Grand Traverse Herald, February 06, 1902

Dublin Core


Grand Traverse Herald, February 06, 1902


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



(Srattd ^tuhtstfit Mtmlh,

aniad CrawrMmnM

For tbe (•» ar^d ot 1901 we
bsee me r>f tbe fiMet MaortnMoti


gia^: :

nrailT UUORIIKi!


Traycrsc Qty Slate Bank

-rer abowti in the DarteL All tbe
Ut(«t Koetitiee is PUide, Cbecfca,
umI Htripee, both Foreu^n and Domeatic. Thcae we will make to
7«nr order attba very h>weat prices.


CAPITAL, $ 100,000

Lall^ Mcrchut Tailor.

A Geaertl SanUae Bulaess Dene
3 per coal aUewed oa TUM Itepeaita.




207 E. Front Street,


F.nMa tte Mil »>ml. Md


Tire Insurance!

Plate Claae. StMim Boiler ertd Accident Insurance.



Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.
Johnson Block. Phone 73

lur>.d.BdtB~4w ul tu

Traverse City. Mich.


AM irmnAa ifwir.ibr.. wlM in

Prettet tht Lungs

Caipct - awning-Works



AM U>» ■ cmiorr Md n bnU
TV? wM tb. looMn-.( mw mU

And Xmm from-the eold^rtelwr
wind, of wl»t.T bT neinx Olfcm ProMot on at Obamoii Vrota U, bsT.
a Ian* BMertmral of Stiw. r>od» and

N. S. CHAPIK, IT,>vr.

DMdtd roaSmlar *• haro a eompl.i.
Itb. of

Drug* sad WtdMaes
KW.tb.rwllbth.tiMt .qalp^pM-

Jjs. ff. 3sba$oa.


B) .mnUaarlbtwimlarmdMd


Tb,? ftilkimdulU

Real Estate.
Mortgages Bought and Sold.




diantcal correction of sight and tbr

Brand Craotrac Eand and Cean eo.



Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats. Sausages. Etc.


Jl Fair oner.






ru A A A S Tu43onnaa>-



A.ttmziu.a.r. A.

PERE Marquette
IrsntitT Oar* ia Itw oae ‘
■ ttaaedMMlUMto of 1



wHmawm.^ OW.FwVBmM
DMMI Md wa • m a m, 11 • I
MBmeii Tntlnnni aadHwar
am.limaM.*MM»* a

Boon; etc tl s BL

Th,-y were boUi of Umb looklac
baek toceUier ^Ibtu^ tb. yi-an.—n>
WM BO emeil. bncbi room loll 01 taded, bosu'iT Uitac*. of worauei tbuce
Tbere wen uo crow'* trot and tbiaBiBC. wbiusiDC looka
Per Um miaDie Uier. were yodib aad a nieteh ut
a tall .w
looked It
•mllod.. Xbea Ute imke-beliere
*'u wan AUbm wbe broke tbe wUlIi may bavn bi-ea the

WAY TO BECCarV.” be wise in time and USB


mymmaM . a.-w.


IM ruU were {netu
TbtT. bad beea aooe a c



it vn
abU to CO anroad es our wodoinc
ly*U (Iw baptum ot •aa.hiii*.
boar. IT, 'd plaiUMd it *0 lone."
Ur cave a aaddeB.dry laacta. "Lot * asalL Dun «c*rv of little Ab-(____
■ee. wbAt waa (bat wwidiBC tour w* Hull and Uk- tail, thin oo. of LuUwr
It a. Umv
TowbomitiBaTOonoen:—Aslbare come back to Ibia city j Sb^ Un«t»i too. bot
but gastly
cmitly. ta bor
Tb* A—All of Dm wDi water
SDd hare iM-eMab)Uhed and enlarged my boaineae, and aUo ar.
-^v ,
1 IL daar> denSaBle atmmpZwre ot
ransed witb a lai;^ eeatem boose to hnndle all tbe for from tbit part nm*^m«
.... ztu|- mm Hwm lui- aofi
.and loch »Ui
bB*tW esd
^^e coontry for them, I am prepared to pny higbeet prices on For. .
n Manuial
beanulol day.
dny. LaUmi;
You Uutt blow* in iheu
not Uu<b Bt my wMdiac->ourory.
LnUwr Hall plcknd npBi* paper nad
aprma |l ncatn. but hu .ym rored up Iiitl* ebUdren ai
Dvm wBd Ibey were cruwinc md—
asd down lU oolarnn* H»Uo».ly.
Office and Warebonae, 732 B. Front 8t
tbe twu aimpt,' minded. grtciooM «>al*
"i^uarr, laa'i IL bow loin*'
BeU Phone 13G
aiitens Phone 4^1 Ct nipped-' b. .anid dolly. "Why. bni laiced lur moowai. Uk. UUA
UDle oue, /ou naa I alwayz mid w.
Toe ma*i beat up ear aiAteroom (or
would cu anroed;
UV mid. oveiy (aa. btlwr.'
rumored the cuIa
. ..
put II off. It wa* oBly " W.'ll all CO down aad And 11 locmb.
WAitiac a liiil. ioBcer.
How many •r. There * pleuiy or iiiBA "
time* wa* tb*tf
une, two, three—
Il WAA nmtdMipa wlwn tbe pucJ>.
AleUMA. 1 *op|>w* youMmember. we lacaad loaitac ouald be Ml Irow. ti
wa* roomv aad atry aad inc. AleUwe
You.dmr mt dewo aad aarveywl 11 alleaUy.
U*r ew*e<. mild ta*. wa* oddly .-lamd
Ttwr. wai^Um weddlac trip u


Physician srtd Surseon,
117 Caa* StrooL
Olmmmmma oT-BK* Kjr*.




iMlore II met hie
-Yee, •bethm. ye>s dl mak.t B
aenber. tee. " Datbrr Uatl mid 1



Traverao City, MMh.

"LoUMt. it nskm me
Ltlilr Mtv Latlii-r
LaUii-r lookeU
op ti
bt-r mwiac
..... witb e wi.ifnl emtb-. I
eo ebtirt ead Um ieaa»mllow a


CRtllDlltPIDS i WDItnt RV.

t to t p. m.

If you are ihinkiBg of buying anything in the way of

do not fail to look over our large line of handsome ar­
ticles. We also carry a hoe stock of WATCHES.
CLOCKS. JEWELRY. ETC. Spectacle Fitting a
specialty. Watch and Clock Repairing—the best
grade of work done.

J*. IT. Ifl-A-3:iTIITJr!l=C




That it you waot your Hens to lay eggs in win­
ter you will have to feed them raw bone and
o)'ster shell, besides a variety of other feed,
such as Con. Oats. U'heaL etc. A hen is an
egg factor}': give her materia! and she will
manufacture eggs for >*ou. Keep your bens
in a warm coop, buy your corn, raw bone aod
oj'Ster shell at P. K.'s aod you will have eggs
to use and to sell. Bring them to us and we
will give you the highest cash' price for them.
Yet in the same place—Cor. Front and Cass


Bnamdi-Uai.iawdlrtfled into peUooou. aad utmieiimooiA With Um
lAmrvatimi UiAi all may btaad iwoha
or. ettr-omIt amfal.
IfpeUoe. Um new atiliada 1* to Sad oal
Wtamr tb.puimu eomm from
niortheatrcwtaeawrib? HwU U
It I, di.tilled' WbAther >1 Uw-kanwB
known poimii' Wbai iMwffmt
M 00 mia amt every ether ob.........
upon Ufa asd
Tbro. and oaban ar* tbe
onrottour am,wfl.t. mwk to aeDVer hr
an loTMiMmuou of tb* wwada*'AlbaIm’. MBcnzlB*.

.ehlelro. rubb
Ui* cfairf ozTie
l« bi* book. "OltaUhC
aad EiiJoraiioa In Uw Belirkas Aades." kir Hanio Conway cirmaa lateroMlDC aroDualof the war la UrtUsb
Um com 1* |vae«red and preparad.
The workm*w. •Zantac oat aoriy la
>-«nuic. (or w1»-u tbe mn 1* hlfh
roa omm u, bl«4. oarHoi wim
I anmlwr of Util* Ua eupe Movmeed at lb. Oe*. iw make* OM
m iactsai. in tb* bark aad at. one of Um iia cup* balow
eat by leeaunc II lalo the mft ban. '
Tb. aamor of laeUioa* lhal mm mf*-

bowevar. that a eWip fd hath Alt down
lb* tree, om-tbird of the earrumfw«i»> in widUb ma*t be left amMohmu or tb* tTM win bUed to-dmeh.
Tb* eap eoU*aZ* th* dram <f mp
ut ezote from th* wound la Uw

........... .. irr'i

wbiA alas U aftarvard rimartd aad
U-Ueved to b. 1* UW aeicl'bnrbood of
Tb* vackmaa proeaod* from lam M
•b.OOU.Ouu It li kutwe auo Uwt Deo- _w*. aimUiiwr hi* aUpo. UU h* ha*
ur* bo. AbAoduaed Um pmmou al.e mppwl from n lo ■» mem After th*
-B* loelUMd to oorapy toward U,e
miervAisaa ot tb. i.ukIoaI nebu ot
M lobAbiiAai* of Um lelaad. aod v***J’*’vnlb • aovro. tolo whM ho
the "«itk"Ui*t Uw ran law
w^tbM wDWt* pUdyT^
OMnmn ciluoaDikp or (rm trade
1 ha* broach! the doe'*
tnvilMvA 80 It u ammad that Um
io hi* b*L h* Uchkaaftn
WAtuof tb* DauUi W**t Indian ID
ti* pbM a (aaaal
ABd*. polilirDly. aad oommarriAlly,
MM Uw'w_________________
•boold lb. tnaty be ratified. wDl ba Uktoc a klad of *M1 woadm p*ddU. dii> Uw blade uta uw ttfBld.
bi«h aor«r* It with a thla omdtac.
e bOw held* th* imddW or** th* Sr*
I lb* imoka. taniac «U (ero* ah«rletio* of
•miy to llwhaw
Th* aaottoxof
mitea. po
Biilk.llb* aap U Urn* mpldly omakot
anieoaoUMd late aalid. mMdsaa-

*‘»bSa I
cithanof I

pruMriiml irodaez* are eucw.
bav tarn. ram. ooSoe. ladicu. bull, or hall ha* bom farmed whew
u. rraiu, aad vecMAhlm; aad Utu be* rroehad a aoormUewl Um. t*
ar.iobaeee traiu I, Dll down Uw *tdro aad
« la the looaiac Cl***
from the p*4dW.
Th* lamp* thM
***** * “~X-“
aooaal eeport «f
That would, brrok Uw ip*IL
farmed an readr for ecpnrt. M an
We an youac. you kaov. aad Ja*t acsrmnte ll.OOO.UXJ f-—aaa of
Ih* pun robaar of PBrnawm.
*tamac oai 00 oar wedduic toar! W* l.gOO.OaOcaUowf. Tbe aaaaal w
ar. (ouut
W Horn* aad__________________
Vmito. aad Dm ha* avencad Ilkl.UOO. Uu aham
-. moet part* at (b* eanal To* | P*aditum. »l*.«*i. Thma
Fewm** pewim Uw mlaal tom------- 1 Uwy wm Me. -LoUwA, word I* before no. l.atbw Uw n > deflni in lU* revenue everj
ttembanoc famH oach a* tbal ot tko
Tbar'v* bean frova ap leaf and Uw Mad and aU that in D.em U"'jeepi Sv-. *iooe IWi.
He camm O. Walaa Bmatonta8hv Unebed a UlU* wtidly. Tb*
The neoemiiy for.the Bos^ fm taai
1 wtDeh l»« mot I
hy-UM Catted
Ctru ww tMADiAc
« abow Um Ilittle
iuW Du* croup of Mlaad*
30. (or Um ctrla. Aad tin boy*' uol- room. eeitUac bef.
wuh 8|
It-gT brlp tamead, W.'re net mtiy wa they thoachi that r
a ilmptbL______________________ ______
i^Uwi. Luuwrf"
I to lodimte II ta
ta Uw Oarndma far*** the «mRw*
Tbro* we* aaztou* qamttmilac U thMr plmmoL cirliDi laom fleddrn'
lowa.amd*e(* wmadoMaT
her voter, am laemal ruiwf (ol owed lyemeof them ibrum a leitor tale erautaally riveu to luant* t
A btUa cM «w alMwaeo eh* leohed upwartTam in, (am a«hm'* haML A little nob wa* w
low |ia**mnr.
Mr. BbUa* amda
"No, we'r. M aomy. Thrf’nfood her vote* wh^ nbe apako.
frMa£^with n* *tU md be pom tta
“b e lor you end (aUwe te rmd
tIM Of WbiUm
neuad k3 civ. thorn the heat iCaH w* a(i*r wr'n fom. " *b*
•hood CO k matak at apnmcam.
: fine attempt at — -----Timy mme bM Udaa win
____ ,______
Ftfnm yaw «w hy,
•ur Hnreoui.
"Vlihta aid
______________ Sxod all rtcht.
aad tb* obUd hM crown U beaaat. . we •ball bar* a Ua* la oper*z
• Uw Utur. U mmr today.
Unmolor wtawazmala -awMlfe.
lelmlaod. Afur that u wi 11 b*.w
If. li't taa Sntalam plaer, amld-'aiaw Onifwff*tic«h*h^»m
TImt'* what I utphlAWd: oWBlwreaeloacaeyu* plaae*. you
we'* Acooddml iMtptlehiacamld- ad taUmr.
Plea** *my aad mat.
FMB It’* tbm far yOB to fo mhma.
yeu aball fcauw u. "
Witti an awkwmd Uub eanm *•
<0 k**p la

Tim ozhm
deoebta* kw*M
• UB le.lT ban . of leppiy.
.mu ewe
• bami Wicmmd. Luher HaU them. too. ^ly. Th* gai» bed ner*e
gutekrmeSM *m Um 1
u> leal bmvDy, aad titmil amd* MoA n—anni o' ktmtac ft Pur
d* omtm-mM* to ha UtU* aad merber ataee Uwy w«*« izr'
"Bam yoa omramM Ma^am


I mU ym—zliiacB.




aoa. da yoa tUuk I d*u’z
f«od_cM*. Lam*r." •
- be erWd. -'D* 70* thtakl hod Alathab. " llwy’>• amr cMa
deut baow ywa'e* wsnr M yum



Swa^rJuki Sm uL^aZ^


wT'lbL^ nicl.UnAr»*'**Tbe d-1
t-onrladed that Um bad db-wln, 1
brcinaiuc ur tb. aamch. tin lufli
IMm wbirlM erueud Iroin litv window,
cAttmd by tl.A I
wbon MM bad bmo ■Iwitdiuc add
nod by Un- mn
la«Bd bim. "Do you know, dmr. I'm •T*te of
elaWMIaony >on and 1 an- com« to
mo UmCIH* off; 1 wtUi w. iMdn’l
promiAod, I.QUwr; bot ot ooubw bow manile'r Tbe rz]mnB*al wa* inM.
we mema'i dim||*..ini tnwn. They aod bull, the op-ratur And bl, path ou
wetv cIiArm-d wiUi tbe le.uli
Tim""Wby. 'iMib'-A—wliT 1 tfaonchi it loolb lAilluic Wa. iMtlurm-tl wilta tor
woald be a liiUe oouac for )ou
1— CtealMl eaw aod on teoov.-nac matwealed lo tea. you on btmrd Ue- ASioaom. all Ut* tii' twtteoi. 'rrm-iaeioemro. and aBow ytm ronno n liltle. tpwed wa. bar. of Dm "l.obewcru"
1 wanted yon 10 am Low luiuir, looe- ov. rinre. mc .oaM wtually eticbAuunc
pd- We Mtot cot no Ur M loeL 'Le melody, mondtoc at tbeir e.ra
Him. I—didn't know tml 'twuatd 111Tbe obitoo* dimcultiM of ibaopAtMtyos. lo.*iu« looiid."
auir* vren Ih* kmpiacef baadA. w.lo
Wby. Lnlb.r: "
*mcer*aBdubair.oo tb. [wemuM. bat
tlieae Wetv evaroom. u D» puw.
Pboeecraidia Nov tb* oprraicr
etcAKlou tiptoe nad klne-d
• uacbine of Ibu kind. Th* tmlianl
taoe leoderiy.
"Wl.y. l.a'
UI buesn. UM
ifwill be bmailfnl tuhn.k arueiid:
I* auuted.
didn't in___ —
... .
•borilv nil
"Von can ebow me alltboeetbn
., - - .
I'v. al<Iweye wentod to m« tie a
Lolbertlall. I'ee tbottcln ol deolMt ebowioc liim
l..uuk at me. 1
J tn Ibe deoil*!'. mv.ulUMi it ee
yoa dan lo lancl.:
Ie.-t'n _
. .
U> ra we're come atnad lumurrow— er b- api'ly tbe maniaal m<-thad u>*<
yoo and L a* il we wary yoonc IuUa ■>0*1 Operauuu. In rmwral and a
He mtauw M muke r
TOO know. l>H'a mnk. believe soul ooly tu teeth.
IMI mlsat. Wlion ibey make a* co perimeot* ou fait own patluau in tt
It wa* a ehildiab
bildiib Util,
echiww. aad'
limy b’tb'laocbod at 11: oni obcoo-.

Kiooalv lb. 14m of It lodimd IB tlmir I Tb. ir-wty of ee«km ^ tb*
mind*, nad itavM by tbera Uw a'Zt Wfwt ladle* i.Ia.4. from Ommwr* to
d^ wboB they w. nt to .m t(ie cuU Ui. UbuwI Slum wm alcaod at Uw
oK UnooiiKiiouUy Uwy "mad. tw- .uu d-mutis-Bt Janaary M by 8m
man Hay
Ray aad Oommimloero Bren.
li wa* a p'rfect day in <-arly
U>. OoBlab
Tb,' piet wa* luroBcva with i,
be Mtnaittod to the
tbe crrol loomaBdUwUfri


?■ Si"?;.''s-e:


Tn«er*e City, Mich.


"Don't yoa know bowc>ad We were
atWdt tbe moeultcl-l. I.etbepr.' Uiiw



... .


M4 fmb A.

w4 M-a uzhm. W .at

Ki. >-I. lod nlbw. imp ralbmdv (p»t b.

—coDMlUtiqn aod enammation
OAce over The City Book

IlM at Umleo OMBarawl
_____ jf diMntMtwa t ~Wralmd
81AM. ' It I. DOW kae
>b**. ABdAoeamsat
maDer I. k»pl ocm tlMB. Tbae
chml Uwmtra Io Icpnwi
pmta an
tamd.4 .« by >11 Um tom* ot Um
It ’U Atari iImI M 0(dm to kill MOM Ion. MariBM eta
micKMc Canada thiMl. Uu fana
n.l hr rLUanidi from WaUiuwKm.
bowm-r. ImU of
Mooaiaaiiur U>* dmiraHiee of wwndn
Tb. ihiiia imrormai aow U W aUlU«
Ibim- ib.t bar. Imn f.<aad ladUpnembi. Tboioarr wonS.
r. i.rwmA wmd* wIUkmI wblcdi iheamud* ot ocro* ot o>r mom fortlU laad.
weald br WMt. tedat
Tbrn. wmdn
tb. aett-rommi it aaatoa* t.> [mmr.r.
It u nanirutaa la Um lighi of kbarn
duootrrM. M omMld.t maa * .loiado
toward w«Mli la erumsl.
TImi I
•boo Id tet* ■
i. mmM


N.w Phan* 26.

I'erfectioo io

treating diteanes of the eye. the


ni lolUemeIy,siid-T veer afti-r year
yrl biinmlt remalnmf ymlly
dlmn-d la tbe batib- formbelU. hMom be lacSed lb. aid Wbirb
oae or amt. of tbe.. would bare teed,
lly ctven him mem. uuMaNcraho.
UtM kind, if twoprfly nnad. would
have mppUed d-fl<-i.«i mil witb pMiAh;naatbiT woald have bcoachl H
lli* amdrd lime, a third Um nttraevm
or plioaidMewaa. taklac 11 oal of tbo
“U Laibrt. do yoa m. wbai Ibey
Iniior tbryoalAAd wriib a
atB.widwn and depmmnc 11 wbmw
‘I.oUim. lAtb
. yMldM WIUI A doB.-" PAccriid.
bl. eroii. of earaal. and vre-mUm
•■Cb ui nir.f Sb. wa.
M very tinal
tinU la- , du yoo nv- wbai Um cir<* k>t. dm
woeld tewdllr draw n|nu 11 aad wwz
[TImt'v. aitpB u* Uh»r oUaimm, i
la one Ik- cnaM bar* loasd
"ib.y't«cm>d c'vl»- l->UMt,- Um '»> o*a i b-lp uktoc U. LnUimr ”
food far bu cetiil* Urns ha
mid lovlacly•• »« UM»1 miM Umoi ' And fallMt. a* iC Uh-y Iwu l»d U.-o In anutliira hardr
VI.ry doe'l mmn w Or ml- aUmr In Um creal Uilp. .U>o|Md. aad workm mpabi
bl* of tbnvtnc with
■ . •■------------1.-»- xiut'*
kumd brr
bet Ulll.
tillle IramohiB.
IromeniB. 1w
n*b—ao. It dtai't
mtaa mlbAO'
XbAi'. kumd
--- .lyaayi- TlMv-rA coed title. Im
ueb a droAdlul word. rbetidblMmIB food
tbsi u b.lwr LhircirU deuNaMMa
10 M UiuacatMM. L.Uxr.
Pwtiap* HAiailloa IXMOell 10 CbrUb at km. (wmiirrtd audealtivat
w. IMV. AjAiilttl Ibain a little, ettd dmtor W.wld
ttaoyaro n. ) .muc. omt. lieecvoei
Tbr .aiiUw* of bnebandry bav* lor
ace. held the wMtel of bludiwi Um
eaad, of tbe *AA m a* lo Bz tbr ahore;
rr. Uinri yoe I
dmiiAtry. aad tb. idg^t nelly e aror of dicniic de,-swr ibwii any plow and
oa, iUM. A well kaowa {diytteiAn ez- eearohtnc lit IW mtnmal* wbMb
liH-ir ruuia.ead A flood twooded 11 betorv tbe P-n, Amdemy
drSeient load arabl,-. aad af
of .liter Bwoeiiebt
ut Umlieioe. end II reeeivaO Um wauc
lh*Btun*|die»BBd lakliuo ol bleb acimuiBc antboniy. Tbr
, rfarouimlR
Uim Heir* woni lac.
______ -- ................................ emmeb “
>Mli<t>l {«wrot isa<
"I'lD n> cUd >1 wiU b*
la.le, end tbe Fen* deniiel tify 111 Aq^imt qBaii'iliro 1.1 mnba
Ih. llret Blent. uutV
iilrd tbe metbod be* elmd.t l.i» inor boldiBc proOiabl*.
at ev 1D« lb. m
mcevly. -riiiaear
(mndit, of Uie card, o bare larsod
l. I-uUMr.
I |sn lo hr *■> lore aad
Oau'I ton AltBOAt
tbe laflaroveol
rn. B-i,. and m rimr bavr
your «ym and ee« bow
the drac aewJ bvtnc DiU-wrn
UMcirliV Ti“—■- A’l
Ide in vapora
A, i> well tbai ACMoti.i. are • • eo apolottnlac
ItK-effacI of tin. t> lo ptOduo* (or Dm u—d of mllluc awy of Ibete-

Betels Tor Sale


a^hsm■aibm tepora'


AM uet AM






tmm. wBdMly. sa aa laaual. Ibry
w Umi IlM Uup «*. Booea lb*y
Aa lj tbMi iMt. ABd ioea*d
.......... - loio
tnabMsM tneaa aahM
1 Ibceaab Um (ima ‘
1. np UM'ami.rtaa
drat sbvT*
WAiwiikAiBaAiewly b.
Nu. so. OmT. S.RW * Wt of ill Vts.« !(*.«. Uieo nud UM U«m PMplr
.w«^ «v
1 .liaU|.T»rywb«. w,.
U »U.aW BOW *1 w. ewa osly toaoleh»#t.»oa riwoima r«*dt>j. Ua Ua
oar laM mp ueoUMr. u w. oM ••oly wsut. oomsw ib. .hSmo
.... t 5T. IlM
-M.Uia(wosiiU«.ib.r. aMrl ||cuU tta? uuod ■ mil*
mil. a^n.
U wa. quw u> Mr tanmi Jml«; utg UMir wbii. l•aaaaMet■u
^ .
oa awhlt*. In Um utbM room on. bod umUbp
laefublaad begsa > gwu.. no-. "Tse;
E.wd (b. iHlat
Moue. .irbrnttlaa co U..
j lhey <»lWd. «oJ ...b la Uw fa.b.1
Bl WU all tbe UiMTopUDO w (M- oU.*r caiU Ibeir volM WM. qeiu

TbrgirU w«. aoisaateead wj I "U.*Alt nal»—Um Inuai'
>ud b>e. au»d-by« ■
nay niaiiu a*ltiua Utiea* r\Mv. ; ITmb fAlliMAiid motlMf «u
hew tbw* wetrbutalew dA}. 1.111 Tb*y nwd Um iMWJUiia
!m dlMaMr Mtl.4. Abai»iMrla'rt*'f«w b.fvv'te'y
Orowoi-epl. w«f. aomamti-dhl.
Hn« UMy ml
------.-ou. ol OuM-.iaedAUllMW—- '*•' - .... a,.
- - Mnl
pmweAliy o>MaBctMl"Aua
At-j, "
MoUMt, " U»-rmd. "U'.nJI
laigndie a>v* tb. uimuM pn.ihw. nabt. It'. }v« nad IaUmt wI.<- at.
tettlM amAlle.t .xiuma.
It wmelaeiaa Abreed.
W« pUiiMd it dny.
•pUBdid ebaiw. tec lb, airlA
It bM Me. aM w. pneknl your Utiucui.
boraiy nanmM j«MWbl. » rmm ii. ! .med el ew; b*i w. piu te »«• e(
Fee Aftwtsiabt Um iiui. buoM IM enTMw lliina. liw you. moUMr. Iwbt-vn u> A mud wbul ot btwtt. Aud .1- > Mm yoe imn aIw iimui
ricd I-v’W-(|OI IaUmt
rii. iMl >
ee .Will wimcA
. ----------WOtTT. ..
tlii UM
, W.
tiful CAT. u( ll.ioa* I
TIMS, (u Al.lbm Heir, nnimen
'nud w.'d II I >00 know WbM -1 W..
■be «uU uiauird aiaw auiaa it U
iiBM iur yon IO a<’>*l>m A W.U. W.
J wiU' S'rTI eome aad m
"Yon ar.h< Urod. motliei. ' ll.«7
" Yeo AbbU^ta. two like A yon cm homr. aad co aUam. v
yon! Dob't fml Aotry a miuai..
iWllulc w»d
JOAincbi; Did yua Uuok w. dli
lot. yon . '
Tbr UirU
lie Um tag. eer owa 1
TlMlAM of -motliw" wa* ndiaol
. . M do 11; w.'n K

. fsr


onuu H. i«. »c».

ww we*!* tmtiaE aid. Iwldb yea
wald go witb Um Kbk. 'LtsW'
Hal S. kMW It eosld SM ba Tbdy
■ottSaewiL Tbnm WAA esly mneny
senab ten tS* rma
AlMSm Brow
Sim ODwn bMia. Sjf-tu. wbelr. Die.
IabK baU—uu Um tb». AM cstSsrad
_ Iwr |Blia,L.


