Grand Traverse Herald, February 03, 1898

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Grand Traverse Herald, February 03, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


Grand Traverse Herald



S&RTBA esATSs. nus.
iiaiBTXEs. rsniLATofis. etc.

A hU. Wf >Ar»wt >W W <«f>

a few ilmea aad ti
ipcrtmrau. but aa I araa
r (rcaUr yirro V> a atudy of .thr
rot. helDC ooceaaanly to.. loiK-h
caaed with the BODdaer affairs n{
iweapbrrcio apesd BUeb
auppuM- 1
rrea a duller aaa/thaa 1 .
appraelate the oaecbaali-al Wae
id [areclaioa of tbr raruiu. i>it.lnnu'Dla
A ».th
whlcb br had tilled up bin oiorraUi
ratofj ;
Uooliilraa perceiriur Wf lack af.i


Boamess Cards.



Doctor’s Prayer,

mwsDuu a oium»-«i
X K>lKtlanur>MMr7.
maU Bk««. Tr^rtnm an

'Patieits and long Suffering.'

r%u^rt A oam. Atu
Kjf ifelK'Uon 1> UUMTJ

ilify tl

Not ibai
urlied him in the ------Irm l.i hecUjfTrd
r would aiiupty ba.f kept 01
I way wiibou'

.A. FB-W B.A.IW3-J

Ued. tery deairabte,
bt acrea r. mlfea aoolh on raat aide of Sifrar Lake.
'nuad kb.
isaattr uoder ^oud rulliratioa and can br houfbt err; 1
.11 acrea i mile*. Booth hy Oanton S.'bool Hoa.e. Hood farm, amall orehani. meat to myaetf. unte-. tl »»► »■>'
inoleatiooof biaquerraeB, for 1 wa'hi.
1 heart land well watered, I'aBbeboii •
, oppoBile iB reerj rcpect-aa ordinary
pood laad aad ti-ry <
Iacrea. S mnea
wai ael! cheap or tiade fi» city property.
i while be wa. a f.rllliaol Ui-iopb erral,.; -Itacre* Uinlwr oral :>dar Ron. Other pievea Jo.t aa da
acbolar. wttb a di. lord Iraaioc <"Wini
■meuphyaica. baBdaomo, wealthy, and




pknuanently hdiI safely <
tlie Elms ^ontorinm. v«r
and riiion, SIr.. Traver
Mkh. -\nd more, it y

M Aton.lvmw

i Ke&l Estate Exchange.

Johnson Block“ i IhaiTrepell^


lie oerrr .oupbt

iUJe bova eiproMe.1 it-"Ion
■ fell that he waa a laaB to i
llowcerr. Id t • ^quiel
to hr fond of

yoo will mske no miKtake !-■ o«iiWhen cither a Chaituii-'i Lung Protector or Vi st,
gQltDB.SLMS. Tele|>!i(».i' l-i: I will lie a necessity.
.. u uu.i supply _>wu
you with
«. ..i. cither,. ..o..
ynu can economize and yet few something jhst as g-HiiliMhii^^Mo^rru* u.^w^mu^^^^
a Mc-Nhiiibth's si
ItV buying a' ch.imois and«iakiiig one ’ Good' values at i. wc—. ontit-


A*S£:'-%iah*a3a!s -


nratotma aad AacnM.

Traverse City. Mich.


leDlly perf.-cliyd.rou-u lolna):
hddio^lob'. pAh.KTti for . Iirt




ed^tliat luodue


Potatoes and^ApJiles Wanted.

feer h-upgnar there wa. Berer
^rfeci aud ^dcal^ tiag.piBce.

bieenary of IBrir .
Ir. while appaxnto ii
BOd crrlBiDiy lo tbe f
diuary h

\t the cold storage. If Farmers at
a distance wish to load at other
I)oints and make up carloads, I will
huy at any station.- Write me what
Crowns and Bridges, you have to offer. Will Imv ciderls;
apples. Sweet cider and apples forT“'T“‘'''™i''
VlUUxed Air for Pa^sss sale'
JOH\ C. MOKG.\.\. iF"

bare Iweu Vo Add a,

awina. (UK aww m Ik ir.
eMuckwaM aruiBM*anuua<«u>etMe.

B to Bourti •


Od IwpivTM taiw aad clly propeny.

CBeu eur HaMBau'. hartuat* .tax.

Carpet Cleaning Works
Latest Ideas and Appliances.

AIX woax Aiakamtkxo.

leiBuit IK awu. a Kwarepn

StUTcyorand CItU Engineer
oani mow A rfwaM «kU01i




Important to Property Holders

luDiarlly wiiiidra
joBtlinp walk! o

Cross Cut Saws. .
Azes.KAz Handles,:
Skidding Tongs
Loading Blocks.
Aic Tight Stoves. ..
Box Stoves.............
Car Stoves.............
Building Paper etc. j
146 Front Street-

'the JH0. R..SUT0 tGENCf

or oraho RApfoe
iB BaklapamiAl of her aeperb


ijnoW fhi^?

IiKbie cuTpIkm.*


the. aab}M leeka

like aa old

Ecmiad f^BBoty.) pat

.All uaiT yrdeni n>c«i

«lo W. KleeeiiUi SU

UoM BiPTAUnp dwq> Jeha'a U
tkoir “dead ^emaway •ekema."
with aa epe oywnrr ca the eod of
theeehwe. Ih Uic paet we bare
pat ap a UCrpa sgaber of her
baalthyleekftip portniu In the


ploee of ateUy aad oeea dead



Choicest Meats, Poultry and Game
N'o'wX ±j3l. Season:

dcliphl e(UahmtOBen who aay;'
--Thm. that 1* irerth a faiudivd
ot-'thoM aiek piaaroA-

aso betwe Uma oll-A Oood Owesrai
Ihue ex Mxe ol the hixauir. they -

fresh- Salt and Smo\ed Meats, Sausages Etc.



Good work had ctraipht bulaaaa.


at JK Front Street.

Brosc'n's Meat Market

lookisp ^taiaa, to the prMt

■ethoda will wla ae«ryUBa.

Telopliooe 4.

JAies JC. Grieve.

Advertise io tbe Herald.

o by the WByaide.
. oftbiwr Aboroibrio.elrx from tbr

I luroed op aad ir'iuirct about
,i Judge thea of^cur
which^rored'to be from .loho
It briefty and. I ibongbl. '


r. BEOBOH ± 9ON8.

1 Set for youraelf 1
^Ith you .oBirwhBi ,
arr Wodiec la the

I peria
1 riirh'





croppiog ap

.sweriMg. Mr luyto.
he wiodof.
'It 1.3

J'oodoobUeB know a->mslbicig of
.......................great valernt 10 err


... ..kwTS

ydu. ia.
witkii^lhe hoad. of aataral lawi
Bbraca araa tbima wa
woal b>
11 .operBatarwl. alaply
ao-ehut uf i-a b experimest which 1
bar«si..exDu.iy msoe. IneaemwluIh. lu
i La lime u cowtag aod it aoi
aabBiUeiTio Ollier Kcivntisli
fardietabt wbea. througb Ikd dkeoTacta, uf acleocd asd the nraUUaaa to
be Bade to reaaraet miada whMh an
paralus I »bai. u-.. ia a steal,g che,
aeoailire to tbe iBprermiood of the Oao
my w«rksb,-p. the key. cf which
graaUod .ealy Caaw. we .baU ba MM
liaytob will drlirar to you at riiui
I" aaiiRiifate apaca; wr akall cdbbbbI■gartlI khi.w wy • ill
cate wiihuLbor plauru: we abali rtatt
rail uie. aod a» eager am I to make
tbrmai Will; wBaa BOW aaelgBUtha
rlr wa,
watery elemeal like the dab. .to ahall
they claaer the etbar Ilka the Mr^
Ita DOI tblak ibaM Die ragartn of
lethibg af my iif
ae aa-balaaoad i;ind.
f foranw tbo
iairAswaUiD you would rreelra, aad I
etiu rhsjir-d it



not exprem
iAbd ab immeuM wvrlubop ia the
,of tbe l.n iDinga whicb >a ti-.Ud up.


f that crcBt aioee it eoul
. bare eluded tbr eewhpaper.
I'erbaps ua.
be bad gottas iato Huaucial dirt, -uUix . (hex
aad fabcied br Deeded oiy help innima-aBd they genex.
tualgbUDieg out bit affalxy
Hut in | ux|> a mae froiB uni.g n

,r£ i..:

____ p'^U^TaiJirS}

I Ilxp s
the prrfe.-!

iBougbt aod : that which opaa.
up beiora St. ia yat
aaaaalthyiD lU workiaga m t^iof
'bryaosaawbu baa aaear boaa 4i»lod ii.spiriBg ioflnearc of urbad hy aay Uaagbh Bora profoaad
baa tbe qaeaDoB of dally food tad
baauUfui petv
t tako ay
_______ to 1.1/L..
- - - . fear pr bo.
;T«n.taptly >1
tuSada.i li.. « ijOf-'^eyal
t. her br.ui
aatiire. .nd her ! capw 1 wi
c lOSglDg V
IbaJghl I
e route I pnrMt loslbba.
> by which I go—nil nro
acieuufie ordar la UaAeen- ‘
..Ku .xvs Mo»....... — ....... —
,---------- .. jBit to your c
wiMl.'.m that liad flung Ibeis tuto space j •» .ucceeaful—aad 1 hart no laan oa
and the power that kept them m... lag 1 that acox-lhaae abali be giran to tba
,B.u,hperlectr.tfcB.l,lilhal.ub.iBe;-orldindoaDin* for lha baaatt of
,____ ff. ,n J..'.' Wbeo Die Btekisd
tte juaUfleaUoa of
Taxing i..g,-tb.-,- gaihere.1 ee- 'Nr.eocn: ff I fall-nona naad arm-know
mewDiug to lUelf. for.Du l«e mu.ic.if of «y attempt.
Bel 1 rapeaV. / taac
Ihe.pbeiTa i. riUcaUng Ihrougt.oDl the w-/fir c//ailure
With altetHdly at
ubirerv.-. aod ihe.ublime banaxy. u'. ooa'» eoBBand aeytbing (»b ba acuatux flud. a rvapondiog chord in ce . e-implixbad rood-* I hax tbat U ooaerj woxhiplu; heart alluoed to hear , deowsl f-icm aod aufil-ieat qnaatitMn
:to.a.i liU my journey', end. AlrT
once—how wel, I xm-»>o-r ,t
That, too, can be Banefactared to
when wc wex rtndeieg Mar.. H,-,eB . «*r'» eaad
I bax enrcfelly ealealat.ald'to ma.
If I cau have my w uh ad Iba Ume It will orobaWy lake »a to
•Q 1 die. I oeliere 1 .hall dy to Mars r«toh my dewliBatloo. aad I aa probare alw.y. loogc 1 h-r a .wer ae
agaia.t erary emerguney.
ietanx with that buau'itu: piauM '
Uf yen. ay friend. 1 aak that yoa
: I bad au'we-ed be'p.ayf.iiy "If take up your abode here la lha boaw
you abonid go fint. send me a Bexage wbex we bar* been to happy. t«4
tbpx aud 1 •„ . M.uw you,;
keep 1! DU tba xpixtion ot a year. U
So on
Ub. my l
at toe end of that Dae ■
leia nf dxpair Ibi , baard from me you may om
j> xalire
iied upiB me wnei .he waa t^kc
ve .will aicok.
le Bight au
ilrendfg; timi
fox It
toal tl I. tooBgk I I
r Iboogh w. knew
1 no dxin
tbat I abai:
bad ofxa talked togutber aUiui that lagpriib you. f. It toe Boeb'to aak of


Ue haa ha<l a-ufie

..eteLv I
loa. oa a raatier of prrahiag
aad s.kiDf. if 1 could maka u
leut lodo w>, locome prepare
oeerblgbt. Tbe time «t-me
o'elork that rery afieraooD
D ot biiu had mbe lived '
thex could br but one abewe
a rrqoehi—I Boat go
U'Ben I took tbe car lo Ib.
______ ______ ____ .
_ .
^tid’ivrxle• iBgtOD p'ace I wa. .till full of wond. r , • Tbav n
iDgcoDKCtux aslolbe iisport of tbe u»o.
• DBmoo..
Could It be that .lohn was'«„u.d ba<

Merchant Taitor “‘"Si
NO BLUm sss\

F. M. PAINE. Florist

»P kj


‘aod tea the elegabl oew line of
Spring btylca Of W'ooleiu sow
oa lala. which will be i^e dp
is the Lateat. btyMa. 'aad at
Midi Low I’ns^ a. win parprlM

nfoMOoloolhat aooB fade out
aAderltAMr op tbe femtorea till

Traverse City. Mich

1 It appear uCt*
,e aa |I .he- >t.iod arar Be; -Where

^* *

M. Hl ELLM.^N'rEI.


Water Oolv J'ortralu to repUae
ao«r of IboM ebMp oolorodaboet pIclAraa (made of ebrap




portrait^ A!i®i


aciae''b’ r

Ml wa. sot duap.

iwc half .xpeclBl be would.
' waa d-roims biisaelf to aundi
Ibricml eiD.ri«euu and lo the
laalroLotoy of which I.e bac
.heeofobd. bololberwo.- ha;ed outof my miod except oo t






,d h«y V

’’i'tSU__Money to Iroan


’thlbk’ ttai" boaUrhta
thra«d de.IbaarB^bcm. Socaodap'e Baa; explalaaueh eleld iBpewaioi-.a-tUi thee.the; coabt for haacht
ra rpt to tboae who bare esparteaM
th.oi It lawn that ooleof which leaa
priwucr poeiiioe proof that I hi
ibeojie. aod briieti 1 bare act forth

tlUd than
chaaoe of
ut the alora. died
■niiatr ameJl.
•• J»ayi..D epeaed * ''rhouk"'i*wM
1.1 Bootber tone ay ooBr.
one ..f III,- lane, aoi
ouaak If I did aoi then think
thf-uui^u nfi,vu the aoft May brrere luati
thro caoir lu fentle pnffa
’. »ii-.
aiia'hle.1 doubt laail m
1 as aut uauA.;y rery eo-d-ept,b a tv fjem
.«r -a. Ironl Hrlea. Ta
•don. but prraeblly a perultar fra i.ra i
irraace aa uf bitter annuoua peartrate.i
all I had licar.' that
• rate.; ,u
BOUlU b.
ibc room -1 .oppeewd from a.
floe ,>^ver t- defer U
taek t... m.
■leii.y. while i waa g
>0 to- th..u,-hU had Ua-d i-m
r Aa>he.t leki my ui ■d the rweot'
'aeleea ' I thrrefore .iyait
t Mata. Hy
liaytoo alau waa UbiMothatl wuu;cl
po with l.ito in.l heart i uiidr.l,ia air breaatalBoat to
' roue Ihr bell
uatlaocif the pegu-ra lilt ;au«.K-a ,u. oud ftuB that miwnanl ay
UecAcefully luckco the g».-li-)Brery t ua'ht, raerry and cxporiBaat
■ arraaKeiDrBl
drawer...} the heavy.!-all .e
4 |o*e ID uoy »f Ihedri
jf.wiaeaoda |
f^oldduk. fi'‘»ir ntr
od -rIpUnet
•Nor I
loqg to arail ta doabk Oaa

'htfhi wbiie pbouigrapbiof a portlea
o ihrJiliri. lof Die p.atirt wbteh bow akhorbad By
lured u. bBvb a (laaa of wise
atiiigbi <Tc L-u ;ng IB the,rre-y,w.klBf Ihougbtaodr
AliDf h.biulf at .the tabta
atiil Kiiii'-f ated my .leeBuga, I mad,
lade* glorioM'
r tbeaigt.u we
e. be .aid
-------- •,, wbrs I .-1
!j witbthe law
' lb>ubtle.A eou were «oq
igb tkeday. wt
fin . I I p'-at. I
iltioc my .etUf-'.urpriae w fia-l a dbllnel pk1
gar and rewd (
lO'Biylxtllrlao laoe
, UiBB 1 had erar aeab
m.etekBt.le habd-wriiiag.
As my .u ‘.tea disappeBXMuo^«*oo^wah’“.mtLSv »
iBdcbmlr length of titua wil 1
lOuklDg .I'u.e l..e(. .
r«*ol Ibtoka
fire rue lo many aod «toi
tarea.-i >a.-ll.ougtil t>e»t t
} ..or hanos the reauiD. and eaplan. iag.-n aod agalb to obUia Um awBC
Uob., leei t-e«t.ew, asd rata aearrh Iw ift.nil I eoald sot Bat tbAiw pietala
i^cliB-ge^iuvb Bi.y e.pia
' 1 have, ac.i if It weraaotae prseloaaU>
made -for rue
Alan I c
ma f woo.d tear* it ta eorrabiwatioB af
ScicBX that I .hoold la
> hat I as le Itag you. bat ool wraa lo
orii U th.we
'■Nu. I.e i> ae«.dMd-Bt Iri
•eerily my woM would I |mrl rHlk it
which bate apurrHl isr
llai be has disappr.rxl
which I am about toaueq
- ILaappearra'
lio.. i
fhf^. i'^ortwish m jay my fritad- My
» may perha
Dme ia uoifar plf, ■iariiiig ii.nabd t abali go lobartecB
-*‘’'Tb.l“be‘'ha. goae wiibou;v rre-igoiusl by I—not tar.mgb tbe dark. ayaMrlMa
ebere, eor fauw luog be ible
t^ken.: For wr ba.ejrateof daaib. . but wa tM wiaga at
goae. It* ba. left tbr piaci
charge form year, with uwrtaiB' g.rori
• lOOi ia w^;cb you ax directly loler- Wonderful tbougli tbry may
• -•o.-i-my^----- -xle.1. aod which you wi I rioubUe»« pale a.ajrtow-worBi id the at
iga. yet bafore aa? Did sot
dsd explaibed ia tai. coiaauoicatiob II yeara far Baebal a>d
Also healed iB.inicuoo. aa to
iiB bat aaa '
luftber pn- cediaga d be d.«rs sol r*
for the lure ba
luro hefore lae expirati.iB of that time force'ahall yclkatociah us by its almost
Aad that M Ika
Hut why 1^; t li* loj.o-rjr Why doe. Itmitlv-aa Gagub:UUea. Aad thex ax
lb. wifrid haa yet to '
.ither fon-es. already dimly fall, wbk-b It l> Lora wbieb ahall be <
aboold oerd to e.-.uiq.uoicaU with we .hail yet ma.Ur,
"■tare yap ooli.'ed anyUilcg pecollae

iioirclf up aad rufueed it
felt wt.!i.brlr«-........... ..


a -Urareat.- aa Ifl raw har aMC^
t brrr twfare ae. aaddlattsetlp t bit a
. ............. '■ -- -'aloTthf bhod o|





-^rreii aa the tnaatarWBee ad (teacW
la 00 lowfrr doabled I I did Dotkok
ap. fMriaf to diapal the woadartal ai

(fear menu.' aoi
a. le-f.Ttoi
the Bay you B


ikavnrsb citt.

mr the
IhoafhU'-rrhaa rndaaUr t ^
crir«l the falak alaalra «d^ elAt
which wu alwariahoat har.

-.aBUllr; atrkt U tb
uo« 1 waa ta tbeotai
■ ug % (caad eleclrteal diaw^Mreharrad wjtb.
Inch,riciirnliT.‘and' 1 Sad-arVe

glteal. thouk-b be alwapa -wenuil to a
if you p'paao.".
jui- mj Tiaiu
l-erhaiw it waa a pn
She auoo mutu-u wiUtior hi
aat ckaage
_D« Hr U»ywo then dclirrr
aolld matu
ifter hi. ipa.-Kacr.
pa. xace. .abieb waa a bulky Of
>a.a aecide>1 relief to Br not W
:i.t ui. fa.
rap.- on IheTtuiir which wat open
0. br. a'Biadle iped.,«wiuaa ie
ir u< to Air. Uarioo'. rioa'
d uaat^ at l.i* twfore d;nni-r-iinir
to the library—
: firM'korw
but, be- reaiorateondi
the aipbt here, aki . ayiiMyou
I isc
Isc wealthy.
wealthT. ______
he eoald imtulcr
pagvr. ..r .


OniMliLLt.lU)dll«,WHOia.«I. BRk.

mar he a matter of aaore laporthaa either ofuaeae (orehee " ha
aoawrr 10 bt lh..afhl.
-ao.l it la
wajt Iwai to leare n» ivoot
far .^uhatii
bu tuiak beat.' 1 anawee-'
Ue U
reliah>a peruoB abiol the prem.--. wh..
ceuid a 'I a. a aiii.eaA loa n'.ii. uutie'
of hu.ii r*.'”' br a^ked her.
fee. »lr" .he aa.feee.i.
lookiup a.aB«wh.t t.r«:.dr-d.

.a.-fc of fal(h id- lhrir p-a.-tiral>ai
Jobn did out afaia aak aae op there

Dr. J. A. Snyder, Real Estate



TW TBfcU; trarta »r^gp.r^_,

P. Carver


vsEStam). a. a.

{ loepkuUaa I w lor ha rtraek <dt aoa.aAhat
acr.'70a will par*-haip#ca:iaraoi
: tbrourha Said wkieh
Bw III eVi ia caw or to
a* KltiiU alr^l of Iba. who
Mat‘1; that I hare eaniod oat
It «ra* a (raad old plat*. a>a*- mjr rliaot'* laatrsrtinaa.'
:air«-lj hoilt. for tbu rooau^.aad with'
; ^stlloi aad apacioa* rrocad^whlch. ' awa kicaatare to aaj docasrat poo
a. [at^hiprapare la tbr waj of a recript
••be aa«r.rot-,T*a If three
cr IB woieci I naaw joaa aao oao
VeStacopr placed, and where nach
lia>c had Wcerprui la Btakiar
Bf ihoM : It aeriaed to ar the lawfcr waa ular '
obaarratlus. ita dear to lha brart
ert of aa m Baaevnaar; acDoual of red tepe io

Ko.'i:«—loaerM bV 1. of a w li Sect. 10 t M « « AlliatproTMl: Ko balldiaf»: ^ood toil: ebaap at IIOSO. 3( each ^aaea oa time at T per. eeaa
Ko. i44-W aene e S ef a e W Met. ao t » U «. All tlsber witb food


; J.


Now is tb« time to bvy k eb9^ fiun, on uay pajiDents.
Oood loeatloo. 8*o pnrUnl list below.
and House Heaters.


r one ihiog' aod ba.
hi. tetapermm ol. Du. .peal day. and......................
Digbta la tbat worn
warned the mn»l IlkelprD'e pmr fei- .bup of biv. aod baa allawcd Bo oar
law bad beeoBe ibBue. aad hu iru.t,
aaa might hare gralillsd tome ezprae>
•d*w:ab of bl. tu MUdlBg for me
At I cuold arrirr at eo haiutacUiry 31m oox. Jokioglt. line wa* bdildiag
'. gax up wnoiieHug koairabipio tberr —he wa. wi aacrel
to atudyiag my fell.
ihoBl It; aovi be aa.wered xthcr
Igara Oae ol itaw. .Iiuog oppnaik aerr
BCrrou.iy. tbat be wa. .imply wurklag
andafew wal» abaml of me. isteraat-{out 1
•d me. tboagbleould gel Obly a.idej K,
teog eeoogk w
Tiew of hi* lace He wa. w bu.-. y eo- pour bin
ler g'.am
xihte to I
.ingpwe .
a glanced up
d war ‘D b
I Iboogbl a. 1
(Bbiou. to
watebad bt. pencil flying
li.tencd a. be went gether to niplox. to ixra. to lax j and yoo rx at libany W coonult rritk
ad mrx aato the p rfxt day'
ibiBaatowhat I Max wrlttow •—
Aa wr nenrnd sy ataUoa I noticed br ' -At
; a wxk ago be crof for ae to
iboagbl of llriBg on wltoont I nod bb adrlcn wfll be eound.
petep bMpaprra aod it ao bappOnad >eoBe
e. 1 fouod him lookiagtota
"•“.>“■‘7?---------- fact
■ that I freely aa if It wex yei
, and erideatly laboring uoder
tbat ba and I w»x the only onea wbo!w»d a
got o« at tbe pxuy lllUe depot. A* I jgrnni
I waa M} xbocited at
a fraa oaary
»yp™eb^ ■»
alood a Bomeol looking about me. the bh a
at t ut OCX adriwd u
we could oerer irwW. I bellrre I | gxUtcde of ay MtOw-aan. Thera M
be did to. -1 with a Uugb
abonld box baalaa^ By drpartux la i aacb I aoald wtoh to any to yon. knt t
--------------001^ longer.

px- dociOTTboTtri

^'urr^woald do nothleg which ahei^Bl^

; x sr'!.*-

if TO pieMe I will w^k witk to •'
: id!ili*if
of hi. menoa oxc-wori
Tbe card box tbe neat inpoiptiea * log: Ue placed a aealed packet Ic my
L'Dartoo, attoeney at law"-! haoda. uayltig be migbt be called away fall that ie eoae Byatorioa way 1 waa.......................................
toe lawyer at wboae aaaWbaa t bad < aeddcaly. aod that be bad left iaatrae- aenrrr to brr ie toa obaerratory wbax____ _________
we bai] aorai ao aaoy bflaaful been to-; Tbe wrfUag
*°?bope Bothing aertou ^ bappea-Two'day* ago
gaibey. I hwtoek mxelf ihox now At' Aad wr 1 aa traiUag la
ed to Mr. Addiegtoe.' I uatd icataiix-! emxd a telegram, erideatly peeppred flxt caly to be there and away froai' ton'a booM for
a--------ly. aa we abook baad*.
| by bia. notUytag me of hte depn^x. emyonaeler; bet before tong toe old , enre that br ironld
'-That xmaln to bedetermiaed.* be 1 at eex xac oot bex and fouad to taacfattiionof toe planeu took poeaer > eeatod'ian «<
■aid with aa air ot cowatraint toal ieft ayaBaxBCOt that tbe aerraau kBew>
■eacacUiewiaeraatolbebuciaexiB cotblag of bia goiag He seat hare dekaad. Siaee Mr. Daytoa erideuDy did partad ie toe etgbL bet why bepboaid
not wiab to dlacoB tbe Mbject which take aaefa a eouxe ta a Byatory I aa
waa apparmicit ia my Bind 1 aaid noth- not prepared to w.lre.
L'poa ope^M

rreiybodj- to know that the bert place
in the
to lenre________________
yoar orden for
«U kiodfl ol iob^dogi.
Oo*. Omss* tml<wuilfc|ttnt«»lysBo—an ploMtopiea.

latot latfimi tohnea t pteaa In yonr

maS. and

Grand Traveree Hei^ld and Traverse Pity Transcript, Consolidated. PrtMitBaffSt. 1888.
na BebooUa to tbo 1
tafarmatloa rwoodlaf tha weirk 4* tearlm o< tba irard bnildlBfa.
tba local Blfb acbool aad tba ward
Tbatkoeban-BaadlvCtrelob Jaat
aohoob M alwaya of latonat. aol Mly
Mplatlaf the atody H Biaadab'a
to tba papUi aad patronaof tbaooboela
' TeaehlBf tha lAafew* Arta.’ aad
rin nest taka np ■■ SMya oo Bdo&ioaal Bofibnrra." by Qnlek.
letoadaal OmWB Iba BuaLS baa

H., bold lb am.Ino In
Mo daat weak.
Aa afpaoprbtlno
of *1400
far tbo baaaoftbaHaiMele Boeaa aad tbe fatan
proridad tor by no laernoe at Uraad
Lodfo darn from thirty
. JaM ihn* jmn afo tUa •oalb
Bforaa wbloh will abow wbat b
par capita.
tkaaffaaiAttoBWH aSaeUd «rlu W
nma wai a abarp eoataat for tba
akartw aeahva.
LaM Mkatit balar deaa la tba Blfb aobaol aad tba
NTof dMaaa poTMlof aaebatady.
eOoa of Oraad Ha*bal. alxi
dMataa Mof la tbo told.
aat jKkareb
HbUfaa won
adiiea oa t
P. E. TarreU. tba rrell
AUAnana Mioblcaa.
kaowB baakar of Bellaln. Antrim
ABOxabaa^aaya: TbaJaalor ly
ity. Berbart HoDUfM of Trarbaa dacldad that tbe oonotry f
City, who baa baee ehairmaa of
makaa a bettor wife tbao tba dty ^ri.
1 aaaadaUr
FoUawlaf waa tba total oamllmoai aad It k aald aaran] of TrmTona Clty'a
WfUaa^Mall;. BaalUlar tka ad•.inadad maldcu
Jaeoary Itb;
Pcdlowiny an the :
moriOf OB farm.
ahaiah|iij|iaity. a lot, abool «
•Ua aad amadlar aboat MO faat baak
la tha rinr taak^ waa poiakaaad
IkCtaaehoaaittworaan agtx
hUltvaadaeidad that tha tlAa bad Boath Primary..................


