aarrared by thb at•rbo haa b**D apeadinr m>b* Ubc te ' to ralM tea boa they ociild all beta ] <^*ter Kca................eluioltti J—1
IteB M«n. C C auteadao aad
tbe city and who will laaer for her i bteo drowaad
Help coon came, aod ! Htraek oat. by Aldrich It; by Ayraa
aa to approve of that oblch tha ptOfOa Uwirra !• I'oeell baec all beaa eee
cuoe Monday^
j ready baedtaMittad tee older esca te 3-. hy Bawkla*. 10.
Wa aaasa that oa aa a pe»- trrs Bcc; tear tbe awardlar
Thaladiaaof tea Wa-qtwteiir Oob ah«e. bet te tee darkaeta It wa* bard
Now Moaroa Ueatre wlah«a to ret
bar of ellbar V___
of .w.
the U..I.
dtalc lefii aplaaaa -Aoao wroer
arearranrlarforaaotbar party te be » tall ■ban they all rrere. aod two of more ramm. and an.v team wbfatec te
WhDa it b ratiwal to balboa that tare aiore thaa oae eoDeeeatlee Wtb b
re a data by wrlllPd
a,piny teem a
rieco la tbe dobtoam'Friday eeaoiof., the *
ftaatar obduBdoalb ia Uaa afirafatr ter eniwpiloa aad oot tec role.
Florcaee.lnclnan care a a
Tbarotore eomuBahoold rltlAap•f alad ihaa la tha taAlTldnal Bjlad.
that a pae^e ara laai Ibblatocrr port tor a accoad or third terwi bc^nar eejjycble teiaiblr party Monday
wban Carlo. Mr Ma t .a * larf* Wack
taraeoe. tbe rant, belar ioelted
•a the aUc of daapoUc retlen tfaas aa of ae raubltehed luaeedaat.
dog. dateed ieto tbe water aad dragtad
Mm Wood ot MnnI.We. aarl Mb*
Traeetae Oicy WarkaL
the caaa of J. -W. Hillibra. bowaahUloaa B>oaarcb. aUll ibaoolceofa
ki te* ibore Ibi- liillr ttirea-yaar-old
teedaetof bbbaelite b.onelaet- Aram ilieb. wbii U. home'froa liari- dnugbter. frightened, ganpiag and bnlf
for a kbort rbil
ha raranlaA aa bavaa adaeaater for the airrr fneUoeal por­
.................. —

drowned. No
Nu traceeonid
trace cunld be found ot
of I "^i'. I"' and fann prodaet* in Trar
at alau adnlt, •rtlb tion of a tbr».J think, nhoold Dot be
A on Jkb.r of r-oo? Ip-W^ »m «<-Joy- teo baby, wbick bad beaa ihrowafrom ' ese Citythat ‘■fraat «oaaiaapU la aa- eoealdarad of any welfht aralaal bb lag real artoe life at Lamp "Agup- lu motber-. arm* a* the wagon want
Boateatteo for owe fall tar 18.
formerly koowo
tleaaan doI dalersiliMd>r arrami
known** tea loeatloB *»„. Tbe falhet fcnticallr .oarcbed i
ot Oaup CbatU-r.
hr foaan arhbb nearridr tbeToUWhAt It ABWnCAt OMtlSTf

tteoH >IUi the
h»»» ipmeeA. b«l I
tan te ntalt lha (olloiHns tI«» «t
tha <«l7 ol oar tUt«ao)*a:
Tb#Mtha>lA»m of war wbbib baa-

efBaa.*- We mlrktaddibataaeb
aSaba aia terpad tha laullifeal tora-

<»U teemariem Company M. and be- pj'nnged into te.- water and cangbt
IliToibol ■Itea.i redijgotaWe a nameibaek object dating pnat. bol
courage te defend «be i premg y, be orlr one of tbe »a*U

Ht«f aaa'i ia-ada.
With thaaa Ibowrtita hafora aa-tl a
tapaaaihflltr of -area tha gnaitax of
blefnDHi will Woo the way l
atalaasaa to eeatprehrad tha aatore
miral Prwey. UrDcial Merritt aei
oral Hllei. tentraeltec teem to
ia tha
kbaa aoUae of what mar eoaallaad AmbaecaPiaaidrDt McKinley
tala patriotia datj, partlealarlr In bvodnrCamtea bee* agreed opoa a pro!•arfare—it b
rill b* .iffned
wbicta will
bofaaaa aad aoaalder tha poaalhU alihnclgateg
b* canpeed(aalaaf a pcdlerot tarritorlalarqebied. It Ub proclrioael treaty and will
oa hr tha Uaittd Btataa.
Ihb foaarafDt la aDlqaa. ItaUada be te fiToe Belli te# tmaty te b* peep Bolat of i avrapblca
Ul aod f
.It b <
4a#iaa hr the eoahlBad aatlsni of the
alaaelt b aoi peaalble to.
a^ea of aar aat of eeB.dlttoaa wbwb
weald aalta tbeaa poiren afalaat aa.
t>ab OWB latarMta woaW praeeat
haatUI'r- Tharafora
I aoald be but a w^lec:

»"—• «-*

haap. kaa haaa teterd oat of alcbt
>^'a rvwarkabla eletarr hai crowdtlda aatlaa teto tba proap
rate tha rar'B
aa laarpraqatetlaaof tbahalptero*
' lUaad beJap to aaaiar aad deUelap, hot af tba boldlaf o'
am liar ataUawa aad polata of eaatari
te t^ wirhtr atracria
who attewp to indtet aa aoartter of
ftcM aestaat wbieb b Inomlaf ap l>
tba piau of tha datraiar caatarrlar that the wrr'd b propar
ter ter aa aphearal that ahall warb'
teatwatiUathwwIarr for lulcflicaei
teaiteatter the hatoau race, b it aei
torteal to halUee that tba AmerieaT
Itarparpoaaaa tapahlk thaa aa aa owplra of d
nwr paltanad after tba awpli
SaiapaT If wt aet liba
whaaatedowa dUtar trom klardoew'
the oririaal and aaiqoe
Mdaaatberraataatef d

Beat wUI leealoe the dolar aa alharr
aahoeTBieeof all'tbai
haa pBa hefora te oar butorrTha daatler ef the Uoltod dtetaa b
theta all ri^athloal. W.caauethoU
tba ter Uaaef theaaa. aor area th.
Vaat Udtaa, (altboarh eouUfaUr raa
tera tha tetter Bura tanalblu) te tb>
iter the Biaad raea o’
ABrfUaa te taate. tUtei
thoqrn or teral<)^ Only attar ere
tiaoeUoeBtlo its fall-

Tha aeat of Bcnlr boMlac the far
kwar bteada woald ha taaolcal. cosatraet teteraal art
» teereaae the wealth, aad at
laotelj the a
lader w aUl
I datteelMa to aU tea powen of IhKteha.
Wtteaaeh aetata of deillBIkBpthMwa woald aoBaaU aa te
wall Jaatlfr aa te procteimiar >h<
tertea te oar aaUoaal plea.
Tip doBlatea of tba aadariar aatioi
Uttel cioaof tec tweetiMb caatoiy
■Ul ha haaad rather aa eplHlaal
lifter Boeal powar thaa oa drannlw
Wa hate tea rvaeat of tbb fraat taub.
If wa hat Iteiaa to tea eOea teat b
raaref battle or ter
That ere ahall

; Men’s Suits.
Boy's Suits,
: Children’s Suits,

Ladies’ Skirts,
Ladies’ Suits,
Ladies’ Wrappers,

RKUAfil.K n«Y ('.thtliS. CABIT--T ::
I lyIiYl>IglWI
ANlt CM'THlXf. IIorSK.
Tr-aV-eroe Oiby, Md.o2i.


_______________ ___________





!: g for a mill that can supply you anything from m
“ Wheat, Corn or Oats, drop us a line arid-we will j
, try and interest you with samples and prices. ]

m of e*mp life.
been tejured by ib* fell ** well t. tbe .
^bw ' ^............
Hosdiy twrulog MIc* Id* Jobeeimof | water.
Ur. Uu’/nn and oae of the ,
m K«et Front eteeel cat in her parlor'cbjldren war* ni»o i|uite liadly hurt. ■
a f*n.7 pi low *llp. when j Bcerytbtng po**ible for teelr ear* aad ;
I about III of her friend* xarprljcd bar camfort wa* -done by -the Delgbb.«a, i Wheat, old. peP bo....
Mcoad by repmeentetiee. of tee ♦wo';;;;*
and Monday tee little babe wa* laid ' new, per bo...
klriec ano railflml by .on.UwiloBa'l
foUedwmfTbn —ay and tan. te re*t-tetbe Intend cemetery.
Tbe’^JJ^’'^ l.i»-rbn. (oi



Hannah & Lay Co. I


accident w** one of ibr anddeat tbal
kM 'occurred la tlixl rrgkm
. . In
_ a
- long
.... .Hotter^l).'::
_____ and but for tbe prompt aellne ol S'**- P“r dotr.
tbe biaee animal, who .bowed a baman .
tetelllgence te tee time ol need.
Bight have reMlted in a doable tra-

When Summer

No! Base Ball J* Summer Reading
Season is Not Over
for Summer Days S]

made a dcBaad

ll-r u„. Sanim-r f
mock pik) cnj.kj j..urM-ir.
IVftlH i-iket lilll.'ll

All tl-c Ufrwt Ni>kp»i»«




rvitililillc il.

Kit; *b» k.»fl»ni>cr rover.-.! •)


; oiv,. >..n 1..I. .,f ol„.:,o, 1
16 to 25 P-r cm. nu- S W-k.M 6 «.d 1* CoU.
MnkincN'- iHl |'ri.-.v. juKi • count on all Bhll OootU.


good condition wbefa it wai exasio-d
lait fall and teat tee accident waa '
partly doe te Mr. Hair -<e'* tael driving, j

.2 i.iiblielirHl.


Been Wheat for Sale
I am prepared .to take order
refretbBeote were *ere*d Indoor*.
limited quantlly of *rrd wbd*'
Landlord and Mr. W. O. Holden *n 1 •
«o'den Ch.ff,
aa* foaod la tbe ta*k. ae it wee
____^____ _ Tmveiee CilV.
tectaloed kixteen oo«rle at Park Plaur
denaaper bokhe). Addmw
deemed eeacotial te cover reeqf point
Tbe *ecnlng "P* »P’ot
V Itk cneb fcUeily of expiBaeloa i
in playing procteeelee bean* wrRb the. ’M }l
Mrs. B J. Babbitt won the tret
ladie*' prU*, a Wedgewoad plicber.
while Ur*. Jo)iB Hclnvwb reeeleed tbe
F**Uritle*al Omeii*
>Ulkm. aehteaacapdU^
Evcrylbliic bee bm ea the fB
A HcNan
OmcBB of-late. aad therB I* more te folaad j'^lly
■erred darlAg
te centre,
the eeeelr.g.
tbl* asBrner. Bad gBOBte asd oottager*.
Tbe Colcmhia t.x>k Mre titan one
both youBi
youag aad old. are baviag the
hundred toUmmaTucMlay erening on
Laat Hooday eeralBg i
I apt be the Oroeornt nand excuraloo. Tbe
tamed OBI for ter fiiBt time is tbeir
knewnaif-irmeBad tbclr apaaywfaue oa tee hay te elgl
A bog* floatlBg bon fire, eat off vrith amoof tbeir friend* and tbe pnblic
bright dlapiny of flyework*. tegelher On board tbe band gave a pirwateg con­
with natare'* Inaar beacon gave the r«- cert and the beat arrieed in time to
certcr* a »peel^e aot often wlteeneed.
tbe mxgelflcevit dliplay of
Tneeday a^iOTOon a brilliant lawn trewoidcaglrea from a raft on the bay.
fete, gleeo at tba Page cottage by Ur* Oa abore at tec Iob
eerved and aa impromptu
eotcrtelnanng little
glven. Tbe celebration at tbe
*nm for te* Omena ehi
recorl and tbe ezcnnlon were a grr*t
'■dnenday trealag'* bop wac pre­
Ihined ■Bcece*. Tbe boat reached
ceded by a VBTT iater**Uag program Trareree City eoon after midnight.
Un'q-k* ineitaUcnn on brown verapof Cbienfo. and Profrmor Carrier
ping panrr bee* b en Iwued by I
Oberlia. Ohio, tod a, dellghlfnl d*a- Ladke
eoeiety of Satiosa Hay for
fo a
lire Aid *0*1*17
orlpti,.* ol a boating trip ter.mgh th* poverty *001*1 ta be held iberok Satur­
Evargiede* cfFlor>da. by Ucmi*. Will- day night. AnBBberareplann'.ng «o,A
4 AfYA
.mt asd Alexander ef Cbks-aca.
attend from tbe neighboriog rnmn. irODl lUUU
A marahmallow roaai oa Thnredny.
bd an enjoyable time «> aniklpated.

Shirt'Waists, =
Silk Waists, ^
Parasols, Etc.

ITLL PAY YOU to bm thagfooda and lenra our cloalng prlcaa,
before you mhk« any. purcbMM. for we’l) mts y -.n money.


!'.,u.-«n"lkv^Tf,'vwl ,1,.'.





Horses for Sale Fish Bros.’ Wagons.
At Pioneer Livery Stable,
B. y. KOBOAN, Prop.

I have a new lot of horses to
show you this week from the south­
ern part of this State.
I have a nice lot of drivers and
a good lot of work horses, weight
to 1600. I also have
some cheap horses. Good walkers
-l™. foj. fjirjn work.
I have a nice pair bay horses,
|4 years old, weight 1900, cheap,
wm trade for any kind of stock
Kindly caU in and look my
” stock over.

The anonal pienle ol tee Saoday
tepi tbe ball and tornie
apl«a*aat eecalag for bnta okd i
t»k place yeaterdny.
East hay
yooag. A earie* of gbo*t *to-lro.
the ol j wUve pffNit mod the yooag ‘
quite *o fhoaily, made a flt^ng end U
folka. and older OBcn. too. bad a grand '
tee evening.
te* eveulag It nut tee only lime
test te* r*M>aet* eejoy teemnelvca. u
kU. Canute IMeraan'* yacbl
Viking, tee balking (and*, wooded

.. u,.


tv- '


alAarablr fivhiog 1* doa* altoal llffrrL-*. Batelng wo* a faeorite jmpoinu tw tee b»y. aad trout
while tee wmry one* noted ia
kB* near, aad Friday a party of
cock* pot ap tor tee oecsBloe Bcviz g«BlloB*o eajtyad'a pleatant rid* freefamrntik were errevd aBdabrpeny
aad Baking - excaraioa fo Foontate.
PoUEoa Carp take, mterwing hoar
wBlIladop with black aad rock ban*
nd plckeral.
The twBiag vreck will be a buy oae
t tec r«*ort. The Baaageacttl i
lanaed fur a big cntertatemcnl
rnuday evening.
will witeec*
dteplay ever"
na te* b*y. ArrabgBBeaU vArv
•ade with a. large Srm to provide
far te* o-eB«lwt. and other'


noB*l wut oirtil the be*t aicen tre btnEen. Make no mistake.

amm tea haaa aaid threach tte

wsoffprsoas wsry

reel, li L

.-in; srw'AES;:::

ffedy' ■
Ur. Mnlxoo faa*
for $I.n»t from the
tee accMenl ’w.kbridge. Elmer Hb


n' Flour,

rod* down
Ue bad done Cbeeue per Ih ......r...
hie beet te **v* ii bat life wa* exlinet. Oau per bu (old).............
and thocpnboaawJidgedthatU h*d
per bo .

will eury word ot tee algateg of the.- -*
Iby Mr*. Bckerdl.
feotecol to Oeneral Merritt aad AdalrHoed.y reeaing' at tee r*rk Place
al Itewey
Mb* Baby SnlomoB. d*ught-T of Mr.
At {Mvaent the ABeHcaae
aadMra Leo S-tlomoa of Llgnnler.Iad .
teg tecBptnre Maalla a* It
lertaiaad iaboat elxteen y.mog peoirraty It beiag nigotlated.
Rrcratary ealertaiatd
avapofoareoaat friara The Uelled
W. baeeiP^* «•«»- aod ototlc were tee order
■lateaeaBU aet ha blockaded hrthe;
aaeba ad the arorld Into a auta of tafpropoeed teroutor eegottelioae
darter- Tha 'coatlaaat b arlf-awtateHr*. C. J Bbner delightfully enteihaC aad aapabla bf proaparter la i tnaV* of peace, isrlading the eeneeaUon of Cob* aad Porte BIco and It te Uined about thirty gu**l* Ttte*d*.e
exurcted teat tbe protocol will 'be ax- at a lawn fete at bar reeldeDor
ThadafaBieaaaadof aaanar aad
We'taaier *tre«t latt eeenlog.
•aer b aol a aoenal Uctot la Uk- ecated."
Tbe term* are precteely teoae laid prMeat were mainly Cbri.tian Kudraeoar aatfaml eabtaaea.
So* that te the tealaat ef war analta- dowa by tee preeHrnt ie bte origiaat orera, aad teeir frirndi fmm 6nl of tee
The event wu arranged in bunor
of BawaU bj aote a week ago. •
Tbe formal agreement te blad the
r Ileaeb and Abner nsd John Ebitarr aaaaat b eoapteted. «ra
AtteltaetwlUioetetlUeba: kat Ualtad blatetaed Sptlo te enter
011 ot a treaty of peace wa*
I b r«t tiau to eoaaidaf the aadapmperad by Mr. Adeo. eeeond atatetaat
abaMMtret aaaaailBr wider rmareof
• ler. tary of xtat& tbe point* te be
ant rwlinteg place* daring th* wmlpdnded haeintbeos prerlonily agr
bnor* iBwod. Later la tee evening


in this ssls of roods is PUOB.
At this stors 70B fst np^to-dsts
st]rlss.-d4 slpsbl* qnsUUss Md lew

t If you
ISif'iliape looking

fero.-lou» baaate Though brace and , uat
nk, bimm. te* dog. Chrlo, Eggi pfr
daring in time* ot war. they are eery ' e«»e Bp out of the dnrknm*. eerryteg tkriteb per B.,
bo.pluble Id d*.r* of peaor, and de-lig bb'monih the bebe. which bad I-»rti per P*....

