Grand Traverse Herald, May 08, 1902

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Grand Traverse Herald, May 08, 1902


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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;atxb8B cnr. oramc tbatkesoc ooomtt. mcmo^. may e. i»og


ntfiaitm Tmiiiii!

€raiHl CravfrM H»bU



For the faU ocMOd <d 1801 wo


bare one o! Ibo fiaeat oMortanta



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w^^to^teteee we do

waa a tre ia tt



9W ^tjleaof






r.a«mT: MUI ■<

rvad. 1.5k
rk Ew «fc»
•«*» ^' •><

•oib lha craa an'toaerroy. an'the
oaXipated Hr. Plow, waechiax foe
O of the auto, pt^ cblmaey aa'
Ibe effecL
•• waa loM to the wortd m
• Tbiei c.e.oookte.1 too«ood.par
Well. 1 b'llerel'llBT it." fetitod lanee ago.
aad eotoarn
bon bena
pm••Yah koow. Maitte. 1 Uuak yoa'r*
ooain Bllr*. "for 1 do hMe to beve BMwuyto
■be bew «»•» iB.tSX'wheU- ocaany.
Tbeo befartb-r veBiared. "lepoee a i0ve amoke tike eta all the Um/t
ebiekea pie*, c^ek**
“ t-mnoekla'anythlac."
plMaa neb tbia* take

".We-re eomia' oai •ae thU year.
WoiJS?eW. port «• baaae. ooraw*
Hatlte.-' raid Hiram Plom a year
beef, oodftab. Jobaeyimke. aa ear
later "Onrall belptn' , lU. I tell
too- Tom. DtA aa't got eat agood
" Load. I paeoi they de. pa
of timbrt tost wintar for tiea.
EoeoataeSbr eSocowA -.Wi. . .iNoroiticain Plaiila. CbeokA
•tatra an' bpop polea. We'vo bad
be jo4t ae bialiby aa' tt wcAlda t CO
more atntf le tarn ont UoB naoaL too
and Slripea, both Forei«ii and Do•iBile eo DBcb
I'ee got the interest.moeey aU ready
"Why. oertamK, pa: bat then OM
mraUc. Tbeee we wUI make to
Paller. an' we can lay a good
•on Ibe princtiml. toe
foa r order at the very loweat prices.
teacbie'a a t.ig help
Then yonr bat
than ae be. air^yV'
eggs au’ poaltrr liaa bel|«d c
"Well**^w'Mattie, that tntereet ____ . Tt.. inrkeya. dark* an' gm
yon acid broogbl a good biL"
tbxulia n>
"Lmto Kell helped lota. pt. aboat
takie'eareof ilu-punliry." bU wtfa
u« U..
auswerrd. rarning i^ffrctiiaialaty tO;
"pin willin' to <le what I can. pa:
1 the Child.
Plate Claaa, 8t*am Botlor and Accident Inaurance.
at ain't tbere anetbin' to tarn off? "
,»b. I love to feed them. Aonlie
Why. tbere ain't
• eowe for seed, mid aweet-tooed. gentie-toiced llule
»ell. -Tbere. im't mneb elw y
tor oer fanilly SelL
an It takes acood
will let me do." ahe added apol.«t
eo »nch cow
DOW yet wbelb
Rirem Plover- omKiaaed. "I eeea
II btv and wrote to 11
er we sen spar.. ■
Ir Jenka oiet to town today, aa' b.
Ooaree iltere'. wi
_IT| be'a a gotn to look I
merclal ^or of bn dl
lieVoBt if Ibe beta would take bold
Johnson Block, Phono 7S
Travoraa City. Mich.
Th.. nad <b>l nis.
WBetain' macfaine basioaaa of.
Mr. Tna^ dto.
Tlirmoryof bow 1
usd help real gool
an' if Ii'a all Ttgt.t. mebbr be can ar
•Tberestoitier'a waahln' tnachine*
rmnge tl.iaga to go la with him. ae
Me was aa englaaer ami had althat hae coat n<»>b a bit. Orel »a' tost that both of them can make aometbli ' ooe
yravsWkedmoreor tom with e^,an« that. ...o il baTo todi0.1. iw^e-arr for Inmoet an' aine au' ao oa Coarse oaiof It Yoo ean't gnaaa what
leals in and aboni imei worka. ^OyIt pirea bio eojdoyoeni. Tbeo there
hiU or lU'U.
li,a^ today, na'"
■be Oil boom in the to's ha had a
14 Ibe latent b- got. That coal extra
the oMt lapemot mamber 01 tb<<
u repoiatloo for the dreeriag of
OourM. be ain't node nothin'oat of
. bdlaw.«S-tT'<
"W^l!l*te^tbat JaoohOroetoy
bow. oMdi tb« b»( «ea]> for iu
eo yet
We'veoW qnlte a nanilwt war <|arku' Ooorin Clh-o "
I the ilM of the dtoeovery be woe
tath. the beu Toilet Powilere. and In
acbtnea in eanoas atnc<e elasdin
"For the too'amke' .Wbo tobaV'
tatbaUtook Dtaowad
toot the beet of
Wbv. dim't von remamber that works In thto city. In ocmiinav wlto
,ra an' ooe tbtng an'another.
1. slim, feller. Itmpad a little—got owe of Uta oagtaeen them, wbea te
7,a It atahr ju*rt.«o.
like to make op a lot of 'em by
r.uulen leg. tbey ray—owe eye a bit
•ad Prepared Fooda We hare a toll
itnety—it'e mlher ledyua hokto
m-gmlned. that •(0|wd her* to din ?be essuo men m to tba (oat art of
line of the beet maalaoeaied at mod
b» nuid-bal I am I got the
with Jim a brother ooe day aboni
dmtng eoiTor. and the qotatlm of
IS for that now. I don't know
efste prior*. Hothere cu rely «pou
ether tbe metal would wrer ngatn
it'aamlltMe i.toa. hot it tohea ‘"TetJ?b'leveldo."
c,P,SIip.k-De,Tan.«> W.alampored. one of the mmangtra
"Well, be'atlteooe. Be*a a Widow,
eely thr poreet Dnito Yoo will And
“•’•‘tL™ That'a tried l.i* luarhinee er tbe tort aix mooll.v Tb. y my he
thlnka^ibey re all right. ' rra|«nded
oar prino like ear foode. "popaUr. "
likeaio 000k an- porter 'roond the laAeutt aad bad always baea an etpnr• Doo t foriret tb* ejrop }w. ph ’'
boom awfnl Well Otmrae he alo'l tmeater He there and than deter
ailed Millie to her toUtrr. biintamc
"Tell e«B ahit. Mattie, this loteretoe to do bat to draw a pm.
II, hit tmni. "We're |ColB« to lihvr
eel bn.ineei .i.onW up like tbander non. an' I > llkae Oonato Ellen 'couol mined to go ofwr the loot art. and
be! randy-iaUiiu! tooiKbt.too kan
work^ mi It ta tlw eveatug for loor
Here we've !». n payin'OBI lolriesl
of her aoc .bilit' ■'— -V ••
did all lb. yoanx lolka »Ul be over
luonee fitie.'i. 'yeara. an' eothm |wid
"1 deeb
toSlV**^bit opoo tbe right como ^ ealled
.id.^ofwo*'«.-ka* l*aUould’tmok
mlioe of tAemtenls, be met. aad
md timl a piece of copper lempmed
John Uaitberg told me the olbei day
la'U, ae be cat a piece of eurp'
~ a daaitiioR eod of tin- doll
I Kilev telto in %
rojic oS
He aleo fetutd that different
lilaoe of-------------line and |,at it
I of bis boybou
irengthe were reqaired In the wopoca frllerv
aitap lu the
■no to the amonoi of metal toto-tvm.
lib right alraighi
•'I reoollret dlalinrtl;
ered and that what wonld leonmr a
;. and that n
luuall boT. and frum
_irge pieee wonld 000mm* a |oeoe
mavli of my time In tin
gooe off. ond ------------ van he'» Sggitrrd, br'« paid ing doagb aod making 1---------------- ..
**^VVamie retotee bow ha TOt
we havvo't got auy ,yrnp for to
After a while, tliroagb Iho obliging with a pieoa of the haidooad rneml hi
loudrrl ai'i -ghty dultora la
irml. an' Mill uwv* tbe Brat flfleeo aaaiatauc of Ibe hired girl. I ad roe Bladk Diamond w.irka and lliai
bii wife lemaVk-Well. Idtctorc
vaCMad ao that I oonld l.alld a pie ol tlM> managtr there. After maktog ox-.
ed. as site lifted the aiulisg.fraiiraDt.
haoative teeu in the petaeaoe of mrer"Hiram Plover, voe don't my »o
Ip, brown fried oaars inun uu
-when I aclually faahloaed a carurd el other engmama. admitted Umt the
"By Jlagii. li'va fact! Told me
of but tord. "Wuuaw wbat's
pie. and ili. j came the fmi. worthy roiavr waa Imrdrr Umn the Bsem
himat-U: w.iuldoT have no ob>ci
of a rleigfai.of band jarfformer. cif get au^l. He told Mr. Timmto..however,
Ivin' tbat 1 know <>t"'
ting it into the ov^ witboat eidlliug thal aa ooiiper war .-ipiwnv. hla in"Bow comr hr to bony tto- moor.
"He'i bernawlol eob
Yoo mar gather ,#>m thto Ihal ray venticm ironld never oo^^taw ireo^^
Ibe morning."
'"-■W.-ll. h" bad a doctor bill ilmi ba.1 Brat amblllori waa to be a baker, and
"JoM liXe LInele Joatob wna. '
along foe quite a »ivU. an'to- VI Clnira I have felt a twinge of dlia
Oouiin Elieo, trom tbe t>i|EKeal arm rooldn'l went to viwre Ibe moo.-v t.>
One But!)-. RcBill:
Perfection in
chair with the (mtbrr
onabioo. ,«v the doctor ao on.- day ti- borrlevl
• eu you'll have to Iwtryaome nio- 11
for the pnioeaa, bol______ totoeed.rHa
DcaliiQ diteate* of the eye, the megive a eliaiiel meirtgage on liii
s lor yoor candy tooigbi. woo 1
___ btm thal nail and
you. Millie':''
r chanical correction of i^ht and the
'‘•”bo. tbal'« too ImLl H. 'dgmghi not a •uec-aa In attendiiig achooL
|.^ eo. " aaid Millie, a
lo pay il up t a I ]«ii an ebjl <0 Umt in hml of a reeoni for raanii
looking into the dutauce.
IV front
plump arms were eo croceed tnal
Init one aindv
n anti exa
hand covered a bole in the elboi
5lJ^yr*^'"tlbe'diT'oTiSAlng the
.eld Mr. Plover
op al aomr fetere tkom.
Tbit latt Item atnek in good Hr>
"MMV* io^t Oonsin BUen beet
PloT.-r'e mind
It revolved and nvnived and ilill elnck lb,-re
It wa< no ooe ever tlmagbi me eo. aad 1 reootioedthal
ere off lb the kittdMm p^lng eandy
oeivfd DO oonrideretlan on tto
more important than Hrtba aad al.
lib Oooalh Klb* belinng tbem.
t.-nd miiaaged 10 le la hot
bmd. wni geiung anviof
"Why. I don’t know; qoile a s|«l
luoetaa important ae their wedding
_____of the time. Al eebael. if
h of a aai-rilii-e 11 waa W ber no aavthlug iwilietle.llke Dirkea'a dealh feetivtttoa An eaeton fayral meyr
•nyvrey." answered hu wife.
bni ber*'ll nwlly kn.-w
Abe of'Lillie Nell, while I -had Ibe beet a gvml time f<n prteM and derrUfem
"'Boat r—
»>"•’ it
memivi noxlour to make and veil all
and the beggan gatlier to namtam to
. 1 wooU apoll it by t
Sbe coanted M»e
reoelre clmrity from toe moatheta
"Ob.--et ao. ft-by. what yoo got agio lie batter lioaaible
egga.too. and waa rarofol Hiki noibiitg
ll.e Boe frenrv of Ute daaelag dmOonain
Sbr's goo.14«m[Wny •hoald be maaied.
■rllh red eym
eomiog home with
"Oh. DOtbio’. She'
"Il there any naeof oor keepin flee
eaoogb If ooe baan'i 1____
noibln' to da bat
reeetre a isrental
**Of*toe'nwld'a**popnlaUim mllUcna
• gabble
gobble. Givi-------- doga pa." ilie naked one day.
ait aiid
aad gobbla.
tlie loaclirrhad It
"Kol that I know of. "lie anewered. Caaaeqnantly 1 have aanperabnadoi
body tbe ben fmtherbsd ia tbethe beat elmir. tiie.ben oooktn' au aa rbncklisg to himaelf. " We need onA of rrmpalby for cliitdren.
bla reok. to ag* or agay. wo
extra flro an' they ongbl to be good, I e'ooae " H- afterward heard ber
■ Children tr tbe oonniry aad la
u rru
■a bare a eelf-reltoaoe
oatnred at Imat.
That boy Jaoky. of p.llKm and DIok. "Yon-U amall towna
, giie away or do eamethlBg pager of inreaiion. and
bare mis ai much as two grown permrof thoaedog.
it taker a tto- naonromof their narroanaiogv
eod 'em. an' they're no earthly tbat ofleu makea them etraoger latel"Ain’t yoo nahamed. " mid
titan oiiy-bred childrenobeervadpa^ cuatam of baai"Wei. mebbe 1 be. an' then mebtosatol gnega dortig a foaaaaLtbat
I ain't, " be replied.
"Conaui Ellen
e. I'll le. a teacher, ma." mid
Sramlfal noiaa
Mgbito ^
mn'i (Wl no borne In tatrtlekler."
r for tbem. 6o they are
, after eehool.
001. "Teach
rmcoMillie one mgbt
abe hadme
•ick rod
have ooe." re ,
et war aick
She might
and the aaid bare walked foar mllea In the ono
ber boaba:
boataauo. "bbe'a got a borne ol licM eome
me of
the cl
ch iu
conld gol
gel aloeg If alie'd I did Aral rate."
rate. "
ber own, on'
a ’ ronia
try to wlwre 1 knew tbere waa a ___ of tba moat_____ _______ 00're irettv good in yoor atndtoa. whirling jenny. A whirling jenny ia taSoUnnd U toe toeading ef_^ita]
a mind to. Wr duo tkwvr any
'« yon. Millie;" naked lieroBHi- made by mwiog off a aappling alMul
mw. Otw dbo on aaat to Ttohnoi
of oor own if w« dmi'C loot
Want to Itvv 'roand oa yoar retotioea.
foot feet from toe gtnmtA
Tbe oera
iTAteTbemead fomUy waarv
of Ibe tree ia left attoking «p to form
mow at I do: wbai'f Utv"
_ -Diwered Tom.
a peg. and a bole to Bl otae (Wg u .^oontaggpoo whloh thereMMhtnl
........................-way. pa- 1 nt-vrt hmra
■That nmkm m- tbtok ol aomethia' bored lo the middle of a kmg and of aheao. and tlmy brep too wto^,
llita pUnk ia rineed of tl»tThomaa_^tand daakatotdfto
iKWid over to toe Oebtor today," — henry plonk,
mostha They datorey toe vote
aerom the atnmp. a boy reamag »*
narked Mr. Plover.
betwr try
eaked bin wife. earfi eod of the plank and away they
it takea repeated dome of aoap ”^J?toi"SS5‘'Srf«ra boTM^IMK
rhile the otlierv looked
ed the
1 know we'd
..maeto amke toe jenny get around
pa. »v aio'c bad many
with llie deelred apeed
bom a' gtrf to work ai hi» lionw
elotoea.fiu^ra. an' jewelry an’ and
"Wbro I waa n boy than* vrare law
i.-r board an' arbool.
of .the tinir. fenda Iwlween toare boya aad ooantry
"Tmn'i ao. Tbere ain't no palm on
Itoyi. and wbnn Uu-y
nritlior: ih. fonci need an''’liia°wlU waau eome one to atoy
tbe tomee.
i' up;
to. tore laaka an there'• will, her Dlglita as' help 'bom the
that imereat'cornin'dor the Brat ol
auppoaa there are many boya ti
Ctopa wae abdre toatymr. an' "■•Dii ha gtoany one, iw*" atoed wbo have, aa in my I
lu'goin' 10 be migbiy bard pollin' to
Fggi and cooked tbem on brown paper
“-TJr?ci^-a-..rred her father.
get tbe tnteraat to pa? Fnller.
00 top of tbe alore In tbe old coiioel
Uto yon mranyibing aboni mi
la." lorrenng blr voice, "w^'vebao
booM. I rtolly think Itiat ao blU of
ro many lelationr 'round an' 40 mneb
So, didn't know aa yoa wont
toM tobtolt to to* prlakh
we've el npererytbin' faal
le in.
Tbry'vegol into tbe

207 E. Front Street,

.noMUM ummam

abown'in tbe narkoL All the


Traycisc Qty State Bank

A Ceaeni huMag BosSsess Dose
» per Ceat lUove^ on Time Deposits.



Tire Insurance!

mrtaMm. Ua^ ■CTChaat TUlw.


Money to Loan on Improval Real Estate Only.



“'S sLS3S.-'“’™“







C. A. HAMMOND, ♦ «


Real Estate.
Mortgages Bought and Sold.

ia-a.ii'AnrB, m


Fine Farms Ebeap as Dirt.



rr.".s,'.s i"'.sSTr.'.

C^Rearv B*rgalms.


a a rfrand traotrst Land Co.




F-owu let mmawoin.
Fresh. Salt and Smoked Meats. Sausages, Etc.
■mi sesroF E





Eommercial Prinling
ym Kinds



--- ’£.-Si“SS.T^

Berald Job Office

Hidos, \A/ool einci F'ur

I have enlarged my business and have arranged with a
large Eastern house to handle all the lur from this part of
the country- lam prepared to pay highest market pnccs
for Hide^ Wool aad Fur. Come and see me.


Dr.WJ.HIGGINS gMtlKk«Ollli|tAflBII».«.

mdAlr admlatotered. Antiodfor roUof of |mia «{ 0*, ban in Iho nae of oatiaap-

. Wetkof onobachareotogagteaToia
•aaoMMgy dlatday of gold.

t *0 a



Otfaor boon if «4>Putoi«dkk- ■ g. W. OUltftUsrtTtAH Aems

If you are thinking of buying anything in the way of

do not fail to look over our large line of handsome ar.
tides. We also carry a fine stock of WATCHER
CLOCKS. JEWELRY. ETC. Specude Fitting a
specially. Watch aqd CSock Rep^ring—tbe best
grade of wtHk done.

j. 3ST. -mr A-R.'mTsrg:


We'^wani ^ven Thousand (jAJpoI Families to Use

dase & Sanborn
Coffees and teas
Seal Brand Coffee, the World’s Fair Famous, is the
acme of perfection. Price within reach of^ every body.
Try a pound and you will be convinced that Seal Brand
Coffee is-tbe coffee to use. .
Seal Brand Tea U a high grade tea in half-pound
packages. It draws very dear liquor of fragrant taste;
at 60c per pound, put up in half-pound packages. Try
a package. We want some of your trade and wUl do
what’s right'




1^, ^'*atoyin' ^uiie a riwll-bave
(or vemr* toex.
Coorae I like rsmIWBJ aa well aa yon do. I like 10 aee
the yonng folka
enjoy iliemielvea. but
I""- - tike It a been kepi up ao nid•re'll ttoVi' to do xnuetoia' to
e Jim ana
et left in tba bole. Tbm'a
lymhy. 1 (bongbl mebbe they'd be


toy awbile. an’ tbe.a'ie
leome. bni Owy don't amm to my almrra. and be and Cymhy mtrred Uto
_.AUi'aboBi baru'abomeor itoir a vacaal lioaae oa the puee. Otoaia
Rd to be getting a U
own yet. an' ibey've been mamed Ellen to
d anally one bright. .
reetleie. have
-d like.
Tlwn-a Utile Urn* SelL oonrae eh.


wouU have peUnand to* royal and
to try It. of ooarae It will to jnto aa
yoo an' yoor mptow can agree. Mre
Prehoa the meat <
Jenka la a real nice boomkeepet. they nil the Called Blama :
my. an' you oan likely learn aome- Veolnim oonsty. OaL
there that'U be umfnj to yon.
atora aad
*rof I ■

non at aadt laada woold bar* beM n

- br a eharch or Alagnaad be o
and U alHWMher a wall haThe irimrtidaad iarerenoe ag
• rariona rtton to wblnb am
Ur* nn Itthln la nnairiag a

- '.‘ 'i.'rvii'S'W

qaile n apell now.
■to' again." Tliere ____ _
wfcyOoaato owe (dto* two Wfii, to* 1
Bike tmd gone -viMilBg.
wtfa toe otte. The dog. an
thing, to* kiMhen atove •
of thaMrriano botriam eortn

wo've got a Croat onraolvea. ffbe a at
good a child aa ever breathed, too
Manta, don't Ihuik 1 gredge wha ___________________
yoar utber an' mother bad from aa ike to onofe very well anyway, a^
wnu tbey waa Unn'. an' my father
an-moilter. too. It '* nor daty to look
altu the oU folka
They took oare
Thnn ahe waa tired Id
of aa when we waa little an' belpnog and wnaJiing ---------------____ -ngbeda Sba alwaya
fcnooklre and Imrt bar gngera evm
• Ttoi'a an. .
nma ahe trud to do anytotiig- Tba
"1 toin'l qalte forgot the v
Mitber. bonl egtwtoiau' 'e(B
_ angek
Like aa
:G uawarm.'
. we'-ve entartnioeda few of toare—I
omaide fcii^ door ataak in fktem.
and eba 2o^ had 10 am anytUag
d^ betaT^ eootd gm too dm*
opre. Bamdnaalie wantod a tooage;
tt reorely et m^^coml^ a



been naittog »moog htt r(Jarf»i tto

_______ tSit ittigWitt to Mgllpirr
ruba Pto ton rea of ^ oM • par-



Altoooga Oeotv* raab. sn Bataa^
agenTo mmo'Uf*. b^ Ti

—W. tateY

IR. feu IR. YW

Kn OmUa. 44.«», wR»



fMd of hr tba"N»CT\iin" mt



-Tb* ptUr.»w »ll

John ttrt Lloyd; T1» OmMin of
T«op. H, 0«.«d;

' Knio Boom-I. rnnk K Mellon;
DorMliT tto^fh. Umcr Out CcdM
inei Th* HooBdof iU«kt;ni)V«. A.


*•>■»": Wnnrtrk of


,1.. Tonn-Horn. «,;*». dirt T.« ■1‘t" .V"
d»y o. m n^nll of n-o. i»rt by
: Hol^Mdlow, Oy
*"* TimooBd Bmdy.

An in msny raspertn 1

c other nlcm or

it in frniUeaa eamtaUi heal
fori.-mill <r;uih<
Ira, beciusr the i;rrei.<i| Cancer that air mnltJ*'
ini; in the bliKjd
....................... — - omiUntli- dre'eliipk«1> up tlie m
irritaliLin and iliachaier. and at laet sharp abuuli
- ■ li
' of the eatinj;
-- iiod
• slwgghini;

In Febraarr. laM. I aattart a maU
.hatrai-tixT enrk.



mndfanlklMd with coay i
«rt ud npbnlMorrt ro
wvqwtm lUir Ucfc asd iocnf*Mahpnliiv ood the pcicitUn
Whk* thoy IK^ onoof (bn lodfw In
i>««M Oily Lo««o. Va Stt. a P.

a a. «M InntiMtrt OoMte SMh.
s IM, hr DtMrhsI D»|WW J»-“ a


MiOdiM lOUet Krt BM^nureom.

there waa a food deal of aaterttln-lA. Raynolda. Brand •.erretary oft
three elllM In tlie entire eenntry,
mnil tor tbe BMB»y.
• gtt. of tb- ooontry..
Mr K. yi...I
wtaioh have Iiad the honor of Ibii naThe Blndi^'l Brat pan waa Uke|aaaorrt the Trae.-ree Oiiy MIL-tlia.
Iioa.1 oOne of *e lud«e. Tliia bfDos
wa> for the flni U y'«n ta Mew
,lar wlien one eonld reeeire a
ofTrarerae Olty'a beat and pop.1
York In IM8 by menbert of the theTooallota npptwred in Ibe laot.
a and for the Bnt ten nau. and haa ben la BaRiuaw fir tb<'
•. a. and attar I ba« tak.a aaeaa baawaa ciran and>«
•a U.a place baalrt aallralr art M .
y-an of lu ••zlatnnea. It. irnwib wm pant «i«bt yearn
re. of lha dlaaaaa haea baaa aeaa
The pruent offloen of the Grand
llBllod. owloK to the feet that lU
W. r. hrovb. Uallarta. >.t3.
lothntpro- lodfe an JM follow.:
; enjoyable At eleven o'clock, ata-ort-1 epn j.l and eat deeper into the flesh unless the Idood is pnrihed and tbe
^ ,g^
Grand anUrt nlar-Obarlea E.
• —
•___ •
ai.____ _____________
Hr. Oolllni oaonpied tbe post of tn-1 lay to ib' tiai' honored eo>nmi of
niiiThid natter rliminalnl from the rirrulatiaa.
Pickett of Wnurtoo, Iowa
S. rlauiaus the blitoi of nil decaj-ine eflrte natter. It hn prat
,gg lodcen, nod
OiBOd aatoemed leadloc kniirht-Al
After tlie ahow tne aodlenoe riaited; Ltotbera, alter which the loeatmasier I antid^ and jiunfvinj; properties that soon dvsto-v. the emus and poiM«i
O. Field. Oolambna Otala
r only IB.i -*
Uic liUaal to iU Datnnl condition. And when pure Iduud is
■e Blki rnrion. cafe and tadye called npoo maor yeeaeni for e<ntcr.
Grand nteemed loyal knlRbt—WllbealiDi:
rried to the nicer or
A dauoe waa Kirrn la tbe kioiuent
fins, the diwhatice ct
the pUx h
llaa B. Brook, of LeilDflon. My.
xice rooac nioaic beiny fornbhrt by
vooal aoloa w.r.' renderad by U. A.
rr and new skin forms. S.S.S. isa stnetly w
Grand eeerelary—Oeonte K. Bayryaooy-a orobaHta. while Stewart & SkelcWr. A L Joyce, Sam fteods
SlDoe IdU the icrowth of the order Dolda, SaKtaaw. Kleh.
SleSeea orolieaira diiiaoecd Bane tu and Onir HeUaaald.
And pleaaani
Grand traMonr—Bdward U. Orrla.
bM Iweo reiT npid, end now thwe
tbe larlon.
Tbe eafe waa liberally Ulka were yleea by olhi-r meail»ra.
nr. W7 lodcei. with no encnCMe bnOalo. M. y.
alied anil two eooka. with Marly
Grand Inner
niemberdilp of IH.OOO. It UnU that

Tb. proyram of ««• erenln*

u..0.11rf mu. i~

Wilton TOTiM ra<« eorer the m^le
Boon in Sx*. tooBn
TlM faitmt txxM on tbo Moood Boot
it the IBWinM hnlL WxU feel U die.
rooa h»i I III foot wnlBieotfnt
hel tmcfcidl nronnd.

