Grand Traverse Herald, March 13, 1902

Dublin Core


Grand Traverse Herald, March 13, 1902


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


|W. i«

*v erf • btact


». *m."»UPbrhr. -I will
•bo« yen »fi»l we bee*. M 5« will
{o>k>w Be late <hM rooB '
■be M
wa>. (be cul eoold wmror, 1/ refniia from miltac at ^ 4|«aUt
it,f tbe old lady Joe-elM. while
' u...>. ..j a»... .hi iBW bet alto.
I did not beuMe >o rie- a UtlletUach
land fbebe (abeiad *ii
ifnicbt. " aod abo woo I
on* wb«B Ibe »erm de**«ii«eeu uem
: II aUo. frooi tb* ijaeer aaiile lb
played a»i'uad llw cofB-t» of her thi

■a« to town Wklay lo .M U L«aa
1 It. oDDie aud ke-|. a cnaky old

Daalel PUa a HaUe taraar. aM •


hM m*. be W.WI to the tan and
—od II aaaty fall otbaHr«7»
aeroiu r I ubtaeoI ■—
bat not aa old tB ta lb- cuUaediM.
r to I* einxdot' -•
,, attract main, be daher i.aillOT will liaee.
emiay tb. trap lor aa
_____ ,
. le of a yery lalaoied aoar .
_aad wni away,
roeiia lady wbo« .!-■ know.: who b, r«»e »«sk .
Would cnaie aod' llTo with yoa. W [ r tiw aett day and the aacl a
md. rite, otaa'aad amaae yn;ia
dlllBc and aBptn«| of tbo Mp
Mor did.-ml-way. "
’ aecwrTod.and Pibo dewmtaad *e kaap
• And Bako’taoof meilobladoiy waub to «ee bow tb* tbiac waa
- - dtma.
I ^^en woaldo'i liaee that on* wii
l«ck. •• Mid Mr. J»w.bary
^o. K1m« tbe sen taicfa af yo«M taao
Uarxaret. I re mode ap my nitiol to hod
ho bM OBKat be eewenlod bMMat
aek tbol (tir
I lite-l her faro,■ ami ID
m Tb. tan l.rft aad Woilod.
ttheu be Imd been ta wmleb abowl
Tbe •peaker Wm> leMlhc ID a rlut
her Tolcr wo. oo.................................................
. e«.« brant Tbtw. 1.0:1 ob> boor betaw a btary old (a*
UI froei of a boMC toirror. and ae al
d I. kiod to me, and a|nirao,-l. the tran. aad. aaipartmtly.
Iher Mrdo.
Mrd.. aiid
aihl Ile o bi.«,D o eon of rmta-rtaatSaM af
in me. iflroa.
ft» a aeoaid iioie that day >be beard ronifort aeD< n
•idea. I fbiek ■
. fore onalit.
cbe worde-'-pUm little aoDody
woold ke al.rt I'f the liOWie.'•
uf tainao tbe oa*e
Wa« tbe ciul"Bi-r nockiuc bet : «
OB*e eld
otd tal. to the
Sir. -Derwent wo. ooly H-. pto.l oina.rB.wl of Pike.deUberomit peso*
aroodeoed. beid'iitle
BcH. lor II
llml b-T Ii.otbet la l ocrede.1 I.. l»-t b,.
tbrooefa the wtm of Iho MM
Orurbi eye. were Dow fatlroed >Dt< t
i-.joe-t lu lootide ii r.ell with • eoB oBdrlltted np Ihe w.^ that kept la
|\ uo iW oai> 111 lier baad
'■•So. - «aid I'hel-lraakly. yei ,i-bi lauiuii. torraml-ie ot b-r rhoice lor piooe llie Ulllr tr^i doer tlirooea
l». - I den t think tl I weto yoa 1 'mu So Mra Jew.lHiK 4md liet w.> ! wl.lefa hu yuna Irieod. aad relollym
ABduoedoT. PlH-te t(:.-.dee. will, tadtallea
: w.wld ha»e M.e -we wtlB plak do
tliieiDC CTIW. and flB.lied (ooe oml a ^ Thu utwoed the tnp deiw taSaMal
|e»»; tlwoire wllb white M #c bu
heart Out wo- « full ol arwtt'ude; ;
more boooBiiic to yoa.'
• nd tar'P'De—on«i»wkoble lor.’:n> il-ey Hminpwed.ii>e»U tal laiaaThe old laily did D
Ibol It a-m-'d Well BUcb nadt D 'jiaa op ibl- rear aad all -istakiac
died ihe eo|.
buiwl. mid "co»d by ' I-tbe aiiU It
rb- -t,.re. obd mT-nl to Ih. Iioreo that ;
I'mrer* Aa^
cialiye irai.
». Home, eye- l'.il.i7We.l tbe de|»rt j Taklu* tbe tortnrt lo the row
. an 'IDOOUHIBOO* fi«ur<
imr Havre
mnl wiui o boll ..irh 1 lermLta.tewd of bmafUif lb. maloclal
■ilk dre«>. bla.-k •at
Wlui lock'
It rutely ooolrtn 1 1 lo the tocturr, UaDiuamirua^

lute been bet fote lliol Iwoucbl II to i pot iB upiWBUta ta Itm Muatarind
. B.W al onre that
nettcol m
{|daa that
Iriolhiiip waa of Hi
taelorT {. a laai t: fe«
to | wea Tbi.
ithat Booey could buy.
r~.| wldo. eil.4 wtlball
mad. , ''Idoo'i
looc and
.lie remark wo. mad-,
I doo'1, loo«
' wast of latle d»pla«rd
omry B
It wa- tier tore, bat 1 do Ibiek ' of Ui
IDR of eolor-. iwlnetl ti..
_i (wwilM
We •hall mim bm. ' BODataelBTe of tatll
u wtaterwayand iibe Uioaclil to iivrarlf
-* Mirtaa for
wtiba I'
y,)D a'ere niy
glad -br'a to tufr : ii. wtwi. Tbr |inan|^ eiatmtel
yuo aiiwly' for
iiionld loT. lo
ibr tbi. faetory U mamal k——
>u Plata lane. >■« woald
e. I il you were |Ou|wrly
ktid wital a rrat tl waa lO Pbrir- wbtrb arr fouud al Dmriy all pdata
ir bmid.-- hritalf aurw bow I alone tbr mrr, aad on. of th« mat
d abidiDk- It »>..
uoly a plaiBl.kpiw. Iti mm.laHlrm tbr tada.m
asibiT lb.- ..iiete.nt* id i
..................... It "Or • .bo did ! l-.r.l<rf.w. ha. bom lb. oo« •< Wata.
Idlyioed aom- tbimiof ah.t i
».rmbiu* a- uuto Hun " Man. i iiomii* tbr abrll. Sow Ibr tateor^
liiytly warm day ID 1
m Ui- citl'a luiod. wlico
.a.ia.nrvai tbe coootf . li:t id the i-uy. ll.e heat | .boiptly. a» .b. handed Iwuk i „ tank



' ■ 'X'




jis. G.



Real Estate.
Mortgages Bought and Sold.

Timm who
lilt’b'ili* day wmt.l
I, (tel “--Oh. but you
total aUiin
v,«td l,<- kr|>( opn
.. -.rail of d>.
t u!
rl. ood aa K>m
rlB. cliirf riiKlnoi-r
into the lowo-he blnohrd. I
-Blldlii*. Iia. JB-t
W.I.- there L • eon.e.iueoee uf ,
40 day. lor d..
Bleat I’elii
I help Uiiiikiaic lie
Taylor fa.i~! ss
In lb. •I.iann ■ e anmdiDUther, l■llOl
dat. fur rh.'U^ltaii Mr. JpdiU.
mod tiOI. were
rou b-'k b
f.c dy.jiop.ia.
at l■•a.-I. dill 1
Jamr. D u ni.t., JS day. for wotoa. t.;
by look, .e».u..tue.,
...• other
U..... (e.tllT,
............... Ilioojtno
ilir word, r.tiu'
oml thorp l*r.llb-.l. ,llkl't oliotie wiltiiD faded troeblr. amid iSorm -BroWD. fT day.
tor acDI- aKanaoli Iroubir.
I,"* 1 blor .-ye., and oln add^ . ' I wmi
p-riod of Ui»
lalioaieiu lake awoe nur lialf liell- 1
' ribtnii
all 111. iiulir.
dullr. a. rokt
.kll a.r laatrr. brlirir lli^'i
let. »u4 onaiclied i..e l;.l nfl rudelv
..o.iamef, ilol m> >i|.'ee>lui arr thottm«hly rorodof 4hrit ditrawte
Tbr iB-w wrr. jirrMTiU-.l aad dirtai


of loipatieno.- ImMwyed
.. Iffttti...*' -aldoj
ior|ieaiD|t b
I jo-l Ilk.’ |u ' W near II
.. iln-ord.r fui tbe plu
1 wouldn't U '

eye specialist


iac aoldv ll.e roll. <if nbh.m iltoi-h.
been IwoueM «'ui fur tUip.-cti€Bi. .o
Uie coted oft" I

.tl,.. '.-Tiorotly hi
. .1 1 dOD't ta liri
'.pry mueb. aud 1 a,



Tatliir la-ktu hi. la-l h>
' |BtBl«u- aiiil It he brOili-.llT .tuck I.


erand Crawrm Cand and Eoan eo.





Fresh. Salt.and Smoked Meats, Sausages. Etc.'.2"riHiiii'ilH,



Phywlolwn arid Surrwon.
117 Co00 Wtroot.
OlBmmmmm oT«K« Kyta.



Mides,AA/ool and F~ur
i|idcs. Woo! and Fur.



___ ____

ad « s » u

_________ ,WtB


^ ^ Mimaiij., a p. A

t. W. CintBIKOBAli. Aeem-


Pere Marquette
Tmew*. CftroatoUav.:
Mo. PtaWLlToIad.. CM.
io!tay‘cW7^^B^, II -

Week e<
a cteaols u to arold
wm.mtmrr dUtdoy of rolA

Bm: B> ita. a.

> te« m

If you are thinking of buying anything in the way of

do not fail <o look over our large line of handsome artides. We also cany a fine stock of W.'ATCHESCLOCKS. JEWELRY, ETC. SpecUcle Fitting a
■pedalty. Watch and Clock Repairing—the best
grade of work done.

. IT. IwTAIi'X'JJsl hITC:


-Trwwwrwa at*. Mieti

Come and see me.






«'d lei p-ople
With yoer eye. ,
.W.IaraA I
•reia* the alia '

Office «Btl Wkrebooae. *32 E. Front St
•piOk- the .torr op
Bell Phooe m
Oiiaeii. Tiione 4-1
make moiiry. Bst whal d.r- .
know or
,____llttl. nobody
rwn* abODt dolUn aad
nae ricb old lad*
ho' h.w I u
and take D.e Ool of
would adojri
' liiUli.
rniog IB tar
Ui. duUUi*
wii'.-'b tb. droiiperi while al
and Ita rrrt of the |
:dbjrr-ed- bama^l^ to 1
Bbi Haiik flanc ta-k. aa

We want to bny Onions, Field Peas, Parsnips and oili­
er produce. WiU pay Wrliost casn price tor the same.
We want you to dnnk

, i

Occasionally you meet a man who says that he can't
afford Chase & Sanborn Seal Brand Coffee. Now as
a rule the poorer a man is. the less he can afford to do
without it. h is the laboring man and mechanic who
need the invigoration of this food drink. It costs less
to make coffee from Seal Brand than it does fiom
cheaper coffees. Have you ever tried it'


mm ^


Ri^ folk-dso't care for neb a.
i aod me. Sane tl'.Boly id atory■[. where | '
" .............. ..
infDl all al


Miller did oot p-rnui liu
j gu tu (am bet OB I------ --Oiling to ilipit work a. utaal_ 0441*

K-l.lieU OTuond Ihe,"^^^
Phpbr KI.odr.madr no |•lvC«Bl••l)
It lUol Uir Ulf r '
if Chritemmty. Iml from iImi <lay,
chknical correction of tight oiul
[lir.-r H'u. wbni. I'ft aa orphao.
;ul you dirto t me wh; you .1
w w. re'b.wr the uoe w ' (tare
iltatkm an.l ciamination free
tiraip.' -torr. it wa. with a ifrpat dr
,ucl». ->ou'.l i.-i;biiu It
trrmiDalioa to "do brt dutyinli.a
be didn't li t yoo o!^ lur tbI- ■
over The Citv Itook Store,
aUtp of Ilf'- unto whirli it
ooon, yo.i'd rmiitu y<mr inipi
|.ltaateJG..dt.'rali h-t,' 1-lainlool
Tiavertc City, Mich.
; ,iloo< ID roe .tore al .it dolll
lut rhp errtetali wa., .3 lax a. out
he tay.
.•■c.rtoiulj- Mlmdinsca. Towinay be
iL-o..-d with pletwtite, and pleam- tot- htait. a oaiupp that -tti.v. lo "brat
iCt'C B.'fur even hoeing tlurngbi of
malic- Diir liatTt-d.' "lo tr trot
!■ keepioK y.« al w-erk Ihi. oftemimn
r-b H. BK.
i juaiiB II. d.aiiiwa. " lb.-ii wrr*

Home hni-bed
.|caklOk', a
Tralm tarn Troew~ City o. luUnw.
tWKIateaa htaBtiful
II «a» no
•h come from tbre.- ut f.oor id the
r Ormd Bofteo KoUmom. CbM(i> aid
at: trurdro tliat tM* .hm youfk- Ki-1
PdnWorBe. * Va.01
Ik BP wlib Ui" dawa of rach day.
her tone, to pomtioo. li«r an. aa the
Pm Oroad ■optta Koloauao... Bubmoi
bet rirry Di*hl •h- nmk h-r ran-, to
....................... -le mtamoU. UmWeUte ta Leolo II» o
Hub who at.air can «ire prrlrct rr.l.
rw^Oro^SomiU Kolomoo... ood O
and triad to ruakf tbr UMI -f wimt
wa. k'tttu brr
.kmoog brr fuRow
workrr. abr wa. not atarcotl.-, Jhr IhTH£ BEST or E.EBYTHIBO.
m tlmi teii had no di-fir-- for ih.
Telepbone 4
* '
ry drtm ihPP won . and Ih-tr.'IPta rxcItaU. Iifi- Uirr lr-1 oaUldr

wouldn't m\
wafkln* hour- Hot »«:li onr rr.|iccitone
ifl were in
tell •d brr, arid the worat word iboy woold
'Ob. »nr i. loo
;uo«- tare (hTPD hrr wa.
Of laV- a Woobl-b.d
tor UL'
. ..
belDK kept. Bot
l.i ’"irbr.
Hhrbi that at iimr. ap-'Uitel
■ rare
on. Him*—if I were a.
rr than abr cosH Wr Her
hoaheli. 1 wooldn't take all 1
falling from loo clow aji
ild ^ t Irom^my cU7k.,jo.t to
) her Wiirt. Ttbp, .he had
-iPT ID lb- tank, bei tlial
la ria«»'apoke, a browD-eyed pri
I be .walloW'ddfa .u-knra.
cam* oo; lbe» wlial wa. to l■te>(lml
Vtafa. cr. pi cliiaer to the *rt»u ot ber, wbtu. oo loncet able I.. ktap
*irla and. to tlia aoneni'a -ileODr tel. lay ujmn a »iek bed • Tbi. •
tliot followikl. atw mid timidly
walker••I bw •
me that we are to hare neii Wrdma- Chat waaa. .were a- ,i wa. tenmg.
1 hav.- enlartfcti my business ami have arranged with a day otienioooI ID.t
laatewd of tb>- otter- -ta carried Iter burdeo i.i cwr. to Hu
.1. auti th.1 Mr
ight f.w liu
largeEaMern house to handle all the fur from this |iari ,ol
txUr IuDd. rataad
■ wnsld
the cpuniO'A I ai" prepared to pay highi^st marki-t - i>rices
trekliog dbeateo of the eye. flic 1



tt>r clerk* lonk'-d^ >wuii>tbi<iBrly
iiatbi.iapl,' at | «|o„m; ilioaKli DotblDk* look

lyotels Tor Sale
One ktuily.

• .....*

„ a

’sr ri; sss=

>■ fa-Ird ’hi dal-. I. a
mao of Biddle lit- la
, I..
weigh a^t
rd bIB t
il I.. Hil


lo rgUiCtuy h.

" 'rta
nm day I ”i *ir,»
goud dtal of water dsna* tbe P< daya
A to decrtai
t' fuHiu 1 ilidu
ddf k>- day.'
oleni l unger as< lutiger.
........of-wtin* l>ar
get .iul of
jB-t A'i poDB4a
g tbe f»-t
* of Ita elertotb
• Oe ibe Bi.roiog
da> 1 ttl.d lo tal WJBi
bet I oooldn't reluh iL Ch
lo ear taBterur wtee, bet '


-w lotaluai
la Uu. I
o from t»ou to teat. .fi
pamiac aloa* with th*
I tbr hrwt lb.- wertBta
imtp ihrtr
aad lr.«l.u . from laad rrwt aad tbr

WOT I.. .ben clneti Ihe
nmur at tltaHiclK , te> IbDI
.,p.»iiao> « III tar iteiBbta OamU
mr. be ta. pTfenood many op«a
ll.«. (B full Virw .< tbe lOtttaW. red
.« acnooDl of tbe BM «f eltatrielly. e»|«tmoed B.. pUB. To •moataidlab tblm. tbe .Ita-uir my..l,e rBplta.
an oo-ollatut. . OtaUe-tod for btm ^
iinrot elermnaa. by Staad erf
be Obtain, from axi.Oki to MB. -



H-l «bry .Ti DTOT tbe dtatal_.«bWlte
1. Ihae put
rl ctree
tatioB. of III. ..

mTi^^off”ftOta tbe
CMtoU tald that
oeld ear* e>
tl» oelUffi

A (teltfornlB *irl .loly l» ^arojBld.
bateelf tarmlad a good eroj. ot gralD
aud dooe tta barmltM tot lb. aatira
eoBBtry. Iwmag a gang of a-B wj^
.!» MBpIo^ Li hi aateai bn. Sha la
otadtBgly femtstta it bn appaarce aad aaauetB. yei •** ba. had
, dlAcBln elUMT wtlb l.n (taroD.
brr empfiryew
Rarir in tar taa
n bar falhn ant wllb ao aomdaal
i.i..e i-w-aoiBtad him few week.
ab< *aak bu


a doclor ordered nie to *lre op
od It Oueb lutrder to
I toeod
-ottaanatawir from
a I did lo go wllboot
rtop ll> Ble lima
Thnw terra
... ami Ita
katisg wBt
Dr. Hiller a.xa. old a. bn fatan.
■ for ib.-tr
■ iwpBiad to be babi abarae^w^maiad'™ and pegeiirfly l»oibetanncare ttalr *1H
iBlgaled by Ita Uw girrn of old
.uiRill root Bilite for tta prMedrnte trary they w-wlad ^ <
Abtalotr laUiu* ii a CM- ft* OtahJ Boat reaiewt. look hn n
Till- b taitb-elarlT aii
e tb. digtwtiT. orgaa. arr BnM.
tbetii a m> and moare will rrUietu to au et|BlllfariBB '


■ Tta bridge baiide4 wttb ■wai.wall
JackaOD'a army wa. a rata taanakr.
U tba foUowia* teory be Bta :
Tta aatuo aoLUera. retraatlo* ftaa
ftiTota. ,*tl.e
>: Kr-ecii tteaodtan giaai. wbo tta Talla^JVtryt^beroada brtd*e
l.irio oein*.l the fabled ooe”*faBkMW. who waatad lo poiaa.taat
Kulyptamaa. <rf Homer'.
tor tab old bridge htelldef
- be uretiopa by wvrral
a a hauiifal
In a loanrioe. r<
"BU." be tald. 'yoD mate kaopmao
f tal talking
aaburbao borne, a
at work all day aad aU sl*M. Md
r. He
«nb her idskta ttaai bridge by tumerrow mmm- '
—. —e lookiog 11
ti|> tta ta*. My aaciaarr ahaU *tva yaa»
DO eartl.
He t- Xi ytara uld.
irly ttair ilitl irai
Kale- at bf’. poosda. and--------bl< fane which at
Milea talatad Bod wllhdrow.
f«-t. Ii itiebe- bi*b. bb haodt B«
ere ewroerl
Early tta Ban moretag tta leairar
omi* !'.► incb-a. bd-I hi. fete 51 iDtei
-Uamisa. " he tald iwetaBtly. a. ey IV wide A two yard tape
lie laid bU own taowo hand oo the lutatetre barely em irvl". bu cbm
•IliB <«e tbit wa- aliDOtT a. WMIr w
ktechof hi. troaeer.U*. cao ooi.tb- dm. upon whlcfi 1- i-e-ted ■'1'id cam tbe Bcuree of two ordinar* pei­
Bote -ttreyoB ir worryi-------------OMal." aid taa <dd mate teowly.
ne-. and ifarre I- -etBci-'Ol cloth ka
to* gTaiidaa. 'eaa»-lr
.neof hi- niielO owtft 10 a*ira*e "Ita brtdcab data. I daa'ttoow
face T-B-rr ibuikiag
Bnmao. Tbe M-aire fratat wart of ewab irtathn taa MctaF. U or oot.
kd flow arra'i yeeof hu ooiawetcliad a» will bear tbe aid ami rrotaytar.___________
Mn Oerwint tiuilrd f.i
weifbt o' thn- athlete.
A mao k
a, tahl. laoktbg down iBH
feel lOtnctar by In. .ide apjwan a
apathetic (acr at her kn
*ell. yea. itear. I am a
pecallateitea aboot HaaBwia. u a aorlac dro aotei
bled at Ita*.... -------------■ ttai hu faibar-ud madw* ware
la ootned w(ta
brae aw»y ao loo* froto your taltar.
Ktob yoaCb ta ha.
that I know be Bine. ei aortly. tad
I feel il 1. ua» to be *otBC
a^tn. 1 wuh ata woeld *e with Be.

oi.-ta coQilOK cBteOBer. "A
littl. DObiViT.-'teie mon»ure.t:"weU,
ig II
duoicteni abowui*

nadXta. I. olowly >BktafSi mty
ward tta valtey c/ tta taata Tan
ear. After the aartaootaa of Ni >


-ii —. »«
e MB* day. tad duM not wmi u
ta away wta« ta dota- I know aboot
,1. "tald Ibe boy. end
o waedr«a-Ir ■ g.e-l and rltar. Bebad tawr-l froa Ita
____ ____________
Vaclr Mill.
. e»eal loi.e • m Hn* a. ata at bu bcaii.
npjgiaed to hart b.we loot
■ crew
- of Ibe
TOuthearwl Iwatde tta eoantn. [at aea. wtlp the
the ahip
abip trf
_d uaned bi-r l^rt rtnoga aa vbieh l.» wa. cptaia. ■ OiwDdma
iboo«b tele would (taiB more air.
alway. kWt» bu room rndy f« hun.
■ It u my warm toaaT. " Ptatataidiaad aern ^rai op tbiakiag be
pome hack
Imck at la>L
•ymi»thl«o«ly .
aeetag a ease
••Araui taqw. I f«»-" -id tbI teraac* look pan ow tta fane befo
■mr. "Bet tare eemea ctaadBa
lief, ata exclaimed: "Yoa ar- faiB
, dcio-t let tar Biw we arr tad.

gnat rmpiror AcMw wtat ta rite
tomb ot a taial. boned SI Ou
Bear Delhi.
Ua hu tetani b- altchird at a k
OL .loe road to rate tauaaaU. S
oaovatatac ttare wjA bU rmo
teoerivad at bu foot a gmio at •
Tbe Baaareb. wboor Biad waa
teaatly ompted with tb nCn

lea* elUptetal oorTa, tatein taa a»r-w^e. adaaowly plowad (new.
SmTaatated ate* taa Data Md
akoeeatakf taaiew btafaftataOtaBtetaataMrof (hataid. Ita
wMhiB tta aOtpta. i*a atea, la Midla* sway fna taa ritaafdn of taa
itaPat ttatateof atdhtlkrbtebtaik.
Tta eroeate eew Cotmad te U laet
rita al taa oortaor a>kd te inwl
o raadn Uai ao aorwaai araty year
aadred feat dnyi


talUpUad tbaL afan

The Clirwta MtelnB ta

teita —

{ uaai. ata wa. nnt for tbe waw. ai
I Pbata. naiebiDg Bp a taa thy b
llytlr old ISily wbo
d it
_.nlf each a iroablaA makital tateltali- ba. beta aalab
ta Ita vet wtare ta tad toaad tba .^datKdla Laata« «r taa Mtilta
er to Pbata Rbodea "
Mate b te ^^t^tea^^ aad-

Tharr. I ftrl houn." taid the cma
itaatooL aa. harla* . aippad taa
tor warn, abe looked Kiaaefally at
'U U very kind sf TOO (e taeroctafn » few i
at late abraplly:
Bocb BoeMr
^ »e“l oStaca 'Tlr
« tat. I npf


. tta cr mtay.

saw. if yoa WUL Td Uka«ana^'aastaa ■«yta adateo tateata! I* tewarad.

^yteetea hte temt* tea■Bi aodta*. taaeotepB


«atto'tad bM tota tokta ap byth*

• flna «ad.

tV eoar«atia> mow I

Ufsitr <«■
or Um (
whWi J«ta r Mllkr 1* I»t*l7 r*Ata««T tiM' Mfclat «r

work nt OB* of too toUa* wtaa tar
>daC. bar
|ec Be* alaore i

lag aeil, aad ton* it aato down Ita *4-

Tta tre aleo

I wtto tta aagadly on


I orrr tafM* in



. tor U. dmOoi^

•tMB tt* <Mt»J «Kl (h«mfb CK|Uiimisa U atmmrj: w>d in tUi iv
prd Qnud Tnnne tn—i «0 tanTe
kk<B tM prapareouM.
TUi nonTfBtina brlBfi tht tatter maker* and

peemd farm 'patittoenlHll ha etraalatod araav tintalalatat* aU oror tta
atom, oral I«« ia th* taaUet eilto*
tttotown*. wblta will ate ita^mUroad* to inkealeiad la tin wort of
raleatlta and aboltab tbatr
taogtaUe Sooday talf rale tri|a,

aertoa.1} t

pm b«lMr and

Wliat this Boy’s

Mother Says

inkier', B.
Uttb «•

Oedar. Harch. 7-WlUlam SleQnatr
of thit piece wa* terTfUrtatfaiad mna
Bclco laa araninf. a* a raaall of
wbiob be new ha* both arm* lx
if them la two plaon. and la

hat been aaidbr the
le rnott
fwrhen of
maar other bopi and pfb, recrtui furtlive
prdine the e
' quthtiet o<
and ttrencth'

•Oer link her. liViJolTd ^^l
Bii&d. Thcnrh
d«u«c. ...............
_ »
ineacwerk. <.>arBt'
ked lca
uotioa oM«lii«rted Win. Mike’Nendampmied md be he> a-c bed ««

atbrrwiae teitiUr la^nred.
Mr. Metfoaer waa dnrta* to Sola*
with a load of Icf*. wbm tta alalfh


Tba firat rate eaaa at Catfcaafca far
roar* ware kiU-d Soatay by itaa
, Olcaea. He bagged foar of tta rerI min. two oU otaa aad a pair of tbnr
Strange a*
it amy
leeara. tboer Btti* paate tara beta
' tta'^tatily aakaown l>i that taottoa
danng -tin tbhrtT yran wturtrbaee
elaptad alnce the rilbgewae foanded.
tc^l* wiib
A diengneaUe odor trm Ibe Bay
» Ciiy water, a* fi

are rare <or colda rraghe.
r pain of aay n»mr. Sold
, 5Dcrnt. emi fum' inctta.

mracLCY BONE UNiMCirr compaiIy.