* te a terge ouwbar i
-cermy'-te teem aad u*te

A Moving Power

profTtm of the ovealag. te* prote IruB Wb'kcb will go toward* Bnteblng te* ebereb balldlag.
Tke Indian camp aeatteg bagin* betwnen Omen arA Nerthport Aaf«*t P

Tsw ox*r> isErjTABieB 85:os)ac.a.x7.




£ First in War,
First in Peace.
You will bave no
- • peace till you see
^ tbosa Nice SHOES





Uncle Sam
Di ive the Spafiish out of Cuba
is very absoo-binx, but there is eomethibx tbst touches tbe averaxe ladr
more oloeely. That's why our $1.98
Fine Shoes are havinx auch a sale.
They are haodBome fitters. New
To os They have Fine SILK- VESTINO TOPS. We cm xlre them to
you ia either BLACK or TAN.



Regular $2.75 Shoes $1.98:

A T.TP-R.-RIT. -V". TT-FtT'l.! I .TP.TI-fTT
7}3.e TJere^ £*xrUw


Mr. mad M(*. A. rartaeb
l4raaaBU< Karprisrd a« ihMi
Vlas strral Tasadar SWtJa* bja «ai»"
eoapaa? of Wsads.

■ Barry of Ue laA
rBVh(aya.rlossdadsaJ wbarw’ htoaBTrlr^easOB- tsiiiww
Us Has raaalay bs«t>-i< ity aad Battens Bay. Tbs

Os7AolM%S.s Isd lOTrsnofafv
soetssadAra mad tracfcdtalA TB*ads'
aftrraooaat Osdar.
Bs vasrldlnrua.
Bros, aad B B Dally.
load of »fa»al wbeeAMtsll o*. tbs
Thy arw ownrrs win intprora
wberl iwMiry onr his bt«d sad b-dlr;
wTNste Battoas Bay aad la Us a
fata iMtast’;.
Tt* SDrertaasla boj fsi >rv> aatea-l Us :lss aroand tbs sb
fn» the MB sit Mr. mad M's. ft. t. Aaitterrlble aeeidaat.
II L Carter ama
irafvtb* noalt



H dt N. R. cztaaalo*.'
• us* hraash of the H id H.
tbroafh Broils ooaetj has rrasbr<
poiat aboel foor asllra Irani Mhrmaab
Oklll CO tbs natte. aad aatalioB .srlll
bs bollt atcaesoe Bsetloa c. lAlaad.
oa tbs Pratt propsrtr. Tbs road wiU
bo pasbrd tbroafb to Hoaw as rapidlf
as paMibla Tbte will epsa oar o
It BrstloBsiatirauseoBatj.

Nstr Cams(s .FactorrArebltret W A. ttraa i» prrparlB^
plaM totdtnsa tirostor7 brisk baud
iar far AolboB.T Pslsrtyl Tbobsild.
la# srill
Suuaad Itoioe slrsru. acd will
>0 aad grarrl roof.
wUi bs asM as a earrlaf aad srados
ij. wlU a flat clasi UaoksBltli
shop is eoaerctloa
Aa slrraiur U to
be pat U aad Ue amcblDery will b<
ras by eleeiricUy.

Tbto Will add aaoUee importaat 1ddsatrytoUs city.

; £|:

i Sts a:,.

Valubto Haras Btolsn.

Circulation this woeh 2,325
TvDofOoH Dsad.
lbs sad arws sobm this wnloe
(hat Prtrata Fred p. Corey died at dac(lara, Tataday. of yellow lerer. aad
Prlrats Usorr* OalaiaB. aama dsy.
tjrpbaid forar.

Tbsae a^s lbs «.

AtalU la tbs Baaaab RiSm. TbefanUiatof tbs dead Boldlar-biuMlI bars
Us d,apsM

lyapaUyr <o(»r«7tardy

Os Bsadaya. Aarast 1«. f 1 aad :
. a A W. M. wlU isll roaad trip ueksu
to bay View fat •!. (ood oa Us trala
laasiac beta at «:lo a. at. '

Maaarar Sisiabmr
^ked Ue
papalar somsdy -OU Olasoa~ lor Ab(wUl Tbto to eoe of Us ouBt
amatal aUraeUoas oa tbs Blacs.
TbaTrarsessCity Eortotsr oSos is

bolBff otorsd from Us PansebbQildlBr
-«a teaU OaioaaUMt U Us bsildiac
-formsMy oeuepisd by U A. J^nsoa,
isssorsury tl
(Tics Ed. Ncwioa ot Oompaay M.
wblcb took sEaet Aarast *.
ahippsd from
larsD Tbaraday Ml eaass of Morilla
Cbkafo. All pkdtad
d IbV
a. a. aad/'a. i
id bs wasM to kaow
etr wbof^ h
' ^Jaaas Boyd of Wblawater, wbo was
Aargsd wits asaasli aad battery by
Mra. AbbIs Haaslsy. was fuaad rtiilty
la JmUos Vsriy'a eonrt by a ]ary yesterday atlsrauoa. Tbt dac aad

aa pandtased cJ
Mr. Hnis Us sloel aad iMasd tbs
aaad aa
Us eoraar at Bssdolpb
Bssdolpk strast sod Bimwetal
Ma. B. 8. Jobss

will bs rmdy tor basioM

' ths Boys' Bead wtU ylrs .as racarMoa aa Us Colambla ta Bbarlseola
Baaday. Aayast 14. Tbs boat wUl
IsasaUe dock ate o'clock, sbarp. fir-

A (allsr from Ue rt
■ UataAlei
W of tSompasy M. kaa bean atrioLaa
SrHh yrlloa
■ellow fsstr. bat of a eaty atUd
^ It to
•Mr way to rseorsr. Bis psreata llrsat
. Wasfcedaad hto faUsr to state
Boms tUac past Us dly News
ta Ua pcatoBse balldler baa

Jobs Craiy of Hodyss. to looklny far
Ue party who stele a raluablr paciny
bores from hto farm SoBday alyhL
JohB Townsrad, a a>an wbo was work*
lay for Craiy. disappeared from Ue
place Haoday olyhl aad Us horw
oyat tbe sera, tine. It
Hared that Towosend to Us yallly
party aid Sheriff SlmpaoB ba* sroi oat
drwerlpUoB f bAb man aad horaf.
wlU tbe \lew of Ue rsoorery of'Ue
latter mod Ur coorlctioa of Ur mao.

mas Baaasr fcr K O T. K
Tbs priuwsaby Us dryrre tnay :
•f Ttasens Qty TbaL Be. *71. K.
). T. M.. bee beea rscslrad by Uat 9

Urn belay Fird Driseal of O-aad Rap-;*X by «test la elis. aad bsara Ue la->ji
aad HIsb Ctera Foots of Traretae acripttoa ''Prearoted to Trareeas City
j OafTse T8al^ Ko. *71, K.-O, T- M.. by
Mr. and Hr*. Drtosai wwe b ra Ua'C/aat Camp Jaae U. I*»» - The flay
Haaua. bad Jmowa! toaraamsated wlU yatl Isuera. (rtnye
aad . aad aord. This to tbs prise offered t,
Ish jtarasy tnffsUer Us bs«t dsyrss team work at Us bly : j
-. Tbs csrrwoay wa* K ‘ ... ....................................................
Uslr birthday.
•lebtalka held bare ‘I
psrtormsd by Be* J. W. HlUsr. la Jaas M
Usprr«a»mofaUrr.,aa.b.r «tls-|
sited ramu. fro** Uto dty. Oadillar.
and Graad Ra|dda Tbs ri«ms were
itifally tsateoaed and

Old Ssulsr* Pionte

i 4.—Owlay u> J
"The Old’S
a asm j

soba's wsddley mveb
Mis* Uaorc' p,^p„«i for Aayatt Jrd will bercader , '
OriseaU sitter of Ue bridsyroom. waa od
and Juba Foote Jr.. breU-1
K C. Haui, Aeerstery.
sr oLUe bHde. t

DsaU ol an Oia tteiilsr

ADvW "Be So\4i vtv V\\e ICefA 'iciv TJ&ias-

Good looki are rtally more
U* wsddli
deep, depasdlny enliraly oe a 1mwiUi> ;j
boU Bsrfal aad oma
liUoa of all Ur ritel ormBa If: 4
Mrs. DHseal was
e ofTrtrene tba lieer be ioaclire. yon hare^bilibat
aad popalar loek; If yoar stemacb be dtoorderrd.
ladies, and Mr Dtltcal a risin*
look; if year kid

ym.ay ma..,-a.«.d -iU Ue G. E. |


£»a\s3Tvs a.Tv^ 6v^a.TvAxes
____ a\ ^c-^cAArci

MoElnlsy Clab,Pioalc
11 oaematGraad Baptda
! will aareiy hare *ood U^. -bieciric
-At the ooBclosloa of tbe eeremuay ' Bitter*" toa yood Alteratlreana Tooic.
slsbxmte weddiay breakfulI was Acu dirm'tly oa tbr tinmarh. lirnr and
I Purifiet U« biiod, cure* aim
uwera Hsebor bn Taraday.
errred. nlwr wblcb tbe entire
rd Ue newly wedoed pair te
The ezeeotire eoamlttes to baty
most aajiyablr tbe tralB. Ue esmtffet and erea .UrjaDieed. bold at thr Hra* KtorraofS.
car eeat belay made yay wiU Auwer* !
Wait aad J. G Jolmtm
proyram. whtoa «
per bottle.
speakiny by pmmio
aad all tbe appropriate nocimpnniyioo.ynod matle. base ball, aa •
isnuof rice. etc.
sloooa Ue yje t <il Lake*, aad other
Hr. aad Mrs. n.-tocsl will erjay a
Tbe Trarerte City Bniinrm I'ulleyr
abort trip ihrpayb Canada, risiliaff Mi- aad Normal lo*titou-< ffm b7S week.'
bat bree appointed MmiBhal of tbe day. ayara Failk bofnrs Ueir rstnra to •cbolarsbip for oae-Ulrd off Urr.yu
If yea uf Itaitr
Last year there was a *ery laryr
Grand Btpids. where Uey will be nt lar ratet.
tendance ami Ibis year errn m-rre
home after tbe Ttd at G;*^effertca ar- scbolaiablyaattend to Uat ooee.i
terest IS belcy tekea. and the Drotperl*
briybt for a rery p'eatasl and prof­
itable Ume.

SmmeT Soodis

^U potted plaat. aad Aowera The Wadaewlay. Aaya.t loib' BrrryoaelJ
diapertoa were ia aatioaal colort.
, i, inrimd te altrad aad ea'j y a yood i 4
Mite MatUe Millar pl.yd HeadrI*- ,i„,. • Thr >aA. eiesllect pavmo. I J

3om«\q 10c lo S5c.

ADo 4Lon\ \uaTv\ \o \B\n\oT Wtem.

tony Ue yseata from other placsa
Hr. flrtocsl 'k mother and two stoWe bare
:e alltciQds of w-wipy marhlae
ten ol Grand Btpids. and the Hlsts* Bcsdlet. J. W SlaWe H .«.r F»m';»h
dbrridaa of Cadillac.
lay Bure.

John <Hlmtn, for macy year* a rraldentofUto cilraed well known a
Btale Bicycle PaU.
Aa oryaalttUoa consUtiay of lead
Ueoldertobahiteste. died at Petetkey
Htiurdsy. of blood poisooioy. and waa lay wherlmialromerery part of Ue
baried Soadsy at East Jordan, bit lor- state bat beea pcrfi-cl-d. whore obJ"cl
te crootfhiel a bicycle psU from
loloyedascook at Ue Orel>iyan line to
tbe path as
dental op te tbe time of bit death
learn a wife aod til yruwo op
will arao Uroayh Hillsdale. Laotiay.
dL Joba. lUaea. Mt. Pieataat. iheaes
This to tbs last week of Us staU
Mr. Oilman was for maayyaara cook
oorth-wrtterly dlrectioa to Grand
snaal iostUsU. WbUs asw ooroll- IB HaBBab, La* A Co'a camps. laUr Trarerse Bay. and follow Ue shore of
■sat eards bare bsee c>mb oat Blatosl aerelaytt chef at Park Place aod
tbi'Ukr te Ue ten
srary day 1b Us pail Uror wrrkr.
. timijar^ysat other bolelt. Few
week is Boozorptioa. two BOW SBtrist mes were moreyeBocally koowo la Ur
btlar Btads HoBday.
This may be: Illeof ihecity Use be and maoy old
axpialBod by ths lict tbSt Is prerloBS time fricBdt will reyret to learo of hit
year* oae nr two we-kV iesUtute work deaU._______ ____________
to aadertske Uli yrent a
Be Is a Canoidais
le plan has bean ehanyed mi
interest of Ue cyeliny puble:
William fUa«‘kmse of Paradite tewsteacbscB feel Uat a week's limr s
thip. has decided to head Ue wtohn
PrstMsnt—Henry R Perry, foremac •w*rtuu'.i|.n>ti<
toallUeycan^re from Ueir si
BQiberunt trlroito mod brrume s of tbe MIebiysn ll'ay Cumaany. lumerbouiloy.
eaadldate for Ue ifli* of Bberiff ol
Grand Traeerse rouiiiy.
Ue was at
Boay. of'
L.'. B. Horst bss eoa^eed Ue Aral iirycd to ratke aa altempt fur Ur
•-D W Trine. Inspector of !r’*4"»riiiir«... eirrm
lorert a farora- nomlBBlloo for
plan of afford!
bb( Urebards. UepaHmeat of
bis uppartonlly to aeijBlre a brltsr
tludeui of tbe tew. be bss Sol yet ad- AyTL-flllare, t^snsiny.
of aad teste fur
-TBBced BBfficjrotly ie praetloe
iisorrtary—C W. KfaUwoh:.pabltohbim fur Uat raspoBtible poalG.
craf 8iyual. riprlaypurt.
SFcltals eaeb week, the Srsi to
uusaii or <r»raou
pUes AacBst foUt. to dleiDber^s for U- offirs of sheriff.
dreint himtrlf well fl.isd
ileary B. Perry and C W. Krmtbwobi
Grand. He wllI be asalttsd each tloir:
lie Iis* had rapunrocei laU'y. s< d fur
Iliac bs- k. ehicb bsvr y r.ui :iim
W. T. Eldriye. Vice Ooasal Hicbiyaa ! '
aaicsiiibt lute • bsl a tberiff .iukIii te Dirtoioa LAW. and droyyist.
aad rare claalc toaile wUI band that will pr.reul ra.ui- to Bay Cliy.
ifforded to Uoar apprecistiar ><
L H. RnsaeU.
.iKHild h.'b-sn (unnoale a* V- bf
U Lml-ra.
oUsm wbo desire to ealtlrau a
USvhnarDonr. II s rsperteorr alt-> Ib
I L Coalter. OM-rebanU Oentrat'
snpp rtslny Ur "crioiinal
Two good secoDd-baad Fon.
ImproTemsnts la Mnninn Bl'«kpBrrdi-e tnwptfaip w.mld tend
^soireK Roaybam. drayylst. Bonlnff Mills.
Esr; A UaroBiB are msUzy .•labirate him eepeelally well qaalMled t
Ohs Top Buggy.
ImproTSBsata ia tbsir jtwsliy store
ebaryr Ue duties of slmr.fl.
'^red B. Bmbis. wlU Bpanldiny A
' One four-inch Tire Lumber
Ue Haason block.
Tbs partlUoo
Crntrsl Behorl Park
) Co., hardware, til. Johns
which formt the bick of ih- present'
sloes win be rcsorsd. also Ur rooit
One two-sest Open Buggy
SMd for a prlrats oOlce. L'eder U<
•ter Salsbarry.
s held TUnrsd-y lor Us
arranyemsat Ue M its will cooalal
of Us setirs space Iron Us froot u
B. C Bidlsy, Editor H.
of lbs balldlay. Incladinc Ur
larys room foroMrly aaed fsr
Bert Cd|ert, Bprlayport.
Desmoad, Montayas. Lardle aaJ Garsollsfe. "
risoa. aad of Ue bmtd of edaeatioa.
will be add.-d and th..
Hsmrs Rmiad asd Hoyt.
Stock of jewelry salarysd. Wbso
chain tyticm. -<t to dotlynod to send
hmmond was made ehai.-man of t
win be
iSssrlte of leUera nsklny tor fuada
M»«coBniltesaBd Mr. Hurt sec
St jewelry store in aorUrra I
Bach peraun who recelre* oat of Ue
tery. It it the purpose uf
to r.qactted te mono -tea
mutes to derols the l-dKI appropriated
Bead a similar one to Uroe
Farmars' Day at Bay Vuw.
Tbsanaaal Farmers' Itoy rarrelsrs Us CToaodi nad traastora Us scbwd
at No ]!.
Bitraetlee park lertsad
of Ray View arssmbly wUI be otatsrsed
to stated that Ue Chief Cooaal eF
' spot
on tosaday Aaynsi inu. The ^leeial
motion of Mr- Bbead Ue city tbe UtoblyaB dirtoion of Ue L. A. ,W.
proyram for Ue afteraooB will I
tbe plan ond to leadlny it
Uarycot K. I.. Botterfleld. saperin- anyiaesr was employed tc set Ueyrade
teadaat of'lbefftete Farmers' liMUtnte. plake* and rstabllU Ue lerelt. at a
Our Savings Department
While Ue ehnin tyttsm It one wblcb
noetnottoczeoeddt sltwae'also de­
Thetollowlay addressrt trill be
cided to *pread,onc itch of dsy orer tboBld not be oDooarnyrd yanerally.
Ue M fsce and open Uat Urec lacbn Ue plan of ettebltobioy a bicycle path
CeBteiy Par«rr--J
ol rich toil Secretary Hoyt was em­
Bebaseb of Indtanapowered to proenre bidt for faralUiny
'■Oood Boadt Voder U'e ConBty KyW
Ml luadt of Ue day and Soo loade uf
a City sboold be
tern"—^ & Palmer of Kalkaska
n aiTT cxascaiLto.
ti ia sacb na eaWbaldhallWedo wiU Oar Httren Uesoil. Tbe material will be aeed at
a* It caa be procnreid and tbr
Uods*"-l*rof. A H- FaUcBCill.
Tbe prryram will also incisdespecial

EiniitUoii of teidieis.