_ _ _______________________
a HO istten her- Ir‘r.Iii heU lAife exlrtdon tnUeejnlBOit errtr elty of om S.OOO in the



TKt SWIFT SKCinC CO.. AUanla, Sb

' with tb-yeod ibinys
The lodyt rooms i
the ladles and
eeealny waa tdatmlaitly s]icat by all
who were )ir..ieoL

ti tit In iHOd

b the Um th* Indfi hH b<
la*, wny ofdl
nialaeleaw teUtioa*i|i Tlweerinhl. podtioa
Md br*li lodco iinfaarWow

lOial awsloo: b id in Ilie dinibR roots
iol tbe c!nh Usleri'nlBR The two jiee.
rtons nlyhto
enjoymeal iwotabty
joanerd ■ llBl'br
fair alert rrowd
oeeuiiut wa« yrea ,
, ,
spread waa anreil and Bood elieer was
tbe order of the etnoiny.
Tlwr.. were i iisiul>er from Haul,
tee. loolodinc Mayor Hike icay and
AIKrtiey P. T. Olassmitw. Ke|Weaen.
talira iciki from oilier riiire wm
ilwre also.
Hlewact dl Sleffeoc’ oreliestta for
maheil innslo n the Indye roooi dnr
Inr tlie rorly |art uf the eveoiOB suil
while the basnet was In piiwura
ihey n-bilertsi^inuaie In ihr parlor.
Tlie Dieon was ••Uborai. ly sorred. on
•ter the direction of Clois. ProrhazU.

Mlowiai an the oOom of iheleItBaiad Balrt-BUay Whin.
■daeiaad laadiu KaSt-a W.



■Mmwl LeetarlNt fal«SI-a a

TraMonr-4 T.

^'"^.l^r^^be^rp^ch^WVr'S^ ‘I


■'.',’1' -

r Ti • -

Traataaa—L 'A. TiKMBpaaa. one
rw; PiHtWdflbntf. twoTian; a
a Dafim. tfiMS.


4r.. W. O. HaU. CThan U. Bern.
Ftaanee oeaiMltae-A. T. Priedridv.
Janab Fhna*. Peln Wanbatv.


W. H. Tatia. B Banda.
fWk^ an *e eon
tera bd dam of Iba di

Turner, OeeWrry iGur^
llBBA-d VralT-nru.

. BUey
M L A. TbcBipsca. Oljaa
T. Friadilob, i. era ananied la (be ranter of tlie
racra. la the rrar of the kraKiael hall
U tbe klUdMi wfalob U lUlS fral In
BMUnrantal. Prank Prlsdrtch. 8am. tiae and prodded with aU tbe oceeeatnaeM. To the weel of tbe kltebMl Oariaad. W. H. Poaser.
rai U *e ImPat. 8sl&.
Proehnakn. Bm.
A Mae oak stalrraae leads to tbe
WUbaUs. W. a Ball. Ohas. M. Baara.
third door where tbe lodyr room Is
PradA BasblaL B. GntTAncn.
lorated. This U tlw most bsaatUel
. .l*linUeB-Ohna. B. Bala. Ohaa. S.
twOB In lbs bolldlas. It Is SOx.^: fe.-t
Tnte. Dr. A. H. BnlUday.
la else, with lofty steel wlluiss eon.
1 BAsraows si'lliiiBa.
lalnlny two domaa
Tbe heaatlfnl
At a notar asraloa of Ka. SB. B eolmiial style i. carrtsd oat bsrv and
P. 0. Elka. bald * Jana, IWl. the Am tdlastar work alonit tlie eldra of
tbe room adds to tbe effect, tbe oulors
M wmasBOBt wUh the late B. D. an a bamaaloas bleodlny of frrana.
Oa^baU wbssaby ha sreatd balld yellow, bios, plok and boff.X Tbe
aoiHUs lodltd and deb rooraa for tbe roam Is Wall llyhled doriaetbsdsy
M«e to bs oocaplrt ty Ihsai for a and at alffbl tiisre is evssy arnaye.
tsm of ysara Tba raanll U the braid- I raant for any qoaaUty of ItybU that
a. S. Beadb


United Bram has a )«esperoas Indye.
Tb- Uw of tbe order will not allow a
lodyr la a city of less than &.0« and
wIllDotpemli mats tbaa one Indye
in any city. Hmor tbe lodyra of tlie
Elks are all OB a teenre Ananoial footlay. tbs majority ewnla^tbeU owa
lodys and elah rooms, and In orar 70
cltln’owalay baanUfal lempira odbtIny Otar eadi.
of Hlofaiyan haa always
beeo preminent la the Bike lodyo.
ataadbiy In i«itnt ot

and aaqal
York. K. V.
Grand Tyler-Jooapli E. Haanlnya.

leiea was'called to order by
Haler Klley Bweerm. who
Aaiknoti. InA
after a tew remarat latrodaced P. T.
Grand tra.Ieee-Joha D. O'dbea of
Olaramire af Haalstee as W
Lynn, Hass.. -Joa T. Pkaalay of laof the ereiilay. After tbe feast was

lad . and Henry Mara, of
•njoyed aad oiyars were pamrt tbe
fkltlBUirc. Hd.
MIS Beltkd down la tbelr
na^l aanaai aeasioe of
yood time. James Mabra was
■rand Iddye wilt be held tbe week of
^rpeialrt .polioemaa
Aaynfl IS la Bolt Uike City. Ittsexehsigrt tlie datyW
peelrt that tlik will be the yreatast
' '
lield and that

may te flaalrad. either yra o skoorte- Gnad L«dy«
•Hdabsty's Grand Open Bora
Bsynolds ofV
iba'waat. the Elks ooeaprlay lbs
Off tbe maln.lodye rdbm k the. |n<p. I ac^TS.
of U
tbe ortra. has held the
tbarakRira ftesiaa. Tbe batldlny k
wUk oOra for elyht
*k*y by era bandtad feet iaalBs.
an. He WM ArM elected la l*t.
Haraaks Iradhty to (bs aaeowd Sera
WbiiA_*ae be reraorad the s«ee
niir-iri -[- n bo*l«lldla«a
tram Oiaotaaatt to Sayiaow. wbmo It
oMko kwildliw BkoTS *s ;trst Urn
taa Blaee kosa loralet Thrae saa kal
teMid U Am OU bffU* obk «
Grand ............... ... korariv kalybtJL K. Plaktme. Oswrar..OaL

HJY A SiyilTM.
i| 1 have also just received another lot of those elegant

. Tbe 11. P. O. Bike k ael
ordsr at tbe term It asaall]
Tbe ooly mat teen
Identity of tbe people
elisrity ts dispeesed, deolaree
Grand tkorelaiy Reynolds. He tays
that Ihe.T cipead mure lor b

traslMii, and dHeotrt by Toastmaater
Uarantre tbk wasanaatarralBlaj
ptoAmble elemal of tbt boaqaet
Tbs address of Welcome was ylren
by Past Kaalled Haler John R. S
who oanllally exteaded tbe ylad liaad
In behalf of TraTfora City Lodya. MP. U. Elka
Mr. Haaio asrarra
thsB all oinrr eeeral ordm eombinrt. yasats that the rtarta of aU Tneerse
He esja Uial bsi year the rader es.
City. niMOlally tbe Elka. wrio alwaye
iNidrt more Ihaa Atao.UIO to ohar|.
for tbe ailsrtalameat and well

Tbe Order of tb.' Sits has uo moke
aad Ulke: II Is BO irapootor of per.
All-Elks we t<|aaL- differlay
oal.r as one may <-ie> 1 aiiotb>-r la lortoy tbe yood and bertlifal and li
furniiay noble deeds In ulrnec
wilboat iwnde. Its [rtirtry objeol
IS to aoecor .ihoei to distrras, and.lo
belp tbs weak and oufuttoamb
Obeer tbs despondeet. Bon of bre*rrly lure, and altuluy to iwoiuote tl
bratbueboodof man. ll kdewiyort
offer to IM eistabers the Amlalnty ot
warm hrarte oud wsU-omr bean
the earlooscitu-s le whlcb rti
or pleasare amy sanaKia ibem. Oae
ea.-iraallaeiberailsfadtloa id Andlny
la every oity a liule elrcle of kladred
miBik; kind, appivi-lauve and lalelllyeok trieuds; social sjilTlla wtia.
Iiatrt luy-.Uirr by Ihe laystlette. et
toad tbe ncbl aaud ot fellow*!
yrratyoa with tbe kindly omik of


1 have sold one full car load this spring and have just received
’my SECOND car load. Keep up with the procession and

It was a yood start aadisora wbkb
rkaemed tbe KUs ralaewel par
jtra IB Btetabery-s Grand Wrtnraday.

That’i a good name for
Soon's Emulsion. Ctiiidn-n
are like )*oanf plantAT S<Mne
will grow in ordinary* soil
Others need fertUizers.
The nature ol some diildrcr
pret'cnts them from thriving
on ordinary’ food Such chil­
dren growright if treated right
AH they ne^ is a little fertUizer—a little extra richnesa.
Scott’s Emulsion is the right
Fertinzeramake ^ingsgrow.
That's just what Scott's Emul­
sion docs. It makes children
grow m flesh, grow in rtrei^th.
grow rich blood, grow in nuKL
That’s what »*
make it for.

bar*. It k bard to yet apa bay am
msBi atkannao U nay eliy wfaaro a
atear looal rakal k irqalrcd. bat
SlU ssearad yood mkat aad tbs ralasmelporttconf tbs show wrassMsmi
lyycod. Tkeafttrpiaraaadaiiratar
Iho oUe wra eat oat to mak
Send lor frae nm^
tbe day. peay aad raoakay
I HVTT a BCra^Os«rtjsiMH.HW
that tbe sratre adratkrt


April 27. 1902.

127 State Street.

•- - -|#Z3S5k. M •»* ih» AM r

t :_'S5i.‘^‘S;^iiS-s=

' Mih* horn* tt U» brU.'! nnaM k
O0I7 {■(■•dW
-. fdtMivM of Uia Mde ud m«eB wm


. JsKt; rlfH »*• B
>*>**»' knlf*
had iwy «lM>n fraa a frUnd la
OMMdaapIdB. a dnaaw laaH froa
HIM i*Mla UlUar, Lowall. Mi«h . a
tMlUallT daeotaud watar Kt asd
tmlUal fncmot tnaw aad eaniattoM <nai T. J. BalW aad HIm Kffa
BMtoa. aad a lal of allrenratv from
Mr. aad Mn. Uenaaa V. Snltb aad
Mr. and Mra Wm. B Once of tlili
eit7. I






IMwaaa rafj'aBjmUa
______aad will laac faaiaaaiaband
amaacb to be pm«-

U»lM (baiB aad wiehiac them bapploam U their aew life.
Mr. and Mra MolatTre at tmee

Buy tbe
Best and Be

I Our Ready to Ol^r.
L!*air1l^ Oeabto' taha

go la MoMtaaalo }et8 Wb

Tbe Detroit
Evening News
and Morning

wiU bt tta mr


gramedarA ,
Piwii ntan aaad
___ _____________ «M u raaeu

aot be


TAe Ercalof
Do Tpv Gil TIk DbMI


trill be at borne to Ibetr frlesde after
Mar loth.

Enrr tablet of Caacareti Caadjr
Atnrdlag to tbe >lmwMa Imader
tallr 1.000aan «< bad-wlU been CktbArtic bean tbe faaKnit C C C
onl to gnwea la
rleUitr of Law- Nerer told ia bob. Lookforttaad
OR aad .....................
accept ao otber. Bewm of fraoo.
b b^ la Ikat ririallr wtaloh b
1 at aim Uml ooold be
trtagm Rotl of dtOtoPO
Bobwt Biader, a balobra of Battle
to Ita owaen If tber weald
Orerk. boagbt f. bml of -ealUe of X-.r*
Ogdeo. a farome wbo llree foar
Bike from OaUm Olir. fm whiel, be
|mld«l.a5:.g:. The farmer who baa
etort BOW bat a booania end eei. pav

i Rre tbe Jittraction with Rood Dressers
Th'o'Are band made. new. nobby, perfect fittiiig. abso­

DON’T gr«R,-gS

hiMr’'tlu'^riit’A* w tjSrifS!

Qni^a &irt « Word

”C C C“ «I Evoy TbUcL

AlldnsgUla, 10c.


men’s and Boys*


ITUiSIfw-lX"ESt* STm b^

lutely xrliable—keep permanent shape, and colon guarantenl.

tee mehtcmeOel rar tan WleheKeaSc off Uk- morigaR.






K<md ^Mit can


produced is here.

doagba aod ooldl. down to ll.- r. rv
borderland cd cooaompiloii. iiHd utIm eooil.tug. benUag lafloear..-«l l>r
Wood-e Korwar Pioe Byrop,

lhen*$ Suits:

■ap. tberoOBMaadgo..
Mr. OoolMr wne aiwaad tbe dilrd
ad oCand nab bilannente that
m IMbw fcr Allee'a >e«.Peae
>ma tamaa dropptd
borgbn broke lato
ropa to arw paoa.
the oaoreat of the Bleiere ft 8L Agaee
BeparB br btlac (n
br nwlag paaeb oat of tbe doora
gwt^f lb. ■•■ nral
riwr ««n dbotmrea aad trlghloaed
Albert Bwert. of BBiler, TrCM.ltr !
Mlm TIda Manna hat lati reMwaod .war bf tbe oeeeiBBH of Ibe balld.
.«a Docntar. wban
■hot a atge bird of a etraoti- ir|.e
wbollr Bukoewo oa tbie Uuiod.Tbe l.ird meocaced flee fi*l from iiiHe here.
to liplo of He wing*. wa» pon wliilv
I of
to ecdor aad Imd a IxmiI aiuibr t«
tab lot of paaa
oat raeiog. or
Maadowt brm lookad batlar at tbit
«r will tlralo tbeir
aaaclet aad go lhat of a parrot, will, iln l.«t of an
ttmaotjoar. bat too wat for wlmaA
eagle aad tbe lhae of an owL


$S. $6. $7.S0e $D.S0e $10.
$l2e SIS. $16. $1$. $20. and

Boys' Suits:

$1.50. $2. $5, $4e $5. 10 $10.




other as good al $3 oa


Impo^bt to fonM

Bar. Ha«U I
oiir it
bla «ee
Btraler ol
Mr. Phil
la ttaatlag lila beaae





MaMar Detrar Haaadlag of TnrarM
CH». U Um mart of bb Aaat FUU
Mia. BersoM'a drirlan bane trae
todlr ban lael waek. .
R. Bchomberp. aot balag abb to|M
Mahard Emereoa U etmriu had tbe rlgbl klad of
1------- b OMterter Hr. t^alamiaer.
rilb nwMriilp fooad t^t be waalad
UUaalBf booee ii tta order «< the oewlB Obrebbcl lowbAlpaad tbe
aaloM b baUf merod erar tbe Uae.
toe of abeat.l«n rode.
uiaa Blrmlar li vorUac lor Mra.
Hhekksta tbla treab.
Oliffard Wllbor baa r«* •« BIk eeiaetblBC wnag'^ ^ ten aad
“tat be woold etarafev weaki aad
Bake It bom agab,
IrrU UlphT b malag tbo hm
The aeboooer BtaBord. tbe fliB boat
of bla pat eair Beatp.
Mra (Hoar ThStad at Mr. Maa^-e of the aeaaes. loaded eccdveod aad
hardtrood ebbe bare one dar bat
weak for tbe a. H. W. L. Oa
Bar. Onaa aad trite of Old Mlicioa rlalted at Mr. JoUu BlmUr a
aad atteodod aliBieh bare TuaUj
Oeerm Ptme aeld a lomi of Ma.
D.W f« abotbal.
Be tblakt
Bar. Uabetaon. dlatriet older o:
Imi beam wbeM.
Ibe Vne Melbodht Miareb inaohai
Tb, otwaarr ai_M^ Ollr like
beta Tbaredar eteelag.
Ber. r. BaffaMm of KiaraleT triU Jioee la llib oeoakr. win liare a leB
Be It goM with foU
la the ahmuoe of tter. Q. Weldmaa, tbit aaauBer.
balf ottbem.
rriocb here Baadar eTeelaf. All
O. A. BasDibn b aierlBg:ea tbe K
Bran plaecL
He will ^t a bqre
CTop of eon BB.) potatoea
Mra. H 0. Whealeek eallad
Briretl Eetae. fetmrlr of ttaii
frieada at lalaribeban bet veek.
eooutr. bat bow of Oaaer. PaBam, it
Mr. aad Mra Robbta*. who bare well plcaae.1 with tbe plaoe.
It U
baeo oo tbe riek Utl riaae tbe deaib n^ a gaa lowa. aearlr all tbe lightof Ibolr falhar. ala abb to be aioeed iBgrWfiw aad oooktag b doae with
gntaral gaa. aad r--------------—"-----------Mra. W. Borvolt of Trarerae Ottr. being pal dawn.

ktllar oa haad to aootbe the qalrerlog
etnte tbe aaeclee with
(.•utl.r>.<nuUMU. Ttl.;. !• nu. •o.l.ln.
heallBf i«wrr.
arm vain.
t'ue..,u*.('•r. l*n<' -...•.i.
min of iwt. wet..............
Large botllee 05 aad
Al Albtoa the tanllBant b the loBcrmlrb. erretdi. «cratn.; oaaUli- lo
Rltalgh tMioel at Ibe {wemtttmli
imad to ImeiiieM daring ih.- d>> or
(Imaigbl. (.il-v
BBBborad br paealbr dgaroi. Ibe
hombir plagar
toBl U (to. wblab UBBde ap o< 100 •cnsa.nO. Al all cn>'^
b'ev.t faiU
boraaad ttOgtriaaibearlr haltaad
, .50 OeOU.
Tim SalUvaa Baaeh compaor
^ ae poBlble.
Miwoeta oeaatr. hare meti al w.
faaoiag tbeir 1,000 aona, aad alreodr


Iber Imre «0 baad of eteert and will
bare acre la brlote Um week it eod

Bldw Uriah ballh. editor of tbe
Bariaw aad Barald. tba oMolal
of tba BavaaU Dar AdnoUata. al
BatUe Cleak. tbU wer* empbted
ftMath eoaaaeaUre r«or at odlter <d
tbe pablloaUoB. aad ae)oriUie dia
tlnatloe of belag tbe oloeot editor, b

*U^ve BraD(bi>un^^
Plftaaa hoadted sheep Umt
fatted OB beet palp from tbe Lmo.lng
• fortorr. were shipped to
Jo market Balordsy. Thent.loo more, wblob tbe nwti
azpeet to dbpose ol lb a abort tii
Tbe exporimeat of feedtag with I
palp hoe boro rarr ntlataolon'

€. UIilbelnt. « DewBIotk
.Ami will continue ior two werkt.

.V '.I. >|wi->a) May |.ri.


Bankrupt Sale

It growing more and nw iatm«ing each day.
Harrar, who____ ______
________ _
Ttaratae Oltr far a tew dara ratara^to tbair Woe at Bbelbad rMlar-


Nothing lolilal regular pricCT.

offer yon theae oaUeindy low pricet.

%ani>e I iNnio
lM>it>ini, s|ict-ial Ma>

I’l.lili while < u|r. an.;, ].. i sc1 -‘I

&U11V in R-in. liblvs, ]>ci scl >d tiv................23


Real bca.y Tm Wash tfa.leraw.ih .v.,.jwt Uni.mi and o^nwr rmi, $1-6..
s|w»-ml Mat iirirc.........................
Iifl Wasli Ihulers bc« .lual. ilv^u.
...............................................t 76.-


Icn‘> cvira >ica\-y niilon iiu llie licsl .
lur lui rna-W s).cc«l May twice...: ' .07



l«L-e............ ........................i .36

tl.-a.v'nnWad) Ilaains qccul May
l-TTfr----........... ..............................................


1-adms'g.uM-vesU the be^k 6c


tDa.i.H«Ua May twice.................. f..

Ibead I'aiis, s|wcial Mav price.........................04


Milk Strainers speaal Mayjuvc................... 06

&.J, K»fh.h


The Baiement it the objective poim for the ecemomU o
Hun.bedt. yet,


,0 I

Bu)-ing ihdie good* al .about 60c on the dollar enable, us i>>

Tbe «ock U ttiU Urge.

ten’s fiV
sirrt. uir


-All l,'o|.|wt U-Mlec. al biwesl iwwes.
I'ml 1 triiiking <lup>. sjwcial May

Basement Floor


nivut n duflin

Jadd of Boree PalU. hae reoelred
■ore Itea a haadted-laUm tim all
imrta of dm Uetiod Blatee la ngard
to tbe batblag la Bora# rim *
Gemia. MRpef C C C Nero mU M kek
people wbo asi»et to com at a
Bewwi ef dM deUcr whs We. le id
-eemelhlafNImgeed.tbe wealbor will patBlI.

Sit- our i:m>ds and learn our prices and you will soon be convinc^ that

The Racket is the Only Store That Will Save You Money.

Sum.- in .'.-in. idatw,'!''' »cl ol »i\-----H. a Whaeloefc rbiled tritb Bar.
a. Bpawer aad familr bear SherBoa
Balofdar AOd Baadar.
B. Tbarr't ImbrUoalto atok vltb
V. Bb^ama and arlfe af 8_____
apeal Baadar evaotag tritb P. WebM-eCaa^.
After a Icmc arlice of alekoam b
Oolror-e fa^r •» aU «*U OBbia.

Ik-luw is a list of every day necessities at prices that were never before offered.

Come to this store ami buy your w ints

largaii.s st.ll


remain, bui ii behoores you lo .Mil earty, it tbe be« it lure to go' fast.
Wrilar Aahbr bat a tatepbeoa b
Uttb Obdri DaaaBore U qmlb
M* Btlh tbo wbooptag oot«b.
A MBbor fioB ban dtora era)
CMlake to eat Ibe aev ocmTtni
Otte hopllaad.
nad Wtaabaad Dakmi MaQa
drero orar a Oba Arbor raeietdar.
Mio. Bbbo JmiBwa U varr lew
- at tbe preaeot vrltlB(
• Bart Hratb U VIUi
TlalUw Mr. aod Mra

Adolph M«rw of Oood Barimr arid
Ui tibar drlrar to Toot loobg.
Mr. ObneBl. 81.. b ableto be
' MBdtBaia.
Sd IborBire aad Joa Hamahklll
aadaa harintB trip to Lalaad aad

Mr. aad Mra. B. Kewmaa bare
■Red baek oa la cbtlr farwt, ]aw

rr.;ri.2r““ “ '

Bib MewBoa U oltrUag
Mra a T. Obaaoe aad two daagbtan diwn oter to Battfapan Bataitbr
to telaala a few dare with lebtirei
abBoat aad Bloom hare their_____
well Booked.
Aar one wUhlac to
porehan aortbloc to the Uae of prooeriaa. drr goodt. oletblag e
' '
aad alieee. iBd batlar call oa . ea
\ Um
a a DePraaee. a Btaaler. end
■aBRaraad Pred Wlaali- weat
t daUac Uu
I at foUewe:
____ tarot dMrei
ProdWtaata. »: 1
a Btaaler 71.


