Grand Traverse Herald, May 29, 1902

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Grand Traverse Herald, May 29, 1902


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



«rao4 Craocm B«raM

For the (aU


mmm oC

1901 »e

have one of the ft&Mt aMorliMata






and Htripea, both ForeifiB aad Domeetic.

l_0/VIM —


on«itE a s a nkt.

Uteat Noeelliee In Plaida, Cheeka,

Tmcisc aty stale Bank


JoWT wAbtot." ropllr-i »«»
ruiUly. "Thu'a wbst w» boro to
boTo. obA tbw oia'I aelBS to bo uytUsg osloeky oboot- tbto utfsir. Toe
jMt go obood Sbd plu. Ellio. s»d

207 E. Front Street,

ever abovn ifa the matheL All the

Tbne we will make to

Ho te^ to AeUlso tfao cun.

lU-T rfr.«
tl. Kmu- W UIIU U«T d

joarorder at the very lownl prieea.


CAPITAL, 9100^000

amiiH. Uadli«HerchulTtUH'.


A Gacnl Bukiv BasUess Baa«

?ire Insurance!

Plate Cia88.8tMm Boiler arsd Accident Ineurance.*

Money to Loan on ImproTcd Real Blate Only.
S per Celt aUtwed M TiBc beratiU.
n Block. Phone 73



Traverse c!Tty. W


is =.........

A'SatfcJBK" •



I’rtfection is

treating ytifeaRsoT the vy-e. the


C. A. HAMMOND, « «


correction of sight aad the
Office CTcf The City Book' Store,
Ttarene City. Midi.




"dr. j. w. cauntlett,


Phyalclan A 8uraw>n.

Real EsUte.
Mortgages Bought and Sold.

wa. oairsanoiitskoBM

Osteopathy. KiritaviUe. Mo.. ..

SI M>)iaar



liPUP ssd ns .a.. «or«.

l.ady in Attendance. . . .
LheralBreon .Apfilication.

Office Homs: 9 a. in. till B p m.


Rooms 3(il, »ri Ne«- Wilhelm Block,




WlAU»M»eiT*t."r»«rw, B


tnaMtM»<Ti«TCn>au m

aipMAe. > I ii ii




AU. gniTOor

Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats, Sausages, Etc.

MS a






e 8 ITOBtUT.

Commercial Piintlnfl

PBtE Marquette

■ sra-,-


6rand traverse Land Co,

Graaiuale of Aniericao School of



Fine Farms Cheap as Dirt.
t>bo»r*ouau.t.s:aotLn]<t >m pas
sad rtv ss rual tW

Chest an Bsrg»hn.

(S. OF V.)

Traveraa City. Mteh.

Berald Job Office

.'leUaf of pats oi
a»n ta thejas^ef W

NAFool AAFairT'ted



Ikr CIW. At

All the wool in the region wanted. Am just back from the
East, and have arranged with eastern mills to use all the
wool from this section of the country. I can afford to pay
the highest outside market prieds in cash. Will also buy
hides and ginseng.
Offioe add Wvebaw. 732 £. Front BL
CiUieu Pbooe 4tll
Bell Phone 130.

*WMvM*p.L-«lmMe —S
PivBWBMMe ud Xeaeih

other boanl^ s^vetataeuL

SOO Aor* P"»rrr» For IBolo.
Two anj one-haU miles from gc«id market.
gras-eOy tomn. seeae day.

Good-sail, mostly

Fifty acres timber, will Un^; $i,BUO at

7/ p0tf Waat ta get a

R acres corn.

woodL fenced far pasture.

Balance of >land, h>diidii«

Good ILrooo hoere, with atone base-

Good 6^oom tenant home, stone femndatkm.

Feed mill

SUaSp, i^cioty and *btBcn>cnt. whh tods far dtelling ai^ grmding

Tod boose S4s4U, on stone foondtlion.

»BsSt) and 4»iW. stone basement.'
Mtd give poansion at race.

Wifl aetl irilh grediiig trops

1*^ $6,MI0 if add

Eaim m pawl payreent.

Ua.<ement ham

rwffi lake city property


31& Wc9 Tenth StteeL

Potato or
0om Planters

do not fail to took over our Urge line of handsome artkks. We also carry a fine stock of WATCHES
CLOCKS, JEWELRY. ETC. Spectacle Fitting a
specialty. Watdt and Owk Repairing—the best
grade work done.


. moot idaat tbe flag
llo." Bid tbo Innnot boy.
8bo Imoded it to ____
Thr luM Tomvd forward. Ibo tta«
rao a conoBO aSalt.
Tho bcitflii rod wmloe otni>e perk,
orlosaod................................ .........
0. tbo field of bteo calico.
mth III Ibtriofoi (taia.
Tbo boT took It irmorly aod oteek
<l fkroily mu ibo BOft groaod M tbr
boad o( tl.o Ktavo.
" Wo BBOl OIOC,*'
Bro diSoieoi
Eitu yoBog

• Oforpa
. .
tmy." BidBlUo.
Bid Bill
rlaaetBK down at tbo paper to bar
land*. Tbo fivv efalirdoe fcnott abeel
Ttio b^o

Ciii or Brass SrrayoTo

BMC Uttrioic CMm, eemt,


‘'•J^riWTaOw BoryofOo.





[? %

SaiS"y5i““M'£‘.!32.SS ISS

^ltr*tliS?. ^lid




You can depend on being served rigfaL

e4 ^

. bat loyally t« tb. tr mautiy'*
Iliad, Bvwal dud wittg •Irad a vital igiaclp)*
on." and bliur fc-lln.;
It wa* an Aumuao esMum to wrandbo
:hf pUln
plain aod llv d.aort
of Vuwiniadiod
attrndod bU fnooraL wtitd; ii k |ilao>

jBB Kllio____
•Obt fBthor."
..... ... ................................ ... barird
itroDBlooo v.deo. Tbo olbeta )ulaod
will) Uu plaloir bo bad oamod dart;
bor. • Now I layr mo." began I' “
wboo Uuy led Boi
' Bralry bai e
Tbo root Itouo.
> imwe ploarar* hiring elwrv.
had Imon ct
•load la -'AiDou
with nob an butane bachlU did sot •
TI,o oyoc of the lookoTHlB Allod with
bufrionda Tb,y woro rallior groand lo ptiairii. oar beroea' maapkreood
"New wo meet pot oo Uioflowera."
and fa), iroroiinc motooriMof byinau
Vaickty bat toaderlyUK otragdioK.
Wtaoo (trowo rmrr waa eovored with day* ware
taiborod np tbr obeep and bora** of H'lietv fneo no BWro*l
Nor onitry ’, alml aUral
"Now I'll ived y»B tbo docloratlon bor lau haabani aod a* bret oboooald
■ i8«fa.............................
for hcroolf aud ib*
f indeie^ro." Bid liorL and alow fuaffbl for a Itriac
ehiblnyi. Kickoiu ivoaurradand oor.
r till, familiar wordo toll frmn bli
,«al yrer, atur tbr doatb of KoUatoo
nlmoelf__ __
..laadlb. r,.<-lrb..r
Manna* brooirbi I sboal that be wao
ag'oyi. cnuglil*eumt^ U>.. man.
rrey feel of whore
wao rlwo lioitilc them now. Hbo hariad Wtlbin I
Year «Urnl Uut, of greea
KoMnooe't wrai wao loeaud In ibe
Mcbu..* Wi. 1
Wr deck wilfa fradritnl 8owm
lllBln* ooonty catiud
Yirar, ba* lb* oanertag bara.
•hglitlr In i«pelaltae. I>at afl<« Ibe
llo- 1.,.1,^.1 .g
ndo Jim. boro." ho beirai. ol«i|my:
The Bomery vlail b* ounu''
l«i with a ploa-inl omilo. llo «io.«l death of Kobmoooaod KiBelt* It wao
'llhool taut relwtm UHTe,
Ivad uf tlio RTaro. barr-hoadod.
I Iba iwac
T-or-f.^lL-H,,- -a tUdiitoa, a»r.T.
■biiiliiKoa bu diay hair.
iib tb.. *<
aUiBt him
Ttion lie
frsm gllvvr ooinatakea from Uiri»BaTboy .
‘~l,w'rM V.rrau -e <k- biU- •!
tbo two grare* wereTuceted tbo pnpaiwy UhnoUbal ('.•Ion. lo ba ’
Jtm'i eoeram to war.
Mid U.0I I of Jtm'o
alMMl. and bow lalion did not otooed Ml. and that
U Admii
.dmiml WiufloUHooM
and wba
widely oceturod Hal ono IVvoram
ilej^y hiofruuc.................
bi* f ruud. In Marylkna
............... ...
almal Ibr
day it aaihorrd
■ a* ou«
__ -jt eliildnio I.
re I.I KUirlU
and ||dauled tboro
roo a truth fur tier of luouicaMo
eaiioiial flag, aod woeld havr c-.norad
daw, of 1
. "A____ _
. ntado. " bo
_____________ _ car aoBp turroa aad lalioeor to my tal
grave of 1.
dlr, foar rntotabl* diabm wtin oi
add.fl. "Bnt I 1
Boon waa aiuioliee.L iei afur
and ladle,
adle. one
f MofaW i
BlancfSlal Ib* roairb tUg' mople had diounod. latioaed llioy
r. oo*
flab |dat.
Imd |e>d fell looor to the lloioo
lhi.„ t„iar
tlpna oaob
Tbrr* wort toarr in hU eye*.
P,»tl».l.4.l do, fur .fu.fl ,
Tbr Ulk oo* 10 bU baud foil U tbo oaaoe. ilio Batloaal oplrit and KlekviU .____ __ ocwnaved Admiral l
himaolf. Mra Kobinno aoo iBlkialatbBODoaram. and imoh b
,t>M, . Boclur >>. '
Hobby pioked it op
caBo and ml by^lbolr gratv
oold bevo planted II oo the cm'
ifaU lsaerf|«t«: "Hade df Biaamo
tor ih. retlro aturnoon. 'l'h<.y aim taken frobrUn t«|mBl*li crslan
■•No," onid the man; “k-op
fWO wilhnol finwen. and Uckod i-briaMbal <-oloa. dootroyed In tb*
It OU Jle'aUra.a.
a* Writ a flag Thotr twreenoe at tbr naral laiilr of Baatlago d* Ooha-Jnly.
grave waa oborrvod by a rasoboiaa 1, IfSb “ Tbe flmtirmof tbr oilvtr
oat of tb* Uwl KIvor oooatry. and be
irbilo Ibe tUorr.1—for It wao ba,
uord wa, not
H tnirrfered a
wtib and Urn
t,«t a viadietiva al
___ of
a* bo
bo ,_____
g in*
r WK
hi* ioU
-riegr. boo aloiooc tbr b
"1 doo'l • ilb.r. ' BBid HobI?. bo grvei oprakor. oulee away from
rvrral rtwntUd
that tboy bad
loud waging lien. Bevrral
m of oUol Tbr walgfat if tbo a
rooolouly. “Old Jim waoa loldlot admiring mud
mad* no e«ort
oflurt U leoagnUe
leoagolu- tb* Rolr____ _____________ l.M «___________
jBot ao WBob ao BSybody, waoo’l bo'r
tlir prmrui pnw of oilirf reieva
A ooldtor'f B wldtor.
tan'i bo. Imd Tonlabed frera oigliL
I tooling. *0 flrreo wbil
Ttimi. arttli a farewell gUaaa at tbr
a rata* of »UG. bat soarly nx tt
CTSB if ba dor, got old aud dto al ib.
men were living, wao not oo otroag
'wa grave, with ltd boBoly
nuatrad to p
Unocn two"Bllow*d" Rnblnoao—
ring in the M(l Hay tram.
Ibo nolB ftsB tbe i
‘“^M^SSSo J.0 l»- clilaedlo non.
a* Rlekeiu
rriaialatlrai of Ib*
m^^oo^tj^bU wo^piL
that tbe war wa* over and Ib*
_______anitod. Tb
niOBdoro Harimrg In B
tlio am owo. aod BUyed way lbroa«b
"And li war yoe ehlldrta?" BUio'o traa Up to lipaud
ibtlr tajw**board pe toy oo. "
BOIbrr Bid oegt day.
AOw nnd Ivm Oebt of Wo^ilagbB.
■'TbeUrmeml uid so all aboet it
In bl> riwoch laet nIgbL and be Bid early In tbe Boratng a dab
of ilo ■anafa'ibr*.
doe’t oTor any oeo mke any uotieo of wo Bsn omnlnu yoer oanmplo. '
Banned otlxn redo ap U
bim or daoemae bio (traco or aay
Sbo lot^fl T^^jreed and happy no
nnrii and taking tbo wlc
kUoed III* oti
her «UUr«a andr, tbolr ear*
Bx-Oar. Bog* Tytar of rugtbfe.
ol.ook bir baad.
We'U do It ei ry
, y*ar."Btd BorL
liar PlUnr Bniu aad tho two
'Well. I dM'l think It'o fair, any looking at tbe oiU 11
flag hmigingee Ibo
d olbor <if
FrsB bBoy of th*a h* d*"/jj_______
^•Qf ,
w*wiU,"Bid Itaeotb.
pfai.oar.ta Utagral^
rivet am^
abOBt iTv^od Bo^ piiiW op
of tbe
BlBrtto pat
IBIWHI for an aBootag Motr- Osa
■^^le**tho*t^^oldkr bote
faaoly land,
of tb*B b* mUo wa* of a aagia fran
and folfca duta’i ttaiok meob ot bun
id aid* by otda, wttb tb* Ma-bafcad BlnbMaA oonriotaa of aan* •light


___ Idna baek of iboB. ThratalMm otf*o**, wlie bad ocariaaad tb* gn.
enetag a bet
looked al tbo roogb BOB nod iluyn
loeji iiinr >wT u. UICT.I __
TradiUon Byi tliet I
tmgbi blD tanofc and beriod nimaar*d tbolr bat*, tbr band, of tbr
yi»ra ago. when Hr. Bortnad
Uvod herom dnm]wd la Ib* b*aL Tboa lu
In tb* uws of hi. noBe. a Keen
‘^PoU* didn't Uko aneh
aear'o yoagfewib** loarMaaf Ud raOntboUe
didn't nobody enn. “
"Itfatbowlobofallef tbt««adef
"Toe eoalan'loipoet folko ugetep Bertrand a* a mlmSeaBrT- At
Bluaireeani/. repabUoani and dtBOOBU. aad aU wb* lor* tbolr enaa.
l«oe>eBUin and Deooi
tbo proopeeu were that
we obeald pUee^b«« Mdi
virca )e«t oo bit aecoei
tlna* to un(wovo
-’Somebody'd oocbl
praporoa, city.
Hr. Bertrand i
■MByTt Bunfor* t^e'tbU fl^
llo. roflfrtivaly.
taStUM tb* prtrwL aad It wa*
tbe bond of tb* gran of Hr. Kb ' “
____ _________
Bid Boil
........................... ow'dte gUc
UK* tim* Hum tb* priMt Bad* t_.
w a* w* all kai
look WbeT"
ttel tbo oi^ of Barsaad ^.^ILdtbb other at kOo^t^rt
ta- Oo fariaar tiot
> to dMlin*. Bobta«oo. wbo wa, a oo
------.•••’UeepokoboM dm
to do *0 naiU ti dbw. It dOB BOI Bak*
and woaia «
matb dtSor.
woald bo so
EUir WB, nlret f<w a-------------*00* wbat they 'weal'
aid Brink aboal Ik
Tat faataaoC tb*
■'IpeoBWo'd baiwr doeoroio tbal wosM ooetlsn* u boa thing of tbr They an gm
(Ml iS long no anymu banrlog tbe grave U far tboa*
cmro oeraolvoa.'' olio mid olowly.
noB* « Berinsd thoald llv*. bat no fatenaf tbom i
aom. no Ibr wboU fsmily af Sort
roeeeouan aod o
Mmald Iweeme eziiaoL tboa tbo-------foartb eaaBByof
■d Kllio gravriy.
eakoo BBCdi woald rioe from It* aolma and agsla BftarrarT^iBirrwd tbolr. Mood taid
. oM inc it '* take lu plao* amoag ib* ritloa ef tb*
tbo difforaan* <K optnfaa.
Far a*
dlffotmeo who
________„__________ Oowm weeU
o Ur* tail u'lbv pteaa to mol to
*5mi«tof tboptsfdwcy ba* . .
___________ : tbrir raved rondo wan fb*
aalte. to work fora !«»* a “
. to paB. wben tboto wa* oaee a tbrir- life, for botur poraeoal livoa I OB hoof away aad of m IbboJ m aodMal
- I ■'
hi* aorrieo* ware lb*
tb* BOB need'
BoermiBly—porty Bogy mid Lug Gtty tter* to now aetblag T
....................................... Bmtba
r tbu
enl aid faeasro ttek abelter
ad. Tbay oeold dovta* be bMMr <ma>
oadaf RIaiat Ooanty will
ody. bowrvor. than liathgr oota, *ad
dnfy--------- ' limnad'* 8»■d a* If tbo rwmlar tfdk, did ik"
• —V. yoar and la oi
0. and U
Yob tumn't go any One.'' «a«__________(oBlly
a tb* (oBllyof
of Hr.
Ib* oarad for tbo tamilr af Hr
cotBlatb* ^ak TboUrlagara
__________ _
of^afdBoa that lb. iatm BaM?
M loaratd to Mil tbe Mm* aadtr SB
"Dd voa bare K bmre 'oBr'
boaf. bat U wnu poMH* Mad SB '
Bert eoddrd
Let s* t*V "
Hbmi tb* Spanfeh dlaBoarod Tea
Twoaldi____ a oMa Bah ymt wrog tho
•' Toa hare to havr it U otiek cam
Ball, wlffiaal poBp or aagetbr grarr oo'o u laU be Waa a teldlor.
Boay. to ihaor two grara* in tb*
Hmdow af IMlor Batta-GU.
U dooB't bar* to ba oogy Mg. bat
aa*pay^ abeat Haae AoUaraa ^

-■v.f.'is; sS=-.?,ur-,-!£Si-S£
. .'£=2

Come to comer Front sod Cass StreeL


Bred u Mis|, hat. ot "ww on Baa- j
dor." a* Uiry uU With tmud brvatb.
Ibrv ate i-ngagvd now to tbr man.
(icaarfel avoeaitno of ploktag flowma .
and Bonlng tbi tu for Hemorial Day.
Thu ti no I
. ..

r .'lay^offSTw eaa'I aay el ra
ver to town lo bay eao. aad aay- Ualy noBtly a ^iu poari vmla^ mt

ealctoe Plaster,

coe. nt*RT

te‘‘^.inncm* nf '
nard, it Borcvlr fieB every tniador.
r had toapbl with Ji
Alir U altreded by a milluir look in*
Barb laoa wa* afloc a
tbo ■mtrty oUoro.^a^
in Ibr wllda of Idaho, and
wa* h*Tln«
luarliM bt* for*bead olgnlflcantti
ly hoot* of 1
tbrv toWtr Imw In loanr


Cand Plaster, Paris €recHo
If you are thinking of buying anything in Ahe~wiy .of

’Podooal BoUlm. BaeM Uafcaewa."
Tfaoy Utoe onbmluiod the naaif df
tbolrowa •eldlor of wboor plaoocd
barial IbOy had no rooerd—tau ro—--TW tarlac booe teoagbt
_dttuo ftaoUy omeoetodB
tbo boUof that YawboBthoy Bann• roelly alopt la that grar*. tVibnn
brry who foead an aakaown mfiel
>t far firuu homo tmo not olopt mo­
od tbooo.
Avrl had b*
cot Hgb bemor.
Tb. h ll* d-fe- bu pall.
0 hr u oiau artoUr aagi'U wait
ita^fm^l*** tail.'
And lb* c
i rockpioo* Ilka I


maiket; B acres orchard: 67 acres seeding: 13 acres potatoes; C acres
tata; lit acres wheal;

S.UU >4ol.oa„ ovIk Hotwo.ia

W sail.

Om study.

Oeo e(


potb wbt
to Uio Itnlo ei
H« throw tbo ni * DTFt bio bmeo',
bred oad lot bin fl OB at will. Tboe
tio wsodTod ee loi > tae little plot
lad^M'tewn baud la that Immly
'Bri.od lb* *pol will; *__________ __
from oaotbordL Tbe “hloody abm' ' wa* Ibona potool
To kty Um In Ibograva"
aad looel pelliio,.
I of Ibo SOBlb wlu
Tnare 1, asnllirr «l
Mory id *11100 aid
ildroe. loAoB witfa Sowon.
_____ ____ _ widow,'
nr,' dnwo wbo. no
A boy lod tbe wey, boMtof i
Iboit pool. M,,
•vruln w*UlOBOrioI ~
Bd ib«e on
oe s
• tenored
tenorod dnua.
aUrct among
Tbe nan *li|«*d betalad a u«
diBiTnatilf a* a northrirBor
tbo ooldlor'o nn
Tbo littlo precemoi paoord U
Oo* ol
la BlcliOMed in IWM
oer.. aad
_ wl.oo d
fiBdaCBe.jBOl tbo
— iDomon warn a man nan d Kirk.
Irogtlref ’ Harry'*" brIKbl. ob<. omp,4,.*'.
. formrr OMbt-r of Kll|>
ho baakri of flnw<r* dir oarria*


YcM shoBld not owtlrrl any part of
yoar Inih't fat tlie ls>'t uf Tollrt Am
POVDKEUi. eta . M« so pleBtlfalhrer
as prices witbio lbs rmob of all.
matter what (asblso dsoaods for the
tBprovsiasnl of lbs hsir.stin or Isei


00 maab of a iribaw to tbo oMdU*
dBd no pooima* Ib* pcceooolaa* U two
aad throe id ibo ooealry Uiai iro ool,ly eoer tbe bill* W wtwro tie
groTO to nador tbe beltoniot or oak.
noBof tbo country mov* wtibooi
rir or Ib* ebo< n of wniohux Ui
aad*. 1 iblnfc that to many «
Uioy mnoi . aadoriBad
botioo i
tbceonf Ibo lowe why ibo fiowm
now laid npoe tbe cbtoo of iJh- gtay
and lb* bin*: why n flo* of oe
id owlpr* and eeo creep of *B
plonnl al tbo bred of oecb. Tho town
f«80**: olor* ovro tbo Re* oUreld.
<d moBorinl dny*-«b*


•n.-r t. '-rtt..


a ta.U.aL>a<>i p H





*ra 1 cant" aotbo hoy* laobod


ity tb* B*lari i
• tb* prarUma i
*^I^B''r*a|mar twill b* vary good,
ing tboom___
bat 'twill b* a flog all nm>L ao I
ba* wtU BM bo m
asai eatpal of Ibo
teaa flad aoB* 8Mm. aad it 1* <aid tha
Baooa,'aaaB By oU ndBliandiam tbo paarli an bU la Ma
aad tbare-a let* af btaa taUoMo orcbo *^

'll ka** to draw mo

1 tetaealdbatodfedoa


Jiv. SSS^'Li-______

•BB* BiBa I eoaU_ __________
a laBau'
-I-U oat'em oat af «tiC papar ^ daws tb* taitdB
^ gog pornoBonmp^
■anblad Afti i
"Ba"-«tU* *eak


A train OB* Bil* B
Uko a naard. Bat tbU b wbM wm
tiiiitly tmnUd or«g *e tkinda by
* Wi
ooeUm ^ Ob

iWfc railway.
Kaara next lo Outagia* <
I nr.
Tb* Mata as* i

rand tn allww tb* feaafepo af *• Moa-

.HBOKAlia TKAVBtrt HfatAUtiLtiAV 28, 1002
■ Tlama Oilr, la a
w Ito tebM et Oite'i TtonlaiT of itok
i*lH» IP fvnnihMK wUboMib*
M •( (to D>lMd «Ma te epmitjt*It 0«toM.ato«to todkaateof (tolaoaaaaef pppala
• «Wek «1U

tottoi te tev

toto daralaad Iba nlair or (to pte
V vaa ladaood oa> yiaa. ;dicn.
J. B. WatoMa of DMelt. wto to*
tea Haa «ton ton toaa fnbMB b> Onto a rood tel laWy (a qaaal adaaaeaa.