^o\3lt s\vvt\ mvs\s




latar. "SVvt vntts mVV marraiA V\.



liTtss &ooi;S

I'Sa.W anil ■VD'vuUt MDraps ^

^IpAolnq anfl on eaVvlblUon noo.

t "yiD. mVVvViftTv.

"“I For Sale!

B :. --------- ----------------------------------------3





Bs was widely known Uroayboat
Grand Trarerie ooaaly,
UcearUesKtMsrasadUelemwi I be
felt by all wbokauwblBias
beosfsetcr. stauneb friend and yecial
aelyhboe. Tbe deepest tympaUy to
felt tor Uosr left at Us

(Ate datarday alyht Ua bars o( A.
BC-Mbet^. 08 Ue pMlesalB. was tc^lydaateeyedbTflrc. It was an si.
* .aepMomally Ass ban aad cast (inn. A
ABMUiy of bay aad yiala was also
Ths faasral was held Hsoday from
■aeaMaiiil aad asrwal ralaabie tam>K laiplamaau. fhe total tow was Us old bommUad aodsr Us
F. aad w’s
etoartaofUadsrtakar Aadaraoatd Uto

B. Cook. Ue well-known
aarteryoten, to on hit reandt tekiay
of Msplr City diso
ordna for all kladt of frpit and
Friday at hi. fcrme
Ue was aa old
mental ttork.
M- wait for him.
pioneer pf U to teciioa nad was CS year*
ol aye.
The faserat waa belli Soodtyst Map'eCity. rbersmtlas
>1 G-awa.


...Fire Extingnisher...


For $5.00.

DeaU Roll

•o*-H B. Bill, jc* T. A
■.wIUm O V t.




SfltBi Mpi«t kw u mui (TBj I*B (SB

feaUrea which will iDlerest rreryoae,
aodamplabrenmidatloM will be pm
ridsd for Uoae wbo wtob to take baskeualocyaod rajy a picaie dioaer
ue Ue I mods The tralA will learr
rrBTeraeCIlyoaUeC A W M. R B
Tte Lldlss Library AtsoclaUoa wu aie:IOn ai: retamlay, lesre Hsy View
OBs s( Ue leiatesB aader Us will of *17:10 p.
thslateeiBiU Harass. .VraWday Ur
OesU ^ Osiry* K. ^walnstcn.
msmbr< t mot aad decided to acerpi
bsperrsir Gun. K. ScslLtlon of
apr«v^Boe of Mm. Btraes-Miyse U
dtodurys Us obliratloB oa Ur estels Paradise towesbip. whose hull.'tosh rut
thrsc<i'inrtefs«f a mile from Kiayt'i-v.
diad FrWay at aooe.
lie bad beea
a Buff. rer fnim hcisLlc rbeamatism lor
I time past l>Jl wa> alililo be
esk before be tA.>h
■l|ht to a larye boass. aad Uto <
U. KteirUloy
(bey win U"w at Biortaak Satums
iey lisocit of wife aed cbildraa. wbo
—•ar..'»deUpcirt aad other tow.
re with him
lybnt BOtbiitc
Mr. HralBslon was flftyalz years
old aed had bees a retUsat of Para,
dice tewDthip for Uiiiy-fMr years,
aad aaperriaor fur Ua year*.
w mil) at Rlarkaai
from bis ImmsdUtefamily coestot
MbarkiabaslDcaa U Tcararae City.
and elybt etalldres.
Bs will atari a eoal aad wood yard oa
aed f^r daayhUts.
Fnial strast, J Bat west of Boaybey*
varahoasc where hto omss to slready
Grmsd Rapi‘
Raplls a fe
hallt. Atorysstech of all hiada of sficr be bad {mtsd away.
lauraat af Us latter aad wUI mUaae
lbs bustBM alone Blmee will altsad
aabool Uto tall. Barry Beat will, after
■sat wtaa. take a pobUIob at Ue New*


UaloTtana's Aomdsat.
A sarMataeeidratoecorrd Batatflay
which will Isars Willtom Lambert of
Keysione a cripple fur life. Wbila av
wiUayaa. tokill a hawk,
the brseeb plo el Ue yaa flew eat aad
tbe yaa syplodsd. blowtayoff Us
ths palm
ol Ue left basd and
Bs was brecybt to the .city and
KMalanJ-aoSw where.
WlU Us atalstenoe of Or. Gamer. Ue
itatsd at tbe wrist. Tbe
hand was ai
rictim to tweaty-tbrae years ,
and a beetfisr-la-lawof Frad B
Bsltser. It was at ike tatter's place
that Us accident oeearrrd.

A refypleasaat aad raUw^ romaalle
wMdieylaeb plans Tassday awnlay
at f o'clock at Uarealdeacs of Hr. aad
Hra Jobs Foote. Us eaatraetlry p



Binelvt die) FHdty uf e .a
at Mtple Ciiy
U.erased Kssriyrsrvofayr Tbs re
ISI..-B to B'niey. Maw.
c.i(aly. fur hitermenl.

School Books
— OfadklDda used in both
City and Conntry SchoolA.

.lurtnu-k dind
diod of ebolmaAt ha
Ferry .lurba.-k
iwae alGrawB at Ibesnr;.* a^uf iw.rafa
Tbs faseral took place ban
dry stteraaoB at «:» o'c'ork.
Mrs. Sarah Eubtaaa. ayrd M yran.
died at bsr b.-m • on Wesj KiaU rtreel
Satardsy afUrriuoDat lan o'clock, of
incibtyo Heerstrd leaers a hatband,
twodaafblsimand iwosont to TBosra
bee death. Tbr taaeral look place from
the family rati.jenee at • o'clock Mosdsy aftemoo^J Brr. Wiley K- Wriybl
Little Perry Marlia. Ue two year
old babe of Mrs. Hilda Mamin of <U1
Beet Froattlreei. was tuieken w'tff
that dirad dtoenar cholera Inlsata-B.
Fridsj last. F.reeyUiny Uat lor
little eaffrrer. bat Staday marain*
'mUcame Tbe faseral amvlca wrr*
Id Tastday afteranoa at Ua borne
Emma8tltea,Ue fua-yrarolddaarb'
terof Mr and Mr* Beajtmln bUle.
of Arms, died M flee o'clock ymtosdnr
ofdMlrramorbas. TbeliUleume w*[.
perfectly wall Us day before in tbr
■ourn’of bar wet tsVwn <1< ra-Mm>l'
0* Ue <iwy.
Tim Iwuaral aUi

taka ptass from tbs (amO^
•o o’clock Uto afteranoa.


The best aisortmentaod beet VAlues for the money

at _____

A Handflome, Highly Polinhed,'Solid Ooj


feci Ivan


IgA or TBlwee nbont
them. It it ebeolnt^y impoiMbU for the Tnayhlne to get
ent of order.

Carbolineum Avenarius
D Dottmly the luuat efficient prraerrstiTe
pniot for all wood .arork ezpow,! lo rot and dec«j. bat a1^ a rajicd
n-medy a^nM all Tenein. A* a dealTuyer of chicken lice il has no
mjnnL and one application to ilic- inside of a chicken coirp i« aofficient
lo (Iceiruy all lice and keep thou away pennasentiy. It wniefTerlunlly
pfievenL rot and decay of wood abore or bdow gtoond or water, and
therefore ia---------- ------------ ’=—--------- era, ahingW. etc. To he had
only at
Mflu (nil,


«rfeet protection from fire
For eimpUclty.
, dorability. economy end safety they here no

Te operate It is simply to “Uirn it bottom and np” end
it wfll threw • Btranm. of fire deatroyin^ chemioal fluid.
They een bo found In the Hnrdware deppmnent of



^uituiu itiimmu mmium

. 'ii


nmhiM kw torsA.

k Boadrwa W Ws Mtv
.her ot yroMvk
U^artnM««^>B^*w«a'oMr- ’
Boro** BarMrd b nry oiek.
I A K HoDUTM Mtba Bbforta
Mr.ABd Mr* AdoM wno orsmt I
lolMbtaaoi tera k»4 «oW«Bi*.
Uad ^lOK tor inml ooe Av b

;ri>U {ra^ Maataaa. ,»1.0i».
Fnak FnMus ku rcUro*J fro»
Ueoct* MoCray look adowUfo of
■-• _
•• Bday

C. E Btellaya hare aannaaec
FloBio Woleb. who <rM ia}orf^ by • ayaio. ^a bop* tbry will aoBtioar.

"Mr. Kvlloct »•
to i*»«^
tbo>*«y*i BMtlnc U>-Bo«To<r BlfhV
teU OB
■ tally
tally day,
iJ»y, U
la so
ao bettei.

a U Chlao aad daarbur of 1^Mkk.. bare retorard boao. Mn.
aaar Kaaaoa.
*M •
dot Borya la Id iba aobthborbood
(tooablac tor aa May at arr roady.
aprtay yrala la act eat yetd«lt Beoiaialala bartay ehala aad
Ibtar. bat la aome bettor bow
fra Ntnaa of Kaaaoa baa bonybt
I 1. CtalB'a boota aad loL Mr. Craie
•III bay a farau
Hr. aad Mra Frank t><c<aa of Sabla
art rUUay bar latbcr. U. I). Willolei.
tdttt ylaoa
U aa andtoHiret at
Tbora wat qolto
r ttealay
tfeataa 8aun>v
otealay orrr wbat

^toayrtM qaaaUty of Dub tkla

S.S!;.*""' ‘
TWa waaayfaod barrBtdatiatrUaaatUood HarW laat tatarday alybb
ttrtral of oar dtlxoot wtst to al­
ii^ tbo OU BatUrtf Pialeal BardlebtOk laat Wtdaradiy. Vat It waa
to tka Wtdataday of tbt fol-

Aaraal Baac parckaaed a baadaai
wbllt Id Tratarat Qiy It
trom Chlrayo
at Brad AUtlataa'.
>'a laat taiar-


Mra. Cra. Baktrof Ckirayo
wna oat bera rlalUoy re'
(ilMb laat wrab.aad
ore barhw
GWb natoB Baoday

Hr. aad Mra. BaUMbeB rMlad bar
Hr. AaliBMO ftas Otdar Eaa aod
Charila Powall aad altr ftOB lokr
^ aWaad »t Blyab Oasboa BaMrday
Ala tabor waa aalli^ la tbia oaiykk^aad laM waak.
■llBAdB ODSaldhat yaaataBUTrr
Laha; ara wflJ bIb bar.

aH^OoB raaalaad arard of tbadaatb
aMiW Blatkaw-a tetbrr. Brdr»pp^daadlaatTacaday. EUry Blaabaw
aaaadt aoBaweaka Waaad atTnr'
...................... at Qanr
U«a BUiouk Friday. '
WBlaUtetaltBaa kaW
Mb Baaala Cm tkla wtrfc.
Hr. aad Htb WUUaaB art wertiny
ftCODbort aad 'faBily ban bare
l■■Hlly at iB
Uay Laba tor a ak-wt
tta»4uy tat
lataraid bose Hatarday

fbadHlarT (aararbiay cb a laBlwr
bM^nm^ay baiaaca Tmraru t.ty

Ba-b HUlabaabaaoqalUtiek.
Haad Miller of Trararar C|(y M rMitly brr aoat. Mra. Joba Uellricb.
Jake Uyriy aod D.«ylaa WIIIMiaa
of rraeerae City rode dowo oa tbrir
wbralaaad todk diooorat W. Uoldeb'a
H». iliyyioa aad Mlu Uertrada of
raranaDty. wltbaonr frUada-drorr
awB to tbt Jiyhibouar Buaday.
Wa harr a lady llrloy bera. over 0
yrara old. wbo aaya abr eao tralyaa'
abr meter bad tba baadsahr aod urer
waa tired.
HyioBCbaadlaria atiU hariBy aery
HMa 1S_.____________
fros Chleayo apeadlby a
^be B«r. C B. Wetheiall of Borkford. IlL. aod Mb. HeDoaald of Cbleayo ara aprDdlay a few day> at tbi
boair of Hr. aad Him Jobe HIlU. Mra
HcD»ald-a father aaiae to Cbleayoir
the year 1»M Bha aaya laad eosld b.
baaybt for lOatalaMr acre whara It b
DOW BUU Birert. Tbb aaa aoBr tiiar
before the Indian ataaaaorr. and abr
tell nbay a tbrllllny atoiy aboat

eerticre lo thet arlybborhood,
dritiay bb family, exenbiiat c
wife aad four chiUrea. orer PI
brldyr, abniteii mileefros here, om
Baaday laat a etriari-r yatr aad at Ur
•ana Uwr the horors •nreny forward,
il.rut lay tbr w>yuo box into the ritri
wl'bi-s load u( ho Ban frriybl noder
armU. Tbroldar tnambera enccacded
la extriratlay Urioar'tre aod rracurd
Urea of Ur chi'drro.-But U^ HUM
two-yrar«1d child wa* {.nod MUr. fartberd-nm tbr ti eaw. dead.
Wb Bainr* waa mllrd borne Mat
M .'Bday by Ur aaddea death of bb 111llrfoar year-old aoa.
F-ed Weet mod wifpnl Elk Bapidaarr
dilay baa bintbar. Ftaok Wrat.
Paelpt aaa

e batlayto
Heaotiral wraUrr
lake our bearuyUd.
Mra. A. Laod of Emi Ray M tblUay
ttha boDC uf F BaaUr.
Bala E. Foley la ptaetb
aw wheel Urae Bar dayA
Bow»U rriB bUr ba|
of a new Watorly
loar-and J iohoh bate mured Otar U Ue Draey

Hr. mod Hn Dot
are tbUMr the
Tbry ara all at
fauilly o> C BIlWi
Ulea lAke to eprnd Ur w
ablayla aod aMte wilU will abut
KAxr baaMX.
dawB Ue laet of Ue wrrk and will not
']b>Baw»aarapaltiay tbefiabhlay BtM op ayala Ull wMW.
^hr new echool hiitiae b about era
Bt of plaaltr OB tbeeborek. Drdlcapirud audit dneaerrditto Ur towi
tloB Will be Sept M.
Hba Uaymr Oordoa will bate lb be
Otto Ka^a aad taslly
eberyr Ur blybrr yradta la tbr ar
buildlmr aod Mi-w Nrlltr llllniaatl
Mra. Loeretia EllhMV Ura. Mad boo
lower yndra la Ur old bnlldlay. ahk
Bailer. Mb> Ella Clark. Mra. Ultra '
baa brro freabrard with paluiaod mlton aad Elba Prltoe of Toirda, C____
Biaeoa the rxeacaita to D.H Hriybt'a.
Tary roterard laat Batarday.
eirTTox* par.
JiAae Kiaebart.myrdTfyaara.dl>
at <br borne of bb dauyhur. M-» Wi
Hatere. Friday, Asy. s. loea Ur wi
a hlybly reapreted etUara of Weal.
Hirb , aad aainr here with bb daayi
Ur laat fall la tbt aariy wiaUr I
. Watklu
Ltklu . a praeUcal butcbit
waa Ukra alek aad ha* brra la b«
Tretriwr City, a now eayayrd '
orarlyall iheliaualoer with liayar
lr.yaoBtnsiptleB. It baa alway* fawe J^b'lluflli'a
hb wbb to be borird by the aide of
G T. Wlllbi
aad hbaon. J. W. Blnrhart, ■ _ .YoaaykbtwB. (
• to carry oat bb wiakr* Friday of laat
d daltya la pm
aral uaya will
B J. Pack aad V 1. HoyiT.
Oro Slrimel. Br., wbo liaa brro tiadrclda to drlre the wholadbUaee. Hr
iUoyiaHilwaukarforaaou time paat.
Paiybt offered to yo with bb tram,
rruraed boo»r laat Friday. Hb aouaad they aurud Btlarday aiyhi aboai
la-law. Bao. Dorrr. arcoapanied biyi.
BldalybV Tbt tor ra baeamr frlybt here and will resala anUl Taraday
tad Boon after ilaniay aad both mer
aad tUlt wtU relaUtcnld aol hold Ibrm Hr. Paiybt waa
tbrowa oat and qoiu badly ban. Hr.
Biaaban )uape« and laadrd tafriy waa Ur yoratof HrA (
Tbr bex wax thmwa oat wbee the alUr pan of laat week.
lean tarard the comer Uiwi
Ur. aod Hn. E F. Guiard of Toledo.
H.wyntoa'a The teaai Badr
Ohm. arrltid In towu la*t Fridry rtei.■-irealu la the lle1''t'aBd Hr. IMlyb’ iay and will rprad aome lime tbitioy
aaoybl tM a
Blarer Paekard with Hr. aod KtA Kye Jordae.
—bb tram aad arai with 1
W. E. EnarbyarUB. UateliDy ealrimaa from Detroit, warn doMy bnaMata
la town bet work.
Hr. Boidhau of Xoithpon
town a call laat Friday.