. Tba woch hat haaa
yaahad tritb aaeb. nfddltr that la.
hoar had a kalf awetht {raat that
IbaballdiariaUlhkiMtoDaa. and'all
ivaiaia wiU bo faaU tfaara aftar tbit.
A IMla «( Ibt txlartor work pat r«■alH aadose, bat tbit will ba flaiabed
aaaaaaaaibawaathar parslta ia tba
ThetmlldlacatitMw ataada
liaalj ahoat half tba alia that ii
•OMdajba. when tba powtb ol tha
■aeMaafT. hat It baa baaa boUt with
lUa U riaw aad tba plaaa parniit of
h aa addition wltboat dlatorblav
no odlOoa la «
tod of boBldar
la Boor ta oeenpiad bp
Ibo larra aadlosea mom. MzSO foot ia
ain. noealllnrlablirb and aloplnr.
to Moforpi wltb the ahapa of tba mof.
Om tho oaot am two claaa rooma,
laat aaeb, whkb can ba thmwn opao.
latrailm tbeanatlafcaiMeitj of tba
ahanh. Tba larfa mala wotraaoa U
m tba aMtb aaat eorvar. aad tbera la
htao a doabla atalrwa; at tba sortb
Mat aoTM 'aadlar to tba andlaoca
MOM aad to tba prayar maatlnf
kUofoak, bandWMty Batabad. Tba walU aad
aw an plaatarad aad dmomtad Id
dlabcnt* daalraa. 1a Bat ttallaa B«-



Ooaatod twioa by trasafer .
Total oaraUmeat..................

tint year:

Aatboay BlcbardcSe c
alfbl meeotly. while ba waa away,
one eafoed bla hooae aad aiola
la mooey. Ura. Rlcbardaoo ooaaollod a •plrlloVkL. who
oaiffabor wu the thief. Next day aba
Induced the aelfbbor loaocompany bar
the Clairroyaov Tha obarfa
Next moraiof RiebadaoB
found tios OB hta dooratep. Tba reiBf »41 turead np withia
The 'Serenth Day Admiiita' hare
ablpped from Battle Creek to Cape
Town. Soolb Africa. eifblecD earlooda
ofbaUdiDftuppIlealortbeereclloD of
aa addlUoo to tbolr eaellorlnm at that
place Ttar work wu doue at Battle
Creek nader tbe rnperrUloo ol W.
Slairy. who te ibr arebltoct for all the
bnUaiaf~tir~IEar deDomlaaUoD.
bolldlPf hu been completed at BatUe

0.rand iquter. Jamm Bradley. Port
nrap: depaty ffraad muter. Frqpk
T. Lodye. Detroit; aealor yraod war,d«B, P 0. Oilberv Ba{_^Cltj; yraed
ircuarer. William Wealc. Haabtee:
yrmsdaecrelacy. Jrffersoa S. OoDorer.
Coldwalrr; yraed lecturer Artbor H.
Clark. LexiByioo; yraod ckaplaia. tbe
Ecr. A A. Koappea. Maablee; Beolor
ynsd deacoo, NrU McMiUaa of Kock(o(d; juDlor yraod deaeoa. E. W.
Eronybtoo. Ibw Ifaw; yraod
Pletcber E TarreU, Bellaire: yraod
tylw, JamrsK UcGreyor, Detroit.
Hatloaal Boam ol pardons.

A bill b brlay prepared (or preteau
tloD to oonyrem by Cbpuin tVUder ol
TbeanmWrof aitilofa IB tbe dlfterGraad luplds aad C U Tararr of (bii
eat bnlldlnfa U irii. to that wbro the
city, member of the slat* board of par^
nport waa made JaBoary u Ibere
dpu. to proride.a nalional board
16 pnplb In eioeaa- Since thee there
pardooa. coosisliox uf lour meaib
bare baaa a Bomber of additioBt t
aod a weeteury. similar w ibe'alate
earallment. maklBf tbe taiildisfi etes
board. The bill will prorldsthat
term of ofllru aball be aix yeaia
that each shall draw a mlary of (I.MU
per year aad expensn. The desiya
tbe bill b lo rrliere the pttaldeat
rinf the lart acaaou thonaanda of
the ardoous labor eutailed ia looki
quail were killed Dear Uidlaad aad
after'- the yreat onmber uf i]
many were ablpped to New York.
(or pardons (rvui I nlted. Stales prboa; wardea neoatly
Oeamral otmofe .





Oararn'. Mawtoa Wrlfbt, Ontea Btbel

VlTfll................ !................. ............................

Ueu toe Barber la Lo tbe Ibroes of
deadly war aod raaon aoariafa is U
air in a manner that U poalUraly key. The dinlny room w>ll be about 1u.„k. wPKh ih. y always pa., if
50a« feet in eUe and the decorstion. d.,, bad ii. un one ocra-i.m 1
alanniof Two s.ccol-barbera arc
(or that room alone will approximate
Berlouio vetrlillj
chief eomlmtaBta. and tbrlrcoalcnUon
lui;. a i>;i> mail
borer trade Oae barberoSena bow)
a liuiiiau (>i»p f'.r
cost ia tbe aeit-bborbood of SIMi
of aoup ur a cifar to erery cutomer.
K-ri.un.lBabb. Mr. Hall has just flnisbed a de- 'we.-l. Ik'w’ar Miuaililip
I>eaidca poaaoaaea a paacblaf baf
Hr Ui itbi-r Uiiivi'd iipr iiinnd In. lici.d
•lyn (ur the diolny room which
, 1 B.kid hiiu (or luilk. ami In |'"iu|.0
'bi. cam, I. aud Miiii. " laks ii
The olhei
Imrber offer* buckwheat caku or fia
ferlweraad bu a atriof of cowten
that bit cutomera cae bm wh'le waD.
inf'(or tbrlr turn. Tbe cutomera an
eaioyiaf it U
Kra. U tv Dawaiaf of Bolly, baa
diary kept by bor fraudfatber. wbo
watacaplaio In tbe American arm;

lof. aod apeaka of a nward 'of
rblcb tbe itrilbbera offered for the
store of t
tbe writer dead or alire.
near tbe rrrltcr'a farm aad Mra Downrr relic,
ked bp

Tbima who ban baaa oa^ifad Id' tba
.................... > aad eompldtion of tha

Wbo baa uo( brard
1' P.mlau
jewels—their ploiy,
Bew aiasbai ladlaasTrsp Bears.
tbelr prirr
<r !•>« WOT
Wii,n Uie
Wiiliaiu H. Utif, wbo Jiaa Im'P all
Doli.'krd and I was lukca lulu
ptaruck lliroue ruoui. 1 (ouiid myn-Jf rrer Ibo world a> oim of lb' ii litLyulo
aarruuoded iij a tuaw of wcalih uuqaaLuift of List .t.II'Urt- u .tlaska,
oqual-'din the world. Nowltrre are such
iKusdla bat no.'line' also'Is Oieie
"Siriiif of are folri.d into
each aa areuuinlailcin of rabbieb. I
will, bowerir. dlMulW (he rubbisb and the siijiv of ihe Ii it> c ' N. ' rbvel' | k1 iu
'huul.'of (at .Hill froieu ibut way TIm
refiT ouly to the iri'*.ui,w Ih/wnfai h
aide of tbe >w.m w«-r. uimin cuiirely fat Ikn. |Xe|iar<rl I-left to |>ri«iifiiip
f<jT pre.i'i wbiie'ii'ar. to iw'Tour
eotm'd Wltb sh,i ir<l p'.ld, aud at ioletenl. were tal les ol pi ld, aaih'd. I rbnd- Aloup.'iUH.uueol tb.''r..k!i;l|.iiip
dmd to note, with the oittimuui-«t of a lamp cIpfw'b, whole The yafim jiiii-e'
ji- fsl und
ind eat away
athe finiip. of
tdac'k b.a.l.d tar ks.
At the far . ijd . ( the
was the U'U.l.n witn which the whale(.oue u
woodcr -if the v,.oi, iL' isaciak buuuri. the whahil>,ue .grioBs nnl
throuK Wbi'ili.e It if one S the i«'ven nmiklit a sm lb> auuual . sIoiiiih h.
aud liO -ei.ilf it dll f N. it ilay .Mr L.
llir.rfes of the pnal ntopol
bruDghi liopi l>lhi I don't I
"ostlr oniatouni ;
worth h*'I< ml igu.ri. I'f whi-.y
that the .',e«Io,.au r-oB look upou- I j‘‘wrilaud Of s" uiau________

altar that tba appolntmant wUl ba| y^a^ri .mpi£5rS thr iooderfri

It b baltond that tbe obaocn' ;V^2L^S2K^l'L1i!^iSB
kb triaada hope that ha
p^tad to tba pcaUion, wl
fmpinalbHI» aad which Un e^rlaU b
•dbwbocaoaaof o leaf
rparioaoa oe tba lahm.
OnL, mra;.

Jaatph Laandry bad toot flnlabad
AoaaUaf apatb throng tba taowat
tto Tii'lunca hooel at Oom wbae bo
fhnw apbb haadiaad tan doad

BuxtMH b


•laem hu bar*a la earaeat oa tbe
Graad Capidi. Calkaaka A South'
eaalera Ity . which wu opeoed for'
n belay baadlod tm the nmd an
1c«a. lumber aad'taark, aad («
Ibw b a eery good bual
Larye BBrnbexa of men an caffacr
tbe (oreau wtaiehare opeocd by tbe
road and Immense qaaatltlea of
tre be''Bffeatlatbe rteb tlmlw
Tbe potalbiliUa wbkk an
afforded by the aew line are praetlam awaited with a


No mother ^ears ari attai 1. of Crtm)! or'Wiooping Cough ^r her

that modem malady. La Grippe.

“ Th« Kind ttiat CurM.”
u GUARlCsTEED to ckar
your blood of all impurities:
make your Kiomach. liver, and
kidobt-s right, and your nerves
strong. Then y<w are welL
Buy a bottle of D.\N'.\*S from
your' dealer, and Hits guaraotee goes uiih etw bottle. —
EFIT. Isn't that a'fairofier?

All OnisglBts m—p It.


The Standard Remedy


Colds, Coughs, and Lung Diseases.
-Al ib»a*-..f iscaij.afie,. .-,n* m.Aiwm. I sto Ifft wirh wrik lung.. > inrild*
CMOgh- »"<•
all ih« »yir.|> '.Bi, of lon.niapiioo. My doutur bad oo h.i(w al a|y
ery; hut l\a\ing icjd Ihr oit.-rtkemcM, cd AyM'i rhrrry l'-cwval.l dc:.,u.aed to
11 prc|>araiira.. I da! w. ui.l >tiKe lhal Use, I lu.eiucd no nihe^csupb tnrdicuw.
■w w.r...) I... >,lr. ..ld.ind 1 kia.w ibiloi Iri.i flfiy xcar, hi,- l.m irddrd to
r>...n.p*.ol-lc|i..-i.»..iion.A- W, Sj'HiKV.JIaiiil.elA.N. J.; ,
"tm’ T ' I

l: II. MA^INVS.F.diIorA'«M.A»/a/.i.(toe^u,'Ab.


Tiif'njl~Ub. no He let mo have it.
—Biolua Tran.cnpl.

1 ...vm
Ihl. n.ln... i,i lli.
Of an.'lnfUBmisiton of ihr iKxul

nrsw falM In lirTrig protttpi relief
and esae.
a few doMS quickly check all coUa
J. f) lH>-'*"
’ •
— •

Medicine* foe fori. file year*. I know nf no ptrpanlinn lhal equ
foe ihe tuie.d biiwichiiix. It never (ails to giie piompt rclicf.C. 1, SlIIlKWiHlIl.Dragcisi.Dcwipiac.Mich.

.. WKICHT. M. 1>, Itai

ranla. (toe can p< I ■ pnod diuoiT al
Ibesr (dice* (cx a small sum—far
tbau out- finds st mur> cxiensivc ;
in if.iud.rn________________

Can be had at flalf Price.


li is a Rpecific for

It prevents Pneumonia, and has fre-

quehlly cured .'cvei e cascs of lung trouble marked by all the .symptoms
ofConsiimj^iuii. -It'is

insiavli-d II ni.», uiflully. Jt is eiiiire- j
a Uas ot l-Mor dodemesu
ly of filr.-r a euu.p lied Slruiture. I Cordnu—.Soyoc Honk that lienllr U
lmtiuod.l.,1 II, loMlj d.'.ipna Ubiu-1,„,,.^ .,1 porw jiirlcm. ut. Ikw did
rmst,d from ■ uil to cud aud Iruni toji tc I hapi.
u to
bultoiii wtlh dinia.mda
' - lil'cirul
oek ta a star uf brilliaiiU that'' tbe nth< r day.
hlmk. Tbemp m which I


denmcrmrnl a thb re-

It cures AsYhnia and Broncbitifi, an^ so

soothes llic irritated ti.sMies (hat a refreslutig sleep invAjiahly follows its
children, witli Axer’> Clicrry iVetoralin the house,


wiiIbiii w

diseases of the lhrn;u .md lungs.

Wa. of lilile OM' |ci u>.t' ilnt I ruuMl L'.t,
ruUe-' ttisl ouui to uj"» at lire h
Hal. .
lly. He prolalplr ImAul n|<ou
pensure a. au iiii|.niueui luliu.upu.
^itiiyiBplii'-al JouiuaL


additiona netll oow ibere an bei
aad. tour bnndred of tbe
nere an abe two apaeba rerlew They fly orer the city ia tbe moralof
olamea la arltkmatic. one tor tbe tea aad ntura to tbelr rooaUof place
for tbme below the aan- eomewbere to the aortbweat la
■ II
■MM gfimmkmt, & . Mk
sortri'd with pi'arlii. I ooold k.vp on
fern, weed work; B. B. Wood. palatlBf: lor elaaa wbo.wbb to yefteob tbelr tbo afleraooo.
wtillug abniit tho damlinp bcauUis of
misdatntbbalody. laOtmi
tbe (ht^e of the kiny uf kinps. bnt I
>Wt Ball. daeonUaf; J. E. OraUlek
never could pel beyond detlariup It to
a aadwlsdowaaA; baatlaf.
andalao a claat for fenarm] rerlew,
be a snpi'rb jewel. b,nue poojile bare
■aaaab A lay Ooi alaetrieity. Board,
valued it nl I'i.Ooti.OCKI. li. f al ■•aloe
aaa Bhar Bloetric Uflil A Power Co.
is U'lweeu i-J.UUO.utlOand O.dUU.OuO.
Sooca eaulleat additiona bare jut
la aixe aod too feet deep. w|tn
Tbo aaatUf b deaa by a Hmkefon
But. llioupL lliu pi'aeuck tUfaie b
bean made lo tba Blfb acbool library aidea ao aleep It eaaimt be culUrated.
ta Bad tbo momorW win
tbe mapnuiii oipo. of the I’. nflua crown
aa tha non It of the Blfb Sebool UcIt b uid ladiaDaoBecaeodit lo ooa- Jewels, it bj uu uieauietlmpuisbes the
o ia miwaakao. Tho
tan aad Hulc eoone tbb
-OMla at praaoalaambarm. bot thb
Amoar tba boolu or^red are:
IB fooad ia U
atf-miit, biiw-ever,
«a ba laenaaA to tbm budnd aa
Hilton loTconyaoa.^3 rolBmea: "Eptbe notnber
cr o;
ol ts'ji'Wek-d aun ,
mhaof Modan Bbtory." 18 mli
al arms, the
'le fla.biuf aipn u, (be irava
Tba arebitoeb an Homo. C H.
J. E. Seott. of Lolt Lake City. I'Uhl piled up w lib cot
'Amorbaa Bbtory Bariea," i ml.
. . _.
riaU aad F. B Walk^, who with B.
> cayayed la a eratade in aortbera tbe bowls filkd with [.-arls that yoo
and Coyofa "Tbe World and Baa."
B Btoward, D. C. Tbempaoa aad Dr.
your flnpt* like a
Baalda tbata. four aeu ol Baod A :
B. B. Oaraor fatm tba balldlaf oembacdfol
Kally'a phyaloal mapa'ban bMO
til.; Iiurm-J-Xar, or f.'ia uf Upiil, ri.tor
eetnd for the four ward aekoola. aad eaUbIbb a aettlemeat la one of l
the Kohmoor. <x UountaiD
Tba obanbJatbaBrM a
them naa fift from tbe bolated connllea la extreme aortbt
.of Lds;ht. Every on- ha. alio beard of
^ OnroraetadisTroTeiBaClty. and
fear af Band A HcXal- Uiehiffae, wbeace aerotlatloaa i
tbe (.lule of the World, niaiic ty ili
tbo raaait b a aaaeaw la omry parikolyk' Uainnal AUu of tbe tVoHd ' aeld to be ie prerreea (or tbe ceaUblbblar. Tba otoao werka np atry
Thmaatlaam retail at SIS aacb. aad meat of a comauplttef Mor
MBMlr aad tbo dtnreb b aa oraameat
Utter Day Saiata. Ur. Scott uyt the ria.of IUf(mo.. f. Imliaot ai
colony will be oompoaed cxelssirely
Africa of rstms. flnklauil aud I
Bor tba paot tbrae yaara, tlaat
belieres* lo tbe Uermoo reUylofa.
at ib'tr.U'.'iA —
UllisiRitud MuKarii
OttaabaUna of tba ckarcb In tbb city,
rued ^diralffe tbe exact lo
tba momban ban baee tortnaato. Id
UoB of tb^aettlemeat. balb actnallv
harlaf firlbalrpaoMrBoaUoaad do-apayed ia tbe work of makiaff bemod a mlablor aa tba Bat. WUey K.
Cltqaelte sad .urly tl.M.lul
WrtffalM Bb aarsaal aad aooaaalaf
tbs Trll», .A
derta ban baaa a laife tartarlo tbo
A couple ol weeki ayo two (ai
bearrl limtlbv pa.. _.
rafU froortb ed ibo ebir^ Siartlaf
u Eurlbbrnau and a Pnoehman. met tbe name of the walkii.p Euelifbiaav
tbrao yoam afo wltb oaly Bfty mammb 10
0 Main ilreet. myi Ike Cbeboyrae
baooibolbtboaawwlairaai.d lo IKt
New*, aad atarted uadloy bonei The say Ibat I was one of Ih. lu- !v.> Til
ties like these aiv iu.|> iiaui wlw u
aad li atill fmwlaf. AU han takoe
Rayliabmaa taqaired of tbe IVeacb- lug with meu who bar-the mluds uf
haU with a will IB army part of tba
•.'Yea. cbildrea- «ith them whether
Avob work, aad tba fatan of tba
air," replied tbe Preacbmaa. "Sbe'a all to live or die dep>od> so ofuii in
rlybt. only ah* no look reey ffood.
0e that It it as well to hare aa uiauy
trifles as possible m your farnr I wore
Tbe Esplbbrnaa lal^ be did aot car
tbeirdrem iu my irvio Piwas, out with
aoytblac about the animal'a looka •
loay u it waa Huad. A irade waa the tbe Idas of takiuy any one la si cl>jse
quartern, bat of malnug myself abuoresult Uooday the two (snaer*
tireable al a dinaace. Iges^lywalkaffsla aad tbe Earibbman took
me way lb (n»t of my moi aud
FVeoehmaB to task ‘-See here.
a 1 did ihD beeaom tbe inoessani
■1. ydo told ma that
of the Arab soups became Intoltr•ouDd: why. it b a* blind aa
eockman replied. "I tale yea
rim e all ri(tt. bat abek no look
Now. wbat ,
a waa Of
i wliba blfb

afaaadwaaoaaof thnooatod II
an oUflUa ------------- -------------------- » b I any

*has been for sixty tears the popular medicine for colds, coughs, and all


Tbiobfb tba kladaaaa of mambora of
aerclalLaw...:............................... .
Ibo bnUdlbf eomoatuatha Maowiaf
Tba laboratory foaaeellactod aaMBOt
Tbo obareb hat baaa oemplatad
lo tea.
At tba laat meatlof of
aaotetKHO- U eeaaboeUoo «t eerda board of education it waa waa daclBed
palriul ol the reroIutiOBary war.
W atoBO bata bemi Mad. It I
to naa tbeaa feoa exelualeely for Uborniory anppUaa.
Six or wreo year* afo aix cmw*
■aiaiy bon tba bay abon. ibot«h
could be M«D ID Ibr momlnf fiylnf
la-^waUdlaa taken op tbb
aoMOtitbBaldBtOBa. InaddlUoeto
r an elemealary alfebra. bifo- from thr aoulbweat orer Kalamtr
lhal. tbara worn aaad brick.
olry. Amerieaa bbtory. rbeloric. the direeliofi of the rieer. Tbete bird.
M.OOO ablafUa. m barrda of Umo.
Imre iecTcaaed patarally or by ouuide
bomb camaet. lo.ogo lath aad M^ooo


Clicrry Pectoral

3 me, aud as 1 (oouil A
t powiLly pul <
soug I owdI pi
p pu t a uiilc beiwet-n ns wuoi lut- irui-k was clear.
Ouce at twice, m mchiup Ibo bow

Uiuip tbe Buduoiir. «
load and bold tbeir |]iall«-k. a
To Oocorate. rim Ariinyton
They meant Do banu.
Burt J. UalL Trseerse City's taleoM I urdiuary eliiiBrClo
. .
doeorator.'bcomprUayfor the j'.b of i «bic h no ime druiui.-if lakinp oB. i.«e
decoratiay'tbn yreat dieiny ruotn par-1 lix u 1 would bare lo .it d'lwu to .Iniw
lurs and slulny room of the new addi-i
' w.atit uo Bjl«dii,'f, aixl ..ibx.'rm-


raUmastlB tbe Hlfb
January soib. waa tot, stsbelnfteal
daat Buplle. and 66 noa reaideBt. T
b blfb wator mark In tba bbtery
tbe aehool.
Tke eBmUmenl In claiaet la the Blfb
acbool b at followt:
. Tba baaomaot la ooeapiod by a Uirt
no^ ItsMfMt, wUeh wUI ba aaad
lary alfebra .
•ar'pntyw awallaraadC. ‘B. fatherAdraoerd alfebra..
lB0t tire amaUer elan rooma. ISili
iMt aa^ aad a larf* fnrasoa rooa.
, Tha ehardi la taalofnlly mrpalod.
amd oaailortably aaatod, and b Ilfbtod
byamlampa. A laatan wUeh
nab to tba <
. a b tbe memorial win‘ deem «i celend flaat. in eoeiesUooal
imlfoa. nara an Bra amall wlndowa
wdalmfatripiowiBdow. On labiMa
' «t aioodod whlta flam an laacrlbad
Iho aamm of tbeaa la wboae mamory
Mm wtodowa bora bans rims.
bra Wmiam Braatat Bodpatfa. Ckrrte
BWMb Wrlfbt. Baynalda Horotoa
MbAaaib. Cbrrb J. Btoward. Ida U. Pint Veer UtlB.........................................

Blot prralues>ly 1 took stout s d'.uta b
Un acd wsa cuopletelj rwho-J toLcalC
tbe.Brpruoof all*
I>t. UllB' BeAedle
are sold by all
ylni, under a pc
fusiantec. Bnt
beneflta or moor
fueded- Booko;
saws of tbe bean sod ■
oerresfro. .tddrtM^ 9____________
nthart, li

Esp—isuas >r t

The Dc-pmUr rec-ipir under tbe 1
Dingley r—nne law en- will .'..icalst- i
ed 10 nil ihc bi'snsuf pfii.. iiuui.ts !
tbrouphout tbe caiBtrT with ittiiIi' and ;
joy. 'tbey an- ■ l ooij'lcte answ.r M lb'.''
carpiop crilitf in the rank, i f ibc fn. •
ttad-rs who were cumidaiuiiip lusa than
. M...M>h ago that Cbe r-r> ipi. under tbe
dew prolcutlrr tanff lair werf iuadu-j
qnate to meet tbe u.ccssiiie. uf tbe pur !