Byte tod iariud tto ate t>

How About
1 Oatoa gnto tel
ato U
opiate (to; cu'l teka a
r>« (to rnraanaat wiltoat AateMtid. UvUl toratooaaM 10aa-

Your Heart
Tto Ooa
(Rivdad Mmj Hal ca tlx oetaate of (to tamraU neapticai tedand by tto Oiate aid aad BateT-

(tol (to ^te toTa baooM fttedly
to (to Oailed Btateoad tora laanod Un. a H. Haca aad Prof, aad Hn.
lliat va dnv (to oeter Ite. (toy an B. a Byilar. aad tto otte
dateataad loldo ao alao. TtovUmI
A caooiai toTitotlm bad
bam axtmded to tebiaadier tto
aobooU. aOBOtbte tet waa a
bODOiwd CMTto of te anDtoc. te
—ten bafoaa Ttota
■nay wma yraaml bom attar
toaa^Bolor Itaa U Oato. »a oei- ttaiehta. makkg te oeeaalm eaa at
eted paepk ohkot
s laknaany wl«i
Ttoparionw , laatttly trimmed
vUtaa. U ia aan to laiaa MU
Id tranUormad by
••Tto Oatoaa an flad tobaiadoa aaay etoln aad
n of a ^Inm
la te kttar port of te r

Frd your poke a bw tniniMa.
k it regulat? Are yoti ‘
breath, after
waS^t, etef Do ywa ‘bare
pain in left hcaw. tide or
between tboiiUe^ bUdea. dwktng teteiom. hintte

Mo^V Heart Core
Ui.F.U-Oaktef Imn




ante cBTcaod ear i
dadaclha late ntollte. aad vtoaa
todka BOtr Ik to abaoM amy oUy.
rllkfa aad kMkt la tto kad.
«a an naikilitil aa oar nca:
taU aa far te paipoaa of lananliit
« teat klad aad ftatMt faallaca wUob toraboBadtomter (to aotdkn aad nlkaa wto
—ae aappran tto lak ntotUoa.
Wtot OBB aid iBon tea obwWilai
Mtotly te MBory or oar toad, wto
Mto ttotr toaaata.a fearTkadatotwaaa oar aaaatiT te Ua foaa?
Wa teald CBBid tek fnna aritb
•aad TtcUaaea: lot ao packet of
wanteUy to te panaoterto te
• tel wa ton foratofa baa
gette BiapaepUlteoteol
te aadiTidad npafaito
Lat wot ear toark pew eeld la te
aalf teat tot fcaap Itaa loocaa
te warmth oT Ufa raa
ton u ttoo at Ito
tecarkadte moaato abon
with tto ahokaat fiowan of <
tkaaltowa ark* abon ton tb
old Sag tey mnd from diteooa.
Lai a* aaaeotly daaln te pablk
lawaa to aall attetSoe to tea day tel
U may bl otemd. aad aU teald
mat bom telr work toboaer
ted. Wa eeadtoUy larlk aU
paopk and oar yem>g m to toll to
MaawUbttoold iiifaiiaadt
tea CO* day of tto yaar aa
vttheU baU gaamtor aay ktod d
W. U. Bmllh.

tekh Mr. Btea baa anlnd te
wMab to k glTlM widtoiwmd pabUokyk to
gnm wOl ba aakad to •
BUO^CW te te axpaoaaa of a e<
tea to lay oat reako te 1
tote or te preiKte imptvnm
ll k tto daatgs at tto praam

■alroak* with te eatotalaoroter
wttb a pte iBkntoto U^way kadiBc to te toteaal aapilBl. Tto
k a flat om,te wonky ct —-•—
tea. Itweald he a cmad tolac to ton
Mfe tewoBchteaa baUt oate te
• or te ewnoate. and aa
tauer Bark aigaat.tey weald asbaae* te nlaa of wnry ptoaa at
property tey toatel ‘| | in| ilaMiai
bam te tete for te paipoaa woMd
aoea denlop te Uebwayate aal aa-

Ciam far te analac waa Kirea.
BoT.W. K. Wrichl waa mllad i
aad to apoka of tto Obrktkn toflatotMag taaten. aaptcially of Bapmlakomi Bmn aad Piliiei|Bl Byte, aad annaaad bk
teyWaie aoaooo token

Tbnrwky morale eaeanad te kat
ebapal exareUto <d te High tttoel
ter te yaar, te tto aamiliiai waa
.a mamonhk aea. Tto High
aehool waa inmat almoat te a paptl.
aad tey Ikteaad to faaUag worda
from two mm with whom telr rekI ban bam moat emdial daiiag
Otoktka laflaaoee that the Uyea <d te eatlre ymr.
1 Horn apoka flnt.
two mm bara bad apoa te
pk ia (to eib aotooli wto
botwam te mmabaa. of te keeleaaat teob witb (too. Ba ted ttot
teBcb tto pnatoa wto ton waUdad altyaad te stndeok of te Hl^
aBaaBBe lean te elty. (toy do acboel. aad teuad te eattn atteel
for belplBC la makiac te weak of tta
yaar the moon* ttat It ba* bem. Ba
wUlnmaia bare, aad wUI topenta- apefca of te osoaUmt wot* of tha mtineerpa of toaobara late taoaof
: dlBoalUaa. and wUbad aU H
T. rrkdrkk, ai-teyor of tto,
etty, waiaaUodaiam.. Ha apoka laal
witty way of te laiate to tod al- telr work amy ba ia tta fatore.
........................... tettotaaeb- ipoke ake of thk toing the ku time
lag forea. aad bow to tod aodaaroaad' that Mm Dartoa woald ba wltb te
totewoA of tto taaohanaa' High aobool. at teeetor of maak. and
pkamolM poaaibk. HewUbedfor tbM kdy wa* gina aa ontloo
FellowlBg Sapariab
tto retlrtag taaeton aU poaaibk aaoFret. Kyder (poke along te
Use. Be tbaaked te yeang ma
O. A. Haamted
m of tto Bigfa t^ool for the exaobool board te a
rtl work of te yaar. apoka of te
oTte Oat
otoootolly of tto toaroh nkMi of eordlal nktloni tet be felt tod
wto an ao tooe to ken. aad
■ka wUli them (toil taaUka. wto ed enar pepU of te Bigfa eebool iooeem ia te fatan. with wide opm
btooako bamaatoaa Inflame
good. Ha apoka Of tow kaanly aU te (Wwtaaitlea.
DarlagUie addnaeee of Hr. Bora
Ur. Byder. Ux Bigfa
ikaed after they
Ber. D. OottUa ake apoke fseilar- was ao qniel that Ite drepotcpta
ton beea bmrd. Bott adr of te w«rk.mpsofally of Hr. Hera
9 leoefred with mlbatled Hr. Byder, la te efaerdi. aad of
bow ttali falthfalaam will ba mimed.
U i^ylBfto ttoae word* of te
A trtyr plaamat melal «
Banatatodttot ic
pkoe Friday at tbe bonw of Pretad to leara tto city bot ttol to k feqyer aad Hm B. B. Byder on FitUi
Mreet. AU te Bigfa eebool taeelien
aad SeperlBtandmu aad Mm O. H.
to bad alwayi balknd tl
aiy mtartalaad at
ipemkoawoald be falUkd
a a o'elott tea. Tto
him. teach to eeald'aet aae joat rloleta. aad te brma by whieb te
hew. Bat aew ttol all tod woakad
a feead tlrair ptama at te labk
eet for tto bsot. bk faith k straagUibmatifai llttb aonrroln baad
mad. Be stated (hat to wa* kutt deeomtad by Hm Ryder, Aftarta.,
that m moay of tte laaxtoi
la fcaepinc with tha ormt* of te malag.a*atmeharaaailem
•apMiaUr la te Blch atoool.
tar work after tehm bam ta a city
for a aambei of ymra. Ba atged the
te taaebara. only tamrad of lookadrimUlUy of kaepUg a good taaeber lag ttom error aad amiklaf tern,
}ota a* loot m poaaibk. He apoki mob taaciiar waa nqaiied to write
tekOy of te plaamat
pkaiaat eoelal
aoekl ralatlom
ralatlom the frTamlnation. la ttk lastaaoe tto
arUmmlfaadtamUy. wbkb he mid imltktim was motaenjoyabk tea
he woald mlm cnatly.
teimlaitlek. aad tl prerad to be
Prof. Bydar mponded along
uao gonaml Uae. Be ttatad
Wbik ttk was iB irognm then
tm*a aammons tram ttodear toll.
teeaUm batag te mambtnofte
r ckm in e body. Hr. Byder
wa* Dol te mUy one •otprkod. Tba
ed. and
taeeban who wan bit gnesk wen
la a* waU. and ttetr agrprk*
. antU aqaakd that of ttak boat. Tto mly
wlttia fonr abort yean, they weald ana who owned tlinl tto waa not
net to noogniaad. Be eloaed with maob aatprked we* te popnkr boetfaaUac werdi aa to te
eaa. laapileof te teagad eetidlthat bad bam ttown him by
friend* wbeae Mmdtep wa* wertt and (to 1

tto roan* la limallfjl^ te ambal- fcortag.
Utotoc ttotr ptopmty. la ttato. ai>- Fatlewiag te ■peanhei la ngard ta
oerdlactote oatclaal idaa, aateka te departan of te rettrlag mea
of Ito odamt'nmt feroa of te <flly
lac te eoaaty oaat of om eea
Witt ttoaa mnatetac it
«bma k maeh marlt la te mba
te B malar Bari* abimid to a
aaaadadbrbkaaalk |>maettoc
tohUe gte Tto pkato aacr
woBld tor* bam a cite ttte yi

ttagad Witt mdaaan Fiaak Walkn
made bk mnidm effort ta
ttaa. ctTiag mkoikn* from
Akroad"tbat deUgbSad ttoea1 sok by'Hm G
tor by Mlm Cbiili

at oaiqm te dali^tttk aity Wat tta tey givm kal
armlac by
O. H. Hera to te enda tmnhan af
te olty aebaek Tto toaahan af te
rartea* mbook wan rrqUred to faraltt difenal fem or



% table ta tenn

to bk coaaM m Mmiky irmlac
mat. bat Hm. Byte gaially mmt
wteto tto etetoaoma laat —'
■d aaiiaka Mr. Byte-

Tto cite tmfdina of te Omttal
abool ware to toU cheat atark*.
aal <d tto cmbu wan tokaacM by
o* iato aaettor reom. wtora obataa
kakad. te wban choatly. flgan.
cUdadabeal te raom la tto wind
light of aloobol Umpa. Two gto
MM. aad alldtte
te kttot. wtoe latmmi wa* al Irn
blgtoat. all of te ghoM abriakod la
a way that wa*
dllnc. Tbmtto party
to te parlor, where tbay foaad te
roam ia daihatoa exeept fm te IWttt
dlffaiad from a alack oaadk bold ia
The Boardmaa An
kbed a xida-aidlttlac aide ahew. Tto
as ladka la fall
paiat. te onciaal mtMeed
aa. MUa. Pert to. who weiftod I.16D
peond*. sWaac* walfa from ih* boloal St Pkm. Paedi aad Jady,
any other thinga not nm la aay
osbar *bow oa mrtt.
Kext came ttia cmad eiteaa. praeadad by Ollmon'a band. . Fiiil
te great ring driU.
Tbareoefa ridiogaad entt abootUg of Saaorlia Wlaooa waa te aext
fmton. Tbm ibbm tetoccUncof


wittaattarky glna by te a
koa bU for Ito tmtpma of altli
ttBTldlacfor 1
tebattar dIaEribatka. Tbia will)

t wort* ao Ito Pn»t wutaai a^anBpita.cataTTh(/te toad, maokeym and dnadlol ^
llanitaaite facility of tar-> aktacraptHU apoa diflarmtsartacr tto body ahowtto
of tahemUroraeroralou maneria ttoblood. TU
• erUmi pnaenre
aad xtmitby diaaam
the boee*
timai dekn?a teSi
— aad tiaaaaa.
-bKe awdliay.
awdliDy. Ia palltd.
poll waxy appaaraacrtd tto akin. Ima of at^S^
sndaal wulioy awared
of the^S^
S. S. S. cuielriam
J-V-Okbmmaal 8oka. am ta tto
a^Blm dcxliona. It parifiea ttodetmoratad
eilySatoTdayM-tapttledlto low of
Uood. makea it rich bad xtniec aad a oomaltto and
foar nlaabk cewa la PVtday aicht *
r is aooe cSectrU. S. S. fi. naiiruatb
•- The mltea wnr.. Mntk
of food, ft- - by bchtolac aad wbae foeaUa .h,^
aar of
1 to ladleaie bow Uwt bod
Tto oortI wan
aattor.d ooiUt a
atony treo aaar tto ham' wbra ih.
atem eame. Tto Ucbalac wa* toror
for aome Urn* aad faan wen aakr
tolned for tto balldlaci oo Iha plan
Then Wto BO damacf. bowanr. olbar
tea te klUlac of te eew* Tbe barn
taeapod fajary aed te mly n»rt on
tto ebany tra* waa a oligbt tear near
tto rootA Tto «ow* ware tnnered >o
te Farmer*' Motaal lataraoe* Co.

Over 100,000

akin diaemca free.


TMB SWirr S»*C«F1C eo^ Atlamta. Om

Commercial Prlntina
Jill Kinds

f>erald Job Office

Copis* Sold Daily.

yeug paopk Friday ta beam oJ
Mlm Ofotottt af Bettm* Bay. Ho*lc
waa te yriadpk faaton o' tta orra.
lac- Joe ermm and mka wra. aarrotL


L P. L Sotortiy mSol dellgfatfaUy at
a six o'oloek diaaar Friday ermlng la
of Hm Adelaide Oaytm Tb.
dialog ream warn prHdly dmomied to
piak. gnm aad white end te color
aobeme wae carried o«l ia erriy pi


mUe waa ligblad by white a
pink madaUtaa. aad te am
leet idnki



• t Work manshio guar

WTltam te naiaaa of books and meh
rape walklac of MUa. Jaoqaakaa mod
WB* firm a card wltb a weU
Fiaalala Tapk. Tba flylac Irnpa of kaowB qaomtka. takm tram aome
aad Saoorim Wtnom
of te books, whieh ttr matetod
tlia fboop nor. to te book, tto* fladtag her pkoe.
Tto eiree* cloted wltb a giud mb- Exqaisik link farori wan at *an>.
plan la te shape of eterUng sUrer
Dot aad Spot, tta toddaoea 'am gkn deraer aad letter openma.
twlaa, ogea 10 and IS
wblU Hm Oaytto fooad at ber pkoe
ly. wen ywaiwit. aa
an additional BooTonlr la Uw form of
a Bill, te gmtk per- aaUnrclon botttoan. Hm Dar­
ien aadlUim Pa on
i ware ako the reeiplenm of...............
>brr of te eororily, eeeh notdriag a baaeUfol allrrr Saaspocm
Witt te laittali L F. L. fermlBg a
BtoDOCiam. Ko naeoo was glrm for
toiag ao e*]MkUy farored. tot
Ito barr tact* wen etated to te nportor who *oagfat Ufonaatioa.
Befcto te gaeek left for te faatl*him."
fUn at the bom* of Sopt. Bora tey
After te el
mieyed aereral aekcttoB*on tto plaaSoota's tamoa* hasd. aaelstod by te
wooderfel ebiU raealki aad te grml
e feUawlag atmo waa eerred;

Uich. TrL Na. I



darlBg tbe ermiagThefaBaealof I

> eUtbekcttiteoald pebofalytcUBlae
ejamta Bengtoy wm b« el TarmUlioa. Bnr sonata. Ohio. Sopt It.
Ig». when toUred aatU efim hi*
tattm-idseth. wtanto'wltt tereel
of te tsmUy;mond loKortttotd.
Ohimat wbkb pkoe to epant bk boy­
hood. At tear* of mstarity to amlied one farm Bear KendeUTtUe, Boeaata. lad., ^re to iMtasd
maul Ital. ttoane reraert^ ta ttk
dta. wban to faes staes reetaed.
Denmaiiil kens ta Mea bk ^ e
Idewead senn eUtfraa: Jeta B.
at KandeUriUe. lad.. Prakmie F. of
Poneh. Mleb.. Qotaey B.fMP..
Bsrtort P. Leoard X. aad 8»h B.
or ttii eUy. On* brother and tear

an tCUl B ttalr iabney. Witt tha
^oatadnaeter okeMc milw^mtawtokaa >maiwriac ael caly atok
oaidtok bm Umoal onry tow. «d aay
aiaaiB alataat army Mato, wUi mtt
Jaamato bichwayi to ainimary? U Ito local membsn efierw^
Tto Tkilan eonstoed of Dr.
Holmes. Fnd Msysri...B.««mmen.
• te akocrie ndlwi
Hz. IMS. Chss. Bemie. K. U Piper.
Oectg* VUlkma, Haem*. BaUerd.
Beatly ead Braeks
t be firm aadlt for Tto local mmaban at te ttool
»«ea Ik. Bawyer, Bar. D. Ooohita,
F. D. OotUs. VIU Heml. F. C. OssWbeelott of aelt toka Oity. Otab.
Bd Braseb, H. D. Alky. J. S. —tor* IB
g beee ban game betwesn
Tto daalar wto oBen s sebttttaa for
Witttocbm ttatbk aalaiy baa bam
taiaadbem BkH0to«t«0. Thk k -,•.1-*. W. Ph..
tamom ar te imaama iatei
aaaa or (to ioaal part ettea Tto;
te worid has enr s

HwByarteM.BK B.te aaaem
tnr te Fnat atnal. Thu fax-

A “Ceat ■ Won!
Want Ad. In tbe Detroit
Evcflins News, Includ>
ins The Morning Trlbooe, will do the work.

tnk. c»wi *a<
Tto reoepdkn glrm by Pr
and Hm O. B. Harm to te m
of te"Uttk Grotaatra" wae
etonaier aOalr. Oae of the a«}orable
Bar. T. P. DUom'aad Ber. WUey & fmtaraaof
Ocoee gaax la wblofa HomUa »mboth tpeaklaglaeliaglyof U
WlUk Bari ead Bdm HlUar
tie for te prim, Cok ■
dmwaead Hooalk wn* tta wit
Otter gsme* wmr pkyad ead
sU wbo kaewblm. Tbe flowers
lUfal ead trofoas. eexaig wbStt
war* a pillow at rosas
Mm J. A. Mmmgae mterUiaed
of eeraetkna aad rosas bom te ehll- te Book Beriew Oleb nry deligfatdrm of te deommd; wrmUi bom
foUy Taendey efieraom. A nrkw of
a. «. Wlinsmim, Orioaco,
'Hm triggi of te Oebbege Fatah'
spray of roses bom oobboII aBdeity was reed by Mrs. Betas, and e* she
oOekk erf ISOl: rips wtont bem Hr.
anebk ta kare boa*, te
aad Hm Oeo. W. nokiweB; mt flow- tag of te elBb wni bl
bald to bar
*n from Hr. sad Hm Wm. Sproel. At te ocnelaakn erf t
te nndlBg dataHm A..B. Wikmoad Hm
Hm J. a Loediag. Mr. and Mm
WiU Boldfwortt. a H. Beam Hi.
___________^ofteLndie*' Litaary
Km Oeo. Boyt. Hr. ead Hm A.
a Perry.Ur, end Mm A.W. Bkfeenl. Aseoetatun enjoyed one of te pkn*of tto
girk at B. Wiltolm'a. Hm James Bmm
I <rf Hm Tom HeHeaiia
itt. Mr. ead Mm H. O. Joyal, Mr
ead Hm Bilay flweem Hr. end Mm
f. Hr. aad Hm ▼. L Dc. Hr. aad Mm O. U. OorUl. Mr.
te toy. we* an idsel *pet
aad 1Hm Dram, Him Peoak
by Hies Blatabatf added to te
are of the aftanoon. Delieioas
Tto maak waa ferakbsd by n mnk
aad les oraam wen serred by
qeanetesmposadofMasem 8kol
White. Boyder. aad Ooata. Tto
lereta thCTiaeafamlate etwai beme by te lixsonsefte LsPetata, HoOoagb.

■ or kanl. aad U amrkdoat new weald boaflaa ttlag.
Bute itiMtUa atkao, U oBehaaeTo toVrSx. TiiAImr cbOdree tto
mamben of the Uaetan Ooa
r. eed it k te
Hm or UPiwart a animUy. te U Oleb eeeee te bk olty Friday w m- —— mto be ^riUiy.
>07 ea taformnl shoot with te memtars of te Trarmet CUy Rod * Oan
ei* of Dk. ntfcrb
Otab. Tfasr* *es e high wtodUowketepam few yaanteat
tag. tot aotwittemadlag te aatanrof tto okeirk imllway tot a


what you
don’t want
for some­
thing you do
want. Sell
what you
don’t want;
buy what you
do want.

I have sold one full car 4oad this spring and have just received,
my SECOND car load. Keep up with the procession and

i have also just received another lot of those elegant


How To
Gain FJesh
Penom hm beat kno^ *•
Bata •
« tfiy by takuH

M «KC of sews EMU'
90N. ttb«(ni«g.bB(Hottta
‘"SSmrlfecowe pnxlKr
a» |«pg,Xnraii»dartlh
kn. Sid IM h lh> n,r Ikt *■•


BKOMiyfarlHallhi IjMhavc


Ap'1127- '902-

127 State 8beet*l


Or. nibkaw. paator toa latkena twarw the ban of the tree fMoa.
toBto la toraay OUy. baUeern la taitokm to toe cardtoeilvaflaj
oaateciiw toyi to CO la fto maay
ct hiattb aad aoemed toealor tml
BporU- A few ertalnci aye to t»■aadlata. later it became mel-1
fntad a bealBf amlto betweaa '
m tolmiKtto «o bto chneh.

Hlto.. to TlHttDf tor aatoa. i. W.
Slator and family.
Kn. WIDtom ............. end aoo of
retoter torm want to Bl« Baplto
toy for a rtoit of a aaBth er mma.
mBUaH. Baakae weal to Chdlltoc today oa tnrtaim for the Arm of
Piatt ADarto.
D W. Tiaktom aad W. P. Oalkiai

toM. tniin «>a «>ixn tii
ftlM to .Uiidln« romo to li«l«i t« tU
TT-n—*-’ •frmoo pr«Mbed bf BiWW. T. WoodUoo«.
Hh ohonih wm. b«»af»«rJ^
nMd fw tbc oMMiw. lb* work toUt
tobbuito of ooontttM of *l>loh
Mn. Wm1.U*«« Poood «• «**ir.
A (nrfaflcB of floirm. Ami
Md bwtiiiit w*i tmi. ond U- «>««
lOQkod T«I7 t«nr. Ofor Ibe toipUrtarr *oor wt dimpod a iMtrr flat, oad
«hM tb. oU Tototma. mantaa
thar d»|»d ».elt fti«t *T«
of «nu» that «rrr idaoMl U> thr
<i«et of the toocBllM O. A. H. and the W. B. C.
van tMU>( in a bodj, and • coedlT
MMber of the 0«ni»«T M. boj* and
(ha PUUpfix
*■«« t~“*The matte wai fatnUlied by the
Udiaatrholt, and araa moat onolletiL

« hlmaalf and*' mw to It tlmt
aettoer of tto hoye melitaed lalmiy.

O. W. Paart to to a b
Nocbr Mfay'. Heiet yuehit (er (bl

Price $1.00
ofcnaueadecatoeoteofteaUtthttoeaed cuticle, CVTICUBA OnTHBST,
to laaUBtly alUy ttckiei, lote—rtloa, aad IntUtloB. aad wMbe ead bael,

ittma I7 Ilia fall dteir «
___ _____ and Ml-Robmti Man
bMtUol Bolo, "The Home Imad"
a Bdti toaobliw maaoet. ean.Uw
■may an old Trtcraa to vi{B faU eyat
at he looked ahead. AfUr itm earmoa
••Amerloa" waa aan* at'the =Wof
•ueieal nomber.
The nbjeetof the tonaoo wai-Oar
Berttar-" »«>d it u»a a Tfoy **>'0 dU•oano. The atMOiRr look bit text
fraa Pstma II; «. "I haTo a iroodty
beriaNCa-'' H« •!**•
heHmn of Darid Ibo Ibmimlal. the
gtary of 1.U nation and lu poM hieMty. with lu«THat
d iIh- tart
the fotan. He oai]
HM the God of aatloet. wbo dlrootod
tboaflainot that day. ii tbe Ood of
mtleo. eUU. aad that
MM to Mlov Hie idaaa. the aaUeo
beciai from (hat poiut to
Be etatad that Anaeriea
thtak Itel abe ean to ooomry to the

oftn Miltteteat to corn tbe mart torttrlat, tulicatlat, ildunt. baniat Meadlai. ftimtad. acaly, aad ptopty aki^
acalp, aal bleod trameora, wilt bat C<



To thi; (icnoii first applynDR to
us Irom tjkch locality where such board is
needed. We paint the board three ^lors,
putting on all necessary inforcnation kS'TIRELY I'-REE. Thftscare s great coin
venience to residents of a locality as wdl
as to travelers.

gtri. baa WTltMB aa aaiobtomphy
Whleb will aoto appmr. Mtm K, Iter
toaewaftatoalal RedeUflt eoUrtr.
leok. which to writlaa la (be usn
mr- of tbe blind, to add 10 be
rkaUe for tbe rseeUeoor bf tto

■ Mp.
dl of Kartopototeia
B OampbeU
toeUiy today.
Gd What You AA F«rl
Htoe Belle Latoatoof Harthport to
When you axk for Caicarm Candy
la G.e elty.
Cxthanic l« tare yon grt them.
J. P. Obarltn of Utajeham wae at
line uWeto ttamped C. C. C
too Vblliac laat rrealac.'
Never told in bulk. A »ul>sli(utor ii
O. ti. Oayloa to ta tbe eity from
ahrart acheat and a fraud, lirvaret
All dnggiite. IOC.
Ftod & PraU aad C E.
•a-^dar- K.«br>.>.fby IVtoS
> Letoad today, wherea ibry
All the healiec. balmmie rirtare < f
will take ap U
mil of Haaareh qyer pm Bona enta. Urn Norway pla.;are eaaeentraied in
I relief. I>r. Dr. Wood'a "
too T. a. t
H. atmtnet Beary epcBiaa. eliiiK
At aay draej tare'• own remedy
. .
Tbooma- Beleot
Boa. G. O. Oorell want to Lalaad
today to appear aa uutary ter Hi
Oampbrllia (to

A. Ohrtotoffebto and wife of HeilfiDcaro yoetta of Ohaa Peiertou _
Cor rfew toya
Alw Bant i. ta the elty 00 boataem «►and vtollinK hU old frieato
Pimnk Uwvct and taaiily of Aacola.
laA. arrived laat eTaolac foravtoit
with (he family of hit teotoer. U. P. i
Jbaa E. Tbcuaimm of Gaylard, ta
Um city «iatUa« Die Uolber, Dr I
A. Thomitoia.
toet ereatoc to set bto bonte boat to ! %Z
oondiUto for the eammto.
3. SaUiraa of Cedar to la the city |

t O.


Bora and;*

where they wfll licil for two . <
weeka Uta. Hon and the children
will taen retare to tbU city, wblle *
Mr. Uon will po to Aan Artur. |
wbse Im will .|S>d the .emmrr f
toaahtoc ap to Oreok to pceiwaUim •
111 wort to Iowa oollep pert J

TaBlmo-HUvatto-. BaaUnc.
Reeltaucm- Hand O’Veil.
Tablean-iliawalto'e Bhoelia
toe Derr.
Haoltalhm-rind Hiller, B
Jarrrtt. Hernia Hean.
Tablma-nm WrwUr.
BM'imtlna~01>arl<'y Hodffv. Ktma
TW Xtw Vor* BeM at IHiaMh PlaC 11 ' ]
Tamball. Pearl Taller.
('•.tain AIbb bbC Itork. iMclani II J
naauir.Bi to IlMlik aal |mmo
Beoitatloo-Kdito TimbUn. Haad
tl tala Iba Blrar.
Tbe New York mpe'* report that *
Tatdmm-Arrow.makef. Wljtwaa.
lie Health DepartdxloI of Uiat city I
Beeltotton-Hiaale Votrobe, I>tto Imi eeiiod aa aaBderou to bmllh | <
y iwo uni of ehkap mixtoroi I \
TabUaa-todiBB Uaatiem UHli. :
Tor liaktoe powder and damped 4
Tableaa— Uiawatto'.
ialo toe offal aoow to Im de- I
»d More of toe powder wae <
BMltation-Baaa Honroe. EetoUa
I to a Sixth are. department ]
The repent of toe anlyeii of!]
Thhhma-Dntobed of Mianrheto
Uie Health Department (toteil Umt it' 1
Haettatioa-Pny Dawlry. AHoe Ky- wai "aBalaa toktog ta>wder ' oua-1 j
tainiiw alom aad pnlTertoed rock.
daaa—Blawatto'e Da|«rtare.
Tbe different Kealto Aotoorltlee
-em to Imve different wayi ot reTbr (dltoan of Che Elctath madra of reaetog tim aale of Imd taaklnc powthe oUy wboole are aa fi.Uawa;
.lera. la Kaclaad they bar. proaePreoldoBt-klinuie Volraba.
iind Uie groren nader the general
Vloa puaaidena-Orrtnde DrlL
tow aad brokmi ap tor traBo. In Uto-

Btolabatc-f OranAOpoB lioaae
jMkad to toe doom Batarday eTOi
tiite toe ttnw toribe opealac at
- »*»e tome of Hmwatoa" by the
' mubcndaeeftoaoltyaeboelaaBd
hndrato tod to to toned away, ae
DM etm be {aorided with
Itoa «f Lengteliow'. bmaUfal poem
war maeh eatojed. and rafleou maob
«radi< opoa tbe work of toe Blgfato
grade taaeben, aad Bapertolaadenl
Hare, wbo bare bad oharge of the
driUtog of Um ytmag pt«r>». •><

Xokomla-Oraoe HeHlebael.
Anow Haiet-Joha Krmlta.
Ohlbtibea AUra.1 Vilhelm.
Wreekhr Oteaa Evaaa

Tnuater-OtarUy Kmae.
d by toe. I
Tbaeltoa eolon are old r
Yrefc they
etaff and CBM It toto tbe river, wltola toadnmatlo popm there ii aa onl any dieoneelOfi, Tm toUer way to
adranlwim-at ticnad by Rct. B. Bd- wtatoly eBecUvB.
The alam baking t«wdereaie nenal'
Yoaoc. eli^dalB of (lie Paclora'
ly offend at a low iul(v. ten to twea.
nl* a peand. or with eome prlie,
UimiitotiaB w toe boaeewlTex.
•aauaer tor aoam of tor PltltoOTS
parka Tbe letaatlon U to yive a mby
rlm of toond eereerti ander tlia
powder oCeetablli 1 name aad repnacameal of Hr, Vreac.___
tempted by toe
totloD. Do not
Of the Bombor of pabllc play.tog etoe ae '‘JaM
creaDdt ordtoed by toe Onad Eaptda at good" or "OBT own fetaad.'- for too
OOBBOII two weak! ace one liaa bean trtoli efaow ttml tbe gteoer lilamelf to
evaideted. The loti are owmd by W. oriaadooelved by aaeainpalou mnkR. Bhelby of toe Qtaad Raiddr & la- en aad U eeUtog aa' alam powdw
dtommedaad A. L. Hanay. aad are witoont kaowtog It
OB Real etnel. to the rear of tbe BUThere are erveral good powdare on
aell boaae. Tbe low were kindly do:el: li t toe
noted by toeae crat>«#>> » be need on bavlDf wimt al>e kxione U
aad not be todaeed to rtok toe Ufa of
toe famUy for aa im^toary mrtof of
Uommlmicmar WaUh to expotdl
pnittog toe ground to ebape for the
lldiea. bol It wa. found Doeeemiy
Q..- tod'i-ni'SaUto^'ll'mak’trri
rlraa aa. i.ima. abiiB tea. AU gnim
"II wae aimoat a miraola
dock Blood Bitten oared e ol a ter.
te Of B. Or Dan A On.
rlbla Ireaktog oat all 01 w tbe body.
__ .... _______
Mia. Jalta
llkrtdgr. V^ ^raweU. Ocoa.
Prealdaat Rooa. rvlt hae teoeived bli> hanttog dog. and toe tmadeome
addltioei to Um bouebold pet. ha. already woo hie way to Um lieante of
toe famUy. The deg le named Bailor
Bey. 1* a Uioroaghbrad Clhiemiaake
etaatel. and
dtml Rooeevelt by a heater friend to
(c of air gad water The "etav.. ...mre" are jeet aa eareepUl-leto
diBiTboea: dae. geeMellv. looT.c-.ettog, at enripe fralla. elo. aod dnuttog loe water; all aooemiamled by

entored by the aadieaoe may be
ttoned to. eid<«to mwvwdan of :
ttpaa. U.e e-rartW. the re.-lteti(m of
Mlta Timblia. to. ladtoa Haatme
DrfUaod toe tahhma "Deatobedof
rmtowtog te a eyimpHf of tba ptooe
EMiiatlaa-tman lma.lea and OarTie raUer.



lyamilton Clothing Co.
Cnotru Citf, nkh.

