Grand Traverse Herald, August 07, 1902

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Grand Traverse Herald, August 07, 1902


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


iSitmh W^vutfstw iijet'alJi.
araMI CraMiM BcraM

FortbeUlMMM d 1901 ••
ban OMd tile ft»«tMorti

■SaSS ererabovB U tbemarkd. AUtbe
la PUida,Obaeka.

aadStriptarbaUForricnaad Do-

mUc. Ibeae «e »0I make to
TnTCTse Qty Stitc Rank •^rorder
attbarenr lowaat prion.

J. A -maiMANTEl,
•wrntm. Ld4b«HcrdHBtT^.

A CcMnI Bwkiac BMtMM IMW

Ccat ittovd M TUK &9MU*.

""business CARDS.


8.«fsyi/8rw.r5^^ OF EVERY





"Ba MUluty ktofd hu. todalU
M aim.’- aba tbaa«bL amlladly
**Ttor baa* mad* ap at bM! uh.



In tba early day* af Aataat.

bnaament below tliem. wtae
-------- -‘dr way to PrnlUaDI*. btUbnU and idnc-lmnc eai> be ph
with thaw latlU of mt two citmu of Oya<-r Bay.
_________ M aad a pair ot beuileai ia
Om of them, apaakinc of “Tad&y."
Iba baek of hU btuoty. dtor* atowly TiMftrd that H wua no (anU^of hi*
- ) hb boaaa with a bappr far.-.
Mdhl^*' TtsWy'* trUd la
EllU wwa badly staiuad. aad bb Polly bald aoMhUx in bar boM.
Mtbint tMI wtowd aod enoklad
klOad mora tlma* thaa *Mvk.
UR» tok«».^iMn»»iii Ml ei 1
I the itm* Iba Umtad Smtaa eaaw
**“H.'**SdU wi* 10 grt Ihtanftw
teat to Ifwlnx Koaaavell tor a proatmolbae. Hatoa." aba wblapMad.
It wa* when iie wa* Rovarwat. Be
j^nkicabeaUy. "W** tl riebt lo take .netowubMu ter a Tomtlan, aad
be wua oui anyoyinc blmwK on hU
xuaas *0." rantM Uarrla (arm. Vou>« Trtoi Wua with him.
mmeuMV banilM »>• *•« taa tar awBT
OpMdtcB.AI.BlKL •
Yota*. "IfurwatM: and l« laid to bis .lad: "Say. pa)*.
xmaa 1* a amu wt aeaalaat mtmi‘ •'••.‘I*
•" **• **^
roDid you ellah that wtadmlllV
ML a* U* droUarr aa4 a^eftb* tUax'i all rlafal “
AMAt . UKl UBMWm V— ■ »1* wret an' aold vaib m
• f.^laloly,- aald Teddy, barer
oadtaad (taaiallel Hooker, i IhiDktnx-iliat ih* kid mt«ht try when
ad JaM dowa bUe that alia
aad ®l‘j^ srent
_s~. 'TIiaT maaibaTadoo. wal
Ibeacb. (mm Iba ataS tb y fairhf l» think lliai the hfavy ttml bladiw
__ da. and tha drwid
took Dito'l fararil tba old mao. o.- ware whiikiac almre .him nwtl <m*
AMl.kAt. Uk. UinBANtU.
tbabaalbad pamad i
bamdram wouasama WN- tbrt.’: b* added, taklnjt a n-w plpr of lliam mntM him on ll.e
,oo« CO.
from hit porkM and fatloe at it tup
bean tio
--------^b-i la^' wa bfoaatal a bi<
A>d l.T lia»l«ll«d
If there ain't Andrew Cal- Preaidaul RooaaTrll Hr woeld tmvf..
1^>„ .w.'k tam6^ lu
Plate Claaa. Staam Boiler and Accldeni Inaurance.
t«« drlMn' later tb*
» yard . What's be loat bU bcalna
A.ibrlTrNiUbtr napMsenp.
“Tba bl« blade vat (uar toebas
Ctobaanlntoad hiauaU tufubrly
Ibroacb bu kneIp. Hr war 'atanned
' boar OB wbat waa la(t oyw. aad PlreUda* nicb taUiag. 'kelbabaac
aa with tbr bloid pouribg town lib
(aer, and ibnn br oamr down. It
/. tb* flavalanrt man wa* a Mod l<-*aea (or ynaac TaddJ
U 8 Hi
bimbaxt maalh.-V
hi* way from por- whan ha aaw hi* (aihrr Twrarrd With
^•^Ha'a a (ood yoCif 'an." obeervad wfaobat popprd
fortOM. ha* rooucle.t ibr blood, and hr-toln't yal .Timfaad the
A«Ki>t»»irp^»^»»a"W tesUTraveraeCIty.MIcbK
Johnaon Block. Phone 73
■Tk and l•rTealTlactk.'
.Srrhi* ewT try it aom*
' tM.-nds
day; (or lir iirvar aaw bli falhtr Ilk*
Hut.Puoed.sBd vnotaWp.
Niakp luar «W BOW^SC Sitt .
(Town rabatt on popoora and BU
Tr.l.!v dia. "-Nrw York Ttmaa
Aiulaull Oir «NIUUEKFfsdli*aB(b,
sandy wbll.- Uavplm t au.l hi*
tw mi* blm alone uu
« blk-aU aruaad TVTalBFS IW
art and aiatara huYa xtown rich
p. alt'" cried Hami
‘It yon want to make iuoai'V.''a*vs
ubd ***
li man who ha* made it, -don't
’'rii tok'arwt'hlm, "mldltti lito. tm*l
to lack
Bake ap your mind
Yee •boBld net »**l*c» ny pa« «l
wbal the people arahl. make yonraaP
70.T lollcO for tiK U.R of Toll.t Aniof «a> aorta ot Mod Yitirta
brliaY* tfial they will piy for it. aad
Aboat «ao.ciu(l.»> ot«*a (taa
tb.‘B KiTa it to ilii bi “
laid on Amrrimn railroad*
Baok in I8KI llaimifaray
ii.Ouiarw Ilea ate mialrad
oettier la Ulateland aud l<
tlaiod rlchl in tba moreln.’ "
for r.-»rWBla Thr awonnl
PoUy patted him on tba arm. “ Yoa
POWDERS, Me.. »r* « plMllfol h«* of iJi!Sb*'iu“«5uitrrrtiur^ W^
umber u*rd rvarr yrat for tie*
The oora amrlt appeiUiufi anil Hum
aiu k eomfoR ta li/c. 'OaL' tb* taid
D. I* aqoiYalaal to :i.<RU.UXl.<W0,
M falSM wttbln tb« n«ob of alt Mo
"I don't know what we abtald do pbioy waa hoaKTT He jiiiKlnl a
feat of Vimh.-.
^mber. Tbrrr
...... ........................
are bow an^email qaaniiiy of very «mUl eh
mattet «ba( fB«lilou daoiaiid* for tb«
without yon."
triy ;,»I».UUU lrl.-^|ih l«to.
tb* pookel of hit won troo
aboBl the boUory with as ap- “8bo<’mldtb*oU (allow,
improvMBi.-al of tb. bair.ikiB or lM4b
a.aragr life .da trliwraph )«b
oUEmnlatMl the rnm roratlmeaud
raotad. "I don't d.< notbln'
boat Ihe'D yrv*. *0 tied eaarly IMtban boBfibi aime Tbeu
___ —_____
lie did a bit it aboat
wa are bum ad'ln. an' w* hi
of thlnki
thlnklny He ootloed that tlie |s
pop- 000 IMW |elrr are rrqeirad erary year
JA8.G. JOHNSON. door. Uar tliln dtwk* wwo
pWln-an-a fioiPd tiB*. 8upp
for tenawaU Tbrar ngar** do not (a1 by the Taodat waao'l mi
with «xeiiam«>laiid aiMtloo, aod fa
r^ ta abont haU an' I
1 thr
•*- pole*

rlad* lalapl.oea inlfa
oTa' nioper, bat Ibai thr m
tboneblfal brown aye* ware anoatt
ra^tn-d on aaw tailwa;
ible in *eUiu« k
ally UrfY aod brlrbL
* S?*'mrrled In the bwrtaa tbaa
Tha total aniiaal onn*a
“I'm looktux for I»1U.” aba
walked out u lb* ban. “Two likely Um aad poira I.
'Wy aaad 10 bava a lol ed ■ala an- porly.'n* nmlnalao. “an'
Hew they bar ■nwasl ap
aona ot goo>l viri
•■Patl." wtboad Polly, b
^y. why I Hattb'a 'meal twenty- family. oMtlaliDg of Harlow. UaviiC
bmM and niuiarlf. had ooiua to
■aoL "Whal tlo yoo waol wl----•FTtu year* old.
UirTelaad from Haroo oeaoty. A wood owl m a aiarla jmt U aqaal
Tb. bb ai«bl-4>ab >■ ap to Iba ■ar­
vmeuaW. I.Mt.nKB fur i>dA '.iip.x
Bortcaf* on thr farm had Iwrn tore. to Ilia prodaot of (ally k.OX) aeraa of
ret. 1 flllad U with walar. and put It
(rowlb hardwood land
jn u4 rtm: ua «i»l n.0: (."I
: thara for a fin a.llnfiolabar The alx
aod boot trvra t.-qaln- at laaol
I quart IS town Id Uia oallar full of lo- er^“*B°^*d'nrk liay-tok. and m-t oat of town. Their idea in eou- leot*
it mTafuly two ^ amw inp to tail eliT wa* to begin all over son.oou oord*
I'mad* (ram wed.
acain. and tbi* tbay did. lu fael,
A few uiDuM Utar i
lartrr ha* baaa daUa-y be«BO aevaral tim,*. Had look
water from the attle a
ibin.tba la*f forty
------- " -'--and tb* ofiriiM tbay valopad only
a howl of todiKuatloo-------------------.etoira dinsu;mrlor window, and a email bey.
that Umr M*
wrathful and drlpplni, tore into Iba
they wore
oooiBBiptloii ot wood papar |
•• Who doiB. it • ha yrllad, jumptnc mnob bat lb* farm an a Mod aax
aqalralaiii to ovor HtM>r>.»a
ap aod down Wfora fata aM ' ' '
An' UUIa by IltU* wa'vr ran doom
l.-al of tiBbar. (or which
rhich It woald
tlir family,
"Wh.. doua it. IsayV
lerpaddlia' barrtaa I didn't raaly
tary. were tbr tnaa all crowlBf
Ilwa* acIto't. EIU>;
ElUr; it muM baTt been
■I didn't.
itaar. to i-ot enaa awaa of
poorrd my paU
your Aunt HaUla-aba
It WO0.IA - Uab Uai law.
y Blatakc. 1 fataa
of water on y bjmlatakc.
II I too bad.
nM. rn bdp yo«
•Wlmr*'* yoans Onikat. I want, iraa no meaty lu maklne nupiN-r*.
i Why. yea at* not kaow. hi* tboocbw waatocod on. •;
Iboccbt aarr b* an' HatUt Woal andBompiiray tWeidrd lu- had one
very w*'
•live voloanb creap* of Iba
—'- - maieb, bat thayfaU oat BOra (aUarr ob I.U haada
He eoeeladad, bowerar. to me tlR>
"Vm toakad tbronib and throa(b.'
_ _ . New af they hadn't it
popper ap and to lie ala
I. '/br .t^sui 'gmp of vrdeaao**'
poiaatn^ He fM an old r
ifap and paalmd it by tiaod to <Otblr
loaib Aioartre.
park, wbera Ibera wa* a firai
iataad to.
to. BU
BUla Dob't
.ofaomr Iwanly-fiv* irnel
thow that BlfbL Tb* >maU of tb*
7 now. 0«l a doaebaa
wMA atn-lob eatt aad
iMCbl tb* etewd aad Humpfarry
, IB tba aao—yoa'Il dry o
rod of lb* Max'
s IS. That t^r '
a forkfel Ot bay
a few mtuutaa
Oamahal >bbui
ildiray nmoJod? i
«*r. "HaLjer
“lI'U tnkr tao dMlbnaU to dry m* into iba harm'*
A Tho Oontral
___ _____y in oora ibab Ja
1. • taid tor .•■■ot-yrar old.
old *lBoer,"b*
aad be and lb* anUrv family itot
ore ibr-rful
ral: "ttarar.
--thTeM. m
niBYbe. b* <>• Smf
111.' buktiwM. A* faal a* they '
<r doabtfnlly.
Idrd. rather
u and waol fold* of Hie Uarrtable tbay fiot other oaru. —'
>a mav haY* I
arTBM'iuua, (rlnctnc IM hel •
raania-M year afo eom* TbankteiYh of Uualamala. Han tbilyadar.
iu(. 1 kle ta* btm new to> k4a way
piek thatu out. Kill*.
osia llica Tilt* 1* i*[aiM*Nl
The aboard oor paemUy aot^ad he doe* a. • Hrra. dartat.'aay* be.
be HrtiiM HTTNip on Uw bOttb
out of Ibr woodah-YLtiitbUy olutohta •tliliooltliyarowa. Haowaatofa*
larg.- iMB-tokitBla area, tba
voK from tb* door. In ISM They
tbr two larjrH.1 eakat tba pan had
ranlad a"bOl*-lo tba waH" OD Kuelld
from tba AtSZ yoloaorraa by .
nvanaur. in front of a fiab market
be. uBd trwt him aeeordln'.
g( Panapm. wh*re no
remarked to hi* eaaily aoetl
■Lordl bottbam BaltoeawM-- prerporml. Tbay tBTmiled a kind ot apUva ablMOiw ara laobd.
toead. li took tba DoMar Ibraa pulled toady and that prtned a Mod
yehmaoaa of tba Wind­
ward iilanda.- Jmarkfnc tba aaotara
All the wool in the region wanted. Am just back from the
■aw of Iha^aarHMM M M
East, and have arranged with eastern mills to use all the
asbt to foy. to ther aaiirad oualrel
wool from this section of the country. 1 can alTord to i
ot Kuelld Bmto and Fon-at Oily i«rk mtor of" tba^-SSttlNWB ' Bmmua,
.la oo* day. dariof •'bom* w^“ ilaadiuaaat aadwaai.aad imUal
the highest outside market prices in cash. Will also I
- a Oaotral Amattaan xionp atmi-.
to Iliad
hides and ginseng.
berrlea! .,____
M in tb* eoBBiry.aad UnB;di.
OB the draaoar and
a of Atoka and A*
fi. Tb
r!*Sa to drlYt to towB the boxt day to do
■ Thera'* DO time to '
Alantma Ulaada
t«*taia lei i* fall ol
Office and Watrhotiae, 7S2 E. Froot 8l
CiUiena Pbtmr 4x] U. plak. aad nobody
BaU Phona 180.
___I from
■I oat thi* moralnx
and EUianad
(FW ywtr* UM *y* laadln* yoang
fla*a«*'.. I want y
aa ol UOTletlown Mtbwv4 to «raKt
etlTl U.......................
iBixem aaiman. the afed pro|riyI hj iBiwopar brtakwp nod
r of tb* Billman beam, who
totoluw of lb* animal whUa yeaac.
Jam raeevrrtnc from a loog til*
U a^r btofa-mraac aad lU-tcmiaw!a“a*d.l!:rto tl
ad boraaa Sat talk, aod lba*a *ty thine!” aba
hancUad- srllh more aovoa**
aauo by liaauirrt t*o or
Try some of the appetizing preparations of health
inc abd
id paUaae*
imUaiie* tbaa by
b; aeaara amm-.mmaat"
„ wbim
irbimi ■-orrall■-orrally make maMaa
------ .'IraalUa ii.“ml4H*r.
foods we cany, such as Malta Vita, Grain-O,
out BmH*l -rm
OCX gouff tn aal ibem I'm Mine to ItL Mlnmnly. “8ba Htu* aa maeh la I'll amad beald* lb* lu>le wfaaa
Pillsbury's Vitos. Grape Sugar Flakes, etc., etc.
w rala*
rale* la a mm
of tbU am
aril them. Polly. '
,0* U like a drrmn. Sow wUl II
Jut a Bootta laur death clalmad will meeaad In eo* mao 1* o.
Many people use them in place of meat.
so, Polly? "
ot of the By* yoanc awa. Pelar another, to Ibat a dHaox moM axmBar tlatar tbook bat band. Wa «a laaaea. a liala. aUO^ (allow, died ctaaModJadgaM-ot-'-hAa* mMN"~
younn'l paddle barrlFu."
( a aaddaa Uloam. Billman ba.1 .................. .eJeSi-k;
Hatrial hopped off Ih* drc«*ar. I
mm'“ tbe ^ toeldrdly.
jtooo wbera It stmU b*
(aorral. tn two moo tba mar. ela**lytolotaU.
wIial'i.BMr*. I'm mMc to! Too are
and sHtb ibr tri* Oca
S48 Front Stroot Ming vilb ma. too. We bead arwy (or* tbelr pcoapaotly)
John «Mly. aaoHier of (be party, llkaly
BroMsh Blook
atopplng Hi* drlror aboold my
tboofibi of Unylnc tbaly
died Mr. Billman balpad u daomaM <d
" ibeocatoff aad laniu-ar
Gal bod enrvfaUr eow
hi* cnafcal wlib Bowara Jamaa KUmI. -‘WhoL
lb>' hanam fa *to*
from ylaw. aad tbria «
a ctanl in baaltb and attaoirtk wai
lb* otJaM of
tbr third of tiie croup of fit* tu b<
(« a few dolinra Pot yoor pnd* lb
oaiua to tba beyoBd. TbU dealt
laimrely in IbU way aad ka
«am* wllbtn two yaara Blllmva, u momrala
tb* tamporary abaaoea of tba andew alar maae oat of tm tba aalmol wiU
you sboold be. Oooduaa* fceowu— ub*
Hat took ap lb* ralba “Ta klb tU mkar. made m* roach l»r (or tba fo*M« >(• taellnaHao lo balk aad will
Komattbe Brat biddloc. Iliaalw.
1 barilitar
tier woman
Pear year* pataod
and Preel
;bc ateppad
Boyalbcar. Ibr foarth of tbr uaHy will alsray* prodaee brttar^jmalla
and kiiuad
-taa!" o>iir**i *aatdor ' — arowd baalde tba (ta*a.
ril cm Kra Dabb^ M *M
and bunt ap 'OaL' H* at tot. wl'tb a hard UttM rlac » bar Kaal Toaac. tba root tramuxot os
a yeaaetc clUama of Ooytotosra.
meadow •—
'^^Btoito*'!'*BpUad PoUy. m___
I* tb* Sftb aad tot of tba croop
W* coo
id bl* dtath aeoarrad lb* po*l sraek yOBaaftba firattopa ofoa BIk la
tomad bar bead, and (alt
prortto htmmlf wttta obaim amda
to ■eoa. boptac U> laaafil & baaltb. o
liaf. “I'm a fool to mm tS%»tk Maclrm wbm a
for biw tmndkareblaf.
dtMmebmortha aplmdid waidU.
- l-tial* it )o*t a* mask a* yoa
afaleb ba sraott ea bU wmub ^ala ar
fobaraobUktortac. lllaa kodm
"^lalb^ taiBad a bmd la (to »
man MtIbc a wMlMl betw
a an amaoMklac diarma* W tba
llai^'!' ortat Polly; ''It'*
____ mr wapdH U aoiad. In Wfomdiow OBtSirr- Bto ctaBoad aal*
taw aloma ««.eoo tote bar« uilad Ik
'Ntr-Hariiai'i (am wa* I
tb* pwk foor years for tbair liikra.
1 la otoao. h*r ■ymmartoc
MBlckt at bm beam'* «sza. Tbaa Ibo
I* at bar Booth Oarolllim homo 8
___ I f« yaara
hare do* Iba »H«k*a*t Idea that aar
Eorepa. aopoetal
airly aa' dHyaW tom sHIb 'am.
bar cd Iba Uto it awara of Chte
lb* doe da Uitow. Md baUar* tha* who* tba
______________ ai MUaa. Ilaiy.
WtomMU mitare ba* born *a«^
0. lor aboat •» yaara Her toJtW oto IL la tbla arao* a mbiritoa
M attmtodtto skUBtloB rftbaM- ma*> ba faobd tar itaa taifttp, Wm
imiod m y^r^
TuS^TaDy will
wbat ye'ta op tar?"
fill Imf-*—'r •- kto tool. Tb*(*
“Ko;«t£oacbiwa woaldal

Real BtatC“* Insurance




207 E. Front Street,





Tire Insurance!

Money to Loan on Imfrorcd Real Estate Only.




w’ittafSilSwsLSWaf ’
AWii^-Jissr ‘





........... .

Fine Farms Cheap as Dirt.

Cb«»t •r« Bsrgtias.

% % 6rattd Craptrse Land.O-





NMD MPinO 1 l«DI»«» or. Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats. Sausages, Etc.
.fwM Mats Mb I.
IsM pMN bMb t» 1

Tr.v.rMOWy. I.




pri_ORIST ’tsrrj.'Srr™



ME- .°!!r.Y*‘j“..iaa


PBRE Marquette
wMMwf.fcrOMt. rMBww. «<M
aw..Ui«aw, »a»aw.
wra«ttnmw« pwmw. isa-u. •:

■ : t> llA B. l to* P u.
raaSBanaite •nalafa bwa
^0*u boa^ appolBa

aoo Aor* ^APm tor Sail*.
Teo aad oeeJiaH aukt 6oa good maifccL . Good mO, taeMly
patrdlr loam, wae dar. Fifty acre, timber, «fiU brii« $A#00 at
market; 5 acw oodurd; *T aeren teedmf; 19 bcte* pMatoe*; fiacre*
Mtt: *0 acre* wheu; 8 acre* «nt Balaace oT bad, mdodmg
_>A tf—Nut ior fwMiire. Good 8*reom bouse, with Hooe hue- '
meet Good e-roam tenaat boone, «ume fouaduiem. Feed-mai
30.80. 9-Mry aad baumeai. with toob to nbeUlag aad friadiag
cam. Tool hoeae *4x40, cm tume fomdatioa. 3uemeat bam
BftxGO aad *4x40, Booe baiemml Wm edl with
tire rrwnrtona it pace. Ptto *#,800 if aold at oece. Term,
oae-tonth do«. babace to nh. er wiU take dty (wopeny or imaBer
tom m part paymeiit
816 West Tealb Street.

if you are thinking of buying anything in the way of

do not fail to look tW our large line of bandsoine artidet. We mbo carry a 6oe stock of V^iAl^ES.
CU>CKS. JEWELRY, ETC Spectacle Fitting a
specialty. Watch and Clock Repairing-tbe ^st
grade (rf work done.


Si. "in"





J~- 3ST. TWT A.TtTJ-Nigg:


NA/ool NA/arvtod



***^ ‘ SS^lM^tb^ |SiiSJ-**-l5

;r¥4r?r’ESTJ.v£S'.i.-7s: slt'r.N'r'is;! „?3rNSS-’"?i:
JL?T “

Food For Summor Weather!


ii. sysra.'TJr.'i Kt

J. J.


is-T .s ■

Cbeese! Cheese!

Eii,s s'l; ':-£.?.S£“?eS

r-IDicbiflan Tull £ream,
\ E^m, Pineapple,
l^lmburger. Brick,
mcCaren’s Imperial.

2S£ S.^5

If your appetite craves for any of the
above cheeses, we can furnish yourwants
with an article that will give sati;faction.
Try some.