Full Size, $1.00: Half Size, 50 cts.

Ttui U-81 sb>
tbo cwlamiiy i-nuce i» a ihowinp by the ,
OecCBibur receipts. Unjittmg crmsidcrs- j ^
■bnwiuk (or IX:
cemher giv.-s a rarjlos uecr ..xjs'tidi
tan-s aggr-pituic u.-sriy t'J.OO.'.icu.
, ..
Thr ror.'i).<s fniu rnstonih l-iuii the : 40
falrosl Uat .>{ Ibr openli«n**f( U>v uoir
Uriff la*. apgicBiiiuR as Uioy du (nr
mexe Ibau tJ)..'.Cdr.o<

I •)
of the rlK in cnsuaii raun laat apring i W
have been exbaustwi.
Thor.' it uo r«-m tor tbe frieodi of | J
X Dibglr;
bi'uaDiDS eniboslaxclc:
'tz ibe r
aarpln* of nearly gb.OOu.OOO W
, D-eemtax, *a tbsl result was •
Ixrgtiy broocbi ahoat by fmall pay-;
iht .-ajxi
Bij ledger.r. Bui tl
brighT. It is the belief of oaaMry offl-1,
mala that afu-r tlx eatmil ucxitb. wbts | ^
Urge t>rtoi*iu wiU bo made, tbe is-: V
caipta will anwd tbe npimditaie* i
g cverrmomb c< tbe |itaa.-ai Cacal j,
im (be Dingley )xw, except
VSR bigbe-ibu daring tbecwieqeadtag flm flve mcetba of the WilaciviGwMD Uw. And ibesr are Ibe (acm^blcb
cStcraaliyaAawur tbe compU^tif tba

which glee rtaStom
dixaav. riiow that alarari oetxy caUiag (
baa aoma ailawat pacalav ae ItaeU abd ,
anting from almort loeritaUo caaaea ’
,4lRct cw Roota. liiefoaadtbalbak-:l
txa, osring to tbelr (rregalar Ufa, ahep-1 (
(Bg la lb* day aad vacfclBg aiebt* aadi.
faeeao** of tba bol air aad dM. ifflai |'

The Great Sale


of Suits, Overcoats, Ulsters, Ker­
seys, Pants, Underwear, Etc.

at T. J. HOST’S, 124 Front Street.

NO TIME or space to quote Prices. Come wd {
j see for yourselE We guarantee you satisfaction. i

Popular Clothier, Hatter and Fumisheiy


Grand Traveiw Henjd andTiaTerea^CttyLTreiittiipt Cciitolidatcd.^Fctn'aiy S. I8E8

________ M te*« air
DO tor OabM ralkaC.
>( PracM------------------------• t*r«.lBlho«et<4 »83. H. H«pek M Meaktorfito k
Ub ttet la ■»*• Uus IW jtan
Mn. J. a. MeBv «>* ll«afc*r^
BtiBtM eaalaurttat
ikM MO jMn ICO.


•a4«Mt^Wa banad.
A« latoBlinwo*.

• Un.

4a»ph on»«r of Miai
bar arat with a aaadla ta
malca afa- Ska will laaa €bo. artaTba Adriaa at? ndWr sMIa ban
atariMlDpOBaBOfflarof H.OOO aack*
«t Bov taat «|ll ba ahlppad W 6«a(laad.
BraMh eoBDty to aoaolBC to Ua (n
is lha bona baaloaaa
naa flrn

5lS'-“r-' ’•


Tbe DataU bad a bcaiy earyo of
eara aad Soar aad kdeek-kad wf marebaadtoa. Tbera to ao bope of mTiay
aaTtbiay from tba arrack.
m received at Maaasua. NteTbc Dalatb waaaA oM bat ata^
Saa Saieador atate that a
Uaaaw. She wat aadar ebartar by revolution to Salvador la taUBlBeai.
cwplmof tba bellaUe will ba dtotri- the irabem A Hortoa Tmaapor»tl«>
Kliw UopQlS of Beldam boa par>
Steed (or Mta.WO the yaebl Marsoirer.
yim Rtoay. ayad «A to a pro.._____
out for the tot* Oydeo Oottoi. Of New
m with tbniy Fov railway,
•cBiadaelerat Yala Ba hat a wife.
nwawl by tba Uka HCcblyaB
Will Btory.
Major Edwatp Whaley, eyed Cl. a
aM 4t. bto brelber. Ilam at bparta.
olaeal memher or tbe Iroe brtcada
Be k alao marrlaA Tba two mra arc
eudderlr at Pnirte du Chlea. Wla.
twi&aad all throoffta lUa bar* beaa
tba ^iBS deplieataa of aaeb other.
Tbe S-year-old child of David BerUaSo aav^ika are they tkat eaeo tbeir wlihpecbareliTlyhl.
wlam aaaaet tall Uem apart They
vemel filled with bolUW water aad wat
t alike, tbal
tbair aolea* are ^Ike aod
BcpMcd to draih.
r bair aad-----------------------------------ABWEVIATO T6t£Opi
r joolor aod evla
Sever* ahoci
Ooe. Pleyraa raeaaUy raoalrad aletCto1rr-!n-law. Mn. Uaryaret Feehan,
Icr .from
o« a womaa li
la Albloa. wbo per.n
with a raxorai cnicayo.
itetad' that
wat tl
motbar of ■
3. T. Carry; wbo located tbe M> cold
declared la a atata of
family of teeea boy*, aod
at •the bad
■trike near Oolden. Colo, aaya he maa
ken told that tbe «Utc pelda
paida tpentloa
madarcaw «Sa klllwJ by tito j
home tl BacktomoUirr* yirlny birth U wear —
I., r...r ..( the ooMhaaal tobd I f";;5a Orvam
she wtobad to make (ppllcatloa
Uiaael al Chl.-aco.
: V"'

olaaed OB tba rolto.
n romparVa elevator i
:bi with drunkm tramp, at ( Nonhen Grain
. Mi'h_ Dave Svnton. a du- I Elrva. Tree
. d uoll
e,,^IUi-.;.«de buaht
fatally .abet.
: ta.aed Wltl
0 pruTklOB
of tbe beat boa* aayar dtolricta

•r catcB uae aer own.
Mr. J. O. Baad of Cbarionla. made
Mr* Htywood of Alpena credit* her
«~.a iiirrm of aa(ar aaaa tba paat
bontebold etu *t iiDiDea*' mtltnr,'
---------- tkat oU»» hara daddad to
wiia tatioy brr taonte ind pcrbin brr
Ufa at wr1l. Hho wat auandiny to
D. O. Adaau. tba tamar wbo ool
Mda;. i^aaIy^'^bby*Mr'rmblny iip at If
■litad aaleldMMar UtahBald Uooda;
a iralaad,
' '
'I. aaid mad aad tayirad at her dn *> till the
tobaaalaadattbnaybt be waicrvy
ed for tbe door and ptuird. theo tttrlrd ayala and *ya<o ptntrd. till Mr*.
ad at BBekle^
Utywoud d-ciiol to f.rflow him. Iu»t for
kilch, i. Jon
tacbtaakolL BVi


aiabtt.&oo tooa of ior
!0 barmiadfor naa la tbc
lb cotapaaln and
a at Kortbaille.


At Mullb Ed^rlrr^eni dowa a trar
Sad a
*8 Sfier aqalrrcto. Br eapta
Of tkra aad wUl aadraTor
, Jb ^rmakUa. loBawar Co., ibjr raUa
braar breast to*Ad^aa aaa lot of
irkleb It to^ oblj thirty two to 611 a
bmtoai baabaL
teiritM. atOofolla-a aaw mill, a
wi& of tlmbar csochl la a aaw.
otoeaot the aaw auocb WUI Urrabrr
htbaalda. almaat aapoaioc hia baart.
Bod ba will die.
: At Layav a fboat baaaU Bariaaw
Btiwat. It aps«Bn to be a womaa la
^an wblla with alloaan oa fret, boi
■othiar oe brad.
Maay Umid raal
Aaato art bvpiaf iadoan.
: Waldo Browe. who llaea threa nHaa
woalof AlUoB. to the proud owaer of a
aaU wHh S»a lacm It kallre aad wrll
Ikat appawn to ba at a loaa to kaow
wtet to do with tbf-aalra."
rarown laOladiriB couaty arreala roaotac dowa wtldeau.
tba a
tba rwcord ap to dau for
■m. Thayanal
») aptoeo to offend


aaton mrt^of ^nOak. rlaiaa that
(ram ais poQBdaolavtk ka oblalarrt
BBoaoaaoftold. Thto caUmale to eoe•Merrd aboard,
rasa biffb.
Altboarb BduMlerafl eaaaty to yev
wbaat to aotrbborlns ooaoUea tor
jTia^nt. Uare belay do Soorlay mill
Tiw Kalamaoo KIoBdIkc party laft
It iaeloded aftrea meo,tba Uteat additioa balay Frad Uniswall of ^w Paar. neto^ bona

itee beaa doomed.
la Adrian lire* a bale
tie <1
aad yood health.
0 tMk a ride oa Ithe fint rti
iQ Id tbe I'ollad Sutat. Jitiy ai.
I. Dr treoryr V. 'Merrick rtiar U
„oawae couaty in leu, and Lulli up a
rery larye praetica' at a luryeondeaUat. M* doe* not follow bn pro' wtloa BOW. but enjoy* ayoodiy eomruaoa. When tbe old rallrnad coach.
I which tbe doctor rode in 'ai. ptwed
irouyb Adrian on lit way bacx eaat
om tba world'* fair, the old yrntle
ita clambarad op iolo H and mmle
Iroclly for the teat be had occcpled
oa the trial trip fi? yrwrt bafore.

■e Slater, of the Poor of Cb>
.iiiiataCalli.tllc order, haa ta-


We all want aome of it You who
are unable to go there can at least reach
OUR STORE, “as all roads lead to it."
and save a portion of your wealth by ;
buying your Footwear'of

t Inatne patleot wb

Tbe j,.,un,-ailnn. apiroi-riatl-.n bin oa 1 ' ..J;;'?, „.
framed lo (f.e h.-u«r iH-aiuilnee carnet '
li.m.Mi Til.-war d-innm.nie.timttia


Ur bad

-( Charte. U

tlcm”*' !J>*
‘i-'-l, .uxwialloo
ho. owia

of Chirin'i::
1( 'h;m fulliy.
ntc-nc-e, Tbe
defenae pleaded tnaantty.
A w,-llldraA»Hl youny man attacked

Ilf rbamii-onihu- •■( the world.

arboul. ChtoaCD. and after throwlnr her
In the *n»u. deiiueraiely pulled us* of

8ii.hi (bin iliii." (erbed ■ mend to him,
■ M “t.! laihrf inJ un **li,inf arm-lriTJtt-Jt II I),rt aeie rtiiiv eomiidei.* If
boll, he diet -cd in po.>d liilr Ibe cbirtn
Ot Ihe pi.-lure etnlerecftrd. Muiy men ol
in over I.noo Araertdts dtlej

Bobbed the tm>w
■ A atarliiny iacideot of whjcb Mr.
John.tilirer.of rhiladelpbia. waa the
aobjecl, it narraiad by him at follow*:
"I waa inataoet dreadful condition.

“it imSTTaiood at M.dHd that t
tin- I .till aetu-nce Ur

800 I'boD^Pallrraa M

a pard-bu
ren-ote rdfre* lb nort

rn. tonya* eoalrd. (ala ciolinoally in
bai-k and aidv*.
eidv*. no appetite—yi
peratiWe wv- i|.f \..«e.t ktmwn In mat
growiny weaker day by day
year.. K-.nj hel-»%t le r.-ported fro had^ ylren me up. Kortoa nutrle-r '■! i.totrn In, Maine.
| aaiely. *
-loTt Undbl'-m, the Ciilcayo board trie
irk- Bitter*.'and
U-m> (Treat Vt
vurprioe. the 8r*l bntile made
lly oa
-.-id- n iti;
f.iund «ulll;
A Mr. JohatoD,
b> lb
eharxn of
HOOIA the Klondike, poatad
. and
kt>. aod am new a well
-d .if ti
daalatl'ioe laat weak, aaya tbe V
puntohmau | man. . I kiiow ibay aared my life.-aod
Trlbaoe. wlib a day team.
which Hr. JobniiOB to makiny the
S'o ooe aljoald fail to try .them. Daly
trip to eiybl feel loay. tfaroe (eel a idc
I'ra-.nal bay- | 8'
and baa three locb runnera.
He eari.„,
n inn..boaoo'* Druy Storra.

I* what you will >ea vary ofWB


•'« •»
•“ -mren a'
■ ''

•eat trip Mr. .lohnwm follow* the
Soo LiarThemodbad to-iweeathe
rail* make an ideal path.

Styles are Up-to-Oate.







Hart Beater, fortoor eapioio at toa
■ Usleonttr of UleUsaa football team,
wbo west to Oolambla a ynr as^ wy*
that a fortaaa was be made la that




Farmers, tie^msters and Other Working Hen!


I k«ep tbe best grades.
I ksBp A IsTge aBBortmsot.

It will pay you to see my stock. \


Too CBD find sny klod of OIots and Mitten in stock at
Beadle's. Right in price, quality and style,

Robes in Almost every VAriety^nd price and stock
large w select from.


Trunks as low as $S.OO.



Panan tbrousboat the aonbmi
aOBBtlaa of tba aUta will pat la Isrst
BMOBBtiof aayar boeu tba eominr ub.Mto-la BBtkdpatioe of a matkr '
them la Bay City.
. abara eoantlaa towaUadapted to
' nialBS.
la t«M O. D. PalrlmakL of Adnaa.
BBd a partaar weal proapeeilas la Al• MhB.atriklaf a bed of rock at Cook'a
lalet Falrkaaka Mw ootbias la It aad
rofoaad toleetat.
Suw word oomaa
that tba rock yield* ts* to the too aad
a tt.OOO.aoOotook eoapaoy bat beaa orfBBl«d.
Baaiy O Oax of St. CUlr. bail
artaa pltober parabaaed by hi* fn*'
Sraodfatbar la ITTT. na pottary to of
asraytotahM aadeorarad. with blaa
Uvk. Tba pitehar u balay banded
down Wffbalrloem and oa tba drath
. et Mr. Oil will SO to a colatlra la New


Travara* City. Mlc


te Kloadlka."
Tbr Abb Arbor avabopa Bt Owaaao
Tba Wblu Squadron,
Bra D> raabad with work that tbrr ara
laltod Stoin now ha* awiL-mb!
. balaf raw day aod alcbt- Hatariala
0*1 formidable fleet
... Cuba tbe moti
' an sdBf ffottaa ool la tba abopa
wanblpatbat baa Ibeen yottao together
BBtaadtteaabkaa OB Aaa Artxw a
a oar borne water* for many yaara. n
tony Ko. 1 aad add all auta rooma.
compriaea tbe North Atlantic tquadron.
B. a Uodsibb la at baslaaw In
under eominaad ol Admiral Sieanl.
tremtbeRlaedlkt laokinyfor bto a
tbe flyhllay power of tbc ablp*
D* to ilhitI
tar whom bahaiootaaaa for Sfl yaai- intad la tbe (ollawlny Ubie.
Ho toyaaka tobelrloa fortooa.
Thto Oael will be rainforoed by the
baabaea la tba Alaaka ^Id 6-Jda for lorpado boat Foote. Tbe armored
18 ymraaad baa madaa eomfortabla ernWr Brooklyo, almoel eqaal to a
mttlrabip brnelf, It flltlay oulat tbc
. Mra.CbaaUrTlAmpaoa of Girard
Haw Vvk nary yard, and la expected
ator^ Urribla loJoriralroB brrcloU
to aail the laat of ikla week to join
tahtnt dra while abe waa UybUni . Admiral Klcard'a M(nadron. The poo-,
la-P SbalaTtyaaraof asaaadwoald boat Naabrllle and the Ualniny *hlp
ban bareed to death bad bar aoa not Ibmex art at IWl Boyal. N C-. wlikin
Brrtead iB time to extiacatob the

Traveree City, Mich.

‘A. S. Fryman.



I. W. Slater's Hoase Poroisbing Store,
IS18-1S8 Front Street.

Ouar»aio*diAt» rurr.oiikwi weU
*cu>irotic.Mi>*l AiJdruk.'uta
^ mru
.irotic. lUu.*l pun-

Kinder of i.ladwia
t to**^
lirior a comiwny of .*15:U'J.ildTS.l;, a thrlU of torrortoexpenroeed when
raany women to leare

(or Alaeka
Alaekaro^d II.*1 .rwu-r ko. Iwea'aU' u. ritrr In all It* a bronaT marhof emnp tiiuad* tbroiurb
deldaavly ______
la the a]tprlog.
*• - Ki
----------tooryaalxe an eipadillohckofberern. Iwllevlnr that op---------------------------- il'onyfa Cure haa been _______
ea are preaenied Is toemlnlny
pa of KloBdIke fc
r* !o delay domraiic Work
a little ynod la
bat bern onadoctlay a <)ulrt .an
Ik of no pli-aa
tbe towni In tonlhero Micbiyac,
ere j pn.prirl.w* ba«« *0 IBU.a lal
-urlny re.-olla which I povrr*. ibai Uwi efirr^w
be toeceeded In eecurlny
. make ber cotnptLj- twenty »tmoy ,
»' *“>*'• r.
. and
dr* KindtrwHl rtoii Soalb Head aod
-llkbart, after which ihr will eiart f.uSan Fmaciaeo. where the will' armnye
of tbto borrl ex
ayreem*at *tlp
. the penoax who aA-cnapaoy
r ezpeoiUon aball remain for at leaal
a year. Ur*. Kinder la'upward of
r buataand to workan of Bf-e aod ber
rich eUlm la th* M 'warl rieer


75c a Pair!


.1 hour* Ihrrehy toyire^ erfKt aalto(acUon~ or mooey
n|^* had ih> po- rafoaded. IMceAdeent* per box. For
Inii'ifivliiK mlib .tohnann and K B Walt.

8100 Reward $100.

U r liavr lb.min nearly aU Htylaa
a>:<> Flnitb-Actlqae. SIxtoraU
Maboyany and Wtalto
levny. SqaareorShapad
lilaia. andI ibey are to cb^ yon
w ill w,
irr how w* pM tham:
I.UI I will uilyun.
W* bouybl
all ifatt one Ivya (actory bad OB
hand Tbe ayent waa aalllBy to
rtiff.iTotdralen w b. want alaay.
tVr made bia aa offer aa tb* let
■Mil (fot tham- .

for llie Host of the Wiotei.,


Hanil*. CSiilblnin., Cora*, a

! Odd Oqessers
aid Coinmodes




day. He to "breaking in" the doy* now |.“ ‘
and to cm the trade wbererur he mk-* a 1 « '
doy auperlor to the one* be ba« in tire ;
team. Hr win leal bto team for a hon-1
deed mllea and tben wJU Ukv I'-e train
- St- fatil. Whert be will po eit rail >


tbe i.nta by ntolu ainnyth.

a«l t>>ri’iii-tl n> cf* *l.>:e umins

a-m nraid b




Before another advance in leather.

: Fine Baby Robes,
Lap Robes, Blankets,
Cilovcs and Mittens.

i Wilhelm, Bartak & Co.




Traverse City, Micfaigan. ^

oflloat* and men.
■peadta k:
3V»: main hatury: ddb-ineb.
ddb'incb. ne-inub
»*—* balllaahi
............ Alp; Mnayc.
■pead la kooU,
Brer* aad men.
800; a

is-laeb. SK-ineb.
Indiana. batileaAip: tonnaye. lu,-.-oui
apaed la knot*. li%*. cftieeri aad maa.
4W: male batUir: 4 IS Inch. 8 * inch,
4 6-ioeh.


•\nnual Statement

V J«-UVih,..«l»r,

I: *prad In knot*, IS:


Ibsolutelr lilt Instil tin (bid.


. m.-b
Texaa, halt eabip:
apaed la knot*., IT:
It; oSlorra
Sm: main taatlaiy: 1 is iacb. 6 c-ineb.
FW Yvk. anenred croiarr: Iona
apaed In knot*. Zl; oBcer*
. SM: mala battery: < »-lm:b
Urtivll, onarmored eralaart loan

Karpaaaea all other PtoDca In ParftoHes '

• if— ■'S. S~.-i;rr„

Every part of the Genuain Piano It maonfaetored Is ov own fnctoCT by
------ ------------------- -------------------------- ...
' '
Irlsmoh In tbe art of I’mao bnlldiay.
FraaonBond by all a
jurtyv* tbr Acm. of l^rfeetion.
every reader ol tbi* paper who I* naioy or os
lOXaP DO to Inveatlyata tbe mrriu of ''The OamatS-*
Illaairatad catolorne mailed free to apiHicaaia

--- T—.. fc,,-.,.... ...

zz: LI—... ,n-

mala battery: I
ttoer: Mla kaou.


jc -.1 ?—■»»»

Dapont. torpedo boat: tooaaye. Chd:
■paad ta knuu. St.Si officer* and c

^ fc,'






W* .*2., . **:.■*** ar**l
-rpvwui -Tto <>*vmaia" la itl. Itoatl
full pav'l'gla'* 8v11 lltooTtUto-t Mu.l* owl Uw " '

•t CBlrotalty of Hleblsaa srwdaaU
Germany noaaUy
WrMk on tb* Lake
ba marriad. abowad that ha bad
beeome a tboroosb Amaricaa aad had
Tbe alaamer City of Dulatb arrired
plealyof Amrrieaa aaUloUtm ty pur- off Bantoa Harbor from South t'Aiahaotas anry artl^a of bto weddlas etyo Jaaoary 86ib. and ailamplad
WBlSt la tbto cDoaUT aad taklay It to eaur tbe bvbor. There waa a
oear wllb him, laalaad of
wind from the aortb
tn ba set tbaro to cat it.
,t and a nrj bea
> kept to Uc a
nortbweat in kw
AWz. HcOoBBoebia
r*e Into Ue harbor
and at lb*
toaapdWbwUaod tc
aontb of tbe rircr atruck the bar aad
iwardad tba .
parabaae wbiab cooplataa a block of
maetae that be baa famsht aod paid
bta* weal to the bouom lu an hour,
tor la tba U»t Sftoaa year*.
Hr, HeOeoBtrbia ratoaa aad aalto aitla ealy laarloy only brr eaUn and part of brr
BBd Sato tba barioraa mBlaWa whaU- balwarkt abore water. Tbr T '
n«* Hoxford aad rrolactioo, wh
er the market* ara hifta tw 1
big boot acromtbalak*.
aalaa laat fall aaoBBtad to tt
The Moebor ofaaoaatry acbool la
LtBawaacoaaty naAa a ralt that tba
bey* la tba acbool moat aot kto* tba
•Mo-- Tba boM reaaatad tbto laterferamea la what they eoaaldorad thakr owe
bvlBl BBd rrfoaad to obey tbo order.
ThoUwebarwhl(^oBaboy wbom'hf
The mat­
ter waa tokoa Wore tea ecbonl board
aad they promptly Brad the teaoel

Tb* life aaviay errw waa
-d and quickly roacbvd the
.... ...a*klerioylhr (act that it bad
diibasdad for the winter Atmidnlybl
tboy had abot a mortar line to the boat
and the naea* began.
Tbe flfot osa tana wbore wn
not Kernwcln. a SL Joe boaioeai
-a dippnd hilo tht water aereral
dariayhtoparikint trip aod waa tadly
Sla moatbtaso William Uaffmaaof froaea wban palled on to the pier Tb.
Kalomaioe. eat bto wrtot by pubias rant of lb* pa
btohaadtbrcMsbapasa of yiem. tbe
a^ly t
artorlca. aerem. maeeleaaad flyameata
all taelay aaeorod. caaalBy eo^eto twenty-lb^ of tb* cmw.
'pBraiyatoof tbebBBdaBdBrm
-nine Hclean wwi tbc laat to !*•«•. being
wan all mtrabai oat by fryeoB* aad token «B at » o'clock (bto morainx.
rpaBHsd.epietoI atUotloa belay paid!........
Tbara wnr* aereral worn** aboard.
totbaaanoa It to aapoetad la tlam Tbe
' aodUe Ufa narlay
Ibat Hr. BoSm will reeoeot tbe wm\ look__________ ^foiafoatUthtbn_____
BfUtam'mriafwr Utoto Hia. Wm. T^ h

TbU is a cut of B

Double Breasted Kersey Coat
Hi^ Ulster OoUar. Heavy Lining. Poll Irsngth nneqaelled
for general winter wear lor'worklng
r'working men. We
We'have a full
line of these, and whUe theyy last propose to sell them for


IF 0«e PulTvr.Uon OBdcMtrDJ
Free Un5>. ton, aad mwat,
toFtod.cagwoleFv **>*..•

— r_"Sr.^lS

» «, ; ali warr r,p«,dB.

» Sw**!!
Hto to


*04 *'*'

■%>* aw) c^w*<*

ai »




or <.F M Wtw*a. C*0Mr o> OtoM Tvmtonc to

Do not delay yonr parctaase. thinking yon can get om
like Uem
It will pay yi,'on to invest in Winter Goods Jnst st this
time-Since our IiInventory we have been making special
prloea on many liaes-Duok Coata, Kersey Pants, Macki­
naws, Ulsters and cloos. Ask about them.

flamiiton Clothing Companya

Leo Solomon bu a car Iced ci Hat


to dirtotto


If yoc want a good borse come and see Uiie loL I «iU
Bt-U yoo e boree racb es yuo want cbeapv tban von esa g^
it anyffiberw tito.