rwaaaaanty. ’
Hb. Darie •
Ihrrla ParBalaa. wba baa I
B.i.M Claff U at Work far J. Dbdb.
■Bfdlay tkr asBBrr wUk bla yr
Batrailay b ararly tbronyh aad
■iBtai at Oid llbalM. bw rata
lkrtah'.ar btaeoBBraeed
it Vraanaa U9.
Bey ara mUriny arrauyra
Hr. aad Mra Cnwirl otTVa>
poteity aocial to br brld at
WBibara.' adChlBya pMohad
Uraded cLoreb b. ra Haaday
drser of Mr. Hoyt SeturCey. f
at^ H « aharck Mat Baa^
UfA W. H. Bailer aod rbildita o(
tbb plaer Wedamday.
BalMn.. WaUMytoa. left laat WedaraBalloa bai riBBiwial <a<
AnU Motamaraad
df.v. pitrr epeodlayafew wrrka rial
IOb Delta Ankar. wba baa baaa ria aya MoMv alybt.- Ualu a aarprlae lay rrlatltee M aad Bear Ub tillaye.
tohb Baay trlroiM.
HrA Banatr pad Him Bmitbot Oraod
Uiac tataUeniaOld Mtetoa. baereBar. Hr. Baaatoa, oar poator. ba
.ba*e t
tlay tor
laaaad to bar boBr la Tkaatraa CHy.
daeaioy a oartB of rariaal Boetloya.
.nr lime at I' _________ _____ ____
tbr PrHba Ayaei Maba batleodlay tbt la- loakry BoLday moraMy tar Chleayo.
atitalc at Trarrraa C|(y,
Hbe Blaacbr Sirlmrl apret a
Jaa- totwru aad TroBball bare foM
•a HdBkiy fora few dayt.
dayalaat week t.1 Protromattb
Him BmiU of Graad BapidA
aery day afuraouo. A ynodly oBaiber a
Quite a oniobrr from bm attradrd
- d tba u-plc, "ProsptarB
cberck at Paabawbylowa Mat Boaday.
. well dbaoBTd. tba aaxi
A yrrat maay iaprorrmeati
Baatlay will ba to two wrafc* at Giro
Lain. IB tbr fora of a pimiit. A ahori My made at our rcbool beaae.
Pnd Bibby. circuMtor of the Tiarproyraai bbrlay praparrd. The Amy
mat b Thaiaday. Ary. l>. be> If it rain* erte City Uerolo
Friday, the l»ib. FrMadaaf Iba Valea bnaiurm la town
aw loritad tuJrlA
wua >D town
OtpataHed bare laat waab.
Him Hynir Jobna of Konbpon
J* BUphtaaoa aad TIaa O'Br
here tbillay her ebtrr HrA Flood:
aalldd bare Mat baterday.
W. B JohBWB of Uilwaukaabdolay
, >B. Uooday ^'raMy'.
bueMeet la lowFUii week.
Him Keller aad Blebard Keller of
aa«l«aad pMa^laraalay
>ny U; It raierd. TIm plcabwaa Best Lalaad aprat Baarlay lu Sul
paa>poaad aoa weak.
Ura U. B. PaBaBiwa b aoffariay
MibrObrrIlaof Biaybam waa doMy
besaM BaBajM*M?rTida0^^r.*Ar" arlib U yrtppa.
bohiaau is towB Moadty.
III »y roBBlaad btw aad will work oa
Hbar* Praalrytoaof Traema
L. B Bible traueaeu
.tbwaaw aakaol balldlay.
nty rbiud HIM BUBlry oeer'Bea I
Traterra City laat wrrk.
Ual Friday Baralay tbh aoBBaaltr
Hba Urttir Kaab b rtalUay fn
waaabiikiid lolrara of iba death of hero.
am. H. Bwalaura. who bad baaa at.-b
JaatiorCnofc.a plraierr of tbb aoea.
■oraMial Braaka.bai oat aonaldeivd
' ooa. Ed
daayoroaaly 111 aatll aboat two diy. /. dud a', the iM.iar of'bb
baMra ala dratb. Tba faarral waa b> id Cook. Friday of laat wrrk.


M »a H. t ^reb oa Bood.y. ai '
«aa ceadarud brtbrOdd Faiiowi
Jii»alry. aaalaui hf awt
B^oa Oaelra aod Traerrae Cny
Md^ aad war oaa of th« laryrrt. if
aaiBbr larCMt, orrr beM la Stayrl.


hbdaaybur. Mra. t

luBitOB Ball
lakaa b>
a nld haioa for lalrrtBeat.
Iba W. HUB win beheld at Ur
Mr. Barm:
pa taaayr aexi week Tbanday.
atoa waa abodi efiy alx yran oM.
(»a«. KlekU *oa af tVlIIlaoi Bleklr.
aaoodtba Iratrotllcra tirar Klrya' r
died very rnrntly
Foawal arrrlet*
aad fsraearral yranbebad beaeta --------coedartrd br ~
" "
prirMcr of pu towamblp
a. learn .
wtim aad alybt ablldrea to moara lb. I



A eery rrj nfe
lomr af Him Z
Mpk Gbaa of JeBBluir*ipaalpanl^tk!f' pla-w.'-M*^!
Of Ho wrrk wtU hbparraia boro.

b-mac: <
<Mdbamo«iMlFraab Uaara retaraad to Bm
. W. F K
.f OmoM. Hn.
rtar 01 Ceu
ArUer PelWm
Hia HayDajaaaaad lIUMdaayhMr^
t Traaana CUy ate rUblay Mra G
Baaday Behoed Aaa
Hn. UbbM Viatoo aad WQaa ara
eWtlay trlaada M UM arlybborhood.
Ptarram ti Ue w-i t. ..tloa of Ua
(may Imkaaadtimr-Wia n.cadayicboi
l^^aW^HS. MaaM wiU Hn. :
k> ba bc.d at l-nay Imho I
Tbr Baaday aebaal eQoaaalMa bald
^ ****'
.t Elk Laka ebareb Mat Friday aad
w« ^blm.
^ ^
Batarday waa aUawdad by a fall h
n«0 Addraaa of wale me. H. HalM*.
at raary miiaa A eery rajoyabia
Bmnonm. F. J. Slotrwaa bod. a report of wbieh will pt
BodMtloa by Biaarbr S-rtM.
kly ba aeal Ue Habau) by Ua a
11:10 How loamMmMea ntmaot li
Mayimnday aebool cMoa Uo •> i.aat.
Bet. B W. Waad of Blaaweod bu
D anaaieo. Md by MarUa .raay.
baaa tlaiUay raMtltaaaad friaada la
It-OO aacial aad d aaar boar.
tbb atelaln aad AUad Ue apeolBl
DM PraMa aareiaA Md by Joba
of Boa. 3. m. UUMr oar weak ayo

» faally ' . ... drltlu. _
Win Ora of Ub piare aad Hba Ealla
allay Ur brldya Otar Pi
•latu Fit -r
lay Ue way- Frlak of SorU Miltoo wear married at
• -ippiot
10 Ue riter. Ur borne of Ua bride. Fiidat. Aayaet
We yladly wclromr Hr
r tbrir lafaat
■e had droward.
IT wir
witb the faally
daily Ilid Ualr
The feoaral arTrieB
r^leea will ba

CoBlUr of Hooroa Oaot^ waa aad .loaa.
fane Friday.
ToBBla O'Brlaa U aow irdrkloy for 'iloraatMn J. Boara* SaUirday
a^ora lai^of Detroit bb
Hr. WllwM'lapudlBy
Mr. aad Mra. Uabyart of Graad Ba^
Ida wrra brra laat weak.
____ PeanlBytos of tkararar Qty
tailed bare ToBday.
ra. J. H. BabUna of Raya
Hn. A. IL. ilaooaford. wbo baa brea
yaratof Mra. Bnya laat
tblUay frbada at Piarpon aad Baar:
Lake for Ue opal two weekA retaraad
Ib Daily Oardaar of Uatoa CItyM bonabatiday.'
F. C Buck went U Iowa today.
rlafilBy brr brolbar. Bart Uardaer.
The raerlpu of Ur Donaa aorlety 10Dell Falrbaak* aad Geo. Fray an
cMI Mat Friday rtealnr ware $n.
Mra. U. T
looklay up rarit applea tor akipmaot.
bar pardDta.
Leo F. Bele left Teraday mo
John Motua and family wan tbr
for Uraad Bapidi op bai-Uirea. .
Hr. aad I
yamu ol Ur. aud Hn. Bobmere 8aUr
rood Baab
’bileJaarpb Unlaoa of lalaad
mod Sauday.
. . Hormoo rldrre. who were h<

Mra. 3. M. Terwllllyar of Fife Iwkr
-aa tkr yorai of Him. Uedyta Friday
aad Batorday.
bsaateia aad inatrl wQd wiib ra
I d«^ om bBd .HlM draala
MMataai. raanlay Sfol oat way aad
^raUeotbw Tbt day wat kUM t
r daytwltbMr..
NMday to apesd
aatrtat fartbtr troable a
Aiwrpb Baity
JUb bulla HaaBced. iBatarof Uw
Maadt-rbar^ atMap>Cily. will bt
atCadar Baachaprl aaiVBaadayr—

,yareu. UimBnl bim

wba bate retaraad I
Kdbob^'^H’TlTSmMM'wmi^i Ura^ElMahaUTromalB baa baaa oaf.,



tAU. AtfOUST 11. waa.

Aynorim toy MabelUra
liter F»a il, .bow at V
laat alybt.
Curli* Scott went to Traterae City
Beebeib la Ue
J. W. SmlU of Aeme bae
pined a yomlirellarfor
Taylor mod wife atlraded
tbr Elk Uke'Soaday aebool eoBteatiOA
C. Bobmere b maklay improtri
ie Ur way of aa addiiioa oa bi. boau.
Will Johaaoe bnuybt a aow of D.
Fairbdok* Hoaday.'
■dMra Tram:
10 brlay up.

«ema OorrrapoCHlmra
Hr HeoU^ waeat Ur boll Friday
Grnir Rsymo waa nnralby a >
ora hand leot erak.
Mra Ed Fbkrraad litUe daeyl
fromJforU Haaitonarr here tbllMy
Mr. Lordir-eev
OB nurr Ukr n
Tbanday caltioy oa friyad*.
Tbr raia on Ue Srd canoed lb
picnic tube ptaipoard natil
Ur lot
S. 11- ShrridA
... from a nail to Ckarletoix aad
Mra Totten merited a tiali Mat week
fnrni a abler aod hrrbaebaad from i>»
aootbrra pan of Ur ^tc wl
bad not aren before in fl'yaara
Icllrr recrifed froni Tenueearr a
cMyeayotelbot tbr draU of Mra
L. Frrrmaa of malarial fern
tbraerlruallMi'wof her eon Koc;
the deaU of the woman'e baby
ecDt aoolb with Urm laat-epriny.
They were fprtnrr-rreldenU brOA
Frank ItraoAm wa* quite badly pob-.tpd laat Friday by wurkioy wbrrr
pobon Ity waa xrowiny.
Ub face aod
cyrs arc badly awulirn yrv
John Wratoolfa pauto
tery tree from potato bnya laat Friday.
SatoriMy tuorn;ny. batiuy oceoaiou lu
erota lbs pntatu teld. br lav* one ead
<-f II wa* outervd with tbr bard abrllrd
bayr: oeloaly »brtinea bat Ue,
waa-ooterrd aiih Urm.
(hey mutt bate ralead down.

Monhpon Da]

SabatruadlaybyHlm B
(kmy by ehildraa of





Roru HUttn

I will merp nio my a
to more a dollyr'a worth of the cooda I now hare. I btve been ootaide end booght a full
new atook f«w my new atorc. I will aell the atoek I now hareon hand EARArdlABA of OoBt
I •■iH qooU* A fpw priewa, aimce wont permit e to 4D0M many, bat cvNytliiuR will ba in "
At»tA0 Pomor prioB $ 8X>0
A good Excriyior lUtUoM at....
... 160 PormAT priOB
A good Iron Bad for..................................................
,.. 8.76 PormBT price
A a»»t.cla»A PynioBoUr Oook Stowe.................
....................................................................... 7.60
A ftiBt-clBfa PeninanlAr Stoel &ang«...............
...................................................... 36i»
A em-clABa PeninaaUr Ronod Oak HoAtor.
A hraWdABA Air light SeAtor...........................


RtoTw from #3 .VI np. You gel a wrilt-n Rnaranty bon.i with erery’ PeninanUr :
thi- U-at .dorr mail.-) bot the al..v.-. moat pv aa they are po heary to move. Kow if :
• •‘••'V
«»r anylhiBK
in Fiirnitorw.
“ aware, or-wiiig uai'iHiKm.
.......... C'mriwtA, iNahim.
.n.„ras Tim

■OB. a tery piraaaut ceaLt took place
at Ur mudepaa af Mr. aad Mra W. L.
^ biiy
Frlak. aar of Uc bmt kaowa koaxa oi
Hlllua towsablp. U b.-tay Ua mirriayr
of tbrir rldaat Oanyhirr. ZelM. to Wai

Uaauf Elk Lake.
Tbr bride waa eery
linyly attired la pearl yrav caabwara white roam and larried earu.
Him UUieFriok held
poatof honor aa bridaamaiiL and I
Hynb Bell waa a lately tower ylrl
To^e^yro^ wee ambled by Lowall
The oopUel knot wae tied by
W. Hiller of Elk BaiddA Bat.
I. Bryaa a tbliny M Ue ceremony.
boot twai
..lyflte reMtltee of Ur
itrarUay pariiee wIiaemAd UoHarrbye tawA after
The Koilh Aui'ocan h
roet makra frelorra nl « ptpri
«V. RuMlI. H F . OB - What I
Id Ue eteaii
eaiaya reorptlea t
ioniit* bare door for Irrlaod:~ Ck-Sco-'
dcred 1
orwiy wedded coaalr.
aVOr IVff-r-e - Tbr Ueitrd Suir. Srnewklcb i
oor beadred of Ui
W." bnil Andrew CkrueyirV rt**« bn
friend* were prearat.
-DbUot Pauraainot "
I'ublUbrd at
Tbe larye aumb« of oertul ai
•('Fifth Atraoa. Nrw V»rk
preeeou of which
Ubh t
Ury we
The Aucarlimurof Table Tblk for
..ipiesu tralify ie a me
nbbri ck. 1 cot aod timely rradiuf
tbr mierm in wbU-b they are I
od hr’pc for ttir lioobrwlfe
It opco*
Tbr bride, who bam yrowa
itbao ioter,-M>DC article 00 -Waraaboud io her prrarot bumr.
dr Waoderloyc and
tVedpr ll.-ud
for berarlf aplM la Ua (ffrtlioai of
todr.-bt UaTliia ll -rker Flini.Uel
harcaanoi br rradllyrx
ill lotorrel meal women, and b (ol
r bit brea for yean Uc
■w.^1 by olhcr iutcrrelloy articUe and
oryaabt la Ur H. B cknreh. of wbk-b
rartleal d. [..rtm-n'r
abr b a meet exrmpMry oirmber. an
BCtitc worker In the Mebbetb echool
nnd L<ayer. ned brr wlltiay errticr
icmluy manDrrbarrrndeerrd
■ry bran- We all frri kreuly
.1 hot Mtlny but pray tiodb eali-l vbarcl
choiccat blrmlny wlih our boat wUhr* p-rr of
.lair ptalfram. rl-t-.lar
ipauy hew u> brr new borne adoptiop
commltve aod tranrart...tbi- furiuaitr auitur fur h>r
band aod i.reri. i. epokra of lu trrmc lay mb eUrr butiorm *»-tuay pruprrlit hiyhre^ rr*pn-t aiM eetrrm by ibewr
wbo know him o *t. and we prrairt ’’Hra'*ilal-JobD.oa«f lIHuni*.
bttiua c-andldatr fur tier prraiil
for tbrir piramot aod eu.-cemiul t..
Iri*-., will brpreernt aud addrr
ayrd. ,v„ ihr»lr«emof timr
Tbr buiiii- »a* Uttrfully dcrurtlrd
lib a proin .i .u of yul^rii md. l^»od
■me bouqu.
end Taimre ol o%ra.
nratrai by tha c->ayrDtii>o. Ka-IecraallonA a>--.-I pwa/rtc.,-*
'•kia-'ly yract aa open oor fare
riory floated t .-oie • trrj onok
Urrat prrpara’J-o* are mabiny
. yltlny a te y p :trieiic appeat-..ora
foFau ratbntlaelir ruri rrioy
F. E Rm.Tcn.
State Chairman.
J B LaPeari-eti •ei.UomblnedBh.


