Grand Traverse Herald, August 14, 1902

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Grand Traverse Herald, August 14, 1902


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


—— with BOW uia.
^^vUtU ywar aama. lUUa amV' ba
- ed. with bU eeioa fall of loMtag.
Banial Bath."
aaawarad tbe
ablU. hammUg a UtUa laUaby aa Mt
mi4 AmbelU oa tba gtaaa
Tba ytmmg maa aaartad mwm^Uy
M ba board Rmaa two limllur aomaa.
■ Tm. oreUaaad Iba eblld. oobSdaMUtly, leobl^ taw hU faoa: ' bat

akomUthemfttkftt AUtbe
ktcitll«nlti«U PUidBiOtaskft.
ftsd StriiM. both RmicB ftDd OoiMBUe. Tbew «« wiU mftke to
yoar otdw ftt tbft «WT lo««o^ prioea.


SURPLUS. S60.000

•msmm. LoUtvacrOBBlTBltar.

maom^ iJT*ata Bam -Uaam dm my
r oatU
.. IW .w-U m tto..
APR BsmI u'taa vwp nU VIR re
B«au«sisniu Sd.
BSP, ISp <n| <d M «aS 11

Tire Insurance!

U aa

A ficacnl BuUic BmImis Dwe

Plnt«ClABn.8t«Ain Boilnr and Acddnnt Inftumnc*.


Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.

S IS col Utael a naellwuu.



Jrihnfton Block. Phonn 73

g s."JSsrii.*S!Ts.r


imuauKs. ooMas.


Fine Farms £beap as Dirt.


» » 6nn<l traotrse Land Co,

ikfClIdts. B. a.'B.*l.fsrOiMABu>




a. p. • V- A-


M’?5aMjSa£EF. IUBTKftnTIEU1BII.I. Fresh, Salt arntSmoked Meats, Sausages, fete.








TravwM Ony.M




Wool Wmnhod


All the wool in the region wanted. Am just back from the
anged with eastern 'fnills
Stills to use all the
can afford to pay
___ ____
y. I car
this_ section
o the countr\'.
the highest outside market prices in cash. Will also buy
hides and ginseng.'



Ft. SOMOMBI ;roer



^ikUMaAif BtotaiRw^.

MlM o( |*t« •( u-

^«k «( «Mh »

IMWbAhi BMCny.


M to W«M

P»CftSrt«.A»RB« PlIlAlJ. IMP.B. •
Smto; B> U ft. s.
tftBliyoR^llilMlIy <
1MB. OtiHrhdftnir

Offioe and Warebmim. 732 g. Front 8l
tHtisMM Phone 4S1

Food For Bummer Weather!
Try some of the appetizing preparations of health
foods we carry, such as Malta Vita. Grain-O.
Hllsbury’s Vitos, Grape Sugar Flakes, etc.,
Many people use them in place of meat.

J. J.

348 Front 8tr*Rt

Bronoh Block
r Mmim.
. TVo and ooe^iaV rniWi frca good nuket
hwa, a» dtf.

Good nO, ^noMfy

Fiftr .aa tioibei. wOtiiriBg $S.600 at

If you want to buy

naikel; 5 ftcwo orehtrd; S7 acmteedmf; IS ftoet pouioos; 6 acret
ofttt; M aera wheat;

8 a«a cm

mods, fenced (or pasMte.

Bahace ct laod, iadadiDg

Good S-coas house, with Rone base­

Good 6-roosn tenant boose, stone (twnda^.

Feed mill

aOiSO, 9-itai7 and baaemenl. with took (or ihdh^ nnd grinding

Tool honae 84x40, on atone feoadatioiL

88aB0 and 84x40. stone basement

Basement bam

W ad with growing crept

Price $8,800 if told at once.

fmepfoonh down, balance to dit, « will talc dt)r prepeny oc unallei
torn m imit payment

816 )VcR Tenth Sam

HyouarethiDkingof buying anything in the way of

do not (ail to look over our Urge Une of bandiome ar*
tides. We also carry a fine stock of WATCHES.
CLOCKS. JEWELRY. ETC Spectacle Fitting a
l^alty. Watch and Clock Repairing-tbe best
^rade of work dooe.


J. IT. •M’ATtTJ-N .HIB::


or anything else for
}XHir kitchen-you srili
not make a mistake if
>ou will see what
we have in stock.
Our stock of Tin and
PorceUine Ware is
NOT the cheapest kind.
We can show you good
quality .at reasonable
pricc.s We would be glad to show you these goods.




27 Sir

........... .

haay manilBg la
Bg Uia aelby olgbi Um'
md ta^ auAtog ^
Up. nntil at
rMUlersd >» oentnrj-l___
In Ihr gray mist uf dawn thr tmrsil.
BoetumaJsooxoI thr katydids beoamr
aiotor and fniturr. while (be Insty
bnrdy-pirdies of ilie grasalioppen and
oruus pUyed low and subdiiad
. . _.l alov la
a fr« mil ebiuiie«» lli«_____
orlad bmvabwi^
twl II aoua low lU idoBUly in U>a dftik
umlooaa aky. ttaruagb wl.iob, at
bonai*. eoste a warelog glow at
Ktmb at tbU aftrly boar maey of Iba
a low',
flowi-ra Id lb.- gmrdao
ouia. IODltoua lamblUiK oottaga. olmnai bidden by two Urga aim Inea,
w.’ra drooping.
Tb» garden waa oaa of Iba Mow
pUor. of
. ilioLfi
. lord, liappaared aa If
avery avaiUbla fool of groond hod
bran ml by Tab- into irtangU. aqoftfo.
dUBoadaad^nna>BagUtb•gad Bow<«
- a. each edged witb a rsff of bog
aepuated by a namw gioTBl path.
I'ulil- ...
......... .............. - ......... -old faal.tauwl floweta. Tba plnkt
aeroaa ilie way wore oarnntlaat In tba
llraytoo garden, while toe daUIra
were diaoarded for

- ••'-'-X.'SKSr:

*** ****tolL^ll*ev‘iir'Tto





is. !i‘S,as,fs."S=
S!,‘s'r.i.''i.57S£sr.; rr. ir:-

cal I
. __
II a borm will oet dram
only when abol tbrongfa the
rtel KoU., With ---------------- ---------------or Wn that be ramre dowm
from tbe old mi____
mu-a mta4
Be may I- fatally woo»ded. M to*
cargo ofaobelpa lam pofL "_
tore tot .of OH IgW to ilw ngbt ar
U waa early la Ibe areaiag o the
UfL and-nmodg *rth •Iroo^ brad
ore Iraa fcwiaot. they * -\t
_rgaral piRked tbe Alld op aad aaUI lore of Glood briaga Mm down.
edaadftMboor. The
The toww ibnl Uare hU rider Bad ta
ing lo bar bathaad with ell the old
OftBdo.1 falmtoUwlll^oaattneeto
loro ablalag to ber tear-autaed eyae.
with bU art of toon onUI
. Waa li any woftder _
the aald. ^are.take ber; rbe u mine movameat throw* bim ret Than be
aad Ulka la a low eoUa to the •
gore vlleptag l>aro nod tbote. nnigb*"H^iS“wbo wuaamed the 11^
OBI and ttioL.
.muel wai taku- ap tbamai
ibeir frtesdt to aaottUaoml
Iba to^. dropfii hi. rtoalai tiMan.
dtapuy v The ooly aou
aboat tba ImreaaaBrlba gioeabeaaa 1 ooaldat aad alatpad bU bonda togetbar. myhelp baorta' tbe fallaf aay, 'Tea
l4aai‘ waa ibe wbiaUlngw mw ro
leveraetly. * ThankIjord.
OMmUa to keep ll a aaeret mf1
•eibu, and. la nay moo, loop art*
forraio: ibai la. obtil WUule gli
im nreweriB' tbe praym o' an old
L ft-bre to bn* eoma apoo Ihrre
I more than tbraa aaamare. t
be ptemiaad be baal bU bead
aar otbar rlderUea at.wdt. Ibay
.joipUdenrla. mtlogoa Uiattell
I bar. tbaa iaaaa bit face."
la and keep togelber. aa if far
lorcb. began eoomg aod oroocla
1?" —--------------------------—
aold ble llauoar. Impat"••Wall.
____ jal vretaeUM. ami tb* "raUy"
doll npou ber Up. Altboogb
great fneaea of Iba wi
bagU may bring tba w^tf
jaaofa legaadau arm bad aomea
of I8U-I8M. Wbiota eompleuly W
into nnka lu a body. ^B*ale
diTaated ibe mwduai baby of lu
••Aa," drawled tba gardaer. M laled the oraage ladaatry of Pk
Uni-ee. tbe maternal love waa apparand LooUUna. teem lo have ..
ently. aa I
rmiber to tbe aatore of a hleaatag for
a boi beW.belon
Tl.e aUlmale efleet ..f tbe
Tb* vnlna of wntortniU hot gtantly
freeae waa te eompal the frait grewete
Tbe lalerlttdaa
nwremd .taoo the alartfionl M
iu ba goea oat 1 to arercb ter otbar aoU Um praoanoaa 1'w vrm wbaa a ^mrret wm vnlanUfbt o’ tba a
aalbe aong oaaaad a obnbby
orept than tba eltroa fralto. and Uw
waa pUeed into a Jar o:
of e
wtoi might to termed a
am aoytblag 1 kla —mil of w'
.____ •|»UL
-- I for tUtlag Ibe
of a mkaahtn tbaa anytblag elte ta U i
rth gl.OOO.UO.OOD m
aaiU. aod Ubaral portiaot appllad u
wdre to Udt ever ihon tba yean aalll NIfti
eUcineal power fl
e freah growth of
.. orange
. .
toonag tree* oa a
coaldto rmlaad baa
____ aa eye wttaam from hU
rial gave ooi;
tbao. aa
laUa are iBoreaeiBK in valee U
-• ______
Right ,____agu there
Ddow. "KoM of yooreoek. wa* paaoUcally aothUg gtm for exto VnRiiaglan. baa tobaueed la valae
alv toae aad-ball etortee wub ma Blraml"
"Beavea'a my wimcM." be aaaela^
1.000 pareaat to Ibe Tan few ye^
to her feet with bar lofani
li '
were). aoUmalydeota laelodea auawbaanaa. C»pta. ApropotftloaUaowaaderway Mfm• ■ yoo tell year________ _ .
ibirtform tor aa*
.__ilaedooaelar” TtM worda
down the etepetfereogb tbe gar
alowly. witb lowortag brew and a *Tf^ BorthatB ally I* fomUiar ttoreearl of Iba Up
, waa oat of eight.
Tba tomato ladeatry alooa k
"Oooa'o. " tapeomdtba old maa.
.. tail, aoldkrly.looklag maa w»lk
d by tba Florida AgteaUanrt to
ad along Itie atreeta of hla aatlve tevre
prodaaad Uat ymt bnweaa tOl,A rary Urge mopartlnB of ib> 4tA.
wltbooi BOtisiDg the maay taprereand 1.000.000 arataa. or a. a------rneltve toraol Arm aiy atarted ka trmeau at ebangae for the belter walek lUamiaatad hU dwimnim be drew erataato tbfoe were cram of oraa
nre-rreldeal attoliara,
bad taken ptaoe einoe be Ufl tbe la- eloaa to tbe ^yaleloa. aad aald. "It wblU Ibeir valae waa aolaally a
milUr algbia
M|d aigkt la Nopoaad for poaad. One oosaty U
ue. haring me Intoraar «f
bretbar o' here. f^ve ailtod SI.OOO.OUU from . .
. and <oiel4a
C m Ih*
the lamTboer iatanalaabU yean ar mtM alooa. wbUa the ladaatry waa
Hay Ood foeglSe a~‘
»• only atartad aix year* age ana may
geoo ID tbe Uarlne Betrlm al CUpe
lae muoai wrewa earv-ieaHy wown ;
Nome bad net mooe him forgot, nor Iba doemr. bit fam wblu aad draw*. atlll to mid to to ta im lataBoy. Wbat oraflrefareatolv.forwarmlac. for
--------" oroM apiaid bar U wUI to wbao It naebaa matorlty U
etllled the laU. only etiflad IL
•yea tor a momaat
Cbea el
f gaaaalag at. bat tmu
that tba and retebrndy allawed to rco^ AU
tbm again, bat that momaoi Amt
MabU pre- mu U artminal oataliamrea. aad
* tapUly forglag
rrear aMto ohoal'
noofariL aad-yi
aelgbbarly «OM. bal be read la tbalr Hlmm," ho oadtrod. pmamiMrUy.
Lr rvgal oolorlng and aim with t
aniotli ngg<4 yallow aad wbi









iiS'W "“S-iJSs:

look*, aliboagb tbry did aol my iv
My bcty.Jiow old aad gny yoTUre

BO ate; bar baart'a ebaakelate m all toe |
fal of bStlRiiai, aa- atBoe abt'< baa
TMt vrtu eoBBt ta tba
------ LU—. »_ .L-.
retmore. o’ m
Witb hU miad foil of
‘ '
___ I grewlag damaod for tb* tale_____ hDare TOermUy, aba'a bakU
ita ba mnad a eetsi
litUdUg with--------------------- -• lid.-----------*
te del Mem CreUa eaa
auWmad tot yoaod to laid
New York botob bare gmI the aortbtrft markaw I for tba tnamUadoa af tomab
wUlbe^aUre t met or m tbe drvelbtf In bU arma to prereol baotallly.
tloB of bit old hema. retiytac Ut
* Iba gaatral triafAea* arerteo u
i aralUM* la ovary ream md
"laliil. *a wm'B'l *a ftjad to
to bar brroit a
InRwodra and Nor
mmb Iba mobey rea BiM big. ~
• wfta ommlar. tb
.learalbomaa far apft
__________wa il-Mbotomm
1 wIRitba Wbtm maoBof Ua



STS'K a.-:

with aUtU
■■Hath, Aral
aa- I'a tafcU brr tema daem
«ol’ Bat I'm a daemr."



inlb .la.
: on or oE a oar
oow at
al M
Um- eiael fraetkoi
id wb. u tbe atnag
i*ot rorb
to eatoh. ao that Uie rt
aa orrldeiii are ran.
tool! '
oil d
D with

illen the mnu. idaa.
They Aral loak to aae If tbe I.
faoil I
C. mother eea Btae ...___ brother
___________ joe tbe !» aod pivwta
Neat they M down the'mala aprmg
mm U-U ftMfr oMebeok. Aedeo eeeaoe: Uie promM to keep
aba Wiaa fts Wtai ea eea bow dood be of bU flight; hia .treat re
to a tarortle coeala bearing Ibe maw
•■a. ftb big. ab I
name; ber fan.lmnd'a aocamliou and
U<* treable ter daya
man diaoBll diaotdac to locale
eligfal borr oo ooe of tbe wbrela’
Many Jeweler* laive reUeotrd fere
QllBbtag b;
_l been a, >w<«l aa aha
for repairing vralchre when the watebbar aoft laak ebacb i
Ueiimted wbaa abe kept Ibe obtlil
ee ndear to go merely baoaaaa they
praule from bU bangry eare. tbe i
tore ran .h.vni
sreome ore mid U>
beai renomere of tba wmUb dao■Bat wimt do otbar paepU imll ralTM of baby araia from aboat . .
book, aad the warm iweaaan- of cberthey Bi-ldom wiad
alui-e I...,------------------— ab
aod dUnpled rhrek, froai tbe
-lobre ragelarly. A watch abeold
1 fordot^
Yea. toe had lived wllliool bit love
ommon piwotin-. at bad!
bat had not the ehlld BUmI the aotaine
■ for thU U that Um- t|
-l-idoia- BOW
If Uargarei lliaytOB woui.i
yoo'll eoma, mo.
-ledge ll, the idolix.-d Ibe obud
dot to me poteet
ice. ehe kiww
ki - wh<o« ------- ‘—
ap o..........................
gave ber
w lifr. and
au wboae blood
Tbaa tba aman faea ebauged
her veto*
flaoh. tbe ftodorilp drepimd aa oavalry hotoe panaAre of
witli her
babbling t
toule jm^
Jaat the
Ito' topaaaad fw of tottia
abe paaaod a*
ml wae tn
Harri.t Rntb'* .hnll-obilduta rwioga Ulo line aad wail
were o
and thr oeanUU be
with loam.
grew aervoot orer toe
mv trooly fatb.y"
ll tfoml
tbe vrall U apoa eot. be
"Yea. iweelbeart."
reld a
aod .wrM and* crew b]«i
that eeat the blood to tbe liatoaer'a If ba tor been ail moi.Un
' face, and renmd her (lo |.lane her
*iaie . .
data aretbev vroo'l try may more
Ltog at ilM- tdl with bU
Doe. you tregae to p i It briweea bii kaMb.
DOW. •..e.. abe'e dot yre.
bldlag bebUd bim wUU be looted>t fiakaao.. ..
Ae be moiM oBl to will eitiiar toad
Hore than *l^re, "
hU old ganlDer niaaaofately.
ilor Id haaky t------Hr^'oaanoa boil, bowevei.
A few bllii-r teardrofe fell frem witI,rervT
I rervT Bliu
htiu iorwar<i.
BBO aimrs
.7«». »blU an mlBBU
-largarei Braytoa'a
■‘Hiram. ttaU la ay eblld!"
ou l>e will gnp.Ur beak bit mrm.
overwhelm lag wave of ematlea ahook andm
■ Thal’t wbat ale U air.'
eoe mil feel bu aodiUa tvoulve In
A »l.-p 00 tbe
le Ibe
.. worol tuid have dons vrltb
gravel beunyed ber. Before >b>' eoold ll aa toon oa i«nalbl-.
down at bU oewblde boom.
■■Wliy waa 1 not told'" roagbly eompoae hertelf tofF b
oai wb-B Ml la
A man fldom
amod Ibe Doelor. twokiag tba matted cvre iH-r. aad reld. TKr
ll I. Ibe aame
Ibelaimoll oft
brewB oorU at tbe lltUa bao.1 feU ••Uer».
a borm.
Ive ireotora oat of
lad oa bU arm and tbr llde cloaad atUw
rtoa alraek
with a ballM. are
orer tbe aoft dark eyaa
not of ibelr mdneaa within a wlnale.
rmphaJiiSird7bot ooT before
It hit ID lb. hrvM or RMoldre. SP
oetieed that he. loa had refle
taaodtaod Ibeymabeary
Her loag cbenel«4 remolmeat w
barrier not eoaily oreroome. Tbreogb
ya. aa ber ^ar waa 'foaa her. "


A Vail ef Lota.

tbe*t »rt Bsrgsln$.


0 Uaa> br M-lay mu
var'at b-.laiur Ulk-


plm<rvwi<llsb«;IKHl,nNB for |bU
«o.s.«urs sM ers.:s. r»d rs«l eu.d



txxith pow-

POWDEIW. eUL. a» so pleaUfol her* 1ftrras-B •soils
at i»iom within Ibe wacb of all
Ko tmlb.UWs.BI
matter wbat fasliioa demaods for the
taicoremrot of the btir.mie or treUi
ba-b^ auB..
r~l b>. fn.adU>M aa.v brub.
fnau •

uuao UPiDS i laoitiiA nv.

jatsasata.'gr-*■" "•.sn.-

ad bar aUtraaa iwar to tba teaamln
Iboagbl aa ahe hamed through l
.. ArabalU'i....................................
AiabalU-i baod
aaUI aU algM of eaawgioti
omored. Bacnal Hath alarad
obtldaaddir^------------ ------------ --- ----la tbe aye. o^ tbe ^frodU"^ (o®bij
. ahadoi______
anting {-he ^
felt reeileee aod II
willAUd Vlpmg^ ^‘1
aeaa. gava birtb to all
No ataaonl of
r doea
from her mind tbe tragedy
at dotao
of bet
ua In a kalrldoaoope
form Ibe whole. a« U»‘rapiil creole

iM 1 anw >f«1 kaaa u- v

Yea sbeald noS OMEleet any |>» of
yoot toilet f« Uie lark of ToUrt AKtelm wftro TOOTH URUdHEP. HAIR

lime Boleee they a
e In rebU-r or etnel reaei.
r Uy yoor waieh down far tfw
, a buntaolal poMUoa. It
eboald awUv, I-bongC vertlrelly.
it oarried dartag
<Uy. If tba
of the balaom- wheel be in U>.
leoat woro tb la otaoage of poaitum
to looaea tbe "Rap jrweL "
Krerr ooe her hod a wftloh ao<
atop' for no a]>|areil r-oomi. aod ga
I again wlien aligfiUr .haleu. Thu

riS'.'.s'r': :

Iblag bal loatn' Ibe bab.v.' ll
'' .0 booaa to fall on me to know
aba wae dririu' al
Vbile I
mat' allow ll aarmed aanataral Ilk.I waa mighty gUd abe d that frar
muH'I’d half a bolllr o- Uaeia'an'
4 tba hall bark o' a [wipe Il.t
oatoa flonn wiib wntla' lik.
o’ abrelD a^i mad tryU’to


TravnrwoCHy. Miop.




“^i^a^SildlSriba «yer




ars'-r^srsfETS lyrjrttMSJrEis
tST^- aarsnsEEisu'S
. ...