Or. Mila* Madleal Co., Elkhan, Irtt.

Korlbarn aarleei- > u <» Tbendar
mfcan la tUa ianUlr- tben an
faadlr lu an anWta aasaot ptoAl br itaanlmnteaf eonnter with an enracad tell tbal be
ld*H Md matbocU. Br ent^ the beat died at liU Injeriea at t o'clock Fri•mitt an «♦«««"«.< nad in tUi Indor monili
ttanaa taa baMfita wtU be w*U inrtbr
Uoaoftlic Inoat epeoimao* of hoiof Ita aCeru mada br Ibe taemotcn
fteln <mttle, which m


b ia oopodaUT gntUriat to note
year old bnIL which
ihsl thto tmmnatiee le the beat
a of KrlU , Aeilaraon manj
bald la tbl* note tbi* jear: the beet
l.a The animal wae eeoAard la
an oaelotrd fttddoek. awar from the
otliw eattla. aad wa* tlM oveoial
le oei
charge of Aadereoa. Thnndar
that tbi* ceeTtnlag tbare won a targe aamber of rte1 of aaeli import- ilors tram tin □alrrman's ooDveutibn
that the ▼arrbaat mao la tb* laapecUng tin atable* and bard, and
atala,tattn*t*d la dntfrinf.taTe been
the animal in qaeeUon
ealaottd to diaoa** with tb* memben ttaaa ordinarily aseitad. altboagbba
tUeattoelatlaata* Imponaat eobirea to imreat wbeaerar Tieltcir*
)*ett oatUaad. Ttadieplar of tattar
tttatcolr tbetaat asblblled. tatll
Abool noon tin taU dasbad into the
aa«n* U«ber tbao ear tatter diapinrmoe of the imddock. and breaking
o4 ia the atatt tbi* rtar. —BeeoriL
tbroogfa eaoapad Into tin adjoining
aoolotcire. when
"Aaafttnoao with tb* peau"krB« ofmlri-a R raral man oboot the plaor
haateaed to drlrc tbe aalmal
waU plaBBed and ablr eairiad oet
Plnallr aoolb* Waaeaa’* Olab Frldar, nsdar tb* to tin ptddook.
d with gnat dlffisoltr br the
Imdtttaip of Mm 3. 0. Kmt>aaid 01 idichforta aud olnbe in getting
Ib* Int p^aaoa tb* prenmm wi
him bark where be beloogod. In tb*
Ctraa br Kn. W. O. Tnn«r. bar lal
leoeeadiug two of tba oalve* managed
>*et baUc, "Pool* of rwMot tame.
With a* wid* a aahi*«t *b* ooald trir* to gat tiiroogh tba opening into tin
Than the men mad.- an
bat a faw word*
taa*a wan ae wall dmaae that Irtr affmt to gal tba caW.-a book lute their
lot. Aiidaraou did not tare tean
ptpar wa* like a atria* of pan and ink
taoMw. bdtatal OBI taatltadlBd of the boll aod wae latiiar bold in bl*
efforu looocara the ealrea Before
iiliaiattamtl it <d all.
I* knew what
A* KiablicaB
. loDgeatAadei
paai WiU Oarlatta, the weU lo**d
and pinned him agabut tbe teooe.
•^1— FUld and Jama* Wbltoomb
Tbe other man feared for tbe life of
Biter. 3i
U^td B*t>7 Stoddard aad hi* wife. An.lancMtanil made a ilaapemie attaok
BUmtata Bleddatd. Tbema* BaUar opoetbe boll witbpitohforfcaandaxe*

.bOM aatetbrna aod eapaaiaUr tb*
gmimt tao «d ali lor*. Bbetoldof
tta dUanal *elsma* of proa* aad
peattr *bd tb* lair* eomtar of abort
poM wUota
tea writtta. aad
^v* o raaalad aommeet waeml of
bar heaka wblcb an niaabto for
m to hlcber Unn(.
» ta* nad twoer threoof
hm pemata* la« oaa balaf tta telptal oat. ■‘Imagh, aad Ita worid
iBBibi with ran.”
Kf*. Korpw told of tta Ufa aad
wetka of WaU WUi
, rtTinc taadiact
fata* tbair beat poem* wUob
raatlr*a}orad. Bta apok* of ttaeaMMlaad atmplatrle of Whitman,
whttb ha* aaaanl aom le call him
Ibapeoief tba fotaro. wLlU othoe*
aoatadtt bta writtan to baa rerr poor
>. with aalttar ifarw
CBipontar, printer,
eviod Ufa Bad btaonblt
UM fa* cam to b* known tfao werld
orat M lb* "Good Ornr Pool. "Steadmi. wtaae Int poem* md* a doei.
ad attimlirai In tb* Utararr world I

ferat aad lapldlr grew wore*, nntil
at t a: at be died. The honu of tin
bnU tad boao nmored
ago. oUterwlae tba man might bare
ten gored to death.
XodoiBan wa* btare mad porfeetir
tearlem. aad wbila baring taea
tioeed against too maeti familli
wlth|tba animal b* often
bartag tb.- tUghett
faar. Be had bad oharge of ebaaai1 long ttat batad
hi* abllitr to manage him wiilioat Injarr to blmaaif.
. .
gaided rerr highly aad wa* one of Uie
ttuted of tit* emplor**. taring
iwerta hl« wonb aad nliabUiirtothe
m ofBelal* and
Steward Wbitney. a* well a* tba other* wbo
la eoattaat aaaooiation with

t Mr. Andenon e
la bU d.-pwtateai aad
had a r.-rr high ngard tor him perTbe aalmal wa* net rioioot.
althoagh be became

ahta faalBrt* of tb* prcwnlm wa* tb*
efIl.OOO. haringtattiai
•aadltat* a POMB hr Mn,q& Dock- her of Tcarere* Otlr Tetit. Ko.
T. M. H.' ttacaai aad
*09. "Bet wcrk, botwwTT." wUeb
eotaada aaattmaat wWeb taonld ta two ohildran. TiiefaatUr ^deaat
4M> Weet Xlati. ttraoL B.
ottto axpraaaed. aad wlOah
of P. A. Olai
appnainwd bj nlL
en* mnalanl namtan a
d wai fermerlr a rwldeait of
Traleat. Mlob.. and tbe ramaloi
token ibera Salordar (or boitoL
a br Xn A. & Bewltr aad Mn. Then wae a arrrua at tbe rraiA. H. HoDUar. aad a ptane aelo br
tite bodr wa* ahlppod le tin- old
W. PataUn.
homo of tin famUy. Tbe fonaial earAt tta aaBelnatta *d tb* pre
a of Her. D. O.
ABttkmi anadla* wen aarrad.


alin of tbe blood u tbe only remedy for than ri
Wa*b«* and powders en onlv bide lor a time tta flari^
S. S. S eradicates all polidaoeaaccatoalatreu. asbdote*
tbe I'ric
and other ood*. attfi
rratorra Ita blood toits wonted pnritr.BBd___________
and reritaliara tin alcggisb organ*, aad tta iBporltie* pass o« tbtoogh jbe natanl Aaand* and
relieve tta akin. S. S. S. i* Ita onlv gnarantred pnrclv e^ctablc hi nod
pnrifier. It contains ao Araenk. Potash or otimr barmltil maetal
Write ns abool j-oor ea*e ud oor physiriut srill advise witboot tatrge.
We hire a bandsomcly Uhutnlcd book oo skin diseases, which will taaaM
in* to all wbo wish iL

m»i c«mfortto4ii^ FifSt NaUo&al Bank of

r. W

For Job Work of all Kinds 6ll at tbe Herald Office.


br plaoed at tbi* caotaiag.

U o«r.

drlfl of tb* ooilying diitricu i* to­
ward a biglter ud tatter plane of hr-

At tin ttat ragnttr maating of tta
L O. O. T. ledge held Wadnaaday
arantag. Haieb 8. tin following effi-

Pridararaetog. aod farther (top*
ear* were taatollad by C. H. Ttnowere taken to make tta ope
of the attlo elreoit, wbiob
P. 0. T.-Oeone Bdgar.
Jalr 1 to 4 tin beat ttal baa erer baea
C. T.-Tbone Bailey.
in tbl* part of tin
V. T.-Ethel Claw.
.-at indimUOD* are ttat lb* eitr and
Seaettry—Boy Loading.
all th.- eoantrr nmad'wiU aee ante
ae KorU>etii HioUgaa baa
______ _...Wood
»rer wen before.
Obaplaiu—Graft' Tlnotal.l
" rTnreott
Uolr a few of tin
B. M~Bo*y Eaiiia
1. tat tinee ebew ttat
U —Lta Draa.
eretribliig U to be oa a large itale.
8.-Kellie Bl**p>-r.
W. P. Adame of Orraerllla ietoaol
wbiob amore* tba beat ia
g<-ttiiig tin bone* away in a boaeh.
Miae T. Bohefoeoker of Saginaw, ie
The pareea. wl.leh will be
rielting bar eittra. Hra -lohi. Barry.
larg-'et erer offorad ia thi* part of Ita
V. P. Barth of Omeaa. iefi ih
etote.will U- paid in gold at tbe trim.
afeotnota for Obiaago. ta hi* way to
Watalngtaa, where br expect* to loanauged for wlU be a gnwt
mrd aod will trore of mOre intoreat
1. ?T«wU'Of Elk Bo|dda U ia tb*
inomen tiian any pane or ataka

R. J. RadliOBur,
■rieu Snuday Sebool


Tbe smallpox epidemic al Dowagne
is betle><-d to hare feenlled fnim old
ued in the store worte for clruing maehin-'iy. ud tbe fui tint nrarthe pali-'DI* w> IV employed in
tlic factory fteiiii- to tmir osl i)ii* ili- oryVaoeliiatuin or all lu.n.h ».*•
U-en ordered.
The managemeol of Ihe Hichigu
Oential and other Micliltfu railroailWill have laoseotf-d to tinm in ih--


Getting Carriages, Hamess ami Farming Implements
Thin ■1
We have no TRASH nor CHEAP JOHNS.

ball right, ifyou'tre



and all wrong, if too thin already.

We are HKUH withlhe OtK)D8. [

Our stock is LARGE ENOUGH and price* LOW


to satisfy ihe most |

careful and conservative buyer.

l-at, enough for, is

Q. E. & F. P. BOUGHEY,

healthy; a little more, or less, is
no great harm.

Too fat, consult

a doctor: too thin, persistently
O. R Seott of Mmda Oily Wta nt
jogging, tin
thin, no matter w hat cause, take I IE
tin Whitiag ynataitty.
faelUltlea: ta toot, no tad of thlaga
Scott’s Kcmilsion of Cod Liver i>
that aaaan tii* ownfn of faal beraea tota Pnder’r Bmmo.
tbal tbar ranoot aSoid to mim thl*
I '
hi* brlda, ntamed tbii meraiBg from
of appearing tap Aae
There are many causes of get-1
Big Bo|ddi where ba hat been tnking
lag eitr bod nolng for good me
aoenna In ebamiatry.
B* took the 6ng too thin; they all come
axeallent box aiall*. tin good raadi far

Tbe Oldest Exclusive Carriase and iDplement Detlen j
In tbe Grand Traverse Rerion. Always Reliable.

Cor. Cass and State Sts.
TraTcrsc City, Mich.

two • heads:
i' airar ofJaat bone* ttat will b* la Oraad Bapid* reotatly and paaaad
ban aad tin btatr paraaa tint wlU be
old pdae* ia Jaa O. Joliabaagap aeaaiaa aaeli (port a* wae
■ aata atatb of Onad Bapid* aad ata'edrngaUnL
Walter Hamy atttadad
celdoB there.
alien* before Ita atal* board of pharlAaala.
ameyud pamad tbe txamlaalioe with
L. K. Qibbe In* beat mrtag Utti*
reiy fiaitalng arerage.
oflateabont tba Tnratae Oltr. Old
Wiliam Baraga, wbo :
HiMion A PaniUBla railwar itajaet. lag tb* plaee of Albert Olobenaky la
tat ta bat been tawing wood rigbt
3. O. Jehatoa'i drag aure, hn*
alcag ud beUare* he ha*
eaie.1 a good peaitita la a drag a
---------------------------------------- Be faae Jort
In Big BMde.
nhuacd from Oraad Bapid* and De.
J. R McAroy.dragglal for tb* Uaatrait w^an h etafemd with n]
aabft Uy Marranilto Oo.. ta* re
■entttirat of an
toned trem a rtoil to Ocu.l Bapida
ocernud a oonttnetloo oompuy.
Vera Hobart wu caUad to Big
1* eaooWa aeaaik aaaMai and aereral Ida to a«lK ie tin More of Hobart.


after be bad been aceored I
erdar to fat maoer
to allow aocleaar*.
Mr! Whiin.'T I
btm to daeott hU laiann to llttearr
be killed. wUoh
panalla. Hi* boom la ao* of tb* littt*i7 oaattr*: of tl>* aaat. aad U al- done Prt.lar morning.
Aadrttoa wa* 41 rear* of age aad
W«rt open to rooaf writar.
Tta Imi and on* of Ibr rarr anfer- eairied fraunal Imatanoc tt

At tta bnataaae meottaf Xn. DaefM aaoad a* n weuttlttaa to look np
a Trarii, htohtnoadBiolao


tin akin taeder and raw. Tlnefi'
«l tbe paooB may (aaae tba skia


arrr l.nog np In aortbeca Hiehigaa.
OIbb* ud wife of Mayfield are
Tbe traok. wblcli ie tin baM half
ia Ibe city today.
mile track in tin ttott. wiU b* pat
Mra B. Montagna left on tin early
aad Oaallr nlcaaad tl.a
tier ooadltloB.tiiaBarer bafoaa.
train fa Ptatualla. Iowa.
paM. OoL Jota Bar. 0
and no pain* will be (pared to make
token at ono* le tba laftraure. An
_ «(tael*. Peal
I Immaaoe
the meat tbe moat parfaot (aaeeaa po*;
of bU raDdltioa did not
bar. tta aafie poet. Bdward MatkrereoJ
bam. wtaa* *‘Kao with tb* boa,"
mad* nob a »*BmtloB. Brai Harte baliarad tbot tin
ie prapariag *B aoeonatoftbe
u of IntorloelMD
nol In arrieaa
Howtrer, be had apeeial thingi that make tbl* one of
aad Jaaqala HUlar.
I* in tin city lad eruiag n bnkinSerad tarera Inlcraal injarlet which
til* beat taolng eitie* in tin atoto. the
wan not titan apiaraoi.
.Uoal track, tb* Sn* loaatlon of
O. R Kabl of Hatbpon ia at the
o'elota *1 nigbl he wae takoa wltb tb* fraud*, the Bbudul atad*. tin
V WUaac. wboae piaat power,
*eaU.Uoata tarwajofdeplotinji

U which coUcA in
cd poor dirtttii
takta sp by
emt thrangb tea glaada sad pm* of tin
that oonr cat
acritabto itEbiag and bnraiiig. gad
the yellow, watery duebarn torma aa a emt* «w
>BtocrosUasd*orc»orlittieb(Owa wlta a tor 1

tarewB from tat top
gtmt fore.', bnmkiac bU loti
aborr the rltow aod bU riirbt az
tb* wrlat.
-i ta load of lot* tipi«i

and laoka hi* right arm aber* tta albow. bmldaa bcaiaiBg him toniblr.
and gift. filOAM worth of ; lag tb* winter.
aod pertain iajntiv Um laMraallr- pared atotiatio o
laobabiUtiet of jbook*and fopn 161 biblea. II uam- Be will to laid ap for a long time br paalnaaia aad
.lailwar tt
Ware! oe Uie pan
- tat tba
Obae. Ctaiwick ha.1 a
from .Imtb tbe la«t of the week. b* fan* aongtal to rararem.
He *m* drirtng along Enct Proat
Mr. OIbb* b*U**e* that tin time Im* oellactol »4». ™ to help rarry <m tbe ' > CCDl. 00 SaVln£S DCPOSUS
tiraol aad had jaet got hla
ow arrtrad wtaa a railway on tta
tbe track when be mw Uiat tbe O. R ptaltaBla and attaat ear* in Traecree
Two ebaretae* hare bean boilt thi*
tnin wa* right npon him.
OitT can be looked forward to with year, wbiob bar* grown from aefaool*
Iiad net heard tba whittle, if ii
aritbin tin laal
dtatee of eartalnCr. Some of tin
ba--n blown,aad wa* in rerr ImmJ
people wbo an oomiag b<ie nest Material i* b-ing gatbered for two
He tad not tlma to drire week tar* bean ban before aad know mere wbiob will be taill doriag tbr
tracA aad tba* be
eg aammer.
Pnoeiiiog aarrloae
loiued the b(«ta* timrplr to oo* aide, Twilgation. Tiny tare long been
been **tablieb<-d in rarioo*
aod tb* mgtoe a* it want br taraly cOBsldrring tin projaoi and are aow
mlued tin aoiatala
A* it
iraging pan,
im.-iared to act. U tbair final Inreatltoagn* aa.l neefcrtae were broken, gatia* doaot ta-eiant aay obamrle* bowa^-er, i« ant tin amooBT of «»rk
and tbe rig otinrwla.' i
Omi tare net baretofcce bean ^jparenL done, tat in tbe reaalla of th.- work.
Inr*-*. tboogb fnaUe tram fright,
ITS laofaaaed eraTcraioo, are
It i> not ulikaly that oontrart* for
did not ancoaed la breaking awar. aad
will be made beftae
from tin eraugeUatie •-Soru .s
Hr. Cbadwiek aaimped wltbont lojoiT. another moaib ba* paaaad. Ifan-ry- pat fortfa in tba acboola many of V
tbougb It wn* a rerr narroa
wbitii are ohildrta. Kaigiiborboodt
You have been told how some of bur competitors buy.aitd how th'-y will save you
tare been tooagbl to remember tbe
I mar ba rauing •>;
money. We will only say we sell both 1>HALEKS and jOMBHKS. which .Maces Us
mand on tbe pan of 1 be people of tb* nrlcIlT tiuengb tbe atreatt of t
Sabbath day. to keep il mor. boly t)
in I’osiiion to liny Ki^tht. and until further notice we will m-I1 all kinds iif
east imrt of tbe eitr tint n gntamna and on tb* ptatoanln hafore II
Ibna tiny formerly kept >t, ud the

Traverse City pays 3 per s'

wta an alvar* «o be bad for tta benalt <d th* Isdnaar. thU ooB»«oU«n
it aapadnUr farond in tarlnc
<»nd ao amnp nbl* man to diaenm
—■-♦-f of butar and mn wbo nr*
«eU qanllfla‘1 to ndrla* and tnitnot.
WkU* Itar* an mnnr Int elaa* better

Stott 1
Eczema, Psoristsis, Satt
Rtteum.Tetter and Acne

Jr. He fc«l* taller w^ ba'a on tin
a and wfaas be'*
Unm ta feel*
(ter than fat

Baeoher A Oo.. on aonmat of the illaaaa of Ota of tba em|deeea Be will
a faw dar*.
Mim Jaule Wolf, wbo ba* beta
toklng apeeial week a* a laofeaaiooal
reraiaed to tbi*
Bone in Ohlcago, Imt red

work and


Slop over-work, if \oi




Liver Oil, .to


can ..r




vu..r c

with your work.


You can'- In.





There’s a limit,''!iowi'vcr;

ScoTt'sI'lmulsionofCod Liver

is_ the

“can’t eat,"





your doing no wprk -vou Can't
long be well and strong, without
»me sort ofaetivirs’.

this picture on
take no other.
ff you have not *
tried it, eend for .
frM enmple. Its a- '
D. Ctaliile will lea** Monday for greeable ustewlil ^
Metam<-I. ni. wbair be wiU tpead
•aearal mcatba with bi* aUtoe.
- i f
WllUa aad Pnak Bilaby weal to
BoaeoatBMa tbl* aftonoon. ealtal
Ibreebylln.ortticallUBr** of tbair 60c. and SI.OOiAll drussi?^'


m feel btaerte Ibe
K being, bat b*
L (eci* a great deal woi
&fer them afttrwaid.
Tin Dead <g tbe maa
Jehoie Momata tt
r-orak'b act etimnP latita tal ttirag^
Pime'e Gofira
___ dieel Diecoecfj

Sberiff Martin Brawn,
Boxia and Oniaae Waraer of Lelud
ware U Ibe ally toda.r.
John O. Banjaiain of Oraad Rapid*
U ia ta* oily in Ita ialereaU of tta
W. W. KimtaaU Oo.
Hra Troettor of TlS W*h*tor ■
lafl today ob tin Pare Marqnetta for
a TlaU to tantawiok and otaar pniat*

t>r. Prank l^ilbu of
ta* filed bUaaawer to tbe nalooof
tb* beard of >aier\ienr>, thioagb h’>
P. C. Oilbert. Be d.«lii..d
to aeo-pi tbe fiuo oS.«*d by the eou~
on ti.egraaad
ttat tbe eUim wae etraoeooalT paeeel.
ad to tba btard wltbtat being aadllad

R J. Badhoa**. mlaatotary of tta
Amadou Sanday Sobaol
at Oadlllao. tal eorming
Orand Trarata* and ■aretal etiaar
part of Ibe Mat*, hai
tta foUowlag nocoui
a< bia weak ter tin year tadtag witk

tt fairij aadlled by tb*
beard of anpan’taon. tat tiny ataply

OndUlae. Harah i. laOfi.
Doing the ynar aadiag Pabrnniy
«. ira.1 tan* aagtalaad tan* aataott
oaaadlOipapttt: iiiMtahnt <
tttwtth M toMbaBaand fiupa-

- ->a*.rabb.m I I
miwytt ia *(xto*fa
rad maekintmbta. *B army of p*epU
buM oal by yranmooia end otter laag
^ etett di^ma Utt wmUr.
to^kl raid, ^l«elod it, ta it fix------tt*m,tlf«d oetby to>* aad tbra g*v* *y
Itafii^ Tta boor yen radtaUm yra
tare a oold ra tte taott. plae* a BoaaraW

wm Hickory Axles, Oak Hsbs, Rrime Oak Spokes. Prime Oak Felloes.
First-Class Material Tbronrboot.


3xi tire and best box you ever saw, complete.

< >h, y«; Cauinl). )-oa <
rat /cK'cd; Imt we do claim to gHeyoo
Ml B
BETTER VAI.LE for yoct
. <4Vhere our price* j
e hwhrr >x>o will A^^'qaalRyT^ StTLRiOR; ud when ,roo
yoo ftod tta same
grade of good* you wiU ^ OVR PRICES LOn-£ST, e
........ ^ occaiiooaHy on *oto* articto wbieb ■ e
ficcvl for a tlecm-. W'e doe'i mon to suefa (cheiDes k* (dlmg rou a 6Uc ^ip for ISc to a* to rope yon in
.......... ..............THEIR
and ex]
eta. U’E

tatttegiaa. Crattemwkk^ta

tt Cry. MidL, Mat. IS, ISOl

aai7 m^%rn


Tocru Atnut ucosB ixst

. AtKUesiWbUe sHMistss «
tgsaesl weetlsK. s slrihsatoes
Tcrl ssd »t Uw tone ttne psMisCo Isf l» fna Mrs. a ». E
is tneer, reeostsMx Is the tozss^
e^illlito h>f m


Bhske-toSe your •





UflW O
U •medMl tb* Dutjcrm

M' AwiHiW— mt TrmrPTM CK7.

taM «0WB*lp ^ iU teU MWd
HuTm «hun hmrht of 3. W/ Blot^r
_______ w etTo «p
to >«lit» huWuh.
Betort OoMm ii taoTfox • Urfobocs
m hto toiVla Oiuit tbU tfriag.
JoltoMfbt; will «e Mw cup«ur
O. 9. OenlM A Bos on pnprisf
sBls«r tlwlr Mon. TU. Ir
Ms k IsmsM •« Um »>*? w



Took Two Hret Premhnns
Out itf Tbree at the J)airy
men’s ConTcntion.



lea word

bnoioMo will be

Bv SM of resr ntslIsr-TR IT-ON

2 Tbe tsilNsB M ww« hen
week Isskim sftor thulr Istonwe
lesbi ner bnnble.
lesbMlkt totfaefpetier ess
Tte lee wiU br Iwnseaed m ea
ibM ns bn«le U. A Uive or
toe»9to the pelst seme to the

mm! fiiimy

Detroit, blloti.

Of AiWfm, - _


North Star U a rinaxe ob tbe Aso
I ArU* railroad. U mllee oortb of DouflraBil. and loe mile* from Doroib
Mn Blbi-1 U Plesro, who nre ehe i>
wslkluff fron D>-toeh to North Blsr.
hsensidted Owone A'- trsTSiwd
tbe SUBih-e to a we<-k. North Btot li
A kite iee bosee li bels( Uultl^ ber borne. el>e mjt. and ahe
( ntnrnMr. ItonoB. ecstb of the old dock
: then lieeastf I
d br BOeiir
bet tobatttfL


^^jBse^i^kmrejo all, hot be
■L's totflrlae.
iSto^CMto Btatfe epssl Sacardar
ssdlukrwltbbtrparautito Northx-per nongolaet tbe
soed of I'lreetlTe rsinedlee to be need
•esiethlnx mnel
lb. BertaadMtoe Jensi.- B«ee wbo
be ileee rigM ewaj. Snob a remedr
to !■atrr ttorle' I’stoklller. for awalsa.
and brnina. for eiralm'd Bneclie and
for aeliee and paiai raenlliiix ftam
blowt and faUa lie aleatos et mertr
becan eltty yean aso. It le need In
all ooastrifw There it bsi on. Pain­
killer, Petty Datit’,

?or laEuU sad CUUm.