*r raw?mrMrSr^£'w^£p


•“ — e^e “


TMb iteMto tteWBBaB HbKAU). PESRUARY 6. 1902i tea aaarat ta pMted amafallraaM maa atotam hta hoaaa baa

Dt. Wm. X. Prya. pamar of tea,
H«< *• iMM VhO <
« Mr Mta
------MitttalMatrtH ataitk*
Mmm Mk>«m.«Uk *atttta«<
tka kMk. MiaHI

■•Tba ri^t at WBT
ktea. Uaar. ViU baatottodtew*
terar ■iiiiMt Tba (oUowiac fce- el tea «H.«IOtoba(atoad."
sn. WM girm, with MSaa ChrMtaa

Mte Sallte
WaMBkoed." Banr Vea* aadkl
MOltevmaMfaftvaa “TbtBlarr

Mpmn nadtoc. Mato Mil-te
Prar«awBe». T. O. Oltom.____
Plea aa a BW-barl Paa

a( Mr Ut* aad Vatfe." t>f Book* T.

The Bawioi Bnidatyte Mr Olam-1 tUmfy at Bttaa oppateta tea rlnwl
'ate baa hate dotoR aamafoad warki„fc,te balldtaf. aad aaaoaaoao ihm

Ir teaqataad 1
ttaHatteaaa c
D. UO dewa to tea tataral tim
■ hlaaaamttoa. Oa «ba Ja»y tearal
Aft imtalat doeaora foar taw-1
ywa. two of whom ware ai-Jadina'
aad oteawall fcaowa stale eaUitelte. ‘
oeUaira ptofimor. aad two baatoem ;
MB wall kaoWB la tee city.

Mndar aftamiaa m S •’ekidL. ai •0(7 at Obriattoa Bateavar br Bar.
tkataM cd (ba Mda. Ber.aT.Stoal ;XX OeebUa.
baeaat a*d aad ptok van te
■ ,ri-| ‘ tlM frWMTT ^ BSiUd
tram tee aaalarptate ta tea ptote
mapa"-Ttoaa mtoata
la wMacr Mt. Oaaa«a V.
at Mra. Hoorw’a ptota vaa a
«^1Dm Allaa VUktaa. CMr <ka
etoatar at Mataer raaa. Akalab
l■l■T^- nMttraaof tka o«tna(li« *l!l«bal Mo(a Oaa We te tar Oar
• dtoaar «aa aamd. attar «bkfc
M>. aad Xn. Jerea wlU taka a l.-Bair a Jaator Saatotr Batpa tea partr atteodad tea teaaiia.
leaau wera Mra
Baerar. Or
Mt trip aoatk. aftar wfctek tkar Bar. aad Oirto-Sar. . WUar t
Hra. P. P. Ikwtaa. tea Mtoaaa Otan
viU twUa la OfawriUa, *h«ra Mr. WifbL
JcveawtU ta iBte baataaa with hb l._What tea a.S.'Sooetr Baete Peandaad flecaMa Bcimfkal, aod
teaMaMt. Laao Tttaa, BalpkBaaKaal-MlaaMabalBaMa.
tott. B«i MoklBfaa. Dr. W. H. Ute
4.-Tba a B. Otrie Claha-Prot- B
.tertaadOr. i. M. StmM.

lbaa«k riiljartiT maijtm aaeh
IMta. plaB* an alnadr aa foot (or
Ma«te kald ter- to ka palled aC br
(ka total atfatotaa to Mar « aa
to tka aiteac aa ■atoan oa ka pat
teape far it. Tba aaMiM neat
a( tea tfcna attlatb nMt of laat
raar. two for tka eiir aad cae tar the
H^eteool bare mate tea t^toM


to teto aitr la

. aaMabto aai^ waa
dmad Mn. J. M. Bobbtoa The
br bar Batibbora. aad trtaoda. It
botoc bar blrtedar- Tba rraato*
•pMtte aoetol Ttoittoc. famaa
Same baaatUal raaim<
wore raadared br Mim Laoaa Spraal.
aftar triute amottod eakaa aad aoSaa
•d. Same baaaUfal aad tala
r-M birteter af OkrtoM Ba- able praaeata traia riraa. TbaaaireaMr. aad Mra. 8praal aad
teaear. wa. Hr« m tee^Chareb
of obrtat (DtaalptoaiaB-Lord'a Oar ____ _____ Mr. aad Mrk 81pm aad
daafatar. Mr. aad Mra. Bedeto. Mr.
aad Mra. Bamarate, Mr aad Mra.
Opaatoc jw«r-M«. 1* DaValto.' Oafo. Mr. aad Mra BoUaad. Mim
Bdite Penomibar. Mr. Tom Ptanoa.
■Came. Ohitattaa

atmmij *Mb. at tea paraehtol raddae^ Bar, Fr. Baaat parfarmed tea
nMnnj teat aaltad to marrtafa
Mta Bmw Baadraaa aad Mr. Oaecsa
ba amamaar vaaial-


• triad tee hi^ipr «aap>e

... .......................If aad tba ; toetof boar
aUaaMa hate wMbtoimtate by tea
laeaty fawtoaiof wbamit badkfteMra Wtlla


aem haaid ta Mtablf bariac
ia oahtoet. -Ctarimtoaitr TtodlBrMiBateriaa- Alarr ww:
aalicaad te tapmaaataliea tattomabai ]

dddpbtfaldtokar paiWArk^
we, girm Tbanter br ^ Mto-a
Bralra aad Ottea Mom »•
Mra »«ad Haarar at Saama OtW-

‘T^.- -w -

abatetmteatei^mryatomaateelM. *
earn tema. ted aaaa wmaote oC. atarattr- wbdtoMwote'

I ^

Iwithto tea M <rv dayt to baa-: toe wUl meet a 81.000 baUdtte wbM

Uncle Sam’s


Mt’a otetaattoa.
Baban Btoaa, rapreaaetatlTa of tee
ObtaBRo ayadkam.
ia to Oadiltoe.
partof Itw PottawmlomU
tealr stem of Iba mteey for teelt raamratioe to CbJoafo. wblcb waa re(tetly aalA Tbott are aboat St I^tawalomtaa to tela rietoity. aad each
will raealra llOO.

At Plaakfert tbaOtaM LambrrOo..


|teetr-dwu.n.u.d-..y*^ JJO YOU



M?;. Pain PiUs


that they wn to he parmilked lo pnae '
TroaHe 1
a Tm Wtoentae.
u tee mme time to tee craal faeyoed. \
--------------Bat <m< aarriea WM mid em tea 1
Alroc «» vhc reeij ri* eava.
two, aad ter bodlm wn idaced atAa i Ptan n sere u taow ri ire u jedofri
by Dda to MS RTare.
Allboaffa It
aoe fteat defrea of eatmiaiy }aat 1
wbat tela weak-a bbuard eoei the *
' oopjicr distriei. it ta eatlmUed that II *
WM aboBi Tbe tarioea talar tea beaeieta lo.
«.Mtberoekfai dtoR iMd. wnlr
rMBtar «B their serrice aad a lois of
'iwoderilCB mltad.
Tba tallroad
companiei raSered aad tarfo


pw ncri-

___ ..—iu-..,—rr

-am “•s'SS’
aen>TaeGd(4 (X ever <i-n>ta( I ur i( .-OH tox kieecy. krer « Mntoy tid.l' rr elU U teasj
p«tn<r<R<r.:yyc-neei. I: bubeesilMad
lo >a marry > (yL i" hcRSUl

Dukerrille. wiUmot tea boy. Obule. '
„ tU bird, and mwics it
toe. of oa. day-, baaiBead. m.. woadered when tbe ymtii'|,nay. plaeed it luaceRe.
Aitur toi
. . .

fal Klmrod wan EbowIhr tee boy : ,b,
i, „ tt.e.hcirea
ead tbe dof. aad Uiat tea doR wa> a> of f},;)
lot the nett tuoruiBR it
aa<l Lake Bhora tnlltenda will
maeba Mrtof Cltariry M biaebadow.
a< br-r door wa'lice lobe
teetuUu WM npprebaarire Three
ta. 8fa< pel It bob I ■'be emtr.'
'and II hM .un^ alii.wii no dreire lo be
Tiedadthe fact llmt Obuley didooijf^ aRntoThe hitd i< of an odreach the borne ol Daeld WUaoti. neu j
ap>cte>. bci
Port Sanilac, whitbet ba waa tpoowl. [ ,,!on»«e i. th.-oghl
Tbe dc« had railed at an laterinediBie troioml .'ocuiry
farm boom oa hta way back borne,
r»o'li':'*B of affair*
loitered for a time, and tbeo retanied
Port Horoo. lu couneriioo with il.e
to teta Plata', If there ta aaytLiaR

be derieed


Tbe I

next STMiaR tee wtf. |Meed away of Lobu m.
Uie perntbe same allmiat. at tea aca
m the crxaaimtlim
Bote raaliaed aaml Mye affD ttait

Wbea yoonx Cbulay Beed'i fallhfal: Vortril

Tba ro«B( ladiaa of Bt PriaeU
of ttelr newly baUt fioorioR idnai
barob rb** a card partr to teate ball
SeripiBfa raadtop to.aaiaeD.
Wltepooalbly eaa axoaptioa. tela la
Prldar to a larfe aambac of tealr
(riaada Tba araatof waa .deeotod to tea torreet Aomtoc ml'l la MirMRaB.
Brma, "Baarar. MUKaarar.
plajtof pnwT«aal»a padro. Thadrta elfbl maoblam and tO mea betaf am
Beapeoalra aarrtaa.
ployed IB teemaaafaetan of tbta i«e
priaaa ware WOB br Mim Jalta Haad
Ofeattopa-Waate af ttiaer tram tea
daer It U tee Inuatloa of tbe eeateanb
_»arte br Bldv
Blder OUbtat
QUbtat Potrliacai;
Powlif - bam aad Jamta MeOanr. aad tea
10 also braak leto tbe maaalao(romtee
e Saadar
aebaal br Bspt- B'
>f Ototeaaptoa. broombmidlm aad
___________ aad tram tee Q
wooden ware opaetaltie*. wftbla
laaziUair) br Mra W. B. OrawtlL
wxt three meatlu. Tbe i
Mim Blaatee Banam'fa^ a liaaita
Brna. ••Ohrift far tea World. '•
parirPridayeTenlnt to aboat 10 of *—
Leokliic (crtrard. adraaea to
oaa block of treand.
frleada, and tee eemOac ww yary
thne-attoato papata
The mambara of tbe Oarmorilla Eplifhlfallr apaal by all. Tbe ftrat p
l.-Wlmt moraoaa tra dafor
waa woo by Mim Balaa Burnt aod Bea wortb LtofM derided apmi a aorel
tearob-Mra H. M. SinmtHoBtafte. aad tee aecoad prim by way of fomtof meeey pledfsd unnrd
I .-Bov a tonior Saolair Balpa tee
aioneoafa. Tbaam
Mim Sila Bafbea aad Olaada Poaad.
Bart aad Oirla-Mtaa Bmma Waodof a half an lot waa donated totee
It had a delifbtfal tiite laofae aad tbe membn tuned oat in
piodly OBobn aad planted tbe lot

lAur, armed with lioea, te
■fata rialted tee Rrowtof crop a
M B. Tauaaa.
M waadlemaad neuly piled earth
•.-The OhriadaB Badtetor Borne
teeir wafca. The teraalitof of the hi

PMt at Imat. fat tee fall baoaa teat
Craatod blaa to« wrmiag at tea Oltj CHrda-Mrt. W. U Tbomaa
at—Mra L. O. Oartia aad Mra
Opma Baam.irlMn thata vaa aeaioalr
a amt tofi to ene tke tear af tea «al- B. M. Stnaf.
Imr, a rare tetof far aaj
JOB of aaataaee tnrara-Led br
Tba aadtaaee waa Tiarmte Oltr'a Mim Laatoa Daria
bato. aad Ihroafbaat tee araatof tear
Solo- - Woadartol Pteca. '•
Uataaad aad waiafaad vtte dall«at.

( alaetaen.


. Mock oompany will aooa ba
liwted to loam tee farm of P>-tor.
Etof. amr Owemo. aad work ibe eoal
dapoBla tears. A eaia two aada half
faat thick, 100 faet dowa. aod aaotber
Bee foot Tain at 140 feet bae beee lo
mted br waU dlfReit. Oa tbe haak of

from tea aarfara of Iba frooni

.'to« bona, end otemaMmato An-| a CDamopolitoa ririi ba. ben farmlUmnilta betof pnmetod ameaf tea
^ tea aalrrmitT. • li ta lompemd
lyoenf to tea paMle eaheola oa tea im atadaata wbom homae an to eaaalaabtaet et traattof aaimala waU. 1 «rw. Mtatdaof tee Uaitod BtoMa At
which ta ataeady toftaatof to ba falt^pMaat tea etob namb.r..telrtT and
tote. Mteiown.
ilMladaa atadsata from Ariaaeta,
AtYitetaatl ibaaaaoMl apanri.! Cbtaa. Japan. Ctha. Maxlca. Pbilpof a doabta feaetol waa ssea today. ■ pora. Porto Blee. Ratata. tyrta aad
aa Mt. and Mra. Uryat 8m>A lc«R: South Afrtcn. The larpm dcUfillaa
itlme'mdMU cf T—---------- .-*-1. . -




Rapid* and auiie to the ecaenetioa wtohaxBolajea
Mx not »jeaiytoed r„ rwy laix a
of a taiRr-naien depot ta renved by aRipietroitk wr.'<>u by mar'., aee a book
tbe-inpeea of tbe second city tela talkORmere abo..-! S-aaa-R7<i ard ho-ta
Tt.r P X new —ten Ibe tbe h»doady=BltaXki4<*yo.-UnMeiir.
wxk. TlirP- »- »*>* “^'“™,WnwTnintmra-.Mteairplb«fea
City al the depot ol
Oiu.d Rapid.^
Alodi.aa.aad ii 1. rJ^bMOBta-odeyour ad^ lo
ta-»deoi of ibta rtad tfau tee P. M >• Oi_Kitti>*^k(^
a, werkiag lor th.-


,0.U» I. -U. .iU. Ui. I
boy. HI* falhx bn. .tarl-d out trr'
bant bun ap.

j-h^icra du-*. areordI. to the ta

1-V 1-- «irp(ii» tbe poet few day.
They al. |
lowed the iroper time to to by withtaad owned by

Him Lottie HllL tee l« y«u old 1 „o„, o. _ ________ _ flrl who omnmlittal enicide at KaU- j
j.,*, i,.t«rted tWi if the w.irr
,|iov<.d 10 >'u>d fir aae lurth of
dealteto be borled
aad to hayeawhitr
MlmHtUVpar..i._ .......


that ibcrc la a prariatoe
Rood daaL Ooesldmabty am a TMt WM alto done by tba mma wl
follow eoi ber dMlr.e for a while
,h,t minti.
„ , al tax law pcwndlSR for aoeh actum,
laadditioo lo beliiR'buied j
haadrad watt imear aad tea aeUm tofliandaand Monday they wn 1
tbe exutenM of which ta not Rcoeralareatof waa (iTae om to tea mmri- warded by reoalriBR llO.nfcr teeir
white drsm aod'niried to the i|,ept,^.ot ooBditii.ij* sr>'not
tabors and the honor of prodnotof tee Rnre to a white bearer drawn by
eataoelal pleaaam.
•t-»Iiirall-u -will be OJ
Oaaelac ooeaptad most of tea «lm< dneat quality of beads marketed thn while notsM. tbe body will lay to a
Tbe eet>>-li*bn>< ri of th..Drw
of thorn praaonr teoofh mrda aad tela acuoa.
while caiket. tbe Rimre lioed witli factory at kUai>c*.. ■■ill irom a i-ou-l i ™
"Old Pat" 0'Doaald.M ha u famil- white Ulle., and notblutbol whiiother auolal plmiama wan iodalfed
tbiiik- for. ilie .tockboWrt. of tbe koil-1 ^ '
white Mr.
Baimoe. ‘ 'Daeidtof for OirUt." br la by maay. One haadrad sat down tarly kaowB u MoaWae. a Tetaemn of flowers strewn oa tbe eacke^
Muq»'!«• «ad.-for •».
to tba dainty loaeb aenad by Mra. P. teeelril wuand pow to hi* daelto
Thi eLl.rr.-i.
The talmtolttfalOT. c^talm
D. Oartia. Mrs. a B. Osrtls and Mra tof day*. wlU be seal to Ano Arbor
of lb. tatirr ta.o,,uy^.uirf of t*
am yoa baildlnf, my tooteot?"
by tea aeldln aellef oommiaalca. to
Bart Miller. whlotaeoBalstad of: »DarldOo|ipat«ald.'’ Mr. Pavo
be operated npoa for tbe remoeal ol
MUd Wehn
aamad tvalra okataatart. arttr aee af
Barar,d P<M OlM
(WO eotaraei from lita eyea He ta bow
white traa aa olaar ate aad diattoct aa
M.W Plea bir Btaht ef TTar.
nmrly bttod. sad tea oommUaion
Tbe railroad oammittn of Konbp
BzseUMt matia fat ttedaaelaf WI
bepM to make hit lam days aa plcaaold koinioe «.n.|«ny will pet .lure*

M dzaMta aitlto
MS derisad a new plan lo defray
fatalteed by Prof, aad Mra Wyaoaf, aat M poiribta.
Kidt a dog and he bites yon. of ii.»-t ID the new cicjex'i ID j-y-............................. ................................
axpaam of Beearinf the rifbt of way aad danouif
TbaBoT. W.L. Todrow of tee Trtotb-' I'Bildinp,'*0 Ibal tliey
itT Letemaa ehurii of Ana Arbor. He bites you and yoo kick him.
Tba daeUwaUoB of Majar Patteto
WiU >tud a cbio^ of ReltlDR •ometbe
ta aMdm tee ttpabUoBa aamtoatWi
tbiuRooiof ih. Ir foTuer iovxtaieot.
Mra. W. a HaU-a borne wi
crowds to hta ehoreb.
Ha ta a ffae The more you kick the more
•mmwrtrfwaBatem jtar.baaapaa- tiqaa By.
nor *;tips aa<l rsmiser
MDS Priday aftacBoon' of a ray
y.J.^.1.*, SB caator aad a Aatabed tbete ap polittaal dtaaaadoa a-tef —
iroaii*.- to wju>e«> ite-'lixelH-it aeaiuf*
fateerinc to boeorof ^
oloftaa.. bot ha tau tee headofa he bites and the more he bites
IB tbe way «f boildlnp tbai tbe 800
Aboat Kyowaf la
Josapklac Tad
ttmt ta net buRv to nuerer *eeo
Plin* lave already
die more
you kick. Eadi
and tee afmraomi
bora Ba li flriiic
I ]ir»iiar>-d fur rrceral banOted
waa freaUy ealeyad.
fmrible oaa by
abow to eoBaaetlaa with hta aanneea makes the other w-orec.
Ibooiud dolUr*' worth «f butoete Now is the time to fill up your stock of Staple and
rifbt of way coald bo aacared. BaiBf ■maw waa oea oPtea faataraa of tbe bat It la aa apfroirlate cma. He pre­
1 witetea I
bolldiBR*. TO my nolbiOR of docoa* of
pared a loac atrim of eermona. rather
A thin body' makes thin ruid'-neee wliirh will b.- erected.
ten Jaaob Potaok. Joha B. Baato mciafled aa to the iUsgality of tbe
Oroceries. No better can be found in the city than at
Boe” aad tea flrst prtoa waa oapbond taear. and ten betof no way of
Ma a aarlH of looR mrmoita. on the
MtW. P. CMOer.
Tlx i'-e fo Sapiaaw toy wwi cut
larvd by Mim Daapna, Mrs. WUl
Thin blood makes
pU(tlBi-t PiORrsaa.” aad aaDl to. blood.
■x-Mayar A. T. Prtadridk has atae MltotoROO team, the oemmlttae de­
with areu on Tb'—I'v, under tbr
Holdnrorth reoairiaf
uoeoptlooB riawa teat woold propuban fanaably maatemad, bat Mr. rided tea only tetof todoiftodeforta-of
thin body.' Each makes the
ly Ulastrato teem.
Bta Uttle charob
Madrtehbaehad gaatormaad mya elara tee bond imaa off aad prooaed
Porflmalely ter fl*hermm ud tUir ■
I od loo I
SAP rrpn*
to appertioa tee asm of tU.OOO ametiR
ta DOW 'nwded Bnaday am
other worse. If there is going
Tba Ber. Tadrow la aa Elk aad
Ttaa ta soma llieimiilrn as to the tba taxpkyert of tee Mwnaliip and
tab oaka. aaltod nata aad wafers.
■iillrtllfetaldaamea toaU tee wards oatoalt tea amoBBta for tealr api»OTm aad ray nepatat.
IBm Vader wm fleso a Uatn (bow
U m Third ward B. P. Wllbalm. _ Tbia will diapose of tea bond
r, to wblok she tsealTsd maay datoty
come from outside.
■Mbm of tee board of wataroam- qamtloa aetlnly. Tbe eomaittea baa
a Porttaad. Mich . a
■d tee aamaa of all taipayara to- flfta la ItoM. toeladiac eaeb arttaUt
wkebM been blind
Scott's Emulbioni> ih-j ligl'
beek wltta tbeto amamad ralaa- M ImadkarctnglesrsU aptmia. 8a»DEALERS IN HIGH GRADE
to bia asnath yeac.
Or. B. & Oepettoaa. a rate pm eoal waa atnek aad taebsTR pieoM aad V* dolUat.
It breaks u]> >uc'<taad. ttaaa of tee bmaeopathlo eellafa help.
at tea U. Iff M.. parfermad tee opncombination. Pir. t it >«.t-'
■TM plea U to aak emy taxpayei
M irridaotomy, or ooKtoR
to eoatribate bii afaan of tee aiaeant
Tba maateeta of tb^ Imdtat Utaary Off afcto foroil into tee eye by tea ae- stomach right.
Then it ■
whlehsanan ubecelleclad to tec
Wbaa the baadtcM wn t*- ■ —------- •—IMS of tealr pltM
way of two aotoa.tee ffrat note for haU
the blood
aat social afMraooai Tbertday to tea mortal aftar the opstatlim.. Perry wm
tee atnooat to be daa oa
L U A. pulma. K H. & HnU aad able tesM lbs parsowa aroaad him. strengthens the UoJ” . e i
tioa of tbe railroad aad tbe otem note
"I mb aae." baertad. aad now be ta begins to grow new i]..-.;..
eater«IV toto ftra dtaWtato for atraat p
MjwdaariB mootlia later, to tbit
mtomeot. tbe prinripal faatan betoe ROtof htofc home to b«to Ufa M a
yOBSA TbadnhiffawaydtatrloMw
way tbe paymmit of half Ibe amoaBtA strong body mal-rk'
mu of bar trip to Boeolalk by (rail maa.
will not come aatll six mcotlii after
At Oraad B^da tbe West Micbi
blood and rich blood .o-ko,. i|
etoteawartoof teariV- WhOa it ia tba road U to opeialioa. tees flrinf
rbb Fair
Strong body. Each tnaKi 1. ti e
Wtobli Btat tela aettoa woaU ba the doaor tea bensflu eomewbat to be
WadiM wlteaat aay aeUea oa tea dsrlTsd from the road. Tba rate ol
other better. This i^thcw.iy
of tee oaaaall. tea lesolottoa eatesmtot U tS per oaat
ee tbe ealaa
Scott's Emulsion pj«s the thin
wUl ba nbrnittod to team for tealr tion. AstenwlU aeeeerarUy be a
amoant tlmt funtabed datoty «
-N'ow it can
for BBBxhiWttoa which will lake tea body on its leet
It waa daridad, tm aoeoaat of tea rsallsed oa, teU rata wUl aboat c«ra
place of tee atota fair.whiob hM util get along by itself.
No lu-vd
^ITirr at tea asylam. to alasa Xlmraoeally aaed the Oraad Rapada
wood Amaa fitaa Sarsotb to BeW'
raaada .
ana anal (tea rtaia toed) aad Btar-




Pantry Supplies Running Low




J. J.






Mih oliaal frota DlrislcB ataaet west.
Tbta wUl permit tee pattaats of the
^tom to tan tealr lOfetor axeirim
Md wlU do away with Boy danpeoT
eoak^nn to traraUn oa tea atraett.

aaeb todlridBal’a cboloe M MsrbMbu be wiU Toy bta ahan or net. Thu
Uabaolately tea torn rbtfee and if
era faU to meutoc tba rifht of way
aad tea aooont asked for
mateod Ibe toeldont srill be eloaed entlraly. Thta matt ba datormtoed.bowsrithia tba next ihlriy days.
______notM are aU nde pvabta oaly*
•rriamef tbaRlRharitool OB (oaditicmi and aalsm tbs tallroad
rpany ooaidy with the coodlua
rwUl bo naU and soli Tbn
no rbaaee to be tak»
It la simply
op to you now. M indlridnaU. t
wliettmr yoo will do yoot ahnra.
do net caaaldcr Oita to tbe natus of
It ta a Rood baatoam ape.