••Toa‘raBaSaMRaiBl —, ---------------eim^-mMsbag^alm.

oa-d away.
Nobody dea't
*i^l'. ra-a'
oow. omboUa
jMe'a mt
"Wo'll ka^ *a marok." aold Aa

Esa.=££p-s.:;sris iSL'SsirS'Sia^

itomgteaaftaBim of taaom. a atr-


«r Mtm MMitllUj

te ro natt In tln.^cw*a Qian
Other aobtoAx
the kii« «kh a bow and arrow.
wbottlMi^ihed tb
tkcAitiBoTfireda nl«e tai «a«i>
j«iMd with the ram of >>•»■
wiwh made the ■hate ^Tmrtnie
A doee eowier of the ki<« elh
M Bnfkingheiti pukee did Mt


Lord KnoUya, the kti«'f prime i
in foU oaifom;
of aU. 10 yn»
of the guardoodoe. Aug.
The abbey itarit
lined caacaiy aa h wu, Jane 98.
when the kii« woeld hare been
crowo^ bet far the

In the rety center of the cberdi
was a dab far the kiag and qaeoi
Upon it a very Urge drone chair
de kb^'and a nnaller one far i
queen. To the right and leA.
either aide ol the dab, were the peen
and peetcaros. The peen occupied
the north timniept ie a wide aireod
W tier of aeMv They were aU a
emnfOD robea, with ennim capes, anc
headed. In the oppoaile tr^
aept were the [lecfemei
|iecfe»ei in a aimilar
aU dressed
................. They were aU
low-cut gowfii of ridiest fabrim,
aixl displayed jewela of aparUing
beauty and fabufaua valnc. Both
peers and pebressea held their coronets
in their hamb. A number bf the leas
imponani tilled people were alwent,
giving those who remained ample
room, certainly more than the 16 inchea of space originally alloiied. In

galleriea on either aide, ova the beads
London, Aug. 9,-King Edward
of the peem and peereue^ were mem­
Vn, after week! of batting with
bers ol the bouae of cammooa and
death, was
their wivea.
of the worid-a DU^teat empire
Here was most of the real al^y ol
Wotoinater abbey today, Joat after
abouting with admiration when
the country, but not being decorative
the abbey chtma tolled o«t the oooo
day boor. Aa the royal proceaoon waving plumes of the bousri^d caval­ ' :possesson were put uo far away as
ry betokened the king's Ij^troach.
be ncariy inviiftile. The commons
cMotcdibe abbey all opera riamei
n by eight cream colored horses. gaUeriet were ratber thinly filled Nt
wmelerriled at hb majcnr Seifite
.. ihetr outriders and eaccet, the Irish members except Ubta Unfantbeefaidbyof court eltiqsctte whidi
fatbi£ anyone rtaring at hb aoguat cavalcade preaente<l a s|>leodi(l ap­ bts'appeared and many Engbsb mempearance The kiag and que^ not beti were away in the country.
wearing iheb crowns, were easily vis­
Behind the dab was the nhar place,
ible through the coach windowv
the floor of which, like that of the dab
Aa the atate carriage slowly a^iear- was covered-with blue Woreexta car­
___ No rain
bowerer, and the
pel. The ahar was rich with eedeaichilly breeaca made the cooditkm
m^ly shouts of srelcome. The crowd astical hangingl. and behind the altar
mote comfanaUe. Ambolancca were
«rew exultant as the king
were criraaon vrivet cunaini beyond
Hb majeat) a(g>cUed to be
wboae folds was the chapel of King
Londi^ Ai«. 9—The
lealth and with the queen bowed Henry VIL
. . mailed to right and left. The
Placed in front of the ahar was
king appmeJ much gratihecL The hea\y old oak chair beneath the seat
hb nearly fatal iSneaa
queen caught the infection of
of rriiich was the famous atone of
which brought the crowda and ani­
scone, "nib stone, according loan
mated the cBthnriaam. Sia weeka crowd and flushed with fdeaaure.
■go the varioua featnrea of the medi­ the tide of the coach ttKle the Duke old legend, was the one on which
of Connaught and hb son. Prince Ar- Jacob laid hb bead when he dreami
eval p^mo would have attracted the
the vision at tbe golden stain. Ai
whole aitention, bat today aS tbon^i rtor.
l-oodon; Aug 9.—The carriages any rate, the Scottbh kings and lata
and pity were directed to ibe ^
rove up and lett their on
the li^lbh Kings have been crowned
king, bar
Wes^inater abbey in the
U|xm it for a tbom
day England’s sevi
take hb seat ova it at tbe fonnal be­
given ibem, Edward was undoubtedly
dearer to hb people far bb iftaai. anl
frith peojile obscureil snialla
nothing could have exceeded the loy­
tbe west aide, and 'at the north en­ quceiL
alty of their greeting. The qi
trant a big vestibule or ootbuilding
Though today not visible to the eye
. .
o moch
the hisiorical asrodations of the ab­
mcood Agurt in the ccranouy, but as
the wife and none trim bad kept faith- the kill's untitled frienils, includii^ bey wae eva present to the imagina­
several American women, hail scats in tion anti gave to some of the quaint
W ri^ so many weeks,
tbe vestibule to see Uiis pan of the Icaturet of the ceremony a reaioo and
' '
show. The vestibule was liandsome- reality they could not ha»-e
The crowd fdl an
ly hung with taiKUries loaned by J.
•oua far the king and fearful far t
effects of the dar'a fatigue, and every Pierpont Morgan.
There were abont 40 .Americans in the tell was an ancient painliag of
efaeerhad a rob not far bridn' '
abbey iaduding the Uniietl States Richanl II; in the pamagewars eitha
embassy staff; ncws|apCT men. Justice si.le by the bodies of Queen FHitaBrown of the United States So|>reme beth, Xlaiy Queen of Scots ami others
irt, J. P. Morgan, Mi«s Morgan who hail reigned daring .bygone een.
was a
Mr. and Hn. J- 1'. hlotgan Jr.
aanyoriugla^andlbe cr
J. P. Mor^ was trcaieil with great­
The last words of the anthem were
est dbtiiiaioh, being given seal in being sung whet
when the king and queen,
the front row io the diplomaiic dtvi- after kneelii^
ii^ ti:
far a moment
at in
' aiknt.
jwaya, took teats whichh
Nor were prariaiou far aigfaueefs aion.
•o much in evidenoe. The goven»ury, in
ment aun^ up Cooatitutian hiU re­ over the altar, where the Dewtp^>a
main und were filled larger with olB- men were placed, a fine tiew was had s Episcopal robes, precedcl by tbe
of tbe procemioa as it came up the gana king at arms and accompanied
Cem in onifarm and ladies m t
able. Cheers without hail wanied by tbe lord great chatnberiain, tbe
wnefa. In PiomdOy there wc
nd a stir lord chanedior, tbe lord high consufew muds, but many of the cteba,
: second ble and the earl maiahal, stepped to
wbkh before had immenm stands,
. making the king’s side and in a clear voice
dv bad BOM at aU.
The crowd began to gather about ready.- Finally aboot 11 o'clock it
4 o'docft ihb ■wMinn^ many----- appeared. Following a body of rriiite ' "Sirs, 1 hoc present unto yoo King
robed detgy and the patriarchal d— Edward, the undoubted king of this
hariiw afept in the parks to b
ofWrotminater.came the pnm
realm; wheiefare all yoo who are
hand ewly. By 6 o'cloch, on
of kn^to and beialds and a sti
this dayto do your homage,
wererolli^in Uaeft atreama U
you willing to do tbe tame.*"
rifa abbey. By 9 o’doek, die Ufa
Then after a brief interval <
'mmediatdy everybody in the
gMSt had entered the abbey, '
c queen, walki
' ' '
faaadt in the atreeu were
ibonted, "God save kiz« Eds
train stretchmg
■B wubed pmienlly far die oomnw
I save tbe kiflg," repeating ths
mbie. Onetthaaide of ha walked many timet until tbe voicet merged
the kiag.
The expectant crowd had b
IS general about of acclamation,
wwtiiig tor bonis before there was any the di
it died down tbe heralds lifted
fawefar a^ of life within the yard of therobevand six young noblemen. their trampets and heralded w talnte.
Bnehnvham pnlKe. Not-aadl 9t80 Follow^ the queen were four titled
was more decorous than a
n by «ivUm»ivm in u> i
were die coaches with thrir outriders ladiea in waiting, four maids of honor
and escort aeen moving into the car­ and faut women of tbe bed chamba.
imnal convention, but in much the
riage road which led from the royal
^.,u^ the king’s ic- same rpiriu
■taUea One by oneohey passed un­ galia followed, tui Carrington held
Afta the riumting the aidibiibop
der the portecoeheR of the p'
It. Edward's staff, tbe young duke of redled tbe Lard’s piaya antUead the
Ainde the acepia and trocs, and the fim chapta of tbe
. took a fang time, as nearly all
een of Loodoun sod Lord Gray de vice.
either meBtes of the Kngtbh bouae Rethyn eadi carried a golden spur.
ot'vbiting niyihiea and bad to
Bearing aolemnly aloft theae little
Next came the taking of the oath.
handed with a deal ofememony.
ayiiked trinkets they looked aomewhat The arohbiaop. standing before the
There srere three teparatc procea- ridiealoua.
':ing, aaid:
from palace to abbey with 16
Then three io a rfiw walked Lord
"Sir, if yoor majesty wilbag to take
Roberta. Lord Wobeley and the difae
of Grafton. 'Hie two genetab car­
Tbe king azswered': "1 am willioj
m. left thepalace ried big pmnteil tworib, which looked
Thean^btshop then askeil il I
onaveying the prineem'
a- and the king's ready far buainen, while the dukeear- }lemn1y tn-ore and promised to go
triativea. At 10:45 prince and prineem tied a blunt little awoni without any m the |>eopie of Great Attain ai
of Waki, followed ^ jn^Iing cavaby- point. The first two wire war awonis, Irelaml and dominions' bdoi«ii«
mmi started far abbey.
while the thin! wai tbe curtana, or thereto acoonling to tbe ttatutet ot
sword ol eaocy.
parliament and its biwt and cnBoma;
Behind the tword bearers walkol to canae law and jnatice in mocy to
Fitai came a groop o( mounted ofB- (our kings ol anna. They represent be executed; to do tbe ntmoal to
ocas of the headquarters staff io red tbe king-a personal defemlets and are maintain tbe fawi of God. tbe prefesand gold unifatnai, stars and medab entitled to ' wear crowns and carry sion of tbe gospel and the Piotettant
iptrUsng on thmr bream. PoUow- acepten in imitation of iheb royal reformud^eiigion establidied by law.
mama. Toi&y they carried their


of the*pifa2r]^tm^*^*MalL

man afiver hdmeta, long horsehair
pfnmet, red tuaio, eninaaea of polidiedfaed. white leather bteediea and
Ugfa top boott. Over thrir mddlcs
were riwerakint and the bones at weU
faaiaed aa the men kept perfect step

diet and gentlemen with nobk titlea
■who were aiqfiaaed to look after the
-royal robes, the kii«'a faable^
dntieawfaiefa.doMfar anybody
would be considered menial, bot here
* L^ RobM and Load Kiufaener.
ledbyafarillfant faaff.

next, and
then a detadunem
of yeo­
men of the gnard in aneient tmifarais
and ennyfagha^ or long-poled
aaaa. The crowd were afi eyes
infahmie. whom they cfaemud b
Ikaly. Then.mahUieefgteea


aa A fifth kr
:mg at arms in acarfet
satin aiao
re tb^ Oida of the Gar:ii« a Uttle but of ydace io
this gorgeoui cam]iany walked the
lord mayor of London, cauryii^ a
iwnwalile of licfawl the duke of
eorti, tbe high consuble ol !
land, the eari of ErroU and the
of Shtewabwy and Crawford aa bwh
Mewardi of Irriand and Scotland.
■ a sort of advance guaij) ira. bldy before the ku« came the
duke of Norfolk, earl martial, wlyi
ttage-managed the triK^ show, sriih
twopeges. and iaiiTying,a Italon; ih marqaa of Lorufandm canying a big
state sword, tlieaii^ <ff Somerrot
with tbe ki^aorb. ThRebbho)Wo<
Ely, Lowhm and Wbebeaur, carried
the pat^ bible and dialice.
Then aa iatervaL aad tbe kiac. tbe
ceatral figme of the pageaat, entered,
wore auiiueun tube with aaeaorittaia,tbcooBaroftlic Order o<
the Gaiter, wad on Ife brad was

_____ ^rebmand
aroyed in robes ofyatg^ vefacL

Scott's ImMom

tenned to the chair CB the daM

tctity; wiivcio
oAcOT or
of mo
the b
ipiiiw ipi—i

pfa7«»i omdition
fbapte of bif Bujeeir. H> Ctce
TCfy little ccrior and tu» na' taeTthThloed.
Doctor Picrec^
OeteHadkal Dieaath) vHh a loof; punde tnia aboMcd whb gold. Aa the ceeeaway oaitmited the king began to dxMr ^
at faugoe when be was required to nee
aena and other de6Hi« and dMpw
to be isuiodueed. Tomd
flf the cmnaDr b the abbey
hot. Hoffy. and oppee*"= hea>
evidendy troubled bii laaje^- lo
anewering the oath and qoeetiaoe the
1d^ wae very dittiiictly beard
thftH^boot the abbey, and a mifaih*
«eni effect was produced wben the
king put the crown on bb head. 1(
boAoBUyaanooDced that the king
has Doroe the cnrattatioo cetcmany

troops of the empire, with their Ger­


Mata. Whoa R M
_Nttiabac> pnpwd amff te^oit arof
pfaythe wsm; keep
■mataef the Lord thy Ood ami wafa
lahitwayi.'‘rboa. when the kii« hml bean fw.
mad wifaa bfofa and bfei^ by

fact, bcndachct cd al kinda wn


Pain PilU^

^<iM^*S^*arawwSr «
M tfewti. H wM Muoe you am.

Now the BRhbidMp and bii
and various peers in theit roba
caned him to the thnaw on the dais
and lifted him into it. They thee
airaaged thoeehreson eitha aide and
tbe areffoiabop read aa exhortatio
Next came the pictmoque <
mony of doing homage.
Fait tbe arebbiahop knelt b
the kii«. and ai the biriiops kneh in
the anhbiriiop nrtsoned
to be faithful and trwe to fan ma-

’^iC^TSSStokafu. n.
Through tbriruaetboutaadtof
people have been enabled nattend social and rdigiows (unc«c., with eemfori. Aiapreveualive, when taken on tba ap­
proach of a recuiring attack,
they are exceUent.
hr ell farwaateae.
e*. MUM iMfaai Co, tamoM, ta«.
and to presene the aettlement of the
Church of England, its rloctrine, worthi|> and ilbcipline, and resefx’c to the
cle^ their ri^is and privileges.
To all of which the king antwi
"All thb I promise to da"
Then to bind the oath, the king
stood trom his chair, and, be^ i
corted to the altar and jilacing I
hand upon a great copy of the bible
beki out to him by the archbishop, he
said, aolemnly:
"The things which 1 have here be­
fore promised, 1 will (lerform and
keep, so hrip me Cod."
The king then kbied the bible and
jned the
chosen servant. King
.Again the organ pealed and the
choir burst into the anthem "Zadoc
the I'nesi and Nathan the Propha
Anointed Sofomon King."
During tbe singing of the anthem
the king was dhested of his ainison
robe anil his red cap, and took hti
in old King Erlwanl’s coronation
Foul knights of the garta
then came forward and Aicld ova his
head a rich caiio(Q’ of cloth of gol.l
When this was in place the tlean of
Westminsla went to the altar and
took from it a dish of oil, the dish
shapeil like a loving cu[>, with
' Indies an<l called an ampuls.
he lot* a ^XMn which he iiresenleti to the archbislicqi of tanlabury
ami the archbishop, «lin>ing the s|ioon
into the oil. jiouied
king’s head, saying;
"Be thy hea.1 anoimetl with hoi)
oil as kings, (iriests and iwophcts
•Again fining the S)x>on the archbiah^ with some ditticullr, lound i
bole which hail been cut in the king's
shirt for the |nir]iose ami |inure>l it
through u]ion his breast. sa)-ing:
"Be thy breast anoinieil with holy
Afta this ml was piil in the palms
ot the king's hands and the anointing
was cooipfote. Falwartl was now king
by divine right and the grace of God
Then the canopy was remmeil and
the king wu robed in pure cloth of
gold, heavily embroidaed. It
beautiful thing but veiy heavy, as
much as a strong man awIJ support,
and it was allow^ to remain on the
king’s ihoulden only a few momenta.
Minor ceremooies, presenting tbe
king with xpurv a sword, a ring, scepla and orii. were then perfonned.
Hie king was enjoined to be "to
merciful that you be not too remiss,
so executf justice that you forget
mercy, punish the wick^ protect and
cherish tbe Just and lead your people
in the way wherein they shouUI ga"
The cemoony had been long but
mr tedioiH, and now a|iproached its culmiiutioa The archbishop,
standing before the altar, took the
oowo in his hands and prayed God to
aown the king with all princely virtoes. Tbe king, who had knelt <lurii^ this praia, seated himself again
in the chair, and the archbiahop, ti­

whkh it came. Once in thetrCarriage the king and qnerm pm on ihek
crowns and heW acepten in fach,
right bandk The king carried an orb;
in hia left ban.1, while in ha left hand
the queen heU aa riroty rod.


■aaaiiig to ha throne, the queen
bowed low before the king in token
ered their acepten to the noblemen
who bad preiTOUily borne them ami
went to the steps of the altar, and
kneeli^ there look off ihcii crowns.
The king then offerevl breml and wme.
to be used in the communion service I
and afao as gifts an altar doth arvi


KIDNEY «Backache

le manna,
and kneU before the kine. Ai be dkl and placed
lothe otba princes. of royal
Uoal jaho .
kndi and repeated afta the prince ol, smalla |uece of goU.

accepted aad iJanml »n me auai.
Wales this quaint
Afta praycn and thanksgivings the
■*I do beaxne your liege
I ceremuoy endnL
The king >and
life an.1 limb aad cof earthly wmhip
queoi were esconed through a •loot
ami faith and truth 1 will bear
you. to live and die rgaimt all man­
na of folks. So help me God."
Then tbe prince and the otba
princes afta adi aoqed and kimed the
king's cheek.
Then the p^ by dukes, mar­
quises, earia, viteounts aad barons,
made tbe «■"■> oath and Ibe bead of
each orda advancing touched the
KaJsoniincs arc temparvy-,
king's crown with his hand, in token
rot, rvb off ami scale.
to supfun the royal power, and !
the king's cdteek. White bomag
being presenierl the choir tang an
■od other disease g;eTTn< are
anihetn. afta which the tnunpas
nurrun-d and diseases dissemsounded, drums beat and evetybuly
liy «all paper.
shouted in cbonu:
"Co.1 save King F.dw»rJ.
Ixmg live King Edwai.l,
should he used in renovating
May the king live '
and d'isinfccang all «alls.
The)' shouleil it beaitilr and the
ick king on his throne tmileil in
gnilioD of their earnettnesa.

------1— T r • I .


The anibishop of York then
crowned the <iueeo in much Ibe same
the king had been oownol
but with lets eUburale ritual As the
crown was iiiacol <<a ba hra>1 all the




CMaey Troubte Mato Tea KlKrable.

Ii U the real medh
esi triumph of the nloeIcenlh cenuoy: discewed after yean ef
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Dr. Kilmer, the emleeol kldocy and
der spedalisc •____
vMukrfulIy aaeeesfful In prvmpdy carteg
lame badUddiieT. bladder, unc achl treuUes and Bright’• Dueaae. whldt ta the
term ol kidney trauWe.
Dr. Klbnee'a Swau^goot Is net rea
ney. averorUuddertreutdeliwUlbelMnl
|vW the remedy you need. Iihu bees lowed
InsomaBywqri, to hoMMsl work. Ui prlvalo
pracuec. emong Ibe belplea too poor ta pur­
chase relief and haa [eeved so cucceaful la
every case lhai a nKSal anangemeat f
been mads by wUefi all readers of this pa
wtM have not abtady bled It. may have a
ample bonk oenl free by msU. ako a bock
tslUng mere about Swamp-Root and bow to
find out a you have kidney or bia^ troubk.


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the archbiahiqi very slowly ]daced tbe
crown on the king's bead. ITiere
was abacduie silence and then tbe
moment the crown touched the king’s
brow et-etyaoe shouted loodly and
writ logetha, "God save the kmg."
The h^b blew their trumpets ami
outside guns fired a salute. At tbe
tame moment tbe peoi and the
kings at anai put on their own coroneta



Noted for Accuracy in Seeding and Perfection in Construction.
Headquarters for the Famous PACE WIRE FENCE. I can fur­
nish this fence in aii sizes at Reeisonabie Prices.

to Mwaioi

manbea of the coenby, or the fflthy arwen aad drain pipes of the dtfaa
and towaa. ifa effect tqmw
knaaB arfam fa the aama
Three atreoapheric pofaona are breathed late the taaga aad taka ib
by^hlo^ iaad t^ioawdaifaa cf aareelaac. deMUtattag jParea H hSi
d aad redasnd Uvar. kidaer
troaUre. Jilaadie^ aad bUdm
reOy dwe to that favisihie fee,
kfaW NoxioaSKMreai
tbe Ufa aad kidaeya faato act, aad «a peandMfateU^Temat watfl
it becoaire ae poBatad aad alaccfak tkattepofaM Ufanlly break throafk
.V- .c;------ . .....—-------^
aadiatfauM iiantitmi nf an
t.deplfaiagthaij^ii .aadtkwateataglurittdL
«■ tbid ao oppnaa aad facahra te body aad dcatroy

strictly up-to-date in all styles.



carry a good stock of
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:y Aimdi

Nmv Phone 128

^-paMg ta te


MraMhPhafpwlndhia .
IWb ItaalPi 1. “1 an daapip gtlarad
log d Ibt adda
ata OMa MoMlUoa. FMdtgtoa
aap Mitab taka bp tba oaaaoll aad
hUCtlMv BlUtiaabteabitnan- Jollp d*1u£acaaa tea a Mch of




L ne oau har^ imtmi U JL3S parpaan
r ta ba tba. TUt fUlaie U du to atTaalcaata.
prloolial ooe of vhUb-U.that

■ 10 > «mM aad ralM
IhtA hU*lMt WMtiMM
liMOt dM«W«*dtbil
• klM^vn ia'mlH.
• braocbtoabr

Ttap ora

ed bow to one IbU




Closing Out sue!

kaovladga U like a nacdiioe. ef Utlla
raliw solan TOO kaov bev to oaa U.