Thi KM Yh Han JUtirt Baacht
Aooordtog to nprate reoeleed at Ontossrsi doge an kUltog aboni a>
BasT deer at wsKm in tbe opper
pestoento wooda_________
Stops Uis «.^ugh
^strd works off ths Cold-

ttrsssM’ “■ ■'"*!

«uh with OMor.i

TbsBssB. a BskiTof l^nUtM
ws* M Wosferd ssd TlelBlk lut
vsAlli tbs tetomt of til* ItobnuUs
—Tl snseM to he loosMd ou


(^ile s BSBiIar fnm Ibte plMr at-1
Med ibr telrTnes-e oowreBlfes si I
TlBTene Citp.
TilUem Reetor of TtoTens Oitr
nest s oosple tf
with Mtwda tf
tbU |d*r*.
Mn. UiefatSB haa rriaUsss rtaitloc
foe » few dars.
The Saadar eefaool eoelal aa*eid»
Biifbi wae qsile well atieoded altlioaxh It wa* a bad slcl»
Mr. sad Mra Jobs Mills wesltO|
Trarerw Cut to attoad the fasaisl'
of Mr asd ^ LUiab Mtl|-a UtUe I

e. j. siviixM,
IW>\ 4ir>, Traveree Cil>, end see hf>»- «.iu ran hety one 'fur uial.


Arrived Saturday, car load of
horses. Some heavy draft,
some farm chunks, a few nice
drivers; weight from 9CX) to
1600 pounds. All stock guar­
anteed as sold. I also have a
few heavy-cheap work horses.
Also a few good lumber wag­
ons, second hand, some heavy
and some light. A few top bug­
gies and spring wagons.
Kindly give me a call.

Tbrre an- eaeee of.'malliios at the
coal kllri. a mile asd a lialf frou.
Wm Headtfseo’e people have
BOTcal to rnsklcn.
Then wlU be a auloe tempaisaoe
merliBK at (be OoncrefStlOBal obareb
orxt Soadar oifhl.
Hiu Martini HsM baa r.'ian«1
from Kit Raiiide
I MirHalrdeead Mlae Barwood.after
being awar^^from Kobor all winhe.
There are two Morsaioa. or l«rt<-r
Dar Salnle. boldine aMoOnf* is the
Wm Haw of Hi-nnwU madi- Iloooir
t call toil wnk.
ThtOorli* Patrot 0-a.k tV b.rv
narv all thru Ioc< m «b» Bill yard.
Tba Bill will toon ooBBtoca to rnoTho two ooatbt eld ehiia of Claw
i'bnftnrr of lilt real kilntditd yMtiw
dar and wiU bt 1bnrtod tOBorro'w.
■T«et it tfaoucb. Tr.'vi.^t
T Pin# Srrnj. e
brooi-hitl., ton wl


eessU^rteto tf oeWTSW
setoisllr nd ssleklr Bi
tUtten rettmtotw the i

. LrvSpe
If 99,^9

(lur Sp«cu]

Take sdranta^ of

nuQi m Dew...
will coatinue until
Monday, March 17.

Ju»t rocivcvl, 50
cairt of thebtxs:
Parks Matcbcl. U'r
guaramee 24t>0 m a
package f(w onlv
Houte Brooms al
- ITc. 25c an.l 29c
taung K. M>u of


Spring Goods

There it noncr is it
for votL
Jus received, a
lor of the best Spree
Csluneti. Ifte cub

Arc arriving daily at the New Store.
add many new lines this spring;. .On u
Underwear. Laces and Embroideries ar-'
s^le. Before >*ou spend one cent for the
mentioued items see the qualities the New t >re
will show you at the following low prices.

WellswthSl. Out
1«KX arly....65c


• l.a.liet' Vast

HUck Cmlnn Kmr. aril aWnh !

Sti 1*2110111 tf Knibroi.ict>. all nra-, in all ai.lUi'
iHo.aoi. 2a..*js<-aivi........................ ,28c

.» l-u.m,. ol VJmi*
ool)............................................................... I Oc ^ all nrw, iwr tstil 1.. * . .V. SJc. ♦<-. 6r, <1,........7c
OthiT gonJ minilKrrt at )!>c an-t >>■.
100 iku. ..t Men'. i:.ill..u
ll.r Liml \.m
Ui I'atlemttf 'liwdain lj>x- a».l intrttiont t<>
ala-a«iai,lllk-l,.r...-,iti.n.c>|..-Tsi..., ,, 25C. niai.-li, w.hjM Iw .hea|i at Uk- a >ar,T. «rai
|jklit«' -Rtblicii Vest..........
............... 4C . la.i.-c, |WT yai.l, only............................. 6c
to be imiLc^U. if voii tale the .rualU)
met obtainablr.
133 Front Stroat.

Paper Bands




^be Opening of
milbelm’s new Store
mill Occur af noon on Saturday, IHarcb iSIb i
Attractive stocks of.Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats,
Furnishing Goods, Ladies’ Suits, and Millinery
will be shown. There will also be some music.
The new passenger elevatot at your service.
Souvenirs, etc. A cordial invitatipn is extend­
ed to all to spend, at least part-of the day or
evening with us.








In purchasing this enormous Stock we have
secured some exceptional values which we
will offer on this d^ andcontinue until
are closed. Also our special w





Cigars f

mbitc Goods and Cinen Sale


will begin on this day. There will not only be

OwsSritf PrskfU Itf Tags w« suMs Nss.gstfe, toss.

FOR 1902



bargains offered, but some of the finest kind
of Lineris shown,







^^<w aiilbelm Block,E.
eor. Front and Union.


"**‘'*” **

4*41 Pitoaa ATS.,




I with a cBeap coat^

Lion CeffM

oad fa Kaat Balaea.

U not £la«L It u per. fecll)- pore and haa a
delicious flaoor.


Iftbefe-auyUiiiieyoiiBeedifitbeway of Winter Gooda COME TO THIS
STORE NOW. as yooll never buy deurable heavy weight goods any cheaper I
than we are now a^ng them.

laUtal «■ on taoaaa with aaw


ta tbanwAUL

a.-. 11. I . ■■■.--*

8ar«iml at iha ;
W Tiillad U>»

tkaMtoaa Ulaaa«< hub


f prictd Mocha* and Java*
, gUtedalaor

ee B«Jid»j
HiaUMtU BelMA. wke kx ^
ipesdlw m fe« «««*■ is 8atUM Bar,

I terttewof th«

■Uahr. wfcaalao-aatM.a»aU»fclh«. b MIU at Ua badatda.


Hn I Oiaaatoek wa. la Lalaad

Oaatta Utt»» waw *a OrfUla* aa

Wrlfley, twalaiBa to
_____ .e, w« ULatad tmy

tir'f—---------------- ‘-r

vlie atMofcd
:ila» Id Tiararae Oin .lar laat lo aattte with the
» Mz. aad----aad Hn. T. J. Itveaotor.
a A. OeBitall haa nter^
PnaaoaHaf Ataonajr Fiad R P«a*i Cana. Lowell Soon aad Ftmak
Twlt witb relatlTea aad frte
Aooofa.-or w«kaa»o
aad V. H. Date »a«t to Klofrfay llsbl
Trerens Oily
nlataka mad* la
tUa aoMlBC <a> lacal
,oudeae------ ' ----------- a a KebI
days of---- ----Ura SlinmaawrBt to TraTtata OUj Mr. aad Hre. Olaroaea S<^ tara
leal weak lo alar fv
Omuf W
O^U“ “
‘— ---- lot ttM rMaUl7 Malaal l^r

lie. OBIU the Farter Fpl*t>4


OaaM Kiwafil ia trotfclac at tba of thaw
aav laaaat balldli« anr oetmgm.
antllM ------___ ielT of I
The «T<- ael ds
Onma aad UmI Oat an bai; c«ttia( tbr UanU." wa* hlared Frtdar efaonli will be held Fri
^Hrt. Oeeu
lall Litatarr
elab. 10 Harob lltb.ei
Biffal hr (h* Aacall
aelatlae aa<li*aao. At
tU Calar la oaMa* aord wood for ateW' and Bi>ptoelatla
the antin
antin' wialar waf fpaot
tiolB«. the part* wm well--------- PfaiUip Howell.
Mn Joto HeOUl U ae aha aaa
al*n of Dolnaa Hire. Ka
wen fltled to Ifaalr d^eiael pai
T. M.. are laablni snun-

fi'?. s^£-^sSr“
Mn. HaU la liaHar a^ta, ao i
bo aoi
giH^ BaaaM ahd hia jrifa irlaltad
at aSkfco laal waak.

6ialr oa* tMtaa thar

mmoog a
an of HOB*. The
Can* woo load B|
MAPUc inrv

eordially ierlted to
Writer Ketaa attmided „lh»^
Fellowi ledt* In Sottooa Bar WadDMday CTeaioy.

4“uSr‘.ff .532.“* ..11.1:;

The lay will eooa b* clear of toe
• pruapeota
ead• tbe
that naiireHoa
will opeo early tbU fprtot.
W. H. Porter baa ralar^ (">»
Onnd BajiSt^ what** bay

«?M iSLySa^sys


a. chBBhaniB t
grbatkadr h^
... .
_ Terr oariooa.
MthBf tba arnpothr of ih* on-


with th* Mtat>a. la iMfroeiait.
Kr. aad Kia Bari Browh of IndoBd
riaHad at Mn. A. K. Oook'a laat

-- ----- Tharaday.
Xlaa Bertha Viorea >• w^ioc at
lb* hotel
Obi aebool eloned Friday.
Oloraue did ___ -'hwe wilt
alitlut of aouin. ra
Will Soott. wife Bhd laby Tialtad etc-.aftorA.lialaai<»
eenta. toeladfrUod* la Giro Aihor Tseeday.
Hn. dmw aad little lioya an- axpeeirtof tlM BmerridBetOBM?* oo Ihalr fen.
Ho. SU. ae^ofta a aaoat
JoliB ..
d of X«n Biiby.
^ » Iha Odd Feltowa bauTplartb*

IPl owl aneac bar {rianda acala.




%'l 0570*

~ iiin Freak ~Bisby wai oalled to
Tmrerw- City laat week to oare tor towed by earda. aairoBf.and a aappar.
her iBothar. who if my 111.
Mra. Brace baa relaned to bar
_i Caeede after a rlait wUh bar
Rot. doalah Pean
wll^apaak m
daaebtar. Mn.

ThatMwaad lortooantly aoU by


Ian. Harob Id.
u Tieaal

Odd Feltowa lodfe
line to Battoai Bey.
.. ill Saabon of Tiereraa City li to
Korlburt. the toeat Of Mr. and M^

'In. Ohaaabarila'i
Urila boy. whe

haaI haaa
bat* alak. la tottlat

i-ritor Beaman of Sattoaa Bay hwi
.day ia ll.U plaoe.
Oarpetan ate at week oa Arthai
Lealir'a new eottata.
Mra WUl BimU la atowly TTOomlur from a a-rere etmek of the (trip
6. O. Oertbe wet la Ulaad Than,r haabaad day holdtoe e eaariwi of pr

A-aSaaday laaL
laal weak

Oay ainno aoBareda aaraa* iajorr

Mra. Bielierdf baa r
kaaptoy to Oedar. where
baa baen for aome tm
aad Mra Deloru McVe.wrate
Halttad-f Uttle
ninet for Mn a H
bey dariac bar lllaaa*.
Mtm Mildred Sieffeai■ eloBd
etota eanc>1 Friday for
eeaefal tarta

Bh^ Kayh la 4«1» Mak irntt »ow.

Kin Jaula Brooka U ae)ayiwa
Tlalt at peeaeat udri Iba panoatl

telaiB for the



Bay OM of year retallar-TR-ITOK.
Broth U . hV_S“*»5


hUtSm iSTaifUOl^ ITmSort

;' KliSiSs:
OTTuC iS.^£:
B * k*4 UiT' >*er*‘ rit'rMn- n n*

;vhe*t*r**n-Bt«iW MndMM i.*



Trevers* City Mnrketn.


las’K'ri'ssyvEE*”' i

luta w OVAL r*atT $o*y^_____ i

£Ss^S“__________________* looteiaral-

FEBRUARY 26. 1902.

RESOURCES*mB>*»B*lktai nr

srtis^'htu^ -“si

lermta. t-epvd



I Anesiioi
: MBoMoeK
; by NaiL




T. Beadle. |

VuF ones. Our aim is to furnish GOOD GOODS.
Price is the least.of our troubles. Good goods
are what you want. We know it. When you are
sure of getting a good afticle the price takes
care of itself. Yes we have cheap Top Buggies
that go at $40.00. Blit tlK bugglts iWt MR arc
good. Our line of Implcmcilts is complete, and in
addition wc bavc a $2,000.00 stock of goods
bought of James A. Moore estate at 60c on the
dollar on which we can certainly save you mon­
ey. This is a clean up lot. JVfl Seed but mu8t^'
on same basis as bought.

H. S.‘mn.i. rrrxiJeW
Krant _Wriu>n. Ctfhirr
1*00 r. Tilue. Atr l Oath.

€u$tom made

z:Ladies' ‘ Oloria.” a $3-50 s»y*ish welt shoe
l.adies' “Composite.’’ a $.3 Value Receive shoe
Udies- -Herrick.-' a Ss 50 for style and service
Ladies' "LaGrand." a $j for good wear
Boys' “Mayer.” a wet weather school shoe
Misses- “Heriick. - a very new toe and heel.
New goods arriving daily.

Traverse City Implement Co.
Oi-fclacAns P»hc

131 State Street.

Just a few of the places we have for





• -■4--R-*fvtr£rsi^se

Even at a higtier
price Ceresota is the
most economical
bread flour. It makes
forty - five pounds
more bread to the
barrel than winter
wheat flour. Try it
in your next baking
and count the loaves.

well wmtem
...1 mk* «4.S ) WB. Abcml M
» emu. good Mb4 witb tar etnam


***-— Btnt eweeL oeioiiui vwm
m mreet. «mril dweiliu. *

First Ifational Bank of
TraTCise City pays 3 poJ cent 00 Savtnts Deposits

fa.H.I., Pn«i»>4. *M) etiiitilT I.M'DnM
'ttfta WebMriraei^^j^
toEriMOB* ltaem«l..'^eUmmd..)b;;;^*^'J-XiS.^StabS£2

ta Briy _.S^ «

We use tbe OIL OPAQUE CLOTH on ail
made to order curtains, which positively
holds tbe color. 'I'ben again, tbe best grade
of roller is used, thus preventing roller an­
noyances. Another good point is that they
are made just the size you want them, tbe
proper width and length.



utMJm. d.



o. gu Byroad A**., very

‘sS%t^8«b BAlaiaebei

StiC'C“3CiiK.9’- £!SU."',S'i2i.Sr£’‘.S
■. Lo* 14*-» aad to Oak
___ _ iCUfaat. BamSIhMtaot. lam
iTSu.. bM K^Byride Make a*

<1 foot marie to order CarUia*............ 60c
C fo« marie to order Water Color 0«h
r«M Fell Cartku. good toller.............. |OC

__________________of Budolpb ud
MsdimB lueet. taru bea*m lai«e lot
witb trait crem ud good imid.
Thle «u be boogbc oo mey------

Alee the foUewtv to Bee* Bay earn moatbly yaymeato. S»». ,
mwuhlp: Bewtoe tl. tows r,. n«» Haay nriar, «a «au Bmatbly aayrnaam. Good derimble «acut lou.

FbM taltal Bant *r
Traverse Cttj w* 3 Per
i cent OD Sarfits Detats

35 bushels Snow Flake Beans wanted at
the^S^ House at once.

d City



.25,‘K' irJ2

^f£l‘i)u?'Urie«*ud*Jitalh Bl*. j
*te«U^to«.^liW tam* dwrllluirl,

sfflS.’TS.sSL.'irSst ead » tae tom u tbe HUe nad


at Ieweei , HUM "
ICf*ri BbM FrOBt
•tom baUdtoa udi dwriUiig

Houses to Rent and Hoo^ to Loan oo I.

f^ehibSawd^aflMBM'^ ta
Albert JoU la to QnU Rartdt cm
a Tlalt with htialatac. MiwBUmt
Inbaira of tbatpAaan.

is an important part of
' our businau.

desirable^ propCITY PROPERTY

<-hk>a« 4*T»t* H-rta
ObieoKO. Hairii IL iTosadnyi-Ar■.■TiSmt £Si'T^«Sv'ille.rwImI at the ........
riTolt wrtc 4 eon oo KonhwaotorB, 1
covpla of daya lat
Klma Baydtr
mneaSl. Pul. lOeanmt MleUcu oad ao Mcm
Uke Friday.
Oantiri. I car on Wtoeeario Oantrri. Btoo toon n
mut. .... waaki
1 o^ to So* ooaAttou
woU t
•aktoc prtoan. u run.
Swift, to tbl.
ahnrply ud tnoK daalro to boy *xUi.
baam at Bdmoce
' Holdan .riao look a better viaw oam OB mob immt M laBtoamarym
MB bo «Tlded toto two good 8D am*
Oeorf* Clyde waa aptrom Tiamae of tilt tituttonud mnaiftalad toai taTM
b«Udto«**'ril to ou BD.
Olty laat Frid^.
d*rir* to tell. A food eotride dnamnd 1U« liwltb
kaewB m tbe Ju bows
Ml. A^Nn. ih. Hatthpm Mlln.
toim. If .TO« wut k Su. rrodutiT*
abort at* b.
plu* bmo le you rimBoe.
a J. Bantam of MaySrid J rialtad •n to thatotwtor aroaMmUtoctroa.
at tb* boa* of Vat. LtahardWad.tem- ly ud bar* my hiffa-prtoad Idau
eoBBty. Pteriem I*.
lly talarday.
taatn aa U|h aaTT.
II WOU BOeemlm.
mp tram Samebotea
a ^lUac latooto t
riaKor from
^Tban^^^ Sk f

WUlUm F. tanb wn* .
Uana Tna*^ rialttoc w
toh fm Waabto*^ wbara ba will




* netad lacrippa amad

Traverse City



aptadtoff tba wtotar tlierr.

Mr. Staaaell a
Tbt ladlaa Olab exerelam
at tba
•ebeel boaae areacill eimdaeaedand

Jaoeb Frwlam it UI ol fala k
BUlr aoeet aad ea a ewaqee
taami rompelled to ei*« op a

RelMMe Dry Cm4i* Carpel
aad Oaihlac Baste.

Cheap Goods Uke Cheap Help
Cost Most and Senre Least*



lb* beam owned by Oarila Umbkto
ea Mortb Mato aimet

alM arS?*^owd*OuTtuah?

l.ol'd—Ijidm’I'oun Suui. eilAi dee<e'edtrt inv.
worth C&c. at .
:w in, I xlta Hear! .Melt.* Sk.ninj:.
Ilia. 1.1 lata.!. Iti.BO.
and l.ighi I*i >a'.l........


Joha TeUt^ Inhered toW Iba

B. F, Saylor_____________
1 ft«m a
aaretri week'a bartotaa artp
to Ohio
Oaetc* Whitman nod Wife of Sea
.H nm ware to tba rUlae* «»• <ta
tooklM op a toeatm
Fred Harle la riritlv J. R. Mm-

1.1 IT 3 - ChOdKo'e iUIdjed V«ti aad 1‘aais <u*« 1« and IK.
*cU-tl«eBt.p,,t ...........................................................................3c


Frank Fiiedricb*

jSijyas?■a tram b*i« toRm-


LOT <—l.adiet’ ntnheai-y Ribbed l'n>lme*r. wotth,35r. at.. . | 9c

First National Bank,


. __i*Siir

I.OT 1 -lad«' Fine* liued V«tt ami Pant*, wrath «k-. at .. -39c


• rmm Oi«y. MIoH.

Mra A. B. Btiaarm waa to Ttar.
B. r. Herioa ead Wm. Uekard
to Teamee Oity laal nnaday hariac
Ibair daoda neordad. Thay exrimatad fane* an Mayflald.
A. K Pnlm of Sammll Oilr waa
amoec the mltomoo baatoeaa Alday.






Mwrh ud aen-i W
**«■»«»■— Snuid *ad IbM freil.. r..rtr —
I are*** ml ,> (Teewd el *U B* «eMe*t..«~

,.__ . *1^« ftlto
baa aad S o'clock

B. 3. Bloom auaei eeranl daya of
but week with bia family in Loolsf •

VUaaa aad fca^har^


S2'*‘X lE*


elrtay i.ue~l. •iil>
______________ « oT.w.'ite,. *M** •>




13. 1902.




wWitetetoy oralffbty teUee of tto
BB >U SfOBBd M (TBit fioarti* bait ef tto tower p«to«»«»•« f?» «*iiro* i* *»P*^ lala. It le Ukaly. (torofara, toal a
ateiBie ptest arill be itealillabad
i»ur «T«i«»tMi »f«.
CMBtl. .
BcT. A. rnak Fenli et Otand Bb|>Ua. will tj« • ttertoiakM iatlm *»
th« CityOpBCB Beua FrtdM «Tnila«,
Haid>U. ante U» BSvlaM«(ttiB
AaU-SBlMa Lmo>- Bia m»tet U
'ThaUooBTBraBdlMldtou." Kb
Haakerte wltba liaacalar (dace«
wlU to towKBd. tot B BilqtoUt?^ th.
ewT e|v
b B«to—.
, propartr. to to keowa a. tto Jetei E
9f«rCat lUm^'nBe Depotitt. rer ooUeoUon vlU to takni at tJia Itte
Kaetomaa PVteear Tribes.
Olatk-Karl J. Cteaa
t MoOtaekaB
Itetek mt. vatefBB.
TtoM waa a aaaetiac c< tha >q»hUIE MoOraiAtai. a araaltby Ibj
Vllltote E Ohaae of HaptoU died TMMorer-Teeley Dwm.
WB 0ll7 ——****» to (to oflM «< f. at bia bema Heedar teeiatoc of Ttmeteoa. two yaaae-F W. WItam. i who died Ibeie aboai two y.
C Otlton Taeadarto^l aadU wto gaaMiia Ha baa baae a aedoite tio« tota Baff. Jay Bream.
(eure a Ony.
Workma 20 Hoi
led to told (to npBblkto ward tbia ^iadj for Taaia. aad liea naSded
______... for tboae Hrateaa
aaaa on Fridar otontof, Haito toaareral plaoaa to tto paat dr<«da
EU Bapida, Manih I l-A E Dea^- < httle worfcme Or. £!>«'• Kew Llfr
The cdt7 ooavaBtioB vtU to
:toc raUat- Hr hM hteo a real- erty. membsto tto RepubUeaa atete’ ____ MUlkaa are alwaye berr.
OB Tetotor BTtotoK. Hand) f' '
curiae Tteidd Lirw. Jaaadter. Bill.
otHardeld t« ahoot two yeara.
oed <lopBiy totareal
The plaeaaet lioldtac the ss'
llwFeaitb diewill to anaeoBtod Uter.
Tto fuaeral trill oooar from tto
rar*rim or
me-, work woe___ Try ttom 2J
a tt. B»a«> et M—tfe
Mayffeld ehnreh at S o'clock
, et S. E Walt and Sen'I'e and Jae I
at Waiford and rietoltT laat week to
Bar. A. L. TbaraMo wm
' Johnem-e
(to toteiwt of ito^Bototoia aatUe- dact ttoaerrioa.
................. octet foltowe tto toad ato
It expected to to located «e Uadi
Clait-H. a Maee.
tto Baeklar dt Dooclaa Lutor —-------------. Treaaaier—E W. Bocot.
ipaar near Once toke. A a
Taotb Bacimeat Baw
"W' Amaaeor-J. J. Melteurrhlto.
baa alnadr toee laid eat and
ArtiUarr. Brtidr. hU wife to laarte:
g. Oooklia,
«i«hl ohUdm. to mooro bia loaa. tto | j,
Frtu QribL
eiml differact bneobea at heai
wlU to atabllabed there (Ua eomtog too. bainc Amend Darld Chaar of
Manlatea. Willard, Bart aod Oacna of J
Ealkaaka. Miefa.. Match M-Tha
Floyd Smith et Ttorerm Clty.’waa Haydald and Waltarof Grand Bapide. Oitteae-e tioket with OotBaliae Oo
aad tto dattehtef* Mrw KrUlr Marto town tto forr part of tto
aln. damroOBt. waa alaeted free
ted a baraaiB wbaieto «* Mmll 'of Baatlape and Miaa narrte (obOlWBB.
pcmmior of tbr Z. T. Swaa Otoor ef Haydald.
farm, tto ooeteda«tao brla*».t»>.
Mancrleoa. Hlcb., March 11—A
Mr. Swan ha.
Traretee Cite hai now retelred a
Tiarmr City. m which doe dwell- bealUiy attack of baa* hall freer frieodly. eplrtb-d catowt for Tilla«r
oac4u wltboot tony llore. woe told '
tco^ tbiiaictoc
whioJi prooiere to toeeeta intaeti^ berr, whxdi Bwelted ID the .-iMtioe J
udwboB eODiilrted will
aa tto teaa ball wwaoo adraaope Ad- of tto uaico lirket, with B.tE I
■iBie borne.-Maeei leea BmalA
dltloeal Intaraot ii piTeti U>a apart by aeo. toieideiil; Basi^ Ltoee. elark;
Btory todioatiiB potote to an early tto icaoMW in tba city tto drat of O. E Blakely,trramier; W. B Beam.
opreiacor naTl«a*ion for tbta port. the wc-k of tto leomotett of tto awMor: E E -Utbon.r.; Flank
- ” Pope of the Kortliem HtehliiaD Itepor. wblrfi waa
jCIouRh and D. W. Mareh. ooonril
Oar Sarinrs Departmeat
MioUpas Traaaportatloo Uo. atatee cotefully orpamited In OadlUae
jail by from *0 to » majoriir.
(hat tto Korttom Miobl«BB line wiU .Uy niirtil. under tto bfifbtei
tore a beat ont of Cblea«D tor tbia aploce.
Thr Imdm to tto Borateant who
A^lit^feU waaka aarllrr than laat .-..rabore are EBtereoo I>toket»».
witoool eppcMtloo:
Clrculitioii thi* week 2,475. ymr. Fr. l*ht for olliar porta U al­ .portinieditte of ttoOtand Baidd. praetleally
Ctofc-E. Diekeeo.
ready totoK lec-lard oe tto dock.
Bveeiap Poet and ti. E. Morritou.
Amoteor—Ed Di'toscT.
I t«y itt«
Owtoc to an uTcraiicbt (be exhibit tpwtlnc editor ef ibr Oiand Bapld« Timenrer-P. A. I
of Becbaye aall at tto Dalryini B'a Herald. They eamr op from Cadillac
.-William HofB. L. a! Col­
oooTeetion woe not taentiotied in.tlie on tto early moratOR timto. aoootu- lier. J. Oaltafber. CImrIri Job
Herald. The Maaaetoian Oroo.-r Oo- iwBlad byTiaov QUIie. Hairy Hont
hasdU tlta aalt for (bla aaetloa. A and Oarey Holl, who rrpieaented
fine cxldblt waa made and 1000 free Trarmac City et (to laaRce meetitetFife Imkr. Mareh ll-There «
piven aaray. Two bor- Arrlrlnx bare ttoy w. re Inttodoead two tlckete to the firhl tote, tat
rela of (bia mlt were offered ae apeeial to tto ImdtoR baae hall rtitboete.*ti politimi linn wore .Irawii. 'nekrl
end before aooo they were eonrinoed
but tto w)
KomhM On* wae elected with tto *xthe reqalred eonditlooe tliat tto addition of Ttarerue City to eeielooef the eondidete for aeenior
thr ha«oe wae tto bem thin* that
who wae defmied by C. T. Kimlmll
Thr Konbimt~Hid« toedlou tliat could tore hapiwued to tl>e leaccA
»d Ppr<d. dale«a<l<» we.! of Ticket Nnmbrr Two, Thr foUow
Ttareem Olty 1. deetiiM-l to uUimateThe Grand
ike tbltd plaor amonc tto clUra dto.4 el thf----------the EUe elnb hr Meewt. , inf were electe.1;
quality, oot qoantily. » tbc main
the euu. Straaiwr (binci than Hull. Oillie. and Jim Kaboe. aad Ithe Preoideni—O. O. Hutehine
point to bt .considercU. Our scli.^-Clerk-L 8. Walb-r.
that tore bappeeed. If It I. amnoir driaila of tb- orfBnlaatioc diaeoaard.
tioni are tbc reaeli of caretui test« :
tto poteiblUttea that Terr thin, te Thera Ua«aoeral fealinp of »tie.; Amneor-C. T. Klmtoll.
and many years of perfume study. ;
likely to happen. K« town of faction that Tracy OUb. baa been Treaeoter-Jobn Sbntler.
They arc of the hind thal carry j
e Kimball. Jen with them the air of rcfiiumcnl. j
itealw In MieblRan
buitlareto tto ^ui
We would Iw I'lcaM.'d to ba\-e > cm
Trerarae Oily.— Uarad that he will not only make a Sweeney. C. E. Bi^et.
c lor yourwlf.
Ealkaaka toodar.
it. bet will to fiTen |
awteae tier.