It'a foU.r to aaffer fron tlmt borrl

TO cr** A COLO nr ou* xiaT

*Fraverso Ci'fcy, Mioh.

118 F’rori't S'tree't

Thesuccess we obtained in our Opening of the new store has spurred" us on to make this, our first
lnaugural*Sale. a veritable triumph in bargains. Having purchased from several overstocked Wholesale
Houses their surplus at 40c to 50c on the dollar we shall give you the greatest bargains, and more of
them in entirely new and desirable goods at less money than you can buy old stocks elsewhere.

........ ..
«. Mid aU '

s aiiil wontol I'Uidv.


dU iiL Wool (inoitas.
43 in. Wool Srrgo.
27 in. Melton SLinine.
43 in. Henriciu Cloili.
. 43 in. l«ure.l Mohair, in Uark. anil o.lon, inclu-liiiK idl ll« ncra toulc^.
all ..iel l.-i. 3.V
and .irK .

7iC for "•'■til «le Nurd and .K. K. C Giagbains eoU
allmcr tor 12i<.


>'ls<k and mbtle, and t.'rav
aiiitf l«mls full Uan.Urd (J
4ic for Jibiwn l.ioen fra*.
5c per yd. for I'-c wl-lte Hm-k To^Uni toriJ M

45c for
42 in. all aiul Klcmines.
42 in. all aoul llanhn.
43 in. ail acul SouUrt.
42 in. all aiml UnHianl'met.
42 in. all arodi Sergex.
r>«-in. tool ^uiliI«L


I. 1.K',


out CoRiIi., ■•.•'k
pill and IUr<|Uiine
3.V and 86..

26c for tiic latitoc llaadkerchieb wiUi valencinne» lari- and iiivcrlinpv wonh 60c.
8C for ('<»! •lualtlt laibre miuhn Conet Covers.


6c for US'-‘tn !><(:.ndiv» in all the new >iri|icv <'ilUU.-V and l*it>an vllcit.. sold all ov« for Ilk:.
Sicforf'ie^t and -Uik Challie*. all cokm. Mrijiet
Olid fii;ure».


fine Gram doth batiste.
hlainotue Ilimitiex.
Plain Imn-nt in iiink, ted. Hue. ycHoa. I.luk, and
. linen (xdors, a-onhlftc.

St AagBMtee, Fla., to (gperieweteg

I Oc for Miv'cs' and
heavy rilibol stoinlem and
M.-amkMA Hii>e, wdd allmer al lit.

kl.t uo>k, tleviUIc Miles, |mlrnt tip, <
It '
r Imdies'
Icalljct mJo, stdd all over bjr ♦I.S.Y.
e5cfor01d'UdieskiMaccBiBH&.w)d-aU over (nr
38c for Men's C<ve1 rVrtli Bircyrle Shoes, eofi.1
Icilimt eolo. soVI all mei for
1.69 for "Men's Vekntt calf Shoes. ro|w Uil.he.1.
latcU luc, solid icaihet iitsnles and nHinlets, sold
allosn i.>i $3.&<i.

s soft able Sboev all odors., wd.1 aU <

We bought $5,000 worth of Men's. Boys' and Children's Clothing from ond of the leading manu­
facturers of Rochester. N. Y.. who manufactures only the finest and best fitting garments. atCabout 60
cents on the dollar. This is without doubt the greatest purchase that ever came to this city. 1 Every sen­
sible man will recognize the benefits and take advantage of this sale.
2.80 for Men's Uack cheviot aunidctc Suili.
4.80 for Men's satin laced, black gibbet neat
striped cassimere Suits, and all wixJl stn|ic-l
cheviot Sons, sold all over for $7.50.

I .08 for k'uur^; turn’s three piece bong pants SuHs
nra: summer |iatietn>. strung and durable.
98c for ChiU’s three Here &ilv, tiia<le ><t black
rhev lol.
8c for buys cutlUD knee |iants.

u Sltiiicd chevioti. incltuling duultle
i fared sack suits in al! ao^ cassijDer

93c 5" -lor Men's fine (ut hau in Uack, brown, tar,
sUlc, osivird, larpc, medium and small, toaps
eviuaJ to any $2.00 hat in tbe CUy.

ami colon, in all tbe new stripes, suU al
I Oc for Men's rcvertible fonr-mtoiad. abn Uck
ties, Kdd all (Tver fur 86c and Stic.
I Oc for Men's Uack and while stnpcd duefci^
Shins 8fl in6c for "Men's heavy caarass pfoves, (no Amty cott,avAanlM>1>

^ ;
^ i

<W Six bars etf l« Uondij Soap wonh 2.V.
heavy tin Dish Pans.


tSt fat Gla^OQ Can. tin bame. worth 25t
$• /at Wooden Batter Bonis wonh Sttc.

»« /•;■ 3 aiul 3

Co6oc aad Tea Pots, sold

$c fat laacy plam Butter Ikitocs. wonh Kc.
fe fat Good sued dnokii^ Cop.


Ua fat lieontod Havalin Oma Otfm aad Sanem,
hues! shapes aoU all over for 60c to 76c
refer 3 dexHdmp Hooks aad eyas.

or while.,

5e fat Boys' fansito two Uatk Kmves. *
4* for Good ^mtay^-ii^ Bnuhes wonh inc.

f(e fat Heavy lin seamless water l^ppetv
t»c tat Sheer woo Itripftoxs. wath Sttc.

I coosisling ofn
Refer Opal p
Uahea, Vases. Card Batons and Bon Boo Hiihca

7a fat Pdt Wtadow Shades with beto qniffk.

8c fat laipe siae hath Snabtnap Bntoes.
rje fat So. 1|.ChiiMi^ wtsth Sc.

Ua fat Heavy tin Wash B(dcn warto 66r.

. dtan»r<M><> OiTVo.Telal»..

6C for JnfanU' WliiU- It-JoneU.

4C for -Miswt' anil . hiUlren't black nUwt teamleu

7$e fat H«v> un Uinner Pail sold aB rsver fl» i6t

At aay drag More. aO
it Havnaa tbr bnnae h

24c for Imibre' 1-rt.alc Sliirt Waitts in all ibr
toii|ws, tins jc-ai’v niake, »o«to f»«i.
43fl#0r Udiev' Prr.alr\Vra|<|.en intiuool W
floun.-vl. Mid all <nci fi* 75c. ”

Clothing and Gents. Furnishings I

tfc far Pofotaied xinc top Wash Buanb wmto 16..
Tbe ooUeeilem « phetogTaphi
wted by Emmvtu VUIiam of Oereaay te Harrard UBlneaily aa
oceliy reported a. Molen, le ra|
0 ha\e been retefaed. It to aappeead
o bare been a Madewl tote.



Hartla Urowa, tberlff of Imelatoa I
ooBBty. to to tor eity from hatoad to-;
Beettallao-itemla Aehman.
Tebleaa-Nokomla' ladlan Ondto

that toe beet leeeeiM of patrioUem
■debt be learaod from to. praree of
toe deed. B«t he arfed that there U
e doty ai hick aa wne erai dleefaarted
hy toom who died for their donatry,
and that ta toe duly of llriac for
ona'a eooatry. Aad he aifed bneeir
ta toelBc WTOBC ae the hoyi la Mae
ware brara la taelac the maaaa’a
maMh. Heaiiadlbe oard not alone
of faarlaae baarta bat baarte that an
para ae wall aa brare.



Millions of People

l-m ctmeoat euir. amWeri by n-ti.i aa
ommMT. tee

thece or *CT|>t of Mimla or P»o«
■ader her kiada.
that Meiaartal day oalle ap tl<e aattoo'f bieury. and he imlated viridly
the diorlee of Aamrioe e paet He
apok* of the feet that the aation li
fatted, tlmt Old Ulety hae Berer leet
a Mt. tealf cyec ao elan aad le nIfeetedtbevoildom.
tbw he nfemd feeliafly to wl>at
«ll thit hee roet. He cpoke of Umhaadn^ of tboonade of hoaoeed
fteaee la the oationel oamoterlee, of
the aeOBda that dot the ofaarob yarda
to erery ImalM of the iaad where tl>e
ft^iat dead He aleaptait. aad of toe
thaaeaadi of cram, aataewii, onmarked, anbeaend. where eleep toe
leet hetooe wbo died that Amctloa
mlCbillra. TlMlhe paid aclewlac
nrttote to tooee wtm Itad BOt cone *toe front, toe woamo wl.o were h
•I borne to toffee toe tenMote of aaipeeee nod anxiety, aad toe «rlefe a«toodaatapaa tooir Baal lorn; of tor
obUdrm that war Irll Utlirrieet
toM who weal down to their ctaree
tonttn hion-' heoaoee of toe late of
Matoad or father <w tMther or lovor.
■•Tbetaffennc of aU tone.'’told
too eoeak«,"form a part of qor beritnca Meawnal day bnaye it all took
to aa. with toe urrlhle eoat lit;
boea paid for toe prt»-Ue*ee that we
Theqanfceriuced toat Uemortalday
toohaamd la it* trae eplrtt, tlmt
oad caooa, whleb are entirely
femtCB to toe oidrli of toe day. be
OBtltnd, «*»e» toe bnatnrea beniee and
faetortaa of the otiy to oloeed and llte
oily lake ono day la the year for the
■tody of patrtotieia. Ho ptoltoled
with teaoh warmto agaiaat the deee-


BBargeBaagas«aa»tt lyacrlrtoattoeKaw T

Him Daley Tea appe aC St Irnala.

« of heavy

Vases, Berry

le fer Treei.^ Wheek wonh «c
ta fat SuckiB( Dmwe^ srib aD wm far fie

Tar lAhtfa nfi OUfinff.

dlatTheea, aad todeed. aU bowel

r-r ji.';

____ ______ illrt. a mfa, e
apaady oare for aU tot tfonUa
aemid Evwy ri-pntaUe

^-amjipto.- ^7h^h^

tohal «M PalakUlar. Bm^Darto.'

Italy yn fan AinritaiH
118 Front street.

Enterprise Grocery’s Old, Stand ~



poduc* caSea
do bot ddrt
to toocb


Mochu wd Jar*i. MT>y?

byth*T. 0 .«L.
* M. to oorVoyo Iloe fmm
•croM tbo old B*r Haow pn>p*rlT
0WD»I by Hoo. V^arr lUm-h. U.«^
Ibnofh OorUDd ottoot.
eb- oM
wool to Korlh •
loe mod thonoo pMmji^i
«m, tbo u. *K. t. «*«
nek bWr d>« i«ud ho*-'**d oloo«
ttw W *are M ocl*ln.Uy pUnaod.
It U «ld tbu «io «nr.y«r* ot tl»
T. C . L. * M. wlUbo hM* tbi..Trotnc to bwln tbli trttk. ood It If prob0b>. tbot th. oooooll will be mrtod to

Lion Coffee^rtiZ




$-i,5i. .n l JCrti. at.......


..... :*3i9.6


at ...................................$4.96

cp*rr’'^Kt lyoi

eV Micho.cls St-”'nt&

OUT tu-r,
s( ihbH;



Ole ttlant Vour Patronage

Detroit-Wbrtt. «»■, and 81’,: o.
Toledo-Whwi. 83 and tsti
ta>lot«o-Wl»al n<4: owe. «*s;;
oat^ 44; pork. IIT.tW'g: laid..>l0.1B.

tad ia •rderttca U ve dHUyea yrlcds.


S'la., «aluct $i.iw
a................................ »r.65

AU out wocJ aii.1 worrtcl .Irert pockh lhal are worth 5«c an.l (kir wiU jdare on tale al 45c; our $1.0« goo.l» ai lISc; beudes ee pi»c or
SuihUnl I'allem free with evcf.calc of iHess G«»h at $S.0M i» m.M
—a taring of o»ei HHwt cetil.

Oiwm at Old Kiwleo.
'■ ■'£r*B. a Ofay. Bo.TrTtoiy.

I«ld 10 Old tbe projwrt

and CrtihlBC Hossc

npaUleani and tboM loto work will, tbe ropebll^

M\ our RiUrtM ai lo j«r cent. Hbconnl.
0..r S-I.OU Silk ................................................................................ < •"'

Mlol«b.ldeBTfaBnrtoy •'
tbrtrte ^ortbw^p^’lol with tb. H.
ft M. B. to Bv rtrort *»d o«oo.
of tbo roood lioow. Tbo
tert U -id to be th- nwot
tbo BOW I'-tple'. 8.T1BC. B«>k W
Owtt. Hall. Cbm rtroet. on Tber^r
bdd TBoodoy onomooB ood twd».
ny. of tbo T. a, L.
J. O. Crot»r. W. K CWklBfc B. c, doeUio ihrtwhol they woolood wh*l
IlBvU. AHlod V. yrUMA. CUl-» they felly oepool to eooortplUb. U u
U OTolllck. H. 8. BoU, J. «. Mo.U- ootlol from tbo oily, end thol tbo rt.
ft K. B. Win BOi be allowod to obwawl, C. A. HoB»(ia<
Tbe iwtueot lo
UMtBor. Ooo. W. iBodto. Wlllta. Mruot tbo projoot.
mm tboir |«opartr oo tb<- boy ebece.
Howart 1^'.
rtoy Bty. wooU Jo BO doaoco to ibo
H. ft K. B. It tliel oompooy roforto
to eUew tb. BOW Iloe to oroeo tb.
iWlp OB tbo rturo. Uien tbey propi»e
to take B roeto wbieta tb. M. ft K. B.
ujd Ward City Hall. Sutaw rttort.
«■ Boot. Q. A. B.. tor th.
wlU fa. eempoUed loprtinU.
*ir uoretM hM eo«pMed It. work Tfae B.W plan U deelaiod to bo on- Thateday eTM>ia> Hi
TiaOo-oloek. fortl» |
•Bd tbo toUewlBf U »• oomplot. or- piniT foartbl. ioi will fa. »acb



Union Street.


nacnoat ot lb. umoIm. ot tl.o doy:
riswwoBd doeotmtlnf eoanlH
thi Port ODd Koliot Oorp. wUl li.T«
tbo Port room rt B o eloek o. bl tor
«..:oertOto9- M>d the Port. Oorp.
•Bd OO. M WiUlOOTO lb. Port
tetbe oMBrtety M 0 •. rt. whor.
tbo giBTet will bo dooetrtod oad tbo
mmtt ortMtory oioroiioo bold.
Tbo •riotooan ptecioB will be M
art raoM U i o-olodi

doobtlort oomo to llcl)l a. tbo

BO iwada. aad tbe oxanlrta wUl bo
hold in the City Optra Ball oOrt.
la«at>«lp at.
At both noraiiic and atMTaeoa oirteioH tte atadiii will bo ooa* ‘
by Hn. Daytea.
noMitial band wiU artoad tbo
aoialnconrclMoaad tboBoyiBoBd
tbe osrtelart ta tbo aftrtBoeo.
Jadce Daboll ot St. J«Sm wil
lirw tlio KrtBorrtl Day addrrtf I

School Closings
Ul'R STfH-'K this tear will U-the licAt iim. in.l alill <-an i;row nr
tlutl tm*ey <in Imy.

m TI.B*wUy er^ad a topBbllaaB oou
Ml for Tba^. Jaa

for lecsenlation. we alwnt aim lo |Jcanc. Ciu fill them in any
ouanthy, stile or iwii-e. IIK.AK IN MINI’ that «c nill \k heaJi|uatler» for all kimls of Kl.UWKRS tunable foi

memorial Day
All onlert carefully I'a. ke.! an.l sei.l 1-) mail "t etprert as iliteclcl

riffat et way that U ewsod aad artd
frt rtrtllar parpeart by aaotber eerperatien. ThU deehdea Monad
OrtJln*. for a tirtA bet it BOW drrrte^ that an allocether aowaod
tlMlr dlBrteal mart rt frtrtbU. it li
rttd. entalB of aooMi. altbeatb the
.H ft V. B. may he iBcearaalwead.
It u a le^ nary, bat laiereatlBc.
la Bqirtatber. 1881. whrt. tb* Maartu. ft HcrtlwartrtB eeacbt eat
late dirt rtty. a naortilea wa. p
by tb. ytllaco trurto. proridlap for
ooboalrtint to tbo pooprt ot a pn
Urti to bead tor IIAOOO fur tb

Phone 90

210 West lllh Street,


Seeao 1. Tbe Brttaa maartaa.
Paallae '# ospartlea.
SeoD. t.-Paaltao rt robbed hj a
Bwt rtacer. Teat Planbar it Waeh.
od by bar pldfal rtary

Aeoetdiac to law boadi eaaaol be
raloAl ter a Dtilread irttnye.
l.-Fira yoar* bare ol^
bat til. lairoream of the i
Bad Paaliao faai boeoBo aeololai
aamod car. aa opportaalty to aid tl
artrtt. aadrt tbe Mrt. ot Delorea
H ft H. B. la rteaitat aa eartaai
Aeueawmc, -SHd-oto Oaard”lalo the city and at tbe rtao Ubm
tbe Heya
KuBrtnai donatien troB Ibo paeplA
whlrti laeladrs tbo oort of tboticfa
of way froai Uaioa rtieM to tb*
ly line asd Umo CB to FomA.
t. Ori« rajrtcdm
Tbe bond. wcr. Toud on the
TeaJ aolo."XlH> Seen that Koaebad
OoortDbn. I8il. and the8I^000 paid
Heart-J. Horteatb.
■r wi—

■■■Ill —I, *v.


ly Which bad baa laid oat 0. Horthaneun araaaA Mr. Haasab derotii
Ibo aHBry to tb. porcbrto of ncbl ot
•ay. Tb# TiUaco>artert Ctarti p
ta wdlnaoe. pormittiiic tbe raUroad
. .actaalT. rl^t to Ibo
I for tbo eprtatrta et a tallread
tbrt. toroTor.
Vow eoBM* th. aUrtfttlea tbrt th.
ritrtc* had oo rtpbt to fwat e
pririb** kartBoe it wat naea
In tbo Oirt plaao. thirty
jmn I* Ibo limli of tirto tec whleb
taUway fiBnablM oaa be franrtd. I
tbo Mooodj idaoA It tl rtalail Hat lo
allow tbe oclnrtre ricbl In He a«
et a rtrert l« railway parpeei*

Hi a Popular Price
J1 Shoe at Cwo Dollars

nUw*'^iod*%r ToeoH^'
oUnt beiinort a.

tS:"“All coons look alike to;
me" and maybe all Hours:
look alike toyou-^ut there
is a difference. We don’t
ask you to believe witnout
the prbol, that Ceresota is
the best Hour in America,
but we ask you to compare
it with what you are now
■Umm. T.U.
a Uro.

Ortry 8

We have placed on sale all new lines: all have
the new-toes and heels; eveo' pair warranted ;
let us show you the lines.


Iff P^S.'WK.I

ing. Many ebromos. photc«raphs. certificates and the


like come to light which need preseH-rag.
We are especially provided with a large vari­
ety of mouldings with which w^can ftame any site
picture and do it at a most reaionaWe pried .


SitSifsirfiKia cE
— >nlltM In M. W l.k—11 cW »ml

work. Uiis store is in the best of condition to give satissatisfaction.



AnoHw Him. whteb

trtrtd. it tlw tact Hat wIhb tb.
iBHrt.wa.8tBBrtdH0M.ftM. B.
w H. Hort U wat ter Heapera• «( a rtUway. U rt arwwartd


When your
Back is turned

Itolc in Wall Papa,. Cartaiaa. Sladonaiy
and Crockery.


I’copltt will critilin* your
clothing If it s OUR M.AKK
their criticisms must .iU l«t
favurablr. for the lit is fault­
less whichev.T way you face.
See our popular pricfrd suits.
S7.SO. .'SIO. Sl2. Sl5.

Crapent dtp, ttlich.

Che OM KtHablt SbetnMA

Being pioneers in this county for this dass of

‘‘(^tow-Uly at Ho Malloy.

i Grand R^ids Fur. Co. |

Samilton Clothing Co '

Frank Triediicb,

Are good things to provide while house dean£^*Txi

>H)tomirte. ‘-Uwd Kiedly LKbt"

L'eeferrlm wr-difioaM aad cold
•dab Bpo) a. Koodhaai aad A.
Mart.1 portor»«*-A. Warwbarf.
B. Oliaid. L. Jordia.. H. Koaft U
FeaartiB, L. Uacar. Z. Viertiid. P
ThaHw. A HM^at.4. M. Horry.
M Lafnrtrt. I Moblo. K Miller. B
borrt^. KaOrtihtwTT

S 4.25
$ 5.98
% 7.00

Traverse City. Mich.

In men's «« ehem 20 shits
In Cartes' nw show JO styles
KM. Box and Utlonr eall in Bals

ft^aoia, bar oUotl daanbrtt-L.
PaaliBo. bar yoa«e« aa»-L. I

Fiartirtt., liar b^-B. Barry.
Sally A ToBwktoA a rtrart tiafw
-H. Dioa.
Tom Plaehat. a polioaw-A

S6.S0 Morris Ckairs for
S8.50 Morris Gtiairs for
10.75 Morris Chairs isr
15.00 Morris Chairs far

Wert Nik 4.
,)lu oaaen. ef .TOh-r.^ twl^

Mr*. Hortea. a wealU.y wl.low-E.

M. ft K. S. w
tbrteUa rtrt


Trank W. Paint, Thrist,

E. 3. Fartbani.
U r. MrU.
BanJ. TlOrlby.

*^ellio Crtffaara. Mra. Koi
—a Waraboi*,
«ay. a eatrt la Ho Merlea
. Hoodhem
,brtortlcro kaewa a Paallao
wtbtnripe. ladraa ot artiau

At to

Floral Baskets

Piaok Tradr.
Wm. Reaete.

rtrtfrt. Or Tbroeah tb. rina or a.

ll wUI b. n
iacf «> Mrt


0ut flowers

Oeonre W. lArdl.'. Potaw W.----ee Tharoday evmilafriiay W. HW.
•artertrt at which ar. to oocnr it. at 7:WO'cIook to elect 6 dal
StrtabrtK'. Qraod Wodartday*.
JbB. 4. al b o'clock io Ih. rrniiiiff. rtUwl fl)r?ewday,~l^l,
The pte«Tas 1* at follow, i
OpoBlnly obotao-Vrtale.

looertpel ibaleemiBay teallaw
t. a.L. ft K. tOrtOrtlrtelrireiMny
ea th. bay then, bat tnaffat to IKbi
aeeBftUlaaof rtdncr wfclrti part an
wtitolyaew pbaar opee th. rttaa-

ihoc ».ll call tor a

Uri'.cr amoiiiii ihaii ever of

ami eoeta other hoelort* ae
ror. tb. CAoeea
oome befo

SarTrycB Obrlrt and bU in<-ti I
Taaiday to IolaIo tbe boam
ot Wortliwrtrtra aTOBBO, th.
wbioh the JL ft K. B. railroad
andwfairft ll Uolairtod oanb. ntlUawl
tor a iinilar parport by th. T. tj„ L.
ft M. railway.
Ob* line will bewnroyod oat by
At!«) lb. panrtowlU beforaod
<a Ctm rtroet. liftbl lortlof w Start. way ot OorUaa rtteet. roaw
Tbo Uao of manh wlU boaotollowit
Wrtt OB Srtrt to Unloo. aorth oa Mbor tbroojrt Bay rtrfct from Uaioa
Oaka to Freer, oart on Praet to to tart below tbe B. ft K. B. round
Park, rtmth ee Park to :Blart. m
Start to Boardnn AnaaA roatb to
WartilBCUB. wort to eeart I
•qaara. wbor. tb. osrtolrtt of
of tbe WBler
lo oart at bad woatbrt tbrt. wUl bo ertrt of SI Fraaei. Ulith eebool. tbe


South Side.

will soon U-ihc otJci lliiouj;li<.iil Ilic oiiiinrt

both to the oily asd tbo

T. C.. L. ft M tfarti lb. molo aloDC


We can awl «c wiU teU yrra cheaper lhan any other hootc in h

When You
JuU notice that all rail­
road mechanics wear- ‘Carhartt" wprking clothes—
can’t make them think some
other make '•just as good."
Our workingmen’s Pants,
Shirts and Overalls fully
guaranteed you can’t loK
on -them. No better 50c
shirt made than ours.

BsmfltOM Chma Cp.
Triversc City."Mich.


* oTCtete.


8onrdtm*.J.T lUeMl^eewe^ U*rhad.