JAMDI a Mownoa Itototo..

n wiO Boi b* easoatod tm the-books ol

GOOD RESULTS jour wanttint



tHanaTOtr«»»garaiaanaTraTerMCStTTraaacriiA.Oons(aaBtlaa.»»tenai^:a. 1896.
oat the watot. They were at onae o
to tieC to W. X. aattor hoB
aetheiowto mot room for half .

aad paa- ae.]i.ce
Sarrkeo today ae feilewc:
XomtoroB'ita i»
Aa aooa aa the e>aa ware led aad the
Blue ecboole eerry Saaday at
bartap aoloadad the tiato toft at ooto at ll:aa B..Oah ParicGtapel t p. to.
fv the BOrib, frOB wbaaee aa trmto
Witneealor aad prayer eerrioo
had eaot/'thie week. The trala dec -Tbaroday oeoalare at 7;» e'Xealu
here Xondaytoftom-Hi lr.>m l■e^<
«b*Mrtowwi. ■aehfltUM Utor-oor waa etUI atalled orar Belleira aad
Mto aot M* okltota half
there wae BO plaaaaat praapret 1^ -'
{B-thearew of the train tris
The trola which MIowed tbb eae n^.a BeleUcy. tOBcr.
. udfttor. froB loUrtoebea. after dlaehai
tat to* C>to
PreaeblBr. tO;>oa.a
Sooday echool. It.
Ita *%arj of too fnot otora it taot
Vooar I’cople'e aeol
toUbrtta follotrtor tatnato toteo
Tbatorala froa the aooU oe tta a
tram tko Honlaf Baeaf4
TBoodoj. R. to I. an the aalo lino Bade oeenecAll are w
a. Itohidtor tha Mto

TbvOTMt 8teim.
*«>4«r airkt >ke r«u^
•»«' of
rwh-C- IWW Bifkt


for them to the waltlar reoBB o

it teU op to Mk* • titok rrip »od
BtorijaU <Uj 7«torttor lh« «w
Wto<ti«. drirtiif. drtftlnr r»to

Widotofty u<S today:

Car Load of Horses!
I will have a car load of Fine
Horses at my bam tomorrow moming.


foi all sizes ii aif an slfle, tal n aa fit pa fian saaia af lien.

Ladies’ Jackete

trate all attcBpU to Bore tralna La
alghl. bowecer. U wae expected that
train would be mn from here to Wp|.
too on the U. a. to L brnneb. with the
eoow plow whieh weet north the day
The trale oo the C. to W. X. which

(taod B..™., V.W ».;.■»...............................


Extn BodcIv, valoo $12...................................

7 86

Veryfier K.raeyix'nlne«$U to#l*i30

‘ 2121

toft all Tlrfat bet

Horses for Sale.
At Pioneer Livery Stable,


maf trafle which
taa artipaad asytUar kaowa
' B to a peat many yaaro. the railtoata ntarlar thle ofty mu thli Borator reaoBe r«»olar eerrioe. WUU the

J. MOBG^A-iSr.



a were aot yet cirar laat airht.
ftatole tratoearrleed aearly ea Ubo
andttabeatoaaeof tberoadeerato be- *rlK.t3U«( |[

Ultorlto Inf.

MrU?'A^n«>*u.i#e«fii.' I'.r.
Mvd Bonkm *tul **mUe Irvr
i^v4f^ »■ e Xty. not only ter
B aad Mila, tat lor


Mpanae aUday. There
Watoo Btallad -at latorloehea to- »o
plow wHh three
liidll to imeblar the bortod tralM

iBb atoll Iroa the eooth ali
The trala wUak loftOiaad Bapift at
iW^atoe to ahead tetlowed by that
fIM had been than all Birhk WhBi
the ftatoarrfredatttadrpot the few
■pn who ali^Wd breathed a
•Ifb of relief.
Aboard of the



Farm Implemant Machinery,
Wagons and Buggies. |

TIic l.argiost Slock that >uu overlaid your eyes ofi. ]

1 km lul nedtri 1 or Inil nse Satfb ui Rsid Wt^u u4 Tsi Sated
fUtx. CM UMniBtBt at Ui Prica.


and the Pruts arv the Lowest, and the Slyks arc the NeweHl.
Write us f»r prices -if you faiinot come yourself.
We will
please y«.u in every xi'Jiv;


If you
lare looking

M. B. HOLLEY. Manager.

[ for a mill that can supply you anything from
: Wheat, Com or Oats, drop us a line and we will
j try and interest you with samples and prices^!


creator, that hetor


Opposite the Fire Engine House.

Wc can give you Big Bargaifls in laaBy Hoes
77 of Shoes and RuIjIkts. Goods we wish to close .out-r-Don't wish to carry
44 them over. We would rather take a low price and hare tbc money to ub&


of tha XI. B. to I. at liU yaettf
day aeratoc. Thp trala toft Walton
at t B to. aad the eeadltloe of the read
m» ta Jhdfta by the tla'e nniiiiiy
' the trip, throe tiaee that aeaally
fpqatoad. Ooadaetor Terk etatad that
MW the road ee badly drifted,
wat no trala oat oe toe M to
X. B. aatll aboet 4 e'etock. Tbea tbi
Mato wUah arriead at I o'eioek Bade
Ita (otara trip. Thera waa a^ trala


n>^ Str.-.-t Wur/.Uun: Jti.'-'k

One Half Btoek Sooth of Flrat Neiloual Bank. Where Will B
FoaoC * PtOl Line Of


The only Itoe to Ue Kloe
tog lU own Tina* <
from Bk Paul, Xtoi
toaw aty. to Paget t^od clU<
einding VoBeonrer. and It*>^we o
ing cholen of f route*.
ttoil aad overtoad *U
I trail and KcReaxl* river |l{
1; rail aad orerlnad vto ArtUkt
TuIlB (iwraty
___ ____________ river* to Wraallaaora. LakeTtaUn. Port BeltwBOB (TwIlB ronui: rail aad
________ I Wraagal, Jaueau. Skagway.
Dyaa,ailka, etc.: rail aad oecaa vto
OoppcT river. Cook'* laleV aad Vnkoo
river nXaW. Lowiai raUa. qnlck time.
Tenrin vlaeper* dally.
Par map*.
aU* aadtoformatioa ask
C b Xi'aa*v.
Agent O. B A I. Railway, •
Phoaa It.
TravettoCity. Xtrt.

Get them of..


To 123 Cass Street,

Tha Itoa batwera ben aad Petoekey
W. U Brown to Xary Aon Ulbo
«to alas badly Uoeko# and ao trala Ifbftotnaadall of lot 34 blk 4
that Go's Ut aad—f1000.
daa hara aad 4 o'clock bator etopped
Ferdioabd A Behdn to I'rnak Hamlol » blk 111. Travneto
by drinaal Ballabo. Tba laow plow
wbleh beloen at thk aad of the Iloe
at Taa Baren.
It etartod oot
early to the afttoWM for thli city aad


on Warm Footwear is on. The
price we have put on them will setl
them. We can save you from 25 to 60
per cent on this line of Beaver and
Felt Foot­

From'127 State Street

Ihk Xv aa loaf ae toe otbar irar

laat ^t rot at tor ae WUltaaaberr.
orhbre It waa bleekad aad at toldalrht
had aat bate taleaaed.
todlarXtaatiae preeailad aa the
aato ftMofthaQ. B.toL- The Mala
daa to leare hare at 11 a. m. etartod all
ilrht aad reaehed Waltoa with UtUc
dtftaalV. hat on aeeoaat of ehe delay
the Bato Itoe waa {oread to walk
Tha ttoia doe at Waltoa abertiy aftor
r WM bleeked la drUa ae
Otoe and bad aot reached here

Oor Clearance Sale..

Clianged Location

Oecar SlBpioo UherifTiJoeephThoBbrare ft.
.t two e’eloek thle i
aa. panoto to eecUooe IT end iB.isra.;
tor, there woe •« preepect of Ife
T 10 W-*ri» ».
foMar eat before nunlorT
trala wbleb toft eiaad Baptda at
O'cdoek toft oe iltet with oee of the
of tha Uae attached
N A. Wflgllt to Prokito Kyecik>.»■
tother^olartoectootlTa That trala of lot IT. blk 11. ULtoC^-tTU) add-,
Wto only a abort tlaa lato at WblU
Della Bntler to Oearga Yack. paree\e
Oond but
, eectione 3 and *. I ST n. r 10 w-gToO
tkft Btda. Of ooaroa aba eooU aot

Reliable Dr)i Ceeds. Carpel
anil Clothing House.

Haskell’s Bookstore.

Front Srreet.

Eera C. Obrd w.Willton Uiilop
adit of ewlf,
ewlf.ace ai. tU n. r IS w—tl
Perry Uanaeb el a) to J. J. Dean, let
to. blk K. B L to Cot Tib add—tioi.

on QtornieiiU soid'^ei

-------- at——

Markham Sit.

I ebow a lot of Ilrirere and Mioe Cktop Work Horaee that I cao »eU you
and gieeyoo good bargalnt 10 them, If.rdnareis need of horeea. kladly giro
Be a call and look my stock orer. Will exchange for any kind ofetock.



---- and----------

;Qae grey toere. 4 years old. weight liou. well broke, a good tars
. Ose rxUa floe mare. 5 year* old. rich rbeetnot color, weight im
ahow yon a three-Blnou clip, well broke tisfto
Oat fine bay horkc. extra good drirer. weight vri. :■ yenn. old. would make
isja good pole home.
One roan mare, n yean oid.-waighl ISOU. good llfeand a good worker.



Wall -Paper
Window Curtains


IcaeaDd the atleapla were giran np.
Tlie bigbwaye are In eocb a eonditios
that It will reqalrednye of herd work
before tegolar trnrel oao be rreoBed.

frinm.,.d. value 812.V1....................................

You Can
Always Find

B. J. MOBOAN, Prop.

trato left for .the aoath with a snow
plow aad two oagiara. at T:10 p. b.
Putotori. par bo .
Effortt by the alagea to leare for Bi'Vtao RATMurTaave
Morthport and Old MiBion were frolt-

Klwnl K-ni. >• Ci.,.-. From-h A|.|.ii.|iie



all otben oe all reada wera eaaealed.
Tba aitaatioa oa the C to W. X.
totota. ae It erae ImpoealUe to pot
Iralto either way fioB beta. The paair tiato wblefa laft (traad Bapida
lathetoaraiarwaadclayadflee hooim
M IThlto Oood ea aocoaa t of tha blookade ofatofcurttato tor Xotkeirao.
After Iteratoaee the paaaeanr atade
faii^roodtlBeoaUlUtoaehad latoe'
n.- U tha ■tootfiie the ctona
flow wenaandthe Moke eoattooed
totU. Arrirlarat
• p. to. It eoeld fto oe farther,

Good Cloth Cap-.,,m«l. value ri T6 8.86


iisses Jackets, Children's Jackets, all at prices less then we paid for them.

to Urn liaeh.
Trarerte City Karkei.
tmln dee here from the
The ^oalbehl.d.---------------------Below U a 11*1 of the baying and aelllaarakarefarHaaieUoatt;Udld not •outh at noon dX not reach bare notil
log priee*
- I of yentorday
y«toid*r for giucerice.
I hare a few xlra good Loraet. aad w
tor attompt aa the Un« waa after i o'clock la the eeenlng, that prorblom, aad farm preriaeU la Trtt.
ri to good that I
wlthdrUtodcDow. The trale briur the flrat train to enter the elty ereeCity:
all day. The train doe bare toil night
Ose eorrel geldiog i jt re old black, blockyboill weight I!
6«a Haaktod daa here at 1
a flaedraft
etll:l(i waa twe-aad one half bonra
■ade the trip, haweror, with
SIO to
, Ooebrowh.geldi
flow, arrlrtof aboat om boor lau. late, arriring at 1:40 o'clock tbI*
yeare old a little rangy, bot not Boeb. weight
The Mtoo tratolaftattbaaaoal boor
makee a good ouW to
There wat ao regular eerrice between
to the aftomooB. bot the other
Oae bey gliding t yeari old weight 1400. so ratra good work boret.
booed Mia waceoneeladasd the tmlo bore aad Bk Bapidi. bot a train wae
One bloekyboUt bay Baron yean old weight 1450. a* fine a oae aa you
oTOr aad hack, thoogk great dUS_ nvth at dJI waa alao takoc
would with to
colty was experieneed both ways
Ooe bloeky bnllt brown borae weight l*oo, t yeun old. theoe two will
toe C A W. M. the trala froB Bk Aaotber rftori will be Bade from that
make a good teas together.
Saptda arrtoad aU rlykt to the
point with m train mo by two enginea
Ooe rangy bnllt boy Bara 4 yenra old weight I400. a good one
tor. hot thamcharapUIy sued with Mo frelghli are mnnlng on any of the
.One blacky built bay Baro. : yenra old, weight ll5u. a good for all
drifltor anew and aa attoapt to totan
kttidiof butinree
to Kto Baidda waa (raiUeea Thetraia
A train lonehed.hcre from the north
One large bay beroe; ee^ht ipm. blorky built.'on the plug order, a good
ww ataUad aear Aeme and two oarloee
t t o'clock tolt night on the C. to IV
401 Inin her bore*.
aoot ool to briar It back. The X.. the drat etotodatniday. The ease
One bey mire, rangy beilk cheap for t>i5 (tt


ba.L.vnlm‘$16:V).......................................... ....

Fioeaf .UckW hi tho pior.*—KVraeyn.
i’ersinn Curia,
vb1ii.*r $lMo$aO. ®.76


won doe to leare here at « a. in. did
not get awVBBllI
nod then It
lud n hnrd Uae getUof throneb. Tbr

Very beat Plonh. li.n« Empire plcei

$13J50,................................................. 7 26

This will be the best c|iance yet
offered this winter to secure Good
Horses. Prices will be. Right.

J Beating Friday alTJU


Buncle. value *S -"iO...............................................

Esin fiae Kenrv. nil Silk I.iiird. ritluc

•"daakiDg flrat tbc klngdoB

Ladies’ Capes

Flm k™j. .,1.. r so................ *4*a


the O. B. to I. aad K. to h'. £. do iratoe
>9B either way. the coodlcAeetoally blocked ao ae
Old Miealon
did not arrlrr ootll t o’clock
aftotnooo and the renda we
bad that to aUeoipt to fo back would

ia food raadlBe for pov—«
Here are
BBIOE8 OD swmeatg th»t m right
IB tarwy wsy-Btyle, Fit uid lUtarlaL
Goods tamed tmr to yoa et LSB8 THAH FUUrCFAOTHRB&'a COST, t«.
■ell out qttickly. ,

Uoaeontise laat aifbt. to that tha
paiecarer troB Walton oo the bcaaeh
reaehed here only a ceey abort tlae

TbotvtoMblinardwUA <rrMpe<>
deoday eerrioea:
WaUfU to Ito icy (oldi yotorday <rUl
Prenebtor at)n:3oa.w
ta^MoUHTfoUwofiiattasity of
Today the raade are all opeo aad the male qaartek
too ountoo of the vtoBoy of the ernlar maae wlU be raeamed.
erday esbool
'•oUtot totaUtooi." Tb« ctorB befoa
leiorC. B. i
rstof tafoeo e«7 »»“?
o of Moaday had oot yol
(ro&tUoBtaBOe of MorBrcalac aerriee T p. B.
eobaldcdyettordeyaewak fondly hoped
Prayer aaeuny thle c
and wben auempte were made yeetorto appear ae Ihoofh
dcawlbeeaapoBded for a Une. The day Bomtof to ran train* oat of Trarcordial torltatloB h
MTority of (hcftorB boro waa ool real- one aty ll wee foand that oondltkine
bad aot iBprored Bodi. . Indeed oa, thee*

doe hare froa

Cloak News

Hannah & Lay Co. J





Felt Boots 37c.

Warm shoes Very cheap. '


386 Pairs
Fine Shoes.
Pingree & Smith. A. E.
Nettkton and W. L. Doug­
las make.
In-specI them.

The Qld Beliable Bhoemau,






|h Tn

Pair Going



The Popular Shoe House of Traverse City. ?R




-m riT-i ^


vaAvsKax errv moo


»-roBl fli. aad woaU be ptoaert to meet | J?*SirVS2?toirSLr'T1L"*S
ilanaroa few ,*> i»Z*..rar.*r; if
of bi. price.:
1* tba-Oraa Sugar
.................... SI toViw..^n|W».»wwjv;a|wv«vvvtoawtotoa
iO Ito Bollw


Traverse City. Mich.
AAwrttoi. tie Herald.


teiad TraTarw Berald and Itmaee City Tniatcript Ccitolidattd, FebnjaiT 8,1868
5„).-teaversk axY

State Bank.
SiSa •


With •appcr. »U1 U iri««a ar BM(<«
hatl. Otaws. Tairfv
t» «lM b*MSI of tt* Urawa
^ AUmMrm.UtmU-.thttdi
iSMBta. Ban tor uaaa. baa. Door*
, at r. tarpar *rUt ta aemd at R
Oanfa DaUttar. whtia aorUar ’ la
oa* of Kallap * Omllt aaspa aaar
aichl^rridar. *raa kadlpeal oa »ha
albe«wUbao ax.
•orklararltk. Hr caaa
to Travofa* C9t7 Satardar aod Or.
Martia dmtad (h* troaad. Uf *U1
kata a aUS ana (er ton* Una Ika
•aa k a auaacar <rbo kad oalp baaa ;
bora Iron Hair Tork atata aboat tea

aotadndalaant ea tt*
Wnt StdatUa
oocaaloe wa* tba sanlaca of Hta*
Hadallaa Batatabaor aad JaoA
tba laaMiM o/ Ftaak Oadak la tka
a larrafatkarlnc otaataal
friaad* and ralaU*«. JaaUe* (L H
Browa oOriated. After tbs
tba faeete aatdowa U a aanpUao*
vaddlap feaet wUeh was fallowed by
praad dean >a whld seem at
bwde of tbe bappy coapb partlelpatrd Tbc festitbJee eeeUBaad ble
b UM atealapaod tbc bappy eospla
wrra abowerad with hearty toaprab'
bUeaa. Msay trieedt wlU iriah then
a loap aod happy asartlad Hie.



m lli

Clinilatlon this wesk 2.400
Voleataar* al Amailea *Hli aarra
M oyatar »apnr ttaurtaj atrht
Tkaaard party to !»»••»»•■ r»wo 1“
BL maeb tekool faaU toatrkt baa b«B
aatl) fartbar BoUoa.



aowaid 0* tkb city told forty aeraa ol
laaA to ioha MeUIII el Loac
Jt^ph AneU Fraanaa. two-yaaraMnikoC Mr. aad Hra A. L. Pn
«l iriiiwe, 4M Friday fren brals
lam. Tba fasrraltraa bald Batarday
AaMeUUoB «U1 bbld tbn«aIaraMBtb, ^ mrettBC tkb aflanibeB la tka UtAlaF Ubtaty raont at MO. AU
biraare artad tobr preaeel.
Kbi Bnaia Luadoo b eaUlraUer a
Annbblac oraaca traa ia tka o0
tka Boardnaa Blrar Baelrie Ufbt A
Powat Cht. Tba iraa baa aararal erall
pd oraenaapMlv
Aoba UeClaakey. irbe bat had aharf*
at the aaeUoa baade el tba O A W. M.
U tkb looalily, haa kaen pronotod
tba paiUea ot nadnailar of tka a
Otaad B^lda. Ealkaaha A BealkeaatataUee.
It baa baaa daeidad. o«la« b
•anbrr ataatartalameBUtofaa ci*M
la the aaar tatara. to pedtpeaa tba

I altar todfa


hoaor at their ercaabV Mrs. ---------aad ^naatad bar with aa imhitta at
Yha order.

Chbrin Joyat drove

aonlaf Cbaria* Barren
■a of tba boiral*.
UI plteaeeo tbeirpopoakOnoa at the eoraer at E^nirood
Cbirkea1 Pie sapper
loe aad Waraa itraat. Deeaaeod
I b tbe earroaadi«p coaatry who
t» Taan of are aad laarra a *><!«
tetnlad b tbc work
flra enall abUdraa.
who weald like to anbt
rap!o]ra «{ Jeba Birblaad. ibr !i. atb ebtioa
■d to briap ebickea
UabMatraatmaatdnlrr. The rmaia*
to Use eily Salarday. Feb.
wUI be takee to tioirani at; lor berweak tron .tbb Satarday. *asd Inre
lal. Ik* old bone o
then at ibe oBce of C. J. Kacalaad.
»ucb eoatribotioo*.
>. n
chitkea, will be rtry aecepi
Fairies Fran tba Bebooia
B Johi
Trarara* Cat}- at latpac-

A dtapateb <


lorotbelliai Ocaad Harrs BUprlaelpal epposaet I* CkpL Jobs Laarlej.
*rbo rocrauptailrdtopaatlhrclril tarbat wbo bae Wa
rlrae aautber ehasac CapL Jobotioa
id b well apoB tba Ibl.

party of fricDdaat wfatot Moaday *i

U. B. BBUboBBbnal
Ui laeladr Dayloa, Itsledo.
Bd Detroit.
I|i«. r. T. O-Ndl. wboboB beru rir
lUap la Kalkaaka lor a aiaiiUi.
taraad bona Friday.
Hra. SproUad, a lady who has pa-----harTOtb binbday. Ult Tbuiaday aloac
for Boalder Creak, OalKoroia. vbare
aba trill Tbit trbnda
/ K Kaaary of CbkaFo. ar^
la ibr oily Friday atu-roooa.
oallad by tba aariooe lUoto* uf bar
Botbar, Hra. Perry lUaaah.
Hra. Will Kaynead bae r»>r. to
Utaad Bapidt la eenpaay irlib bet al>tar, Hra. N. D. Jodklai o( Bellaira,



Pat HeDosald. formerly a clerk la
Parker Uraa* aboe aioro, wbo bae baea.
Cbleape aoae Ume employed aa
baltmas la a larpc botel, arrirod la
tofrilTbaraday * bb war to Petotkey.wherc be wiWukc tbe poalUae ae
is Iba Nalbaa! bolet.
aad Ure. Cbarle* Ferpaw>e uf

Tka Bar.
MoUoa each kummer. paued
el the Uamaa obarah at Btb
tbroapb tba city Tfaaraday oa tbelr
Ida. lor the latt «vt yeaia. *w
«. wbera ihry Ure a
*aaaddaadlafr«aliat hboherrii Sab
olac. Behadbaaaelnolac eotupv. wblob they will prepare for
aad Improre tm ac
IhswaUel ai w wiMB atridsra with
bnrtdbnea. HU ranalaa wUI be liaBndaator Day OMerteo.
aetaaneaUi aBBlturaary of the
, hM to Aeblaad, Ubb, tor borbt.
Chrbilaa Bwlaatar aoeirty was approCkarlaa H- Beers noalvad Friday
aaeUeael bbappotataaat to a clerkship lb tba effiea el the aadibw paaetal
Mlnntac Tba a«V>a bae''a nlary ol
•t.«M a yaoratiaobad le Iv bat owlar
Um Palled Society, aad eoslaiard la
to havtar takee a pamaecat asd rebrtel Ue bblory ol'Ue oepaalimtloe
^oaialblt pbalUoo lor VUllam Hrilaar
alaoe iU iaoepUoa. All Ue ecrietini le
Hr. Banakaa dacUsad to aoerpt tkc
Uc city were
sre liberally
liberally rapra
plan b Laaalac.
Ueaortleb waa admirably ai
1 Conptaa aad Cbra
BatMT'aaurtaibadaaanbarof yoaof U. IL HoUty. Oaa Kllaa. Ckrbtlaa PaP
Hnd* by flrlaxaen o ablyb ride loe. Boby Osan aad Parker Paa< ahnt «BWB aad tka aooatry Friday BlaptoB.
TkayoaapUdba sod paaTbaalamaoUofUework of Ue aoIbnaa eonpoabc tba party ware: ebty ware reoreeemtad by a mlaatara
-i----------- -- .. ^ 1,^
Head CMaplea. .Chfa KaUrar. Fnd
B>tnw. Pnrl Mllln, Bn Wellaad.
DaUa lUrtlaak. Sblla Beny. I
Akbkir,. CharlUAabun. Braaaon Ibrly. Iraaa Betty, Hlllb Berry. Cki*e
irhitbp. Oaorn WbiUap. Meub Wanb«rp. BtbalBaatar. LaaCaleua. Uava (btb. Mi«rU Oalnaa. Hath Oal■an. AO« Martkb. BaU Dan. Ha-

^aijoVvem aai SoenjnAwTt.

SmmtT CooVaess

back Immediately, learipp here aUmt
.■c-o'cl.tek aloiphl wiUa lirery rip.
Tbr wcldiop boor wa« 7 o'clock aod
tbe ImpaUrocr uf tbe yoaa/ mao ran
be ImKinad
’'k" **•*♦
beeo Uerr. It I* ereJIeia to aUU Uat
be waa lair, but it b aim
aay that there'*
lay 00 Ur ^d

fiV %■ >0. T«iWU(tB‘v obV*. Ut Ui*

W ^ff. Traterae -t'lty * arw
poetmnler. look pneeea*uia uf Ue ofrbrea
See Frbraary
itt. Mr. RaS bad baea
oODcaded Ue uffiee from Ue day of Mr.
UcKioley'iairctloo to Ur prr*:deacy.
aadibbre wa*no oppauliloe Tbu* wa«a
blph aod well dnrrrad cempUmrut to
Raff. whuee rfU-leacy aad com
pelescy bad brea prorod
fe-loap *upp«n of the prioeiplr* of Ue
.pabiicko pkrty. asd

>0* WkbBtBT^*



SrreaV 'Ba'rq&vn SaW m

- Sbvrt -UDaisU ^

*. irad a.-lir*
I foriuet
Rkff served twqterm* in Xapolelia. BOder Greet sadmlabirkiioa. 9r
Barrima, amklax way fur A.
Fried- i||S
riefc. ooder ClevelsJid's **oond term. I ^
Mr. Fnedrleh BOW praeetoUy re liriop. jj]
asd leavinp Ue toffive io splcodij cuo
dilioD for hbkocokvkor. wBu was aiaolif'
Ur. lUft also bk. as | jjf'
ive asd booorable army record, jjri
vervlap is Ue 2trd Iowa.
Tbe public w ill be pled to knew that £
Ifv l.kura Herr* will set a* ker
laUrr's dupuly. a position kbe has fill-1 #n
ed two or Urae Glue* Iwfor*.
.Vo per- j Jf
koa in Hiebipaa i* m->re tboruupbly j
competent lor Ui* pusitiue.
Mb* Maude UcUermuU. wbo baslA
been employed io Ue office for a dotao '
:iu*loted»riUUeii,.*odu“ .adl^llJP
tbe louicaciea of the buiioae*. •

IV baaaarq 'PuTcbaM ^or VVq 'VDeaT.
tftoTWTJ Sad'hv» U VKt wtitittiTiCTt\. tDeruVAAij
wbtv\ KbX^ A ifitttv.