* ••

................. ‘r-..

CATABBa U>.t f»»nw

r tTaaffS-KSltiSCi.

• . sarviEir?5tS;u.m-.
Adyh Mryen sold the


of hli

lSI^2o'aBdex^m 'Iw m!m ■ MIP
waabwhrlbearetiripol Umai
at Mag golag eoaih
Pater Bwaaeoo. hr., aad J. J. SU>
wr wore Trarene Oltj ealUn 71
Tim M. A M. B. M R.O0 an walklag right alaog wUA Ih. aUroaloa of
Slmtr aow toad.
^ bon nMhadljH


We taeatiofi^a few nmly to iUiaifaie what wc arc
.K la^c assortmiml of Howled Ibsh« with gih olge*. eonstsling of frail
.u pic lOalew ice cream dishW, .ulnicali, l>in lra)•^ etc., Ith value.

- in 001 Bargain BatemenL

Dress fieetfs

men's Suits
Made of good fubrii... ..
far service, fomeriy nid at 610. Bankrupr price 6^60 ud............................................. 6.50
Mcn't fine laits ol Wctfried, Cattirocret,
Seiget. Birdteye Worriei values at high


maids far Childrens drcBcs lUc aad ISc

........ .............

a* 6I6.CK) and $18.00, Baaknipl pnee.. 9.98
.\ lot of aen'i Wonted Suhi. tttoi^ terviedabk, regular $6.00 auilf eveiririierc.
Bankrupi pric*\...................................................... 3.60



6UU yards l>w Gingham...............................






raialen'ovenntaDd JarAeU................................. 29c


Slin another lol of Urge pwiS »'rcb'*'
.iworatc.1, will' real heaiy gdi bor.Icis cooii'ting -of cfaic l>lales 'cgeuWe dishes round "> ■•b'-mg dia|w.
taU>l dishes, large liallcTs and tu'x-

oshboaiil lantern, lMir«lo^ special
May ............................................................................. 58


Cable eiofl)

Cauimere .Paata,
Bankrupt price.

well made.

Belier goods and aeatcr palternt al


ladies’ colored Pellicnils. wonh n]> lo
$A6U trie irioe ^..


Ladies- white skins 60e kind..


Granite .Icvp Puddmg Pans an.1 Milk
Pans, aoc vahie, simciri May twice.,

, .06





Carpel 0lar9

Menb and boys srork,ShBts, ^ values..


Men's unlaumbied Suns, good value at
6«c.for................. ^......................................................


hlen't Maffraar^eitak, and Saieiro soft
bosom Shins, deiBAoUe aad anacboble
collars and enfU. $UI« values........................



Corsets ,

Gent's aeamlessfancy Hose, soldfar IScaadfiSeper pair........................... ............ ...

Childteh's plain while diathlmts with
rover, BSc value. S|«c:al May pno-.


Men's $2.60 Urea .Panu..

Men's Blade aad

' I 2c

Tntkey Reil TabkSpreads.,.................


Graoite Ta Rclifa, 76c ralut. ejiccial

Hallif naiB

Boys' Camiroere knee paati. 60c kii



Turkey Red Tahledoth....................................



Toilc de Nodi Ginghami ................................. 06iC
Extra heavy DeoisaOvenlh.'60c kiad..



|irice, each..............................................................08

Void wide liniagi 10c kind................. .............


14 -n Tin l*ail,sj«ial May price.................... |4

.\nother lol nf nicely IKwale-l
e» with real hea'V pill Umlcrt, consistiirg of Ihiir pUlcN iJatlcrs, bowls,
mugs «»< u'CAb aii.l.tcT) large fuja
and saucers ISc value, siweial May

li-faite per pooid.................................... ................

I 6c

Cstfles* Oooes
$LO0Mocha Gloves.siMS 6. 6i. 6|... - • •



Craniu Ihpprn. ipecial May price »


ql tar 18c. I ot far............................|4



«l'iw^Ma. twice

Same in twebri««ce sets, wish skip jar.
$S taloe, siwcial May price..............-3.45


Men's aiul boys sritiie laandried Shins
6«cki»d............................................ ................39c

mTO M4 -nn mm'm

‘same m ten piece sets, $Ji..1o salpc.
sjiwial .Miy.jince...
............................ I .98

Sea Pey cm Mr €e*rylWa« Bsugbi «B CWs Floor Cban
youBoaMPossIMvaotHlorJInywbtrcElto. Bbyt


Valenciennes and TorchR laces 1, 2 and


Duebetsand wide Tordxbis. 16c values.







................................ 39

;Baby Shoes lOe to..........................................................





ChioA and hundreds of other articles of better quAtitie
we guAiantee our prices to be the lowest in tbe dty. tAking Quality into conoMleratioa.
your future store to buy your present And future wants. And satc iwney.

.08I Bdute And <!

. FAncy
.......... ..........I which
t Tbe Kneket Sure

132 Front StroM.


tHB QBAwri ^vjyfeg iAkALt).:.kiAVt6.



tta n—ia Itaf laaM ta taiM taoq

tad ta taMta ta tUi eiv.
MltaOtarttaiod BImAbm. «ta tao
MM TM7 M oommI MMtta. «M to
ta. eltf «U< MMBlta for Ota AM
tao o»o« tad OoooMtar.
HU odd
rtoBtatar* MOM rUd to «• otat ta

immihM. vui Mt k>t tr> •>

« iM Md* dMlUr OTMMfM
M) anteM. Um*U7 iB m


c: 2=

■ w^BloMctaotaollfc.

hw bM Mid kbOBt UM Mdtaw MMiP

Tjarorw^raoiddOiw tooiota

•CM* rot Mafa k DOBO— WW h«« ud
fMSiVed K> Uato


oatu Ita Uaf

Ootrii B. EUbtelM o* Uta taa,
It la tta el9 Mda;.
naak J. WUMorfutariaoM
or tta rr*-*—ootnao. Tlola Al- maM to tta BBldo tor lOl p««------- •
Morfe ia tta taiaro.

rtor aU. to tta trad

U aatam are
ota-tM^ ata rr^,-^ ^

at tta WMttof loot OTMlat: CiBiMMt Kllway at Oeod Bartaa,
■ oeottta I
MI»r coat cai a dollar iMOto todoy ter AUaba.

lUotaotUti ofuaaU
JoddO Hajta Maa U tta city loot
or Moro ttaa tta taodt OB tta Rooda
rcatoa to^ MOjr to Oodillao to try
Tta. qOMHae Mbtoh arlaM U. <aa o
COM for*^^ OfaUtoadMi la tta
baatoMt Maa afford to rIto OMay bU email eeart for Woaterd ooaaty.
laeai? U ta dora aet fire tta (oodt
AMOt a. HatMlMOa of Oiaod Ropor o por*Ua of lb tta® ta MaH obai«» Idf b la tta eliy OB boatooM.
MoroforbUfood*tbaa taottarwlM
HOMOld bWl MMIt to UbteORO bat
Moald. At aU erenM ta
vraalaf.___________ I


“"•“•2£^S.'3S>sr“•aaoaa, aad too

a«o TiBTtaM 01« Marebaal Ip atab
tbat ta depMda anre opoa tta Tolaa
of hb fooda aod lair daattoff
-Tiada «ad Tta Wore Boopar,"
bodlBR bade paper b DoMoll. b aoadoetli«acnMdaaiblail tta tradlaa
f pbn. Mblcfe It daobtoa it balat




oBftily aptayad bora a Maob tetiar
appMiBBoa aad naaeat qaito a aenMbtotte taal^to baaa aacbetad.
Ttay Mill may oma llila yaar tbaa
Cmaerly. Wa .iMd a doaaa plam tnaa
IMI yMT that Mara aot qrayad aad
r*«y plea oa tliem retted Mitb tta




0 Baaday Betaol Morkt






Jua rccei.exla iol.t Sa'mpV IV-.1-al a-l-«>onl of 1.'. j<t .-cnl taUm



\Vc *ic ibcnoi;-onic l'‘>■•!■ at [•tu 1-. iK-»cT .|0.UcvI l-cfoic.

l.'icrn pr Uue etoucl........................




SS.n.H.S'i I,.-.


aot bab^M."
irarybot of tta ^aado

HlMSlbatoth ToMltad at

nROtaTB Ronck-BTAW

taa iMka of tta Wooda. aaar a
tta Mba b loMtod. b Oabada
MB May d2 tta tbbct Mart aaodad.
Ttay mUU to«b ooUto '
aad eiptod tta Booey we tare to tbr Tta bride mm attired b mUm baarlatbaa for epaabc aod darolepbi
y b^tereat of tl« Mbbe tdty.
atta Mlth bridal Toil aad bride
Mba. aad Mill ptobobly ta Boaa obeot
____ Hatllda
and Hba
Daakeiov aerred ai bridremaida vltb
tabdbc of Hr. H. Warear aad R Btaffraa m beat
ItaUare tta Aaaaobl
oar ally *» ta mo^
maa. Tta estalde ceeeu Mere: Hr.
A BMB oMployadoa tbe taxM of Hr.
IWutWM. obeot a qaartM of a bUo
aorta of tta Blnoby aebeol
taa ooMe doMa ’Mlta oa attoefc of oar atat
Hr. aad Hra. Baa^ Hr. aad itn.
aaaallpof, tta bcBM baa boaa qaacaa- of tta eliy « a aj,
.................................Wtadoft. Hra.
orably atbrad
W...^ n mIm.
.. ________________ K. Ptiohni of
Trertma Otiy.
aohoel. aad
After tta aaramoey tta par^ Meat
ta«a that Mara
______ _____ _ _,..irtbaaa .a ftta^Satare hOMt of tlm happy ^-WtaM.»aad-.;tato.«:
Both Kaaaady Mtra etoaad Hoa
day araabt ralaatoiUy. ea aaoaal e
laltail relet ttajadctta diMartojioa b tta aoBmaalty.
•Mtdf yoaaU Mbaa Ipradbttbet
Tta OBM oi MMlIpae U Bid to ba I
aata. ^J^Tpoto. AlA»: bid. *10. la
rary Uebt eee, aad aroryj tBOMatlaa
TmlBBttoa laereaM b piuprBibn
toe baaa takiet.




Oal SS.50 tayaa havt U«n Ik*





U of Ilka tatmte.


R J. HoTfa tolvW Blit ia raaabf fell UbM
Oltrar R Play wrai to Blk Bapidi
Dbb Fairbaaka at Elk BapIda aprat Baaday b tta aalcbberh^
TboMa Bnnreaf Kalkatoa Bayed
eror Boatay Mllh R 3. HoytV pre-

____>, Mlth artaM « dab( parHOMat aad iMtbp Mark ea tbdai m

• ZOO^ay

t June. A. O.^ssrr


pire tbti Mceabp ta bald qtortorly
tta ^ B^ to , ta oal
■aatbff aMTiaaa.
Dr. A. R Hbff «M to I
Olty lUa MO^ oa baMatto
W. B. SaUay wiai to MaaM




baUAMd aa


^by aad Harto----------------------------------

It's the on/y shoe in town at jS3o5Q,
you’ll say so yourselL
A Value Receive Shoe _—M



iMbd Hm na. A
«• a

Yod can tell pretty well
what Ceresou flour is by
what people say who have aSaTS^SEd'J.S:
used iL but you can tell bet­ A—.MM.AR.ja, IMM
ter by using it yourself. Buy
a sack of >-our grocer and
he will refund your money
if the flour is not satisfac-



.. tWtSwm.-, u-~®o-l >-1



“What Handsome
Wall Papers
and How Reasonable.”
That's the universal exdamattoh our custotnas make after visiting this most oomplete

toaRAUaMa. V. S taM


^^ibf^totta*MM b^ at-

Mi4»?aU aakred a p^—
it Moaldta a Mam of meaay I-------raab«.
tbaa ttaptaattoa of Baktoc Bto
Qaxaa* BaUer of TrertCM OUy. b
tta leiBBM toBt hM bata folM
bm Aobbe tta iMMBi for treat.
tfcto tbaa. okoapl aa oatlriac er aad- baba

bb fnadM) '
riy epaaad maata, Mbm (ta eaa- Hn. tMlly Y
Maare tta ama m Mbre toBlbt
Mato MM dtoa aa tta oltor eato.
bapty a toM taya opa.
Oa tta oldM MreaM Mtara maral
Loyal Beett-a tMO toataa
blm Baaday.
Pnd. a T. Qmmb it it
■Ml aa ttapatiareor Mdaa. taM ao
R T. Play aad Aane Bi
AUad tta pom of tta earth. ^ U b
ivreto TiarwM City HaaS
weMloa «l««a by Praf.aad Hm. Bobb iMpnMibb for U» momt u ptm
aadTicf. aad Hw. BydM Mt Bfla»
Wh. hmea mo tara and-taba or
Piaok HBMlllBBbM I
a toraato byJ
OUMffB. Wbanta bM
a BB^
be leada for tta '





Dont you spend
.-Aot for ladki made hy



aio F*«ONX


Hmntbie jarpantbaa are
mda to Malaooir tta BMaacrr.

m ahiu.


Tbit tta
White Hoaaa tome time b Oetobar.
Hn. Roaaarall MlU ramab b Waab-

.tJl .Uragn, heat) Iw

............. ...................................................................................................

If you are b ncol of a bsl this 1)111.*; you cann.K aH.e.l lo miss lh^■. ,,-tral i.swc) sa.u^



ttal Mhioli Me baUara to to rlfbt ^
jut; bao debt Maoaa^ «o ^
Oamr P. CRttm.
tta dalbt of tta oBor artray.

m«.ula.tufrf»’ |«ct».


Bcauliful aU Brats IWsk, ..............................................................................................................................................»I3.00

'is,"!: C.A.HAMMDND •


^omllron llcl. » mm.icl, ant ........................................................................................
,\n circUriil bcl, •san.U «k> in. h^h. Lan.f-m.c


A palitlea MMAlad to datoi
tta hairt b tta MOttMaf ttaaMato
atbaaba B|Bb.
U tta aatato of Jeha ff. Baa
Bmr r. Vaaaal mm ap|»tatod
BbbMaiar. rrtdarbka Boom edB
iMiaMb aad thalr bbdl ware AM
MdlettoMlMaad. A. R Btlaao
WUUbm AiboU mm« appatato

ReUkHd DfT Caato. Ctrpd
BBd CMkbc Banc.


to itady iMotorletoy, ttaai ta apfBeetalA bat Itarr Mae aay dirt Mbatorar







.b thb treat aadortakb* or« «aa
tboaMDd propla Mara employed, and
MM U.oaMDd loaaea of bread a day
Mara eoBaaiard b tta * olaaabf of
MoU toPet abae.
llitbt tbaaaaad
tMO thODMOd acrabbtat
toutaa. Are tbooMod pooodi of aoap
Meet b a Meek.
b rarh qaaai
AU topba opoD for fOBM
aubo ba mada al oaoa ta jemba* Uaa tfaalU) aooaouba a yrtraiata
^nooal laad^cenirty poy^ err Moa ralablulird Tta ovanear
tIUi Mark Bi«ht taTeaooemliad allU
or tbr iMlbD prodaot. they
BaUtar aaa efferd to-totoioadtta
_________Itatod Palrt»ak> Hold Doal.
fallOMod hb adrioa. a* Ibr aaaaar Uir Moabbt poMder and Palry Soap
Mfaat pba U to do baalnoM apoo
b made, tlia Iom
Thai b Mbrtab Amancaa boatokrapatria* baalaoM prlaeipba aad to bd for tta boA
TettaUMMoa Oocaellef ttaOity
an liara tta adraBtate.
......................... tail.
taaoM tMda by
at TianrM Olty. Hbbbao
Uold DaM twbi do yoar Mork.
■oodtalaM aad
totalbar. keep iBTbM tta baa
ba tta daty of taa a
rata of tta Mbob cdty. aad aa

KaadayMM baaa a bev «aa b tta
aeait of iadta of Prebato
HeartaiMMfaadb tta potltUa at
BtatyWteeal tar the prabato of too
rrtll b tta Bettor of lb
ioha P. Baatr.aad aa ordM
alloMbf tta Mill.
Bearbf mm bad b tta pattttaa
tor toe appabtMaat at aa adMbbtrator b tta I



The BMt la Moat Satiafactory

tanataa of tta SmIm Oaarda. oral
tra UMU of dirt Mara btaa araty day
for tta Oral tMalae or Uilrt«aa wcaka,
and b brea proportioaa aba darb(
tta ratoabint! dae BoeUia.
Thb arlll aem beredllabb do

alalod tbat b Bom iertoy bcbbtkai
taa baea adopted to raatrlot tta opoM- ^yoaaC pwpb-fit.
ao-a Ortt
tbaa of tndlof alaaip eoaoeraa aad
BfdetatbB tn»n tta Oaateo Baaday
to kill tta otaMBe la that atata
At aay rau. dtalan aboald ooaaldM
Wtotlodofi* tta Hoato Drltotwell aay pr^atoM aobiMa and t
uat—J. R Baiaay.
tlM Mia of lou
Booilatba-Laey OmbL
laya <ta baa. tta ■

a td tta Gold boat

ideaw yoo Aral

uve>or monr.'Imialcv

oai of tta abraa
larlaa. tlM Utrary. tta mpar----------•

tor carrybe ttaBOtttotoo

■Hr. J. r. Piatt.
OMbMoef ttaO^


a a Tadar baa naairad trotd troM
hb tefbtM. Hba Cbpbob. tbat taa
airlrad b Briaott. Vaah.. Prlday
B^l aftar Mkb( tta dbtaaaa, 1.400
MUaa. bdl taara
Ob FHday atoabt. aeea aftar bar
antral. Hba Tadar aad Hr. Hany
Kata, formarly of tab ally.


See our Men's $5, $8. $ IO and $ 12 Suits.



it bade to tta a<

fm tta oeeaoll.
of a


1 ■

qairad to brb« about aoeb mmIu.: to
UOa eonnaetlOBl Moald r '
ata^ ta totaoatom
____ ell. to oothoriaa tta t
tta^lty Idba^to ^




>v,\ciMl aU.ui i vKRYTHlSC. m


br tta ploa. U ta d
ttaaUMBM to tta OBI

eat ee tta tfaaMotloa. I
od by Ibr octatoo toffot toMoHiInc for
R for BiKthlBR profoal'
ttoa Ita baaa ertad eflM aad bar
aad iniaaMia b alwaya tta laato. Ito
' wadlof ataaip aehiMi batbadtlrotc
OOMO people, bat It b'dai. to tta aror.


MC hive cm rlSama.
An umDCBic \xnetv_
all Bcaotirt.



mod taroftae
trait OMd aol ftar orar p
Tta MTltM baa bod Baay
ad rcalt RTOMaYa oak U it
.pray tta etabard. I ai
nfortlat to rnd baba
_^ptae^ ora b tlM bait baaiaaa
Mcayba bllb mIU raa bto---------------

Doibi tta paat

. outhl. c»B Bod ice ««


-d ^

_wro niMtni to to doao. and wtoa
eorriod oat ia taU mo oriU '
_Bpbto a ayiMM aa
eeald ta dee
M for doMoatb aoa aad ffro pi

Oarld Boltor la la toootty 1

BetoR Ton.lmy tta boy
or yooi^ Bunba ^iap


I et HIM Adolaldo Tbv- «
AiT ^myb« eabadan ftra fc«»m-------•tea. aad Ml Ofoad Baytta tUo mm^ by tta
Borala* u too tta
otvaMraad a DOattaaol tattMMi
at tta rorrieo td aatoa A Pod aad
••At OotT CMoatt”
Oiaad Ualcbi
Aaaayr o
U Mo tara bTeeohU<
Mill bare tbr
Pral WUMooh, U taataoM a
Ma tarr





IS^iita%toZZ Si**tabSiS‘SZ^

Moaor datfaf tta r»r HUoa
foeclro tboMonpi aad Mko <
tta ilott at tta oeooMo aolUac ttaa
^|M at OOMO artlita aithor oMtal

CMMrca't a»4 Tmc


oU at itaB.
Italr lUf htaorr U tata»tHo»

Vkittac todor-



tata opM.


a aatHfclM, tat U mm«
IBfMdta to do B tor fMt •

. BMMPO ««lob aaoBsl 10 eoui

or Jtaticabrir italics ^iap ihs MOBa
iB aev. Bjrtak Mid sttnano.
----------------- -.*_ll.k€ilapciMtaM,aMtaKta.


Wall Paper
Newest Styles.
Best Work.

We are almort outdoing widves this Acsion wbQi'it concA to idliog papert. and ibis
if a banner year to purdiaAe your supply.
This b not idle talk.

It's the facts of the

caae. and yen will heartily agree if you. will

WJ/STSoT- - •


...The Famous.
246 Front St.




examine closely into tbe tob^.


in Bod... Coftaioi, Wdl Bho aid



<atiW-iiAVBRBI9«EftALD. MAYfB. laOg.

bat faar of tba aldanuawbawan aa
_____ BahBiBetyotdaoidadwban
bawlUloiala. bu ha boi bo ad of UW ten tba niat, Bote oBd OUfrtedt whean hoplactlu bawlU


a>nt4 M*. J. T.


M. HTi - - Ollten lhaPIU.:
rmun ten tho wrd. MaOfafaay
ti Xardio ten tbo Poanh aBd
Mn aad MooB ten te Plfb.

otooBtey far aote old MiBda
WhlfabanUas MBattba KBiaatMr
iWMT Mr. WUtBMB took a
w ten hla Hayda. aad oana


3 9cr Cot aUmi M TIk De»Hltt.

thto tofiTr aelmna. b
kdnanef ap-

« tek. Tn>M CUr. lUak.

Join Butt ^ nnlTad a copy gf
th( Saw Tuk Buald. wWak aoelalaa
at tha 4aa(hM>a e( Ua enorta. k
h-Cb.-— Paart^OaUlaaofPo*M, Am*
«M an Ml> Acdu Bath, who wlU





wUb M^orOwtariB tba teOt. and

a.________ _____

iatbUelty aad te m
rtad aa a tbrivtop baolBi
onoet. Hatemarlytad
wtante BroataM&ek
tat ton haarUy by te
t Wp fin wblcA
aerrral ynr*;
twapi tet pan of towo

. anna af Xk Bay tent. wtfa.
did taetoen
MOanoD. oTotanaef te raoattl
a ynr
baUtoa. dlad rarr nddaaly of bnit
a anarday irnlap at ,10
k. Bin M baaa neabtad wllb Ha Icavn a wife aad three cAlldna.
a aad aSaoCtoae of te heart.
aU wn ditiap oa te bad wbta te at f p n ten te tanlly mlnddnly faU onr aad p«|dnd. Sba deaoe. 840 Ban Blpblli etroat. Tbe
were ocadBotad ta te*- Uwaa tba noter of twodaapbtan. aad
O. Rath aad tbe barial arreapeoieoB.
idL-r te dinctiOD of U .U
e Hto iJta

. —^

Aotine ea Plor Bail,
tba Blpk ateel taaa ball Inman
pmnrtop ptoaa tea trip (hat may
at tba ekae of te a-beol
ynr U aU poea wall, aad if ifie trip to
takae U wiU atna a obanee te te
____ _
fat a two mn tttek adnna of Ibto oily to roan opapatoat
dlttaa to tba Bouaa BiOto Wodt, to
no <d te taotaot Hlpb icbool tnou
kataUl U tho naroflfeo fr
HoOIatey aad Oti.
> tba ania.
_____ Tbo addltta wUl bo KUO
Fkdloa-OUfact, Slate aad Btaania.
tba boya bopa to nakaa trip of fin
toolla olaoaad wlU aSort otoaUwPin aad wain 0«l, Moaa aad Lar- daya Tbay wiU upoet to ~ibr fire
badly uodad. “

tor motneti

Cbe $biH UlaiStaaea

. ♦♦♦♦


ir^'atU section has been a busy one ewer
I The Shirt

__ ofifyaDdotte. k
need ten te ni
y Dr. Kiap'e 1
eta of Poeamoeia irri en >.d
___ • OOQ«I. ai.d v.ry errerr lnB|
trnBble. wbicli en i xaellBiil dorto
roald DO! belli, bet a few nioeihr' a*
of tb), weadetfal otedlrtoe tiuka.'toe '
a« well ae evrr aad 1 Keted aiBch to i
weiRbI ' lalellible f.-r I V.uRtu.. olit>. |
Bud all Tliroal aod Loup irobbl
Trial bonier free. Oaaraator.1 boiil
aad fil va at 8. K. Walt A boo. ai
i <3. Jataima.

sioce'the opening of tbe (im box.
The styles
prettier and the values much better than any line ever
shown'to our customers the previous seasons.


onme Waists,
\Vc shin, a very gtiung line of

White Waifit ihiv \Tta—-aU new— yoo want, rtnnc here to prt u u ToBcM Silk Waal la te Clbun
ne arc.joquiol t» fill every want efieci

Uiiv >eta'. uuke.