Cbae PrllliiR. who came to Fife laat
tall and Ime born about rrer aiooe, went
to work to the woodi for the Worden toy toot erery effort eboold be made (M^iib tan on ellp liekete.
clean beee hnU rpotl and
Lumber On. Monday. Toeteay afterbe wae al work felllBR a tree, to eltmtoatr rowdyiem from ayrry
wtou tba falltoc tree anok a order team. A food many food playen are
W«.wr it to get well. It i. vfRci
and tto cedar eama boeb. bitxlac Pall- alieady to Itoe and wUl to elfoad e> Pra«id*Bt-J(>ha Litiiet.
and cleanly, l-^asy to appli-; ra^-y i
loR cm ito toad toiw tall aod iBOhably tool at th- arlielm of aeaociation > Oleck-Patrr C. Ooldxmith.
to remove. The pores of the skin
fatally eruehlnR bla liemL A man ate elfDOl It waa decided that each TrewiBter—Wm. A. Waymas.
the proper medication. Yon
■bould put up e fuaiantceofl AteteBW-JebB Walter•ni to the TlllajP' •» «»*

do not have to remember and liotbcr
B nnlata Uie aeaaoc. l|-teat alao ,
B, but txpramed tto optoiuo that
. toiakemediciiteercryf^minutta. •
the nmn would to dcato farfera the deeidad definitely that (bare wUI to
isier once applied U always oo
ctof alloweil ofainat tto deetapIiyaifiaB ronld ranch him.
thr empire, and ihat Ibr jnea- Mon. than 150 wUd cate have bOru
Anavonnwte are in i«airret
tto ptepmr of tto latter at
itoall hare ditaetionaty power killed tbU winter to Baraga. Htmgbttaih Ualea tereM. eo« eeaided to memtoti of St. h'laoeie obureb for an
•ttoWepelealtep et WUltoau dt Al- eUboiaU oclateattoo bt St. Pairiek'e
Ko petaiM laocuag*
ui^^'Sandrsd dollars tov* been ;alA
allowed oo tto froaad. aixl minor out as bOBBilM OB woItm.
a. OteBoea toe beta eecaced ei Olty Opera Honaaaod like all i«yi- offenden wUl to fiodt with by tto
thrifty fuma in Shlsi
ampiio and bit dooUleBa wiU go.
atothlac telaoHeat itoBoateaStora.
SboaldaByteam laaT* the ftoondi ooonty, bearded a train al 09om>
Ke vaa for eereral reare to the andartof aaj pameowtof todteafTw- roenty. after poyinj; S».M nwh
m at Aaer'a larte elotbtox ctnre to
Jumped from tl.e tram aad nearly
yreelthaaupfiai ■rranfemwne and a
dMl (hall toT* tto powar to withhold killed himsair to get hie 60 oeot tot,
m»ai. Beactor. who toe bera oiek mlttaa of fwitlNaen are iwaparin,
(to atoll, of tto klektof team to lUr which tod blown off.
•ar vrval atolha. toft Taaedar fmenun. The amnt wlU take plaor reoi'lpte of the came.
far Veto Badea. led. to taka treat- on Monday eyenliw. Mareh i:.
Oouidafable moourafi
mm. Ha waa te BBtefaeted to bit There la nolbiiif that ae firmly ea- belsK flTon to TiaTerar Olty and a
hU aee. & r. Beadiiay.
Ul tiwm wlU ivobably to tto
Alw>ys the Best Qoainy. Alwajs the Lowest Wees.
Two lamw wiU to played eo
(to horn.- fnmnde eaob week and good
Eaaoay « Ben. mad daalmt, baa biea UcB of th* toe Ftm Hatiooal Beak, .pat Unemn^N
aedwed M taka ebnnr of tor Otoboy whleh U fiTen* eo~tb'' fonrtli pope of Oadlllao, Mloh.\ Harali U-Uhweek •» Herald. i> aa example of Mioblgna State Bamball iMftm wae
^bMob- Ha lad bate Friday.
tbto. and It ii a mrlAottoa to tto
' iBMnifbt at
of tto inatltaUoit. Tto frokrtti
Of pnmoM I
to depoalH diuiBR tto laat fim yean
elmintor of tbc
to TiOTano Oily toU epriof to boy
7 Botiaeablr, and !• an eridaomMr hum Implaowwla U yoodco’i
« eoafidmee oer peopl* ImTe in
boBoti U. took at tor adrwtiilnf tol- tbUbaak.__________ .
OroDd Rapd.-0.Beg* E. Motimn
mm at toa Hamid week.
JeOBBle Oaltoriaa HiUa. (tolltlU ad Emereou DIokama.
• K. B. Haafarford leeoitad Taaaday daofhter of Hr. aad Mra. Elijah Mill* Traenw. Oitr—Ttacr OUUs. W. 0
fiyqwteabaodmma ipaotmmofBaff of Baal El^to iteoat paeaad away HaU aad a H: Bant.
Big Rapld.-W. J. TibaU aad K.
WjMlm i. a rotator, whtoh JtowtU Baranlay of aeariat farar, afad t
add to bla OoUaotloe. Tto bird U ana ymn. iO moatoi and IT dayn
K. O. HatbewsoO.
Baginaw-JM A.
at Mte fiMai of Iti kind and oomai
BTaiy brl^land lorablaeblM.
New sprits: shapes, fifteen tliflerenl qiles, J-J.-H'
tram C a ShDwoakor. Flacpan. IIL
held a warm place totbalieaiu CtediUae-Je. Ganwl.
-aloet, f.v onit 9a.OO.
who knew her. toal year toe
Oopk. Wltlteto FiaakUu liaa aaeand of
wai etxmeo tJacoB of tto Hay in a
ealebration of May Day. and arntm* ef Tb* Otand Rapid. BtnJd. wa*
Ite lha oomtof aaanim. Xbaote
ta weU kaown tore toriaf ymn aco all tor aeeueiatea ebe wai dei^ly lorml
Soli.1, wrtl maJe. stviish, gotx! f.ilitt*:, extra >:.x>l
Mr. aod Mra. Mllli l.are t»e deepeU
bom apamtlBt <m tto toy. TIm
Diekamn aod
wearing shoes FOR MflN AM>
win be toofttooed aad otbarwlaa in.- lymiiatoy ef amny frtmSna ttolr lota.
0 p*The ebthl wai eb-k elsetoea day*.
aitirlM of amrciattoii. gamv
WOMKN. All new S|iring Sh-x-v.
ItomaMd etwtr ofOiBOi- ahareb
Mae value than jnu hate e'er
rale, fa RaTeltof era tto cirrou. ,
been aide to gel befar (at arilhin
TbU eommltiw wlU mwl toC^d;
a alwock lehmnh^f a iWlar of the i*ke we ask
Rapd. olttor Wednmday at ThariteliynMa'e rooraatidn tor. bma
day. mndammtiiigaf tto Imga. will
to brid to that oity Uter to eompl.i*
oanoadae follows:
d to be tba flnmt r
Fa bMl pUte of 8 rolli of Oeteb arrangriarat. fa m ernme,
Ut PremlBOC—STMilng Beoad. ate Reiaoleal. That tto Uteaks of lbU<
woetatlfm at* bemto tmdered to tlw .
llliml I of tto Mantotea h Kerth- ypr. n oO-Mta H. Byma Soon VI. .llu-wa
al Tiavo** Olty la tto maay
aatetea railway fioB Oedar Oity to Snd pnmtom—On. |iaf*ction t- iBBrteaim axoatod to tto tteaod
' atomiaar. qweiaUy finlatod
Pint ammil aod peepomitoai or* teada
fiwaetlra work OB tba Itoi. Bnfiuaar toM taaaa giTon by Petate tmp»- .3 *0 Uig*U oanribaling loiumc.
iMt Oo.. Tala. 'n.W.-Mra K 3.
.3. 3. Bahball came ap from Mai
-TMadaywltfaafODcofawn. lotofto
BM**d. Ttoi tto thaaki al tbie
worlitlfin to barhr teudomil to tto
m^aa tto liar.
Food, giran by L.wU * anlamU Faiteo* band who bar*
. Ttore la aeltatof tot alaeh ii» to toa Lomob. Talaa. SI 00. aod 8 poondi
(took, at this
Or^BB Praam, giran by Bateep
The kitej that ARE
------------------------ <-ondarad to It
to toeeby
OM. QiptelB Wabhateiai (tot If'tto OtoBOy. ralne T8 OMft-Hia W.
board of aaparteasaf Otand TiaTWARRANTED to toad aH
baytoetonr tolrwaek tto toy beata Milter-- Boor* BA
«** eoen^a ten tim am of tto
kinds of wear and weattor. Tto
eoBit hoaa* baUdlng.
wUl btola boaiDaaa Bflato. All (be For boat tapbUr uMaricMot
Bmelead. That (to ihanka of tbte
beH shoes made (a every day
koMe al (be Uoe are reedy aod It i
n»cUtioa b* toraby tenderad to oar
ba tb at car or (tom will befto by
Japaii tea- peea by E. H. iiallebsi?.
ihy praaitet. Jato
mtal lbl> WMk.
O. aad 10 poande of Petaiu
-M by V. E. Boland, ralaa.
Sl.UO-Mra E J. Tajtor. Beoi*. lOa
wk • Ut*. Borth of Sortbport, wa* la fnd tMlam-Maokintoto. giami by
iBtOR. aalaa SS.».-Ur*.
mini ba told In Txaaaa* Olty aa
tto MV lorn W(*k aiTBWtog to faiBl* fito fa tto Trarmsa Oily Fito B. Byarv Botp* (fi.
ted patetote-On*^ ntofcel alarm dayaatteterltoB 4JDp m.
. On. daring tto eomtog maaaB. Mr.
Otand Tiacant IteluW. Am<
and Mra And raws totted fiam bam*
St.«0-Mra K J. DtteantoL Seat*.
wUkaatetfk . batai Morktoa'.i
goto wo* otopalted lo-bteT
a K taT'
**•« te aom a totottoolty.tto ategb{•atamatj
taBMH ItoaUy totosbUftew.



Perhaps Ibe most important department
in our store durins Ihe next sixty days.
The big fresh line of Standard
makes of ««««««


are all here, so are the rugs, so
are the lace curtains and oth­
er draperies. Prompt service in making and
laying carpets, if selected now—not quite so
prompt after the rush starts, but fairly prompt
at that. It pays however to make your selecI tions early.
Hemp Carpets, lO, 12i, 15 and 18c.
Granite Carpets, 25c.
Our special at 29c is a winner. Ask the
t carpet man to show you this number it you
I want a low priced carpet.
All wool carpets, 50, 65c, 75c, 90c.
Brussels of every kind and description at
'■ ^ I 50c to $1.50 yard.


In Perfumes







. _ .




SL50, Sl75,S2m




If you are not buying your carpets he;-e we want you to
look at our line. We are in a position tosell you Carpets. Rugs.
Lace Curtains. Draperies. Window Shades.
We want you always to think of this store as a quality store
—We want to-be famous for worth rather than 'notorious for
You can get your money bade here if goo^'^h« not as



Having just taken our inventory we find we have on
hand a number of agricultural implements which we do not
intend to carry in stock, so to move them quick we have de­
cided to give you some prices that you will readily recognize
as great bargains.

1 Solid Comfort Riding Plow...................................... $45A>
1 Standard Riding Harrow.......................................... 27.50
i-i8 Tooth Empire Lever and Wheel Spring Tooth
Riding Harrow
.......... 1800
1-15 Tooth Blue Lever and
Spring Tooth
I-I& Tooth SpixUI Lever and Wheel Spring Tooth
Harrow................................................................... 18.00
2-1.^ Tooth BUck Diamond Lever and Wheel Spring
Tooth Harrow................................................... .
5 ToJedo Weeders.................................-..................... 9-00
6 Sundard Weeders.............................. ....................... 7330
5 Unsing Weeders........................................................ 7J0O
1-: spring Tooth Sundard Cultivator........................ 6»
1-5 Tooth Cultivator.....................................................- 4-50
S TTtomas Foot Dump Hay Rake....... >............... .
1 Tiger Foot Dump Hay Rake......................
t Grander Hay Rake..................................................... iS^
S Curtis Iron Beam Plows.,........................................... 7JOO
2 Peerless Steel Beam. Steel Mould Board Plov^ complete with Wheel and Jointer -...........

. la.^


These are strictly up*to-date goods and fully warrant^
ed, and our only reason for these remarkable prices is be­
cause we do not want to carry these lines of goods. It will
necessarily have to be first come first served.

Weearry in stock al! styles of the celebrated Oliver
Chilled Plow. And we also have on hand a most complete
line of repairs. No need to send away when you can buy
them here and take them home with you at once.



TI«tiJtU«bTBAViBi»fatltALail>AI»H 13. It>0ii
M «Uht> » W «k7i.


rrtn water


►TiSew: ssisrfii
Mn. a teraoa ii «■ tte alak Uat.

n«ate awatb« PrkJaj rraaia*



B. S.

Jemm kM mat-------------------KlIplBO
Tlx tote Wteliad a Uttlr HFUJ

|MMI»-^dS«7M7tW tl»t lx ted
Qirvcoed. III. JOM fiMBdfWv

piMMd «e «• bte teak.
ft Btete tef* s ••)•pteMla^ drw

LMte -BteOT. Bairr fmA H«rt
Kllna ud Hafir Tkoapate alt T—

^ at Hapla OtV-

r. bTu:

nSiaHte tU*p£tetete
Waltar ttewar

tte C«s>ad to hUboBe
X vill work oa

a Hart ate Jnai* Raaa ratoraad fiaa tteti liall to Rate Citr Krldai araeiac.
Tte HUth aebael ixiaii ibt' a rarj
alatauac mack trial laal Haadax

mtwlth a MVloaf


Grand Traverse Region.

Un. B. F. AIibob alerted for laidUoa laai Uooday. wlxre ate will
apao.1 a few week* rlaitlBC ;frt«sda
jaod talalliae

Tte niUaca Haacin *a* teld Men_____
ana e(
ate braka teth tana
of tkr
t latt ana jdax. raaaltlac 1> • n--rlacnaa af all
tela* aadateiatte •lte»-*«d^ (lx aOoen. whleh araa aeeotaplialKd
1 Ite ri«iit Wflat. I^- Kraallek tr tte ate e( altpa
idlM tdai-:>34
Strlkea a Rich Find.
-I waa trooblad for aareni yaon
with ehroolc mdlmatiaai and nerroor
Adelte Ayaraof Oood Harbor «ra. a drbilllT." vriia* F. J- Gneu.of Imraaiar. N- H ‘ Ko ranedy belite na
eallar Tbaraday.
aatll I baoaa aaiac
' Wlieri. j
tte talate boat waa oirr today.
ileb did me Don good Ihon all llie '
(dlrtnn 1 ever oanl. Ttey Ixv.- al.
j5TbInltn1aUtetbJ‘artnrS“ n*
kepi By wife D fsoellanl liealib
tonxd te tbia iilla«e today.
rymriL Bbe myi Etecirie Bit—Leo Ulller la raty 111 at thU
a Jnat .plendid for female t
M; lhat th-7 are a grate loiue
Tigeratnr for v>«k. ran down a
of Tbatana City, waa
.. Ko olb<T axdieiii-' ran take ite ,
Id oar familv."
Try (b*B. |
«lxn. oallad
Oarl Bfoathaa of BUfli
)olT .voc
Baiiafaeticie gBanuite-d'
CB Irlaoda tbIa week.
by 8. E. -Wall ft Boot and '
Jalloa Piaan node a trip te Uote
Arbor IbU wrok.
Ura i. Sebwarta U on tl.r alok lUl.
SapoUee Paalai aoade a trip to
I.' Ecleotne
r aort. '•Dr. Tboox.'
Tiaroraa (Sty Tbandor.

ad Rnul'Wyakeotrnw^^rona'oiu
Uat Friday eTeDlng.
..................... I mil ■-MX.M
Un. Bxrry. vfan Ixa been vialUoR
Halbert Braaka and raaiilr dotkI la'
Otnaaa araak. wtera thrrar-, tr tialCT. Hre. Aan Darla, will n• Mk'a iBoattcte
»a to bn liona Id Laaeanar, Uhlo.
pnl to ca eo a far*
Ixr troll
Will Blxbr Borad n bla fani at
I e few deyk
Ur. WyUa <tl Bacltew-toa la town
Uat waak.
Tte mill roo will te materUly eat
of Tiaram Oltj U
Ur^ and Un. Lyoat vent to Tibt- abort OD aeooool of tin mew laartOf
m City Friday.
S. Oo
orday areuiBK.
Un. tieo. Sodden U Uaicatlitc.
Utaodma Uyan haa moite Into the
Itila boon owote by San Myera
Ura Jteo Iterd.
CharUyToekor, wbe baabaoa wotfc.
Ilarry lUoifaav veui > Monbport
1&X at Snlae. baa rouraad bona.
Hr. and Un. John Snlth ate Ur.
if araak.
aanp today,
and Un. U. BnlUi of Maolalea otTiMM araa a earpnaa tarty on luai
a C. golaaay ate lamlly left today
twded tte famral of Mra. J. lUw•nffT-- Bwva. oar laaehar, at Hn
Un. G. HalaiteUnteUarat (ora- ktna OD Uoday.
ggBoyi a. yr^
3. llebtoir> aecineer waa in town
.‘i!Steaa*Oiiy' l^iTrSS^. alttea^
^Urt UaLa^te ^WteMtev te Friday.
te^U^aley ttemaalrairaaiy^Baol.. tte
roada an-n Tory tad.
taaxa a» ayater aappai
ttenaa Plammoodee waa a pleaaDm UerKao la al Ox atanix bayla«
ast telar Friday.
C H. Johnaao drore tlmofb loaro
Jobu FanaaOB baa noted W. F.
dnrda haa nerod Ui
laaaaford-a plaaa.
Ttey oee^ tte
Bartba Bozle rteanite hom.- Ihii
Ur. Date of Ttaaana Oily araa U «a bnr that ViU Ue()aeer. «be

OWdBteal *U1 tefta Matev


TMalW kayl^ lantte laal Fil-



lioira Ixa ratareed
___ atay whiU Uar
. uiy iJaaiBBI or patel
be waa yery ill with typl



Fred DaUar a|W Saaday with bu



pick np

Dr. aad Un. Frallok van Trarana
City tUllon Taaaday.

B. I

I Ull Uat Tateday far

S3f-^ aaoaal of ter notter’i

Mr. Day-t ^ rleate ooa day Uat

WUUaai Oenw Maraad
OiMitte^ trtday.artera te a
“TteMwlaao' OeamtUa” arill
te pitetetera aeoB by local uUnk
Mn. A. M. a LavU U rtry iSofc.
Maa Walur btiU U’ vUltlac

' Mr. Md Mi. BateaU irte teia baaa
rlattte« Maa Uaadal'a teotear. Bob-

M. tf. Faitaal ate lately
Uapla Olty Boaday.
Wa an looklac te a aonbai

Hinmt iiTv
H-'h W
Bom. to Ur. ate Un. Bmecy Darlo( IbU nofteai. a boy.
Un. A. B. Polrocwaol lolramroo
CHly today.
U. Bowamaa It to Flfa tnka baylegpoutoaa.
BareaalDell bad Ite nUfartaoa to
taU foot. MBrly.'nTertaf two toot.
Min Llnla Harbeomo. oor oehoel
xobar. te oo Ite aiok lUt
M Batarday.


“ ""

■tteo of tte tenon aaoate bare attMitette Oalrynaa\ latelau teU
te tmami oity tbU t


- Anaoy partyof 1
Tiaiftii Oily teoia .. _______ .

Bdca, to Mr. ate Mra Blekard BaanteM^Mb. ateatbte.
tfte Jeta Waaite of |h> txalaeaU
k viBiilat at Ur.


Tte oSoan elaclad


Beoretery—Un. F. Baroan.
Traaaator-Utet Harnry Bptar.


DeU Hoiala waa boon Un wook.

Bankrupt Sale
.\re Urgely soughl for by economical purchaiers—
Goods of a winter nature almost given away - - The
Summer Goods. Notions. Furnishing Goods. Cloth­
ing. Shoes are bargains that save you money. You
don't have a chance<o save 25^10 5© per cent, every
day. We mention:

R«st Saturday Win H another busy day.

aa oBlorteBBanl at th> U. B. otaroB
Friday aiealDC. I( wai wall atietead.
Ura. W. U. Baird ate aw Uorl
aararal daya laal week wUh B.
•er Hroa -bra le town' lodai.

Friaod Van Hera, vbo had I
hate hart aoma woaka afo. aapeete
to baek-lo work tUi weak.
Ban Brown aad wife of UUte

can ............................................ I .01
KcguUi 5c Croebrt CU-

...... •«

Kan ProtfCottri !«a}a—
Rr^ Bnxh BitensCrMt*ilue.per>ArH... .02


afc vtiHckX............. .
Kinr\ Metwriite Sarinc


' ^ooa. ate to n plo^

Hckt >Vool Skirting. 76c


Hn. J. B. B(«aUaid'a Unb U bettar: Un oaa atop w ter tool aew.
qaUe Uck U a llteU boiler totey.
ftn Brinana. who bw baw workte.w^^teUtU«U,UbO»e

' aMMrrSkdvTA tote Una te

ft teed naey wen pnltlu op lea
Uat weak. Wr all tbootht It waa DOi'
or MTor. aa tha vmtbar bat all tin
afaprtat. Tba Rfliint an Ixra; di
owm. Bone an epeatat tba eoti
Mr. MeDoaald te ReltUf bettor.
Tte nwmU baa abal down fee
DoBoao Hotriaw Ixd', a IdrUiday

ba Marly naUtete te Unr te iMa

later Rkth TowUi—good
value atl6c.............. ..

50c Does the Work of $ 1 .OO.
124 FfHt

Min Mlnerra Boftn la iteUlac U
Tntena Oily.
. na of tba yoaot wepto fron bare

Ml. Watan
FhllUpo te

giBlankcts and Robes

Racovoran Spaacn ana Hai


W. K. Wulfemlm,

.aiut ...k xbT»tivnl»v ia..«mim'

TnvcTK City.

rptybodr'a lUblv to iiobiag pi!
> and liter, old and yc
bla Ilia birtore they auffar.
aari. core Doau'i Uinltna
<—-ly mfa: ran t fail.

The only complete House l-umishing Store in Northern Michigan. We jus^ceived a car loa.l of Chairs
and another tar load of Rockers. This gives us a very large line. We can please'anyone wilh style tir price*.
The prices wc are making now will save you>t least 25 per cent.
A good excelsior Mattress for.................. $i.;^
A go(xl Wool Top Mattress (or. ^............ i.oS
A good Cotton Top Mattress for ...... j J5

___ ______
others ask SiS for, bevel 1-rcnch Plate Mirror,. -.
for......................... ........................... ............. V....................J*'3-75

for......................... .. -Sr-so*


IJishes, and everything you
need in^'our house is full and com|dete. at the very
lowest price$.