****"**' **’


^ 3

Traverse City, Mich.


128-132 Front Street



Close of Season Sale I
(1 jtrojrrvRs on Sumtnor (rixxls at

Prices That Must Moy^-fhem!
t>ur slock.s in wnrious depaTtmuntR in Summer Gooda
are Iin>kcn and if _vou find what you want it is

in Your Pockets.
Below are Onlf a Few of the Many Bargains Offered:


('omiiii'n.-iiu; with I^afli.'.V'SliJ^'aiBM, w» offwr flie
rrgulAr •■Ui- aod -Vic qmliti.-a for..
H.'l'iilnr-fvV-ami 7'tc Wai.^ for......,,

Enterpilxlnc Oruyxlat
One of tbr many ynud
■ few uiru more whir awake
eiybUof UrJ. U. Lal'r«rl'* Show* b
parade That lakra place rtrry aod rnlrrprlbini^ (ban 8 E Wa t aod
moralny npoa tbr principal Uorooyfa
famof rtrry city tikiled by AmericaV Hoe t'lr their
BOW hare Uir
ayrncy for Hr.
r fur iVtn..aiiip
Kioy'* New
ktHctloa. The aaradr aa aero
liuB. routrh* and
b full.v donbid tbe aim It waa wrmd. rfnl remedy
b proflu.-inr
irianD. K b Uc dreirr of J. H. •.ach a far.'r all orr
oi-OBtry by it«
ImPrarl that no eut. m-ot ahalt br many cu
i«. ll-mrarurM.
- In aoy pnbileatiou or adrrrtiae mrreAMtim*. Bm
Thioat. Cheat
aud all affiH-tlORi
and l.ri)oy^. Callalabiri
aadyetatrial Snltlr frn-or a raynlar
*ir.r fiW Ui Ci-ul-. UB-t 61 KL l.oaraBlrril
lo enrr i>r prirr refunded
The craofalrrct JltpUy will be e
Hite ioBuretloo to Ue millioae. Thb
mrjrailc dbpley of rrml p"mp and
ruyal power. wlU ita tremeBOou* nutpouriufl ol a buxr army of propir,
tied ksiybu and ladira. aparred
booted aoblra aad

qnaeBa clad iu rkhckt armina aad ri^al
robcA Ar arraourra aod aupberbly
______ _________ larlie TbomaA
cMd army will appear In rndlem aod
I rarerM City Saturday.
brwlldrrlnc profnalua.
Him Kate Voice, wbo baa brea at Dr.
There b lo be Bran id (bb yracd frottrult furae^ral.wrrka, reiarard igatur
irret paycAto'pen ‘aroa of wHd

........................... I


\Vni«1« marketl
0(«V a f.-w .‘ktw Hue Silk Waiata Wl
tnllodow-).-..........3 98
ill lii-iit’n FimiiHliinK IVparliii.-ul w.*i trv aUabing our Al­
n-aily low iiri-i-rk •
tlur fawioiie Triumph SliirM, tb.- 7ra-an.1 H8c .}ualilieag.. f..r,.
Oor #1 Hiul ftk- Hhirts laanie braml) go for....................................

^ucklra-a Aratea Bair.

Far Twfuer* end fTbildpew

TtollM YnHaniUiqslaElil

H.-r.-w aV-orrlier in M.-n’a Somm.-r Kuib.. A well made
W0..I Kmtim.-r Hiiit, well worth »7, lo cl.m« at, the aoil.... 3 76
No humbug. Si-p them and cDuriu(*e j-ouroclf. ’

Evtry dtiaitmvrt is t.eminjr with barRaioe sol#
regardless of cost to dose, at

The Boston Store,



Tbr C H topic for next Saoday U
■■ExaltCMrbt’- UaUfliMl.

:rapSl i.
ineoailieat cloU ,f gold aod
uriental eplradtir.
Tbr E L b-piq for Saoday atenley ■leb Mm
■* "Hrlptny oUrra."
Iba 4I:C. 7; Gal. ma*|r under diallarabbrd'leadera. fair.
It fill Ue air wiU warra of liquid meV
Uiaa LbtUr KalA<8 wiattoTratr
ody. Tbb yraud^dbplay of tprrtacolar
City Wedawday of Mat week.
pacranlry. and huyr aiyfau of j -y aod
ti. W. iMeJtmls drutr orer from
rlclury. will Irate the abow irruapdand mod waa at Ue Wankaaoo I
'rtrry moralst at lUb'cloril. rala or
<i U Damrwaa Id Trararar <^le art- .abiae. and b rkbibiud free to all upoo
ra; day. a.t weak.
the principal atreeU. aod conatiluU
Him Wioifnd .liutcliiaaoBof Graad graod free public b->llday fur Ur ten
Upld* b brra tbliiuy her moUer.
of Uouaaada wbo dally tlaw Ur riebre
Tbe ledire of Ue Nonhpnrt Beorfl'
and aplradort. Uu* ynutiuaal.v ex
Three Urrat AIlMd Show, will axhlbii at Trareru City Anyimt 19.
K V . b a yani at
Bet. Hr. Hokbotre drete dowa from
Dr A. B Spli
ploary. formerli
ly of DrTraterae C‘iy Pridey to uhr ap hU iruU, BOyr p-vpr
, San__
workaa paalorat Ue Cki
barium..WI I be at Park I'laea Wedam
day. Any. I7U
Be will yita enaenlutlon Iipra all forma of chronic dlagaau
A. A. Semtepi of Satb
See -ad- In another columm
yaeot at the Waakeaup.
-Hr. mod Mra Barlbot left for Hay
View Saurday.
Tbe C K wl-l ybra aa ice
cMI ua tbe Mwa adj-unlay K,
Tbsraday rteatay. Price tan
A dance waa yiran at Uc borne of
Brary Scott F^y
• J. P. Holiou aad
Chirayo are yomU al
Ur aad Mra WiU Wiboa mod ebildraa and Mra Bumrm came orrr from
Uc bland laet weekFraak HcKibbea of tmailay earnHoadry and b tbitlay U C. Boaeoa

Hayaalnre for Aoyust.

tbr liadpriuiooy ynraal.. .
Tbra* aiBodard pcbllcauos* are for
aalr at aU new. etaodA or cae Ira had
by mall hr a-ldretainr Harper A bruUrr*. Fran&lla Square X*w Y >rk.

Th' Cenuiry for Aoyimv Ue -mid•mmer pumbrr.- ha> for ita iolUei
peporad.Aiiip-.ioB of Ur erriicm.-an.
Kwl hue . ..
-amt dlor-triwd by Dr. Kaue and
yraat .ue.-rm Tbr a Inner
by bim for reouyaoo. There
l»arm Bwtha Dillow. E^yUc
■ra At.-ral yood abort atari.* and ■
'I-Auk aad Tbi-ixr Vilirra aod :
r mprebamirr I bt vf war auriea Tbr
Maaelay Lrellr. Fred 8token and Ar­
Ccatury Cn . fnioa HqaarA Sew Turk
thur LrxUr. Jr.
Hra Baehra aad rblldrra rome Mat
aM^- noae aad ara auyiay al Ur Per- ^llril tbr -flrUm aemi
tala* more holarlcal aad rar artielre
tbae lir-lua
SU11 Ue iw e bditrrdlM>* IV A. MrRIi'aryaf Maobfqar
rt.nayh in coatrau I br rxerrd
M • u.vinr at the Wiukaa'ia
iay'y raleruMlny. Che
■arlaa Mcriborr'e
J-ba Carmaa. wbo baa twea atra- Sam .Vrw Yrak.
t'raraldsyA nbirord Huaday oooo
M-C-oreV M.
Hn Fralirfc, wbu-bae bcwatbiiioi a irariicm* aad auriri of adm t
B'-Boada for ertrral ww b*. rwturan end lore, foim-oy a Ibt Ual b attn
■ uraday.
t ra
'Thit mayai'ar fi^b a field era.
COmp maelliir. wakb b lo ba brlJ ii
ra'lt lu own
H H. Mraxra Ol. 1
eHarien'a yratr. eommraera Tor* E 2tu etrart. Kew T-wk
The L~M--«t and
rofUr Lerlaaaa.
a eoar.iy r. B ulrai
fra Ur year . artliy
y J...
S-i Iipa. are
m fnllnwe:
I. . k
k al
B.rir Ulr. okairmaa: Jnba J. ^wt
utUoed lUrtmr. HyrUt daha e< amtlp


T*kr<'ra-sirU >'
-i-rrr. Ira mec
. Ukc No T>

AmarKma Harrow 0 •, D-Hall.

II dnuclM.<0
Okie* aed rai
trmedi Ou. Ct

$4 Per Day Sure--

H1011 Uu ,oU «*bt bouor*t<l.*. Mrod, rwp'.uf
mrelMryrer roiiiwl. ei cu>l eerr>.el you
,.«D loeieor h- trerrJ- IJ -o mo* (or
•aiUr^lr 1-rku Hat on* penl-ul*r> Wr.iir
IWBh rairraorra *iern**j T-


■ rei-l Aiikrar J. fS-k-nil. uoJrr ibo Urm
e.wro.v a * Prrtiii.i- ibi. dw*w~im
b| .wumel cneiii ui^Aciy J. r»l^»r jm
IVMTtJI krrri.r arailwr. Uw |.>)vrui
itrMip el ttrbrw *Mr-rrtrr- >11 -ura-U Ira lk>


axTOM J rimurrvi.

a Hotel Whiting

Harper'* Mootkly eouiAlaa a rariet
: rradiay caprcially aabrd vto lb
rad* of Ue (nnriutA
Tbr eartec
aumbwr b
ranyioy from polbiral r
Ha'prr'a Wcrk>y
Ubl- rr of the wi


Cm. Midi.


on OOP Aav.ooR in amt Coat orer fiioii.oou lo putiUah. CcpMim
ararly MU full-payr euyraTinyauf i.u
Ooa IMp Only Boa: VMth.
Mariour. by the Ureal Maalerm.
It b
BOtal fr
- ofrbriaU
-- -butaa exhibit o
all U<
Maater.’ idrab of U.
rr book 1-fce U iranr pgbIbhad.
Ayrattarr _
tak iay from Urer
to iwraly order* dailv.
atlram Dttramerdiar Bra.
irantifui Uat wbea p
wPnram*B*B-rru«want II
Publblwd Irm Uaa a
l■,l•.I-r_ K>-, tWiw. rowratu* <X .w
b* Ur*. bRwrUU*.
‘arrara orarA
Ueta* <Mx amWL
ead eirrady ra It* twrnty-fifU ed
I- rllU.m* eoaabtiay of I

Tb- pramra ara ranniot de,
rl. fat lo fill urderA
A perunal ul
pievura* ol tM* book J* iikr lakiay rai.b*i..M^lbM£'.LcmI UhJik*n.lISi:ntS^-.^Ja*r^%mM£!rtw^^
- - - - - - - - *lttm. rabA.lmetraamra
>er a noor .be yrrat art yallrrira u< m* LaerTnraWt.eUrafBd. - ——
Earopr. rh- lli-riultaye, Fiado. L;Jbt.
Pitu. L-urrr, Vaibma. .Salluaai Ol
Lradoo. Ruuuwel of Urrlia. lielridor*
and oUrr rrlebratrd Barapeao art yal
irrwA hare all pieced Ibelr rarrat aao.
rrratrot irwaaorra at cur dbporai Uat
Uiy mlybt bereprodoced fur Uxriwal
rVaokn **D caXi-BBa eere* •ab**t*cMt,b*ft*.eela*r***r. Bee mi
EVBs.-Mje OB*
-Clee-rd ilio #r»'
rak'e w-ek with tbr book.- ray* oa
Meay aara aad wiMom beylay
d payinr tor borar* from tbrir *i
■a *riU Ub yreat work.
Abe m

Tbr Fraum (or Auroet b nac of l
brat of rarrat tmnra of thb aiwril
ran ■rrorr pnaitioo of Marayer beta ft
Tbr paper by (troo.. de ufiMr irork aad omrr^OBdiay wlu
Adam*ra> -Tbr 'ttwnbb WerarM Ur ayrau io UW IrrritarT.
Addrara (or
Sqnilibriam of Ur World.- ft werUy fall panmaMraA. P. T. E-der. PaUUb
HHhIcaa A*A. Chhayo. IlL.
FHU Flora.



Til.- pri.-.-* of ni.-i^ Straw awl Hammer Hata aiv cut iif two.

Tm. Kk*T Mai.vk Id t1i~ world (oFCota. Hniim*. Sore*. i;icrra. SaU
Ferer Surra. Tetter. Chap^ j
■rum.. F'erer
BraplinoAmnd paaillrely cam
_____ Mira.;
or ao par required. It b yna
yuarantcrd toylre terfert aatbfartiun
afartiun or moneyrefunded. Price SSnentt
box. F<
watt per
ealeby J. U. Jottneoa and S. S Wail.




To Young, Middle Aged, and Did Men
s: ssrs iSSStL-Sw »»- r

DRS. B. S. & CO.
Look Box 160.



OKANl) TBAVK8E HttiitAL X AU<3-UfaU* li, 1698.


i>t to am Menu It bora
} tan bUMUUM aid p
. BMUoa Ad 7.W "?!>-•«*«
cne-e daw wiU «nr frow cat rnfimr
tWttaM. rnhMRldnchltW,
WUI U. pi«iam«r Do you nppon II


Gripplfld at Play.

rtaadlng. wtl'lag te ieara ear tm.larm

•regouoperyaar. Hne'eaew If .Adrees
PiiBU »r lUbegneh. any be trana- (A aaeelepe for panlcalar* to A T. Tmrl lu rl,;-. by a rar Maple taouum. Bldar. Ga.dfml Manager. IM M eblgae
Siegi'> -icilmnrf wiM alcnbol and Am..Chtoaro,4U.
7 ciatcd wMb flnedaaebin* m»l»—IWTTI
then (b
:i«b Ha>«l Se re tea Me
irwaralM. UM « ray eraily.
HclealaMe world
.. UM«i prta ray
. ia a place w
ttonnKnabl The Diajaa nyabit
'rA dbboeM
U no dao, wbena u 1. to n
Me nAdkT Cnb taM fdt >o tmpfj to
aaipaoMe toaitempt te eo lob-rfrlt iC

aae who itiemM to
bear Uu tmi- Mon wurd. MM Mcr bad
u’^Rcbtoatd ilMirUdlnRDlam
tbt Fiddlv Onb wa. fuJIina
aad plam. Bay be IUirI by Mr ai
tunh U*UB tb* iBnd
(he IlniKCB
InraiDwairrnaill l< i.naplrleflj-thu-loc spiuid dxwBlai^ »ir)iiM
•bine hlSL TUu •od<l«Dlj' from UAlad iy mtnrated. Mm placMl brcwemi Maeu
irrrae Oiy to Maiil.t'e nt> Hunday.
lalailn*. waverloe. while •mm
Hay SS. aad every olarr Haad.y tberrNew pal Me pletatv taoe down apm afior Tralo* leaea Trarerm City al
uanb caifae Me Uncoi Fly (asuil;
Me ttleky nde ul tbe
Ibe glam
dorcbebla. dry
i>;«U a. m.
Retarninr iia'a* leaeiTTary la plao- H.abtee at L:4<> p. m. fba.l low rale*.
The llule boy UdcbeA aait Moated
ll■ooi>(• It eanact be Buaud trip lure nut m,wr tnea II fu>
aad dai>pM bu fanida Tbc eon Mdoi tag it. 0.
briabily e|vjD ibe Add* aad Mub-AI- tnoTod wiibiiai daugiT ed turiiig not aay. dik'.ar,vr Tirkrta rnrid only ea
day of aa'e and not tranaferable.
Len Updow l>BUie ia Kew
A. MlTVuai.u Oea. I'we. Aft:
WU-u II u adioaod. bcgla M
u.u. Agt
H. W Cr.i
eoRwr and ircm Uu> plcUie cic



9.'> MTV M* bUl MBiUr
«U.I MkaM>«niu*k>.ku&
Am tM> v*T >M> wnM.r


"'Si' '

•Mbm eeMbMC

- Of IM Ml Him n tte Im>4.