*SVvTee &rea\ &o\s


SrfiV "Ko. i, Sv.fiO mairia ^or S4e
£.(A "Ko. S, 52.00 maVWt ^or AOe




ia all. Trarerae City <.an be coo-lAf ^
laiad upoo barinp oae of tbei£
moat accommodatiap aad mo*t, J

A Sotlotis Buy
Ibri.t Hooday lourolop. ibe dwrllp of William Walter*.
aouUiwrat of suuoo* Hay.
tally dealroyrd^by 6rr.
oootrot* nl furnitiire. bonsebold
cu. rlolbiii.-. cuU i* Uuiiphl
1 tbe blare on.-ieated (n*m * defr.,-1Aur. Tbeer wa* k bli/./srd kl the
p ut Ue Ure kod tbe *Uoop leiod
m'ade kll vff irb lu-»v.. ih.. buddinp
Ql*f!uale»% The fkiuily I*
rendered bcmrle**. icuip>-r*rilr. bat
be able to replace Ueirvfwelllep a* kooo kk Ibr weather will permit.
The bulldiop siid cuuteut* were lomired io the F'semern Mulukl lo* C<>
Tbe low* OD Ih* bslldio« i* t.'-H,.



relaiee^toUrpoeitlue abe bn occu- W
pled eo loop. I•sea^ Friedrirh will alto . £
br rctxierd a* pmtal rietk.
The cat-, £
riee. rrebnlly appulaird. are Arthur : JT
qlibbard.Jo* J Shier. John Tattoao. 'Jfi

aftlcieat official force* of asy pm uSiceIn

a SWrt.VJaUil'. ti»«\ Yktu
4o«iU Ua
^>t* mItiU- '

^OT XftC

’KtfiV. 'ibs^ St»Ub. PtT^trt '3vttUv«.

C«mt Atvi St* \Vtt ^oo4$.
ibanV \Va«i. ». %
\ooVoBft\oTt\A\twiatvA4^T\uemetv\. 'MowW^WmAti. ' ‘

b. ■\D. KCWWVta.




Good Teniplare

Templar* Friday niphl. tbe (.4
LoM and Foond
luwinp officers were .-bukcn for Ibr eo
Uttla Clara Belle Laoeaaier i*
kuiop kll m-intli'
qulu oior year* of ape, bat *br bas
FaitChielTempl*r-l. li llcbb*.
irr roouph toplre her rriChief Templar—\v W .;„ble
atlrr* a acare wbirb ca’oeed coaeideraVice Templar—Elmer Hruwe
blr rxclieneat ie Ur city ycetarday
Secretary—Hobart l.ewi»
Abont foor o'clock C. M. LsocaiWr.
AisL Hoeralary-Uabr: Urvwo
broUcr of Clara liellr. noUfled Cbiel of
Fta. SecreUrv—Waraa Moore.
IMIlce Renolc that Ur child wm* mbaLodpe Deputy—H. U- liulley.
Fiaaece Commiuee—C. M.
Warren Moore. Uayme Oviatt.
o'clock. A riporout search had b
Treamirer—tiito Furl*ch.
Wtt to dbeover bar wbere^bouU
Uo prlacIptUand a few Irieeda The
Depsty Marabal—May-Iiiyuioc
re naaealllnp.
b oae of Ibr popalar youop ladin
Cbaplala—Fei RriU
Ir RcBoie nosed tne alarm bell in
refana^eouaty aad whu ha* aiaey
friend* lo TraroiarCity ond vicinity,
MeatiDvi —Hen Woul
>*e U be eoooded aod-la .a abort
proom b tbe sod of Freak II
ee of llraod Baplda oar of tbr
*ra* formed and * syatemstlc »ean:
proprietor* of Ue Grand ^apid* eeetioa
leinKir therv i> Hut
of Omeaa resort. Tbe pro^n arrived
Tbc plrl waa last teea la Ue FaatoB*
here Haiorday afterbOOD. so Ust Ue
oa Frost klraet Tnawlev nlpbt obool
bappy OTcnl was not delayed by Ue
fie*‘ o'clack. A* *be did sot appoar at
(Urm. BoU will as warmly coaprather bom* oa Eiaat Froot itrcet. just
alaud by bosU.of frieoda wbo will
east of Ue Occldeoial hotel. Uat
wbh them loop year. <rf woddod bapplalpbt. 'Mr. aod Hra. G. U LaonsUr.
ber partoU. topposed Uat *bc had

Ao.pmeBa Weddiap
Uerbert Joynt rotoraed Ttieeday
reolap from Oneaa.
when be
eat tbmpb the atom to altaad
IS marrlape of hb abler Addle, to
Wilder S Urstaeof Oraad Rapid*. Tbe
1 Uie -H. oerenoay took place at 11 o'clock Tunday norolap. at
A K. & after bataf elalled for
beiap parformad by Brr.
ee tbe C A W. U. irala at Ual poiat
H. Uoribol of .Northport
Mbs Base Oooway. Uarber of tbe
ktaderpartcB at Uak Park, was callrd woddipp took place al Ur borne of tbr
to Fraakfurt belarday on ac-

bt that piaea Pebraary Stk. The predelayed tb.- alpbt before aad a part of
fraa wUl eoaabt of iwe ooaaadlea.
Taeaday at Haateo.
Ikatleat. venl ■uricaad. laatras
Bart Curolt. who baa worked
rau A I'olc cone time, baa poae boatc
to Ladiaptua furaabortUna Be will
rctara BOOB to po oo tbc road tclllap
Ob aseoQBt af troablc allb the bolWr tbe acw paiebt drill laraatcd byJi
la the }aU baifdlar tbara baa baea
Mrelly el bnt which bat oenaloaed
Julia tiraban. the throe mootba’
maililinVi UaoBraaleaoa ta BberlS obUd of Mr. aad Un. lUtid Utabam of
Ha bx* adopted a tanpocary Codar lUa. died at two o'ulock Hoe
plaa by whbh tba llrlof apanneat
ol paeamoob
4'ba faorrai waa
are paniaUy hntad battba oalb
y^terday al in;U from ibe home
lalt oold.
ofJ. H. Uray la that rlllaca.


Oae of Ue bnt aa nbere oa tU propram WB* plreo by Joe Ebreabrrpar.
-ru bkeletoa Ia Amc^~
Tbe qaemiloB for diaeawiao was.
"Baeolrvd. That all roter* aheald be
taxpayer* aad all Uould toad aad
Tbe afliirnatite wa* repceerated by Wayae Watsr* aad Bay
Ikar. The epeaker* for U* aepawere Will Saab Bad Alta Tyler,
latbepearral dbeB**iae UUlU llabbell took part.
I'rof. Boro, la Ur critic's report, sap
peeled tUt puWir tpoakera. while' addremiop aa aadieace. Uaold Bc««r
keep waldblap Uelr wire* AlaoBlpb
*ebool boyeis Ue ume pwiiioD skoals
Bot watch Uelr aweeUearu too eloaaly
aa Ue aedlaaoe troald be liable
wateb tbe direcUoo of tbelr pair aad
tbea tbr eeorol would he opt
The deUle was decided lo tbe affirio-

% % -A VAM

A3D\Tv\ev CooVness

Hb* Ella Itbepard read a eeleailea.
■Tbe Bean b the aa ceea* catltM. -Bubarl
Pari.- byHiran Beaky. M e* Ulapban
aaunslaed the aadleacr with tbe

' iBody ibtbeprna'ooeof Ue lap. arrirlop here In -tbc afUrDc
a dbapreeable rxperleoce w
relallrr* ol the oouple.
Tbe brid* la
Ueroada whTrb w«r* badly drifi
rrarrrsr couoty aod Ur proom Arrirlop here be aiadr ou deity.
wellaad farorably kaowB lo Trav*e City aad riclally. where he ba* eetabiuhed a' rrpaUtieO ae as acoomplbbcd mtwiciao.
Roth bride aad
proom will br warmly coapratalatad
by alarpeelrclcof friesdisad wUl br
cordially wrlcomed lo Ub city, where
t^y will make Urir fotarr
They will br at bomr al vr.: We*l
S.-rcoU ttrrrt

BB S. '*44 ^A,■e

roll call
The drat Banker oa the praprau «aa
> batv jbaaa a daelanatloo. - Juba
Mayoari.'- by Bmba Kaete. bat Hba
Keefe was abwat. Hin KAel liibb
reodered a dcHphtfal plaao aole. altar
which Will 4iaae eabttalatd the aadicaee with a bhM rapbkal eatay.

Fabrwy ti aad » are tbe detA
tied opoD for tbc prodoetJoD of "Tbe
MytlW MIdpela." at tba City lipera
Roate. Oteroae baadred ehlldrea will
take ptrl ia the rbonan and tarioaa
nru. They art belapearefolly drilled
lader tbe dlrocUoa of Hin IlbpI
a lady will arrire froai .New York
tbe etora el i. W. Mdlikaa
a davn>e7ore~Uie time act for tbc
paata. bat trbo lafi hrra three prais
U the partlrlpaau
to drill
aro to rs to JaekaoB,' baa raisrord bare
(be faary loarrhr*. cl«.. aad
A Storm Siuyed Waddiag
litj. Mr. Keyoc* bwaoccptcd a po
the elaborate etape aeltlnp*. This
II takr* morr Ibaa a aortbrrn MichV
Joalalbe dry (oade depariiuroi of
le of the moat aaique aad bcaall- pan bliuard to <Uuat ae expectadi
Hr. Ullllkoe't eterc. aad will brpia bb
fel eolerlaloneaUarer plrea by
is tble lorallty. a* eridaUeeatoaev. Ub tastily will
drea la tbb city.
deao* Tuesdav by a youep
here fa tba epriDf. Maay friri<d« will
wboae' caerpy aud prt>rtrcraare
be pleand to hear tbal Mr. Ilayan
Elerantb Birthday Party.
for olbrr*
b to rctara bare to clay.
Tbe rcaideace otdedpe Jaa if. Modu Moaday'nioraw Mr. 8laren*oo
>0 wae tbe abeac of a Berry party ol Moaroe Ceolre itariod out ia Ibe
"Tbetioapal Beridw,'' b theaaneof
, aew rallpleo* paper poUbbed in tbb Tbaradey aficrauoa oa tbe oedasiaD of
walk to Ilrawa. U cau-b Ibr
rlrrrntb birthday aaBireraary
city by Ih
Ihr Scvcoth
ID for Trarerae City
III* ob
Jl 1* o-*lly hi. d.upbter. Mi** Uraec BipSteei) oT
Tkc Ar*t iBuebJoatonU
loVprocure* licann lo wed
id atftT, MlnWbitcmaa.alaoof MoareeCeatre
prbbd. eoBlalna aipht papa* and b herpirifrirad*
pattfn.^ A*everybody kaew*. Ue terrible blit
paUbbadkylke Unpal Kerirw 1Mb.
IbblBpCo. It b edited by Jann H. a delleioa* sapper was avrtad.
rpraaloa of trafBe on
Oamlra. whata oHee b 1a PvUuliry. pants broiirbtaettral pretty prcaeala Uc railroads, hot Mr. Steraaaoo. rsTkabaalscnoAeabintbUcliy. The wbli'b the huatne wULIou prise aa prcliap that Ua tnia woold br at
rarneatoe* of tbc bappy ncnaloo
paper la a noothly. aad
aoy time, vraltcd Impallraily
4waUit.-*r. Tbe | Thiw* preteal were Ireae aad (iracla Hr baeams mare ImaaUeat a* Urrv
wor'kb dooabri artbo Eaplrvf
HatcUlayee. Jeeelc Btwiuo.
proapecl.olA Iraia. aad hi*
Bdaa Moaroe. Mabel Uoimu. Belle
ratio** spirit mty be rzeueed wbea U
CljAe. KealaB Corell. Mabel IB;MlcbPanonaL
I* explalard that the marrlape wa* act
Dare Oanpball cana ap fron ilrairn
Hr*. Uarbert W. O-CoaBor is VltiUar Sadie Kraaa. Maude Coiapi
"^^jpreiaatproom iacrea*ed aod roaUanetl
Sbllsoa. Emma Friedricb
frtaada la Ballairr.
Uorria Uwb left Uoada*. for Ur-' (iibbe
rame on. brUplop with it ao aipa
Ur trala torTrarerar City. Hr waited
Uouroe Ceaier Weddiap. —
D. A Wuedirorlb ratnrard frkn
i channiar weddiap look place all aipbt aod lo the moroiop. wheei
unnltCii} TatadaTmiiaattoB breame apparaot to
It tbe bone of Ue bride's
t'raak UamUtoa loll ter S'** York parmlt at Muoma Caaue.
errrybody. br drtermiord
a a bariacaa trip Uoeday saoreia
cipal* Prere Hub Harme Aldrich, .-omplteh bb rad at all bktncd*.
Uarbert Joyat drorr'to Onraa
lopdkupbter uf Mr. aod MA E. Aldrich. Aecordiaply br prorured a
day taattaad the narriaxcol bi*»«ter.
U Howard of Trarerae City. plap tl^pb mad turiod
. F. M. ,
t Yunrtay e
about a
The erremooy *rM performed .by Ue City, al

Mth Mr.
nboM narrtafa look place Taeaday
•eralDf. Tka euapla wiU bare far
- Ommi Baplde tkb nnalac trhtra liny
of tbe aarloat illons of her
wOlnakaUislr fatars
Banjamla. wbo rtpraacate the

Tka east aanbar la tba BWrh School
Uetore aad Maab Oooiaa wUI be Hoyt
L. Ooaary. la bb witty eatertalai
“Aiwaad the Btore,'' oa Feb- 8. Tbb
wUI ko aaaTeolBC si faa. aad Urate
wko bavt baari Ur. OeoBcy b Ibe Hay
Vbw Aiaanbly cooras bare the birta•t wet* of prabe for blat

afWrtkaafUraeea saete b the an
rnbly reon ol the Uipk aebooL
Tko neetlap waa epawsd with ibt

aad Ue varinC parts rrprcaeaitap
varion phaan of Ua *rork. wblob
were axplalaad ia Uo mm of Ue
atoalap ta rapalar ardor.
naaie waa ptotldad lor the oeeaaloa
aad oaa of Ue aamhee* was a pbaaiap
daatfteaa by BalbhOoBaabU aad Mte



that loves ^iqney will al- /
ways buy at a place where he
knows he can get the,, best for the
least amount of cash; so he not
only buys his


Haskell’s Bookstore,

Mb* Icabrl Bammoad eaUruijird
umbe* of be« frieoda i
ly lYlday e^iop.
Min Crawford pate a dellpbtfol diaoar party Friday cvralkp lobiaeor ber
frieoda Later la Ue evortap tber all
avieinled Ue jiartyattbr City Opera
Friday MpblaaoUarot Ur popular
dob parGr* was pivea la Ue CUj OpTtaverae City aoclely bas
tvcopolaed these rapelar social panic*
looked forward io wiU
pleasaat aatK-ipaUoe and Uc aueadasceisalway* larpr.
Oa Tberaday a iolly load of Amsbda
Blvc ladle* dru*e oat Bear Slipfata to
of ibabaaBbcr. Hra Ualory,
wbo wa* reported tick. They fonod
beirqaWeUt. bat tbe boniap of Ue
Adney maklsp band proved aa vsedrvmady. Alter eejoylap all Ue
pood Uiop* tmspiaable aad a pleasaat
vblt WiU tba boat aad boaten they
took Uelr deparUre Ulaklap wbal a
plreaurv it I* to be a Hacosba*.
- r mrmbeta of Ue Tbree-OoAur
etob aad a {ew friend* eayored a
*y alpbt. asd laUr a
mptoai tapper at U«
id Hra. Jaa Kilibnde. weal of TravM City Tbe etesiap pasSbd rapidly

wlU pamcaaad a drlipbifal time fvaerally aad Ue rid# home cmaard .maU
loo abort. They expect to hare a ciiatlar pleasure aaxt weak.
A oompaay of tweaty yomp people
pave a pleasaat twpriae party VYiday
avcalap-atU* reaideaoe of Mr aad
Mrs. Fred L. Joaoa. 1U RevaaU Mraek'
la boom af the latleeY abtar. Mim

aatU B Ubi hoar.

paolOD to stay all nipbv
Inquiry at
sebool rckierday moraiop reecaled Ue
fact Uat Ue bad sot been Uvre.
Then Ue paredu became eery mcb
worried and visited every rnidesee
where Ibey ibeopbt *be mipbt hatr
pone, bot all u oo'porpan.
eearcb^atoaoli'ooed by Ue •carebkip
rmrty aod officer*, wbeo Chief of I'ulloe
Roaeie vbltrJ Conductor Roban YoU
of,the G B .1 I.. wbovtated that wbu
bb IralD poioc to WalUo Tamday
eveoinp roacbed Keystoee be toaod-a
lltUc ffiri aboard wbo wn aloar !R>e
had BO ticket eer moaey wiU whiU U
pay ber Ure He leaned bn oamr
-and s^ said sbe wn polop to Walloc
u vblt fam praodmotbvr.
to kaow b*vn*e.**u
One of Ue tralameo chan



here but advises his wife and friends
to always do the same. We al­
ways give the best loargains in
Shoes, and that the quality of our
goods is better than is offered else­
where is now no longer a question.
A glance at our stock and the pric­
es will at once dispel any lurking
doubt you may have. We call es­
pecial attention to our line of

• IM«H


ibat Ua pin bad a lelatirt liriop at
WallOB aod Dotblop cerion wa* apprUeodad' Arririap al Walton Mr
York had Uepiri Ukeo lo Ut botel
from where she eootd reach ber relstn a Uort time XoUlnC farther
wa* tkoophtofUe mat— ..
York beard of tbe aearck. The parreu
were BoUAed and felt praatiy r--------- -' - eonld not Imspioe what

OarSBTiogs Department

k* •**>

raMueml iHik

MKcrjtirr r.wrgiLto
SiMj lipMli taiuWtl t t*T Iff* tat

Winter Goods.

B a.

... ................................ u*|22i


.'"J r^:Si'

The prices and goods are tmapproached in the city.

A Heavy Cold /
on the Chest

The Hannah & Lay More. Go.

at Ui* aeasoa of U« yaar Btay proe.
tatal If not eared at oaea
Oar Syrap of
ThraadWild Cherry MUe bnt prapa,,Uea far a’i klads of
aay kiad at Palniaary er Thiaat
M. llwOlpI






Qi^d|^aTOTse^^ld and TraTerse Oit]r Trtmaoript, OonaoHdated^^rtJaMT]*^^

*y*B.WmPeW!>dlyt. Beeh Majw



1 ^ i»U m4 MMt*- MVMI7 uv
vwktreatb* w

Uta [»C« )•


Mi Mwi trWK WMIarM «■< rlw

CUrayev Jam &—At the hanoeat
Ow Ceaimeri-lsl efnb. which was baU

mntw to rbllliv awabt
> p. m.. addram ot walew •a
QflL Maatarot OU Ulaalea 1
Beapeaaa by D. B- MeHal



Bndlar. ^ Hra Dtebarmaa.

Fap^rna Ideal Wlla A A. Ulrb-

Taikd'b RoMhftien Only Uvod a
Sldfla Day in the Lowar
H»uaa af CortKTMa.

Beme Orolaa a BueeMT
B. BmV. »ad bli M> »• wc
4. B-SrowBifTriMw 0(7

_JfcVudiylPiWi»d IbiMioili*'UMtiw.
I of Mt «Mk tOoek-

Mti. 0«rf« Bird* hw l»i* iM
with tbi bRxMlUiW Ibi PMt t*f>

________ b Darwi eot hit flifw qilu



Madtafi by Hem. A. C lawH. la___________ Otbem I-alir Kell Moaiwe.
Paper. Dace tl Pay for the Farater'a
Wife to Work eo Bard, aod what Part
of tbe Farm Prodecto ebeald be Hort?
ibee yru{rdey
m A R HeKae
I FeUer raaoluUoo derieriac tbe (unde el
Beadlay. Hra. Haleea
Paliore? Hr.' the United Siaua parebi,
' der an adreree majority 01
tof lalai
IlBeae Plea— > Bapubllraae ware eoUdly errayrd IB op_
ee.Ua tbe la
Voald la aot bare bi
Better te the IjamOMi with two e»rei.Uooe-UBr..y '
Paimn U be
' Kortb Carolina, who roted with 1
Tree Jdaa or eay Ulber Peddler? Jodra Demoerwu and i*opulleia and- a’h
ad Nvith Carolina. }he only coloi
member at- tbe bouw
mie wea calted.
Paper. Tbe wiatrr aadSpriar Can
Hre. GarlUIa
DnsornUc side
Paper, Kbould Farmrra Ban Tbalr
ileer, of Pramvl
Urea lanrrd? Mr Baflry.
Soulb Caivllna.
Paper. The Ideal lleebead. Hre
the proiBoardlar Hlrrd Baade, Hre oclUoa. Speaker Heed, allboeyb
pet cuetomerr f‘" him to role,
wme railed, aod amid tbe cheen of ble
Paper. Tbe Farmer^ Hoy aed t
follower* WHU.H1 record in oppeeilloa'
tiboald they be Kdoceted. aad al
whet Uon? E. O Ladd.
U the rewolutlon. The vote waa mebed
after Ar« houre <>( debate
lebate ander a epeclal ordrt
I the opculiic of the

J^r ~

' debate
primrrd to dluan ibe iDbJwU ^unliy u
Bl<4 Tbe uereiM «iU b* iotned witb BOkic. isd la (he peUed to'fa
eee^X. on Wedaridaj. Ilwrc will be Tble delrac
,t by tbe Old Mleeloi

iMrt «C Ibi BUeboh



n. «re;
MMdNptliMrolM. I ewv
Mi/bHMtoe^Ui i»MB........librmr


Marealne N<
Bamr'e Mpraalee for Pebraary will
Mtala Ue fint of two eouble papere
on "So>
writer will nltcBM ibe oelebra^^
aod Charier

repres^nls u
about llO.Pf
1«C.MP were

wwwe of Haw..................................
»«li eu,..........yf
e lalterie pt^Uem




r M. BtavdraamateOadarBaalaat
■MtaodoarAatadalaadat aaypUn'
adA-a WyabeepferCbaaa'a aaotpla;

Wadd^ at tbaboBa of Mr. aad Him.
A eery eroUy waddlaf wee eolaB' -t.«*Ay by Bar. H. Sasaadr of
—.attbabataaot Hr. ami Mm.
A. tba
(ha eoav_____
aaaltnaUar parttm be|«bair daacbtar. Him WayBa a
-.•.B.BewaHafTrat maty.
abrtdAwbe _
r boeerad aed
. araa baaaUfal

at bar bait


AAw tba aaraoMay the nema, who
wan qaly (h«-«aar ralatlm of tbe
bcida aad iroaot. retired to tbe dlalnc
-----a wben .(hay were aerred to aa
—............. -bibeaew.


We Also Hm lilli Crocks, Cbiinis ud Dtsbers.
Hay. FMd. Brati snd Omta at Lowsst
Possible Prices^-'


veninn-in of the t'riied Siaiee
ri-llre aU Ha pa|w' eurreacy
la now by Uw mad.- a-lrsal lenI aub-lltuie In lien thore-.f il..*a


838 F^ont Street. -

a local It
y d-i-llred

WBl ll nude I


of fbla U(i . in a.<-„rl,<

DlncU-y cloeed ble epercb ayalnet the
wtolution in part aa followi: 'Thl>
brinyi me to the conelderatloB of tbe
oueoiiun aa to whether tbe yov-

tbe moral a«ev- of the world would reyaid aa la accordance with bosor and
yood faith. f.>r the Unllvd Sutee to
He ouiPiaiidibs l-oeded Indebted-

Alb«t IBon barred Haptaatratoapadow alfbtabB. WUaaarT^ea hk
arop ba IMaAaa tbia weak!^
Mr. BaUU of Bmlra baa boarbt tbe
HMar c« tba Barrae let aad boa a
^MyadoBA already eatOafamdaKld-


ly pounds GrwaUtn] .Sna-nr
d) jKiimde (■ Sugar..............
. 1.60
pAfUifo Coffee.............................
y btra Acme S<i«|......................
lo ImrwGood Soap..................
12 bare Fair Soap.....................
Fleur, per tueh...........................
Buet*'h>-al, per sack.................
Sjroji, perghllim ......................
Brouitiw......................................... 10,16.80.
Bakiitt; Powder. |wr {w>uml...
Umem GloUw.......................
Keruaene<)i|, per irall.ii,...
Wasbiui; Powder, per jmekaur
Bran. i>er lOU...............................
Cleanea Oak. )>er KiuLel.........

T it-r In the
l ot the' cold Ihs ransUlutiuiiBlily ef the liieiid.AI
alleced l-oth sos''silr«r act "1 lITt. SlrphraUsUwi
Detroit raiuisliat, pur-tuiecd avi

party. The .deb
____ ______
IP asd prvfliablear- asd heated, but there were no eenne-,
I locldenu
lie b<
beyond -the hleeitia -of
tielae tor all wbo Tike or nlee plaala
of Xentueky
aad Aowera. or wbo enloy tbe (ardee
the aatbor of the -crime of IRf the
wiUi all Ita beaatifal ebieola.
boltewt place la *«dee a-liuld be mened
Jacob A Hlia. who wrote "Bow
eecrrlary of eteti
Other Hall Llrea." aad other
* on*"^”
..........Bolteaemeal-booeelUe, eootribrw. ISL
BtoaWtbe Pebnary Oentory an artielaoo-HeroeaWhoFljhtFlre,';, Tbe
roixn or »ne t
pa^ It OTe^ot The Oeatary'e eeriae of
With lu Kcbroaiy leeoe Tbe Foram
implctea lu tweaty-foarth rdoBe,
which ahowB a caaaltcat adranee when
ipared with aaayot Ite predecee
The Icadlor article la the nrl aeBbar te coBtflbatcd by the pm
tt oftbe*-------------—--------------- -


I At the Enterprise Grocery:

r-er ctirreiK’y Thla U Illustrated
blnor)' of I'Mied State* n,,ies.
the war and P.r year* afterward
rre at a diiuvuni la rdd, v.iylnc
e from dayu,dayacr«,rdlTy tnthe
.nlnloB of tbrlr worth,an-l it wee
III Jan. I. tiiTi. when the sovereiciually heykn their rrd,-mpUi.n
I. lhat they I—.ame In lewllty
he law dei-lar.,1 them to be."