'i'he all ■ulirai.lere'l fronts the ID Ihia W.

A»l a'aleafc yaatnday notBla* at lha
tUl aaltod IB aaiilac* Via Bdaa M.
Bnaiactaa to Mr. Stod Akut aad
- - • — • • • Mr. Bt^K.
Th» trite an
- tbo vary lopalM 7UBC
olty. ThognotetnaliowaU
taowa. aad >a<n
aalMla te
Mayor Oarror nada tba tollowlac
tad toed witeo.
VoUtnnta. aU at whlab wna ^
Prad fcowa, wall kaowa to thla
olty. for aaan tton to baitoan to
Otaad Bapida. waa anrrtod a law
day* ar> to Min Wiatted Sortb of
oily. Albnt Morotoy of thU
Circulation this week 2,475. tbat
olty, oao ot Pnd'a eloaan trtaada.
•nrad n boat naa. Tba etra-----waa pntomad by Bar. BaadaU.
A lat«a amnbn of tnandi of tba
to tbla dty orUl ^ pti
Hr. tad Mn. V. W. ICeKte ot non
atm cf hla kapptaan
Oiaad Baidte an tba fotota of Hoe.
■ A. V. ftterteteail
aad Mn. J. W. KiUlkaa.
Dr. r. P. lawtoa baa morad bU At tba ncalar nriaw of Tnrona
Olcy Taat. Ko. 8T1, E.aT.M. Prtday
-otea troB tba Olty Boekaton i
Blchl, Alted T. Prtodriob waa alaetu tba aaw Wllbata Uook. rooa
ad dalnua to tba Oiaat Oanp. whlab
wlllnaat atM<
Batll O. laatnar of ta«laaaa ooai
tyaadHln Bntha Stricfcar of Urn
Laka towakUp Uto bare lleaaaad I
Oaufo B. MoUlUaUd hU faaad
Tuy badly naafiad ta tba eecf of oa
I thaoidar mad
loaatWB fnaaor roa by a faaoUaa
atia naatef wlU
aaciaa Tbanday._________
& W. Baaad * .Boa an naklac atMteva iBpnTaoMBla abeal tiwlr Mta. Alin
foaadry to naka nan toon far tM dMatbnbona eonarof Banadall
aad Bay atraati Baaday aftaraon.
atw naoy atoalba of totaan nSndw to play lac noal braraly bona. Mta. Oban■o to WlU
B at tbat plaea. A ntan pna berUa waa aa adepiad daafbur of
Jadca aad Mn. J. O. Banadall. aad
wiU ba pUyod ban aooo. Y *
alnoal bar aatln lUa had baaa opaat
WUbU T. Foifcar of
aad bara Many old ttma tripoda aa Well
dnapbia. 8iddlaeo>aa of Uatoa
aa tbna of lanr data, naan bar Ion
tUp, «te «>»aM • Ucnaa to
aad anaad ifaair otooan ayniathy
by Oaoaly Clark Woltar.
bn fanlty.
kbort taaonl aarrieaa wna bald
Tba faat^ of lane Daw, wbe dlad
tba boaaa. aaour of Bar aad BobuTaaotay. wUl ba bald la tba l^laooU olnata at B o-olaak Toaaday
pal abareh U BIk B^lda today
WBlaf. Tba Tinilai wore takn
at II o'oloA
Maalitai tar bartoL
WUlfi. Aadano
DbbW Daka liaa parol
tin ^da otoA of Jeiia P. Ott * Oa
e TnromOity Drirtoc Park AaC 1,800.000faak Koatoftba
tlea U tepartoc ter tba Unaal
I of bona non am bald to
aad Bl.<00 WiU ba
U qdia ot tba dlU«*al anroh. pat ap to pamo far Ifaa naatef.
wtalob baa aaror boao akatad. ao maa tbli dty la DOW ta tba Mtabl^ elrIwt baaa toaad of tiw JoSarm b^. ealt aad orory propatadee to batap
I to naka tba aroat ta ka^laf
wbo bai booeBOBa
aww. All bopaot i
I hinalln
Tnrnae Citr aad Ito aatn
Tba atorn of tbo bomnaa iboald ba
ttlBfaread by a aiuinoliit oa tba part
Ob Bataiday anolat Jaatiea
Tarty pufotaud tba anaauay wUA of tba dttonia toanaacaa Me Veattb
L We tad a
Ballad Mr. Baoeb Kntoebrll aad
Mta Baaey Ball Both an wall
hMWB aad tbali friaa^ wUl eot
Blaia than baartlly.
DogTin wUl ba eeafnrad apea TOO taanodiyef thabadaay ua aaaaoatodntaal tba Aaa Arbor aalnnlW Bonplita wtaatto aaoronry. bai tba
OB Jaaa ». 418 of trbon on aaUn
dnald ba atartad at OBoa.

Tba tleop yaoht M B. Ptapn. Jr.,
fomnly awaid by Pmk Prtadriah.
aiad nonily baaptai by Bnt Ltadlay
Of Cblono. elaared thto port Prt-

Tbay alaitad aadn tarna ptoanal trip to
Mr. Idadlay bn bad tba
pottaf-nlta,ae tbat the baat oaa ta
I alter Ip vtad « paaaltaa

111.1 t'i.mriktaai|> to $4.WI.

taod ntaliva to te aaaa. Two or:
tbraa taeboloal potato bavr eomr ap i
La te qaaatloa aa to wlwth- :



a Uiowti in oui; in the Cibtoa effen. aad it te
rium: oainc colon as ia the abmw - alav

I'ertolc Wtast ta .Vlr.

(hta up to iS.76 fia llie-fioeta.


We are showing many novelties in this department this season. Tbe open
[ work, late effect is decidedly new — It tills the long felt want. It is durable aod yet

very’ cool. Can i>c had in the silk: or lisle, and in all colors.
Ijt.hrx liUl fitasr t l-iilicn l«vt fiarue
Clovm.cUracUsai.-j'llF' Hta.-.U;»—

M,U... sal


iK-n Uie cnciS — all

tl'Uta. 1

• Ilo,.., 1, U.-1

Uiim Kue 1-are
ClotMinaUlhe new
tens, in blark. while. shoilct M
(visir amlnuile.

50c mN.

a BEL.XS a

The 25c kind are of pleated sitin. block sha|>cd leather, velvet with satin Undj ing.etc. Our ^ line is a strung line, made up of silk, satin, leather, etc. Many novI eltu's just opened u|i.

fnn te railroad to te atateh '

Mantar board Of Dkaaiy B

Paid up CaplUL
**Ja^ Loraapar baa daeldad (tat SsrplBS. ' - te avldeaea of aa affort to aaean te
itpbl of way U nffldaat abd te oan
Wadaradoy/ te nw ipatori Taaeil Blader cam- ap aad war dUmlnad
Onr SaviBfs
for waat of iropor aarvloi.'. It will
e.,. isr»
me op apaln to tn daya.
Oota A Waalee aad Vllltam Bmltb
haTaaettlad with tbv railroad
puy te te right aerota teir prop.*tin. aad tat three fo^aotln are aaw
left, te M A K. &. te MIehIpu
BMfob Oa aad tbat of Taaell Slador.

OanlaaM. PialL
a board of water ooatta
ara-Olamea Oroiltok te In.
Bd C. Hopao te foar yoaro, WiUtan
W. Bmlta te throe ynr*.
lanbn of Bnrt (d PabUe WorkaB. D. AUay.
PoaadMaate tnaph B.
Bpaatal pollea te Olty Opata Hoaae
item pay-W. W. FatrohUd.
Abeat te Am thiap tel wai dooe
aftn te aaw ooaaeU ba<
.way tba aOto wn to aaan to onke a
Mr. aad Mra. L. 8. Browa aa
way for te pBTiap propo
Uatoa anaat to ba teowa toto te daapbtor Lanora tavr barn oalled 1
M City by theaarioo. iUonrr
•tittei wn ^oaind from
JoUat daatpball. Jabo Oaitor. WilUan Oatin. B. V. Moblo. Bteard
Walttap aad Bdward Laataar.]wotaai
pataal tba aoRDWlag (f Ualoo
fron 44 toaOfaat wbaa
paved, tetinp ttat they woald «.
te tavtop at 40 taat. tat woald ptodly pladpe Ihmnlvaa to naka te payNow that the spraying senson is on yi»n
ta oan tba tate width
good spraying material.
made 44 feel. P. a OUbert apoka
te the Uatoa anaat nddaaia wbo
ripaedtba protaat. tat taoopfat oat
Uttla tet had aol baaa di
te taoa of tba oeoaeU aad irivaialy

aetontba itaa of the T. O. U
BM nUioad'epropoaed right of way,
tn wbtob o-------------------------- -----Tba M A H.
B. paepla aty ktaTlbay bara aet aaaa
any work ta paopite .aa tba propoaad
npbtof wayof tba T. a. L.BM.
Tbay oay. hawam. that the tatter
road-aoBtatatonlfbt ban ibeapbl tbat
tba tidatraok waa to eran tba |aapond Uaa of tba T. O..U *M.
Ibay onta hawator, that tba talaaettaa wn nrrad.aU rIphL Wark bad
Baaa bagaa oa a tnwk aaar tba M. *
B. B. roaadUaaa. bat H tad aot

c Novelties from New York. It will do your heart
I g.vhl to see the pretty things in this departmcijt. Nice line at 25. JS

r, j J

Mn. Wain wUa af Bar. Bidwafd
Wain of Bead Olty. dtadvaryaaddaaly Tbaratay at te baaa al bar oea.
aaar Keawita. Bta aad two daopbMra IMB Baad-Oltywwa tan Tltaltap
tacanaadtartaaptoe,„yMn Jaba
Oaly twa days btaon Mr.
Wala rataraad
ad n ooea aad fawn
wtta Uadattakw Aa
kaaapta the wmlai ta Tiavana Olty
■ to Baod Olty cate
L.wtan tetBBanlwBi
attafaa tar bwtaaf
te taavaa aaa ata aad foar daaphtar.
John aU Mra. Ofoataar Un al Kaa-

[Extra Special in Walking Skirts
\ No such values ever offered. Colors, b.rown, grey 1
|and blue, at $1.48. $2.98and $3.98.


Farmers, Attention!

BUE vmni. ruts BREEI,

Aldomn Bladn tetad Uni be bad
hoped tel te natan wn nitta
aad did BOI tn bow it eeald be
lodat tlitotont-witbeal btptoBtap aU evn apata. Aldnnaa Mooa
tavond te pavtap at 44 teal. Ute
■rty owant deotn it. aad Aldernaa MoOlnkay potakad oat n
tba diBoaltlaa to tba way at naktop
ttat baton tba ctnn* *•« mf
prepnty beliton taoald apna te pay
............................. OanetleaofAl

teoa r. Titaa paonWd to te
Oarawla oCariap te tea pablto
Itbraiy baUdtop to te ally.
aaatettaa waa laealvad aad tied
iba aaaaldtrBttei af te iwoiaal
wnaomdeataaetaloadw forte
aaat tapmlar moettap.
Ita Tcavacm Olty Oaa Oa. satitleB•d te pamimaa ta lay iM paa
mtat ta te faUawtap atxaato aad al.
Itarfc ottte faoB Tmi to tta allay
rioal aad

awaattem te aUry batwaaa
raaktaptoB alraatato ItaaUay
m Vataatoc M Baal Bipfatb;
aaattaresfbaUay ; batwaaa Watalapaad Wabotw tomaklta; watt
•pb altar batw
aad Vahttow te BoardM a*
aal oa allay batwaaa Wabatar
Sail BlpbUi ta ftaaklta; waat
Hwaaa VakoMraak Aal Elphta

If you are in the market for any ol these
go^s it will pay you to give us a call, as we
carry a splendid line of these goods, and can
make you rock bottom prices—at

Zhi* is the

giSSlS I »Slore
That keeps iliom all
guessing how we do it.
'I'hat's our secret and
your- prolit when yon
buy shoes here.

Hundreils of Now Cuotoniers

Added to our already large list proves that the
people are with us-They know where they get
the Genuine Shoe Bargains.

Ladies’ Shoes

Men’s Shoes..

Lnrcat prices erer esMei

temine Kid Shan—all Italhcr.
prod tt)tat, ao«

2^1 |oin genome Ki.l Slmo—
K«*hioaxl-1c shaj-es, s|>lcn-li-l

Sa.IMi Vu-> ki.1 an.1 a>\ Cair
Sh.ies—l»te« «»le>—fine fil­
ling rfwes—only

, aoylBta apaa
•awu.ta Wa>fafd eooBty. Briar faaaaal nrrien
wtU ba bald ta AateM
at f Triday
nd tba tatarneat wUl bata Oakwood

Wc shun a Iwoutr ta 4>k jint

tab-rfan with te work ot tedoetor
, wholly
eon-.t l-.r .l>i.. Kuiit'i K-w IjI. i
---------------------- PlUa. wbloh
w..rt.wbloh wnrt.-d «uod<-r> tor U-t I
baalth." Ttay alwavr da Trr ih. ni
Woiti ............. I
laUmd apaiiurt te MiohlpaB Bnrtii
Oe. terifbtof wayaeroM tbeir prop­
erty waa bapao to PnXata Jedpe

Olty a
Olty ■

HtoaBltaM. teokaa rataraad fron
Cteriareta Tbanday aad with
te taeacbi aa Utaat*— tabtofa waa
I oa tba M. * H. B. talboad
Prtfaiy. for tba parpaaa of tn-

Bn. J. W. MUIet taai ]aot rooairad
ataten» talUBpef tba dnth at hto
taaphier. Min Paaaia MUtar at ValtayUtty. Dakota, of rbaataatlan of
tba bnn. Mta Millar waa a taaebn
ta tba Btata aetnal aebed at VaUay
otty. Mr. aad Mra MlUn left totay
A taotbnd P. A. teri waa toea«fat
ta tba aUr Moaday fienOobta daactfata whan b. bad bto lap tafarad
abaal twa woaka apo oa a nw ta
Waah. Poaad-i nUL Bto top waa w

j ner. Mra RoU will reomls to
na aad Itaca.aad Ht Plaanot
: lao.l te a abort Una.
etoctop pane of tl-e aniea.
Tba boya an bow worktop with I
■aaBBoh Upaa UtU to riaw. Thai
trip will irobaWy oot be nkea aoill 1^,*^

- JUa> OB AU sak Taflcia Wgiit

the tlilaun will olyi be (ounJ bote. ntahiog ebe.

ttal an daraloUar tea ‘
ClereUad. wl.ere he aad lli>.
ru-Hiw Howaidarr aad ! **•" *®**

beranuefaed rtrapiitog n

tlie! Creeo, OU Rate. Wur aaJ Wbhe.

You will want

ba< k anJ front—■ nrn thinp of mime, ontl sre keep i It b a H«ciB ta $X.CU.

Ill iact tlw Nuveltm are all Iktc.

to teee.——

Snk Waists
Jab now we are tetriaf » fiae

li' II IS a I'Stty rulurcl wai>i

Of good things to eat. That’s fl'lot. but it won't
be enough to supply the demand. We know
what they are. we have had them before and
they went like "hot cakes." The Famous Ger­
man American Brand—They are so good they
took the gold medal at the Pan-American over
all competitors. You are going fishing and you
will want a lunch. Those wher have summer cottag^ wont want to cook all the time—they go for
enjoyment. It will soon be time for picnic par­
ties. These goods will be in great demand then.
So many afternoon and evening gatherings are
being held. We will help the housewives and
make their work light. Read the list and select
your particular kind.



ProBl aU Ualn awoMa wai
ad liU tba tm of Jaaa.
Tta imiptatita af B. P.
■ mtnbw of tba beam of w

liS pain Fine Shoes to ctan
oat — all tun. l>on‘i mis
Ibis chahee, Only

who l-unlheteabne*: they xi
uni)J« wao-icTfal >aluet ta
iule Men'i Shoes - ».

A Ur Mnoaatlta Oa. with J. T.
nb aad Howard Ittob n oarottoa. oad
Mof tba ........... A Uy ~
nalUe Oo. at Beaaaid ptambon

Children’s Shoes

AND LEMONS. The very best and sweetest we ever had.
The entertainers at afternoon Katherinss and evening re­
ceptions who serve sherbets, fruit salads, lemonade, orange­
ade. can now exercise their ability to the fullest extenL

.Ml letaber—ciret S lo b... SOc


Sim moll....................... 7.V
Sim 13 to 2.................... SI.W

Jllfred U. Triediich
Belter or Good Shoea.

Opp. Herald Office.


^mAVKPBSK orrv, MfO»«.

M ImM for Ibis
ol U» Hmld,
vftMi U
aaftr la lb* «mi

tbi •nolat to TnftoM Oitr.
Mr. m»d Mrm Otea Walbmra
ItoBto? with Mr. mad Mn. lUiL
te «r pumlrMi.
J»mm BUIM of TrsT««o Oitr U
teriac Ui bo» njapHOd o^uroots ID awve bCXt vook.
A b»w eettw* U botof bmlllol P«r-

Mn. A«h« Kolcbl dim mrto

Mr. 00.1 Mrm MoOl«mll^^._. _
■■p«w BowrJojr to ipi^ «om^
^ttotboli doo«bMr. Mn. Jebo Jloko
U BoboMwottols
wriUBKoA.1 Uto f«iodbo wHIlm
TiModm AlbM
■erod Ui teilp
---- ---------Uc wllb Ui teotfatf M in ml. bet

-• • ■lihta* for lb. Wrlto---------

Artbmr BivUnc U Uvtof hli boooi
CBarlM B^ib ties SaamU CHtr to
popvioc to lUi Ttotol^.

D. L. Baa aad toarttr maertog
_iM Ibk nrtdote oenplad br L IL
Pivd Atkla__
ItoiapbaU aad faailr.
|.toa««t nltor nandarMia Bdaa Bnan-----------Mirt Brtrto Brraat to rlrtUag
»*. Botttoitor w.
of Wort Boprttor Tranm Oitr Batardar eroUag.
trtndi at Traram OitrWU.. piMod thnwab boif vUbbu Tbo Irtdtoi- Aid Seetotr art o
Mtoa Krttla Paalas laeraa Mtoorrow
bom eod boor oo bU w»y»obl Hfi.
Wa. ToieoTbmndar aflarmi
(or Traram Our. wbara aba will atMOtart romt rt Woltood iako.wtwn
, land Deckarar'a bsatoes caUaga.
bote told ooloBOrtteot letooDd
Mr. aad Mn Haro bare rotaned
to Maneeek Park. »V an all glad
Mania BaefI la at Trarmm OUr ml
bi wtU ge to abeat Ibteo or toor tbU wrtUag.
Boater OTootof.
goToaal fm Tmbo ^o^te jto
l^^te tbo Boor told to tbo
MlteantorTito Ttwator aoetblr b>
Tlio aw aiU te etoied tlw aa
m'lworfc. Wobopo to
tote ootoo to boat wlntof.
al eborob parton.
a Jeaala Maaea to wurktog tor
Trtde for Um Kpwortb toagmota. __ Mara
ter Mar 11 lb. Aaaaal Bartow, load- Hartia Biewa waa a Traram Ctir
Tootofter Bor- Mrttto. iteor of flj. or. Mn to H. OaapUU.
eellar roMardar<Bua Vataar toft for Bauoaa Boy.
wbm ha will mate hto boart.
Pante IrtBoam of Good Harbor
Tbo tort ai mag <<U
It nltor roatardar.
WBi bold at tbo baaa ------------- -- ,
CaU. Afar tbo aegraa for te

Mr. Mal^lar mM OoUod to Von
Borw eoutf toM wmto od eeeeui
tbs IUbw of bit aotUr. H« retoiood
tod»7 •< Ui BoibOT to boHor.


Mn. te O'Brirti toTtototot brt
doo^tor.Mit. Bd Klldooolls^loe.
ftony VUlioBMb. the orttotont bufaorrt Bron-i borbrt tep. to otok
vtth trpbeid foTv.
B. boo to «vtoc todeon toktog


S?iJS ..s'j£.-£.“is,nfsr2Si.


itag te dab adloated for te
Ttoltero and
M. too aroea oad nko wai Hra.
BdUor Jormo to wmikte vltb W
_ od to the todlM aad a rorr aa)erorotoh. the molt of Mof^ os o eana a pair of aarttlrt gl
abli eTeUag wm ipeot
Powon retoimad tbto mrte
Mn. Am Pooka oad Mia Bthrt
Botrcri mio oa)o7tof tbo a
Mn narotoa te-----------.-------A. M. Iwoito te a foroa of atoa M
Ut e( a wte^aiO^ln^lh bn werkoo hto ootlage aadtegw^
of bU rooori aad to patetog work for­
ward rmpidir.
Ibi imUroad aloMbo «HM.
Kin Btel SmrU of Oaeaa to to
tbo geart e( Mlu Bditb Soott. ' to Tiaram Olty prapand to

HBcrial Dar te rttUnu ef Bar
Itr will ptmatte Bar eooatr
taai et te Bpaatob-Amartaao
. allrar andala to apprwlsl
tetr patneda aarrtoea
••Ironll aew with herror.” aara
HaU Oaitler Bareatu Hatum. of L»raaa. U.. "mr tbraa rnrs of aaffailag fttaa KtdiH-r troobla I wai
tedlr arer (tM from doll aete ei
Canvas Ctoves 5c
arato palm ta mr tte. Tort
lift mall —------------------.u.
I ■ I
—• 1.- '
tired, worm oeh ebeet medy to rira |
^^Twhac 1 bagaa to em Blaotrlr Hit-1
un hot all bolUaa eomidrtalr rated
U. Vaer (twhas
me ead mda ma farl Uka a aew ,,
maa.” Tber're aarlraiad to ragelato, ta....,.
Stomaeb. Urer. Kldnayaand Boweto. ..rsw


Union Madfi Overalls 4Hc

SBlankcts and Robes
A few odd pairs of
Wool Blankets at
cost to close out.
1 have about six
firstclass Fur Coats
left which will be
eftsed out at less
than cost. I offer
a big bargain in
these coats.


Ttato will laare Tiarme City at
a. m. Rato >>-«> uid 81.00. hM
ouen. or art agauta for periicalara

mldaaoa fermarir eeeaptad bj
•Tld.^ and wim-rt. o ••helling
OampbaU aad tamllr.
Hra Bebait Jobam te ntanad haBa--Maooreao(rnadara. Raed te
(ollowlai BlaiemaBt:
> her bom to Oraad B^da.
Mr. P. 0. (MOD of MltebaU etreat.
Ura OampbaU toft Moa^ for
.adlllBO. a freight baakemaa on te
na tert baad wUl aaka tbair trot
To^ for Iha T. P. a a K. BaadM O. & A I- R. ft.. raanlag between
far mb._ ____
JaoBs te llrtog bm£
jndar. Tina John.
*br bortf bo* poibapa te Editor Oampboll loft Moodar tor _easwer anr letter oant to ma br
anr raa wbo raallr wtobea to keew If mu. II IB On d*j.
Tnrarte Olnr.
Ooan'a Ktdaer PUU aan ba tepeote W<iiu.d. 1-11. ll‘. .
Tba Oolombta aaUod bora BaadaTrid. Un»
Ute tod aad ba eaa make te air ndd br H. K W. d
Btel took a «p to Elk Baptela tif niicmttoea aa nallr l»
PMatoaa an batog parebaaad <
ter. a few loeda at a lima.
Mo Salbar te dtopgaad et
_______ -orwm
Mra. Quboriaa Witoba. wbo te •mail oi mr tek to aaeh aa aztoai
Two »lll.Anori™
boea 111. to alowlr twonriog.
itet I waa qelta iasa. A lailreed eoU K Peak aad wUe rlaltod la Ij»- gtaaerwho Bed and Doen'a Khter
I wUl babeld toad tort
PUto adrtoed me to tty th
... A. UT dm* rtm...
hall Mar l»h.
te ueabto letoraed. aad I r
18 o-cloek.
te plUi agato f« a few dayi
Me gnat Bah alart
y. H. Loalla to girtog tba
rtartoAtblirmlbu I
atom o eoat of patot
^Pr.^Mwob waet to Traram Oitr Mr. Ealgbt aad tamilr ba
Itoee tea. — to Otelaroto.
>. I hare art ootlte
Tba feaaial et Mr. Beloa waa bald
a rtagla.aymiiou
1 te Irtibnn obarte Boater. Mr.
daalera. Priee W
-Otoe wi laaa eU reoiteal of lUa tprbetd farar.
will discount any price from any place, for »
eaala. Poam-Hllbon Ua. BaSato.
tad lots
and• pay spot- cash.
3. Matuea waa 1
gdad^md oret twntr-BZ dellan aad taka aeelbrt
tort wate.