Voaiacioa, Aag. Il-Tba (
Biala MaMlUtabagnat tboefc
tratalBgloa. Aa dnlnun of tbe
aa the DUtdet of
tatb fa the de­

... oocBW. aoogbt taalur soda
tradartagaatertattm. Ughtatag
mock tha tm. tpttalared It aad killodtbafareovi.

t Brotra.

vUhtacMrMr. inMlmd toten



dUMiel aodeltp beldlagi are dplac
tatap, oada ordert fion)
Iba board ef dUtrtat oonnlnlaen.
Froldal MaPIrlaad of tba beard
old. "Oar grltf U gnat, bot It it
ad bp.ooraaaaof Ion to the
dUOIot Ha va the tacator fa (he
DUOial ofOoi

idfai* ttoal
BavMM tM OeuU7et>k>Mar
dig an—Boa M>< i^Ub flaylBc foU
•at oHIpd i» PBBB am BoaUUIl.
vhlebw aCBetod Ut tmMUvtlbat,
kt «M ekilMd
mi Mac mO»t€
■wafi br Blifltil ftlafia. ba awt
itar ItaBM. “BU lOB ta
•tr • Bttnlaat. vklab rMaatt bia
«m taaacnataavere
aM ikB ata«* patM mmvUa aartoat la paUla Ula''

Baaata AlUaee. “Ba vat
a* dUaaa Oat vat wmj )oTial aad
bp bU aatBitItB ta Iba ata.
laa«baa ktattilr' B* lanatnifi ap ala vllbaat K«afd la partp dlattaeqalla lata la Iba aotUac. talUac aad
jaUac vitt hit taaU7. bat at "
Hlablm paepla U iba altp^n
■Icbt aaSaad a atM ill taim. 1
oath dtprattaa bp Iba doth af'^IBt
pMia for bnatta aa« aapMaaelac
aoa^MaUa paia. A plgaloiaa vat
Tbap axproBid Iba
Iba ehelaa to Ul iba vauaep w»l
hart teelai vhiah bad Iba daalrad
call vlbilB aairev Ibalta
a«aal aad tba patUM raalad aonferO8l«faMW. Aac- ll-VbaDaakad U he
btp BBlU S o'alaBfc. vhM aaolM at- vaaM eoaBdir the qaaiiloa of a aaotook aaM aa. ocm aanntbaBltM
~ alar HoMUIbd. Ooranor
§ML Tha |*palaiaa wlM brpodarBUM lara a daeldad anav^ r that the
aba bdaaUoaa af Iba nM povaifal
woald be left orar aatll the
•aetbwaflba laclalatara. Ra farther
Mid Aot ba bad •aC'aoatlderad map
ova that far la Iba aattar.

m Miehtsen Atple
Magr. H- K.
Qill. Borthturt. Uieb
Bertlia Helcoab.Baokkeeper. Siraab
Btoa.. Citr
HildrMl. Dotkaor, Btaognpbt
aod Bookkeepa. Cil^ju TeUphar.
Acbnh Blaok. “-----------■—

Urge ta that dtp. A toee ef ana
• beta aeooriag tba tovo ta aeaita
Of hU oakeahip. bat vtth ao

preat Oo.. dtp.
Tnoifer Oa. C


____ Oerard. Bookkeeper at Walta,

;ioo at the Trereree
t Uii/vbo are boldtag
lltat a an- doiag beal________
olrea. ThU
TbU tebool
aebool boa


Norko & Frazer

DevU'i^ba joa oak fall
dolera vlU Up aad pemod. pM to
take aonettaina eUa, olainad to be
jaal at coo-I: latUt a gatttac PatakilUr. tbe remedp vbh b bat been tl.e
wnrid'i fanilp
fueilr doola fa « pan; il
I dUrrboaa. gtl^g
aera faiU to •
naboveU. dptan.
pataa iatbe tUM
beul.a U aad to

■|5.7S*one sap. »i-tt roobd trip
To ‘■hlaptt _>M|^
Lara Tranm Oltp » JO a n. Ha•• ilae.
P. A. Mil(*.ll. Q P- Agl.
*1 If.
R. W. t

plaoed a graanr r
in jMtioot tbao

Park PlacaMatai,

. «T


MNby Manhi lifBt 25R



il one of (he greatest liting tpecialislt in the treatment of all Cbraiic
Diseases. His extensive practice and
-upeckw knovleilge enables him to
c\ei>- cimhie disexsc. .Ml chron­
ic diseases of the Brain. Sjiine, Serves.
«1, Skin. Heart, l-ungs. Liver,
iiacli,I, Kulne>s
"' ■
Hukcls leieo-

coo Boort.
aUalaa bafon (Math. Aaolbat pbp.
Tbe gnni hiva of tba Indp ManraMoiaa vaa a«l let aftar Iba taeoad ^Umip Okewa. la hit vaakip fl
II poo an lotar^-<l.^.l^ daUn^
boa haa folloved Iba exanple of tbr
aMac*. bat did aol airire aatll Jaal olU larlav ittaad Satardap r«*«> 111 p^omlf fa a ••
ponat order and haa Bled amended
rmUtptm oalloek of l be crop tll- thla oolleae at oa
a(M» Iba gaalor had paond a
artiolM of iooorporatia vllb tbe ta­
M-maelnt to (tar
-latbanala. i
r .-dealad tadllergette^
tba paot weak hare baaa farotabla.
treatment of Kemale Diseases is simThe priaelpal er^ ata auAlnc ezralDatfoU. Web.. Aaf. lO-Ocalac
[>1v manelous.
His ireatioent rakes
vUbeat ana anoela varalac.tba
kly vomen Mrnns, beauTifu) and
C. R. Uoekaap. Propr.
aHBtad of.BOtblac leaa ibaa a
1 of Ibt
rai live. Weak iix.ii, olii or ymlng,
ta crop la OMtiatt with a failIf ererp.
Itebliie plln? Neerr
BMtoa Jaoat Momltaa aarip IbU
mreil in every case and saved from
par t««.
Il.tliC eUe fatted to n
aaolacvata abeek to atatlp
life of suffering. Deafness. Rheuma­
tha kapaew of tba titoatied for (be Doan-t UimnetK. Ko
gi,T8 OB* vnp. I0.3S roond trip to tism and I'aralvsis mre-l through bit
atHBta at tMMU. amw vaa etna
baiac- Borip alladrleeatrom &0 oeoU, at aop drog
ChUago. Mala aad begi incltaad cetcliraiiil ltluu.1 aud Nene Reme­
Hirin'- oa tha atwaU. la Ibabotal
rot arc of oa optlioiaUe Balorr:
qsilc a booio la gratlnc ie a atamera lave Tiarnr' >.
cantdaaaadUlbaboaaaa. no
dies ami Kssenlia! Oils charged vnh
aad. U pnoat espeetatiaot an real- dan ronotp.A ..omber of faniUea
of KMU^'t raal aoaMr v
electricilv. THK DE.^K M.^DE
m.. ThnntaykiMp. m. .ta M_*
BOB will bare a naoh from l».le bare teantlp
........................................................... >ta of
THE l..\MF. TO
tbaa but pear, rrma lartce fanna aao tattled tbera A peer ganLtarMj^l
grtef beaaaa oairacal a Iba qoiat
W ALK : (.latarrh. Throat aixl Long
tba Booth, when aa aaple crop ef aco latt Morenba oaa outa boagbl
hall. a. P. J
BBdap veta ea aad tha rure.1 Dr. MrlMmald i
ad, tba npoli are
acrei of Und for |Bno aod r«- H. W. Oiimlti*
orttp pan of Bw dtp.
Kit. and Nenous Diseases; Ee:


For Job Work of all KiDds Call at tbe BcraM Omcc

Mryaglva', MIoK. •


Traverse City,

'Bl U

Spiacor Pra«.^tew^
_____ _ ______________ ______Jia Cite
WalU.- Lotnan. Olerk fa A. V.

Inquire at Grist Mill.

I dose out our
entire stock of Dry
GoodA Clotliioff hod
Shoes at And BELOW

or rent at Easy Tem

A yalMv ,ba r
tvotp fret ta leogth taoeped fron a

Anarioa Bz-


Afi we will leave Em-

Store and house for sa

ro cirRS A tx>u> IV ovK p>a'

For Sale!



imount spent here will
' oort»reafMil1 End"
wc gave them,
Sale. Well, it was a great winoer—the trade appredatwl ihc ba
that it is
of odds
nds left over from such large selling. We do not want these and wc have made
more deep cuts in those Mill End prkes that should move them rapidly. It isn't our
busineta to carry goods over from one season to another. WE AKE ALM( >ST GIV­
be to your interest to invest for next year if you do ntx need them now. Wc quote a
few sample bargains. Hundreds of others just as advantageous.

36 in. tine Percales. 15c quality.............N: 1 A lot of those pretty stripe Ginghams. ^
2St- kind
Whit. India Linanm woxh .5c.............'« Yard wide Siikolines, worth . 5c. for .. iOe

n Bonnets for............................. 16c




ate UalMd

Oatola. Map U. *mk BU talbar
Ha ^ bU a« a _
------------------- laitailbpaaappr—
bHN^^aleca.. aad
MaaAlp la %haHfil^al»
wha 17 |ite||1inii 1 "


aka. IbafUlo^
bon la JaoM Mo­

la aaoh a ««p ai

to ham all tl

balpta« attanal Ibt om Uau that
IM balpad bbaadf. aad la baadraat


InprataiOB U that tba atlre ononop
vlU tan ataU«adaa()QalielfBot
Bbthtlp la asoaa of laat par. White
U ntiaUcurp.
tba oepai
estlook U bardip at

r IM- vaa offen-d ll.TDO fa tha
H.dUnd. ot 9onth Mllta, and all Skin DiK-a.sesrored.
, altlioagh isaoticallp no in- Antrim coanty, mlaod a batral of imrIh. McDonald has Iven called the
-mau ta.1 bai-ntat a Die bwA
> int oa bU iiotateea and wizard or tliv nieiliva] p
left it Ml of doon aU nlgbl. In tbe cauv- he rea-ls all diseases at a glance
7 ii^VceTalal ertnjwbw morstag bo fand alx of bU eaUla
of tbapoiaa

' “Vz

of tbe targe bovele
. oetamno. bot loo^lp tmte<l ileet
taha. ttaci
pado boat Bollaod. iplog at Leagaa
UMbd aarp pard, pot Ibelr dog Matcol. Blago, tbroogfa tbe nhe. Be
vaa bwlptaowoed aad loeka bcart.....................................
ba tboaaad tba
ta tut Mooald raahee chore,
a ta bald bU bead oa tbe rail of
•arwltteUap liaa till killed bp

JlnnlaDocaa ntannd Teeadop
bU week ta Iba aelan. after a riail
teal vokt at hla fatba-a Mar-

tbe heal
efflaelaa in

hut vtaia mad vat la the hotpilal
orer tbroe mathi, hot nlracsl
eaaped death.

llta•a^'lor t oitacaA, tha ha
teladMha vok of
BOUmvavbeii Uietn'aa bottle of
DaMdl * MUvBokaa raUread a
Tlwtnat't Bclwlrio OU ta tbe medlOaod Bwraa. aad U tbaaUtUaba
Mvt. Baalt borsa, ata. brelaet.
la laataat n-liat..
ho^ balldlac bdcbl
Mrs Jcaap* Agaabt ^ too Joep
cmU bagtaalata Au grav to ba tba
Tba MUoa Dora rltiled Rn|dre
IHT* Ibdadip U DtMl; aad to
thU Mtacaal Mr. MeMUla addad tba
Mrc Beta. PBlaaef Qatar Baa. aad
DMaU * OMralaad BarMcttaa OdaUoUr frea iadlaaa are rUltioc tbelr
pav. fm Dartroit Dtp Doak.Ooa
, lira John Banp.ot tbli p
^ap. aardai
Iba »«tiaiaf of tba taUraaite btMca atSao)i '
" '
tl fron IbU plan attaaded tbe
Md tba Oalath. Booth Bheoa * AtI Mr. BeCMa't Wadnaadap
aok. aad carioat a^ atanoUac.
HU «ltU M pahUo aod ptirala charttW bara alvapa baa proportMcata
w pU aeetal at tba faaUT
abUaMaaa HU hirtato ^Stala aa.lac vat veU altoodeA P
hta Oall^. aad lowat^lbat
Ttallad alBobt. OaBaad-tA few
lldwiat of OtaaBoapItal, vnaaadape Mai weak.
Tban viU ba a dai
daaa at tba baU
OatlN daathof Zaciorlab Otaad. rrldap anatag. Acg.
Mr. Mr- MoHlUaa vaa oaUed M tbi
litdtwbip If tba idpablltaa partp la
Mrs. Poha Warraa. Pr..
frUoda tna laat Oardald Baodap.

DR. DOlUID tmiD,

laOt.sBd tkat
will IrbaaiC
•U -ain un VoUay. lb<- nu An ,< X____

sot -2 Now wimalm Block
nv^T^.S', min-

n of tbaoMle.
.^Wba be tad baa la tha oMta tat
_ V*
*a oallad t> aaoeoad
Bailor laaaUt a otaatmaa af the
a a ibctMtartMofOolan-

I U Ufa.

ha I
I tortbaa
cagdlol aad Mid tbe fosbdaUni fa
b aoelal Ufa Baata aad Ma Me■Dllaa oeeapp tta poaHia Ital oallicaMta. vealth aad anlaaotlp aoolal
ta lan to MUa Harp Watnara.
Da«oit.Aag. ll-PiUat R
nit oaoda tba
ihnogb hit
“Opatar Bap. Aag. i
. Tta .Piigfii t
■ .^daap fagretaf Iba daalb

Hr. tad Hra Deboin it rUltiag
IbaUtaaghta. Mra Wn. Welle
Mr. Ololaad aad Bert Uaaaofl
who hare baa eanptag not star Jen
Oaa haokMbaciTtag tba law
wtakt. retsTtad Mat Bataidap.

Mrs. Wn Utaa epmt Bsodap la
HIn MallU Tbomina aad
teQtnp^an riiattag i
H. U. Inl
a P. MiU apat ttaatap with i

W.aVv ta> ■joteil DuOareW^

: SOCKS—Extra good values at 5c. 8c,
and........... ........................ ...............Hk;
DRESS SHI RTS-Wc assorted a large
lot of odds and ends of the well known
Monarch Shirts that sre've sold at 75c,
$1 and $i-sa and place them on ^
W...-...W. I'hey
They are ail new
bargain ubies.
J__:__..w. ..w
patterns; there
only a lew
UNUERWEAR-Famy stripe under­
sizes in each pattern. Choice 50c.
wear, good value at 30c. to close at-15te


Cd^f dlT
vre give you a choice of a lot of $10 values, that are somewhat
a kina. Tb^^re-the
best valiioes and only a Jew of
rOr $7.0U brok^insi^andonlyaiew

ues ever offered at that price.
Di tF fd-bf ^ 1 n rkTl we give you the grandest assortment «f pure all wool
But tor Sb 1 U.UU suitsthalarcworthall thewayfrom $.2 to $15. Ele­
gant patters and perfect in lit and workmanship, tbe guaranteed kind.


Kotkw » l«-r-.l/y nm. tksi by u mOrr el
^riuhau. a«n (uc Ux touiy et (ifnari

Since the “Mill End" sale we have bunched and assorted all tbe odds and endf
and placed ridiculously low prices to close. The chances of saving money here are
greater than ever. Don't pass the basement by. You will need some
the bar­
gains there.

Mibe your beaUfliuiieis with u$. We will cbecl yonr mreels ud wraps. We
hare secured extra help, so as Is tire ym pr«vt service.


w'..|.wb u tbr f-Mxixi U -am id (bow Sayn.
DbUd. Am>i
h 1^

Oil Saturday, Donl
Miss the Spacial
Clean Up Sale at

E. Wilhelm’s



When in town

a..„K A l^xon
m("B-((TATi or

It will pay you to do ao.

SASEIVII ;|MT---------------SAROAINS
----------------------- --------

1. Aueu-i Rii. A. (i inu.

,lr-s] t- IWWW!
— '-on. •> ta« Prwbax. o«<w. In <n>
iSJ’lo-Bp .......
Citj -t Ttmvnw ivty, I.W nAvlnsiioa nnt
nlb-wnar-.-ou b-r.wwin' Olhdtr it FrCra.
nry. A L> lan. mai <hnl orb rlum, wlU tw


la aalttiac Iba Oallad BtaUa •
laU». Mr. MaMlliaB lift MbU apt-

I#' H*S£»^i=

Imltatlont MV on tbr wkv


oaUtaChU partp. vhlobba
ad la bln a naa catp to work with,
aMoaavboloUtalatIba hlgeotpof
dhla right a...................................
t vbo an aMrlag for a

Wt day rf Al

SMrt tMsU it OM-fM Price


first tlma orgnnUad a nnlo.
The SpecUlist,
Fodaratla of Inba bat grantod them
a taarta and Ibep vlll aAUate vltb 24h-26« KAst Kulton Street.
Iba loal tradr> eonneil. vhieb al-



Many are laying in a supply for next year.


Those uahle to all can addres

>d the mot
It of dpaA-

Kaarlp tlirea paan ago Mra Albert
Inproek. ef lamitag, olta a drean.
protaaled that vllbia a f.-v paan all
tbe neaeert of ber family eroepi a

Pinsols It Ott-Halt Price


. Evenrtliing Myst Go at Cost or Below. Nothing Reoenrod.
Owing to our extensive feill purchetses, which have already
] commenced to arrive, and not being .able to give the BASE]! MENT
npPARTMFNT as much
mitr.h room as we would like to,
to. we
j are forced to sell out our baizaar goods. Cost or profit wilt be
j ignored, as room is what we want This is a grand opportunity
to buy new merchandise at less than manufacturer’s cost We
* have placed the stock on the main floor tmd everything will be
'insight. A glimpse at our prices will convince you that we
mean business.
118 Front St.. Teat


Wurzburs Block

Mi iUHHii. A« AteltAaa



ltSB*a BBipBb* lao*MyOS*oataid* thd
aatU a
tted*bp.tMtNM tbBbSBMBt

mm la(b*«eati7. Snattf M
pUik. A MB WbM OkBMta
Intel Bf J

OBRtod ht«

K Wty 1
tb« irUi of tfa* AamioBB
OUMT MB<lt loMh B1 a

aaalA to

tteatte ateaMafttetoa

ttoatettywa* aMaaa* wl
by tte UMter awM*d hr tten aaaM
tetn bad b*a«_______ __________
oftea Btataha* by paUb a«Mb:
bat te daelated Ibat Ite slab
aaylaa la Ibb elty, tafalteed
pb* of Ite wiboa mod Ml la____
- ted be* ooadaabd i* tte
He *rp-d aaltad s<te la tte
aarty aad ite aOBlaatba Ibtoapteai
Ite •tare of lab *aM bm a* Mr.
HoP^ 0*^4 npabiioM U««tter

Ain ilpbto af s«y
hate Batteb*U***d
that iteb tiMbM eoaU te------1 - ■
M Haabtae by way af tbb city. B*:
Mid abe Itel if thb elty Mbad tend*
ooMpUt* Ite aar*«y te woaU pin
•tet tte nrr« weald te
far tteperaaaaalUin ter*. H*
faitter aad apraao te pat tte I
He MptmUMd bb nHa paid aa__________ __ .
sorrlrbftte eaaditeu-aad pn.____
by Ite MalMMt that tte read
bb elMtba by aa eld-tlaw Mletln.
w mIm TiatMM Olty
Brattytalk* s*i« p>*<» by Bea. W.
a. Feater. Heo. U. U. Oonll aad
Bea. A. B. Doapten*. all of sboai aad rleh proMlan ef fatan ba*
predicted peod iBi]iirH1ia aad bad far tin Uae.
-----1- — My of Ite —
H* laid that Map* abewtop tbb
today and tbe aaaaloily aa tte pm run t Uae bad ban
AJad and aaeepMd by the *Mb

anil for Mothtt. VlUlata Heart ef
b*ob eaeaiy bad bM a o
dab troa that eooaty bat pneefally
orbd Mr. Hoealt. Wazfesd
oeanty wa* aapbdped a* a debpatiaa
bat the oalorUy b*ar*d tte Oraad
Tra*«M caadldate and tli« raM'

lU Mtail aptaecdaal of inabto
MM* aipbaatiaa* la tte Unlmi
■* wpi b* AMi
Treat Oo. of Oatieit, whltk b to take
c AlpMiA. Gaylord B Wc
lallsay pniaet neri*ad a tnab IspaWM froMHaatai Tbamday Blpht at a muattop ef
Kalkaaka, wblab weald aaI to acaaider sbotbar tin ea
prb* SB* sertby of
afvalaabl* timbar. toaddlboa
la thb a atnteh of atzMeo mUm of
rand bad.foTMwIy a
b*M oSwad ftM. wblab weeU m<
tin eOMpBay aboat <600 a Mib.
Mr. Daiaad'i cTplaaaUcn* war* i