Recently the 1
----------Am.01 wm 1 t retained
the Kational liayua as 1 i-blef of IP
plres, and II Is not laprv •bit tble will




lb Turaday, wbet
hit Ml r*sr coBirart eapires. Tbe anaoaectnrnt It not surpri
rriflpy u tbs tollewere ut baa* ball In Chicayo.
matter has been pretty
derwtood for some time,
of the oaplaln haa b^






Chleifv.'Jka. U.-A..O. epaMlof
a inleiviep at .New Tork Saturday
prdcucaur admlllrd that Adrian CAnson, captain ef the ObUrayo Loayee

le Tm Ibe teyMRy et Ibe

of Hailey, r
the rraolut
1 IP whiuh t
ildeoi and Set


w daje trllb bla aoa.
I ere al

Cmi La.% (bat Ooy Ccoi •



(Mriib Korrtoof tUafiaaa h flliaf
la a adll at tAka Aaa.

Ab»glHs>c Pw«—rwiriiw

meat from thr dlamouA

oalsrUU, JoBd l^ech
Keme. a* well ai

The (WO eerialt. B. I
MHdMibeTi ilrb(7:
"Tbe Adeertare
HMH BahMtor. Lluto Bebuter.
Ue-a "Kour lor a *-orloee." will be
eoaUaoed la Har|>er-e Boaad Table <or
Kebniar7. aod tbe auBber will cootali
aUo ebon eVortra b; Lamar Ileauajoat
,______ . Oeo. HiBChiiter. Wilwr Tbomaa W UbobI. Barold UarUi
MtbU. Ada Banau. Hlaa BmU. aad Owaa Hall
yUk'iMefaeloB o^ae thejw witb
ataKoaUMT. bA(. BanaU, AlUaBar-

Uanv ot Ui>
ad of the f. l>lu>l were aleo pterent
to Uetec (o Ibr 1 rsninenta. The majorredrrehip of Dlnclrr.


were crowded a


Walter Baker & Co.’s

mlu*t bald a bciif aeeslim afi*r thf
ate adjaened km ei-eolay. AUm
was the only wtraean
Ml aald be AM SM see
I have voted far Haaaa.
of a free

Then be had iwtber drifted eweyrrom
Uw ■esa|or poIlilioUy. Cwrrfbellrlalmed
lhat bwbad Wa a tupportrr of MCKloley in ibe premdentlaJ rampalyn. bn
aceoeat of hi* view* oa ihe land, and
that be bad made a apeech In Cooper
Unloi hall tor which the preaidmt aad
Senator Harne bad K-ih eeni him nniea
of thanks. Nu..iher..inf*eeewereeiamln—1 and the crowd of. epeciainrw
wbo bad yaib.r^ were eomewbai dtappelnted. It la brll'V-ed tbe committee
lu work ihi> week an,1»r t«* rep-rts wilt
verement: ibouyb
nmenu U aclnally
than «.0M out of
,lf tbe retoMnlas
IS ardently ai '
we ouybi to
I minority. pos:n» a* Ur. Oaye. eemtai
try irf the treaeury. a
It iM.wa are utterly propounded • o4V»'i"»*'‘'hlm. T
utiBi far ee1f-yo
a> follow*; -Ie the v»i

I* hopMl all tile mcBben «iU
•i iw
iXf. wbM
Wii li M rmr I*#!.

me Voa BoUt. of ubirayo tuiveraity.
leered tbs pelnclnl addrem e
Blay. am sufatoct beiiw 'Aassi
of BawalL- Uti rwmariu. altbotM
they were objected Is fay nsy. win
•aiBaieBUy In Use with lb* dubk ma­
jority Wiewslo be tonowed by Ibd aAoptlca ct a rwaolatioa aykisR tbe anneeaCMH the lalaada
> peoftjsM objeeied te (he amtezaan ywncral ycltwiplea. Biwt *elhrlay It a repudlauoa of the doetrUe ol
tbe Catbsri and a mmeiiin lhat baa
not bean cwfrnwA to tbo pocpie of tba
Unltod 8Utan^,Bkl. be said, that bt|bly ae aU Ibe oibnr obllyattora aiw -they
dwlbdle alaral isio tasiEiuOrasoe
pared wtlh tbe two that have thi
But been alluded ta la Ibe Dedaratlon
ef Independentw tbe aailon has oSrialty baaed Its exlaieacw upon the principle
that yeveremesu -dertiw Ibelr ]uni«w.
an from tbe eusMci of the yuicrned.'
-If anheu^ ta etfecicd Is the man-

OBmilim. O.. tvb. L-Tho tnwM
tM (stn tbo Blleywd atiamta to h
BepeeraeUtlve CWs (e vMe tar Huso

____ by Fred j
tbe Demucratk

dn lined lu ace-


been hno-kod mui ivcenUi aod -eumc
Mood baa been ahed.


erveyor OstlvN Key. That lUteb
beriy au> te aun.
Bulfalo. Feb. l.-WlUlam Oyllilel the
Canadian turveyor. waa In Bullalo
ly. Betnx aeked ae to wben
,1 edelee.Amertrsns te eel oat
Kloadlke. Opilvie taid: "Pa;
startlny klarrh 1 to 20 will yet to
dlrylnys al
.. middle o
vise them to ye Ly tbe
pui el prefcnL That n
here lo Ih« •borlesl time aod a
ra« eapenae of phyeleal force

The Boston Store.

Tbe DlecOTwry of tba Bay.
tar*. Accur
Auy J ILiyrL the leadiny druyyiat
comi uiliny Chauman of Shrvrcporv I-a..'aa.rt. "Dr. Klny w
to obUIn 4 decN-e
Baker to n
.New ll.vorerr la the only Ih.ny that
c«pl tbe
conea my coiufh, and k Ihe bew't aeller
1 bare • J. V. Campbell, merchant of
•e an-i uey .
Salford. Aril-, wrllew: "I>r Kiny'a New
mtnrnl lUve
niecoeery ia all lhat ia cleiiard Tor It;
I'nllrd Buiea eu- itaerer (alia, aod ia a sure cure (or
ly evenL ChaJrnui CoBwwmpvion. Coayha and 1' ■:.!» 1 ran111 contend before U- out w«e rnouyh lor iu meriu.' Dr
Kioy a .New DiKoeerJ for Conaumppro- tinn. Couyha and (old» b not an espert ednuye. Ii provided only imenl. it baa been tried for a <iu«ner
iverainenl ehould '
ofacenliirT. and lo-day auoda at tbe
n yold ai
•pteclaled prt,
ll netrr diwappuinu. Trial
pocket tbo aelyr.lurast.
-e. leyall:
bntUra loc at S. K Waif* aod Jaa- ti.
be Btrallny of sba ee^snlctray*.AOVICE TO. OOlO

Bat Ifytm ban kMoey. linror blad­
Bamos tl'e war recoae'truciion
der uoakle yoB will find Swaap-Bool pmiod. and which hae -been the tesal
Joat tba remedy yoa need. Peopleare
il practical rUndard^f value .slucc
not apt to r*t asxioae about their
>. and llie doiUr In which our bondhealth eooncBoiieb
ladebledneae baa been paid thee tar
qelle well" or "half sick." hare yoa -paid by every adminlelratlon from
enr thooybt that ynr kldi^ may be Unooln to UcKinley. to wit: The dolnual In raluv to S.l yralne of
e aaey^lo tell by eeUlar aalde
.J Heai
year ariae tor twealyfour bonie: a mind that we are diwrueatnyt tble 4
eediBeator eruHay Isdicatea aa nnhealthy oondlliuo. of tb« kidseye
Whea artbeaUlna tiara Itlaerldrooe .. ..ehnlval Icrel
of kideey tnabla Too fre^aenl dnlre already aald that
' (ovenmeoi can
to ariaate. ecaaty aepply. pala or dall do ae It Neoaea
aeba U* tba hack U alao coarlaclay
"It U beraiue I
n-ve that II (Uh
proof that the kldaeya aad bladder pebdina nwjiodor] • coed nrioucty tafare oar credit and ctaedlay a* e ne>B in kaowlDf tha<
ihat T appeal Ip the centlemen ua
the rml remedy. Drr. Kltaer'e
Kltmer'e Swamp
Swamp'itee 10 maintain the
Boot. (elfllla erery wleb le rellerloy
ItepubUran party
to beep all our car­
at bladder aad ariaery M<nblte.
er or iap«r, *e «.««1
oely doee Swamp Root^re sew liL- ae ooid. aad preeerve loviolebly the
and aeUrlty to the kldBrre—the ranee public felib Mil credit: asd le the yna! traabla bat by treeUay the kldneyt Uemtn on the other aide of the tanaee
eeteaee tonic for tbe eolire coiatiraalBlala tbe elandaid oMraluewhlvh
If yea need a medicine yoa
ehoaU hare the beet.
Sold by druyr yeahe ayo.,awd t
yteia. price Rfiy oenu asd-oae dollar,
yood alth of the wtlon
erby mealloelay theOnad Trarerae rarefully j>ree.r
" raid and etadiny yoar addme to Dr tbe Democratic
and to take the
...Imer A Co.. Blsybamtoe. .N Y.. yoa opionaali
> the reeoluildn
may ban a eample boulc of IbUyTral
before the bouee to ehow tbe ooendleooreiy aenl to yea free by mall.
tbe food
■ur handa-





■•II..WI r • .ftlalviw.ewww •>•••»? adlfWU
a— iva-rln. II M--<wa •( Traiwr

Tilts etimiti*: wivk, reL’aixlienw nl l«il ma-lit and utoriuy weather,
Iwiiind to make OUT einre tUe buaiMi (or iismtlia. \\V hiw juwt
!“Tr-***;' y?'
■iiiuleieal takiiiM iiiventorv. an<l we (uuoil miriielvus trmnllv ufwr-'"-o aw. a *,*•, •uonai ■woi i*m< i — ^
licked on Wiui-c M-rcliaidiee - far more tlian we are able to rarrv
er We cut tnlo our i-rieu. d.wp. We U-Heve tliia lo
tbe only
(ertuai way to kiriny d.wired reaultt. In the (aoeof lietvy Advaiic.w
e liave iunrked down otip low purchased luercLaudide
|>V below
oetow the
me preo-1
It of production. Make yi iiir purcliiues for next
lext winter, .f
ll iiei-ds are aupi>Iie<i. We
) iuveatmeut
tmeiit more profit‘ ‘-**w
We invile critieal ii
I verify oar true intent.
kau, Day.d AptiU A. D iMM.
I a. l..'cv.a la >*. t.wiwvua w aaw a*>, ar a. mat*

Choice of o r licst
and $.^..=i0 -M.ickioaws go at. -$3-d5 j""
Choice of <i r Iwst $2 and ?2..^ Mackinaws go at.. 1.26'»•
Choice i.f<i r best 512 and
Overcoats and UI
Alers go

e oo

Choice of iiur best
and $0 Overcoats and Ulsters
go at.................. r...................................
Choice of our l>est ^12 and
Suits go at.............. 9-00
9.00 jjoktuaoe sau-nxrat-LT savi«u
Choice our all wool Cassimere$<* ant)^7 Suits go at 4.60
A lot of odds and ends of $4 and 55 Pants go at... g 261 tul-**-*-..■‘"i;
A ’ot of all wool 51 50 Uassimerc Pants go at........
All of our Winter Caps are marked down 26 per ccnlI{2i'«Si-”-'^.-*iI?wJiali...........
below market value. •
The remainder of Men's Flannel Shii
BotV Flannel'
Waists and Ladies' Cashmere and Flannel Waist., «c
offer below the cost of the material.
■■ •;?.»':».triit* “r?yjy
3.000 yards of Standard Print go at. per vard....... 8c
10-Hi yards of 4 4 good slfceting goat, per-yard........8^^c'
•2,500 yards of Goutl (Ruling go at. per yard............... 8Kcj‘'"“‘“'A^stHb, a n itoai

Oylivte thourhl Ibal H wa» belt
yo out In amsll partir* of fro* f>
ten. Tbe.trouble In leklny a aumber of
?a*roe*ii MiiTlSfl’liaiw
laaieai. •< IfantMi aaur at
^ t.'raar u>
*V* ■ awaav^u
M laxur
W laa'awa
doyi or multo aloay. be aald. le ibai U
a iiTTk u a.. i*ia u rMe> kail Mat <*• Maaa tw *au
le neensary to carry food fur them, wad
laatil'-ir,all>uan fur raftuuaair. Tfa.prtraaaaea
they oat more lh«n they are wonhOu Ladit-w'. Miettra' and Cbildmi'a Climm and Jackets
8p«eklni of a p>rwon f lat u_thr yld
pla.-ed • SSi BednetiOD, aod t>o aome eveu more.
Avida without ail) knowledye of mlnloy
Oor Islrat iu Bubber Goods will mor^ them ^ick.
hr aald tha
want of "^<ie w« esnnot quote you prioee iu altf^oUk-deertye la really nut wht
fart, the meo who ha d been mmiay I
illiiia «n UB we can ropvince you that wo'srr
for year* were
your purcbasih) of (•lotbiag. Dry fioodsand
ereduloua So yeeytBi'hi.-al
'.•ua^ No *e-crai'hl,aJ ur yeoloyiral
lowledjrw la aeramary e
B*, heew.,
e Ftiikea are due nun
5*B Leeaal SI.. Mlladalpaia
lylhlny rlar. briny arai


... —



Sllea. Mich.. Feb. 1.—Thr family of
Wbatplraaorela ihenla life with a
ff. Maria Rcblllinc. of Derttur. wba
auee’ which
eadacbe, eeaelipatloe and UHoBaoeee?
died Saturday, wae pecu.lerfy Ill-fated
ed tbe clcae of Dlny:
boataada axperieaec them who oonld had lubilded Halley wwa re<
Thr huiband PeIrr SchillJw. lotord the
InloB army and died In au Ohio hooe DemoI ble tol- dtaL. A dauyhter. Maria, died la a
-ouaty houer. Mra. FUmre. anoiher
lowere to a hl(h plieb of
a loBf U(e . lltUepUla. J. ti. jobaaon.
lauybter. wife of r TV Eamee. InirnTbe molutidp under cunalderatlon. be
r. aad Hm. Howard will
aalA cunlalned two pcppoei'Jone. one
tbeirMnda at Ke. fOT
I and Ibr other lcy»l One aewerte
mniter of Uw that ibe bonde of tllled b^- ilehlntny on board a rmtrd
tbe Unltrd State* ar« meematde at the Hate# war veaael. and Mra Jennie tJlb•>n, tbe only remalnlns deuyhier. went
eaaea each ae ee^ma. raah. pimple*
aaane and died In a euasrie.
“id ebaUute eane are mdily cared the'^ber u*a*m*lrr”sKme ^i*no
i\-»is Tari^k*
re to H> oednaye ceeh allvet come
ra Baat haa rMoraad a
’ thle famou remedy.
leyml tender ta paymaat of the
I. principal and Intereei. ie not in
rhae omaub lWTi-..p...d Law Ib'y
leAiw Sf.tMwHtr CMTwya.
Ooloy Ban or Booth.
royaiioDof the riyhia of the pebUc credBL
If yon an rosy to Demit. Toledo
^MbaAi«U«U rataraed be
bel enlt of Charlef H. Stark ayeioM Tb>
or beyond, aak roar loral ttoket aycat
4rawa. laat Friday.
kc lecai aspect of tbe ouewuan. There Bepabltr rroUered a verdlpi in fator of
-watteketriaK AP. M. B. B.
Owlarlotba lUaam ad tba
wee not a Uwyer In tbe Untied Staten
BacoUeat tnin eerrice ie a fcatorc
than waa aa aiAool laat wadt.
:s any ether country who woeld tbe deteadani. stark waa the att.rney
ckan’aTuro^Tu»a*a!"^aij'.'lat Ika
thle Usa
• U. F. Hoatxu.
•rthe eld acbool Sard, wfalcb wae l-s- •waaiweyaw'.^UI
u k*U la laa Orsafa OalJ
Sr. Peatoa aad Hr. aad Hra BoUiA. ti. P. A.
klaied out of ckleteBce tart winter The
day ad Kladaley. eallod bate Baaday.
Bepublle cbatywl lhat the board a fat­
taotaanoy otheee
' BofGIbbaaad HHa Bibal Oibhaol
AaewatKaX U...................... MK
"Deeo oneof you beliei-«.“ eatd be, ad- toner was sal tbe head of a romipi
aad rtak ro
T>aeeiaa City rWtad ban Hatardvlobby at Jedei m City oppnilns
One Mil...
.......... ............ .....
, Star* braoebi *uit
ooeyba, oolda. eroap. yrippe and all
.rsllroeiatatuirt fra** eerOAcMea m
cl be w-ould «xerc«ie hit
Uroat aad leay troeblra. J. ti. Jobsrtyhl that he ehooll eca ae he woutA we be.
Jaabane waat le Trarana City. Batarre tbe yoT,
neni bae tbe
>e wtmt nybt
Wbor^lar nonyh le tbe tarat dletreea
h Ibstr p
•ed. IDemc- Uc body employe an actyil le InAuene*
lay malady: bnt lla dentiaa cee be rat
alailoB It ttetua-eode tu power* aad
Mha MarUa Ofbha waat to Trarana ahartbyMnaeof One Mlante Coayfa
ualta aa eaUwful acL.wlGeh JdallCM^«»»iy. latarpM beam Friday *lara. which b alao tbe beet nmSy yen on t Is Imue-ibe Issae thst the
the crttlrtama that It and lu uyenu
Ich t> rood enoeyh fur tbe
encased la corrupt luhhytac. The'
I prod ore tbe wealth IS ywod BepehUc bad refuted u eomyrnmUe or
siftae ewe UK* svw«a amrii'aiaa wrUl faa l<
the tdirrw wbo spend It: that!
adeantace ot lechalcal taclien but iww^^M
tiawlwall^^__ _ ^
which If soed eaoeyb for iho'
aaearety tbe Uaer on the yround
poor It yn>id eneueb fur tbe rich: '
Ban-yaaeaabadaa auaA ad |
that It had 1told tbe troth arnd -waa Jumlhe money the tabeser recrieea fn
naaH^^^. bM waa better a
Bed in *0 A





SuDlutiog tl Teiclitn.

I Are
You Missing

The Great Bankrupt Sale at The Fair where all gobtjs are sold for
60e on tbe Dollar f Tbiisale has attracted more attention than one
wonld ever imagine. From the moment the doors were open, giving people’
the advantage of buying goods almost at their own price, the store has-been
y- literally peeked with bargain hnnters, and from the manner ia which tie
goods are going it is evident there are bargains to be found. We still have
a good assortment of all goods, aod as they are going fast, invite ydn all to
come early aod have yonr choice of a complete stock.



Mrb Fiaah Taylor aad daafbter
Aadte.erbahanhaaartelUar tor the
Mb Bra aaathe ia Beware Oa. nr
oAhane tan Friday.

■ponyoelt yia. FVb i-u the i
IMerday----------------------- ----

lied la B^lo*
a-a elect!uc
Be deciarv* Uai
any. other Repeh
.-a b* dtaly knew OenerM
'--------- . Reiwe*
I tba Ohio

an faelewi j

«■■■*«■ Ur e*«a oagr e

mosci BiocL
lUFuiT snieET.


! _


Grand Traverse Herald and Ttaveise City Traneoript, Consolidated, Fetru^iy 8.1668

■iMjauioU. I wo W mMi mf
tMtar%M*ta8kdi*Elaf4<B aadl
Itekwwell. I k«lp B7 MM Blfk»

Dbbb Mm BBn»~Itbewbl 1 >obU
writ* «• Ue Bbbbla u r ban apavriv
tas tea feat tteB
•tet I aaa do. I CM brtat la Uc w«M
aad CU tta
and ra ate *U^
dowa bOL
J r> to aabool aad r
»y Mcbc. mrj atiA.
VcMiteUU. laaBBOtirriUTaipwclI
aad aa ■; aoaala b wriUot for fee. I
wiO fell yoo what 1 ten for pota. 1
UrbtdiickaM. fu«r pif*. fene
don* aadoacafeltb.

aakUul* (M
Atm*, atfe. Dk. e. UOI.
Daaa Mra. Batc-I tboatbt I woqld
' Mlo( ■teU.fB.l4Mb*.
tatitetUiMMr. Illtotobrlafto
^fe to lb. Bmald; 1 te*. arritUa
wlte»l twin Kebn.
FOrpet. I ten Uine
pafBteur ata><nolvtU*ler ■•■
tbfer aaM an Tabbp. Tom ate
1 did ten a dof. bat be went
_______1»4 E. UcEn.
aw«pate»enr oom. bark; fan name
wa. Borer. I ten no tefen or broth.
t vobU an. IllketontetbelitUeletUnUa
wriu to U. HsBBtx.
I Md 1* tbc ebUdrea wrife. I don’t to to fehool beI ban baea tick, bat I tb>ak I
lhWM4M. IbBMlUMmMd tr>«bI like ir> r> to
•daptUrtp >**b*l«olpMtc—laoa« will to tbk wiefer.
! aa la tba tblrd reader. . 1
tof. IteTOBbM. Ttethiacttetl aebool.
lewbMb apUl^tete^Bb* Ibom wUlefeaabpfalUtewr aaauaad ate.
ea pear*.
p«r«l4 l■■uete•. Good bp*.
Mabh. Lomr Miu.


auB, Pw. *. m.
Deab Biutum-I tboatbt
write M tbe HEBAM-ae I bAnnot writ
fea farafew tliaa.
I wUl fell poa
wtet I can do. I caa briar l» tb. wood
aodtottb. potdlofe, ate fen run ate
rilde down htll, ate feke«bre of mr
UMBAibai BBtmllp dra aUmoe
UtU. babp akfer for mamma. I bare^
••UitroetfMBsdtavctBMM me
pet fei. fln ebcep. aeren dorr, pad

citht ebkkena
1 oaanot wrife rrrp
MT«rtB Diu.
well and 1 tboatbt I would ack my akfer Id write far ma. I to to
f Dkab Buma:—I aa a Uufe flrl in 1 like mp teibber nrp macb. adiI her
i nanoU. Thb k op flnt fena of name k V«u I'ettlltI will bare lo
’ 4^001. I eaa read akUp hi Uw firct nlfeCBow. Yoarfriete.'
faadar. Mp feacter'. aaBC k Mh
SaaM tiofe Oraad Eaidda. I bad
ate UUfe flower cardaa and nc«t*Ue
tatdaa. .Ipfekad feM of
BnTM BsKBi*:-to tte lact teM <
tb* Bbmls. Dm ted. I u. in tbc
MtBuefKMn«t Ibe wMk. WUX*.
*'A «Bt te. MMnllp bU tOM iB frsBl
bbJ «n brblaA.''
I Bs qalte pa»lUre

Plobbks MrKr*
Dua fcwna-I tbontbi I *o*ld
^rriMMa a taw Uaca todap. a. I
' trriiflVwlf. iRoWfeboolonrpdap
ate mf 'taaeber'. aaaM k Hka Emeia
atadteara tblrd raadar. naabar* ate
wtMBC. I telpcd pick bladibarr

Bniroa—A* I aac ao saap
.1.01 ibearbt I would

ate C Ilk. ap taacbcrnrp maebi ber
BMkHteContl. I as iB Iba tblro

SOU TIISE EED MEN. MdMflWiP>UfaB..i*atw.ppfa
(a^ na^^flfeuBlt oafaB mb far

Aal&inuw Thfe kite flint t
•nr writfeatotte BtaAU
iMdtba ehlldnn'a lottwanteall tte
UtUeaferife ia tte CbOdroi- Oapartmeet I ban no pet. and oalp On. M
fer, wbo kaixpeanold. 11« •« D
l^k feboe).
My uaeterk bm
■ eUcrIaa: I Ute hfe rerp Bad
Mp uadlfe^ iMdiat. wcltlBt. arilbmcUo, apeUlar. fentotea ate c«
I riwfe f ter. writfea on _
tbk UoMwl will daaa byfeUlat
Wife to this OOBODP foand hha Uriat
bfen It ba. pot alwapT been tb. lult
Barn* aad afe. At* II panra.
(d tbe While man that ia feme IraaliUB
Oura Lacm'
wbfee tbe red men wen formcrlj ymp
they hare beoi qcile exterted.
At timfe iteeed. they bare
killed wiiboat eaaw ate mad.
alATe> witbunt ru.-lii. ac in Mexico and
tbeWfet Iteie*.
We rrcall that mom of tb* Entllte
fettla of Atumn ataned oai by WMInt tbe lodianawiibfalrem, oral IfeM
tbey did not infeiKl to anidfe sr mate
alarec of ibni. a. did tbe Spaaia^ c(
1. Tbr eld<fe brotber of ■ fen.
tbc ecutbeni coontrife Tbe pilprim fattmec tbe ace uf the yountoM.
tbera paid Mamafeit for tbe land ate
pefei be'wlU be three Umnfeol
oora they look aad Willfam Peon tatee
trenip wfaereby be fe«|DirMi a large
amoast e< land. To U- enre, tbe prim
paid were rrry emaU ate In tb* litht of,
Bkdeni tuner mriD qnife inadeonaie.
bat lliAl tliry paid any prioa at all
when they iintbt bare takw it bpffew
itewe that tlx y Wexe morvd bp a epirit
Yet In tpiinof a *pirit pffricadlineB
ate Diolnal f<rlcanuire tbe red men
eoniinoril to dwindle and uxii away be­
fore the aOrance-if Ibiit wbii.- hrmbera
It WM Ibe iurriiable imj(irr.-~...f rivilixatinn baffee wbUii (tie Iteiwir I'oold not
axirt Tben.-.l.'1'f lirinpuf ibeaborig.
Ineacumim-d to Ihie cclU. -V.fe then
Waa Ibul feme Mamroit. wbo, tfanufb
a Kr>'iit cbii-flain, ret lirte in a wrvtcbed hut eixl fraUirted nixjii (be waiotp
tlraiiiUL-c nf (be anil aud Hfe.
Xike lim. 111..! (ill bi> leirbarlan
farelbreo lu ib« cum. •l•BJtI (be Ailaolle
e ilisM-ippi
Tallty. Butwbcnilx-i.-r iirriii which
lie our pmr'iii rial*'* >
N.IW Mexico
and Arixiaia w ar Rndi,
that wune of Ibe Indiau. W.-JV dwelling
fa pe^nc ni \ ulager uf
^0^ There. (I.UQ. are about the teUy
cnee wbo hme iiHuutaiund tbemeelrea
btan u agaiurt tb.- advance of the
ecbiu man'r cirUizefiuQ.
-Micr oar,

ferotlrbitele.; bat then Hat an
Kbool now on account of dlphiberl*.
bare Bn beolbert aod one akfer. IN
bare two bofae.. tbelr namn are KaI
and Jim; ate aix eowa and f^r .i-.lrw
afataea pit* and
teas cbUieil*. To* cow. aamea an |
m, la, a. a.. #, lo, S. U (be
Paony. Jaraep. Jennie. Pet. llnele and fruit.
lie, Dakp, Bill and Barale I gaea* I
ij 10,''l f, 1 .*i“r!k‘?U^
will cloee for tbk lime. eor>od eight
, l>ii<|iii>dn.|>al.
Mae. BaTce:—1
ibougbt I
poo today,
tody rcteiog. writlpg. |
ihmellc. pbytlnlogy and ,

>|j i. u.
a. a
My «. e. V. T. Ir i
UtI. 'C,Im. Ua
My mholouf ISI

d In *.'huol
atdbt ouverln*
i> B«vl fur Awo-jilng.
I pUyiblng.
• .verliiK for tbe bete
etereUarKcrin Aeii

I ten two riafer* and
brnbar. IcaaBOtarriferarpsaebUik Mis Baina Suffloi;
Ute. teeaan t&k k tte tret tiaa I
V write Irtldh crerr 1’rid.j. j
ata-1 ■iK barlogr JmaMet.
' Otar wiofe to tba HKaaui. w ! will
plcDk lb. la.1 d.p of K bool > M«i.. rtlll . .^vrwartc of tlm^k
fluMaHra.kaadbte a nte tioe. if Carp teke.; tewc'.r
tl>- body ecmigtbra dlffi
Dm H. IM. atebadaBte'bcatrldc-oa tbc '*>«-[
i>* Uwi
Dc*a aaa
Bim-I Iboafbt I Tbara are ao ntp few lelUn. la tba
> DOW I tbeacht I would write
wpaid wrife to tba HsBiiui at (bk k
I bad a nice tia.c the
IteMeotetlsa. Mp atadteareariUi.
ftelcct urn word from
■atfe, tbM reader. laBtMfe. apelUat roortb of iolp down to buUou. Bap.
doll lor^y blnbdayVoat. trclp
ate wriliaf.
do tbc eboraa.