^i^MBldn't." mid ito Ota man:

-•—I '

aow ptaakod tm m
to tba am of worn.

tb* ratal aommodm of toair

M. U tham IkiMthavH.

omty think bataaU; torn m„Wly. I


taeJUM saad^^M^Sto m

immitotomi fibM a*»ol*lac m tka

^ss-'sSLSTi.aa IM 01 SAS tono pw mtodo


UfWb »*• “■
MkiatthaaebtS b «■ Tba fee

rlsd oat ta aU tas dstalls at tasaaeaaaly aapryabla sTtotag. Tb
WM *M7 UtUy IrMTital wita Qblasto laatMaa OktaM
paiasato aad'taaa
a Bra W. a
faBprtaa, a
ptolara Mr*.
1 iwtaa. a btoBllfel boni weed
ptolBfs fnuDS. aad Mr. Oartasd teealrsd tbs aoi

tb lutab
Mklw tb men ■ to t at lu «U oT
b the Matorr of tb* Mftt*

b* haU

Is tb taalb BfucloT oau ap with
aalato ilbU. a KIMUr «^»a
ttiWSMM U th* ____ mn*mmt will b aurt««. Tb* ObU. Mr. asd tba Oalbf aana to bat.
Bshadbto btttlag tb ballbttar
tbaaasretbr naa ea tb A«laa
MteaUe UMattoa to Um bIWi
«(th* thmtmgUmim at (b couBr MM. tat«v tfato* Uaa biM tot el
tto tlBM at tat. atia af wblata waa a
two banar. la tb ttolk. b aaw
b te <
» id«a and MiaalaM tb paofb
Mabd tb ftnt ball tbt oaar
of ara^ aeaBMtoltp t
Oaa. Baa. &)& larta et Oatnlt aaean la tb Bsaa. Spanglar airlatod
babaa nrj aaaigatta Is lUa ta- tatob. aad tb wmiaBatart naa
gard aad to bu tallaaaas te db tb Ibrawia. tataM la tlaw to totah
Eiatlar. vb alae soared. Celbr wai
•a. ia larta lyn i »»■
r— — (baa as tb feaatla to third, tat tb
fSM UtlalatiM to inrlda far 1b- aaidra eallad blai Mi. ttaeagh It dig
yaaraBtol U tha reada ef tb aWa sat look it to aoM at tb arovd. Bal
bto bato 8Bd». tat wttb lltUa aaa- it did ao damage. WiUlaiaabarg
sMa. Vow. havavar, aa Istaftot la atold aet aeare U thair tall, aad tb
balac addadvhleb abaeld tsaalt la gams aadad with tbs eaaat 6 to I la
aatloB br tb lattaatara wblab will toror ef tb Aarbaw.
gito MbaBatlal aaeearagaBaal to tb
Laalia Walefa aa|dn<d. glrlag aseai
■at aatlataeUto to. both Mama tb


____j by taanlaga U:
aataUraa ahaald to (dadgad
........... lOOlQOOOOt-l
• ooooooona-:
to aappert aaab lagltlaths. ta tbla
soaaaettoB It la aaaartd that tb caa•nato (toma trill amat agala la tlx
dltataa triia ara blag aap|«rtod tar aaat fatare far tb dMldlag gaaMot
tb MBlBBtleaa la tbla dlatrtetara tbmnaa. It trill prabbly b plays*
■m bsltoran la tb goad taada atora- to tas Twrlflh ttrmt diamead
■ast aad tblr Isfleaua aar b

DatreU Taatadar i

tlaa witfa tb Bamlaattoe bat a figb
la tb aasTtotlto dlnetsd agalaat
Mb dsBearaHn aaohlas vhtoh has
fSB aad OhalTMa VUtlag ef tb
lathar trith a atiaag ssaUfoTarlv
9Sdt ter tb rUat Baa.
BswtoaoaitoBdtotbfaaith bl>
lot aad tbsnby a atlagiag tobab was
aiBlnlatmil to OaBtoa aad tb «a. tabs whltb aaagbl to daws Darmad.
Ja^ Dstoad tt a goad eltto« ef
MtaMgaa. aad b asmtod bis best
asacto to attod blag pal ap far lb
totrllM. beoaato b kas* of tb
tapiliiBMi Of lb tab bafeta tb
party thUfaa Bal b «ai bobIm
'odaadbslag aatraag beUartr la
■diribi’ to daty cd paneaal latorttt*
b will oesspi lb aaa
Bat Jadgr DtoMd aaaaat aad
•at b alaeiad.
Bit aamlaillni
btod of aattlBg tb Taatltai ia lb
dwanutlt party et Mltaigto trill
dtrldatbem. «hUa ChaiM aeesptad hid deftot with appanet good
gnea. It aaaael ta aspsatod that b
«Ul go Ml at bit way to sMltt to tb
bsatuB af Deitod. Wbitlag It ta
be MBS peritioa. aad ataliB
tb ttoto atolral aaBBlMat. Denad


ids'll gii
_______ __ __________________ III. Wed
by sreetiif. tb eereBoaf- was per
rcsBsd tbt esltod tomsrrtageMr
Babrt B. Walter and Miss Edoi
Uoldswartb. twe of tb awri popolai
yaaag psafds ef ibU oity. Tb eera
May wet pMfMBad « 8* a'elael
la tlie itootaae ef cmly tb isstedlato
mUtlTea aad tb Kaldtworth rmldaaas tl (be aeroer of

•a)oyed after lbs gams. Dr. asd Kb.
roe aag, as did Mrs Pttkiaa
A. B. Bollidar gars soM
settoaa aad Hra HBUday

lad.. toriTsd ta lb oily to Friday

Dt. PkRe-s PkasBBt PeUets i
as csrrileBt Usatito. ssUsd to t

At a o'elaek Satuday aftoneon. i
tbbaw of tbs brlds. whlahliaa be
bMatirally dseeratod far the oeeasla
Bev. W. T. Woodboose perterBsd t
eereBBoy whlcli aaftod ta BBirta
Itr. Will J Oreen aad Him BdltL
BesaelL The oereBnay wm perform­
ed is Um preeeaoe of only lb imae.
dieto frieeds aad reUtlret of lb
ototnettag parties. Mr. BtoeM Batns best mb. asd Mbs Bda

Both bride aad f
Baay frisads wbo will ealu la
eoogratalatltaa and baB
tiaay ralaable aad baaslfal praeeats
la tb SMtb parlor, Id** ta fraot of
aueeted tbe astoan ef tblr frisads.
tb large by wladow. Tbe >rBi wm
Tbsy will redds aa WmI Mialb
Bllax and
t peas, with palss and tern fto

gnests foond tblr partasrs by aea
of luy faas. srora. b lb<' ladia
tblr bir aad by tb gstatlasssn

Mrs Prsd Hantor gstrs a'dsligbtfal
tbiBblr party Tborsday aftoroooa In
booor of hst.garsl. Hws Laslla matworth et Oraad Baptds Aa OBOilpg
(fSkton of tb aftorooto wm a oootest
ta insiry writtag. Boob ^dy wm
firoD seas little artlrls or toy. aad
rwialrad to writ.- a posa with tb
arUclr M iDsplralloe. tb talass
daloty boxes of hoe boos wsn- gltoo

Kr. aad Mrs. Henry Vigor of tit
WsB Ttotb stTMl brs nmrosd boa
Ibalri trip to Tolsde, Hllwaakaa.
Otawa B.tofa and Oraad Baplda.
Hr. aad Hra Oto A. Blaksr of
WsriTtolh BrsM niamsd Monday
boa Oraad Rapids. Milwaakss. Ot.
Mwa Beach aad Freaoot.
Kohls Johasoo arill iMTs
aMrotag oo lb CtmrleroU for a two
wsaks trip to tb See and elbsr oertbarapotata
Pootnasar Raff Wtol to Feota this
Mra. Packard wsn
I Oily
lbs ill
taU>oratag. called tmrs by tbs
asm of Mra. Botoagfa.
Mr. mod. Hra Bslsa
sd to HsBitorg. Hlob
after a ririt with tbir ten. L. M.
Hr. aad Hrv ^ Coaob rktonod
to Manellaa. Ohio, this laeralag. afwith W. IL Cony
Mrs. John O. Ksnftata ef Orand
Rapids U 1a tbU elly. bring rsftin)

ssTTsd lour la ta<' aftornooo.

dngbain. LUDallsy.BiblOihbs.
Niu Bagbes. Ollls Falgbom. Bestli
Falgbaa. MyrUs Bopktas. Kellis
Urdis. daofc Bruadfooi, Herbert SnaMt, Oey Lenasrd. Bun Ksyoolds.
Os<nire MoKaarie. Ohsrlse Walsh.
Arnold Oouk. Wallis Laiaaa, Oalvia

Tbarsday sftenieoB Mia Kallle LCrowell enteiulniri
eobool clam of boys agd girls, talny
Id BBBber. at ber boas. 713 Monros
t. Boon after tb reb«ebB>-DU
of Ids enaa and oaks wer<- eorrsd tb
sune, giving tbe ebildna ao addliloanl rids abool town. Tb after
was a drllglilfnl mis for lb lit­
O. U mils aad family efRIooalag- tle folka
ua. III. an gaasB at Oasaa laa.
TbsdaaeeattbWs qBs.uog del
Ura R. W. Tsapstmll aad bagbtsr
Satarday srealag wai lbsiaotlse)oyof l^•oria 111. fonaarOaieBaTislIi
ef lb partlsa girsn there ibis seawarmly gnstod by friends ef
Ills resort oe Wednesday of thU weak. soa. whlsblsaylngagoodd.wL Abool
Thsir prsseeee added sacb to tlie eo- to oooplM were prossoi. and daacleg
till It bad seased to b
•yiaant of life at lb Inn.
and bd bscoiae early. The
Hra J. W. Tboqpsoa of Dstrotl

tag a few days wilb frtoads at
IsTOlt. IBS relanod to Oosaa I
tues bar rlril Wltl> Mlm Rsbi«m
Hra Obaa A. Batssa. aarm and
tar whits.
rhtlfreaotJaokseariiy. 111. an loThe bride Is aae af Ttarsras City's Mted at tar laa tortas balaaca of tb

lb btasrnp. H. KIBIer was li
OfsasU, ef Detroit aad otavs.
way. UbtodMMkeagpctaltolb Wsditsaday sBomiag ftsT. & Lea
Bde. aad thi tallMoald aet gs* paM. Haight will speak Bpaa*‘Woaas
WiUtoBsbarg dibu ef Im dMdU
oBwotato^ Sift taatag. talUag
apaa Baker, ta rilaas style. Tb
A^lvaa ha^ altMay made oas ta wUl preBde ores a Baosblae asriso
Wsdaeaday afseneoa, aad Blberi
r^Uag wtlha^---------Habbard, ef Boyorofi tana, i
to oP «
b y Oat. afu leotets Wsdassdny ersaing. Tfai
day aneraooti Prof ¥. A Rsrber. of
Ib TpsUsntl Knrmsl nslirgs will
Isetaie apse " Tb rel^lloo inf aaale
topasay.” HaslowiU bfauelshrsM ta tbBr batt.
ed dartag tb 'ouri^ttosi by Mim
Bdl tli^ns aU they aaaU da. Fb Asaato M. Stoddard. Mia Btaaeb
Demtag aad Mia Frederica
tat r^lli^Baaaaaed taaay taatag et OsWBt. Tbsir will b a amabm
^ gak^^itoafa^BtaM
ot papas by aaabtri of tb ameetottoa. laBadtag a paper on “Xb rise
at tab pvtaelogisal nbrri.“ wrltsb
by Mra. M. R a Betas aad

sd with b« falbr. Mr. UilMre, wb
sartvd oa a risil to Hew Yors tol
ras taksa ill oi. lb wsy.
Alfnd V. Frledrioh will Imrs to
Borrow for Aaa Arbor asd Port Bar

A dsligbtfal liay ride aad a
nallnw roasi wm eajnysd Tborsday
SToolagat Fnlghom'seampslBIrab
wnnd. Abet iweaty-arsyoeuf people for a rliil with frieaili aad nlallva
diDTt oat to tb resort ud spml lbs Id Si. Ignaos aad Haekitoo Islaad.
U li. Wbelsr ef Oasnoa U to tb
irsoliig Tsry pisomatly. A narsl
ow nast STM cws of tas plmstnt fee- city today.
Tb Bsabsra of tbe lawty
■rets; Beals Bedglrn, deals Koalan. BIrdis Bowaaa, Vida Bbmr.

Ml papalaa aad highly
yaaag ladiaa
8b U a .---------------- ,
aad falthfat laeabsr at tb Baptist
ebattb. wtare sb has bsen aa sBoh
sol werker, baUi In tlis ebareb aad ta
tas a T. P. U. Hsr frisads are
IlBltod aaly by tb uaiabor of
tlataBoss. aad ita bortlert good
BtoUyUlttae bod
maf all will atttad her. Bb
Ototad to ftaa Mb * bopalM eaadlthat. With Wbittag aadCBapaata WM fTBdMtod from tb Uigb Bcbnol
sTtot Moeday of tfaU weak wtjeytag
inBimii af tb maelilas aad tb free bre ta 1100 and b
from lb water, wm dsllgncfally ooot
tas bsanilsa of Omeaa.
tb dob booM. and sU preesnt
Tlis Bnt bp of tb kmoo was glsta tb party toBb U eer^ aad a daInd a Tity mjeyable time.
■a at tb laa laB Batnday eTsetligIMI far tb dMoafeilB ttbat folly lar yaaag i
A Twy tnjoyabls Ubs stm nperud.
One of tas daeet mnsleal eatertataiiiinf. Jadga DeiMd wUl b aa stale. Bsl
aaptaUa to tb
& Walter of Pits Imke. aad u rery Visitors froo all lb aearfay resorts meats tbt Ttaveres CUy piwplr brs
added to tb pieasan of U>e snaiag. boa fsroied wUb la a long liBs will
well kaawa tbato. where b fab
Him UaiT aad Hla Uonlon
b givaa at tasUoagregatiobl obstd.
of frisads. Be WMgmleatod from
tb Blgb tebool la 1900. with high Oraad Baplda, the yeeiig Udles who Angast Ittb. oadcr ib saspless of
being presldsBt ef tb elaas. blpedto.make Ufa at lb neon so lb 0- K. eodsty, Tb ooocen wlU
M girsB by Itanld Jafria tb fameu
elBM orator and eat of lb editors of plsasant lest ssasto. an with Mr.
Tblr Oelriolt toaor, wb wiU baaslitod
tb 8rB Bifb Sebool aoBaal. tb Tib- Dewsy again Ihii staeon.
taltoa to blB aaeag tbfoUowanof
Be WM erne of tae efaar- mulrUagnai additlwi aadattne- by Mra Rowley and Mia Roberts la
aambcit, Hra Prod Boorsr of
Bqaa aad tb rstalt Is obrlaat.
iadgs Danad eoBDOt baps to
Kan as Oily, ptaoo. Mia Blaaob
Bsnasi. rtolln. aad Fraal
Kr. Vader. Br.. took saRter at tb
reader. Hr. Jarris will scom bars
i retort last ersaiag.
from WlseoAta, wiwrs b- glres a
UtoakiM fa
I of tb bardest Itai eamiwlga. aad blag always aos
Xra Tompatat and Him. BsIgbM
eoneort la tlie (Aaatooqaa oeorae,
ef tb tooB popalar BOBbers «
^tot tb afuroota at Mndwayand WiU tator go
taaa 4M a tatag to WUllatutaeig
aoBMay. His Blgb aohool wart was Aashkalndga.
d«y. aad at :a lotolt.
rapled by lb war, tat brsMn. Piersto wmit fltatag bfon
fasUag so good tarn sraatag that Iby
psd a Isodsr at bis elM a pea hit
brsakfaB aad oaagbt at Aas fish.
ware altoastfaagglBg aaab lotfaar.
tatara to tebool week.
a Hewbaase oaUad . ae Mrt.
WM (Wily a Saw tbaa rilb goBa, aad
was sleatod oOBBiy alsR a
'Stole ysBarday.
WM warih two btu of oay aaa'l
itoPnOsr'BseoniUltoBttakBtb laUef tbytar
Mrs. Wllllaas west ta Aobs tn
J. W. BUtoi jBM reeeired a carload
■eaay. Tb that tkmt It was tm
talagaad oaagbtllD.
et oak bsdroea mitm from Kortb
■Ue arery aua irbe mw It« wlaasr aroattagtasaeaTeaUaeMapItoh of
Mrs. OartU wm a dallsr at taa
by at ImB a saartM.
Hn. J. H. Blakesles wset to MuIt was tb faaidaB ktad aft
Mia AUee Walt tpefti tb day s
sgoe wont yesterday for a risil wilb
bd WM ptayad tor aU Ibto wb ta Bs WM elsctod by a majority grsator
sttotag with HlB KsUie Imrdls.
It. CtM tb ftrst ball pllcbd to lb tbaa ital teaelrsd fay aay ether aaaAU psraOBB rsaliBg boali al Ihs
Mr. aod Mra P. L. Uregory of TolaalBaaostta tb iMt half efbt dtdatomrs oas oo tb tickoL
3rt maB glrs good secarity.
Ido. Ohio, ai.ired this moratag
' bath.
will b reBOmlnatod aad to
Volts aa sacitoMBl wm ersatsd
tor a rlsit with tb family of Olty
Vertre straight taatagi both tidto ed witbtot opposltlto tbU faa
lUBoralag wba tb osraers Of tb Olsrk Baprs. Mr. Ursgory U tereaaa
wwa btaaked. wlta tb
He y a preariasat asamtar (d tas j largo raft dlseossrod sb bad broke
ot tb Job priollng dspartau
tat tatbtrrt ball B tb taalb. tb Baotod Kstaodlst taareb ef tbU elty,
asny from sbers asd wasnowbento
tas Toledo Bee.
AtytaBStai tbab aya <b tb hall, when bU work Is paatly appteolatod
«a. tot by diligeet ssaieb tas
Hra. E. J. Bau aad bagfater brs
Md mads tb mbs Mfa,
id reiy slfratire. both ta tb ahueh wm fMDd bnlsd op In tlis dry dock
goaetoPUMby and SWatfordfora
a aaotaeCItoS.
Id la lb Bpwartb Lsogaa
Js aad Mean.
week's rlsit.
Btartr idlebd far WllHaMtarg.
Mr. aad Kn. Waller left Thoradsy
Olaytto Urdto. wb Ibi
Hla Anu D. Wells aad Mia Bss' ^ tas war b had tb Avtas asetatag for Old MIssIto where tby
tatodiaga weak ap at tao Klosdib, Be Wstb ot Debaoe. Ohio, an
ipsa a tow days. Tby will b at
I down to osap laB sTsalag geests of Mlm Ada L. Watsn.
dtaastag taewtado
• to tblr trifwds Id tato elty after brtaging seme fas haoklsbsrr
SspIsBbr lA
srintorgresW barrtoa
ao oatlag at Osdar aad Maple City,
Harphy. aad Ou.
Tbs Oraad Daks Boris, a
n ot
WUliaa Mosm aad Obaaecy Merm
famta ef old. aad BeaM. aad |»opU
tao par of Rosaia. tas aitind ta 8aa of Pfcass. Ohio, an geests of tb
•ftaat stripe, rwtaglaa likealmni
I tas laaiAy of Moaros Merm aad etb
door at balb tbtea feet wide aad
laUrto ta tas eUy.
tag by foai ton WM a alght to
and U at lake
Bat taey wtaw wUta it. af aoane. Orlea. aadsr lb aasidtos of tas Laks
tb prtoeipal tataK aa loagMlt It Orlto Assembly. AddrssM of weleisms
trill b girse Taesday srentag by
Baker pltobed a good gaaB, taeogh Bsr. Fcaak DiabL pastor of tas Orton
b WM a bU wild at Hbm.
OoBgrstottoaal ehbioh;Prsd Wistaad.
I bBIoeata to my talMrca SerefaU with aU ita
whto b did gM Oto tar e«
editor Orlea Rrrisw: Her. C. b. Ar>
aUndnat boRora. hamilUtien bad SBleriag. Tbta to a I
» away M that it eagfat tobToa
Bold. JsaMS Sobnnstiiornand Jadi


F. A. Oarrtoto Mairtial Bata
yaiartoy. aad wiU sptod afew sreefcs
rimy ef tb Y. H. a A., wb
a hems tf Gharim aad Ida
sen ta lb Hty for a fsw dayv Tsfl
dstfrtos. to Boalb Dtsistoa Bm
Her for Loag Inks, wbms b will
Mra A. Bale and daagbtor brs mtarnsd froB a Bx wseb' sislt la tas bead Sanday with l.b ooasla. P. C.

After tfaU tbs party repOiad to tbs
dtotag roan, whleb wdi'irettUy
wtib Biatalara ranso'


Scott’s Eanddoa
ris-xssir.- AmM

Babb oflta

at tanla. If Hr. Babball «ads Icata
ImUs ptato to Ura Hn. HabbaU
aseralng aad wlU «aU a few wmb
wUlMlaw faasbsri HMsaa
wita Bar. B. Hawatd Brows and
wlR aab Ibal oity tblr tatan baas.
U tot b trill paotoUyeeas
to TtaiBM Oily.

with a taa)o sola aad a oaks

Blgfatb aad Ploa itreeu. by Bar. W.
T. WaodliaoB. psstor of tb Baptist
Hm- brtds U a papslar yeaeg lady
ebarrli. asslsM by Bsv. H. Btoasdy.
who BOTcd hsre rtesatly from Tpsi
,Mtar of 'tb Beeaad Msibadlst
Tb groom it a well koowa
aad popalar yeaag aas. wb has bsea
onplayed ta the BsTsId oOee far tb
tb oeeastoB ta paloB. fetes. asiBto-

bdt groead.
Tb bridal eoapla enM
Kits Bdith BatUagt tad Mr. Oeofim
H. Oram, nte brttls were a beaalttBl
geWa of wlillc Ftroeh lawa. aad mtrted bride's rosea
The MdsaaBld
WM dalatily aUlmd ia sate batlsto

I Onto

A Medicine (or
Old People.

^ ‘o,sr-ha ?r ssXnrTgtt
tt. liimu. n

it to aadlllse today

glin'i'Blnlr* ^
W. Wbslota Wtot
..... ........ —
B. M.

___ ___________ _

___ _______ tgoniist.-|oii»r

^ tlnssi *s


Pbipsot Ksw York stats|.1^)iw
Is city to riiii blsaaols
r. aad Mrn. Job Bir-aisr. |

loBtnek of tba.
ban b foaad tbi
dMd aad bnrtsd: BUoalyllvii
atirmoewanlbirshilrdsn II* will
pnbbly tooals 1>

1 rr.-ii'-fc'..;-wssri.ssiss.7







mmmmiaM 'Mmmm
lui. .-m.-

'up ri witro,'.'w.'.-u.’,’:. !•;-;



t Idsiufbw

n ■■ Ji'ilKKoN s
rur itBV I., jse
* lU'.tHl'KOH




Tools that
I You Need
j This Fall."’

donosv bin wns tmk bcarit.


E. F.

I wu


Or. MilesMsrwaiCs., SMart, M.

Are you looking around for a good Corn Binder? We ask you to look at


Noted for Accuracy in Seeding and Perfection in Construction.


Headquarters for the Famous PAGE WIRE FENCE. I cam fur­
nish this fence in all sizes at Reasonable Prices.

dWue dwa£ritoW bad hlndsn
tb growth aad dt____,_____ of
^ritia. aad tb
fdiOd bom of bleed petoea. or <

Strictly up-to-date in all styles.

and armpi^ tntaiib ^tbbnd, r
pmcBceottabcfcatarorbcrcdatan mattertatbblood. Thtodnai
aod stmitby dtoeaae mifaemba ftadf asemriy ia tb gyrima a^
tb boon and ttoaaca. dcatnys tb red GotpMciM of tb blood. rsMitt





this stock at prices below the other dealers. We are always glad to see you whether |
you make a purchase or not.




New Phone 120 J

PUM. Ckp4.
Ck^ .B«
tm • VMM PiM.
M* MM •« tki fM).Mi mm
■mM teMMw.f tHiwipUi*.
■h* te «>)p tl 7M aU. M te PM
^ te kMB akU la «Mp asrlpMa
*a0haapMk*feapaa4lfeaf*TCfa al laplafUaCaataa
1 at Obaa O. Waatop.
-------- U tha haawaMui
wufcUf oi lha wall, with a laalua U

Aboat MMicM Mdap to 0

folia Ihou. B<
iraai hla alart ilffUf tuaacU
vuM praparaluT U aa aorip aUft
lu the lafcoa Tha aurahol'a lafona-

Mi af|iaa4i>Mii
traobU whao ha
h Ua dlaaoraip.
Mi I* a pe^ ■ _
■aorip 10 Doa
Twaalp «>a lanali at oil will ta
pteaaP «a tki wbM la OmbI {Mk. Moad U a |>al
aod diab
Oa«ta WaUa Oartoa. wha UUad
iBf. Xhap hare dtUdapaUf
UmT bp Uafclap aacboUaaeUtt
Ika Bwald Bqaan haul. Vow Yotk
. Ottp.aBdwbatettaaoUaiplM:*‘Ba
who diM tar Ui aeaBlrp la a hue:
bal he wba 4ka tw Mi taullp'a uka
uu a uaol to aaU puau,
a pnaUr
Uoala TUraw Bfadi paaie. U Iptog
a a ultkal aaodlUoa al bta pu
«ua Dur BMaaarllb. (nu bciag
wUntillp tot Witt hit ewa tap
Pattr-fav auaw^iio. m» at t
■rrr OaaU U Iha Uautp et tba
aMW uada. arc oew oHhu ao their
wop U O - *
Ublap ao

oMUulhaa«OUBaeflha»w|*»daet. AU the aaaula an larta uedoao wriaai, whaaa aarfeaa. which an
laMad al Itouaniu. Betobapa
Mwr pacu .U Java. wiU araiai
loaat Uoa aaeb. Tha urfwa
Will ha dlotribaud u the but adcaa^
Ufa at tha ntaaaa M Pbi
■aw Tub aad BoaUo.
■nd ----------------- . a patlaol wUfa
haalp caoaaapUoa. aalaaud bp (ha
■aw Talk Jaaroal at (ha yaodarWIi
OUate beu iOD e(hu oaaaa. mti aaot
ol(ha Joaroal'aaspaan u Frafaaatt
Had.lhaaulaael M*a»ri I**

. ao. Uioera W the world that Iba dieDr. BoTtb
«t Ua uadi
Pita haodba
■olkaeaMl t the eora m i( pnmaud. U bo f—tuaaowptina.
aad all Ml
bp (bcJaaraal
Saetatp. PTI AuariaoD Tiaai
. jpw Tark Oltp.
U U rnn>m« that (ha aaUu
WUI firt aa. atur a wUla. tiau at
loUwap wilhaot lalli, it aaeb aa aipiMita M ba allawed. Oa 1m

ad hf Maek. Ba
[ctfoiaa. Jaha.”
lad. fcU head diw tau

ymi old

towaoUp. ha hod pnauaa at uutd U
ea(:u treat at ‘
Bath acM ware hrobae. bal
broba tba feru wUk whfah Ua bto
Uiaii (ha dau aod <
ucadhte lUa.
raraot tfw hare baaa hatalaf it>
.•taeatoo aoealp. abaot tae utlu
waat at
uitp, tm tm dope, aod
latonrmeoa. Bararal a
Uk*a haao batoed. aad tba lau w a
oaMu at poall Bmbu opuaUra wlU
ThaoBfiaa raeu al tha Pm leak
pawu boon al tha Bee ic tha aoa
plaMUthe oitp whan it lau
nip U hare a riava U esnui
te haatlBf parpaut tha pur reaad.
Tha aoflaaara aap that ena aa Iha
utdap >■ aaaUBU. withoat
«n Iha atuaophan attalea a tcoipai
tha aac et a hurp
Aaowllaa at a
I el TekWfaa. Beat, tha
leul ulBlatwi anawap ao vaaotiaoi.