25c $2.75 59c

ttoa.te Aatea BaOMte. Hr

an arallabb aad te
sill Mfc* bb nport apea tte nerib
of «aah aoMMpBBled by a wbbsmsidatioB for ttel sbleli te dnaw teat
Bdoptad to lb* jmTpomt. Mr. rioU
•mtn th*t hi* npert wii\ be aaide la■odbuelr M>d tbat tbalMKr '
■■Kanot «rl! aot at oa<». Ho bolloTM tb» p>ra» vbna altr ha* bats
alMM will nwiTti aolk* to'lbat
«S*rl wllhtB taro ate* at b(«

MUlBBI rBBipIo vhlafc «a* BtlasM
wUhhaoorMHl dladMOoB. Acd U«
«o*fc la tt* bi«b*« hBdr of las O B. Bra of Oraad BapMa
n la thi* eoBBti7 vlU aaballlab
OB tte T.
!«« of bittorr.
H. la te* Ttataity
.Baior «aa as besetad mb ol Bty. acrirad la lb* otty
Vedotsday «ilh Iselra bam*
foarWMi are. H* left TbarxUy
IW for bi* *0*0* of opmadooi.
Bit wladoa Bad iaSaasM oaarelMd
rt ail aloac tb* Hoe b proposer that sa* widely teec«aiaad i ftrsalv ratbfteorily. HeDeaarll
dar to tte raia qBaliteCloB* wbieli Bre* bar* oeWAoBl UO Beo ti
iddltloo to tte**
aaosf ItadaTi. BU teUi wlU te a
or* iMfe • brx*
ttmt IM to tfa* Batte. Bad te Hlehi- b*r eaiployed sbo arr aot oo tb* |«y
^ aaptelany. Jaal at tUt tlaa. roll* of HoOoaa*ll Bna
will) Mtay Matter* of wy iaipoKBal
■OMBBt. la wtilofa lb*
At tee repabr BMathly battani
Stsater MaKlUaa ww
aeacht, bla aadte daatb it all tb* ■telap af tee Friead* ebsreb bet
BMf* dB^orabla. He deabt a peed erralBK, tbe mlcnatbe of tbc parior,
Ma*bbeeoB**aor Rer. E. Hosud Brosa. eu»v ap far
bbUI the Ml* ksUlatan tell elaet eaaaidefatlon, aad after
aaoepted. A lacp' Majority
a HBstar. bai ae amner bos eapabl*
ef tbe MeBben pr>-*i-el rtprran-d a
a MOB May be ebeaaa. tbe iaSi
dralra that be BOottewya* paator of
and te saa atrcaply arped
faryiMi* UMtllcd with tb* moM tIibI
latanala of tb* eoaalrr |aad aaflBaal to sltbdtas tab reilpaatloo. bot d<-.
Bffaln laeantly siU b* Mdiynt^ elioei to do BO. tliioklop teat nadi-r
te ean do b-tter
sork la aaoUter Peld. Be sill bare
s ef Orlando O. Mot- for fteOatee-e, toSB. BbOel Uie flr*l
r tbl« eUy. la tba tepabU
bri aipSi
bbbtbbUbb rriday, s**a StUat trib­
a Btlaau Ja attaad Imb yearly
al* la bob of TrararM Oily’* Moat
«BBii*tte aad «*t**aMd yoaaii oiaa*M:aBd«wacaiaatsbeM ao setd
of tepnseb oaa ba bnie«bt la tb*
>d to Be*. Freak Moomen of
eoMiac fSMpalpB. Ha ba* b**a Maa- Seetb Wtteah. laA. sa* nf«m-d baek
to lb* eOBBitbv. It su prea
BiBoa te attala«d bit M}ority and te teton tte rrelpaetlae ef Be*. Bnsa
*B}ey* tb* MBlIteM aad nepa
■myoar la Ihit BOaaty, Ismbm. of
U* BaBaiplaty Bhataot**. Hot enly
tte *•« OMBtfaly tantinp, li


tte M afOAkw.

eoald te hallt baPwM tera Md 0«Had to............................................
tte >aad aaaU te aaad wWto tte
1 waa batop bant

For Ladies’ 4Sc
Shirt WakM.

Far Ladns- $4.00

For Ladiei* SOe

Ftoe prrateiei.
colored lftilk,«tc
SQrih Ific to 9UC
yaril, at

Fati Color Pereaiev sonh luc,

Cbadren’* Gog.
ham Apn)(it.tria>.
raed with Inid.



Men'* Cottnnade
Pams bxjnh $1,

Cboire ef any of
our Men's Saita,
soRh $16 to $2(1.

' 69c


satb lOetoUc.

Wath Coodi,


I9c 5cyd
Bon* Saha, snrth

Men’. Negbpee
Shirtv ailh'2 .Icladialde oJlart
ami enA.,


8c yd


$1U to $12. *1 r

42c $6.75


Pebe Marquette I

tOiap for Ibeetar Falaer't frieod* t*
Trato will bar* Tra*rne City at
a M. Bai>- Ai.00. Saa paator*. ur aet
do sa* to yield aba silb a* pood
*Uti of A. V. Frtodricfa. Jedpe Bobapaatafor fall pameolan raparalajr
prae.- at poabM*. sbleb sa* de>
excaiaio*i* and mla* to other poiau ou
aad tte BomiBMtCB sa* and* sUb arte. Frank HaariUca. J. W. Haai
tbb data.
etMoM pood faelinp aad eeiUab- Dr. W. a Mooe aad a a Wbis.
Tin Mcettop sa* eallad te erdar to
> far Hr. HoSatt Piled Ite alMOO**ry
Dr. HcDoaeU. tbe amtoeol eie>ctol
Ite oeanell room* at 8 JO o'etook by
aoMbar of girl ( of Gn ...................................... ^Clty
Tbe dabgalea ware ties tn patUap TboA T. Bates sbo te* Ind au Inti
tb* prol*M
Hooday Montop. AapaM S6lb. obtiC
lopetbar aad It sa* S:4(> o'oloek be­
Tbnrada* Aapael SMb. foardeyaoely
fore Ite ooo*eetioB sm called to or­
OoonitaUoo. rsaaitobUaa aod e4der by A. H. Webber of Werferd. MOI aoleyedbyaU.
r*l*ry of tte aenetortal oooudKM*.
n SMpbyadand
Afteraf-s brief reMarteHr. Web­
*M**d. TbOM
Travwrw* City Marksta.
ber csllrd C. £.
Thie report le made upon WaOne
AUred V. FrtoAriah saa Mtoetad a* Edna Hllbr. Wtoab Baker. Hattb day ef each weak. Th* Herald le not I
ebair to pre*lde m p
PaletMa, M*Im Hanma. Olady* Laat■eleatod otaainma and G. B O. BsUwrtond mao. w.—i BeHitimal. Eaaiee ttoaA. U. Webt
ef emy otter politital teller, kaos
Hr*. Hawtao B. Ftaaklls etieaded
atote tte eblact of tlia awaUnf aad nr, Elb Waad, Goldie eastaa, Bath
aad -r—- Hr. HoSaU for bb ptalM- aa iBTltatloe for tte aaBben ef tte
Fraabr. Loaba Fraster, Mildred JaJb te Meet at Iwr bos*
pi** Ite toformatlee at bb com
SMtfay qaaUtlM a* a mb aad elUeoba, EA Daebo. Itonlca VaaSaa
repardiup tbe mpeaad Itoa.
atteetlonot lb« eceraDtioo to tbe b
Bata* eipUloed that Hr. Daiaad te* rea. Kaotel Wad*. Ueorp* Wood
H* tea bald BvrBnl flOaBi ef pabUe
oe»» before It.
beea*. Baiab HcHlebaal. OUn Wood«a*t aad bb bbm baa alsay* beta
Tte folloslap eoMBlltm* m
atoee tte road sa* Ant broopbl to at
vaBBya ofbeaBatyaad (ritefalas
kb-G. U. '
teetlon to thb elty.
la bbpaUb datba H* b
‘anyF. Pos
Me Mid that then
WAtio cAri-iraA
Bty. For two
-H. O. HcFarlaa. proapect of tte Itoe teinp ooapleied
tte Fbatsard
elty, tat befen tte eoapaay
I. Foater. AntrlD.
eoBid to Anaaael tte Mr*ay
crpaoiaatloa—Dr. E. B.
tin e—e—«e calbd below, to Ite
Ftaakfori ■pectin
Babcock. Kalkaaka: F. A. Kfsyoe.
wards All then caa____
■I tbaa Uiat of tett CbarbroU-.
sblBhaakaa mb la pablle ofte aae
(I. W. Fraltok. DeeUaaa.
to b* bald ea Friday ***atop. Aapaat
Almeri aU of tte pUat ban
tetemaMdaadBa* sboae wbdoM
lakaa dadaib fatal aes. and arraape- eonualtlee ea rredaalli
iT^^ ***"^asBM*ld
. at tte Mr»ey b
4ol>n C.
Tteaaaasrta wbleb Mr. HoOatt It b orer ItafM seek* aatil tte day.
and the ripht ef s
itap ffsard Ho. I sill b* bald at
a. U O.Beady.
aap* Hall. Can Mnat. oo Friday
sat aaaMd sm a laack of eoatesM Tteaaiaat ter* sbely takan tiai*
obtained. Be atetad tbat the la
Olark E. barmore, U. a '
rTceinp, Aopaat 16. ItOl. at 8:00
la bb aMU^ aad a Mbab te bb by tte fenloek aad pot teelr plant
qaanUty of tlMber between tbb city o'clock
for Ite parpen of elecUap 16
SBHb aad papabrity. Be daaerT** serfcod oat aariy.
and Gaylord Made tbe tsoapeel appear delwcain to attaad a npebllMB eoaa.
ttehoaer sbbb bat tetacSteabla Tte fall pnpnBi sill b
nry pratlfyinp. WbUe a ooatriba. ty k-ae*Mttoa eallad fer Friday, Aap- SS.'SSr^:.
aad la tte Btab tMob tetaated*- labr, bet atnady teeapb b died to Onnd Travarac-W. W. BaUth. A. Hon ofH.tXU te ooMplet* Ite *amy B*l ri, aad Mob otter ta«lB»M m My
I tefon lb* caaeaA
paadad apea to do }a*ttterigbt telac pi** aa Idaa ef tte attneUea* thar B Rlintoe. W. H. Foater. H. B. Ha*. ihroopfa Ibb eoaaly mad te eeeilder.
ABpa*l t, ItOt
attte riphttlM.Mhb batbrjadp;; sill dtas paopb to tte elty aad pel kell. O. O. Co*ell. L. a WaUar. to at Manly a doaattoa. Hr. Bale*
Ueo. Bteward. 3. B. Moare*. A. J. belle*ed that there wa* a obaae* for
LMbaaa-Q. W. naliiB. WUltom pnat benoAto. and it *n* bb opiotoe
DaIwU. Jetty tlBlli*Ba.-.W. O. K*lbe eianinp aad nry latMUnread
............ -E. a Bafaeoek, H. A.
eeOap. aad wU oceapy a pood ilsn
not boiU then tte aannol seald be
of »ol*r» .. _
Morrill and a C HorTky.
Bao•Hd* that bad aal la for O. a
Werferd-a F. Skaels Fiad Moor*, iott, bat If it saa oonplaiad tte pato
o-eloA, bosercr. will oe- a O. Hotoler. a a: CtepaalM. C a to tbb city seald be
_*TMlv AapaM 16. ^808 ktep that will eartalaly Donluwi. P. F. Posen. A. H. Web8dOo-eloto. for lb*
plM>* tte paepto. Tteoneotin
top 11
w ia fartterlnp On «
d b* tba eCMnattae ea erdar
Trewm Ouuit wtu b. bo
■ aad^teMamlttae oo |m- prin aad that tb* eltba baoaAted
H-jbM Tnm 0«j, <
' It seald ten teea anlhai. aad tab
Jm. KImmb.
loeoL AU tbe npart* 11.400 in a fas boan aad <16.000 te*
Frank Trade.
- • -i did tte pranfal tblap by
1 and adopted. Dr. J. baea pbdpad Unn to aid the road to
Wm. BmbU.
WUlIf AntrlM and Dr. a a
iMHMn? OMarefz sat aot m
B hteowr. toroer Mmd art .d UmH.
bod shat aaibteaeasM
bet ibair aerrieo* str* aot
in., cml - -......................
A X*. a.
Mlly panaaded that be ted aa tees. raaatep eat at Ite top.\ Firal siU toU«ts
ttoamad riptat. bat all tint u
wblab will
Upto ttebtl Miaai
aeaaef *et*n reeid
WhM UM'tolI call of eeantlM SM qalnd b tb* aeat of tte aamy
held _
. Oaloo
te po Uio Ite eaataet.
Made for tb*
mil** tbroepb the aeanty. wbleb top to sard Bs. I sill be bel.
Boatb Bite PrlMary Sehool baildtop
of wnalldato* aei*w>oaae waahwsA soald to abeat <S0 a aUa
teosa tbat aetblap eeald pranat tte aatoepDoteaad a beat ef otter
BMlBBtlaa of Hr. Motett. te tea. IhiapB sill Make tl>b isrede
Dr. Hooo atetad that te had tekan
tbaa the os* of Uat y'tar.
altottnp li dalepalm
fftaeloaaly Tte beat feel-'
pnat pato* to tonaUpate tte Mlarraafolloslap tte
b la tte party la tte TseatyaofU_____ ______
prb* aad belbrad tbe elty woald
atnalh dbtrlel aad Itere wiU te
mbteke It tin
ak* a bipta
teal acteol proandt share lb* bm HoAatt sa*V* of' Oraad
lailad sork
petitin I
talaat that ean b« obMloed slU edter Hr. HoAtt.
pna. wl^d *1
W. W. ttaitii,
dran tte.BBtaa naa ef tte ally aad
------ileettim nrete ead thirC (redo rortl
pnayaadwi ■ —that aa »*»»—»
m wtu W rreelod el ell lAr -..-i—n.—
F. H. Pratt.
■Itloaaof U
all otter* sbo sill tear.
on. owe rwmr. pen Ibee
ibee thM IhlrC
wa* tetop
A. B. Geek.
Ayy pretty saddtepteakpteMFH- Follewtof ibU b*clMlap atS:te
freAonwtiamta wm Uarlii re <4 lb.- erip
led. He had eaefenad
•ry ■¥»*■■ •* tb> «ur or nUw> -* 1- wtw>
Pay onalap at Faradell. Ite hMcot; a-eloea, will eoear tte athtotie aperu
tore m tor— yw.’
• Hr. aadHiaH.aoriatt.nreaada ea Ite TsaUlh aMM bM ball fsrk.
teU mUm aealb af tte elty. stea
H ■|o"wbS"te*MS^"*“ protoat eoald ba anbted a
epAhUeaa caaea* of roMn rasldnpraai ofstnlpbt albtolle*
Iw n^ 'r' ‘towOef' ^
tete daapbtM, Hbi Aaaa Ebb. sat
te£ dawn aad that it woald be a pec _ .1 sard Ns 4 sill be teld
anaapad. aad alrea^ aatrto*
Oaorp* W. LardW* Potato WarelM
Idato af lb
•aUad la aiarriap* to Joha Boaat at of athlatM boib toeal aad diateai,
ssB. Baa. Wm. Haaia, she
ste had
ted ali
thtop for TrareiM Olty.
far UMTemiu. Tte ------------------nady
**md tteidbtelat
dbtelat site btaMT to Tte ptopeaitton of tin Maabte* ca|
I to pr*M aad sblto. tte
BM sltb tte priBH offMed wlU
IteUate to pi** tin pn)ael aid pro* 14 aaUad' fV%day. Aapaei'SI, a^ »i^b
Ml aaottoMt'of tb* rapabUaana to the lap tte line WM raa tbraa^ ae**n
tenlana M My com* aafon tte
yuddarii-Flm, K«0: anted.
'Tte MrMiflay SM|wrfisM*d
Pl.eO; lUrd. Pl.OO.
aod tola Hanbin. wm breapbt ap
a'aloek by Bo*. O. Ooctalia. da tte Siaadtop teoad laMp-Flnt, •«.»:
B. J. Falpbaa.
praiMGiofttelMMedtot* latotli
•aoBd, pi.w; third, ti.oo.
for Hr.
tte bride aad pieoM, tte btaatifal Btaadlap hop Map aad-lam^FIrM. ------HoAH. Tbi* eleqaaat tribato to Hr.
H-SOi aaeoBd, P1.W: third.
HoAU and tbe dsain te Mtotaia
■ naatlMded. sa* ntyprettv Bbot pat. 16 peaadJteat-Fbat. tefMaay sa* raeelnd with toad aad
te wtaile orpaadto, aad Mirtod brida'a •leo; Moead. PI.B»rtelf^ |l.i
caaea* af •
Ward i______ __________
I te baU__I
MMa. At tte aaselariaa cf tte
Farm for Sale.
•• f«r KalkaMa-and to a *atoe that
a nipnaii to a qaaettoa m to tte Miaat Priaary eabeel boaieoi.
teasy a datety Mppar wu aMred. tte Flrat. pl to:; third.
elaar aad riraap banid: -We beat roole to tiaaqicri tba tiMbir to ereatop. AaraM li. 1K8.
dtetep looM tebto batep
ten today te aapport Uie domIfer
af ate
doa. te alaud that to aU pratearttfa aiatoz. wlib sUte Miaattea to yard date-Flrat, pltO; aeeaad.
nowi. rm W*m. irw Hw wtadniU
Hlity it woaU Mfc* ao dlIrrM
ty aaanatlaa eallad ft.
baw .a enaowty. SlU br add lea laoi owk.
te*aa at*
•LtO: ibird. PI.0O.
wbh of Sanalcr PoImm aad tte mBaits, ate Mah Biter te
Baaniap Bnad Jamp-Ftral. «LtD;
It of tbe rapoUtoM af CalkaMa
need. ll.tO: tblnl, Pl.oa
Banntop bep-atet^sad.laMp-FIrat.
that prop,
•LB; Mttad. Pl.W; third. pi.CO.
■ of Mr. HoAtet.''^
ttepiaa I > tetop tte lla* ter*, m arW. H TteMhly.
. rpMB*M PhOMC
Fob eaalt-Fint. Pl.»: wm
•1.U: ttalni;Pl.<n.
VMtloaMlai Mttew
ttMbar throaph tbb city s
^..Ite AM
Baaniap bipta
pMOj UwJ
• riatteM. *N- B.
scad. pl.tO; third. Pl.OO.
Mr. Friadriah Ibaapht itel tte Ant
ppMiilapaaM tlM te Otaad Bapddt
• sill
&ap to da'sM'toanerMlBlf Hr ; The fact tlut beosekeepsad Woltoad, Ttey will te at tte OB* of tte pnataal etmb that **«r
ipaayhad eaStobat baek
hsMiat Hr. aad Mn. Cte*. 1mm- eaaanad to tte baar ball world of tbto
lap to pat tte liar tetoapb ptsridlap ; eta are wrilliBg to pay oiore
«r. Kl BM Hlath atraat. after 8*p- dty. Tte PrintMi, iopMIpp tte
tisaapraatod. to : fw Cenaou tlMn for ocher
ipM M*a. wUlMtet tbrirold
mnmmom It sm 4igIIi6 to toriTOb. tba Omt Makars It slin
Hr. Dataad to cm* Man tte' flour is proof that they coswere Mr...Bo*M'( Moltaar. Hr*. J. A.
* for btoed. with a oapllal I
lap aad to pin tte
Beeat Ui kfaibitt, Artear aad
M fallow*:
aider it wor4 wuwe. but we
ted. Or. Hooa
OaaoM. aad hit atotor. Htoa Flanaa*. aU Um kattwin sill b. opoa. .
AM Hr. Danad aad lilaraid with
aUaf Ballaad. Bath Hr. aad Hre.
shea Ite pan* aMru, aad Ite
waot yoQ to dedde for
Or^ Tta*«M-W. W BmIU
BeM at* nry pastor aaMsp Ite oacaape SiU probably te mmoI _
youraelL Try k id yoor Shoted Own
yaaap ptople aad Maay baaatUal asfaL TbepaosMT taw oalylre
af Ite Itoa had baw Abd with tte
jBMMt* sen reaalnd «nm retotl*M toatopa.or It nay eoattoae tor Bf
WeifMd-A. a. Wabter.
Tte I next baking.
aadtrtasde. shll*
dapaadtop aa bos Maay an toftai
af say a**se*a Alpan
ripW at
suite tteiM cf tte Pftb.
M aesly BMfried eaaple.
to tte aariy onal^, a bnd CMent gterinou. MMoMy af tte *2!^ OaylotdoJneaaMA. ted b*«a«
InanatMM. S.a.MdMA
to batep amapad for. aad tte teat to
Ibb part a> tte alate SIU paittoi|sto.
aaeariap itei%teaf MybMwMtbte
W. r- VtoU. apealal
H tte Tte MtIndaysiUtealeaed sitha
I Ht. MritoB Ttobc
■ TM»teMabtiteiA Hr. Da-

ite: ;1

needs replacing, perhaps.
Just now as harvest timc>approacbrs. a.good supfdy
of Crockt-o- is alwa)-s nredrd, especially when extra
helpispr^Qt. We can help you nicely. See here;

OtoMf PtitM, 7 !*., sot tH ti t
HatJM etlhl^Curt, SSt ttl »/ *
Dttii DItitt tt, Ut. ISt, tti 20t
An unusually fine stock of Glassware at
.surprisingly low prices.

Ot^ Book Store
Sthrl BtttOtr Ct., hoft.