«itk iWir (». mAm) te «M. •

contiDually i
a|i]K«r U'tiriTTi Me picture aud Me varaiMid rarfant.
Vlun (bu 1. flnlabrd. pn( Me pieMre
TV. r»l vM«»n SiA.
Wba AUoa caini- dowa ataira Me'. away again, let it remain antil qaite
W. bull! IM. IV VmiU .
fiiBod bee greatnncle Mivld Mulag lu> dry, this by a wet towel prra Me back
Mo larlor al'aw. oml nry gniTe and id tbe pictdre nuui Me
Mia Habadnobi.U-unfulUm-ani oogiil,----------oagiily.
Now kunm at one oomer. and arlM
(irinwiM uealiiuliw baltnu. and bii
TTi.' N<innilly.rtippHl
ird and the bnad IrriumuA batyrlM Me Ilngrrf.
• tliut limy will nmoui wM. rub oB
giild 1...
tire tal.l.
lb mdkr Onli held op hU
K while pel.T.
k . Alirv wiiit entr to lie li
daw lila’a
Mldd MH’l’red'wneel/ t«^
j wijiee C^'vc'f.w
MamiiBe (hi. anill all od Me whi
fc« WtM ««•
"e bUliMiedawa
VI. 1..U. .1—.
I . ‘Tcv.™.
bund npou her Minidor pirtiiai l.nTunred llil>wllHf«ieiajly
Tte tUe wa« ool and tlteie
Mil enbr <if (be pirtatv Bl.oi tbe glam.
iluwa at biT VO lieig and
feodAnl to oil ou (Ik! oami
Al tbe llnlidk glr.. the bu-k a raltur
Mlaugely that aho (ell a llttlr- Bfrild.
AM Mr Me Md where. d.nru an.a«
biary <-iut of yrBii-i!or. nt varnlid
••«y dRif.” be ouit at b-iigili.
.Me rwAi and Me diuM imn. Me Ptd- waiii toleU yrnalUM- iiuaT Mi. am
UT II 11^ Ihiimagbly aud add a ray
Ain Cnb aod hie (amUy made Metr iug. 1 kaiiw yin will reoutnUir It, aad
WUti (hi. >. (■•(hnly dry. frame tba
erefy yiw wbeu tbi. day cutnaa ym
will Mink (If Mo man lamg»lagto: . rtol*' wiib a Very Mill, glum uiier Ms
tell yiia aUnt. Um-day a laug. long rarnlilMTl vhle flaug lu tlm window a*
pnhapv—liel whaleri» || waa be war Uioe ago tb« ni-w. ennui tliat llie ptvM-'
ntlac II a« fan a* a liitJe buy nu bU Amt bad oalliTi fur nu'n to go and light
w utlempt. maybe niTTwaiiy
bwaWnt wbta be i> r*lu« to a larnic. frwMeikag. nurflral
fnev tii)m baudliug i. aniu^d. hot
JaM Mn Ibe Uracm Fly oame aliaig,
wa. my brutUr pirariitBiHTi will lirffig
atybe e
a «sat <r aomMblaK. and Mi>- liitiry. Tbeo I .aid I would go b«
ind a llitle Ingi'nolty rury
oar by
iful pinnrva may U-ym-iar*‘ll wa. ti-ry grauil wbiti we m
HoR your bnwk. ed away in oar now auifunuii. wlM oar
uT li-ifliug eZ]a'iue.—I'blla.
a barry ftor'be nIL Mlaiag gnua
duUdib 1‘nwv
ad to Me OiaL "lAai't yiia knmt 11
•■Hot mm iilclrt. after wo bud
Im'I imnd for ytiBUmt eofeai;
away a liaig Umu and bad fuogbl ia
"Ob. yea. I know aU aUmi (hat. wa. a liuA uf |n>«i dimppo
rweradliw FidOln.
yidOln. "bat >'
annl iai.H><' fuiv «f (be buy wbu
raa little
little Mfacsrb •rbi'
than be killeouilugintid.Mefriulgubi
on 4ii
and I'n
I'n afaSd fcir my lUe here
rr, .lightly ymiiR , Iml ' wirti ■ very
am/ intanle.
Ml feat and lid
■^moner aiul I
1 dnie tba wain cal id BKhL
Aa the Fiddler Crab and Mtibit rym
II. lure Mr mark, uf a muAIvt. bat
Mdl ooi at |mi( a haU an Inch on twh
fab lan-,.howRl nuaigtn id renKm,,
faony lirtlf arlclu MMwarwafraal
"Oaiie <m III the. buuaa." mid Ma
lilm a ahni tau itoed tort wIM <be
•ynbibMedoa tlie pohiw He lu<d;iA
"WbM for? Pm walMw f'* that nM-«> droll MM Me Dnwuo Fly Rigid
HlniilM l.iy li> nmiu uuL "
haldlybalplaBchUv. IlcdldautlaaBta.
"Well, U . m. am. Wr-ye mmie a
Mca«h. aad looked rery raye ae bo
mbukr. and ue've g>« ti> apiiliigin'.''
Tull"-' i«uMiwniard.1"
"Wby. Mr. FIddWr. wbM haa hap'Tluy'niii.rt (tgaviiinla Tiny mily
■Meat Vhat ti Me tnaUer’
B t^U^- 'ilny'n
.. ('rnPma-





/ "A

iMcy'n aut. Plltakiiyoarwerd
frail ilauit tiH'tr bit U'lng tipanbnbi"
bu ed
• rvlBiiaiitlv. "liac

.............................___________ _____ e Irak
tedtag ora Mne «n Me nan flat, and
I cMa ora ben to afaud gaatd aad
M again.
"WrU. wetL” nid Me Uragoii Ply,
"1 An belleto it U Me trry mov bijy
MatalMlIrlllRlniewilh Me bnwli
datnul He it>«d diAra Metv on Me
bridge, and yaal aa 1 cane flying abmg,
got Mlaklrg at any barm, iwlili ntne
a great buby. bneby limb that grand
ay tringr and frlgbteaed me inlo a fll.
Tba bMt bBBtlag U akdg tlili roal loo
»rlgbt Id Me ray plaof
«a WbM aawa going to dor*
"I iin't knew. I'ai earn," began Me
PMdler Cbab. and Mea aU at tame be
throw np bU big pUw, aad hi. eyei
aadi oat }od aa far a. lira Me two lit­
tle Mbrimwoold lei tlH«n.
•■Bi." be wUlw-md, "here he r«bm

at n'T HU
oy balllio. oar mgini«ul waa waked
at luldnigbl und mun biTl turwanl to
ba rroily fir a gnat balllu Mat waa
earning in tbe inmlug.
"Tbe ouiuina beiCBU to Boom by Any
igfat. and lu a Uulu while the ballut.
•ere boaglug Mniagh the like
iTTV awl Idg abcll. MT
e lnu% aud Ibo men
ed Ibnngb
falling all annndaa
"Tbe ewiny fnogbl nty brarrly,
Mt after a timewr UgauAudriTe Mem
Uek a littliv and al bvglb we wem <rdetvd luaiakearlianie.- Wi-alartiTlm
tbu ran, eyeryUrfy cheering. Btnry
and 1 .idii by Mile. Jutt Udem wo
narhul Mi’rldgi'»ilK.TB Meimemy werji
walUug ir II
nil fell a Man>ttiugtu
my Aibi aud it
lying in a llule wi>d und cxmld uv Mu
Mare Mining diiwn Uirough Ibe tnvw 1
gut DP ami irlul m walk. Ini 1 Rnlda't
BMlid. 1 Ibingbl ir I ctmld get tu tbe
edge id thu wi.d aaigi iojo might And
me. eo 1 iTawied Mu .
by 1 mw a man Mlllngwltb hU lock
agabiM a inv. and II wa. Henry. Jiul
Mink. Mar, Um’gUd 1 wu. luam hlul
He wa. wcmndRl. Imi. but 1 did not
klKiW Men biiw Indlv.
■We hail beoi lalki
when Wu beard
gitau frum a elump
id InMea U>blud aa'^ lliiiry cnwlnd
ora aud fiauul a man In a gray aui*
form. Mdly hart ami (ailing idUnady
fiwwau*. KiltbiT of a. bodaAcuii
HiauymwlRl LockAnd ml wftb mo by
mtbi Wkllu. but lu- mU
tt« fur Mluklug id liio luigman tu the)
buMea, who wa. djrtug for a drink c<


mulling bat I'.rlUBwIliig. now. an
iti.y grow np ihiTlI bnPinn
iru''—WunliUigAiu Star. .

JKORTOaM^AU-t aota TMMwca

I .iM hU

yia.lbouw. tiww.

lien. I*am r,
g'l. Chicago

•'l Urame .11 nTmol n,.


'hen vmi call for IteWItt'a tVilch
af Sa'lirr, Mr great pile care, don't
‘pl anylblog else
Ikm'l lie talked
lain aueepilaga ubatltute. for pile*,
for lum. forhurna J.U. Jobawoi
A l.rv ll*er IBI
dock llliuid tiiiu

rn cuBgl, or tirk'lng In tbe
yiali'i to <>ie Mia.ti < ongh
Huruiie*. la effa.1. t-.uMi.

m ra wun a IIWD IBM



A Bretikfast Da'Wty^

ira. m.-ranui
H.ny (.etiiiiw *. kai.' I

CklU iLi i-ulinnalii >,
p..-:nm .IrVT 1be4iv'-a
Mtii.-ui^iiuJ- U1..R

"Aa?i.4*mm'u .*Av’Vk,
liu.-k -im-ui-ii.. > l.ii .wll
OdbekMUc. 1V..II
I. bwo. Id -I Uu iui4i.e.
DU-lLe -IdKd-.Ure;
Hk.uA.ti.. umuaw-uVIraa

Oar Hiaale I'wagb Caremjrprbe. pe. •
pie by lu <|Uiuk carr.'aad cklldrea m.y
Uke 1'la Urgr'iinaalllle. wlMoul t’lr
Imutdanger, it ba. woa forlUelf tba
Aret rrpalallM «f aay preparatlno auut
to.Uyfor eylV-emup. ikklluglB the
tuTual or okalluau cough. J- U. Juba-


Pu. ItU.-Attlra.
fwlUtHliiiiiih'.. Ma nuir*iPJ.-rl. IWIn-k Nail..., J.ii>.*
'Vitliuii. tlmi <Tir>.i.q4i.T:
fUrkMlvIIlUliU 1.1.r
ABlrd uul.. II.TV. li~ icibiy.
<I-|ttiTU;.nd ...,... h M.d.lU>,.. 1
'Ar.i]wbMeV.l.t..IraU. I- - iv...

rg. oKviUi «T4Ti<u Micaiu.n

I- :

At'ca.lirr U.u. .1

v'-'iuve Tk^> w.,< uoTitoraUu
>IU.V ..vld.u.u»4 <i>4 uliM m. UBr '

•'miui’I.iIu *• ■

!B<ilhir.iuuil> Ihi. you- i-H lll.iele
a. r*.Md.ralym..r ik . W.i. ,lai i.itecy
i>ioUlin.*>iniv '
t. Nil. n*t -4.1
.■ Ibo l.miert b*wt.

CREAM OP WHEAT CO . lun iv.. Mii,

Headquarters for-

' /

Fly Nets

ll. 1hiolH..uluIai.ii'irrh.
A A )d 111. fiiuli.l In DiiiTid
*. AilUagiiTnia-b.:k'i«.Ui

r draad for "tbal


-My te, $7 flod $8 Siogle HarnMD are the bMt for tbe
mooey in tbe Sut«.
^uT'Hiuu u,rv.dirE

me U MrT'J.liuvibUu.

A food DoabU Driwlof 1

ntdar. Ma Mad 4^f fcptambar. A. B.

To agUaiive wra|ua.
Ootug.Eaai or South.
If yoa'ar* gmag to HeirolU Toledu
•bayood, ask roar local ileket agent
•r t twket ci./ A !• d B B.
Kacelleat train aarrlea I. a fratare of
thu Uae.
H. F. Houu.uh.

Trunkt, LsdiM' And Oant'g Fgtcbeli at AU PricM.

A rut*** a
dfW w.unan |.i .'
IM, no

U-.-V0B1. Ml wlMiv.i lerTTi-uwllilT lur aay

“ i-

•''* Him wane u,i j wm 1« w.*k* ambl. to wttk. I iruA


•Hid yaakauw ilv>a<mvu-b ba. luur

ua Frat Strew

Trarawaa City. Miohtf*B.

.-ThaV.midvlliai.lU. Imkluw In my

He—ttWha ala-, wmvlliii-lanKM.ti;
III-a piling girl.
rtu-iUi, iwndy ratH-w'-ladlannpciU.

OrdflFflfor Job PrintTng left at the


Key le Ik. IrauUr.
No IfW.-Thi
.No Ku.-Fui
hull, Iriing. I'rl-.r. owl
Jlope. huUt, ruwpra

LkUkVAT. A».


grace., b'-k-.




AU<flrffl Lins of TalMoopeg mt Alt PricM.

Foe broken aarfaaa . aorA
bile*, bartu. .kl« oumhw and aapecial
ly plia. Mere la one r
HeWItt'. Wltck ll.ael nal
yuarall lui HrWiu . dos t oeptcou«Wrfelt. dr liaadv Vuu wli not hr dlaappointed with HeWllf. ' IWb Hai.-l
ilaife. J.U. Johnwn.



III. U wiwn on Me hrad.
___________ ______ Peopla baye^laaraIJ. f4MiH*fr...i.aplB
rd tbal imiVitfa l.lltle birly Blaer are
It. A Vila! lort uf Hv bndy.
reliable lltile pills for regu>Uag the.
It. A UUI1W ‘IbaL. nHwtu .neh (Wy
bowel.. M-------------J. u. thlirav. t can't ibraTlIv Ibuir |ultu uml
he.d«-be^ They don't gripr.



I-IV-II.TI Ih- .II 1.

—A Uagte rain- N

fly t lb.anuWi.v
No ITt.-^Ociigrai>hlra] inramm.: t.
rrtaad. 't. < hcvliiw. 8. rat.-Virde.
>dm. 8 Uumlnttra. d.lwln^.

lu,-. ou-aiv

HOftTOAQl flAl-K wnrtRaa MrartT

will rpc^ivp DroirDt flltfl'lior
Uukifu. btiih ul. ■verami *u ruw*u i. m>

We have a Car Load of_



1 'S^nS^’tSu'tnrSm U
w rnxw •• M»*i. u

M.1.1. II •«* raw uUv M04 KUIM. la. M

If you arc pfiirj; lu Imild any hldewaHfi*.or if you have
any work or c<»ntracls where yon will um it. come and see
)is—wc mar be able to save yoo some mosey.
The only
way you can make asylbing now is what yon aavc in buy

.— —------------

I uld ami .till, my drat.
M hi. band wa. iln- («,i.»w, whmb he
wa. ti.itng 1.1 en aguiafra bi.wutuuhd
................................... biw ti
tatgbt VV..'mott*n Terr ra feel ladh'^ ^
,,Va.a K *

ing the material.
um. Irai.u r-rawirawW iviMmw mmw .
grace -ro-i, iMuv WWW vM *rai Mma ml

^ JsrKi-i


•niuw.uuded .ddi.* in fw.'M'ie'-





e Hr. Fowirr. Kvirmcl uf Wud
iwbarry la Me houra.
■IHe feraamai.roomplalBUulcTi

laue. wiuu Ml- war wa. rai-r, mbon- Ul talk wIM a. al.-ut M,. a
e who Imd Ixuagfai biai Uu- wi
'Bvray yrnr 1 kt«']< tbu day ui
„. miu.u j juijr.
Tbi- mua t>9 did act
( aarwerrigbi
arav. •»' Me rahra luloa etmiinueir’
WrahRfjB.ur. -yiou- grand- '
yimf^U and llnltt
"F.iray«hiug. Ertdm. tlial llR-lora »«*»«. lay ilrar.
wa. md a guo.u^ MaycMBotrem-bc.uirtraoble, IWt
flatllu WekiUmilyinw-Hibditiwaud ‘••‘'■‘raH-l raadpum—)M aplatn ax^eMmt wIM dueu
, laicaiv wildUT. Ii ma.v I. Mai mi >«m wj^erenry wUI add to yuur d\mhl|.
(ra bid. If yoB
avra biwrd id him i-x.T-iu ibu icTiril.-in Ityar'------ . .................................... .kunwyeadu me wub tu hart any .
\ M.. iiiwn wbi-re tu- lired and Mu imn | Mwfkamalimcrrainfciit taku jam fer faua , .
................ V'~
Ufa y<tt ranara gtee lark agaUi ”
<-“«“l“y- ba* 1 am
n«« Me llule Hiy atirwraml bat Ua
bi- gUd tu pot fkiwi-m «u Me
VMM waa w> wmk vCTMTcrab ^ »"*• "* “ *»»dMM« who dliA ao
r Oab aed M. Hnwi«

Ja- .Vuur, ySAhr
lU. tweuiwwui. thu
mill viud u.rti.Ued

'eeikciuukeiaad lUy rrera. lara> mim

A uvt IM mind ivuiul
Ordinary houwbuid aivldrnU bate
nil terror wfaro tUvre'. a bottle of Hr.
Thonaa' Kelivlric III, la the medlciau
llmle burp., cut*, iwului.
lo.. In.iantrellef.

^oMara Iwa

V,.V,s ss lis is


tk.i'v'*(’-*W* ^(^ill

--------- IV be eul .gain, I angUd Itv

rn..H: Oam.

Hr tkaband Mr. Dragra Fly. peek
tag eat Mxmgb Me gnm*. raw tbu Huh
in Me groend willi a atick.
. digguig
"Think. Eddie, bow it wonld bart


airrniloiy B.wi

nioMUi m-LLi\.

ne lu wwab fra tbrnuoadid were
iiUiigii.-r mu. I lunkiM all aftaiud.

had mj '

jtn ^ITnd^^ *


-Eddie. 'mid thi.
cieaa Mey
"ibu'i yna know
Mat Urn Fiddira Onb aud ibr 11


ihiit.- 1.1 dn in inT erefr tfU
>. r...u>ac I ei.ikJ
I bMUkevkomcm 4he .M.