*^4j&Cbdham pand teioi
the city today 00 her w»y from S
toot Bay. to Tutmto. to atamd
taanal of her daoRtbm.
Leload T. Powers, wte prt Da
OopperitaM to tee Blgh Steoot I
tnra aad Marie eoana laat srmil
tart today tor Mnskatou. srbn
wlU appeu Ibta erMtok
0.7. Hoxsle of Latoad U ta tee

alation. wUrh. by tea payment of

Ikeoonoart wtU oeav at teeqUy
Opn Btaar Priday reantof. PstakMy*l. aadwlU bs Rtrsa for tee
A of tea HlfhBritool aaosal to be
tamadteta ysu bytea
Tba qmtal eommlUn
^Mfsof dm Miatttnaeta for tea
eaaittt taOtaade Oartar. BeanOalby
MdBmbutBnma. TtafcstasrUlba
saU 1a adeaaea by tea aiadaat afthe
HlRh ateoei. aad tee rale wlU befU
Tkap^nm wlU be ralad. UU
Mt yst aetttod m wbu U wiU aoaMtt M. bat ten wUl be orabaama aaMMteaa. a ksttM iMa.

•■didInk WMMlitti kyamala

railroad aad (wr ferry fhu will add
wmUh aad mine to emry a
taad to LmIbmo couty.
Tbe aefsto faeor of barinR a cu ferry
M Korteport, ud a railroad thtooRh
Leataau eosaty te«e aU bewn pnraated. Tbn are oone .Ratost it. all
admit lu RTsat mlee aad can be eaewrad by
per oeel of lb. amiued
mludioB. «U1 yoa take it or
itf Qalok aettoa la aeMsmry. Tbe
buteB la aqaaUy dl^bated urn
Aeald b. me* cbeatfalll ud wli

TlM watm to MUtar'a take, oa iba
a O. Bewahaw farm to Area towatefp. Oaklaad couty. hM tuned
blood rad. It la aUeerd.
tttad tee expanmaat of meittox the

°‘StaT^ffie BMlOa. Tkoama Dailey
aad Otto Fartaeh mtansd yasMtday

yssterW toattaad ...
aut. Mi. James Uameroo.
U B. Du aad srifa of Olaa Barai
aadE a OaUey aad wife of Empira


Twaaty-Ona." to BaetobsiR'a Goad
kUm'f^^temU^m’to tee rtty
today. Rsawa M Park Ptoea.
Otoytu lardta wut M Qmad B
taloMyoa a butoaaa tripfu
Mn H. Boeesttml aM eUldra
eteed from Ptteteay today teaetalt
with Mre. BrnratMl'e parea
aad Mrs. Jallu SeetobmR.
VUItam LriRkUa leh lam
fu Dltoota. wbttu M WlU maM hta
herae to the fatoie.

aad rittaaas aad parferi JpattM
‘TM beaki ea—toltg tea a
II liittrn- wtte tea amoa

Mra. Outrode Beew hffl today oa
brnwaytobuheaM to ffiame Otty.
BM wUl riop tw two er thraa day* al

tOf Puri S:.

TM tarpe 'aambu of taew owU
eapearad to aartean MlohlRU
tatotar ta mmiriaR a Rood deal of earl-

Baoer owta
natual hlrtory.
qmtta esmmu farR
why they efamld


Nnr Vv*.

JOC. aadfl. xH dn.Rin*u
TM mUlwUl preMbly
M tee lattam to MioMfU. u it ta to
to twice tee rim of tee ODT now ruatoRUAlpraa. TM oaidtal aioek ta
to to fn0.00a It ta elalmoil ibu tear*
ta watar pewu u tM rile of tee pr»mUl rameUnl to ru tee ptaaV
tbe'aalcbbartood of OMbeyfu


{Horse Blankets, Fur Robes and Fur Coats >!
I----- • FOR CASH

aeraowMt faRSlfal boot a eeiwe «M.

._t*Bt^ deaaed bia tortu wnwg aide
bten. Md tMt tbe rimaead wee tafe to
tM rur^^^y Wa^P^toM wra.


MeedoabtodMIouttaa. Bewoaldbue
hdUkdri^ he week, emmlineadmek.

„S<|,\Vc..eV.kol.nBUnk.U.................... pn.rSj65.......................... ..nowS.,,4 _
. txtr. fine
Blanko ....................................... pna: VlS..................... ;- nowS3|6
4Kx.r,goodv4ln«BLnlcnu ............................../k:
$4 40.............................. nowS.^S.':
,oi;x>r4.,rong BUntot................................................. priroS.-.S.............................. ll
fKinxi.FIccc,. Bl.bkn,................................. ............ PC10.S.4O........................... no.l,«
■ xndkl«o(Sl.bteBUi.kM..l oi,«krolk^

m Ml MUNM H lit lAT

Mmm ta aeme down toto tele

.\nSSForRoho4,»:*6Robo«S4-S»:*io^« *^S»:
Rob. » *9. «c- M
, A fzi For t«»t« $.Sk75: • Sl5 Co., lo. $.6 .5- Tb« good. ^ |nooon
voo >8
. bo,
to. mn 4. .bond pricox. bo. I am boood .o nil .be l.« Odd bdlore
' spring opdd. op. 50 comdalox aod gd. rood pidk-h.ld rip, aMO,.mdn.,. good.

T^^ ud

riMteeel.------ ----------

tame tock. etc., •eamtoly ,U
udimmrlwjlymwmeMrawMawbu 1ft

Or. B. P. Jtaui>aeqaM. a 8<rtaa.wM







Um «e"Tte

Tb* Metfaodtoto H ImWana bwra n•wtokae tb* macttoB of a toto* pUl- OIL

Jtoeeal«m.(nand ^


. V


•M«(1k» teMTW> flwririftetta
irt» ptay U» l«n of tk» aedlltei apof «h* —ft«t

Every Day l»ilces ^
On Every Day necessities |

•M OMptM. “«»tt late B>7 pwlor
Mj« iba ipMv 10 (b* fly." jr< bma*M

asd mU food* oa Cb* IwtoUnMal pUa
on*, mr m doUvo Booth tor U
Mitho (or a oomBoo raaditab^ v
AOTOO.' 0.0 «e tbU U *a «IBBlrt- way of dolof baoineaa Of
«eano (boy oradi tbo olt' Uoobm (••
»**ltofOoord«a. Tfio o*r*« of tb*

Jit Cbe Racket.


B«r tbaweodat by


Worid-o Work for


ly u* oarioa* oa» of * bey la hl»
BOB* flM-jtas tbr abarpost bulooM
MB of Boatoo.
Be htmlly nolo

Narrit, Iho aotber e("Tbo Oo•ultoor by foKiwr »P lx*™ >°i»‘
___ "to an
Moek oonpoBiw. Bf eru floaMd bl*
irnaUar Oau
7 (onrtai *be aoM et !>•*•(
« oDd oobody MODMd
»d i. P. 1
Otway, wbos ho anowerad that be bad
warar beard of (ha (allow. I voeder
U farwr* woold erar take oot«* that Katioeal r*elto»>'
. any(0
tbebett floao"Sto«ara-Tha Soane of Pariloo*
of Boetoo and area Leodoi roau" to the Utto or an aitiel* to tte
Aeabt br #o almply Ukaa U a»- Fehroary Ocamopolltoo wbli* tall*
«~«wa. It <M only be exptatoad by



(hat ByaxatoB* power oea mtod'
• >rtna. the
«r« aootbar.
> cat lb*
Hew Idonotaay Ibia. that lam
............... .......... .................paifomwrwwlaofrom otbara
Many yean
aco I wao pUtoly ehoatad by a faretb«.»-Uir oa a toad deal to the too* lillar,” and Oaptato WabbJ* toat
a. i* mntod down to Hra Taylor,
CtflSOa. It aaaaMnoaa cat* to oar
oely earrlTor of a trip orer tba
family, ai 1 had to mart«a«*
peat Falla
farm. Of eoarm It traa Uwfally
-asUior of'
Dr. B. Weir lUuhaU.
jot tb* real ralae wao net tticra. Tba
.. - Wynne,
wtlMte far the
-; Irn*
baa W
Mtama oaioa bar* alaoe and took Oantary ito«wtlM a,flreup d ra^,
•at of thl* city *ota* rs.OOO oa ,aa abort aloriea. a pa«a ed two to Imyth.
•Ura ^Boatotlun. 1 bare aarar beald <atoia'*un of fla»hll|tot apoe *omo
pla*aoflUa. Tba flnt of dmaa. "A
•f aay oar ■•■ittof aay teranm.
Eiiraod a Vemas.’' I* to appear to
Wall, faratara. tba *tor.- pef
tbr Pebreary naabs.
WOta bar* to*t year aud (br cloak padTl.e UttI* eUy of Orand Bapida. to
Oanarr daa bare aooo.
tin. baa for year* matotainad a
fel tolapbcme
raaty Mala » r*»>- tbamy^nt
b rrty low rata* {
M objaot Um to
lor aerric

of Barlewf for Fobtoary.

ora. Tb* reto to tear tael wide,
8e prerairni and dae^rr i
to piMBoUM qaarta and be* vteiy apArer- nay troabto that it rery ofus b
. pMrasoe of faatac permanent.
weU adranead befota It to area ana-1
a«* me* reto* abow (BO a Me.
peotod: tbafaforeUbabooraaaUtoba


We find an unusually
large number of single
suitt—one to three of a
kind—odd pants, etc.,
which we pbee on sale
at a price to make quick
sales—none of these are
marked at more than
seventy-five cents on the
We want to
make a "clean sweep”
of them before sprifig
goods arrive.

Boys* and
Keefers, OoereoatSr
Odd Pants,
and men's
Stnflle Suits,
are put
tn tbls Special
Veu knots
this means
fl)at you can
buy retail ouantfties
at wholesale prices.

04c M^-«- .--r

............. I9c

aaa. §sy.£asi':i-::;:


_ntortee. Btbal Oort. Olatc
____ Vtoto Ktowtttor. Hany Bar.




a»nr TimmpaoD. Hamito SbUitui.
MskBilfaU. Ifabal TbMpatm. to•WMaBWiw.


Boy DaHua.

ETerwe ttoadtog:


. .

. hardly a
:ban to
idtbal doaanot
mmeed Ibl* oelto UdMy. Unr

md bladto

er^L?jto^m*y*bua a ami* 1
ttoot I^KUmei*' Swamp Root ..
Uwbart raaiU free, (It they bar* not already
bad cma.) by aaMtoc tbaU addrea* to
Or. Kitoar OaTBhwbampta.. K. Y.

liTtolUBsy, PrtooiimL

d toatrameatal
eel wttb faTOC
tba lollawton
, by (be OllTM

• mmt-

•ad UuflaU Suday Bobo

Orma to.tba ooaaliy:
Bant tmuie
ttoa, M b* bald at tb* Oa________ __
bOM Satatoty, Fak IS. IK4. at 10 "Ob. Ood. be mwoltalteme.”byE
Bow down Tby eu. 01
o'elotAa. m.


tu tba good of tb*

Ot»a aariy mm i

Ford Faantoc. bwtetaty.


___ .toory la told of tb. ow»er of
uroBl ralltwda wbowuu.bto
bay relief from tb* Barra-twtotl-.


Taumay. oat waa aaauia ui ma
that Fury Den*' PalnklUu woald
aaeout of to* oa tba ahota.
JaUaa Fcbm* wwt to Good Barbu
paal Etoty r«ua . Tbar* to Imt osa
KtoUIlu. Perry Darla’

THFRK -SRK MURK mtdicinalQaaliiies in an
l\l llur. ii
ni;dH-inc» »old in the I'nitcJ S-tale» ia^.aukc together with tht al«pic nii-di-;iio
fviient ingrediems in su«-!i a manner a- to leave no rhanee fi.r-imiiroiemem.

reni no' the

l^atnilton (Zlotbing 00.

206 Front SIrcef

Crawrsc €«v, IHicb.

Mim Battto BtaBuia of Oadu


& M. Plefeardwwto Oadu«• Sat-


CM aatiefl-Hl. n-teni Ibe- atoBty bottle to .mr uitBl

ASHER the fair

ff you are in need of Winter Apparel.
Inventory reveals many broken linesthatare

Bad Preparty tor Ua but aa floed a* tbe
Beat ler S«u-*nd Better, Because tbe Prices we
l>tace an Cbem are Only a TracHon el Cbeir Real Ualue------ -


Men'-S Chinchilla Ulsters, black and

at5Sf.a;i ■ ■

Gents’ Furnishings


4X,. J4»P,4ttOtEHtLM.d.o.

Small lou of Rpsenweld & Weil's
highly tailored fine pants that were
Spoandfixn, to dose out Q RA
at 300 and..........................

apfdtod ic «>• eopartotBodrot

3. O. Dazmaa «f Sal

totowsFiutoya L. Baa* of Kortlipwl

Men's Irish Frieze, storm collar Reef­
ers. wdl made, worth $6. 3*60

-iih UI^lLA bOC.

iln fihui —a r» award. OTareoau
pi.a.uv' (bear teirlbtoooidawhleh If aettooted
aoaa baoem* eouamptloB.
Battto Oreak to Uitol <m faaaltb teed
aiid laeh ttii*«a. bat the
pettiea o( tbe pt«» ' ‘
or nA a tbettac* of

35 doz. of men's home made Mittem.
best valnes ever offered for QO
50c. dodng out price.............
Men's Fleece Lined Uunder- .1 Q
wear, while it lasts, lor......... •Xu
Men’s and Boys’ Wool Sweaters . KA
worth 75c and $1, to close out

after inventory sale



Royal Worchester corsets, all coIiotLadies' black hose, now............. .. ■
Boy's (nncyjweater,.........................
Ladies'all wool hose.......................... Boy's knee pants...............................
Ladies’ flannelette wrappers............. .

Ladies'Golf Gloves now........................ll*
Children's wool mittens...................... .<»i'
Ladies' night dresses, full length...........4n
Children's heavy fiecced stockings... .14
Ladies'heavy fleeced underwear....
Ladies' serge umbrellas, steel rod.........
Children's tarns now...............................:t-')
Ladies' heavy fascinators, blk, white- .4"

Children's all wool Leggings

All of this year's Udies' Jackets at
half pric^.

Clothing Dept


221 fROm ST.

Started Tuesday and lasts just one week. The prices we have placed on our entire line,
of Bazaar Goods and Notions will move them, as we must have room for-onr Unmense Sprint Stock. Brlnt this price list with you to compare prices. Soihe
Goods that are sUfhtly soiled we will sell below cost.

Basement Floor

Ladips’Fur Boas to dose out


This is a sale that should loteres! everyone

noisy Bargains, Cbese

IS ;


d'to^cll A* - i^ea ?d*y tmill Feb. fi aad teoaive

I Cbe Bannab $ Cay IDercanllle gompany

Great Ceiuptativns
In Jill Our Depts.

Men's black Beaver Overcoats, well

pen rtolMd wlUi Ooaaty Trauarar
Bob* bM Banzday.
OoMlii aad eolda. dowa to lli* ruy
VUlMautof Good Huborcaltod
beadeSaad of coamampl^ ytald to
- at Lalaad Satarfay.
the aoetlitoc beallac toflaaae* of Dt.
Kto* Battle Paalaa rtoltad Mod* , Wood'* Borway Ptae Syrap.
at Good Hubu oa Saaday laet.
Mia. 3. Sobwar* ratanad
Ohule* Field aad asd Ora Kedilatu. from Wateua. lad., will, matriMor to mind. mSnaek the Uaatnl
. _ Blad
at KUuto a ooart beau, aa'd

■ lit) to digeat fowl |eo|ieri).
iw-vtol Kidney* and intUKhenmatiun t» c*|K-Ilmg thrnugb tbe kaF
iig 41 -.lull on the .otnb and female oqtoBL
Alp .ell and keeji.rll. l AS-CINK jmv

U!;"n o
n.: hvi 1.1. :u

— Trr ooe b.ill..
a fr>4> ireaiiiiaBi

boM at But Lalaj

Tbu W. Bobtoaca waot to TtaaOsty Thonday rataratot oa Frl-

F. S.—OUR V.ALENPINES are on sile now. prices ranging from one cent up.

cas-ciime: \a/ii-i_ cvre you

^mm ‘SIgSs'fSs


04^- i I.adie.- wool Ribbed fn-leroear, worth 7Sc
04c j
-03C Cbildrcn'i heavy decce lined Hom. pu |mii .. I Oc


Guide Boards
We will furnish guide boards to any one who will make appli­
cation and will agree to place a neat post in the ground especially
for the board, which we furnish free. Site 13x30 inchts, banded,
with two coats white paint, nicely lettered: name of the party putting
the same up, our firm name at the bottom. Many people know the
advantages of these guide boards while travelling, and will, we have
no doubt, desire to secure one and place it where it properly belongs.
While these are furnished free, the cost of them will prompt any one
to take good care of them, and put io tbe best place possible.

Cloak Dept., 2nd Floor

aopwto aad j^laeto



Hmt <!


per dozen

£ver)'thiog in Tinware- Graniteuare. Crockery. Glasstrare. Fancy China, Latn
and Notions of all kinds at .\stonishingly Low Prices, to be found at



dnv aunn
keep, aad b4

PCT r=tnl .......................................................
Same, in narrower.*! »e. 3c U1.1
. .

Peari Butloni, all

trot pay atuetton to tbe kidney* and
iMottoln U they are tb* eanw of yoM
A Elmpte metlted of fladiny oa
you Uitoaya ate at Unit baa o
bean oallad to tb* artaatloe of
Araeae* oauy antnanoa. ao.
Mamaa of thoaa wbo hara net baeo reader* tbrooyb Dr. Kitmar'a Swamproot adrerUalu to tba eolamai of
tbif papar. and It
II to now repealed for
' of
T tboa*
too baoaflt
tba wbo may be toter"FlUabMUa wlibartoa

for twaaty-foor '
. . Wt-kwt^.
or If tba
••M.V *•
Jr If It la
Kama* of Iboea wbo bare bad t|» toond naeamary to flo oflan tbroo«h
tbe day, or «at «p many tlmea da^
tbe nlRbt yoB may be eu* you kid­
ney* Boad attaatloa.
taymto. Ltalle Owtm
Altar oaretal toqeliy wa And Dr.
Kllmar'a Swamp-Boot, tba (reat kid­
Kambor of paptto anroUad; bey*. ney. liter and bladder remedy, torelUftrU. Witotol,*!.

,.4,. _


Children's Wool Hoods. 2$c 1 n
jt at ... ./T. * *'■'
values, to dose out
Full size double Bed Blankets
Small lou of Saxony Yams to QA
dose out at, per sicein...........
Mackinaws, vwhile the>- 1
Fifty Men's
uilor made misfit Coats
1 Vests, in all wool worsteds and ;;
up ,0 4_48 S
$15. lor ..

.69 s

Men's rolled pdge Lumbermen's Rub- '
bers tb wear over fdw or sox. ^*76 ^


» Cbe Boston Store.


- .01
Coal shovels.............................................'r2 Toilet soap. 3 cakes for....................
Fancy Inmp shades............................ . .<f9
Jardioiers. red and green........."S
White ironstone china saucers.......... - ."3
Silver tea spoons, 6 for............. ...... .-.25
. .99
Grpuitt co»« P015............................. .-11 Parlor lamps, decorated.................- FpocygU^ tumble™. perM............. . 0 Decorated dinner plates.................. . .08
10 piece toilet sets, decorated.............. 2.19 Washbowl and pitcher, large «ze... - .86
6 inch fancy vases............................... -‘•o Coffee milU;..................................... .-.ii
Colton baiung. per rollMens wool«ox. DOW...
Boy s dress shirts, fancy slnpe 3 to 14 .4B
Men's all wool panU--. .19
Boy's capv heavy.............
. .2:.
Men's fleeced underwear -.
mitten, -...........
Men, plush enp,.................
Boy s long panu.................



Flour mltem...............................
SqPliuJbhonn ...............
Loup hiutUed wooden iptjon, .

Mai's (luckinaw coats.................
Boy's all wool caps........................... ..
Men's heavy double minens......... .
Boys fleeced underwear....,...........
Men's heavy jersey overshira......... .
Boy's leather laced elove,................ ..
Men's neckwear, all Myles............... ..
Boy's heavy bladt fleeced hose....... ..



.. \»

Wash boards.....................................
Wash boilers........................-.......... ..
Large size hatchet...........
Tin match safes......... *-................... ..
FaoqrnM. and pepper shakes....... ..
i Clothespi.».6doMmIt>r..;........... ..
1 aslb.ispannmllloo,ba».,............ ..
1 iWhe ca beaters........... .................. ..


.. .a

AU larlor limps, pictures. sUrenrare. tuDct cases aad taaej Jardialen wlB pnlUTdir (0 at cast price. It yea da am Had arbat pea are loiklai (v aa tUs pare
please ask far it. as ills impassikle ta eaaaerate ererytklaz kere.