» U wBBid OM pap u tap a raU-

pUM at Om OI0. lad., hu haw U
■M* ot a ChiMa aaual MM*
am to two dapa, aad a Ml bM
Brtgga. to hut uerotagB aot balk. Tba U-

U waa ra-

iMataddiiroia, aodoaptaped
_ _ dauaMa U to tauUp at WUlooe la aeU U ban baw a neaan aod too KatuU at MaalaUi, wu amaUd
OB oaariMt fuUtpat papu wu uada. lau Bahwdap aigbl to 'to
Tba priUwea-eland U aU oaaapl tba A ihaafc to glO wu aatod ia
lau hp a uuU child aod aoolhu to
Ue wwk WM dooe u Mtadlplhot U U daaurvUla’a heck atoa
oauMa U dtoeru aap pul aaoaallad ahaek haartag to atgoettn


Thap tap. haw
(ha qaob
qaob^ at food* wu dm i
alat thaealhalla wUa Ou nplp tot aeoghl hia toM
tnua puBg waom la to wildi
nUU Thar an wi
vaaaau TltgUla. aad Wl
Mp» upuii UfUUdat Baupa
haaaouaka abatMquUtpat
Uao that uadc (ran atnw ai
ol, a lallread trala.
■Ml Ooldu at >Bwuk.. ■. J.. aad
ererpUiag elu tot
bU iMlIr WtU U oeu|
ilttoa hare, bat to
daab a dap te to i
■aifhban cautdalaad et to OaUan'
■aU at daaki aad U
ia tMTalul ai
aaduadUuakmad. C
Beau touna ban
• Ual tot wuM ba a bardUip. u ba Ueir aotira huto Tha diauu bahu ulaad todatouut. Ba wu gtowltt MUd -m~ Matt mmm
aaduadUutadaekadap bMI to U a taw baar^ ud uw to wbeU
' Baah at dOwMbUM.
bud It atberad. Tha h«au i
Tha waddiaf at Tu Blai.

I liiung gr—i-r- ----- toto

•wMu M bea«ai to UdOlB Ohlaate,
dn.«oaOnrlKtaaaUfiouBaw Teik

i«Hp rolkd o«l of Ibe' Central drpet
wlwn Trulliful Jainn opriMd bl« uaed iatorttp. Hr dlarerered tot bU frHow panriucvr wo*
a Bin wbu land to Irntb sl»re all
rtie. and hr uvr It le Urn at a buU
aalr rain.
He wai to -To" of Bruiti A Oe.
Be bad pat In a mlHlon dnlOn iratot
Mr. Bnub'e ripefUiKe eud r%TtalD
dUcomUa. He wa* miklns ■ Irip la
erder tn Have a |•'nwual (elk-with
druegteu. One of to dli.-ov»rtnVwa»
aa otntBeot wblrb wouM prvw hair
OB a Utd brad to two wrrka Tbtr*
■ a nor of It rUbt brfarr tbr owl'
a. Tbe luorbint RTowlh of In
Ur. Hou- bead bad all Rrowe
entree depo.
. dvaJ boUBM had been ruUIng (hr
prtrr of auapa. bnt Trnibful Jiiun
B<X Id (be rut. llli bouie bad Ua
fnelotp. 11 wa. not ■dlual.d In
nlto of a narah, n brre rxe; etkr of
anaa Imbibed a certain auoui
Uria. nur did K make ow u
of nta. doca. euoni. pmumi and poieeaU. Hlf fertnrp' wn built on a billtop. klmd bp tbr rialns ion
to eauor of ibe AlUnllr.
led wai ill U
srltea mined oa (be Bru
In UuoUna. and evrrp c
Blued tv a premure uf IW ]<uttndi to
tbr aqnan- lui-b before belue nenl fuTlb
Intu ttir world. Cruwurd bradi u*ed
II. aad rrerp Atnerlran arliturral cried
far It
Tnithfel Jiien went over bli rontr
apnkbo (be inth on aU unwilu
aod neeer furfetUng tint IdI.-ktUp
•trliplua Hone lu lUneim. al
tbeoeb br didn't du ao wril .. be bupnl
for. be UU (be fiMinditiuua uf bU
career on a lore aod rwHiin
Verp few of tbr rrlaU droccKli Lad
erer met with a truthful drummer.
Tbep were Im-llued to briirre Ibat
Tnitbful Jame. wn. no brttre Iban
to leH. Borne did nU beellatr to call
prerarlratur. and al (br
tcrmlBUa of bla ru«r br waa
eel of a drucHurr. bodp aud Inuo.

dwOi MU B iiMBdaaadUa


Stoo Reward. »IOO.

2:irts ss.

POiNTro pwiAoaaPtK
In n Ban*,
aaeb wud a

I "LSu'Mm^uVnTii
I ■iillii (Ml wUl

StOPB thB (rOMCh
and workB off tM Coldoa MuBon.



TtatBB Oltp


--------soaM bud. bleee. I_______
aeu at to ekta of anp aort laaBailp
celkeTod. Ill nmnioUp eared- Dou'i E. &. a. a oaaaaetwilhHenh ■Icblgu Uae ak Kutotae.
Al up drag eiom-


MaUegoa Fridap
plauec of tbr HcKialep
Map to
tiaos of to ban wen placed tompo-

pahle eanlaa aad prime mir law
week. Tb- inee waa M.COO. Tire
prim (Old, wfaleb arenged erer |3
per acre, la caeaidcred high.

HaallStr. Marie to' rlreliou
bp to Bike (or a qaeen of ibeir alreet
mnieal. wbiob
It week, has ber'Oa^bigfi
Hnls ud berth ektra.
LuTeTraeere. OitTPJOm f
dap and Fridap ela M. A
ud ceoneci with People's Tnasll Oo.
«-ll. O.F. AftAgk
M ll.

u m >'.....1

MI*«lB bps I-I««1B

m ( I'RK A (Oibir IW ovg iiAY

Ko aaoli thing u "ubbu cobBlnint ' wb.-ra Or. Fewlcr'i Baiiael
S^rild StrmwbWTp U kept budr.
gave to clip Katore-a tCBedp for etarp loooraaaa
Boow Pontiac w
lien a lum In work to otbTlie wred onlten bad Umr
A baking loaf of bread cBagbl tre
backa. and did aa more Uion U
Ui to orcu of a lletroll kllebaa- TM
get to lua of (he weed. Tbia dla- dwee smoke ud scgautlng sBell
1 to WOBUO. who Brand I
(Oaeed aelgfabon to think a 1(01001
witb Ibe aeptbra and rai
Or.' wu oo ud u alara wu toned
Job Of tbr work which
IQ. TM dieo-o made u heroic atalighted bp (lie wed ecUetn.
Uck uu the ovu ud soakad (M taaal.
TM oamage wu liBilad u> tire lou of
to rsciteBrnI of a lleelp r:
like boat nriiif nr ball plapiag,
will atnlo toir murclra and go
bOBe limping nod sum. Tim tbrp
are glad iIh-p hare P> tt7 Dieii' Biln
killer aa hand to looil..- to qoleerlog
«: to penelmb Hie mcicles with
_____ lib ttid Imllng ivwrr. It baa
relleeed to pain of two grnrmtiuo
of Am^unr
Large bnitiM PA anil


tb.- (amilp dtuer.

Tbs era* psr« ismi n «bs MedWrC.
wmlib aU oUr ewklsa ts bb ows
might as 1st pus a mtruaasl asm.
Wh) not be pout own UnJlord> Bup to kind )-ou want,
house, aore, larm or timlrcr
Uad. We have prppeny of
nearip eierp docriptton al
iricniad tenm to suit, t ail
lo-dA)', delap ite expeosi\e.
Aetivit) and jiush it the {.tier



lixallw BroBo^^^nbiae x*—
Us ranedr tbsi sores e oaM B un BB

Ueak.-goi. bcsli.ess aenareplaDSiag
to make (belt picnic cl lake Mlchigu
rark Aag It a record breaker. All of
tb.- sums ud laelcrles of to oltp
will . low (or IL A featnre of tbe dap
will be a rarlosd of walarmeloai ud
ball 1 carload of ooBee, wMra top



One Month Free!


.H .. u

-r, opis-rpenlnBarriock Blood Bluars glvei a mu 1 ]
enla It to M heard from lu to peacl. a elsBT Mod. au i.-live bnia. ailroiig. oemnt.ssmrUss osmmsssosM.
line. nlu. Tbret penre ago Bp-rrp
Oliver sel oat n-varal (reee that this
are well eile<l witb pmebek ..(
good life, ud there u an docM
iMt tbep will ri|»o la plentp of time
befon to froat cornea UUier's.-iparlBut Imi beu watebed with lb
bp othertarmars into vicloitp,
OBd top. too. ore now tmiorlng to
O <vr. Bsll BUe- sad msl
Bliark to pcaeb ealtare.
Pridar. Awguat 8. Crsm IB a m is
US U-gsru.




OcBlo cradlaa are again in .lemand
ud Uie alatoH (orgouu tool Imi
gained a iwMniaenee that It Ime uoi
aojoped (or manp a lug pear, all u
of Ibe W.-1 weather wblel.
I (M grids to aod Ibal
blBders oanaot be nied.

ilicMIuH-eofMK. T. F. KISSULLA-S STOCK, all icaiooiUe
mcrriian.liK. which we otirf it iboul SBc on to dollar, which mcani
levs ihan ihc ccai Io to maimilctuTei.
Profiti are not whal we cooshter In this case room is whit we want for our exteauve &U pur>
e in the near foture. Avail yourielf of

ita Uril
baMledbeae geodi.
Tbne are ualp a few apecli
to Uadlwort of Trutbfol Pan
hada't falrlp got otarird when Ibe rod
came-tot la.>be got p better thlag aad
quUtoroad. Tbemanager of a ttal dailp Drwipaprt beard of Mr.
acri Ua Btili-t lolegrllp. and. drangluc
aalaterview. be aald:
“1 want a ruree«>oodent to go to to
FtdllMilnve' ODC wbu will tell (be
(boogb to bmeeDe (all. Tbe nUrp
WlU be KM) pu weU. WlU po« Ukr
to pUcer
I ban te Ur at aur a
Trathfnl Jimn.
“.Not a Ur.”


■aUUUilBi. A- I., aoa .tuateu to
bapcBtl to aaotaep adl Ua JalL





Sec our 86 amt :n>c Black l>rc» (.oo-U-MiIl F-nd. al.. | 21c

See our Fine Silk Mull, a...............................................?:.............. 26c
See oqr 86c

TurkiU TowH. a,..................



See iHir fine White In.lia l.mens, yai.l wnllh at....................




See our OKlim Covens at...................................... .....>.............



K,w,.l Ho,


Exceptional Low Prices for this Sale on

Men’s. Youlhs’ and Boys’ Qollilng.
Our Shoe department has been crowded during the
entire sale and such bargains for Men. Women aod
Children—why you would not bidieve It unl(« you
see it yourself.

tSe Boston Store

For S3le!
Inquire at Grist Mill.


When in towiv
' ■S^TrTtiS.irSSI/tS
s _ __

on Saturday, Doni
Miss tha Spaciai
Clean Up Sale at


E. WilhBlm’s

ibe w<

I tore la IM
tie of ao animated Ufesweeerrsr.
Sbe of Bnatu wu miking pretwra-'
MO cm to third and fimrsU dM|>uruwe wbsw be mebrd to ride.

botpunhMddoap. •WddUugbtl^
And to weraen*

» SS8J0. Cp.

wHn. DnM. wMt U poor dab ddag
Mi^TcheckedO^^jiAc^ ptiee.................

•nOh. we are wartdag Mid ta gtt tM


ma> taouag of'SBto la (hrir ageu-

IIB Fbm Si.. 1


sale ptK-c........................................................................................................................90



......................... '.... 29c

See our SUM F.niUr,l Silki «..........................................................

Drv flfififli
........... ................... » all tneked Silk Warns


haBrllp oanaad with aUiMi aod Ua
. .
Tha aaoBU Iha ooaeh an anaegod la
Itplr, B u U gin
Iha air a faU rtow M Urn

See ou. ColM Taffeta Silksal....................

What's left Ilf T. V.

You caa p

[| you li.iv- not. you li;ivc missed one of the tH'r'-Ate« op.) >mi lilies .-vet .ilT ?rcd ttf the rctidents ol
the city anil surroiiailuiK cutinlry to secure Mer­
chandise at such (. xceptional low- htfures. Out ul con­
sideration amt in response tuthe requests of a lar|{e
number of nur customers who can only come to town
on Saturday, we have decided to continue our Mill
End Sale for the balance'or the week. Be sure
and avail yutirself of this great opportunity which
will posiiivcly close on :


Bat for tb« aceadeaU happrolag

a wbatdolB to be k

1. nns.

ar.; s;- “*■' “■

-Nut la tM Bligbteitr I want plala
facta. wKbeat tbe sUghtest ghmi. 1
JO a haUUa'tha .eeold Mve got a liar fur IlUO pte week,
bot I am after a tmthdil man.”
of Ua TtrUm:
took to perium and BlMd
Tbr awkward ana Mp aot bUaloW.
I am Mppp te annooDca
pot br alwapa wanta a dip at grdcr.
Ital fas BErSage a glut oncceas of It.
KotUng aaecmdi Ukr to.BaoBdU
_______ M. gUAD.
•enu aaUa BU aafca Id a (aUon.

- "OU OtaaluBuu" wlU all to rtf■ U aad Tto at lotaau paara.
au oeew allow toBUaa4» aow anA aatqec aoflaa hu put bua aau- 4ar toir fW aatUilgnwriaB oear
plaud 'bp to a * a lollrud M iU (hM—<hkBM Paflp Wrwa.
■aau Oan Uepc la Bahtoen. b
Udiilfait to to aacetaUaUbU
uafctaf topaaUu wipe
cailod u taapaoUu aaoto It itallp

or rent at Easy

Nurko& Frazer

See our Fine U-vis. worth 10c

udder .withoat

Bu wioU aad a dailp Uupon
at vnr lOD daipau It fcllUui Me
aod pauaiota U Kaaua 8aaU U
daM «. HaUhUua. to hM Urlof

Store .Tfiil hmi«ir for s;»lr-

Sec out Satin Siniw Challic. al..............

I0I-B02. Now hlfllbalm Block

i-ropplba wilL in Ume,
riciM-si soli
soil nnleu poa
exMnrt tbe riclM-sl
Kerttliiers to rmtom
r's Kerttlm
The arriml «( Natlnoal Presideet
TMv are aihe ontritioos elemuiA
obB MUcbell. of lire United Mine wavs reliable Bold bp .A P Urap.
Vorkera of America,

la Brm alwapa kept at leai
la of IVnivUo bark on t
___________ lu qululne waa ground
(nob leorilrr. Tbr grbulliig mllla were
kept open until 10 o'cluck BaUirdap
omlDga to Ui Sondap ardm.
Ula cheat protecturi were noi
ta awntabopa aad out of n
Ukee from to rag bag. but bp guakarnaia. neb of
iMtb ererp marslng. and of material
tuanfartnred cxpretalp for to lairpcar la an nrlualve faclorp uwurd bp
a nllgloaa woman.
Keap annlng battle neat out bp Ida
baoae waa Bmt loapected bp three
emlarat pbpalclant aa a ualtarp pnnUbB and tbea bp b cammltlrr trum
to Oamatock aocletp to are (bat outblag adectlbg to morn............................
taata ot AOKria aboul
BU Brm nlard Ita om u ai>uacra on
Ita owa ocean bed and from need
ftUIp arlected two pmra In adraoce.
Tbc.munl ebameter of each and mrp


Our Store During the
Past Week?

TH KU Y« Bm Unji li«M


rntire ,-stock o( Dry
(.roodv Ciothinj; anri
Sho« at .mti UtLOW

dave You Visited

For lA&BU tMi CUldraw


bau Bwolied *a<loo>.lr bp both ildec
(he eonl Biclug l aiittneercp. 1
miobell eamr- paeterdar and Uicnl«apM«(h
a fullag (bat before to week is o<
Tha apelooa whlah did aa uaah
■trike, which Ms been ou stooe
an oU fHrud aud (uund <wd<Ti
April I. will M a iblog nt to
made ool for bim In adrance. I b
Al Saalt Bte. Marie, a board of gortreaaured Op aumr uf (be trolba told
nortUaf toara. Ooa of to uo
iBBUt eugioenre Ms beu in aenloa
bp Tnnbfnl Jatntw during bla r
MTtebh haifOMd u Ohu A. Bee- aa a tgareUr and will give tbrm here
leurlag reeaauneudaiioes for ibwhewu U to peU et to ep- at an Inccntlic to li^onm
Mt method of eiludiBg to lock sps
etoe. Safaedea bla puau a ami.
>B. The board will reemmeofl the
He cUiined Out Ibe bot water
at dapoalt trea to Fint 8UU
eeaslraetioo of aa enlirelp new con­
o( Mudae to U.aoo. HU auld bp bU bourn bad cured
crete lock, which will glee UMKr ■*
Of WM btawB trou Uf bodp aad drrda of carra vf eularged liree.
rise to thnw o( tbe lirgesl shi|o
when oulp applied to Ibe (ret (
_ at it wu teoad eight aad tu patient.
to lakFK. Toecwiiil will be wid­
Mlu ton to aeue. while to aula purooa plattcnbtd dm wo need Ire ened to lb i feel.

aoddari^ thair ahaaon tha waeklp
hbora u below ptada, ao (bat (ha MUM an beiac prUtod ia the cil-

Md Croifht wUl hi takaa, aad a rafalutialBauUbllUid, Atlaeatituop
KMaaoblp ha azpaeled that Iha baudtw et aoah iteada wtU fault U tha

n ao TnthM danu Bau X aa
alM Tratbfal bauuc t noaot UO a
la. I wm fa u to nad wKh.peu
aadi. UU to tralb aader aU rirraac
UBcn. aad If 1 raaaol da » pniraot
me barieeu too to Bam I 'wlO
gtaOlp nalca."
Brtob bad arm nK.-llh a
tiBtbtel dnuBDer brfon. aad. tboagh
a litUe dooUtol aa la to rcpstiiHot.
ba amed U gire Tratbrol Jajen a
r. la a tew dapa tbe poeag aoe
nadp ta Oart eel. aad frm ear
ee and anutor I bare gtraned hia
lalnm aa a dnuaieer. lie war
DO a roou whlrti rxtredrd aa tar
weal aa lUtdo. lot bla dm objretlm
: wai Biuralo. Tbr Inlo wbkb


“**“““ **“^ —.m

IMuw gaon-ob.


25c $2.75 59c

«f tbe
" Isroee e a taaaelal ear.

jEfiSfiiiiii. '


thtoacb tba al9 today aa Ua w»y ••
Peaat bed**, ililflf e *a P«»
Otvie VhiM WaUM. at iaakaaonua. DL. vast to OM.aa tUa nataa lel of the aanear.
laea J. Weiwetb of CU«a«o e-at Park Plae.
W. 7. Utd. Mra Utd and Bewkad Lord, of XTaoBrllla. la. vaot
OMaaaynUirdar f« tba «*M of tba

W. P. Kaaaay tt Ibla alty wae e
Slorae Hatarday anaraeoe wbea tbe
body at Kahoe wa* broafbl U tioe
e a barb taafc. M-haq be waa
Mid U waa Keboa ba wae 1 .
... the l»*ady
M he elad a peraaaal upattaaaa b .
had with the dead eaa twety-dre «

For Lodiea* 4Sc

Fra Ladws' FLOU



Kite OigoadteA
cekwRl MuIRmc
wrath Ifrc lo SOc


Choice of any of

Mm't CoU.Ku-tc

Ur. Datnad wa> pwfeotly i
1‘antv *>•'»>
our Uro'A Sail*,
I.U aeeeee. w be ba. ta
wrath JIfrtojao.
.too. le dnt teoa«ht bU rea<
' BMtMf TiaronaOltypeepIa.
• an<aarad frae U» drat that tbea waa yean afo la Melabw,
- oaay waa e that tiae drieia* a <
•uaatfalai nbaeatial e tba pto>eC
Cwlth HIM Tr»fi« eeomimo- bo, bofora .maeri;i pR«r*e eaa e
ea.e >B deaeta* tbe aae^y ^ Oae Bifbt wbea hr arrired
Mr. aad Mn DarU ralaned ibU
Hee be pat ap al a hotel am
TiM 'BOhboiw 8tawr*
t» nrtey
aonta* to Booklord afar a rtelt
.yaaeand. Hr. Deaod axplata ■ the rreoia* a drwakea 1
bodr, and eifbt >•»>« r^>*
of way
1. by Jack Baboe. wbe Ifaen with Mn DarU- ^reala. Hr. aad
8.Bter MbMl eta«i aetod a* hwoMir ad tbat
keptawJoon laMaeietn. The dfoak Mn ieffMBoa of Ba« Prool etreat.
piaibaann. tha later drondax thrlr
ooaiof tbaBarreyUlbatTiolatty and war firM a bed ia tbe toas oa- E. W. Oraae weot la Cbeboyfan aa
boaqaae U>«U»
Ue Ue «»»»• «
Tba fall bMiw* verr FrlU Baitner. that diaOO weald be r«]otred to <e- oapied by Erboey. la tbe aunia* baelana todayof the earrey Ihreagh whea the Utter awake be fooad that Jeba Pitta Ufl thU aoralai
WallaM Lataae. OUrtaa lardia and fraytl
hU rooM BMt>- bad dtaapprand. aleo iriaeee trip to OadilUe, titelby aad
JaliB BnadTooL
Tte Wallaeet'ireto. wbloii ooar- to
The amooat Mr. Daiaod U aeek
Kaaaey-e watch aad aaatbar fold Hart.
UUU Bara i— -Mia LarlU BalUyIrfI tbU aetwU« Tnrarv City on Tanday. Aexo-t
aaitaatad. ItW. Hareba.rfal.depo- to rate hen. and later oa. wbee
watrfa wbtoh Keoaty bai broayhl to
IMh. U a .bow of Hie atylwel rlau.
dHao a«d .prlfbilr *.7. aadr be a mojeot ehall bare aaaaMed More ■
town for a ana ia Ik-atoaU^to fee n- » a riall at her beaa la Brart.
Dr. Braae wae ealUd to Onwa oe aad eUan la erery napeet. ll repn
torene. epaelallr aeon* He ««*•“ alkalial ahapa. fattbar aid will be re- pairrd. A warraal wae rwon oat for
U of le*tti(uat*
rofealoaal baelaan Ibl. aoreia*.
of tba UaeL The. •«» aleod al- qaired to aeoaie rlfbt of way la aod
uM wbo OMopted the roon wl
worth la the eircae b
ey bat Bel>ee. wbe wat a w
eel of the city. Witli I laaldHrvapa »e* of tbe play
aad dario# be lUoee aeay M a tla» Uanad «<<
deoUred that tbe draakee ei
lliabrlirTeaeae laqalra of be eeadUlon and lerial prtqtrrM will ba ande aad the dtd Bot take Um waiobee becaan
bria* be Dovet aod olbw> lorta* •ay opened te daaooiac tbe Uae. for biMMlf Imo lakn froa biw hie w
la eoae nan not tbr faall ot tbr
oMla tereal- waloh aad acary aad kept tbea aatil U
ladirldaal. bet It U doe a bli carbe left tba boat tU-next aorain*.
dta*a Seae an eo bedged la by
Call while atteodla* aolKiol aad Bern
lU euad that the aaa wbo
* ''
felly rnoncod tnm tlw altart. 8br ihle eity by Oot let. tbii
elalaed tliat he ted br.-o robbed dor>taaU tbe bret. and
waeywrtlallyiMmyBnl bet after leoaT- Hue to be bail! ftrat.
la* the Bi«ht. tat wae nareun.1
jorily of Ullorae eoar from a lock of
MloB with Ihr Wal.
iloidaoid- bla ptorarty wae retatiMd to bla by praetim rdaentioe Many go'thioafh
orr fnw this em^ 10 «alB oalll eb< Tbe BBeetlD* yeeterday ■
ot ill.WB
ooaaoo nboeU blgfa etaoaU aad aoeBbow aM a aiugle
waa eelaad bjrSJr laet lUBoea
ad that tbe Matlerabeald
demonlUiOK f<
aad It WM brIlcTed that
Then wa. etroo* hope of lier olU
Mr. Koaory earprelad that Kehoe Chla* aore lima a book kaowlrdfr.
duoe eo innta
jale raeoTrtj oaUl aboot 1 o’cloek tbe fOB raqaiiad bow eoald be eaelly ae ooDoerBrd la tte robbarj aad They are anabk to apply what they
tbe eiroa* a ted naiar. and
oflbewomlafOfbrrdnth. 8he wn railed, la order to fire the peopU uaed a anrta wamat for hU nlaea terr Inraed to iweMioel parpooM girr
deeoled tobtf frteade dario* her tick
a ehaaee to oooelder ‘
lU-iieaed. Tbrreealt me tte flad- TbU fallen- U dee to areral eaaeee.
wboleeoae amaerBrot.
Baaa aa-l wilooatloaallydoluf «».pebllo aaeUn* of eltl
IB* ot tte loM mtotee la Kehoe-e
Tbr aaaagmrof the Wallace Show
thin* for Iham. She deeply r**nttert
IB the ooaaeil nwm
' ilr rrary day life aad
keep all thrlr proBiaea, adn-rtUin*
(be neoMalty for mlaala* ber aoliool al*ht Di*tat at B o’elook, at wbleb ll U iMted that Btaee n-rer frit
They an iKd loetraetgledge.
aad DoUiiDg tbey do not expwl to glr--,
thU kBOwh
work, and daria* her illnen fRua Uwe tl U bellend that the pteaeat aoy R-Bone- tor tin- erime ter which ________ 10 am ethU
or, of little end oatefollydlveel tbelr p.-rfome..kaowledge U like a a
eearlet feret often exiarened a dreln>of the proaolenwlU
be wot cooTietad bat had deeltnd tbat
ralae aaliaa yoa koow I
eee of aiiylhmx and eri-ryllitn* ealeo
CM a rpaedy noerery. that ri.e Mbthi

ii« waa broaihl to a data* eloaa In
OlyMida. Waah. tbe other day. wb«)
Mr. Tntok Uowioe lad to tbe altar
Kta Hattie Mae Arery, foTMly of

tekloiof 1.1.I.C*'

Fait Colra P«r.
eoln, wrath 10c,




W xih G nod t,
wrath Kr to lllr.xr

8c yd
Kra Silkali nea.
worth lUc to Ifai
good iwnente.