3 per Ce« allowed w Time Depeslts.

Tn<MelYII HWBMil.Trew

At tbe vapolar rwvirw eff Tiavem
<aty Tant Ho. 8:i. K O.T.M.. Priday

iB«. olliMaab tber 1
t Of the abeeBOret the
led«». Ob eeeeutortfae
raacb wiwUwe at Korthport. the la*tm lodce waa BBable to be |«eaeBt.*aa
eesld DM Bi^e Ilia doefc.
IsUlaUoo of
e tbe order
and a itood aoeUl ttar


Daito SowBiUp have been tost for
two weeks.
He eeadnsstun of tbe
nuner lias bem seeered.
TItt older
was a boY of It rnn it b mid.
The latt seee of them. aeootdiSK to
Uia report, was when iber wore mdag
to Hodce after tbe mail A thBoderr
oame op. aad it is feared ther
mar have beeo stroA br liataUiMit.
leqeltr br telepbooe failed to resnlt

, Bev. 3. 0. Weeae, lyear.'
Mr falber an.l . —..r died
Kalkaaka: Bar. Oolrrova. Oraad Bai____
. - lies J. T. We.vtli.
Ide: Bev. P. T. Porter, Prenioot;
Mich., "aad I
Mrs. H. B. Cotaell. Wexford: Bev. >07
O. A. Banteas of Ii
mlv by Dr. KIbr's K. w Uisniwwv.
CoBlCard. Owomo; Bev. Daalab. Baa-1,|„
.Vo attack of Paeui
r>r; B.V. Pickett. Beatoa Harbor; stualr oOQCl. Slid v. rr ••
tbe'special Cmtote of tbe
Rev. Tellen. West Bar Oitr; Bev.
‘‘“•'’ttooBin, wbicli an ■Mwlbi
.........................cooldnot hvl|i.
.idnoi hvl|i. Botefi
Wm. Hooper. Wolford; Bev. D O.
. of to., woa.Wf,
dcn Uoadar eventoc was
tarteir sttaaded. the OoB|Cto«attoBal
of tbe


CirculaUon this week 2,500.

Tbartdar for the fonalox of a |mrtm-nbip to tbe lo*al bBstoeat betweeo
Him. Oeoiito <f- Oovell aod Citr Attoraer 0.-or*e It Oros*.
Mr. Oovell
bat arraoned will. ].!• aasiitaal it. the
of Uattod btokw Dlstrlrt Attorwr eo Uiat be will be able to devote
of hb time to bb betiBes* to
tbb ollr. aad will l«r«afler probabtr
re abeai half bb tim.-.
UroM Ims batarlooktoc afbv Mr. CoviBtamta liere for ne>« time,
orw «rm will oooaiir th.- mote
M as have been oeeapied br Hr.
Btc Uwo la |.olawiw.

mBamidej, Hus B.IBe. mt : i.'rkirs


A bid drop to prlnes fnrinlaWea has
MB raeoided to the local market dartaif tb<. paai few dare, the iwfea nnc|8R todarfroB 80 to suonnb a baitel
mosa of (bn drop <s tbe a>'W
pelatoas balaii recHved to I'MmRO
aa.1 other Barknla. On Moodar K i>n
r stock worn rneeirod and ro*katdar tbe rnoeplis weft' nldht ears.
Then Is little. If anj. likeUl.oed of
lilplier prloea bnlus sncornd
tiwiait for old polatoM. Sexral bor­
on who held onto their stock-for tbe
mart tailed to tls-ir autlcipBlad while aome name ost even
, will be loeers. Tl«««Bdof
botbeb were breorht here at from «0
to 60 onau a bosbnl bat fall aad
Jallai A. rraake aad Aaitut Biatoe mrly winter aad blR Boaey «
ter. left tbe sitr Hoadav for a loap
ide by tl.oae wbo onloadod at from
trip to Alaika.______________
to so oenta a basbel.
Ole Obea, amebtoiM at tbe Baak.-t
faetorr. Had bis epe oat Tneedar
Joorphia.' KeBle. ooe of Tm<
br a pieee of a benlinK emerr wheel.
Olty-syo^ tebee. died to Detroit
Ha waa not eeriooalr tojatad.
Frt^ aftenooB tbe WiUiaaii
Hsr family koew BotbloR of bar 111team will pbr the Bellpite Oitj l
Taetear evoalBif. Her aleThe fall toad will be to attvodaB.v
ter lefl at OM for Detroit, tat ioalo
aad a daarc will bn irivrw at tbe
bad died befon ebe arrived. Sbt
ballto the evenlag._________
<0yeanoU aad w well kao
Tbelhlrtr-clztLaBBnal eeastoa of tlie ~iarrm City, tofRaff lived here all
Oraad Tiavme iU|4iat ambolatta
arilCa. Bmldes ber father aad L ..
' tbe Imwa eeveral broU.ets aad sunln tots otty.

BfarrtitiBC b bow t.»dy for tlw
ptoat of tbe Hieblma Storeta Oa
be«iB tbe maaatantare of asra etort
rite tboamad boibeb of tbnlled oota
tew arrived and have b>«a

B OB tbe ooroer of Baadolpb
Tbe hotoi b to
te MxM- feet to atoe. and will
A new time mrtl m tte r. A P. M.
tafcto effect Moodar.
oely d
la tUe BOttoa is to the ttato Icarinp
ten at 7 a. B., wtatoh wiU r> tbroBicl.
tl iBke
> Ballaln and
> t(w ILalkaska and

si'll.-:; 'Ar-...

.1.1. ditoonte.^.«bjm beia,

.ioo Taewla, BomtoR op«-1


5 £ent$ a Vard
Buys nice I orchon Ijcrs and Ihscrtinns'i
from '4 of an inch to ^ indies w id«:.
Our stock «»f \ alcnck-nnrs Laci*-s an.) InstTlionsTiiis
jttsi iK-cn strcnpthincdliy a new lot. all 1in«- iiaiteriis.
Th*r iirii-es run from -c yd up tt) 4->c.



Bcaiitilul linv of all-over l-accs and' lliHbrouleritss.

5 €ctil$ Buv$
.•\n‘.\ll l.incn Ladies' IJainikerchief. hemsiiiche.l ami r« .ndy for use. '
.\i liK i\r-luiw «rt>mc M-ry jjihkI nuinlicrs. lxnh in lionlcr amt pure white. Se-e our !$ for 'ioc kind.
iiiT. verv tim-,
S-J.UI each.

Rubens Infant Shirt

B K.


7 Cents Vard
Buys nice Stikolinc in tim- ran;:i: of t olore anil |iaiH!ri>s
n-uular Im- ami I-'., kimt.

Onr Linen S.-'ciion IiP^.t few jroocl iluni-s (o ofTt-r just now a n-tl
1 alilc I latinsk ai I2«c. a (. « piece- of C.r. in. inil.Ica. h.'.i Homt-sptin
I '.imask ai -Vv. ami our T'J in. l int- Blca. hctl Daiuusk at 7-h- .atnl SL'H* a yartl.

Farmers, Attention!

Rev. D. Haaro, tbe state eeenmry,
sve aomeaxoaUeat Idms aa U"RaUiaRMcmey fora MeeltoR." He wa*
tttimlly oppoaed to many
ways now tolnR aaad to raise money
inrt of the obarte.
for the enpp
k told
Bev. 3. C. 1
toe aadienm "Howto get toe work
iBoaity." HiilfBltoR
this-' "A pare oltereb

good spraying material.

if you are in the market for any aI these
got^s it will pay you to gi\e us a call, as we
• carry a splendid line nf thcsi; goods, and ran
make you rock bottom pricts—.it


beatauansof briagUiR tbe work Of
BvtoR aealc before a oOBBaalty”
Bar. L. O. Drew of Hadsonville
bolBR absBit.Elder MoOardy of loals.
.gaveasborltaUoo "How to get the

ralgbas. .teu-

Aa addltloa to tte eltj hae be-n
a Xeafteto aad
ptectod for Hr. aad Mn. Oeoiire V.
BaC. and tte tote wiU te plaeed oa
m aad prtoting—PreaidlaR Kldar
mle. Tte addllloo Hae vsat of Ha)d«
Bad aeeto of Poorteeato street, aad la
Tte Olty Opera Hall aad adX^ii
r MOxMi feet la liaa.
{arlora wrvs rmwiderpd aa the pte-a.
iof Bn<.
i-oald bi- cwarclled. Tbe arntter was
ft«r*d to tte .-OBBlttor pn belldlaeic
Many Uto^w. wvU kaowo to tbU
cxBiptete dlractaty qad
ettr. baa geme into baalBaaa far him- soavBilrof oar cT^'-was
itLelanA He tea ■

i ft]

Ole Baoe
urs ;i
kmitvn KuIm u's Infants' Shins, in coiion. h.nlf vrm)l
,imi 1iiic all wtKil. in si/i-s from I to Ti, in prict-s
from -*ic 10 SI for iht: lartj».-si si/c in the all wtH»l.
\V<- als.1 have full line of infant \Vrap|«trs an.i
ri'ifiilar \ cs|s.

Onr Savinffs Departraenl

aadBanoay pm.

chenbto Hoe."
Tte addroeeai of the aMraloR were
followed by aa opea 41aoeeel<». In
which a number of thoee preeeot look
Tlrts waa followed by aa addrem oo
Bible atadytiy Dr.* Oharlae B. Kewnan of Dattolt. wbo will give a aenea
of addieasaa 00 ttaU eab)eR laBaiBR
totoagb tbe Bitln oonventloa.
who tee a love for tbe old book,
or who dfelrea to aadentaad it mote
fnlly. can afford to Bin thU mriaa ol
is at mee oompre-

part of tlB Bible toat to teinR praitod. aad tbe wide general view
sraa tte one preaenteAal the boriIbr
Tte feaiatse of Taeaday afleraooo
ran tbe addraaa by Kev. F. 1.
Porter of FtOBonl on "Tte Ptetor
aad Kiamtoltot". "Taklag Care of tbe
- •
- Ite Berivml" by Rev.
ClloB. inrtcr of tte
ohnreta to tliis city. "Tte Paator s
Rooad Tabla" *y Bav. F. P. Artasr
Kafdto an.l tte addraaa 00
bv .Dr- Obartea B. KewiBB of Dettoit.
Tteaddrsoonf Bev. F. T. Portor of
FraouBt oa"Tha Pate* and Bvaagoltot " Tnmdav afurnoan waa one of
foroafal and ffary of (teso-


new, Bandsome, Seruiceable
Shoes for men and ttlomen
$2.50 values for onfy $2 a pair.
Men s l>reto aiocs, mxilr in Box Calf. I k i Ki.l an.l Kangaroo
Irafhert in the ven newest toapes.

>TakiiiR<Vref tl* Frails of Beviral" waa tte- mh>ect that waa ably
handled by Tbocaaa P. lUlonu fnator
ot tor ebarch to thu city. Be aigrd
the iBBmoanMe importaace of Ibis
Her. fterles B. Hssraaa gave ap
tte Hae that was to have been devraed to tabla MBdy to BB adddnm «
*k by Kev H. L.
gBilh. eeCRriaryoft tbe home Blai

•oelaly. The keynote of
was "Poor ont wfaat yea teve. Gad
fnilB, eigan and tobacon, aad teve
oar'vtoiton. Tbe .wavam far tl.e I,, ^0.-. aad tbe erase of oil will
touplarm of eoa-rtaiBBanl wa> R-luil."
(foradto tbe Jiroiwr <-oBBiltei- aad i Tte featarea of Taaaday Bight’s set ordareddaoe to Jaae
It to expe.-led ! iioa wm tte sermoa by Bev. J. V.Tky-




Prayer wa. offe^ if Rw. P- P
Anlmr of Utaad Rapiila
er-H. n. Piekell ofWayTba pceaidaai of tbe mtolatortol aaeaetaUoo. Rev. P. W. Oraftoo. lb. a
■poke of the qaeetlcio for tbe day.
•The Bplril of Bvaa«ellaxU« or Are
IbeOaya of Kevivallsm PaalP' He
Pfret-Q B Booth of Jasper.
-------------spoke of tlie Rvmt daHRor ahead of
tlie Dleolplcs of ObrietaibetoR lack nte^d-C E Pickett of l‘entoO|5j|j,yD^[|j„t,„,uj,(^,„j^
or ootire loaa of the rvvival splrtt.
Tbird-O. M. Keeae of Uaemde
■la lb.- Day of Ravivaltam Past?"
Poorth-r T Poner of rrenim.1
Fifth—A XI Farrar of St. Looi»
*a toe sabjeet of the addreaa deliv.
8ixtb-l*. U. BpauRterofSaRtoat
otwiby Rev. Harry ^Clark of Petos8eventb-J C . Ue.-se of Kalkaaka
>yItev. C. H. Roeaeof Oa--qd.- oonixiderodtbe qaestioo. "Do we need a
BvaaRelteB?" Bev. Keene waa
very |«metiml aad pointod In hit atttraaoe*. "Wedooeed aaaw evaaReUaB."mid Mr. Keear.-of a l.iRhsr
irpe. a work tlmt will are snala rati.Now that the spraying season is on you want
eV tfaaa add meabart Barely to toe

wUl teave Chicago oa Taaaday at I p

• Ter of Dowaglao oa "XteCterebri
>at aboat
srblol. waaa maakariydtoJaaalUb. aad followed apalodiv by I roam, aad eaa that IhrUtsd bia tearboam to tease naavaas aatll tl* re-1 mv aad Ite addraaa of Bev. 3. V.
qaialu plarso ora fennd.
; Harklay of Eaamo City.. Mo., on tte
cOBBltteo Bade Mr ati..-.L-.--------...
Extoaalm" wUoh
t HaaBar. For
u Bloa axMllaat.
BBlttoa. 1*
aad aftar dltobaotog otnar aatto
■mltln for two
pbalrawa. V. D.
cditeciau wotk vao praoliidnrar

At the Oieeo Lake Keptmlicaa ct
«aa Wedaasdey tte roUewu.R d.
•MM wen ebOM to attead tte ca


ed with a praise aad aOBR aervioe lad I Second , ice iReal.leat-T. W. Urafbv Hav. U. Q. Wakenian of Doraail. ; on of Ana Arbor,

that ta tte }ob toasanlaiwe.
r. D. MoAvoy, wbo bae been ftUlaf
mid abc wonld do i
the plaee of oook to the LUtb- Tavera Tiaverae City 1
a thiBR. aha doe
aadwhaa team
aoBM Uae. has rnctifBad to aoee|« the
peeltloB of eliet io a larte hotel at
Kaalioa Spriac*. Ootondn. Kb plaee
Ptrst aad SececKl Metbodial
la Ite Uule Tavera bae bwn '
«bBrehca.BH Moaday aigbt to Mr.AI.
by Qeone Obeen.___________
lyji-e oBoea ia toe WiUielB blo^ aad
tte ippabUeea ward man
ocRmatoad. with Prmldtog Bidet Oaratoot daiacataa the ooeaty
rU chsinaaatBev. H. Enuu-dy. vice
«UI be held niBiaday ewatoc.
DC. Mar
rmmu; K. J. Palgfaam eeerrtary.
be held and R W. Vella aeiyvlary. Tbe geoMb.
Tbe c
inaa tid to elect drlattotea to t
tleaua eoBpittiiig toi* oomaltwe are :
First eharoh. Measra. l.aafBkii. Falgtaaat. Walla. Hall. lardie. HollMay.
Fnna Seeded ohonh. Memra Kseaedy, B.-otU Allyn, Morse, Wallrr,
RB oa legBlar aaaiBer arhedale. They Smito-




--- -----

aetoaea alibi
eon bb alaotleB.

aad wlU be plaeed on ale ma
toe pUl Isaptooved.


V ivoysi s. Pjfj
Oje. *
a S^llj
,|,ni|y cnml
core.1 l.r Hr.
Dr. KtoK's
KIsR S jTnw
New Lifn
Life 1 l«
ton axonlleot wemon. a j
acrvioeWM BBdoct.
'^.''-1 ~ • f»r»nn................................................................................
Pills, which W.irk. d woo,levs for tor ; M
aoBC and ,
eii. tbe openlac |car<w betof offered
bv Bev. UaBMBln L. Smith of Oto- (•00, the blasalnRS
tte work there wen thrillmR anil in.
ctooati. aeoatarr of tbe Home Mb- tfaa
I apireil all who bea-d her with a detire
MdoiAore for to.- Master wbo ml.l
by Bov. ObartesB Hew- ..qc,* totnall tbe world and ires.-!,
aaa of Detroit. 00a of (lie trup-es of |tto Rusp l (0 every erealare "
Bo- ' ---------------------An addreaa l.y -------------------C C Smilli of Oiatbe I'nilod Society
iclDnatl, seonuryof KeRro miesioss.
J i,_i..» .
1 waa another fmtan
of th.
th< afternoon's
After ll.e ofrviea.
SB. ^ afisnoon eloaed
esptlOB was taodsred to tlM vulttoR
s P P.
daleRat.-a.aod they were Ub-r ewiortnl
.t toe opeoiMR
of Ito afleraoon see. |
to the bootea of tile local
toe charrii wlien tbey
talne.1 dortBR the eeealoo. of tbacoaPrettfleui II H Halley of KaU- Surplus,

Tbe dale of tbeMlebiflas aaBoa] M.

tte tern will

To me«i your trams in [<hU liftr, Itojh inXcolorXand
jirice. and quite often tve have a little surprise forJ>Y>u.
Just now tve are anxious to have you look over our
.sixfial iol which we have set aside, consisiiofi of.tine
iVlihlc Cheviiti. 'ribbit'Ctoih.Baskfi Cloth #i 1 Q
lair Chcviui.
SL.V»h.k>.1s at. |>cr
i>er yard...
van!... VX* A57
mill .1 u'HhI jii«-cr-of CamcK Hair
all Sl-'A*^ooils


iavltod to tbU city laat fall, hae Just
bamlixed by hmtd of biibops (or SepTiavme Bi^ Teat. Ho IM, Mccdar teabe* ITtfa. with tb.- ■oetetary of tlie
board. Btabo). PltiRerald, laesiding.
^md taeolottoBi
• tnd V. Priedrieh fora pasicioa oa
TbU starti oar lomi people to formtog jdaae for this, ll.c gnaleft task U
Onat Oaap Stecatlw rOBBittoe
toe mterlatomaBI line ever attamplod


Soyed by all who bmrd it.

tlH-ctato. toeladiairaOBe of tbeBoetlaloB. wbo bae bbowd to Jamaim.
Botod meBbai* aad BtolMen of tbe i Rave a verr eatortetotott and belptol: Tb* Trawrin ...........................................
I account of bb exjwrteaen.
! aad Kormal iDshiuto will barn no va-'
! TbbaeBlonWBS iwostdewd one of onlil Ao(-. let. laprowTOBr
Tbe eveator eeraMB waa pnanea
,^0.^ ^pirnuntul of the eolirv ilmn donn« tos sumoirr.
l.T Ket. T. W. Qmfi<B.of Ann Arbor. oooveotiOB tliai far.
pastor, aatborof anvoml books and! T\.c i^oB Woitonter afteraom wet
«>to witto.-.

Mrs. Jemn- WlUeo. wife of Peter
KibiB. one of Ite ptoonon of tbb ndioo. died vary eaddnnly of ape^dexy
Saoday aicfal at fanr borne »tbe p
aalaacedW yearn Betides bar baaIsiad aha Imvas six eoni. three to tbe
to OblmRO. two OB tbe i«iitoSBla. and oae daachter, Mrs. Ji
sootl« peotoiBlB. TbefBDanl
held from the honte W.'daesEBomtop St
lies. I).
Oooblto oOctoMd. latormeni wae is
Oakwood roaetory. WUl S. Aader
too bad efakitk of tito faaaml artaace.


me are Jllways Prepared





I PLEASE ROHCE-IMsSIn ll B CIkH 81 Iqr Dicnte Dq.^ 31

Rev. 3. W. Tarlor. Dowa-1 by Hie nporte of the eoBallteee aad >itieo ssoi It (nr him to will
Her H. H. Malley. Kalamaxoo: j rtto^eCw.^ Hies NaaBaJ^n^ valubl. ofl rial of il.r Order is a
«brt. toe 1 try beat eucssrl* lu


;J. W. Milliken.

■trtbeia>t an: K. B. Spaacln. »«*• aaa of Datrait. Be npmid tbe book
D. Haaro. state aaeieiafT. aad at Pblllpidau at few nesmt bad am
Dr. Ohaa B. Hewaaa Of Detroit: Dr. bmrd It opmnd baton HbiawodBcIbe deopar slady of (lie word
r. P. Artbor. Otaad B^ddi; Dr.
X tbe fiaeet featarea of the euBerai and J. Dre aad wifa. Obko
lombees to thu
uveottmi. aad OM that >io
BlattoBariat bom .Kfrtm; Prof. Oeo.
the stale ihsi tbey aie Mvm*
P. Oob-r. iasmolor of tbe BarllA Obrlettaa ma well tfoed to miss
to he joally si>.
TheO.W.B M. arHoaewaairesided
MUe at Ana Arbor, aad Mrs. Oolw.
ool^ao mtne.1
trmaanr of tbe atoto O. W. a M.. ever by toe peeaideat. Mm Paaoie B
Maecabee. bet tsa pr.
-------------------;--------— iwabe aeritoe led
and Mm Pnaato B. TbompaCB, |m*i«r nriRinal
Beard of! by Wrt I! R Onraell was followed
daatoftbn Biato

Of u>e CTt-olBR.

EliS” sj.

pted^te tlie t«at te bswd etsvy vffm
MteveCoaBBBdn Alfrte T. Fried
rite Homed aa a aember of tbe eiioa-;
Ittoe of toe Ormi UsB^
* qkeaa.B to come befetr |
tbe nvB of toe Orvol Camp wlU be .
tlBtof s paasioo (if rlw erd.v lotofi
__________ js Tbe Maombaesaf toisM
rily aad vietoity an beanily to favor |
of .tlm espaaatoa aad Oetamaader,
ad. 11
Prtodrtcfalsms of it* moat
moct ard>«it
.rilT tea ae.

Btoteuaa td tte diffteml mlnieo
ebarebm aim spoke at tfaob.t
what tbey an aecaaiplishi:
Siddi to which they teve



if Pit/. 0. P. Cater of An Arber.

ttw lead Hlab •ebmJt rrid>r
br Mpoicrltr W th« M. (b*
l«ia( 14 MS. SoMmoStb*
Eirfa BbMdi «M usUa to r>
tb*bo.toidEaU0CR*B4<MI>r pttob•d lb*
ni* faUiv ef «ae to­
mb ww BSflh better Itiui vbea tlier
ptored el WIlUeaulierR. Steev eed
White wen the tatteiT for WilUame-

I’erfcl fUlelk. long wcareiv.

Women'i ciesam Shoes in
light an.i medium weigiil*.^
Thete duet are e.|ual to


The most modern methods are employed to make the best wall paper, tbe hand­
somest patterns and most striking colors. We always have the newest aiU qual­
ities considered, the cheapest wall paper in the city, that always makes our custo­
mers satisfied with their purchases. Many new patterns just received. Why
wouldn't you be pleased when you can buy Bedroom papers from 5c the double
roll and up. Dining room and Sitting room papers front 10c.and beautifuUParlor
papers from 15 cents to tbe very finest.


' ^

That^re always an omameot to any home. Can't have too many of tfaw that
tw; anrshowing. for they are the finest. Moquettes in all the dainlypattems—
handsome Velvet rugs and the serviceable Smyrna. These are in all sizes and
are the handsomest colors that arc made.

Handsome Nottingham Curtains with brussels effect that are fully
worth $5<o the pair—For this day only..............................................

#| A A

ani SlMl-tooet tobi ootskle
of our store sail tu|ieiior to

t>or price only

i DAILY CONCERTS sva n TK wnram


every day until further notifx. Con­
certs will be given in the Furniture
ind 2 to t p. m. aod are
3 Department on the ground fl^r from to to
rrfni instrumeot.
V entirely free. Y< u are cordially invited to hear this wonderful

a Pair.

ttettte i

Jllfred U. Triediicb
The CNd Sand

Opposite Herald Oihee.



otK* Falltr U qnl
t hit T«T little tepee «f i
>m Kl* Neleos ie tele to be ooi


TbeUtdiee-AU BoeioV
tbsmUr M tte bone of Hn. <tel

r Show Window
_____ ____________
.. of All Chaises lo
absolutely Free
,sinj{ the conret orJioarcsi correcl wcijfht the following prizes

Therp's b Rock in c
l»tu .1 persons gth

Pnak Bomaa of LaUad wee tp

F-iRST prize:

Kor tioedUc of-tior—e
tey evoaiBc la hasor of Mn Baaacle.
It balBC bar Ibtny.lhtrd birthday. A
Jullae to Booh roomed from Ito»
Hre. jBBleOoffernt Pnakfort U me Oily Uoodey ooet>ia(Un. WtUto WlUte of «fe Uke
3ie* w^M^raCmKUMte^ -------*
ridUo^wItli reUilTM ^ friaiide for
TieM ter punle «be i
Hte BsUbn. who libB booB rUitlac »Cm and moot were eerrad.
vbile ter baeteBd «M M .
reUUree ate frUsde hm, loft ToeeO^M. Dose apisi Soaday wiU> bU
Mn. Sltee.T BMee w»«l to TtmTtrw! day fa ber hcBBo^la Cbarlorola.
tU Loeel tee bees poUii
teln foow for V. U. PM
E K (Uspbeire new rni^
nearly eosplelad ate ttteyfor

Made to S(K-cial Measure—m.atorial to be selectrM !>>■ ihr winner.