THE QftitoiftlfftAVBR8E H6MALD. FEBRUARY 6. 1902

b'Hw Mh
Boa. Bmi7 <>•
Om^iH T»««m dir bMi m «f
^rtM piMn Hi. QuaptaU'*
te *• Monaltr »dU»d*««• krto«* Mn fnoiMr WaiM bH
TElMbfe pabUe KiTiec ta (Ui
- - --T darlar tb. pa« «ft7

SCt. Qaapbaa rnaihUanlfal
baa ta tn hU Ufa faaa ba« aa ex
^iHa<aea«r. laltaUlUpaad pabUa aMt aad thla eoMamnltr baa
bMaad U> aaar tla>aa b«»r“
Ua iforth ai a aUlaen aad aa a
eiaL Be eama la thla city vl
vaiia UiiaaiplaMy aad bad
iTMlnilaiaital la Ui deralopnaa
^tgnm. Ba *aa ooa « the laeefaiaad hart wortwi la whatai

toOUMto-aottyof aboot «.«Oto■M. tBTOlUf OB foot, by tB«a
day--Bla* while awaapla* tha
! Brf Ihwiy. ba baaUy OBoia --------tna tlw wblfc ia
o' bla Kd- «B Olty HoaoBbar m. UK.
aa Pazfc atnat aad Pftaaa ala- eioo wa. M a. BAtobta wlidtr.
wlKoat aaaaa et^<
ataa taMi ha had otaaad le bnalba.
ao aaU tacy prien far tba H|bt ed way
n» daalh of Mi. Oaaii*aU wUl ba
a aa «t^-rbn aa Ureoib
. aboek to tha coa«aaily. aa it waa
^ Uair propat^.
.-------gMitnllr hallarad that, ba waa la ■e-all aarrioe, mo ■-----Mtkm bB net WlU Uror Urwa«beot
gooi beallb. altboa^ ll>a Baabaa e< BWtb or OBBd Boptda TbtBBiaat Ua oOBBty Wd'Ua plea BoaBKat
taa faBlIy ;«ra awara .that 1 ha waa (Bllnadwaaai Balamaane, tba aB|re Hertbpnt. toniar SmBataparAlK
miabled with aa atraettoa of the oBOfa at GBod Bapida tba poB-boy
•aaBBd TatoaHMi of the
at Ckotoa. iCO bUb aoBth o( TBaana
tan wUeh atlpht aooear
Oity. Tba wUtB of IMM ba aplaaa bit daalb aaddaaly.
Hi. OaapbaU bad haaw laallhf am- ibe. Imabai wwoda aad U Ua bb
■aaaUy waU;darinf tba paat le* Waaka BiBUdUada tally bBthUtbe
■ad laat araalac attaodad the Baatisc _ J: lor aU yaan (oUowUp. ba had
af tba <dty eoaaeil. batof ooetof tha efaainaf tbaoOeaaBd
OBBUle aad Bpply daiaitaBt of tba
mafflben..fRiB.tbarifat waid.
ftra ofBaai<ab.Iay*ea..aa
]»iti(dpatad lathe

^wnr codec.

Has been extended until


You Can Buy Goods in Every Department
at Genuine Bargsun Prices.’

Vkrt are 9ust a Fc« Itcmt-

OtawB. to Boranbar ha atolr |«t>- 1 ;
i^ thla Baaat tba bbbbI Bp­
rUUaaaad other ibUpf aad waa ar->
ply fee Uw antlia hbUb (iob tha BwwUlp of Imalaaaa. Btm.
and^lighl Oatings, 50 im

naa riw to (ba UBaiM at MaK- MUIikoB. Boa. B. V. Haatinn and mtod.aad bB baea U JaU
U ISUba aarradBi Ua int G K. Msnay wtoa praBol f«B Tnr- Jadpa Mayae aaataeeed Uaeaa to aU
OUy, Mr. Haallaca wbeua Boatba at faacd Ubor in Umim.
bto af Ua ootamUBaof tbia oity.
Sim em apaUH Pby 8. HamlU i
aad dlaulbated Ue Ant bbU U tba
Utod to aaoan tba rl|bt of 1
wUl fo om tbe tarat Kaltbar parly ;
Tiarane Oity poatoOea. U I8H bo
WB mdy f« trUl aad il WB BM:
eat of bna. idraBail (ba meat
and -T*****^
tba ii|bt of way deacaad adrlnbU to eatoU apoa Ibe
■ tha now of tba pre­ eciaacy Ua axpraae of a erUt aatil
•fad. raltbfal ie tba paUl<
DOW pBdUp belere tbe ntrame
sbaiia of tba eoBBtr tnaaaier'a oOoa
, layalB bUMaadtaad awaka
M tbaoHy.
coart are paaoad apon.
for foai jwn aaa eoedaetad.tba Ant
M fatata of m
TharewatadeUTnniU*5»o-oloM /U
HaatUfiwtU bla c
tax nla and
wbM Ured. hU B>
WUIUb Oeloek ai^»^ to
,tba ooobty aad OUM. «oia«
tag by way of a Bil beat to
fcMM iBa baea (or tha baat UI
’VObleaco. to yalaiBotK. by tall. B beaaAtod by tnepropoaad railroad aad 1 tbe Utpior Uw. Be Anally appreitd
Oftbedty aad ita jwaapBlty.-»acOnnd Bafddt by atafe eaaeb. to St. Mr. MUllkB dlaraBad tba qoaalloa j i^^err the ooartabd after arena parlJohna fay ocaaBBOtUo tnU ee tba D. aloBC tlBllar llaea. Mr. Henay tap- Mtored a oleo of laillv. Tba offre
*M. railroad, aad tbeaca to LbbbU( namtad the railroad people aad aethat If tbr faeda
f Urary.
------i-, rab.s—TUca latoba bald
aUed tad pcoaaiaad rran raiiad Daiu
at tba iLfiUaltatat eoUaft, for tha
wobU ba ranalnf bofora Iba eloae of
(OB fcya ba*UhU« Taaaday. PaUaUa laaort WBaea tba eecnUi BBtaer.
Bty H, a >0Ul BaatUt of tba Hlol.lTfat NorUporl people txfcrimiil Ue
10 o'elook. WillUB'ji
ST MlahKan VaiBon’ Inatltaiaa.
P»en Oelook __ beooabt before Jailire I
and ootBlai baaae aaoae the BBlaad took bold of tlia
Tte Biifoate hare piauMd a nta of
euu oa boiBbaek. meat of (ba way WiU pmt viper. So wall did <)M Mayrn to receive a arateBOe (or vtoU- {
OM Ub (or tba roaad trip. »ot to be
trail. awlBBlncaU the inpoaitioa lake Uat before tbe afmr. dim of Ibe lii)Oor U» . to which be |»
1__ tUa a oaat and a half a slla.
ware ffivcB (« plead palltyMoaday moratni- 'Tbe K
ih of tba MbUaieB. a
Tba Itflilabita to oot U aaaale
tolly 8X000 and naeli more preailaad
art did Dot M-axte timi- iB (ormaliarriruii here la bBe to OBt a rc
HBbotalaaooBBodattBuU laatUp
a. He iromptly e.«teaoed U.-lock
WB roBd eoma weak* apo to
f« UlnooU al
UatowniUp (mSII.OOO to tore
lay a Sue of 800.wi(hia
: le IWl be w
Tba atiaat ear nrrlea to tba oollefa U
toUa latlnmd eoapany. wbisb
defaalt of wliieb be Utobe.imof Ue Tiareri
Saab lajKorad. aad wlU ba BtlafaopHtoaed
is tbe eoaoty jail fori*'
toty. gtvUc a twaaty BUate aarrloe.
be tMUtobla, and U- Sow 11 U iropoead that Ua people daye
TbBt wUi ba idaB work aad da«.

aad if
M>|.-rie H.rtrea wa* irrente.1
lerfanuBwKb hU Urmlni Ularaala.
. irtlT-^'— U eookiat. aawla*. (»»■
lead toned uyUiap U left oet of tlm feud* decree from W*ll«ee Hartioe oa t : t
Iv. aad ateek UdfUc aaab BoniM
relied it
be tarnad ever to Ue proasdof extreme enieliy and hi
UaBtdO W to lOsOOo’olook. *ba
iBkenDen*. i.ewn Si. iBl<etir
l-t— teoladoi addraaara by dlatU.
«• a dirntoe from RocIm I
plaa at liBt 810.000
StelnberK for oruelty and dewriioa
r wbleh on BobOfabla Jaaao Ua door aad^ofoiBed tba famUy of
wbat bad ooonirad. aad aoarhi to aa- la tlwlr new lioaa on thalr fara oc by Boa rvoidmiU
Jemie Tilt w« Mtm.tat created >
tUI falm. Tlie aerraac of Ibe family Ua baafcf of SUrar Imka.baUi aaoac MO poor to Staad tbe
dlvoroa from Fred Till, tbe Btocoto
alee mw Mr. OampbeU faU. Il waa tlie Ant to arwfc tba porwit of a«tl- Two Boln WlU - givaa by Bob belnc extreme oraelty and h»Mtn»l
bat a few mlnataa; wbvo bU aooa ealwre in tbU eeanty.
r; UaAnifflr
Doeald F.. oOBBODly eaUed Dlok.
Harriet a Atwood wa* crented a
ThayoeetUaed to Ure apep tbeU UeaBOobit hli itmre. payabU apeo
Una and tbe ifrrr^ (mm Hllei Aieipnd ou ih.
G i BoMnUa Ooo. G OtoalaaB. To- abd TUlatd aad WalUa. caoM to Ue farm antil Ifffl. wbta Iba bnlUaei ol
tBvabla aix Boatbi after Ibe croaed of Boo-»upporl. The raee «>r
rcBto. OataiU: PndaBoi OiabaB door aod eanlad ibetr fattaar Utn tba mail Mrriee UiO aad tbiOB|b thli
boaaa. Ha appeared to oUawra wluit IBit Of ponherB MiebUaa, U whlob (Bad U U oparetkm. 'Slioal.l Ua line Mary K Mabti va Oeotro Mehu
Ibtylof. Chlaan: Bapartolntdo
PabUo laokmatkai A. O. Harray. of waa foUi on. bet did oot apeak. Be be bad b. ■an IdBllAadtinB tba Ant oMbe oomplelad by 3au. lit. im. balBC cdotiderwl aaH.e Rv.vit.1 c»-»
waa earriad Uto Ue parlor and laid
UaeUe nelaa tUU be void. Tbl* topreae.
broofbe into tba rafioe.
plan li eqalBble and a perfectly refe The Febrtiary term-i the cireo..
tho Oatmity, aad Baydar, of tba opon a coaoh. Dr. Tboapaon waa
—lied aad attirad wlthU (ao nU. qalre ble whole o^tentiee, asd be par propodtlmi for Urn property ownera. .oort for Oreiid Tiaver- oouLir w».
Ob Xtaioday aad Friday tba aea. ataa. Mr. Campbell waa tbes breath. ohaaed a bona U tba niUfa eac •a Uey will not ba nqatred to pay - edjoaraad Wedneeday Hli tbe Ifth
U«, bhl Ua pelae tWpped U a few Borad Uto It Jaa. 1. 1871. aad •
«ad Jodpa Majue and Stfuocrepti- r
nt antU tlie Una U oompletod.
AI tba maatliw tban wore aevatal Henderaoo left for Iheir i>omee
1 whlflb arary TlaiHBd BOBaota. iwohaUy wltl.U Aftaan ■abed the Ant otafa. fnl^t aad ax.
BUetB after ba falL
pram oBoa. openttnc tbe OampbeU reatlMBt paiperty owaan who bad Uiie knot .waa neoeMlally antied
dalofiia U oqaotad to taka part.
Mr. OampbeU faM 1ob| beea obobk
Upfa priori for tbe Marr K. Hahn wm* Kta»b-d a deem ^ f
of divoree from Oaorc* Mabo Tb<re j to
tbeforemi wlrfl
rlpbtofvray. Tbeaeaaemedvary
PteM Paav at Ooara Ball.
. Om .
la wban (ba aattot wb axplaU. waa a qoeeUoB ol eltoemy. but HiU ^
mUaa. with many otbart direryUf
TU MO WBtfait Tatadaydidbot aptrK
tba OBrUeat pioind wt«c from TtaraiBF Oity oral edlndataU. Sobm of Uaa wbo bad WB tottled oat of oourt before the
. at tba UIB
decree vra. cranied.
I nmd*. thrmfh tbU tbaa aaw
ObIU party flTae by Ua Imdiaa'
to tbe matter of tneeetaia of Edna;
ooantry. oontUaUi to tepenia Uen they woold be moeb 1
FtatBl Olob U Ua Oily Open Bobb
. Ha wu tlia Ant to reoure hU ontU 1874. wban lia nrorad hli eoi Aeie
If (be llM of till (orvey Millar, au Ufant. a petUi»o (or pUt
UalonBUff. ntna ware aboat BTBpltal
neetloB with thla aerrlea aad tsised ooaid ba ebanpad ao H not to etit un« Uad.Ue i«tUioo wa»*ramed and
«Blff.BraeeBpiM poaaaat aad it li Bfe
prepar bood Aled. Tbe Uad u on
■ UaU {daeet *o badlv and U be
all atuatloa u Ua tnana|ami
to uy Ual ao miolal araat flna U
Uavad.ean be4.dooa Thoto people bet Bof JbI iiorU «f Ue Unodrieh
UU oity teUff Ua year WB ana ae- Ud U 1*0 bafBb Ue opeiatiOB of an
.totod ttmt Ury weald obecrfally 1
JtoBbto. The UdlB Bi oat to lira a elaotrie li|btU| plabU Two yean a|0
wu praatad from Ue ^ ...
Uatotoa ea a mmU Bala bat foaad ba aold tba water work! to Ua oltr ihereU uilU 1878. wtMO ba neud the U»«ie 1IB» aad leave Ibe valee
aad aboot tbaiBBetlaa dlapeaad at pramlaee to Haanab, Imy « Oa. later
Itrmtlea. Sane rrevCTB Bay MllUap '
o tilaw > nei
bU alaotrfo li|bl fiaarblia to tbe eelUnc ihaa tbi>.piopany.
ofUBB aqreieed tba detotmlaatiao toa A. W.- Eirk.rd
ecmlly le
lor i
' tbe proond eipecially
> Hirer Elaotrlo Li|bl
wind ap the affair* «I tin-1 wbiph we
At local oninmlBlriaB be deal|Bod to evao plve Ua rl«hl of .way If Ue
Id be otaaaped «»ewtaat
aad aaparrlnd Ua balldl^ of Ue UbBOoaldV
Afur dlapodbi of Ua water rrorka etale iBd batwan Tiaram Oity and
, party pattuirt^
and li|btUf plant, lA which b<- wb Aoma. by jbtUi Ua nad bad
g la Lselanaii toWBibip ai
,:iiame al the buIW.~.
TkabaU Wto Urea BP
• • • '•
be retlrad
‘*"!tnow the adianupva of ibew told.
DOW It U prtqioBd to wy U»
aad ito BBppar waa aarrad ea tba
lie of tbe
i beard* while tr*veUux. aad wi
aetlTt baaUan Ufe aad aooifat arUf (be eame wlU tUy aad ■nreLa plan at Sattoaa Bay. A maetiug wb
Mia. »a BiBB WB esa of Uea ftBa
tth i tave DO douU. deiire to eecate oar
tba laat aad treudoB freBean .wblrb
and lie ba*
BOW U sn U other parte of baU Uen MoDday sfmrBooo to dli- K. ia Ui* cityUat
place tt where >t proj. rly beytoU HUa of tan bat eaa whlU hlaloBcyaanotfaard.worfcaadpebUc ^
Ue romlileUoo o! ! tou,,"'wi.llV
reab euooa*. tb-i ine
• Whllr Ue*
Ue*. are foiniUe.1
(orniUeti fr^^’i
OBB Ua 1____
«bb1A tonpl Ua appatlB of aay Ban
•tata wlU maob Boone
pcoiui>i ac> on- ,
' ly to addrem Ibe erpabUatlon i* only a mtitrr of a ,
U 1881 ba ebtaUad a (mBcbin troB
toMHtoOBd UoeolUair ........... earrloa aatiUad him ta BaUi ax•bott uma Ue ha* bad * name*
„> ,ue pood
care of .tbam.
and pul la WI
____________ __ _____■
____________ ^
o blcUy
_ ______
incladias me br<t place l.>»»ibla
MatoowB farmlUid byStowort*
from Petaakey. Oharlevoi*. EUf
H.iutiton CloUiw Ca
Oartba. Jaa Eahl and G E OilL
■litito- erebi^n, aad the dtaewi Totod pweh of bU UBa UaomBarto
aad G & HBiray af thla oity wb Rapida MBkepoo. Cadtltoa Everett TRY CAS-CUJB today, imiy <
«B boptwpBatUalBta boor. Ikar- iwemtleb at Oarp Lak.-. baU| oat of
■amben of tba Ootonary oUb. A
alao at Ilia maatlai to balp the pro. aad other town* in nortbeni Mli-biynr
elabad Ua nUaye wiU water for Are AaetabBt.
TrpvDrse City Morkats.
Tha iBWinp at Samoa Bay wb Tbore are now aboot 100 member,
«B B bappy UaeoBtlea aad rary aBjoyad wlU ble family tlie pli
of Ue order here, mambere of TreeItel tlie ^“"ir and AUluf at tbe Beptl08"wlaxUa water plant U18» merely Infrevnal, bat Uere ww
erea City Lodxa, KaipbM of Pytbiaa day o< each wm
taka afforded. ~
I im elaotrlo Uybt pUat. larpa aambar of laodiap berltiar.
wi^bimUtbe baHaeat preaaDt to dlaoam Ua bbiMt wlU (lie
■Bd Mr. Homy. Bapida It u tolleved tint a Urpe
■UpB. WUllBB Piltoto playad tha
beUy hU foar tepB
___ > ^ —______ Vl.._
Mn W. IMftln.
rrtota.aMiBMAaUabe«Baad G A. tUBBant (or lone at a time, ai
Amew tbe o9oB of troxt wblU ba The matlBent
WBoaltedte AU U rillaya, town and BBC plu adoptod at KorUpert
ttMtatUa ptea.toUatUa daae. yBl be WB aleetod to Ue e
lac WB DM Utonapead by UahaBcer oeoneil. wliare he porfonnad r»d «*. eoaety.wot oae para him mora ml tboaU be takan sp al SattoBt Bay.
TeayaaraapoOtotUlac vtBlbe eenTlee for (be oity. Be took (be Bma
TbOB inmt wire vary aaUaalBtit M of -tbe Idne todaxtiy nt Ue low.-t
__ ^ I Ua II yaan
■(Ua BMriiBi iBpUyad. I
Utorart U pabllr.,affaln that be did aa Jadee of Probate. Vaea U Jaaa. and it U baUavad that tba parwBBpa
tael wrok a carload of
U bla yoobfer daya. bat aUoiBtad aiy. IKt. ba tanad erar Ua elboa
Idea WiU ba earriad eat Howera.
■ootbton ptoa wb laiparud from
work WlU tba plaaBoiaa of wbleb
pobUe BMatlap. a aeit of roaaA-toi Loototoaa Into Ur city by a Ineal Arm
Hr. be MTarad by thla
WBfoaA BawBtba owner of Uia
paibartap. wlU ba bald Den Satorday. (or oee & iu baUaaaa oot a |tople
forty TBi* nrrtea m
OampbeU block ob Fitmt >
at 8 o'BloBk to daoidad aad 1 ' ' pobtic eaeial. b
ret rmlbtop lu tbe vieialty.
• Tbobc Fboplea'Soelal eUb cd wbUh ba recnlly eoaplatad
KtoB. Mr. Manay and a aemaad ooably oBUwr aod last yaor be
Ailed ap (erltaaXtta.aod which U laeaUadapcB to mm bU word ao bei af Trevarm Oily baaiarH meu
Be of tbe but balldiBin in Ue oity. Ua city ooaaeil. Be rerrad at bdi wUl attead Ue atrettac, also Ibe
W. C. T. t .
Mr. Oaapbell wa* preuiUc for time oa Ua board of troatoB of tha
Wbtnaa It ba* rimead Almiplilr
" lroa*.dsr
mid*l oaraaii"
BorUara Mylnm. bavtap bsBD ap­
loved and rerpecied
Ua eoBlav year aad only afaw daya pointed by OevaoiBr PiBpree.
............................ *X tripaoaU.
Tbe Fabrwary «bb of UeelreBlI
a K<-w Orlaar*
Unto WlU fUUaabUfBtoeoBiS (ar OiBBd Tiavarae aoBbty oaeto the eoBit 1100.1 Mooday
Mardl One fretlval asd to rial
■oca. wllb Jadpa Mayiie 00 tba BBolved. Thatw lender bar bBraSdto-'
ml aoaUat* Mtlaa
Detreit-inieakK aad 87 toani.M',;
.mad aad dappl .. OUra. .«r b«artBealdM bl* widow, deaestod learre
Uieee md hoori of
Maab at Ua aaleaKi wb dU|
foartaBtBBdaaa daspbw: Otmald
of qaiefcly. Of tba toiBt* of foot.
Tbor a ooPT of Ua«e IBD
F.. Mra W. J. Bobba WUlardG.,
cora. oo%
are toft for tba }ai7 to deelda laticBt be laal to ib.- baiaavad faall;
David H.. and WaUaoa Q., aU of Ui*
aminUBit oppiml bbb of Lawt* ud be ipread to b eo^ tent to Ue ewa
!*»*■ »**
Maadayplcbt at Ue FrUBda ehanb OltT.
OoBvreU va ba L. Sleeper WBret- Trareina Honld ud1 £apte fM paUiBenoad WlU aBBy poamee* of
a wtoy ptaaaBt paUerUt of the amm rato la tba ooaaty aad city, ilia daItad oBl of eoBrt, and tokew from Ua
ban «( Um efcarU oBd OhrUtlaa b aiBaed ooaapled a morr iwomlval pottoadar. IbtaatleBofinapBtc
4btb BoUty WB bald, wblob wb alttaa la pabUc Ufa Uaa tba avarepa
IH of Ibe Oardaa Oity Saad Ca va
riUtoB Otaaaal wa* eaBttoBad
BaU eaioyad by aU praoeat.
otUBD, and it WB bl* aprlffauaea
B tBB. B WB tba trtrar appeal
Tba aaHy pan at Ua onairng. otM aUUp aad pabUc tpiril which toJoUu W.. to* aav(B year eld tc
tte G B. batoaaB BaalUc. wb da daoad the Uph aotoam U wbleh be
laa af G ChaaOH Oera va Tb
UI E Peretadied at 6 o'etoefc Ta«
aaaad to uaial oeanrBttoB. after
■a bald Uroopboat UI* aaePto at
to Ua.aBaB|«lt appeal BBef ti- rvaatof e( diafarlaa Tlie faaaral
j-JAD OA.-0.*.
• amta Tlw totlowlap tktieb of
bald boa (be reeldeaot today
ward E HayaBtd va KaU Bya. tbe
U* Ufa WUI prove aapeebOly latereatafMBBxm atSe'ekiM. andfC Ua dilap:
ireertesefb D. Oarii*
Hr. OBBpImU wb a dliwet d«
Tba (Bat Of tbe piopb v
catof Ua powartol Clan OampbeU
ElBM SbrrBBD. eaa af Ua aaiUevt
la SoOtlaBd. bsMd U aU braneba* of
latuer* M lalaad. pBaad away SubBtoBdiy. an. asd amtoeraft. Early
day BHBtop. JoBBiy Kil>. of eeato U. B%ht
TMb. ’*Ob OBaaia PlaUlM Uphl- la the itirtMWDU.eeBtaiy hi* an
<•( Uk Mood, aped to. Be
I B to bto tdeB.*Bid.
mad to the aonbare part of Ire••Wali U be have U loeked ap 1 dm oama to Uto tows to iHt wiU bw
j, oBd from tbaa hi* preat-preai
patto" WhBiUa eoart toabtodem faUto. DBBlal BfatraoB. who wok ap
• to tbl* eoulty wiU
hit piM. be pltadad paiUy. bat ax* mm rsuiiam
lUof Urn:
aily In lb* 1
WB toOtad to latood tewnUlR DaAflto tbe I n— tba matter of
ptoiaa4 *■! bad to have aamelbb
MBadtoaVMawUt.Uiee daapbaere
Mr. Oamjdieir* father, wl
Mator to toaBiB. Mra Sbrrat Ua otdH erttUre of TretrareaCiiy
toUwr. L E SlBBcna orrtead
Jtola a Mwn»laa* to Blati
well na*aator. wa* marrtod
aiwaUlp Beat Otawm. aad plaeed
Bamal Bitdtoocfc in IBM. Bad tma
» attasd Uafaaavil.l*
, to a tut that ba bad plaaad to
. ware bora tix *aD* aad OB
toapbtor. G D. Oampball wb
BOBa WBB oBTad. aad Ibe real af
MaivmSi. IKI. to Fraaklln eaenp
S. T., wb«a hi* boyboed day* ware
y«nB(««a Ba Abm ael apprer l
OASOn to a pMPBtiif BBrefer B*wi ea Ue (arm loaBBt and to ataapttoMny Mpbi At Uai«a(
BBdtaf dlotriol *abool dartop Ue
1 ha BBaa to Uto wtoy. Ba
wtotor BaaUi
lanfatotlB AwbbI. 18K. ba Btaot
o'oleefc ba uipaaiad Wall and U boo
tboB ocdUai? pood baalth He
at e dO ibU ounUd aad apfwan
Msaly walL Be waa alwaya aa catty
rlBt and at bK bit aaoal eottoa
batlad biotelf aariy aboet tba boata
Joat bafcoa TdOba wml oatalda to
s tba BOW off the walk aad

Children’s Jackets, for ages t> to u
years, rrd and blue, made with
extra Bride double collar. 1 1 Q
worth $j.J5. at'.............. XtACF
Pants, warrantee .
, worth Si.75 and Jj. a








sSSSSi .