L Ooana U balidag L. K. Babto

no Aoae boa baU etab dU I
work at Btoator'i toboeljwtth Hu
BUmoi pltote.

no oaoUpea dfs te ban to*M^0MUtor Ttotad tepamto
Pridar aad Satarter
Otet9 Patomaad Mr. Don an
tmiUnr peaiea bate. Mr. Falak
U bariag for Mr.Brlcbaa of Gtewa.
1 AnbvOobhetd
bora Batardar wao woU atadaod.
Soon aarlr petoken ptoi

a W.


a. wWeh to rarr popator li


3S.S iL “.sfu Ui:

Wants are as carefully looked after here as the men’s—No department
of our store is better patronired than Children's Department ^is is
because we handle only the best and at prices barely above what is /requentiy asked tor “shoddy. ' Fine lines Unen Crash and Duck Suits
for Kulefellows.

_______ _
Hz. aad Mra H. Balalte of Morth
- ■ w wUhrtrtr iteum


Mz. aad Hra Oea Bttom ef Tiar'te« vllh^. ead Mra
- aadft
4 Boater.
.Htoalte .^A.
Bar* et Ttatmaa Ony.
B. WetaihM«'~

"Ssfhr Bhint"



MltoteflreaadBBdtgaoted. Her.

• iteOiiimtrte JoliWalm af tUa

tbto mmatof aa te DUaoto. Her
rtrtarBdaaaemete Mtetetoan
bom te BardtokrUto.
JaUrt Pimg ef Maatoteato
Mra Tbeamlrttodof Lalte ramo
ap Batatter tor a rlalt with te haofaaad. wbo to warktog for tba Lembar


te eUUraa
tba wife, tfam eblleraa te I
beldcooteaf Mz. Jaz. anlrad
aattf Ulteetiftm Maairtaa
tea te boaa werfcmg la tei
paer'e artll ams Maa
^Mn WlUlam.^wba baa^^^ ^
waikrnlarail oa te OhazteroU te*
ter to te bam la PnaUarl.
■owe eama tern Bkarea a law tega
age of te tealb or iODB wiiimaama
Hi te hli temUy-mered te.lte
pteaa toam fam mmtir tteao yam

3.M, S.SC, 4.00


2.7S, 3.00,4.00

Voung men.
This means' boys” who wear long pants—Irooi 15 to ao years of age—
“Boys" are particular at this age. and we have been particular m oor
sdectioos—Newest of everything in style and crOor—Five dolUrs to
twelve doUars-Es-ery “boy" should see them when in need of a suit

l^amilton €lotbing 0Oo
206 Front Siroel


John T. Beadle,
TraveiK aiy.

Craoerse City. mW).

- JlicbipiB.


This sjifin-j to give th«- bigifst val­
ues on all kinds ol Ifouv- ITirniohing Goods ever bjdorc off«;re»l. \Vr
]>osiuon to do ii, as we handle more
hiiy in car

te nelgaad ei

Ttena Good te boasUartwat
Iifiniir of a ;. hatlb.

Tbt On




We carry a large line of Crockery and Glassware,
buy it all in crate lots, and we have a lot of odds and
ends, such as Tea Cops and Saucers. Plates, etc., in
both plain white and decorated ware, that we are
closing out at about half price.
You can pick you
out a nice 50-piece set out of this forSj.ys that would
cost you at least $6; or a loo-ineceset for S5-95
would cost you regular at least SS-sa
Then we have some beautifully decorated Cups.
Saucers and Plates and odd pieces in the very best
English Stone China, that we will sell >-ou at ju«
what they sdl at wholesale (62X per set for cops and
saucers, and 51c for the dinner plates).
Thw we have some beautifully decorated, full sire.
100 iriece sets, pretty shapes, for .............................. S;-"5
These are no thirds, but strictly first quality. E%ery
piece ^aranteed not to craze In this set you get 2
large 8 indi covered dishes, covered butter and cov­
ered sugar.
Tten w^ve a beautifully decorated and shaii^
100 piece set, with top and handles trimmed with
gold, with gold edges on all plates and covered dish­
es. decorated with beautifully colored flowers - -Sq 75
Would cost yen $12-50 any where else. ,

Our Furniture Depart­
ment Ts Complete
could not be better, and is smply loaded, with bar­
A good, sf^ Extention taUe. will seat eight peo­
ple. for $3.75^ (Good time to buy a-table as the factorio have advanced their prices aW >9tb. 15 per
cent; that will not effect us. however, until we hare
to buy again next fall). Our tables ran $3.75. $4-75*
to a fine table with 42 inch Square top. 4 iBdi nkdy
turned legs at $5.75. From that ap to.............. $16x0

In chairs we hare 50 styles, .n good solid wood scat
chair, nicely painted and striped, for $3 Jv5 for six. A
good solid. Oak. Cane Seat Chair, high cack. with
brace arms and three stretchers in front, six for $600
The brgest line of Rockers ever shown in Trav­
erse Cit>-. A good. Solid Oak, H«h Dark. Cane
Seat Rocker, with brace arms. Solid and well made.
nice Golden finish, /or......................... ...................... , $1.25
A good, large. Solid Oak. Arm Rocker, seat 21 inch­
es wide in front. 19 inches deep, back posts 26 inches
high above seat, wide flat arms, niedy embossed
back, soird and well made in every way. a nice Goldnish. with a lot of nice quarter sawed oak in
te^. them, our price is on­
ly ......... ....................^2.25
1 herewith show you
a cut of ao iron frame
reclining swing chair,
the nicest and most
comfortable chair for
fawn or porch, that was
ever made. The frame
is all made of stecL
jd with heavy canvass.
car. adjust it to any po­
sition without getting out of the chair, will bold any
weight person and will last a lifetime, as you can re{^ce the canvas at any tiote. We are making a
price on this chair oi.................................................... $3-7S
The largest line of Iron Beds ever shown in this
city: Siiis. $2 25- $2.75. $3«>. $3-75
up to the most beautiful bead you ever saw. A large
fine line of wood beds, S2.25. $2.75. $3.50 and some
fine Bedroom Suite beds, over six feet high, carved.
to dose out, worth. $ for.................................... $4 30
Complete line of odd Dressers of all styles and fidishes. A nice. Solid Oak Dresser, three dragers.
French Bevel I'late Mirror, well made, wdl fiaisbed.
first class qutiity oak. for.....................................• $7-75

nil Kinds ol Springs
and mattresses
Our Felted Cotton Mattrewses is one of the best
mattresses made, pure white cotton felted together
and laid in tayera Guaranteed not to lumpiM bunch,
nearly as soft as feathers, made np in bte ti^ng.
Our price is $6.75 and............................................. - • $7-75
Yon ^ better try one of these: there b nothing like
a soft bed.
FURNISH YOUR HOME aad wUl save you mon­
ey on any prices yon glet from any pUoe.

Year maO orders wtU receive our best attention and weFgaantntee satisfaction.

Mte mrkrt SBrtWrtU.

*•» W-rort*

XV.E* u,

Ma A-HawaTw
rriaaj afur■ nna'ii — iiHiil fer trial to the elreoil
Mcrt. J»da* Bobaruof lb* t«c«r4w'«
coart mkiBK the dooUiaB aflrr lb*
MiMT irf all lb* vUd*im« bad
bMi nad «e ib*a ud >l«D*d by
Tbe dnemm vat nMbrd
abvtly afur t o'eloek. Jade* Kob«ct> daeided tbal Hn. Hary K. Uar«ia*M iMd taM MBTdfmd on lb*
•otBliic el di*il >1 aad ti*l lb* *rl^^er acaiust Johu A. Hartratw vat
—■riMt to vamat tb» Vial irf lb*
aeewd OB tb* dma
J. W. PatdiU. axi<n*y for tb* daftau*. aaktd
iImI tall be baaied. bat Jadtr* Rob«««• Mated that beloce b<- aamed >
aaa ia vbieb bail *oald be irlTte lb*
dofeote voau; bar* to tbow bim Ih*
laar UmI nardar it a ballabl* oBeato.
UantiBTM will It trbd at tb* Jab*

ad ao erideBor of Mli'-r emotloa. bow
aeer. aad talkMl wiib a aoMher of
IMfde at coolly at oer.tb* m>*bl«l
MinMliw dimppnrtiia to a larae etMt belor* b* letl lb* roiiB.
Uoan roar*o«d aaalu l^uy moninc
at S o'eloak. by ad>oor«a*nl troo laat
Tbandar, Hite Kilt U. Utekat r*p
rteeallaa tb* ibOMcotioii. lo lb* ab•oao* of
Praii. who tnt
Baabl* to bt toiMil ob aecoant of 111-

vi^tbt^imdtac oTTbe t*ttiB>c«rby


by the Mae bo bad teaebed tbe aid
«H of *e tMel HahM bad reumed
to tb*
Jade* Doyle, after
■ioB abd vbieb tb«f«a eoaU bM ba
tatanwid. Whee tb* boya war* a
tnvd oat tba i*ioe ef lb* oroao
I8.W vaa k*i* oat ot tb* elotUat pv Mayer i* the an
with the ■
of aaob. At lb* boy* had u*im had •toBteh.
Ibeeeatiit vatateariy aa lajaattee
bat It bat lak>«
deal of iMrd wart aad exlaDalT* e«OB lb* pan of Ooaaty
Walter to MnifhM tb* a


oealator tbe eoa|MBy. There
al ctaai tiae ealy >1 ayallaUe aad
lb**e«r*n laaed U« ocba «0 betac
Uaed ).y dae bia
Thta. It MU.
Dr. tVetet GoUea ktcdkil Dtamery
VB* lo*t la nate way.
ftoet Mnacth aad Mayiy power, b^

iSat Ibe dee bill ooald aol be ta(ene>l. M tb* ooau wore charfed to
lh*a-e ot the eoainy. aad*S.aK
rarh tat b*ld oel vbea tbe eoai»ay
vat aatlernd ooL Hr. Walter vtota
to tbe Mat* eeeretaiT. Hr. Haner,
aad taforaiBd hiai
ti>e elcaatkiu.
•letlrlnc to nooar^tbe i*lee of Ibe
ooiu aadf-r Act Ko. IW of the aoti
of im. He vac lafoaed Itat Ibea
vae ao recced that tb*«cau had faeeo
iMBied, bet vae told that If propw
afflariu v*te faralttaed lb* nitot
ooald irekBbly be B-aled atUacUn-

of tbe^Bod catoa. ead

eala* of tbeir leceodt- at tliovlnc
tbelr ehanwM* aad bit book of ladiaa
I.eCMidi btoaato aalboniy epoo Uie
oetliaad tbelr Iweed ot
tb* Onatieo, aad toreral
lacaadt. tboviac toaetblac of ibeir
ralicioB* brlii'ft. aad told of
■Bay aapatBUUoo*. wbicli people tbe
voodt Vito
fatrie*. deaoai

Tba cooeladlac ftalere
the iwe•caa vat a ebort tolk by Hr*. Klla W.
Ptoiy. vbo tat }a*i retaraed fram
Ibe vaaL 8b* s*t* a <l<-aenp(ioa of
tba Oatbolir lodita toletioe at 8eo
Cleh. wbieb I ■ Mrirlac to prtmur
kb* bam* of Baiaoaa, aad eil>*r laoriamikt ot a xuUkxag tao* born d*•naottoa. nd told ef to* ■afferlac of
toeCbiiforala ladtaa* who her* bm
defmadrd ot tbrir rtehu.
^V«cfc at Hi* doo vOl mtm be em>mmmi oo to* laopodM alkali aad
to—tial workr by Ib* Aamioaa AlkaUOo. ThaplaalwUlteiiaeef to*


AGopt BO adMitato «x Cotdea Hedfaal Utconty. Tbere it aotbiac 'jeM
•t (ood* for diMBMS of Ibe Hmacb.
blood aad iBota
lb. rtero-Oelkli are aeay aad pltav
aattouka. A tooM cOectln Uxedta.
Afrll mb at lb* bota* ef Hr. aad
Hn L. H. Oam. whleb anlM tbtlr
daaebter. Hlto Fraae a 0*ce. to Hr.
Btrt A. QaaneU. TW owntooay va*
parforaod by Rrr. D. OoobUa at 8
o-cloek. la tb* preeeee* of only tb*
•dtole friaad* aad ratorire* of
ocMiliaetlBs t>rti*a
Tb* krid*

Afhw tb* aantac* i

rae aad Baadolph taut, where tb
wilt b* at boon to their trleada
Amooc eel of tova caeeli were M
aad Hn Fnafc Oaaaett ef OravD ai


bcR givea.

of year'’owp
cme. Writeto
him, cocioainc
Ramped ad>
dremed cmeL
ope foe reply,
and eet a perof whu a
He uyt lecardinc

Dr. MUes'

Heart Cure:

Tb* foUovlac anlel* apiwand la
tb* Oraad lU)d4« Bceald aad raten
—e who ha* b*ea aotlT* ia to* aatl-mloan atorement la tbit city aad
Tleialiy trml moatte:
Tbe K*r. R. O. Halon* of Tnyenr
Oily, a leeal pnaebrr aad a leotoier
la Ibe laucan* of toe Aatk-fialooe
wa. atralcaed la
ioc beta arraebd toe aicht tefore
OOore J***e Htmmoad. who atotoa
that Halaoe wai perklac ia to* win­
dow of a irirate naideae* oa Oommmoe *tr**t at I e'eleca la to* mmaiac At tb* *mtl<«'* —ta that
b. bad com* oo ibe aictai irala from
hit boBM ia Tiarar** City to *** tb*
R«*. Frank Ferri* aad tbe boar tetnc
' M br wa* laoktac fo* a fatatibro
mn la wbieb to spead tb* aicbk.
Ymurdey aatBiBC to* loeal maa■caret tb* AaRBaloea laawa* wa*
awn tor aad b*iauro*dto laHateee*
betolf aad Matod that b. had.r*erir*d
a l**ut from Hatoo* raotetly aBUtav
bi* lamtiOB ot oamlbc to Qtaad
Rapid* at kbit ttiBA
Halmw wa*
•a cood maa aad had baeaaa mnrfttto
' >r for yean. H* mid
> hantb* eamdl*.

tceeiritcptiBhitte bft
W^trabi*''^ bnnraldVt?
awbi I B-tlkrO Ur Cem, iw !•> U dava
veal.! bin Bctat wtocB drttk. Hy



UitnCtRtBd UerAiM vm wtea-

Year romdittei beratoro vorae lasiead of 'to tern ii tor boated i«4i


^aixor aaai. yral^iMB^M item


Smith’s Green Monntain

povarfal toaa of
two. aad bofora be waa ebokca :
iBttomUUty br bad eat aad trailed
Baana't bnd aad bo* aad arariy
blttoe tbe eeooBd tacir oS bit rljrbl
vUl be aeel to tbe Trarere Olty a*ylam
old daatbtor of Hr. aad
Hn Oal Haaceriord. vboae bBrial
veearad Saaday al Bauai Btotor.
will toV^bly he Mkee from tin- crar*
lie a Krioat ctarc.- af to Ibr
for a short tlaie and note the martrloas resaltw.
of her death. It te *
TbUwrdiriBi-is oot a u. * »b*. althoush li*
while at Kbool Friday
t byi^tolltat ia tb* i straaer to joa. Forman.* jewr* it has b<wa Vrrmoafw low*? '
uLi Br»t hot b*r!
aad mo.1 .nn^sfirt mmlirinr. rariac tboa^adw. the !
bad* of a boy aaoMd

Vermont, and Nature’s own Blood

la. Tsi, -r'ltam
To wnom It May C

Purifier and Body Builder.

Tviaty rod* of toad raaDlsc
thtoech Orltaat Wwaiblp.Ioeia ooaa.
ly. Wbieb hat beea lo or* for ID year*.
hatiaddMily diMpp-a*rd.
Uld r**>
doBU iblak Ib* iwaap oa wbieli tht*
boiti wa* funurriy a lak*.
wltb aa aadtoCToaad ooiln. aad that
ot dlUac Itaal ha.'
beea placed then le reeeat y*an i.
beiBK wBMwd away.

K*-,Srr ■tvH'tHr’j ■

BlthoUBh it- M*. MMf h.




Bcnmin 8. W Soith ha* i*
fyioc ibi toldien’ i
1 Poutiae.
Thor* will te


telobciBC to tbe femirr elnT•d away aod b* followed bar track, u
to mppoaed. for **Tlnl iBill** when
bimielt caiiBC
b* in* ttanlMl to Ao^ bim
leqeiry *100. inni rte*
teoocbl to liebt Itol otorr hoiurtaT* **ea meoarlB tli*>v>
A* tar a* kaowo lb*»- moo**
are tb* Ar«i wbieb h*t* *r*r tak.w sp
sarti-rr ia tb* aiqvc p*aio*oU.

:to* moniBcaBd fm* laii of
-KMoa. a* a rmalt of vhlcdi
> ^ mm wa* ealted la lb* afmr■ad. He «a«*4 ttal h* tod
•d ton*
Hate* oaly azrtT*d ta too
irttya tomt ttmo pnrioa* loaHarnMaadtekedtoat temvtotiafm-

■aCte to bad toted fiM Ito aa*a-

N^ Cobb.


Jbbc IC. iXd»


I. ..wn. ,ir»a- ------------




.<, weurwST

M> eBarantfe it In help i nq.
Kterjltedv, aDil parliruUrl.v weak, ma dowa, slrkly w.
................. ....................................
ill anteat oarr a rrtamiiis ;
Hhoald t
Bppetitr. a si*fd illre-iti.Mi a)i;l a feeliiiA of lnrpea-k.d rirt-astli.
Thr skin will rlear. thr fl««.h harden, thffje brlsIiteB and Ihr '


try this lurdif-inr.

W> W;

Wr knua of aothlae that l« U>. «|aal ia |:;7,......

any re.,»rt.



ffuarantee it fnllt.

I. .*»u lakr it

domn't Im-iii-IK .mui. *

dlrrrtnl and it

e jour monry bark.


H»t*]Bi'ltc Charlr*'iVmall. ..
writ koowa loml eb*ro«*r.d..-d W.-l-, bi* boB>* o-'or ElM*. ha* foBod
yac-dTC H* bad b**a-mamnd :
J»* k-oo Hr



aod wbeo I’* ou
wrot.’ to bu fath.-r,.
lUE hi. wte rmteuiA
Al LodUict-B Frank UoloreiDai.
*C-’> i>. no nili« to Uolier'* mill wu
eaofhi us> • .tiBfl *«d wliirhd 10
V!.”ii t.miMl tb* body

smymueru -



1.; i»! -V tV*ioi:l>*m. lormerlt
l.wdiDC |■hMo..-Twph■r at J.*k*<«.
Na I Are baa** wIt
iii’k’ sod Jsmp^ from lb*
k*tf*«:i*<crtelTe*iemuum SumaUi

i ..............


Tfinni City MnN tm"l-


.Uruadar O. Ultlrapirof Ocates.
Ilcb . now a •tBdrni of the Koraiml
eolire*’ woe tb* cadrteblp *t W.*i
Polat ia tbe oompakitirr waminatioa
bWd la Detroit tel w««fc.
Hr Uil

Nirni'S T>> KT>u-KH>4'.(BUe>



of Merllac
ikl*. aad i* tb« klad timt will eany *

----- r




I 1* teiac bora* by WtUlam 11.

wood* of Alert ooeaiy ba* been <1*r*l0fi*d ttaroBch Ibe rtpiTieocor of *


---------- -

r ;;k*=Ss£ psSSJjKSfflE

n-. .at
r^-r l-Tl <*i
f.nuul U jurt

mu-Brles aiid iierke>* brroitir stningrr.
Sac Mair. Ttere will alto te tablet*
iC tb* BaaM* ot OaklBDd eeeaty
toldlM* aad a ban of Oeo. Klchatdfb* (hell* wilt te pilod aboel Uuof toe B

T!aL'~.:r T'



Tba fact that laoQto are matoiec the

Mr. Metoata*'* Rnerl.
Him Lacy Oanaett. wbo name Idme
H. HoDWne'* —o«.* Ulaadr*. from Aaa Arbor for tb* ermL
triMl on Bllrer lake It aboet ready
The teide U a yoanc woaaa wboar
frieed* air llmltod ooly by tb* aemif her aeqaalataaoe*. aad for
the oonacB tOBOrtow.
"BobBle.Tlew" Itaa Idnl naliac
plwe. With Oa* rlewa admirable coa- valBMl maploya of the Boeord for a
dltiobt for tb* eajeytaeal of tbe tamiber ot y«an Tb* croom U • i«pmer kaeotlu. aad
Aifaloc. boat■ yooa* hmtiiiito aaa of Float
lacaad Laatiac faoiUUee at banl. Bireet. briac a panaer la to* Aim cC
On on* «ld* of tlie lilaad tbe water It '' O. & a A. aaaaetL Both wlH reIto feet to depth aad too feet deep oa oeir* toe hearrimt eeecnnlatlea*
another ride, while U ocber ptae*i
aboMof «*ma.
tbecc It a dae bneb.
The eottoce eoatUtt of oee lart*
Two traia* «am* l<«*(ter btadoa
dUluc room, foar roomy and omrea.'
i*t week Wedaeaday a*ar Dahlia.
lent bedroomva kticben and Mon
room. A Urc* Ico beat* i* adleinioc taiUytomaciac both emetam and tyaad enry eooTeolMia* U laorided for inc ap lb* Bask tor mrmal bean
Fcttanataly ao one wa* mrloaily
oomfort and pl*a*era
Hr. H
hart. One of lb* ttaiat wu that tacCB* aad, hi* family wiU epeod i
dtyt ea^ week at thr naerv aad be- alarly takoB oa} by FneiBsm PitoM
lac *0 elo*e to Ibe olty aad railway of tbit olty. wbo kra* takiaf a lay oC
to atkead kb* Blk* caleteaUia.
Hr. HcBtacae eaa «peed mach
Tbe two eaciae* war* rery badly
ttetrwllbeet nmatalac away from
emolUbed imAwrr* teoochl to khU
hnilafito to aa* exuai.
olty. Tbe opllUlod oeeamd wUbla
t two ••eoad* of xtta* biRh brides
A Tsyqalet bom* weddlacoeeamd
Dablin-' Bad it *eoanad<m4b*
bride*, tb* lorn of lit* woald ha**
bora teaty. Tb* bald crew* temped
Jaet la lim* to mr* tfierntrlrea

uxb of
and wcmcR
find identieal
with tbctrt.
tsyi, and »oR
the timiURtr

part of tbe ayktrto.

Thr oaly raUoaal «*ane to-follow b to

Tb* iBfsBi eliild of Hr aad Hr>.
Jam** H. AUm ef in«a*>BMa. Haot*ooBBty. mol.-lmd aa h|m *BfriT
pla from bU mother'• dm. oa V*dacatoy laM v^k aad •.wbIIowmI it b*
tor* it eeald te |v*T*oi*d It wa* sot
oeaeidorrd adrimbl* to pMfurm a «ar
ctel epiTBlioa to c*t tb* pit. oat of
him. tot to.’ obihl d>*d ia eoacBl.iuu.
oa the followiac Ssadey



whh rterr hrort-b*»l K potopiac the taparilte aad

poiBoaoas atatter rexpenriUr for yaar roadftioa late rrrrr [ito hem *to *oBld.bai merny ai

.Thloc* are boocniat: in or* tbipw«U la thr apper pamiteola Abuol
1.000 esrlead* per day arrlvioc driiv
red at tor dock* al Kmaaata. ■ of
; oomtac from tli* HcBomicrr noie>'


or H

home. «f Ih* people who kaow It aad I-............................................................................
aa illatai wtoCrmt«da*rh.«B»
wa* lr.wtod at rh.wai* I| oalt
aal) mrdIrlwK
ardiribtK ia thr
Ihr hi
aad aot aatil Te**dty w*r* tb* |
fc, •• jt, Ab> VrPi
itrraill lelijtiiiorith wwMerfiil i .a n wi. *Tt..s-m«..
bijtolB lh*.oate kaoi

tMiattan •Bb)*et. vat ably dltrat
U tereral proBiabl* paper* at
«MB-*ClBb rrlday aftemooa.

for tbe atrb aod tanaliiK la lu
aae braaob** for tbe boy* i$be al*o
told of tbe BOO re**rrauon eoboeU.
vbeir tbe bore aad Ctrl* who bar* at­
torned tb* reaemtioe tdioeU an
•a toor* BdraoDed ttedy. ieeledlBc
eariou kladt of thor votk. (olateic•ad other arocatioet vhleb trill dl
tlwB to baooete atefol aad clrillied
Anrina elliitoet.
todien Lecrade ve«* treat.-d
eery loiereittBc Maaoer l-y Hn. O.
H. Born;
8l<c tpoke of Ibe Urk of
lafomHoa ep to tbe early pan of

wm toard fnm tot two

While yom an* ,wahi»* for hrallk a»d atraarthU ivtarH, the !