I fen caltlTatc; aad

feat •*■■*. I trite to dnt.

]fe.aWn.BaTaa:-IwaBoat blackbanpiartrtthpaMdMr. Wlalriaraad
hfe d.acMor. wa fe-pte. I ten
tbna kUera ate one brotbar. Their
MM ai« an Halsia. nonan. laa
ateJawaL d*w*>kjnta.eafea. ba
«Mb*. lidektetofeof banfeafor nt
tbk taatMT.
I>a k tweetp aUca
fna base.
Be k flier la aeua^ I
teUUaatkp Wllat ap aaofe ate at*.

' Daaa Mat.
tbootfai 1
WoaU wrife aaelbar littl* letter to Ufa
Baaai.DS. I ban not writtea !oa loop
ttea. Mp ifeur k writlBf tor ai*. 1
dn aot to to aeboel.
I wUl tel poe
't^ I fen do. IfeBbripap Bamaa
te tte dkhfe ate taka fen af oar Uula
tebp. t tanbdoU. I wUl tell poa
wtei pefe I ten.
t ten fln dona.
iDnaaMfe-BaTB*—I tboatbl 1 woold
arrife a UUl* fetUr to Ibe Baaaui a. I
ten amr writUe baton 1 do aot to
■bool. I feanol writ* aad aip ooaala
fe arritlaf ter mn.
I cae take «are of
flut EUfe-a bebp far ber.
I will tell
' an wtet I ten tor peta.
1 tentwo
dona, oa* botaa, two pit*, dn eblteaaB. tbra* abaep ate two felna.
gatfe I will ten to eloaa.
Yofe triate.
At* t.


Iro-.k at^llm boiire on Bl


Jt it foriiaUarfy ofifrofrioU »

lUt age -efoawt, t^rttmt, endleit tahor.

toab^.terrr.bmrr iiOB tte oa*
te tte grave.
V( aowd -lae a»ebi uuadmweit,
eote mw ritttig, ctowd enr pkama^.
oowd me dmpmg.
A-fattakiagdoeratd Ite aerrana ryv

*^r^«al fefltermcaloryygcfabla.
- II my tern fax tooeted tte Ibfe I wai

PK £rm^
Ffe Ibe
wk in tbe bilk eiveeib.oi a beRfe
viug than Ibeir brvtbvr Indiant gal cm
“ttf wik ofged sc fa try Ite pdrl
faanr ate bate
(bv ni.iri finilv nrwnaliaci lu tbe naia.
h atkeu all yeepk ia afl valki al bk.
n»< mofc.farbac that mrUcdqcndcd
uaniceiiilaiu»ii all for they
It baBki |b>-ik»m of aD •cbeob.
tte took.
arc known aa tbv Hut Spring, bvliaua
No eee kaowi ibt faetmn id waeb >
-Icoottefedfa fete Item.
Vk. out .J tbe rocky nniaidv gn^ba. a
h^ tten_
-&BB tteo. ate fc bu
tnotete. I tew Rdoed Uc.
bol nipbor •.Twiife. whirfa flowa. a. il
Id kithlully .
■Havy pcacted <U
baa 9.>wed for bandmla of yraii.
cy* aad aggiriwvr
tyvival mcri-ogi f<x lil
tbroogh a ulteynr ravuie. oi. tlie bank.
knd a hard worker.
- I te-'c fall no (TM
' which litib lund village ia bnilA
yean, ten rcernllv, tevc door coi
Tbfl'weier j« ». I]..- .. U |>Hir» forth- temeatal...... ... ......... ...J larnglh.
teH a<rk ui my gaidcn. on
Id flow.d..wu il,. gulei. ibal it will
Tte outlook waadar!
wandcog t!m ten ttnurkaUv w,
hcabb Ibalnlirfec rhe hand if tbmw loiu lu aod il
toed ate reeovcriOKotly bo,
Satewlb 1
lncd,withthi.-ik 1 at
Tigbly ebarged with nilptaw ate
Mbur oivdi.-lnal vb-m.-nta ibat it hae a
FnuOy bMook D>.
lepnuii.Bi aet.;iid lonone*n ihvciontTy
for tbe cure of rbenmatirts and like
Ap I fe.
ig pem-ived
> uU I
tte vlnoea nf lhi« Wfmdurfnl tpeing
ing fm
rnyteif ate waa teadiiiuoxof Iheir
iw ifaali

• n of
kriag Ifom
re have .-uird many aOioted pinplc,
e iirrwnl IcdUni .liayc erected
fetbhoDww. which they fomiahed with
wbodcii nitae and wbicb they rvut onl to
[•livnir wbo tranc Iruni far au.bii.or.
That ill why il bat been eji.l ibal they
vein, or tatter by. b.d wafer, f.w ibeir
baibteoM. yield them a fine antmal io:-.-eed repair CT'iS;
ate tbi-y are probably tbi ricb.-*t . Wh,.n wear
ia your btev »<
e^goinr lu
len in ell ifewo |iaru.
TLvMgekoi It
rir rimidc hui« uf "adube." fe
mod bri.^ line the left bank .d tbe nyine in a double mw.' Each bouw oewu eat enough, end ygt juu fe. I,
■uta mainly of one large room, wilb a
mte flofe and rdof nf tbalvb. at tme end
■be n fle-ulty ia that yo.. v„ n.-i .-.e .t>,..
bngi- fireplace an.l ui tbe olfaer a Idg
ougb A0d^tb^.. .eR^.Mu,u^
bed, tbe qiu’y berween U-iiig fill.-.! up
l. liwe.
nil Mwfe of boowbold f umiabingx
k.bout, Ify. 'U cao'l digeal wheni,ar. =al t.e •i^^ia'ai.aiaage. aaauaia-«ceai-•
cat. Uke a few loaraof Shaker |l,.A*.JJ~ww.4 tie «i.e..n-. er...Mei t.e....u
boitava wbicb
ivc Curdial.
' eeflmvofu
effect of il .
,fa aod makr voa.
va.1. Ie.H.ew(w



mte 1 - .........


wc ftiui.l (0 iiiukc
the Indianahulr.'i.rl si .mr huida.
and lortead of taking from them withnt pay cbclr laudr and banting grootei
celumglit llii'iii. In renaiu etatee then.
X.- rvitl.-t..ei.U<d li.diao. wbo an-eeenn-d in tliv
of vael Hart, of
t. Shakvi
— Irigevtiverofdial
d and wbo ar.- luakiuc g«<i |iT(«rMi
Id by^dmggi ■ U. price l.> ceola toi.)e:«u.a«> ..iis o.. frai uw iu.mK
IcWBt aga l -rosad
i r^wie, asBiu.H.
I lu i-daraii.ei au.l ibv uri> >d fewco.
xbvre. for iti-i.uuv. art-iliv fhrmkoea.
who u a tritr- an- fur richer "ibaii any
eqnal Irxly uf uliilu ]ev]dc In tbii coun­
try; who bav.- r.-lionli and .-dbere*. Ima-e mntu^y'lfe-!
ni.-un-ond fi riilo lamir. and lire haploma. r:v-l.rtriv.tib^^
^dly and p.-av. fully by'tbr.mclree. One
Ibrir uuuifey y.«n ago invuibd a
are all fllltetbey'
k-. ioui: li.-aling viriue« nf darn'ilwjilti
Cbemk.-e ali-b-^ln, aud Un-ir mlere tienta. and wben
qn.anvr np.m aneb etb.-r and gire op
beein win nud npnglii.
Tbfeewtao elill pcrrii
leading a^ th.-ir own dw. iuga to tbe nick QBca.
ttaiaffnctl any incllna- riwreipn rvin^f.^i -J^"igh. an.l . old*..
looked Tbey do
wild ate nauilag life Cl
-tloo of b.
bo.ri'ver, bnl rhaiga
B]mu ae tbv wartla
ward* of nor gevt
ate arc ptofect. d in their rigbu w tar "foui bitit." or rj) ocDU. f.T a lodging
tVbf aulf.
ae iKcihle. .■^-lunplhandtdacalluna] lo- and • two- biia. '• or 25 ocuto, oach dock hlo.,.ftiiuli
i.lvuccd grade teve bees, the latter U-iug foniitiliml fa a
mn by an
founded for ili.-ir exclnrivu uw. aod all
bare been a»-ignvd
u ni-« fag R-d maa.
I■ut an ei
Fvrbape it kbinilii bo felA
wbicb 4>o wTiitn nuii IC alWed fa inm nf antboriiy'
Uw. bc baa been app
ipiKjuitvd to dire for uf tbc womvi.. for liicy do
■ taeUr
Y. an. oft
of rooklug. uiaUog On- bed* rcii'ivating
tbo Iteianitfa. uuelv..
u*. einglc night,
the inattrvWHW aud lin«i ud fwuridlng
t yuiir dr»lvr.
.Theao r<«llT>aii->iiL
tbe towcU aod balhv'while Mr. "Lo"
^rtmgliool tbi- cuuuiry. partit
alsroi laxily or luafs In | There areWbree Ultle IhiPp. wbicb
lidl. merely Mauds .Ismt
tbv n<»t and wiuihw-eiit. aud
.■d to thasuo—and «nU-. if the f.LW Altboogb .... more work than »o> other ihsr« ill- *•« >s metr-u. «»»...*«
us now-. Insiead td --ing pcTjiiitt.-d
intv ' no lunger wild and d.-petideu; opon the I >1* ihiogv .-r-aUd-tbvy are the anU
Riais about lu fevagetr am
txu- ' eba-v fur a living still Mr aud Uia ' 'b» ‘'t and lIrtVilfa Little Earlv Ria
ifuus .
ssixl ll* a
an-uuooungutl to till tUc
b^l"lei''n.UKU,i,.rtbI:an.>-,rT.ltr.nitiona'--«- ‘he la.t being ibr famous liulc
ride for theft- yraot*. AgeaU bare____
Iona- ' one nf wbv-n is that the woman k tte ! P"'“““
Eis’i-.l-rit.appointed to d.-fend th.-ir rlfabia d<o>auMw ■erraiil and cbeiuBU h. r lurdand luBslcr. I ‘ '
________ ___________
s ».s-s«-. u-ir..*.
.i.:.* •»«».
tion* of took and agrivultnnsl lufUte
Mt-bat So tte CbUiirtei Drinar

.“.it.'::,-, i
fu. tl.U p-ayera «d •^'tSSrnS1:,V.“.eror^‘s^
.f'.br?n^-u'.:".„d*brtSS5 ■

tte Iktk «a) ul April, a. D. late


pia'c are all r,pbod,.-.l ia ra:rXr.^*.r




.teiog,R M05~t2?

March luik. A.O I^M. '

bpilivlsiiei of the spoite
toow.uuv coBimm.i.y ruatc
te».-fli*d.-ri%.d frnni the fixing,
r.cviptf are .s|ually An
noeipia arc uul muill l y any
thongb Ih.-v cbarg.- .ml'v "two blu'
iioov Tiaitora.'
.........— jrr k. pt lilhd fratumoni. i
. tiU night. Nid only do the white
people r.-ui hots aud set up hnuss-keep- ]
and make
Ing beru. Imt hring t.-uis and provuiuD* |
.—uicetii'Ds <io saair.
Moat work
andiMipoei. la b.-i. tb.y hah npoe
.nd giw ty«. security, i
Ihu l.-u.flv.-ul
tlic fnlphor|drv~. :


BSC. Ilsi: sa IKS luafelalfa OB M

telurdej. tav tteKj^sj ol ApnL A b.


- -........ '


.„.r.-;v5.....L. if,'j~ *;si.rk.7ite

2d°h'oi»‘ te ttefr Zyeuk-Tv'totu!
te takenfRuntbelndfen. » Jit,':
Ion* as tlivydispeuso tbc water* fe yfiaely aud ft to luw a |rirv.

ly letter from Anal Wary, did w.
flear bdlfarf
Wall. 1 CMBot tbi
. to write, to good bye.
Yoor lliUe, friend,
In* C, Nkwv
anpril.WIrk .Dsv s. tte.
Dkab Man Batmi-^ tboagfat I would
Ttel yuD BbuoU fOLK Iny nevr KfeA
wrife fa the Beiiau. a* I haeeMt writ- Try Kid 11. ILOBth. and sttarlU y,.u.
I -U.UC..
fan (ora long time
«UI felt
allde dowmbiU, [
what r CM
4r my .lifer and Ite-.fed li l.-Kv. .
1 oaa me aad 1 can aiidr

Your (rirod.
Aimii-a r.EK

or otieraise oUiog.

-Bofe tern lwa> teten wtfa aerrofe

Dsan EwToa—Too aranfed all the
yonacpaopl. fa wrife fa tbellRBaLii.
*0 I thoogtat I would irrifeako CbrialmaewltlMWO be bar. and tbeo all tbc
; people will be glad.
I bad lot*
. 3d Ume* tbk anmmer.
i helped
my father dig hie poUfae* aad I hatli•d a llule eore. 1 go fa dcliool now nod
By faachor eery much; hi* name
k Edd Eyena.
Onr aebool cofamaaced
Ue firat of Xorember and will aot be

AabUa. aw*
aotarritfea far aa feat- Me ter. a
DsAB Bnmm:—A* 1 kave not written
diViate k nrp kite, aba will not Wte
I tbe Heb.ia. (or a long
pea. I bope to aaa tap ietur la tte
thought I wMid write now.
I go lo
Baatin I ten ritbt ealna.
I Uc
aebool erery day 1 ean. I like to go to
tebdol. Hyfaacher-e name k Philip
klMtaadlbaatall I fate tbc citht
'B. Daanta. My eufiea a» reudiag.
ifeln. ttelr tnU twloeadap ate

fl» /Aofg ifAose mervts wrt luuinp^.

Vc arc lm<«facte. 'FakfeMate- expream «. far we lak by^
Ufa. wbii. tbcir p
fe T«7 prodortiry
Tbk beiBf tbe <

.u>, aa I bare not written for a
time. I gw fa aebool and 1 like
■p taactei r«7 taach; her oame
Vfeta PettllL
I will teU ;."m wbal I ■
fesdoil can peel the potafae. and j
iiimbin wipwe.
ate wipe the dkbea. aad Ukc ate dlSvivow 8.
8. To Ibe double of
eare of tuf llttie babp rkfer when I add il. and tb. rwuU
Wtet Kite
base from aebool. 1 Leva two
of which 10 i
'Iwaa. which they orv oompellcd to
ekfare ate three brotbarw. 1 wUl fell
wtet I bare for pets,
t hare a
S.. itwill b**een that wc bareat la*l
eat ate aerea dorea. I gn< at mp letter
done much to afane for the ineTifahU
k f*ttlB( loag enoogb. to 1 will cloae.
Voor friend

little broUer dowB hill, aad lean do j
aarril.K p*.Dk.h not
oborae, aad I eaa ride oa hor»eb*ck,i
Daaa Hbil
IUTfe:-l tboatbt I
aad drive boraea. I hay* fonr calve*: I j
amid wrife to tbe Hnaui. a. 1 ban
Aa anbie with a mrly l.. .ri
care of U*b: I fa i I Urm twi.-o
I.IA*.-t> ftoin l:.til:l.. uU.
. not wrItUa baton. I aa a lilUe bop
*-sU.ssbrdanUUr....«sl. Uira
day and wafer tb*m oac* a day.
thraapaan eld ate I cae aot write
I have a dog and afaoat Cficeo .luvra.
ate BP akfer k wrlUat for Bc.. 1 will
WM»o* bad a act dov* that w* could t
Mlpoa wtet I ten far mp pefe 1 pick an aay wl^. bet w* bad fa bor.
ten Ibrw tern ate two abaep. J
raw a dog to wJLh tb* taara (or ateiot I
arUI feU poa wtet I fen do^Icae
tveeka aod b«kiJI*d Mia.
Tb* I
telet la tte waed far mj brotber. I dor* Btcae wa. Toe/.
I caoaoi writ*
fB*BBpfetUrktotUatlete enoatb very well *o I atked lay cootia to write
(or me. Kew I gnyaa I will tell taiia fa
Dak Ok*.
cloae By Utter. Age u.
Afe^lteb. Dw. Dk. 10. iw;.:
Dbab Maa BATaa:-! tboatbl I;
■aald wrife to tba Bbbaui. m i ban

A MinistGr*s

•bS!?o7'rut JiV‘



r' faBBibBnOallfarwia. when
n_ate ptBp'
tribe e< ladlai
IbecBlka* far al
Tbey lira BBT tb. to
wameteeftteyaUey. wbiWi ia i
knows ae Waner't nacb. Tte tei

-Tte Sfalea Wins:

.. y.

. 30 .




:• . ::


......................... “v.':;;

b uay ot March. A.

The big trees irvdwnnili of CblaTOa*
, grave, CsUfoniui. are 62 lu number. 10
I being o' ■ r 8u f«et in dianiviut. They
lu hvighl from 16U I" Sr.7 feel and
from l.OvO Cl H.fioO '.wilt

.. scmuis. irjuriva. .
iBlrv.ief by !“




through tb*
. irpnipnatioo of ibeir Und*
and arv tnwiiug ili.-m according to lb*
ptaoepu of tbc guldra rale. Tliere are
DOW and then exaeptimn wbic-b cannot



An inch nf rainfall is
IKM.OOO gallon* per s.)uuiv
Tbe average weight of
man i- UI.S pmuQs; of
wonmu, ms pounds.
U'luperaiBi of SOOiUgree* U.-1.
The fall* of Niagara earry down 10,ooci.ixKi . skic feet of w 3UX I. r mlnnta.
r,u.,1 i.> about S.CKtO.uC..........
>e bor~.............
Cridd run te tewfeu 1,200 Dmta tbi£urr (lusu priuimg iMpei. Oncuancawill

Is a blood divcaaeandonly a blood remrdj-can cure It. So many people make
tb* mistake of jAkiug ivmedics wbicb
at best are only timics and cannot possi­
bly reach ibrir trouhle. Mr. AsaSmitb.
CreencasUc. Indiana, atys: "For year*
I haw anflered with Sciatic Rheotnatiim. which thebeat physicians were un­
able to rvbrve, 1 look
medicine* Imt tbey did
tranClc. 1 gradually grew


le to take my food
handle syaelf in
Inelvbelpleu. Tbiee
bottles of S.S.S. re­

A Real Bood Remedy.


ss..v.r ..


rvbraarr l»tb. ItWA



■■( i-ihyi
onplc of Diana At Lph.vns. Ih- siatn*
oflilympun Jupit-r. the mAusolvtun cf
ArtcimsiA aud tba ralnasus of Rliodca.
Tbc loagvet lunnel tn ,iK* wcrld k
that of Mouul St. Gotbard—16. liOfrat.
Tbe HocoBc lunnel u 8ATbO feet in

----- Ofi~




■rrj!’ lU"!.
I..CO ,w.^M » MKS M MfescMg.

-*wa s-s em*i>vc ** «m,« 4's.
AT >s«r SM

Bis* which i* l.bW f«e< deep
Tbk eagine baa tent eonatn
during tba minen
id lowering Item
ibeir work.
u at a drpcb al
1,400 ft**. It haatwoparullel venunJ
rad* proTiersl with augm fe platforma,
Wbicb are iwaiariBted pan e^ ccbfe,
fae atagea teing rwo faibexa* apart
Boeii rad ceoeiTK a Bmcfan tbraugfa tte
1 by tba lifring of tbe rod.
wbicb brfaga him to tte Ural of tte

In tbe aix grad* , now.
I go to Saoday
aebool every bunday. We ary practice-' MBliKT Adam* A
] lag for tbaCbrktmaa
tree aad I bar* BreyatutB HarriKiB
« Havid Uraartt
<lrt gottwo pkeca.. My akter and 1 are HU‘ t Juba A.datna t. tswirirc M.
aevanyewBOld: W*all wrote fa r>*'gtdngfa aiogaaeag fagetber aad lamltthilt, J
MMs^IM did not print nay ef jgofag fa play it on lb* otguo. Ibay*
1 bay* derhllL ic liaisiiiL. M.sxlj
ly form cl
IboB. TgatB yea did not wuet any'* IltUe baby akter, ahe fas vary
v*.w ante,
______ Wood dis
e.takeablood midspiwtnte tbk year. I
JlofjlMt tamm*
t piekiag bferifa••Tb* world te C3,nM;«be narte cioe—!s.S.S-U».»>«aterfyarrfy tre<ioyoB Hula Uttar wrlura get thalr,
fa ^Bb barriea when 1 eaa flad ffetinat
................... .............
yUlarm Bkaa and aaml fa yoo
tbaa; wabad^^qalfefarfaflnd aay nlf (urt'brift.-.wsmld be britrr
CkiMJaa* praaaat- Let Ibam nil do It tentoa Uat aanssfe. 1 weald like to lu lb* fedta.
t hae* a doritag bralhar
Uttera la the Baaain frM ChriM," Uivu tbv family
ha M twaaty Bontba old.
H* taya tbanrialaTravaraeCtly that ea«i fa ticn aud tbui lb* wfeld A MHl teiur
te ay aehoel-BBtB.
I wUl now Acaa fedfe would te. dirtet fee me. ChriM bool

J ti‘ JubO'

■ gsSSl-.;

Happiiig tram few faBDotber. rtslqg I*
faelberwfes.racfaMqs Tte pUtffemi
at* oppadte to each otba at tbf dead
potsu of Ite cx«u>e crank, andb ali^i
yoM* ia made whUe tte aisaa Map off
aadem lhaaatriagt MBcncaaOBfeid
with tte alight Uber iff ate|^d^ Item
wpUtffem toanotbfe.
Tte world :baa baidly b^a to apperriaie tbe ^ae of
*. tel pBMgfaUV Ml


Far «U by

•. yoWflOX.


S( WlCtK


grand Trayerse Herald’and Traverse CSty Trangoript, Oonsolidated, JelimarytS. 1898.
Doaeaac Sdeno* la tta BoaaeheH.
ot wiafa
royal fa<.

^OMB cheer.


ala* tta fact ttet tk* dnet ebonld alway* be skakM tram ffanaelt before
wsoklaff. Pat la a tab of warn
to yrhteh a Ublcepoanfal of b
uWapoonfaU of hoaeekeld eaila kaa beca added.
•— tta bat
bat do aot
qaallkynt laaadiy a
nth duaelly oo the
1*1* Dor tk*
T aeeyeOow
danoala ea a board

■m. K. B C Btfn. Bditcr.

___tot ptaca joQr and 1 batl fe^
tta ahleartat (erta lato aaeat before
tta-------------■I'ttali^ ^tWaat* that m toi^
t>*oB7< tadp: jna Ilf la a bit boaee


Iht iwUrt ehartt »dli

-Ara«ba*d«itk 4m1:
Wi Hn tma plr*
Op^TuM *Af M* atnlaft.
•irfeUa Mail «l wtaM


(wr »4

rabblaff epeeUI y bad epou la
Wrioff Ufftatly srilboal t<
laff. Iato another tob ot wnaker a
belaff earetal to aaintalo tta eaa*
temparatare to arold ehrlnkaff*. Rlaee
wall and po; lorn a third water, clear.
balaUlloftbe mme tempermtare. If
yoo like a
lint. It mey he add*d to tbU
Wriat a* dry a»
. .wktiot- aad dry*,
qaickly aa poeelble in the open air.
oeeer allowlot
llowlBt theoi to ______
e quit* i-y. take In. told and roll In
. Jcas cloth, and Iron eooa with a
moderately hot froa. depeodlnt moetly
Bpoe a rood deal ol preaure.
colored BaBBel* tare freeh. warm eeda,
that no lint mat adhere to them.
Thiu ueatcd.. flanaeU wlU remain
eolkelaetie and ol -DoroJai eixe.—.tr-

rlat». one eidd dap Uta Ule. as'
klad fa ateaa-tle**
*>• •
...epaata kladte
«»• ,
*np#ft*ia. lBetfortetlt.a»"- ,
fta word* reenliad her aad her t«errand, and 1 tlaaaMl down nl her {

Cm* tack iB «4 nCrmiM.