\ First Ritional Buk of $
? Tra?erse City pays 3 per j
Sarinfs Deposits ^


Hm Kitioiul But of
i Trartrse City mys 3 per
t ce*L OD Sartits bepodts



Whenyoubuya 1

cheap in fuel.
Call Gnd see
•toout the new
and reversing
engine. Get
prices of our



Keep track of your business affairs: go to the City
Book Store and ge^ a
^ood supply of Memo­
randum BookStLead Pen­
cils, Pens, Ink, Tablets
and Stationery. -Largest
. stock and lowest prices
in this part of Michigan.


«« PROf»RIK-rORS ««

Arrived Saturday, a fine car load of
Horses from Southern Michigan. Some
of all kinds and weights. A fine line of
Driving Horses, and some good, blocky
Farm Mares. A few Heavy Draft Horses.
Call and see them whether you want to
buy or not. and get priges.



3. V. AtaUMi
who BlthaOBb t
tcoeolad a
tte cnat of hU Mead. Bm. Hacb


Pta. U. Tte Mklaati inaaand win te:
ualA BM Um Bert than wwiarti. bnt
■■Bobm and Pbam" by Mim. A B.
I WOMB ted bM bl liiBl Jate HoBay.
lad by Hra. B. a Qaty. ^Mll
Oatala, had ]aal raealrodBiao
*‘1te Ocuaal OtiUtyOMrar^
and ted ban to ThoMpaearm
taid ban drlabiac. Whanltew
y LowaUBaaaa
fOBSd tba BBDWM lOOfeB
and fooad at hla hBM. a Blla faitbta Tte Om^cm an aU expectad M te
an. Il WM lannod that tte ladtaa*'
af tbelr

ud tedly pauiil aboM tte tend
B«aday afta—ban. Bar baada aad


•dute BmimA M. S. «bu«b bcth
lad itMilne Ki. HhkIIhb


la tU< pantf thawala.
OtelM WalU. Imaaa te lobs T.
Ot» * Oo.. mftni a Can MM liaa
BCO ta ttw pai^ ot the Bill, aad
tlwacii II «aa aot tboopht at tha tUaa
ibal h* «aa Mrioaalr b«it.U baa eoalaad to fRnr vena molll Boda?
epentiae «aa pertonaad a|
Ba la ftUl Terr alefc. bat tba
elaa reperta UM br
atealy. __________
farm ot John Bartb 1>« etUataertb- ibt r««Blat anay. two far tbe lataa
try aad tre for tba aanlry. 1bi
boaM «aa oceaptad br A. O. ftyitc.
lafl Tartea.T Barnlac M
Tba (aatily wara at tba bbaaof Ua
aollre fl^dat ferae of Onela
bratbrr. wbo raoalTad aa lajeiy frem
a Oytae limb la tba woeda ea Hm'
day. Tba heaM and ooeMlaaraa
total loaa Ur. Paysa'a loa «ill ba
11100. Ko
. /aha litaraU. who



3 per Cal »U«re4 «• tuk Der«to.


or l*o»n*

M ttet ba It Boeh plmad wltb

Ciroilttion this week 2,525.

/. W. HIUikM bM ptobeata the
Itnry ban of Ueorga Oana oa Btaia

A MfiiM* llonw baa baaa ciaeled
to riank BabriE and Hlaa Baltai
HalTol. both of Ha^l..
Bar. Haali Kaonady W Jaat ta■alrad a |Hfl froa friaoda in hit
•taareb of a baadaaoM far eeai.

TboM bol&lbf booba Bo. 11 aad
balvofflv to tba TraTaUae Library of
Tnraraa Olty Oraafa are aakad to re
tare tbra at onea aad leara at EywlHaeh MOM U belDf bnaffat la ar- ary day by tba farawn of tba rialalty
aftba ally.
Tba beard of pablla
worta U parebaalB«anPbor the i

HatiMoirad a ahipaMotof «00 peoada
of tetry batter tnaa Bl Olalre. TUa
la ot the larpeat ibl[anaBla ot battar atot laealTad banU«a are eealac U rapidly to all
tte BtUa ia the oily- Many are betB( kroaiebt la by tba fanrata ten
itiy. aad laaay
are balB« bcoafbi la by tail alao.


" wiU ba loaaied
w weak atJba Hotal WhiUac

tlbar UnlUaad ba baa aol
w alaaa laaatac 8t. PaoL Tban
Oaa frail farm ia (ba riolBlly of bsown ttet a tatrlbla faUUiy
Spekaaa. abWi ba
riallad. bet ba
red ia tba family ot a Pole
bai aoi rally laada ap bu inliid yat m by the aame of Popolioabi, eaa
lan ba will aataca lo boaioraa. Bile aortb of Mapta Olty. an Prlday
aaaoc tba baalecM aea in aid
of tba (aaily of Jaima nebtaid.
a bomad to death. Tlia fatbar w
1 dwrlllv «aa benad aaratal
daya a«a Ha taiaed BHoay aad nar- ia Mid, went to tba barn, ImtIbc tba
liaa to tba axuat of Abeet StO. two ebildraa lotead ep in tlia liooar.
with bet Brea bnniiBC In both Boraa
Ob bar tetan. aba fooad tba oldeat, a
and aid. It la ballaved t
boy of Ibrra ycara rcay badly bomad.
aad iho baba lyiac ee tbe ftaer.wrilbint la acooy. Bafon aba ooald tarr
tba Utile eoa. it piriabad In tlia
WblU trorttne In il aaop of Viooc BBte atiMi Tiiuaday. Aim.
Ballar Mas^ apon a
tno saw oaaac of laaUpox tera
t etelr tUnk, which roll­
tlopad at tba aaylam alaae Batnred froB aadar hia foot, ttutnrlait faia
Allban ban IhMoacUe iaoifalnat tba aaw with which ba waa
:lB(. It waa a rary Barrew m. freat Iba loM of the iBBd. Portamely only the tbiab and rin* da­ All of iboae ea Um- bMpltal ward
rn of tba left hand ware lalarad. and bo were ei}«aad tere now paaard
■i. Ballar will Iota natUx-r of tbeoa. tba period of enocacloo. dad it U a<a
Tba badfc of aba ihaab waa oel deep, tikalr that uy of ItaeB will dar.-lap
aad tba tip of ilia riaf daicer waa oat ttedlaMta.
Dearly off. bat li will be nred. Dt.
Toe woodaa colta«i- at (te eoraer of
Karlia dretaad tba lalarii-a
Bb-Tutb atreat aad Blswoodaruna
bM been raented and ia tx-laff oaad by
will >kar« TOHr Bale.
Joha Kyker. who waa ae terribly tte aayloB uthortdM aa a delautiou
italdad In tba rat at tba mill of bouaa.
Aahtou Tbanday
Adas BalllaKar at Hapla City n
It, U iBiaOTiBc, and preapaela an plaoad tte main beUdlac of die Korth
fair for bii roeoraoy. Ba it atill la a era Hleblcau atylam in atrtet qannuidne. wbitai will te ricidly aiiforead.
wioaaoooditlao, bowrvor.
potaad and aU for­
Maafa tbln rtaniiic will tera to be ~
Ota beforr Hr. Bybv'a barna eaa bidden to aniar tba naylam crennda.
baaL There an many wbo bare toIrad to hare akin raaorad from
Oryttad Lake
taair bodlaa for tba bneSlat Ur.
ana of Um bmi bauUfal apou ia tte
nortben part of tba atala ud effarta
an balac made ta darrlop il in a
Baaaar to make it tlia Baiataca of
tal aocidaat Too
BapaaauBdve Bnnahaa
wtUlay blBBp far aoaa tioe.
waa taUac a wank op alataa at ooa of laic* amoant of aunay wiU te quit
tba hotala ia tha olty. wban tba Mak
allppad and fclL atrlklac apes Hr.
balnc pitaad tip
Pewm' ars witb Mob fora ai to
fact and they an alrady eoaUBK
partially apllnBr tba baea aad wTete- bleb priaaa It U laepoaad to eei
ly oraih tba maaclaa
die reaart with tba oalalda world by
Borne tiae ifo Hr. Powen bad eee
aleotrie liaa Iban an MTatal
of tha bteM of bia arm brokaa by a
klektena bom that waa Wyioc to
away, aad whieb ba wh boldine
eariohtbeBud brine t
■onaldenbla rlak te btauelt
pao^ from nmod- pant of tbe
Mar by lanra eidat arary
mi weald meu inortaaed
Tbr ladiat ef the W. a T. O. an
Clad la aaaoaaor that tte laann of proaperity to tba people of Tnalanaa
ity ud a
JeteO. Woolay. tte cnal taapar10 Olty.—Baeoed.
aoM iMdar. wUoh la ta oeenr in the
Olty Open Boaat
lac. Peb. ». wUI ba fnr M all and Ptatamatar Owx W. Baff tea rte
iteta laica attaadaDor ta daelrrA oalrad Ma foliowiae latter from Hon.
They an anxtoaa that atwym aboold
A W. Haobu, Ctaunl aaperiatudof tUa rva opportBni- eot of tte (7. 8. Poctal tree dalirery
ty. Hr. Vboley'a mb)aet wiU be“Hy ”
telatlva to tte
OwB Ooutry." Jadcinc ten hii ^
oatofthtaelty. Tte latter
loTT of bti eeaaBy, and from tbr fact axplalatitaelf:
that te baa )aat rMaiaad ten aelexBtr-On Pelawwy I. itOf
ttedad rtalt abnnd, hta Mb)«et wlU
of tte prealdut olaarifTiac rani let-

Tte Jtalewiac artialr ftra tba CUMce Ptefcar. ralatin ta tte taaportn.
don of fonicB pommaa. wlU c<Ta
fa BaU. IkBTTiaa City.
art la tbia aoettaa utdMoftte
Pateaaiy IL it Uta'te'aua dav
■addon ttey meat la the aaafa Bl
tWac. All foaitb dacTW BiMbtrV
oBit M to prioaa or entlaok.
lyadtatarblacataMUl cu >r la with
eiiMdar ta tte liada.
-iBbrita. bboffated teeutly: BelClam IspaMlon (Aatwrrp rxpart),
’-(otaldl.SOi Bttaoacaadd.
d daty—(Ot
>1 the offer to «
ll&cta. )b
New Tort deck. With tte came daty
bai 96c tralcbi. >>• offend (Bnaan
■spMt) Oatmu atock aa followa:
Two-laeh Protecaor Barken 8»o (K.
T. dl.W I: Isparaton. 8*c: HacaeBa,
We (K. T. ttr.; t aU Ucbt aoll. cboier
aiooA Pina Urarraol export ware
offaredai tl.U (fnlcfat paid) iH. T.
•a.lO):Imd(ti export, .fnlcht |mldi.
$l.»: (K. V. ll.K). Irtah atoefc la
Urarpool. ll«ht aoll atock wm oSwad
<1.12 with ISe fnbebt <N. Y.
dt.0&>. TbCM prioM amrud ap aoaaa
L Bow BUT mtea
ia tmrd le detarBlaa.
That tbe more waakenad tbe foceicn
laarfcat la a way ia admlttad by few.
Tte anaaal maatinc of Ibd CenenCadnnal ahan). wm bald Taaaday
ivanlac.udtbe bmi aoaaaaafaljMr'a
wMk ia tba hlatury of the ebarab wae
eloaad b]>. Tte nport abowad that in
_____ .___ ___ ....
It _»
Of .u.
tte ehurb ._1.
axaalleat work bM .te.-n done i


...... Jlck Baadaeba, and all fUniMS
Uver aad Bowel noeblaa Eaay.
p^laaaut. mfa. can. Oaly Me at B.
E. Wail A Sena- ud Jaa. U. Jebaaon’a dne aten.

. a. •anTLCTT^ eaeVaVM.^MfOH. j

- -

in this same purchase we got another num­
ber. 64-10. wide, same class of goods but finer
and heavier, at

■7So Yd.

Onr SiTines Department


The maatinc wm tailed to ordrr l<y
tte paator- Bar. D. Ooeblin. ud Boo
J. W. Hillikan wm alaetad ehalrBaa.
After lb>- unaal nport of tba paelor. SiMjDMiBtlinilirMititraTinaR. '
ttesi'i«rttof the Tarioaa d<-|nTtBaiitt
wi-n ciTan by tboae at tba bted ol
IliaKmm—B K.BdU. Jw. T Itaa.
enah dapartaeiil aa foUowa:
W’lrcM. Pnuik Ruallfcja. Praak CA 1
Bandty «*ocl-Prof. Q R Hon.
Tnacarer—Mice leatel RamBunA
Lndiea' Aid Soeiaty-Hra D. O..
Padene'a Bonia and PorrlcD HiaSociacy-Ura B. J. HamlOILET SOAPS.
Bride* Solldan—Htaa Ctara Carr.
Yoooc Paoide-a Soeietr <4 Ohrladu
Eadumr-Hiat Bath RaaMy.
Soeiaty—Oeorre Soyt
Jaaiar Ohriatiu Eaduror Boeieiy
-Hra J. A
Orcu Pnad-Hra O. J. Eaaelud.
Tte reklcaatlonaor Tbomaa T. Bat>sd JaBai Q. JolmaoD at traataa.
an aoeepiad. Tte term of oBn
r Bob. j. W. Millikan, the other
traataa. aqdi>*d with tbU rar.
ao three zuw traataea war<- elaotad.
Eiuk HamUton for three ywrt. P.
R Banam for two yaan ud S. E.
Walt for oee xmt.
Otter oOoara of tte cdiareb wan
alMtad aa followa
for foar
I. K. B. Obapi

We placed oo Special Sale. Wednesda>'
morning, seven pieces ot Old fashion Cream
Damask. 62-ia. wide, all pure linen—it was
bought at a special job price and we are sell­
ing it at a job price. The best value ever
offered for

SOo Vd.


Don't fail to see these two numbers in lin­
ens. . Hotel people would do well to investigate
this—it means a saving of at least twenty-five
per cent'



t <u« tor


am B


CM^-to v.nrr- *-w^ aracc

Oaoual Bebool balUiac- Tbe ptaae
waa boBcbl ftOB tba faada ot tlie
HiBfa aebool tacten aad Baaia ooowa.
Cbmalar—J. W. Patebia.
Dalbtet Padae of Ttarem Olty aad
OoUaetor-C. A HamnuBA
maato Woodrow of Hapla Olty. wan
Utaier»-Irrtne Horny. Ju
taatrlad Keadaj by Bm. Bach
Uku. Oharlac While. Loalt Tiakbam.
Aitbpr E.
-----Herbert HuBcna.
Baaaady at tt»a Baoacd M- B. pant
Harry. Oau.
Baxtoo. 0--or*e
l«e. Tbay wUl sake tbair baata
SiawarA. William Haak, J. W. Hilli.
Maple Olty.
^an. a V. Wrlcbt.
O^ 3. T. MalDtaabaad Ma>orP.
of tba local aoapBay
BO aetion wm taken in the Barter.
Oalfent Baa±. Cal^U otPythlaA
>V>“ >
•woat to Oraad Bapidt Taaaday to
attaad tba Batttafof ^aOeataof
tba taeCBd n«lBeei D. E. K. of PB. Eabakar. who boa Imcb eoadaeP
fa« a dry r»di and alotblay ato
tba oonor of Booth Oaieti and Sixth
ataaota. bai told hit alock to tba Boatan Btera aad tba yooda wlU ba oleaad
ool at tpaalal aala. Mr. Eabakw bat
dtokM to CO ta Ojiieaco^
BU ia ClTlbB ten aSertuil raal
a far t^ peaittan of c mar;
manhood far Ua eoaatiy tkna Joba
aftar tbat date will bemad* in uTSw mphdMl rarlral taaatlaci wbicb O. Woolay, ta bta maatarly afforta
•wanead Haw Taata era at tba make Mlfaat tte da ot tte Amari. earduMAiUmlMOMcribed by tte;
OlTil Serrta* OoBaltaita.
Baoood M. B. ebarab eloaad Bonday
utloD ta tte ABaritaD CAiiattaa.
Tte*an<B dl^'^latl.e poat oOm
•raaiac «Hb oaa of Ilia larcaat attepartBut two ptalttana irayiac tat
toMad aad beat Baatlaci la the aaitof aacrinfroa tov
ftaa Darlac tba aoatiaci «8 daeUtd A typtaal MM of aataUpox liaa drral
BiuBbtaed ffTHB aad STStL
ta btarta tba Ohrlatlaa Ufa
WM caOlad to ataand it The riotiB ordM to tariUtata tbe work of ibe apeelat
ba ractea you efllM
UatBubT tte maa of Jay Aaea.
ud be tea baao tiefc atoae Batatday It wUl te aeeaaniy ta acean appltMfor tte pMltlea ef earriw la adlaxt UU MM it not arrwa, bai 1a
pox ted ban daralopad tbar«.lottat ^Ml naUpox.
rum of hia arriral Yoa »riU tb^
. oaaa and weal lo>arho»ata Wexford Dr. PcaUcA. tte btaltb oHcrr.
adrlae aa BUT of the.]
ooaaty. Tbara. It la Mid. tba darel- laaraad that twalM of tte Bill Mm
aaccect tte namr*
opad tba dlmta aad ta aow ear*-'
of thne 0* Bor* pencmi wbom ttey
deca oMnbla and who an wilUac to,
and Batarday be wul to Uw mill.'
away »d plaoad tb*B la aeiaaentriw. Yoa wiU alaoieniT*:
Containing Hubgorc—no matter whether the
S.B.Blatewood of Lalaad WBiU tba
they wUl ra- tte iBBM of oltett wbo any apoly
alty Maaday oa boainMalaoaiBnniM
shoes were, bought previous to this annovneewllhhla pUtlac baalaMaatUUDA main till aU dufar of (beta deralop- fat appolBUMnL The aperial acui
ment or are hereafter purchased—in event of
IBC the dlatata it paat—Tbara wn* a WiU Dod'y yon in dat liar of the day
Mr. BUakwood bM
he WlU arrireat yoar offim ao that
the following comingencies:
_ ______________
a cold. tUni food dial of‘-fclekiac"a^mat ahat- yoa may notify tha appliuata ta te
aad alteal pUtlaii. aad bM tte «aly dac tte BlU down, bet BmIUi OBom
I at tba bud aortb of PnlicA let tbaB taka It oat la kiak. on band to taka the pmoribed exasiaation. which wUl
Oread BvM*.
plaaad iraotiaaL only laBriut te
tact tte appUtant'a abUily to rad
, BaU of BLlacaUy waa
rr |H£NEVER a person, while weanng a
ud WTila
Mttaaaly Inland by bela« tbnwi
AppUenta anat rcaida rUiwUy cm
pair of our shoes in which is used
ten a Mr while lendlac laawlthlB tte ttaritsy tatenpfdicd
.' ter. Tba fnlcfat ia tbe ael of Tte anaaal maetiac of tte i
elastic gore'bearing the trademark word
awitdilac draek the ear m (erolbly boldarBoftte TraranaaitT Drlrm by tte taepued toata.
••Hubgore” sufficient to identify it as Hubbald TaaaV
A appUMBl mart te prapand io
eata tbnw BaU tram dm car. bta
gore. susuinis a fatal injury, and death pnbMd drlklBc u a ptaak. Ba wm ta- anainc in tbaeily eaaaeil
fainlta aaltable bora* ud Mri ec
taiaallj Inland ud bta neorwy ia toUowinc dirartan Wen eheaea lor aeon fgt am of tte aarriee.
sues within one month from date of such
tte anaalac year: B. J. Hortaa. Dr.
Applicteiua of p-non aaitat mtu
injury, and such person so injured while rid­
A. B. BoUiday. A B. Ooak. B. R. ■ao ot OMt afty-firi- yoon of af*
ing in a conveyance on Ihnd and water, such
HaOoy. Paler Wanbarc. J. T. Hu­ will not tentalMd «xmpt la tbe can
nk aad Bdward Uatoar.
conve>-ance being propelled by steam, cable,
baaaan TntTacta CUyUnet tr
electricity. napthA gawline, compressed or
Mlriy. Ba Myt that dyaaBita blew Pater Wambort waaeboau MM- mUm* ot tte Otril wat ot Bpaulab
wai wbe an pbytaenlly abk to pm. ap a atraat la Kaw Teak fc« two
liquid air or animal power, and written no­
Pohmaiy ten otarioa
UacAa aad oofauant waa dnotad ta It.
pUcattaBB (ff bndly Minted or
tice be given the Hubgore makers, witUn
wblta tte wlad blew ap Proet atra
U pctalble for tte local Ba­
BBl panuawlUaM teeuaidtwent>- days froiQ date of injury and proof
farai^t biocte ycatatday aad aol
te c*t lata (teHietUcu eirword waa mU aboel H
of death and identity of deceued and de­
ealL Seme mot* elUea will
I* of wenn wiU te nceased's legal representatives, within fifty
Oaa ef tte tec ptamlaBa wUeb lata tba rimll tbU year, ud if Tiar- MlMd bat a woann wUl not te ra­
ta tte pp:WiU be etna at Uie OaityMU'iia- oTM Oily cu c*t ia, a fia* nee
days from date of death.
____> of T««Blat MRte WBlcat ia
mala CAW rail tain
artteBtatiacof tbe taetabeld- ladcBut at tte aptrial atut. 1
anri tba aMeeiatian.
Paata A OoddlBCtaa. Aae
eudaettte anmimiu, loanl
I witb the laaUtata BM aad alaetad tte trilewiac
wUefa 1a WMthy of
nr and ana-tbtrd tan rata u nil- Yin PtMldui-B. R MeOoy.
rate ia cote for mb daya. ud ifaU
StlkrpfS-i Shots.
7tor ••••”
wu> wn •“



One l)undred Dollars
aim Be Paid to tbe
Beirs ol Any Person
Olbo is Killed

Olbile Olearinga Pair
of Our Shoes

Jlllred U. Friedrich,

laam tte aoataaw part af tte Batata


Eicte hear lawa ai
tinlcM httla
Elnc-a Kiw
■ ■Life• PUta.
Pllta. HlUuna an

Days..... .
These bright, cold winter days, but you should ride
warm. Must have extra

Cutter Robes
Our stock is selling rapidly, don't want to carry over a
single robe. Rather mII it to you at greatly reduced
price. We have Galway. Horse Hide and Plush Robes
that you can own for_very little money. See them at

Sleigh Bells
Should be on every cutter. Better see our East Harpp>
ton Chime Bells, the Shaft Bells and several styles of
String Beils. You can buy them right when you need
them most at remarkable low prices. Stock wont last
long at these prices.

Hunting Coats
Some of the best that we have had. We are now eeilthem to men who have lots of outdoor work. They
make the best knock-around coat you ever had. warm,
serviceable and gdod looking. We are making special
prices on those that we have left. If we have your size
they are yours cheap. See them tomorrow.

Snow Shovels
These snow storms make you work—got a good shovei ?
Only costs you 25c to own^-good one; other grades up.
to 50c. If you have a cement sidewalk you want a
snow scraper. Takes the ice and snow off clean and no
injury to the sidewalk and these cost you 35c.