Tfci- WwIiriB. I. B«l

the daalb of hit vlfe ooeertwl. bat
tbit atoy b* dae to tbe oouBMaieel
Ib Ibe ouaaty }til. vhk-li ba* bleaohed
Til* tetlliaeay of Ivu viiBeem* va*
read to ibMB is lb* aftoriMoo. ihai of
Hra 1Qttii*r aad Hr. 6i***Ba 'The
oaBitroDB vat ranked vlih ipretatora
lit* tanltart Ib b hoi. b rery laro*
of lb* aadi*ae* t»lna voai*B
Wb*a tb* pritoaer vat Bially M oat.
Ih* VBBM calaaiabered the

i, wbote verb os


mUt- ' oidUna ter to* aonb wood*.

l%mt tstne, bat


bfadqaanen, aad vine a aaa weal
oo eaar.1 al al«lu aad aeeded a edat aad
l>* look it oat, ie«acBiatr tk^^ tb*
BMinlBcWbaa tb* eaa|aaf tn-ot
%o I^hk-tire ewu «r*ra aol uk<
that v*n iaaed l«Uut rMarbid.
Wood keaptec hlt-

tbe body of hU vlfe I

Hf*. W. B. Foator followed vilb
«> IbdUa miooU »vde■aibed tb* R*Mmttae«ay*obool nad
boardlai (oboola. tolltay of tb* raHed

tMlr» awl tke vkale


Made from the roots and herbs of old

Wl« tb* ooMpav
VvaiatOBMp At-

Mtta Olapp. who look bom* of yfa*
pnnrieat bwIob of ib* ooort oo lh<-'
cait- 1b*n vat oo BMiertat obaBc*
Made Ib Bay of l>>* irtliBoiiy.
Uke latitMl that the did Del ay
Hr. Walter t
lhai lb* taih*d lb* tM*of Hantrarta
Oamefa, who *ecared a record of Ibe
wbia *be fooDd htoi tBfferimt troBi
oeato lenc-d to tbe bore ot tb* eontba fatal or at tb* monilBK vb*o lilt
laay. and tbe |wojar aflto^rito fnra
vife waa foBod aead. She mid Uuu
Ibe oaptala.flm lieBtoaaot aad othen
ab* did Dot baibe bit fao*. bet tlaply
of the eoaiaay. aad yeetorday ba rrtabbed ti- Jud** Rolient teinetbel
oelred word that the matwr'vai ntthat tlilt tBifht be eouidefed aa air
tifactory. the iiroofe *0001101 aad the
batb. bst tbU pan of Ute. lMk*-t lot
-boy* of tbe coaiiaay ooald bar* tb*
ttnay tnt Mnebeo ost befote tli*
Irioe of tb* ooatr By laaklac iwojier
Walter Iwe tbe
tbolr teatiiaooy vat nad aad tijeBad ty Kra Lake. Dr. B. II Oaruer,
Or- L li. Btaaa. Dr. U- Kl- Oiiatt.
Tbe boyi of tbe nomiaaj *r* rery
tba OMoaar. aad Looaacd OtayieB.
(laUfBl to Hr. Valter for tb* lala*
dapaty OmIB. tbit toneooa.
to ba* tok«B to ■txaiebtoa tb* mltar
Dartac tb* eotlie aeBdcB.UarsiBTe*
>|x It aiBOBolt la all to
WlaBaBtanred ItMeoaf. Be tboved
aa atm oMloa darbic tbe nellal ot

•4 altooM at BBCb for ttaea at’'Uiwle
Tmb'* (Hbta" did for tbe a*RTO**.
Bha epeke of tbe happy el.lldboodaod
Mrly toarrltd lifr of Hn. Jaektoo.
bar am batbaad beioi; Hajor Heat,
of W«oi Polat. HI* death, followed
^ im of her eely a
IM Mow. b«t oel of b« Kcroe
Hv M>«ftb aad eaperieeee which
nil. her
beaetifet pom*
ekaiabM poMibi*. followed bylMfatoOea-OtataiTof Dlthoeor," vbloh
vat oae of Hw am blow* etreok Is
bHtoU ot tbe ladiant. aad vhieli re■eltodUhtc boiag
c tbe ladJaa-aHwoU la OalUorala.
••Haiacaa.*' ber latt. and oee ot her
M^*M vnk*. vu ably renewed
by Hn. U Bobarti. Tbe ttory «d tbe
bnatitBl ladiaa ylri tra* toU la Hn
Robarto' Istoreeklan Stoaaer. aad tbe
rerkev isre aa osecileat Idn of tbe
I lodtanprohWacioaldoot tlien

„ »H........u

criFliflM, the

Med, ;«■ nj tkst yemr blood fc oal oTorder.

ctiavH CMH.

— •'


A Detroit vonma telephoned in to
•tral polioe Matioa
lorolnc that *li* tod taaebt b tramp

Fini.rtM BuiiOi-KStor.* and Cop.ncto Order.
Loweei ppicv*. Bw*tW<>rkmar.*r\ip*uarant**4.
wit,— ih*t mb’ h*. IWB* towtey
t t*. r.A—IM *iwm^ I*a4 IW
_ W.— <i**-w
lk.1 Ik. kto*
kw Ult. Ik—.... >wi— u. *~d Mte
.«.* M Ik. kaoit— liBw—m •< tk. ■»*•
' ------- —■ ik*i »— »— ■ml I w»


As otoorr wa* leBl eat la a bvly frma Elmwood statlim and teaad
alprit aewmre peteaer.

lady Imd oatorbt a rat of CBOraura*
Ida* aad vaatad polio* help to dl*]«**

Opp. Hlrb. e^te Co.


Hieh. T*l. He. ar



SHacy TMHe Maks Toa EheraHe.
AknoM rmjUi^ who nad* the new*,
•pen M aote ID know ef the veederfuJ


You have been told how some of our competitors buy and how thrywillsavcyou
money. \Vc will only say we sell both DEALERS and JOBBERS, which I'laces Us
in Position to Buy Ki^ht. and until further notice we will sell all kinds of

M— T—.■


r- > .*• km*
I.M «m


WiUJaa •roixSoM. TtkW ■
toMM i.kwiw. akaw*k.wa>*m4>tw
.a*ni. k D nm




3*«< nay et M*r. A. O. 1002.
— tteOwtitf



>; £s?’iir^.,'-.,.-r£c“oSs1
____ haek. kldDey^. bledder.
bto ea&firichr* btoiae. wbieb ts the
Dr. Ktew eCwmap Itef to aot ree. ............................
binplw!Byo*i rkldb*«r or biadte trouble n will te lowod
tenmedyyouaeed. Phis teea tested
meay wtya, ta hospital work, mremte
lc«.*a>eocltebelpleaiioepoorl*pjr!rtoel*adh*airete*o wccteu.lB



a* BBmfM-l BW**f>k IkMim ■> Itet

iw»ctI M ImM Wt«k«.


4rwl *wi Ikirtr iPw.rwt.tmwr —x

____ ^tefaywhiefcallr«aOmef^sp-,_
who kaeeaM already Bled It. irwy have *
mmptebetel*BmtrM by r^ elm* book


Carriages, Harness and Farming Implements

Some Reasons
1% Y« Atel hte to Mm4i«





We hate oo 1 RASH nor CHEAP JOHNS. We are HERE with the GOODS.
I Our stock IS L.ARGE ENOUGH and prices LOW ENOUGH to satisfy tbe most
[ careful and conservative buyer.

Q. E. & F. P. BOUGHEY,
The (Ndest ExctislTe Ctrriace aW laplmeit iKakn
ia tbe Grand TnToiKBeclM. Always KdlaUe.



^w^A PpB«^irfP«asart



l»K«( ttegntriri

r u'
r. ‘'



■It. totBaeapFia
ad ^ waa boaa Ibara At Iba
.( t«e Uqn aniacaa a.4 tU «iU>
ape of It. bBTiaP baeo wall
sbM vbMt.
am tUa to tAa
^ MJTiad aa BBtll^waa, who
it vllh «An» aM aaa baU
died, laariac b« a awati aatah.
«p(ab o( S«ai. Baal baM. aM (ka
thiiQ yaaia apa Kia Pwaytba
■107 «blp(M trUtaa of «ha ana bM
IB nadtac in dlSrraat para a(
waa saaa aad aada Moaoy taat.
___ BOW Uraa <m the Ulaad of Vaa
■ka la lajar .
Peun. oaa of tba Bi«arak anbiFor the SIHm aaaM esa ea|Ml «r
patopo owaad by Ganaaay. wtaata *•
■tU U a MaWa beilar. Boat
haa a plaatanoe of 110.000 aaia with
m aatU llcbl ttoae toral toU
Sfty Baropaaa aaployoa aad baadtada
tall e( eoao Manh.t«« tabtaap
of eatiaaa Otbat Uada oe tba lalaada
of attaiaad anac« jaiae.
are alao owaad by Mra. Ponytba. who
Ml aelM BitUcool. Iheh apread
ia a rary rtA woaaa ifagroopfaly a«twaaatbewkelajM. lato tiro tabletaatad to lira ia bar bMlifol Ulaad
*,«ODfala oC attaiaad oaace imiea
MfieUat aUMd pavdarod «far tc
naha a lh««k lola« aad aproad dtli
tbalopof Ifaa

Tbair Uaaw mamad

tba abaar

T^ImM tbmt pmpaa ware mm.
bay 1mm Hat tear aad twrnty day.
^ettr made aa bear; ^
Tint Mefea ware made of baaam.
Aad mm waa mM of Sear

Tom Here Aiwmf Bomfht. emS whkh haa heo
ta mae Ibr wrer SO yaen. Baa hmme the atpeetBiw «
tth aad emdamprr Uw haaltb

Mt aU ttmm oma waa alaaty-AtoAad-yaa-’ maaafae-n-aay.-



Cor Canter CHI, PweAa aooe aa aebool waa ern
It m
b •
___ .atOalaabarp.lU,
(iKir. ireopo ama pootaiap
aycwim. ..
Tba maatn miA "Ko aoUt!
cma of tM laedlnp womaa Ibrn . llrr;
coDtaltw melUrer Oplua. Morphine Uor other Sarratir
Kow po aad play at Imp-fnp
hmMM. when lirlap, wmi fini I'rre]-1
(Tba pame a trap aajaya I
aoMtaurr. tu ap« la lU rmarmnlee. It drelroya n«r«m
‘•Aad^miad that yoa bdmra year- -dmi cf
NabtaUa Wnlejui l'Ul-<
and altaya Frrrriahneoa. It rarra IklarrMra amd Wind
Colic. It rrUeroa Terlhlup Trouble., cure. ConaipatiaB
■AM^'t tbww maaaat boyA
aea-toanheap of tatlar antil eraa
■ad FhUulrory. It moaltuilatr. thr F»k1. trcuhaew llm .
whWi epeoad lato tba bedroom.
11- >tr^'
add oaa cap of powdarad ao*ar
Blonmrfa mad B«w^ »i«1np hmllUy and uauiral
Wat Ant eorarail with a dzapHay i. 1«PA
mb mnttl Jifht, beat the polk of
Thr Chlldrea'a Pmaaeem-Tbe Moibrr'a Frirnt*.
err. wtilcb aerrad aa a bacAproaod far
ToMy ear .roaap poalmr raUn
add It aad boat woU. Klx v
fall of orUetal pottery. Tl>o
Mra Ibalr My. Tba aieat lauramia
1 naiiaiianitf baklwt powder witi bedroom eoasb war Ibae atood apalaai
aadwnUap partD«;«f abo.ymlBi»i»f.;
•lory WF pire yae today liaa baaa t
my health lalird me m fpe- vfm. acu. I i
two oapa of Soar, aad hare toadr on Um door, arblch bainp oea of the
tha odltor’a daak aiaea tba mm>m wa
toatmy bnatmad aUwl the utnr timF.|
oap of t
blph-baeked ataire, eornad aaarly
• Basis the SigiiAtiir« of
Kow It maal aorely well a .and pndoally 1 1
piaeea and eeatad with
MU of the door, aad between tb<
aplrih My
U a cunCnm-d
Mr daaphtn
and Iba maaom abalf book
laraM. aM wo huH felt prrat
cap of Bdlk. aad wbaa waU mixed
u toriperator.
Mir ia two uaapeaet of ornapa ax~Om of my aefpAton advftetf me M
met aad tba piatad riad of lialf aa
tryPmwtM. A Aotffc war farmnPlarre.
A Loiin to tha TaeapFolkf Poailry
la aad tba Ooaiad imUlnx Tara laapiaa (hat a dear aad a tr«
lato a amid aad let U ftean ooa boar,
thna dafUy eaaoaalad.
Aa tba
pteatM my diagMrr-A. at wrH at Im ]
••• year kiad aditor haa taku a my awn boairA. Oar mppmHm Im- \
arre withecanpa mbk.
•belrra were AtMy faataord to tba
Oimnpa Saaoe-llix oaa heaped lea- doer, wbao il waa naoaaaary to «
pood deal of Utoroal fn
PMMP rtfr gnmty. ibr dUcatUa
apoou of OOD atarobTrltb oar cap el tba .toraroocB U waa aa aary mai
HtoiM' to nan Ha Younp Felk'a matMd MG* boMM. OOP rmtftr/tfnp
aopar aod atir It ialo oee pial of boil- to wheel Iba rooeb aaida aad opea
Poolcxy .AaaorUttoa aad 1 am
lap warn. Let it Book qalokly. aad
carefolly wilbooi dUidaciap «ba will baaoudwiH much iatoroat by'
•tlr aa it th«***~- aad after m mla- book, or tba diapary which hanp be- all UltU folka ud I'm not aan Mt - -1 wooU not be Yrltboat J'mina f-r
add twoiableapamaef botiar aad
> Um lowrr obeU mad the eoaeh. oar prawn raadm will be Jun -aa MB Umea lu coti.'’-Mlto. AiiUK U.
on>~haU empof otaapa jalw Cook -Para aad Plrealda.
.uefa lototamod a. well
paruu Urrer fallt to ptereol nrmQt
Kow I'm poiap to teU yoo aU of
■o mlaataa loapar, tbaa eerra.
>;«-• iti
ii.a-Uwa teal axparleo.-e !'•• bad that preatraliae If takea In time.
Uoel Kaeb a Bor.
Oamal Loaf-Oor taW.MUoaf.1 c
~eammn CatarTb,'* a bock wrltlro i-r
my be of ietormt aa weU at a llitU
\«-iy Ix-t cnt-iiil
Doo’t mab a boy bacaaaa he
,tiar, oea oap of aapar. cma app,
Dr. Hattmu u tot aobjecl o( the Ber.
1 Mra alwaya
•Mbby dolbaa. Wbaa golaeo, the in- MIp ta baptuiap
Tooa dUtnrtaooK perolur to tumm.-r,
lorar of looltry aad iota of all OBitraa to uyaddrem by Tba iVniu
falof bakinp powdet.
WJ’bM .wall a imlr of yrUow llnro branbaa ia thr Hefmtbatad kind aad I know yoo MMUlaa Cu- Culumbut, u
HRS. M.e. C. BATES, eorroa.
wUl apTM wlH nu Hai a lo( of pare
r acopol depth of wlater.
m eolorad fowlt are muob
Doa-t mab a bey U-oaam of tba tppretUer ud Aon Hu a mixtart- of
Dreaoe of hU parenta.
exMBt to ooTrt Ham all and
tba world'a poet, wm Iba aoe of a odd aUnl. diffaraot oolored 00m thai
Mid be poM a^d own tlmK
whloh aeomad to oblll aa Ibtea^
ama who waa aaabla to wriia UU own ramlad oea of "Oraadam'a auty
aomatimea are hule\d.ffefeal in
daqdto blanketo aad lobaa
IT yaar akioa are orewaat.
qeill” aU Joiard topaHar. he* my color, a tliiop He fumy hrirs of smallFt
A aalpfabw (d mine abadad a portb
aa wa appnaehad tba boom <
TWr’lI be baicbt toMtov.
with aa amortmeat of Tlam tl*t
dmr ebildraa. 1 aa on myUp Hal
Doa'I aanb a boy bemom bta
raedt will out do. Tbr-y wunld |nt;k
fal ptlmamr of a laatn.
Tbeta wUl opaa aa aad at laat.
aa DOTol la anaapomeat aa il
U )>Ula aad anpeetaediap. Abtabam real para bred beoa will lay uy bet­
tarn to .laaH ud it made bad w.ak
pirifoxelalBiadBy oompa
Uate hart aad acarow.
bmatlful aad iatateetlap in color har- LiaeolB'a borne wm. a top mWa.
tor Hu HU -ctaxy qoill kUd " wlH
Wall. Ha oexteeatoU I oae.! thoae,.
kaow tba woald be oat lookiap f«
PaM the abadov aad the nifht.
liBoey. Tba Tlaaa were not
Doa'I aanbaboy hecaBae ha ebooaaa Ibe mma traatmut. but lo time wbea
moHert H.- aaiue way ud |
me. She alwayaU” OharnyBel
Bbiaet tba aas forarar.
aoatlyoan: they were manly
a bumble trade.
Tba author of tbe yoo ma. 1 Htok yoo will
lime Hr IseoMtor was hatohinc. |.
loa" wwe ttoMaped. aad tba daaptaTbmv BWBlU a ttoldac balfbt
inp ploria. and BaataTtiumu
miliAM all aroud to Imre
"ftlprim'a Proprom " area a Unkn,
It Miqnn.-d that all He Lug
; tar mid. "Oo riptrt la. laibtr. I arlU
To toward eadaaTer.
plonea were a rich elmr
one kiaA Bv.-ryone Ma Heir UrotDoa’I
were ariib ehlck> Mt
1 takaoatairf tba botml” --AUripht.
Wall Coatinw
blaa. tlw aaatartiuaia a plowinp yel­ Ihytlml dlmUlliy.
lie iu Ha ktud Hey like to nua. Tbe
aod t had hren waltinp for
•Spila tf frlarlas and of paia
ptrlU," waa tba reply- Aod 1. too
PlymooH Kocka are meal po|miar 1 art. bet aM wat u no harr? ibal
low. Srrty other plant Utb
tboopht, aU ripbl.
porI had left a nioe i.e.t foil of
Shlaiait orar aoROw'a tala
-1 bmtd a tattxr oaoa my to bU MB
rom> a ;nm- and permanctil'cmtaMBtanluB.
Uabowof promlia.
eppabafora her where ahr Uid and
af 17. who waa aerrliip at the mUa la
titp and Jut>ciA require til telakra
lebaa ftoa tim oibn aod all
old tima L^borax For Uyinp lou of oar uipbl Jual batore Ibt laal cluck
Oed abeaa tha Caaipeat nUaa
tba fatbar’a plaoa, "Toar laotbar Ant,
vB lo ren>'« fr-«n time to time- Ia
-a. Hay ouoot be baalau Tba rom waa oat of the loeataaior sh. waa oi>
rao early aapport. aaM riaa bariap U alOKiat BMpieal io iu mall. U
Throajth the oloada of Mdaoa.
my toe; alwaya yemx motbar Ant ”
a 4-y ].wdrc. read, fie use t-y
eompoaadot keroaaaa. mnipbor-pam oomba are He beat, !*Hmk. <m ao
atriap of in owa upon wbloh.
U'tha aaaap aflerwIiilaB.
l.ereeal to aeL 1 took apoui.Ir «f nr.t
-1 waa miee ealUaplaahoma when
nuking .iih .aler.
eUmb. They pnw tapWly and laac
ooui of Hair docbleeoniba oot freer- seta ud tlmt Uat chick from Hr ic
Theta U Joy aad fladaa«.
Uwre wore four ebUdren. The two
ad tba roof la dae tiiae. Wban-blot^aily at the .inpla oarv foi
ud Uft It uder bar to thr
older pliU wore in tiia kttebao wari>la the boaa. wbea Ml U dOBa.
apmrad. tba riaaa wan praatly
wMa poor Mddta peu fruned to Ibe dark. Wall the aaxl moralng Hat
lap dlabea. Wa beard a omib and tba
Oaa awaita'to laart aa;
adaiirad. Toward aeoe the motaiap
wlnttt Mya Ha won't think ak
Tl'e are eu|ima iu the UcalmcBt of
litUr obick waa oet aboct He Drat;
oldm plrl came in briapiap the fnpThwa Bta little feet to ran.'
at all eoUl H.- imia peu
plerlaa woald elomap. bat tbaaaatar- Horeupfaly. Thao add ooe baU|rtnt of
anils. Wrne ai.d arc tore- bclifsl
oouiup bU new molber off her oesl. ,
moautda Tapatahla dlab wblob bn
Iwaablnt eyaa to itnai aa
tlami taowloed la parfaelloo. many iwa.'t-oit. abaka well, ud it la ready of bn bead, yoa tea. My aUter, wbo AM lookM rather ludipiiut. at morb I
we can In. at no o.l lo
la pelMd brokea. Ve eoald hear Iba
AtHrall. iba world it fair.
laeu balap aal fiom them. Tbr or uaa. It abeeld b.- well eorfcad ud lirea in OaltforaU-DOl leap ape wrote Mtomy. "T.marea little too feat. ,
pirl eryinp tor tbo dUaotor. Tb.
Oed it laod abort na.
a praw in looaa . mallow aell that ke|H oot of He way of eblldrea
laa aboai Ha Urpaat pmltry farm ‘ younp mu." Mt ber tuotber nature
ukaC loc aad abal I .sat Wbaa thara'a aow oaa oIm >0 eorp, moUm waa -‘mUtma of beraali
board of. There are U Oalilor aooo yielded, ud 1 took her act ud
derold of manurt-or oUm fertll- for bomx caU. bruiaaa. niff a.
Soar oealalaa to lara aa.
diraa budred ud tl.irtoea
Ulnp eUmaaU. Dariap the hotteal atlS Joieta. aore throat, buoion.
pal tur to bat old quarten to a yard
dmt The llttU baada. aoaaed U
wmtlmr they were -wab-red arary aboat aU He ailiiieeu Hat nadi if of rolUag Und wlwre on frae
■Tfeata are aoay> of Joy afar.
by barrelf ud Heo 1 added ooe hun­
MadllBC dlafaat. bad diappad it Tb>
Hoomad of Hoae falHful dred UMle PlymouH Boris. Jb.t
olpfat tba prooad aroaad tbfia bainp bait to. aa it will eora. ud Hal rlphi
U yoe atop to Uttoa
mother palband bn el.ild into hai
ipaadUy. almoat .-r.-rTtbiup: ia oor tmlr beat. It moat be quiU
lymmiatad. Tha,
Hope oaa •« a aUrar atai
alike, all aboel h.-r to care for. This
arambald hareloaaaad eoftly mid
family it Me paiaad tbe •..briquet of a alpbl to witnam mcli a"baa elty. "
, Ibe boom in Apri
O’ar U» taornla* pllaloa.
like u impoaitlae oo her pnod
“Narnmlad. darllnp; oarn miad!"
'earr all.
Farm ud Fireaidr.
Tbey ilo an mii up.. TMy my 74
Paal tba Fatnta't opao pate'
but if AM wma aon*toed she
Bba paatiy roeknl. Im. amkiap bn
bu. an looalad for aaol. boan-.wbUb did not taka time to allow U.MI went
ilooky prewtb until it eama time lo
Bil«fctar Myi are pleaBlaic.
aoothlaply until tba child
Death aad pBttap.wroef aad bate.
tMm oat la tM opaa proud,
are iu ralra. makiop IKO fowU to a rtpfai to work cartop for Ham aa all
tall oalaop oad tepot bn traoMea.
TraH boya to do Hinpi abooi He oaloey. TM onloiiiea an from 400 to poMmotbnbeua knowhow. I anil
Tbcaa are oely aaaailBi.
about IM bm of Har.-Oaod lloum
■Oh. motban. bold tbom dear n
beam-owaep. drat, maod. 000k. aal SOO feat aimrt. Tba bao. balap wall
koapinp. ___________________
left, hnt I tboupbl aa I
Tboacb diaaatnn Uaa thr way
elooe to yoo oa Uap aa you eon. OlhmbU. iMke baM. ud the like. Doo't mpplUd witb feed ud water, are al- Md a ch—to aall Hem at 10 ernu
That Bwalta before n<-.
lomwlll eoma into Ibair Urea,
4 TMa Mrer.
axpeet Ham to do Hit aort of work way. eouUnI ud do net wudn from
aaefa I would let tbem po rather tliu
la Iba ptoTlooa of Today
tha bUdllapa will Aad tbeir wiDpe
Brnybody who weald make tbe
.tly. Ml let Hrm know bow.
mir ooloay to oaother. They claim to BOUier Juat then wiH Ito-m. As >I
of all descriptions now on sale at,
mra tba Imma aaet to make bml uaa of booka will yoad lo recall
eartain dapna.
make our dollar i«oAl oe tack
my old black bca hM .-nouph to
OawBtd throach a fair To-Be
of tbaiT ewB. But
■pea Ml.rapnely remorubarM Mrr bUmnI my motli
Well I am
do, ud 1 Imd to be Mreful al rooniup
mra loop aad eftaa fru
tlmm for piriop me HU traiuinp, raal rxporlenaa. I am poin.
• eu hud ca time before
While a Toloe of Bolody
Mof oakiad.
riadbyaay 1
lb. I Mka oa Ibe upper meipia tboapfa toy wife aomewfaat dryly re- yoo of my toeehator chlcka
Hey irul to alcef. fn the nlpfat 1
Throaph ay ImbR U liapiap.
at tM pape. aaar IM aambn. a mark
rka Hat aba doam't mrr to Mre
248 Front Btmot
nr yaon ape fn Ha tuerl
paHarM Ibam up tomarket baakrU BroKh Block
eachqkJAAaad in atom to ebook
FxaioUa my aWUiiaa U Hia Uaa ap nortb, aM aa It’s Ha early ebloka of *.■; ehieka te rach boHcl. l<aTiop
aoaooat tMt''M. been {Widi tbaa jwt DOW. EapecUlly U a boy al.owa that pay but. 1 bM aoma iroabU to
bnUMo. I took He three huleia
down Ha eolnran oa Ha marpU e]<po
■I for maehuiea. eaeouiapt blm Mrtop Htopt Juat right fn Ha
to tba IioUM wHh jeat a lipht artap
•aotmea 1 pal a alaaiar but
fort of Ha wy moHnUm UcUa oret the top of He basket. TJiey kep
By ttmia of tboupht oor imn babarlad
___________ark- la rraiap tM Imraa
ehiofct Hal our woodeo bu eoald elM ud warm nnlll monitop, ti.en
Home Ohaar'a anatoa thb waak b
la bm than a tab
Hroaph iriH tba ^aaab aod Aaper.
batch eat. Tl.e inb-ut brood woe
WhM aatiaw takoa yea by the h
they would all po apain lo be
Ha larpn amrfc wfll oatH Ha eye aad
need nob eooatui aluation I am.
By aomte impelm blade you.
for He lama' way, until Hey
I wiU repay
■M Wbaa Yea Wora.
aFceed plaaea will And Ha daairad
apmr atod Hare'a aoHtop lU.HUtortuaa'a oyekiM a
waoabip uoupb to care for theiawaful aad Iboaphifal readlap.
A light oaoFatoolwtHaeaaa
U Hare-are amay m
teal mother after ell to make tbaa aalrat oet to He yard.
a tMt
tMt make ap
-It b tM Uttbtblapa
papet la Hr book, a wall-elioaeo word <ae (liat MB be poabM bodn Ha ta­ eontaat ud mother Ham M ooly a
Bat bt yoa beard tlmt happy trala
I hope yen will aocooad.-lU-,
Ihah^u tint eoma to aa.
oo tl« edpe wlU expbla He cubjeot. ble wboB not to BM or reaiiy M ml bu eu Italaad moatly Plytie folk!, to luiainp your .-hickt aloe•imrafal oeealdataliM of Ibam llttb > Of iboopbribat'a a'ar in wultlap.
morad Mar He atok, U a wooMrtul mouH Booka Hu fn that buinaph
m plan wUl apply to
Tha new fiam SaaayHdo wlU lain
Tt.a Poultry mat yoo pM will;
thlapa tet make or mar tha I
paprra. U.a hMty ebook U pot 00
Ml hafera Hat year I Imd a big dock help you. MO. ud li t aaob a oiee {■'
tba raarflo at Ha baud of He parttoo,of aloe toipa BUM Imapalmapa ud I pn. 1 need to taka It for yiare aM
-X woaldllMtetall yoa.daar boawhr eoluma. and aaoHn at Ha mbMd aarad a few old baaa. He
would mra Ibam cM pal tbrm .booM
Mkan. of a (aw tblapi. wfateb U my
Il MT be of 1
jaol. parapre«h.:or amuoee. Ha pbea
BMiHeru. and that Jntt Mlpad ma
after ud Hey hare boco read aM
Jadpment taed a pnat deal ta tM makfoud la u laataal wiH Ha Hilflem to ail while doing uyklM fn I eoald ^ Ha beoa Ha uma tima
lent to aid oHara a poM muy ll.naa.
tap of a bMuttful bom# aad a quiet,
la Barlia.wlmrr
at era-. lanpH.
Then are efboamwerk. Wa aootidn It a doty I did Ha toeobalar aad ton Ha little
laxpaet to reM of aoiaa toieresilap
paaetfal. b^ heme lUa 1 Mw al- tM iPiMaB U alBoat aa lire aa it U
mr family l<
Hoae wbo Mra a horror of dataetap
ebleka to tuleaiaa WiH Ham. That aeeonni e< year aqwrimitt-.wbicfa yoa
maami tM oppo«taa. TMm oaa be bare, la tM Unman capital oBUial- Heir book! wlH pmoll marka. Ml 1
I pemlbta.worked Aaa wiH poM attoatiea
anat MU. aa all are totareah-d to
aappUad wltbMt a prmi Mai of IM infaaa partly takm> tM
tcM. woan aM kandap Ham MpaH- kaow of aacb other's auMaqs to Hla.
aaa dornMem poaM It may bilp yoe alL I ara aore 1
• book.-Tbe
Tha bow* will bUad more taadUy n. ud yea woald Mra Ueptaad to wUh you all aeowa. Imla fiUt, to
■1 mw a bey of IK ooma la at alghk
aaaa ibom btwa They were auab
WiH the aapar if yoa al Aral nmld
afin be Md followed bU
book bom Ha pollea. •
i Uipa Btolhariy ooaa Irytop to
Boms HtoU aa lo Dammar BUM.
tbe bowl to
My. dome hb Hare of tM eborm aad of whieb U Altod upud aipaM by U
r Ham u Ha Hieka prow Urgar. I tUioM. Hiefa.
« ereamM for Mke.
AalHadbbmppn. mkaa alaopy UtMany ptaimd Him are worn
tto Hatber oe bla fcaF«, aadirm him,
Thif if foud to aolra Ha Uipa dlYaralty of matartaU naptop
aad pMtly oany tM obild ta Md. Be
or" dUAeulty in a way Hat from muU to brernddoH.
tbea took hU TmH’. O
Bereorer. roTwo loYolT. old-atyU faHtoot
Md aotUod blmmlf for a quirl readfirm to mrruU of good pity nrirad. ud tamtodan d
tap, wbaa be bmd bU aiMbar aay
Tba anpram baraell daoo- Umia parioM of dram are Ha Acba
r bow hard tor bn tM My't wnk liad
a gold mom aay aarrut ud mab.
WaatB« dahm
way-J tMm a day.^OAA It
beam. He pot away bla p^mr. wmi wbo Ma Urad lo Ha mua family f«
Tba bUbop-afaapM •!•••• trill 1
At the new suod, comer Sute and Union, will make