I9c 5cyd



Men'. Ncyl>.:rv
Shins eilh H .IrlarhaUr
an.l . uifs

1-3 OFF
ii-cl'lar lex c-v.



42c $6.75

Off Goods and
Steinberg's HtHabU
Clothing douse. «

neeMB bar aobool work. 8be wae deTOtad to tbe Banday aobool. and while
111 wae oootiaaally laqalrla* aboat
bar Baa.lay acbool olaeaAad uaobrr.
Haay beaatlfBl floral offeria*e tretlfled-to tbe lore of a MolUted.-ol
frieade aad tbelr ey»pathy for the

After tbe oereMeoy Mr. aad Mn.
T 111------ ---------—
Maaiot left for Bmett. where Hr.
a B. Marnt eaaa Info Ua cl
Mean, ta aqpicad la boeioan.
Aba bride aad frooM ate wall known trea UUad laet mek, walkla* 00
ne ee labilaat ttel ba did
ia Tlaeow aty aad rtelaity. harta*
DM Teee*nlia hU frlnde on tbe
Mead hen away yaoia.
etrerl, and when owe of tl.ea alanud
him OB tbe back aad called lalo bie
J. A. HMtocoe and bU party toft ear. Mamy Barer kaew it. Aad It'e
aftwtete M tbatr tea daye’ U aboat tl>e railroad riyfat of way.
Mala M Haeaawa Patk. whae Bay There taaala new bot two pleei-e
wilt awlar the . Kv«^. ■> vUob of ptopaity betmeo thle city aad
they wake tba trip, la the not ' HartbpMt onr wbleb tbr T. a. L A
M. faae BM obtaloed tbe right of my.
«lwW^ yoobta U tUa nee <
ben two pleoM are a UD foM atrip
will be ot lent *0 aotriaa aaay of
BatMot Bay owata by Uahert
then tM Otlnto. Tte oeoaMow U
tbe aerewtb aaaaal rofaln ot tte Ooeanr. BBd a 4U aon MM'
M Mt. Olead at Omeaa
Tbe Mwty that went oa tba Kayatek
OM wan erttUd I
onadrio ot J. A MawUcaa aad eaa __________ . Mr. Marray aad Tnd Pntt
Hakert. a K. Back. TIoMr K. Mte- feel ao good that tbelr tmilee
^ae, A U Baateal aod Oaatfa H. Wide aad exIeotiT.-. Krrr tte

them w>-n two BMnteiBUo<
*M eran rriOi later.
HU ooUaely
Oaairii Uenrr P
aad tragic death clacM a eeantioaal
The Joint Oar»e*te Ukrary
Btepiar of Miehigaa-i ariaioal bi>Blttee met Uit erenla* to open and lory.
eoaelder tte preponU leeelred for a
riu for tbr new Cbratgie Uhrory.
tme WcaiUr'* Beoont.
Srreral araUable elMe wan offered at
left for Bew York ihU
rarioai prieue. bat the aort eentpin•oralag to partaana fall Mock of
oat iwopoelUoa eowMe traa Hen.
geode ter A W. MiUikeo.
taiet at the Ultbtodenale to the
oily foot lou, a Mlal freoMfe at l(x> Taren want to lined KaphU yi-aUrfeel oa Weal Kitml atreet. beciaato*
polat flfty feet weet of tba candy

^Mn. BelU Plaoe left yaturdey few
her boaui In Hnrtford. Mleh.. f<*
OoMor Uarbmt O. HotaUa and Dr.
I«bU SIpbar of TeUdo. Ubto.
geatU ot Or. Horlry.
Itea. Pnehaaka. Jr. left flatarday
Bight for Obieogo. la tbe iolereeu of
tbe Mioblgen SUrta Oa
Badolph Sebeok. oar oT the
Mr* of tbe MItaUga Search Uo. lain
city, a gaeat at Park PUoa.
Mn. Ueorgr W. Waltariiem
YpaiUatl. who baa bMo TUitiag MUa
NMita C. Ony f« the tam week, left
yeotoriUy for a riall M Bay View
Mr. au.l Mn. Joba Boa aad <Uagfater of EsUaaaoo on- tpeodlag a few
weekt wiUi Mn:. Boe' paraatt, Mr.
aad Mn. J. Witkop of Blawoal.

Tbr following yeaua OM^r laanw-d Uled U> offeod the moat featidioae.
W apply tbelr kaowledge ee tbey eoquirrHl U aod an now boldlu* good It U aorr ttel tbr oUlzen* will]
poelitone aad arr on tbr read to lae- giro tbe Onat Wallaoi- Show a hwuiy

nkkeeper al loou.
Aaan Brown, su


___ la. VlUoa. BUDOgr.npbrrat
am. Northpert. Mita.

rU H A N K B K u MaoUter
and ataaoMr dinet
Oo ee tialna Unviag Tnrorer OUy
P-JOa. a. MooW. Teceday. Tbere
day aad Trlday aad a M p. a Thora
day. Kaue fa.» our way. fa K> reaod

Broi . City.
P A. Mlicbell. a P Agl
Mildntb Dookeny. Slanegnpbe
OannlagteB. Agl
H W. C
and Bookkerper. Cltlama Telapbooe
Atanb BUok. Suoognpher to
Travers* City Markers.
Pattain A Ootaer
Paonle Bataar. CbabUt Karffwan
ThIaretKH-t la mnOn upon WMnea(Uyofa< ;n week. Tne Herald I* not
Joelr Norotny. SUeognpbor
lie tor chanoea In pricee.
Bookkeeinr. MoOoy A Boa.
Geo Haeera, Clerk. Aawrioaa

wliA oMA faaee Mte tank btel«. Hfaotem hcbhh.

needs replacing, perhaps.
just now .-IS liarvFSl tinii- npproachi-s a gootl supply
of Crockery is ,-ilways nwli-il. «*si><-ci:iUy ivhrn rxira
help is pr**s«*nt. Wi- can hdp you nicHy. Si-e hofp;

Diumtr PIsttM, 7 i»., S<^c ut
Cap*, 35e *tt pt 6
Deep Dishes tc, lOe, ISe,
An unusually tinr stock of Glassware al
surprisingly low prices.

C/Yp Book Store
Bshsrt Be*thtrC».,Prpp*.


OBI offer. Tbare haf bora
(Smr ears, prr
Traaifer Uo . Oily
of tbe araillWUty of a portioo of tbr
Ohaa Erull. Boekkeeper. TnTam
property poitaand by tbe eity for
Oily Iroo Worke. Ully.
UollUler. Bteaognpber.
BiarkrI eile. Tte paoe adjoining the
Uoioo atreeU teldge it a tnrtlealarly
daaInbU leeattsn. U II ie decided to
Ubaee aad Sawyer
DaUy Rote, BUBOgnpbar and
piece for tte library Mr.
Baaaali offen to donate diuio in eata
*^CteT’£tenuA'B^'^^ at Wei In.
ta the iBMOTBaaDt ot the groaada
or aay other porpoa the IroMoee delontlea of tee roatt mi dtdataly Unatao beak Tte ptopealllooa nWallir Lauaa. OUrk for A. V.
flxed. thty hare beaa tatala* a eettU- eeired, ineladiag itaota of Mr. Baa^redrita
mmt with A. Haano. At one Uae. aah. an aa folium:
' BM irohala tee ntanad ben ItUeUlBMd. be oSered to eettle far Hoa. Perry HanaaA Lota H. n. >4.
kMpEe foe Prank t---------tW and may aoe acarad tteU
BiTM Olty. wen te had ebarfe of tte fldOO, while tte eoapaay eSered btai aad«A H. A U Oo'MabdirUta—Gift.
baalom tdaearino at tbe Trarara
Hob. Parry SaBaab. dl.OOO
bteMbw a( tte M* plaat a( tte Beyat
ball of that. Thao It U oUtaed
Oity Bnalnea Oollagn dartng tba poM
Oty Tbaala* Oa. Tte pUat wnalMe Itet be nUod hU oattaatrof tte braiy U lotated en Daloa
•C Btaa rtnelaraa, laeladla* *e bite ralae cd tee propaty to be lakn aad ead of eity aaikM ailg-OUl.
Sam O. Cooley of the SuKont Bay
•scaUvnt poaiueu a are doing baalK. L. Aehtak Lm 11 aad part Ot Baxzoo is in the eily loday.
tewn. KUflD feat, teller aad anciae
Dna forlbaamlTM. TbU aobool hoa
naadxlK feet; abap dOidO: efBoe
of Ur papllf
C Coeapaon. who
flOatOaUaf hrtta: Inta teoarflOiflO. onbUlana. Wbea tbe aaltor flaally W. J. Hobba. LM A nae biota, toi
Mraied by the death ol her daoghlio—gi.aa. Tteao two pteoea
boUt «d dtoaa; Mak bow to xit: yot« eoae ap for aMtUaeot. be eli
tte I
bwUdiMl. flOasik; dry loft BOxflS': aad ktet hU daawfe wot •i.OOO. aad he Ward, taaklag a )M I4UIK flat ed
flip------------QiM Mreet, Bear bridga. total priaetaUlOf Wt *DiI* feat aU tnaa
sit to Petoskey and Hvbor Springs.
■WiMtaiae. All tte teUdiace an two
w tbr aaaa, bat It did bM m
S. R. Burke and wife of Maple City
H. D. (Mapbeli vata. PWk aWatA
to tbr
awarded bla flaxlko. priM «t.nA Um ooniritalian ere in town last et ening lo w “Tbe •eergulc. praotlMlIy ednaud
Burglar and the Waif."
•nA a inrt of whita will protebly go ofpKXi-f&.lTA
Tte Bnt tell Mrs opona Sept. UA
Onnd Tnrene Qnage. ootBer Oaa
WiUiam 11. Ihuond of the A. 0. A ML OotelegeM met oe appiteetloe.
toward tbe paynaat of atteney fan.
C a Dookatoy. Pwpr
tbat waa altlad aad Waobingtoo atreeU. J0i91 feat- W. road is in the city today, and stopiaaua
WUtea. fa,W.
pmg at the Whiting.
and 110 4A
Lead Ooetalaleeae Wlldey U U
t. W. Suier. Borthwnt eOTBer Caa
D. E. CrandaU of Grawn it at the
Jadfe Of Prabale Iioni«er Taaaday wbooe flO aero tara li oraaeed by the aad Sum atreeU. TOxiU-fa.OOO.
. will be coaed Friday
ranaipl of u opplleetite for tte aU
.anatw nadered a Aeeitha ukla*
Drioa tte warm weastwi
Urge imol of lax hoateMil Und*
M taU well aad & H. I
Elwood Stanley of Maple City is in U tbe
bm tbalr father. Oterka OUbart of
aad 8au atnau. agsltt-fa.bxk
laMriaetea. bU three talldna, Hobart, tbroogb a grora .
...jty, tte applUaal wUbU« to M
J. N. Martlaak. ta Sab atnaA town today.
a*ad 14. Mabel. a«od ll aad Bara.
*M the hoaoe. taedt. }wu and aropa.
be wtibdram fn>B the hoaeataad Hat To the Toteri of Ormod Ttetrr
Wa. Holdawortb. tteioa atnat. day from Matde City.
aad a tea 100 foM mlU wbleb Hr.
>BBty:-MteT of ay inradi ha
aad will be told al auoUee in lleTtaGeo^e Lalher went to Cadillac
Mamy eUiaa ttet W U galag to Sonny Bank boUl leoperty. UxISt—
ked If I will accept the nomiaatx
busiaets this morning.
terr taaond to tbe baek ot hie IM fa.SOO.
r ooenty *erTeyor. aad 1 wUh to
tbea loU witboet bnlldlng*.
me a ateall deg with tbe nUM MV Hat I will, and if eneate by yee
Bert Chase of Ma)-fiekl is visiting
In ihU eity.
do ay hnU lotalflll the daUee of
, eoBBltn took aodetnla aotioo in the city.
. mapplnr Itarewb BUekaan
of the toad an hlghladbyP. P. ante,
IhU office fallhfeUv ud ooeanlely.
talp. lagbaB ooanty. two wetae
__________ the neoea,
James H. Simpson, assistant gen­
ManUt le eaeortagwli ____
alioes and priem • B aUed orae. eral manager of the I'eve Marquette
10 ether doga. avarsl bead ef
-k far tbe right of wo^.
ll afwnn that Olltert ia a noa adJalyfalSOA
• I4W3I
railroad, an.1 Mrs. Simpson are gueats ___ a aod a beg teva ahom .y«pdialad to drink, that be did bm
atdoemd beM fa defae aoklta of Mr. and Mrs. Henry King.
icoa of hydrofafobU aed been ktllta.
w l««rUteBfar Ut'taildtan. that
Farm for Sal*.
aatu tte eoiamiUae eoold maM agaU
wrara bate blUM
• km towork teyend tbelr
Mr. Bums of Kalamazoo coll^
aad giro aurr time and tboogbt to
by tte email deg. BTery dog leaalBAmw^
e tlwa liqaer la dnak.
who was Sunday tchool
xt are Ur. C. J. Swan and wife, 1.
, Uwaeaadetomvaai
for thU
two years ^o,
F. Krmall. wiie, sons and brolber and
some lime in the city, acten tte eare M Uwa. n tte deoUtaa Mm J. A Caimirhkel. all of Chicago, dlaplay^ a rpaeUl lalarM la tte enpaniol b) hit brother.
A i~. H A I. k-jwae mdamd. raaorinc tbea baa Hi Uaiaird Write, mother and sis- UlmrytmjML fabUr Ibora baa bean
Mr. and Mn- Geo. G. Bales of
T of Toledo, CHtio.
praaiaagl rUI
Utoharr-BO aetin ee atttoaaat by tte ooot- Chicago arrit-ed last evening for
Tte (atbor wot aota affected when
' bMte l-i
Sixteen gneou ol the retort utend- alttae. the aatar of the market eile visit wiih T. T. Bales and famRy.
tbe daeiMcB wat rtndend depririag cd the Ukl Settleti* picnic at Bur- baa beea Ured^y latard apoo.
Mite Tisdale of tbe Asylma left 1
tea of tbr eaotrel of bU eUldw. tel dickviUe, Making tbe trip m a bouse Bomrer. tte takan oan of tba aur- day lor a two weeks' s-acation, which
la adalUad ttet it waa tbe boM tU^ hooi and tbonxighly enJo)-ing tnusic kM ata an anggnUil at a qneacten to tae.will spentl m Reed City.
far tbea. Tte yooaceM wUI be anl by the man bind^ao the my and
r la'lEla <>
Ro'. and Mrs. J. Penaii^toa left Uter U terribka agtey.
n tte ana pabUe abaal atOaUhe that the darele
this m nuag for a visit arhb their too
gOTOt^AJrV-y "kAn^
walrr .and tbr olhm. bang onr i|
lhafng the week the chiUren, old Hon of tea atraM Bay aM ba la Hot Wilbs Pennington, and wile, ol Interynn of ago. will be anfar tte enra of
' ‘ yoMM. exiemiiorireil - ----the Mperlaundeau of the peer, who
The man who carries bb
1 'letmcd
Parker O.
dinner is a good judge of • jOOate<ru«aAlAta*U rerww teIan evcniiM Boim a visit to FlinL Uetroh, Ahaont and other netbera bread. A few slices in a
The Udiea called «n the several reMichigan pointt.
lunch box at o^-day b a
xUonUUn Lake one afternoop by
teing a rapid laandi -erhicb made wban a report ulU br prapnted le te
better &st tha« a fre^ cot
Ind by Her. J. W. HiUn of
city visiting P. C Baoer and Cbaa. loaf at breakfasL Bread
Oity M tte bone of tte brl*a-i miles dimmnb lo gauar ami aaamloProchazka. Jr.
iwtanti, Hr. aad Mrt. Joha BwiU. Unmaxic
made from CeresoU flour
note of Eayttooe. tte
retains its moisture. Tbe Cvtey wmiuui COMMIBeV
SUatdayaKwnlBgJaek Erhea. writ
i bqlag Albert L. BobbUw aad
Roy Loedon. farmeriy an employe proof is io the flour—hake Should Own
MIm a—e BenoelL
Mitaigen. waa kilted U tte eaap ef of tbe Boatem &ore. is in the ehy
waaparferard la tbe pratenn of only
it aod decide for jroundf.
iking friends.
the taardutr nUttrao.
fisUowed a lew days InlM by a a
George Hoyt a tteta m the dotaTte hrldawBateaaUfBUygawBad U l%bt lauKb ride ia wfaidi geetas and in yte MeUlty ot I
J J.aiteh
mg More of A J. WiAdB after his
Mae oaqa triaaad la whUa allk aad WBdenU poiticipated.
UeW*L—a. V.aOM
natriad a baoqaM of wblu paaalaa
Yoterdny aU the peenat guests
Tte. gnoa waa aittoad la Meek,
ware attaafail by HUa Bw spcBt tbe oflccBoan oa tbe Glea
O. a oUltr of tte hri4a.aad Lake boose boat aod partota of hmta Iteontfa ted rbnwaigalMt tea fang





Remember ‘
That our closing our pri<»s on
Silk and White Waists. Wa^h
Silks, fancy silks, Towsha and
fancy Muslins, Alexandria silks.
Chambray. Madras. Robina stripes. Dimity, and all summer
dress goods wilt continue until
closed out.


eommercial Printing
an Kind*

Berald Job OBice

no Special Sales «

Cow Prices mryDay

eagABdlaaMctCbcMOsedt. « •

Frank Trledrich,



PaMtoW*tfcsC.'K. Baafc wadB-p.
Allay ia*—a8Thnradaya*aalapfr—
—lhar Mra A. Eiar to t
to p» a
Tb* tan—1 waa haU at tb*—allap to tb* pnad read* eat
RatodaFrIdBy. Mr. Ktapdtod in to tb* to—at O—ntolla.
ia Ibto toty a Aart baa* apa. and Thay rapert a vary poad paibn
Blm’a tepnl— M* U—. partly to
Tw to l^'h^lMU Mn Kiap weal tr*n> b— la Jatocaan faU to praotieal thlapa. wb— tb—
m littl* torn* to apaad la aaytUap rieb oo—teito. Only to at B a
________ JM
bat ia atlMdiap atoioUy ta the baal- Watt A Bern aad to. a toaaaa'a
Ai«Ml !».€■ w*irBrJ><fi l<l»~

to kMapvl*



M«C. Dr. ~~


KMte BMto. to* «id7
tor. Bad Mn. Ab*mt »Wrt«to c<
M*M dtod •» U-b fc— “*«
dlifcifciTlr M *• *«*«f tnTMn.
A* «tU to |to*tor atotodlvtar

■*«—“'£aas£f ‘







laplaad. Thay bad a dellpUtal brip.
.toMHapalltbiaapba—rad aad—tb-

FMak W. Oarror ba* tea—ad
<B—Aapela. lad., aa* bw >alBad bl*
Malbw. Hayar O. P. Oarrar U tb*
Mm. Oar— la eapaMad to attive la—BW. Tb* (wily bav* la—d M*
OUU* raaHaaaa an Siata. naar O—

A arnd"«i^tt»d oo to* ikloodiU
bcoaeb of to* P— Hanjoett* road
tarty Baatey —miap. by wblob
two mea w— aev—ly tajored. and
annibaf —a who artot ap «n to
ua* Btoaiter aft— kha oipbt artMblag tials waa aim badlv b^*.
Th* *oddml ooootred al Hpplaa.
yaar aid daapbtarto Joha Bamla
aboat 10 mile* beyond .BtlkoaU aad
to Btowaad kewMbt^ —I with
—to by the eapla* of
latTiU* aaridatn tUl may lawOt in
into iu oarn trala in to
tb* I—to bar foal. Bbaaoeidn '
arfallr aartlohlBR' H an*
Itpbt. aad to trala

Our SaTlin Departmcol



MIRj iMAMIm if ralil • T«y IM 8ML

. . .
m farna to lotaUoo of to inia
Oaaap*elalaeaebaBlh.a. R. AL th* laalap. th* eat brim )*« 1> toal
a anaQaitiad. ao that tbe aaplae
to llw haM. Tbe ablld wa« Moapbt
(ta Arwaa* of to taaio l*ap*d J—
I* Ibw MU- and Dr. B—laad drama*
r— to eoUirit^ He U Bbtriey
Matalaiad tomhar. atitabiap tbe taM
iaaBloTWot tbli MU. aad ta had
I— pi— again. Th— U prae* tor
bawa—, that th* t— will not i»- bli tofc tadly.^T—bad aad U* tea*
~ b —y b* a eonaalM aad tut tb* ■—bar wUi Ur*
Md—ttetl—bat— ta'Uabteleta
■boat apala. *■ Ua kaak aaa— l
MBiar tbalr b—m Th— wba —
badly bwl .
aMtadlap lb. pw^ to patteela —
leto tr—IWateaad Tta hraka—n. J. 3. Feate* «( Kal
. Dr. Haatim. a P. Bmm. A. a
Kaipbt, D. W. Kallay and a M. Wal- a— Tbwatey m—top orar bath to art— to eeUtotm etti—ad. M
r— Marqa*— aad tta H. A H. S. tbrowa f«w*td. atriktop bit baa* apOver Afty memban of to Udim* IhaBral — Mfwtowaaa—tolaf.
(detaie fn— aad tofltotlma
AoxUlmyaf Oraor
ka* toad.—trim >a tta*—rtm*l8dD
r I *ilml—ij mm t at tta be— o'etoefc with bacw—W toMAai■lata for tUt ptoat atom
'•(Hra K. L8p*M<
a— aad tlMmed ke a vary •ajoyabl*
byway of to
■ad Urinotiv* taU aaAaxliiarywark Aaa Arbar read,
Bm Kodt. wb* w— ap m
a— *a tta mto— i* Ohiaa, plvm rim m ibU nad >tTt*ad aboat« Ftl- wmMtop ntoa. faU aC tta tap* m tta
brMim TrtptMt ef Bt Uata Ha.
wMcAad trala aad bad m aakto badU
wba I* apimMap tta mm—t'trtib IblapMal.
a—toad a* that ta will be toid np te
tar melfaar al EdpmrMd. Bm Trlp- Ora* to F—Marpatna tta axe— •0—at— br. KaaMaad *f tbla MU
bm U a pmmi—It arerk«r la tta U- — arrirad to twa aaMtm Friday ariiadii all
Ate.- baxtUarr to bm
TmM* a—— delayed at aU m to
—amta*. T---------------- toaU.wUb
wUb a tap* ^M* «( tta^- Ttoattike femaeb. m caly «m ear wm
wMckad ta aay eearidambto axlml.
tetUa MULomltaaaU. riitaaiaah ami todr
watortob tC M* ai«lm wm aim
top baa— fatt to y*—tori
w— toatowrad tr— tba aul
thtaMU la Uw BVlBB at Ha*
ThH te la make m—
la tb* la­
ta tbla eUy a* lb* Bartb—
' ' Tb—

V ca mriy




Shnet of value reduced to Uw
lin ost heard of pricet. Doo'l
trust to luck in buying shoes,
lout purchase brie, where the
cjualily i> guaranteed, no mai­
ler bow low Ibe price luay be.