Om nru.1 Kbiion * il.y.


rrii,.' -

the Pain of

Thutwlay. Oembw e. tSpg.

Oulary toon per

More Man fweaie mlllloa fee*
■.•aplraef lleWlll'. W'^ilcb Ha»l tJalcy
bace baea dUtributed by Me
It belter prouf ol
IB Ha Oiei lU du yon l(B. Imrii., iH-a'dv. a

UM. bacaamllsuaDdalguadaudKim-

"Ob. jn« kwaaRi!" aaid tb.. little

lull, aad Imerbl

auv.>i««ur.w *i-ti'
fWran 1*1. iTTj In.-, l..
in iWruodeboR

. kaack.



n ulkiag aad rwaivc ilw. I bwl,Pii.k liilhfur'Ku

The HiebigaB Ceatral. "The Niagara j
allB-ile." from
Chicago aad Ki
to HoSulo. New York aad Hcioa. ukaimplra
I' me ei
raagemenu bare l>«ea ...
lerulte .y.trm of Sam
.gb car aereiue u> Mr
Tickeuaad ikruugb
lleaerb nf Me N.«tb
Mf Biany year. ba»e i
Tbe Faroriu Kami
Uewrrt Eunie
A baadwimely illa.trated and daimlly prlDled brorunre entitled ’-SpCelwen
Summer Toar." is new la pre*. an.
win be .eat tnany addrraenn receipt nl
nrbmwlll I
three etpu piwtagr. Tom
it eery drairai'le li
before taking Me|i
Ticket Offl.w

'r-T.n’T* sc

perfwM.T Iw ropplol hr yram.


Itching pile*? Ni cer mlad If everything 1-l.e failed In cure you.
Hoaa'. tHatmeoL
No falluia Mere,
so urau ai any driig .tore,

"bbl" be wbliqeTvd niee bum
‘•flatter lie low. Mr llngtai Fly. and
aayka he wm't ear aa '
. «o
«0 Me
Uragdi Fly crept Aowa Me
Malk cd aam iial of aigbt. and Me Fiddice Crab .idled MM Me ired. <-L.e to
btai ThMi> Ibey
. kr|d
. MlM aad il.inxA.
"crra Ibo rtglit we cvnl.I hr«r a Hi­
they biwrd
ird Me IlitW
mtW Ury ttelklug aad de rumilug, and lUarr ttartud
terw ikM oraaebiaiy matt In ■rllb him. hKTawItull. ilcRuikl lailyauiTE viTy
Pretty na Mty o>«ld IxorwbMbe
■lowly, Bu wa. mi wimk from bl. raimt.;
iffunt. Thu mud iab-MMlug ul the ddga
i> a Hide “UoRlgiud. ''whii-h I. Me
"Oh. BaBuav’' Mry bard bim ay,
iridu uf OumiNUiy U. TbU little rrlbra
"rtghi bayiyraerday tiBw aboal a tail1 bu raacbnl Mu lr<vA.
IhwFMdbrOlBlal IMri-w BUuarat
"Ihu bank ww. high anil tterp, and aud knapauk -ami laku. pan
and yoa ewht tu hayu aRW than
______ ____ a. ____ , T iwimi
■ ■ Biu luuuRRUiginiiiiuimuuiiwii.
ttuuigthCi.iJlmbd.ra’B. oniu
drill* W)l
«rlM Me uaiipnuy.


... .

Ik. *iH kvu*


I Cure.

MN ynderdaj. He threw aKmm at u
MdknlaaS ■ywite'i big claw and



tny,-' rqdM «be Orah, "a

Cv,., U.V w y.

Exposure Causes the Oovimfall of Many UilelBS
The Stoiy of a Man who was Siriclren.


aai Chilim.


We nell BnSalo Cement. Lime. Calcine Flaater and Hair.
If yon art a atone stason, brick layer or a pUsterer, come

lira UB1( *.. -A . Urau «ral mm CO HU am
wwrai. uraira W Mukuw. Mraw —era w m.

and get oar price*.
ra raa mmrn am ni> ra m.


s.isrj:s?rim=ts saw





Mm.U.*C. Bati

! IbW »wo. poctUiM: »tlr oo» isu Ur
«cnr. U*ttbr«U*r u» wlU om m
••dBdd tnUrnit flAVur wlU few
dr^l> ul B.Utfod
H»kr iato
. . ____. _ tollA w4U tba baedk Ur ■ u of A
AusM tMvkAtiVAM baeboa b»*ko„„i. .priaktr lirhil>jiijb wbite

______ ________________ iu box tboBld be
drroied to tmall woodea platea. papn
aapklat. cep aad oUer oxtnA—TW4r

...- uir»5:r.,r.,rfS'a.T.';'

ffHb bW llBAAil bflbAd with UrrtfAW
hnrUA ni.
Ktr Haled-Klrbt bard-boiled err*,
1%At fro* aa iba arc-aer* lob wlU
foeir mckera rolled flee, oar ball cep
■ *T»
That an blaaaa tbs Want of'Aprit et rlarrar, eer teatpooa rwoh of met
lard, orlrry teed aad aall. dae
vnUaB^ata aeaa ibal b aa«anl epoimfBi of prpper aed oee UVl-t.
fal of battar tUparaU am
flar aacb part, brat Ur rla
Ab« ahaabt b7tba-SB-a Oatas
Ur butler aarpoar oni
add erackera aed tplew
aad paralkh with Irttaca.
«brra tbr Mar
Baked Berry R^li»-<iae plat floar.
pouBlab baklac powder, ear
*SaaU Ua dt7. daad Inna la Ur ffiad eeani Ubleapooufal bultrr. oar «dp
milk, oar plat brrrire Sill floar with
tiban Ua riolata dAaes'BsaU Ua alar Ue btklBf
iBf pawder.
powder. Bab
Bsb ia
ie tbe batUr
and mil wiU Ue milk a doafh at eofi
Or Jack rrea> ahaba* UearstebaatBsM at yoacan htodle Roll oat half aa
IncliUlck; eullat^uam aad ^rced
Ifhars Ua graal Woal Wla baatorUr
wlU brrrlet: doable Ue met
<rlM frapaafTcir
r'aad fmtra Ue edrre. 1‘nl Ue
• in a bakiai
enfer.and waur mltlnrr. Srrre h
Hhaa Ua baprr botUap Una dram WlU aay of tbe puddlar taum.
. aaar—
i~Uab iau o
Aah Twaap.


Ilhh baada Uraat deap Is bla porbeU

baklBV powder, add nadually
Batndcra angFabara Ua rowbelU
apb milk to make a toll doapb.
1 > call:
di.ide It lato (oar parU Boll oae pert
rbUai^ "rtrhVlAad ■as.*' ba U tallad out lirblly. corer e ktfBvbl aided pie
autr with it. Roll out BBOtber ooe
Thoyb br-ll Bot ba ^bt UM Uauow- eadltyltou
Up of the flrki: proceed
lay It
r ease way with the other leu
Aad^^Urrailar orar Ua »«!> Uai
Ib( euolbrr tin for them: beki
lickly. aud wbea dose, while but. lift
r upper part from eerh pan. . Butter
> aad «illl
e Uiarr. turfacr and place brtweea
TMaUapaap ^ da«B I

: :s:'

bibaa Ua arood bird* ar


ban pat
____ __ _tblM.
. ___
parpla abadawa aalold Ua
Avddml^UB Bsadowa Ua wblpU|t^UU^T(ilaaa.atlra«b9 '
OtM taU Ua arta.'-ual kaow ao itj

Ikcmfe t|r €lit«r'« C«I»U^
•a>Uai7 aiBU ier SoBaabaapan.
Taa baaaokaepan raadUa Ua aalur
aar btoaaonor laalpplAi
i Vr
praasBea Ua

ly ibat will aaawer (jr cake, puddlan.
Out mt all bniiaad apou, kooU.
BiriBvrie . wbi« prrpariiv fruit (m
jeRy. Tbe pklne a»i ooree may be adeaetareooaly need, elnoe more ol Ue
waclib Of feUtInoua teetter realdea la
Ibem Uaa la any otbar peutuf '
Jelly kboald boil rapid'y asd a larfr
pan may be naad. that ibr aurlaor for
eeapoeatioB may beae laire aapoaalfon Ur aa^ar U pot ll.
Kreer audrrtakr lomakc a larfr-cinantliy of jelly aloBctiair. You will tuo
reM bettor by mahloc it la amall <iuaD-


tllup d
and pepper and dot
faow put In a
CiaUrae Uia
used. leartop
X Ur laat layhare bees iiard
aoed bake Ult






Doat atr •-jell;- Um
then it 00 aucb
bios aa-Jell." lllejrllyla paulap cpatir kind of
o fralt in I
• «>b. ItM*. Jaekl Tbr pie-"
e to a boll. U< rnokalowly.
Hal Jack had already diaceerrrd
Roo t All yoor kettle too full.
nod be wikhetl hr bad pul Itwacwhere
Sena and a
pOBkdt ol frolt, but in bu ptR-kn
,l.lj ol aurar. will
wlUaa equal
lual qi
"tVherr'kyuutk." be naked, holdii
.. of. . eaerera. fourtn-a
Dp pi-c-of pie la h k baod.
a Of- *rait
'rail ,
|{ ruefully at the dark ttAla
reepinp UjWB kit
. w 11 m .
. .
. TwoquarUuf elemoird cureatila i
two plBIB of 1-Iloe. wfiTch »lS
re.tdr bucip*fatobetd
pouDdt. r aufar a 11 make Ur«e
‘-Ota. yon pre.dlyl tVba
wbep we're mArchiap ad




Rya Ha^ h


. ..

BomeUlM beR ptms wroap wlU
•ema almpie part of e qmtrakAT
eaplBc. ead Uc stohor eoalu aot
It. After epeadlap a day or was turaae loaahUe
a alno.aad eome oaa



left at borne. Waned or paraffiae paper
to Ue beet kind lor wrappiup ai it iImpereloas toadors: it can labtd it
bath from deaien la cuatrs-iloser*' aop

Vbtbainrb Hattou-Kab taratbar
tn taWaepaaafala battar aad flee

A Fmn Onpt Cmm ef tflAar Ffvier






lisfl: s s

I f

saawa a

ssRsp t

flfcsfiiiiietfi "■
•aa&aaaaaaaaAaa a

ssmssflcasidtss 8


1*11 1 ***■■>■>■


s«s& s RSfltSaSBw

MwOls. ITke.kssii**t'
rssd Ksm*.e
m 1

.. uxmwoop'ik /aT^ATi/rale Ssom'



West -Michigan.

wss ao man uc
a a. •-*. a s- a
T is '
sa> :« 1 • em


WK r-AHltV THK l..\l«JK.'<T STt-H^K oF

J an 0'
OCT aas

rstkeeead. si
. ir .or i—. ol >-r
Ixasckskolsl^ w.


Car tro> rrade <• ad lUoaal rraklraka ie. aJroailTaaarO. - >
aadtoird s ed> -renlScaiaa all
tlalllkers an Uleao.
rsdeoaly a- toe Marek aad A«>-




.AgoBE Trarai
•uvBK. ooeo^


hnnd'eall grade ut lirsail.-. Marble pod St3a.- Work, and eoelwaya t.» k.-ep ..iir pii,.-. low.c'naidering tor ■|Ualilr of work
furbishing. Oar Au-iisitv liandimg of muoumiula] work ru
.--•urr sUa-k un lb.- iiew.-- advanUgrswis terms, and the l<ae•J fit Uiis uotaiaea
> lu.wir eu.l.
iiaad n-ri-ru
If you ari- ibiokinp of buy
(•- il w ould to
it-ieg your artirr.



I Traverse City Granite & Marble Works, J

leepVt® M


Monumonls. I
I loailslohos
Markers |



aiima-elseka ■.
uoiau lusaTa.

II. 1). AU.i:V. ITiiprictiir.

dOperrewt for Brsl Bead



ate lo lew# tkas ooiwolaeB Tears. AHowanre
^fooe aer rroi. wUI be wade oa the geaersl
te lor eark dark' atlaadaaco a> Ike

tn! 4M

• One Can ol HID Sill
= Caiiiaee Diessln;


Rfiikefl CAiTia^ Topfl



luisTU IU lomusTm ii

As aasrage ktaedlar .f ..
fweOrod for third grade aorUArasra, aad H
per real, lor ooaoadg^f.Boita tall below A


wni •■
■aer • i

j Bright as New :
W« have miiila a nice line of Harnejfl in many i
F fltjflea.


A apecial. handsome and durable Single :

Harness w« offer for

ONLY $10.00.

T auanAWTifa



E We also carry the best line of Horse CoUsrs, Sweat
Pads, Horse 1 othing and Bridge Collar Pads.

I Wilhelm, Bartak & Co.

.■w 1, 0.1 ps'-hki-.-.- ..r.rr.. SWA
l<e-«-rr IssT 1.'. B.k «our-tocei
......r.j. k p«raktr«r.1 ood SB Wll.‘
Apple Koker
Hit rrcll oue-half IraspoonUI of aall
CO.. CH.eqao
aod two lerel bwApamfuls of bakinpcs>wdrr. with two rapt of sifte^ tl lar
Rub luoOe
qaafur of aeaplulol
lul ol
Jebb BrtauiA.
' Frokop XyoelkA.
epr llpbl Addt
J. Fmriaeb.
Mra B. H. DahMa
quarters of a
per milk
d ma
nred.-d, to made t he doupb aoft ceoupb
to spread half an jaeh tbk-k oa a abal

'SHU.-': “
\?Bh ' ■
; Moaoeo CUT..........

Stiid-p AP S OBWBt

Orders for Job Printing left at the


r.T Mwb

wi» receive prompt atte*'tion


^^OfOR PETE/tryj,

Kow u Uc timer to pelyoer birycle
pot In pood abnpe
fur tbe am

BiCftle Sgniries of >11 Kioils


Trade Mark R-gi.irred V a. Pamai OKra.le

The Great ^specific fur Cum
plexiun and Skin,

Carriases, Cutters, Sleighs, Etc.


new Front, ut door wratIUpleOfto-



loruea kol r
1. Beepafsts* I. |iarfieu-orl) ree-

A«x. raitodet|eia.Pa

Horseshoeing and General Repairing Dona

hate kk diskmoreO. I bs* kevs Uocble*
a,lk<Maiuis.i .wl.trscmr DBIF ttiiafurtak-

UfiEUn IF6. CO., 6mi Itftb, IU.

Re-Painting and Upholstering.
Sute St., aeu- Deioo.


ML PlMuntToweeee. 9^
uw. Bay City, BeOolt, Hew.
ell, Amu Arbor. Toledo end
points Bast and eaib. CUfl.a
Boetteu itftniiiinilehwltb
e—1 Fma apt.. Taede.
to honsakaepere—

Liebig Company’s ,
Extract of Beef
COOKBOOKMnup bew to piepana aomy 4aUCM* AM Micleqi dtahoA.
aatoom. fakiHs Cw. r. a Sag flfN. Mm ikes.



any e
a^ld^U wrapped two la a paekape.




fl «■■■■•
a eewawA

SR B f

\y You Have
Always Bought.

pMiiionaad otVeu in them
a reaileea nqrht 1 was moi
than when 1 a
V ben Ua attacks <
ae lo my Botke. preparatiiu
•aded to me by i^^ui^
aocea. aumerouk plasters ofa i
worn day and nighV I was in
rmla peosuriBp ABTtblap to
until I tried Ikoaa'k Kidec.r I'.
Hist b>a btiped me
1 sWi
ood a
pvrti while tekiop the
wbeu I bad flu.




Uat II paye b> kaow too
Bapleear J. J. JcSrWa of Ue Royal
Cycle tVurkA at Marsbali. Mich, rraidlep ia Uat cltr. at Ka Ul S Marahall
. ails U- tb^foUowiap ol hto u
rrleaco- wlUtbe i
11 pay you lo know begot/i
inb.rweiae companioa.
om|«nioa. Ue aa;
••My k ary atruubled me a
was compel]^ lo pier up ibcorc
lira enpioeerinp oo account, offabe j<
nag of the traia, and sock rmployme
aa a slalisnary enpiaeer. When Ue a
lacks of kidney complaint octurnw

liaMt allew tarraam u me old caat
n u bmlU—.V. )

IMIIt lill

ssflfffls ffss:
■we.-w ---J


Bears the / ,


"Uere. you like mr trumpet And pun
Acau.uiiasi a. .......
AUd I'll lAke tbe bskhn." kAid Jack.
OeUikrrtI sad S... .
(UjTk r ASJ^ipr.l I
Alter thrrxchanpr-Lad been
both bon irnicred on loraWhi
teuce. The aftrruuua was bu
aaraasaUslaro.r) rs
orchard sicelchcd a loop way _______
■tuba " WAsAb iDdcdaHe place'ha-

eowtAutly on band. AM
pnimpUy and well at w
able fxiera.