Used in Millions of Homes.
40 Years the Standard. A.
Pure Cream of Tartar Pow­
der. Superior to every other
known. Makes finest cake
and pastry, light, flaky bis- ^
cuit, delicious griddle cakes
—palatable and wholesome.


The Kind Yon Have Always Bought
In UK For Over 30 Years.



126 State Street. « Uictor PctertyK



A Pwrsbts

Orsitd ftaphts, SHoh.



JTnwnf tbe


ASA Aiiir Werefiiidtleprtce«fCAb-as£ ini
uAv”4llllLnTeuilsfANlM- Osr Nith IS U b SBbMsSeL


Sltli IT IIVniiif «n.ii m


mother, wbtaparad
d 1a loriap
ap. toM hn by Ha ai
ia a playM OBaaan mt bn la u oaay
(hair ud told her to atay Hare.tHUa
' M wut to IM kiuban. waabad Ha
•apparduhea ud repUeM them oe
Ha tabu ready for Ha braakfaat.
”1 mwaMopfainrifafrooiHai
eomfertable cluir ta Ha room u
aa pramoea a manaar aa aM woald reMfre a paaot. aH bar MHn. who had
•■Mr la Baaiaatly tliad. to taka it.
BM Jan aa piaolocaly look bU mp

forty yuan ud Ho B
tlyaaUanM auh yaar a maall
for dUtriMtioe amoop Ha ter
a MB rmn' raeoM H Hair

Tha laafnaam for eae-teoa coin U


la aplU of HU aalHar mialrem an mTarml diffanat oelect u one ei
balpa"an wboUy omtutM. Tha
ima >■ Bol eftu aaan.
The old faHleo of fdptop aM evdam pltU prate He faetarUtMd
■p adpae of nfAra, Aoaaeaa ud oHn
bopa aad He few who
Wtmmlapa Ma bou rerlTM. ud

special cut prices all the week. We are now in a poalion to sell groceries cheaper lhan jever liefore. Re­
member we are located directly opposite the City
Market, ihe most convenient point in the city for all
country trade.
Sugar.’Best Eastern. 19 lbs for ........r -.............$i«i
Kerosene Oa^i^l................................../...................... -lO
Best bulk CoHee, per lb. loc. 15c....................
Yellow I'eacbes......... ............................................................... J5
Four cake* Fairbanks Scouring %»ap...........................
JaxonSoap Powder..........................................
Johe»o-.So»p Powder.... .............
^m^o-.Soxp Powder.................................
Ark Soap, to ban...................................................................
Bee Hive Soap. 10 ban ...........................---n............i- -as
Yea«Foam......................... ................................................. /• .04
We always pay bigbest market price lor good botw .
aad eggs.

iHoeaa u attnly utaopfai routry
Oaa lully MW-aote to He aa
ptrltMn u-'axparUocM aarrut." powat U Ha rature lo taYcr epato of
Wapia to Bnlto are acaaidamMy low- Ha fmll-Mtharad nOepatoawlHa
•r Hu to UmdoB or ParU aM ridU- mU baadtop for a Hire pataltare.
tloat eomporwl wlH what Hay are to
TaSem atill aumi to bold Ant
taoa, ud aoHlnp auqaUaAll
aay laipa Aaterieu elty. It rarely
u that eTae a vny peM pun
■aay aara. aet uly aa a dreaa m
.1 gala men Hu STD er #71
ymr. Oa tM oHn Mod. It ia aa
to pin aaeh acTYui a buMwa pr
Ha amoui faei
IlmMk aaC Mu.*.
A Mlf boor'a tut Mily.
Eight boatt- aUap
of apaaktop to Imr aboat It

For a week ot two betera ta
praaort. putly toaetmd bn. ahaok fan
elaaatop time I mra ooU tea ud eold
m pa to bad baapiy.
aaad, al Ha mma tima wiltop i
ma Uaraa oM toato aM bottU I
■a M warm mitk m Hand wd
ly. Tbe ebUd uadantaM Ha
MTa a qoaM. Il U axealUal te
milk bafon recirto* arUI tadaea aliep.
mdda mmmpa ae qaiatly amt Mr
StaM Ha day WiH a pood breikfiH
bma moHn'a faea aM oMynl at
ud yea arUI Mra few wrlaklaa ^
Before patttop foM ie aaw Itoi
' ■TraMhamawiHafarmnmntaar
tally aaU aliHL
The uow ww Ham orn Ha Are wlH beUlmi w
dHfttoc aad a Anu wtod wu npmp. to Ham te uraral boaia.



Enterprise Cash Grocer]^
Oppoehe City Market

Cor Sute aad UN

Tba bfU iMtbm kenaniai.,^

M« iam «*«•

iboy wm o^bla M
lacalUbf opeo OUy Owk
Mayor Faitbla paid a
trlbaka la
Iba taiafalBi aad iM tinny of ttot
odMal. Mr. Bam to ia«ma aiaatd
ttetbahad wartBd hard dartay tba
ym. bat MM wbatew ba nlybt da
Oltj Tnawm Wttrtlw woalawith m elty laoerda. ba eeald aet
fcMBOd flat ha ww expaetBd '
b. Aad ba BOda BO taraapaaeh.b«l
•Bwaet OniBlnlnaw Ealtey es^BM«a aBaa*ak«.BDd
BDOthar BBB that ba nak
_irs»B MlUikaa of tha a
ef tba sew ■acblBny ttat Iba a
board aiprtaaad hU anmetattai <rf oU baa porohaaad tba part ynr.
MBtBMBt ttet tbli Olty Atteraay
Oaon i
taiUaryof tbam
witty OOeoMf 1
ta Ibe pan they fasByaaeryor twotbi
Blitl.( eoetlsaa to yat all tba* tbay to ba aoeoBpnIaii wU
aak tor. Ha anp>>
of Iba
of that .
COTommat worUac toKobar.
Moca Bated that ba
Lari T. PeaalBfteB rMpoadad for wsa^le baecaBea amnbarof tba
thaBaeerd. oirtaf K
aldarana nesad te
otBdUw J.
•TiBowad btarty tboaka for tba <
lariat tbet had braoartrodad «
Raeord aad to bin petaooaUy by ar- wrald aojoy hlBoall.
aiy maBbaref •
denBas-oloel He01a*ey war eaUpoo for a apaaeb. bat rstbartboa
AldrraaB Beotrbay tbaakad Ibi yiraoDafat
Mayor PbHAId tbn ntfiiiiiltameabora of tha ooaaeil for tba neat,
ml ba bad raotlrad dariac hU tars ftel Mm there waa' act time m hnr
oOea. aad rtatad that It bad baao i
it. bat etaea
rrtee for Ibe city llllod with Bseb there waa BOt. be asiraawd
etatlcocf Ibe
■arare to blB. and ba had tba
loomtaaot alwayr doioji tlia beet blB by
kaaw. Ha rtatad that mnoh of tba aielBcladad Ib Iba rmrloa* daiorttbe city yoTrrsaeat. He
frltlelBB BBda afalBA tba ocaaell
tit of tba ptopla Boi aa. Bated ibM It waa a ptoad aad asqaeatlonable boeor ic ba Bayer of tbe
baaatlfal aad iraynaalTa elty ia
itflad toaoteTBpoo tl>a datlaa MleblyBB. Ba espreoaad bu yiatiteda
of bir ixaltUB witli tbe clam of nao for tba way la wbleb all bare worked
« are to reiaeaenl tbe city. Hr loceihar for Ibe food cf Iba Bty. eiBBlmd to doTOta hit ahara of tbea
Biyhtpall loyetbar
tha city wcrk. aad to aaka bit
for tba maatsl yood. aod oloaad will,
■bare of the kieka
AldermaB BaBllKn axpreraed remt aa eOclal yood nlytat aad yeod-bya.
lal toBa of tl>a Btaben of tba eoeii- Hafcra tba eoapasy arcae. bowarar.
HamllloB waa eo bta feat
il wart to ratiie Jeat aa they are fat-,
tine tba dnsaal klad of fnqi OB tba with a brief ipeeah U wlilofa he Bated
city aSalra Ha ap^e of tba eoBtaO' tint if tba won of tha eoaselt baa
ekcallaot Ibia year. It la laryely
ialfty of tba work darlBf tba paal
wesat of tl>a ezcotlni aad able
year, aad eipreaaad the .boja that the
In Iba ehalr. Ba awrad that tba
aezt year Blfbt ba jaal aa pleaaa
beat and bnttlaB «b«nk. of tba aetlra
with all iheBaBbertef tba eow
riay be aiMsdad to Mayer
and tba'other branebta of tba <
da f«r hla aenriea dartay tbe

a aad tbe ^dla-

' tea tm» talo

halMtMWienor Uweltroc
twttstmlTMrtoC im-oiaec
Dt«hi, wttb rrwT n*
«r th» MUieU prMtet >d4 lUyOt
PmAU 1b Uw dnlt.wlU) mo* of lb*
iMmun.-olrct iB tfc* Rwa mbIbc
Th* HMtac tnw Buuk aaOMBiT bf
O.-|^lii^'>W'lb*'e0BB0ll m\ul
nmt u th» eUm «< tbf- rtw M>;
tbB ellT BBOOBBte Tnc •uibombi of
Major PaicBtu MBd.Oiir Clert B*«n
WB«T«ad. '
T lo eoTio Iba
tbr city for »ha yaar.
hytanda• fo
for tba ytor ODdlBK May I.
im. la aa
t. fBBd. lota)
faad. total ft.WS.4»: orardiatL flOlOL
PHbUbj foBd. total. «■«.<;; faalOoMtal aatnr food, total fl.Stt.1T;
feolaBOa, f7»S.ia
Water fBBd, total, ftB,fTt.U: orardlBft.fKim
PoUoo fend, total, ft.tfs.ia balavee,
Onaatary food, fS.SU.KI; balaooe,
Utaraat and alaklBC taod. total.
•hiUtO: bUaan-. fl.lia&T.
UMBiyfaod. total. ft.UO *0; balBBoa. fsn.os.
Park toBd. total.
Idclit taod. fS.TTS.B: balaaea.
Peer faad, total. fl.S«.W; overdiafi. fSU.OL
Salarlaa food, total. fl.T90.SI: ovardiBfi. flOO at.
Biroat diAriet (oBd Mo. 1. total.
«K.96S.Hi aalaaea, f7.t9T.9l
PaTlBuffBBd. total. fSM.tO; orordnft. fU.oi.
aiof tba city

oat AwvB lo ba flld.TIT.Oa
Boal ttatamaat war anaorad
dared ptaoed eo Sla.
t tralkr ordlaaBOi'
■Mdad. iBorldlac for the foUoannB
nala of prioar: Por bolldloc walk
tlOB BO lo 900 feat lo laactli. :>o eenle
far aqaar* yard; 900 ft«i or em. 4b
OMitf par aqaaiv yard: fall block.
MBM par aqaara yard; loAdr vaikt T.'.
owta pet aqeare yard, all flllUu to be
dana by pn>p.-Ry ow»ar; olroalar
tfBfa.BOe>Bta pertool: rtral^t atapa.
4DoeM per foot; boree block*. fS:
beiw Uookr with hanic. fS-U.
Tba MlcB<«t of r. D. HarrlB. ditaotor of the poor, war recelri'd
■ltd. thowiac an azpaoditort for the

Thao erarybwly patted late tb<> diniBf rooB ^ tba Path Plaec. wlies*
XBBdlord Uoldao liad doda MBtrlf
(sU laatlBa BBd malntalBad the i
nttoaof tba boaar ter dalleiosa
ThanblawMBrtaofed In T al
U tba Itaad of which, carroondad by
Iba otbar elty efflAala. aat Rditrlnc
Mayor FskblB. The eeapaity.
btflBf baarly 40. precewtod to dlapom
tt the feUoviac oU oeom bnqoai
■1 tnaMOB lUUM UBenUt

bdd Aew Of ml beymn.
Mr. PMohlB thOBkad tba paopte
ftemt for tba aarirlae Ibay had
ifrBBf an hlB. aa be war net rs
taf to toaat or ba toaoUHL lint l«
fBoeaadad with no •■ad of wit lo raU
Mada eo all aat* of acb}eM
Fmt be took*! atnlffat down Iba
•ibia at Bar. D. OeehUa. who bad
baao a Besber of tbe board of adi
Mob for aareral yaaia. bat yol aooaicfa
et tbe ceoBcil te a year. Tbe rer>-rd that be CMld
be witty aa waU aa n liirlOBa and
wlaa. aad ipre a rtrr aoliTtalolnf!
MtUa apaaeb. to wfaloh l>a espnwae.1
ttawlib that all
Mora OB tba eoauell la tbe fawn- ba
Maotid aa well aa he baa been.
Mayor Pacthln then atat*
Boo. B. Moond wu not riartly a
tflalaMr. bat at nior it aa be ooald
wall ba. Bo Mr. Boaad had
AldatBan.OairUco war aaked to ?*■
aoanlto Ibeloaal. “Wbat
1 la *Uy<«t>.'- Uetook
Hw aly dly ia yool pan,
9hM ill* VO*' h*l alwaya ceaolad ona.
MB IbM be waa asre, <1bBuf the twl
jmr. tt baf alway* b*-e ou tbe nyhl
•Mr. Ha Bawd tbu be b..lla«ail tl.<-;
aaiae*! dartay tha pmI year hMae-;
«ampllab.-d am thas te aoir |b<-tI.>u
9bna « fear yean ia tbe uutory ol
-Iba Bty.
> Bobem of the
waa aB.-d to ym“8oaie Kxpertaooaa la Oaotal Life. “ Ha raapad.
•d wUJ. hi* BBal Race aad wit. aak.
iBit a plea lor eloaer auoelatioii aateoy
atty official* aad otk-rjablie eerraBU
.«B eioaed with tbe Baleaeat that If
Ifei baeqaet whleli aU we*- eiiloylay
m thanmytily wa< a raaall of the re>' Mayor PauAia. b- hoped
imt tha later alKl.l retire Bin.
Mayer Paioliin ibt« ealladepoeK.
I* B|«^ea of the Hapla, wbo wa*
ywBefl with a rotuid of ap|>Uaae.
Mr. epneoa made a rery Beat «pa*-b
■■fallow*: “Maymmaa aod aaty.
^ hot tba

Implement Store 123Cass Street.

Maaila. May S-BriyaMn Ora. OSTta I
ia bla rapert kaday mjt ibo AWriiu '
aoH la MiateBOa were bed aiae :
tblaBor^. Tteepawera reel for-,
wnd md BmIM at Maro fort Aa le-'
Malry Barye followed aad the More i

Having recently purchased The stock and business of Geo. Cams. I wUl hereafter coodeet a fint-dasa Peed
and Sales Bam at the old stand. 231 Sute Street, opposite Park Place Hotel. I will also use part of this bam lor
a warehouse, where 1 Will unload several-car loads of machineo’ that I am
in « few-dayt.


.Asl have a large farm a short distance from town. 1 am in a poutkm to handie all kinds of stock ii> exdiaage for machinery, buggies and implements.
I have at present about twenty good work horses for sale.

aatBaoy Wayaertfibe UtblafanoMem ware ailffatly weaaded
aad 90 rnUmd mm were WMadad.
Tbe BitlaBraB real by OaaaiB] Oeru
e^May S-n>e Baamw Oly»pia briay* aewi of a fartber i
by tbe Kweay rebel*, wbeae •jrr
lay ami** at* brelaylBc 'XaBi
ea tbe weal rlnr at laB ra]ioil>.


The lowest price on

Peau deSoi Silk per yard.............$ 95
The $1.35 Silk at.................................i 15
[ Skinner's Satin, the best, per yd....... 1 40
to per cent discount on Ribbons.

Sp«dal tor Ont Qlotk
• 85c Bed Spreads............................... $ .65
* $100 Bed Spreads...................................75
$1.35 Bed Spreads..................
f $1.35 Bed Spreads.............................
I $1.50 Bed Spreads .............................. 1.15
' $3u» Bed Spreads.................
I $34» Bed Spreads............................. 3.35
, $3.50 Bed Spreads .............................. 2.75

re lad by Ui.- rlo* joae
Meet of tba rapeblie.
ba* miaaalad ll>* narr d>to aaed war raanU to &u>:
DoBloyo to proteat ABrBnan li«e>
B« Loo,May S-gaaaa WiD-almlna.
leaday arrclay. te le (rnre danyar
tbU tBoralBC Phydeiaa* raaBlned
rooyboel Iba alybt and it
lly Bated ihM Utile bopa
fer bar iwoorary li aetartalaed
oaelal ballatln Ucaad UiUBOmlnc
majaaiy * eeodiilea le aMlifaclory a>!
tba praaent taoBeaL''
Tlia oOeial adauatioB of tba ml
aatnraof Ibe qaaaii*' lUnaaa. whiBiwsaanda poUic tbli oHfsiiiy. fol­
io eioaely apon thi-1
of bar rarorety tb<yt li hae i
tbrowB all tba Karopraa nene inie'

Special in Carpet Dept
Baby Carriages and Go-Carts
30 per cent discount.
1903. May ist. Lowell Carpet at 573.' cts.
5c extra for sewing and laying.
We haveanumber of pieces thatwerc
goc. at 75c One piece with border
at $1.35, now.................................. $1.00
Velvet Carpets we sell from samples.

In our Clothii^ Line we have two special Boys’ Suits at $1.75 apd $3.oa* Youth's
Suits at $3.50. not shoddy, but good, clean goods. The best suit of Overalls and |
Jacket to match at $1. Shirts, two collars and cuffs atuched, at 50c. Suits from S5 ,
to $32 lor quality, as our customers tell us they can’t wear them'out.
Remember we can sell you goods cheaper than anybody else, as we pay no rent. 1
sell for cash and discount our bills. Come and see us.


Made with Self Oillne Boi, and Solid
Steel SbafL Draws Very Easy.


'These machines.are too well artd favorably known in tfa
ity to need any further explanation. They spttk for tbe

mmmsMf' .'■‘.J'k-vw
Milwaukee Junior No. lO.


Milwaukee No. 5.

than ever to supply ihr w.-iiiis of my customers. If you do n
short notice.

in belter shape
lind what >ou ^ant in my stock I will order the same
1 am not going to sell goods at wholesale, as 1


REGARD TO PRIGES ofmyco,np.,iio,.daim,hcy.rcdomB. butam g..

ing tooiTer you lirst-class goods at prices that will lov^them rapidly. I can buy goods in as lai^e quantities and
as chca|) as anyone, and am always willing to give my
»>■ customers the benefit. Call on me and be convinced.

Citizens Phone 126

123 Cass Street


Our special sales during March and April have been a great success, and still we are not'\satisfii*d.
double our usual May sales, and intei^d making^rices for this month that we know will do it.

\Vr want to

n everything in the store, except Coats' Thread and the articles listed belowron which we quote spidal prices.