That is sold cannot be‘a bargain. Regular
goods must have their important place. We
print only the news of real, genuine bargains,
that are the result of careful buying, or of unforseen circumstances that warrant reduced
prices., August is a clean-up month with us.

Shirtwaist; Shirtwaists Shirtwaists Shirtwaists




For. (he choice of
our colored well
made $oc waists.

For your pick of
any of the 7$

For waists that
have been aellihg
at 75c and 85c



For choic«* of the
$1. $1.25 and Si'.IS
grades; also many
belter waists at big

We will not carry over from one season to the other one
yard of Summer Dress Goods. We figure that it is best
to sell our 15c Dimities, etc., at.....................................— 9o
Our 25c Thin Goods, ail kinds, at...........................*
Our 50c, 60c, and 65c Silk Mulls. eU at- - -............
Our fine 40c. 35c. and 25c Ginghams at.............................. l9o
Our pure linen 40c Ginghams at............................................. I9<»
Our 5c and 6c Lawns and ChalMes at.................................... 3so

Mens Canvas Shoes cut to

Ikivs' Camas Shoes cut ii

Men’s absolutely solkl leather
Satin Calf Shoes, all site*, all
siilrs, cut to



I Children's ready- ;


1 I5c

I at reduced prices. <

1 C.m

Remnants of


^ a* aaall aa On
urttaya—Urey —
briok, - aapbalt ai
eity. aad tba Mwa to bar dralb wUl
eain a* a praat afaaok aa bar wlda tor. paramanlUA
aU to frirada h—.
ka favor to —eadam to Ma—et^ Be Mid ttaat aapball
Kanip'a Batoton waat la Gr—■
aaaday and torowad Ihaa bow it U all nphi U l—party own— want ti
^ deM. lb* ae— balap 18 la 7 to aad caa affotd it. bet b* t* eonviacto
ta*w to tba Baattor*. Tbto to tba
Ulbpa—that tba Baaltot* bar* pl«- » rrtodMM atraat*. wiab brtek fof
loalealy w tiaaiwaaa aw:tioa* to tbe eity.
ad tbto yaar. aad they '
Tba aabar Bemlwri to tba delepa-j
m by laalap* UaafelU a*
tkw (raM tbU city f**l tUt^tUmpj
d 0 I I 0 0 I > 4-IS
00001104 I— • leaelt in pood to tb* city, 'erpeewlly i
__ Itor * T*m «< H«4>to car.
*Ubr tb* Une to M—t pavinp
tor* pwohMto «r Otatoto BUM* M* BaMtolM. Uaete aad J. Kerak.
Maehaf «nitofto* to tto «»«to <rf SailbaadBur. Twa haae blu. Baa7: Uiaim. <; tbra* taw* btla.
BrcalB^Ototowito TtoMVowaAa racraton —I* on the Abb Arbor
«n wfU toto*** tto Mook to ttoU MW
nUway—d*aptoli eoaeheaaed earby Sattb. 8, liwptoa. W«n- Snift*.
lyiap 7UU people waa wtvrkedai* ralto
r to BMI M« 1U»>* rkM*
north to Cadillac at B>4S o'eleek San
M 1. ItewUto It*. Bilto* wtU
day aa—la*. 8©: far a* loown no
Dadrr (bt bead to “Mae of Mark.”
Mtoato cbm* to tto Imitow
M toat I—a to lb* MUblfu Tiad**- a* wot killad. bat .boat a doreo
naont w— lajarad. aome aeri—ly
-----:--------- aearly a pap. to Job*
O. 8 Yonap, Alma, tout abonl tbe
M. B. aharab
Bran A AeatoiM. eaady
u. Hi.
O D. Bcnra.-;.,
-v. Pleamnt. bad
•ra. to tbto eity. Tbe ar- and hip badly bralaed.
Aar >Oto. tor*, to. D. Ouiel wUl
lied by a d<Mhl* oolbar* etatf* to tfa* Mrrtoa Bto.
Charia* Nye. Owoaao. tnek and ebetl
Wto Daw* , BMMtoi to—«toy to Al- a— eat to tb* yortoln:
badly —tod.
MMetoht*.wUlvtto*k itotoftooc. tow araa wbe u well ka<
Oil* BFtBpa*. AiBW. lack and lep I
Tk* Aanfe to t«7—tor !■ d*tom oat Oito and ellwr atale* aa tb* man badly brolaad.
•tol iatohrd. aad l« m boM* •* wbo*i*nptpad to maktoR Ibe beat O a Olllia. Alma, riphl arte frae
Uwl MB be made. Tb* itad.
W. C, Bover. Ohio, ripbt knee ioT**T plaamst woidf to my
Jared and other alipl.t luloriea
B—ab; at a paetal peatlrawa a
Beury Day. Cadillac, baek tn-lly ioaamfal baaiataa maa wbo hat
jorod aad etor iajartee salt.- aerloo.
bit way fr— tba boU— to the lop to A. J HarrioRion. OahkoMi. Wla.
Ulud. Itofc* iMtoi— Md to—d- lb* candy maktnp baalu—
Mok aerioaaly lajar-d aad hart interTh* !^anto>to I* lllMltotod
aaiBbi. '
__ •••*—• «M ItoU-tMc ptotoM
A. a Kraft. Daiand. bead eol aad !
Circulation this week 2,525. to kitol rtow*. etotoifto aad Uk* Mra Oao. O. Blipbt |>aaed away i*. other
MUy at Mapla Raplda. at the adpi«aa to tb* atttac^a* aad adraata- ..DOwi:ape to 8S. Mra Bllpl.t wat Bmiry Wetader. Alma.Uot and aide
pea to tow taaan.*-'^
waU kaowB la Tn^etae Oily, asd Utli iBjarod.
Tlie train wat boond from Daraad
ap—•ttac to tow to—to tba
maa 1883 ontil hi* daalfa la I8K, and ) CrrtMl Uk* aad Pcankfuri and
aaylaa took pi— toal weak and altar that abe made Iwr borne
rat ranniag abool 'tbirty-Ar* mile*
Urp* aBwaal to baatae** wa* dl^—
bar — IB thU eity aad al BUptata.aod an boar. It ii believed Ibe wreck wo*
Ontotowaaoto baportoal — with bar — aad danphler in Maple oaoaed by Ihv fUape breakin« od oue
_ oaaaldMed ana tow ocal oottU—
to to wtweU of ibv ooiubloolioo Inp
for towannlat yaar. Tb* oontnM with ber dtaphtar. Hro. U. L. Kla* pap* and omoker. ni ri to to aapioe.
Sonen—totheentstooe fartbe fer 8.000 tana of Plttobaip Mo. 8
Tbe eORloe wo* palled from tbe ralb
1 th* latter pUo*)aat pro
Pcooie’* Sariagi buk b ready, and awaidto ko tb* OtaU * Mloblpaa Ocal —«»■ -Uraad—"Bilpht. aaabe era* aad Ave ear* alae left tl>* Crook Tb<'
the work to baUdiag ap the front it Oa., Ibaprtoa f. a. b a— Tn»**M kaowB to averybody. waa an* of the laadar to to eapmewa* thrown oa lu
Cltybalaf d>.«atM. a aonaidaaabto lovabla. ebaery aonla arbe alway* ate Mte diapeeally aBRn* to track and to
aartap ***r tb* paorloa* ontraoL
U>* bripbt lid* to life, tad liad kuxL aeri two ecaebe* on toir aide*,
rttoiUa. IM iMtlrad aetlto tr— tb*
M. BaaUtnaMl apd H. F. tboaphtfal word, to everyooa Th* aevaral down to emlwakmeet. and
of lier daath will fariap Mdant to Belt three Upped, bat not
Ml a* Wa*li
Bombay laft Maodayto a
_ ny Wfaem abe bad helped in dayi o—pl- trly orer. Tbe inaaeuper. In
>a Ujiiiailaai towpartagto afur
to lb* PaeUto eeakt. wbSab WtU
to overtoroed emobc* .toped by
— aboat to> weak* Thay wUI pmw by. aad a wide elrele to Irieod*
iMtlDR Ihroaph tb* window* oo thwlU
to Iwr.
towtr obiaaM** palot BaU Uk*
G. A. Nichto* to Frutkfon hai
ride* Of the eoaeb.-* nh*>rmott.
bonfbt oto the pocefT bonneto to Olty. wb— tbay wiU anaad tb* aa.. apaelal eapino
\ aaanl antantlM to the Blfca.
At f JO o’elook ye*
the CacTtol Sbien. <n Eato E^th
to local railway pbyrielan.Dr. B
Bttb* realdeoeeottt • bride. tUBIate
toieet. and baa abeady taken pc
and lira. Raricm and W.
Her. J. W. 1
Smith, went to tl.e aoeo.- of tfa*
wUI po 10 Ua Aapato* to a (aw day* tb* oeremoey that Bailed
toy arerr aaeiit' d la
ABMhcr Mcetii« to tbefenwood
Mn. HeUna Bcepp to tbla elU *od
Chape) anciety wat heU Monday
Hr. ViUlam Deapfaw of Brown Olty. <nrinp tor to lajsrod by Or. Ouroo
eraninc to decide tq»n the inaiier to
Tbe eereaaaoy look plaoe la the —■ to Harica. Hleb.. who wat on to' e*.
M train. The tBjBr.d arrf
Otetoietolbeprapeny. Nodeebian
a*Boe to eely ImmeJlate telatlT** to
hcoophl to tbti city and toae mori
vaa laach^^____________
iw ohotraetiap t«utle*.
The bo— waa laatilf dee—ted fer aertouly baft ware taken to the
Th* Miahlpia Btoraa Oo. to
to OardoU aTMoaaad Oharlat Aadar M oei^eion With foMt. AOW— BBd aolah. while to other* war* left In
pa............ .....
qaaltor toacea — toSta»i—*t.wfaewUlo—IBM —Uai. *w*M p— belapdb* predom
wrookinR train Irom Rockford
totoah and lb* taaal dtotoea an batap
ia Iba fat— aadar tba laatiBp Bow— The oeremony wu
anppUad wUh a aaptotor pndaei to
parforawd aader a baaatUal arebway arrived at 4 dk> in tbe aftenoou aadbr*mU^ atonk. whtoh to ataa^ Ind- Th* ptoal la loaalad on I eat Fient ta tbe larto. wfaleh waa baakad with panclearlap away to d. bria Aboat
Ava baodndftel of track waa torn and
tb* fair bl—oaw aad ftatoanad with riaea.
dona to tb* Tba trite wat atUred la a btaatlfal
OoednMor Hooahan waa in oharp.^ bnaa b— aadar war toiw* pray powa. triaaaad with emm ap- of to f»cnrrion train.
pliqaa. Etoraabmant* eonalatiiu to Till, atore will be doted Friday
Mr. Otoaej wlH eaatlato tba WMka. bat Iba dni bn tot
lae c««aa aad eakea were tarred aflw fternoont dBrine to wann wpatber.
Nto. anatotap aU th* taa'* UaHaay beaatifal'and
laa Mr. MaOaakar teaaotaaChief to Folia* Bannl* bat b—
.ta war* r—ivad by lb*
anlap fr—ta—to tb* iadla* to tb*
MU, wbo apeak with aa BBaartala Tb* pro— ta a weU knows sad popndle, By.. *
L TU ^Ik paint that bat b— .Isr —B of Broarn Oity- Hr I- a
ptonto la Mr. Vanlap'i pro** oa tb*
M tb* walk* by *0—to the bretot of Rowland Doaplaa of Ibi*
Ml tod* to
Ua* «a Oatartov. _..Uala batmaUad a anahtr to
who tad tor a loop it—, endered onbeU
Aap. W. al 10 *-to**k. Th— wUl b* -•-------. and tb* ladle* Maim that it
him Th* bride ia vary
• —ptoto by ■■■lin todtStoato
■tbaMoved. Mr. Baaal*bald*
highly a—amad In tbti olU- vb— Kew Dlaooveu," arritm tar bn.hand.
■ iiikaat* bav* no ■— rlpht to to la anil knowa. Bhe it.
•■It eomplateiy edred her and al*o
ooi little pnad danphur of a
t Mai«top to Totod* diatp— walba and apoll f—lalM la abarah arort. hariap b— for a eared
ahalk than loop ti— panaldeat td tb* Hparorth •even *tt*ck oTWhoopin* Coopb.-'
■ad Frank Baldwla. an attoraay to waarlw
It peniirt'ly ear** Oeopba OMda
B««Uap Oiaaa. paatoa « Dr. B. F.
Uapne of to Flrat HatbodlM cfaarcb. taOnppe, Bneebliia *11 Throat aad
troeble*. Onaraaieed bottle*
■atoay. —d* *m to tt* Bnato
Bhe alio teaobea a cl— in to Soaday
sneandll.iai. Trial boBla* free at 8
aalahn to b—•*** —da tnaa Oarp
iMwol tt thla ebareh.
S. Walt A Boat and Jat. O. Johni
Uka yitoiilay. Thay aaaarad U Bn
If to oat of tearn pa
*M. ra—iap toipa la toaa.
It A. J. Wall— to lb* ar— |Wt—I at to areddiap
Wella-Hlp—a faaakat faetory olalad aad HnJ. J. Cook of EbIbb
Tbaradar that tba faetoty te aew aad Hra Fraak Bardy of laterloobon.
raitodwlMerteraaBd that tb* tee* Hr. aad Hn. Willi— Dixon. Hr. B*d
jhnMiM to MO —playoa Mr. Wal- Mr*. Robert Dim and Johs-Dlioo of
Ho* ****** that Iklahaa b— an
Hr. *ad Hra Doaptat wUl Imre
—ow to riait to brite'a motbar.
arill Imre for to —th early
pm—tty haary. Tba baaklab—y
aaxt week, aad wiU be at be— to PU4WC««U.
— larpaM ia Mtay TMT* end a ooe- ibeU trleote t* Broara Oitr-Afte
at Mp da—ad U
to toll Aap— IS_______________
tm tr— tbalr th— awatb* rtail H

the 35c and 56c
grades at per pair

and wash goods at



J.W. Milliken



\Vom.n-. BU:k Serge Shoe.,

ChiMren's all sob.l Uatber
Shoes, sj-ring heels, sii
to 8. cut to

Children’s ail tolid Leather
Shoes, spring heels, sues

.Vnd these are not a drop in the
bwiet to the many b« bar­
gains we are offering, and

m Y. miiiQi
<Hd Stand Opp. Herald Ofice

would read with pleasure—study with com­
Is necessary if you
with satisfaction. IW light is a severe, strain upfort—or workic w
eves and later comes ruined sight. Have
Tiave S’wmbt
on strongest eyes
of good lamps—like those we are now selling. Kighty-fivc cMts
buys a good decorated lamp with shade to match. A dollar buys
you a larger oAe. The Miller Lamp with Rochester burner is The parlor lamps are the -handsomest in years and sell
from $3.50 to $8 00—You pick from a splendid assortment.

i J?

Matting covered floors with their coolness and artistic appear­
ance. make the summer bedroom a refuge from the glare of the
day and so restful. Have you all the matting you need.' Have
some especially good goods—prices are 1 zc. 1 sc 30c. 35c. 30c and
3SC. The Sultana carpets arc much in demand for the same pur­
poses. These ate something new this year, a different pattern
on both sides-riells at 30c the yard.



A commodious hammock, a shady nook, a pleasant companion,
tbe latest book. These lines are strictly sentimental, yet w
true. Pleasant surroundings give an added zest to the reading
of tbe newest and latest books, such as are always found here.
There are new books by all the popular authors being issued
constantly. We have them—Look over our book shelves at any

The gnat French Renovator and Tonic
—For two weeks oolv this ifreal remedy
which has done so much
in this locaiity. will be sold at 45 ceots a^bottle-^
4 Regular dollar size bottles for 45 cents.)
Guaranteed absolutely to give relief in
diseases of tbe Stomach. Liver. Kidneys,
and Boarels. It contains no minerals or
opiates and is noa-alcoboHc. A fair trial
is all we ask. $ii» bodies at 45c. Two
weeks only, at—



A fine Ten'Piece Toilet Set that always sold at $z 75. »>« I*
*>ld for this day only, for................................................................. <P I



I RvaaiTKi




every day until further notice. Con­
certs will be given in the Furniture
nrstartmoit on the ground Aoor from 10 to 11 a. m. and 3 to 3 p. m. and are
estiiwly free. You are cordially bvited to h

,**WK mmuu *ri-iK i


__|ir III II -------d»r-’
Mn. hmaj P*l^ la iJMJtaf f« a
jvdanMM"-O Bieaka'





nal dMd^aUewa, nbeal U. warn
W Monrm Oankar Banidar aaa^*
ae attaad le^ Tbar npart
Hanna OaMr knowa bowbo.

'OMt Bnefca vna worfetac
'Ui ptaa torafrw daji Uai an


Hf» J. WuTOL. Br.. «nlM4 h«
Mkto «iilM brtljlykBfrtfrittmUf aoacfalnf with IL

a^^-^«t ftma «fala plaar tUmm B«b«t iMdw at Tmvm
Wt^U IW ffM« or Uaatat iatm

hU^telK^, AutioS

Wtwb^m Ejo BawB Babtbfn


wSirtit^* kar-

WhU* cuuiiBf fnll CUM d»y r»
IT-Itn. Thdmu est hotarm t

~ Mm Ite HnrM ibi^ba at Mr.
md Mra OaoTBarnaid(ad BaM'


irftf ciiT

BandarA fanllr tai aooad on Iba B--------Mao. WahaToaelyMUMnad tfaoir
Bar. Bnltfa haintarn^tot
Ispim atm aaoBib'i rtiUal

«W oMTlM ue MOM all aieked.
Iteawl WethMllI o(8«ekfat4aM
• bnUwr or Mhl Jam UfamdUr i
MkUc fall ifamr aad Mands a vtiit.
dar araalac wai well atioa^aad
Mia. Baelor and Kn. Tom MoalMB r»---------- tin* raportad. len efMm
at Trataraa OK7 aDmi ibe dm al I>m Snd^a wan aarrad.
hoM or Mr. aad Mra W. (Mdao.
Mn. PMklMB U BOTlsc law Ja
tmdto'i boBM; abe vlil t»fn<
aland far Mra Elman
Mlaa Umpert oC Grand Bapida
' w waaki artih bor
Mr. and Mfa TaaOerm had a pUm11. will reti
Mia^ Oay^ TjaaiAlm
baSm bar bom- tlii> bm
Uaerta Oarpaebr aad wife of Bam
rtaltod ,wltb W. Uwoeo. faUnr of
Mia Hanmcnl at Tiamaa Oltr U Mn Oarpaam.
Jebe Aa^a^Pjtf^nd a flaa
(faa gaaai of Mn. John Helena
Mia Eoraian BttaMae and teaifalar
an Tiamaf bar bnMbar aad wUo. Mr.
andMrarraak Zaa<.



coeoa. eiotlilBf aod boeta and __
u Un
tin 'At^
Blatb MW boabaat pbea
tbaa a jaaf.
belli bore b Ian tl
Ira Htek Unirfa and aoe Albert
Uraad Raptda an taaaH at Mr.
_lta Wm. Denoli aad aee Aith
an vaaau at Iba MaOalbr Hoate
Tba Mlapbeoa nea an com bot
etbrr gaat an oootar
Wrekeop ead
Ur.r aad Mra O. 1
Mlaa DoUlo wen rbll on b town Inal
Mra Liam Omell haa bam qalu
alcA. bat la brth-r.
Mra HeOartbr had Hra Dr. raotao
nwnt fron Bandar *“
Al^aj bat we^
Bor. and Mn O. E llaU of Mai
aahm. Ufaio. an< bank b Kbla)<7 tat
a Kia aben rUlt wttfa tbab frtenda

Mr. aad Mra Claada Wettaa of Elk
Baiddi wan abittat Mra Wataao'i
IMWIi. Mr. md Mr. M. H. Olfaba.
Oat terraat bai eaanmaed; (bar
am a bnrr airtt
Iba wtetbar me bean rarr warn
Iba paal walk, faatUeootor AUat

Ma aad Mra. E. T. Enfaa and tanlb wfae hare bnaa rbiUw at Mi.
Oaa. BnlUi-i ter tba :

as' mSi

Dtah taotarral

Mc. m« Ma. tibbatb ead lenllr
^■MBaadvwItbNletlreeet Keptd

Mr. Barr b« eu e< bb boran bat
Mn. Peal aad Mn. OUa^aiat«(
Ant Arber an rbbea Mra Paal'i
Baajjhbr. Mra Bart fcrbr, at lUa
Mba OUao Debaea ef Tnrarn Ollj


Mba Janb Lirlagataa b weaklM
ta IMmae Olb hr a taw waaka
'' Mra Pnd Pa^ b abb la be eat
agnb after a loait tllaan.

ING for mEn and boys. HATS and CAPS. UNDERWEAR. DRESS and
one-half former pri<^.




B in thlB store. No matter whether'it’s E $20 dress suit or
a pair of.Sc cotton SOX—it’s first quality, perfection in style and abso­
lutely reliable in every way.

ssr Jii'SJs.'TSss'ii?;


E B. Onr .Bee-r.
Bora, to Mr ead Mra Eddie tmkr.
Aogett 3rd. a dangbler
a B Barnett ead artfa Mra Ooo.
Habblar. Mra Jake Hobart aad wife
Bardae. aU of Imko Aa
pieele at BanllekrUIo.
Mra Oaonn Hood b tbr gniot of
hardaagb’er.. Mra Eddie Imka, fran
Ooowal Imkr.
Mbi Linda BamM waa the o»l ai
Ire A. B. Smith Tbuodara hai
tba 11
o Ai
to t
Ctmriar*K«ablow'a Aego
>laa mtarned from lobe
Bnoda where abe haa bnaa
riiltlBg with ber alatar, Mra An

.bla orrHr. aadHn. BarlCkwaeadMr. and
Mra faiTj Wllllanaoe an at Balar
Uka eamptox tbia araafc.
Hr. Baldwta aad fanllr and J. 8
Browa aad fanllr lotaraad bat weak
tram a (are waaka’ oallag at Kaenb
J. II. Mooroe gtraa eaotbar dai
hb aew ball Aag. Bib.
Hr. and Mra Otlbarl Baanetl have
• 4wab-a

J. 0. Lawnwn laa morad
bOM ranfaii far
Waddtaf ball> wlU Hue Aa«. 1th ta
_ Mr. WakarneradtaieMr. Ainelda' ear rialabrFkman an aU bear eatUac cnOa.
Mr. Btefaardafnn Ihe aeatiiaiB part wtatab U aa aeioadliifIr rxxl coop.
Jofaa Harfcaom aad Elmer Oownarof
anaaded ohenh hero Bnadar
Oat aobeol bean b andaifelMI ra- aroBiac.
______________ rd the earpmm araak
raak wfabb
1 ‘‘ naaaa Btat ela«
WMkai tfaer
*ta7 an faMh dm «bn


tbma '
nenrn bar baa Vnawiel ear
wata bald at the bana Boadaj 1
— -eadaatad bj Bar. Bbb. p
Mn Banaal Baaar wm
ertbeOea. .
raeltal am glian br Hia
A aatj hrtof»tlac bwnlt waa b ___________ [een-lmwaee etKvtbpert IE
aaniec here bet Baiardar etar 9 PobI Mender ereebi wbtoh waa atMa
daiAa li nb*t hara banabnr- mded br a larpa noard. Min Lwaoa
E Palae-a rt Oadm
faa both pe^ bed tbar ba tb.
b moot Iba baat aeprane abcan rt Em
daeka nta all aannn altbaire
abb eoaatrr aad garra daa aabmla.
Tban BO a goad noar 1
awr»t wtlU and aatdi pam^^
bg Ibroagh Oahara. go^
wbal ibareaaldeaMbbibataU.
redmd rjlag.
tloeallr aaraat
Pbrd Haff, Jeer Parareot aad
wan fontt of tbab aan Bawwd
.ohaabBanarbavacaagbi aaortatea
tea b 1
Katabam. tbU wmk.
EtoC gob eat a( Bob Oarrr^aW
nelni waa girea fn tba
Mlaa Ada Bamli. who
haa Baran tantlr who re
faiwl a imat eflbtka) br
Onad Tnaana Orange, Se. ».
tbair ibajifam. arba waa
anil bold a bamrt taart M Oraag)
boned. Itwaagirao for a,
MU. Aag. Ittb b faeaar to the btg«
riar of Brlreatar.
aod all areal awar frnlbg <
Loab btak..oor ptaannt n—< ^
maaar of toe onoai aad dnfa at Dr.
^miat lOBDa n. with wall tUad
^taa'i far the mat joar. baa mlt
r AlAtlAA

Irrln Manor oiMlad hit noUior and
Bttmdad rtunfa Ual SandarL »*roa«jr aad Mra. Ullffal at
__ -oao Clfjr oUttod Mia. Ola*--------dav Uid waah.
Lam Pelnataar haa bnaa aaM
tag Uk- niBBpa.
Ha r ipaeu to attaad nbool at Tiar
rp- Citr b Baptamber.