OteriM' KaaeoB IrUllod .f^de U
i«r. tel oool »nd
Tte bate boye took a crip to Oadar Mb M bonre A boy arrirte at ilie
TraVrrea' Oily Hoeday.
home of A. E Kate Tbarteay and
Lodee Saaday.
Tte new hotel U bteot eoapUtte
W. IX T. U. wiU seat with ihe nma tey a pair of twine, a boy
.\11 com|iIt-l»-ill cas<-.
I town eoae tlao bt Ibe eupeuter alntey fat ooeopbacy.
Mn 1Bryan Wadaeaday. Hay nth. ate a rlrl. oaaee to cUddeo the beam
Mr. aad Mm Jeha MoOombe Tble
rtee, erut eooib tble morola*.
TbU w - be tba rtcaUr M seatlac.
oomathiac of a rarity ate a eonoei.
rtaliimeat will ba jriraa at ty W tba yoaac folka to aaa two ba.
Kor. L. Ewbey ii oo Ibe Kek lut.
ball* Wadaeaday. Jane Mb ataa In eoa beoea We tape they may
The «
Uacar Daata baa takaa Mr. Boaris by tteaebooL
biaol »
onorote U fcaa|dac Item a* they lite
bt Mr*.
Ite mUforinaa la loaa a pair eU ynx»
Ki tel2te*f “a nmaT*
lUee MbrefablbB.1 PoreriUrneepuit
H. BoBrima. a^ bat baeii nfl
•oDdey bt BobcOoU.
Ur froB a brokaa aakU, U elowly
I atnuca tl(l'< wae aare
Ure. P. J. Hewmrd. diitrici prrelWith ! lanilMtnii; l ob- Splomliil time (ikrcc.
of a rector of s Liaeuh
dwi of Uw W. 0. T. U.. K>]« OTtT
MU. F.»Ooloorl Wioklaa ud Hanr KIdr Boodby vltb Ure (UrpeoCar. iStor olpariah amUR In the Koekk.
Tbosae lean for Poi laUad tbU
vmt to Oeter PII7 UK lloador mot tMdjiy^tbe Oouty Ooseeatka bt
nraialoe to tte aaeient funn of putebUcHr.
iahmeol wae net dot to any offaoae
A Bember from bore ottaoded the
him Hmitacaa
L B. OarU ate
Bolt Hoeler epent 8o»db» ai
staftwr. U expected tare to oi
litiad by tlir claqcrman. bet by a
tell coai' bt aieo Arbor BoDdbJ. Tba
d Mn K 01
tbe polplt Jona IStb.
I from local coetOM. daUnc oentariaa back
Orieael _ Bar. Siraii praaolwd to th. sas.
to rUli by wfalofa uertaU tolle can teobri
bare of tba O. A. B aad Rallaf Oorpe Orate Rapide. wb«r be
Sec our Ss-t*3 M< u'i Suits
Uma alner While there alte by QBdarROOR ililt ordeal. Rath
Saiiday. Mar XftUi, U tte Cooim>«a>ae«l a ber
berw and waRon and
S<H- our Si.5
.w lloys' Su'is
er than pay. tte recfor ef Corby, ac.
tloaal eanrelv-'
ta back, qalte a ride for
Mn. H. Pratt ridtod ter ronmle,
te R. Peck lataraad from Tnv<
aaleJ by tbe oharch warden
UU health
Mr. bod Mn Brotbartoo of tepln •
Olir MoBdar t reeiac.
befon he —ofaalma of tte rtIUce eoaneU. pub
U R. Peek baa Mr. WlnaB’e new
Mn J. Ororeerr.
Holy pol bU feet in lb>' ato ka
boBi oomplaled luul randy for Uaaeh.
Mn Juba Oeoteeur rntamed from
____ ________
_____b MbpU OltyoUlt- Hood Oily UK Monday.
Work ie jwoereeaiaBC
Ubaaiptoo'e yeKerday) •
«r ooe day UK wmfc.
Hln Ireaa Morton ate Ohae. Kilwy
[n l>a Oollar'e cottace.
of Good Harter. i{«i)l Banday at ll>U
They bare cloai-d 1 be teriee of mi
Mr. aad Mn a
Hr EUle and family
Clothiers and Halters to His Majesty, the American Citizen/
na. O.. "toy three yean of
Ur at tlie new ohun U wbicli w
oneaplad aucoaefnl a* they cainte IhlrhHti c
Uutbe tealdenee formazly
from Kidney trooble. 1 a
by Mr. Alrord aad family.
erer free from doll ariiee — _____
rerU we bellere
D. UrambridRe aod wife will iwlna In my back. To eioop or lift
I fell
UUad lUtarda;
- Ih,\«ar P-. AeH.
, for tbe weat tOniotTOW. Tbe.t mail oarke made nie Rroaii.
Tbe Bnoday SrUooI conreoHoe held
lirad. worn oat. abool nmly to tire
ay for I
P. U.
y teellr
left UoacUy
MUe AcBaaOrlfflaaiid MacUr Jo
tBURlias Seaday afieraooii, May
ap. when 1 beRan to na- Klaeuie Bil.
In ClereUnit. Uhlo.
bU cBBoap rroaUBdeBabBisoB tt
I wee e enwt eilf—>■■
tar.1. bat eix bollha oonilUrlely eoml
A Fine Line ol
here and alec
Urm Wamn took a Irip to Tnyerar peMw to Idaho. Mr. Bniabndce'a
and iimda me f.-el like a new

Mr. BbtaoMa le aBtartblBlar
aometiam la lookUR aroond tefora
brelbar fran Tolado. (Ala.
Mn Strvane vUllad relallroe lu dacldUR OB a l••eaUon. We bo)ie itey Slonmob’Lt?.
tlio' fi^ "HimdaT
Bora, to Mr. aaJ Mn B. W. Meimaua Batarday.
may ate haalu aad happUMe in tteli
June U. tWR
Otay «B tba Utb laeL. b dbOfhtr*
Kite Rtelibiae eana orer from Pox
I.T n<-T
The nppor la tba I. tt O. T. lael week ami will c» to Bt.
. .1. lirrrn..
Joa, white lo' baa aooeptad a poaltloa.
Addme Of wrlrcnic A i’. tino'.
A nnmber of friende were ealartalnMn Lottia moodcdnil aaij1 cblldreu
Ree|»iiM>- M WIlloW
of Tntane- Oily aiMit laK 0reik wilb .41 at tlie borne of Mn U. H. Daa>e
mn.,c. M
b|>I.-UM> erb,>,il.
tlie tomia'e |mrf>ale. Mr.
Tbureday «-veosc. Tbr eveaiac
A Full Line of
beau ill for aiima Ume.
i-Ker. W T. W® ’
buUlUtieo of oOean *
* ' aiualo aad eoeUI ehat, aflar
Alai lanlb
IW< TomiAU.
le eram and
AUnOampball of f
.itmwoKow MAK18TKK.
uiwiaTirv OUANul
Baekel dliie
Will Blfbae will work ter Mr.
cake were
lad aoTantwii of li
amielad wiUi rbenmaliaiB
SdlooBab of MapMoB.
U Daylon of LeUmI wae la town
Balattey attarnooi In tioanr
A BriRbam. who baa U-oa danRei
■raaK tere of Tnrarar Olty U
t ber aUblli binliday.
SUNDAY. JintBlx.
onelT 111 It improTlnc
vorklBB fa Artbar MoHanaa
Hon, to Hr. aad Mn L L. Dame
_______ Boara aad Mr.
Mr. and Mn Lowell
Thev Imre Ite Ul for Ibe oahiKerr
Tnln will I ive Tnrerer Oilr el
Edward Oarroll pamliawd aa
Sicme, Kbxen- flter
Posone Tbureday. May
a boy.
_id Mn Will Oar attended
at Ibe new ehareb all nloely Ri*^
a. m. tin I low tale. Cl.aiiuid:
OtaaKo at Hortli
d> itniBB UK Wednee.
and the elafcee lli.-ra ready t« eet when .
8re 1
k aReal • fm
____Ireee-Robt lUnvr
MiMABBb BanaalKbiid Omr SIand hae.-BBat Mi tl
II I. pUttte
Papr—Mre. Tboe. UI
L. mtiii
Mrom rrera mrrlad at tte teow of
Parsmof thUatclalty are Imelly l« ami workmen a 9 exjieolcd to more
MUe fUiiua OrUeol ie worilnc fur
tba bride Satorday aooBlac.
new foinida.
igcte In pUatlac oora ate aarl
tlie old fanlldlac o
Ire A. K. Haoil
Hoilc-Maplrlon eclu-M
Cia tbe oouSUNDAY, JUNK
Boboel olooad Priday ia dlKtUi Ho.
My Prices are the Very Lowest.
Pap<-r Mn. W. II Ilrri.r
S. tea eraaia ate obke WM aerrod la
Mr. Mona ef AbroU U Tieltinxta.
tba aftamooe.
Tmvena Oily.
Koterl lUdd —------------...-----------aek acenu for iwriienUn
PlTasashenor tbe BaUea family Jeallor of tln Umicrecailoiial ebareb.
n etek wUb typkold fane.
Some lmi*Drem>-ot wUI br made on

l> Ilie
Ite rlllace |ao|wrty of Uno. H. WinMr. Will Oaa loK a pant
lUnfotil. of iKUraoRe,
Al.b WKOVli.
rerad for etc sonOi.
UnelBR and Hr. Dllly^
n>a teidiea Aid Boelely sat at Mn
fnl rnnidiiR
to Grand K^ide UK week.
Dale’ UK fbaraday.
ke MUMa le MaAe hr Wear Trameaa that iUokle
Mn HUekmaofTnTaraaOitrtei
MmrialUaf baaoB BeBtyite|BiK
Wwde.' Kill
Dou-t mlKake the
of back
SereB tteraenwdcaee.
lore Rueraiite
Mr. aad Mn LesOoopar'of S<
Mn II. M. Plabta n laraad yeaur- "^Mn Morrie Leelle Ufl Monday for “to'V coivilSyoB innal know the
8. K B ail A
■Mo mlled M Oae. BtUar'e Uat Bi
day iros a two wm le' rUII la Km- a rieU arith friaadf U Tnreree Olty.
Kehl llnia. are clear!HR n
It le WKSR 10 IniaRUe relief te.
Mn It AdeUy ate far molba.M
Charlea Mlllia wae uarrird l« MUe beach aad cronodB of their
Barkacbe ie kidney noli-.
Bpaar oC Tnyma Olty, oteltad M
laadai Uk Priday. 8. venl of tbetr fwopetly.
You mnil cor.- Ihc Kidiieye
OW «M day tbU waak.
..Mde from Tnearta Oily wen prea.
A Tiaeen.' Olty rcaidi-ni tclU you
Meeen Ward aod Wtnaat epent a
tat We with them a life of happiMn Mattel ted tte a '
few daye bntr lael wM'k luokUR
faU oat efa wifoa la« Baiarday. aoM aad iwoapaelty.
ttn ir retort InieteeU
Tte wbaal pamd eror bar fool ate
Baary Bontan aad family bare
etroer. eeye: "Bor vaare 1 wae anteoka both beam of bar aaUa.
Ceaa |—e to Mllwaakaa. after epeiid.
ll'^K^OllKe'elorri They bold Iwei ■'i ?7wnoV2.Te~^-”nri. MTicte
beolar Btteor wret BMiiacaad had lac Ibe winter bare with hie |«r>'Ota.
'mr IwrrelB of water aad will
•atenan'eTaok. Tte'*blin«'’«aa
Ibe arllia of Uie kidney tecrellool
Mr. Morrow delltand a rery aU.
ate for Hre |WDtectloii.
wae In^Ur and ann^M, ^^lly
terrlOM^are li^ iajhe
lUra IlKaaan tUtarday area.
your homes: have made a life long study of it aiuf have got it down » line that w«: can furnish you any article
tbii troolde,

Wee Haecie Kite end
ter oooela. mar down fraa geUbete
»rlte7 nl«te n-lomlw BMatter.
E. J. Buorefl taoiAts TblaeUe
tame of Hr. Ouuee UK vote.















Pere Marquette






Till- qaartcrly e^trUet of tte M. B.
eburali were held Bandar. Hay V.tb.
bridrb aad *k*
»» »»» “'»»« coodm-lte by the peraidiac al4er.
' 'taraea tba pilea
baU CMC batweaa the
Mb ate UUe Arbor teyt yeatarday
tte Oadar boye
tW meroia an pUKidaC OoaOlp- aad the
111 li
went teM ■taclacate MIIdr bappy,
K week,
tte rleton
la Haehnelt eoltaca tanaarly ci
eoriofllty a abort
Mr. Ehle foaad
Ml aad nmdy for oecBpaaey.
' ante col of
Usaaca; asoac
Pnd Aabay of ga/iMe flatted eo

Mr. WUborate Ooo. BltearboUla

OUtoc aad a. B. Pny attaodad tl>a
taU BBDe at Tmrotoa Olty UK PH-


'iMPblrbaaka ate wlfa wara la tte
Mefaborbood a taw daya Uk waak.
Pnd Tfaeam UK a thaab ate teCar by too elcaa eoBtaot wtib tba bolt*
lac Bitr. Dr. OUrfc aWKidad hte.
Mr. ate Mn Prad Aaaiy waat
Xeanrit Oily tba Ord.
■ Mn 0. U. Bkm of Batae aWt
•m Ssaday at A. B. Pny-a
Obaa IteBiaate la votfciac at telted iKfce ter Pray A Oteaa^
Tte WiUlamebBiw tadl tmm ted «|iBtbar waU-awaywlIb Iba -- -----------Oily hull aebool Mb Uk


a Oeoktlv. •ko baa
' ' ' rUBOtl..

•• •••-



any one

very lowest prices that can be obtained anywhere.





Tte faiBwe la I'




you ean figure from Hh Following

Same tlresser with larger bevt:l

A iH-autifiil
For the parlor:


plate mir­

ror. lor SX-75-

how cheap you can furnjsh your homes.


5SC, 65c, and up to Si.Jfi-i«-T



nice 5-piece Parlor Suite, solid


oak <’>r

imitation mahogany. covcnKl in


pattern velour, full spring, scats, .like


l)n»ser. mostly quarter sawed,

genuine quarter sawed swell front tO{i drawer, Itevel
French plate mirror, would cost you Si.’ any other
place, for only Si#.7S.
A good solid




Itest fine weave, tq

cOrd woven wire sfiruigs, comph-tr, for S.V7S-


cut. from Siy.75 up.


Upohlstered ^at Arm Rockers from $1.25

and in order to do so we sacrifice pur entire stock of merchandise at
an unusually low price—a pribe that was never before atternpted, at
the best season of the year, andDh strictly high class merchandise.



132 Front street

^ A line iron bed, continuous posts, scroll tx»p, labite.''
green nr blue, four (eet five inches high, any site, fpr

A full spring, spring edge Couch,





^ on everything you buy at our sti^e for the next ten days'to come,
commencing WEDNESDAY, MAY 28. Our stock consists of every­
thing that's new in Crockery. Fine Dinner Sets: Toilet Sets, plain
white or dedST^ed: Glassware. Woodenware, Tinware, Graniteware.
Lamps. Fancy China. Jardinieres. Flower Pots, Hammocks. Laces.
Embroideries. Ladies’. Cents’, and Children’s Hosiery and Under­
Hx. and Mra. K. W. G
Umbrellas, Shirt Waists. Flags all sizes, Bird Cages, and No­
Mr. ate ^ J.. W. :
tions of all kinds. It is useless to tell you that our prices are aliyays
the lowest, quality considered, and at the above special reduction we
w. wmiM bring the goods before you at less than any merchant can buy them
at wholesale. Will you miss this opportunity? Be on hand early and
take advantage of the greatest sale ever known anywhere, and .now
Mm Hatmb Edbia aad M«h —Itel
In full force at


H. y.. eoU I
Btaw. Bamai
aad take no m

A line iron bed, continuous posts,.scroll top, 5 fert
inche square lop. nice quartej



sawed oak

Aelf. French legs, all policed, just like cut.

I inch high, any size, in white, green or blue, lor.$.v75
We have a large assortment, right along up^ the
most beautiful bed you cs'er saw in colors, for Sid.

for $1.25.
A nice bamboo. Music Stand.
high, has four shelves


iSxiS inch for

$ij»; • MX20 inch top. ail solid oak. with
for $1.35.




inches wide, like cut, for 05c.


top. Si-so.

OK JI*>anM a, Cebks iMt
net jmtetej Ue Huy


16 inches long.

Solid Oak Center Tables, just like ci)t.
lb inch; square top. 50c.

nice large shelf,
~ Ealhar mol tbU smlac.

ilie giMuls yOtu

catalogue prices.



We will in«-<-t .my catalogue house j.rici-s on anything and

you have the advantage of coming in the store and si-diig

A tine solid Quarter Sawed Oak Parlor

Mn. Bobm Olow of Oeatial Laka
B^M^terjiaraata. Mr. aad Mn

1 of Old
te tble we
Has Wal___________
aroBt to KIk Kaplda PrMay.

you want in your home, from a nice I'arlor Suite down in the smallest article you use in your home, and at the

dooe to B
PitU did

_ ■

Job Work of all KiDdsailat Ihc Herald Office


Wc are selling a good, solid, extension table, that
will scat-eight juniplc. (or $5-75$5.



P”ce it

From that right

SMilC Bi4 eiOM Out Baro«in*
tn Dinina ehaire

These are no cheap

made stuff, but are well made and

for S').75.

afongrip to a tine, large, heavy, quarter sawed table.

Biggest bargains in .Bedroom Suites ever shown.
Cannot be duplicated any place.

< *“»■ "«**

.\ fine 43 inch top. square table, with four inch,

nicely turned, round

One set. six chairs, antique finish, for $0.

If these

well finished, good quality oak. three

chairs were golden tinisb they would seU readily foe


Si 3.50.









mirror, for only $13.75Next style, finer looking suite, larger mirror, for Si 5

~ Bk Beet a Cel el 044 etatoa .
One. two. three, four and

live of a style that we

ever offered in a

will dose out at about half price.

Here is a chance

suite, all <»Iid oak as above, with larger rairror. gen­

if you want some odd chairs.
still selling six good,
We i

solid, srood seat

The next is the biggest


uine quarter sasred oak. swell
dresser and commode.

front top drawer on

A suite that would

cost you

First class quality sc^id


Uresser, well made,

well finished, with three drawers. French bevel plate
mirror, nicely carved, for $7.75.

chairs, painted and striped, for $3.85.
Six good, solid, high back, wood seat chairs, nicely

$35 any place, our price $18.


carved backs, for $4-75Six good, solid oak. cane seat cha}rt,l>race arras,
three stretchers in IronL for $0.



BoMd for hv bnair ma6 mafteoi atmt. AIM U
with fotog to ttx
Mlftabermod d<<Ub(«Molr
•cuuc fire to iaodnoM fanUua u>d
Hn. rank RobiaM U
Mi«l. r«d • »»« •»«1- ehonad wltb (vfOT- Bbc adalit tit*
elMcgo. bat nft tbo onoualliod Om
riM> RtadsktM ww* him LiMlU eriiM lo aid Ih« taubasd. wbe «m a
H«b»rt BatUn> am* H«rtf rowsB
Tlie •el>«.l daacbw of V. J. Kuo. ei
Tilta. OM of tbe alata'a brM kiievs
aad MOft bttbly boonnd eitiiMu.
cb0 «ccMio(i. u<n T. :
Toe third «f the tmir pritoam la MnL
Tnvm OUT *»»■• *lM iddwM of
to. vbo U ebantad vlpi liar
rt,«Uw T<>* n>u‘o ot Itw noli' qsU'
with aUampUag to hlaeki
IM WM Mi-cUllr »nj07*-'
mailayoBDR deatiat of
Wh- omuic<‘a>««u for ib>

. iMTla*

All Ibraa woman hare i
M«b«r of the (n*n»ar olnaa frlaod. and field tbea
Irrlu Honej.
I. and HIM Buffet of tb« jwi- aloof from tba otbor Inniala.
aary dctarlmeai. Tbr- fnllewkuf r«>'
Unly'tba btarary and alittaem of
PM. war r«i..Ur»d:
HoHo. •WalUn* lor tl-- Tl.le”- tba gaoidk at lb.- «ew Jataef atata
l•oapMa] for tba luaBe at Horrli
PlalB. prevoBlei: the aooapa tbU avaoUroc«tlos~Hr. A. AlUortea.
ingotoaorly »..W palli-ata Wildly
IhodiDC. "TIm 8obool-Ha»l«r'( Viaearilad br a Ore In tba main
iton-’-lJe»IU Bakar.
Haale, ' Krop A-Ootat"-Qa«tot tbay wera liatlily gBlbiTad togetbar,
tba yard aad
Addr.*., “A Vwio» of the Elo*”don of gnardf and ar
iMVl T. PMiDlaittoe.
Uaala. "Tba Uid Bobool Hell"- bald Itiatn bonk «ban tliaj niada a
daali for fn«<lDB. Tb>- Ora atortad la
-K B-

ftglil of llirio cioarlora of an boor.
mamed in^ frlghtaoad
WoahlBgton, Hay tt-Uwd Paunoa
tetadladot B:W tbla monlBR. Uird Ilian tlie men and aareral Umaa tbay
Fbooeafota bad b«o in 111 bMlIb for made daHiaa for fm-dem. Had Ibara
ajrtm m«a
HI. iwlmary allBaai bn.« any eano rted
atmld h.
waa goat, whtoh later baeann oowph
roman need tbalr flrta frorl
>l gaard. ware badly tralaed. Aa
II diwth. Herr
be laarned at >ildnlg)>t
Toa Hollabaa. tb. Uemu
one of III.- PMlaaU .ooaped.
.dv. baooai.a dean of the diploiaatlc
In tba Ublna am iba llrilUli all tank
aorta In WMblngton.
atmek and killed a
Lard PaoDoafoia wa. bom la IWR.
Italy.fool whalo. Tlia ataaainr waa
badly damaged and waa roinpalle.! to
relora ta lloBg-Kong to repair a gruel
«M giroa ta bl. tralaliig for the dl- hcda In bar boll. Wbeo abe Mmek ilia
Idoamtie oorpa and la IMd. iH-wuaa- wbala her eaplato tboogl.t alia bad bit
•tgaad to tba rajpouilWo poritlon of a roek onilt a Hrlttah eoatoma offioer
. oMorMygaaaralof BodgKinv. After toformad btui that nailTu flaliirman
Hail Hma lie Bllad pobllo ofBeaa of bail ohaarrad tl«> im|ool wilb Ihe
Ilia aarvlea of lerlalbaa, whloh aooo after dinL li
-aa towed aBiore. It weighed lOO
jr to Uie
Uollad Bwtei U IMi. He waa i .
•oiml frlaod of both Pnaldani MoKla
toy and Baeretary Hay.
Boaaavall la«i^ order
a aa tba mramoBaa at to

Andrew Oarnagta'a prbSar
•IkO.OOO Ubtaiy to Albany, prorided
Iba elty goaiantar an anneal aicpeodl• itaaaaor of •li.OOfi. waa
telaetod by tbe board of aldannan.
which la eompoaed of b-n rapabUMBi
' amerata. It leqeln-d aa
aarmatlre role of fifn-aMo aoeepi
gin aad pa*alba naeaamiy otd|.
oe. Till- only Taaaaa aaggaatad for
Iba rt faml of tbr gUl la lha t>H«altlob of Ibe labor elamrat.
Pcoliiiaatar Oeoeral Wyoc hai au.
noanoad Ibat tbe portrait of
baa bceo daeldad epoa aa
Iba Brat of Amarlean woinao to adorn
United Btataa poatage atam^ Thla

ABarieoB military began to aoambli
- and wildlara and mllora of tba two
taUlca daidoyadabeat tbr two aiaada
aeae It ta kba w
«BlteaadlQg tb< atata<^ Tbraa alrui
ihadaatli of tbe wife
lane wan- paokad.
flral prealdaiii. The'|ailralt will bo
PmaUoot BoDaerall drUrrrad tb. placed on the b-oanl atamp of lb
•ddiaai of.walooma lo tba Kraooh taane, which will aMwar aomi
daB«atlos, to wUleb iMpeaaa wai
acil fall
Mda by Pnoob Amhamad.»-OaBboa.
Babokor Lodp and Oaaaral Porter.
with Her. Theodore ODylerand Rcr
amhaMdor to Praaer, aUe ipoku.
Darld Oragg, of tbe Lalayata Arauoa
Tba PrMioh dlnoar aebadnlad for
Praabyiertae Hmnb in Hrooklyn. Ira
HOf i>TMlac wM oaaoeUad oat ofivV. Bankey tba famona aln«liif ■
■poet to Hm mmaory of Ibe late Lord
bMOmc a member of
geltat. haa
Hr. Bonkay mya be hat
MOIlra. IMui «Hb FMr.
Iffaraaoe of point of rtew with
Uathodiat ohnnh. lie tfainki
Pert Oe Prano.-, Hay »»-The dacan be aa r«d to one fob) aa In
I tlia oatlm baa
bam IbtaMlPad by

Ifaa aea of tobaaaa to any form
by amployaa of tba ptmmgrr depart
meat wblla on daty. In Urn now book
of npaaatlng ratot wUeh hai Jaal geaa
tote aSaet oror tbe MCira Herthwaalen lyalem. are aamaal gnaatalralaa
ofrendnrt. Amoag tba latter u tb.
foltowtog: Tba aaa of lotaeeo by am.
pleyae wbM CB dety to eratomtioe.
aeagar amtiou or ea paiiaagar ron li
probtHtad" Betoa of tba mort atriageal kind
nre aim
agatoit tba aae of
« of piaoaa wbart tbay a
ll I. aald hate timt Blabop Tbylor of
br HatnodUt Sptaco|al ebarob. wbe
died tba olbar day at Palo Alto, OaL.
bad fm erar halt a omitary alap. with

oarrylng oot Tba worto of tba byme,
not a atoaa." Tbr Bar. Hr.
dmllb of tbU clly mya that on ear ue
oaalon iba blabop lertaitad blm nbM
amporaiare waa far below mre
and that Iba blabop tlept te tba
altbaUlba wladowathrewo oji
wilb hla bMd <m tba aiona. It ia mid
Ibat ttala modrof Ufa aeooantad for
bta woodartnl |*yaical aoderanc*.
ilu tbr way of amm-rowa a Dalayau
Lake. Wta. man will probably
all im-mlBBU offered for aoiaa y
lo oomr. Tba uami- of thia lova
la ^oa. Kaa Uta acaracrowa are <
alod by a windmill, to wbleb anuaolad a nombai of bomr Bddlaa.brlla
ana. Wbaa tba wladmill I
nwttoa the bond iitoya and llieia ta a
dia that me ba heard for a mile.
Wbaa Um- a|>fiaiatai waa fint operated
erery bird in Ifaa nalghborbood look
flight, and few bare foooa Ibtlr way

TmHM* Mia* a.etaMaa.
Pataia. a C.. Hay »s-Aa r.plottoa ecoBnad taat arealng ta Ko.
mlaa whteb U eoaaaatad wlib Kn.
rikatlaad tb* blgfa Una abaft. Oi
headrad aad fifty mm ware In il
mlop at tba lime of tba riptaaiia.
Staman aaeapad from Ko. t ahafi befata tbe earr In. All epantiigi are
elomd aad thara U lUtIa hope el ra>eaiag tba remainder.