Oktkra^ ttawartd'v*fo.i


tta taBftal/

_ i.T3


o/«^^c hBid. b»»7 4*7*.
Itav^Md wekBoxriU IWtMlBor T«*BaB'i ctatc;

with Bll tta ftBwIar talk*
I h«ac9 lo*t ibU loki* te h<

^ 1«M> kkd ki«i la T*Ui.
W«lM*|taB.k>4 Ifaar kaBw It.


m la their nntaial ebe ,

taffina with (k* laondreae. aad -'line

Whp tare joe not bean

Ventuate the Cloeate
yoar eloeeU eeotiiated or are
>e of Ui«
hooeewlee* who do aot
rou one
Ui< boetewl
reallie that tbere k a
ireeeolly for
Mj.a* ebeeaM. potalet b^r
a writer---oo
<are In thk
---------------------aasitalien la an eacbaote.
There k
"f aot COB* t«
nolhlntaoband/ in the bonae aa an
Udp; 1 aot lUrt t
clnerte; bbot
atalll I
ortikBaj la*' abnodeae* of larfe. roomy clneete:
, cbUl to-dap becaaae
became they are beady
elaler: b
a I elbp.heie. oeetul they are apt to be el
ibaeed There
are meay tblori which aa a matter
•era pnt
put Inloaeloeel.
coorae are alwey*
Why lion SOoaio keep Hena
whirb article* of ootward
■rcnrint ep
Beoaaae y-*u onphl
I Bakr a larye part TWe ere *1cana to coorert a frreat d
lioee Wbicbourbt not to to iato
farm mu. money. In.tbe
•ei; particularly into a cloael adahap* of erff* en.I ctai.-keoa aarket.
i.inint or cU-ae’.y c - ' ’
"The tnflint attcetlon. w
, lleceuse » iih inteiilffcul manaffeilrlnto • '
_ Bosk to her. eeriaed to b* aoan
they ouffht b. iw all yrar rermue
aolled uodertarmeota, the weak
wortbrot Bratioe. and it teecbed n
icers. i'Xk-e{ni-c. perbapa, about
..jlhe*. which tboold hr pnlinto e
deeply to hear tar eay. la treanloi
larfe b*t lor the porpoee
porpoe* o
or e roomy
baakel. tad ibro
lorn Placed
placed In
loi eraab
^Trrrarrf“.r",^ mpiur’it/kt“
cap o- tea yoo fire
or aomr other wel|.aliwd r
.. . el-bo
. body,
BO th'olbie tlBr. lady; that kied ol ►-me dklance from the family
doo t keep a
rmrsia- bel|w loul bat It doo't
loae body mna like hiad eordi docai;
Nbe read arlylit ibe puuled.talt ear- ..........................
-»-U ere properly
priaed caprtaalou on ay laoc. aa it the clr»-U
ffarta^ or orchard
how cirae the elolhin
alowly dawned upon a* that a few matten
___ -r» not
...........................................-In Uianama." had the cloeela may be; If thci
will riesirot iiisoY ibjur.iuas Inat-i
tor, aa the tcara latlou. ttiat clolhiBt will
tn no t___

' iJ£.“ •»


d ky • Baapte artkeHteUfH
ItM* M*^' Bt dactasB. .

inoralrtIn Ue Mirkiffaii lllif* Pltem. a man
Ung iotefriiy. aad wkM word b be
lb tta
- *ute Ui teUa
U fcBowlaff

c. ami the loriJreU c<

Oh, DO, that ia Bj old tMin.
Whkt! The *ame hoiw* TOO b*ta hid *n
nmer? T«d. ^
Tb*y don't look like the laae. Wh kt lure
been doiag to them
1 will tell yoo. Wotild yo« like yoor tMB to look the Base?
You bet I wpald!

Si daaffsoua posiiku

I ptedSm miv a

my feet, and Is____ _______ totally that Toiuia n-d
nanis. orrr my k-r*. »nd I ha.l lo ojs-r mi lullyt.olnrlta
terlta I iwuM cl

r i-gS.Tl
E».« my f•
uni 10.1 me wbolrsmrni wsmed al
aSc UtI
I could lordly dr^ mTsen-Upd
ipdaias 11
unlc-h mv iiwn. t (onsuhed a phi
-w of the les In the city. He asM il.-Ilioff waa caused |byao lrrils«|.>o of Hrnrj*. and 1 eoomeoerd ifiaUiliwt«iih
1. Bui I wemed to U-gelling B-orw I

Then go to P. K.'* and gel a enapj* ot Inxee of Slock Food kad
Bii it iD their feed mod you will boob Bee thedifference in your h tree*:
I will do it.. What kind will I ([wi*
P. Khtetba RQMiin SUwk Food, Raven Food. Willmr'* 8e*d
Meal and Puli'* ^le,. *nd Ckttl* Food; any one of them is koo.1. »
All right. I will ip> sod get K Isix B&d try ii (lei uj.’
ay. -lim, will you get me a box of Poollry Food ..when you go t»
Vj, K.-*y It is the U-*t thing to make ben* lay, *ud egg* aie aelliiig
for a gixsl price now.

week Icmunroc-l
si After ibe dm wr
cr a change. ^. fHl
fHt mi.
waa encuiiaanr. and I ccitimsil
.appr mull that I
lia\c nc.rr beard
4^'aisl rwUmlcaci.
►r^lhr stsIcTu



VoQ l4vegot a l]*« lo*d o(k|9 Him*.
T«k, it ii; bkl By tCAOi draws H euUy.
Yoo bare « fine ioul^ngtMD) now. Been
bQjriuR a new oaey


c L LocawooD <i


■\Vest Michigan.

ils- rff.-n was<«criLialillib>i| the tw.-IUtie
ctsiluallr ditapiiraicl uni II li waxulin li
1 pymid JViin'a Kkln-y rill* .. a
aiosl wooderfutagrril in the curing of any
I -rni Ilf kUney di4tdrf.
F-if mie l.y all ikalm — price W cent*
[»-rl«n. MHleilhj- Foater-Mm.urn Co,
buBal,.. K V , a.IJ as..nia for iLc II B.
nad|.. Uuu's. and uta nn^

Comer Front and Cass Streets, Traverse City.^
;*» (-Uea«c


Drs.B.S.&CO.! sc

II I ol nic.-u.iiie
ami about ahioli su.
such tcndcf and

trickled down .... . ...
can bd'y-hr suct-esefully ffron-n In
the aald. with toDcblot paU
tain sivJi-.ns, poullrr can be raise
of "Mothfr
'Ah. Udy. yoo I'laka nut how my *1'
icb erlae from the body, Ihble use or to lay eirp. in all pat
iHory ootlor kiad eord.l
In ol
over our helplcji* infancy bo
intry my (ader pot nice leetl* farm which freed
ilatlon of pore air can iheoonolry
ed our first tittering stc))..' Ycl
C. Because poultry ralsirff I
• Mad.
Hy moder she tier mooch puutoes an’ remore. bot If I
the life of ever)- Kxj>cct.nn Moth­
employuiFiil - lut which the fan
loela laci___ .
IhBk «n w« mad, m4 tha* cata btart
er Is boscl with tiangt-'f ai'<l all cfaed the clothe*,
end adjoloint wife aud daufftater css enffac'
a od-ir that ane
lort should be made to avoid it.
rooms in limr p
eiU readily de-I oome to ibk eooDlry lont Uue acate sense id
WBithWBBdbopl^ far tta haacwilr
7. Beoaoto it wlU brlnir
lit my n
_. tnAmehky
tot only
Ceery rWt In dally use. la which lores In the abape of m-n
doNoffibc wloter
Uy tirl. ab« di : then my the n>tht clulbee are hoitt by day aad
_ a
i the Kxpcct.-int
the dev elnlhint by clffht. ahuuld hare farmer haa meat tiinpyrn his
.be die. Mymaodeorai-luff
off e biff bone* an' hart hli beck ■
ao airlnr aa well aa the bM. ' If the
rnM loT* w (arth talow,
no api
closet can be lerffe enouffb to admit of on the'te?m'r
lie OB bed all time )a*t like e ■
la, tat* *B latk sad kaew aot taw to be
1. with
mooch: e wiodow—end it is in eomc eaaa—
|nau.-<wpt beoetBi
like a dead man.-o.
tbper uisotaemmt- P-nillrr ao U
a.ard i
lady, Bccpl* pmelalons for aanliffbt and a
had tbtt* w* an BhaU haow.
cuat, e esluablead
dread, suffering or gloomy
eaabiB- aad ecrubbln' I ret r imatli eirreUtiuoof pnrr air la prorided ie isde. witb liUJe
farm —r-'> NunK
la ay hack. Ah." aaidebe plaintl.ely, the window, which shoold he left
bodiiigs. to-the hour whcri
aak mr Vader In bearea to take aie at least for a abort time <wcb day.
cxjicricnfcs tilt ;oy of Metbe
my man. b-sme td d* Kaderlaod.
In the case of smell chsaeta a eee
A Sbrewd U-Jsbahd
ll.s Use insures vifcty to the
lelo, roold be pal oeer the door, or I
qalok! bot------ "
When -ibr new w.Mnan" comr* to of botli Mother and Chiid.
Uer* the frail form ahook from rmo- rrrn ie it: bat ie aome cears (uch pre-b a .lluloffue aa the ro!:oeiMr
tlon, fur a UiUe. and then abtooDlin- cautinna for well-aired rlothlnff are peas,
found siroiu^r-aFtcr Uun Ik-i-uc
not practicable, and the neat beat I mey
Aiani confincniciit—in short, il ' m.ikc'
TtaBaatisrotttaHoBMbold Eeeei« of ..urea. I.aic* prr.
Uke oe yKI ^ 1 not koow thloir ie to eee that the doOr of the rate,
daparUBBBtof tta OoarncBUoaal why. a 1not
CbildWili natural and cast.' allkte mooch to ffol an' my moa'
left once for a half hoar or so
••Its ali riffhl. Mere."
Aaldaedetr. taU«eU*B4B7 ol dead mao petnt nper ry day. like he
m.aav h.*vc said. Don't be

r lime
■ :tics and ruti
dor niher if y-ra want to
But r..mrm
Uat waak, wacof asiitaal
to to- too: but rr not toaeyet:
persuaded to usu anyilnng but
bee ooe tbioi
from out
iriea to aetl liule Vint*. *0 we ndt
Bon Omta hat tacrad .aoma of tta
1 die -fore 1 beff, lady! I
In this was II. by kreplBff out Ue after yoi
.u-rc a caodi
r*a^irl«*B n that oecatlBa for the bewiitht np by food Chrlaliaa laoder: I dollies Inleniled for Ur waah, and IV i
haaalt at Ita rtadan. Tta aabjaet
by daily ctanpieff Ue air. Ue bedcloaet* may be kept compareUre-.
‘^BopV'aaked bar If ah* made manr.
.. purr and
4.0. Jtaaaoe
the aocletj barre- ■ole*, to which the replied, with i
yoor hat OB crooked
-• My wife ■nfferrrx) mnre Intenmin.,
qolt* at important tn bare Ue dowi
alpa far pep oeart. aad ttaa praeUcallp deal
Ulnk they would do tbit:
In with ellh.-r i>(
"Ko, i teteell aooehl
Dot wc
euire cloaete
In diBlnirro
dialnff room and kltebniaattatad itaaeblaet \rf BUlaf aad etarre. tor my l^er-Ood-keep
en proeided w^U erery p
And they'll mi
haklaf a tatch In tta pfaaaaae of the Ilk*"—here ah* pointed to thr hollow for reotllalloa —.<rfr.-l..l
Paris ff.iwDs lo.k like t^-cce
of her band, in a moat tellint way and
ladlM. ThatoUawtarUttanelp*:
MiiIIm tS tneiiil.^
It Is e
The Boy on Ue larm
sod eey that ynur sealsk^ coi
rareMdaaaapopoeanBa* oneacf added:
•It is <n» imprreaion." aeya Mr
■ He not let my bnttan- eurre. be
tilm Hadley Warner, ."tbsta farm
araUbnlas wllhallttla aalt,
s ihoiirhi
a boy would dson come l-i
atBllk.add]Bc'oa*>baUat Ittoaenp ■ Hat how abonl your- I queried,
WbAi a boy dock U the life ol
. aut^akr bomr happy. '
at le«»,^Uac aaawtb and than add- looklnff at the wanfeee. "do you hare the ter
Of prnrrwit t« *1 «•. "r •»« !•¥ ir,,l! -r. mrijx
iaUe faetetem always
food enoneb U> nonriah yooT'
«r nnes- Wrilr f..t b».c coislnioc .-siisKinui.
.lB( tta attar tail FoarttataUar.
alwanespecied tedo
socekorw ateraier T.h.. was
ee* Tsloshw iijf-wmeiKH, for sli Sldbrn. frr«.
laid ebe. baltlnt. ae if
the thousand eud one
Ihiaffs Uat niv weeu. Is Ue w.ntrr
trtOahwm tae*r7thla.iatora«UBa. 0 aorar np the tmeeondiliooorihle
ftelflie.H kreei»l*re*-*ll*eu.a*.
pou him tells the
body elw will d->.
imailsm. bql h» oeciipied hit
■But, eomebuw. I not mncb bunffry
waU craaaad with tatUr, and
oddaand rods, the moat difficult thinffs... ______
lOinff_the aumiuer'a
work, even t'
food any more: when I here esouft
k*ar7 hotaeaa. Blcht >lai
srr of bar*. This
eat. 1 tet etill a feelu- Uke I eat noth- After ceervbodi else is Uroaffh he ‘ the of a ne
finish up.
Hie work It likr a worn , is a Rood time U> i
oTCf Iasi year's
an’s—oerpelual walUoff on otk.
Mta. 3. W. Mimhea n*« tai radpe TW, poltinff tar band to h.
f.irmer cann’.t br iacrease-l aoi
nted'lhnmt. she continued.-Somr dayp errbody knows how murh ea:
far trataa faaa lAleh la:
oook a ffood
than to wash the latter decici-e'.
Ota an waU baataa, oa* plat at I fml like I sroji chok.a-, it I try b. eat.
sheaafirrwar .
you ace. lady, we are huerry for
awaat adlk. oM-halt plat of ratam ‘ selbloff"Consider what a b-'.v on the farm
U ■ At Lynn, Mjs. , tliris. 1-I1..W I
<*ldea, telere an' t-|eff*
-faiar. aplaeh.ottalt. Bata la aaiokiBK
nr day* I fee! like I wni stareic'
IIcbI o|a-ruli.iii a u.V isiII-u rii
mil* or Jus-onr leetle kind cord r, <.r life would actually au.p.
l*nttrai-trjs: lo.u.h miiuuikiu 'I
.. . d then, brusblnirawey the tear* and Ur first place, that be
roll ffin. ui. rs-voUiug aaws b.-n;
Bffald ptaoloir her hand oeer her heart, su.doall Ueerrsnds. ffo to Ue
al.irh cut tlir tils-r. thr wssl U-iui
ah* add^; "Kind sords is so good feel- to Ue pat office nod te any all
If be bad as many leffs out l.y a biadi Icloc
Id not be reported foronr ln-| They make me ao rara, here: Bat. of musaecs
g stei-lo
lady, toot ffot mooch:
I f*l m-a-e aaa crollpede. Uey woold lire befdre
Ubmo, -Oct oat:' like I eaa a benar!
Is the one who spreads Ue ffra.a
They ffiee me ehill, -like affae." and she
> ismud
ahirered aeabeepuke. "I aot look* for at Ue men mt it: he stotrs it awsy ia
Aacor itattaMBaUnnd torpr^ peopla to bay of nfa
they Ue barn: hr rida Ue boree to culti. . j- pins, yon kaow; sal If TBte thr ooro up and down Ue hot.
- - 'y cows: he
-. hrlcfa wood
Hi*. W. W. (kattb roU* oat blacalt
>d spliu kiodllne:
iodllne: be ffei
ffeu op i
death,'^rtad* tatter oa and Hwinklee are biff pay
irse and turas out the borae W hei
belt in Ue htreaeor out of It there
aa eiBBaBOB aad BBg*r, rolAac ap aad
trwayl someUinff to do. Jost before
1 had DoUred that aaabe Ulaed abr
schoo-. in Ue winter bo akoreU paths,
tq be looklnff f<
. Hi* HeOoarh BakeaaBle* Wtehit he fflaoeed
shyly around from time to and In Ue summer he tarns Ue ffrinJfaea bread death, addlat aheitealat. ime. tat 1 sappoaed *b* waa fearful of
And yev wlU his mind full '
.met of whatI hr would like te do.
helnff Been by others of the bo
ill o.................................
ot occnpatioD, be la
d htebaodsfoll
a* she appeared eeneltlTe to a
Idle hot who haa nothinff to busy
martable daffroe: tat wbta pi
- LeaktateearaoMabaeh aaBbaie at
nsoll with tat
but schools
aehuols aed
he Uinks: sad yeU 1 doubt If sue
taktataUaadditkldad learaal. Bpr1
anyUluff to
doa'taee the man I did th other
world, or w«of much use-as am.
HMlihBaaerf -tatekladnedlaa,’-. atwho did not enjoy lb* adreoUffe .
fanatad atteetloa, and waa tarthor
liberal edueatioo In Ur way of chores
oily, »->b5 tCiB.UrT, LMo. scU fUnmUalr. Iw*.


taavlat tta frordt saaBU.
Bldcwlth thos* w* km


The Celebrated SpeeUUsts.

i\fs CruiD Bain



---------------- J



a^tofa* deltaoM. Halt of tb* realpl* WB* triad far
**dFana.*ad wai raoalred with adfilfhu
aoaplad tath daaaade iet tta halanoc
ad ItfarttaaaxtBlffbt. which
aatdtafly eoapllad with, with similar
naalfa. Tta redptaaoBed w«s thU:
0** eap of tatter, two cap* of aoffnr.
two affffv au enp of milk, a litU* mil.
s. two of

ad tartar. Pat tta tatter la two oqaare
fia-Uta. daat pewdtrta claaamon
ktaaatarorer the top. hak* aad cot
It imUy 4« dcUdoa* la npit* of Ue
kaa* far whloh thar* ha* a* yet baea
famta aa raaaem. and apednlly If


a W. daflarwn «t Boat Bay.
btOBffht lb* BamaLD Boas Dapartmm\ a qaaatlty of tta eld faahlooed
*00 pepalar.
They pspeed ea am to b* eery flaa
Hr. JaSeiBoa U aakli« a
apaedalty ot reUaff ttaa fa tb* raatea
that they nr* raaarhnUy eaealleat
taepee*. he tariaf kept ttaa
.yaar aad thsa (atUar rood raaBlla
'atam aalaff ttaa far aaed. FertaU,
ytereaeot ea
wprtb white W heap tkaa^la aiad
wtaa potato plaatlaff Ua*
Bow 8b* Wae Wanned.
Opaaliff tta door, la anewar tea tim­
id kaoik. 1 foaad a^f
ta«JO tare
arttha faraao tkldy dad aad
*M. atac*
m ptaabad. that witkoat walUaff
haaw tta wsiaiila anaad. I drew ledttaaoid.
iBtcy srtada had Uowa tta
tta farrowed farm.
abta lotad





M .ill!
I a tax. i.cucral raswf agssu

T. tats re«n «..n4a|. Irer ». imi,

, .loiBu anim.
Only Biwh ■ontk.




te* *m'<» '■"l.l's'K


O-kai s 4 I . c.Sr
f.ea. C|( IlMSsl IXsiM-s. Pii-r Ulrrusl eu4 SII.W ■•si.I.n-TS
1*1 >'*11-- .-. > >-l-->i'.c lire.: I 1,.,. I ,_„r«. r.ilwls wsicl. srr .ih'il tskrn t-c Krrr.ur (ww.-I Let*

To Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men


Nkni-nsrra>a. s-u •rsn>mr..s. w--rssm>*i>.wmaBcs,i rrUrf. Abwrluisfwim nsrsrtre*. <ssis-Bbs


jy-.,ii m-r,—->•:surnti,* i* uinrsl. cam ss4 u. cum otte. lUnsicmDs Ls.r'Ttsrrrw-’«./
. Are
' ' WUfs>l~l i..rti.r IvrMnsi-iOjii.Klrt U.atierui ellleWsiv u.m>w..»r urre sasrre W ensr ' -- - -----------' —:-----------------^

'D,-nr» ... !>... u.. K a lo >s> U|^wp«slrU^^r,sI r>*r>elwr SUL s rspItsJ ef

DRS. B. S. fSt GO.

Lock Box 160.

:b* IBs i.Bs. eae •











I t

r. u

XitaVEiuiE City, Mich.

ConsultaUoo end Examinktion PrM And Strictly



* 5

•>. akyM.

FRIDIl, FESRUIRI 4lh, 1838.







_ ..



Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs, Etc.
HorseshoeiDg and Genera] Repairing Done.

leuxnu Ovo88«, «8«i.

____ r effort, she added: "Ue apeak
>klad: and emileon
me, likel wot
o like
arc bimmore—too."
ra. aaclOff my hrallatita, she haslened
.- to ad
J. eery hi
-Porfflf me. 1lady! I not do rlffht to
aek: lor fioe rroi
rrotlemao: tatlffeUln'eo
old. maybe I no.
didn't eaot ae me
him face, and the
■|aV*»lt. lady
hea it was my torn to -weep, for
had walked la ii
the liffht of that euna
face for thirty
. rear*, and my heart,
too. felt Ur chill of the world as 1 told
her Uat Ue onewboffare laeiaklT of
amll^aad kind smds. had ffone to hU

A Company Deeserl-

'rUure two day* bcforeband. anaTby
Ue trouble yo* bad tal
Take half at many.AmouU, lairakianed orauffea as you will bare
ffueets; wlU a sharp peul
pice from ilir stem end abonl iheyatee
ofaelckel: w|u a tiny apoua work the

Ccncca* (ofmmret. tbr rrstt skie cw

108W, Bay City, Detroit, Eei^-


ell, Ann Arbor. Toledo and
polau Beet aad Sooth. Cloee
cona ectione at Copemlah with
M. AH S.By.



careful not to puDCWre
tbr skins
bare the jelle ma
ffelallne. makiaff
a pint aaoh o
different kinds of Jelly, flarorlnff ora
with chopped bauanaand Uejnle*^
iemnee. cor with chopped cssued piseapple auH a ropfol of Ur Jolc*. a Uird
from thr juirr eaprtmed from the orAh- huw little kind words cati aad augre. ami a foorU wlU lemon Jake.
how "warmlaff" '
Let all ret cold sad before llect* fill
Ibc oraaff* aklu* with it. ueiaff
r aUcy
Jhomiieln TteSUn-rt-rues.
lunocl sad euadlaff t'
Bffo* oe

Cheap Homes

I cannot repeat all she aid aa she
wept in eympaUy.bat Ueee woerts will
rear Buffer wlU
"Weep not, lady;
He ff%e to de >k^r. who (fire him
mooch rewa.-d Iodide kind Tarda hr


aiffhoat Howh-b—World-* Pair.
Gold MedBl, Midwinter Fair.

aad wbea tbr jrlly
|rllyi>*»ld it Will
—■ --bare adhered
ly te u>« cut Uem Ie balrea
or quarter*, ueiaff your very aharpeut
Arraaffaea a preltv dish wiU
smilsa aad flower* The outelde of th*
aheltemositwkrpt.' eaaad free from
eohteclw IU Ita jell
jelly or Uey willamd
■ ol fiagm bowte.

For •pierd h>
ox tall a te


A Fu* Ot^ Oma «f tuUr y*T«B.

aad altxpiee. a data o eayeaoc. •wdenrd mace, aad rub well Uto
too al
host loer
of ro___
Id of tmef.
Mix the
ale* of a Icmoa wlUloer
tehleepooaab of olire oil or
w batter aad pemr orer
-------------- aad ktasd away Ull aext day.
-Thco pot It with U* jsiee* late a
oiBff paa addaalloed oatea aod
. bat Ireree. oarer wiU hofltac
Icr aod >iu>ipcr for two howra Thk*
oat the meal aad bidUb* liqaor dowa
te a plat. Bn.wa a tehteapooaful of
tatter ia a (rylaff paa; reh with it as
equal amouat ot floor, addtbctlqoqr
aad etlr till It baits: add a Ubtetpota-

•r aad aroata tta heal.




^ a^yiir-iAl.I.i


.i..trm ofOrioe

u> ,t,ii ,re

r.0 :>m-. »-rr*l

. . . 1 M'U^re'air 11, III !•-'.> f^«i

reutslu* .J: !-.• w.csw.,:,, -oirTeare. I
»«*oii:jl«lt.rrel.,u:m:-»r>- ->-rre«l
mall)nil 4 i.ui !».

FaAHBLiM M*f-vr*'.H « CO ,cH.caau
doha Braalaa,

Frokop Byeelka.
Kre. K.M-OasMte.

Fays for the Herald for

IKeawn-slT-naormiU. Il4i,*l..ore CM,
writ r-s* icre-T T>v44-i,n. 4 ■4,rri
Pji^-4 i44re ilcert a«44 * .rTtre

iSrSrarK-wes i=i£-


Hack, Bus and Baggage Transfer Line



r a «.■ aux-an ■

Do sol ffoWeaasr SoaU aatfi jm'
teara wfcat HteUffaa oCare tHillIgta
'wrecre. Tow cas ooUetter wiu tea
loaer arerar tarea. '
Imtao rick, dry and ffcnlly roUteff.
Tishmad maialy wttk Bwar H^te,

u iteee aaioaao*

Best Lirer} in Northern Michigen.

read aad Hate Stehl* la CtmsiimL

*B hooka Haea. at*.,



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