. »ISSS'-






FVKRAI. of thtac an tiiosn in the Srjilcnikcr Stan.Ur<] I'm.
^ irmijust received b> ui. STASIt.kKH PATTKKNS areako
tirooK. m tone)- wanu. We
out>’ a goal hoc of thaw
inltemv and nor '<|alran will be benefitted to inspeciin); oar atncA.
Stoodartl Faiiera* arc cbea|v Ihey are team aUnstog ate ttey ace
atoolutdf rcliaUe. _

gnm t|>ccul stlrolioa. Nos oo talc liy u

^ATT«inftA wmmm



Cbmtnercial PrinlhiB


no Special Sales «
Cow Prices every Day




eaaaad lniwctGtoattted*. • <1

•m UBb'flM. nail liZB, fM IMh • nir
pain'UlM-Oibrda, ana ibM. OwOm ■ yr.

Frank Triedricbr


tbl* jrmt. TW* an no* abeat B Udiaaa UM»d (kata la |defcla«<ba
(raSitaadlW vUla paafda.
laaarloa {dokan cu araaaca Ha
Hr aad la Mar «••• Ma darM
tataed. Oaa toilr » <Mbar.
aathei aad littla daachwr. hara
raaacad Ha dar for aoaa tlaa.
OntMora fanlHadbr tka baroa
ad tba bontea boacbt In tha Aala u
faat aa natband, af ttel all that the
plAara baraln do la to (Ot tha herriaa eS tba baabea Aa tbar an fna
to all who VlH to
ara rich to tbeai- aoMad la tha work.
Oao. V. lardla netlred SOO eta
from-Btratiard Frtdar, ud he 1
tar beoabt ud Hipped S.l

baauauMOthaparkrliotd <> the dMluk.'Mh ptanin aS'l&MSbB
C. O. £ X. ban u laet rrlHr
utbaHia. lt*aUwtoaahle:hadSc.
am- Tbaroowauat OM M
have Jut daaad a avUa at Hrtiaa a^
tUalaat cuvu fottuap bp^tha HaH * Au ^
a • --------Sirta*' U tbe uMia ata tetan lutp
wuanarabJoraMaabir. Tba
wu raer taatafaUr daeaaand
vlH Aevate and tana. vbiU tba
HlaaaaXaialaePtattaadHiuie Porttnu H«ttr boMba tba le.oe lea aad aratan. "vbUe tha Haaa
to He laQdrlac naie at
Hr. aad Kn. OeaaUafa
Ibapartr teanad wiH pn«r *irti
vitb.pnttr mraa. wbiab vtth tbi
0. Ufhta aad Sera
te Ha u-lookar lika a pa^i late
tairrlaad. Tbaea wara abeat m eoa
pla. vbe tripped tba U«bt taai
toa util tba wea mb' bean of the
BMnlac. wbm tbe reaac ladiaa
1 br tbair ehapanaa tba
Use ry read bra had ecua ud tbar
parted, aaab feallac rather Cred bo
h^ and arlablai tbep ooald ujor

a«T. Wt. Bur pwfonm^ th«
t la St. P>uel* cimrtfa
iMdasaHr. Jar B. Hi
US aad Hlai HalUa Bora, both of
^eilr. TbaiiWB lia vellkaowB
la. batac Mbou pUjer la
UmBori'laoiaud vaaMipleradte
; run U ttaa Batald n«ee. Tbe brid*
t alw valt koevB aad pepelar. aad
baatefMaoda will uih- ia
"Ov renllct ta Hat tba
!Bttalattaoa aad baa* wiahaa.
Ooarp.- Seett. eana ta hta A
Tha ^opattr evaara at Bireba
daalallr br falliac fron i
train ud pettlap hta bead ul eS la Tte BaaH Blda ball taan wu A
Ha rardj of tbe Pen Harqaette Rail- adbrtteUttlcBtore braeaanof 18 to
Tte baltacr of tte Soeih Bide
rnad aonpur. at Haaidnu. aad Hat
read taadiu Utwa frm tbe drir- He railroad eonpaat u in ao war lean wae K. 'UMllannial, E. Graad
lU paH. Ohiaf of Polica Ruud N. Hiller; for He Uttle 8ur»
atak wba b au el Ham, laterN. Infuitee. C. BraHu ud A.
rtawad a ■ubar at tU beard at
Richard. Tte featare of He gone
paUto warkt tee"'
wae He hard bitting of J. Baaaeu.
SJuUaudBdwHBtaek. ^
^ He faet Ha. tl- oo.
<1. Barnonr ud tte Damn» Ocanta

Hin Habal Batn latl Header te
fiutad a patitiHte
Plow nmpliBd Ite gun-.
Hr Ortee. le atlud He aMaal naat*
aumt InMiireil nm
TIm natter
tuttn will
dflba Htablsu
be leaM tale te Aubtlan Ha ttnal
tetoliHiw. when Ha «IU nad a wlU taaaln Ha attuttaa
paper vrttuabrMra.H. B. a Bataa
tba bodr war Arat late br Oaerpt
Sabarler Adalar wba bat beaa au- nmoa, ou of tba coal baarata, Jaat
Caitar'a alda of tbe ettok and
afu tba 10:30 Arar. Ka. 10. te pan- fear to Uml of tte ijaau OilraoHag a fnit
Hoadaj nipi.t
Ha aocaar of BaraaH and Ualu
Il wu Ite now old atatj.
VuTruku. aaathar ol Qnau Oittaa bad tte ndnotage ap
■inat baa baapht Ha aiare fanaarlr ilurr
aaodwr ponioe of the Record.
ewaad br HoOtaHar A CUeer *ad tba coal InadUra. wbu thi to Ha earuth luutg. Heir eecv
U )x>u share ibe good things we
HU hr Hr. OIrur at CIS Ualoa inln lanad. Hoapat be baard t
Ju W. Maikban naai^ i
and wUK'aeablna wtH it hu enub aa tie- eoaobat pataad (te Hade
are offering in Sample ahoea.
bat Hinklnp it nlpfal tera baen aim
ttaa trblH U
«a Ha Oblaafe MT- atm Uataa.
plr Ha etapa of tte train hlttiap
10 come, aod Come quid]}
hat TfaeHiaeaMedtnta|l.«toH Ba bu nid hit balldiu and lot <
p).-n of col. te did Bot aiart la tnaka Wianla and 8oil.u ware tte baturr
a ante Hr. Hartbaa-t predat
as we have marked tbe reBatuH ta Tblrblr * Oalklnt. wba ur inrealtjiBllao- Oaena Parrlaa. fto Ha (Jaau Oitp bora ud Rcaa aad
at Ha IBM qaaUtr aad eean
will tut It for a
boweav- te Jnet flnUbad bta wart Eactler for Owtar.
maiorag Samide Shoes u bat
HabWtbatatetat prtaM fee tH tariud aru cUaibiop «t at Ha ear
liillc more ihu Half Price.
bea Uie train pa and,
eolg'e Reetlen went to WIITin work of larlap tbe brlek .
aroud He aheda in He omal war.
ibarg Batardar atUniou and
ud oane epoe He bodr.
ptarad a gaan with He lean of Hat
in Ha ahadnw wbera tte bodr
Irlnp. bat te but ovar il ud nw
tg. nitataagOOdcbowHal it waa a faanu torn wiH Ha
togforKouig'ebori te nake agalnat
ada u peUbU, Ha brick it laid bead enabed off. Ha uUed
focb a etreag aangaUoo aa Uie Wilit Tba anile ar«Ab« narked
a toreb wat broopbt
aad lenored. Hu tba roller 1> pel and tbe whole gigaeUr aipbl diaeleaad. llaouborg bora Had all of He UuiiiStallr towiad te atind,
U. AU trlaki tUt an hrokea an - - -liltofaet tlen been to tte came He abewing
At Bartbpart. Cbarlet Kar^, ■UlB aaUed ut The acpbalt AUar t« tbe nortii. tbe aboaldan right ba- woald have been ann’'better, I
of tte anon Hat neui ni
a aanpatataru He lute of ttat pHaad batwau Ha edpae of Uia aide (lie ntle, He head, or ntbar
made br tte- plarm iter bad
pHea.tedlleadareaaalaitet mtmX brtafca and Ha earb. ud tba imae- what wee left ut It. Iring
ubatiUta for nanbera of tbair own
nut ta Aatate br nakiaca AUar al
■uHfUtaal tba ape «f H Ttea
forthar aooU..
Bnlfka alone nade an bad
aad nneat ia aqaal puu. nir- twera (he lallt. ud ite blood
tuna a vita aad au maU k
to the game, wbleh cutrlboBahad hate u tba lute tar i.__ adaarrthla. aad beoHad erar Ha Jaat i-i
Inginaing to ooea freelr fron tte
ttaubUte tatetair teplQTii u tatak, AlUu *U <*<^ira* aad BDlliap neck. There waa not a ap­ ted nateriallr to WiUlamebaig e ru
wlH Ha aued aaHtaa.
pearing Hal duH te b
Decker, tte UUlc pUobar
pitobw .of He
nana. Ward
Bntttan. rtrack ost IS Willlai
r H. a Dana Ha
been br Fatrtok Eellr. naif Biorar had alna Mriko-t
uotlieroaal bandler, Oereur Ohaaa
at Htai OaUr Wrafcoop
«• u;
Mtidad. ud aflor tte renatiu
I Ttedar ava^r of a Terr
0 000O 0 I ^
Vwad. Ite bedr
HdbniaK et a few of liar
frinta la b« bean. Pari Tertara ta tbe norgae of Usf
;tleot tte
■Ipht at bn frtaode wen
• Write B. a Olsb were
• a-An a'eleek Ma. and the
r tar. He rap iunr He.bedr. rielon to game Mudar wiH Tanle
eraalap «u W7 dalichtfeUr .
He brad tsrtter aealb. with par- Ukc B. 8. Club. Boon fl to a. Tbe
A Hlatr ataaa waa atrrad, Ha taTon
ptaring waa good on boH etdei ud
of It waiurd, abut Ite
Pte tba peadonlteiac
tte targe neater of rane were tte nHe prettr daeorattoea He Aaeh baiag atrippad ban
Kf burr bitting for wbiofa He
Tte lud waa eat uttaalr off.
oea of tba pineluTlar He tap down to Ha aan la- loonl elnb J> gaining n repstatioe.
Tte faae aad aeH ware graaad Tte bntterr «<*k of Eiroliner ud
wae ezeaptiouallr Ane, Kliebto pif«ee udar tte car wbuU.
r btU lb Otabd Tnnna at
eoar baring fonrieu tasi to bta eredna ffaaata wna Htae Bardick. am waa atae brokeo, aad He taft hip
Tbta U 14 gann He Wrlta bur*
tedir tnind.
Bnbtria. Kohea. Rabr KolH. Oarri.
twu, bariag ptarad 18. lealng
nag Soatt came bone to aa
nteaaalrtaplaulaiuaWifoal- Earl. Bnataa Ratertau. ud Htat
rdioK to tte teeliamir of hta faH- ulr two; bat ther aspect to rei
iHalliii wbn Ha awbar Hue ta laid
<- OorUi Boon, wbo ta anplerad ibaaa two ganaa bafon He eloee of
Hr Ha CkartaraH Baal Bapn faatatr
nau. Ther an opu for enjngebr J- W. Staler, abartlr after
TbawHrH aao waH. AapaM H.
I wlH amatoar laama. alHongb
ip nport glraa
Oh of Ha ban baaH la Ha ate la nrr uttafuiarr utloak geatrallr o’eloofc, ud imnadtalalr left, np- Her eipul a gane with ite Tboappaaedlr for Oemalne Bm' ten.
SI.60 Tu ihoe
H ba praant, Baa. J. a Batrawa for tte alata bat aartbam Hlahigu fau bau doiiig odd Joba
Ita profaniual* ia tte nnr fnHawt ap aiaeadlaglr wall. Patatoae gntnitonelr for Ha jut few dar*
■ of tbata
iatteleutban eeuttaa an n perwaa at He etorr ot Jelin Inmaw.
aut of a anp. Ha entnl oeutiaa » urner of Rigfath ud Piuklin etmU. All Sadie. Er..
eariou to learn
te Ite BttHtn aouttae oi; tlu Hoegh Ur. Umaon deae not fcaew ite eanea of He rasl lapi
He bealH of Hra B. P.
Lillie Men's Solid Salin Calf
Mdar enalat ta bta atadr Bar. M. afwaga tar Ha atata baiag 78 pareut. Ha anet lima, ud boagfal a lukaga wbo
ted for a loog time. <
shoes, cut to only
BewardBiawa, luuraf He Prtate la Ht uaHan part of He atate tte ct tobacco. Obarler Hark nw bln « Mlduffariiik*fron a ebrenle br
erep.Hteb.|Uftead tbe iwiteQ tH«H
Ite rcraer of BarenH and UalU
-* all dne le Dr.
rr,” write* bar b
wUad la aawrlapi Hr. Ptefc Danow
8;«. aad tatar Night Operator
udMInJate Wbeetoek. two papa.
Haraaa M
Boardnu Juetlu eared car little grud daagbter of a
•Ir jaaag paepU at Ha aHp. Tb« Tte nteir lean U aorHan Hiohlgu
br the yooat mu
etma attaak af Wboopdng Oongb.”
■tattapi «M a aarr qalat atalr, bat ..................................tewaUadaptad
. wtetber ti
jwtatoii, Wbaal u line. Il eeamed i« Hr. Baranltel
ia Ha aortban eautlaa >reratea 1* SoettwuHen for bait u beu boi Lug iroablea Oeanalaed bottln
baHala. aulra) eaabttai I8 baHata te aaid be mlgbl have bna nletakea.
fHuaad bwtwIHei
ulhan oautlaa 18 battela Tte bor nt anokiaft a riganita afar
will tea tail eropofapptaa. Ite Jurilu oBca window.
Men's SL75 solid Satin Calf
Ha paretataga la Ha aulban ona- Berk afierwarda wui loltejaaclace and Coogren shoe*, nt
■aal teHaui at OabhnU A Lu­ ttaa baiag M. aaunl T4. and aortben tlu ud coma back in ite atatlu u
to only
te U IHiilteti Tbe uttn warkt
Tte peoH erop Uteld to praoitaa (te flrar. TliU irala fcrHeaulh
tea ll^wrll. ulr He tnu part H burr- OatatenanAea'cnalfTowH,
-----------, fcrtap laft ted- tba Bcrtten eeuttaa ahowiagwatl
ateda. takaa cul. roaaa narth a llttta
All sires.
WiH Ha olbar pnttauotHe atata. dUtaara to tte rwde and takn w
ter Ite Male batag R ibu hacki 10 Ite etaiicB. riom Hera
ba ana. wtaUa aerHen
makac no eiop tlU li nacbea Orud
KIHlfu Haw* it baabata.
Bapide. Il taanailhelaltrain
PiUiA CtpitaL
While Ite (TBlntaea dldaoteuaiir& A Hateb bnapbt ta Ha Barald Oa tte whole tte aallook far tam$>5,001
- •
aHae HH tetep a pate HP wbtaa an Hta I tall U eatr gmifriagud aaa gel ae the can ibtaa. ud whUa SvpluHawi Ha il iiniiln mnmm «t a wlHgaadcnpa food bariaan ta aa- Hark did ae( aea Bead u hta war
Ite atatiu. it U eappaaad that ll
UtepnulanalwblH Mataa Itreangann rode dawn ta iha Pen
nU la He Bate te at Ha taara
n af HaeUtaueaftte puUumU Harqutu depot. W. D. C Ueraatoe
aHaftba raaH at tba ataarn. Tba
bt st ocs
atuHewahad alMaet tbaUHta ten kuu ap tte naiu af Ite drtaale Hal ten Ineene appanat In He of Unto, aad itei be had
pteapuiiaadUoalr Hraa
mH Aaanpa had hau deu u H fltal fni deli nrru Ite aarHen end ed of lif danger. \ Hr. Oematoe nr*
wlHii altaoet all tha Inru Tbrea af tte tula, aad it lealtoffaHar prob- ■bat b- had tried to (et bln to qail
afalaHal a ebanga will te nada. It
witkoat nep-n. Il ia beUered
Hpaapa-Xf- Hacte te*. Ha
paatad Hat Hapletoa Intiud of Hat b.- rod.- iafio tbe depot, tta-a
tealaaHwud AuilHIai a
dtaatu wiU tenada tte dUtribte. bat Hta nanibc twiur >
At praaut Ite nail fnn Hta point off at KlghHUr^l aad go bane. 1
H Ha ara^ He te aaan nu « f«a Ite apaar aU af Ha pulnaata ta Into. boweoT. wme prabaMr nor
H ofd Htaataa before il ie dta- too taal wbca be reacted BlgbH.
put te aaald aai aaaaui Hr
tribatad. Tedar't anil. Hneten.
atialdtoJanpaS and renatoed
a ba daUnrad BBtU lanonaw. aa u He ale|». aad pratebir atmek
It aaa« Am ba taku la Kapletu br agatoM (Be real ebate aad feU. tte
Oatrtar Oebta. Hu nku br Oarrlat ttaia paaatog orer bta bead, m
'Hte i
ad H Old Htaataa la tte aflarGiaad Travene SoUien A StOon'
arban U ta nade ap aad AaUnrVaaag 8c^ ta dnerited u teta*
texutiu wiD hr heU at Ceatral adHaaandaraf gaed teblla. atedieoi la hta talter.
LHcu AafW K. ST. udW. IPOl
e. B. 8. Walker teee taku tte
iriau aad carriaL Bta tatter
, tee been
kaew af bta tnqauUu
te aSabo Mr
• WUI te laakad lato e<
iHc^cm wS be
win be famiHad
For smokins all kinds of meats- It will

Circuittion this week 2.525. Bar Hen. are «>t,

this is JIbout
the 6ait
You'll dave



That is sold cannot be a bargain. Regular
goods must have their important place. We
print only the news of real, genuine bargains,
that^e the result of careful buying, or of unforseen circumstances that warrant reduced
prices. August is a clean-up month with us.

Shirtwaists Shirtwaists! Shirtwaists! Shirtwaists



For tbe choice of For your pick of
our colored well ; any of the 75 cent
made 50c Waites.

For . waists that
have been selling
at 7$c and 85c.


For choice of tbe
$1, $i.3s and$i.35
grades; also many
better waists at big

We win not carry over from one season to the other one
yard of Summer Dress Goods. We figure that it is best
to sell our 16c Dimities, etc., at - - •
Our 26c Thin Goods, all kinds, at - ISO
Our 60c, 60c, and 65c Silk Mulls, etc at
Our fine 40c, 36c, and 26c Ginghams at
Our pure linen 40c Ginghams at......
Our 6c and 6c Lawns and Chailies at



at reduced prices, j


all sizes, at


Remnaots of

and wash goods at


the 3SC and six
grades at per pair




Stotrat Lints «f
Htquiar Stack
at Special
Cut Prices *

Are You Interested in Fences ?


teld^te ^









Seller Af Best ShMS At L estPrkes.
OMSUiA. 0»s. Benld ooee

TTIEhavesomethingthat can’t help but interest you. It
is calledthe AMERICAN FIELD FENCE; some call it
the Panel Wire Fence. It is made in different widths, so
you can have your fence any height, in putting it up you
just unroll the ioncing as you go and nail it to your posts,
and the job is done. This is all made of smooth wire, easily
handled, absolutely no danger to the stock. The meshes
are smaller at bottom, so that small stock cannot get throughs
The top wires are‘’tanked” to allow for expansion during
different seasons. The manufacturers have sold five times
as much this season as last, and the sales are' constantly in­
creasing. It sells a little higher than barbed wire, but yirhen
all the advantages are considered every purchaser who has
seen it so far has taken the Panel Wire. , We want you to
see it.

We have any amount you want ready to put.on your wagon
at a moment'o notice.


Condensed Smoke

butal. bartek. vaute uSee,
mpi. aad vtutahlt*. Not I
■Mr to recBfe tbe Sttae teau,'
^ ana^to(>onde tbeiroai.
Uniwtt aad luta ae Hr at Her art
able: AS wbo cuaot wSI be prorid• ad Hr. Straw win be taaUad «
Hr <aa«> paaad. Emrald nidier
bi Nortben Mkbina ii <t|iactad t»
- tead. Eretrte^ iariud. tec
d< cu tan far thrtted trip wm fra, UHabdSaote

n u te node after tte eritin tacibaiu an-ldut
abeuwnttatlug uuagbtoafanw Dacaaatdwae toearad tefl.eooia
I taalte aad ladluta He teudln M Baffalan to tarar af hta


preser\*e the meat for any length of
time, keeping it solid, sweet, free irtm
mold, fiiet, etc. It impartsa true hick*
ory flavor to meats thatcanbeobtatoed
in DO other way. One bottle (75 cests)
will smoke a jo to 300 poaods oi nest
Every bottle guaranteed satiafactocy

^^Oiaifs brufl Store |


We have an immenee atock just
received. Can supply all demands.
No delay in your harvesting now.



'Evety Dollar We Save You, Is Safely

InaUBflifc—n et ObicMO *>Tif
Uliil niMlm X lUi piMA

mad Mto. Md in ■

Mn Dlblnt «< Fnt W«yn* bwlnd
am ntoy te Ih* MM.