A baoTj bn at Ufa
tm aa aipbaba al Mt. Einbb ealIiai7 at WaUeageag. 40 (aUlaa tren
Brdaer. K. E W. Oae haadnd aad
foetr-aba mlaara waaa mooed, bet
in aliUaatonbad. A portoaef
tba aollietr b GO Bn


S. BEIMDA & 00.
124 Front Strooi. T^avaraa City. Mich.

Drop In and See U«.

______ A. B. Browa of BaooeltaTllle, E 0.. waa eaoa tnmaaaaly aoriMlIi and a bait age Mra Katli' '
-Throagh bag aotfarbg tren
i Ball of Ban PTamt|eo weighed
." ba WTlioa, "
imaada Bbe faebd 43 daye aod
gmUr ran down. Sba Ind neaBMgtb
or algor nod aoSrfod grant dlatnaa Rdnead ber welgfal b ISO imnada
tren bar aboarti. bai abe trtad Blae- wbea rtm died ef wiakneee ttte Biima wbbb Ix-lpod bar at
benam Dear Beabrbhl. K- V..
broagfal atboee a opeclmcn ot the Or
Unlr well, aan eat aartbbg.
grand taolo. aad tU ganlla lazmUre
rtUenaan arean enndrtu a ermqaelltiM ora aplmdld frt tartdd
welgUag SOO paandeand luearar.
lirer." For ladbaatioa. Lon of AptaUle.8tanaoh aadLlTor treobln U'a log ilx feel wide by dre feet long.

I Maraaa of Ovdar Ru boa par­
Oelr MIC
ti tlM Mortal Lake tarn m are atB. B. ttoilEboniaadJeaU.
U. John-

Wbll.- the net or
>r U
Ihe .tab fane bran
ml Rapid..
I. eaffectng aBaod.-d OutnoagoR U haring foreel amrrei. Utaml
drm I'edar (coei-b in the county «
ealoed at hare bre-n dratroyed <




biefa tl and for piek

I be felL

i Oen. In a e-ia.igomAh> pf frail.

Locaaepert. Ind., HUe KMbertt

by tlie coreaer abkwed that lier
WB. dlreetly doe b eald auninoled a
atieadlag bw tatber wbe waa tb
fewdaya bafon while alitlng aadet
Ba U Imttat.
of wbtml aad abo aa electric fan.
Bora b Hr. and Mn Pnak 8beookad fee tba haraaat taaada. baatdaa
rtaaamr Ulaeoray bar aailrel
ebir, a daogatar; aliO a daagbm U
Hr. aad Hn OiaM Bagaar of Imka dobg bar ordbMT bmawork.
lama with nearly oae bandred
aogaged by tbe
Mta. C. P. Baba war tba garat of
b ben O.
aad Un Itaak Polgta Ibe exidcralloe of the Siberian
________<Mlagar. of LaOiaoge, I
Mpltad B«u>htrti-i Arpioa taa
ecart fee gold aad ether nmala
gnat Bom aa bar bead ead tear, aad
The epidemic of elioleia ai Oairo,
mibs lU qatok care eaereded ah bet

Egypt, b iBoreertag: ,»*«»» wiee tl ;
______ It weak! wooden in Beam
Breirta. Bkin Sroptioaa. Cob. Rntm.
came and X death* Toeeday. Arj
8ralde and Pllao. toe.
ifaa then were a new race, and !
gannnleod b; 8. B. Hall
Uare goi
It dretlia Tbe diccaa- hne mad
I tlllr protarrel b (ell Boot and J
O Jobieoo. draggU
____ _.^..jaoefort& peUbgood
uaaee at Ziieb.
TmttBUmr from aaeh a eoom b the
tboemod aotb at wheat are
beat arlihaae aod will prora a *' Imlp. HAM1STEI-: AND NORTllKABTBUH
mid b Imre beeu laid Ion by a Monu
bg hand" b team of reoden Beml
tba lallowlog atabment. ;
tell aad retn. wbleb paami
Low talee b Ohicaga
Hr. P. O^lrlflb of MibbHl atn-el,
irtarmetbaaot Kcrtb Dakota Men
X.TS OQF war, X.X reond ni[i
CUdillae. a freight brafceaaean on tlir
HmU and beRhe eitn
dayO. U A L EE. raBBbf betweeo
Trei... u eeuneol with etoai
UadtUao and Tnrarae CtCr. tari:
A party of *eUlen ha* meoeeded In
rie Oil* Uoadey.
"Hr addnat ii P. U. Bor XT, and 1
aceeadlng tb* volcano of Mayon. In
ud Vrlde^ a
will auwar aar latm aeol me bj an.T
loreday l -AS p m. ; aim on Soottv tbe Phlllpplii**. wbi(* b ecHva It
oae who mllr wUbea b know of
..ue tod.Jnly Slfa nod S»tb. Aag. Srtf look tbe tarty •« boon b reaeli tlie
Deao-a Kldoor PlUa ana be depended
ITti. eudSlrt «:SDa ni.
apoa b can kldimr eomidaiat. Tbit
P. A. Mlbbell, U P. Aft
b nr rxpr«t<-oa.. 1 hare been tall■
reading for Iwi-ulr rnr> and alware
had tbe bwt of baalb nntll atM»t two
o when mr kldnera either
________ J or were- orerworked. 1
aaffered from lab aod aching in ilie
tnall of nir tack b aoeb nn exbot
that I waa qntb lame. A nllroad
aaglBi-et who had and Uoan'e Eldaer HilU adrlied nm b tty them.
Tbrtroatmeotrellared me. 1 ebpped
It, the trooblere-bravd, aodlreeorted
again for e few dnje. an_____ _____ fullowed. whrn ftnallr I
decided b take a boroegh eo
and elk boxee 8bee tlien, •
Mr. aad Mn MmliU 01
of 'I aareanr. tber aipeot b oaXtbaae tbr wall aa b two iDoelhi ago. 1 Imrr not
a ibfl<- araplM of a reoar
> Iba goMtt ef I

ele bp all dealen Price 10
lUekweod aod wtfa
______Porter MlIbnni Oo.. Bnffalo.
If tbe let tber bam liad b N. Y-. ble ageeu for Urn Ualbd
ge Die >iw of Ibe eborab. The Bbrt^ Boauq^ tbe aama. Dma
•ore team will X BBiBS. leatare
Mn Mate ood Mn. Mebea aad
ir. BiB. Hr. Stnebtr
tbau baabaoda rblled at Horthport
_ am amrtad a ebart
Mr. aad Mn Eldar tt^ Oadar
W« irill rat ihe price nn cvenihitig, teten-c nothing.
the oMrge ef ateaUag tioB
Iowa, are .at l^wan tlBM ge ee
Orin Tanner. Ha am fdaead In tbe
save from V>c to Mir on ever)- ilolUf by buying no*.
Bdd Imaalat aad Biaalm Head n- Prankfarl >11. Ba wae tfaora earaaol
remember you lixve a very Urge uoek to tclcrt from, four Urge
' t. onlll Ur. Baabarrr gate ball far
unea to loab ibnidar. f
B. JobnKabeaamtmnntlrktUad
1 of anylhing )vhi neetl in
fioon all erowiWit full; big 1
Mra. Leo Millar am a Tiarem Oltr at the 8lab Loabar eamn bat BaiAUGUST $0.
eallar oa Toaidar bet.
,w hou„. A ta, ta, otitata ta.l Uta R«k,A (,«, Jl.SI
ardar a. m. Ha araa klUad br-boTlag
___________rdeligfatfsl ootlagof
The ataanarHaaklar broke bar abaft .(be Urge wl>bla x«* o*m fain Ba
A b* lita or
rroo. • t-i ,io,a, .o,™ i-,ta„
reai-i Yon oagbt b go. Tnb (
bat Baur^ wbae wtthb 1 or milea
of tba Maoltea lalaaa.
t balled
Bt'X ^^a PXbn or
tba life aarlag ecowaed
aba rmre b prlaon.
Wlio, Ctav„ S„ta. lb, «»,«■*. -I)...............................................
k Agenu for p
Id tewed bar M tbe dock.
Kol-ling u*n Seal* for the porch ot U*-n, mod)
Panale Hlaalmw arrirod hone Bai­
ardar oraolng afm rUiUng at Trar,aimed, trel or green, long enough lo »eat four
am Oltr • f*w arerki.
,*A,ple. gool and xirong, just like cut. fot .Sl.a'i
'^^^AdHt^Trertna Oio eaUed
BU Rapid.. Aagnat ITtb.
Have y-ou a cMtage to furai-Ji, or .h. you
Hlian Cook Imd the nbfoataae t
I. Will Jaargeoa. Bwald DbtMd enlor^^geMblagej’l^
at bit kaaaqatb ladlrwbUa pnlli
need »me oi*' i»>i* ^ If » I can aavc ).>u,a
Mr. MbUw. of Obleage, left
kx of money.
Some goo.1, t»ong iitm bed*, tmall are, jun «ke
tbair bonea
Tiaia will leare Tnrem Oily 8 r40
cut. for......................................$1.E'.




MIm KiUla JoUj of Walloo rblled
_.l Manann of TiaTena Ultr eaUad MM- of ^r roaag friaada la Ktagabr
on friaada MeadarMImHBRihan Of Bmlniw aad C.
T. Baiartbwaila of Tm?erae Oltr Bid
8. and J. W. Baim of Eatomaaoo celaalaaaa la tawa aa Hoodar.
1^. frieoda ef Howard Dnaa. an
Mr. aad Mn. M. & Pratt end Prod gB.-ala al Vealar Dean'a
Pnit aad arlfe ipeot Mebdar aad
UUa Uanibamof Bagteaw aad O.
Taaader U Lalaad.
& and J. W. Berea of KabBmaoo aad
Camrbi Paablng ef Ohtoage aad hu Howard Dbbb. MIm Marlee Ulbba of
ibma ef Tiarana OUr are eamptng MarOald. Mlaa Ball Hopfclaa of Mtagakeakof Jeaepb Ma<law'a
Ur apnat Taeadar at tbU weiA at
Bar Otaandtar of ibdar Rai>ida.lowa, Daoi. Imka
arrlaad bare oa Teeadar for the eemHer. A. Hartb aad fanllr retamad
tart fron DalroU, when tber
aol ti
a few '
.................. .............................................
Tim Matleaa al
ibow ban Wadw
Tbe iDfant etalld el Banpaee BoMaTbara wan two axearaloo partba
brt^Wjrtbaedaj on Ux- Imelanan aoa uo an Udlon. araa borled reattrdar.
Harrlorv aoadaatM br m*. Jolia
t Northpoct aad Her. Malt.Mra J. L. Haaaaos aod liRle Haael
peabr at Haaor.
.Bawklaa of Haobtaa rutted K. Pna____
.VllllaBaoa. the trother of
laa aad lanilr ot> Tbarrtar aad PrtHr>. Bargaae. praoebad at tbe Oeadar. She bm r>m K> *»* brotber'a
ehareh Urt Bight. "
Jin Baarblaa of EaK Imlaad.
WHlUmeOO gare a aazj goodm
EUa ModUl aad Eibel Hioahaw
T-he Hetbodi.1 ftofia bar.- their
:rat^ TnrmOttr Prtdar.





IHIN wHtlii

ever witnessed. We intend to move $12,030 worth oi House FurnithinK Goods by July
for the new stock I buy in July.

r ProL a E


Stooes for aamping
Iroubic Imrner Oil Slnrcs, cadi Imrner H


Mn Oort. >arbaaa aba b Tbttbc.


nU aaaand to bare a good
Mn Oolbbamaa aad daagkler
nadoabaatnan trip n Trerana Oltr

The danae al tba halL firm fa* tba
WrDa baU baa lait PrlAv
wm anil rnimdad aad aU i^ort a
' Mn Mbhaboa of Dalalh. Miaa

Baraer Ollror ted tbe nlMeetaae to
Pnd Oob aad tenUr wawl to Maabtoa Saadar eb tba M. E H. E aa- ktaok oea of . hb riba br a (all. bat ta
gattbg ataog aleelraaortm.
Bird Oaokar.'Mr.Bredraadearefal
etban took tbe OMrlereli Batardar
alfbl for Tnraeie OltrMr. ODOpar, a nfomar. gare a rerr
------- —------------ brtrrMna
Mr. Stem aod familr at Vrii


_ b=S. biTnbMriS?^a'

Oaea b growing veer feat.
Mra. Ed. Vi'aian Ina baaa *«■
botl^eUnr. Dr. Bhllll^ bah

ban tim part araak.

O. E Badwtb. tbe ageoL b aotarMalm bb nolhar tren Allagaa.
Oitaat Barlea b nerlag tan bti
brtrt la tewB tim Bbarma'a MIE
wbaae itn-r tore raalM tba fM

aol aad BodrMn.A.
lawa. Tlalud b« beotlier. P.
and lamiir
faallr not
b« arraa,
areak, wna
Ml aoao brtan b Bflare j.
WOB aeoortbaabd br bar oa
Bana Balder, tren BaUerae. HUA.
Tbe Old Bartirti* Pbab Waa trail
a5^ad aa a^. tie pmtdaal'a
addraea b* Mr. Daj waa artf Bm and
aoeeangtag, the aiw^Uag aad Btaglim
good. Mt the nort plaaatag of all
waa ta araiag Ibe plaaaan el the "
ptaaatn tu nrvUiig lach otbrt a

______ __ _

Liicle Uatb Pabbooka aged U
raan. died of dlnbthaata Aag. Irt.
Tbe familr hat the arniatbr of all BEE THE SOLDIERS IN OAUP AT
Iba oolgtabon
A. 8. tPrar aad A. fwaf waat to
Buday. Aagart ITib.
TnrerM Ultj Pridar.
Hngb Bojd aad UUa AUeo3eii
TraU wlU Iran TnTem OI9 U
drorc b Tiaraan Oltr Prlday.
am. Bab 81-Oa Bee porten
St t«
Dell Pairtaaka toi aoU hU bmto or aak agral for faitloebn
Ur. lAndalar of aalbe,Hbh.
Uat BanUoa hod tba bad leak to BUNDAV SCHOOL RALLY AND
xae a aaaaa tort weak.
JoM^ Ueaber areal to TnaornLUDIBOTON
Oltr Bnadar b ere bU wib. wbe
arm plaord b tbe aarlan al Tiavame
Friday. Aagaal. to.
r.*^Bre*buxa ran atek I
ttcrti of TntM Oftr am I
b auaod It.
UnTwWataoaMalbElk Bapida

--- -

Train will ben Tn*enFCliy al
teo a. n Bab •!.«&. Sr« paatan
at aak agaau tea parUenlan
. St.f

.-bbnoalb. Tbabdrwmoorpriaad
aad Pbmed wbea It amwoat ta ber.


Orth hartag.
Mn J.^ Ptehar maruad


Detroit e BaSab

M^w« tar tbataal two waM


maanadaaf abmrkamaSaa. _*A aatj bMartttot^iaxat ad Iba a

ll may- he you want a Wotal Slme for your
If so we can frunith you anylhing ■

CorA Um *6.75 up to a fine
large Steel CoiA al .... *25.0U

Whole oolfit lor.............. S5.T7

A fine





Sia gmd



A ,i» otatatata, *,«„ .»l, xunilar to col only has one
long and two .hort drawen an.! cme

Solid Oak



Chain, each.......................


Some Uf

tnlid U>id Seal


Hrijicd, Inr .

half price:


..... T


ba^iaim in

Odd Chairt, one, two and of a «yle. to clam onl
rt half jrt^

Big bargaia*.

A gomS solid Kzlemioa

large drawer, far.............. »L7B
coouDOde, one kmg and two thort

AU kind. cJ Pita


ear beH.alteMiaB aad we gmr-

MkPtamImmmlm mnef BHwBxIL


line of Start


range, jint like cut, (nr. .*3,*>.T6

green or blue, for .. .$E9i>
A1« of wood be.U at nboul



— '»'■ "V


Hn WUlbn Dana..
_ -Uaaaa nalia flan tbo BbtO al baoa TbUbg tabtlraa to IbUpbao
bft Taatdar for barMna ta Tnamn


A two burner gaadinc Ho.-e, jurt tike cm, fre M.T5
A full line of Quick Meal Blue Flame Oaanline and
Oil Slovct from the rteat>etl up In Ihe bcH.

loiS^ wmSiwbau

Moh Haaiaa am la Iwwa orar
BV«Ub« m akd MmM

Same sylc. Hill snaUer. far.................................................. 75

you want, fwim aa $* Square

afwaidiyaaanytiuBg you wgat far y«ar cottacew

fiM aab e( in enoa br tba AM tM^!*«bna. ^Li\jm^St iHSi Sw
amtaoof ta WaboA broogbi bate
jMlakr BawBar alght aaini tABD.



U............................................................................................. *1.611
Same tlylc. only a little cmaller, far........................ *1.UU


Aban law rate b aSand for eaaai
iteo b pabU aanad. *b fblbwtog
Mlrt Edith Danew of Tiaraate Olb NIAGARA FALLE N. V.

Pciak Bam
bwe Baodar-


Samefbne wiihone burner, n| inebet arms lop,

Feather lutlowi, each..

HocinvBr MPAcnmiT.

eamiag. arhleb am arell otliad



han.1) Ihtle Hove, juM like tan Ut $8.««

An Kxcebior cnatlren, Bl.fiu

HiaeaSA PACim. n.t..
• Tjic


Kalpb Domra fewdaraage teak a
■artr at the raoeauta al Eeowead la
Ortrall * Boatlo Braawan M
bia aMn laaaeb dawa to Um eatiM Harbor
the PaUa; *ta BaSalo.
of Oba Imka. tbar waat oa abort-,
Borabrtanwk ta Ht.oad Un-Ooa ALEXANOOIA BAY,aallnd at Hr. Bargm' aad afm tbaj
till, a aoo.
Peae UarqmMa b Oetieli:
raaabod bma cmaef Urn ladlmdlnor.
Mn o; K. Dane bft Hdadar far a
MbklmaOmttal bNiagan PUb
ErMbadlmbeapeekotbaak. T
*bU with nMlero to Xxaaaao OltrNew Yoct Otartal b Otayba:
Imdiaa Aid mrtfM at tb '

lop, hat

kelile aial fry pan at aame

milage nr camp.

Good tprmgbfllthetnSI.TS

indict acroM

wicki four incbci wi.le, will hold lea



to mak«

-----------iMttMVilKl. ^a««


ta> Mfvlit >«f*—MM* rfta*kw Mt


t «l 0m iimu* Wm« te


_ ttoMtVwU. mt the
«t eU Mm •! iti alUi km kx
kMtoMa MghkeAoad e< MO^en..
atDp«7«r. iMtrw, vttk«e«lo(
00, tk» MMfMT
0 Ite MBk« koMafh M4
MMMUevweaov *tivMlkMtakm the Uit oftket.
A. A Onwiati, the Teaoeie SMSt;
HkMl MM. vk* «wl 10 Ike FUlHvioeelothe
leoeii eMot, kM I
dead. toTlag
It b eappoaad by
t tbe
OlMerlke kvHUot vlli be eliftkMtotnMfwiiliMxtyeot. BUrekb redooMen ood notil ke
MreMt vlU {•» the ver for the
le Ike ndUppUtea leeelbane
fMMeol-e |M *o oW-Mriy elofmte
Ua frtewl. Oeowel Wood, lo Ibel po- year a«e, be Mayhi eahoel altharae
MMoo. The M eMp vtU be U>e^ prtaolpal or eabordlaMa taaekar at
pelet-eel of OeMnl Wood m Ike towaa ia Taeeob and Baten eoBBOea.
head of the ww oray eMlMlw, aodwae hichly eataeML The Uel
leeatrad frew feta told of fcU
where be wUfhere e ebuee to 4esoowiete the •leeUtke lAleh the yce- feelv la cml feeallh.
TpeblaU ibe paMte and tha
jddeot hoUetee hta 10 poMee. Wood
hnre been oaaad oenetdtae olTMdy deeUied ttol bte one
bu fey tkefael
•aWtlOB U «e be bead of the omy.
that twe cf the oail fenoee ate ettaob
ad to tien potee that eappeM the abaOabnlt. Kiek.. Ang. l-dodge Brie faUway vtree. aad lhat U ooaeeOeorge H. Danod of ritnt
> aa goraraor on thedeaopod to plaor anil ta tbe efea«ed
oatic Uefeec
. The foUoerlac b the eoaplete elate
__ rIC Wllk of Boaghtoa eoaaty
Meka* aaoed by Ike eaaeaulan;
Oofetaw-Oeofe H. Iknand of tfaoacbt ha wae oa the Baek el h |«>feMnal eafe ooekar the odbar day.
Jeka r. Bi­ A bad of eooU loft oa a
■roaaed tbe ear naa'a eaepicioa. aad
ble of Ionia.
It wae laiaed or.r to the oOoer. who
Bfibty m