The Kind Yon Have
Always Bought

meebaawal job. Tbcre-to naoraily oee la erery leeallty
Ur para
two er Uree raps wlU bto Rammer
and loacbed ap a red er I
Ue paaadlap m whaura
maeblae. eeeeed
make oat hie biUfii

EiiminitioD of Tachersi

orefoer Ur^aour apple* aad di
each quarter Iroplhwtoe. l.ay Uei
parallel rows on top of the dough,
edge dowi.and press them Into
dough klipblly.
bprlekle two te
spoonfuls ol
of eupar oTee
oeer tbe aeple ai
hitlc cinuamua. but do
the pan.
Baka la a bo


re a Snap of Treat
a PiU M Moaey.

'That'k wbat 1 Uouplhl" replied
Kmler-Milbura Co . Buffalo. N. b
Teddy, briphtraiop. “So 1I ale
ate it; at
agraufor the 1 b.
way 1■ - leeu't pot juice all oeer
Remember the aame lioea'a And lAke
arw paotal be added l-iumphaBUy.
• Won■ t they
ihey be plad
dy bum forth.
Up ' Teddy
forth, whrn II
ety arrow.
were halt wt.v
acrott Ue
Ur a_____
' aakwrred
aokwered 'Jack,
Jack. ' aad thrv'll
_ ,
•I buopry.
Sh'd think
I'd with you hadn't
Ado-t eetea voor pir
'Wbea aball we
pet to CuU, Jack'.'
iouk <
ben Bl UrwBj Trararwi eoasu, lor uo
Iluansr.wdlUkkrta u tse uraac<Ball
rtararsc Ouy. w ekwoec. a> k e'clsek

Ttx-iw wms a sic
ktoac wall
xiap to pul It
elU Iltror.a fralU Keep pin- tVbeu Ulk forliti-.Alioa was pasacd Ue
per.-lemoa. nc.. for walermiloa aod little compaav toped lu more in safety.
■'1'm awful tired, aifd sleepy, too,
citrou preerrraaaad iadpid pmra,
Jack.''.faltered Teddy. Aud tbe erob
l<aaeh jelly can be tnade t < ' erf'if by hand let fall the Iruiiiprl. tbe Iwu
tbr fruit is aot oeempe.ABd 11 It it
'--------- •‘-'Moppled afl.-i u. aad Ted
cat op wUb Ur aklot oa.
dy't lip quieei-ed.
rei-ed. as
AS the Ured 1lilUe
eolRupberry julor with' onr-tblrd
dier eyed tbe itoae wall Ahead.'
rmht juior maker a better jelly lU
' Jai k *A Ue tmsket down upoa tl
pra»k and bepan u> eeasoe.
—vpokiap we n- lAken fortpierV
Braised 'foapur
don't c—cere: aobiwd Toddy, tl
Two Utile kaowhor loo'aeldom •
loam chasinp eaci
each oib^ down bto ll
templed to Ue proeeat of braltlar- a
UelluUed face. '
Uto ebeuf Ur loaal aarocy wayt
cooktop lonpar. tVatk a freah tuapur
^Noifainp bat aoiw from Ucliul
aad co.rr wlu builiup water, add
it up beep uarlA the apple tree.
a beaplap teaspoaalul of aall.
Teddy -was aliua.1 aileep. bis brad
. ly for two____
mtiup apnaJtik dimpled
-I band.
Urpw two Itaniail: I
ratauec Ur tkio, and Irtia off
-1 'Ui-wi knew
uKl back out.
may look rapped al
be said at last
rhapa be'l. to
rad. Tbea ihruti Ue pjlal
he mated.wit
if a tkewti.-haof
er Urooph the lip of Ur t.
toapor. lore
of elp
Ue thick pan of the loopue" Inward,
hold it b'culy to UBllI tbe tup to lapped
aruuad aad Ue akrwer dritca Uruuph
Uslki then takea pirccol inatllo—part
of a well waabed flour i
So tbr.-wiiif blisaelf upon Ue praok
aad cut A airip jokiae
bmide him.Jaek lifted Teddy's curly
KomI tuu finaiv around the
loBpne and lie *lib iwioe.
Set Uto
______ A—loop—way—ofr"
muraside wbila the Vfpettblcs aee brinp mnrMTeddy. niwlUup lortoufly wlUlo
llaye Urae prepe'rd while Ibr Jack's enclrcllup arm.
totpue to bolllap. RrowD in the bratotop '^Affocrasioaal bird rail from Ue Ir
pan IwubeaplDp
taUeapuoululsol but- abore them alone broke tbe atillai-at
' oBeameUcArTOl.twoiiiedii
tbe summer allernooa
kited uBloaa. ooe medium tUed
Ued pjlAlo.
Jack li-eaD lo prow bnarcy. I
' one UBAlI taroip. aU kUced; one bey leaf, Unuphtof the cooki.a: but. to r«a<
a atalk of celery and two apripi of par the basket, be must di.Urb Teddy. So
•Icy. Stir Uete toprlber
hr bore his.hunper brroieally. as a aalUry .look ploasy.
dier shduld. and bepna cohnUag'
iry dOBol eoorch.
i. aad
laart of baef atock. If Ui^
id hAlhr.bu'.tcrcopt teeov'l to
.eaiehi Uke oarquartof water ii
law hick
_'ctl» late oae yellow patch
Ur UiBpue 1 • belled aud put fa
the twilWrinp of Ur birds grew tar
tenpue la c
i and repi
oft. .Jack'.bead droopeialowlynaUI
ablet: corn
it rcalrd upia TfUdy's yellow curia
And there mam^ found ber soldier
Ubite from Ue bottom.

UwbadltUfaeiad bj-drplac it la Ua
Cream ol Pea Boep—Pat oar piai
aUaaC aaaaUaa. I'M carba«a
paat mnanred altar abatltef. 'ute a
BbBBid ba eat ol ralaasUad lartA].
rnelta aagi jpea wlU asuaxb <wld
of BadaiaU tin. ao Ual It eao ba >
watrr to aorar^a^ eook aBUf
^rjjUjd.bba. ..PV, Tb.
Takeout balfol Ibam. rub Ibe rrmaia
drr Urou*h a »l..aa ailb Ike eater in
. ferrottaa ar_______
which they were cooked
>ical'd ibrea
kj^e^^^^^oaer-aarr^^^bedr cupluir ol aatwt raiik. rob tojether
two tahle«|oo<.tuleol tlruraad ooe u1
>Bpdnd takat can to aaeid Ua pna- bollar. add to Ue toUk and Ue peac
aaaaol Slat.
Ua temaef diaaaaa that were robbed Uroofb Ue kierr.
arWab Ua iaaaared ter rarta^ pall btir unUl It UirkfOk. add Ur rrioalaio( peaa. a cup ul c
Vat only Ua rarba«a. bat
aealdlop, a aoaol tearpuootal o
bUff^ud UacdoUalm
aada <1-............. .................* -■-------■bnld U nrafolly waUed i
ly eprip
of mini Wiled wTu the peat
anr thin era aaad. aad dU___
liked hr many. The peak.khonld W
ifai by diyUf Uaa la tka
tba “broU tapder In ball aa hoar.
iHbot'na. i^Jnmr- Uaes paU>
Merlepne Sapii Puddinp—Take
aaeloUwahaald bak.
iltdi teacBpaapo—watbaad
blbUnnlhla. Aaorea
awoal peaa. Uir^
I’ltce la atucrpaii aitl
climbaca o( any carefully.
aad battar than quart <rl milk, to which hat bcvi
a halt leatpo
it will waru
ataad one boar, aldimertap eery pemi..,
Wbea aoftroed auRl rlently |ea U will
mote from Ue fli
’ Uftaz of iita appaara la Ue
1 four well-braU
yblktaod i
wbitra vfeppt (reaereInc
tbe wbUee
Ibe other
two tor
_,aaa(Bl laiartt at aalan'a acana- ------ ----------. ..
It -ihleMioouti
Ubleepooufnl of. but­
tan. ar Uab aboet bar boeea aad
tour Ubitapooafalt of
lawdaB for a naaoa fax Uelr pm ler,.
■ • ut• cold
.Id ml
sau. tiba la more Ukaly to atirlbola oae teacupful
Ua eWtatioe to tba a-we >a, or to aay- with oae treapaoeful of tanllla; bat
la or Bear oie-balf hour la a iBOdrraUB done and cool fa
' rppi. with two^Ump^fu
tP, wbo la likely to look for Ua oaaaa
. . .dereal
ired aupai
W hoM too ofvaa beda Ual Ue
the puddiep and pal
U browo alipblt*
ere cleaUr .
Cherry I!o1|-Ac eariraa .
Bttblhc Uat
ia Ur morulap etem and pH
bot at
------------------Uea to rid t
off Ur cioU aod_____ __
>ecr with TOecap of praao- the akrwer. i'lace the loapne on a pie
ef lltlmpariliaa
plate or lea drippiap pan pas aad
Uakltsbaa m,.......... .......................
Sift two cope of flour. pat oa.the uppw prauol Ue eeca
I bahl
aa^ falUaboaUbela U.
repeiaoee of fcuyar aod a quar
Ued oeol place, and la cummer
bletABd broU Urooph a lirnir prem
, .oful of eelt: mb ia twoublc
ba aaiTlad away dally. Wbaa
inuaai teepAO: put aa a hot part of
s wbo do Uia work a^leet fa t butler.mix with two-lbirdtof a cop Ue eloe and boil rapidly until redocad
of mUk. Roll out lato aa obloM tbret
' It. UK ■ '
a half laob thick, apread with huUrr, ______ ... WiU a capful
Itaea drain the cberrirw, Icerlax All Ur jutoe.-ead add a pinch of •
aaeaaity of re- Juice for Ue- taoer. lay Urm upoo Ur aad
deetsrUpooBfnl of
doaph. aprinklr with two Ublnpoeo- tockhlreMuoe.
uoe. Stir lato IUe rwdi
beUreUay ban time
fuU of eupar. roll uo elom-ly aad plarh
boll ap'abarply: remoer Ur
ba<» way to do la Ue ooutry, wbea Ur eadt Uai Ue juiot may Bot eacape.
a plaiux. Pour Ait Ulck.
Umwork bet bean aeflaeted aad Ua PlAoe ia a butlrrrd pas And Imke in a
altoprUer del
ituer oerr
■aUacabaa barma to attract dim, U Biodenleoreo for thirty flee minutea.
iakle all witj
lied Irash
U han U barlad. Pal It deep U Ue Add eavupk water w tbr Joloe to make pamley, parntohad i
p aad a half of aauee. thtckeu
r drat poarlac orn It
Irmon, and aerte
aqaal paru ol eomm
hat oaea brra i
dully prepared
> aad liar. Old teaUer _
r. allr In land fallen
tllento imnoe •le if thediree>1 aa^Ud Umt
to bade- three uhl<
iraad boll
ye followed) t ' dtoh to eere to
barled la Ub way.
Tbe la lor to
e aad aoda. and after i<
lar lest thaa
would tuppoae
'111 fareoam dietolred.
aiala tor Jrily HUinp.
eadiap Us mipa. AltrratioBk
Jceble tenllUrr mined wlU
oalap Buy be made to auto iadi
r jelly ere that yoor fmit to aot
—... —-twelfU It* talk ol eerU.
uoe. a pinch of
It U of Wtwr fleror aad
■aab la ear Bf Ur moet ealuablr of all
% toarU Ufa
taaepouafnt at carry powder. Ccltry
KPr barriea. •all may Uhr Ue place af celny A
>m of the UbIiapeuBlul
a uaraa ol aaaeyaaeo it te beet to bery meabUr trait oa Ua 1
....... ...............................
alo catchup lo a
. . malar
paler llota
tlaia aad aoda la UapioparUeprr- pta. In 1( beat up alowly, or art la Ur
.11 do If freU or
Uam^a baadfol el lime aad oae ol
aaaeu ihsaateeMsABaet bt bad.
aadB.-dlmolred la a lltUe water, for
The loapor Ual to left oeer will do
aenpallMot rarbare.
licaly for taaeh Ua aeat itf—('Moitfi.
4»y ralaaa.aaoopl me________ _____
____Blpht. Ia the
Mb ba radaaad to aabm by a boadre
decant Ut Juice
Hrnu lor a Basket Lane^een.
«a» bedlapoiad ef la Ul. .way. Old eloady leeldi
Ina which
tleh may b« put wlU
time.a. an aboet m troeblaaeme aa thrjeleeobtt
Cbickea Saadwiebre
aabtlabea waata. bacaBia they eam- aad made up
ha}tba aartaceot Uerroaad
A 11aBread aad BatM Madwtobm^**
tto4 aambar amr ba palalad a rood
■aural aolor, aad aem m flower poia
Cold Tea or Co«ee
Tkaflaarl alia la jael Up aaoerb to
^lajMa aa ordlaary jardlaUra Sach
^■llBlirm or flower pou may be toaad
ferabakket lunch kbouic te me
Gold Mcdl. HldtrlDier Fair.
la Aall rruaa. browaa aad oUrr aradaybelora.
Meats thouldjse cooked,
^ eolored pouertaa, at ai low aa It or
csoird. chopped, seaauard 'ud pat la
k. ArnapotUaaajardlnthe rrlriperatur: If to be takea la
la«U aahm a mach mora alcbviy wiesHoer a very sharp kalfc sboeld be imsd
d«* Uaa eommea clay flowm pou
e alioid meals wrapped in a
PiBPIt Uhre batter ie e tie ma art la
klarl is to be a
Uaa ie Ua aley flawer pot.
tandwileprt maybe
--------------------- ------ " poL^c^lded
made ap the aipfit before pad aimT.afrIy
I dry lap.
^ plena at a aaaaar. aad eauhm Ui
may be Bked for t
- - dr^ (recB Ue pertora
wicbea. chopped Uama la Ua Uitiam of
of Ue

lap. as a rule.
paaflM dialaafe. Tba rneur imrt
should be pat toprUer w^
refape eami. bewnor. meet br -aeni
K> pivfer Ue plain breac
aww at aatUat. for oaly a llmltao
aad batter iMeaahoald W baked l>
aambar wLU be aatdad to bold flowrra.


Two X.ittlr Soldiar*
Teddy bad e drum aad dark bad a
•smpn; aad bnb wore aoldiar
•ddy'a Wat a tbrer-eureered oar
t pepar.
A red chalk mark dee _ .
.Ukera lepa aad a imall flap ataek la
» mraUbed
ol bit
>Ubed pill haad
utraw. Jack at capuie of Uto little
Didpaay of two
They wtobed Ury
> bad pnat. eero woodea
at Uey badaX two eld
faroomtUckt bad
• • •
ueered beakei completed Ue oav
B * ** Tbto beakei bad eauted Ue boyt
itlny for kceeral daya
aad .tray biu from
diaaer table hi
badI found their way
• time, aad yet Iteec
Oiireli kautfactoryr
oklea," taid Teddy. 11..
-Uamma didn't piee
'ctuae—'cauae I threw
irdlly. “K.ldirra mutt be braTt.aad
epul a pie aad three appUe aad
ue t-rackeiv" bepioalnp to empty

numtaad peich ecaa ba aklaaed bf
Retpbrrry CeeUrd—Wiz totrrUrrUe
pruriup bolliap water oerr them. wbrB
yolkkof two ecpn. two cope of milk,
UeakcatwUI klip nS riWily. I'repira
twuleerl Ublmputxifule ol tofar aad
ume.^ the brat aoftat lableapooalul of coretiatvh. only a few at a ume.^
owly erer the fireia a double
tVbraeerr powklh'r piakratyrup of
then It rwacbre Ur
let ol red auptr and fceit.jeica, or at Ilttie watrr
k> pawibtr. and cook the fru^ In it.
raepbrnim with Ue ' .
place IB a pretty plaw dUb. pour . .. cslUrr fax prterreak Or for c
aaay toriut. I Tur.pluol peaebraaod cbr'rlmimUem tbreatlardaadert
. . .
. whip
Ur I imrt a drlieaoa aed deliciouk llaeor to
two wbitn aa ellfl aa poaaibla,
aibla, color fruit, and a part abould tlwayt be left
wlUUe Uaieat partlelr of liuraett't la puuii
ip tbeec fhuiU It
nae colmUc and mbt with a tablrish to
aaooefal ol>p>wtlered kupar. Spread
>e m clear watrr and utc tbe
■bit over tba catlard
Eacalltped Tamatoaa—Oar plat of <
rr before brlap pat la
•upar tyrup.
a plat of bread orumka. three Ub
cook Uem.
em. in Ueu
keu *t»Bd ia the
il symp
oonfuUut bdttar. ooe oTaapar. o
Ijbt. aad tiBtoh cooklnp aeat
lal ofetli. ooe-tourtb

" It ta dnirabla to kaap
oouida butter hare aa
larer of orumfai
tte kltobaa door. Tbaoratlaallp.
•r inprrdi
ptf wbieh bolda raaban or Ua a
-ambk and
adUs kiMbaa afaoald ba aapUad
If tmh


OBt Uaaddltlaa of water: eoffea aad
tae ahoald ba made fatly doable
auwB^. Ur
Ue power
fro^ d
dllatloe Mm
made wbea aaed. Stoat paper or cardbbard boiea ma) ael make ar alyltoh
aa appraraaer as Ua repnmr fdcale
.---------- bat
- they
Ury anmuch
an ■
d Ma bedmtroi



rwtom irepiie eomrry.miik n len
ed Uay aboeld ba aube ap aa taraotera.
teBteaada aad fraU Jatam


g * Bna.




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