184)0 Sails far
15J00 Saits far 7J0
14.00 Saits for 7.00
12.00 Saits far 4.00
10.00 Salts for S4)0
8.00 Salts far 4.00
7.S0 Saits far 3.75
i Ooercosts.
; Keefers^
is ail we ask for Overcoats. Suits, Ulsters.
Mackintoshes and Reefers.

Half Price


fee th»
___________w. An
we to Inn eto woaki
wOaki mere wintei?
iM Moo
oad*nnday. tha pen week
Sowm^ Icada. Brntn
______jof Bar mornd
BaWTDoiu ntan^hoMnim- S«mal^"^tn.
USTSie Bmaoe-.Onumde.
BordlekrtUa toat wm«.
JhocrScapi>>y<«irl>»»t Womtlnntl^
dsT «fur km JibMoot of ikiM 7«m
miBniMn WyM wma called to TcaTcm ;
_Jyom wife bwMioul ll.BI.laJ oi^
Tfam MAT MMidt of Ml. mad Mn dUTlllk Tbt ton If qmmnattowl.
far a
tbou^ a ™« often doesn't care now
r. ton. Bn«dan.
Mn. PilBk'i b«athUmtUl ia]
124 FfiBt
fab comfact Is mlMpeUed. But a wonan misses aQ
A tbaOon
llnaoinc. Mleh.. ^__________
. D. BoUtsbmefc It fotriat <
these little helps to bwadcecninK. Andl^Soap
chare* Thnnday artwlnc.
.bar mod tiabsr for m
b«, to e»a ixtear oaU
1 «a 40 br 100 fwt, wUh bm—II
w aror Tltot na afain, ll
at Eniiiiir,
Ml (d tba taot wlU la
ritan ydbw sosp far general-worit
Mi. Bhto liad l>Uf a fniu-ti toat: •
1 Onodallof OtaWB wat APoUA. tanUr br tba aana
Moid^ wUto.anliii*
____ ____ inc :Ion «<• tin I
n. Jaawa aad Mn 8ar«
______ Obhlhke. iba
eld fill br Sn Tte talbar m ob tok Aiaa below aero.
_______I oom|wi<«t ___
Mi. Taylor
nndad Ijr Ito
icy h*TC di*i»llrd llic Killd
ritm They
d^*tfaera^eluklX'tw^e^<b^ daolla.l W<
tloo .— —...... ...........- - in the bam.toarlaf bot
for braid, mnctlicr for moKlra. and
OitrlM BoUaiteafh mad* m bmmlMt trip to TroTona Ollr laat Toaa- aha foand tha Ad« ooa. T^bor of »I«»oe »P- hittla* him «n «b» chin. Mill mnotbar tot bon.*. A comet
Ihiaa__ — wk>.
nbe brnkia* bi»>a». *»1 ontttnr bi. facoj will not oLly DOOriabapaiticBtoT pan
lb* body,
body, Iwl
but it
it will
will .n.tain rvrry .
0taenSaftm wrUhlac Ih moot- '.*1* of tha
*r part. Yrt. howerw. pood ronr
wa* ttoluae Mn. Sayen laat Fltdar1.
I food may be. lu nDtrlmcnt U deatroyMn. Arab Oibba wmi ta Tiarana
.. eaBotunallpoxiaBaidlekriUe triad by tndUratioo or dyrpepato. Yob
Oltr toat ToMdar.
Bora, to Mi. aad Mn. B)Uk Par. a Will Obaaa ha* tba rnarnpa. Old Mi.
Bon. to Mr. and Mn J. B. Baled, "noTtatlely**UWi'fBrl«*K'dnad! wcrcnrtbft: comtop b./lakln* rapn-bim it rarr »<>*.
toBB may
mar reacti
reach o
n. a^
; Inr .loM* of Great.-.
of the Klowet.
braltl.y ,
Bdd laalaar ha* panhaaad a slot MU* Olada Boaa ot
___ ______ 1 boakaa*'
. —____ _ ____ .-..I
millionr. A few «1om-»atdr diperllon,
TlittiBC frtaaito ban.
Iw dMat^oaMMMoe tha Ulaaa one.
«( hit vita, who bmabaaa thwtMMa Th«a trill ba
Min Faaala eloaad______
aiffat aastbi’ tam of aebool
buoyant and riporour. Yob can pri
Fife iBka to«l Fridar.
G U Ur<wn-t rrllrble remclin
JiS'StaSot^ **’**" °**^ Beam OloM U aMrlnf trilh
Arabia OIbbt i* to Onad Bapida oa
> of SUtar Lmkm.
bmAaoM thto weak.
HUrtoe. Iowa.. ••! war weak and
Bbarma BaS of Moaten Tlflkod w
. Ooaatm Foot ii atartne at Vaual
^B. Katoham and tainl0 Wada
down. At 1 war afaoot to pive op. 1
pot a bottle of Koieetrir Blltera, and.
-- Addle Oib^'ltePnak
after takiac it. I felt ar w. I! ar I • \er
■Mb emaw, bat a htar/^ sort
down laat week f«
did in my life. ' Weak, riekly. run
Mi. mad Mn. Dar want to Xartna
StcTc Peoata
rlwayr pain new life.
(Htr OM day Imal waafc.
bom hU form •<
Min Mmtia MUlar U boata. afM nlnftMmaad Min QtodaBooa. Oaa- to liU raaldaBea
■ydlBd-m taw traakt la B
bet to improrad.
Via Pere Mar-iBette Kr.road.
Bllon BooAMi hat aold hta fane Ooe tbooraad brad of wild Dnrinp the mowU. of Marrh and
r attasdad tha Baa> Omlaa Hnaer. OonaldantloB.
MOaaat Batwlaal
J. V. WalU, B«i., of
Aiwil ttt Inw r,.i.. f.T r.nh t» will
itaeood '
I town Moadar on bah
I.y . i.e l*ete Man,ue.l,-R. K
Mr*. }. A. Tripp toft Friday oe a
Bootb'* rlrii wlU> liar daasbtar, Mn. bean ronnded op and eblpoed to Bicui
aod WB.b!i.“t<m.
BddBUbfwntto Mapta Oilr eoa Tba new lafcatr at B
■aaAat to dolnf a rood
I. 3. Handeawa. la Datrolt.
Ohy, Iowa,
>wa. to be
I told at anrticm.
,b,[ ,„rtiootan and tnfmR.atioo
atnail— ■'
■ —
, ar to TcetMi. ntea. rtc , rail on any
^----- to aet (aellac taiy
Baeatee-. Arale.*
atrul. or addrow.
AvUd aatwa* klUad by
rorld-wide fame for mamlou.
ad from Otaad B
It rarpaaretany oUier •!**.
Mn Uw Wacaar. Miai Ptari
Atom Wood OBB# beoM froM
Biownalt and Bmfma WAeb of BmpUa
Oornr. Bana Bollr. Sotra Felour.
rtitiad at Bat. Mallana’t laat weak.
Mn Bartait Bili to «p fron TatBat. H. T. Wade of Baptoe axp^- na O10 Ttoitiac ra^Tea aad
et» of lh<- tkin | r
BarlBaMoa waal to Tiatana Oltr 1 to ezeboaca poljdto trithbi.
: Doan'r oint-1
O Jolm-m'.
'a. Unr hvu .1
Min Dahl MantfoU apat Sontdar
aeara will keep both at hana.
H. Bow—■
ta FUt laka tmat ^i^aodj^
FatobM^ B
t waa enatad aiyl Banter la Banuall 1Olty.
from XklX*
Kltlr JoUar
Uaa Watooa aad Mn. Bart diera laat weak br t
___________ ^llfa
aat.ahtotmtoimptBTineA_____ 9 Tntaiaa Ottr Salaidar.
eniktod that a
dant tba winter.
Toia Biowa wmi a TnTaiaa 010 aaUlpoa. Hiedaetora batac in aeeiaBMt MflOartbr rataroad from Qraad
wbalofa doobt a* to wba* ----------- .topld* Batorter aranliic wbara ba
a BrlMol WM a oallar bar* tba tad.
baa bate anmed a* oiwtator.
Jamia Blokar drorr to Trararac
Than will ba an aatertalatnaal for
^ Satntdar.ntnnloir Bandar riaotba beoefil of tba Epworta LeMa at
ya^tofmlhat aott«7
B*apb Oaar Fntey
Mia. B. 4. Xehto cf OmdlUma. wbo
—jrawUl heaaa.
_jtld a llaa dwaUlait beoaa oa the



Ultr la« kUadar kBd
J. X. Wiaun, E. P. Bi
Ownpbell ittMtod tiw I

50c Does the Work of $ I .(JO.


isBlankets and Robes

Grand Traverse Region.


Trmrti CHy.

A few odd pairs of
Wool Blankets at
cost to close out.
I have abbut six
firstclass FurCoats
left which will be
clpsed out at less
than cost. 1 offer
a big ba'fgain in
these coais.



Pere Marquette


|5^£K’r.“i^S? ,i£5.jac

John T. Beadle,

£p!;r--r-i5Jr;'S ES.E;S”»^iV-S?5io-.S


Job Work of all Kinds Call al tie Herald Offlet



3. HI. Slater's Bouse Turnisbing Store

Cargest and most Complete



will czittBitiaM it in abort



_______to tbt
Baiold Baltor
glrtebr lhaW.
hntT^AAbm^btohl* tofototbe



___ for atadaeta
otban wUl ba obaiced.

Mta Oahl MnIfoU mad Mtoa Mmad
Dr. Otoik «u eallad today to
(0 triU bm a aaafctto aeatol at tha tond Mn Oraten. wbo U aiek.
k Thaiadar alfhtdor tha Bar.

oot br tee

Pl«>0 of teow BOW tor aU poi-

ta ter oil


'MhadFri- tnda.
Will Wll.
Wa tniB that Dr. Fialibk to attoed.
_____ atom aod In laKateaaof
tmllpezat Bardlokrilla,
to tha too^o k^
down with bln Tba itora wa* had- c the order of the darw ot paopto from boa
went to_______
Ttama*e O10 to tea tbt ptoj
"Whani W|
Twaa0-ODa." aad
loaxht ba bad beteon bto aaok.
tliaf tea pidr waa
. . quite dtoapBllrar Braa atortad eat afala nporttliaf
bandarB. Olltoaa la)niM bto lot and to
Mn. Jaania Baott to bona from eoaftoed
to tea faeea* baeman of
laTain 010.
Bebait BawlU teld bU ptenar0
a.MU SMtaa rtoltad trtonda at Bi^ibva to J. BMSaaafc. Bebart talk* ol
1010 tba poai weak.
t0lof hU fortnnaitB Waablactetu '
The laetanjriTea ban br Hr. MaBattle Bert at Mabel i

House VuniishinB Store north ol Grand Kauids. Hf'ca.i tarnish your house compiMrr from irartft to collar.

Ateh Tharar boa btoB qaito alek tba
■tl waak
Oaidy'* mill ewa mile aonte of bote,

KTtet^BO^mUya^' m^blm
«e loaa bto batanaa. Ba fall and war

Mb Md Mia Pokt FUfaernd
htteatoca a^toww Bakardar. «bx
a. AEayrt'
ten harm baaa «) altohd tbafaaaal
portSatoiter .
•Thia. Ftobcr't bmlbei.
a k. Patana apaat'a taw teyaot
D. D. Qwtor vote to Taram Ol0
laM weak tn Taeana 010. •
Oaocft W. Lte toft Wadaaadar 'fv
■ —I----- Baitor aad Mtoi Bte BaaJalto, tea wife o( Jetpa* Baffea. to boaa la Otodaloaa. Dteeto. aflat
Itewwa aalton la town ea
poet week.
Bok. died Fab. 1. afla an UlDta of a a Ttoil «»
teyot toat weak.
Mate Moore tart asoteor daaee Fri­
baa tba
' aym- teto ptooa.
Mn B0M ba. aoTod bate taio bar dar arealai- Tbti0-toai oamben tow doya Mr. StoStoek boa
■r of a boat pf (rtoadi, f<w tea oaat
to a iwrtiaalarir ad ooa The yeaiic
ooaiOa bod been mairied only abent Mtoa Batear ISattola. who bar b
tene meotte. aad were aatlelpatlng
- •
• • botoa for eart
a*bfte«rMW bewtee
i of illBtto. to ooa
- I Jart pandarad.
Mn doa Atbarto to oa tea alte
Tba aaaban tt tba ladtot' AtdSoLeato. Mltooart. Wbtre
otatj of the Ooakiactrioaal ebnreb
bto tanlly.
wllbareial trioA mat Thateday ot
Mi. DawBOted baa_rayp^ to Datee ___________
boot of Mr.____
f Bobtot
" “
i. Oilaa Bodiaa aad wife. Dent Thiwaii wbaR teay aptat tbt day.
. aad wife and Utoieaae Peaaar
Mia Maadr Btltea to wcteta« for
wife, weal to Tiavtoee O10 Frib«r nw^hto^ih^^aU rigk Mra Qraaa.
Btpbt to tea "When Wa Wtte
ald*^ aalihbcahooA
0 now
J. a Oook aad wtfa retanad fit
Mai0 bare bad eolda
tbalrWNldlBp tripWadaaodaT are
bot bare Ttolttog I
M. a Onto bar baaBpeet0 fata
IncaadlenTar teeir tatainiioBa
(aw ten.
___________ mofLatoadr*
Mn. Dr. Wainr want to Ta
R. Darto toat 010 Satalter tortoll beraoa. — dayto tetoptoce.
Walter Oerden toft teto tom
ariX Waltor.kBd to aaotot tar daapb
Mr. and Hia a Unoa aM la Cftil- tor. Mia.^ Oo.^ ta patttap wMladto a etoit la Traeatee CUy.


lit tight itoio,


Cojipbr bottom Wasli itoOer.. ,75c

A good Tub Wtjager for. . SI.6S iCalvamiftI iroi. Wate Boiler. .TSc
I Water
;12 rjuan gaivan
; 1‘ait...............
30fi. Clothd. Line..................
-.Si* dot. Ckqhes Pint-.................5<i

WHV PAY MORE wben t-oo
can get a good range, made' of
benvy Keel, lined with ai-beKot;
hand ri»-«ed very dprely to­
gether with atoqfc beaded
tee hre boi k adJaH^
k good lolid oak. s-pece BedfOOto
lower it for wood, rake it for
finite, three toi^ dnwen in
dretocr. French bevel plalc mircoal: the fife grate i« d»t and
roTHtoc diawer and two doom
made to ahakc ut dogip; ash
to commode, nicely carved
pan is Uige and ate rhutet cmiallaolid oak,fot.........


tewp; higb clot* ii mcely likleted and hat rrvol>-aig door;
nickel handle* on door* of o*m

i.T“-2fg: SLSTbS

Dr. Browaaao a( Kiapitoy waa In
tba rUtope Sataitej ea twaftolwl

I al tea town
a fiw the par-

Mn. Fottt- toc^el pUled
Ironi, three irons, ooe handle Ij

i ^


^aa to
K at A J.


parlBi Batai- ttotar. Mn Holbrook at Elk B
Baity Oodd to raoaletB( a Baa toote
ot lope at bto bowl allL Ba baa add­
ed aaetliwtotea to bto bUL
Fieak Otaato bar ebtoiaad ea to
letetl la tea Bald toUl to Dalaa aad
tar mored oat tea* to br war bto


Bafll of BBtepori ear



At paplli of the Bipb Seboel f»ra

o TtoT laltoeettop toeciam Itadar
Mr. Btatewoed of Ltooad. waa to

right o» war. •««D M. Beett, wbo war tararelr to­
lled leal Moedar by tadaptonteby
a tatUag Man wbUa at wtofc to bto


Piepaie fi
Ttoeday. .
i farteb wtotar.



B. W. Baoltogt ft
WM to BtPtepon on B
W. B. Fmaklto oed tamtly lennad
TimJij Dm aetottwlte ratoateer
and tnoadr ta Ulead aad toft Setae
ter for teat! faoM to Trartrea Ol0.

Some e«fa bne odd Beth o« trf
bednmm aoiier, ortr 6 ft. hi^
tuedy carved, to dote Ml,


A fine One o( Cook taovea'' A

IWile-Watebaard for

Waitboaaa <U Fitol St.


fn,............. ................. SSS.7S

I wcptelTTto'W. for.........*4.74


abto to ta ool Mala.

toaa'aaaaate toatlal tarpa to tea eermtoy

Mr. Cooper and I
SbaTerre Bandar.
Mlaaa Bata Mote. Lelto Eriet
^ Flan^Tolea of Xonbpon t



wot TB«anaOI0, w

X. W. Br


017^. hteio**

Th* Bw««.
Sl-Bunn et naM«4 AlffsnasM Mwmd Qaw
WilbMlo* and Prinoe Uanir.lMr eoe•ort, an ccrraal Iwt*.
It if ftatad
ttet Um radfBTcn «( Dnwafftr Uaaaa
to «imw tba i^al eoapl« toan BOl BMiUac witl< laOBlii,
Maaa Haarj kafatraiii K»f u> Haokllabant. iii* aBoratial bon% on aa todlAnlM boat, vblla Qaean Tilhamina
tanaia* abol ap U (tar |>lae* and rafaantaanaojb..dy.
twiiM an Wlaanf.
Uaden. Jaa. <l-Slletaonar today
npoNi ttaai Otanal Fnneli baa eapMad
Bamban d roooha'a oaai■aado. vbtob ii no* eeaptatriy aoatOeuaodaut Sirawtaodl'a peotUBdoiaenUy attaokad Oolonal Obboha'a fona at AbtBBa fciaaL
lora ware rapolw
palaad batOoieoal DbbkBvaaklllad.

ocwef Itaan
rriday. Tbo obUd Baa laft la a aeat
■aakn vbWivaa vaU aopidlad
with waiB eloIhlBt and a DBnlBt
> fllod wllta Bilk. Oatbahandla
of tbr haafcat waa a aota Bytng: "1
hara BO panntai plnaa laka aa tt
tba aaic fBtloo." Ttaa eoDdaeio^aalacTopbad le itaa eaBpanr'a baadqnarlen asd waa told B taka tba baba to
at aatlan. latav ha rcnalaad a
mrtBca ordartac hla to Tatala poa
a of llir Ulaak aa tba road had
daoidad to adopt It. nOar and odaeaB
L It U BOV la a boapital la WieJilla.
Bataand oobkroaobaa an ao aaBorrrlrad at Sew Torfc fron tba
PblllpplBM that tba anriaea of a tal
saob oxtarBlaat* had to ba atto kUl tbaB off boeaaaa uf Uudancar of tbata oirriac diatM. Ttaa
PbiUpiilM lata taaar hair aoarty aa
Iseb load aod tba aBr tat of tba eatd>
an tBBODaa faUov BaaBarlac
two feat trea bUBoaa tobu

AtSpokaaa thirty yaar c
hat baas to a faypec
tlaea Tbaiaday
ana knova vlio la to UamaaDd pbytlalana By that BBliaa Itaa pataoo who
pal him to alaop roBOTM tala loflaIbare U BO UlllDf «baB>eariU
- Ho bat Mad tba
waka ap.
taBody OB paiteiiti aai
Dr. Aacaalla TboBpnn of Boatos
boval troabli' at tba Unloaratty boa^iBa
ba baa dlaoorarad tiM aacnt of
ptBL Tlia n-aalia ara ooBildarad ralUe to 110 yaara
Barfcabla, taaorarlaa belny npid. Tbr
ptayalelana bov b.-llrt a II Bay ba and
)f tbr foran of aaiVllb|OOd«<aal an typhoid brar pamal life froa t^
ibtat fateea Id a eoablaod farm lato
Datwaau 10 o'eloek Baalay Borninc
tba body, Ihenby to raUforea tha
iBd ■ o-oloek Benday afMraooo. all
"I oaa taka a mao
tba rtaldaau of Baat Boawa. eoBprlawbotr aarre e«ot<-r la weakaaod aad
iaf tba foaitb aad dfdi wards of Betnatora blB to beallb. I lava dooa It
taai. barad tbalr laf( arm for Inapaafor baedndL 1 did It ter ayMlf."
Oav or f(v raoBlaaUoB by pbnltdana
Oaardad by two dofi, tba' body of a
TblaaOtlOBVaaordeiad by tba board
II year eld bey waa foaod by two
olfaaaltb. Wbaatba.dooMaatoppod
braen OB tba laBka of a aBOll oaok
work ttaay had raoelaatod son tbao
aerro Bllat from yisfiald. KoBBa.
Tbia it probably tba
Tba boy. It tapBad. bad wasdarad
world's raoord.
away ftoa hotoa wilta bU dec. asd,
loainc bla way, Wba froaeti lo dialli.
' was BP Plew to tba boy'a Idmtaraatt of J. W.
DifatoU of Sfaartali. & D.. for dlTO.000. Tba proparty oooaUta of 1,000
•arta of (raalnir laod and 11,000 liaad
of oaltla. ByatiaB’a ciaslmt land bow
■Bta of PoBoa nfota M
' oorara b bIUIob Bad a l>alf atna. a
lat«a pattlao of wUleb U aedar laaao
tlBB tho Ontw iBdBaa
taifall dollan an poorly axaooWd.
Bor. Boaur 0. Staata, aaparlataad- bet tba Blli«ad apaMoaa balrra asd
qaartan defy dalaetlan.
Ulplaoa an n
1. aad nyt l
food haailBf. Aboat 1,000 aaaa
weary waak la raapeaaa lo tba afforta
Of tba Blaaltaary toelrly workiaf la
(ba PblpplaBa.
Twioa iha data had baaa tat for U>t
^Tlaga of IflB Bolaae to Marooel.
tba ttaaBsaa ptapand aad oTatythlnt
oUt taady, bat ao larabior, abtcM
ta hU dnaat Bad IbU onwy orar hU
wlU4‘-tha-wlapa, taaka a poor aaltor.
Bdlaoa b Bomad aad liapty, bet I.e
■ftaiata to yo lioBt u> taeala Ha fer•Bttaraatoiolioatlobtd. Ha wUl
ebypll Bicbt vtrfclatU hb Ubtatarj with BO Idaa tbat tho nti of the
world balooptoc.
Vladtor aattb waa !>>a aoaat of a
BoM Istartattajr dlBOrary tha otliar

HlB Kallia Hofei, wfaa M( bar
eat at Moaela, lad., fonr yaara afo
to arak bar folPBe is tbr
rataraed ttila week aa Hra Oolrla
Bmaor. wtwtb $1,000,000 la bar own
rlytat. She weat froB Indlaaa lo 6bIUa aad from then M the mM flaldi
of Alaaka, and arrlred al Dawaeo
Oily wllbent a aaaa
Bba then aepond a poaltlon lo a raataaraat at $10
weak, asd whan the nporU ftoa
OBa raaahad bar abr Ml fcr that
laaa Ai toon at the naahed Nobs
tha waot lato tba pbI baalneaa asd
tboB«h eaiiala acmta ffof ■ eoruat oa
(be Btln aapplT, eeetneUaa for It
at $U a Ma. Bbe iniBadlately imlaad
Ibaprioa M$110 per ton.
With tba
BOBla-r of
BlBpa.BBd alia li now partner in flflyfoor eUlaa.
OoUln BBioa. a -rtoli
Olty, waa atniek
ahth tba glrra baataaB Batboda, aod
they wan- Borried jaat bafera tba
atarted baok M ber old boBe.