Boots and Shoes
Meo-t beavv leather BooU
ai............................................... $1.25
High Top

Sboea, worth 1160.... L»5



We MVe you from |6 |«r cent,
to 76 pet emu on an Rub-

A good.1 large.'j^high
back, wood seat/Arm
Rocker, shap^ seat,
bent arms, with iron
rod from arms
through seat, nicely
embossed back,
for......... ........ .. .51-85

ben and Shoe* on Bk^etoeai

Bukrupi Good*

Blcrest vtlaet ever kaered




Floor only.


before it i* too Uie.- ^

BilTon Broiban attnte ni ifate
neaalat ariib Uiair teov.
will tbov ot Qnwa tooltht aad wtu
be oat w tbe rote abowUt ai dlBnaaipUeea.
ioha Btate-e nUl te kapl q

VUlar Wanw baa beofbt
^^^WelU it wonitu for Mr. St
b^iy ate aUoa aav UeOa
Artbnr Blltu asif wVe are b
O B Pm, wmt mtmrrnm Oltj fro* the aartb. vbeto te hat I
arakUy tbia wUter.
Mn Jobo Paleipbar bad Rain a a>wteuo te. haa baaa to work ton abnt raaefaila abort Uom- a|o. Wa an
fUd te tear that ate te yeton tetear.
ft. EoUn «M a Tiamain «iy Tteli. aa aha waa hart qolw batdly.
or ■iliirdiy.
a CHW alacemy
JaaateSoetl la naklaya 1
Ult wlib.trteada at Onwa.
Mr. Batbt,lba aeaUw bota te abni
aylat te Dtaate

Tbe Uriseu and best stori* m the cky. The price* kfe by
far tbe lowetl.
All wool l^rain
........................................ 48c
Granite* ate Sohana Omige carpet* .$5c
Brussels, per yard................................................ SBc
BteyBriHseb...................................................... 96c
Extra Axmiruter*....................................... $1.00
Vehwte ....................................................................79c
KetDcabcr we bocgbi nmrty a car load ofcarpet* at aaetiat^ faeoce
diese low price*—fower than other* can quote on same qealitica.
GRASS MATTISG-2.000 yard* 86c value, sbghlly dam­
aged by water, per yard................................. .. .. . ;..................................... JOc

n«o Oatetea.
Bat*, aad
Wc are gomg to *ave you
money ate give you better vatnes than e<

CbeBoston Store

I'he Finest Line of

Ranges and
ever shown in this part of
the country and at tbe
lowest prii

A good No. 8 Cook Stove. 17 inch oven, shelf
der oven door, Iarg< ihelf on ' back, just Uke cut.
ktisfaction. and guaraateed
guaranteed to give
against cracking by fi

Sboei worth $5.60.... 2.16
Men'* Heavy High

good solid oak
l)rt?sser. three draw­
ers. Iwvel 1-rench
plate mirror.

full line.




Six gocMl caiuisiai Chairs

vilun ever oflrml in Men t



iijjlissi. |For Job Work of all Kinds Qll at the Herald Office.

men's Suits
HM Soil, for..................12.50
$5.00 anil $6.0|i Suite for
. ««>>................................18.60
$8.00 and SIO.W) Suite
«>b................................ 6.00

A few odd pairs of
Wool Blankets at
cost to close out.
I have about six
firstclass FurCoats
left which will be
closed out at less
than cost; I offer
^ big bargain in
these coats.

John I Beadle,

_ . Rbeom, Pimple.
(ood ,aiid Pilae Only
Wail ft Bon.-aud Jaa '

eanxlt and Wan Paptr
inprortat U

S. BENDA & CO. sr


wb^lJ^^bl^aSuai iT I
Ow^. Ohio, ntoiwd hnot
Ah Botenan iiiaiaiil tewa
M^^UMUyate tataoda M

valuei tor................





Buiion-bolf Tww. aU colbtedC.n-wdx,:."--

Half Price

, Ab., I V... 1

Mr. Date of Tiancw Oily farMtte
Ttar Ulnea Ida ate Katbrio Farwl ntaroad bona Ua« W^ia-te
ater apaodibi noal ofibewlaxr la



nealad Id


25.00 Saks hr 12.50
20.00 Saits hr 10.00
to.00 Suits fff 9M.
In Prices on over $ 10.000 viforth of Men's. 15.00 Salts for T.50
Boys* and Children's
14.00 Saits for 7M
12.00 Soils for 6.00
fO.00 Slits for 5.00
8.00 Suits for 4.00
r.50 Salts for 2.15
Same Cut oa
is all we ask for Overcoats. Suits, Ulsters.
Mackintoshes and Reefers.





irge. 1

solid oak. cane seat.
Arm Rocker, well
made and nicelyhnished. Agjol^ of the oak in
this rocker is fine quarter sawed, j6«t like cut. Our
price is only.................................................... ....................
A large fuU line of Child's
Korken from’ 25c up.
A larrc stock of Children's
High Chairs from 50c up.

BTInt Carat Stock cl

A good, solid. Iron Bed. with
the best woven wire spring*.
for only......................... .. $3 -5
30 different «yles of bed* to
mIoT from.

This fine Cook Stove.
. just as above, only, has
large Lneased, Enameled
same as above, for
only........................... 5i3"S|
Here is a bargain, A
fine Steel Cook;Stdve.
with ^Retervw. mThis stove is made like a steel
range, with heavy
double sheet steel,
asbestos be­
tween. well riveted,
drop' balanced oven
door. Will fl(M need
one-half the wood,
guaranteed to give
satisfaction, and we
sell them
A fine S]^ Range, made of DouUe^beet Steel,
sritfa artMttos-board between, closely riveted >^th
steeple beaded rivets, revolving doer to high doset;
balanced drop door to oven, nicely nickeled plated,
with high doset and reservoir, fully guaranteed.

j. V. H floiiv fon



K HcnU
III I 4iiU<M,
»i.Timii w>K» o»-

lUnh «-Tb* nil ol
fttlmiy J. /. Tv«d4i* acmlMt ite
■■ tor u 4U«f>4 llMeu wU-

Mttia lb* eimll comn jmtardv.
bW M Um iMt Binto tb* fnm
vhieb h0 rawtra tb« «
I«M1* > eoBF
pke* tollr u ptantoni n Mm nnIdad br tb* ericiml iM>7 vbleb
(nai Ibt RRMid te liM nit Uator

lad at to* baa* ef lead etoar nne HTda'a* regalariy ok
at Petof ab Vaebt.
Bow Totfc. Mart* V-8cnl*i toreoiMn HlddlaMa aad tetrodaoad bla-j they feed jbelr aaook. Oa any farm* - fa feer aobool baltotog* Thaflag*
tot arpnri 1 asoag toareawol tbalaeif aaRar. AaldalaraalaoeafOBo*- to* d*tohare haomeaetoa* a*tba‘ tore
hare joM bm aaai to bapa .
J. WilllatnBHi
Aagoi da. Iipreredto h* tba*
8^*.; aalWhoa baaa reB^lytonai^
,»*»* riaw ao acre fear ttoa the < PUIodalphia.
boapttol. It U to* totaoUeBprl Piaak Bala of Oolwabaa, O.. can->oUekaa*.
Pitoiw Haary to board the Hahaaaeil- laetiktop warn, toeagb to
era loaigbt. naloa tbare B * faritor I niu
paaitaattary ter 18 yoan fa kiUtog
I- araaadaad aloap* to aa alaier
IwoolaaoMk 'Be aaaally earriw aboel Joto Perd.,waa reaebed by the Jory
frrree'l prayer,
prayer. Wbnt llie Jail
forty pooad*
etottatog. boridre,
ibeir reoB tbe
I dRi.a» Ufa toaoraiiee. aad ayt b* tea I ralired
I belter aadtoal axaatoaUee j aid; " OoBlIcaoa. tbli i
M n«w>- tore to decide.
PhyWalaat donot.
, kaow wbat la Ibe matler wtUv blm.'aay be furfetlod by oar deeiriOB.
aore a daiwataad piMcB of toe Mrall. I ^
_i.» of gmi rietiaan bat 1 How maay OhHatlaa* an there aaOBg
PMallar aa trea I
^ ^ faraer'a liiile ai" Ktoe mre laiaed tbalr baadi
a pliyrioMpeai aaadpotou Hel*a«-j.
mto » bole to * "Will oee of too pray"aaked the
orpilflPaUy brigbl for on of hU yaare
ooaaty. aboot Are :fco*tn*o.
Oae of to* oblaat Jnnre
totaa tojaiyto hto toad aaaa tuna ‘
Barioo. Ky
Bareml to-'aaid be wonhl do l.ic beat. All kneli
to dorelop to him
|Treto*.etprclloake»miao*ofdol-!iit.4 a BBI ^;^l nd iBpcretlre
oriatoal laaaaliy.
Tbt lart from thli
I.a1a aad
an* Hr
It. t
offered. Tlie Terdict a •
lal-bli bole
1- ' |nyer
yooagatot Uooe of tb* bret kaowi letolly. They are already ' hafreattog tbaa rt
to tb.- oily aad bardt the Oeatral K.-wa
'.maU rcwttuiaa
A di*i»tch
Two bachelor brwbora,
bnxbort. Alleo
Alleo and
aod from
from Oiiad
Oraad ilaeam aarrey.
bohtod tb* ban. He abow* a ooaolbg
rroalioh of TamarcB. 111. wblcb bare jeit beca roatpl.-ied by
UbIU regBrfcablc. eoablliig *l^‘»i,rte coadnetad a efleeff aad candy proepeclct* of Ibe Ivory Ooul^Oold
Z ^Ximpniy toow tha. tl«a i.

aluwl tbkt a pt
ttknloat • bnrp aKrftoel tsmasM
poUap and ibn inot w Texn. where
it wM toJtbw cUiaed iB the •nIaU
timage^ady tc-eu to
I *..,4, ^
the toner lael Prldar btonkel ore la an almon anlooken
Mr. Twaddle parponlp injued hlBrrinored 1-y tbe operatiOB aad
“ lytey Udi no will
WI.ea aearcb wae. line for elet. a mile, oa.
•eir. Mr. Twaddle e«le<l is bu bill •aid be ha* abewi. ao ^toal in^ bniidlnga tia bo* eon- oonc-and .^.wai Tl.U 1. rog«d.d
Mat whUe ae SMsae were mtitl
, caiatog i:.w» to gold and another bo* I »• 000 of tlw mwl eztim-rdinary die
eontotoing >tin in imper money were eoT.-rire ever made,
•a aalawtol aet et wUeh he wn
the aboQk nloely.
found eoooealed toa wall II 1. toThe women of Riehmond, Ta.
Mrelr Inaensi aod be bai Faehed the
lieredttol oihrf large nmr wilJ to forced the g.nerml aarembly 10 make
ana to ill iraaal nUalaatte.
and pIntT of atreacth back of liieai
The ooly retolirea m Am- approictouoaa aggregating g«>,«lO to
acted ai Baater id oeieiBoetoa el a •rica are a rooftoad in il.c to- be cipended 10 i- ariotia for coafederuforaBoBbtfirf ;
pobUc: iraiikliic adaliitot.«<l tori* •ane naylea ei Anna, and a half ale Tecciuni. a home fir iheir widowi
aa anaiMr to tbU eltp. aad at oee
yootlifol daltoqB«(ato Krentey, K. brother noidiag nl Doqeoln.
' aa.l tl.e «*^ of Ihegrarreof the diwd.
tUn pronoalor of the e^cp.
3., police eoort.
The boyi, wboae
RoooaiBged by iiaatbletle paetor. :Th.-r Invaded the capital by the l.unMaee
foored froai 10 to ir .vean. wi-n tbn Andrew Prrebyterian .-horeh of. .Iredi. awanaed all over the Hiambeiu.
Haw Tort. Kanb t-FitBoe Hiarp
abi hefen Raoordn KreU oa UioOM|X>Ua, hat beca pruvided wtib - applaudod thoae who ftrored the biUi
NMtaad to
|W of opaBtoc (relcfat can aod
I.iwltog alley a* an a.^uoTt to tbeiand Tlgoioatly hiaaed thoe* who did
daoWeyiod |«qa>tT. Recorder Kreto fine new gTmnarinm on which the' nol. Boi few of the memton
laBIOBced eaota to "a good, bard ehnrob [ride- ite.-ll for the .toTeloi- | bold enough in eapreu
aa ibe altenative of a It mentof mnaentor Obrl-ti-ntty. The! tim<-nu and llir bilU
I. aod be daiUd fatanir to
tareouapoka tor tba boy* ealy oth.-r ebnroh in the eopnlry | torg. majoriiiet.
--------- fPo.
all rlritan Tba tetoea raealTaa taan- aod cbooe the atoDklBg. Obiefof
which haa a bowltog alley. Iti>re-- r«t. Tbnmaa Neal, afb ra Tiuttn
ttreda of latino dait;. A raaartablt Ho* Toiao aelaclad two aUe-hodiad purled. ii the Firet
Preabytvton : Amiroee Col*er‘« farm *t Millertoo.
took a boy aod ehurefa of Treoton, K. J.
(aol la that there are very few of a
Ottor^K Y.. dfremed lb»t ibar. were rieb
|dao>'d hint aeren bU kai-a In tbe ap- ohnrebet there, it U aaid. will follow.
A bnaUtol wreath tron Ibf |«iiira tmad poritloB. and ae loitam . later
wltb yella When tbe
WB* rernntly told apoB Oooaml
OtBBt'e nreopbacBa Uri* aomtoit by roBBd bad IwoB coBpletad. t he yooBg- Bio* of.Wret Vtrgtoiiia are to daag. r;
Rooe-vrlt ha* tpew reu.c
wete agato arimigtied.
dealreelion owiog to il.e 1-rev.rj
very le-uitoBt, asd after lb>
which for meotbi hare covered
i.llBrMi 8-^ Borlto da^atob
1 them againat their feedliig gronada.
Tbe d.-cr. 10011 l» be lwur.1 TroB
aayt that the Prisoea* Ireae. tba wife Ibe evU-doIng they proalo-d U> be I«ar, wild tnrkeya and amaller game,
li.dili.e liouto. na the dree of N'.-r
of Mbo* Bawy.haa amagod to naka good to thi- felon and were dia- bare been nnable lo gel al tbrtr feed
Ameriia. Tlii* volame i* our of
a lout aiay at the tasUarlBB at etaaigcd.
of roote. herb*, eecd aad grub*. The reiirn, aad will to Itased tote in I
Dnidin with bar two yOBBcaat childDoval abil amaitog method of
the fanacre living •jirtog or to Ihr early antnnier. T
m. Bare tba iwlaoe will >oto her
itl.e valley • have done 1
•rri.'* oompner* a Irreliav oc large
altat hi* retBiB from the Ootied
Hartryee. Pan*
Dr. Rouiaaaa and
bl* wife were walktog on Ibe boale.
rarto three daye ago wb.-D a youg
iBtidbat; coBiaiBiDK
.MColor>.|n Kpring* kUtehall BeolU aeeeapBay to* ahlp. ■
jewelry and motiry which madasi wa*
nt'll. aged It year*, liar lieen awarded
ly BOW flower* will bo plat
cairytog. Tbe deelUt wee anable to
•econd tei*e ia an Inl.-rnatinoa! fmla tba prlBre'i roOB* The •espnaa* twtoh tbe Ibief. bat ha<l lime t>i dUhaii.l .Irewtog coairet among )«plU of
will be bora* by tba BaBboig Amori- Uagalili hu fealorea tbeogh he ix-wr
prlval.- and poblic whool* Tlie .-onaxpaotad to eee liim again. By a cotMUa*.
lett «--* Ill-Id uDilrc Ihc dreclipii of
Ita Daetariitoad will tall at Sd» Ineidanoi', heweeer. the thief came lo
Bonkio Uai|.uki. the fsiooo* Japure.
•’atookea TaoadBy aftanMoe. It U tbe lieutlat'atnie day to hare hU t>
aniri of towton. The .obJ-<-l wa*
Or. RoareeaB. ccoreal[■oiierr.
The pfire it
sMmdobranae tim- fiflc-u incl.-e high
to toke a areV aa It woeld be nacwith dragon in relief holrtine a g.-nry to take an Imiooarica ol li.o
alnr ccyatt! toll, and wonl. *ia.v
iBW. and tola be
Tbe eoaleatant* rriirvaeii).-.! luaay
ed to do. Wbeo tbe
roantrir* A targe unaib>-t uf deeign*
that the ptoater wa* anlBrienlly aolid
bdB will go tote oBeot Jaly l. Tbe
be oalml.v eaptotoed to Ih. h.-lplM*
gHBCtor of tbe eaeau will Utn apthief that ba wat at bii mercy and.
After ihr dnitb .if Prreident Mc­
pokat.aBob Banbere of
aeridi the tleah or 11. when the chll* Kinley, the eaM.KlIan of tl.u eoort
follow him .inietly toll..-:
e* an ape when ll -hruld to *blpolleo atation. The man wlbiy gea- eooirol the ptasape. II U vr: tfflicira -i-lth hooto ar Tami«, Fla.. woke ap lo
as force. After ibatJl^
bnl finding thdl hi- wide- bed-wel!lnr. depend upen ll. the c*u» cf tbe fan that be had no Am>nto mA* wlU be to* ngatot
la iBiritoaad by a ac die dniicuhy ll kidney irecUe. and ihe fir?, oao flag. InaaBDCli a- it wat dr*ired
«M oMt Hrrtoe Bot.
utar of i*ri* be 00 rep ataould to tovardi the Irerment el to bciit on.' at half raari. the nunmi*
■fgtBtotyof War Root ha* dlreelad Id Uoekof pto-tarof i«ri*
ttoae Imporun-. erfini. TOi unple*,-iM
After a
tro-jble b due to » daeased condiiisn cl ihe •ioiirr* were In a dileaima.
oinail Weed to cone iBBodtolety to •antad to go to prtoa.
JohaBariowof Oak Brld.-. K. Y.. ktdneya and bUdder and nM'ig * briul *>. long March they dirrov.-ri-'l a latirlol
> far to* lU
portore bon Osba to May of all ireo|« who will rcMli the age of lO; yenr* to '"woSSfL*'JSrirL men are m*de mto to town who owned a Aiik' and thi*
a faw orarita. I* raid M to ooarttog. erible vuh kidney and bUdder ircuble,' wair borrewrd and bolited Thi- ioof too Oallad fltotea
Mwr toMnt boatoaot too acaare witl. pre-paet at aaktog Iter kt* Ofth aod beih need the ume gre*i remedy. formatioDTeach.-dtli. Womao'a Rrllrf
I aad eeaaator wUa. a well kaewa widow with 87 Ibe mild and the immeduie efiecd ' of Conw of ClrTctosiil and it* aiemhen'
U told
tohulle fur the
■I HU wbtoli oantoo the yean to her oredit. Be ba* two aoaa
fwioe of a flag m be aeni lo fh» Tampa
thaamakBOftl.Ml.<n. tbaBieak

<■ sr-.

Women as Well as Mer
Are Mode Miserable by
kidney Trouble.

> great-great-giaadto prelael tba proridnt toftbaold
Tbe king of Italy peaareaea aose of free, riw pamphlelieh- Brevwi
^*U nbout..................
tba moat Taloable beraaa to the worlA
la hlaatablea «te 900 ben*, aad tbe
doebla row of -laUa forma a rrentor A Co.. BlnehaiTUOQ. M. Y, V
Sato aalmal tot it* name
la largT. while leiten above
One of tbe moat valned

were dely iwreliaw-d and letit to tbe
Florida oil
later it «
that Bot a aobool baildtog
poareaMatueha thlngaoaflag
women of tbe |ioet made an a]-|*'al
all tlir corpa of the eoontiy. tVi

to yoan

aand of ttoPift> Siath n«lB*at Ore
KotaaoB begu tbr tottl- efOetry*.
btreeiad brigadier geaAegon. IBW
r Ke>rl.nag hard i
goreraaretremoxUBiire oa tbe aab.
Jen of oaaot iBTceiigatioo. Veruw*
tdiyileiaBa bad aafaattted atatlnir-.
It.OOO oaareThree «e.-raed
dea I
oo.tnu prelilrelT that o,
berediury. Oa tb.- other
U dooMIre*
There are eertaia diairieti wl
■bore it ooeitaaily nvam-oi enata-1
gioii. —
-tlmmgh ,UanlK bolren r«y olira to
Iraoed ihroogb aaimale. repTiaily
dogi ao-l rau, whirl, are fre.|o.-ai

Attoatto from maay 1

port where tbe Will Bke cm beatdaj
tonal to aaral aad BiUtoiy etretoa.
large qnaatlty of dyaamile frcmi the'
Otoarotonnof Beracr toa* Tooarilotiwdo ekalloa.
TImo ake will go to
aaaa* aay yai b* broagbt before
for tbe went aoaice of
•am BBtttol to aaawfo to atoaitor
peril known to aartoen, btary hall*
wewked alilp* ao nloely held to
M nnreia trmk.
Ikat tb«y float )ari t»8n Aatoala, Harob T-A
aeatli oa barely ^wounding abore tbe
baaad floatoara Parifle paaaaager
aarfanof ihe are.
OomnumderUe-wnab^ M 4 e'etato tola Beraln a tawaof tire Otooienatt haarreelTad
fiOB Uie hydragrepkle bunaa a lUt
tytoro* pataaaa an repnard eitbi
btotoatly kUlsd ar bsraod to daato.
A to«kn raU ito a earre to a nTtoa two wteka. Fifty 0# tln-a.- are floating
aaBaad toa tiala to go toto toa ditch. along tba tai>» of Baiigailon.
Tba oaaedB* won idM ap aad
AtBarltogtca. Vt.. WlUton. Cdley
aa baaa to J*U acYen Boalha ‘
bntod andartoo toattorad eoaekea. be will
11 act rerrel ibe uamelef tto
tatoe WON toataatly killed, while
iB trtie fanlabed KlarHlIurMnd
etoar* were fdatwiad aadBaable to
be will say there for life
before be dec* ao. Oae of tbe preYla- {
toatorVanaeal-a iwnbtotlory tow 1*1
B did aU to toatr power to relraaa
I lalatod aad la|>i*iBed. bat a
Bbar are kaewa to bare baaa tto iwraan of whom to preeued hi*
r. If tba diaolesuv la tollriaeM7 to Ibe coari tire maa to flaad. If
anot pay be to aeni to M>e boat*


The KlBd Toa Haw* Ahrayb Boockt. had wBM ham b«m
ia uat> flir «nw 90 ywant, haa bemo (bo elgwatarw 'at
, and baa bewa ntade andrr bto pwaoaal aapervtoloa alaeo it- Infancr.
Allow BO oae toderwire you la tbla.
All Cuualerfclia, laritatJons aad - JnM-aa-goiHl*’ are bat
Ktirertiucyita that trifle with aad cetdoager tbe health at
iBlhat* and Chi
1 againx Bipeodaaeab


MtlRitr for Caatar Oil. Para*
C»rl<-. Ikropa aad ScMilhlng
It la ptraannl.
ling »1
i-reilaiu* urlllier Opium.
lium. Morphine
nor other NarrnCli*
. Ila ago to iu gii
* ll drairoya kivrttf*
DtorrbdM aiut Wiii.l
Coll.-. It reUevea Tcetlilag Tmublre, r
and |-toiiilrnrj. It aaalmiUlra lb.- Freid. rrgutoire the
h and Kowc-U, gliiug hrellhy and natural kwp.
Th.' ( hlldrcii'a l>aBaG«B-Tbe Hother'a Frituul.

Jul.n B. Hoi-k haa tore eonttable of
Silv'-rOrek townabip. Caa* oounly.
tut r.i .-.BaFcsliT.' yrar* ao.l ha*
uaokr.1 Ihr aam. .-toy pi|a- for Ih*. 11 » Mid

t Bean the Sigaatore of

i'M II' \«f Il.tli; IT. SlIlTH'h
WIl l-CrKi; Vol HI IT.
«kj torlrk abeawe narsafee thi.
Bedlrlae la hrlp yea.'
Nnmr pru]-li- nre a|.i!y dr*.'>i)-.'.l a* i



The Kiod You Ea?e Alwajs Boiifht
In Use For Over 30 Year*

it' InSi

are ll..'j**-|-lv llialwv-al*

tt,-,mu*,ua ;
Wl.r.i ih.-y fn-l *.-u>' |«ui.....i-j..........
lli.-m*vhv. «,.h ... .....
U,ing.wUU-h a... *,.,,,-.-.1 ... .... .-.1
f..r Hhat tl.M a>iT.i..-wi ....U,-*....
■* .... u.,.mb,
r.,„r>.- a. ll,,*. Ito ...,ly way ...

Larfa Oavt^BDei Tea rarrreu n. bia.


ami V'..u>«., ..nj-u,

ruto Sn„ii.-.i...-.n HI..UUIU1.,
i.-r. Tl.,..l,w...-lws...-a,.v
*>.ni-1..n., hdl L-.- I-. ilu-H,'..ti..<l.-ai>
.,i,d .iivugili.

I. .l.,.,.-,.-ilL-r.w.-ll.s,Hi



.to..- ii 1*



Omeda Oil

iiiL; hcl}*lcs*. A Idnicnoh in the ann» ur leg or baik it
iii-t’iil Cv baii. men have to stop work while
suiii-riii-,; in thi-- way. but a woman usuallv has su much
to ii>» jrouml the home that she ipst /j/ to kerep going as
best she can. The
best remedy for Umcis rest, and a sure
is reached quicker
when tbe lame
s^Hit is bathed and '
ruhlKd-frecly with.
Omega Oil.
It is an oily

Q.r Mondarvi

I........hmill.-. liu-enllu




Vviu slu.ilid never li.-e time fooling with something
All giKid druggists scll-Omcga Oil, but if you hap­
pen to go where it is not on sale, please tell the druggiM
he ougl;ht to get a supply of his wholesaler. If you want
» Oi
Oil is like
any pain • ache to be quickly cured. Omega
iy^'^--“;; 'ua.a*’M n. ■ ar.^, ,temcdy that will do tlie work. 50c . I Ixmle.





frtnntd: '■! thaU report toBtopartoWUllato toa klad aaaaor to whtok
1 hwra ban raorlrod dartag ay atoy
to «w tJalMd Stota* aad tay I aa
daogrrniy for it aad eat Ukaly



ridden by the tote King Bob
A^rooeai exttacmltoary aargioal op-

a fell-ttoed cattog fork froa
■HblH trial
of an tomato of aa aayOMOf th*
laafor tbe toaane. who bed a-nla to tymtaruiptoe toBtr**.
towed It OB a wager. Tlie Rtontgen
iMBte blB ter fear daytbyahootraya •how.-.l where the fork wa* Tben
l«to Ito Mtifb aad araa. Iben patwaa eat open and afl.-rwarda tewed aix The laaBtlc ir a»w
tHi^ of the eOeen etolB tbat U
too ahaafea are ton*, tbe aeeaaad bob
The <aaU« Ctodnaati ha« atorted
ware tonpiwaiUy daraagMl by tbe
OB a eniao (hat iKll free th.- aorlh

Aihaay. Hareb 7-Prtooa Uaary
rtoadat Altaay at »-.» o-eloek t
■iralito After broafcftat be WB* aaatotod to to* npilal, where Oovoraer
OdaU tnderad hlB a reoepttoa. after
Wbtob to* goranar almwed to* prtoi*
toa naaOB wIileh^Tradarlek Hi* Omi
Of Proaala prooaatod to Ooorge Wato.
which bora toa
B toeoldootgniial ta too great-

EJjl Gnu lita


prtolod to 1

t* b* aa«n Baittolad MarHi ll. tbay
im ahatgodwlto teotartag aad axaotoiiW tottra* to to* IMasd of BatBar



r. las aaawan joa eatertain aaangri." kaabeen Ulanlly w•td in tb* BM* at Vn. Reebel Midlletea of EokaBO. lad. FITlreoytan
go a negad tod 14 yaam of age
knoekrd M bar to^ door aad atoed
for feed aad afaalier. Tbektodtoartad tody fare him both. Tl.e tod te­
at lire heaM for aeyreal waaks
dariag whkfl tiae be attreded reriricMaad
Ttoa be told Hrt. Middletao be bad
gireaberaa aataamd aaareaadttoi
bii real aaae wre Anldw Imaltoa.
ttoHr ba left Kokotoo aad tor it yren
ha had not baaa breid of aad wa* 1
fatgotBBBBtU Friday nigbi




■a L.,ildir>wSlo*ve erul Coptag to Ora-r.