Btowonk Dujm i iMv it
vWi. A«rtaf«aMB*ltar»rMn-

;i« «n
Min BMbn Atrinr of Tn/nn
Oity i^Tiiig*^
bent «t ber

Kt. aad Hn. W. OiMk o( Tn

B. ■■ Pleknd

» law dayi •*

ilnahtal fer
Elk Bbpidt PMdt te U ilnakta^r
a tamtUbl ebwdi Md aapneiml-


wUI beU a tetmi tmm at Oinwa
MaitteBar- ball Aa«. 1Mb U -------------- •amber of MW
--reently ..
of tet nnnatlea.
eriTod. ...I
All nemben rtnaimi lo be
BaM disan ud aoelat boar.
•< I0«) a n wtib wall bllad

C3S1’ ‘




°**** ”***

Mn Eddy Nbweenb It q>
Willi drepty ud bcart ttoa
BtowD ealied tbe feteTbaMln
Wada Bmilh aad too tad da^bnt lartoMba
am* nUlBR m bl> faifapr juainday.
Ml aed Mn
ftaely. It will bt an omanMit te oar
town ud la kwplBC wito oUw in-

M. Uromt Fertco U pnpul
lipUd m bit boon.
mok Oearwdt ««!M m hu puwnBbbdty.
L. V. OtnoB lett • «e« nowUy.

Bar, W. H. .Haaatford can
towa SaUrdar for a then rialt ai
bU eU Mldlibnt.
Too oold for oon.
Htallh It toBorally Hood.

Tbaeoepnatbat liart beta naklac
bamit for L. F. tokett bera, Oaltbed OM Ibooniid bamla
Mr. aad Mn Olndeelu of TnraneOityaiolatbe aetebboAeodaffais
(kit weak.
Mr. and Mn ot Beab of Umned
lhoi^We‘wtSJw to*^Son luJU
Vblla, Ohio an vitltlBC relattm be
■ell Ollfd tbit ySr.
fora lew wteki.
& a Oatea
MimBlUl Bfcattot Tnrem 01
traded tbo K- .
TWnd bn trothn. Olaad Bkatt. b
Batorday eTeslottol Ht-rriagtOD It xUg to
Irolz with ber noole Billy for a
tyi- Title.
few dayi
flelat Ion a ralaabit bnw It

Inat Ttaamdy nUfal Ohaoov Halt
naa. wbllt nkUa; Hr. Kooft boran

~uid~&t^d|B aad Ocaadan Obebaa.
ga toe morad U IM lioote with
ilK'ir aoa Peiet. wliara they < pseet lo
Btki- (boll boou ter tba ranaUd
of tbelt Urea.


aroond ....
water aod ---------- —
dreth aad dettnwtKio of tbe poor IKlit potau bog.
dr- Cridermaa U nlllog aew pota
e M Hortbpon.
rbnoe who toe new potaioet Urge
eooagfa to barmt are eairyUK tb—
lo market, lo tbit way they are $
lug rid of a great taaay baga
Petar UMbuga. Mona ObebeagB
nd Fetor Btmam are or. r oa tbr
Motth MaalloaJaUad loading boat
and peeling bark aodmakiog poate for
AUC 1>
BstgawrcT ti tt boate again Blroey Biokard.
re abool gtme
re now begin,
bat tilt blaokberri
at tbe '
Oeo. Boroogb. wife and daoghter oing to get ripe ■
and oblldraa arc ki

bey lalfbt ba aUtiakaa.
The mm
nrnilot (boy waol oat (bey foaad
tba baar'B teeka
Charht Marpby te nfferiog from <
Mn Banpaoo BebUaaa to beeo
Ellit Faiglii ti workUp for bit ftib .eren attaek of eotateo text mraU
■Bdn tbe daolar’i oara tba laat weak,
n at preaeoi
Hr to porehated i gill*, and te raiy 111 X tbte writing,
to It batter at thU wrtlUfffarm near Cedar Kuu.
ra Riehardraa aad dBafffaUr of
BaeaU Uouly Stobty Seboed eoete begU tlie Aral Monday
telxd. Uhlo. are ipradlng a few
toMae ox weak ten today ml «o<
or with Mitt JolU Olirit- , J U town tbe gneae of Mra S. W.
ndRow, Aaff. 18 aad 10.
Mlm bertha Doll !• the gent of
HoUnd Dame, eon ot Hr. and Mra.
-----------------------------------wiU be baldM
ber ooBtio Ada IMghl. who It aUo L U Dame, te ill at thte writiug
tonlta Aa«. 8S. Ttoa eonmiUx nwl
Jue Bonlraor, wl>o wx Injored by
MBoeora few daya affo aad nade eotertaalag Min Benie Kona
Toledo, 0.
falhx tem tlm realdooea of John
Tbit Boodv nbool will Jolt
Oalhona. te tlowly laeotariag.
tba OriaU Saatey teI>oolaadl
UlmPartacb of Traraix Oily and
Mefc tba ito weak.
Xeala axr tbe latt ef tbe i
Bet. LMfnaa’t laetan wx wall Tbe asaot dale te not yet aaan--------iMloill Wa weald ilka to hare Mi.
Qaarteriy maetleg will be beld i
Imadotaa eoen agaU.
ba ebarab Bapt. B. ff. aad T K. r. i
^Bargn. paaddlag elder, it expect- ..........— SaiardaT
of the ffxat-------‘erer giren
Lata p
ed by all mb
Kaglilh and BwadUb
.1.1 d long*
(* _
Ul .
Ike Xndtn’ Aid xeiaty fare x tea
mule xd war a graai .ynuu—■
«nn xolal X Mr. aad Mn rew^'t
Tbr ataamer Oraaorat gare ao xcarMBarortoait. TbeM^|Badwx
D. O. Otaandlra wx doing balxea. «I00 W Tcreb lake Sxday. A tell
game wx pte^ but- U-twer o IL.bare teat week. '
Nortbpert xdTorab lake team*
Wliaat to all bax aarared U good
The JuUr O. B. awletr of tee ConooadiUon and eX barreal to bxx
gmmtlMial ebarah wUl glra a Ralo
-------------------------- te^to xd te a good map
tew looUl in Ibe obareh |xlar*
P. J. Ayen te qalle alck acaU with Thonday evening. Angxl Ute. toe
eeareo awaMwxkll.
Mr. aad Mn DowUi atteadad paralytia
ram xd cake will be vrred. Priiv.
> eeiita.
MUeTUnJohnwx pteamoUy rorlb. Mtd Mn. DaOtaw
bate woll pleaaMl. for U doe*
xator ef exipoay teat
twtete FHday eeraUg. Ibe oroaeon telog her twraUvtta birthday. A oamter of frlrad* mol at bar borne and
■pent ttearx^ In^^mxxd mnaw.
after white daln^ ^ xxu”
Mr. Mxxlama of tba____________
Ftok Wlteoa ot Elogday wx orm
Ute^y Ixt weak, looking after pal-

Pere Marquette

•at Dtgfal tftar algbt.
utofon day after day.
I itehlog ot Pltet or co­

moat dellgbtfal oatUg ot tba
yrar. Yoa ooglit lo go. Tlnla will
laar# TTarerae
City at 6 rfo p n.
rf Ua akio it a lam- Boand uip rale X.W to poelera. or

Mr. Wlnar ad date Jolinaeo
Any lloliUam
(oni- to tbe Maaltoa Itlaud to
for Barney Plokard.
FlablBC off thlt pout It qelw poor |*Dox't Ointmeol it a aerre Uillag

telmlo ^Tnooroand oat harrett
wall ander way.
Wm Harhojrtoo of Ooarlerolz it
TitIUnc tbit brotliort. K. W. aail
Ala nn.-UBC of Uk- AEriOoltnal
aooiety at Ma^t Oily. Batarnday. It
•a. rood to bold a fair Oet. 1 and
it It boptd tbat all will Mr an

ot efa
• kd

Oaliatn. <iUOtaat«. Ox.
Baokln't .knioa HalTe to
rat ea bn bnd and faer. aad
t tl> qtliiek een amtod aU bn
n ID aorta
Bmaat. Uia Br«pBo
Oatt. Bi
r toldt xd Pilaa IBe.

tbool library.
Bring KiblnaadPratteoatalbyrnoi
Darfd Booth. Frea
Ux Falmatan. to'y.

‘■.UErK.S.7'’v ■

Mn- JobD BlMk ntalTDaMV vtU
hnMn. Mn W. OlUX Y»hA

E. a Ony .to y.

ao«b Kanaody.
Papn by Mn OIxy- Topic. Hew
eaecenaadoedBaetaiirtearycUn |

Oityitr dttDtrd^ntMU
Mn. Fnal
Mtb. .
>otMr. 1
ten ladlasa li TlaitU
faet Md wat badly iajmnd aboai tbr
OHy udty.
bbaeni. Maynard aad Bnam.
Min Incy AlUxin it viMttac bn
Mn J. C. Uwnooa, wko bai bad a
riM. Mrt. C Deosy.
.jrloaa tint vltb blood poUnilac la
tbabaad that *• cat tone «m«

Only a few suits of a kind sold at such iow prices you
■surely can afford to have one.

3S.OO *.o 3IS.OO

1. B. Walt * Beat BBdJaaO. Jeba-


Mn M.

te. potHa.8WnaekSu*«tteBblnira

nlibllLdibt by Mil


Matd K. AttUtoa Ai Min Onto
«( BsidlakTlUe toimj.
C. OroM. M. Emt ntd Mr. OMUx

Samplo Sui-t 3ailel-

■tie llliin?yl&
‘AS^etwalaene by r. IX fSw- ttely waU. «M OM «


euilurted by 1'rarerw Ci& eltlnet for all ItofaUg ikU dltratra.
Hrm. K. D. Hradvreon. cif BUS W.
Ith tto-Xmyi: "lo tbe tomm
M onr giBaaohildri-D bad tbe
lee. After reoerering. oar grxde
Jree yrart old.Jitoke not to .
Uoai which literally oorer-d hit laor,
and ander the btir. Deapiir the
:>f lalreetad cUlmeote aad modiclue from more than ooe dt«lor daring
tte' greater part of tbe tammn, be
really worae in Ihe fall than aay
___ jt part of llie year. The toree
■plit and be war In each mitery Uial
be eereeime-l all day andeoclduot
atoep It eight. We were iadneed to
try Doaa't OUlmeoL The Srti apidloation wai eo aeolblng that Uie
■ Id ilem tbe eortre i.tght. At we
___ tinned ihe ireatmaot the enipttoD
dally the
ral. For
bhOT-iehlldaimoled iu tbemrna
way afh r qmxIm. no traatmeiil xt''
relief. When 1 fuuod Doao'i Ouitmeol M neoemfol for cor grandehUd.
I eroieed tbe etreet. applied It and for
tbe Snt night in many abe elept
•oondly and before e, ren o ch«k the
next moniiog ber mother wx at the
drag elore for a 1r.x
It cored her
tml-y lo a few iteya Ikiao'i Oiolmeul la «o<' preparation which acta
tbe repreeeniation. made for it.' ’
For mle by all dmlera Price U
crate. Fortor-Hilborn Oc.. tunaio.
N. Y., eole agenu for the United

-“K'----------- ----- ■

XIAUAflA PAI.l-«. a. V..
AbEXANORlA HAY. X. V.. in.Hl


Atare low tali' te offered for rzoa
tioe lu |<oinU aarned. rte followli
Fere Maniune to Iletrail:
Michigan Oeotral to the Fall.

SOo ori 8 $i.OO
Our Strong Values Support Our Weak
“Der 'Deu’fcsohol ^sden”

Clothiers and Furnishers
Travxrsx Cl«y, Mioh. $

naoT lodeallnatioo.
Pere Mar
-aoadixVaotflc u Oeatloaiinix.
Good fv retarn nawacr' on train*
reaolilini IJllelrull c 1 lal. r IliU Abgnu »lib 1
■lOire of Ti
Elk AngnU ITlh.



Urey will faorble fv their enterum i
“ kio will Imre Trarme t'lir * 4”]
L Rale «i ula Sf« |ir»l..r* for
« «


SxXy. AagDR ITlIr
TTaio will Irare Trar« r— Cny at
»;t;, a m. Rate $l U). Sc- Iro-tetr.
V aak agent fv partieolara
u It

Detroit A Bxffle Suamere
IbeFaUi: ria Boffalo.
Fora HarqxUe to Detr^tl
Miobigx Cratral to Niagara FalU:
Nrw York Central to OlaytOD:
Thooaod Ulaadi Slrambcat Com
paoy to dHtioation;
Fnday, Aag»*». K

New York Ontral to Claytoe. ^

in-t Ssle!


This is your gain and our toss and you miss a chance of
your life time if you do not take advantage of it. $ 1 to $6





I or aak agent* fv parlieutera

Xw rax to ChlcMo
I3.7& rae way. K 6S round trip
HeaU xd h rtlu exx
Tnlo* to connect
wtlh •imi
Irare Trarerv Cilv Uooday. ^ c-tey,
W. diieaday xd FhiteT » :»• a m
TbnrtoyX Mip lu. ; aluo on Souilay
; Jnoe ttd.Jaly eih xd siiih, .Vng. Srd.
' i;il> xd SlU H::»a. m.
F A Htiebell. il. F. Art.
; H. W. Cxolngliam. Agt.

For Job Work of all Kinds Call al The Herald Office

Go xd xjoy to good thix* which

c 1nu(:lit lliv wluilc mjt|iul.

u.-nc wliciv Ihc faitot) aanltil the ■'.tkli an t w

- -


irii to Bold bte fix driTlBf
I to porobaxd x al^ty
U eaiy tew. Hat
of Q. V Brlgbam.
now witb bet.
oa te awv lookiaff op a
Mm. Xmey Wbltoey aad aax bava
Ux aad Utrada mering
nxiart. to laamu U Ibalr homo.
m Waatoid mee.
We are
lorn to hare him go. bat tbte te tee
btotby a laeaUty for a dooaor xyway.
Tba aid xldlaa arerlexlx np mad
anaaglBg tbelr grora with the expeo
tethm Uml the Old BetUan' pt.-alc
will ba bald xtbteidaoB.
Mm Will TramaiD of Trnrane


2£iss.“K.ira w. wmua. ud dueitt

VtUtemx- xmy Manda are plaaaed


ra Prank
w from a
Mm Prad Blokete
akete of 0.rfvmtte te
here xd piteUg barBeaten Cxotete aUll avioxlT la
Bhe to tte^eympotey of aU x to te


twratr eaedlaa xd looked eery |weily. The Urtted gaeaU were tbe
Mlwx Laara Partaoli of Trarene

*^m Wwlto'

•mof toUg.
KxrlyaU ibr

f jrved Udied li-.-«. «:
guarame.'.l all kiiel (onttiuction; choice sdertron of l.e« lelom <
liiKcd V, no bultoiik rx come off. xly ^ | | .25.




___ ______ 'AltertJtea]"jSBai
Labrata. Fnnoli Lealte.
Hr. xd Ur. Fvrte an tee gnoate of
Ur. xd Mn. A. H. Uwile xd fam­
raakBoaaxto of talxd wx
O. C Raawx to me (o Rxac
Tllle lo Tlait hu IX ferank xd fan
' >r a few daya
& H. Plokard of Utead ,wx
>wn h« wr«k.
A. H. Ualla tetaned tram Chloto
O. M. Dame mat Baaday with bte
family ie tel* ptex.
L. D. Bam xd family aia eex|
lag rooma in tire Natex roMdraea
Meura Joxpb Zlmmazmx aad
teoege Amlolte me U aowa teat
Tbe xw fool walk x tbe t*l<


S<x KU Couch, exactly like cut; i* a beauty; golden oak Irame. claw led,
right rows ol tuft* Btth the noer-come-olT binivf, canvx line-l, all Mecl ronUruciion. .‘Id 12-mch besi steel *4>rinf;v

■^'Iv t''«‘‘'V'' Clevelan.l vcUmr.

SI 2.50.

No. s-l-J Oiirh, exanly like rul. goLlen oak frame, nicely carvel claw (rat.
right rowk infix, steel ronsinialion, ftu I2-inch Ir-st iierl s|iringt, paicni l.uilrai
fauenen tlii'eouih liu been cuntiderol goeal value Ijrlnrc ai $IC. now

s < ' -65.





-J,. e-. <c

_________________ , exctly bl«.au. Tk»‘t think il cheaply evWnicteil nv a
dwarf l•o^nIue the price » to h>w. Six ft. (bv in. loog, 27 inche* wi.1*. canvu
hned, lej:» l«jlte.l, IH Meet xjinngv covereil with choice ixtem* gooil vwloni, a

law (ret. jdain lop,
No. b-JTi Couch, exactly likexl. grddrn oak
with }>rr1tv ri^l nlges, covert with Iwst velov, cxvx l:nc<l,
I. orvlv $10.75.



Him LaelU Wrlgbl of Ikarane
Tbe ootuge beto balh by Mi. BvCity, who to beeo TteitUg with Mm ly te aewly oompletad aad ztady tv
M. Oteam. ratarxd to bv borne thie


. Clark I______
O iiy wmx«

iiii^iiT^iT^uy*** **
Barry Dowd to rntwl bte ttorf
V. A goad rx te ezpraaid x M
yield ef grate te abera tba aratage.

Mr. aad Mn.



ararv City.
Bd family af Traemw
gaaala ot Mr. aad Hza
So. s»2 Ciroch. exactly bke cm. gokko xk frame, lep are put x with bolte,'
ware baUst to
MX Maod Pete ot Bottx* Bay
Xtad ratecteX U towa tUa weak.

’S* “


Ubtel^Sirr^ra Bium’MyTJte^d
Mary Joho.

• rtellx Blxte


fratiic. nU cK


Arabia, to aix yew oU ax Of BobrtOook. while ptoyi^ U to tm
b. aad Mra. CaraOB Warner of he (te IxL fell a dliteaee of l« twt
b^qaUadra OaergaCtemrataod awl brake hte Inc twix betwera tbe
■ • xd kaea Dr Ootoll of C
h ndxed the fnotera.
I. MoOomba aad family hare bera
malaad hte atex aed bar daagbtrom York Male tor aome Iftee °Tba Jxlw-Lxgx held a buUex
mratlx Taeaday xd tbe following
U wortUg for ~ X were eUteed
■.—Box Wxtal
Frte Howard.
lu Tice
- • Pna-Btia
tod VKmea-Bobott
— k-R.....................
UUIX Horton wp

4th TIM
Pna-Oaorga Badd.
-.. y-Snte Bd
le U oar towa aew. Amoeg Ibe
Tiraa-Eate Hrm
Ideti ate Adalbert Bamaay.' Mr.
Oncxiita-Btia Eeteay
aad Otedy*
.. .tea. E H. Batrawa. Bui B '
Frxk xd Fred Cook, J. Jewel,
Iha Himes LotUa aad Ella BaihaoU
PradVebxea. who wx thiawa
from a hcree lome ttoi- ago. bod hi '
& W. Porter took a trip ta ~
xtan home tbe mb.
bte eelter booe brokra and otberwi
City ox day tewl weak.
Baportby latter from tbe xatbrna hart, te tmtdarUg finely.
MX Jam* Millar, wbotobax rtepvt et tba atau wiyi a luge toiaof
Mra Bobble Dixx te mrioxly II
•y View, retarxd
tba hay to bera raUed by wet wx- -------- ' by ratlag iae etxm.
la pUo* but week.
tbw aad tba wbeat or^ la badly
Hz. (
» xd family of Maple
eoiryug to


No SOU Couch, exactly like ran, li« a foui-ini h gol.leti oak

carrctl, hcary Xltcd legs, canvx lme>1. li' lemjicte.1 steel 'pnngs. rmerol
tanc}' jialtcrm liett velour, plain lop, and unit $6.7S-

,______ to Iraia Ito Mia Oao. Oa ..
who X hex ao lU M tea bM erf bv
Mra WlUtem- Oatrow af

Mm Jcx PbUeokaad nhUdixw


Mr. Jaa^lx aad <

Mr. McSaMoOtetWoyxtetoa


X lined.

terotverad Med flwmgv I-Um Wft exrrved in good vdour. (wcMy

pallcm. xy «to, only S5.90.

No. «15 Conai, exartlv like cm, with *oeh a pretty carred geddx oak
full r<rfl head xd loot, cxivered with five toned bcM Vivoria relov. »> l«U atxl
cxvx iiaed; (or a hamteooie. dv^ eoaefa it ex'f be lieat. and Ihe

Mall Orders will have'V.ur prompt atal rmreful attention. State the color you desire for the cover.


dv. At pnani ptag-pawg la Irba
rol^ paaHao aneag tba cbUdraa.
ndar imlag HIn dntag
blawad M a party at tba bar'
aUay. BifeiAnnta ware ante
thajltltani aattga,
Mra. Harat Halnnd who baa
la lU baaltb In aana tina U rat
ptatag. aad tea aatidtoad bar tri
reaaaUy by trtpptag the light IMtaatia
Jalr 4th. aai Ito «Mn a>d 1a tee bnatifal taapa <a eoart nia, Old
id Ok«T.
Ok(T- tn* h«*4«id
Hr. Halalaad u agpaelad bara
It froa th* drip-t Mdri.
Tka O. a 0«r
ontr »>'•
t aeaalBK Ha W. A. Ina
ant lap^ aad tksa «M aanUac to
aad Hra. B. B. Talbett gare a
tha taaa e( ManUiic Tteoa^
itba gaaaiatelte famafnaaered
Ooeacla. aad araz?bodr tad a good
naart. Bolb tadiaa bare Wimt
aid ctaod roa«l> o( Jalr tiaa. alagIw aaWaaal aooga Hi. flwaMao la.
Ur. Wwi Ml Tn«M* Ottr
*• ImiI--------‘-ri— Uw. 0»
wa«rfcM UftV«vT«k forO*f
•i-T Wh. BaivpMthM
m M>tb«
rawh Ito M
«aft oat M M. MaAw ttat tfaej



a*d ikaaaad with tha trip
Tka Oatai n. U a lava mmmm.
haiU aatfndr of alaal aad la 10.000
Ml. dlaidaaeaBOt l«.aoo tan. Bba
laiU raatlooc. <8 fiat «lda and 41
feat (roa kail to appar daok. Bba U
UfUad with «7S alaeMe Ughu. baa
two fctOBaa prapallan 11^ U. 4a dtenalia, whlta an driM hr two trlpU
aipaaioa aagiaai of 8,000 bona powBtaaw U taiaUnd frea 7 boilan
with 18 driag pUeaa. tba (aBaal U 16
taat la dlaaialar aad U6 feat aigbt
ben thabanew! aba alae tai a taiga
kael wbMi pravnli toUtag U tba na.
The aanhar of oAean la »: new,
180 nao; aeanga kaeta par boar. 'lO;
*a Biaa lU taoi of coal atetr M
boon, aad oaaplataa tba Togaga fion

■tnnihlp Oatdaaarraa greatendlf
for ibalr baataaat of tbair panto-,
fan. Food baiag plnttfal aad of'

tba abtp aad tba oen^r daaama.