tiBbaal of bar BBfcaty. stada la tlia
yaar IMS. had baaa hlddta away, for
UwM aadwwteod to be Hit qataa'a
Hocaea Bbroadar, 17 yean old, was
wbb tlBt It ba pbeed, aloafwllb
«bu of tba prlaoa oonaon,’la oaa of foosd dead on tba floor of s O. 0.
ttatBOapUoa tooBa after bar death. Bona* ffrooary, OblBpo, where ba
■d. ItwubUdatyto opaatbe
la tba manlDd.
Tlie ttnra'a
a BTlty of a wall, where it had baea
briekad op nearly 40 yaanaco. It path waa foaad noder hU body.
WM hardly aaytblnc tin wona for ib Md baee abet by barplan
10B)i oaataaaaBt.
Tht Keato
Uawallya aad W. H. HarBoa-whe
an bartat tba O'Bilan Blae, hare
am* what b ballorad to baa Bine
a( pan aUrar. They bare AbBlaed
U Mat'of B» on whlM b almob
Aa annca easy la IS,
000 oBnoaa, wUeh flrea a ralar to tba
tea of nearly W.00O la tba whiB
KIb KaUb BMaa. eot at tba balba
at OCBwa, O., waa marriad la OavetOI. T.. by idBOocrapb. to 3. F.
f that
tba ally.
Tba Mfabr
MaiTbca oarameay waa iBpaaalbla,
owlac M tba bet (bat tba boBtef tba
tabalraa with wboa HuaBtoae
Mopplac, awaUlod tba Barrbcv waa
tBalljaw labartooat wan aba
qaanatlatd. Hba Slooa, la Iba pnammd tnioettta. npaaled Into (be
pbaacwmih tba werda. "L HaUb
DaaMB. M be By bwfally wadded
hsibaad, for batter or for wotb. till
dnlh do aa part" Thr rawltlar waa
tbw laserad. laBlfatad aad taken
an (be Daaaaa iBldaaoa. w^n tba
1 aad a olartyBaa'parforaIr pan of (he oataaMoy.
Malph Stahl, ataraar. b
faroad to qmll cbawlBK Mbaeeo on
aaeoaal of the treat.
raeerd u


tbtwad oat poaad of plat Mbaeeo a
waak for twaaly-foar yaara. wbtah
BMBaaa irakod total of I.MIpoaoda
At 10 aaata a poaad-«ad it aerar ooai
bla axa.—Unpriiiub a oath
oatUy of SSilSiaoa the Mbaooe
traw bai irM ooalnd of tbtBaBafaatara of toMaoo tba |wiaa ii to hlyh
Ibaa ba eaanot afford to bay it. ao ba
aware off ca Jaa l.
Aratidaat Boosaralt hai aoeaptad aa
larlMaiPa. eitaadad b.r (Th'leUw

Blwatd aa tha aaaat Of Hr. aad Hra.
Min tlooaarall will ba ptaaMMdateoan. Ber dinaa It U Bid.
will ba of Wblta aatls wlilitbanco
IbUb train tbtat yarda leaf.
TatiMflai a Hantoa of Vlaihrop,
Mob, baa Uradod i lo Ban of tba

Bren bardiblpa

The Kind You Have
Always Bou|^

BrHOwoB Bala

for pood la tba FUll
bla eU woIaaMor mrlBaat. tba TUrty-sixth lafaatiy.wan 11 yoamr
wlrta of tba oOenv M wboB tba
daroMd tbat
tba ttBaVau to depart f<w tba Valtad BtaMa tba aatlrat. lrran»«l"
a«a or aez. wept Uka ehUdnn.
John EUnciaa. a brabwaaa wbo bad
both last cat off la aa aeeidant
rla. Kaa.. laat SapMBbar.



and U to hare daploynaol for life.
Ba la alao M be prorlded wllb aitlflA. Barley Wyandolla. a waallbj
eial la«a
At BatAaport. Ha. tba old tebeee■naar oaar Tipton. IniL. wa. driTuqr
ar Aay Sal||bi,D»do fameat by Rad- .OBt lata at al»ht. a hldhwmyman
stepped fraa tba raadalda. xoppad bt*
yard Elpllat. IBS
horwa. dnv a terolrcr sad daBaadad
BOaey. Wyasdolta had three
lane <h«a >n Iha wama whom be aai
and bett opeaad at <B tbe robber, who cried for aercy.
eaoo. and tba “Inat dlaBlra^” wtaiU Hentnnada few honn tolar with a
bad hardl.T tlBa to aaoape. acarehlnc
»*“■» “*• ^3
In KIplink'aaKiry "Oapt Corafeoaa” tba robto-r almoal tan to pl.-eea. Hit
tba Aay Kal«ht Uared u U.a oobi- Identity ii nnkaowp.
dlan of tbe fleet, a enfl Uial was al­
rbe (nab Taloe of Bapllat a>-rB(ai
ways brrakinc adrift aad an amtle _ Vlrfinla baa been ofllolallly fla-4
of tbafloal- nl $I.XSaad a fraotloa caeh. Aboard
tbat flabed off tba of arbitration. eOBpria.-d of Bapilai
Otaad Make
olarfTBan. baa decided thai 4b.- Nor­
Oapt. Oaorffa W. OoBTOW-wbo Bec-d folk W.-at.-ra Ballraad Oa. msat pay
tba Ufa of PraaldaDi Uaeolo al tba
B. T. *. P. Ulnae. vmM'
aalfo of Patanbart. la dead la PblU- ParkTlew Bai«lit cUnroh. at Poru
delplila, at tlie am of Iff DnrinR tba Buoib. $U0 tor MS aemoei, low by
•elm of Patanbant. IdneoUi. while amott and aaployea of tba eoiuraaT
TUitlu tba lleaa. altboodh npBBdly while ba wai a paaaenxer. Mr. Hm.-.
waned that tba eoafadarate tbarp- bad ralocd tba leBoaa al $BO each.
alioolrn were aollra- adraaead aa far
The Toblo oorraapradeal of i
u the ontpoata where Coorow waa ts Dally Expraaa cablet tbat crer M a
dnty. aad stood with hla'btek a«al<>a'
hare been froaoo In death
a tna.
Hr. Ooarow. peraalrlsK a Bortban Jafoa.
alBTiBbaolar oa tba fortlBaatioiif
leralUc bla rifle al tba'preaid<-iit.
■taaeOt.f aa KB(i*<h ommkM.
rpranc fciwarda (he latur aad alyorP. CamHher* llould. th.- <-elel.n>ted
ootlr paUad blB M tba ytooDd oofy
eartoonlil of Th.- V i-»mr.n*u-f llaas Inataiit bafote a bollel waa bsrtad aelte. Ut he»'0 slvliiy eou.e |«nlnj111 Iba tree la front of wbiota be had Un remrdlu* hla t^tleiu ef work.
baee ataodlnc.
-At a rale.- he wyt. -wh.-n paritoNear 1a Oraaita. lad . Hra Jolia Bcnt I* alttloy. 1 «et to the honte of
Cblon. amd tl TBra. the wife of a eommena at SJb or 4 o'.I.K-k lu the
died tsddaal.v after aflcnoon. aad Ukc op a lotlilon cllha liodaa- »r lo Hw yaUery or ihe lobby—oecordtatlBfa hearty poppar,
tey to wbat U yoUiy on. 1 woubl c.»
r ber diwtb Md lo ibe loWiy If I wanir.1 tpeeUI delaUt
Bade all tbe fosant i
of an lorldent or pertnll frotn a parBba Inrllal a anmbar of frianda to tlealar njenilu-r. .« about 7 o cku-k I
aappar aad attar tba bbI aba laid
araett opt <b a txmeb

to the -NaUonal I.llwrtl rlub. where 1
prepare my drawhiym. Ao ordlnaiy
The retidaau of Ob<-aterfield. Idaho,
JfA''^*to**a«Tule-^b'leaeo ifeeurd1 aa laoUBd partita of Bannock
eodPly. art' staatly aselled <nrar tbe
aptaraaoa of aa aldbl-foql hair-oorerBoaatar. It waa tint aaeu on Jaa.
wbea it appeared amoac n party of
air» ir JM«T---------- =—
yonat people wbo wan akatinc oa tbe*
John Oooeb'a raaoh.
ocaqtnra abowad fl(ht. aad. flosHtb-


Telia, atarted to attaek the akaten.
aaaan'Bonte of the mokt abowad
a onamn'a feat to hr M Inebi-n
loaf aad 7 Ipobaa broad, •iib tba 1bpwlsl of oaly foar iob

Cure Sp-l'-Ss

JkBB HolUadnka of Koltbibarc,
IL. aad HlB Bllao
, Karra Clam Raw Tea tarttcu 0. SlauB
faokama, hare ynat baca awirlod.
'erty years affo tbay wan rveellaarta
aek la New York atata. They liad
nowe oaeh other fraa latency and
Ibelr Towt of ODOatancy won made
(bay Were UMa Bsra tbaa eblllitea eaaeaqaaml aad tbe
llBS tapantloo.
Tha xirl naoWail.
tbat tba woold nerar aany.
aba waa 17 yaan old ber faBllr fDor.-d
to Wankeme aad a tew yaan Utar
Belt. In 18» ba ratimd from bnainraa. hariax aaqalred a oompatency.
About tba BBa tisa hit wife died.
Ba leaned of bU
1 on bar and tba
BJTiam foUowad.'^


(taua-Alaikan Oo'eAxpaoiatleo aad
Aa aartbqaake aod tondalld.- baa ootraU balldiBR party bare eat tbali
nmd la tbh Olyapl^ aannotaiaa la
way tbreayb froB tba Takea to IIUaud attablialiad a trail ha waatera licwtlon ofJeffanon ooon- {
wlUdiwlU Bark a saw r
y. WaablayW
la^iaaa raport one
! Ibe peaba la Uw Olynple nnye
■dally ae faraaNoaaaod
brokaa off aad slid loMa Tallay, alroRloa liPOBoenied.
Tbe ABtrioaa Olay-wprfciaK Hn- moat fllltny IL 'nanitUe Talley waa
utblted. boi was a (aTorita hnnthloe OoBpaor of Bncynia, O.. bai
beobwppllad M }or Baefalsfwy to ataa- lay yrannd of tbe ladtoaa
aa artifleial fpol wbieb will
Tba Ofaloam tlhreniola tar tbal a
rndloate of Ohieayo and New York
.... „jtpar tbaa oeaL
It la Bade
froB ardlB&yelay mated with ebaBiaali aad U tbe lataatloa of aa old
railway aayiaear of Omaha, Tlia feel
tafna la a atora, piaB or
It ereatat no ameka
dan and barua M while aabea, tvanty
flra peaadaof -ba teal iwodaeMfi only
a qeantity of aahea that Bar be held
la tba palm of (ba hoiwU la.<ba a
a tba An llltrally eenaoBB
>, aa,
prodoelBK flee Ubms tba taiocpt
Bi that coal iwodaeaa.
A woodt-rfal dlaoorety of qaa
ooBtrloBotBi*. wbldi lo a
•a adaptabUity 1
danlepaaat it wltboal
boat doebt tba b<
tba world baa erar aaaa, baa beta
Bade by John Hatmn. aa old Cbriboo'Biaar aad bobo Boath AfrtBa
ron Indian rlrw. la tba Klcadike rorloa, IS
Tbata fraa BiUlnff- dapaalti rlob lu
flat jrolA are eiyfal Bllae loap. from
oaa and a halt to feat Bllaa wide aad
idantooddoplhef KOfeol. Than
laeDoatrb tno BlUlay on Mowli
mil aaByiac all tba way froa $1
$t00 M Iba Ma. to keep 10,100 aBapa
voetclajr for 100 yean.
Btrlnii neelrad nperti from Dc*
Holaat ihal ttMraan MO
U that aty. tba bealtfa rosBiaaloaar of Cblaam la only avalua|t
farther adrion baton taMax ap
iraatlnr amlaat It.
• . U alto alBioMd with tba diaaaaa
aadll ia npart^M ba mdiac la la
QaaiaailoBacBlbat oIUb la
alllbraaataBaanUkalyM ba aatabUabad. Tbe Baaaa Mtba Mkae
Dr. Bayaebli. U ba daeUaa Iba avaaBty axiata. wlU ba M I


Both new and
second hand.



fWM Md Loss or &CKP.


ttACT coPTOr waaaaca


paewars simci-oT*T* *w m.iii

prrs.iuat 1,7 aa .ed.e.r Ibe'
«V-un l..r tbr.'euiir .< t.Twk Tr».
im ib>^;ua
■■I Jabuarr.

k-«~l tor 1llr-ir • Itllur
a(aina< Ub IWUU- ■< JupB Olll.. .e Ibr
Trafvrw. <l.y. lab- .4 nu.l e.«Dlr.|

Patents IP®!,

i First ">Uom1 sat*
f Trareree City pays 3 pw J
coil.oiiSavtatsDep»lu 5


To Wnom It a«ar Cosoom.
Mimi-X T>a- D-dr»«a»l mb-kii hi Ira
It tuUy uM> >4 (lb- (uU->U( iiarrltj d
Irsd I.r mBWI .«j.» U»«i««i. uW taw tbr
lu4rruru_ll.MI,IU Ikerel.. ubtk* tbl 4e^
IM~I (Iu-r,-(..r. birl abet j,« be. rartnl«4 lo a
rmort-y U..r thei.r* bi bay imeblllilb oi
aM-wtUr bli.-r H-o-y.-.. y|.« y--u .4 Ikn. b.4k-e,
atron.''°"0< <">4i' uM.«a(T-0,4 bll .oibr
|ba4«I.d. me-b y-ur, i-be-tb.-r ritb tor




red bil

Jre»«r, i_i.r~i..i u- i

t^lr, rtrl rUl.w rjiub;. tf
'■ ’a“'

!• vret'k.l -tlHi It I
.1 aid j.rtlur.'-r gir






ation is tb» Thief

-y «iie and eaieful mnthNaluR it 1 very

_______ ^w^inj
beyin. For ii

PeojUe a* i rule hixw'a
Tayue uira o! ibe aaiourr in wUath
ii»u»UJne<laD.l Kjppottcd. They ki
Ihev mtiW r« to 1.«t. BoI they .U. not
rasauler ihil when the Konarb mil<hyeilirr ind nutnurr tracu lie <'
tbr ot.ject M riUny, ubich ii tl
lion of the l«aJt. emoot be petf
uinetl. Onir twrt of the food ntra ii
conrerud into Lulnlua. and Uae U>1v ii

beiny follr nouruhrd. TM...
wudiny oidbe finta. I<m of wrlyhl wl
t . 'yon bind in bmd with iom of lUeaytb.
and yeorral drhtlitv.
Wbn thr dto:hiaoure.Iby-rK.|.leaUrdry,’ tbr food ii diyeitr.1 iivl

.... _. ..
a iDperte.lly. Some
dir liter eatiay
eatia be hii i lilllr lour or
totter tiilog lo tbr thcoil, Ur <lnn:
tell 10 nocomfiKtil
. 1 diitma m tbr re>
b in.1 prrbip. he

ment n ____ ____Brrnytb anJ'Tiyor ..
the bod , tbe prtaof of thu bnw wnitm
auudi ud ouBcta of lo« finb

—1. e

Srcisr,'-*;.!: .r___ o_

■ti ^wd oryani am die-

OiiraiUiiW«1 nunr tbrwrmi.*.<lBlj t«i
n.rt. >4 liui.e b KOII-4..4 *hu.'.«1-T l..rn ;


ce-iGol^ Medical Da­
iry enm Ibe doBan to
MOBach and olbct or-




for Over
Thirty Years




Bears the


tribnof tboaa Unit people of Iba ter
nertb. aa they an rapidly loainp ibclr
aatln cdoracIcrlatlB asd before tbe
wcwld't fair tbara will baaqop........a>4 b aO
altr to dwv Ibam to tba aeiaB- M the I
lijB of tba world, wbo ban bad bal
leacar oppMtaally d kaowlny them. _
Tba Ooapal «ortar».a nUctosa aael i
la araaaliid Bneb int’-raat ai Belle
Oentar. Wblt.- eoaoiy. lad. PaUla«
U ttaaoBla»bity oonrtaaoa.
ractoeaBca* laatlnc for bean. {
Oee of tba worken did aot awaken at I
tba elBc of Uw aerrloea aad aba was.
Brrled M bar boBc when aba n-.
Baiuad BBtll • o'eloek Ilia aext Bora-1
tax before rarorcrisg ber aonaal Ooo-!

Light and
Heavy Sin­
gle and
• and a few set
that have
been used a


with saw gum
ming attach­

The best for
the price in
the city.



•I will tiprtia my 1
to TOO (or the kindly--------you hiTC yiven Br in rrnrd
to my «aie,‘ wriu* UiB
Camr ]. Wbinon, to Ibuiannt, Spotlivlranii Co.. A’l.
•P,-bm f WTOIe to you.Uto
■priay 1 wii is a trrriUe
•Ule of bnlth. lied yiren
npili hope to errr brnoy l«t..
trr. 1 ipn op ay food all tbe
tiBC asd it m mtd asnr M
Tineyir. 1 would ban • bad
nrk bradirtae erery o
week; is fvit. my hand tt
woodcriim. He becoBB atoepIeB. toms
fdt clmr. md 1 waa trepfecOy tec
flrtoi, aorbsatoberwsratayioflbede. down under tbr torais ol Ic^ayl —
TClopoFsl to dimambot be aiai trimto
eostoamly. 1 am oto lUr to bare a
workSooe darhectoUpan.dnipidown
phtaiciu attend ow. tea bad read a
perhapiatbiit^amrwbro brcoiiHato yr^t deal in tom booki to what yom
tlBaclf is bed be bmriouilr ill. Heia
BedicineTiad done for mbera. ao I wrou
uariny tbe penikr for bii hecdlciBcm
Toa and yto toot adricc. Bosybl two
to Ssuirc‘1 waniiayi. Wbenerer tber*
boUtca to •Golden Holies! Ducomy'
arc nsdoe hOlocB after catiny. loM or
and tbe firto dme I took 1 felt teeter,
bitter erwcutiona. belcbisyi. and kin- H-bes I bad ftniabed Ukioy tbe two bto.
dtod a I u.toiiaiii it litbe gys Uml diaraB Uea 0* apbl-sy sphad entirely toopprd
and bit bead waa tmicb tetter. I do nto
aad DOtnare tracti. -DimM aalrm bt _____
it baa ««
tnadr ao eotTte core to me,
sa'it required more than that for me. a«
ebecked b always proyiepniT. as
I waa ao rrry ted. but I telirre ra
oolr a qaatioo to time is aaefa
Bedidacs airyoal what yoo-bare mid
wbm tbe bcaltb aad aliaaclb a


te amaaS

>,ri->ia^|M. aaltaa-. uami4 ye.-aia.a%14
by auu n.. naar— <Ue mw to !•-. huaffma
Kttp tSr-- aaa ' <m dtotara itsatoi aaXaa

■i.’SU' ^



Bw*Te.tol-e.m4rtosewia aOiUUm W Ba

^ fl^ab. not wTth flabby ist. ^
• For staost two yean I infeed from
Are.. TocenlD. Ontana *1 triad a yiaat
nnaber to rmnedlm witboni WBceeaa. I
fetolT lo« fotb in Uses afl. 1 waa ao
fary^tteB I cosld net bear any aebd
food on my stoOBeb (or a tony time; Ut
Btoancbtoy a^ depraandT^Canld not

ssa'JiSk'c^'S' "■

^>.c—oo ^SenanHato

MlStoS- STxT.




Ve wUl braad Mhov


we cos Bke wna d tbst
I wiU aM~Ttr-«Ut llaa. m

-"'Oerirade Adaaa.
Bath Adame


Taba..lUei>.. Jaa. flk. im'
Dmr Mra Batea-1 wtab la ba owe
Bm wnm
d Ibe flrei 10 }dn tbe Ber-ld Yoaac
_____ Mfratt h^aalL...............
r day. aad of aU tbe ewtedea
_____ >W «3i potk or_______ ____
ate so ooBls to kMiBttt^
I wiU taiey rtadinc
wluUMa psT7.’«ti<tElk«d c< the
i will try Terr bard lo Bias a btepd of
book oho had But nad. To bwr h« wblab n tbo baot aedlolai that eoa
wot wonh (he wl>ete tuarwey.
-------------------------------- -|«*ic*-a UlBeoeedoMmi bey md<£^»........
___ .fOB Book atoTB .tM_________
■roadtly. laoaltdtha FnetowyoiAndIbBaU areaadBe BtaadblB-l^'
ktfUmt eUktna.

Baking Pomler


MaOt of Pure Ormpe Cream of Tartar


iriMTr^at^, te iSuSS

[Tea tlM«, tb USB U
« tbt owalUM ami hi
lor Um bo «r aad htrehUdres.
Moot wo a woald haeo eboam il

Saf^fuaids tlie food
against alum*

Oriait. Mil*-. Jaa. ». llOt
Dear Mn. Baieo-I iboacbl 1 weald
, write to yoa Md lei you know ( bare
Dea't yoa tbuk 'twaa tbe'funnieet nad ihe Soaebiae. 1 bare a tarn and
Beta la tbt Britlah mol_____ __
dnw ^____
. . . "lAe batebed foarteea elitobe. aad 1
tbo DM of bootoMld It oppanetly
Ibt^boac IKB the kraaebB abi.Tr
DO Mnaoan tad (fatte It o ttory of t
Mdy. wba. wUW tantrtac o atw nrAad floated away OB tbe tlreaB.
; woald Hie i.. we tl» ABen<« P««l



.. . . .srSi,'

tbe tUclitea wrinkle.


•”* “ ^

uoleof food w


St Bostht tlitt 1 held yos;



d batata at tbe
"Oh, 1 LtToloil’tl
aid. oBd y^
|i yoo oot of TonrdlOaoliuf it/ My cbildne^ btelaod art
til load of tt. too.
lonh, te
'^ky frimd had May qaetr DeUaaa,
aad tbu ttraok Be at bunf oat of btr
an. My be_______
CBotla, ud they on loTcly. bolTMj
.. oriual, tua 1 woaiod ay dosoac
uUad 10 Ooti.
Ooti, you know, tad By »•
vniw they
be al Jobn«tii.

.. . -^p2rtspri*^^I^*t5."
1 wktbod I hod beard >t; bat I btee
olaoot itexa

unit me
Wtei t htTt daee with totww.

■ OhtMlkytltyt*—twctdtattsaa

1 doo-i kaow--------—-----------------------taoUy." Tbe epooker tvbed, tud t
oot 01 toBnlae oooeero wot upon her
btodtOBw, tpimed Itee a el.e ej Aad 1 Ufbed. (00. tt 1 looked a
111 eiloaoo, nOecunf thox It wot porlatly otoltte, pobtbly, fw nr to By
------ 11 wot tBlnklaT^ WoBBD la IM
eoad rajMiitMUty of life ask
1 Biotkr in tlut Bttiar of (lei
up. U le tne Hat eome tblafe Bi
be Bondovd to boae dsiii-e: B
tflar all. t wiB Ule in ony walk
.... bte to bepiidtd
•0 oboloete to wlat ooe thalldeor

" 1 exalalffl.
bare at loot
•are oofflbiaaUoa.
'Way not Bolaeaaa,> waltat'eo.
• " ebe replied.
"Tta rmlr«'woe
EiTsB me yaaie ace.aad after one trial
1 neeei tailed to follow U. It U eery
elmple, at yoo will per.
Wbaoeear I
hoTi. a bam to boil, 1 Snt leak it orer
ui(hl in imilewat aad water. Tbii
eofteai aad froabooe tbe bam. il if it
liard aad Bit, aad v>ne to il
. reel Bate peoBliar lo faaBt thtt
■easarearud.- If I Mre a aUot of
bam to broil or fry. 1 «ak II for aa
boar or (wo lu boUbm aad ^ator,
enooeb llqaid toeorar tbe hM.