Will see our splendid assortment Xc»* Spring Suits,
iVats, Sh{rts and Neckwear f^'catly diminished- The cvidencesof an extftemely^rly spring are too evident lo be be Ignored, faster comes on
^Earch ^ih, andd ever>-one
plans on making their best appearance on that
day, _

n< patltm* Saiin* Suits, S7.54, $10, $12, $15
Catest uclusioc *to<* Hats, $1, $1.50, $2, $2.25 to $*
Bcaulllul Easier Ci»*. 25c, 50c

H. I. .'..nli lYo.

JiM. T-t 5c »T.



Tn tbe nieantiine
If >X»U do not care for a strictly light wwight summer
suit, our special dosing sale of medium weight faocj- and rough finest,
worsted suits (one to three of a kind) will be sure* to prove a mooey^saver
for >-ou. Many $iS and Sro worsted suits in this sale ^oing at $13.50.
$16.00 suits for Si;i3& Sisuits for Sq.oo. These are the equal of
any bargain we have etrr offered, and that's saying.enoiigh.

l)atitmoii Clotbing €0*

Every PibsperoosFajper to a


. The finest line of Buggies in town. Come and see them before making your
porchase. Haviiig purchased our stock for cash and in car load Iocs, we srill not be
We also handle Wagons. Harness, WM UiUs. Pumps, etc A car of tmre agents for tth4 «cbraled McConnidc Harresting'
' ptemenu just received. We are
Madkinery and tbe {km|^ drill.

I 13 West Front Street

Traverse City. Mich.

tamAtmOa^ to tkn ^


\ ..

MAftfeH 13, tS02


f-g!^TWI. —--- ----


• klb.



in strength
and purity

u drifto.
qMa tto tetor. I tovr mjBMh'
(wM aeta. I am tn jmit old..

LET iaM VBkad (foa to
ritppery elo« for tbU ito.-.


Awl to ewoUiac bmi- e. to taito


Iffipfoves tlie flavt^ an4 Adds
to tlio lieAltliftflness of fbz food*


KatbpoM. Miefa . Ffb. k. IWi.
[ PMrMTk. Rtto 'I ttokgl.i 1 woeWi
like <e toa to Suahto Clab.
laoht r fortoMi tovMt vied ■o U arbool fTetj dar.
1 like nf
Mtor vary wto.1 aa to to i
rto rlaeto traa to Mfbtolas
fearthrwla. Mr .twUaaa •» arlth-:


i is is? si-£

I u...

!• tOBMd MWiM


jT-'is.'Es.sir—‘— '■“«
la awpatoa T*plai <-lto.

Kora-Tbere are imitalk).. bakiaj

Dr. Hartman’5 I^«e Advice to Women—A Oenerous
OHer to Tbe Atnicted.


OwMn. BMW I toU Ukr m>
to. tto Stttoto Obh.
1 •»
•too.1 mrj tor 1 lika aj
TWTMMk; bMMM* te MtoBtoULl
laa iB tto fMBtk cnto







Vow friewl.
Eart PrabaL

- laihad the ioUr old sea ' bra



Colo. Fab.
Dmt Mra Bataa. —1 do sot balan«
> iKe Ssuabto eleb. bet aroald liL., bade aeewrd riaar acalsat to ^ w, gvi tim HarMd .J a ualabbor.

I Wan««i~A

MRS. M.R. C. BATES. Ewroa.



UslM m liar partes to nata of to
iTta- bona for to atrenfth. wban to
vlelda brsab aod kteea;
Tba nusti- for to tUasea itoe crow.

td*to Unit told lUxios. toiliSR. I^Adaa I Ilka tonad to Ixile lalian
1 K>
Hatsld «iU wnia a •l.iet eoa
Tban^ itaomtiic Jest wbao it'l live io to Boefc.r Mosntaiu: ih.T.««"*■■■

-Cbnatiaa VaakiT
WeaklrMatrb: ISOl

j«»l“»»ofl»U wuiaa bara,
:Sa»» a »>»Mon.

1 would

Mr lator it paitiBi;

Tha'Su^on^'tvUoiaaa, trheu arrasda aba raaa:
»ls«. Is*
' Tba fox for 1

nu..a.,.. «it.
5»,. i '”i'„
E4.» «.i™
tblnca*. and tort an ao maar of fim
Oiialt. Mich.. Feb.
ret waitinc istliwtiy fcr roar tam te
Ih«r Mm Bale.-! s- I
Bat it wlU come by and by;
Mr Vila to'a baao V AfRlo'-*'
ar. Bel roar pretidant la set erery day tbera ii> any I Iikt
Mka a BOBtli o- real.

wa twnnot doobt.
aetaoul rery much My name It Clyde
> lar aaotor word twlay.
T tore mr wort btoad na, as' to
A raonet writer In a eanrol mac- _ oSeaa.Balelon.
Iain now p.nnr on ten.
MosUas Oski Isfaat.
K adder for deafatw to ■otalp'a a
axloa plTM a tender thoacht ui
:T<«ra old.
1 thonld h rery mach
T' Ttol all mf kiaalolka—ter of lata
if yea would pUn-r aewl mt
•'totla tor blindoam te
"Motbs bai caoa aadlhi- boaee 1>
eoe of your Senkbioa Clab hadrrr aad
wbeo fol-^*<tool beraam I hereto mampa. to 1
card. Aboalall tl.eotuer littl. lort'
lent ll<<a^taer book wbera to raad oea
Ihoagtat I woaid write unto Sanaliisa
and itirla hare tom an.l 1 tliould like
.. w
iTheUrtforlba boar
ma a doU bocaa.
re ia to ehatr and to foot
fool teal!
teal 1
tlirourt alaap'a
altap'a thtmll:
1 am makles a <|aill get of all to ' ^
' **
fr->m lTr> lodtena ai-raoe. I'hicapo, 111.;
Lm«. to owl in ita wladom. bar
efaildiro'adreaaaa Detol by aad I nu i
alia psthad i( froat bar war-I.a.1 }r*T from eoOUaoad alraln in
Clyde KnUtaii.
a few abort milaa batwans nai
wath aod wipe tiia diibea. I awaap i
llt.-rerT work 1 ba.'ama rery marb e|.
As’'CaaU*«-----------)uersar br mil—asd
her wa««c are
earned t.) Jlra war,
(ba jilayro I floor orary day. I r>l
1 («t to plastta' dost!
beadaebe and eenooa ladipwtioo. Ooa of my frlewte eap■eron by mail, two at bocaa aad foor 1like to br one of roar Suiiahtu.-tr
at a ralaetine party. I am aina y.wra 'Wonld TOO plaoae tend m- a .-.rd .,ad 8~«rd fbal I try Pemna. It eartalnly
Hate tbli apniic }ComUa to be
Wbaa I waa ricfal y<«ra old 11 buiioe.

, Til.' aot for ii

SoI^ffiT^S^*^*: "Wall. I

It U mrinc

m; fire tutilc* ut Prnini 1 oaC aO rooca OP to cwCW ayMOM MOC
we* a. well and .truac a* er*T.--Mu. to paxlrof fOhAfr rente* Mrooflfk
MiUte Baker.
OOd haaJte.--Jlre. tf. A. Atoao.
Mtm KelUe Blyter. CD W. Tweniv-tb ,
r»re »-au adrUa
nrrel. rhlrafv. 1»- Ftreideal ut the ' U vlrw of tbe ctvai maltltada of
lA<lMoflbea.A.K..ha*tofulk>i>lBe,womcn •oEennx from earn* (urn at
reoule imam aad yet aaehle to fled
Centlcmeo —“I nwamnMmd ftrea* eat cure. Dr. f
mperuuy (or women a. It prempily eoectefter aa
' uur *FZ aad wUI aaie*. '
eJveyc !• »ore to *l»» rettetecUm."—
feel extra MKb. XllLUE Bl.YIAlR.
. perfact
----- •—.! u».W. A.AUteon. A**UI-Matron of
i kie-j. ray ayrtem la
j Peoplre* Hrepltel. Ite BbeSteld aTeaiM,|toqrr.
oM-A. Itrady.
|.yf y,.. L'liicaeo. Ill-write*:
. Tl.ure
Mim ilili«-ltekerwrli«j
••I hare had,...................................................
Ofateeir.^ i.<'blracu, 111.;
w Of. I Co, Coluniba*, Ubkt.
“i »aflurcd ter ymre with

—wursL'^"., i.1-



Hr tot ttaw itoaTt I' ban aat an'
In^a wlater^-toSMof to brim
Tia l«t to thoaptit that •.imalimr.
TlMra^«StoM*aMd atMtioB an'
tora'a foar fraab eowal' ntlk
mad ) will drift apart.
{mB.-liofil U plaoed aadar to
Aa' SUM ton'a lota o'.Uokarla' 'fora Sbp Jiaa irrowo old—ao old and frabla'
a trim'bat will I do with to
- •^’-^‘-^4“Uvraa-'r.i What will mr bean do wii
hart I' bavr nata blaa.
Aflar lur m '
ea home
point Tor eommat
iBinmar toe. 'Toqaai
an* It
end anialler hate bare abarplytoriac
aeSM Uka I'a the ew.
wide twimi. and oe tba atlSM halt a
Sal Mr: "rUhart tot rlalt wbaa
toeecte or a aibcta wide qeiU te qaila
IfWtotbraaUs’ taia!"
"Lafahara a row of panbita in anMeienl ttomtaf. Tbe hat ef Uaek
ciiKfoo, for beiwaae aaaaoe wtarincJalraU-lataA.Caat and.Ba
1* rery math to baot, and a hat of
_ - kind may —_____
be woreqnlte
mm ______
tW.,_bnt wa can aae a fat
s'Min HTtlaial
to^Tearjrooiid. _BoMete ol blaok
<d whim or
*‘l^ba fall aa a raanlt of tbi. dacUre baooBiinf thaeaay
too tort waa a coodir quuiltr of
ba elderly Ha'
Barnlis In Ilia eaUar. wbila a few oSarkl!ldl
had bcaa left to winter In
n tbe
tba Icroond
re* a^to^-Harob Lodlaa^
______ __
_____ In tbe ...........
kaowa It wfaterboldt
were parke.1 In tend, and ai to ci-llar
wa* rary dry. to aand waa kept damp
la tn. 8fWiao.
by an oo-aatoaal aprinklmc. Ttai>-;
tea* I’ eat ap lea.
Aa’ I ImaVtiae t' taka tot paom- iweranbed wUlinc
In to carle eprtnc. wi
All my life 1 had beard of lorreip i/cle«r»dwlt?»haV
tmt rWt now, TU plain.
- with tha win
Vor baton I'd n* half nmdr.' ivcwld
. ..
t._____ _ rallim le nmoe oi wOTiiie ._JIOO
-Bar Vbmlt Onto, la Bzebaaft. It WM a tradition In to family ttaM we peril la beinc bolted locatbar,
did BOI care for parsiip*. while llie additlasefcyrep. which own
omwal had<«iaa away from beme aleo aou M a lazatlra
hadBMappaalad tome. Now 1 de- lliree timro^ day wUl
eldad to try one.
dren in fa^th. iniete
"Too wut to one pork. " Iwae told, lendiaR childiM----------AMnatrlepie la Mated of in to bat I kopw better. 1 took a nbln of the addilioaotalittte
laUawl^ from an antoatlAad aoarea: beat—tore waa a fool or ao of bone. to ..iliar '
I aooa dUpate InllaIn oan of nren eol^ a utetpla
ar’U tba DortbMB partlof Bscland1 and Bootland to bone had almmered a lone time. re«r.<mbte pill te irlrce. a Imt bm« «m
aad rery hot foot bath, and to b«U
la NMfcad br a Ilia] eaatsM pan sad ao tot to meat ■lipped_______ _____ Mtient te pat to bad tor ooe day. She
ilipin-d ool. 1 pot in eqaal ic qnlte barceU a«ain tbe next-Good
w la iaMUas.
ct of pi-aled aad tliead psrt- Boanakeapiiiz.
Cha Saaday (alUaK tba saarrat midoT^aadpomulea. A'bea Hie r<«etaiMt It at* apart br ro«i« J>a<S>Ia blei wen done. 1 mixed sp a little
(bar* asd glrb aUka I If aet at aarrloa.
pint of oiuitmd Soar, oso liaU
t* vWt toir pwaatA baarinc with ton a dai art anooafnl of flow^
aalt aad a
teaeirnttifnl of a^b'twe IrMpoMfale
to> aoto trlfllB* »Ut of ■
After thin
tor- Tba
motor la par
allowed to babbla Reetly a few mla- ipooDfol of
elere tliteatlme*.!
aad eoe half tablei]«oafal of Urd a
n ttns ao to dartbaito member ofto family ... opooafel of ban.... ~
'lb a
eoald aot aadnra to taava thioio watoiy annt half pUI of rwaal mUk. ------Bob
wae MIteflod. aad (be one who liked ont abnt half an ineli thisfc. epoead
"jBloe" fOBodbe fanll. To mtlafr with eotl boner aad sprlalOe tUMly
both taetaa It waa a trliuapli.
with oacar and etaaamoa. Bob ap
Tba panalp alew waa a meat aae- lUe a roll of }eU7-cakA eat U

oeaa. "We oonld nlieh one artry
itasirlo to faatirltitt of tba weak
all tbiooith
tbrooitfa to wiiitar.■'
to rardlet Tba only ^anUoa i
■Uadii to tUi aafca aad tba bnatlta] te. will to panaipt hold .mt :"

jrmmi tk* edihf's Csbk.




asL Now to (WB walk and play aad I aiti.-ra and one brother. Ur i. nrarh ,
te t«claalacto talk.
Pa|. broncbt! fonr yeara old. Hu innue u Herry.
men little nkeleioo.
Wbed loa pell i aad my olde»i >uter'- lum. u KtbrL ;
ii« lam It tbrowa iwo atirka np wiUilsbr u Bo< feeliBc well
Maybel will atita ante :«teter'> oauie ic Sn>te I will irll vou !
Ooodbyi-. From
wlui I tot for Cl.nmma.-a |-ir .-i;
MaoMnl MuSait
Uao. Waofa.. Jan. W. lira.
Dear Mra Batao-1 iboncbl I would
Ukaie>lB toSaBabine cUh My
eoatlB Otkrn to Travcm Bdreld, aa.1
like to Join. I am oot pilnc
U> erbool now.
I am in to fifth
flrada. I am eteren yeare ef a«e. My
papa Bead to lira in Tbaram City,
bet BOW llrao ia to otam of WMliiatrtoo. In a little place called Oeo. I
bare (brae brotora two lane broth
cn. Ibair name* are Clyde and Tbeedora Itea aad my other brother i>
ei«bl yean old; hie name te Walter.
If tbit don Boi 00 to tl>e:wB0i« batki-i
I woaid llko to ora my letter in yoar
mad all to Snnaliioe latmrt
Prom where I lire I can eae foar or
Are Urn noanmlnc
Titer are cor.
erad with bow tbe year toned. Ooe'e
te to White Born: aaotor
FiTeFtefcr. I caaaK think of aa*ol WiU Clare
for thte
oaid and batten.
Yoar Uttle friend
aod Soaebteer.
Viable Dee
Elk Baptdo, Mteh., Feb.' t. 1S«
Dmr Mra Balia—I hope you Imd a
Harry ChrteMo aad a bappy New
tear. Ve bad a Ohriotam* Me U ibe
abarth. I reppem yon did too.
teal day of lofaool I wae clad, bot otill
had a OhriCMW Me at beto aad liml
to^ Uma 1 tot
tlie WM at to ehnrelu For Cbntom*
I fot a littla temp and tmai rtbtno. a






aad readtef.

--------------------------------------------------hwTe wnii.-n to yon. I would lifci eery mneb te join yoor 8uB*taloe Club

cremmar. I





,„d ,

Dear Mr*. Bat--.-! thonebt I woold i
Uke te )ote to SoDahiee Clob lure |


C-dar. Mii-h. Feb «. liwt

Soaditee letter in the '
sotulitee Clab I will write yoe
H.-rald and think It t> very nice
for ibe flnl lime. I RO i
Plrere leiid me a card aod a bolioe. ;,cAooI ui Clear Brook We bai
Bcbool er.-tTitey and iwreiy ooe aehoten in ont ecbool My
hoTioc low of feu okaiiiiK
uaeb-r * m
r I* Mia* BiU BaWer- i
Haner'. Fint
Terr kind trech.-r. 1!
pwcrapby aod recoud book in irtam.pelllny. eaoood book >t lifayci..!- \
ORT. fonnh nadir aad reoi.e
Onr taaebir-| oami >»
Mire Doran. Ste m eery RO.>d K. s*.
Thin- are abool fifty ecliotert ROir to ecbool I caeaitbi. i. all 1 n
Uiiak of. ao Rood by.
Yoan irnlv.
Albin Virtoeliil
KteRtley. Mich . Fib S. 1

Cutters and Sleighs are going at
Reduced Prices


j witb thr.*- ret* In It. I hare tJm-e
tot tbe road* would be
brotber* and two eub-r* My TOonce*!
Mv d»y tmeher * name I* Mim Ada
liMOT 1* two yean oI<t
M.v olde.i
ma Veil. I yn.-** I will clore
i. «ix cren old. 1 |rii.M 1 will
far till* time, a* my letter i* i.~ct(lnc
i|o<la lens.
h'rom root liitl.' fruind,
From yoor lotmc friend.
Me. S|mrl»teA«e II
Anna Stecteir
1 Ace mile*.
Mich.. F«K I. lira.

h Riadr. ! atedy r.«d- aritlimenc. ■pelliDK- ihnuolocy.

Santa CUu
j wre.rirr geoeroo* W mi; te- bwreebt
{ „,« iweniy Cbmtma* )*eaenia.
bare tbre*' *ii
My little inter A.teb wi«ld iUd to b*
a Santbinir too Plrere lesd her
nerd and batt.a
I am tan yren olNow I will clore. hoi-tec tot a
h-tterj. not U looc
From .ooriliHb:frieud. _

a bac of ready, ae or»n*i, mil, aada bennak I core* tlml te all
Tha reM of ao roc aboat aa many ao
mt Tba ttateca tot Bdwin Ukad
ret wen hi* ated aod a reki with hie
kme OB bio Aaei loala amt him
Year UHie friend.
Maria BricRk

oaMem la eeanaMUm with it aa azUtiacatto bMlaalof of to tareDDo adl azpeot yoar aoe to kaaptamitb sMtarr, altboacb datlnt from
a lemoe. a IlitU ef to crated i' '
floelonp of ennaata and topped
a fMted Car amn rameta. Bow varr
the; ooe cap of lacar.two lane la
asoMto aaatiaaaot azpraaaed ta to a
batter eat lato m
Do not ozpoet yoar ooa to cionBdo
oretanaaad traot la yea If - ran do oe* moat
Klk Baptea. Mictu. Jaa. SD, 10.
to biixtare____,
lined Mita paaU. eerer with a
Drer Pnaldaat-Il to baaa -aa oold
erect akd lake li^ an boor.
bccithlo wnekthat IlmTiBot been te
So tot artats to bMaan tot
do aet:iik<lo may OBI. it
lo warmer today. Tbe oaa lo ahialBR
clerer aad haxarea
_________tiite/dellcloae dteh mis a
leekibreatifaL My lii_______________ reliablamoa.
piai of floor, a tern tcaopeasfal of tte.bretor. three yyan old. cello tba
aOr ia raxal dlatrlaM of that
Alwaye krop yoar iramlma. It yoa
______ -0torai^a
pesteh.^aI boy
to next
•tar bright. Hi
lactetoraod metbar ea a oartala
me^ oSaav or dteobeya. ba note Wlitto Ihtei £iac
of to window aod
data br Hail
coa oraaca.
to onow opaifcteaod oolted arnmM tora'a oSariai. bo^
Beon-urr yoar wifi- Um bad to i
creio a btt te Irmoo peel________
Tbere ore
br tha Ofto elitldrea all daf. Few i
Wbmi tlia oake te
a cap of_____ ________
raaline tha renpoetlblliiy aad oao
b>kad. cm tt and fill
' • with
frelt. Beat a gnat many Urdi aroond ear boaoe.
pileo- r to top of Thoy coma te (hi woodnUa and gat
. weary bonra with to bablea.
tboiietbey do not feed
ItproTrslotowomab wbe hM buab
to cold Tirr much.
My birthday
itojiillill u lat tee or daaphMr fo
Fincer matt* may ba reotorad from
to aiatranthef
frsat bar to makt Melr owa way la
raretebad farnitare .by to aaa of a
bttle nraal oil epeo a «>ft elotb.
1 will be oerea yoMi old. Fa Christto waria.lBk. whlM to foUowi ibem
flrtiislM wUk Crow
mao I got a doll, a pair of rnltmoa. a
trar with bar lore aad bar prarera.
yolka of acn Upot at
mnob aad milkk aek
aak a cap end aa orTba rarr aicbt of to eaka' iroalla to
1'i.Kirrv or IT.
oeee into a tamblio oToold water
le anii and candy.
taptal day to eoma in wtalab to wiU wfU keep fieab and eofl for laeenl
Nmna Me at boam aad at
baU tom ta bar arma a«alB with day*. If dropped lato a eap mid Lao Mora Pwaaf Ub* Thl*. oaO ft I* AS
. I think my latter iogettbMkMlrtat aad Uaaalai aa to liat oorered the yullu woaid ba aafll for
aae to aacoad day. Tha lafl-or«
"Ibeiaootefto paddiac U la to
Dosgb. an good bya
wbilai ol mr mar tu made tetoi (atincefil." If aoy.elty
Firec year trlrwd.
ThaMtaefa "Motortac BaaMy' maoaroeo*. klmea. or need for tuarln- in the UaloB bac p
test Boef qa
tea Ttry awaat om. aad osr dial caea Tbe white of two c«n irUb a tbe'feUi
te Trerarsa
qaartar of a pnaod of cacar and to Oily. ________ ______
Wicimi. On«oa. Fab. Ifl. ISOS.
--------qaaotity of almoad Mate will
reward la to beMy^^e
Drer Bditor-I toogfal I woaid
* aeoBbr. ar ta all eoaateiaa.
two doxea maaarooat. Wber*
....* ...... ..
i, ,,
'Hm.alatmrMtoBonld. I Uho to
Tba Star awthar Iota It wxt to torred to bclrrt from to I
toat bora dlrlM. awl Indead. wt moob baiter to break to eex*, *apa«'a aosd to Ure te
' tUak te a rarr part td It. Tba oldtr rela csrefnlly tbe yolk* from to ... foUowiac for pabbMtics. It li dab.
whltac aad drop to yolk* Into Water mof eoarineiBS for to moalMeptl. Omm. Mleh.. baKpapa came le OreM (TOW to mera w
Hial II bolllnc bot; cook alowly for
gem foar yren ago teat Sepcambre
tot lora that waa es
ean. aadao.
.jty mtnatea
la Ihte way yoe,


Clotea. two lain of liair nbtioo-. a
wnc The New
Ito Speaker, a gama. IIh- name of

Uictor Pelertyl, 124 State Street

li ivu pet the wiimi; rcmcil) xml It Uilv. ;uu bar time, rcrulcT
Iiiur rare harder tn cure, ami arc 'Kn inure numey.

'i l«^carei gooii

■nxnr wrorq- rcmediet. 1ml it n- easy to avoid them,

l.'omc here aad

pet C.^S<.‘ISK arvl you ariU be wire uf an effective, tpewlifte treporatiiin, one thkl it enikwMrJ by him.lrcb oi jicriite tn (hn incabty. aiul
une tot euxt you'nothing if ii ever laik

Fneo F/.FF a hOfMo fl*e


fin stit oeiiiii uii i UI ifficuiu(91

An Appetizing Lenten Dinner
Can be msde by orderins some of the sslc or sinoked Ml
which we have in many varieties. We have everything che
that goes to make up a good meal.

wK.“. 1

___ , ......JifiS

btarttef the mre to wbll>a for another pari«on. ' lly i~
................. E Front atraat.
M to bMBty aad to datr -Mra S. T. Borer, ia to Mareb mya:
ay‘ Imek
aod tooebt it waa
riM bow to motor from Udiec'Home JoareaL
the kidaoya. m to pals waa
aboal wbma
tboa ..________loeaiad.
_____ _________
wham hnm yeanu orer Mr children
td aboat
aboai aad kaaw
penos* who
Aftarabarinc flar a mediaai *i*^ 1 rred
B»-d Doan't Eidaor
Kiel- - PL____
oai loan for toir lore at mrnah aew
•d me to wy tbem
M whan toy lay to bor arma
- me ap tea tort time aad
ra a caaoi
Why oak dear Bmaa Oham oldm
nl of mit.
nador, moka tba aemlnc Saaday
Iter ito M
ral ef PO
pepper and
b 1 fait a I
HotorlBC SanMy? Oo to are bar If
rhola cloraa Ooret aad________
.mil to eabbante toMlrr; it
Deea'cAMBorPUte bat tote rate.
BBaaUy oacd aa boar aad a half
After tell arpertrsee I am ^ ta
assy, wrtutahar. U totonsa
ad^^lMt mlaoi^ te otad at a
Bb rtalitt OB cilror oea ba taka
. M to Far Imod which yol te p> near. wilTiabte mil aad a wet n«.
Formte by aU deateca Prt______
otobarotUi to lenat tbaacbl. asd
Ta elcdh Bickal oe atore*. wet mto
■oyba. wba kaowa. tore wUl ttma
with amoanate. apidy With aa old
to flMCla mMI taseh. aad aatoNa Moth breM aad cab oS with a wt
«M< «nora mM SMM whteb «U1 teU

Va lire

OB to I

mllm WM of aa 1 hare aoarly twa
aOlre to watt te cohaoL Vi Mre
Muhclan oo to toll. FmM
bore wrlttea asoagh aod hopn te aae
From yaor Mewd.
Oreoa Tea TtonL
I. Vkch.. Fab A tSOt.
Drer -Bdlmc I wiU write a tow
hcM bats oat too orer ayooc. I
Mre kirns w ahsoi savly all to
ttma, aslySM mtoM ito mi
vMmlhsflttM Wksllliim.