Jaha A. Dowla oonld not nttoad Iba
mtmorial aprrteaa fur bu dangbter nt
tba Ohlongo .Vnditorlnm.bat hla
waa Hun.
It came from a talking
maeiilM la the msinr of Iba alag*.
Dewto had tweaebe.1 Into tb* maehtoa
Balntday bafor* Irartog for Hiebigaii
Tba raeord waa turned on by one of

He ha* bean ont tea.

irlrrof aerotury Ib* toal a
...(bI Unod medirtoe fcncia ■
1'rm.ial. th

Always Bought

.lactad after the last p

ll stvaa t.. be eompoai-d of iron,
and ta airungly Impragoniad with sult. Uaay aeiesiiata elalm that il
veranle rtone hnrled onl of Hi.
Paleo. being tbrewn above Ibe atinMtba earth, and Gnal. eomtog haok witbio tbe oonfioe*
tba taw* of gfavitallOB 11 tall in :
LUtIa JnUna Oobao waa drowned l>
Ocutey la
been reoovued to a ino*l
nsnanal manner. After tbe fntbar bad
c-raak dragged day afler day. un
mafnlly, a milormid;
leaf of brMd and rot Iba oanira
Tbea fill tba
1 pnlU
era tba boy waa An^atA. Il will
cl aalil dlraetly orar tlm ape
where the body liaa and than atok.
The leaf waa preiarod aad ptooad o
Iba water. It floale.1 for half an bam
then aettlad in Hie water aad raddaoly abot nndar. Tba chlld'a body
the aiot wbera

boooe that ta nuli]ae to rTary reapaoi.
It la bO lm> tlian Iba oblafitoaablp of
-mbera propoae lo axWud Urn to
Imtioo of aarrioaa tandtiad

a of fanda ael apart by tba
tanda to Kanma gives to tbam and alUad trlboa yaara ago. ClalmanU
iwgaltad to girt poaltlva |mof ofalia
Talidltyof Ifaetr elaima, and tbtaki
Tolrad a vaal amooM of legal work,
which Hr. Hama did giatoltoaaly.

tba loaf
Ooant Haanhaa. tba tdlam naBtalar
of Japan. wMh the igeacnt Jaioaaae
lUter of riimuoa. 1a now to Iba
Uoltad Stalea for tbe puriuae of nagrtiattog a loan of tlOO.OOO.OOO with
etch to build ahlpaand tailwaya and
tony on mtoliig opentiona to J*
Raporta from aiTnial eoiintlM
lUinoU atata that tba army weroa
bare appealed and the farman are
preioriag to atop tbalr match acroai
tba flelda It pomlhle.' Tbay travel to
armiaa of umiona and to one dlieotlnn i pamliig over a field tbay dealroy
avety kind of vegatallon.
meodowt hate bean antlrely
talad of tl.a graaa and will be planted
to grain.
Praaideni Kooimit will ai»nd bti
Foarth of JnlT at Plttaburg. A dalagatien aant to torita Iba.frortdeol
pototod oot to him thnt Ibe natuma
birthday to nnally...................
mora atobento aeala to Plttabnrg than
to almeat any other rtty to tba United
Blatat. Hr. BooeeraU aald be
be glad to beeome tba rtty^ gaaat.
and ha inmtoad to make a apaaeh at
ttolianlry park. Ihe great imhlto pleaaare groand of PH
Philip Schnoh. Jr.. haa praaanlad to
Pioaldant Rooeavall a gold anggrt.
Ur. Srtiaoh axplatoad
Iba •' rook •• wbieh waa hnrle< at Proaidanl BooeeraU dvtog the campaign
Of I«00. wban,.^ Mopped at Vlrtor.
Ooln-.cmlitacampalCBlng I
Sebneh mid. aa a matter of
Iba hnrUng of tbr noggrt
boatile act
U*tua.L tba maa wbo
owned tba nnggal wna trying to pro-

The eOetaU cd tba war departm


|>. the j
'' |.•■wluU a* 1 l.iivi.m*
to Wa.blagtao. and fa* feala aa
.be diie«.e*.rd. a.i'l l..r [
lOW aa ha did ttaan. .
Uaorgr Hoaaa. a Ceh.maUr
and aartiooeer.
lighted a.
jj.,., a,«uli.ta.....iiu2it. tru.
.tivreparkof ml|bnr act hta
lbi> mr.1.. >
on fire, and a moment later ,,,
Iberr.ieb t>

hair, atogrd me ainbbla cm fata ohm |
•eorcbed aad bltatoted bta Irnut I
abouldem to a tadntak niaaaer, I
Tbe franlic rlelim bolted toll, ttm!
itr and T.saed tlie inmair* .
from their beds, wbe haittly diaaaed
aad Hooea' trono.Ia
Tba blggaat aala of fnodBoe from a
frail farm wlu-ro tbe tn-ea a*e yet in ; -1
bloaaoBv cMjcnrrad al Haolon Harbor
Tneadav When K.
plated tba mla of imdno* from bta
SHi-arre fruil farm al Walervllel, at-.
lo* •
mid tba rider ap|.laa Hr. Sh*rw<urt a.
pay roll betetofnro be* been •!,•«> i«,
year, and ih* laraluee that liae I'-.-n .,.*1.
1 oarloada. hae i.elied

XpotKl Rfiinedy forCaaMpfillon. Sour SKXktoh.Dian^
Wi>mis/'onvid.<*oRS.(vvmshfwfi* rtnijAHts or Sleep.

Ihi- a-:...W ..


For Over

farSiiMV SlCnalore of



,glo* jald Hr Sb. rwoed i

l.-H) .rviaepew evtiaaJ .*■.>. .a*.*, ir sar

Bears the

I I-...I.W..
I . A r^lcbmlcd .S-UeS phiwrian. vtall- ,
’) to: NiwthrcB VmaonI lot b» brclch. .
It ami wortod many I

Thirty YearsUSig;



»u duew,-.


..^1*. kTTTi >a.
rr*..*e. ilij. .w

ari“nr:r‘;Lfit:r::r“M!‘r ijAs. g. johmsom. sou abeiit.


Vaya* Oaoaiy Saak Bldg.. DETBOa


(«n Ueo-J

. '7 ‘cbT..—


iminting* which ara lolwro-of ih.-]„u.m o. mueh, |«to a. hi* fir-i a.| of
:ke inwaeol etobangc* of
amtty between the (‘nil-

A>dAU' tulrAl I .Ml-*t at » **■ ■
•d Aul. .Aft ttoe u.l* L.AUA la the tVOAl*
.dh-a. la Ib- r.ll •* T»*.>re- tvtf.
aad m-A
.1 aa. thw W. ahi
Ih. |v».v ■* Ih. yeAluA.
yrm.itol AM II !• I*>lb.r

S.... i.

A Id'KiKi.ML

“iS' ewT

^1^! ^a-dUa. ^^1 Ab ha* Ij-e Ujrtlrts .


yd Uy tuj- y^r*“

.eriu.d lUay. ....

iiu hwa*


..KI>K8^.ir at

at>A i.raAal .* a A-darf.v- a. ~A


Saturciay. the aiat day Ot May. ra-eu* .*


K.Utli miu**
lW^..I*l» A O. MC

aAal. AO.aad Tro-ra . Ad**s*t IbrtVa.
>h.A l>...a, .... A., a-.AS.
I. UkAAl

I .U-- i .w

A'.Ahl.aad lb.'b.ena*

sroppcB rmtk

while balBf towed throngb (be biland I____ _______
Tbaae log* era worth $8 00 a i U Tr^A
tboomnd fart al Ih.. miU and ih* ex ^ Lie
pan*, of mrortogibe aama ai-provl-'
mated at $9. '-O par I hoomnd feel. V
lc«t are aaenrad from the wai*r at a
toplb of from tiro to fiflaao feat.
Twelve aoow* liav.. bean flu..l ap for |
thta wort, aad with hn.tle oo the i«it;
of tb* mmi flve scow* are belog loa>I-;
ad daily, aaefa oentatotog aboni toj
toga which wlU wbeo coeveria^ Into;

r*i a«i>(itc«'*ak>
Bk. iimi (Mil



tw rradiaraAl cna* tb- BAnhA .dali vai
Sal.A la.ul It .a>*til.4l. Arahtr .i oud
.lA.earl. lea.iac afu A* eth.* IWaa* tbaS

...a. w-w... Alai rxwliur x.>'l r!t*g fh.. p-Uluia, duty
..eia-d .* U*r> . -A * «.l d..'**
-d .........................2..IVT tl»a*.|k.i
If.lum..- «
i»*»-tr rnmud I., U-uU.
FUc..^T.*..ui. ..<■** *ajUU. *er-ui.*>Kl
!h*l •wl. . I..' *N.. leme-t
aad )»•■
I* .h< n,*u.*.*fb*

karl'* tie. cf kkai Te* (*rrv<U »> rtnaack


Tb.eesi>*> n !• •e.lrewl tbai rnday. ch*
-U dv .r d’‘U . A l>
al H uVUe-k
UI tbei..c«.x«. *r **agned.f.* vb* bnanaert

- *■

** -

aA d.trAArl. aad


S’ jyL

• roogv.

At Pert Bann empty can an piiH* rtalms tog up no BwUl « Oa tear tbaa
ttov COB mod Itomoal with mdmi aa

anroHof.tto iimte to ttooa-

all A la* y »|IA A

ter?n**l*lhr’lvltew MOce'l^llw VX* nl
reaauil Aad ll I. farther wdi frt. Chat
o*' aiAu* l» th* pwwra
l*trr—<.*1 lu *sld ewau uf Ihr l***.^
ac! ihr lewrcar Iher.r*AV» a. 10
let t>i all iB- wulm
•dud nreulXid la Aid rcmalr. .* Onu>l
tar.* .UA—.. WAS. cmTCe. Ca Aiddai.*

rTr^arTT.:, r;*rsid“i
Or Cto,
m* r
■«*« Mdim
taw**** i>
ta tb.
to Orran t-uin to



Jas-. A ll m. A Of o'rkra IS tfa*

.velwx.d a* .Atrr *iaaW u. th- aa

ter—.i«lee.«lrt ■» aau] <*u... se r-uuuvd



lJ4AlT^.KM«. TramA.
^■Mat^l^a*. Mubwaa.IhA Ahmyrt







Vh.vA|.eu WAl-TAk lUl a*lattl.>,.h.

llU 1.. .1- te



'au'h '*
►'..j'aft^ .ell^'Je'a

• I>A IA. lu-a. I- Ih. uj-iirAfOfA .* all
■ Af.|U|.A uwt. |ier-ha->f *|U AA
hundrel fi-r.1 abliu.gAlA.rM.. aad tb*

•Mit it
wna tumble tegrt
art laglalatloB lo tn^lde for tbe dta. loaaed it to U>a (C^dam Bianott
tribatloiiof animble medali lo cam.
i4n^nnd«d to wna immb.
Tbe fsmecuold Loomi* taalirry held
ly failed If a blew
> war with
lu aunnal nnalen to Coldwatar VadAn Amertma rUat
vUat aspart Oharlaa
iMaday. Oely a bnn.lrad ot tba veterStewart slrart. it to leaob King Kd.
Bo* an allU aliva.aod ib«y an- all adof all eard
aad eampaigua aa may bo
vaaeecl in ymrv and ac^b-rad to (bU: 4 ta a BeS&ilaD. a gradnala of
andenakan by Ibe Untied BMPo it
and oibcr ooaatrira. bat » of _
Harvard, and was long
Jbe fntnra. Aa anwoprtotiou of $100.
raeioaded 10 roll call and aajevrd a | pu-.iuia
tbs Vard team. whMli bald the AmcrOOUli wanted. Two elaaaca of naedala
ranawal of friaodablpa. trrmtosttog
icoe whist
tb- f-AIUJ
ecsiemplated, on* a *1^1 aiiver
Ibe day with a naoqert al ll>* Arltog- larFcdWCr «\«in
Tr*o-fw. UAd- -d> He UU da)
modal, with a bar ahowiog lb* Iasi
loe botrl to tb* eraaiog.
.el Ia ..oWii..-F e.
eampalga. and ib* olb*r a gold medal
Al Uarvaane tbe biggest banc raor
«r Uh.
^ I
, of similar ilMUgn. toiondoit fur cvw palled off In ib* l.tatoiy ol
Pag* Hryan. Unliad Btata*
Inkrly distingntabi'd aacrie*.
Ib* appi-r protorola la on Ih* ard for Ml iw rto^'TT'AldAedAt. . .ah'. HlBlsMi to BioalL ha* raportad te tbe
th. l-oiAt'T’B-.. w thd oir ■* Irareew
A heavy tatoaterm brabe over f-aria
.Mr.ti* rKa'i.inatiiA aa* aiW*•*■-•' .Aivla
tfaat wUto rob­
b'.o.du>>.r lei. *ad that
Tnertky foraaean. aoom|onlad be ber ta abondant to lb* npper Amaace
•u.dirUla.. •dlV hAiU<-tuer<mdUMart*a
trlUlant lightolng aad lend tl.cmdrr, oooncry. with great cbaaca* of ample ,
m and
ano V(*e>ttato
a iw«.m lind
«iu , " '
daring vbteb. lb* Eiff*l ^.a^r wai rttora for IM axydeltatiou. lb*elJ-|
from lowei
stroek tbra.' time*.
Tty rvlora ol male and lopogrophy of

Placra da Vanoaa. batwaan Ooartiea.
Ua-Htoaa and Oranaot. to tbe aoath
of Pn^ RnmUtogn. aaeompantad
by a tnmbUag of. Um earth.


Ue .

Tbe Elk RtpMs Irta C.v are cleantog lb* river* and lake* of "dmd
b*a<UThey will prol-ebly ral.rI.BOO.OOOf*..| of log! frenn
tory raft
ly maple oed be* broken away from 1

T-T __



I molar* are working their iniulirai
Tbe French ambcaiadar. M Oanilmn.
ii.,„„cii Ui<> bardeB>hI gum* on
reoelTrd from Pari* llm-} tnia-rb oil J |,i,

bat which be ia latiafivd can be raised
1. B. Oarryt and wife of Gall lake i
aadd to b.' tbe vlrllms of a cb-rar
awindl.-. last Jaanary a man ai<p> ar-1
>d aad boarded with tlw old couple.
He gave bla name M Reubrii A lidwarda and ^a Imae ai R«av«r. Ik.
Edward* m
mid be wanted to boy ibeir
IT a big aanliariom to
be ererto.l al a ooal of |lW.on> on tor
there of Gall Imka Ihlr remmer
Vilboat neelviag nay moiirr the Otlyta gave a deed of tbalr farm to the
Offioer* are now looking
for Edward* bat ora lumble to liiiJ

-v ';*^'** “

ll''u'.'irUA.U tu.1 rrab), tW/
Mda) U ^Junb *■ .u ai b^.k>4 la CW '

Hla brothereamejp„.aBhmaa. aho i* ;# year. old. I*
tonlgbland look bin ba.-k to Grand eam„^
ihir.l a t of toelb. Two

of Ibe painltogs abuw* Lonis .MV. in ;
tb.' nndi. iioeohamb.TOf tbe royal |*i|.
teoelvlog UbcTallier dr Cadillac.:
Md drIlTerlug to him lh« nival ordl-!
me* ermitog tba oitr of Dciroti |
b.- latoling ta of maailva proporon*. and ta rircntcl with tlie bril. |
cney eharnoterlalle of Piahch art. .;
After nmatoiog nt tbr .-mbaaay for a I
time, the painting U to be *eni to De-:
where II i•lnocroI7n po*l«f;
hoaor to.tbe elty halt, a gift of th.-'
Praueb goveramrot to oar uf ihe eareol Frenrh citirc ill. America.
l*rof. Jacob Regard, of tbe ctale |
Blvenlly.wbo lia> ebarge of tbe gov. |
romrin nol.-ntifle work npim ti.e!
great lakes, my* Ulchigna U the Ural'
pUoa Id Ibe world .oooeMfnIly |To|a-1
gnllng black bam artiOeiallv. and ihe{
work haa attraeied mneh attention nil r
worlA He now i-ipert* tb.-i
goveramenl to take up tbe work of ar-1
llfielal iTopagalioo of tbe Mnrgeoo.;
rapidly .-ilii.rl, j


* tw


S'-TK.'S.-iaiii-;?! ik:3,

i-SiS-vitiKisv gesy
vtOda ta Atvaav* atwv awik'i

'* Xu,e. A If lac. a. lu~'rlw*
1* ihrT*.wi>*.. la aaAnrt fw Ih* iMArtBC rt
:**■• tut.AAul iVAl* Atafe.afv rwiau^v.
;*iuia* at ■ AA»A rt
cta**. thn te
lad I*. *T**I-1

And U Im tarthA wOwad.


tssi: % a:

It ".T^SfalSd**! rar- r-x f.» the**
*A*a* waatua. «* .^^ ig hmn

atth- PrelAi- .«ba u tb-air e< Tra».*A
till. A. tk- Uah da. .dllaf.ts tbr ymf

fcrl. t* IVOt rdAArA. A iW --d* •< ItuttWA

lAWrral aad Oretaad O. -dl A tatralr aW tbr
It lb* prortoei-*. In Prlvaa.
e during th* briafmi
AW^ A an. ran .* ira VAl adau A Art
ito iwo Seea bar* alnadyamved and ’
It of Ui* AideelM.. b
laia.*. A—nia-l la Art raUAA
• with the
ter.» h.v^
>0 aa <*.brrt tOr
lad dally al tbe iro.-k.
-• alvAi.ia*.
araa-aar^ATweb* **d fan f rt^aOrara.
............................. whtoh w*»e a imrlef a'«“““"«»• Tlmptalmoaafa
abtol Ttomortallyta
|'C*Ab..VArt fw Chr. .AStt W tfrUB* TT**Ana Arbor ihitva* nr* worm iwc^m- .-re uaI> -a ta.
Mobto* Ulk
‘^T with anew aad tb* erapa are ; aer^valy raekooad aa two Uvaa to
rtueoa On* of tl-m .lolv tb. prvrt-,
Prank li. Yaamnntof Warn Pnua.jMtionaly damaged. At Fermi
danl'* gavel and lli* cirv map' from
drtpfcla. raetived Ibraa aamiymonc' »h'-»oad* are blocked wilb
anlrtyol etomber. and neni day
UtUti daomodlng that earn* of mooey mein- deep
eo* rortted off Ibe trap* from
. b» daponllad at • place near bta bom*:
to* door of a ton** wbMv cor o' tto
that hla danghtar'a
| earn which np to tb* {a
family had ]a*t died.
Imir woald be eal off antom {ayi
wna made. Shortly after Iba raoalpl
at Uw Uilrd totlar. ib.- girl waa alMked naar bc« bom* by a maa wl>e
■ mm a« afacmt twaa» laabsaot bar

Uck da* W lUj.


lay Itrm. alaaslltlera. waa reuiul|
wandering aimleaaly mbont In the j
‘ —
Uoniwr Vcln.-edoy.
Ito | aumplioii ef meat owing fi high|.rue.
has barn miming from borne a«i-anil jrtiarged. The t^nuel^a^l• Itwtraf
lonuda fail to St. Lenta Wadsaaday.
.lava He had to hta pocket an nnoavd, filed with eooii«»y'a i-in. m ta mg
It ,waa Imbedded IB tba eartl> for a*Trailroad lickei from Kllaa to Urmod at th* Sarnia ecd of lb* and
e»I faai wbma U aBnek. The greond
Raidda dated Hay ifi.
He wa* i«hvr* an-toing held alnug the Un*.
wnadamp from meant tbowera and
broofhi to Kllsa. bnt eoulcl give i
|m.i „r ao.flOO or f-n.i«n arfv to
loatb n strong Bow of aleam.
blmarU or bi* wand-rnorthern ion of the lower j.-ntoWbaa Ibe meteor waa dug ap. it WM
«ith .uu j.
,„oi.n.d at the auditor
list It .-ould net be harnUrd.
oBle.. br i.ien w.lio |.ro|ow>
and waa roll.-d Into a pool of water.
ll tamaliu<d for two bonm be- llnflalo tllll's show came along, re*. i.> o>e II tut sber-p gnuing.
fern it eooU be tonolH<d will, impoul. eoadhimai.dl..»kelgbioflbehoboo.| ,xi Mt. Halfv Louis Oad.-r.-ll, a

dmirlean azprrte ibat Mest Palaa
lly the dMtaloaaf lb.' l'ntl..d Slalaa
oHU HirialMi danger.
Tlia ezodai
ilgema eoarl laat Honday. Ibat
from lU UUad cooUnBaa Uoratbas eoart-martiala of the regular army
legally tty relontccr
atbooMod add
OHWnd pawaga oo the raamli. The toldieta. U rutaniaer aoldirra aa
ptepto Urlog looUi of Pert l)a Prauee
tba PhiUpplaea for
on damoDdlog of tba Praoeh gorare
robbery an araon,
■Mt ttaaeporUiion from tba Uland.
wlU not only be glrm tbalr liberty,
Tba Uland It ilmkao at baqnont In- bat tbe oontrolier of H>e traanrr
■torraU by mot.' or lam aaTare
■laled today tlmt tbry eon oeUeot fall
^Mka ttaoeka
Omlnoai touiU ata book pay from data of eaorlctlon to
owatMtly terd aad a fraib enpUae lh» |#MHit time, ai wall aa mll.aga
aa MTora aa tba fini if not
from HantU to tba ptoea to tba Unit,
weald not be a oanrlM to many who ad Btalea when- tbay anltatad.
ore wMhUw the rotoane.
The terror
Oaorge O. Hnma of Ohlltoo. Via,
tfflha vaHrae U not abat
will to tba near future raealTa as

LoodM. Hay U-A dlipatoh from
PlutorU to the Trlagrapl. ataM that
tHa Boar toa>lm arrtT..d la Pretoria
Bimday with laaoe proimmU arrangad
tba Borr ronfrrrnoa at Varraalog
It ta farHmr rajmrta.1 here today tl«t
the weproal. lo be robiultled by the
Boar too dare are In affiol a d.wian.1
for tomterlal ladepeodaaoa.
Whito no ooaarmaHou of tb.' n-pert
tmaboan rroalTad by the war oHoa
tba dlapntob l.aa eaoaad a daolda.
la tba ally. Par anma day* paaea
era liara koon rite and tba repen of
tba Bear tarma waa aipeelad at any

eompaay ta being foew
tbr property.
Uaeto dee BanaaM. a p
otaofAdrtao, waaStjea
day and t




hm iT a

MeLkes Clesciv Breeud
Wi* RoyJ ’Baking Powder Acre is no
ttnbdng widi Ae bands, .no sweat of Ac
J»ow. ■ Perfect cleanliness, greatest fiMaliqr*
C^t, dean> bcalAi^ Xood. ,

MRS. M: a. C. BATES. eoiToa.

O fair U Uie M e»-» •»**» «P«»
It. woodBnil aad eatslaBd ad)
OBUQortalA br faUtatbaa
Ite •tMloat ■pleador at Slataa.
Aad lifted U«h. •• the SmA of a parpoMhiab,
luarabof i>p«rial<dyt''
She pnm» old Bat Wal layaa.lbo

''They cane fnan tar. dear an
Piaa realBi e( «be «>A the "
Tot oaMy for oat SBOM eeaaOT tMf
palate Kir.
TMr baadi aiK their heart


At «a bad of ba BafW. the li^MK
Bow aaay bare plodly dlodl
Tor the
they aay piro ha. the
» Joy tbayaayi
ry aad tm» ttty may tlr*.
Mow My deroad Ure!
She oweUlBC Bap. feU-Wowa with

rtalla. braVA

•Mid* fortli> ipiey ordor. Bsoh pl«M•Dcr Ilian moth ball*.
Mn R—
•be bM erw oMd U liM alam i
lb. »huB In bo( enter vul boil
I dlnoUed; IboB arplr wltb
breUia alletMiktor Urkinc piMia
AbU. obokroMiMA bed

3«Ml« •»« Mlt^
Wltbalefl; 'Ik
Cm.” nid H» doetor aben be
Tim adrlo# baa fOoaUy boee piron.
lad. "Pever two dactwt blaber “Do not take year baby la yoor
wbonyoo arr aareoA'' If tb
"I will not talk at Mlae 8;
true wli«i baby i. well. It moet I
MIM Cbiear
MKed meo when Uby It eiek.
am Upp wbM ahe sUed tteaexl day
doubttaa bard a lorinp. dr"Iwill oonfoH aad mmm
roii-d mother ay of aehlldthal
How do yoa do. Min Benle'
•lied. - ‘ I did not let her po oat ot my
am not (eeliop a. wtdi.
from tbe time tbe wat taka
’ The metber'e Inetlset makoo
"Wby.yooar. looklaf real well,
ber feid that her ohild it afaK tn bn
mii\ Mia OhoertB Upm nDiliair.
>a It taka eouapo for a motbot
. bettor llitB wbM
lave a tiok idilld in lu bed, bol
laat. ThUw
_ nantlniM wbenaehUo mnKnot
be lifted oot of iu bod fa dayA and
tbeu ooly taka into tbe arms oe lit
to oor boot, befon ieoc.
I aa
real fUd tohare (oond yoo to welL
uoUmn treat Ibelr babla a
"I boli.rc that ebo thinke that I aa lltilo pirU do Ibair prt kltteni-Und
be Kek. aad
all thlnn do
thioc the matter wilb a., the
not i»l a oiek ohild Woold yoa like
iMartlaatbliic!" eoblad Beale,
■oar oue to tit by anil bit yon on lim
bop aooee will ever all on
bMk for boon at a time wbw yoo
wrre wink and enHerlnp? Yet pentta.
A" aid tbe doctor looklep
loTlDp BOthne tnfllet tbit eroelty apptoTA "Foyer op apmlB today. TbU
on tbnr belpleot darllnpA Everyone
faopiao to lort artoaa''
oaanot alwayt have pood
"1 will try to ptre ber »m.llilnp
and in tiinee Of ptoat omoC
to think aboot." aid MIm Sen Bible
llen-Bitaraal ami hard k
wba elie called the Mxt day.
eold nneon. yet 11 It poecibl. for the
"lam aarry." the aid in reply to
ipoUlre of u to cultli
eaic't''laBiaot fMllnpa writ"
haUtofpood tN
Ibraepblyon eone Bowen to look
ra at Make, and eo
lUe end bmllh
at. I eame aeroa a bripbt lluta artiaoqelro "ewoot
ntalbliBoniliipaboofTrnanl A|OfL'
Farm and FlrrcidA
1 broopbt it orer to road to you.
Oeodbyo; Ibepo Umt yoo will be
tmUap bettor the nekt tiao.tbatl

•ad ralubl. raa—wbicli pot dwided
ly tbe wont of ll' le tbe alt-op that
belep emaefaed to
"Tbore. BOW. 1 peoa that’,
aid tb. praidat. w b. oalmly area
aad picked ap Errteit.
ejMied from tiM tom aloap with tb.
(blu. witbnt a word of n-proof.
< lerprulfOt.4 q.mIii.
Oe a dainty orpaadie dreot
lUhmeot wat noted a llule tooob that
wat itetnttally b.w and DoveL
ptrdle wat of the orpindie, edped
with lloet of mtin ribbon. It it an
Ida timi on be oliUtnd in a number
of wayt to pive a dainty, delicate
tooch of ooler to a white pown. or to
brinpina iwetty. hataooUlep note
id while apeaklnp of pinlleA a IIIlie note aboot neliet will net be
Th.' prreeni day lart ie CBtror' worn wilb loopa: .timply two
loop endt that are oftm taeteoed with
Jrweled ptn at Ibr bark of tbr


tyetomt than alMbe doo"laaiaclad tiat Mia SeoSlble
iletaet pot UpMber.^'tald
alied." taid BaaiA -Iwiahtbat a familiar aalbortty on heoae ftntahaUaadwhUe.
•be woaU oall eftea. Bb. oera
inp a few dayt apo tc the Phltad.1AlK part U theaapKe' tlpbl:
my lookA” the added {Ala Hertb Amertaam
Vorl^aM M Ohaiebaaad ah
with a lipfa of raUef.
art tbe boaa batwaM.
"it It ibabeatretupetlirttbeo'
"1 terta’I eean Mia Heale looklap
1 By la the blae eaaDera wall fa a weak." tboaphl tbe doeSha artHetad Bap. ih taaadt oatbee beimlled. "All tbe tymp- Sad with wmm le that at arota they
do not one theU eoaebee half eaonpfa.
«e ItlmpiMed Mmt tlaa tluee
am not rtlklap about tbeee ywd
■n of the ealliap oomaalttM uada half oimtHvaDoeo Mml art M
oaUod M tbe aae phee darlap
tooth ae rbinooi'rout blda hliatl
Ba tboa tbe Ood of tbit loBdl
tbooirtit bert to daKpWba fa trea wtSmota la wat
me llie plaon orben eaefa itaall oall. ttet i. foft and lupuriooi nod cm
■ to taateea oaail.
adtlrtble tfaal in futon- MIm whtah a woman aby aaoUe
Be Ihoo tM iariolate pab!
Baa Bible oboald do all tbe oalltap
tb. pillow* and
WlMBfoa tramwltbia Itaeirpol
family, while MlmSymrtoaid banoDA Wliao dll{mOilie WKhem and Him '
tracUd by tbo taSnitr e n. of tbe
UPF eooflae tbelr oaUtap
andwoRiedoi <t Ibl* bill
Bait'rtd. tlieo^t-wfaUA
Itoe of Mr. Iiob Hmvee and Ur. Hotb- blM to Iby bareoe fair.
tap Bffeeuam aerom tbr atreet
Im. 1 am th> aatian'e prayat”
I down. anA. tdeubed
Tbm who llilened te Mta Mom
tier trooUro to eoaigb
pno’e osealtaut' latt on Edward Bvof their own aeeori
Hal.plveo at the tarn mrotinp of
"By Ible mmae byatoria Uavoided.
Thenan wayt aad way* of treattb. Woman.' Clnb. will be eopMilaUy beaatyiie-petparrrd and tbe
lap tba laralld Mood
la tbe followibp
3«k for .ternal mlvaUoo a» helpoo OM'e eaUiepUit
Tbae U the
Bmntly Edward Brorott Bale, the
Uio aSaer. tba oee wbe Ipaoca tbe
tamoQ. aad vederatnl Bewtoa olerpy
aKwa aad palai that arr a ml I
Oraam on. rtpfal of ptaaal
itbor. wroio
Kofc. aad Mw OM who etrUa Jaet tba
(be fjiowlap wbleh be imltad.obane- eapar aad one Apfal ot liphi br
aapar with ooe-fanU oapful of bol
A wriMr to tbe Uhtiathn Baharer UrlKiealty. tb. "bin. hoadn-d aad
1. of proond oiBBOitoety-Blnth pml^"
World WTlIa ae amaalap tamUe
meo, ob.-)mU taaepoonfol mob of
wbloh bia tbe nbi)at JiM ri^ U O Ood, that I may aee The.prannd elovro and prnted notmai
li DOl ooly worth nadtap. bat wor{b A. tbe pah in iMurt ere Tlicel
rameabalap. It le a toUowe
O Ood. 1^ I nmy hear The.
well, add two waU-b
Thao an tbm tadlaoB tbe oaUlap Ae Thy in. ofalldm hrtr Thro
» ia a eemio oharKi.
bakinp powder into two aad a baU
O Ood. that 1 max love Thro
an Mia BrmpUaln Wltbem.
Ai Tby wrtl-balond Bon Iirvad Thro! eaptoU of flour. Put ooe-lmlf aupful
dbaran Upp aad Min bee Sibh
of milk-tate tbeapp inixtun aad add
How II iteboed timt MIm Boaie o 'ood that I may truK Tbro
tb. floor at oor«. li aboold br vary
A* Thy weU-fa.loved Boo truKod
u lU. aad ail Itim
ttairt. yrt too atioky to hnndJ.
banof tbeealliap <
Onn. alroqiaanfml
O Ood that 1 my aam Tbae
time ta a bowl parUy filled with praoAe the Kan in Ihelr^oourem e.
utatad aapar. roU aroond aatU wall
>t to call, ehe aalA "1 will pity
eealed. tlien plma tbne taohae ^ait
Aa tb. wlnde of hmvea eerve Tbro.
oapnarndtlna Bake
" How do yoo dA Mia Baal
Aad tb. aon of beavoa and Uw dew oven antil a pale fer
that dielil. from baaveb
from tba ttaiae eoon ae they eeta.
"I am aa fooUbp aa wall."
O Ood. that Tboa mayoM dellpbt ta from tbe ovroi.