$1.35 kind at.................. >......................$1.15

Brussels from samples, the $1.35 kind
*t........................................ ............ S'-=5
You will have a larger line to select from,
besides the)- are cut without waste, as
they have, a -number of rolls to cut ^
from, paper, sewing, and at the above
prices a saving from $515 $7 on a room.
Linoleums at 4SC. The 55c kind at seJ^c
Lowest prices on Lace Curtains. A fine


" "-

Blaye. reperta a aarioa* atlaatioa ii

Silks and Hikbons

Feed and Sales Stables 231 State Straet.

reed barn

I With every $3.00 sale ol Dress Goods or more, one Standard Pattern free. W’ith <
> ery $1.50 sale of Dress Goods at 15c a yard and iip one Standard Pattern half price. <

bifaB. for tbraofh tha eeoniaiy
Mayor htebin, Olatk Iteara, Treararor Warabarf. Eoflneor Wllbals and
PbUoa Ubtaf Bannle. lUe aldarmao.
- sldwiMB I'laet. city oOclala and oEBttre and anoeeUted. were firm a
bM^BadaltbaFarkPlaot. Tbecoan. eUwMtbroofbwlIb iBaloeaatyb^'tt
md the taDOBtl war not dse till 9 OO.
Wtbt IntarlBwat flll.-d with a aort
Of afatral lora feaat, In wfaleb ar«ybedy lelnad. and tba Aato war
tbotDBfhly an^oyad till the boa '

lataTtlidwm bbMByer-alael bamr weald bara baaB
fiwB far a beak af prepbeey. bat ba
WBi aaonddabfy ost of tba oily.

AU Sand and Dirt Exclnded S
from Boxes. Hone Better

Indelible Ink. best kind per bottle......... .............. ]<*c
Genuine, cut glass Water Set with tray for.......
Wash Howl and Pitclier full sire, good grade (or..
Glass Salad Disfi worth 35c lor............................... Hfe
Glass vase cheap at 15c (or .......................... ........... life
Syrup can good value al 15c for............................... 1'k
Good Hand Saw. 13 inch for ...............................
Horse Bins, best kind............... ......................
Oil Stone in box (or........... ........... ......................... lUc
Cloth window Shades with liest spring Roller....... -'uc
Paper window Shades with’spring roller..;.........
Jackson's Liquid Glue, loc Uittle for..'................ -ic
Spirit Level, pocket si/c for........................i...... luc
Hog scraper only........... ........................................... luc
Hog Ringer malleable iron for..._....................... litc
Hog Rings packaged 100. only........................ .. r>c
7 ft Buggy W'hip good 50c>^Iuefor............. .........., .-Tk
6 ft Bugg)-Whip good one'for................................. B>c
6 ft Raw hide Whip as sold (or Si.00 for.............. fjOc
Alarm Clock, warranted to keep good time, good
value at S1.25 for....................................... ...... S-le
Half pint bonle writing ink such as is used in
P'ounlain Pens..................................................... luc
Six doz. wood Clothes Pins for.................... ;......... -x
Suretbing nest eggs each.................. ............ ..
Tsro cakes best Tar Soap for...................................' 5c
Kindergarten Beads large box for ..................... li»c
8 oz Table'glasses good grade set of six................. Ii«c
W'illiams shaving Soap such as .barbers use. per
cake......... ...............................................
. The Dally shaving compound in wood box lOc size 5c
House numbers, while meUi ot al nickel plated.
will not rust each............................. ;.............. 8c
House mimbm flat nickel plated each..........
Anti-trust matches, best parlor match there is. box
toocounl for—.....................................................:{c
A fully warranted Jack Knife fur.....................
Good Horsehide Whiplash, usually sold forintekskin................................................:................... 15c
Hkkory Wililetree woods....... ................
Wifflarec lroi« ill kiiKfc......................................

Plow clevis each........................................................ 4c
Pour inch clevis for. -............................................ ^
Six inch clevis (or...................................... ............. 7c
Dairy Thermometors ............................................ . Jiic
10 quart-galvanized Pails lor...........................
lO'quart tin Palls............................................'........ . 9c
8inch Hat Piles for ..-rr^a.......................... ......... . Kte
4. 4!^i. 5. 5^ slim Taper Files................................... 5c
A good No. I Ax Handle for...................... ........... lUc
A fairly good Ax Handle for . ........... ................... Gc
Alligator Wrenches worth 2Sc;for............. .............. lOc
Cycle Wrenches wonh 35c............. . .................... |iic
A good scwii^ needle per paper of 25.............
Large bottle Soldering Salts for............................... |Oc
Mr,, l-otts- Iron Handle........................................... Oc^
Two papers Carpet Tacks, 500 coiUit for............. . Oc
W'ood pails two hoops..........................................
Good Broom, good value, at 25c lor........................ 17c
A Mina!, Ilroom Bond pade ................................. J: lie
A fairly good grade bouse Broom for............... ..
Family Scales cheap at $1.35 for*..................
BUnk door Keys usually sold for loc for......... ‘2c
Copper Rivets & Burrs
Ib package for........... Sde
German S^ and lincb.blor................
Harness Rings all rizes .4.......................................
Harness Buckles each..................................
Men's 9 oz. Overalls vrith swing pockets at........... 45c
Men's hea\-y cotton Underwear 35c vaioes for.... 15c
7c heavy cotton Box................................ .
Ladies' Belts worth 50c for...................................... 10c
Ladies' Beks worth 25c for................................... .
Goodlritcben side Lamp with wire fimme............. •£5c
Rogers Bros, best plated Knives and Forics for net
of six............................................................ *...$8.65
Steel Knives and Forks with wood handles, set... 40c
Silver pUled Teaspoons put up toseUat 25c, set.. Kk
Butter Knife and St«ar Shell silver plated per set lOc
Large cake Scourine best thing in the market few 5c
BallBluingputuprowdlatscpa^rpackag’s 6c
3 oz. bottle best Sewing Machine Oil for............... 6c
IcSewing Machine Needles, all kinds per paper........ 4c

We are anxioiisTfor your trade and are making tbe lowest prices ever, quoted 00 these every^Uy 1
If you fail to patronize this sale )*ou are loang a chance that may not come again.

251 Front Street

Traverse City, Michigan.



TH£ QMlWD THAvfcdWE HBKALa iiAY ft. 1908
tkntnibM anaaM^ ...------

tar BiBW ad*aaMd to W. U
— far Mtoa* to MMUpoa <_____

teak a raaoM atoll 1



BtordtoUad to mtor by toalTMii
^n^aU^Mvito tbraiaapr

of BV

«7wt» srtu« M. B. Uteb k&ta 1
Md U b^UBtlr M In MU
SrtM • MV Maalnc tbM wilfc *•

an aialM andaatfa* foUovut npoft
tbrootb CbabMa Ctoretand:

M>Jgb**s osdlMd ^ Mid Bonn! of

Br PaiM a OUtort. Atir-

Board ealM to ardor br toairsai
Tb* folloi^ petltioo wa* pn*Mt- Boll oall: abaent Ltolan.
Mtoato* of yartoritar'a proeaadlni
HwinWa to* Board of Bapar
I of Oaaad TioTeta* Ooaair.
ofr- ••
___ ____________ ^<Jad*iiMof

T. Oo

1* MClaatod that moaotaan Msd«tob*.ar* eesMM*d to<»tM«o*r.
asd tb* iOBtoSMlf MM]to th*



to* OD prtottot. saeaeaMd tb* toUovtaport

d ttot til* pteend.
Of tba beard of •

~~ (1« B-!?-

qaartar ol ■•aawn twaoir.*''
elaren (II
Bd aboal twaatr-fln <*ti
1, aad down *tnaa> froa
Ito Berth aad aoetb qaartor Uae of
Mid aaetiew tone (tj.

vbo aatU bit arriTU la tb* oatliioal
Mpital had aeror *M|>|>*d at a Mf b»tol TtM othet meloK jaM befar* »•
tiilw h« wanted a drink of voMr.
batfoand that Ibar* wa* non* In bl*
TMB. Dadar on* of two Mil batM In lb* waUb* mv the word*:
-Paabtvto* far watar,” H* paM
tvlaaat dhoetod and vban lb* ball
tr arrirad vltb tba vator b* feand

raMbenUUtwdtot— --------“bfl*'^ th* MB* a*
> br toe --Benld-at
t*. to* *aato to to d*Tol*rt to tb*
llrpred br tb* ooantTolrrk
*tal taputrimonbaUn

tlMbar and tautb nrd> a* a
**Mrr for area^ and
Mf* and nlMbl* dam a


r O-SlM,





aae of tb* eeart boaM.


ss s.

**T255n**fflw!^'l*b.. Airillt. 1»0B.

”a* to* axpll


To to* Board of
TiaTan* Oomir.

foBBd tb* poalliT boa** 100 jard*
To tb* HeoM^ to* Board of Baparavar In a aentold.
- "raad Tto»eroe Oeoatr:
it wa* ptotn that tt* wind bad ]dak*d
ap tb* Iwefaoan and blown it onr
tba Said, lb* atranfoat iwrt of tb*
MtMr wa* tlMI not a *>ncl< ablokMi Tianne Banid for tto rear* 18WZben ToUmr*
Mlto^. mtb baTtac bald tiffal 18W-I800 aad IWl.
lb* an^tot,o^ to* Ber^d
to tb* p*nb dartat tbetr Brine trip
'to IBU onlU to* s>*Knt
Varr trolj^yyin.


1 of tb* ttoMtb*


~at.*r»B? ^U*^^toat Inttoloabto to

paid BBOO.OO to fall



On MtoUM Of Mr. Hater. Mr. Bate*
■a MadMBd a toM td Saak* aad (lie
r Hr. BaUbin* tb* raI?£a£?7owBd TsTarto OennMMlltai ea eoaatr troond* and
- •
' to prorlda a MitMt
of tla
Bitot aoM far tb*
Bh^, ^01^^. BaaU.
Hanld BOW to to* oUrt' oOo* br
nepaaMlMtiaiat tb* Board
faUoviat rto aad a*r roM-all ’
ptoTlaan* b* aaUto to oenaa---------to* Oovt HoBM la Ttoran* Ol^,
a of Mr. DaiTOv tb* board
*M antil IdOo'oloek for BxeuMl trea Tottot-Wlebtaan.



-o.'ssrs^t.' i'tsr..S! iFIER CRIP WHiT?

board took*
I work.

t f«


itot. April litli, BJO
Board eallad to ordar br ahalrqn
•• mU: aU m*Mtm proaaol with


HtoBtoT^ rooted'* iwoeadtoc*

a. a Danww,, Baoead
--------------------- 1. Third Ward TtoTarae
°tT o. BbUtot, Vaarlh Ward. Ttor-

*T L*’buntoad. ruth Ward. Tito. •^i^,Oal«Twania^_

rbe PerOoiu Period Which
PflllowB mn Attack «f ^
Myrterions Kstadj.

FRIDAY. HAT 9TH. 1902,

Mr. Arthur Rosentbai, formerly partner of the Boston Store, has rctumeU to the field atfain. l-'or the past
four weeks he has been in New York, Boston, and Chicago markets, biiyint; over four car loads of new and up-todate merchandise consisting of CLOTHING. DRY GOODS. HATS ANI)CAl*S. LADIES' AND GENTS' l URNISHINGS. BOOTS AND SHOES. CROCKERY. GLASSWARE, TINWARE AND CrRANlTEWARE. A
cordial invitation is tendered our old as well as new customers. Our claim to greatness does not lie in idle wbids—
we've acted, and bought the goods for spot cash. You can rest assured that you arc receiving NEW tiOODS at
lower prices than other stores charge for old goods- Our opening will be of absorbing interest to eveo body concemed in securing good merchandise at such unusual low prices. Every value is one of exceeding merit, and will
convince you of the signilicance of this event. HANDSOME SOUVENIRS will be given away o.i our opening
da>*s. We cannot print more than one-twentieth part of the intcr«ting bargains available- there are plenty of
go^ things’ which did not get into the papers.

Dress Doods and Silks


43 inch Wool Serge, opening sale price |>e'r yd ...• l'.*c

Two Handkerchiefs for.......................................... - lilc
One dozen white Pearl Biitions........................... - 01c
Fwo pair Shoe Uccs for...................................... . Allc
200-yd spools Black and While Thread..............
M.n-s Blue
............. . tttc
Good si/ed I-inger Nail Brushes........................... . Wic
Rne Comisfeach................................................. - . trie
Best Ink or Mucilage, per bottle...........................
Nickic plated Safety Pins. ^11 sizes. |Krr dozen- 7-inch Black Rubber CoiTiU. worth 10c. lor .
Good sized Wire Hair Brus^................................. O-'k:

Uiasb Tabrics
icum Jb»ref«ji>*dtwnly4ciufpeuod*.
Indeed Dr. herec'* mcdicto** toivr
noDdoi fa me. It i* no ut (a a
r frclint*. It *
topoanndB down-bnited I eoald not

llie most beautiful selection of Summer \\’ash Goods
ever placed on sale in the city, in Batistes. Organdies,
Dimities, Mercerized plain and fanc>-, also fancy Dot­
ted Swisses at prices to suit every customer.\
For the opening sale we offer 35 pieces of '’nfiw
Lawns, worth 6c. for.............................. ............... Sj
Simpson’s Silk Novelties, l-'oulard designs, at....... 1
1500 yds Challies, worth 7c, for.......................... . . •'•i;

Dry Goods

(bal qnoUoo and you wiU find toal'tb*
anwa to U be. 1 am made iuouf by food.
How doa food Bak* a* itreui By
mtoat tbrootb Ibe ptoetBoa of difotioB aad beiat ceenned iate aauiuoa.
> Mood

_ ^"*blS'S5."S3
rtoon of Oaad Ttanrae Ooaatr:
OtotlaMto—HBTtot ban •laota-4 to
aa ttoto* ttakh to^ prabiUt* a>r


^On^Mte otltaOtoTdasA, Fnd
bleed to death a ttamM
^te^Mtan of Mr. cnatatoad Ub
bnrd |ane»daa to tba oMetiaa afa
If Mr. Maara* th* afaatr

tie* that tot Brit <

Oa MOOaa of Mr. Wlthtman to*

board |>«o**tod totlMOteettee of a



MparlMhdwttf to* poor to BU tb*
neaaar «nso»d br Mr. Oamr'* n*‘^*M08 of Mr. BM

i MOtlto of Mr.

atroef. If tot i______
•eak. that w«aknt« '
tarclj Bed aa echo _


OtoTotawd Mr.


**ltb* beard tor dMbMBa.
of Mr. Bata, to* ebalr-

• ST.:

Men’s heaiy Corduroy Pants, wdtt^ade. worth
$9.00. for'...'....... ■-..................... ....................... S1.SS
Men's black Worsted Suits. $5 values, for....... $2i»S

Boys'three-piece Knee Pant Suits........................ $1.4#

V a acarlct ehi* back to
^tbaatoBacb. U tb* bodr
. i*WMk.tb«r(laa.w«eiito
i look to tb* aoniach BiW
and ton to tot blood.

’^aUrfctaad the foltovtoteoM-


eiotbina and Gents’ Turnisblngs


. 1.. lad «o<«b
; inBemrd era. {Bofal
It iu »Aa
- er eB*ct*
cflcct* n
•f* pctb*p*
t0bedmd*dtb*atb*t--------*B —attock of
wtniilrol oo u.
_ tot
Tb* prraee who cooic* Mfely
innirb aa ettack ef frip. nan. womb.
r chiU!. U left to » eoodnton of peenltor

4SSi'S;^-Si22. o,-u«

to* etoffc Made to eoMpitaao* wttb tba
tonaant nniMi la vnaatBotodMltod toordarto ih*al

£ globe:

36 in. Black, guaranteed Taffeta Silk worth 1.3s for
30 in. Colored Taffeta Silks, worth 75c for.............
20 in. Coloied Moirie Velour, worth 75c for........... 4nc

. riss-iu;,.;

IdO o'clock.
Board eaUed to order br ctaaitM
BeUoaU; aUM

D. O. Enttotea r& Uk* Town-


l:80p. M.
Beard *aU*d G> otdto brohatrMai
BeUahUiaMA Idatat ^
Bab*. S. Waltor, Oak.
Fred B. Waikto. ObaltMto.


ObatoMi Btoek panaiMii

=««12S,’-b—..o.Beard eaUad to orda br toMlTHaa.
BoUaaU: aU jmM paMU vtto

k of Onad SrtetoM Ooaatr.
B wa* rafanvd tb* petition ef
k. T. OadtcMaaaad BBsaCada-

8 to* torBaoU. Manna and BM i
•Band to^
I to* aManalot I

B. a “

betoaMBtoe tb* miwiI-aaae
taUaaftta* eoantr. bbI repan

'adopted b

arind. 1i w ant of tot tad mpakoea*
of tot trip, toal A* caatalMcant aa(K

bacan** if toe
ofditMtioa a^ nOritiaa aa* dnaM.
ton to* bed win not be eoo*eit*d M

A. a trtoU of toe jrip to* lon»i. and

marwMk.' The 6r*t UtcBpl. tocn. to



Cinens and Olhlte 6odd$

. Dr. Pi___________________
r ha* pnnd KbU peee
liulT valaahto not oiSy
to toejM
toco ' ^-----of the dleeaae bat alee to M&dtot.tto
bodr-hkb trip ba. andernrintd aoi to
«nn« dietaoe which an pran* to baton
ooI the eaiecbled ertocB. ^taDottaca*
toe Romach, beab lb* laof^ J pal6e* toe blood. ItpautlBwbekb^y
on a plane of epand end eicoree*

9000 yards Cotton Clieck^ Toweling. ev*ning sale
98x15 Cotton Cheeked Towels, worth 5c. for.........Oic

a Ttcrat

etoea toto to dooe^ body iM to.
toe** tewlu foDow toe aae ef -Goldc*
Medieal XMacovtry ■ to prwrtd by toe tantineor of toetnand* of w«*k. rondowa.

a ate tto* Bonlb I had


tronndaand bnlldtot. weald i«>


R*fe___ ______ __
balldi^. MfoUovt: Thnttve,---------at and tb* Inlto ^ ,indeed aad _____
nted, _____ toaak* to God aad M Or.
IVree. totoiT 1 fcd well, and *B •
Icaicai tneeoreiy.
Dtocoe^.' am
0 that toa «ntln tolactw now tM 1 ton
ny I BB oBrety well.'
and extoiar ef toe balldtoc be intoviirettod u
■tek peoidc an tovtud
•mM^Bo^ t^wM toidTht ra- ad tootodtoc to* On reef that waa pat
iwtad all MMtot ntottoc *o toa n laal ran; Mat all bad inaMr to (Tt Dr. Pisce'e
Pioee-e C
<Mdn Madkal 0»
eorerr. B 1 *nt aad fot it. aad
wa* bot fattoded wnb it akaac.
Wa~^o^ nMMBMiTiM
« alto
ea to*: weM
<d to* balldto« b* belwnat It woald CB* Be, en 1 wne* *»
Dr. ISemand t*n bto ByaynptanB.
______ and to* I
rzlT’.MWi all ntolihM* for th*
41* npbed toot 1 tod eetoffb of to* na«Btr. i i i
%^ a
beraedtoad broaMnli
MartoaatMltonlall to* MaaB aad wa*
nUanandB .
^MtT, and tint HBlaaito




53 inch all wool Broad Cloths .
9 inch all wool Black Camels Hair ■ ■ IjOO
49-inch all wool Black Satin Soulai.........1.15
43 inpb Black Silk Warp Henrietta........M9
54 inch Black Clay Worsted.................... 1.75





Wiil be Devoted Entirely to Crockery. Glassware. Tinware, and Craniteware.
PUin white Cop. and Saueen. lor.......
Glaas Water Seta (or...................... ............
Dccr«^ Cup. and Saucers for................


1. T«. Tb* doetot Hid I
. af toe fatontotol ,tnbaa.

Child's Button Dongola Shoes, sizes 9 to 5 ..
Infants' Moccasins, all cplors. per pair........... .. • -


Dr. Ptorec * Coldca Hedbal D
a*M* dinetly
whb tb*

A clean up of small lots of about 500 pairs of
ladies' Edward Stanwood Shoe Co. high grade
footwear in welts.hand turns and McKay's, pat­
ent and stock tips, some rope stitched, all iqo9
........... $1.77
styles. $3 and S3.50 values fo
Ladies' Dongola Shoes, sole leather counters,
stock tips.
tips, for.........................................................
Men's Plow Shoes, every pair solid, for....... -,.- -- S#c
Men s Dongola lace Shoes, not all solid, for........ «Sd

7a in. pure Linen Damask, worth 75c. for............... 45c

44 in. black plain and hgured Mohair- -



Misses' and Children's Cotton Ribbed Hose, up
from.......................................................................... ‘^-»c

SKot with • wt*k-body to to non^

ef tb* 0

Sttoi it abalT’be to eiaBteeM
pact aU elBia* MMlM ito ornty.
__________ t. vbeoa daUea 1

.pOrttoarr npotai* reaolta to

sssr .'H.sSV';

aalritioa-aacb a* heart.
Unr. lane*, telntya. etc.
If ron ■vet a Botoa,
towt. Uroa*urTttoaatMqaeb..roa
(tarn toe orfana it feed*. Bat Ram.

itoad to Mid pMWau.
AU of wbteh 1* raw

^ bMoo ef Mr. Maana th* beard
rnJ & Walk*. C
BmV. K.
V Walta.
U-.lo... Clark.

Uitotot of a oeaatr

... iMBfOtoB.
abereb wa* nada to Ear.
IbeaiaMMti Batnidar sifbt daitnc
Oo niotiee
of Ur.Clenland tb*
thaUtbwind. Sondar monlnc «arir fltotooutrladi
wa* Biaatoil tb* priTlUf*
aUovlat tre*
b* MlMed theoiMl aoviafot bU
efrutotaU of to* eoart bou* ooi to
Toaaton. rMffal last
aloaa neiefabor bad foMe avar vitt
hli oUabMa. b* Itailiaul—t to tod
U* fMT* wan Man tt
_______iUi of Mr. Qliiaiaad
the pe..........................
l. hilt ma hMr.
;* rofartwJto tba eOMialtto*
MtoOrU* ohlokana
.1.1.1 unu. pomtb* poaltiT boa>* al«>.
U looMnc an read* aad Irldcaa
Tb* foUawloe
----------abw ter ttocfci of tb* thief Matsnn

Widnig^ toru itto. A. o. inr
"‘ndadApni^ im. SIcned.



tor of“tbe ...-hi.Ai-P of a (
waa laid era antil II





wa* ■

abaM for tb* parpeoa of i
laite tlmbtf lo^float wood,

John MalMuon
wwtb* Ttotta a< a paanUar fr«ak of


______ of Mr. OtmtoBl. toa n-



Tr*Tane Ooantr.

Mrinr. ia




------ *M<rt.atod..
to. >n.a) aMaW to-toto bMa b. al
Uo Motlooof Mr.
tb. aoM
ton* bobdnd ^ tttj
|g««d. al~ ttot to. Uwb W. tto. Man! b.
MokanoaM nalU
<«SMi doltar* wa* *Aittar«r
.. Ml to. CMatr
total 6«>
0 o’ol«___
br .aid Board wKboat retard to )a*t
Fred B. Walker. Obainoaa.
Bobt. B. Waltor. Olelt.
(ta»—l Mill

Foe tb* flnl tfB* In Mr JMft

Mtol Miittir tf

* •?" «»■»

». B* Dii till . IB mtd towa <r

tawMMMtd elnlBbsdtb*
b««U MeoUnsod wn not
,^«Ml«Mnor ^lj_ov
dlMd br 'tbeBaanl 01 —-

OUMCOb «Ml< o«l»T«d«> <»st*l»
p.eCTT for tb* poqalTMMet of cm
iMBModvleh. lb*
bar* pot op th* peto*
liar ai»
ai» eOB«>1
eOMpoUwl to pv
0*I>leMI tlM7
Rmm b*«f MBdwlOhM


4 -nS SS

View ef • M nt tf^.
Tta ■llT<r Mkn tiMWiI M> Ad.
BlaJ nsd Mn. BeUnr •• Vmi*U<

ntdlOOptooM: twoaBBdeUbn
1 dMlfs. on* •poKMUid
loTfav op l-Mimr • bM «h.f *d tb*
<B* nldn snd cf tb* osIm
BrMkl7B«B U»*o«bM.
TfcW* »•“
18,000 MbvMbM to th* flit.


Zinc Decorated Cuspidor, for...........
Good sized Tin Dippers, each...................
Good iiualitr Laundry Soap. I9 Urs for- Egg Beaters, each...................... .................
Scalloped edge Pie Tins, eadi.,................



Medium sized Tin Milk Pans for- •
A LUCKY PURCHASE-150 Granite Tea and
Coffee Pots, worth up to 75c. opening sale price
33c and
Medium size Wash Boilers tor.
Large sized poiitbed Carpet Hammers, for-.
Pre«d Steel Shelf Brackets, per pair..'............... 06c
Enameled handled Tracing Wheels ....................(«iic
3 barrels of Carpel I’acks. all nunber,................. 06c




pSitf S *2i

S' sr:.;ssi-“,scisssmi


1 18 Fi^t Street, Wurzburg Block

Traverse City. Mich.

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