Yon Have SoBieUung ol Value
ne Detroit ta
anS Morning
Tribune tatata

6 at tta
Ob Haatey Hri. H. W. Be
ad Iba partan of Iba boteJ
tea V<
of OlaalaaaU. Haay baaeUfal faU-


e dlqdved- Tba nla aattad
baadradJdoUara. Ooa of the
ftelam of tea niateaa tea raffllag of
Of iteleago bald tta leaky Uaket.
Mr. a r. teU. acnidaa -raaiUr Hra. WA. Lam
Urge party at bar eettaga aa W.
pay atnneoa. Oaida rrera U
ad a teiaty laacb waa aerrad.
Hie B. B. Talbott goat to Bay
View mflatatday toataUtUa.
. tea lata arrlrala are Hr.
Hra. V.
B. Price of Olaalai
Hra ParlB Inagdea of Iba nna olty.
Hr. W. Ball of Daytae.
B. Dale,
tea waU baowB OlaalaBatl lawyer.
Hra Dale aad two aaak, a P. Baary.
Hln Bteiy, HaWar V. 8. Uaaiy. of
CUngo. Min HopparofOfeaga.B.
J.. Hra ianaa Blafca abd tea of
PIgaa. Ohio, aad Hiaa Dedrey K.
tbaaay af MIddlatoa, Ohio.
Dr. Alfred Qallbar aad B. >. Blake

Do You Cat 9k Detroit
Soadbr Netn-TrtbBRO

Onauw color aUMU.

BtaeyaaroU Leo ItaDnald of St
Ai AM Attar banateb !<■
tea baak yard walk bfitea aad aba taO.
*gi—. U abam tereogfa tealag
Tbalat- Mn. BtaM Lortoga U tetag
largacbv *»«-<
•a Bareaak f4r<lt.B88tete
In. It year old a
Bartaak awaa tea peaa
dd tea leULeojenpad to Ita rrwaa Hn Laitagaana fnte teat te<
Oodfiey after ba bad badly talated.
Hra Elaeta M. Boat, aaa of
twin tank baaeath tta- water aad
Imaaraef teaOiaadTtavatartagteau
>d to nppett bin aatil nea
w tbair aarinaaoc aad palUa ta dead, aged 87. 8ba Uvad ta Charif



Tbr Kind Too Hava Always Boogbt. tuid vrhkb fcaa be**
In uxe for orew SO yceuw, haa borne the algnal' of
* and has been made niidrr bi> per- '
sonal aapen IsUni sliu-f itn Infancy.
Allow no one t(Mle<-el\<' von in tbbi.
All Counterfeita, Imitations and “ Ju-4-aK-e»«il‘'.-m- Init
Experlmente that trifle witb aad ejnluixn r 'be braJtit of
tnfbiite mmd ChUdreo-Bbtprrk-ne© agute.4 J;siH-rlitH-ul. .


na tba bigg
doafc. aadm
ota^ad. batwaaa paittaa who had
aM mm aaofa oibn far orer ttnolg•re yean, aad araiTbedy waa glad
that tbaAntttlpwaamladlBnlaty

tiaaa ad baaiaaat aad tndalaDiB.
naifc aad other adjotalag aoaatrtn la
at praant aot tba eair beat, aad
an part of Baropa. bat that tba pao-

bagaa mIb tba lOta of Jaly fai
IHim.|Bliiiil tba nna ablp 0
n. la^Matian, Kerway. they
tba U. & Baiaptaa agaadna. aaotaattag of tba flag ahlp UliaoU. tba aralane tea Praaeiaeo, Altesy aad Obiawa. Tba klnradStndaa aad Borway
had Tlritad than hattUa Bilpa. and
U. whltb by tba way -___________
after Mwaalf. aad ^■qlllllli Iba ahlp
ban aad to aad. aad qioka bla ntUbaUta om tbaflaa ateanar^lab
earrlnhlaBana. The Mp honawaif
wea eaeraatfaL tba an tna rwentt
aad atUi. aad tba t-^iag waa aate
la Baw Tark aa Mawday, Ja|y au.
All awieewybedy were glad that tta
tr^'honaward waa twdad and ^ tc
-ba haek la tba alatn agata:
Hi. Boeana while bane eUllad

Cure “c=rviv.“S

Tiuetas. 0.rF*CuHXl»st>ilCtdA>UBd<r.
ta creis. e-nit to s. r. wxus a co,
W. V- lor frrr Irul Imtc.


I Vsc*::;::

The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Yeark


Splendid In Orjnnlzatlon. Majnlficem in Prescniuion.


irrrsii -ttrsn ■irfKk-r. ’S:


.rnr. IB Ih. .Ml u Tn<t~ iHp.sta taw
-•■l- . II un, iL.,.
lb. .-•pM U Ita


•taM.JmsA L.r»(-r.4a4«.<*FrtaM

I St of Sept. Regardless of Prices or Value!
as we are forced to vacate the store, and for
this reason we are compelled to sell, as we do
not intend to take a dollar’s worth of shoes out
of Traverse City. Do not fail to come and securi> bargain.

IM imi.r a I m, >-»i im » fv tta tauuw*^

PBRSiwi posNina ■ tauunM dimnl


F-ifws-r -rifvic

in anikrioa.


Ladies' Button Shoes in small sizes.' 2i to 3^.
in the best makes, regular values $3. closings
out price

One lot of Ladies’ fine up-to-date styles Lace j
Shoes, sizes 2\ to 4, regular values $3.5b and a
$4, closing out at


They are as per­

One lot of Men’s Congress Shoes, Parker Bros.' 1price $4 and $5, closing out at


tried, and

only tbe flawlcbS permilied to

f. //) ^


enter into the make up of the

Misses'Lace and Button Shoes, Parker ’
price $ 1.50, closing out at

3ES Boys’ and Youths’ Shoes. Parker Bros.’ price




Hereat^ JustaFewoftheManyBargains Awaiting You; |

fect as the most skilifu! work­


.™.1 .. -«

niimious DinjJav r>f M»-.cioun I'crfonianro l-> >
rv»l NottUis tn,.n of »hom «e »ctn ihis nessoti Un tiic


$I .50. closing out at

MANYTRAINED ANIMALS i»bee-an.| note! arts, oh-l.t.
mg (hr takiw of bnats and pafieor* of man. mdwtng Maealed LlriJa-MV
Babooas. Uookrvs. Uop. Goon. P«s and Uoakcyi.


Itagday, Hent Fair aad Glitterme Pageaot*.

< IM of itedlar* who teva dlad of Asta:
^ aholsta ta tea PbtUpptaas waa laH
tafved by teawta daptattaeattateg

MhOiawlfHatea b OMtalsatt


waaba The iiRiailiailaia teal baea
■ ' mRaif taaat beta ttedlaamataa tea

aaoMd tefiitay srllb M flMtba aad



Never before in the history of Grand Trav­
erse county has there been such a slaughter­
ing sale in shoes. The stock must be and will
be closed out between now and the


hiedsome. stylish
Inh and
moderately priced.

..i i<,

limb of Klr.ihanls.

Parker Bros. Shoe Sleek

ear, pnhaMy fatally haH;
gbay. flnnaa. badly ban aad nay
dta; WUUa Oran. heiTlbly boned
aad aaaldad. noomy doabttai ~
al« hrefeaaaad
bead badly bait
ABBla Baaghv.
In tbe vehicles we ofl^r w^ld
biakaa. The body
be a useless wastedof time.
' '

part is tested and


Grandest, Greatest, Purest, Fairest
Amusement Enterprise on Earth.

in prices at the big Closing Out Sale of the


None exist.


r Rings,T*oSlssr>.H»1I.M.lrR»'...


Prof. Allaa PUUwalU atarolagar.

man can make them.


t Bears the Signature of


U -nix


Baninllla nm la the onr
latata. Mr.^nnin (oaod the aatail latt to hlnal^Dd Hater U goad

A party of baeallag freight agaata
of tba Walaah Railway ayatanarrtead
- la tba eib Theieday
vaalal ear orar tba Fan Hargeatta
Itan' jTbay itgiaterad at Fart Flaee
wfaaaa they apeat tba algfat. BH. day llbay weat ta Petatae.
tba eliann OcdanUa and Una |e
tba fl^ aad
Tba party is oat fora plaaaats trip
aad aatdtetaUy to taq»M tea raseoHoa of aarteara Klahlgaa. They
an Wta. PargesoB. Deamtl: W. A^rate Ttaado; &
OIrtetatad; A B BobMaa. BhBata:
Jaa. J. HfMa. BaCalb; Oeo. H.
Btatrlkta. Omba; a B. B. Oaa. De-'
• Ml: Waltar Perd. fli. Loala; J. J.
Lae. A H. Oabara. B. Haliyar. Da-



la a»ya.
otter telBga. teat Jadga Duaad Will ba ataabad by a good taaloriBooaevelt teoaU
hawaia aa daagat troa a gat. or poiaoa ta before him, teat .Blag Bdward
wUI dta befete tee md df tee year.
aad tint BU Baitaaaadtea BaadnBoa Atate atotrd vrtU aaver ba tried

dowt ta haUdlagatwa bleaka away
were abattned. Tba baUar. it la nlA
' had beaa aairylag oaty 40
atiMi ItWM blowa to idaeat. bawam.
The dead la. Jann Oiaai. blowa
np4ana; .tBlaiad.Oarl Hall. eaBta-

It <l<-in.\

e Mother's Friimd.

The Cblklren’a

: You Could Look'

Baoaot arrlrala at tee OM HInlaa
la: J. O. Bowaad wUt. Oay How.
rarerea Olty. Jacob Oaiu. BIk RapIda. H. Daeb. T. T. Booteld.
Olty. Ptabk Lawtett aad wife. Aaa
Arbor; Oeo. H. Marrtaeo. IMielt; A.
J. DaTrlea. WUlUtaabarg. T.
Browe. MapiateaiA. Wabar. Cbti
go. L. P. Pnfcalt. HaU Wtob. Iraraita Olty! noraaaa
Talgbt. Hra.
Baary Frey. B. TolghhO
B. a Uobla, Olaaiantl. O.: Loala
nl. O. O. Tea TalU,
V. H.
Oblaago. Jea
Bate, B. B. Hibbard. T. C.. A. KUla
W. J. Hi
Oblaago. P. P. Walka. Hooroe Otetro. H M. Taraar. BaUalra. Haeiy
TMeanaOUyiP. «. VUaoa. Blw
lay; Joba Inlly, Ohingo: K. B BibCaraBae Olty: B R. Atwell
I. O. a Attrall aad wife, W.
W. AtwaU aad wUa.P. O. Atwall aad
wlfa.Baa«tOlty. Ha.; Wta. OUUapU, Detroit. Mich.

AMaa. Kitb.. Aag. 0-Tha hollar
la Artbar Oaaai’a Idiiliil at 8:40 tbla noralag with
tanifla torea. wreaking the balldiag.

Its age U Ita guaratilee.

\ wwVuVv K.V


B. B. Talbott aad a A. Oielgtaaad
af DaytOB are rialtliw tbair fataillea
Hra B. r Brlgten of Ohlaago haa
rataraad fion a teota rlall at Ottawa
PiBBk dnalagt of Dacrelt la rlallIbgati
1. B. Bobacta af Oblaago aad jnrty
a em Teateay troa Old HI
aad tpaal tea day bara.
P. H. DaUae aad frlaada from De­
troit took dlnaor at tea hetal Taaaday.

3 Stents.

WteB bigb to tW air baealleoarMt
pareabata aad tmmvei. Tta
waa too start le pmli tbr p


Katfs Ctatvr teal Tn pBfffln tta fll

llltailiy, tea erewdabaatad! "PheP
The batooB'a oa
Tba teltasa
kbslatrappMtaa. aad tad Igaited tram a mu* tesM*.

208 Front Street, Traverse City.

1 * 7 p. m.-Do6m Op«Md » P-1—
CM0 takge.

2 A.8 p. m.—



Tkffir Htaltk Aad Bbifftl


bt Ucbl:

8lw Of
la the «u*M at|^
The' ite dM be #ik «•! Imr,
Sen’(Will |M*tnor;
FBtwe teeeblH. wUeh MaMkr.
MV xrt am IhU WBj.
WmIM ihos tod eeraace fna a
JV tod aatort
TbMi for otlMn lift Ihr WV»Store ttoir «tM tod pua.
' St*!? 4v (by M perform.
WtoWM'OTIt be:

Oavard go erlth Mtlalac (oee.
lattoitobof rlcfat;
Boaa wUI raaah (tot bleetad plaeB
I .Where 'tie alwayi bnglu.
Battle cerefc.
Jeto& HoRia
Oratefaiiy niJv today.
If the eoe Toaotoafea Ua nr:
U the torkUac tempMt le«i-r.
Heeoly besil bennth the etotihr.
Bat eh! Lnee MBomnr'e fare
To thy anreoly Paltor'e eani

la it Ute a Urite maid.
A ffoed tmt ptaUy dlifeBmtaato
AU Ita Itorm. wtlh tV aotlr.
Mde by baUtoc aa old (owl aatU tea*
Ware and ftleto oror to:
r dm. Whaaft toaaU taka aat tto
Uaderaeato. too olorcta Bate
aam ItoMi atoaly with
Med aad aad. aad kim to teat
par. a few mlaayaaatoaad
Mtafaatoa. Baa thnoffh
Swayteg. ewtaglag.
Ito meat atoppar. laattoff It taU laal
M aw ealle tta limit maid:
aaladUalmoatatwayaatotarito. By at It pamm throogb tto htUa ' '
Ormmlag* alaglag.
vcm a pretty ptoltar. Qaratoh Ito
bmtoatog with tola otomt may '
adffae with aarlad fonley or rtafft ef
added from time to tima aaUl a^
O-er too happy (aea a rimda.
tto ma wto dlallkea lalad wlU aat eeid boltod aggn Tble ii good tto
Baa! tta tearaa abere bead tew
maythtog of toa klad eSarad Um. aad
Will toa amy. or wiU ata gol
Sweat pftotaea for imddtoge oad ptoo
it. too, A male far aay dlto
Ab! tta eterare lltta oad tot
la tor aea it toe «IB1 a IK
oaa be oalriratad aBtU a peatoa aetaAn not rwinor tbaa Iwr (aet.
(oad of It. tboagb for- tbe chopper. Mixed
■ wto waam tolagt loot arnrly bald to artralea.
mw and one of eoooaant with
Saaylag. rwlaglag.
Tbrna are two dlatiaot rartellea of and aoffar added, a rmy tm lodatog
Book abr eomaa. Ita lilUe moldtatod dnaaiiig. oaa oallad tto Fraato
maa wbe talk! abeefaappertlac"
Draomiag. aiagtagMl aoMyef
' '
wUa whea abe U woklag feartaaa
bean a toy. iaeladlag Boadaya
•a trim tbtake 11 U all "aaa
(o a wOTOn to waal a 10
t paanai or rlolola. wbaa to
MW a ftawo fo Bra ateotto.
uwto iblakaawooma'eboa

artard. oM. With or
Iwllheal the oil, aad aallad maymi
!aalee. The foramr It prtaelpally ampleyMl for graaa mloda alttoagh (be
lallor aloe u Bead for tbootr A rim-

aet eagbl to eeu abeat Tto
Ihe ma wbo Ihlake bU wtfr aAeti
tot tto eoatort of hli taolher ^d eU-

pie. yat dtUeioae eatod te ooi
imaed wllb e

toe mya:
•■Tbera are maar melton wtaa feel
ttol oeh family eeald aac
aae ef two aMiban; oae. la
Wred- aad alwayi oa the alert la aaa
toe wleeri eearae la pataae la dealla«
With (to motal daTalOfoaBtof aatl
o^tWhead. and toe otbo, la aUead
toa manaal iabo ef-briaflBc apa
*'Te toem metban wbe cai'aer.
Teal aad dlatraeled.' natislaf (to
maltlndlBeu deamadt aa their time
aad «>m«th. 1 woeld Ilka la ny tto
aaa ward whlofa tot almptlded av
dally wart. Wtoo yea dad yoanall
thlaMas. 'Oh. I aaa aarar CM my
wart doaa todv.'—atop right wbara
yea am. aioaaa deo aadaiaad alaae
aalmly by yaaraalf. If a pbyaleal act
arUI eaaptaaiv tto taeam
Or. Ue dewB tra o taa mlaatea with
aaaal. watalatbanryoarayea. Bay
to yaanalt, 'Ia» aaeampUtoaotbiait who 1 ma it all atartaf ma la tto
taoe,'-«»d wipe the alata paafaetly
elMBaadbvlBaU«TOa«ala. With
(to alaie
aad nady (o tto
tmpraolaa. riaa aad m^r 'Da Ta Haxte

*'Oad toeagfat to
*0 -owo)
la Bla almighty powo *
Tb aartb: aad daeptr poadoiag
Wtot It toeald be. ao« boar
Ip tedtot )ey aad lera of bean
Oatwaigblag otary «iho.
Ba meeed tto g»Ua of toaraa vi

B. W. Bowa. a Kaama aowi
■ma, aaya that at a raeamt i
party la Attolaaoa aoelerad mai
' temerly warkad m a paneago I
' itoawaaempleyadlenlleal U
feraal epooai aad (orfca to an
ad. (to eolmad maa a«ipearad at toe
paalv doer, aad nld ta tto reloe to
(aroMTly aiad ta eaUlag eat ataUoaa:
'■Uaaltomall barpoaa-leeklag (ark
tottorigbt." WbeettoblieBilawma
toaagbt ta tto maa atld: "Beneybody
Uak aat aew; aaa toe batter kalfa
ttaatty ia (raat of yoarpbtle: aet
aa the alto Doa'tpat yeardiaaar
kaife la tto battar plala.” Wbaa
^ aaeallnpedBib eame ea. tba teaka
maa nU; -Hare la where toa beat
at them aaaally (all dowa. Oaa Uw
ailTaraSair to (roat at year pkta; it
la a atom batwnea a (ark aad a veoa.
aadlookeUkeatowpiberal with oaa
.oaiaerlbaeL” Aad aeaa wUb tto
dlSataal (oiki aaa apooaa aatll tot
“It U a good Idn; ertai tto nma got
toroagh wlthoal troaUa." mye Mr.
ThU li probably aU Mr. Bowe'i bU
o( (oa. tat tame ot ae eU-faehtomad
folkt who aUll aye aakaaae tto array
«( kairaa. (oike aad tpoeaa ^ toa
alda of tto plane at a ewall dtoara.
wIU appreelala it all tto mam
MbeaM KM Mmer.

be maa who doeen't know wbat
earth a woaaaa waata ef i
whea rim taao a MU at tto dry goede
Tbe aria wlMi thtoke a rick wife
weld (ael bettor U ahe aroald ")a«t
et ap aad atlr arooad. ”
iing rapidly for
Tto man wbo forfote tale Brinaera Drop into cool waiar and nmorp tbe
■ tooB aa he eroaam bla own three, ebellx Parfpctly (reeb or newly laid
egga an* apt to eltog to Uw ahelL
Tbe maa who thtoka to oaa keep Tliooe from wbteh toe tlielU are eoaloaee belter Uma bU wife doaa.
ly ramoTed tore toaa laid eereral
Tto maa wboUilaki ttoraU"ao day*.
It may be weU to tempaber Uiu
aad gTowItog.
faoL Oat tto egge Into illeea and
orar them wbu oold (be dmettog; which le likewlee cold. Serrad
ea lettoR- learcotblo mokpe
of tba aporite baa tallaa m
iretly dlah.
Ttoee to ae mora beoatifal eatod
Uma ooe wa taraly erer ooe the naatorUam >ad iMtoea eatod. Tlweo
Ure raloa of grata Itarea to
uaaat Flowen appeal te ertey

modern aaatlieUoa,

and net of tbe
myt the Mew York Triboaa.
tto oiqaliila frilaga aSecie that may
ba irodBoed by tto aaa ef tto aantberlem
rarieUee of (oreot laarm
growing oa tbeir own graoetol
ee an only Jast becoming a part of
Ito beoee
bmaUfoL Tbe arerage
WOMB woald aeror dream of Blltog



la erto Ihtofca It to al
ta bay broad that to mka it.
• Tto waaiea wto moRlaa to art
M hara nmabody ta par berhUla.
Tto weaMawtoaapaakeadtalai
tito of loea torea tUma a day*
iVli adtor wlatoratot tbaa toam