■ aarry."aid MlaBympaibia WlOom ahaaly.
, looklw nal bad. moeb wore, tbae
wfaa law yoo tart
waKmr la herd on yoA aad It erill
kap a ptDWlap waraa fa the
«wo ralba It it toe bad fa yoo hi
ban to U. bon wort ie aad wa
M 1 far tbal yoo anil b. oMIpal a
do. Ido pity yee a
bea amal dallit la towefrmtbe

A* Tboa doth drllpbt ta tbe aroriro of
Have yoo aean them? Tb^ an tbe
Thy w«ll-beloT*d eena and daapi
dearoK Ihtape and ao mart looktap.
Tbe ctarer woman eeald mnepe one
O Ood. Umt 1 my aerTe Thy ehjidr- u liromlfi they an almply omda Jbk a
and blmthrm
pood BtUat yokA'and from thle folds
Ae ThoA thalr FaUmr. dm blae. aad of black tuSeta J«K lo tb. bKl.
oplift them!
rrmpe this apnm- The elrovm an
A shawl eoUar of
OOad, Thorn art
I KAand lam wide and flarlap.
plvro the eamwery optoaranoA aa
Otva me UtAoad five it
I^KBmendetan below Um knro
Shit Is Inefaiooed u a mllca kasA aa
oprt toperter at tbe baK wUh
0.1 tare U

’'^1 )oK kmw tbntl wlU 4ta.”«*U- When aUlbtata row U

we are polnp to call for a nport
ti«B after a imlA «V bo|a tbr dear
littie downy. floFy rtiekroa have betun to eome oot. and are lanlup to
eotaiofa for a livinp le Ifaaeanyibiap
tbe way of pK* much men
^little ebioteii. and .lonf yoo iov.
thm and love to take oare ottliem v
The world le fall of tbinp.
tliU monlnp and yoor pmldnit. who.
by lb. way, Ime been a vrty pood for,
noLlitap pmUeol all wiaur
better, tliaak yoAud te poinp
en- what ahe can do to til. way of betap pood for rooMhinp. eeperially la
Baaahtae eo^br.
Thauke to Uaml and Kay Brapb of
Ovlattand to Dannie ttalter of Hart
for the liUir Chioew chilMew we will let oor vulton rotrotala n« for a lUita.
Utad to ro. yee
oo.. SoalaamA

lid aiud a few card, for tb. UHl.
Ohlnro. ehUdnn. I hav. eleven littiauhlekrna 1 po to acAeol evny dny
that I earn My Uaehm'. nam. t» Mim
Doran. She i. a pood troober. luill
Apr B.

Good byA
From yoor fricaA
Haml Brapb.



1 Ibiiik il wro
. to tb. Herald. 1 »>ll
oardr 10 eioid to Chm-i
an- full of the l•«ulifDl
wild flowro* Uiai l-lo.M<m
epriap. 1 will cloro oow will- l-v. to
alL Um- SunlwamA lo-u
K UeK.rrb.r

bottoa. I pe to
Daek Utk. sebooL 1 etody readiop.
ceopimpy, wrlttap, laapaape. aritbmetlA eprlllnp aad pbyetolapy.
er'enamele 0<«u Paulua She
rery Bne leaober.
Oar eidiool
wlU be oat tb. 6Ui of May.
We are
Doo-t drink lee or eoffsA
point to have a plonte Uie taei day of
Drink pnn water.
L I faav. one eieter and two
Bat prapaA appIoA rtietae and Bpa brolberu 1 will elote fer tie timu
Eu a few erttad almaada dally.
Tear tavtap ftleaA
Don't mt animal feoA
Lydia Warner.
Aa app or two a day. aott belleAtoOviBtl. Mioh., Maroh it. IKK.
Dear Mra Belee -1 Oumphi 1 woo
Eat aa onat. every day or aa
writ, a letter te yen aod m11 yoo bow
Walk two or thraa mltaa a day.
lam poltinp atanp. We have a dop
Bathe tbe wbota body dally ta tepid
and hit name U Ponte.
Howinrt Brorolfel.

el ptuel It ralaabl*
t. A Wataed i
oparthe profeettan
wue nairt aad wat ponnded
for. it wat pat in a bowl, and the tetBltad wilb eold wuier. Thee tb*
el wat eUrraA allowed to eeUta.
1 tb* waler eartfally pennd off
Brtkiap tbe praeL It wat boiled for
flftaan mtaoMA ■eatotioA .Kn
andmixod wlUi a teaeaiffnl cd bet
A Served wiU> oHep bol teetdro
oblimptef loortdt waea dtai> that
wat always weloemed Vj tiie InvallA

Hr. naremea. rirotdrol «P

kJeb tbe mbtk can >we wUb tsteO A

St. Jamae. Ohartavol. Oo.. Mlcb..
teaehtap of a
c( traaqxittBtion. my. a wrlMo
Dear Precldant-I Imve
Hodpe. M(fb . Atril n
la the Iwdie.' Uom. JoarnaL A few
Dmr Mta ltat<-.-Oc\ tebnol b>'peii
wrote q>enl ta makinpa llttl.'pudea, ten brforA bat at oar of my frieoda
tboopbt I Uw
of April. I RO
wWl rvi-ry
planilnp mi-dA oartap for tbr tender told mr aboot the elah. I tb
Oar l««rtirr'> iiaiu. ■« Miro Ide
trowtbe. patlierlnp and eUllunp nob wooM lit. to iota. Plrae
Taylor. 1 Ilk. h.t v.rv much. »h. i,
penduoe a. may eoote. will hrtap tbe badp. and I will try to krop the rain
eo pood and kuA
W. I.av.
roluilebild nearro to tbe.'preat aature motb- of tbe club. Yonr frirnd.
Era U Oibeoo.
an on roll now. W.- at. p-mp i« hev.
moob wbool work, and .
epeakinp and Unpiup iii xi Knday afLetanA Mieb.. April at. IWe.
many exourdon. for natare etudy.
D«mr Mn Bklro • Thie it my flnt torocKia, at eeiwol. tweau*. u >• Artan
1. play. work, love that edooale;
1 woold like day, yen know. Your Bnnkbln.r.
erlf-oxpreaaloa. anUoo letter to thr HenIA
Aid. M. H->dR<t.
a Sooebiner. Please
eompeltad by inner or enter forceA re- very mocb to

Hen are a few rnlro plveo
eelebtnled Fmcb d«pmalolo|

.-r« iwlilv.
d'-rlT. iTucnid and w
fe.-1-r)- r>-*ulu fr>nu li.- u« 4 IVranv .
I.- 1^. Ilsnm.n. vivisp e
■ end h>wtU'
faM v.lueld. ad> '

HI., ro tolluwi-:
ihi-4»-r»lilr ri'-ulleubum
.-eurrli. I .-iemm>d ll m
tb»njocli)y tulrorn lunxii.-ni..
lM-rl«i*ni! lork*<>( nnwt vutneN.nK»li
••I found 11
d*« icli uU. r InKr-di. m-, -I1aI«o-..1. .-ml.-ulttrd
iTiit |.r.
ofYi-IUnti, Mi--h..a


\!l it-:;iil.u M/i-v 111 sliK k.
I-. ..I i.-t,,

S|ki iki

•e;:<>iu nieitr

lhr-\ei) U->I nielctial

1. 4II.I l-ilit -.;-i4taiitrL*-l in ever) tnsir-*l,
ail- ma-W U- iiv.- ro -a.-ll av \dl.

Tlir* a

-i-il m.vic of rite.!]-indviial. aii.i pmn



iiiiivh t-> -airh ihc t-yr: )>iii ar. >lnrjililr.'’i
111- - liL-.ti«-u Y'"
Kill l-ii\ n-i

lot'kd. -inalily ivinci-lcrcd.'



126 Stale Street.' w Uictof Pelcrfyl.


Uaanab. Mich.. Ai-rll lA l‘.«t '
Denr Mn Batro-l lbon«U 1 would
writ, a few Iuha Donald aud 1 nrr
fotap to eultirair --ora tbia
Tlien an elxlron childrroi io eobool
today. I han- flv. etadiro. They anepelltap. arUliBipiie.rrodiiip, Unpoapiand phjelolopy. ' rji.-r- an- thlrty-eoi.
days men ni>d tb. boyi- will ta- ptad.
248 Front Str—t
Broach Block
1 am pomp to p.t a pun and the nnmta tw- niy-two. and I am poinp to tbnol obipmunkt an-l equimi*
TImn an-lou of' ibem etoond th«oern crtbA
We have tbn-. (rape -.t
for a ekenk and 1 ero that lliro. on '
halr> iu Ui. trap, eo I thuik w<-1
re mmcnall)' *uorrwJiil i
willprtilyeL Oood-byr.
t ilo IXM with
Ca-.-Cme. Cro-Ciuc
From your bunehmA.
laim It to be.
am of <■-!' fricii-it for a momerM lit Iwlicve that
Aped 10
Ilpbt. W. Imve
tl'r .!,. wish, taiaeicf, llal all thriuM know ar t.'nlhij»ia»!v «i*
Hannah. Mich.. Ajinl i:. I'.-Of ;
I will be
-h-r-c Ca>-Cm«r lieraow we ha>e in»eUii;alc>! an-l know cvetjtlnn}; it
Drotr Mtu Bakro-1 will wnw aud
ptad wbwi tbbool tafftaa Plroee teed
• -rnlain-., ami arc know tliai ihe clenienD •-oniainol in'Ca»<lioc lute
tell yon that w* art all w-tl, lioplnp
tee a imrd and batten. W. have
the i-iiwcTto -lo wbal w. rlaim. In all i-aro-. --I Kheamatrwn, Catarrh,
yon arc the maw. I am .Ipbl yrote
Their immro an May
Sioinai h. l.ntT an-r Ki-lncy Truubten, lemale WrokneiA <lte*'ral
I po to teliool mod .very day. 1
BitA W* arc potap to po to Tran
l>c!-:lii> Cti.. wr ro-ninnend Cae-CiDc.
.So umocwlilnmally do we
1 like to play out deon new. I bar. hat. two eletcra. an-l three bnitl--tA
ic-.-iiitiWml d tliat ac otfer in all imkatKct to refund the nwiprypatd
pot a playhonm out in treat of the Tlwn an- eixtrom ctallclrec in rohcl |
ii< 11 t-i-i -l-i niH fiivl Caa-Cine in e4'cry rctqicvn all we claim k* it.
boutA We have pot n new eewiop today. My eieter le poiiip to pat. ih. '
It mil |>ay ,'iu t<> call an-l let at et|dain Cae-Cine to jou.
1 will be nine yoan old tixta prad. Uue ipriDp. I rrod la tb.
itath ot April 1 will eloae now. Third reader. Vout
Joeepfa Old

of all descriptions now on sale at

OAC ni|ir WerefPsdUcFrlcebfCPS-Qae 11 it 4MS
UnV^uInt^resaUsMcUoB. OvfkUbUtlls

From Uw wbteillap wind eo flrot
Duld like to b.
Ktaer. plmm tend me a card
1 po to Dnok Lake
'W. have HlroOora Paala*
for tb* teartwr. W. ba*. St puplla ta
Ue ta Ui. BrM liciMe 1
our acbooL
«e to the HanlA I rtady
taapnapA proprapby. epelltap p
phyatalopy. arithmette aod writtwo mllae from our
O^r tebool wiU be out aooeL i
w* po eat pirttap Bowrou
Wo wiU
piealeoatb. laat day. I wlU
cloe* for Ibte time. Your friend.
Mary Dnfek. :

r Ih. I- avoA
' From tb. raindrop oo
■o lb. rorn.
From tb. eblldrrn’. taapbm ewrot.
Front lb. plte wbrot farooktat. mro'
-Mary Mapm Dodp..
A n<*w*iB
"W. bar. i<
lOdat. (Itrro b
r.. aaottav."

EmfnI of t
drocnl-inr tb.
UtU. Jal
.-r notta r lb.
>Ib1 of taktap powder. Bm
oter evantap. and bow ,h. f.i •'
yolk* of two ««pt onUI lipbt andadd
M two oops of mlU or eo* cup of
__ _______
- . t ao I
milk aod one cop cf wmiet Stir Uib
What do yoa mno by -iH<n dear!" imiairtd her moUiro.
into the dry matcriata and bmttoa
a emite. '-Why.
' Wh.-i
emeoth hattro; then add two mblefroltap in a harry all c
qmaBfBlt ot melted belter. boU o oop
Oete. Mta^. May •. IWK.
of ehewed tee* and ImU a enp of
Drtr EStor—I «U1 write to yoa
BnpUrt wataaH i&t in eoars. pteom.
teve not WTlKMi for a leap tlma
ImKotall told ta Ui* frothed arblm Tba pnuad te almoM oovroed with
FUl tbe !kem pane two- Bowan now. ate Ibr UlIro ar. a*
ihlrde fall ot the hatror and bake U
eat mow.
It BOU BC5T iwtat de yaar wrot.*
modteately hot ovoo for «) mtantaa
•ad haa barot out ew tloo* Uw WIb
Darlap a vleii at aa army peK 1 ofManh. We ban two ealvaa; tboy
piekod apa trow wrtakta from lb.
1 eaa milk om of
aeldioTA Theyam aeraK of bnad
m Uwrmee aad I woald ilk. te
ofim. to el*BB the white stripe* of
their mouatrA Tl>l* 1 Bad Una ai- feta Uw Peabry Aeeariatim.
a Poaltiy Joan '
MtIroit Idro vrimn aipdied te lipbl fell
BepoodI will etoac fm Uita Ume.
plovea oe .vm a wool powA
byA Framyort
Foatinp tb. rtirteniap ta wbUe tb*
IwtaaA Hkh.. MayA IMP.
BB ta or« tb* Bn I* apt to make the
Dtar Mta Batte-^1 han te wrlttmvy lampy; the tarter wv 1* to rro
im to lb* HteU ia a loop Um* ae 1
> Uw tm anUl
WiU write today.
W. ban a pe*
WfOl Kimd ta. ibta rrtan te Ut* Bn
. Weteedll mUkeatot
If U
away oat ta rte BeU aad
Tekeoptha bneid te amt ooko ben w* aaU ik ft wUl rm
fwooA rtaoA after wtettap.wllh beU- tetaetite. «* wte I* OUle Pier
K w* taw Bate Ohekanpa What
Im water ta whtabaUmta eoMon
■rt-taw bami rtmrtred: ihen eat ort
rt dorto in am Sm n rtoR Kma.


We Lead the Way


lower jwirev for life'* nro~.lw-

wnLE TPS M iPPEMS WE wu sai m snr un



rttebwrtpMteKMhel Imw


j. J.


..... ...................................

llb^o lf™

1 It hi?".,;:;


.; i

n ban Santa CUuee Soap ami one Em Bee Hive Sop .....

Enterpnse Cash Crocery
Oppoute Oiy Market

CorSuicate l/nkm.

Pnteta Jad^aj^nte ^ Sortl^aet

Mr*. On
Tk* WMl noaipta ««n n tt. Um
iMfgm Is tba falM>7 of eMsb«t'«
(<s s issJBertcs «kSM
sdaMcB *M e sBd 10 MIC The «zcnlpl&TO. tevisf ssM
t«oat of •K.68 ter (be elsee.
will DO( be roasted
sllhoacb tbei« wu s ■»»( (
for U. OB aoeeaat of the bob; who
lolo the
if M Toleas.
Than la BO flaw ter It thia
ATM the epaalBC oarrloe asd SB
ssOwB hr (be eboir. Bar. Stost ros<> war*, asd eras It the
SKTlptBie lawos froa Pmsl'e latter
m the achoot work that It eosU
10 Tlwolbr
Bar. Woedbosar tol-

aolbe parmitaad.

lowed wUli aptsrwlo whleb he e<a tbssta for (be (Ifta of Ood.
aepaeUIlp in the Use of edaoMloasI
■. asd eloaed wl(b a trarer
for U>e elaaaof l«03 1» wbleb be
Uwltbep nlftat nallaa (be laportBboa <d terlBC tbalx baaita taada
flfhl. aa well «a hsTlaf (hair sUsda
After aso(brr hrms. Bar. Ooeblln.
attar aiatlsf that the aarrloe waa bald
for the dlraot basaflt of tl<e Riadaattw alaaa
(list (be dieeoane bad heea pr^mxl for (bat ax|*aM lianioae, assoasoad hta Ux(.Bola »: b-"Alt (btairi work tor-thar for food to tbaa (hat lore U<m1.
thaa (hat are oalled aoeerdlac to Hla
porpeae.-’ Hit topic waa "Ibe Call
aod f*Bri)0aa of God.” and the dU
- - laacUoal
tsM. aad osa tbai ooald aoi but bara
irorad raiy belpfol to IbaB'-aibe
Tha OMtral Iboacbt of lha diaobaraa
waa that Ood tea a plao for raeb baMBB iita, asd (bat tba mlutoo e( <«eB
Ufeaboald te to fallfil Ood'e iilaa.
Tte apaaket br«BS bf tiaoUir the plao
of Ood Is Ilia laaWial nslreraa.
wblob.te oxplalaed. ooald Barer bare
eona brotesea. If Ood ha* a plea
for eraiT atar ttei awaeia *ba liearasa and for araty dowar that bloocaa
lathe rallar, bow naab Bora will
te bare a pUa for mb, BSda la HU

Bar. OoebllB iilaeUated tte plaaa
Ood in a aamber of notable aad
bambla Itrao. wllb tba eUnax ta the
Ufa of Ohrlxt. (te pertaet man.
^aafcar eloaad tbu part of bU addren
with (be words “Ood baa a plan for
tte life of arerp esa ef poa. aod
plaea la Bla irraat world that poo and
poa alone oaa ail."
Ttea teloaahad apes tba wd featan of Ite oahlaet. (tel II rm ponlIda for ana to nl nude Ood'i plaa
aad follow frtroloae plana of Ml own


Abrapert a guod Hbb.

Baalta Haa ad pea*. -Otam Hate
Ma“ byWaltar IIHitead BMard
Mall ctewaa.aM wbU raa.

CbnwU aad Bitbb te arwaiaBea.

Stegiac *». "Ba ■•( Oba"
, Papw by H ,2. paaater. '-'Bew aaa


^^Ohi^-adg^ teH


pw»i»f tte “aitelln

.^sr.f'-riSsir.s'S.srul ibr




CUM u> ord« by Fraaidaai K»ban
Bafaay. tba <wgaul,t. Otaer Bu.lL
a H. Pleknd.wba tea bna to MU- SMtegKo 1. "MartAboal JrtaA"
waakn tela weak, retaiaad-Wndap aad Ka a -'Throw Oat ta. Ufa
Prayer b* tba iwaaidntA
"L'naptsat ToaraenOtip
o) w^kwta. I.y Mr* W B
yMinn Bartte anl BateUx
Bwpaaaa br 1. P. FiatA
_______lafi for Blwtaam Satardap.
Ba« by tte bBafeteB alaai uf Cedar
wbm thap will apMa law dapa riaBaa. aix te- bsobar, whtcb waa viwy
Mln Paaala Blabnw left tewdgp

Mra Jobs Jlakt of Empire Ula
Mra Lotta BMlar U oo tte Hot
at OtawB
Pn^ OassMasd
■an la towa Saadap.
Thao Alliarta haa noted aad wlU
more late tte room noootlp oocaptad
MproB Baudwacm.
.............._ilB a fn
■a Cttr (tree and trieuda

nSrr"; ‘i-l f

Sis war. m-

SMntafy'.raperA Pin-aeboola twa^

WUtebar. Mr. SaafcaM. Mta O H.
TTMaanr'a rmen CallaatieaSi IX
Batrt aad 3 B Banay.
Stegiaar. SM. "Wbata FrMd V. Bateae.
^^teagtag by terOaatte ateate Van
Uy.r of Oadar Baa.
Sraaieu alaglag RaM W
Addrcaa 'aa Saa^ aebool wate by
After a aoeUI diuaer hesr as)er«l Bm. O. O. Balb. Ha lbi«w uat ntl.
^ all baartUy. (b. a(ucw«B aaaalea a abowar of thtagbtt trow bu “BliHwaa opaai-d <7 tb. Cedar Baa aebool dertmaA" wbiab wit. wellaceeiM.
alagteg Ha Its.
Km teplA -WbM to do forte*


D O Bai"

nc alcwlp.
Tha W. C T. U. will I
Kra Ptaak Zaaot WpUa


to bla botaa is1 thlrplaer.
thUplaor. Tbeir maep
M site to lean (bat hU

'^he Let Conceilmeiit

Vlllard Wabater. wteW terai rat?
alek for the peat two waafea la laprar
lB( aad will aooB be oat ahala.

Like B Worm V the Bod
Feed on Her Dsmtsk

W. Iwwaao and wife aiieat Soadap
with D. Cronoh aad wUa ef Bllrar
rnak WateMr wlU more to Kianlap tale waf Tte ooauBaaltp wlU
a a rood aalpfabor and UrA Wabetar wUl be pnaUp mined la tte
tte rellroai aarrieaa. Oar prapert aad beat
wUIin ipt^tb tliam to tbeir
Her. Harrlno Veldmaa ef Tiarerae
Ottp took dUuier rrlth H. O. Wbaaioek
Trop Tliarp of Bad Bap rltllad
'Uh ralatlrn aad friaoda
' '
‘ orn BaaMon of Ite faraem ai
plaatlax oon.
HIn Kate rnxiar of


He atatad
partiealar line of aaafal aad honor
aWa work ooald nfalp be raealderad
aeaUofOod la itet diraetioo.
argadttet aaebmaBbtset Ite elan
loakatnif. takaameatalaad neral
MdapWtaal lareatarp aad eae
what Ood haa artdeatlp ftrtad
Ttea Mr. OeobUn arsed that aaob
taatibar of tte ebn look swap troB
iMf. asd oat late Ite world, to aea
the wgrtd'a oar*, wbleb ^ nld waa
Ood-a ealL
Up peWoc ««atliar U>c
aall froB wUhia. la tba DUaiml ea­
rn wUhoat la tea aaeda of the
world. Bar. OaeUla Hated teat


tbe borne dorton-and ntl Im. Ii-or
Inie it mould do me It. iii .ai
lU han aud.*-Ub
p«d.- I
wa> airpri^ at (be bvactil^
rpanln. to (art I am .-n vr
_________ all ter tiBe. Au old fi-irnd of
Biot and to me. 'UXr> ’■>»■ ••
Butler with Tou? You are (frttitij’oi-oi;
mio.‘ 1 told her I had Ukrifaii huiln
01 l>r. rierct'a medicinea and il »hc
mouUl do likeiriM ebe uoul.l irrl tea
pnra poonger. too.'
iloarver muderful it aup errm. that
Doelor I'incr'e Farorile 1‘ieitni'tion i>
uciiformlp eoecmful in enrinr lii-e-ara
peculiar to moenrm, it it
lul aa it appnra
ll ti

••Mww Faalaht TmIb.
Tte Mr half Bf tea mlb boond
tmcbl Wadaaaday Bight at tart
«Bte ran
fr« a
atsppad aotil H WBabnd Into oaa of
Harrcy MamaBi'a ahiagla ear* oa tte
____ ________
H •
tr tbe old raBdeucof Has.
s Bay Mraal.
Tte Ug freight tnlaa oaBBol te
IBltel ap Ite grade tekwWB Baltnnra
aod OiawB, ao (bay art



i am not going to sell goods at wholesale, a
of my competitors claim they are doing, but i
' ing to oiler you lirst-dass gooils at prices that will move them rapidly, I can buy goods in as large quantitiei
as cheap
.inyone. and am always willing to give my-customers the benelit. Call on me and be convinced.


perfect lurmo
difleres^ betwi.- .
anecen of Hr. ISeree and
the ordUurT pti.i-lilii-r--r
and cure of
ta the Imtnieni aii
ailmenU ii tbe diBerenre
liacrcnce I»-el»Teii lUll.
OS tbe oiw
one baud and a caautl
asd auccei*1 cs
on the other.
Caisi.n TEX lot-Niu.
«I leek (our bottle* of l>r rim-e'.
FaroriW l*re*mptK.n and tu.. .-f In.
•Golden, Urdieal Wain-eTy- ro-l receired rreat Icnefil.* mnlr* Mra IJmrt

aroKabl XtaTBitkXt.