Not aatil tbe aast day woe tlw ayetrty axptalaod by a rodawt trea a
AadlUo Oeneral-Oarld A Baa- fi^ taaer too oeelefcTW» la loaallaf bb fell of taatraoeola
aond of Ann Arbor.
l-WlUlaa r. Mo- Artbar OltMne of Badtaaw hae no
Knldhl. Grand Hapdda
bande. bat aaUl A|«1. wh« tka
atrtkebwao-be oade «tu a day by
1M. Woodbrtdn B. roTle of Bty wotfclad la thd-6al aW nfMea
yean ago. wbea a boy. ha lent both
r of load OMeo-Ar- haadi UaraUioadaoeid^llaOhlo.
dknr r Wattea of Ohebaygma.
Ha. bowarer. hae baan abb to oake a
Maotar Btata Board of Bdaeatbn- feed lirtac arar etaea. aiaaMne wae
Aaria V. Vleld of HaeBofa
La »na
tte »
a onaac waigaaeaI la
hp—. boldJaetteeofBaiaeaa Bwaab-Baak- lag a paneU to bb taatb aad wrlitag
■ta J. Brawn of lUMmlaa.
down fefearae by BMTtag hb toad. He
toe tieeetoe aaeipertat tfeU Btoea
the aMke want tola effeot. I>a hae
BaUMa^Aac. l-QmeaaAUlU beaa a faaBllat tgan oa Oeaeaee areOte. who hae been lU with aao. tto prtooii-1 etreel of Sagtoaw.
. tloe. le grad. ealltog peaolla. fa IbU way be baa
The qaeea'e aapported Ue faMr aadbae aarad
II bMldra.
ne *y bar awkaty le tnokea
Tbna it a yooag Ma near Oalat.
ed oa aaaoaat of the nJleowaa baig-wboloMlytayibb aadotogioa
1 by bed nktlraa All 'tbo taybalteOL Oa tto Bearth be wae
eeifayiag the toototy at (be girl wbe
be hoped to toanry. Tto girl bad
yoarngkrothwaad (to yoaag broth
a toy tollooD. "Joet for tbe fan of
tto Ibtag" tto' girl propooed tealaa addiM to Ibe ballooa aad
U laeae. Her aAaaaed agreed
and }oat beoaaae he waatad to eey
t plaatoBt aaggaeied that eke
■M eotraw wae the berolo death of
Ike oUeel aad beat Mne la tbe de- aotdtogly attoaked to (to balloon. A
paift. Priaqe. of ebiloo Ha. 1. woak later eke got a latter from a
etraage yoaag tnin at Akreo. Ohio,
aiyl^ that ke had the photo and addrato aad weald Uka to ootraepand.
She Boatloaod the letter to tba
. aad be old
pkiaiaewl etnagih. bat Uaet -Yea, write hlto. fate for fee.
Xnew ahoad Ae «aU deer aad Prioae aU oS with hlto BOW. Tto Akrea
dropped dead ae the feraara bftUe yoaag toaa oom
Oa laol Taaeday aoealag eoeanad
MB who. “IBM I
dkeMgaaltoauaaotdaBt wUeb took Ihtogetoploaeekar. tidl
plaeeayMagD Unt Jana. At tbat
Mbm tka fear year eld eOB ef Hr. aad
Hie. Blank Ooaiar white ptayteg. UrtbAty. whtah fklle on tto iTth day
pwaltewed a head of tteeetfey hay. Ha otJaly. by glrlM tto old aeldtrre
*------- abkaad wae eo for aboal fear aad Wotoen’a Baltef Oerpe of Harbor
waeka. kitflfeg ■ pooraadweak Bprtage and riMnity a frn ride on
that fete parMie wen obUgad to cany Ue raUioad aad a pteaic ap la tbe
MBarwanA. Bat he ftaally baeanw woada Thie year toe ptcnle wae
batter and hae feaenlroaUad bat UUle
Mnae. op Hll Taaeday. when toaaloleal ae^btag It fee talead Ibe ttootfeg head. Tbe deeter old It had wae terge andtoeoattag fall of pleaebeen lytag aa kb laagt aU tbnt
are to toe gaeeu of Hr. Shay.
Ohlr to ke Ikrowa aW at Ikle date day.
~ aalu noliktote are to tare
OaltodStotoe eerrteeof their ow
Mery KaMarwa Urae aa Twenty■■BtetlTe B. a. Htol. of Hortk.
■tadli and Mombo MiaaM at Bay City, Tilif. who hae baea u
to the l■Mlnlttn■ af hto aalghban.
Btfly-Mk of Ikoaa. (bmdad by Aadiww
PteliuaMI. bare palttciad Ike aa.
totoltlii to rM tbair aeuMbotko
.tka womb, otel-iag eke I. a pabUe frototbe Chtetoio etotieo caeb day.
aatod aad a paUto aalMoe. Then aad laeteefl of fiagt tto eleato wUHir
It aol aa aaaalag paaaee, Ibe paMtloa
ae faetory it atlllaed tor girlag
•nn. that aka U aec qaairaUng
tbe elgtoU. Long bteeu are aaed to
anewMBof kar aelghbon wl
Aa toatanoe of rad tope ae t
Ilea away of the arpiriid weathir.
oaM ap at Oread IBaptdi tka other Hr. Neal prlale aad dtetribniee fra*
toy. Tka total Ata
at to baiU aa addltlan to aae of ef toe wbletlee. He non 1 toe nr.
the«i«lne beatea. aad todo eo
rioee ter Northrme m
tohnro a kaildlag paitoil. So the ego. aad hat aleo eetablle
aUy mtMI. a* the head ef the fen Waraa aad othto plaeoL Tto Ug
toptotetoat. leak |LU ftaa tka de- Oleto aklatla e Mortbrille ona he
eit teUai away
iwrftofe faada. paid it oral
idlUone are taTorhtoMltactbeleaoaref bnlldlagpertotte iM Iktn itoaad to hItoeaU at tha abM.
toad of tka Ira dapartaitnl aa ol
• °L ft
pattoii to go ahead arith the oeea
Man ef M» addltlan to the a
ateawberry and loapberry tbU eeaena.
and toe
briUtent tod bmy that hae little teto allber ef tlie
nrneeii I la elae tbe berry tr ai large
aa tto laigwt etrawbnriea. bai with
------ r * to feU a ketotone
wfaito W WM lighted. Tbe laea
a Saeor Ian delieah- Una eltbar toe
oaptoalen tknw the baralagaU ....
the-----------olathtag Bafara tha
UttU aarprln erer the datelepTto HfeMi aaetfoa tfeto of
toantot atoek lalaing toare wltota
^tolktoad ebortbora eattto mrkeld
Mtfawyeon. Ghttie te parttea
ter. wUk ehaap and betnn la ton
inMlehl^Mak piaea Tfeoretoy
Antoaw Olityital'e aa)
-Itoto. Otoafoyb. to
Akaat t.dOO patwne wi
of Urge uweu ef land from which toe
anaa, tooladlag aboot Ho froto a die- ■w timber toe beaa tamevel Bom
of them ara ae far aaeOlT' ae Hoagbtaa
oooaxy. ea toe Bvorfar elope, bni
moally ttoy ara ahmg toe Hkcblgw
BMtoMi ntty-foor aowa, i
abet* tkM Mtoseman to GUppBWB.
oahan. if ball ealaot aad 10 baUe
fertoatoU. Tto toed tewoghtSn.toft.
oritoD.a a head.
FiraiaeaiBBoe On. ►
aad Bltownd. Ot
Bbatot beards. wkUb
UfbtoiB» Btgto
liiiiiFii kytow Tto


_ ihfchiit
teM liiin W
totok kpHtkUtod. tto
wae Alto It kotag tint ol
kUted. ItofefeoaotoaiptoeMilftonfe
tdtoof Ikeakaattla etotM Aartag the
pM Ml watfea to Iknl ooaato..
bfanwerBMteag. One keigadWr gi
At MhtoteM wtok at tbe toUitte
The goraraerl tow of totoe to all to
pteea. Work m teato tar the BM
•agltoenl leaow oa. TtoSag poU
toe koto raaei aad tto tog tatoMd.
to to Btod far trtog
Ttrad. TtowatariratM
M pIpM b .aearly told. Water Into,
Lake Mlehlgia will be meed atoOa tote
A large ferea Ual week aad
wUl be ready fer eaa waak

of tto aid aoter. m fanaae
-. aaagaadenry.
to Blyn. LR D.. of OakBarraid eaftage aad Is a deep etadBt ef
pgytoilBT tetotelaiaad frem Bl^ara
fUte. wtoee be neai.daa ladtea bey
far toe parpen of naktag nenfal aa
Pmdenn Plyaa lav boatoeenrlaead tool by a e

taaer Fre^. ef toe OUlad S
formed iate aa f
ealtgttol anr*ey,araaboal to eateblleb d aUam and Ue duaerenee la Ihto
gaagtag etoUon la a Met of tinber
to^lBe iatoade lo^re tto
witolB a few yean. Tto obtool u to
N of to*. taaMTol of
Ibe timber oil the flow ef w
The body ef Fred Feed, a
Boyne Qlty aad Obartorole.
plekad ap Friday norolv ou toe
naoh ta too weetara part of Peioefeey.
lord had raei'Otly hana workiag ta
aad dlnpp*«ad alter a
torea. It to tiioagbt Uni be wae aeel.
toalally dreward belwaaa Peteekey
end (torleroia. ae ble body wae
• warre
biggan Itoglng
node lathe oppar pnalaeato
hae jeet beeu elo«-d by Feryoaon Bras.
Hoatolag. wharaby they eeeair toe
iitiaet for lamberleg u ttones
uaelolptneeo toe Daadrirer aad
le, woat aad aerttaweM ef Herfer Klbby « White, of Altoay
Pergaeee Brae, will gel ta Ibe
•elghborfaood ef fefeOO.000 fer ptoUlag
_ tto Unber, whioB will rmalre at
leael tone yeara. Tha tlaber will be
to* Dead rirar nllL Harqaette.
.rrral days |i«e Itof. A. K. Hiller
Df NiiM
---- ■ -----end dtetrlboted a porttea of then
UMngblafrtoade. Tbe pareoae. oM-ea
aanber. wbe partook ef (be naehMoe all beeame riolaolly ill. Tbe


HBrnaTM bi

Ink km.






M*M te»U kteSnuT^ irCf
rantM te tea te lateew ^ rral wSM*


_ rsSxs.


prntei netoodi. and. ia seaee rastea*

II, , HI 1 11 1 III ilil
•C m ated .teaai;. Ur—
a—Be are.
eote. to tlie mrage what toe kladerenm le M white iafaate.
Dartag a aevare pisetricai esorm al
Troy. III. m cron toaped fenare wae
fnoed in toe groand bear Uie eobool
baildlag. one arm of ahleh U « f»* i
long aad aboal « inebra wide aad toe
otoo H fmt long aad e iaofaee wide.
Where toa arme of Ibe cron ecarerg.
bole two feel in diancter
lad a line l» feel long weighed wiu
BM loaeh bottem. TU
thaary it adranoed Ihai a boll of
lightning .-aterad Um- groosA
Tbe Uel of toe LalevelSe flower
You Could Look
girte of Uorrlslown. K. J.. le dead
Ure. Haty U Harrow. «>
aad al>e
c«i^ inifikM eeienUr eraU b* tairagk
grcal gaaeial e Tiell to HorrittoWD
iSU. Sbe was toen IS With fifty
er girls Mw wae m lreted to carry
fiowra for toe fratlTal and her oim
Three Rin^t. TwoSuges. Ke.t-prnL
S«-i>re« »f Oriiinxl Kceinnlooe made bar tbelr qneea.
lurra; Onr lltiiklrctl Pbrnooimal .V l-. *J.*>;
a<l Hurtu-anc Kxira;
ConoordU. Ran., the Bepnbiloui
lU.UUO Seen; Uur Milhoii IkolUi Mn
%.i r.ii .lens; lirosra lU.Cxniels.
. .lace toe flood of test Sonday Tnxbln. CwnCLrabteadCoUaieein*.
Herds ot Kle|<h»mt.
has flually ebaaged Ue ehaBael and B **»•. wta* It. ». r. a viie a cotoe elcy a toils to oae side. Tbe fa a^W. V. tfH.erirm baite._______
new cbaaael etaru aboal a biU and
tolt to Donb aad wen ef tba elty
aad }oini tbe old etn again abaet a
mile and a balf aortowrat. raialag Tbe firet lypewrUtr laveated la tto
nrenl fin*- fame aad leering toe Ualted Steira wae {wteati-d by Wlllt
iwaaty.foar boere. ooUl they wen OoneardU toll! and elratrio planu
a Ban, of Delroii. Hlto .
ool of danger. The aUaeding phyMat water power by wUch they I8S». Hr. lien wae also Ibe favea
ny (hat It toe
baaa operated Tto elty will be of toe solar oominm He mlird ble
, frwly lartakaa of <
raaobiar tbe “typogrepli.'' Tbti aanid tore rraolted. Tla variety of
ehlae, like several wblob followed it,
ubroent Mbnod by Prof. Hlltor
iwaa— ■iirt^TT.fate'?t!>rien*. mia
wae slew for preniml raoolta
Biralforri. N. V.. loae of sod.
pmauTV iMuaut-Mei, ^ ■
beUg no* mor.- grevel end etoo.- wen- toeaed lu tbe
rare oaed. wblob oeaiod all
Al'a a.——
ite iv'eate'
>aa a mU from water

White cearUag pretty Hand Haw.
m toelr crlgtnal rmtfag place by
Ororgr Doteber le toe hero ef tbe kiiu fa l«ll^ Long Uteua. Roy Oer.
tog* npbmvel of the grosad. Tbe
oer to Kalanaaoo. While flabli
FaMhoga.-. fell fa love with debrU oDven a etwe- l«’ feet sqaar*.
eoall lake two mitoe ftoea Uie rtiy bar motoer. Ure. Bllrn Uawklne. and and U more lliau six feel deep It te
be oaegfal a email mootoed black ton
beln-ved ligbinlug tgailed a vela ef
welghliig nven peoud* aad
uetaral gas and mnrad ao m
« Doletter wae twenty nil
Mkirtnn. la Jmey City. Saaday - vea. grouD.I rxploaloo.
toadlag tbe fleli aud was eo errited Ing Tbe bride le a handaume bniUriveo to ilM|<erai>oa by banger
t to » yean, although and lliirpt. a band of tbirty Yaqote.
after be laadad bU rateb that be had
crtco So tar ae known, th
sbe looks yooBger than tbe bride, nearly half of toem wemea. aitaok.d
.v^b'darTrAoraa. a'ii li
IB u. t.aaaM—.. te. —age.d '
laigrot eaall.neootbad black ban graem. who U fa Ue twenty ninth
Brmen ranch, near Bermoolllo.
over oaogbt la Hlebigaa aad le elalai. mr.
Saturday and a Aeree fight foUowed.
ed to brae Urge aa any erer oanghl In Twenty.three moke ol rli
When a patrol of Hexican iroope
fosr of oane after ihr logar baa beru
tha Uoiled Btaiee.
■ II. .nne—te' n.; aad ah—
. If ear
to toe rveeoe two of Ibe w.
acted were broagtat to daa Pian- aad fire of tbe men Uy dead. Fifteen
Prof. :K. Harehal. spirit oommaoi.
froto HUcr by tlx- bark tiaatfago.
Aae II...........................................................
eatorand graeratferta^e Mlln. arrir>1 ecnuiiiuul h-xt
-*rir- I
edalAI|icaa fron noons kaowawera, and will be shipped east to be need tb
» oowi owned by (j loe Sloab,
for paper manataclare. fastnring at Bloomfield. N J . gave
eo Joly II. and left lael Hoeday with
tone of Uwohatr are
al bandied dellan of Alpena
very lillle milk unUI tbe care
M *,tesi, VTt^-ifTrwLrtevihMra«n Ban's tooney eoUeeted ae aanoaly baned or otorrwtee deetr«> • found Ihrae fat ai>d texy mik eiiakae
faae. Hartoal iadaeed. It to nld ed OB eegai pteatetfane fa tbe Hawml. fa tbe iweiure. and kiUtd toem.
pretty laotoiaaul aro of toe tan Ulande. bat obeervlugmeals Iteve milkmaid now <lora ber task alone,
takUSATB onOBB-WtAtg <ip wwara.ew,
____ __
-jaelolly used in paper
town lo oonealt Un aboat eebei
tor CDwe gi.v twice ae mot-b
hereby tbry tolfht make mo
eee Vi\ HoOee. a farm-r living milk
For tbto adriee be was paid la ad.
rr»*if—'’Tvij!"—I**la^^tei*4er’ *?5eir.
Ub- of tbe biggaei ladiaa danoee
Orrlek. Ho., leek a ebaoc
.. oaennnpM>aghlto aearly *100
held in Indian territory for yean le
poteteas toll year aadoiedSOOi
and anotoi-r 050.
,T0gT,T> et White EagU. l-avlag baeu
fa laieiv them. Hie Tenlura
etart.d by tbr Pimeae with vie
proTfd a grvni wfaner. From eeveo from Ibe tribes of tbe Otagee. HI
lone be hae taken aboot i.
Otoee. Seven bnndrad tepee#
boahaU. aad be ezpecle to sell hit
I have been erected.
lira crop at SO oeaU a baabeL lie es.
lew army prat te te be eoeetri
ble espeaaee M aot« at fetfiSK ed et Honten y. Oal.. fa eost |IS&.<
toe Uattod Stetea. It Is elaii
aad fate nai imSta at |IS.t*f
stellon for eoldiert relatalv
UtaSTrite-dwadifeet naiv.MeMi
toe famere do not get Ibe bnwflt of
Imfof bread, aone ewrale from hani rerTiae id the Pbiilppfaee
toe tarlB oa wUat. jead toe Idea to to aad a few andn for provieloae, Amot
for coavaleoeente.
bold all wbtet in toe
, l« years eld. and «m. Jelia.
wiidetabie anxiety te fall it
yuar yoonger. set ml lii ae lomatie ciralee in OetBlanCfaepl*
totoapeeeiUe la tain tbe price'rqol
■qol' opan bttot from Lirecpool on July 18.
toe lacreasing onrrsl ia Haeedool
Talent lo toe teri« beeeflt
and arrired fa New York Joly fa.
IbaaU ae a rraull of renewed i
ftetarr wilt be a Irael toak
Tbe boat wae jairl of tbr gear
Uy of toe raioloiionavy eommlli
wblob farmers eoa borrow ara
White Sur line Oerie. and when tbe
giviag crape ae eecarity. Tto
ee eat tbe boys crawled
Onginxl Noubk-x, it
wae eeneelred by Prof. R.
B tak«n to toe
Clareaee Hiller.
aatborlUra wi
4 Fiaaktsrt.
toem back to Engtead
Steib... of toe Ft.
regnfai*. wbo has recaraed
Biady. at Saot Bte. Harie. from Cau.
eWatloB of hie ability to an tlie laeao.
toetobera of Conipaiiy
Ubolldlagia Parkaretoit.,W. Va.. O. ara keeping gaard -ver tU- loahot
with Us ova
toe'^fate Prasideni HcKinWy. te|s>ne
and 8 feel deep, Itol Mrs. HcRfaley vleiu toe loub
long, 18 feet
____ ____
Its eipeot to nil
be aad
or ft«r times every week.
aeM Bprlng fer (be beadqoertecs ef U giadoally gafafag to beallb aad
toe Rio Negro .to Soolb Amertea.
> to be raalgned (■• tl>e fate
They wtU follow ibe Ohio aad Htoa- trvedy at Baffalo broagkt tor.
laeippl rirare. oroae toe Oalf of bUkl
giaeioes and kind
ooaadtbeOBribbeaaeea and asaeoil wbo keep watch. Thera ara
toe A melon l.*» mice, aad go arariy
te. tax- C« (op of toe Itiaib and
1,000 mllee ap the Rio Nsgtx>.
fnmt rieiiore from almoel all
■ee to M eetabliah’a iaieet<
Dore of toe earth cs<me lo vUlt the
HO mtlae bon toe aaara
spot, bat only Ure. HeKlnlrv'e
tee. Ttoy tove boaght l.OH aeiee of
In the vehicles we offer would
Inbar Itbsn aad vriU epetato it « mieed lo apfrooeb toe eaalL The
be a useless waste of feitne.
ey toa axpeatee of toetr work. Ttoy casket ma be seen front toe (tad
rill tefTSSn. (hotgane and rcrolNone exist. Tbev are as per­
eorered with fluware that
atmoel daily tram Caawo and oateide fect as the most skiUlul work­
Tto Shelby dlatoiet Hstbodin eoa- pofata. BSotta tove
man c#n make them. Every
ftreooe. la senstep sear Etag'e
tove toe to maa of Oompaay U raUevma. North Ouoiiaa. bee paoeo
od by otbeca. bat Hrt. HoKfaley hae part is tested and tried, and

- anoftetoeoa
oxprmard tbe wish that toera be ao only the rtawless permitted to
"iUorioaetfe toe body aad mlad.
etov* la toe mb wbo keep vIgiL
enterJnto the make up of tbe
i to eoM axtenl to tto soaL”
Aa old New Toto fandtoeck me
dgfar toe mbers of toe cxnfer- Steveeto- baaae will soea be demelUb- whole.
90 to nt a •■wbotoeale exanple" by



vmvVtvVi. 1.V



Grandest, Greatest, Purest, Fairest
Aniuseinent Enterprise on Earth.

Splendid in Organization. MafniOcent in Presentation.





Ek*.S2Tirr5 TTSiir V

i "-pi

rat.iw fraca tadalgmee ta toe

eke way toralfe.aO
tor a H.oOii.OOP a

et tor Urg«ra baildlv* fa tto w«ld. Wto. H.
Ualre wbo owbi too Btevons MM U
IBopBriag tto plaa. aad wtU ooB(tTBOt a bniUtag H etratea high

Iras to nlennly |
• firm eowfieh ever CMgtil on Ibe
New Jerery eoasi was fak*« ia i
eaBrd (or Eotepewito too
Atfaaxto mty. b te tear leto lav
oBria* ta toe Bt. XtoBiB WerWo fate
tto graatoM egUBtt cdl^vwtoefc
gitotor doptt otwBta ikBaato
tme ever brra Met.
yacfitl. It (otoe Us yoov
Mtoa aad mu alto tov fagiotaBt
tto MRtako HUtoi
to aad Ototofar feWfiale tto wtU
Foibwito Feld, to bm aacla. Atow
tomFald. TtolattorolateMlto



Behratete Mtmkcyt. Dvx, Ooau. PIgi aad ttaskrys.

handsome, stylish
moderately priced.


lO $u fp.-Th* Grand Street Parade. A toiqtK

uea <d GtopotB Stnei Caratval. SpecUcatot Street Ffetf, a Zoofap™
Dteptoy. Hone Fair and Obttcriag PifetoO.


I * 7 p. m.-Doors Opened »tto liBiBwar WM-jmioi Tea

1 i IS A 7; ISJ>. m

Concert Ba^

2 A 8 P, m-Ag

P.ffifH r b^ooi^to^




U/t IWtaftt h a SpMUCA
rralt fn wlalor }oUioa. aad onMl U
ootnflhoaUhaMrtmfnaa waDaa
a faat at apaoa. AODO a«aaaa faat
aarlatr ta bror. r
M H*. M. K. C. aATn. CptTM.
buinpartat naalaad■■■adflUt.
^ aaahhaTlat U aafatala hmaadnqatriac In aata aa aHiad tbM.
. Thna an U bdc laoUaaa. tar Me
Otar lipa fnit thaald h. ra)a
U tba Mat ta danp or nadr and
mat ha wnhid. do only a nnll
AM«( liwlii.
«( •
at a tlna. and dnia
AnddaattatoapUj. Vaatoy fiaita dUato tha
Oat Oed ta galdla'dr aarth.
<na of apaebU fnaaa. kaoUan..kai
toUy naktac qaaUtlaa. brtblam* aanr ^
U Ihia Utahn hava almd;
Or nanMifl *lna la iMal' tUaa
«nta<Mntoan<A nan oanala If
eoofead ATOordnaat tha
tha frail ta «mtband whn lb. ana la Aadta rtapU «U aana, a«ala m
Um. nte U thaUchwattra
b da anha aUaa thnachda a
■t. aad thr >117 taada oa a
Da M’a an UM vMOe Bewaha «aj. whhAwr. wa nad darlat tba I
FW**(««lbitekM.aad tkli
r-prt-‘ ta aarimb dal) ntnia.
ibow a r.« paan affO.
To’ tha wari-aaU riefat. aU rldbt.
Onr K7 hMd
tiM In tenfur;
Tba otalU paaaad. ttylap to aador.
Oa waa'a n7>« aanah da nothah*# iarr- a aanhar of paopla wan i
nMow MMt. aadvr
balmaarradat a riafto naal o
riolh. Tiian taald bo faadsl shaped
.— •fur;
•I bn oyn nw tbr praat worid
tnir oel7 aboat thna hoan.
Ortbiacan' mat
ao tfast ta largn wripbl tff tnit at
I kla V
to m vorid with
•nm U .not. bowarar. tba bail of
nUhaw vaaaad:
Theagb tha tna-a aaaai
ta Mp will help Msrtnot lbs Jaless.
InWBWrc^aellj of tha kHobaa. U ia poarihia
wlipht llitia foot tadly trnmad
I ran la a saall acnaa Inn
ItilAidtwBoravWbti Ud!
to aook AptD oc^ of anp. A«« ortbraattb.
ta polniad sad. A sary handy >Uy
dna of ooBaa. t.ODO ordon of aanta
Aad bw ml briaaad arar wito la
Oh. tb4 whM <rf the Iridt te th»
aaybaaada by nwlap
aadAICOordmaaoh of aarani *ofawiadfWMthwl
hoop af wire awaialy -aimad ta top
thaud Hotri. WartUaptua. 1>. r. i
tm«7 tnafei and bl«wt
WbiUthat*ana Kood.nav
with a samp taps ar strlap faslesMd “Borar alad; dm't Iktea. O ao
.t eaa' ankt 1,100 p«ioaa
gMbwl ’
llaa who teUtaalr taka aa oallaa at
I siae M banp it' ap by. IWt
•■At taeaWrMeflm of a Mta
Oh. tUd i» Uw *»• hWd «6«a» «» '
awa aaaaoa of tha ynr. tbrraan ofdurannt nladt U aa boar: tha sbmld br bsep onr ta labk in a om- Make aar.- of ymr woralap aoap.'
nwfkrwaaaadcaaoAacrMfy r
Mod roar nmdr to spyeor safArfop
•aar aaen who do not
mistil pUea,aBdapileberaraartbmmid;
M u fftad of th*
dariar a noraiae. and tba loa
ritk eatorr* or wbe aarffi «
TiMta la ao aaeaae for tbit. i
>r baasatb it. Fat ia qaly a 'AadUpeda bbbi mot yoa. why.
,departnaatoaa tmaaaloosaltatt**~-r. r. fTTZPATWCK.
nail qoantUy of oooked fnlt at a
A <>n4 Taslr.
tiar. Ooaot iqanss tbs palp fn
tbs drat >lly. bot wbas aU k draia.
toBlr. It atreapIk-Bi ud tr«»ferbn«>d UaT»a«*tb.«»dar. oatlBf it to pack a l-rti
Tbm an 14 ehafA al
oloen tba oetlrlty rt rrrry noTvr IB lb*
tdn. bitohap the bonaa. loadta tbr oooka oaeb oai»bU of takla* oharfa md >r braeath ta bap and aqaean
An In iMcw wUb Uw Thn*.
fantl7 aaddrtrote aowrriter, laka ofakilehan bliaatlL Soarly all of
Tbnaph ta oae of IV-ra-B* tba
palp ao tial no >ion an waatod. Stonaa aay be Wttor aad paths ba
Sktj nn taU at nhtle and <tatok
orolbar plaanat apot to apaad tba Ibaman Bwin or Atnttaaa KaiA TliU may br dom by pranlap aaeh
Ua own daparftnt. and they an
tbelr Bamsl rimptli ud Ibr Uuud
day. U it oan b* arrmacad to atoj
aids to tlia bap with a iaipa jpooa, At oar Mara abmldtall like ta dear
begin at core t.i recolih- iImi
And wtaMi I MB
lotwar, wall and rood bat erwAt aiaaod atiiTlap aad aaslilap tba frail
«ow of blood aooordlnc 1- Bmture'. Uss.
aanb'a tawora.
■la te7 with earoa throws off amid
thoroapbly. Tba )sln tbs* oUalaa.1 That help t> ripto ta fraitt aad
■unpraUoni iBzoadUtelr dUajqirar.
IMotbcthMM. (hv