Thke a heap of ortop. ttekdor-letiBoa
and a-paiattog tto toaraa.
Tdaaa. aet tble to tot emtar of a eatod
bowl, tbaa aaaih*r (ha Uoaeoaie
tlie aaetortlOBm pkatlfBlly amoag i
opaa laltaee laare*. Brat dipping tto
btoeaeme eaidally into tpe water to
(reatoe (torn and thaktog (torn gaatly to atoka off tto drv" of ««rr.
Barre wiUi a Fraoefa dreaatog.
paaopd after toa anted to arcred. aot
mixpd with It.—Miobigan Farmer.

a anj yat tto affaot
r of aelhtog that oomaa i
bead of kiiehaa fanlabingi toat
to eo helpfal aad eeorealeal ae a i
ebiipper. They an choap. eailly
etoae Broptom to a eoantry heaee le
to order aadeo elmpU oad haady
rery ageetira. It te art geaerally
r a iMlioai Wt of work may be
kMWB that an opea flro plaea aSordi qaleUy dear wlib ltolr Iwlp
to eammer exeeUeat eoadltloai for a
Whea toe apptoeara hprd aad r


^ .L.__________ ’-t___


air with rimdo. Then ara two
of atllietog a elilmaey tble way
aad ran them Uireagh Uw meet el>epwbteh are equUy ptaUy. One ta le
per. Tto teealt to a Bae Jatoy mam
tore a pftoe of Bat etoet Irao.
ready fmjyMlade.
lagapat ttoedg^ to aa to ratain tbe
toe Amyri^Ve. Bt
Upoa It pleea feme in
trait toail Uaall'aboaUbatopotot of
pete of dtSeeaat tolghu. aad than
tbto to top beet wv to
Uie petewlto aeleoled loekt.
prppan m for tooktog. It mrae
Irtee oad aweoet oaa. alec, be planted
l lgtree be^
with tto fetna, aad an anleUte
ety wUI be Uw ratalt AnoUiv
ly^tated. TT
laatty affaot Uml may be prodaeed
te la arraage log! Uriktore prer
It to too meat obopprr. Pan off
htolowed ool like a troagb. taw
dark rind aad laaeaedaa with toe
p otlwr'
Dirt y ptoeed to tto
cbt. aadjB mch (•naan plaaled
A few torbe of Uie eraiik aad tto
hat army log U a rattle Jardlrock to doae. Than an ae moU
alma la Imelf. U beAb l<«i aad xoA
pteoae left orM. ao grated Baga
are carafally riwarw they arp <leeatatreablp at all. Aad tto Baky.i
la tto llobMu wlUi
mam to 4ail right to toe moklag of
aU aocte of good
' wo we make mlaee meat wa gel

proeilly daekmlbat alw oaa aol tom a peokal
baadkorehM. aarar made ap a bad
faerllta. aad adda with aaimparthat
toe bae "bcm to aoataty arm atom
tto war It"
Tto wama who woGld ntoar at
, a pog dag Uma a baby.
Tto wBima who totoba toe «aa gel
B«S.00«warther atyle eat edl.BOO
Tto wonaa who waata to tafanUto
bar toaw areey aivtog.
Tto wooma wbe biv* far tba mare
phMom of boytog.
Tlie wamm who decB aot kaow tow
maay oeala. balraa, qoartgra. d
«d Biekale tbera are to a doUai.
Tto womaa wto tUaka that maa
Bmo to bow to eeefc ^ mlt
amaagate aaddmigeda.
ml: Saak tto Babinarbighi to cold
Ttowiwn arin wooU mdhardla
rBaee;wbaa ready to eeek far hriaktbaa wear a beoaat tarn eaaaoaa eld.
tari ptooa It to a akIUol wall ewmad
Tto womaa who tblaka toat tba with freeh water, aboat two qaarte
. aaok aad aoim oaa harp tooaa.
te a Beh aad fariag atawly te a boll.
Mmere Imamdlataly bom the
aad‘«taama of balag t
diato. ptooa to awarm plat tar aad
toy off. Bo trnaled Om flab wUI to
llffbt.ewmt. taader.dallaiaaaaad qalla
adlffanritoaa (nmltoffrmay. tolad
pal R aleppy affair aaaaatmily mrr
Vtoa ttoptottor te laid oa tto te

Ttay ukr mMltelDr (or rKITbry takemnlirinr >.w artr.'m pnMratta tewrt. tm

IVraaa at oorp mltigatrp all Hum'
(•yatrmir raiorrh I*
lp«'4r. Kya*'
mile rauerh |.-r»a.U» th*- wted- •>».!
rm. drrani:-. r-r^rr ..ttmi. «>.al.*p«
rppry taartk-n. N-|> rmao*-nt riii, . ta.
uolll Ite- p«rtrn.i-- raloicb
U rrmond.
Thu U rxarily what Fmiu <• HI d..:


>» way.* Beta iruh potato
I good aad taauy U tb<coid
• an ran Uoeogb Uw eboppar
Blag marnad, eo that tto

d the clorera lure lief mach
to toam crowd aad toy u tom
Hand or wmlai or bam or gown
Maid ttal miada qitboal a frewa!
Bwaylag. awlagtag.
Swaying, awlagtageofc to gaotly.'.bnaem tot i

K3 oolcaa •trppt. Itelte. Mmt.
Plena* Midlciar <'•*.. r.-0aoi|.u«, (>.:
<tealtetura--l'<-fuimha« inaarfrteada
la Butte. 1 raan<*l
i*m. aux b ta f
tif It. \rfali.' noitbiBx M-h-4 t tr.

« tragatabla or >

a mayoaoatoe or eooked draariag.
Any eeok book wlU gtre direct
(or Brikiagealad dramlag Tto (ollowtogwlU be (oaad taUable: more
tott.-r may babddad if.daaind.
Ttoe ocw half plat of rtoagar aad
bring to toebolltog petot Beat two
aad add a taaepeoafal of Boor,
of tagar. mmaet d>y maaunl:
bb-sd teg<-lb<-r aad poor tbe rtoegar
OTi-r tb<-m. reianitog to Iht- Bn- to
ap aotll tbiek and amoetb. B<- from tl.e Bie and add Bre tabhrpooufoU Of m.'ll.*d batu-r. U toe
(blek. tbto with a little awaet erram.
wbe tbtoke a womaa oagbt
WUb tble at a dnoeing a grant
glTp ap a II.OU) aalary aud work In rarieiy of mlaila may be eompoa
• kitebm (or bar beard and a la fiat the malarial tor a good
eloUwi. aad be glad of iJie etoa
who thtnke a
ytar-Old wortlad elrwl gown I
. xtodaloocortoeombtoatioa.
proper oOrt arf toilet foea dlnaer party cold effge cookad to aar ecyle. odd
or a rt-eeptiOB.
abira. eitbar pemtoaa. beeta.
The mao who labof* aadrr tto ale1. peae. cabbage or aaythtog .-l»loloo Atot hie wKo'l anooey br'
—ib.-rv le BO exoBa- tor waeh-. ttoa*
any aad nil work totoloUad r.-iy aeThe Data Who mya. "LoTa me. lore e<-|*tably.
rr a llUh- ■■xpcriPBCP a eook
my dog."
The aaaa wbo thtoke a parlor eanr-l h-ariie tlx poaelblUtht of iPBUwato
f.> miri'i-i-d orwaehri.aadwitl>
eagfal to laet Bftaaa yeate.
aa wbo ime |T.s worth of Beh Uh addition of eoiD<- IpKbcp. o-lery
tog taokle aad ean'a alTord a now eel oUn-r gnx-n T.-gi-tabh- (if at haad) o
of eanalae (or (be dtolag room.
.'TolTP a diet arfatoh will aot only
Tbe mao who riwaye Inree hie
e tbe eyee bat Ito pnUu- aa well
wUe borne wliea toeakra hie
toehod of tiip time boaend baeli

raagad bowle aad t

r (PMO^

IMomlag- etegtag.

Tto maa wbo prorUoe l.lmealf with
family aad Warta Itorideaoe ta proMa tto family wilb a botae aad
nwtolat to eat.
Tba maa who tUaka (bat w
la to Old Btollofa aeaatry boaaa. aramageU.
eoa who tofabt nobody bat aa
tout a» laiMt aco (tot Hi toUde(-e
U good aaoogh to ba bla wife,
MBi toa been (or a eeetary tod
maa wbo ihlaki o womaa o«cb>
tovottea. (bar. u oread la
to ba bar owe mUllaer. dteeamakor,
•yar a ■mat anplaee. la qaalal lettHta« the BwRo “Oo ye
M^aca-'' A writer U a reeeel
Biae aan thli ae a teit (or a bit afa
otmaa to titad awtton wblab It <
wall to allaaohia |iBt la praetic

Jtiwinf ttt ediltr’i Ciih.

tola ftowaaclrir toa rmter xyaerae. f bav « Ori Aorid off -ta Mme. ata ■rrar tarn that ■rind fttOrng.’ m a
af^ytMiemrtoUkaa .

to all the
tbmgh tor mtelatoppar. It to toa
ot OBly a few
top rary beat way.
Tba hamhte perk mamga mj am
> etoatad amoag bmltofol fooda. tat
■any patm
toantiag to II. It eomaa hlgb tom
tite aerntol
• made ta lava
baagry paMlo. Try baylag a thaal.
dee. m toma atoer Obaap fiaca of pmb.
Oat It ap. dlanartlag baoa aad tote.

toa tehte make bta mamga late May

Sat aakaaaad tiy ta a wy to "vto

—todlee World.

Pray amad tatek aad do am looeb.
For aa boor a lora-walob ktap:
UbIp maid le (aat aeleep
-B(. Nicbetee

Brll*:rr rav •I'mt B-« rnJ..T llfr. A
r.*opte fauUtea *d Pretma pal aew llfr la
me. lflndl-.rh>rmxUU(tatete»ata
ig adoM- ..ft and oei it k—t" ear U
ta^tli. A larm Bliinl.-r U .my
(nrodr |>Urp tVnina at Ita brad rd all
IVrnna I* rr-rUlly adapted i-i pop
teriiai; mamit oad pnnniE i>*-rt*aii

•Ota. bu. al teoM after a liUte
A poem aad a ptetere. eaeb a (wMly
toying aad experiaac*. Six largo ap- oae tbU week.
A clory-yep.
plea and a qaart of finar will amka Uwo oaa. loag tad ataet. and il
ampl.' (or a good alead family, a
all today, pxoepi a grmt lorlng
(lioaghi from yoetopracld*-al to all ber
plat aad a
.iDon far aad Bear. A i
aponnfal ef mil. tbnr terge epoao- long tappy weak to yoa all Ull we
fall of botb-r or lord ur Iwef
r-l agalDdripplngt. and ear tpaapeeofol of
Roy*l baking powder. Rub all rrry
Buoetbly togetber with Un- hande, an>l
make ap wilb enid water. wUb a
at .if

Kow pan and halre aad core elx
fair aiH-Int, aad we tart twrlrr taif
apptea to nor tweire pieoye of
Boll eoa pleea net te toe aaaal
tor ple*. and ae^early cimter In
eliapp aa iwmible. A Ui*> middle
tble lay on.-of tta. taalreaof
ro: IB tb*' oarlly
toe eon pal a bit of latter,
epeunfal of eagor aad pinch et greoad
iTOoa. Kow fold tta paele oter

'Blanche Mvery

tpe by tllghily premlng In tbe
KapriU Uip prwee enUi all
tta paate aad an>lea an naed. Bake
ta wall lintbTed etallow pan with
dde of the damtUlaCB
down to piteb and bold tbe }olc«a of
U»- applet ae (bey eook. A half boor
a qnlex eran it reqaired
to trike tbem.tbay ebooldta drlimtely
V eano.- Il Beaded to
A bard moop le preferred
de of aqoal parte of batter
u>l aogar rtbbad tor tte-r to a rrnm
ranllte bet a aofl aaece ii liked by
oUwn whll.- »ome aee both, act
For agood plate laaoe take oae oapfnl of graoateh-d eogar aad a li
» of batter, half a toupoeoto
or«r tble ponr a eopfal and a half
ef boillag water; Uwa Mead oeeteatpoonfol of corn ttareli ia a UlUe
or milk and etirlnte the boillag
In aammer time Ikaad Brook
Oook oBe'BMHBBOt ulrrlag eooHula bit of a nrolrl dancing tb
ateatly, nmere from tbe Bre aad etir toe meodowr aud paetntm of Appteaapooufal ot lemoe or ranllte
eeed Farm
And wbeo toe daya gr»-w
flaroriogand tor dampliage an riridy
hot. aao bat HuIp r^o (ell.
aotolug Bioee «»*«" a dribbliug. trick
ling thread of water, to email
Make a good bteeait doagb and roll tloy Ted. the yoaagtal etap oa (be
^ oat a qaartcr of aa Ineli in ttilek.- (arm, bat foar ymn of agr, eoald
r«; cat It late eqaarae and iml
bmplag Vrionfal of blatoberriee o
eaeb ritaan-. cwMten. bring tor oei
aen tvetoaraed pteee toem on a bat­
tered lio. Broah the doagb with
aUxtare made of one lablnpoaofal
baurr and one tablaepooiUal of cag
and oae-qaartar of a rapfal of boil­
ing water. Bake le a hot orai
otoe^ at oaee wito a noli maea.
If yoa tarr to eater to a ft
wbe do aet like enioee ia food, try
on ttwm taa laem delioate oaloo naror
toere ia. Make a email far of oalae
tatter. Melt I aot brown I halfaeap

in tor batt*-r bdUI ehnrpM and daUotely teewa.
A teaapoarifal ot tola
batter addMl tn n OHrit diab will glee
delleloai aroam wblob eaa eearaaly
ri ae oalori.-Table 1

b te eligfatly
aad IpI etaad (or

tta (reoh mlat.

(teP of tta bmke of fariilOB otamrta teuly It tto waanag of tta raU
peoaUar taanaar. It U pat oa befoea tbe hot and it tbaa drawn Ugbt

Daralag tola pteeaa U obael
atoar tbaa mmdiag (tarn wbaa
iromt talao. le traa aaoriomy.
( tteae aad arilmtaL aad wbatom
tolob or tola, eottmi or weoU
cmU loop e< tta tbrprid tooold alwaya ta left al aaab aad.
to barna ata wcoada wtala Umn te
K of teabjaw. mya aa ranbaar.
drteaa aata, matta ata baga tram
moan ata aiaaate If a Uwte ad U

aatapt to daatead a Baa ad a

|Rqse CuUeri

taru woald bp no mrlnc the te-aeam"
Tta boya teegbod and told him itat
the eld botipraat had gm» ibroogh
fTPotai. Th.-r were but'«m
carued at all. at Ira.t dock l«i Tioj
"Billy, woeld.ihp triory cbirkantgr’
down if toe irpp w.-al'r '
• Oo‘ Of ooarar. KcihiiiR, woal-l
tee toe heobeoae and all tn It if
toe iild BBltrnnl ohonld glrr way."
Bat I lore my chickeoa"
"WeU. they'd go Miilmg }a» <ta
tmr if toelrilternot >hoold lo-r lit


tesuixr tun in Uin'k.
'plcr, {wurapUi.

>pci’ia] wagon* iaa<lr

(knU Ihooy lt**4 iiiilcrUl

itscl, and fully guaianlrc-! in erny tnqirrt.


Tlial arc nu.k u> u»c ar wcH xt edl.

Thev air

n>d luadr of <-hcap iiialoiaJ, an*l gnen a lla-diy
finnii lu cnliii the eye lull arc dvalUr. eund*>it. aii-l Iivai.

Tlie rbeaiwat on ihe Uarkel. <iualily conuderoL

OiK l- Iiso! anriifiHiwill buy rm edber make.

120 stair Strert. » (liCtOr Pcteilyl.


Wbaa Tioy Ted otartcri lo go tip bpd '
ta- ateptrid. ae omal lo kW liit (atopr

"I got a e-p-rrl I waul lo tell yea.
papa, ietoehall "
Tol'a (altar war oor of tta te rt lie
tared Bteo te ilir world, aad bp lot.-il
toe talry of Applpieed Farm dmrly
So ta wi-Dl Inui the hall wUh toe III
tlr fellow.
Ted palled hir (alber r
beta down aad mid. te a plrodiag
"Plrnee briog tbe poor littte bonty
etaieaaoe In. |*pa. Ttar can't rwim.
bad you kiti.w. if ih.- old laiitenisi

"Bat t eaa'i go te led and tippp ■(
my boaty cbiekea* are ta U.p l.ea

Xa toe wiairr it war mow and IM
boaad. and Ue elie ooald oely ta
go Bpriair-..
igaweed at. tooagb al taterraU. wliaa
Mama U waitiug te nadreet yoa '
toe weatber eeftmad np a Ml or when
"Aad my baatiee. i»|ri' "
a qciek ebovercame, tta brook flooded
"ShaU tleep nader year bed. to
thp paaiane aad mmdowe to aeree.
Bight, jaal te plmaeroe. " prime toand. wbaa tor cold auap followrd apoa
kted Tolcp
toe beete of the ttav. tte-re
Tta- next aoraiBg. bright aa<l early
glsrioai tkatteg rink at to# door of
toe old baiterant. andermteed terh
by teeh by tta riater. tambird wito a
Tbm Tiny Ted war te (bewTeotb
rraab froo ita ride bill aadtw-[p| ihp
taoTen of a foot year
braboare (rorii Ur boar. Tta eacUteg
Tbe eltare hod te drag bim abeat.
aad tlie-dietarbancp that followed can
wfaile be tel eerily roeeoaoed te t
eoelly be imagioed. ae tta poor ftotobox Bxed (0 (ta tied. Uaer io
Mta enalaree wral milinE doara tta
white. M add tret te tta (aa. Ibey
etreom. Tta boyt te a boot raugbi
toold damp him late a aloo. eofl
ap with toe hoaheai* laet aa it ppoUed
oat epoo to.- laataie Bala, wtarv tta
pond. dmgclBg. tta empty aled
water rpreod ooi Ilk.- a lakw .Ml
And Tiny Ted woeld enwl
triad* lotead te te talp.oad la a oltert
ta mow baak. and clap bla
time erery bra aad rooner war acbaadi tegettar. aad lamp ap ata
eoaatrd to bat Ttay Ted * pet baadown and make a great (aea. aaUI the
eted woald whirl apor and ib
"Too tad! Hoer little Ted! Aad
weald err, "All aboard to App
toe poor lUle ebiekt"' war tta wail
Facm." Tbaa Tad would tambte te.
ot tbe boyt ae tory aad Billy
ata Ita taa weald bagte aaev
with drippteg ctettari
Jartbefore Beoa^BMak look^tcBea"We aarrd rrery ben aad roooipr
feol Imp-OTor tta lOcAy ledge mar toe
aad rit eggi. uo. Bat Te«'« banlier
boahowaa yard, a big battaraat trpo
oregoriri Too bad?"
grow mi te BB laellae (rma Ita
tbe briBtiee!" cried Ted,
It way theta
aata lagged a taokei taroogh tor
Ita farm, aad it reqalnd ae eUmbiag
haU deerway.
togai Ita BBto-wtaa toey were
Wbma did tory eome from
Yoa only tad M rmch ap aad ptek
total (ram tbe drooptag limba. or yoa
right eat «m tta Waak
aad eyao mapptag.
ata gattoriU Ita aata yea wi
Tbe (natal did bat riigbl daiayp.

wtaa yoriBg tad baoa wariim wmal of all woe tta lorn ef tta
1 by a fratoi
(ta top of tta
Id bottemat tree.
Bat Ted mred
U ata bad I
rian- lodging
la baaUm-a B. EeUar. la cta
Mboom. rioaa «
Wtari tta aaow molted .aarly ta tta
grtag ata taa fre-feet (hU:rt Boata
Tbme are plmmal tarite and dlmBrook mrto lata a aatamet of tot.
maa.BUl. gmeoMe «mm to be performed lathe
ag and fcaepiaif ofaboma.aad



al-HT. M
eayui IVruoa:
"ttertes •wrA at tta pool lurir orowiv
I bare ranebi aoPTvpp rxdd. wtaa mdd-oly PhUlrd after on rrmtex parly,
oad ratarrh f«r orrml wn-k* w<aM ta
tta rr^t. OOP U.itte <>f IVnua eand
BUS and I Pholl a*d dread rulda any
aaldtd.''-liUBrhr kljpro.
Aa rxorU*-o> UUte tnritue •lO ‘■lloallb
and Oraaty." wnitea rapprloUy to wix
mrai by I»T. ir
M hr Thr rmia* WwttelBr
Tum Uf ('ulBml-e*. < Ihlo.

Commercial Prinfing
nil Kindt

Berald 3el> Cnice

lipin'l n<-.;1cr( (he tlightctt sign of irrrguUnly I
lu'c at IraqI one natural, easy minciiicnl x <Uy.
plrapi.-.hlr arc pixnicmui (icraute they
WIpai i.pu want It a mrl-l ImiI turp l<mic laxxlirr, llial Ippoo
ttirii.;liprti* IIhxn<l UiiiiipUic' llicir inmeingnit. Six h i
atm- o CAS-CINE, ami mhm >.hi try it yim will IpopI ihit
tlif poticit Ihmj; in llie world to nuke am! kct.-|p tout Iriwch.


TrestOKSt ally I


PX talc <ml) lu HAKMAB It LiT HER-


We Lead the Way

IT thing* in groceriet xnrl loucr jpriect for lifc't i
•t getting tbe iatitfariicm you plceire in t'
wc tan (gsiler you matenol oxsittxnce ami ure you many

> doHar.

laeaaboy. midtotoabeya:
"Tta aid

Entupriss Gash Gfscery


. C^8Mgffml|UBbm.

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