123 Ca»s Street

new store and Office Block.
------ gI
Oust a few lUms af Interest
from our—

•auUiabea irgulaniv, drira


■ pprtite, and iaduce* iafmbinx Un p.
A**looiciora.e*k, 9ocB«ut. tuD-l..«D
raMBitiauaesuakd. ttBiakaaanak
«CBca attong. *>ck aaomaa »«11.
Acnpl ao aubatituit for -Faeorite
Piracriplkia.* The only mnlive for mb.
il to enable the dealer to make
more prufil [aid as tee aak «(

men’s Suits $5, $7-50, $8.50, $10,

•DT length of time. I knew tfMt «
bteie doctor annild inats tte fin( ^g
on an eatniinstiun. and tbrt I weald sM
auhmit to. UBle- I aril Oangereoalr Mck.
ud teen it would ba too Uta to do any
gaud. MyaoB badyoBtteak, -

Nothing remarkable about these prices; it's the wonderful values that you find crowded into each price riiat
t we want to call your attention tp. For instance, our TEN*DOLLAK LINE contains suits made of hoe iS os.
t Clays. Serges. Fancy Worsteds. Sawver Cassimeres. toft finish Cheviots, etc., all in new pattema and values that
I are hard to match at Icss-than Sii-so. .
' ’
' At $11 and $i(. beautiful hand made siiits -paUenis that are usually found only in tbe best merchant tailor
I sho(» at double the price ive ask.

: Boys’ Suits

C«0<ri«Ct at SlaSOa $2.00r $2.f0a $4a00a


Otrefvifcf at $$.00, $0.00* $$.$0, ami $10.00
Uestce and BtoiiMSniti at $2JW to$0J$0.

They are the kind that wear and fit perfectly.

men’s Dress Shifts
Made of Madras or Percale, with or without collars.
[ \’cry large line, only 50c.
Wilson Bros.' fine shirts in white or colors at $1 00.
' Si.25.5i.5oand S2.00


aa wna alao lb* war
Tte (Ml. wtea tea
•r tvaa teard aa far aoalb a* KIgfate
HmL PcrtoBolaly ao osa

Helmet and
Hrrow Brand
Any style 15c. or s for.25c
Coon Collars, made of
very fine Linen, hand­
made buttpn holes, at 20c.
2 for 3SC.

Fiat Dcckwtar a Saacbily
p aad left for
yww aakaewa. laartag bat two obit.
Itea wllb bar haatead.
Mr. asd Mra Wrtgbl tera baaa
■sirKI ateal Bra yaan aad teen (rro
ll b aaid Ibal teaU '
»a tera aat Im •< tba
r. aad tte dapartai* of tte


BARNI :y ani

VreactiptioB' and tan of 'C
leal UwcDvery ■ 1 di.1 not
Bora. 1 gained ton pound
In luae I coBinianer.1 uiing■ thr rir-li*
and in Jaly hriped to bMvnt tee
ao >ou may kno*' teal I did n



Citizens Phone 126

dtainA bcalt inlian^matioe
Uon aad enraa fctnala an
ID peraonal connlUlioni with w
tba InaalulV HcXrt and Surgla

Milwaukee No. 5.

At my implement store 1 will carry a
and complete line of
Machinery. Buggies. Wagons and
»d Implements.
I am in better shape'
than rver to supply the wants of my customers. If you do nut tmd what i-ou want in my stock 1 will order the same
on short notice.


la two aod tte tnol aaalleii la Ukau
as aloBA tbe nagtita eoatlag back
baa Orawe fat ite nar aacUos.
WUU tea augtna waa goan tte
atr bcakaa waot vroag ia aaow
war aad Iba raar ean of (be (rata
Hwtad aa Ibalr raaaway carrar.

M wlf* o:
aeity t*<
• isaknd

These machines are too well and favorably known in this local­
ity to need nny further cxplanalio.n. They speak for themselves



b.«rd of aar aartoni damaca balnii

dlUfntlp to know Ilia plane of Ood
and tilts ttep late than plaa* aad (o
wterarar Ood Uada
After asothar baaatllalaBteeB bp (|»edp laeoTerp.
tea eboir. Bar.a T. Stoat eloaed tte
nettlac with tea baBadlatIco.


Milwaukee Junior No. lO.


Asa. Merar nw tbli-t«
thaa Uia pan few dapa
S. B. '8aipl«r luu nl a varp ain


perfect lurmoil..
I mm that conilaiit v
tice etublea 1

Pridap alcbt Ualaep Lea Marra ooa of tee h-il talka oo the
It bar baas daBeeor.
A.J. DwbIa tea Bittbt watohnaa
Wallor'r mlU. bad tee BUfottaae
hare eae af bU daicart eel off aod ooa
- dap
* - -------------(dip ban oae
Ian week.
Mr. aad Mr*. Wam-a. who latelp
Wblw Olnad, hare
ideeidad to leoau- bara.
iti. Foe thU iraaoa bubj a weaaa
It lookt rarp Bueb ar iboBRli tea
.hwaee fadeu ujaiu her. She conUaUiOdiet |»opla won solnc to have
a uaw oUnndL Bar. Hu«b Kanaadp .call her rendition and roJuAa adaUr
will ba hm oo.< weak from te«l|H>l maitvi.hmi of pain becautr her mlod
the Uioarlit of tubaiimlaa to
no flra an addnat. AI tee eleae of
lent aiir koom the local pcao
tea Bddran the m.wtiuc will ba tarsmill iutiw upon.
te into a texlDen maetlaf and tbau It liliu
will be deetdad wbetear tea Hatl.telul lrtten*to^Di?^ V. Itetee, of uSlalo,
iiM build or aoL
X Y . lucaiue Iher Jure
mrthi-d* i
-OUA Oie Ol.rwxittu* ex*
Oro. W. Jaekaoa of llatn and Min
he JlaxgiTNlde Ideal tnatmenU
HiDorra Boren of Vote ware
r.1 OB bv ~ B»n» boma pbjaciaDA
nad Ian Wteoaadar at tte bo
lhin«» ate, u a nUe. act at^ry^
tea brlda.
MUa Hoctrm la on.- of ............. to'i axperienea
Ynba'e moat |.onnlar poum Itelaa- Irealing huBdcTUaol tboe.. .
\V« alt wuh tte oaoi7 couplt- all tte t-Bi'jlr* hita at oner to delri
■he wriUrti atatrmenu fit '
Va liad ooa of tea bcsrlen ralot luRii u< iliieaae ubicta U fa n
rk woiurn aie lonled to cooMl Pridar nishi Itet we bare had la
raara. with teuadat and ll«tataiajt. It

Warae Wateneland bliaeheol bare
la« tritvrtailad In BU
Min Haada Oih
Mn. i. a temMea liaa ratarard
from Aides, wliara ate liaa baaa rliHiBC ter •later, Urt. Babeoek.for a taw
We an terln*-----------------------------------

.As 1 have a large farm a short distance from town, I am in a position to han­
dle all kinds of sttjek in exchange for machincr>-. buggies-and impltrments.
1 have at present about twenty good work horses for sale.

■emaki mbs tilt at tli

I Bamorixl aarrloe waa
*Tbt M. K. BlaUtor aai takoa ap a
saw appolatBaat at Dnaoed'a arw
eoal kibia Ha praaehed la U>a gtera
paaterdap to abool Bftp people.
Prof, O. U Woode want to Konh-

■a to tea

Hat ini,'recently purchased the stock and buaness of Oeo. Caros. 1 will hereafter conduct a lirst-class
;; and Sales Uam at the old stand. 23FStatc Street, opposite Park l*lace Flotel. 1 will also use part of this bam for
* 9
m-h«>ew 1I will
w-itl unload
«iv.l/%-i.t Kx'eral /-me
a u--ir-.KrMia^
warehouse, where
car l—m/|g
loads of machinery that I am expecting in a few da>’s.

Dothiag oi nir-h-nira
We kuow Ibt eiiKH" »-u
made to do tlm
We do an «rond« at ■

Albert Kebbinr hat taken tha ptaca
01 K. Tharp oo III.-taeilou.

work for whieb Ood had laUadad
each BBU) or wtaaa.
Harlac luada
Ite abeler olwork teat U aoeordl
Ood'e plaa, tea rpaakar oald teat
Botelte bat rood eeeU eoaa to tte
ttUbfal wertar.
Mr. OoohUa eloaad fair addnn wUb
aa opranloa of aonddmiea la
elaned int. Ha atatad that la tea
r tear ted deaa Ibalr work
taltetallp and well, and bad anda
teaoteira clipr p
proud ef
I tbap aaak
aicad is oosolai

Feed and Sales Stables 231 SUte Street.

£; Implement Store 123 Cass Street.

certain talk arctn-.i;
il ixcfeeUp. We iii>
mondrr at tlie cogioe
lltr UaiB uf


la town Basdap.

**Mr. BoBmaa' of MsBlatae waa
town Batardap.
Cl«a Miliar west to Tnreree Citp
Mr. Bootn and daazbm^Rditb
m pleanat tsUen cm Ba^v ini.

^eal 1

u ef SB nrobltaet and fels| oa artlh tte orwetlea ef a talldtnc
la bU own wap. witboat anp daaaite

at tea daaaaHK nlatbsa

Twv aBaatlM


tUo. eompariiit It


TteaghB at the fW
Batawta-jf labaeta

BEWARKbkFTHK CANV.kSSKR! Why let a canFxBor
take up iToro otvr hour to a half >Uy of your valuable time aad poaubly ael! tern lome article you bm nothing aboal> If you buv tou |sy extra fix tux tiiac and litcry hire. You come to tbe city oflea abj uatullv
trhco )(» hate ideou of ttme to iuHwet the article you with to boy; We teve OSti^JlTARTER ACRE
UK KI.UUR SPACE hUrsI with aaeful lUfl.EME.VTS and C.ARRl.AGES for yoiB iaapeclioo.
If tou
MX whal you waat, Bl'Y it aad lavc frora 10 to SO pet cent, the coat of a caavaaaer.

Craoerse €ify Implement

Voung’s Hats»none
Better made. Price $3
Our own guaranteed Flats, all styles and colors, at $2
Others at $1.30. $izx> and 50c.

mechanics’ Ouffits
Union made.
Painters'OveralU.......................... .soc
Paper Hangers' Overalls......... soc
Masons' Overalb..............

Abo the great Keystone Rail­
road Suiu.............................. $1.75


aaecrwaar. Swcaicn. BalMag SaHA at

I SciWItattA w* caa aaaaly you wWb Ibt >a*t at taUvIMag at rtfy atHaary nficaA

> new store
dor. front and Union.

iV^M. I»0»



Men's cotton Socks . • • .................. iW

6m2s hr tta Yiri



500 yards choip Silkoliiies per
Turkey red fancy print? per yd. 2X
3000 yards Bleached Twill
Crash below wholesalevaiues Stt


ieca all lilk I'affeu Kib•7-9 worth IOC per
Vli, 1
’ard. spedi


0I« now Offer you tbt

Lace Curtains
Per pair................................................ ^
For ladiea*. worth 85c.....................16

Pillow Tops
Ladies Vests

Night Gowns
With fancy Yoke............................ JW

Sun Bonnets
For Uisaes and children................ 10

Of Mack mercerized Sateen,
laige fkunce and extra ni(*
He, good size................................ .48

Ladies' Shirt Waists
Percales, worth 50c for.............. .S5
25 doz. assorted patterns, va­
rious styles, values run up to
$2ix>, <%(HCe.................................... 68


Steel Fins, sc value, package.. .<tt
White Tape |>crstick...-......... -('1
Hump Hooks and £>-es 2 doz .fil
Nickel Safety Pins per doz...- .01
Invisible Hair Pins, box ;...........ol
Lot of assorted Purses, fine
leatheis. worth up to 25c...........06
Dress Stays, good as the 15c
Peerless, per set............................. 06
Writing paper, fancy Boxes... .06
Writing Paper fanev boxes fine
quality linen finish qc.and.. • .10
Mucilage per botde..................... .03
Ink per bottle................ ..............

10 doz. Easel engraved Mir
. r<»s. 7XQ inch, worth 50c sale
price................................................... .26


50 PtrCent Discounts
Kroo. our former knr jwi. ,-s. Ihni'l .lelay-these
<>)>P‘>riunities don't jiresrut thoniselves es'exy ilay.
.MI this siiniig's stylev ValuA $X.GU to $Z.VtH>.
200 Ladies, Misses and Children's
Jackets' Eton’s. Blouses. Raglans.
Kvery one this qxing's styles—wHl be closeil out
at 60 per Cent. Discount. Values are
*1.25 i«
25 Walking Skirts-l>«t ofwool materials,
to dose at once at...................



$360111 k Negligee Shirti to close ai

Beys’ UaMs.
Boys' white straight Waists worth 7$c and
50C to dose at......................................................'.15

Boys* Suits;
Bov-s. Vestee summer Suits, ages 4
light cool fabrics $100 values, special -.69
Children's cassimere and worsted vestee
Suits, S2.S0 and $2.75 values........................ 1.48
40 Russian olouBe Suits—age^3 toj years
swell for the little fellows, rc^ar $3.50
to $5430 values, sale price...............................2.60
3S. B^’ all wool blue Serge. 3 piece Suits
—ages 8 to ib. the $590 kind every
wh«. while they last......................................3.88
An accumulation of $tax3 grades to dose

.40 doz. fine gage, rib, black stripe, sold
at 50c................................................ 59


Front Street


F liildren's Dougol.i shm-w, lar*\
paieiit rip. si/,-s ■. u> S. ^ ... -.i
Children's Doiigola kurbulton
sluH’S. Spring lli el, SIM-S V to
11. ;u ....................... ......................
l.tiilv trellis'' 'Dongtrla ‘kkl
shix-s. l»a* k suy. -Hieing lieel,
• mamiish l.isi. upHo-dale
l.a*lies' poiigol.i
palent lip. !aik suv am! exleiisitm soles, all solid ,..,
Men's M.-u-k and tan slun-s
i-a\y or light siiles, in *lilU aihers. that fonneriy
sohl ai

Mrll's «lirss and plow shof-s

. -W I

Ladirs' Doiigolagmsl woariug ^
W ool Libl u . gmsl aft.l slfoug.
Monh THk-...........................................

Suits for Young Men

SUM.Salr pnr*.

Young nun's all wool line
Sirge suiis.Sbi valms....$.-,.‘»S

Our lajier at 3 and .-K-i<r «louUc loU «
Iw Iwatrn.
fine dill l*ai«rs lot farl.« at.......... lOand 1 2c
A\i broken ami 0.I.I lou go at' I'KlL'l--

Our Cariiel lra.!e is boimiiiig—neiit solil so many . .iipet* before. Still have a lew pie>es of tlw sw-ii-m
goods no ham! on whU h wr saie you liali.
Desf Oiaiiiles.
(iouJ I’niuni, |wr yard................................
Coikl All Wool. |«r yard...................................
•laiwstry KruSsels, up ...............................

Snccial Bartains InCap*ttry and
Case eurlalns at S2.2S.$S.50
and $S.«0ncr pair.
I jce Curtains.....................5O. 75c. $ I .OO up

Wall ^mr>^r

Oil Cloths, i«r s<|iiait yard..................25 and 30c
l.inoleums, }ier square yard.......... ........45 and S5C
Kemnants large etioogh f.w small moms at very s)c-. -a!
prii es to .close.

havi-nitlv :Ji'*'f thr mislii
•dis and v.Mn b-fi.
an- iiiadc id, «-m;«'11 ,.t wm'l
fabrii -i. by niiTi han
.-■‘pri^1 o rliisi- «mt «itii« k
ih-'iu......... •-.................

Men’s -Suits L^w Prices.
Mi ii'h Limy worsu-d suits, wi ll
iiiadi-. Thr sam«' things ar«sh.iwn <lsi-uhirr at
()iir s|H-i ial pril l'..................... SS-'i*'
7.6 mrn's suits «if ihiiicc IJatV
twills. wirrsU-ds and all w<k>I
cassimiTe s, m> U-ttrr suu t«i
U- fmiml vlscwhrrr at ST.-Vii.
Purr w*K.i liiir black days ami
fam V t a'siiiHTi-s that would
In- priird in nllirr siorrs at
Sli’and \h- wrll worth it.«»ur_
■i-Mra sjrifcial............................ SiSM

.€» 1

l.adirs liijr Ihi , caUlaCr Shiw-s
all solid..Mr s,HAiil
Aiilt........... 1.'
linr Doiigola It'irnrti
Julmits................ .88 I
Lailics' patriit l.alW, two
striirsSamIds. kid lim-d----- ,!
t''s Ian shiH:s. silk 'Vi's.
d. si/.-s"S-JI.
sing top. all
t.ihi. Sl.T.
ill^ilid IJiM



Summer Underwear
Mrn's fam y Halliriggan umirr-'
wrarwonh-J.V...,........... .... .1
Mfu's tiiir faiuy Halliriggan
undrrwrar.-.'A quality............ .55 |

M«-n's4 ply lin.;n Collars |>rr
Men's 4 ply iiirlo-datr linro
i-oliars'd for.................................. .25 |

Overalls and Jackets
Gt*oil wrighl. worth TrlV'................:

*»rlo» Oufrfclng All Oown thw 1-lr.o -All Nsw Ooodw.

Bats and Caps
Men's Fur Hats, up-to-date styles, extra ^
special values........................................................... *»“
AWlection of summer. Caps, values 7sc to
so, all go at................ i............. ............... ...............

16 inch all linen Crash. bIcache*!. worth Sc
yard at.........................................................................

mask Boods

Ext« h»vy well made work Pants for[d wo
worsted Pants at 1.00
Men’s srool cassimere and
Others worth $2.7S^o^*S9- •


Yard wide unbleached, sheeting, worth 6c
Yard wide bleached Sheeting, worth 7c yd .tM

Children's Brownie jOveraAs. good denim
per pair................ *........... /..................................


Dfssshid SacQtMS

Ladies' -fine Jersey sleeveless Vesu. lace'
aed. top fufi
full size,.20c values.................. 12




Damask*. CewtHna
60 in. bleached SatinOamask. cut from 50c

........ ...... ............. **

64 iiicK all linen half bleached Damask— '
worth 36c-rrebuildingsale price, yd.... .18
72 inch all linen bleached Damask, new dm
sign, worth 75c
rebuilding sale price.
Duck Towi ls. !S.\3G inch. Idcvalue............. .16
18 inch check, all linen. Glass. Toweling,
worth Sc yard for..............................................

Plain colors Mouseiline de Jh»ie. also
black and white,
value for ...................
Polka Dot Silk Mullc. solid colors, worth
00c for.............................................. ....... ...............42
Handsome line of Novelties in l,aiwns.
Mulls and Moussirlint s exclusive dr*-ss
patterns, up from.................................................
llain colored .\uii>
Veiling and Albafross
a very |M»pular ^
Etamines. MistraU. and Voiles, sincjly
all wool, worth Sl.'»» yard for........................ i"
E.X I KA SPECl.XL — .54 inch all «-oo1
'\'eneiian Cloth, in black and colors,
worth S.5c. rebuilding sale price................... 58
Choice of all our Sl-'<> Broadcloths and
Venetians, black and colored, during
this sale, per yard..................................................

Sieveless, fancy trimmed neck and yoke.
good value 15c.....................................................

B^br'iggan Underwear 25cvalues...................... 17

$b«*U and Pillow Caw*
4rix:«'. inch I’illoiv Cav-s. *v.»nh Kk: b*r - .
inch .unbleached Sh«-<-tN. worilu-Vk'
pair a
81x80 BleachciTSheets. l>est quality, worth
b-'icfor.................................. ............................. •4'^

Dress Bosds



r.lS-. 1.

We have
more Wall l‘ai>er this season than in any
isro prev'ious season's together. Why? Our large
assonmenl. liandsome pitlem* and low figures acixiunU for tL


50 doz. assorted fancies and black and plain
drop stitch hose an extra good value. 3 for .26
50 ^z.
doz. better goods silk studied, 3 for........... 26
25i doz. ex
extra fine black Hose, zegular asc.
value------35 doz. 50C Neckwear to dose at
Shield Bows

Chihirrij's pair-ni tip Inuton
sluM-s, uirm-il s*»h-s ....................I'.i I

«'S. Sl\l
nmforl:»b1r. gm»d,
Smrd, solid
s,.K-k that wi
h.iTil ...................

II le


This .leiortjiient will Iw mni up soon. »n-l m .lispwe of
the stock at im.e wc will sell all our LadleS,
Misses and Children's Tailor Made
Suits at

3S doz ladies up-to-date moire
and leather Belts, high
grades, not one worth 1^
than 50c.........................................
IS doz. Ladies Moire Belts,
worth 35c. Sale price............

Cotton Flannel....................................................... .'M
Fine« lancy PrinU ailk finish, 7c kind - • • - .W
100x100 Finest count light Percales, tsc
values........................................................................ 10


............... .16

(>n the-llasi-meni Floor shat .ii<the grealesl bargains of the da\ .
We note a feu :


Ladies’ Ribbed Pants


Belts for Ladies

25 doz. extra ou^ity. elaborasely trimmed, $i4n $1.50

l.;u<- l ld-,'.-, S.,. \ .line......... -!-■>

Voiiujj ini-ii s siiiis U|> to ag«-Ilf
m vrs. ill l-roiMis mid faurf-',
- giHid x.tlue $.Vsah- prhe .Si’.ts

Good size.bristle hair Brushes
worth 15c...........................................1'*
Tooth Brushes, good quality s
and...................................................... 10
Cotton Thread 3 spools fo. - - - .nl

Corset Covers
At a special price ol- •............
or low neck. Veil

Other stylish Cuban street hats in large variety of shapes, velvet bound.
very neat, worth $1.25 and $1.50...........................................................................

5Tl any wonder ftafw m dsin^^
Business ol lb* elly?

ToUet Brushes...-...................... -<»3
Shaving Brushes, clear bristles .i»5

50 do*. Ribbed Vesta, good

.'iHi ihp. Val. i-ate-. worth :hU>-6cyd........................................... .'»1

.'■111 yds line 1‘orvhou l.aei-s. up
10 :• ill. in wkltli. vile priie.. .U')

Lar.e full I’on I’ons. all colois

Fairy Braid, large assortment
worth up to IOC per piece- - - .io

Rug*. 30x6a sale price.................. 88


Another Cuban Braid Street hat with velvet binding and bands caught on left
side by beautiful omrments, and the right side adorned with a handsome dou­
ble wiug in natural tones—this hat was intended to sell at $300

The most beautifully tinted, three spray 1-ohagc

Big Values. Little Prices.

Very choice pattemi. exceptioaal value.................................. -w

SO doz. Miss».s an.ii children's
fast lilat^. seamless ribbe*!
1 lose. KOi>t1 weight, fine gage ^
IOC values, extra S|iecial........... '*•’»

FlMotrs and FolUi«« ««Halonisbhigly lorn Prices.

Choive of (III- lini-sii blauk skiy
ami fam\ e.issiim re 'suits.
s*il.i bv ionm r owner at SI6
and <|s. j,,„r .hoi,:*------ S-'.l.'.’.'- |

L.tdies' \.Ket .-iml «r*>»h.u
sU|i|n-rs ... ....................................

Hi ller ura«h-s. bv \ ahi«-s. 2 am) .iCI

36 in. r^ular i2>4c per >-ard
percale, per
p lb.................................^

10-4 Light Weight, (doable)- • • .82

Misses Keel Polka Dot lisle,
^ lloje extra line gau.e. 35c

Fanty Cuban Braid street Hats, velvet trimmed, beautiful quill of finest white
kid. a very stylish hat. never sold for less than $3420 Special

Highest- grade America 11
Prints in fancies. Blacks and
Greys, regular sc per yard
values, per lb -.......................... .2i>

Silk Hose Suppor^rs

Bargains of tbc Stason

In Street Hals. Trimmed Hats. Sailois. Shapes and materials of all kinds. Will
tell you about a tew of them.
A handsome Street hat. made of the finest of Milan braid, artistically drap^
with beantiful silk, the hat is actually worth $74X>. but we make it Q KQ
a special at just............................................................................................................. wv
Another stylish street hat of two toned fancy Chip Braid, draped with
fancy silk, some caught by beautiful ornaments, others adorned with gracefuf
quills. Several shapes; good value at $ But our special

Chrtefe selection of dark Percales. regular .i2>^:c goods.
................... lY*
1000 yd choice Lawns, worth
up 10 8c, sale price..................
5000 yards strictly Standard
Prints, regular 5c values, meludes Indigo Blues. Blacks.
Greys antLi'ancies.................. .8

keog Shirtinn ttroog and
durable. 50c kind
Men’a «oft boaom colored
Shtrta. the $100 kind.............. .48

50 doz. ladies seamless and
stainless rib hos«'. double
heel and trie, worth Jtc-... .1*'


l>ouble fold Percales, fine as­
sortment in dark colors.
worth 8c. sale price................... -Oj
Extra heavy Pebble Cretons
I5c;value....................................... •<'8
An'mborate selection of line


*iO doz. ladies' fast black Seam­
less silk finish
everywhere at lOc........................

Our buyer has just returned front Chicago where he secured some of the ver>newest things in Millinery at extraordinary low prices, the season being about
over with wholesale Millineo’—they were glad to close out stock at a veiy low


One trron. Agate Buttoni..-- .<«

Our buyer rain acniss sfwne big
.• big snajrs
snaps -they
for you.

SoiwpulartMsspriiifl. But^Piices-Seethem

Mm hMMiM. goHli taHM.


^^Basemon-t Rloor^^




-ON —


kemon-t Rloor^t^t


more €xtraordinaiV.oners in fbat


nh Sl.isj
for ................................

............t -38

A very handsome garment of Taffeta rilk.
tucked and hemstitched all over, worth
$4.l«i for................................................................ 2.88
All colors and black, good quality silk.


An elegant lace trimmed rarment, good
quality muslin, round and1 square
«-orth 76c for...


prire........................................................................ 1 '2^' |
Parasols lor ladies' or children from'isc^

Erm RMtig SW N SlHF4rinHr

$i.2s and................................................................

TaffeU Silks all colors and black, per yd^^. .3-5
34 in. genuine Habuui wash silk, all colors
pfniri bla^ an'd white ..................... .............. .38
30 in. black Taffeu Silk, good value for
75c. rebuilding sale price..................................58
36 in Uack-Taffeu Silk, we have just re­
ceived another diipment, we think this
is even better than the last.............................1J)0

OinMlM SMI Parasols
An elegant umbrella, natural handle, good
GlonaSilk at........................................................... 75

Traferse City

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