J. J.
Brooch Block

248 Front BtrMt

Every quality and feature that could contribute in making
a perfect implement it embodied in the constructioft of this
It is positively the b^yhtett draft plow ever put in a field;
it turni the most tatufsetO'y furrow,

it fiandles easiert; it

it most dura)>fe, most 'igid under the hand.

All materials are most carefully selected from the highest
Only skillful and experienced

mechanics are emploved

under the inspection of practical and successfolfmanu^
turing experts.



We are loo brey
trade to talk abosi our c
■ton. WMl they 4o at how tbev coxlimi their
Bni we
do bebeve tbxl wc can make aa hoseot Iimg. aad ictl
Trocehet ibr lem tbaa they hav e ever beeti *oU in the cttyUiekire.
We uell Mr catoosly. In buying of tn yon do oot Mve to bdp
pay any bod debts; we believe that wiicti yon have paid far yoor parctoe yon *«ild nol be cxfMcd to caniribole toward aaakmg ^ the
iom occaaosed ^ goodi going oui to come peroooVrfao did oot fgf
■t alL Ai! oedirsum expect irxl *c>|aBe tbix; tbere i* ooly ooe
way to avoid it—trade Sl a Cash Store. To prore iMt we are leOiag
yon the tnttb, ooapore tone pncct with tbe prioM oAed bf SOy
other gtouery ia tbe chy.

f pements^ons
tansina Michioan.

ihv dS^Tvto rSS



Bement’s Peerless Plows
AT- $iO.SO



Enterprise Cash Grocery,


Tt4b OftAHD TBAVbftaB HERALD, MABCH 13, 1802.
«U*y 1* tail
teUiaMea. teMttmaatMrV
,-b by tea Piaf t**ra.aalB*tddO.
BaddlbaFartaOMbKlaM by r. B. west downetaln ate'late* hallway
Clate and Head
Mate a roll at MIU. VbU* aanciBMaad Botoad. *ato* »l.«0.-lba Hat Dana.
Scoter with their
latlBC himmlf ea tte dad. ba pu bit
' Hrv A. K. Palate.
hate .tala hi* paekal to plaee tte
V. a I
fcditeadM CM WMte
O. L. WhitMT. Menrd M the MrBoary with Iter wbieh be had draw*. tltUrU. It; KteTtil. ArteOf* daily! lalaUtb*
aUtbalotete had aBitehUlam
jM. todib. dUe—lM ■»«< wbllB to- ae by «. B. * F. P.
. OMe* PmtI
oMlM tb* »MioM pbMM af Ibe Mbmaaey. terinc dr^ste II anaatlmd. ,
abaeal; Barterl SalUnia.
Hany i U faeUac rnriy food that te tot ta
jm*, luMwd «PM tb* mBdlMO* tb*
- BM Othwm ac*d 10. pnrtemd a Tbompm Hatel Balt. Barite Ona-mi cat. r
•Ml MrtW
(loqMt MTto'utd
trlchttal wtmA at B*alae Harbar. H* Bi*. Eaatte Btaag^ ^
I TV K. U. Pete** Salt A Immbte
•M tb* l>dlTida*l M
mil [
----------.Samnof Ihoae wba Ite IteJ^xte Oompaay ter* Ite to (tea faaaUac Hx
pto c( tkt 0lt7 •»« Tiel»ltr e< tb*
areiac* MteM: Rrr^jBlrd^. ilB»ter from Uxir mill *oaibw*«l ot
UfOMArm* iehanaa. Otu PteaiaUte. bma. TVr Imre abaat o*>* baadrrd
■toU el Ibe >Mb«t Bf tb* umdftWfciohwoold bar«lmltha.ttetafn«B
Ml at tte mill
vbet U ttBQMaiMtlia. B*4mtad eOM tlw U di*•era eoKaa. *aia*. «L 75 ate 1 lb. K. Ite itela Bate into a *aad pli* to f*M
•UrcMof thi tM MOBirfil mmtUtlMnlM efithe
T. Tte Oe'* BaUnf Powde*. ralo* difteal. A ta« Bala wa* da*. lie ne
ianof tebrao m* held is tb*
IB tte Cemn eed «tt7
fOc. Bir**! by Kew Ttek Tea Oo. ate down tb* mek 6U0 yard* ate taklax
rilaea wa* ama*>c iteTr**MtB. TbiMhibitef batM*.
oS bl* eaai. .topped tb* inta.
> Uat w*te
DMCh BbBM mat BBT Md olh____ J.J- A. TWpp
a rieilar la
- Hra
•1.00; taial rala* ptemtlte, lASA — |~~l mnal te* uMlAed tb* road oB
«b“ tbM
A. B. PBlwr:ef g»U»»«
Trarnw Oity Uteda
elal* aad tte b<7 wlU be rnfartM
ih* MU <niT«iitMia.aBd tb* batter Il», Hr*. K. J. Taylor aad O. O.
B-K .
0«or*e Swandoa ntante
Tte t*po*U from tek* HiUucaa la u.^kU-.^T-s-^ln-Hlokaaaoa. Seoe. 8B.
Hr..Vm Haitoe I* on tte airk lUt. | Haaloo. wbnv te hte bnu
lb* Mbm of Ux MKX^ooe t
lb Raw MeoB Tte. ditei* ttel Ibere U bal litl|e fleid le*.
Him Baade Kiac cam* bene-from!dorlac Ite wialar, Ian TUar
•BrttBlvokMB estMM» Ibo
*ala*'»e*au: 1 Ih. PUth Ai
Tbarnaa Oity U»t Saturdar.
Wriirbt t.....................................
w mi imiMod tbo —dlww vlth
teffee. ralae U emit* ate U Ibt. •rerwltJi le*
i lame* Bode** rrtnm-d from Uoela at U f comiiT *nt a eoaplr irf da**
*B«lMiU«bMweM tbBal9P»P>* dial with aeoTM at ataia hind ter tbU
laebe* U tblekaete.
AtUiaaltBlUiI te laat weak, when b- ba* been woe* 1 laal/
itlBC. then had to V a fooa <bal Ste-py By* Ploar. ral«* «s mwt*. Ur­
■•d the tarmwi aad tbi tape
. {
U^trWUeaxof SammiiCiir wa.
ea by Wllbelm. Banak B Oo.. aad (hr ice i* IrdaOMl > about 1C
•MdUc non ealy" at tb* doon

• B.iu*** lO
te*--------------------------------Bickol alarm elork, Urea by VT. Q A aad I* btertly wiadrowed oaU.e
qtollrd tte *l>'iU»i>C
town Tl araday la«.
Ibe bMarr <<
a A. Qaatett. raloa II.OO; tatel Ude.bat on tb* whole Ibere u In*
tealas. trait grewlai aad daliriac Modawte* Moy teUfaMi wearlof
from Hah««i
«*T.O. w.
rale*. *1». TIa Mtk a B. Oat* tbaa aiua). On Imk* »«~.l.*r.aptj^^
week Itekio*
a coapl* <d A
M yrtlaw bade* with tb* daliyW*
U tb* Onad TIbtm* nflseaad
and Hra Kd HeHaUi«. Soore. •:<*- pear* ba( htll* S*ld In aad
ofte* imoriaxlob.
»w aliaebefL
tend le tb* tedd *tridM sad* d
Inter* OIT'-O hr JoliD U lVo..!rv ii
tl pcBotloallr clear OO tte Wnl *ld*.
atr*o b.T Diamond Otyital Oo.:
AU tb* ■blaai Tbaraday w««* tall
^tba iwiUitRr ran- Baqwb*
Ib* City Open boo*-.
Ua.- hUT*l Diamcmd Oryatal banei la Imke 8t Clair Ite in 1* •rMaaUy
at lolanat. B*t*n the nionlat^
at Iba tiM ofiBBUatian at tan
Hra Harley UoUidar of HaT8*U
)Wa lb. TITtell for the nil barite ixorin* InU*OU toMlllr. wbleb «M bald
L. Co**y nport* two raan ot wa* to tte Tillac* on* da> laM w*< k
ptOTldlac It U .alted with Dia. .1. aoil tte 8t Clair aad Detroit rir■^Ipix imr and our half milo* from
PmImbU. aad laid bow lb* inSaaea* timl paper* a^ addmee* ini
Ml** PaffteatoB. who te* tet
la Lake lionm.
Crynal tell - Ur*.
Darld «r* are aUmi frvu of tc- .
fm^ nom. the oOelal
•ixodiao aomi
at cMt orfaBtebaa bad baaedtad
Brl* there i* l<-*> In n-port*-d Ibaa
R. W. Dencmia* ha* tera te tte I* l.omr fur a of Bear tekr Kon*li. 8aor*tt>,.
tbatesan all Urafa ibii ncio>,
Oae boml Diamond Uryatal betb r B«aal alibi* .teMin of tliri.ur: tte
aad Hr. UbUomo of Btoryl*
R.A. Boncmaud Maltmati atlead.-d Cm
terbon art D'-arly free of >ur. Tin.IBC tbi- battar. aad c*tUac tbrir tell for (ha print batter eaeriac hifhla Fraparlr darrlof) Ih* mat n____ ___________
h< br con-,tte Snadar S.-liOul n
tet. prorldinc « ie Itellod wah Dla ire ui IterUotarlo appear*
III *11111 at IhU aertban tan at tb* Ictin* nady few tV award* of |>la*a
*ad of tte lakr ■ Pnokfori i**i Ttioraday,
aeedUryetal aalt. ralae •Loa-Hra. Sll*d h. tte rail
TbaralayatMCBoan the lady lodm*.
•lal*. H* aUd Uiat iaaboriair U ta*t
Bon Lilhtop oaJ faaii!» te»r •ou- r.*lo
Ite .amc period
Hra H*de, Mr*. A. E. MooMM.
> Inland fur a two wteL.' »ut.
glrlat way to _
Kteoa. Ibrr* U inoeb Irn >n
The otter cpeeial pretnlam* wen
tfarad Ual Ibe two did not waifc barot ewardol lecoa** tte eoodulcmt of pntwl from all tb<- lakn tbU ana
chair* Tor *Se^ftei I «>“«
’ taielbar, •
award were not n.el by rxhlbilon. and Ui*r» I* much In* fivlo la.-. ■
a tfaa laa lamber- Dalehah***a
ladlnl*. an «uriy o|<ratofr of naTl«a
Prof. O. D. Saltta of tb* Afrimlmm. cd acoaaoltT. Ba raf«*nd la tbo
Tte imrchan' ootil On-y met, a mlu Uir •ch«*l* ‘
aad Dsicb
, .-loDOae rthool room tett Sunday.
Ur anil
allantle otaac** *1*8* tb* eatUateS taial OoUm* wat obli(*d to laare at
The moraio* after Ite Battle Creek, y,
i, .orr low al thI. call-’d m T.
10 hliaddnaa. •■B*wL*«m**
at lb* tteb*r. wbleb wrn raapaulble
: William CarprBt>'ru*|
re tlic-r* wa* noted upon the side of : writiur
low PMdlac" «*• Unn In tb* b**B loft ia tb*
te amr ataMel* with wUefa tb* a«icrnmry who r««idi-« oat of tte oily.
*ralL wlilob wa* >iUI o* wUltea*; Proi. F S. Goodneb of Albiu ....t: day*
- at the eonatv bob.
lac- ThU WM folldwed by P«f.
itelWrial had ta aoalMd Uajalda

Henry Brook* of Haaloo
tefore Ibe Are. a perfect plrlate of a
IribaM to lb* taopU at TraTorat Oily, J. J. Firteaaooo"Jod»ta« the Dairy
.owiMiakr prlao of Am caU-akio ran black bone which h»<I beSo borowl ia throDiih PaleMii)-." Horrh SI. ai with relatire* ben-.
Thrae animal* wan Un
wba br tfaalr ladanry b
B*rt PewlaM reloraad
tela, a Jerny and ooe at mixed TBlatd at te. to tte on* Mkluc too tte waa Wilh ytieodad hted. oi«a
ilab Ibe n
dal ally whlab
hoUliSi.- UaDton Friday, where b
m«*< immlaam aaldo from tpeclal pr*- mnaih. dUteoded eye* and Ite
' employed dunu(f ite winto
rwj ta/arior
liMTlx coed polaU of
a* aalr «
TUn* wan- tied. Mr*. E. J.
Tte Iday oireo by the Fife lokr
« lalanMaad
tbown. aad U>e polnu ttei iro to
Taylor look Ar*t prln oo ameriau**,
.dramauc clob 10 Parker'* hall Salor
^Mtetartet ted nadr tb* etiy Mb* an IdMl animal wen dl*n
lae U iT|iortr-l io ixi,- br.-i
aooud ou |*lBt batter aad «*ooad on audticited tte wall aad iaU<-dand
Iteinmen laid freal nrai
“ tt'lh y ii ,lM..u« in
«*M It b tatey. tei wllboal afriealDalahelxf«r: Hra B. B. Cato lo.>k
>Lated opon the *tr*i«« *l«hl. Ttatarse Cltj
Mr* te daebnd that ite tawMMto at tb* ptdbme of an animal to V parBr*l prit* «o fancy roll batter, eeoon.l On, momlnc Ite wall wa* foaad lop
■ba alir waald aoi ta a> tewfal a.
In the t*ld-regoblini, and ciiifenv
oudlaplav aad third oa iirtai; Hra plinc «ver aad the pictare dn-trny<-d.
lieade,l by A. B
an today by naaoa of tb* a*rtV. a Miller took aeoood oo Sian (ht'u all of ite AdreaiutN wIki
G-oqi- Bowotman went to Didlaa* ,
rnpeclinly.'"Blrth*%,’---nl a
iinliuaiiiiiil -f tblitarond
Ibird te far bolter and third on DulUi lay ymt tOr^ opoo twbl, thru*. >ym- latt w<-ek with three car load* ol; eiruny ticket aad (te t«,ale*l will
TV aaadiUau. V nld.
, Wlthoot a doobi te a hot one
Loll aad proplxwo*. hare b>-ea read
vteabaad* ll poteUe
llawl tte impormat •i*p*io b*
v.'.«.d.rnrlh I. home from; c.rl M. Pterce, tl..- Trav.twiO.ty
IVbllr there wa* BO proTi.lon made lajt the bibl- t« fta.l wine ref-n-acoe
taUr daraleptba fiwltabddalryla- lakiB U order to bfln« any b**d ap to
i Petoakey. wbi; - heha* boeo speodiac'riAnr maaatoBtBrer. wa* amoon the
for an award for enmmery botlar, Ibi•*-1 the wlalet.
tetab wara BTadaaUy boeomlac
tte beat *taod*id of *xoell*oce.
that Ibe B*ar Imkr lirvlnx
they do in the *ec«md com
bapoftaal la Ite aity.
Hr. B. E. Wtatm mnf a rery piotty
(rtton special rtx**
ug; of Clin*l. anil iV end of the
(bat ite wU wal eapabte et parf<
-1*01100. “Hy LoT*r WIU Oeme Tonltloo for iteir exhibit of a tirkl
^ ttew aoBdltiaat Tte dairy lot
Mr." Hr. Vhll* abo *aoc. " Twa*
t eraamery batter, which am-rfl »l
wamlnK, or what, rer it may alimify
wla, te balloTad. atlrad a T*rr
Hlltlnf Tim*" yenorday afton»oo*L
There were In all W eiiirit* <
pMteil doaoltaa and matte poadi
F. B Cxok. a laadlooker em|>l}tr<<
Id Ibe am-noon Colon C. LllUe i«edairy prodnrto, IS of Dnteh eteeae. ;
tUai te tettaf baoH*. batte taimi nentod lb* *nh>ot "Pic* wltli lb>by tbv Wiecoixin Chair cotmaiiv. wachn-ae. u
UI ami-neaaae, : oi cream ci«.-*e.

ted labbbil pwM»*r»y at ibatraa- Dairy." He had uomaroa* chart, hod
afa. tba. »»at«Mla« Ite pecapertty at other Ihtnc* to ibow how ib* taliiac dairy dl*plar*,« fancy botwr roll*. i:i) ^roort
lake,.w.-*l of SL teaae.-. Tlplain rolU and 17 Jar*
mo haXeridently Ixeo m>I fur deer
*a bty.
DalrylM. bo aad. it bo- ofplciaan be moat *aoo*afoU.t
The exblbiia of che,-*e were from
i **ry proAbbU ladaMry. rled on in oonneellon with tb.- .Ulry
C.wk reoeieed a ehante of l-ock.liol m
the faatori** of H.m. Pr*.! kL Warner
ally MUoTBd tfaai
therteh' ihtHhand will lace h.. lea
of FarmtntRoa and the EnreLa Cheese
Mibwa iftohijMi wa* DM *( wall
bl* life. .1 hotiM-.lex.ler naiu,--'.
■‘Ha* Dairy a* ai
M of Mixed
Co. of Eareka. Mich . represented by Kueechaoc ha* »--eo am-.l-J fur w-i
tlaptil ta naak laUtataad tetter
ti.eir secretory and oberie maker. L.
MUM. Ite abaao* at eeodlilaai dar- pnatKml talk by A. P. Onr of P
lini: III,- Run
'R. Slfafooo-. formerly of tlie Kl*le
lU towaablp It l>tt>0Kbt ant ■
J. U Znret of Coloma. un.leiiook
Obeeaa factory. Tte chee*m of these
til dulafiwt hi. Iiouac will, *01111101
CO fmilorie. eoore.l the maie.t>4 out of
a* tte ooantry 400 or OlO aalla*
Wtet It Cone to Paatare" wa* anTheian cOnUluinR tb, eulplior hepclble 100, The .core ul tb- Waraf h**a BMier Palmar rafamd to otber ruy telpfal *ab>*et imuted
muae twl hot anil set fire 10 the II<ht.
er oheem- wa* a* follow*:
tea MtellUlm of M Mr wnt. tb* by O. U Whltaar of IV aaylnm, and
41‘,;pmla. W.: ael«. 10: mU. lU: TV IMOU wa* tec dntrnctiou of th,OabeM ate adleieinc HaM. whlab tel* alee nlled ap ooealdermble dt*only by bard work
imekimi 6;-toial. »■
Tte aeon cl
wet* tomwly rvi crab ralalnc
part of teeftr,- deiartmcnt llxl
a* follnw.:
MM bat aoutaal enUlraUaB of
a analoB TtaortilBy
flaror. 41: frain. f»; oolcr; 10; *aU. tJie tIIUk* wa* mvinL
•Mb had Mte dawlnMlal to tte atMfWKm te* ftdlowlM
Uiubicaii Central h'nlcbt Omiduclor
JO; paeklidt. »:-lotal, M.
Mil. K that tea poadblUtka la tb
elaetad te* tte eatelac yMr;
The eloaiac ****1011 of the oodtco- Chniirr fell off an «a*t-boohd tram
MM tepNtUabla crala lallloc w
IP. Hiller. Tntterae
white wa* KoiBR 30 mile, an Ixcr. n
.OB ThotmUycTeuln* wrn* well
tel M BOte M to tacmar yM.
•ide of
4*adad, aad two very iateruUnir *nb—V.
la akte« tte aetetor ttaled teal In
<-oadition be wandered hack tc
yecU W.'ie proaented- Th>- talk of A. P.
bl* ofUlaik taBaewad by -paraooal
Gray of the pralomla. which bad Bateaixa, where lx wa* cared for
OMrtteca. Iter* i* wo oaeapatUm
- breoa** Hr. Gny sea Be ha* Dolyri eaflloieatly ivoo'en-d
MM Mtead IB lltU
to Rlvc aa iBlelllRtblc accoBBt of tee
MbylM IM momm aad da**lepMM, ha Mid. depeodi apen ecBaolaa
laar* hefor* tlx close of the oooTenHer. C. Ka«Ian,l of Ixpcer, last
IM. ate la teB aeteeatlmi te ptld .
lloa. wa* one fall of fcaetloal aacRn Sunday moralDR took hi* •cri)«<iral
hl«h tebat* la John P. MiUar. tee
Hr. Qrar'* eabyeel wm "Dairy lessoa from Roman* aad .hi* •enuou
»a Thanday evaalnc wlU, ti»
faaaMrot the prat.
a* an Adjancl to Mixed Hubaadry " text from the Act. of the Apostle*.
wUtehte alnaidy <
Be spoke of tlx eew m tlx ttop-iBOte- Tbeaemoe ran alcoR anlil the mnlrata* ate iaftaeaea
er of te* no* and empbaalaad Ibe taci
tbe Ih,- ixrmoD. when to the
"Ptealaot Good Baitar" waitte ____ *t fTsUfylac •nroeoa. aad Ifaoae
teal if all other dumestie animal* ^nrprlie of IV faithfol. Mr. Eaplaud
wba bare anaaced the* plan* far tte
•atteat at tee eraolnc-*
lookiBR orcr htoaudite baaom,' extiacL tec taamao •lOlip-d. I
•tttioa. aqiaeially Joho P. Hiller.
TV oddrM* WM dallraite by Prat. i.
•IMtoold like tbo*.-who
oOBld Ret Moor <inlto comfort­
J. PtafMM at tte Acrteallaral Oolably tnte the boriae cmtorn, but
lUrwbonmymoiTiin*'. aariie
>• extlaotloa of nttle would make tural le*ma li to kindly ral*e tbeir
M. bat bate* b* had «al«b*db*
• Tin- member* looke.1 al emrh
laa'* Ilf* a boidea oa tb* rnnh
The axhlhlt of dairy ytadaeM
bteaaartaaad tb* paealaaei bottar
B* (Mtad teat a farmer had to ke,l>
At ta*l two hand* went ap.
—------- ate term*** {xMaat that V aaaaf tteaoMble faataiMaf tte naand I in. German Snaps
One of tee eooRt.-R*iioaiiUu. reprer« or tern eatra aad teat te*
kaawatelac ottweabeat p*mUm1 raatlam t>,e wa of tb* pradacu
Mated RU****d teat "tlx icit *ra. in
of tbmx and ttelr {wodi
bamt maUat B. abewad tte rMill* cm M a*«ac* hljcter than at aoy
lilUe le«( (baa wouldI b,h Rujalrad t
a" The other Ruessed it tiitbi.
at tea aspMteMBti a< lb* aollef* ate omBTsalion la tte stat* tbl* y«ar.
Kings each, lor
10 or 19.
TTauRemeai* ar- beioR made hy
Paltowtas an tb* jMat ilmi
B* tunlteaalb'd tee nete for oilac
railroad omciali f« tte telpment
•*tad.and tte benatwln* aad dairy.
Ibe by-iwodacu of tee cjw in the way .. a lame Dumber of Dankard and
I af tte ladaHiy ac
M wV Mptuad tbam. with ttelr
of fartillMr, * milk, butter milk Fiuo K-lOct* for tee *tump lud* of
i far*
Lake and Gladwin aooatiM.
?'tte bael dtiplayaf dairy pn- aadlapiteed mOk- Tbeaddnxt
a. aad
llsieaad te with mute latoxMt. aad mid thal tee preaeat aetUenare
d wUb emphaaU that te wonld
Ladies Beks worth 50 ct'
of teem mlRiutiBR to Dteuta. aad


won atead
Urnsr «

We have just received another200 baurel car of


w..; sjs.'g.ia .■SiU'a;. -is


Muitlv loo pound sacks, for the conveownce of our
counto' trade. Those who are dissatisfied with tbeir
owo will find it profitable to tell their wheat and buy
Sleepy li)-e dour, made from Minnesota spnoR wheat,
especially when they can buy it at so low
., per cwt.
the best
with a positive_ „guarantee
irj-ou ever used,
and cdl for^your
■ 'keep the

money. Also have a good supply of Seed Oats. Timo­
thy and Clover Seed.

AOOmOIAL C08KSn»UCL inteOtyeaiiM




h'r.i: f.',ik*‘'^- ‘wti^irkX’Tficite?"

318 uotoa Street

Etolb Phones Wo. 4J


ln|;spite of the fact that our prices have always been so low
that it seemed impossible to hammer them lower we have de­
cided to give the people the advantage of

A Genuine Bargain Saie

No matter if we have to sacrifice every cent of profit we are
going to sell you goods for the next month or two at prices that
have never before been quoted on high grade goods^n this
part of the country.