eboold ba atninod apalB. ud if not
csisRh Com. ,
ei«l to aaed falbar. anlbar and eiitl- reffola^ aad alao tba Mdlad nnl
parfarily olnr ahml.l not ba auod
All phase* of ealsrrh. smteor ehroole,
n DMs; II »ao dosotbii
AndnUthevtonandthn Ihca
draa boaaa tba batter for IL
with tbr drat lot. bat aadr op by Ita- “A pladdre ta day with yoor bllUe- an promptly sad j»-nn*n. B«lT eund.
Hacalarly rrary a^moaor aa toon aa bat fry tbinca. <*«acrd in tba eir. Tbr bip aboold be WTonp ml of
fal soap:
It i. tbruoph |u oprrstion u|s-ii tha
And**wtaB I w wnplBf •!«■«- tba laat tbraf of frala ia catbend is
thst Pr-ra-BS t-s. sthot water botorr tha trail ia pal la,
aadaaob s world-wid« repuuti--D s.s
It la tba oatton of oartain faaiUaa of
nbafaad the pieaard pelpaud rilnaabmid
to aad relUble mamlr tot all |■ha«s
aay aoqaaialaaoe to pack o|> and hie
ke mn of ymr aeamu of pen
Boftlr. MI (benld tank th* «nac.
b.' raaovad euli tiaa brfen addlap
ntsrrii wbcrrrrr loeaied.
T»e *ioM wiU flatMT
uoltarr npply of hot frail.
.t yoadoBotdrrirr|irompt sadsallato ba wltbia drlvlor dUtaaoa SomaWUh««fd*o(lfnr.
Apple*, paaobaa. qslsoaa. paata aad Ko mitrr wbat trkk aay eoa* be^ taetory molts froa the tuw i>( prnins,
Atnriiad to tbr siteboe U a batober
UidW tUj bin a opuam*. wbieb (aa
And the Inna wiU nUw.
plama raqaln to be drat cookad is a
write St oaeo to Or. llanmu. riviop a
had ready farnltbod and aeoosno- tap and ston rooai. when orvry ar- mU sBoaal of wslor. They ahmid
^lla Ttaanar. ia ta BkadarA
tnU atslomrnl of yoor eser and be «111
in qsila a nambar to that tba indiAnd U>« Thnab wUl ««!>.
bapirssad to give yoa hu Tsloslde *d>
br eat into aamll piatM. bat mritber
leal axpnaa U not gmt Ooaa- icudaa a twirale emaanwoaldpai- land anoonJ ulan tha eom I
And nddnl* drap
Inn «• daa o( Ibn nndwtrah.
oloaaJy they taka a tost with ©ott fof rianitataaordioBiTpraanty. Vny delaellTs U tbia oan they aboold
Addrees Dr. lUnmsn. l-mklrol of
lew proeerin or batebn tapt do ao
wSwiHsrtmu SaaltariBln.t'vlambasO.
alMptorand not tair laaali
•Am 1 wUI tUMn. had ta lha ha*
Tbr Islen of ta oaaU
larpa a talaon Tbm ordare an
■ U tbUiaata
Aa aar panalvaa
(raiu may be rstiutad by ataatnlnp
They UiaBd load. rtlwrittoa. Wbik .ta mart ia i
inp tta-B tbormpbly with a
play taaea. vialt and tow on tba lake inpand iba bnd of oaoh dapartaml
Airf I look balow
00 sre sll Ik- baby I wui.“
eariou otbar way* awaar aakn bk reqaUitioaa tor roaal*.
U tka Amdr non.
Unpliad bet BKitber. "Wliat tsoold 1
aa and bar. a rood tim f<a racalabiM. aonp Meek, floar. bailor.
And in bU brovD'f aflow
do with aaolhrr':"
Lore her jait u ym do ms" siis
apaia. pomkia linad n pranlta kotAnd t cateb bla oy,
wared JUith. npirly. “Why -l.-o-i
de abmld be ataA Ib* join tboald
I- famillaa tboald ael ao>oy as
God aaod a* ou<->’ I're asked hloi
be aeanrrd befon- bolllsp. ud ta
And thaa-wa an atoaat Maada- oatiac of tbU kind? It not for a
lou of Usan."
r-iirrsl rale la >aklBc >Uy la to al­
tbaa for oton a day or -ime.
Ua don oot tliUk ii t>-.t.“ nid
low a poand of eapsr to apiat of lain
Well, tbr birad aaa eao
than an tba obatMniat Uarao aiaio.
’ molbet. puti.r. aipbiop a- ahe
or eqoal araurra of .mt. If ta
PaoUth. tinoroaa karoo that try.
. •anly ifot aloaf alcne tor a few dayt Ihraeph fmr heads md U ok
kbnopbt of tba troop of boy. ud girl,
froil U ael loo [ripe, boarafer. Ibrar'•Bara a nn f« th* foU that pry 1” or. do aa eoa famer don aad bira a by foor peoida before taBWoe
who ihatvd the liOBW ant with Ksllh
foartbe of pnasd of aopar to a plot
-Mary Bart Moonrta tba AOaatie. aal(bbn to attaad to tbam. pica ,wld by ta pnem who-myt
,ud war* now si sehool
of ialoe will be foul aapis
eblaf cook aerar pen oear^ or
ebleknaaadalL-UiehipsB FWoirr.
" lie Bsy think we lisee enuopb. ’
(Mae aspsr ia always to be iwafrrred
btellai asorpt for ta parpen of In"1 Aok br bn amt one." cried
to beat aspar la aakiaR >Hks. u it
Ha ta oAeri: Bear ta
Ksllli. Imr eyes shloinp btp ud aoleoataio. a mailer prroroUpr
Aadayntaiat aad bctati at
door, wban br can osarrin a peDanl
••Hare yoa.- arid c
oaia throoph her Mar*
“I mllj
water. Tbejalor. aboold be bolird
the patty roaad of lirttaUaf ooa-skim orar bk lattalim of ae.iod aeot one ud tbr Upels took
laiddly fn Ma ainate*. tbro add tha
aaraaaaddatlea. Balpattepiay
ita. aad caa ba coaaaltod by
tbrooeb tbr tapplait dlatrlet. “notha WTOUp boas<-: for
aopar. adr util dkaolrrd aad boil
*0 ana. help aa to partem tbaai
tiead bow ooeked woaan at<- aoUiaii tarn wbm tay aard advioaorn- rapidly fn Ma aiaBtn Imper. Too
broBfbi Mn. Ford tbe aweriast laby
with laafbtar aad kind faan; lot
to be? Look al aoaaof thaw
pitl ta otlier oipbt. 1 know it ‘1
loop brillap after thr aapsr ia added
wbe pan as. aod aee It the richl
as IXm-t yoa Aak be woold let n*
will aak<- ta )rtly toapb ud psa.
Wbal Owe MaW DM Wbl
aboaldar it not larariably lowrr
liara it if you 'apklaad it to k-t:
ay. n if aadr with the eaoal propn.
Thirty yean apo Mrs
tba other." Tlia other wonan leekrd.
"I am amid ixit." bar mother said
dm of aopar it it apt M caady.
left a yooap widow with two ehtldI lei it was to.
amllliip. “Mrs Kottl lorea her bsby
Kdirjoienof pispr. ud enrrute
Oar pood IttUs Irtut mn>
Ilia the aabiml rraolt ofalwaya rra. Bar boibud bolmped to a pon- bare beoa oitmeted wilhoal tba ad
loomaeh tepirr II epHy litiirpirlU
Wrs-k ud le-rery wrlooms
larlafacnute taoldep.'' nid the tta faBlIy-acbolsrs, kwyart ud
most stop fmiUp ud be cooteobSrr alnotr* of rapid
Norwood. Mich.. Jaly V.
irnoan “Why mil woaaa eUs« {weaebara fn muy puemUpts
with wimt Uod pit r* bn "
boillap srUI be anflleluL If a poaad
Dnr Mn. Hato*-I Ibmpbt that 1
«b anrnacmlilr fartiloatT A ferr lie dird ba Bird bis praat loaia•Ome! Ome'“ wslle.1 Faith."
of aopar i* alltwod to a piat of Jaloa. woold writ* s few linn to yoa u 1
I ayn apm bk b^s
trala k pneabl eely wbta allowed to
WUI aoiDcUiiBp 'lirrtepky witb.
af«n It U added, riir util U U diI think John will ba a praubar
liaia not writtea fn a loeqt dm*,
awaop the proBaA and we oaon
"Tbrrrare tlie kittens,'' said lu
and Will uartUt," be nIA
-yos tolred ud boll stndily one aioBM. bare bou to Nlawortli to ud sttyol
it do tat la tiia dirty atnet, c
ToU li not tba oiaal rale, bat U ta a
My Orudma Slaaprr
ta beat ym eaa wik thea.
laeotly wa an aTariaatinply olatablnp
And eery tBoeb alire were tbe kitSonabody taUa tha Mary of i
most aso-lkat oaa. ud If esrefnlly Biy Aoat Ida Pearl, an brr* bow from
tens Jost than. Tlwy rolleil orei
«bntlna.“taniA followeA arrer falls to makr flra.
larippi ud Aaui Alma SIrrprr
Poor, a UupUd amrl Of writhUp
“My BMtMor It a nab aond bay ta poaltiaB tbit aaeaatltaka i« ao
dalloiooi Jelly.
bodies kicking, -onlehlnp
wilb fnakkd bee aad oamty hair. eMaaally anamad that ta rlshl
1b* Jelly pbwan taold k- tbntans, ud tamed ta boys
1 Imtr a little kllteo; abe U
Tea wooMnalittbtoadninbhLm tbooldn k baoealac lower than the
oophly sMriHtod ud kep* bot by black ud pray. 1 wu 0 yaars old tba mwa. biliop. apluinp moatha aad
frimdi with ta mwa ud tbr
If U<e tbln( ooatlBanlUK
Uinshinp tails FsUb'* sob* onaed.
m tan aaqaablaaea. bat abeald yea otbar.
pluiop taa ia a pm of tepid water
SuUi of Joo* ud my llltle .tster
bOBOtad earriacr of tba Aiaoriflas ffirl abaep. with ta tran ai
to aba >4sTed al them la pint lodiptare Trr*-------nlattai with bla for
ud letdnp it come lo boiling point
two year* old lbs »«di of A[w». My
leoe ba an empty boaid laoeed. ate with tim aad playrd oritb tl>am
«. TBU she aptup from ber
abw nothl. bla faatana wUl
Wbaa mdy to All plaer them m
bretber wa* 8 year* old tbe «Kb el
udrradto them.
The only naody for the prraeat.
>n’s Up. and bore down a|iOB
fohkd eloth wrUR mt of bet water,
Her friuds pcoWriaA
Mmrob (ieod bye.
wata mtj ao radiate fOod-wUl. ala- only hope tor ;ta fatare. U lie l<
havr mdy a large . heated pitober.
Prom ymr friaad,
“Tliry will Iblak tay own ym.
-illUm Moanity.aada bUn ta ebUitoraty- off aalllBf *irta aad po to a pya
of c
Alan Mu PsarL
Tban. aadrr tiie dlroetioa of tay nid.
body aboat bla. Oaa promlaaBt ebarelelb wrong oat of bel water, poor
"«iaydoowaaa.“ta rapHoA
aotaktic k hir >aaptian Bo araat
■atnrbad w s
ta Jelly into ta pitober ud All tbr
ThU little ttety U lakm from th<
Wbmtaybacuto stadyrtiewai
' baaktr^vaannen tmlnlyeeta bow to oan jaat toeh dafoeta,
tU Afbt like thUV
glrrr— U orertlewlBp a. tk- Jelly
Barbn dprUrt Orapbie^ Wbat hrtpbt
rear atop antil ym an atniphi witli thea atop by atep.
M of the oleiA thaaha. Ifyao
•left way kowa miy
wllltalBkaalt cools
tblap* birds dol
If yoa eu mIy pel
“Voa dm‘i aaaa to ny tat l«9
afro bla a lotnr to aail. amifht to apala.''-BawTork Baa.
beraalf. Psilb oaUnpIrd ta aas
Wbra ta flann am AlkA Wipe
will net mtor eolkpa aatU after tay
tae«|te siady tair pretty way.
tba bos ha ton with It, bowarar aay
nxrfally witb a damp eloth ud ori
ualM'-Tbefrirade cried apham.
am fall of iatareat. I wmdn
ininail aCaIn taay aafton bk tiaa
kickiap sod strapaway fn a day or two. Tbr Itala
hare nrednne aindt ■••ldo,"taanawenA '•Bat Itaoy
and ittaailiai
Hr lorn ta do'tarots,
pliap aador k-rsnn. William MeaooB whieli farBuorer ta top sliooid
aad anraaa ayitiaai thna all lb<- doe- WiU ban earn
aadwhatbr laonknhoperfen
BOt ba brokea u it esriodr* tba air. tay might tell a* aboat tair bird KiBley hid ud.-t ib* atore. from
ttaa aad ararytiao. Thaw la aotblac
wbieb be ularrd with yellow. Aery
wbnimnaOBBd Oorer dw Jelly with rireln of white trieads! Pal m you thloklac n|w.
Maok-twkoed. ar
eye*, prowliap ud spitUap.
papvr eot a triAa Urgar thu '
,y ;hare -aea
and am if ym onaaot toatombet aomehart aboat hia. artOwrhktar
For aome time do more wat 1>rsrd
aarfser, aad dipped U white of an;
iddla apo.
ttilap fn as Bat ben U wbat onPhlkdrlpbia Kortb Aarrieaa.
Mr hk faat aer bk wwda “an
from Faith Faarlop oUachiar. brr
Armly pm them dowa over ta aldn
“It k ta beat rofapr tat ta
asotbn weal to *.-r what ahe wu doof tha plus This Is a maoL nfer
ta. did aba bat
lap. There nita little p'rl ‘O h«
eoTorlap ifau imisfAB*. u ta Utter
pkaaa U qaiak aod kladly. aad ba U kaew-lt. aad tbr miy taalt I bare M
Irockiep chair, her bsppy face ^
shrinks away from ta rides of ta
TUUps looklap ap snu raaort pro­ iteudnlyorer Teddy fteoaesels Wbo
■Had oat wUn two “balpiap tarta” Cad wilb oruam ia that aa a rsk they
■Urn. InrUp
perty, and they mw a eery pretty : lay oooteDtedly in ber Up A loop
tatanahoadybiUodtedeta bid- do net an tair rmrim half rDoapb.
Olreaway wta ym doa’I roally
alpbl. which abowi ta aapacdly.of ;wbitt areas the rowparty of the dm
“1 aa aot talklnp abepl then yard
a warn heart aad baay I
tin la eODhlaadm Ifau al
blnU WhiU they wan atttiap
aad a half ernttiraaoeba tat an aa Doed ia year boaas Dm'i at
Ba ta may adaliabU qaal
They wdl
ta kwrii aatiap a loaeb tay
loapbaaartalaoeerooe bide. Wlatl
.filled alrorn, ud s pmk boonat was
:ally. U tire iwopndm of om
fill u attic and erlkr aad OTOtllow Uphtfallj
u old daek swim oat Ute ta w
of eanuls to Itam of raspber.
witbri* little dacA* perobed m bn |........................................•B.*r.,‘S‘boms“^
Into Mbor leeaa. wbete tay de ao
ta real waald lar* Uttk ralaa.
A bsudfal raby Jelly n
necompluat* from
back. Wbm abml thirty faat from ]
oea uy po4A Ym an aol likely
lap warm ud
“ Ba my be hripht aad witty.
abor* tbe old daek dIrad ud Uft ta
tboB apaia aad it la a malm
tbr pUiowa aad
witb Teddy
fal. rirm. light oelorsd Jelly BatbnBeany be brtUlaattaD:
to hara Dm haaplnp anaad. Leap
llttU daoks to mddU fn I
i Rm^ell SM-med to mjoy it too.
bara^’^a. t
nos ud rbalmrb also amks a pleoriap Luy imeaa ormsa aimom
Bo aay lead la ta ran with hk
They looked aroud almoat frutiewlly | ttl bar drsn ud nodra*. him a «
apowa abmU bare bam oblipwlto
oMBbiaarim. Aldwln
worrlrd erar thk bill triaUppar bmar
Ba any pka pieat thiatt to do:
piakirii amber JaUy.
family if I ~lad Ifotlowad ay be.
wcaaa alimid bare*
small ran pamalam leaf pUosd U
Mo n^ hare all psTn aad praeta.
pka. of “nTiap

r rabalied. ta oaa (brow bemU band-t ihrlfly
Bat Baapht eaa aaka aaeh yey
ta bottom of ta pUw before Alliap

He kicked apii
dewa aad atntob ml aan.rtlewinp brr thlsps' At arot hr taapbt 1 wai
faat farther mk Tbsy II mddlad n ,______
Aad prida In na aa to know tat I
drliphtfal Ossn to ^>pU
! Faith'* am-rnpl to tara bim uio a
taat u they eoold aad a
trmsln to atniptatm tbrmnlTn ost
doll, ud left loop iwd aeimtebnm
laattaaeh. Dapeadabk hoy."
petritad m bar book apaia.
Of tlwlr own aeeotd.
odpn Ihrinrotar faaiUn weald Jelly.
ud faes If star pot bim
Orom prspn make a ten, i
"By Ibk anas byatam Uaroldad. Hkewin.''rM thaktnlraa of “wari
awlmmUp ml a ilttl* Ur
dresnd he Umblad all over tbe Aon.
JallT. A few parpU pnpn a»Uad
taoplad ap la the loop draas a Aaroa.
my at at woaM Ilka to kaew-ta
tbryanta likely .to an apaia ta
I dlrad ud left tarn a
with tba prora ear* will ptre a baulittle lebt. UBoe be an oat of
kiad of a boy >ay anther woa
tasmdymn, bofaeekaalap'woal
abmt. Bbe repeated tbU
ud Aew OT'T ta Arid* like
dfal clam eeln. Orrim* whkb bare
pnad to own. Bat amt we leak tor
berebbrd iet halftatomts Ttoil
ral limn util *b* a
___ .omat.
hii tali n bif u two
a bUek
toraed parpU mak* a dark parplr JalIty
Amtpink buoaet m hii Imw-L
la boemly rirtaa tiitt onally iapoaoi
aad1 ta
ly. U ta pt^w Jaiee U wmblaad
fu after bim
aka IBM akarftnan
Bane Of a
ad away orar ta warn arlib ta Uiwith ritar rbabarb or applo Jain
leer erif? Boon beys aay. bat
His. OocBslky. otEaelA
uaily-all rsrebrd apm bn tori
boamold elotao- aai^ fonttaa.
maayboors be miae book prowliap.
ly Itakted of a boy k taapbt ap so. WboUtokly bind, ta one of tbr dlamdad brle-a-lwu md ta
8b* wu otidmtiy irriop to p*l U
tbe preta booart wa* a ssd wrack,
Otmbappln anko a beulifal. cler
- ll-e tbr fatar's aad aotar'e tnla. Boat baaatitpl dower psrdaai is tbU .imply bannn dal laHt ta k
darAliap* away ttom danpn oadi
ton aad ^rty.
jelly, wbik tbttlin fir* the
' ta that atan ta' dn
part of tba ooaatry.“nys taAtobla- a* Pxad wo am toe ottaT to pin
UBS time Ismbi^ tban to swlmu
I of raby eolers Plosi* maka
-^tam M^UUy iate a d<
sad it. ta to bsffla yoaap-retT
“lUs Alley aaeb tUapi
tooombkayonap. Farintt arr qalle {apt to trot
a mtin oan of her psrdaa. weed- Bead Ibaa.
aod eaold at a bey‘* oanlan waye lap aad mlttrattap >1- 8br prows all atiacr. and arr ailanad to dkoorrr
Faith Eadleott an* ia s bod mood
wbm It k tair
Uadi of deweta. Mrs llailey ta Ihal wrars
om tay. 8ba shook LUlu Bali aatil
Krap Jrlly la a mol. dry dark eloablind a pood aaay yean, bat ta
oUU oyn tottUd u
nbare how tbr doaran look, and
triuloadapto fright.
bia om witboat mn work taa n lbs bade appnr aad mrjmai aadn
'Why. Ballh.''
Bow laal ta ami^or oamlap
bn mosa.^
aoel Iienplr oaa gtra. Ttaefna. dnr
aamloaa aefaena of anls
with my UttA
rfaat U ta
I. .earrmaa.
frrii of Ibaa. aad pieiam rta..libaic.l nra aU tamrplaa
pirP WhM bm pmr drily



ioico aad aaka ebnb I aerer hare
rarr pood >Uy Bade fioa ta Jaloa
of tban fmla. aa it don noth
Hsr gardm k tstt fneraav bot is otrlapy. 1 pal plaaty of
ttaa to a wUk ta wayeaf lha
world waiph apm amrttJre ^emlA and ta knows by ta eemtwbat
ta ta Jotora Ml orar. boll ap akla
U weadiai
aad k spiu of rim eyed hOth. dnk an arr Is bloom
sad taoeuUiUiaka laat ta aanr
n Mrs Uallry kaewe U>- wmd> aa froit It ia aioa to dilair witb
dmM.eannterala It all
ta dowses by Mash, aad
brtpUily Urm
and aia k n erart to hk tallow ma. palU ap a flmnr. no
A btt ief bamly nan like thk la mall. Asspmdsafsaatdnlof ta
ttaa OalaUs laktap oan- of bardow-



Oninl de mri-.




Mbaonnd. ^

. lamffNBtaabokriflh.
. BM dm Itta u ta ta ta da M

wta Urod
l-M-B. B.OartUs

tabot days a wuh l

Bean the

For Over
Thirty Years


-^IlfrpiUrsirc* in st<K-k.
,„,u-r, imimptb.

Spe.-ijl_ wai!-ms

Onl« tl.e-Mrt\


110.-.1, anil fully RuaiaJite.--! m c>ei» ir..i»>1.

Tliri ate iiia.lo to ute

sell 4' tell,

mict aie

ii.rt inaiW«f.-hcai> lUklctial. an.l ROen .1 fla.hy
liiuiililo caleh the t-te; Iml ate .hir.iUr. t-sohutabk. and tu-al.

The rlicai<c« im ihe maikl, .jualtH


Oiu c lI•<^l'a■1•l yon will liiiyno olhci make.

Hs stau strrrt. w Uictop Petcrtyl.



Fnquire of

Tmos. t. bates.

Ihm'i neglect Ihe sliphteri sign of wrcRaUrily Urt se.^ that >»o
have kl least me natiira], easy mmcmenl a<U>. Pills salts uH idack
ilraughts VC dangerous berau-< the)’ striin and weaken the Uiwels
Wliv ;<>u want is a mild but sure Mnic laxative, llial and
strcnglhenv Ihe lu>we(. and srimuUles thcii mmmicnLv SivJi a }aa>
aliiL IS CAS-CINE. ud when «(w tty it )»u will hn-l that it is
tlie easiest ihrny m the worU to make am! kcrji yoor UneU rleu
ao.l reguUr. stmq; amt healthy. • ■mU'S TroUBCM ally «1.M.
Sallslictlw Gnraiiecd. Kn sale ooly by HAKWAB A LAT HERCANTaECa
Very troly.


We Lead the Way
t«AB AM tfllB mmtot

and 00?"

’■8b* to m taod." srallad FbUb.
M Of dactoi* of boamia to a peat drapidBp bn doll, aad toaatap to bn
plan of nfapw. bn mstbrr's la|t
•I'm teird of daatad tbUm 1 waad
fn apoaciac u* ta pi
ratmtbUp -Uy* to pUywUb."
lowiap ta ttwapiap s aou of
; "Fmr Udm Bril U aol to Mom
rslraty pewdn. Ugbdy dasesd b
ta to bM altra.-'nldhn
makr ooe look met aad will be)p am
to pn late a Chrkdm fnmof niaA Botar. kinta Mth'a tosr wri taos
‘Aad my UttUpM maataManbo
Im tall mCn fn tar owB bad tortaf bailed kaa* Upbtly tabh_____
taebMks Tk* oigm af ta am
may b* iiffteal down ayaaoMy Ab
blat with • ptm a(

The Kind You Have
Always Bought


aolo OUST
. I wta wakoA)


Enterprise Gash Grocenr


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