K^e. and wipe with i
oloih before patlinc it in tbe spider.
Ham U ueoa^ oTied Bore la (bt
tuBBer tbae la the winter, and the
I and water at tbit ommm of
(be year will be found .decidedly
ImproTe it."
1 etuooe DDWittI'bli oooTerBii
It wbtt to ketp tad wbai to (ire op
lira Mneward. for .kample. lae fiToa
latrly trerythin* that Koee - •on beiweee ibe Ibb wUeb I eeok
•ad tbal of my aei|bbac.-UdlB'


3imu4 tbt ee««'» e*w».

otitide of bar U
______________Bonftoed maob of tyinan lieard to eiBteaory it (rewlac
to poor, 1 oaa bardly
rooaU aaytbln«."
r»l bealnTtla^^^at^^^^
A W.___
lu tbe Jmoaty
nnmbat d Ernty Where bti
itnce oo (hu eobjeot
"Memory does> aot "fall"
in loae of all tbe (aooUleei;
faooUlei i itelmply
lof uae
cut* weak and lanculd (or
______ __pbyuloal
____________ ____ do. A
a dale, a BBBa. an Incident.
. up or rukber lalU to eome up
you wuni It. Thure seeme lo be
^ oopuaelblr way of temamberlnc itA Tm make two or (btee eBorta, ftTo

A wool, word for eroiT dty In tbt
vatk tad tm enty
la tbe year
Maadtyi If ym wMttbefoodk
MOW, vatdb tbt Unit wotdt yea tow.
»e^^’ .Terytauw ooteide of
TotiBiy; Uyoa wial Ufo'e blot. dally bread and meat, (ndduic -•QWtott.pBU«attboBitiatlitl - - pla Toy ohildpokef ai
^.x.tnyway? 1Yoo can't
_______ _ : XiOTiat lOBt u tlwayt Lo ^liTlnffo^yway?
dad Ume loD nail
' a Ikxk y
tosMhl UM tichl
lorltb band, oblldrm
________ aodfi
id fneode ai
otud In. aor to play
like; ao, aor eran to Hire reli(lon t
-------------- II demande Irom yo

. .-s;

To wlal porpoot it tbe work of yoar
aenr-mtlas bonde deroled!
U It
rlthl to •
1 wbUe yoa ar>' boey oror
______^ ^byaloal
Joal eaiteoodiniw

Bsbdty: Tbit rweot Uw. dttr
r for
at tbi(b<> ...
............ relaueee t
ladlkMWilwUl naptbo food I ________
Sosday, it ii true, boi^you Bt la yew
ehalr. UtrA. eapty of miod aod pr*ocoufdad with
You BI (here
with aU Ukm
km Ibinklnc.
___ _
____peoidi aroaud
TbbefMdof bti'.bwMBii rItb
ym a MBBOi te loTu aad te work iAd
teplayitobo otiiM witt yow puaMiMmA bsl bol omlmMd wlUi yosr- wimt ^^ware ^Mlnc ^d drinkl^
BtlsiBty: What wt (lt«. wt
ly iM; tot* fOi Ion tad frti ter trek

ww.-ain. W. a rowr, la ~
VMBtr. moss Olty. lewt.

leiato Uia
mry home) work; <
aot let it bBWMr you.
ilBlI ooeupy yoor thencbiv
iballoncice ymr toocuv aad------■«~ii lake Bp yew tuae. Slop Urine
lo tbe sBali leaeup round of boamWotkand aal^borbood society. l*iTe
with yaw ^Idru. That it ibe only
« can H
ibem. MnBr uU
way you
to .
tbalr bicbw lita Learn lO (oMe» tbe
flrM warse of
ambUioa. and
- _________
glow the early and (eel
ft deep l^llnC:^OI

absBl ito hwoB and
9IA Ui feattUi aad lie TistorW. lie
hi^ bsstoa, and lertac twarto. but
Bltortr Isra bmi tbt slcbt Mdeft
■■BtoloB. o»n« •• ym Bay reUere
It. md dweU la iba bliMfl Bntotsa
thou U ao iwueier tblac m nartb
Iran to
Mbs te boom ft Ood'i
> those about ym cbooto wiieiy.” *»w-illefatwe aad
marie. aUtI
■irmew toBiB ym are anecMplaiBlioml beiac. •
i0.-ratemiy Imdles' Bobs JourInrite riram I
etnS yow 1
dno'e nrawbe'D-.
ImTs Ibi-B to be earrto or ariutBed
ft yoo wtaea tliey we (pown, or wtU
you oliooee to crow BoaBlly aad epir.
tookui^ tr^ ItaallT. keepluc well abreaU ft Ibe
ber M^to^ a wtMfal claaer at
ftOld^'e tarp be'
plu^ So i____
to ym with pri*- wboo
IS tally derrloped aMb aad
SSlSftptosM. "ttAMBburtma'*
up the TOBlIT WblQI teedi upon V
nad a Utile at odd mry ft nelcbboieoi r Bidinc laiai


taaljn '

‘^A^rS^^Mfttawat Mboftebe

____ isn

_ftbtfiUy.. -I

-_.w. 1

I bars toe a
m it
“Aad I wosdw how Baay boars
ym tBi late ibs mpklto aad tawoli

^ Mtoitoto to wlatw.

to »wlBC ato 1

re of a eaprul of B«ar and
eae-balf of a capful of boiliac
aad alBBer peatly aatil cooked

epomtal of mil. ooe tableapomful of
•Ofur end oae leBpeonfal d baklnf
powder. Add toaowat Bilk to mix

neriee —__________ ____________________
kind* ft uw.
to cewcuwe aod teach yow toudx.
yew body and yow feet tbe beaaty ft
Lean to wort ui what
worth wbllc. to iblak Ol real UdBre.
to aroid waetinc yow power* upon
BOtblBClOf “* "
Oaet- wbeo m a lone Jowory I Mayad all Bicbt la a Mctbuu' e boaea Iw
away m ^etraiobra ft ttH- Artwiia
Tto women ft lb.
woman of thirty, with (our ohildrea,
talke-1 raevriy wiib bt all
r. and wtoA 1 left ber lur the nutut
Die laBp
laapiB aer
br BUleiidowu by Uie
eltaa illUe kliebee-wbleb ww auo
bw parlw mod bnlroom. for Uiw.
wen- bal fwe noBi to the bmer. All
alfhi tbii
—■----- ^ -■
---------------nad tbe book I bar
aad whu* I WM U

-- .


tbii ciMii toom (to boto. tto

bI ?
^ Idri



pcftitively, bcc'cut-c it is pretty hard to tell
sometin^ just what causes a^y kind of pain- One thing u
cum Scwalgia.
' foo II cures by putting the nerves to sleep- It is believed to
be the only external cure known for Neuralgia Every
Omd bye. internal neuralgia tnedicigp
Omega Oil cur« from the outsiJera^.'diere iss DO
c risk
or danger in using it.







*. wn«... W .X.T.TJ.JJXX,. ^


- .

A Sail Piaoelto«:eat wmn a pa
diamood miTiact wd a cold met
Bid to be worth ftCO. and seoa
'enjoy it.
Hls/iaietreea Hn. _
BlauA toi eflftfoaadhlBadailrlac
blBSTlf aad bli Jewale la (be Blmr.


as tbe plain, aaaitocaed ml witbml
aay diamcsd earlace or cold aoek.'
Erwy _____
fully ctoomed aad fed. aftw_________
u drODcalod wltb hie Jewelry aad
Hseh ai be would dea.-tr
.. .._____ te uerer permlttod to prowl
about Uie lawu or toefe yard; bal ii
order that to Bay bare exarwee anf
suaeblne a neat UHle bourn tana bew
made (or him In a euany oorow ft ibi
yard, eud iberu to i*jpl^ (or eerw
ul bmra eaefa day.
Be hue bit little


bae brouebt into
Mn. Roeeeeelt b belle
Jnri balow
(aTor a eleere wfalfti
Ibe bell
(bore are
tbe albow. Inride tbe
____ ft
withaatall ft
knife plalrinc otw tbe kauoklra AnWAT Mn Boosereli liat of farii.
K I_____
bee aleeree
. .-e U wi
with Ito
to bell aad
t tbe belt
a Uttle ruflle ft taeeU
The appen ft (tor
1 to a momoliA a rlrl i
•ruTaianc tbinc in tto wa

Olvuia ot r.

_t. P. a OriBto ft MitobeU____
AL a. a, r


Yonr (WO SunshiostA
Bobbi* aad Boy Paym .

' It afraid that my ben’s will lay in
BteW - Plean send me a mm-

b^ doll

ism. so ym raw 1 aa kept busy- I
: dm-I know ae ym naoBber Be.
[as 11 Tears eld and 1 lie* at Iwu
Lone I-ke. Jaa. *. 1*0*
La»*a. Tow little ftiend.
Dew Auntie Baiea-1 go te eebool
Ven P. Dwym.
etuty dny. My tenwier'e mme is AoAdTuaee. Mieb.. Jaw B> iMe
cusu Brosrn.
Wa tore I elckbra
Dear Mra Beiee' My Botbn baa
adopted tbia plan In cur «aally two
^.ymrsacA Twoyt
school this wtaM.

-Tcrara. raOWU *“*«“



Carriages, Gutters, Sleighs, Etc.


-Re-Painting and Upholstering.
SUtri sc rtaar Union.


For Job Work of all Klnils Call al tic Herald Office.


suggest to you bow to get tbe m«st fora little ooae>and get first class qualitj’ loo. Come to us—you have
been buying on the old system loog enough. Get out
of the old rut and do your buying on up-to-<iatc
We will ^w you bow—for insUMe: here is a list
of goods you cannot duplicate at any store in town.
They are spot cash prices and we are spot cash dealers.
M bring the mooey.
Tbe sugar market shows signs of a sharp advance
—we will sell at the-lowest pomible price.

* fotgt

bUI owl ptoy CUri
boce taanUnc loBS Ibis ra.aai^ St!
~u mpn u»t ni«bL
- ■■■ J.

*• ITMiTUd
My eieter Heto-


i daato.


You MicuttransaFATHOK -ssrWTNU. UKU cuac, 596 U lUU A«e enciM, u.


cot from John Be«net. SunBan. Ind. | “ ‘
Ttoy wlU fly op m my al.ouUet; didn’t
. .
wuo hurt Tery bad'y lo
ftwd U
tlie wood* Ibe Salordoy before: h--ie
TtoT will eure tto (iwikuriite; emu er.
1 ton al] f
I w
err kidaey IIL Bara ii Ttaewm Oily
alBM well ecain now.
tto eare ft the c
iraf that tbU U eo
mUltorotowr 1

aad broken eecSed caai.
Bows ft
these. wiUi ttotr hde sarefully flitod Ooan-i KlAaey PilU ma to dr|aaded
oo. iweesBl u tidy ...................
Iw eurmeeee (be j
aad alee the tin
BIT yean aad atwaye
•ton- a cl
bealM aacu abml two
the___________at esee wlihmt
____ _____
B my kldmye rittor
benuc to lake down and uneorw baU
d or ware oiui UBkoA
e douea le tbe 'eB-wt to tad tbe oae
tnm pan
pun aad aobiac U
la the
ese luadtly obeerree
( my buekto rneb aa «
bow lapedy the can
--M lame. A Mf-----uA to rtaaar wboVd aaad Dma'a Ktdary
Pilla adTiead me totryf—
aiatMit nlleTud me.
I tto wmbla lulwwed. aad I___
-*ba pUle t«aia for a low Aeyaralamaffttowft. wtoa
> flmily
" I I
PiiotocA ftaiee and qmlalty atoped
^'‘ri^boiau ^B^thea. 'eAfl~^


like ll-e woik. Last I rhlck-«a
bent 1 rai--d iwetil*
will be *are loni-ea brood this oomIDC euBBer ; end I have rix beo* to
start with. 1 l—r* Tena eaBpleof
the ABenean Pmlnr Journal. I ba.e
Oriait. Mieh.. Jam S4. IWR.
tmn a Sunehia-. c>rl for -vet ihne
Dew Mn Bane 1 want lo be ooe year*. 1 will close for thi* time.
Your Bun.Uine Oirl.
ft U- fleet 10 Join the Henld Y<
Folks Pooltry A>
am but I See If.
Flarmra- L. Bernard.
nine years oIA Mamma myt I cr
‘ ‘
TruTerr City. Mieh.. Jan So. Iriri
l-re Atc hms to bmt» trlth.
; D<«r Mrs. Batei^l Bw ia tbe ps|-er
Yonr Sunahlnr boy.
I that you wanted ue to m »«> the
iBBout M. Sewemral.
i pmltry buiiue*. It u •ometblnc that
Oedar Ron. Jam f8.1IWf.
j 1 bare been lal«reet--d for some time
Dear Mn Bate*—Mamma read to ' I srae iotendinc to ni*e ehickee thti
ae from tbe Hernia aboot elartlnc Ui- sammer I lake care ft tbe eluckeu*.
Benld Younc Folk* PoullrT Aeeoria-' They art -to tarn* tbet they licfat on
tioe. I and my (Win btetber waot to :my shoulder aod X can pick any ft

glTee BT lialf (be eblekena. which we
X> bene aad iwo rooeura and I keep a
reeord ft them. Our ehlckeiu an Ply
mth Boeka
Ttol ii all eo co^
Boby PbilliiA

bmkr*“&^H Kft'at^“ E^cS

A a fiulrbl ttaaxeoaa m tbe
Q . B. - • “ ^
e aad Tbts

branny aad mxm ram-

Our frtM(nee«f (torn rift <1

Summit City. Mieb.. Jan. SS. IKM
Dear Mn Bftee-1 wmld like t
JelB ymr Boald Younc Folki PonU
ty ABorlelinii My modmr cart
tor eerm pnllwi and ooek ft tto!~
“ J""*"'WUB Paced Blank Spaniib ,ha, ri» IFW*. • Dice aiwm (cr my


A pUu wblob I ton fouad adraa
mi tor esTeral
U ttls;
tbe pantry always UB xto
glam tr
fruit a
fw boldliw such eappriee aa tapMc
rioe. Bnclito ounaam. tm aad eoSee.
if me hM no tsBlriwA mpeoially for
Ilxwe to tero. This part ft my mcgntim may not be new to all. bat
pnbape all may aol be able
priau eoun.l trait .
^oee, and It Is lo itate■ to "aU" that

lUtee-I iboodit I would


e nadwed aoarly as

mteaodBkae deUcbtii
ft hU Blewrea

Otuwu. Mlctu. Jau. fi. IMl.
Dew Mra ^ee-ln am ooe ft Ibe :
Sunriitne olulu and tm go^ lo try ,

We srmld like to Mn the ABtnnn I mid be wml l mre me
Pooltry JounaL
: this epmc to tmri wltb

blB with BOte t^utorl^ than bm
pecyle an aceuwoBad to.
Be eecne

Tuie w*B baa bem ia etiemn.
IT for anaee time pa<bo* ta eTiMally
book, dmltoc with esRaia wide prm- to to iwriTto arulA Jata ft Itoltoa
iBBi ft earreat Ufa A enut Mbw
toiwif' I
ftauadtoB awed Oj tto table: bal

____ IIS'”.?


lid be lanly aooledj. roll up and
____ m for taiee houn. Fcr Ibe rnaoortam well locetber otwlblrd of
ouptul or battar aad Iwo-iaude of
oaptaJ of Bear.
Add two well bB
M we eball b.- In flno eiiupe to # :
f 'fior lonr- i
as 101 aad me oupfal of boibaf w
I will eipp (or thl> lln*
ter. Biir erer (be Art- aatil Ihlokeae^
I mi. a l«d«. and a card. Your* truly,
and add me labe^iooafal of Tunlla lake cood ears d the (owl* yoo I
U- l>« Fowle.
aadearre wltb Ibe poddlai;.-TbUe
ske plane for wlml yoo areco-1t Ac--y'> ear*.
me te do by and by.
We are eo clad ;
K-ewlrk. Mich. Jm
eee. oar Sonriilse tlrlt Intwreied | Dear Mra. Batee—I have sin writu-u
tbii mailer.
Poultry raieinr !• to tli* Uetulil for a
e eold poBtoae aae-toertb i
r t»day 1 meld u»l ro m
bnya except i-erhape when it comet
lior t(B>-h.ra naoie le Mim
and beo hnnw. and
Well l:i.eber„l
But er- n eo
1 would Ilike lo
ir riohJBilk. oae.tabUepooafiLl
ttpomTal CToead>uMard. oae
been our IdB that u Rirl efa»nld the KeruM Younr b'*-Ii*'F-uIiry one kliuw
of pepper: Into (tats mix oae
to nei. hammer aud aaw aui! i A.ivvcialinii. I thiek it i* a nirr (lilur
Boll well, thee
eapfal ol
aaile a* well aa b-T brother. Wt koow | for U. to*mm a»ne OK-Oer Pam will

I clir loMof crown op wonim that oaunot iuitt dit lbp.<- ehirk.n, bet they do Certain, hoWCA'CT. 1 hat IS Omega kill,
for f_______________
'ben iboroo#!
all airalcbi. and ibai'e all 1 nnt ley anr .era unw
Would you
____ _ poor over Ibe mlaA
We ^nuibiwn am coioc to i |,iB*e wud u* a etoiplT of Urn Ai
alone ate moe eerred wilb ttaie dnMho helpful in all weye if wt keep oot |«an F.inltry
rnlea and
d ihete ie nod-uM bni i
ft the w
In addliioe to tbo l.-ticre ci»M> toOoe cap of thick sear aUlk
will add tbi. namae of llerr>
day. wo T
Elk (UpidA Hicl. . Jan. td. IMX.
>d In, (bat all Ibe fi
City, who ie your
Wail of TiBT.-rae
tor EJilor-1 thc.oi.-hi 1 Wm
ored. Add ooe well
prerideal'e next door uetebbor aod
wiiie a few lioi-e.
1 r>«eired yonr
le toartb teaepooe d mil. OM
ie qulic enthutiaeiie no lb<- poolip d flear. two lablBpooot of
lei(--r and boiioa ttol you sent me. It
try quetnoa. and Oeorce fuller ft
_____ earuBMal. ooe
riweb-ri Be on Chrietme.
melted batter, and i «r aiTinc tbu Fife LakA wbo will bmiiu cbiekeu
" add flour by I > spooBfel 111! taieinc ia lli<- eprincwelU
that tbere wueaHerB
Bnt well
Tbe lexer ft Enol ^h of Urawa
yoa are aol ea
aU Yoniis F-lk*' Pouliry A.enctotim'
wu* Ibe Srel me ri-oaiT.ri. ibetefun
• milk, ttir I
and 1 woald like to Jnin it. ae t h*Te
to ii Ko. 1. m liie liri of member*.
bakinc P
rooeu-r. emd two
bene 1 CUT'S thi* will be all I will
Urawu. Mieh . Jen. U. lAW.
write thi* lim* me it t* erttiux near
r Ediior-1 would Uke to Join dinner luue. Yoon rrepectfuUv,
a." told a tcaober. wbo w
liooltry aeeoeUtioo.
My Aoot
Koy Peter-xB.
iBd Botbar aa well, aad toil u
erery odee mt. "we make tbe Louise care me a Vblle BocA rooster
Oeder Run. Mieh . Jan. 31. IKk!
is UalBca.ftour old drww
aad two bene which I broucbi from
Only (b-*e Uen dref a
tor Mrs. Bates—I will join yow
rk aproea, aad a* my deucl
PeoueylTUla with mu I will nise
pooltry aeaocialion. 1 liel|*-d raamina
chicken* af I oaa. and keep
briar-etiwb them with turkey red eotol ber chleken* la*l y«»r
too m tbe faaodeaud aroua-l (be pmkft allecreand chlckena I
1 hare eem tbe experioiTDi alw.y.mkecw,ft»amm. *^,_
-btlafeo«iiTlycwwe*<4»tf*~ iHiaki 1.IwtBsee^pM.
trM aad tbe ilnto and taae mak<
lell Kia«-«ulniTe»w. tet»ii**a*ir*»re*ir**i««.
__________________ ^
aloa tw ^»* era ■**!*« €erbrfi»u>a*» •sdlbi*h«t*eu C*ulaf •em.aarSiM
aaai cond aprooa aot to seaDm Um sauB 1 like to. I would like i<
BTWork Ihti 1 .-lid I
eopy ft tbe Poultry Journal eo. 1'
mrixtoetim whtob eoun-e with makW -s-ni-*
I like to UI
■ay know ilie beei waytocan for my j “
trD*. Yours truly
ana From
Errol Boeb.
Leon Whuinerr.


BtfsstU TMbbrt Bade tbe beat of
(Bm; te fleapta aotblac in tbe world
bsttekibMdand BeaaBMitoooTot
■MBt0 that la yew nilcbbor'i eiMi«
kM fctbteM of brart aad ^tlmiB
ft mbm: aad to wmd w tonob
MMMymeBB, with body aad with
iftftt ta Oed'a esi ft dow» tbM am la iBleruatinc ftwy oai' at Uie table
UMk emUo-poMm ttaetooQstb ft
Ooae took Into Um Ufcot ttmebt
Bead and oonTene with (am•cals' fi
Uy^ 1Irtaada Oei out your mwlo
pnOUoe afaiu al the piaso aad
oL ptab
uo to eboreh on flunday eron
U tbe Sunday dluM muit to plain ai

eftlorm tbe dally papw.'^^
■•Tatym Badtlasto do m
tliSliW Mferftdery." 1 Tm
‘■IhodeUy m wbUhrm are


expeel to batch eome dacke In tbe
IwiIIi-loee wiealnc tbe
Banahlaere all rood ibowa
KaH M«let.

Onad Rapidt. Mirh . Jan. ti. ISOa.
Dear Mra Baiee-1 taon«bl I wmld
write a loiter. My rTandia Bke* the
Otaad TiSTi ree Hoald aad 1 itsd tbe
(hat you r< l from ‘mber cbtl- i
1 tlBlI Uke baiilo
I Vould like T«7 mnel. to joia
Wtre^' blottOM. tbe Rriat. twee
tbe Saaeliisr cinb. My name » H-leO
red teeee.
Fowle, bal lb. y all call me banibioa .
And Ibe Oaptd 1 bw in ay ileep^
We lire almoet oat te tlx.. c<>aairy.
and beTia cood many cldeken*. My
Jsaatry (I. iw«.
Room todty f« |tbe Befmld Yoaac pajs Bid be would r>te me eom,rhieken* u>l one of bt* )wae to fui
Folks Poaltry Ateoetarioo:
lie mid it wuald keep me
Uu otiier Jillle wnlere will, w< Diem in.
DOW. be clad to wall till next weft, boey. hiB'iebickeu coop ii a eery
warm us>. Down town they bade
aad tbeu. if tbe rad
burrou- eome m<
''' '
ehlekeee took tbe fleet m»e
tbe fulr wu» orer we d
I u more dehrbie.1 .After
Ibaaabeoan tell with the eaoceee djebx-k*' '•«»“*
Imle while after
Wlx n leprine i»•« ’»«
the chicken. Iml the

bam-L It li tbera )uct
•e maob aa it erur WM:. only tbere
there arr
a lot of tbluco orer tk "—
brine your
» Im^sSp *«:
and trr and By. and after a While
CiHii. Aad batter. ymwlU
I Ibe esetolB nquUod la im
lac It wlU help ym nan a
that a Uttle toll aad dotofm
___ 1 pat mreiber. wiU aoeemp
wooden ta tbe whole isace of
Look orer yew Bernwy. tm wbwa neerlto for laeoanlaalwayeadrime.
yoo an Best dftolanl. and bxRolie il
in Dial rrapeet. You oun do it at may
tiiae; wbtl yeuan walkiac. rid. a thin BUilinaUp nuBed wir '
•roand yoo. at to hear BMbtuc old
but oompUamB u^ lac or TtMluc ftiw a day'i work. and bop leaTeeaad einyal '
Don’t leta.Ii
debt More the patioat
He el.i— tlBt Dine
S^ki^ lhat°youi bnebwid'a collar
luM.1 npm^Dth rides -with raitole riM*mt^ twriee be toe eared _
WM on Ibe point of tiaylof oat at Ite
la by tbu auaple plao.—Good
edcB thai yes asTor noUOMl bow la- BBlerift. w!U be ^ened for ym '
If :



Sl.'S.'S.v:"" ■

bm. that are layiac Eipee. to hateb
all bt e«|te tn aa toeubator My brne


**lbS mwSS.’



Bad reatt aad TieitB twatl.
ad Bin tat ni, tUlnf By lap faU
Aad aiaptac aU up at ay ftek
Bd^t IbqrfcopI (olUa« aad tall

Biddly tBproT)p«.

. ____________f a eL____ __
Bwhi. n
Tbeae woald ban aid
ap loadlm ft* laefeot I____
woald hare tat lata, wUb
- •
oehlac, laek-latttr
a. oT«
oy« tholr
donlac.oBd hoeo orlM yaleaad
|wte tad lifo- aapioradat Boeklacboa palaeoaad with iu BonT^n w*»«» aU
Stabobod left bomata'Wly her
In (lie BoCBl^,
MjilTT (tbe taa qaeee l wae (hat parI tad til Uetaf '
And elnrioit a ewM Ititto--------la JUit d«Bt kaew bow tlealar tbai arar yoo had doM doetbeatble bow bank to hie
to iM Uioacfat. Blad aad
iblag. Bor ' '
ncbtal Be. aad thai a
kereblaf amoa a Bbleotehalr aad
eotiaa eroe tbo tialM (peak." It
1 awoke witha teimB aad a tB
CMS wiaoly (sr Ibus. Bht will see- wai alto told of tbo late qecaa that
fiet op the btot It lift, tiw fTtal- tin woa ao oMmao at te (be aakiai
tot, tat Boot tadtrtMbltotlit. Sbt of her bed that it took the ebaaber.
r, with flatter aad tut.
tad w«atn
faor^To to ciee tp Btlde two boon dally lo aake li. at Aad down a
(bt nadir Atal bad to be BM oan1. bet tboy kaow bow «
fuUyaad taoothly attlefaed te tbe
■« Hemt
Hm» Ooapoalm,




Enterprise Cash Grocery,

Prtoa »

•T*c« ft*m

BrwypowBtri t^.tt fa i

0ru to IM fwa'BMtnaM*y*WBari0.

FAY 8. HAMUN. Proprietor.


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