Here Are a Few o Them:

"Tte nre aad
tbeee famlUe* will to need In.ussl. to
irea by TmTin*
la. ralaaSS-n. aad Sally Bairle. aa* bote from a laaaUoal and MDltary brlDR tee land Into a state af
nate of tte *t*n tetter which 1*
hy Hra. D. B. He­ ■taadjalDt"WM (V wnbjeci of an able iloa The firettotch will oontxi of
ptaaed aa tte market.
B* mid te year. •LOO-WOB
totwto-ii 9.000 and 5.00t-> aad the Pere
aoalt not Mam* maay larp taatari** HbUbd.
•im. mlU iuiirctar of Gtaad Rapida Hargoelte n«d i* aMiitlDR in briiiRta OMm«n tte biUIsIbc Umtr waaia
He urfcdlbaaoedof eteaa aewa
rn by Prau'* Food Oa
IBR them
atablea el«aa Ixada clean milt paili
ttet tea I«edwt U mack moa teaUhaad bottles, aad staled that
tal Ma Um hairy prodaela aallad
eleaallne** jo tte haadliot of milk 1*
***** hMMr. B* Mid. bawerte. teat B. Millar. Hra 8. & Oato.Hra A. P.
Soliool clo*»l
>1 next tu ROdbaes*. but
te WM act la terot of cMmartaritM, Gray, ■eon, 4A
meeib'* vaeatio.
He sxidaiaMl and
fXMlam—On* ni<k«I tm h*ttia
tet te mad* Ite Mtamaat to lUaabar mother will >imd
by Prokoi< KyaMka. ralae <1.90.
U!»e in Tneeree Oiiy.
MMtte valMOf ceod haiuri
•aAit Tlfbt OCTidUtama,
B* nlalad aad 11.00 la eate. irlren by 1*. P. Par
>. S
W. Galt
«Idee. Score. allentluR Ibe milk. a*lac a maipW ot
Ml* Mte M tte coltacB la which ex- kett—Von by Hr*.
X oity
to 'huT. ree
City to
k, b*urHr.Wooleir-.
-vu-r - .
milk Rirea him by Lc« Swan.
ptet bMMr Baaaoald aot toU Ite
Iratun. T)x» pronouared tt Just dne
He >bowed lhai t
lateitprlieii wa* decided todicdlfMMM hetaaau oli miaumliii and
aad enjoyed llx trip. teRaiUIc** ot ilie
milk tecMd all rlRht. then mixed li 1 ^^liM
••ad tetur K> parfael hM heaOM Ux reRant Ux tcariaR of the battar itself,
with a liHl-- walat. M.owinR bow | „p,
maaabxtar* of tte farmat. B* toMb- la tel* nspMtt (to wliuux. Ur*. D.
. readily faU iDstrnmcnie delected tb
Oox Mach,r. His* Dana
_ . .
Mtetaaas* la bai- H. HaHaUia Mood seeood, with a
of IIS. Hra W. H. HUUt and
Be apeke of tbe ptopoml
Hn. 8. B. Oat* tolsR tied at 190.
tuUk Inspector employed '
■aad pedant, aad tare aoBaldenUe
I tea adriaa.'
K.e«ixm.incier k the Tomprt-r- ta artlAclal aolorlBf.
te hlRlxel:
bUlly of RoiaR aa Hr Mai*d tent it; xu,, «,bocd
*au T----------•*— tetealarrd teal tte
uavalne would act berm an haaetf mllkiaaB.: white wa*
ealariv mat ou by kaaalac maanlaa- rhan.RiTse by J. A. I
Mwaan pan aad wholaaomi
Tte foIlowlBR
aad aaaun toOler milk
pnwCH were mesaal: Missee
Misae* kUadto
ibierMtear. HarTSum-baoch. Annie
punw dairy iRadaete far aU
■ MkM. This lx (Bid. flra*
a land Mary Webber, baa Vbeai. Klda
" ..............
y tevor te tee tetMr, whlob U
_______ ay. Will
BMMl aad white teaamn
__ plly aasweiwd
by Hr I
__ ____ Hixk.
I. tte tom dairymeo'* cooseai loo Bn«iu HeUte^Ha^lto^^
dWaU apoB tte Impart*
rteb^. JoLi
asdecUred adaad Frank Hiller,
hatmr aad RB«* It a*• hi*
eptekm Itaai
toaidea Him Kerdlmm and Mr. Her­
far tea .
rick'* fasalls. whom we all f<uu>d
Mlafe ahaped paekac* U tee beat aad
1*1 pnMlUM—Plate tato, Rltee by
Orueermaa Vamui Stooli at CbaiMkM ap te* U*« epaea H* diaeear__ ________, ,_____ _______________________ BaiMT Aadesmr.. »»1m M - Hn. io«e ha. etarted a new laduatry wbieU
tohalhw wltelte own*r*|Otox ZtMm**nM Soore. 90 V
> bid* bit 10 po< te* eat* out of bual-;
sited hamateRood butter. Prof**-{ tad i«aMlum-«t00 la ttate. Risen
aar Pstrusm d**ol*d eoasadmable : by Guy L. Omm^ey.-Hn J. Bar


UxM Daaa. Teacher.

■> far a* MtchloR mkx Roemtee ’

K*pon of C*ter act
teclaiaa ^acBte aadlBR Peh. 98.
Um* to Ih* wxteod ef itnlali
of dead m>aa|
9rd pm am-BttealMpot.RiSte abeai tte »
— <- M*|MMa<x to hrlBR Rood f»-; .
OampbaU. salac 81.00, mtd whar* tte hatete* wan kopt led to a: rItIa 18; .toML 4»
nim. ate whtl* fastelaR tte mpan- [by’ Jullai
MhalMtettel Roadraanlli can to 1 tee uraad ztann* Ham
aaaite whan Mr. Bhaall wm Mprlmd ,
J°„____ who hose no. Ixn
Uteitil. ftem the teallow paa caaam [H.-Hn Bdwia Black ate Hn
le had a Ur laraaMla ia tte Ml at |
oeuxRla SuUwalU Lenoca
taWMMSthad. A.IO aalarlat. mlt-ja HlUcr. Seme. ttV
te had jam pouand Baidlofc. Aim Holte. Della ThompAfM MM tearp-MSM.1.. -bJUMgrteU^^
Per t U. raU. aeatlaR hlRhaat


lit pnmlam-M fi«ll Iraaa


. Tlota Klowlt-


Ladies Beks. wonh.


Men's Buck faceil


".................. ;■ =^“.15

S:*"; -15



Six do/m Wood ClothexTQg





Siirethinc Nc»t Ksb«



Ki^orj^on Hood,. Un.c



Six inch Clevis for
Hairy Thermointtors (or
lO^quarts Galveniied Vails
S inch Flat Files for



l-'our inch Clevis lor



5«'siim Ta^r Files Eor ^Qg
A^OodXo. i Ax Handle

Aligator Wrenches Worth

Tm-quartTin Vail


_Q5 TwoKiuart covered Vail - ^Qg
House Broom, good
.03 A grade,
In addition to this we will give a discount of 15 per cenL off
on everything else in our store,excepting Coats’Thread. There
will be nothing reserved—everything goesrw
Don’t miss this opportunity to buy goods at less than
wholesale prices.
^''Jackson Liqind (ilue Ikji
10c. size for..... .........
A fp»d Pipe

THE _____

Traverse City.

tlM« WtVMBU*
Ite talta NttlMMlti ta
^K5i^ IMf tnUfaM «k> «1rt
«W P»>« •>< WCM
HE^ nir-|r vlni will ten U*
EZte««M«e m4 ui
>te daw*.
tortly »»wi. wiat tef Oofhi^


.w mem hw bateodtteititttoMalilfctnteit telaMalr
ha. ttear bM an-tte teU far tte porteaaaaa. Jaai-aa|»-^ ■ WMied am ^faMa
mralant aartUaf tter eaniad tte jwnf aaa ao. faa no tine haftar atordiaf relief.
rSrjT^^Jte^inepbita. It li*.ijMdiwattfaro war'atedrowad aboat Prof. Ttenpeoa of Aaa Arborw
el the MTBtoMft a. JadfO at Rtne.
AMaka. Tte plaee hae bon UM br
eaaMUlaB- nnortaf tte fadaral fadfo itewa
ta it.

Oirela Oilr.
Tte OIrala Ollr
oad U vomIbi fnol totMto ItehalL
iB aloobol
laana to be aa- )ob U aa aapleanaat one on •
Mt iterc.
^ H.te.wate4aa4i«rw
a little later a. tter
tte dretle etlanla. It will
an raacM .ltelth <4 Mookofoa
maare tte dead perfc .
vbe !• IfIHnr tix wiotn In OnUtook liold of tte oBlaal'i Bead wbn
fomU. te. «ino IB.COO to U* Umke
An -Womaiu' tltb. tte mamr M be

at hinr^ Wt^Wt rfhl.

«e)ety nlf-dj owtM * ten
Hn. BMlth ii » wmltby widow Indj.

in ««M»
we n-portel to BM Lrt na la
MMrfWMoC w.—
u*«. a V— Btetok. *te no-itiy eaeM of otw «140.00U a rear.
nM-d troa tteFI
Braton Itwbar fralt arowote


«-» «-»»?• — OtUUttla-

eenpelled UttfateU
_ hb kaaoc ta tte toad and mfwna aa ------------ wten laarar dl&'
add to Ite tteoe of mlad of bln wh
keoad •

eOeo of Ueacbl E. L Baeha. rxplt
ad. Tte latwlet et tte toon a
wreokod. aad Dr. Baeha. had a n
tow eenqw tron death. Tte fnoc
tte exploclos wa« ae gfwl that i
metal rover of Ite Tulcaaian e
blown ihnogh tte eelltag of i



bike and kich.
a JbbUoo.
haidlr wall
bariBf la«fe traot. of Mi.d la
food and w
wamal afalael Ltaloe
wwth. which will bo need In joowio*
old and ha
aadhainry. It ooet Littfa-1
OftTta. • aaU-allliaalia. te* oSu- pnrbM.
Tbne nomhe afo. Roland
dMwrtmeal 16 r*ara
•4 «e fin fHO.000 u
Aeld flAfiO
Merrill booabt e.ODO aeree of peaob
pwepecb of aa wrlr opealag
tftmj eOtwr wbo v
Mad in TeXBA awl Mat wnk lr«as
of «{«lBc tan* U>e iboafbb of AMiermotUor. Bllmhb
jawioaT, a wall-ki
mttt MMOo MM }aat
mberef tte etate
wten moB to the royal qwit at oaglfag »»d
it i« proper. Umieforo. at tbb Urn. to
-f ---‘ a tte MrttenOtaio teit Tlw ___________
Itbrarr amocbtlcB. of wl.ieb te'.bod
aotoa Ihu will
to oall acft-Diioe te tte oew
mgu aad .ynp oakto* me '
wt with MieUitao ttrowa peanh tree,
iueffeet In tte matter of
vUdbM laiocMBL aovrlnlt
oeitfall. Good peeeh land in tb.OC (te to»o«*
oaap. et eoalh ooete «> to fa per aora.while tte idaek ten Tten AMi eoai
‘ --------------------------- ---ee in oar naoaor In any of
IUka« kDd dMte*
paomt land la Ite Kleblfan i«ach
.tmmeaf the Male belwooa Aiwil
4wte< ttel ««• l»i« of MNdo ijT«> belt ii WBftb aboat *100 ^-r acre.
IW aad Kay Wh
Tbb b tte peHod
vtU te MBBl. Ufter tUt oaMO '
Hn. *d Ware perfona.'d H.e tteiie of epawatef aad i lolatorm of thU law
Ooldwaior b fact rogalainf ib far.
t)kl. rear-e law- Katloa act lu Doimitd. Her be.haad are wt jrot to a flae of from fa fa *100 BMT repatatiop ae tl>e teadqaortm
UO eoMe per fol- drew hi. par aad^^l oo a eproe. or three uoutbe la JalL
for the broadfag and nle of
aiie leaned Chat be woe ta tbe "lAat
laa fMn Ite Mart.
Ohaaee' wlooo and amed tenell for .Jg meube and for tte paei week he bemea. Withta tte pau two e
Tte loaf talkad of
over >00 raluabb horni tere l>eaa
beetle. She aaUr.-d and aakwl ttel 111. done BOtblag tel howl aud dmMoocfto UfOM la Sc Paal-e le
imrohaeed Chore aipl efapped >
ter haMmod te prodaood. Upon a re- tior farnilare la ttie loeal
ytnad. irmhlpertoa Saalar an wlU
York aad otter coMera roiala
chart time ego. Hen. wbo
wo tte aawUfhn tbn far tte dm fnwl ete etaned la to ter<
Whoa a box oar loodod with hay
All of tlio glai
tlwa. tteofh Bot la oettmr paftepa
me opened at Dollar Bay at • o'olack
■wept off of tte bor, oad ete thoo a toll of bull eoaalBtag fak - Tbb
Tte wlno an aow nadr-bal fta eooM
Wedaoeday aiffac
tramp wa. found
tamed her ath-atloa to a onopU of wa* Bwre DW<-y thaa be bad ev<«
laaM tten tee ben mme delar fa
wlie bad bm ibai is at tte Viteoa
wrd labUe. KnrrUifaf wae dael.od eroa bafwe aad be n-fand fa pot II
lirl-it tbe etaaderd* teed. Mot qalu
xia .liipplag point eevea day* ago aad
apoa tte floor and tbroe fallow, up- Ip a teak- He bid ic and .wob time
aU of t^e eaa be teed br Kaeler,
nc l>. th. neonttme ter ho.teod he weal fa fawa took a Uttle of it bad been wtthool food
bat fae teoir wlU be ana
Both fort were froeaa and tbe doclore
nada food bU ocoope l>r a rear door with bim. aod epeot 11 for whlekey.
(d UffeL
It U eattnawd UM we
did not think the man ooald
MhO.) .rManh. A IMen. iiril,.l U..'rk.-li
faew fa. leelaeirleitr.tbteafb tad Bot a nerrr pon for the allrr- Tte acnoo of ll.e liquor oo hb weak til moniag.
Ho gi<
Odoo Loforo ete eotared a eaoea then iolelleel eooii mad<
ttefUt of J PlatpoBi Morfao. will
where te ^
aad dUpereod the
A letat ha. beea roeeleed at Aao
aboat *1
petal of a rerolrer. Her haetend
At berlia at PrMar'e oawioa at tte
Arbor from lira Panl U Preer. wife yean old
dmnod eat fromaadera labb and
badfot oowMlm of tl« Prawiaa diet
of Prof, Pmr, and who b now la
Eotaamba Loou Hartin. nlooo
Mrj OooMiller Ktrohaer nada tte •M' gore hlB a thraahlaf.
Ifanila. girta* none aewe logardiog
Jo. VoBofa a acted copoar oooatrr. Ho. Nlaa Paddock. Uw U. of M. girl
IwpwMt aahoaaoanant that---------dripki.«
tiapprr. who killed near volroe aad who weut fa tte Pldllppian ae a
Hartia'e imrtuer
rmr HmldA Drowalr-r pn
wlldwu. roporb luTlng ted aa eadt- laarter and wbo nml ^ih eoob a eerctewl
aad brmbtakr teputjJX'
ieaee oae elflil laM week, ioo- aochleet la falling off a bridge
the bottle of
to ewap
bg wae botUr of arltxor.bOBOe tl<e
Ae of hi. trn». and


,jgMai-sa^aa£ s='S=s.-5.2imgaH
mmrns fc^sMisamwiSl

[s?'u;' :’'.25T

__„ ^


lb. I 6»>

a.e fc

•> ■" •'••brl la ttr

'M SiSffi



an ^ptorfaff' tpooiolly mlaeddof.
to eORj ietfar. and prorUieMe to tte
nowte-Bp fanljaae bibobc Uw Uorarfaa Alpe. Than d<«* are of tte Be
Bortawd linod. Tte noBBtaln aarn
acn. are oftoa newed U thiae aad
fan wood, at a tter. eai offfronaU
aa^Baniwtin with tte

ataifbCfall wme faUowod braraek
of wolrm
There were many of tte
imldbnnbryfa faU Maor thioalml., aad Yoann ooaaldenKi
anldraC and the gormimeat ha. eeldbrioiioo. altheocb anaed. to take to tied for tte bltU for Ite carfoOB and
a tree, lie foond refa*. oa a limb
uam. bwldro allowing her tte
aad wae aoon beabwed. At ti
of aa aitlAelal Ir*. Tte U- of M.
«rapp. r wonld Are lato tte |>ek.
ngeiit ia HbbUo U do^lag ei-ery-1
wl.lte te ooald bot dlialr eae. bot all thing poa-tblr fa give her eomforla
iiijfbt. wlU 'the tompintare below
V. B. Oook. tbe laadlookMwbo wp.!
wro, be elaaf fa l'l» perch.
Ai day.
break tte wolrn dlnppearod,

WdtU. Arofalarbl 'wooklr poot ha. bobiod them two dead
haaa ifibllfaKl, <o don uaroUac tee mom. which iadlwted that otter,
l^ofaor. AU pnrfateri «d o Iworr imd beea woeodad.
eettlng the gao. wlU be arrmlfaed fa.
a email fortnne tlib ItfaV-r, ro.
morrow oo a charge of manxlaaghyT.
oalefaf Alt from Ite Aab and r from
The oaee agalaet him 1. very etroog.
r with fatton. ore tbe ooaatr for ererr weU killed.
bat the maximnm paBolty it hot fooTwniod reoad tte dof 't nook.
At Monbinit. a woU doflood oaee of
Tte okUbltleB to PrtoooHoarr of awUpoi eompilled tte oloUaf of tbe
Iho fword lananiod to Ota. WaablBf Oaelette houd aod of tte Raeeel tbe tenincBla. aad at tte next erooloo
PradwUk the Otoat waeettte latter eee of tte beet ac of the togleUtare a UU making lUe
iMdad hr a peealiar laoldoac WaM.- polDled and moot poiwJar bobbin ImpriaoiiBeiii the penalty where death
vUM hie Are nrerdi te hi. aortten Miohlfaa.
Tte great o«- fmm .wdgan
pan ooeari
oooare wlU telntrote IntrcflToaapfaew* with tte prorleo •
pniee inoatred by oocniy board, of daeed. Oook
»ok > Imne wme at Brandon,
tter teeaM not te dnwa bon
mwt appT pmilawb oaaatiei dnriog
wte bb widow aad throe
—bbiia. aalon fa tte dofwn of tiM tte iaet two wlabn. threaten, to be­
rhUdn-B wiTT
etle a bardeawme tax. aad fwreot
_______ .live 3teo Kllrry
hope 1. exiBoeeed north of tte Btralb of NegBUBee Ime loM the eight of (me
tint tte next Ibrttiatwi' may offeou tlie recalt of a opllnfar Ayfag
tleelr dmi with tte eaeolaaclon qaeeIt while opllltiag kladUag wood.
M ronaum eoaaeU at Imadag hoe

I kb Anath and

knabare 1 pbanai nm
linb fa namm of bb.Uf.
a^ neartv wotk. ntUad
grvwap with tte vtUagm.

bbfag Item. Ufa ne'. tmy* struck
imll aad Ite rvflwtfaa danngwl hb
vym*. cuibfag him fa fall aacwKlou*.
B. rlaim. ttel te by Tor nan timr f«A10.<m.

B. nld
ThtM yenag PcMakoy ea|iit*luu,
hfafatyion fa David Bnnfagt. boal agern of tte
Ba n- -Pm HuqnHM. H. a Tnfak. of Ufa
PmlMk.y Boronl. aad Orb C. (b.«exy. formnly of DnxMx. bn wmafc arqaind Ui am. of Aa. Itaw-Tuok foron beiwna Ufate and Bay Stex*
nil pnlfamHNMlv. limv-k
B. did an marry, aad many of bb
fatlMti tibafti fchnr tteit te bad TtebcmpIblintinB t* Aro.oro
aaotter lo Ite ebnin of IkBw
memo emett mrtow. wbfalt te
wnfci that nirt Ufa roaUirtin elvort
brivtag fa llv* tewB. Whmi b
arrmna te mad. ae atunpt fa dewy of littb TiuvMn Bay.
hb tdnttly.

H. tabed fax nm boar

A Bapid Rlvax phyboba b ehngte
ttinfortto p


Tte paepbaf Ona tafaxteat

Cen Per Cent Discount on tbe
Following Goods:
DRY GOODS—All Silks. Wool Dress Goods. Mousseline De Soie. Wash Silks.
Alexandria Silks. Robina Satin. Linen Batiste. Dimities. Batiste. Madras. Mercerized
Chambriy. in fact all dress goods except Ginghams and Calicoes.
CLOTHING—On all Bo>V Suits, Irom three years to K. years.

piiiCE (nyfFEmis.
«n-inv.lidim which llmlb tbe ee............ of m m.B. of b« eri. For »
<hr euflen IB rilenee end igooroot .14« fa rebu b« eeffwing. to

—•Pevorib Plveenf*K» aad ^idem
M-liml D-ro»«, .I WO~^ tfa
medbinn ex eooo ml eowld mAUp»
tte^Mtbrm. Itei^^^l^fa-

.lAmi lev telp. She dteih*. face*tte
]b.u«u..teehnnh. Iroe. tnlklagtan
armoger of the tntimelf mnttw. of her

tte drw. e»
h«v«d the I

tte local trceimenl

Jl. J. Witbelm
Sontb Side

eor. Union and Eidbtb StreeU


tWB. nad cmr*. bm«b
«akarm.v Unite teM

Feed and Sales Stables 23 I State Street.

\ ImplementStdre l23Ca8sStreet.

riurtw! recratly purchased the stock led busintss of Geo. Caras. I »HI hereafter coudocl a hrst-cf^
e end Safes So at the old stood. 231 Sure Street, opposite Park fUce Hotel. 1 w.ll ulso use part of this hare for
a o rrarahouse; where I will ooload several car loads ol machincr)- thpr 1 am ... a le. days._____________
J ,
I have a lar,e farm a short distance from town. I am in a position 10 han^
die all kinds of stock in exchajige for machinery, bupgies ami .mplcmeots.
J I have at present about twenty good work horses for sale.
•__ _____________________


a Hn^^^ These machines are too well and favorably known in this local■ FX H

mt iTiagr.. wMtJflM

* rvT rt orr.
II stouVI wvm « wnngv
.Mmbev of awdeWT wtn i
__ ____ •!.»




‘l?5 IP

Milwaukee Junior No. lO.

.B-1 mcivdly
IL V. Ptett.-------Thfa eter M tf«* CO.
ghosU not te tmdm
-tec maWrml adriex'


Milwaukee No. 5.

At my implement store I will cany a large and complete line of
Machinery. Boggles. Wagons aod Implements. 1 am in better shape
than ew tosupply the wanu of my customers. If you do not find what you want in my stock 1 will order the
short notice.



in* to oBm yr>n lirst<l»s good, nt prices thnt will tnorm them rapidly. 1 rae l~y r>ods in “ hW
nTchenp ns anyone, nod am always wiUin* to give my eostomera the beoelit. Call oe me aod be con'-ioeed.

than ^xtUrn.; it ■* il il lilydan|vr

tea fa * Mttb mya ^ th



Citizens Phone 126
baxvmxul pbrn fa tteai


For tbe past two weeks we have bc-en unpacking new spring goods, in each de­
partment of OUT store, dry goods, clothing and carpets. To make it an object for you
to visit MS we hav^ecided. lor one week, ommencing S-ntiirday. March S. to allow

quatn luUrtad for daamgot. alleging
a .iagulat fajaty.
WUmW eUlm.
that whiU cronfag tte nOlroad

I ooavfaMd
fMa. Tag., fa lAKl. B. wm. emt
teUaadAad. A wnk btar a *ma|
«rt**d fa tte B.W town «f (fan.


Special Sale ol Seasonable 6oods.

Owe of tbe fow moaumenu to
.m example which ooghl to be folef la MtaMgaa will br ereeted
: lowed Id every city nad village la Iht
momorr of tte fate Mra Lacinda
Lie. l.y panlng aa utdlaanor jwohl
Blaedale Stone. Ph. D.. who founded bltiug ibedietribatiOB of free nmplee
wonon’e efabt all eeer tbe Mat. aad of mrdlcloe or drag* on dooratepa.
ItetUle of 'Mbe
Hnny of tte nmploa Uiat dbCribafad
Mte Dale BnUh of Blnwoed, lad.
____ .olnba" Tte m(
arv gathered na<l oaten by ehlldra
loft fan wate far the PhlUndaoU- teen ended br the Tweatioth Oen- wbu mienke ibem for twady. end ofMate, orbwo tee wtU to nartfad to
elnli—ear of Un.
Stoae'e a n teaaib are eeriea. ’
Botert O. Otom, orho It nrrlaf ta roangotl elab eblldttm.
At Howard City a hyjniriel pat
teefanroadbaow attaobad at Ha- poeed to mA all tte wemea'e elebe
yooag maa aeleop la n otcav wfadow
Bite The roaac bdr ant Ofarer at in tte elate to
at BOOB Tharvtey. At b o'oloofc
tww Baate low jnr. arc aad the)
Tte pooplo who live nloag Oan rlr. tte eveolng a wowd anamblod
tegm---------. HlnSmich'i
la ttel

T).e four your old daagher of Hr*,
Twin a faiy the eoaehmaa woaU taka
a Paten, of Wnfarvllrt. wlwo fa tte
Ha waanlwayepnIdnylng with uaotter
^tfadtodlBelB ttenmetm nad
ehUd. wn. ntteoked bg • farm Ply­
mouth Bock reeator. which pooaeod
tec nad oommearod Marfag tte
cihild'e faoo with lb bUl
ohAwdlihaa Tfaea
Tte eblld e eertokmi brought tbe
fa mild after dobnUkaad iMwakn. A littU te
bl« llie rooofar off they found
Kafan wM plaead fa Hn. Bapploo'e
He epur bad cot a fang gmUi near ine,
Haiftag ipirtalata Bo wai pat u
right temida uad ooe eye wm. nearly
ted^nawTiataboat lOa'afaekaad
picked out. TteatMdiog ptayideba
AmM aa^ te wilkfaBsy white
tvpvfa fao wound. Mriiwu. rearing
hbed pebnifag win fatal eeoalu.


Spring Opening

eoBW te did aot kaew of ttepaerli
im of tte wUL tat te bad. now
twB. taaoewUr rtofand tten
■ ntlMcf tte uuijaiiniii waeand.

b btonfciag apmnd
dead All. of all klade are found la the
Mdi Bp fa *te «nM. Twowaafce
roam, lome weighing a. much a. b
tea«Bl Ofaw a pfaee of tbe good.
« poaadi. The people of Bridge­
Vhdfh hn bavoUag drtn b mad
port. Praakeamnlh aad T.
Md It U Meaffh ihb that te b
farmer, living Dear tte i
kfafaUy hn whnt rim mohn HaaU*.
Mtiniy eemplaiaiag ai the dootyfag
U harlag haea attaagod that
Aeli are logntded aa n neoaco fa pubteOBfa wnr Ite dma of whleli
Ue bealib. A pecittoa will
fnfaan «Bt to (Hoeor b a pare
warded fa tte goreran. aaklag tint
lin J. H. Sapploo of PUloAaIpbb,
b noafalac fae Ion of bn UttU nry ttnpa fa nbato tte ovll. It b newhifa poodb dog. Kabn. who wae iaertad ttet no naeli eoudllicmi « '
aleta Ite ethn day. Few ahUdrao
to tte eatablbhmeei of tte
oilfaTii norm atMadea lima Saber.
telery nt CWu.
A nroaat hatted him every noralag.



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